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N **º ſ H | - Tººgº ſº º ſº, º ºs e º sº º ºs º gº º sº a sº sº tº ; : T : + + | *…* OUTLINES OF MATERIA MEDICA. TEIE O U T L IN E S OF M A TER I A M E D ICA: REGIONAL SYMPTOMATOLOGY, AND * A CIINIC AI, DICTIONARY. A BY HENRY BUCK, M.R.C.S., MEMBER OF THE BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC SOCIETY. MAGINA EST VERI TAS ET PR, EVAL E B I.T. LOND ON . LEATH AND ROSS, 5, ST. PAUL’s CHURCHYARD, AND 9, VERE STREET, oxFORD STREET. LEAMINGTON : LE AT H A N D WOOL COT. T. 1895. W . *. PRINTED BY THE LoNDoN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING company, LIMITED, 26, PATERNOSTER Row. < * *--9.~ is : S. S|>. PR E F A G E. THE principles of Therapeutics, propounded by Dr. Hahnemann, and known under the appellation “Homoeo- pathic,” were introduced into this country upwards of twenty-five years ago. During nearly twenty years of that period, I have had ample opportunity for witness- ing the successful results of its application, and can bear testimony to its efficiency. It has always appeared to me that there was some necessity for a work on the subject, that would point out, in a clear and decisive manner, the characteristic uses of the remedies, and a simple mode of finding them, so as to induce the student to institute a comparison between the old and the new system of treatment. I feel confident that the good sense of the profession generally, would not permit them to condemn, without evidence, a system that has steadily advanced in public favour, solely on its merits, if the subject had been set forth in a somewhat more practical form. In the following pages, I have only attempted to lay before others the plan I have found the easiest and best for myself; and trust it may induce those who are desirous of investigating the truth of this matter, to make trial without prejudice. Let it be fair, candid, and honest—“RENDERING UNTO CAESAR THE THINGS WHICH BE CAESAR’s.” - Surely no harm can come of increased knowledge. The skilful practitioner should be well acquainted iv. PREFACE. with every system that pertains to his art, culling and storing up all that is valuable in each; at the same time rejecting the dross. Dr. Samuel Brown writes thus:–“ The apostle of Homoeopathy should be a very learned man, in order to harmonise the new doctrine (at first sound so dis- cordant) with the old culture and the swelling sciences. His solemn duty is to promulgate his truth, not like a sectarian, but as becomes a catholic member of the universal school of scientific investigation.” Hufeland also wrote on the subject as follows:– “Homoeopathy can certainly boast of one advantage— it will never do positive harm by acting injuriously on the organism. It may be accused of sins of omission, but not of sins of commission; and this is no mean praise when medical men are so rash in the use of narcotic and metallic poisons, whereby they inflict an injury much greater than the disease they seek to cure. * * * * Homoeopathy, as a science, or a doctrine, should in no way be repressed: the true or false in it must be left solely to scientific discussion, experience, and time, which have already correctly and justly decided respecting many similar phenomena, and will decide this also. One peculiar and important problem is to search for, and find, new specific medicines. May it succeed in discover- ing these for many diseases, and it will merit our cordial thanks.” 45, CAMDEN ROAD, LONDON. July, 1865. RULES FOR PRACTICE I.—Carefully diagnose your case, and write a full record of all the symptoms, objective and subjective. Endeavour to ascertain the original cause of the disease, if possible, especially as regards any hereditary taint—syphilitic or otherwise. Be particularly minute in taking down minor symptoms; for it frequently happens that one or two apparently trifling symp- toms, overlooked, may prevent your finding the true remedy; a little trouble in this respect will amply repay in the end. Do not attach too much importance to the names of diseases, nor be influenced by them in the selection of your remedy, or you may fail to cure. II.-Carefully compare the symptoms you have written, with those of the Materia Medica: the nearer they agree the better. But it will also be necessary to look at the character of the drug; its relation to the condition of the patient; and the power it possesses to influence the tissues or organs affected. It should possess a true affinity, and have the power to create a disease corresponding with the altered state of the patient's health. III.--Having selected the proper remedy, and if the case be acute, take the third decimal dilution of the drug; put four drops into eight tablespoonfuls of pure water in a closed vessel; administer one spoonful every one, two, or three hours, according to the urgency of the case. If there be no relief, no change for the better in six or twelve hours, it is vi RULES FOR PRACTICE. more than probable that you have not found the true remedy, and it will be necessary to compare the symptoms again. IV.-If, on a careful examination of the drug-proving, you are still satisfied that it is the proper remedy, it may be well to take the first dilution, and administer it in the same manner; or, in very urgent cases, every ten, twenty, or thirty minutes, until improvement sets in; after which, much longer periods should elapse before repetition; and in some cases allow the medicine to act without repeating the dose. - W.—Medicines are sometimes exhibited in alternation with appa- rent advantage. This plan, however, should be resisted, if good results can be obtained with a single remedy, for obvious I'éa,SOIAS, VI-In treating chronic diseases, the same powers of observation are required; and frequently several remedies must be ex- hibited, and the changes in the character of the disease carefully watched. Chronic diseases are very prone to fence with the best practice. Sometimes the various attenuations and triturations of the same drug will be required to eradicate very persistent diseases; consequently it is impossible to lay down any special rules: all must depend on the talent and experience of the practitioner. Chronic nervous diseases seem frequently to yield under the higher attenuations, when the lowest have failed. The peculiar idiosyncrasy of the patient as to the action of medicines, will also demand serious attention, especially as regards the dose and its repetition. A CONITUM NAPELLUS, º HAEINEMANN. MONKSHOOD, THE morbid condition for which this remedy is prescribed will be known under the term Inflammation; and more especially when combined"with Fever. It is the antiphlogistic of the Homoeopathic School, and cannot be replaced by any other known remedy. Dr. Teste states that Aconite has no true analogue. Its primary effect is depressing, tending to lower the pulse; con- sequently it should not be persevered with after the point for which it has been administered shall be achieved. - Aconite has a special action on the nerves of sensation, and, according to Hahnemann, effects the prompt removal of inflamma- tory action. Hartmänn testifies to its value in Inflammatory Fever of the robust, and Hyper-excitation of the nervous system. Noack and Trinks state that it accelerates venous action; lowers the Arterial circulation; and advise its use in attacks of Violeft Pain generally. Also in Enteritis and Peritonitis. Aconite, then, may be useful, according to the best authority, in the following conditions:– Acute Inflammatory Fever of the Sthenic type, with full bounding pulse. Fever, with hurried or intermitting Pulse, with Restlessness; Anxiety; intense Thirst, with desire for cold Water or Beer; Agitation of Mind; Nervous, over-excitement; Illness from Fright, Fear, or Anger; also during Menstruation. Fever attend- ant upon Catarrh, Measles, and Scarlatina; Inflammation of the Throat and Fauces; Trachea and Bronchi; Laryngismus Stridulus; Asthma of Millar; Congestion of the Vessels of the Brain, Eyes, Heart, and Lungs; Bleeding from the nose; Apoplexy; Fainting fits; Pains caused by impeded venous circu- lation; Headaches from congestion; Ophthalmia, even syphi- litic; Neuralgia, especially of the face; Toothache, with drawing, throbbing pain; Fever of Pleuritis, Pneumonia, and Pleuro-Pheumonia; Affections of the left Heart, acting as a O B 1 ACON.] ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Sedative on the system generally, and controlling the capillary circulation; Inflammatory conditions of the chest, especially if excited during a cold east wind. Inflammation of the Liver, with burning and lancination; Inflammation of the intestines and peritoneum; Haemoptysis; Menorrhagia; Cessation of the Catamenia from Fright, Passion, or Anguish of Mind; Erysipelas; Eruptions that are followed by, or tend to, Dropsy. . . . Hempel, in his New Materia Medica, states that Aconite acts on the capillary vessels and nerves, and is especially useful for Acute Congestion of the Brain, arising from a depressed condition, or capillary insufficiency. He remarks, that it is a great restorer of vital reaction; that it acts on the cerebellum rather than the cerebrum. It may be safely relied on in Cerebral Apoplexy; Orthopnoea; Asthma of Millar; Suffocative Catarrh; and Acute Gastritis. In such cases he has found the low dilutions act best. He also recommends its use for Heartburn; Dyspepsia; Vomiting of food; Articular Rheumatism; Paralysis of the Limbs and Heart; Cardiac Rheumatism; Dropsical distention of the Abdo- men; Globus Hystericus; Hysteric Convulsions and Headaches; Convulsions from fright; Anaemia; Spinal Irritation; Pulmonary Phthisis; Amaurosis; Rheumatic Deafness; Otitis; Stomatitis; Jaundice, with green or Black bile; Black foetid stools; Catarrhal Diarrhoea; Retention of stool in acute disease; in Tuberculosis it is the best remedy. For Iritis and Conjunctivitis, he advises the strong tincture; in Chronic Pulmonary Disease, the 12th potency; in Pleuro-Pheumonia and acute Pleurisy, 12th to 30th; Neuralgic Inflammation, 6th to 12th ; Gout, 1st to 6th. Dr. Teste thinks Aconite has been rather misrepresented, and is abused daily He bears testimony to its efficacy in inflammatory fevers, but does not admit its value in local inflammation gene- rally. Of Croup, he writes, it is useful only before the membrane is formed; and to continue it after, is only to lose time: he deems it valuable for the inflammation that precedes the formation of . the false membrane. In the Asthma of Millar, he gives preference to Caust, Coral, Opium, Coffea. As an intermediate remedy, Aconite is of immense value, and frequently prepares the way for a salutary action of other reme- dies, in both Acute and Chronic diseases. According to Dr. Curie, it should never be continued, but suspended, during the cold stage 2 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. [AC0N. of fever. For Measles, he advises its use in alternation with Pulsatilla. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Skin of the whole body, or of parts only, very sensitive to touch. Shivering; Chilly feeling, followed by heat; Creeping, Formi- cation, as if insects were running about under the skin. Numbness; Tingling; or Pricking; Shooting in the extremi- ties; Sensation as if drops of water were falling on the body; Brwise-like feeling over the body, with trembling of the limbs; Tired feeling; Failure of strength; Paralytic weakness; Attacks of fainting; Face pale, or red; Wessels congested; the blood seems stagnant in all the vessels. Uneasy sensation, such as one feels after a chill, or from suppressed perspiration; Pain, accompanied with thirst; white tongue; redness of the cheeks; Drawing, tearing pains; Pains that shift from one part to another; Pains like those of rheumatism, about the region of the heart; Pains that seem intolerable, and worse at night, relieved in open air; Pains confined to a small space; Pains increased by wine; Sufferings produced by a cold easterly wind; Rush of blood to the head; great irritation of the nervous system. - In Children—Disposition to lie down; Constant crying; Restlessness; Grinding the teeth in sleep; Red rash on the skin; Dry, burning heat; Thirst; Short breathing; Tendency to start when asleep. Mind.—Gay; Exalted; Variable humour; Morose; Depressed; Melancholy; Anaciety; Peevishness, with fine dartings in the side of chest; Palpitation, then headache; Anxious, complaining mood; Wailing; Weeping; Fear; Apprehension; Dread of some accident; Fear of death, or of falling; the slightest noise is un- bearable; Music affects every limb–makes her quite sad; every- thing is done in a hurry; he knocks against others; Raves; jumps out of bed; Distraction of thought while reading; Weak- ness of memory; he fancies what he has done has been a dream; Intellectual powers diminished; Tendency to fright. Head.-Vertigo; Sense of swaying in the brain; Vertigo, when stooping or rising from a seat; Staggering—feels unable to stand; on getting into bed, everything seems turning round; Confusion, dizziness, when shaking the head; Blackness before the eyes; - 3 ACON.] Acontrum NAPELLUS. Pressure in the temples; muddled feeling in the morning; Confusion, with pressure in the forehead in the evening; Whirl- ing; Giddiness; Sensation in forehead as of a weight pressing the contents outwards; Headache, as if a part of the brain were raised up here and there; Frontal headache; Shooting, pulsative or pressive; Squeezing in forehead over root of nose, he felt as if . his reason were going from him; Sensation, as of a tight band or cap around the forehead, or as of a ball mounting up, with sensation of coolness; Heat and ebullition, as of boiling water; Rush of blood to the head, with heat and redness of the face. Scalp.–Numb; Swollen; Creeping, as from ants; Sensation, as if some one drew him by the hair; acne on the forehead. Eyes.—Pupils dilated; Staring look; Pain in the interior of the eye, as though it would be pressed out; the pain extends to the interior of the brain; Itching, burning in the eyes and lids; the eye-balls feel enlarged; Sensation as if the eyes were much swollen; Sensitive, painful inflammation; Chemosis; Conjunctiva highly injected; Cold feeling in the eyes; Sharp sight; Photo- phobia; desire for light; Dimness of sight; Vision as through gauze; Muscae Volitantes. - - Ears, Burning, itching, darting—better after eating; Sen- sation as if stopped; Sensation of a worm creeping in the right ear; Increased sensibility of hearing; cannot bear the least noise; Humming; Tingling. tº Nose.-Bleeding from the nose; Flow of bright red blood several mornings after blowing; Over-sensitive state of the olfactory nerve to bad odours; Fluent coryza, sneezing. Face.—Puffed, swollen; Glowing heat, especially towards evening; Anxious expression; Sweat of the cheek on the side that has been laid upon; Redness of one cheek, the other cold; Pain in the zygoma as from an ulcer; Shooting pain, striking upwards to the forehead, sideward to temple, downward to the cheek, into two or three teeth; worse towards morning, followed by swelling of the face next day; Creeping pains in the cheek; Twitching of the facial muscles. - Jaws.-Numbness; Burning pain; Trismus; Pain behind the zygoma, in the joint; Jerking, shooting in the lower jaw; aching, pressive pains. . Teeth.-Sensitive to open air; Shooting pains in various; Pressive pain in left upper; Shooting in right molars. 4 ACONTTUM NAPELLUS. [AC0N. Lips.-Burning, with sensation of swelling; Dryness, first in the lips, then the mouth; Blackish lips; Biting; Stinging. Mouth.-Dryness of the interior, with heat mounting to the head, from the chest; Cool, dry, without thirst; Increased flow of saliva; Soreness of the salivary ducts, as if corroded; Numbness of the mouth and tongue; Saliva mixed with red streaks. * * Tongue.-Bürning vesicles; Heat; Tingling; Sense of dis- tention; Swelling of tongue and lips; Smarting towards apex; Fine penetrating stitches at tip; Pricking sensation at the back part, as from pepper; Dryness and rawness at middle, without thirst; Flying stitches; Transient paralysis; Tongue white, or furred yellow. Throat.—Redness of soft palate and uvula; Tension and pressure as if the parts were swollen; Burning and fine shooting in the fauces; Contractive sensation, as from astringents; Uvula swollen, elongated; Fauces and pharynx dark-red, with sensation of a pointed body sticking in the throat; Shooting, with sensation of swelling; Scraping, shooting, choking, pricking, burning; Angina. --- - Taste.—Bitter; Insipid, fishy, as from stagnant water; the air in the mouth tastes like rotten eggs; Acid taste; everything tastes bitter except water; good food is insipid. Appetite.-Long-continued anorexia and disgust; with loath- ing at the sight of food; much thirst, so intense that it cannot be quenched;. Thirst for beer, which lies heavy on the stomach; pressure as from indigestion, with warmth and tenderness at pit of stomach; Drowsy, very sleepy after a meal; Hiccough. Nausea—That is relieved by walking—or coming on in the open air; Nausea at pit of stomach, ascending to the throat; Nausea after eating sweets or fat; Nausea, relieved by eating. Womiting of greenish-grey fluid; Mucus, with blood; dark coagula; Lumbricales; Mucus, or bile; Vomiting, followed by violent thirst; Vomiting of food, then frothy mucus, with cold extremities; Cold sweat on the head; Headache, trembling; Lips blue; Syncope. Stomach,-Pressive pain at pit, as from a stone, going through to the back; Pressive pain as from a weight; Fulness, oppression; Pain at pit as if it were swollen externally, with dyspnoea and anorexia; Contractive feeling, as from an astringent; Feeling of 5 ACON.] ACONITUM NAPELLUS. warmth in the stomach; Burning from mouth through obsophagus to stomach; Sense of rawness; Violent pain after eating or drinking; Sensation as if a cold stone were lying there. Hypochondria.-Feeling of violent constriction; Pain as from a weight; Stitches; Pricking as with needles; Violent jerks that affect the breath; Shooting in the Spleen; Acute Hepatitis; Jaundice. Abdomen.—Retraction of umbilicus before breakfast; Burning sensation, spreading from umbilicus to scrob, cordis, with anxious pulsation and shooting there, followed by a rigor; Pinching; Drawing, followed by slight diarrhoea; Drawing pains on both sides of the navel, excited by leaning forward; Sensation as if a cold finger were pressing within, outwards, on the left side of umbilicus; Flatulent colic in Hypogastrium; Colic, with distention and pressive pains in abdomen, as from flatus; Intolerable cutting pains in the belly, with tossing about in bed, and cries in the morning; Abdomen sensitive to touch, as from slight perito- mitis; Hypogastrium sensitive to touch; Rumbling, grumbling fermentation, relieved by expulsion of flatus; Gurgling; Weak- ness of the bowels, as from purgatives; the recti abdominis stretched, and feel hard as a board. Rectum.—Burning in haemorrhoids; Itching, pressure, bleeding; Shooting in anus; Sensation of warm fluid escaping; Discharge of white mucus; Transient paralysis of anus; Involun- tary evacuation. - - Stool.—Sudden evacuation of thin faeces; Soft, scanty stools; three or four daily, with straining; White faeces and red urine; Watery diarrhoea; Hard evacuation, requiring great effort; Hard faeces; Constipation several days; Black foetid stools, - Bladder.—Painful when walking; Sense of splashing when passing urine; Burning at neck; Tenesmus at neck; Dull burn- ing in fossa navicularis; Temporary paralysis of neck; Involuntary emission of urine; Frequent micturition. Urine.—Anxious desire; Increased discharge, with deposit of blood; Difficult urination; Scanty, Hot, with burning in the urethra before and after micturition; Urine brown, dark colour, brick-dust deposit; Cloudy urine; Flocks and strings. Genital,—Bruise-like pain in testes; Increased desire, which Soon diminishes; Fits of lasciviousness. • Menses.—Break out afresh; they had just ceased. Aconite 6 - ACONITUM NAPELLUS. [ACON. restores the menses after being suppressed from a cold. Metror- rhagia; Secretion of the milk increased. Larynx.-Sensitive to inspired air; Hoarseness in the morn- ing; Sensation of numbness in the trachea ; Short cough from tickling in the larynx after midnight; cannot repress it; Cough after drinking or smoking; Irritation, with gelatinous mucus; Haemoptysis; Inaction of epiglottis; food and drink pass into the trachea, inducing cough, and threatens suffocation; Violent, dry cough every half-hour; Voice weak and hoarse. Respiration.—Slow, difficult; Short breathing after mid- night; Sighing, sobbing; Oppressed breathing; Sense of con- gestion in the lungs; Loud, noisy breathing, with open mouth; Inspiration through the nose impeded during sleep; Respiration difficult; Gasping for air; Foetid breath; Violent stitches that suspend respiration. . Chest.—Tightness, with strong, loud respiration; Pressive pains in the chest; Burning and pressure under the sternum; Weight compressing the chest on all sides; Quick, violent stitches; Pressive squeezing; Tight pain in the side of the chest; Single stitches toward the back; Stitches from the lowest rib of right side to apex of scapulaº, through the chest at every inspiration; Shooting in right side; Lancinating stitches in pleura costalis; Cannot stand upright nor breathe deeply: afterwards the part felt tender; Stitches in the intercostals and pectoral muscles of left side; Shootings in side, with palpitation, headache, anxiety, ill- humour; Bruise-like pains in chest; Feeling of heat in the lungs. Heart.—Tendency to palpitation, with anxiety, trembling, dyspnoea; Weariness in all the limbs; Confusion, and sense of rushing to the head; Flying heat in face; Heat and disagreeable sensation about the heart; Pulse full, 100 beats; or slow, inter- mitting ; the pulse gradually diminishes until almost lost. Neck and Back—Rheumatic pain in nape; Pain as if the flesh were separated; feels as if the neck could not support the head; Drawing pains; Single stitches; Stiffness in nape; the muscles of the neck feel bruised; Relieved by motion; Worse when lying; Shootings in back; Violent shootings down left side of spine; Pains in lumbar and sacral regions; Pains in the loins, like labour pains; Stiffness in back and hip; Bruise-like pain in lumbar vertebrae; also from the loins to nape of neck; Cutting pain from spine, round left hip, to abdomen. 7 ACON.1 ** Acostun Narºlius. Upper Limbs,-Pain, of a contusive character, in shoulder and hip after sleeping; Tearing pain in shoulder, arm, wrist, and fingers, during motion; the hand is blue; Tumour in the muscles of the shoulder; tender to touch; with bruised feeling; Coldness and insensibility of the arms; Shooting in the joints; Sense of weight in the arms; Drawing, shooting pains in forearm; Tearing pains in the wrist; Cold hands; Benumbed; Insensible; Cold sweat on palms; Pains, as of dislocation, in right thumb; Creeping pain in fingers; Numbness of the finger extremities. Lower Limbs—Intolerable pain in the head of femur, like crushing; the part seems powerless; Inability to walk, or causing unsteady gait; almost paralytic; Loss of power in the thighs and * legs after sitting; Unsteadiness of the knees, especially one; it seemed to give way when standing or walking; Pains in the . ankles, with sad thoughts and low spirits; Sensation as if the ankles were tied with a ligature; Coldness of the feet, with sweat of the soles and toes; Heaviness of the feet; Heaviness; Stiff- ness of the limbs; Numbness; Drawing pains; Pain in the heels when treading; the feet feel heavy as lead; Sleeping of the toes. Fever.—Shivering; Anxious, cold feeling; Shuddering on lying down at night; Attack of faintness, with shivering. 1st. Cold- mess, rigor, paleness of fingers. 2ndly. Cramp in soles of feet and calves. 3rdly. Coldness in forehead. Shuddering, with pale face and sunken features; Alternation of heat and coldness; Fever; Coldness and stiffness of the whole body; Redness of one cheek, the other cold; Eyes open—fixed; Pupils contracted, or only slightly dilated; Coldness of body, with heat of forehead and ears; Internal heat. Evening—Rigor, coldness, nausea; Heat of face; Despairing thoughts; Alternating attacks, with gaiety, heat, and headache, or with shivering; or rigor, with weeping; Red cheeks, and headache, or burning in umbilical region; Extreme redness of cheeks, with discontent; Complaining; Heat in the head, face, forehead, with chilliness of the rest of the body; General heat and thirst; Desire for beer; drinks but little; Lips dry; Perspiration all over the body; Febrile perspiration; Sour- smelling sweat; great heat from ten in the evening till mid- " night, with dyspnoea; Desire to cough, but cannot; Difficult speech; Restlessness; Pain in bowels, abdomen, and back; she Stamps with her feet; would not allow any one to touch her. Sleep.–Yawning; Drowsiness; Light sleep; Sleepless; Fre- 8 - ACTEA RACEMOSA. [ACT, RAC. quent waking; in the morning the hand is under the back of head; he sleeps on back; Starting in sleep; Wakes up in a fright; cannot lie on right side nor back; Turns about from pain; Jerking inspiration when asleep; Dreams—anxious, vexatious. Skin.-Jaundiced: Spots like flea-bites on the face and hands; Creeping, itching, desquamation, darting here and there; Formi- cation; Sensation as of fleas or insects running over the skin; the skin feels smooth and elastic; Isolated vesicles in different parts, the size of a pin's head. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Vessels of the Brain and Arachnoid much injected; Brain-sub- stance dotted with blackish points; serous effusion at Base and under the Meninges. Stomach—Irregular red patches in several places; and contains a viscid, dark-green matter; Wessels congested; several black, gangrenous spots; The CEsophagus, stomach, and bowels are red and inflamed; Weins of Intestines much distended; Mesentery much inflamed; Yellow serum in cavity of peritoneum. Liver and Spleen filled with blackish blood. Lºwmgs—Lower lobes congested with black blood; they are heavy, bluish; Posterior surface violet; crepitant engorged with blood. Heart—Left ventricle empty; Right filled with coagula, quite gelatinous; Fluid in pericardium; Blood in the vessels, unusually fluid; Weins of the intestines slightly turgid, with blood. A CTEA R A GEMOSA, BLACK SNAKE ROOT. THE chief action of this remedy seems to be upon the Brain and Nervous system. It has been used with some success for Chorea, Rheumatic and Catarrhal affections, Chronic Cough, Nervous Headache; Dyspepsia, with frontal Headache, especially affecting the left temple, with pain in the eyeballs; Chilliness, with pain after food. It acts as a sedative on the Nervous and Vascular system, allaying irritation of the motor nerves. C 9 AC, SP.] - ActBA SPICATA. The Chorea is often accompanied with rheumatic pains in the arms or limbs generally; Chilliness; Dry Throat; Difficult deglu- tition; Faintness and sinking at the pit of stomach; Pulse depressed. , . - - SYMPTOMs. Head.-Feeling as if the top of the head would fly off; Acute pains by day, or Remittent, increased every second day; Pains as if the nerves were irritated; Distressing pain, with giddiness; In- creased pulse and flushed face; the headache is always relieved by going into the open air. - Eyes.—Aching in both eyeballs; sensation as if they were much enlarged; Eyelids inflamed. - Coryza.-Fluent during the day; Greenish secretion (nose); Constant desire to swallow; Fulness in the throat; Tickling; Rawness; Pharynx red, inflamed; Sneezing; Constant inclination to cough; Continued hacking cough; Dry cough at night, with restlessness; Stiffness of the neck; Pain and pulsation in the renal region; Lancinating pains in the chest. - 3. ACTEA SPICATA. BANEBERRY. DR. ROTH is said to have used this remedy successfully for a tearing, darting pain in the Epigastric region, with vomiting; Calculi Renalis; Cancer of the stomach. Rückert, for affections of the Liver, with constipation, and a case of Prosopalgia. Others have employed it for Rheumatism of the Joints; Neuralgic pains in the head and face; Evil effects of suppressed perspiration in Rheumatic subjects. - SYMPTOMS. Tingling in various parts; Pulling, Tearing pains; much worse after any fatigue; Walking in the open air causes a feel- ing of debility; Pulsations over the whole body, especially the Hepatic region; Abdomen sensitive to the touch; Uneasiness in 10 AETHUSA CYNAPIUM. [ZETH the bowels, such as precedes Diarrhoea; Spasmodic contractions in the abdomen; Cramp-like pains in the stomach and epigastrium, accompanied with difficult breathing, sense of suffocation; Whist- ling Respiration; Pulsations in the renal region; Tearing pains in the loins; Swelling and inflammation of the knee-joint; Weak- ness and swelling of the lower limbs; Sudden lassitude after talking or eating ; it seems to induce perspiration, especially on the face and head. A. AETHUS A GYN APIUM. (ANALOGOUS TO CICUTA AND CONIUM.) HARTLAUB AND TRINKS. GARDEN HEMLOCK. PRIMARY action on the Stomach, Liver, and Intestines; reflex on the Brain and Nerves; chiefly employed in Convulsions, Spasms, Epilepsy; Spasms, with Stupor and Delirium ; Languor, Debility; Prostration; Typhoid Fever; Violent vomiting, and Diarrhoea; Vomiting of milk in infants; Diarrhoea of Dentition; Cholera infantum; Affections of the Eyes; Lids Agglutinated every morning; Headache coming on at mid-day; Vertigo in the open air; Swelling of the Cervical and Axillary Glands. Hempel has the following Symptoms:–Wild Delirium; sees cats and dogs; Giddiness; Loss of consciousness; Staring look; Confused vision; Spasmodic rigidity of the lower jaw ; Paralysis of speech; Gangrene of the tongue; Swelling of the face; Ophthalmia; Thirst; Nausea; Vomiting; Pungent heat in the Mouth, Throat, and Gullet; Spasmodic pains in the bowels; Diarrhoea of blood; Languor, Weakness; Tremors and Numbness of the Extremities; Induration of the Liver; Swelling of the body; Sopor; Restless nights. SYMPTOMS-FROM ROTH. General malaise; great agitation; Painful distress; Precordial anxiety; Anxiety and depression; Sense of a weight upon the C 2 11 AETH..] AETHUSA CYNAPIUM. chest; great weakness; want of power to hold up the head and stand upright; Epileptiform convulsions—Thumbs bent inwards; Face red; Eyes look downward, pupils dilated, immovable; Milky froth at mouth, teeth set; Pulse thready; Violent convulsions; Death; Weakness and great emaciation in Children; Sweat from the least exertion; Dyspnoea; Weakness of the extremities. Mind,-Anxiety, apprehension, fear; great anguish; Serious mood; sad, not disposed to talk. Head.—Sensation as if the brain were constricted; he feels dull and stupid; Vertigo, with drowsiness; Violent headache, with weight in the forehead, and a feeling of pressure on the eyelids; the eyes seem to close involuntarily; Darting, tearing pains in the head; Sense of compression as if a vice were applied to the sides of the head; Attacks of headache, coming on in the afternoon; Tumultuous beating, when entering a room from the open air. - Eyes.-Burning in the eyes, as from smoke; Redness and in- jected state of the conjunctiva; Staring look; Pupils dilated; Insensible; Agglutination of the Lids. Ears.--Stitches in the right ear; Feeling of obstruction in the €3.I.S. - - Face.—Tearing pains in the malar bones; Expression of pain and anguish in the countenance, with altered look. Mouth.-Flat, sweetish taste in the mouth, or Taste Bitter; Continual thirst. Gastric Symptoms.-Violent vomiting; also with Diarrhoea; Vomiting of coagulated milk in Children; Sensation of turning in the stomach; Tearing pain at pit; Stinging pain about the liver, with sensitiveness to pressure. Abdomen.—Cutting pain across the umbilicus, with much flatus and urging to stool; Bubbling sensation at umbilicus; Dis- tention, and sensitiveness; Feeling of Coldness in the Abdomen. Stool—Loose evacuation, generally preceded by pinching or cutting pain in the Abdomen; with tenesmus; Stools liquid, light yellow or greenish, even with violent tenesmus; Stools of Blood. Respiration.—Breathing short, anxious; Tightness in the right side of Chest, and middle of sternum; Burning under the left mammae; Short, dry, hacking Cough. Neck and Back—Tearing in nape; Beating, drawing sensa- tion of heat in the back, passing from below upward; Burning in 12 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. [AGAR. the loin as with a red-hot needle; Painful boil in the dorsal region; Compression as from a vice, with burning. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Prostration; Debility; Languor; Drowsiness; Pulse small, hard, accelerated. PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. Intestimes distended with gas. Liver hard and yellow; Spleen livid. Kidneys congested. Brain and sinuses congested; Wenous blood fluid throughout the body. Tongwe black; Cardiac orifice of stomach contracted. A GARIOUS MUSCARIUS, HAHNEMANN. - BUG. AGARIC. -** APPEARS to possess intoxicating qualities, somewhat resembling Opium, and may prove useful in Delirium Tremens. It has been used with some success for Tremors, Convulsions, and Epilepsy; more especially that form which is induced by over-excitement or fright. It causes twitching of the muscles and convulsive move- ments, that cease during sleep. Agaricus has cured Facial Neuralgia; Boils and Pimples on the face; Frost-bites and Chilblains on the hands and feet. The proving seems to indicate that it may be of service in the following affections:– Dizziness, threatening Apoplexy, especially from alcoholic drink; Spasmodic twitching of the Eyelids; Catarrh, with secretion of . thick, yellow mucus; Congestion of the Lungs, especially (venous); Laming pains in the upper and lower Extremities. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Giddy, as from intoxication; various kinds of Vertigo, especially in the morning; Drawing pains in the head. 13 AL0E] . AGNUS CASTUS—ALOES. Scalp.–Sensitive, as if ulcerated; Itching of the scalp. Eyes.—Twitchings of the lids, making the eyes ache; Brown. spots before the eyes (Muscoe). - Jaws and Teeth.-Violent tearing in right lower jaw; Pains in the teeth, increased by cold; Throbbing in the molars; Incisors feel elongated, and very sensitive. Chest.—Violent oppression; Laboured breathing; Pressure during inspiration; Stitching pain in the lungs, especially under the left nipple. - Upper Limbs.-Arms weary, painful; Rheumatic weakness in the arm and shoulder-joint; Drawing pains. Fingers.-Itching; Redness, and burning, as if frozen. Lower Limbs,-Painful lameness, and in the thighs when walking; Limbs weak, weary, and heavy; Tearing pain while sitting—relieved by walking. - Toes.—Titillation; Redness; Itching; Burning, as when frozen. Some of the symptoms appear diagonally, as in the right arm and left leg; the pains are relieved by gentle movements, espe- cially those of the joints and in the tibia. AGNUS CASTUS, STAPF. - - CHASTE TREE. Is a remedy but little used, though set down as valuable in Affec- tions of the Spleen, and Induration of the Testes. Hempel names it for Complete Impotence, Gonorrhoea, and Agalactia in young women. I do not know of any cures, and believe but few can bear testimony to its virtues. Some cures of Impotence have been treated by it, and, to my knowledge, without producing the slightest effect. Phosp. Acid is much more effectual. ALOES ALOE. PROBABLY may prove a valuable remedy when better tested in practice: hitherto it has been but little used; and we have, as yet, 14 - ALUMINA. [ALUM. no good proving. Its properties as a drastic purge, and an enemy to Piles, is well known. The aqueous extract has been found by far the most tolerable preparation, for it seldom produces any pain or irritation in haemorrhoids. - Homoeopathically, Aloes may be considered to act on the Liver, increasing the secretion of bile; also the Large Intestine, Kidneys, and Urine. It appears to balance the powers of the circulation, by relieving congestion of the portal system. Congestion seems to be its chief feature. It has proved useful in cases of Diarrhoea and violent Colic; Tenesmus, with burning, cutting pains; Bilious Diarrhoea; Dysentery; Discharge of blood from the Rectum; Pains in the head from suppressed haemorrhoidal discharges; Con- gestion of blood to the Abdomen and Hepatic Region, with much heat in the body; Congestion of the Spleen, Kidneys, Chest, and Rectum. In Haemorrhoids it may probably prove of equal value with Nux and Sulphur. This point, time and experience alone can demonstrate. ALUMINA, HAHNEMANN. PURE CLAY. Is recommended by Hahnemann for Chronic Eructations of long standing, and old Catarrhal Affections. It has also been used for Ulceration of the Mouth and Gums; Toothache of Pregnancy and Constipation; Lead Colic; Constipation of Infants. SYMPTOMS. Restless Sleep, with dreams; Anxiety; Tendency to start; Ill-humour—easily offended; Burning in the Eyes; Copious Lach- rymation; Agglutination; Nose sore, scurfy, red, and swollen; Stoppage of the nostrils; Bleeding from the nose. - Teeth.--Toothache when eating, or at evening, with drawing, boring pains, and sense of elongation, increased by contact. Gums.-Bleed, swollen, ulcerated. - Lips.-Dry, chapped, swollen; Stomach pains, especially afte eating potatoes; Heartburn; Eructations sour, frequent; Empty, or with Nausea; Faint feeling, with emptiness at night. - 15 AMEB.I AMBRA GRISEA. Stomach.-Sore, tender to pressure; Coldness; Pain between the scapulac. Stools and Anus.-Tenesmus long, lasting; Stool hard, diffi- cult; Pricking and excoriation; Itching, burning at anus; Stitches in the perinaeum. Leucorrhoea.—Chronic, painless discharge of transparent mucus; also like lymph. - Urine.—White, as if mixed with chalk. Cough.-Chronic, short, dry, with sneezing, or vomiting; Op- pression at the chest; Constriction and palpitation of the heart; Stitches in the chest. - Back.-Gnawing pains in the back, or pain as though a hot iron were passed through the vertebrae (lumbar). Arms and Fingers.-Pains in the arms, shoulder, and elbow- joint; Swelling of the fingers; Ulceration at the points and under the nails (Panaris). (See an extensive proving in Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases). AMBRA GRISE.A. HAHNEMANN. GREY AMBER. ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, may be useful in Hysteria and Hypochondriasis; Fainting; Apoplexy; Paralysis; great nervous weakness; Nervous Headache, especially of the aged; Weakness of the Intellect and Memory; Nervous Deafness; General Languor; Dry Convulsive Cough. It appears to be stimulating in its nature, and probably Antispasmodic, in large doses. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Headache, chiefly frontal; Violent Vertigo, even dan- gerous, especially when walking in the open air; seems always to be dreaming; Pressive pains in the head; he fears losing his senses; Congestion to the head, with sadness, low spirits; Rest- less dreams at night; Sweat at night. - Scalp.–Falling-off of the hair; Painful, tender to touch. Eyes.—Sight confused; obscured as in a mist; Redness of the Albuginea. - - - - 16 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. [AMM. C. Ears.-Humming, buzzing, tinkling, roaring, whistling; Hear- ing decreases every day (five days). Nose.—Dry, stoppage; Blood dries in the nostril; Bleeding from nose. Mouth.-Blisters, burnt feeling; Foetid odour. Throat.—Raw, sore; Secretion of mucus; Hawking in the morning. Taste and Appetite.—Rancid taste, or Bitter; Acid after milk; Eructations, acid; frequent; empty; Regurgitation, like heartburn. Stomach.-Nausea; Burning, passing off with eructation; Anguish after dinner; Weakness in stomach. - - Hepatic Region.—Aching pain, right side; not tender to touch. Abdomen.—Pains from much flatulence; Inflation; consider- able distention at midnight; Violent Colie; Clawing pains; Twitch- ing in the Abdominal Muscles; Sense of Coldness; Rumbling, fer- mentation; Sensation as from a strain. Cough.-Chiefly at night; Convulsive, with headache; Difficult, short breathing; Oppression. Chest.—Raw, painful; Trembling; Pain as if bruised; Painful oppression in the chest and back. Arms.-Benumbed (go to sleep), especially when lying upon them at night, or when carrying a weight; Tearing in left shoulder; Threatened Paralysis; Cramps in the hands, which draw up the fingers. - Legs.-Heavy, tearing pain; Cramp in the calves every night; Cold legs and feet; Pain in the feet when walking. Feet.-Itching of the soles; Burning in the soles; Weary feeling; Pain in the heel; Chilblains; Corns. AMMONIUM CARBONIOUM, HAHNEMANN. CARBONATE OF AMMONLA, HAs been found to act on the blood in such a manner as to prevent coagulation. In the Allopathic school it is considered stimulant and diaphoretic. It was formerly used for Diabetes; but 17 AMM. C.] AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. subsequent trials do not confirm its value. Homoeopathists believe it to possess a special and powerful action on the motor nerves, and that it increases activity in nearly all the organs of the body, by its continuous effects on the ganglions of the sympathetic; and further, it increases and strengthens the Arterial circulation. It has been used, with some success, in large doses, for Scarlet Fever; Erysipelas; Erythema; Mercurio-Syphilitic Eruptions; Psoriasis Epistaxis; Dyspepsia; Hysteria; Throat Affections; some forms of Asthma; Pheumonia, and Bronchitis. Homoeopathically it is recommended for Chronic Headache; General Debility and Languor; Emaciation; Swelling of the Parotid, Cervical, and Axillary Glands; Cough at night; Loss of strength in the limbs, especially the right arm, which feels weak and lifeless; Varices of the Rectum; Itching at the Anus; Scorbutic conditions generally. SYMPTOMs. Head.—Stupid feeling; Reeling, even early in the morning; Headache, with nausea; Fulness in forehead, as if the brain would protrude, and the part burst; Beating; Stitches; Throbbing; Beat- ing in the temples; Knocking; Hammering. Eyes.—Burning, intolerance of light; Agglutination, lachry- mation; Sight dim, short; Cataract. ... • Ears.-Whizzing; Buzzing; Report like a shot fired; Hearing diminished; Throbbing; Stitches, with enlarged glands. - Nose.—Dry Coryza; Obstinate dryness; Stoppage; Epistaxis; Pimples on the nose, face, and lips; small boils. - Throat.—Painful, raw, excoriated; Difficult deglutition; Sore throat, with stinging, burning, dryness; Constant thirst; Heart- burn. Stool.—Hard, difficult; Constipation; afterwards Diarrhoea. Anus.-Discharge of blood; Haemorrhoids; Itching. Menses.—Copious, premature; with toothache; Colic ; Pain in back; Leucorrhoea acrid; Burning; Excoriation. Larynx,−Cough at night; Hoarseness; Asthmatic oppression; Tickling, with expectoration of mucus, or with blood. Chest.—Shooting in the chest and side, affecting the breath; Dyspnoea at night; Breath short, with choking, especially going up stairs; Attacks of Asthma (eight days); Weight on the Chest; Lancination; Stitches; Frequent palpitation at the heart. 18 AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. LAMM. CAUS. Neck and Back.-Drawing pains; burning in nape; Tender- ness and swelling of Cervical and Parotid glands; Swelling of Glands in Axilla; Drawing pain in dorsal region. - - Upper Limbs.-Right arm feels dead and heavy, like a hundred-weight; sometimes weak and cold; Spasm in right arm, which draws it backward; Stiffness in elbow-joint; Right hand easily goes to sleep, especially if laid upon; Fingers feel dead and stiff; Benumbed; Swollen. Lower Limbs.-Lassitude in the thighs and legs; Intensely weak; Uneasy twitching; Pain as if bruised; Contracted feeling as if the tendons were too short; Feet and legs frequently go to sleep; Chilliness; Swelling of the feet; Excessively tired and weary. - AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. WIBMER. HARTSHORN. HAS been occasionally used for some affections of the Throat and Larynx; Membranous Croup; Diphtheria; Violent Spasm of the Stomach; Heartburn; Affections of the Lungs, and Bronchi. SYMPTOMs. Dulness of the head, with pressure in the temples; Pale, dis- figured countenance, expressive of pain; Scraping and burning in the throat and CEsophagus; Posterior wall of pharynx covered with mucus; Difficult deglutition; Burning thirst; Vomiting of food or mucus; Violent oppression at the Chest; Respiration hurried, heavy; Difficult breathing; on trying a deep breath there is pain in the CEsophagus; the voice is low and feeble; Excessive exhaustion and muscular debility; he can scarcely stand; Violent trembling; the pulse increases in rapidity from hour to hour; great tendency to start. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Redness of the Palate and Arches. Uvula shrunk and dried; a 19 AMM. M.] AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. false membrane is found here and there, in the buccal cavity, trachea, and bronchi; also the Epiglottis and rima, which were intensely red in the parts that were not so covered. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. HAHNEMANN. - MURLATE OF AMMONIA.—SAL AMMONIAC. IN the dominant school this drug is employed in mild, inflam- matory fevers; Chronic inflammation of the mucous and serous membranes; For the removal of tumours, and some kind of Rheu- matic Neuralgia. According to Homoeopathic authority, it is especially useful in the Status Pituitosus, and mostly adapted for Fat, Bloated, Lymphatic constitutions, livid complexion, thin of hair, and weak in the lower extremities. Its chief action is ex- pended on the Lymphatic Glands and Parenchymatous Organs; increases the secretion of mucus; induces fluidification, decompo- sition, and collapse; resembles Liquor Potassia in its action on Adipose tissue. It is set down to cure many affections; Fevers; Sore Throat; Affections of the Eyes; Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder; Stricture of the Urethra; Scirrhous of the Prostate; Pleuritis; Pneumonia; Haemorrhoids, &c. (See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.) - SYMPTOMS. .Throbbing and swelling of the cervical glands; Bruise-like pains in the Bones, especially the dorsal Vertebrae; Pain as from Bruises in the whole body; Tearing in shoulders and back; Erratic pains and shooting in the limbs; popliteal space, thighs, calves, fingers, and toes, in the evening when sitting; Burning, pricking in the tips of the fingers and toes, as if they had gone to sleep; Erethic state of the circulation; Orgasm of the blood in the whole body, with anxiety; Sudden faintness and weakness after dinner; Lassitude; feels worn out; Paralytic weakness of the limbs, with dizziness; Sweat over the body every night. - 20 ANACARDIUM-ANgustupa vers. [ANAG. ANAGARDIUM. HAHNEMANN. MALACCA BEAN. ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, is adapted for the Dry, Bilious, Nervous, disposed to Melancholy, and Irritable Hypochondriacs, troubled with Weakness of Memory and Mind; Imbecility; Weakness of Digestion; Flatulence; Hysteric Spasms, followed by a flood of tears; Diseases of the Liver, with stitches and pressure in that organ; Affections of the Mind from Omanism. - Hahnemann advises its use when the following symptoms are present:-Fearfulness, Depression of Spirits, dread of men; Appre- hension of Death; Desolate, Empty feeling in the head; Headache, pressing from the temple towards the Eyes; Weakness and dimness of the Eyes; Muscoe Volitantes; Painful swelling of the Ears; Roaring in the Ears; Bleeding from the Nose; Foetid Breath; Water in the Mouth; Thirst; Loss of Appetite; Nausea; Weak Digestion; Oppression at pit of Stomach; Feeling of oppression in the Liver; Hard Abdomen; Haemorrhoids; Itching at Anus; Oozing from the Rectum; Burning in Urethra, before and after urination; Chronic Coryza ; Dryness of the Nose; Weakness of the Arms; Trembling of the hands; Heaviness of the limbs; Sen- sitive to a draught of cold air; easily takes cold; Chilliness; Shivering, even in a warm room; a short journey on foot causes complete exhaustion. (See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.) ANGUSTU R A W ERA, HAHNEMANN. CUSPARIA.—BONPLANDIA TRIFOLIATA. THIS drug has been used as a febrifuge and an aromatic astrin- gent. Noack and Trinks state that it has considerable action on the motor nerves, and has proved useful in Paralytic conditions; Lock-Jaw, with Convulsions of the muscles of the Back; in Spinal irritation; Rheumatism. It is thought to have more power over the Upper than the Lower limbs. Generally speaking, Nux Womica and Cocculus would be used in preference to Angustura: 21 ANTI. C.] ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. there is some doubt about the kind of Angustura used in the proving. (See Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura, vol. i., for further information.) ANTIMONIUM GRUDUM. HAEINEMANN. CRUDE ANTIMONY. THIS metal is said to have derived its name from having nearly caused the death of a monk, by excessive vomiting (anti-moines). During the fifteenth century it was held as a panacea for almost every disease. The Crude Antimony is now rarely used for medi- cinal purposes, except by Homoeopathists, who chiefly prescribe it for Gastric Derangements, conjoined with Chronic Eruptions. According to Noack and Trinks, it is best adapted for persons of a robust, torpid temperament, with a mild, placid disposition, who are sensitive to Cold; and may prove serviceable for some Gouty conditions. It acts powerfully on the mucous membranes of the Stomach, Intestines, and the Bladder, increasing the secretion of urine; and may also be prescribed for the following conditions:— Rheumatic Inflammation; Gout, with gastric derangement; Diarrhoea and Vomiting of children or adults; Ascites; Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis; Emaciation; Mercurial Cachexia; Chronic Eruptions, of the Vesicular, Pustulous, and Tubercular varieties, especially resembling Chicken-Pox. Also, Acne; Sycosis Menti; Itching of the Scalp; Falling-off of the Hair; Redness of the Eyelids; Sore Nostrils; Pains in decayed teeth at night, or after a meal; Gastric Fever, with nervous depression; Sufferings from Bread or Pastry; Haemorrhoids of the Rectum and Bladder, with secretion of mucus; Atrophy of the Testes; Nodes; Hard ex- crescences on the soles of the feet; Dropsical swelling of the whole body. - GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Weakness of digestion; poor appetite; foul taste in the mouth; Eructations tasting of the food—worse after wine; Nausea; Gulp- ing of bitter or bilious fluid; Violent vomiting, which nothing can 22 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. [ANTI. C. stop; Fulness and distention after a meal; Cramp in the Stomach; Burning and pressure, with pain in the Stomach and Duodenum; Thirst; Dry mouth; General weakness at night; Feeling of heavi- mess in the limbs; great lassitude in the morning; unrefreshed. . Mind.-Irritable—a child will not be touched or looked at; Dejection, sadness; he felt disposed to shoot himself; anxious state of mind respecting the present and future. - Head.—Confused, muddled; Headache, followed by slight bleeding from the nose; Tearing pain in the whole head from - morn till night; Headache, as if the forehead would burst. Scalp.–Small, flat tubercles here and there on the hairy scalp, resembling small peas; painful to pressure; Troublesome itching of the scalp; Falling-off of the hair. Eyes.—Red, inflamed Eyes, with itching and agglutination at night; Intolerance of light in the morning, with secretion of mucus; both lids are gummed; Inflammation of the Eyes, espe- cially in connexion with a gouty diathesis; Redness of the eye- lids, with fine stitches in the eyeball. *- Ears.-Sensation as if a heap of insects were moving about in the ear; Swelling and redness of the Ear; Tingling; continual roaring when still, in the afternoon; Violent din—sounds as though some one were beating against a gate; Sensation of deafness, as if a leaflet were placed before the tympanum. Nose.—Feeling of soreness in the nostrils; the left nostril is chapped and painful; Crusts form in both nostrils; Bleeding from the nose, several evenings in succession; Stoppage of the nose, several evenings in succession; Stoppage of the nose (evening); Dry coryza. Face.—Acne 2 Red pimples, with pus at the tip, especially about the sides of the nose; Pimples resembling chicken-pox, or mosquito-bites; Flat pimples, with yellow scurf; a white tubercle on the forehead, above the eyebrow, painful when touched; Twitch- ing of the facial muscles, especially at the corners of the mouth; Lips dry, cracked. - Teeth. –Jerking, digging pain in a hollow tooth—worse at might; it feels as if the nerve were slit; relieved in open air; worse by applying cold water, and is renewed after eating even soft substances. Gums.-Profuse bleeding of the gums. Mouth.-Accumulation of saltish saliva—Ptyalism. 23 ANTI. C.] ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Tongue.—Coated white; Blisters on the tongue; Violent thirst ; Dry lips; Drinks a good deal at night. - Appetite.—Almost lost; yet there is a feeling of hunger and emptiness, which eating does not remove; Lassitude and heaviness in the limbs after a meal; Difficult breathing after supper; after a moderate dinner he feels filled with wind. Eructations.—Loud; Bitter, like bile; Hiccough; Nausea; very violent vomiting, with anxiety—evils resulting from over-loading the stomach; Vomiting of food and slime, with diarrhoea. Stomach.-Tender to pressure—painful fulness; Cramp-like pains of years' standing (cured); Tension and pressure at pit; Burning; Spasmodic pain; Burning, like heartburn, with good appetite. Abdomen.—Inflated after a meal, with pain as from internal pressure; Cutting pain in the abdomen, with hard stool and red urine (in a child); Sudden compressive Colic, with gulping-up of water; Cutting pain in the abdomen, which seemed to come from the stomach. - º Inguinal Region.—Hard gland in left groin—tender to pres- sure; Enlarged glands, parallel with, and just over Poupart's ligament. - Stool.-Constipation; Severe tenesmus after dinner; Difficult expulsion; Small, loose evacuations; alternate Diarrhoea and Con- stipation in aged persons; Discharge of slime with the faeces; Diarrhoea during pregnancy. Rectum.–Pain as if an ulcer had been torn open; Protrusion of the rectum during stool; Sharp itching in the rectum and anus; Haemorrhoids, with discharge of yellowish mucus; Blind Varices; Painful, inflamed Boil on the perineum, with continual pain in the spermatic cord. Urine,—Frequent, copious; or frequent desire, yet passing only a small quantity; Emission of urine during a convulsive Cough; Colour—Red, Brown, or Yellow-Gold colour; Discharge of mucus with the Urine; Cutting pain during micturition. * Acrid, smarting leucorrhoea in women. Larynx,−Voice feeble, rough; Loss of voice when over-heated; Throat rough and dry; Sensation as of a foreign body hanging in the throat, which he cannot detach. Cough.-When rising in the morning, rather violent; it seemed to come out of the abdomen. 24 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. [ANTI. C. Respiration, Chest.—Dyspnoea after supper; very trouble- some Asthma; Suffocation; Deep-sighing respiration; Burning in the chest; Lancinating pain under left Clavicle; Stitches and Lancinations in the chest; Dry Cough, with dyspnoea almost to Suffocation; Continual itching of the chest the whole day; it awakes him at night; it feels as if a blister were healing; Pimples on the chest; Pain as from a blow in the pectoralis muscle—felt on pressure, extension, or when raising the arm; Palpitation of the heart. - Back,-Violent pain in the small of the back, when rising from a chair; Violent itching over the back; Small red pimples on the top of the right shoulder; Red vesicles with yellow tips, that scale off; Brown, liver-coloured spots on the shoulders; Pustules about the neck; Spasmodic drawing in the cervical muscles. Upper Limbs,-Brown hepatic spots over the arms; Painful lameness in the humeral region, and sense of contraction when bending the arm; Drawing pain, with lameness, in the right fore- arm; Large pimple on the styloid process of right ulna ; Drawing pains in the fingers and joints; Gout in the fingers and joints. Lower Limbs,-Drawing pain in left hip-joint when walking, especially when moving the thigh from before backwards; White, hard tubercles, surrounded by a red areola; Attacks of rigidity in the thighs; Drawing pains in the muscles of the thighs; Stiffness of the knee-joint (eight days’ duration); Stiffness and pain in the knee—it caused her to limp; Red pimples on the knee; the eruption looked like chicken-pox; Drawing pains in the legs; Pain as from a sprain in the external malleolus; great sensitiveness in the soles of the feet when walking on stone pavement; large horny places on the soles, that soon return after removal; Drawing, tearing in great toe; Cracking in the great toe; Burning pain in the ball of the great toe; Horny excrescence under the nail. Fever.—Shiverings, with icy-cold feet; Violent chills; at night he becomes drenched with perspiration; the tips of the fingers are wrinkled, from sweat; every other morning he has a sweat. Gastric and Bilious Fevers. Skin.--Pimples; Pustules resembling Varicella; Brown spots that scurf off; Blotches; Vesicles, especially in the face; Freckles; Fistulous; Ulcers; Corns, and horny excrescences; Nails discoloured and thickened. - The Pathological Examination reveals Inflammation of ID 25 APIs MEL.1 APIs MELLIFICA. the lining membrane of the stomach, duodenum, and small intestines. APIs MELLIFICA. - HONEY BEE. (See proving—North American Journal of Homoeopathy.) THIS remedy seems allied to Cantharis, Capsicum, Mezereum, Rhus, and, in some respects, Aconite. It has been successfully used in Inflammations; Vesicular Erysipelas; Dropsy, after Scarlet Fever; Urticaria; Ascites; Anasarca; Affections of the Bladder, and Acute Gonorrhoea. Is recommended also for Oph- thalmia, Inflammation of the Tongue, Mouth, and Throat. SYMPTOMS. Eyes. —Sore, red, inflamed; Eyelids puffed, swollen; CEdema of lids; Conjunctivitis, with burning lachrymation; Acute pain.in the eyeballs; Intolerance of light; Pain in the orbits; Burning, itching, stinging in the eyes; Dull, heavy sensation; Weak eyes for several days; Opacity of the Cornea; Sight obscured; Dim- mess of sight. - Face,—Erysipelas of the entire face—light-red colour, with swelling, thirst, fever, and coated tongue; or affecting one side of the face only, with Swelling under the eye, as if stung by an insect. . Tongue.—Raw; Blisters on the edge; Sensation as if scalded; Red, fiery; Dry tongue; Glossitis. - Throat-Angina; Sense of constriction; Stinging erosion; Difficult deglutition. - . - Bladder.-Violent tenesmus; Burning at neck. Urethra.-Burning, stitching; Scalding after passing urine; Uneasiness in spermatic cord. - - Urine.--Frequent; profuse desire every few minutes; or scanty, high-coloured, with burning and Smarting. - - Menses.—Suppressed; Enlarged ovary (cured). 26 ApocynūM CANNABINUM-ARGENTUM, (APOC. CAN. Extremities.—Swelling; GEdema; Fulness, or burning heat. Skin.-Prickling; Stinging; Nettle-fash; Hard elevations, like mosquito-bites; Burning heat of skin; Furuncles; Swellings, with inflammation. (A retrocession of scarlet eruption was brought out by Apis, after Acon., Bell, and Bry, had failed.) Apis cures puffy swellings in various parts of the body. AP0CYNUM CANNABINUM. NEW AMERICAN REMEDIES. INDIAN HEMP. ~~~~ DR. FRELIGH reports several cases of Ascites cured by this remedy: he has also found it useful in some cases of Dysuria, Strangury, and Retention of Urine from Paralysis of the Bladder; Dropsy, depending on Torpid action of the Kidneys; Dropsy after Scarlet Fever? Hydrothorax? It is stated to have been used with suc- cess for alarming Uterine Haemorrhage. The dose employed—two to ten drops of Matrix Tincture three and four times a day. In some cases, the first decimal trituration of the Bark from the root; two grains in one ounce of water; one teaspoonful every hour. It seems to be indicated when the skin is Dry and Harsh to the touch; with feeling of Sinking at the Stomach; Rheumatic pains in the Shoulders; OEdema of the lower limbs; Urine without albumen. - . • According to Coe, the Apocynin is Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Stimulant, and Diuretic, in doses of a quarter to half a grain; and is useful in Pheumonia, Pleuritis, and Acute Rheumatism; also for Jaundice and Ascarides. AR GENTU M. HAHNEMANN. SILVER. ACCORDING to Hahnemann, and Noack and Trinks, this metal should be employed for Epilepsy, Diabetes, Chronic Laryngitis; D 2 27 - ARG. NIT.] ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Affections of the Elbow and Knee-joint; Chronic inflammatory conditions of the stomach; Syphilitic ulcers of the fauces; In- flammation of the Salivary Glands and Testes; Mercurial Ca- chexia; Spasm of the Heart; Paralysis of the Extremities; Dropsy, with increased urine; Articular Rheumatism; Greyish Ulcers in the throat. - . . . Dr. Teste has prescribed it for a yellow, greenish Gonorrhoea of an indolent character—eight months’ duration; the patient was of a rheumatic diathesis. Cann., Cop., and Mer. failed; Arg. cured in twelve days. He thinks it of value in Albuminuria, Seminal discharges, and Amaurosis (probably mercurial), where the sight was weak, and the pupil much contracted—insensible to light; also records one case of Schirrous Ulceration of the Uterus. The pains were lancinating, like the pricking of pins; Neck of the uterus swollen, presenting a spongy mass, deeply corroded with ulcers; the discharge constantly filled the Vagina, and emitted a horribly foetid odour. Argentum immediately improved her con- dition; and he believes, if the disease had not been so far ad- vanced, a cure might have been effected. She died in six months. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. NITRATE OF SILVER. WILL be indicated as follows:—Epilepsy, produced by great Ex- citement; great debility and weakness; Rigidity in the Calves; Tremulous weakness; Faint, nervous feeling; Emaciation; wretched look; Dingy colour of skin; Vertigo in the morning, with headache; Confusion in the head; Digging pain in the frontal region; Congestion; Throbbing of the Carotid Wessels; Dryness and Constriction in the throat; Spasm of the CEsopha- gus; Gnawing, ulcerative pain in the Stomach; Induration of the right testis; Loss of sexual desire; Debility; Heaviness in the legs; Rigidity; Staggering gait in the open air. Dr. Gray (America) states that Epilepsies, arising from mental excitement—such as occur in lay preachers—are cured by Arg. Nit.; while those that are produced by intestinal disturbance, are not so favourably acted upon. 28 ARNICA MONTANA. [ARN. MON. ARNICA MONTANA, HAHNEMANN. LEOPARD’S BANE. IS generally represented as a stimulant to the Brain and nervous system, acting on the vegetative sphere and motor powers; also on the skin ; the fibrous and serous membranes; pleura and pe- ritoneum. Hahnemann denotes it a polychrest, and states that he has found it indispensable as an intermediate remedy in the most inveterate Chronic Diseases. It is, however, more generally used in cases of injury from a fall or blow; Contusions; Bruises; Stings of insects; Torn wounds; Sprains; Concussion of the Brain; Effu- sions of blood; Ecchymosis and lesions, consequent upon a blow or fall; Hemiplegia; Paraplegia; Paralysis of the Bladder; Haemor- rhage; Hydrocephalus; Gout in the feet; Bed sores; Successive crops of small Boils; False Pleurisy. According to Hahnemann, it should not be used in acute inflam- matory disease, attended with much internal heat; nor in Diarrhoea: it seems best adapted to low Asthenic conditions, and Anemic, enfeebled constitutions, such as have been weakened by disease. Noack and Trinks state that Arnica is suitable when the nervous system is in a state of torpidity, and in those stages of inflam- mation where the vital powers threaten to become extinct. - Hempel believes that the chief action of Arnica is manifested on the spinal nerves, and the nerves of the stomach; consequently he advises its use in Nervous Dyspepsia, and Gastrodynia; Paralytic conditions caused by spinal irritation; Headache from deep-seated gastric disturbance; Dyspepsia, with foul and bitter taste; Splenetic stitches; Chronic Diarrhoea; Dysentery. He further adds, that Arnica counteracts a tendency to putrescence, and is useful in Typhoid conditions; Crampy pain in the stomach; Cutting pains in the bowels; Dry, hacking, morning cough ; Hae- moptysis. “Arnica,” says Hempel, “should not be overlooked in Pleurisy; but it will not promote absorption unless the spirit of the drug embraces the spirit of the disease. Arnica relaxes the contractility of the capillary vessels, and favours effusion into the cellular tissue, at the same time checking the action of the absorbents.” According to Hartmann, the following symptoms indicate 29 ARN. MON.] - ARNICA MONTANA. Arnica in Pleurisy:—Stitching pain in the affected side; Tightness in the chest ; frequent dry cough, which increases the pain; general internal heat ; hands and feet cold; constant desire to change position in the bed. Dr. Marcy only mentions Arnica in case of inflammation of the Pleura, from an injury. Rückert records three cases of Rheumatic inflammation of the chest, cured by Arnica. Arnica appears, also, to have proved useful in Apoplexy, with paralysis of the right side; Concussion of the brain and spine, from a fall or blow; Frequent bleeding from the nose; Swelling of the nose; Haemoptysis; Vomiting of dark blood, or coagula; Pains in the chest, as if it had been over-strained; Stitching pain in chest (one side only), with short cough ; Oppression at the chest, with difficult breathing and dry cough, with expectoration of blood and frothy mucus; Stitch at every inspiration, from the back into the axilla; the bones and cartilages of the chest feel bruised; Stitches in the region of the spleen, arresting the breath; Stitches in the urethra; Tenesmus at neck of the bladder; Urine brown, with red-brick sediment ; Hae- maturia; Erysipelatous inflammation of the breasts; Sore nipples. The pains are not so severe during movement as when lying still in bed. Rheumatic pains that shift quickly; Numbness in the lower extremities; Tremor of the limbs; Bruise-like pain across the small of the back; general sinking of strength; Languor and faintness; Burning heat in the head and brain, while other parts of the body remain cool. - SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Excessive sensitiveness; Hypochondria; Anxiety; Quar- relsome; Peevish; Headstrong; Obstinate; Tendency to start, from a mere trifle. - Head.-Frontal vertigo when walking; everything seemed to turn in a circle, especially when moving or raising the head; Heat in the head; Burning in the brain; Aching in the forehead and temples, over the eyes; the Occipito-Frontalis muscles seemed to contract spasmodically; Lancinations in the fore part of the head, when coughing; Stitches, lancinations; Tearing, darting in the forehead; the pains increase when sitting near a warm 30 . ARNICA MONTANA. [ARN. MON. stove, and the brain felt as if rolling up into a ball; the Headache is tolerably easy when lying down; intolerable on sitting up in bed. Eyes.—Especially for Traumatic Ophthalmia; Eyes half closed; Pupils contracted; Cornea dim; Lids swollen, contused, painful, - especially when moved; Painful, dull, intermittent pressure in the margin of left orbit; Obscuration of sight. Ears.-Pain in the cartilage, as if bruised or contused; Feeling of heat; Tingling; Humming. Face,—Swelling of the cheek, with throbbing, as if two hammers were beating the flesh ; Heat, redness, and shining swelling of the left cheek—it feels stiff; Redness and burning of the cheek, the other parts being cool; Flushes of heat, followed b sweat; Eruption under the eyes, like Small-pox. º Nose.—Swelling of the nose; Painful sensation as if he had a violent blow on the nose; Frequent bleeding. Lips.-Chapped lips; Burning heat in both lips; Swelling of the lips; Trembling; Twitching of the muscles, about the lip and lower jaw. - - Teeth.--Toothache, with swelling of the cheek and sub- maxillary gland; Pains as if the roots of the teeth were scraped; Sprained sensation, feeling as if the teeth were driven out by biting; Throbbing sensation. Gums.-Painful during mastication; Tingling in the gums. Mouth.-Dry, generally without much thirst ; Putrid taste. Tongue.—Coated white; Biting sensation in the tongue; Soreness; Dry at tip; Foetid breath; Putrid odour; Haemorrhage; Sputatinged with blood. Throat.—Burning, stinging, at the back part of throat, especially between the act of swallowing. During deglutition, nausea arises, which seems to impede the passage of food. Gastric Symptoms.-Empty eructations; Eructations in the morning, tasting like rotten eggs; Retching - at night, with nausea, and feeling of weight at pit of the stomach; Qualmishness; Inclination to vomit; Vomiting of coagulated blood; Empty retching. Stomach.-Feeling of repletion, with loathing of food; Pressure as from the hand, with nausea and water accumulating in the mouth; Pinching; Spasmodic griping in the stomach; Pressure as from a stone; Aching colic, with dyspnoea; Sensation as if a ball of thread were being rolled up. 31 ARN, MON.] ARNICA MONTANA, Abdomen.—Stitches under the false ribs, on the left side, that arrest the breath when standing ; Tension and inflation of the abdomen; Sharp thrusts from one side to the other; Colic; Fermentation. Stool.-Constipation; Undigested stools; Frequent, small, slimy evacuations; Involuntary at night; Tenesmus; Pressing in the Rectum ; Haemorrhoids. Urine.—Brown, with red brick-dust deposit; Watery urine; Tenesmus of the bladder; Involuntary dropping of urine. - Cough.-Dry, hacking, every morning after rising; it seems to be induced by a titillation in the lowest part of the trachea ; Cough during sleep, and in children when crying. Respiration.—Short, panting; Dyspnoea, with anguish, and pain in the chest; Breathing excessively difficult. Chest.—During a deep inspiration, an aching pain is felt at the lower part of sternum; Dull stitches in the thoracic cavity, through the sternum, from without inwards; Stitching pain in one side of the chest, which is increased by a short cough; Pricking pain in the right side, as from pins. The Thoracic walls feel painful, as if bruised or strained; his chest feels raw, and the sputa is tinged with blood; Aching pain at a small spot in the right breast, not altered by motion, contact, or breathing; in the morning, when awaking, he felt as if a load of blood had accumulated in the chest—relieved slightly by exercise. Heart—Stitches in the heart, from left to right; Oppression; Pains as if the parts were squeezed together; the beats of the heart are first rapid, then slow; the beats are like quivering. Neck,-Prominent swelling of the cervical glands, which are painful when moving the neck; Pimples on the neck, and small boils; Pain under right scapula, towards the back, as from a blow; Tingling in the vertebral column. Back.-The small of the back feels bruised and lame; Pain in the sacrum, as from a violent fall. Upper Limbs,-Broad, sharp stitches under the Axilla; Sense of excoriation under the shoulder; the arms feel weary and bruised; Painful shocks; Jerking; Twitchings in the muscles of the humerus; Pain as from a sprain at the wrist-joint; Weins of the hands distended; Cramp in the fingers; Fine stitches in the fingers. Lower Limbs.-Trembling; Pain as from a sprain in the hip, 32 ARSENICUM. [ABS. back, chest, and wrists; Bruise-like pains in the thighs; Twitch- ing in the muscles of the thigh; Sudden weakness in the knees; Stitches in the knee and middle fingers; the knee-joints seem to lose their firmness, vacillate, and bend suddenly when standing; Pricking in the knee when touched. Feet.-Feeling of tingling and creeping in the feet; Stitching, tearing pain in the tarsal joint; Tearing in the heel; Cramp in the feet and toes; Arthritic swelling of the feet (cwred); Burn- ing of the feet; Arthritic pain in the foot, with slight fever; Throbbing in one toe; Pain in the joint of the great toe. Skin.—Fine pricking, almost in every part of the body; Burn- ing pain, first in one part, then in another; Dull, penetrating stitches here and there. Arnica cures a tendency to small boils, with a red areola. OTHER SYMPTOMS. From time to time there is a sense of tearing in almost every part of the body, especially in the extremities; Twitching of the limbs; Painful and excessive sensitiveness of the skin and joints; Rending pain in the limbs; Heaviness in all the limbs; Pains in the joints, sometimes so violent as to drive him almost crazy; Pains that wander from one part to another when walking. ARSENIOUM. HAHNEMANN. ARSENIC. THE action of this very powerful agent is visibly manifested on the Brain, Cerebro-spinal, and Ganglionic system of nerves; the Heart, the Blood, the Alimentary Canal, Stomach, Organs of Respiration, and the Skin. It seems to produce some change in every tissue of the living body; threatens death to the gan- glionic system, with sudden prostration, and rapid sinking of the vital powers. It would seem to be, therapeutically, indicated for cachectic, exhausted conditions, where there is sudden loss of strength; Sunken countenance; Emaciated appearance; Wasting, 33 ARS.] ARSENICUM. muscular weakness; Night-sweats; Diarrhoea. A burning pain. seems to characterise Arsenic. It has been used, with more or less success, for Epileptic convulsions; Paralysis; Asthma; Dropsy; Brain and Heart disease; Gastric affections; Womiting; Fevers—Gastric, Bilious, and Typhus; Cholera; Catarrhal Diar- rhoea; Dysentery; Tenesmus; Albuminuria; Scaly Herpes; Psoriasis; Vesicular and Pustulous eruptions; Pemphigus; Cancer; Carbuncle; Syphilitic skin disease; Ulcers on the legs and feet; Ulcers, with thin foetid discharge, or burning sensation; Dissec- tion wounds; Catarrhal and Scrofulous Ophthalmia. - Arsenic will prove useful in Chronic Gastro-Enteritis; Maras- mus of infants and drunkards; Cerebral Apoplexy; Softening of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Debilitating sweats; Gangrene of the lungs; Jaundice; Disease of the liver; Cancer of the lip; Cholera Infantum; Diabetes ? also (Phosp. Acid) Impetigo. It removes excessive weakness in the legs, and those evils that are often induced by poor living. - SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Anguish; Agitation; Hypochondriacal anxiety; when in bed, at evening, has thoughts that trouble him; fears some misfortune; has a fancy that he has committed some crime; feels chilly; weeps; thinks he must die; afterwards feels great prostra- tion; over-sensitive; depressed; Sad; sheds tears; easily vexed about trifles; great restlessness; religious mania. Head.—Vertigo every evening; on lying down, feels a desire to vomit; is obliged to rise; Vertigo when walking; tendency to fall to the left side; Giddy, stupid feeling in forehead; intoxica- tion; staggering in the open air; stupidity; confusion; weakness of memory; sense of weight; dull look; somnolence; Headache; loss of sleep ; after sleep, heaviness; feels as if he had not suffi- cient sleep; Heaviness, with humming in the ears; passes off in open air, but returns on again entering the room; Delirium, with hard pulse; dry, hot skin; parched tongue; desire to vomit; faintness; constipation; trembling of the limbs; unable to stand; stupefying, pressive pains in forehead. At 2 A.M., sharp, hard beating, as from blows of a hammer, during which a sweat breaks out; Beating in the whole head, especially the forehead; Pulsa- tion in forehead, between the sinuses. At noon and midnight, 34 painful hammering at the temples; sensation as if the brain moved and beat against the skull, when walking. Eyes.—Drawing pain; Deep internal pain—right eye; Violent shooting; at night, pressive pain, lasting for hours; Burning pain; Smarting—feeling as if pricked with red-hot needles; Profuse lachrymation—the tears excoriate the cheeks; morning, agglutination—lids dry; Redness, extravasation, and inflamma- tion; Conjunctivitis; Intolerance of light; Tendency to Ophthal- mia; Pupils contracted; Spots, blue or black objects. Eyelids— Red; Puffed; Swollen; CEdematous. Ears.-Tearing lancinations; dulness of hearing; Buzzing, tinkling, rushing noise of bells or water. - Nose.—Pain at root; bone-pains; Coryza, with sneezing, burn- ing, and Smarting. Face.—Puffed; red; bloated; features distorted; appearance of anxiety, despair, or of suffering; Swelling of the upper part of the face, around the eyes and head; Convulsive action of the facial muscles. - Lips.--Blue; swollen; puffed; dry; parched; cracked; ulce- rated; smarting of upper lip, as if pricked with burning needles; the following day it was much swollen; jerking sensation in upper lip. - - Teeth.-Jerking, extending to temples; Tearing toothache— makes her furious before the menses; Tearing pain at night in the canine teeth; relieved by the warmth of a stove; the teeth feel loose and sore; Gums tender; Convulsive grinding of the teeth. - Mouth.-Dry, with thirst; drinks but little at a time; Ex- treme thirst during the day, not at night; Frequent spitting. Tongue.—Clean, red, like beefsteak; sensation as if the tongue were covered with vesicles, with burning pain; Pain at the root, as though a fish-bone had stuck there; Tongue swollen; Feels as if burnt, benumbed. Throat.—Red; sore; inflamed ; scraping sensation; sense of dryness; heat; roughness; Constriction, with a feeling of suffoca- tion, inducing a convulsive vomiting at the sight of fluids; Angina, painful deglutition. - Taste.—Sour; Woody; Putrid, or bitter, with grey phlegm ; Bitter after food, or salt taste; desire for cold water, or acid drink; Frequent waterbrash. 35 ARS.] ARSENICUM. Appetite.—Lost for ten days; feels ill; loses strength; feverish; no desire for food or drink; it seemed impossible to swallow it; the smell of boiled meat is repulsive; Desire for acids, milk, and coffee. Eructations,—Empty; Acid, or Bitter; desire for water or brandy; Nausea, chiefly in the throat; Nausea; inclined to vomit, with faintness, trembling, heat, followed by shivering; Anxiety. - e Womiting after every meal—even water is thrown up; Difficult vomiting of drink, yellow-green mucus, or very bitter water; Violent vomiting, with purging and severe pain in abdomen; internal, burning heat; Vomiting of a brownish mass, often mixed with blood; Pain in stomach, and feeling of prostration; Vomiting of blood, mucus, and a blackish substance, pitchy; Vomiting, with Diarrhoea (the efforts to vomit are much greater than with Cocc. or Ipec.: the effects of Ars, on the stomach are more enduring); Convulsive hiccough. Stomach.-Tender to pressure; Sense of compression, after eating, in the oesophagus and cardiac orifice, as if the food were arrested there; Sensation of heat, with pain and pressure at Epigastrium; Insupportable pain and pressure after food; Spasms after food; Heat and burning; visible distention of the stomach; pressure as from a stone; Pit painful to the touch; Anxiety at night; Burning pain, with pressure and gnawing; Cardialgia; Heartburn. - Abdomen.—Spasms at night, when going to bed; Pinching; Sweats, with flatus, and liquid stool; Cutting pain, like Colic; in the morning, loud rumbling, followed by cutting, twisting pain in the intestines, and three looses tools; every morning, flatulent distention; borborygmi; Discharge of putrid flatus; Spasmodic jerks from epigastrium to rectum, causing him to start; Violent Colic, with vomiting and collapsed countenance; Abdomen swollen, tense, tender; Difficult breathing; faintness; retraction of umbilicus; Violent burning pain in stomach, intestines, with burning, and sense of excoriation at anus, with vomiting; Diarrhoea of blood; Weak pulse; Anxiety and anguish about the heart. - ... • Stools.-Constipation; Diarrhoea; Dysentery, with violent colic; Yellow evacuations; Diarrhoea, with cramps in the legs and arms. - 36 ARSENICUM. IARS. Anus.-Burning, sore, excoriated, painful constriction; Blind piles, pricking as with red-hot needles; Haemorrhoids, with burning pain—worse at night; Lancinations. Urine.—Frequent desire, with profuse flow; he is compelled to rise three or four times in the night, and passes a large quantity (lasted several days); Involuntary micturition; Sudden flow, but only small in quantity (female); Incontinence of twenty-five days’ duration (during typhoid); Urine scanty, high- coloured, difficult (case of Gastro-Enteritis). Bladder.—Burning sensation, with incessant desire; Sup- pression of urine for seven days, with jaundice, anasarca, and great depression. Albuminuria P. Diabetes ? Genital (Male).-Glans-penis blue-red, swollen, excoriated; pustules form and ulcerate; Painful swelling; Inflammation; Gangrene; Cancer of the scrotum. Menses.—Early and profuse. During menses, pain in vulva, anus, and rectum; Pain in hypogastrium, back, and abdomen. Leucorrhoea.—Very profuse, thick, yellow, excoriating the vulva ; Burning pain -in vagina, with swelling and excoriation of the labia ; Gangrene P Inflammation of the uterus. Larynx.-Voice rough, hoarse; Dryness of the larynx; Un- easiness in the larynx, as if inflamed ; Difficulty in speaking; deep inspiration excites a cough ; Tickling sensation. Cough.-Short, frequent, dry; Deep, continued cough after midnight; obliged to sit up; he feared he might choke; the neck felt swollen; Cough after drinking; Cough, with sense of suffoca- tion, on going into the cold air. Bespiration.—Short, difficult, with heat and uneasiness; Pains in the limbs, and great weakness; Frequent paroxysms of short, difficult respiration, with dry cough, and soreness of the chest and stomach; Oppression and short respiration in all positions; Difficult breathing on walking quickly, or going up stairs; Dyspnoea, with oppression at the sternum when breathing deeply (during eight days); when lying down in bed at night, loses his breath; a fine wheezing is heard; in the evening, Dyspnoea, with dry cough ; when walking, sudden Asthma, loss of breath, and extreme weakness; Suffocative Catarrh at night; Chronic Asthma. Chest.—Sense of constriction; Long-continued tightness; Burning in the chest, and about the diaphragm; Stitches in the chest, painful or dull; Sense of pressure. 37 AR.S.] ARSENICUM. Heart.-Indescribable anxiety and anguish; Troublesome palpitation; Irregular beating, so violent that he thinks he can hear the beats; Palpitation readily excited; Frequent fainting ; Tightness in praecordia; Difficult breathing; Parched throat; Wakeful, restless (lasted sometime); Tumultuous action—pulse 90; Strongjerking; Agitation, delirium—pulse 100, full; Jerking, with bellows murmur. - Neck,-Stiffness, morning and evening, in nape, as if bruised or sprained; Painless swelling of the neck; Drawing pains between the scapulaº. . - Back,--The small of the back stiff and painful all day; Standing upright causes great pain; Tenderness of the spine, with partial loss of motor power. - Upper Limbs,-Tearing pains in the arms—worse at night; Tearing, shooting in the bones of the hand and fingers; Twisting pain from the fingers to the armpits; Cramp in the fingers, calves, and toes; Formication of the hands; Ulcers on the fingers; Pale- ness of the nails. . - Lower Limbs,-Drawing, tearing in the hips and left foot; Pains like those of dislocation from calf to heel; Pains appa- rently in the periosteum; Tearing pain in the whole limb, causing him to limp about—much worse at night, preventing sleep; Pain- ful cramp in the calf; Pain in the knees and articulations of the feet; Tearing pains in the ankles and heels; Shining swelling of the feet—numbness; Sensation as if the knees and legs were tightly bandaged; Formication; the limbs swell, and are of a livid colour; Heaviness of the feet; Cold feet—they are con- stantly cold; CEdematous swellings. Skin, Burning, itching, pricking, as if with needles; Pus- tular eruptions on the head and forehead; Pustules about the body, that have a burning sensation; White pustules on forehead, cheeks, chest, and shoulders—terminate in thick crusts, and leave a well-marked cicatrix; Miliary vesicles, that terminate in bran- like scales; Small pimples, with white heads, on the hands and feet; Falling-off of the hair and nails; Old ulcers become sensi- tive. Ars. is suitable for Ulcers of the legs, with varicose condition of the veins; and for those eruptions that co-exist with Gastric derangement; General oedema of the body; Swelling of the face; Dryness of skin; Increased urine; Relaxed bowels; Feverish; Languor; Want of sleep; Redness of the eyes. . 38 ASAFOETIDA. EASAF. Sleep.–Restless; Sleepless; Pulsations in the head; Desire to sleep, but terrible dreams disturb him; Starting of the limbs when falling asleep; Movement of the hands and fingers during sleep; Cramps in the calves; Anxious dreams; Midnight heat— desire to uncover—awakes in a perspiration, with dry mouth; Grinding of the teeth during sleep. - Fever.—Chilliness towards evening; Shivering, alternating, with heat in the morning, with heavy head; Noise in the ears; External coldness, with internal heat;-Fever every morning at 3 A.M., with chilliness and hunger; Shivering returned always at 5 P.M.; Quotidian, intermittent; Eruptive fever, like small-pox. Arsenic is very beneficial in typhoid fevers—second stage—when there is dull look; Semi-comatose state; Skin dry and hot; Dulness of hearing; Sordes on the teeth and tongue, with bronchial or abdominal complication; Sense of fatigue; great weakness; Emaciation. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Patches of inflammation in the Stomach always, though Ulceration is comparatively rare; Perforation but seldom seen; Gangrene very rare; the stomach generally contains a brown grumous matter; the mucous coat appears as if smeared with a yellowish paint; the inflammation extends to the Duodenum, and commencement of the Jejunum ; also the Rectum—frequently the CEsophagus—more rare the mouth and fauces; the Peritoneum is frequently inflamed, and the Glands of the intestines swollen. Arsenic preserves the stomach; and the appearance of inflamma- tion remains often long after death. The Brain is generally con- gested, with serous effusion. Bladder inflamed; Livid spots on the skin; the body may decay rapidly, or become dry and mum- mified. º ASAF(ETII) A. FERULA GUM. ASAFCETIDA is the most powerful of the gum-resins; in large doses, accelerates the pulse, and increases animal heat; affects the 39 ASAF.] ASAFCETIDA. stomach and digestion; causes headache and giddiness ; flatu- lence and colic. Dr. Marshall Hall believed it to act primarily on the excitor nerves, though its effects are manifest on the motor branches—hence its power to control spasmodic action and convulsions. In Hysteria, it is with some a favourite remedy; and, according to Pereira, of value in Chronic Catarrh of old persons, when the cough is spasmodic. - Homoeopathically, it seems to be adapted to persons of a nervous, venous, haemorrhoidal constitution. Useful for affections of the portal system; Venous irritation; Pulsations and Congestion; En- gorgements of the vessels of the Liver, Spleen, Abdomen, and Rectum; Swelling of the glands; Hysteria; Weakness of digestion; Palpitation of the Heart, excited by little physical exertion, and a sense of tightness; Chronic Rheumatism and Gout; Twitching of the muscles; Caries of the bones; Ulcers, with ichorous secretion ; Mercurial and Syphilitic modes; Softening of the bones in secondary syphilis, after Mercury; Darting pains and pulsations in various parts of the body; Chorea 2 Convulsions in children from worms; Flatulent Colic, with distended abdomen; Asthma. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Hysteric and Hypochondriac uneasiness; Sadness; Ap- prehension; Constant change of mind, and dissatisfaction with oneself. Head.—Dull; Confused; Muddled; Heaviness in the fore- head; Tightness; Congestion of the head, with warmth in the face, and stupefying pain, particularly the forehead; Pressure in the forehead—right temple, above the eyes, as if the head would burst; Constriction of the brain, as if a cloth were drawn over, and thus compressed it; Stitches; Darting; Beating; Shaking; Bubbling; Swaying, as of water carried in a pail; Beating in the right half of the forehead. Eyes.—Burning in the eyes; Pressure; Sensation as of sand, also of cold air, blowing upon the eyes; Burning in right eye; Sense of dryness; Sleepy; Closing of the eyes. Ears.-Hearing diminished; Purulent discharge from Mercury. - Nose.—Discharge of greenish pus; Numbness. - * Face.—Pains, with feeling of numbness in the facial bones 40 ASAFOETIDA. [ÅSAF. (right malar); Heat in the face, with flush in the cheeks; Burning, stinging, and swelling of the lips. Throat.—Dry burning in the throat, especially the CEsophagus, with sensation of a foreign body, rising, that compelled him to swallow frequently; Sense of tightness in the throat, with pressure in the chest; Soreness in the CEsophagus. Taste.—Insipid, or flat, acrid, as if the stomach had been de- ranged by bad food; Rancid, greasy taste like bad butter; Taste of Garlic, with loathing; Warm risings; Nausea; great inclination to vomit at noon; Aversion to Beer. Stomach.-Pressure in the stomach after food, with prostration; this pressure is felt to ascend into the oesophagus, with the sensation of a foreign body; Pressure at the pylorus, pit of the stomach, and extending towards the liver; Drawing and tension in the region of the Spleen; Pulsation at pit; Pain as if bruised; Burning ; Feeling of fulness, with eructations; Stitches, or lancinations in the Diaphragm. - Hypochondria.--Stitches towards the Diaphragm; Pressure from the interior of the liver to the chest, with laboured breathing and violent pulsations; Chronic inflammation, and swelling of the liver. Abdomen.—Bloated; Heaviness early in the morning, with a feeling of fulness; Sensation below the umbilicus, as if the parts were being rolled up into a Ball; Cutting, stitches, lancinations in the left side when walking; Stitches, with flatulence; Painful flatulent colic; Great accumulation of flatus, with rumbling, having, when emitted, a smell of Garlic; Tympanitis; Ascites, from intes- timal derangement. Stool.--Difficult, hard, with much pressing ; Constant urging, often ineffectual; Papescent evacuations, of a yellow or dark- brown colour; Pressing in the perineum. Menses.—Too early, and scanty; Pains like those of labour, cutting and bearing down. - Respiration.—Breathing accelerated, with small pulse; Dry Cough ; Asthma of a spasmodic character; Pressure in the Chest and sternum; Pressure in the left side, from within outwards. Chest.—Stitches, lancinations, darting; Boring pains in the left half of the Chest, from within outwards; Spasmodic contraction in the Chest, with small, unequal pulse. Heart.—Pressure in the region of the heart, with congestion E 41 ASAR.] ASARUM EUROPAEUM. and distention of the vessels, with small pulse; Palpitation of the Heart; Pressive pains in the left intercostal muscles, from within outwards, aggravated by inspiration. - - Neck.-Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, shoulders, and scapula; Burning stitches; Cutting, behind and below the right scapula; Pains in the back, and across the loins. Upper Limbs.-Stitches in the shoulder; Twitches in the deltoid; Jactitation of the muscles of the arm; Stitches in the elbow; Pains in the wrists and fingers. - Lower Limbs,-Twitching and jactitation in the muscles of the thighs and knee-joint; the legs incline to go to sleep; Cold swelling around the malleoli; Jerking; Slight beating in the great toe; Feeling of numbness. Skin.--Dark-red, hot swellings; Cold glandular swellings; Tenderness of the bones; Ulceration of the bones and periosteum ; Ulcers, with elevated blue edges; Ichorous, foºtid, thin pus; Pains in the bones, that will not permit sleeping on a feather-bed. ASARU M EUROPAEU M. HAHNEMANN. ASARET OF EUROPE. LARGE doses excite Vomiting and Diarrhoea. It was formerly proposed as a substitute for Ipecacuanha. Smaller doses will excite perspiration, increase urine and menses. It forms a prominent part in the composition of Herb Snuff. In Homoeopathic practice it is recommended for literary persons, who suffer from nervous irritability; and has been administered to relieve a darting pain that occurred after a surgical operation on the eye. It is occa- sionally prescribed for some of the following conditions:–Inter- mittent Fever, with chilliness, or alternate heat and chills; Excessive sensibility and irritation of the nervous loops and termi- nations; Periodical Headache; Simple Ophthalmia; Amblyopia? Amaurosis? Deafness; Ascarides; and some forms of Gastritis. SYMPTOMs. Excessive sensibility of the nerves; Lassitude after dinner; Weary, 42 AURUM. [AUR. bruised feeling; Dull headache; Heat in the face; Drowsiness and ill-humour. This disappeared on going out in the open air. He then felt as if flying in the air; a sensation of lightness in the limbs; and Exaltation of spirits. - - Head.—Compressive headache; Sense of pressure in the Brain. Eyes.—Dryness, with a sense of burning in the lids; Redness of the Conjunctiva; Intolerance of light and wind; Bathing with cold water is agreeable; sometimes there is profuse lachrymation; Vision obscured. Gastric Symptoms.-Acid eructations that set the teeth on edge; Nausea, loathing, inclination to vomit; Heartburn; Vomit- ing of Acid water, with sense of compression in the Head and Stomach; Retching, with Waterbrash, which relieves the Head; Pinching pains in the stomach, with Vomiting and Diarrhoea, resembling Cholera; Cutting pains in the Epigastrium and Abdo- men; Sharp stitches, passing down into the Rectum. Stool.—Diarrhoea of mucus, with Ascarides; Discharge of blood; Prolapsus Ani. - Menses.—Too early—dark blood; lasting too long. Chest.—Stitches on inspiration; Stitches, especially in the right lung during inspiration; Dull stitches in both lungs on taking a deep inspiration; Sensation in the lungs, as if a string or sharp wire were cutting them through. - Lower Limbs,-Bruised feeling; Lassitude in the legs on going up stairs—the knees are especially affected; also pain in the hip; Pain in the Hip when treading. A URUM. HAHNEMANN, - GOLD. WITH this metal Hahnemann has cured several cases of disposition to commit suicide: he advises its use for caries of the palate and nasal bones, consequent upon the abuse of Mercury. Gold has also been found useful in Hypochondriasis, Melancholy, Rush of blood E 2 43 AUR.] - AURUM. to the head; Obscuration of Sight, from Black spots hovering before the eyes; Toothache; Congestion to the Chest, with attacks of suffocation; Loss of consciousness; Blue face; Difficult breath- ing; Palpitation of the heart; Bone pains—also at night; Rhagades of the hands; Warts on the Tongue, Prepuce, and Anus; Herpes on the prepuce; Swelling and induration of the testes; Inguinal Hernia; Haemorrhoids; Nodes; and Syphilitic Affections. Noack and Trinks describe it as suitable for Scrofulous and Wenous Constitutions of indolent habit. . SYMPTOMS. Mind.-Dejection; Full of grief; Seeks solitude; Dissatisfied with everything—he fancies obstacles are in his way; Longs for death; Great anguish; Desirous for self-destruction; Religious Mania; Anger easily provoked; Wehement—will not bear con- tradiction. Head.—Rush of blood when stooping; Noise; Roaring, as of water rushing; Sensation as if a current of air were passing through the head. Forehead—Tearing pain or pressure; Tingling sensation; Pain, as from contusion. Scalp.–Small tumours on the scalp, tender when touched. Eyes.—Fiery sparks; Pressure; Specks on Cornea; Amaurosis; Half-sight—he sees double; Swelling of lids; Styes. Ears.—Roaring (morning); Humming; Caries of mastoid process—evils of Mercury; Foetid Otorrhoea; Earache. Nose.--Caries of the bones; Tenderness and ulceration; Sore- ness; Swelling of the nostrils; Stoppage of the nose; Crusts form, and fill up. Face.—Pains in malar bones; Swelling of the cheek; Bloated face; Eruptions; Acne; Vesicles—the tips filled with pus. Lips.-Swollen—eruption on the lower lip; Ulcers about the lips. - - Mouth.-Putrid Smell in young girls; or like old cheese, or high game. . - Palate.—Caries of the hard palate, with bluish ulcers; Swelling and ulceration of the tonsils; Difficult deglutition. * - Inguinal Region.—Pressure at ring, as if Hernia would pro- trude; Weakness; Colic; Flatulence; Inguinal Hernia of children. Glands.-Swell; Suppurate after Mercury, or from Syphilis. 44 AURUM MURLATICUM. [AUR. M. Rectum.—Sore; Swollen; Painful, sharp stitches. Urine.-Painful retention; Deposit—turbid, chiefly mucus; Discharge of prostatic fluid. Testes.—Swelling of the right; Chronic induration of the testes; Prolapsus and Induration of the Uterus. gº Chest.—Violent congestion; Sharp stitches; Dyspnoea; Stitches when drawing a breath; Sense of suffocation. Heart—One very violent shock; Palpitation, with anguish and oppression; Organic disease of the heart? Skin-Rhagades; Ulcers; Tetters; Pustules; Dropsy; Nodes; Bony tumours. AURUM MURIATICUM MURLATE OF GOLD. Nose.—Burning, itching, redness, swelling, followed by desqua- mation, ulceration in the nasal cavity, discharge of pus; also of blood. Teeth.-Darting pains in the upper incisors. Mouth-Frequent accumulation of saliva; Watery cavity slightly inflamed; Lips swollen and ulcerated. - Tongue-Red—excoriated; Wart-like excrescences; Metallic taste. - Stomach-Nausea; Vomiting; Gastritis; Pressure. Abdomen.—Pain and Diarrhoea; Liquid stools. Anus.-Warts and Gondylomata. Urine.—Increased; Turbid, with brick-dust sediment. Scrotum.—Flat ulcers, emitting a foetid odour; Testes swollen, inflamed. Larynx-Hoarseness, with fever; Syphilitic affections of the larynx. * Chest.—Laboured panting, breathing; Loud expiration; Op- pression; Suffocation. Heart.—Stitches; Sense of heaviness—hardness; Palpitation; Inflammation of the Heart, Fever.—Profuse sweats; Languor; Fainting fits. - 45 BAPTI BAPTISLA TINCTORIA—BARYTA CARBONICA. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA AMERICAN REMEDIES. - wiLD INDIGo. THIS plant has been used in the form of a Lotion, for healing ulcerated surfaces, and as a Gargle for sore mouth and throat: it is said to correct foetid discharges, and to be useful in Gangrene. The American Homoeopathists propose it as a remedy for Typhoid and Typhus conditions, marked with a tendency to putrescence. Large doses produce considerable prostration of the whole body; Pains like those of Rheumatism, with stiffness of the joints, and a kind of numbness, as if the limbs were going to sleep. It seems to induce a semi-paralytic state, slight delirium, and a feeling of numbness in the Brain: it acts powerfully on the lymphatic system; causes swelling of the glands, especially those of the tonsils and inguinal region; induces a copious flow of saliva, frequently having a foetid odour; the mucous membrane of the buccal cavity becomes ulcerated; the tongue benumbed, or feels raw, as if scraped; Dry; frequently Red, and sometimes Brown. It is further proposed for Congestion of the Liver, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Tenesmus. It increases the quantity of urine, which remains acid. Dr. Coe states that he has used it with success for Amenorrhoea and vicarious menstruation. BARYTA CARBONICA, HAHNEMANN. CARBONATE of BARYTEs. BARYTA is stated to be especially useful for mental and physical weakness, such as occurs occasionally with infants, but far more frequently in old age. Marasmus Senilis; Swelling and Induration of the Cervical Glands, even after suppuration. - According to Hahnemann, it may be employed for most of the following affections:—Baldness; Eruption upon, and behind the Ears; Inflammation of the eyes, with intolerance of light; Dimness of sight; Muscoe Volitantes; Agglutination of the Lids; 46. - BARYTA CARBONICA. [BAR. CAR. Eructations; Waterbrash ; Pressure and uneasiness in the stomach after food; Weakness of the Sexual powers; Hoarseness; Dry Cough at night, with rattling of mucus in the chest; Stiffness and pain in the small of the Back; Stitches in the nape of Neck; Pain in the Deltoid region; the arms and fingers go to sleep; Warts on the fingers; Panaris; Ulcers on the feet; Sweat of the feet, with foetid odour; Intense weakness—Physical, Nervous, and . Mental; Susceptibility to take cold; Exhausting night-sweats; Raving when asleep; Twitching in the muscles of the whole body; Over-anxiety of mind, even about trifles; Dread of men; Male voices affected her brain painfully. SYMPTOMS. Mind.-He is suddenly overwhelmed with an evil appre- hension—imagines a friend has fallen sick, and is dying; Anxiety, especially about domestic affairs; Spirits dejected; Sadness. Head.—Vertigo ; Rush of blood to the head; Whizzing or bubbling, like boiling-water; Giddiness when raising the head after stooping; Sensation as if the brain were loose; Shaking of the brain on striking the foot against anything hard; Violent stitches in the head; Throbbing, with stitches; Apoplexy of drunkards; Senile Apoplexy; Dry scabs on the scalp. Eyes.—Feeling of Soreness and weariness; Pressive pain deep in the eyes; Continual pressure in the eyeballs; Agglutination; Black spots floating ; Objects appear as if looking through a gauze, or indistinct, as in a fog. - Ears.-Itching, throbbing; Violent stitches; Roaring; Buzzing; Eruption on the Ears; Hard of hearing. .* - Nose.—Fluent Coryza, or troublesome dryness; Scurfy. Face.—Inflammation; Painful swelling, especially left cheek; Swelling of the sub-maxillary gland; Eruption on the face. Teeth.-Pains in decayed teeth, from a cold; Bleeding of the Gums. - - Stomach.-Weakness of digestion; Nausea—inclination to vomit; Pain and heaviness; Pressure, as from a stone; Pain when the food is passing, as if it came in contact with a sore place (ulcer P) - Abdomen.—Painful distention; Tense, swollen; Pinching pains. - - 47 BAR. MUR BARYTA MURIATICA. Genital Organs—Sense of numbness; Loss of sexual desire. Larynx-Hoarseness; Dry Cough after midnight; Loose Cough, with sputa like starch, having a salt taste. Of four weeks standing—(cured). + - Chest.—Suffocative Catarrh of old persons; Fulness and pressure in the Chest; Oppressive weight; Nervous palpitation of the heart, when lying on the left side. - - Neck and Back-Stiffness at the nape; Pain, and hard swelling of the glands—Occipital, Cervical, and Axillary; Pulsa- tion and throbbing, when at rest, in the small of the back; Weak- ness of the Spine. - º Upper Limbs.-Sense of lameness in the fore-arm and hand; the arm and hand go to sleep when lying on the table; Numbness in the fingers. . Lower Limbs.-Languor and weariness of the legs (especially the left); Drawing and tearing pains in the limbs; Foetid sweat of the feet ; Painful Corns. . Baryta seems to affect the left side rather more than the right. BARYTA MURIATICA, HERING. . MURLATE OF BARYTA. tº - - BARYTA is said to destroy the irritability of the Voluntary Muscles, and to act chiefly on the vegetative and reproductive system; Suitable for irritable persons; Excellent for stone-like induration of the Cervical Glands; Scrofulous, crusty Eruptions; Tinea Capitis; Angina of Variola; Predisposition to sore throat on taking cold, even with suppuration; Great weakness of digestion; Empty retching; Constant Nausea; Watery vomiting; Inflamma- tion of the stomach; Swelling of the testes; Scrofulous Bubo ; Swelling of the Abdominal Glands; Dropsy after Scarlet Fever; Stricture of the Rectum ? Diabetes ? Paralysis of the Upper and Lower Limbs. - - - - SYMPTOMs. Increased sensibility of the whole Nervous System; General 48 BELLADONNA. [BELL" Emaciation and Atrophy; Great weakness; Weakness of the Muscles, as if paralysed; Convulsive movements of single parts; Jactitation of the limbs; Increase of the secretions and excretions; Haemorrhages; Palpitation of the Heart. BE L LADONN A. HAHNEMANN. DEADLY NIGHTSHADE. THERE is considerable evidence that this remedy has an especial action on the Brain and Spinal Cord; secondarily, on the blood. Noack and Trinks state that it produces phenomena similar to Aconite, and is especially suitable for those persons whose nervous system is highly susceptible of impressions, and when the circula- tion is easily excited. Hempel states that Belladonna acts primarily on the Brain, and, secondarily, on the Ganglionic System; that Aconite acts, second- arily, on the Brain; thus Belladonna is to have preference when the brain-substance is affected. . . Noack and Trinks further inform us, that what Aconite is to inflammatory fever, or the feverish reaction excited in the arterial system—so is Belladonna suitable to the inflammation itself, or the inflammatory action of the Capillaries. Belladonna stands prominent from having been so strongly recommended by Hahne- mann as prophylactic and curative in Scarlet Fever. It has been found of use in Scrofula, and especially Swelling of Glands when suppuration is threatened; Cramps; Convulsions; Epilepsy; Pa- ralysis; Erysipelas; Throat Affections, with Swelling of the Cer- vical Glands; Hoarseness; Loss of Voice; Inflammation of the Tongue; Cerebral Congestion; Delirium; Hydrocephalus; Ence- phalitis; Inflammation of the Brain; Affections of the Eyeball; Mental illusions; Loss of reason; Diseases of pregnancy; Milk Fever; Puerperal Peritonitis; Affections of Infancy—cries, con- vulsions, restlessness; Catarrh; Cough, and Uterine disease. Hempel has the following:-Rheumatic pains in nape of neck and right arm; Rheumatic paralysis of tongue and sphincters; Inflammatory swelling of the face; Smooth Scarlatina of Sydenham; 49 BELL.] BELLADONNA. Ophthalmia in every form; Conjunctivitis Corneitis, &c. He says it is not specific for Syphilitic Ophthalmia, nor Ophthalmia of infants. Useful in Amaurosis; Amblyopia; Diplopia; Haemorrhage . from the eyes; Toothache; Rheumatic Lock-jaw; Putrid, sore throat; Diphtheria; Canerum Oris; Paralysis of the tongue; Typhoid and Mucous fevers; Aversion to every kind of food; Typhoid and Gastric derangement; Dysphagia; Spasmodic Sin- gultus; Acute indigestion, especially when sympathetic with the Brain or Uterus; Hysteria during pregnancy; Morning sickness; Suppression of the Milk; Hour-glass contraction (with secale); Prolapsus of Uterus; Ulceration of Os Uteri; Prurigo of Vagina; Adenitis; Attacks resembling Hydrophobia. Dr. Teste considers Belladonna strikingly useful when the Brain is active, and during the period of being fully developed, as with children. Belladonna is especially suitable for women; and children during dentition: it affects the most delicate tissues in the body, and in this respect resembles Mercury—with which it is often employed, in alternation, for affections of the glands and lymphatic vessels. - SYMPTOMS. Spasms, with stiffness of the limbs; Startings; Convulsive move- ments; Epileptic and Hysteric Spasms; the pains are sometimes metastatic; when extremely violent, they suddenly leave one part and fly to another. The pains are various; frequently Tearing, Lancinating, Drawing, Burning, Stinging, Throbbing, or Jerking. They frequently come on in the afternoon, three or four o’clock; worse at night; aggravated by contact, or the slightest movement. Mind.—Timid—want of confidence; Weeping; Sorrow; Whimpering; Howling; Moaning; Ill-humour; Peevish agitation; Anxiety during the day—feels as if she would run away; Disposition to quarrel; Furious, Raving, or suspicious; Muttering; Tries to leave the bed, Bite, or tear articles in pieces; Fancies he sees images and Black dogs; Uses horrible words; Delirious; Crazy ; Wild looks; Immoderate laughter; Very violent, quarrelsome. - Head.—Feels as if stunned; Heavy; Intoxicated; Headache, especially over the eyes—he is compelled to close them; Frontal headache; Forcible pressure on the whole brain; Sensation as if the brain were ascending and descending; Balancing; Pressive pain on both, or one side only; Throbbing from before back- 50 - BELLADONNA. [BELL. wards; Jerking; Stitches; Lancinations; Darting in the brain from all sides; Tearing over the eyebrows; Sense of coldness at the forehead; Swashing, as of water in the head; Vertigo ; Gid- diness; Flow of blood to the brain; Headache every day from 4 P.M. until 3 A.M.–worse in bed. The pains are increased by movement, and from a current of cold air; Relieved by supporting the head ; Convulsive shaking, and throwing the head backwards. Scalp.–Swelling of the head; Profuse sweat; Painful state of the scalp; Pressure of the hair is painful. Face.—Pale; Anxious; Soon becomes red-hot, tingling; Violent heat; Redness; Glowing heat, with intense headache; Face swollen and hot ; Bluish-red face; Dark-red; Swelling of the cheeks, with burning pain; Erysipelas; Nervous prosopalgia, with violent cutting pains. Eyes.—Smarting, pressive pain, as if full of sand—is compelled to rub them; Involuntary lachrymation; Salt tears; Burning sensation; Dryness; Scrofulous inflammation of the eyes; Haemor- rhage; Ecchymosis; Pain in the orbits; the eyes feel as if they were being torn out ; Feeling of heat as from hot vapour; the eyes feel as if they were being pressed into the head; Distention of the scle- rotic vessels; Yellow colour of the Sclerotica; Pupils dilated, im- movable; Vision at times extinct; Stitches in the eyes; Morning agglutination; Weakness and dimness of sight; Objects appear upside-down, or double; Letters appear blurred when reading. Ears.--Stitches, extending from the jaw into the ear; Stitches in the parotid gland; Tearing in the external and internal ear, from above downwards; Sharp thrusts in the internal ear; Painful dragging; Tingling; Discharge of puriform fluid for twenty days; Roaring; Whizzing; Fluttering; Din as from trumpets, cymbals; relieved by walking; Deafness, as if a skin had been drawn over the ear; Hard of Hearing; Parotid gland inflamed, swollen. Nose.—Pustules on the nose, that crust; Red blotches; Smell as of rotten eggs; Sense of smell over-sensitive; Bleeding from the nose; Sudden redness of the tip; Ulcerated state of the nostrils, without pain; Coryza, with cough. Lips.-Corners of the lips ulcerated; Upper lip chapped; Ulcer on the lip; Scurfy pimples; Swelling of the upper lip— it feels tense. Jaws.-Lock-jaw; Stiffness of the muscles of mastication. Teeth.-Grinding of the teeth, with foam at the mouth; he 51 BELL.1 BELLADONNA. wakes at midnight, with violent tearing pains in the teeth; Dull, drawing pains in the upper row all night; Toothache of the preg- nant; Toothache, with hot, red face, and beating in the head; the front teeth feel too long ; Tearing toothache—worse in the evening; Lancinations that affect the ears, teeth, and face—first one, then the other; Toothache several minutes after a meal— increases, and gradually diminishes; Toothache after lying down at night, or during mental occupation; Cutting pain in one fang. Mouth-Red, inflamed, swollen; extending to the fauces. Tongue.—Papillae bright-red, enlarged; red-hot, dry, or cracked; White in the middle; Smarting vesicle; Tremor of the tongue; Weakness of the organs of speech; Stammering; he seemed paralysed and unable to utter a word; Heavy speech; Nasal voice; Profuse ptyalism; Haemorrhage from the mouth. Throat.—Inflammation of the throat and fauces; Sore throat, with stitches, and pain as of an internal swelling during deglu- tition; Violent burning in the throat; Inflammation of the tonsils; Suppuration in four days; Constriction that impeded de- glutition; Painful contraction, and narrowing of the fauces, feeling as if swallowing was impossible; Dryness of the throat and fauces; Scraping sensation, as if the parts were raw. Taste.-Insipid, lost; Putrid, disgusting taste, as of bad meat; a putrid taste rises up from the fauces; also when eating or drinking, but does not affect the taste of the food; Sour or bitter taste of bread; Slimy mouth on awaking in the morning, with headache; Mouth full of mucus in the morning—clear after breakfast; Heartburn; Bitter eructation; Spasmodic eructations —a sort of Hiccough. - Stomach.-Sinking sensation; Throbbing at pit, without pain; Hard and painful pressure after a meal; Tremor; Gnawing spasm; Contractive pain; Pressure at pit when walking; Inflammation of the stomach and duodenum; Chronic spasm during a meal. Abdomen.—Burning; Continued colic ; Contractive pain about umbilicus—pains that feel deeply seated in the abdomen; Bellyache, that causes him to sit almost double, with sense of vomiting, and fear of diarrhoea; Distention not hard nor painful; Cramp-like, constrictive pain in the hypogastric region, with stitches towards the perineum; the walls of the abdomen are painful to contact; Enteritis-Peritonitis. - Stool—Suppression of stool and urine for ten hours; Frequent, 52 .-- BELLADONNA. [BELL. thin stools, with tenesmus, after forty-eight hours; Constant call every quarter of an hour; Tenesmus, with bearing down towards the anus, with painful contraction of the sphincter; Granular, yellow, slimy evacuations—sour; Severe stitches in rectum—single, distinct, during walking; Itching at anus, when walking in the open air; Contractive pain in rectum, followed by sudden diarrhoea, then Tenesmus; Flowing Haemorrhoids for several days. Urine.--Suppressed, difficult micturition; Retention; Colour yellow as gold; Turbid; White, thick deposit; Red sediment; Discharge of urine during a deep sleep in the day; Enuresis at night, also in the morning, with thirst, and obscured vision. Genital (Male).-Thoughts of sexual desire extinguished; Escape of semen at night; Violent stitches in the testes; Drawing pain in spermatic cord during micturition; Sweat of the genitals at night. Menses.—Four days too soon; Sometimes with thirst and cramp-like tearing in back or limbs; Anguish at heart; Sweat on chest; Pressing early in the morning, as if the contents of the abdomen would be forced through the Vagina, with distention of the abdomen: afterwards the abdomen contracted, and a white mucus flowed from the Vagina; Pressing, followed by hamorrhage; Metrorrhagia, the blood having a bad smell. Larynx.-Hoarseness; Voice rough, weak, whizzing; Loss of voice; Pain in larynx, with danger of suffocation when turning the head, talking, or inspiring; Spasmodic constriction of the throat; Noisy rattling in the bronchial tubes; Cough, with con- gestion of blood to the Chest; Dry Cough, day and night, from titillation in throat; a dry catarrh seems settled in the chest, which excites a dry cough; Cough, preceded by weeping, or pain in stomach, with sense of Vomiting; Cough at 10 P.M., in fits, every quarter of an hour—three or four fits. Respiration.—Laboured, irregular breathing; Short, frequent, hurried, with moaning; Inspiration causes a short cough. Chest.—Oppression of the Chest; Asthma; Pressure in the chest that seemed to affect the heart; Stitches in the sternum when coughing; Fine stitches under the clavicle; Stitches in the right side, under the arm; Lancinations, as with a dull knife, under the two last ribs; Tension; Painful pressure in both sides of the chest; Painful pressure or aching in chest and between the shoulders, with short breathing when walking or sitting; Beat- 63 BELL.] * - Brianossa. ing pain between the sternum and scrobiculus; Great uneasiness and beating in the Chest. - Heart.-Palpitation when at rest—the concussion extended to the neck—with difficult breathing; Palpitation when going up- stairs—a bubbling sensation; Tremor of the heart; Small red spots on the chest. The breasts fill with milk in one who is not pregnant. - Neck and Back.-Swelling of the cervical and axillary glands; Painful swelling and stiffness of the nape; Tension and pressure of the muscles; Perceptible throbbing of the vessels—veins distended; Aching pain in the neck; Boil upon the shoulder ; Stitches, drawing pains between the scapula; Pain as from a sprain on the right side of spine ; Gnawing in the dorsal spine, with Cough; Intense cramp-pain in small of back and os coccygis; he cannot lie on the back, and only sit for a very short time; walking slowly gave most relief; Lancinations in the Vertebrae, like stabs with a knife, from without inwards. - Upper Limbs.-Lameness, pressure, and weakness; Tearing in the shoulder; Sudden darting in the arm at night; Weight in both arms; Paralytic sensation and weakness in the left arm; Paralytic drawing in right arm; Twitching, and involuntary raising of the arm above his head; Violent lancinations, as with stabs from a dull knife, below the head of the humerus ; Lameness and drawing pains in the elbow and bones of the carpus; Swelling of the hands—he is not able to turn the hand freely; the action of the joints seem impeded, but not painful. Lower Limbs.-Stiffness in the hip-joint, with difficulty in rising from a seat; Pain in the thighs and legs as if bruised; Heaviness when walking—the knee-joints feel stiff; Paralytic drawing in right limb; Stitches in hip-joint; Cramp-like pains in the glutei muscles; when lying on right hip the left is painful; when turning on the left, pain ceased; Paralysis of the lower limbs; Pains in the hip, that cause limping, or feeling as if sprained; Stitches and pains in the muscles of the thigh when seated; Stitches in the centre of the thigh, like stabs with a knife; Sensation, when walking, as if the knees would suddenly bend under him; Innumerable stitches seem to creep up the legs from below; Pain in the leg as if it were jammed. Feet,_Corrosive itching and sweat of the feet; Cramp in the sole; Boring, digging pain in the soles; Pain in the ball of the 54 BELLADONNA. [BELL. heel, as if bruised; Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal bones; Burning, searching, tingling, or itching of the feet; Heat, swelling, boring, grinding, stinging in the soles; Boring or tearing stitches in the tendo achillis. - Fever, with violent thirst; also after midnight; Excessive thirst for cold water; Burning thirst, with heat; Fever in the even- ing, when undressing; Chilliness, soon followed by heat; During the chill little or no thirst ; Alternation of chilliness and heat; Acute fever, with distention of the veins and throbbing of the Carotids; Redness, almost scarlet, of the skin of the whole body, in irregular patches; Profuse sweats; Acute erysipelatous fever, also with inflamed tumours; Eruption like Measles; Eruption, with blisters, that emit water; Scarlet Rash; Several feverish attacks during the day, without thirst. Sleep.–Drowsiness, lethargy, somnolence, stupor, snoring; Drowsy, but unable to sleep; Sleeplessness from anguish; in vain he tries to get a little sleep; Nights restless, tossing about, fre- quent waking, with difficulty of going to sleep again; when on the point of going to sleep he starts up in a fright; Dreams— frightful, vivid—of thieves and murder; in the morning he feels exhausted, not refreshed; has headache—feels unable to rouse himself. In children, moaning, screaming—awake with a terrified look; Twitching of the limbs, and grinding the teeth. Skin.—Creeping, crawling, itching; Red spots on the chest, like flea-bites; Scarlet spots, and scarlet redness on the face, neck, chest, and abdomen; sometimes with short breathing, small, quick pulse, delirium, dilated Pupil, and pain in forehead; Erysipelas, vesicular; Bites of insects; Chilblains, boils; Swelling of glands; Scrofulous and mercurial ulcers; Bleeding-cracks in the bend of the joints; Ulcers that secrete bloody ichor; Black crust on the ulcer. Fits, Spasms.-Convulsive movements of the limbs; Sub- Sultus tendinum; Spasmodic action of the muscles; Distortions; Stiffness of the limbs, or the whole body; Tremor of all the limbs; Restlessness; he cannot keep still, nor remain in one position. According to Hahnemann, Vinegar increases the pain caused by Belladonna. The fits of Paralysis and Colic may be palliated by Opium ; also the Somnolence. The stupor, insanity, and frenzy, by Hyoscyamus. The intoxicating symptoms, by Wine. For large doses, or poisoning by berries, give strong Coffee. The 55 BERB.] BERBERIS WULGARIS. erysipelatous swellings are removed by Hepar Sulphuris. Against many other symptoms, Camphor is a good antidote. . . PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Body rigid. Fingers spasmodically clenched; Decay rapid; Excessive congestion in the vessels of the Brain; Black fluid blood in the vessels of dura mater, pia mater, and the substance of the brain; Membranous formations in Stomach; Vessels congested; Excoriated patches; highly-inflamed spots; in some cases the whole lining membrane is of a dark-purple colour; Blue spots in the duodenum. Abdomen hard, much distended, and the veins tinged with black-red blood; Coats of intestines highly inflamed; Mesenteric vessels turgid; Omentum inflamed—red; Pancreas inflamed, soft in several parts, and of a lead colour. Liver easily broken—blue in colour; Wessels turgid with blood; Rapid decay of Liver and Spleen; the latter is congested, soft, and crumbling; Peritoneum inflamed. Lungs inflamed, and filled with black fluid blood. Heart soft, livid; Ventricles engorged with blackish blood; the blood in a state of decomposition; Discharge of a yellow-brown foetid fluid from nose, mouth, and anus. - BERBERIS WULG ARIS, BARBERRY. THIS remedy is chiefly prescribed for Affections of the Urinary Organs, and may, in some respects, be held in contrast with Can- tharides, which is certainly one of the most powerful remedies we possess for diseases affecting these parts. Two distinctive features are worthy the student's notice. - Cantharides acts chiefly on the Right side of the body; Berberis acts on the Left side. - - Cantharides is characterised by a Burning and Soreness; Berberis by a feeling of Coldness, and sticking or digging pain. Berberis is said to be useful in Hepatic disease; Irritation in- duced by Bilious and Renal Calculi; Bilious and Gastric Fever, 56 - BERBERTS WULGARIS. [BERB. WUL. combined with Rheumatic and Arthritic Affections of the Upper and Lower Limbs. In this respect Berberis resembles Bryonia also in its Fever symptoms. It is best adapted for the Venous Haemor- rhoidal, and persons of a choleric temperament. SYMPTOMS. General languor; Feeling of Weakness and Debility, or almost exhaustion after but little exercise, or standing for some time; Weakness, that almost amounts to fainting, after a walk; Feeling of coldness in various parts of the body; Sensation of Bubbling in various parts. Mind,-Calm; Indifferent; at times Apathetic. - Head.—Giddiness when walking; Feeling of faintness after stooping, and raising the head again; Sensation as if the head had become larger; it felt bloated, or swollen with tension, as though a tight cap were drawn over it, and pulled down at the back of the head; Sticking or Tearing pains in the whole, here and there— first in one part, then in another; Peculiar feeling of coldness in the temporal region; the head-pains are relieved in the open air, but increased by movement. Eyes.—Continual dryness; Itching or biting; Sensation as if there were sand between the Eye and the lids; Bubbling sensa- tion; Dartings in the eye, forehead, and temples. - Ears.-Bubbling stitches in the ear; Pressure, beating, and buzzing in left ear, with feeling of Coldness, not painful; Lancina- tions through the tympanum at intervals, causing one to start, mingled with fine digging stitches, and a sensation as if the ear were too full; Stitches in the Ear. Face.—Striking paleness of the face; Dingy grey colour; Sunken cheeks and eyes, with blue or blackish-grey borders; the countenance has a worn-out expression; Sensation of Coldness, or as if drops of rain were sprinkled over the face when in the open air. Mouth-Dry and sticky; Foul metallic smell from the mouth Red Pimples, or White Blisters on the tongue. Taste.—Bitter, like bile; Long-continuing bitter taste. Eructations.—Empty, with yawning; Nausea and languor; Bilious Eructations, sometimes with warmth and feeling of motion in every part of the body; Pain like Heartburn; Hiccough. F 57 BERB. vul..] . BERBERIS WULGARIS. Stomach.-Sticking pain—frequently returns, but more mildly; Lancinating, Colic pains in Stomach, left Hypochondria, and upper part of Abdomen, increased by inspiration, movement, or contact; Whirling sensation in the region of the stomach. Hepatic Region.—Drawing, tearing, or lancinating pain in left hypochondrium, with a sensation as if something were torn loose; Sticking pains, with pressure in the region of the gall- bladder—not continuous, but frequently returning, and increased by pressure; Burning, stinging, or else violent lancinations in the region of the liver, at the edge of the false ribs—increased by pres- sure; Dull, sticking, stinging, burning, or aching pain for hours on the left side of Umbilicus, increased by deep pressure, and passing into the Splenetic, Hepatic, or Inguinal Region; Whirling sensa- tion in the Umbilical Region. - Inguinal Region.—Aching pain in the glands; Sticking, darting, or oppressive pains in the Inguinal Region; Peculiar sense of coldness at the Abdominal ring; Drawing or sticking pain above Poupart's ligament, extending into the thigh. Stool.—Hard, scanty, like sheep's dung; afterwards easy, soft. Anus.-Sense of fulness; Pressure; Soreness; an itching, burning Haemorrhoid, the size of an acorn, appears for several weeks; Haemorrhoids, with burning pain after a stool. Renal Region.—Bubbling sensation in the region of the kid- neys, or drawing, tearing, pulsative pain; Lancinations, or single dartings; Sensation as if a nail were penetrating the kidney, some- times so sudden and violent as to arrest the breath; Sticking, digging pain, as if ulceration had commenced, aggravated by deep pressure; Pain in the left kidney, darting upwards to the Scapulae; Cutting pain from left kidney down the Ureter into the Bladder. Urine.—Pale, yellowish, with transparent jelly-like deposit; or Turbid flocculent urine, with copious mucous deposit, with white, greyish, or red sediment; Yellow-red crystals form on the vessel; Dark, dingy urine, with copious sediment, and jelly-like mucus; Greenish urine, depositing a little mucus; Blood-red urine—soon becomes turbid, with bright red, bran-like sediment; it retains its red colour. - Bladder, Urethra, &c.—Pains in the spermatic cord; Fre- quently recurring, aching pains in the region of the bladder, either when full or empty; Stitches in the urethra; most of the pains are excited or aggravated by movement. 58 \ BISMUTH. IBIs. Menses.—Very scanty and painful—they do not flow properly, and the blood resembles serum, or greyish mucus; sometimes they intermit one day, with violent pains in the back and loins. - Back.-Feeling of lameness, as if bruised in the small of the back—worse when sitting than walking; Pain frequently recurring, and long-lasting in one or other of the lumbar region, extending to the sides of the abdomen, Hips, or dorsal spine, or into the region of the bladder and kidneys, with a feeling of numbness, lameness, and as if Bruised; Aching, tearing, sticking pains in the loins and kidneys, extending into the pelvis, thighs—even to the calves of the legs. - - Lower Limbs.-Feeling of Coldness, Weariness, Heaviness, or as if bruised; sometimes with lameness and stiffness. BISMUTH, - HAHNEMANN. NITRATE of BIsMLTH. APPEARS to possess some valuable properties for relieving the pains attending Inflammation of the Stomach, or pain after even a small quantity of food. It has been reported to be useful in some cases of Endocarditis. * . SYMPTOMS. Head.—Sensation as if the brain were turning in a circle, several times a day; Pressure and weight in the forehead; also in . the Occiput—worse during motion; Dull, drawing, or cutting pain in the head; Dizziness in the morning; Burning, contractive pain in the forehead, eyes, and root of nose. Tongue.-Coated white; Desire for cold drink. Vomiting.—Nausea and inclination to vomit; Repeated easy vomiting, and with diarrhoea; Vomiting, with oppression; Anxiety; Small pulse, vertigo, and prostration. Stomach.-Oppression, followed by burning; Pressure and burning, with flatulence; Headache; Redness of the eyes; Dimness of sight; Pain and burning, immediately after a meal; - F 2 59 BOR.] - BORAX. with urging to stool. Cramp-like, Colic pains, with wind and loose stool; Burning in the Cardiac region, affecting the breath and speech. Abdomen—Painful, tender, with rumbling; Pinching, pressure, Cough.-Day and night, with much expectoration. Chest.—Aching, stinging at sternum; Tearing stitches at both nipples; Violent beating of the heart; Piercing pains, extending to the back; Faintness and loss of strength; Excessive drowsiness, especially by day; Frequent waking at night. The following symptoms were observed by Hahnemann:—Long- continued dizziness early in the morning; Burning, contractive pain in the head, forehead, and eyes; Constant boring pain, as with a dull instrument, in the forehead, eyes, and nose, even down to the tip; Gums sore and swollen; Pressure in the molar teeth; Bloody taste in the mouth, early morning; Hawking of mucus, that is tinged with blood; Oppression of the chest; Hot, burning contraction of the chest, which made it difficult to breathe or talk; Cough, with expectoration, that disturbed his sleep at night; a kind of boring and burning pain in the chest and back; Tremor of the hands, perceptible when taking a meal. - BORAX, HAHNEMANN. NATRUM BORACICUM. CHIEFLY employed for Aptha and Acne. Noack and Trinks state that it is especially useful for females, children, pregnant and nursing women, those who suffer with Haemorrhoids, Hysteria, with nausea and vomiting; Catarrhal Angina; Mercurial ulcers in the mouth; Catarrh of the Chest; Gastritis; Irregular menses; Haemorrhoids, with slime and blood; Leucorrhoea. - SYMPTOMs. Skin.—Difficult to heal; Disposed to ulcerate; Old wounds suppurate; Small vesicles, with red areola, on the Chest and Neck, Face and Forehead. 60 BOVISTA. e [BOWIS. Head.—Hot in infants; Headache, frontal, especially over the eyes; Congestion at the Occiput, with pulsation. Eyes.—Sore, burning; Inflamed lids; Trichiasis. Ears.-Shooting; Discharge of pus; Stitches; Roaring. Mouth.-Aptha ; also inside the cheeks; Ulcers that bleed. Tongue.—Blistered; Dry, stiff; Spasm of tongue. Palate.—Dry, wrinkled, shrivelled, as if burnt. Eructations.—Flatulence and distention after every meal. Stomach.-Nausea; Vomiting of sour mucus, slime, phlegm; Contractive pain; Stitches; Pressure after a meal. Stool and Anus.-Faeces soft, loose; Green in children; Diarrhoea of slime; Pale or Yellow ; Lumbrici; Varices of Rectum, the size of a goose-quill; Boring, stinging, contraction in Rectum. Menses.—Appeared immediately, very copious, but only lasted one day: Easy conception in five women; and one, after fourteen years, became pregnant. Leucorrhoea.—White, starchy albumen, or like paste. Larynx-Painful; Coughs up mucus, streaked with blood; Dry, hacking cough in children; Cough, with rawness of the throat; Pain in right side; Expectoration of mouldy-tasting matter; Cachectic cough, especially morning; Tickling and roughness in throat. - Chest.—Stitches when breathing; Yawning or coughing; Arrest of breath; Stitch on deep inspiration; Respiration difficult; Cutting pain in the side as from a knife; most comfortable lying on back; Sudden stitches; Pains in the intercostals at one spot (right side); Sensation as if the heart were pressed to the right side; Catarrhal affections in cold, damp weather; Weakness; Loss of strength; Infant grows pale, livid; Withers; Flesh soft, flabby; Anxious cries; Loathes the Breast, BOWISTA. HARTLAUB AND TRINKS. - PUFF-BALL. ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, has a specific action on the skin. Useful in Lichen; Psoriasis; Ptyriasis; Herpes (dry and humid); 61 BOWIS.] BOVISTA. Impetigo; Acne; Ulcers on the lips and fingers; Whitlow ; Toothache, with swelling of the lips; Acute Bronchitis; Organic affections of the Heart. - - - Dr. Teste considers this a very interesting drug, with some very original Symptoms, not replaced by other remedies: he ranks it with Sulphur, and analogous to Iron; states that he has used it successfully for a sort of red crusty eruption on the thighs and bend of the knees, which reappeared with the full-moon. One symptom—viz., an enormous increase in the size of the head—led Petroz to pre- scribe it in a case that Hahnemann had declared to be incurable. Bovista cured this patient. Teste saw its good effects in a case of Hysteria. A lady, forty years of age, had the abdominal symptoms of this drug, with a sort of herpetic redness on the tip of her nose, which remained; but all the other symptoms disappeared very speedily. - - - - I think English physicians have failed to find anything very in- teresting or wonderful in this Bovista; and I certainly feel at a loss to discover the very original Symptoms referred to, unless they are those printed in italics, which I will here set down—“Violent itching of the Skim, increased, rather than diminished, by Scratch- ing, especially when in bed; Psoric eruptions on the hands and feet (“ in one patient’); Distensive headache, as if there were am, abscess in the brain; Sensation as if the head were swelling up to an enormous size—‘comes on at might;' General headache— worse when lying down, increasing even to a loss of sense; Illw- Sions of Sight; Agglwtimation in the morning; Itching in the Ears; Purulent and foetid otorrhoea; Pustules, changing to obsti- nate crusts, whder the nose, with Swelling of the upper lip; Dull pain in the Superior incisors, with pale and considerable Swelling of the wpper lip, and an occasional owtbreak of Sweat, profuse about the head; a sort of torpor of the tongue; Painful Colic, with coldness all over in the morning, on rising; Diar- rhoea in the morning; Pain, as if bruised and weary in the loins, lower abdomen, and thighs, which prevents one from going wp-stairs, before, during, and after the menses; Profuse and strong-smelling 8weat wnder the showlders.” (Query, Axilla?) SYMPTOMS FROM HARTLAUB AND TRINKS. Skin-Itching in various parts—arms (evening); Herpes; 62 BROMINE, [BROM. Moist, scurfy herpes; Red pimples; Miliary, lentil-shaped pimples, aggravated by scratching; a Wart inflames and suppurates; Panaris follows the prick of a needle. Lips.-Scrofulous swelling of the lips; Eruption at the corners of the mouth. Teeth—Digging in hollow teeth; Drawing pain—evening, in bed; Gums swollen, painful, bleed. . Larynx-Dry Cough ; Scraping in throat. Chest—Stitches in chest; Visible pulsations near the clavicle; Itching, with eruption of pimples; Palpitation of the heart visible, with burning of sternum; Giddiness, headache, tremor; Pain in the Back, between the scapula; Glandular swelling in neck; Profuse sweat in Aacilla—odour of Onions; Distensive pain in the head, at 3 A.M., on waking, with perceptible pulsations; abating when 8weat appears—(from Jahr); Headache deep in the brain, with sensation as if the head were larger. I cannot find the symptom, “Enormous increase in the size of the head.” (Query, Erysipelas P) “Distensive headache” is found under Capsicum and other remedies. Z' BROMINE, BEING a very volatile agent, requires the following precaution:— For administration of the pure tincture, carefully remove the drop from a closely-stopped bottle in a small glass tube; quickly insert the tube in a glass of water, and then dilute as may be required. The Curative sphere of Bromine, according to Hering, is chiefly Affections of the Eyes, Chest, Lungs, and Heart. In Inflammation of the Lungs it may rival Phosphorus; Bromine being probably more suitable for the right lung, and Phosphorus the left. Hempel names it for Bronchial Catarrh; Tubercle; Dysentery; Chronic Affection of the Larynx; Furuncular Diathesis; Secondary Syphi- litic Eruptions. Bromine is of considerable value in Diphtheritic Croup—6 to 12. - SYMPTOMS. Eyes.—Darting in the left Eye; Lachrymation in the right; Violent Ophthalmia; Inflammation, dimness; Violent conjunctivitis; Violent inflammation, with suppuration and fever; Eyes protrude; 63 BROM.] * BROMINE. Pupils dilated; Sensitive to bright light; Stitches; Burning in the eyes; Throbbing in left upper lid, extending to eyebrow, fore- head, and temples. - - - Larynx-Cough dry, croupy, obstinate; Spasmodic wheezing; Hoarseness; Hollow cough, with weary feeling; Exhaustion. Chest.—Oppression; Respiration difficult—seems arrested; Con- striction; Dyspnoea after Measles—ten years’ duration (cwred); Rattling breathing, with Cough, and feeling of suffocation; Tight- ness; Aching pain; Feeling of Weakness and Exhaustion; Sharp Stitches in the right breast when walking; Burning in the chest, with inclination to vomit; Congestion. Heart.—Oppression; Anxiety; Palpitation; Violent palpita- tion in the evening—unable to lie on left side; Inflammation; Hypertrophy of the Heart. - * . Useful for Pneumonia, with Hepatisation; Tuberculous ulcera- tions; Phthisis, and Carditis. Scrofulous Swellings on both sides of the neck—cured by In- ternal doses, to twenty drops, and with External application. Goitre improved in thirty days; Swelling of scrotum and testes, with Chronic Gonorrhoea; Menorrhagia; Menses suppressed; Appear with headache. It may relieve painful menstruaton P Boils on the arms and face. Bromine is useful for Pneumonia. - . THE PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY Reveals—Violent inflammation of the mucous membranes of the fauces, covered with coagulable lymph; Inflammation of the Stomach; Mucous coat shrivelled, or studded with black pigment; Ulcerations of a grey-ash colour; Gangrenous ulcers; Hyper- trophied mucous glands at fundus and pylorus; Coagula of blood. Intestimes inflamed more or less; Vessels red, injected, like a net- work; especially the small intestines; Mesenteric glands enlarged and indurated; Adhesions between the convolutions. Diaphragm, Liver, Spleen, inflamed, Congested. Laryma, Trachea, and Bronchi, inflamed, streaked, dark-red, or blackish. Lungs—Con- gestion, especially of the lower lobes; Incipient hepatisation; Pneumonia; Tubercles; Purulent. Heart hard, inflamed, dark colour; Filled with black blood; Brown blood filled the right cavity, which is much distended; Weins turgid, 64 . - BRYONLA ALBA. - [BRY. BRYONIA ALBA. HAHNEMANN. WHITE BRYONY. HAHNEMANN states, that “many of the effects of Bryonia are analogous to those of Rhus Tox. Bryonia, however, affects the mind differently. [Hahnemann lays great stress on the mental effects of medicine.] The Fever of Bryonia is mostly composed of the cold stage, and the symptoms chiefly excited or aggravated by motion, although the secondary effects of relieving by motion are Somewhat frequent. Bryonia does not always produce the desired effect with the first dose. Camphor is the best antidote.” From the experience of Noack and Trinks, it is especially suitable for persons of a Bilious, Irritable temperament; dark complexion; brown or black hair; disposed to irritation of the skin. Its power appears to lie intermediate between inflammation and nervous irritation, acting on the peripheral nerves and capillary vessels, the Stomach, Intestines, Liver, and serous membranes. Hempel states, that Bryonia, when injected into the cavity of the pleura, causes effusion of fibrin. According to Teste, it is suitable for persons of a robust constitution, used to rich living—eaters of meat, whose blood is rich, flesh firm and resisting, where the muscular fibre prevails, rather than the adipose tissue. Bryonia seems to have an especial action on Muscular fibre, and is proved, every day, to be a remedy of immense value. It will be demanded in most of the following conditions:—Serous Effusions; Catarrhal and Rheu- matic affections, especially during cold, dry weather, with sharp wind; Rheumatic, bilious, and nervous states combined; Acute and Chronic inflammation of single organs; Acute and Chronic Bronchitis; Inflammation of the Lung and Pleura, especially with painful stitches (first giving Aconite); Chronic Cough, morning and evening, with scanty expectoration; Asthma; Shooting pains, of rather a violent character, in the intercostals; Rheumatism of the Joints; Bilious affections, with vomiting of Bile; Jaundice; Gastritis, especially in Rheumatic subjects; Violent Headache; Constipation; Dropsy, after Scarlet Fever (also Ars. Dig.) Fevers of the Sthenic Type, with torpidity of vital reaction; Typhoid; Typhus; Gastric; Mucous; Bilious, intermittent; Rheu- matic Fever; Puerperal and Milk Fevers; Spontaneous dislocation; 65 BRY.] BRYONLA Aina. Repercussion of Eruption in Exanthema; Diseases of the Skin; Erysipelas; Psoriasis; Squamous, Papulous, Vesicular, and Pus- tular varieties; Phlegmonous inflammation of the foot; CEdema of the feet; the Mental condition is gloomy, depressed, or exces- sively irritable—the latter very characteristic. SYMPTOMS. Pains in the limbs, as if Bruised, when lying down; worse when sitting than walking; the whole body aches when touched, as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; he cannot bear to keep the affected limb still—he must move it to-and-fro; the affected part sweats during rest; Pale, tense, hot swelling; Red, elevated rash over the whole body; Small spots like nettle-rash; Red, round rash spots, the size of lentils. Mind.—Irritable; Low-spirited; Anxious; Fear of recovery; Dread of the future; Peevish ; Restless; Wehement; Constant crying and irritability, especially in Boys. - Head.—Wertigo when rising from the chair; Vertigo, lasting the whole day, as if intoxicated; Staggering; Great weight in the Head—felt heavy, like a hundred-weight; Pressure of the Brain, forward; Early in the morning, on awaking, the head aches, and he feels gloomy; Rush of blood to the head; Sense of compression from ear to ear; Headache when stooping, as if the contents would issue through the forehead; Pain in both temples, from within outwards; Lancinations through the head; Darting pains from malar bone to temple; Throbbing in the head; Chirping like grasshoppers; Stupid feeling in the head, with marked forgetful- ness; Violent heat; Headache after a meal; Headache, Setting in early in the morning. - Scalp.–Sore to touch; Sweating; Greasy Hair. Eyes.—Pressure as from sand or smoke, early in the morning; Ophthalmia of infants; Redness and inflammation of the lids; Swelling and agglutination. : - Ears.-Sense of obstruction; Humming; Buzzing; Intolerance of noise. - - Nose.—Swelling of the nose—feels as if ulcerated, especially the nostrils; Epistaxis early in the morning, every day, and during suppressed menses; Fluent Coryza; Dry crusts in the nose. Face—Pale; Yellowish or livid; Heat in face, with burning 66 BRYONIA ALBA. IBRY. redness of the Cheeks; Bloated; Red; Soft; Hot; Swelling of the face; the skin being tense, considerable swelling of the upper half of the face, below the eyes; Swelling of the eyelid; he was unable to open the left eye for four days; Hard blotches on the face. Lips.-Chapped; Swollen, ulcerated patches; Dry lips; Erup- tion on the vermilion border. - - Teeth.--Darting lancinations towards the ear; it compelled her to lie down; Darting toothache in the evening, when in bed; Toothache, induced by warm fluid in the mouth; Toothache aggra- wated by warmth; the teeth feel painful, sore, loose; Sense of elon- gation; Gums sore, spongy, raw. Throat.—Dry; Sore, with difficult deglutition; Pressure and choking in the CEsophagus; Painful constriction in the CEsophagus; Pain in throat, with rheumatic stiffness of the neck; Stinging in the throat; Dry, raw feeling; Parched throat that prevents clear speaking. - - Mouth.-Dry, with or without thirst ; Frothy, soap-like saliva. Tongue.—Coated; Yellow, white, or dark, rough tongue; Dry; Burning vesicles on the edge of the tongue. Taste.—Insipid, flat, sweetish, or putrid, particularly in the morning; or bitter taste before breakfast; the food has lost all taste; Thirst violent—also after drinking beer. Appetite.—Lost; Aversion to food, with empty stomach; Loss of appetite after the first mouthful. Eructations.—After every meal; Empty; Bitter or sour. Womiting.—Inclination to vomit, after eating food with a relish; Empty retching, with waterbrash; Womiting of bitter water; also of food; Bile or Blood. - Stomach-Pressure, particularly after eating; Contractive pain; Darting at the pit during movement; he cannot bear the least pressure at the pit; Sensation of swelling; Burning during motion; Spasms; Inflammation. Hypochondria–Hard swelling, and around umbilicus; Ten- sion, burning, stinging, on contact, coughing, or during inspira- tion; Pain in the liver, extending to stomach and back, early in the morning, and after a meal; Inflammation of the Liver; Stitches in the Spleen; Affections of the Diaphragm. r Abdomen.—Useful in affections of the Abdomen from seden- tary habits; Spasmodic pains after dinner; Chronic Colic, with 67 BRY) BRYONLA ALBA. waterbrash; Ascites; Cutting stitches in Abdomen, and pains, especially about the Umbilicus; Colic of the pregnant. Stool-Constipation—even chronic constipation; Faeces hard, tough, dry, or large, and passed with much straining. Very valuable in habitual constipation. Urine.—Scanty; Hot; Red or Brown. - Menses.—Suppressed, with tearing pains in the limbs; Con- gestion of Blood to the Uterus; Metrorrhagia of dark-red blood, with headache and pain in back; Puerperal Fever; Induration of the Breast; Milk Fever. In Infants—Constipation; Ophthalmia; Rash on the skin r Larynx,−Voice rough, hoarse, with sweating; Dry cough, sometimes in fits; Violent cough early in the morning ; Sensation as if the head and chest would fly in pieces; Scraping, painful cough; Cough, with Headache, or stitches in the side; Spasmodic cough after eating or drinking, or at midnight; Acute and Chronic Bronchitis of children and old persons. Respiration.—Attack of Pleurisy, with oppression for twelve hours; Breathing short, laboured, quick, anxious, with sharp stitches in the chest; Expiration hurried; Sobbing respiration; Asthma. Chest—Oppression, with desire to take a deep breath—some- times at night; Pressure and heaviness in the chest; Stitches during inspiration; Constriction and tension; Heat; Burning; Considerable swelling; Pricking from within outward, during expiration; Rheumatism of the muscles. Heart.—Oppression and Palpitation several days in succession. Neck-Painful stiffness of the nape, as from a cold ; Sense of weakness in the neck; Red rash on the neck, with itching. - Back—Pressure and Spasmodic pains between the scapulae; Drawing pain down the back when sitting—relieved by motion; Painful stiffness in the back, not allowing him to walk straight; Painful darting, jerking, on both sides of the Spine; Tearing pain in the back and Lumbar Vertebrae; Burning pain in back and between the scapula. - Upper Limbs-Burning pain, weariness; Pain in the shoulder- joint, as if sprained; Shining red, rheumatic swelling of the arm and joint; also the elbow; Red rash on the fore-arm; Pain in the wrist, as if sprained. - - Hands.-Weakness of the hands; Trembling, with distention 68 ... • BRYONIA ALBA. IBRY. of the Weins; Inflammation of the dorsum, with burning swelling of the hands; Lameness of the fingers, and swelling of the joints. Lower Limbs.-Stitching pains in the hip, as from knives; Weakness, and want of firmness, in the thighs and legs; Lameness and drawing pains, with sweat, and intolerance of touch or movement. - Knees.—Rheumatic, shining-red swelling; Tearing pains; Ten- sion; Painful stiffness; Weakness of the knees and legs when beginning to walk; Pain and tension in the calf; Swelling of the legs—also without redness. - Feet—Stitches in the feet; Hot, inflammatory swelling of the feet, with redness, pain, and tenderness; Arthritic swelling of the feet; Rheumatic Gout. Fever.—Headache, followed by chilliness—then Heat in the head and face; Dry heat, with thirst; Sweats at night or towards morning; Critical sweats; Pulse quick, soft; Throbbing in all the vessels. Useful in intermittent fever—also of children; Inflammatory fever, with nervous and vascular irritation; Gastric, Bilious, and Typhoid Conditions. Skin-Yellow colour, as in jaundice; Stinging in the skin, as from nettles; Vesicles, that burst and scale off; Sudamina; Ery- sipelas of the joints; Dropsical conditions either pale or hot and red; Hard knots in various parts; Arthritic nodes. It is somewhat remarkable that two such valuable remedies as Bryonia and Rhus Tox, should have been so long omitted from the practice of the dominant school. They are certainly invaluable to the Homoeopathic practitioner in the treatment of Rhewmatic Affections, Plewrisy, Dropsy, and Inflammation of the Joints, with many other diseases prevalent in this country. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Stomach—Outer coat intensely red; Internal mucous lining vividly red, dotted with blackish spots here and there; no ulcera- tion, but cherry-red throughout. Dwodenwm, inflamed at com- mencement. Large intestine considerably inflamed; Lining of the rectum cherry-brown. Lungs slightly red, containing fluid blood. Heart distended with blood, partly fluid, partly coagulated. 69 CACT.] CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS, RUBINI. NIGHT-BLOWING CEREUS. THIS remedy has been introduced by Dr. Rubini, of Naples; who states that, for twenty years past, he has used it with success in Disease of the Heart, and some other affections. . The following description of the plant is from Dr. Carpenter's Vegetable Physiology and Botany:—“One of the most splendid species is the Cereus Grandiflorus, or Night-blowing Cereus, the blossoms of which begin to expand about six or seven o’clock in the evening, and are fully blown about midnight; but by three or four in the morning they are quite decayed. During its short continuance, however, there is scarcely any flower of greater known beauty. The perianth, when open, measures nearly a foot in diameter; the outer leaflets are of a dark-brown colour; the inner ones of a splendid yellow, gradually shading, towards the centre of the flower, into a pure and brilliant white. When several of these magnificent flowers are open at once, upon a single plant, they seem like stars shining out in all their lustre—verify- ing the poet's declaration, that— “‘Darkness shows us worlds of light We never see by day.” “Besides possessing beauty for the eye, these flowers are delight- fully fragrant, and fill the air with odours for a considerable distance.” . * From Dr. Rubini's communication in the British Journal of Homoeopathy, we learn that its special action, as a medicine, is developed on the heart and larger blood-vessels, dissipating con- gestion, and removing irritability. It does not cause nervous depression, like Aconite; hence it is preferable for patients of a lymphatic and nervous temperament. It is a specific for organic disease of the Heart; the dose required being from one to ten drops of the matrix tincture in a little water, and taken at inter- vals during the day. In Nervous Affections of the Heart, the 6th, 30th, and 100th dilutions are efficacious. And it may be * For the original proving, see the British Journal of Homoeopathy; No. 90; Oct., 1864. 70 CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. [CACT. relied on also for Sanguineous Congestions in plethoric persons; consequences of catching cold, either from suppressed perspiration or a draught of air; Inflammations of various kinds; Rheumatic inflammation, with swelling; Fevers—Catarrhal, Inflammatory, Rheumatic, and Gastric; Cerebral Congestion; Rheumatic, pulsating headache; Apoplexy; Epistaxis; Rheumatic Ophthalmia and Otitis; Rheumatism of the Heart and Chest; Hypertrophy; Aneurism; Organic and Nervous Palpitation; Bronchitis; Pleu- ritis; Peripneumonia; Pneumorrhagia; Congestion; Hepatisation of the lungs; Congestive Asthma; Oppressed breathing; Catarrhal cough; Tuberculosis (first stage); Haematemesis; Hepatitis; Con- stipation; Haemorrhoids; Painful Menstruation; Haematuria; Strangury; Paralysis of the bladder; Dry, scaly herpes on the elbows and ankles. SYMPTOMS. Face.—Discoloured and emaciated; Red, inflamed, as if he had stood before a strong fire—causing a feeling of suffocation, with great heat in the head, almost to madness. Head.—Vertigo; Feeling of emptiness; Intolerable pain from congestion; Pain as from a heavyweight on the vertex; Pain in the head, with prostration and weariness; Excessive pain, with sense of suffocation—cannot rest in bed; Pulsating pain, with weight (right hemisphere), lasting day and night—very severe; Severe pain compels him to lift his head from the pillow several nights; Violent pain (right), increased by persons talking, and a strong light; Heavy pain in forehead, lasting day and night for two days; Pulsating pain in the temples—intolerable at night; Constant pulsation in temples and ears, inducing hypochondriasis; Violent pulsation in temples, as if the skull would burst. Eyes.—Momentary dazzling of sight; Circles of red light, which obscures the sight; Dimness of sight—he is unable to recognise a friend at a few paces; Objects appear clouded; Dim sight for many days; Weakness of vision, recurring periodically; Rheumatic Ophthalmia, from cold air—soon passed off. º Nose.—Dry coryza at night; breathed with open mouth; Pro- fuse Epistaxis, which soon ceased. * Ears.-Pulsation constant, day and night; Noise like the rushing of a river—continued all night; Hearing diminished from 71 GACT, CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. noises in the ears; Painful stitches from checked perspiration— cured in four days. - • * * Throat.—Constriction in the throat, hindering free speech; Voice low and hoarse. - - Chest and Respiration.—Oppression in left subclavian re- gion, as from a weight, preventing free dilation of the thorax; Oppression, with loss of breath; Sensation as if a heavy weight were on the chest; Chronic oppression of the breathing—worse in the open air; Dyspnoea; Constant oppression, with anxiety, as if the chest were constricted by an iron hoop, and could not dilate sufficiently for normal respiration; Congestive Asthma; Attacks of suffocation, with faintness, cold sweat on the face, and loss of pulse; Constriction in the upper part of the chest, impeding respi- ration; Sense of constriction, as from an iron hoop, at mid sternum, affecting respiration—aggravated by motion; Constriction in lower part of chest, as if a cord were tightly tied round the false ribs, obstructing breathing; Sensation as if some one were pressing him tightly: he cried out, “Leave me alone.” Sense of constriction in the shoulders—he could not move; Sharp, wandering pains in the thoracic cavity, very troublesome, especially in the scapular region; Painful drawing. in the muscles, left chest, and shoulder-joint, impeding respiration and free motion of the arm. Heart.—Sensation in the cardiac region, as if a reptile were moving about inside—worse by day; Sense of constriction, as if an iron hand prevented the ordinary movements of the heart; Heavy, dull pain, increased by pressure; Acute pain, impeding respiration, and motion of the body; Acute, painful stitches that caused him to weep and cry out aloud, with obstructed respiration; Palpita- - tion of the Heart; constant day and night—worse when walking, and at night, when lying on the left side; Nervous palpitation, augmented on the appearance of the menses; Nervous palpitation induced by mental exertion—calmed immediately; Nervous palpi- tation existing several years, through an unfortunate love, was rapidly relieved; Chronic palpitation in a youth, aged twelve: after some years of treatment, almost cured. Cough.-Obstinate stertorous cough—worse at night; Catarrhal cough, with viscid expectoration; Convulsive cough, with copious sputa; also thick, yellow sputa, of the thickness of boiled starch; Dry cough, with itching in the larynx; Pricking in throat; Con- striction in throat; Constriction in CEsophagus. . . 72 - CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. ICAGT. - Stomach-Sensation of burning; Constriction at scrobiculus; Strong pulsation at Scrobiculus; Constant pulsation; Pulsation of the coeliac artery after dinner—lasted three hours; Sense of great weight, and heaviness in the stomach; Sense of oppression and weight; Slow digestion—the food rises after eight or ten hours; Copious vomiting of blood; Severe Gastro-Enteritis—cured in five days; Hepatitis in two days; Hepatic engorgement speedily removed. Abdomen—Sensation as if a serpent were twisting about inside; Violent pain in the bowels, almost causing him to faint; Wandering pain at umbilicus; Burning heat in abdomen; the abdominal parietes feel much hotter to the hand than other parts of the body. Stool.—Constipation first six days; Hard, black stool after two days’ constipation, followed by bilious stools; Morning Diarrhoea, four or five per diem, preceded by pain; Morning Diarrhoea—eight stools from six to twelve, preceded by great pain; Watery Diarrhoea—abundant ; Mucous Diarrhoea. Anus.—Sense of weight; Desire to evacuate; Painful swollen varices; Itching; Smarting ; Pricking, as with sharp pins; Copious Haemorrhage—soon ceased. - Urine.—Involuntary escape of urine in bed (first night); Very copious—straw-colour; Frequent desire to pass urine, with profuse flow at night (first six days); Great desire to pass urine by day, but is unable to do so; it seemed as if the neck of the bladder were constricted; he succeeds after much straining; Urine reddish, turbid; Deposits, red sand. |Urethra.-Heat and Irritation—becomes insupportable. Bladder.—Frightful haematuria, from haemorrhoidal congestion; Paralysis of the bladder; Retention of urine; the catheter broke through the clots with difficulty; the clots passed through with the urine, after forty-seven days’ trial of other remedies. A few days completed the cure. Menses.—Painful menstruation, with great prostration; Horrible pains, that cause her to cry out and weep; Menstruation generally painful; appears this time without any pain, and very copious; Menses eight days too soon; Menses of black pitchy blood. Uterus.-Constriction in uterine region, ascending to the stomach; Pains in the uterus and ligaments every evening; G 73 CACT.] CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Pulsations in the ovaries, as if a tumour were forming, and about to suppurate; the pain extends to the thighs, and becomes insup- portable; it occurs at the same time for many days in succession. Upper Limbs.-Formication and weight in the Arms; Dry scaly herpes on right elbow; eighteen days later, on left; GEdema of the hands (left wrist). - Lower Limbs.-CEdema of the legs, up to the knees; Skin shining; Pits under pressure of the finger; Dry scaly herpes about the ankles; Left and right internal malleolus. OTHER SYMPTOMS. General weakness; he seems unable to walk across the room— continued for many successive days; Great prostration; he does not feel able to use his legs, and is compelled to remain in Bed; Depression and languor all day; Coldness at night; Rigors that last three hours; afterwards, burning heat, with Suffocation and restlessness; Burning heat at night, with pain in head; Dyspnoea; Inability to retain the recumbent posture; Copious sweat; Intermittent Quotidian Fever. After taking the Cactus, pulsa- tion was restored at the wrist, which could not be felt before, for several days, in a case of Hypertrophy of the heart. CASES. 1.—Acute Carditis, with slight cyanosis of the face ; Dyspnoea; Dry cough ; Sharp pain at heart—unable to lie on left side ; Pulse quick and hard. Cured in four days. - - - 2.—Chronic Carditis, with oedema and cyanosis of face; Suffocating respi- ration; Constant dull pain at Heart; Hydro-pericarditis; Hydrothorax ; Ascites; OEdema of hands, legs, and feet. Cured in fifteen days. - 3.—Hypertrophy of Heart—three years’ duration ; Patient pulseless, pros- trate, short-breathed—cannot lie down nor sleep ; Feet oadematous; is soon relieved ; sleeps quietly for twelve hours. 4.—Bronchitis rapidly cured. Chronic Bronchitis, with mucous ràle, becomes acute from a chill, with great anxiety and suffocation—is rapidly relieved. 5.—Chronic Bronchitis, of many years' duration; Short breath on going up stairs; unable to assume the horizontal position—rapidly cured. Many Pleurisies cured in from two to four days. 6.—Hepatisation of the lungs resolved in a few days. - 7.—Severe Peripneumonia ; Acute stitches; Dyspnoea; Cough ; Sputa, with blood; Pulse 120–hard. Cured in four days. 8.—Haemoptysis soon ceases. 9.–Frightful Pneumorrhagia arrested in a few hours; Pneumorrhagia, occurring every four, six, or eight hours, with convulsive cough, and loss of two or three pounds of blood, soon diminishes, and ceases in four days. e 74 CALCAREA CARBONICA. [CAL, CAB. CALCAREA CARBONICA, HAHNEMANN. CARBONATE OF LIME. THIS remedy is considered to be especially suited for the diseases of children. It is, however, probable that a difference of opinion may exist, among Homoeopathic practitioners, respecting its value, and application as a medicine. Hempel, in his New Materia. Medica, has afforded but small space to it; and seems to regard it as but of little use, except for Scrofulous Ophthalmia, and vomiting of milk in infants. HAHNEMANN has left an extensive proving, which certainly should demand some amount of attention. He states that Calc. is in- dispensable, and curative, when the menses appear a few days too early, and the flow profuse. That the dose for very young children may be frequently repeated, but not so with adults: for them, a suitable intermediate remedy should be employed. From the observation of Noack, Trinks, and others, we are informed that Calc. is suitable for Scrofulous and Rickety children: for the frail and impoverished, who, in early life, were stout and fat, but now suffer from muscular weakness. For females suffering from irregular menstruation; Leucorrhoea; Nervous irritability; Hysteria; Fancied disease; Hypochondria; Despondency, and easily provoked to anger. For children, during difficult dentition; for softening of the bones; Acidity of the stomach; Enlarged Mesenteric Glands; Ascarides; Chronic Eruptions; Scrofulous Ulcers; Indurated glands; Slow closing of the fontanelles; Late in learning to walk; Atrophy of the whole body; Tubercular Phthisis; Night-sweats. Dr. Teste informs us, “that it is especially suitable to Blonde, fat children, in whom the process of ossification takes place with difficulty: for adults, of both sexes, with fair complexion, disposed to sub-acute catarrhal affections, and Chronic Rheumatism : Females with fair, white skin, mild disposition, menses early and profuse; subject. to flushes of heat in the face, and redness of the nose: for aged persons, with yellow complexion, who formerly had been subject to tetters, are peevish, and now suffer from Neuralgia, or Gout.” It will be found valuable in Chronic Gastritis, Haemorrhoidal affections, and many chronic diseases, especially in alternation with Sulphur. G 2 75 CAL. GAR.] CALCAREA CARBONICA. SYMPTOMS. Calcarea produces a feeling of tension over the whole body; Slight twitchings of the muscles; Twitching movements of the right thigh, left shoulder, and arm; Drawing, tearing pains in the limbs; Burning in the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet; Congestion of blood to the head and chest; also with Discharge of blood from the rectum; Attacks of General exhaustion; Anxious trembling; Depression, with pale face, coldness of the hands and feet, and palpitation of the heart; Attacks of fainting, with drops of sweat on the face; Weariness of the limbs; Easily tired after but little exertion; Weakness in the knees, especially when going up- stairs; Great sensitiveness to cold evening air; Liability to take cold. & Mind and Spirits.-Low, Melancholy; Desire to weep; Feels as if some misfortune must occur; Sad, desponding, despairing, sulky, peevish; Frequent attacks of irritability. Head.—Feeling of dulness; Congestion of Blood; Vertigo, on ascending an eminence; also in the evening, when out walking; Throbbing in the middle of the brain every morning; Icy coldness on the right side of the head. Scalp.–Small, painless tumours; Sweat; Falling-off of the Hair; Moist Impetigo. - Eyes.—Wessels congested; Stitches; Pressure, as from a grain of sand; Itching; Deep-seated pain in right orbit, as if the eye- ball would be crushed; Sight obscured when reading, as by gauze; Muscae Volitantes; Agglutination of the lids. Ears.-Pulsation, beating, ringing, buzzing; Hearing dull; Dis- charge of Pus. Nose.—Stoppage of the nostrils; Sore pimples; Bleeding; Foetid smell. Face.—Yellow, itching pimples, and in the beard; Rough, dry scurf. - - Lips.-Chapped; Upper swollen; Eruption around the mouth; Sub-maxillary Glands swollen and hard. Teeth.-Tender to touch; Sensitive to cold air; Gums swollen; Bleed. Tongue.-Blistered, sore; Difficult to move; Swollen. Throat.—Sore; much phlegm; Tonsils swollen. Taste.—Flat, not salt enough; Bitter; Sour—of ink; Thirsty. 76 - caloakra phosphonica. [GAL. CAR. Appetite.—Lost, or ravenous; Hunger just after a meal; Aver- sion to boiled food, meat, milk; Potatoes disagree; after a meal, rush of blood to the head; Palpitation; Eructations bitter or sour. Stomach-Pressure; Spasms; Abdomen distended,hard, swollen. Stools.-Hard, scanty; White, clay-like; Diarrhoea—yellow, sour, foetid. Rectum.—Haemorrhoids; Prolapsus; Pressure at Anus; Itch- ing; Ascarides. Urine.-Frequent at night; Burning in Urethra. Menses.—Early, copious, with headache and flushes in face; Metrorrhagia. Leucorrhoea.—Milky, passing in gushes. Cough.--All night, or morning only; Dry; Sputa yellow, or foetid; also with blood. Chest.—Oppression; Shortness of breath; Tightness, fulness; Stitches in the side during motion; Soreness; Excoriated feeling during inspiration and motion; Stitches about the Cardiac region; Palpitation at night; Swelling of the breasts. Neck-Stiffness at nape; Swelling of cervical glands; Pain in the small of the Back, as from a strain after lifting a weight. Arms.-Drawing pain in right arm; Pain at wrist, as if sprained; Fingers, numb—feeling lost; Sweat in the palms. Lower Limbs.-Heavy, weak, weary; Varices in the thighs; Cramps and stitches in the calf; Burning in the soles; Ulcers on the legs; Stitches in Corns. Skin-Itching vesicles; Elevations, the size of a Pea; Herpes; Boils; several small warts; Ulcers, carious or fistulous; Rhagades; Polypus? The skin, generally (especially of the feet), is tender and painful. - According to Hahnemann, Calc. is most useful with Nitric Acid ; also with Sulphur, especially if the pupils are prone to be dilated. CAL CAREA PHOSPHORICA. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. CHIEFLY advised for Rheumatic pains in the shoulder and arm 3. Swelling of the arm; Lame feeling; Pains in the joints of the 77 GAMPI CAMPHORA. hands and fingers; Acne Rosacea; Vesicles filled with yellow serum or pus; Ulcers; Caries of the bones. . - ... . . ." SYMPTOMS. The arms go to sleep—feel lame, and painful; the joint of the thumb is particularly painful. (It is recommended for every kind of Rheumatism.) Pains in the muscles and joints; the heat of a room is intolerable: Violent pains in the stomach, with debility, headache, and Diarrhoea; Colic, with much flatus; Foetid Diar- rhoea; Weakness of the Sexual powers; Red pimples on the face, that sting when touched. - GAMPHORA, HAHNEMANN. - CAMPHOR. STANDS next to Bromine as a volatile agent; but will again deposit on the sides of the bottle, in brilliant crystals: its odour is more tolerable than that of Bromine, and better adapted for olfac- tion; very soluble in Alcohol. If triturated with milk, one-eighth of its weight will dissolve, and not react with water: this is a good form of administration for a large dose. Small doses exhilarate, allay pain, and induce perspiration. Large doses—Giddiness, Drowsiness, Stupor, Delirium, Convulsions. Hahnemann writes— “The action of this substance on the healthy body is extremely problematic, and difficult to define; for this reason—that the pri- mary action alternates too suddenly, and is thus easily confounded with the reaction of the vital principle, which makes it difficult to distinguish between this reaction, and the secondary effects of the Camphor.” Opium is the chief antidote. Camphor neutralises the effects of many (indeed most) vegetable drugs, and some mineral and metallic medicines; also Cantharides. One grain of Camphor in eight drops of Alcohol, unites with one ounce of water, when shaken. It may be used as a palliative, and be very frequently repeated, when so prepared. Dr. Gray has given one or 78 CAMPHORA. ICAMP. two drops every three minutes, in a threatened epileptic attack, with good effect. Olfaction will sometimes suffice. Noack and Trinks state that it is especially suitable when ner- vous sensibility is diminished or suspended, or a state of collapse and stasis is threatened. It tends to excite and restore the depressed vitality; sinking of the vital powers. It proves useful in the early stage of Catarrh, Fever, and Diarrhoea; Asiatic Cholera during the cold stage, and while the body retains its natural colour; Influenza, with spasms in the Chest; Stitches; Sighing and moaning; Loss of sexual power; Headache, from wet feet, and taking cold during sudden changes of weather; also Epilepsy; Hysteria; Asthma of Millar; Asphyxia. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Giddy, as if intoxicated; Staggering; Dull, heaviness; Throbbing in forehead; Congestion; Sun-stroke; Headache, as if the brain were constricted; Head drawn sideways, or thrown back- ward (in a convulsive fit). - Face.—Pale, cold; Spasms of facial muscles; Cold sweat. Eyes.—Inflamed; Staring, or contracted pupils; Balls turned upwards. is Mouth.-Foam; Accumulation of saliva—slimy. Gastric.—Empty eructations; Nausea; Inclined to vomit, with short attacks of vertigo; Bitter taste; Thirst. Stomach.-Burning sensation; Violent pressure; Spasms; Bruise-like pain; Cholera, with cramps in the calves; Cold body. (Verat. 7) Chest—Oppression ; Constriction ; Sense of suffocation ; Spasms; Stitches; Breathing deep, slow, almost stopped; Suffoca- tive Catarrh ; Cold sweats. Limbs.-Convulsive movements of the arms; Difficult move- ments of the lower extremities; Cracking of all the joints on movement; Cramps in the calves of the legs and dorsum of the feet. Most of the Camphor-pains are excited during motion. Camphor is said to be best adapted for persons of a rheumatic, catarrhal constitution; the phlegmatic and melancholy—subject to coldness of the extremities, slow respiration and pulse. The suit- able remedy should be exhibited when Camphor has restored the vital energies. º 79 CANN.] CANNABIS SATTWA. CANNABIs SATIVA. HAHNEMANN. HEMP. CANNABIs is chiefly prescribed for Affections of the Urinary Or- gans; Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Cataract; Specks on the Cornea; Ulcers; Vision obscured; Pneumonia, induced by violent exercise, with aching, rather than the stitching pain; Cough, with tough, green expectoration; Palpitation of the heart; Bleeding from the nose; Gonorrhoea—second stage; Nephritis; Cystitis; Urethritis. SYMPTOMS. Superficial pinchings, as if the flesh were seized with the fingers; Prickings, as with a thousand needles over the whole body, at night when in bed and getting into a perspiration, with anguish and a sensation as if hot water were repeatedly thrown over him. Sudden weakness of the lower limbs; Dull pain in the knees; Weariness, after but little exercise. Head.—Agreeable warmth in the brain, or with rush of blood to the head; Pressure in the temples; Compression, or constriction, chiefly in the temples and orbital ridge; Throbbing, from within outwards, under the left frontal eminence; Cold sensation at a small spot in the parietal bone, as from a drop of cold water; Con- tinual pain on the top of the head, as if a stone were pressing upon it. - - Eyes.--Feeling of weakness in the Eyes and Sight; Objects, near or distant, appear indistinct; Pressure, from within outwards, in the back part of the eyes; Sensation of spasmodic drawing; Alternate contraction and dilatation of the pupils; Opacity of the Cornea; Specks and pellicle on the Cornea; Cataract; Scrofulous Ophthalmia. For affections of the Eyes, the higher potencies are generally found the best. º Nose.--Bleeding from the mose, even wrºto fainting; Dryness of the nose; Swelling of the wing; Acne Rosacea. Ears.-Roaring in the Ears; Sensation as if a pellicle were stretched across; Throbbing in the Ear; Pain, as if a blunt point were thrust behind the ear, - - 80 - CANNABIS SATIVA. [CANN. Mouth.-Dryness; Burning dryness, without thirst; Speech difficult; indistinct. Taste—Eructations.—Gulping of a bitter, sour fluid, rising as from acidity in the stomach, or tasteless water; Retching; Nausea; Vomiting of slime, or Green bile. Stomach.-Pain at pit, with oppressed breathing; Palpitation and rising of warmth in the throat; Cutting pain at pit; Burning, painful stitches; Cardialgia; Strong throbbing in the Epigastrium; Beating, as with a small hammer, from within outwards, under the left false ribs, towards the back; Drawing pain in renal region, to the inguinal glands, with anxiety and sick feeling; Ulcerated pain in the kidneys. - Abdomen.—All the intestines are painful, as if bruised; Shud- dering, as if cold water were passing through the abdomen; Pain- ful jerkings in the abdomen, as if there were something alive; Intensely painful pushes above the left groin; Pressing from within outwards in the abdominal ring, with pain of ulceration; Colic, with Diarrhoea, and smarting excoriation at the anus. Stool.—Complete obstruction; Pressing in back and rectum, as if the intestines were descending and being pressed out; Sensa- tion as if something cold were dropping from the anus. Urine.—Desire to urinate, with aching pains; Difficult urina- tion from Paralysis of the Bladder; Urine white, turbid, full of filaments, or like pus—too thick to pass the eye of a catheter; Chronic retention of urine; Strangury at night; Discharge of bloody urine; Enuresis; Desire at short intervals; the stream is scattered. Urethra.-Pain at orifice during micturition; Burning, smart- ing; Simple, violent burning; Burning during and after urinating; Stinging, smarting; Desire to urinate when all has passed; Dart- ing stitches in the posterior part of the urethra; Discharge of a clear mucus (prostatic P); Discharge of mucus without pain; the urethra feels inflamed throughout the whole canal; Suppressed Gonorrhoea; Secondary Gonorrhoea, after Acon. or Apis. Genital.—Coldness of the parts; Swelling of the penis; Pre- puce dark-red, hot; when walking the penis feels sore, as if burnt; Pains in the spermatic cord and testes; Enlarged Prostate; Pain- ful Chordee. , Chest.—Chronic catarrh; Respiration difficult; Asthma; In- flammation of the chest and lungs, six or seven times in succes- 81 CANTH.] ‘. CANTHARIS. sion; Inflammation of the lungs, with vomiting of a green bilious substance; Pneumonia, with delirium, and tensive, aching pains. (In conjunction with Aconite.) - - . Heart.—Tensive dulness in the region of the heart, with palpi- tation and anxiety; Violent shocks in the region of the heart; Palpitation; the beats of the heart are felt lower down than normal; Pain in the region of the heart; Polypus of the heart? Back-Aching; Painful stinging in the dorsal vertebrae, with darting into the loins, or the scapula; Pain as from pincers in the middle of the back, frequently arresting the breath; Burning under the right scapula. . . Extremities.—Crampy feeling in the hands and fingers; Lameness when grasping; Cramps in the thighs, calves, and bend of the knees; Painful, sharp prickings in the muscles of the thighs; Motor power of the legs and thighs impaired; Violent pains in the tendo achillis. CANTHARIS HARTLAUB AND TRINKS. SPANISH FLY. THE preparation for Homoeopathic use should be made in the month of May, when the flies are in a healthy and vigorous condition. The effect of Cantharides to produce Vesication is well known; but its powers as a Homoeopathic remedy are somewhat novel. It has, at present, upwards of 900 recorded symptoms, nearly 200 of which bear relation to the Urinary and Genital Organs. The dominant school' teach Cantharis to be a vesicant; diuretic ; em- menagogue; and probably aphrodisiac—the latter doubtful: this is about all they can say for it. In Homoeopathy it takes a much wider range, and is prescribed with success for Inflammation of the Urinary Organs; Ischuria; Dysuria; Strangury; Nephritis; Cystitis; Urethritis; Chordee; Priapism; Gonorrhoea (sub-acute inflammatory stage); Evils of Onanism; Nymphomania; Hydroce- phalus; Meningitis; Jaundice; Acne; Erysipelas; Herpes; Pem- phigus; old Ulcers on the legs and feet; Carbuncle; Gangrene. 82 - CANTHARIS. [CANTH. Some forms of Acute Rheumatism, with pains in the limbs, and Urinary Complications; Inflammation of the Stomach and Liver, with gnawing pains in the bowels; Albuminous urine; Inflamma- tion of the right ovary; Hydrophobia? The right side of the body seems to be more influenced by Cantharis than the left. It will be indicated when patients have lost consciousness, with the arms hanging down by the side of the body; or suddenly start up and strike with rage and cries, or bark like a dog; Spasmodic convulsions of the tendons. Cantharides produces a Burning, which seems to affect all the cavities of the body—lips, mouth, throat, stomach, and intestinal canal, to the Anus, Bladder, and urethra; this burning has a peculiar feature, worthy of some attention, for it is not attended with Fever Heat, but rather a Coolness. Parts that feel burning within, yet the external surface is cold—sometimes icy cold. The urinary symptoms should always be consulted in connexion with the diseases that seem to indicate Cantharis. - - SYMPTOMS. Mind,—Melancholy; Moaning with pain; Restless—obliged to continue moving; Fits of rage, with convulsions, like Hydro- phobia—excited by pressing the larynx, or painful parts of the abdomen, and the sight of liquids (water especially). Head.-Inflammation of the Brain P Violent pains deep in the brain—passing off after breakfast; Tearing pains in the head and temples; Stitches at the right occiput; Throbbing in the right temple (deep); Congestion of blood to the head when stooping, with redness and heat of the face. Eyes.—Burning in the eyes; Smarting, as from salt; the lids feel raw and sore; the eyes are protruded, fiery, glaring; Spasmodic action of the muscles; Objects appear yellow; Dim sight when writing, with headache. - Ears, Tearing pain in right ear; a hot vapour rushes out of the ears; Humming in the ears after supper. - Nose.-Feeling of tension, as if swollen; Inflammation of the right wing; Erysipelatous inflammation, extending to the right cheek, with swelling; Pimples in the nostrils, burning when touched; Bleeding from the nose, particularly in the morning, early. - - - 83 CANTH.] - CANTHARIS. Face.—Pale, wretched, sickly; Yellow complexion, with yellow Eyes; Eruptions on the face; Blotches on the cheek; Tearing pain in the right mastoid process, as if the bone would be torn out, with stitches in the ear; Tearing pains in the right lower jaw and tooth; Lock-jaw. Lips—pimples on the lips; peeling-off of the skin; Swelling of the Upper lip. Mouth, Burning, extending down the pharynx into the stomach, with destruction of the mucous membrane; Vesicles, small ulcers; Dryness, that extends into the nose. Tongue.—Inflammation of the tongue, with vesicles; Suppu- ration; Dry, yet covered with mucus. - Throat.-Inflammation of the tonsils and fauces, with Vesicles; Ulceration and suppuration of the mucous membrane; Difficulty of swallowing liquids; Aversion to drink. Taste.-Impure; Offensive, or Bitter; Food tastes as if it were not salt enough ; Loss of thirst, or Burning thirst. - Appetite.—Lost, with weakness and prostration; Aversion to all food, especially in the evening; Aversion to drink. Stomach,-Violent Burning in the stomach, with taste of urine in the mouth; Pressure; Feeling of fulness; Drawing, screwing, violent pains; Tossing about in despair; Burning at Pylorus; Inflammation in the stomach. Abdomen.—Inflammation of the Liver and Diaphragm; Violent pains in the abdomen and intestines at night, especially after coffee; Cutting in abdomen; Arrest of breath, or stitches in lumbar region, with boring in the knees, and bitter vomiting; Burning in the abdomen and bowels; the walls of the abdomen are sensitive to the touch ; Peritonitis P Stitches in the renal region, especially in the right, and pricking in the breasts. Can- tharis affects the right kidney; Berberis, the left. Stool and Anus.-Diarrhoea, yellow, brown, frothy, or liquid, or of white mucus, or streaked with blood; Burning, or cutting in the anus. Urinary Organs.—Pain in the renal region and abdomen when passing urine, that makes him scream; Pains down the ureters, pressing into the Bladder; Inflammation and enlargement of the kidneys; Violent and excessive pains in the Bladder; Burn ing, stinging, tearing at neck of bladder. - Urine,—Hot, scalding—mixed with slime, blood, and sand, or clotted blood; Evacuation of purulent matter from the Bladder 84 CANTHARIS. [CANTH. and Kidneys; Painful Gonorrhoea, with Chordee; Jelly-like or albuminous urine. Sexual Organs.—Burning in the seminal ducts, during and after coition; Satyriasis; Priapism; Involuntary emissions; Pain- ful erections at night; Inflammation of the penis. Menses.—Early, profuse; Black blood; Swelling of the Os Uteri, with burning, vomiting, and fever; Burning in the pudendum. - Throat.—Hawking up of tenacious mucus; Burning heat in the larynx; Cough in the morning, with difficult expectoration; Short turns of cough, with hurried breathing; Bloody expecto- ration. - Chest.—Oppressed breathing, with stitches in the chest; Stick- ing pain and stitches on the chest (right side) during inspiration, extending into the Axilla or the Sternum; Heat and burning in the chest, with constipation. Heart.—Drawing pain in the region of the heart; Tearing pain; Anguish about the heart (afternoon); Violent palpitation. Back.-Lancinating or tearing pain in the small of back, after walking, or on rising from a seat; Lancinations between the shoulders, as if strained; Violent pains in the back; Stitches between the scapula; Stiffness or tearing pain in nape of neck, when moving the head (right side). Upper Limbs,-Drawing pains in the shoulder; Burning in the palms of the hands, like fire. Lower Limbs.-Gnawing pains, as if in the bones, down to the calves; Lacerating in the calves, as if the flesh were torn loose; the limbs go to sleep; Burning of the soles of the feet, especially when in bed. Skin.-Erysipelatous, active inflammation of the skin, with more of burning than itching, and exudation of serous fluid, that raises the epidermis in blisters; Pimples on the forehead, eyelids, and face; Small, itching vesicles on the forehead, lips, and chin; Petechiae; Carbuncle; Ulcers on the legs—the margins are painful. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Tearing, drawing, gnawing, stinging in the bones; Subsultus and spasmodic jerking of the tendons; Violent convulsions, with hydrophobia; Constriction of the larynx; Trembling of the limbs; Debility; Prostration; Emaciation; Syncope. 85 - CAPS.] . CAPSICUM. 0 APSICUM. HAHNEMANN. - SPANISH PEPPER. IN Allopathy, this pungent drug is sometimes employed for ulce- ration of the throat and sick headache; Loss of appetite; Atomic dyspepsia. Some of the older physicians used it for intermittent fever, combined with the laurel-berry. Homoeopathists prescribe it chiefly for affections of the Bladder; Urethra; Atrophy of the testes; Burning in blind Haemorrhoids; Gonorrhoea—second stage; Spontaneous hæmorrhage from the Urethra; Diarrhoea; Dysentery; Pyrosis; Heartburn of the preg- nant; Spasms, and flatulent colic ; Bronchitis maligna, and some cases of intermittent fever, when China fails. According to Hah- nemann, it is not so suitable to persons of a rigid fibre. The pains are of an aching character, or as from dislocation, stiffness in the joints, or drawing pains in the limbs, nape of neck, Scapula, and hands; Great dread of exercise. SYMPTOMS, Head.—Headache, as if the skull would burst, when moving the head or walking; Beating, throbbing in one temple; Head- ache, with feeling as if the brain were too full; Gnawing in the scalp. - Eyes.—Aching in the eyes, as if a foreign body were pressing there; Burning; Protrusion of the eyes; Dimness of sight; In- cipient amaurosis. - - Face.—Nervous prosopalgia, coming on when falling asleep at night. - - Throat.-Inflamed—feels contracted; Deglutition painful, difficult. - -- Stomach,-Burning in stomach, and at pit, after eating; Stitches at pit during deep inspiration; Heartburn. Abdomen.-Distention, almost to bursting, arresting the breath; Throbbing; Turning sensation; Colic; Cutting pains around the umbilicus. - - . . . . . - Stool.--Dysenteric stools, of mucus, or streaked with blood; Tenesmus, with burning in the anus; Blind, painful Haemorrhoids. Urine and Genitals.-Burning urine, emitted in drops; Cut- 86 - CARBO ANIMALIS. [CARB, AN. ting in the urethra; Purulent discharge, like gonorrhoea; Dis- charge of blood; Violent erections; Tenesmus at neck of bladder Coldness of the scrotum; the testes dwindle to the size of a bean. Fever.—The fever is marked by chilliness, commencing in the back; Intermittent, with shuddering every time he drinks. CARBO ANIMALIS HAHNEMANN. ANIMAL CHARCOAL. CARBO ANIMALIS corresponds to that period when ichorous sup- puration begins, and will be required when Hypertrophy of certain organs takes place; also for hard swelling of the Glands, especially the parotid, cervical, axillary, and mammary, even when schirrous is threatened, or the pains become cutting and lancinating; Copper-coloured eruptions on the face and nose; Acne Rosacea; Abdominal Typhus—ulcerative stage; Exhausting morning sweats; Ulceration and induration of the Os Uteri; Burning, acrid Leucorrhoea; Dyspepsia after every meal; Pressure in the stomach, as from a load; Sudden griping or spasm in the stomach; Chronic Pleuritis, with sickly, livid hue of the skin; Emaciation and evening fever, or complicated with Chronic Bronchitis; the sweat is very debilitating, stains the linen yellow, and has sometimes a foetid odour. Like the vegetable charcoal, it is thought to improve the condition of the Blood. Considerable distention of the abdomen, with weight as of a lump; Audible rumbling; Incarcerated flatus; Stitches in the groins; Pains in the small of the back; also when at stool; Stitches in the rectum; Distention of Varices, with burning pain; Burn- ing; Yellow Leucorrhoea. ... • - SYMPTOMS. Aching pains in the joints; Liability to strain parts by lifting a heavy weight; Excessive fatigue after walking; Sensitive to the open air; Easy sweating during the day; Vertigo early in the morning; Cough, with greenish pus; Stiffness of the finger-joints; Inflammatory swelling of the feet and toes. 87 CARB, WEG.] CARBO VEGETABILIS. CARB 0 WEGETABILIS, HAHNEMANN. VEGETABLE CHARCOAL. APPEARS suited to that condition known under the appellation Cachectic; also, when venous congestion occurs in the capillaries, the skin assumes a blue tinge, and coldness pervades the surface of the body, with anguish at the heart. It will be useful in that weakness which often follows acute disease; and is said to have especial power to improve the quality of the blood. Its therapeutic use points to the following:—Mercurial affec- tions; Acne; Scorbutic ulcers on the gums; Ulcers that threaten to become putrid; Naevus of a soft, elastic, bright-red character; Typhus Fever—latter stage; Throbbing tumour in the popliteal space (Rückert's case); Spasms of the stomach (Rückert's cases); Haemorrhoids; Flatwlent and haemorrhoidal Colic; Catarrh; Hoarseness; Ill-effects of being over-heated; Violent palpitation of the heart. The pains of Carb. V. are of a Bwrming character, resembling Arsenic. It is known to be a very valuable remedy in Cholera; Senile Gangrene of the toes; Foetid ulcers on the thighs. SYMPTOMS. Mind, Temper.—Uneasy, peevish, irritable; Tendency to start; Anxious; Easily alarmed; Passionate; Irritable; Memory weak; Indolence of mind. Head.—Determination of blood; Forehead hot; Pulsation; Beating; Buzzing; Traction from nape of neck to head; Sensation as of a band round the head—cannot bear a hat. Scalp.–Falling-off of hair after illness. Eyes.—Pressure; Burning; Itching; Sensation as of a grain of sand; Agglutination of the lids (morning); Muscoe Volitantes. Ears.-Pulsation; Heat and redness; Sensation as if bags of sand were in the ears; Discharge from the ears; Roaring; Humming. - - Nose.—Itching; Bleeding; Dry stoppage, or violent coryza. Face.—Pale, or Bluish-yellow; Swelling of face and parotids; Pimples on the face and forehead. 88 CARBO WEGETABILIS. [CARB, WEG. Lips.-Swollen; Cracked; Quivering; Jerking; Pimples on the borders. Teeth.—Drawing, tearing in molars; Bubbling; Gnawing; Loosening. Gums.-Sore; Sensitive; Swollen; Recede from the teeth; Suppurate; Ulcerate. Mouth.-Dry, or flow of saliva increased; Heat; Biting; Burn- Ing. Throat.—Rough; Raw; Scraping; Phlegm considerable; Spasmodic constriction of the CEsophagus; Uvula swollen, in- flamed. Taste.—Saltish; Bitter; Appetite lost; Dislike to fat and milk. Stomach,-Tightness; Fulness; Pressure; Burning; Con- traction; Spasms; Gnawing; Soreness; Eructations violent, continual, with sharp pinching in the abdomen; Nausea, with con- stipation; Waterbrash; Vomiting of blood; Acid risings after wine. Hypochondria.-Tension and pressure; Stitching under the ribs. Abdomen.—Distention from flatus; Colic at umbilicus; Pains over the whole abdomen; also left Epigastrium, and towards the back; Burning; Cramp-like pinching; Fermentation; Rumbling. Stool.—Constipation; Hard stool every third day; Burning at a.IlllS., Rectum.—Painful varices; Acrid discharge. Urine,—Diabetic? Frequent desire, with anxiety, day and night; or dark-red, as if mixed with blood; Red sediment. Leucorrhoea.—Yellow, or milky, thick white mucus, with SOTeſleSS, Larynx,−Hoarseness; Loss of voice; Cough short, dry, or with profuse expectoration—yellow or green. Chest.—Raw, sore; Tightness; Dyspnoea; Burning, like a hot coal; Weakness and fatigue; Palpitation of the Heart during rest; Rheumatic pains in chest. Trunk.-Stiffness and drawing pains in the back; Pains in the cervical and dorsal muscles. Upper Limbs.-Paralytic weakness; Burning in right shoul- der; Tearing pain at wrist. Lower Limbs.-Numbness; Lameness; Paralytic tearings; H 89 & CAUST.] - CAUSTICUM. Burning in the soles; Profuse sweat of the feet; Redness; Swel- ling and abrasion of the toes; the limbs go to sleep, or feel bruised. - - - Sleep.–Night-sweats, or sweating in the morning only; Awakes at 3 A.M. with pains of colic; Sweat, with acid or putrid smell. Skin, Nettle-rash; Ulcers, with cadaverous pus, or that bleed readily; Fine granular eruption; Burning of the skin here and there. CAUSTICUM. Hausewass. - - CAUSTIC. BEFORE Hahnemann this substance was never employed in medi- cine: it proves a very valuable and important remedy, having an extensive range—possessing the power to produce, and, conse- quently, cure, some forms of Paralysis. It is especially useful in many affections of the Eyes, the Bladder, Stomach, and Skin. According to Noack and Trinks, it is adapted for persons of scrofulous and weakly constitutions, and those who suffer from the effects of long-continued grief, especially women. Teste declares it one of the most valuable remedies in Variola, conjointly with Merc. Corrosivus—the 30th potency preferred; dose, in alternation, every four hours. From general experience, it may be prescribed, with some amount of certainty, coeteris paribws, for Paralysis affecting only one side. Facial Para- lysis, also affecting the Speech; Spasms, and Convulsions of Chil- dren; Rheumatic, Arthritic, and Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Evils resulting from repelled eruptions; Purulent Otorrhoea; Deafness; Acute Toothache; Influenza; Hoarseness; Obstruction of the Nostrils; Inveterate Psoriasis; Excoriations; Burns; Gas- tralgia, with Spasms; Haemorrhoids; Paralysis of the Bladder; Involuntary Emission of Urine when walking; Coughing or Sneezing; Nocturnal Enuresis, and many other diseases. The primary symptoms do not appear sometimes before eighteen or twenty-four hours after administration. 90 CAUSTICUM. [CAUST. SYMPTOMS. Jactitation of the muscles; Jerking in different parts; Continual twitching; Arthritic; Drawing or tearing pains in the Bones and Articulations; Sticking pains; Feeling, when sitting, as if the whole body had been beaten and bruised; Stiffness in all the joints; Numbness and deadness of the soft parts, especially the left side of the body; Profuse sweat when walking in the open air; Epileptic fits, with screams; Violent movements; Involun- tary emission of urine. The paroxysms are renewed by cold water. Enlargement of the Abdomen, and weakness of the legs in children. - Mind.—Sadness, melancholy, whining mood; Excessive anxiety; Despondency—full of apprehensions—(evening); Weakness of memory; Absence of mind. Head.—Dizziness in the morning on awaking; Vertigo, when stooping; Feeling as if the brain were loose; Aching in the right frontal eminence; Occasional pressure, deep in the head. The pains may be either Tearing, Stitching, Jerking, Throbbing, or Lancinating; Roaring in the head, as from a water-dam, in the evening; Beating and throbbing on the top of the head; Throbbing in the cerebral arteries; Stitching pain in the temples. Eyes.-Pressure in the eyes, as from sand; Dryness; Burning, without redness; Soreness, as if salt had got into the eye; Burn- ing pain, as if caused by gunpowder; Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and aching; Periodical inflammation; Scrofulous inflammation; Agglutination; Suppuration of the eyes; Visible jerking of the lids and left eyebrow; Involuntary closing of the eyes, with difficulty in opening them; Warts on the eyebrows. Sight.—Obscuration of sight (when blowing the nose), as if a pellicle were drawn over the inner canthi, covering half the pupil; Obscuration, as if a gauze were drawn over the eyes; when looking too long, the objects waver, and become confused; Move- ments as of a swarm of insects; Flitting to-and-fro, like wavelets of light. Ears.-Tearing pain, as if the inner parts would protrude, or the ears burst open; Stitches, at short intervals, in the right ear; Sensation as if a cold wind blew against the external meatus; Swelling, with dragging pain and bloody discharge; Running and suppuration from the internal ear, with bad smell; Humming; H 2 91 CAUST.] CAUSTICUM. Frequent roaring; Ringing of bells; Rushing, like water; Detona- tions; Buzzing; Chirping like a cricket; Whistling. Nose.-Pimples on the tip of the nose; Warts; Itching; Sore- mess; Dry coryza ; Total obstruction, with absence of smell. Face.—Sickly, yellowish, with bluish lips; Tearing pains in the face; Semi-lateral paralysis of the face, from the forehead to the chin; Old warts on the eyebrows and nose; Eruptions that itch, or fill with pus—sting when touched, and finally scurf off, on forehead, temple, and chin. & Lips.-Swelling of the upper lip, with stinging, tingling pim- ples; Ulcer inside the lip, causing a burning pain; Vesicular eruptions at the corner of the mouth—painful when eating. Jaws.-Tearing pain in the middle of the lower jaw; Sensation of tightness and pain in the jaws—it was difficult to open the mouth to eat; Tearing, arthritic pains in the lower jaw. Teeth.-Pains in the right molars—upper and lower; Sensitive to the touch; Peculiar sensation in the roots of the teeth, obliging him to press them firmly together; Pains as if ulcerated; Violent drawing pains; Tearing toothache, affecting the head and left eye; Throbbing toothache, with pain in the gums; Toothache— pressing, tearing, or lancinating—day and night, with swelling and redness of the cheeks, accompanied by a gum-boil; Painful loose- ness of the incisor teeth. Gums.-Pain and swelling of the gums, even without tooth- ache; Suppuration; Violent bleeding of the gums; Fistula dentalis. Mouth, Dryness of the mouth and lips, with or without thirst ; Burning dryness in the mouth; Secondly—Accumulation of water, having a rancid taste. Tongue.—Sore, painful at tip and edges, as if burnt; Vesicles on the edge and tip ; Distortion of the tongue and mouth when speaking; Indistinct utterance; Stuttering. Throat.—Phlegm in the throat; Frequent hawking up of mucus; Dryness in the throat, without thirst; Roughness; Sore- ness; Hoarseness; Sore throat, with sensation as of a tumour or swelling ; Pressure, as if too large a morsel had been swallowed; a cracking sound is heard in the throat; Sensation as if a part were torn, during any exertion of body or mind. Taste.-Greasy, viscid, glutinous; Bitter taste, or putrid; Violent thirst for many days, with desire for cold drink. 92 CAUSTICUM. [CAUST. Appetite.—Ravenous; he eats in a great hurry : Hunger at an early hour; Aversion to sweets; Fresh meat seemed to create nausea; he can eat Smoked meat. Gastric Symptoms.-Oppression in the stomach after break- fast; Shortly after a meal, cutting pains from the stomach to the abdomen, with eructations, chilliness, and Diarrhoea; Chilliness after a meal, with heat in the face and eyes; Eructations either empty, tasteless, or tasting of the ingesta; Eructations, with an acrid or bitter taste; Frequent gulping-up of water; Qualmish- ness, with alternation of chilliness and heat; Heartburn; Nausea, with anxiety; Sour vomiting. Stomach.-Pressure in the stomach only when sitting—early in the morning; Griping and pressure; Painful tightness at pit; Spasmodic pressure and contraction; Stitches; Tingling; Shud- dering; Stitches in scrobiculus cordis. Hypochondria.--Sharp stitches in left; Stitches in the after- noon, for four hours; Stitches at one spot, the size of an egg; Tearing pain in the evening; she cannot bear her dress tight. Abdomen, Violent distention after a meal; Pressure ex- tending up to the CEsophagus; Pot-belly of children, with enlarged mesenteric glands; Inflation of the Abdomen; Sensation of cold- ness, with cracking and snapping, as of electric sparks; Accumula- tion of much flatus after a meal. Stool.-Constipation; Unsuccessful straining; Tough stool, shining like grease; White mucus with the stool; Blood; Diarrhoea, with tenesmus; Evening diarrhoea. (Inferior to Sulphur.) Discharge of prostatic juice after stool. Rectum.—Pressing in the rectum, as if some faces still re- mained; Sensation as if something hard, like a pippin, were impacted; Spasm in the rectum; she was unable to walk; Stitch in the rectum; Varices that seemed to prevent the faces passing; Excessive itching of the anus, day and night; a pain frequently darts through the rectum; Pain in the perineum; Fistula. Urine and Bladder.—Frequent and urgent desire ; In- voluntary emission of urine when asleep, or when coughing, sneezing, or blowing the nose; Paralysis of the Bladder; Pain in the bladder—unable to pass water; if a few drops come out, he has violent pain in the urethra, and spasms of the rectum; Frequent pressure on the bladder, without urinating, followed by an invo- luntary emission of urine when sitting; the urine passed out easily; 93 CAUST.] causticum. he being in the dark, was not aware of it; Acrid, corrosive feeling as from salt; Burning in the urethra when urinating. Genital (Male).-Red patches on the penis; Secretion of smegma behind the glans; Vesicles under the prepuce, that ulcerate and suppurate; Itching, titillation, or smarting under the prepuce; Aching in the testes; the right testes feel contused; Tearing pain, or stitches in the right testicle; Itching of the scrotum; the penis is relaxed; Frequent but short erections; Nocturnal emissions; after an emission, he felt dizzy the whole day; Blood escapes with the semen; Spasmodic pain in the amus after coitus. Menses.—Delayed ten days; after which the flow was abun- dant; During the menses, none passed at night; the menses Smell badly, and cause itching in the pudendum; Melancholy before the period; Colic, with pains in the back, during motion; Yellow- ness of the face; Lowness of spirits; Vertigo and dizziness, and a sticking pain under the breast; Pain in abdomen, as if the intes- times were torn (any of these symptoms may appear during the menses); Leucorrhoea, smelling like menses. Nipples.—Cracked; Sore; Herpetic eruption; Itching of the breasts; Deficiency of milk. - Larynx,−Dryness; Intense aching; Hoarseness for many days; Aphonia for many mornings, as if a wedge were in the larynx; Paralysis of the muscles of the Laryma. Catarrh and Cough.--Catarrh, with dryness of the throat at night; Cough, excited by constant tickling in the throat; Dry, hollow, or short, hacking cough, without expectoration, causing Soreness in the chest. Respiration.-Arrest of breath when talking, or walking fast; Sudden arrest of the breath, with palpitation, when in the open air, with rush of blood to the head; Red face, and sweat all over, as if a fit of Apoplexy threatened; Spasmodic Asthma, with painful oppression of the chest, and constriction of the laryngeal muscles. . Chest.—Pains in the chest, pressive or tearing, or stitching; Sharp, slow stitches, feeling as if a knife were thrust into the left side, from front to back; the anguish made him toss about in bed; Stitches in the sternum during deep inspiration, and when lifting a weight; Sharp stitches near the nipple; Stitches in the outer part of the chest, extending to pit of stomach. Heart.—Palpitation, with languor; Violent palpitation in the 94 - CAUSTICUM. [CAUST. morning, with irregular pulse; Pain in back, or great anxiety, or with regularly-occurring contractions in the abdomen. Neck.-Tension and rigidity in the neck; Stiffness of the nape of the neck—the muscles feel bound down; she was unable to move her head; Pain as from a bruise; Eruptions; Itching tetters; Rash about the neck and scapula; Pressing, drawing, or tearing pains about the scapula ; Painful stiffness between the Scapulaº. Back,-Painful stiffness in the back when rising from a seat; Darting lancinations that arrest the breath; Aching or cramp-like pains in the region of the kidneys; Frequent pulsations in the region of the kidneys, and small of back; Violent tearing pain as from bruises; Aching pain in the renal region when sitting. Upper Limbs,-Pressure, stiffness, or tearing pain in the shoulder-joint; Drawing pains in the muscles of the arm; Heavi- ness and weakness in the upper limbs; Weakness, with troublesome tingling; Tremor when extending the arm; Drawing pain in right deltoid; Pinching stitches in the deltoid when raising the arm, or carrying anything; Twitching, drawing, or bruise-like pain in the elbow-joint; Lameness of the fore-arms; they feel heavy and stiff. Hands.--Spasmodic sensation in the hands; Swelling; Tingling; Sensation of fulness when grasping; Coldness of the hands; Trembling of the hands; Lancinations; Throbbing; Burning of the fingers; Numbness and insensibility; Deadness of the fingers; they become icy cold; Contraction of the tendons of the fingers. Lower Limbs,-Stitches or cramp-like pains in the hip; the glutei muscles feel as if grasped by a pair of tongs; Pain as from contusion or a sprain in left hip-joint; Excoriation between the thighs; Violent drawing or tearing pains, from the thighs down to the toes; Jactitation of the muscles in both limbs; Bruise-like pains in the thighs and legs, in the morning when in bed; Tingling in the thighs, legs, and feet. Knees.—Drawing pains; Tearing in the knees; Stiffness about the patella; Darting pains; Painful boring; Tender, as if bruised; Painful cracking; Weakness, as if broken or sprained; Cramp in the calf of the leg; Tearing pains in the calf; Feeling as if the legs had gone to sleep. - Feet.—Stiffness of the ankle-joint; Drawing pain in the bend of the right foot; Burning in the soles of the feet; Swelling of .95 - CHAM.] CHAMOMILLA. the feet; Tingling in the feet and toes; Cold feet; Blisters on the heels; Burning, tingling in the great toe—it felt inflamed, as if it would ulcerate; Panaris near the nail. Sleep.–Great drowsiness by day, even when in company; Sleepless at night from dry Heat; he cannot find rest in any position. At night—Spasm in the arm, tingling as if it had gone to sleep—The right upper arm, shoulder, and elbow-joints are painful; Cramp in the calves; Sweat, with restless, uneasy sleep; at 4 A.M. he wakes with a profuse sweat; Starting up in affright when on the point of falling asleep. - Skin, Very sensitive to a current of air; Itching about the body, especially the back and calves; Large vesicles, or painful blisters; a pimple becomes a wart; old injuries open up again, and suppurate; Warts, painful, inflamed ; Painful varices; Painful corns; Excoriation in children; Eruptions like Scabies; Moist Herpes; Burns; Eruptions in a baby, resembling Varicella. CHAMOMILLA, HAHNEMANN. CHAMOMILE. THE value of this medicine can scarcely be over-estimated in treating the affections of Infants, and Women during pregnancy and the puerperal state. It is especially adapted to conditions of irritation and excitability of the nervous system, sudden fits of anger or vexation, followed by violent spasms. Hahnemann remarks that Chamomilla moderates excessive sen- sitiveness to pain; but may not prove so beneficial to those who are patient and composed during their sufferings. Hempel states (N. Mat. Med.) that it affects primarily the nervous system, acting chiefly on the pneumogastric nerve, axillary plexus; also the frontal, facial, sciatic, and tibial nerves. Dr. Teste groups it with Pulsatilla, Ipec., Acon., and Conium; but declares Chamomilla to possess a peculiar and exclusive action (not possessed by the other four) in arousing general nervous sensibility, and stimulating the cerebral functions. According to 96. CHAMOMILLA. [CHAM. Hahnemann, its action is of short duration; and one drop of the third dilution is a sufficient dose. Hartmann believes that, in fits of Passion, Cham., to be useful, must be given immediately; otherwise Puls., Ign., Nux, or Bry. may have preference. - Chamomilla, then, will be found useful when the following con- ditions are present:-Troubles of infants; Spasms; Flatulence; Colic; Restlessness; Little or no sleep; Writhing; Tossing; Drawing the limbs up to the abdomen; Screams which nothing can pacify; Heat; Sweat; Tendency to start; Twitching in the limbs; Excoriation about the genitals and anus; Diarrhoea; Yellow or green evacuations; Convulsions; Heat of mouth and gums during dentition; Catarrh of infants, with or without fever; Jaun- diced colour of the skin. For Females subject to Hysteria; Fainting fits; Toothache, aggravated by cold water, or induced by coffee; Fevers—Gastric, Bilious, Intermittent, and Puerperal, especially if the milk disap- pears, and there are pains in the back and abdomen; Spasms; Flatulent Colic—also during pregnancy; False labour pains; Violent after-pains; Cough, with Catarrh, or during dentition; Pains in the Ischiatic nerve; Cramps in the legs; Skin excoriated; Herpes around the mouth; Vesicles and cracks on the tongue; Rash of infants and nursing females; Nipples sore—cracked; Menorrhagia of dark-red blood, with clots; Threatened mis- carriage. SYMPTOMS. Cracking of the joints of the lower limbs; Heaviness; Pains in the periosteum, with paralytic weakness; Tearing pains, which are only relieved by turning from side to side when in bed; Evening attacks of tearing, jerking, or drawing pains, that seem in the tendons or bones; Weariness in the feet and legs; she wants to sit always; dreads any kind of labour; the weakness is improved by motion; Hysteric fits of weakness, with fainting. In Children.—The convulsions commence with twitchings; then both legs alternately moved up and down; Mouth drawn to- and-fro; Grasps with the hands; Eyes staring; or the child may lie insensible, when the countenance frequently changes; Spasms of the facial muscles; Cough, with rattling in the chest; it yawns, stretches its limbs, and the fit passes. 97 CHAM.] - CHAMOMILLA. Mind.—Excessive anguish; Tremulous, with palpitation; Rest- less, tossing, with tearing pains in the abdomen, followed by Headache; Peevish ill-humour; Angry; Quarrelsome, without CallS62, Head.-Vertigo after coffee, or after a meal; Vertigo, with dimness of sight; Flashes of heat; Feeling of faintness; Head- ache in the morning, when in bed—it feels as if it would burst; Tearing, Throbbing, or Lancinating pains from within outwards; Violent stitches; Hysteric, Nervous, Bilious, or Catarrhal Head- ache; also from suppressed sweat. Eyes.—Swelling of the eyelids; Redness and agglutination in the morning; Yellowness; Haemorrhage; Twitchings; Spasmodic closing of the lids; Distortion; Stitches; Ophthalmia meanotorum, from a cold. Ears, Otalgia; Tearing pains; Stitches; Dull shocks when stooping; Sensation as of a bird fluttering; Humming; Discharge from the ears. Face.—Red, burning heat—frequently of one cheek only, the other being pale and cold; Frequent changes of the colour; Yellow- ness; Bloated; Erysipelas; Swelling of one side, which is painful, and feels hard; Twitching of the facial muscles; Cracked or scurfy lips. - - Mouth-Dry, with thirst ; Flow of frothy saliva; Aptha ; Putrid smell, or acid smell from the mouth. * Tongue.—Red, cracked, or fissured; Thick coating, either white or yellow; Convulsive movements; Stinging vesicles. Throat.—Painful during deglutition; Sensation as of a plug when swallowing; Sore throat, with swelling of the parotids, or sub-maxillary glands; Stinging, burning in pharynx; Inability to swallow food when lying down; Burning heat in the oesophagus, that extends to the stomach. Teeth.--Toothache, from coffee or warm drinks, or from a warm room, with or without swelling of the cheeks; Painful swelling of the gums; Toothache at night, when getting warm in bed; Darting toothache, increased by cold water; Difficult den- tition, with fever and diarrhoea. - Taste.—Slimy, sour, or bitter; Bad, putrid taste of all food; Bitter taste early in the morning. - 4. Appetite.—Loss of appetite, which may return when eating; Aversion to coffee and broth; Beer smells foetid. 98 CHAMOMILLA. [CHAM. Eructations.—Sour, that increase the pain, instead of relieving it ; Nausea after a meal; Womiting of food or bile; Acidity of the stomach; also in children. Stomach.-Aching pain at pit; Distention after a meal, of both stomach and abdomen; Pain as if the contents of the stomach were pressing up into the chest; Sensation as if a stone were pressing downwards; Spasms in the stomach, especially from coffee; Burning at pit. Hypochondria.-Burning, fulness, with anxiety. Abdomen.—Flatulent colic; Compressive pains; Continued tearing colic—sometimes at the side of the belly, with feeling of a rolling-up like a ball; Abdominal spasms, with sensitiveness of the parietes to touch; Pressing toward the ring, as if hernia would protrude; Stitching pains when coughing or sneezing. Stool.—First—Constipation; Undigested faeces; Secondly— Hot diarrhoea, Smelling like rotten eggs; Watery, painless diarrhoea; Nocturnal diarrhoea, with colic; White mucus; Green, or mixed mucus and faces; Diarrhoea of dentition. Anus.-Haemorrhoids, blind or flowing; Rhagades; Itching. Urine,—Hot, feverish; Turbid, with yellow deposit; Weakness of the bladder; Burning at neck. g Menses.—Metrorrhagia; Coagula of dark blood, with pains like those of labour; Pains in the thighs; Spasms in the abdomen; Yellow leucorrhoea; Sore nipples; Hardness of the breasts; Milk Scanty. Larynx.-Catarrh and hoarseness; Cough, with mucus; Dry cough at night; Morning cough, with tickling in the throat ; Catarrhal affections of children, from taking cold. Chest.—Wheezing, rattling, during inspiration; Pricking pains in the chest; Stitches at the side of the chest; Sudden stoppage of the breath in children; Sense of constriction in the chest and throat. Sleep.–Starting in sleep; Anguish; Restless, moaning, weep- ing, snoring, inspiration. - Fever.—Shuddering; Chilliness, with internal heat; Fever, with nightly evacuations; Catarrhal, gastric, and bilious fevers, with flushes of heat, thirst, restlessness, inclination to vomit; Puerperal fevers. Skin.—Rash and excoriation of children; Thick clusters of red pimples. tº _ _ _ 3 :::::::::: 99 CHELI. MAJ.] CHELIDONIUM MLAJUS. CHELID 0NIUM M A JUS, GREAT CELANDINE. THIS plant is of considerable antiquity: the yellow colour of its juice and flowers, led physicians to prescribe it for bilious affec- tions. The proving left by Hahnemann is not a very satisfactory one. Dr. Teste has published, in his Materia Medica, three prov- ings on adults; and one, very short, on a child aged ten years. The result would seem to indicate its use in affections of the eyes and chest. The respiration, in the three cases, seems to have been sensibly affected. The first, proven on the fourth day, experienced, 1.30 P.M., deep-seated pain in the right side of the chest, with embarrassed respiration; Dull beating—unable to draw a long breath; Apprehension of threatening pneumonia; at 6.30 chest symptoms return, with violent dyspnoea. Again on the 6th, slight. 7th—Chest again affected; Similar symptoms appear with the second and fourth provers. In the child a symptom of spasmodic cough, like the beginning of Whooping-cough, was noticed. In his diseases of children, he mentions Chelidonium as a specific for pneumonia, at its height; and second in rank for Whooping-cough; also Coralia Rubrum, as follows:—“When Whooping-cough has been diagnosed, prescribe Coral. 2,30th dil.; four doses in twenty-four hours. Continue three or four days: it should then be discontinued, and Chelidonium 6 given—three doses in twenty-four hours; and continued, whless violent spasmodic coughing fits, or convulsions, or spasm of the glottis, would call for a return to the Coralia Rubrum.” Early this spring (1864) I tried this plan in three cases, without any apparent benefit : probably others have been more successful. I do not know anything of its value in Pheumonia. Teste would further appear to recommend it in Angina; Pulmonary Catarrh ; Hepatitis; Intermittent fevers; Ophthalmia; Amaurosis; also for a sort of tetter on the back and chest. (Rather vague.) - Hempel names it for Bilious derangement; Liver disease; Dull headache; Burning, flushed face; Dark urine; Jaundice; Dimness of sight; Diarrhoea; Ascites; Rheumatic stitches; Papular Pus- tules. - - & Noack and Trinks, fºghronic ºffections of the abdominal organs; 100 :*: • * ~ * : © © © •e° © CHINA. [CHINA. Liver; Spleen; Biliary calculi, and anomalies of the portal system. (See Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura, for symptoms.) CHINA, HAHNEMANN. CINCHONA. BARK. HAHNEMANN declares this to be one of the most powerful of all vegetable drugs, and that experience and observation (not caprice) have taught him to abandon large doses. When administered in small doses the cure will be effected without secondary disturbance; for its action is short—scarcely a few days. He strongly de- precates the method of giving Bark for every kind of weakness; and expresses a positive opinion, that, if persevered with in large doses, Jaundice, Swellings, Spasms, Pains, Degenerations, Ab- dominal sufferings, and Hectic fever, must be the result. One of the early effects of Cinchona is to open the bowels: hence it will cure Diarrhoea, if the other symptoms correspond; also Humid Gangrene; Morbid excitement of the sexual powers; Involuntary emissions; Pains that are excited by moving the affected parts, and especially when the nightly rest is disturbed; Suppuration of the Lungs, accompanied with stitches in the Chest; Jaundice, and intermittent fevers—the medicine to be administered after the attack. The protracted use, continues Hahnemann, of Cinchona in large doses, frequently produces a Cachectic state, very difficult to CULT6.. China, according to Hempel, is analogous, in action, to Arsenic.” It stimulates the vital powers, and exercises a disturbing influence on the animal tissues, tainting the foundations of life. He considers its chief action to be exerted on the vegetative sphere—the Gan- glionic system, especially the semilunar. There is one circumstance connected with this medicine that renders it peculiarly interesting. This very China, as we now call it, has led to the foundation of a medical sect, known as Homoeo- * Teste says it resembles Iron in action, and has placed it under that group. < 101 CHINA.] z CHINA. pathists. The statement made by Cullen, in his Materia Medica, that Bark cures the Ague, and that Bark produces Ague, at once arrested the attention of Hahnemann, and led him to test the truth of this strange assertion. The result of his trials subsequently induced him to announce the principle, similia similibus, a law of CULT6. - It may be presumed that this rule was known to Hippocrates; for we find, in the first volume of his works (Syden. Society, p. 77), as follows:—“Although the general rule of treatment be contraria contraris curantwr, the opposite rule also holds good in some cases—namely, ‘Similia similibw8 cwrantwr.’” One point is very certain, that the first of these two methods, or rules, has never proved satisfactory in the hands of practitioners; for they have long since ceased to acknowledge any rule or law: therefore the rule of similars certainly should be entitled to a universal trial before it is to be condemned. Indeed, an eminent professor, only a few years ago, in his address when reopening one of the Medical schools—speaking of Homoeopathy as the grand imposture of the age, admitted that the value of Therapeutics stood so low, that he believed if Hahnemann had never invented the globule, the whole body of the faculty would have embraced his doctrines. - º Dr. Henderson, a professor of acknowledged talent, boldly avowed his belief in the truth and value of Homoeopathy, and has for many years practised it with much success. The chief objection that has ever been raised, appears to be against the globule; conse- quently, at the present time, many practitioners have abandoned their use altogether, and, they state, cure very satisfactorily; while the true followers of Hahnemann maintain, that, to ensure full success in practice, the globule is essential. 4. Thus, it would seem, this tiny globule has compelled us to become a sect, and caused all who practise Homoeopathy to be turned out of the Great Ship; yet, now and again, we find some of those who still sail in the Big Vessel, purchasing our tinctures, and applying them in accordance with our rule, and occasionally slipping out a few words in its favour, when the medical press gently reminded them that “pitch is sticky:” for Homoeopathy is too strong to be played with. This, no doubt, will be right in the end; when we consider, that never, since the days of Hippocrates, has any plan of treatment been proposed, at once so simple, so beautiful 102 CHINA. [CHINA. in its application, and so thoroughly tending to revolutionise the old practice of physic. It must be admitted, that the more gently, quietly, and unobtrusively it proceeds to complete that revolution, the better. In addition to the statement of Hahnemann (already recorded), China has been found useful in Asthenic conditions, with loss of vital heat; Tendency to relaxation; Passive haemorrhage, and too rapid decomposition of the tissues; Over-sensitiveness of the nervous system, the slightest noise being intolerable; Intermittent fevers, with chilliness; Vomiting; Thickly-coated, yellow, or brownish tongue; Yellow tinge of the skin; Pains in the stomach; Obstinate Gastric derangement; Congestion of the Liver and Spleen; Bilious Diarrhoea; Haemorrhages, even during pregnancy, and in aged persons; also bleeding from the nose; Carbuncle; Gangrene; Cachectic Ulcers; Prosopalgia and Odontalgia. The pains are mostly of a jerking, tearing, stitching character, and worse at night. China will prove useful in Mercurial Cachexia; Neuralgia; Anemia; CEdema. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Lowness of spirits, with Hypochondria; Sad; has no desire to live; Indifference; Apathy; Nervous irritation; Want of disposition to work. Head.—Giddiness; Headache from suppressed coryza; Heavi- ness, with reeling sensation; Headache at night, with sleepless- ness; Pressure, as if the head were too full; Rush of blood to the head; Feeling as if the head would burst; Tearing pains in various parts of the head; Darting pains; Stitches; Hammering; Sense of balancing in the brain, with painful striking against the skull; Congestion of blood to the head; Headache increased by move- ment. Scalp.–Sensitive; Roots of the hair painful; Contractive pain in the scalp; Stitches; Creeping; Itching; Stinging; Profuse sweat on the head when walking in the open air. Eyes.—Drowsy; Pressure; Itching; Biting; Redness; Yellow colour of the Albuginea; Pupils dilated. - Sight.—Dim; Weak; Incipient amaurosis; Muscae Volitantes. Ears.-Humming; Ringing; Beating; Stitches in the ears. 103 CHINA) CHINA. Nose.-Coryza, with sneezing; Frequent bleeding from the nose, especially in the morning. - Face,—Pale; Sunken; Sickly grey-yellow; Clay-coloured, or blackish; Red; Hot; Bloated; Prosopalgia; Beating; Darting; Neuralgic pains. Lips, Dry; Blackish; Cracked; Swollen; Sore; Ulcerated. Teeth.-Drawing, throbbing, tearing, darting Toothache, chiefly after dinner, or at night—relieved by pressing them strongly together; Looseness of the teeth; Black sordes. Mouth.—Ptyalism from mercury; Contractive pains in the salivary glands; Slimy mouth; Bleeding from the mouth; Putrid Smell, passing off after a meal. Tongue-White, yellow, or dirty; Thick coating, or blackish; Parched; Stitches; Painful swelling. * Taste.-Flat, watery, slimy; Bitter taste constantly; Bitter taste of food, or too salt. - Appetite.—Lost; Aversion to every kind of nourishment. Secondly—Desire for dainties; Sour fruit; Hunger; Voracious ap- petite; Violent thirst for cold water. Eructations.—Empty; Acid, or tasting of ingesta; Bitter; Heartburn after every meal, with waterbrash; Nausea; Vomiting of mucus, water, or food; Sour vomiting. Stomach.-Cold feeling; Fulness after a meal; Oppression; Pressure after every meal; Burning; Spasmodic pains; Contrac- tion; Stitches at pit and sternum. . . . Hepatic Region.—Stitches during inspiration; Induration and swelling of the liver; Spleen—stitches and swelling; hard- Iſle SS, - Abdomen.—Violent colic; Colic, with thirst; Aching pains, with fulness after a meal; Pinching pains, causing him to bend double; Cutting, contractive pains; Colic, with the feeling as if Diarrhoea would set in; Distention; Dropsical swelling; Incarce- ration of flatus; Emission of flatus, sometimes foetid. Stool-Constipation; Accumulation of the faeces in the intes- times, with dizziness and heat in the head; Soft evacuations. Loose Diarrhoea; Involuntary, loose, yellow, or watery stools; Mucous stools, or undigested, after dinner or at night; Diarrhoea from eating fruit; White, bilious, or blackish stools; Putrid. Rectum and Anus.-Stitches, burning, jerks, contractive sensations; Tingling, with discharge of worms. 104 CHINA. [CHINA. Urine,—Secretion diminished; Scanty, green-yellow; Dark, with brick-dust deposit; White, turbid, with white deposit. Menses.—Metrorrhagia; Profuse menses—clots of black blood; Leucorrhoea serous, mixed with blood. Larynx,−Hoarse, husky voice; Bronchial Catarrh. Cough.-Violent after a meal, or in the evening; Cough, with blood-streaked sputa, or white mucus with blackish granules; Purulent expectoration; Haemoptysis. Respiration.-Short, hurried; Arrest of breath; Suffocative fits, like Asthma. Chest.—Oppression, especially when lying down; Stitches in the chest when walking fast; Sweat breaks out on the least exercise. Upper Limbs.-Laming pains in the muscles and bones; Stitches; Weakness in the hands; Tremor when writing; Cramps when grasping any article. - Lower Limbs.-Pains in the bones and knee-joint; Hot swelling of the right knee; Swelling of the feet; Darting pains in the bones of the feet. Fever.—Chilliness; Shuddering, with goose-flesh; Chilliness, coming on in the open air, or after drinking—generally in the afternoon or evening, rarely in the morning; Fits of chilliness, quickly followed by heat and sweat. - Intermittent Fever, with Congestion to the head; Bitter taste; Loss of appetite; Yellow skin; Pains in the back and limbs; sometimes pains in the chest; Palpitation; Cough; Colic, and great debility; Sleeplessness; Easy perspiration during sleep. Skin.—Yellow colour, as in Jaundice; Skin dry, flaccid; General anasarca; Ichor, having a putrid smell; Moist Gangrene. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Rheumatic pains in the limbs, or as if bruised or strained; Painful weariness; Heaviness of the thighs; Lassitude; Chronic debility; Trembling; Stiffness of the joints; Twitchings of the limbs; Wasting; Emaciation of children; Exhausting night- sweats; Hectic symptoms. The character of the pains are mostly darting, lacerating, or tensive; aggravated at night, when in bed, and by contact. I 105 CICU.] CICUTA VIROSA. CICUTA WIROSA. HAHNEMANN. WATER HEMLOCK. HAHNEMANN appears to be the first who advises the internal use of this, the Water Hemlock. He declares the proving to be yet im- perfect, but that further investigation will show symptoms that no other drug is possessed of; and that it will be a valuable remedy even in chronic affections. It has proved curative in some cases of Convulsions, especially Tetanic Convulsions; and, according to Noack and Trinks, useful in the following:-Convulsions of women and children; Spasms during delivery; Hysteric spasms and teta- nus; Mental Affections; Diseases of the skin; Impetigo; Herpes; Pustules; Eruptions, with thick yellow crust and burning pain. It acts powerfully on the brain, spinal nerves, and the stomach. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—He imagines a strange change had come over him; that he was not living in his usual place, or in the same circum- stances; Anxious about the future; Suspicious; Moaning; Sad tales affect him deeply; Great tendency to start at a loud word or opening a door; Aversion to Society; Absence of mind; after a long sleep, mania, gestures, dancing, jumping, &c., with very red face; afterwards calm and reflective. Head.—Dull, dizzy, giddy, intoxicated, staggering, reeling, vertigo—falls down; Objects appear moving from side to side, or to- . and-fro; Headache; Compression at the sides; Semi-lateral; Heavi- ness, pressure; Hammering; Feeling of looseness of the brain; Headache over the orbits. (May be useful in those affections that follow concussion of the brain). * - Eyes.—First—Pupil Contracts; Second—Dilates; Burning; Photophobia; Vanishing of the sight when walking; Objects appear double at times, and then black, or not well distinguished; Blurred. - - Ears.-Pain, Soreness behind; Eruptions; Pimples; Pustules. Nose.—Scurfy nostrils; Yellow discharge. Tace.—Pustules dark-red—size of lentils; last nine days, and 106 - . CICUTA VIROSA. [CICU, peel off; Eruption, that flows together in one mass of pus (cured). Medicine allowed to act three or four weeks. Vesicles on the lip; Thick, scurfy, honey-like eruption on the face and chin, with swelling of sub-maxillary glands; Twitching of the muscles; Grinding of the teeth; Lock-jaw. Mouth, Foam at mouth. Tongue.—White Ulcers; Sores, with burning pain; when talking he feels a jerk in the head, from before backward; also a jerk of the arms. Throat.—Feels closed; Inability to swallow. Appetite.—Desire for, and swallowed coal (during the spasm); Hiccough; Waterbrash; Gulping of a bitter fluid; Nausea; also with stitches in the forehead all day; Vomiting—even vomiting did not remove Lock-jaw; Vomiting, with spasms in the pectoral muscles, affecting the eyes. Stomach.-Burning pressure ; Scraping, scratching; Shocks; Throbbing—raised at pit the size of a fist; Anxiety at pit. Abdomen.—Heat, flatus; Colic; also from worms and con- vulsions in children. - Back-Opisthotonos; Pain about the scapula; Boil on the right scapula. . - Neck.-Stiff; Spasm in the cervical muscles. Skin-Itching; Suppurating eruptions, forming yellow crusts. Sleep.–Only half-sleep; Dreams confused; Sleeplessness; Frequent waking, with sweat, which seems to strengthen. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Meningeal arteries and Pia Mater congested; Wessels tinged with blackish fluid blood; Substance of Brain rather hard, with bloody points throughout; Choroid plexus red; Serous fluid in one ventricle, and at base of skull; From the spinal canal, a dark-red fluid escapes. Spinal coverings, Dura and Pia Mater, the vessels congested; Grey substance, darker than natural. Stomach collapsed—lining, red, here and there, and covered throughout with brownish spots (Gangrenous); Cardiac and pyloric orifice red; Part of duodenum constricted. Spleen soft, engorged. Parts of . Liver pale—border inflamed. Gall-Bladder contained reddish- brown bile. Laryma, trachea, and bronchi red. Lungs, blue; Bluish-red, yellow, or vermilion spots, three lines in depth; Dis- I 2 107 GINA. s CINA. tention; Crepitation; Filled with dark-red fluid blood. Pleura covered with a net-work of congested vessels; Several ounces of serum in each thoracic cavity; Heart and vena cava empty. CINA, HAHNEMANN. MUGWORT OF INDIA. HAHNEMANN writes—“For centuries past this drug has been used only to expel worms, in doses from ten to above sixty grains. Now, a few worms in lively children cannot be thought an important disease, being common in childhood, and causing but little incon- venience. But when worms are generated in a large quantity, they depend on a morbid condition of the system, which must be cwred. By simple, reiterated expulsion nothing is gained.” Cina possesses many more powers than that of expelling worms. It will prove useful in Cerebral Affections; Acute Hydrocephalus; Encephalitis; Affections of the Eyes; Whooping-cough; Gastric disturbance; Vomiting; Bloated abdomen of children; Tendency to Atrophy; Wetting the bed; Convulsions from Worms; Con- gestion of blood to the Head and Chest; Intermittent Fever; Irritation of the genitals, inducing Omanism in children. (“Bron- chial Catarrh, especially after Measles, with Hectic.”—Dr. Gray.) Hahnemann preferred the 30th potency of this remedy. SYMPTOMS. Weeping and complaining in children ; cannot be calmed; Cries when touched; Easily offended; Rejects everything that is offered to him, or feels languid and sick. - Head.—Dizzy, with faintness; Staggering; Stupefying headache when in the open air—first in the forehead, afterwards in the occiput; Headache increased by reading and reflection—relieved by stooping; Stitches in the brain—left hemisphere. Eyes.—Sore, weak, weary; Pupils dilated; Sight weak—dim (from Onanism); Photophobia; Sensation as from sand; Itching 108 CINA. [CINA. in the Canthi ; Specks on the Cornea; Dryness; Aching or burning in the lids. - Ears.-Pain; Cramp-like jerking; Dull stitches; Feels tender as if bruised. - - Nose.-Constant picking and boring; Stoppage of the nose. Face.—Pale, sickly, pinched look; Bluish around the mouth ; Jerking pains in the malar bones. - Teeth.-Grinding of the teeth; Toothache from cold air or drink. Appetite.—Voracious—always hungry; Vomiting and Diarrhoea; Thirst; Bilious Vomit; Tongue clean; Hiccough; Womiting of Worms; Violent hunger after a meal; Bread is bitter. Stomach and Abdomen.—Pressure in stomach at night; Cramp-like pain after a meal; Pinching; Cutting in abdomen; Pains about the umbilicus; Twisting; Forcing in the navel; Cutting pains in the intestines. Stool.--Diarrhoea; Papescent; Bilious or White; Itching at anus; Discharge of ascarides. Urine,—Turbid—frequent ; Involuntary, and at night; Wetting the bed in children. Menses.—Early; Profuse ; Haemorrhage from the uterus. Larynx.-Much mucus in the morning; Titillation low down in the trachea ; Coughs up a white mucus. Cough.-Hoarse, with tendency to vomit; Fits of cough like whooping-cough ; Previous to the cough the child rises up; Body rigid; Stares; Unconscious, as if about to have a fit; Dry, spasmodic cough, with pale face, anxious look; Dyspnoea. Chest.—Oppression ; Contracted, cramp - like sensation ; Stitches; Breathing short, panting, heavy, loud; Darting in the chest. Limbs.-Cramps; Tearing pains; Jerking. Sleep.–Restless; Tossing; Constantly changing position. Fever.—Quotidian ; Cold sweat; Chilliness after one o'clock, mid-day, followed by heat, chiefly of the head; Frequent shivering; cannot get warm. Most of the symptoms appear at night; more violent in the morning and evening, increased by contact and pressure. The pains are frequently of a stitching character, sometimes like a shock or jerk; Itching in different parts; Great languor of children. . 109 CINN.] CINNABAR. CINNABAR, HAEINEMANN. RED SULPHURET OF MERCURY.—VERMILION e USED in Allopathy to fumigate Syphilitic Ulcers of the throat and fauces—the vapour inhaled through a tube. The proving by Hahnemann contains but few symptoms. Others, of a more ex- tensive character, will be found in the volume appended to the North American Homoeopathic Journal, 1853. The head-symp- toms appear to be most prominent. Some cures of Gonorrhoea and Sycotic excrescences are on record. - SYMPTOMS. Head.-Distressing headache, relieved by pressure; Roaring; Dizziness; Fulness, with redness of the eyes; Dulness, just above the eyebrow; Determination of blood to the head the whole day; Sensation of Congestion in forehead; Rush of blood to back part of head (Cinn. relieves congestion); Heat, fulness, pressure, as from a cold; Headache—worse after sleeping; he can scarcely raise it from the pillow. Forehead.—Sharp, steady pain; Dull, heavy pain from before backwards; Sense of weakness and great prostration, as after a severe illness; Darting pains from without inwards; Pain from one temple to the other; almost every morning, on awaking, pain in forehead and top of head; Throbbing at noon; Pricking all night; Shootings, with heaviness; Shootings, affecting the right eye; Darting through the sides of the head. - Temples—Fulness and weight across the temples; Throbbing in right; Constant pain in right; Passes to the Occiput; Pressing pain in right; Beating; Burning in both temples. Scalp.–Sore, tender to touch; Hair sensitive; Pricking. Eyes.—Excessive lachrymation; Right eye inflamed; Itching, pressing, pricking; Redness at angles; Sensation as if a sharp stick were pressed on the lower lid; Pains, with redness and swelling; Lids feel enlarged, puffed; Transparent vesicle on the eyelid; Itching of the lids; Redness of the eye, with swelling of the face; Eyes weak; Overclouded; Weak; Sore; Numb, pressing pains; Stinging in the inner Canthus. . - 110 CINNABAR. [CINN. Ears.—Roaring; Noises; Aching lasted only fifteen minutes. Face.—Heat and swelling; Symptoms as of cold in the head. Nose.—Flow of mucus; Discharge of much mucus, with irri- tation in Posterior mares, tonsils, and fauces. Mouth.-Corners of the mouth chapped; Roof sore; Burning; Dry; Much dryness of mouth and throat—obliged to rinse often ; Inflammation, with great dryness—worse at night; Desire for water; Secretion of tenacious mucus; Bad taste, with phlegm and ptyalism. Tongue.—Sore at tip; Itching spot; Rough, stiff, stinging; Dry, foul taste, or Bitter; Metallic taste; Flow of Saliva much increased; Salivation (Noack and Trinks). º Appetite.-Good; Great appetite, with sexual desire; Flatu- lence and headache (cured); Nausea; Inclined to Womit—Green Vomit. - Hypochondria.-Aching; Sharp pain in left; Dull pain, ex- tending to Kidney, then passing to right side; Affection of Spleen (cured); Griping Colic (cured). Stool-Constipation first days; Loose stools twice a day; Dy- sentery of blood (cured). - Anus,—Burning, itching ; Tenesmus; Formication ; Pimples; Protrusion at the Anus—decreases. Urine,—Increased flow; Film on surface; Turbid. Genital.—Gonorrhoea of long standing; Discharge yellow-green; Pain and soreness during micturition (cured); Balanorrhoea. Penis.-Swollen; Twitching; Tearing, stitching in glans; Prepuce red, swollen; Itching at a spot; Jerking; Small warts in different places—bleed when touched; Small red points on the glans (shining); Burning, pricking, itching—relieved by rubbing; Blenorrhoea of the glans; Strong erections; Sexual desire in- creased. Cough.-Dry in upper part of throat, with cold in the head; Hoarse voice. Chest.—Oppressed, as if pressed upon ; Dyspnoea, with heat; Stitches near the sternum and about eighth rib. . Extremities.—Pain in right shoulder; Shooting pains in the arms; Lameness in the arm and limbs. Has cured chronic eruption of the lip and nostrils. May be useful in Small-pox, and Gangrenous inflammations. It is a purifier of the Blood, and Anti-Venereal. - 111 C.I.E.M.H. CISTUS CANADENSIS-CLEMATIS. CISTUS CANADENSIs HERING. & ROCK ROSE. RECOMMENDED by Dr. Hering chiefly for Induration and Ulceration of Glands; Scrofulous Ulcers; Discharge of watery, purulent, foetid fluid from the Ears; Affections of the throat; Chronic Laryngitis (Dry throat, as if there was sand in it); Difficult expectoration of tenacious mucus, 0LEMATIS, HAHNEMANN. UPRIGHT VIRGIN's BOWER. ACCORDING to Hahnemann, is useful for Inveterate Eruptions on the Skin, resulting from mercurial complications; Impetigo of the scalp; Affections of the Eyes; Urimary Affections; Stricture of the Urethra (spasmodic). Dr. Stapf–for Orchitis; Indurated testes, from Gonorrhoea. Noack and Trinks advise it for the Cachectic and Scrofulous, with swelling of the cervical glands; Psoriasis— even the inveterate forms; Spreading Herpes, or scaly and scurfy eruptions; Chronic Ophthalmia; Pains in decayed teeth; Diseases resulting from mismanaged Gonorrhoea; Rheumatism of Joints; Cancer of the Lip; Diabetes? SYMPTOMS. Eyes.—Stitches in the inner canthus; Smarting in the eyes; Soreness; Lachrymation; Weins injected; Smarting, increased on closing the eyes; Intolerance of light; Burning pains; Inflamma- tion of the lids; Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Iritis? Face,—Morbid paleness; White blisters, as if sun-burnt; Vesicles on the lip, exuding watery fluid; Painful eruption on the lip : Cancerous? Swelling of sub-maxillary glands. 112 COCCULUS, [COCC. Teeth.-Shooting; Jerking in all the teeth; Violent tooth- ache unfits him for anything, even thinking; Toothache at night. (Clematis is very valuable for toothache, and newralgic pains.) Abdomen.—Swelling of an inguinal gland. Urine.—Frequent micturition—painless, copious, purulent. Urethra.-Long-lasting contraction and constriction; Spas- modic stricture; Narrowing of the canal. Scrotum.—Swelling—tender when walking; Right half swollen. Testes.—Painful; Bruised; Sensitive; Swollen; Indurated; Drawing pain in testes and spermatic cord; Burning pain during the emission of semen ; Stitches in Urethra. Menses.—Profuse—eight days early. Mammae—Induration under the nipple, tender to pressure. - Skin.-Chronic, red, humid herpes, that itch in bed; Scaly herpes; Itching (hºwmid) eruptions; Vesicular eruptions on the body; Throbbing pain in ulcers; Tingling; Stitches in the Edges of the ulcers; Swelling of the axillary glands. Limbs.—Drawing, laming pains; Contractions and twitching in the fingers; Jactitation of the muscles; Scaly tetters on the thigh. The pains of Clematis are chiefly shooting or darting. 0000 ULUS, HAHNEMANN. - INDIAN COCKLE. IT would appear that the Indians prize the root of this plant for Diarrhoea, Colic, loss of appetite, and many other affections. Hahnemann advises it for females subject to sadness, nervous fevers, spasmodic pains, and Paralysis: its chief action seems on the Brain and Spinal Nerves. Noack and Trinks prescribe it in affections arising from anger; Onanism; Sickness from riding in carriages and ships; Hysteric Spasms; Fainting fits of hysteric females; Menses, irregular or suppressed; Sudden cessation of the flow; Painful menstruation; Paralysis, especially of the lower limbs; also the Tongue and Arms; Fevers, typhoid and bilious; Abdominal Typhus; Typhus, with Giddiness and Delirium; Spasms of the Stomach; Spasmodic and flatulent Colic; Sudden 113 . C000.] CoCCULUs. Spasms from retention of menses; Inguinal Hernia, incarcerated ; Palpitation of the heart; Affections of the Spinal Cord. SYMPTOMS. Mind,-Absorbed in the saddest thoughts, reveries—thoughts directed to one disagreeable object; very serious about his health and affairs; any little injury done affects him sorely; Anxiety, as if he had committed a great crime; Anguish about the heart ; Starts at the least noise; Irritated by every trifle; cannot bear talking or noise. - - Head.—Stupid feeling; he cannot read a sentence and under- stand it; Cloudiness; he immediately forgets what he was thinking of ; Vertigo—things turn round ; Nausea—inclined to vomit ; Heaviness; Sense of a heavy weight lying on the head—no pain; Headache constrictive; the temples feel compressed in a vice ; Aching pain in forehead; Tearing, throbbing, frontal headache; Headache, as if the eyes would be torn out, during motion, with Vertigo ; Headache, forcing one to close the eyes; Empty feeling in the head. - Eyes.—Spasmodic rolling; Aching pain; Sensation as of dust; Dim sight; Muscae; a black figure appears walking. Mouth.-Dry; Tongue—Yellowish-white coating. (Esophagus.-Dry; Constricted, nervous choking ; Burning; Apparent Paralysis; Throat sensitive, dry, scraping. Taste.-Metallic: Coppery; Acid or slimy. Appetite.—Lost; Repugnance to food; the smell of food is too much for her; Dislike to acids; Bread tastes sour. Eructations.—Bitter, or empty; Frequent; Putrid, or of food. Nausea, with tendency to faint ; Paroxysms of nausea; Inclination to vomit, especially when riding in a carriage ; Vomiting, with accumulation of water in the mouth, with Head- ache, and pain in the bowels as if bruised. Stomach.-Violent Spasms; Griping; Tearing ; Spasm after a meal; Pressure; Pecking; Gnawing. w Abdomen,_Distention ; Flatulent Colic; Cramps; Tearing; Prickings; Violent Colic after dinner; Continuous stitch, from right to left; Spasms in the Abdomen, especially when the menses are suppressed; Midnight Colic, with Hysteria; Pressure towards the abdominal ring, which feels dilated; Hernia. 114 COCCULUS. [COCC. . Useful in Hermia of Children. Stool,—Constipation—difficult; Tenesmus; Soft; Yellow; Pale; Slimy; Ineffectual desire; Want of peristaltic action. Anus.-Burning; Tingling; Itching; Constriction; Haemor- rhoids. Urine,—Pale ; Watery ; Pressure on the Bladder ; Desire frequent during pregnancy; Urgent desire. - Menses.—Suppressed menses; they appear with Colic Spasms; Pain in chest ; Lameness; Nausea; Fainting, and jerking in limbs; Painful periods—irregular, or copious, with clots and Uterine Spasms; Discharge of blood during pregnancy. Leucorrhoea.—Like serum, or purulent, ichorous discharge. Chest.—Oppression ; Tightness ; Breath short, sibilant, or snoring ; Spasms; Stitches in the sides; Congestion of blood; Palpitation of the heart (nervous). Back.-Tearing, drawing pains; Aching; Bruised feeling; Pain under left scapula; Cervical muscles stiff; Weakness of the neck; required support to the head. Upper Limbs.-Convulsive movements; Pulsation ; Visible jerking in the muscles; Paralysis of the Arm; Pains of dislocation in the glenoid cavity. . Hands.-Benumbed, and become insensible; Painful paralytic drawings in the fingers; Cramp-like contractions. Lower Limbs.-Paralysis from the Sacral region downwards; Rigid feeling in the thighs; Bruised feeling; Pain in the knees; Weariness; Inflammation and swelling. • Feet.—Swelling ; Cold sweat; Bruised pain in the feet. Fever.-Chilliness; Alternation of heat, with chills; Heat in the forehead and cheeks; Frequent flushes; Desire for beer; Slight sweat over the body. (Before the sweat), Anxiety; Nausea; Thirst; Oppressed breathing; Faintness, with nervous depression. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Paralytic, drawing, or digging pains; Stiffness of the joints; Cracking of the joints; Trembling of the limbs; he is unable to stand firmly, and feels extremely weak. The open air seems to aggravate most of the symptoms. The muscles are painful when moved or touched, and the head-symptoms increased by taking food, coffee especially. - 115 COFF.] COFFEA, COFFEA. STAPF. RAW corrºr. HAHNEMANN has written a most remarkable, and, perhaps, extrava- gant essay on the evils of Coffee—all of which Dr. Teste seems to endorse. In his Materia Medica, we find seven pages devoted to this beverage. He would make it quite a polychrest. English practitioners chiefly prescribe Coffea for Sleeplessness in infants. Noack and Trinks advise it for premonitory symptoms of Small- pox; Measles and Scarlatina; Puerperal fever, with nervous irritation and intolerable pains; Headache; Toothache; Weak Digestion; Violent labour pains; After-pains; but chiefly for Sleeplessness. Hempel used it (once) for calming the nervous system, and sending his patient to sleep after an operation for Cataract. The dose was a teaspoonful, strong and black, sweetened; a second dose, in five minutes, produced the desired effect. “I wonder if he has often succeeded so well ?” For the proving, see Dr. Stapf’s additions. SYMPTOMS. Exaltation of the senses and nervous system ; Increased sensi- tiveness to pain—worse in the open air; Sad, indisposed for labour; Nervous, weary, tired feeling in the limbs, after a walk. Mind.—Anxiety; Unsteady—cannot hold a pen to write; An- guish; Discomposed; Ill-humour—short, snappish. - Head.—Gloomy, giddy—unable to think acutely; Absence of mind, or ideas crowd rapidly; Headache, as if the brain were too full; Tearing sensation; Snapping, cracking; Pulsations; Headache in the morning, with tightness; Rush of blood, with heat in the face; Head feels too full. Teeth.-Darting in the teeth from above downwards; Tooth- ache at night, with restlessness, weeping, anguish. Stool.—Diarrhoea of infants, especially during Dentition. Arms.-Weakness; Drawing, rheumatic pains; Tearing, or bruise-like pains; Trembling of the hands. Sleep.–Unable to sleep; Lively; Sleeplessness after midnight; 116 COLCHICUM. [COLCH. Excessive agitation of both mind and body; no sleep from 2 to 7 A.M., with much flatulence; Restless the whole night—con- tinual turning from one side to the other; the thoughts are fixed on one object; Slumbering; Waking with a start; Night's rest broken; Desire to sleep, but cannot. The infant is restless, with hot cheeks, two days and nights. A girl, aged six, talks in her sleep; Convulsions, with grinding of the teeth; Limbs cold. COLCHICUM. STAPF. MEADOW SAFFRON. IN the Allopathic School this is one of the chief specifics for Gout and Rheumatic pains. It is a Diuretic ; Cathartic; Sedative; and Acrid Narcotic. A large dose caused acute pains in the joints, with tenderness on slight pressure : generally, it lowers the pulse, causes depression, nausea, vomiting, purging, stools resembling green-pea soup. It sometimes acts as an anodyne, and speedily allays the acute pains of Gout. Pereira found it useful in Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis, accompanied with Anasarca. For Homoeopathic use, Noack and Trinks state that Colchicum is suitable for ex- haustion, after night-watching and mental exertions; ACUTE AND CHRONIC RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS; Mercurial Rheumatic pains; Ascites; Swelling and anasarca about the joints; Toothache, with darting, drawing pains, affecting the Articulation of the Jaw; Chronic Dysentery, with Gastritis; Spasms of the Chest; Pleuritic effusions; Hydrothorax; Affections of the Heart; Spasmodic Colic; Tearing pain in the shoulder; Haemorrhoids, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Dr. Teste remarks, that Colch. exer- cises a very marked action on the glands of the neck; has cured a few severe cases of Rheumatic pain from a Cold, resembling a strain in the neck, with dyspnoea and palpitation of the heart, especially at night. He also names it for various Neuralgia, of the most obstinate kind; Erysipelas; Ophthalmia; Chorea; and Hysteria. The symptoms are worse during the night, and increased by intellectual labour. The proving of this drug is not very extensive. 117 COLCH.] COLCHICUM. SYMPTOMS. Mind.-Depression; Peevish, dissatisfied, temper easily dis- turbed; Weakness of memory; Absence of mind. - Head.-Drawing, tearing pains; Crampy pain over the Eyes; Weight in the Occiput during movement; Tearing, drawing in left hemisphere, from the eye to the Occiput; Pain in the Scalp; Falling-off of the hair. Eyes.—Sore; Tearing in right; Suppuration of Meibomian gland, with swelling of left lower lid. - - Ears.-Dragging, Tearing, or Cramp-like pains; Discharge after measles; Roaring and stoppage. - Nose.—Soreness of the Septum ; Smell acute; Bleeding from sneezing, with tingling; Chronic Coryza, with thin discharge. Face.—Sickly; Piteous, sad look; Swollen, disfigured; CEdema, Yellow spots; Itching eruption; Tearing pains, beating, jerking, drawing ; Prosopalgia, as if the bones were torn asunder. Teeth.-Pain in the Articulation of the Jaw; Drawing tooth- ache; Jerking in the molars; Tearing in roots; Gums painful. Mouth, Saliva increased; Profuse ptyalism. Tongue.-Stiff, heavy, insensible. Throat.-Painful, inflamed, biting, tingling. Appetite.-Lost; Aversion to food; the sight or smell is intolerable; Broth nauseates—even the smell; Eggs make him feel faint; Thirst, burning—unquenchable; Eructations empty (forenoon); Constant Hiccough; Nausea when at table, or standing erect; Nausea, with inclination to vomit; Vomit of yellow mucus, bitter; Bilious vomit, with spasms, colic—excited by motion; Painful contraction at Umbilicus. Stomach.-Icy cold feeling, or soreness from pain; Burning pressure, or stitches at pit; Pressure; Tingling; Region of the stomach sensitive to touch. - - Abdomen.—Colic pains; Distention, swelling; Dropsy; Peri- toneal dropsy; Pressure at Umbilicus. º Stool.—Scanty; Loose; Diarrhoea; Watery or jelly-like mucus; Blood and skinny substance; Dysentery; Tenesmus. Anus.—Burning, tingling, jerking; Spasm in Sphincter; Pro- lapsus. - Urine.—Diminished, scanty, dark-red; Constant desire first days; Second—Copious emission—yellow, inodorous, with urging; Con- 118 stant burning in the canal and neck of the bladder; Whitish deposit. ſº Chest.—Breathing difficult; Oppression, tightness; Crampy pressure; Darting when breathing or coughing; Spasms; Hydro- thorax; Asthma. - Heart.—Tearing pains; Violent palpitation. Back.-Tearing and lancinations; Pain between the scapulae; Pains in the loins and renal region during movement. Upper Limbs,-Pain in Axilla; Bubbling or Tearing; Arms lame; no power to hold anything; Pains in the elbow; Tearing in the hands; Trembling; Insensibility of the tips of the fingers. Lower Limbs,-Tearing pain in the hip; Rheumatic pains in the muscles of the thigh; GEdematous swelling of the legs and feet; Pain in the heel, dorsum, and sole of foot; Tingling in the toes, as if they had been frozen. The pains are chiefly tearing—worse in the evening, at night, and until morning; sometimes excessive; the tearing pains are aggravated by heat; Great languor and weakness; Sometimes sudden sinking of strength. THE PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY Reveals considerable congestion of the Kidneys and Meningeal Arteries. Spleen and Liver filled with black blood; Mesenteric Veins much distended, and the Weins of the body generally turgid, with thick black blood, clotty; Trachea inflamed. Heart large, flaccid; Violet, brown, and blackish patches; the Coats of the Stomach considerably altered—violet-colour, ash-grey, with red spots. COLOGYNTH, HATHNEMANN. BITTER CUCUMBER. THIS drug is commonly used for its Aperient properties, and is thought valuable for habitual Constipation. It is sometimes prescribed for Dropsy, and disease of the Brain; and dates from the time of Hippocrates. - In Homoeopathy, a very remarkable cure is recorded under the treatment of Dr. Aegidi, by Colocynth, in a case of Ischialgia. 119 coLol - COLOCYNTH. The patient, a young lady, aged twenty-one, after a long period of suffering, and various kinds of treatment, was cured by one dose of Colocynth; 6th dilution. The particulars of this case, with an extensive proving of Colocynth, will be found in the North American Jowrmal of Homoeopathy, 1853. According to the summary of the provings, Colocynth may be successfully exhibited in cases of Hemicrania, affecting the frontal nerves; Prosopalgia of the 5th, and painful affections of the Sciatic and Crural nerves; Neuralgia of coeliac and hypogastric plexus, the Lumbar and Sacral nerves. It has cured some affections of the eye; Rheumatic Ophthalmia; Colic pains in the Abdomen; Bilious Colic; Bilious Fever; Diarrhoea; Dysentery; Colic during Menstruation; Albu- minuria, and the Dropsy—Supervening on that condition. Hah- nemann states, that symptoms or conditions influenced by vexation, grief, anger, or indignation, are indications for Colocynth—pro- vided, of course, that other points agree. Indications for Colocynth, according to the late Dr. Hartmann. 1st. Intense facial pain ; Pulsation and tearing in the malar bone—worse in the evening and at night; Inflammation of the eye, with intense pain on looking at the sky. 2nd. Tearing pains at pit of stomach, extending deep into the lower part of the Abdomen—increased by walking and coughing; Pain in back; Abdomen tender to touch ; Alternation of cold and heat; on going to stool, violent pains from abdomen to back. 3rd. Spasmodic, Flatulent, or inflammatory Colic ; Colic— induced by cold, or mental motions. Evening, at six o'clock, cutting pain in Hypogastrium, Stomach, Back, and Abdomen, with vomiting of bilious matter; Anorexia; Hard faeces. 4th. Diarrhoea, with pressure on the lower abdomen, with Te- IlêSIOſlūS, - - - 5th. Cutting pain in one place, then another, in one of the lower limbs, causing limping. According to Dr. Watzke, the affections cured by Colocynth should proceed from an exaltation of sensibility, dependent on Rheumatic, Gouty, or Gastric irritation; Congestion of the fifth pair of nerves—affecting the sensitive filaments, but not on organic changes from deeper causes. Colocynth will not cure inflammation of the large intestine. Useless in tubercles, ulcers, gall-stones, and urinary calculi. 120 COLOCYNTH. [COL0. SYMPTOMS. Head,—Headache, with pressure in the fore-part of the head; most violent when stooping, or lying on the back; Pressing and drawing pain in left temple; Boring stitches in right temple; Pressure; Burning in left temple, to root of nose; Pulsations, with pressure in temple, afterwards became lancinating; Pressure in left frontal sinus; Head and eyes are sensitive to the least movement; Head hot. Eyes.—Burning, cutting in the eye; Cutting as with knives in the right eyeball, extending to root of nose and forehead; Acrid tears; Burning pain in right eyeball; Arthritic Ophthalmia. Eye- lids—Pain of excoriation; Burning. Face.—Tearing; Tension—left side, extending to ear and fore- head; Cramp-like sensation in left malar bone, extending to the eye; Pressure in the orbits; Burning, stinging, left side of face; Face swollen; Tearing, shooting; Prosopalgia; Face deep red in a case of puerperal fever. Tongue.-Coated yellow; Rough, like sand; Scalded; Burning at tip; Edges sore; Taste bitter; Metallic: Thirst. - Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations, with burning; Empty or bitter; Nausea—vomiting of food—Greenish vomit, and Diar- rhoea. Stomach.-Pain, after food; Pressure; Squeezing; Cramp- like pain at pit; Cutting in Epigastrium; Spasms, extending to throat; COLIC AND DIARRHOEA AFTER THE LEAST FOOD ; Region of stomach tender to touch. - - Hepatic Region.—Pressure ; Flying pains; Dragging pain from behind forwards; Pulsation, right side; Stitches; Drawing in left. Abdomen.-Rumbling, with emission of much flatulence ; Bruised feeling, especially at umbilicus, as if from catching cold; Constriction; Sharp griping, cutting, Squeezing at umbilicus; Stitch—worse when walking; Pain as if the intestines were being drawn up into a ball; Feeling as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones; Colic—cutting as with knives; very violent pain; he flexes the thighs on the abdomen, with great lassi- tüde and anxiety; Emptiness in the hypogastric region; Commotion; Sensation as if frogs were moving inside; Gradually increasing constriction in the intestines every ten to twenty minutes—relieved K 121 COL0.] COLOCYNTH. by pressure; Bowels feel sore; Empty (Coffee and smoking some- times relieve the pain); Darting pain in the ovaries; Stabbing pain in pubic region. - - - - - - - - Stool.--Diarrhoea, with Tenesmus; Diarrhoea, day and night, with nausea, but unable to vomit; Dysentery; Pap-like stools, with griping; Burning at the anus; Liquid, frothy stool, Saffron colour—musty odour; Bloody stools; Blind or Bleeding Haemor- rhoids; Contraction of the rectum; Paralysis of the Sphincter. Urine,—First—Increased, repeated desire. Second—Retention; Deposit flocculent, transparent; during the night it became viscid, like the white of an egg; Urine like that in dropsy, after scarlet fever, encrusting the utensil with crystals that are detached with difficulty; the urine has a very offensive odour, and becomes sticky, glutinous. Male Genital,—Testes retracted; Priapism; Drawing in testes; Prepuce retracted; Impotence. Chest.—Feeling of Constriction; Oppression; Flying stitches in the muscles; Palpitation; Pulsations in the body; Shootings in one part, then another. Neck.-Stiffness and drawing pains in the neck, painful on motion; Pain in right Scapula, as if the nerves and vessels were on the stretch; Pains in the dorsal region. Arms.-Drawing pains; Flying pains in muscles of arm and shoulder; Drawing in right elbow. . Hands and Fingers.--Drawing pains; Stiffness; Cramps; Numbness. - Lower Limbs.-Heavy; Trembling; Tearing pains in the thighs; Pain as if the Psoas muscle were too short, when about to walk; Cramp-like drawing in the femoral region; Pulsation in the thighs and legs; Drawing in the thigh down to the knee; Stiffness in the knees: Tearing in the calf; Spasm; Darting in Ankle. - Feet.—Heavy; Swollen; Pressure; Numbness; a tumour, the size of a pigeon's egg, appeared on the right tarsus; no pain— lasted six months. Colocynth has cured cramps in the calves of the legs. - Skin.-The skin of the whole body scales off. Sleep.–Sleeplessness the whole night; Flatulent Colic at mid- night; Feverish heat; Night-sweat; Palpitation of the heart; Pulsation in the whole body. - 122 CONIUM. [CONI. 00 NIU M. HAHNEMANN. SPOTTED HEMLOCK. THIS powerful agent was re-introduced for the cure of Cancer and Tumours, by Van Stoerck, in 1761; it had then many partisans, and some opponents, and has been subject to continued oscillations, in medical practice, from that date to the present. At this moment, its true medicinal range remains undefined. It is used by some as a sedative in diseased action of the heart; by others only for chronic cough, Dysmenorrhoea, and to retard the too profuse secre- tion of milk. The dose has always been the stumbling-block. Dr. Walshe writes—“It is difficult to persuade patients to perse- vere in the use of this medicine sufficiently long; and I confess that the only benefit I have myself effected, in the uncombined state, has been alleviation of pain and irritability. I have increased the dose to ten grains of the extract, twice daily; even this quantity cannot be used without causing uncomfortable symptoms. Some have given enormous doses. Dease, one ounce and a-half of the powder every twenty-four hours. Rostard, six drachms of the ex- tract, daily.” Happily for us, we are now able to administer these powerful drugs in a less barbarous fashion, and continue their use, to the relief of suffering humanity, for an indefinite period, and with the most satisfactory results. CONIUM, according to Hahnemann, has a tendency (primarily) to constrict and induce a rigidity of the fibrous tissues; (secondarily), relax, soften, and absorb. . . . By Noack and Trinks we are told, that the chief tendency of Conium is to fluidify and liquefy animal matter; that it is chiefly useful where tuberculosis, scrofulosis, and carcinomatous cachexia prevail. - - - From the annexed Symptoms it may be prescribed for the fol- lowing conditions, coeteris paribw8:—Over-activity of the Ab- sorbent System; Swelling and induration of Glands, especially the Mammary ; Membranous and tendinous formations, consequent upon injury, whereby the cellular tissue is condensed, and the glands become indurated, with sensation of numbness; Scrofulous suppurations; Painful nodes and ulcers; Scrofulous, Herpetic, gangrenous ulcers; Ophthalmia of various kinds; Nervous affec- K 2 123 CONI.] CONIUM. tions of the Eyes; Photophobia; Cataract; Presbyopia; Violent Prosopalgia, darting with lightning speed; Toothache of the pregnant; Chronic diseases of the Liver; Menses suppressed, or retarded in first appearance; Chlorosis; Uterine Spasms; Cough, especially at night, with titillation; Oppression at the Chest, and evening fever; Asthma of the Hysteric and aged; Chronic affec- tions of the heart; Trembling of the Limbs. It is especially swited to many of the affections of females, and appears to act on the Brain and entire nervous system, even to Baralysis. SYMPTOMS. Mind.-Sad; Spirits depressed—easily moved to tears; Fearful, whining, desponding; Anxiety; Disagreeable, anxious thoughts; Superstitious—fears death, thieves; Inclined to start; Easily vexed ; Angry; Dislike to labour. Memory.—Inability to recollect; Loss of memory; Dulness of mind; he finds it difficult to comprehend what he reads; Dulness of mind and senses: - Head.--Dizzy, whirling sensation—two days; Vertigo, as if he were turning in a circle; everything appears to go round; Vertigo as if he would fall to one side; Wertigo in bed, when rising in the morning, or going down stairs; Vertigo of old persons; Head- aches every day; Stupefying frontal; Bruise-like headache in the morning, as if from blows; Dulness and heaviness; Sensation as if the head were too full, and would burst; Aching as if a stone pressed on the forehead; Drawing pains in the brain; the brain seems gone to sleep; Tearing in occiput, with nausea; Painful lancinations through the forehead, from within outwards, at noon. Scalp.–Sense of Numbness; Pimples on the forehead that enlarge (tuberculous?)—one reached the size of a nut; Falling-off of the hair. - - Eyes.—Pressure in the eyes when reading; Feeling of coldness in the eyes when out walking; Pressure, drawing pain; Drawing pain and redness; Itching; Stitches; Smarting, with lachrymation; Heat; Burning. Eyelids,--Inflamed, incipient Styes; Twitching of lids; Frequent winking (nervous affection?); Tremulous look; in the morning, 124 - CONIUM. [CONI. eyes gummed—difficult to open; also from spasmodic action; Pupil dilated; Eyes yellow colour; Weak sight—dazzled by daylight; Scrofulous Photophobia; Obstruction of Sight; more short-sighted than formerly (Improved a person troubled with short sight); Objects appear double and threefold; Red colour; Dark points and coloured stripes ; Fiery sparks. Ears.-Pain in the Ear—drawing, dragging; Stitches in both ; Drawing stitches from within outward; Throbbing pains; Painful tightness; Ear-wax like decayed paper; Shrill tingling; Roaring; Humming; Intolerance of Sound; Hearing over-sensitive; a slight noise makes him start. t Nose.—Stinging, itching; Burning in nostrils; Stinging sore- ness; Haemorrhage; Purulent discharge; Smell of tar; Sense of smell more acute; Chronic stoppage; Frequent sneezing. Face.—Violent Prosopalgia, with heat; Flashes of tearing pain in the right side of face, recurring every two or five minutes; Aching in the malar bone (right)—evening, lasting ten minutes; Itching and gnawing in forehead. - Eruptions.—Skin of face sore, excoriated; Pimples on fore- head; Herpes and spreading ulcers; Ulcers on the lips; Dry, scaly; Painful Vesicles on the lips—excoriation; Cancer of the lip 2 Jaws.--Spasm of the jaws—clenching; Gnashing of the teeth. Teeth-Darting, jerking, or gnawing pain in a hollow tooth when taking anything cold into the mouth; Drawing and boring in molars; Looseness of molars, as if they would fall out; Gums Bleed readily; Swollen—blue-red. Mouth-Dry, with sour taste, or Violent Ptyalism. Tongue.—Stiff, painful, swollen. Throat.--Scraping—obliged constantly to swallow ; Involuntary deglutition; Frequent hawking of mucus; Spasm of the CEsophagus. Taste.—Putrid, somewhat acid, or bitter after breakfast. Thirst-Violent; Thirsty every afternoon; Desire for salt acids or coffee. Appetite.—Lost completely; Does not relish bread. Stomach.-Weak; Eructations of ingesta; Much flatulence; Eructations suppressed, with pain—frequent and empty—morning, after breakfast; Eructations sour, acid, putrid; Heartburn; Acrid Heartburn; Acid gulping, risings; Nausea; Vomiting; Violent Vomiting; Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy; Oppression during a meal, with difficult breathing and stitches; Contractive pain, 125 CONI.] CONIUM. with feeling of Coldness; Spasms; Spasmodic pains (pinching); Sore and raw feeling. 'Abdomen.—Violent pains, with chilliness; Hardness; Infla- tion; Distention; Swelling; Colic; Pinching—fears Diarrhoea; Colic; Violent cutting; Lancinating pains, as from knives; Sharp stitches; Rumbling, gurgling, cutting pains previous to, and during the emission of flatus. * - Stool.-Constipation; Frequent urging without stool; Hard, every two days, with tenesmus; Stool scanty. Secondly—Papescent stools; Liquid, with little hard lumps; Undigested, foetid mucus. Diarrhoea.—Watery; Exhausting diarrhoea; Tremulous weak- ness after every stool, with palpitation. Rectum,-Burning heat; Itching; also at Anus. - Urine,—Frequent micturition; Impossible to retain it; Com- pelled to micturate at two every morning—long duration; Symp- toms of Diabetes? Urine profuse, clear; Wetting the bed; Urine thick, white, turbid; Tough, turbid mucus passed, with pain in the Urethra; Burning in Urethra. Genital (Male).--Pain and swelling in the Testes, especially from contusion. - - - Menses.—Feeble; Scanty, suppressed—delay seven days; Pains during menstruation; Abdominal spasms; Contractive pain; Pres- sure from above downward. Before the Menses—Anxiety; Sad- ness; Pains in the breasts; Heaviness in the limbs, and general lassitude; Uterine spasms. Leucorrhoea.—Smarting and excoriating; Burning, white mu- cus; Thick, milky, with labour-like pains, or with colic; Weak- ness; Pain in back; Violent itching in pudendum and vagina. In Pregnancy.—Cough; Nausea; Vomiting; Lochial dis- charge; Pains in the breast. Mammary Glands—Itching; Tender; Swollen; Indurations in the gland; Wasting. Comium has removed 8mall lumps—modosites in the breasts. Larynx,-Hoarseness; Titillation, causing a short hacking cough ; Dry, tickling cough, increased when lying down; Cough at night very violent—suffocative, spasmodic, like asthma, with Dyspnoea; Whooping-cough, with asthma; Cough, with discharge of Pus, or Blood; Yellow sputa of foul taste. Respiration.—Inspiration difficult, slow, short, panting; Breath short when walking, or from the least exercise, with cough; Sense of Suffocation, as if the throat were clogged with mucus. 126 - CONIUM. - [CONI. Asthma.—Especially in the morning, when first awake. Chest—Tightness; Oppression; Violent pains; Cutting pressure, increased by inspiration; Violent stitches, like pleurisy; Drawing and tearing through the whole chest; Stitches in the Sternum; Jerks; Bruise-like pains; Beating; Pricking; Internal itching. Heart.-Palpitation when rising from bed; Palpitation after drinking (more violent); Frequent and visible palpitation; Fre- quent shocks in the cardiac region. Neck.-Appears enlarged; Glands swollen; Pain at nape; Drawing pain on the right side, from above downwards; Tension in the nape; Throbbing; Soreness in lower cervical vertebrae. Back.-Pain, as of a strain; Stitches in the small of the back, with drawing through the lumbar vertebrae. Scapular Region.--Stitches; Drawing pain (right); Pressure under the left; Tension and pain in the muscles; Tingling in the spinal column, as if it had gone to sleep. * Arms.-Paralytic; Drawing, tearing pains; Crusted Eruptions; Pains in the wrist. - "Fingers.--Stiff, rigid; Yellow spots. Thighs.-Drawing, tearing, cramp-like, especially in the ad- ductor muscles. Knee.—Dull pains when stepping; Pain as if bruised; Fa- tigued; Patella feels as if broken—pain very violent; Cracking at patella. - - - Calves.—Cramps; Painful red spots—turn green or yellow, as after contusion. Feet.—Cold; Benumbed; Tremor; Burning swelling. Toes.—Pulsative stitches; Tearing in ball of great toe. ! Sleep.-Drowsy by day, yet unable to sleep; Falls asleep after midnight; Dreams frightful—intimidating; Raving in sleep; Sleep not refreshing. - Skin-Itching over all parts; Stinging, as from flea-bites; White, transparent pimples; Nettle-rash after violent exercise; Chronic Herpes—crusted, burning; Brown spots; a former injury becomes painful; Increase of pain in parts affected; Ulcers bleed– become ichorous; Stinging and stitches in glandular swellings; Swelling and induration, especially after contusion. Conium may be exhibited for Fainting fits; Apoplexy; Dropsy; Consumption; Paralysis; Swelling of the Mesenterie Glands; and Enlarged Liver. 127 COPA.] - COPAIVAE. 0 0 PAIW AE. BALSAM OF COPAIBA, IN Allopathic practice, well known for checking mucous secre- tion of the Urethra—causing heat in the stomach, unpleasant eructations, and rheumatic pains in the joints. Occasionally, some eruptions on the skin are observed after its use. In Homoeopathy, I think it is but little employed. Dr. Teste states that he has used it freely, for some years past, for the same conditions that in- dicate Sepia. In his Materia Medica, there are 246 Symptoms prominently set forth. According to Noack and Trinks, it is useful in affections of the mucous membranes; Sufferings from eating poisonous mussels; Haemorrhage; Catarrh of the bladder; Chronic inflammation of the bladder; Haematuria; Yellow, purulent Go- norrhoea; Leucorrhoea. - * SYMPTOMS. Head.-Headache as if from congestion of blood, with heat in face; Tremulous sensation; Attacks of Vertigo, sitting, standing, or when riding on horseback; Headache in the morning; Pulsative, deep-seated stitches (occiput); Hemicrania (left side); Boring pain; Headache, with nausea; Stitches in the temples. Eyes, Red—sensitive to light; Agglutination in the morning; Spasm of right upper lid; Black points before the eyes. Ears.-Humming; Buzzing; Formication; Tetters on concha. Face.—Pale, sickly, or bloated ; Heat ; Vesicles on nose ; Swelling of sub-maxillary glands. Mouth, Swelling of the cavity and lips; Tongue inflamed ; Increased flow of saliva. , - Throat.—Constant, tenacious phlegm ; Sensation as of a foreign body in pharynx; Both tonsils swollen; Constriction. - Eructations.—Frequent, troublesome ; Foul; Acid taste of in- gesta; Nausea, and inclination to vomit; Vomiting; Colic relieved by diarrhoea. Stomach.-Burning; Pressure; Beating stitches; Spasms. Abdomen.—Pressure; Burning; Colic, and watery Diarrhoea; Tearing; Rumbling; Writhing; Swelling of inguinal glands. 128 CORALLIA RUBRUM. : [COBAL. Stools.-Constipation; Copious stools, with nausea, vomiting, and tenesmus; Diarrhoea (white) in the morning, with chilliness and colic ; Involuntary; Bloody; Tenesmus; Fluent Piles; Stitch in rectum. Urine.—Constant, ineffectual urging—discharged drop by drop; Retention ; Increased, almost like Diabetes ? Foaming ; Bitter; Smell of violets. Urethra-Orifice inflamed, swollen, sore ; Itching, biting, burning, before and after micturition; Contraction; Yellow, puru- lent discharge; Mucous discharge—milky. Testes.—Swollen, indurated; Feel irritable; Enlarged prostate. Menses.—Discharge of thick mucus; Purulent ; Bloody ; Metrorrhagia—pressing down towards the vagina; Menses early— three, seven, ten days; Leucorrhoea milky; Acrid—of long standing. Skin-Exanthema ; Red blotches, size of lentils, in clusters; Scarlet, red, or dark rose-colour eruption; Irregular nettle-rash P Isolated blotches, the size of beans; Eczema—the vesicles smaller and flatter than the mercurial. • OTHER SYMPTOMS. Palpitation at the heart; Coldness of the feet; Sensitiveness to damp and cold; the whole nervous system is exceedingly sensitive. COR ALLIA RUBRUM. STAPF. RED CORAL. Is proposed for turgescence of the central vessels; Incipient Inflam- mation of the Brain; Balanorrhoea. Teste has prescribed it for Nervous Cough ; Asthma of Millar; Endemic Whooping-cough (with Chelidon Majus). - SYMPTOMS. Congestion of blood to the head and face; Pressure, chiefly in forehead; Sensation as if the head were three times larger than before; Painful swelling of the left sub-maxillary gland; Burning 129 GROC.] CROCUS SATIVUS. urine, with loam-coloured sediment; Profuse sweat of the sexual ---organs; Prepuce sore; Glans red, swollen; Discharge of yellow------ green foetid pus; Flat ulcers on the glans, and inside prepuce, with yellow ichor; Cough, with yellow expectoration; Feeling of icy coldness in the air-passages; Restlessness at night; Sleepless until midnight; Frequent drowsiness—it cannot be overcome ; Smooth spots on the palms of the hands and fingers—first bright red, then dark-red; afterwards copper colour. CR00 US SATIW U.S. STAPF. - - SAFFRON. CHIEFLY useful for Haemorrhage from the Nose and Uterus; Active Haemorrhage; also after removal of the placenta; Complaints that accompany Haemorrhage from the Uterus. Epistaxis in hot weather, or in children, especially if the blood is coagulated as it drops; Nervous debility from long-continued loss of blood? Dr. Teste states, that he has seen Saffron cure speedily a bloody leucorrhoea of several months’ standing; and he feels convinced that it will prove useful in nervous or false pregnancy; for no other drug represents more completely the symptoms of this strange disease. Its action on the mind is somewhat striking; exciting uncommon mirth and cheerfulness; Immoderate laughter—he almost laughs himself to death; Ridiculous laughter. If some one happened to sound a note, she begins to sing involuntarily— then laughs at herself, and begins to sing again; she could not help it. It is said that children laugh when they smell at a bottle containing Crocus. It has frequently been observed that Crocus limits the power of the will. Frantic joy; Spasms; Frantic fits of tenderness; then wildness, rage, disposition to bite. Secondly—Uneasy, anxious, sad, or sadness, alternating with mirth. Religious melancholy? Thus it produces the most opposite states, in alternation. SYMPTOMS. Haemorrhage from various organs; the blood being black and 130 CROCUS SATIVUS. [GR00. viscid; Loud cracking of the joints during motion; General lassitude, with a feeling as if Sweat would break out ; Tremors of the body and limbs; Bounding sensation here and there, as from something alive; Spasms every evening, with alternation of tender- ness and rage; the limbs go to sleep when lying upon them at night; Debility, even to Fainting. Crocus is especially adapted for the affections of Women. Head.-Violent headache for three days; Pressure and heavi- ness in the whole head after awaking in the morning; Pain in the forehead, with nausea; Drawing pressure in the right half of the Occiput; Acute tearing in the head and right eye, with dimness, and a sensation of cold air rushing through it. - - Eyes.—Obscuration of sight, as when looking through gauze; also when reading ; the eyes felt as if a pellicle covered them—he had to wink and wipe the eyes, to clear it away; a quantity of tears rush from the eyes when reading; Twitching of the Eyelids; Nightly spasms of the lids; Burning in the lids; Agglutination at night. Face.—Glowing heat; Circumscribed red patches; Alternate redness and paleness of the face; Livid complexion. - Nose.—Dry Coryza ; Violent sneezing; Discharge of a tena- cious, thick, dark, almost black blood, with cold sweat on the forehead. - Mouth and Throat.—Feeling of dryness; Tongue white; Papillae prominent; Smarting at tip, as if salt had been placed upon it; Sharp scraping sensation in the throat; the uvula feels elongated, during and after deglutition. Stomach-Heartburn after eating food with a relish; Bounding at the pit of the stomach, as of something alive. This peculiar feeling seems to be felt also in the chest and abdomen. Single, violent stitches; Burning sensation in the stomach. Abdomen.—Distention; Fulness; Pressure; Drawing; Bub- bling; Colic as if the menses would come on. Anus.-Dull, long stitch in the anus, from time to time—con- tinuous, affecting the whole nervous system painfully; Intolerable writhing in the Anus; Painful, dull stitches on the right side, just above the Anus; Creeping in the Anus as from Ascarides; Itching in the Anus. Menses.—Bearing down, as if the menses would appear; Heaviness in the groin; Sharp lancinations from the genitals to 131 CUP.] CUPRUM. the right epigastric region, as if a knife were being pushed up ; Sensation as if the menses would appear, with Colic and dragging, down to the pudendum; Haemorrhage from the Uterus during the least movement, and after delivery. Chest.—Heaviness in the chest, with sighing respiration; Tightness—sensation as if oppressed by the Vapour of Sulphur; Jerking pain in the left breast, as if a thread drew something towards the back; Stitches below the Heart; Dull stitches; Sore- - ^l, Arq- ness of the Chest. Upper Limbs.-Cracking in the shoulder-joint during motion, with pains as of dislocation; Pain in the shoulder-joint on move- ment, as if the head of the humerus had become loose ; Tearing pain in the right Elbow-joint; the shoulders and arms feel heavy and bruised. Lower Limbs.-Violent cracking in the hip-joint, like a report; Pain in the posterior portion of the thighs, when sitting for a time; Weariness of the lower limbs; Weakness of the knees— they give way while standing; Audible cracking in the knee-joint ; his limbs are so weak that he can scarcely stand; Burning and tingling in the feet; the soles feel painful after walking, or even standing; Chilblains. CUPR.U.M. HAHNEMANN. COPPER. ACCORDING to Hahnemann, Cuprum is indicated more especially when the symptoms are manifested at irregular intervals, and in groups. This idea seems to arise from the circumstance that the symptoms of poisoning appear in that manner. It has been chiefly used for Epilepsy; Chorea; Spasmodic Affections; Lepra; Ulcers, of long standing; Cutaneous Eruptions (not described very clearly); Spasmodic Colic; Abdominal Spasms, occurring every ten minutes; Gastric Affections; Asiatic Cholera P Spasmodic Asthma ; Convul- sive Fits. - - 132 CUPRUM. IGUP. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Melancholy—loves solitude; Restless, uneasy—not dis- posed to do anything; Senses vanish; he lies down in a stupor; Insensible; or Exaltation, ecstasy—laughs, talks, delirious, inco- herent; Craziness; Delirium; Imagines himself a great person. Head.—Vertigo; when looking upward his sight vanished; Wer- tigo when reading, stooping; Headache after a fit of Epilepsy; Hollow sensation; Hard pressure in the temples; Drawing pain; Pain in the parietal Bone; Swelling of the head, with red face. Eyes.—Aching in both eyes; Tired feeling; Violent itching; Burning, aching, redness; Wandering look; Staring; Glistening; Protruded; Pupils dilated; Obscuration of Sight. Face.—Pale; Sunken, deep-set eyes; Sad, dejected; Blue face; Spasmodic distortion; Pain, as if bruised. Jaws.-Spasmodic contraction; Pain increased by contact; Spasms in the throat—he cannot speak; Noise like the croaking of frogs. Mouth-Foam at mouth; Accumulation of water; Mucus— morning. - - Tongue.—Coated white. OEsophagus.--When drinking, the beverage descends with a gurgling sound. Taste.—Sweet or Bitter; Sour; Salt ; Sour taste of Iron or Copper; Waterbrash, especially after milk. Eructations.—Constant; Heartburn; Hiccough ; Nausea; Ex- cessive Nausea—inclination to vomit; Vomiting; Violent vomiting; also with nausea and diarrhoea; Continued vomiting, with exces- sive Colic; Vomiting excessive, with Colic and Diarrhoea; Vomiting of bile or bitter mucus; Vomiting relieved by drinking cold water. Stomach-Horrible pains in ; Spasm and Colic; Gnawing; Sensation as if pierced with pins; Pressure at pit, as if from a hard body; Pains increased by touch. : Abdomen.—Violent pains; Spasms; Colic; Inflation; Hard- ness; Spasmodic movements in the muscles and intestines; Sensation as of Blisters and Ulcers forming; Drawing, cutting stitches. - Stools.-Constipation first days; Violent diarrhoea, and of Blood; Haemorrhage from the Weins, four days. • 133 CUP.] CUPRUM. Urine.—Scanty, with cutting or burning stitches; Nocturnal micturition. - Larynx.-Hoarseness; Continual hoarseness—unable to speak; a spasm seems to hinder speech; Cough short, dry, like Whooping- cough, arresting the breath; Breathing almost suppressed. Respiration.—Hurried, quick, with moaning; Rattling of mucus; Difficult, short, spasmodic wheezing; Asthma; Spasmodic Asthma, ; Suffocative arrest of breath. Chest.—Spasms; Constriction; Painful contraction after drink- ing; Pain and pressure in right half; Stitches in the side; Pinching pain in left side. - - Heart.—Violent palpitation; Boring pain in cardiac region; Palpitation (quarter of an hour) soon after a light supper; Palpi- tation, with headache, before the menses. Neck—Tight pain in nape; Lancinating, tearing in cervical muscles, passing off and returning; Swelling of cervical glands (right). - - - Scapular Region.—Broad stitches as with a knife; Aching under the right scapula. - - Arms-Shocks and Jerks; Painful during rest; Jerking and tearing in the Ulna. - - Hands.--Twitching in the hands; a lymphatic vessel inflames from the hand to the Axilla; Cold Hands. Fingers.-Benumbed; Shrivel; Vesicles at the tips, emitting Water. - Legs-Cramps in the legs and calves. Feet.—Burning in the Soles; Sweat, or suppressed sweat. Skin.-Cutaneous eruptions; Rash on Chest; Eruption like lepra; Herpes, with yellow scales; Old Ulcers; Caries; Jaundice? The skin is shrivelled and contracted about the limbs. *. OTHER SYMPTOMs. Rheumatic pains; Bone pains; Tremor in limbs; Convulsive movements; Convulsive fits during sleep; Twitching of the limbs; Strong convulsions—a boy required two men to hold him down; Convulsions at night; sometimes during sleep, with twitch- ings in the fingers, arms, and hands; Epileptic fits, with foam at the mouth, and rigidity of the body and limbs. 134 - CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM. [CYCL. GY GL AMEN EUROPAEU M. HAHNEMANN. sow-BREAD.” THIS remedy is proposed for Arthritic, sticking, boring toothache; Frequent sneezing, with discharge of mucus; Sudden, fluent coryza; Dulness of mind and memory; Gastric derangement. SYMPTOMs. Mind.-Absorbed in reverie; not' disposed to work; out of humour; his mind is constantly in a state of stupor; he cannot be glad nor sorry. Head.—Sensation as if the brain were in motion; Drawing from left occiput to the temple and forehead in one line; Sensation as if the brain were enveloped in a cloth—he thought his senses lost; Stitches in right temple; Stitches in the brain when stooping. Scalp.–Sharp stinging, itching—reappears in different parts after scratching. Eyes.—Sensation as if in a fog; Obscuration of sight; Dilated pupil; Swelling of the upper lids; Dryness; Itching; Stinging; Piercing. Ears.--Drawing pain in meatus internus (right); Sensation of the ear being plugged with wool; Hearing dull (right ear). Teeth.--Tearing pain in three molars (left-upper), as if torn out; Dull, drawing toothache all night; Arthritic boring in the teeth. - Taste.--Bad—putrid; Food tastes flat, or is without taste. Appetite.—After eating a little, the food is repulsive; he is nauseated; Loss of appetite after breakfast and supper; Dislike to bread and butter; no appetite for eight days. Eructations.—Empty; Frequent—soon after a meal; or acid, with waterbrash; a good deal of water in the mouth; Eructations after supper, with hiccough; Rising of fluid as in heartburn; Qualmishness; Nausea—inclination to vomit; Feels as if he had eaten too much fat; Hiccough after a meal; Drowsy and weary after dinner. * The name Sow-bread is derived from the fact that swine devour the roots with great avidity. 135 DIG.] DIGITALIS. Stomach-Fulness; Oppression, as if eaten too much; Pain in Epigastric region during motion; Pinching in Epigastrium, as if Diarrhoea would set in, followed by a yellow, soft stool; Consti- pation then continued for three days. - Abdomen.—Grumbling every day after a meal; Uncomfortable sensation, with nausea; Colic ; Cramp; Stitches in abdomen; Tenderness of the abdomen to touch; one part of the intestines feels loose, the other part tense (stretching sensation). Chest.—Oppression; Suffocation; Weakness, with shortness of breath; Paralytic pressure; Sharp stitches in upper half of sternum; Tearing stitches, with asthmatic breathing. Neck-Drawing, rheumatic pain—left side—evening; Paralytic aching in nape; Rheumatic drawing—felt only when bending the head backwards. Back.-Piercing, pinching, dull stitches—right side of spine, below the last rib, in the renal region; the pain prevents inspira- tion; Drawing pain in spinal column, diminished by moving the scapula backwards. - Upper Limbs-Paralytic pains—deep towards the periosteum or interior of the muscles, passing into the fingers; Painful drawing— inner surface of ulna and wrist-joint; Stitching pain in the muscles of the fore-arm ; a kind of paralytic, hard pressure, commencing feebly in the fore-arm, gradually extended to the fingers, where it became very violent; Tearing pains in the fingers (ulnar nerve?)— middle, third, and fourth. . Lower Limbs.-Cramp-like pains in the posterior part of the thigh, above the bend of the right knee; Drawing in the popliteal region. Feet.—Pains in, as if sprained, especially about the ankles. Toes.—Feeling of deadness about the toes; Foetid sweat. DIGITALIS, HAHNEMANN. - FOX-GLOVE. IN Allopathy, this drug is employed, to some extent, for Anasarca, and some affections of the heart; but, being occasionally cumula- 136 DIGITALIS. [DIG. tive, is apt to prove dangerous if used without caution. Very alarming symptoms have set in quite suddenly, such as Convulsions, Giddiness, Loss of Sight, &c. It has a powerful action on the circulation—primarily increasing the beats of the pulse to 100 or 1 10; after which great depression follows, and the pulse sinks to 40 or 30 beats per minute. Dr. Garrod has used it successfully in Delirium Tremens. It is considered more suitable for persons of lax, flabby fibres, than the rigid and robust. Noack and Trinks state that it has an especial influence on the sympathetic nerve, and Cardiac Plexus. It appears to have a powerful effect on the Liver, and may be used in Jaundice, especially occurring towards the age of puberty; when there is faintness, nausea, loss of appetite, dark urine, white, chalky stools, and feverish symptoms; Chronic affections of the Liver; Gastric symptoms; Headache; Wertigo; Bitter taste; Loss of appetite; Nausea; Vomiting, &c.; Cyanosis; Organic or chronic diseases of the left Heart, especially Hyper- trophy; Dilatation; Valvular disease; Dropsy of the Pericardium; Catarrhal and Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Obstinate Vertigo, with slow pulse (Dr. Gray); Inflammation and Temesmus of the Bladder; Urethritis; Stricture; Hydrocele; Aneurism of the Aorta; Haemo- ptysis; Hydrocephalus. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Anxious, gloomy; great fear for the future, and of death. Secondly—Calm, peaceful. Head.—Dulness—unable to think; Vertigo and trembling; falls down in going up-stairs; Headache several days; Frontal headache; Stupefying, from congestion; also early in the morning, when awaking; Headache intense—continues all the forenoon ; Sharp pain over the eye; Drawing pain at the sides of the head; Tearing; Violent lancinating headache—vertex and occiput; Sensa- tion as if the brain were beating in water against the skull; Sensation of something falling forward; Sudden cracking, which made him start; Swelling of the head; Pain in occipital protu- berance; Heat in, and over, the whole head. Eyes.-Painful pressure in eyeball; Eyes red, inflamed; Violent inflammation of Conjunctiva and Meibomian glands, with swelling and pain, as from sand or dust ; Stinging in the eyes; Burning pain in brow; Throbbing in orbits. * L 137 DIG. - - Digitalis. Eyelids.-Swelling in the lower; Weight; Heaviness; Margins sore; Water constantly running from the eyes; Profuse Lachry- mation ; Agglutination, with weakness; Sense of excoriation. Pupils-First—Contracted; Second—Dilated, insensible. . Sight.—Obscured; Dim, dull, indistinct; Imperfect, as if a cloud or mist obscured the lens; Blindness for three days. Appearance of Objects.-Visions—all sorts of forms; Dark bodies; Flies; Shining objects dance up and down; Everything appears covered with Snow ; Morning, first thing on awaking, objects appear green or yellow ; the candle-flame larger and brighter; Twinkling ; Dazzling before the eyes; Sparks flying. Ears.-Hissing noise, like boiling-water (cured); Twitchings; Drawing pains in the muscles, under the mastoid process; Painful swelling of the parotid glands. (See Rhus.) & Face.—Pale; Blue eyelids and lips; Swelling of the cheeks, with tenderness; Itching eruption on the cheek and chin, that scales off; Tubercle on the forehead; Black pores in the skin. Lips.-Swollen, dry, parched; Eruptions on the lips. . Tongue.—Coated for several days; White in the morning; Swelling of tongue; Foetid odour, with unpleasant saliva; Ulcer on the tongue; Saliva sweet, then salt; Ptyalism from mercury, with sore mouth and gums. Throat.—Dry, burning; Scraping; Stinging; Soreness. Taste.—Flat, slimy, sweetish ; Bitter taste in the mouth. Appetite–Loss of appetite, or desire for bitter food and acid drink, with good appetite. Eructations.—Acid ; Gulping of fluid sour as vinegar; Hic- cough ; Nausea, lasting three days; Nausea, as if he must die; Paroxysms of Nausea, with great inclination to vomit; Despon- dency; Anguish; Convulsive efforts to vomit; Vomiting—morning; Night—vomiting for six nights; Vomiting day and night—it could not be arrested, even to death; Vomiting, with Nausea, and coldness of the limbs; Cold sweat; Chilliness; Vomiting of ingesta; Green liquid; Womiting of mucus and bile. - Stomach–Prolonged weakness of the digestive powers; Weak- ness of the stomach; he felt that he must die; Pains; Weight; Pressure, as from a load after food; Feeling of constriction across the stomach, to the liver; Lancinations from the pit to the sides and back; Burning in the stomach, extending to the oesophagus and throat. - 138 DIGITALIS. [DIG. Hepatic Region.—Constriction, tightness; Pressure in left; Stitch in left lobe, as if the parts around had gone to sleep; Pain under the false ribs, as if the parts were torn; Liver sensitive to pressure. - Abdomen.—Contractive pain; Twisting; Pinching; Cutting, with tenesmus; Sharp stitches at umbilicus; Boring and bearing down—left side; Distention; Ascites. Kidneys.-Sticking pains in the kidneys; Fine stitches when sitting, in left kidney." Stool.—Constipation first; Evacuations loose—two or three every day; Diarrhoea; Watery; Painful; Yellowish; Ash-coloured diarrhoea as in Jaundice; Dysentery; a number of Ascarides pass. Urine.—Continual desire, but only a little passes in drops, while the bladder feels full; the urine is dark, hot, burning; she has to rise every night to pass urine ; Difficult micturition; Fre- quent passing of pale urine in small quantity. In forty-eight hours it became more copious, with pain in the bladder, and a large quantity of healthy urine was then passed. The scanty secretion is ultimately followed by a copious flow, or Enuresis is succeeded by retention. Deposit—Brownish, thin, after standing. Eladder.—Sense of contraction; Inflammation and burning at the neck. - - Urethra-Sense of contraction during micturition—it feels too narrow; Burning, pressing in ; Viscid humour about the orifice. Testes.—Contusive pain in right; Hydrocele. Larynx-Rough, hoarse—much mucus; Cough dry, spasmodic; Cough, with night-sweat; Sputa blood-streaked. Chest.—Sore, excoriated; Spasmodic constriction; Painful Asthma; Tightness, with pressure; Sensation as if from adhesion of the pleura—after Hydrothorax? Throbbing as of a large Artery in the right side of the Chest. - Heart.—Beats increase in strength, with anguish and contrac- tive pain under the sternum; the Heart increases in activity; Beating of the Heart—strong, producing an oppressive, contractive sensation, with anguish and spasmodic pains in the sternum and below the ribs. Afterwards the beats are scarcely felt; Pulse slow; the Heart beats irregular, but quicker than the pulse. * Digitalis has some specific effects on the kidneys. L 2 139 DROS.] DROSERA. Pulse.—Accelerated; Irregular; Small; Slow ; Unequal; De- scends from 100 to 40 beats; from 82 to 39; from 50 to 35; Motion accelerates and increases; Lying down diminishes the number of beats. Neck-Stiffness in nape and side of neck; Tightness, with pain; Stitches in the cervical muscles when moving; Drawing pains in the nuchae and vertebrae prominens. Back—Tearing, sharp stitches in the small of the back; Tear- ing under right scapula; Stitches between the scapula: ; Sensation as of a shock in the dorsal vertebrae. Arms.-Paralytic weakness; Tearing pains; Pains in the mus- cles of the fore-arm; Weakness and swelling of the hands; Sudden stiffness of the fingers; Tearing in the fingers; Numbness of the fingers—they readily go to sleep. Legs.-Weakness, lassitude, tremor; Swelling of the feet by day. Skin-Blue or pale; Elastic swellings, that pit under pressure. PATHOLOGICAL CONDITION, Membranes of the Brain highly injected. Mouth fauces, OEso- phagus, and Stomach occasionally ulcerated; Internal Coat of Stomach red, in patches. Intestimes inflamed. DR0SERA, HAHNEMANN. SUN -DEW. HAHNEMANN declares this to be one of the most powerful medi- cinal agents of our climate. “Modern physicians, knowing only large doses, dare not use this drug; and have, therefore, rejected it. One single dose is sufficient to cure, entirely, Whooping-cough in seven or eight days. Never give a second dose.” Subsequently, Hahnemann modified his views on this point, and now the doses of Drosera are repeated. Notwithstanding this, not one-half the cases of Whooping-cough that present themselves in practice, yield exclusively to Drosera. In Homoeopathic practice, we 140 DROSERA. [DROS. can sometimes cure with one medicine; and, occasionally, one dose will suffice; but in the majority of cases, we must look at, and watch the changes that follow the administration of each drug, and meet those changes—thus fencing with the disease, as it were, until Na- ture can herself remove the obnoxious poison; and it is well to remember, that, without her aid, we cannot effect a cure in any case. Hahnemann himself makes a similar declaration in the Or- gamon. Drosera possesses other qualities than being simply a remedy for Whooping-cough. It has proved useful to remove Hoarseness; some Gastric affections; Diarrhoea of Blood; Diseases affecting the Vision; Presbyopia; Otalgia; Haemoptysis; Early stages of Phthisis—especially incipient laryngeal Phthisis; and in some forms of Fever, with night-sweats and emaciation. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Headache above the orbits; Pressure through right temple ; Painful pressure through the forehead and Zygoma, from within; Boring in forehead when stooping; Hammering, beating within; Tearing, tensive pains; Tearing in the brain, towards the forehead; Drawing pain, right hemisphere, towards the occiput. (The headache is chiefly frontal.) Scalp.–Burning; Smarting; Soreness; Gnawing. Eyes.—Pains in the eyeball; Dull tearing in left; Burning; Tensive burning in a transverse direction. Eyelids.-Itching and agglutination; Soreness of the lid. Sight.—Weak, long sight; Sensation of Gauze before the Eyes; Letters appear blurred, indistinct, or too pale; Vibrations; the bright daylight dazzles the sight, or the light of gas. - Ears.-Roaring; Humming; Drumming; Pain in the right inner ear; Otalgia, with sticking pain; Stitch in the inmost part of the ear, with humming; Hardness of hearing. Mouth-Haemorrhage from the mouth; Frequent flow of Saliva; Whitish ulcers on the tip of the tongue, and Velum; Difficulty of swallowing solid food. - Throat.—Hawking up of Green or Yellow Mucus; Stinging; Scraping; Sensation as from crumbs. Taste.—Bitter, or lost; Aversion to Pork. Nausea.—Waterbrash; Vomiting of water, mucus, bile, or Blood. 141 Daos. DROSERA. Stomach.-Clawing sensation; Cramp at pit; Throbbing at pit; Pain in both Hypochondria, especially when coughing; Colic, especially after sour food; Cutting pains in Abdomen. Stool.-Loose, papescent, or of mucus and blood. Urine,—Frequent at night, or scanty, brown—strong odour. Larynx. —Titillation as from a bit of feather, with fine stitches. Voice.—Hoarse, deep bass sownd; Hoarseness after Measles. Fauces.—Rough, scraping, dryness; Burning, with roughness; Tracheitis; Laryngitis, with wasting of the tissues. Cough.-Nightly cough—it wakes him at 2 A.M. The cough affects the Abdomen; Heaving, almost to vomiting; he throws up mucus and food; Morning Cough, with expectoration, tasting salt, or bitter, or foul; Accumulation of mucus, which is sometimes hard or soft, grey, green, or yellow ; Purulent Sputa, with blood; HOARSE, BARKING COUGH ; DRY ; SPASMODIC; WHOOPING-COUGH, and with haemorrhage from the mouth and nose; Cough excited by singing, laughing, drinking, speaking; Contractive pain in the liver, which arrests the breath; when about to cough, he is obliged to press with his hands. Chest.—Stitches in, when coughing; Breathing deep, and Respiration difficult; Asthma, induced by talking; a contraction of the throat seems to attend every word uttered; Oppression, which seems to interrupt expiration; Stitches in the chest and Pectoral muscles on inspiration. - - - Sternum.—Painful, as if ulcerated, when pressing on the part; Dull stitches in the intercostals, affecting respiration. Fever.-Chilliness—cold feeling at night; Shuddering only during rest; he feels very cold when in bed, especially the body, hands, and feet, the face and forehead being warm; Vomiting during the chilly stage; Fever and ague, with desire to vomit; Gastric symptoms, or sore throat; after midnight, heat, sweat, and thirst; Night-sweats. - - - - OTHER SYMPTOMS. General weakness in the whole body; Cheeks and Eyes sunk; Painful, bruised feeling in the limbs—he feels as if he had been lying on a board; Epileptic paroa’ysms, with convulsions of th limbs; Emaciation, and wasting of the body. - 142 - DULCAMARA. [DULC. DULCAMARA. HAHNEMANN. - * BITTER-SWEET. THIS remedy is but little used in Allopathy, probably from the uncertainty of its preparation. Dr. Billing, in his Principles of Medicine, mentions it favourably, and thinks it should be more frequently employed. In Homoeopathy it is a medicine of great value; and, according to Noack and Trinks, useful for all those affections originating in a sudden cold from damp, wet weather; Affections of the mucous membranes; Rheumatism of the upper limbs, and Cutaneous eruptions, especially Urticaria; Pemphigus; Impetigo ; Humid Herpes that form crusts; or Psoriasis, with bran-like scales; Mercurial disease; Swelling of the cervical glands; Diarrhoea, especially during hot, summer, or damp weather; Catarrh of the bladder, with turbid, foul urine; Retention of urine from a cold; Long-standing, obstinate Catarrh and Cough. SYMPTOMs. Head.—Stupefying headache in occiput—it affects the nape of the neck; Heaviness in the head; Weight in the forehead; Pres- sure in the temples; Pressing pains, and feeling of tightness; Headache, increased by motion and talking. . Eyes.—Inflamed, with itching; Catarrhal Ophthalmia; Twitch- ing of the lids; Dimness of sight. Face.—Tetters on the face, forehead, cheeks, lips, and chin ; Pustules, which form a yellow crust, or brownish; Moist tetters on the cheeks; Warts on the face; Twitching movements of the lips. Mouth.-Ulcers in the mouth; Salivation after mercury; Soap- like saliva. Tongue.—Dry, rough ; Paralysis of the tongue; Swelling of the tongue, impeding speech; Gums spongy, soft. Throat.—Sore from cold; Elongated uvula. Taste.—Bitter, or desire for cold drink; Thirst ; Nausea ; Eructations; Inclined to vomit, with chilliness; Vomiting of tenacious mucus. Stomach.-Pressure, aching; Sensation of inflation and retrac- tion at the pit; Tightness and cramp-like pain. * 143 DULC.] DulcAMARA. Abdomen.—Inflated; Pinching at umbilicus; Colic, from cold; Colic of wet, damp weather; COLIC OF HOT WEATHER, WITH DIAR- RHOEA ; Swelling of inguinal glands. Stool,—Slimy Diarrhoea, with faintness; DIARRHOEA of white mucus; Green, brownish, or blood; Diarrhoea, with Colic, and watery evacuations; SUMMER DIARRHOEA; Sudden pressure; Hurried desire; he can scarcely retain it. Urine.—Painful micturition; Turbid; Foetid smell; Deposit— Red, white, or slimy mucus; Discharge of mucus from the urethra; Stricture of the urethra; Catarrh of the Bladder. Female Organs.—Eruptions on the labia; Heat, burning, itching; Inflammation and swelling of the labia and pudendum; Acute vaginitis; Whitish ulcers in the vagina. Cough, with Catarrh and Hoarseness; Moist, with expectoration of tenacious mucus; Cough, resembling Whooping-cough. Chest.—Oppression; Shooting at the sides; Heaving pain, like a wave; Palpitation of the heart. Neck,---Painful stiffness at nape, with enlarged glands. Back,-Pain in the lumbar region; Laming pains after taking cold; Pain as of a shock in lumbar vertebrae. Hands.-Eruptions and warts; Trembling; Sweat. - Feet.—Stinging, burning; Peeling of the skin; Formication. Sleep.–Uneasy, with frequent sweat, after 4 A.M.; Turns from one side to the other; Dreams that terrify so much that he would jump out of bed. Fever.—Violent fever, with heat, dry skin, and delirium— returning every fifteen or sixteen hours; Heat of the body and face, with constipation; Sweat for five days; Profuse Sweating, with discharge of clear urine. Skin, Eruption of white blotches, with red areola—itch and burn; Small, itching pimples; Herpetic crusts; Pustules, with a yellow crust; Dryness and burning of the skin. OTHER SYMPTOMS, Pains in the body and limbs, as from a cold; Lassitude; Heavi- ness; Desire to lie down; Attacks of sudden weakness; Emacia- tion; Rheumatism of the joints; Twitching of the hands and feet; Restless; Sleeplessness, especially after four o'clock in the morning. - • - 144 ELATERIUM-EUPATORIUM-EUPHORBIUM. [EUPHOR, ELATERIU M. WILD CUCUMBER. IS used by some Allopathic practitioners as a purge, in very small doses—one-eighth to one-quarter of a grain; and for Dropsy— especially dependent on disease of the Kidneys. During its use several pints of urine are passed daily. It has been proposed for Acute Hydrocephalus. IN HOMOEOPATHY it is not generally used; but appears to have been employed with some success in Diarrhoea, with other symptoms resembling Cholera; Bilious fever; Intermittent fever—a kind of Ague. It probably deserves to be better known. EU P A TO RI U M. VEGETABLE ANTIMONY. HAs been used for some kinds of remittent fever, or those resem- bling typhoid; also for a peculiar eruption about the scrotum and thighs. It was proposed as a substitute for Bark. EU PHORBIUM. HAHNEMANN. SPURGE. THIS drug is too powerful for Allopathic practice. In Homoeopathy, it is most prominently set forth for Brittleness of the teeth: surely it ought to be worth something more than this. Dr. Stapf proposes it for Chronic Ophthalmia; Colic; Cough; Cutaneous eruptions; Hy- drargyrosis. Jahr, for Diseases of the mucous membranes; Urinary organs; and Adhesion of the Pleura. Noack and Trinks, for Vesi- cular Erysipelas in the face; Throbbing, beating toothache, as if 145 EUPHOR.] - EUPHORBIUM. the teeth were screwed together. Hempel, for Mania and Gastro- Enteritis. The Euphor. Helioscopia is a good remedy—applied to destroy Warts. SYMPTOMS. Eyes.—Pressure as from sand; Smarting, with lachrymation; Inflammation of the eyes, with itching and dryness of the lids; Pale-red inflammation in the eyelids, with nightly agglutination; the eyelids feel heavy. Sight—Short, dim; Diplopia; Objects appear variegated, or larger than reality; he fancies he has to walk over elevations, and raises his feet too high. Face,—Violent burning; Erysipelatous inflammation, affecting the face and head; Red, inflammatory swelling of the cheek; Red; Excessively swollen: Eruption the size of peas, exuding a yellow humour; White oadema of the cheek. Teeth.-Brittle—easily break in fragments; Pains in the teeth, with headache, gnawing, tearing, with screwing in the malar bones; Jerking pain in a hollow tooth, as if it would be forced Out. - Gastric Symptoms.-Empty eructations; Morning Nausea; Vomiting and Diarrhoea; Stomach painful, as if from a blow; Spasmodic contraction, as if grasped by the hand; Burning; In- flammation, as from a red-hot coal. - Abdomen.—Empty feeling; Spasmodic, flatulent Colic early in the morning; Writhing, twisting in the intestines; Pains as of dislocation in the left groin. - Stool.--Diarrhoea; Papescent, yellow, or like glue; Diarrhoea, with burning in rectum; Fatal Dysentery. - Cough.-Day and night; Dry hollow Cough, with tickling in the middle of the chest ; Cough from irritation in the upper part of the larynx; Cough, with pain in the sides of the chest. Chest.—Constriction, as in Asthma ; Sensation as if the lung adhered to the chest wall; Stitches in left side; Continual stitches in left side; Fine stitches, coming and going; Feeling of warmth in the chest, as if the food had been swallowed too hot. - OTHER SYMPTOMs. . . Haemorrhage from the Urethra; Inflammation internally; Pains 146 - EUPHRASIA. [EUPHRA. in the bones; Lassitude in all the limbs; Tension in the muscles; Old Ulcers? Chronic eruptions? Caries—effects of mercury; the pains are mostly tearing, or aching, stitching—worse during rest; relieved by motion. - EU PHRASIA, HAHNEMANN.” EYE-BRIGHT. Is chiefly used, as the common name implies, for affections of the Eyes; Catarrhal Ophthalmia; Specks on the Cornea; Ulcers on the Cornea; Rheumatic Ophthalmia? SYMPTOMS. Eyes.—Smarting as from sand; Stinging, induced by a bright light; Burning and smarting, with lachrymation, especially the result of a strong wind. Night—Agglutination; Gum in the Canthi; Purulent agglutination. Eyelids.-Swelling, especially the lower; Inflammation and ulceration of the margins, with headache, as if the skull would burst; Sensation as if the eyelids were being drawn together; Feeling of pressure; Dryness; Heaviness; he makes a great effort to overcome sleep. Eyeball.—Sclerotic injection close to cornea; Fine stitches; Specks on the cornea; Blueness of cornea; a pellicle covers the cornea ; the cornea looks scarred as from ulceration. - Sight.—Dim when looking at a distant object; Obscured when walking in the open air (three days); Photophobia. (Rheumatic inflammation, threatening blindness, from using the herb three months); Profuse fluent Coryza, with cough and ex- pectoration; Cough only during the day, with tenacious mucus that is detached with difficulty, and difficult breathing; Cramp- like pain in the back; Cramp in the calf when standing. * A fragmentary proving will be found in the British Journal of Homoeo- pathy, vol. xvi. 147 FER, AC.] FERRUM ACETICUM. FERRUM ACETICUM. w HAHNEMANN. ACETATE OF IRON. IRON is a favourite remedy with many Allopathic practitioners; is given in tolerable doses; and often continued for a very long period, from the circumstance that it is not actually poisonous in an over-dose. Is supposed to be a tonic, tending to increase the number of red corpuscles in the blood. Nevertheless it has the power to induce some chronic affections, especially Headache; Dyspepsia; Disease of the Heart and Lungs. It is not extensively used in Homoeopathy, but would be chiefly indicated for that condition named Chlorosis, provided the symptoms were in unison; also for Dry Cough and Asthma. According to Hempel it should be prescribed for the following:—Congestive Headache, with Constipation; Anemia; Dyspepsia; Cardialgia; Ascarides; Fluent Piles; Enuresis, with worms, especially young girls; Miscarriage; Sterility; Metrorrhagia; Leucorrhoea; Prolapsus of the Vagina during pregnancy; Phthisis of the Larynx, Trachea, and Lungs; (Haemoptysis). SYMPTOMS. Head.—Reeling, staggering, as if intoxicated—inclined to fall forward; Vertigo on looking at flowing water; Vertigo, with sickness at the stomach; Momentary shock, with giddiness; Dizziness; Dulness; Confusion; Frontal Headache, as if the forehead would burst; Hammering; Throbbing — continued for several days, with aversion to food; Rush of blood to the head, with swelling of the Veins, and flushed face; Undulation; Roaring. - Ears.-Humming; Singing. Nose—Bleeding from. Face.—Pale; Jaundiced complexion; Blue or Yellow spots; Puffiness, especially around the eyes; Livid colour; Fiery redness, or very pale, emaciated look. Lips.-Yellowish-white. Tongue-Benumbed sensation. Throat.—Sense of Constriction, or a plug. 148 - FERRUM ACETICUM. [FER. AC. Appetite.—Lost; or only relishes bread and butter (not meat); Repletion, with vomiting of the food; or of acid acrid substances; Inclined to vomit for several hours. Stomach.-Pressure after the least food or drink; Cramps; Burning, distention; Tenderness at pit; Oppression; Pain and palpitation after a meal. Stools.-Frequent diarrhoea; Watery Diarrhoea; Discharge of mucus and blood at each evacuation; Protrusion of large Varices at the Anus. Menses.—Delayed two or three days; then appear scanty, with Colic; Suppressed for eight weeks; Profuse discharge of blood, or blackish, coagulated blood, with pains in the loins and abdomen ; Miscarriage; Milky, acrid Leucorrhoea. Wagina.-Excoriated; Prolapsed, even during pregnancy. Larynx and Cough.-Dry, laryngeal cough; Spasmodic cough, with slight expectoration of transparent mucus; Dry cough— troublesome after lying down; Hawking of phlegm and blood; Coughing up blood at night; Copious expectoration of pus, having a putrid taste; or of greenish pus, with sickly taste, early in the morning. IRespiration.—Difficult; Want of breath when sitting; Breathing oppressed, as if from pressure on the chest ; Asthma after midnight—obliges him to sit up; Oppressed breathing, in fits like Asthma, with anxiety and sense of constriction at the pit of the stomach; Cardialgia P. Haemorrhage from the Lungs. Fever, with Sweats; Profuse sweat, walking or sitting, or during a light sleep; Morning sweat, or every other morning; Exhausting sweat; Tertian, intermittent, with headache, languor, and yellow face. • OTHER SYMPTOMS. Great languor; Weakness; Heaviness of the limbs; Emaciation; Attacks of tremor; Fainting; Walking in the open air fatigues excessively; Paleness of the face; Rumbling in the bowels; Con- tractive, cramp-like sensation in the chest; Violent eructations, followed by heat in face; Pain in the head; Lancinations at the vertex; Inclination to vomit; Fainting spells; Attacks of tremor; Constant trembling of the whole body; Faint feeling when walk- ing; Heaviness in the limbs; Emaciation; Languor; Drowsiness. 149 FLU0, AC.] FILIX MAS–FLUORIC ACID. FILIX MAS, MALE FERN. HAS been chiefly employed, in tolerably strong doses, for the expul- sion of Tape-Worm. There is a tendency for this worm to re- appear, even after very persevering treatment, unless the head can be destroyed, or expelled with the body. Filix Mas is said to have the power gradually to reduce its size, until it finally wastes away, and then disappears altogether. In many cases, Kousso and Granatum have effected cures where Filix Mas had failed. Dr. Teste considers this drug to possess other qualities than that of an anthelmintic, and states that its action on the stomach and air-passages closely resembles Ipecacuanha; illustrating his view by one case of a young lady who suffered from Amenorrhoea; Frequent attacks of fainting; Coldness; Clammy sweat in the face; Anorexia; Constipation; Swelling of the praecordial region, which was sensi- tive to touch ; Sounds of the heart dull and distant, feeble and slow—fifty beats per minute. Filix Mas produced a rapid and marked improvement. He also values it for violent dyspnoea. FLUORIC ACID. rºom span. THIS acid is used for etching on glass: it speedily removes the surface, being a special solvent of silica. The vapour is excessively pungent, and a solution acts as a strong caustic; when applied to the skin, renders the part touched white; after which yellow pus- tules form, or the destroyed cuticle peels off. - It is proposed for use in Homoeopathic practice, for Headache; Vertigo, with sickness; Numbness in the head and hands, as if from an electric shock; Baldness? (after taking the acid two months, the hair began to grow; the sight became clearer; and a dark spot that always floated before his eyes when reading, disappeared); Inflamed pimples on the nose; Chronic obstruction; 150 GELSEMINUM. [GELS . Sudden coryza ; Fistula dentalis—it seemed to improve the teeth; Produces frequent eructations; Greasy taste; Pyrosis; the mouth is cleaner, with less mucus, especially about the teeth; a protrusion from the anus (Prolapsus) diminished con- siderably, and the parts felt more comfortable than usual; Sexual desire greatly increased; Excessive desire in old men; Lumbago; Rheumatic pains, like electric shocks; Sudden jerks as if the shoulder or the hip-joint would be dislocated; Feeling of lameness in the limbs; after the F. A. he could take more exercise, without fatigue in the muscles; Varicose veins much diminished in size; Sleeplessness—he could not sleep until morning; then a very short sleep refreshed him; he can bear hot, summer weather better than before. GELSEMINUM, AMERICAN REMEDIES. YELLOW JESSAMINE. THIS remedy is proposed for the treatment of fevers of all kinds. The Eclectics pronounce it a Febrifuge; Anti-spasmodic ; Narcotic; and recommend it in Acute and Chronic Rheumatism; Pleurisy; Pneumonia, &c. It quiets nervous irritation and excitement; equalises the circulation; promotes perspiration—in fact, puts everything in order, without causing any unpleasant symptoms. Yet we are told it requires to be watched, especially if there is heart disease and great debility. It seems to have cured one case of Gonorrhoea about thirty years ago, that had been badly treated, and thus hung about for several months. A few doses cured the Gonorrhoea; but some affection of the eyes supervened, which alarmed the patient—he thought his sight would be destroyed. Since then, many cases of Gonorrh have been cured by Gelseminum. - English Homoeopathists do not appear to have made any very great strides with this remedy at present. . A proving, and some cases of cure, by Dr. Douglass, of America, are recorded in the 18th Vol. of the British Jowrmal of Homoeo- e 151 GELs. GELSEMINUM. . pathy. The following is an extract from the proving, commenced in the spring of 1858:- Head.-Pain constant, dull; Stupefying pressure—most fre- quently in forehead and temples; Bruised pain above back of orbits; Tightness in brain; Headache, with nausea; Giddiness, almost constant; Intoxicating feel; Staggering gait; Dizziness; Imperfect vision. Mind.-Irritable; Impatient; Incapacity to think or fix atten- tion; Faculties dull. One case—Great mirth. Eyes.—Difficulty in keeping them open—they close on looking steadily at one object; Pains in orbits (excessive); Dryness of eyes; Misty, glimmering sight; Diplopia, only when inclining the head towards the shoulder. º, Eyelids.-Feeling of fulness; Congestion; Ptosis? (Gels, is thought to have a peculiar affinity for the eyes.) s - Taste, &c.—Mawkish taste; Clammy, feverish; Great hunger. Thirst during the sweat of fever. Stomach,-Feeling of emptiness; Weakness in Stomach and Bowels; Eructations; Nausea; Hiccough. Abdomen. — Slight pain in transverse part of colon; also gnawing pain; Slight pain in left Ileum, after chills, headache, fever, and sweating; Severe gripings in lower abdomen in seventeen hours—relieved by two copious stools of deep, bilious colour. Urine.—Rather increased; Clear, watery; Frequent desire. Throat and Larynx,-Hoarseness, dryness; Weak voice. Chest and Heart.-Constriction, lower part of chest; Stitches at the heart. Back.-Pain in the back, as in the cold stage of Ague. Legs.-Cold, especially the feet—often severe; Feel as if in cold water; Agueish pains; Pain in popliteal space. Fever.—Chilliness; Cold extremities; Head and face hot, with headache; Pulse depressed, less frequent, or very feeble—sometimes almost imperceptible, with chilliness; Heat and pain in head; Feet cold; Perspiration generally follows the fever. - Sleep.–Disposed to yawn; Sleepy; Drowsy; Long, sound sleep; Unable to keep the eyes open ; must lie down. - Skin.-Eruption, resembling measles; Papulous, distinct, and distant; Very conspicuous—little or no sensation; Appears on the 152. • GINSENG. IGING. second or third day of proving—continues two weeks or more; Most on the face; less on the back, and between the shoulders. There is general weakness, trembling, languor, lassitude; Easily fatigued; Feels ill; Feeling of lightness, or a fear of falling or stumbling. Proved chiefly by the matrix tincture, one to five drops; a few took the third dilution, which produced the eruption in them all. Gelseminum is said to be of some value for the remittent fever of children. GINS EN G,” ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, this remedy acts upon the lower portion of the Spinal Cord. It has proved useful in Lumbago; Rheumatism of the lower limbs; Gout of the legs and feet—espe- cially if accompanied with paralytic weakness. - SYMPTOMS. Darting pain from the right side of the forehead to the orbit, with heat in the head; Heaviness of the eyelid; Drowsiness; Pressure in the temples; Alternate redness and paleness of the face; Redness and burning of the tongue; Internal chilliness; Contractive pain in the stomach; Stitches in the right side; Oppression, or even arrest of breathing; Stitches in the renal region; Tenesmus and burning at the Anus; Yellow urine, with brick-dust deposit; Painful languor in the limbs; Hands and fingers cold, benumbed—deadness; Stiffness of the finger-joints; Heaviness of the lower limbs—the muscles feel contracted; Stiffness, extending from the hip to the knee; Pain in the knee; Violent cutting pain in right hip, which extends into the abdomen and groin ; Pain at night, from the right hip down the limb, to the great toe; Tearing pain in the tarsal joint; Pain between the scapulac, down the spine, to the small of the back; Bruised pain in the back; Heaviness in the nape of the neck; Drowsiness; Sensitive to cold—he cannot get warm with walking. * A Chinese root, supposed to invigorate the human powers. M 153 GLON.] GLONOINE. GLONOINE. HERING. ty NITRO-GLYCERINE. NITRATE OF THE OXYDE OF GLYCYL. DR. HERING proposes this remedy for the following affections:— Cerebral Congestion; Apoplexy; Sun-stroke; Headache; Hydro- cephalus; Epilepsy; Convulsions; Thoracic Congestion; Sea-sick- ness; Congestion and inflammation of the Spinal Cord; Carditis; Pericarditis; Ophthalmia; and Puerperal Mania. Its primary effect is first manifested on the Brain and Cerebro-Spinal nerves; and, secondarily, the Sympathetic System. A very small dose quickly induces Headache, with throbbing of the temporal arteries, and considerable acceleration of the pulse. It frequently increased the action of the bowels, with a tendency to Diarrhoea. It has proved curative in many cases of Cerebral Congestion; Giddiness. and Staggering in aged persons; and appears occasionally to have relieved Facial Neuralgia. SYMPTOMS. Dizziness; Whirling Vertigo; Pressing sensation in the Brain; Feeling in the head as if the brain were expanding; in about ten minutes, felt as if it must burst. One of the early symptoms is— Throbbing in the Temporal Arteries; Pulse rapidly advanced from 68 to 98; and in fifteen minutes, 120. Throat feels full, enlarged, with sensation of choking. In most cases, the pulse reached 90 in about five minutes after taking the drug. Visions of objects pass vividly before the eyes. Frequently, trembling of the limbs and body occurred; Qualm; Nausea and Sickness; Vomiting; Confu- sion of Ideas; Compelled to lie down; Cracking in the Head; Shocks in the Brain. In some cases—Palpitation of the heart; Countenance pale; Rush of blood to the head—sometimes followed by sweat on the forehead. - - -- Dr. Hering remarks, that it is more useful for apparent than ac- tual Plethora. I have lately used it for Giddiness when walking in the open air; and quite cured a lady, sixty years of age, who had suffered for a long time (after ten days’ treatment); although, on 154 - - -- - - GRANATUM RADIGIs. [GRAN. former occasions, other Homoeopathic remedies that I had pre- scribed produced but slight relief. She now tells me that she feels like a young girl, and is quite cured. G R ANATUM RADIOIS, POMEGRANATE ROOT. THE Bark of the root, which is preferable in the dry state, has been almost exclusively used in Allopathy as an Anthelmintic; is said to be more efficacious than turpentine for tape-worm; and has one great advantage—that it does not cause sickness. Homoeo- pathically, it is set down for very much more. Dr. Gray has used it for cramp-like pains high up in the abdomen, that come on in paroxysms a few minutes apart, attended by morbid hunger, prostration, abortive efforts at stool in children. By others it is thought likely to prove useful in some forms of Gastric or Bilious Fewers. SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with obscuration of Sight; Empty feeling in the head; Stitches in the forehead; Pustules on the forehead; Ulcers in the mouth; Sore throat; Inflamed tonsils; Hunger excessive; Pota- toes nauseate; Eructations, with languor; Waterbrash; Urging; Vomiting; Pains in the Stomach and Abdomen; Colic after every meal; Frequent Colic and Cramps, even before breakfast—relieved by applying heat, lying down, and sometimes by drinking cold water; Painful distention of the Abdomen; Fermentation; Pain- ful pressure in the groins; Swelling as of Hernia; Frequent Diarrhoea—dark colour, with burning heat in the rectum; Tenesmus; Prolapsus; Itching, tingling—intolerable in the rectum; Discharge of mucus from the Urethra, like Gonorrhoea ; Yellow leucorrhoea; Prolapsus of Wagina? Stitches in the chest : Palpitation of the heart; Rheumatic pains, and stiffness of the fingers and jºints; External inflammatory swellings; Suppuration of internal organs, especially the Liver. - - M 2 155 GRAPH.] GRAPHITEs. - ie: " - ". . . . G R A PHITES, HAHNEMANN. BLACK-LEAD. HAHNEMANN valued this remedy for troublesome Chronic Consti- pation ; also for delayed Menses. Noack and Trinks consider it suitable to the Scrofulous and Venous; Disposed to corpulence— having light hair, pale, delicate skin, with knobby finger-nails; subject to chronic eruptions; Haemorrhoids; Menstrual Congestion; Swelling of the Glands; Inveterate Psoriasis; Erysipelas of the face; Tinea Capitis—humid variety; Herpetic Eruptions, espe- cially of the face; Obstinate Ulcers—also on the feet; Ulcers on the feet, with foetid odour; Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Ulcers on the Cornea; and many other Chronic affections. SYMPTOMS. Mind,-Dejection; Grief; Sadness; Anxiety; Depression— feels as if some misfortune were at hand; Tendency to start ; Ill- humour—everything vexes; Indisposed to work; Absence of mind; Forgetful; Dulness in the morning especially. - Head.-Sense of intoxication; Staggering when walking; Vertigo on waking in the morning—a violent Headache, with inclination to vomit, with cold sweat; Headache on slight motion, during or after a meal; Pain in the head as if numb, pithy, bruised. Forehead—Throbbing; Tearing; Pressure. Sides of the head—Throbbing (right); Shocks (right); Twitching (right). Occiput—Constrictive pain; also in Nuchae; Aching pain; the Brain feels loose; Burning on the top of the head, at one spot; Humming; Roaring. - Scalp.–Rheumatic pains; Sense of contraction; Itching Eruption on the Scalp; Scabs that itch; Humid eruption on the top of the head; the scabs detach, with bad odour; the Hair falls off. - Eyes, Pressure; Itching; Heaviness; Stitches; Smarting; Sense of Coldness, or Burning heat; Dryness; Albuginea, injected red; Secretion of gum; Lachrymation; Intolerance of Light; Redness and swelling of the lids. ( ) Ears (internal).--Stitches; Throbbing; Pulsation; Ulcerative 156 GRAPHITES. IGRAPH. pain. External—Itching, moisture; Herpes, and behind the ears; Tubercle; Discharge from ; Offensive pus. Sounds in—Roaring; Tingling; Humming; Thundering, shrill sound; Hissing; Crack- ing; Report like a gun, or of bladders bursting. Nose.—Sore, dry, scurfy, swollen; Blows out blood, or blood and mucus; Bleeding, night and morning; Frequent discharge of mucus, thin or thick, yellow ; Dry Coryza, with headache. Sense of Smell—Sensitive; cannot bear flowers; Smell of burnt hair, and of sulphur, or of soot burning. Face,—Erysipelas, both sides—burning, stinging; Swelling of the left side; Incipient Paralysis—left side; Spasmodic twitchings of the muscles, especially the Masseters; Twitches and stitches in the lips; Vesicles and eruptions about the mouth and chin; Falling-off of the whiskers; Raw-looking eruptions, that become scurfy; Acne. Teeth.--Toothache at night, with heat in the face; Drawing; Stinging; Tearing; Gnawing; Darting; Pain increased by warmth and mastication. Gums.-Sore, painful, swollen; Intensely painful; Bleed; Foetid odour; Pain as if ulcerated; Desire to cut the gums, and relieve the congestion. Tongue.—White; Burning vesicles—tip and back part. Throat.—Sore during deglutition; Sensation as of a plug when swallowing ; Constant spasms as if he would choke; Scraping, rawness, roughness; Stitches between the acts of deglutition; Tonsils swollen (in the morning); Spits a great quantity; Saliva runs from mouth; Hawking of gluey mucus, with saltish taste. Taste.—Bitter, acid, salt, or rotten eggs. Appetite.—Small; Dislikes meat, fish, salt food. Thirst.—Violent thirst early in the morning. - Eructations.—Continual, or difficult; Sour, bitter, or of food; Heartburn; Rancid; Hiccough; Waterbrash; Nausea, lasting several hours, with faintness; Headache, affecting the sight; Inclined to vomit; Acid vomit; Vomiting of the food taken im- mediately after dinner. Stomach.-Pressure in the stomach, relieved by lying down; Contractive pain; Gnawing; Griping; Stitches; Cold, empty feel- ing; Burning when fasting; Fermentation. Hypochondria.-Painful stitches; Intensely painful; also after breakfast; Tightness, as from a band; Aching in the Spleen. - 157 GRAPH.] - GRAPHITES. Abdomen.—Fulness; Hardness; Inflation; Distention; Griping; Jerking; Colic; Spasmodic stitches, followed by Diarrhoea; Pains, with much flatus. Inguinal Region.—Swelling of the glands; Violent pain in right groin ; Burning and bearing down; Erysipelatous inflamma- tion, with large vesicles near Umbilicus. Stool,—Intermittent; Constipation—no desire; Faeces hard, knotty, with thready mucus, or very small in size, like lumbrici; Some time after, the stools became more frequent, then regular, large, and hard; Soft stools three times a day; Diarrhoea, gradually passing off, down to one stool a day; White mucus; Red mucus, expelled with the faeces; Blood discharged at stool; Lumbrici; Ascarides. - . - Rectum.—Burning in; Bearing down; Temesmus; Stitches; Sticking pain; Prolapsus; Varices. Anus.-Itching; Smarting; Soreness; Swelling of the veins; Burning rhagades; Excoriation. . . . . . . . . . - Urine.—Frequent, involuntary; Wets the bed at night; Smells acid; or dark colour, with red deposit. Bladder.—Pressure; Anxious at night, with Colic; Cutting pain in the Kidneys. Urethra—Burning; Constriction. Penis.—Eruptions on Penis; Swelling of prepuce and scrotum ; Swelling of right testis. - Menses.—Suppressed, with heaviness in the upper and lower limbs—delayed three, seven, eleven days. Soreness of the Puden- dum, and between the thighs; Profuse Leucorrhoea; Pimples on the labia. - Chest,--Evening—Asthma, with oppression. Heart.—Throbbing; Pulsation; Palpitation; Violent shocks from the heart to the neck; Stitches; Violent palpitation, with burning and tightness. - Neck.-Stiffness; Violent pains; Swelling of cervical glands. Back,-Contractive pains between the Scapulae; Beating stitches; Violent pains in small of back, passing off by motion; Pain as from bruises in the back. . . Arms, Stitches, and Rheumatic pains in the joints; Cramp in the hands; Erysipelas; Soreness between the fingers. - Thighs.--Excoriation between, from walking; Numbness; Stiff- ness; Pains as if bruised. - A" . . - Knees.—Eruptions at the bend of the knee; Drawing pain, and 158 GRATIOLA. e [GRAT. stiffness; Heaviness, and Ulcers of the legs; Stitches in the heels; Burning of the feet; Swelling of, and soreness between, the toes; Ulcers on the toes—on the fourth toe; Horny skin; Burning, aching in corns; Thick, crippled nails. . Skin.—Unhealthy; Tendency to ulcerate and suppurate; Small pimples—tips full of pus; Small boils on neck and back; Ulcers, having a foetid smell; Proud flesh; Sweating of the skin at night, having the odour of Urine; the symptoms are worse morning and evening, and during exercise in the open air. . GRATIOLA, HARTLAUB AND TFINKS. HEDGE HYSSOP. THIS drug is recommended by Noack and Trinks, for the evils arising from Iodine Poison; Affections of the mucous membranes; Chronic affections of the abdomen; Spreading herpes; Chronic gastritis; Constipation; Haemorrhoids; Cardialgia, with suppressed In 610|SéS. ... " Teste, in his mystic way, gives us a little more information. He has discovered that it is the Chronic Chamomilla, and points to nervous diseases; Mania; Gastralgia; Enteralgia; Nymphomania; Delirium Tremens; also for Neuralgia; Megrim ; Toothache; Sciatica, &c., &c. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Dulness; Bewildered; Intoxicated feeling; Vertigo— turning in a circle, falling forward; Vertigo on rising from a seat; Congestion, to the forehead; Pressure, feeling of fulness; Violent headache, with inclination to vomit; Vibrations, affecting the sight and hearing; Heaviness from the nape of the neck; Fulness; Tightness—feeling as if the head were smaller; Brain contracted; Much heat about the head; Beating headache—relieved in the open air. Scalp.–Sensitive to cold; Itching of the scalp. Eyes.—Itching, pressure, inflammation; Dryness; Misty sight Objects look white; Short sight. 159 GRAT1 GRATIOLA. Face.—Burning of the face, chiefly after a meal; Feeling of tightness, as if swollen. Mouth-Accumulation of water; Ptyalism; Tearing in the molar teeth. - Throat-Stinging; Scraping; Roughness; he is constantly obliged to swallow; Difficulty and pain in deglutition. - Taste.—Bitter, pappy; Desires only bread; Violent thirst. Eructations.—Frequent, tasting of ingesta; Rancid; Bitter ; . Gulping of a bitter substance; Shuddering; Nausea; Loathing; Aversion to food; Vomiting of yellow mucus. Stomach.-Tender to pressure; Fulness for some hours; Pres- sure after every meal; Heaviness; Distention—must unfasten the clothes; Spasm when in bed; Pressure at pit, after a meal, as from a stone in motion, with inclination to vomit, and Eructations; Pain after a stool; Gnawing after a meal; Cutting in Epigastrium. Hypochondria.-Sticking; Beating; Burning. Abdomen.—Pain, with distention; Nausea; Pale face; Sensa- tion as of a heavy body descending ; Pinching at umbilicus; Gnawing, as from worms; Colic; Rumbling; Cold feeling; Rumb- ling, with nausea and vertigo. - Stools, Diarrhoea; Watery, yellow, or green, bilious stools; Green, frothy mucus, or brown, foetid, pappy, soft stools, succeeded by Constipation; Protrusion of large, stinging tumours, with Smarting ; the faces pass unconsciously. Rectum—Painful, con- tracted, with tenesmus; Soreness, during and after stool; a painful varix disappeared; Ascarides pass. Anus.-Stinging, itching, Smarting, beating. Urine.—Scanty—becomes turbid while standing. Menses.—Appear eight days too soon, and last two days longer than usual; Darting pains in the right breast. Larynx.-Cough towards midnight; Dry cough. Chest—Oppression; Spasmodic constriction; Pain between the scapula, and under the sternum; Heat in the chest. - Heart—Palpitation—strong and quick; Violent palpitation, that shakes the whole frame, especially after a stool—affecting the pit of the stomach. Skin.—Itching, with burning after scratching; Pimples, with yellow points; Small boils; Humid eruptions. Gratiola is useful for Spasms; Tearing pains in the limbs; Stitches in the legs and feet. 160 GUAIACUM. [GUAI. GU AIA CUM. HAHNEMANN. GUM GUALACUM. HAHNEMANN advises it for Headache; Swelling of the Eyes; Drag- ging pain in the Ears; Stitches in the Chest; Lancinating pains in the limbs, with contraction; Pulmonary Consumption, with foetid pus; Evils induced by Mercury. In Allopathy, it is used for Rheumatism; Pains in the limbs at night ; Secondary symptoms, after Mercury; Some cutaneous eruptions, and Quinsy of the Throat, with pains in the Chest. It acts as a sudorific, and sometimes causes Diarrhoea. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Violent lancinations in the brain, from below upwards; Pressure at night, from below upwards; Sensation as if the brain were loose; Shakes at each step. Forehead.—Dull pain, with sharp stitch (right eminence); Drawing pain from forehead down to the nasal bones. Parietal Region.—Drawing, tearing lancinations (right side); Tearing pain (left side); Sharp stitches (left coronal suture). External—Sensation as if too much blood were in the integu- ments; Head feels swollen; Pulsation; Throbbing. Eyes.—Swelling of the eyes; Swelling and protrusion, so that the eyelids appear too short to cover the eyes; Pupil dilated; Amaurosis, lasting a few days. Ears.-Left ear—Painful, dragging; Tearing pain. Face.—Red, swollen; Painful some days; Pains in right cheek and malar bones, as from knives. Teeth.-Aching in left molar; Tearing in left upper molars. Appetite.-Lost; Aversion to any kind of food, even milk; Vomiting of watery mucus; Nausea as from mucus in the throat. Stool.-Constipation; Broken pieces and lumps; Thin, slimy stool. Urine.—Constant desire every half-hour; Profuse; Sometimes foetid. Bladder.—Stitches at neck; Cutting during micturition. 161 GUMMI.] . - GUMMI gutti. Larynx.-Hawking of mucus; Dry Cough, followed by some expectoration—purulent, foetid, like suppuration. Chest.—Sudden sensation of obstruction in the Chest (cardiac region), seeming to arrest the breath, even at night, during sleep ; Stitches in the left side, region of the Spleen. . . . Neck-Frequent stitches—left side, up to Occiput; Aching pain each side of the Vertebrae; Violent stitches from the larynx to left Clavicle. - -- - Back-Rheumatic stiffness from nape to small of back; Con- tractive pains between the Scapula; Drawing, right side of Spine; Constrictive sensation in the muscles of the back. Limbs.-Weakness in both Upper and Lower; Darting or drawing pains in the knee; Pains in the long bone; Tension and contraction, as if the muscles were too short ; Dread of movement or exercise; Hectic Fever ? G D MMI G UTTI. GAMBOGE. IN Allopathy, Camboge, or Gamboge, is well known as a drastic purge; produces watery stools, and increases considerably the secre- tion of urine. It is a chief ingredient of Morison's Pill. Large doses will cause vomiting, griping pains, great prostration. As a purge it is more powerful than Colocynth or Scammony. It seems to act chiefly on the stomach and small intestines: after death they are found inflamed and ulcerated. It has been stated to have considerable action on the Uterus. Employed in Dropsy from Congestion of the Liver; Determination of blood to the head; and for the expulsion of Worms; Rheumatism; Diarrhoea. The following Symptoms are by Dr. N.enming. . Head.—Oppressive Headache; Compressive pain at both sides; Heaviness, with inertia; Drowsiness, and pain in small of back; Heating in the forehead, towards the nose; Oppression, with heavi- ness in the forehead; Feeling of coldness as from a wet cloth laid on the left temple. - Eyes.—Violent itching, burning, stinging, in the evening; Nightly agglutination; Dim sight, as if looking through gauze. 162 HAMAMELIS WIRGINICA. [HAM. ... Nose.—Ulcerated; Bleeding; Sneezing; Violent Chronic sneez- ing; Dryness of the right nostril; Mucus, smelling like pus. Throat.—Roughness; Burning soreness; Choking sensation; Feeling of swelling in the throat. • Stomach.-Nausea; Constant heaving as if the stomach were raised up; Waterbrash; Gulping of acid water; Horrible vomiting and purging—causes fainting; Empty feeling in stomach and bowels; Weakness; Gnawing, painful constriction after dinner; Pain as if ulcerated; Stomach tender to pressure; Dartings, which cause one to start; Beating; Pressure in the stomach and chest, arresting the breath. - Most of the symptoms are relieved by eating, or in the open air. Abdomen.—Painful burning in Hepatic Region; Frequent, violent pinching in the entire abdomen. Umbilicus.-Painful gnawing at a small spot below the Umbi- licus; Pinching in that region, with inflation and tension of the abdomen; Rumbling. Inguinal,—Pinching in groins; Pinching as with nails; Sudden dart in right groin, causing him to start. It is proposed to cure watery Diarrhoea. Stool.—Constipation; Hard, small stool, with urging and pro- trusion of the rectum ; Frequent soft stools; Diarrhoea of green mucus; Diarrhoea, with burning and tenesmus; Cutting in the intestines; the abdomen is contracted—small; Profuse watery diarrhoea, with colic and tenesmus. Urine.—Scanty—a few drops, with burning at orifice. Female.—Menses early and profuse; Leucorrhoea; Congestion of Head 2 Chest ? and Uterus 2 HAM AMELIS WIRGINIC A. AMERICAN REMEDIES. - WITCH HAZEL, THIS remedy is supposed to take rank between Aconite and Arnica (Hering); and is proposed for Haemorrhages from all mucous mem- branes. Diseases of Weins.—Phlebitis; Inflammation, and Varices; 163 HAM.] HAMAMELIS WIRGINICA, Anemia; Asthenic conditions; evils resulting from the loss of blood; Injuries from a fall; Haemorrhoids, with profuse flow; Circocele; Varicocele; Abscess; Boils; Carbuncle; and Epistaxis. SYMPTOMS. Eyes.—Painful; Inflamed; Excessive congestion of the con- junctiva. Nose.-Bleeding from ; also with sense of tightness over the bridge; Pressure between the eyes, and Benumbed sensation over the whole forehead. Stomach.-Haematemesis; Painful vomiting of blood. Abdomen.—Varicose veins of the abdomen. Anus.-Piles, with profuse haemorrhage; Painful; Burning soreness; Sense of fulness, and excoriation; Weakness and pain in back, as if it would break; Discharge of dark blood in a case of typhoid fever. - Urine,—Of blood; Constipation. Testes, Circocele? Waricocele? Uterus.-Active or passive haemorrhage of bright-red blood; Affections of the Uterus, with tumefaction, tenderness, retention of Urine; Diffused pain and soreness over the abdomen after a blow on the region of the ovary; Leucorrhoea. Crural Phlebitis.-(Milk-leg), with swelling of left labia, inguinal region, and thigh ; Painful but benumbed sensation in the limb; the swelling white, opaque, passing downwards in three days—occupied the whole limb; (Milk-leg), commencing at the ankle, with difficult motion of the limb, from stiffness and pain in the left hip. -- Larynx.-Cough, with Haemoptysis; Taste of sulphur in the mouth; Dull frontal headache; Tickling cough, with taste of blood. - Chest.—“Return of inflammation of Diaphragm, with laboured respiration, with oppression, tightness—preventing a full, deep inspiration; Fulness in head and neck; Sense of suffocation that prevents his lying down.” - Lower Extremities.—Varicose Weins and Ulcers; Inflamma- tion of the femoral vein, with erysipelatous spot near the groin and over the vein, occupying nearly one-half of the thigh; Swelling 164 HELLEBORE. [HELL. of the leg and foot, with tension; Limb pale, but hot; Urine scanty, albuminous; Tympanitis, and general CEdema of the whole body; Inflammation of the veins generally. - Skin-Purpura haemorrhagica, with Epistaxis and congestion of the conjunctiva; Carbuncles; Boils. For External application: take one teaspoonful of tincture; add four teaspoonfuls of water—to form a lotion. HELLEBORE. HAHNEMANN. CHRISTMAS ROSE. HAHNEMANN has written an essay on this, the Black Hellebore, which will be found in The Lesser Writings." Hahnemann, in his Materia Medica Pura, observes—“By continuing the proving, we shall find out what the Greeks cured by means of Hellebore.” The symptoms show that this drug must cure a peculiar kind of fever, swellings, and mental diseases. From Noack and Trinks, we learn that Hellebore has been successfully used in the following affec- tions:–General Dropsy, and especially after Scarlet Fever; Ama- sarca and Ascites in Children; Acute Hydrocephalus; Hydrothorax; CEdema of the scrotum. (Hempel adds)—Sneezing; Cholera 2 Spasms of the lungs? Herpes; Lepra? Plica Polonica? Puerperal Mania? Lentescent Typhus? Intermittent Quartan? It seems to have been used from the time of Celsus, for Mania, Melancholia, and sometimes to procure abortion. It is said to bring back the menses when suppressed. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Silent melancholy; the sight of a cheerful person makes him unhappy; Involuntary sighing; Moaning; Anxious; Uneasy; Forbodes some misfortune; Anguish, with nausea; he cannot get rest in any position; Obstinate silence ; Indifferent, even to his own appearance; Diffidence. Senses.—Dull; Stupor; Stares without thought; the mind * Translation by Dr. Dudgeon; p. 689. - 165 HELL.] | HELLEBORE. seems to have no power over the body; Allows an article to fall from the hand unconsciously, if spoken to, or the attention other- wise attracted; Weakness of memory. - - - Head. —Dull; Confused; Stupefaction; Vertigo; Reeling; Headache on right side; Pressure from within outwards; the whole brain seems compressed, or at one point only; Compressive pain in both temples; Drawing, as if the whole cerebral mass were accumulating; Pulsative throbbing in the left temple; Boring stitches across the forehead; Meningitis? Scalp.–Bruised feeling; Jerking in the integuments; Tension; Sensation as if the scalp were drawn very tight; Humid scabs among the hair; Falling-off of the hair. Eyes.—Burning, smarting, pricking in the ocular conjunctiva and eyeball; Pressure, as if the eyes would be forced out; Pupils dilated; Photophobia, without much inflammation; Twitchings in the levator pālpebrae, and some of the facial muscles; Heavy, downward look. . * Ears.-Pain as if the inner ear would burst; Digging, boring in the right ear, with toothache. Nose.—Constriction of the nose, almost to suffocation; Sneez- ing on rising; Desire to sneeze, but cannot. - Face.—Yellow, or pale, with heat in the head; CEdematous swelling of the face; Wrinkled forehead. Lips.-Swollen; White vesicles; Pimple on upper lip. Teeth.-Lancination in right molars, all night; he could not bear either warm or cold things; not much pain by day, but the lower molars felt elongated. Mouth.-Ptyalism, with soreness at the corner of the mouth; Dryness of the palate, with pain (cutting or scraping) when moving the mouth in the act of deglutition. Tongue.—Dry; White in the morning; Stiffness; Insensibility of the tongue; Aphtha ; Vesicles; Pimples; Swelling. Taste.-Slimy, with violent thirst. - Appetite.—Good; or Nausea, with a sensation of hunger, yet the food is repulsive; Good appetite for Bread and Meat—dislike to greens; Empty eructations, with inclination to Womit, yet unable; Vomiting of green, blackish substance, with Colic (ending fatal). - . . . . . Stomach.-Scraping, rough sensation; Painful burning; Ex- cessive pain at pit; Pain, as if bruised, in Pyloric region—felt at 166 . HELLEBORE. [HELL. every step; Sense of Contraction at the pit; Stomach distended; Painful, as if ulcerated; Tender to pressure. Abdomen.—Weight; Pinching; Sharp pressure below the um- bilicus, from without inwards; Audible rumbling movement, as if bubbles were rising and bursting; Emission of foetid flatus; Gur- gling in intestines, as if full of water; Sensation of coldness. Stool.—Diarrhoea, with Colic; Watery evacuations; Stools of white, tenacious mucus; Some stools resemble jelly; Burning-hot Smarting in the Anus. Urine.—Frequent micturition, but small in quantity; Feeble stream—dark colour. Respiration—Chest.—Breathing difficult, slow, deep—had to gasp for air; Cutting pain in Chest; Scraping, rough sensation under the Sternum; Palpitation of the heart. Neck.-Swelling of the Cervical glands; Stiffness of the muscles, even to the Occipital region; Motion painful; Pain in left shoulder-joint; Pains between the Scapula, as if bruised; Rheumatic stiffness in Nuchae. Upper Limbs,-Twitching of the muscles; Tearing in the bones; Sensation as from a shock; Drawing, from the middle of the arm to the bend of the Elbow. - Hands,-Painful, from the wrist to the fingers; Sweat in the palms; Weakness in the hands—he cannot grasp ; Paralytic tear- ings in the fingers; Boring; Sticking in the joints of the middle fingers; Vesicles on the fingers; Inflamed spot near the nail of thumb and first finger. Hip.–Paralytic stiffness in Hip-Joint; Prickings, like needles; Stitches; Burning pressure. Thighs and Legs.-Weak; Stiffness and tension of the muscles. Knees.—Stitches in Knee-joint; Digging pain in right pa- tella; Stiffness in the ham-strings. Ankle—Pain, as if sprained; Aching pain in right heel (Os Calcis) in every position. - Sleep.–Restless towards morning; Dreams confused; Sopor. Fever.—Pulse strong; Pulsations throughout the whole body; Thirst; Chills, with goose-skin; Cold feet and hands; Heat in the face; Towards morning, in bed, a general sweat sets in ; after- wards, coldness; Cold sweat; Fever, lasting several days; Chilli- ness every night; Sweat every morning; Slow, small pulse; Continual chilliness of body; Heat in the head, without thirst. - - 167 HEP.] HEPAR SULPHURIS. Skin.—Sudden swelling of the whole Body; Falling-off of the hair and nails; Anasarca after suppressed eruptions; Peeling of the skin. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Convulsive movements; Concussive shaking of the head; Spas- modic rigidity of the Limbs; Twitchings during sleep. HEP A R S ULPHURIS. HAHNEMANN. - SULPHURET OF LIME. Is said to be especially suitable for persons of a lymphatic, scrofulous habit; milder in action than Sulphur, and often preferable to it in chronic disease of the cervical glands, and some cutaneous affec- tions; Cachectic conditions after Mercury, and Secondary Syphilis; also Rhagades; Humid and gnawing tetters; Panaris; Boils; Suppurating abscess; Erysipelas; Pustules on the Conjunctiva; Ulcers on the Cornea; Tubercles in the lungs; Croup, after Aconite; Diphtheria; Bronchial secretion; Hoarseness; Pain at a fixed spot in the trachea; almost constant hawking; Nervousness, that frequently follows the effects of Mercury. (It appears to act on the Liver with considerable power.) SYMPTOMs. Mind,-Dissatisfied with oneself; Remembers all that is dis- agreeable; Repulsive mood; Low, Sad, Dejected, or Impatient, Irritable; Ill-humour—a very trifling cause irritates; he becomes vehement—feels he could kill one; when out of humour he could not remember anything; seemed stupid and dull of compre- hension; his thoughts suddenly disappear. Head.-Vertigo, with nausea, eructations; could not stand after a ride in a carriage; Headache, especially when moving the head, or shaking it; Concussion; Headache early in the morning, when waking (even lancinating)—violent at night, especially frontal, with general heat—no thirst; Aching in one-half the head; 168 HEPAR SULPHURIS. [HEP. Sensation as if a plug or nail pressed; Aching in forehead, with prickings, as if a Boil were forming; Stitches, with sensation as if the skull would burst when stooping; Boring pain at the root of the nose every morning; Boring, throbbing in right temple; Hammering ; Sense of swashing, like water. Scalp.–Pimples; Blotches; Small tuberosities on the scalp; Pimples on the nape of the neck, and on the forehead; Painless tubercles on the forehead; Falling-off of the hair; Bald places appear after a severe illness, but more especially after Mercury. Eyes.—Aching in eyeball; Dull stitch; Pressure in the eyes; Violent pain, as if the eyes were being drawn into the head; Incisive pain in the external Canthus; Eyes feel weary, and the lids look red; Erysipelatous inflammation—the lids feel bruised, and painful to touch; Specks and Ulcers on the Cornea; Pimples and Stye, on the upper lid; Spasmodic Winking of the lids; the eyes ache from the bright light of day, when moving them ; Noc- turnal agglutination; Lachrymation; Obscuration of Sight. Ears.--Darting pains; Violent stitches; Itching, heat, and redness of the External Ear; Scurfy eruption, and behind the ears. Internal—Discharge of Pus, sometimes foetid; Wax increased; Roaring; Whizzing; Throbbing; Snapping; also at night; Hard- ness of hearing—passed away with a report, when blowing the nose. Nose.-Tenderness of the nasal bones; Drawing pains, affect- ing the eyes; Itching; Tingling; Contractive sensation; Redness, heat, and swelling; Burning; Bruised at tip; Nostrils ulcerated; Scurfy—yellow water drops from the nose, or Coagulated blood; a few drops of blood fall every morning; Nose painful, like from a boil, with Coryza : Foetid mucus is expelled; Smell sensitive. Face,—Yellow colour of the skin, or paleness, with flushes of heat, like hectic; Heat at seven in the evening, at night, and early in the morning; Cheeks red as fire; Swelling of cheek; Erysipelas, with pricking and tension; Vesicular Erysipelas; Eruption; Rash on the face; Pimples—crusty, like Acne in young persons; Vesicles and ulcers on the chin; Pimples; Blotches. Lips.-Chapped; Deep chap in middle of lower lip; Lips swollen; Itching spot—several vesicles form, yellow at the tips, passing off in Scurf. Teeth.-Looseness of the teeth; Jerking toothache. Gums, Ulcerated; Jerking pain, swelling, and inflammation. Mouth.-Ulcers, with a base like lard; Tongue sore, painful. N 169. HEP.] - HEPAR SULPHURIS. Throat.—Roughness; Scraping; Stitches during deglutition; Sensation as of a splinter; Stitches, extending to the ear; Sense of constriction, to suffocation; Sensation as from a clot of mucus or an internal swelling, with bruised feeling in the muscles; Swelling of the tonsils; Dryness of the throat; Smarting, roughness, and rawness of the fauces; Painful when swallowing solid food. Taste.—Putrid, metallic; Bitter; Slimy, or of rotten eggs; Loss of taste, or flat, like dough. g wine; Much thirst; More thirst than hunger; Weak digestion, especially after Merc. or Quinine; Digestion easily deranged; Aver- sion to fat; Fulness after a meal; Eructations empty or burning; Hiccough; Nausea early in the morning, or momentary attacks, with paleness, coldness, or with oppression in the chest; Palpi- tation; Vomiting every morning; Waterbrash very acid; Vomiting of green, acrid water, tenacious mucus, or bile, with long and violent retching; Vomiting of mucus and coagulated blood. Stomach,-Pressure after a moderate meal, or on waking every morning; Hard pressure at pit; Tension, fulness; Swelling in the region of the stomach, with pressure; Gnawing; Compelled to loosen the clothes. - Hepatic Region.—Stitches in the region of the liver when walking ; Painful congestion Öf blood in both Hypochondria; Sensation as if the portal circulation were arrested; Distention in the left Hypochondria; STITCHES IN THE SPLEEN. Abdomen.—Bloated; Sensitive; Intestines feel bruised; Empty; Cramp-like pinching, tension; Contractive pains; Violent stitches in left side; Soreness and pain about the Umbilicus; Drawing pains; Fermenting sensation; Whirling; Rumbling in the Ab- domen. - Inguinal Region.—Induration; Swelling; Suppuration of the Glands; Buboes; the Glands become painful and tender to the touch, or slight pressure. Stool.–Desire for stool, but the peristaltic action seems too weak to expel the faces without the aid of the abdominal muscles; Weakness of the Levator Ani?—even a soft stool is difficult; Diar- rhoea of children—whitish, sour smell; Clay-colour, or Green, or of blood; Dysenteric diarrhoea; Tenesmus. Rectum.—Burning, creeping; Soreness after evacuation; Pro- trusion of Varices; Pimples at the Anus. 170 HEPAR SULPHURIS. IHEP. Urine.—Wetting the bed; Frequent desire; Passes a quantity of pale urine; on standing, it deposits a white sediment, or turbid- looking even while passing; Dark-yellow urine, with burning; Brown-red urine, as in Jaundice; Violent desire, but difficult; Urine red as blood; Sharp burning—seems to excoriate the canal; a greasy pellicle forms on the surface, glistening with various colours. Bladder.—Weakness of the muscular coat—the bladder does not appear sufficiently powerful to expel the urine; it drops out perpendicularly, and a portion seems to be retained. Urethra.-Orifice red, inflamed; Stitches; Soreness, as if some part were ulcerated; Discharge of mucus; Gleet. Prepuce,—Irritation; Soreness; Ulcerated points, and on the glans; Moisture, with Excoriation between the scrotum and thigh; Sexual power diminished; Discharge of prostatic juice at stool. Menses.—Delay ten days; Diminished discharge. Uterus.-Congestion; Haemorrhage, preceded by distention of the abdomen—it reappeared in ten or twelve days. Leucorrhoea.—Smarting, causing excoriation of the vulva. Larynx and Voice.—Hoarseness; Weak voice; Seated pain in one spot—increased by speaking, coughing, breathing, and pressure. Cough.-Dry—hoarse, hollow sound; Cough, throwing up little flocculent lumps, or even small tubercles; Cough, with stitches in the throat, and pain in the head; Whooping-cough during the period of secretion. Croup—after Aconite and before Spongia; Easy secretion of mucus in the bronchi; Cough at night, with ex- pectoration of mucus. Chest.—Spasmodic constriction of the chest, with hoarseness; Anxious wheezing; Difficult respiration; Danger of Suffocation— throws the head backward; Stitches in the sternum; Frequent deep breathing, as after running; Stitches in the side; Sensation as if hot water were in the chest. Heart.—Violent palpitation, with fine stitches; Heat in car- diac region. - External Chest, — Muscles sensitive (pectoral); Pimples; Boils; Ulcers. - Trunk and Back.-Suppuration of axillary glands; Stitches between the scapula, and in the back and region of the kidneys; Pain as if bruised, or from a strain; Sensation of weakness in the whole spine; Foetid perspiration under the armpits. N 2 171 HYDRAS.] HYDRASTUS CANADENSIS. Skin.—Chapped skin, and rhagades of the hands and feet; Un- healthy skin; Tendency to ulceration and suppuration; Whitlow ; Yellow colour of the skin, as in Jaundice. Fever.-Hectic P Burning, feverish heat, with thirst, red face, headache, muttering; Delirium from 4 o'clock P.M., and continued all night for three nights; Sweat at midnight; Profuse sweats at night or in the morning, over the whole body, or only confined to the head; Acid might-sweat; Profuse sweat day and night, or from slight exertion. ******* *** * OTHER SYMPTOMS. Drawing pains in the limbs, especially the knees; the limbs feel weak and weary—not refreshed by sleep. The nervous system, particularly, is affected; Slight impressions cause tremulousness. HYDRASTUS CANAD ENSIS, AMERICAN REMEDIES. - GOLDEN SEAL. THIS remedy was first introduced as a specific for Cancer; but, unfortunately, does not maintain its early reputation. All new remedies are apt to be over-estimated. Hydrastus, however, ap- pears to possess some virtues, and has proved of value in the treat- ment of Mammary Tumours, such as are irritable, and tend to ulce- ration: but in true Cancer it does not yet take rank above Arsenic. It possesses considerable power to allay pain by external applica- tion, and may remove some kinds of Glandular Swellings. It is also recommended for Lupus, Psoriasis, and Ophthalmia. A few cases of Obstinate Constipation have yielded to this remedy; also Fissure of the Anus, with a cerate composed of four grains of the pulverised root to one ounce of lard. (It appears also to be used combined with Glycerine). As a gargle, it has proved of service in Angina and Ulceration of the Fauces. As a medicinal agent, it is supposed to resemble China, inasmuch as it tends to increase the physical strength, especially after Fevers, by improving the digestion, and favouring assimilation. It is prescribed, in America, for Mucous Discharge from the Intestines—a sort of Blenorrhoea; 172 HYDROCYANIC ACID. [HYD. AC. Chronic Ulceration of the Bowels; Flatulent Colic, especially when accompanied with faintness, and a general cachectic condition of the body, HYDR 00 Y ANIC A. CID, PRUSSIC ACID. THIS very powerful poison, in Allopathic practice, is considered to act as a sedative and anodyne; one or two drops of Scheele's Preparation being a sufficient commencing dose. It is employed for Pyrosis; Gastritis; Hysterical Vomiting; Palpitations; Spas- modic Cough; sometimes applied, in dilution, as a lotion for Prurigo; and to the Eye, for Opacity of the Cornea. In Homoeo- pathy it is proposed for Asiatic Cholera—the latter stage; Angina Pectoris; and some forms of Epilepsy; also Amblyopia. It is not to be expected that we can obtain a very elaborate proving, unless it were made with the attenuations. SYMPTOMS. Spirits.-Low, desponding; Vexed; Nervous irritability. Senses.—Dull, slow; Stupefaction; or pleasant, yet languid feeling ; Cloudiness of the senses; everything seems turning. Head.-Giddy; Oppressive pain in forehead, or left side; Prickings here and there. Eyes.—Protruded; Pupils dilated, immovable; Wide open; Insensible to light; Lids appear paralysed, or spasmodic twitch- ings of the upper lid; Sight dim, obscured, as from a gauze. Face.—Sunken; Pale, bluish ; Features distorted; Spasms of the facial muscles; Lock-jaw; Flow of saliva from the mouth. Tongue.—Coated. First—White. Secondly—Dark, foul; Cold tongue, or feels burning at the tip; Tongue stiff, protruded. Pharynx.-Inflamed; Scraping sensation; Spasm of the Pha- rynx and CEsophagus, . Taste.—Sweetish, or acrid, pungent ; Foetid taste. Appetite.-Lost; Disposition to vomit; Vomiting of black fluid- - 173 HYOS.] - HYOSCYAMUS. Stomach.-Coldness, with stitches; Spasmodic contraction; Inflammation of the stomach and intestines; Coldness and burning alternate; also in the abdomen; Stool involuntary. - - Urine-Retention; Copious discharge of watery, or pale yellow. Larynx.-Inflammation of the larynx; Burning, painful, as if swollen; Spasmodic constriction of the throat; Cough—short, hacking, with prickling in larynx and trachea ; Haemoptysis; Res- piration slow, deep; Snoring, or frequent arrest of breath, from stitches in the larynx; Paralysis of the lungs; Feeling of suffoca- tion, as in Asthma. - Chest.—Tightness; Oppression; Acute pains in the Chest ; Sticking pains in left side, below the sternum. Heart.—Pain and pressure; Irregular beating; Feeble beats. Skin-Itching; Dryness; General paleness, with a blue tinge; Small red pustules; Itching, burning vesicles. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Rapid languor; Nervous weakness; Heat of body diminishes; Limbs weak; Paralysis of the Lower, and then the Upper limbs; Cramps in the back, face, and jaws; Convulsions; the beats of the heart gradually diminish until extinct. Hempel records a case of Epilepsy, in a girl aged sixteen, of six years' standing. The fits came on every afternoon. Five drops, three times a day, effected a cure. HY 0 SC Y A MUS, HAHNEMANN. - HENBANE. THE medicinal powers of this drug seem strongly to resemble Belladonna. The following remark by Hahnemann tends to illus- trate the firm conviction he so frequently expresses of the power of small doses:–“ Large doses of Homoeopathic remedies are more injurious than large doses of Allopathic drugs. A practitioner who prescribes Homoeopathically, commits a crime by administer- 174 HYOSCYAMUS. [HYOS. ing doses the size used in Allopathy. I say this in regard to every drug, and especially in all forms of Acute Disease. Let no one tell me that his patient died, in spite of taking a large dose, ad- ministered every two or three hours. If the smallest portion of a drop of the 15th or 30th attenuation (one dose only) had been administered, and, in rare cases, another drop three or four days after, he would have saved his patient’s life.” In Allopathic prac- tice, Hyoscyamus is employed often as a substitute for Opium, to induce sleep, allay pain, &c. For Children it proves safer than Opium; also in Mania, combined with Camphor. Some experi- ments made by Dr. Garrod, tend to show that Caustic Alkalies destroy the effects of Hyoscyamus. The dose, in Tincture, is set from fifteen to thirty drops. The quality of the preparation varies immensely. I have seen half a drachm given with very little effect. Homoeopathically, this remedy is prescribed for Affections of the Brain and Eyes; Spasmodic Convulsions; Epilepsy; Nervous excitement; Sleeplessness; Inflammation of the Brain; Menin- gitis; Delirium Tremens; Hydrophobia; Presbyopia; Strabismus; Night Blindness; Spasm and Paralysis of the bladder; Dry cough; Spasmodic cough at night; Prieumonia; Profuse menses; Menor- rhagia; Puerperal Fever; Hysterical Spasms; Grinding of the teeth in sleep; Chronic Haemorrhage; Redness of the skin; Brown spots; Vesicles; Pustules; Boils; Toothache, from a cold. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—First—Lively, humorous. Second—Disposed to quarrel, followed by rage; Furious demeanour; Jealousy; Disposed to attack others with a knife; or dreadful anguish; Fancies he is poisoned; Fears some animal will bite him ; thinks he is a criminal—that he will be sold; Low, sad ; Desires to kill or drown himself; Fearful; Diffident; or Impatient; Irritable. Senses.—Stupefaction; Loss of sense; does not seem to see or hear anything, yet the eyes are wide open; Sits in bed like a statue ; Mutters; Uncovers the body—lies in bed naked; Deli- rious; Unconscious, or talks more than usual, with animation, but in a hurried manner; does foolish things; Sings obscene songs; * Will the experience of Homoeopathic practice, during the next fifty years, confirm this statement There is an evident disposition, at present, to repeat the dose more frequently, in the face of this positive assertion. 175 HYOS.] HYOSCYAMUS. Dances, performs ludicrous actions; Dresses in the sheet, or in im- proper clothes; afterwards he has no idea of what he has been doing; Seems as though he had been in a dream ; Loss of memory. Hyos. may prove useful in the Delirium of Fever, and from the long-continued use of Alcoholic Drinks; Delirium Tremens; In- sensible to pinching the skin. Head.—Vertigo, lasting two weeks; Staggering; Reeling, as if intoxicated ; Headache, with pain in nape of neck; Stupefying headache ; Constriction; Depressing headache, with general ma- laise; Undulating sensation in the brain, with strong beating of the vessels; Tingling in the head; Unnatural heat; Sensation, when walking, as if the brain were loose. (The brain shook and flapped, like a wet sheet, when walking.) Eyes.—Sight obscured—objects not distinct; Eyes look dim— without lustre; Passing Amaurosis—can scarcely see the distance of three steps; Short sight (four days); the sight seems to have improved, and become clear, in one who was very short-sighted; the pupil dilated; Far and clear sight continued several days, and then decreased gradually;” Eyes appear staring, distorted, protruded; Convulsive motion of the eyes; Red, inflamed, spark- ling; (Inflammation of the Conjunctiva); Objects appear red, like scarlet; Letters appear larger than they are, and, when reading, they seemed to move up in a heap like a mass of insects; Various optical illusions. Eyelids.-Swollen; Red, as if from weeping; Twitching of the lids; Spasmodic closing of the lids. Face,—Heated; Burning heat, with dilated pupils; or Pale- bluish ; or Brownish-red; Swollen ; Pustules like Variola. Teeth.--Tearing toothache, with congestion of blood to the head; the pains seem in several teeth; they feel elongated, or loose, - Gums.-Painful, especially from cold air; the pains are accom- panied with heat in the face, and congestion of blood to the head; Lock-jaw —probably from Spasms of the Masseters and Zygomatic muscles. Mouth-Foam at the mouth, or dryness early in the morning; Saliva saltish, or tasting sweetish, like blood; Foetid breath. Lips.-Dry, brown, like scorched leather. Tongue.—Dry, burning; Feels as if burnt by hot food; Para- * To what extent, our deponent sayeth not. 176 HYOSCYAMU.S. [HYOS. lysis of the tongue; Unable to speak; the tongue looks red, or brown; Parched; Dry (as in Typhoid Fever); Thirst intense. Throat.-Parched; Dry; Rough; Scraping; Parching dryness of the Fauces; Burning heat; Constriction of the throat; Pressure as from a swelling; Difficult deglutition; a little fluid seems to choke him; he cannot swallow it—is obliged to spit it out (symp- toms similar to Hydrophobia); Dread of drink—it seemed to bring on convulsions. Vomiting.—For some days he had difficulty to keep the food down; Vomiting of blood, with mucus; Pains in the stomach; Convulsions; Difficult breathing; Prostration and cold extremities; Vomiting of green bile, with copious sweat, greatly relieved him. Hiccough.-Violent, with thirst; Constipation, or involuntary micturition; or after dinner; or with spasms and rumbling in the Abdomen. - Stomach. — Oppression; Burning; Sense of inflammation; Spasms in periodical attacks—relieved by vomiting. Abdomen.—Spasms and pinching; Painful Colic, as if the Ab- domen would burst; Distended and tender to touch, as in Enteritis; the muscles feel painful, and the integuments very sensitive; Very sore when coughing. Stool-Diarrhoea after parturition; Painless diarrhoea; Copious pappy stool, with scanty urine; Involuntary stools; Paralysis of the Sphincter; Unconscious passage of the faeces in bed; Flowing Haemorrhoids; Ascarides. Urine.—Retention, with constipation and pressure in the blad- der—afterwards copious emission, even when asleep, or frequent during the night; Involuntary discharge, as if the bladder were paralysed; Urine yellow, turbid. Male impotence—two months. Menses.—Profuse, almost amounting to Haemorrhage; Menor- rhagia of bright-red blood, with spasmodic pains; Profuse menses, with delirium. Before the menses, fits of hysteric laughter. When they appear, Enuresis, sweat, headache, and nausea—sometimes spasms; Menses suppressed. -- Larynx-Sense of constriction; Mucus seems to adhere, which cannot be detached by coughing; Bronchial Catarrh. Cough.-Constant on lying down; Nocturnal cough ; Dry; Spasmodic; Fits of coughing resemble Whooping-cough; Cough, with greenish expectoration; Haemoptysis, with convulsions. Respiration.—Difficult, as in Asthma, with rattling of mucus. 177 IGN.] IGNATIA AMARA. Chest. — Tightness, cramp-like; Oppression; Spasms, with arrest of breath, and palpitation of the heart; Pressure in the right side of the chest; Stitches in the side; Pleurisy P - Sleep.-First—Wakeful; Sleepless, with anxiety—nervousness; Nightly sleeplessness, with convulsions as from fright; Interrupted sleep; Starting up from sleep; Moaning in sleep, or talking; Grinding the teeth. Second—Drowsy; Deep sleep. Dreams.-Frightful; Furious cats assail him. s. & º . . Skin.--Dry; Brittle; Large pustules; Herpetic spots; Brown spots appear and disappear in several parts of the body; Dropsy % OTHER SYMPTOMS. Fainting fits that are death-like; Sudden falling, with a cry and convulsions; Convulsions, with foam at the mouth; Spasms, with diarrhoea and coldness; Subsultus tendinum; St. Vitus’ dance; Distortion and tossing about of the limbs—in a child. Hyoscyamus has the power to reduce the pulse and dilate the pupil. Is less active than Belladonna. The pains of Hyoscy. are Lancinating; Sharp stitches, or Rheu- matic, dull, drawing pains, affecting the muscles and vicinity of the joints—worse in the ovening, and during motion. IGNATIA AMARA. HAHNEMANN. - - BITTER BEAN. ACCORDING to Hahnemann, “The action of Ign. is short, and only useful in somewhat sudden attacks of acute disease; its value being small in chronic cases, except as an intermediate remedy. Notwithstanding the botanic affinity between it and Nux Wom., there is a very important difference in their powers as remedies. Ignatia, having a more special influence on the mind, is adapted to those persons who are subject to alternations of cheerfulness and weeping, disposed to concentrate within themselves their grief (silent grief), and not such as give vent to their feelings in rage and vehemence. An Epileptic fit, induced by this concealed grief, 178 - IGNATLA AMARA. [IGN. may be controlled by Ignatia; yet it would seem very doubtful if Epilepsy, arising from other causes, can be relieved by this remedy. Ignatia is best administered in the morning; it may disturb the rest at night.” It acts powerfully on the Brain and Spinal Cord; appears especially useful for many of the affections of Females— Hysteria; Cramps; Evils that may arise from disappointment; Chagrin ; Fright; Headache, especially frontal; Neuralgia of the head, face, and teeth; Spasms of the CEsophagus; Globus Hysteri- cus; Nervous Dyspepsia; Gastric symptoms, with headache; Pre- mature and profuse menses; Uterine spasms; Colic; Prolapsus Recti. Also, in children—For Spasmodic convulsions, especially during dentition; Fits resembling Epilepsy; Twitching at the corners of the mouth; Foaming; Biting the tongue; Twitching in the limbs; Chafing and soreness of the skin. - SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Anxious precipitancy—he cannot do what he wishes sufficiently quick; Tendency to start; Fearful timidity—fear of thieves; Quick, transitory ill-humour, for which he is afterwards angry with himself; Impatient, irresolute, quarrelsome—the feel- ing passes off, and returns again in a few hours; he then begins to jest and laugh, or avoids talking; Serious melancholy; Broods to himself; Internal chagrin—temper soured; Deeply absorbed in . thought; he broods over occurrences against his will; Sadness; Weak memory; Sensitiveness of feeling—easily moved to tears; Delicate conscientiousness; Tender-hearted; Gnawing grief at heart (Jahr); Dread of labour; Weeping mood. Head.—Heaviness; Headache in the forehead—he lays his forehead on the table; the head seemed too full of blood. Forehead.--Tearing pain; Boring—relieved by lying down; Aching over the root of the nose, obliging him to incline the head; Cramp-like headache—sensation as if a nail were pressed into the brain; Hard pressure on the surface of the brain, recurring in paroxysms (removed by coffee); Talking excites the headache; the head feels as if it would burst; Beating; Pulsation; Headache as if bruised; Tendency to throw the head backwards; Falling-off of the hair. - -- Eyes.—Inflamed, red; Smarting, stinging; Pressure in the eye, as from a grain of sand; Intolerance of light; * 179 IGN.] IGNATIA AMARA. Sight dim; Staring, with dilated pupils; Convulsive motion of the eyes and lids. Nose.-Swollen, painful, ulcerated; Dry stoppage; Coryza, with pain in forehead, and nervousness. Face,—Pale; Red; Blue; Redness and burning of one cheek; Alternation of pale and red; Clay-coloured, sunken, with blue margin around the eyes; Sweat only in the face; Twitchings at the corners of the mouth; Convulsive twitchings, and contraction of the facial muscles; Spasms of the jaw. Lips.-Ulcerated, raw, sore, especially inside—bleed, crack. Teeth.-Pains in the molars, as if they were being crushed; Numbness; Looseness; Gums feel benumbed, as if burnt. Mouth.-Red, sore, inflamed; Constant mucus; Saliva; Foam. Tongue.-Numbness towards the tip; Sore, as if burnt—sting- ing, smarting; Biting the tongue (in a fit?) when talking or chewing. - Throat.--Stinging in the throat between the acts of degluti- tion; Sensation, when swallowing, as if it passed over a lump; Difficult deglutition, either liquid or solid; Constriction; Sub- maxillary glands painful, aching; Drawing pain when moving the neck. Taste.-Flat, like chalk, or bitter, sour; Saliva tastes sour; Accumulation of mucus in the mouth; Aversion to Smoking; Aversion to milk; Aversion to warm food and meat. Ignatia im- proves the appetite. Regurgitation of the Ingesta.-Sense of fulness; in the night he feels hot, and vomits; Nausea; Uneasiness; Frequent spitting. - - Hiccough.-Always after eating and drinking; Vomiting of bile. - Stomach.-Sensation as if one had been fasting a long time; Peculiar feeling of weakness in Epigastrium and at pit of stomach; Fine stinging in stomach; Spasmodic pains in stomach; Stomach sensitive to the touch; Pain extending from the stomach to the Spleen and Back; Periodical pains. Abdomen.—Colic pains; Nightly, flatulent colic; Periodical, abdominal spasms; Empty rumbling and grumbling in the bowels; Throbbing in the Abdomen; Pinching; Distention; Puffiness after a meal; Pinching colic in one side of the Abdomen; the colic is aggravated by coffee, brandy, or sweets. 180 IGNATIA AMARA. IIGN. Inguinal Region.—Pain darting into left; Sensation as if Hernia would protrude. - Stool.-Yellow mucus, with colic; Stool of large size; Whitish- yellow; Expelled with difficulty; Constipation from riding in a carriage, or from taking cold; Desire for stool, with colic; Tenes- mus, with protrusion of the Rectum. $º Rectum.—Prolapsus when making moderate pressure; Desire for stool—none passed, but the Rectum had protruded; Spasmodic tension; Sharp pressure after a stool; Long stitch, piercing from the Anus into the Rectum; Creeping, like ascarides. Anus.-Painless contraction of the Anus: Itching; Soreness; Smarting; Swelling at the margin of the Anus; Veins distended; Blind Haemorrhoids; Itching about the Anus and Perinaeum. Urine.—Constant urging; Frequent micturition of either pale- yellow or turbid urine; Stitches in Urethra; Pressure on the bladder; Burning at the neck of the bladder. Menses.—Scanty—delayed a few days—with lumps of coagu- lated blood, or blackish, having a putrid odour. Premature and profuse menses may be regulated by Ignatia (Hahnemann). * Uterus.-Pains resembling those of labour; Uterine spasms. During the Menses—Spasms in Abdomen; Headache; Photophobia, palpitation, great languor, even to fainting. Larynx,−The Bronchi seems lined with mucus; Cough dry, as if from particles of feather in the throat; Constrictive sensation in throat, like that caused by sulphur vapour, inducing cough; Dry cough day and night—rough, hollow; Expectoration difficult, yellow. - Chest and Respiration.-Breathing oppressed; Spasmodic constriction; Stitches in the left side; Stitches (right side) between the acts of inspiration; Pain at mid sternum, as from a sharp body; Inspirations impeded, as from a load; Arrest of breathing when running; Tensive pain in chest when erect; Throbbing in right side of chest. Heart.—Palpitation in the morning, in bed, or after dinner; or during deep meditation; or after a short sleep; Palpitation of the heart at night, with stitches in the region of the heart. Neck.-Stiffness at nape of neck; Aching pains; Heat and burning; Aching in the glands; Swelling of the glands. Back.-Lancinating pains in the back and loins; Tensive pain in the small of the back when standing ; Pain in 181 IOD.] IoDIUM. Sacrum, and when lying on back in bed; Pains in the spinal vertebrae. - Upper Limbs,-Pains in the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated; Bruise-like pain when moving the arm backwards; Rheumatic pain. in shoulder; Twitching and jerking in Deltoid; Bruise-like pain in the muscles of the Arm; Intolerable pain in the bones and joints; Rigidity of the wrists; Convulsive twitchings of the fingers. Lower Limbs,-Pricking pain in the Hip-Joint; Convulsive jerkings in the lower limbs; Stiffness and cracking in the knees; Heaviness of the legs; Weariness of the feet; Painful soles. leep.–Restless, or so light that he hears everything; Move- ment of the muscles during sleep, especially of the face; Sudden startings when asleep, or when going to sleep; Tendency to lie on the back during sleep. - Fever.—Coldness, chilly — removed by warmth; Constant shuddering, yet the face is hot, or the hands and feet, while the body is cold; Chills, alternating with flushes of heat; Thirsty, during the cold stage—desires cold water; Heat and Sweat, without thirst ; when the heat comes on, the thirst passes away. During the hot stage—Throbbing headache; Redness of cheeks; Pain in back; Cold feet; Internal coldness; Gastric and Bilious fevers? with Yellow Complexion; Nausea and vomiting; Pains in back and limbs; Night-sweats. The pains are generally increased by contact; Coffee and Brandy. The character of the pains are—Bruised; Sprained; or of dislo- cation. - I0 DIUM. HAHNEMANN. IODINE. IN Allopathic practice this powerful agent has been largely em- ployed, under various preparations, for almost every disease. In consequence of the ponderous doses administered, its reputation has suffered. The Iodide of Potass is now generally prescribed; and the cases treated are often so confused as to be of little value. 182 IODIUM. [IOD. Hahnemann has expressed an opinion that there is no cure for the Iodine poison. Probably, like Mercury, it acts on almost every tissue in the living body. When first introduced, it was con- sidered to be the most active absorbent, and was thought a specific for every disease of the glandular system, especially Bronchocele, or . Goitre. - In using small doses, the benefit to be derived from its exhibi- tion will be considerably extended. The 30th potency is said to cure the Cachexia produced by large doses. It may be said to act on the Stomach, Liver, and Glands. IN HOMOEOPATHY, Iodium is prescribed for Affections of the Liver; Jaundice; Tubercle; Diseases of the Mesenteric Glands in Children, with Diarrhoea; Marasmus; Paralysis of the extremities; Trembling of the limbs; Affections of the thyroid, cervical, and mammary glands; Bron- chitis; Chronic Laryngitis; Chronic Cough in persons disposed to Phthisis; Syphilis, with tendency to Hypertrophy; Palpitation of the Heart; Inflammation and Dropsy of the Knee-joint; Stricture of the Urethra; Profuse menses, with Colic and Frontal Headache; Great irritation of the nervous system ; Trembling of the limbs. SYMPTOMS. Mind. — Gloomy; Desponding; Sad; Melancholy. After- wards—Sensitive; Irritable; then more animated and cheerful; Health and spirits much improved; Blooming. Head.—Dull, with pains that move up the back of the neck; Headache, that makes him almost crazy; Sensation as if a band were firmly tied around the head; Pressure in the forehead, im- mediately over the root of the nose; Frontal Headache, with sensation as if the Brain were bruised; Throbbing in the head at every step; Congestion of blood to the head; Tearing headache over the left eye and temple; Stitches on the top of the head and at the Occiput. Scalp—Falling-off of the hair. Eyes.-Red, inflamed; Soreness of the eyes; Weak sight; Watery, white swelling of the lids; Tremor; Twitching in the eyelids; Lachrymation; Yellow colour of Sclerotica; Dark spots, like curls, float before the eyes; Sparks; Fiery rays; Twinkling; Objects seem multiplied. . Ears.-Hardness of hearing; Buzzing; Humming noise, like a mill; Movable swelling in front of the ear. 183 IoD1 IODIUM. Nose.—Itching; Stinging; Red, burning spot; Profuse bleed- ing from the nose; Dry, or Fluent Coryza. - Face,—Yellow; which either becomes pale or brownish ; assumes a Smoky, dingy look; the features alter—eyes sunk; Con- - vulsive twitching of the facial muscles; Ulcer on the cheek. Teeth.-Drawing pains in the teeth; Paims in different molar teeth; Cramp-like pains; Sense of looseness. The teeth become more yellow and soft—covered with mucus. Gums.--Red, tender; Swollen, inflamed; Puff up and bleed; Ulcers; Vesicles; also in the mouth ; Receding of the gums, Mouth.-Flow of saliva, as from Mercury; Aphthae in the mouth; Elevations inside the cheek; Swelling of the Buccal glands; Smarting, tearing, or drawing in the tonsils; Putrid smell from the mouth. Tongue.—Troublesome dryness; Thickly coated. Throat.—Sense of constriction, that impedes deglutition; Feeling of fulness; Stitches; Itching titillation; Scraping, with increased secretion of saliva; Burning inflammation, with ulcers of the Fauces and Pharynx. Taste.-Most disagreeable; Offensive taste the whole day; Bitter in the afternoon; Taste of soap; Sweet or salt taste. Thirst.—Constant, day and night. - Appetite.—Abnormal; Gnawing hunger; Craving for food; Digestion seems to proceed too rapidly; * Alternate craving, with loss of appetite; Weak digestion; Sick and weak after dinner. Eructations.—Empty, acid; Heartburn; Hiccough; Nausea; Vomiting; also with Diarrhoea; Vomiting of bile or yellow mucus. (Iodine seems to increase the secretion of the Pancreas and Gastric tubes.) Stomach.-Excessive pain, with copious evacuations; Pressure after every meal; Fulness and distention; Spasmodic pains; Gnawing; Stitches; Prickings; Pulsations; Feeling of Warmth; Burning; Inflamed Pylorus. Hepatic Region.—Pressure in right lobe; the region of the liver is tender to touch; Stitches; the left Hypochondria is hard and tender on pressure; Sharp stitches. Abdomen.—Intense pain, as if from inflammation of the Omentum; Distention; unable to lie on the back; fears suffo- cation; Big abdomen in children; Aching, pinching Colic ; * Iod. 12 has frequently cured this craving in children. - 184. - IODIUM. [IOD, Spasms, like those of Labour; Stitches; Burning; Tearing; Pul- sations; Pressing and bearing down towards the pubes. (Swelling in the inguinal glands disappear under its use.) Emission of much flatus, smelling like rotten eggs. Stool,—Constipation; sometimes of long duration, or alternat- ing with Diarrhoea; Irregular stools; Evacuation hard, knotty, dark-coloured; Copious papescent stools; Diarrhoea, even frequent, violent; Watery, foaming, or mucus; Discharge of thick mucus; Blood mixed with mucus, part of the faeces being retained. Rectum.-Pressure; Itching, as from Ascarides; Excoriation and burning in the Anus. Urine,—Obstinate retention; Frequent desire; Scanty; Noc- turnal micturition; Clear and copious, or Dark, turbid; sometimes milky, or yellow-green. - Urethra.-Cutting; Smarting; Excoriation; Itching in glans- penls. Testes.—Pain in testes and spermatic cord; Painless swelling of the testis—is scattered; Enlarged Prostate reduced. Female.—Ovarian Dropsy—diminishes (cwred); Induration of the Uterus. Menses.—Delay eight days, with palpitation at the heart; Irregular—too late or too early; Premature; Copious; Violent, even to Haemorrhage; during the menses, great weakness. Leucorrhoea.—An old discharge; Acrid, corrosive (cwred). Breasts.-Relaxed; Flaccid; Waste; or feel heavy and painful. Larynx and Voice.—Pressure on the larynx from swelling of the Bronchial glands; Larynx painful, as from a hard body; Con- traction and heat; Inflammation of the larynx and trachea ; Voice hoarse, rough, deeper; Increased secretion in the trachea, with hawking in the morning ; Tingling; Stinging; Irritation, inducing cough; Morning cough, of long standing, disappeared; Dry cough ; Hacking cough, with expectoration; Rattling of mucus; Coughing up of mucus streaked with blood. Respiration.—Difficult, oppressed; Asthma, with pain during a deep inspiration; Loss of breath, particularly on going up-stairs; Want of breath from little exertion; Stitches when breathing. Chest.—Pain of soreness; Aching; Pressure; Stitches; Sharp stitches; Congestion of blood, tending to inflammation; Violent pulsations; Pains in the intercostals, and integuments of the O 185 IOI).] - IODIUM. chest ; Difficult expansion of the chest walls during inspi- ration. Heart—Palpitation; Compelled to lie down; Palpitation that might be heard a few paces distant; Palpitation the whole day; Spasmodic, nervous palpitation also at pit of stomach; Sensation as if the heart were squeezed up; Syncope; Hypertrophy; Organic affections of the heart. - - Neck,-Glands of the neck enlarged, painful, indurated; Pulsation; Tension; Disappearance of old swellings of the thyroid body (external application). USEFUL FOR THE FOLLOWING :— Rheumatic pains that especially attack the trunk, neck, and arms; Numbness in the thighs and legs; Liability to attacks of Ophthalmia on taking cold; Pulsations in all the arteries during any muscular effort; Disposition to Haemorrhage from different organs of the body; Trembling, especially of the hands; Wasting of the body, with extreme nervous debility; Swelling of the Axillary glands; Weakness in the arms; Rheumatic pains in the shoulders; Heaviness in the lower limbs; CEdema of the legs and feet; Pains and twitchings in the ankle-joint; CEdematous swelling of the feet ; Subsultus tendinum ; Acrid sweat of the feet; General feeling of prostration; Declining strength; Loss of tone in the muscles; Easy perspiration; Excessive emaciation; Softening of the Bones. . The several potencies of Iodium are of great value for treating the Germs, or taint of Syphilis; also after Mercury; with such other remedies as may be found suitable to the various existing conditions. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY Shows loss of the Adipose and Cellular tissue; Loss of firmness in every part of the body; the mesenteric glands almost dis- appear; other glands more or less diminished in size. OEsophagus inflamed and contracted. Stomach corroded; Coats red, inflamed ; Peritoneal coat of intestines adherent; Serous effusion in Pleura and cavity of the abdomen. Lungs collapsed and crepitate. Liver much enlarged; Red; Rose-colour. - * 186 - IPECACUANHA. IIPEC. IPEC A CU A N H A. HAHNEMANN. ACCORDING to Allopathic authorities, has been found to produce very remarkable effects, even in very small doses, on those persons who are particularly susceptible to its action—causing intense Dyspnoea; Wheezing; Oppression in the Epigastrium; inducing symptoms that resemble a fit of spasmodic Asthma ; and is pre- scribed for Acute and Chronic Bronchitis, in doses of half a grain, which is generally combined with Opium, or Tartar Emetic. It forms one of the ingredients in Dover's Powder. The Ipecacuanha Wine is also frequently used. HAHNEMANN remarks that Ipec. is capable of curing certain forms of Inclination to vomit; Paroxysms of Spasmodic Asthma; Suffocative Spasms; and some kind of Tetanus, provided the other symptoms correspond. Noack and Trinks state that Ipec. acts specifically on the nerves of the viscera, especially the Solar Plexus. (It is presumed that its action might extend to the whole sympathetic system, and probably the Pneumogastric nerves.) Suitable for those patients who are predisposed to Spasms; Nausea; Vomiting; Irritation of the stomach ; the hysteric and hypochondriac. Also for affections of Children and Pregnant females; Spasms, when the body is thrown backwards; Muscles of the face distorted; Moaning breathing; Spasms, with vomiting; Intermittent fever, with gastric symptoms; Muco-gastric and nervous Fevers; Early stage of Cholera. Useful to check the vomiting ; Morning vomiting; also of pregnancy; Haematemesis; Black vomit; Bilious Colic; Diarrhoea of children, especially during dentition; Dysentery P. Haemorrhage from the Bowels or Uterus; Incarcerated Hernia; Dangerous Haemorrhage after the . placenta becomes detached; Cough, with rattling of mucus; Dry, spasmodic Whooping-cough, with vomiting, and Haemorrhage from the nose; Sudden attacks of spasmodic Asthma, with a crowing sound, such as would appear from pressure in, or contraction of, the larynx. (Ipec. has been found valuable in Diphtheritic Croup.) Constant sneezing; Starting of the navel; Convulsions, with strong twitching of the muscles of the face, lips, and extremities, with heaving of the abdomen. - O 2 187 IPEC) IPECACUANHA. SYMPTOMS. Mind,-Temper peevish ; Rejects everything; Extreme im- patience; Angry for the Smallest trifle; the child screams; Thrusts its fists into the mouth; Anguish, with fear of death; Fretfulness in children. Head.—Vertigo whan walking and turning round; Momentary loss of thought (senses?); Heaviness of the head; Tearing pain in the forehead; Pain as if the head and skull were bruised, affecting all the bones, also the roots of the tongue, and with nausea; Con- strictive headache in the temple and orbit; Tensive pain in occi- put, nape of neck, and across the shoulders. Nose.-Bleeding from ; Coryza, with stoppage; Loss of smell; Frequent sneezing. - Face,—Pale; Livid; Yellow; Pale, with blue margins around the eyes; Looks weak, as after a long illness; Convulsive move- ments of the facial muscles; Eruption, like Aphthae, on the lips; Rash on the forehead and cheeks. Teeth.-Paroxysms of tearing pain, as if they would be torn out. - Mouth, Every part feels painful; when lying down, saliva flows. Tongue, Smarting at the edge of the tongue; Yellow or white coating. Throat.—Fine stitches in the fauces; Difficult deglutition; Constant desire to swallow the saliva; Spasmodic constriction. Taste.--Bitter (morning); Sweet, as of blood, or of rancid oil. Appetite.-Aversion to food, or desire for dainties. Nausea, which seems to proceed from the stomach, with empty eructations, and accumulation of saliva; Eructations; Empty retchings after cold drink or smoking. - Vomiting.—Vomiting of ingesta; Large quantities of mucus, yellow or green; Jelly-like; Green as grass; Black, like pitch; Large lumps of Foetid Mucus; Vomiting of Blood. Stomach.-Sensation of emptiness and relaxation, with empty, sick feeling; Pains as from a pointed stick; Swelling of the stomach. - It is recommended especially for indigestion from eating pork. , Abdomen.—Colic of children, with much tossing and scream- ing; Flatulent colic, with diarrhoea; Griping, pinching, clawing, 188 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IPECACUANHA. [IPEC. as if the fingers, spread out, were being forced into the intestines: this pain is increased by motion—relieved by rest; Pinching Colic in both Hypochondria and Scrobiculus Cordis; Cutting pain around umbilicus, with shuddering; Cutting Colic; Tearing Colic; Pain as from Soreness in the whole abdomen. s Stool.—Diarrhoea, like fermented yeast; Stool grass-green; Liquid diarrhoea; Foetid stools; Mucus streaked with blood; Stool entirely blood; Dysentery.* Anus.—Stinging, burning at the margin of the anus; Prickings; Creeping as from ascarides. - * Urine,—Of blood; Frequent emission of straw-coloured urine; Turbid urine, with brick-dust deposit; Discharge of a purulent fluid from a child, with smarting, several days. Menses.—Primary effect—Haemorrhage from the uterus; the Menses reappear in a fortnight; Leucorrhoea between the periods; Metrorrhagia of bright-red blood, with coagula. Larynx and Bronchi-Rattling of mucus in the bronchial tubes at each expiration; Cough dry, suffocative, with blue face and stiffness of the body; Cough produced by titillation in the larynx—extending into the bifurcation of the trachea ; Cough in- creased by lying on the left side; Cough, with expectoration of thick mucus; Disagreeable metallic taste; Cough towards evening; Suffocative, fatiguing, exhausting, convulsive cough, resembling Whooping-cough; Haemoptysis, especially induced by even slight exertion; Cough, with inclination to vomit. Respiration.—Oppressed breathing; Anxious, short, laboured; Dyspnoea from slight exercise; Short panting—gasping for air; Spasmodic Asthma; Crowing inspiration, as in Croup.f Chest.—Asthma the whole night, for eight nights; Sense of contraction; Constriction; Sensation of inhaling dust; Spasms in the chest, as from the vapour of copper or arsenic; Red, itching spots on the chest. Heart—Palpitation. Ipec. may be useful for OPISTHOTONos; EMPROSTHOTONOS; Twitch- ing of the limbs; Fever—intermitting or puerperal; Night-sweat; Acid sweat; Cramps in the thighs, with lumps in the part affected. * Dr. Teste states that he has cured Dysentery with Ipec. and Petroleum in alternation. f Dr. Teste declares Ipec. and Bryonia invaluable, effecting numerous CUlrèS. 189 KALI. B.] - KALI BICHROMICUM. KALI BICHROMICU M, - DRYSDALE.” BICHROMATE OF POTASH. THIS remedy appears valuable for several affections of the Throat, Larynx, and Trachea. It has been used, with great success, for that kind of relaxed sore throat with sudden hoarseness—constant attempts to clear the passage—which so often proves a troublesome annoyance to public speakers, clergymen, &c. Bronchitis, cha- racterised by an expectoration of very viscid mucus; Croup 2 Diphtheria? Ulceration of the larynx; Ulceration of the tonsils, tongue, roof of the mouth, and palate; Sub-acute inflammation of the throat; Softening and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach; Nervous Dyspepsia; Inflammation of the Liver; Chronic affections of the Liver, with diminished secretion of Bile and Constipation. Fat and fair persons appear to have been most susceptible to the action of this drug. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Pains chiefly confined to one spot; Shooting pains in one temple (right); or flying pains about the head. - Eyes.-Inflamed; Conjunctiva red, injected, with lachryma- tion; Pain, heaviness; Heat, redness, swelling; Eyelids inflamed, swollen; Slightly granular; Yellow discharge; Catarrhal and Pustular Ophthalmia; Yellow colour of the albuginea; Brown spot, size of a pin's head, near the cornea; Sight dim. Nose.—Watery discharge, or of mucus; Stoppage of the nose; Plugs from, that come away in thick lumps; Ulceration of nostrils and septum ; Sense of smell impaired, or lost entirely; Polypus. Mouth, Dry; Excavated cicatrix on the roof; the velum presents a rough, papular, elevated appearance. Lips.-Lower lips chapped, swollen; Ulcers; Smarting, with indurated edges; Itching; Vesicles. - - Tongue-Dry; Thickly coated with yellow fur; a brown patch; Brownish fur; White or smooth, red or cracked, with * A very elaborate proving, published by Dr. Drysdale, commenced the Hahnemann Materia Medica. - 190 KALI BICHROMICUM. [KALI. B. dysentery; Papillae elongated; Painful ulcer, lasting for several weeks. Throat.—Sensation as if a hair were on the root of the tongue; Sense of dryness; Soreness of throat; Relaxed uvula, or red and swollen; the tonsils became red, painful, swollen, and ulcerated (appeared like Syphilis); Long-lasting blush over the fauces and soft palate, varying in intensity—bright-red to a darker hue, and Sometimes assuming a copper-colour tinge; Smarting and tingling in the throat and fauces, with heat in the chest ; at the root of the uvula, an excavated sore, half the size of a split pea, with red areola, and yellow, tenacious pus. (The inflammation is somewhat indolent, tending to ulceration, without much pain or swelling.) Taste.—Sour—sometimes the whole day; Coppery taste, or Sweetish metallic. Morning—Musty or bitter. Afternoon—Salt taste. ,- Appetite.-Loss of; no relish ; Dislike for meat; Capricious; Rather improved after a few days; Thirst excessive; Meat seems to disagree; Hiccough ; Heartburn (evening, after tea). Gastric Symptoms.-Nausea, on awaking at night, or during the day, with foul taste and copious saliva; Afternoon, with faintness, languor, drowsiness, and nausea; or with vertigo, throwing up a clear, watery fluid; Coldness, and cold sweat on the hands; Nausea induced by movement—relieved by lying down. Morning—Sickness, with yellow, bitter vomit. After breakfast— Violent bitter vomiting; Sour vomit, with pain at Epigastrium ; Vomiting of brown pulp, with heat in stomach and throat. Stomach.-Oppression after food; Sense of contraction; Pain or gnawing at the epigastrium; Sinking; Emptiness; Sensation of coldness, or uneasy, as if overloaded; Pain, with vertigo and vomiting; Fits of indigestion. Hypochondria.-Sharp shooting or tearing; Momentary stitch in right; Stabbing pain in the left. - - Abdomen.—Much flatus for three days; Pains about the um- bilicus; Griping, or sensation as if something were piercing the bowels — worse on inspiration; Relieved by pressure. After breakfast—Pain at the navel, ascending to the throat. Many of the pains in the abdomen and stomach are accompanied with headache. - - Stool.—Habitual constipation; Periodic constipation, occurring . every three months; 6onstipation, with pain across the loins ; 191 KALI. B.] KALI BICHROMICUM. Griping pains; Scanty, pale, clay-coloured stools, with foetid breath; Metallic taste, and confusion in the head; Dysenteric attacks, with pains at umbilicus, and evacuations of blood. Anus.—Smarting ; Rawness; Excoriation. Urine,—Scanty; High-coloured; White deposit; White film ; Red urine, with pain in the back; Suppression, with pain in renal region, small pulse, and prostration. Urethra.-Heat and burning; Sensation as if a drop were still retained, which he cannot expel; Escape of prostatic fluid when at stool. Female,_Swelling of the genital parts; Smarting and exco- riation of the vulva; Pain in back and thighs as if the menses would flow, - - Menses.—Early, with nausea, headache, and feverishness. Leucorrhoea. — Yellow, stiff, with pains in the back and Hypogastrium. - Respiration.—Dyspnoea, especially in the morning; Dyspnoea, with pains in the chest ; Shortness of breath; Sensation as if a band were placed round the upper part of the abdomen, which prevents his taking a deep breath; Dyspnoea during sleep; Slight dyspnoea as from thickening of the bronchi. Larynx,-Pain as from ulceration; Tickling sensation, inducing cough ; Irritation in the morning, causing him to hawk up mucus; he awakes with all the feelings of a severe cold; Nose stuffed up; Throat dry and painful; Pain in nuchae; Stiffness of nape. Cough, with transparent, slate-coloured sputa; Cough, with tough expectoration; or dense, transparent sputa in small lumps, easily detached; or of thick yellow mucus; or tough, blackish; or streaked with blood; Two years' cough, with tough sputa, yellow- green; Cough, with white mucus that could be drawn out in strings. Chest.—Pains in the sternal region; Stitches from sternum to back; a tender spot at mid-sternum ; Burning at mid-sternum ; Shooting pains in various parts of the chest; Constant pain under the left axilla; Heaviness, as from a weight on the chest ; Sense of oppression; Dull, heavy pain (right side) every twenty minutes. Heart.—Slight pain; Darting in the praecordium; Sharp, fixed pain at the apex, unaffected by position or breathing; Dull, cold, heavy pain about the heart, with Dyspnoea, 192 KALI CARBONICUM. [KALI. C. It may prove serviceable in rheumatic affections of the hips and knees; Lumbago; Chronic Rheumatism ; Sciatica; Congestion of the kidneys. Some skin diseases, papular variety:-Impetigo; Eczema ; Ulcers that leave a depressed cicatrix; also in some forms of Gastric and Rheumatic Fevers. The ulcers are somewhat peculiar; Dry, oval, bright-red areola—hard base, ragged edges, with a black spot in the centre, and movable on the subjacent tissues—varying in size from a pea to a florin; Nasal Polypi. KALI CARBONICUM. HAHNEMANN. CARBONATE OF POTASH. THIS remedy has frequently been found useful in treating the early stages of Tubercular Phthisis, where the symptoms have corresponded. Suppressed Menses; Dropsical affections; Pulsation in all the Blood-vessels. - SYMPTOMS. Mind,-Sadness; Anguish; Weeping; Aversion to society; Indifferent; Vexed; Irritable; Tendency to start. Head.—Attacks of megrim on both sides, with faint feeling ; Frontal headache when walking; Pressure in forehead and over the eyes; Throbbing, beating in forehead; Sensation as of a hot body descending into the forehead; Congestion of blood to the head; Aching in the Occiput, towards the nape of the neck. Scalp.–Chilly feeling; Sensitive to cold; Itching; Scurf; Dryness of the hair; Falling-off of the hair. - Eyes.—Lachrymation; Agglutination; Swelling of the eyes and lids; OEdematous swelling over the palpebrae, like a bag, and of the glabella; Muscae Volitantes; Black points or curls; Spots; Sensation of a gauze; a Black ball hovers before the eyes; Sensi- tive to light. Ears.--Stitches in the ears; Jerking; Pulling; Tearing; Throb- bing; Itching; Hearing dull, diminished; Whizzing; Roaring; 193 KALI C.I. KALI CARBONICUM. Cracking; Violent roaring; Swelling of Parotid Gland—hard, painful. - Nose.—Sore, scurfy; Pimples; Ulcers; Frequent bleeding; Wings swollen; Tip red, with vesicles; Profuse fluent coryza ; Smell impaired. - Face.—Bloated; Hot, red; Pimples; Blotches; Freckles; Swel- ling of the cheeks; Puffy face; Burning in the cheek. - Lips.-Swollen; Chapped; Vesicles; Scurf; Peeling; Thick- mess of the lip, with an ulcer. - Teeth.-Tender; Painful on taking any kind of food, either warm or cold; Toothache as if something had got into a hollow tooth; Stitches; Sense of looseness, with bad smell, Gums.-Inflame, ulcerate, swell, and bleed, Mouth-Benumbed, as if burnt; Vesicles inside; Painful burning; Constant accumulation of water; Foetid Smell, re- sembling decayed cheese. * - Tongue.—Sore at tip; Vesicles; Painful pimples; Swelling of tongue; Soreness of frenum linguæ. Taste.—Sour taste; Bitter, sour; Putrid, or sweetish. Appetite.—Desire for sweets or acids; no relish for food; Aversion to Brown bread; Dislike for meat—a little food satisfies; Milk does not agree with her; Bread oppresses the stomach. Eructations.—Nausea, with Vertigo ; Paleness of face; Hands and feet cold; Weakness of the legs; Eructations frequent, loud, acid, or bitter; Gulping up of food or water; Constant risings; Nausea; Retching; Vomiting; Sensation as if he would faint ; Nausea, with trembling of the hands and feet. Stomach.-Spasmodic pains; Contraction at pit; Sensation as if full of water; . Digging ; Cutting; Stitches; Sudden shock; Throbbing (left side) near the pit ; Burning; Rising of heat; Sour burning; Region tender to touch ; Visible throbbing, which raises the pit of the stomach. - Hepatic Region.—Stitches and pain in the liver, resembling splenetic stitches; Drawing; Sharp stitches; Burning; Pain in the liver when walking; Stitches in liver and pit of stomach, arresting the breath. . - - Abdomen.—Ascites; Distention; Hard, distended; Spasmodic, contractive pains; Pinching below the umbilicus; Pains like labour; Stitches, tearing; Throbbing, burning, drawing; Cold feeling; Sense of swashing; Sensation as if cold water were being 194 * KALI CARBONICUM. [KALI. C. poured through the intestines; Incarceration of flatus, with Colic; Excessive emission of flatus; Muscles of the abdomen tender. Kidneys.-Long-continued, contusive pain in the region of both Kidneys; Stitches in region of both Kidneys. Inguinal Region.—Pains in right groin, with swelling, as if Hernia would protrude; Sudden lancination in left inguinal region, with swelling of the glands. Stool.-Constant desire; Unsuccessful; Costive every other day; Stool hard, insufficient, like sheep's dung—comes away with difficulty ; Faeces appear too large to pass; Blood with stool for several days; White mucus; Diarrhoea (evening). Rectum.—Tenesmus; Protrusion and distention of Varices; Large painful Varices, that protrude when passing urine. Anus.-Itching; Violent itching; Prickling, burning pimples; Small ulcers, with stinging; Considerable discharge of blood, with pulsations in the whole body. TJrine.—Constant desire, with pressure on the bladder; a small quantity of pale urine is passed; a few drops are discharged after the bladder was emptied; the urine is greenish, or turbid; dark-yel- low, like loam-water, or milky; Sometimes flocculent; Pains in the Bladder and urethra; Burning during micturition. Genital,—Swelling of the testes; Heat in spermatic cord; Desire deficient. Menses.—Suppressed, with Anasarea—reappear after eighty- seven days, with heaviness in the limbs; Menses reappear, and look better. Before the menses, much heat, thirst, restless nights, or chilly, with trembling, spasms, and headache. (Kali induced menstruation, when Nat. Mur. failed.) Leucorrhoea.—Yellow, with itching; Mucous Leucorrhoea; Violent pain in the small of the back, in pregnant females; Con- stant sense of bearing down; Itching, excoriation, and shootings in the vulva; Repugnance to coition. Larynx,−Voice hoarse, rough ; Aphony; Tendency for food to pass into the larynx; Sensation as of a plug in the throat; Titilla- tion, inducing cough ; Evening cough, or at night; Frequent cough before midnight; Dry cough, coming and going; Cough that almost causes vomiting; Cough, with purulent expectoration, or of small red lumps. Respiration.—Oppressed; Short breath; Asthma; Spasmodic Asthma. - - 195 KALI. C.] KALI CARBONICUM. Chest.—Spasms; Pain in the chest when talking, or on inspira- tion; Tension across the chest; Cutting in the chest; Stitches in the sternum and mammary region; Violent stitch under both breasts; Weakness and faint feeling after walking or talking; Bruised feeling; Throbbing in the clavicular region; Hydrothorax P Heart.—Violent palpitation; Intermitting beats; Cramp-like pain; Burning; Darting; Pressure as from bands. Neck,-Stiffness of the nape early in the morning; Drawing g tº tº - te g pains in the nape; Congestion of blood to the neck, which in- creases in size; Swelling of cervical and sub-maxillary glands; Goitre-like swelling. - * Scapular Region.—Tearing in right; Stinging, as from blows; Pain, as from a strain, in left; Stitches that affect the chest and stomach. - Back,-Stiff; Unable to stoop; Paralytic feeling in the back; Drawing pains in small of back; Throbbing pain as if the back would break, during motion; Sense of pressure in the small of the back, as if the sides were pressed into. Upper Limbs,-Sweat in Axilla; Tearing in left shoulder and arm; Arms become numb, and go to sleep, after exercise, or when lying upon them at night; Weakness; Loss of strength; Stitches; Pulsations; Bruise-like pains; Stiffness of the joints; Jactitation of the muscles; Trembling of the hands when writing. Fingers— Benumbed at the tips; Eruptions on the fingers; Vesicles; Panaris. Lower Limbs,-Acute, drawing pains in Hip-Joint (stitches); Tearing pains; Pressure; Burning; Heaviness; Numb feeling—parts go to sleep; Twitchings; Paralytic feeling in the thighs; Throbbing in the knee; Swelling of the legs; Darting in Malleolus Internus. Feet,_Stitches; Cold feet; Heavy; Stiff; Swelling of the feet—considerable up to ankle; Profuse sweat for many days. Burning prickings in the toes; Gnawing, tearing, and inflamma- tion of great toe; Inflamed chilblains; Corns; Painful, sensitive. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Stitches are very characteristic, and tendency for parts to be- come numb; Sleep much disturbed—full of dreams; Drowsy by day—a kind of half sleep, or delirium at night; Talking in sleep; Starting up in affright, and weeping (in children); Grinding the teeth; Night-sweat; Great liability to take cold, especially on going into the open air. 196 KALI IODIDUM, IKALI. I. |KALI IODID UM, HODIDE OF POTASH, SIMILAR in action and use to Iodine; is considered of value in some cases of Tubercular Phthisis; also in Sycosis; Syphilitic bone-pains; Suspicious Cough, with grey sputa; Taints of Syphi- lis; Subsultus; Haemorrhage. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Violent frontal Headache; Pain, as if a wedge were forced between the eyes; Lancinations; Darting in the temples; Pains chiefly affecting the left hemisphere; Hemiplegia. Eyes.—Burning in the eyes and lids; OEdema of the lids. Ears.-Boring, darting, gnawing, shooting; Tearing in right ear; Singing. Nose.-Violent bleeding; Inflammation of the mucous mem- brane of the nose and eyelids; Profuse discharge—thick, yellow; Frequent sneezing, with clear water. Face.—Swelling of the face and cheeks; Darting pains in the Malar bones, Antrum, Frontal Sinuses, and Lower Jaws; Tearing pains; Gnawing; Pains in the bones and periosteum. Mouth.-Offensive breath; Ptyalism; Saliva tasting of blood; Ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Tongue.-Swollen, ulcerated; Vesicles at the tip; Salt taste. Throat.—Dry; Choking; Rough; Scraping; Stinging, ulcera- tive pain during deglutition. Taste.—Rancid taste; Horrid; Bitter—more in the throat; Food tastes like straw; Continual thirst. -- Appetite.—Aversion to broth; Appetite increased. Stomach.-Nausea; Inclination to vomit; Emptiness; Pain, as if empty and cold; Beating in region of the stomach; Hic- cough; Heartburn; Waterbrash; Inflamed stomach, with burn- ing, pressure, flatulence; Intense burning at pit. Abdomen.-Sudden, painful distention of the whole, or only about the umbilicus; Griping, burning, pinching; much flatus; Increased secretion of Bile. Stool.-Alternation of Constipation, with Diarrhoea. 197 KALM.] KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Urine,—Increased, with thirst; Frequent; Copious; Pale, or red, like blood. Larynx,−Mucous membrane inflamed; Sub-acute Bronchitis; Influenza, with Sneezing, lachrymation, headache, drowsiness. Cough.-Dry, hacking, or copious green sputa; Haemoptysis. Chest.—Fine flashes, or violent, deep stitches in left chest ; Pain as if cutting in pieces; Acute pain, extending to lower false rib (left), with Dyspnoea, Fever, and Cough; Stitches as in Pleu- risy; Darting about the region of the heart; Violent stitches from mid-sternum to shoulder; Chest feels sore, tender—externally, especially left side. - • Back.-Violent pain in small of back; Darting, or as i screwed in a vice, or bruised, as from a fall. - Limbs.-Gnawing pains, as in the bones or periosteum ; Eruptions appear about the face and shoulders; Boils on the neck, chest, and back; Blotches—papular or pustulous. KALMIA LATIF0IIIA, MoUNTAIN LAUREL. FROM the symptoms, may be of service in Rheumatism; Gout; Neuralgia; Fevers of a gastric, nervous character? Syphilis P Pains in the limbs and spinal vertebrae. It is said to have the power to control the pulse, and diminish the beats of the heart. It has cured violent Neuralgia of the face. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Vertigo, with nausea; Pains in head and limbs; Dul- mess; Heaviness—right side (at evening, left side affected); Head- ache internally, with sensation of something loose; Pain in the forehead every morning on awaking; Rending pain; Pressing pain in forehead; Pulsations; Pains in the forehead every day; Throbbing in the left hemisphere; Aching in forehead, with shootings down to the canine teeth. - Eyes.—Sense of stiffness; Itching; Burning; Acute stitches; - 198 - RALMIA LATIFOLIA. [KALM. Inflammation of the left eye; Glimmering before the eyes; Small points; Cloudiness of vision. Ears.-Severe stitches in right, at night, and at four o'clock, with pains in the arms; Excessive tingling. Nose.-Sneezing; Tickling; Continued pressure at ridge; Ob- struction (evening); Sensations that precede Coryza. - Face.—Pains in right side, between the eye and nose; Sting- ing; Shooting in the Jaws. Teeth.-Pains in the teeth—right upper; Severe pressing pains in the molar teeth after 10 P.M., lasting several hours; Dull pain in the canine and incisor teeth. Tongue-Stitches in the tongue; White coating; Dry. Lips.-Dry, cracked; Swollen; Stiff (morning); Tingling in the Salivary Glands; Copious flow of saliva; Inflammation of the sublingual glands. - Throat.-Rising of slippery mucus; Scraping in the throat; Sensation of rawness; Painful during deglutition; Throbbing in the left tonsil. - Taste.—Acrid; Bitter. Stomach.-Nausea; Pain in scrob. cordis. Abdomen.—Pain in right hepatic region; Pain right side of Abdomen, followed by a pain in gluteal region; Sensation of weak- ness in the Abdomen, ascending to the throat. Menses.—Suppressed—fourteen days late; Painful Menstrua- tion; Pains in loins, back, and thighs. Leucorrhoea.—Yellow— eight days after the menses. Cough, with easy expectoration of a grey sputa, having a putrid, saltish taste. Chest.—Oppression; Difficult breathing; Oppression, with sense of swelling in the throat; Stitches in the lower part of the chest; Sensation as if strained. Heart.-Palpitation of the Heart. . Neck.-Drawing, sticking pain in the neck; Acute stitches in neck (left side). Back.-Sharp pains in three dorsal vertebrae, extending to the scapula; Constant pain in the spine; Lameness in the small of the back; Paralytic pains in the small of back; Aching pain across the loins (chiefly evening); the Spinal Column feels as if it would breakº-Pains in the Shoulder-Blades. Upper Limbs,-Rending pains in right shoulder and the joint, -199 KREAS.] - KREASOTUM. extending down the arm; Pain in right arm; Strong cracking in the Elbow-joint; Rending pain from left elbow to the index-finger; Painful stitches in the hands; Repeated stitches; Sensation like paralysis in the right hand; Pains in left wrist and all the fingers of the left hand. Lower Limbs,-Weariness; Pains in the knee; Pain on the outside of left leg (oft repeated); Numbness. “The pains of the lower limbs generally accompany and resem- ble those of the upper limbs.” Sprain-like pain in the feet; also at the wrist; Pains in left arm and left leg; Very violent pain in left foot; Rending pain in right shoulder, left arm, right lower jaw, and muscles of left leg; Frequent shifting pains for ten days; Muscular pains, with nausea and headache. “The pains are in- creased by motion.” - KRE AS OTU M. KREASOTE, IN Allopathic practice, this is considered one of the best remedies, in a small dose, for Vomiting, from almost any cause; also for Diarrhoea, and Skin disease; Ulcers (external application). In Homoeopathy, Dr. Kitchen, of Philadelphia, advises its use for Neuralgic pains, of a burning character, in all the nerves of the left side—Head, Face, Jaw, Shoulder, and Arm; Nervous Asthma ; Sore mouth, with foetid odour. According to Noack and Trinks, it is suitable to persons of a torpid, lymphatic constitution, with vitiated humours; Im- poverished Vitality; Disposed to Blenorrhoea; Venous Haemorrhage; Ulceration and Suppuration; Tendency to Gangrene; Mesenteric disease of children; Ulceration of the Intestines; Diarrhoea; Emaciation; Sea-sickness; Nausea and Vomiting, of pregnancy; Tendency to miscarry; Profuse Menses; Memorrhagia; Various Eruptions; Acne on the forehead; Herpes—dry, scaly, or moist; Scrofulous and Varicose ulcers; Malignant Variola 2 (Pains like those of labour). 200 KREASOTUM. [KREAS. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Ill-humour; Weakness of memory. - Head.—Dulness in the head, with Vertigo, as if intoxicated; Beating; Throbbing on the top of the head; Pressure from within outwards; Frontal Headache, as if the contents would issue forth; Tearing; Hammering; Whizzing. - Scalp.–Falling-off of the hair; Sensitive, tender, painful as if ulcerated. Eyes,—Itching; Biting; Heat; Burning as from fire; Sensa- tion as of sand or some foreign body; Suppuration. Eyelids. – Swelling, heat, and redness; Lachrymation; Chronic swelling of the lids; Hot, acrid, Smarting tears. Sight.—Dim, as through gauze ; Particles of feather before the eyes. - Ears.-Humid herpes; Inflammation; Heat; Redness; Swell- ing, affecting the glands; Stitches; Bubbling; Itching; Buzzing. Nose.—Frequent sneezing (early morning); Dry coryza ; Epistaxis of thick black blood; Constant blowing the nose; Foetid smell. Face.—Livid; Pimples on forehead; Dry, scaly scurf; Acne rosacea. Lips.-Dry; Peeling; Chapped. Teeth.—Drawing pains, extending to temples and inner ear; Drawing pains in the molars—afterwards the incisors; Gums in- flamed; Painful. Mouth-Slimy, with scraping in the throat, and choking in the Oesophagus. º Eructations,—Acid ; Frequent spitting of slimy or frothy saliva. Nausea. — During pregnancy; Burning, choking before breakfast; Gagging of water and mucus; Vomiting of Sweetish water, with coldness of the hands and feet. Stomach.-Sense of tightness at pit; Painful hard spot on the left side; Tearing at pit, as if a thread or fibre were being torn out—it seemed to affect the whole organism; Throbbing in the blood-vessels, from the pit of the stomach through the whole trunk—worse during movement; Schirrus? Abdomen.—Contraction like a twisted ball at umbilicus; Labour-like colic, with flushed face and palpitation; Spasmodic P 201 pains, with electric stitches; Ulcerative pain; Feeling of cold- mess; Distention; Pain in the inguinal region; Lancinations in the groin (left). - - . . . . Liver.—Stinging; Pressure; Gnawing as of a worm ; Bruised pain, with feeling of fulness; cannot bear the clothes. Spleen.—Pressive pain, felt especially when seated; and tender to pressure. . Stools.-Two or three every day in one who is generally costive. Urine.—Frequent desire; also at night, but little is passed; there seems a pressure on the bladder, such as occurs in preg- nancy; Clear urine; Copious—sometimes every hour; Sudden desire when in bed; Hot and frequent ; Red deposit, or turbid. Menses.—Early—four to ten days; Profuse, dark—lasting eight days, with pains in the Small of the back; Buzzing, hum- ming in the head; Menses, every three weeks, profuse—coming away in pieces. After the menses—Violent spasms, passing down- wards; Frequent pains after a very profuse flow. - Leucorrhoea, with great debility; Mild or corrosive dis- charge of mucus and blood; Disposition to miscarry. - Throat.—Scraping ; Hoarseness; Roughness; Chronic catarrh. Cough.--Excited by irritation in the trachea; Cough that causes emission of urine; Cough, with retching, or loose expecto- ration; Cough, with asthma; Wheezing; Dry, spasmodic cough; Expectoration of a thick lump, or of thick, yellow, or whitish mucus. a . Respiration.—Difficult, anxious, from compression of the chest; Difficult expiration; Desire to take a deep inspiration from the sensation of a weight on the chest; Shortness of breath, with pain as if bruised in the chest, during inspiration. Chest.—Sudden attacks of oppression, with stitches; Heavi- ness; Pain as if pressed upon, especially the sternum—the part feels as though it must be crushed; Stitches in the chest (right and left), arresting the breath, and sometimes extending through to scapula; Frequent lancinations in the right side of the chest; Stitches in the region of the heart. Neck-Swelling of cervical glands; Stitches between the Scapulaº. - Back-Pains in Small of back, from above downwards; Pain as if it would break; Labour-like pains; Frequent pains in small of back and lumbar vertebrae, like acute labour-pains, with desire to 202 LACHESIS. [LACH. pass urine; Pains at night—worse during rest; scarcely able to lie down; Drawing pains along the os coccygis, rectum, and vagina, followed by a milky Leucorrhoea. Upper Limbs.-Stitches in the shoulder and arms; Muscular pains in the ulnar side of fore-arm, extending to the fingers; Drawing pains in the fingers; Deadness; the fingers become pale and insensible—the thumb stiff as if sprained; Laming pain in hand—darting, causing him to drop any article he might be holding. Lower Limbs.-Jerking, laming, drawing pains in the crests of ileum and lumbar vertebrae—bruise-like, with weariness; Humming, buzzing sensation in the limbs; Darting pains in the knees and patella; Throbbing in the leg as if a boil would form— the sensation extends to the feet; worse in the soles; Swelling of the foot; CEdematous white swelling from the calves to the toes— both feet; Coldness of the feet, or sweaty ; Burning in the soles four days—2 P.M. to 2 A.M. LA0 HESIS, HERING. POISON OF THE LANCE-HEADED SERPENT. HAs been found more especially useful for affections of the Throat and fauces. Inflammation; Redness; Syphilitic or Mercurial sore throat; Sensation as of a ball, plug, or button lodged in throat- pit—it constantly feels as if it could be coughed up. In some cases the symptoms resemble a fish-bone stuck in the throat: any kind of nervous depression seems to aggravate this symptom. It has also proved useful in Erysipelas of the face; Tremor and Pal- pitation of the Heart; Acute and Chronic Rheumatism; Typhoid Fever. It seems best adapted for a low, emaciated condition, and those who are subject to Headache; Sun-stroke. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Lach. seems to exalt the mind and improve the spirits; those who despaired of cure begin to hope, and appear more cheerful. P 2 203 LACH.] Achisis. Head.—Giddy, or dull; Frequent Vertigo, threatening apo- plexy; Headache chiefly frontal, and seems deeply seated; Head- ache from the sun and heat; Aching on the top of the head; Pressing in the forehead when stooping; Pain in temples, as if the head would burst; Darting pains; Beating in temples, or all over the head; Congestion of blood to the head; Heat; Whizzing; Violent headache, with nausea, or twinkling before the eyes. - Scalp.–Sensitive; Itching; Burning; Swelling of the scalp. Eyes. – Pressure ; Itching ; Inflammation ; Lachrymation; Sight dim, misty; Ulcer on cornea; Eyes feel weak, as after much reading. - Ears.--Disagreeable sensation from ear to throat; the cerumen appears white and pappy; Very sensitive to noise; Roaring; Drumming; Humming, with sense of congestion to the head. Nose.-Redness of nose, in drunkards, or from syphilis; Dis- charge of pus and blood from the nose; Eruptions on the nose. Face.—Pale; Grey, livid complexion; Earthy; Leaden; Sunken; Anxious expression; Yellow complexion; Swelling of the face; Heat; Redness; Erysipelas (Lach, seems to arrest Erysipelas on its first break out); Blotches and pustules. Lips.--Dry; Swollen; Considerable swelling of lower lip; Eruptions. Teeth. —Tearing; Darting; Stinging; Brittleness; Rapid destruction of decayed teeth. Gums—Swelling and bleeding of the Gums. Jaws.-Lock-jaw; Stiffness of the jaw; Rising and falling of the jaw during a fit of apoplexy. Mouth.-Sore; Ulcerated; Dryness; Raw feeling; Spots like gangrene; Accumulation of water; Burning as from pepper. Tongue. —White; Yellow; Blackish; Swollen; Difficult to protrude; Sore; Cracked; Enlarged papillae.* Throat.—Sore, extending to the ears—frequently the right side first, but the left is most affected; Fear of suffocation; Pain during deglutition; Sense of pressure, with much saliva; Pressure as from a plug or lump; Sensation as of a swelling or large lump in the throat; Sensation (left side) as if a button were at the root of the tongue; Sensation in the throat of a substance the size of a walnut; the whole throat feels raw ; Burning; SYPHILITIC AND * The 900th is said to have cured a Gangrene of the tongue. The case did not occur in England. - 204 LACTUCA VIROSA. - [LACT. MERCURIAL ULCERS IN THE THROAT AND ON THE TONSIIs; Small ulcerated places in the throat; Constriction; Difficulty of swallow- ing; Fluids return through the nose; Pain in the CEsophagus after eating, with a sensation as if some food adhered or lodged in the entrance of the tube; Mucus in the throat; Constant hawk- ing feeling, as if an ulcer had burst. Taste.—Metallic; Copper; Saltish ; or Bitter. Appetite.—Lost ; Dislike for bread—afterwards, intense hunger. (Useful in chronic affections of Drunkards.) Larynx.-Sensation as if the trachea had become narrower; Noisy, troublesome, croupy breathing improved; Hoarseness; Weak voice; Long-continued hoarseness, * Cough.-Induced by the ulcers in the throat, or by pressure on the larynx; Titillating cough; Suspicious cough; Dry, fatiguing, tight cough. (Useful in Mucous Phthisis and Purulent Pulmonary Phthisis; Diphtheria.) - Respiration.—Difficult; Short; Asthmatic breathing; Suffo- cative fits; Tight breathing that prevents sleep, Chest.—Frequent pains in chest; Oppression, as if full of wind; Stitch in left side, with difficult breathing; Pain of soreness. Heart.-Palpitation, with anxiety; Perceptible palpitation. (Relieved spasmodio attacks in Cyanosis.) ... * * Back,-Rheumatic pains in back and limbs; Feels as if strained. Neck.-Stiffness at nape; Swelling of glands; Neck painful— sensitive to contact or pressure; Suffocation is threatened when anything (bandage) touches the neck or larynx; Ulcers on the neck. LACTUCA VIROSA, POISON-LETTUCE. Is chiefly recommended for GEdema, with Asthma; Hydrothorax : Difficult breathing; Vertigo; Nervous Headache; Asthma of the aged; Dilatation ? or Hypertrophy of the Heart? Dropsy of the Chest, with general swelling of the body; Dry, suffocating Cough. Its chief action is on the organs of respiration. 205 LAURO.] LAMIUM ALBUM-LAUROCERAsus. SYMPTOMS. Difficult breathing, with stitches; Desire for more air; Fre- quent desire to take a deep breath; Oppression at the Chest; Sen- sation as if the lower part of the chest were contracted—he dreads taking a deep breath; it causes him to start; Great oppression at night, waking him from sleep; Feeling of fulness—cannot bear the least weight on the chest : Stitches; Rush of blood to the chest; Feeling of coldness in the chest and stomach; Spasmodic, dry, hollow, racking cough; Suffocative Ascites; Excessive swelling of the Abdomen, with induration of the liver, and Asthma ; Organic - disease of the heart—he is obliged to sit up in the bed from fear of suffocation. - - - LAMIUM ALBUM. DEAD NETTLE. Is proposed by Noack and Trinks for the following troubles:– Sleeplessness; Difficulty of falling asleep; Sleep disturbed with dreams; Mental uneasiness; Dread of lunacy—cannot get away from certain fixed ideas; Congestion of blood to the Uterus; Premature Menses. LAURO OER ASUS, HARTLAUR AND TRINEs. - CHERRY LAUREL. THIS agent seems to act on the Brain, Spinal cord, and Branches; the Ganglionic system, and respiratory Nerves. Has been em- ployed with some success in Clonic and Tonic spasms; Nervous Apoplexy, with slow pulse; Paralysis of the extremities; Nervous Headache, or Congestive; Drowsiness; Sopor, with loud breath- ing; Loss of Speech after Apoplexy; Inflammation and Induration 206 - - * ... • * LAUROCERASUS. [LAURO. of the Liver (Jahr); Cholera? Diarrhoea of green mucus; Acute and Chronic Laryngitis and Bronchitis; Spasms of the Throat and Chest; Dyspnoea; Apnoea; Hurried, irregular breathing; Wiry, unequal, intermitting pulse ; Nervous Palpitation; Asthmatic conditions, from Heart disease; Threatened paralysis of the Lungs; Cyanosis; Angina Pectoris. - SYMPTOMS. Mind–Sad; Ill-humour; Discouraged; not disposed for any kind of work. Second–Cheerful; Mental labour gives him plea- sure; he feels animated; Internal ease; Soft, languishing, plea- Sant, and contented. - Senses.—Dull, stupid—unable to collect the thoughts; Stupe- faction; Giddy; Vertigo so violent that he can scarcely keep his feet; Vertigo, with oppressed breathing and languor; he had to remain in bed eight days; Vertigo, with loss of thought, or of turning round; things move in a circle; the pupils are dilated, immovable, staring; or sensation as of gauze before the eyes; Loss of consciousness; Loss of speech and motion. - - Head.-Violent Headache; Frontal Headache (morning, early); the pulse fell from 70 to 64; Pressure in forehead from without inwards; Sense of contraction in the Brain; Sensation of pushing in the forehead; the head feels larger; the frontal bone seemed to expand; Stitches in right hemisphere, with beating and throbbing; Beating as if with the finger; Heat in the head; Rush of blood, with stupefaction; Warm feeling, alternating with coolness; Vio- lent tingling and stinging in the brain; Stitches in the head, here and there ; Dragging pains in sinciput and occiput, with drowsi- mess. The symptoms are worse in a warm room, and when stooping. - Scalp.–Feeling of icy coldness, from vertex down the neck, even to small of back; Itching of the Hairy Scalp. Eyes.—Diminished pain in cancer; Itching; Burning; Dry- ness; Eyes wide open—staring; Pupil dilated; Objects appear larger than they really are ; Darkness; Dimness of vision; Amaurosis. Nose.-Frequent sneezing ; Obstruction of the nose. Face.—Yellow spots; Grey-yellow complexion; Features dis- torted; Convulsions of the facial muscles. - - - - 207 LAURO.] LAUROCERASUS. Jaws.--Darting in the jaws; Lock-jaw. Teeth.-Clenching of the teeth; Darting toothache. Mouth.-Increased saliva—acidulated; Foam at the mouth. Tongue.-Covered with white mucus; White; Dry; Rough ; Feels numb, as if burnt—or stiff; Coldness of the tongue. Throat.—Sticking as from a peg; Burning; Roughness; Pain—palate; Scraping in fauces; Choking pain that extends into the chest, and one side of the neck and face; Impeded deglutition; the drink rolls audibly through the oesophagus and intestines. Stomach.-Sense of weakness; Empty feeling; Violent pain; Contractive pains; Darting at pit, through to back; Spasmodic pulling at pit; Warmth; Burning; Rising of heat. Hypochondria–Pain in right; Stinging; Burning; Sticking pain, with pressure; Beating; Throbbing as from an abscess; Distention of the region of the liver, with pain of ulceration, as though an abscess would burst; Inflammation of the liver; Indu- ration—lasting many years; Sensation as if the spleen were enlarged. Abdomen.—Contractive, cutting pains; Pain as if the bowels would be cut to pieces—relieved by emission of flatus; Sensation at umbilicus, as if something would be torn loose; Sensation as if a heavy body had fallen towards the back; Sensation of warmth, as if steam were ascending; Burning; Distention; Fulness. Inguinal Region.-Pressing; Stretching under Poupart's ligament, as if Hernia would protrude; Contractive pain in right groin ; Stitch, passing up the Spermatic cord. Stool.—Hard; Firm; Delayed; Constipation eight days. Secondly—Soft ; Papescent, with Colic ; Diarrhoea; Tenesmus; Discharge of green, liquid mucus; Unconscious discharge of faeces; Paralysis of the Sphincter; Constriction of rectum. - Urine.—Retention—four days; Diminished secretion; Increase of urine, with perspiration; Pale; Pale-yellow; Foaming; Deposit— Thick, red, or white, jelly-like flocks. Bladder.—Pressure on the Bladder; Complete Paralysis. Urethra.—Burning; Violent burning; Itching. Penis.--Itching under prepuce; Gangrene of the penis. Menses.—Early and profuse; Painful discharge of liquid blood for eight days, with Headache, Toothache, or Colic. Larynx.--Spasmodic constriction; Sensation in the Bronchi of tickling with a feather; Scraping, with Hoarseness and increased 208 LAUROCERASUS. [LAURO. secretion of mucus; Feeling of roughness in the throat and trachea, with Hoarseness and Cough ; Roughness seems to induce constant hawking of mucus. - Cough.-Hacking cough, from titillation or pricking; Sensa- tion as if the mucous membrane were too dry; Copious, jelly-like Sputa, or mixed with Blood in points; Suppuration of the lungs; Coughing of Blood. Respiration.—Panting; Slow; Feeble; Moaning; Rattling; Difficult; Anxious, with stitches in the Liver; Dyspnoea, with pains in the Chest, or region of the heart, causing slow and deep inspiration; Asthma—relieved when walking. Chest.—Oppression; Constriction, with intense pain; Heaviness on the sternum; Sensation as if a heavy body were lying on the Chest (a load); Stitches from back to sternum; Stitches in the sternum, and at the sides of the Chest; Violent stitches; External stabbing in the muscles and bones (left side); Pains in every part of the external thorax on movement; Bruised pain in the ribs; Burning over the Xiphoid Cartilage. Heart.—Stitches in the region of the heart during inspiration; Palpitation, with soft, full pulse; Irregular beats, with slow, subdued pulse. - - - Neck.-Stiffness in nape; Painful stiffness, left side of neck; Beating as with a hammer; Pressure in nape; Contraction of the Cervical Muscles. Scapulae.—Sticking pains between the Scapula; Stinging, burning in right; Pressure under right; also during inspiration. Back,-Painful weariness; Stiffness, especially the small of the back. . . . - - Upper Limbs.-Pains in the shoulder—sometimes lancinating, or laming, about the acromion; the head of the humerus seems swollen; Sprained feeling at the wrists; Trembling of the hands; Distention of the veins. - - Lower Limbs.-Pain in left hip-joint during motion, as if strained; Stitches in the Gluteal region; Bruised pains in the thighs; Tearing in the knees; Heaviness in the legs; the tarsal joints feel sprained; the feet go to sleep when sitting with legs crossed, . OTHER SYMPTOMS. Prostration; Weakness; Nervous debility; Sudden prostration; 209 LED.] - LEDUM PALUSTRE. Sudden fainting fits; Convulsions—followed by paralysis; Con- vulsions, with staring eyes, foam at mouth; Lock-jaw; Trembling of the limbs; Lameness, with loss of sensation. When poisoned, almost sudden death—in five minutes, without a sound. Tº T (N LED U M PALUST T TM Iü. HAHNEMANN. WILD ROSEMARY. Is prescribed, in Homoeopathy, for Arthritic and Rheumatic Affec- tions of the Joints, with hot swelling of the parts; Violent pains at night, increased by warmth and motion; Gout of the feet, es- pecially the great toe; Acne; Tubercles and Boils on the face and forehead; Menorrhagia; Whooping-cough—second stage; Cough, with purulent, greenish sputa; Haemoptysis; Phthisis; Asthma; Haemorrhage from the lungs; Stings of insects; GEdema of the legs and feet; Diabetes? - • * Dr. Teste believes Ledum to resemble Arnica in action; and in cases of Traumatic Whitlow, with persons of a sanguine tempera- ment, he considers it very superior to Arnica; also for penetrating wounds with a blunt-pointed instrument, such as a bodkin. - SYMPTOMs. Head.—Stupefying headache; Tearing pain; Vertigo the whole day—very violent when walking; Pain in the head, with swelling about the eyes; Violent beating; the head inclines backward or forward (Jahr). - - Scalp and Forehead.-Painful shaking of the brain on making a false step; Tubercles on the forehead, like those in drunkards; the least covering is intolerable; Itching in the scalp; Liability of the integuments to take cold. - Eyes.-Lachrymation of acrid tears, scalding the cheek; Agglutination of the lids; Dilated pupils; Weak sight. - - - Ears.-Hardness of hearing from taking cold; the right ear feels as if stuffed with wool; Whizzing; Ringing; Roaring in the ears, as from wind. - 210 LEDUM PALUSTRE- [LED. Face,—Bloated, or pale; Dry, scaly herpes; Eruptions; Pim- ples on the face and upper lip; Swelling of sub-maxillary gland. Throat—Sore throat, with stinging pain; Sensation as of a lump. * Mouth.-Sudden flow of saliva; Haemorrhage; Spitting blood; Waterbrash, with Colic. Stomach and Abdomen.—Colic every evening, as if diar- rhoea would set in; Colic, with weak feeling, as after a drastic purge ; Colic, as in dysentery; Pains in the abdominal muscles. Stool—Constipation several days; Papescent stool; Diarrhoea of faeces and mucus, without pain. . Urine.—Enuresis; Frequent and profuse—a large quantity is passed at each time, as in Diabetes; Burning in the Urethra; Grasping sensation in the Bladder. • *- : * . Menses.—Appear to be early by a few days; Profuse. - Larynx.-Hoarseness; Cough, with purulent expectoration— greenish, foetid; Violent cough, with expectoration of bright-red blood. Respiration.--Double, sobbing inspirations; Oppressed, pain- ful breathing—cannot take a full breath; Asthma, with quick, difficult breathing; Asthma, aggravated by motion or going up-stairs. - Chest.—Painful during inspiration, or when walking; Lanci- nations at the sides; Soreness under the sternum; Palpitation; Red itching pimples on the skin, like Varicella, on chest, back, and arms. - - Upper Limbs.-Pain in the shoulder-joint on lifting the arm; Tearing and pressure in left shoulder—most violent during motion; Languor in the upper limbs; Tremor of the hands—a kind of para- lytic weakness; Arthritic nodosities on the joints; Sweat in the palms. . Lower Limbs.-Laming, rheumatic pains in hip-joint; Pres- sure in the region of right hip—worse during motion; Pressure in the posterior region of left thigh ; Sensation of shortening in the muscles, with pain as if strained, in every position; more violent on contact and during movement; Weakness in the knee-joint ; Tearing; Pressure when walking; Swelling; Tension, with prick- ing pain in the knee; Hardness of the whole leg; Hot swelling of the legs; Cramp in the calves all night. - Feet.—Obstinate swelling of the foot—eight days; Inflamma- . . . . . . ... • * - 211 - - - , LEPT.] LEPTANDRIA VIRGINICA, tory or GEdematous swelling of the feet and legs; Soles of the feet painful when walking; Gnawing, itching on dorsum ; he is obliged to scratch—worse in bed; Swelling of the ball of the great toe— painful when stepping. The pains are almost confined to the joints. - LEPT AND RIA WIRGINIC A. AMERICAN REMEDIES. VERONICA VIRGINICA—BLACK ROOT. THIS remedy is held in great repute by the Eclectics, especially for Chronic affections of mucous membranes; Chronic Diarrhoea; Dysentery, and Typhoid Fever; Dyspepsia, arising from portal affections. It is thought to have a special affinity for the Liver, and is said to be valuable for three varieties of Diarrhoea. First, Diarrhoea of Debility: second, Diarrhoea from affections of the Liver: third, Diarrhoea from affections of the mucous membranes, especially Chronic Ulceration of the Intestines. - Dr. Coe (Eclectic) states that it may be safely relied on in Chronic affection of mucous tissues, especially Chronic Dysentery and Diarrhoea; also when false membranes are formed in the small in- testines. He prescribes, as a dose, two to four grains two or three times a day. He records a case (cured) of Constipation and Haemor- rhoids, with frequent Haemorrhage, that had existed twelve years. False membranes, in shreds and patches, several inches long, were discharged. It is advised for Bilious Headache, with drowsiness; Jaundice, from retention of the Bile; Chronic inflammation of the Liver; Dark Stools, resembling tar, and foetid mucous Stool, with discharge of shreds like thickened mucous membrane. From a proving by Dr. Burt, it seems to have caused him con- siderable distress about the Umbilicus and Epigastrium; the pain was much increased by drinking cold water. After a profuse black stool he felt much relieved. During the proving, he suffered, more or less, from frontal headache; Pain in the inguinal glands; Severe pain in the testicle; Dull aching in the lumbar region; Frequent pain in the bowels and Hypogastrium; General languor; Prostration; Heat, and dryness of the skin. - - - 212 LOBELLA INFLATA. [LOBE:L. L0 BELIA IN FLATA, INDIAN TOBACCO. THE employment of this remedy in Allopathic and Homoeopathic practice is much the same. Both large and Small doses are pre- scribed for some forms of Asthma. It appears to have a special action on the Pneumogastric Nerve. According to Braithwaite, it acts like a charm in Acute Bronchitis of Infants, after the inflam- matory stage, and when the blood is imperfectly oxidised. Under its use the blue livid colour of the surface will often rapidly dis- appear; and, as an expectorant, it can scarcely be surpassed. In Homoeopathy it has chiefly been used for some Asthmatic conditions; Gastric affections, with vomiting, even of the pregnant; Weakness and pains in the stomach after food. It has been recommended for Hernia (threatened incarceration) by Dr. Jeanes, of Phila- delphia. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Giddiness, with nausea; Trembling and Agitation; Dull feeling in the occiput and forehead; Pressive pain in occiput; Dull, heavy pain on a line above the eyebrows; Outward pressing in both temples; Chilliness—the hair stands on end. Mouth.-Pungent, disagreeable taste; Clammy; Flow of saliva. Throat.—Burning, dryness; Prickling; Lump in the pit of the throat; Sensation as if the CEsophagus were contracted, from below upward, or of some body rising up that prevents the passage of food. - Taste.—Bitter; White-coated tongue; Thirst. Appetite.—Lost; Hiccough; Acid risings. Eructations.—Frequent, flatulent eructations, with water- brash; Flatulence, with acidity; Heat; Burning; Frequent, vio- lent hiccough, in rapid succession, twenty to thirty times. Nausea.—Violent, incessant, with shaking, shivering nausea, pain, heat, oppression, uneasiness, affecting the respiration; Nau- sea, with inclination to vomit, or profuse perspiration. 213 LOBEL.] LOBELIA INFLATA. Vomiting, with prostration; Vomiting of food, especially if War Iſle Heartburn-Waterbrash; Dyspepsia. Stomach.-Feeling of weakness in the stomach, or at pit— sometimes through the whole chest; Excessive weakness in the whole Epigastric region, affecting the chest and below, to Umbi- licus; Sense of weight and pressure—sometimes extending into the back; Burning pain, passing towards the spine; Pressure at pit (before breakfast), after food—worse in the evening, with vomit- ing of bile; Oppression and anguish in the chest, and pain at the small of back; Painful constriction in Cardiac region; Spasm of the Stomach; Warmth; Burning. Abdomen.—Pain in right hypochondria; Distention of the Abdomen, with shortness of breath; Rumbling and pain—worse after food; Pains, with flatus; Sensation as if diarrhoea would COIſle Oſle Stool.-Pappy; White; Soft; Discharge of black blood; Co- pious Haemorrhage from Haemorrhoids. Urine,—Deep-red colour, with much red sediment, or loose, cloudy; or pink deposit, with small brown crystals; Urine quickly decomposes; Sticking pain in right kidney; Pain in the loins. Chest.—General tightness; Respiration short, rather laboured— breathes through the mouth; Respiration twenty-four per minute; Chronic Dyspnoea, with sensation of a lump in throat-pit; Parox- ysmal, asthmatic attacks; Pains in the Chest after dinner; Pains, increased by deep inspiration; Burning at sternum; on quick movement and sneezing, something seemed to fall out of place, and returned again, with great pain; Violent-boring pain through the back, under right scapula; Drawing in left breast, from the nipple to axilla. - Back-Burning, cutting pain about the third, fourth, and fifth dorsal vertebrae; Drawing pains, like rheumatic, between the scapula; Prickling sensation through the whole body, even to the fingers and toes; Inflammatory rheumatism of right knee. Hempel, in his New Materia Medica, advises Lobelia for Sick- headache, with heavy pain in one side of the head; Cardialgia, with vomiting of mucus, and prostration; Dysphagia; Irregular Respiration; Angina faucium; Chronic Bronchitis; Hysteria. He declares it to have a powerful action on the Pneumogastric Nerve, and the nervous system generally. - 214 LYCOPODIUM. [LYCOP. LYCOPODIUM. HAHNEMANN. - wolf's FOOT. BEFORE the discovery of Hahnemann, this substance was con- sidered inert, or nearly so, for all medicinal purposes. It was chiefly used in the form of a powder, for the excoriation that com- monly occurs with infants. Rosenstein employed it, rubbed up with lard, for Porrigo. It has also been used as a wash in Plica Polonica.--We are taught by Hahnemann, that Trituration and succession are essential to develop the powers of this Moss; and, consequently, its great value will lie in rather a high attenuation. There is, unfortunately, some division of opinion on this subject, which does not come within my province to discuss. It may be obtained from the 3rd to the 200th potency, generally; but the 6th, 12th, and 30th are most frequently prescribed. Lycopodium is said to be best adapted for persons of a mild disposition, tending to melancholy, and of the lymphatic temperament; very susceptible to take cold, and subject to mucous discharges. Its chief action ap- pears to be on the Splanchnic Nerves, and the organs to which they are distributed. It seems useful in some affections of the Urine and Bladder; Gravel; Diabetes ? Incontinence of Urine; Affections of the chest; Incipient Phthisis; Pneumonia? Cough, with yellow, grey, or green Sputa; Tertiary Syphilis; Rhagades; Boils; Axil- lary Abscess; Skin disease; Itching, Scaly, and Herpetic erup- tions; Enlarged Glands; Spasmodic twitching of the muscles; Gastric affections; Weak digestion; Nervous dyspepsia; Disease of the Liver (chronic); Atony of the Stomach and Intestines, with Constipation; Flatulence; Dropsical Swellings. A cup of strong coffee appears to antidote the good effects of Lycop. Rückert records a few cases of tendency to Phthisis, cured by this remedy. SYMPTOMS. - Mind.—Desponding; Desire to be alone; Dread of men; Melan- choly, especially in the evening; Sadness; Weeping; Afraid of being alone; she is nervous and uneasy; Fearful; Timid; Great tendency to start. In children—Headstrong; Self-willed; Vehe- * * - 215 LYCOP.] LYCOPODIUM. - ment. Curative action—Merry; Good-tempered. Some of the primary symptoms are accompanied with oppression and anxiety at pit of the stomach. - Senses.—Vacancy of thought; Absence of mind; he is unable to retain his ideas; cannot find words to express himself; makes use of wrong words and syllables; Dulness—he cannot collect his thoughts. Complaints arising from over-study—Dizziness; Vertigo when stooping or rising up; Incipient paralysis of the Brain. Head.-Headache after breakfast, chiefly over the eyes; Head- ache from chagrin; Rush of blood to the head (morning, early); Tearing in forehead every afternoon; Throbbing in the evening; Beating; Tearing; Pressure in occiput; Violent shock from occi- put to the top of the head; Thrilling sensation in the head when setting the foot down with force; Whizzing in the head; Rheu- matic headache; Pressure as from a nail on the top of the head. Scalp.–Contractive sensation of the hairy scalp; Great ten- dency to take cold; a light breeze sensibly affects the scalp; Itching, corroding sensation; Eruption; Foetid suppuration, with enlarged cervical glands; Tumour on the Occiput; Broad tubercle on the forehead, under the skin; Excessive falling-off of the hair; the hair turns grey. - Eyes.—Painful pressure, as from dust; Pain as if bruised; Itching; Stitches; Smarting; Burning; Inflammation, with red- mess; Coldness in the evening; Profuse lachrymation and agglu- timation at night—a quantity of purulent gum, with Smarting; Mucus about the eyes—he has constantly to wipe them to see clearly; Dryness of the eyes; Hot feeling; Dim sight; Twinkling; Sparks; Vibration—the objects seem to tremble; Black spots hover at a very short distance. Eyelids. – Inflammation ; Swelling; Aching ; Ulceration; Redness; Pustules; Pimples; Styes; Suppurating stye. The eyes are particularly affected by candle or gas-light. - Ears. — Roaring; Humming; Whizzing; Violent whizzing; Rush of blood; Hot blood; Throbbing; Darting; Beating; Bub- bling; Sounds affect the ear painfully; Sensitive to noise; the ear feels closed, with fluttering; Hearing diminished; Humid scurf on, and behind, the ears. Nose.-Spasmodic action of the dilator and compressor mares; Corrosive pain in the nostrils; Ulceration; Discharge of mucus and blood; Profuse bleeding from the nose; Obstruction of the 216 LYCOPODIUM. [LYCOP. nose—unable to breathe; Violent Coryza—dry or fluent; Swell- ing of the nose; Sensitive to smell. Face.—Pale, wretched complexion; Eyes sunk; Blue margins; Livid; Wrinkled; Lips blue or yellow, greyish-yellow; Fre- quent flushes of heat; Circumscribed redness; Swelling of the cheeks; Herpes, scaly, itching; Pimples; Pustules; Painful feel- ing of coldness, with stinging; Spasmodic twitching in the muscles of the face, especially the cheeks and lips. Lips.-Pale, or swollen; Ulceration of the lips and corners of the mouth; White blister on the lip; Large ulcer on border of lower lip. Jaws.-Drawing, darting, tearing, jerking — chiefly in the lower jaw, with swelling and throbbing of the sub-maxillary glands. Teeth.-Clashing; Grinding; Toothache when chewing, or at night, with nervous agitation, preventing sleep; Spasmodic pains; Stinging, drawing in the teeth; Violent single stitches in a hol- low tooth. Pains are sometimes relieved by warmth–excited by eating. The teeth turn yellow, and become loose. Gums.-Swelling, so as to prevent opening the mouth; Heat and pain; Darting; Tearing; Swelling high up, between the gums and malar bone; Fistula of the gums; Gum-boil; Bleeding of the gums. Mouth.--Small tumours in the mouth; Vesicles; Dryness; Numbness; Foetid smell; Continual flow of saliva—salt, sour, or . bitter. Tongue.—Vesicles at tip; Painful, as if burnt; Tubercles; Ulcers; Tongue feels stiff; Swollen; Benumbed; Speech in- distinct. - Throat.—Chronic sore throat; Stinging; Prickling; Inflamed, with hoarseness; Stitches; Difficult deglutition; Sensation as of a ball rising; Sense of constriction, narrowing. Tonsils.-Swollen; Ulcerated. Uvula.-Swollen; Elongated; Constant mucus in the throat. Taste.-Very bitter—constant; obliged to rinse the mouth ; Sour; Slimy; Mouldy; Cheesy; Water tastes sweet. - Thirst.—Either absent or constant; a good deal of thirst : Frequent desire to drink. Appetite.—Excessive hunger; Craving; Constant, canine hunger, especially in the afternoon; there is a load in the stomach; Q 217 LYCOP.] LYCOPODIUM. Desire for sweets. Secondly—Want of appetite; no relish ; Aversion to meat—to boiled warm food; Bread is especially repul- sive; Sour taste after milk; Acid taste, or Bitter after a meal; Thirst after a meal. - Eructations, with yawning; Frequent and empty (first days); Constant; Violent in the afternoon; Sour; Bilious, or tasting of food; Regurgitation; Gulping up of milk; Hiccough after every meal; Hiccough for three days; Waterbrash; Heartburn, half-an- hour after every meal; three hours after, with feeling of weakness, or feeling of pressure, as a stone on the chest. Nausea every morning (early), or when riding in a carriage; or afternoon, with acid eructations; Nausea, with weight at chest and pit of stomach; or pains at nape of neck, and weakness of the limbs; Loathing at the sight of food; Qualmishness; Vomiting of bile or food; Vomiting of coagulated blood. After a Meal,—Thirst; Waterbrash; Uneasy; Bloated ; Fulness; Distention of the Abdomen; Pressure in the stomach ; Heat in head and face; Red spot on left cheek; Muscae Volitantes; Tremors, or throbbing through the whole body; Hot hands; Constant eructations; Palpitation of the heart; sometimes Colic. Flatulence is a prominent symptom of Lycop. Stomach-Intense pain at pit, from pressure, or when stoop- ing; Swelling at pit; Violent pain after a meal, with chilliness and deadness of the hands; Pressure at the cardiac orifice—the clothes seem unbearable; Violent pressure in the Stomach and Abdomen; Fulness; Contusive pain, going off by eructations; Contraction and Spasm, extending to the Chest ; Tearing ; Draw- ing ; Pain as if a pin were pricking the intestines; Gnawing; Griping; Throbbing at pit; Pains, with Nausea and Colic ; Sensation as felt when swinging. - Hepatic Region.—Tension as from a hoop ; Liver painful to touch ; Pain after a meal; Dull pain; Pressure from within out- wards; Pain during inspiration; Aching in right hypochondria as from a shock; Sensation as if grasped with the hand; Cramp-like pain; Pinching; Stitches; Sense of rawness; Chronic Hepatitis. Abdomen.—Aching in Epigastrium, from flatulence; Pressure and cutting before dinner; Frequent pinching; Pressing, from within outwards—right of Umbilicus; Weight as from a load; Fulness and Distention, with cold feet; Distention and Colic every day—several days; 4 P.M.–Spasmodic contraction; Griping; 218 LYCOPODIUM. [LYCOP. Pinching; Cutting Colic; Tearing in both sides of Abdomen, Groin, and thighs; Drawing pains, affecting the Calves; Skin (integuments 2) of the Abdomen very sensitive to pain; Constant incarceration of flatus; Violent rumbling; Gurgling; Audible gurgling in left Hypochondrium ; Incarceration of Flatulence, which seems to be the chief cause of pain. Inguinal Region.—Pressing from within outwards (right and left); Pulsations; Gurgling at abdominal ring; Painful stitches in both groins; Pain when walking; Glandular swellings in the groin ; Tearing stitches in the Hermial region. Stool—Every other day; Ineffectual urging, with hard stool; Small stool, with a feeling that much still remains; he had to make great efforts; for some days the first part was hard and knotty—the other part soft; Papescent stool after the fifth day; Hard stool, with pain in back, and, Colic. Rectum.—Feeling of fulness, even after a copious evacuation; Sense of contraction; Violent contractive pain; Stitches; Burning; Itching; Cutting in the Rectum and Bladder; Haemorrhage from the Rectum; Distention of Varices; Protrusion; Varices of the pregnant. Anus.-Tension; Itching; Painful contraction; Itching erup- tion ; Ascarides. Urine.—Secretion diminished first eight days; in fourteen, more abundant; Frequent, copious micturition (also at night); Urging to urinate; Foamy urine; White, turbid; Yellow sediment; Dark urine, with red deposit; Red sand; Yellow sand; Bright-red deposit; Strong smell of the urine. Bladder.—Stitches in the Bladder, Neck of Bladder, and Anus; Stitches and cutting in Bladder, Rectum, and Perinaeum. Urethra. — Itching, burning, cutting, drawing; Smarting during micturition; Violent cutting stitch. Male Genital.-Chronic Orchitis; General weakness; Dimi- nished desire, ten days; Male impotence, several years; Loss of sexual power; no Erections. - Menses.—Chronic suppression of the menses from fright— delayed three, four, or five days. Brought back the menses after five months. Menses too long, and profuse. Leucorrhoea.—Profuse at intervals; Milky; Blood-red, with pains in Hypogastrium; Disposed to Miscarry. - Wagina.-Chronic dryness; Itching, burning, gnawing, dart- ing; Discharge of wind. Nipples—Sore; Scurfy. . . * - -- ºr * - Q 2 219. LYCOP.] LYCOPODIUM. Cough and Larynx-Titillation, inducing Cough, with grey, salt expectoration; Short, hacking Cough; Night Cough, with Hoarseness; Dry Cough, with wheezing; Dry Chronic Cough ; Cough, with great weakness; Salt expectoration; Morning Cough, with green sputa, or blackish mucus. Expectoration,--Thick, white; Yellow, or of Pus, with night- sweats, as in the last stage of Phthisis; or of blood. Respiration and Chest.—Shortness of breath during move- ment, or going up-stairs; Pains in the chest; Violent pains; Op- pression; Tightness; Stitches in the left side, especially during inspiration; they almost prevent breathing; Frequent stitches, from time to time, in the left side—sometimes passing through to the back. - Heart.—Violent palpitation (morning, four to five); Sudden violent palpitation, with yawning and weariness; Tremulous feeling at the heart, with anxiety; Pulsative sensation in the praecordial region. - Neck-Stiffness at nape of neck. Painful stiffness on the left side; Drawing pains in cervical muscles (left), sometimes to shoulder and elbow; Semi-Paralysis of the cervical muscles; Involuntary stretching of the neck; Nodding movement of the head from right to left; Swelling of the cervical glands; Swelling of the muscles of the neck, with darting pains. Back—Burning between the scapula, as from a hot coal; Tearing on right side of spine—dorsal region; Stiffness; Drawing pains in small of back; Rheumatic Drawing; Pain as from a strain in small of back; Stitches from scapula to loins. Renal Region.—Tearing, drawing pains; Repeated stitches and pressure in the region of the kidneys. Upper Limbs.-Swelling of axillary glands; Violent tearing pains in shoulder-joint, from the neck, when at rest; relieved by lying on the part—passes off by motion; Paralytic pains in the shoulder-joint—he cannot lift the arm; Bruise-like pain in shoulder, scapula, and humerus (right); Involuntary startings; Spasmodic starting of the arms; Weakness of the arms; Twitch- ings in left upper arm; Inflamed swellings on the arm, like Boils. Hands—Boils on the hands; Numbness of the hands; Redness, swelling, and inflammation of the finger-joints. Lower Limbs.-Boils on the nates; Pains in the muscles, about the hip; Paralytic pain in left hip; Pain as if sprained; Tearing 220 MAGNESLA CARBONICA. [MAG. CARB. pains at night ; the limbs feel cold and heavy; Pains in the thighs; Stiffness of the knee-joint; Swelling of the knees; Cramp in the calf and feet; Swelling of the feet; Cold feet; OEdema; Cold sweat of the feet; Profuse sweat; Callosities. Corns—Pain- ful, inflamed; Stitches; Burning soreness of the toes; Cramp in the toes. Skin.—Hot; Dry; Tendency to crack; Itching, as from fleas; Pimples; Hepatic spots; Freckles; Herpes — yellow, brown, shrivelled ; Humid, suppurating, deep rhagades, covered with crusts; Boils that return periodically; Fistulous Ulcers; Mercurial Ulcers; Excoriation in Children; Glandular swellings; Dropsical swellings; Chlorosis. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. The muscles and skin are tender to touch; Stiffness of the joints, back, and neck; Pains during windy or wet weather; Violent stitches in the cavity of the thorax; Sensation as if the circulation in parts were stopped; Failing of strength; Weak- ness; Emaciation.” M A G NESIA CARB 0NIC A. HAHNEMANN. * CARBONATE OF MAGNESIA, ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, is suitable in cases of Irregular Menstruation; Hysteria; Atrophy of Children; Pains in the teeth, with swelling of the face, and stiff neck; Pyrosis; Cardialgia; Green, acid Diarrhoea of Children; Chronic Diarrhoea; Incon- tinence of Urine; Delayed Menses; Leucorrhoea; Old malignant ulcers on the feet. (By Jahr)—Hysterical Spasms in the Abdomen; Cramps in the Uterus; Dysmenorrhoea. SYMPTOMS. Teeth.--Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks; Drawing, tearing, extending to the temples; Stiffness in the nape; Darting 221 MAG, CARB.] MAGNESIA CARBONICA. toothache, almost every day; Toothache at night, and of the preg- nant. . - - Eyes.—Ophthalmia; Opacity of Cornea; Muscae Volitantes; Cataract. Mouth-Dry, might and morning; Tubercles in the mouth ; Acid taste; Violent thirst; Empty eructations; Nausea; Inclina- tion to vomit. - Stomach.-Pains, with acid risings; Contractive pains; Pres- sure; Empty feeling; Pain, as from ulceration; Sudden stabbing, as if with a knife, at pit; Burning sensation. - Abdomen.—Spasmodic constriction; Contractive pain; Colic; Pinching; Violent colic, as if the bowels would be torn out; Con- stant rumbling, audible, with flatus; Inguinal Hernia. Stool.—First—Retention or constipation; one in four days. Second—Diarrhoea; Green stools; Yellow stool; Frothy, mucous, diarrhoea, or green water; Greenish mucus; a quantity of AS- carides pass with and between the stools; Painful varices. Urine.-Frequent; Unable to retain it; Pale or greenish; White sediment. . - - - - Menses.—Delay first days. Secondly—Flow profusely; Fre- quently dark, acrid, thick, black, pitchy; Appear eight or nine days too early—sometimes with Colic and toothache. Leucorrhoea.—Thin, scanty, like water, or smarting; Dis- charge of white mucus, with pains in Abdomen. Chest—Tightness; Oppression; Bruise-like pains. Back and Neck-Pains in small of back at night; Pain as if bruised; Violent concussive pain; Stiffness, and stitching pains in. nape of neck; Pressure as if the cravat were tight. Upper Limbs.-Pain in shoulder, as if sprained; Attacks of pain at night; Blisters and blotches on the fingers. - Iower Limbs.-Weariness; Hard swelling under the knee; Cramps at night; Boils on the legs. A kind of Paralysis affected the left lower limb, with pain in the hip and knee-joint. OTHER SYMPTOMS. . . - - - - - - Sleepless nights; Tossing aboutin bed; Feeling of internal heat; Itching; Burning; Prickings in various parts of the body; Sudden depression; Weakness; Feeling of drowsiness after eating; when awaking in the morning, he feels more fatigued than when he went to bed. - . . . . . . . . . ...: * - *. 222 MAGNESIA MURLATICA–MANGANUM. [MANG. * MAGNESIA MURIATIC A. HAHNEMANN. MURIATE of MAGNESIA. Is said to be useful for Spasms and Cramps of Hysteric Females; Nausea of Pregnancy; Distention of the Abdomen; Troubles of Children during Dentition; Scabs and Scurf in the nostrils; Stop- page of the Nose; Cramps in the Uterus, with pains in the Thighs, and Leucorrhoea; Hysteric affections; Weakness of the Limbs. The whole body feels bruised and uneasy. Weariness in the open air; Liability to take cold; Syncope, with pale face, nausea, and anxiety. MAN G ANU M. HAHNEMANN. MANGANESE. ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, is useful in Inflammation of the Bones and Periosteum, with gnawing, boring pains; Arthritic and Rheumatic affections of the Joints, with swelling; Darting lancina- tions, intolerable at night; Affections of the Eyes and Eyelids; Hardness of Hearing; Whizzing, rushing, fluttering in the ears; Violent pains in hollow teeth; Inflammation of the Throat and Tonsils; Inflammation of the Hip-joint in scrofulous children. Has also proved serviceable in cases of pain after food, felt at the pit of the stomach. - . . . SYMPTOMs. Head.—Painful pressure from occiput to forehead; Tearing pains in the bones; Throbbing, ulcerative pains; Sense of concus- sion in the brain when walking; Hot feeling in the head; Rush- ing of blood from the nape to forehead. * Eyes.—Hot feeling and dryness; Darting in the right eye; Aching; Swelling of the lids; Agglutination; Throbbing in the 223 wase. MANGANUM. lids; Pupils contracted; Sight short, dim; Fiery sparks forming wheels; Vanishing of the sight on looking at one object intensely. Ears.--Darting, tearing, dull sticking in the ear when talk- ing; Deafness, as if the ears were closed with the fingers—and open, with relief, on blowing the nose; Fluttering before the ears as from the wings of a bird; Report in the ears when blowing the nose or swallowing. Teeth.-Violent pain in molars that darts into the throat, ear, malar bone, and the arm, with great exhaustion; the pains are in- creased by contact and cold water. Mouth-Earthy smell on rising in the morning—not percep- tible to himself; Vesicles and Tubercles on the tongue; Accumu- lation of bitter water in the mouth. Taste.—Oily; Flat ; Bitter; Food tastes bitter or sour. Eructations.—Sour, or bitter; Burning; Heartburn. Stomach.-Burning; Pressure as from a stone; Pain occurring about a quarter of an hour after dinner, at pit ; Contractive pains; Stitches; Drawing, with Nausea. Abdomen.—Contractive feeling; Distention; Bloated; Cutting pain at umbilicus; Ulcerative pain, inducing a feeling of sickness; Sensation of warmth, that ascends to the throat; Movement of flatus, with pinching colic. Stool.-First—Constipation, forty-eight hours; Difficult; Knotty. Second—Yellow ; Granular, with tenesmus. After twenty-four hours' constipation—Two soft evacuations, with pinch- ing in the Abdomen. x- Larynx-Roughness in the throat and voice; Dry, deep cough ; Morning cough, with expectoration of pale-green, yellow mucus, in clots—expelled without effort. Chest,-Dull pain, or bruise-like, in the upper part of the Chest, or at the Sternum; Warmth, with Nausea; Disagreeable heat, with hot breath, ascending to the fauces; Burning below the Sternum; Shocks in the Chest; Throbbing in the right half of the Chest, like palpitation. Evening, in bed—Palpitation of the heart. - Neck-Stiff; Swollen; Pain in the muscles; Stiffness at nape; Tension, as if a band were drawn across the shoulders; Red, swollen streak, left side of neck, for twenty days. Joints.-Languor; Weariness; Tremulous sensation in the elbow and knee-joints, with anxiety, as if he would die. 224 MENYANTHES TRIFOLLATA. [MENY. Skin.—Rhagades; Soreness in the bend of joints; Chronic inflammation and suppuration of the finger; Unhealthy skin; Vesicles; Blotches. MORBID ANATOMY. Manganum causes death by paralysis of the nervous system, and suspension of the heart's action ; Inflammation of the Stomach, Liver, Spleen, and Intestines; Stomach and Duodenum contain black mucus and coagulated blood; Black blood in both ventricles. The Binoxide of Manganese is occasionally used in Allopathic practice, for Scrofulous, Glandular Swellings of Children, in doses one-eighth to three-fourths of a grain; and in larger doses, two or three grains, for some cachectic conditions; and Syphilis, in adults. It is said to have produced paralysis in those who are employed in grinding it for the uses of the arts and chemistry. Some cases of Pyrosis, and Stomach äffections, with pain after food, appear to have been cured in Allopathic practice, MENY ANTHES TRIFOLIATA, BUCK BEAN. APPEARS to have been occasionally used for Intermittent Fever, when Coldness predominates; Pains in the Head; Weakness of the Stomach ; Voice hoarse, rough ; Stitch in the Larynx 2 which impedes deglutition; Spasmodic Jerking of the Limbs, Itantidotes the abuse of Cinchona. SYMPTOMS. Fever.—Coldness in the Spine, with shaking; the feet are icy cold; Shuddering of the whole body; Shuddering down the back; he feels as if he had been in the open air with his back bare ; Intermittent Fever, with coldness in the Abdomen; Heat first appears in the face; Flushes of heat over the cheeks; Heat without 225 MENY.] - MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. thirst, and slight sweat; Heat of body, with cold feet; Sweat in the evening, or the whole night. . . Head.—Stupefying Headache, especially in the forehead, during rest and motion; Continual heaviness; Pressure in the forehead from within outwards; Painful pressure on the brain, as from a heavy weight—worse on going up and down stairs; Pressure on the head from above downward; Headache in the temples as if pressed together at the sides; Single stitches in the left hemisphere, passing towards the vertex; Dull headache when leaning the head to one side. - Ears.-Feeling of coldness in the internal ear, as from water; Fine stitches; Itching in the interior; Cracking noise when chewing; Discharge from the ears after Measles or Scarlet Fever. Throat.—Dryness; Roughness; Difficulty in swallowing the saliva; Continuous stitch in the anterior part of the larynx, only when swallowing, which seems to be impeded by that stitch. Larynx,−Titillation; Voice rough—almost hoarse; when talking, the ears feel obstructed, as if something had been stretched across; Spasmodic contraction of the larynx; the effort of inspi- ration induces Cough; Short breathing, with sharp stitches in the chest, especially during inspiration. Taste.—Bitter-sweet taste; relishes only meat, not bread and butter; Intense Hunger, which passes off after eating a little. Eructations.—Frequent; Empty; Hiccough. Stomach. — Sudden attacks of heat for twenty minutes, followed by hunger; Contractive sensation in the stomach; Chok- ing, and inclination to vomit, with contraction of the stomach; Continual rumbling, as if the stomach were empty. - - Stool—Constipation; Retention for thirty-two hours; after- wards, hard faeces, with pains in abdomen; Loose stool. - (Cured constipation in a female.) Rectum—Itching in rectum and anus; Flowing Haemorrhoids. . . . . . . . Scapular Region.— Painful tearing between the scapula, especially during a deep inspiration ; Boring stitches in left scapula, near the spine ; Pain in renal region and small of the back. Upper Limbs—Visible jerkings in the left arm; Stitches in deltoid; Jactitation of the muscles of the right arm; Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the fore-arm and hand, resembling 226 MEPHITIS PUTORIUS—MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. [MER. PER, Lower Limbs.-The right thigh and leg are spasmodically jerked upward; Cramp-like drawing in the thigh; Cramp-like pain in the muscles of right leg, like paralytic pain; Pain in the ankles, as if sprained. - MEPHITIS PUTORIUS, SKUNK. x ACCORDING to Hering, this remedy has been employed, with some benefit, for Continued Drowsiness in the morning; Catarrh, and Morning Cough, with sore feeling in the chest after a catarrh; Inflammation of the Conjunctiva; Dimness of sight. For Whoop- ing cough, by Dr. Neidhard (empirically.) SYMPTOMs. . - Frequent Yawning; Drowsiness—readily falls asleep by day, even in company. Early morning—Overwhelmed with sleep; Stretches his limbs; a semi-stupor hangs over him; Heat, burning, pricking in the eyes; Redness of the Conjunctiva, or fully injected; Pressure in the lids; Inability to read small print; the letters appear blurred; Catarrhal sufferings; Cough, with ex- pectoration; Sensation as if something were in the larynx; Chok- ing sensation; Uneasiness in the legs, as if they would go to sleep. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. Dogs' MERCURY. THIS poisonous plant somewhat resembles Belladonna;. exerts al powerful action on the Brain, Nervous System, and the circulation, Ht produces giddiness, heaviness, tension, fulness, and conges- 227 MERC.] MERCURIUs. tion in the Brain; Accelerates the pulse, induces throbbing in the Arteries, and palpitation of the Heart. The secretions are diminished; the Eyes feel stiff, heavy, and dry, with a sense of protrusion; Vacant look; Misty sight; Weakness at candlelight, with slight pain when reading or writing; Painful pricking; Burning in the tongue; White coating; Acid or bitter taste, with heartburn; Sickness and feeling of discomfort in the stomach; feels swollen, or Empty; Griping pains in the Abdomen and at Umbilicus; Throbbing in the Chest; Sticking pains, with Dysp- noea; Breath hot, almost burning; Oppression about the heart; Undulation and throbbing at Epigastrium—also in the Blood- vessels; Frequent palpitation. MER C U RIUS, HAHNEMANN. BLACK OXIDE OF MERCURY. THE use and abuse of this remedy has been so freely discussed df late by some medical writers, that it must quite puzzle a medical student to know whether to prescribe it or not. By some he will find it lauded as invaluable and indispensable; by others condemned as a bane and a curse. Most temperate writers agree that it re- guires to be administered with caution, and its effects carefully watched, from the circumstance that it will, in some idiosyncrasies, induce a far worse condition than that for which it was prescribed —in other words, the remedy may prove worse than the original disease. Now, if any example were required to illustrate the necessity for administering small doses of medicine, one would think Allopathic experience of Mercury ought to be at once selected for the pur- pose; but there are none more blind than those who will not see— none so deaf as those who will not hear. All argument is useless. I have frequently seen a few globules—three or four only—of Mer- curius 12, produce ptyalism in individuals who had taken Mercury in tolerable doses during their lives; and from careful observation of the effects of Mercury on the human frame, and on my own person especially, I firmly believe, that an individual who has once 228 MERCURIUs. [MERC. gone through a course of Mercury, becomes changed in constitution for ever after; and I think those who are slow to salivate, become so sensitive, that they resemble walking barometers. If all we read be really true, the sooner Mercury is struck out of the British Pharmacopoeia the better. But this is no great business of ours. We know full well that attenuated preparations will not damage the health of the present, nor taint the constitution of a future generation. The only difficulty with us is this—We rarely find a patient who has not taken it, little or much ; and for this cause we cannot always (except in children) gain the advantage that our medicines would otherwise secure, and must occasionally prohibit the use of Mercurius altogether. I believe all Homoeopathic practitioners are pretty well agreed about Mercury, that it is as valuable as any other remedy in its place, and, when indicated, will prove as useful, curative, and harmless as any other drug. The conditions for which Mercurius Solubilis is prescribed are chiefly as follows:—Diseases of the Lymphatic System; Affections of the mouth and fauces; Inflammation of parts, with or without swelling; Aphthae; Swelling, ulceration, suppuration of the Ton- sils and Glands generally; Sore throat, with difficult deglutition; Tongue sensitive, sore, ulcerated, swollen; Foetid odour from the Mouth; Ulceration and receding of the Gums; Toothache; Swell- ing of the Cervical and Parotid Glands; Painful tearing in, and discharge of pus from, the Ears; Ophthalmia; Catarrhal, scrofu- lous, pustular, or syphilitic Ulcers on the Cornea; Gastric and Bilious disturbance; Putrid Taste; Loss of Appetite; Pain and Burning at the pit of Stomach—tender to touch; Congestion of the Liver, with stitching, burning; Complete Jaundice; Colic; Cut- ting, pinching, or stabbing pains in the Abdomen; Distention; Swelling of the Inguinal Glands; Suppuration; Catarrh, with chilliness, cough, sore throat, dislike to the open air; Catarrh, especially if induced by cold evening air; Hoarseness; Loss of Voice; Acute and Chronic Bronchitis; Preumonia; Fevers—Ty- phoid, Typhus, Bilious, Mucous, Hectic; Dysentery; Tumours on the scalp of infants; Syphilis; Chancres, with induration; Ulcers; Nodes; Affections of the bones (not Mercurial); Diseases of the Skin; Eczema; Syphilitic Psoriasis; Erysipelas; Variola—suppu- rative stage; Whitlow ; Ulceration of the nails; Excoriation of the Nipples; Inflamed Labia and Ovaries. 229 MERC.] - MERCURIUS. * SYMPTOMS. - - Cracking in the joints; Pain as if bruised in all the limbs; Rheumatic, arthritic, tearing pains; all the bones ache in any position—generally worse at night—not relieved by sweating ; Heaviness; Weariness; Languor; Easily exhausted; Rigidity; Stiffness of the joints and limbs. The pains frequently become intolerable when in bed at night. * - Mind.—Anguish of mind, with lowness of spirits; Restless—it feels difficult to remain in one place; Apprehension of some evil; Great tendency to start, followed by trembling of the whole body; Excessive indifference to everything, even to food; Lowness of spirits; Dissatisfied; Suspicious; Distrustful; Irritable. Senses.—Loss of consciousness; Absence of mind; Crowding of ideas; Dull, stupid feeling, with dizziness; Fulness in the head; Momentary vanishing of thought. - - Head–Giddiness when walking in the open air, with stagger- ing and nausea; Heat and pain in the whole head; Constrictive pain, with sensation of a tight band; Tightness, as if screwed up ; Pressure from within outwards, in the parietal region; Feeling of fulness, as if the head would burst; Stitches in the forehead; Stitches through the whole head; Heat and burning in the head; Headache at night; Rheumatic headache. - Scalp.–The whole scalp feels painful to the touch; Pains in the bones; Eruptions on the scalp; Elevated scabs; Humid eruptions; Falling-off of the hair; Swelling of the head. Eyes.—Pressure, as from sand, when moving the eye; Stitches; Cutting under the lid, as from a sharp body; Itching; Heat, burning, smarting; Inflammation of both eyes—worse in the open air; Catarrhal, rheumatic, arthritic, or scrofulous ophthalmia; Syphilitic ophthalmia; Lachrymation; Swelling and redness of the lids; Nocturnal agglutination; Scurfy eruptions; Pustules on the conjunctiva; Ulcers on the cornea; Eyes dim; Pupils dilated; Mistiness; Amaurosis; a strong light is intolerable. Ears.-Tearing pain in the ears; Soreness and excoriation of the external ear; Sensation as if cold water were running out of both ears; Discharge of pus, Blood, or foetid pus; Hardness of hearing; Roaring; Buzzing; Pulsations; Ringing—worse at evening. , Nose.—Swelling of the nose; the bones are swollen and tender; Sore nostrils; Frequent sneezing; Coryza, dry, with stoppage of 230. - MERCURIUS. [MERC. the nose; or Fluent, with profuse discharge of water or mucus; Bleeding from the nose; also when sleeping or coughing. - Face.—Pale, clay-coloured, with attenuated, sunken features; Yellow face and eyes; Feverish heat, and redness of the cheeks; Sweat in the face; Tearing in the face; Swelling of the cheeks, with toothache; Syphilitic spots and pustules on the face and fore- head; Ulcers; Cracks and rhagades at the corners of the mouth. Lips.-Dry; Rough ; Yellow crusts; Soft, red swelling of the upper lip; Internal swelling; Pimples and ulcers inside the lips. Jaws.-Stiffness and tension; almost complete immobility of the jaw; he can, with great difficulty and pain, open his mouth ; Pain under the jaw; Caries; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Teeth.-Tearing toothache; Pains in the incisors; the air affects the teeth, and anything cold; Violent toothache at night; Stitches that extend into the ears; Violent stitches in the even- ing. - - Gums.-The gums recede; they are swollen, sore, or ulcerated; Burning hot at night—better by day; Spongy bleeding; Paleness of the gums; Scorbutic affections of the gums; White ulcers. Mouth-Foetid smell from the mouth; Inflammatory swelling; White blisters; Aphtha ; Ulcers and sores; Accumulation of tenacious saliva; Constant spitting; Pain and swelling of the salivary glands; Ptyalism. Tongue-Coated with fur; Insensible, or rough; Burning, or chapped; Sore, stiff; Swelling of the tongue, with white coating; Inflammatory, hard swelling; Indented; Ulcerated edges; Feels as if burnt; Fissure on the tongue; Loss of speech and voice; Ranula; Stammering. - Throat.—Sore; Sensation as if a body were lodged there; and he tries to get rid of it by swallowing; Sensation as if a worm were there; he constantly tries to swallow it; Pain in the throat during deglutition; Heat, burning, dryness; Stitching pain in the tonsils; Pricking; Inflammation of the throat; Syphilitic ulcers. The soreness extends to the ears and surrounding glands. -- Taste.—Metallic taste; Earthy; Soap-like; Putrid, or sour; Bitter taste in the mouth, or salt; very salt taste about the lips and tongue; Taste of putrid eggs; Slimy taste; Bread tastes Sweet. . . . . . . . ... Appetite.—Excessive appetite; Ravenous, yet he wastes in body, and loses strength; afterwards he loses his appetite;-Dis- 231 MERC.] MERCURIUS. like for beef, coffee, butter; Violent burning thirst; Desire for cold drinks, especially water. Gastric.—Constant eructations; Rising of bitter water; Bilious; Bitter; Putrid; Rancid heartburn; Nausea; Shuddering, with headache; Inclined to vomit; at one o'clock A.M., much water accumulates in the mouth; it awakes her from sleep; she has nausea, and vomits a very bitter substance; Violent vomiting of bitter mucus. - Stomach.-Pressure in the stomach; Burning pain at pit; Rising of heat; Soreness as after much vomiting; Painful at pit; the whole region of the stomach is painful to the touch; Bread is oppressive; cannot bear the lightest kind of food; Cramp in the stomach a few hours after eating; Feeling of ulceration in the stomach. - Hypochondria.--Stitches in the hepatic region; Burning, pressing; Pushing from within outwards; the region is sensitive to touch; Swelling and induration; Acute Hepatitis; Jaundice. Abdomen.—Colic, as from a cold; and when exposed to the cool evening air, with Diarrhoea; Inexpressible Colic, which passes off when lying down; Colic induced by touching anything cold; Pinching in the abdomen, with chilliness and shuddering; Stab- bing, cutting pains; Distention; Scrofulous enlargement of the mesenteric glands. Inguinal Region.—Pains in the glands; Pricking, aching, painful stitches; Drawing pain in the groin and testes; Swelling of the inguinal gland; it becomes red and inflamed; intensely painful—compelled to lie down; Ulceration and suppuration. Stool.-Desire for stool every moment, with tenesmus, without result; Diarrhoea, with chilliness; Yellow Diarrhoea in the even- ing and at night; Green, slimy, acrid stools; Green mucus, with burning and excoriation at the anus; Sour-smelling stools; Diar- rhoea, mixed with blood, or stools of blood; White-grey evacua- tions; Ascarides creep out of the rectum; Discharge of lumbri- cales; Prolapsus of the rectum. - Urine.—Constant desire, yet but little is passed; he tries every ten minutes, three or four times in the night; Increase of urine; Profuse as in Diabetes; Turbid urine when passed; De- posits a sediment like flour; Foetid or acrid urine; Dark-red urine, as if mixed with blood, or with mucus and pus, filaments and flocks; Albuminous. - 232 MERCURIUS. [MERC, Urethra-Burning between the act of micturition; Cutting, contractive pain; Discharge of blood from the urethra; Stitches; Greenish Gomorrhoea—worse at night. Genital (Male).-Soreness and sweat between the thighs; Pain and swelling of the glans; Inflammation of the prepuce, with burning pain; Swelling of the prepuce—distended like a bladder; Smarting; Redness; Cracks and rhagades; Chancre; Raw ulcers that discharge a yellowish matter, and afterwards bleed; Drawing pains in the testes and spermatic cord; Hard swelling of the testes, with shining redness of the scrotum. Menses.—Discharge of blood six days before the period. Before the menses—Dry heat, with rush of blood and congestion. During the menses—Anxiety, red tongue, salt taste, pale gums. Mercurius will, in some cases, bring on the menses profusely. Prolapsus of the vagina—Inflamed; Red; Swollen internally; Inflammation of the ovaries; Leucorrhoea; Corrosive; Acrid, or mild; coming on in the evening; Greenish discharge, with smart- ing; Discharge of pus and mucus, or lumps; Hard swelling of the breasts; Ulceration; Suppuration; Sore, cracked nipples. : Larynx.-Catarrh, with chilliness, loss of appetite, and con- stipation; Cough; Sore throat; Coryza ; Aversion to the open air; Hoarseness, with loss of voice; Burning and tickling in the larynx. . - Cough.-Dry, or moist; Fatiguing, titillating; Racking Cough at night; Dry, Hollow-sounding Cough, with pain in the chest and small of the back; Cough, with discharge of blood; Cough, with inclination to vomit. Chest.—Oppression; Pressure; Anxiety, with difficult breath- ing; Feeling as if there was not air enough ; Burning in the chest, extending up to the throat; Soreness; Stitches; Pains in the muscles, as if bruised; Palpitation of the Heart. Neck.-Swelling of the cervical and parotid glands; the neck feels stiff and difficult to move; Cramp-like pains under the scapula, with blotches and ulcers. Back,-Bruise-like pain in the back; Burning pain down the back; Stitching pain, on inspiration, in the small of the back; Tearing pain near the os coccygis; Pain in the Sacrum, as after lying on a hard couch. Upper Limbs.--Stitches; Jerking or beating in the shoulder- joint; Tearing pain in right shoulder at night, and when moving T 233 MERC.] MERCURIUS. the parts; Cracking in the joints; Pains in the bones, with a feeling of weariness; Jactitation of the muscles; Itching rash— . large, red, round spots, that scale off, having a burning pain; Itch- like eruption on the hands; Painful stiffness of the wrists; Rigidity and cramps in the hands; Contraction of the fingers; Deep rhagades on the hands and fingers, as if they had been cut; they sting, feel sore, and sometimes bleed. Lower Limbs.-Pains in the gluteal muscles; Burning of the nates; Tearing in the hip-joint; frequently all the other joints are affected at the same time, at night, or during motion; Cold- ness; Cramp-like stitching, tearing, or drawing pains in the muscles of the thighs and legs; Herpes; Boils; Small Tumours and Ulcers; Dropsical swelling of the feet and legs; the joints of the feet and ankles feel as if sprained; Itching and peeling of the skin between the toes; Pain and swelling of the toes. Sleep.–Drowsy during the day; Great inclination to sleep in the day-time; Wakeful until three o’clock in the morning; or falls asleep late, and awakes at two or three o’clock every morning; Restless; Sleeps for half-an-hour, then wakes up, sometimes with desire to pass urine; Anxiety, with throbbing in the blood-vessels during the night. - Tever.—Coldness of the hands and feet; Violent thirst ; Chil- liness and shaking, morning and evening; Sensation as if cold water were being poured over him; Paroxysms of fever, especially at night; Shivering, with flushes of heat; Face hot and red; In- termal chilliness; Alternate sensations of heat and chilliness; Intermittent fevers; Chilliness, followed by burning heat; Intense thirst; Exhausting sweat, and foetid odour of the breath; some- times the sweat is acid, and tinges the linen yellow; Bilious, Gastric, and Typhoid fevers, with Vertigo; Humming in the ears; Thick, dirty, yellow tongue; Flat, soapy taste, or mouth and throat dry; Suppressed stools, or Diarrhoea, and great tenderness of the stomach and umbilical region; Profuse night-sweats, acid or greasy; Pulse very variable. Skin.—Yellow; Jaundiced; Eruptions like scabies; Itching eruptions; Pustules; Raised herpetic spots; Dry rash.; Scarlatina, even malignant ; Suppurative stage of Small-pox; Erysipelatous inflammations; Primary Syphilis; Spreading, spongy, bluish, and readily bleeding ulcers; Inflammation, swelling, and suppu- ration of glands; Diseases of the nails. - 234 MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS. [MERC. COR. According to the experience of Mr. Hunt, most diseases of the skin will require Mercury or Arsenic during the course of treat- ment. * Dr. Teste states that Mercurius S. is only suitable for women. Peculiar Characters.-The symptoms are generally worse at night; Intolerable in bed; Sweat profuse during motion, walk- ing, or drinking anything warm; Palpitation when walking; the evening air is not agreeable; he feels better in warm sunshine, and when walking, than lying or sitting. MERCURIUS CORRO SIW U.S. BICHLORIDE OF MERCURY. THIS preparation of Mercury is chiefly prescribed for Dysentery, and is considered preferable to any other of the mercurial forms for that disease. Noack and Trinks advise it for Syphilitic Ulcers, that suppurate freely, and discharge an unhealthy pus; Hectic conditions; Abdominal Typhus, with very foetid evacuations, and Temesmus; Bilious Dysentery; Parched, cracked tongue; Hollow, dry Cough, with pains in the chest; Difficult breathing; Expec- toration of blood; Tubercular Phthisis—first and second stages. Dr. Teste states that Merc. Corr. is especially suited for men; while the Solubilis should be prescribed only for women. He pro- nounces this to be a positive law of great value, and advises its use for the following:—Syphilis; Chancre; Buboes; Gonorrhoea; Ophthalmia; Ulceration of the Cornea; Cataract; Amaurosis; Ulceration of the Pharynx, Nose, and Tongue; Red or copper- coloured spots; Impetigo; Psoriasis; Falling-off of the hair; Sub-cutaneous tumours; Exostosis; Caries of the bones; Diseases of the nails; Phthisis; Haemoptysis; Neuralgia; Paralysis; Chro- nic cutaneous eruptions (scaly); Chronic Ophthalmia; Chronic ulceration of the nostrils; Angina; Dysentery; Ascites; Albu- minuria; Induration of the testes; Impotence; Chronic Articular R 2 - 235 MERC, IOD.] . MERCURIUS IODATUS, . Rheumatism; Rickets; Scrofulous Caries; Chronic diseases of the Bones. - MER O U RIUS I 0D ATUS, IODIDE OF Mercury. THIS combination of Mercury and Iodine is chiefly prescribed in trituration at the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd power. It appears to have proved eminently successful in some cases of Diphtheria; Affections of the Throat and Tonsils; Swelling and induration of Glands generally; Syphilitic sore throat; Ash-coloured ulcers about the fauces, and on the tongue; Inflammation of the Uvula, Tonsils, Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi. It may prove useful for indura- tion of the Liver, with tenderness; Bloated Abdomen of children; Mesenteric disease; Diarrhoea, green stools, and, probably, Dy- sentery. 3. SYMPTOMS. Mouth.-Sordes about the teeth and lips; Tongue dry— chapped; Coated white, yellow, or brown; Ulcers on the tongue, with ashy-grey centre; Tongue indented by pressure of the teeth; Gums bleed, look spongy, ulcerated; Sub-maxillary glands en- larged; Inflamed; also the tonsils and parotid ; Abundant flow of saliva; Cough, with yellow Expectoration, or transparent flake in frothy mucus; Pains in the teeth, temples, and head. Throat.—Inflammation of the whole isthmus of the fauces, which is of a dark-red or purple hue; Patches, like in Diphtheria, covered with a tough, whitish, or yellow exudation on the Pala- tine arch; may be deep-red and dry; the inflammation may extend into the larynx, trachea, and bronchial tubes; Ulcerate the chordae vocales, change the voice, or cause complete aphonia. It may prove serviceable in some cases of inflammation and ulce- ration of the Conjunctiva; Chronic inflammation of the lachrymal sac and duct; Affections of the nose; Excoriated nostrils; Tenderness of the cartilages and bones of the nose, especially if Aurum fails. . 236 MEZEREUM. [MEZ. MEZEREUM. HAHNEMANN. DAPHNE MEZEREON, CHIEFLY useful after Mercury; Nightly pains in the Bones—the effects of Syphilis; Affections of the Periosteum; Nodes; Soften- ing and ulceration of bones; Exanthemata; Scaly, or Herpes. forming thick crusts; Prosopalgia, increased by warmth—worse at Evening and Night; Violent, raging Toothache, especially at night; Obstinate Leucorrhoea (Jahr); Haemoptysis; Angina Fau- cium ; Subsultus Tendinum, and Itching Eruptions; Gastro- Enteritis (Hempel); Sensitive to cold, damp air, SYMPTOMS. Scalp.–Pains in the bones of the cranium, aggravated by contact; Sensation as if the upper part of the head were benumbed; Tenderness of the Scalp; Itching; Biting, as from vermin; White. scales; Humid, itching Eruption. * Face.—Frequent, troublesome jactitation in the facial muscles, especially of the right cheek; Cramp-like pain and tearing in the region of right malar bone; Boils on the face. - , Lips.-Swollen; Burning; Ulceration; White Vesicles on the border of the lip. . Teeth.-Seated pain in hollow teeth; Drawing, burning, sting- ing; Boring stitches; Feeling of dulness; Foetid mucus on the teeth. Mouth and Tongue.—Burning sensation; Vesicles on the tongue; Tongue white—feels thick and flabby. Throat.—Soreness of the throat and fauces; Inflammation of the Pharynx; Aching pains in the bones of the palate. Stomach,-Eructations frequent, empty, tasteless; Nausea, with pain in the stomach; Inelined to vomit, with waterbrash; Heaving in the stomach, with rising of water in the mouth ; Excessive vomiting of green, bitter mucus, with confusion and hammering in the head, and burning in the stomach ; Vomiting of blood; Pains in the stomach, with throbbing of the vessels, and jactitation of the muscles at the pit; Inflammation of the stomach. Abdomen.—Pains; Aching; Stitches; Cramp-like Colic, as if - «» 237 MEZ.] MEZEREUM. in the intestines; Rumbling; Bubbling, with flatus; Burning-hot feeling; Inflammation of the intestines; Pain in the inguinal glands. - Stools.--Small; Soft; Frequent; Copious; Papescent; Con- tinual; Diarrhoea, with Colic; Painful tenesmus; Shivering, before and after stool. - - Urine.—Scanty—becomes turbid in an hour; Hot, with red sediment, and loose flocculi; Haematuria; Discharge of mucus from the urethra; Painless swelling of the scrotum. - Leucorrhoea.—Resembling albumen; Chronic discharge of IIll ICUlS. - Cough.--Violent when lying down; Deep in the Chest; Cough, after midnight; the breath smells like decayed cheese. Chest.—Oppression at the Chest; Slow, difficult breathing ; Darting pains; Painful stitches; Burning in the region of the Sternum; Pains in the pectoral muscles. - Neck-Painful stiffness in nape of neck, in all the cervical muscles; Pulsation in the small of the back. - - Upper Limbs.-Throbbing, digging, tearing in the shoulder- joint; the head of the humerus feels enlarged; Aching pain; Cracking in the shoulder-joint; Weariness and Bruised feeling in the arms; Pains in the long bones; Rheumatic, Paralytic pains; Tearing pains in the hands, bones of the fingers, and thumb. - Lower Limbs.-Darting pains from hip to knee; Pains in the bones of the thighs and legs; Painful dartings in the left knee; Rheumatic tension and drawing about the knee; Jactitation of the femoral muscles; Violent pain in the tibia at midnight; Fre- quently-recurring pains in the bones of the leg, tibia, and fibula; Hard swelling of the calf when walking, with burning pain; Tearing pain in the Heels and Tendo Achillis. * Feet.—Hot, burning pains in right foot; Pain in the toes, with swelling, and twitchings. - Skin.—Obstinate itching over the body, as from insects; Red, itching rash on the neck and arms, single or in clusters—very troublesome and obstinate; Red pimples or pustules on the arms and lower limbs. The pains are frequently only felt on one side of the body, and accompanied generally by chilliness or shivering; Excessive weariness; Weakness and exhaustion; and, after the pains have subsided, much soreness remains. 238 MILLEFOLIUM-MOSCHUS. [MOSCH. MILLE FOLIUM. MILFOIL. Is recommended for congestion of the Head, Face, Heart, and Lungs. Haemorrhage from various organs; Excessive Bleeding from Haemorrhoids; Epistaxis; Haemoptysis; Haematuria; Pur- pura. tº SYMPTOMS. Painful confusion, with rush of blood to the Head; Burning in the Stomach and Abdomen; Feeling of fulness, and Spasms in the Stomach. - (The whole of the above must be purely empirical; for not a single symptom in the proving seems to produce Haemorrhage in any one organ). - MOS CHUS, - HAHNEMANN. - MUsk. MosCHUs is chiefly useful for affections of the nervous system; Periodical attacks of weakness, almost inducing Syncope; Death- like weakness, with intermittent pulse; Loss of strength; Hysteric fainting fits; Convulsions; Coldness of the body; Sleeplessness from Nervousness; Vertigo; Dizziness; Confusion in the Head; Nervous Headache; Muscae Volitantes; Spasmodic movements of the Upper and Lower Limbs. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Great anxiety, with palpitation—intense anguish as if he would die; she turns pale and falls down as in a swoon. Secondly—Vexed, scolding mood. º Senses.—Sudden failing of the senses, or absorbed in thought; 239 MOSCH.] . MOSCHUS. Talks loudly to himself; Throws his hands about; Vertigo, with stupefaction; Dizziness, as if he must fall—everything seems in motion; Sensation as if falling from a height. Head.—Pain deep in the brain; Pressure as from a heavy load on the top of the head; Stupefying headache—the brain feels compressed; Pressure, with sensation of movement in the brain; Sensation of coldness; Pressure between the eyebrows and root of the nose; Spasmodic drawing through the head; Pain as if one- half of the skull were cut through; Beating, jerking in occiput; Rush of blood, with feeling of Heaviness. Scalp.–Painful; Sore when touched; Heat and sweat. Sight.—Sudden dimness, as if she would lose her sight; Black spots before the eyes. - Nose.—Bleeding almost momentarily; Frequentviolent sneezing. Taste, Appetite.—Putrid or Bitter; Flat taste; aversion to food—the sight of it makes him sick; Desire for Beer or Brandy. Eructations, with nausea; Gagging; Inclination to vomit; Vomiting every forenoon at eleven; Vomiting of ingesta or of IIll ICUIS, . . . ." Hepatic Region.—Swelling, tightness, and jerking; Sticking pain, aggravated by inspiration; Stitches, like cramp. - Male Genital.-Violent excitement, even in old persons (one old man). . . . . - Female.—Pressing, as if the menses would appear; Violent pains on the appearance of menses. After a cessation of one year in a female forty-eight, they appeared for a few hours. - Chest.—Stitches in the chest, affecting the breath; Suffocative constriction; Tightness, with Dyspnoea; Spasms of the lungs; Pressure, with arrest of breath; Stitches, with red, puffed face, thirst, tongue dry and bright-red; Pupils dilated; Pains in the chest, that threaten suffocation, and prevent lying down. - Back,--Drawing pains in the spine, extending to the thighs. * . " Sleep.–Drowsy by day; Yawning; he can scarcely keep his eyes open; Coma; Sleeplessness from nervous irritation; Sleepless the whole night; Restless—awakes every half-hour. OTHER SYMPTOMs. - Feeling of pain in the body, with shuddering; Bruise-like pains; General weariness; Exhaustion; Fainting, with coldness; Fainting 240 - - --- * . - '. - - - s- . . " MURLATIC ACID. [MUR. AC. turns with Headache; Tetanic Spasms; Spasmodic throwing of the hands and feet, followed by severe pains; Rush of blood to the head, with open eyes and spasm of the mouth, followed by deadly paleness and profuse sweat. . . Hempel names Musk for Laryngismus Stridulus, and the sink- ing state in Pheumonia. MURIATIC ACID, HAHNEMANN. HYDROCHLORIC ACID, Is recommended when, with other symptoms belonging to the remedy, there is great Prostration; Exhaustion; Rapid Sinking of the Vital Powers; Eruptions; Ulcers that burn and throb, secret- ing a Foetid Ichor; Ulceration and Scurfs in the Nose; Pimples; Acne on the Forehead; Boils, with stinging pain; Ulcers on the Gums, inflamed and swollen; Chronic Diarrhoea; Affections of the Liver; Typhus Fever; Abdominal Spasms; Blind and Flowing Haemorrhoids; Diabetes; Weakness of the Bladder; Impotence; Deafness; Diphtheria (three or four drops of the 2nd or 3rd dilution, placed with a little Honey on the tongue, has proved suc- cessful). A similar plan is adopted by many Allopathic practi- tioners, with the ordinary diluted Acid and Honey, painted on the throat. Dr Jenner recommends one single application of Hydro- chloric Acid, diluted—equal parts water and Acid—well brushed over the throat. SYMPTOMS. - Head.—Vertigo in the open air, with unsteady gait; Headache when walking in the air; Burning feeling in the head; Headache as if the brain would be torn; Darting from without inwards; Burning in the forehead; Feeling as if the brain were loose; Whizzing in the head; Heaviness in occiput; Vertigo, with dim- mess of sight. - - Eyes.—Slight inflammation; Itching; Stitches; Burning. Sight—Half-sight—the object appears cut in half, perpen- dicularly; Hemiopia. - - 241. MUR, AC.] MURIATIC ACID. Ears.-Otalgia; Tearing; Drawing; Throbbing; Ulcerative pain; Heat; Insensibility of the meatus auditorius; Hardness of hearing. Second Effect—Hearing better, finer; Sensitive t noise. * - - Nose.—Feeling of dryness and obstruction; Dry Coryza. Face.—Pimples on the face; Vesicles on the lips. Teeth and Gums.-Tearing pains in the molars—upper jaw; excited by cold drink—relieved by warmth; Swelling and inflam- mation of the gums; Scorbutic condition of the gums. Mouth and Tongue.—Dryness of the mouth. Secondly— Copious saliva; Mucus about the fauces; Tongue heavy; he can scarcely raise it ; Ulcers; Burning blisters; Tongue white. . Throat.—Smarting; Rawness; Rough; Burning; Sensation as of a hard body, with much mucus; Sore throat, with sense of excoriation. Taste, as of rancid grease; Acrid; Putrid, like rotten eggs; Beer tastes sweet as honey, and causes nausea; Food tastes sweet. Appetite.—Aversion to food, especially meat; Eructations frequent—putrid or bitter; Acid risings; Hiccough. - Stomach.-Pressure; Empty feeling; Burning and throbbing at a small spot left of the pit; Contractive pain. Hypochondria-Burning tension in right Hypochondria; Burning and bruised pain; Violent stitch in left Hypochondrium ; Stitches under the left ribs; Cramp-like pains—relieved by flatulence. Abdomen.—Colic; Pinching; Violent cutting, with pinching; Empty feeling; Abdominal Spasms; Distention the whole day; Feeling of fulness after a small meal; Fermentation; Rumbling and Grumbling; Pains in the muscles. Stool.—Small pieces, passed with straining; Hard; Difficult; the rectum seemed inactive; Alternate hard and soft stool; Diarrhoea, with burning and excoriation. - - Rectum.–Swelling of the Varices, which are blue and sore; Blood with the faeces every morning; Profuse flow of blood. Anus-Itching as from Ascarides; Burning; Tingling; Stinging. Urine.—Frequent desire; Passes but a small quantity, with Tenesmus of the Bladder. Secondly—Profuse emission of watery or pale-yellow urine; Urine far in excess of the quantity of fluid drank, as in Diabetes; Turbid; Milky. - T 4 - 242 NAJA TRIPUDIANS. [NAJA, Genital (Male).-Tends to excite the sexual powers. Larynx.-Hoarseness; Roughness; Loose Cough ; Pains in chest and at the sternum, with oppression; Pain in the inter- costals. - Chest.—Aching, bruised, or sticking pain during inspiration. Heart.—Stitches in the region of the heart; the beats are so violent at night, that the effects are felt in the face (head 2) Upper Limbs.-Drawing pains in the arm; Tension in elbow; Eruptions and Blotches on the Arms and Hands. Lower Limbs.-Pains in the muscles of the gluteal and femoral region; Weakness of the thighs; Coldness of the feet; Swelling and redness of the toes. NAJA TRIPUDIANS. DR. RUSSELL. POISON OF THE COBRA DI CAPELLO. DR. RUSSELL, to whom we are indebted for the introduction of this poison into our practice in England, considers the Naja to be analogous with Lachesis, and believes that it might be substituted for it. He has given Naja in several cases of palpitation of long standing, with the most decided advantage. A lady, aged about fifty, suffered with almost unintermitting palpitation, but without organic disease. The 1-100th part of a grain gave almost imme- diate relief: it did not recur again for about six weeks, when the Naja was administered with the same benefit. A minister who frequently suffered from palpitation after preaching, obtained rapid and enduring relief from this remedy. He feels satisfied that it has a special action on the heart; and advises the first, second, or third trituration in cases of simple hypertrophy. It may be pre- scribed for the following conditions:–Headache, with coldness of the feet; Flushes in the face; Weight and pressure at vertex; Acute pains in the head, of a Neuralgic character; Inflammation of the throat and fauces; Nervous and Spasmodic affections of the larynx; Cynanche tonsillaris, with livid colour, and languid circu- 243 NAJA..]. NAJA TRIPUDIANS. lation; Diseases of the heart; Hypertrophy; Old valvular disease; Inflammation of the spinal cord.” - SYMPTOMS. Irritation, and feeling of warmth in larynx and upper part of trachea, with short hoarse cough ; Voice hoarse; Eructations tasting like barley-water; Rheumatic pains in the thighs, arms, and shoulder-joints; Dulness in the head, with pains in the ab- domen; Pains in the eyes and eyeball; Flatulence; Colic pains in the abdomen; Stabbing pain in chest ; Aching, sticking in left side of chest ; Pain in chest, as if a broken rib were tearing the lung; Left side of throat red, and painful when swallowing; Fluttering at the heart, with rising in the throat; Pain at the heart, extending through to the scapula: ; Dull, heavy sensation in forehead; Tightness, as if the skull were too small; Voice hoarse, rough ; Feeling in throat as if something must be swallowed; Pains in the face; Swelling of the gums; they feel hot and pain- ful; Sensation as if he had taken cold; Feels very sensitive to a draught; Sexual desire, increased; Mouth dry and parched; Aching pain in the temples; Heavy feeling in the eyes; Tightness; Constriction of the larynx; Difficulty in swallowing; Frontal headache; Griping pain in the bowels—relieved by a copious, bilious stool; Urine loaded with lithates and mucus; Cough, with tightness and fulness in the larynx; Severe headache, with de- pression of spirits—it affected the right temporal region and the right eye; Feeling as though he ought to do something he had neglected; Increased perception of what he ought to do, yet he could not possibly do it; Tongue furred, rough ; Rawness of the palate; Griping pains; Bilious diarrhoea, the evacuations being very sudden; Tightness in the larynx, with desire to cough ; Headache, with rawness in the throat; Headache; Dulness of spirits; Tormina in the bowels, with desire to stool; Stringent sensation in the larynx; Nervous sensation about the heart; the larynx and trachea are clogged with thick mucus; Pain between the shoulders—felt like Rheumatism of the muscles of the scapula; Pains between the scapula; Heavy, dragging sensation in the spine; Urine loaded with mucus, and deposits a red sediment; Sadness; Feeling of irresolution; Wretched feelings; Asth- - * See British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xii. 244 - – NATRUM CARBONICUM. INAT. C. matic constriction in the chest, followed by mucous expectoration; Sudden prostration of strength in the limbs; Feeling of depression about the heart—broods over imaginary troubles; a small swell- ing like a boil appears on the back of right little finger; Pressure and gagging in the throat; Right nostril sore and ulcerated; Pimple on the left alae nasi; Headache in the morning. Naja does good in passive congestion of the palpebral con- junctiva, with bluish lids and agglutination; also in dyspepsia; with foul, white, or yellowish-white tongue; Rawness of the throat; Soreness of stomach, or pressive pain in that region. Relieves dyspnoea, and prostration in organic diseases of the Heart; also that anxiety with dragging at praecordia, occurring in cases of great grief; and Smarting pains in the back. - NATRUM CARBONICUM. HAHNEMANN. CARBONATE OF SODA. NOACK and Trinks recommend Nat. Carb. for Rheumatic and Arthritic affections, with contraction of the tendons; Pains in the Muscles and Joints; Weakness from loss of humours; Scrofu- lous Ophthalmia; Ulcers around the Cornea ; Myopia; Amaurosis; Muscae Volitantes; and some other affections of the Eyes; Chronic Gastritis; Diseases of the Liver and Spleen; Uterine contractions; Menorrhagia; Phthisis—first stage; Weakness of Digestion; Palpi- tation of the Heart; Liability to take cold; Weakness of the lower limbs, with paralytic feeling. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Sad; Desponding; Shyness; Dread of men; Anxiety; Restless; Weary of life; Nervous exhaustion; Starts at the least noise; Ill-humoured; Peevish; Dissatisfied; Unable to compre- hend anything he hears or reads; Absence of mind—cannot collect his thoughts. Head,—Dull—feels as if he had slept too long; Giddiness; Headache when turning the head too rapidly; Stitches; Throb- 245 NAT, C.] NATRUM CARBONICUM. bing in various parts of the head; Violent congestion when stoop- ing; Headache from heat of the sun; Throbbing headache during the menses. - * - Scalp.–Tumour at occiput, the size of a hazel-nut; Falling-off of the hair. - Eyes.—Painful even in the orbits; Eyeball tender; Burning; Inflammation of the eyes and lids; Small ulcers around the cornea, with lancinations; Eyes dim; Wanishing of sight when reading; Long sight; Black points before the eyes; Sensation as of feathers; Lachrymation; Agglutination; Fistula Lachrymalis; Winking of the lids; Closing of the eyes as from drowsiness. Ears.-Hardness of hearing; Sensitive to noise; Humming; Roaring; Whizzing; Sense of obstruction. Nose.—Red; Vesicles; Pimples; Pustules; Blotches; Ulcerated nostrils; Epistaxis; Blood is blown from the nose—foetid clots; Obstruction; she has to breathe through the mouth; Constant Coryza, with Cough, induced by the least current of air; Frequent Sneezing; Fluent Coryza, with chilliness. Face.—Burning heat; Redness, alternating with paleness; Bloated face; Swelling of the cheeks, with glowing redness; Yellow complexion; Yellow spots on the forehead; Pimples; Boils; Freckles; White blisters, the size of a pea, about the lip; Vesicles about the mouth and lips; Swelling of the lips; Cracks; Rhagades; Vesicles on the chin; Swelling of the sub-maxillary gland. Teeth.-Sensitive, especially lower jaw; Toothache when eat- ing, and at nine every evening; Digging; Grinding; Jerking; Boring; Cold; Creeping, especially in the upper molars; Constant toothache, as if the teeth were being lifted out of the sockets— relieved by warmth; Looseness of the teeth; Swelling and bleed- ing of the gums. Mouth, Flat, ulcerated surfaces; Blisters; Pimples on the tongue. Throat.—Sensation as of something rising in the throat; Rough; Dry; Scraping; Redness and inflammation; a clot of mucus adheres; he cannot get it away. . Taste.—Bitter; Metallic, or of blood; Taste of pus in the throat; Bitter taste low in the throat; Food tastes bitter; Sour taste, with coated tongue. Thirst-Intense thirst the whole day; Cold drink disagrees. 246 NATRUM CARBONICUM. [NAT. G. Appetite.—No relish for food; Aversion to Milk and Meat— prefers Bread; Great weakness of digestion; the stomach feels weak, and is easily deranged. Secondly—Good appetite. Eructations.—Frequent; Empty; Sour, or bitter; Gulping of sweetish water; Unpleasant risings after eating fat; Violent: hiccough after a meal; Painful hiccough, with bitter eructations; Waterbrash; Constant qualmishness; Nausea, with loathing; Vomiting of a foetid acid fluid, with white tongue, headache, and IlallS63, Stomach.-The region of the stomach is tender to touch; Pressure as from a stone; Painful contraction; Griping; Gnaw- ing as from a worm ; Cutting, with pressure; Stitches; Burning; Tension; Soreness; Tremulousness; Feels swollen, distended. Hypochondria-Darting in right; Screwing sensation, with arrest of breathing; Violent stitches; Pain in left when pressing with the hand; Stitches that extend to the stomach. Abdomen.—Colic—relieved by vomiting; Tensive Colic at night; Pinching in the abdomen; Cutting and pinching in every position; Pain in the intestines as if bruised; Distention after a meal; Incarceration of flatus; Painful shifting of flatus; Pinch- ing in the groin; Throbbing, twitching in the groin ; Swelling of the inguinal glands. - Stool.—First days—Straining; Unsuccessful; Desire frequent, with constant feeling of fulness; Small evacuations, like sheep's dung; Stool, with tenesmus; Soft stools; Four liquid stools in half-an-hour; Diarrhoea of mucus, tinged with blood; Expulsion of taenia. - Urine.—Frequent desire; Copious; the child wets the bed at night; Nightly micturition every half-hour; Acid or Foetid Urine. Urethra-Burning and stitches; Dartings; Pain in the Bladder, especially when forcing out the last drops of urine. Genital (Female).-Menses too early, more profuse, and last longer than usual; Menorrhagia; Leucorrhoea profuse—also putrid; Yellow Leucorrhoea; Discharge of mucus, passing down as if the menses would appear; Soreness of the pudendum; Pains in the small of the back. (Natrum C. is thought to favour con- ception; Malposition of the os uteri.) Larynx,−Dry, rough ; Hoarseness; Cough and Coryza day and night; Cough, with expectoration; Rattling in the chest; 247 NAT. C.] - NATRUM CARBONICUM. Morning Cough, with salt, foetid, or purulent discharge; Green mucus, or Expectoration of Blood. Respiration,-Difficult; Oppressed, early in the morning. Asthma.-Breathing relieved by sitting erect, with purulent Sputa. . - Chest.—Tightness; Stitches; Stabbing; Darts like shocks of electricity; Stitches and burning in the exterior of the chest; Constant chilliness at the left side; Frequent dartings that arrest the breath. - Heart—Palpitation, especially when going up-stairs; in the evening, when lying; by day, when sitting or writing; with con- fusion in the head. When lying on the left side it awakes her at night. - Neck.-Stiffness in nape, as from a cold; Spasmodic, drawing tension, with difficulty in moving the head; Pains in the muscles and nuchae; Paralytic pain; also between the shoulders; Suppu- rating boil; Tumour, the size of a bean, on nape; Glandular swell- ing; Hardness, and increase of the thyroid body. . Back.-Pains in the scapula; Pain in small of back—the part is tender to touch; Pustules and vesicles; Pain in the back worse at night. - . Upper Limbs.-Drawing pains in the shoulder; Excessively violent pains, stitches, and bruise-like pains in the shoulder-joint; Tearing pain and heaviness in right arm ; Drawing pains in the elbow; Pains in the metacarpal Bones; Stiffness at the wrist- joint; Tremor and sweat of the hands. Hands.--Skin dry, parched, and chapped; Blisters on the fingers; Warts. Lower Limbs.-Tearing pains in the hip ; Violent stitches; Jerking of the Glutei muscles; Heaviness of the lower limbs, with rigidity when walking; Bruise-like pains; the limbs suddenly give way; Feeling of Coldness; Painful weariness; Redness, in- flammation, and swelling of the left leg; Cramp in the calves; Tendency to strain the tarsal joint. Feet.—Swelling of the feet or soles; Cold feet; Icy coldness of the feet; Chronic ulcers on the heel; Swelling and red spot, as from contusion, on the great toe; Excoriation and Soreness be- tween the toes. - - - Skin. Troublesome dryness of the skin, especially after mid- night; the skin generally becomes dry, rough, and disposed to 248 NATRUM MURLATICUM. [NAT, MUR. crack; Itching pimples; Vesicles; Herpes, from which a purulent fluid oozes; Red leprous-spots; Warts. N ATRUM MURIATICU M. HAHNEMANN. SALT. IS recommended for Nervous Fever; Intermittent Fevers; Chlo- rosis; Nausea and Vomiting of pregnancy; Dyspepsia; Chronic Constipation; Headache; Chronic, Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Evil results of Onanism; General Weakness and Debility of females; Emaciation; Anaemia; Palpitation of the Heart. Rummel advises it for protracted cases of Chlorosis. Hartmann, for Urticaria. Schmidt, for Scorbutic Dyscrasia. Thorer, for Quoti- dian, Tertian, and Quartan Fevers. Gross, for Nervous Fevers, with great Weakness, Headache, and Nausea; also for Toothache. Weigel, for Ulcers on the Tongue. Teste is of opinion that it is closely allied to Lycopodium. SYMPTOMS. *Fever.—Chilly the whole day; Constant chilliness, with loss of animal heat; Coldness, especially of the hands and feet; Shud- dering, with goose-flesh; Excessive weakness; Headache; Pains in the back; Chilliness, with heat, morning until noon; Heat, without sweat, until evening; no thirst, but violent headache; Fever, with chills (Ague), yellow complexion, headache, debility, bitter taste—followed by Heat and thirst; Fever, of a typhoid character, with dry tongue, thirst, and great debility; Fever, with heat, alternating with thrills of coldness, flashes of heat for moments; Slight sweats; Profuse sweat when walking by day; Night-sweats; Profuse morning sweat—acid. Head.-Headache when turning, early in the morning, in bed; Heaviness in the head; Stupefying headache after a walk in the morning—lasting until noon; Oppressive headache; Stitches; * See Rückert's cases of fever cured by Nat. Mur. S 249 NAT, MUR.] NATRUM MURIATICUM. Stabbing, as with knives, in the occiput; Stitches, chiefly in the parietal bones; Throbbing ; Hammering Headache. Scalp.–Scurf on the head; Falling-off of the Hair. Eyes.-Sensation as from sand; Pain as of excoriation; Smart- ing; Burning; Inflammation; Redness of conjunctiva; the eyeball feels distended; Lachrymation; Acrid tears; Agglutimation in the morning; Twitching of the eyes; Spasmodic closing of the lids; Sight—Dim, obscured, as through dim glass, or as if through a veil; Letters and stitches appear confused; White objects appear as through a feather; Sudden obscuration of sight—only one-half of the object is seen; Sensation as of rain before the eyes; Black points; Streaks of light; Fiery points—zigzag ; she becomes longer sighted than before. • Mouth and Tongue.-Ulcerated places in the mouth; Vesicles on the tongue; Swelling; Stinging; Soreness; Constant sensation as if a hair were upon it; Difficulty of talking; Thirst. Taste.—Watery, flat; Putrid or Bitter; Sour taste. Appetite.-No appetite; Dislike to Brown bread, coffee, and fat meat; Desire for Bitters; Water tastes putrid, and Beer flat; Constant thirst. Secondly—Appetite improves, and increases even to Hunger. - Gastric Symptoms.-Before eating—Drowsiness. During a meal—Sweat. After a meal—Nausea; Heartburn; Acidity; Eruc- tations, and sometimes pains in the Chest; Hiccough ; Fulness of the stomach and abdomen; Nausea immediately after a meal; Tetching, with exhaustion; Waterbrash, with writhing in the stomach ; Vomiting, especially during pregnancy, after breakfast; Milk and fat of meat cause disagreeable eructations. - Stomach.-Weight, pressure, tightness, especially at pit, with loss of strength; Oppression; Cramp in the stomach; Contractive cramp; Colic; Griping; Jerking; Throbbing; Stitches: Burning; Red spots about the pit. - Hepatic Region.—Violent aching; Pinching; Drawing pains; Stitches, when sitting, every afternoon; Tension; Pressure in left; Stitches in left region during inspiration. Abdomen.—Frequent distention; Cutting pain every morning; sometimes every day; and worse at afternoon; much flatus—very offensive; Gurgling and Fermentation. - - Stool.-Constipation; Hard, dry, irregular, every two or three days only. Secondly—Watery Diarrhoea, with Colic. 250 - NATRUM MURLATICUM. [NAT, MUR. Rectum.—Varices painful; Stinging and burning at anus. Urine.—Frequent at night; Inability to retain it; Involuntary emission when walking, coughing, or sneezing. Menses.—Delayed four days; Scanty; Delay at their first appear- ance in girls. Second—Increase of flow, and appear seven days too soon. During the menses—Sadness; Anxiety; Toothache; Heat in face; Spasmodic pain in hypochondrium; Constipation, and sometimes fever. Leucorrhoea.—Profuse, transparent, white, thick mucus, or greenish when walking, with acrid pain, and yellow colour of the face. - Cough.-Morning Cough, or suffocative Cough at night, in bed; Cough, with purulent sputa and bad taste, in the morning; Cough, with violent headache, and pains in the chest. Chest.—Oppression; Anguish; Constriction; Dyspnoea during labour; Asthmatic Wheezing at night, in bed; Pain at mid-ster- num—increased by inspiration; Tensive pains in the muscles of the Chest (right)—prevents motion; Pleuritic stitches; Soreness; Faint feeling. Heart.—Pains about the heart, especially at night; Stitches; Darting pain; Palpitation frequent—often from the slightest motion ; Palpitation when standing; at night, increased by lying on the left side—diminished by turning on the right side; Flutter- ing motion of the Heart; Intermitting beats; Sensation of coldness when thinking deeply. - Back.-Paralytic pains in the small of the back; Violent pul- sations; Throbbing in bed at night; Pain in the back, as if broken; Stiffness in the nape of neck; Boils on the neck, and in various parts of the body. - g Limbs.-Heaviness; Weariness; Languor; Pains as if sprained; Weakness about the knees; Paralytic feeling in the lower limbs; Cramps in the calves; Rash on the legs, in groups; Burning of the feet when walking; Heaviness of the feet. (It restores suppressed perspiration; relieves painful corns.) Sleep.–Frequent yawning, and great inclination to sleep during the day; Sleepless at night; she felt a great desire to sleep, but could not ; Short naps only, with frequent calls to micturate; Talking, starting in sleep; Sometimes awakes in affright—has pal- pitation, feels nervous about thieves, and fears they are in the room; Nightmare. S 2 251 NIT, AC.] - NITRic acid. NITRIC ACID, HAHNEMANN. HAS proved of immense value in Syphilitic Diseases, especially the secondary forms; and after a full course of Mercury, when that agent has complicated the affection without effecting a cure. It is said to be best adapted for persons of dark complexion; Dry, bilious temperament; Irritable, and disposed to mucous discharges. According to Hahnemann, not so suitable for those of a constipated habit. - It has been used with success in most of the following troubles:— Syphilitic Ulcers; Bone-pains; Tetters; Rhagades; Angina; Various Ophthalmia; Syphilitic Ulcers of the Cornea; Ulcers on the ton- sils, Mercurial or Syphilitic; Affections of the Liver; Jaundice; Chronic Diarrhoea; Bleeding Haemorrhoids; Diabetes? Metror- rhagia after miscarriage; Ulcers of the Os Uteri; Swelling and Suppuration of Cervical, Axillary, and Inguinal Glands. SYMPTOMS. Scalp.–Pains in the bones of the head; Itching of the scalp; Scurfy or humid itching eruptions; Ulcerated spots; Falling-off of the hair. Eyes.—Ophthalmia Neanotorum; Syphilitic Ophthalmia; Swelling of the eyelids; Suppuration from the eyes; Painful pres- sure and smarting; Violent stitches; Inflamed conjunctiva; Acrid humour; Constant lachrymation; Agglutination ; in the morning the eyes are opened with difficulty; the upper lid appears para- lysed. Sight.—Dim ; Dark; Misty; he suddenly became blind, and felt faint for about two minutes; Short sight; Muscae Wolitantes; a green spot is seen to follow every letter when reading ; Gauze, Cobwebs, or Sparks before the Eyes; Specks on the Cornea. Ears.-Pain in the ears, as if something would burst; Dragging pains; Dartings in the internal ear; Stitches in the right ear; Swelling of the glands behind the ear, extending to the parotid gland; Feeling of obstruction in the ear; Difficulty of hearing, from enlarged tonsils; Humming; Roaring; Throbbing; Cracking. 252 - - - - - NITRIC ACID. [NIT, AC, Nose.—Soreness and bleeding; Scurf; Ulceration of the nostrils; Wart-like excrescences in the nose; Discharge of blood when blowing it; Violent bleeding—blackish blood; Yellow, foetid dis- charge, or thick, corrosive mucus; Fluent Coryza, with sore nostrils, or obstruction of the nose; Foetid, disagreeable smell; Sneezing every day; Redness and scurfy blisters at tip. Face,—Pale; Yellow; Sickly yellowness; Heat in the afternoon; Feeling of heat, without increase of temperature; Pains in the bones of the face; Tearing in the malar bones; Swelling of the cheek ; Scurf; Scaly skin of the face; Black pores; Pimples on the fore- head; Itching; Burning, with pus in the tips; Pimples on the face, lips, and chin, with red borders that scurf off; Herpes in the whiskers; Itching eruption in the beard; Boils on the chin. Lips.-Pimples, ulcers, and chaps on the lips; Swelling of the lips; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Teeth.--Toothache in the upper jaw, with swelling of the cheeks; Throbbing toothache when in bed—seems to affect all the teeth, and prevents sleep; Looseness of the teeth when chewing; the teeth feel soft and spongy, and become yellow. Gums.-Swell; Bleed; Whiteness of the Gums; Soreness of the Gums, with stinging pain. r Mouth.-Ulcers in the mouth and fauces; Ulcerated spot inside the cheek, with pain as from a splinter; Spreading ulcer on the uvula; Copious flow of saliva; Cadaverous or putrid smell from the mouth. Tongue.—Vesicles on the edges of the tongue; Painful pimples on the tip; Sensitive state of the tongue; Mild food causes a sharp, smarting sensation; Tongue white; Dry coating (morning). Throat-Sensation of a lump, with pressure, as if the food would not go down; Burning sensation; Ulcers; Heat and dry- ness—sometimes much mucus about the fauces; Inflammation and excoriation; the throat feels raw and ulcerated (especially after Mercury). Taste.—Acid ; Bitter; Sweetish ; Continual thirst. * Appetite.—Want of appetite in the morning—soon satisfied; Aversion to boiled meat; Brown bread turns sour, and causes vomiting; Milk is not digested; More appetite for Herrings; Sweat during a meal; after breakfast and dinner, sweats all over; Feels sick; Limbs tremble; Excessive languor; Anxiety; Morbid hunger; Inclination to eat earth, chalk, lime, &c. 253 NIT, AC.] NITRIC ACID. Eructations.—Sour, or bilious, before and after a meal; Regurgitation of half-digested food; Heartburn; Waterbrash. Nausea, with anxiety and trembling; Constant nausea, and inclination to vomit. - - - Stomach-Pressure before a meal; Pressure at pit, with burn- ing ; Cramp in the stomach, as from cold; Contractive pinching, now-and-again; Gripings; Stitch below the pit; Gnawing before breakfast; Pulsations; Heat, burning; Rush of blood to the pit ; Sensation of movement at left side of pit. - Hypochondria.-Pressure and tension; Stitches in Hepatic region; Tension in left; Pressure at left side of abdomen; Sensa- tion as if the spleen were swollen; Stitches in the spleen; Jaundice, with yellow skin, and constipation. Abdomen.—Pressure at the middle of the abdomen, as from a large lump; Pain at a small spot, as if a substance would force out; Contraction about the umbilicus; Cramps; Drawing pains; Frequent pinching; Cutting pain when in bed (morning); Colic, with diarrhoea and cold feet; Distention of the abdomen; Excess of flatus; Incarceration of flatus; Rumbling and uneasiness, with Diarrhoea. - g Inguinal Region.—Distended, swollen; Pain as if hernia would protrude; Swelling of the inguinal glands; Painful when walking ; Stinging, itching in Bubo ; Suppuration; Inguinal hernia in children. - t Stool.—Constipation several days; Hard, scanty stool; Long- continued pressure to eject faeces that are tolerably soft ; Frequent stool; Papescent; Soft stool twice a day; Dysenteric stool, with tenesmus; Fever and headache; Discharge of blood. . Rectum.—Inactivity of the rectum; Itching at the anus; Humour; Soreness; Smarting; Protrusion and bleeding of the varices; Swelling; Burning. Urine.—Dark-brown, leaving stains on the linen, like coffee- spots; Intolerably strong odour; Ammoniacal; Foetid; Red deposit. - - Urethra.--Smarting, pricking—feels sore; Ulcer in the ure- thra; Discharge of mucus, yellowish pus, or of Blood. Genital (Male).-Redspots on the glans; Fleshy excrescences, that bleed, and emit a foetid odour; Sycosis; Syphilitic ulcers on the glans and prepuce; Swelling and phymosis; Flat, yellow ulcerations inside the prepuce—not painful; Testes swollen, - 254 - - NUX MOSCHLATA. [NUX. MOS, painful (right); Drawing, contusive pain (left); Pain in the spermatic cord. Prostate—Emission of fluid, always after a diffi- cult stool; Nocturnal emissions. x - - . Female.—Inflammation; Irritation about the labia, pudendum and vagina; Soreness; Swelling; Burning; Ulcers; Yellow secre- tion, pus-like ; Menses suppressed, with pains in the back and Hypogastrium; Palpitation of the heart. Leucorrhoea of flesh-coloured mucus; or greenish; or cherry- colour; sometimes foetid. . Larynx.-Hoarse, husky voice; Cough at night; Dry, or yellow, bitter expectoration—purulent, or of Blood, dark, coagu- lated; Ulcerative Phthisis (syphilitic taint P) * - Respiration.—Panting, shortness of breath; Anxious breath- ing in the morning, or when walking in the open air; Want of breath, with palpitation of the heart, going up-stairs. - Chest.—Aching pains; Cramp-like drawings in the chest; Contractive pains in the muscles of the chest ; Stitches in right side, and through to scapula; Violent stitches, impeding respira- tion; Heat; Congestion of blood to the lungs. * - Heart.—Palpitation after exercise, from slight motion, OTHER SYMPTOMS, Pains between the scapulae; Stiffness at nape of neck; Swelling of cervical glands; Swelling and inflammation of the axillary; Strong, unpleasant odour from axilla; Frequent waking in the night, about two o'clock, and unable to sleep; Sleep, with sweat; Night-sweat for twenty nights, or only every other night—pro- fuse, acid—sometimes of a foetid odour; Pains in almost every part of the body—coming and going; Drawing or tearing ; Cracking in the joints; Emaciation; Weakness; Tendency to take cold. NUX MOSCHATA, HELBIG. NUTMeg. HAs chiefly been used for Hysteria; Nervous Headache; Neural- gia of the head? Dyspepsia; Distention of the Abdomen after a 255 NUX MOS.] NUX MOSCHATA. meal; Conditions during pregnancy; Toothache; Nausea and vomiting; Diarrhoea—also of children; Oppressed breathing, and Palpitation of the Heart; Affections of the Liver and Spleen. SYMPTOMs. Senses.—Weakness of memory; Absence of mind; Drowsi- ness; Sudden loss of ideas when writing ; Stupid, imbecile look; Dulness; Vertigo ; Sopor; Intoxication; Narcotism. - Head.—Headache, coming on after breakfast; Heaviness; Pains in the forehead, pressing forward; Painful compression ; Spasmodic contrastion; Stitches; Beating sensation, as if the brain were striking against the skull, when shaking the head; Heat, with pain, especially at the temples; Pressure on the right side of the head, apparently in the bone, towards the occipital region. (Useful in non-inflammatory affections of the brain.) Eyes.—Feeling of fulness in the eyes; Bloated sensation under the right eye; Feeling of dryness, with disposition to close the eyes; Stiffness about the lids—the eyes are opened and shut with difficulty; Weakness of sight; Inability to distinguish dis- tances. - Teeth.-Painfulness of the front teeth on inhaling cold or damp air; Pressure, from within outwards, in the molar teeth (morning); Pressure as if the teeth were grasped by an instru- ment for extraction—this was especially felt in a loose tooth; Pains in the teeth, arising from cold, damp, evening air, with pain in nape of neck; Toothache during pregnancy; the pains are increased by cold air—relieved by the application of warmth. Mouth.-Intensely dry, especially at night; this feeling of dryness extends to the tongue, throat, and palate, with sticky slime; Saltish taste; the saliva feels thick in the mouth, like cotton; the tongue hard and leathery—almost paralysed; Tongue coated with white mucus, r Throat.—Dryness; Scarcely able to swallow; the muscles of deglutition seem paralysed; a kind of Quinsy in children. Taste.—Chalk-like taste; Pappy; Thirst; Appetite improves; Malaise, which exercise removes; Weakness of Digestion; Head- ache after a meal (especially breakfast); Eructations as of turpen- time; Retching; Nausea; Vomiting of pregnant females; Sea- sickness? - 256 NUX MOSCHATA. [NUX MOS, Stomach.-Pressure, with burning, rising; Warmth; Bloated feeling; Tightness of breathing; Spasm of the stomach, with sen- sation of great weakness; Distention of the stomach. Hepatic Region.—Feeling of heaviness; Pressure as if stones would cut through, accompanied by Diarrhoea; Obstruction of the Liver; Calculi ? (Relieves swelling of the liver, with stools resem- bling blood; Enlargement of the spleen.) Abdomen.—Jerks below the liver and in the abdomen; Pres- sure towards the pit of the stomach; Contractive sensation when walking; Pinching below the stomach and around the umbilicus, as if colic would set in; Cutting, with flatus; Distention of the abdomen as from flatus, disturbing the sleep. Stool.—Urging as if Diarrhoea would set in; the stool seemed to consist of hard light faeces and partly digested food; Diarrhoea early in the morning, after taking milk; Slimy Diarrhoea, or stools as of stirred eggs, with loss of appetite; Diarrhoea, with loss of appetite and drowsiness; Chronic Diarrhoea of the preg- mant—colliquative, in typhus; of blood, in putrid fever; Lienteria and Dysentery P Menses.—Delayed two or three days, with languor; Headache; Waterbrash; Pain in stomach and liver; Discharge thick and dark. Second—Menses early four or five days, with pressing in the abdo- men, and drawing in the limbs; Non-inflammatory uterine affec- tions; False labour-pains; Painful distention of the uterus. Larynx.-Sudden hoarseness from walking in the wind; Catarrh, with roughness in the trachea; Dry Cough; Asthma; Sputa of mucus and blood, with stitches in the chest; Respira- tion difficult; Oppression; Tightness, with choking sensation in the throat. Chest.—Oppression; Tightness; Painful feeling of a weight on the chest, impeding respiration; Pressure under the sternum, obliging him to take a deep inspiration, and expand the chest; Spasms; Feeling of fulness; Aching under the sternum; Pain as if the chest had been beaten, especially in the Pectoralis Major. Heart.—Stitches; Tremor; Palpitation; Syncope. Nux. Mosch. seems adapted to conditions arising from cold, wet weather; is said to strengthen the stomach; and is especially useful for females and children, or persons of a cool, dry skin, not dis- posed to perspire; Great weakness in the knees. º 257 NUX WOM.] - NUX VOMICA, NUX WOMICA. Haisewass. - voMICA NUT. HAS proved exceedingly valuable in Homoeopathic practice, giving forcible evidence of the beauty and efficacy of medicine adminis- tered in a pure, simple form, and not unnecessary doses. The observant physician will discover that, under favourable condi- tions, there is a certain affinity between the disease and the true remedy, analogous to that manifested by the magnet and needle. In such cases, one dose, as Hahnemann remarks, acts like a charm; the most distressing sufferings are at once relieved; pains gradually diminish and pass away; so that often, under an acute attack, when the remedy is truly fitting, the patient becomes well, and, in a few hours, feels as though nothing had happened. Every practi- tioner of Homoeopathy can testify to the truth of this statement. Hahnemann, as we might expect, makes much of this point. He refers to “those who strike the bush, and to others who only beat around it.” He knew how difficult was this task; and it is heartily to be wished that he had given us more cases, showing how he struck the bush. Possibly then we should value symptomatology more, and be led nearer to that never-missing clue which alone can place medicine among the positive sciences. We are not yet in that happy position. The proving of drugs on the healthy certainly appears the most rational method of testing their value, so far as regards powers of disturbance; but, unfortunately, they do not act on all persons alike, nor even on the same person at differ- ent periods, nor, under varying influences, in the same manner; consequently we should only rely on those symptoms which appear most constantly among the provers: and, further, their value must be confirmed by curing disease. Thus far have we advanced. Symptomatology, though imperfect, is invaluable in leading up for a selection of the true remedy; and we hope that careful observation, with recorded experience, will tend to advance the science of medicine, and lead us to anticipate the period when all curable diseases will yield to the mildest treatment, and physicians cease to treat affections of their own creation. - - Nux Womica appears especially to act upon the Spinal Cord, the 258 - - NUX WOMICA. - INUX WOM. Motor nerves, and the Ganglionic system. Is curative in periodical Affections of the Nerves; Clonic and Tonic Spasms; Tetanus; Opisthotonos; Convulsive action of single muscles; parts of, or one side only, or the entire body. Its range is vast; but it is in affections of the digestive tract, and biliary secretions, that has famed it far and wide. Headache, with stomach derangement; Nausea; Vomiting; Colic; Mucous Diarrhoea; Dysentery; Evils of over-feeding—wine or coffee; Intellectual fatigue; Over-exertion of body and mind. It appears to suit persons with dark hair and eyes, strong, robust (not fat), lively and choleric, subject to bilious attacks; Haemorrhoids, and habitual Constipation ; Hernia. Nux has cured Epilepsy; Rheumatic or Bruised pains in the limbs; Neuralgia; and Toothache. It will prove useful for Rheumatic affections of the muscles of the chest, back, and loins—especially from taking cold; Congestion of blood to the Head, Chest, and Abdomen; Muscular Debility of children; Scrofulous atrophy of infants and children; Paralysis of the lower limbs; Jactitation ; Trembling ; Chorea; Tetanic Spasms, and of the masseter muscles; Fainting fits at night, or after but slight exertion; Weariness and languor when going up-stairs; Great nervous weakness; Sensitiveness to the open air; Liability to take cold. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Inward grief; Anxiety, with sweat on the forehead; he feels as if threatened by some misfortune; Hypochondriac mood; he is excessively sensitive to external influences, such as music, singing, noise, strong odours, and bright light; Restless; has violent palpitation of the heart after midnight; Moaning; Lamentation; Reproaches every one ; Disposed to quarrel; no desire for work. Head.—Heavy early in the morning; Headache, frontal; Ex- cited by thinking; Pressing from within outwards; Tearing pains in the forehead; Sensation as if the head were divided; the pains are aggravated by stormy weather, contact, or motion; Headache from gastric derangement; Abdominal affections; Self-abuse; Constipation ; Catarrh; Rush of blood to the head. Scalp.–Tender to touch—feels bruised; Itching pimples. Eyes.—Pains at night; Burning; Smarting; Inflammation of the conjunctiva; Yellow colour of Albuginea; Bleeding; Into- 259 NUX WOM.] - NUX WOMICA. lerance of light. Lids—Swollen, red, agglutination; Twitching of the lids; Sight obscured. - Ears.-Acute pains; Shooting; Stitching; Ringing; Chirping; Humming; Roaring; Reverberation; the sound of the voice is intensified; Rather painful itching in the tube. - Nose.-Copious discharge of mucus, or coagulated blood; Fluent, or dry Coryza ; Stoppage of one mostril. Face.—Pale, with nose pointed, anxious, or wretched; Yellow, or red; Bloated, swollen; Twitching in the muscles. Lips.--Dry; Peel; Cracks in the lips; Eruptions around the mouth. - Teeth.-Sensitive to cold air; Jerking; Toothache, increased by hot food and drink; or wine, coffee; or daily, after dinner. Gums.-Inflamed; Hot ; Swollen; Painful; Throbbing ; Putrid ulcers. - - Mouth-Blisters; Ulcers; Pimples; Heat; Dryness; Foetid smell; Accumulation of mucus, or of water; Soreness of the mouth. Tongue.—White, yellow, brown, or blackish ; Dry, cracked, or edges red; Swollen, heavy; Speaks thick; Stammering. - Throat.—Excoriated; Sense of a plug during deglutition; Uvula swollen ; Tonsils inflamed, swollen ; Constriction; Spas- modic choking; Burning; Shooting. Taste.—Acid; Putrid; Bitter; Metallic ; Salt, or sweet. Thirst.—Constant; Dislike to milk or beer; Desire for brandy. - Appetite.-Aversion to food—all kinds are disagreeable; the food seems tasteless; Hungry, but unable to eat; Want of appe- tite; Drowsy after dinner, with flushes in face, and sweat on the forehead. Eructations.—Acid ; Bitter; Putrid; or empty and frequent. Hiccough.-Frequent; Qualmishness, with sweat on forehead. Nausea.—Early in the morning, or after a meal, with feeling as if too much had been eaten. - - - Womiting.—Every morning; Sour taste and smell; or without taste; Vomiting during pregnancy; Vomiting of bile or blood. Stomach–Sensitive to pressure; Weight like a stone; Con- stant pain—gnawing, cramp-like, or griping; Burning, throbbing, or pain. after food—no rest until it is rejected; Pain at pylorus; Feeling of fulness after a meal; Tension. 260 NUX WOMICA. [NUX WOM. Liver.—Throbbing, as if an abscess were forming; Stitches; Swelling; Induration; Tenderness; Jaundice. Abdomen.—Sore; Raw ; Bruised; Pinching; Cutting; Colic; Cramp-like contraction; Distention; Flatulence. Stool.—Constipation, with determination to the brain; Heat and sweat of face; Inactivity of rectum; Faeces large; Small stools, or only of mucus, with burning and tenesmus; Discharge of blood. Anus.-Spasmodic constriction; Itching; Haemorrhoids. Urine.—Painful burning; Difficult; Red colour, or pale. Larynx.-Bronchial Catarrh ; Dry Cough. Chest.—Constriction; Sense of suffocation; Difficult breathing; Rheumatic pains in the muscles (intercostal). Heart.—Palpitation; Shocks; Frequent slight palpitations after dinner. Back,-Pains in the back and loins as if bruised; or Drawing, Burning, Rheumatic pains; also between the scapula and sacrum, with sensation of weakness. Upper Limbs—Drawing, or bruise-like pain in the region of the deltoid, affecting the joint (Rheumatic P); the arms go to sleep and feel benumbed; Sudden loss of strength, as if the limb would be paralysed. - Hands.-Cold, cramp-like contractions; also in the fingers; Cold sweat on the hands. Lower Limbs.-Weakness; Numbness; Sensation of Para- lysis; Unsteady walk; Stiffness in the knee-joint; Inflammation and swelling of the knee; Cramp in the calves; Contraction in the soles; Stitches; Burning. Toes.—Contracted; Itching; Burning; Sore, inflamed corns. Sleep.–He sleeps from eleven till one o’clock; after which he lies awake, and, about three, is obliged to rise—he cannot lie longer in bed; or not able to sleep until daybreak; Violent starting on going to sleep; Sleep hindered by flatulence and indi- gestion. - Fever.—Coldness; Chilliness; he cannot get warm in bed. Afternoon or evening—Fever, with yawning; Gastric disturbance, and headache; Foetid sweats; Shuddering and chilliness after drinking, with heat in the head and redness of the cheeks; Desire for beer. Many of the symptoms appear early in the morning, or after dinner. 261 OLEAND..] OLEANDER. 0 LE AND ER, HAHNEMANN. - launri Rose. THIS medicine has only been used for Itching, and some Erup- tions of the Scalp—Scaly or Humid, with burning, gnawing. Is also recommended for Painless Paralysis; Mental Affections; Weakness of Mind and Memory; Numbness; Debility; Fainting. This remedy was employed by Galen for some forms of Eruption on the skin, and Rheumatic pains in the Back. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Dulness of the senses and mind; he is unable to think; in reading he cannot comprehend the sense of a sentence; he has to read it three or four times; other thoughts constantly intrude; he cannot remember names—even those well known; Absence of mind; Indolent; Dislike for any kind of labour; Temper irri- table—will not bear contradiction. - Head-Feeling of heaviness; he is obliged to lie down; Sen- sation when raising the head, as if a hundred-weight were drawing it forward; Sense of lightness, that seems to stupefy; Aching pain in the brain; Aching pain in the forehead, with pressure from within outwards; Pain in the forehead, as if it would split; Pressure in left frontal eminence, from within outward; Beat- ing; Pulsation; Sudden stupefying pain; Boring pain in the whole brain ; Shocks in the forehead. Scalp.–Gnawing, itching over the whole scalp; Violent itch- ing, with smarting after scratching; Scurfy eruption; the epider- mis peels off; Itching pimples; Scaly eruptions—humid; Scald head; Impetigo P Ears.-Humid; Foetid spots behind the ears; Red, rough herpes before the ear; Ringing; Buzzing; Drawing; Pulling; Pain as if a nail were thrust in over the mastoid process. . Face.—Pains in the bones; Sensation as if a cold wind were blowing upon the cheek; Twitchings about the mouth; Brown lips; Sensation of swelling in the upper lip. 262 - OLEANDER. foLeann. Teeth, Toothache at night; Aching, cutting pain during mastication, in the molar teeth. Taste and Appetite.—Everything tastes flat; Hunger—good appetite; Excessive desire to eat the food set before him; this excitement caused his hands to tremble; he swallows his dinner in a great hurry; while swallowing it his head feels giddy, as if he would lose his senses; and vision obscured. Thirst.—Especially for cold water; Vomiting of yellow-green water. Stomach.-Sensation of emptiness at pit, with feeling of fulness in the abdomen; Intermittent throbbing at pit; Sensa- tion at pit, as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole chest ; Nausea, with waterbrash and sensation of spasmodic con- traction in the pharynx, as of strangulation. Abdomen.—Feeling of coldness on the right side of the abdo- men, as if a cold breeze were blowing over it; Gnawing in the region of the umbilicus; Discharge of foetid flatus, like the odour of rotten eggs. Stool.—Diarrhoea; Undigested faeces; Burning at the anus. Urine.—Copious, frequent, especially after coffee; Brownish; Burning, with white sediment. - Chest.—Empty feeling; the chest feels too narrow; he is compelled to take a long, deep breath; Oppression of the chest when lying down; in a quarter of an hour he throws up mucus, water, and some food; Sense of heaviness in the chest; Duli, con- tinuous stitch in the sternum; Dull stitch when walking, affect- ing respiration; Stitches in the Diaphragm. Heart.—Violent palpitation, with anxiety and tremors. Back.-Pain, or right side as if strained, or of a hand being thrust in violently; Prickings in the dorsal spine; Stitches in the back, causing him to start; Pressure and sense of strangulation in the neck—obliges him to loosen his cravat; Throbbing of the carotids. •,• Upper Limbs.-Pain in shoulder-joint, as if sprained, when raising the arm; Swelling of the veins of the hand; Stiffness and swelling of the fingers. Lower Limbs.-Weakness in the thighs and legs; Painful weariness, as after a long journey; Cramp in the calves; Buzzing sensation in the legs, feet, and soles; Coldness of the feet; Para- lysis of the feet. 263 OPIUM.] OPIUM. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Skin of the body very sensitive—becomes sore even from the friction of the clothes; Gnawing, itching, when undressing; Scurfy pimples; Feeling of faintness and sickness, as if he would die; Fainting fits that terminate in sweating. (Some of the pains are more of a stupefying character than really painful.) Numbness and insensibility. 0 P I U M. HAHNEMANN. THIS drug was considered of such value by the ancient physicians, that it has been looked upon as an especial gift from God to man —“a divine gift.” Hufeland styles it “a great, a mysterious, an extraordinary remedy, incomprehensible in its effects, unique in its operations, and cannot be replaced—the despot of the whole medical world. It has accompanied the art of healing through all its various phases—now raised to the skies, then dreaded and banished; but always again sought for as indispensable.” The first action of a large dose generally creates pleasant sensa- tions; Exaltation of the spirits; a feeling of delight. This is soon followed by a sense of drowsiness, that passes into a stupor, from which the person can be with difficulty aroused; Stertorous breathing; Ultimate loss of consciousness and entire sensibility. The nervous system is overpowered—poisoned; and the deep coma is the sleep of death. With a small dose the pulse will be generally accelerated; the blood-vessels rather distended ; the action of the heart irritable. The secondary state soon follows. The feelings now become wretched and miserable; there is great mental anguish and dejec- tion; Weakness and prostration; Trembling of the body and limbs; Restlessness; Unable to sleep; Dry, burning heat, alter- nating with cold sweat; Desire to vomit, without being able to do 264 f OPIUM. [OPL so: Distressing headache; and many other variable symptoms, according to the idiosyncrasy of the individual. Hahnemann has not made so much of the proving from this drug as might have been expected; and this may account for its comparatively small employment. Probably, in time, it may be better known, and become a polychrest of the first class. According to Hempel, “Opium acts on the cerebro-spinal system ; the digestive, respiratory, and sexual organs; the mind; the vascular system; and the dermoid tissues.” It has a tendency, in its primary action, to diminish all the secretions, except that of the skin; and greatly stimulates the Brain, even to congestion. In Homoeopathic practice, it is chiefly prescribed for Constipa- tion; Apoplexy; Delirium Tremens; Dementia; Convulsions; Paralysis; Coma; Congestive headache; Labour-pains—false or spasmodic, or too feeble; the Pains induced by a fright; Sup- pressed menses; Typhoid and Typhus Fevers; Affections of the Heart—especially if from grief or mortified feelings; Acne Rosacea; Polypus—masal and uterine (also externally). Opium is useful to arouse the torpidity of the nervous system, and restore a proper action for medicinal influence. It will be found valuable in Lead Colic. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Cheerful, with acute hearing—afterwards became irri- table ; Very bad humour; Spirits depressed; Indisposed to work; the mind was at first active, then somewhat exhausted; Dulness of memory; Loss of memory from time to time. Senses.—Unable to think continuously; Stupefaction; Half conscious; Loss of consciousness and sensation; Insensibility; the eyes are insensible to touch; he believes every person to be a deception ; does not know his own relatives, nor the common objects around him ; Mania, with face and head swollen; Eyes red, inflamed; Sense of intoxication; Staggering; Intense stupe- faction; Delirium; Visions; Vertigo, with sensation as if every thing turned round; Apoplexy. Head.—Heavy, bewildered ; Dizziness; Painful headache, with pressure from within outwards; Tearing, beating; Tightness; Con- gestion of blood; Throbbing of the vessels; Movement of the head - T e 265 OPI.] OPIUM. to-and-fro ; Confusion, without pain; Warm feeling; Pressure; Tension. - Eyes.—Feel too large for the orbits; Staring, glistening; Wide open, or only half closed; Pupils insensible, dilated—generally contracted ; Scintillations; Blackness, or Dimness of Sight; Cataract? Quivering of the lids. Ears.-Humming, ringing. Face.—Pale, sunk, or bluish ; Clay colour, with relaxed state of the muscles; Half-imbecile look; Lower lip relaxed; or Bloated face; Dark-red—brownish; Red spots on the cheeks; Distortion of the countenance from convulsive action of the facial muscles; Weins full. Jaws.-Locked; Pains in lower jaw; Relaxed even to hanging down. Mouth, Twitchings about the mouth ; Distortion to one side; Ulcers in mouth, and on the tongue; Mouth dry, or Ptyalism. Tongue.--White, or Black; Paralysis; Sense of strangulation in the throat; Difficult speech; Voice very feeble; Tongue furred, with bitter taste; Spasm in the CEsophagus when eating or drinking. Taste.—Bitter or flat ; Sour rising. Appetite.—Aversion to all food, with extreme debility; Dislike to meat; Want of appetite for either solids or liquids. Secondly —Hunger, with fulness at stomach; Desire for beer. Eructations.—Nausea—inclination to vomit; Hiccough. Womiting.—Frequent, continual ; Green Vomit; Blood; Sour water and mucus; Faeces; Vomiting, accompanied with violent pains in the stomach—compressive pains. - Stomach-Sense of great weakness; Weight, oppression; Pressure, distention, as if too much had been eaten ; Constrictive pain, causing deadly anguish ; Affections of the stomach from alcohol; Aching; Constriction. - Abdomen.—Stitching, drawing Colic ; Lead Colic ; Hard dis- tention of the abdomen; Tympanitis; Hernia. Faeces.—Inertia of the intestines; Peristaltic motion weak; Constipation from torpor; Faeces; Small hard balls passed with difficulty; Constipation, from want of exercise in some cases; Watery motions—frothy, papescent; Black stool. - Rectum.—Sense of constriction, as if the Anus spasmodically closed. 266 OXALIC ACID. IOXAL. A.C. Urine.—Diminished or suppressed ; Retention, with sensation as if the canal were closed; Urination difficult; Dark colour; Red sediment; Haematuria. Larynx,−Mucus in the larynx, causing hoarseness. Cough.-Hollow, dry, even violent; Cough, arresting the breath; Spasmodic ; Yawning, followed by sleep; Cough, with expectoration of thick mucus and blood. Chest.—Sense of constriction; Oppression; Contractive pain at Sternum; Aching at right side; Stitches during inspiration. Respiration.—Accelerated; Short, or very difficult, with great anxiety; Suffocative ; Panting; Snoring; Stertorous moaning; Sudden arrest of the breath; Rattling of mucus. Heart.—Palpitation; Sense of heat; Burning, as from a hot coal in the cardiac region, with sighing and anxiety. Limbs.-Jactitation ; Convulsive movements; Trembling. Sleep.–Drowsiness—half conscious, hearing what is said, but unable to arouse-himself; Sleeplessness—turning about with great anxiety; Urgent desire to sleep, but unable; During sleep, shocks; Jerking of the limbs; Anxious, frightful, or lascivious dreams. Fever.—Coldness; Chilliness, followed by heat and profuse sweat ; may be delirium, or unconsciousness; Slow pulse. Skin-Pale, bluish—blue spots; Small red spots that itch ; Pale elevations on the skin; Red blotches; Acne 2 0 X ALIC A. CID, LARGE doses will produce a sense of constriction and burning in the throat and stomach, with pain at pit, increased by pressure; Vomiting of a green or brown, blackish, grumous substance, and sometimes florid blood; the countenance becomes pale and anxious; the skin cold and clammy, and a state of collapse is speedily in- duced; Frequent pulse, and hurried respiration. Sometimes, from smaller doses—Inflammation of the mouth; Soreness and swelling of the tongue; Troublesome Cough ; Cramps and numbness of the limbs; Severe headache; Delirium and convulsions, are the prin- cipal symptoms. It probably poisons the Blood. * - T 2 267 OXAL. AC.] OXALIC ACID. It has been used, in Allopathic practice, for Inflammation of the Lungs and Stomach; also in Phthisis, alternated with Fluoric Acid. IN HOMOEOPATHY it is thought to resemble Nux Womica, from its apparent similarity of action on the nervous system. It seems to act on the Brain, Heart, Lungs, and Stomach. A case of Chronic In- flammation of the Abdomen is recorded as cured; and some affec- tions of the urinary and sexual organs. Heaviness and pains in the testes, with weakness of the sexual powers, have been benefited by its use. Laryngitis; Disease of the lungs; Palpitation of the heart; Rheumatism of the joints; Lameness of the lower limbs, are all placed in the category. Hempel tells us that it will be useful for Neuralgia of the Spine; Pyrosis; Gastro-Enteritis, and a feeling of numbness, threatening Paralysis. - Thus it will be seen that the two opposed systems nearly re- semble each other in opinion on the action of this drug. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Powers for meditation much below par; Disinclined to conversation; he feels a sense of fulness in the face. The secondary ac- _tion, from the 1st and 2nd triturations, appears to be as follows:– More composed; much exhilarated; Cheerful; Vivacity; Increase of animal spirits; more playful and mirthful than he has been for years; Pulse more frequent than usual. Head.—Giddiness; Swimming; Emptiness, with sensation of faintness, as if all the blood had left the brain; Pain at base of oc- cipital bone—returning, several times a day, for two days; Com- pression as from a screw behind each ear; Pain in the vertex; Heaviness; Dulness in forehead and vertex; Flushes of heat, with perspiration; Sharp pains in forehead and vertex—worse over the left eye and temple. (It cured a dull pain in the forehead, which frequently troubled him in the morning.) Eyes.—Pains in the orbits—worse in the left; Pressure in the eyes. - Ears.-Pain deep, affecting the inner opening of the Eustachian tube. - Nose.—Sneezing; Watery discharge, with chilliness and pain in nose. - • Face.—Flushes of heat, and fulness, and redness; Pain in lower jaw. - 268 OXALIC ACID. [0XAL. AC, Teeth.-Pains in the molar teeth; Bleeding of the gums. Tongue.—Red, dry, excoriated; Sour taste in the mouth. Throat.—Soreness of the throat, with burning expectoration of thick yellow mucus. A chronic sore throat is much improved during the proving. . Appetite.-Increased, with feeling of acidity; Violent thirst. Eructations.—Tasteless after every meal; Hiccough. Stomach.-Qualmishness; Gnawing, burning; Burning in the throat and stomach; Violent pressure, as from a heavy weight, at the pit ; it passes off, and returns every fifteen minutes, but gradu- ally less in intensity; Discharge of flatus relieves the pain; the region of the stomach is sensitive to touch; Pyrosis every evening, especially after tea, with flatus. - Abdomen.—Cramp-like pain and Colic about the umbilicus every day; Dull, aching pain, right side of abdomen, only at one spot ; Colic, as if he had eaten unripe fruit ; Sensation of soreness in the abdomen, but especially at umbilicus; Continuous pain in left iliac, also in left hypochondriac regions; Pain and pressure ; Pressing down; Flatulence, and much rumbling; Pain in the de- scending colon, followed by a free evacuation; Sudden and distress- ing feeling in the abdomen, followed by a twisting about the umbilicus, with an evacuation of hard faeces. Stool-Faeces mixed with blood; Pappy stools, or constant watery evacuations, sometimes mixed with blood; accompanied with nervous headache, Colic at umbilicus, and pains in the rectum and anus; Tenesmus. After recovery from the ill effects, Consti- pation followed (Christison.) . Urine.—Micturition profuse every one or two hours; Light straw-colour—passed with burning; Urging, with copious discharge, and a lighter colour than usual; Pain in right renal region. Genital (Male.)—Great increase of sexual desire—night and morning; Pain in the testes and spermatic cord after walking— worse on the right side; Sensation of contusion in both testicles; Severe pain and heaviness in both testicles, with shootings in the spermatic cord; Jerking in the testes and cord. - Larynx.-The larynx feels swollen; Tickling, sticking sensa- tion, that induces Cough, with Soreness; Hoarseness, with mucus ; Frequent hawking—either a thick yellow mucus, or yellowish-white phlegm, with a black lump, the size of a pea, in the centre, is expectorated. - 269 OXAL, AG.] OXALIC ACID. Chest.—Respiration difficult, with wheezing, constriction in the larynx, and oppression of the chest, especially towards the right side; Sharp shooting pains in the left lung; Several sharp stitches; Stitches in the left breast when walking; Sharp lanci- nations in the left lung, occurring suddenly—arresting the breath. . Heart.—Pain at the heart, extending from behind, towards the anterior part, when walking; Violent pain, like electric flashes, from within; Palpitation after lying down at night in bed, for three successive nights, lasting half-an-hour each night. Back and Loins.—Pains when rising from a recumbent position; Weakness in the loins, hips, and lower limbs; Acute pain in the back, extending into the thighs; Numbness and weakness in the back and limbs; Cold creeping from the lower part of the spine upwards. - - - Upper Limbs,-Shooting pain in right shoulder; Twitching in the deltoid; Sprain-like pains in the wrist; the right wrist feels painful, as if sprained or dislocated; he is unable to retain his hold of any article; Sensation of numbness in the arms; Deadness of the hands; Lividity of the nails and fingers. Lower Limbs—Pain in the right hip-joint; Pain, with feel- ing of swelling in the right ankle-joint; Sharp shooting in the instep; Pains about the knee-joint; Violent contracting pain in the external tendon of the left knee; Jerking pain in the hollow of the left knee; Lameness and stiffness; Lividity and coldness, with almost loss of motor power, more or less, for fifteen days (from 3ij). - OTHER SYMPTOMS. Exhausting Fever, with Dyspepsia; Flushes of heat and sweat; - Clammy sweat; Pulse more frequent and hard—100 to 108; after- wards Small, tremulous, intermittent; Dilute Acid was found to excite Nervous Symptoms. The pains and sensations frequently intermit, and return, but with diminished force. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Membrane of the mouth and fauces white, shrivelled, aily 270 -- - - -- - - - - - PETROLEUM. [PETR0. detached; OEsophagus contracted into folds; Epithelium detached in patches, leaving a brown surface beneath; the tube sometimes appears like worm-eaten wood. Stomach contains a dark-brown or greenish-brown grumous matter, resembling meconium: this kind of mucus also lines the oesophagus and duodenum. The mucous membrane is sometimes pale, and free from rugae; or the membrane highly inflamed, and the rugae strongly marked; in some cases extensively detached, or may be easily stripped off, and the vessels minutely injected with black blood. In cases of long continuance, the small intestines present the same appearance as the stomach. Perforation is very rare; the peritoneum has been found inflamed; the lungs sometimes congested; also the liver, spleen, and kidneys. PETRO LEU M. BARBADOES TAR. HAS been found of service in affections of the Bladder and Urinary Apparatus; some Skin diseases; Rhagades of the Hands; Herpes of the Scrotum; Ulcers about the feet; Chilblains; Gastric ail- ments; Sea-sickness; Colic, with Diarrhoea; Profuse sweats night and morning; Dysentery P s * SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Sad, desponding; Melancholy, with sick feeling; Dis- position to weep ; Nervous starting. Head.—Vertigo, with nausea; Sense of balancing to-and-fro; Throbbing ; Heaviness in the morning; Staggering. Scalp.–Soft tumours; Pimples; Scurf; Sense of ulceration; Falling-off of the hair; Profuse sweat. Tongue-White, ulcerated; Foetid odour of the breath, or like garlic. - Throat.—Stinging pains when swallowing; Raw, dryness; Con- stant hawking of mucus. 271 PETRO.] PETROLEUM. Taste.—Putrid; Flat, slimy, or sour; Desire for Beer; Dislike to warm boiled food. - * Digestion.—Weak; after a slight meal he feels giddy—his head swims; Flushes after a meal; Repletion after a moderate meal; Sour eructations; Heartburn; Hiccough; Waterbrash; Nausea; Sickness from the motion of a carriage or vessel; Green, bitter vomit. Stomach,-Sudden griping; Feeling of fulness; the pit is swollen, and painful when touched. Abdomen.—Colic; Griping; Puffiness; Distention; Tendency to Diarrhoea; Discharge of faeces and blood; Pinching the whole day, with Diarrhoea; Violent cutting pain, lasting two days, with griping; Vomiting of clear water; Diarrhoea and headache; Coldness; Rumbling emission of foetid flatus. Stool.-First—Constipated, hard, knotty. Secondly—Diar- rhoea, watery or yellowish ; Mucous Diarrhoea, or Blood and Mucus; Diarrhoea during pregnancy; Ascarides; Taenia. Rectum.—Weakness; much pressing to expel the faeces; Burn- ing stitches; Fistula 2 Urine.-Frequent micturition; Double stream; Constant drib- bling; he had to wait some time before he could pass any ; Stric- ture ? Nocturnal micturition; Involuntary; Turbid; Red as blood; Shining pedicle on the surface; Brown, foetid; Red sediment, adhering to the vessel. -- Bladder.—Cutting pain at neck; not able to expel the last drops. - - Urethra.-Burning pain; Throbbing ; Contraction; Stitches; Mucous discharge. - Penis.-Pain in the glans; Eruption, Smooth and red—seems to restore erectile power for a short time; Discharge of prostatic fluid. - Scrotum.—Itching; Moisture; Redness; Excoriation; Herpes. Chest.—Wheezing; Oppression; Stitching pains like Pleu- risy; Eruption on the chest and nape of neck. Skin.—Unhealthy; Tendency to ulcerate; Cracks; Chapped hands in winter; Roughness of the skin; Chilblains; Ulcers of the toes; Stitching, burning in corns; Swelling of the feet; Cracking of the joints, with a feeling of stiffness; the arms and legs go to sleep easily; Jerking in the limbs during a siesta after dinner. - 272 PHOSPHORUS. IPHOSP. PHOSPHORUS, HAHNEMANN. NoACK and Trinks state that Phosphorus is indispensable when the cerebro-spinal system of nerves becomes depressed, and threatened with Paralysis, under the influence of acute disease: such as Prieumonia, Pleurisy, Typhus Abdominalis, and the Exam- themata (Scarlet Fever, Measles, Variola). It is eminently useful in cases of debility, with loss of vital power. For such conditions Hahnemann advises a few doses of China, to precede the exhibition of Phosphorus; or, if the nervous system be very sensitive, Nux Womica should be preferred. Phosphorus appears to have a specific action on the Brain, Lungs, Kidneys, and Skin; and has been suc- cessfully employed for Nervous Apoplexy, Pneumonia, Paralysis of the Cord, Apoplexy of the Lungs, Tubercular Phthisis—early stage; and the Debility of Old Age. It is of considerable value in treating Disease of the Brain; Hemiplegia; Imbecility; Vertigo, especially of the aged ; Amaurosis; Epilepsy; Gastritis; Gastro- Enteritis; Schirrous Induration of the Stomach; Inflammation of the Larynx; Croup; Chronic Bronchitis; Dry Cough; Congestion, or fatty degeneration of the Kidneys; Albuminuria; Prosopalgia; Lymphatic Abscess; Sudden disappearance of the Eruption in Acute Exanthema ; Chronic Diarrhoea; Typhoid; Typhus and Hectic Fevers; Diseases of the Bones, SYMPTOMS. Emotions.—Weeping, sadness, low spirits; Anxious; Irritable— easily offended; Tendency to start; Dislike to any kind of work. Head.—Dull, feeling of weakness, giddy; Dizziness every morn- ing; Vertigo at noon—sense of falling out of the chair; Vertigo when walking; Chronic Vertigo of almost all kinds; Sense of fulness in the head; Headache—oppressive, constrictive; Congestion of blood to the head; Humming, roaring pain, as if the brain had been bruised. Scalp.–Small tumours; Eruptions, itching, smarting, or painful, like small boils; Scales; Falling-off of the hair. - 273 PHOSP.) PHOSPHORUS. Eyes.—Lachrymation in the open air; Agglutination in the morning; Inflammation, with heat; Congestion of the conjunctival. vessels. Sight.—Short, dim; Blackness; Dark spots or bodies passing: Attacks of sudden blindness by day; a grey mist appears over the eye. - Ears.-Deafness, more especially for the voice; Beating, throb- bing ; Heat and redness; Sense of obstruction. - - Nose.-Sore, inflamed vesicles; Frequent bleeding ; Obstruc- tion of the nose every morning; Discharge of green, yellow mucus; Acute smell; Dry or Fluent Coryza. Eace.—Pale, sickly; Hippocratic, or bloated. Mouth.-Corners of the mouth ulcerated; Herpes around the mouth. Lips.-Blue, or chapped; Rhagades on lower lip ; Dry lips. Jaws.--Tearing in the face and jaws. Lower jaw—Jerking, drawing. - Teeth.--Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Gums.-Bleed, ulcerate; Swell, and are inflamed. Mouth-Sore, rough, with vesicles; Feels slimy. Tongue.—Dry; White coating; White mucus. Throat.—Scraping, burning, dryness; Hawking of mucus every morning. Taste.—Sour after food; Bitter, foul, or lost. Appetite.—Ravenous; Drowsy after a meal; Heat in the hands, and considerable acidity; Irresistible sleep after dinner. Eructations.—Chiefly acid; Frequent risings of air; also with pain at the cardiac orifice of the stomach; Sour regurgitation after every meal; Heartburn; Hiccough; Gulping of bile; Nausea, lasting the whole day, with thirst ; Waterbrash; Vomiting of ingesta; Repeated vomiting of bile; Green or Blackish vomit, with pains in the stomach, and excessive weakness. Stomach.-Painful when walking ; Tender to the touch ; Violent pain, gradually extending; Chronic weakness of digestion; Distention—feeling of fulness; Burning sensation; Clawing, pres- sure—excessive pressure ; Cramp, with pressure ; Contraction ; Stitching; Pain always after food—burning; Inflammation of the stomach; Hypochondria; Violent pain; Stitches—unable to lie on the right side. - - Abdomen.—Violent pains all over; Spasmodic pressure; Pinch- 274 PHOSPHORUS. [PHOSP. ing, contraction, or cutting; Spasmodic Colic in the morning ; Soreness, as from inflammation, extending to the hypogastrium ; Flatulent Colic, which lies deep, and seems to threaten diarrhoea; Relaxed feeling—weakness; Rumbling; Pressing, with frequent flatus; Yellow spots on the skin of the abdomen and chest. Stool.-First—Constipation, hard, difficult, absent; Several eva- cuations—papescent; Diarrhoea, slimy, green, blackish, or mixed with a little blood; Diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Anus.-Burning and tenesmus; Itching; Stinging ; Protrusion, and bleeding of Haemorrhoids. Urine.—Increased, profuse, watery; Whitish or turbid sediment; White, yellow, or red—passed with smarting or burning. Larynx-Dry; Voice hoarse, or lost, or only whisper; Painful, sensitive; Expectoration slimy, yellow, or green—purulent, or of . blood; Dry cough by day, with headache; Chronic dry cough. Respiration.—Difficult, loud, panting ; Breathing difficult when lying down; Sense of tightness in the chest; Fits of threat- ened suffocation. Chest.—Lancinations, especially left side; Pressure; Contrac- tions; Burning, excoriation; Great anguish; Stitches; Congestion of the vessels; Engorgement of the lung tissue; Pneumonia. Heart.—Palpitation, from the least excitement or emotion, after a meal, or night and morning, or when lying on the left side. Back—Stiffness at nape of neck; Cervical and axillary glands swollen; Pains in small of back, as of dislocation. Legs.-Weary, heavy; Pain and stiffness in the knees; Feet swollen, painful when walking, especially the soles; Chilblains and COTIlS. Fever.—Chilliness, followed by heat; Thirst and sweat; Flushes of heat, with anxiety; Morning sweat. Sleep.–Drowsy by day; at night, a long time before he can sleep; Dreams, anxious, frightful; he is not refreshed from the night's rest; Night-sweats. Skin.-General itching over the whole body; Burning, itching ; Round, herpetic spots; Furfuraceous, dry herpes; Blotches; Brown or bluish-red, lepra-like, or yellow spots; Vesicles; Blisters; Small boils on the neck and chest; Large boils on the thighs and abdomen ; Excoriations; Scaling of the skin; Lymphatic abscesses, with fistu- lous ulcers, footid pus, and hectic symptoms; Burning in the whole body, or the hands and feet only. w 275 PHOS, AC.] - PHOSPHORIC ACID, PHOSPH0 RIC ACID, HAHNEMANN. HAs been employed successfully for Debility; Profuse sweats; Night-sweats; Evils resulting from self-abuse; Impotence; Speedy emissions; Nocturnal emissions; Albuminous urine P Dia- betes? Fevers—Gastric, Hectic, and Typhus. Nervous Vertigo; Acne Rosacea; Boils; Inveterate Ulcers; Scrofulous Caries of the Bones; Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Amblyopia; Loss of hair, from grief; Weakness, depending on too rapid growth in youth; Rick- ets in young children. SYMPTOMS. Mind,-Sadness—inclined to brood over his illness; Low spirits—worse when walking in the open air; Indifferent; Apa- thetic—compelled to lie down. Head.—Dull headache, with buzzing in the head; Vertigo when standing or walking ; Violent pain over the eyes; Headache, as if the brain were pressed upwards, with pulsation; Aching; Stitching in every part of the head; Compressive pain in the whole brain; Painful concussion in the head when walking. Scalp.–Sore, painful to the touch; Painful elevations on the scalp; Great falling-off of the hair after grief; Withered; Grey. Eyes.—Painful in the morning—unable to open them; Inflam- mation of the lids; Stye, on upper lid; Yellow spot near the cornea; Sight weak—dazzling ; Short sight ; Dim, misty appear- ance of gauze; a black streak before the eyes. Ears.-Intolerance of sound, especially music; Roaring; Whiz- zing; Hard of hearing at a distance. Nose.--Bleeding from the nose; Purulent discharge—foetid; Itching; Pimples; Red spots; Scurfy eruptions. Face,—Pale; Blue margins around the eyes; Suddenly becomes dark-red; Flushes of heat; Burning pain in the cheek; Pimples on the face, forehead, and chin; Blotches; Moist Herpes; Pustules. 276 PHOSPHORIC ACID. [PHOS. AC. Lips.-Dry; Ulcerated; Scabs; Painful pimples; Yellow- brown crusts, exuding pus. Mouth.-Tenacious, viscid mucus; Soapy; Slimy. Tongue.—Dry; Stinging; Smarting; Burning; Intense thirst. Taste.—Flat; Putrid—of herbs; Acid ; Smoky. Appetite.—Aversion to brown bread—it almost causes vomit- ing ; Bread tastes like bile; Acids cause eructations, and other ailments; Desire for cold milk, Beer, Juicy, refreshing food. Stomach.-Pressure as from a load, with drowsiness; Nausea; Vomiting; Eructations; Oppression; Sense of a load. Abdomen.—Cramp-like pains at umbilicus; Sense of con- traction in the intestines; Stitches; Gurgling, rumbling, with much flatus. Stool.-Loose and frequent; White-grey diarrhoea, or slimy, watery, yellow; Protrusion of Haemorrhoids; Tenesmus. Urine.—Frequent desire; Irresistible, burning micturition; Pale urine, with flocculi, or dark, cloudy; Milky urine, with glu- tinous lumps; or white, as if mixed with flour; Foetid urine; Painful spasmodic constriction of the bladder. Genital Organs.—Painful drawing in testes and cord; Fre- quent emissions; Gnawing, burning in testes and prostate gland; Discharge of prostate fluid when at stool. Skin.—Red spots on the limbs; Scarlet eruption; Rash over the body; Fine red rash, in clusters; Moist or dry herpes; Boils; Excoriation in the bend of joints, scrotum, thighs, toes; Wounds that have a Smarting pain. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Profuse sweat in the morning, or at night, or all day; Sweat about the neck when falling asleep by day; Diseases of the bones; Bruised sensation about the hips, limbs, and back, especially in youths who are growing rapidly; Jactitation of the muscles, especially the lower limbs; Weakness of the lower limbs; Languor; Weariness, especially after walking; Boil on the nates and thighs; Sweating of the feet; Swelling of the feet; Blisters on the toes; Chilblains; Inveterate ulcers, with dirty pus, or indented base; Rickets in children, with enlarged wrists and ankles; Bone-pains, particularly such as result from Mercury; the pains are worse during rest—relieved by motion. - 277 PLAT.] PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA-PLATINA. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. - POKE. LARGE doses produce Vertigo; Dimness of vision; Profuse sweat; considerable prostration; Tremors; Increased secretion of urine; Purging, vomiting; Stools, with blood. It is said to be capable of curing Syphilis, and Ulcers that affect the face and lips. It appears to have been employed, with some success, for Syphilitic Rheuma- tism; Chronic Rheumatism; Neuralgia; Swelling of the Testes; Bleeding Piles. In Homoeopathy it has cured—Constipation of long standing; Urgent desire to micturate; Nocturnal micturition;'''Dark-red urine, staining the vessel; Metrorrhagia; Painful menstruation; Violent pains in the abdomen during the menses; Leucorrhoea; Inflamma- tion and suppuration of the Breasts; a pain in the right Hypochon- dria during pregnancy. The pains are of a neuralgic character—shooting, drawing, aching. It seems to increase the flow of Saliva, Bile, Urine, and Menses. Some testify to its powers in curing skin diseases, espe- cially the scaly variety; Psoriasis; Ringworm ; Shingles, and Tinea Capitis. Also in some affections of the eye—Catarrhal and Syphilitic Ophthalmia; Granular Conjunctivitis. Dr. Burt states that he has cured Diphtheria, in thirty-two cases, by this drug—three or four drops every hour, and a gargle of fifty drops in a tumbler of water (we suppose matrix tincture). - PLATINA, HAHNEMANN. PLATINUM METALLICUM. HAHNEMANN appears to have been the first to introduce this metal into medical practice, as another experiment for the development of medicinal powers by his mode of trituration. The Bichloride of Platinum is used for testing the presence of potash and ammonia; but, I believe, never yet proved on the human subject. Platina has 278 - .* PLATINA. [PIAT. become a medicine of great value to Homoeopathists in treating diseases of Females, especially in cases of profuse and prolonged menstruation, when the blood is clotted; with bearing-down pains, and those that resemble labour-pains, with pressing in the inguinal region. Hempel (New Mat. Med.) advises Platina for melancholy, with anguish about the heart, feeble pulse, and trembling of the hands; Globus Hystericus; Nymphomania; Catalepsy; Lead colic. Jahr, for Facial Neuralgia. It resembles Aurum in some respects, and may deserve notice in Secondary or Tertiary Syphilis. SYMPTOMS. Mind and Spirits.-Great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart ; Lowness of spirits; Trembling of the hands; Flushes of heat in the face; Talking seems to induce violent palpitation; Anguish, with fear of death; she feared losing her senses; Trembling of the limbs; Dyspnoea and palpitation; he feels as if he must soon die, and is horrified at the thought. It produced the same effect in a female; Loud cries for help; Excessive nervous debility and uneasi- ness of mind, with constant thoughts about death ; Weeping gave some relief. - Senses.—Illusions about persons; she thought every one around her small in stature and insignificant, compared with herself; Proud feelings—she feels herself superior in mind and stature to those around; when in this state she ate her food in a greedy Iſla,Illſleſ, - - Head.—Passing attacks of Vertigo when standing, as if the senses were going, followed by palpitation and headache; Sensation as if the head were compressed, especially in the forehead down to root of nose; Benumbed, constrictive feeling; Shaking in the brain as if it struck against the skull, when beginning to walk; Pressure in the temples, with cramp-like pain from without inwards, as from two screws, with heat and redness of the face; Violent pressure on the head as from a weight, as though the brain would protrude through the forehead—increased by stooping or movement; Roaring as from a mill. (This symptom has been cured also with Iod. and Glonoine.) - - Ears.--Whizzing in the ears, with stitches in the head; Dull 279 PLAT.] PLATINA. roaring every morning; Noise in the ears and head every night, after lying down in bed. It lasted several weeks. - Nose.—Dry Coryza in one nostril, which afterwards became fluent. - Face.—Pale, wretched look; Feeling of coldness, creeping, and numbness over the whole right side of the face; Cramp-like or screwing, with numbness in the malar bones. Jaws.-Pulsative digging in the jaws; Cramp-like pain in the lower jaw ; Lock-jaw. Teeth.-Throbbing, digging pains. Lips.-Dry, peeling, roughness; Vesicles on the lips; Smart- ing ; Bleeding. Tongue.—Sensation as if it had been burnt. - Mouth.-Wiscid; Slimy in the morning, and after a meal. Throat.—Rawness; Scraping; Painful rawness, with the sen- sation as if a small piece of skin were hanging loose ; Stinging pain; Subdued pain; Constant striving to clear the throat of mucus; Right tonsil swollen and painful. Appetite.—No appetite; Aversion to food—the first mouthful satisfies. Eructations.—Empty and loud—in the morning and after dinner. - Nausea.—Continued, with great languor, anxiety, and tremu- lous sensation through the whole body in the forenoon; Qualmish- mess, and desire to vomit. - Stomach.-Visible twitchings in the region of the stomach; Sense of repletion, as if overloaded; Pressure at pit ; Distention; Contractive pain at pit; Sensation of suffocation, as from being too tightly laced; Throbbing, beating, as with a hammer, near the pit ; Shocks, slowly going and coming; Gnawing and writhing early in the morning, with hunger. Abdomen.—Lead Colic 2 Constrictive sensation; Pinching and drawing, that arrests the breath; Writhing pain about the Umbili- cus; Very painful stitches; Deep or dull stitches at Umbilicus; Pain in abdomen, with anxiety, such as accompanies fright, with urging to Diarrhoea; Spasmodic distention, with elevations that may be traced on the surface; Copious emission of flatus. Stool.—Constipation for several days; also from travelling; or the effects of working with lead; Difficult expulsion of scanty faeces—passing in lumps, or cohesive, like clay; he has to bear 280 PLATINA. DPLAT. down considerably to expel even a soft stool. After stool—Shud- dering and trembling, with weakness; Passes blood with the stool; Tenesmus; Ascarides; Burning in the Rectum. Urine,—Red urine, with white clouds; a Pale-yellow, or watery. - - Genital Organs.—Soreness, excoriation about the parts; also the scrotum; Increased desire; Discharge of prostatic fluid. Female.—Pressure in hypogastrium, as if the menses would appear, with headache; Painful pressing (bearing down), affect- ing the small of the back; Congestion of blood to the uterus; In- duration of the uterus. Menses.—Early and profuse—of too long duration; Metror- rhagia, with discharge of dark coagula; Great sensitiveness of the parts; Headache, restlessness, and weeping; Metrorrhagia, with thirst; Bearing-down pains; Sensation of a ball moving in the abdomen, or as if the body were growing larger; False and pain- ful labour-pains, with anxiety and fear of death. Chest.—Oppressed breathing—short, difficult, anxious, with sensation of warmth rising from the stomach to the throat; Sense of weakness, or as of a load; Dyspnoea, as if too tightly laced; Cramp-like pain; Shocks; Stitches; Burning sensation; Sudden stitch in left side of chest, below the axilla, causing him to start; Cramp-like pain in left side. - Neck,-Weakness at nape—unable to hold the head erect; Numbness; Sense of constriction ; Cramp-like pain—worse when moving the head, or turning toward the shoulder. Back-Pain in the small of the back, as if broken, when bend- ing the body, or after a short walk; Pressive pains in the Infra Scapular region; Pressure as from a plug in the middle of the dorsal spine; the spot is tender and sore to pressure; Feeling of numbness in the os coccygis, as after a blow; Contusive pain in os ileum. - Upper Extremities.—Weakness about the shoulders; Stitches that cause the arm to start; Pains in the arms, as if they had been beaten; Lameness; Paralytic feeling in the arm; Weakness and weariness in the arms; Burning pain in the elbow, as if it had been scraped. - - - Hands.-Cramp in the hands; Formication; Twitching; Jerk- ing; Cramp-like pain in the fingers and ball of thumb; Painful feeling of numbness in the fingers and thumbs. ... - * U 281 Lower Extremities.—Jactitation of the muscles, especially the legs; Tingling; Numbness; Cramp-like pains; Feeling of weak- ness in the thighs, with sensation as if they were bandaged too tightly; Pain in thighs, as if bruised, when sitting; Tension in the left knee; Pain as from contusion, after a violent blow; Feel- ing of weakness and numbness about the knee-joints, causing them to give way when standing; Tremulous; Tingling, and un- easiness in the legs; Numbness and weariness in the feet; Pain and swelling in the balls of the toes, and especially the great toe. Sleep.–Yawning—violent, almost spasmodic; Great drowsi- ness in the evening; Sudden awaking-up when in bed—about midnight, with a feeling of stupor; Various dreams—anxious or confused. OTHER SYMPTOMs. |Ulcers on the fingers and toes; Evils arising from the effects of lead; Numbness; Rigidity; Spasms; Cramp-like drawings; Dart- ings in various parts of the body; Trembling and palpitation of the heart; Burning pains in the limbs; Tremulous sensation; Throbbing in the arteries; General weariness. The symptoms of the body appear to be relieved when those of the mind are excited, and vice versä. Many of the symptoms appear to be relieved by motion, and in the open air. It is said to be most suitable for females of an irritable dispo- sition, and those subject to Hysteria; also the Proud and Haughty in manner. ^*. - PLUMBUM. NOACK AND TRINKs. - - LEAD. ACCORDING to Allopathic authorities, the Acetate of Lead acts as an astringent, and possesses considerable power to check Haemor- rhage; depresses the action of the Heart; and is said to have provéd. valuable in the following affections:—Epistaxis; Menorrhagia, 282 - - & PLUMBUM. IPLUMB. with threatened abortion; Discharge of blood from the bowels; Dysentery; Diarrhoea; English Cholera; some cases of Bronchitis. It checks the sweating of Phthisis and Hectic. Noack and Trinks state that the primary effects of lead are mani- fested on those organs that are supplied by the Splanchnic nerves; and, Secondarily, on the Motor and Cerebral nerves. It is most useful in Chronic affections of the cerebro-spinal and ganglionic system ; Spasm and Paralysis. In Homoeopathy, Lead has proved curative in some cases of Spasmodic vomiting; Cardialgia; Pains from the stomach to the back; Ileus; Chlorosis; Constipation; Affections of the bladder, with slimy sediment in the urine; Nocturnal emissions; Palpita- tion of the Heart; Haemoptysis; Ulceration of the mucous mem- branes; Paralysis of the lower limbs; Weakness of the sexual powers (Possart). * THE ACETATE OF LEAD may be indicated in some of the follow- ing conditions:—General Debility and Emaciation; Consumption ; Hectic Fever; Jaundice, with indurations; Fainting fits; Para- lysis, partial (right side) or complete; Violent convulsions, with colic pains; Epilepsy; Delirium; Vomiting; Ulceration of the intestines 2 Constipation (Jahr). Homoeopathic literature does not furnish much experience of positive cures by either of the preparations of Plumbum. - SYMPTOMS OF P. ACET. Mind.—Absence of mind; Dulness of the senses; Spirits low ; Melancholy; Weakness of memory; Delirium at night, with swollen eyes; Furious rage. - Head.—Heavy, stupid feeling; Pressure, as from congestion; Vertigo, that passes off in the open air; Tearing pain in the temples, with a feeling of internal heat. Byes.—Heaviness; Aching; Feeling as if the eyes were too large; the eyes appear distorted; Misty sight; Obscuration; Amaurosis; Blindness; Pupil immovable, as if paralysed. Nose.—Erysipelatous inflammation; Vesicles filled with pus; Horrible smell; Obstruction of the nose; Discharge of mucus. Face.—Pale-yellow ; Cadaverous; Vesicles on the forehead; Boring pains in the teeth and jaws; Swelling of the face, with U 2 283 PLUMB.] PLUMBUM. pains in the ears; Peeling of the lips; Grinding of the teeth; Loud noise when moving the jaw; Lock-jaw P - Teeth.-Covered with yellow mucus; Foetid odour from de- cayed teeth. Gums.-Blue border on the gums; Paleness of the gums; Swelling; Painful, hard tubercles on the gums. Mouth.-Dry, or tenacious mucus early in the morning; Sour- ish; Ptyalism of a sweetish taste; Paleness of the epithelium; Aphtha ; Ulcers that turn yellow. . Tongue.—White; Yellow, thick coating, or dry; Brown, cracked; Swollen, heavy; Speech impeded; Burning pimples on the tip of the tongue. - Throat.—Sensation of a swelling when swallowing; Difficult deglutition; Sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in the throat—it descended when swallowing, but rose up again imme- diately; a small body appears frequently rising in the throat; Constriction in the throat, with stiffness of the neck; Threatened paralysis of the pharyngeal muscles; Inability to swallow food. Taste.-Sweetish; Styptic; Metallic; Sulphur; Excessive Thirst. . - : Appetite.—Feeling of hunger, even after a meal; Desire for bread and cakes every hour during the day; Great relish for tobacco. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . Eructations, of a sweetish taste; Gulping of sweetish water or acid; Hiccough ; Loathing; Retching; Constant vomiting, with constipation and sticking pains; Vomiting that cannot be arrested; Vomiting of a yellow substance resembling the yolk of eggs; Vomiting of foetid bilious matter; Womiting, with taste of liquor- ice; Vomiting of blood; also of faeces, with violent colic and constipation. - - & Stomach.-Excessive pains in the stomach, abdomen, and loins, with feeling of internal heat; Pressure as if from a hundred-weight; Pressure at pit; Contraction; Burning; Stinging; Dartings from pit of stomach to the back; Cardialgia, with vomiting, and many other gastric symptoms. - . Hypochondria–Stinging pains—relieved by friction; Con- tinued darting pains in the liver; Pressure in the hepatic region. Abdomen.—Wandering pains—increased by contact; Pains that become intolerable, with fainting and mental derangement; • Pains about the umbilicus; Pains, with sensation of constriction; • 284 - PLUMBUM. [PLUMB. Pressive pain at a small spot—the part protruded; Colic; Pinch- ing; Gnawing; Cutting; Tearing; Sticking pain in transverse colon; Sensation of cold water in the abdomen, followed by heat; the abdominal muscles feel hard and tense; Distention of the abdomen, with considerable retraction of the umbilicus; Nodosi- ties in the abdomen, perceptible to the hand; Enteritis, with fever; Turbid urine; Burning in the intestines, and convulsions; Ulceration of the intestines 2 Stool.-Constipation; Discharge of faeces like small balls; Con- stipation, with colic and paralysis of both hands; Faeces like sheep's dung. Colour—Ash-grey, Lead-colour, Whitish, or Yellow; Soft or watery stools; Dysentery. Rectum.—Tenesmus, pressing from within outwards; Darting, burning, extending to perinaeum and neck of bladder ; Constric- tion of anus; Haemorrhoids disappeared. Urine,—Retention; Passed with difficulty, in drops; Tenesmus of the bladder; Increased secretion; Involuntary emission of watery urine, or turbid. Male Genital.—Inflammatory swelling of penis and scrotum, with fever; Constipation; Delirium; Gangrene (from poisoning); Painful swelling of the testes—they feel excessively heavy; Total loss of desire. - - Larynx-Roughness; Mucus frothy, transparent; Yellow-green sputa in tenacious lumps, easily coughed up; Cough, with ex- pectoration of pus, and even blood. Chest.—Respiration difficult—obliged to open the window at night; Short, anxious, oppressed breathing—very violent at in- tervals—suffocation; Dull pressure at lower part of sternum; Pressure at left side of the chest; Dull sticking at intervals; Sup- puration of the lungs. Heart.—Twitching; Stitching in the region of the heart during inspiration; Anguish, with cold sweat; Palpitation of the heart; Rush of blood during a rapid walk. - Back.-Tearing pain in right Scapula, with sensation of its being raised up; Sticking pain in Scapula; also the spine and small of back; Pain in anterior spinous process of the ileum. Upper Limbs.-Bruise-like pain in deltoid; Tearing pains, of short duration, in right arm, passing into the fingers; Pains of a rheumatic character—worse at night; Hands pale, weak, trem- bling; Pain in the hands, with loss of mobility; Inability to close - 285 PODOP.] PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. the hand; Paralysis of both hands; Trembling of both hands; Weakness in the arms, with atrophy, and loss of sensation. Lower Limbs.-Pain in the knee; Fleeting pain in tibia; Difficulty in pressing the feet on the floor; they feel dead or benumbed; Spasmodic jerking of the thighs; the legs go to sleep; Spasmodic shaking of the legs; Weariness and languor when walk- ing; Stiffness and lameness in the legs, especially on going up- stairs; Paralysis of the lower extremities; Swelling of the feet; Foetid perspiration. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Sleeplessness at night, from pains in the abdomen; Starting when on the point of going to sleep; Coldness; Chilliness; Cold sweat; Pulse slow, feeble, or small—frequent, unequal, hard; if quick, intermitting; General cachexia; Excessive emaciation; the pains aggravated at night. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM, AMERICAN REMEDIES. MANDRAKE-May-APPLE, THIS drug has been inserted in the New British Pharmacopoeia, under the supposition that it may become a substitute for Mercury. It seems to have proved successful in some cases of Jaundice, and is considered a good Cathartic. Homoeopathic practitioners exhibit Podophyllum for the follow- ing affections:—Congestion of the Liver and Spleen; Indigestion; Heartburn; Waterbrash; Headache from Indigestion; Constipation, alternating with Diarrhoea; Dysentery; Hasmorrhoids; Prolapsus Recti; Prolapsus Uteri; Cholera Infantum; Mercurial Rheumatism; Palpitation of the Heart, from exertion or mental emotion. e The latest American authorities consider it to be a Myalgic Remedy, and declare it Homoeopathic, for Gastro-Enteritis; Bronchitis; and Urethritis; Induration and suppuration of Glands; Bilious Fever; Rolling of the head in children during difficult dentition; Grinding of the teeth at night. . . . 286 PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. IPODOP. The abdominal pains resemble those of Plumbum, with this difference—Plumbum acts on the Nerves; Podoph. on the Muscles. The colic of the latter is generally accompanied by Diarrhoea, or Dysentery, with Prolapsus Ani; Enuresis; Acute or chronic, mucous or follicular Enteritis. In Uterine affections the following symptoms will be indicated:—Numb, aching pain in the region of the right ovary, with heat running down the left thigh; Swelling of the labia; After-pains, with flatulence, : SYMPTOMS. Head.—Congestion to the head, with dimness of sight; Head- ache, with drowsiness in the morning; Pain on the top of the head when rising in the morning; Morning headache, with heat in the head and flushes in the face; Delirium during fever, with thirst; Perspiration of the head during sleep; Vertigo while standing ; Inclination to fall forwards; Headache, alternating with Diarrhoea; Rolling of the head during difficult dentition in children, Eyes.-Heaviness of the eyes, with pains on the top of the head; Pain in the eyeballs and temples, with heat and throbbing of the temporal arteries; Drawing sensation ; Smarting, º Teeth-Grinding of the teeth at night, in children, during dentition; Mucus on the teeth (morning). • * * : * : * . Mouth.-Offensive odour; Breath smells badly to himself; Salivation; Dryness of the mouth and tongue on awaking in the morning; Sour taste, or of fried liver; White fur on tongue, with foul taste; Putrid taste, - Throat.—Sore throat, first on the right, then on the left side; Throat feels sore when swallowing liquids; Dryness of the throat; Rattling of mucus; Goitre. - Appetite, Voracious, or satiated with but a little food, fol- lowed by nausea and vomiting; Appetite indifferent ; Regurgi- tation of food; Diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking; Thirst towards evening, and during fever; Desire for acids. * Eructations.—Acid ; Acidity of the stomach, with sickly. sensation; Regurgitation of food; Extreme nausea for hours; Eructation of hot flatus, which is very sour; Waterbrash; Heart- burn; Vomiting of food soon after a meal, followed by craving for more food; the food turns sour very soon after a meal; the gastric affections are attended by depression of spirits, 287 PODOP.] PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. Abdomen.-Colic, with retraction of the abdominal muscles; Pain in the bowels at daybreak—relieved by warmth and bending forwards—increased by lying on back; Chronic Hepatitis, with constipation; Cramp-like pains in the bowels; Faintness, with feeling of emptiness after a stool; Extreme weakness after an evacuation. - Stools.-Constipation, with flatulence and headache; Faeces hard, dry, difficult; Morning diarrhoea, with natural stool in the evening ; Chronic diarrhoea—worse in the morning; Evacuations of dark-yellow mucus—smells like carrion; Copious evacuations, with blueness under the eyes; Chronic diarrhoea, with prolapsus in children; Much straining, bearing down at stool; Bearing down of the genitals in females, especially children; Diarrhoea in children during dentition, with screaming and grinding the teeth; Cholera Infantum. - Genital (Women).--Suppression of menses in young persons, with bearing down in the sacral and hypogastric regions—worse during motion—relieved by lying down. Prolapsus Uteri-Symptoms continued several weeks after. delivery; Numb, aching pain in the region of left ovary. - Leucorrhoea.—Thick, transparent mucus, with constipation. Larynx,−Dry cough; Loose hacking cough; Whooping-cough, with constipation and loss of appetite. -- Chest.—Pains increased by deep inspiration; Snapping in the right lung, like breaking a thread; Sense of suffocation when lying down at night. Heart.—The heart feels as if it were ascending towards the throat; Palpitation, with clucking sensation and rising upwards, obstructing respiration; Sticking pain in the region of the heart; Palpitation from physical exertion or mental emotion; Palpi- tation, especially connected with Indigestion or Hepatic derange- ment. - Neck,-Stiffness in the nape, with tenderness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders; Pain between the shoulders, with soreness —increased by motion. - - Back,-Pain in the loins—increased by a false step; Pain under right scapula; Muscular pains; Pain in the lumbar region, with feeling of coldness—worse at night, and from motion. - Upper Limbs,-Rheumatic pains infore-arm and fingers (left); Weakness of the wrists. - 288 PRUNUS SPINOSA. - [PRUN. - Lower Limbs.-Rheumatic, muscular pains, and weakness in left hip; also of the joints; Weakness of the knees; Cracking in the knee-joints during motion; Heaviness and stiffness of the knees; Aching in the limbs at night; Pain in left knee, leg, and foot; Slight paralytic weakness of the left side, of one year's standing, in a girl aged eighteen (cwred). - Sleep.–Restlessness in children; Moaning, with eyelids half closed; Feels fatigued; not refreshed from the night's rest. * Fever.—Chilliness, which continues after the heat commences; Intermittent fever; Chill at seven in the morning; Pain in the back before the chill; Fever, with constipation; Pain in the head; Excessive thirst; Perspiration during sleep. Skin.-Soft, flabby, with debility in children; Moisture on the skin; Yellow colour; the pains are of a jerking character, with sudden shocks; the symptoms are worse in the morning, better in the evening. - PRU NU'S SPIN OSA, SLOE-TREE. APPEARs to have been employed, with success, in some Dropsical affections; Anasarca; Dropsy from Heart disease — especially oadema of the feet. (Observe Symptoms of the Respiratory and Urinary Organs in the following provings.) SYMPTOMS. Head.—Dizziness; Nervous pain in occiput, so violent that he loses his ideas; Pain as if the brain were compressed; Pressure under the skull, as if driven out by a plug; Pressure in right parietal region; Painful dragging in right parietal bone; Darting through the right hemisphere. Teeth.-Pain as if the teeth were being raised out of their sockets; Pains that pass from one tooth to another; Nondescript pains in various teeth—relieved by pressing them together. 289 PRUNI PRUNUS SPINOSA. Abdomen, Contractive pains; Cramps in the abdomen, which compel him to walk cautiously, connected with urinary diffi- culties; Dropsical swelling, with loss of appetite, scanty urine, and hard, difficult stool. In a case of Ascites, foetid water was. passed by the rectum; after which the swelling decreased. Stool.—Diarrhoea, with Colic, nausea, loathing of food. Urinary Organs.—Strangury; Urging to pass urine for some hours; he has to press a very long time; Scanty emission, with feeble stream; he has to rise frequently at night; Spasms of the Bladder will not allow him rest ; Tenesmus of the Bladder almost every quarter of an hour; Violent cramp-like pains at glans-penis; Burning in the urethra; Pain as if ulcerated—he dare not touch it; the prepuce retracts behind the glans. Menses.—Every fortnight, with pains in the back; Discharge of blood every day for eight or ten weeks; it gradually becomes more watery; Metrorrhagia of thin, watery blood. Leucorrhoea, excoriating the parts, and tinging the linen yellow. - Larynx,−Voice weak, hoarse; Talking induced pains in the chest ; Creeping sensation, or tickling in the trachea that induces cough ; Wheezing cough. Respiration.—Anxious; Short; Panting; Difficult, with feel- ing of anxiety and oppression about the heart; Frequent deep breathing; Arrest of the breath frequent ; Inspirations impeded, with pains in the chest. Chest.—Stitches in left side; Pain under the sternum, with fulness at pit of stomach, and distention of the abdomen; Stick- ing pain when drawing the breath, impeding inspiration; Chest painful during inspiration, with sensation as if pressed upon ; Bruise-like pain in pectoralis major. - OTHER SYMPTOMS. Pains in the joints—laming, or as if sprained; Awakes early in the morning; Feels as if he had not slept enough; Chilliness every evening; Stitches in single muscles; Tottering, staggering gait ; Trembling through the body; Uneasiness in the lower limbs; Uneasiness in the body, with shortness of breath, and oppression in the chest; Sleepless at night; Sweat on the face, only during sleep; Sad; Morose; Ill-humour. 290 PULSATTLL.A. IPULS. PULSATILLA. HAHNEMANN. ANEMONE PRATENSIS. THIS valuable remedy was considered, by Hahnemann, to be espe- cially adapted for the affections of persons who possess a mild, placid, benevolent disposition, inclined to sadness, easily moved to compassion; or the gay and lively, alternating with sadness and weeping. Hence Pulsatilla has been almost exclusively assigned to females. It does not appear so suitable for males, or those who are bold and decided in character. Probably too much stress should not be laid on that point, if the general condition is found to indicate the remedy. Pulsatilla acts on the Lymphatic system, and Venous Blood- vessels; the mucous membranes; Urinary and Sexual organs; the Eye, and the Skin. It has proved of value when the Menses are scanty, or delayed beyond the proper period (especially in young girls). Fever, commencing with chilliness, coldness, pale face, and absence of thirst; Affections that become worse as evening ap- proaches, or increase in violence every other day; Pains of a Rheu- matic character, that shift or wander about the body. It promotes the appearance of Eruptions on the Skin; and in Eruptive fevers is invaluable—especially Measles, after the inflammatory stage has been subdued by Aconite. Also useful for Varices; Ulcers; Chil- blains, with heat and throbbing; Eruptions from eating fat meat; Catarrh; Influenza; Catarrhal Ophthalmia; Hordeolum; Deafness; Toothache; Headache from gastric derangement—pastry, fruit, ice; Nervous Headache of Females with delicate digestion; Scanty Menses; Dyspepsia; Indigestion—bitter taste; Waterbrash; Nausea; Vomiting; Diarrhoea; Affections of the Bladder and Prostate Gland; Cystitis; Chronic Stricture of the Urethra; Gonorrhoea; Spasmodic Labour-pains; Feeble Uterine Contractions; Uterine Congestion; Suppression of the milk; Wenous Congestion of the right Heart; Hysteria; Wakefulness at night; Affections of Preg- nancy; Intermittent Fever; Chlorosis; OEdema of the legs and feet; Emaciation, Pulsatilla relieves venous congestion. It may prove serviceable in treating Hypertrophy of the right Ventricle, and In- flammation of the Knee, in conjunction with Aconite. 291 PULS.J., PULSATILLA. SYMPTOMS. - Mind,-Gloomy; Melancholy, sadness, inquietude; Diffidence, want of resolution, or precipitate; Anxiety about the future, with palpitation; Ill-humour, especially towards evening; Temper in children; Timid, whining, peevish; wants this, then that; Greedy, selfish ; Cries for the least trifle. -- . . . Head.-Confused, giddy; Staggering when walking; Vertigo when rising from a seat, or looking upwards; Heavy when stoop- ing; Intellectual labour fatigues him; Vertigo, as if intoxicated; Throbbing in the head; Vertigo coming on every evening; Head- ache from indigestion; Shocks in the right hemisphere; Pains in the Occipital region; Sense of tightness across the forehead—the pains are relieved by pressure, and worse towards evening. - Eyes.—Sensation as of a foreign body, a particle of sand; Pres- sure, burning ; Inflamed conjunctiva ; Sharp, shooting pains; Catarrhal Ophthalmia; Eyelids red, swollen, inflamed ; Styes; Lachrymation; Agglutination; Blear-eye; Trichiasis; Sight ob- scured, dim, as if a film covered the cornea; Incipient Amaurosis; Fiery rings appear. Ears.—Difficult hearing, from taking cold, or nervous causes— from suppressed menses, measles, or cutaneous eruptions; Violent pains in the ear at night; Inflammation of the external ear—heat, swelling, and redness; Purulent discharge; Scurfy eruptions; Humming, buzzing, roaring, ringing, chirping. Nose.-Sensation of ulceration in nostrils and wing; Constant sneezing; Accumulation of mucus, thick, yellow, or green; Foetid discharge; Bleeding from the nose. Mouth.-Dry, feverish; Foetid breath; Tongue covered with tenacious mucus, or white fur. Teeth.-Pains in the teeth—drawing, jerking, when eating, or at night in bed—increased by warmth—relieved by cold water, or going into the fresh air; Semilateral toothache, with pricking in the gums, or throbbing. - Throat.—Raw; Sore; Sensation of constriction; Fauces red, in- flamed, as if excoriated; Difficult deglutition. - - Taste.—Slimy, putrid, or insipid, flat ; Bitter or acid. Appetite-Lost; Aversion to food; Meat tastes putrid, and bread bitter; no relish for any kind of food. (Useful when Pastry Bacon, and Pork, cause gastric disturbance, and diarrhoea.) . * 292. PULSATILLA. . . [PULS. Vomiting of mucus, bile, or food; Short, sudden attacks of vomiting, with bitterness; Waterbash; Frequent Hiccough. - . Stomach.-Pressure after every meal; Perceptible pulsation at pit ; the whole region tender to pressure. Abdomen.—Spasmodic and flatulent Colic ; Fermentation, grumbling, sometimes with vomiting; Colic during pregnancy. Stools.-Loose; Nightly Diarrhoea.—various, watery, or like stirred eggs; Mucus, Bilious, or Green. - Urine.—Retention; Continual pressure on the bladder, with frequent urging. Colowr—Red or brown; Gelatinous; Albumi- nous; Wetting the bed; Involuntary micturition. - Menses.—Irregular, tardy, or suppressed, with Colic; Delay in their first appearance; Menses of black, slimy blood. Previous to the menses—Weight in the abdomen; Chilliness; Headache. During the menses—Pain in the chest and stomach; Leucorrhoea, burning, thin, or acrid. Larynx.-Hoarseness; Husky voice; Catarrh, with loss of taste and smell; Catarrhal constriction of the larynx, particularly at night; Cough, dry or moist—worse on lying down; Continual cough, with scanty and difficult expectoration; Stitching pain in side of chest ; Threatened Pneumonia in children; Spasmodic cough ; Whooping-cough. - . Chest.—Contractive, spasmodic tightness, with difficult breath- ing; Evening Asthma; Spasmodic Asthma; Bruise-like pains in the pectoral muscles; Congestion of blood to the chest; Palpitation of the heart—the symptoms are relieved by sitting up in bed. There is sometimes a difficulty in lying on one side (this symptom has been frequently relieved by Pulsatilla). - Back.-Pain in the dorsal region; Stiffness; Weary; Tension across the loins; Pain of stiffness in nape of neck; Sticking pain between the scapulae. . - - - …” Upper Limbs.--Rheumatic pain in shoulder-joint, and region of deltoid; the arm is raised with difficulty; Drawing pains from the shoulder to the elbow and wrist; Pains that seem to affect the tendons; the wrist feels stiff, and painful to move. Lower Limbs.-Bruise-like pains in the Gluteal region, and of dislocation in the hip-joint; Drawing pains in all the muscles of the thigh, in bed at night; he cannot find ease in any position; Trembling of the limbs. Knees—Tearing, jerking in the knee-joint; Swelling of the knee; Cracking in the joint. . . . . . . .293 RAN.] RANUNCULUS BULBOSUs. Legs.-Cramp; Varicose veins; Weakness; Weary feeling ; the legs feel heavy; the bones (tibia) feel bruised; Pimples, which discharge a watery fluid; CEdema of the legs and feet; Con- siderably enlarged veins, forming knots; Overloaded valves. Feet.—Hot ; Swelling of one or both feet, ascending to the ankle ; Tearing pains in the soles; Burning, pricking in the heel; Chilblains that break and ulcerate; Itching, tingling in the toes; Jerking in the great toe. . Sleep.–Yawning, and drowsy by day; Sleep impeded at night, from over-crowding ideas; Frequent waking, especially before mid- might, or two o'clock; Jerking of the limbs when falling asleep; "Continued dreams; Sleeplessness, from congestion of blood, with heat, confusion, anxiety. - Fever.—The fever characteristic is coldness and absence of thirst. Thirst only during the hot stage; it rarely continues after the hot stage has passed, which is but short—chilliness being predomi- mant; even the feeling of heat is often mingled with cold. First—Coldness, shuddering, especially about the back, and mostly towards evening, with pale face and headache; Anxiety; Oppression of the chest. Secondly—Partial dry heat, chiefly affecting the face, while other parts are cold. Thirdly—Perspiration generally towards morning; sometimes with cramp in the legs, or comatose sleep. Pulse.—Generally small, quick. According to Possart, Puls, might prevent puerperal fever, if :given in time. - Skin, Eruption resembling measles; Red eruption, with burning, pricking, biting; Nettle-rash ; Stinging; Ulcers that bleed readily; Gnawing; Chilblains, with bluish-red swelling. The pains of Pulsatilla are relieved by shifting the position; by motion, pressure, and going into the open air. Some of the symp- toms appear every alternate day or evening, with increased violence. *—w RANUN GULUS BULBOSUS, *STAPF. : CROW-FOOT, :THIS remedy; appears to have been successful in two cases, of Neuralgia Intercostalis; and is recommended for Neuralgia depend- (294 - RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. ..[RAN. ing on Spinal Irritation; Pemphigus neonatorum; the Blebs from two to four inches in size; Herpes, especially of the fingers and palms; Vesicular eruptions of new-born infants, resembling Pemphigus. SYMPTOMs. Mind and Disposition.—Quarrelsome, ill-tempered—morn- ing; in the evening, desponding, sensitive; Discontented; cannot take a jest; Easily provoked. - Head.—Dizziness; Vanishing of thoughts; he finds it difficult to think; Vertigo; Sensation as if the head were enlarged; Head- ache, especially over the right eye—relieved by walking; Head feels heavy and distended; Pressing pain in forehead, from within outward; Congestion of blood to the head when walking in the open air; Drawing pain in the temples in the evening, with feverish restlessness, and oppressed breathing; Burning; Prickings in the scalp, with a sensation of blood rushing to the Brain. Face.—Heat, with redness of the cheeks, and icy-cold feet; also internal chilliness; Spasmodic, paralytic sensation in the jaws after lying down at night; Twitches; Spasms of the lips (right side). Eyes, Smarting, as from smoke; Painful lachrymation; Slight reticulation of the conjunctiva; Pressing pain in the eyeball several days; Pain in the eyeballs when moving them. Ears.--Sticking in the right ear, at the tympanum; Stitches that extended through the ear to the parietal bone. Nose.-Obstruction of the nose; Scurfy soreness of the nostrils, especially the right; Nose red, swollen; Nightly discharge of HºlliCUIS, Stomach.-Eructations; Nausea; Hiccough ; Nausea in the afternoon, sometimes with headache; Violent burning at the car- diac orifice, with great anxiety about the heart; Pressure at pit of stomach; Painful soreness at pit, tender to touch. Hypochondria.-Pain on both sides—region tender to touch; Bruise-like pain under the false ribs; Soreness on the left side when moving the body; Pulsations in left hypochondria; Pressure deep in the liver when standing—increased by pressure; Stitches that arrest the breath. Abdomen.-After dinner, pinching below the umbilicus; Violent 295 • RAN.] RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. stitches from left lumbar region, through the abdomen, below the umbilicus, to right groin; Subdued pinching colic; a subdued colic seemed to affect the whole of the intestinal track; the pa- rietes of the abdomen are sensitive to pressure; the intestines feel ulcerated; Colic about the umbilicus; Pinching pain in hypogas- trium; Violent stitches near the anterior spine of Ileum; Tender- ness in the inguinal region. Stool.-Evacuations more frequent and easy; Two stools every day for several days; Hard stool in the morning, and one, more easy, in the afternoon; the stools became hard with one who usually had soft and regular evacuations; Stitching in the anus; Profuse Haemorrhoids. Chest.—Oppression of the chest; Pressure, with dyspnoea, and weeping; Oppression when walking up a hill; Pain in the chest, with restless nights, for weeks; Pain in the chest early in the morning; Rheumatic pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Stitches above the left nipple; Pain in the pectoral muscle; Bruise-like pains in the whole chest; Sticking pain in left chest; Pulsation at the sternum; Pressure and tightness across the lower part of the chest; Pains increased by movement, stooping, or inspiration; Pain in the chest (left side) when in bed; unable to lie on either side, from pain in the external walls of the chest (Intercostals), with anxiety, tightness, dyspnoea, and accelerated pulse. - - Neck and Back-Rheumatic pain in nape, and between the scapulac, on awaking in the morning; Pain in dorsal region in the morning; Pain in the back, with lassitude and ill-humour. Upper Limbs,-Jerking pains; Sudden tearing pains; Visible contraction of the skin and muscles; Jactitation of the muscles; Inflammation of the arm, from the fingers to the shoulder (exter- nal application of leaves and blossoms); Blisters and vesicles form; Ulcers on the fingers—flat, spreading, difficult to cure. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Great weakness in the lower limbs; the whole body feels bruised; Lassitude; Dread of labour; Anxiety; Fainting; Wer- tigo; Trembling of the limbs; Epilepsy” (Hempel advises it for Dry Herpes; Phagedenic sores; and sub-acute inflammation at the cardiac end of the stomach, with Soreness at Epigastrium). 296 RATANIA. [RAT. R AT ANIA, HARTLAUB. KRAMERLA—RHATANY., IN Allopathy the bark of this root is thought to be of value on account of its astringent properties; for it possesses a large amount of Tannin, and is chiefly prescribed for chronic mucous discharges; Haemorrhage, and Incontinence of Urine. Trousseau and Pidoux, also Bretonneau, have cured fissure of the anus and constipation by this drug. Hempel recommends it for the same affection. It would seem to have considerable action on the functions of the Uterus; and, on this point, may déserve further study. Twitching of the Eyelids, Diarrhoea, and Atomic Haemorrhage, have been cured by Homoeopathists. SYMPTOMs. Mind.—Gloomy or quarrelsome; Irritable; Disposed to gaiety in society, but much depressed when alone. Head.—Dull; Tearing pains in temple, forehead, or vertex, especially during the menses—relieved in open air; Fine stitches, or sharp stitches, that cause the part to feel bruised; the head feels compressed, as if in a vice; Pain in forehead when straining at stool, as if the brain would press out; Fine twitching, deep in the brain; a feeling of digging up in the brain (right side)—relieved in open air; Heat in the whole head, with heaviness; Pain as if the head would burst. - Eyes.—Agglutination of the lids on awaking; Burning and contractive sensation in the eyes; Sensation in the right eye as if it were fixed, or motion prevented, although the eye could be easily moved; Twitching in the lids of the right eye, lasting two hours, with weakness of sight ; Dimness of vision, as when looking through a gauze; a white spot appears before the eye at candle- light, which impedes the sight—relieved by wiping the eye. - Nose.-Itching; Smarting; Bleeding from the nose three times a day; Sneezing; Pimples in nostrils, that become scurfy; Stoppage and fulness. X - 297 RAT.I. RATANIA, ' Face.—Flushes of heat; Tearing Prosopalgia (left side). Teeth.-Tearing pains in the molars; Digging; Shooting, with sensation of coldness at evening; Beating pain in the incisors. Gums.-Bleeding of the gums; Swelling; Fungous softening. Mouth. Accumulation of water; Flat taste. Lips, Vesicles on the upper lips, that seem to burn when touched. Tongue.—Feels tight, as if swollen; Tip hot as fire. Throat.-Sore during empty deglutition; Stitch in the throat; Painful spasmodic contraction, that prevents him speaking in a loud voice, or giving full utterance. Stomach.-Vomiting of water; Ulcerative pain; Heat; Burn- ing; Pain at pit, as if cut to pieces; Pain under left breast, near the pit; Beating; Burning; Cutting, as if ulcerated—relieved by motion; Vomiting of blood; Streaked mucus; Hiccough. Abdomen.—Drawing at umbilicus, with feeling of coldness; Burning and twisting in the Abdomen in the morning, early; Motion as of a living body—first right, then in left side; Distention, with constant urging to stool, and much flatus (afternoon). Stool.-Yellow diarrhoea, with fiery burning at the anus; Hard stool, followed by one diarrhoeic ; Liquid stool early in the morning; Three diarrhoeic stools; no pain, but a few drops of blood pass; Sharp, sudden stitches in the anus; Protrusion of varices after a hard stool, with pressure and burning. Menses.—Premature, with bearing down; Two, three, or five days early, with pain in the Abdomen; Discharge of blood rather profuse—four days after the menses had ceased; Pain in the small of the back during menstruation; Pressing in both inguinal regions, followed by discharge of mucus from the Vagina. (Suppression of the menses, with swelling of the breasts and abdomen, as if preg- nant; with profuse leucorrhoea, cutting colic, and constant pain in the loins.—Teste.) - Chest.—Feeling of congestion in the chest; Shooting pains in the chest; Dry cough, with pain of ulceration in the chest. Back.-Pain as if bruised in the whole spine, with Dyspnoea. Skin, Red or white pimples between the scapulaº, that itch and burn after scratching; Small glandular swellings on the occiput; Tubercles and Boils on the lip; Sickly appearance of the skin. - 298 RHEUM–RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. [RHOD, RHEU M. RHUBARB. Is chiefly used, in Homoeopathy, for Diarrhoea of Children; Restless- mess at night, with crying, tossing, moaning, slight convulsions, snoring inspiration; Acidity of the stomach; Faecal Diarrhoea, with pinching in the Abdomen; Diarrhoea of parturition; Debility of the whole body; Sleep not refreshing; awakes with headache. RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. STAPF. - GOLDEN-FLOWERED RHODoDENDRON. ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, has been employed for affections that are excited by rough, tempestuous weather; Drawing, tearing in the joints and limbs; Lameness and stiffness; Redness; Swelling; Pains, most violent at night, and during rest; Gout; Chronic Rheumatism; Toothache; Hydrocele; Swelling of the testes, with drawing pains in the spermatic cord; White swelling of the knee; Pains in the lower limbs. Hempel names it for Rheumatic Asthma, and Rheumatic Ophthalmia. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Erratic pains of a tearing character in the limbs; Formication; Pricking; Creeping; Disagreeable sensation, as if a worm were creeping about the affected parts; Insensibility of parts; Paralytic sensation in the fingers and fore-arm; the skin and bones seem chiefly affected; Slight drawing and jerking, here and there, in different parts of the body; Drawing as if in the marrow; Sensa- tions and pains that subside and reappear as the weather becomes. rough, windy, or approaching thunder-storm. Head.—Headache early in the morning; Excessive headache, as if a weight oppressed the whole brain; the brain seemed to X 2 299 RHOD.] RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. press hard against the skull-bones; Aching pain in left half of forehead and temporal bone; Violent pain in right occiput, as if a hard body had been forced into the part; when walking, the brain seems shaken from all sides, especially above; Pains and tenderness in the bones of the cranium; Itching of the scalp. Eyes.—Sticking pain, as with a red-hot needle, in the right eyeball, from within outwards; Burning in the eyes when looking intently at daylight; Dryness and burning in the eyes; Burning when reading or writing; Periodical burning; Pains about the orbit; Pressure, with spasmodic contraction of the lids; Smarting in right eye; Pupil contracted; Sensation of gauze; Weakness of sight. Eyelids.-Swollen, red, agglutinated; Dampness of the eyes; Suppuration of the lids at might; Lachrymation in the open air ; Frequent twitching of the lids. Ears.-Humming, ringing; Sensation as if water were rushing in; Sensation in left, as of a worm creeping about ; Darting, beating, shooting in the left ear; Violent otalgia in the right outer ear in the morning—continued through the day; Stitches in right ear, from within outwards. - Teeth.--Toothache excited by thunder-weather; Affects one or two molars—always with pain in the ear; Drawing, cutting pain; Tearing in a hollow tooth; Pain in lower jaw all night. Mouth-Dryness of the whole buccal cavity; Scraping, scratch- ing sensation in the fauces—the part seems lined with mucus; Burning in the throat. - - Tongue.—Greenish coating, with bitter taste; Prickling, burn- ing; all things taste alike; Putrid, bitter taste, or taste of straw; Troublesome thirst. - - Abdomen.—Stitches in the spleen when walking; also in the evening, when at rest—so violent as to arrest the breath; Pinching, cutting, aching in the Epigastrium; the integuments of the abdomen are painful, as from blows. - Stool.—Constipation; Occasional diarrhoea after a meal, or from fruit, with sense of weakness in the stomach; Beating and crawling in the anus, as from ascarides. - Urine,—Increased; Pale, or clear, with a green tinge; generally an offensive acrid odour; Passed with burning. - Genital (Male).-Itching and sweat about the scrotum ; the testes are drawn up, swollen, and painful for many days; Contusive 300 RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. [RHOD, pain in the testes, with alternate drawing in one, then the other; Pain in the epididymis, which was tender to touch several days; Drawing, sticking in right testes and spermatic cord; a swelling of the testicle, that had existed for years, gradually decreased to the natural size after fourteen days; Swelling of the testes after sup- pressed Gomorrhoea, with Blenorrhoea; Hydrocele. Neck-Rheumatic pain and stiffness in nape, early morning, in bed; Painful sensation, as if the neck would swell. Back-Violent aching, drawing pain (right side), under the Scapula; it awoke him from sleep in the morning; when bending backward, he felt as if some one were plunging a knife through the chest to the back; Rheumatic pains between the scapula; Aching pain in the small of the back; Pain as if sprained or bruised; Large pustules appear on back and shoulders. Chest.—Oppression and constriction of the chest; Contractive pain in the chest ; Violent congestion of the chest—two days, more or less; the whole thorax feels sprained and bruised; Pain in the muscles of the chest; Aching pain deep in the chest, arresting the breath; Suppressed breathing, with suffocative sensation. Respiration.—Anxious, accelerated, with undulating sensation; Rushing of blood to the chest, with strong beating of the heart; Beating pain along the left elavicle, Upper Limbs.-Rheumatic pains in the shoulder; Digging pains in wrists; Tearing in right shoulder several evenings, in bed, disturbing the night's rest; Rheumatic pains in the fingers; Violent tearing in right shoulder-joint; Beating, drawing; Weak- mess in both arms, as if asleep; Formication; Puffiness of the hands. Lower Limbs,-Pain in right hip, as if sprained; Tearing pain from the thigh to the foot; Acute drawing in right thigh ; Weariness of the muscles, and heaviness of the thighs, when walking. Knees.—Drawing, tearing about the knees; Pain in right knee, as from a blow; Pain as if sprained; Cold swelling of the right knee, with pain down the leg; White swelling of the knee; Jerking sensation in right knee; Internal soreness of the joint; Pain in the tendo Achillis when stepping; Drawing pains in the malleolus externus. - Feet.—QEdematous swelling of the legs and feet; Cramp-like pains in the tarsal joints; Tingling in the feet and balls of the 301 RHUS RAD.] RHUS RADICANS. toes; Pain in the heels, rendering it difficult to walk; Stitches in COIIlS. Skin-Itching or gnawing in different parts when going to sleep; Anasarca; Various painful sensations in the skin; the joints become red, swollen, and painful; Erysipelatous redness of the fingers. - Rhod. has proved valuable in the pains of Syphilis, after a pro- longed course of Mercury. RHU S R A DIC ANS, CLIMBING POISON-IVY.* THIS remedy is quite analogous with the Rhus Tox., and may be expected to cure Rheumatism generally; also Rheumatic Head- ache; Erysipelas; Intermittent Fever; Inflammation of fibrous tissues. It may prove useful in treating Inflammation of the Tongue; Rheumatism of the Chest, Neck, and Back; Traumatic Inflammation of the Hand; Sprains; Neuralgia? Diabetes? De- bility; Fever, with Debility; Typhoid; Typhus conditions; Par- tial Palsy of the limbs; Faintness and Dyspnoea. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Melancholy; Mental depression; Great discouragement and apprehension about the future; Unfit for any mental labour. Head.-Vertigo; Confusion; Momentary loss of consciousness; the head feels as if it were swelling, and had become too large; Heaviness; Fulness; Semilateral pain in the temple; Pain over the eye; Continual dull pain in forehead; Headache, with nausea; the headache is worse when lying down—better after rising; Pain in vertex and nape of neck; Sensation as if the crown of the head were rising up ; Heat, pain, and throbbing in the head. * The Radicans is a climbing tree; grows from five to forty feet high; furnished with radicles, or root-like fibres, of a red-brown colour, by which it is sustained; and thus resembles Ivy: the leaves are smoother at the mar- gins than the Rhus Tox. 302 RHUS RADICANS. [RHUS RAD. Scalp.–Tender; Small elevations; Eruptions; Itching. Eyes.—Pain in the eyes when opening them; Itching at the inner canthus; Burning in the eyeballs; Lachrymation. Eyelids.--Smarting; Itching; Heat; Swelling and redness of the lids, with itching and burning; CEdema of the lids; Confusion of sight; Vision obscured; Dimness at candle-light. Ears.-Pain in one ear—small boil; Sensation as if the beat- ing of the heart and arteries were heard; Sound of rushing water. Nose.-Epistaxis; Frequent Smeezing; Nostrils excoriated and encrusted; Fluent Coryza, with copious secretion of mucus. Face.—Neuralgia; Pain in the left side of the face and lower jaw ; Erysipelas—burning, Smarting, heat, and redness; Boils; Pimples; Pustules; Vesicles; Pimples on the face and forehead; Large red pimple on the cheek; Eruptions at the angle of the mouth. - Teeth.-Transient throbbing in the teeth; Pains in carious teeth; Toothache, with flow of saliva. - Gums.-Inflamed; Tender; Sore, as if the mouth had bee scalded. Mouth.-Much increase of saliva; Air feels unusually cold in the mouth; Ulcers; Vesicles inside the mouth. Tongue.—Yellow coat; Burning; Pricking; Tongue feels dry, sore—especially as if scalded; the tip of the tongue feels sore or burnt; Vesicles at tip; Rough tongue. (The symptoms of the tongue were manifested very early.) - Throat—Pricking; Constriction; Irritation; Smarting; Sting- ing; Burning; Sense of excoriation; Rawness; Red ; Hot and swollen; Painful deglutition. Taste, Appetite.—Disagreeable; Bitter taste, or metallic; the appetite deficient, or lost. Eructations.—Empty; Nausea; Vomiting of tasteless water. Stomach.-Severe pain in stomach, with dizziness; Pain after food; Pressure and fulness at Epigastrium; Shooting, sharp pain; Stomach sensitive to pressure. Hypochondria.-Constriction and pain in left; Habitual, dull pain; Lancinations in right during inspiration. Abdomen.—Griping colic; Sharp pains; Shootings after drinking cold water; Colic that compels him to flex the trunk; Distention and flatus. Stool.—Constipation, with headache; Pale evacuations; Diar- 303 RHUS RAD.] - RHUS RADICANS, rhoea, with slimy, yellow stools ; Evacuations streaked with blood; Bright blood after a stool. - Anus.-Sore; Excoriated, especially after walking. . Urine.—Increased secretion and flow; Milky; Deep red, wit pink deposit; Pressure on the Bladder. Scrotum.—Inflamed and irritated by walking; Vesicles; Penis swollen; Bloated. Cough and Chest.—Dry cough ; Hacking cough, excited by tickling; Cough on movement or lying down; Pain in chest, near the nipple; Dull pain (left side); Pains that seem to proceed from the stomach; Pains worse on inspiration; Chest sensitive to pressure. - - Heart.—Palpitation of the heart, with fulness in the head. Neck.-Rigidity of the neck; Pain in the cervical muscles on motion—they feel tender; Pains in and between the Scapulaº. Back,-Pain across the loins and quadratus lumborum; Weak- ness in the whole spine; Aching in the back and in the renal region; Aching in the lumbar spine and ileum when lying down at night. Upper Limbs,-Severe pain in right shoulder and the acro- mion process; Pain in the deltoid; Fixed Rheumatism lasted several days; Numbness, and feeling of deadness in the arms and hands at night; Pain in the left upper arm, as though the muscles or ten- dons were strained; Pain in the left biceps and left elbow—also the ulnar edge of the right arm; Aching at the wrists, especially during exertion of the fingers; Numbness of the hands and fingers; Inflammation of the hands, with heat, redness, and swelling; Ery- sipelatous inflammation of the hands and fingers; Vesicles between the fingers; Scratches and injuries tend to inflame and suppurate. Lower Limbs,-Pain in the hip ; Soreness and excoriation about the nates; Cutaneous redness; Instability; Weakness, and feeling of heaviness in the limbs, when walking ; Lameness at the knee; Pain in one knee; Pain at the inside of one knee, near the patella—worse on moving the joint; Pains in the calf when walk- ing; Cramps in the calf when lying in bed, or extending the limb; Itching, red eruption on the legs (lower half), and about the ankles; Vesicles; Pains at the ankles; Weakness; Swelling, and lameness; Pains in the sole of the right foot ; Sharp pains in the feet; Coldness of the feet; Unusual coldness, with numbness. Sleep.–Sleepy by day, and early in the evening; Imperfect 304 - - RHUs ToxicodenDRON. [RHUS TOX. sleep at night, disturbed by frequent waking; Dreams of danger and horses; Fear on waking. Fever.—Chills, general or partial—generally in the back; Cold- ness of the extremities; Intermittent fever, every day, at one o'clock; Fever, with pain in the legs; Universal heat, with dry skin; Pulse frequent and small; Typhoid condition, with brown tongue, red tip; Vertigo, and pains in the limbs. Skin.—Itching, pricking, stinging; Hard, red eruptions; In- flamed tubercles, elevations, hard pimples; Pustules; Watery pimples; Vesicular eruptions—some disappear without rupture of the cuticle—others burst; Erysipelas, especially during hot weather; Small boils; Swelling of the lymphatic glands, Characters.-Wandering, rheumatic pains—first one part, then another; Excessive debility; General languor; Inclination to lie down. It seems to act on the brain, mucous membrane, skin, muscles, and tendons. The pains are worse when first beginning to move in the morning—relieved during the day, when occupied, and when walking in the open air; some of the sufferings were in- creased after drinking cold water. - RHUS TOXICODENDRON, HAHNEMANN. POISON-OAK. THIS powerful drug was first introduced into English practice by Dr. Alderson, of Hull, in 1793; who successfully treated some cases of Paralysis, Dyspepsia, many Stomach complaints, and Gout, with the powdered leaves of the plant. Dr. A. Duncan, however, gave it in large doses, and failed to cure—observing that it only acted as a gentle laxative. This might be accounted for in consequence of the clumsy mode of administration. The powdered leaves were, of course, dried, and the medicinal properties lost in most cases; while in a few it acted with immense power, producing Convulsions, and many untoward symptoms. Thus a very valuable medicine was cast aside as dangerous and useless, for the simple reason that the physicians of the period did not know how to use it. Now Hah- - 305 RHUS TOX.] RHUS ToxicodENDRON. nemann has come to the rescue. Thanks to his beautiful mode of preparation, we possess, in Rhus, a remedy of immense value, daily and hourly used by Homoeopathic practitioners, with almost un- varying success when properly selected and administered. It seems to have a powerful action on the cerebro-spinal system, both sensitive andmotor; also the Gangliónic nerves. Its salutary effects on the human body are especially manifested during a state of rest. Its action on the ligaments, tendons, serous mucous membranes, and the skin, is now tolerably well ascertained. According to recorded experience, Rhus will be found useful under the following conditions:—ACUTE AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, with or without swelling of the parts (provided always that the symptoms, and cor- responding state of the patient, will agree with the drug-proving); Sufferings caused by a heavy shower of rain, when in a state of perspiration; Evil consequences of bathing in cold water, or wet feet during the menses; Straining of tendons or single muscles; Swelling and induration of the glands in the parotid region; Para- lysis of the extremities; Vesicular and Phlegmonous Erysipelas; Pemphigus ; Moist eruptions on the hairy scalp; Impetigo; Swell- ing of the head and face; Inflammation of the eyelids; some states of typhoid and typhus fever. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Vexed about every trifle; Sadness, inducing a love of solitude; Weeps without cause; Dread of the future; Imagines some enemy will do him harm, or poison him; Anguish at heart in the afternoon. - . * - - Head.—Vertigo, as if about to fall; Sense of wavering or fluc- tuation, as if the brain were moving in the skull; Pain as if the brain were bruised; Stitching pains day and night; Tingling, painful sensation; Feeling of fulness. Scalp.–Swelling of the integuments, even to an enormous size; Small soft tumours; Tinea Capitis, eating away the Hair; Eruption that becomes covered with a greenish crust; Creeping, gnawing, tingling; Troublesome itching. Eyes.—Pain on moving the eyeball; Bruised pain in the orbit; Scrofulous Ophthalmia? Burning, Smarting; Swelling of the whole eye, and its coverings; Inflammation of the lids, with s 306 * RHUS TOXICODENDRON. [RHUS TOX, redness and agglutination. (According to Dudgeon, it is very valuable in affections of the Eye.) - Face.—Red, swollen; Erysipelatous inflammation, with burn- " ; ing, tingling; Vesicular Erysipelas, with yellow serum; Acne Rosacea around the mouth and chin; Cracking or setting in the articulation of the jaw when eating or speaking; Spasmodi action of the masseters. - Mouth.-Dry, with thirst, or copious flow of saliva. Tongue—Dry, bright-red, or glazed, brownish—not coated; it feels as if covered with a skin. - Throat.—Pressure; Stinging; Shooting, or dryness; Difficult deglutition; Pain on swallowing, as if the muscles of the pharynx and the oesophagus contracted on the food. - Taste.—Bitter the whole day; Taste of Copper; Putrid; Greasy, with thirst; Appetite lost; Dislike to bread, meat, and coffee; Desire chiefly for cold water, or milk and dainties. Stomach-Sensation of coldness; Pressure at pit as if the stomach were swollen, affecting respiration; Sense of ulceration; Sensation as if something had given way when making a false step; after a meal, a lump seems to lie there; Violent throbbing, or stitches. Abdomen.—Contractive spasms; Colic at night; Digging, jerking, pinching—aggravated by food or drink; Distention; Scarlet colour of the skin of abdomen. - Stool.—Tenesmus; Diarrhoea at night; Obstinate diarrhoea; Frothy, mucous, gelatinous, white, or yellow; Involuntary evacuation. Urine.—Retention; Wetting the bed, in strumous children; Involuntary flow in old persons, from paralysis of the sphincter; Frequent and urgent desire. Deposit—White. Chest.—Sense of tightness; Oppression; Contraction, so as to render inspiration difficult; Stitches in the chest and in the sides; Tingling. - - - Heart.—Trembling, with sense of weakness; Shooting pain, with torpidity, and sense of paralysis in left arm. Neck and Back,-Pain and stiffness in the cervical region; Pains in the dorsal region, and across the loins, as from a strain; Pains in back as if bruised; Tearing between the scapula; Swell- ing of the axillary and parotid glands. Upper Extremities.—Tearing, burning in the shoulder, with 307 RUTA.] - RUTA GRAVEOLENS. lameness of the arm; Erysipelatous swelling of the arm; Burning, pricking below the axilla; Burning and itching pustules; Cold- ness; Insensibility of the arm; Vesicles on the wrists; Smarting cracks on the back of the hands. Lower Extremities.—Sensation as if the joints were sprained; Aching pain in the hip-joints at every step; Paralysis of the lower limbs; Cramp in the calves; Cramp-like pressure in the legs; Heaviness in the legs; Painless swelling of the feet; Inflammation and swelling of the instep (erysipelatous), with vesicles and pimples; Red blotches on the balls of the toes; Heels red, painful. CHARACTERISTIC OF RHUS TOX. The Rheumatism of Rhus Tox. is characterised by rigidity and pain on first moving the joints after rest. Motion relieves the pain; but frequently the pains are greatly, increased during rest, and when warm in bed. Notwithstanding this, rest is absolutely neces- sary to promote the curative action. - Dr. Neidhard states, that the Rheumatism cured by Rhus is as follows:—“Rigidity; Paralytic weakness of the joints; Stinging in the tendons and muscles; Swelling and redness about the joints, especially the hip and wrist. (The greatest rigidity and pain are felt on first moving the joint after rest, and on awaking in the morning).” & RUTA GRAWE0LENS, HAHNEMANN. GARDEN RUE. THIS remedy is sometimes used for Affections of the Eye; Am- blyopia and Amaurosis; Injuries of the Bones; Rheumatic para- lysis of the wrists, hands, ankles, and feet; Pains in the Bones. Hempel and Jahr advise it for Giddiness, with confused vision; Tottering gait; Fainting debility; Cold skin; Pulse 30; Gastric irritation; Womiting; Worms in Children; Menstrual Irregu- larities; Menorrhagia; Chronic Pneumonia, with suppuration from injury. w - 308 RUTA GRAVEOLENs. [RUTA. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.* Ailments that occur from an injury; Pains that follow a fall; Bruises; Contusions; Pains in the bones and periosteum, that are Gnawing or Burning in character. The pains are increased during rest, and when sitting—relieved by motion; and worse in damp, cold weather. - Mind,-He feels low-spirited; Indulges in melancholy and sad thoughts; Weary of life; Peevish ; Ill-humour. Head-Sudden attacks of giddiness when sitting; Vertigo early in the morning, when rising; Violent Vertigo when walking in the open air; Heaviness in the forehead, as if a weight were lying there; Pressure on the whole brain, with nervousness and restlessness; Beating pain in the head. Scalp.–Corrosive itching of the scalp; Violent tearing pain, which is followed by a tumour the size of a walnut ; Humid scurf on the scalp. Eyes.—Confused sight, as looking through a mist (Jahr); IPainful, as from exerting them too much by reading or fine work; Weakness of the eyes, as from too much reading; Incipient Amaurosis, with misty sight, and darkness for distant objects; Sensation as if there were not sufficient light; Pressure and pain in the Eyeballs; Considerable lachrymation in the open air; Muscae Wolitantes. Eyelids.--Spasmodic movement of the lower lid; followed by a flow of water, lasting one hour and a-half. Nose.—Bleeding from the nose, with sense of pressure at the root; Pain as if a plug were bored through it transversely. Face.—Numb pain in the facial Bones, as from a blow ; Pains in the Malar Bone—a species of intermittent Neuralgia (Teste); Acne Rosacea (with Rhus Tox.) - - Tongue.—Spasm of the tongue, with difficult speech. Stomach,-Lancinating pains at pit; Pinching pain after Bread and Butter; Eructations; Frequent Hiccough; Sudden nausea while eating, with vomiting of the ingesta; when begin- ning to eat, there is tension and oppression in the chest and Epigastric region; Food tastes dry and flat; Unquenchable desire for cold water in the afternoon; Burning; Gnawing in the stomach. * See Urinary Symptoms and Prolapsus Ani. 309 RUTA.] f*.* RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Hepatic Region.—Aching, gnawing pain in the region of the liver; Beating, pricking under the left short ribs—increased by pressure, and arresting the breath at night. Spleen.—Painful swelling of the spleen. . . . Abdomen.—Severe stitches in the abdominal muscles; Cold- mess in the umbilical region, with sensation as if something were detached from that part; Cutting colic pains; Pinching; Aching, as from worms; Bruise-like pains (Jahr). - Stool.—Hard, scanty, like sheep's dung; Difficult expulsion as from want of power, the faeces being large; Frequent desire, with protrusion of the rectum; much flatus; the rectum pro- lapses easily, even when stooping, but is replaced without pain; Lancinations in rectum when sitting; Tearing pain in the rectum and urethra. Urine.—Small quantity; Frequent at night, and during mo- tion in the day; Excessive urging as if it could not be retained, yet only a few drops are emitted; Immediately after micturition the bladder feels filled, and moves up and down; Feeling of pres- sure in the bladder; Sense of spasm at the neck; Frequent urging, with discharge of green urine; Gravel. Genital.—Increased desire; Nocturnal emissions. Menses.—Too early and profuse ; Irregular, followed by a mild leucorrhoea; Corrosive leucorrhoea after the menses; Menorrhagia. Chest and Lungs.-Gnawing, burning pains in the chest; Compression in the lower part of the Chest at night; Ulceration of the lungs after mechanical injuries; Violent Cough, with expectoration of thick, yellow mucus, and sense of weakness in the Chest ; Tenderness of the sternum; Anxious; Palpitation of the heart. - Back,-Pains, as if caused by a bruise from a fall, in the dorsal region; Pain in the dorsal vertebræ, affecting the breathing; Drawing, aching pain in right side of dorsal spine, opposite the liver—very severe during inspiration. Upper Limbs.-Intense pain in the shoulder-joint, as if sprained; Tearing in the bones; Bruise-like pain in the Ulna; Pain in the wrist-joints, as if sprained or bruised; Pain and weak- ness of the wrists on lifting anything; Numbness and tingling in the hands; Contraction of the fingers. - Lower Limbs,-Pain in the bones of the hip-joint, as from a bruise, during motion; they feel bruised to the touch; he cannot 310 SABADILLA. [SABAD, bend double (this bruised feeling extends to the anterior femoral region); Weakness and weariness after walking; During a walk he staggers from side to side; his legs do not support him; the thighs especially feel weak; when going up or down stairs, his knees give way; Tremulousness in the knees; Beating pain in left tarsal joint ; Burning and corrosive pain in the bones of the feet during rest ; Burning pains in the toes. º Fever.-Shuddering of the whole body; Chilly shuddering in the back; Coldness, descending along the whole vertebral column. Secondly—Frequent flushes of heat, extending over the whole body, in the afternoon, with anxiety, as if he would die; Great heat in the face; no thirst ; Tongue rough, dry—coated white. Skin-Chafing of the skin; Inflamed ulcers; Warts. SABA DILLA, STAPF. INDIAN CAUSTIC BARLEY. THIS remedy has chiefly been used in fevers—Intermittent fevers, with thirst during the interval between the cold and hot stage; Fever, setting in at the same hour every day; Chilliness comes on about 5 o'clock, P.M., or in the evening, when in bed; Quotidian fever every day, about 4 o'clock (in a boy); Obstinate quartan fever; Worm fever; Taenia. - The tincture has been employed externally for Pediculus; Neu- ralgic Rheumatism (Hempel); Influenza (Jahr). SYMPTOMS. The pains of Sabadilla seem to be of a drawing character, espe- cially affecting the muscles, bones, and joints; Pain that affects the interior of the bones, and feel as if being scraped or cut with a sharp knife; more violent towards afternoon, and increased by cold; Weariness and heaviness in the limbs, that compel him to lie down; Sensitiveness to cold; the headache, pains in the chest and limbs, are frequently felt—first on the right, then on the left side; Burning, creeping in the skin. - * 311 SABAI).] SABADILLA. Mind.—Gloomy; Anxious; Restlessness; Great anguish; Rage. Head.—Vertigo, as if everything were turning, with gloominess; Painful pressure in right temple, from within outward; Oppressive sensation that produces a reeling, staggering; Headache, induced by continued attention; Constant headache—a sort of tension. Scalp.–Stinging in the scalp; Burning pain; Itching as from Vermin—he scratches until it bleeds; Tinea Capitis. Face,—Heat; Redness; Flushes of heat; it looks fiery red. Eyes.—Painful drawing in the eyeballs; Blue ring round the eyes; Burning sensation; Lachrymation from strong light. : Ears.--Pain, with snapping like electric sparks; Humming; Buzzing; Sense of obstruction. Nose.—Bleeding from the nose—profuse; Violent sneezing ; Fluent Coryza ; Lumps of mucus—yellow, greenish. Teeth and Jaws.--Toothache; Beating; Drawing; Beating, jerking in the muscles of left upper jaw; Pain and tenderness, with swelling of the lower jaw. - Mouth-Dry, without thirst; Saliva astringent, metallic. Tongue.—Coated yellow; Feels sore, as if full of blisters; Burning at tip; Feels scalded. Throat.—Sense of constriction, scraping, or of a soft body lodged in the throat; Sensation as of a vapour rising, with bitter- ness, like Heartburn. Taste.-Bitter taste, or sweetish; Burning; rather repulsive taste. Appetite.—Aversion to meat; Desire for cold water, milk, or beer; Ravenous desire for sweets, honey, &c. Nausea.—Desire to vomit, even at the sight of boiled food; (Idiosyncratic P); Retching; Vomiting of worms. Stomach.-Feeling of emptiness; Below the pit, pain on pres– sure; Horrid burning in the stomach, that oppressed the breathing; Burning that ascended up the CEsophagus to the throat. - Liver.—Pains in the liver, as if scraped. Abdomen.—Cutting pain as with knives; Burning Colic, that urges him to stool; Pain as if from worms; Red spots on Abdo- men and Chest, the size of a pin's head. .. Stool.-Slippery liquid, of mucus and blood, or brown, fer- mented; Copious evacuation, with pain about the Umbilicus; Burning of anus; Titillation from worms. Urine,—Increased, mixed with blood; or but little, which 312 - - SABINA. = -- [SABI. becomes thick and turbid, like loam-water; Burning in the urethra, with urging to urinate; only a few drops pass. Larynx–Hoarseness; Wheezing during inspiration; Cough, with scraping in the throat ; Deep, dull cough; Short cough immediately on lying down. Respiration.—Short, difficult; Wheezing; Oppression, as from a stone; Shortness of breath the whole day. Chest.—Burning, as if he had swallowed hot water; Sticking pains in the chest; Prickings in the chest. Heart.—Palpitation, with throbbing in all the arteries; Pain from the right shoulder into the chest; the blood seemed to be arrested in its circulation, as by a bandage. Upper Limbs.-Convulsions of the arms; Spasmodic jerks; Trembling of the hands when writing, as from weakness; Cramp in the hands and fingers—they become stiff and crooked. Lower Limbs.-Violent pains, and stinging in the thighs; Heaviness of the feet; Sweating of the soles; Painful swelling of the feet; Tenderness; she feels every stone when walking. Sleep.–Restless; Unrefreshing; Disturbed by dreams. Fever.—Chiefly manifested by chilliness; Heat intermittent; little or no thirst; the heat is chiefly in the face and hands; the sweating stage is accompanied by sleep. SABINA, starr. * SAVIN. ACCORDING to Noack and Trinks, has been employed, with success, for Painful Congestions of the Uterus; Metrorrhagia; Miscarriage in the third month; Discharge of dark coagula. It prevented Miscarriage in the third and fourth month, even when labour- pains had set in. It facilitates the expulsion of the Placenta: will be useful in Menorrhagia, after Miscarriage or Parturition; Arte- rial Metrorrhagia, with discharge of florid blood; Debilitating menses, with Abdominal Spasms; Pains after delivery ; Beating, throbbing toothache; Gout in the big Toe; Humid condylomata cured in one case, where Thuja failed. - - * Y 313 SABI] . e SABINA. SYMPTOMS. Pulsative sensation in the Arteries, almost jerking; Heaviness; Weakness in the body—compelled to lie down ; Aching, burning pain, with swelling of the toe; Cracking in the joints. Head.-Pressure and dulness; Frequently-recurring pain in the right frontal eminence; Aching pain in the right and left temporal bones; Stabbing pain, as if a knife were plunged several times into the right frontal eminence, deep in the brain; Beating headache, with heaviness and stupefaction. Teeth.--Tearing pains in the roots of the molars; Pains in the lower teeth when chewing; Toothache in the evening and at night, as if the tooth would be shattered; Beating; Pressing from within outwards; Swelling of the gums; the pains are aggravated by warmth. - Abdomen.—Writhing and pinching in the umbilical region; Painful drawing towards the genital organs; Severe stitches in the hypogastrium, from without inwards; Cutting pains in the bowels; Pain of constriction; Aching pain in the renal region; Pains in the lumbar region, resembling weak labour-pains; Bruised pain in the abdominal muscles, in the evening, in bed. Stools.-Diarrhoea; Liquid, slimy, or discharge of bloody mucus; Stitches in the anus; Haemorrhoids painful in the morning. Urine.—Copious emission of urine; Dark-yellow, with burning pains in the vesica; Urethra inflamed, painful; Gomorrhoeal dis- charge. Genital (Male)-Hard, painless swelling on the dorsum of the penis; Figwarts became painful; Swelling of the fraenulum; Unable to draw back the fore-skin; Pains in the testes and right spermatic cord; Frequent erections. - - - Menses.—Copious—three or four times more than usual, without pain; she passed clots after rising up ; the os tincae is open, and the discharge of blood (red) very profuse during motion; Haemorrhage from the uterus; Haemorrhage after parturition or miscarriage. - * Leucorrhoea. — Starch-like, yellowish; Foetid; Leucorrhoea during suppression of the menses; Itching of the pudenda. Larynx,−Tickling in the larynx, exciting a cough, with slimy expectoration; Frequent hawking of mucus. - 314 SAMBUCUS. - ISAMB. Chest and Respiration.—Painless shortness of breath during rest and motion; the chest feels dilated, and sense of slight oppres- sion; Pain, with pressure at mid-sternum—not increased by in- spiration nor expiration; Aching pain in the whole sternum— increased by inspiration ; Sensation as if the sternum were curved inwards, and pressed into the chest; the part is tender to touch; Painless trembling; Tremor behind the sternum by day, produc- ing a crackling, Snapping sound, like electric sparks; Intermittent stitches in the clavicular region. Back,-Drawing pains in the small of the back, extending into the pubic region; Pain in the vertebrae. Upper Limbs.-Pains in right shoulder-joint, as if sprained; Paralytic tearing in the arm and hand; Pains in the elbow-joint and right ulna—increased by contact or motion; Cracking of the joints. - Lower Limbs.-Pains in the bones of the feet; Painful draw- ing in the joints of the toes; Painful swelling of the great toe ; Sharp stitches in the heels, from within outwards. SAMBU CUS, HAHNEMANN. * ELDER. IS generally prescribed for Excessive Sweats; some conditions, in children, resembling Croup, with difficult breathing, threatening suffocation and paralysis of the lungs; Deep, hollow, croup-like Cough, with fever; Catarrh in infants; Suffocative Catarrh ; Asthma of Millar; Cough, with saltish sputa; Dyspnoea; Emacia- tion; OEdema of the feet; Angina Pectoris. SYMPTOMS. Tremulousness of the whole body; General rushing of blood; Trembling of the hands when writing; Dropsy % Mind.—Great tendency to start, even at things he sees con- stantly; Ill-humour. - Y 2 315 SANG.] SANGUINARIA CANADENsis. Head.—Dizziness, as if intoxicated, or the head full of water; Lancinations; Aching or tearing pains in forehead. º Eyes.-Pupils much contracted—afterwards dilated. Nose.-Pressure, as if it would bleed; Stoppage from thick IIll ICUIS, Ear.—Sharp stitches in right ear, with cramp-like pain. Face,—Bluish; Bloated, or pale; Livid; Red spots on the cheeks. Abdomen.--Pinching; Bruise-like pain, as after taking cold; Stitches in the muscles; Spasmodic, tearing pains. Urine,—Frequent desire; Profuse flow; bright yellow; Swell- ing of the scrotum (QEdematous). Menses.—Profuse flow, like Metrorrhagia. Larynx,-Hoarseness, with much tenacious mucus in the trachea; Angina; Violent dyspnoea; Fits of suffocation after mid- night—awaking from sleep with blueness of the face and hands; Angina Pectoris. - Back-Aching pain at mid-spine, long-continued—not re- lieved by motion; Throbbing; Cutting; Stitches under the Scapula, and both sides of the neck. - Limbs,-Heaviness; Drawing pains; Stitches; Pain in hip- joint; Weariness of the legs; OEdema of the feet. Dr. Teste states, that it is suitable for weakly, nervous children, that perspire readily; liable to stoppage of the nose, and sensitive to currents of air: for adults who are tall, slender, pale; subject to night-sweats. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS, AMERICAN REMEDIES. INDIAN PUccoon—BlooD-Root. THIS drug appears to exercise some power on the Brain, Nervous System, and Stomach. Large doses produce depression of the pulse; Burning in the stomach; Faintness; Dimness of sight; and prostration. It is chiefly prescribed, in America, for Sick Headache, especially when the attacks occur periodically, every week 316 SANGUINARLA CANADENSIS. [SANG. or ten days, commencing in the morning, and continuing all day. The pains are digging, piercing, or throbbing; affecting the top of the head and forehead—worse on the right side, accompanied by chilliness, nausea, vomiting of food, Bile, or green water: the sufferings are greatly increased by movement—relieved by rest and sleep; Catarrhal affections; Dry, obstinate Cough; Affections of the Chest and Respiration; Nasal Polypi (internal and external employment of the remedy); Loss of smell; Söre throat, with sensation of swelling; Angina; Rheumatic pains in the limbs; Swelling of the joints; Burning in the hands and feet at night; Haemorrhoids? A case of Paralysis of the right side is said to have been cured by the tincture. Also a case of Vertigo, that was induced by looking upwards, or quickly turning the head. We cannot, however, attach much importance to single cases: it is necessary, to make these remedies valuable, that they should be confirmed by many cures. For Gastritis, it is thought to resemble Arsenic in producing the burning and prostration, thirst, pain, vomiting, with redness of the tongue. According to Dr. Hunt (America), it will give satisfaction in most forms of Indigestion, where there is a deficiency of the Gastric juice; Loss of Appetite; Nausea; Heartburn; Torpid liver; Headache; Vomiting of bitter, greenish fluids; Heat in the stomach; Eructations, &c. But, to effect cures, the potencies must be administered, SYMPTOMS. General weakness, with feeble, irregular pulse and palpitation; a quickly diffused, transient, but very peculiar nervous thrill is felt, extending to the most minute extremity; Muscular pains. Mind.—Hopeful; Sanguine of recovery; such feelings as are manifested in phthisis; or extremely morose disposition. Head.—Beating headache, with vomiting; Vertigo on quickly turning the head; Vertigo, with pain in the ear; Pains in the tem- poral region, with distention of the veins. Face.—Burning heat; Redness of the cheeks and ears; Coryza, with raw, sore throat; Pain in the breast; Dry cough and diarrhoea ; Influenza P Throat.—Sense of swelling in the throat; Heat, burning; Ulcerated sore throat; Angina; Pharyngitis; he feared the swelling would suffocate him. 317 SARSA) SARSAPARILLA. - Tongue.—White-coated tongue; feels burnt, or sore, as from a * boil. Stomach.-Heartburn, nausea, vomiting; Heat and burning in stomach, with headache; Bitter vomiting ; Stomach inflamed ? Abdomen.—Pains in left Hypochondrium; Flatulent disten- tion; Colic; Cramp-like pains. - Stool.--Diarrhoea after catarrh, or pains in the chest; Dy- sentery P - Urine.—Frequent; Copious; Gomorrhoea P Menses.—Painful; Scanty, or suppressed, with nausea, pains in the loins, hypogastric and iliac regions, extending into the thighs. Chest.—Typhoid pneumonia; Difficult respiration; Face and hands livid; Pulse soft, easily compressed; Pains in the breast, with cough; Acute stitch in the right breast; Burning in the chest. Neck and Back.-Stiffness at nape; Pain on right side, as if sprained; Rheumatic pains in neck, shoulders, and arms; Pain in the sacrum, caused by lifting (cured); Acute swelling of the joints, with Rheumatism. - Fever.-Chill, with headache; Pain under the scapulae; Heat, flying from head to stomach; Sensation as if hot water were being poured from the chest into the abdomen; it reduces the beats of the pulse from 112 to 80. - Skin.-Itching; Nettle-rash; Warts; Old, indolent ulcers, with callous borders and ichor; Jaundice. SARSA PARILL A. HAHNEMANN. SARSAPARILLA. HAHNEMANN states, “that the Genuine Brown Sarsaparilla, which grows in Hayti, is a very powerful drug; but the medicinal powers of dry drugs cannot be completely extracted by alcohol; therefore, you must take the dry root, and triturate with sugar of milk, in the usual way. Sarsa, removes the following affections —Nausea; Blood with stool; Cold feet previous to going to bed; Sweat on the forehead in the evening, when in bed; Dry Coryza, of years' standing; Paralytic weariness in the hands and feet.”. 3.18 SARSAPARILLA. [SARSA. From other sources we find Sarsa. prescribed for Rheumatic pains that occur after suppressed Gonorrhoea; Chronic Gout, with scanty secretion of urine; Gravel; Stone in the bladder; Mercurial disease, especially mercurial ulcers; Crusta lactea; Chronic erup- tions on the skin and Genital organs; Emaciation. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Desponding; Weeping; Unhappy; Dreads labour; Ill- humour; a fly on the wall vexes him ; Easily offended. Head.—Heaviness in the forehead; Dull, stupid feeling; Weak- ness, as after fever; Vertigo—he suddenly fell on the floor uncon- scious; the throat was swollen ; sour eructations before and after the fit; at night a sweat broke out ; Pressure as of a load in the head and left forehead; Pressure, with frequent stitches (morning); Violent pressure; Cramp-like stitches; Tearing ; Lancination; Beating pulsation; Humming. Scalp.–Itching of the scalp; Falling-off of the hair. Eyes.—Pain in the eyes by candle-light; Pressure in the eye- ball when reading ; Stitching in the eye when closing the lids; Burning in the eyelids; Aching pain; Violent burning and agglu- tination in the morning, early; Inflamed, dry eyelids; Twitchings in right upper lid; Sight dim, as looking through a gauze or fog. Ears.-Violent pressure, extending to the temple; Painful contraction; Ulcerative pain deep in the ear; Inflammation and swelling of a gland below the right ear; Suppuration ; Burning, itching scurf on the lobules. Nose.—Itching eruption, as by an acrid discharge, under the nose; Eruption in the left nostril; Bleeding, with sensation of small bubbles bursting within; Epistaxis. - Face.—Heat in face; Sweat on forehead, with heat in ches and back; Pains in the masseters; Stiffness in the jaws; Contusive pain in face and lower orbits; Stinging, itching in face and Scalp; Pale-red, elevated, rough spots on forehead, the size of lentils; Boil on the cheek—inflamed, burning, tearing pain—forms a thick Scurf. Lips.-Herpes, vesicles; Painful, as if pricked with pins; Pim- ples on the chin, filled with pus. Jaws and Teeth.-Pain as if broken; Toothache, right side; Tearing in the teeth and roots, from cold air or drink; Pain and lancination in the gums. - 319 SARSA.] SARSAPARILLA. Mouth.-Aphtha on the tongue and palate; Dry throat; Sen- sation as of a blister—it caused pain in the ear during deglu- tition. Taste.—Sweet taste, like liquorice-root, several days; Bad taste, like herbs; Metallic ; Flat, Sweetish, or slimy—in the throat; Bitter taste. Appetite.—No appetite; no hunger; no thirst; his stomach seemed to be insensible; Constant eructations; Bitter, with bitter taste after soup; Nausea at the thought of food—a disagreeable vapour rises, with dulness in the head; Nausea and faintness after dinner. Stomach-Feeling of distention; Aching pain at pit—increased by contact; Cramp-like sensation; Heat ; Constriction. Abdomen.—Pain in left hypochondria, as if bruised; Contrac- tive pain in the intestines, with rumbling, and feeling of diarrhoea; Frequent cramps; Empty, hollow feeling after breakfast ; Violent pinching, followed by contraction of the sphincter ani; Painful pressure from without inwards, at left side of abdomen, at a small spot—aggravated by deep breathing; Emission of foetid flatus. Stool.—Desire, but no stool; Contraction and pressure from above downwards, for some minutes; the faeces are then passed, with tearing and cutting pain in the rectum, which feels pressed out—he can scarcely sit still from the pain; Violent and constant tenesmus—yet the stool is soft, but the rectum feels contracted; Fainting fit during the stool; Corrosive burning in rectum; Ulcer at anus, that bursts with pain, and emits pus. Urine,—Frequent desire, with scanty emission; a quantity of pale urine, with gravel-like deposit; two or three micturitions during the night—profuse each time; Burning during micturition, with emission of oblong flocks. - - - Bladder.—Severe tenesmus, as from gravel, with discharge of white acrid matter and mucus; Constriction. Urethra.-Burning in the whole urethra at every micturition; Sensation of scraping; Sharp, cutting stitches; Discharge of pus (yellow), with redness, and inflammation of the glans; and even- ing fever, with shivering. Genital (Male).-Intolerable stench from the parts; Herpes on the fore-skin; Painful emissions almost every night; Libidinous feelings, with emissions. Menses.—Delayed, or scanty—acrid, with burning inside the 320 SARSAPARILLA. [SARSA, thighs; Pinching in Abdomen; Griping in stomach; Eruption on forehead before and during the menses; Mucous leucorrhoea when walking. Catarrh. — Dry Coryza, without sneezing; Air cannot pass through the nose; Violent day-cough, with titillation in the throat, and burning in the nose; Foetid breath; Dyspnoea; Painful con- striction in the chest, and pain on deep inspiration. - Chest.—Stitches in the middle or right half of the chest; Tension in the external chest wall, as if the muscles were too short; the nipples wither. - Heart.—Almost continual palpitation, with anxiety. Neck.-Tension in nape during motion; Tearing pain, that ex- tends across the vertex to the forehead; Continual violent drawing stitches in the right cervical region, clavicle, and Hyoid bone; Swelling of the right side of the neck, painful to touch. Upper Limbs.-Tearing from the shoulder to the hands; Paralytic pain in right shoulder; Pain in Elbow, as if a tendon had been strained; Pain in the fore-arms; Pain in wrist, as if sprained; Cold hands and tips of the fingers; Herpes and Rhagades on the hands and fingers, or thumb. - Lower Limbs.-Stitching pain in right os ileum, in every position; Weary, bruised feeling in hip-joints; Tearing in the thigh and near the knee; Stiffness and contraction of the right leg; Cramp down the tibia to the toes; Stitching, throbbing pain in the sole of foot when sitting; Tension in the right heel, and muscles of the toes; Swelling of the feet; Cold feet; Swelling of the toes; Tearing pain in right great toe, - OTHER SYMPTOMS. Drawing pains in the scapula; Pains in back—violent when stooping; Drawing pains in various parts of the body; Itching, stinging; Burning, itching, with chills; Pimples the size of a pin's head; Blotches, as from nettles, in various parts; Rash, that appears on going from a warm room into the cold air; Pustules, that form ulcers and suppurate; Herpes on every part; Warts. “Paralytic tearing in all the joints and limbs, accompanied with trembling in the hands and feet, tearing in the head, and pinching in the abdomen; great lassitude of the lower limbs— sometimes with rigidity; Emaciation; Sadness.”—(Jahr.) 321 4. SEGA.J. SECALE CORNUTUM. SEC ALE CORN UTU M. NOACK AND TRINKS. o ERGOT OF RYE. THE value of the Ergot, for its action on the uterus, is well estab- lished in Allopathic practice. It produces powerful and con- tinual contractions of that organ in ten or twenty minutes after administration; sometimes preceded by a fit of vomiting; after which the vagina secretes a considerable amount of mucus. The contractions continue until the uterus is empty, and even after. The chief danger of these doses is to place the life of the child in jeopardy; the mortality being above 10 per cent. when the Ergot is employed. It has been stated, that if expulsion take place very soon after the administration of the drug, the chances of fatality are greatly diminished. For Homoeopathic tincture, the utmost care should be observed in selecting the specimen when the grain is ripe. * Secale is chiefly advised for some of the following conditions:— Menstrual Colic, with labour-like pains; Pale, cold face; Cold extremities and small pulse; or with pressure on the bladder and rectum; Tenesmus; Violent flooding from the Uterus, the blood having a foetid smell; Putrescence of the womb ; Passive Metrorrhagia in feeble, cachectic women; Metrorrhagia after parturition; Metritis; Polypus; Threatened miscarriage (thir- tieth potency); Profuse venous haemorrhage from the nose, mouth, lungs, stomach, and kidneys; Gastric and Bilious affections; Obstinate Diarrhoea, with great prostration; Cholera, with painful cramps in the abdomen, chest, and limbs; Diarrhoea of infants at the breast; Neuralgia of the voluntary muscles and genital organs; Spasms from fright; Tetanus; Epilepsy at night, with heaviness in the head and hypogastric region; Debility and Constipation, in connexion with uterine disease; Trembling of the limbs; Apo- plexy ; Gangrene; Senile gangrene; Softening of the stomach; Palpitation of the Heart; Respiration feeble; Vomiting of preg- nancy. * Hempel states that Secale will poison the very fountains of life. He generally points to the 200th potency as efficient. : 322. SECALE CORNUTUM. [SECA. SYMPTOMS. Mind. —Spirits low, desponding; Melancholy; Anguish; Anxiety; Dread of death; Stupor, with prostration; Mania, with Violence and Rage—he would kill those around him. Head. — Vertigo; Intoxication; Reeling, with dulness of hearing and sight; Congestion of blood to the head; Stupid look. Eyes.—Pupil much contracted or dilated; Spasmodic con- traction; Contortion of the eyes; Frightful contortion, with closing of the pupil; the eyes roll; Wild, staring look; he sees things double and threefold; Light obscured; Spots and mistiness. Ears.-Humming and roaring in the ears; Deafness. Nose.—Epistaxis; Profuse flow of water; Coryza. Face.—Wretched look—pale, sunken; Sallow, sunken eyes; Yellowish complexion; Livid spots on the face; Swelling of the face. - Jaws and Teeth.-Trismus; Looseness ; Falling out of the teeth; Grinding the teeth. Mouth-Distorted; Frequent biting of the tongue; Spas- modic movements of the mouth and tongue; Foam—yellow, greenish, or of blood; a clear fluid accumulates. Tongue.—Painful tingling; Swelling; Yellow, white; Dry, thick, viscid coating; Brown or Black tongue; Semi-paralysis of the tongue; Unable to speak distinctly; Stammering. Taste, Appetite.—Bitter, spoiled taste; Aversion to food; Thirst, with dryness of the throat. Secondly—Hunger; Bulimy; Canine hunger, with weak intellect. - Stomach.-Eructations acid; Heartburn; Nausea; Vomiting of mucus or acid substances; Bile ; Black Bile, or Blood; Lum- brici, or Ascarides; Feeling of emptiness in the stomach ; Con- stant retching, with pain, pressure, and oppression; Constriction in epigastrium; Inflammation, followed by Gangrene of the stomach, liver, and lungs. Abdomen.—Violent Colic, even convulsive, with pain in back and thighs; Cutting, tearing in the abdomen; Feeling of cold- ness in back and abdomen; Distention; Rumbling; Burning in the abdomen, spleen, and loins; Hepatitis, terminating in Gan- grene. Stool.-Painful Diarrhoea, with great prostration; Putrid; Foetid; Colliquative, watery, or mucous; Involuntary Diarrhoea; -- 323 SELEN.] . SELENIUM. also in Children, resembling Cholera; the features suddenly change; Eyeballs sunk—margins blue; Nausea; Vomiting; Watery, slimy evacuations; Shrivelled skin; Burning in stomach; Voice hollow ; Urine suppressed; Cramps; Feeble pulse; Un- quenchable thirst. Urine.--Suppression; Difficult, with constant urging in the bladder—it came out in drops, having a copious, thick, red de- posit, tingeing the vessel. Menses.—Too long and profuse, with violent spasms; Conges- tion of blood to the uterus; Metrorrhagia; Moles; Polypus; Cancer and Gangrene of the Uterus; Diseases of pregnancy and parturition. (It is often alternated with Calcarea in affections of the ovaries and uterus.) - Chest.—Dyspnoea; Oppression; Slow inspirations (thirteen per minute), with anxiety; Asthma. Heart.-Violent palpitation; Intermittent pulse; Spasmodic throbbing of the heart. Limbs.-Weak; Weary; Great languor; Violent pains; Slowly-progressing contractions; Spasmodic pains; Drawing or tearing in the limbs and joints; Tingling; Trembling of the limbs; Coldness; Formication; Numbness; Rigidity; Paralysis; Gangrene. SELENIUM. HAs been chiefly prescribed in some obstinate cases of secondary Gonorrhoea, with weakness of the sexual powers; Dribbling of the urine, from relaxation of the fibres at the sphincter; and, probably, disease of the Prostate, in old men; Nervous headache; Gastritis; Chronic disease of the liver; Fluent Coryza. Dr. Neidhard has cured several cases of Gonorrhoea after the inflammation had been subdued, the discharge being yellow, thick, and copious. He advises it especially for those who are predis- posed to tubercle and pulmonary consumption. - Dr. Hering advises it for complaints of females at the critical age. 324 - SELENIUM. [SELEN. SYMPTOMS. Head.—Giddiness; when rising from a seat he fears he must fall; Vertigo, with fainting, an hour after breakfast or dinner; he sweats with anguish; Vomits the ingesta, and afterwards sourish water; Headache every afternoon; Pressure in the forehead and occiput; Dull stitches in the forehead, temples, and eyes; Heavi- mess in the occiput, with undulation in the brain; Blowing in the ears; Jerking in the eyeballs; Headache after lemonade, wine— sometimes after tea. - Eyes.—Pains deep in the orbit; Stinging, twitching, or pres- sure in the eyeballs during the headache; Pressure as from a grain of sand; the Hair of the Eyebrows falls off. Ears, Sensation as if a pellicle were stretched over the ear—it passed off by inserting the finger in the ear, and shaking it ; Buzzing; Beating; Blowing. Nose.—Itching, especially of the wings; the septum felt sore, as if a pimple would form; Fluent Coryza every evening; Clots of thick jelly-like mucus, or yellow lumps; Stoppage of the nose, with dryness in the throat, fever, and impeded respira- tion. Face.—Twitching of the facial muscles; Greasy feel of the skin; Crack in the middle of the upper lip. Teeth.--Toothache, as when beginning to decay—continual picking the tooth until it bleeds; Pain in a decayed tooth—re- lieved by open air, cold water, eating and drinking; when in bed it became raging, throbbing—the pain extended to the jaws, temples, and eyes; Boring in the molars. Tongue.-In the morning, coated with a thick, white mucus; Burning sensation at tip; Pain at the root. Throat.—Tickling, scraping, that induces hawking, which may be sometimes tinged with blood; the throat feels dry and parched —especially so in the evening. Gastric Symptoms.-Hunger at night, and early in the morning ; desire for brandy in the evening; Aversion to salt things; Cardialgia; after a meal he must lie down, but cannot sleep, from pulsations that are felt throughout the body, and especially the abdomen. Hypochondria–Pains under the right lower ribs, extending to the renal region, particularly during inspiration—the right 325 SELEN.] & SELENIUM. hepatic region is sensitive to pressure, and a red itching rash appears on the skin; Violent sticking pain between the left ileum and umbilicus; when walking, it caused him to stop. - Stool.-Hard, impacted—it had to be removed; the faeces con- tain filaments like hair; Mucus or blood passes after a very hard stool; Tenesmus; Painful sensation in the anus. Urine.—Dropping of the urine after micturition and an evacu- ation; Involuntary dripping of urine when walking; Frequent micturition at night; Scanty, dark urine; Red urine in the evening—urine that Smells like violets; Red, sandy; Coarse or brick-dust deposit. Urethra-Sensation as if a smarting drop were passing out of the orifice; a drop of transparent fluid passes out, with a peculiar, disagreeable sensation, when sitting or walking—also after a stool. - Genital (Male).-Itching of the scrotum ; Darting pain in the right testicle; Diminished desire—imperfect erections; Impotence; Nocturnal emissions; Weakness after coitus. Larynx.-Hawking of transparent lumps every morning, which are streaked with blood; Cough deep, out of the chest; Oppressed breathing, with stitches in the side. Neck and Back-Stiffness at nape; Pains in the muscles that impeded the movement of the neck; Painful gland on the left side, with tearing pains; Lameness (not painful) in the small of the back. Limbs.-Tearing in the hands, with cracking in the wrist- joints; Emaciation of the hands; Cracking of the knees; Cramp in the calves and soles of the feet; Stiffness and cramp in all the limbs; Pains as from taking cold. - OTHER SYMPTOMS. The least current of air is intolerable; he is frequently obliged, when at work, to cease suddenly, and lie down; Sudden loss of strength; very notable emaciation of the hands, face, cheeks, and calves of the legs; the pains are worse after sleep, for which he is much inclined. Dr. Wolf has prescribed Selenium for great nervous debility, after Typhus Fever. It has been successfully employed for a chronic obstruction of the nose. e * 326 SENEGA. [SENEG. SENE G A. STAPF. SNARE-ROOT. THE name is derived from the circumstance that this drug was formerly valued as a cure for snake-bites. It is now employed, in Allopathy, as a stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, and emmenagogue. Generally prescribed for that debility, cough, and dyspnoea, which remains after a severe attack of Pneumonia. Dr. C. Williams believes that it acts specifically upon the lungs, while it reduces the beats of the pulse, relieves dyspnoea, cleans the tongue, and improves the health. Dr. Stokes held it in high esteem for Chronic Bronchitis and Gastro-Enteritis, with lung disease. Others value it for Chronic Catarrh ; the second stage of Croup; Dropsy after Fevers; Disease of the Heart; Palpitation, with Hysteria. In Homoeopathy, it seems set down to cure similar morbid states, with one addition. Senega seems to have some important effects on the eyes, and is said to promote the absorption of broken Cataract; Influenza—the cough is generally attended with expec- toration of yellow mucus—tenacious; sometimes streaked or mixed with blood; Frequent morning cough, even with difficult expecto- ration; Tightness, wheezing, and oppression in the Chest; Hydro- thorax after scarlet fever; Pleuritic stitches; Violent palpitation of the Heart; Peripneumonia; Pheumonia; Increased secretion of urine, and perspiration; Weakness and debility, especially of the lower limbs. - SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Attacks of anxiety; Melancholy, or irritable and vehe- ment when excited. Head.—Vertigo, with roaring in the ears; Reeling; Confusion; Dizziness; Dulness; Aching, stupefying pain in occiput; Aching, beating in the forehead; Violent rush of blood when stooping, affecting the eyeballs, with painful pressure; the headache is relieved by cold, and going into the open air. Eyes.—Increased secretion of mucus from the lids; Bloated eyelids; Swelling; Burning; Pressure; Styeon the margin of the lower lid; Vesicles on the lids, discharging a clear fluid; Creeping 327 SENEG.] SENEGA. sensation; Burning pain in the margins of the lids; Pulsation; Jerking; Spasmodic drawing of the lid towards the nose; Twitch- ing in the lids; Drawing and pressure in the eyeballs—first right, then left; Burning pressure; Dryness; Sensation as if the eyes were too large for the orbits; Smarting, as if from soap ; Sensitive to light; Rush of blood to the eyes when stooping. Sight.—Illusions of sight; Vision impeded; Objects look shadowed; Dull, dim sight; Luminous vibrations before the eyes when reading; he often has to wipe them; Opacity of the cornea ; Specks on the cornea; Degeneration of the cornea after pannus. Ears.-Painful sensitiveness, even for sounds that were generally agreeable. Nose.—Dryness; Itching; Smell as from a malignant ulcer. Face.—Paralytic feeling in the left side of the face; Pains in the teeth, which are sensitive to cold, damp air. Mouth-Dryness of the mouth ; afterwards, increased saliva, which is viscid, with contractive sensation; Putrid smell from the mouth; Astringent acridity. - Tongue.-White, or yellowish-white; Slimy in the morning; Slight burning at tip; Creeping under the tongue. Throat.—Constrictive sensation; Scraping; the mouth and throat feel burnt; Pressure; Burning, scraping sensation that compels him to swallow frequently; in the morning he hawks up lumps of grey mucus. - Taste.—Flat ; Nausea; Sweetish taste, or metallic; Taste of urine in the mouth ; Thirst ; Loss of appetite. Eructations.—Rising of air; Several eructations; Nausea, espe- cially after dinner, with inclination to vomit; Retching; Vomiting of watery mucus. (Large doses cause vomiting and purging.) Stomach-Nausea from the stomach; Repulsive sensations; Feeling of emptiness; Aching, almost spasmodic pain; Disagreeable pressure; Oppression; Burning, then retching and vomiting; Con- siderable burning in the stomach and bowels; Violent burning and' pressure in the stomach from small doses; Sensation of gnawing hunger at pit; Feeling of pressure, or painful digging, just below the pit; Gnawing pains in epigastrium before a meal; Warmth in epigastrium; Cutting in epigastrium, resembling colic. Abdomen.—Motion and rumbling in the abdomen; Shifting, boring pains about the umbilicus; Pressing in the abdomen; Colic, with inclination to stool; Cutting pains; Severe pinching 328 SENEGA. * [SENEG, and rumbling; Drawing sensation, as if a foreign body were placed between the integuments. Stool.—Constipation first days; Hard, scanty stool, with press- ing in the rectum; the faeces appear dry, and too large to pass; Costive until the ninth day; afterwards, papescent stool; Loose stools at irregular periods—two or three daily; Beating, pressure II] allllS. Urine.—Increased; retains for some time a foaming appearance, like soapsuds; Frequent micturition, the urine having a greenish tinge, and cloudy; Copious secretion of urine, with slight burning; Involuntary emission of urine during sleep, or when dreaming; the urine becomes cloudy and turbid immediately after passing; when the morning urine cooled, it deposited flocks, and a yellow- red sediment; at first the urine is mixed with mucous filaments; it soon became thick and cloudy. Urethra.-Burning before and after passing urine; Burning and pressure; Shootings; Burning, with sensation as if the urine had to open the passage through the canal; Painful erections; after two days, diminished desire. Larynx,−Constant hawking of mucus; Cough, with expecto- ration of tenacious mucus; Dry cough, with oppression in the chest; Titillation, inducing a hacking cough; Increased, short, hacking cough in the open air—continued three weeks. Chest.—Oppression, especially dwring rest, with stitches under the left ribs; Short breathing and oppression when going up- stairs; Oppression, with slight shooting pains towards the scapula, at indifferent periods, for ten days, when walking in the open air; Stooping caused a pain in the chest; Pain under right scapula when coughing, or on deep inspiration, as if the chest would fly in pieces; Tightness in the lower half of the chest during inspiration; Aching pains, especially during rest, for some weeks; Violent aching pain at night, when waking from sleep; Pressure under the sternum when sitting; it increases, and descends toward the Heart; Violent aching in the left chest; Violent com- pression; Pressing pain from within outwards; Cramp-like pain; Tingling; Crawling; Burning; Dull stitches in the left side when sitting or lying; Violent burning when sitting (left side); Burn- ing, with stitches, at a small spot; when sneezing he has a very violent, sore pain; Congestion of blood to the chest; strong pulsa- tions; Orgasm of blood, with heat in face, and frequent pulse. Z 329 SEP.] 4 SEPIA. Heart.—Pressure in the region of the heart when walking, impeding the breath; Boring pain; Aching pain; Violent beating of the heart, that shakes the whole chest; the walls of the thorax are sensitive to the touch. * Limbs,-Paralytic, drawing pains in the arms; Pain in wrist, as if sprained; Bruised pain in the muscles of the thigh, with debility; Tensive pains in the knees and tarsal joints; Weariness of the lower limbs and feet; Feeling of weakness and debility, especially affecting the lower limbs; Slight trembling of the legs. SEPIA, FIAHNEMANN. INK OF THE CUTTLE-FISH. ACCORDING to Hahnemann, this juice was never, before his dis- covery, used in medicine. A very extensive proving will be found in the Chronic Diseases. Some are of opinion that Hippocrates used Sepia (probably it was not the juice). NOACK and TRINKS state that the following affections have been cured by Sepia:-Chronic pains from straining the ligaments and tendons; Affections of females; Headache, with irregular and painful menstruation; Wenous pulsations; Cutaneous eruptions; Lepra; Impetigo; Ringworm; Dry, scaly, or Humid Herpes in children; Scabies after Sulphur—large pustules, that fill and burst, on the hands, between the fingers, on the wrists, elbow, and knee-joints; Varicose veins and ulcers; Vertigo; Headache, with melancholy, and suppressed menses; Periodic headache, chiefly affecting the right side; Headache, with eruption over the face and body; Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Toothache of the pregnant— beating, throbbing—aggravated by warm food or drink; Profuse morning sweat; Constant discharge from the vagina; Leucorrhoea, or blood; Disposition to miscarry; Dislocation and Induration of the Uterus; Copious Leucorrhoea; Gonorrhoea; Secondary Gonor- rhoea, with Nitric Acid; Nocturnal emissions; Enlarged abdomen in women. 330 SEPIA. [SEP, Dr. Neidhard, of Philadelphia, remarks that Sepia will prove efficacious for disturbance of the circulation in women; Determi- nation of blood to the head; Flushes of heat, redness, and swelling of the face; Swelling of the chest, stomach, and abdomen; Throb- bing in the sacral region; Constipation; Scanty urine; Palpita- tion; Intermittent pulse; Cold feet and hands. Red pimples, with roughness and cracking of the skin, and from which oozes a watery humour; or at other times dry, affecting the inside of the joints of the knee and elbow; also the face of children. Heatin the womb—bearing down after exercise, with slight pain, which is also felt in the back. In young girls, when the menses have not appeared, or only slightly, Sepia generally brings them on more fully. Dr. Teste states that Sepia corresponds, in the totality of its symptoms, to Mercurius, and ought to be anti-syphilitic. As yet, however, there is no good evidence that Sepia possesses this virtue. Yet the diseases it cures seem to exhibit a confused image of a disease resembling a syphilitic taint. However this may be, he seems immediately to discard the idea that Sepia can cure primary syphilis; but adds—“It is a capital remedy in Gonorrhoea, which, when even not venereal, causes despair in both Homoeopathic and Allopathic physicians.” - - - It is not my intention to offer any remarks on his arguments about Gonorrhoea, for they appear too vague and contradictory. He presents us with a picture of the Sepia Gonorrhoea as follows:— - - - “Absence of fever, and every other symptom which indicates inflammation; Complete inertia of the genital organs for some days, previous to the appearance of the discharge; Coldness of the genitals; Great nervous excitement; almost always sleeplessness; occasionally loss of appetite; Formication; Voluptuous titillation; occasional acute stitches in the urethra or vagina ; Frequent urging to urinate; Dark urine, that soon becomes cloudy ; Dis- charge of mucus, which gradually becomes milky, and, lastly, greenish—it increases from the first to the tenth day; then decreases after the fifteenth; but may continue for months or years l Nocturnal erections, painful or not painful, with sexual Z 2 331 SEP.] SEPLA, . excitement.” He further adds, that in swelling of the testes, Hydrocele, Ophthalmia, Angina, &c., Sepia does good. Hempel considers Sepia only useful for some chronic cases of sick headache; Menstrual irregularities; Constipation of nervous and hysteric women; and some cutaneous affections. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Desponding; Weeping, sad, melancholy; Anxiety in the evening, when in bed; Anxious about her health—fears she is con- sumptive; Unhappy without cause; Discouraged, discontent; In- clined to start, and is very fearful; the nerves are sensitive to every noise, and the face is flushed; Irritability; Indifference; Weakness of memory; Absence of mind; Inability to think. Head.—Sense of stupidity, dulness; Cloudiness in the morning, when arising from bed; Vertigo in the morning; also when walk- ing, and looking upwards; Vertigo when walking in the open air— she had to be led; everything turns round. - Headache every morning, with nausea; Anxiety at pit of stomach, with trembling; Heat in the head; Rush of blood to the head, with bleeding from the nose; Beating headache in the even- ing; Painful beating in the occiput; Violent painful shocks in the forehead; Aching over the eyes; Headache, as if the eyes would fall out ; Contractive pain in the forehead; Violent headache, as if the head would burst ; Stitches in the forehead, with inclination to vomit; Involuntary shaking of the head. Scalp.–Falling-off of the hair—the roots feel painful; Itching of the hairy scalp; Scabs on the scalp for forty days; Pustules on the occiput, that ulcerate, and form rough crusts. - Eyes.—Pain in the eyes, with heat and headache; Congestion of blood to the eyes; Pain in the eyelids when waking—they felt too heavy to remain open; the upper lid falls down; Itching of the eyelids and the eyeballs; Smarting, pricking; Burning of the eyes in the morning, with feeling of weakness; Heat and inflammation . of the eyes—worse on applying cold water; Swelling of the eye, with headache; Scurf on the lids; a stye forms on the lid; Scabs on the eyebrows for eight weeks; Glassy appearance of the eyes; Agglutination of the lids; Unable to open the lids at night; Dim- 332 SEPIA. [SEP, ness of sight when reading or writing; many black spots float before the eyes; Long sight ; Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes; Pupil contracted. Ears.-Excessive sensitiveness to music; Roaring and whizzing; Loud sounds and humming; Hardness of hearing—the ears feel as if plugged; Stitches in the ear and the parotid gland; Swelling near the orifice of the meatus; Discharge of thin pus, with itching; Herpes on the ear, that suppurate. w Nose.—Chronic eruption on the tip of the nose; Frequent bleeding from the nose; Nostrils sore and ulcerated—a small ulcer in the nostril lasted a long while; Dryness and obstruction of the nose; Violent, dry Coryza, with roaring in the head and ears; Prickling in the eyes, and frequent cough, even when asleep; Fre- quent sneezing; Loss of Smell. - Face.—Pale, sickly, especially in the morning, with redness of the eyes; Blue margins round the eyes; Yellow colour of the face; Yellow spots, or streaks over the cheek and nose; Heat and flushes; Redness of the face every morning; when speaking, the face flushes in a moment; Erysipelas and swelling of the face; Puffy face; Pimples and eruptions on the face, that itch; Scurf; Herpes; Warts; Black pores; Pimples on the chin. - Lips.-Hot, dry lips; Burning in the lips; Sore lips; Yellow- ness around the mouth ; Herpes on the lips; Pimples and scurfy eruption on the vermilion border; Painful ulcer on the lower lip— cold water relieved the pain. Teeth.--Toothache of the pregnant; Drawing toothache when hot or cold things are taken into the mouth ; Pain in a hollow tooth, extending into the ear—increased by cold water; Stitching toothache—she could have cried; Beating toothache; the teeth decay very fast. Gums.--The gums swell, and recede from the teeth; Soreness and ulceration of the gums; easy bleeding of the gums. - Mouth.-Foetid smell from the mouth ; Swelling of the mouth; Burning in the mouth, extending into the throat. Tongue.—White-coated, or covered with mucus; Pain as if burnt; Painful vesicles; Dry roughness of the tongue, throat, and mouth; the tongue seemed to stick to the roof of the mouth ; Soreness of the tip. Throat.—Dryness all the day, and in the evening—not relieved by drinking; Scraping sensation in the throat; Sore throat, with 333 SEP.] - SEPIA. smarting; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands; Pressure, with constriction, as if bound; Sensation as if a lump were lodged in the throat; there is a good deal of mucus, which he is obliged to hawk up ; Inflammation of the throat; Swelling and suppuration of the tonsil; Starting, jerking in the throat. Taste.—Putrid, like manure; Acid taste, with constipation; Repulsive, bitter taste; Acidity in the mouth after a meal; Aversion to meat and milk; everything tastes too salt; much thirst morning and evening. - Appetite. — Good appetite; Ravenous hunger; his mouth waters at the sight of food, or even the thought of it; Painful feeling of hunger. de Gastric Symptoms.-Bitter eructations; Heat in the face after a meal; Headache; Palpitation of the heart; Profuse sweat; Pains in the limbs; Drowsiness; Distention of the stomach and abdomen (all the pains increase during and after a meal); Great weakness of digestion; Eructations, with desire to vomit; Fre- quent eructations—Bitter in the morning—Acid after supper; Waterbrash, especially after drinking, with sense of turning in the stomach; Morning nausea; Retching; Vomiting; also of the pregnant; Vomiting of a milky water during pregnancy; Bilious vomiting; Hiccough after a meal, - Stomach.-Pains in the stomach after food; Pain at pit when walking; the least pressure causes pain; Pressure at the pit, as from a stone—worse after eating bread; the inside of the stomach feels sore ; Cramp in the stomach, chest, and abdomen; Burning in the stomach, and at the pit; Contraction; Stitches; Sudden stitches also in the abdomen; Throbbing, beating at the pit; Pricking; Rumbling; Emptiness in the stomach; Scraping and burning in the CEsophagus. Hypochondria. — Stitching, tensive pain in hypochondria during motion; Frequent dartings; Stitches when coughing; Difficulty of breathing; Feeling as of a lump on both sides, that is painful when stooping; Beating in the region of the liver; Violent stitching; the region is painful to touch, with constipa- tion; Riding on an uneven road causes pain in the liver; Aching, cramp-like drawing, or jerking. Abdomen. — Stitches striking from the epigastrium, below the pit of the stomach; Stitching and pinching in the intestines, lasting ten minutes; Aching in the epigastrium; Sensation as if 334 SEPIA, [SEP, the parts of the abdomen were fastened and hard; Puffiness in the abdomen of those who have borne children; Coldness; Emptiness; Rumbling; Colic—incarceration of flatus; Weight; Heaviness— feeling as of a load; Burning; Digging-up pain, with nausea; Ascites; Feeling of uneasiness, as if diarrhoea would come on ; Gurgling ; Brown spots on the abdomen. Stool.—Exhausting diarrhoea the first days; Unsuccessful desire; sometimes knotty; Hard, difficult stool, like sheep's dung; Burning in the rectum; Protrusion of varices; Congestion of blood to the anus; Discharge of much blood with the stool; Contractive pain in the rectum, perinaeum, and vagina; Tenesmus in the anus; Discharge of prostatic juice after stool; Burning in the anus every day; Itching, stinging, flowing Haemorrhoids; Discharge of mucus from the rectum; Prolapsus recti during stool, with pressure on the bladder. (Sepia is prescribed for constipation, especially during pregnancy.) - Urine.-Involuntary emission of urine before midnight; Con- tinual desire, with bearing down—he feels a pressure on the bladder; Sensation as if drops came out, but it was not so; Inability to pass water for fourteen hours; he was obliged to get up in the night to micturate, and felt very thirsty; Great pressure on the bladder; the urine becomes turbid and foetid when standing, with white deposit; Turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment; Blood- red urine; Burning in the bladder and urethra; Burning in the fore-part of the urethra; Secondary Gonorrhoea, Genital (Male), -Copious sweat; Weakness; Heat; Itching and redness of the glans; Swelling of the scrotum ; Pains in the testes; Increased desire; Frequent nocturnal emissions, Menses—Too early by six or fourteen days; Discharge of a few drops of blood a fortnight before the period; Discharge of blood from the vagina after coitus; Reappearance of the menses after four months’ suppression. Before the Menses—Colic, with faint- ness; Shuddering; Burning in the pudendum ; Pressure in the abdomen, Dwring the Menses—Toothache; Throbbing in the gums; Dimness of sight; Great weakness; Pressure in forehead; Bleeding from the nose; Bruised pain in the limbs; Spasms in the abdomen; Tearing pain in back; Palpitation. Leucorrhoea, Yellow, watery, or mucous; a green fluid was discharged during pregnancy; Milky discharge ; Soreness from excoriation; Soreness and redness of the labia; Violent stitches, 335 SEP.] SEPLA. darting upwards, almost to the umbilicus; Stitches in the vagina, coming on every quarter of an hour. Uterus.-Bearing from above downwards, as if everything would be pressed out at the vagina, with colic, and jelly-like discharge; Prolapsus of the vagina and uterus; Induration of the neck of the uterus. - Sepia is useful for occurrences at the critical age; for Nausea; Vomiting; Toothache; Cough and Constipation of pregnancy; Soreness of the nipples; Chafing of infants. Larynx.-Sudden hoarseness; Dry cough ; also in the evening. Cough.-Spasmodic cough ; Cough at night, that wakes from sleep; Cough, with difficult expectoration; the interior of the chest feels sore from coughing; Expectoration of a salt taste, with cough, morning and evening; Yellow sputa, tasting like rotten eggs; Foetid sputa, that taints the breath; Blood-streaked sputa; Purulent expectoration, as if suppuration of the lungs had com- menced. - Respiration.—Short, difficult, especially when walking; Dysp- noea, with tenacious mucus in the Chest; Oppression ; Difficult breathing from much mucus; she had to sit up in bed. Chest.—Painful, violent pressure; also at the upper part of sternum; Attacks of tightness; Stitching when coughing, on the left or right side; Burning; Rawness; Soreness; Congestion of blood; Brown spots on the chest. Heart.—Stitching in the heart; Beating; Palpitation, with stitches; Feeling of anxiety; Intermittent beats after a meal. Neck-Stiffness at nape; Tetters; Large boil; Red herpes; Sense of swelling; Tensive pain; Tearing or stitching in left Scapula. - Back—Stiffness in the back—relieved by walking; Brown spots on the back; Pain in back when sitting; Weariness; Weakness; Pain as if sprained. - - Upper Limbs.-Drawing pains and stiffness about the shoulder- joints; Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands; Pain in the head of the humerus, and tendon of the pectoral muscle; Drawing pains in the arms; Paralytic sensations and stiffness of the joints; Brown spots and Scurfy eruption about the elbow and fore- arm; Pemphigus; Blisters; Ulcers on the fingers; Panaris; Mal- formation of the nails. - -" - Lower Limbs.-Stitches above the right hip, continuing four 336 - SILICA. [SILIC. days, so violent that she could seldom lie on that side; Cramp-like pains, or as if bruised in the hip-joint; Icy coldness of the lower limbs; Cramps in the thighs; Lancinations; Boils on the thigh; Drawing pain in the knees; Stiffness; Weakness; Cracking of the knee-joint; Cold knees at night; Heaviness of the thighs; Drawing pain in the legs, down to the heel; Swelling of the legs, as far as the knee, especially when sitting; Violent cramps in the calves at night; when walking, the tendons feel too short; Swelling, twitch- ing, or sweating of the feet; Profuse sweat about the toes, or sup- pressed sweat; Bad Smell from the feet; Corns, and diseases of the nails; Ulcers on the heels. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Jerking of the limbs by day; Loss of strength; Sweat during exercise; Great liability to take cold; Unrefreshing sleep; Night . and morning sweats—sometimes acid; Evils of Onanism. SILIC A. HAHNEMANN. CRYSTAL PEBBLE. THIS remedy is especially indicated when suppuration threatens, or has commenced, in the glandular or soft tissues. It may be said to prove of value in the treatment of every kind of suppuration, either alone or in conjunction with other remedies. It seems to possess the power of restoring the suppurative process, when from any cause it has been arrested; Large Furuncles, Carbuncles, Panaris, Caries of the bones, with exfoliation; Glandular swell- ings, secreting unhealthy pus, with Hectic, Scrofulous, Cachectic, and mercurial ulcers; Fistulous ulcers; Lymphatic Tumours; Mammary Abscess, &c. Hahnemann gives the following symptoms as characteristic of Silica :-Want of cheerfulness and disposition to work; Greatirrita- bility ; Angry feeling; Anxious about every trifle, with nervous weakness; Want of memory—soon fatigued when reading or 337 SILIC.] SILICA. writing; Dizziness in the evening; Headache, from the nape to vertex, disturbing the rest at night; Daily headache from noon till evening—a weight seems pressing out the forehead; Falling-off of the hair; Affections of the eyes; Lachrymation; Agglutina- tion; Pain and pressure at pit of the stomach; Incarceration of flatus, with difficult expulsion; Nocturnal emission of urine; Chronic obstruction of the nose; Arrest of breathing when cough- ing, running, or lying on the back; Paralytic condition of the upper limbs; Stiffness and weakness of the finger-joints; Coldness of the feet; Sweat of the feet—foetid sweat; Thickening of the skin on the soles of the feet; Corns; Ulceration of the great toe; Ulcers having a foetid odour; Ulcers on the legs, with pale, sickly face; Cramps in the limbs; Easy perspiration; Acid night-sweats; Jerking of the limbs at night; also a general tendency to take cold. Jahr advises it for rickets and slow closing of the fontanelles; Muscular weakness of children. Dr. Teste states that he has used it with benefit for Measles (he considers it a true analogue of Pulsatilla); Cerebral Apoplexy, with loss of consciousness, followed by partial paralysis of the left upper and lower limbs; Metrorrhagia (six weeks' standing) in a fat woman, of brown complexion—Silica arrested it immediately. According to Hahnemann, Hepar is the best antidote. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Weeping for two hours without any particular cause— the least remark makes her weep; Restless, impatient, easily vexed; Intellectual labour is very difficult. - Head.—Sense of intoxication, as if falling from side to side; Vertigo, with retching and waterbrash; Vertigo in the morning; Fits of Vertigo seem to arise from the back, up the nape of the neck, to the head, with inclination to fall forward; Vertigo every morning, half-an-hour after rising; Gloominess and Vertigo for several weeks; Rush of blood to the head; Heaviness; Shaking of the brain when striking the foot against a hard substance; Violent stitches in the head; Boring headache; Stitches in the temples; Headache, with obscuration of sight. r 338 SILICA, [SILIC. Scalp.–Itching of the scalp, with Soreness; Falling-off of the hair. Eyes.—Tearing, burning in the eyes; Vessels of the ocular conjunctiva injected; Inflammation, with lachrymation; Agglutina- tion at night, with smarting of the lids; Muscae Wolitantes; Dread of light by day; Twitching of the lids; Ulcers on the cornea; when reading, the letters are pale or blurred. Ears.—Beating; Gurgling; Fluttering; Sense of hearing dimi- nished, especially for the human voice; Feeling of obstruction in the ears. Parotid Region.—Swelling of the glands; Hardness of both parotids, with painful rigidity when moving the head. Nose.—Frequent sneezing; Loss of smell; Chronic obstruction from plugs of mucus; Smarting, painful scurfs; Beating pain in nasal fossae, striking to the brain, with sense of tightness; Septum tender to touch; Sore, excoriated nostrils; Bleeding from the nose when picking it. - Face.—Pale; Red spots on the cheeks and nose; Cracked skin. Lips.-Ulcers on the lips and corners of the mouth; Swelling of the lower lip (two days); Cancerous, spongy-looking ulcer on lower lip. - Jaws.-Cramp-like pain in left articulating process; Stitches; Swelling; Pain in sub-maxillary glands—also with sore throat. Teeth.--Toothache in the morning—violent, tearing, stitching —both cold and warmth are alike intolerable; Burning, stitching in several teeth—violent at night, with heat in head, and burning in the chest; Pains from a strong cold wind, even in sound teeth. Gums.-Inflamed, swollen; Vesicles, ulcers; Painful soreness of the gums. - Mouth.—Dryness of the mouth and lips; Bad smell from the mouth in the morning; Mucus in the mouth; Accumulation of water; Heat in the mouth; Itching in the palate and velum ; Ulcer on the palate; Uvula swollen, elongated. Tongue.—Sensation as if a hair were lying on the fore-part of the tongue; Sore, painful spots at tip; Swelling of the right half of the tongue, without pain; Numbness; Tongue coated with brown mucus. - - - Throat.—Sore throat, either dry or with thick mucus; Stinging in the throat—the food seemed to pass over sore, ulcerated places; the soreness rendered deglutition difficult, 339 SILIC.] SILICA, Taste.—Bitter in the morning, which seemed to proceed from the stomach; Oily taste, or of blood; Loss of taste. -- Appetite.—Aversion to meat and meat soup; he is unable to digest it; he is hungry, and eats well, but the upper part of the throat feels constricted; she is hungry, but cannot get the food down; Thirst considerable, with dry throat (after a meal); Reple- tion for two hours—the taste of the food remains long in the mouth; Colic or cramp; Cutting or violent eructations; Profuse heat in the face; Pressure in the stomach after every meal; Palpi- tation, with anxiety, for half-an-hour after a meal; Heartburn; Nausea; Empty, loud, or acid eructations in the morning, when rising; Writhing at pit of stomach, with nausea; Palpitation; Pressure at sternum; Forcing of bitter water—the symptoms were relieved by eating. Stomach.-Pressure after every meal; Load, like lead; Aching pain, followed by clawing; Screwing, griping, pinching, clawing, in frequent paroxysms, with cold chills up the back and nape of neck; Burning at pit of stomach, almost like heartburn. Abdomen.—Much distention—large, heavy, especially after a meal; Cutting, pinching colic ; Pressure in the morning, and after dinner; Colic, with constipation; Foetid flatus. Stool.-Constipation first days; Hard stools, lumps; the faeces seem to remain, without power to expel them—the pressure caused soreness of the abdominal muscles; afterwards, stool with mucus, or reddish slime—mucus mixed with blood, with smarting or burning at the anus; Ascarides. Urine,—Becomes speedily turbid; Yellow deposit, like gravel or sand—sometimes red; Micturition almost every night, and early in the morning, every quarter of an hour, for several days; Involuntary discharge while sitting; Cutting and smarting in urethra; Burning, or fine stitches. - Genital Organs.—Redness and excoriation; Pimples on the mons; Pain in the scrotum when lying down at night (right side), as if indurated; Compressive pain in left testes; Sweat of the scrotum ; Pressure in the spermatic cord; Frequent erections and emissions; Discharge of prostatic fluid at every evacuation. Menses.—Too early; they reappear after three months' cessa- tion; Increase of the menses, with icy coldness over the whole body; Pressure over the eyes; Constipation; Cold feet; Objects appear pale; Melancholy; Anguish; Desire to drown; Burning 340 SILICA. [SILIC. and Soreness of the pudendum; Drawing pains between the scapula. Leucorrhoea.—Painful smarting; Discharge of white, watery fluid; the infant refuses the breast; the nipples are inflamed, and suppurate. - Larynx-Roughness; Sore feeling; Titillating itching—re- lieved by coughing; Cough, with hoarseness; Coryza, continuing several weeks, with swelling of the sub-maxillary glands; Cough, with soreness of the chest; Dry, hacking cough for five weeks; Cough, with expectoration—salt, brownish, putrid, greenish, yel- low ; Coughing of purulent matter, or blood and mucus. Chest.—Oppression, with constriction at the throat; Stitches in the side; Aching in the sternum; Congestion of blood to the chest; Oppressive heaviness about the region of the heart. Neck.-Stiffness at nape, with headache; Pimples on nape, like nettle-rash; Swelling of the cervical glands and thyroid body. Back.-Violent pains in the back; Stiffness; Beating; Tearing pain under scapula when walking; Stitches in right scapula, or between the scapulae. Upper Limbs.-Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands; Languor; Weakness in the arms; Tearing pains in both arms; Beating; Congestion; the arms were swollen, and trembled for an hour; Induration of the cellular tissue; Several hard blis- ters, the size of a pea, upon a red base; Cracks and chaps; Boils on the arms; Cramp and paralytic weakness in the hands; at night the hands go to sleep; Frequent whitlow ; Yellow, rough finger-nails; when cut, they are dry and brittle, half decayed— crumble to powder. Lower Limbs.-Heavy; Paralytic weakness; Pain at right hip-joint—it seemed impossible to move the limb; Weariness after a short walk; Sensation, when walking, as if the tendons were too short; Cold feet; Swelling of the feet and ankles; Foetid sweat of the feet; Profuse sweating of the soles, and between the toes; Blister on the heel; Cramp in the feet and great toe ; Pain- ful corns, with stitches; Corn on the great toe. Skin. — Itching, biting, creeping, as from fleas; Trifling scratches heal with difficulty, and tend to suppurate; Stitching; Burning; Aching in ulcers; Phlegmonous inflammation, with Rhus Tox. ; Rose-coloured blotches; Ulcers, with vegetations; Mild suppuration in membranous parts; Carbuncle. 341 SPIG.] SPIGELIA. SPIGELIA. HAHNEMANN. - \ INDIAN PINK. IN Allopathic practice, is occasionally used as an anthelmintic, more especially for Lumbrici; and is also named Worm-seed. It allays itching in the Anus and Rectum, and is favourably mentioned for Remittent Fever of Infants, by some American physicians. e IN HOMOEOPATHY, we possess a very valuable remedy, in Spigelia, for Affections of the Heart; Carditis; Pericarditis; Valvular disease; Hypertrophy; Dilatation; Endocarditis, with or with- out Articular Rhéumatism; Neuralgic pains in the face and teeth; Violent headache; Rheumatic and Arthritic Ophthalmia; Neuralgia of the Optic Nerve; Dimness of Sight, from affection of the cornea. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Sadness, with anxiety, discouragement; Fearful; Low in spirits, especially in the evening; Alternate cheerfulness and gloom, with palpitation of the heart, and anxious oppression at the chest. - Head.—Dull, with pressing pain through the forehead; Confu- sion; Emptiness; Giddiness, almost unto falling; Headache, from shaking the head; Periodic headaches; Heaviness; Pressure— worse when stooping; Pain as if the head would burst; Violent tearing or digging pains; Shaking sensation at every step. Scalp.–Tender to touch; very sensitive; Eruption on the scalp; a bony swelling appears at the temple, near the orbit; Pain- ful when touched. Eyes, Pains in and above the eyes, and particularly deep in the orbits; Neuralgic pains; Intolerable pressure in both eyes— worse when turning them ; Pain in the eyeballs during motion; the eyes feel too large for the orbits; Sticking pain in the right eye during motion; Itching; Burning; Digging, or almost mad- dening pains; Rheumatic Ophthalmia. - Eyelids.-Inflammation of the margins of the lids, with sore- 342 * - SPIGELLA. [SPIG. ness and ulceration; Twinkling of the lids; Suffusion of acrid tears; Ptosis; the upper lid drops, as if paralysed. Sight.—The eyes are very sensitive to the light; Albuginea strongly injected; the eyes look dim and faint ; the sight is indis- tinct, as when the eyes are full of water; Misty; Vanishing of the sight ; Transient Amaurosis; Cataract; Corneitis—a very small dose will dilate the pupil; Long sight. Ears-Boring, stitching in the ears; Stoppage of the ears; Sense of obstruction; Hardness of hearing; Periodic deafness; Humming; Buzzing; Fluttering; Pulsations; Ringing, as of bells. Nose.—Fluent Coryza ; Profuse discharge of mucus from the posterior mares and fauces, particularly at night; Stoppage of the nose with thick mucus. Face.—Pale, disfigured, with yellowness round the eyes, as after a severe illness; Puffiness of the face; Violent pains in the face, especially one side; the muscles appear swollen and distorted; the skin tense and shining, with tenderness; Anguish about the heart, and general uneasiness; Pressing pains in the malar bones— darting, tearing, or burning, more especially the right; Burning in the upper lip; Blackish pimples on the lower lip; Painless pustules. - Jaws and Teeth.-Prosopalgia and Toothache, with palpita- tion of the heart, chilliness, and restlessness; Tearing pains in the lower jaw, extending to the ear and nape of neck; Toothache after eating at night—preventing sleep, and driving him out of bed; Darting pains in all the teeth, but worse in those that are decayed; Painful jerks in a decayed tooth—aggravated by cold water or air in the mouth; Pressing in the teeth from within outwards—relieved for the time by eating. - Mouth.-Offensive odour—perceived only by others; Accumu- lation of saliva in the mouth and fauces, which excites nausea; Burning vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue; Rhagades on the tongue; the posterior part of the tongue is painful, and feels swollen; Stitches in the tongue, on the right side. - Throat.—Swelling on the left side of the throat, with stitching pains during deglutition; Much mucus in the throat and mouth on awaking in the morning—sometimes white, at others yellow. Appetite.-No appetite, but a good deal of thirst ; Aversion to smoking, snuff, and coffee; Violent thirst late in the evening; - - 343 SPIG.] SPIGELLA. Hunger, with nausea and thirst; Acid eructations; Nausea before breakfast; Inclined to vomit. - Stomach.-Pressure at pit, with sensation of a load lying there; Pressure as from a lump, that disappeared after rubbing the part with the hand, but shifted to the chest; Stitches; Burning; Great sensitiveness at the pit to contact or pressure of the clothes, with oppression in the chest ; Anguish, and heat in the face. Abdomen.—Colic; Painful pressure, as if the abdomen would burst; Pinching, as if all the intestines were drawn together, causing anxiety, and impedes the breath; Violent cutting and dig- ging pains; Sharp stitches, when walking, in the innominate region —they resembled splenetic stitches—occurred only when walking; Sensation in the abdomen like frogs croaking; Rumbling, with flatus, smelling like spoiled eggs; Pains in the region of the abdominal ring, and os innominatum. Stools.-White; Pieces of thick mucus, or like sheep's dung ..". in mucus; Hard faeces, passed after long efforts—some- times the first portion is hard, and that which follows loose; Crawling in the rectum; Itching at the anus for many days; Pressure at the rectum; Stitch in perinaeum. Urine.—Copious—ten emissions in one night, with painful pressure on the bladder; Watery urine; External pressure on the bladder caused the urine to flow; Involuntary dropping of the urine; Burning in the fore-part of the urethra; Burning stitch, with desire to pass urine. Genital,—Frequent erections without desire; Discharge of prostatic fluid; Itching; Burning or stitching in the right testicle, and in the penis. Chest.—Dyspnoea—can only lie on the right side—danger of suffocation when moving or raising the arms; Shortness of breath; Sudden suffocative attacks, with anxiety and palpitation; Spasms of the lungs; Violent pains at intervals; Strong, painful oppression at the middle of the chest; Pressure under the left clavicle; Constriction of the muscles of the chest; Spasmodic sensation in the chest—it appeared to proceed from the pit of the stomach, and arrested the breath; Stitches in the false ribs and region of the diaphragm; Dull stitches in the right side of the chest; Sticking pain under the right nipple—more violent during inspiration. - Heart.—Unusually strong beating of the heart—it could be 344 - SPONGLA. ISPONG. plainly heard, and seen beating through the clothes; Palpitation early in the morning, when sitting, with anxious oppression of the chest; the heart seems to be in tremulous motion; the palpitation increases when sitting, and bending the body forwards; the anguish is increased during deep inspiration; he feels the pulsations of the heart when laying the hand on the pit of the stomach; when sit- ting down, after rising, the heart beats violently; the spot just above it feels painfully oppressed by a load, with cutting and dig- ging in the abdomen, as if caused by incarcerated flatus (this lasted after the palpitation had ceased). - Back—Stitches, or twitching in the dorsal and intercostal muscles, opposite the heart; Bruised sensation in the spine during rest; Bubbling sensation in left scapula, like drops of blood press- ing through a valve; Stitches in the right scapular region. Upper Limbs.-Jerking pains in the arms and wrists; Pains as if sprained in the joints; Aching in the wrists; Drawing or tearing pains in the thumb-joints. Lower Limbs.-Great lassitude; Itching of the skin of the thighs; Continuous stitch in the left thigh when walking; Draw- ing, tearing in the right thigh when sitting; Pain as if sprained in the knee-joint—when walking he is obliged to limp, being unable to bend the knee; Pain in the calf, with jerking and pulsation in the patella. - - Spigelia may prove useful in some Catarrhal and Worm fevers. SPON GIA, HAHNEMANN, SPONGE. THE toasted sponge, in some respects, is analogous to Iodine, and, probably, Bromine. According to Dr. Garrod, it is a compound, consisting of Carbon, Carbonate and Sulphate of Lime, Chloride of Sodium, Iron, and nearly 2 per cent. of the Iodide and Bromide of Potassium. Others state that Sulphur, Alumina, Silica, and Magnesia, also are to be found in Sponge. Iodine and the Iodide of Potassium have quite superseded it in allopathic practice, where 2 A 345 SPONG.] SPONGLA. it was formerly held in high repute for Goitre and Scrofulous affections. - In Homoeopathy it is believed to have especial action on the Larynx, and is chiefly prescribed for Croup, after Aconite has removed the inflammatory symptoms. Dr. Trinks believes that, in many cases, Spongia is quite sufficient to remove the inflamma- tion, without Aconite. Jahr recommends it for Croup, in alterna- tion with Hepar. Hahnemann more clearly marks out the Croup. for Spongia, by difficult breathing, with sensation as if the Larynx were so contracted that the breath cannot pass through it. Hart- mann seems to place more reliance on Aconite for Croup generally. Probably the term Laryngismus would be more correct than Croup, as Hartmann views it. According to Dr. Walshe, true Croup is rather a rare disease, and can only be cured by removal of the membrane that has formed in the Larynx or Trachea. Therefore, to take the term from Homoeopathic writers, it would seem neces- sary to adopt the widest sense, and then select the one suitable remedy for the existing condition, without much reference to Noso- logy. Thus some eight, ten, or more remedies may require to be consulted, to meet the several varieties named Croup. According to Noack and Trinks, Spongia will be useful in affec- tions of the lymphatic vessels and glands; Orchitis, with hard- ness—the swelling feels firm, smooth, and generally free from pain; Swelling of the testes, in alternation with Clematis, or when there is but little inflammation; Torpid Croup, with oppressed breathing, and considerable hoarseness; Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the Trachea ; Chronic pains in the Larynx, with difficult speech, hoarseness, and expectoration of lumps of yellow mucus; Asthma Thymicum ; Chronic cough, and Bronchitis. Simple hoarseness will frequently disappear after a few doses of Spongia. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Paroxysms of anxiety, with heat; Pain in the stomach; she weeps—is inconsolable; Anguish, with restlessness during the *ight; Irritability; not disposed to work. Head.—Headache, with loss of appetite; Lassitude and ill- 346 - SPONGIA. [SPONG. humour; Vertigo, as if intoxicated—disposed to fall to one side, or backward; the occiput feels heavy as lead; Pain in the right fron- tal eminence; Dull headache in the right hemisphere on coming into a warm room; Heaviness and fulness—increased by stooping; Pains that proceed from within outwards; Dartings or sharp stitches in the forehead; Jerks through the temples; Rush of blood, with heat on the forehead; Sensation as if the brain would pass through the frontal bone. Eyes.—Painful pressure over the right eye in the morning; she can open the eyes, but with great difficulty; Oppressive heavi- ness in the lids, as if they would close; Sticking and aching pain in both eyes (evening); Redness of the albuginea; Suppuration; Burning pain, with considerable lachrymation. Ears.-Contractive, cramp-like pain; Burning in right ear; Sensation as if an abscess were forming; Inflamed pimple. Nose.—Eruptions on the nose; Dry or fluent Coryza; Epistaxis. Face.—Pale, sunk; Blue, or puffy and red; Swelling of the cheek; Stinging, itching; Eruptions on the chin and lips; Swell- ing of the sub-maxillary glands. ,” Mouth.-Accumulation of fluid or mucus; Vesicles on the tongue and on the inner cheek, with burning—cannot chew solid food in consequence; Stinging in the throat, and burning in the larynx; Bitter taste in the throat, not in the mouth; Intense thirst. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations, with cutting and tearing in the stomach; Acid regurgitations, or Bitter; Hiccough ; Inclination to vomit, without being able to effect it ; Pressure at the pit of the stomach—cannot bear tight clothes; Sensation of fulness, or in- ternal coldness; Stitching pain in the region of the liver. Abdomen.—Spasms; Stitches, or pricking pains; Colic; Vio- lent colic after breakfast—it made him bend double; Sense of strangulation deep in the abdomen; Pain in the inguinal ring; Glandular swelling in the right groin—painful when walking. Stool-Hard—or first portion hard; the second soft ; Stitches in the anus; Tenesmus; Gnawing; Soreness; Ascarides. Urine.-Frequent micturition—small stream, and frothy; Sen- sation at the neck of the bladder, as if he must urinate; Inability to retain it. Genital (Male).-Itching of the glans-penis and scrotum ; Burning, or painful drawing stitches through the penis; Squeez- 2 A 2 347 SPONG.] - SPONGLA. ing, strangulating pain in the testes; Dull stitches from the testes up the spermatic cord; Aching, with swelling of the testes; Orchitis. - - Larynx-Hoarseness; Coryza, and very violent cough ; Dry- ness, scraping, burning, and constriction in the larynx; Difficult respiration, as if the larynx were closed by a plug, and very little air could pass; Hollow cough, with expectoration, both day and night ; Constant cough, that seemed to proceed from one spot, deep in the chest, where it feels sore; Dry cough, with burning in the chest—diminishes after eating and drinking; Cynanche Laryngea; Laryngeal Phthisis. Respiration.—Slow, deep, as when exhausted; Hurried pant- ing; Asthmatic breathing; Wheezing; Feeling of weakness after but very little exertion, with heat in the face and chest; Distention of the veins, and arrest of breath. > Chest.—Violent prickings in the chest; Drawing stitches, that sometimes continue during both inspiration and expiration; Inter- mittent stitches in the chest; Cutting pain when taking a deep inspiration; Pains in the intercostal muscles; Rush of blood to the Chest. Neck.-Several glandular swellings below the right lower jaw; Pain in the cervical glands, near the larynx and trachea ; Sensa- tion of pressure in the goitre several times during the day; Prick- ings; Stitches; Stiffness in the neck; Tension of the cervical muscles; Painful tension on the left side of the Pomum Adami when turning the head; Pain and stiffness, especially when turning the head to the right side. - Upper Limbs.-Jactitation of the muscles about the lef shoulder-joint; Stitches in the elbow; Drawing pains and heavi- ness in the fore-arms; Pains in the wrists; Trembling of the fore- arms and hands; Swelling of the hands; Cramp-like pain in the ball of the right thumb. .* Lower Limbs.-Tension as if the muscles were too short ; Weariness in the knees when walking, as if they would give way; Feeling of heaviness in the whole body, even when walking in the open air; Bruised feeling in the upper part, and numbness of the lower half of the body; Painful stitches in several parts; Itching over the body, with a red eruption; Coldness in the limbs; Shivering and chilliness; Morning fever, with pains in the head and abdomen. - 348 SQUILLA. - [SQUILL. SQUILLA, Hausewass. SCILLA—SEA. ONION. THIS remedy is prescribed by some Allopathic authorities for Coughs, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Croup, Anasarca, &c. NOACK and TRINKS advise it for Anasarca; Ascites; Pneumonia, where there is much expectoration; Pleurisy, with cough and mucus; old, neglected Catarrh, with spitting of blood; Haemor- rhage from the lungs of bright-red blood; Cough, with expectora- tion of pus in thick lumps. HEMPEL, for Bronchitis, with loose, exhausting Cough; Haemop- tysis; Pleuro-pneumonia; Rheumatic Gastro-Enteritis; Enuresis; Diabetes Mellitus. Hahnemann writes—“The primary effect of Scilla is a great desire to urinate, with a copious flow, clear as water. In a few hours the reaction of the organism takes place, when it becomes scanty, assumes its natural colour, or rather darker. Dropsy can only be cured by Scilla when the urinary symptoms correspond, which is rather rare; but it may be a specific in Diabetes. Scilla is useful for excessive mucus in the trachea ; its primary effect being to render the mucus thinner and looser.” Squilla is said to irritate schirrous tumours, when attended with fever and inflammation, SYMPTOMS. Head-Cloudy; Dizzy; Contractive pain in the temples; Stitches in the forehead; Humming headache early in the morning, or sensation of heaviness; Pressure as if a weight were on the top of the head; Shocks in the forehead. Eyes.—Sense of contraction in the right eye; the eyes feel as if swimming in cold water; the right upper lid feels swollen; the pupils contracted immediately—afterwards dilated; Violent tearing ... ... : :: 349 SQUILL.] - SQUILLA. in both eyes, apparently behind the eyeballs; Obscuration of sight. - - Nose.-Acrid mucus; Profuse Coryza ; Soreness of the nostrils; Ulceration of the nostrils; Fluent Coryza, with constant Sneezing. Face.—Changeable; looks ill, and then more bright and cheer- ful; Cracked lips—brown or blackish crusts; Blackness of the teeth. - - Appetite.—Loss of appetite, with bitter taste; the food tastes burnt; Empty risings; Nausea, and desire to vomit. Stomach-Feeling of weakness; Cramp at pit; Pressure as from a stone; Cardialgia; Excessive pain in the stomach. Abdomen.—Tearing pain below the umbilicus; Cutting; Pinch- ing; Tension, although it feels soft to pressure, and sensitive to contact; Emission of much flatus on pressing the Abdomen; Rumbling; Bubbling; Pain in the muscles. Stool.—Hard; Scanty. Afterwards—Brown, loose, slimy stools, passed with bubbling flatus; White filaments and ascarides; Watery diarrhoea; Black diarrhoea; Stools of blood; Itching in the anus; Sticking pain when walking. Urine.—Great desire to urinate, and evacuate the bowels; he passed an unusual quantity of urine—it looked like water; he is unable to retain the urine, the quantity being too great; Noctur- nal micturition; Reddish urine, with red deposit ; Brownish- yellow, transparent urine; Scanty; Flocculent after standing. Genital.-Sticking pain in the urethra; Compressive pain in the testicles; Haemorrhage from the uterus. Larynx.-Irritation; Titillation, causing cough; when cough- ing, painful pressure in the cavity of the thorax from within out- wards, accompanied by a painful contraction of the abdominal muscles; Violent cough early in the morning, with stitches in the side; Morning cough, with profuse expectoration; Cough induced by deep inspiration, which he feels compelled to take; Cough, with expectoration of blood; when coughing, he feels a pain in the side of the abdomen, as if the intestines would protrude; during the cough there is a feeling of heat within; Headache; Arrest of breath; Pressure on the bladder, that causes the urine to be ejected. Chest,-Respiration heavy, slow ; Dyspnoea, like asthma; Sense of oppression, as if the chest were too tight; Stitching pains in the clavicular region; Darting stitches during both expiration and 350 :::::::::: ; ; STANNUM. [STANN. inspiration; Stitches in the left side; Pleuritic stitches; Pneu- monia, conjoined with pleurisy; the pains in the chest are worse towards morning; Sweat in the axilla. Neck and Back.-Rheumatic drawing in the cervical mus- cles; Stiffness in the nape of neck; the skin of the neck feels sensitive, and pimples form on the neck and back; Bubbling sen- sation under the scapula: ; Cold; Gangrene. STAN NUM. HAHNEMANN. TINFOIL, BEFORE this metal can be properly employed in medicine, it should be carefully purified from any alloy—such as lead, arsenic, &c. It was formerly used for Worms, but has become obsolete. Hah- nemann states, that the Scotch physician, Alston, was the first to employ it against tape-worm. He gave a large dose, followed by a cathartic; but the worm was never killed by the tin. Perhaps stunned, and washed away; and this but seldom. Dr. Graves recommends the Oil of Turpentine, in small doses, for expelling tape-worms; but adds—“The electuary of Tin, too, is, in some persons, an unfailing remedy.” It is a matter of question whether the tin-filings, ordinarily"used, were ever purified; if not, the lead, arsenic, or copper contained in it, might play an impor- tant medicinal part. Noack and Trinks state that Stannum has removed Spasms in children, excited by irritation from worms, with subsequent dis- charge of a large number. We, however, look to Stannum more particularly for Affections of the Chest and Lungs; Cough, with purulent expectoration; Incipient Pulmonary Phthisis, when the cough is first dry, followed by expectoration of a yellow sputa, having a sweetish, putrid smell, and saltish taste—some- times with Hectic Fever; Night or Morning Sweats, especially about the neck, with great debility and nervousness, and perhaps diarrhoea. Some cases of Prosopalgia have been greatly relieved 351. STANN.] STANNUM. by this remedy. Rückert records several cases of Incipient and Suppurative Phthisis cured by Stannum. SYMPTOMS. Hahnemann states that Tin relieves the following symptoms:– Oppressive weight in the forehead; Colic during the menses; Pressure and stitches in the left hypochondrium; Burning pain in the region of the liver; Excessive irritability of the Nerves; In- tolerable uneasiness. Mind.—Sadness; Restless; Anxiety; Depression of spirits; not disposed to talk, nor answer questions; easily put out of temper. - Head.—Dizziness; Stupefying headache; Heaviness during rest and motion; Sudden fits of Vertigo ; Frontal headache; Pain as if the brain were distended, and the skull too small; Drawing pains in the forehead; Beating in the temples, especially after a fit of coughing. Face.—Pale, sunken; Sickly look; Flushes of heat; Stupefying pain; Contractive pain in the bones of the face—the right malar; Tearing pain from malar bone into the lower jaw; Burning pain in the right cheek, below the eye, with swelling in the evening; Pain and swelling in the upper jaw; the teeth feel elongated, and become loose. - Mouth.--Accumulation of saliva or mucus; Foetid odour; Sore throat; Cutting in the pharynx; Stinging; Dryness or scrap- ing in the throat–causes much hawking; Bitter taste, or sweet- ish rising; Acid eructations; Nausea; Retching; Vomiting; Haematemesis. - - Stomach-Pressure, and feeling of fulness; Cutting; Griping; Sense of distention; Chronic Cardialgia, with bitter eructations, nausea, sickly look, feeling of hunger, and diarrhoea. : Abdomen.—Spasms in the region of the diaphragm; Pressure and stinging in the hepatic region; Painful distention and bloated- ness of the abdomen; Cramp-like pains about the umbilicus; Painful, digging Soreness of the abdomen; Stitches in the renal region; Feeling of emptiness; Gurgling; Rumbling; Incarceration of flatus; Sensation as if he had taken a cathartic; Pressure in the inguinal region. - . Stool.-Unsuccessful desire; Frequent desire—the first part 352 STANNUM. ISTANN. being natural—then papescent—lastly, thin; Costive for a time ; Large faeces passed with cutting pains; Hard lumps; Feeling as if diarrhoea would come on; Greenish stool, with Soreness and smart- ing about the anus; Corrosive pain when walking. Urine.-Retention—the bladder feels full, but insensible; Fre- quent desire, with copious emission; Painful pressure at the neck of the Bladder; Burning, and soreness of the urethra. Genital,—No desire nor power; Frequent emissions, without dreams. Menses.—More profuse than usual; Discharge of transparent mucus; Yellowish leucorrhoea, with great loss of strength; Pains in the malar bones before and during the period of menstruation. Larynx.-Hoarse; Rough; Chronic Catarrh, with dyspnoea; Cough, and much mucus; Weakness in the chest, and much rat- tling of mucus; Exhausting fit of coughing, with bruised pain at pit of the stomach. Cough.-Excited by reading, singing, or talking; Cough in- duced by lying on the right side; Sputa greenish, sweetish, salt, or putrid; Violent cough, with blood; Soreness in the chest; Mucus; Phthisis. - - Respiration.—Short breathing, with anguish in the evening; Hurried breathing; Asthma at night, or during motion; Oppres- sion—he must unfasten his clothes to breathe more freely; Oppressive weight in the upper part of the chest; Sensation as of a body rising in the throat, arresting the breath; a deep inspiration seems to afford relief. - Chest.—Tension; Constriction, especially in the evening; Vio- lent stitches that arrest the breath; Long-continued stitch—it made him start—sharp, piercing, cutting as with a knife, chiefly in the left side of the chest; Burning stitches during expiration; the whole chest, from the throat, feels sore or bruised; Sensation of weakness, and empty feeling, after expectoration or talking; Drawing pain from the clavicles to the axilla (left); the pain is sometimes described as a painful jerk. - Neck-Drawing pains in nape; Painful stitches; Weakness of the muscles; Loud cracking of the cervical vertebræ when moving the head quickly, -- Back—Sharp stitches between the scapula, from within out- ward; Sensation, when lifting, as if sprained; Pressure in the spine, below and between the scapula, when moving or turning 353 STAPH.]" STATPHYSAGRIA. round; Violent tearing pains in the lumbar vertebrae; Shocks; Burning pressure in the Small of the back—also in the lumbar region. - Upper Limbs.-Paralytic tearing about the right shoulder- joint; Weakness and heaviness of the arms; Jerking; Jactitation of the muscles; Stiffness of the arms, hands, and fingers; Swelling of the hands; Cramps and contractions of the fingers, with jerks. Lower Limbs.-Jactitation of the left Glutei muscles; Pain in the muscles of the hip-joint when raising the thigh ; Pain as if sprained about the hip-joint; Uneasiness in the limbs—constant desire to change position; Paralytic heaviness and weakness in the thighs and joints; Stiffness of the knees; Jerking twitchings; Violent cramp in the calf; Swelling of the feet and ankles in the evening. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Drowsy when in the open air; Profuse sweat at night, that exhausts the strength; Sweat at four in the morning, chiefly about the neck and forehead; General loss of strength; Extreme relaxa- tion of body and mind; Weariness; Nervousness; Hysteric spasms; Eclampsia of dentition; Epilepsy, with contraction of the fingers; Emaciation? Consumption ? STAPHY SA GRIA. HAHNEMANN. - STAVESACRE. THIS plant has been named, by the Germans, Louse Wort, the bruised seeds having been employed to destroy lice. It has ob- tained some repute for curing Scabies. M. Bourguignon prescribes an ointment made with a fine powder, mixed with lard. Dr. Burgess uses a strong tincture made with spirit. Empirically, by the ancients, it was prescribed for toothache; and our proving will show its value in this affection. - DR. TESTE declares this to be a drug of long action, and thinks Hahnemann should have placed it among the Antipsorics. Teste 354 - - - - STAPHYSAGRLA. - ISTAPH. recommends it for sea-sickness; but says it should be administered when the dizziness and nausea are felt, and before actual vomiting takes place: also for nausea of pregnant women. NOACK and TRINKS name it for the following:—Affections that arise from disappointment, with feelings of indignation; Mer- curial diseases; Thread-like figwarts; Humid Tetters; Scald Head; Falling-off of the Hair; Swelling of the Axillary and Inguinal Glands; Swelling and Inflammation of the Bones; also of the Face; Caries; TOOTHACHE in both sound and decayed teeth; Scrofulous and Arthritic Ophthalmia; Ulcers in the mouth; In- flamed tonsils; Inflammation of the testes and ovaries; Strumous disease of the Hip-joint. According to Hempel, it acts on the Brain, Spinal Cord, and Stomach; cures Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Nervous Headache, with sensation as if a ball of lead were lodged in the frontal region; Scrofulous Sore Eyes; Amaurosis, with a white gauze before the eyes; Scrofulous Sore Nose; Mercurial Ptyalism; Cutting pains in the bowels after every meal; Constipation; Burning in the Urethra; Catarrh of the Bladder; Nocturnal Emissions; Hysteria; Hypochondria; Gnawing in the Scalp; Itch-like Eruptions. Staphysagria will be found useful in treating some of those relics of Syphilis that are often very troublesome to the prac- titioner, when Mercury has complicated rather than cured the disease. It seems to act powerfully on the Nervous System; cures Neuralgia; and improves the memory; Ulceration of the Os Uteriº SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Sadness—desire to weep; he is not satisfied with his condition nor circumstances; he has no pleasure in anything; Ill-humoured, irritated; Silent ill-humour—vexed at trifles. Senses.—Vanishing of ideas; Confused thoughts; Great weak- mess of memory; he forgets immediately what he has been reading or talking about; his memory does not serve him; as to the actual occurrence of a thing, he could not tell whether it really happened, or he only dreamt it. - . 355 STAPH.] STAPHYSAGRIA. Head.—Heaviness in the head—relieved by leaning on the hand; Sensation of a heavy load, like a ball; when shaking the head, it felt as if a leaden bullet were lying in the brain, and could not be detached; Oppressive, stupefying, frontal headache— increased by moving the head; Pressing of the brain against the skull; Aching pain in left temple, as if some one pressed on the part with the finger; Violent, tearing, sticking headache; Violent stitches; Sharp, burning prickings in left temple; Sticking head- ache the whole day; Headache during motion, as if the brain were loose, and would fall out. Scalp.–Corrosive itching in the occipital region; Itching; Gnawing; the hairs can be easily pulled out without pain; a number of scabs on the scalp, that itch violently; Humid erup- tions, that emit a foetid odour. - Eyes.—Smarting pain in the inner canthi; Acrid tears early in the morning; Pain and inflammation in the ocular and palpe- bral conjunctiva; Pressure in the upper lid; Sensation as if a stye would form; when writing the eyes soon ache; they smart and burn, and cannot well bear the light; Inflammation of the eyelids; Spasmodic closing of the lids; Frequent winking; Pupils dilated; Objects appear covered with a white gauze. Ears.-Stitching pains in the internal ear; Ringing in the ears. Nose.--Smarting; Soreness or ulceration of the nostrils; Stop- page of the nose; the posterior nares seem obstructed. Face,—Weary look; Sharp, pointed features; Eyes deeply sunk, with blue margins; Pressive, throbbing pains in the face; Cutting or drawing pains in the malar bone (left); Pimples on the face and corners of the mouth; Swelling of a gland under the chin. Lips.-Pustules and ulcers on the lips; Vesicles; Shining-red ulcer on the border of the lower lip. - Teeth.-Gnawing pain in the lower incisors; Pains in decayed teeth, especially after Mercury; Toothache from taking cold in damp weather; Pains in the roots of the teeth; when chewing the teeth feel tender; Toothache immediately after eating, or on taking cold drink. - Gums. Ulcers and boils on the gums; Pale, white ulcers; the gums bleed readily for several days, are swollen, and feel tender. - - Mouth-Wesicles and ulcers in the mouth and inside the cheeks; Accumulation of much water in the mouth. 356 - STAPHYSAGRLA. [STAPH. Tongue.—Dry; Stinging pain on the tip; Sore pimples on the edge of the tongue. Throat.—Rough; Dry; Scraping or burning; Sensation as if snuff were in the throat; Swelling of the tonsils from Mercury; Soreness during deglutition. Taste.—Qualmish; Watery or bitter; Bread tastes sour, and Beer causes a scraping in the throat. o Appetite.—Constant hunger, even after food; Desire for liquids, wine, and tobacco; Hiccough after every meal; Nausea, with in- clination to vomit; Heartburn after smoking. - Stomach.-Pressure as from a load—especially excited by eating bread; Pressure at pit, with fulness. . Abdomen.—Hard, painful pressure on the right side of umbili- cus; Spasmodic pains in the abdomen; Swelling of the inguinal glands; Emission of very hot, foºtid flatus; Enlarged abdomen of children. Stool-Constipation for several days; Itching in the anus; Colic, with desire for stool; Faeces scanty and hard; Discharge of prostatic fluid during a hard stool. - Urine.—Copious and frequent for several days; Frequent emis- sion of a watery urine at first (from a large dose); Discharge of urine when coughing. Afterwards—Frequent desire to micturate, but passes only a small quantity of dark urine; after urinating, he felt as if the bladder was not emptied; Painful micturition, with burning in the urethra. Genital.-Nocturnal emissions; Involuntary emission in an old man (the primary effect is to excite desire); Drawing, burning sensation in the spermatic cord, to the right testis; Aching pain in the testes after walking, or from friction; Figwarts. Menses.—Appear after a long absence, with Colic; Stinging, itching of the pudenda; Smarting; Ulcer on the labia majora; Ovaritis; Uterine Cancer? Larynx.-Roughness after talking; Hawking up of mucus; Cough, with yellow sputa, in the forenoon, and at night; Ulcerative pain when coughing, behind the upper part of sternum; Sharp cough after a meal; Dry, hollow cough. - Chest.—Contractive oppression of the Chest.; Inspirations slow and difficult; Expiration gives relief; Spasm of the Diaphragm; Sharp stitches in the Chest; Bruised pain in the muscles; Ex- coriation in the Chest; Aching—relieved by walking. 357 STRAM.] STRAMONTUM. Heart.—Violent palpitation on awaking from a siesta; Tremu- lous palpitation during exercise. - Neck-Rheumatic pains in the neck, and swelling of the glands. - Back—Pain in the small of the back, as if sprained; Early in the morning it felt as if broken; Swelling of the axillary glands. Upper Limbs.-Pains in the bones; Stiffness; Arthritic pains in the fingers and joints; Cramp; Numbness, or convulsive move- ments of the fingers. - - Lower Limbs.-Soreness about the nates and gluteal region; Bruised feeling in the muscles of the thighs when walking; Dull stitches in the knee-joint; Weakness of the knees; Pains in the muscles of the legs; Cramp in the legs and feet; Pains in all the bones. - Skin-Blotches, the size of peas, on the body and thighs; Herpes; Dry and crusty; Frequent boils; Mercurial ulcers; Smart- ing and itching eruptions; Ulcers that are covered with a thin crust, and from which a yellowish fluid exudes; Induration of the glands; Putrid-smelling night-sweat. STRAMONIUM. HAHNEMANN. - THORN-APPLE. ACCORDING to Allopathic authority, this drug is similar to Bella- donna; possessing the power to dilate the pupil, and acting in a similar manner on the brain. It is advised to be administered with caution, commencing with small doses—one-fourth of a grain of the extract; but the medicine should be immediately discon- tinued if it causes Vertigo; Dryness of the throat, and dilate pupil. - Dr. Stoerck appears to have been the first to introduce Stramo- nium for Mania and Melancholy—a kind of Insanity, from the fact that he found it produce a sort of Craziness in those who took it. Some Swedish physicians have prescribed it, with suc- cess, for Epilepsy. The leaves are frequently smoked, as tobacco, 358 STRAMONIUM. ISTRAM. for the relief of Spasmodic Asthma. It has, from time to time, been prescribed by various physicians, for Dyspnoea; Hard, dry Cough ; Neuralgia; Enteralgia; Nervous and Rheumatic Head- ache. It is thought to act as a sedative on the Nervous System generally: also used as a local application, for Affections of the Eye; Syphilitic Nodes; Painful Haemorrhoids, &c. IN HOMOEOPATHY, it is chiefly used for Chorea; Mental derange- ment; Furious Delirium, with a disposition to bite and strike; Alternating states of laughing, singing, extravagant gestures and speech, with Lowness of Spirits; Melancholy; Religious Monomania. Probably useful in some forms of Epilepsy; Convul- sions; Typhus Fever, with delirium; Hallucinations; Delirium Tremens, with staring, glistening eyes; Visions of Animals; Delirium Tremens, induced by Beer (Jahr); Spasms and twitching of the muscles; Nervous Prosopalgia of the facial nerve, especially the right side. Four cases are recorded as cured by the tincture and extract—Tetanus; Opisthotonos; Trembling of the Limbs; Paralysis, after Apoplexy. HEMPEL presents us with the following list: — Mania, with Exaltation of the fancy and sensibility; Excessive talking; Cere- bral Congestion; Vertigo ; Intoxication; Phrenitis; Tetanic Spasms; Convulsions, with fainting fits; Chorea, resulting from checked perspiration; Fright, or Onanism; Epilepsy, with clenched hands; Stertorous breathing and foam at the mouth; Trembling of the whole body; Convulsions of the Head and Arms, with Hic- cough ; Hydrophobic Convulsions; Desire to tear and bite; Fury increased by a Light, by Fire, Water, or a Mirror; Mouth and fauces dry; Spasm of the Throat; Hysteric Spasms and Convul- sions; Hysteria, terminating in profuse watery urine; Puerperal Mania, or Convulsions; Nymphomania, with Constipation; Asthma; Dyspnoea; Whooping-cough; Acute, eruptive diseases; Typhus of the Brain and Bowels. Hahnemann states, that the primary effect of Stramonium is to suppress the Secretions and Excretions. In this respect it resembles Opium. The secondary action is just the reverse—the secretions become copious. It will be well to bear this in mind with all drugs. 359 STRAM.] STRAMONIUM. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Melancholy; also desire for company, lights, and sun- shine—because darkness and solitude aggravate the symptoms; Alternations of convulsions and rage; Desire to bite and tear with the teeth; Violent Spasms; when they had passed off he became furious—attempted to strike and bite those around him; Silent ill-humour; Vexed with everything; Apprehensive of the future; Foreboding evil; Sad without cause ; Easily provoked to passion; Absence of mind; Loss of memory. Senses and Head.—Vertigo, with redness of the face; Pain in the abdomen, and sensation of gauze before the eyes; or with thirst—foam at the mouth; Giddiness; Rush of blood to the head; ‘Stupefaction, with dimness of sight; Intoxication; Stupefaction of the senses; he does not notice the objects around him; walks about with staring eyes; Dances, sings, bursts into laughter; does not recognise any of his family; Kneels in his bed—attempts to pray; Timid Mania; or with pride and affectation; Frightful fancies; he looks frightened and terrified; Headache, with dim- ness of sight, and hardness of hearing; Headache, with giddiness, fainting, and thirst; Spasmodic drawing of the head to one side, with screaming; Constant movement of the head to-and-fro. Eyes.—Extreme dilatation of the pupils; Sparkling; Glisten- ing ; Staring eyes; Dimness of sight, with thirst and sweat; Swelling of the eyes and lids; Contortions of the eyeballs; Fiery visions before the eyes; Diplopia. - Face.—Swelling and redness of the face and cheeks; also the eyes and tongue; Wild, frightened look; or perhaps, at first, he looks quite friendly, but soon assumes a very contrary appearance; the upper part of the face looks dingy and dark; but, around the nose and mouth, is white. Teeth.-Grinding of the teeth; Beating toothache. - Mouth-Extreme dryness of the mouth; Partial paralysis of the organs of speech; he could only stammer out words; Copious ptyalism day and night; Swelling of the tongue; Trembling of the tongue; Aversion to water or liquids. - Throat.—Difficult deglutition; Constriction and spasm of the oesophagus; she tries to swallow bread and milk, but cannot. Taste.—Bread and butter tastes like sand; all food tastes like straw; Constant bitterness in the mouth. - 360 STRONTIANA, ISTRON: Stomach-Nausea; Vomiting of green bile or mucus; Ach- ing; Biting pain in the stomach; Anxiety at the pit, sometimes with difficult respiration; Inflammation of the stomach 2 Abdomen.—Bloated, distended, puffed up ; Rumbling, with diarrhoea and colic; Fermentation; Pain as if the umbilicus would be torn out. Stool.—Constipation for six days, without pain; afterwards, diarrhoea for six days in succession; after a profuse sweat the diarrhoea ceased. Urine.—Suppression of urine; the urethra appeared too nar- row; it came only in drops, and felt hotter than usual; afterwards, profuse micturition. Larynx,−Voice hoarse or squeaking—the pitch high, and all power of modulation lost; Oppression and spasms in the chest, especially in Hysteric females. Back and Limbs.-Drawing pains in the small of the back; Bruised pains about the shoulders; Pain about the mid-spine, cor- responding with the posterior part of the stomach, where there are drawing pains; Trembling of the arms; Rigidity of the lower limbs; Pains in the thighs and loins; Boils on the feet; Violent motion of the limbs; Sleep sound, with stertorous breathing. STR0 NTIAN A, CARBONATE OF STRONTIA. HAs been chiefly employed for violent Cardialgia; Sense of drag ging, or cutting pain in the stomach; Oppression; Violent Hic- cough ; Dyspnoea; Aching pain in the Chest, especially during motion; Aching pain under the Sternum; Dull pressure in the region of the Heart; Burning and tenderness under the Sternum; Pains in the Back; Pinching in the Abdomen, which is full and distended; Emaciation; Cough; Pains in the Chest; Difficult ex- pectoration of whitish sputa, with chilliness; Tearing pains in the Hips, Knees, Shoulder, and Elbow-joints; Heaviness, debility, and tremor in the limbs; Cramps in the calves and soles of the feet; Phthisis? 2 B 361. SULPH.] - SULPHUR. SULPHUR. HAHNEMANN. IN Allopathic doses, can rarely be prescribed with advantage. It is looked upon as an alterative, a gentle laxative, and, from its power to relieve venous congestion, valuable in Haemorrhoidal affections. For diseases of the Skin it has always held a promi- ment place; and is more especially relied on as a specific for Itch, in the form of Sulphur Ointment. The milk of Sulphur is the form generally prescribed as an alterative; but the use of Sulphur in- duces many unpleasant conditions, and causes silver articles to turn black, when carried by those who are under its influence. In Homoeopathic practice we are able to avail ourselves of the medicinal advantages without inconvenience, and can apply it far more extensively. It is a remedy of the most searching character; of long-continued action; and is indispensable in the treatment of many Chronic diseases. It will be found valuable when some other medicine has been long continued, and appears to have lost all power over the disease. A dose or two of Sulphur will wake up, or, as it were, irritate the nervous system; after which the previous remedy may again be exhibited with success. It is especially use- ful after Mercury, and is a powerful antidote to the effects of that mineral (so, also, is Dulcamara). Hahnemann placed Sulphur in the highest rank of his Anti- psorics. It will rarely be required in treating acute disease, but more frequently as follows:—Shooting pains of a flying or shifting character, that first appear in one place, then in another; Dry Chronic Eruptions of various kinds; Itch, with warm soap-baths; Impetigo of the Scalp (dry variety)—sometimes with yellow or greenish crusts; Dry Scaly Eruption; Squamous Eruptions on the Forehead; Acne Rosacea; Mentagra; Chronic Erysipelas of the Face; Herpes Circinnatus; Lymphatic Swellings and Abscess; Boils; Chronic Ulcers; Varicose Weins; Horny Warts; Onychia; Whit- low ; Ulceration of the Nails; Chronic Headache; Wertigo ; Rush of blood to the Head; Ophthalmia; Catarrhal Ophthalmia of the 362 - - SULPHUR. [SULPH. Palpebral Conjunctiva; Soreness of the Eyelids; Arthritic and Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Chronic Ulceration of the Cornea; Amau- rosis; Threatened Cataract from repelled Itch, or other Cutaneous Eruptions; Humming in the Ears; Deafness; Purulent Otorrhoea; Chronic Dyspepsia; Inflammatory Affections of the Stomach; Chronic Hepatitis; Induration of the Liver; Congestion of the Portal System; Flatulent Colic; Chronic Constipation, even in infants and children; Diarrhoea—also when alternating with Con- stipation; Haemorrhoids—Blind and Bleeding; Suppressed Haemor- rhoids, with congestion of blood to the head; Chronic Pneumonia; Chronic Cough; Pulmonary Phthisis; Chronic Affections of the Chest; Impotence (with Conium); Chronic Gonorrhoea; Affections of the Bladder; Evils that sometimes occur after Vaccination; Cracking of the Joints; Weakness of the legs in children; Diffi- culty in learning to walk. *- SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Irritable; Obstinate, peevish, whining mood; Melan- choly; Depressed; Sad; Tendency to weep; Religious melancholy; Tendency to start; Soon frightened; Despondency; Weakness of memory, especially for names. - - Head.—Headache and giddiness on first rising in the morning— he falls back on the bed; Vertigo on stooping, or walking out in the open air; Headache, with nausea; Head painful at every step; Numbness on the right side; Pressure; Aching; Violent pressure in the forehead; Headache at night, with pressure in occiput; Periodical headache; Heaviness, dulness, as of a weight, or com- pressed between screws; Tearing, drawing in the head; Stitching; Jerking; Rush of blood to the head. Scalp.–Feeling of coldness on the top of the head; Itching pimples; Blotches; Impetigo, with yellow exudations forming crusts, with itching; the roots of the hair are painful to touch; Falling-off of the hair. - Eyes.—Painful, as from sand or dust; Painful pressure on moving the eyes; Itching; Smarting; Dryness or burning; Feeling of heat; Sense of congestion; Redness; Injection of the vessels; Vesicles on the cornea. - Sight.—Dim; Misty, as covered with gauze, or a thin pellicle; Intolerance of light. # - 2 B 2 363 SULPH.] SULPHUR. Eyelids.-Agglutination; Swelling of the lids; Red, inflamed lids; Twitching of the lids; Ulcerated edges of the lids. Ears.-Drawing pain in left; Stitches; Humming in both ears; Hearing obstructed; Whizzing; Roaring; Cracking; Excoriation behind; Discharge of pus from the ears. - Nose.—Swollen; Inflamed; Obstructed; Smell lost; Bleeding from the nose; Nostrils ulcerated; Inflamed. Face.—Pale; Yellow, wrinkled skin; Swelling of the face; Hot; Red; Burning; Erysipelas—especially spreading towards the eyes; Circumscribed flush (hectic); Creeping twitches; Acne P Lips.-Chapped; Swollen; Puffed; Painful vesicles on the lips; Rhagades; Blisters; Eruption around and at the corners of the mouth. Mouth–Hot, dry—taste of blood; Burning; Peeling-off of the skin; Vesicles; Sore mouth; Aphtha; Accumulation of saliva; Foetid smell from the mouth. Tongue.—Dry; Coated white; or cracked; or vermilion colour; Saltish mucus; Smarting vesicles on the tongue. Teeth.-Jerking in single teeth; Evening toothache; Sense of elongation. - Gums.-Throb and swell; Recede from the teeth—loosening; Hard swellings on the gums; Discharge of pus and blood. - Throat.—Sore—impeding deglutition; Dryness; Contraction. Taste.—Flat ; Putrid; Bitter or sour; Sweet nausea; Taste of Bile; Coppery taste in the mouth. . Appetite.-Aversion to fat, meat, milk, or Brown Bread; Vege- tables are not digested; Sweets induced Colic; Waterbrash; Heartburn; Acid eructations; Nausea; Vomiting of food; Vomit- ing of Blood, or Blackish fluid. Stomach.-Sensitive to pressure; Pain after food; Pulsation and swelling at pit; Spasmodic contractions, or digging pains— sometimes immediately after eating. Hepatic Region.—Tender; Sensitive; Swollen; Indurated; Sensation as if wounded; Drawing and shooting pains. Abdomen.—Distended; Full; Feels raw and sore; Spasmodic shootings; Contractions (chiefly left side); when taking a deep inspiration, he is compelled to cry out; Spasmodic Colic, extend- ing from Umbilicus to Hypogastric region; Constrictive pains about the Umbilicus; the abdominal muscles are tender, and feel bruised; Empty rumbling in the intestines. 364 - * SULPHUR. [SULPH. Inguinal Region.—Painful swelling of the glands; Tearing; Stitching; Burning stitches; Suppuration of a gland. Stool.—Hard, difficult, as if burnt; Knotty, insufficient evacu- ation, only once in three days; Involuntary stools; Diarrhoea, with mucus; Green or brownish stools, with tenesmus; Ascarides; Lumbrici; Prolapsus Ani; Protrusion of Haemorrhoids; Itching, stinging in anus. Urine,—Frequent urging; Desire at night; Wetting the bed; Urine with foetid smell; Thick, white deposit. - Genitals.-Gleet; Phymosis; Paraphymosis; Discharge of prostatic fluid; Hydrocele; Swelling of the testes. Menses.—Early, or suppressed, with headache; Pain in loins; Itching in the valva; Colour too pale; Tendency to miscarry. Trachea.—Roughness; Titillation; Voice hoarse, weak. Cough, with thick, yellow sputa, or greenish, or with Blood; Tubercular Phthisis; Cough, with fever. Chest.—Stitches; Tightness; Dyspnoea when lying down at night; Rattling of mucus; Sense of weakness when talking; Pain and obstruction on the left side. (Chiefly useful after neglected Pneumonia.) Heart.—Frequent palpitation on ascending stairs, or a hill; Palpitation that is sometimes visible, with great anxiety. Back—Pains across the loins—wrenching, or bruise-like— from walking, laborious occupation, or when rising from a seat; Chronic swelling of the Occipital and Axillary glands. Upper Extremities.—Drawing pains in the shoulder-joint, and down the humerus. . Hands. Trembling; Sweat; Cracking of the skin; Chilblains; Whitlow; Hangmails; Deadness in the tips of the fingers. Lower Extremities.—Heaviness; Lameness, with languor; Soreness between the thighs; Swelling at the knee-joint; Cramp in the calves; Swelling of the feet; Cold feet; Swelling of the toes; Blisters on the toes; the limbs go to sleep. - Skin.—Itching, chronic eruptions; Burning, itching, like nettle-rash; Tendency to become chapped; Unhealthy skin; Ulcers; Boils; Abscess; Swelling and suppuration of glands; Scurfy eruption of small vesicles, with red areola ; Small-pox during suppuration; Rheumatism. The pains are relieved by warmth and rest—worse at night; some pains come on during rest, and are then relieved by motion. 365 SULPH, AC.] SULPHURIC ACID. SULPHURIC ACID. HAHNEMANN. DILUTE Sulphuric Acid is employed, in Allopathy, for the follow- ing:—Lead Poisoning; Chronic Lead Palsy ; Haemorrhages; Haematemesis; Calculi of the Phosphatic kind, with alkaline urine; Painless Diarrhoea; Choleraic Diarrhoea; Diarrhoea of Children; Diarrhoea of Puerperal and Typhoid Fevers. For Scarlet Fever; Profuse sweats, even in Phthisis; Leucorrhoea; Chronic Rheu- matism, and many Cutaneous diseases, even Syphilitic. IN HOMOEOPATHY, Noack and Trinks advise it for Chronic Ail- ments, when Sulphur has proved insufficient; Epistaxis; Excoria- tions of the skin; Aphthas; Haemoptysis; Chronic Ophthalmia; Pyrosis, with Acid Vomiting ; Purpura Haemorrhagica; and dis- charge of black blood from the nose, mouth, anus, and urethra, with rapid loss of strength; Cough, with expectoration of blood. HEMPEL (New Materia Medica), for Obstinate Headache; Brandy Mania; Profuse Leucorrhoea; Acidity of the stomach; Hiccough; Aphtha of Children; Inflammatory Croup; Mercurial Ptyalism; Phosphatic Calculi, with alkaline urine; Lead Colic; Night-sweats; Metrorrhagia; Bed sores; Flesh-wounds that threaten Gangrene; and Burns (external application). HAHNEMANN-Tension in the eyelids; Short sight; Hard hear- ing; Inguinal Hernia; Chronic looseness of the bowels; Profuse menses; Metrorrhagia; Roughness in the throat; Asthma ; Swell- ing of the feet; Coldness of the feet. Sulphuric Acid is very valuable for Acidity of the Stomach, and Diarrhoea of children and adults. SYMPTOMS. Mind,-Desponding; Sad; Weary; Peevish ; Irritable; Ex- cessively nervous; Starting at the slightest noise; Hurried man- 366 SULPHURIC ACID. [SULPH. A.C. ner; she cannot do things quick enough to please herself; Im- patient. - - f Head.—Dulness; Stupid feeling; Vertigo—going off in the open air; Vertigo when sitting; Morning headache; Aching and burn- ing—frequently in the forehead and eyes; Drawing pains in the head; Stitches in the left frontal eminence, sudden and painful, like shocks; Sensation as if the brain were loose and moving to-and- fro—painful when shaking the head. Scalp.–Tender to the touch, as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Itching of the scalp; Eruptions on the head; the hair turns grey, and falls off. . -- Eyes.—Drooping of the lids, with feeling of stiffness in the morn- ing, and difficulty in opening them; Itching, Smarting, burning ; Burning and pressure in the eyeball; Redness of the eyes, with constant lachrymation; Agglutination in the morning; Dim sight. Ears.-Tearing or jerking pains in the ear; Ringing; Noise as from a distant waterfall; Hearing obstructed, as if a leaf were stretched over the ear. - Nose.—Bleeding from the nose in the evening, when sitting or standing; Obstinate, dry Coryza; Violent Coryza, with sore eyes. Face.—Redness, heat, and sense of distention; Tearing in the left malar bone, or bruised pain; Pimples on the face, forehead, and side of the nose (Acne Rosacea. 2); the skin of the lips peels off. Teeth.-Tearing pains in the teeth of the left lower jaw; Toothache—aggravated by cold—relieved by warmth; the teeth feel to be set on edge; Gums easily bleed, ulcerate; Pain under the jaw, affecting the tongue and the sub-maxillary gland. Mouth.-Profuse flow of tasteless saliva; Vesicles inside the cheek; Aphtha ; Ptyalism. Throat.—Rough; Scraping; Pricking; Contractive sensation, especially on the right side, with sensation as if a ball were there. Taste.—Putrid, flat, pappy; Bread tastes bitter, and causes oppression at the Stomach; Milk induces flatulence; after drinking it, felt faint and exhausted. - - - Gastric Symptoms.-Qualm after eating; after a warm dinner, cold sweat breaks out on the forehead, face, and body; Sour eructations; Strong acidity, even in the throat; Gulping of sweetish water; Vomiting of water—afterwards the food, with nausea; Nausea, with chilliness; Rising of saltish water in the mouth; Heartburn; Hiccough; Eructations, tasting like onion. . 367 SULPH, AC.] v SULPHURIC ACID. Stomach.-Tender to touch; Pressure as from a stone; Feeling of fulness and distention; Violent contractive pain in the stomach and abdomen, affecting the breath; Sudden gripings; Stitch ; Prickings; Pinching; Burning in the stomach. - Stitches in the region of the Liver and Spleen. Abdomen.--Pinching and cutting pains, extending towards the lumbar region, with pressure on the rectum; Pressing pains, like those of labour, with faintness and nausea; Labour-like pains, extending to the hips, with sensation in the small of the back, as if bruised; Burning and pressure in the region of the uterus; Pains in the groin ; Beating in the inguinal region for several days; it caused protrusion of a hermia that had been reduced; Bubbling in the abdomen, as from water, when lying upon the back. Stool.-Chronic diarrhoea; Yellow-white, foºtid stools of liquid mucus, or streaked with blood (in children); Hard lumps, mixed with blood, and painful prickings in the anus during menstruation; : Congestion of blood to the rectum; Haemorrhoids, with pricking and burning. Urine.—(Primary effect)—Retention of urine and stool; after- wards there is frequent desire, with burning and cutting in the urethra, and pressure at the neck of the bladder. - Menses.—Too early and profuse, with indigestion and night- mare; Discharge of mucus and blood; Burning leucorrhoea. - Larynx, &c.—Hoarse; Rough and dry; Short, hacking cough, with dyspnoea; Stitches in the chest, and palpitation of the heart. Back.-Boils on the back; Tenderness of the axillary glands. Upper Limbs.-Heaviness of the arms; Laming pains and contractions; Bluish spots on the fore-arm; Drawing pains at the wrist; Eruptions on the hands, and between the fingers; Chil- blains. - - Lower Limbs.-Contractive pains in the thigh; Weakness in the knees; Pain in the heel or instep; Stiffness of the ankles when walking; Coldness of the feet; Swelling of the feet; Shooting, painful corns. - - Skin-Itching eruptions in various parts of the body; Small, livid, or bluish spots; Suppurating Sores, that seem to threaten mortification; Excoriation of the skin; Jaundice; Pain that accom- panies the healing of burns; Bed sores. 368 TABACUM. [TABAC, TABA CUM. TRINKS, TOBACCO. TOBACCO has been employed, in the Dominant School, chiefly by Enema—very rarely administered by the mouth ; for, at the best, it is a dangerous and uncertain remedy in Allopathic doses. Dr. Stokes has remarked that excessive smoking tends to induce palpi- tation of the heart. A tendency to Amaurosis has been observed in some persons who habitually chew tobacco. It was formerly pre- scribed as a local application to the scalp, for Ringworm; but a few cases proved fatal. As an Enema for Hernia, it has also been attended with very serious results. In small doses it produces great depression, and seems to exhaust the vital powers. Dr. Fowler employed it for Dropsy; and Dr. Graves applied a compress soaked in a decoction of the leaves, for Colic pains in the Ab- domen. IN HOMOEOPATHY, some cures are reported from the exhibition of Tabacum—Asiatic Cholera, after Verat or Secale, where there was violent nausea; Cold sweat ; occasional vomiting; Oppression of the Stomach; Anguish ; Restlessness; Cramp-like clawing in the calves; Tearing pains in the Limbs; Epilepsy; Renal Colic, from impaction of a stone in the right ureter. Prescription—Tab., 3, three drops every half-hour. Hiccough; Whooping-cough attacks relieved ; Asthma humidum, with tension in the Chest and Ab- domen; Obstinate Constipation. Hempel sets it down for Sea- sickness. - SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Cheerful, merry, loquacious, almost amounting to deli- rium; Sudden bursts of laughter—afterwards he became peevish, then stupid, with heaviness and dulness in the head; Oppressive anxiety—uneasy at the chest; Moaning; Vertigo, with qualm at the stomach; Intoxication, - : Head,—Stupefaction; Sense of fulness about the head and nape . of neck—he had to loosen his neck-tie; Violent headache in the 369 TABAG.I - TABACUM. left half of the forehead; Congestion of blood to the head, with flushes of heat in the face. Eyes.—Burning in the eyes; Heat and stinging in the eyeballs. First—The pupils are contracted—afterwards dilated. Face,—Blue and contracted; Death-like paleness, with sickness at the stomach. - - - Stomach. — Frequent eructations; Hiccough ; Heartburn ; Qualm and nausea; Loathing and faintness; Spasmodic vomiting; Sweat; Diarrhoea, and pains in the abdomen; Feeling of great de- bility; Spasmodic pressure at the pyloric orifice; Writhing and stitches—afterwards a feeling of coldness in the stomach, and shuddering down the back. Abdomen.-Violent contractions of the abdominal muscles; Pain in the region of the liver; Stitches; Prickings—increased during inspiration; Fine stitches in the whole abdomen; Hor- rible pains, with burning—it caused him to shriek; Painful pres- sure in the renal region; VIOLENT COLIC, with vertigo, headache, nausea, contracted abdomen, small pulse, cold, damp skin, and dilated pupil; Colic, with spasms of the bowels, and diarrhoea. Stool.-Urging to stool, with tenesmus; Flatus, followed by sudden papescent, yellow, or greenish slimy stools, with tenesmus; Diarrhoea; Several diarrhoeic stools, with flatulence, colie, burn- ing, and tenesmus. Urine,—Urging to urinate; Profuse, clear, lemon-coloured; Frequent pressure on the bladder; Nocturnal enuresis. Larynx and Chest—Tickling, scraping, inducing a cough ; Sense of oppression; Difficult breathing; the chest feels too nar- row and constricted—unable to take a very deep breath; Pains in the intercostal muscles. - Heart.—Violent palpitation, with throbbing of the vessels in the neck; Irregular pulsation; Palpitation, induced by lying on the left side; Fainting fits. - - Limbs.-Tremor of the limbs; Coldness; Feeling of lameness; Spasmodic contractions; Pains in the hip and knee-joint; Cramps in the hands and feet; Burning pain in the knee. - Fever.—Icy coldness of the limbs; Shuddering in the whole body, with pain between the scapulaº ; Hot skin, with internal coldness; Night-sweat; Cold sweat. The pains generally predominate on the left side. 370 - TARAXACUM. ITARAX. TARAXA CUM. HAHNEMANN. DANDELION. THE Dandelion has been, from time to time, a favourite remedy with Allopathic physicians. It is considered Tonic, Alterative, and Diuretic, and thought to act powerfully on the liver. Zim- mermann believed it valuable for removing pulmonary tubercles. Dr. Todd, for inflammation of the Duodenum, and Dyspepsia. Several physicians, for Chronic inflammation; Torpidity, and enlargement of the Liver; Jaundice; Phthisis; Dysmenorrhoea; and some Chronic cutaneous affections. It has been also recom- mended for Gall-stones, combined with Nitric Acid. IN HOMOEOPATHY it has been used for Rheumatism; Gastric Fever; Quotidian Fever, and Ague; Profuse sweat, with thirst ; Restless sleep; . Violent headache; Nausea and bitter taste. Hahnemann says it may be useful in Dropsy and Diabetes, that do not depend on Chronic Miasm, which is frequently the case. SYMPTOMS. Head.-Violent headache, that is felt only when walking or standing ; Oppressive pain in the forehead; Aching in right temple; Painful pressure from within outwards; Sense of eontrac- tion or constriction from all sides, pressing the brain; Sharp stitches in the forehead. Eyes.—Burning and pricking in the eyes; Violent burning in the eyeballs; Fine pricking in the eyeball and eyelids; Agglu- tination. & Ears.-Drawing pains in the ears; Chirping, like grasshoppers. Nose.—Bleeding from the nose; Frequent sneezing. Mouth.-Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, or acid water. Tongue.—Burning, pricking; White coating that peels off, here and there, in patches, and leaves the part raw and tender; Dry, brown coating in the morning. Taste, &c.—Bitter; Meat and gravy turn sour; Nausea, with anxiety; Bitter Eructations, and hiccough; the stomach feels - . 371 TART, EMI TARTARUS EMETICUS. overloaded with fat food; Nausea, with anxiety and chilliness; Empty eructations for several days. Abdomen.—Movement in the abdomen as if bubblese were bursting in it; Pinching in the abdomen, with emission of flatus; Single, violent, sharp stitches in the epigastrium (right side of the abdomen); also in the hypogastrium; Pain as if sprained in the left groin. - - - - Stool.—Soft, but passed with straining; Titillation in the perinaeum. - Urine,—(Primary)—Frequent copious emissions. (Second effect)—Frequent desire, with only scanty emission; Burning, stinging in the testes. - Neck–Pains in the nape of the neck; Sharp, boring stitches; Sticking pain, with pressure—also in the whole spine; Pain under the right scapula, and the intercostals of the right side; the muscles of the jaw and neck are painful; Acute pain, extending from the sternum to the mastoid process of the jaw. - Upper Limbs-Jerking in the muscles of the arm ; Throbbing in the vessels; Drawing pains that frequently return ; Cold; Dead- ness of the tips of the fingers. - Lower Limbs.-Pain in the knee-joint; Drawing pains in the legs; Aching in the calves; Burning in the soles and toes. TARTARUS EMETIOUS STAPF. - TARTARISED ANTIMONY. THIS drug was a great favourite with the late Dr. Graves, who prescribed it generally in combination with Opium, especially for fevers, with cerebral complication and loss of sleep; also Chronic Bronchitis. - - - It appears to act powerfully on the Lungs and Heart, and relieves Capillary Congestion. Dr. Rasori introduced it, in the early part of this century, for Pneumonia and Acute inflammation generally. It has also been prescribed by others for the following affections:—Acute Bronchitis; Influenza; Croup and Laryngitis (Drs. Cheyne and Stokes); Whooping-cough (Watson); Delirium 372 TARTARUS EMETICUS, [TART, EMI, Tremens (Graves); Puerperal Convulsions (Collins and Murphy); Tetanus (Liston, and others); Cholera and Diarrhoea (Billing); Albuminuria (Barlow). Also, Congestion of the Liver; Threat- ened attack of Jaundice; Hydrocephalus; Epilepsy; Erysipelas; Inflammation and Rheumatism of the Joints; Swelled Testicle; Syphilitic Bubo, &c. - I have set down the above list for the reason that it appears to me a much better one than Homoeopathy can present at this time; and it is very desirable, when possible, to show how the truth becomes manifest. The experience of the one system must, and will, confirm the experience of the other in due time; for truth is everlastingly the same. IN HOMOEOPATHY (Jahr's Mamwal, by Curie) it is only named for symptoms which are commonly present in Rheumatic Fever; Varioloides; Gastric and Bilious Affections; Asphyxia of new-born infants; Whooping-cough ; Croup, &c. Hempel, in his New Materia Medica, does not seem to value it to any extent; but names it for Gastrodynia; Chronic Gastritis; Stomacace; Variola; Angina; Delirium Tremens; Croup; Diph- theria; and Pneumonia. + Teste says that he has seldom used it; but thinks the symptoms are strikingly similar to those of Ipec. From all this we do not learn much. Probably the drug may repay if better studied. It appears to produce a clear pustule on the skin, that is precisely the same in appearance as the Vaccine pustule. I have used it for uncomplicated Small-pox, without any other remedy, and the patients did well. - Dr. Gray (America) administered it in a case of Apoplexy, where there was fruitless efforts to vomit, in a woman, aged sixty. These efforts to vomit recurred about every half-hour. One dose, the sixtieth part of a grain in water, cured the symptom at once. The coma disappeared, and she made a good recovery. He also advises it in the first stage of Influenza; for Gastric and Bilious Fevers; and thinks it might be valuable in continued fevers, such as are prevalent in England. 373 TART, EMI TARTARUS EMETICUS, - SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Anxiety; Anguish, with cold sweat; Mind excessively uneasy; Restless; Desponding; Tendency to start; the child feels timid, cries when touched, and continually wants to be carried. Head.—Dulness; Dizziness; Violent headache, with giddiness and palpitation; Stupefaction; Drowsy; Weary; Headache, with pressure from without inwards, especially in the forehead, and over the root of the nose; Sharp stitches in the whole head; Heaviness, as if a part of the brain had become a hard lump; Trembling of the head during every motion of the body. Eyes.—The eyes feel so weary that they close; Desire to press the eyelids firmly together; the eyeball feels bruised; Burning and smarting, with redness of the conjunctiva; Swelling of the ocular conjunctiva, with turgidity of the vessels; Scintillations; Misti- ness and vertigo when rising from a seat. Ears.-Humming in the ears. Nose.—Ulceration of the nostrils; Coryza, that is preceded by bleeding from the nose; Fluent Coryza, with chilliness, and partial loss of Smell and taste. Mouth.-Inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is covered with pustules, some of which appear depressed in the centre; Swelling and excoriation inside the mouth ; Aphtha. Tongue—Red as in scarlet fever; Papillae prominent; Bright-red, dry in the centre, or white coating; Swelling, and difficult move— ment of the tongue. Face.—Wretched, pale look; Blue margins around the eyes; Blue lips, and pointed nose; Convulsive twitching of all the facial muscles; Spasmodic closing of the jaws; or the face may be red from strangulation. Lips.--Dry; Scaly; Cracked; Excoriated; Red. Teeth.-Violent toothache early in the morning; Redness of the gums. - Throat.—Burning heat in the throat; Sudden swelling of the tonsils and cervical glands; Violent sore throat. Pharynx.-Inflammation of the pharynx, which is covered with small pustules; the soft palate is swollen, and covered with tenacious mucus, or vesicles; Difficulty of swallowing; the throat and pharynx feel tightly closed, with red face; Turgidity of the vessels; Dysphagia and dyspnoea. - 374 TARTARUs EMETICUs. [TART, EMI. Larynx.-Aphonia from exhaustion; Cough, with gasping for air at the commencement of the paroxysm; Loose cough at night, witherattling of mucus; Cough of children, which makes them angry, with sweat about the head; Cough after a meal, with vomit- ing of food. Chest.—Burning pain under the sternum; Soreness in the chest ; Velvety feeling; Sense of oppression in the chest; Eruption on the chest. - Respiration.—Nocturnal orthopnoea; Breathing short, diffi- cult—obliged to be propped in the erect position; Cough and ex- pectoration relieve; Frequent attacks of intermittent, unequal breathing during sleep; PARALYSIS OF THE LUNGs; Inflammation of the lungs. - Heart.—Feeling of heat about the heart, with sudden attack of languor and despondency, obliging him to let the arms hang down; Warmth and anxiety, with violent palpitation that is felt in the head; Violent sudden beating of the heart, with tingling and pres- sure at the pit of the stomach—it came on every night—relieved by perspiration; Palpitation during a diarrhoeic stool; Dilatation of the heart. Taste.—Metallic or astringent; Saltish, or bad foul taste, with accumulation of water in the mouth. * Appetite.—Hungry when walking in the open air; he eats his food with a relish, but is attacked with loathing afterwards; Qualmish prostration; Desire for apples, water, and acids; Dislike for milk. - - . Gastric Symptoms.-Frequent nausea; Anxiety; Vomiting and diarrhoea; Empty or putrid eructations; Pains in the stomach and abdomen; Sensation as of a heavy weight lying there; Nausea, with a feeling of emptiness; Violent retching, with water in the mouth, languor, and sweat on the forehead; Vomiting of a tena- cious substance, or bile; Choleraic vomiting; Haematemesis. Stomach.-Violent oppression; Unpleasant sensation of warmth in the stomach; Throbbing pulsations; Burning ; Excessive pains; Congestion of blood; Violent Cardialgia; Inflammation of the stomach ; the smallest quantity of food causes pain; Feeling as if overloaded. Abdomen.—Stitches in the epigastrium; Tension, tenderness; Violent colic, as if the bowels would be cut to pieces; Cutting, tearing, pinching, that is relieved by stool; Sensation as if there 375 TART, EMI TARTARUS EMETICUS, were stones in the abdomen—worse when sitting bent—causing motion of the limbs, with great depression of the spirits; Aching pains about the pubic bones; Pulsations; Rumbling; Sensation of great fulness; the expulsion of flatus relieves many of the symptoms. Stool.-Light-brown, yellow diarrhoea; Colliquative diarrhoea, with meteorism; Diarrhoea, with palpitation; Stools of blood; Shooting stitches into the rectum; Heat and burning at the anus; Tenesmus. - - Urine.—Sharp stitches in the renal region; Increased secretion of the urine; Watery urine, with a mealy sediment; Inflammatory, red urine, with red filaments, or dark-brown, red, turbid urine. Bladder.—Acute, sticking pain in the bladder, towards the neck; Violent pressure on the bladder; Tension in the perinaeum; Burning in the urethra. Genital.-Tearing pains in the testicles; Pustules on the mons; Discharge of watery blood from the vagina. º, Back,-Rheumatic pains in the back; Feeling of weariness when seated, as after carrying a heavy load. Upper Limbs.-Rheumatic pains; Tearing, jerking in the muscles and joints; also in the hands; Trembling of the hands; the fingers feel cold, dead, and insensible, especially the tips. Lower Limbs.-Heaviness; Rheumatic pains in the hips, thighs, legs, and knees; Painful cramps in the calves; Burning and beating in the knee-joint; Coldness and numbness of the feet; Sleeping of the feet. - - Fever.—Cold, chilly, creeping; Chilliness in the evening, fol- lowed by flushes of heat; Restlessness, heat, and thirst; Headache; Profuse sweat; Drowsiness; Great desire for sleep; Excessive heat of the body; Profuse night-sweat; Throbbing in every artery; Pulse soft, quick; Intermittent fever, with thirst and drowsiness. Skin.-Itching of the skin; Miliary eruptions; Yellow spots; Pustulous eruptions on the genital organs; Pustules like Small- pox, with depressed centres; Red areola; Gangrenous ulcers, with traumatic fever; Caries of the bones of the cranium (occurred after friction with T. Em. Ointment). OTHER SYMPTOMS. Weariness and sensitiveness of the whole body; Tremor during motion; Spasmodic movements and twitchings; Fainting fits; Great prostration; Emaciation. - - 376 TEREBINTHINA. [TEREB. TEREBINT HINA, HARTLAUB AND TRINKS. OIL OF TURPENTINE. FORMERLY this oil was used, in medicine, almost exclusively for Haemorrhage and the expulsion of Tape Worms. During the last half century, many other valuable properties have been discovered in it; so that it now presents a tolerable list of ailments for which it is prescribed. - Drs. Graves and Copland express great confidence in the employ- ment of this remedy as an enema, or by the mouth; and also in the form of stupes or fomentations, in Typhus and Typhoid Fevers. It seems to arouse the depressed vital energies. In the latter stages of Typhus, the application of Turpentine is highly recommended. Dr. Graves generally administered it in combination with Castor Oil. Dr. Murchison advises it in the Bronchitis of Typhus Fever. In Puerperal Fevers, by Dr. Murphy. In Inflammation generally. Dr. Copland holds it in high esteem, in one form or another, as the case presented may require: he states that it will prove useful in Inflammation of the Brain; Coma, with trembling pulse, and depression of the vital powers. It is, however, generally prescribed in combination; and to this we demur. In Haematuria, Haemate- mesis, and Haemoptysis; with Phthisis; Uterine Haemorrhage; Epilepsy from Worms, and perhaps other causes; Tetanus; Neu- ralgia; Sciatica; and Lumbago. For diseases of the eye it is extensively employed, especially Iritis; Affections of the Cornea and Choroid; Amaurosis; Hydrophthalmia; Hysteric, Nervous Headaches; Obstinate Constipation, especially depending on Brain disease; Jaundice; Flatulent Colic; and more especially in diseases of the Urinary and Genital organs; Suppression of urine ; Calculi; Chronic affections of the Kidneys; Chronic Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Amenorrhoea; Erysipelas, and many other affections. In Homoeopathy, the true merits of this drug may be said to be almost unknown; all about it seems to be borrowed from the oppo- site school. Hempel states that it acts on the large venous trunks 2 C. 377 - TEREB.] TEREBINTHINA. of the lower extremities: where he obtained this notion, will per- haps be found on further perusal of his work. He sets it down for Rheumatic pains of a drawing, tearing, lancing character; Ischias; Diarrhoea of mucus and water; Urethritis; Burning in the urethra; Cystitis; Erythema, papulous and vesicular. It has been prescribed for Dropsy, depending on Renal disease. - SYMPTOMS. Head.—Sudden Vertigo, with obscuration of sight; Dull head- ache, with Colic; Aching pains, with vomiturition—abating, and again returning; Excessive fulness and pressure in the head—it caused her to scream; Tearing headache (right side for nine days); Tearing headache, coming and going; Shooting in right mastoid process; Cutting pains in the forehead and temples. Eyes.—Black motes momentarily pass when walking in the open air, with slight Vertigo. - Ears.-Sound as of a clock striking—continued four hours. Nose.—Violent bleeding from the nose; Discharge of a watery fluid. - Mouth and Teeth-Drawing pains in the teeth; Burning soreness, and interstitial distention of the gums ; Easy bleeding of the gums; Burning at the tip of the tongue, with enlarged papillae. Throat.—Scraping sensation in the throat; Sensation of warmth in the Pharynx and Stomach. - Appetite-Want of appetite; Aversion to meat; Rancid eructations; Slight nausea; Bloated abdomen; Vomiting of yel- lowish mucus. - Stomach.-Pressure, felt when lying on the left side; Pressure at pit from without; Sensation as if he had swallowed a ball, and it lodged at the pit; Feeling of warmth and pain; Burning in the stomach, with Nausea and Vertigo; Accumulation of water in the mouth. Abdomen.—Frequent Colic, and movements in the bowels; Distention of the whole abdomen, as from flatus; Sensation at the umbilicus, as if pressed by a cold, flat substance; Constant cutting pain in the abdomen, that extends to the thighs; Pains in the abdomen, with protrusions here and there; Sensation as if the bowels were constricted. ". 378 Stool.—Constipation, with distention of the abdomen; Faeces brown; unusually dry. Secondly—Thin, greenish, yellow; Diar- rhoea; Discharge of mucus and water; Yellow stools, with Taenia, in pieces (it seems Tereb. does not expel the worm entire—the head is left behind); Violent burning; Stinging in the rectum ; Tingling in the anus; Ascarides. Renal Region.—Aching pains in left kidney; Pressure in the kidneys when sitting; Sensation of heaviness and pain in the region of the kidneys; Feeling of heat in the renal region; Fleet- ing, drawing in the right kidney, proceeding into the hip; Violent burning, drawing pains in the region of the kidneys; Fleeting, tearing pains in the Symphysis Pubis. - Bladder and Urine.—Complete suppression of urine; Stran- gury; Painful erections, as in chordee; Violent dragging and cutting in the bladder—worse during rest; Burning in the bladder and urethra during micturition; Spasmodic pains in the bladder —frequently recur when sitting; Clear urine, that has an odour like violets; Urine with a thick, muddy deposit; Slimy sediment; Urine of blood; Enuresis; Haºmaturia. - Chest.—Dryness of the mucous membrane of the air-passages; Aching pains behind the sternum; Dyspnoea; Sensation as if the lungs would be congested; Burning in the chest—along the sternum first, and then extending over the whole chest—termi- nating in stitches. - Back and Limbs.—Drawing pains in the back and nape of neck; Stiffness of the limbs; Heaviness; Sensitive state of the nerves of the lower limbs; Drawing pains in the hip, left thigh, and region of the vagina femoris muscle; Drawing pain in the groin. - TEU CRIUM. STAPF. TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM-WALL GERMANDER. ACCORDING to Jahr, will be found efficacious in Polypus of the Nose, and some affections brought on by ascarides. It was for- merly prescribed for Gout, Jaundice, and Intermittent Fevers. Suitable for weak, delicate constitutions; Tonic and Bitter. 2 C 2 379 TEUCR.] TEUCRIUM. SYMPTOMS. Tearing pains in the limbs, especially the joints; Jerking of the muscles; Numbness and tingling of the limbs; Trembling, with dizziness; Great irritability and nervous excitement over the whole body. Mind.—Ill-humour, irascible; Irritable temper; Dread of work. Head.-Confusion; Stupid feeling; Aching in the right half of the forehead; Tearing pains in the temples; Pressure in the fore- head, over the eyes; Pressure in the right temple. Face.—Pale, wretched; hollow eyes; Rash on the forehead and upper part of the face; Cracks in the lips; Pains in the teeth; Smarting in the eyes; Fluent Coryza from the nose; Feeling of stoppage in the nose; Loss of Smell; Sensation in the right nostril as if it were stopped up—blowing the nose would not relieve it ; Smarting and scraping in the throat. Taste.—Mouldy or bitter; Slightly bitter taste of the food. Appetite.--Feeling of hunger; his appetite great—increased in the morning; he felt so hungry that he could not sleep. Stomach–Anxiety and oppression at the pit; Painful pressure from within outwards; Sensation of emptiness, with rumbling; Feeling of faintness. Abdomen.—Cramp-like pains, with rumbling in the abdomen, and incarceration of much flatus; Crampy sensation in the abdo- men, that extended into the testes, as if they had been subjected to strong pressure; Frequent emission of flatus, that smelt like liver, or sometimes like rotten eggs. Rectum.—Itching and creeping about the anus, as from ascarides, with restlessness at night—continued for several days. (A large quantity of ascarides, with creeping in the rectum, and loss of appetite, was cured by a minute dose of Teucrium)—Stool copious, papescent, foetid. Urine,—Increased discharge of watery urine; Sore smarting in the urethra; Burning during micturition. Chest—Catarrhal symptoms, with sneezing and obstruction of the nose; Short, dry cough; Titillation as from dust in the trachea; Oppression and constriction in the chest. Upper Limbs,-Aching pain in the right shoulder; Rheumatic drawing in the left shoulder; Sore pain in the left axilla, as if an abscess would form; Dull, cutting pain through the muscles of the 380 THERIDION. [THERID, fore-arm ; Feeling of heaviness in the whole arm ; Pains in the elbow and wrist-joint; Drawing pains in the fingers. Lower Limbs.-Jactitation of the muscles; Pain in theischiatic nerve, as if it were pressed upon; Aching pain in left knee; Aching, with heaviness in the calf of the right leg; the right great toe is inflamed and painful. THERIDION. THERIDION OF CURACO. THIS remedy has been recommended for some Gastric Affections; Sea-sickness; Hysteria; Complaints that occur at the change of life; Sick feeling; Weakness and trembling of the limbs, with SWeat. SYMPTOMS, Mind-Despondency; Sad; Tendency to start; Dread of labour, particularly his ordinary occupation. Head.—Feeling of dulness and heaviness; Strange feeling in the head; Vertigo when stooping; Headache on moving; Violent head- ache, especially in the forehead, with throbbing, extending to the occiput; Headache, as if a band or hoop pressed over the root of the nose and ears; Vertigo, with nausea, almost vomiting; Head- ache in the evening, with great dejection. Eyes.—Sensation as of gauze before the eyes; Frequent lumi- nous vibrations. Ears.-Violent itching behind the ears; Hearing very sensitive; a loud sound vibrates through the whole body, and causes nausea ; Noise as from a waterfall. Taste and Appetite.-Slimy taste; Saltish taste; Desire for wine and acid fruit; Nausea at night, with Vertigo; Vomiting of slimy water or bile; Cold sweat, or scalded feeling in the throat; Headache and accelerated pulse after vomiting. Stomach,-Sensitiveness at the pit of the stomach; Symptoms resembling sea-sickness; Pain in the inguinal region, as if it had 381 THUJ.] - THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. been beaten; Stool, intermittent—more difficult towards evening; Prolapsus Ani. Urine.—Increased secretion; Immoderate sexual desire. Chest and Back,-Stitches high up in the chest, through the left shoulder; Pain between the shoulders; Cold drawing from right hip to the left knee. THUJA 000 IDENTALIS, HAHNEMANN. ARBOR WITAE-TREE OF LIFE. THIS is the grand remedy for Sycosis. Under its use figwarts split up into narrow strips or fissures—become almost thread-like, and die away. In an Appendix of Provings, published with the North American Journal of Homoeopathy, 158 pages are devoted to Thuja. It is generally prescribed for diseases of the Urinary and Genital Organs; consequently an attempt to work out the various provings contained in that volume, would greatly exceed our prescribed limits. Noack and Trinks state that Thuja has been successfully used for the following affections:–Warts on the face, nose, and hands; Sycosic warts, discharging moisture, or pus and blood; Figwarts under the arms—on or under the prepuce; Large figwarts at the anus; Cauliflower-shaped condylomata on the genitals; Sycosic excrescences on the eyelids; Secondary Gomorrhoea, and disease of the Prostate Gland, resulting from that affection; Suppuration of the Prostate; Schirrus of the Uterus ; Haemorrhoids, blind or flowing, with stinging and burning pains at the Anus. Jahr pre- scribes it for Rheumatic and Arthritic Pains; Syphilitic tetters; Obstimate chancres; Ranula; Prosopalgia; Colic, from - strangula- tion of the intestines. Dr. Boenninghausen advised it for Variola. He believed that the violence of the symptoms were greatly mode- rated by its use, and that it will prevent pitting; but I fear this is more fanciful than real, or it would have found its way now generally into practice for this disfigurement, if it could be relied 382 - * THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. [THUJ. on. He also remarks that Thuja should be alternated with Nit. Ac., Staph., Merc., or some other suitable remedy. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Thuja appears to improve the spirits, and impart an air of cheerfulness, and a feeling of lightness. Head.—Headache early in the morning, as if from sleeping too Soundly; the pain is pulsating or throbbing, with redness of the face; Drawing, tearing pain in the right side, extending into the face, over the root of the nose, into the malar bone—worse morning and evening; Dull pain in the head, as if stupefied; Numb feeling and humming in the left brain and ear; Heaviness, with sensation of a load pressing on the brain; Headache from the forehead to the occiput, with a bruised feeling ; Sensation in the right parietal region, as if a nail were driven in; Strong stitches in the left tem- poral region; Rush of blood to the head. Scalp.–Biting, gnawing; the roots of the hair feel painful when lying, or if pressed upon; Sensation of insects crawling about on the scalp; Swelling of the temporal veins. Eyes.—Short sight; Sensation as if a gauze were before the eyes; Sense of pressure—the eyes feel swollen; Burning sensation in the eyes; Condylomata on the eyebrows; Tubercles or Styes on the lids; Itching pustules between the eyebrows. Ears.-Violent stitches; Hammering, tearing until midnight, with desire to micturate, and coldness of the legs; Aching pains in the meatus auditorius. - g - Nose.—Frequent bleeding of the nose from getting over- heated; Painful scabs in the nose; Ulceration, followed by Scurfs; Mucus, mixed with blood, is blown from the nose; Swelling of the alae—it feels hard, tense, and painful; Dry Coryza, with headache. Face.—Pimples on the face; Pains in the malar bones, of a boring, digging character—relieved by pressure; Burning heat in the face and cheeks; Feeling of tension and stiffness of the mas- seter muscles—opening the jaw is painful; Burning heat in the face and cheeks. - Lips-Stitches in the lip; Jerking in the upper lip; Red pus- tules, or itching pimples; also on the chin; Dryness of the lips; Swelling of the left sub-maxillary gland. Teeth.--Toothache from evening until midnight; Fine 383 THUJ.] THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. stitches; Constant gnawing pain in carious teeth—it affected the whole left side—aggravated by cold air or drink; Violent tearing pain in molar tooth; Soreness and sharp beating pains in the gums; Swelling of the gums. - Mouth.-The mouth feels full of blisters, as if it had been scalded; Swelling and irritation of the salivary glands; Ranula, with discharge of greyish, transparent, jelly-like substance; much saliva flows from the mouth. Tongue.—Sore at the tip; White vesicles on the tongue, that are very sore; Aphtha P. White coating on the tongue; Painful |blister on the fore part of the tongue; Swelling of the tongue, that caused indistinct speech. Throat.—Roughness in the throat; Swelling of the tonsils; Soreness and swelling—the throat feels full of mucus; Chancre-like ulcers in the throat and mouth, after Mercury for Syphilis; Pres- sure and pain at the back of the throat during deglutition. Taste, Appetite.-Mawkish taste, or Bitter; Mucus in the throat and mouth ; Slimy, sweetish taste after a meal; no relish for food; after eating he feels faint, and has palpitation at the heart; Hiccough after a meal, with pressure at the pit of the stomach, and bloated Abdomen; Nausea, and vomiting of a sour liquid; Desire for cold drink; Debility and laziness after a meal; Uneasiness from eating fat food or onions. Stomach.-Cramps, especially towards evening ; Contractive, cramp-like pains; Beating, almost like an artery, at the scrob. cordis; Burning at the pit of the stomach, chest, and region of the liver—the parts felt hot; Anguish in the stomach, that rises into the head, and returns again to the stomach, with qualm. Abdomen.—Bloated, distended; Movement as from something alive; Pressive pains in the left renal region, from within out- wards; Indurations in the Abdomen; Pain at one side, as if a hook drew something up ; Cutting pains in the hypogastrium; Stitches from the groin into the thigh; Painful swelling of the inguinal glands. Stool-Constipation for several days; Hard, difficult stool; Hard, large, brown faeces, with blood; Feeling of great debility after the evacuation, which was hard, in the afternoon. Secondly— After some days, copious, papescent stools; Several loose stools. Anus.-Painful contraction at the anus; Violent pain in the rectum during stool; Burning; Pricking; Burning at the anus; 384 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. [THUJ. Red Condylomata at the anus; Fistula; Prickings in the peri- naºum; Painful Haemorrhoids. Urine.—Frequent desire, without pain; Interrupted stream; Sensation as if the urine were running along the urethra; after urinating, some drops still remain; the urine appears like clear water, but becomes cloudy on standing; Bloody urine; Red urine, that deposits a brick-dust sediment. - - - Urethra-Burning, during and between the acts of micturition; Cutting pain; Sense of excoriation; Burning, itching at the tip of the glans; Lancinating stitches from behind forwards; Violent stitches in the glans; Sycosic Gonorrhoea. Testes, &c.—Drawing pains in the testes; the left is drawn up ; the Epididymis enlarges; Swelling of the inguinal gland; Profuse sweat of the scrotum, and the whole of the organs; Swelling of the prepuce; Red spots that itch, then burn; Round, flat ulcer on the Corona, painful and burning; Red, smooth excrescences behind the glans, under the prepuce; Small, flat, stinging vesicles; Chanérous ulcers; Balanorrhoea after Mercury; Pains in the figwarts, that are near the anus; Burning, stinging, severe stitches, - Prostate.-Inflammation of the prostate gland; Discharge of prostatic juice early in the morning; Nocturnal emissions; Stitches in the penis and spermatic cord; Stricture of the urethra. Female.—Itching, excoriation, and Smarting of the pudendum; Swelling of the labia; Cramp-like pains; Discharge from the urethra; Wart-like excrescences at the mouth of the uterus; Whitish ulcer on the labia majora; Cancer of the uterus 2 Back—Pain in the loins; Drawing pain, when seated, in the small of the back; Feeling of stiffness in the nape of the neck, with pain in the ear (on the left side); Tearing pains in the left scapula. Upper Limbs-Cracking of the shoulder-joint, with pain as of dislocation; Profuse sweat in the axilla; Paralytic feeling in the arms; Bruised pain, as if beaten; Involuntary jerking of the arm; Tearing, beating, from the shoulder to the fingers; Numbness and tingling of the fingers; Swelling of the veins of the hands; Perspi- ration of the hands; Trembling of the hands, especially after writing. - Lower Limbs.-Cracking in the knee and tarsal joints; when seated, the thighs and legs go to sleep; Sweat of the thighs, near the pubes; Painful feeling of relaxation in both hip-joints; the 385 WALER.] URTICA URENS—UVA URSI—VALERIANA. joints feel as if they would dislocate; Pain in the knee, as if it were cut into with a knife; Stiffness of the limbs when walking; Involuntary jerking of the foot; Lancinations in the toes and corns; Burning in the corns; Swelling of the veins; Stiffness and heaviness in all the limbs; Pains that shoot from the legs and thighs into the head, and return to the pit of the stomach; Feeling of great weakness of the body. URTIGA URENS STINGING-NETTLE. HAs been prescribed for Burns, Dysenteric Diarrhoea, and Nettle- Rash. - U W A U RSI, ARBUTUS—BEAR's BERRY. RECOMMENDED for Haematuria; Painful burning urine—slimy or purulent; Calculi of the bladder; Dropsy, depending on disease of the Heart or Liver. - - WALERIANA, STAPF. - - WALERLAN. THE wild variety of this plant is considered the best for medicinal purposes. It is said that cats are very fond of it, and become exceedingly playful when under its influence. It has long been 386 • , WALERLANA. IVALER. thought valuable for nervous affections, Fabricius Columna is reported to have cured himself of Epilepsy by the Valerian Root. I believe it is chiefly prescribed, in the orthodox school, for Hysteric Headaches; Fits of Hysteria, with palpitation; Typhoid and Typhus fevers; Mania and Melancholia. It is frequently combined with Camphor, Iron, or Zinc–rarely prescribed alone. IN HOMOEOPATHY it is not much used; but set down for some kinds of Intermittent Fever; Headache and Colic in hysterical women; Rheumatic pains, that appear suddenly, and fly from one part to another; Paralytic pains, with lassitude; or morbid excite- ment, with irritability; Feeling of weakness in the knees, Hempel, in his New Materia Medica (where he seems to have indulged, of late, a little in the old-school practice), advises its use for the following:—Epilepsy; Vertigo; Hysteria; Nervous Head- ache; Hysteric Headache; Amblyopia; Nausea, with inclination to vomit; Rheumatic, tearing pains in the Right Calf; Neuralgic Spasms; Pain in the Toes; Sudden jerking pains here and there; Dyspepsia; Hysteric mirth and depression; Increased flow of Urine, with a slimy or red sediment, Jahr recommends it for the evil results of Mercury. The primary effect of Valerian is acceleration of the pulse, and congestion of blood to the head, SYMPTOMS. Mind,-Tremulousness; Palpitation of the heart; Fearful when sitting in the dark; Cheerful; Joyous; Alternation of the most opposite states. Head.—Stupefaction; Feeling of intoxication and vertigo when stooping; Sticking pain on the top of the head; Piercing, drawing, with pressure; Sensation of icy coldness in the upper half of the head; Fleet jerkings in the right temple; Violent pressure in the forehead; , Darting, tearing, affecting the eyes and orbits; Painful drawing around the orbits; Pains in the head that are induced by a current of air. or Eyes.—Smarting in the eyes, as from smoke; Burning and Smarting in the eyes; Feeling of pressure—the eyelids feel swollen; 887 WALER.I VALERLANA. he sees things at a distance better than usual; Scintillations before the eyes; Black motes. Face.—Cramp-like, quickly-passing jerks in the malar bones; Twitchings in the muscles of the cheek; Toothache; Shooting pains in the teeth. Gastric Symptoms.-Frequent empty eructations; Gulping of a rancid fluid; Nausea, with inclination to vomit; Sensation as if a thread were attached about the umbilicus, and gradually rose into the fauces, exciting a copious accumulation of saliva; Vomit- ing at night; she feels nauseated and faint; Lips white; Body cold, like ice; Chills, and vomiting of bile; Pain in the liver and Epigastric region; Spasms in the abdomen after dinner, and at night when in bed; Violent Colic after ten o’clock at night, with feeling as of sub-cutaneous ulceration. Stool.—Painful Diarrhoea, with tenesmus—it disappears, and returns again; Greenish papescent stool, with blood; Boring pain in the rectum; Tearing pain in the anus. Urine.—Frequent emission of urine; Straining to pass water caused the rectum to protrude, and a few drops of blood escaped, in an infant; Ascarides (Jahr). Chest.—Difficult respiration and anxiety; Pressure across the lower half of the chest; Sudden stitches in the chest and region of the liver, from within outward; Sudden jerks like electric shocks; Dull stitch, from within outward, in the left side during the period of inspiration; Stitches in the region of the Heart. Back. —Drawing pain in the back; Rheumatic pains in the scapula; Stitches in the renal region when sitting; Intense pain in the left lumbar region, above the hip, as if he had strained the part. Upper Limbs,-Paralytic pains in the shoulder and elbow- joints; Trembling of the hands when writing; Painful jerks in the arms and hands. - Lower Limbs,-Twitching and jerking in the muscles of the right hip; Cramp-like pain in the front of the thigh and in the groin ; Repeated darts in the middle of the left thigh when stand- ing; Bruise-like pain in the tibia when walking, as if the bone had been broken and not cured; Violent stitch in the left knee— it flew to the toes, and back again, and afterwards affected the other limb; Pulsative tearing in the right calf when sitting; Con- stant pain in the heel when seated; Tearing in the feet and toes. Pulse.—Increased pulse (immediately); Pulse irregular—90 388. WERATRUM ALBUM. rvKRAT. beats—in a few minutes only 60; in three-quarters of an hour, 78 to 86; Beats of the heart feeble. Fever.—Chilliness—then increased warmth; General heat; Flushes of heat; Frequent sweat; Heat and sweat over the whole body. The fever is sometimes accompanied with thirst, and con- fúsion in the head. W ERATRUM ALBUM. HAHNEMANN. - - WHITE HELLEBORE. THIS drug was held in high repute by the ancients; but, like many others, has been almost rejected, in consequence of the uncertain power of the preparation. A dose of one specimen may do a great deal too much; while the same dose of another may be administered without any effect. A powerful dose produces violent inflammation of the stomach and intestines—almost paralyses the circulation; induces giddiness; Dilated pupil; Blindness; Syncope; or Convulsions, even to death. It has been employed for Mania, Melancholia, and Epilepsy; Gout; Rheumatism; and some diseases of the Skin. Veratrum Ointment is frequently prescribed for Neuralgia of the face. In Homoeopathy, Veratrum is exhibited when the symptoms agree with those of the drug-proving, as in all other cases. It is thought to be analogous with Arsènic; for it produces many very similar symptoms. But probably the symptoms that appear in Cholera, about the middle stage, are more closely allied to Weratrum than any other disease. According to Jahr, it will be most frequently indicated for Chronic Affections, from the abuse of Cinchona ; Evils resulting from Fright, Anger, or Wexation; Physical and Nervous Weak- ness—the result of acute disease ; Hysteric Spasms; Dyspepsia ; Vomiting; Gastric and Intermittent Fevers; Puerperal Fever; Rheumatism; Sporadic or Asiatic Cholera ; Diarrhoea (several varieties); and that induced bycold drink or ices, when over-heated; 389 WERAT.] VERATRUM ALBUM. Rheumatism; Odontalgia; Haematemesis; Ravenous hunger, after acute diseases; Nervous headache, with nausea and vomiting; Violent Colic. - The pains of Weratrum almost drive to Madness or Delirium. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Melancholy; Sadness; Disconsolate, with headache; Anxious; he dreads some misfortune, or feels as if he had com- mitted an evil deed; Slight delirium; Great anguish the whole night; he does not know his own relations; Rages, tears his clothes; Furious Delirium. - Head.—Headache, with vomiting of green mucus; Pale face, or Colic, with pain in the back; Violent headache, with diuresis; Dull pressure in the vertex early in the morning, after waking ; Headache as if the brain were broken up; Paroxysms of pain in various parts of the brain; Burning in the brain; Pressing in the vertex, as if the brain were pressed flat; Headache that passes off when the menses appear; Headache, with stiffness at the nape of the neck; Beating headache. Scalp.–Sensation as from drops of water running over the temple—a feeling of warmth and coldness at the same time; the hairs feel very sensitive; the top of the head feels chilly; Sensa- tion as if a piece of ice were on the head; Creeping sensation— feels as if the hairs stood on end. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes; Pressure on the lids; Feeling of dry- ness or of salt in the eyes; Bruise-like pain in the right eyeball— relieved by pressure; Ophthalmia, with headache—tearing pain that prevents sleep; the eyes look faint, and āre surrounded with blue rings; Excessive dryness of the eyelids; Inflammation of the right eye; Paralysis of the lids—they droop, and feel heavy; Scin- tillations; Vanishing of sight. Ears.-Sensation as of a pellicle stretched across the ear—one or the other is frequently stopped up ; Humming and roaring in the ears when rising from a seat, with fiery sparks before the eyes; he complains of deafness, and pain in the chest ; Alternate feeling of coldness and heat in the right ear several times. Nose.—Red spots on the nose; Vesicles; Sensation of internal dryness; Sense of ulceration inside; the nasal bones feel com- 390 VERATRUM ALBUM. IVERAT. pressed; Haemorrhage from the right nostril; Bleeding from the nose when sleeping at night; Icy coldness of the nose. Face.—Cold, disfigured face, with pointed nose and sunken cheeks; Death-like expression; Face bluish or yellow; Cold sweat on the face; Alternate paleness and redness of the face, or one cheek red and the other pale; Dark-red, with heat; Burning heat; small red pimples on the face, with elevated borders—brown, and afterwards yellow tips, filled with pus; Thick rash on the cheek, with pain in the face; Copper-red eruption on the face, mouth, and chin; Swelling of the face for several days; Jerking, pinching pain in the muscles; Tensive pain over the right side of the face and ear; Sweat in the face—also in the axilla when walking. Lips.-Dry, black, and parched; Chap in the upper lip; Burn- ing pain in the border of the upper lip. - Jaws.-Cramp in the jaw; Lock-jaw; Strong pressure in the muscles of the left jaw; Pain in the articulation when opening the mouth; During mastication the muscles feel bruised; Swelling of the sub-maxillary gland, with sore throat, and sense of constric- tion during deglutition. Teeth.-Grinding the teeth; Violent toothache, with headache; Redness and swelling of the face; Beating, throbbing toothache, with nausea, vomiting, coldness of the limbs, bruised feeling in the body, cold sweat on the forehead, and excessive weakness; much thirst ; Looseness of the teeth. Mouth. — Inflammation of the whole cavity; Dryness and viscidity, without much thirst; the mouth feels alternately dry and viscid, then watery; Accumulation of tasteless water in the mouth; Increased flow of saliva, having an acrid, saltish taste; Ptyalism. -- - Tongue-Yellow-coated, or dry, blackish, and cracked; Burn- ing on the tongue and in the pharynx; Swelling of the tongue; Speechless, or stammering speech. Throat.—Scraping in the throat; Roughness; Burning; Dry- ness, which cannot be relieved by drinking; Drawing pain in the throat, with thirst and Colic; Numbness in the fauces, with a feeling of thickening. (Esophagus.-Spasmodic constriction in the oesophagus; Pres- sure as from a tumour, that appeared to distend the tube, and almost cause suffocation. Taste.-Putrid, like manure; Taste of herbs, or of bile; Bitter 391 WERAT.] - VERATRUM ALBUM. taste; Constant sour taste, with profuse saliva; Taste of pepper- mint; Desire for acid, cooling drinks—Fruit, Lemon-juice. Appetite.--Voracious; Canine hunger; Dislike for warm food; Desires cucumber, herrings, Sardines, and especially fruit. - Gastric Symptoms.-Bitter eructations; Nausea, with con- stant flow of saliva from the mouth; much nausea before break- fast; Hiccough; Inclination to vomit, with bilious taste in the mouth; Qualmishness; Disposition to vomit, with lock-jaw; Vomiting, even to fainting; Vomiting of food or green mucus— froth; Yellow, green, or black vomit; Violent vomiting, with desire to lie down—even at the commencement he is excessively weak; Vomiting bile, mucus—then black bile, and, lastly, of blood; Vomiting, with shuddering all over the body; Painful retraction of the abdomen; Vomiting, with Diarrhoea, and pressure in the stomach; the vomiting is renewed by movement, and taking the smallest quantity of drink; the vomiting was relieved by drinking. cold milk. . Stomach.-Cramp-like pain at pit when walking; Feeling of weakness; Internal coldness; Painful sensitiveness; Anguish at pit; Burning at pit; Violent pressure at the pit of the stomach, extending to sternum and the infra-costal region; Pricking pain in the region of the spleen when walking; Inflammation of the stomach. - Abdomen.—Pains in the abdomen as if cut with knives; Drawing pains deep in the abdomen; Cutting Colic; Flatulent Colic, affecting the whole abdomen—the flatus is passed with much difficulty; the intestines feel painful and bruised; Disten- tion and swelling of the abdomen; Colic, with loud rumbling; Nightly Colic, with sleeplessness; Burning, as from hot coals, in the whole abdomen. º Stool.—Constipation; Chronic constipation—also of infants; Costive, with pain and heat in the head; Faeces hard and large; Diarrhoea, with cutting pains; Greenish, watery, flocculent; Brown or blackish; Frequent and violent Diarrhoea, accompanied by extreme weakness and prostration; During the stool he turns pale; Cold sweat on the forehead; Diarrhoea of blood; Burning at the anus. - * - Urine—Scanty; Yellow, turbid when passing; Dark-red, or Greenish; Acrid, burning urine, or involuntary micturition; Burn- ing in the fore part of the urethra; Desire to urinate, even when 392 - WERATRUM ALBUM. IVERAT, the bladder is empty; Enuresis, with hunger and thirst; Head- ache; Nausea; Constipation, and Colic. Menses, that had been suppressed, soon appeared; Profuse menses, preceded by bleeding from the nose, or vertigo; Headache; Disposition to vomit. During the menses—Buzzing in the ears, pains in the limbs, and thirst; Pimples on the labia; Puerperal Fever ? Larynx and Cough-Spasmodic contraction of the larynx, With contracted pupils, and protrusion of the eyes; Irritation in the lower part of the bronchi, with cough and but slight expec- toration; Dry, hacking cough, which seems to come from the lower part of the sternum; Short breath, and oppression at the chest ; Violent cough, with eructations, and inclination to vomit; Cough, with yellow expectoration; Pain in the chest and side when coughing; Deep, hollow cough; Severe, dry cough at night, for three hours; Stitching pain in the spermatic cord when coughing. Chest—Spasmodic contraction of the left intercostals; Painful constriction of the chest; Stitch during inspiration, arresting the breath; Cutting pains in the chest; Dyspnoea—the trachea felt full of tenacious mucus; Excessive anguish, with arrest of the breath. Heart.—Violent beating of the heart—it raises the ribs, and presses the hand back; Paroxysms of anguish at the heart, which beats very strong, with feeling of heat; Palpitation, with anxiety— hurried, loud breathing. Neck.-Rheumatic stiffness in nape; Feeling of weakness in the cervical muscles; the head seemed too heavy for them—a sort of paralysis; Rheumatic pains between the scapula—also from the nape to the small of the back, during exercise; Bruised pain. Back-When stooping and rising again, the back felt as if broken; Bruise-like pain in the spine when walking; Pain down the whole spinal column, with diuresis; Constipation and thirst; Paralytic, bruise-like pain in the lumbar vertebrae. Upper Limbs.-Painful paralytic weakness or bruise-like pains in the upper limbs; he cannot keep the arm elevated, from the pain he suffers; the arm feels as if too full and swollen; Pain at the elbow-joint—it feels swollen; when grasping anything with the hand, the arm trembles. ; Hands.-Icy coldness of the hands; Tingling as if gone to sleep- 2 D 393 WERA. W.] - VERATRUM WIRIDE. it caused an anxious feeling; the fingers feel dead; Cramps in the hands and fingers; the thumb-joint feels as if sprained. Lower Limbs.-Paralytic feeling, first in the right, then in the left hip, that prevented walking; Drawing pains in the gluteal region; Rheumatic pains in the muscles of the thigh; Weakness in the thighs and knees; Cracking in the knee-joints; Pains in the thighs when sitting, as if broken; Painful jerking in the knee— it also rose involuntarily, without pain, but made her start; the lower limbs feel heavy and weary; the knees feel weak; when step- ping, a pain is felt below the knee, as if the part had been broken; Very violent cramps in the calves of the legs—also in the feet; Icy coldness of the feet; Jerking of the feet; Sensation as if cold water were trickling over them, with trembling; Arthritic pains in the toes (great toe); Stitches and soreness of the corns. - Skin.—Itching of the skin; Eruption like nettle-rash; Dry itching eruption, resembling scabies; Scaling of the Epidermis; Burning heat and tingling; Blue colour of the skin, as in Cholera. VERATRUM WIRIDE AMERICAN REMEDIES. AMERICAN HELLEBORE. THE purgative powers of this drug are very feeble compared with the W. Alb. It is said to be an arterial sedative: it quickly lowers the pulse; produces nausea, with great prostration, and loss of command over the muscles. It is prescribed by American physi- cians for the following:—In Inflammations it is thought to alter the character of the blood. In Pheumonia, valuable, according to Dr. Norwood, and others; Acute and Chronic Rheumatism; Gout; Neuralgia; Nervous Asthma; Jaundice; Palpitation of the Heart. Dr. Coe (Eclectic) states that it ranks high in Pheumonia; Pleuritis; Croup; Asthma, and affections of the respiratory organs. In Spasmodic and Membranous Croup it gives prompt relief. For Cerebral Affections, Hydrocephalus, and Phrenitis, it is of great utility; also in Puerperal Fever. - . 394 In this country, Dr. Handfield Jones has prescribed it for Croup, with some success. Of its powers as a Homoeopathic remedy, we must at present be silent, not being possessed of a proving. I believe it has been prescribed for Erysipelas and Small-pox, with some success: and is recommended for Meningitis; Inflam- mation of the Womb, and its appendages; also for Mesenteric disease: but, in most cases, many other Homoeopathic remedies were employed; so that the positive effects of the V. Viride have yet to be realised and declared, before it can take rank with its ana- logue, the Veratrum Album. WERBASCUM, HAHNEMANN. - YELLOW MULLEIN. HAs been occasionally employed for Catarrh and Cough; Proso- palgia of the face ; General lassitude, and indisposition for work, either mental or physical. SYMPTOMS. lMind.—Various thoughts and fancies crowd upon the mind; Indifference; Despondency; Vexed, peevish; Indisposed to work. Head.-Sudden Vertigo; Violent pressure in the forehead; Stupefying headache—deeply penetrating; Deep, sharp, inter- mittent stitches; Pains as if the temples were pressed with a pair of pincers; Hammering pain in the frontal eminence. Face.—Neuralgia of the face, with stupefying, pressive, or ten- sive pains, principally in the malar bones; Violent pain in the left malar bone, and in the ear; Horrible pain in the left malar, and articulation of the zygoma and temporal bone. - Catarrh.-Obstruction of the nose and larynx; Tightness and tension across the Chest; Pain under the left nipple during inspi- ration; Pain in the costal cartilages, that arrests the breath; Cough, with a sharp, hollow, ringing sound that seems to come deep out of the chest. - . . . . . - 2 D 2 395. WIO, TRIl VINCA MINOR-WIOLA ODORAT0–VIOLA TRICOLOR. WINCA MINOR. wintERGREEN. Dr. SoHULER has cured a badly-smelling eruption on the head and face; also behind the ears. It is said to be a good remedy for Plica Polonica; Haemorrhages; Aphtha in the mouth; Ulcers in the throat; Hoarseness, and great debility. WIOLA 0I)0RAT0. STAPF. . . - WIOLET. PRESCRIBED occasionally for Hysteria; almost constant weeping, without cause; Hypochondria; and gastric disturbance; Trembling of the limbs; Weakness of memory; Vertigo, with rush of blood to the head; Dyspnoea, with heavy oppression at the chest. Dr. Teste states that he frequently uses this remedy for Hoarse- ness, followed by coryza, with cough, and dryness of the skin; Dyspnoea violent during the day; Measles, and Whooping-cough. - WIOLA TRICO LOR. stapf. - PAN.SY. WAS employed by the ancients for Asthma, Epilepsy, and obsti- nate skin diseases; Crusta Lactea; Impetigo; Fauces; Swelling of the Glands; Boils; Venereal Eruptions; and Ulcers. It pro- duces anxiety and Palpitation of the Heart; Pains between the scapula and in the limbs; Twitchings during sleep; Pains in the Joints; Headache, with sense of shaking in the Brain; Frontal Headache; Weariness of the body; Foetid urine, or odour like that of a cat. It is but seldom prescribed. * . 396 . - ZINCUM. Izinc: ..- ZIN CUM. HAHNEMANN. - zinc. VARIOUS preparations of Zinc are employed, in the Allopathic School, for several different purposes—chiefly in the form of Lotion and Ointment. Not very frequently prescribed as an internal remedy. For external use, it may be applied to Burns, Scalds, Ex- coriations, Bed Sores, &c.; weak and indolent ulcers; and to prevent pitting in Small-pox. The Chloride was employed for Cancer and Lupus; some affections of the Eye; and an injection for Gomorrhoea. - The Iodide of Zinc–for Scrofula; Affections of the mesenteric glands; and Chronic disease of the Liver. The Oxide—for Spas- modic Asthma, Whooping-cough, Convulsions, and Chorea; also in Chronic Dysentery. The Ointment—in skin diseases, Impetigo, &c.; and some of the Ophthalmia. The Sulphate, and the Vale- riante of Zinc have each their respective patrons. The Zincum used in Homoeopathy is the pure metal, which very readily oxidises in the air in consequence of this. Hahnemann writes—“Take a piece of pure Metallic Zinc ; hold it under distilled water; rub it on a fine hone, or setting-stone; place the powder that falls to the bottom on white blotting-paper, and prepare it by trituration in the usual manner of dry substances.” - - From Noack and Trinks we learn that Zincum may be prescribed for the following affections:–Chronic Rheumatism; Convulsions of Children; Dropsical affections, with pain in the Kidneys; Ob- stinate Chronic Eruptions; Dry Herpes; Scaly Eruptions; Herpes of the Tonsils; Venereallard-like Ulcers; Chronic Gastro-Enteritis; Obstinate Constipation; Melancholia, with anguish of mind; Excessively violent and obstinate pain in the Brain; Incipient Paralysis of the Brain in Scarlet Fever, with loss of consciousness; or Sopor, with delirium; and in acute Hydrocephalus during den- tition; Ischias Nervosa. • { 397 ZINC.] ZINCUM: JAHR—for Spontaneous dislocation; Paralysis; Amblyopia; Amaurotica; Flatulent Colic; Gravel; Calculi Orchitis? Tendency to Miscarry; Nymphomania. It has been employed, by some British Homoeopathists, for In- flammation of the Brain; Albuminuria; and probably may prove useful in Renal affections; some forms of Bright's Disease; Night- sweats; Incipient Phthisis; and affections of the Liver and Spleen. SYMPTOMS. Mind.—Desponding, sad, low spirits—thinks calmly of dying; Feels exhausted; Aversion to labour; Irritable; Persons talking makes him feel nervous and peevish; after a little excitement he trembles for a long time; Impatient without ill-humour; Change- able mood; Forgetful; Loss of memory. Head.—Stupid, heavy, dizzy ; Vertigo, with feeling of weak- mess; Vertigo in the Occiput when walking, as if he would fall to the left side; Wertigo, as with a threatened attack of Apoplexy—he feared falling; Violent pain in the head, eyes, and abdomen; Violent headache after his usual glass of wine; Stupefying head- ache the whole morning ; Pressure in the forehead; Violent pain at a small spot in the middle of the forehead; Frequent aching in the forehead; Sharp pressure at a small spot in the forehead; Pain in both sides of the head, as if it were between screws; Drawing and beating in the forehead; Tearing in the right temple, and right half of the head; Lancinations in the forehead and temples; Boring in the parietal region; Violent beating and tearing in the right frontal region, from morning till evening; Tumult in the brain, like the dashing of waves; Heat in the head, with redness of the face. * - - Scalp.–Pain as of ulceration; Painful gnawing; Frequent itching; Soreness; the hairs are painful to the touch; Itching pimples on the scalp; Great falling-off of the hair. - Eyes.—Pain as if the eyes would be pressed into the head; Violent pressure in the eye and temple; Rheumatic pain in the right eye; Lancinations; Pricking, with pressure in the eyeball; Inflammation and redness in the Conjunctiva; Violent inflamma- tion of the eyes; Drooping and lameness of the upper lid; Constant weariness; Morbid weakness of the eyes; Sight dim, obscured— 398 ZINCUM. IZIN c. yellow, blue, and green wheels; Fiery balls hover before the eyes; Dread of the sun-light; Lachrymation. . Ears.-Otalgia; Tearing pains in the ears; Violent stitches; In- tensely painful lancinations deep in the right ear, near the tym- panum ; Purulent discharge from the left ear; Foetid humour; the orifice of the meatus is hot and swollen; Buzzing pulsations; Whizzing pulsations; Loud report, as from breaking glass; Hard- ness of hearing. Nose.—Intolerable pressure at the root of the nose; Swelling and pain in the left wing of the nose—a red, hard point is felt there for three days; Blowing of blood from the nose; Bleeding from the nose after sneezing; Itching of the nostrils; Obstruction of both nostrils; Alternate dry and fluent Coryza. Face.—Pale, livid; Pains in the malar and orbital bones, ex- tending to the left upper jaw, and into the ear; Sudden stitches that seem deep in the bone, leaving some tenderness in the part ; Itching and swelling of the cheek; Pimples in the face. Lips.-Shooting pain; Twitching or swelling of the lips; Sting- ing of the upper lip; Jactitation of the muscles, affecting the upper lip ; Pimples or vesicles clear as water, or pustules; Large, yellow- ish-white, itching pimple on the lower lip; Painful rhagades in the lips; Yellow ulcers; Pimples and pustules, that itch violently, on the forehead, face, and chin. - Jaws and Teeth.-Cramp-like, tearing pain in the lower jaw, and in the articulation—worse when biting hard ; Frequent draw- ing pain in the roots of the incisor teeth; Intense pain in the upper incisor teeth; Violent jerking in the molars; Tenderness of the upper molars; Beating and throbbing in the hollow teeth; Painful burning in the front teeth. Gums.-Ulcerated; Sore, or swollen; Blanched; Violent bleed- ing of the gums; Frequent bleeding of the gums; Gumboils. Mouth.-Increased secretion of saliva, with a metallic taste, and shooting pain at the tip of the tongue; Yellow, little ulcer on the internal surface of the left cheek. - Tongue.—The tongue feels painful and sore; White coating, or yellowish, especially towards the root; Feeling of icy coldness on the tongue; Vesicles on the tongue, that are painful when eating ; Stinging, smarting under the tongue, close to the roots of the in- cisor teeth, and on each side the franulum; the palate and gums feel tender during mastication. 399 ZINC.] ZINCUM. Throat.—Dryness in the throat, with sense of rawness and Scraping in the pharynx; Accumulation of much mucus; Hawking of a greenish mucus, which adheres firmly to the back part of the throat; Aching pain in both tonsils; Sore throat, with feeling of an internal swelling; the throat, internally and externally, feels full and swollen; Cramp-like strangulation, as from spasm of the muscles of deglutition, when attempting to swallow even fluids; Tearing, drawing pains on each of the pillars of the fauces, affecting the cervical muscles; Herpes and ulcers in the throat. Taste.-Taste of blood in the mouth, with sweetish risings from the stomach; Taste as of decayed cheese; Sweet, salt, or bitter taste; Burning thirst; Intense desire for cold water; Thirst, with heat in the palms of the hands. Appetite.—Aversion to meat, and boiled warm food—to fish, veal, and sugar ; Greedy manner when eating; Hasty deglutition— the appetite seemed insatiable, yet the stomach feels full, with pressure in the head. Gastric Symptoms. – Difficult digestion ; Acidity of the stomach; Acid eructations after a breakfast of bread and milk, or sweet food—it seemed to induce heartburn; Dinner does not digest. After supper—Bitter taste in the mouth; Burning in the stomach, with eructations, and desire to vomit, one hour and a-half after dinner; Feeling of repletion, with distention of the abdomen ; Bloated feeling after a meal, with eructations of wind; Griping in the epigastrium ; Dizziness after dinner; Hiccough after break- fast; Nausea in the morning, as from an emetic ; Nausea, with tremor, exhaustion, and debility, or with retching and vomiting of a bitter slimy fluid—afterwards the ingesta, followed by a cough and sweat; Chilliness of the arms; Shaking of the body; Hiccough and Colic in the abdomen; Womiting of blood and mucus. Stomach.-Feeling of emptiness; Qualmishness; Sharp pains in the stomach, and at the pit; Pain at pit during inspiration ; Burning at pit; Pressure; Contraction, with anxiety and heat; Sensation as if the parts in the region of the stomach were screwed up ; Frequent clawing ; Tearing and pinching; Stitches; Pulsation or throbbing; Sense of movement as if a worm were in the stomach; Burning toward the Oesophageal orifice before break- fast, Hypochondria. —Spasmodic pains, with oppression of the chest, and difficult breathing; Pressure at a small spot in the right 400 ZINCUM. [ZING, hypochondrium ; Clawing, with pressure or pinching; Tearing, drawing—setting in with a sudden jerk; Stitches in the right side, affecting the liver, abdomen, and hip; Intermitting pains in the hepatic region; Stitching during inspiration, with acid eructation; occasional stitches in the right hypochondrium, with burning or Smarting pains. Spleen.—Clawing, with pressure—sometimes in paroxysms; Stitches, with pressure deep in the spleen—increased by pressing on the part ; Dull stitching in the spleen. - Kidneys-The region of the left kidney is very sensitive to touch ; Pressure or violent clawing in the left renal region; Sharp, intermittent, tearing pain in the left kidney; Cutting, tearing, and sometimes a drawing, pressive pain in the region of the right kid- ney; Dull stitches in the right kidney; Pain, pressure, or stitches in both kidneys; Soreness, or pain as if bruised, when standing or walking, in the renal region. Abdomen.—Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on ; Pressure in the abdomen, with much distention, after partaking of but little food; Bloated abdomen, with a feeling of pressure—relieved by an emission of foetid flatus; Dull pressure at a small spot below the umbilicus, as if there were an internal induration; Hard pressure at the sides of the abdomen, in the hypochondria, and back, as from flatus, in the morning in bed—increased by walking—slightly relieved by stool—always renewed by walking—it lasted many days; Tension that is felt on both sides of the abdomen; Constrictive Colic that arrests the breath ; Violent contractions of the abdomen; Cutting, pinching about the umbilicus, or over the whole abdomen, from night till morning; Violent cutting pains after taking milk; Writhing pains that precede every emission of flatus; Frequent passing of hot flatus, having a very foetid odour. Hypogastrium.—Pressing and pushing in the pubic region; Sensation as if the psoas muscle were too short when walking; Pains in the right groin and inguinal region; the inguinal glands feel swollen; Painful sensation, as if hernia would set in ; Protru- sion of inguinal hernia. Stool.-Constipation, with slight desire—after long urging, the faeces were passed with great difficulty; Dry, insufficient stool every three days; Stools of a large size—hard, difficult, that press on the sphincter of the anus; after dinner a soft stool, with humming in the head, and giddiness; Papescent stool for many days, with 401 ZINC.] ZINCUM. tenesmus; Loose stool, with bright blood and foam—preceded by Colic. Rectum.–Pressing and boring in the rectum; Jerking stitches in the perinaeum; Drawing pain; Cutting and smarting sensation; Stitch, quick as lightning, darting in the rectum and anus; Creep- ing in the anus, as from worms; Violent itching at the anus; Burning and Soreness at the anus; Protrusion of Haemorrhoids; Discharge of blood from the anus. Urine.—Retention when commencing to urinate; Excessive de- sire—a large quantity is passed; Involuntary discharge when blow- ing the nose, walking, coughing, or sneezing ; Turbid urine, loam- coloured, or reddish; very yellow, that deposits white flocks; Orange-coloured urine; Flow of blood after micturition; Sharp lancinating pains in the urethra; Painful drawings in the urethra and penis; Soreness and burning in the urethra after micturition. Genital Organs.—Sensitiveness of the penis—the friction of walking, or the shirt, causes irritation; Painful jerking at the root of the penis; Stitches or tearing pains in the glans-penis; Violent itching of the scrotum; Excoriation about the scrotum, and on the thigh, where it presses; Right testicle painful to touch; Shootings in the left testicle during rest; Prickling pain in the testes when sitting. Menses.—Early and profuse; Discharge of lumps of coagula when walking. During the menses—Heaviness in the limbs; Violent drawing pains in the knees; Inflammation of the eyes; Oppression at the stomach ; Chilliness; Weakness of the hands and feet; or weeping anxiety; Distended abdomen; Itching and swelling of the pudendum. After the menses—Discharge of thick mucus; Defi- ciency of milk. - Larynx,−Dryness of the throat and fauces; Hoarseness, with burning in the trachea ; Hawking of a quantity of coagulated blood; Discharge of blood during a dry cough, or tenacious mucus; Cough at night, with pricking in the chest, or pains in the head; Thick, purulent expectoration day and night. Chest.—Oppression of the chest when walking in the open air— it felt as if a bandage were placed around the chest; Pain in the right side, as if the blood were forcing its way into the capillary vessels of the lungs; Spasmodic dyspnoea; Shortness of breath, from flatulence; Tension in the chest, and under the left clavicle; Stitches in the right chest when walking in the open air; Burning 402 ZINCUM. [ZING, in the chest and sternum; Sensation in the left chest the size of a hand—the part felt as if decaying, and a stitching pain is felt there; Painful throbbing in the left chest, near the axilla. Heart—Frequent palpitation, without anxiety; Painful palpi- tation, with a stitch at every beat; Stitches under the heart, like pleuritic stitches; Irregular beating of the heart, with sense of suffocation. Neck.-Stiffness of the cervical muscles in the morning; Noc- turnal pains in the cervical muscles; Rigidity of the left side of the neck; Pressure, or tearing pain in the right side of the neck, ex- tending to the ear and jaw. - Back-Pain in the small of the back when walking or sitting down; he was obliged to stand still; Drawing in the dorsal spine, with painful weakness; Burning and pressure in the dorsal spine; Pain, like rheumatism, between and above the shoulders—also in the lumbar region; Burning, tearing between the spine and right scapula; Burning or darting stitches under the left scapula; Spots and scabs between the scapulaº. - - Upper Limbs.-Violent tearing pains in the shoulder-joint; Rheumatic pain in the Deltoid; Boils on the shoulder and arm ; Rheumatic pains in the wrist; Weakness and tremor of the hands when writing; Paralytic condition of the right hand—it feels heavy and insensible; Rough herpes on the hands—the skin becomes chapped and painful—also between the fingers; Tearing pains in the fingers and joints; Numbness of the fingers. Lower Limbs,-Rheumatic pains in the legs, knees, and joints; Heaviness in the limbs; Drawing pains in the thighs; Tearing in the muscles; Varices of the thighs; Tearing pains in the knees; Tremor of the knees; Tearing pains in the calves; Aching in the ankles; Varices of the legs; Painful swelling of the Tendo Achillis; Burning of the soles of the feet; Chilblains. OTHER SYMPTOMS. Jactitation in various parts of the body; Twitchings and jerking in the muscles; Tremulous weakness, and trembling of the limbs; Cramps in the extremities; General exhaustion; Drowsiness—aver- sion to noise; Violent throbbing in the body; Drawing, tearing pains in the long bones; Profuse sweat when walking in the open 403 ZING, OX.] ZINCUM oxyDATUM. air; Night-sweat; Acid night-sweat; Excessive weariness in the morning when awaking. r - The pains frequently seem to exist in the fasciae and cellular tissue. Wine and Nux Wom. appear to increase the sufferings. Many symptoms, especially the gastric, appear after dinner, and towards evening—worse during rest—relieved by motion. ZINCUM 0xYDATUM. OXIDE OF ZINC. SYMPTOMS. Remarkable sinking of the strength, with feelings of internal sick- ness; Painful tension in the muscles during movement; Trembling of the limbs, with jactitation of the legs; Trembling of the feet; Bruise-like pains and heaviness in the arms; Eructations; Sick- ness and nausea, with vertigo ; Bilious vomiting; Vomiting and Diarrhoea; Pains and fulness in the stomach; Burning in the stomach, with sweat on the head and hands; Hiccough; Violent thirst; Spasmodic constriction in the chest; Palpitation of the Heart, with anguish, especially in the evening; Spasmodic pulse; Sudden attacks of vomiting in children. - - 404 LIST OF MEDIGINES AND ANTIDOTES [The Antidotes between Brackets are by Dr. Teste.] PAGE. MEDICINE, - - ANTIDOTE. 1...ACONITUM NAPELLUS......... Weg. Acids, Wine, Camphor. 9...ACTEA RACEMOSA ............ Secale. 10...ACTEA SPICATA ............... * * % # 11...AETHUSA CYNAPIUM ......... Camphor? - - 13...AGARICUS MUSCARIUS ...... Wine, Coff, Camph., [Nit, Ac.] 14...AGNUS CASTUS ............... Camphor. 14...ALOES................. . º. is e º e º O & 0 & Acids, Vinegar. 15...ALUMINA ..................... Bry, Cham, Ipec. 16...AMBRA GRISEA............... Camph., Nwaº 17...AMMONIUM CARBONICUM....Camph., Hepar. 19...AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM...... |Winegar. ... • 20...AMMONIUM MURLATICUM ...Camph., Coffee, Hepar. 21...ANACARDIUM.................. Camph., Coffee. 21...ANGUSTURA VERA............ Coffee. 22...ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM ...... Hepar, Merc. 26...APIS MELLIFICA ............ Lachesis 3 27...APOCYNUM CANNABINUM ...Bry., China. 27...ARGENTUM................ ......Merc., Pwls. 28...ARGENTUM NITRICUM ...... Merc., Nat. Mwr., Salt. 29...ARNICA MONTANA............ Camph., Igmatia, [Cocculw8.] 33...ARSENICUM ................... Camp., Chin, Iod, Nua, [Verat.] 39...ASAFCETIDA .................. Cawst., China. - 42...ASARUM EUROPAEUM ...... Acids, Camphor. 43...AURUM ........................ Bell., Cup., Merc. 45...AURUM MURIATICUM......... Mercwriw8. 46...BAPTISLA TINCTORIA......... Rhºw8? 46...BARYTA CARBONICA ......... Bell., Camph., Merc. 48...BARYTA MURLATICA ......... Albwmen. - 49...BELLADONNA .................. Coffee, Camphor, Wine, Opium. 56...BERBERIS WULGARIS ......... Camphor. 59...BISMUTH ..................... Nua, Wom., [Camph., Colch. 60...BORAX .......... a s • * * * * * a • * * * * Cham., Coff. - - - 405: iIST OF MEDICINES AND ANTIDOTES. PAGE. MEDICINE. - ANTIDOTE. 61...BOVISTA....................... .Camph. --- -- ~" -- - - - - 63...BROMINE ..................... Opium, Coffee, Camph. 65...BRYONIA ALBA ............ ...Acom., Nua, [Ferr.] 70...CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS ...Camph., Acom., Chim. 75...CALCAREA CARBONICA ......Camph., Sulph. 77... CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA ...Nua, V. 78... CAMPHORA....... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Opium. 80...CANNABIs SATIVA ......... ...Acids, Camph. * - - 82...CANTHARIs..................... Vinegar, Alcohol, Camph. ... 86...CAPSICUM ..................... Camphor. - 87... CARBO ANIMALIS ............ Camphor. - - - " 88...CARBO VEGETABILIS .........Camph., Coff, Ars., [Ferr.]. 90...CAUSTICUM............ e. e. tº a tº c e º e a e s Coff, Nua, Vom., Colo., [Lawro.] 96...CHAMOMILLA .................. Coffee, Pwls., Ign. 100...CHELIDONIUM MAJUS ......Camph. 101...CHINA ........................ Ars., Verat. - - 106...CICUTA VIROSA ...............Arnica, Tobacco, [Camph., Opi.] 108...CINA ........................... Bry, Chin. . . 110...CINNABAR ..................... Nitric Ac., Sulph., Chin. 112...CISTUS CANADENSIS ......... Belladonna 3 112...CLEMATIs ..................... Camph., Bryonia. 113...COCCULUS ..... e s a se e e s a v e s e e s e Camph., Nua, [Staphy.] 116...COFFEA ......... ...............A.com, Cham., Ignat., [Tabac.] 117...Colchicum .................. Vinegar, Puls., Nua, Camph. 119...COLOCYNTH ............ • * * * * * Camph., Coff, Cawst, Milk, Opi. 123... CONIUM .......... ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * Coffee, Nit. Acid. - 128...COPAIVAE ................. ....[Mercwrius.] 129...CORALLIA RUBRUM ......... Calc., Coffee. 130...CRoCUs SATIVUs ............ Acom., Bell, Opium. 132...CUPRUM........... • * * * * * * * * * * * * Milk, Albwmen, China. 135...CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM ...... Pulsatilla. - - 136...DIGITALIS ........ • e e s • e s • * * * * * Milk, Vinegar, Nua, Opium. 140...DROSERA ..................... Camph. - 143...DULCAMARA .................. Merc., Ipec, Camph., [Caps.] 145...ELATERIUM .................. Colocynth. 145...EUPATORIUM .................. Coffee. 145...EUPHORBIUM...... • * * * * * * * * * * * Camph. 147...EUPHRASIA ..................Camph., Puls... 148...FERRUM ACETICUM .........Ars., Hep, China. 406 LIST OF MEDICINES AND ANTIDOTES. PAGE, MEDICINE. ANTIDOTE. 150...FILIX MAS .................. Camphor. 150...FLUORIC ACID ............... # 3: * 3: 151...GELSEMINUM .................. Cham., Rhºws. 153...GINSENG........................ Camph 154...GLONOINE ..................... Iodium ? Camphor? 155...GRANATUM RADICIS ......... Weratrum, 2 156...GRAPHITES..................... Wine, Ars., Nua. 159...GRATIOLA ..................... Antidotes Iod. 161...GUALACUM ..................... Nua, Vom 162... GUMMI GUTTI ............... Colocynthis? Mercury 2 163...HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA...... Pwls. 165...HELLEBORE .................. Camph., China. 168...HEPAR SULPHURIS ......... Vinegar, Bell., Cham. 172...HYDRASTUS CANADENSIS ... Pulsatilla. ? 173...HYDROCYANIC ACID ......... Camph., Coff, Opium. 174...HYOSCYAMUS .................. |Winegar, Camph., Bell. 178...IGNATIA AMARA ............ Coffee, Vinegar, Pwls., Camph. 182...IODIUM ........................ Chin., Opium, Milk, Gratiola. 187...IPECACUANHA.................. China, Nua, [Verat.] 190...KALI BICHROMICUM .........Nua. ?, Phosphorus 2 193...KALI CARBONICUM ......... Camph., Coff. . 197...KALI IODIDUM ............... Chima., Valer., Merc. 198...KALMIA LATIFOLIA ......... Rhododendron 3 200...KREASOTUM .................. Acon, Nua, Wom., [Ferr.] 203...LACHESIS ..................... Bell., Arsen. 205.,.LACTUCA VIROSA ............ |Weget. Acids, Coffee. 206...LAMIUM ALBUM ............ * * # * 206...LAUROCERASUS ............... Coffee, Opium. 210...LEDUM PALUSTRE.............Camphor, [Rhus Toa..] 212...LEPTANDRIA VIRGINICA ... * 3% * * 213...LOBELLA INFLATA ............ Camph., Ipec. 215...LYCOPODIUM .................. Coffee, Puls., Caust, [Lach.] 221...MAGNESIA CARBONICA ...... Nwaº Wom., Merc. 223...MAGNESLA MURLATICA ...... Chamomilla. 223...MANGANUM .................. Coffee, Merc. 225...MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA... Camphor. 227...MEPHITIS PUTORIUs.........Camphor. 227...MERCURIALIS PERENNIS ... * * * * 228...MERCURIUS ...... • * * * * * * * * * * * Awr., Nit. Ac., Sulph., Am. Carb. 407 LIST OF MEDICINES AND ANTIDOTES. PAGE. MEDICINE. ANTIDOTE. 235...MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS ...[Sepia, Lobelia, Merc. Sol.] 236...MERCURIUS IODATUS ...... * * 3: * 237...MEZEREUM .................. Winegar, Camph., Merc. 239...MILLEFOLIUM ............... # * * % 239...MOSCHUS ..................... Camph., Coff. 241...MURLATIC ACID ........... . Camph., [Ipec.] 243...N.AJA TRIPUDIANS............ Ars., Bell. 245...NATRUM CARBONICUM ...... Ars., Camph. 249...NATRUM MURLATICUM ...... Ars. 252...NITRIC ACID .................. Merc., Camph., Hepar, [Calc.] 255...NUX MOSCHATA ............ Camphor. 258...NUX WOMICA.................. Wine, Coff, Camph., Op., [Lach.] 262...OLEANDER..................... Camph., Nua. 264...OPIUM ........................ Coffee, Vinegar, Camph. 267...OXALIC ACID.................. Chalk. 271...PETROLEUM .................. Acon, Nua, Vom., [Camph.] 273...PHOSPHORUS .................. Wine, Camph., Nua, [Cham.] 276...PHOSPHORIC ACID ......... Camph., Coff. 278...PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA ...Opium, Coffea. 278...PLATINA........................ Pulsatilla, [Colch.] 282...PLUMBUM ..................... Sulph. Ac., Plat., Op., [AEthw.] 286...PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM Nua, Vom. 289...PRUNUS SPINOSA ............ * %. , 3% * 291...PULSATILLA .................. Vinegar, Coff., Cham, Nua, Wom. 294...RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS ...Bry., Rhus, Camph. 297...RATANIA........................ % % * §§ 299...RHEUM ........................ Camphor. 299...RHODODENDRON CHRYSAN... Clematis, Rhws. 302...RHUS RADICANS ............ Bryonia, Coff., Pwls. 305...RHUS TOXICODENDRON......Bryonia, Coff., [Led.] 308...RUTA GRAVEOLENS ......... Camphor. 311...SABADILLA..................... Pwls., Camph. 313...SABINA ........................ Pwls., Camph. 315...SAMBUCUS ..................... Arsen., Camph., [Colch.] 316...SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS % # 3% # 318...SARSAPARILLA ............... Camphor. 322...SECALE CORNUTUM ......... Camphor. 324...SELENIUM ..................... Pwls., Ign. 327...SENEGA ......... tº e º e o 0 ° & e o e g c e s Bell, Bry, Camph. 408 PAGE. MEDICINE. ANTIDOTE. 330...SEPLA........................... Aconite, [Merc.] 337...SILICA ............. • * * * * * * * * * * Hepar, Camph. 342...SPIGELLA ..................... Awrwm, Camph., [Cocc.] 345...SFONGLA........................ Camphor. 349...SouTLLA........................ Camphor 351...STANNUM ..................... Pwlsatilla. 354...STAPHYSAGRIA ............... Camphor. 358...STRAMONIUM .................. Weg. Acids, Nua, Opium. 361...STRONTIANA .................. Camphor. 362...SULPHUR ..................... Merc., Nua, Chim, [Camph.] 366...SULPHURIC ACID ............ Pwlsatilla. 369...TABACUM ..................... "Wine, Nua, Vom. 371...TARAXACUM .................. Camphor. 372...TARTARUS EMETICUS......... Chima, Ipec., Pwls. 377...TEREBINTHINA ............... Camph., Camtharides. 379...TEUCRIUM ..................... Igmatia. 381...THERIDION..................... 3. * * * 382...THUJA OCCIDENTALIS ...... Merc., Cham, [Colch.] 386...URTICA URENS ............... * * * * 386...UVA URSI ..................... * : * * * 386...WALERLANA..................... Camphor, Coffea. 389...WERATRUM ALBUM ......... Acomite, Coffea, [Staph.] 394...WERATRUM WIRIDE ......... * * * * 395...VERBASCUM .................. Camphor. 396...WINCA MINOR ............... Yegetable Acids. 396...WIOLA ODORATO ............ Camphor 396...WIOLA TRICOLOR ............ Camphor. 397...ZINCUM ........................ Wime? Hep., Ignat., [Lobelia.] 404...ZINCUM OXYDATUM ......... # * * * 2 E 409 EGIONAL SYMPTOMATOLOGY. TASTE, APPETITE WOMITING, Erc, Aconite.—Qualmishness and Nausea; Bitter taste; Flat ; Fishy; Mouth filled with air like rotten eggs; Food (good) seems insipid, tasteless; Loss of Appetite—aversion to all food; every- thing tastes bitter, except water; Constant desire to drink water; Thirst unquenchable; Waterbrash of a sweetish taste; Regurgita- tion of sweetish water; Empty eructations; Intense hunger, although he has just eaten; Desire for beer, which lies heavy; after a meal, he gets very sleepy; Hiccough in the morning, and after food; Sick feeling, with taste of sweets or fat (warm soup relieves many of the symptoms); Vomiting of greenish liquid; Bile; Lumbrici; Nausea; Inclination to vomit, with profuse sweat; Vomiting, followed by intense thirst; Vomiting of mucus; Vomit- ing of mucus and blood three days; Womiting of dark coagula in large quantities. Antimo. Crud.—Loss of appetite, with empty feeling; Empti- mess, with loss of heat, two days; Violent thirst in evening; Dry lips; Bitter, bile-like taste; Gulping of fluid that tastes of the food; Nausea after a glass of wine; Flatulence which smells foetid; Nausea, with Vertigo, after drinking wine; Nausea—very violent; Womiting—nothing can stop it; Vomiting, with anxiety; Convul- sions; Diarrhoea; Vomiting, with excessive anguish; Vomiting of slime and bile. - - Arnica.-Putrid, slimy taste of rotten eggs, especially be- tween meals, and early in the morning; Bitter taste; Eructations empty; Half-suppressed eructations; Gulping up of saltish water; Dislike to Meat, Broth, and Milk; Desire to drink constantly—not caring what, for everything is alike offensive; Appetite enormous in the evening. After supper—Weeps; Peevish (female). Arsenicum.—Bitter taste (morning, or after food and drink). Early in the morning—Bitter, putrid, salt, sour; Thirst unquench- able, burning; he can drink but little at a time—fears suffocation; Desire for acids, coldwater, brandy, coffee, milk; Loss of Appetite— 413 TASTE, &c.] TASTE, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. aversion to food; Butter is repulsive—also smell of boiled meat. After a meal—Headache; Pressure at stomach; Empty eructa- tions, with faint feeling; after drinking he shivers and feels chilly— vomits, and then has diarrhoea set in; Eructations bitter, or empty and frequent; Gulping up of bitter water—green mucus; Water- brash continual; Womits, but with difficulty—strains; Hiccough frequent, and after a meal; Nausea—inclined to vomit, 11 A.M. and 3 P.M.; Nausea, with tremor—obliged to lie down; Vomits every- thing, fluid and solid; Vomits night, morning, and after every meal; Vomits bile, yellow-green mucus—thick, glassy; Vomits brown or blackish—blood, mucus; Vomiting, with diarrhoea; Fainting (the vomiting is not easy, but with straining); Womiting, with violent pains in stomach, with internal heat and thirst—exhaustion. Belladonna.—Loss of taste; Insipid; Spoiled; Putrid, like decayed meat; Bread tastes and smells sour; Milk also ; Coffee is offensive; Aversion to all nourishment, with frequent weak pulse; Appetite lost; Meat repulsive; Headache; Long-lasting aversion to food; Desire for one thing, then another; when brought, no relish for it; Feeling of emptiness and hunger; Appetite for bread and butter; Vegetable soup only; Absence of thirst; Aversion to drink; Great desire for cold drink; he drinks with trembling haste; Thirst wngwenchable—Suffocative, yet unable to swallow the least drop of fluid; Contractive sensation after but little food; Feeling of intoxication after a meal—six hours and a-half; Frequent Eructations—burning, sore, choking; Hiccough—repeated attacks; violent also at midnight, and with profuse Sweat. After hic- cough—Convulsions of head and limbs, followed by nausea and lassitude (or right arm, and left leg); Head red and hot; Thirst; Nausea—inclined to vomit—confined to the throat; Qualmishness after breakfast ; Nausea at the stomach; Inclined to vomit, even when walking in the open air; Vomiting, with Vertigo; Flushes of heat; Sweat; Vomiting of bile and mucus; Vomiting of food not digested, after twelve hours in stomach; Wakes at midnight three times—each time inclined to vomit—covered with profuse sweat, but unable to vomit. Bryonia.-Taste lost, or flat, putrid, disgusting, as from de- cayed teeth; or sweetish, sickly, or bitter, particularly early in the -morning; Food tastes bitter—rancid, smoky taste; Aversion to 414 TASTE, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. [TASTE, &c, food; Loss of appetite, yet he seems hungry, and eats; Appetite lost for ten days; Loss of appetite after the first mouthful; Appe- tite for Milk, Wine, Coffee; he feels empty, hungry, but no appe- tite; Nausea, succeeded by hunger; Hunger in the morning, early, with thirst and flushes of heat; Ravenous appetite for six days; Great desire for Coffee; Thirst, frequent and considerable, day and night ; he drinks much at once ; Desire for cold drink, coffee, acids; Astringent, dry taste—lips parched; Eructations, oppres– sion, especially after bread ; Eructations sourish ; Gulping of phlegm ; Nausea on waking in the morning; Nausea, with bitter- ness; Ptyalism; Nausea, with anxiety, on attempting to drink; Empty retching—throws up water and mucus—with coldness of body; Vomits drink immediately—also bread; Vomiting of food; Bile, with hiccough; Womiting of mucus—yellow-green—Blood. Calcarea.—Taste flat, not salt enough; Meat has little or no flavour; Taste impure—of manure; or bitter, sweet; Taste (metal- lic—lead—morning); Iron, ink; Sour—spits continually; Saltish, with thirst ; Thirst great in the afternoon; Desire for water; Loss of appetite; Aversion to anything boiled; Aversion to meat; Chronic; Appetite ravenow8; Stomach weak; Desires salt food; Hunger soon after dinner ; Milk disagrees, regurgitates — turns sour; Waterbrash after milk, early in the morning; after eating, a burn- ing sensation in the throat; Eructations after eating—frequent ; after dinner he feels the heart beat; Languor, and feeling of weak- ness; Eructations bitter, of ingesta; Bile; Sour; Desire to sleep— unconquerable after dinner—with cold feet; Burning rising after food; Nausea, with sour waterbrash; Sour vomiting in children; Vomit of blood. - Carbo Veg.—Saltish taste the whole day; Bitterness before and after meals, with eructations; Appetite very small; Heat, and rough tongue; Appetite small, with relaxation, and weakness of extremities; Appetite small, with sick qualms and emptiness; Ap- petite lost, with lassitude and coated tongue; Food usually fond of is now disagreeable; Dislike to fat meat, butter, milk; Desire for Coffee, something sweet, or salt; Great weakness of digestion, es— pecially after Mercury; the most simple food troubles him; Eruc- tations almost continual; Eructations frequent, empty, preceded by pinching in abdomen; Eructations sour, with burning in sto- 415 TASTE, &c.] TASTE, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. mach; Hiccough very frequent; Nausea early in the morning, with qualms; Nausea at ten or eleven o'clock, forenoon; Nausea con- tinual, without appetite or stool; Nausea at night—also water- brash; Derangement from Wine; Haematemesis. Causticum, Secretion of an acrid fluid; Greasy taste; Violent thirst for many days; Desire for cold drink; Ravenous kind of hunger, with headache; Hunger, but no appetite; Taste dimin- ished; Aversion to sweet things; Fresh meat nauseates; Oppres- sion after breakfast; Nausea after supper; Chilliness after a meal; Face and eyes hot ; Eructations empty, tasteless—oppress the breath; Eructations almond-like—also musk, or bitter, acrid ; Gulping of insipid water into the mouth; Frequent waterbrash, cool water, or saltish ; Nausea, with frequent gulping of water; Nausea every morning, and before a meal—hungry; Vomiting sour, followed by sour eructations (acid 2); Vomiting of ingesta ; Sensation as if lime were burnt in the stomach, with rising of air. Chamomilla.-Bitter taste, or rancid, putrid; Bread tastes sour; Bitter taste early in the morning; Loss of appetite—no relish for food; Aversion to Broth and Coffee; after Coffee, nausea and suffocative fits; Heat and sweat; Sour eructations—the pain is aggravated by eructations; Inclined to vomit after breakfast; after a meal the abdomen is distended; Vomiting of food, sour and slimy substance; Bitter, bilious vomit; Sour vomit; Acidity in children; Nausea; Heat and sweat in the face after eating. China.-Taste flat, watery, after drinking; Taste bitter (morn- ing, early), or drinking coffee; Taste sour—sweetish—then sour; Food tastes salt; Taste of food flat, like clay, wood, or straw; Bitter taste, especially bread and beer; Indifference to food; Loss of appetite; Aversion to every kind of nourishment; Appetite lost, or passes food, though hungry, from the food being disagreeable; Aversion to Beer; Desire only for dainties or sour things—wine, sour fruit (cherries); Violent thirst; Desire to drink frequently, but a little at a time; Weak digestion, with pain after a small meal. After a meal—Fulness, distention, with great languor and drowsiness; Eructations empty, sobbing, sour, or bitter; Heart- burn after every meal; Loathing; Nausea; Inclination to vomit; Womiting continual; Womiting of sour water, mucus, or food. 416 TASTE, APPETITE, WOMITING, ETC. [TASTE, &c. Cocculus.-Metallic, coppery, with loss of appetite; Sour taste after a meal; Excessive repugnance to food, even the smell of it, yet there is a feeling of hunger; Thirst, especially during a meal, and every hour of the day; Want of appetite—the food has . no taste; Eructations bitter or empty, leaving a bitter taste; Eructations, with short sticking pain at pit of stomach; Hiccough; constant disposition to hiccough; Nausea when eating, with in- clination to vomit; Paroxysms of nausea, with tendency to faint; Paroxysms of nausea, also, when riding in a carriage; Early in bed—unable to get up; Sick; Inclined to vomit. On taking cold, or becoming cold—Sickness; Waterbrash; Inclined to vomit, with headache, and bruised pain in intestines. Colchicum.-Food tastes musty, like old linen; Loathing and shuddering at the sight of food; Appetite lost on smelling the food; Smell of broth nauseates—at eggs he almost faints; Thirst intense, burning, unquenchable; Eructations empty (forenoon); Nausea at table; Nausea in an erect position; Nausea—inclina- tion to vomit, with flow of saliva; Vomiting of bitter, yellow mucus, with gagging; Vomiting violent, with spasms and trem- bling; Womiting violent, with constant singultus. Colocynthis.-Bitter taste; Metallic styptic taste on tip of tongue; Putrid nausea—more from fauces; Thirst considerable; Throat dry; Sensibility of taste for bitters increased; Canine hunger; Empty feeling; Weakness. After eating—Nausea. After drinking—Insipidity; Erwctations empty, bitter, burning; Pal- pitation; Spasm in oesophagus; Nausea; Retching; Vomiting of food without nausea; Vomiting frequent—greenish fluid; and Diarrhoea. Conium.—Bitter, sour after breakfast; Flat, putrid taste when eating ; Bitterness in mouth and throat; Thirst considerable every afternoon; Thirst—lasting the whole day—intense; Acid risings, with putrid, flat taste; Appetite decreased, or lost; Appetite quite lost, with sense of weakness in the stomach; Bread is not relished ; Desire for coffee, salt or salt food, or acids; Gulping up of sour substances; Eructations; Eructations empty, unsuccessful, or sour; Eructations, tasting of food after six hours— full at throat; Heartbwrm—evening, or after a meal; Nausea, and 417 TASTE, &c.], TASTE, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. inclination to vomit; Vomiting of mucus, with headache; Retch- ing, nausea, and vomiting of pregnancy. Cuprum.—Sweet taste in the mouth, or sourish; Sensation as if the tongue were in contact with iron; Coppery taste, with burning; Thirst intense; Food tastes like water; Waterbrash after drinking milk; Appetite lost for two days; Hiccough; Warm food is more palatable than cold; Eructations; Nausea and loathing; Vomiting continual, with nausea and diarrhoea; Vomit- ing, with very painful colic ; Vomiting excessive, with stomach- pains and tenesmus; Vomiting of water—green and bitter mucus. Digitalis.--Taste flat, slimy; Sweetish, with ptyalism; Bitter- mess; Bitter taste of bread; Desire for bitter food—acid drink; Want of appetite; Tongue clean ; Empty feeling; Eructations sour—taste like vinegar; Nausea; he feels as if he must die from it; Nausea, fits of, with inclination to vomit, and despon- dency; Nausea every morning, which remains after vomiting ; Retching, and inclination to vomit; Convulsive efforts to vomit; Morning vomit; Vomiting violent, and of long duration; Vomit- ing excessive, with cold sweat, and cold extremities; Vomiting of the ingesta, or Green liquid, or bile; Vomiting of mucus; Bilious vomiting several days. Drosera.-Bitter taste, or loss of taste for food; Thirst early in morning, and hot stage of fever; Aversion to pork; Nausea, especially from fat; Waterbrash; Nausea, with pain in forehead; Vomiting of bile, water, mucus, food, on coughing. - Dulcamara.-Taste of soap ; Bitter taste; Increased saliva; Desire for cold drink, with dry tongue; Hunger, with dislike to food; Eructations frequent; Regurgitation of food (soup); Eruc- tations empty, and with Heartburn; Nausea; Loathing as if he would vomit; Nausea, with chilliness, shuddering ; Nausea, Retching, and Waterbrash ; Vomiting, and of tenacious mucus. Graphites.—Taste Bitter, Acid, or of rotten eggs (morning); Dislike to meat, fish, or warm cooked food; Dislike to salt food; Thirst early (morning); Thirst after a meal; Sweat during meals; Canine hunger after food; Nausea and vertigo. After a meal— 4.18 TASTE, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. [TASTE, &c. Headache—confusion; Heartbwrm after a meal; Colic; Griping, burning eructations. After a meal—Desire to eructate, but unable to do so; Sour, rancid regurgitations; Hiccough after every meal; Naw8ea at noon, or even the whole day; Nausea, with faintness, and inclination to vomit; Vomiting, with nausea; Vomiting of ingesta; Vomiting, with colic pains; Waterbrash. Hellebore.—Slimy taste; Dryness; Thirst ; Appetite vora- cious; Hunger constant (relish for food); Nausea; Aversion to greens; Food tastes natural, but is repulsive—yet hungry; Womit- ing of green, blackish substances, with colic. Hepar Sulph-Putrid taste; Metallic; Sourish metallic ; Taste of dough ; Loss of taste; Foetid taste; Appetite voracious; Dis- like to fat; Desire for wine, Acid drink, Vinegar; Thirst exces- sive; Digestion easily deranged; Erwctations, with Burning in the throat; Eructations frequent, empty, or sour; Rising of food. After a meal—Heat and fulness in abdomen; Oppression at chest ; Palpitation of heart—requires to take deep breath; Weakness, especially resulting from Mercury or Quinine; Hiccough; Nausea early in morning; Nausea—frequent sudden attacks—turns pale and cold; Qualmishness, with inclination to vomit; Waterbrash ; Vomiting every morning—Bile, or green water; Vomiting, pre- ceded by retching, violent and long; Vomiting of mucus, with coagulated blood. Hyoscyamus.--Bitter taste; Eructations taste bitter; Appe- tite and strength diminished daily; Thirst unquenchable, followed by profuse sweat; Unable to swallow drink; Dread of drink; Constant desire to eructate, but is not able; Nausea and Vertigo; Vomiting, with vertigo, and after food; Vomiting of the food taken, for several days; Womiting, with pains at pit of stomach ; Vomiting of mucus and dark-red blood; Vomiting of blood, with arrest of breath, convulsions, and cold extremities; Vomiting and retching, with cutting pains; Colic; Sweat; Hiccough frequent, with spasms in Abdomen; Hiccough, with thirst, foam at mouth ; Constipation; Hiccough, with involuntary urine. After a meal the symptoms are increased, and then become more violent; Headache; Sense of Intoxication; Pressure at temples; Depression after dinner, as if some disaster must happen. 419 TASTE, &c.] TASTE, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. Ignatia.-Taste flat, like chalk; Mouth full of mucus; Food has no taste; Saliva has a sour taste; Food usually agreeable—after a little is taken, becomes unpleasant; Aversion to Acids, Wine, Brandy, Fruit, Smoking; Aversion to Milk, warm food, meat— prefers cheese, butter, bread; Hiccough when smoking, in one a constant smoker; Appetite lost, or a very little satisfies; Gulping of a very bitter fluid; Regurgitation of food; after eating, the food seems stopped at cardiac orifice; at 3 A.M. he feels hot, and throws up his supper; Eructations sour, musty, mouldy (evening); Constant spitting; Saliva flows during sleep; Hiccough after eating or drinking; Nausea; Qualmishness, with uneasiness, agita- tion. Iodium-Taste most unpleasant, disagreeable, offensive; Bitter in afternoon; Salt, or sour, or of soap; Sweet at the tip of the tongue; Thirst day and night; Appetite increased; Voracious; Gnawing hunger; Desire to eat again soon after a meal; Discom- fort unless he eats every three or four hours; Alternation between loss of appetite and extreme hunger; Digestion weak—cannot bear much at one meal; Eructations empty, or sour, with burning; Heartburn after very little solid food; Hiccough ; Nausea—in- clined to vomit; Vomiting of bile; the secretion of Bile—Gastric and pancreatic juice seems to be increased. Ipecacuanha,_Taste flat, or like rancid oil in the fauces; Sweet taste, like blood; Bitter taste (morning); Beer tastes flat; Desire for dainties; Aversion to food; Tobacco nauseates, and causes vomiting; Qualmishness; Inclined to vomiting; Nausea as from the stomach, with empty eructations, and accumulation of saliva; Empty retchings after Gold drink and smoking; Vomiting, especially when stooping; Vomiting of mucus in large quantities; Vomiting of mucus—yellow or foetid; Vomiting of mucus—green or pitchy-black. - Kreasotum.—Taste flat, like straw; Bitter taste; all food tastes bitter (morning early, and evening); Appetite gone; Sensation of fulness as if too much food had been taken; Eructations sour, or empty, with spitting of frothy saliva; Nausea, especially of preg- nancy, with constant spitting, burning in the mouth, and shiver- ing, chilly feeling; Retching in morning early, as in pregnancy; or 420 - TASTE, APPETITE, voMITING, ETC. ITASTE, &c. constant rising of sweetish water in the mouth; Vomiting of water and mucus; Dry nose; Hot forehead; Cold feet and hands; Thirst. Lachesis.-Taste offensive—rancid grease; Copper; Taste Metal- lic, with dry mouth; Salt, especially lips; Taste saltish, sour, mucus, and saliva; Bitter, morning and night; Taste pappy, or of glue. Ap- petite—Loss of entire, or for bread; Nausea after milk; Aversion to food, yet a hungry feeling; Indifference to food for several weeks —also his usual tobacco and wine; Appetite increases, becomes strong, but easily deranged; Hunger—gnawing; while waiting he becomes faint; Desire to eat; after eating he is relieved; Desire for oysters, acids, wine. Before a meal—Languor, empty risings, or sour gulpings. After a meal—Regurgitation of ingesta; Vomits on coughing. After a meal—Drowsiness, languor, heaviness, weary— lies down; many symptoms arise two or three hours after a meal; Pains increased, or reappear after drinking wine; after coffee he feels better; Eructations empty, especially after dinner—choking to suffocation; Eructations which afford great relief—before, he felt very ill; Eructations sour, or burning; Bitter, sour, after meat fried; Regurging of sour water, or of ingesta; Sense of rawness; Nausea every five or ten minutes (noon and afternoon); Nausea—in- clined to vomit; he feels sick and ill—suddenly awakes from a sound sleep; Vomiting of ingesta, or of bile, or green mucus; Vomiting—very sudden inclination, with urging to diarrhoea; Vomiting of drunkards—of the pregnant. Ledum Pal.—Bitter taste; Unpleasant, musty; Hiccough; Appetite lost, with qualmish feeling in the stomach; a little food taken seems too much; Pressure and nausea; Strong desire for cold water; no thirst; Waterbrash; Sudden flow of water from the mouth, with colic pains; Eructations in the morning; Retching; Choking; Nausea when walking in open air, with sweat, especially forehead. Stomach—Contractive pain at sternum after eating fast. Lobelia Inflata.-Pungent, disagreeable taste; Flow of flat, clammy saliva, with taste like solution of corrosive sublimate; Acrid, burning; Bitter, with thirst; Sour fluid gulpings; Hiccough, with abundant saliva; Flatulent eructations; Nausea, long-conti- nued, with shivering; Waterbrash; Constant disposition to vomit; 421 TASTE, &c., tastE, APPETITE, vowrTNG, Etc. Nausea, with perspiration; Womiting, especially after warm food; Vomiting, with prostration; Vomitiſg, with cold perspiration on face; Violent vomiting. Lycopodium.–Taste bitter early in morning; Very bitter— compelled to rinse the mouth; Sour taste of food, cocoa, sweets; Slimy; Mouldy; Cheesy; Thirst generally absent; Thirst, with dry lips and mouth; Faint, sick feeling; Appetite lost—no relish for food; Aversion to meat; Bread is repulsive, also boiled warm food; Appetite lost after the first mouthful; Desire for sweets; Inclined to sour eructations; Hunger excessive; Constant hunger, with sense of a load in the stomach. After a meal—Sense of oppression; Fulness in chest; Hiccough after supper; Fulness and heaviness after a meal. After a meal—Sensation of fasting; Pressure in stomach. After a meal—Pressure; Prickings in forehead; Heat in the head. After a meal—Red spot on left cheek; Burning-red face; Hot hands. After a meal—Black spots before the eyes; Distorted features; Tremors. After a meal—Throbbing throughout the body; Nervous, weary, palpitations. After a meal—Sensation as if the food touched an ulcerated spot; Solid food is not digested; Milk causes diarrhoea; Burning (heartburn) eructations half-an-hour after every meal; Nausea before breakfast, or when riding in a carriage; Nausea (afternoon), with sour eructations; Oppression at the chest ; Nausea, affecting the head; Pain in nape of neck; Trem- :bling of hands; Nausea, with burning in abdomen; Face icy cold; Waterbrash every other day—saltish water, or bitter; Qualmish- ness; Inclined to vomit; Hawking of phlegm; Vomiting, at night, of mucus and bile; Dark blood. . - * * * * Mercurius.-Metallic; Bitter; very bitter between meals; Bit- terness of tongue and lips (not of food); Putrid taste in the morn- ing; Salt taste many days; Salt taste on lips and tongue; Sweet; Sourish; Taste like rotten eggs on moving the tongue about the mouth; Slimy taste; Thirst ; Violent desire for water; no desire for food; Aversion to dry, solid food—prefers liquid; Burning thirst day and night; Aversion to meat; Aversion to coffee, butter; Appetite completely lost, especially the morning, early; Appetite ravenous, with feeling of weakness—he cannot digest; Eructations of air, constant and violent; Eructations bitter; Bitter water; Re- gurgitation; Hiccough; Empty retching; Nausea; Inclination to 422 TASTE, APPETITE, womITING, ETC. [TASTE, &c. vomit; Waterbrash—very bitter, with nausea and vomiting; Vomit- ing of mucus which has a bitter taste. Muriatic Acid.—Taste of rancid grease; Bitter (early morning); White tongue; Putrid, like rotten eggs; Sweet taste, like honey; Aversion to all food, more especially meat; Eructations constant, bitter or putrid, or sour fluid ; Hiccough before and after dinner; Nausea; Qualmishness, and inclination to vomit; Vomiting. Natrum Muriat.—Taste lost for a long period; Flat, watery taste; Bitter taste; Bitterness of the mouth ; Putrid; Putrid taste and smell; Acid (morning, early); Appetite lost; Dislike to coffee, brown bread; Aversion to fat meat—tobacco-smoke; Smoking causes him to sweat and tremble; Hunger frequent; Sense of sink- ing from hunger, but no appetite; Appetite excessive at supper and dinner; soon hungry again; Thirst constant, without much desire to drink; Desire for food and drink of a bitter kind; Water has a putrid taste. Before a meal—Drowsiness. During meals—Sweatin face. After meals—Acidity; Heartburn; Nausea; Spasm in chest. After meals—Acidity; Dry mouth and throat; Sour gulpings; Eructations empty; Acid ; Acid regurgitations; Waterbrash ; Hiccough several days; Nausea daily, 7 A.M. until noon ; Nau- sea immediately after a meal; Vomiting of food; Vomiting of bile; Nausea and vomiting of the pregnant; Sufferings from acid food, bread, milk; Fat food and milk disagree—rise, with nausea. Nitric Acid.—Taste sour, chiefly morning or night. Evening— Bitter after food, with white-yellow tongue; Sweetish (morning, early); Thirst excessive—continual; Thirst, with suppuration of the lungs; Soreness in pharynx and chest. Appetite–Loss of (morn- ing); very little food satisfies; Brown bread tastes sour—inclines to vomit; Dislike to boiled meat and sweet things; Desire for herrings, fat food, earth, chalk, lime; Hunger, with weariness of life. During a meal—Sweat on forehead; Sore feeling in chest. After a meal—Taste of the food; Nausea in throat; Languor excessive, especially in joints of knees and elbows; Weary, drowsy, chilly; Pale, with coated tongue; Sweat all over, after breakfast and dinner; Nervous anxiety; Trembling of the limbs; Weary; Nausea after eating fat; Indigestion from milk; Eructations empty, before and after a meal—or sour, bilious; Regurgitation of partly 423 TASTE, &c.] TASTE, APPETITE, vom ITING, ETC. digested food; Hiccough; Nausea, with trembling and anxiety— with heat; Inclination to vomit; Constant nausea. Nux Womica.-Sour taste and smell (morning, early, or after food); Sour taste of bread; Milk turns sour; Sweet taste; Sulphur taste, or slime; Metallic; Taste of herbs—tops of carrots; Taste putrid; Putrid (early morning), as from decayed teeth; Putrid taste, passing off after breakfast; Putrid, bitter taste, yet food and drink not affected; Bitter, putrid expectoration; Hawking—low in the pharynx; Food has but little taste, especially milk, meat, coffee; Appetite lost, with thirst; Aversion to food; Food and drink have a foetid smell; Aversion to tobacco, coffee; Thirst for milk, not water; Aversion to food, yet he feels hungry, especially after pale ale. Dwring a meal—Heat in head; Sweat on forehead and scalp; Flushes of heat; Sense of fainting; Nausea. After a meal—Feeling of sickness, with sense of overloading the stomach; Sadness; Dissatisfied; Chilly; Cold; Cheeks hot, red; Dulness in head; Drowsiness; Sudden qualmishness; Vertigo; Fainting ; Vomiting, with pressure at stomach; Burning in throat; Tobacco induces Nausea, and inclination to vomit; Hiccough frequent before dinner; Regurgitation of food; Frequent eructations— painful—bitter before breakfast; Eructations sour after a meal; Putrid; Gulpings of fluid; Gulping of bitter, sour fluid (night); Waterbrash; Nausea; Heartburn, with taste of bad grease ; Nausea one hour before dinner, or when about to eat; Nausea. early in the morning, with qualm about the heart; Nausea, with anxiety, shuddering, qualmish, sick feeling; Chronic morn- ing sickness; Palpitation; Empty retching; Violent vomiting, having a sour smell, and tasting like mucus; Vomiting of bile (at night); Morning vomit—tasteless; Vomiting of black blood, coagula, bright blood; Vomiting, with cramp in calves, cold feet, trembling; Lock-jaw; Easy gulping of blood; Vomiting of the pregnant. - - Opium, Taste bitter, flat, sour; Loss of appetite; Aversion to food, with debility; Dislike to meat, with coated tongue—white; Hunger voracious—a few morsels seem to satisfy; Hunger, with oppression in the stomach after a meal; Hunger, with great debility; Desire for beer; Eructations; Nausea; Hiccough, with short inter- missions; Retching; Inclination to vomit during exercise; Womit- 424 TASTE, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. [TASTE, &c. ing after a meal—also with convulsive movements; Vomiting of faeces and urine, with incarcerated hernia; Sour vomiting, with stupor. Petroleum.—Slimy taste, with white tongue; Slimy (twenty days); Slimy taste, without appetite ; Slimy, sour; Sour taste; Bitter, with scraping in the throat; Flat taste; Putrid—rancid in the throat; Thirst the whole day; Great thirst for beer; Aversion to warm boiled food or meat; Appetite ravenous at dinner; Hunger at night. After a slight meal—Giddiness and swimming in head; Congestion in the head after a meal; Heat and sweat about the . head; Fulness after a moderate dinner, with pressure at pit; Cramp- like spasm in Chest, arresting breath after a meal; Weakness, that disappears after a meal; Heartburn; Hiccough; Waterbrash; Nausea; Nausea, with waterbrash; Qualmish all day; Sickness when riding in a carriage; Sea-sickness; Vomiting of green, bitter water; Vomiting of pregnancy. Phosphorus.-Slimy—taste of bad cheese; Salt, or acid, or Sweet; Bitter taste the whole day, and at breakfast; Sour taste after drinking milk; Acid after every meal; Acidity, with pulsa- tions in the forehead; everything taken turns acid; Loss of taste— no relish ; Sense of taste diminished; Spirits taste like water; Loss of taste; Aversion to boiled milk; Desire for water; Urgent desire for refreshing, cooling things; Hunger after a meal; Canine hunger at night, with languor, heat, and sweat—followed by chills, coldness, and chattering of the teeth; Waterbrash after acids; Sour eructations after milk; Nausea and palpitation after smoking; Hiccough. After dimmer—(every day, Headache); Head confused. After dinner—Heat in face; Drowsiness; Sleep irresistible. After dinner—Indolence; Pain in stomach; Shocks at the heart. After meals—Pulsations at pit; Oppression; Shortness of breath; Anxiety; Heat; Burning in the hands; Great weakness; Vesicles on tongue (one hour); Frequent eructations, with pain in cardiac orifice; Spas- modic eructations; Eructations bitter, tasting of the food; Acid after every meal; Acid regurgitation of food, and bile or water; Heart- burn after a little fat; Hiccough frequent; Nausea constant, with thirst and hunger; Waterbrash after acid drink; Vomiting, with weakness, quick pulse, paralysis of arm; Vomiting of bile for eighteen hours; Sour, bilious vomit; Vomiting, with cold sweat on 2 F 425 TASTE, &c.1 TASTE, APPETITE, voMITING, ETC. forehead; Icy cold feet; Womiting of blood; Vomit, with diarrhoea; Asiatic Cholera. Phosphoric Acid, Taste putrid, flat—of herbs—smoky, acid; Long-lasting taste of bread; Aversion to bread—it has a sour smell; Bread tastes like bile; Violent thirst ; Desire for milk or beer; Appetite lost; Desire for juicy, refreshing things; Acids induce eructations. After a meal—Dulness in the head; Pressure in stomach; Nausea; Constant nausea, as if in the throat; Vomiting. Platina.-Sweet taste on tip; Thirst—constantly drinking; Loss of Appetite; Dislike to food; Weeping mood; after a few mouth- fuls she is sad, and satiated; Hunger, with pinching about um- bilicus after a meal; Eructations loud, empty (morning and after dinner); Gulping of a bitter, sour fluid, inducing cough ; Qualm and Nausea, with languor, anxiousness, trembling; Desire to vomit, but does not; with uneasiness of the limbs. Pulsatilla.-Slimy, or of decayed herbs, or putrid meat (morn- ing); Pus-like; Pungent; Earthy or Nauseating; Bilious taste after a meal; Bitter in the evening; Food tastes bitter, especially bread when chewing only; Butter and meat taste bitter; Milk has mo taste; Taste diminished for every kind of food; Loss of Appetite; no desire for warm food—only cares for bread, butter, and fruit; Desire for food, not caring what; he does not relish anything; Loss of thirst; Nausea, with inclination to vomit; Thirst, with dry throat; Desire for water, beer, spirits; a very little fluid causes an inclination to vomit; Nausea, and inclination to vomit at night and evening; Vomiting, saltish or acid, or bitter in the morning ; Vomiting of mucus after supper, in bed, or after every meal. Before Vomiting—Pale face; Chilliness; Pain; Stitches in ear. After Vomiting—Bitter mouth; Burning in CEsophagus; no Appetite; Erwctations after a meal; Bilious, bitter; Acid after coffee; Eructations tasting of rancid tallow, or putrid meat. Symptoms after a meal—Pressure and pain in stomach; Heavi- ness of the head; Stiff neck; Short breath; Vexed mood; Alter- nate laughing and weeping; Frequent eructations, tasting of ingesta; Nausea as from oil; Sudden, short vomit of bile; Waterbrash; Vomiting of Blood; Vomiting after rich pastry, fat food. 426 - TASTE, APPETITE, VONITING, ETC. [TASTE, &c. Rhus Tox. —Sharp, acid, bitter; Coppery, with scraping in throat; Putrid—early morning, and after meal; Greasy; Bitter taste the whole day; Food tastes bitter, especially bread; Sour taste after milk; Flat, slimy taste; Appetite completely lost for every kind of food; Repugnance to bread especially; Dislike to meat and broth ; Dislike to wine, coffee; Brandy causes violent burning in throat; Liquid, when swallowed, is apt to get into the glottis; Difficulty of swallowing solid food, from dryness in throat, with sense of contraction in pharynx and oesophagus; Desire for cold milk, and for dainties; Eructations, with creeping in the stomach, especially sitting up ; Eructations violent, empty (even- ing), with hiccough ; Eructations burning, with giddiness, and faint after a meal. After a meal—Eaccessive sleepiness; Toothache; Headache. After a meal—Cough; Weariness; Headache, especially after beer. After a meal—Shuddering; Pressure in the stomach; Nausea, especially in the throat; also in chest and stomach; Ris- ings and nausea, with anxiety; Waterbrash; Sudden vomiting while eating. Secale Cornutum.—Flat, bitter, spoiled taste; Peculiar taste, as after smoking; Thirst unquenchable; Thirst, with dryness in throat; Aversion to food; Food not assimilated. Second—Appe- tite excessive, especially for acids; Hunger canine, with weakness of mind; Eructations sour, or with offensive, putrid smell; Heart- burn; Nausea; Retching—inclined to vomit; Vomiting of mucus, black bile, or bilious substances. Sepia-Acid taste, with constipation; Putrid; Bitter; Thirst, both morning and evening; also without appetite; Aversion to all food, especially meat; Salt taste of food; Aversion to milk; Desire for vinegar, for wine; Ravenous hunger, especially at sight of food; Painful feeling of hunger; Water in the mouth; Heat and sweat during a meal—profuse after dinner; Acidity in the mouth after a meal; Weak digestion; Erwctations very frequent, bitter (morning), acid (evening); Hiccough after a meal; Waterbrash; Nausea; Nausea before breakfast—and of the pregnant; Vomiting after the nausea in the morning—relieved by eating; Vomiting of the pregnant, with great fatigue; also of milky water. Silicea.—Bitter taste in the morning; Taste of oil or blood; 2 F 2 * 427 TASTE, &c.] Taste, APPETITE, VOMITING, ETC. Loss of taste; Aversion to meat and meat-soup; Great thirst, with loss of appetite. After a meal—Eructations; Acidity in the mouth; Pressure in stomach; Repletion; Sweat; Palpitation; Profuse heat; Fulness; Drowsy and faint; Heartburn after every meal; Eructations acid; Nausea after exercise, when heated ; Con- stant nausea; Nausea, with headache, and pain in the eyeballs on turning them; Vomiting after every drink; Vomiting of in- gesta at night. Spigelia.-Flat, putrid taste, having the sense of a foetid odour; no appetite, but a good deal of thirst—also evening; Aversion to smoking, snuff, and coffee. Second—Canine hunger, with nausea and thirst ; Nausea before breakfast. Spongia.-Thirst, with desire for cold water (evening); Sweet in mouth ; Bitter in throat; Hiccough; Appetite increased; Hun- ger; Eructations empty, acid; Waterbrash.; Eructations bitter; Nausea—inclination to vomit; Eructations, with cutting, tearing in the stomach. Squilla, Sour or bitter; Food tastes flat, insipid, or burnt; Appetite completely lost; Meat and soup had no taste; Bread and butter tastes sweet; in a few hours he is hungry, and seemed as if he could not eat enough ; Meat and soup taste sweet, and are repulsive ; Eructations empty or acid, or unpleasant taste; Nausea at back of throat, with accumulation of water in mouth; Nausea constant, with cough in the morning; Retching; Desire to vomit, alternating with threatening diarrhoea; Thirst for cold water; he can swallow but very little at a time. Stannum.—Taste flat, bitter, or sour; Bitter taste of food (not water); Sweet rising in the throat; Beer tastes like herbs, or bitter; Appetite increased; Thirst; Weak Digestion; Eructa- tions acid, with sense of roughness in the throat; Nausea and bitterness; Retching (evening); Vomiting—bitter, bilious; Vomit- ing of undigested food; Vomiting of blood. - Staphysagria-Flat or bitter taste in mouth, or watery; Food tastes good; Bread tastes sour; Desire for milk; Eactreme hunger immediately after a meal; Hunger, with waterbrash; 428 - - TASTE, APPETITE, voMITING, ETC. [TASTE, &c. Desire for liquids, wine, tobacco; Hiccough after every meal; Qualmishness—three days’ duration; Nausea, with desire to vomit every morning; Accumulation of water in the mouth after a meal; very soon after a full meal he is hungry, with water in the mouth. Stramonium.—Bitterness of the mouth, and of food; or like straw; Taste for food spoiled; Appetite diminished; Spasmodic hiccough ; Sour eructations; Inclination to vomit; Vomiting (evening, night), with limbs convulsed; Vomiting of mucus, green bile, with thirst (evening); Vomiting of sour-smelling mucus; Bilious vomit from slight motion. Sulphur.—Putrid in the morning; Nausea, with sweetish taste, in the forenoon; Sweetish, putrid; Acid, vinegar-like (morn- ing, or all the day); Bitter taste (morning, early), with low spirits, and dulness in head; Bitter taste on waking; Bitter mucus in the mouth ; Bitter taste soon after eating—the food tastes bitter; Bilious taste before breakfast—the food tasted good; Salt, or salt- ish, sour taste; Food tastes like straw, flat; Appetite completely lost—desire only for acid food; Aversion to meat. Second—Exces- sive hunger; Thirst intense—desire for beer, sugared water; Milk lies heavy—is vomited—turns sour—causes eructations; Vege- tables are not digested; Sweets induce colic, and pain in stomach; Meat or fat is not digested; Headache and dulness after a meal. After eating—Repletion; Nausea; Waterbrash; Depression. After dinner—Cold feet; Palpitation; Shudders; Legs heavy; Food rises up to the throat; Vomits immediately after food or drink; Eructations—morning, and after every meal—Empty; Eructa- tions tasting like rotten eggs, or acid; Aeid risings; Eructations acid, with burning; Sour regurgitations after drinking; Eructations foetid at night; Heartburn—morning—the whole day; Naw8ea. every morning, and when riding in a carriage; Nausea before a meal—also with tremor and fainting; Nausea, with inclination to vomit (three mornings); Waterbrash; Vomiting—sour at night, with cold sweat in face; Vomiting of food—of mucus, with retch- ing—Bitter, or blood. - - Sulphuric Acid.—Bad, flat, putrid; Pappy food not agree- able; Loss of appetite; Aversion to food; Dislike to coffee; - 429 TASTE, &c.] TASTE, APPETITE, vouring, ETC, Bread has a bitter, bilious taste; Milk induces flatulence, exhaus- tion, and faintness; Qualmishness after eating; Warm food causes a cold sweat on face and forehead. After a meal—Faint- ness, Colic, uneasiness—stomach feels tight, as if it would burst; Acidity in the throat; Eructations sour, especially in open air; Acid regurgitations; Gulping up of sweetish water; Eructation tasting of onion; Nausea, with saliva; Chilliness; Desire to vomit; Womiting of clear water, followed by the food eaten. Tartar Emetic.—Offensive; Bad; Metallic ; Astringent; Salt ; Foul; Qualmish, with water in the mouth; Food tastes flat; Thirst every other day; Desire for water and apples; Loathing after eating; Qualmishness, with prostration; Nausea, with anxiety; Nausea; Vomiting and Diarrhoea; Great languor; Eructations empty or putrid; Regurgitation of watery fluid— salt or acid; Hiccough ; Vomiting—spasmodic. Thuja.-Flat ; Sweetish ; Slimy; the saliva and bread taste bitter; Mucus in the throat; no relish for food; Anxiety after eating, with palpitation of the heart; Hiccough ; Eructations rancid, putrid, bitter; Desire for cold drink before a meal, and a long time after. After a meal—Debility; Lassitude; Inability for exercise; Sufferings from fat, greasy food—onions. Weratrum.—Taste diminished, pappy; Insipid, sourish taste; Profuse saliva without taste; Putrid, herb-like, or like manure; Bitter, like bile; Pungent coolness, such as is produced by pep- permint. Appétite—Desire for acids, fruit, cooling things—not warm food; Craving for food, cucumber, sardines, herrings—more especially fruit; Constant flow of saliva from the mouth; Hic- cough; Erwctations empty, bitter, or sour; Bilious risings; Nausea before breakfast; Inclination to vomit, with taste of bile; Nausea constant, with profuse saliva—with thirst; Inclination to vomit, with lock-jaw and ptyalism; Bitter vomiting; Vomiting of ingesta; and with green mucus, or dark-green; Vomiting of Blackish bile and mucus; Black bile; Blood; Vomiting, accom- panied with chilliness and shivering; Weakness; Vomiting, with painful retraction of the abdomen; Vomiting renewed by motion, or the least quantity of liquid drink; Vomiting, with diarrhoea, and pains at the pit of stomach. - * 430 - . • STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. [STOM., &c. Zincum.—Taste of blood—decayed cheese; Sweet; Saltish ; Bitter, or of raw peas. Thirst—Burning, violent; Thirst for water, at or after dinner, with heat in the palms; Aversion to boiled warm food—meat, fish, veal; Greediness when eating— cannot feel satisfied; Difficult digestion; Sour risings after bread and milk; Acrid risings after eating sweets; Griping in epigas- trium (two hours). After dinner—Feeling of emptiness. After a meal (dinner or supper)—Bloated, distended feeling; Bleeding of the nose after dimmer, with swimming in the head; Dizziness, as if looking through gauze, after dinner; Eructations empty, sweetish, or acid, after dinner; Nausea produced by the action of the body during washing; Nausea and vomiting return on move— ment, or sitting up. STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. Aconite.—Burning sensation, and oppressive pain, from mouth into oesophagus and stomach; Sensation of rawness from throat to stomach; Contractive pain, as from astringents; Violent pain im- mediately after eating or drinking; Tightness, pressure, fulness, weight, in hypochondria; Pain and swelling at pit of stomach, with short breath; Stitches under right ribs during inspiration; Pressure as of a stone or load, inducing Asthma—at other times a spasm is felt passing through the back; Continual sensation as of a cold stone lying in stomach—repeated vomit and stool did not remove it; Sensation of stiffness toward back, as if strained. Arsenicum.—Excessive pain in stomach, and pit very tender to the touch, with distention; Pressure, as from a stone; Pressure as if the heart were displaced. After a meal—Sensation as if the Stomach and CEsophagus were full to the mouth, with empty eructations; Spasmodic pains—cutting, tearing, gnawing, peck- ing; Burning; Heat; Pain; Oppression; Anxiety; Oppressive anguish; Moaning at night. Arnica.-Nausea; Qualmishness; Retching to vomit; Eructa- tions empty; Retching at night, with sense of a lump; Vomiting 431 STOM., &c.] STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. of blood—coagulated, dark—renewed by eating and drinking; Feeling of repletion, with loathing; Stitches at the pit of the stomach, through to back; Pressure and digging at sternum; Sensation as of a ball of thread rolling up. After a meal—Fulness at pit, with painful pressure—deep at one spot, apparently at the bladder—felt most when standing—with constant desire to pass urine. Pinching, spasmodic griping; Biting pain; Painful pres- sure at pit, with dyspnoea; Stitches extending to the back, with constriction in the chest. Belladonna. — Throbbing, beating at pit; Violent pains; Hard and painful pressure after a meal; Periodical pains after a meal; Fulness; Pressure; Painful pressure when walking; Spasms; Chronic Spasm of the stomach during a meal; Contrac- tive pains; Stitches; Burning; Lancinations; Cutting pain at pit—arresting the Breath; Inflammation of the Stomach and Dwodenwm. Bismuth.-Nausea—he felt he must vomit; Pressure in the stomach; Burning pressure, with vertigo; Humming in the head; Redness of the conjunctiva; Small, quick, or hard pulse ; Vomiting, with diarrhoea ; Burning in the throat; Troublesome pressure and burning, followed by an emission of much flatus; Pressive pain, with frontal headache; White tongue; Dimness of sight; Pains like Colic; Burning; Inflammation. Bryonia.-Pressure after eating, with ill-humour (irritable); Pressure, when walking, at pit of stomach; Pressure on bladder and perinaeum—removed by sitting; Contractive pain in stomach, with flushes, eructations, nausea; Stitches when lying (one side); Darting when making a false step or movement; Painful soreness at pit when coughing or touching it—he cannot bear the slightest pressure; Pinching, cutting like knives, at pit ; Sensation of swelling at pit ; Burning in stomach; Spasms; Inflammation of stomach; Tension, burning, stinging, in hepatic region when coughing or taking breath; Drawing in hepatic region (morning, early), through stomach and back; also after a meal, with vomit- ing; Inflammation in hepatic region; Stitches in spleen. Calcarea.—Painful to touch—cannot bear clothes; Inflation, 432 - STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. [STOM., &c. with pressure (left side); Pressure all day, and of a lump after sup- per; Pressure, with griping, tearing (walking); Spasm, with eruc- tation and yawning; Violent spasm (afternoon)—then sweat all over body; Griping, gnawing, cutting, pinching; Tension, constriction in Hypochondria; Tension and pressure in hepatic region—it feels enlarged, as if it would burst—unable to lie on right side; Aching pain in liver (night)—hard to the touch ; Drawing pain (liver), posterior to the back; Stitches in hepatic region during or after stooping; Pain as if the liver were raw; Throbbing in left hypochondria during rest and motion; Sharp pinching in left hypochondria. Carbo Veg.—Weight, with trembling sensation in stomach; Heavy, as if hanging down, when walking; Sense of pressure, passing off in flatus; Pinching at the pit from flatulence; Spasm in the stomach, with sour eructations; Spasm, with cardialgia, when nursing ; Contracting spasm at night, with acidity; Spasm from portal obstruction; Contraction just below the stomach; Contrac- tion near Scrob. cord. (right side); Gnawing early, before breakfast; Acrid rising to throat, like heartburn; Pains are aggravated or ex- cited by fright, flatulent food, after a meal, chagrin, or a cold. Liver—Pain as if bruised; Tightness as if the skin were too short. Liver—Pressing pain when walking in open air. Liver—Pain as if beaten to pieces. Liver—Violent stitches in region of ; Pain lancinating; Tearing in both hypochondria, which are painful to the touch. d Causticum.—Pains in the stomach; Pressure (morning, early); Pressure in scrob. cord.—also as of an icicle; Spasm; Contraction early in the morning, and with water in the mouth ; Griping, pres- sure, tightness, pinching at pit; Stitches at Scrob. cord., with sense of contraction; Tingling in region of the stomach; Shuddering; Hypochondria (left)—sharp stitches, or burning; Stitches in liver (afternoon)—duration four hours; Painful tearing in liver at even- ing; she cannot bear the weight of the dress. Chamomilla.-Pain and distention in Epigastrium, with sen- sation of the contents rising into the chest ; Incarceration of flatu- lence, pressing upwards; Oppression as of a stone; Spasms after a meal, or at night, or from coffee; Burning at pit of stomach. 433 STOM., &c.] STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. China.--Fulness after a meal; Oppression. After every meal— Presswre, with burning; Pressure, arresting the breath; Hard pres- sure; Pressure in the evening—feels as if diarrhoea would come; Spasmodic pains—contractive, crampy; Stitches—griping, tearing; Darting, soreness; Soreness at pit—diarrhoea does not relieve. Liver—Pain in, when touching, as if ulcerated. Liver—Pressure in, while standing, passing, or bending. Liver—Stitches during an inspiration or contact. Liver—Swollen, enlarged, hard. Spleen— Stitches when walking slowly; Cutting pressure; Swelling, with hardness. - Cocculus.-Sensation of having been a long time without food; Pecking; Gnawing ; Pressure at pit arrests breathing; Clawing and tension at pit when walking; Violent spasm; Griping; Claw- ing in stomach; Constrictive pain hinders sleep; Spasm after a meal; Feeling of weakness. Colchicum.—Tingling; Soreness; Burning; Heaviness; Icy- cold feeling; Oppression at pit; Stitches at pit—also pressure; Burning; Stomach sensitive to the touch—cannot bear the hand; Pain as from Soreness. Colocynthis.--Fulness in epigastrium; Burning while eating; Pains as of Squeezing, cutting, cramping, plucking; Constriction, extending up osophagus to throat; Pressure as from a stone; Squeezing pains which prevent sleep; Painful at pit, which is tender to touch ; the stomach pains are often accompanied with pain in teeth and head; Colie, with diarrhoea, after the least nou- rishment. - Conium.—Pressure at pit, as if a round body would rise from the stomach up through Gesophagus; Drawing pains—pit to fauces, and shortness of breath ; Contractive pain, with coldness in stomach and back; Spasm and spasmodic pinching, grasping, or clenching; Raw, sore feeling, as of sub-cutaneous ulceration; Oppression at pit on leaning back, arresting breath and speech. Hypochondria—Sen- sation of tightness as of a band; Aching; Sharp drawing; Painful tearing, or stitches in liver (right lobe), arresting breath; Painful stitch (left)—morning, in bed; Oppressed breathing; Searching lancination—left hypochondria. - - 434 STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. ISTOM, &c. Cuprum.–Horrible spasms and colic pains; Pressure at pit; Gnawing and pricking, as if piercing with pins; Peculiar anxiety, with sensation of weakness, especially about the pit, which is ex- cessively sensitive to touch and motion. Digitalis.-Weakness of digestion long-continued; Weakness— feels as if he should die after eating; Weight; Pressure frequent, as of a load; Pressure, with cutting at pit; Nausea and vomit; Spasms—relieved by eructations; Lancinations from pit, extend- ing to sides and back; Burning—great heat, extending to oeso- phagus. Drosera.-Hypochondriac region tender to touch ; Clawing, sticking, throbbing in stomach—at pit; Cramp and tension at pit during inspiration; Spasm and contraction from stomach to the back. - Dulcamara.-Pressure at stomach, extending into the chest ; Aching at pit, like a shock—increased by pressure; Sense of infla- tion at pit; Tight pain at pit; Retraction at pit, with burning pain; Crampy pain in stomach, arresting the breath; Dull stitch— also sticking pain in scrob. cordis. Graphites.—Pressure—relieved by lying down; Griping con- traction; Griping, with nausea; Constant spitting; Contractive ; Clawing or squeezing; Gnawing; Stitches and throbbing at pit ; Cold feeling in stomach; Stitches in hypochondrium. Helleborus.--Scraping or rubbing (rough) sensation; Painful burning, rising to the CEsophagus; Pinching pain as if bruised— pyloric region—the pain felt at every step—talking and contact ; Distention at pit, with sense of ulceration. - Hepar Sulph-Pressure after a very moderate meal; Tension across pit; unable to bear the clothes; Pressure at pit every morn- ing on awaking; Swelling, with pressure; Sense of distention; Cold hands; Gnawing, with acid regurgitation; Uneasy weight and acridity during digestion; Stitches in region of liver when walk- ing; Congestion in both hypochondria 2–with sensation as if the circulation had stopped; Stitches in the Spleen when walking. 435 STOM, &c., STOMACH, Liver, AND SPLEEN. Hyoscy.—Tightness about pit; Sense of weakness; Burning, as if inflamed; Pressure at sternum; Spasm and oppression; Spasm of Diaphragm; Epigastric region sensitive, and tender to touch. - Ignatia.-Sensation of emptiness, as after long fasting; Weak feeling; Periodical pains at night—increased by pressure; Pécu- liar sense of weakness at pit and epigastric region; Pressure at pit ; Fine stinging sensation, pricking jerks, and spasmodic pain; Drawing, burning pressure; Region of stomach sensitive to con- tact; Constrictive sensation in hypochondria—increased by pres- sure and movement (walking). ', Iod.—Pain, and sense of obstruction, with bilious stools; Ful- ness, pressure, and distention; Gnawing pains; Pressure—increased after every meal; Fulness and distention; Prickings; Pulsation at pit; Increased heat; Burning; Left hypochondria hard—tender on pressure ; Stitches in hepatic region; Pulsative pains in Epigas- trium. Ipec.—Feels to hang down, as if relaxed; no appetite; Empty relaxation, with excessive sick feeling ; Sensation of sickness at Scrob. cordis; Dull, sticking pains, as with a pointed stick, at pit; Severe spasmodic pains in stomach; Pressure; Swelling in region of stomach. Kreasote.--Tightness across the region of the stomach—the clothes must be loosened; Sensation at pit, as if a fibre were being torn out—it seemed to affect the whole frame; (3 P.M.)—rest; Pul- sation at pit, which extended through the body (motion); Frequent stitches at pit at night—also by day; Painful, hard spot, left side of stomach (Schirrus?) - Lach,-Violent pains; Pain at pit on slight pressure; Soreness; Gnawing, digging, as from a worm; Pressure (morning)—obliged to rise—relieved by emission of flatus; Pressure as from a load after a meal—relieved by eructations; Spasmodic pains, 6 P.M. every evening, with nausea and vomiting; Sensation in stomach and bowels, as if a lump were accumulating; Sudden stitch at pit; Burning at pit; Alternate heat and coldness, with oppressed 436 stomach, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. [STOM., &c. breathing; Hypochondria; Pain and sense of ulceration when coughing, or on taking a deep inspiration; Pain in right side—feels as if a lump were forming; Pain and darting in the region of the Spleen. . Lobelia.--Dyspepsia; Feeling of weakness, extending to the Chest; Sensation of excessive weakness up to chest, down to um- bilicus; Pressure from stomach to back, as from a plug; Burning, extending to spinal column, as if inflamed at the posterior part of . stomach ; Pressure at pit, with bilious vomiting, oppression at chest, and pain at Small of back; Painful constriction at car- diac region; Spasm at stomach. Abdomen—Distention of, with shortness of breath; Pains worse after food; Dull pain. Stool— Pap-like ; White; Soft; Sense of passing a hard, rough body; Copious discharge of venous blood from haemorrhoids. Lycopodium.-Intense pain at pit, with swelling; Fulness— the slightest pressure cannot be borne ; Pressure, and at cardiac orifice (evening); Pressure violent (forenoon); Pain on touch and breathing; Pressure at pit, and lower part of chest (afternoon), or on lifting a weight; Spasm and contraction in stomach and chest— returns on taking wine; Whirling sensation at pit, with dry flushes in the face; Tearing; Gnawing; Griping; Tension when breath- ing; Anxious; Qualm at pit, such as may feel from swinging; Hy- pochondria; Tension as from a tight band; Pain after a meal; Tension—cramp-like, or grasping as with the hand; Sensation as if the suspensory ligament of the liver would be torn; Stitches, pinching, or sense of rawness; Tension and pain in left hypochon- drium; Gurgling very audible in left hypochondrium. Mercurius.-Burning pain at pit; Constriction, tearing; Pain over the whole region—very tender to touch; Pulsation at pit, which is visible; Ulcerative pain; Sensation as if one had vomited much; Aching pain, especially during a deep inspiration; Cramp after taking very little food, even the lightest; after a meal (seated) the food lies heavy, in one lump; Bread causes oppression, or seems to drag the stomach down; Pressure after a meal, with nausea; Region of stomach very sensitive; Ill-humour after a meal. Hepatic Region—Very sensitive, tender—pricking, shoot- ing; Painful stitch, affecting inspiration, and with eructations; 437 STOM., &c.] STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. Burning sensation; Pressure from within outwards; Swelling and induration, with deep yellow colour of skin. Mur. Ac.—Contractive pain at one spot, as if drawn up; Violent pressure, as if the stomach were too full; Feeling of fulness, although he had not eaten; Feeling of emptiness—not relieved by eating; Burning and throbbing at one spot (left side), near pit; Burning in the right hypochondria, at a small spot; Stitches under the left ribs; Stitch in left hypochondrium; Cramp-like pain, tension, in left hypochondrium. - Nat. Mur.—Sensation behind the sternum, as of a foreign body; Sensation of a hard swelling at pit, with tightness; Pain on slight pressure; Swelling and pain as if ulcerated; Pressure, with sensation of having taken cold; Pressure, with nausea and rapid failure of strength; Cramp (evening), through the night, until the morning; Contractions; Cramp, with sense of coldness in stomach and back; Jerking; Throbbing at pit; Stitches; Prickings; Burning at pit—sometimes with heat—then coldness; Small red spots at pit ; Stinging, itching—and become pustules. Hepatic Region—Violent aching; Drawing from above downward; Pinch- ings (right side); Stitches when, seated (afternoon); Stitches (left side) during inspiration—fast walking. Nitric Acid.—Pain in cardiac region when passing the food; Pressure in stomach—increased by weight of the hand; Pressure, especially before a meal—removed by eating; Pressure at pit, with Sudden burning, as if blood would be vomited; Pressure and sore- ness in the morning, and during the day; Cramp as if from cold; Contractive cramps; Cramp, extending to the umbilicus, with rapid breathing; Stitch below the pit; Gnawing pains before breakfast; Pulsation—rushing of blood—at pit; Heat; Burning; Sense of movement (left of pit), without pain. Hepatic Region –Stitches; Pressure; Tension; Yellow skin, with constipation; Pressure, tension, in left hypochondria. Spleen—Stitches constant at every movement. Spleen—Sensation as if enlarged. Nux Wom,-Spasmodic aching—fauces to pit (morning, early); Pressure constant about the cardiac region; Constant pain; and sensitive to pressure; Violent pain; Pressure as from a stone 438 --- STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. [STOM., &c. (morning, early); or after eating; Oppression at pit, with anguish at night; Pressure, like a stone, in epigastrium—increased by motion—relieved by rest; Fulness at pit, especially after a meal; Tension across epigastrium (3 P.M.), with sore pain in abdomen; Cramp-like pain, with pressure from pharynx to pit; Cramp-like contractions; Griping, tearing pains after midnight—also after a meal, or before breakfast; Painful contraction at pylorus—the food seems as if it would rise; Choking sensation; Gnawing lan- cinations; Tearing; Raw, sore feeling in stomach; Throbbing after supper; Shocks—sense of turning about ; Burning; Burn- ing at pit; Burning at pylorus; Cardialgia, with anguish, after coffee or chamomile tea; Hepatic region very tender to pres- sure; Throbbing, as of an abscess; Stitches; Tensive pressure— aggravated by touch and motion—unable to lie on the affected side; Swelling and induration after Quinine; Jaundice. Opium.-Oppression; Pressure as from a stone; Pressure after dinner—relieved by walking in open air; Pressure across the stomach and region of diaphragm; Painful distention at pit; Sudden com- pression of diaphragm; Constrictive pain in stomach, with intense, deadly anguish. Petroleum.—Qualmish, empty feeling, with dulness of the head; Heaviness—relieved by walking ; Oppression before breakfast; Dis- tention and fulness at pit; Cramps at pit; Sudden gripings, as if produced by a cold, with anxiety; Pain and sensation as if some- thing would be torn off; Stitches brought on by little exertion; Swelling and tenderness to touch at pit. Hepatic Region—Pres- sure; Stitches. Phosphorus.-Whole region painful to the touch; Painful when walking; Digestion weak, deranged, difficult; Pressure at a small spot, and in right temple at the same time; Pressure in car- diac region, especially after bread; Pressure as of a load. After a meal—Arresting the breath; Repletion, with pressure and flatu- lence; Sensation as if stomach were compressed from the sides; Cramp, with chilly tremulousness; Contractions; Pinching; Gnaw- ing; Griping, with arrest of breath; Rumbling, with sensation of bubbles bursting within; Coldness—sometimes alternating with heat; Burning in stomach—ascending to throat—descending to the 439 STOM., &c.] STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. - * = bowels; Burning—violent, with thirst; Anguish; Convulsed face; Cold limbs; Clear running at the eyes; Lips pale; Pulse weak; Gradual loss of strength; Death; Burning at pit; Inflammation; Gangrene; the pains come on after eating—evening and night ; Contraction at pit, with regurgitation. Phosp. Ac.—Pressure as from a load, with drowsiness; Exces- sive fatigue after breakfast—load heavy, like lead; Sensation of to-and-fro movement (balancing) in the stomach; Oppression before and after dinner, especially at pit—unable to bear the pres- sure of clothes; Stitches at pit, as if something were being torn away; Stitches at pit, passing through to small of back; Coldness in stomach; Burning at pit. Hepatic Region—Pressing, pushing, with anguish ; Cramp-like pains; Stitches in liver and spleen; Burning at one spot; Heaviness in the liver. Platina.-Twitchings, like jactitation of muscles; Pressure at pit; Repletion, as if overloaded (morning), with eructations; Drawing pain at pit, with sensation as if strained; Contractive pain at pit, as if she had laced too tightly, causing a sense of suf- focation; Pinching in scrob. cordis ; Creeping from pit of stomach to throat—compels her to cough; Dull beating (hammering) under the rib cartilage; Violent stitches (right side) near pit; Dull shocks; Gnawing and writhing (morning, early), with waterbrash. Pulsatilla. — Pain at pit during inspiration; Pain on pres- sure; Aching pain (afternoon), arresting the breath; Aching, drawing at pit (morning, early), passing into side of chest—then to the back, when it is of a tearing character; Tingling at pit; Tension; Jerks, with internal heat; Pulsation at pit—perceptible; Griping, tearing; Beating; Stitches when missing a step on uneven pavement; Pain at pit of stomach and hypochondria dur- ing pregnancy. Hepatic Region–Drawing, tensive pain; or Con- tractive, sticking, darting pain; Darting and pricking in infra- costal region, as of an ulcer—through to back. - Rhus Tox—Pressure at pit, with sense as if swollen—imped- ing respiration (evening); Pressure as having swallowed too large a morsel; Sensation as of a lump, when standing up, after a meal; Frequent risings from pit to throat, affecting the breath 440 . STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. [STOM., &c. (evening); Oppression and contraction, as if drawn together; Cramp-like sensation at pit, as if tight, too full; Violent throbbing below the pit; Stitches (right side); Pinching at pit, extending into hypogastric region; Pinching below the diaphragm, then in the stomach; Ulcerative pain at pit; Cold feeling in stomach; Sensation when stooping, or from false step, as of some substance detached. Hypochondria–Pressure from below upwards, with anxiety and fear of death; Pain in right Hypochondria. Secale.—Constant pain, oppression, and pressure at pit, with desire for drink; Pressure until the breath is impeded, with desire for food; Sensation of heat and excited action; Heat and burn- ing ; Inflammation; Gangrene of stomach, liver, and lungs. Sepia.-Pains in stomach and pit—walking; Pressure in pit; Pressure after a meal, with tenderness; Pressure on the stomach ; Hard pressure, as from a stone, especially after bread; Cramp in stomach and chest ; Burning in stomach and pit; Heat and stitches; Fine pricking; Pulsations at pit. Hepatic Region— Stitching, jerks; Throbbing and soreness. - Silica.—Load heavy as lead; Pressure — painful pressure ; Screwing sensation, followed by a soft stool; Griping, grasping; " Burning at the pit; Pressure in stomach, with cutting in intes- times. Hepatic Region—Hardness, distention; Throbbing pains, with sense of ulceration—increased by contact and walking ; Stitches under the lower ribs—increased by deep inspiration. Spongia.-Pressure at pit; Aching—cannot bear pressure of clothes; Relaxed feeling in stomach and Oesophagus, as if filled with tepid water; Sensation as if stomach were open; Sensation of coldness at pit, with fulness. Stann-Pressure, and crowded sensation in the stomach; Pain, as from sub-cutaneous ulceration, on contact; Pressure at pit, with anxiety, as if haemorrhage would come on; Cutting; Spasmodic griping, with rising and nausea; Puffing up of the skin in the region of the stomach; Chronic cardialgia, with hunger and diar- rhoea; Cardialgia, with nausea—pale, sickly complexion. Hepatic Region—Hysteric spasms in region of the diaphragm; Cutting in 2 G 441 STOM., &c.] - STOMACH, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. right hypochondria—cramp-like pain in left; Painful jerks on both sides; Stinging and pressure in liver; Stinging in the region of the spleen. Staph, Pressure as from a load, on awaking in the morning— not removed by any change of position; Pressure and tension— aggravated by eating bread; Sense of relaxation, as if the stomach hung loose; Tension and oppression at pit; Pinching; Tension across the epigastrium, with anxiety and dyspnoea; Cramp-like pressure below the sternum; Contraction in hypochondria, oppress- ing the breath (three days). Sulph. The whole region very sensitive to pressure, even the bed-clothes; Presswre, with burning; Nausea; Anxiety, as from a lump; Pressure towards chest and back, hypochondria and abdomen; Pressure at pit, with anxiety—intolerable; Pressure very violent—two hours after a meal—affecting the back; Com- pression, with vomiting; Swelling at the pit; Tension, with sen- sation as if too much food had been eaten; Contractive pain, arresting the breath; Boring at nape of neck; Spasm immediately after a meal—at night—before dinner, with sweat; Digging, pinch- ing, biting; Pricking—frequent pricking; Coldness; Heat; Bwrm- ing, coming on several times a day; Burning, with stinging— with tearing, cutting pains; Throbbing, beating pulsation, with faint feeling—with orgasm of blood, as if the breath would be stopped. Sulph. Ac.—Sensitive to the touch; Pressure as if a hard body were rising up ; Fulness; Distention; Contractive pains, with anxiety; Griping, cutting stitches; Prickings; Agreeable feeling of warmth; Burning, with confusion in the head; Coolness, with relaxed feeling, and loss of appetite; Pinching below pit—pres- sure causes pain, as after a shock. Hepatic Region—Stitches; Shooting pains; Darting stitches in the spleen. Tart. Em, Sensation as if overloaded—vomits tenacious sub- stances; Vomits bile; Womiting, followed by great languor, drow- siness, weariness—desire for cooling things; Face pale, sunk; Eyes dim; Sweat on forehead; Oppression in the stomach; Beat- ing; Warmth; Burning; Congestion of blood; Inflammation. 442 ABDOMEN. [ABD. Zinc.—Sharp pains at pit—also on inspiration; Pressure at pit; Contraction, with anxiety; Heat in the head and body; Sensation at pit as if screwed together; Tearing and pinching; Beating, pulsation, or resembling worm-movement; Burning toward the cardiac orifice, before breakfast. Hypochondria—Spasms, with difficult breathing; Pressure in a small spot (right); Stitches; and right hip ; Sharp jerking stitches in liver; Cramps, with pressure (left). Spleen—Dull stitches; Stitches, with pressure, deep in ; Pulsations in ; Pain increased by pressure. Kidneys— Pressure (left), or with violent, crampy pain; Tearing pain in the right—also cutting, tearing, or drawing ; Stitching and pressure in region of both. ABD () MEN, Aconite.—Umbilicus retracted early before breakfast. Umbi- licus—Burning at, and around. Umbilicus—Pinching, grasping, tearing; Shocks; Jerks; Sensation, left of umbilicus, of something cold pressing out; Burning at umbilicus—extends to Scrobic. cordis, with beating and lancination, followed by rigor—heat and pain passes; Cutting pains, so violent that he screams and tosses early in the morning in bed; Abdominal region very sensitive to touch, with fits of anguish; Distention like dropsy; Hiccough; Consti- pation and loss of sleep; Colic, as if from wind—induced by stoop- ing ; Rumbling and fermentation in bowels; Rumbling and gurgling—relieved by passing wind; a spot feels sore and raw inside (all night); Drawing and cutting pains in various parts, darting into chest and to right shoulder; Strangulated Hernia, with bilious vomiting, and inflammation. Antimo. Crud.—Inflation after a meal; Intolerable pain all over abdomen; Pinching—left of umbilicus; Pinching (right side) toward back (evening)—increased by movement; Violent cutting, hard stool, and red urine; Violent cutting nausea and waterbrash; Loud rumbling, as if the intestines were empty; Loud rumbling like water bubbling; Emptiness through intestines—passes after a 2 G 2 443 ABD.] - ABDOMEN. meal; Groins tender to pressure. Groins—Glands swollen, hard —felt over Poupart's ligament. * Arnica.-Stitches under the left ribs, arresting the breath when standing; Clawing, throbbing on left side, above the umbilicus; Pressure below the last ribs; Pressure from below upwards, like a stitch, toward the spleen; Cutting above the umbilicus when taking a deep breath, and at every step; Colic, resembling dysentery; Digging in the hypogastrium (both sides), with nausea and drowsi- ness; Tension and inflation at lower part after supper, with dull pressure—he awakes every hour, and emits flatulence, without relief; Right side distended; Painful to touch, as if from an internal wound; Pain increased by coughing, blowing the nose, or putting foot to ground—continues from morning until two o'clock every day; the part feels as if it had been torn or cut ; Pressure like a stone in hepatic region, felt when lying on left side; Tearing pain above umbilicus; Pain in right side as from a sudden contusion— walking ; Sharp stitches in both loins; Pain in the loins, within outwards, on stooping; Dull stitches (right side) below ribs; Burning, stinging in epigastric region; Retraction of umbilicus; Colic pains, with flatulence, which seemed the cause; Fermenting about umbilicus, with flatus; Colic—after one hour tenesmus—then flatus, followed by an evacuation of small lumps; Sharp thrusts through the abdomen from one side to the opposite; much rum- bling, as from emptiness. Arsenicum,-Stitches in the spleen; Pains all over the abdo- men—worse at night, or after food, with vomiting and diarrhoea, or with great anguish, tossing, restlessness, despairing of life (left side particularly); Spasmodic pains—tearing, boring, with sweat ; Jerks from pit of stomach to rectum, from which he starts; Cramp- like colic, as if the bowels were twisted; Cutting pains; Gnawing, tearing, with icy coldness of extremities, and cold sweat on face ; Cold sensation internally, though warm to the hand; Burning, with cutting (afternoon)—passes off after a stool; Soreness, espe- cially when coughing or laughing; Swelling; Distention of the abdomen; Dropsy; Ulcer above the umbilicus; Painful sensibility to touch and movement. Right groin—Glands swollen; Pain as if strained; Weakness of the abdominal muscles; Tympanitis in •children; Enlarged mesenteric glands. - 444 ABDOMEN. sº [ABD. Belladonna. —Duodenum inflamed; Burning in abdomen; Colic continual; Constipation; Enuresis; Eructations; Colic; Spas- modic tension from chest to abdomen, so violent he cannot move his body half-an-hour; Colic, with leucorrhoea; Pressure as from a stone (evening); Pain in loins; Pressure as by a hard load—walking —passes off on sitting down; Pressing at right abdominal ring, as of a hard body, though nothing is felt by hand on the spot; Pressing at umbilicus, as if intestines would protrude; Digging pains; Dis- tention—not hard nor painful; Cramp-like, constrictive pain low down, with jerks or dull stitches toward the perinaeum; Constriction around the umbilicus, as if a lump or ball were forming; Contrac- tion; Clawing at umbilicus, bending him double; Pinching Colic— he sits with his body bent double ; Colic—the spot seems seized by talons; Flatulent colic ; Lancination in inguinal glands; Dull lan- cinations left of umbilicus; Violent incisions and pressure—hypo- gastrium; Long-lasting painfulness of whole abdomen; Sore; Raw; Painful tenderness of abdomen to touch; Loud rumbling, as if all were in commotion; Rumbling and pinching. Bryonia.-Colic—chronic, with tension and waterbrash; Colic during pregnancy; Hysteric spasms; Hard swelling around umbi- licus; Ascites; Soreness in integuments and groin ; Tearing, draw- ing from hips to pit of stomach; Stitches in evening when at stool; Lancinations from below upwards, to stomach—after a cup of warm milk he bends double—a stool relieves the pain; Painful stitches or twisting about umbilicus; Pain, with anguish, difficult breathing—relieved by walking; Spasms after supper; Flatulent colic, with pain in the coecum ; Pain as after purging, or as if haemorrhoids would appear; Spasmodic pains after dinner; Severe colic (forenoon)—fears diarrhoea; Pressure like a button on um- bilicus when walking in the open air; Sensation, deep in abdo- men, of a lump lying; Heat, pressure, and pinching; Loud rum- bling (evening, in bed) for eighteen days; Bloated; Flatulence, with colic. T. Calcarea.—Pressure from pit of stomach downwards; Aching pain below umbilicus; Violent pressure, with hard stool; Consider- able distention, with colic—frequent (day); Contractive pains, pass- ing toward small of back; Gnawing, griping, cutting, with vomit- ing of food; Spasms—frequent, severe, intestinal (evening, might); . 445 ABD.] ABDOMEN. Cold thighs; Sense of sudden griping, tearing toward uterus (several days), with discharge of mucus and blood with stools; Colic —frequent, after a bad cold, with languor; Wretched complexion —relieved by cold water; Enlarged, hard abdomen in children— mesenteric glands; Burning pain below navel—lancinating, to groins; Feeling of coldness in abdomen. Groin–Stitches in: Soreness of both ; Swelling; Sense as if hernia would protrude– both glands swell. Muscles—Tension and pricking in ; Twitch- ings. Muscles—Tearing in, especially during inspiration; Rum- bling; Constant gurgling; Flatulence; Fermentation; Incarcera- tion of flatus—very frequent, with pain in small of back, and vertigo. Carbo Veg.—Colic pains, as from a cold—relieved by passing wind; Colic from riding in a carriage; Abdomen heavy ; Abdomen seems to hang as with a weight; Abdomen distended with wind— it. passes in abundance; Aching tension, with constant uneasiness; Aching pain, with rumbling; Damp, warm flatus; Aching in left iliac region, with pinching; Aching, lancination, tearing towards umbilicus; Pain, as from straining—felt on raising the arm ; Sore- ness of abdomen, and below umbilicus; Pain in abdominal muscles as if bruised; Frequent burnings in skin near umbilicus; Disten- tion from incarcerated flatus, and cramp-like pain left of epigas- trium, rather towards the back; Incarceration of flatus near the bladder, which passes off in crampy pain, and heat at rectum; Flatulence and loud rumbling; Flatulence moving about, with . stitches; Flatulence excessive on awaking in the morning; Fla- tulence emitted, with a putrid smell; Flatulent and haemorrhoidal Colic. Causticum.—Pressive pain in the morning, early ; Pressure, with loose stools (night)—with stitches that arrest the breath; Pressure at epigastrium; Sense as of a load; Dull aching—deep at hypogastrium; Inflation of abdomen, with emission of loud flatus; Full, hard, painful distention, with spasmodic colic; Pot-belly in children, with glandular swellings; Tightness and contraction; Pinching, with pale face; Pinching and cutting—chiefly right side; Cutting, as of a small band, with loose stool; Stitches that recur for a long time; Stitches at right side, from without inwards; Prickings over the whole abdomen; Bruise-like sensations—right side, to pudendum; Empty feeling—relieved by pressure; Pain as 446 ABDOMEN. [ABD. from bruises in both groins; Swelling at umbilicus—pain on touch; Stinging, burning (right side); Stitches; Flatulence—shifting, with cutting—gone after stool; Flatulence, with protrusion of varices; Flatulence—emissions of foetid, without pain. Chamomilla.-Flatulent Colic, with rumbling, piercing pain; Compressive pain; Intolerable colic (sunrise); Sensation as if hollow, and continual motion in bowels; Colic ; Cutting, pinch- ing, tearing at umbilicus; Pain as when costive, and forcing at stool; Continual tearing colic at side, with sensation as if the parts were being rolled into a ball. China.-Aching pains after every meal, with fulness; Aching pains below umbilicus—also left side; Aching pains, with chills; Pressure, heaviness; Pinching—obliged to bend double—then relieved; Pinching, with shaking chills—inclined to vomit; Pinching, as if diarrhoea would come—emits wind when sitting; Colic ; Violent contractive pains—and after supper; Cutting, with rumbling; Cold sweat on forehead; Coldness, feeling of, about epigastrium on swallowing ; Heat at umbilicus; Inflammation; Induration; Dropsical swelling, with Asthma, Cough; Distention, with oppressive anxiety, or Diarrhoea; Distention, with accumula- tion of Wind; Fermentation; Flatulence considerable, sometimes very foetid; Pinching, cutting in all directions; Ulcers in the abdomen; Soreness in the inguinal region, as of hernia. Cocculus.-Compressive pinching at Epigastrium; Arrest of breath; Clawing at left of abdomen and chest; Prickings in left side; Stitches when stooping; Tearing in the intestines; Disten- tion considerable; Flatulent colic (midnight)—turning from side to side; Constriction in hypogastrium, with pressure toward genitals; Precursory symptoms of Inguinal Hernia; Darting, with pressure in right abdominal ring; Forcing; Empty, hollow sensa- tion, as if all were gone; Troublesome flatus—it seems to distend one part, then another; Fulness in the inguinal region, like Hernia; Dilatation; Disposed to Hernia. Colchicum. — Chilliness; Pain; Weakness; Pain all over abdomen; Colicky pains; Pressure in epigastrium; Pressure left of umbilicus (before dinner); Pain in umbilicus; Stitches at 447 ABD.] *. ABDOMEN. umbilicus; Cramp-like feel; Lancinations—right upper of abdo- men; Great distention; Swelling; Peritoneal Dropsy, with fold above pubis. - Colocynth.-Pressure in the viscera—increased by bending down. Umbilicus—-Griping, cutting, drawing, Squeezing. Um- bilicus—Constrictive sensation, returning at intervals. Umbilicus— Stitching below—worse when walking. Umbilicus—Griping—in- creased by moving—relieved by bending or evacuation; Tender- mess; Bruised feel about the intestines—worse when walking ; Rumbling pulsation, with much flatus passing; Sensation as if intestines were squeezed between stones; Rumbling commotion in hypogastrium; Drawing, Searching pain ; Drawing from ileum to inguinal region, and to femoral space (left); Colic—cutting pains in belly as with knives, extending to lower limbs, with tearing pain—worse walking; Pains which make him bend double, with agitation of body; Commotion; Emptiness in lower belly as if nothing in it; Pain and sensation as if he had taken cold; Pinchings above the pubis; Cutting, stabbing in pubic region; Increasing constriction in intestines every ten to twenty minutes —relieved by forcible pressure of hand; Cutting in Hypogas- trium, passing upwards; Bowels sore, empty. - (Coffee and Smoking diminish Colic pains—walking increases.) Conium.-Pains violent from exertion, with chilliness; Hard inflation, with protrusion of umbilicus; Swelling of abdomen and Mesenteric Glands; Contracted place in the Colon; Spasm in abdomen; Contraction, oppression, writhing, digging; Pinching in abdomen and hypogastrium; Lancinations violent, especially right side, as of knives; Shootings during the emission of flatus; Drawing sensation after drinking; Pain as if sore, especially when walking on pavement; Tearing in hypogastrium to inguinal ring; Sensation of pushes against the walls (as a foetus); Sharp stitches in the muscles, to the groin ; Pain and sense of swelling in right groin; Gurgling on the left side; Flatus emitted; Cutting pains before and during emission of flatus; Emission of flatus that feels cold. - Cuprum.—Painful pressure, as from a hard substance; Violent 448 - ABDOMEN. [ABD. spasmodic movements in intestines; Colic pinchings, especially left side; Pinching, cutting, and tearing in the bowels; Drawing from left hypochondria to spine of ileum ; Corrosive stitches, and ulcera- tive pains. Digitalis.-Pressure and tightness in hypochondria; Sensitive- ness to pressure in hepatic region; Contractive pain—twisting; Pinching in abdomen; Cutting, extending into the pelvis and scrotum. Region of Kidney–Sticking—fine stitches (left). Um- bilicus—Sharp stitches; Colic, cramp-like; Boring and bearing down left side of abdomen; Inflation and dropsical swelling of abdomen. Drosera.-Colic after acids; Cutting, pinching; Dull, draw- ing stitch from right to left, arresting the breath when walking; Cutting shocks; Boring stitches; Stitch in right groin. Dulcamara. — Inflation — uneasiness after a meal; Sudden cutting or pinching around umbilicus; Pinching as if a long worm were moving about; Stinging pains; Stitches that arrest breathing; Colic, especially caused by a cold in wet weather; Colic, with feeling as if diarrhoea would set in ; Swelling and aching of the inguinal glands; Pains in the groin (left), and cold- ness in back. Graphites. – Inflation; Distention; Fulness; Heaviness; Hardness, as of incarcerated flatus; Jerkings; Griping, with thirst —no appetite; Distention, with diarrhoea; Inflation, with vertigo; Head heavy—drowsiness; Qualmishness, and burning at left side; Violent pain in right groin—bearing down, forcing; Swelling of inguinal glands; Pinchings in abdomen; Rumbling after dinner, or during; Pinching, followed by emission of flatus; Erysipelatous inflammation near umbilicus, with large vesicles. Hellebore.-Weight—sharp pressure—movement like bubbles bursting; Gurgling, as if the bowels were full of fluid; Dropsical swelling of the abdomen. Hepar.—Constriction, cramp-like pinching, tension—frequent by day; Violent stitches in left side, below the ribs; Hard tension 449 ABD.] - ABDOMEN. and pressure; Aching or incisive pains—or bruised sensation— worse when walking ; Pinchings early in the morning, as if she had caught cold—threatening menstruation; Colic, cutting pains —different parts—several days—towards evening; Fermenting, whirling sensation near umbilicus; Rumbling and empty feeling in the intestines; Swelling, or suppuration of Inguinal Glands. Hyoscyamus.--Pinching Colic, as if abdomen would burst— pressure relieves; Distention, as from inflammation—tender when touched; all the integuments seem tender, as if sore; Drawing pain in the intestines; Spasms, with cutting, vomiting, headache, and screaming; the muscles of abdomen feel painful and bruised; Pricking pain just below umbilicus. Ignatia.-Periodical spasms in the sensitive, Hysteric female ; Rumbling in the intestines; Throbbing; Colic — pinching, fol- lowed by sticking—one side; Rumbling, with much trouble from flatus; Colic, with pain as if the bowels. were bruised—in bed (morning); Sensation about umbilicus as of something alive ; the whole abdomen seems filled with flatus, so as to cause pressure on the bladder—even during sleep; Painful stinging below the um- bilicus; Pinching colic, passing up to the left side of the chest ; Colic aggravated by brandy, coffee, and sweets; Flatulent colic every night—also after a meal; Drawing, pinching—then a press- ing towards rectum, with qualm, weak feeling at pit of stomach, and fulness of face; Darting in left groin—sensation as if hernia would protrude. - * Iodium,_Oppressive pain between pit of stomach and umbili- cus; Pressure near right hip—comes on while sitting; Increased size of the abdomen; Inflation; Ascites; Colic; Pinching, cutting, or aching pains; Violent cuttings—umbilicus—with desire to relieve the bowels; Spasms resembling labour-pains; Frequent pressing and bearing down (lower pelvis), accompanied with diar- rhoea; Pulsations in abdomen—the symptoms return, after a meal, for many days; Incarceration of flatus, especially on left side; Pressing movements, from stomach towards pubis and bladder; Disappearance of swelling in the inguinal glands. Ipecacuanha.-Contraction and stitches in left hypochondria; 450 - ' ABDOMEN. [ABD. Griping, pinching in both hypochondria, and at pit of stomach. Umbilicw8—Around, cutting, with shuddering, and tearing colic. Umbilicus—Near (one side only), cutting colic—increased by pres– sure or touch; Foam at mouth, with dilated pupil; Cutting colic (female); Cold body; Heat in head; Grasping, as with the ex- tended hand, on the intestines—the pain increased by motion— relieved by rest; Colic in children, with tossing and screams; Colic ; Tearing or pricking ; also at right groin ; Soreness, as from pain over the abdomen. Kreasotum.—Contracted sensation of twisting, or as of a ball lying near the umbilicus—wakes him about 3 A.M.; Griping, tear- ing at umbilicus—the whole abdomen feels as if w!cerated; Colic, like labour-pains, which press to lumbar region, with heat of face, palpitation, frequent pulse, desire to urine ; Spasmodic pains in abdomen; Drawing, during menses; Ulcerative pains felt on deep inspiration; Cold feeling, with scanty urine; Distention, puffed; Distention, especially after the menses; Pain and tension in the inguinal region (right). • Lachesis.-Colic—severe across the abdomen, about umbili- cus; Empty feeling, as having fasted too long; Fears diarrhoea; Heaviness at night; Pressure, arresting the breath; Spasmodic pains, and especially during the menses; Cutting before the menses appear, or stabbing as from a knife; Sensation of something alive, with heat and sweat in face, followed by creeping chills; Throb- bing; Burning; Distention; Hard distention, as if full; Rumbling; Incarceration, with difficult expulsion of flatus; Violent pains in right groin, of long standing; Painful swelling and hardness, with pulsation between the crest of ileum and umbilicus; Pain in left groin when lifting anything heavy, with burning, pulsation, and throbbing—palpable to the touch, Ledum.—Colic, as if the bowels were contused and weakened ; Colic in region of umbilicus; Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on; Stitch in the side, above the hip—sharp pressure; Colic every evening; Colic, with discharge of blood (anus); Dull sticking in abdominal muscles, and pressure at left pelvic brim. Stool—Rec- tum—Constipation several days; Stool mixed with blood; Painless, pap-like stool; Diarrhoea of faeces and mucus. 451 ABD.] . ABDOMEN. Lycopodium.–Umbilicus—Painful to touch ; Colic (morning, early); Pressure and pain in right iliac fossa, causing him to walk bent, and affecting the breath the whole day; Pressure and cut- ting before dinner; Pinching, pressing from within outwards, to- ward hip (right); Weight as from a load; Full distention; Cold feet; Distention, with flatus—or just previous to the menstrual flow ; Distention, with flatus, towards evening—or afternoon, 4 P.M.; Spasms; Spasmodic contraction; Pinching (afternoon); Griping; Tearing; Arrest of breathing; Sticking pain, from blad- der up canal of urethra (in bed)—evening; Cutting colic—relieved by stool; Drawing colic; Drawing pains, extending into the calves; Indurations; Burning; Sensitiveness of skin to touch; Stinging, sore pain of skin from slight pressure of clothes; Pressing from within outward—right inguinal region; Pulsation, or stitches in both groins; Tearing ; Incarceration of flatulence; Constant flatu- lence—inodorous; Gurgling, rumbling throughout the intestines; the pains seem to be caused by abundance of wind. Mercurius.-Colic, with sense as having taken cold (in open air); Colic, with diarrhoea—caused by cold might air; Colic—in- duced by contact with cold substances; Colic—very violent—re- lieved only by lying down; Colic—twisting, with pressure—can- not lie on right side; Colic and pinching at midnight—wakes from sleep; Pinching, accompanied with chilliness, shivering; Stabbing pains; Distention and tenderness of the whole abdomen; Enlargement, from swelling of mesenteric glands; Rumbling; Gurgling and pulsation, with flatulence. Ingwinal Region—Ach- ing, boring in both groins; Painful stitches, or pricking, in either groin ; Violent cuttings in both groins, causing him to start; Swell- ing of the inguinal glands; Drawing in testes; Painful swelling, redness; Inflammation of one gland—he can neither walk nor stand; Ulceration and suppuration of the inguinal glands. Muriatic Ac.—Colic, cramp-like pains in the morning in bed; Colic pains during motion, with flatus expelled; Pinching; Violent pinching, with cutting pains; Empty feeling; Spasms; Distention the whole day; Feeling of repletion after a moderate meal; Aching pain from distention—felt at every step. Umbilicus—Pinching, which extends to both sides; Rumbling and fermentation—also in hypogastrium; Pinching in abdominal muscles, around and below 452 - ABDOMEN. Ann. umbilicus; Dull stitches in right iliac-or burning stitches in ileum. Natrum Mur.—Contractive pains, resembling those of labour; Spasmodic colic; Drawing, cutting, pinching pains; Contractive pains which double up the body—relieved by walking; Swelling, and frequent distention of the abdomen—the intestines feel heavy and loose, as if they would fall out; Cutting pain every morning; Fla- tulence during motion; Expulsion of flatus—smell of rotten eggs; Fermentation; Gurgling; Borborygmi for several weeks; Flatu- lence, with heaviness in the head; Humming in the ears. Ingwinal Region—Pain on rising from a seat, or walking fast; Sensation as if sprained—left groin; Hermial protrusion. Nitric Ac.—Pressure in middle, as of a large lump; Pain and pressure, as if something would protrude; Contraction; Cramps; Drawing pains, with shuddering ; Frequent pinchings after a good evacuation; Cuttings in bed; Cutting, with cold feet; Stitch-like colic ; Digging; Digging upwards, below umbilicus; Distention (morning); Pains as if ulcerated—hypogastric; Excessive flatulence; Incarcerated flatus, especially morning and evening; Rumbling, with diarrhoea—duration one week; Colic and flatus; Excessive, abundant flatus; Gurgling—frequently after a meal; Liability to cold in abdomen; Hernia very much distended; Pains—left in- guinal region; Swelling of inguinal glands; Contractive stitches; Suppuration of inguinal glands; Pain when walking—the limb on that side feels useless—the muscles on the stretch. Nux Wom.—Colic of pregnancy, or from bathing; Suppressed haemorrhoids; Colic—periodic, before breakfast—after a meal; Colic as from a cold, threatening diarrhoea; Hot face—dry lips; Cramp-like contractions (left side)—also hypogastrium ; Cramp- like contractions, or with digging about the uterus; Kneading sen- sation in the region of umbilicus—rolling up ; Burning in, and dis- tention of the abdomen after a meal; Pinching, with pressure; Cut- ting, with eructations; Desire to vomit; Cutting at the umbilicus— hypogastrium, every morning; Drawing; Prickings; Stitch in the side, arresting the breath; Retarded circulation, with heat, burn- ing, and pulsations; Heaviness as from a load; Bruised pain, extending to loins; Sensation as if the bowels would fall down—he 453 ABD.j ABDOMEN. can walk, but slowly; Pain; Raw, sore feeling—increased at every step; Enlargement in children; Swelled glands; Flatulence, and incarceration of flatus under short ribs; Flatulent colic, as if the intestines were pressed by stones; Flatulence, with sticking, dart- ing pain, extending through bladder, neck, bulb of urethra, into perinaeum, rectum, anus; Rumbling (morning, early, in bed), with flatulent colic ; Hot palms and soles; Twitching of abdominal muscles; Creeping, bruised sensation; Pricking at a small spot— increased by walking and pressure; Contraction and pressing down toward the genital organs. Abdominal ring—Weakness as if her- nia would protrude. Abdominal ring—Pain in morning, as if her- nia would be incarcerated; Aching pains in the bones of the pubic arch ; Inguinal hernia—incarcerated; Femoral hernia; Umbilical hermia of infants, from much crying. Opium.—Oppression and puffiness, as if it would burst—increased by motion; Oppression, with weight about umbilicus—with inter- mal heat; Stupefaction about the head; Anxiety; Beatings; Aching tension; Stitches between inspiration (left side); Heaviness and pressure as from a stone; Cutting pain, as if dividing the intes- times in pieces; Constant accumulation and emission of flatus; Hard distention, with pain and tenderness (Tympanitis); Incarce- rated Hernia, with vomiting of faeces and urine. Petroleum.-Colic and painful pressure; Colic towards morn- ing; Puffy distention after a meal; Griping; Pinching; Pinching every ten minutes; Cutting in epigastrium, with nausea and diar- rhoea at 4 A.M.; Cutting immediately—again in seventy-two hours —then several times in the day; Cutting—two days; Discharge of faeces and bloody stools; Feeling of coldness in the abdomen; Rumbling, empty feeling; Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on ; Formication and tingling in abdominal muscles, even to thighs (sitting); Stitching in the inguinal region; Pain as if hernia would press through on coughing. Phosp.–Tension and pain in epigastrium; Morning Colic; Colic in cool weather; Violent pains; Pressure; Pressure in hypo- gastrium ; Pain—abdomen, as if something had burst; Tearing, with urging to stool; Inflammation and soreness, extending to the genital organs; Coldness, and sensation of coldness, in abdomen 454 ^, Heat; Burning and pressure, with soft stool; Emptiness; Weak- ness; Relaxed feeling ; Oppressive fulness (midnight); Incarcera- tion of flatus, with coldness of body, and heat in face; Full, dis- tended abdomen; Rumbling, as if diarrhoea would come on; Pressure towards the sides, or small of the back; Boils on the abdomen; Aching in groins (left); Tumour in groin ; Swelling of inguinal glands; Protrusion of inguinal hernia; Pain as if incar- cerated. Phosp. Ac.—Pressure; Pinching; Cramp-like pain about um- bilicus—also in the intestines; Cutting pain across the abdomen; Burning and distention; Gurgling, as of water; Profuse emission of flatus, especially after acid food; Distention, with dropsical sen- sation on touch and movement; Distention, which passes off on emission of flatus; Stitches above the groin—produced by motion; Cutting in left groin; Pressure and gurgling in right groin ; Swell- ing of inguinal glands. Platina, Sensation as if laced too tightly; Constrictive sensa- tion; Sensation as if all were drawn together, from umbilicus to back; Attacks of drawing (right side)—short breath (Lead Colic); Draw- ing from chest down to both groins, with pain in genitals; Writh- ing about umbilicus, with oppressed breathing and trembling; Painful stitch above umbilicus; Anxiety as from fright, with pain in abdomen—seeming to threaten diarrhoea; Burning; Sudden striking (right side)—small spot (left side); Distention after a meal; Bubbling, with anxiety and uneasiness; Copious emission of flatus; Dull shocks; Beatings. - Pulsatilla.-Colic—increased by motion—relieved by rest; Colic only when walking, or in the evening, with rumbling; Feel- ing of emptiness, as if the viscera had been taken out; Spasms, particularly of the pregnant; Tearing; Griping, deep in left side— relieved by a firm bandage; Cutting Colic every other evening (morning, early), with flatus—during rest, after motion—before supper—above umbilicus, threatening diarrhoea—deep in abdomen, after dinner; Inclined to vomit (afternoon)—relieved by bending the body double, and going to bed; Continual stitch in the side, as from incarcerated flatus; Fulness after a meal, especially after sup- per; Distention—hard distention as if abdomen would burst, with 455 ABD.] ABDOMEN. swelled feet; Hard circular prominence round umbilicus—painful when walking ; Flatulent colic after supper; Rumbling in epigas- trium; Flatulent colic in hysteric females, shifting from one part to another; Colic at night, with pressure here and there—with heat of body; Pain in the muscles of abdomen, especially when coughing or gaping; Walls of the abdomen painful, sensitive, tender to touch, swollen; Pustules in the groin, with stinging palm. Rhus Tox,−Violent colic at night, with stools of blood; Colic, with a heavy lump ; Aching at a small spot ; Cutting on left of umbilicus—worse during inspiration; Sticking, contusive pain— shooting, like an arrow flying through the part (umbilicus), regularly with beat of pulse; Visible contractions across umbilicus —part hard and distended; Sensation as if something were being torn off; Distention—excessive, or painful after a meal; Sensation on rising (morning), as if the integuments were too short ; Draw- ing across the abdominal ring ; Sensation in left groin, as if hernia had protruded; Pressure in right groin, as if hernia would come on; Heaviness in the groin when walking, as of a tumour hanging down; Contraction and pain in inguinal glands at night, in bed; Red, sore places, from blisters that had burst; Scarlet-red colour of the skin of the abdomen. - Secale.—Violent colic, with pain in small of back and thighs; Coldness in the abdomen and back; Burning in abdomen, with seated pain in loins and spleen; Distention; Hardness; Tender- ness; Rumbling. Sepia.--Weight—feeling as of a load during motion; Disten- tion; Hard distention, with fulness of the veins; Spasms; Contrac- tions; Digging up; Burning; Coldness; Hardness; Enlarged abdomen of matrons; Ascites; Brown spots on the skin; Empty feeling; Rumbling, with distention; Burning and shooting. Silica.-Violent colic, with rigidity; Hands yellow; Nails blue; Colic, with constipation; Cutting about umbilicus; Burning in the intestines; Aching in the abdomen. Abdomen—Pressure in ; Dis- tention; Heaviness, especially after a meal. Abdomen—Hot, dis- tended—and in children; Pot-belly. Abdomen—Aching pains; 456 ABDOMEN. - [ABD. Colic—relieved by emission of flatus; Foetid flatus. Hypogastrium —Cutting, pinching, without diarrhoea; Pain in right groin; Tearing in both groins; Painful hernia, with sensation as if some- thing were being torn out; Inguinal glands inflamed, tender to touch—size of peas. Spigelia.-Painful pressure and distention, as if the abdominal walls would burst (evening)—somewhat relieved by a loose stool; Pinching, as if the intestines were tied up—anxiety and dyspnoea; Sharp stitches in the cavity of the abdomen; Drawing; Burning; Cutting about umbilicus (afternoon); Chilly; Diarrhoea; Profuse micturition. - Spongia.—Pricking; Frequent pinching; Spasmodic cuttings, chiefly after a meal (breakfast); Sensation as of something burrow- ing above the left hip ; Sense of strangulation deep in abdomen; Pain, like hernia, in inguinal region; Swelling of glands (right). Stannum.—Pressure and tension, passing to small of back— severe when stooping; Painful distention of abdomen—integu- ments tender to touch; Cramp-like pains around the umbilicus; Pinching below the stomach, and above the umbilicus—going off by pressure on the edge of a table; Pinching in various parts; Digging pain in abdomen, and about the umbilicus; Tenderness and sore feeling all over abdomen—worse on being touched; Pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration, arresting the breath; Stitches (right side) when coughing—left when walking; Empty feeling after a meal; Pressure of imgwinal glands; Swelling of glands; Pricking in the right groin. Staphysagria.-Tensive pressure; Fulness, with nausea and profuse saliva; Cutting in region of umbilicus; Cutting and rum- bling in abdomen; Cutting in intestines, with nausea, lassitude, flow of saliva—followed by heat in face—rush of blood to the head; Weins of hands distended; Hard, painful pressure below um- bilicus (right side); Pinching stitch in the bowels (left side); Emission of hot flatus; Violent griping; Pinching here and there, passing over the abdomen; Tremulous sensation, and feeling of weakness; Swelling of the inguinal glands; Abdomen enlarged (pot-belly) in children; Colic pains, with desire to go to stool. 2 H 457 ABD.] ABDOMEN. Stramonium,_Bloated condition of abdomen, with anxiety at pit of stomach; also with chilliness; Confusion in the head—semi- comatose state; Bloated abdomen—not painful; Rumbling, with diarrhoea; Rumbling, with colic ; Fermentation as if something were alive within; Tearing pain as if the umbilicus would be torn out. Sulphur.—Painful sensitiveness as if all were raw and sore; Movement like the fist of a child; Movement as if some substance would press out ; Pain as if something were being torn out; Colic—periodic—or after drinking—or at night; Spasmodically contracting Colic, passing to groin and genitals; Pressure, with heaviness like a lump; Digging pressure; Colic at midnight; Tension every morning on waking; Colic from flatu- lence—relieved by sitting bent—aggravated by sweets; Colic, with cutting and sticking—with diarrhoea; Pinching and tension towards evening; Cutting after dinner; Cutting, with nausea and profuse sweat; Stitches (left side); Digging pain; Heat; Anguish; Congestion of blood; Ascites; Incarceration of flatus—especially left side; Distention; Hardness; Distention in epigastric region; Repletion; Rumbling—also in hypogastrium ; Abdominal muscles painful to touch (bruised), and when walking; Pressure in hypo- gastrium and pubis, as if tied up. Ingwinal Glands—Swollen— suppurate; Ingwinal Hermia presses through the ring; Bruised, contused pain; Inguinal Hernia painful—inflamed—incarcerated. (Also Aconite.) Sulph. Ac.—Pinching toward lumbar region, with sweat; Pinching, cutting, resembling labour-pains—extending to the hips, with bruised sensation at small of back; Stitches left side of abdomen during motion—going off when seated; Burning and pressure below umbilicus; Jerking in groins; Tearing in left lumbar region; Pushing from within outward (right side), as if hernia would protrude ; Beating for some days in hernial sac; Gurgling as of water when lying on the back. Thuja.-Tension, as if bound too tight; Bloated distention; Cramp; Indurations; Heat in lumbar region; Sensation as if the muscles were hooked up—also strained; Pain in hypogastrium ; Stitches in groin; Swelling of inguinal glands. Q 458 STOOL AND RECTUM. [ST00L, &c. Weratrum.—Cutting as with knives, here and there; Cutting colic; Colic after a cold, or abuse of Quina; Flatulent colic; Flatulence throughout the intestines, with tardy emission of flatus, and bruised feeling in the whole abdomen; Distention, with loud rumbling and colic; Sticking pains here and there—dull, aching, bruise-like ; Frequent sensation as if diarrhoea would come on ; Cutting pains about the umbilicus—also from the back to um- bilicus; Sudden cutting colic early in the morning, with diar- rhoea, 4 A.M. (The Colic pains are mostly aggravated by walking.) Twitchings in the abdóminal muscles, with warmth in the chest ; Sensation in the left groin, as if hernia would protrude. Zincum.—Attacks of violent colic, with flow of water from the mouth; Pressure in abdomen, with puffiness from umbilicus to pit of stomach—with sensitiveness in right upper eyelid; Dull pres- sure at a spot below umbilicus, with feeling of induration; Hard pressure at sides of abdomen, hypochondria, and back, with flatus; Tension in abdomen at both sides; Distention on going to bed (night) without having eaten; Stitches and pinching at umbilicus; Violent cutting pain after milk, with rumbling and flatus; Sen- sation as if the intestines were being pricked with pins; Pressure and pushing at pubis (four days); Incarceration of flatus when in bed, with colic and rumbling; Fermentation and rumbling; Emission of hot flatus; Protrusion of inguinal Hernia. ST00L AND RECTUM. Aconitum Napellus.-Retention of stool, followed by diar- rhoea; Diarrhoea, with Colic and Enuresis; Diarrhoea, with nausea and sweat; White stool, with dark-red urine; Unexpected discharge of loose stool—thought it wind; Sudden paralysis of Sphincter Ani; Involuntary stool; Stool black, foetid; Four or five soft small stools in the day, with straining; Hard stool—straining; Constipation for some days; Burning heat in haemorrhoids; Bleed- ing of haemorrhoids. Anus—Shooting in—stinging in. Anus— Flow of white mucus, with itching. Anus—Sense of warm liquid passing from the anus. 2 H 2 - 459 ST00L, &c.] STOOL AND RECTUM. Antimonium Crud.—Constipation three days; Hard stool— straining; Stools loose, followed by small and hard, difficult ; Stools loose after vinegar, with pain in rectum; Feeling as if diar- rhoea would come on ; Diarrhoea alternate, with constipation in the aged; Diarrhoea of pregnant women; Slimy discharge, with flatu- lence; Discharge of blood, with solid faeces; Discharge of Black blood; Pain in rectum during stool; Soreness as if an ulcer were torn open ; Sharp itching; Burning, itching, and excoriation, especially at night—also titillation and burning in varix in bed; Haemor- rhoids protrude; Boil on perinaeum. • Arnica Mon—Tenesmus, with flatulence; Flatus, with smell like rotten eggs; Tenesmus every half-hour; Stool of slime only ; Tenesmus, with sour, pap-like stool four or five times a day; Pap-like diarrhoea, with much distention ; Pap-like, Brown stool; Aching in rectum; Frequent small stools of slime only; after every stool obliged to lie down; White stools, like diarrhoea; Diarrhoea resembling brown yeast; Undigested stools—not liquid; Tenesmus—pressing, bearing down when standing. Secondly— Constipation. - i Arsenicum.—Diarrhoea at night—renewed by eating or drink- ing—with tenesmus; Colic ; Vomit, and great weakness; Burning —alternating with constipation. Stool—Watery, yellow, dark- green, slimy, or whitish ; Dark, putrid, brownish, black, undi- gested—lumps like tallow—Blood; Tenesmus and burning; Painful contraction after stool; Great weakness; Trembling; Dragging at umbilicus; Palpitation—obliged to lie down. Rectum—Spas- modically protruded—painful; Itching, soreness, excoriation, burning; Haemorrhoids swollen, painful—burn at night—sting by day, when walking—relieved by lying; Itching about the perinaeum. Belladonna.-Shuddering while at stool; Sensation of coming diarrhoea, with heat in abdomen; Papescent stool, with mucus; Diarrhoea, with heat in the head (alternate); Yellow, granular, slimy stool (sour smell); Green, white, or watery, with sweating; Urging to stool frequent—little or none passes; Small evacuations for several days; Tenesmus; Tenesmus, with colic; Diarrhoea; Vomiting; Contraction and pressure at the anus; Constipation, 460 STOOL AND RECTUM. [ST00L, &c. with heat of the head; Itching, with constriction at anus; In- voluntary discharge of faeces, from paralysis of the sphincter. Bryonia.-(Primary effect)—Retention (frequent). (Secondary effect)—Looseness (rare). Bryonia can cure constipation; Chronic Constipation—(Hempel). Hard, tough stool, with pro- truded rectum, which soon returned itself, followed by diarrhoea; Faeces of large size, and passed with difficulty; Hard stool, followed by diarrhoea and fermentation; Diarrhoea, with undigested stool (two days); Diarrhoea, smelling like rotten cheese (two days); Diarrhoea (four days)—sudden—could not retain it; Loose, brown, thin stool—infant at breast. Calcarea Carb.-Constipation—increases from day to day, with gloom; Hard, undigested stool—hot. Stool—Burning, with slime— or unusual size; Stool frequent—first hard, then pappy—last liquid; Constant urging, with scanty stool; Diarrhoea of children— sour or yellow, foetid; Diarrhoea, which does not seem to weaken; Diarrhoea of scrofulous phthisis; Dentition of children; Diarrhoea, clay-like, frothy, undigested; Fluid like herring-brine oozes from rectum; Stools white, streaked with blood; Despondency; Dis– charge of blood from rectum; Varices distended; Varices protrude —painful when walking; Burning in the rectum during stool; Tenesmus, with dyspnoea after a stool; Feeling of faintness; Burning, itching; Pricking, tingling at anus (ascarides); Grape- like eruption around anal aperture, with soreness—inflamed— painful; Troubles from suppressed Haemorrhoids. Carbo Weg.—Constipation; Flatulence; Pressure; Desire, with tingling in rectum; Pressure on bladder; Tenesmus; Hard evacuations two and three days; Tenesmus, with discharge of mucus; Diarrhoea; Stool eovered with yellow filament—the latter portion expelled is with blood; Discharge of blood with the evacuation; Burning while a few hard pieces are expelled; Cut- ting and pricking during evacuation; Colic; Complete emptiness after stool; Burning; Smarting; Anxiety, with tremulous sensa- tion after stool; Sharp stitch, as of a hot pin, from os coccygis; Itching; Titillation; Swelling and congestion of varices; Dis- charge of pure blood, with tearing pain; Oozing of acrid, corrosive humour—also at night; Soreness at anus, extend- 461 ST00L, &c.] STOOL AND RECTUM. ing to perinaeum; Itching and stinging, extending to peri- Ilāell'Iſle Caust.—Constipation—desire frequent—unsuccessful; Stool tough, shining like grease, or white mucus; Cutting in rectum during stool; Stool with blood, burning, and sore rectum ; Burn- ing in anus, with palpitation after a stool; Anxiety in the chest after a stool; Anxiety—also evening; Heat of face; Inclination to sweat; Prostatic discharge after a stool; Pressure in rectum and anus—worse after stool; Pressure as if some hard faeces were im- pacted; Spasm, so as to prevent walking; Itching in anus—ex- cessive, day and night; Smarting, tingling pain after a stool; Varices of rectum hindering the stool passing; Varices large, painful, with Soreness; Painful pustule near the anus, discharg— ing freely; Pain and pulsations in perinaeum; Protrusion of varices; Fistula of rectum. • Chamomilla-Constipation frominactivity of rectum. Secondly —Diarrhoea—hot—smells like rotten eggs; Diarrhoea—painless, green, or watery, or mixed with mucus; Diarrhoea, with Colic— white mucus; Faeces covered with mucus; Pressing at ring, as if hernia would protrude; Haemorrhoids—blind, flowing; Itching, with pain at anus. China.-Diarrhoea—loose, yellow, or watery; Stools soft— thinner than usual; Stools—mucous—undigested; Blackish; White; Bilious, or putrid—knotty; Diarrhoea of almost all kinds after a meal (night); Diarrhoea—painless, with great weak- ness; Diarrhoea during Measles or Small-pox, or from fruit. Before stool—Colic. During stool—Acrid feeling in anus. After stool—Tingling as from worms; Stitches; Tingling—discharge of mucus; Ascarides; Lumbrici; Burning, tingling in the anus; Constipation; Accumulation of faeces, with dizziness and heat in the head; Passing the faeces with difficulty—piece by piece. Cocculus.-Constipation several days; Stool hard, difficult, every other day. After stool—Tenesmus—causes fainting; Stool soft, loose, yellow—burning at anus; Desire for stool, with foetid Diar- rhoea; Ineffectual desire for three days; Evacuation on the fourth, which was expelled with great difficulty. - • 462 STOOL AND RECTUM. IST00L, &c. Colchicum.—Stools extremely painful, hard, scanty—urging, with pain in the anus; Disposed to Diarrhoea; Colic—then a loose stool; Watery stool; Stool of blood, with a filmy substance; Evacuations of transparent, jelly-like mucus; Dysentery; White mucus; Tenesmus; Tingling; Jerking ; Tearing and lancination in anus; Burning at anus; Spasm of Sphincter Ani; Prolapsus Recti; Diarrhoea. - - Colocynth—Diarrhoea, with tenesmus; Dysentery; Pappy stools—frequent—desire urgent; Diarrhoea day and night; Pap- like stool, with griping; Burning at anus; Stool viscid, scanty, or thin mucus—no pain. Stool—First—Watery, thin mucus— bilious—next of blood. Stool—Liquid, frothy, saffron-yellow— musty odour; Yellow-green stool, with sour, putrid smell; after an evacuation, cramp in left leg; Emission of flatus, with loud noise; Sensation of bubbles passing from anus; when walking, much flatus, giving shocks in rectum; Pricking at amus, with dis- charge of mucus; Darting pain, with stitches in the bladder; Pressure, alternately, on rectum and bladder; Discharge of blood from anus for months? Contraction of rectum ; Paralysis of Sphincter Ani. Conium.—Frequent, constant urging, without stool; Stool hard, with tenesmus every second day; Temesm/w8, with a very thin, scanty stool; Liquid stools, with some very hard lumps; Liquid stools, with undigested matter and mucus; Discharge of blood in the morning, with the stool. During stool–Burning, or cutting in the rectum. During stool, and after—Palpitation—the heart sometimes stops. After stool—Tremulous weakness—relieved in the air; Stitches in anus—frequent between stools; Heat in the rectum; Heat at anus; Itching in rectum and anus; Burning. Cuprum.—Violent Diarrhoea; Stitches in anus; Haºmorrhage from rectum and veins; Tingling and sharp stitches at amus; Con- stipation several days, with heat of body. Digitalis.-Loose stools; Diarrhoea; Ash colour, with Jaun- dice; Diarrhoea—watery, or of mucus; Involuntary stools; Dy- sentery; Discharge of ascarides. After stool—Pressure in the lumbar region. 463 ST00L, &c.] STOOL AND RECTUM. Dulcamara.-Diarrhoea-slimy; White mucus—faint feel- ing; Diarrhoea of white or green mucus, or brownish; Diarrhoea from cold in summer, with colic ; Diarrhoea of watery stools at night, and prolapsus recti; Diarrhoea — chronic, with blood; Biting at anus; Sudden pressure on the rectum—he can scarcely retain the stool; Desire, with colic. Graphites.—Constipation—the stools become regular in time; Stools small—size of lumbrici; Faeces hard, knotty; Stools covered with white mucus; Itching at anus; Stools with very foetid, intol- erable smell. Stools—Blood is discharged every day; Burning at rectum; Swelling around anus; Varices of Rectum; Sore, cracked —burning of protruded varices; Smarting, or stitches after an evacuation. Hepar.—Stools hard, and passed with difficulty; Peristaltic action deficient—even a soft stool requires force to expel it; Tenes- mus; Frequent desire to evacuate, but only flatus escapes; Diarrhoea, with colic; Hot hands and cheeks; Diarrhoea — whitish, or clay colour in children—Smell sour; Diarrhoea.—evacu- ations of mucus and blood; Haemorrhage from rectum, with soft stools; Burning Soreness in rectum after stool; Creeping, tingling, as of ascarides; Pimple near the anal orifice, with swelling; Sweat- ing at Perinaeum, - Hyoscyamus.-Desire for stool—constant, urgent; Frequent, copious, papescent ; Diarrhoea.—stool loose, small, thin; Mucous diarrhoea—exhausting ; Watery, painless diarrhoea, and before and after parturition; Involuntary stools; Paralysis of Sphincter Ani; Flowing Haemorrhoids. Ignatia.--Stools hard at first—afterwards soft ; Mucous stool; Diarrhoea, with mucus and blood—rumbling and Colic; Consti- pated after riding in a carriage—also from a cold; Disposition to stool seems urgent, but only rectum protrudes; Anxious desire; Great forcing required, with tenesmus; Faeces seem of large size, and are expelled with difficulty; Faeces seem lodged high in rectum; Peristaltic action wanting; Small quantity of tough, loam-colour, soft faces expelled with difficulty; Rectum prolapsed on very slight effort to evacuate. Rectum — Sharp, painful pressure 464. - - - STOOL AND RECTUM. [ST00L, &c. after evacuation. Rectum—Long stitch from anal margin up the rectum; Contraction of the anus—narrowing for a few days; Attacks of cutting high up in the rectum; Creeping sensation in the rectum, as of ascarides; Blind haemorrhoids, with pain, pressure, and soreness; Swelling and distention of veins at Sphincter Ani; Itching in anus and about perinaeum, especially when walking; Sense of smarting excoriation after even a loose stool. Iodium. — Constipation continued many days; Stool hard, knotty. Stool—Period irregular ; Constipation—then diarrhoea. Stool—Whitish, white mucus, frothy, or thick mucus. Stool— Mucus and blood; Foetid, pappy stools. Rectum—Violent itch- ing; Smarting excoriation. Anus–Stitching, dragging, burning (evening). Ipecacuanha. — Diarrhoea of fermented matter, yellow or lemon-colour; Diarrhoea — grass-green, or mucus tinged with blood; Diarrhoea—faeces covered with blood and mucus; Diarrhoea —liquid or rice-water stools, and with stinging, burning at anus; Pricking and creeping at anus; Stools of blood; Discharge of black blood, resembling pitch. . Kreasote, Stool dry, hard, with straining every third or fourth day. (Second effect)—Several, or two or three stools daily in one habitually costive. Rectum—Drawing; Lancinations in ; Darting pain in ; Spasmodic pains, extending to groin, and passing to right testicle, during a very difficult evacuation; Spasms in rectum and groin—compelled to walk bent, and sit down cautiously. Lachesis.-Constipation several days—eight days—fourteen days; Faeces hard, like sheep's dung; Unsuccessful straining; the Sphincter Ani seems closed, as by pressure of the faeces against it; Thin, soft, yellow stools, or slippery balls; Alternate loose and hard stools; Tenacious; Pitch-like; Disposition to Diarrhoea in warm weather; Discharge of blood and pus; Urging towards anus; Con- striction; Burning; Protrusion of rectum; Varices; Haemorrhoids during scanty flow of menses. Lycopodium.—Stool every other day; Constipation two or three days—after which, evacuation regular; Ineffectual urging; 465 STOOL, &c.] STOOL AND RECTUM. Stool effected with great effort (burning)—the first part hard, knotty—succeeded by soft faeces; Pap-like stools daily, after the fifth day, for several weeks; Desire for stool only in the evening— sense as if some still remained; Tenesmus (morning); ‘Haemor- rhage from rectum; Contraction of the rectum, which prevents expulsion; Contractive pain in perinaeum—long-lasting, after scanty, hard stool; the frequent stools are accompanied with burning at amus and rectum ; Burning, itching; Fatigue, exhaustion after a stool; Pressive pains in the head; Lassitude in the thighs; Varices protrude and swell; Cutting in rectum, extending into the bladder; Stitches; Tearing, affecting respiration; Itching eruption about the margin of anus; Pain in the anus after a stool. Mercurius.-Tenesmus frequent; Constant desire for stool; Constipation, with fever; Low spirits and loss of appetite; Stool passed with considerable effort—straining; Stool hard, scanty– preceded by chills, shivering ; Discharge of mucus and blood, with colic and tenesmus; Loose stools of faeces, mucus, and blood, or mucus only; Pap-like, with mucus; Yellow ; Whitish-gray; Stools only at night; Diarrhoea (evening and night); Diarrhoea, with streaks of blood; Dysenteric stools; Discharge of blood before and after hard faeces. Stools—Green, dark-green; Bilious, frothy, or slimy. Stools—Brown, loose, easy; Black, pitch-like. Stools of . sour smell, or undigested food. Stools—Diarrhoea, with anxiety; Cold sweat on forehead; Trembling; Tenesmus; Burning in the anus; Burning after every stool; Sharp stitches in the anus; Soreness; Itching; Prolapsus Recti; Black colour—discharging blood; Ascarides creep out of the rectum. Muriatic Ac.—Hard, difficult evacuation—especially morning; Evacuation of small pieces with much straining; Evacuation soft in the afternoon—alternation hard and soft; Diarrhoea—liquid, with burning, stinging at anus; Diarrhoea, with excoriation; Smart- ing; Tingling; Stinging; Violent itching at the anus, and in the rectum; Swelling of the varices—blue colour—painful and sore; Haemorrhage of the varices during stool (several mornings); Itching about the anus and perinaeum; Desire to scratch. - Natrum Mur.-Retention; Hard stool every second or third day; after a few days—stool soft, loose, pappy; Diarrhoea like 466 Asº STOOL AND RECTUM. [ST00L, &c. water, and with Colic ; Faeces mixed with blood—clots of blood; Soft stool, with labour-like pressure—difficult expulsion. Rectum, —Burning in, during and after a stool (hard); Tenesmus; Fissure in anus; Bleeding Soreness; Spasmodic constriction at anus; Hard stool, followed by liquid stool; Stitches; Throbbing; Smart- ing; Shootings upwards; Burning, Smarting Soreness at anus, with heat; Excoriation between the mates; Painful shootings; Darting in haemorrhoidal tumours; Herpes around the anus. Nitric Ac.—Constipation several days, without pain; Ab- domen distended; every other day, hard stool, covered with mucus. Stools—Hard, scanty; Small lumps, with mucus; Difficult. Stools—Irregular; Dry; Small; Long pressure required to expel. Stools—Desire for, but unsuccessful; Soft stools; Pap-like. Stools—Soft, twice a day, for several weeks; Diarrhoea after dinner, or every other day; Food undigested; Dysenteric stool, with tenesmus, fever, headache; Exhaustion; Profuse discharge of blood during stool; Burning at anus. Anw8—Stitching and con- traction—lasting some hours. After stool—Great exhaustion, irri- tability, uneasiness; Rectum inactive—seems incapable of expell- ing the faeces; Pressure in the rectum; Pinching; Itching; Smarting; Painful burning in rectum—especially after voiding urine; Pressure and sensation as if a varix would form; Varices and pricking at anus; Swelling; Burning; Varices constantly protrude; Bleeding; Itching; Soreness; Itching when walking in the open air, and after stool; Humour and excoriation about the mates when walking; Perinaewm-painful pimple on; Stitches sharp ; Drawing pain in perinaeum. Nux W.-Constipation, with rush of blood to the head; Con- stipation, with obstruction of the portal circulation; Constipa- tion from intestinal inactivity; Weakness of peristaltic power; Constipation from sedentary habits; Contraction; Constriction; Constipation of pregnancy—of infants and children—from coffee; Stool hard, large, dry, difficult, or mixed hard and soft; Stool enveloped in mucus; Soft, followed by hard; Diarrhaea (morning, early, or after dinner), dark colour; Diarrhoea of mucus, dark- coloured, with smarting, burning in anus; Mucus, and small-size evacuations, with urging and tenesmus; Diarrhoea, putrid, watery; after a cold, with pains in back and thighs; Dysenteric diarrhoea, 467 ST00L, &c.] STOOL AND RECTUM. with cutting and tenesmus; Alternate constipation and diarrhoea; Pitch-like stools; Undigested faeces; Pressure in rectum before stool; Sensation, after evacuation, of some being left behind, in consequence of contraction in the rectum. After evacuation— Soreness, biting; Discharge of Blood; Urging to evacuate without success; Prickings and burning in haemorrhoids, at sphincter ani; Painful contractions about the rectum and anus; Painful spas- modic stricture at the anus; Contraction—narrowing of the rectum ; Twitching in the anus between the evacuations; Itching intolerable, as from ascarides; Discharge of ascarides; Itching, with sore pain; Smarting hamorrhoids; Perinaewm—aching in- itching in, after dinner. Opium,_Weakness of peristaltic action; Retention of faeces; Constipation for ten days—six or eight weeks; Constipation for months—only small, hard balls passed; Constipation of the plethoric, the pregnant, and infants; Hard stool, with pinching and flatulence; Hard stool for six days—great effort to expel the faeces; Sensation as if the passage in the rectum were closed; Costiveness for several months; Diarrhoea (second effect); Invo- luntary stools; Pain in the rectum; Distensive pressure in the rectum. - Petroleum.—Diarrhoea; Yellow, watery stools, with weakness; Diarrhoea of profuse mucus; Blood and mucus; Soft stool, with tenes- mus, or difficult of passage. (Second effect)—The stool is harder; Diarrhoea of pregnancy; Ascarides passed with faeces; Taenia; Hunger after stool soon satisfied. After stool—Qualmish, weak, dizziness. After stool—Vanishing of sight—he had to close his eyes to recover it; Pressure in the rectum and anus; Itching; Burning, stitching in rectum and anus; Scurfy eruption at anus; Fistula in rectum; Itching herpes on the perinaeum. Phosphorus.-Constipation six days, with pressure, disten- tion, and flatulence; Difficult expulsion of faeces; Stools scanty— hard lumps; Stool hard, with discharge of blood; Paralysis of intestinal canal; Stool dry, hard, covered with mucus; Pappy stool; Stool soft, with cutting and pressure in the intestines; Diarrhoea sixteen days, with tenesmus—relieved by coffee; Chronic Diarrhoea, or of slime, blood, watery; Typhoid diarrhoea; Ex- 468 * STOOL AND RECTUM. [ST00L, &c. hausting diarrhoea of the phthisicky; Alternate diarrhoea and con- stipation of the aged; Green stool (infant); Green; Green and black stools; Undigested, involuntary stools; Blood with stool two mornings; Gnawing pain in rectum during a rather loose stool; Burning in rectum and anus after soft stool, with great weakness; Tearings in the rectum; Pricking between the evacuations; Cramp-like forcing in rectum; Pricking, darting at anus; Gnaw- ing itching at anus; Pain in varices many days; Haemor- rhage; Mucous discharge; Ascarides; Taenia; Relaxation of the Sphincter Ani. Phosphoric Acid.—Frequent desire, but unsuccessful; Strain- ing; Soft stool; Diarrhoea—white-gray; Slimy, watery; Light- yellow; Sudden discharge of pappy faeces during emission of wind; Smarting at anus after a difficult stool; Tenesmus; Tearing, smarting, itching—anus (morning and evening); Protrusion of varices during a stool. Platina.-Constipation several days, and from travelling; Faeces passed in lumps, causing weakness; Stool difficult, with cutting, burning, and protrusion of varices; Stool as if burnt, or scanty, like soft clay; Stool pappy, half-digested, mixed with 'blood; Stool thin, with tenesmus, or dry lumps; Blood with stool; Creeping tenesmus every evening; Burning in rectum ; Stitches and violent pressure in rectum, without stool. Podophyllum P.-Constipation, with headache and flatulence; Constipation during remittent fever; Extreme weakness and cutting pain after stools; Stool yellow—dark-green (six to eight in one day), or white, slimy; Infantile Cholera; Stools of dark- yellow mucus; Chalk-like stools, very offensive, with thirst in children; Watery, hot stools; Frothy mucus; Undigested; Pro- lapsus Ani, of long standing, and with diarrhoea (six years); Descent of the rectum from little exertion—frequently morning; Constant pain in the lumbar region, during, and worse after, stool. The prolapsus generally occurs in the morning. Pulsatilla.—Obstinate constipation, or alternate hard and soft stools; Evacuations difficult, with pain in the back (pressing); Difficult (morning, early)—two loose stools during the day; Fre- 469 ST00L, &c.] STOOL AND RECTUM. quent desire for stool, with livid look and faintness; Frequent urging, as if diarrhoea would set in; Frequent loose stool, with mucus, or of mucus only; Evacuations of mucus mixed with blood; Diarrhoea at night—green, slimy, or stirred eggs; White stool; Watery diarrhoea at night; Diarrhoea, with colic, cutting pain; Loose, acrid; Diarrhoea during or after measles—unconscious, during sleep; Diarrhoea, dysenteric—chills, shaking, goose-flesh. Rectum—Burning; Painful soreness; Stinging; Tearing, with pressure; Soreness of anus; Smarting at the anus, between the mates, and in varices; Haºmorrhoids, blind, with itching, and single stitches; Haemorrhoids, painful, protruding—blind, with pain in back. Hahnemann remarks that nightly diarrhoea is a character- istic of Pulsatilla. Rhus Tox,−Alternate constipation and diarrhoea; Diarrhoea (several stools in the hour) for sixty hours; Stools red and yellow, with mucus, jelly-like—mixed with blood; Stools sudden, frothy, yellow, or whitish-yellow, without smell; Stools—stirred up; Diar- rhoea at night, with headache, pain in limbs; Stools involuntary at might, during sleep. Rectum—Constant temeSmws, with tearing in the intestines; Burning before the evacuation; Protrusion of haemor- rhoids; Soreness in the anus; Itching deep in the rectum. Secale Corn,-Painful diarrhoea, with great prostration; Diarrhoea.—watery—mucous—brown—serous—putrid; Diarrhoea involuntary, or after cholera, in children; Diarrhoea, with sudden change of features—eyes sunk, blue margins; Nausea; Vomiting; Sense of anxiety; Shrivelled skin; Burning in stomach; Voice hoarse; Thirst unquenchable; Pulse feeble, or almost impercep- tible; Urine suppressed; Upper limbs paralysed; Cramp in calves; Expulsion of ascarides. Sepia-Exhausting diarrhoea, and green, or acid-smelling stool of children; Stool scanty, with straining and tenesmus— knotty foeces; Stool, with much blood, and cutting in the abdomen; Stool soft, jelly-like; Expulsion of ascarides; Contractive pain in Tectum, perinaeum, and vagina; Stitches; Burning at the anus every day; Burning in the rectum during a loose stool; Stinging and itching; Oozing moisture from anus; Stinging, with discharge of mucus; Prolapsus Recti; Protrusion and itching of the varices; 470 STOOL AND RECTUM. [ST00L, &c. Congestion of the anus; Flowing piles; Excoriation between the mates. Silica.-Constipation during three days; after which hard lumps passed; Faeces remain long in the rectum; Straining at stool; Faeces hard, with tenesmus, and receding back into the rec- tum; Stools pappy—several during the day; Stools of mucus and blood; Protrusion of varices, with pain; Itching in rectum and anus; Spots, with scurfy exfoliation at perinaeum and os coccygis; Burning in the rectum during the evacuation; Fistula in ani; Long stitch in the rectum; Distention of a vein to the size of a goose-quill. Spigelia.--Discharge of thick mucus, and faeces covered with mucus; Stool hard, with much straining; Loose stool two days (four times a day)—yellow, tenacious mucus; Crawling in the rectum, as from worms; Itching in the anus. Spongia.--Stool hard—first part hard, latter soft; White, loose; Stool, preceded by stitches in the anus, and rumbling in abdomen; Sense of excoriation in anus; Tenesmus; Pain from abdomen to anus; Ascarides passed every day. Stannum.—Frequent but ineffectual desire to evacuate the bowels; Frequent desire—passing a little mucus or dry lumps; Hard lump, suddenly slipping through the sphincter. Second— Loose stool—feeling as if diarrhoea would come on ; Greenish, scanty stool—thin, slimy evacuations; Discharge of mucus after stool; Aching in rectum ; Burning at amus. Staphysagria.-Constipation several days; Scanty, hard stools; Frequent desire—very small pieces only—part hard and part soft ; Desire, when there is really nothing in the rectum; Loose, yet difficult stool, as if the anus were constricted; Tenes- mus; Contusive pain (rectum) after a hard stool; Aching or smarting after a stool; Itching of the anus; Blotches around the allllS. i Stramonium.—Constipation six days — not troublesome; Blackish stools; Writhing pain before the evacuation; Diarrhoea 471 ST00L, &c.] STOOL AND RECTUM. six days; Discharge of coagulated blood; Haemorrhoids several days. Sulphur.—Constipation, occasional—Chronic, with piles; Constipation of infants; Stool hard, difficult, as if burnt; Lumpy, with mucus; Knotty; Insufficient; Frequent desire unsuccessful; Stool expelled with straining—sense of some still in the rectum ; Stool half liquid, hot, scalding ; Diarrhoea from a cold, with chilli- ness; Dyspnoea; Colic; Diarrhoea during pregnancy; Diarrhoea of children, with mucus; Diarrhoea—frothy, with tenesmus; Brown, foetid-smelling stool; Pale, sour, undigested—white slime, streaked with blood; Passage of ascarides and lumbrici; Palpitation of the heart during stool—also weeping; Nausea; Rush of blood to the head; Prolapsus Recti. After stool—Exhaustion; Pressure, prick- ings; Chilly; Faint; Beating in the rectum; Violent stitches in rectum (evening), and between stools; Creeping, biting, as from ascarides; Burning at anus; Itching at anus and rectum; Humid varices; Discharge of humour from the anus; Protrusion of varices—oozing of blood; Contractive sensation in the perinaeum; Pressure on the bladder when at stool, from hard faeces; Tenesmus, painful—unable to lie or sit after a stool. Sulphuric Acid.—Stool hard, knotty, difficult, like sheep's dung; Small black lumps, mixed with blood, with painful prickings in the anus; Faeces of large size; Loose stool, with feeling of emptiness; Diarrhoea of frothy mucus, or watery, or green; Chronic diarrhoea.—yellow or saffron-coloured mucus—foetid, streaky, bloody; Pain as if the rectum would be torn; Congestion of blood to the rectum; Haemorrhoids, with pricking and burning; Itching; Dampness; Oozing. Thuja.-Constipation—(Copious loose stools—second effects); Pain in rectum during stool; Painful haemorrhoids; Blotches like figwarts around the anus; Discharge of blood; Painful con- traction of the anus. Weratrum.—Constipation—also of infants; Chronic constipa- tion; Costiveness, with heat and pain in the head; Faeces hard and large; Diarrhoea, with cutting before and after stool; Fre- quent diarrhoea; Diarrhoea—greenish, watery, flocculent, brown, 472 - URINARY ORGANS: [URINE. blackish; Diarrhoea at night—also very violent, with sweat; Pale- ness; Diarrhoea, with shuddering, chilliness, extreme prostration, cold sweat, especially on the forehead; Burning, smarting at anus; Pressure, with blind piles. Zincum,_Constipation—urging, difficult, dry, scanty; Stool tough, scanty, or yellow, with heat, burning, pricking; Expulsion difficult, with discharge of prostatic juice; Stool—large size—hard, in lumps, with pressure; Soft stool after dinner, with giddiness and humming; Soft stools, with blood and foam, preceded by colic ; Sensation, in the rectum, of wind, but cannot pass any; Cutting and smarting in the rectum and anus; Darting stitch, like an electric shock, in the rectum and anus; Jerking stitch, passing from rectum to neck of the bladder; Creeping as of worms in anus; Itching and Soreness; Burning and tingling; Protrusion of Varices; Discharge of blood from the anus. URIN ARY OR GANS, Aconite.—Urime—Enuresis, with profuse sweat; Frequent desire to pass water; Anxious desire; Painful desire; Frequent discharge of limpid urine; Desire to urinate induced by slight pressure on abdomen; Urine—Scanty, bright-red, hot—passed with burning; Urine—Brown, burning—deposit brick-dust; Dark wrime; Urine—Scanty, difficult, with urging—sometimes pinching at umbilicus. Bladder and Urethra—Painful when walking; Burning and tenesmus at neck; Stinging or dull burning in fossa navicularis; Temporary paralysis at neck; Vibratory splashing during micturition; Burning through the whole canal during micturition; Shooting stitch in urethra when walking; Stitches at orifice. Antimonium Crud.—Urine—Frequent—desire violent, though little passed. Colour—Gold-yellow, brown-red, with red cor- puscles after standing twenty-four hours; Frequent micturition, with much mucus; Cutting pain. Urethra—Burning in, with pain in Small of the back. - 2 I 473 URINE.] URINARY ORGANS. Apis Mel—Attacks of urination every few minutes (profuse discharge of natural urine was induced in a dropsical patient by three doses); Frequent desire, with burning in the urethra; Burn- ing and scalding at the neck of the bladder, with tenesmus; Strangury. Arnica.-Urine—Copious, watery; Brown, with brick sedi- ment; Brown, which turns turbid and whitish ; Yellow-red—small quantity; Emission of blood. Bladder and Urethra—Tenesmus at neck; Urine passed in drops; Sensation as if the urethra were constricted; Spasmodic stitches in the urethra; Cutting at the orifice after urinating. Arsenicum.—Urine—Scanty. Colour—Dark-yellow, or colour- less; Greenish, dark-brown—turbid when leaving the bladder—or deposit slimy, albumen; Involuntary urination when asleep; Retention, with frequent urging—or copious, hot, burning; Burn- ing during micturition; Painful, difficult; Incontinence of twenty-five days. Bladder and Urethra—Burning in the urethra; Biting, tearing; Paralysis of the bladder. Belladonna-Urine—Retention; Difficult, with profuse sweat; Frequent desire, but it passes only in drops. Colour—Yellow, gold-colour; White, with thick sediment—or becomes turbid, with red deposit; Frequent, copious—of pale, thin, watery, with sweat; Inability to retain, from paralysis of neck of bladder. Bladder and Urethra—Paralysis of bladder; Writhing and turn- ing, as of a large worm; Dull pressure in the region of the bladder; Lancinations in the urethra—whole canal; Dull stitches behind the glans; Flow of prostatic juice from relaxed penis, at night, in 'bed. Berberis–Urging to micturate—the emission being accom- panied by violent pains in the renal region, of a pressing or lancina- ting character—extending down the uterus into the bladder, the left kidney being more particularly affected, and the pain worse when sitting or lying down, than during motion. Bladder—Contractive, spasmodic, or even cutting pains in the bladder—or frequently- recurring aching pains—or sensation of burning or smarting; During micturition, pains in the loins and thighs; Stitches in the 474 - URINARY ORGANS. - [URINE. urethra. Characters of Urine—Pale-yellow, with transparent, jelly-like sediment—or turbid, flocculent, with mucous deposit; Yellow crystals are deposited on the sides of the vessel; Red urine, with red deposit. - Bryonia-Urine—Hot, red, or brown; Scanty—passed with burning and sensation as if the passage were too narrow ; Desire, especially at night. Bladder and Urethra—Sense of constriction at neck of bladder; Sensation as if more were retained in the bladder; Itching, burning in urethra; Drawing, lacerating feeling at the exterior part of the urethra. Calcarea.—Urine—Frequent micturition at night, with burn- ing; Bloody; Blood-sediment; Dark-brown, foetid, white, or clay- like sediment; Flour-like deposit; Mucus passed with the urine; a Dark, without sediment; Frequent wetting the bed; Desire, when walking especially. Urethra and Bladder—Stitches (female); Cutting in urethra; Burning in orifice; Burning in urethra during micturition; Soreness; Burning before and after urinating; Polypus of the bladder; Catarrh of Bladder. Cannabis.-Urine—Chronic retention; Painful, bloody; Vio- lent burning through the fore part of the urethra during micturi- tion; Burning during and after micturition; Stinging; Smarting; Biting; Urine full of filaments, or turbid; Urgent desire; Stream scattered fan-shape. Urethra and Bladder—Cutting pain in the fore part of the urethra; Burning stitches near the bulbous portion; Urethra inflamed throughout the whole canal; Discharge of mucus—thin, watery; Painful discharge of mucus—yellow; also (prostatic) painless; Difficult passage of urine, as from para- lysis of the bladder; Accumulation of mucus and pus, clogging the catheter. Cantharis.-Constant but ineffectual desire—discharging only a few drops; Desire very frequent; Painful burning, smarting, or cutting; Urine Red, bloody, or full of mucus, or turbid, like loam-water; Jelly-like; Albuminous or sandy deposit; Reten- tion from over-distended bladder; Discharge of blood in drops. Ridneys—Sharp cutting, or stitches, with pains extending to the axilla; Shooting, tearing, or cutting in ureters, to the bladder; - 2 I 2 475 URINE.] URINARY ORGANS. Inflammation; Enlargement of the kidneys; Suppression of urine; Ulceration and suppuration of kidneys; Dyswria; Ischwria; Strangwry. Bladder—The bladder seems unable to bear a very small quantity of urine; Heat and burning; Excessive pain. in Bladder; Pressure; Stinging, tearing at the neck; Paralysis; Suppuration, with involuntary flow of urine; Temesmus of the Bladder; Distention; Gangrene of the mucous coat. Urethra— Violent cutting pains, causing him to bend double; Inflamma- tion and suppuration; Discharge of yellow mucus; Haemorrhage. painful during erection, or with convulsions; Painful gonor- rhoea; Chordee; Discharge of dirty, purulent fluid from the urethra. Carbo Veg.—Urine—Quantity greatly diminished; Strong desire to urinate; Frequent desire, with anxiety day and night; Diabetic P. Dark-red, as if with blood; Reddish, turbid; Deposit of Gravel, or red sediment. Urethra—Burning or smarting; Lacerating, drawing, especially in the morning, after passing water. Causticum.—Urine—Desire urgent and frequent; Involun- tary during sleep, or coughing, sneezing, &c.; Pale, watery; Tur- bid, flocculent, after standing—deposit of mucus; Acrid urine. Urethra—Itching at orifice; Cutting; Burning at night; Burn- ing when passing urine; Haemorrhage; Stricture of the urethra. Chamomilla.-Urime—Hot; Yellow; Anguish during pass- ing; Urging ineffectual; Burning (pains in abdomen seem to prevent easy micturition); Stream weak, slow. Deposit—Floc- culent; Turbid; Yellowish. Bladder and Urethra—Burning at neck of bladder, and smarting in urethra during micturition; Sticking pain at neck of bladder; Soreness at the edge of prepuce (excoriation); Sense of weakness at the bladder. China.-Urine—Dark colour, with red, brick-dust sediment; Scanty, or greenish-yellow; Desire frequent, with pressure in the bladder; White, turbid—white deposit. Urethra—Stitches in ; Burning at orifice; Sore if rubbed against the clothes. - Clematis.-Urine—Frequent micturition—passing but little at a time, or drop by drop; Diabetes? Urethra—Painful to touch; 476 - & URINARY ORGANS. [URINE. Scalding when first passing urine; Contraction; Constriction of the urethra; Spasmodic stricture. Colchicum.–Urine—Diminished; Dark-red, burning like fire; Constant desire; Burning and tenesmus. Colour—Brown or blackish; Sediment, whitish. (Second effect)—Profuse, yellow, or watery. Urethra—Burning and tenesmus; Constant burning; Drawing pain, especially towards the orifice. Colocynth.-Urine—Retention; Desire, with scanty emis- sion; Odour intensely foetid—becomes like white of egg, gluti- nous, or turbid, with deposit like gravel, or red, hard crystals adhering to the vessel. Urethra—Itching at orifice; Burning after urinating; Pricking about the glans; Pressure at end of penis after passing urine. Bladder—Stitches in the bladder— then in the rectum. Conium.–Urime—Frequent (half-hour); Urgent desire; Wet- ting the bed; Inability to retain; the stream interrupted; Compelled to urinate at 2 A.M. every morning (several days); Micturition difficult—painful; Turbid; Sediment white, or urine pale as water. Urethra—Burning in; Smarting after passing urine; Cutting and pain, with mucus; Burning after urine; Stitches down into the bulb of the urethra; Discharge of pus. Bladder—Crampy pressure at the neck; Stitches—more violent when walking; Sharp pressive pain in bladder. Copaivae.—Urine—Constant, ineffectual urging; Increase, as in Diabetes; Foaming; Green—smell of violets, tasting bitter. Urethra—Inflamed; Orifice swollen, dilated; Itching, biting, burn- ing, before and after urine; Contraction; Pulsations; Yellow, purulent discharge. Bladder—Excessive irritation. Genital (Male)—Weakness; Impotence; Dryness of the mucous mem- brane; Swelling and induration of the prostate; Swelling of the testes. Digitalis.-Urine—Constant desire, but only a few drops can be passed at a time, which are hot, burning, or scalding—dark- brown colour; Alternate retention, and copious emission of watery, pale urine; Difficulty of passing urine, with a sense of constriction - 477 URINE.] URINARY ORGANS. . in the urethra. Urethra—Pressing, burning, in the incisive pains. Bladder—Inflammation at the neck; Cutting pain; the urine is more easily retained in the recumbent position; Sense of contraction in the bladder, which seems to press and render mictu- rition difficult. Dulcamara.-Urine—Painful micturition; Burning; Turbid— white deposit, or sometimes red; Scanty; Foetid. Urethra—Pulsa- tion; Stitches; Contraction of; Stricture; Discharge of mucus. Bladder—Paralysis; Involuntary flow of urine; Thickening of; Catarrh of. - Graphites.—Urine—Frequent desire, especially at night; Wet- ting the bed P Acid smell. Colour—Dark-brown—in two hours ap- pears very turbid, with reddish deposit; Sudden desire, but very little is passed. Hepar Sulph.-Urine—Sharp, cutting, or burning; Frequent desire; Involuntary at night; Dark-yellow, or brown—a greasy substance lies on the surface—variegated; Urine passed with burning—turbid, fleecy-looking appearance. Urine—Orifice red and inflamed; Stitches in ; Cutting pain; Soreness, as if ulcerated ; Discharge of mucus. Iodium.—Obstinate retention of urine, or involuntary micturi- tion—also at night. Urime—Dark, turbid, or milky; Thick urine, with very dark sediment, and ammoniacal odour—passed with smarting. Ipecacuanha-Frequent desire, with scanty emission; Turbid urine—deposit like brick-dust; Bloody urine. Kali Carb.-Urine—Great desire—it flows slowly; he is com- pelled to rise at night; Burning during and after. Colowr—Pale or greenish; Dark-yellow; Turbid, cloudy. Deposit of copious sediment after standing. Urethra-Burning, biting sensation at the orifice; Frequent drawing, tearing, sharp cutting—anterior part. Bladder—Cutting pain. - Kreasotum.—Urine—Frequent desire, with profuse emission 478 URINARY ORGANS. [URINE. { —and at night; Large quantity of pale urine almost every hour; Sudden urging six or seven times a day; Hot, clear, and copious. Deposit—Reddish, or white, or turbid after standing. Lachesis.-Urine—Difficult; Frequent desire—copious flow of foaming ; Dark, like porter, or deep yellow; Saffron colour, as in Jaundice, or brown-red (typhoid); Turbid; Sandy, or red brick- dust deposit. Lycopodium.-Urine—Diminished first eight days—flow in- terrupted—a few drops pass, slimy and turbid, with pain; Urging to urine—turbid, with white deposit; Dark colour—deposit sandy or red-brick; Strong ammoniacal smell; Burning in a female urethra. Urethra—Itching, tingling, burning; Violent drawing, cutting—quickly passing off; Violent cutting stitch. Bladder— Cutting pain in bladder and rectum; Stitches in the bladder; also at the neck. Mercurius.-Urine—Scanty, hot, red; Constant desire, with scanty emission; Dark-red, as if mixed with blood; Acrid; Difficult to retain; very turbid-looking while being passed—white deposit; Acid smell, or full of filaments, flock-like ; Mucus or pus —after standing, thick deposit. Urethra—Burning in, during and between the act of urinating; Discharge of blood from ; Cutting in; Greenish discharge, or thick, whitish yellow; Orifice inflamed. Muriatic Acid.-Urine—Frequent desire, but only a small quantity is passed; after which there is much tenesmus of the bladder; Desire, but he has to wait awhile before any will appear; he passes much more urine than he has taken drink—which is watery or pale; Involuntary discharge—milky, white, turbid. Urethra—Cutting pain in the posterior part during urine and stool; Stinging in the orifice after urine; Burning stitch; Inflam- mation of the prepuce. Natrum Carb.-Urime—Constant desire; after pressing a long time, a little was passed, with erection and tenesmus; Constant desire to urinate—the last drops consist of mucus only; Copious mic- turition—for ten mornings he passed two pints of lemon-coloured urine; at night, every half-hour; the child wets the bed; Urine - - 479 URINE.] URINARY ORGANs. turbid; Yellow mucus; Foetid urine. Urethra—Stitches and burning, tearing and Smarting. Natrum Mur.—Urine—Increased desire every half-hour—fre- quent at night; awakes him from sleep; Strong desire—unable to retain it; Involuntary when walking, coughing, sneezing; Deposit —red sand, brick-dust; Loam-coloured urine, with red sediment; the sediment is speedily deposited. Urethra—Biting, cutting, burning, after micturition, with flow of thin mucus; Violent stitches; Stinging, itching; Soreness at the meatus; Discharge of yellow pus, which stains the linen; Gleety discharge. Nitric Acid.—Urine—Suppressed several days; Great desire —very scanty; Desire at night, with cutting in the abdomen— stream very small, scanty, turbid, foºtid—cold, dark colour, or brown—passed with Smarting; Strong ammoniacal odour like horses’; also tobacco; Stains like coffee-grounds. Deposit— Bright-red, adhering to the vessel, or flocculent filaments, mucus. Urethra—Smarting, during micturition—cutting—the whole ure- thra is painful, irritable—the orifice swollen; Violent pain after micturition; Ulcer in urethra; Discharge of mucus, pus, blood. Nux Wom.—Urine—Painful, ineffectual desire, or passing in drops, with burning and tearing pain; Urging at night, with blood; Inclination and urging (afternoon); Painful discharge of thick urine; Reddish, with brick-dust deposit; Pale urine, watery, copious. Bladder—Discharge of mucus from bladder; Pain at neck, burning and tearing. Urethra—Burning, pricking, darting, itching; Contractive pain at orifice, as if sore; Spasmodic con- traction, with difficult micturition; Discharge of mucus; Blood. Opium,-Urine—Suppression; Retention, with thirst; Dark colour, scanty, red—brick-dust deposit—passed with effort—some- times increases the flow. Bladder—Muscular power of the bladder diminished. Petroleum.–Urine—Frequent desire, but little is passed at one time; Constant dribbling; Enuresis at night; Involuntary micturition; Dark-yellow, brown, or red like blood—a shining pellicle floats on surface. Deposit—Brownish flocks, red or white 480 UBINARY ORGANS. [URINE. sediment—foetid smell, or ammoniacal. Bladder—Sense of pres- sure; Burning at neck, or cutting pain. Urethra—Sense of con- traction, like stricture; Stitch; Throbbing, burning pain—dis- charge of mucus. Phosphorus.-Urine—Desire frequent—unable to retain; Increased; Profuse; Involuntary; Pale; Watery, or dark-brown; Smell like garlic, sulphur—or strong ammoniacal odour, with white-yellow deposit; Brick-dust sediment; White flocculi, or yellowish sediment—a variegated pellicle—greasy appearance; Stitch from neck of bladder up the wrethra; Burning in the urethra; Stretching; Jerking; Quick drawing to-and-fro in the urethra, extending to the bladder, with a feeling of contraction. Phosphoric Acid.—Urine – Retention for seven hours; Desire urgent—eight times a day, with pale face, heat, thirst; Irritable desire, with cutting, burning, and pain in back; Frequent micturition of watery or cloudy; Pale, with thick, white flocks; Milky-looking—lumps gelatinous, or as if stirred with flour; Diabetic. Bladder—Spasmodic constriction. Urethra— Burning in ; Rawness; Drawing, extending into the anus; Stitch- ing between the act of micturition; Creeping, swelling at the orifice. - Phytolacca Decandra.-Urine—Urgent desire; Copious at night; Deposit—chalk-like; Dark-red urine—stains like the colour of mahogany—very adherent to the vessel; Dull pain in renal region, especially right; Uneasy feeling in the uretus. Bladder—Pain in region of, before, and during micturition; Gurgling sensation in the prostate (afternoon), repeatedly; Neu- ralgic pain, and swelling of testes. Plumbum, Urine—Retention; Difficult emission—passes in drops during the colic—after this a sudden and free discharge. Urime—Red or brown, as if with blood, or turbid. Deposit—Slimy. Bladder—Tenesmus at neck, with burning in urethra. Podophyllum.–Urine—Diminished secretion; Suppression; Scanty, with frequent desire; Involuntary discharge when asleep; Frequent micturition at night, in pregnancy. - 481 URINE.] - URINARY ORGANS. Pulsatilla.-Urine—Retention, with heat and pain, or ten- derness in vesical region; Involuntary micturition, especially when walking or coughing; Copious flow of urine; Wetting the bed; Pale, watery; Red or brown. Deposit—Brick-dust, or violet colour —Sandy, or jelly-like—purulent, or bloody, with pains in both kidneys. Bladder—Pressure continual; Dull stitch. First—Te- nesmus, with difficult micturition. (Second effect)—Copious flow; Spasmodic pain at neck, extending to pelvis and thighs; Burning at neck; Pain in vesica on slight pressure; Catarrh of the Bladder. Urethra—Creeping pain, with pressure at orifice; Burn- ing at orifice; Sharp pressure; Contraction; Stream Small; Yellow discharge ; Gonorrhoea, and with blood; Discharge like semen. (Pulsatilla restores the suppressed gonorrhoeal discharge.) Rhus Tox,−Urine—Retention; Dysuria, with drops of blood and tenesmus; Incontinence; Hot, dark, turbid; White, flock- like, Snowy sediment. Sarsaparilla-Frequent desire, with scanty emission; Mic- turition, with burning—more copious discharge; a quantity of pale urine, that deposits a sediment; two or three copious emis- sions of urine during the night; Severe tenesmus, with discharge of a white, turbid, acrid matter, and mucus; Urine that deposits oblong flocks; Sharp cutting pains in the urethra during mic- turition; Discharge of yellow mucus. Useful for Gravel; Calculi; Severe tenesmus of the bladder, Secale.—Urine—Suppressed; Difficult, with urging—flows in drops. Deposit—Thick, red—stains the chamber; Haemorrhage from the urethra. Sepia-Urine—Continual desire, but scanty; Bearing down— sensation as if drops were passing out of the bladder; Pressing on the bladder; Frequent micturition; Wets the bed before mid- night; Urine turbid. Deposit—Brick-dust, or blood; White sediment, which becomes foetid on standing—or mucus. Bladder— Spasm; Violent burning. Urethra-Smarting during micturition; Burning in the fore part; Smarting at the orifice; Itching; Stitching; Violent cutting; Secondary Gonorrhoea; Discharge of a milky fluid after micturition. 482 URINARY ORGANS. - [URINE. Silica.-Frequent micturition at night; Involuntary emis- sions; Wetting the bed. Urime, that soon becomes turbid. Deposit—Sandy, yellow, gravel, or red, like brick-dust. Squilla.-Urine—Great desire to urinate—constant, but in- effectual; Urine passed at night; Red urine. Deposit—Red, brown, yellow, flocky. (Urine greatly increased, and watery— Diabetes?—this is the primary action.) Bladder—Tenesmus; Constant pressure. Staphysagria.-Urine—Copious, frequent, watery—after a few days it became yellow; Emits a small quantity every quarter of an hour; Frequent desire, but only a small quantity of dark-yellow or reddish urine is passed—only in drops; Painful micturition. Urethra—Burning, deeply seated, between the acts; Burning in the whole of the urethra, at each micturition, many days. Sulphur.—Urine—Violent, or sudden desire; Painful—a small quantity is passed with great effort; Frequent micturition—also at night; Copious after midnight; Wetting the bed—desire every half-hour; Discharge of urine when coughing—stream thin, or intermittent—soon becomes turbid; Greasy pellicle; Foetid smell—or like the odour from the feet. Colour—Yellow or dark- brown, or blood; Rose colour. Deposit—White, like flour, or slimy, mucus. Bladder—Pressure on ; Stitches in. Urethra- Burning in the anterior portion during micturition; Cutting as if the urine were acrid; Smarting; Stitches and tearing; Orifice red and inflamed, Taraxacum.–Urime—Copious micturition, without pain; Fre- quent desire. (Second effect)—Secretion diminished; Diabetes? depending on chronic miasm (H.) Terebinthina. — Urine — First days — Increased secretion. Second—Diminished; Difficult; Total suppression; Smell like violets. Deposit—Slimy, or white, yellow, or red—even blood. Urethra—Burning in ; Urethritis; Chordee. Bladder—In- flamed; Burning; Movement in; Sensation as if distended and drawn forward; Dragging; Cutting; also at umbilicus—worse during rest. 483 URINE.] URINARY ORGANS. Thuja-Urine—Frequent desire—almost every hour, without any pain; a good deal at night; Micturition frequent and copious; Sensation as if some drops were still being voided or left behind ; Interrupted stream; it looks clear like water; after standing it becomes cloudy; Urine red like blood; Thick sediment; Red, like brick-dust. Urethra—Burning between the act, during, and even some time after micturition; Burning as if the canal were ex- coriated; Burning toward the bulbous portion; Smarting and itching ; Stitches, passing from behind forward; Stitch in the evening; Stitches at night—preventing sleep; Stitch from the anus into the urethra; Discharge of glutinous mucus; Stricture of the urethra; Stitches in the fossa navicularis; Lancinating and cutting pains; Cutting pain—violent when walking. Bladder— Pressive pain in left renal region; Burning in the region of the kidneys; Drawing pain down the ureter; Burning and pressure at the neck of the bladder. Valeriana.-Constant crying and straining in an infant ; the child pressed so hard to pass the urine that the rectum protruded, and a few drops of blood were expelled from the anus; Cramp-like pains in the bladder. Secondly—Frequent emission of urine. Weratrum.—Urine—Burning, scanty; Yellow and turbid during emission; Frequent, scanty; Dark-red; Acrid; Greenish; In- voluntary micturition; Diuresis. Urethra—Stitch at the orifice; Pain as if constricted behind the glans. Bladder—Pressure on ; Painful, or burning. Zincum—Urine—Frequent and increased; Clear, pale, like water, or lemon-yellow; Excessive desire to urinate. First days— She urinates considerably at night without drink; Discharge of urine when walking, eoughing, or blowing the nose. Deposit— Turbid, loam-colour; Yellow urine, depositing white flocks; Orange or red colour, depositing flocks. Bladder—Pressure on; Colic, followed by spasm of the bladder. Urethra—Painful drawing; Creeping; Sharp, tearing, cutting from the middle; Stitching, burning, or tearing ; Soreness in the fore part of the urethra; Flow of blood from the urethra. 484. LRINARY DEPOSITS. [U. DEP, URIN ARY DEPOSITS, Aconite—Brick-dust sediment. Antimonium C.—Red corpuscles ; Much mucus. Arnica.—Brick-dust, turbid, whitish; Blood corpuscles. Arsenicum.—Turbid when passing; Slimy; Albuminous. Belladonna—white, thick, or red; Brick-dust. Berberis–Transparent, jelly-like—or turbid, flocculent—or reddish, bran-like; Deposit of yellow-red crystals on the sides of the vessel. : Bovista-Turbid, like loam-water; Violet deposit. Bryonia-Red brick-dust; Sandy or pinkish deposit. Calcarea.—White, like flour; Clay-like; Mucus. Cannabis.--Turbid; Full of filaments, like mucus or pus; Thick urine that quite clogged the catheter. Cantharis.-Sandy; Full of mucus, blood; Loam-like; Albu- minous; Jelly-like. : Carbo Weg.—Red sediment, or Gravel; Saccharine? Causticum.—Flocculent; Mucus. Chamomilla-Turbid; Yellowish deposit; Flocculent. China.-Red, brick-dust; Dingy yellow, loose sediment; White, turbid. - * Chininum.—Flocks; Slimy, greasy deposit; Yellow sand and - 485 U, DEP.] URINARY DEPOSITS. crystals; Clay-coloured; Copious brick-dust; Gravel; Fine, yellow- - ish-white sand; Clear crystals; Saccharine? Colchicum.—Whitish deposit. Colocynth-Deposit viscid, like white of egg; Light-brown, flocculent, transparent ; Small, red, hard crystals, that adhere to the vessel; Copious deposit, like gravel. Conium.—Tough, turbid mucus, blood; Diabetic? Copaivae.—Mucous deposit—greenish, turbid. Corallium.—Loam-like deposit. Croton-Slightly turbid; Flocculent; White deposit; Brown crystals deposit on the sides of the vessel; Greasy particles float on. top ; Mucus that is drawn into threads. Cuprum.—Dark-red, turbid; Yellow deposit. Digitalis—Thin, brown deposit; after several hours—red, turbid. Dulcamara.-Turbid; White; Viscid; Sometimes red, some- times white. , * Eupatorium,_White, clay-like sediment. Euphorbium.—A quantity of white sediment. Graphites.—After two hours, becomes turbid; Reddish deposit, or turbid, with white sediment. Gratiola-Flocculent sediment. Hepar—Pale urine becomes turbid and thick; White deposit; Urine flocculent and turbid during emission—soon deposits a white sediment; Greasy, glistening pellicle on the surface, dis- playing many variegated colours. - 486 URINARY DEPOSITS. [U. DEP. Hyoscyamus.-Yellow urine; Turbid on emission; Whitish- gray deposit. - Ignatia.-Lemon-coloured urine; White deposit. Iodium.—Thick urine ; Dark sediment. Ipecacuanha, -Turbid urine; Brick-dust deposit. Kali Bic.—High colour, with white, copious deposit; White film and white deposit. Kali Carb.-Urine like loam-water; Copious, dirty sediment. Kreasote.—Turbid; Deposit like the sediment of beer in a brewer's tub; Reddish sediment; White. Lachesis.-Flocculent, or like brown sand—or red, or brick- dust; Mucus, like beaten white of egg. Laurocerasus.-Cloudy deposit; Thick, red sediment; White, or jelly-like flocks; Thin pellicle on the surface, like cobwebs. Ledum.-Yellow urine, with white, lime-like deposit. Lobelia.-Loose, cloudy sediment; Urine quickly decomposes; Pink sediment; Small brown crystal; Deep-red urine; Copious red deposit. - Lycopodium,_Turbid, slimy; White, turbid; Yellow deposit; Dark, with red sediment; Red sand; Yellow sand; Bright-red . deposit. Magnes. Carb.-White sediment. Magnes. Mur.—Urine as if mixed with yeast; Cloudy deposit. Manganum.-Turbid, earthy deposit; Violet-colour sediment. Mercurius.-Urine very turbid when passing; Sediment thick, 487 U. DEP.] URINARY DEPOSITS. like flour or chalk; Large filaments, like flocks; Pieces of mucus, like flesh; Pus, or mucus—deposits a thick sediment; Dark-red urine—deposit like blood; Diabetic 2 Albuminous. Moschus.-Thick, like yeast. Muriatic Ac.—Urine—white-looking, like milk; Diabetes? Naja-Brick-dust sediment; Thick urine. Natrum Carb.-Turbid; Deposit of yellow mucus. Natrum Mur-Brick-dust deposit; Loam-like urine, with red sediment; Red Sand. Natrum Sulp.–Brick-dust—yellow, reddish (evening); White, yellowish (morning). Nitric Ac.—Dark urine soon becomes turbid; White, clear urine, when passed, soon becomes flocculent, filamentous, and deposits a red sediment that adheres to the vessel; Brown, red gravel; White deposit. Nux Vomica—Reddish urine—brick-dust deposit. Oleander.—Brownish urine—whitish sediment. • Oleum Anim.—Clear urine—cloudy deposit—dense, flocculent. - Opium-Dark-red-brick-dust deposit. Paris.-Red urine; Flocculent, cloudy, reddish sediment, and opalescent. Petroleum.—White sediment; Dark-yellow urine, with red sediment—a shining pellicle floats on the top; Dark-brown flocks; Red deposit adhering on the vessel. Phosphorus—Turbid, yellow-white deposit; Brown urine— red sandy deposit; Red urine, smelling of sulphur—deposits thick 488 - . URINARY DEPOSITS. IU. DEP, yellow mucus; Gold-yellow deposits a whitish sediment; Pale urine—white flocculent deposit—yellow sediment; Urine de- positing a brick-dust sediment ; Pale urine, depositing white crust on the sides of the vessel ; Greasy, variegated pellicle on the ll IIIle, Phosph. Acid.-Pale urine—thick, whitish flocculi; Milky urine, with bloody, jelly-like lumps, or as if stirred with flour; Albuminuria ; Diabetes. Phytolacca-Chalk-like deposit; Dark-red, mahogany-colour deposit, difficult to clean off the vessel. Platina.-Red urine, with white clouds—or turbid urine, with red deposit on the sides of the vessel. Podophyllum.—Flow of urine highly charged with calculous sediment. It is said to be very valuable for removing Uric Acid deposits. Pulsatilla.--Dark urine, without sediment; Urine with a ring of violet-coloured mucus on the surface, with sandy deposit, jelly- like sediment—red deposit; Brick-coloured urine, with violet-red sediment; Haematuria, with purulent sediment. Raphanus Sat.—Dingy-yellow urine, with deposit like yeast. Rhus Rad—Deep-red urine—pink deposit. Rhus Tox—White, turbid urine; Flocculent, watery urine, with Snow-white sediment. Ruta-Green urine, with deposit of gravel. Sabadilla.-Urine with blood; Urine that becomes thick and turbid, like loam-water. . * - Sarsaparilla–Pale urine deposits a sediment of fine gravel; Emission of oblong flocks, or white, acrid, turbid matter, with mucus, accompanied by severe tenesmus. 2 K 489 U. DEP.] URINARY DEPOSITS. Secale.—Copious, thick, red sediment, staining the vessel. Selenium.—Brick-dust; Red, sandy, coarse-grained sediment. Senega-Urine greenish tinge—cloudy sediment. At first the urine is mixed with mucous filaments—on cooling, thick and cloudy; Deposit of a thick sediment—lower layer yellow-red—the upper, yellow flocks; Orange-coloured, clear urine, gets turbid from standing, and deposits a white sediment; Reddish deposit, with mucous flocks. * Sepia-Urine becomes turbid and foetid, with white sediment; Urine, with mucus that is turbid, and dark when emitted; Turbid, with brick-dust deposit; Turbid, clay-coloured urine, with red sediment; Deposit of blood in the vessel. Silica—Yellow sediment, like gravel; Reddish, Sandy deposit —the urine deposits yellow sand. Spigelia—Urine with whitish sediment for several days. Spongia.-Urine deposits a thick, greyish-white sediment; Clear, saffron-colour urine deposits a yellow sediment. Squilla-Reddish urine, with red sediment; Brown-yellow, clear urine forms flocks after standing; he previously passed too much; Diabetes? Stannum.—Resembling pea-soup; Foetid. Staphysagria.-Loam-like sediment. Sulphur.—Urine sometimes clear, at others saturated with a thick sediment; Urine becomes turbid in a few hours; Whitish during emission; Deposit like flour; Reddish deposit; Greasy pellicle on the urine for seven days. Sulphuric Acid-Urine becomes turbid, and deposits a loam- coloured sediment; White deposit; Urine covered with a pellicle, and deposits a blood-coloured sediment. - 490 - GENITAL ORGANs (MALE). [GEN. M. Tartar Emetic.—Inflammatory, red urine, depositing blood- red filaments; Watery urine, with mealy sediment. Terebinthina-Deposits thick, muddy, white-yellow sedi- ment; Slimy deposit after standing twelve hours; Haematuria. Thuja.-Urine like water; after long standing becomes cloudy; Red urine, with thick, brick-dust deposit. Tongo.—Scanty urine, with white sediment; Wine (red?) coloured urine, depositing viscous mucus immediately. Uva Ursi.-Slimy, purulent deposit; Haematuria. Weratrum.—Turbid when passed. Viola Tri-Turbid, smelling like cat's urine. Zincum.—Morning urine—turbid, loam-coloured; Orange colour, or very yellow urine, deposits flocks that are whitish. GENITAL ORGANS (MALE). Aconite.—Itching of the prepuce; Stinging and pinching in the glans-penis; Tingling; Itching of the genital organs; Pain in the scrotum and testes as if contused; Inflammation of the scrotum. Agaricus.-Drawing pains in the cord and testes; Desire, or aversion to coitus; the act is followed by a feeling of great debility, languor, and night-sweats. Agnus Cast.—Diminished desire; Feeble erections; Penis . . . 2 K 2 491 - GEN. M.] GENITAL ORGANs (MALE). small, relaxed, flaccid; Impossible to excite any desire; Drawing pains in the spermatic cord; Coldness of the testes; Quality of the semen much deteriorated from taking twelve grains, daily, for three months; Complete impotence; Yellowish discharge, like gonor- rhoea. Alumina-Excoriation under the prepuce, with secretion of a greasy fluid; Contractive pain in the right spermatic cord and testes; the left testicle feels hard and painful; Involuntary emissions at night; Several erections; Pain in perinaeum; Flow of prostatic fluid when at stool. Anacardium.—Cutting pains in the penis; Extreme excite- ment of sexual desire; Involuntary erections during the day; Dis- charge of prostatic fluid after micturition, or with hard evacua- tions. Arnica-Erections without desire—sometimes violent and long-continued; Red-blue swelling of the penis and scrotum ; In- flammatory swelling of the testes, with pain and lancination, extend- ing up the spermatic cord; Hydrocele—especially from a blow or fall—such as may occur when riding on horseback. Arsenicum.—Inflammation and swelling of the glans and scrotum; Burning, stinging, or itching of the prepuce; Painful swelling of the genitals—glans blue and red, with excoriation; Erysipelatous inflammation of the scrotum; Gangrene; Rhagades; Swelling of the testes; Flow of the prostatic fluid; Chimney- sweep's cancer. Aurum.—Sexual desire excited—greatly increased—so much as to disturb his nightly rest; Constant pollutions; Discharges from the relaxed penis; Itching of the scrotum ; Pressure and tensive pain in right testicle; Swelling of the right testicle, with aching pain in the evening; Chronic induration of the testes. Aurum has a very powerful effect on the genital system. Useful after Mercury. - - Baryta C.—Burning pain in left testicle; Violent itching, and profuse sweating of the scrotum; Numbness; Swelling of the 492 - - GENITAL ORGANs (MALE). [GEN. M. Epididymis; Sexual desire diminished—totally suppressed; Noc- turnal emissions. . Belladonna.-Tearing pains in left spermatic cord; Lancina- tions in the testes, which are drawn up; Nocturnal emissions from a relaxed penis; Total indifference to all sexual intercourse; Profuse sweat of the parts at night. Berberis.--Torpor and coldness; Sensation of weakness in the genitals; Penis shrivelled and retracted; Great weakness after coitus; Burning and excoriation in the penis and prepuce, or feeling of numbness; Pains in the spermatic cord—dragging, aching, or lancinating; Pressive pains in the cord, extending into the testes—especially the left; the pains are excited or aggravated by movement; Soft swelling of the spermatic cord, particularly low down, close to the testes, in the epididymis, with smarting, ex- coriating pain; Tingling in the scrotum, or coldness in the left side; Shrivelling of the scrotum, Calcarea.—Burning stitches at the glans-penis—prepuce red and inflamed—burning when touched, or during urination; Pain, as from contusion, in the testicles; Aching pain in right; Feeling of soreness; Scrotum relaxed; Sore spot on the scrotum ; Con- tractive pain in the spermatic cord; Sexual desire increased; Flow of prostatic fluid; Frequent nocturnal emissions; Feeling of weak- ness in the head, and trembling of the limbs. Cannabis.-Swelling of the glans and penis; Coldness of the genitals, while the other parts of the body are warm; Redness and humour behind the corona glandis; Continual burning of the pre- puce, which is hot, inflamed, and of a dark-red colour; Bright- red spots, the size of a pea, on the prepuce; the penis feels sore, as if burnt, when walking; Tensive pain in spermatic cord; Feeling of pressure or dragging in the testes; Swelling of the prostate gland. Cantharis.-Heat and burning in the organs; Burning in the seminal ducts during the emission; Drawing pains in the sper- matic cord; Swelling of the penis and scrotum ; Feeling of weak- ness in the organs; Frequent involuntary emissions; Violent priapism; Painful erections, with chordee; Discharge of semen in 493 GEN. M.] GENITAL ORGANS (MALE). the morning, when in bed—also of blood; Inflammation; Mortifi- cation. - Capsicum.—Impotence; Coldness of the scrotum; Drawing, crampy pains in the cord and testes; Wasting of the testes; Ex- tinction of the sexual instinct; Emaciation; Falling-off of the beard, and weakness of sight. Causticum.–Burning pain in the penis; Large red patches on the penis; Secretion of smegma behind the glans; Vesicles under the prepuce that ulcerate; Aching pain in right testicle, as if contused; Tearing pain or stitches in right testicle; Burning in the prostatic region; Discharge of semen and blood. China, Swelling of the testes and cord; Drawing pains in the testes; Desire increased; Frequent erections, followed by debility; Excited, lascivious feelings, day and night ; Evil results of onan- ism; Impotence. Clematis.-Bruise-like pain in the testes; Pains that ascend up the spermatic cord; Swelling and induration of both testes—they are painfully sensitive; Swelling of the right half of the scrotum, with enlargement of the testicle; Thickening of the scrotum. Conium,_Inflammation of the prepuce ; Pains in the glans; Pain in the testes; Drawing pain in left testicle; Pain as if one were cutting with a knife through the septum, to the root of the penis; Swelling of the testes, especially from contusion; Frequent discharge of prostatic fluid. Corallia–Profuse sweat of the genitals; Swelling and sore- mess of the prepuce, especially the margin, when touched; the fraenulum feels as if pricked by pins; Red flat ulcers on the glans; Secretion of yellow, or yellow-green, foetid pus. Digitalis–Irritation in the glans; Contusive pain in the right testicle; Hydrocele; the scrotum appears like a bladder filled with water; CEdema of the scrotum. . . . . - Graphites.—Eruption on the penis—the glans covered with 494 - GENITAL ORGANs (MALE). [GEN. M. mucus; Drawing pain in the glans; Swelling of the prepuce, with painless vesicles; Swelling of right testis; Sticking pain; • Drawing in both testes; Great irritation, with increased desire. Hepar.—Ulcers, chancre-like, on the prepuce; Itching about the glans; Excoriation between the thigh and scrotum, with Smarting ; Prostatic flow after urine or difficult evacuation; Desire feeble or absent. Iodium.—Violent itching and titillation of the glans; Cutting pain in corona; Pressing, bearing down in the testes; a painless swelling of the right testicle is scattered, with itching, burning, and foetid oozing; Induration of the prostate (cured). Kali Carb.-Swelling of the testes; Dragging in the left; Heat in the testes, ascending up the cord. Scrotum—Itching in—soreness—tender, as if bruised; Desire feeble (lost for eighteen days); Great weakness after connexion; the eyes are affected, more * or less. Lachesis—Red spots on the glans; Syphilitic or mercurial pains; Milky discharge from urethra; Pains in testes—worse when sitting; Nocturnal emissions; Sexual power weak, or entirely absent. - Lycopodium.—Chronic orchitis; Excoriation between the thigh and scrotum ; Weakness of the organs generally; Impotence of long standing; Penis small, cold, and relaxed; Erections feeble, or absent; Excessive desire; Pollutions. Mercurius.-Prepuce hot, inflamed, sore; Puffiness, as if dis- tended by air or water—or swollen, red, and inflamed—very sensitive to the touch, or pressure of the clothes; Purulent secre- tion between the prepuce and the gland; Itching, red vesicle, or vesicles, on or under the prepuce, which burst and ulcerate—form a yellowish pus; Chancrous ulceration, with hard, raised edges— depressed, flat, clean-cut centre, covered with a lard-like secretion, on the glans or prepuce; the penis feels cold. Testes—Hard, swollen; Drawing pains—also extending into the groins; Drawings in the spermatic cord at intervals; Hard swelling of testes, with - 495 GEN. M.] orstal orgass (MALE). red, shining scrotum; Emission of semen—also mixed with blood at night. - - Moschus.-Violent sexual excitement; Tensive pain in the penis; Nausea and vomiting after coitus; Involuntary emissions that are painful; Impotence. Muriatic Acid—Testes—Tension from the right teste to the penis; Itching of the scrotum; Sense of weakness; Relaxation; Erections feeble, slight, with emission of a frothy fluid. Natrum Carb.-Testes—Heaviness; Drawing, with pressure (morning), numbness, contusive pain; Scrotum sore; Itching, stinging; Great sexual excitement—erections every morning for three weeks; Painful emissions; Discharge of prostatic juice during a hard stool; Pollution without erection; Weakness—inclination to sweat. - Natrum Mur.—Strong, unpleasant odour of the parts; Twitching, jerking, or stitches in the penis; Itching, tickling in the glans—great desire to scratch; Red spots on the glans; Prepuce retracted. Testes—Drawing, aching, pinching. Scro- twm—Relaxed; Violent itching, with red irritation on the left thigh, which chafes and becomes sore; Humid herpes on the scrotum, and on the thigh ; Weakness of the parts; Impotence; Desire feeble, or dormant; Excessive excitement; Strong and fre- quent erections; Wehement desire. Nitric Acid.-Falling-off of the hair; Itching—a spot on the penis ulcerates, and will not heal; Red spots on glans, that scab ; Brown spots; Fleshy excrescences on corona; Foetid, bleeding, deep ulcer on glans — elevated edges tender, sensi- tive; Foetid, flat ulcers. Prepuce—Inflamed, swollen; Swelling, and phymosis; Chancre-like ulcers; Flat vesicles, that itch, burst, and become scurfy; Flat ulcers, yellow, painless, inside the pre- puce. Testes—Swelling of the right—painful to touch; Drawing, contusive, burning (left). Scrotum—Relaxed ; Sore spots, and itching; Pain in cord; Seawal desire lost, or much diminished; Discharge of prostatic fluid; Nocturnal emissions; Violent spas- modic erections. - 496 GENITAL ORGANS (MALE). [GEN. M. . Nux Wom.—Itching of the glans; Retraction of prepuce; Smarting, itching of inner surface towards evening; Soreness between scrotum and thigh; Itching of scrotum. Testes— Heat, pain, inflammation, and swelling; Constrictive pain; the testes feel hard, drawn up ; Sticking, spasmodic tightness in sper- matic cord; Sexual desire easily excited; Frequent emissions, with or without erection; Erection every morning for some days; Pain- ful erections. Petroleum.—Tearing, itching, or stitching in glans; Smooth, red spot ; Red eruption, itching. Scrotum—Moisture and itch- ing; Eruption between the scrotum and thigh ; Red, humid sore- ness on one side of scrotum. Testes—Cramp-like pain in the left; Discharge of prostatic fluid ; Weakness and irritation—it seemed to restore virility for a few months. *Phosphorus.-Ulcer on prepuce—heals quickly; Pain in scrotum. Testes—Drawing pains, extending up spermatic cord ; Swelling of testes and cord; Irresistible desire; Irritation; Erec- tions—at first powerful, then lost; Feebleness; Rapid emission; Nervous weakness; Nocturnal emissions; Discharge of fluid during hard stool. Phosphoric Acid, Vesicles about the franulum; Itching, creeping, stinging in the glans; Swelling of the penis; Violent erections. Testes — Drawing in the testes, as if excoriated; Gnawing pain—burning in the left testicle; Swelling in the left. Scrotum—Soreness, stitching, formication; Inflammation of the scrotum; Falling-off of the hair; Frequent emissions; Discharge of prostatic fluid when at stool. Phytolacca.-Neuralgic pains and swelling of the testes; Gurgling, or throbbing in the prostate gland; Herpes on the genitals. - Plumbum.—Tearing, contractive pains in penis, testes, and cord, frequently with pains in the hypogastrium ; Generally both testes are affected—frequently drawn up tight; Swelling of testes. * According to Hahnemann, Phosphorus will not cure debility of the genital organs from exhaustion of the vital powers. ºf 497 GEN. M.] GENITAL ORGANs (MALE). Pulsatilla-Prepuce—Stinging, itching, smarting, biting. Scrotum—Swelling of right side; Relaxed state; Drawing pain from the abdomen to cord and Testes, which hang low; Swelling— also from contusion; Burning, without swelling; the right is drawn up and swollen; Tearing pains in both ; Hydrocele. Pros- tate—Inflamed; Erections without desire; Nocturnal emissions. Rhododendron Chry.—Testes—Drawn up, swollen, painful, as if contused; Drawing pain, first in one, then the other; Epidi- dymis tender for many days—creeping pain; Swelling of the testes (a swelling that had existed for years, decreased to the natural size after fourteen days); Hydrocele in a boy—the size of an egg. Rhus Tox,−Tympanitic swelling of the scrotum ; Humid eruption, with swelling of the prepuce and glans; Vesicles and blisters on the glans; Swelling of the prepuce, which is darker than natural; the scrotum becomes hard and thick; Horrible eruptions about the genital organs. Sabina.-Urethra-Painful and inflamed; Purulent discharge; Hard swelling on the dorsum of the penis, near the glans—dull, not painful—rather cartilaginous; some figwarts became more painful and burning; Contusive pain in right testes. Sepia-Weakness; Itching; Sweating; Glans hot; Prepuce sore; Red tips on the glans; Purulent secretion; Suppuration and itching; Red, little indurations about the glans and prepuce; Swelling of the scrotum; Pains in the testes. Silica.-Redness and excoriation of the prepuce, with swelling, itching, and humid pimples; Humid spots on the scrotum; Itch- ing and sweat of the scrotum; Hydrocele? Discharge of pros- tatic fluid at stool. Spongia.-Itching, burning of the scrotum and penis; Draw- ing stitches; Pain in the scrotum on touching it; Pressive, strangulating pain in the testes; Dull stitches in the cord, which is swollen and painful; Aching, swelling of the testes; Orchitis. staphysagria–First—Sexual desire excited Second—Ab- 498 GENITAL ORGANs (MALE). [GEN. M. sence of white, humid excrescences on the corona, and in the hollow behind; Aching pains in the testes; Stitches in the testes (right), and burning up the cord. Sulphur.—Foetid sweat of the parts; Excoriation between the thighs; Penis cold, blue; Glams and prepwce icy cold; Prepwce red and swollen—covers the glans, and is fissured; or stiff and hard, leathery—shines, and exudes a thin, bad-smelling ichor; Phymosis, with secretion of foetid pus; Ulcer on the glans and prepuce, with pad-shaped border; Scrotum relaxed—moist; Epi- didymis swollen and thickened; Hydrocele; Impotence; Several emissions; Rapid emission of semen; Discharge of prostatic Julce. Thuja.-Swelling of the prepuce; Red spots on the glans and prepuce ; Erosions on the inner side of the prepuce ; Granular spot on prepuce, which suppurates and scabs; Round, flat, dirty ulcer on the corona glandis, with a red margin; a few red, smooth excrescences behind the glans, with creeping sensation; Small, flat vesicles on the glans, with stinging pain; Figwarts, with titillation, or itching, stinging, or burning—sore to the touch; Chancrous ulcers. Penis—Burning stitches in the penis; Jerk- ing pain, as if a nerve were suddenly put on the stretch. Scrotum. —Sweating of; Moist eruptions; Pricking; Itching (left side) in the evening. Testes—Left testes drawn up, with swelling of the inguinal glands; Drawing in the testes; Sharp stitches in the left; Epididymis enlarged; Inflamed prostate. - - Zincum.—Penis sensitive to pain—cannot bear the friction of the clothes when walking; Painful jerks at the root; Tearing at the tip of the glans. Scrotum—Shuddering; Shrivelled; Itch- ing; Soreness on the scrotum, and a corresponding spot on the thigh. Testes—Painful to touch; Drawings from testes up the spermatic cord; Testes drawn up, with pain and swelling. . 499 GEN. F.J. GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE). GENITAL ORGANS, (FEMALE). Aconite—The menses, which had just ceased, resumed their flow profusely; Metrorrhagia; Leucorrhoea.—profuse, tenacious; Yellowish. Aconite will restore the menses, when suppressed, in young girls who lead a sedentary life; and will be useful if Frenzy or Rage accompanies the appearance—also in Milk Fever; Puerperal Fever; with Peritomitis; Phlegmasia Dolens; and In- flammation of the Ovaries. - Alumina-Menses scanty, pale—too soon or too late. Be- fore the menses—Restless, uneasy nights, with dreams; Rush of blood to the head; Heat in the face; Palpitation and headache, or Colic and bearing down; Leucorrhoea; Profuse flow of mucus between the periods, even without pain; Chronic Lewcorrhoea, generally transparent, like white of egg—stiffening the linen, or clear, like water; Itching in the vagina; Toothache; Hard, scanty evacuations. Ambra Grisea.—Menses three or four days early; Haemorrhage from the uterus; During the flow, the veins of the left leg became distended and painful; Leucorrhoea—profuse at night; Discharge of bluish-white clots of mucus. Ammo. Carb.-Menses six days early; Copious flow, with spasms and excoriation; Colic; Leucorrhoea ; Acrid, burning, watery discharge; Swelling and excoriation of the pudendum. Apis.-Bearing-down pains; Aching and tenderness in the Hypogastrium; Haemorrhage; Miscarriage at two, three, or four months (suppressed menses are brought on by Apis); Tenderness of the ovaries; Aching pains, or sharp cutting in left ovarian region; Lewcorrhoea.—yellow, or green and acrid, with painful, burning micturition, Arsenicum.—Menses too early and profuse—came on after 500 GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE). [GEN. F. twenty days; During the flow, lancinations in the pudendum, anus, and rectum ; Pains in stomach, back, and hypogastrium, that caused her to bend double, with eructations, moaning, and weeping; Flow of blood and mucus; Lewcorrhoea.—acrid, cor- rosive, thick, and yellow; Induration and Cancer of the uterus. Belladonna—Increased flow of the menses, with pressing down early in the morning, as if the contents of the abdomen would issue forth. Previous to the menses—Lassitude, colic, dimness of sight, and loss of appetite. During the menses—An- guish about the heart, and thirst ; Cramp-like pain in the back. Uterws—Haemorrhage, having a foetid smell; Prolapsus and indu- ration of the uterus; Discharge of bright-red blood—also after the period; Haemorrhage after parturition. Useful in adhesion of the Placenta; Inflammation of the ovaries and uterus; Erysipelatous inflammation of the Breasts. Borax,−Menses early, copious, pale, with colic, nausea, and pain in the stomach, or with beating in the head, and humming in the ears; Lewcorrhoea of white mucus, like albumen, or thick, resembling paste; Sterility of fourteen years, with constant chronic leucorrhoea—became pregnant after taking Borax. Thus it is thought that Borax might favour conception. (Query?) Bryonia.-Menses suppressed, with bleeding from the nose— too early—eight, fourteen, and twenty-one days; Bleeding between the menses. During the menses—Pains in the limbs; Colic during pregnancy or parturition; Increased flow, the blood being dark-red, with pain in small of back; Puerperal fever; Burning pain in the uterus; Milk fever; Inflammation of one nipple, or induration—also of the breast. Calcarea.— Stinging, itching, aching—sore, red, swollen; Menses appear seven days too soon ; Excessive flow—twice; Rush of blood to the head, with heat; Toothache during menses or pregnancy; Leucorrhoea, like milk—also with burning, itching; Varices of the pudendum; After-pains protracted; Deficiency of milk; Acidity; Muscular weakness of infants; Ophthalmia. Cantharis.-Burning and itching in vagina; Menses profuse, 501 GEN. F.] GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE). black—too early—painful; Pressing downwards; Swelling of the os uteri and neck; Inflammation of the ovaries, especially the right. Useful for expulsion of placenta, moles, foetus, &c.; Swell- ing of the pudenda. Carbo Weg.—Menses too early; Blood thick or pale; Leucor- Thoea.—milky, yellow, thick, or greenish; White mucus, or blood and mucus; Headache; Colic; Spasmodic pains. Pudendºwm- Itching; Sore; Excoriation; Rawness. Causticum.—Menses too late (ten days); Colic; Cramp; Pain in the back—increased during motion—lasting the whole period; Burning and excoriation of the vulva; Lewcorrhoea at night, profuse, with menstrual smell; Nipples sore, cracked; Deficiency of milk. Chamomilla.-Metrorrhagia—deep-red blood, or clots, with irritable temper, ill-humour; Colic before the menses; Frequent discharge of coagula, with violent uterine pains, and pains in the veins of the thighs and legs; Lewcorrhoea ; Yellow, corrosive leucorrhoea; Smarting in vagina; Downward pressure in the uterus, like labour-pains, with desire to urine; Abdominal spasms; Violent after-pains; Haemorrhage; Puerperal fever; Milk fever; Sore nipples; Induration of breasts. China.-Menses profuse, with spasms in the chest, and colic in abdomen; Headache; Bloated face; Fainting, or suppressed menses, with sense of fulness and bearing down toward the vagina; Uterine spasms; Metrorrhagia—clots of black blood; Leucorrhoea, preceding the menses, with pain and bearing down; Leucorrhoea of serum and blood—occasional clots—foetid. Suitable for those who have lost a great deal of blood, and are very weak. Cocculus.-Menses reappear after twelve months’ suppression (two cases); Menses suppressed, with flatulence; Dyspnoea; Nausea; Fainting; Spasms in the chest and abdomen; Menses painful; Menses scanty, irregular; Leucorrhoea between the periods; Spasms in the uterus; Discharge of blood and mucus during pregnancy. Conium.—Menses suppressed—even of long standing; Menses 502 - - - - - GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE). [GEN. F. delay seven days—appear on the seventeenth day; Brownish blood, with pain in the breasts; Menses accompanied with spasms in the abdomen; Lewcorrhoea.—Smarting, burning, with cough, expectoration; Hoarseness; Discharge of white acrid mucus; Itching of vagina and pudendum—also sharp stitches. Uterws— Spasms in; Pinching, griping in hypogastrium. Breasts—Indu- ration; Inflammation—schirrous. Copaivae.—Discharge of purulent mucus—thick, and sometimes mixed with blood; Bearing down toward the vagina; Metrorrhagia. Crocus.--Fulness, as if the menses were about to flow, with colic and dragging down towards the vagina; Menses too frequent and copious; Haemorrhage from the uterus—black, clotted; Haemorrhage induced by the least movement; Haemorrhage after delivery (fatal). Dulcamara. — Herpes about the labia; Menses retarded twenty-five days—suppressed from a cold; Rash on the skin before the menses; Herpetic eruption on the breasts. Ferrum Ac. — Menses suppressed (eight weeks)—preceded by headache; Humming in the ears; Miscarriage; Prolapsus of the vagina during pregnancy; Milky leucorrhoea. Graphites.—Menses suppressed, with weight in the upper and lower limbs; Menses delayed three, seven, nine, eleven days— scanty, pale; Evening headache; Morning sickness; Itching and heat before the menses, in vulva; Pain in back; Toothache; Cough, chiefly by day; Sweats; Headache; Flatulence and nausea; Cramp in abdomen; Soreness from excoriation, in vulva, and between the thighs; Leucorrhoea profuse; Discharge of white mucus; Leucorrhoea thin, with distended abdomen; Nipples excoriated. Hepar—Menses retarded ten days, and scanty, with head- ache; Itching and Soreness about the pudendum; Congestion of the uterus; Haemorrhage from the uterus, with inflated abdomen; Acrid leucorrhoea, with Smarting at the vulva; Ulceration of the vulva—also of the nipples. 503 GEN. F.] GENITAL ORGANs (FEMALE). Hyoscyamus, Urine—Involuntary emission; Paralysis of the Bladder; Menses profuse, with delirium—or retarded—sup- pressed; Hysteria; Fits of laughter; Cramps; Convulsive trembling of hands and feet; Haemorrhage of bright-red blood, with spas- modic pains; Puerperal fever; Spasms during pregnancy and parturition. - Ignatia.-Menses profuse and too early—or scanty, in clots of black blood—putrid smell, with fainting, palpitation, headache; Colic and spasms. Uterws—Pains, spasmodic, labour-like—relieved by pressure, and in the recumbent position. Ipecacuanha-Menses appear in a fortnight; Haemorrhage from uterus, of bright-red blood, with clots; Bearing down of the uterus toward the vagina and anus. Iodium. — Menses delayed eight days, with headache and palpitation; Menstrual difficulties and weakness; Induration of neck of uterus; Corrosive leucorrhoea—soon becomes mild and scanty; Sudden cessation of menses; Pains in the breasts; Indu- ration-and atrophy of the breasts. Kali Carb.-Menses early and profuse; the menses reappear after many days' suppression (one case eighty-seven days); Sup- pressed menses, with anasarca and ascites; Menses acrid, corro- sive—pungent smell; Itching pimples and excoriation; Soreness. During the menses—Putrid taste; Pressing pain in small of back; Colic ; Toothache; Earache—stitching character; Restless or sleepless nights; Itching over the body; Stitches in various parts; Lewcorrhoea.—yellow, or mucous, with itching, burning, and pains like labour; Shooting stitches in the vulva. Kreasotum.—Menses early four to ten days—profuse, dark— lasting eight days, with pain in small of back—preceded by dulness . of hearing; White leucorrhoea; Pain at umbilicus; Nervousness, accompanied by humming, buzzing in the head and ears; Difficult hearing; Flatulence, like rotten eggs; Constipation. After the menses—Violent spasms, chiefly in the abdomen and groin; Bearing down, as if they would reappear; Lewcorrhoea.—white or yellowish; Mild—tinging the linen yellow, with weakness in the lower ex- 504 GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE). [GEN. F. tremities, or pain in the back; Flushes of heat in the face; Menses during pregnancy—third month—dark blood; Disposition to miscarry; Metrorrhagia ; Vomiting during pregnancy; Intense weakness; Shooting pains in the mammae. Lachesis.-Chiefly at the critical age—too profuse menses; Metrorrhagia, or intermittent periods, with headache of a beating character; Menses scanty, or intermitting. Before the menses— Leucorrhoea slimy; Vertigo; Headache; Cardialgia; Indigestion; Oppression at the chest. During the menses—Beating in the head; Violent bearing down, like labour-pains. Lycopodium.-Menses profuse, and of long duration; Chronic suppression—also from fright; Chronic dryness of the vagina; Itching, burning, gnawing; Darting pain in labia; Discharge of flatus from vagina; Leucorrhoea.—milky, yellow, or reddish; Cor- rosive; Nipples sore, excoriated; Excoriation of infants. Mercurius.-Inflammation and swelling of the vagina; Pro- lapsw8 of the vagina; Menses suppressed, or preceded by rush of blood to the head; Dry heat of body; Red tongue; Leucorrhoea— acrid, or greenish. Mammae—Hard, swollen; Sore—ulceration, suppuration; Nipples sore, inflamed. Natrum Carb.-Menses preceded by headache; Drawing pain at nape of neck; Cutting in hypogastrium during menses; Tearing, beating in the head; Distended abdomen; Pain in back by day; Tearing in right hip; Stitches here and there; Chilliness; Leucorrhoea—putrid, yellow, profuse, with colic and pain at um- bilicus—continuous for five days; Discharge of mucus from vagina. Uterw8—Pressing downward—the os uteri is out of shape; Motion as of the foetus; Metrorrhagia. Supposed to facilitate conception. Natrum Mur.-Menses—delay four days; Scanty—one-third the usual quantity; Retention in one who had always been regular; Appear three days and seven days too soon; Scanty, with headache; Reappearance after eighty-five days’ cessation; Reappear in a woman fifty years of age—having ceased six months; Menses pro- fuse, blackish. Before menses — Sad, melancholy, headache. During menses—Fainting, anxiety, stitching toothache; Pain from 2 L 505 GEN. F.1 GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE) cold air; Fever, thirst; Loss of sleep; Burning, cutting in hypo- gastrium; Lewcorrhoea.—profuse, of white, thick, or transparent mucus—or greenish, with sharp pain and yellow face; Itching of the pudendum; Pimples on the mons; Falling-off of the hair. Nitric Ac.—Menses early, scanty—come on again; Menses profuse; Leucorrhoea.—flesh-colour, stringy, green, brown, foºtid; Itching of pudendum; Irritation and inflammation of the labia and vagina; Stitches; Swelling ulceration; Ulcer, with burning, itching, and yellow pus. Nux Mos.-Menses late or early—preceded by pain in small of back; Headache; Languor; Pressure in stomach; Waterbrash; Pain in liver; False labour-pains; Painful distention of the uterus. - Nux Wom.—Menses early, scanty, with chilliness, faintness; Spasms in the abdomen; Menses do not last so long, and are more scanty than usual; Leucorrhoea.—yellow, leaving stains—foetid. Vagina—Internal swelling of; Inflamed labia; Itching eruption; Burning sensation. Uterw8—Contractive spasms, with discharge of coagulated blood; Congestion; Metritis, with heat, burning, pressure, heaviness; False pains; Symptoms which seem to threaten miscarriage; Nausea and vomiting of the pregnant; Nipples tender or painful. Opium.—Menses increased, or not influenced (stops uterine contraction in half-grain doses); Excessive labour-pains and false pains relieved; Violent movements of the foetus. Petroleum,_Menses premature, Scanty, with heat in the hands and soles of feet; Roaring in the ears; Spots on the legs; Feels languid and bruised; Leucorrhoea like albumen; Profuse leucor- rhoea for several days; Soreness about the parts; Burning, with discharge of blood. Phosphorus-Menses early and scanty. (Second effect)— Delayed; Menses early, profuse—last too long, with pain in back and abdomen; Stitches through the pelvis, uterus, and vagina; Menses appear after eighteen months' cessation (aged fifty-one), 506 - - GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE). - [GEN. F. with bad odour. During menses—Toothache; Chilliness; Violent pain in back (bruised); Sick feeling; Anxiety; Palpitation; Tired; Faint; Contractive pain across stomach; Nausea; Fever two days; Fermenting, cutting in abdomen; Vertigo on motion. After menses—Great languor; Blueness around the eyes; Leu- corrhoea—slimy, milky—excoriating and blistering the parts. Breasts—Painful, hard nodosities; Stitches; Abscess; Suppura- tion; Erysipelas; Discharge of blood during pregnancy. Platina.-Menses early—six to fourteen days; Very profuse— of too long duration, with drawing pains in abdomen; Cramps; Spasms; Parts sensitive; Bearing down; Metrorrhagia of dark, thick blood, or liquid, with large clots or lumps; Discharge of a quantity of coagulated blood, even after miscarriage or delivery; Lewcorrhoea, like albumen, by day, on rising from a seat, or after passing urine; Over-sensitive state of the vulva and pudenda. Uterw8—Congestion of blood to ; Induration of, with cramps and stitches in ; Nymphomania. Podophyllum.—Menses suppressed, with bearing down, and pain in back (girls especially); Lewcorrhoea, with constipation and bearing down; Thick transparent mucus. Uterw8—Prolapsus; also after parturition, with pain in Sacrum, flatulence, muco- gelatinous stools; Pain in the ovaries, especially the right; Swelling of the labia during pregnancy; After-pains, with heat, flatulence, bearing down. Pulsatilla.-Menses suppressed, with inclination to vomit; or with chilliness and cold feet; Trembling; Suppression in girls from taking cold; Colic and abdominal spasms, or with Oedema of the feet and legs; Menses too early, or of too short duration— the blood thick, dark, in clots; or pale, thin, watery; or flowing by day only, or in gushes; Lewcorrhoea.—thin, acrid, or milky, or white, thick mucus. Uterw8—Contractive pains like labour; Uterine spasms; Drawing, tensive pains; Pressing; Bearing down; Labour-pains feeble or deficient; False pains; Palliative in uterine cancer. Vagina—Burning, stinging, swelling of the labia. Breasts—Swollen; Sensation as if the milk would appear. Rhus Tox,−Discharge of menstrual blood, with coagula, and 2 L 2 507 GEN. F.] GENITAL ORGANS (FEMALE). pains like labour; Soreness and pain in the vagina; Menses reappear suddenly and profuse; Discharge of black water two weeks after delivery; Repeated attacks of milk-leg; Puerperal Fever ? Mammae swollen, sore, inflamed (with Graph. for chil- dren). Sabina.-Menses appear without pain—very profuse, passing clots of blood after rising; the os tincae is open; Discharge at intervals—worse during motion; Menses continued very profuse for nine days; Haemorrhage from the wterws; Metrorrhagia ; Mis- carriage ; Lewcorrhoea.—milky, starch-like, ichorous; Foetid leu- corrhoea, with blood and serum—painful—it occurred every fort- night (permanently cwred). Secale.—Menses too long; Profuse, with violent spasms; Metrorrhagia of red fluid blood, or dark blood having a foetid Smell; Metrorrhagia, with venous congestion and haemorrhoids; Lumps of dark blood, with great debility; Torpor; General lan- guor; Congestion of the uterus; Swelling, and tumours on the os tincae; Excessive uterine contractions; Cancer and Gangrene; Adhesion of Placenta; Threatened miscarriage in third month; Descent of the uterus; Alarming flooding. Sepia.-Menses early—six to fourteen days; or suppressed; Re- appearance after four months (at the critical period Sepia is very useful); Lewcorrhoea.—yellow or watery; Discharge of blood, or like milk—mucous, corrosive, foetid smell, or resembling pus, green-red fluid; Eruptions on the genital; Swelling or itching about the labia. Uterw8—Pressing downwards; Prolapsus of vagina and uterus; Induration of the neck; Soreness and red- ness of the labia, perinaeum, and between the thighs; Disposition to miscarriage; Toothache; Nausea; Vomiting; Cough; Con- stipation during pregnancy; Excoriation of the nipples. Silica.-Menses too early, scanty. (Second)—Increased, with coldness over the body; Costiveness; Lewcorrhoea, with Smarting; or milky, preceded by cutting at umbilicus; Discharge of white water, with itching of the pudendum; Induration, inflammation, and suppuration of the breasts and nipples; Sore cracks in the nip- ple. Useful when the infant refuses the breast, and vomits the milk. 508 - MOUTH AND TONGUE. [MOUTH, &c. Sulphur.—Menses too early—profuse; Appear again, having been long suppressed; Menses profuse, with acid smell; Pale colour of menses. Before the period—Cough (evening) when lying down in bed; Stitching in a decayed tooth; Burning in throat; Bleeding from nose. During the period—Colic; Pain in back; Spasm in abdomen and hypogastrium ; Leucorrhoea.— painful burning; Smarting like salt; Thin, or yellow, or of mucus. Vagina—Itching, burning in ; Sore, excoriated. Pwden- dwm—Very troublesome itching; Pimples; Vesicles; Sore spot for some days; Labia inflamed. Mammae-Suppuration of; In- flamed ; Indurated; Nipples sore; Cracked. Thuja-Pudendum — Itching, sore, or smarting; Labia swollen, tender to touch; White ulcer on the labia majora ; Burning and Smarting in the vagina. Uterw8—Wart-like excres- cences at the mouth of the uterus, with stinging, burning. Weratrum Alb.-Menses profuse, preceded by bleeding from the nose; or headache, with inclination to vomit; or vertigo; Hum- ming in the ears; Pains in the limbs, and intense thirst; Sup- pression of the catamenia, with delirium; Nymphomania after parturition. g Zincum.—Menses reappear after three months; Menses too early and profuse ; Discharge of lumps of coagula when walking; During the flow, heaviness in the limbs; Drawing pains in the knees; Fulness and oppression in the region of the stomach; In- flammation of the eyes; Weeping; Anxiety; Chilliness; Swelling and irritation about the pudenda; Spasmodic colic after the menses; Discharge of thick mucus, or mucus and blood; Sore nipples; Milk scanty, or suppressed; the genital organs are exces- sively sensitive; Nymphomania. - MOUTH AND TONG UE, Aconitum Nap.–Sensation of, or actual dryness of the mouth and tongue; Tingling, smarting, stinging, burning; the tongue 509 - MoUTH, &c.] MOUTH AND TONGUE. feels swollen; Benumbed—feels like leather; Stitches; Ptyalism; Vesicles on the tongue. Alumina-Mouth sore; Tongue feels as if burnt; many small ulcers in the mouth ; Dry mouth in the morning, early; Saliva increased towards evening; Tongue feels coated and rough; Yel- lowish-white. Ambra Gri.—Foetid odour from the mouth ; Smarting, as if excoriated; Vesicles that prevent eating; Soreness and pain in the salivary glands; Pain at the root of the tongue; Grey-yellow coating. - Ammonium Carb.-Mouth and cheeks covered with vesicles; the cavity feels contracted from swelling; Talking and moving the tongue is attended with pain; Ulcers on the tongue and at the tip ; Burning at the tip; Vesicles on the tongue, especially the border, with burning, stinging pain—almost unable to speak. Antimonium Crud.—Excessive ptyalism; Blisters and exco- riation of the tongue; Thick white coating on the tongue. Arnica—Dry mouth, without thirst; Foetid odour, or pu- trid. Tongue—Dry, coated white; Biting sensation on the tongue; Haemoptysis; Haemorrhage from the nose and mouth, Arsenicum.—Foetid odour; Flow of bitter saliva, or great dry- mess of the mouth and throat; Intense thirst—he is compelled to drink frequently, but only little at a time. Tongue—Coated white; Tongue red and dry, or blue, brown, or blackish—cracked; Trembling; Insensible—feels burnt; Burning vesicles on the tongue; Aphtha. - Baryta Carb.-The whole mouth and cheeks covered with vesicles; the buccal cavity feels numb; Dryness of the mouth. Tongue—Rough, hard at the middle; Fissured, excoriated at the tip ; Vesicles; Burning blisters; Constant mucus in mouth, with Spitting. - Belladonna—Red, inflammatory swelling of the mouth and 510 - MOUTH AND TONGUE. [MOUTH, &ó. fauces; Considerable dryness in the mouth and throat; Parched state, as if the cuticle had been destroyed; Mouth and cheeks extremely sore; Mouth slimy—tenacious saliva flows; Profuse ptyalism. Tongue—Hot, dry, red edges—cracked, or white coat- ing ; Sore, burning vesicle on the tip; Tremulous when protrud- ing; Papillae prominent—bright-red; Strawberry tongue; Stam- mering; Weakness; Heavy speech ; Thick, indistinct utterance; Aphonia; Nasal speech; Haemorrhage from the mouth and nose. Borax.-Aphtha in the mouth and on the cheeks; Ulcers in the mouth ; Bleeding when eating; the whole mucous mem- brane feels shrivelled and burnt; Tender mouth of infants—they cry when put to the breast. Tongue—Dry; Red blisters; Feeling of stiffness; Aphtha on the tongue. Bryonia-Dryness of the mouth and palate, with or with- out thirst; Frothy, soap-like saliva, that induced much spitting; Putrid odour from the mouth. Tongue—Coated white or yellow ; Rough, brownish tongue; Dry tongue; Burning vesicles; Indis- tinct speech, caused by a dry state of the mouth, tongue, and throat, Calcarea.—Knotty swelling in the right cheek, which is pain- ful every evening; Blisters in the mouth, which ulcerate; Yel- lowish-white ulcers on the tonsil, Tongue—Sore, painful; Warm food caused great pain; Blisters on the tongue, with pain and heat in the mouth; Burning pain and swelling of the tongue, or on one side only; Tongue rough, sore, coated white; Difficult movement of the tongue; Ranula ; Acid saliva; Constant accu- mulation of mucus, which he is obliged to spit out, Cannabis.-Burning dryness in mouth, palate, and throat; Attacks that rendered speech difficult; Failing of the voice; Speech affected by pain in back; it also affected respiration. Cantharis.-Burning in the mouth, extending down the CEso- phagus into the stomach; the whole mucous membrane of the mouth is inflamed; Vesicles; Small ulcers; Bluish-red swelling inside the mouth, the size of a hazel-nut, that discharged coagu- lated blood; Accumulation of water or mucus in the mouth; 511 MOUTH, &c. I MOUTH AND TONGUE. Foam at the mouth; Ptyalism; Blood in the mouth on awaking in the morning; Frothy saliva. Tongue—Dry, or slimy coating; White coat, with bitter taste; Vesicles on the tongue; Inflamma- tion; Suppuration; Redness of the palate and uvula; Voice weak, feeble, trembling. Carbo An.—Wesicles in the mouth; Dryness of mouth, tongue, and palate; Vesicles on the tongue that are painful; Burning soreness at the tip of the tongue; Difficult movement of the mouth and tongue. - Carbo Veg.—Dryness of the mouth when awaking in the morning, without thirst; Feeling of heat in the mouth; Bitter mucus; Increased flow of saliva; Foetid odour. Tongue—Coated white, or with yellow-brown mucus; Cramp-like pain at root ; Darting, stinging; Raw, sore feeling; the tongue feels heavy, in- flexible, causing a thickness of speech. Causticum.—Swelling inside the cheek; Sore spot in the palate; Burning and dryness in the mouth; Roughness, as if lined with a skin; Accumulation of water in the mouth, having an acrid taste; Watery saliva or mucus. Tongue—Sore, painful at tip and edges—feels as if burnt, or he had bitten it; Vesicles; the tongue seemed to adhere to the roof of the mouth; Difficult, indistinct speech; Stammering; Paralysis of the lingual muscles. Chamomilla.-Acid or Putrid smell from the mouth after dinner; Dry mouth, with thirst; Flow of frothy saliva; Aphthae in the mouth. Tongue—Red, fissured, or thick, white, or yellow coating; Stinging vesicles on and under the tongue; Convulsive movements of the tongue. China.-Ptyalism, and with nausea; or from Mercury; Con- tractive pain in the salivary glands; Slimy mouth; Effusion of bright blood into the mouth ; Haemorrhage from mouth and nose; Putrid smell from the mouth. Tongue—Yellow, white, dirty- looking; Parched, dry, brown, or blackish; the tongue feels dry and thickly coated; Burning stitches in the dorsum. Colchicum.—Heat in mouth, with thirst ; Profuse ptyalism; 512 MOUTH AND TONGUE. IMOUTH, &c. Burning and stinging in the throat. Tongue—Stiff, heavy, in- sensible. Colocynth.--Tongue—Rough—feels as if sand were lying upon it; Feels scalded; Burning at tip; Edges sore when eating; Tongue coated white or yellow. Conium.—Ptyalism; Dryness, with acid taste; Deglutition frequent, involuntary; Spasm of the pharyngeal muscles; Pressure in the oesophagus; Frequent hawking of mucus. Tongue— Swollen, stiff, and painful; Scraping in the throat. Digitalis.-Profuse foetid ptyalism; Foetid odour from the mouth; Accumulation of watery saliva—first sweetish, then salt; Ptyalism after Mercury; Soreness of mouth, tongue, and gums. Tongue—Coated white (early morning); Swelling of the tongue; Ulcer on the tongue; Blue tongue (Cyanosis). Drosera.-Frequent flow of watery saliva; Haemorrhage from the mouth; Ulceration of the velum; Pain after salt food; Sting- ing in the throat; Hawking of green or yellow mucus; Sensation in the pharynx, as of crumbs. Tongue—Whitish ulcers; Small swelling in the middle of the tongue, without pain. Dulcamara.-Ptyalism—soap-like saliva. Tongue—Dry, or loaded with thick mucus; Swelling of the tongue; Paralysis; Elongated uvula; Pimples and ulcers in the mouth; Sore throat; Tenderness and softening of the gums; many of the symptoms that arise from taking cold. Euphorbium,_Ptyalism—salt taste of saliva; Burning in the palate, fauces, and stomach; Rawness and roughness of throat; Inflammation of the OEsophagus. Graphites.—Sour, putrid odour; Smell of urine, Tongue— Rough, raw; Papillae sensitive; Sore; Burning vesicles and tuber- cles under the tongue; White, painful ulcers; White coating on the tongue. Helleborus.-Aphthas; much saliva, with excoriation. Tongue - 513 MOUTH, &c.] MOUTH AND Tongue. —Rigid, insensible; White in the morning; Vesicles and pimples that sting when touched; Swelling of the tongue; Dryness of the palate; Soreness and roughness of the throat. Hepar Sulph-Ulcers in the mouth, with a base resembling lard; Painful burning in the tip of the tongue—it wakes him in the night; Salivation that is induced by Mercury. Hydrocyanic Acid, Increased saliva; Burning in the palate; Inflammation. Tongue—White; afterwards dirty, dark, and foul; Cold tongue; Contractive pain at the root; Spasm of the pharynx and oesophagus; Stiffness of the tongue; Swelling and protrusion of the tongue. Hyoscyamus-Saltish saliva; Foam at the mouth; Foetid odour; Constant spitting; Stomacace; Ulceration of the soft parts, and on the cheeks. Tongue—Clean, dry, parched—feels as if scalded by hot food; Paralysis of the tongue; Redness of the tongue, or brownish coat. Ignatia-Acid saliva; Soreness of the inner mouth, which is red and inflamed. Tongue—Feels burnt at tip, and very painful; Stinging, Smarting at the tip; when eating or talking he con- stantly bites one side of the tongue; White coating on the tongue. Iodium.—Aphthae; Mercurial ptyalism; Sore elevations inside the cheek; the buccal glands are intensely painful—they smart as from vinegar acting on an ulcer; Putrid odour from the mouth ; Smarting and pulling in the tonsils; Small, ash-coloured, painful ulcers, with profuse salivation; Swelling and elongation of the uvula. Tongue—Thickly coated; Yellow or brownish. Ipecacuanha-Every part of the mouth feels painful; Copious secretion of saliva; he is constantly obliged to swallow; when lying down, the saliva runs from the mouth. Tongue—Yellow, or white; Stinging pain in the fauces; Spasmodic contractions; Sensation of swelling in the pharynx; Difficult deglutition, as if the muscles were paralysed. Kali Bich-Dryness of the mouth and throat; the velum 514 - MOUTH AND TONGUE. - [MOUTH, &c. appears rough, with papular elevations; Excavated cicatrix on the roof. Tongue—Dry, thickly coated; Yellow towards the root; Brown patch on the tongue; Tongue smooth, red, or cracked, Kali Carb.-Foetid smell, like decayed cheese; Corrosion, Soreness, or numbness of the mouth; Violent burning (morning), with thirst ; Dry, or viscid saliva; Painful vesicles in the mouth, with burning pain. Tongue—Dry in the morning; White and dry; Vesicles on the tongue that are very painful; Soreness and pimple at the tip; Rawness; the tongue is swollen, and covered with vesicles. Kali Iod.—Putrid, bad odour, that is offensive even to him- self; Numbness of the mouth; Heat, burning; Sensation as after eating food too hot; Salivation; Viscid, saltish saliva; Irritation of the salivary glands; Saliva sweet, or bloody. Tongue—Burn- ing vesicles at tip; Ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth. Lachesis.-Violent burning in the mouth; Dryness, Soreness, with thirst; Constant desire to drink; Accumulation of water in the mouth; Gangrenous spots in the mouth, with burning pain. Tongue—White, yellow, or black; Tongue stiff, difficult to move, or protrudes; Heaviness of the tongue; Difficult, impeded speech; Inflammation of the tongue and velum ; Gangrene of the tongue. Laurocerasus.-Accumulation of acid saliva; Foam at the mouth. Tongue—Coated with white mucus early in the morning; Tongue white and dry, or rough and dry; Astringent sensation at root; Coldness of the tongue; Swelling and stiffness at the left side; Loss of speech (with Apoplexy). Lycopodium-Small tumours in various parts of the mouth; Foetid smell early in the morning; Numbness of the mouth and tongue; Dryness in the mouth; the saliva soon dries, and becomes a tough mucus; Flow of saltish or bitter saliva. Tongue—Sore, ulcerated; Tubercles on the tongue; Vesicles that feel raw and painful; Ulcer under the tongue—troublesome when talking or eating; the tongue feels swollen, - Manganum.—Odour from the mouth, like clay or earth; 515 MOUTH, &c.] MOUTH AND TONGUE. Vesicles and tubercles on the tongue; Ptyalism; Dryness of the lips, mouth, and palate; Tongue white. Mercurius.-Foetid odour from the mouth; Burning soreness and dryness; Inflammation of the mouth ; Vesicles; Elevated, white blisters; Ulcers and sores; Aphtha ; Stomacace; Profuse saliva, slimy or acid; Peeling of the cuticle; Salivary ducts swollen and ulcerated; much tenacious saliva. Tongue—Thickly furred in the morning; Feels pithy, or insensible; Rough, white, yellow, brown, or blackish ; Painful, as if chapped; Sore, stiff, and hard; Hard swelling of the tongue, with ulcerated edges and inden- tation; Fissure on the dorsum ; Tongue feels burnt; Loss of speech; Smarting Soreness, even when touching the teeth; Ranula; Trembling of the tongue. Muriatic Ac.—Sensation as if the mouth were glued, with insipid mucus; Mouth constantly full of water; Painful pimples on the palate, which feels sore and burning. Tongue—Heavy, elongated; Burning vesicles and blisters; Deep ulcer on the tongue, with a black base and inverted edges; Wasting of the tongue; Blue colour of the tongue. Natrum Carb.-Blisters inside the cheek, that emit a watery fluid ; Flat ulcers in the mouth; the inside of the cheek is sore during mastication; Glutinous saliva; Insipid mucus; Musty odour from the mouth. Tongue—Pale colour; Vesicles or pimples on the tongue—it feels cracked and Sore; Difficult speech from loss of mobility of the tongue, Natrum Mur.—Ulceration of the mouth and tongue; Vesicles that Smart and burn when eating ; the tongue feels numb and stiff; Tingling sensation; Sensation as if a hair were constantly on the tongue; Haemoptysis. Nitric Acid.—Contractive sensation in the mouth ; Ulcerated spot inside the cheek, as from a splinter, with stinging pain; Ulcers in the mouth and fauces; Spreading ulcer on the uvula; Copious flow of saliva; Mouth always full of water; Bloody saliva; Putrid, or cadaverous odour from the mouth. Tongue—Vesicles on the tongue; Painful pimples at tip—the tongue is so sore and 516 MOUTH AND TONGUE. [MOUTH, &c. sensitive that mild food causes a smarting pain; he is constantly biting the tongue while eating; Tongue white, or thickly coated; in the morning it cleaves to the roof of the mouth. Nux Wom.—Inflammation of the cavity of the mouth ; Diffi- culty in Swallowing and opening the mouth; Foetid ulcers in the mouth and fauces; Aphtha, ; Stomacace; Putrid, cadaverous odour in the morning, early—sometimes with headache; Parched state of the mouth after midnight—the tongue seemed glued to the mouth ; Flow of saliva during sleep ; Spitting of blood—sometimes coagulated. Tongue—White, yellow, or brownish; Raw, sore; Cracked, with bright-red edges; Painful vesicles on the tongue; the tongue feels enlarged; Heavy, difficult speech; Stammering. Opium.—Profuse ptyalism; Ulcers in the mouth; Dryness of the tongue, palate, and fauces; Tongue white or black; Paralysis of the tongue; Sense of strangulation in the fauces. Petroleum.—Ulcers inside the cheek; Foetid breath, or like garlic; the saliva smells putrid. Tongue—Dotted with yellowish spots; Thick, white coating, that cannot be scraped off; the right side of the mouth and palate feels raw and painful—he cannot turn the food in the mouth. Phosphorus—Soreness of the mouth and fraenulum; Rough- mess and soreness of the mouth and palate; Vesicles in the mouth, with sore throat; Haemoptysis. Tongue—Furred, dry; White mucus; Bleeding tips; Excoriation; Clear Vesicles; Burning; White coating on the tongue at night; Skin of the palate shrivels and peels off; Tongwe loaded with mucus, or brown coating, or blackish appearance. Plumbum.—Dry mouth ; the epithelium of the buccal cavity is either bluish or blanched; Heat and burning in the mouth; Aphtha ; Ulcers on the sides of the mouth that emit a foetid odour, and turn yellow; Sourish, tenacious saliva, or sweetish ; Ptyalism; Haemoptysis. Tongue—Burning pimples on the tip of the tongue; Dry, or white coating—yellow, green, or brown; Very thick mucus on the tongue; Rhagades; Inflammation; Heaviness; Impeded speech. -- 517 MOUTH, &6.] MoUTH AND TONGUE. Pulsatilla–Putrid odour from the mouth early in the morn- ing, or in the evening, when in bed; Drymess of the mouth and tongue; Accumulation of sourish saliva in the mouth; Sweet Saliva, that induces an inclination to vomit. Tongue—The tongue feels too broad, and is covered with a thick, tenacious mucus, either white, yellow, or greyish ; Sensation in the centre of the tongue as if it were burnt; Painful vesicle on the side and tip of the tongue; White tongue in the morning, with foul taste in the mouth. Rhus Tox-Foetid odour as from decayed teeth; Dryness, with violent thirst, which cannot be quenched; Copious accumulation of Saliva—it flows from the mouth when sitting in the chair, asleep; Saltish mucus in the mouth; he spits a good deal of mucus and saliva the whole day; Yellow or bloody mucus flows from the mouth at night. Tongwe—Coated with mucus that has a salt taste; Dry, red tongue (not coated), with intense thirst ; Dry, parched, red, or brown tongue; Sensation as if the tongue were covered with a skin; much thirst in the afternoon, and after midnight. Sabadilla.--Dryness, without thirst; Accumulation of Saliva, with nausea and slight retching; Astringent saliva, having a me- tallic taste. Tongue—Burning at the tip and right side; Tongue sore—full of blisters; the cavity feels sore, as if scalded; Tongue coated, mostly yellow, especially the middle and back part ; the tip more white, or bluish. g Sanguinaria-Slimy taste in the mouth; Pricking sensa- tion on the tongue and roof of the mouth. Tongue—Coated white; Sore, as if a boil were forming; Tongue feels as if burnt. Secale.—Dryness of the mouth—not relieved by water; Foam at the mouth like pale blood, or having a yellow or greenish tinge; Clear fluid; Sour liquid; Frothy or bloody saliva. Tongue— White, yellowish, dirty brown, or blackish—sometimes loaded with a thick coating. Sepia.--Swelling of the soft parts in the cavity of the mouth; it is difficult to take nourishment; Foetid odour. Tongwe–Sore 518 MOUTH AND TONGUE. [MOUTH, &c. and painful, as if burnt; Painful vesicles on the tongue; White tongue, or coated with thick mucus; Dryness of the mouth, tongue, and throat. Silica-Accumulation of water, or constant mucus in the mouth; Foetid breath; Hot breath; Swelling of the right half of the tongue; Numbness of the tongue; Constant sensation of a hair lying on the tongue; Brown mucus on the tongue; Sore, excoriated; Ulcer on the palate, extending to the gums; Swell- ing and elongation of the uvula. Spigelia.—Offensive odour; Saliva that excites nausea—it is frequently white and foaming; Burning vesicles in the mouth, palate, or on the tongue; Rhagades of the tongue; the back part of the tongue feels swollen and painful. Staphysagria.-Vesicles, ulcers, and adventitious growths inside the cheek; Ptyalism—mouth constantly filled with water; much mucus in the mouth ; Bloody saliva; Swelling of the salivary glands—when talking he is constantly obliged to swallow. Tongue—Coated white; Pain in the border of the tongue, as if a sting were left there; Dry feeling on the tongue; Swelling of the sublingual glands and tonsils, especially after much Mercury. Stramonium.—Extreme dryness of the mouth—yet the tongue is moist; the palate feels parched; the tongue is swollen, and hangs out of the mouth ; Paralysis of the lingual muscles; he is dumb ; Foam at the mouth; Constant flow of saliva—three or four pints daily; Blood and froth from the mouth; Swelling of the tongue; Trembling of the tongue when attempting to pro- trude it ; Aversion to liquids; some of the symptoms resemble Hydrophobia. Sulphur.—Small vesicles in the mouth, that smart when salt food is taken; Aphtha in the mouth and on the tongue; Dryness and burning in the mouth; Saliva that tastes salt, acid, or bitter; Foetid odour from the mouth; Ptyalism from Mercury; Stomacace. Tongue—Sense of burning on the tongue; Covered with vesicles; Red tongue, with a white tip; Dry tongue (morning); White, brown, parched, or rough ; Cracked; Red as Vermilion. 519 MOUTH, &c.] MOUTH AND TONGUE. Tabacum.—Mouth full of white, tenacious mucus; Dryness of the mouth, lips, and tongue; Stinging of the tongue; Taste of burnt milk in the mouth; Swelling of a sublingual gland. Taraxacum.—Sourish saliva, with sensation of constriction in the larynx. Tongue—Coated white—peels off here and there, leaving tender patches that become dark-red. Dry, brownish tongue. . Tartarus Emet.—Inflammation of the mouth and mucous membrane; Small or large pustules, that are depressed in the centre; Swelling and excoriation of the mouth; Aphtha. Tongue —Red; Papillae prominent; Strawberry tongue, or bright-red; Very dry in the centre; Tongue moist and clear; Coated white or grey. Thuja-Dryness, without thirst ; the inner mouth is full of vesicles, with thirst at night. Tongue—Sore at the tip; Coated white; Painful blisters; Ranula transparent, jelly-like ; Pain in the whole palate when swallowing the saliva; Ulcers in the mouth, like chancres (after excessive doses of Mercury); Warts on the tongue. Weratrum.—Accumulation of tasteless water in the mouth ; Ptyalism; Flow of viscid saliva, acrid and saltish; Burning in the mouth; Heat of the mouth and fauces; Considerable inflam- mation of the mouth. Tongwe–Coated yellow; Dry, blackish, and cracked, or red and swollen; Coldness of the tongue. Zincum.—Increased saliva, with metallic taste; Yellow ulcer on the inner surface of the left cheek. Tongue—Painful and Sore; Vesicles on the tongue—painful when eating; Swelling on the left side of the tongue; White coating on the tongue, with feeling of icy coldness; Yellowish-white coating at the back part of the tongue. 520 TEETH AND GUMS. [TEETH, &c. TEETH AND GUMS, Aconite.--Toothache, induced by a raw, cold wind; Shocks, with throbbing and congestion to the head; Heat and redness of the cheeks; Congestive toothache; Rheumatic tooth and face- ache; Pains aggravated by wine or brandy; Toothache in young girls, or the sedentary; Burning, tingling in the lower jaw; Neu- ralgic pains in the face and jaws. Arsenicum.—Sharp, successive pullings—diminished by sitting up in bed; Toothache, extending to the cheek, ear, or temples; or before the menses; Pain furious, unbearable—increased by lying on the side affected—relieved by the warmth of a fire; Sense of elongation; Grinding of the teeth; Bleeding of the gums. Belladonna-Sharp drawing, pulling, extending to the ears, especially at midnight, or in the evening—aggravated by contact or cold air; Toothache, with beating in the head—face red and hot; Toothache of the pregnant; Darting in the nerves of several teeth; Grinding the teeth, with foam at the mouth; Difficult dentition; Spasm of the masseters; Lock-jaw. Bryonia-Pains in the molar teeth—increased by hot food— relieved by pressure, and lying on the affected side; Jerking; Pulling; Sensation of elongation, looseness; Toothache that compels him to lie down. Gwms—Sore and spongy. Calcarea.—Pain—contractive, shooting, digging, pulsative, or gnawing; Soreness; Toothache—excited by cold drink, cold air, at night, especially during or after the menses, during preg- nancy, or when eating—often with copious flow of saliva; Tooth- pains, that are increased by the least noise; Foetid smell from the teeth. Gwms—Itch, swell, bleed, ulcerate. - Carbo Veg—Roots of the teeth sore; the teeth feel soft, or ulcerated; Gnawing, drawing, or tearing pain in all the molar teeth; Bubbling sensation; Chronic loosening of the teeth; Darting in sound teeth; Feeling of Soreness; Salt food induces 2 M - 521 TEETH, &c.] TEETH AND GUMS. toothache. Gums—Bleed, swell, ulcerate, recede from the teeth; Pustules; Boils. Causticum.—Acute pains in the teeth—sensitive to touch and air; Pain chiefly in the molars—dull, aching, or stitching; Throb- bing toothache; Feeling of elongation; Looseness of the incisors. Gwms—Painful, swollen, suppurate; Fistula. Chamomilla.-Toothache after coffee, or excited by warm drink, hot food, or the heat of a room; Sensation, at 3 A.M., of a scraping or gnawing in the nerve; Toothache from cold, or Sup- pressed perspiration; Swelling of the cheeks; Creeping, drawing, especially after eating or drinking; Toothache, coming on immediately he gets warm in bed, by fits and starts; or pain intolerable, unbearable, especially at night, with redness of one cheek; Sweat on the head and face; Thirst; Digging and gnaw- ing in carious teeth. Gums—Painful; Swollen; Burning hot; Difficult dentition, with fever and Diarrhoea. China.-Toothache, throbbing, at night or after dinner— relieved by strongly pressing the teeth together; Looseness of the teeth; Dark sordes. Clematis.--Toothache so violent as to drive one to despair; Jerking, shooting, drawing—first in one, then in another; or all the teeth seem affected; the pain, though intolerable, does not appear to affect any particular tooth ; Shooting, jerking—ex- tending to the ear, sometimes the eye; Rest and quiet seem to give most relief; Toothache relieved for a short time with cold water; Toothache, which quite unfits him for meditation; Tooth- ache, affecting especially the left upper row ; a hollow tooth feels elongated, and tender to the slightest touch ; Profuse flow of saliva; Swelling of sub-maxillary glands. Coffea.—Darting in the teeth from above downwards; Tooth- ache at night, or after a meal, accompanied with much anguish; 'Weeping and restlessness at night. Colocynth-Throbbing toothache (left side); Sensation as if a nerve were pulled and stretched; Drawing in the upper teeth 2- 522 - - TEETH AND GUMS. [TEETH, &c. (right side), with swelling of the upper lip. (This medi- cine seems to influence the second and third branches of the fifth nerve.) Conium.—Drawing pains (right side)—lower teeth, to the malar bone; Jerking and gnawing in the teeth; Feeling of looseness in the molars, as if they would fall out; Pains during mastication; the Gwms bleed readily. Euphorbium.—Pains in the upper molars—increased by touch or mastication; Toothache on beginning to eat; the teeth become brittle, and break off. Fluoric Acid.—Feeling of warmth; Sensation of roughness; Aching at the roots in the upper jaw—mitigated by cold water; a fistula near the right canine disappeared; Improved condition of the teeth after the second week. Graphites.—Congestive toothache, especially at night, with swelling of the glands; Pains—drawing, tearing, or stinging—in- duced by cold drink—or if at night, increased by the warmth of bed; Foetid odour from the mouth. Gwm3—Swell, and easily bleed. Gratiola.-Tearing in molars—going off by pressure; Stitch, which passes up into the head ; Boring pain at night. º Guaiacum.—Tearing in left upper molars; Pressive pain when closing the teeth; Dull aching in left jaw, and painful dragging in left ear. - Hellebore.—Lancinating toothache in molars of right upper and lower jaw, tormenting the whole night without relief from either cold or warm things—passes off in the day. Hepar.—Toothache, extending into the ear; Toothache, es- pecially during a meal; Congestive toothache; all the teeth ache on admitting cold air or fluid into the mouth; Stitching, jerking toothache; Looseness; Elongation. Gwms—Swollen, with sensa- tion like a new tooth protruding; Ulcers on the gum. 2 M 2 523 TEETH, &c.] TEETH AND GUMS. Hyoscyamus.-Tearing pains, with congestion of blood to the head; Throbbing, extending to the forehead, eyes, and root of nose; Pain increased by pressure; Beating, whizzing in a tooth— chiefly in the morning—excited by cold air. In violent cases there is much heat in the face and head; Spasm and constriction in the throat; Difficult deglutition; General exhaustion; Teeth elon- gated, loose, covered with mucus; Clenching the teeth; Lock-jaw. Ignatia.-Pain in molars as if crushed; Teeth painful, be- numbed, loose; Difficult dentition, with convulsions. Iodium.—Toothache in several molars alternately; Drawing, with stitches, extending to right ear. Gwms—Swell, ulcerate, bleed; Teeth become yellow. Kali Carb.-Stitching toothache, with pain in face, especially when eating; Throbbing in all the teeth—pains induced by cold water; Violent stitches in the teeth. Gwms—Inflamed, sore— painful and ulcerated. Rali Iod. — Violent darting, or shooting—evening until midnight—and again 4 to 5 A.M.–aggravated by cold—relieved by warmth; Sensation as if a worm were gnawing the tooth. Kalmia. —Short pains in the teeth (right side)—evening; Severe pressure in the molars after 10 P.M.–lasting several hours; Acute striking pains in the face. w Kreasote.—Drawing pains chiefly—first in molar, then in upper incisors, passing into the temples and ear—worse during rest. Gums—Red and inflamed. Lycopodium.-Drawing, darting, jerking; Teeth painful when chewing; Nightly pains in, with nervous debility and agitation; Tossing; Restlessness; Grumbling, or dull aching in the teeth, with swollen gums; Throbbing, beating; Elongation, looseness; Yellow colour of the teeth; Drawing pains in lower jaw, with darting into the ear. Gums—Hot, swollen, painful—bleed freely when touched; Gumboil; Fistula dentatis; Swelling of sub- maxillary gland; Foetid smell from the mouth. 524 -- TEETH AND GUMS. - ITEETH, &c. Magnesia Carb.--Toothache, coming on every night, or when arising every morning—sometimes very violent, but passes off when walking about in the open air; Darting pains in the teeth, which are felt in the fingers; Throbbing, or single sharp stitches in the teeth; Toothache that is relieved by intense cold, or lying on the part affected. Manganum.—Toothache in molars, with darting pain in the arm, or the malar bone, throat, and ear, causing extreme exhaus- tign, which compels him to lie down; Toothache, lasting from four to five days—appears in the morning, and again between ten and midnight; Smarting Soreness in molar—insupportable, especially when a little cold drink is brought in contact ; the pains are relieved by bearing (pressing 2) the head down on a table. Mercurius.—Sensation as if the teeth were set on edge, or loosening, especially the front teeth; Aching in the front teeth immediately on drinking anything cold; Violent toothache at night, with chilliness over the whole body; Tearing pains, espe- cially toward the roots—also in carious teeth, affecting the cheek and sub-maxillary glands; Stitching pains that seem unbearable in the evening, and at night; Pulsation, jerking—passing into the ear and temple, especially in the evening. Gwms—Ulcerated; Painful to touch ; Bleed readily; Red, inflamed margin around the insertion of the teeth; Whitish ulcers; Spongy gums; Re- ceding of the gums from the teeth; Loud grating of the teeth at night, during sleep, especially in children. Mezereum.—Drawing, burning, sticking pain in hollow teeth, especially upper molar; Tearing, darting from the molar to the temple; Boring stitches, chiefly right side—awakes him from sleep; the teeth feel dull—those on the left side elongated; the pains are inereased by contaet or movement, accompanied with chilliness and constipation. - Natrum Carb.--Toothache coming on during a meal, in the evening, or only at night—the pains are of a digging or jerking character—relieved by warmth; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands; all the teeth are sensitive, but more especially those of the lower jaw. . 525 TEETH, &c.] TEETH AND GUMS, Natrum Mur.—Rapid decay of the teeth; Sensitive to cold air; Pain intense from drawing the air into the mouth. Gwms— Sensitive and swollen; Painful ulcers ; Putrid inflammation ; Fistula Dentatis. Nitric Acid.—Toothache chiefly affecting the upper jaw, with swelling of the cheeks, especially from abuse of Mercury; Yel- low colour and looseness of the teeth. Gwms—White ulcers; Swelling, especially the upper gums. Nux Womica-Toothache in either sound or decayed teeth— or tooth-pains of a purely nervous character; Tearing, drawing, or jerking—generally renewed or increased by cold air or drink— soothed by the application of heat; Toothache coming on when annoyed, or during meditation and constant intellectual labour; Drawing pains in several teeth; Darting in the ear; Toothache setting in suddenly—becomes very painful—relieved by warmth only; and returns again, with prickings; Acute, tearing pain in a hollow tooth, piercing through the whole jaw—sometimes ex- tending to the face and temples—passing off during sleep, but renewed immediately on taking cold water into the mouth; Dig- ging pain; Feeling of Soreness—induced by mental reflection; Sensation as if a tooth had become dislocated and appeared loose; Looseness and falling-out of the teeth—even those that are sound. Gums—Swollen as large as the little finger; Pain and throbbing, as if an abscess were forming; Putrid smell; Spots on the cheek come out during the pains; Lock-jaw, with consciousness. Oleander-Constant toothache at night, with great anguish; Frequent micturition; Inclination to vomit; Strange feeling in the mouth, as if all the teeth were loose. Opium.—Looseness; Fine twinges in the dental nerves; Mus- cles of the lower jaw relaxed; Violent pain in lower jaw; Lock-jaw. Petroleum.—Numbness of the teeth; Sordes. Gwms—Tender; very sore, with vesicles; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Phosphorus-Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks; Stitches, especially in the open air, or from slight cold, with Ptyalism; 526 TEETH AND GUMS. [TEETH, &c, Beating, jerking, or stitches when exposed to the least current of air. Gwm3—Bleed easily; Swell; Suppurate. Plumbum.-Teeth brittle—decay, turn black, loosen, and fall out. Gwms—Margins blue or violet; Bluish ash-colour; some- times retreat below the teeth; Hard, painful nodes on the gums. Pulsatilla.-Toothache, especially of females during the menses, or period of pregnancy—the pains are of short duration; Single jerks or stitches—generally pass off during rest; Tooth- ache induced by taking anything warm into the mouth—relieved by cold water; Drawing toothache, as if a nerve were put on the stretch ; Toothache in young persons, who may be troubled only in the spring season. Rhododendron.—Grumbling or tearing in the four anterior molars, shifting from one side to the other, or from the upper to the lower row; Drawing, cutting, or aching, in cloudy, windy weather, or the approach of a thunder-storm; sometimes the pain will commence in the ear; it is relieved by pressure, and not unfre- quently by eating. Sepia.--Toothache of the pregnant—aggravated by warmth; Drawing pain, or single jerks; Beating toothache, sometimes affecting the ear; Early decay of the teeth. Gwm3—Dark-red, swollen, painful. Silica.-Toothache, with inflammation of the periosteum; Swelling of the bones; Tearing pain when eating warm food, and the cold air gets into the mouth; the pain affects the jaw more than the teeth. Spigelia.--Darting pains, or painful jerks in a carious tooth— aggravated by cold water; the pain presses from within outwards; a pain in the decayed tooth seemed to affect all the others; Tooth- ache, with prosopalgia; Chilly, restless; Bloated face; Yellowness about the eyes; Palpitation at the heart; Pains in the teeth and upper jaw (day-time), affecting the eyes and ears; Swelling o upper lip ; Pain in stomach. • ‘7 527 THR0AT, &c.] THROAT AND PHARYNX. Staphysagria.-Very valuable in many kinds of Tooth-pains; Tearing toothache; Pains in sownd—also decayed teeth. Tooth- ache when eating, or immediately after; Tearing, drawing in molars and bicuspids—worse in the open air—relieved in the even temperature of the room; Teeth so tender that he cannot chew his food; a little cold water relieves the pain, but it commences again on taking food (chewing); the teeth blacken rapidly— become streaked. Gwms—White or pale; Swollen; Ulcerated; Excrescences; Gumboil; Swelling of cheek and sub-maxillary gland. Stramonium.—Grinding of the teeth, with movement of the hands; Shuddering over the body; Disagreeable grating when half conscious; Pulsative pains in the teeth. Sulphur.—Toothache in the open air—chiefly after suppressed eruptions, and with congestion of blood to the head; Jerking in a single tooth. Gwms—Swelling and throbbing; Swelling around the roots of teeth long since decayed; Looseness of the teeth. Weratrum.—Beating toothache (various kinds), accompanied by great debility; Pains in facial muscles, as if bruised; Swelling of the face; Nausea; Vomiting; Tooth=pains, with headache; Cold- ness of the limbs; the molar teeth feel as if filled with lead ; Pressure in the muscles of the left jaw; Inability to open the mouth easily; she feared lock-jaw. Zincum.—Teeth sensitive. Gwms—Sore, especially the inner side; White and painful; Ulcers; Gnawing; Itching; Bleeding of the gums. THRO AT AND PHARYNX. Aconite.—Painful burning and pricking in the throat; Burning, stinging; Difficult deglutition; the fauces are of a dark- red colour, and feel swollen; Violent pains in the throat; Acute Amgina. 528 THROAT AND PHARYNX. [THROAT, &c. Alumina.-Constriction, pressure, or stinging, in the throat during deglutition; Chronic inflammation of the fauces; Dryness; Parched feeling; Sense of rawness; Chronic swelling of the tonsils; Pains in the throat during deglutition, with a sense of compression in the oesophagus and middle of the chest, as if the tube were pressed upon or contracted. Arsenicum.—Burning in the pharynx, or tearing pain; Angina; Angina gangrenosa; Difficult, painful deglutition; Constriction of the pharynx and oesophagus as if closed; the difficult deglutition seemed to arise from debility or paralysis of the muscles; every- thing swallowed seemed to lodge in the oesophagus; Accumulation of a grey or green mucus in the throat, having a salt or bitter taste. Asafoetida-Dryness and burning in the throat, and especially the oesophagus; Sensation as if a body were ascending up the tube, that caused a tightness in the throat, with pressure in the chest—it obliged him to swallow frequently, preceded by a sense of burning; Inflammation of the oesophagus? - Baryta Carb.--Throat rough, excoriated, with painful tension on each side of the neck; Sense of choking or contraction—during deglutition it felt as if a plug were in the throat; Attacks of choking after dinner, when sitting or writing, as if the thyroid were enlarged—it rather impeded breathing; Swelling of the palate and tonsils, which suppurate; Chronic inflammation of the throat, with swelling of the tonsils. Belladonna-Sore Throat of Scarlet Fever; Rawness and soreness of the palate; Dryness of the fauces; Violent burning in the throat; Sore throat, with stitching pains, and feeling of an internal swelling; Sensation as of a lump that cannot be removed; Inflammation (even phlegmonous) of the throat, fauces, and velum palate—also accompanied with violent fever; Inability to swallow even liquids; Deglutition seems to be impeded in consequence of great dryness of the throat; Painful contraction and narrowing of the fauces; Pains in the throat, that extend to the ears; Great aversion to drink, such as occurs in Hydrophobia; Swelling of the glands in the cervical and parotid regions; Ulcerated throat; Diphtheria. 529 THROAT, &c.] THROAT AND PHARYNX. Bryonia.-Considerable dryness of the throat, especially in fever—worse at evening, and when in a warm room—recurs soon again after drinking; Sore throat, with difficult deglutition, and hoarseness; Food and drink excite a choking sensation; Feeling of pressure in the oesophagus; Painful sticking when turning the head, touching the throat, or when swallowing; Painful constric- tion in the oesophagus; Sensation during empty deglutition as if the throat were excoriated, with an accumulation of mucus that requires some effort to detach. - - Calcarea.—Chronic sore throat, with swelling of the glands; Sensation of an internal swelling, that extended to the ears; Stitches and pressure in the throat during deglutition; Bread is difficult to get down ; Sensation of rawness in the oesophagus, even to the stomach—it felt raw and sore; Swelling of the tonsils; Elongation of the uvula ; the uvula is dark-red, swollen, covered with little blisters; Swelling and inflammation of the palate; much phlegm in the throat—sometimes it tastes like iron; Hawk- ing of phlegm in the morning, Useful in tuberculous affections. Cantharis-Burning in the throat and pharynx, that extends down the oesophagus, stomach, and through the intestinal canal; Biting, stinging; Dryness; Inflammation of the tonsils and fauces, which are covered with numerous vesicles; Suppuration and ex- foliation of the mucous membrane; Great difficulty in swallowing liquids. Capsicum.-Ptyalism; Spasmodic contraction of the throat and fauces; Pain during deglutition; Drawing pains in the throat between the acts—the part feels sore, with a sensation of being spasmodically drawn together; Sore throat, with Rheumatism. Carbo Anim.—Sensation of excoriation or ulceration in the throat; Rawness; Soreness and burning; Pressure when swallow- ing; Phlegm in the morning. Carbo Veg.—Scraping; Roughness and dry feeling in the throat; the oesophagus feels contracted or closed; Difficult deglu- tition—the fauces feel as if constricted by a spasm. Useful in sore throat after Measles; OEsophagitis? Rattling of mucus, which 530 THROAT AND PHARYNx. [THROAT, &c. is easily expectorated; Pain of excoriation when swallowing or coughing. Causticum.—Burning pain in the throat; Scraping, rough- mess, excoriation ; Sensation of coldness ascends into the throat; Acrid rawness, with a sensation as if the substance swallowed passed over a plug, or as if a tumour were in the throat; Constant desire to swallow—the inside of the throat feels torn ; Dryness without thirst ; Sense of constriction; Audible cracking; Hawking of much mucus; Continual accumulation of phlegm, which is raised with difficulty. Chamomilla.-Sensation as if a plug were in the throat when swallowing ; Pain increased by deglutition or movement; Throb- bing ; Stinging; Burning in the pharynx; Burning heat in mouth, oºsophagus, and stomach; Inability to swallow solids when lying down; Sore throat, with swelling of the cervical or sub-maxillary glands and tonsils. Chelidonium,_Tension about the neck, throat, and larynx; the pharynx feels constricted and narrow ; Sensation as if the larynx were pressing against the oesophagus, and impeded deglu- tition; Choking in the throat, as if a large morsel had been swal- lowed too hastily. China.--Dryness and roughness in the throat; Astringent sen- sation; Stinging during deglutition ; Sensation of swelling in the throat; Swelling of the uvula ; Contraction of the oesophagus; Sore throat, induced by a free current of air. Cocculus.--Dryness in the throat and Oesophagus; Great sen- sitiveness; Heat and burning; Aching pain in the tonsils; Burn- ing; Dryness; Choking sensation in the oesophagus, with a taste like sulphur; Apparent paralysis of the oesophagus; Difficult deg- lutition. Drosera.-Stinging in the throat during deglutition; Scraping pain after salt food; Sensation as if some crumbs were lying in the pharynx; Ulceration of the velum; Difficulty in swallowing solid food; the oesophagus seemed contracted. 531 THROAT, &c.] THROAT AND PHARYNX. * Dulcamara.-Sore throat from a cold; Pressure in the throat; Elongated uvula; Heat in the fauces; Swelling of the glands (sub-maa'illary). Graphites.—Constant sore throat, as from swelling of the glands; Sensation as if a plug were in the throat; Constant spasm in the throat, as if he would choke or be strangled; Swelling of the tonsils; Saltish, burning mucus in the morning. Hepar Sulp.–Difficult deglutition, without sore throat; Vio- lent pressure in the throat—she feared suffocation in the evening; Sensation of an internal swelling, like a clot in the throat (early in the morning); Roughness and scraping in the throat; Stinging when coughing or inspiring deeply; Stitches in the throat, as from a splinter—it extended into the ear—worse when swallowing or turning the head; Hawking up of mucus; Salivation; Swelling of the tonsils. - Hydrocyanic Acid, Inflammation of the palate; Scraping in the throat and pharynx; Heat and spasm of the pharynx; In- flammation of the pharynx and oesophagus. - Hyoscyamus.--Parching dryness of the throat, and in the fauces, with thirst ; Throat so dry and constricted that a little tea almost choked him; Inability to swallow from constriction of the throat; he was compelled to eject the liquid out of his mouth; Hydrophobia? Ignatia-Stinging, that occurs between, but not during the acts of deglutition; Sensation, when swallowing, as if the food passed over a lump, which feels sore during the act of deglutition; Strangulating sensation in the throat, as if a large lump had lodged there; Stitches from the throat to the ear; Tonsils swollen and inflamed, with small ulcers; Aching pain in the sub-maxillary glands—when the pain ceased the glands began to swell; the sub- maxillary glands were painful when moving the neck, and after walking in the open air; Difficulty in swallowing either solid or liquid food. - - Iodium.—Obstinate constriction of the throat and fauces, that 532 THROAT AND PHARYNX. [THROAT, &c. impeded deglutition — even water; Feeling of fulness in the throat; Stitches in the throat; Scraping and burning in the fauces; Pain in the oesophagus—increased by pressure on the larynx; In- flammation and ulceration of the throat and oesophagus; Copious flow of watery saliva. Ipecacuanha.-Fine stinging in the fauces; Pain during deglutition, as if the pharynx were swollen; Difficulty of swallow- ing ; the muscles and tongue seemed paralysed; the fauces feel dry, rough, and Sore; Spasmodic contraction in the throat and chest. Rali Bich,-Sharp shooting pains in the left tonsil; Sore throat; Uvula relaxed, injected; Tonsils red, swollen, painful, and finally ulcerated; the soft palate and fauces red—occasionally copper-colour; Ulcer on the uvula; Smarting and tingling in the fauces ; Sensation of a hair in the throat; also a broad, prickly body; Sharp, shooting pains in left tonsil; Sore throat, with pain at the palate; Cough, with transparent, lumpy sputa, easily expectorated. Rali Carb.-Sore throat, with difficult deglutition; Particles of food easily get into the larynx; Difficult deglutition—the food descends but slowly down the oesophagus, which is very sensitive, especially to warm food; Sensation of a lump in the throat, on the left side, with pressure and anxiety; Elongation of the uvula; Scraping and dryness at the back part of the throat, with te- nacious mucus, difficult to detach. Kali Iod.—Dryness; Bitterness; Choking sensation; Burning, scraping, or roughness in the throat; Stinging and painful pres- sure when speaking or swallowing; Painful goitre—very sensitive to touch; a hard goitre became softer, and decreased in size. Lachesis.--Tingling in the morning, followed by pricking; Stinging on the left side; Sore throat; Small, sore spots; Sore throat—worse after sleep, or every cold day; Sore throat, that extends to the ears—also with danger of suffocation; Constant pain during empty deglutition; Crampy sensation, deep in the throat; Pressure in the throat; Sensation of a swelling, plug, or - - 533 THROAT, &c.] THROAT AND PHARYNX. lump-it seemed the size of a fist—on the left side—it felt like a small sponge; Sensation as of a tubercle the size of a walnut ; Burning, or feeling of rawness in the throat; Inflammation of the throat and tonsils, with swelling, and disposition to suppurate; Phlegmonous inflammation; Syphilitic ulcers, especially with mercurial complication—having a foetid odour, and purulent secretion; Diphtheria? Constriction of the throat, like an hour- glass; Constant urging to swallow, but drink returns through the nares; Accumulation of much mucus in the throat; Hydro- phobia P Laurocerasus.-Burning; Roughness; Sensation as if a peg were sticking in the throat; Scraping in the fauces during deglu- tition; Painful spasms, with heat in the pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach; the drink is heard to roll down the oesophagus, and into the intestines. Lobelia.-Burning and dryness of the throat and fauces; Burning and prickling; Sensation of a lump at the throat-pit, im- peding deglutition ; a substance seemed to rise up in the oesopha- gus, and prevented the descent of the food. - Lycopodium.–Soreness of the throat when swallowing or coughing; Sense of contraction in the pharynx; the throat feels narrow during deglutition; Sensation of a ball rising in the throat; Chronic Sore throat; Tearing pains in the left side, from below upwards; Stinging; Pricking; Irritation, with hoarse- ness; Difficult deglutition, lasting nine days; Ulcers on the ton- sils, resembling chancre; Mercurial ulcers; Suppuration of the tonsils; Drymess and burning in the throat, with thirst at night; Expectoration of blood and mucus; Swelling of the glands, ex- ternal and internal. Mercurius.-Sore throat; Sensation as if a pippin were lodged in it, or a substance he is constantly striving to swallow; Difficult deglutition; Spasmodic arrest of food, with danger of Suffocation; the fluid passes through the nostrils; Heat and pain in the throat; Painful dryness; Constant dryness; Stinging and painful stitches in the back part of the throat, extending to the ears; Stitching pains in the tonsils during deglutition; Inflam- 534 - THROAT AND PHARYNX. [THR0AT, &c. mation; Swelling and ulceration of the tonsils; Elongation and swelling of the uvula ; Catarrhal sore throat; Syphilitic ulcers in the throat; Swelling of the sub-maxillary, cervical, and parotid glands; Ptyalism; Accumulation of mucus, that constantly fills the posterior mares; Erysipelatous inflammation of the fauces; the night air, and much talking, aggravate the symptoms. Mercurius Iodatus.—Inflammation of the fauces, tonsils, and uvula ; the membrane assumes a bright scarlet, or dark-red, and even a purple hue; Red patches, that are covered with a white or yellowish exudation, sometimes in spots; or a tough, thick sub- stance is formed, which caused coughing and hawking. This remedy has proved valuable for Diphtheria. Naja-Left side of the throat red and painful during deglu- tition; Sensation as if a substance were in the throat that must be swallowed; Difficult deglutition; Raw, sore feeling in the palate and fauces; Headache, with rawness in the throat, and greatly depressed spirits. Nitric Ac.—Stinging, burning, and stitches in the throat; Painful pressure and soreness in the throat, as from a tumour; |Ulcers in the throat, especially after much Mercury; Painful swelling of the tonsils; Inflamed throat, with shooting pains; Sense of excoriation; During deglutition the throat feels swollen and raw ; Accumulation of much mucus at the back of the throat. Nux Wom.—Sore throat, with Catarrh; Swelling of the velum, palate, and uvula; the parts feel thick and swollen; Sore throat, felt during deglutition; Itching, pricking stitches; the fauces feel raw and sore, especially when inspiring cold air; Burning in the throat at night; Scraping sensation, or as if scratched; Choking constriction in the pharynx. Phosphorus-Throat raw and sore—dark-red colour; Scrap- ing, stinging during deglutition; Burning in pharynx, with smarting and feeling as if excoriated; Painful irritation in the oesophagus, with dragging sensation; Painful deglutition; Sense of tightness; Dryness; Swelling of the tonsils; Expectoration of mucus in the morning—grey and salt. 535 THROAT, &c.] THROAT AND PHARYNX. Phytolacca.-Sore throat, with accumulation of thick, white, yellow mucus about the fauces in the morning—much better after breakfast; the throat feels dry and sore during deglutition; Sore- ness of the posterior fauces, extending to the Eustachian tube; Roughness and dryness in the morning. Platina.-Painful rawness, with feeling as if a piece of skin were hanging loose; Scraping, as from a chill; Cramp-like draw- ing and constriction around the os hyoides; Painful swelling of right tonsil; Elongation of uvula ; Mucus in the throat. Pulsatilla-Stitches in the back part of the throat between the acts of deglutition; the throat feels sore, and narrower than usual; Cutting pains in the throat; the back of the throat feels very raw and painful, and the whole pharynx swollen—worse when swallowing; Shooting pains; Difficulty of swallowing—the muscles seemed paralysed ; Dryness of the throat early in the morning. Sanguinaria-Burning in the fauces and oesophagus; the throat feels swollen, as if it would suffocate him—painful when swallowing—worse on the right side; Ulcerated sore throat; Angina; Pharyngitis. * Senega.-Constriction and irritation in the fauces; Sensation as if burnt; Burning, scraping in the throat; Inflammatory swell- ing of the fauces and uvula; Tenacious mucus in the morning; Greyish lumps, or white mucus, that clings to the throat and excites cough. - Sepia.-Constant dryness; Smarting, scraping, and soreness of the throat, as if from incipient Catarrh ; Roughness, with con- siderable mucus; Pressure as of a band; Constriction; Pinching; Sore throat, with hoarseness and swelling of the sub-maxillary glands; Inflammation of the throat and right tonsil; Difficult deglutition—the muscles seem paralysed. Silica.-Stinging sore throat when swallowing; the neck is painful to touch; Sore throat, with much mucus; Expectoration of salt mucus, or yellow, foetid lumps; Pain in larynx when lifting 536 THROAT AND PHARYNX. [THROAT, &c. a heavy weight; he feels a lump in the left side of the throat; the food seems to glide over sore places; Foetid odour from the mouth in the morning. Staphysagria.-Roughness in the throat; Stitches in the palate that ascend to the brain; Dryness in the throat, especially at even- ing; Drawing pains from Hyoid bone to lower jaw; Swelling of the sublingual gland—it prevents deglutition; Burning, scraping in the palate and fauces; Swelling of the tonsils, from Mercury. Sulphur.—Sore throat, with swelling of the cervical glands; Pressure, as from a lump, during and between deglutition; Chok- ing, with feeling of Soreness, during deglutition; the oesophagus seemed spasmodically to contract, and so prevent the food passing; Burning in the oesophagus from below upward; Sensation as of a ball ascending into the throat. Tart. Emet.—Sudden swelling of the tonsils and cervical glands; Violent sore throat; Pain, heat, redness; Inflammation of the pharynx—the parts are covered with mucus and vesicles, or large pustules, depressed in the centre; Dysphagia, with red face; Vertigo; Injected conjunctiva and dyspnoea. Thuja-Roughness and stinging, as from snuff; Pain and ex- coriation; Swelling of the tonsils and salivary glands; Increased flow of saliva; Pressure and stinging in the throat; Ulcers in the throat, resembling chancre; Hawking of blood-red mucus. Weratrum.—Scraping, roughness; Burning or drawing pain in the throat, with thirst and colic ; Spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus; Sense of suffocation; Feeling of coldness, which ascends upwards to the palate. Zincum.—Dryness in the throat; Rawness in the pharynx; Smarting and scraping in the fauces; Accumulation of mucus that fills the posterior mares; Hawking of greenish mucus that adheres firmly to the lower part of the throat; Pain as from an internal swelling; Tearing, drawing pain on both sides of the fauces between the acts of deglutition; Herpes in the throat, after a neglected gonorrhoea. 2 N 537 º LARYNX, &c.] LARYNX AND COUGH. LARYNX AND COUGH, Aconite.—Short, dry titillation in larynx, from coming out of the air into a warm room; Cough at night, with croaking—danger of suffocation; Spasmodic constriction of the trachea ; Cough that is particularly troublesome at night, not allowing rest nor sleep, with dry, hot skin; Cough from having just taken cold; Membranous Croup; Croup-like, hoarse cough. AEthusa.--Dry cough after dinner. Agaricus.-Dry cough ; Catarrh, with much mucus in nose. Ambra.--Spasmodic cough, like whooping-cough; Deep, dry cough, with scraping sensation in the throat—pain inside. Ammonium Carb.-Rattling of mucus for several days; Violent dry cough in the middle of night; Asthmatic cough; Spasmodic Asthma ; Cough, with expulsion of bloody phlegm; Incipient pul- monary phthisis. - Ammonium Mur.—Dry cough; Violent when in bed, with water in mouth; Cough, with blood; Chronic cough—worse after eating and when lying down; Spwta thick in the morning, but tasteless. - - Anacardium.—Violent cough after dinner, with vomiting of food; Severe cough at night, or 4 A.M.; Grey-yellow sputa; Pus; Blood; Short cough by day, especially afternoon. Antimonium Crud.—Cough after rising early in the morn- ing—seems to come from the abdomen; Dry, convulsive cough; Catarrh. Argentum Nit—Cough, with titilation in the larynx, by day; Suffocative cough at noon, for several days. Arnica.-Dry, short, hacking cough every morning after 538 - e - LARYNX AND COUGH. [LARYNX, se rising; Cough at night; Cough in children induced by crying; Cough, with raw feeling in the chest; Expectoration of blood; Haemoptysis; Bright-red, frothy blood, or blackish clots. Arsenicum.—Laryngeal phthisis; Burning in the larynx; Dry, short cough, as from the vapour of sulphur, with sense of suffoca- tion; Cough during a walk in the open air, or early in the morn- ing; Cough when in bed at night, with asthma and fits of suffoca- tion; Arrest of breath; Short, hacking cough, with Soreness; Excoriation in the chest; Cough, with difficult expectoration of tenacious mucus, or saltish; Sputa streaked with blood; Cough, with feeling of burning heat, or nausea, as if he would vomit. Asafoetida-Short, hacking cough; Violent, racking, with short breath, and oppression of the chest; Spasmodic asthma, with dry cough. Baryta Carb.-Hoarseness; Aphony; Cough excited by con- tinual speaking; Cough after midnight, with much mucus; Cough, with phlegm; Loose cough, with saltish, starch-like Sputa. - Belladonna.-Pain in larynx, with danger of Suffocation; Hoarseness; Rattling of mucus in the bronchi; Aphonia; Spas- modic constriction of the throat; Violent cough at noon—several days, with much tenacious mucus; Coughing fits, with heat and congestion in the chest; Night cough awakes from sleep; Vio- lent dry cough, as if a foreign body were in the larynx; Sensation as of a dry catarrh having settled in the chest, with dry cough; Dry cough, with headache, day and night; Hollow, barking, spasmodic cough; Cough, with violent pressure in the nape of the neck; or lancinations under the left ribs; or frontal headache; or pain in stomach; Expectoration of mucus, with blood (early in the morning); Cough, with taste of blood in the mouth; or sore throat. Borax.-Cough, with mucus and pain in liver; he coughs up a white mucus, streaked with blood—matter having a mouldy smell; Cough, with stitches in the chest; a stitch, almost like a knife, accompanies deep inspiration, coughing, or yawning. 2 N 2 539 LARYNX, &c.] LARYNX AND COUGH. Bovista,—Hoarse cough; Scraping in the throat; Burning, with desire to cough; Titillation, especially morning and even- ing; Dry cough morning and evening. Bromine.—Cough induced by deep breathing; Exhausting cough ; Rough, hollow, dry; Sense of suffocation; Short breath; Pain and Soreness in the chest; Dry, spasmodic wheezing, rat- tling; Cough in children during dentition; Pneumonia. Bryonia.-Violent Coryza; Hoarseness, with perspiration; Dry cough, with creeping sensation in the stomach and throat; Cough, with vomiting of the ingesta; Scraping, painful cough, with retching; Cough, with long-continued stitch in the left brain; or sensation as if the head and chest would fly in pieces; Stitches in the throat, chest, and region of the last rib ; Stitches in the sternum; Cough, with soreness at pit of stomach; Violent morning cough, with copious expectoration; he coughs up coagu- lated blood, or pure bright blood; Acute and Chronic Bronchitis. Calcarea.—Painless Hoarseness; Chronic Hoarseness; Wheez- ing, rattling during expiration; Phlegm in the larynx and chest; Ulceration of the larynx; Cough, excited by the sensation of a plug moving up and down in the throat; Nervous cough excited by music; Dry hacking cough at night; Dry cough after midnight, with violent beating of the heart and arteries; Convul- sive cough in the evening; Cough, with thick mucus at night; Morning cough, with yellow mucus; Expectoration of blood with the cough ; Vertigo and pain in the chest ; Sputa having a salt taste; Foetid mucus; Laryngeal Phthisis; Tubercular Phthisis. Cantharis.-Burning heat in larynx—constricted even to suffo- cation; Cough, with difficult expectoration—also of blood after a short cough. Capsicum. — Cough towards evening, and especially after Coffee; Pain in the throat when coughing, as from a swelling; Aching as if an ulcer would open; Cough, with pain in the ear; Stitches at neck of bladder, with drawing pain in chest; Pain in the thigh, extending to the knee; Foetid smell from the lungs when coughing; Malignant Bronchitis 2 540 LARYNX AND COUGH. [LARYNX, &c. Carbo Anim.—Roughness in throat, with dry cough; Dry cough only at night, when lying on the right side (several nights); Dry cough day and night—the cough that was dry is now loose; Sputa, yellowish-white—or pus; Cough, with greenish pus; Thick green pus from a vomica in right lung; Pleuritic stitches induced by cough; Pleuritis, with chronic Bronchitis. Carbo Veg.—Hoarseness in the evening, especially damp, cold weather; Frequent irritation at the back of throat, inducing cough; Dry cough after every expiration, with flushes of heat and sweat; Cough after the slightest cold, or on going into a cold room; Evening cough (short), or causing retching and vomiting; Attack of spasmodic cough three or four times in the day; Ex- pectoration of mucus—pieces of green mucus; Yellowish pus; Painful rawness in the chest ; Stitches in the head; Chronic laryngitis; Incipient phthisis of the larynx; Threatened gangrene of the lungs; Suppuration. . Causticum.—Rough, hoarse voice for many days; Aphony, with sensation as if a wedge were in the throat; Catarrh, with nightly dryness of the throat; Short and hacking cough, with constant tickling in the throat; Dry, exhausting cough in the morning; Cough after midnight, with expectoration; Dry, hollow cough, with soreness in the larynx; Feeling of ulceration; Sore- ness of the chest when coughing; the mucus is very difficult to detach; Spasmodic Asthma; Stitches in the chest. Chamomilla-Catarrhal hoarseness, and cough, with rattling of mucus in the trachea ; a feeling of Soreness is felt at one spot; Dry cough, produced by titillation; Wheezing; Constant titilla- tion at upper part of the sternum; Sense of constriction in the throat, as if suffocation would ensue; Catarrhal cough of children, from cold, or after Measles; Sudden stoppage of the breath. China.-Violent cough after every meal; Cough excited by drinking, talking, movement, or deep inspiration; Cough, with expectoration of clear tenacious mucus; Pain in the scapula, and vomiting of bile; White sputa, with blackish granules; Purulent sputa; Haemorrhage from the lungs; Blood-streaked mucus; Suppuration from the lungs. 541 LARYNX, &c.] LARYNX AND COUGH. Cina,—Mucus in the larynx after rising; Frequent hawking ; Titillation low down in the trachea, inducing cough, with expecto- ration of whitish mucus; Hoarse cough, with vomiturition; Dry, spasmodic cough, with want of breath, and jactitation of the limbs. In Children—Before the cough, she raises herself suddenly, stares around, looks unconscious—body rigid, as if she would have an epileptic fit—she then coughs, moans—a gurgling noise is heard— she looks anxious, gasps for air, with face intensely pale (the fit lasts about two minutes); Whooping-cough in the scrofulous, and those troubled with worms and Enuresis. 4. Cocculus.-Cough induced by a contractive sensation in the trachea, which seemed to arrest the breath; Hysteric P Conium,_Catarrhal fever, with inflamed throat; Hoarseness; Sense of fulness; Rattling in the chest; Itching, titillation, causing a short hacking cough; Dry cough, with evening fever; Cough induced by lying down; Night cough; Whooping-cough and Asthma, after Measles, with discharge of bloody mucus from the chest; Preumonic complication; Suffocative cough, with flushed face; Spasmodic cough, with shortness of breath. Secondly— The cough loosens—the chest feels relieved; Yellow sputa, tasting like rotten eggs; Cough during pregnancy; Cough of scrofulous persons, with evening fever. - Copaivae.—Dry cough, with feeling of dryness in the larynx; Short cough, with huskiness and oppression in the chest ; Diffi- cult breathing; Profuse expectoration of greenish-grey, purulent mucus, of a disgusting smell; Increases expectoration in phthisis. Cuprum Met—Hoarseness on inspiring cold air; Continual hoarseness—he cannot speak; Spasm in the throat that hinders speech ; Continual cough ; Uninterrupted dry cough, from half an hour to two hours—affecting the breath; Cough, with ex- pectoration of white mucus, and fits of spasmodic Asthma; Haemoptysis. Cuprum Acet—Violent dry cough at night, with pains in the head; Stitches in the chest ; Suffocative arrest of the breath, and palpitation of the heart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .542 LARYNX AND COUGH. [LARYNX, &c. Digitalis.-Considerable hoarseness early in the morning, after night-sweat; Hoarseness without pain; Tenacious mucus that is detached by coughing; Dry, spasmodic cough after much talking; Cough after a meal—at midnight, with sweating; Dry, asthmatic, morning cough ; Cough, with tight pain in the arm and shoulder, or chest ; Cough, with sputa like starch—or blood-streaked sputa; Painful Asthma when walking. Drosera.--Titillation in the larynx, as if from a feather; Rough scraping in the soft palate and fauces, inducing a short hacking cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus; Voice hoarse and deep (bass); when coughing, the air appears to be retained, as from successive inspirations; Whooping-cough ; Pain in the hypochondria when coughing, as if forcibly constricted; this pain arrests the breath—he cannot cough unless he presses his hand on the pit of the stomach; Cough deep from the chest; Nightly cough—it wakes him at two o'clock; Cough, with heaving, as if about to vomit; when coughing he throws up water, mucus, and food; Whooping-cough, with haemorrhage from the mouth and nose; Wheezing respiration; Blue face; Anguish, and threat- ened, suffocation; Simple laryngeal phthisis, with wasting of the body; the breath smells like fresh milk; Violent cough of young, consumptive persons. Drosera has proved useful in Chronic Hoarseness. Dulcamara-Short hacking cough excited by deep breathing; Cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus, and stitches in the sides of the chest; Asthma humidum; Whooping-cough—the moist stage; Cough induced by repeated colds from wet weather; Expec- toration of bright-red blood. * Eugenia.-Constant hawking up of yellow, bloody mucus; Moist cough (evening and night), without expectoration; the cough seems to bring something up in the throat-pit, that again descends immediately. (This remedy has been used in an Epi- demic affecting children.) Coryza, cough, ophthalmia, and pain in the ears. Eupatorium.—Hoarseness, with rough voice ; Cough worse in the evening; Hectic cough from suppressed intermittent fever; - 543 LARYNX, &c.] LARYNX AND COUGH. Loose cough at night; Cough, with flushed face and tearful eyes; Cough before or after the eruption of Measles; Cough, with great dyspnoea, requiring the head and shoulders to be much elevated; Difficult breathing, with sweat and anxious looks; Influenza, especially of aged persons; Deep-seated pain in left side and right shoulder. Euphrasia.-Cough only by day, or worse during day, with mucus that cannot be detached; Difficult breathing; Copious, fluent coryza; Deep breathing is very difficult; Stoppage of the breath during cough. Ferrum Acet.—Spasmodic cough, with expectoration of trans- parent and tenacious mucus; Dry laryngeal cough ; Bloody cough at night; Hawking of bloody phlegm ; Copious expectoration of pus, having a putrid taste—or greenish pus, having a sickly taste; Asthma after midnight; the Asthma is worse when sitting still. Guaiacum.—Sudden attack of obstruction in the chest, about the heart, as if the breath would be stopped; the attacks are fre- quent, even at night—excite a dry cough, which continues until relieved by expectoration; Stitches in the left side, towards the back; Cough, with expectoration of foetid pus. * Hepar.—Seated pain in one spot of the larynx; Fits of cough, with sensitiveness of the nervous system; Fits of dry cough in the evening; Violent cough at night, from eleven till twelve, when in bed; Cough, with eacpectoration of mucus, the whole day; Ex- pectoration of mucus and blood; Hoarse, anxious wheezing; Short breathing, as if he would be suffocated when in the recum- bent posture; after the cough a foetid sweat breaks out; Sense of oppression and constriction in the chest; Cough, affecting the whole head, with throbbing in the forehead and temples. Hepar is useful in Croup, after Aconite and Spongia have removed the acute inflammatory condition of the larynx, and the exudative process has commenced. (Chronic inflammation of the trachea, with Hoarseness.) Hydrocyanic Acid.—Painful scraping and burning in the larynx, with sensation as if swollen; Spasmodic constriction; Short 544 LARYNX AND COUGH. [LARYNX, &c. hacking cough, with prickling in the larynx and trachea; Asthma, with acute pains in the chest. Hyoscyamus.-Dryness, stinging, burning, and constriction in the larynx; Sensation of mucus adhering to the trachea; Constant cough when lying down, which passes off on rising ; Nocturnal dry cough ; Spasmodic cough at night; Fits of cough, resembling Whooping-cough; Haemoptysis, with convulsions; Cough, with greenish sputa; Incipient Pheumonia 2 with great anguish; Typhoid Pneumonia. Ignatia.-Constrictive sensation in the throat-pit, as from the vapour of sulphur; Chronic night cough; Dry cough, day and night, with fluent coryza ; Spasmodic cough ; Hollow cough ; Yellow sputa, having a bad taste and smell. Iodium.—Pain in larynx; Pressure, extending into the fauces, as if the parts were swollen—he hawks up a tough mucus; Swell- ing of the bronchial glands—the pressure on the tube seems to threaten suffocation; Contraction and heat in the larynx; Inflam- mation of the trachea ; Hoarseness in the morning; Hoarseness for more than two weeks; Dry, short, hacking cough; Cough, with irritation, and violent tickling in the throat. “A troublesome hawking, with tingling and stinging in the larynx, rapidly dis- appeared.” Cough, with expectoration of mucus; Rattling of mucus, with oppression; Mucus streaked with blood. Ipecacuanha-Rattling of mucus in the bronchi during in- spiration; Dry cough induced by a titillation in the larynx; Cough from a contractive, titillating sensation in the larynx, extending into the bronchial tubes; Cough when lying on the left side; Cough, with expectoration of thick mucus, that has a repulsive, metallic taste; Cough towards evening—Suffocating, fatiguing, and exhausting; Convulsive, violent cough at six or seven in the even- ing; Cough, with inclination to vomit. In Children—Suffocative cough—the child becomes quite stiff, and blue in the face; Spas- modic Asthma; Crowing inspiration; Danger of Suffocation; Coldness of the extremities; Spasmodic cough, with gagging; Convulsion of the facial muscles; During the fits of spasmodic Asthma, there are frequent remissions, of ten or fifteen minutes. 545 LARYNX, &c.] LARYNX AND COUGH. Kali Bich,-Pain as of ulceration in the larynx; Tickling in the larynx on lying down at night, causing considerable cough ; Transparent, dirty, or slate-coloured sputa easily detached; Loud wheezing cough, with retching; Viscid, tough mucus, that can be drawn out in strings; Cough, with tough, black mucus; or thick, yellow; or yellowish-green, tough sputa; or dense, transparent sputa; Sputa, with traces of blood; Cough, with pains at mid- sternum; Darting between the scapula; Cough, with pain in the loins and sides, or swelling and heaving at the stomach; Dysp- moea, with slight pains in the chest ; Dyspnoea during sleep; Bronchitis, with eaſpectoration of tough, heavy sputa. Kali Carbon, Complete Hoarseness and Aphony; Rough throat; Partial inaction of the epiglottis; Particles of food easily drop into the larynx; Cough, with rough feeling in the throat; Cough induced by titillation in the throat; Evening cough; Night cough when in bed, lasting several weeks; Short cough, mostly at night, with some expectoration; Suffocating, choking cough, at 5 A.M., with spasm in the chest; Redness of the face, and sweat over the whole body; Violent morning cough, that almost caused vomiting; Cough, with abundant expectoration— coughs up red lumps from the throat; Blood-streaked sputa; Oppressed breathing; Wheezing, with stitches; Spasmodic Asthma; Cough, with night-sweat; Hectic; Incipient Phthisis? also with discharge of tuberculous lumps ? Pleuritis? . Kali Hydrio, -Constant irritation in the throat, inducing a dry cough; Dry, hacking cough—afterwards accompanied by a copious greenish expectoration; Violent cough, with spasms in the chest ; Sharp stitches in the chest; Influenza; Sub-acute Bron- - chitis, with affections of the eyes; Inflammation of the membrane of the lungs; Haemoptysis; Suspicious cough, with grey or white sputa—saltish or sweetish taste; Pains in the limbs, and general debility; Tuberculous Phthisis. . . . Kali Nitricum.—Cough day and night, with soreness in the chest; Cough, with headache, that arouses from sleep; Cough when going up-stairs, and in the open air; Dry, hacking cough the 'whole day, with audible palpitation; Cough, with pain in the back; Cutting under the sternum; Violent burning in the chest, 546 LARYNX AND COUGH. [LARYNX, &c. until the sputa loosens; Sour-smelling sputa; Expectoration of coagulated blood; Asthma; Stitches in the chest during inspira- tion; Stitches in the scapula: ; Exhausting sweats. - Kreasote.—Scraping and roughness in the throat; Voice hoarse, rough; Sense of crawling in the bronchi; Cough, with difficult expectoration; Asthmatic cough ; Wheezing, dry cough ; Constant hacking; Cough, with drowsiness; Emissions of urine; Retching; Scraping cough, with thick, yellow, or whitish sputa, or grey, insipid mucus; Difficult, anxious breathing; Nervous Asthma; Chronic Catarrh of aged persons; Hoarse, hollow cough. Lachesis.-Suffocative throbbing between the trachea and chest; Sensation of narrowing; Swelling of the larynx, with rawness and scraping; Hoarseness, with feeble voice and constric- tion; Cough occasioned by ulcers in the throat; Pressure on the larynx; Titillating cough, with dryness; Shcrt, hacking cough, with tingling in the throat; Slimy expectoration; Blood, with frothy mucus. - Lactuca Virosa.-Cough, with tickling; Sense of fulness in the throat, and tightness in the chest; Spasmodic, hollow, dry cough ; Dry, suffocative cough, with sense of coldness at the stomach; Whooping-cough 2 Frequent desire to take breath, from a feeling of oppression in the chest. Laurocerasus.--Spasmodic constriction of the larynx; Crawl- ing titillation; Scraping; Hoarseness; Increase of mucus and thirst ; Frequent hawking of sweetish mucus; Cough, with copious, jelly-like expectoration mixed with bloody points; Tickling, short cough. Ledum.–Suffocative arrest of breath, followed by cough ; Cough, with purulent expectoration; Greenish, foetid expectoration; Cough, with profuse expectoration; Violent cough, with bright- red blood; Laryngeal Asthma ; Whooping-cough. . Lycopodium.—Voice hoarse, husky, feeble; Titillation in the larynx; Irritation that produces cough; Dry cough, with wheezing, snapping, like electric sparks; Nightly cough, affecting the 547 LARYNX, &c.] LARYNX AND COUGH. stomach and diaphragm; Dry cough day and night, of years' dura- tion; Cough, with grey, salt eaſpectoration; Cough, with expec- toration and great weakness of the stomach ; Cough, with blackish sputa—day and night; Morning cough, with green sputa, or white mucus; Thick, white, yellowish sputa, or pus, with raw, sore feel- ing in the chest; Cough, with discharge of pus for eight days—with fever and night-sweats; Cough, with expectoration of blood; Smarting pain and excoriation in the chest ; the breathing is very short during the cough, and the region of the stomach painful. Magnesia Carb.-Hoarseness for two days; Fits of spasmodic cough the whole night; Violent cough, with thin, salt expectora- tion. - Magnesia Mur.—Cough, with some little expectoration; Salt, sweetish mucus. - Manganum.—Rough throat early in the morning; Roughness of speech, with dry throat; Dry cough, with dartings in the parietal bones. Mercurius.-Catarrh, with chilliness; Sore throat; Coryza ; Dread of open air; Constant hoarseness; Loss of voice; Dry cough, or cough with expectoration; Violent, racking cough in the even- ing, when on the point of going to sleep; Cough for many nights, that seemed to arise from irritation in the stomach; Cough which sounds as if the chest were dry, with pain in the chest and small of back; Cough, with inclination to vomit; Haemoptysis; Short- ness of breath when walking, or on going up-stairs. Muriatic Ac.—Hoarseness for eight days; Dry, hacking, violent cough, as if the sternum would fly to pieces; Loose cough, with some mucus. Natrum Carb.-Coryza, with cough day and night—with oppression in the chest ; Cough, with slight expectoration, and rattling of mucus in the chest ; Morning cough, with expectora- tion—salt, foetid, or purulent—green, or bloody. Natrum Mur.—Scraping sensation in the larynx; Hoarseness 548 - LARYNX AND COUGH. [LARYNX, &c. early in the morning; Cough from titillation in the throat-pit; Cough, with dyspnoea day and night ; Morning cough; Chronic, hacking cough; Spasmodic, suffocative cough, when in bed at might; Cough, with vomiting of ingesta, or badly-tasting sputa; Purulent expectoration. During cough, there may be—Pain in forehead, as if it would burst; Pain in the cervical glands; Pain deep in the chest ; Soreness in larynx and trachea ; Pain in the abdominal ring, scrotum, and spermatic cord. Nitric Ac.—Stinging pain, or stitches in the larynx; Sharp scratching in the larynx and throat; Hoarse, husky voice; Dry cough, as after a cold; Barking cough in the evening; Cough, with discharge of mucus, or yellow sputa, of bitter taste; Purulent expectoration (Ulcerative Phthisis, after Kali); Cough, with black, coagulated blood; Soreness in the chest, as if ulcerated. Nux Womica, Catarrh, with headache; Dry, painful Catarrh in the larynx; Sensation as if the upper part of the larynx were narrowed by mucus, causing continual hawking (Nua is adapted for the early stage of Dry Coryza, Cough, and Bronchial Catarrh); Cough when reading and meditating; Dry cough from midnight until daybreak; Dry, fatiguing, continuous—sometimes induces vomiting at midnight; Acrid sensation in the throat while cough- ing; Cough, with headache, as if the skull would burst; Cough, with bruise-like pain in epigastrium ; Dry, spasmodic Asthma ; Foetid Breath. (As a curative effect, the cough loosens, and expec- toration occurs.) - - Opium,_Cough that is worse after a meal; Hollow, dry cough; Fits of coughing, followed by yawning; Desire to cough, but cannot; the breath is arrested, and the face turns blue; he falls into a deep sleep, and cold sweat; Spwta thick, bloody. Petroleum.—Hoarseness in the afternoon; Hoarse for several days; Dry cough, with dryness in the throat; Stinging under sternum; Night cough ; also immediately after lying down; Cough, with pleuritic stitches in the chest, and contractive pains in the head. Phosphorus-Larynx sensitive; Painful; Burning; Rough- 549 LARYNX, &c. LARYNX AND cough. ness; Hoarseness; Chronic hoarseness; Violent Catarrh, with hoarseness, cough, and fever; Relapsing Croup, or last stage; Cough, with rawness, Soreness, or tickling in the chest; Night cough, with stitches in the throat; or Hypochondria; Cough induced by cold air affecting the chest; Violent dry cough, with op- - pressive headache; Dry cough, awaking from sleep—fourteen nights in succession; Hollow cough, with headache, or pressure at pit of stomach, disturbing sleep at night; (Cough from tubercles, or inflammation of the lungs); Panting, fatiguing cough, with tenacious sputa; Cough day and night, with expectoration of much mucus; after a few days, stitches in the chest; Sputa greenish; Purulent; Whitish, or mixed with blood; Purulent flocculi, with erosive, burning feeling behind the sternum; Diffi- cult respiration; Phthisis. - Plumbum. — Cough, with discharge of blood; Excessive dyspnoea; Suffocative oppression in the chest; Stitches in the chest; Spasmodic difficulty of breathing; Palpitation of the heart. Podophyllum.—Dry or loose cough ; Whooping-cough, with constipation, or Diarrhoea; Cough, with intermittent (fever; Loss of appetite; Palpitation. Pulsatilla-Dry cough at night—relieved, or going off, by sitting up in bed; Cough that is continued after lying down; Scraping dryness in the throat; Loose cough, with eaſpectoration of yellow mucus; Cough, with vomiting, and sensation of turn- ing in the stomach; Stitches in shoulders, side, or back; Sputa yellow, greenish, or dark coagula; Putrid or bitter; Cough, with Catarrh; Influenza. - - Rhus Tox,−Cough generally short and dry, with shortness of breath about midnight; with tension across the chest; Feeling of constriction; Tightness; Stitches in the chest; Expectoration of bright-red blood; Evening cough, with vomiting. Sabadilla-Dry cough at night—cannot rest; Cough imme- diately after lying down; Short breath; Stitches in the sides of the chest. 550 LARYNX AND COUGH. [LARYNX, &c. Sambucus.-Deep, hollow cough, with violent dyspnoea; Asth- matic attacks; Spasmodic, suffocative attacks at midnight (espe- cially in children), with wheezing, restlessness, and screaming; Laryngitis; Angina Pectoris. Sanguinaria Canad.—Dry cough, continual and severe, with dry throat, sense of swelling in the larynx, pain in the breast, and redness of the cheeks; Cough, with eaſpectoration; Cough, with Coryza and Diarrhoea; Pulmonary consumption; Whooping- cough; Asthma; Pneumonia; Hydrothorax. • * Selenium.—Cough deep in the chest; Husky voice; Stoppage of the nose; Thirst; Dry throat; Sleeplessness; Alternation of heat and chills. - Senega.-Dry, chronic cough, with oppressed breathing; Roughness in the throat; Short, hacking cough—worse in the open air; Old, long-standing cough, with wheezing; Aching pain in the chest; Dull, stitching pain in the left side, especially on awaking in the night; Cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus; a good deal of mucus in the trachea, with rather difficult breathing; Wheezing and rattling of mucus; Rush of blood to the chest ; Pain under the right scapula; the whole cavity of the thorax feels sore when coughing or sneezing; Incipient paralysis of the lungs. Sepia-Sudden attacks of hoarseness; Cough dry or spas- modic; Cough that seems to proceed from the stomach, with vomiting of a bitter fluid; Cough at night or morning; Cough of the pregnant; Cough, with much mucus of a salt taste, with debility and soreness of the chest; Sputa grey and yellow; Purulent, or streaked with blood; Oppression and tightness in the chest, with tenacious mucus; Dyspnoea when walking or lying down; Pains in the chest increased by motion; Stitches when coughing, or during inspiration; Stitches from the sternum, through to back and shoulders; Palpitation, or tremulous emo- tion at the heart, when walking fast. Silica-Fatiguing cough, with scanty expectoration; or con- tinual cough, with copious mucus; Cough, with vomiting of mucus, 351 - LARYNX, &c.] LARYNX AND COUGH. translucent or purulent matter, or blood; Deep, hollow cough ; Short breathing on the least exertion; Ulceration of the lungs. Spongia.-Hoarseness; Voice husky, feeble; Pain in the larynx when moving the head; Sensation of choking and swelling in the larynx; the throat feels plugged up; Constant raising and depress- ing of the larynx when breathing—the head thrown backwards; Sawing sound, with pale face and anxious look; Laryngismus; Croup (also with Aconite); Dry cough day and night, with a burning sensation, as if some hot substance were in the chest; Constant cough, with a sore spot in the chest ; Yellow sputa. Squilla,—Violent cough early in the morning; Cough at every inspiration—dry, short, hacking ; Cough, with constant expectora- tion, short breathing, or headache; Cough, with a feeling of in- ternal heat; Violent cough, with stitches in the left side; Cowgh, with eaccessive secretion of mucus in the chest. Stannum.—Feeling of roughness and hoarseness in the throat; Cough induced by titillation, talking, singing, or laughing— sometimes by lying on the right side; Dry, shaking cough—worse at morning ; or with expectoration of mucus easily detached; Spwta tenacious, lumpy—green, yellow—sweetish, faint, unplea- Sant taste, or putrid; Oppression and weight, especially at the upper part of the chest ; Phthisis. Staphysagria-Sense of contraction at the throat-pit; Cough, with copious expectoration—yellow, or of pus, especially at night; Tenacious mucus in the chest. Sulphur.—Hoarseness, especially in the morning; Throat rough; Loss of voice; Creeping sensation in the larynx; Catarrhal cough, with headache, discharge from the nose, and raw feeling in the chest; Loose cough, with rattling of mucus; Vomiting; Soreness and pressure at the chest ; Sputa—white, yellow, or greenish lumps, having a sweetish taste; Chronic cough; Suppuration of the lungs. Sulphuric Acid—Hoarseness; Pain in larynx; Short, hacking, dry, panting cough, with feeling of hunger; Chronic Haemoptysis. 552 RESPIRATION.—CHEST. ICHEST. Tartar Emet.—Cough of infants or children, with gasping for breath; Sweat about the head; Cough, with short or panting breathing; Cough at night, with expectoration of mucus, and difficult breathing—obliges one to sit up erect; Catarrh, with much mucus in the chest; Croup; Whooping-cough; Paralysis of the lungs. Weratrum.—Cough, with titillation low down in the chest ; Profuse yellow expectoration; Cough that resembles whooping- cough; Face blue; Eyes protruding; Urine passes involuntarily; Cough, with stitching pains in the inguinal region. Zincum.—Dry cough at night; Cough, with discharge of blood; Burning pain in the chest, and sweat at night; Hawking up of black blood. RESPIRATION−0 HEST. Aconite.—Shortness of breath when sleeping, especially after midnight; Anxious; Sobbing; Laboured, stertorous breathing; Paroxysms of suffocation, with anxiety; Anguish in the chest, that arrests the breath; Stitches, varying in degree, in the chest and sides of the chest, accompanied by a whining, plaintive moan; Creeping and crawling in the chest, like beetles; Feeling of oppres- sion, weight, and fulness—also behind the sternum; Congestion of blood to the lungs; Feeling of heat and burning in the lungs; Shooting stitches in the left intercostal and pectoral muscles; Asthma of the sensitive, and those who lead a sedentary life; Inflammation that accompanies Pneumonia and Pleuritis. Ambra-Asthmatic affections of scrofulous children; Oppres– sion; Wheezing; Dyspnoea; Tremor at night; Pain, as if bruised; Burning; Pressure and lancinations. Arnica.-Short, panting breath; Excessive difficulty of breath- ing; Dull stitches through the sternum, from without inwards; Prickings, as from pins, in the sides of the chest; Stitches, with 2 O 553 CHEST.] RESPIRATION.—CHEST. short cough, that increases the pain; the bones and cartilages feel bruised when breathing; Pain as if sprained in the articula- tions of the ribs; when awaking in the morning, he feels as if a load of blood had accumulated in the chest; Aching pain in the right breast, at a small spot; Pleuro-Pheumonia; False pleurisy. Arsenicum.—Anxious oppression and shortness of breath; Painful breathing—laboured—worse in windy weather, and when moving about; Chronic Asthma, returning frequently; Dyspnoea when ascending a hill, going up-stairs, when walking, or cough- ing; Arrest of breath, with pain at the pit of the stomach, or in the abdomen, when getting into bed at night, with wheezing; Sense of suffocation, with weakness and debility at night; Suffo- cative Catarrh ; Constriction, with anguish and restlessness; the chest feels excoriated and raw ; Burning in the chest and sternum; Dropsy of the chest; Yellow spots on the chest. Asafoetida.--Spasmodic Asthma; Hurried breathing; Small, frequent pulse; Stitches in the left side of the chest, from within outwards, when lying down; Stitches, lancinations, darting in the chest ; Pressure in the sternum; Oppression as if the lungs could not expand. Belladonna-Difficult respiration; Irregular breathing—some- times hurried, then slow; Inspiration short ; Violent expiration; Pressure in the chest that affects the heart, with nausea, rising to the throat; Violent oppression across the chest, as if compressed; Heat that suddenly rises up in the chest; Asthma; Dyspnoea, from drinking coffee; Stitches in the sternum when coughing; Fine stitches in the left side, and under the clavicle; Hysteric spasms in the chest; Painful pressure in chest and between the scapula, with shortness of breath; Great uneasiness in the chest ; Stitches, with desire to cough ; Rush of blood to the chest ; Pneumonia fever; Milk fever; Tumour of the breast. Bromine.—Oppression at the chest; Laboured, difficult breath- ing—it seemed to be arrested in the middle of the chest; Feeling of fulness in the chest and throat; Rattling respiration; Sense of suffocation, tightness, with feeling of weakness and exhaustion; Pains in the right lung; Pressure in right breast ; Rheumatic, dull - 554 - RESPIRATION.—CHEST. [CHEST. pain, with contraction; Sharp stitches in right breast when walk- ing fast; Painful dartings; Congestion; Burning in the chest; Pneumonia of the right lung 2 Bryonia-Burning pain in right half of chest; Breathing short—expirations hurried; Oppression of the chest, with desire to breathe deeply; the chest felt stopped up, and could not be ex- panded; Sobbing breathing ; Quick, anxious breathing, with stitches in the chest, affecting the muscles of the chest and scapula —he is compelled to sit upright; Attacks of oppression, especially at night, with stitches in the abdomen; Stitches in the side during inspiration; Stitch through the chest to the scapulae during inspiration; Stitches and pulsations in the right half of the chest ; Stitches in the chest when lying on the back—aggravated by every movement; Cramp-like tension; Pain in the chest, that passes off after emission of flatus; Heat and burning in the chest ; Clawing behind the sternum; considerable swelling of the chest in front; Prickings in the cavity of the chest during expiration; Rheuma- tism of the muscles of the chest; Rheumatic pleuritis; Pneumonia; Pleurisy (after Aconite); Hydrothorax; Typhoid Pneumonia; In- cipient phthisis; Suppuration of the lungs; Milk Fever. Calcarea.—Arrest of breath when walking in the wind—he is frequently compelled to take a deep breath; Strong desire for a deep inspiration; Desire to hold the breath; Loud breathing through the nose; Obstruction of the nose; Shortness of breath— worse when sitting, and on ascending an eminence; Tightness of the chest—it felt full of blood; the lungs seem compressed, and unable to expand; Dyspnoea, with stitches in the chest, and feeling of tightness; the whole chest feels painful when touched, or during inspiration; Stitches that extend up toward the throat; Stitches in left side (evening); Stitches from left to right, with difficult breathing; Soreness in the chest during an inspiration; Sense of weakness and oppressive anguish ; Spasms that check the breath ; Pricking in the muscles; Pimples on the chest. Camphora.-Accumulation of mucus in the air-passages, with danger of suffocation; Oppression of the chest ; Respiration almost stopped; Pressure at top of sternum, as from a load; Anxious, panting breathing; Stitches in the left breast when walking; 2 O 2 555 CHEST.] RESPIRATION.—CHEST. Suffocative Catarrh, and paralysis of the lungs, in aged persons Angina Pectoris, from a cold; Spasms in the chest, from the vapour of Copper or Arsenic. Cannabis.-Oppression as from a load on the chest; Beating in the chest, that frequently recurs, and arrests the breath; Cutting pains; Dulness of the left side of the chest; Respiration difficult, especially so when lying down; Chronic Catarrh ; Inflammation of the lungs, with vomiting of a green, bilious substance; Inflamma- tion of the lungs, with delirium. Cantharis.-Respiration difficult, from dryness of the nose, and contraction of the larynx and trachea ; Feeling of weakness in the air-passages—it required an effort to breathe or speak; Want of breath when ascending an eminence; Pressure; Sticking pains and stitches in the chest ; Violent lancinations in the sternum ; Stitches at night during inspiration; Heat and burning in the chest, with colic and constipation; Pain in the costal cartilages; Small clots of blood come into the mouth early in the morning; Pains, dart- ing or sticking, under the ribs and in the upper sternal and clavi- cular regions. Capsicum.-Pain in chest when sitting, as if it were too full; Deep, sighing breathing ; Asthma, from affection of the stomach, with eructations and redness of the face; Sense of constriction, with oppression of the breath; Throbbing; Aching; Pain at one spot under the rib-tender to the touch. Carbo An.—Rattling and wheezing for hours, when in bed at night; Panting breathing, with oppression and constriction—it almost caused suffocation; Great feeling of distress in the chest, from compression—it arrests the breath—with stitches at the heart; Violent pains and soreness in the chest; Stitches in right breast that arrest the breath; Lancinations in the sternum, as from knives; Burning in right side—also with aching; Pains as if from an abscess; Suppuration of the lungs. Carbo Veg.—Respiration difficult when lying down in bed, with throbbing in the head; Tightness of the chest, with short breathing, from flatulence; Spasmodic oppression; Pains in the 556 - RESPIRATION.—CHEST. ICHEST. chest, from incarcerated flatus; Aching in right chest, with pain through to right scapula; Very painful stitches that arrest the breath; Continual, violent burning in the chest, as from a red-hot coal; Soreness and Smarting; Warmth, with a feeling of the blood rising; Congestion, with anguish, from flatulence; Chronic inflam- mation of the lungs; Hydrothorax. Causticum.—Shortness of breath when walking in the open air; Short breath, with aching in the abdomen; Pain and weak- ness of the thighs; Sensation as if the clothes were too tight over the chest; Asthma when sitting or lying down; Spasmodic Asthma; Tearing and pressure; Drawing pains; Rheumatic pains in the chest ; Stitches in the sides, or under the sternum, during both inspiration and expiration; Stitches deep in the chest during deep inspiration; Stitches, through to the back; Pain in right lung, as if it were torn loose from the pleura—this pain continued when lying down; Burning pain, with stitches. Chamomilla.-Burning pains under the sternum, and in the whole chest, with dulness of the head; the inside of the chest feels bruised; Contraction; Oppression; Tensive pains during inspira- tion; Cramp-like pains, as from flatulence, with pain in stomach, and heartburn; Constrictive, suffocative Asthma at the throat- pit; Stitches from the abdomen into the chest ; Stitches at the sides, and through to the back—sometimes at every inspira- tion; Sudden stoppage of the breath in children; Prickings in the chest. China.-Sense of tightness; Oppressed, painful, or short, hur- ried breathing; Suffocative fits that arrest the breath, as from much mucus, when awaking in the night; Asthma, with oppression; Small, feeble pulse; Wheezing; Whistling, rattling, with pain in the stomach; Suffocative Catarrh ; Stitches ; Cutting pains during rest at night; Stitches when reading, or by day only; Stitches in the side, accompanied by heat, with strong pulse and prominent eyes; Congestion to the chest; Paralysis of the lungs in aged persons. Cocculus.--Tightness; Constriction; Oppression at upper part of sternum, arresting the breath; Sibilant, snoring breathing, with 557 CHEST) RESPIRATION−CHEST. sense of Suffocation; Spasms in the chest ; Rawness, Soreness; Hysteric spasms; Pulsations, like knocking, when sitting—it con- tinued for a quarter of an hour; Violent stitch through the chest to the back when walking; Stinging pains in the sternum; Stitches in the sides of the chest; Rushing of blood to the chest, with anxiety; Pains about the articulations of the ribs with the dorsal vertebrae, as if sprained; Nervous palpitation of the heart. Conium.—Difficult respiration, as if the walls of the chest did not expand; Violent pains in the chest; Shortness of breath when walking ; Morning Asthma, ; Tightness in the chest; Aching in the sternum; Suffocative fit, with violent cough ; Plewritic stitches, as if a knife were plunged into the side—it caused loud moaning; Beating stitches under or near the sternum; Jerking ; Tearing; Cramp-like pains; Tearing, lancinating pains in the breasts and nipples; Spots and pimples on the chest ; Caries of the sternum. Cuprum.—Hurried breathing, with rattling in the bronchi, as if full of mucus; Short, difficult breathing, with spasmodic cough ; Asthma—worse at night; Spasmodic Asthma; Spasms in the chest that arrest the breath and speech; Feeling of contraction in the chest, especially after drinking; Arrest of breath, with sense of suffocation; Pressure as from a hard substance near the third rib ; Stitches in the side, preceded or succeeded by a scream. Digitalis.-Slow, difficult respiration—deficient power—he has often to inspire deeply, and is unable to hold the breath, even for a short time; Spasmodic constriction of the larynx, with suffocating constriction in the chest ; he feels as if the walls of the chest ad- hered; when awaking in the morning he has to rise up quickly; Sensation, during inspiration, as if electrified; Tightness; Sharp stitches; Raw feeling and pulsations in the chest ; Throbbing as of a large artery in the right side of the chest. - Eupatorium.-Dyspnoea very great; Necessity to maintain the horizontal position; Difficult respiration, with profuse sweat, and anxious look; Pain and irritation of the pulmonary organs, with heat in the chest—he is not able to lie on the left side; Deep-seated pain in that side; Soreness and grating sensation in the chest at every deep inspiration. 558 RESPIRATION.—CHEST. ICHEST. Ferrum Acet.—Dyspnoea when seated, with sense of fulness and tightness in the chest; Asthmatic attacks after midnight; Asthma, with weariness of the limbs; Slow, difficult respiration— worse when sitting still—improved by talking, or occupation—par- ticularly violent when lying down at night; Tightness and con- tractive spasm in the chest ; Asthma, with anxiety at the pit of the stomach. Graphites.—Sense of suffocation when going to sleep; Sudden attack, like Asthma, when lying in bed; Oppression of the chest; Violent Asthma, with sense of suffocation in the open air; Tender- ness of the chest—she cannot bear the pressure of her clothes; Tearing in the left side of the chest ; Spasms in the chest ; Violent stitches in the right side of the chest at every inspiration; Pleuri- tic stitches; Sweat on the sternum every morning. - Hepar Sulp.–Wheezing respiration, threatening suffocation when lying down ; Hoarseness; Shortness of breath, as after run- ning; Suffocative fits, with the head thrown backwards; Stitches in the sternum when walking, or breathing deeply; Spasmodic con- striction of the chest; Sensation as if hot water were floating in the chest ; Heat about the heart, with palpitation; the muscles of the chest and pectorals feel tender to touch, and when moving the arm; Pimples and ulcers on the chest. Hydrocyanic Acid.-Inflammation of the larynx, with swell- ing, and spasmodic constriction; Arrest of breath, caused by spasm of the laryngeal muscles; Tightness of the chest, with feeling of suffocation; Acute pains in the chest—they seem almost unbear- able; Sticking pain in the left side, near the sternum; Pain in the region of the heart; the beats of the heart are feeble. Hyoscyamus.-Difficult respiration, with rattling of mucus; Spasms in the chest, that arrest the breath—he is compelled to lean forward; Internal stinging, with a feeling of oppression; Pressive pains; Stitches in the right side; Haemoptysis, with convulsions; Typhoid Pneumonia; Pleurisy, with Gastritis; Incipient Phthisis? Ignatia.-Oppression of the breath after midnight, as if the chest were too narrow; Stitches in the left side ; Lancination at 559 CHEST.] RESPIRATION.—CHEST. mid-sternum, as from a sharp knife; Spasmodic constriction of the chest; Oppressed breathing, as from the pressure of a load lying on the chest, especially affecting the inspiration, expiration being somewhat easy; Slow inspirations, which are effected by the diaphragm and abdominal muscles; Arrest of the breath when walking or running; Inspirations long; Expirations short; Throb- bing pains in the chest; Sobbing respiration; Asthma of Millar. Iodium.—Respiration seriously impeded, with very difficult inspiration—it seemed impossible to expand the chest; Suffo- cative Catarrh; Pressure on the chest; Great oppression, such as would occur from the vapour of sulphur; Asthma, with sensation as if the windpipe would close ; Asthma, with pain during inspiration, and rapid beating of the heart; Loss of breath when going up-stairs; Stitches in the side; Sharp stitches only during expiration, on the right side; Violent pulsations; Con- gestion of blood to the chest; Shooting pains in the left side of the chest; Pain in the integuments of the chest. Ipecacuanha.-Spasmodic Asthma, with constriction in the throat and chest, exciting a peculiar panting sound—gasping for air—threatened Suffocation—pale face—pulse almost extinct—it lasted the whole night; Asthma, continuing from 10 P.M. until 10 A.M.–it continued for eight nights; Evening Asthma, ; Con- traction of the chest, with short, panting breathing; Spasms in the chest; Oppression, with short breathing, as from a cloud of dust; Feeling of Soreness in the chest; Red, itching spots on the chest, that burn after being scratched. Kali Carb.-Shortness of breath early in the morning—also when walking fast; Great oppression in the chest, with painful breathing; Arrest of the breath at night—it awakes him from sleep; Intense pain in chest when talking; Sharp, aching pains; Spasmodic pains; Tension and pressure; Cutting pains and stitches in various parts of the chest, and under the clavicles; Pains that strike deep into the chest, from without inwards; Painful throbbing in the clavicles, shoulders, and intercostals; Sensation of great weakness, and faint feeling about the chest. Kali Iod,—Violent flashing stitches, that strike deeply into 560 - RESPIRATION.—CHEST. ICHEST. the chest when walking; Several darting, sharp stitches in the left upper half of the chest; Pains as if the parts were being cut to pieces; Acute pain in front of chest and left lower ribs, with Cough, Dyspnoea, and Fever; Violent stitchings and darting in mid-sternum, extending to the shoulder; Pleuritis? Pain and Soreness of the muscles of the chest; Syphilitic Rheumatism. Kreasotum.—Sudden attack of oppression in the chest, with stitches in the left side; Difficult expirations; Considerable heavi- ness in the chest; Sense of pressure about the sternum; Pain as if the sternum would be crushed; Bruise-like pain in the chest; Painful rawness; Burning that ascends to the throat—it caused heat in the face, as after drinking spirits; Stitches in the chest ; Stitch in the right side, that arrests the breath, extending to the Scapula ; Lancinations during the day, that are relieved by pres- sure; Stitches under the left breast, as with a sharp knife—darting into the stomach, abdomen, and thighs, Lachesis.-Shortness of breath, with headache; Short breath after very little exertion—even the act of taking food; Difficult breathing in Hydrothorax, with oedema of the feet—with affec- tions of the throat, and great weakness, and threatened syncope; Tightness, as in Asthma ; Suffocative fits, with blue face, as in Cyanosis; Frequent pains in the chest, with headache, as in Typhoid or Typhus fevers; Stitching and pressing pains, with Dyspnoea ; Neglected Pneumonia; Pimples and searlet spots on the chest. Lactuca.--Difficult breathing, with stitches in the left lobe of the lung ; Frequent desire to take a deep breath when sitting; Feeling of fulness; Heaviness in the chest—cannot bear the least pressure on the chest; Aching pains about the sternum; Stitches; Lancinations; Rush of blood; Feeling of weariness; Pressure as of an immense weight upon the chest; Painful throbbing; Burn- ing; Asthma ; also with Heart disease ? Laurocerasus.-Slow moaning; almost imperceptible breath- ing; or panting, with rattling of mucus; Dyspnoea, with a feeling of tightness, and pain in the region of the heart; Paralysis of the lungs; Spasmodic oppression, with difficult breathing; Stitch in 561 CHEST.] BESPIRATION.—CHEST. the back and region of the heart; Pains in the chest during movement; Asthmatic oppression when walking. Ledum.-Spasmodic, double inspirations (sobbing)—it seemed impossible to get a full breath; Respiration painful and oppressed; Asthma, with a feeling of constriction; Asthma increased by walking or going up-stairs; Sensation as of something alive in the chest ; Lancinations in the chest—affected by moving the arm ; Soreness under the sternum ; Small, red pimples that constantly itch, on the chest and back; Haemorrhage from the lungs P Lobelia. — Sense of tightness in the chest, with laborious breathing; Chronic Dyspnoea, with the sensation of a lump in the throat; Fits of Asthma ; Pains in the chest; Burning pain under right breast. Lycopodium.—Dyspnoea in children; Spasmodic movements of the Alae Nasi;" Oppression, with shortness of breath; Pains in the chest, so violent for six days, that it was impossible to lie on the left side—afterwards he had morning cough, with greenish sputa; Violent pressure and tension in the right half of the chest; Pressure as from a button, at one spot; Fulness and oppression; Stitches here and there when breathing; Stitches in the left side during inspiration, that greatly affect the breath, and are felt in the back; Pulsative stitches in the left side; Tearing pains near the left clavicle; Pain as if sprained; Bruise-like pain; Burning rising like Heartburn; Painful eruption; Itching; Hepatic spots on the chest; Chronic Catarrh ; Incipient Phthisis; Neglected Pneumonia. - - - - - - Mercurius, Sensation early in the morning, as if he had not sufficient air; Suffocative feeling, as if he had inspired smoke; Shortness of breath when walking; Anxiety, with oppression under the sternum; Dyspnoea after a meal; Burning in the chest and throat; Stitches when coughing or sneezing, that extend to the back; Stabbing pains in left side; Violent tearing pains in the muscles of the chest, and in the left shoulder; Bruise-like pain across the chest; Pains in the chest as if sore or ulcerated; * Mr. Wilson has observed, that this symptom, when present, is a decisive mark for Lycopodium. - '. 562 RESPIRATION.—CHEST. ICHEST. Catarrh ; Asthma ; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Tubercle, with Haemoptysis. Muriatic Acid.—Deep breathing, with moaning; Oppression in the evening—painful on the right side; Tension about the sternum, affecting the breath ; Violent pressure at sternum, above the pit of the stomach ; Cramp-like pains, with pressure in the chest ; Sticking pains during violent motion and inspira- tion; Pressure as in Asthma; Aching, bruised pain; Stitches in the praecordial region, extending to the axilla and back—also the thigh and knee; Boring stitch in the intercostals of the right side when sitting; Soreness, with cutting pain in the chest, and desire to cough; Burning stitches under the left breast; Violent stitches in right nipple. - Natrum Carb.-Oppressed breathing early in the morning; Difficult breathing—shortness of breath; Loss of breath when walk- ing; Tightness; Asthma, with hoarse, deep voice; Scraping in the throat, and congestion of blood to the head, followed by purulent, bloody expectoration; Stitches in the sides of the chest and abdo- men; Stabbings in the chest in every direction, as if with knives, for three days; Burning, darting in right chest, like electric shocks; Constant feeling of chilliness in the left side; Stitches and burning in the outer parts of the chest ; Stitches in both breasts; Darting pains in the muscles. Nitric Acid.—Want of breath when walking in the open air, with heaviness of the feet; Loss of breath when going up-stairs, with palpitation and anguish ; Sudden loss of breath, with palpi- tation when walking slowly; Dyspnoea—panting when at work; Sudden oppression in the morning—also when walking a little fast, with sweat on the chest and back; Pain and soreness with every inspiration; the chest feels crowded, as if the blood could not circulate; Aching pains in right half (morning); Cramp-like drawing—sometimes front and back; Momentary cramp; Cramp- like contractions in the muscles, causing him to bend double; Contractive pains when sitting—also above the heart, affecting the breath; Stitches about the sternum; Violent stitch through the lungs; Stitches in right side and scapula; Stitches that seem caused by incarcerated flatus—sometimes with nausea; Pain as 563 CHEST.] RESPIRATION.—CHEST. from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Feeling of heat, chiefly in the upper part of the chest, or in the whole chest ; Burning after taking anything salt; Congestion of blood to the chest ; Throbbing in the chest ; Pains in the outer walls when stooping; Spots like freckles; Warts on the sternum; Pneumonia in the aged and emaciated; Schirrus of the breast. Nux Mosch-Sudden pain in the region of the diaphragm during inspiration; Oppression of the chest, that seemed to proceed from the pit of the stomach; Painful feeling of weight on the chest, that impedes respiration; Dyspnoea after a meal; Spasmodic stitches in the region of the heart, with colic early in the morning. Nux Wom,-Foetid odour of the breath, early in the morning; Oppression, with short, hacking cough; she feels unable to inspire sufficient air when lying down; Constrictive sensation throughout the chest, when walking or going up-stairs; Sensation as if the clothes were too tight; Difficult breathing after a meal, from pres- sure about the umbilicus; Arrest of breath, with choking in throat, ascending from pit of stomach; Anxious oppression at night, after a meal, or before breakfast ; Dyspnoea, with anxiety—it gradually increases for some hours, with occasional sweating over the body; Dyspnoea at night, or early in the morning, when in bed; Suffoca- tive fits after midnight; Dry, spasmodic Asthma of adults; Spasms in the chest; Cramps in the chest at night; Pain in the chest when in the open air, as if oppressed by a load; Pain of oppression in the sternum; Aching and cutting pains after food; Burning and heat, with anxiety; Feeling of heat in the chest; Heat that rises up into the mouth; Congestion of blood to the chest; Stitches in the muscles of the chest; Rheumatic pains in the muscles of the chest ; Rheumatism, even of the intercostals; Bruise-like pain from the sternum to the scapula: ; the whole sternum feels bruised when touched; the walls of the chest feel bruised and tender to contact—he cannot bear the pressure of the arm; the chest feels as if pressed by a weight; Chilliness, with tensive pain. Oleander.—Sudden feeling of coldness in left chest; Feeling of emptiness, as if the whole contents of the chest had been re- moved; Oppression when lying—in a quarter of an hour he throws 564 RESPIRATION.—CHEST. [CHEST. up food, mucus, and water; Sensation of narrowness in the chest— he is compelled to take a long, deep breath; the chest feels op- pressed by a heavy weight when walking, standing, or lying ; Dull stitches in chest, especially at sternum; Dull stitch, continuing during expiration and inspiration ; Stitches in the diaphragm, when lying down; Stabbings in the left chest, as with a knife; Beating, like dull shocks, in the outer walls of the chest, below the axilla—the muscles ache as if pressed upon ; Jerking in the muscles; Sudden feeling of coldness in left chest. Opium.—Respiration accelerated—difficult—it becomes shorter and shorter, especially at night—at times it appears suppressed altogether for some minutes; Inspirations long, slow, and sighing; Short, snoring breathing; Oppression of the breath, with trembling of the arms and hands; Difficult respiration, with anxiety; Con- striction of the chest, as if rigid; Spasmodic Asthma; Oppressed, difficult respiration, with anxiety about the heart; Panting, loud breathing; Stertorous; Difficult—anxious, with open mouth; Loud painful rattling; Moaning—now snoring, and loud—then difficult, feeble, slow, and sometimes almost imperceptible; Arrest of breath, like one dead—it returns with a sigh; Aching pains in chest; Contractive, cramp-like pains in sternum and back; Heat and burning in chest; Burning in the heart, as from a red-hot coal; Tensive pain at the attachment of the diaphragm during inspiration. Petroleum.—Wheezing in the trachea—in the evening, when in bed; Asthma—huskiness; Oppression at night, with restless sleep; Evening Asthma for some hours; Oppression, with difficult breathing—worse when sitting than walking; Chest sensitive to cold air; Pressure on the sternum ; Pressure as if the chest were supported by the hand; Stitches in the chest, like those of Pleurisy —also with pain in the head; Violent pleuritic stitches; Violent stitch toward the heart—momentary palpitation; Feeling of cold- ness about the heart, and in the chest ; Violent pain, more to ar- ing than stitching, in the outer chest, below the axilla, preventing sleep the whole night; Herpes on the chest. Phosphorus-Loud, panting breathing; Arrest of breath dur- ing a quick walk; Difficult breathing in the evening, when in 565 CHEST.] RESPIRATION.—CHEST. bed; Panting when ascending a hill; Lowd, rattling breathing; Anguish; Anxiety, and throbbing in the chest, especially the right side; Oppression when sitting; Oppression early in the morning, with palpitation, or with nausea; or with chilliness and violent headache—almost unconscious; the chest feels as if bound by a band; Tension; Tightness, with dryness; Contraction of the lungs; Cramp-like contraction of the whole chest ; Stitches and Stitching pains ; Constrictive cramps; Severe stitches in both sides during rest and motion; Stitches in the left side, under the ribs, for five days; Shootings in the upper part of the chest ; Chronic stitches; Rush of blood to the chest at every emotion, with pains between the scapula; Burning, from the stomach into the chest, with anxiety and sweat; Burning at the lower part of sternum; Soreness, with burning; Weakness of the chest for several days, with threatening pain; Pain, as if bruised, when moving or touching the chest; Soreness of pectoral muscles and the clavicle; Stitches and pains in the breast ; Pains in the left side when lying upon it; Beating, as with a finger, on the right side; Yellow spots on the chest; Incipient, Pulmonary Phthisis; Pneumonia; Typhoid Pneumonia; Long-neglected Pneumonia; Paralysis of the lungs. Platina.-Sudden arrest of breath, such as occurs when walking against a sharp wind; Short, difficult, anxious breathing; Oppres- sion, with warmth rising from the pit of the stomach, and ascending to the throat; Sense of weakness in the chest, and oppression as from a load; Dyspnoea, as if laced too tightly; Aching, or cramp- like pains in the chest ; Stitches; Sudden stitch in left side; Burning between the ribs, on left side—passing off, and returning again. Plumb. Ac.—Difficult breathing—compelled to rise at night, and open the window; Short, anxious panting; Dyspnoea; Sudden oppression of the chest—returning with great violence at intervals; Respiration impeded, as from paralysis of the laryngeal muscles; Pressure on chest and lower part of sternum; Dull pressure on left side—increased by laughing, with pain between the scapula; Dull sticking in left side at intervals; Suppuration of the lungs. Pulsatilla.-Rattling, short, quick breathing, with a feeling of 566 RESPIRATION.—CHEST. [CHEST. soreness in the chest ; Dyspnoea after a meal, and when smoking— also when lying on the back, with vertigo; Dyspnoea at night in bed, as if the throat were constricted; or early in the morning; Dyspnoea, excited or aggravated by cold air, exercise, or ascending a hill; Evening Asthma after food; Spasmodic Asthma ; Oppres- sion in the chest when walking fast; Asthma at night—it awakes him from sleep, in a suffocative fit, with short cough; Inclination to vomit; Frontal headache; Cold feet, and cold sweat on the face, with eructations; Suffocative fit, with hiccough; Suffocative fit, with a spasm in the throat and chest ; Spasms, with short cough ; Spasmodic constriction across the chest ; Tightness; Pain in the side, with cough—cannot lie on One side; Sticking pain in side when lying down at night (most frequently the left); Feeling of anxiety in the chest, with accelerated pulse; Congestion to the chest and heart at night, with anxious dreams; Paims here amol there, as from an internal ulcer; Pain at mid-sternum, as from an ulcer, with frontal headache before midnight; Painful spot at the sternum, as if the air affected it; Pressing and gnawing in the sternum; Pains in the chest as from bruises; Stiffness of the muscles; Pain in Pectoralis Major when raising the arm; Typhoid Pneumonia; Catarrhal and bilious affections; Pheumonia of infants. Ranun. Bulb.-Dyspnoea, with oppression when walking on level ground—better when ascending a hill; Oppression, with weep- ing, and pain in the eyes; Rheumatic pains in the chest ; Feeling in the chest as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Restless mights, from pains in the chest, for weeks; Violent beating after dinner—it compelled him to lie down; Bruise-like pains when awaking in the morning; Burning; Pressure; Lancinations, especially in the right side—deeply seated; Violent pains in the whole right chest, early in the morning, when walking in the open air; Constant pain in the afternoon, on the left side, in the pectoral muscles; Pressing pains in the walls and muscles of the chest; Pain as if the plewra adhered to the chest walls. IRhus Tox,−Dyspnoea, especially when at stool; Tightness, with nausea; Pain and pressure at pit of stomach; Oppression as after violent weeping; Anxious oppression at night; the breath seems stopped at the pit of the stomach; Sense of Suffocation after a meal; Weakness, with qualm; Constriction; Difficulty of speech; 567 CHEST.] RESPIRATION-CHEST. Fulness in the chest; Pains in the morning, as if the sternum would be pressed in; Stitches in the chest and on both sides the sternum; Stitch during inspiration or sneezing; Feeling of numbness; Swell- ing and painfulness under left axilla; Boils and pimples on the chest. Sabadilla.-Short, difficult breathing, especially in the after- noon; Oppression when lying or sitting, as if a heavy load were placed on the chest; Burning in right side; Sticking pains between the third and fourth ribs; Shooting pains during inspiration, or when coughing; Pains that disturb the sleep, and prevent lying on the side; Stitches in the side, like pleuritic stitches; Pulsations through the body; Palpitation of the heart. Sambucus, Violent Dyspnoea ; Suffocative paroxysms after midnight; when awaking the eyes and mouth are half open; Face blue and swollen; Wheezing in the chest ; Painful stitches in left side; Pressure behind the sternum and in the region of the stomach, with nausea and great debility; Sudden clutching internally, at about the fourth rib, on both sides of the chest; Amgina, Pectoris. Sanguinaria Cana.-Pains in the breast, with periodic cough —either dry, or with expectoration; Burning and pressing in the chest, with heat in abdomen, and diarrhoea; Slowly-shooting pain in right side, about the seventh rib; Slowly-shooting pain in the left side, near the axilla; Acute stitch in the right breast; Stitches from the breast to the shoulder; Pressing pains in chest and back; Constant pressure and heaviness, with oppression of the breath; Numb pain, the length of the scapulae, on the left side; Soreness of the nipples. Useful in affections of the lungs; Pneumonia; Typhoid Pneumonia, with difficult breathing; Livid face; Soft pulse; Asthma ; Hydrothorax. Senega, Sense of stagnation in the lungs when walking quickly; Oppression at the chest, especially during rest, with stitches under the ribs; Shortness of breath when going up-stairs; Tightness and oppression, with shooting pains through to the scapula: ; Pain under the right scapula when coughing; Aching pains in the chest, at various periods, especially during rest, for some weeks; Violent aching pain on awaking in the night; Aching, 568 RESPIRATION-CHEST. [CHEST. boring pain in the whole left chest, especially in the region of the heart; Violent pressive pains from within outwards; Cramp-like pains in different parts of the chest; Stitches through the chest to the back; Dull stitches in left chest when sitting or lying; Dull stitches under the short ribs of the left side; Dull stitches, with weakness in the limbs; Nausea and sweat—almost to fainting; Violent burning in the left chest when sitting; Burning, with dull stitches that extend to the back; Soreness in the chest, between the third and fourth ribs; when Sneezing he experiences an ex- tremely violent pain, as if the chest would fly in pieces; Strong pulsations in the chest, with violent congestion; the thorax is painful to the touch; Catarrhal fever; Pneumonia—latter stage, when the cough is dry; Peripneumonia 2 Hydrothorax P Sepia-Dyspnoea, with tenacious mucus; Oppression morning and evening; Arrest of breath, as in Asthma, when standing still; Oppression at night, affecting the breath—worse when lying down; Fits of Asthma at night, with cough and expectoration; Oppres- sion and shortness of breath when walking, going up-stairs, or lying in bed; Pressure, as from a weight, in the upper part of the sternum; Heaviness; Sense of tightness in the chest; Stitches in right side and scapula during inspiration; Rawness in the chest, like raw flesh; Burning pains about the sternum; Orgasm of the blood, and congestion to the chest, threatening Haemoptysis; Itch- ing of the skin; Brown spots on the chest. Silica.-Arrest of breath when lying on back, stooping, run- ning, or coughing; Shortness of breath during manual labour; Panting when walking fast; Dyspnoea during rest, and on awak- ing in the morning; Oppression, with constriction in the throat; Sense of weakness when talking; Pressure when coughing and sneezing; Violent pressure at the sides of the chest ; Aching pains in the sternum; Violent stitches in the right side, or through to the back; Violent contractive pain when walking; Heat in the chest, with chilliness in the body; Burning pains in the chest; Congestion of blood; Pains in the intercostals of the left side; Itching eruption on the sternum; Induration of the breast : Cracked nipples. Spigelia.-Shortness of breath when talking, with anxiety and 2 P 569 CHEST.] RESPIRATION.—CHEST. redness of the cheeks; Dyspnoea—can only lie on the right side; Danger of suffocation when making the least motion, or raising the arms; Spasm of the lungs; Pains in the chest at intervals; Violent pressure below the left clavicle; Strong, painful oppression in the middle of the chest ; Tearing pain, with sense of constric- tion in the muscles, when standing; Sense of constriction in the lower part of the chest, above the pit of the stomach—afterwards this sensation is felt towards the throat, with palpitation of the heart; Dull stitches during inspiration. Squilla.--Dyspnoea, with quick breathing and anxiety; Stitches in the left ribs; Stitches in the left side, as in Pleurisy—the pains are worse towards morning; Congestion of blood to the chest; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Catarrhal affections of the chest; Sensation of heaviness, with pressure at the chest. Stannum. — Asthma at night, when lying on the back; Dyspnoea when going up-stairs, or during slight movement; Sensation as if the clothes were too tight ; Wheezing and rattling in the chest ; Oppression at the upper part of the chest—he has to take a deep breath; Oppression at the chest, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach; Weakness of the respiratory organs; ‘Oppression as from a load; Tension and constriction; Violent stitches in the chest and shoulder-joint during inspiration; Stitches that arrested the breath; Sudden, sharp lancination, as with a knife; Pressure; Aching; Bruise-like pain; Soreness in the whole chest, from the throat downwards; Feeling of emptiness in the ºchest; Drawing pains in the clavicles and cartilages of the ribs; Jactitation of the muscles in the pectoral region. Staphysagria.-Contractive oppression, with slow and difficult "inspiration—relieved by expiration—with anxiety and restlessness —worse when sitting—relieved by walking; Uneasiness in the * chest; Spasm of the diaphragm; Painful, violent stitches that impede the expirations; Soreness behind the sternum; Sharp stitches at the fourth costal cartilages, on both sides; Pressing from without inwards—not affecting the breath; Pain in the middle of the sternum, as from ulceration—increased by stretching the body, or pressing on the part affected; Bruise-like pains in the muscles—felt when crossing the arms; Rash on the chest, that 570 º, RESPIRATION.—CHEST. [CHEST. itches, and becomes red when warm; Herpes; Small red pimples —burning, itching, stinging, like nettle-rash. Sulphur.—Spasmodic Asthma of adults; Mucous Asthma; Rattling of mucus in the chest ; Asthma during a walk in the open air; Frequent attacks of suffocative arrest of the breath during the day; Arrest of the breath at night—relieved by sitting up in bed; Suffocative fit every night, without pain; Sudden fit of threatened suffocation; when falling asleep she uttered a loud cry—towards morning had palpitation, followed by a slight sweat; Dyspnoea; Weakness in the chest ; Anxiety; Tightness; Tension and pressure; Heavy feeling in the chest for several days; Painful screwing sensation in the chest ; Spasms in the evening, when in a warm room; after singing the chest feels tired; Pain as if the walls of the chest would fly in pieces during sneezing or coughing; Pains from Chronic Pneumonia; Pains when moving the arms; Spasms in the chest, with blue face and dyspnoea; Stitches that extend to the back; Sticking, cutting, or beating in the chest ; Cracking in the sternum during movement; Burning in the chest, with heat in the face; Feeling of coldness in the chest; Violent orgasm—a sort of boiling—with faintness and tremor in the right arm ; Pains in the sternum and in the ribs; Pain in the chest as if bruised; Pneumonia—stage of hepatisation; Chronic chest diseases; Pulmonary Phthisis; Chronic Asthma, with profuse sweating ; Soft tubercle; Suppuration of the lungs. Tartar Emetic.—Short, difficult breathing—want of air—ob- liged to sit erect; Nocturnal orthopnoea; Unequal, intermittent breathing during sleep; Great oppression of the chest; Velvety feeling in the chest; Frequent attacks of Dyspnoea at night, that threaten suffocation; Rattling of mucus; Burning, and pains of excoriation in the chest ; Paralysis of the lungs; Inflammation of the lungs; Asthma of Millar. Terebinth.-Pains in the sternum; Difficulty of breathing; Dyspnoea; the lungs seem congested; Burning in the chest—com- mencing at the sternum, and gradually spreading over the whole chest; Fleeting pain in left pectoral muscle. Thuja-Oppression felt on one side of the chest, then on the - 2 P 2 * :571 CHEST.] - RespIRATION.—CHEST. other; Sensation in the chest, as of some internal adhesion; Pres- sure as from a heavy body; Strong, beating, intermittent stitches; Pain in the side, under the arm, as if the muscles were bruised; Difficult breathing, with great desire for water; Sensation as if some one were excoriating the chest from within; Pressure after a meal; Considerable orgasm of the blood when going up-stairs; she has to rest frequently—her heart beats violently. Weratrum.—Spasmodic contraction of the intercostal muscles, that seems to arrest the breath; Cramp-like pains in the sternum after drinking; Aching pain in sternum after eating or drinking; Several attacks of pain, during the day, in right chest, arresting the breath; Oppression and anguish, that arrests the breath ; Dyspnoea—the trachea seemed clogged with tenacious mucus; Painful and difficult breathing—it had almost ceased; Oppression and arrest of breath when walking, with a sense of fulness; Pres- sure and pulsation at the fourth rib, as from a dull point; it felt sore to the touch, as if there were sub-cutaneous ulceration; Pains in the side and in the stomach; Pains in the breasts and in the thighs; Frequent pains in the chèst—also with pain in the back; "Beating at the upper part of the sternum, occurring with rhythmic precision. Zincum.—Oppression of the chest two evenings in succession, with stitches and pressure at mid-sternum; Pain in right chest, as if the blood were impeded in the capillaries; Spasmodic Dyspnoea; Shortness of breath, from flatulence; Pressure in chest and throat; Pressure in chest, from wind in the stomach ; Tension in different parts of the left chest; Tearing pains, lancinations, and stitches in various parts of the chest ; Violent stitches in the sternum; Stitching at one place in the left side, about the size of a hand—it felt as if the part were decaying; Stitches in the clavicles; Stitches over the heart; Burning in the chest; Sensa- tion of weakness and burning about the sternum; Painful throb- bing under left axilla—the symptoms are increased by motion; Convulsive Asthma. 572 HEART. [HEART. HEART, Aconite.-Sense of compression in the region of the heart; Slow shocks, from within outwards; Palpitation, with great. anguish, heat in the face, and debility; Palpitation in the young and plethoric; Lancinating pain in the region of the heart. Alumina-Palpitation every morning on awaking; Irregular beating of the heart; Shocks at the heart. Ambra.-Anxiety about the heart, with arrest of breath; Flashes of heat; Palpitation when walking in the air, with pale face, and sensation of a lump in the chest, that caused a pressure. Angustura.-Violent palpitation when sitting or stooping, with a painful sense of contraction; Violent palpitation when lying down in bed; Painful thrust or shock in the region of the heart. Arnica.—Stitches at the heart, passing from the left to the right side, with fainting-fits; Quivering—the motion is first rapid, then suddenly becomes slow; Sensation as if the heart were squeezed together. Arsenicum.—Violent palpitation at night when lying on the back—also with anguish; the action of the heart seems irritable —the beats irregular. Valuable in organic disease. Asaf-Beating of the heart and arteries, with full, swelling pulse; Palpitation; Aneurism; Organic disease of the heart. Aurum,_When walking the heart seems to shake as if loose— sometimes one very violent beat is felt; Palpitation, with an- guish and oppression; Organic disease, with Hydrothorax; Aneu- rism; Affections of the heart, from Mercury and Syphilis. Belladonna.-Palpitation when at rest—the shocks seemed to extend to the neck—it increased on motion—with difficult breath- 573 HEART] HEART, ing; Bubbling sensation when going up-stairs; Tremor of the heart, with anguish and aching pain. Bromine,—Slight oppression and palpitation of the heart; Violent palpitation in the evening—she cannot lie on the left side; Inflammation of the heart; Hypertrophy of the heart. - Bryonia.-Palpitation of the heart for several days in succes- sion—sometimes violent. Cactus.-Acute pains about the heart, that impede respiration, and even movement of the body; Painful stitches, that made him cry aloud; Palpitation constant day and might—worse when walking and lying on the left side; Nervous palpitation, from mental excitement, or during menstruation; Chronic palpitation; Dyspnoea ; Constriction and oppression of the chest. Calcarea.—Palpitation of the heart; Violent palpitation, with unequal pulse; Violent palpitation, with fear of organic disease; Violent palpitation, with anguish, uneasiness, dyspnoea, and pain in the back—during each inspiration she utters a violent sound— with cold sweat; Stitches about the heart, that arrest the breath, and leave an aching pain. - Cannabis.-Beating in the chest, that is most painful in the region of the heart; Jerkings, with palpitation and oppression; Inflammation of the Heart; Aneurism of the aorta; Polypi of the Heart—the beat is felt below the natural position. - Cantharis—Drawing pain in the region of the heart; Violent palpitation; Anguish about the heart, especially in the afternoon. Carbo An.—Pinching pressure about the heart; Palpitation in the evening; Palpitation—the beat is felt in the head; Palpi- tation when singing; Very violent when awaking in the morning —it compels her to lie still. - - Carbo Veg.—Palpitation, especially when sitting—a few quick beats are felt at a time; Excessive palpitation for several days— also with intermittent pulse when going to bed at night; Throb- 574 .” HEART. [HEART. bing and pulsation, with anxiety and uneasiness—she felt the beating against her hand. Causticum.–Palpitation, with languor; Violent palpitation in the morning, with irregular pulse; Stitches at the heart. China.-Palpitation, with rush of blood to the head—redness and heat of face, with cold hands; Strong beats of the heart, with anxiety—or feeble pulse, and cold skin. Colchicum.–Violent palpitation of the heart; Tearing pains in the region of the heart; Burning sensation; Rhewmatic affec- tions of the Heart. Conium.—Violent palpitation after drinking; Frequent shocks in the region of the heart; Frequent and visible palpitation— pulse unequal. Cuprum.—Boring pain in the region of the heart; Quick beating of the heart for a quarter of an hour (after supper); Violent palpitation; Headache, with palpitation before the menses appear. Digitalis.--The beating of the heart beeomes stronger, with anguish and pain under the sternum; Increased activity of the heart, with slow pulse; Hypertrophy; Valvular disease. Graphites.—Stitches in the region of the heart; Palpitation in the evening when lying on the side in bed—so violent as to shake the covering—it passed off after turning on the other side; Violent pulsations about the heart and other parts of the body—during slight movement, the pulsations caused the arm and hand to move with anxiety; Violent shocks at the heart, like electric shocks, extending from the heart up to the neck. - Ignatia.-Palpitation at night, or during deep meditation; or during dinner; after a short map; or early in the morning when in bed; Stitches in the region of the heart. Iodium.—Palpitation of the heart, threatening syncope; Pal- * 575 HEART] HEART. pitation that can be heard the distance of a few paces; Palpitation lasting the whole day; Spasmodic palpitation, affecting the stomach and abdomen; Sensation as if the heart were being squeezed ; Hypertrophy; Organic heart disease. Kali Carb.-Frequent palpitation, with anguish; Violent pal- pitation in the forenoon, especially after abstinence from food— sometimes with headache and nausea; Cramp-like pains; Darting; Burning in the region of the heart; Frequent intermission of the beats. Lachesis.-Irregular beating of the heart; Palpitation, with anxiety; Chronic palpitation in young girls; Palpitation that re- bounds at the back; Palpitation, with Rheumatism; Cyanosis. Lycopodium,_Violent palpitation of the heart from four to five o’clock in the morning; Palpitation, with pulsative sensation in the praecordial region; Sudden, violent palpitation when weary, or during digestion ; Tremulous palpitation—also with anxiety. Muriatic Acid.—Stitches in the region of the heart, with arrest of breath—relieved by friction ; the beats of the heart, during the nightly fever, are so violent, that they are felt in the face. Naja-Oppression at the heart, with pain in the chest; Beats of the heart Small and trembling; Organic affections; Dropsy of the pericardium; Enlargement of the heart. Natrum Carb.-Painful cracking in the region of the heart several times a day; Palpitation when going up-stairs—also when lying on the left side—it awakes her in the night; Palpitation in the evening when lying, and in the day when sitting; Anxious palpitation when writing, with dull pressure in forehead, and con- fusion in the head. Nitric Acid.—Congestion of blood to the heart, with anguish; Palpitation, especially after exercise, with languor and faint feel- ing; Palpitation in paroxysms, with anxiety and oppression of the breath (fits last one hour); Momentary violent palpitation, with 576 HEART. IHEART. diarrhoea; Palpitation induced by slight emotion; Tremor at the heart; Contractive sensation, that ceases after one strong beat. Nux Wom.—Painful pulsative shocks in the region of the heart; Palpitation when lying down after dinner; Orgasm, with palpitation early in the morning; Frequent slight attacks of pal- pitation; Palpitation, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and sensation of heaviness in the chest. - Oleander.-Violent palpitation, with a sensation that the chest had become wider—it seemed to expand greatly while inspiring; Anxiety about the heart, with anxious thoughts—with trembling of the whole body, lasting several hours; Dull, drawing pain about the heart—more violent when stooping, and during expiration. Opium.-Burning at the heart as from a red-hot coal (a valu- able palliative in organic disease of the heart); Neuro-Carditis, with excitement, anguish, feeling of oppression, trembling, and double beating of the heart. Phosphorus.-Rush of blood to the heart, with palpitation every day after dinner; Palpitation when in bed in the morning, and in the evening after lying down; Palpitation during the day, when sitting; Threatened paralysis of the heart. Plumbum Acet.—Twitching in the region of the heart; Stitch at the heart during inspiration, with anxiety, heat, and redness of the face; Anguish about the heart, with cold sweat; Rush of blood to the heart during a rapid walk; Palpitation. Pulsatilla,-Pressure, burning, and heaviness in the region of the heart; Dull stitches, with anxiety; Accelerated pulse; Palpi- tation from suppressed menses after taking cold; Palpitation, with dimness of sight, loss of sense, trembling of the limbs from fright or disappointment; Affections of the right ventricle; Valvular insufficiency, or increased activity of the right ventricle. Rhus Tox. —Violent palpitation when seated—it moved the whole body at each beat; Striking pain in the region of the heart, with painful lameness, and numbness in the left arm. 577 HEART.] HEART, ... Secale.—Violent palpitation, with contracted and frequently intermittent pulse; Spasmodic throbbing of the heart. Secale will reduce the number of beats from ten to fifteen in a minute, in the course of an hour. - - Sepia-Beating of the heart in the evening; Palpitation, with stitches in the left side of the chest; Palpitation, with anxiety; trembling of the fingers and lower limbs; Intermission of the beats, from anxiety, or after a meal. Spigelia.-Strong beating of the heart—he can frequently hear it; the pulsations could be seen, heaving, and raising up his clothes; Palpitation, with anxious oppression of the chest; Palpitation early in the morning, after rising; Tremulous motion of the heart; the palpitation increases when seated, and bending the chest forward; the anguish increases during deep inspiration ; after rising, and again sitting down, the heart beats violently; and immediately above the heart a load is felt, and, at the same time, a cutting pain in the abdomen, as from flatus; this pain continued longer than the palpitation. Staphysagria.-Palpitation when walking, or on listening to music; Tremulous palpitation during exercise; Violent palpitation on awaking from a siesta. * ... • Sulphur.—Sudden and violent palpitation in the evening, during inspiration; Palpitation at every hour of the day, without apparent cause, and void of anguish; Pressure in the region of the heart; there did not seem sufficient space for the heart to move; Rush of blood to the heart; Hollow feeling about the region of the heart; Visible palpitation when walking or ascending a hill. Weratrum.—Violent beating of the heart—it raises the ribs, with strong impulse under the hand; Palpitation, with anxiety, and hurried, audible breathing; Paroxysms of anguish about the heart, which beats strongly, with sensation of great heat. Viola Tricolor—Oppression, with stitches in the region of the heart when sitting and bending forwards; Palpitation, with anxiety when lying down. * . . . . 578 FACE AND LIPS, DFACE, &c,. Zincum,_Frequent palpitation, without anxiety; Painful. palpitation, accompanied by a sharp stitch at every beat. . FACE AND LIPS, Aconite,—Bluish, with black lips; During the fever, either red, hot, and bloated, or alternately pale and red; Redness of both cheeks; Sweat on forehead; Twitching of the facial muscles. Lips —Black and dry; Prosopalgia; Drawing, tearing, and lancinating; Tingling and swelling of the cheeks; Pains in the muscles and nerves of the face; Erysipelas; Congestion to the face and head. Alumina, Pale, gloomy, desponding expression—alternately red and pale; Copper-coloured cheeks; Roughness of the skin; Blotches; Violent itching; Humid scurf on temples; Boils on the cheek; Vesicles on the lips; Chapped lips; Dry peeling of the lips. . Ambra,_Jaundiced complexion; Flushes of heat; Pimples; Red spots; Spasmodic tremor of the muscles; Convulsive twitch- ings; Hot lips; Pain and swelling of sub-maxillary gland. Ammo, Carb.-Pale face, that seemed to denote bad health; Distortion of the features; Tension of the skin, as if swollen ; Sharp drawing and shootings; Freckles; Boils; Hard swelling in the cheeks—also the cervical and parotid glands. Lips—Dry, cracked, burning—covered with vesicles; Soreness of the corners of the mouth. Antimon. Crud.—Red pimples (acne) on the face, on each side of the nose—tipped with pus; Red, burning, suppurating erup- tions on the face ; Small, honey-coloured blotches; Twitching of the muscles in the corners of the mouth; Cracks; Rhagades at the corners of the mouth; Dryness of the lips; Red pustules or vesicles on upper lip, - Arnica.-Flushes of heat; Redness and burning of one cheek; 579 FACE, &c.] FACE AND LIPS. Swelling of the cheek, with pinching pain as if two hammers were beating the flesh; Face pale, wan—hot or bloated; Pustulous eruptions about the face, near the eyes; Swelling of the lips; Dry, chapped, or fissured; Ulceration at the corners of the mouth; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Arsenicum.—Pale, sunken, death-like; Livid, sickly, lead- coloured, or greenish ; Bluish spots and streaks; Yellow, as in Jaundice—or bloated, puffed, red face, with swelling around the eyes—or blue margins; Pointed nose; Face much disfigured; GEdema of the face; Hard swelling in the frontal eminences; Herpes; Erwptions; Acne Rosacea on the face; Prosopalgia, of a burning, drawing, or stitching character. Lips—Blue or blackish; Dry or parched; Brown streaks; Swelling of the lips; Cancer of the lip (especially the lower), with hard, indurated edges, and lard-like base; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Aurum,_Bloated face, shining as with sweat; Swelling of both cheeks—also the nose and lips; Swelling of one cheek, with painful stitches; Violent tearing in the malar bone; Pain and in- flammation in the malar bones, especially from Mercury—also the frontal, nasal, and Superior maxillary bones; Caries of the bones; Red eruption on the forehead; Swollen, scrofulous lips. Baryta Carb.-Inflammatory prosopalgia, with swelling; Sen- sation as if the face were covered with cobwebs; Swelling of the left cheek; Heat and redness of the face, with orgasm of the blood; Eruptions on the face; Herpes; Crusta Lactea ; Blisters on, and swelling of, the lips; Large, elevated induration on the upper lip; Chapped, dry lips. Belladonna,—Face pale, anxious—speedily changes to a flushed redness; Feeling of heat in the face ; Sensation of tin- gling; Violent heat and redness, without sweat; Red-hot face, with cold extremities; Face very much swollen and hot, as from drink- ing too much wine; Congestion of blood to the face and head; Bluish-red face; Scarlet redness of the face, with full pulse; Red and swollen face, with staring eyes; Swelling of the cheeks, with burning pain; Erysipelas; Hard, large swellings about the face, near the nose, with swelling of the lips; Cutting, tearing, drawing 580 - FACE AND LIPs. [FACE, &c. pains; Newralgic pains of the face; Prosopalgia; Ulcers at the corners of the mouth; Small pimples or vesicles on the lips; Swelling of the lips; Hard indurations on the lips; Chap in the middle of the upper lip; Pimples that inflame and ulcerate; Spasmodic movements of the lips, and distortion of the mouth; Pimples and pustules on the chin—sometimes burning; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Bryonia.-Colour of the face—yellow or livid; Heat in face, with burning and redness of the cheeks, especially towards night; Red spots or blotches; Bloated face—red, hot, puffy—soft to touch ; Swelling of the face—sometimes of one side only, or the upper half about the eyes, with swelling of the lids—he could not open the eyes; Tension of the skin when moving the facial muscles; Red spots on the face and neck for two days; Flushes of heat over the face; Hard blotches in the face. Lips—Cracked and swollen; Ulcers on the lips, that burn when touched; Blotches on the chin. Calcarea. — Face — Pale, thin, wrinkled—old look; Yellow colour of the face—or red, hot, bloated; Circumscribed redness of the cheeks; Erysipelas ; Pains that pass off when the swelling appears; Tearing pains in the bones of the face; Twitchings in the facial muscles; Pulsations and throbbing, or violent stitches in the cheek; Violent itching; Burning in the cheeks, or whole face; Feeling of swelling in the face, especially about the nose and under the eyes; Eruption of small pimples in the face and whiskers; Boil on the centre of the cheek; Ulcer on the cheek; Humid eruption on the cheek and forehead; Crusta Lactea; Spas- modic contraction of the lips and mouth ; Roughness and dryness of the lips; Swelling of the upper lip; Chapped lips; Pimples; Scurfy eruption on the borders of the lips; Pimples and eruptions on the chin; Hard swelling of the sub-maxillary gland—it attained the size of an egg. Cantharis. – Sallow, yellowish, complexion; Pale, sickly, wretched, death-like look—expression of despair; Sudden heat in the face, with thirst; Burning in the face; Swelling of the right side, with tension, without heat or redness; Eruptions; Blotches on the face and cheeks (acne); Tearing pains in malar bone and 581 FACE, &c.] FACE AND LIPS. mastoid process, with stitches in the ear (right); Lancinations about the eyebrows and forehead; Pimples and vesicles on the ‘forehead; Pains in the lips; Soreness, burning, dryness; Swelling of the wpper lip; Clear vesicles, or pustules, that burn when touched; Pains in the right lower Jaw; Lock-jaw. Carbo An.-Frequent attacks of flying heat in the face; Frequent flushes of heat, with redness and burning of the cheeks; Small pustules on the cheek and forehead; Red spots; Erysipelas; Numerous pimples in the face, not sensitive; Copper-coloured spots; Yellow colour of the face. Lips—Swelling, heat, and dryness; Bleeding of the lips; Chapped; Vesicles. Carbo Veg.—Extreme paleness of the face; Complexion greyish-yellow; Pimples on the face and forehead; Moist herpes on the face; Severe attacks of pain in the left side of face; Tear- ‘ing pain in the left cheek; Jerking pain in left zygoma; Drawing, boring, or burning pains; Jerking pains in several parts of the face; Jerkings in the upper lip; Painful eruptions on the lips; Burning pustules—the borders of the lips are covered with pim- ples; Chapped lips; Eruptions on the chin; Spasmodic pains in the lower jaw, Causticum. — Sickly complexion; Yellowness of the face; Cachectic appearance; Yellow tinge about the temples, with bluish lips; Arthritic pains in the face and facial bones; Burning—also a sensation of coolness, with burning, in the malar bones; Swell- ing of the cheeks, with throbbing pain; Itching, burning, fine eruptions; Red pimples; Burning vesicles, that emit a corrosive ºfluid, dry up, and scab; Old warts on the nose and eyebrows; (Semilateral paralysis of the facial muscles, from the forehead to the chin;) Itching eruptions around the mouth ; Vesicles at the right corner of the mouth—painful when eating; Ulcer that causes a burning pain inside the upper lip; Herpes and pustules on the chin ; Inflammatory swelling under the chim, as if an abscess would form ; Feeling of tightness about the jaws, with difficulty in opening the mouth ; Arthritic pain in the inferior maxillary bone. - Chamomilla,—Heat, redness, burning of the face and cheeks, .582 FACE AND LIPS. [FACE, &c. or of one cheek only, while the other is pale and cold; Pale, sunken look, as after much painful suffering; Frequent changes of the countenance; Yellow complexion; Bloated—swelling of one side, with pain—blue-red colour—hardness of the part—drawing, beat- img, or darting; Red rash on the cheeks, especially in children during dentition; Convulsive movements of the facial muscles; Twitching of the lips; Parched, dry lips—chap in the middle of lower lip; Scurfy eruption and peeling of the lips; Spasmodic contraction of the masseters. China.-Hippocratic countenance, with pointed nose; Hollow eyes, with blue margins; Yellow, like Jawndice; Grey-yellow complexion, or blackish; Sickly look; Red-hot, bloated face, espe- cially when entering a warm room from the cold air; Prosopalgia —nervous or rheumatic ; Beating, tearing, or darting. Lips—Dry, parched, wrinkled, or chapped; Blackish lips; Swelling of the lips; Sordes; Burning ulcers on the lips; Painful swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Cicuta.-Face deadly pale, cold, with cold hands; Swelling of the face and neck; Dark-red, lentil-sized eruptions of the fore- head, face, and hands, that flow into each other, with burning pain; Burning vesicles on the lip ; Spasmodic action of the facial muscles; Grinding of the teeth; Lock-jaw. Clematis.-White blisters on the face, such as are produced by a scorching sun; Vesicles and eruptions on the lips and chin; Cancer of the lip 2 Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Colchicum.-Features altered, as from severe illness; Sad, pitiful look; CEdematous swelling of the face; Yellow spots; Tingling sensation; Itching eruption; Neuralgia; Beating, jerk- ing, drawing pains; Sensation as if the bones were being crushed; Tearing pains in the face, that extend to the ear. Colocynth-Pale face, with dulness of the eyes; Swelling of the face; Heat and redness of one cheek, with violent pains; Ten- sion; Tearing, burning, or stinging in one side of the face (espe- cially the left), affecting the ear and head; Searching, burning pain—worse during rest; Cramp-like drawing in the left malar 583 FACE, &c.] FACE AND LIPS. bone, extending to the eye; Painful pressure in the orbits, near the root of the nose, with chilliness and confusion in the head; Herpes and boils on the face. Lips—Swelling of the upper lip; Burning in the lower lip; Suppurating pimple at the right angle of the mouth. Conium.—Heat in the face, with congestion of blood to the head, and stoppage of the nose. Face—Blue, swollen, or sickly pale; Soreness of the skin of the face; Herpes and spreading ulcers on the face; Flashings—tearing in the right side of the face; Aching in the facial bones at night, especially the orbital and malar bones of the right side; Nocturnal Prosopalgia; Lancinations near the ear. Lips—Dry, scaly; Vesicles on the lips; Ulcers on the lips—also after a fever; Cancer of the lip; Grinding of the teeth. *. Cuprum.—Pale, cachectic look; Changed features—full of anguish ; Sad, dejected expression; Bluish face and lips; Eyes sunken deep, with blue borders; Spasmodic distortion of the features; Painful stitches in the face; Spasm of the jaw. Digitalis.-Face pale; Blue lips and eyelids (Cyanosis); Con- vulsive movements on the left side of the face; Drawing pains in the malar bones; Swelling of the cheek; Red tubercle in the middle of the forehead, with Smarting and burning; Black pores in the skin of the face, which suppurate, and become ulcerated. Lips—Blue, dry, parched; Swollen; Eruptions on the lips. Dulcamara.-Redness of the face; Circumscribed redness of the cheeks; Drawing and tearing pains in the cheek; Humid eruptions; Blotches; Herpes on the forehead, temples, and chin, that form a thick crust—yellow or brownish; Warts and eruptions on the face; Pimples and ulcers around the mouth ; Distortion of the mouth; Twitching movements of the lips; Pimples on the chim. Euphorbium.—Violent burning in the face; Red, inflamma- tory swelling of the cheek, with gnawing and digging; Erysipela- tous inflammation of the face and head; Excessive swelling of the cheek, which is covered with yellow vesicles; Vesicles the size of 584 FACE AND LIPS. [FACE, &c. peas, emitting a yellow fluid, were produced by rubbing the juice on the cheek; White oedematous swelling of the cheek. Ferrum Acet.—Livid, jaundiced complexion; Paleness of the face and lips; Blue spots on the face, or yellow spots; Fiery red- ness of the face; Puffy, bloated face. Lips—White, anaemic. Graphites.—Paleness—sudden paleness after reading; Flushes of heat; Swelling on the left side; Erysipelas on both sides of the face, with stinging and burning; Incipient paralysis of the left side; Continual feeling as if a cobweb were over the face; Freckles; Eruptions, with a feeling as if the skin were cracked and raw. Lips—Stitches as if pierced by a needle; Burning, and feeling of heaviness about the lips; Ulcers at the corners of the mouth ; Vesicles on the lips; Scabby eruptions on the chin, and about the mouth ; Swelling of the maxillary glands; Pain and partial paralysis of the muscles of mastication, with difficulty in moving the jaw ; Falling-off of the beard and whiskers, sometimes in patches. - Gratiola.—Burning heat in the face, like fire, especially after a meal; Tingling and burning in the malar bones; Sensation of tightness, as if the face were swollen. Hepar Sulp.–Yellow colour of the face, with blue margins under the eyes; Heat in the face at 7 P.M., or at night—also early in the morning when awaking; Flushes of heat in the face; Red- ness of the cheeks; the cheeks are red as fire in the evening, and early in the morning; Erysipelas of the face, with prickling and tension; Vesicular Erysipelas; Swelling of the left cheek for two days; Pains in the malar bones when touching them ; Pains in the ear and temple; Chronic eruptions on the face in young persons (acne); Rash on the face. Lips—Chap in the middle of the lower lip; Eruptions on the borders of the lips, and around the mouth ; Yellowish vesicles that scurf off; Ulcer at the corner of the mouth (cured by Bell.); Itching pimples; Vesicles and ulcers on the chin. *~. Hydrocyan. Acid.-Face pale, bluish—aged look; Sallow, grey complexion; Transfigured features; Frightful distortion of 2 Q 585 FACE, &c.] FACE AND LIPS. the facial muscles; Corners of the mouth drawn; Cynic spasms; Ilock-jaw. Hyoscyamus.-Burning heat—redness—dilated pupils; after- wards—bluish, cold, pale; Frequent change of countenance. Face—Brownish, red, swollen; Clusters of pustules, like Small- pox—full of yellow pus—chiefly on the cheeks and chim. Ignatia-Face pale, red, or blue; Clay-coloured, sunken look, with blueness, or dark ridge under the eyes; Alternation of redness and paleness; Redness and burning of one cheek and ear; Sweat only of the face; Pains in the cheeks and jaws; Convulsive action of the facial muscles; Twitchings at the corners of the mouth; Sensation as if the jaws would be closed; Ulceration of the lips and corners of the mouth. Iodium.—Yellow, as in Jawndice, or brownish, tanned face; Frequent, sudden redness of the face, with burning in the ears; Pale, contracted, withered look; Convulsive twitchings; Sup- purating ulcer on the cheek; Swelling of the glands. Ipecacuanha.-Face pale, livid, bloated, or yellow ; Sickly, bluish, as after a long, severe illness; Convulsive movements of the facial muscles; Rash on the face, cheeks, and forehead; Heat of the cheeks. Lips—Eruptions and aphthae; Smarting, sore lips; Redness of the skin around the mouth. Kali Carb.-Heat and redness of the face, with icy-cold feet; Burning, red cheeks in the evening—followed by extreme pale- mess; Bloated; Swelling of the face, and between the brows; Swelling of the cheek, with small pimples, that are continually going and returning; Pustules; Freckles; Old warts; Burning in the face, under the right eye. Lips—Spasmodic twitchings; Burning; Stitches in the lips; Swelling and rhagades of the lips; Bleeding ; Vesicles and Scurf; Thickness and ulceration of the lower lip; Peeling-off of the skin; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Kali Iod.—Swelling of the face and cheeks; Extreme paleness •of the face; Pains in the bones of the face—extending to the 586 FACE AND LIPS. [FACE, &c. teeth and lower jaw; Tearing, darting in left malar bone when in bed, early in the morning; Painful stinging and darting in the left cheek—lasted a long time; Violent darting pain from left upper jaw to the parietal bone; Gnawing pain in both sides of the lower jaw. Kalmia.-Pressing pains on the right side of the face, between the eye and nose—also in the teeth. (Very severe Neuralgic pains of the face have been cured.) Kreasotum.—Heat and redness; Livid complexion; Constant heat in the face, with shortness of breath when in a warm room ; Tearing pains in the right side of the face, from the lower jaw to the temple; Eruptions; Acne; Pimples on the forehead, that sting and remain dry—or greasy-looking spots on the cheek and chin, that become covered with a yellow crust; Scaly herpes on the eyelids, cheeks, and around the mouth. Lips—Dry, chapped; Peeling of the skin, especially the upper lip. Lachesis.-Sunken face, with expression of suffering, or as after long watching; Distortion of the face, such as occurs after a fit of Apoplexy; Pale face especially, accompanied with ulcers; Livid, grey complexion, with fever or abdominal diseases; Heat in the face, with redness, which may become blue; Redness of face, with pains in the limbs, chest, and stomach; Prosopalgia of young girls; Swelling of the whole face, and also of the head— commencing about the eyes; Erysipelas of the face—commences at night—the next morning the part is very much swollen—with hammering headache; Sudden nightly swelling of the face, with violent itching—comes on after taking cold; Small pimples; Blotches; Pustules; Red herpes; Old, thick, scurfy eruptions in the whiskers. Lips—Heat, dryness; Swelling of the lips; Swell- ing of the lower lip ; Pustules on the lips; Distortion of the mouth during Apoplexy. Laurocerasus. – Livid, grey, yellow complexion; Yellow spots; Bloated, swollen face; Distorted features; Convulsions of the facial muscles; Prosopalgia; Darting in left malar bone and lower jaw; Eruptions around the mouth; Lock-jaw; Bruised pain in the whole lower jaw in the evening.’ 2 Q 2 587 FACE, &c.] FACE AND LIPS. . Ledum Pal—Pale, or bloated face, with eruptions; Red tubercles on the forehead; (acne, as in drunkards ;) Pimples and boils on the forehead; Dry, scaly herpes on the face; Intoler- able tearing pain in the face, extending to the head and neck, during the whole night, with occasional toothache. Lips— Pustules on the upper lip; Swelling of the sub-maxillary gland, which is painful when touched. Lycopodium.–Pale, wretched, sunken; Blue margins around the eyes; Wrinkled; Livid face, with blue lips; Yellow, or yellow-grey; Flushes of heat in the face early in the morning; Frequent flushing in the face; Circumscribed redness; Burning; Red, bloated face; Swelling of the cheeks; Eruptions on the face; Pustules, pimples, freckles; Fine eruption all over the face; Itching, scaly herpes; Spasmodic twitchings in the muscles of the cheeks; Tearing pains in the malar bones; Painful feeling of coldness in the face. Lips—Pale or blue; Swelling of the lips; Soreness and ulceration of the corners of the mouth; White blister; Large ulcer on the border of the lip. Manganum.—Face pale, sickly; Pain in the malar bones; Cramp-like pains in the jaws; Sore, excoriating pain in lower jaw; Tearing pain between the root of the nose and the eyebrows. Lips—Eruptions and vesicles on the lips; Red pimple; Dry, parched lips; Corrosive tumour on the upper lip. Mercurius.-Yellow complexion, as in Jaundice—or pale, earthy, cachectic-looking countenance; Livid circle around the eyes; Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks after midnight; Tearing pains in the face; Swelling of the right cheek, under the eye; Swelling of the cheeks, with toothache; Red spots and herpes on the face; Syphilitic spots and pustules on the face and forehead. Lips—Stinging of the lips; Dry, rough, or burn- ing sensation on the lips; Painful ulcers; Pimples; Soft, red swelling of the upper lip; Excavated ulcers on the lips; Ash- coloured spots on the lips; Cracks; Rhagades; Ulcers and sore- ness of the angles of the mouth ; Pustules, suppurating sores, and ulcers on the chin; Mentagra; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, with or without inflammation; Clenching and immobility of the jaw; Caries of the jaw. 588 FACE AND LIPS. [FACE, &c. Natrum Carb.-Burning heat and redness of the face; Bloated or yellow complexion; Violent pains in the malar bones; Yellow spots and pimples on the face and forehead; Eruptions near the nose, and around the mouth ; Swelling and eruptions on the lips. Nitric Acid.—Paleness or yellow colour of the face, especially around the eyes; Sickly appearance, with feeling of languor; Tension of the skin of the face; Pains in the malar bones; Violent tearing pains, or bruise-like; Pricking, twitching; Violent pul- sations; Black pores in the face; Pimples on the forehead, close under the hair; Pustules, with red, broad borders; Syphilitic eruptions; Erysipelatous swelling on the left cheek —stinging and painful; Itching eruption in the whiskers and beard. Lips —Swelling of the lips; Chaps, pimples, ulcers; Large boil on the chin; Pain and swelling of the sub-maxillary glands; Cracking in the jaw, at the condyle, during mastication. Nux Womica.-Earthy, yellowish complexion; Yellow appear- ance around the nose and mouth ; Gloomy, wretched look; Pointed nose; Red, bloated face; Dark-red face; Alternate redness and paleness; Heat and redness of the cheeks—or of one cheek only; Pale swelling on one cheek; Bloated appearance about the eyes, mouth, and nose ; Twitchings in the facial muscles; Tearing in the malar bone on one side of the face, affecting the ear—also with swelling of the face; Distortion of the mouth to one side. Lips—Dryness and painful feeling of the lips; Ulcers on the lips; Excoriation; Pimples; Rhagades, especially of the lower lip. Opium.–Frequent alternation of paleness and redness of the face; Pale face and forehead; Glassy eyes; Bluish or clay-coloured face—all the muscles appear relaxed; Stupid look; Bloated face, with hot and dry skin; Dark-red face; Cherry-brown; Red, puffed, swollen; Veins of the face distended; Inflamed appear- ance of the face; Protrusion of the eyes; Spasmodic movements of the muscles; Distortion of the mouth; Swelling of the lips; Falling down of the lower lip; Spasm of the Jaw. * Phosphorus-Pale, sickly complexion; Livid countenance; 589 FACE, &c.] FACE AND Irs. Deep, hollow eyes—blue margins; Hippocratic face; Blue redness of the cheeks; Circumscribed redness of the cheeks; Face hot, with sweat on the forehead; Glowing heat; Flushes; Burning and redness of the cheeks; Sweat of the face; Puffiness and swell- ing around the eyes; Pimples on the face, and wing of the nose; Single pimples; Pustules and scurf on the face; the skin of the face peels off; Aching pains in the malar, temporal, and parietal bones; Violent Prosopalgia ; Tearing pains in the bones of the face and temples; Tearing pain under the orbit; Violent tearing pain under the right ear; Sticking pains in the malar bones—the pains return after taking the least cold, and by contact or motion. Lips—Dryness of the lips; Rhagades at the middle of the lower lip; Burning pain in the lips—they burn like fire; Vesicles on the lips, the size of peas; Eruptions at the corners of the mouth. Platina, Violent heat in the face, with burning about the eyes; Burning heat, with glowing redness; Oppressive heat ; Violent thirst; Headache; Feeling of coldness and numbness in the whole right side of the face; Painful numbness in the left malar bone; Pulsative, digging pains in the jaws; Tension and numbness in the facial bone and mastoid process of the jaw, as if placed between screws; Gnawing pains in the cheek—soon recur- ring; Tensive feeling and numbness in the chin, as if between screws; Sensation as if the chin were suddenly drawn up ; Dull shocks under the chin. Lips—Vesicles that Smart on the border of the lower lip; Dryness and roughness of the lips; Bleeding and peeling of the skin of the lips; Erosion of the lip, as if it had been rubbed sore; Small, painless aneurism by anastomosis on the chin. Plumbum.-Death-like, clay, or lead-coloured countenance; Swelling of the face and eyelids; Emaciation chiefly of the face; Wrinkled, aged look; Expression of anguish; Jactitation of the muscles; Sunken eyes; Pointed nose; Skin of the face feels greasy; Vesicles on the forehead and nose; Peeling of the lips; Loud cracking of the jaws; Grinding of the teeth; Lock- Jaw. - . Pulsatilla. –Pale, or yellowish; Alternate redness and paleness; 590 FACE AND LIPS. [FACE, &c. Puffed, blue-red (apoplectic); Red—bloated during the fever; Heat and burning redness, especially in the evening—followed by paleness; Sweat on the face and scalp; Erysipelas, with stinging, and subsequent desquamation; Blotches; Eruption like Measles; Swelling of the sub-maxillary and cervical glands. Rhus Tox—Face disfigured—distorted—elongation of one side; Redness, with burning; Cold sweat; Swelling of the face, eyelids, and lobules of the ears; Violent swelling of the face; he could not open his eyes; Erysipelatous inflammation of the face—also with swelling of the neck; Vesicular Erysipelas; Burning pain in right cheek, as if ulcerated; Chronic eruptions on the face; Herpes; Crusta Lactea ; Acne Rosacea; Eruptions that form yellowish or greenish crusts. Lips—Dry, cracked, parched, or sordes of a reddish-brown colour; Black lips; Clusters of pimples, filled with a watery fluid, around the mouth and on the borders of the lips; Pimples on the chin—the tips filled with pus; Eruptions on the hairy parts of the face; Mentagra. Sepia-Yellowness of the face and eyes; Yellow streak over the cheek and nose; Flushes of heat ; Redness; Heat in the face every morning when awaking—also at noon and night; Flushes of heat in the face when talking; Puffy swelling of the face; Pale swelling of the face; Pains in the face; Drawing pains; Itching of the whole face; Itching pimples on the cheek; Roughness of the skin of the face; Black pores; Herpes and scurfy eruptions; Warts on the face; Tubercles on the forehead; Crusta Lactea. Lips—Dry and hot; Burning eruption; Scaly peeling of the lips; Pain in the upper lip ; Herpetic eruptions; Humid pimples; Yel- lowish tinge around the mouth; Painful ulcer inside the lower lip; Herpes and blotches around the mouth ; Pimples and long- lasting seabs on the chin. Silica.--White spots on the cheeks; Red spots, with redness of the nose; Heat and burning of the face after washing; Swell- ing of the face and lips; Swelling of the cervical glands, with chilliness, and icy-cold feet; Eruption on the face; Pimples on the forehead, and about the nose and eyebrows; Boil on the cheek, not very painful; Indurations about the face and on the lips. Lips—Smarting vesicles; Pimples on the borders of the lips; - 591 FACE, &c.] FACE AND LIPS. Spongy-looking ulcer on the lower lip; Cancer of the lip; Swell- ing of the lower lip; Boil on the chin—painful to touch; Caries of the bones of the jaw; Swelling and induration of the sub-maxil- lary glands. Spigelia.-Face pale—yellow around the eyes; Lips pale, or dark-red; Puffiness of the face; Muscles swollen and distorted; Neuralgia of one side of the face, with anguish at the heart ; Violent pains; Darting, tearing pains, chiefly on the right side; Burning pain in right malar bone; Blackish pustules on the lips; Burning in the upper lip. - Stannum,_Face pale—eyes sunken; Flushes of heat that are felt both internally and externally; Stupefying pain in face and forehead; Contractive, cramp-like pains in the bones of the face; Drawing pressure in the malar bones, and often extending to the orbits and lower jaw; Chronic pains; Burning pain in cheeks— followed by swelling; Pimples in the face—tender when touched, and sore when washing the face; Red tumour at the angle of the right lower jaw. Staphysagria.--Weary, tired, worn-out appearance, with hollow eyes; the face becomes blue or brown, from chagrin or indignation; Severe pressive and throbbing pains in the face, extending from the teeth to the eyes; Drawing, cutting in left malar bone; Tearing, burning, or stinging in the face and teeth; Inflammatory pains in the malar bone; Burning, with sharp stitches in the left cheek; Pimples on the forehead, cheeks, and corners of the mouth. Lips—Fine cracks; Vesicles that sting and burn ; Ulcer on the lip, with drawing, gnawing pain; Ulcer that emits pus, and afterwards a greenish fluid ; Enlarged gland under the symphysis of the lower jaw, the size of a hazel-nut— it feels like cartilage—it aches during mastication, and when pressed. Stramonium.—Face swollen, bloated, turgid with blood; Swelling and redness of the face, eyes, and tongue; Disfigured face; Friendly expression—alternating with a dismal, anxious, or a wild, frenzied look, with staring eyes; Circumscribed redness of the cheek; Erysipelas on the right side of the face; the upper 592 FACE AND LIPS. [FACE, &c. part of the face is dirty-looking, or of a coppery hue; while the parts around the mouth are white; Whiteness of the Ala Nasi. Sulphur.—Pale, swollen, or bloated face; Eyes deeply sunk, surrounded with a blue margin; Flushes of heat on the left cheek; Heat and burning in the face, with red spots; Heat every evening, from 5 until 9 P.M.; Painful burning heat of the face and neck; Heat in the face during the whole day; Redness and heat, with burning; Circumscribed redness; Sensation as if cold water were being poured over the face—it lasted some minutes; Creeping; Drawing; Twitching in the face; Swelling of the cheeks, with pricking pain; Erysipelas of the face, with swelling; Violent itching of the face; Phlegmonous Erysipelas; Pimples—moist tet- ters; Black pores; Herpes—dry, scaly, on the face and forehead; Mentagra. Lips—Dry, hot, burning; Scaly, rough; Chapped; Burning rhagades; Blotches; Swelling of the lips; Herpetic erup- tions around the mouth ; Fever-blisters; Vesicles; Tremor and twitching of the lips; Jerking of the jaw when falling asleep; Glandular swelling under the jaw; Painful prickings in the sub- maxillary glands. - - Thuja-Transient flushes in the face; Burning heat—redness all day; Sweat on the face; Itching eruption over the whole face; Pimples; Scurfy eruption on the cheek; Red, painful blotches on the forehead; Swelling at the side of the left cheek—it felt like a gland; Fine, darting pains in the muscles of the face; Boring pains in left malar bone—relieved by pressure; Stiffness of the masseter muscles. Lips—Jerking in the upper lip; Red erup- tions, that bleed when broken; Pimples on the chin. Weratrum.—Death-like, cold, disfigured face, with pointed nose and sunken cheeks. Face—Pale, blue, or yellow—or dark- red and hot—one cheek red, the other pale; Face red when lying down; Pale when sitting up ; Swelling of the face for several days; Cold sweat on the face; Sensation as if an eruption would appear; Small red pimples, with elevated borders—brownish, tipped with yellow pus—become sore when touched or broken; Thick rash on the cheeks, with Newralgic pains in the face; Copper-red eruption on the face; Acne Rosacea. Lips—Dry, 593 EYES.] EYES. parched, brown, or blackish; Lock-jaw; Cramps in the jaw; Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Verbascum.—Violent pressure in right malar bone; Sensation of violent pressure on left malar bone, extending to the ear—in- creased by pressure—it is felt frequently during the day; in the evening, when about to fall asleep; and also in the morning when awaking; Dull pressure about the zygomatic articulation of the temporal bone—aggravated by pressing the teeth firmly together; Intermittent pains in the left malar bone; Pain in the left zygoma, of a tensive, dull, stupefying character. Zincum.—Bruise-like pains in the facial and orbital bones; Sudden stitch from the right malar bone to the orbit; Swelling of the cheek; Pimples in the face. Lips—Jerking pain in the lips; Violent jerking of the muscles of the left lip; Swelling of the upper lip ; Pimples; Vesicles that emit a clear fluid ; Small pimples, with a little moisture; Large, yellowish-white pimple on the lower lip; Burning rhagades; Corners of the mouth sore and ulcerated; Small pustules on the chin, that itch violently, and become confluent, EYES, Aconite.—Ophthalmia; Catarrhal, rheumatic, or inflammatory; with chemosis; Heat, burning ; Acute Ophthalmia ; Vessels of con- junctiva intensely congested; Pain internally, as if the eye would be pressed out; Painful inflammation; Burning, first in one eye, then the other, or in the left only; Itching and burning; Eye sensitive to air when not so to light, or excessive photophobia; Profuse lachrymation; Swelling of lids; Yellowness of sclerotica; Sight dim, as when looking through a gauze; Sudden blindness; Pupil first contracted, then dilated. Alumina-Pressure; Stinging, itching, or burning in the morning; Copious lachrymation, or profuse secretion of mucus; .594 - - EYES. [EYES. Agglutination every night, with feeling of heaviness in the upper lids; Objects have a yellow tinge; Ophthalmia Senilis (Dud- geon). Ambra.-Redness of the ocular conjunctiva; Smarting, as of dust; Sight dim, as if looking through a fog. Antimonium.—Eyes red, inflamed; Dread of light; Redness of left eye. - Argentum Nit.—Opacity of the cornea 2 Arsenicum.—Tearing, Bwrming, like red-hot needles; Violent pains compel him to lie down ; Throbbing and stitching ; Excessive intolerance of light; Violent inflammation of the conjunctiva and sclerotica; Vessels dark-red; Scrofulous and rheumatic Oph- thalmia ; Very profuse lachrymation; Catarrhal Ophthalmia; Eyes dull, protruded, staring ; Spasmodic closing when looking at the light; Photophobia. Lids—Nightly agglutination; GEdematous swelling of the lids; Margins of lids dry, crusted; Pupils con- tracted; Muscae Volitantes. Useful in Ophthalmia, with Haemor- rhoids, and menstrual difficulties, Aurum.—Scrofulous swelling of the lids; Half sight; Double sight ; Fiery sparks—one object seems to pass into another; Black spots; Eyes prominent. - Baryta.-Eyes weary, sore; Eyeballs painful; Pressure deep in the eye; Sensation of a gauze before the eye; Black spots; Sparks. Lids—Eyelids opened with difficulty; Agglutination. Belladonna.-Painful burning, as if subjected to a hot vapour; the inner canthus is very painful; Pain in the orbits, as if the eyes were being torn out; Burning dryness; Scrofulous inflammation; Pupils dilated; Staring, fixed look; Glistening, shining; Ecchy- mosis; Haemorrhage; Pressive pain, with lachrymation; Spas- modic action of the recti muscles; Eyes constantly in motion; Vision diminished, or, for a short time, extinct; every object appears dim, or black; when reading, the letters appear blotted— unable to read print for three days; Objects seem blue or yellow; 595 EYES.] EYES, Bright sparks; Figures appear upside-down; Sight excessively weak. Lids—Retracted, trembling, quivering; Smarting, burn- ing; Entropium; Drooping of the lids (Ptosis); Lachrymation— also of salt water. Bromine.—Inflammation of the conjunctiva; Burning in the eyes; Darting, stitching; Lachrymation (right); Throbbing stitches in the left eyelids—extending to forehead and temple; Acute inflammation, with fever and suppuration; Dilated pupil. Bryonia.—Pressure as of sand (early morning); Sharp pains; Frequent lachrymation in the open air and sunshine; Painful swelling of one eyelid, with discharge of pus; Burning in the eyes and lids; Redness, swelling, and inflammation of the lids; Spark- ling; Swimming; Dim sight; Ophthalmia of infants. Calcarea.—Sensation of a foreign body, or a grain of sand; Itching—violent itching; Stitches; Throbbing; Feeling of heat; Burning; Inflammation—vessels of ocular conjunctiva deeply injected, with shooting and throbbing pains; Burning in eyes when closing the lids; Sense of ulceration. Lids—Gummy dis- charge; Lachrymation; Agglutination every night; Twitchings; Swelling ; Redness; Darkness seems to pass across the eyes, like gauze—feathers; Sudden blindness after dinner; Dancing wave- lets; Sparks; Black spots; a black spot accompanies the letters when reading; Long or far sight; Scrofulous Ophthalmia—and of infants; Specks on, and ulceration of, the cornea. Cannabis.-Weakness; Indistinct vision; Spasmodic drawing; Pressure from within outwards; Specks, or pellicle on cornea; the cornea becomes opaque; Cataract. Cantharis.-Ophthalmia ; Dim sight; Pimples and excoriation on the lids. - Causticum.—Sensation on upper eyelid, as if a stye were form- ing; Smarting, as if salt were in the eyes; Burning without red- ness; Eyes inflamed, with aching and burning; Periodical attacks of inflammation, especially in the scrofulous ; Visible 596 EYES, [EYES, twitching of the lids; Warts on the eyebrows; Sight partially obscured, as in a fog; a swarm of insects seem before the eyes; Incipient amaurosis; Chronic Ophthalmia; Rheumatic; Arthritic; Scrofulous; Specks on cornea; Opacity of the cornea; Cataract. Chamomilla.-Catarrhal Ophthalmia of infants; Eyelids swollen and red, with exudation of pus after sleep; Twitching of the eyes and lids; Spasmodic contraction ; Haemorrhage from the eyes; Yellow colour of sclerotica; Rolling of the eyes, in convulsions; Slight intolerance of light. China.-Sight dim, weak; Letters look pale; the outlines of objects only are visible; Cornea appears dim; Twitchings and tremor of the lids; Incipient amaurosis, from weakness, debility. Cicuta,—Sudden vanishing of sight, with vertigo; when walk- ing, objects vacillate; she stares at one spot for a long time—the object is not correctly seen ; sometimes objects appear double, or look black; Diplopia; Photophobia; Amblyopia, with brain disease; Dilated pupil. Cina.-Chronic weakness of the eyes; Dilated pupil; the eyes feel sore and weary, even early in the morning; Convulsive or spasmodic twitchings in the orbicularis palpebrarum; Feeling of dryness in the eyelids; Titillation; Itching. Clematis.-Chronic Ophthalmia; Sore smarting; Vessels in- jected; Margin of lids inflamed, ulcerated; Inflammation, with lachrymation; Burning; Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Rheumatic Oph- thalmia. Colocynth-Cutting pains, as with knives, in right eyeball, extending to root of nose and forehead. Conium.—Scrofulous Ophthalmia? Great intolerance of light; Feeling of coldness in open air; Stitches; Smarting heat; Eyes look red; Eyelids inflamed, with Hordeolum; Eyes prominent— evil effects of a blow—contusion; Twitching of the lid; Yellow colour of sclerotica; Weakness of the eyes, and of sight; Short- ness of sight—objects have a red appearance (Hyoscy.); when -- 597 EYES.] EYES, reading, the lines seem to move up and down; he sees objects double or threefold. Crocus.-Spasm of lids; Twitching; Itching; Burning; Dim sight, with profuse flow of tears; Sensation of a thin pellicle, or of gauze, over the eyes; Reading causes profuse lachrymation; the eyes feel swollen and tight, as after much weeping; Constant winking; Visible quivering of the eyelids. Cuprum,_Wandering look; Eyes staring, protruded, glisten- ing; Immobility of the pupils; Dilatation; Aching, tired feeling in the eyes—or bruise-like ; Eyes red, inflamed ; Wild look; Rolling of the eyes during convulsions or frenzy. Digitalis.--Catarrhal, scrofulous, and arthritic Ophthalmia, especially from the sudden disappearance of a cold; Inflammation of the Meibomian glands; Throbbing pain in the orbits; Inflam- mation of both conjunctiva; Redness; Pain; Sense of excoriation, or of sand ; Profuse lachrymation ; Smarting tears; Pupil dilated; Sensibility trifling, or lost; Amaurosis— lasting three days; Visions—dark bodies—flies—shining bodies dance; Various colours are seen—especially green or yellow; Objects appear covered with snow; all faces appear deadly pale. Drosera.--Dull tearing or burning in left eyeball; Stitches deep through the eyes; Smarting pain; Presbyopia, ; Weakness of the eyes; Gauze before the eyes; Letters appear blurred. After a walk in the evening—Obscuration of sight; Agglutination of the lids; Contraction of the pupils. Dulcamara-Ophthalmia meanotorum; Scrofulous inflamma- tion of the lids; Paralysis of the upper lid; Twitching; Incipient amaurosis; Dim sight; Sparks, like fire, dart out of the eyes. Euphorbium.—Acute and chronic inflammation; Smarting, with lachrymation; Pale-red inflammation of the lids; Agglu- tination; Sensation of pus in right eye; Diplopia; Objects appear larger than they are. Euphrasia-Painful pressure; Smarting, as from sand; Sting- 598 EYES. [EYES, ing, from the effect of light—intolerance; Burning and smarting; Lachrymation; Intense pain from the effects of light; Rheumatic inflammation of the eyes; Inflamed cornea ; Sclerotic vessels highly injected; Fine stitches in the eyeball. Eyelids—Swollen; Margins inflamed, ulcerated, gummed; the cornea appears covered with a bluish pellicle, which renders the sight dim; Ulcers or specks on the cornea. - Gelseminium.—Pain in the orbits; Misty sight; Heaviness of the lids; Difficulty in keeping the eyes open; Congestion of the vessels of the palpebral conjunctiva; Diplopia—only whe turning the head on the shoulder. - Graphites.—For Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Ulcers on cornea ; Violent stitches through the eye; Smarting, as of some acrid sub- stance; Burning—violent in the morning; Sclerotic and conjunc- tiva intensely red; Chemosis; Inflammation and swelling of the lids, with mucus; Myopia; Great intolerance of light; Pressive pain in the eyebrow, extending into the eye. Guaiacum.—Swelling and protrusion of the eyeball—the eye- lids appear too short; Amaurosis. Hepar.—Violent pains, as if the eyes were being drawn into the head; Incisive boring, or dull stitching; Redness, inflamma- tion, and swelling of the lids; Erysipelatous inflammation, with bruised feeling, and weariness; Spasms of the lids; Twinkling of the lids; Quivering of the lids; Spasmodic closing of the lids; Inability to open them ; Sensation of net before the eyes; Tem- porary darkness after stooping ; Aching of the eyes in bright day- light; Pimples around the eyes, and on the lids; Hordeolum; Specks and ulcers on the cornea ; Dimness of sight as evening advances; Far sight—letters appear unusually large; Illusions of sight—the letters, when reading, seemed like heaps of ants in motion; Obscuration when reading. Hyoscyamus.-Spasmodic motion of the eyes; Staring or fixed look; Eyes protrude—roll in different directions; Sparkling; Strabismus; Pupils dilated; Objects appear bright-red, or much larger than they are. - - 599. EYES,1 EYES, Ignatia.-Conjunctivitis; Eyes red, inflamed; Intolerance of light; Dimness of sight; Pupils dilated. Kali Bichrom.—Smarting; Soreness; Pressive pain in ball; Burning in ball and lids; Ocular conjunctiva injected; Vessels . red; Eyelids slightly granular; CEdema of lids; Lachrymation; Yellowish-brown spots on the albuginea; Inflamed caruncula; Pustule on left cornea (the inflammation is sub-acute). Kali Carb.—Fine injection of conjunctiva; Smarting ; Biting; Bwrming in the eyes and lids; Swelling of right eye; Large swell- ing of upper lid; Swelling between the eyebrows and the lids— forming a small sac ; Agglutination (morning); Lachrymation ; Muscae Volitantes; a black ball hovers before the eyes; little objects, like curls, appear when reading; White drops, like Snow ; Blue, green, and yellow colours; Wheels—yellow and white ; Eyes sensitive to daylight. - Kalmia.-Acute stitches; Strong pressing, accompanied with pains in the limbs; Feeling of stiffness about the eyes and lids; Glimmering of small points; Left eye inflamed. Kreasote.-Itching, biting sensation; Heat and redness of lids; Lachrymation ; Tears scalding, smarting, salt; Suppura- tion; Dimness of sight; Sensation of gauze or particles of down before the eyes; the eyes look as if one had been weeping. Lachesis.-Inflammation of eyes and lids; Feeling as of a stye forming; Pressure as if the eyes would start from the orbits; Pain after reading at candle-light. Lycopodium.—Sensation of dust; Bruise-like pain; Stitches; Itching; Smarting; Biting; Cold feeling; Burning; Inflamma- tion of the eyes and lids; Lachrymation and agglutination; Puru- lent, gummy mucus; Pustules; Styes on the lids; Red pimples, passing off in Scurf; Dryness of the eyes, with heat and dimness; Spasmodic twitching of the lids (lower); Weakness of sight; Muscae Volitantes. Magnesia?—Scrofulous Ophthalmia; Corneitis; Cataract. 600 EYES, [EYES, Mephitis Putorius. – Conjunctivitis; Dimness of sight; Prickings; Heat; Burning; Pain on moving the eyes; Conjunc- tiva intensely red; Inability to read fine print—the letters appear blurred; Weakness of sight, with pain in head. s Mercurius.-Pressure as from a foreign body—sand—felt espe- cially on quick movement of the eye; Cutting under the lid, as from a sharp body; Smarting, as from horseradish; Itching, burn- ing, with lachrymation—worse in open air; Inflammation of both eyes, with injection of conjunctiva—also the sclerotic vessels; Lachrymation—even very profuse; Lids red, swollen ; Constrictive closing of the lids; Agglutination at night; Pustules on the conjunctiva ; Scurfy eruption around the eyes—gum on the lids. Sight—Black motes; Vanishing of the sight for five minutes, every half-hour; Misty, dim sight; Intolerance of light, even the glare of a fire. Useful for Gonorrhoeal, Scrofulous, and Infantile Ophthalmia (Marcy). Muriatic Acid.—Itching in the eyes; Stitches; Burning pres- sure early in the morning, when washing; Slight inflammation of the eyes; Half sight—one-half of the object appears cut off in a perpendicular line. . . . . . Natrum Carb.-Heaviness of the lids; Pricking, itching sen- sation, as of a hair in the eye; Inflammation ; Lachrymation; Agglutination—closing of the lids, with drowsiness; Long sight— unable to read fine print; Sensation of feathers before the eyes; Muscae Wolitantes. Natrum Mur.-Stitches in the eye; Painful excoriation; Violent burning in the evening; Redness—inflammation, with sensation as if the eyeballs were too large; Soreness and ulceration of the lids; Pimples; Styes; Lachrymation; Acrid tears; Agglu- tination in the morning; Tremor of the lids; Spasmodic closing. Sight—Dim, obscured; Gauze before the eyes—letters appear blurred—the stitches, when sewing, are indistinct; it appears to rain; she becomes long-sighted; Diplopia; Muscae. Nitric Acid.-Eyes sore, weak, red, itching; Stitches; Smart- ing, burning, swelling of the lids; Suppuration ; Frequent lach- 2 R 60I EYES.] - EYES, rymation; Acrid humour; Eye-gum; Trembling of the lids; Drooping of the upper lid; Difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning; Paralysis of the lid; Photophobia; Sight dim, dark; Sudden blindness in the open air, with feeling of faintness; Short sight; Objects appear double; Grey spots; Muscae Volitantes; Dark spots on the cornea; Ulcers. Useful in Syphilitic affections, after Mercury. Mercurial Ophthalmia; Pains in the orbital bones. Nux Wom.—Pressure in the eyes and on the upper lids when awaking in the morning, with intolerance of daylight; Sight ob- scured for a few hours; Aching in the eyes; Burning, without inflammation; Spasmodic motions of the eyeball; Amaurosis, from excessive study, over-reading, and indulgence in stimulants; Effusion of blood into the albuginea, without pain; Catarrhal in- flammation of the lids; Muscae Volitantes; Suppuration of the canthi. Opium.—Staring, glistening eyes; Immovable; Pupils insen- sible to light; Eyes half closed; Pupils first dilate, then contract; Trembling of the lids; Sight dim, obscured, as through gauze. Paris.-Sensation as if the eyeballs were too large for the orbits; Pressure, darting through the eye; Burning, with lachry- mation; Gum in the morning; Lachrymation (morning); Quiver- ing of the upper lid, - Petroleum.—Pressure in the evening, at candle-light; Cutting pain when reading; Stitches; Beating; Burning; Weakness of the eyes and dimness of sight; Long sight; Flattening of the cornea; Double sight; Spots hover before the eyes; Vibrations. Phosphorus.-Determination of blood to the eyes; Inflamma- tion; Heat; Redness; Pressure, with pain as from sand; Agglu- tination in the morning; Lachrymation; Secretion of gum dur- ing the day; Puffy swelling of right upper lid; Frequent winking of the lids; Short sight; Blackness; Darkness at candle-light; Sensation of black gauze, or of a grey cover before the eyes; Large black spots passing before the eyes. Useful in Catarrhal, Scrofulous, and Rheumatic Ophthalmia. Muscae Volitantes; Cap- sule lenticular; Cataract; Inveterate Catarrhal Ophthalmia; Sud- den attacks of blindness during the day; Amaurosis, from loss of 602 - EYES, DEYES, animal fluids; Onanism (Marcy); Incipient Amaurosis in a boy aged nine (Rückert). Phosphoric Acid.-Inflammation of the eyes and lids; Stye on upper lid; the eyes are dazzled when looking at a bright light; Short sight; Dim sight; Black streak before the eye. Platina.-Pain in right orbit; Sore, gnawing sensation, as of excoriation in the upper border of the orbit; Burning sensation in the eyes, with drowsiness; Distortion of the eyes; Twitching of the eyelids. Plumbum.—Violent contraction—closing of the lids; Paralysis and insensibility of the lids; CEdema; Eyes protruded; Pupils contracted; Sight dim, misty; Amawrosis; Vessels of the con- junctiva and sclerotica injected, with feeling of fulness and con- gestion in the eyeball. Pulsatilla.-Pain as if scraped with a knife; Tearing, cutting; Pressure; Burning; Pressure as from sand; Sticking pain; In- flammation of the eyes, lids, and Meibomian glands; Conjunc- tivitis, with stye on the lid; Feeling of dryness, with pressure as from a foreign body; Lachrymation in the open air; Blear eye; Trichiasis; Sensation as if something adhered to the cornea; Sight dim; Obscured; Fiery circles. Chiefly for Catarrhal Oph- thalmia—also after or during Measles; Gomorrhoea; Affections of the eyes during Menstruation. Ranunculus Bulb.-Smarting as from smoke—the eyes are very painful; he was unable to do anything for half-an-hour; Sen- sation of soreness and burning; Painful pressure; Sensation as if a hair were in the eye; Violent pressing pains in the eyeballs for several days. Ratania.-Twitching in the right eye and upper lid; Biting, contractive sensation in the eyes; Sensation in the right eye, as if it were in a vice; Twitching in the right lower lid, with a press- ing upwards that impeded vision ; Dim sight. Rhododendron.-Burning and prickling under the right eye, and in the cheek—returning occasionally for many months; Swell- 2 R 2 603 EYES.] - EYEs. ing of the lids; Suppuration of the lids; Dry burning in the eyes; Burning when writing or reading, especially in the evening. Rhus Radi-Itching, stinging; Jerking of the eyelids; Heat and itching in the eyes and eyelids; Redness, swelling, with itch- ing and burning in the lids—with sensation of fulness, as if threaten- ing Erysipelas; OEdema of the lids; Lachrymation; Agglutination. . Rhus Tox,−(According to Dr. Dudgeon, this remedy is of considerable value in Erysipelatous, Scrofulous, and Exanthematic Ophthalmia.) The eyeball feels sore when turning the eye, or mak- ing pressure upon it; Burning pressure from evening until morn- ing; in the evening the lids feel heavy and stiff, as if paralysed; Inflammation of the lids; Redness of the ocular and palpebral conjunctiva, with burning and feeling of protrusion; Agglutination in the morning; Swelling of the lids; Hard, red swelling, like a stye on the lower lid; Lachrymation, with burning; CEdematous swelling around the eyes; Catarrhal, Rheumatic Ophthalmia P (Hepar Sulp.) Affections of the Meibomian glands (Hartmann). Ruta.-Aching as if the eyes had been exerted too much by reading; Heat; Sensation as of fire; Burning under the left eye; Smarting; Considerable lachrymation in the open air; Spasm of the lower lids; Spasmodic action of the orbicularis muscle; Sen- sation as if there were not sufficient light; Weakness of the eyes; Red halo; Incipient amaurosis; Muscae Wolitantes; Specks on the COTIléa, Secale.-Spasmodic contraction of the pupils, and contortion of the eyes; the eyes roll about; Staring, wild look; Frightful con- traction, with strongly-contracted pupil; Objects appear double or triple; Strabismus; Luminous vibrations. Sight—Misty, ob- scured; Convulsive movements of the eyes. Senega.-Increased secretion of the lids; Violet-coloured ecchymosis at the lower part of the iris; Lancinating pains around the eyes. It promotes absorption of the broken Cataract. Pulsa- tions; Jerking in the lids; the eyelids are full of mucus early in the morning; the sight is dazzled with luminous vibrations, especially when reading; Shadows before the eyes. * * 604 Sepia-Pain in the eyelids, as if too heavy; on awaking in the morning the lids feel as if pressed down by a heavy weight; Pricking, smarting in both eyes; Inflammation; Redness; Swell- ing of the eyes, with headache; Agglutination; Jerking, twitch- ing of the lids; Paralysis of the lids; Dimness of sight; a number of black spots before the eyes; Green halo around the candle- light ; Pustules; Styes that are slow in suppurating. Silica.-Heat; Smarting redness; Agglutination at night; Burning, itching of the lids; Twitching of the lids; Spots; Ulcers; Cicatria, on the cornea ; Sparks, or black motes; Letters look blurred or too pale when reading; Light obscured—grey colour; Sudden attacks of blindness; Far sight; Amaurosis; Cataract 2 Trichiasis 2 Ectropium ? Fungus haematodes? Scrofulow8 Oph- thalmia. - Spigelia-Newralgia of the optic nerve; Pains in and around the eyes, and deep in the orbits; Pain in the eyeball during motion; Intolerable pressure; Digging, sticking pains of a very violent character; Sensation as if the eyeballs were too large ; Right eye inflamed, with a feeling as if it would be pressed out of the socket, with violent headache; Paralysis of the right upper lid; Ulceration of the lids; Rheumatic Ophthalmia, with conges- tion of the vessels; Pain every day from morn till noon—it then disappears; Pain every morning, with frequent violent stitches; Pupils contracted—the cornea looks faint and glassy; Sensitive to light; Continual winking of the lids; Ptosis of the upper lid. Stannum.—Pain in the eyes, as if they had been rubbed with a woollen cloth; Sudden jerks; Dull shocks about the orbits; Tensive stitch in left eyeball—violent when moving the eye; Pro- trusion of the eyes; Winking of the left eye for one week; Nightly agglutination; Lids contracted, with a feeling of burning. Staphysagria-Aching pain in the upper part of right eyeball; the light causes the eyes to ache, with smarting lachrymation; Pain and inflammation in the eye; Smarting pain in the inner canthi; Inflammation of the lids; Hordeolum; Spasmodic closing of the lids; Hollow, sunken look about the eyes; Objects appear covered with a white gauze ; Pupils dilated. . . . . . . . . 605. EYES.] EYES, Stramonium.—Staring, somnolent eyes; Pupils dilated—im- movable; Eyes swollen; Eyeballs contorted in every direction; Sparkling, glistening; Swelling and inflammation of the lids; Dimness of sight, with thirst and sweat; afterwards giddiness and headache; Presbyopia; Diplopia; the objects are multiplied, and of various colours; Black objects appear grey; Dulness of vision, as if looking through a glass of turbid water. Sulphur will prove useful in scrofulous affection of the eyes, and inflammation of the lids, with discharge of mucus or pus; Affections of the eyes, supervening on repelled eruptions; Violent pressure on moving the eyes; Bruised feeling; Dryness; Smart- ing; Feeling of heat; Sense of congestion; Fulness; Intolerance of sunlight; Incipient amaurosis; Ulcers on the cornea; Opacity of the cornea; Pustular Ophthalmia; Specks on the cornea; Yellow colour of the sclerotica. Eyelids—Burning inside the lids; Swelling of the lids; Styeon the upper lid; Discharge of purulent mucus; Agglutination; the eyes frequently close of themselves; Twitching of the lower lids—several days; Ulceration of the margins of the lids; Black spots hover before the eyes; a white spot appears when looking into the air; General weakness of the sight. Thuja-Considerable pressure in the eyes for two or three days; Akbuginea red and inflamed, with Smarting as from Sand; Weak eyes, with pressure, as from very fine sand; Stinging in the eyes when in the open air; Tearing, burning, itching; Sight dim in the open air; Short sight; Sensation as if gauze were placed before the eyes; Redness of the eyes; Sharp, penetrating stitch, from time to time, in the inner canthus of right eye; Feeling of heat and dryness in the eyes; Tearing pain in left eyebrow; Pimples between the eyebrows, that itch, and exude pus. Eyelids —Red blotch on the margin of lower lid; Swelling of the lids, with hardness, or spongy excrescences that bleed readily. Valeriana.—Smarting as from Smoke, at 3 P.M.; Burning, smarting in the eyes, about ten o'clock in the morning; Pressure in the eyes after rising in the morning—the margin of the lids seems swollen and sore; Sight improved for distant objects; Black motes; Scintillations. - - 606 NASAL ORGAN. [NOSE. Weratrum.—Rheumatic, painful tearing, or compressive pains in both eyes; Painful Ophthalmia, with excessive headache; Bruise- like pain in the eyeball; Inflammation of right eye. Eyelids— Excessive dryness of the lids; Paralysis of the lids; Profuselachry- mation and sharp cutting pains; Pupils very much contracted or dilated; the eyes look faint, dim, dull, or yellow. Zincum.—Pain as if the eyes would be pressed into the head; Lancinations in the eyes and head; Feeling of Soreness; Burning or smarting; Conjunctiva red and inflamed ; Dryness of the eyes; Constant weariness; Feeling of weakness; Dread of the sunlight; Contracted pupil. Eyelids—Burning of the lids; Drooping of the upper lid. - NASAL 0 RG AN. Aconite.—Bleeding from the nose, especially in plethoric per- sons; Pressure over the root; Coryza, with headache; Humming in the ears; Discharge of clear fluid from the nose; Furuncle at the tip. Alumina.-Ulceration of the nostrils; Sore, Scurfy, or dis- charge of a thick, yellow mucus; or green, thick lumps; Stoppage of the nose; Bleeding from the nose; Redness and swelling; Con- stant disposition to Coryza and Catarrh. Ambra.-Bleeding from the nose early in the morning; Fre- quent sneezing; Tingling; Dryness; Stoppage; Chronic, dry Coryza. Ammo. Carb.--Twitching in left wing of the nose—it seemed to be drawn up; Pustules and pimples; Discharge of mucus and blood; Epistaxis when washing in the morning, or after dinner; Chronic dryness of the nose; Stoppage of the nose at night; Dry Coryza. Ammo. Mur.—Soreness around the nostrils; Bleeding from 607 NOSE.] NASAL, ORGAN, the left fossa; Coryza, with soreness of the nose; Difficult expul- sion of mucus from one nostril; Sneezing, with pains at the nape of the neck and shoulders. - - Anacardium.—Bleeding from the nose after violent blowing; Illusions of smell—or smell entirely lost; Obstruction of the nose; Chronic Coryza; Violent fluent Coryza ; Discharge of much mucus; Frequent sneezing, with coldness of the body and hands; Heat of the head; Cramps in the calves, and anxiety about the Heart. Antimon. Crud-Soreness of the nostrils when inspiring air; Nostrils chapped and crusted; Painful and sore; Bleeding from the nose for several successive days; Stoppage of the nose in the evening—he can scarcely talk; Dry or fluent Coryza. --- Arnica.-Painful sensation in the nose as from a fall; Cramp- like pain, or lancinations; Swelling of the nose; Feeling of heat; Frequent bleeding at the nose; Sensation as of an insect crawling in the nose; Pimples in the nose, that are tipped with pus; Coryza, with burning heat. - - - Arsenicum, Pain at the root; Stitches in the nose; Burn- ing, with 8welling and pain; Hard tumour, like cancer; Ulcera- tion of the nostrils, very high up in the nose; Smell of pitch or of sulphur; Profuse fluent Coryza, with much sneezing; Hoarse- ness and sleeplessness; Discharge of a burning, biting, watery fluid, with Soreness about and under the nostrils. sº Aurum,--Caries of the nasal bones; Soreness of both nostrils; Painful ulceration of both nostrils; Ulcerated crust in right nostril—he can scarcely breathe through the nose; Stoppage of the nose; Scrofulous swelling of the nose; Dark-brown, red, slightly elevated spots, tender to touch; Cancer? Sense of smell increased; Sweetish smell—or of brandy; Putrid smell when blowing the nose; Foetid, yellow-green discharge from the nose. 2: • *- : * - - - • ** *- : * • Baryta. C.—The nose feels clogged with mucus; Epistaxis of bright-red blood several times a day; Stoppage, and troublesome dryness of the nose; he blows blood and mucus from the nose; Secretion of thick, yellow mucus, with a feeling-of dryness, NASAL, ORGAN. [NOSE. Belladonna.—Red blotches near the root of the nose—painful when touched; Pimples, that quickly fill with pus, and form crusts; Cold nose; Diminished smell—or of rotten eggs; Smell too sensitive; Soot and tobacco-smoke are intolerable; Pain as from a bruise in the nose, above the wing; Tingling; Fine stitches; Sudden redness of the tip, with burning; Pain and ulceration of the left nostril; Bleeding from the nose; Fluen Coryza, with cough; and smell of herring-brine. - Bovista,—Soreness, redness, and burning of the septum; Scurfs and crusts in the nostrils; Scurfy pustules; Constant feel- ing of Catarrh ; Stoppage of the nose, impeding the air and speech; Bleeding from the nose early in the morning. . Bryonia.-Swelling of the nose—it feels as if ulcerated, and is very painful when touched; Inflamed and ulcerated nostrils, with biting or gnawing pain; Chronic, dry Coryza, with twitchings in the nose; Bleeding from the mose every morning, after rising—or during sleep—or during a suppression of the menses; Violent sneezing in the morning; Profuse fluent Coryza, with darting pains; Pains in the forehead; Crusts of hardened mucus in the IlOSę, . - | - Calcarea.—Twitching of the muscles of the nose; Stinging pain in the nostril; Soreness of right nostril; Inflammation, redness, and swelling of the nose; Swelling of the right wing; Pimple in right nostril—painful only when the muscles of the nose or face are in motion; Nostrils sore and ulcerated; Violent bleeding from the nose—almost to fainting; Smell as of rotten eggs, manure, or gunpowder; Very foetid smell in the nose; Polypw8; Dryness of the nose at night—moist during the day; Stoppage of the nose with yellow, foetid pus; Violent fluent Goryza, with heat in the head; Headache and Dyspnoea. . ... Cannabis.--Large nodosity, like Acne Rosacea; Swelling of the alae nasi; Dryness; Dull pressure at the root; Sensation of warmth, as if the nose would bleed; Epistaxis; Haemorrhage, even unto fainting. . . . . . ... . . . " • . . . tº g sº * * * -- - - - - - ". . . . . . • * tº ºr ºn a ... = ** * * * : Gantharis–Inflammation of the right wing,...with shining 609 NOSE.] NASAL ORGAN. rédness, and swelling; Erysipelas of the nose, extending over the cheek, on the right side, with swelling, hardness, and subse- quent desquamation; Pimples in the nostrils, that burn when touched; Violent sneezing; Bleeding from the nose early in the morning. * Capsicum.—Epistaxis, especially before rising—after which, blood and mucus are blown from the nose; Sensation in left nostril, as from a pimple forming; Dry Coryza, with burning sensation. Carbo An.—Swelling and redness of the nose ; Sore nostrils; Pimples that form scurfs; Epistaxis for several mornings in suc- cession; Discharge of a large quantity of bright-red blood—pre- ceded by Vertigo, or dulness in the head; Stoppage of the left nostril; Dry Coryza, with difficulty in breathing through the nose. Carbo Veg.—Sensation of heaviness in the nose; Formication; Tingling; Eruptions on the wing; Itching around the nostrils; Scabs on the tip; Epistaxis at night—or when stooping, or strain- ing at stool; Stoppage of the nose in the evening, especially the left nostril; Violent fluent Coryza, with Catarrh ; Hoarseness and Soreness in the chest; Secretion of green mucus; Profuse bleeding from the nose, several times during the day, with paleness of the face. - - Causticum.—Itching of the nose and tip, wings, and nostrils— the septum is very painful to the touch ; Pimples on the tip, and also the root of the nose; Old warts on the nose; Total obstruc- tion of the nose, with loss of Smell; Dry Coryza, with difficult breathing; or fluent Coryza, with cough at night; Headache; Hoarseness, and foetid discharge from the nose. China-Heat and redness of the nose; Stitches in the septum; Frequent bleeding early in the morning, after rising, for several mornings; Bleeding after blowing the nose; Haºmorrhage from the nose and mouth; Coryza, with sneezing; Watery discharge; Violent Coryza, with constant dropping of fluid from the nose—or dry Coryza, with lachrymation and toothache. - Cina-Constant inclination to bore the nose, in children-even 610 NASAL ORGAN. UNOSE. until it bleeds; Violent sneezing; Fluent Coryza ; Nose full of mucus in the morning; Purulent discharge; Stoppage of the nose in the evening. Coffea.— Sudden, copious, watery discharge from the nose; Fluent Coryza, with sneezing; Epistaxis, with ill-humour. Colchicum.—Tingling, cramp-like feeling; Oppressive weight; Soreness of the septum ; Smeezing, with tingling; Chronic Coryza, with thin discharge; Epistaxis in the evening; Morbid sense of Smell; Eggs almost cause fainting; the smell of broth, nausea. Conium.—Itching, tingling of the nose and nostrils; Stinging, itching, or burning; Soreness of the septum, as from a pimple; Pustule on the right wing; Frequent bleeding from the nose—or purulent discharge; Chronic stoppage of both nostrils; Frequent Sneezing; Sense of smell excessively acute; Constant smell of tar— which he also seems to taste; Inflammation of the nose after much Mercury. Crocus.—Violent sneezing; Discharge of tenacious, thick, dark, almost black blood, with cold sweat on the forehead. Dulcamara.—Dry Coryza, with Sneezing, and a feeling of dul- ness in the head—aggravated by cold air; Copious bleeding from the nose, of hot, bright-red blood, with a feeling of pressure in the frontal sinus. Euphrasia-Pustules on the wings—internal parts sore and painful; Profuse fluent Coryza, with smarting lachrymation; Sneezing—discharge of mucus; Cough and expectoration. Graphites.—Nose red, dry, scurfy; Black pores; Cracked, ulcerated nostrils; Painful scabs; Discharge of blood and mucus; Obstruction of the nose, with flow of clear water; Dry Coryza– sometimes with nausea and headache; Fluent Coryza, with Catarrh; Frequent discharge of mucus from the nose; Foetid, purulent dis- charge; Epistaxis, with palpitation; Sense of smell sensitive— cannot bear flowers—smell like burning soot (morning); or burnt hair, with sulphur, at night. . - 611 NOSE.] NASAL ORGAN. Helleborus.-Constriction in the nose that threatens suffoca- tion; Sneezing; Spasmodic, ineffectual desire to sneeze. - Hepar Sulp.–The bones of the nose are tender to touch; Drawing pains that extend into the eyes; Contractive sensation; Itching, heat, and redness; Burning in the nose; Pain as if bruised; Ulceration of the nostrils; Scurfs in the nose; Conges- tion of blood; Discharge of coagula when blowing; Coryza, with inflammation and swelling; Sense of Smell very fine and sensi- tive. . . . - Ignatia—Painful Soreness, with swelling and sense of ulcera- tion; Stoppage of one nostril; Coryza, with frontal headache and hysteric nervousness; Dry Coryza, with Catarrh. Iodium.—Red, burning spot on the nose, under the eye; Itching, stinging in the septum ; Profuse Epistaais; Fluent Coryza, with much sneezing; Increase of yellow mucus. Rali Bich—Watery discharge, with redness; Soreness, sneez- ing, and snuffling; Soreness and swelling of right wing; Stoppage, with pain on the bridge of the nose; Tenderness and ulceration of the septum; Hard plugs—clinkers—resembling pieces of India- rubber. These elastic plugs form in a few days, and are painful if torn out : they soon pass through their natural course, and become detached. Foetid smell—or loss of smell. Kali B. has been found valuable for the cure of Polypus. - Kali Carb.-Itching; Burning in the nose; Ulcerative pain in right fossa; Burning that extends to the cribriform plate of the ethmoid. Nose—Hot, red, and swollen; Pimples; Ulcers; Sore, scurfy nostrils, which appear intensely red; Frequent bleeding; Dry Coryza — or obstruction, with thick, yellow-green mucus; Profuse fluent Coryza, with excessive sneezing; Headache and pain in the back. - Kali Iod.—Violent bleeding from the nose; Burning, with flow of clear water; Catarrh; Profuse flow of serum, or thick, yellow mucus; Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyelids; Catarihal inflammation, affecting the whole apparatus, 612 NASAL ORGAN. [NOSE. with sneezing; Lachrymation; Injection of the conjunctiva; Pains in the ears, and hammering in the forehead. Kreasotum.—Foetid smell in the nose when awaking in the morning; Frequent sneezing (early morning); Dry Coryza, with much sneezing; Epistaxis of thin, light-red blood in the morning, or thick and black blood; the membrane feels sensitive to the air. Lachesis.— Pains in the nose, that proceed from the head; Redness of the nose (acne), as in drunkards; also from Syphilis, or when complicated by Mercury; Swelling, pain, and soreness of the nose; Scurfy nostrils; Dropping of blood from the nose—or when blowing it, with headache and sense of congestion; Copious flow of blood; Discharge of pus and blood; Profuse Coryza, with sore- mess of the nostrils; Fluent Coryza every day. Laurocerasus.-Itching and titillation in the nostrils; Fre- quent sneezing; Violent sneezing in the morning; Obstruction of the nose—it seemed impossible for the air to pass; the upper part felt closed; Feeling of fulness and dryness in the nose. Lycopodium.—Spasmodic action of the muscles of the nose— fan-like movement; Corrosive pain in the left nostril; Swelling of the tip, which is painful to touch; Closing of the nostril by mucus every night; Smell sensitive for Hyacinths; Total loss of smell; Bleeding from the nose once or twice a day; Considerable dis- charge of blood after blowing the nose; Frequent sneezing; Obstruction and dryness, especially about the root of the nose (this obstruction seemed to arrest a child's breath for fifteen seconds during sleep, although the mouth was open); Coryza, with swelling of the nose and soreness of the lip; Profuse fluent Coryza. Mercurius.-Red, shining swelling, especially on the left side of the nose; Swelling and tenderness of the septum; Scurfy nostrils; Swelling of the bones, with tenderness; Black pores; Violent itching; Scabs in the nose; Bleeding when sleeping or coughing; Frequent sneezing; Coryza, with profuse watery dis- charge, or corrosive mucus; Putrid smell from the nose. Natrum Carb.-Pimples and vesicles on the nose; Burning - - 613 NOSE.] NASAL ORGAN. vesicle on right wing; Pustule, with red areola on left wing ; Blotches on the nose; Ulceration of the nostrils; Obstruction of the nose when talking; Discharge of hard, foetid clots; Coryza— now fluent, then dry—from a current of air; Constant Coryza, with cough—passes off by sweat. Natrum Mur.—Insensibility of one side of the nose; Twitch- ings of the muscles; Redness; Heat and swelling of the left wing, which is sore to the touch; Pimples on the wing of the nose; Smarting vesicles; she blows out a quantity of coagulated blood; Violent bleeding at night when coughing; Frequent sneezing; Loss of Smell; Dry Coryza, with obstruction; Excessive fluent Coryza, with loss of smell and taste. Nitric Acid.-Pain as if there were splinters in the nose when touching it; Soreness of the wings; Soreness, with scurf and scabs in the nostrils; Redness of the tip, with scurfy blisters; Figwarts on the nose; Discharge of blood when blowing or weeping; Foetid smell in the nose; much sneezing every day; Violent sneezing morning and night; Obstruction of the nose; Yellow, foetid discharge; Coryza, with headache and a dry cough; Violent fluent Coryza, with hoarseness; Stitches in the throat, and cough at every attack. Nux Wom.—Copious discharge of mucus from both nostrils, although they feel obstructed; Fluent Coryza during the day, with dry Coryza at night; Obstruction of one nostril only, with much itching; Common Catarrh (early stage), with dulness in the head, lachrymation, and stoppage of the nostrils; Dry Coryza, with headache; Dry Coryza of infants; Bleeding from the nose, with discharge of clots and mucus; Smell sensitive; Odour of decayed cheese, or of sulphur, or of candle-snuff when going out. Petroleum.—Pustules and pimples on the nose; Pustule on the right wing; Swelling of the nose, with purulent discharge; Ulcera- tion of the nostrils; Troublesome dryness of the nose; Catarrh, with hoarseness. Phosphorus.-Severe pain, with pressure; Inflammation; Scrofulous swelling of the nose; Freckles; Pimples; Vesicles; 614 NASAL, ORGAN. [NOSE. Dry, hard crusts; Coagula; Polypus; Violent bleeding when at stool, or early in the morning; Acute smell for bad odours, with headache; Foetid smell; Loss of smell; Obstruction of the nose every morning; Discharge of green-yellow mucus; Coryza, with headache; Pain in the throat; Loss of appetite, and sick feeling. Plumbum.—Frequent and copious bleeding from the nose, which can scarcely be arrested; Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose; Pustules in the nose ; Horrible smell from the nose; Dis- charge of watery mucus; Discharge of tenacious mucus; Cold nose for several days. Pulsatilla.-Sensation as if an ulcer would form in the nostril; Ulceration of the wing and nostrils, with discharge of a watery fluid; Darting pain in the nose; Haemorrhage from the nose, with dry Coryza ; Green, foetid discharge from the nose; Stoppage in the evening, from Catarrh, with discharge, in the morning, of a thick, yellow mucus; Frequent sneezing ; Coryza, with loss of smell and taste; Influenza—worse towards evening, with chilliness and slight fever; Epistaxis in Typhoid Fever. Rhus Tox. —Tension and soreness of the nostrils; Herpetic eruption; Feeling of hardness, and swelling under the nose—some- times with a darting and burning pain; Eruption that forms a crust on the left wing of the nose; Burning in the left nostril; Bleeding of the nose when stooping, or at night, and early in the morning; Frequent and very violent sneezing; Stoppage of the nose—relieved in the open air. Sabadilla.-Fluent Coryza; Sneezing, with contractive head- ache, and threatened Catarrh; Discharge of transparent mucus, or of large lumps from the nose; Biting sensation in the nose, as from mustard; the smell of garlic is especially intolerable; Epistaxis; Violent sneezing. Sambucus.--Stoppage of the nose; Accumulation of thick, tenacious mucus; Suffocative Catarrh, with threatened suffocation and Paralysis of the lungs. Sanguinaria.-Heat in the nose; Polypus (tincture applied, 615 NOSE.] NASAL, ORGAN. or the root powdered as a snuff); Loss of smell; Influenzā; Coryza, with rawness in the throat, cough, and pain in chest; Frequent Sneezing; Fluid Coryza; Smell in the nose like roasted onions. Sepia.-Painful pressure at root; Nose and nostrils sore and inflamed; Small ulcer in the nostril, lasting a long time; Plugs in the nose from hardened mucus; Pimples and painful eruptions on the tip; Bleeding when blowing; Violent epistaxis, especially after being heated: Epistaxis from a very slight blow; Obstruc- tion of the nose from lwmps of indwrated mucus; Obstruction, with impeded respiration for seven days; Dry Coryza ; Frequent sneezing; Foetid smell from the nose; Fluent Coryza, with pain at the back of the head, and drawing pains in the limbs. Silica.-Beating pain, as from ulceration—striking up to the brain, with tightness and aching in the forehead; Pain in nose, as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Gnawing in the upper part of the nose; Itching, with redness, and small vesicles at the wings; Ulcers in the nose; Smarting, painful scurfs; Discharge of acrid water; Epistaxis; Frequent sneezing; Loss of Smell; Chronic obstruction, so as to prevent free speaking or breathing; Trouble- some dryness; Plugs of mucus; Fluent Coryza. . Sulphur.—Spasm of the nose; Sense of cracking, bubbling, and bursting ; Nostrils red, sore, burning; Inflammation and swelling of the nose; Internal ulceration; Black pores; Wings swollen and inflamed ; Sensation of blood rushing to the nose when in the open air; Scurfs and dry ulcers in the nose; Freckles; a yellow fluid, having a strong odour, drops from the nose night and morn- ing, for two days; Epistaxis for seven days; Violent fluent Coryza ; Burning; Discharge of acrid water; Violent obstruction for several days, with discharge of bloody lumps; Obstruction of one nostril; Chronic obstruction. - - Sulphuric Acid,—Bleeding from the nose, especially in the evening, when sitting or standing; Obstinate dry Coryza; also with sore eyes. - .. Thuja.-Ulceration half an inch up the nose ; Discharge of mucus mixed with blood; Painful ulcers that form scabs; Swelling 616 ORGAN OF HEARING. [EARS. and induration of the left nasal wing—the right nostril threatens to become hard; Bleeding from the nose two or three times a day; Dry Coryza, with headache; Fluent Coryza towards evening, with cough. Zincum.—Intolerable pressure at root of the nose; Feeling of Soreness in the nostrils; the left nasal wing is swollen and painful; Obstruction of both nostrils; Violent dry Coryza the whole day, with pain in back; Fluent Coryza towards evening, with pain in the right tonsil. 0 RG AN OF HEARING, Aconite.—Sensation as of a worm ; Tearing pain; Aching; Burning ; Tingling; Roaring; Partial deafness, as if stopped—or hearing unusually sensitive. - Alumina-Stitches; Heat and redness for many evenings; Pulsations; Humming; Noise like tolling a bell. - Ambra.-Pain in the lobule, and behind the ear; Feeling of tingling, itching; Tension; Roaring, ringing, whistling, snap- ping; Deafness in one ear. - Ammo. Carb.-Humming; Buzzing; Ringing; Throbbing in the ear at night; Diminished hearing in the left ear; Suppura- tion. Antimon. Crud.—Stitches in the ears; Sensation as if little heaps of animals were moving about; Redness, burning, and swell- ing of the ear; Splashing, as from drops of water; Continual roaring; Violent din; Partial deafness, as if a leaflet were placed over the tympanum. Arnica-Pains in the cartilage, as from a bruise or contusion; Pressure in the region of the tympanum; Stitches in the ears; Humming and tingling; Heat and burning in the lobule. 2 S 617 EARS.] ORGAN OF HEARING. Arsenicum.—Tearing pains in the ears, extending to the neck and shoulder; Sensation as if the ears had been plugged up ; Deafness, more especially for the voice; Roaring in the ears during the paroxysms of pain; Noise as of the rushing of water. Asafoetida. — Diminished hearing, With purulent, greenish discharge, and especially if caused by the abuse of Mercury. Aurum.—Tension; Pressure; Crepitation; Humming; Roar- ing in the morning, when in bed; Foetid Otorrhoea; Caries of the mastoid process—also from Mercury; Hardness of hearing. Baryta Carb.-Pains in the ear, and the bones in front of the ear; Violent stitches, that made her scream; Throbbing and pressure in the ear on which he had been lying ; Eruptions on the ears; Cracking; Tingling; Roaring ; Buzzing; Ringing of bells; Hard of hearing. Belladonna-Stitches in the ear when chewing, extending from the jaws; Violent stitch, from the right parotid region to the external ear; Tearing pain in the cartilage of the left ear; Tearing, from above downwards, in the internal and external ear; Stitches in the meatus externus; Sharp thrusts in the internal ear; Painful dragging; Boring; Lancinating thrusts through the mastoid process; Feeling in the right ear as if it were being torn out of the head; Discharge of puriform fluid for twenty days; Tingling; Din, as of trumpets; Whizzing, humming, murmuring —worse when sitting—better when walking ; Roaring in the ears, with Vertigo and dull Colic ; Rushing of wind; Fluttering, bub- bling; Sensation as if a skin were drawn over the ears; Hardness of hearing, from taking cold; Acute Otitis; Parotitis. Borax-Stitches in the left ear; Inflammation and swelling of both ears, with discharge of pus, and pains in the head; Hardness of hearing in the left ear (a child, aged five years); Roaring. Bromine.—Painless Otorrhoea; Burning in the right ear, as from a hot coal; Beating; Tingling, as from bells; Affection of the ear, with swelling of the tonsils; Difficult deglutition, espe- cially for liquids. - 618. ORGAN OF HEARDNG. [EARS, Bryonia-Pressure, and contractive pain, with dartings, and hardness of hearing; Burning in the ear, from within outwards; Tumour behind the ear; Tumour in front of the ear, discharging moisture, and covered with a yellow scurf; Sensation as if the ears were obstructed; Humming; Buzzing; Singing; Intolerance of noise; Discharge of blood from the ears; Ulceration of the concha. Calcarea.—Cramp-like pain; Pressure; Stitches in the left ear; Tearing stitches in the right ear; Pulsations in the ears; Heat in the interior of the ears, like hot blood; Burning pain around the ear; Swelling of the ear, with increase of wax; Moist eruption behind the right ear; Shooting in the ear when blowing the nose; Sensation in the right ear as of something lodged before the tympanum; a shrill sound seems to affect the brain; Tingling; Singing; Snapping, like electric sparks; Cracking, like breaking dry straw ; Buzzing; Roaring; Ringing; Flapping sound; Pwrulent discharge from the ears; Polypus in the ear. Carbo Veg.—Pulsations in the ears; Heat and redness of the left ear; Discharge of thick, brown matter from the right ear; Discharge of a thick, flesh-coloured liquid, having a foetid odour; Suppuration of the inner ear; Deficiency of wax; the ears feel as if stopped by two bags of sand; he feels as if a load were lying before his ears, but the hearing is not affected; Chirping; Rust- ling; Roaring; Violent humming in both ears. Causticum.—Pain in the ears, as if the inner parts would burst forth; Sensation, when lying down, as if the flesh on the left side had been severed from the bones; Tearing pain in the tympanum ; Boring lancinations; Stitches in the right ear; Tumour behind the ear; Swelling of the ear, with dragging pain, and discharge of bloody fluid; Foetid discharge, or 8wppwration from the internal ear; Air gushes into the ear; Sounds and footsteps re-echo; Whistling; Humming; Chirping, as of a cricket; Noise as from the rushing of a water-dam; Detonations; Frequent roaring in the ears. Chamomilla.-Acute Otalgia, with tearing, drawing pains; Single, long-continued stitches when stooping, with angry feel- - - 2 S 2 619 EARS.] ORGAN OF HEARING. ings; Dull pains; Shocks; Stitches from the ear into the neck; Sensation of a bird fluttering, with sense of obstruction; Hum- ming; Tingling; Sound of rushing waters; Hearing dull, or over- sensitive to music ; Discharge from the ears. China.-Otalgic stitches in the ear; Pains in the lobules or the cartilages; Heat and burning of the ears; Redness of the lobules and cheeks; Beating ; Ringing ; Tingling; Humming ; Hardness of hearing; Sensation as if something were lying against the ear. Colchicum.—Discharge from the ears, with tearing pains, after the Measles; Dragging, tearing, or cramp-like pains; Roar- ing, with sensation of stoppage of the ears. Colocynth—Dragging; Rushing in the ears; Beating; Dul- ness of hearing, with giddiness; Itching, stinging, deep in the tube; Feeling of warmth; Painful drawing behind the left ear. Conium, Pain in the ear as if it were forced asunder; Stitches in both ears during a walk in the open air ; Stitches behind both ears, in the mastoid process; Drawing stitches, from within out- wards; Throbbing in the ears; Accumulation of wax like decayed paper, mixed with purulent mucus—the hardness of hearing ceased when the wax was removed, but returned as it again accumulated; Painful sensitiveness of hearing—the least noise caused him to start; Shrill tingling ; Humming; Roaring, as from the wind, or as a waterfall, in the right ear; Swelling and induration of the parotid region. Digitalis. – Pain as of constriction; Pulsations; Single stitches; Hissing before the ears, as from boiling water; the hearing is suddenly obstructed with tingling in the ear; Painful swelling of the parotid gland. Drosera-Otalgia, with sticking pain in the inner ear; In- duration behind and below the ear; Roaring and humming; Hardness of hearing; Pain in the ears during deglutition.- Dulcamara.-Pain in the ear, that prevented sleep; Dragging 620 - - - ORGAN OF HEARING. [EARS. pain, with nausea; Tearing in the left ear, with stitches from within outwards; Sensation in the ears as if cold air had got in; Tingling in the ears. Ferrum.—Humming in the ears, with a disagreeable sensation in the brain (relieved by laying the head on the table); Ulcerative pain; Stitches in the ear. Graphites.—Painful dragging in the internal ear; Stitches in the ear; Pulsative throbbing, especially after a meal; Sense of fanning or blowing; Sensation as of a valve opening and shutting; the left ear feels as if filled with water; Ears red and hot ; Herpes behind the ears; Hard tubercle behind the right ear, painful to touch; Herpes that scale off; Discharge of pus; Foetid discharge; Hardness of hearing; Roaring in the head, with detonation; Violent roaring at night; Pealing like thunder; Hissing in the ear the whole day; Cracking during a meal; Sound like the bursting of a bladder; Sound like the report of a gun in the left ear, when swallowing. Hepar Sulp.–Pain in the outer ear when resting upon it at night; Darting pains; Violent stitches; Heat; Redness, with itching; Scurfy eruption on and behind the ears; Discharge of pus—sometimes foetid; Increased secretion of cerumen; Hardness of hearing, with whizzing; Roaring; Throbbing ; Snapping, as of electric sparks; Detonation when blowing the nose. Iodium.—Dragging pain in left ear; Frequent din as from a mill, in the right ear; Buzzing; Hardness of hearing; Movable, painful swelling, the size of a pigeon's egg, in the front part of the right ear. Kali Carb.-- Frequent tearing pains deep in the right ear; Alternate pains in both ears; Stitches in both ears in the evening when in bed; Frequent stitches, from within outwards; Boring ; Aching; Gnawing; Throbbing or hammering in the right ear when resting upon it; Pimples on the ears; Soreness and suppura- tion behind the ears for four weeks; Discharge of yellow liquid cerumen; Ulcer in the ear; Discharge of a very foetid humour from the ears; Bursting of a small tumour; Hard swelling of the 621 EARS.] - ORGAN OF HEARING. parotid region; Hearing dull, diminished; Singing, whizzing, or violent roaring in the ears; Frequent cracking in the ear. Kali Iod.—Painful gnawing in the internal ear; Violent boring or darting pains, that sometimes extend into the head; Pain that causes him to start; Painful tearing, deep in the ear; Frequently- recurring, tearing pains in the right ear; Sensation as if a leaflet were stretched over the ears, without affecting the hearing. Kreasotum.—Humid herpes on the ears, with swelling of the cervical glands; Heat and burning of the ears; Inflammation of the left outer ear, with considerable swelling, and tensive, burning pains; Stiffness of the neck, arm, and shoulder—preventing move- ment, or turning the head to the left side. Lachesis.-Throbbing in the bones; Scurfs and Soreness on the ears; Dryness of the ears—the cerumen turns quite white, or appears like pap, and sometimes turns yellow; Sensitive to sounds; or hearing diminished, with a sense of obstruction. Lycopodium.—Otalgia when in the open air; Sensation as of a foreign body being forced into the ear; Tearing pains in the right and left meatus; Darting stitches in the internal ear; Sensation as if hot blood rushed into the ears; Humid scurf on and behind the ears; Pain behind both ears—it was so severe as to compel him to walk bent; Great sensitiveness to noise when walking; Music affects him most painfully; the sound of a voice seemed hollow, yet strong; Fluttering; Humming; Roaring ; Violent whizzing; Singing as of a kettle boiling; Chirping; Beating or bubbling, as of air in the ears; Sensation as of sand in the ear. Manganum.—Darting, tearing in right ear, early in the morn- ing; Dull sticking pain in the ear when talking; Deafness as if the ears were closed with the hand; Deafness, depending on changes in the weather; Whizzing and rushing; Fluttering; Loud report in the ear when blowing the nose. - Mercurius.-Acute Otalgia ; Dragging or tearing pains when stooping; Burning in the cartilage—the left ear feels painful and inflamed; Soreness and excoriation of the internal right ear; 622 ORGAN OF HEARING. [EARS. Ulceration of the concha; Fungoid growths in the ear; Sensation as if cold water were running out of both ears—several times a day—it comes on Suddenly; Humour oozes from the ear; Discharge of pus, blood, or blood and foetid pus from the ears; Discharge of liquid cerumen from the ears; Hardness of hearing in both ears; Buzzing, as from wasps; Fluttering, as of a bird; Various noises; Ringing; Pulsative roaring; Swelling of the parotids; Scrofulous caries of the internal ear; Deafness. Muriatic Acid. — Otalgia of the right ear; Throbbing ; Gnawing, ulcerative pain; Hardness of hearing; Deafness. Nitric Acid.—Pain in the ear as if something would burst; Dragging, drawing, cramp-like pains; Stitches in the right ear; Soreness behind the ears; Large blotches on the lobules, the size of peas; Steatoma of the lobule; Caries of the bones; Swelling of the glands behind and below the ear; Feeling of obstruction—the enlarged tonsil seemed to cause dulness of hearing; Evil results of Mercury on the ears—the right ear becomes suddenly closed; he is deaf for a short time; Sensation as if water were in the ears; Throbbing; Roaring; Humming; Cracking in the ear during mastication. - Nux Wom.—Pains in the ears at night, in bed; Tearing pain in or behind the ear, affecting the face; Itching in the tube, obliging him to swallow frequently—it disturbed his might's rest; Single sharp stitches in the inner ear, with cramp-like sensation; Painful stitches early in the morning, when in bed—he was obliged to cry out; Lancinating pains in the inner ear, from without inwards, towards evening; Paroxysms of pain in the inner ear; Stitching, or almost cramp-like pain in the inner ear, when com- pressing the jaws, or during mastication; Noise in the ears, as from a machine working, at night; Chirping, as from a cricket, at night; Humming, buzzing, as of bees; Roaring in the ears early in the morning; Hollow sensation, with reverberation of the sound of his own voice, early in the morning; Tingling; Hissing in the ears; Swelling in the parotid region. - . . - Petroleum.-Eruptions on the outer ear, lasting thirty days; Redness; Rawness; Soreness, with discharge behind the ears; 623 EARS.] ORGAN OF HEARING. Troublesome dryness of the inner ear; Loss of hearing in the right ear; Paralytic deafness; Roaring, with pain in the ears. Phosphorus.-Dragging; Drawing; Intense pains in the ear; Throbbing in the ear; Pulsations; Violent stitching; Beating ; Heat and redness; Pimples and vesicles on the concha, with burning; Strong echo in the morning—every sound is re-echoed precisely; Occasional obstruction in the right ear; Lowd whizzing; Humming; Buzzing; Constant buzzing sound; Singing, that is worse when lying; Hardness of hearing, especially for the voice; Congestive deafness. Useful in acute Otalgia; Deafness after typhoid fever, and some inflammations. Deafness of aged persons may be relieved. Phosphoric Acid.-Roaring in the ears, with hardness of hearing; he cannot hear the ticking of a watch at the distance of eighteen inches; and when the watch is held close to his ear, it resembles a hissing, but no distinct tick can be recognised; In- tolerance of noise and conversation; for a long time music was almost painful. Platina.-Otalgia; Cramp-like pains; Sensation of cold air passing into the right ear; Whizzing in the ears, with stitches in the head; Tingling; Noise as of the wind blowing—it prevented her hearing other sounds; Dull roaring; Rolling noise—every morning first, but afterwards every evening, after lying down; it came on at the same hour for several weeks; Noise like distant thunder. - - Ó Pulsatilla-Acute Otalgia—also with inflammation; Darting, or tearing-darting, stinging pains; Heat, redness, and swelling of both the internal and easternal ear; the pains are often so intense as to seem unbearable; they frequently come on in paroxysms, and affect the whole head; Otorrhoea, with acute exan- themata; Rheumatic Otalgia at night; Otalgia of children; Dis- charge of thick pus from the ears, especially after Measles—also with painful swelling of the glands; Deafness from suppressed Measles; Hardness of hearing, from Catarrh, or nervous causes; Nervous deafness; Rush of blood to the ears; Pulsation, murmur- ing; Rushing as of wind or water; Frequent buzzing, ringing, 624 . ORGAN OF HEARING. [EARS. chirping, as of crickets; Eruptions on the external ear, with burn- ing and gnawing pain. Rhododendron.—Humming and constant buzzing in the ears; Sensation as of a worm creeping; Shooting stitches; Acute Otalgia, commencing in the morning, and continuing the whole day. Rhus Tox-Painful beating in the internal ear at night; Sudden pain, as if a thread were being drawn through the ear; Noise as from young mice; Creeping titillation, as from living insects; Swelling of the ears and lobules; Discharge of pus and blood, with hardness of hearing; Swelling in the parotid region. Ruta.—Sensation as if a piece of blunt wood were being moved over the walls of the ear, with scraping pressure; Contusive pain in the ear-cartilage; Pain as after a shock or blow under the mastoid process; Bruise-like pain. Sanguinaria-Burning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks; Pains in the ears, with headache; Humming in the ears, with vertigo, and determination of blood to the head; Beating, hum- ming, cracking; the noise of a Smith's hammer affected his right ear painfully at every stroke. Sepia.-Pain in the left ear, as if it were being torn out; Dragging pain in both ears; Constant earache at night; Pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Herpes on the lobule; Herpes behind the ear, and on the mape of the neck; Suppurating eruption on the ear; Discharge of thin pus from the internal ear; Hearing very sensitive to noise and music ; Deafness; Sudden hardness of hearing, as if stopped with a plug. Silica.-Beating, shooting in the ears from within outwards; Scurf behind the ears; Inflamed margins, with humid eruption; Swelling of the external, with discharge from the inner ear; Discharge from the left ear; Increase of moist wax; Ichorous suppuration; Caries of the internal ear, and the mastoid process; Sense of obstruction in the ear; Difficulty in hearing the human voice; Cracking when masticating and swallowing food; Hard swelling of both parotids. 625 BIEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. Sulphur.—Otalgia in the left ear; Pain when swallowing or sneezing; Drawing, tearing in left ear, extending to the head—also into the fauces; the internal ear feels painful if pressed with the finger; Large boil on the helix; Discharge of pus from the ears; Excoriation behind the ears; Obstruction of the ears when eating or blowing the nose; Humming, whizzing, roaring, cracking; Bursting of bubbles; Fluttering; Detonations; Hearing very sen- sitive. A deaf person felt nauseated, when playing on the piano, from Sulphur. * Zincum.—Intensely painful lancinations deep in the right ear, near the tympanum; Violent stitches in the ears; Purulent dis- charge from the left ear day and night; Foetid discharge from the left ear; the orifice of the meatus is hot and swollen; Buzzing, and very troublesome pulsations in the evening—also when writing; Reports in the ear; Noise like a pane of glass breaking when falling asleep. HEAD AND BRAIN Aconite.—Vertigo, with a sense of waving to-and-fro in the brain; Vertigo when stooping, with staggering to the right side; Vertigo—everything turns round—so giddy that the head could not be moved, with feeling as if the eyes were closing; Vertigo when walking, not when sitting—worse when rising from a seat— increased by shaking the head; Weight, especially in the forehead, with nausea and qualmishness; Vertigo, with headache—worse when stooping; his head feels, in the front, as if it were nailed up; Confusion in the head, as after intoxication, with pressure in the temples; Headache, with bruised feeling—this bruised pain was also felt in the limbs; Fulness and heaviness in the forehead, as if a weight were pressing the brain out through the forehead; when stooping the forehead feels full, as if the contents would burst forth; Heat in the whole head—followed by soreness (evening); Humming in the head; Crepitation; Numbness; Headache in- creased by speaking; Feeling as if the eyes would fall out—as if the brain would protrude; Sensation of heaving in the brain here 626 HEAD AND BRAIN. IHEAD. and there; Shooting, pulsating headache—sometimes pressive— relieved by sitting; Very acute, pressive pain over the forehead; Squeezing in the forehead, over the root of the nose; Furious headache—pain increased by light and noise; Shootings, pulsa- tions in the forehead; Headache at the vertex, with pressure as from a tightly-fitting cap ; Sensation as if the head were com- pressed by screws at the temples; Burning sensation, as if the brain were moving about in boiling water; Congestion of the brain; Headache from much sitting ; Delirium of Aconite— chiefly occurs at night, with desire to escape from the bed; very changeful mood; Full of mirth—then disposed to weep; Some- times furious—runs about the house; Acts with extreme haste; has a keen, sharp look; Talks loud and boldly. Ammo. Carb.-Chronic headache—also with nausea; Sense of weight in the head; Oppressive fulness in the forehead; Tumult; Sensation as if the brain would issue forth; Throbbing, beating in the forehead, as if it must burst; Headache, with stitches the whole day; Throbbing, beating in the temple; Sensation as if the brain were moving to-and-fro; Hammering headache. Antimo. Crud.—Headache—followed by slight bleeding from the nose ; Violent headache after bathing, with dislike to food, and weakness in the limbs; Dull, stupefying pain in the whole head; Headache as if the forehead would burst; Pressive pain over right brow, within the skull; Continual boring pain in the forehead, from within outwards; Rush of blood to the head. Scalp—Red, hard pimples; Tubercles, here and there, on the scalp, the size of peas; Eruptions, slightly elevated, near the forehead; Troublesome itch- ing of the scalp; Falling-off of the hair. - Arnica.-Burning heat in the brain, without heat in the body; Heat in the head; Aching in the temples; Throbbing in the temples; Aching in the forehead, as if the brain were being rolled up into a ball; Headache over the eyes, towards the temples; the skin of the forehead felt contracted; Lancinations in the forehead when coughing; Stitches in the forehead; Dartings in the left temple; Headache, with sensation as if a nail had been thrust into the left temple—followed by sweat and languor at midnight; Darting, lancinating headache when stooping, with qualm and 627 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. nausea; Cutting, tearing pain in the head—increased by coughing or stooping; Darting pain in the forehead; Great heat of the head —external and internal; Headache from concussion, shock, or a blow; Concussion of the brain. - Arsenicum.—Vertigo, coming on every evening, or on being seated; when lying down he is seized with vertigo, and inclined to vomit—he is obliged to rise for relief; Vertigo only when walk- &ng—he falls to the left side; Giddy, stupid feeling in the forehead when walking in the open air, as if intoxicated—he staggers as if he would fall; Loss of sensation and consciousness—he knew nothing that happened after he was put to bed; Headache; Gid- diness; Want of sleep; Headache and weariness, as from in- sufficient sleep; Anxiety, inquietude, with pains in the head; Sad- ness and melancholy; Heaviness, as if the brain were oppressed by a weight, with humming in the ears; Violent headache for several days; Headache after dinner; Periodic headache—relieved by cold water; Great weight in the forehead when sitting or standing, with humming in the ears; Tearing pains in the head, with heaviness, weariness, and drowsiness; Beating pain in the head, with nausea and inclination to vomit; Hammering in the temples; Feeling of great weakness in the head; Sensation as if the brain were moved—it shook like water, and seemed to dash against the skull when walking or moving the head; Delirium of Arsenicum ; Mania, with headache; Anguish ; Ringing in the ears; Fancies he sees a person who had been hung; Desires to hang himself; Restlessness; Loss of speech; Trembling; Weeping; Sweat on the forehead; Kneels down in the attitude of prayer; Delirium, with trembling of the limbs; Inability to stand; Faint- ing; Vomiting; Severe pains in the stomach; Heat of urine; Constipation; Dry skin; Mouth dry, parched; Pulse hard, wiry; Organic affections of the brain; Depressed vitality; Exhaustion. Asafoetida.-Congestion of blood to the head, with heat in the face; Pressure, particularly in the forehead, over the eyes; Sensa- tion as if the head would burst—or feeling of compression in the occiput; Headache, which shifts or disappears by contact; Confu- sion, with whirling sensation; Constriction, as if the brain were pressed by drawing a cloth over it; Stitches in the left temple and forehead. * - - - . º, 628 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD, Aurum.–Dulness in the head; Heaviness in the occiput; Vertigo when stooping, or when in the open air, as if intoxicated —he felt he must lie down; Headache, with a bruised pain—stupe- fying when talking or writing—it seemed to increase even to violence, with confusion of thoughts and ideas; Pressure in the temples, with tearing pains in the head; Burning, with tearing pains in the forehead that seemed deep in the brain ; Semi- lateral, throbbing headache; Tumult and roaring, as of rushing water; Hysteric headache; Rush of blood to the head. Baryta Carb.-Headache in the evening—every noise seemed to affect the brain very painfully; Painful pressure in the right hemisphere, extending to the occiput, with stiffness at the nape of neck; Violent stitches in the brain, with heat and tingling; Stitches in the right frontal eminence, from within outwards; the blood feels to be stagnant in the brain, as if it could not circulate; Heat in the head, with lancinations; Considerable rush of blood to the head; Tendency to take cold in the head. Scalp—Erup- tions on the scalp, dry or humid; Baldness. Belladonna, Vertigo—sense of balancing to-and-fro; Turn- ing, heaving sensation, or of things turning round in a circle; Reeling when seated; and, when walking, must hold to the walls; Staggering as if intoxicated; Confusion of the senses—he scarcely knows what he is doing, and thinks he must be dreaming; Loss of consciousness; Intellect lost for some weeks; Memory very feeble —he forgets immediately; Heaviness, as if the brain were stunned; Sensation in the morning, as if something descended upon the orbits; Headache in the forehead; also one side only; Aching in the fore- head—it compels him to close the eyelids; Headache as though the sides of the head were being compressed; Throbbing, which ends in painful stitches; Stabbing pain, as with a knife, from one temple to the other; Swelling of the whole head; Sensation of dilatation in the whole brain; Headache, coming on about 4 P.M. every day; Convulsive shaking of the head; Jerking pain in the head; Congestion of blood to the brain; Sharp stitches, from within outwards, in the frontal region; Tearing pain over the eye- brows; Digging on the top of the head, with sensation as if the skull were thin, and could be broken through; Sensation of cold- ness in the brain, at the centre of the forehead; Sensation of swash- 629 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. ing in the brain; Sensation as of a heavy stone in the forehead; the pains are generally rendered worse by movement and a current of air—relieved by supporting the head; Headache, with symptoms of Hysteria; Inflammation of the Brain; Delirium of Bell. ; he suddenly screams, with trembling of the hands and feet; Anguish about the heart; Headache; Redness of the face; Constant uneasiness; Incoherent speech; Delirium, that subsides after a meal; Nightly delirium, that subsides during the day; Crazy delirium ; Runs about in a state of nudity—dances, laughs, asks for improperthings —raises his feet very high—fancies he has articles to step over—or very merry—laughs, sings, and whistles—smiles to himself—takes out money and counts it (this is often followed by drowsiness); Deliriwm at might; Muttering, moaning, weeping; Talks about war and soldiers, and especially about dogs—fancies a black dog is in the room; Grinds his teeth; Delirium, with Frenzy; Irritable mood; Taste and smell acute; Displeased with everything—tears his clothes; uses horrible words; curses, screams, howls; spits and bites—does not know his friends; Eyes open, staring—dilated pupils; Attempts to get away—tries to jump out of the window; Desires some one to kill him. Bismuth.—Sensation as if the anterior part of the brain were turning in a circle, several times a day—lasting a few minutes; Heavy, painful weight in forehead, and over the root of the nose when sitting; Pressure and weight in forehead—worse during movement—also in the occiput; Pressive, drawing pains in dif- ferent parts of the head—more violent during movement; Dull, cutting pain in the brain, extending from the right frontal sinus to the occiput; Burning and contractive feeling in the forehead and eyes. Borax,−Fulness in the head; Heaviness; Headache all over the head, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and trembling of the whole body, at 10 A.M. (two females); Throbbing in both temples, but more especially the right, with shivering of the whole body. Bovista.-Headache, as after sleeping too late in the morning; Stupefying pain in the forehead; Sensation as if both sides of the head were pressed towards each other—screwed up; Distensive 630 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD, pain in the head at three o'clock, A.M., when awaking from sleep, with perceptible pulsations—abating on the appearance of sweat; Beating in the head, as if an abscess were forming; Headache that seems deeply seated in the brain—during the pain the head feels greatly enlarged; Inability to lift the head, at night, from the pillow, on account of the pain. Bryonia-Vertigo when standing, as if everything turned around him; Vertigo when rising from the chair—it disappeared when walking; Vertigo when sitting up in bed, with feelings of nausea and faintness; Vertigo the whole day, as if intoxicated; Vertigo when standing (in the evening), that caused him to stagger backwards—when attempting to walk he feared he should fall on his back; Giddiness early in the morning, as if the brain were turning in a circle; Giddy the whole day, with weakness in the limbs, and sensation of weakness of the mind and thoughts, as when one is about to faint, with heat in the face; his head felt heavy like a hundredweight; in the morning, the headache begins when he moves the eyes about ; the head feels gloomy, and aches; the blood rushed to the head—after which the temples felt compressed, as it were, from ear to ear; Compression, with pulsations; Violent head- ache, with pressure in the brain from within outwards, and great desire to lie down; Headache after a meal, with pressure in the forehead from within outwards, during a walk; Feeling as if the contents of the head would issue through the forehead—also when stooping; Pain in both temples, pressing from within out- wards; Headache as if the skull were being pressed asunder—early in the morning, when lying on the back; Pain extending from the occiput to the shoulders, with pressure as on a sore spot ; Pressing and darting in the head when stooping—also when sitting; Con- gestion of blood to the head, with heat; Burning pain in the fore- head; Chirping in the head like grasshoppers; The headache sets in chiefly in the morning, after awaking—aggravated on opening or moving the eyes—also by movement generally—relieved by rest; Headache of Typhoid and other fevers; Puerperal and Milk fevers. Calcarea Carb.- Headache, with giddiness every morning, when awaking; Pain in forehead and over the nose; Headache, with nausea; Aching at the occiput after tying a band firmly 631 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. round the head; Semilateral headache, with empty risings; Stupe- fying pain in the forehead when at rest, and during movement; Oppressive frontal headache, with cloudiness and inability to recollect what he has been reading; Painful feeling of fulness, with throbbing in the temples; Heaviness in the forehead—increased by reading and writing; the head is affected by mental labour; Pressure in the forehead; Oppressive pain, with a sensation as if the forehead were enlarged; he awakes at five o’clock every morning with aching pain at vertex—it passes off after an hour; Pressure in the forehead from within outwards—relieved by applying the cold hand; also by walking in the open air; Pressure in the occiput and nape of the neck; Drawing pains in the sinci- put, with nausea, and coldness of the forehead; Headache that seems to arise from the nape of the neck; Pains in the temples and orbits, with swelling of the cheeks; Throbbing headache in the middle of the brain, in the morning and throughout the day; Throbbing as of an artery in the vertex; Throbbing, that is in- creased by mental exertion and alcoholic drink; Hammering in the occiput after a walk in the open air; Heat; Buzzing, with rush of blood to the head; Icy coldness about the head; Shocks in the brain when setting down the foot—they seemed to re-echo in the head; Shocks in the occiput at every step ; Open fontanelles in children; Sweat about the head at night; Liability to colds in the head. Scalp—Tumours and eruptions on the scalp; Scurf of the Scalp; Impetigo. Camphora. —Spasmodic drawing of the head on one side, towards the shoulder; Staggering when walking; Vertigo, with heaviness of the head; the head inclines backward; Dull head- ache, with inclination to vomit; Heaviness; Cutting thrusts from without, to the centre of the brain, immediately after lying down; Heat in the head, with tearing headache; Inflammation of the brain, especially from exposure to the rays of the sun; Congestion of blood to the head. Cantharis-Violent pains deep in the brain; Drawing, tearing pains in the head; Stitches in the occiput; Throbbing, deep in the brain, on the right side; Burning, with heat in the head, and burning of the hands; Anxiety, with ascension of heat, and head- ache; Inflammation of the brain; Deliriwm of Canth.; Melan- 632 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD. choly; Moaning; Great anguish; Runs about like one mad—hither and thither, as if she had been in the fire; Violent cries; Barking noise; Paroxysms of rage, like frenzy, or hydrophobia—the fits are excited by touching the larynx, or pressing on the painful parts of the abdomen, or at the sight of water or liquids. Carbo Veg.—Headache from having taken cold; Giddiness; Sense of balancing; Headache from getting over-heated; Heavi- ness in the head—it feels heavy as lead; Aching from the nape of the neck to the forehead; Pressure in the occiput after supper; Aching on the top of the head, with sensitiveness of the hair to touch ; his hat feels too heavy; when stooping, the contents of the head felt as if they would protrude at the occiput and the forehead; Violent throbbing in the occiput from morning until evening; Beating or pulsation in the afternoon, or after a meal, with eructations; Congestion of blood to the head, with heat in the forehead, and confusion in the head; Burning in the forehead and eyes, with heat in the mouth; Burning, with pressing on the top of the head, at night, when in bed; Buzzing as of bees; Pains in the occipito-frontalis muscle. Causticum.—Dizziness when awaking in the morning; Stupe- fying, painful dulness; the brain feels loose and painful when shaking the head; Sensation as if there were a hollow part behind the frontal bone; Aching in every part of the head, with boring toothache; Contractive pressure in the forehead—rendered more violent by walking fast; Dizzy feeling that lasted a whole week, with a feeling of compression in the head; Pains in the temples, with nausea and vomiting—continued day and night ; Tearing pains in the head, without alteration by either rest or motion— it lasted several days; Sense of tightness over the right eye, with feeling of paralysis; Stitches in the temples; Stitches, with heat in the head; Stitches, with a feeling of tightness from over the eyebrows to the vertex; Jerks and violent shocks through the whole head every minute—not relieved by rest nor motion; Beating and throbbing on the top of the head, as if the brain would protrude; Painful throbbing in the cerebral arteries; Congestion of blood to the head, with heat; Burning in the temples and fore- head, as if the brain were inflamed ; Sensation as if an abscess were forming on the brain; Headache and giddiness, with disposi- . 2 T 633 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. tion to fall to the left side on looking upwards, and a fear of falling backwards when stooping. Chamomilla, Giddiness after a meal, or after coffee; Vertigo, with feeling of faintness; Wertigo, with flushes in the face, and dimness of sight, when lying down; Oppressive heaviness in the head; Headache, which is felt even during sleep; Headache on awaking in the morning; Pain as if the head would burst; Tearing pains at midnight, that arouse him from a sound sleep; Sensation, in the forehead, of a lump falling forwards; Tearing pain in one temple ; Lancinations in the temples, from within outwards; Violent stitches in the brain; Throbbing headache; Paroxysms of throbbing in one of the hemispheres; Catarrhal headache, with suppressed perspiration, and colic in the abdomen; Nervous head- ache, with angry, irritable feelings—disposed to quarrel; Hysteric headache. - - China.-Giddiness, as if he would fall backward, during a walk; Headache, with languor and a feeling of coldness; Pain in the head, as from a suppressed Coryza; Pain in the forehead when opening the eyes; Stupid feeling in the morning on awaking; Headache, with nausea and vomiting; Heaviness in the head and of the eyes, with lassitude of the limbs; Headache at night, with sleeplessness; Aching pain deep in the brain; Pressure in the head from within outwards, as if the head were too full, especially just over the eyes; Pressure as from a rush of blood to the brain—the head feels as if it would burst; Sense of compression from both sides, that sent the brain forwards, and caused a feeling of weight in the forehead—aggravated in the open air; Pressure in the occi- put as if the cerebellum would be pressed out; Spasmodic head- ache; the brain feels sore, as if bruised, when walking against the wind—also during meditation; Tearing pains in various parts of the head; Tearing in the temples; Darting pain in the forehead; Stitches in the temples and forehead; Hammering in the forehead, toward the temples; Congestion of blood to the head, with heat and fulness; Sensation of balancing, and feeling as if the brain struck against the skull, causing pain; Hemicrania. The headache of China is increased by stepping, contact—also during motion of the body, and by a strong current of air. Sweating of the Scalp. 634 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD, Cocculus.-Heaviness and cloudiness; Stupid feeling—in- creased frequently by eating and drinking; Vertigo, threatening Apoplexy; Stupid feeling in the head, with cold sweat on the forehead, and inclination to vomit; Sensation as of a weight lying on the head; Painful constriction, either as from a band, or com- pressed by screws; Concussion in the head when walking, talking, or moving the head—he is unfit for reading or meditation; Frontal headache; Tearing, throbbing in the forehead, in the evening; Frequent attacks of headache—confined to a small spot; Several severe stitches over the right eye, and in the right side of the head; Headache as if the eyes would be pressed out during every movement; Sensation as if the head were empty; Headache as if the eyes would be forcibly closed; Trembling of the head; Headache from Suppression of the menses; Cerebral congestion. Conium.—Vertigo as if he were turning in a circle when rising from a seat—also when stooping and raising the head again—or when going down-stairs—she was compelled to hold by the rail; Vertigo when lying down—the bed seemed to turn in a circle; Apopleasy—also with paralysis of old persons; Violent headache, with vertigo lasting three or four days—with sadness; Headache in the morning as if the brain were torn ; the head feels as if it had been bruised by blows, and would fall in pieces; Sensation as from a load, with dulness and heaviness in the head; Headache, as if the head were too full, and would burst—especially on awak- ing in the morning; Sensation as if a foreign body were in the brain; Aching as if a stone were pressing on the frontal bone; Feeling of tightness in the head; Tearing pain at the occiput and nape of the neck, with nausea—it compelled her to go to bed; Tearing stitches and dartings through the forehead, from within outwards; Painful lancinations, darting outwards through the fore- head, at noon ; Chronic, lancinating headache; Piercing pain, as from a knife at the occiput, with every pulsation; Hydrocephalus ; Congestion of the brain, with vertigo; Hysteric headache; very little wine seems to intoxicate; Wine-and-water produces headache. Cuprum.—Very violent headache; Attacks of vertigo when looking upwards, with vanishing of sight—the head inclines for- ward; Aching, first in the right, then in the left side of the head; Hard pressure in the temples—worse during motion; Drawing. 2 T 2 635 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. pains in different parts of the head, with vertigo, qualms of sick- ness; Headache after an epileptic fit; Meningitis; Delirium of Cup.; Excessive and convulsive laughter; Incoherent talk; Fear- ful—he tries to get away by himself; Crazy delirium—he fancies he is a military officer—or very poor, and offers herbs for sale— thinks he is a repairer of old chairs—or he spits in the faces of those around—then laughs—or he is artful, peevish, and sly; During the attack the pulse is full and quick—the attack gene- rally ends in profuse sweat; sometimes there may be rage, with disposition to bite. Digitalis.-Delirium and restlessness at night; Dizziness; Vertigo—she fell down when going up-stairs; Vertigo, with slow pulse; Vertigo, with trembling. (Digitalis has proved useful, in the hands of Dr. Garrod, for delirium tremens.) Wertigo when rising from a seat; Headache, lasting several days; Frontal headache when stooping; Headache, with pressure and weight—with slight stupe- faction—it seemed caused by congestion of the vessels of the brain; Pressure in the forehead, vertex, and occiput; Intense headache after awaking in the morning—continuing the whole forenoon; Intense headache in the afternoon—in the evening it compelled him to go to bed; Pressure, as from a load, in the middle and upper part of the forehead; Contractive pressure in the forehead and temples; Sticking tightness at a small spot in the brain when stooping; Drawing pains at the side of the head that made him feel giddy; Tearing stitches on the left, then on the right side of the head; Stitches that dart through the brain at night; Violent lancinating headache in the occiput and vertex; Headache, with sensation as if waves were beating against the inside of the skull— relieved by lying down; Sensation as if the brain were beating, like water, against both sides of the skull, with obtuse feeling in the head; Sudden cracking in the head during his afternoon map— it made him start with affright; Swelling of the head; Apopleaſy from serous effusion; Hydrocephalus. Dulcamara.-Headache on awaking in the morning, that be- comes worse after rising; Painful stupefaction; Sensation as if a board pressed against the forehead; Vertigo in the morning, with trembling and weakness; Headache, with a feeling of icy coldness, and inclination to vomit; Stupefying headache, ascending from 636 HEAD AND BRAIN. IHEAD. the nape of the neck over the occipital region; Stupefying head- ache—lasting ten days; Weight in the forehead, with stitches in the temples for several days; Pressive pain, from within outwards, when walking out in the evening; Pressure and tearing in the temples; Stitches that made her feel angry; Violent stitches in the forehead, deep in the brain, with nausea; Boring pain from within outwards, in the temples, or in the forehead; Beating in the left temple, with giddiness and pressive pain; Congestion of blood to the head, with humming in the ears and partial deafness; Sensation as if the occiput were enlarged. The headache of Dulc. is increased by movement and conversation. Eupatorium.—Sensation of internal Soreness, with headache, that is better within doors than in the open air; Throbbing head- ache; Headache, with sick feeling at the stomach every other morning—it continues all day, with loss of appetite during that day—on the intervening day the appetite is again restored; Pain in the occiput after lying, with feeling of great weight in the part— he was obliged to raise it with his hand; Beating pain at the occiput and nuchae; Soreness, with beating at the back part of the head; Thumping sensation in the right temporal region, over the ear; Painful soreness in right parietal region; Shooting pains from the left to the right side of the head; Distressing pain on the top and back part of the head; Heat on the top of the head; Sensation of blood rushing across the head. Ferrum Ac.—Vertigo, especially when going down-stairs, with a feeling of falling forwards; Staggering when walking, as if in- toxicated; Vertigo, with reeling sensation, when looking at flowing water; Vertigo, with sickness at the stomach, and inclination to fall on the right side when walking; Momentary shock in the brain, with giddiness; Headache every evening, with pressure over the root of the nose; Dizziness and gloomy feeling in the head early in the morning; Hammering and throbbing headache, last- ing two, three, or four days—recurring every two or three weeks— with entire loss of appetite, and desire to lie down; Pressure on the top of the head when in the open air; Lancinations in the forehead; Drawing pains from the nuchae to the top of the head, with hammering and roaring; Sense of undulation ; Pain as if the brain were rent asunder; Rush of blood to the head, with swelling 637 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. of the veins and flushes of heat; Pains in the scalp, as from sub- cutaneous ulceration—the hair is painful to the touch. Graphites.—Painful dulness early in the morning; Feeling of confusion and wildness, or of intoxication; Vertigo on awaking in the morning, after a sound sleep, or in the evening—also when looking upwards, or when stooping, with nausea; Headache every morning when awaking; Violent headache, with vomiting; Diar- rhoea; Icy-cold sweat; Faintness; Constant alternation of chilli- mess and heat, with extreme weakness; Headache on the opposite side to that on which he had rested; Headache when turning the head, or when riding in a carriage, or during and after a meal; Sensation of numbness; Pain as from bruises, with general feeling of sickness; Constrictive pain at the occiput, with painful feeling, as if the neck were broken; Drawing pains in the forehead, with stiffness of the nape of the neck; Congestion, or feeling of ebulli- tion of the blood, with heat and sweat; Throbbing in the forehead —also on the right side of the head, in the afternoon, for several days; Burning on the top of the head, at a small spot; Roaring, humming; Feeling of weakness, especially at the neck; Rheumatic pains in the head. Scalp—Itching of the scalp; Scabs on the head; Humid eruption on the top of the head; Scurfs; the hair turns grey, or falls off; Sweat on the head when walking. Helleborus.--Dulness of the head, with heaviness and con- fusion; Stupefaction; Giddiness when stooping; Reeling sensation when walking; Headache at the right side of the forehead, press- ing from within outwards; Pain as if the whole brain were com- pressed, at every step, when walking; Violent headache when awaking, with great heaviness at the occiput; Constant pain towards the nape of the neck; Compressive pain in both temples; Pulsative throbbing in the temples, with heat in the face; Sensa- tion in the left hemisphere, as if the whole cerebral mass were aecumulating there. Hepar Sulp.–Headache, with vertigo, when quickly moving the head; Headache induced by very slight concussion; Dull headache when in bed, that improved after rising; Aching in the forehead as if bruised, with a pain in the abdomen—with pricking Jain; Violent headache at night, with great heat, but no thirst; 638 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD. Stitches in the head when stooping, as if the skull would burst; Lancinating pains in the head, that disappeared when walking in the air; Pulsative stitches at the occiput; Hammering sensation in the head; Painful throbbing in right temple; Very searching (grinding) headache for four mornings—relieved by tying a band round the head; Boring pain at the root of the nose. Scalp— Sensation in the foréhead as if a boil were forming; Jerking sen- sation in the occipito-frontalis muscle when lying down; Tuberosi- ties on the scalp; Pimples and blotches on the scalp and nape of the neck; Humid scald head; Falling-off of the hair, either from fevers or the effects of Mercury. Hyoscyamus, Vertigo, lasting two weeks; Reeling; Stag- gering ; Stupefying frontal headache; Headache, alternating with pains in the nape of the neck; Headache, with gloominess; Un- dulating sensation in the brain; Strong throbbing of the arteries, with pressure in the forehead—increased by stooping; Headache, with unnatural heat in the head; Sensation, when walking, as if the brain were loose; Rush of blood to the head; Inflammation of the brain from taking cold in winter weather; Hydrocephalus; Apoplexy ; Delirium of Hyoscyamus ; Complete stupefaction— he does not know his relations or friends; Sits immovable, like a statue; he does not see nor hear anything that passes around him ; Imbecility; Soporous state; Mental delirium; Discloses all his secrets; Talks incessantly—says the most absurd things, such as ought never to be named; Mutters to himself; Speaks inco- herently; Delirium of fever; Great excitement; Almost constant delirium; Grasping at flocks; Picking the bed-clothes; thinks he is very strong, while he is really very weak; Delirium of drunkards; Sings obscene songs; Dances and performs ludicrous actions, resembling monkeys; Gesticulates like the clown in a pantomime; Uncovers his body; Walks about naked, or becomes very solemn, and desires to go to church; Sometimes there is laboured breathing, with burning heat and cries, and violent motions with the hands. Useful in Delirium Tremens. Hyos- cyamus acts very powerfully on the brain. Ignatia-—Heaviness in the head—he leans his forehead on the table to obtain relief; Sensation as if the head were too full of blood, with a feeling as if the nose would bleed; Headache coming 639 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. on suddenly after stooping; Headache increased by stooping; Headache after sleeping, with a feeling as if the brain were too full; Tearing frontal headache—relieved by lying on the back— with heat and redness of the cheeks; Boring pain in forehead, and deep in the brain—relieved by lying down; Aching in the forehead, over the root of the nose, that compels him to incline the head, with sensation as if he would vomit; Cramp-like pain over the root of the nose; Sensation as if a nail were pressing into the brain ; Headache as if something hard pressed on the surface of the brain– recurring in paroxysms (relieved by coffee); Headache as if the temples would be pressed out; Furious headache in the morning, with pressing through the temples—relieved by lying on the back; Talking or reading aloud excites a bursting headache, which passes off when quiet, and the attention is directed to reading or Writing ; but continues while listening to the conversation of others; Beat- ing headache, often felt on one side of the occiput; Beating over the right orbit; Beating headache—synchronous with every pul- sation; Pain in the head, as if bruised; Headache in the morning, that is converted into a toothache—afterwards the same pain passes into the small of the back, and again returns to the head during meditation; Tendency of the head to be thrown backwards; Falling-off of the hair. Iodium.—Dulness of the head, proceding from the nape of the neck, with dislike for labour; Violent headache—it almost makes him crazy; Pain in forehead and on the top of the head—increased by noise or conversation; Headache induced by fast walking, or from riding a long time in a warm or close carriage; Headache, with sensation of a band firmly placed around the head; Frontal headache—the brain feels bruised and sensitive, the arms weak and paralysed; Headache in the temples now and again, but not constant ; Sense of confusion in the whole head; Throbbing headache at every movement; Tearing headache in the left temporal region; Congestion of blood to the head; Falling-off of the hair. Ipecacuanha.—Wertigo, with staggering to-and-fro when in the open air; Tearing pains in the forehead—aggravated by stoop- ing; Heaviness of the head, with drowsiness; Tearing headache from morning until noon; Headache as if the brain and skull were bruised—it seemed to penetrate the bones, and affect the root of 640 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD. the tongue in such a manner as to induce nausea; Attacks of headache which excite nausea and vomiting; Tensive headache at the occiput and nape of the neck, extending to the shoulders; Headache, with feeling of sickness from indigestion. Frequently useful with females. Kali Carb.-Vertigo, that seemed to proceed from the stomach; Headache that is relieved by sitting up in bed—increased by lying down; Headache when riding in a carriage; Attacks of semilateral headache, with qualm and faintness; Aching in the forehead in the afternoon, when walking; Violent pressure over the whole skull, and down to the nuchae, with nausea and vomiting; Headache, especially in the forehead, with acidity and vomiting of mucus; Pressure over the eyes, with violent pain in the forehead; Pain in right temple, pressing from within outwards; Feeling of fulness as if the brain pressed against the skull; Heaviness in the occiput— it felt full of lead—with stiffness of the neck, that extended between the scapula; Throbbing and beating in the forehead and sides of the head—frequently intermitting; Congestion of blood to the head, with feeling as if intoxicated; Warm rising of blood to the head, with orgasm in the body; Rising of heat in the head and face—sometimes burning, or even painful; Sensation in the fore- head as if a hot body were present—recurring when stooping or writing; Congestive headache, with throbbing and buzzing ; the pains are sometimes relieved by pressure; the head was occasionally drawn to one side with a jerk, which affected the senses—after- wards the nape became stiff; Great liability to take cold in the head. Scalp—Eruptions and tumours on the scalp; Falling-off of the hair. Kali Iod.—Feeling as if intoxicated; Heat in the head, with burning redness of the face; Beating in the forehead and temples; Heaviness and dulness, as from a weight—the whole head feels heavy; Violent frontal headache—also with indigestion; Sudden sensation as if a wedge were forced down between the eyes to the base of the brain, with violent pain in the eyes, and profuselachry- mation; Lancinations or dartings into the left temple—continuing for a long time. Lachesis.-Heat, with dulness, and feeling of congestion in the 641 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. head every morning; Vertigo after stooping—staggering to the left side; Frequent giddiness, either on motion or sitting still; Giddi- ness before the menses; Apoplectic fits, with dark-red face—con- vulsions of the facial muscles—mouth drawn to the left side. Use- ful in cerebral affections of children. Hydrocephalus; Helmin- thiasis; Headache, generally in the forehead, and especially, the left frontal eminence, and appears deeply seated; Headache caused by the heat of the sun; Dull aching in the head, with nausea ; Heaviness early in the morning, with pain over the right eye; Headache with nausea; Fulness, and severe pains as if the head would burst; Tearing, darting lancinations; Beating, throbbing; Heat and congestion of blood to the head; Pulsations, palpitation, and vomiting, at 2 A.M.; Violent headache, with nausea—it almost deprived her of her senses; Headache, with toothache and chilliness; Erysipelatous swelling of the scalp and face. Laurocerasus.—Dull, stupid feeling—dim, misty sight—loss of consciousness—intoxicated; Whirling vertigo—he can scarcely keep his feet—he felt as if something were turning him round in a circle; Vertigo, with oppressed breathing, for eight days; Violent headache; Stupefying pain in the head—when stooping, the brain felt to be striking against the skull; Sensation as if the frontal bone were raised and pressed forward—it made the head feel larger; Headache, affecting the whole head, with a feeling of great prostra- tion—worse in a warm room ; Oppression as from a weight on the top of the head; Pressure in the forehead from without inwards—re- lieved by pressure; Headache, with pain in the occiput—with drow- siness; Beating in the head, with stitches; Heat in the head, with ill-humour and sweat; Violent tingling and stinging in the brain. Lycopodium.—Gloomy feelings in the head; Dizziness in the morning, as from a deranged stomach; Vertigo when in a hot room, or when getting out of bed in the morning—sometimes with nausea; Headache, during rest, for several days—relieved by walk- ing in the open air; Headache from chagrin—also with a feeling of faintness; Headache over the eyes immediately after breakfast; Pressure, as from a nail, in the centre of the forehead; Rhewmatic Headache; Tensive, aching pains in the head; Headache as if the bones of the skull were being driven in, with a sense of vacillation in the brain; Tearing pain in the occiput; Tearing pains in 642 - HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD. various parts of the head and face; Tearing on the top of the head, forehead, and temples—eyes, nose, and teeth—obliging him to lie down; Violent shocks; Darting pains, apparently in the cranial bones; Throbbing in the head and in the brain; Violent beating in the occiput, with pain and stiffness at nape; Throbbing on the top of the head; Pulsations in the head, with heat; Rush of blood on raising the head, in bed, when awaking in the morning—followed by headache. Scalp—Eruptions on the head, with suppuration, even foetid; Tumour, the size of a walnut, on the occiput. Mercurius.-Vertigo, with staggering and nausea; Heat and pain in the whole head—relieved by sitting down, and leaning the head upon the hand; Dull, gloomy pain, with ill-humour; Head- ache, with a sensation of the head being firmly constricted by a band; Screwing pain at one part, then in another; Pressing pain, from within outwards, in the parietal bones; Feeling of fulness, as if the head would burst; Stitches through the whole head—also when walking in the open air. Chiefly useful in Catarrhal and Rheumatic Headache. Scalp—Pains in the muscles and bones; Itching eruptions; Small elevated scabs; Humid eruptions; Sweat on the head; Falling-off of the hair. Natrum Carb.-Dulness of the head; Easy fatigue from mental labour; Vertigo—she falls towards the left side when walking in the room; Continual headache, with a sense of reeling in the head— a little wine seemed to make her swoon; Vertigo relieved by exercise in the open air; Headache in the forehead, especially when turning the head quickly; Headache from the heat of the sun; Heaviness in the head, with burning in the eyes; Painful feeling of emptiness in the occiput; Stitching pains in various parts of the head, with burning; Throbbing; Roaring; Heat in the head, with heaviness, and redness of the face. Natrum Mur.—Headache induced by coughing or sneezing, or from any exertion ; Headache when in bed in the morning— sometimes with giddiness—it passed off after walking in the open air; Heaviness in the head every day; Stupefying headache from morning until noon—sometimes with nausea; Violent headache, with nausea; Compression of the brain on all sides, especially when reading or writing; Fine beating in the forehead; Stitches - 643 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. in the parietal region; Throbbing, hammering, and beating in the head; Excessive heat, with desire to dip the head in cold Water; the head feels enlarged and swollen within. Nitric Acid.-Vertigo early in the morning, with obscuration of sight; Heaviness and dulness in the head, with nausea; Painful feeling of fulness several times a day, lasting about half-an-hour— it felt as if the head would burst; Sensation as if the head were too full of blood, with pain when shaking the head or blowing the nose; Painful tension in the interior of the head; Sensation as of a tight bandage around the head; Headache early in the morning, with chilliness, qualm at umbilicus—followed by colic, flatus, and eructations; Pressure in the head, temples, and eyes—also with heaviness in the limbs; Compressive pain in the forehead the whole afternoon; Tearing in the forehead, vertex, and sinciput; Stitches in the forehead—also in the occiput; Throbbing headache on the left side the whole afternoon; Beating or throbbing in the right temple, with nausea, on awaking in the morning, for several days; Heaviness of the head when stooping; Congestion of blood to the head, with a sensation of gauze before the eyes; Feeling of heat in the head the whole day; Humming in the head; Great sensitive- ness to noise. Nux Wom.-Feeling of stupefaction; Intoxication, cloudiness; Ailments after a night revel; Vertigo, with obscuration of sight and humming in the ears; Vertigo—everything turns round, or seems to balance up and down; Vertigo, with a sensation of faint- ing; Chronic Vertigo; Headache in the morning, as if he had not slept enough; Headache always in stormy weather; Headache from haemorrhoids; or from a sedentary occupation; or from travelling a long time in a railway carriage; Headache from too full a meal, or from wine, spirits, beer—or coffee, if it disagrees; Headache from mental labours; Headache from taking cold; Rheumatic headache; Bilious headache, with nausea and vomiting; Aching in the forehead—relieved by leaning the head on the table; Aching pain over the eyes; Pain in the occiput immediately after leaving the bed; Tearing, frontal headache, frequently towards evening; Distensive feeling throughout the whole brain; Tearing headache after a meal, with heat in the face; Burning sensation in the brain; Congestion of blood to the head, with violent pains in the forehead— 644 - HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD, also with vertigo and fainting; Sensation as if the head had been struck by an axe ; Sensation as if the brain were cleft in twain; Single, violent stitches in the head; Headache before dinner; Head- ache early in the morning—increased by stooping; Bubbling or shaking sensation in the head when walking; Delirium of Nua: ; Insane, foolish actions; Runs about in the street, like one who does not know where he is going; Gives improper and absurd answers; Disposition to leave his home. Useful for affections of the mind from excessive study or disappointment; heavy losses in business; loss of a relative; and such like troubles; Deliriwm tremens; Muttering delirium; Illusions of the senses; and for excessive fatigue after walking or running. Opium,_Vertigo, with stupefaction; Sensation as if everything were turning round; or as if he were flying, or hovering in the air; Vertigo after a fright; Apopleaſy; Red-hot, bloated face; Loss of consciousness; Eyes half closed—pupils dilated, insensible; Slow, snoring breathing; sometimes convulsive movements of the limbs—the fits are often followed by a state of nervous irritation ; Painful headache— worse on moving the eyeballs; Headache affecting one side of the head, or the forehead, with pressure from within outwards; Beating in the forehead, with acid eructations and vomiting—followed by perspiration ; Pressure over the eyes and root of the nose; Pain in the head as if the brain were being torn, with a sensation of turning, and great discomfort in the stomach and abdomen; Heaviness in the occipital region for several days, like a heavy weight, causing the head to fall backwards; he is unable to hold his head erect—it constantly moves to-and-fro; Throbbing in the vessels; Congestion of blood to the head; Delirium of Opium; Visions—fancies he sees frightful things— rats, mice, Scorpions—imagines ghosts, devils, and persons in masks surround the bed, and try to torture; she points to masked persons —fancies they are approaching her; Delirious talk about events long passed; and sometimes bursts into loud laughter; Furious delirium ; Mania, with distortion of the mouth ; Red face; Glis- tening eyes; Swelling of the head and face; Swollen lips; Rolls on the floor, uttering threats, and does not know those who are around him; Delirium tremens; Dulness in the head, with sensa- tion of a vapour in the brain; Stupefying dulness, with sensation as from a board pressing against the forehead; Cloudiness; Vertigo; 645 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. Illusion of the senses; he fancies himself the size of a giant, and that his eyes are immensely large. The symptoms are accompanied, or followed, by trembling of the body. Petroleum.—Vertigo, with nausea, as from swinging; Violent balancing sensation; Headache every morning, until after break- fast; Headache in the evening, after walking in the open air ; Frontal headache, increasing to stupefaction by mental study; Headache affecting the right side of the head—compelled to lie down; Dull headache from morning until evening, with chilliness; Heaviness and fulness, with heat in the head in the morning, when stooping; Pressure in the occiput—it feels heavy as lead; Violent pressure, with dizziness, and a feeling of qualm; Tension, with a sense of pulling in the dura mater; Sensation as if the brain were being pressed together; Stitching pains in the head, with nausea; Throbbing in the occiput the whole day; Pulsations; Sensation as if something alive were whirling and turning in the head; Sensation as of blood rushing to the head during quick motion. Scalp—Soft tumours on the scalp; Pimples and erup- tions on the scalp and nape of neck; Profuse sweat of the scalp. Phosphorus.-In the morning, when rising, the head feels giddy and painful, as if it had been lying too low during the night; Painful dizziness for eight successive mornings; Violent dizziness, with headache and chills; Stupid, gloomy feeling; Sensation of weakness; Giddy sensation, as if the chair on which he sits were rising up; Vertigo, with sensation of falling; Violent vertigo at noon; she threatened to fall from her chair; Vertigo, with stag- gering and vanishing of thought; Chronic Vertigo; Various kinds of vertigo; Violent headache from stooping; Headache every morning, awaking her from sleep; Dull headache, with nausea, eructations, and waterbrash; Dull, stupefying headache; Sensation of numbness and dizziness, with oppressive pain in the head, and drowsiness; Pain as if the brain were bruised; Oppression that seemed to affect different parts of the head; Oppression in the forehead for two days—it lasted from morning till night; Oppres– sive pain as if the head would burst—it was so violent as to cause her to cry out; Tearing pain in the forehead and temples; Throbbing at the root of the nose, every morning at nine o'clock, for eight days; at noon it increased in violence, and caused her to 646 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD. vomit; Stitches in different parts of the head; Stitches at the right side for several days; Beating, throbbing, and pulsations; Shocks in the head during a straining at stool; Intolerable rush of blood to the head, with burning heat and redness of the face; Humming and roaring in the head, almost the whole day; Roaring in the head, mostly when sitting; Burning pain in the forehead; Frequent alternation of heat and coolness of the head and body; Burning pain in the outer part of the head, without increase of bodily heat, with desire to lie down, and loss of appetite; Cold- ness on the left side of the head, with pain deep in the ear; Sensation, when remaining in the open air, as if the brain would become congealed; the head feels easier when in the open air. Scalp — A number of scales on the scalp; Shining, painless tumour; Blotches like boils; Great falling-off of the hair; also after long-continued grief. Platina-Feeling of numbness in the whole sinciput, as from a blow—it extended to the nasal bone; Sensation as if the head were jammed up ; Constrictive numbness when in a warm room; when beginning to walk, in the evening, a painful vibration is felt, as if the brain were loose, and like a ball knocking against the cranial bones; the sensation was also felt afterwards, when lying in bed, with slight roaring in the ears; Cramp-like contraction, with numbness, and a feeling as if the head were tied too tight, or as if placed between screws; Violent pressure on the top of the head and forehead—even to the eyes—increased by stooping, or even a slight movement of the head—sometimes with anguish and palpitation; Burning heat and thirst ; Headache that increases until ten in the evening; Pains that recur for several evenings at the same hour; Headache, with sensation as of water in the head, about midnight, with scraping and dryness in the throat, and large drops of sweat on the face; Pain as from a blow on the right side of the head; Roaring in the head as from a mill. Podophyllum.—Giddiness and dizziness, with sensation of fulness over the eyes; Dulness and drowsiness, with headache in the morning; Momentary darts of pain in the forehead, obliging one to shut the eyes, with giddiness; Pain on the top of the head on awaking in the morning; Stunning pain in the temples—relieved by pressure; Morning headache, with heat in the vertex; Sudden 647 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. pain in forehead, with sore throat in the evening; Vertigo, with inclination to fall forwards; Morning headache, with flushed face; Pain in the left frontal eminence—worse in the afternoon. During fever—Delirium, with loquacity and much thirst; Sweating of the head during sleep; Rolling of the head during painful dentition in children. Pulsatilla.-Confusion, stupid feeling, as from intoxication or from long watching; Feeling of emptiness; Giddy—staggering when walking in the evening, with heat in the head, and paleness of the face; Vertigo on rising from a seat, or during a walk; or after dinner, with obscuration of sight; or roaring in the ears; or a rapping sensation in the head; Vertigo, especially when Sitting; Vertigo when stooping—it scarcely permitted her to rise up again; when stooping, the head felt so heavy that he feared he should not raise it again; when stooping, he felt as if he must fall forwards; Gloomy sensation, with vertigo—he is obliged to lie down, but unable to remain in bed; he seems unable to carry the head erect, it feels so heavy, and he cannot bear a glare of light; Headache, as if the forehead and temples would burst, when in bed in the morn- ing; Pain that seemed deep in the orbits when moving the eyes, with a sensation as if the frontal bone were too thin to sustain the contents of the forehead; Hemicrania, as if the forehead would burst, and the eyes fall out ; the head feels stupid, and aches, while the forehead feels bruised; Bubbling sensation at night; Pulsa- tions that he heard distinctly; Beating headache at midnight; Headache when stooping; Tearing pain in one side of the head, and in the teeth—also in the ear; Jerking, tearing, or drawing, darting pains; Headache, with a feeling of tightness in the brain ; Humming in the head; Sensation as if a keen wind were rushing through the brain, and causes pain; Pulsations and cracking like electric sparks; Headache that ascends from the nape of the neck, where there is a contractive sensation ; Headache, with pain in the eyes; Attacks of headache, that are increased by a walk in the open air; Headache from taking cold, or from overloading the stomach, and especially from fat meat, or rich pastry; the headache is gene- rally worse in the evening, and often continues through the night— relieved sometimes by pressure; Drawing pain in the scalp when pressing the hand from before backward. Scalp—Small tumours on the scalp; Sweat on the scalp and face. 648 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD. Rhododendron.—Vertigo; Stupefaction; Giddiness; Sense of intoxication—it seemed to affect the head like brandy; Reeling, with a sensation as if his brain were in a fog—a kind of obscuration of the senses, with dulness, and followed by drowsiness; Headache in the morning that almost deprived him of his senses; Excessive headache—the whole brain seemed to be oppressed with a heavy weight; Beating pain in either or both sides of the head; Tear- ing, boring pains in the left temporal region, as if in the bones; Rheumatic Headache, especially in cold, damp weather. Rhus Tox,−Dizzy feeling; when getting out of bed he could scarcely stand; Aching in the occipital protuberance, as from derangement of the stomach; Headache immediately after a meal —also from drinking beer; Headache when ascending a hill— every step she takes is felt in the head; Headache that obliges him to lie down—it comes on again after the least exercise in the open air; Reeling headache, which causes his thoughts and memory to vanish when writing; Headache, with pressing on the eyes, as if they would be forced out of their sockets; Headache as if the brain were pressed from each temple—when stooping, the nape of the neck feels embarrassed; he had some difficulty in rising up, with a sensation of blood rushing to the brain; Tearing in the head— worse when stooping—from 5 P.M. until night; on awaking in the morning he is attacked with a violent frontal headaghe, as if the brain would be torn—it was felt afterwards in the occiput; Burning in the head and occiput; Stitching pains in the head day and night, extending into the ears, root of nose, malar bones, and even the teeth; Painful tingling; To-and-Fro movement—a kind of balancing at every step, with a feeling as if the brain were loose in the skull, and shook, or beat against the sides; Painful creeping, digging sensation, as if with a needle; Creeping sensation in the occiput, as if an abscess would form. Scalp—Painful contraction of the scalp—it is tender to touch, as if a boil were forming ; Creeping; Crawling; Erysipelatous swelling of the head, face, and neck; Tinea Capitis, eating away the hair; Small, soft tubercles on the scalp; Impetigo, with crusts of a greenish colour; Dry and humid herpes, especially on parts covered with hair. Sanguinaria.-Vertigo on quickly turning the head, and on looking upwards; Vertigo, with nausea, and long-continued de- 2 U. 649 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. bility; Determination of blood, with whizzing in the ears, and a sensation as if he would vomit, but is relieved by stool; Headache, as if the forehead would split, with burning in the stomach; Severe, quick, darting pain in the forehead and temple—of short duration —occurring at five and seven o’clock; at eleven o'clock there was a sudden pain like an electric shock; Rheumatic headache, with nausea; Stiffness of the limbs and nape of neck; Flying heat from the head to the stomach; Pains in the head in rays, drawing upwards from the neck; Severe pains in the head, with nausea and vomiting—even bilious vomiting; Sick headache; Swelling of the veins at the temples. Secale.—Violent vertigo, with languor and prostration—lasting several days—sometimes constant and increasing vertigo ; Stupe- faction; Heaviness, confusion; Chronic stupor; Reeling, as if in- toxicated—unable to stand erect; Intoxication; Dulness of the head, with cloudiness of the sight, and dulness of hearing; Peculiar feeling of lightness in the head, especially at the occiput; Delirium of Secale; Stupor, with great prostration; Imbecility; Loss of sensibility; Consciousness often remains to the last; shortly before death he seemed to get better; Craziness; Mania, with vio- lence and rage—he seemed as though he would kill those around him, but the spasms prevented him. Every patient was in a rage, and could only be restrained with difficulty; after a few hours copious vomiting set in, followed by a deep sleep. Sepia.-Dulness; Painful gloominess; Dizzy, stupid feeling; Stupefaction, with tightness of the chest; Giddiness every morning —she can scarcely keep her head up; Vertigo when walking and looking up ; Vertigo, especially when walking in the open air —she had to be led; Sensation as if something were rolling about in the head; Vertigo every afternoon, from three to five o’clock; Vertigo, with coldness of the hands and feet; Headache that seemed to proceed from the back—it gave a twinge at every step ; Head- ache every morning, with nausea; Frontal headache, with anxiety at the pit of the stomach—with trembling—followed by Epistaxis; Paroxysms of hemicrania, with nausea, vomiting, and shooting pains; Headache, with photophobia, and great pain in the eyes; Concussive sensation in the brain when striking the foot against a hard substance; Heat in the head, with rush of blood; Burning 650 - HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD, sensation through the ears, and dimness of sight; Headache as if the head would burst when coughing; Beating headache; Violent beating in the temples; Painful beating in the occiput; Violent jerkings in the forehead; Pressure in the forehead and eyes, with nausea and much spitting; Violent pressure the whole day, with vertigo; Weeping mood, and profuse Coryza; Headache as if the eyes would be pressed out; Violent headache, as if the head would burst; Painful crack, as if something had given way in the head, with pain in nuchae on turning the head; Stitches in the forehead, with inclination to vomit; Pain in the occiput—mostly at night— worse when lying upon it; Involuntary shaking of the head; Headache from suppressed menses; Headache, with an eruption of lentil-sized blotches, that itch, over the body, particularly in the face; Headache from wine or spirits; Headache, with nausea and sickness; Chronic frontal headache. Scalp—Great falling-off of the hair; Itching of the scalp ; Humid eruptions; Scabs, lasting forty days, with rough crusts. Silica.-Vertigo—he fancied, when walking, that he was going backward instead of forward; Vertigo when sitting; Vertigo, with retching and waterbrash; Vertigo when looking upwards— when closing the eyes, all things seem turning; Vertigo morning or evening; Constant vertigo; Vertigo that seems to proceed from the back, up the nuchae, to the head, with an inclination to fall forward, and does not know where she is; Vertigo when sitting, or riding in a carriage—also every morning, half-an-hour after rising; Vertigo, with nausea—also at breakfast, with heat and sweat on the face; Headache from hunger, or from being much heated; Headache from the nape to the vertex; Violent headache—she moaned and cried for help; Painful heaviness in the head; Shaking in the brain when stepping firmly, or striking the foot; Oppressive pain in the forehead from little mental exertion; Violent headache, as if the skull were pierced by violent stitches; Disagreeable sensa- tion in the head, as if it were teeming with living things; Boring pain in the forehead for many days; Stitches in the temples; Beating in the forehead; Rush of blood to the head, especially when rising from a seat, with feeling of fulness in the brain. Scalp —Very sensitive—the hat causes pain; Itching of the scalp, with soreness; Humid Impetigo; Blotches; Tumour-like elevations; Sweating of the head; Falling-off of the hair. 2 U 2 651 BIEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. Spigelia.-Vertigo, even unto falling; also when turning the head in the open air; Vertigo most violent when lying down; Headache when shaking the head; Periodic headache—aggravated in the open air; Heaviness and pain when shaking the head; Pressure in the forehead—worse on stooping; Pressure in the cere- brum and cerebellum, with dizziness; Pressure in the temples from without inwards; Sensation in the forehead as if the brain would be pressed out when stooping; Pain as if the head would burst when coughing or talking loudly; Violent tearing in the temples, forehead, and occiput; Boring in the forehead, vertex, and occiput; Shaking, swashing sensation in the brain when walking—every step is felt in the brain; Heat in the head; Pains in the head, that are increased by the slightest movement, or the least noise ; Pain and tenderness at the occiput, with stiffness at the nape of the neck; Burning in the skin of the forehead. Useful in acute Hydrocephalus of infants before effusion. Scrofulous Meningitis; Violent headache, with inflammation of the right eye; Headache, with heart disease. Stannum.—Dizziness of the whole head; Heaviness during rest and motion in the evening, for two hours; Vertigo when sitting, or during a walk in the open air; During the vertigo objects appear much further off than they really are; Sensation as if the brain were turning ; Headache almost every morning, with nausea, want of appetite, and ill-humour; Pressure from the middle of the forehead to the centre of the brain; Pressure in the forehead from within, with drowsiness—relieved by pressing on the part; Stupefying pain in the brain, over the eyes, during rest and motion; Crushing pain in the temples the whole day; Headache after a violent fit of coughing ; Boring, aching pain in the left hemi- sphere; also in the occipital bone; Beating pain in the temples; Heat in the forehead that can be felt by the hand; Burning, like fire, in one-half of the sinciput; also the nose and eyes, accompanied with nausea and retching from morning till night; he was com- pelled to lie down; Painful sensation as if the brain were loose, and struck against the skull; Sensation of weakness in the head, with drowsiness. Scalp—Pain in the integuments, as if ulcerated in the tissues. Staphysagria.—Dulness in the head, with great weakness of 652 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD, Vº memory; Vertigo, especially when sitting—relieved by walking about ; Sensation as of a heavy load, like a ball, lying on the cribriform plate; Heaviness, that is relieved by leaning the head on the hand; Violent headache in the morning, as if the brain were torn—passing off after a violent fit of yawning; when shaking the head he feels something like a bullet lying in the brain, at one spot, in the middle of the forehead; Oppressive, stupefying head- ache, chiefly in the forehead—worse when moving the head; Sen- sation as if the brain were compressed, with roaring in the ear; Pressure as if too much blood had accumulated in the brain—it continued after lying down at night; Hard pressure in the right temporal region and the vertex; Pain in the left temple, as if the spot were pressed with the finger; Sticking headache, lasting the whole day; Sudden stitches in the frontal bone that caused him to start; Sharp stitches from within outwards, in the left half of the forehead, awaking him early in the morning; Newralgic pains ; Sharp, quick, burning stitches, externally and internally, as if the bone would be pressed out—more violent when touching the part; Drawing, tearing, sticking pains in the cranial bones, in various parts, and at different times—at rest and during motion; Sensation as if the brain had receded from the skull, and were lying loose in it. Scalp—Burning pains in the bones and integu- ments; Rheumatic, drawing pains; Painful drawings in several parts of the head; Numerous scabs that itch violently ; Humid scabs that emit a foetid odour. Stramonium.—Vertigo, with redness of the face; Pain in the abdomen; Headache and dimness of sight; Thirst ; Vertigo, lasting eight days; he becomes giddy when sitting or standing ; he staggers in the room; looks about as if seeking something; stumbles against the door; Sense of intoxication, with thirst, and profuse flow of burning urine; Feeling of weakness in the head; Lightheaded; Heaviness; Stupefaction, with dimness of sight; Insensibility, with apparent internal uneasiness; Headache, either dull or violent—sometimes with obscuration of sight and dulness of hearing; Beating headache in the vertex, with fainting-fits; Violent headache, with toothache, and profuse lachrymation; Head- ache, with anorexia—sometimes distended abdomen; Pain in the pelvic cavity; Beating pain in right temple, with diarrhoea; Con- vulsions; Spasmodic drawing of the head and eyes, with grinding 653 HEAD] HEAD AND BRAIN. of the teeth; Convulsive movements of the head and arms, with hiccough; Drawing of the head to either side, with screaming, and throwing the arms over the head; Early in the morning he moves his head to-and-fro continually, except when interrupted by hic- cough; Delirium of Stram.; Illusion—black letters seem grey; Diplopia; Objects appeared in an oblique position, or he could only see a small part of a thing; or persons appear as if cut through the centre, and only one-half of the face or body seen ; he does not notice things going on around him; Insensibility to all external impressions; he has strange fancies, and at times is extremely loquacious; or walks the room with staring, sparkling eyes; yet he sees nothing, being absorbed only with his own fanciful imagination; he dances, gesticulates, breaks out into loud laughter—sings songs, and utters base word—stamps with his feet—kneels in the bed, but starts up at the least contact, with cries; Religious mania, with pious looks—kneeling, and crosses his hands—talks with ghosts—moans, and gives evidence of great confusion of intellect; Delirium, with fear; Timidity—starts up in affright—sees cats and dogs approaching her bed; in the evening she is frightened lest a dog she sees in her delirium should bite her ; he sees many strange figures that frighten ; he jumped up from his bed at midnight—ran about the room, supposing a man to be chasing him, and cried repeatedly, “you shall not have me;” his features indicate fear and terror; he imagines he is alone in a wilderness—sees figures of animals start out of the ground, side by side, that cause him to run forward—a child said there were large ulcers on him ; Inclination to start ; Sad looks. Sulphur.—Vertigo in the morning, with bleeding from the nose; when he attempted to stand he fell back on the bed; Vertigo, with a tendency to fall forward; Vertigo when stooping—also when walking in the open air, after supper; Vertigo in the evening, with rush of blood to the heart; Headache, with nausea, and heat, and humming in the head; Headache every morning, with continual sneezing; Headache, that is worse in the open air than in a room; Violent headache at vertex for twelve hours—returned every morning; Violent pain in the centre of the head when cough- ing or sneezing; Headache at night, especially on slight movement in the bed; Stupefying pain in the occiput when stepping; every step he makes affects the head painfully; Numbness at the right Ç -" 654 - - HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD, side of the head; Pressure in the head immediately after rising in the morning—or every other morning at eight or nine o'clock; it continued until the evening; Violent pressure in the forehead; Pressure in the temples, and a sense of tightness in the brain during mental labour; Nightly headache, with intolerable pres- sure in the vertex and occiput—with chilliness and pressive pain in the eyes—followed by a foetid sweat; Headache every day, as if his head would burst; Periodical aching or tearing pain every eight days, with stupefaction; Feeling of fulness and heaviness at the top of the head; Headache, like a weight pressing on the brain, at the vertex, with the sensation of a hoop round the head; Contractive pain in the temples for several mornings; Stitching pains in the temples and forehead; Beating in the head in the morning—also about the neck, and at the heart; Painful ham- mering in the head; Hammering headache during an excited conversation; Rush of blood to the head—also with a loose stool, after riding in a carriage; Rush of blood, causing so much pres- sure, that she felt like one deaf; Sensation in the left side of the occiput, as if the blood had stagnated there ; Heat in the head, with coldness of the feet; Tingling and roaring in the head and ears; Congestion of blood, with pulsative pains, and a feeling of heat in the brain ; Periodic headache, chiefly in the evening—or at night in bed—or in the morning, after a meal; Feeling of coldness on the top of the head. Useful in Chronic Hydrocephalus, and Chronic Encephatitis, Scalp—Dry or humid eruptions—also with yellowish crust. - Tabacum.—Vertigo, with sickness at the stomach—increasing in a warm room ; Sense of intoxication, with violent headache : Heaviness and weariness, with pains at the nape of the neck—he was obliged to remove his cravat; Feeling of heaviness after dinner—increased by motion; Pain in the forehead, as if the brain pressed against the frontal bone—the pain increased when inclining the head to the side affected; Aching pain in forehead, root of nose, and over the right eye; Pressure, from without inwards, in both temples; Stitches in the vertex for ten days—frequently re- turning; Frequent deep stitches in the head, at the vertex; Sen- sation as if even pressure were made on the whole anterior portion of the brain; Violent headache in the morning during motion, with sensation of something shaking loose in the head; 655 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. Burning on the head, with formication, loss of appetite, pain in the ears, and chilliness of the body; Congestion of blood to the head, with flushes of heat in the face. - Tartarus Emet.—Violent headache, with vertigo and palpi- tation of the heart; Dulness and stupefaction, with tensive sensa- tion, and a drowsy, wearing feeling—also a difficulty in moving the tongue; Tensive, stupefying headache, with pressure from without inwards—proceeding from the temples—with drawing and digging about the root of the nose; Sharp stitches in the whole head, or in the temples only, during motion; Intermittent tearing on one side of the head; Heaviness, particularly in the occiput; Acute pain in the right hemisphere, with a feeling of heaviness, as if the brain were transformed into a hard lump; Trembling of the head with every movement of the body. Terebinthina.-Sudden attack of vertigo, with obscuration of sight; Sense of intoxication, with profuse sweat from morning till night; after a very deep sleep, he awakes in the morning, confused, and languid with reeling ; a copious and rapid mic- turition afforded great relief; Dull headache, with Colic ; Aching pains in the whole head, with vomiturition, that passes off and returns again; Painful pressure and fulness, that caused her to scream ; Tearing pains, affecting the right side of the head —lasting nine days; Tearing in the head—coming and going—that lasted until evening. Thuja.—Cloudiness in the forehead; Stupefaction early in the morning; Vertigo when lying in bed—also when sitting; Head- ache early in the morning; Sensation as if a nail were driven into the vertex with a sudden jerk; Numb feeling, with hum- ming in the left hemisphere of the brain; Cramp-like sensation, with a feeling of warmth; Furious pressure in both temples, as if the brain would be pressed out; Aching pains in the occiput for six hours; Drawing, tearing from the vertex to the middle of the brain; Heaviness, with ill-humour, and desire to remain quiet ; Pressing headache from forehead to occiput, with a bruised or torn feeling in the part; Sensation as if a nail were driven into the right parietal bone; Violent lancinations through the right hemisphere, from the occiput to the forehead; Pulsative throbbings 656 HEAD AND BRAIN. [HEAD. and stitches in the temples, with a sensation as if the head were compressed from without; at night, if he lies on the left side, he feels a pain near the occipital protuberance—it is also painful to the touch—even the hairs that cover the part ; Corrosive gnawing in the scalp. Valeriana.-Feeling of intoxication and vertigo ; Conges- tion of blood to the brain; Sudden stupefaction—it caused him to stagger and almost fall; Stupid feeling when stooping; Great flow of ideas—one chasing the other with so much rapidity that the head became quite confused, as if he were dreaming; Sticking pain on the top of the head; Drawing pain, with pressure, from the nape of the neck to the occiput, from eleven in the morning—lasting two hours; a current of air seemed to cause an instantaneous drawing pain in the right side of the head; Dull pain in the right temple at intervals; Numb sensa- tion in the frontal eminences; Violent pressure in the forehead, followed by a sticking pain over the orbits—it alternates again with a pressing pain, frequently recurring—the sticking pain affected the eyes, and seemed to pierce them from within outwards; Headache, the pain being especially violent over the orbits—the pressure is so great that it felt as if the eyeballs would be pressed out, from one to four in the afternoon; Sweat on the forehead and on the head.* Weratrum.—Excessive dizziness for three days; Stupid feeling, with nausea; Headache, with nausea, vomiting, and pale face— also with colic and pain in the back; Intermittent beating head- ache; Beating over the left eye; Dull pressure in the vertex early in the morning; Headache, with pain in the stomach; Paroxysms of pain in various parts of the brain, as if bruised or pressed upon; Constrictive headache, with a sense of constriction in the throat; Sensation of burning in the brain; Rush of blood to the head when stooping; Reeling sensation when walking, that abates when sit- ting; Sensation as if the head were pressed flat—when moving, this became a beating pain; the head feels heavy, with a sensation as if the brain were turning; Buzzing and humming, that seemed * According to Hahnemann, the Valerian pains take deep root in the organism, and thus resemble mercurial sufferings. 657 HEAD.] HEAD AND BRAIN. in the forehead; Excessive headache, that disappeared when the menses came on; Sensation over the temple as of a drop of water running down; Sensation of warmth and coldness on the head at the same time; Sensation as if a piece of ice were on the head; Cold sweat on the forehead. Scalp—Corrosive itching in the scalp—on the right side it felt as if a cluster of hairs were electri- fied—they seemed to stand on end, with slight shuddering of the skin; Delirium of Verat. ; Anxiety, with grief—he then becomes noisy—curses , and swears—complains of a stupid feeling in his head—stamps his feet with rage—tears his clothes—does not know his friends; he pretends he is a prince or a hunter—appears proud—pretends he is deaf or blind; or sings and whistles; or screams and runs about with great anxiety; the delirium might be either bland or furious, accompanied with coldness of the body. Zincum.—Vertigo in the whole brain—she had to lie down— also in the occiput; Vertigo in the occiput when walking, as if he would fall to the left side; Violent vertigo when sitting up in bed —a kind of balancing; on awaking from sleep the brain seemed moving up and down; sometimes he felt as if a fit of apoplexy would come on, with a dread of falling; Violent pain in the head, eyes, and abdomen, after getting into bed; Violent pain in the head and eyes after his usual glass of wine; Bruise-like pain in the occiput; Stupefying headache the whole morning, as from the vapour of coal; Pressure or aching in the forehead, with dulness, drowsiness, and pain in the eyes; Pressure in the sinciput, with dulness—extending to the eyes—after dinner; Cramp-like pressure . in both temples, from without inwards; Drawing pain in the occi- put, with gnawing sensation in the forehead, as from worms; Tearing in the temples after dinner, with stitches behind the ears; Tearing pain in the left frontal eminence after dinner; Beating and tearing in the fore-part of the head after dinner; Sense of re- sounding in the head when talking aloud; Sensation in the frontal sinuses, as if the air had penetrated them and caused extreme pain. Scalp—Sensation as if the scalp were pressed together at one place; the scalp feels sore, even when not touched; the hairs feel painful, if touched ever so lightly; the hair falls off, 658 NECK AND BACK. [BACK. NE0 K AND BACK, Aconite.-Stiffness, as if bruised in left side of the neck—also between the scapulae; Stitches, or drawing and tearing pain in the scapular region when moving the neck—the muscles feel weak and bruised; Pains like those of rheumatism in the nape; Painful stiffness at the nape of the neck. Back—Pains in the loins, re- sembling those of labour; Digging pain on left side of spine for some distance; Pain in the dorsal region—increased during inspira- tion ; Sense of numbness in the small of the back, that extends to the lower limbs; the lumbar region feels sensitive when walking; Sensitiveness in the region of the kidneys. Alumina.-Painful drawing in the muscles at nape; Stiffness; Stitches that extend to the glands of the right side; Drawing and pressure in the glands of the left side—they are swollen, and pre- vent free motion of the neck; Itching eruption on the neck— hard blotches or vesicles. Back—Gnawing, with stitches in the scapulae; Painful tension, with arrest of breath; Pain in the back, as if a red-hot iron were thrust through the vertebrae; Violent pain along the back, with stitches, that prevent stooping, or raising anything with the hands; Pains in the back, in connection with haemorrhoids; Gnawing pains, or pains as if bruised in the back— sometimes very violent; Gnawing pain in the sacrum. Ammonium Carb.-Violent burning pain in nuchae; Drawing pain, with stiffness, when moving the neck; Swelling of the cervi- cal glands. Back—Violent throbbing in the loins and small of the back; Gnawing pain in the dorsal region, extending to the hips and abdomen; Violent throbbing in the loins during rest— passes off by walking; Drawing pains in the back, that extend to the legs. Ammonium Mur-Drawing pains in the nuchaº; Tension and stiffness; Pain when turning the neck, that extends to the shoulders; Stiff neck, that is relieved by lying down. Back—Icy coldness in the back, between the shoulders—warm clothing did not remove it; Boil on the left shoulder; Nightly pains in the 659 BACK.] NECK AND BACK. small of the back, which always arouse her from sleep; Pain as if bruised in the back—continued during rest and motion—also at night, when in bed; Painful stiffness when raising the body after stooping; Painful when walking—she could not walk erect. Anacardium.—Stiffness at nape, with tensive pain on moving the head; Rheumatic drawings in the neck that pressed towards the larynx, and interfered with deglutition; Intermittent pressure, as from a load on the right side of the nape and shoulder—it seemed to affect the bone; Dull stitches in left scapular region, with a lacerating pain. Angustura.-Stiffness and pains, as from bruises in the muscles of the neck—the parts feel as if they had been strained; Painful stiffness early in the morning—she could scarcely move her arms on account of the pain, which lasted until noon; Violent twitch- ings in the cervical muscles of the left side. Back—Tension in the muscles of the back—he could scarcely raise his arm ; Pain in the back as if broken—felt early in the morning, when in bed; it lasted a long time after rising, and she was unable to pick up any- thing from the floor for several hours—it passed off in colic, with loose stool; Bruise-like pains in the small of the back—worse about four o’clock, A.M.–it aroused from sleep. - Arnica.-Feeling of weakness in the muscles of the neck— they do not seem able to support the head, consequently it falls to one side; Sensation as if the cravat were tied too tight; Cramp- like, tensive pain in the muscles of the neck; Boils on the neck; Swelling of the cervical glands, which are painful when moving the neck; Pain in the lower cervical vertebrae when bending the head forwards. Back—Pain in the right scapula, towards the back, as when suffering from a blow or fall; Cutting thrusts be- tween the scapula, that penetrate into the thorax when walking; Aching pain between the scapula; Painful pressure in the dorsal spine when sitting; Weakness of the spine—it does not seem strong enough to support the body; Tingling sensation in the whole vertebral column—also in the false ribs and the stomach ; Sensation in the back, under the scapulae, as if a lump were lodged there, with dull stitches in the part during motion; the Small of the back feels bruised and lame; Burning pain in the renal region, 660 NECK AND BACK. [BACK. with stitches when coughing or breathing deeply; Stitch at every inspiration, in the right side of the back, extending from the lowest ribs up to the axilla; Pain in the os sacrum, as from violent concussion or a blow. Arsenicum.—Stiffness at nape, as if sprained or bruised—at night, and also in the morning; Contortion of the muscles, with swelling of the neck, without pain. Back—Drawing pains be- tween the scapula, with stitches in the side, which oblige him to lie down, with much flatulence and eructations; Stiffness in the small of the back the whole day; Weakness in the loins; Stitches in the renal region during Sneezing or inspiration; when standing she feels great pain in the lower part of the spine, with contraction of the toes; Tenderness of the spine, with frequent muscular tre- mors; Cramp in the lower limbs, with partial loss of motion and sensibility; Pains in the back, with anxiety and agitation of mind; Feeling of great debility in the small of the back, with bruise-like, painful stiffness; Biting eruptions on the skin of the neck, shoulders, and sides. Baryta Carb.-Several glandular swellings in the nape of the neck and occiput; Stiffness of the neck when awaking from sleep; Lancinating pains, tension, and pressure in the neck and scapulae, particularly in cold, rough weather; Itching pimples in the nape of the neck, and on the back—troublesome day and night. Back—Throbbing, strong pulsations—sometimes in left shoulder; at others, between, the scapula—often at night; Burning in the upper part of right scapula; also a pain as from dislocation; Painful drawing in the small of the back, as if a heavy body were moving downwards; Tensive pain as if from a cold; Stitches, throbbing; Sense of weakness in the dorsal region; Burning sen- sation in the loins, that seems to traverse the body; Burning pain in the lumbar region, at one spot, at night—he cannot lie on that side ; Painful swelling of the axillary glands—most of the pains are worse when at rest. Belladonna.-Painful stiffness in the nape, and between the scapula, when turning the neck or moving the head, when waking. in the morning; Swelling of the cervical glands, with cloudy feel- ing in the head; Painful swelling and stiffness of the nape, with 661 BACK.] NECK AND BACK. tension, drawing, and pressure in the muscles; Distention of the veins, and perceptible throbbing of the blood-vessels; Acid sweat on the neck; Stitches in the left shoulder; afterwards a boil. Back–Violent drawing pains between the scapulae; or pain as if the part had been strained with lifting; Pain as from a sprain in the right side of the back and spinal column; Lancinations that seemed to stab into the vertebrae as with a knife; Gnawing in the dorsal spine, with cough; Cramp-like, oppressive sensation in the middle of the spinal column; Cramp-like pain in the small of the back and os coccygis—he is unable to lie on the back in conse- quence of the violence of the pain. Bryonia-Painful stiffness and tension in the neck and nuchae when moving the head; Stiff neck, as from taking cold; Drawing pain from the neck to the ear; Painful weakness at nape; Pain when turning the head—the cervical and masseters feel stiff and sore during movement; Rheumatic stiffness in the neck; Red rash on the neck. Back—Burning between the scapula; Con- tractive pain over the whole back, as if he were bound fast by bands; Drawing or darting pains on either side of the spine, in the muscles; Stiffness in the back, not allowing him to walk erect; Bruise-like pain in the Small of the back when sitting or lying down—relieved by movement; Tearing pain in the lumbar region— when standing he is unable to stoop, but relieved on lying down ; Sticking pains in the back at night; Lumbago. Calcarea.—Stiffness of the neck and nape; Paimless swelling of the glands—sometimes hard—in either the cervical or occipital region; Swelling of a cervical gland on the left side of the neck, the size of a hen’s egg; Rigidity and tension—she cannot turn her. head; Pain in the neck when turning the head, as if a tumour would protrude; Sudden pain when turning the head, as if the vertebrae were sprained; Pain and swelling in the vertebrae promi- nens. Back—Drawing pains between the scapulae; Shooting, cutting, and jerking in the scapular region; Pressure between the scapula during motion, that arrested the breath; Painful stiffness of the spinal column; Pain as from a sprain in the spinal column—it extended to the renal region; Aching pain in the kidneys; Pain in the small of the back, caused by a strain in lifting (cured); Violent pain in the small of the back—he was 662 - NECK AND BACK. [BACK. scarcely able to rise from his seat; Constant bearing down towards the rectum—also with shooting pains. Carbo Animalis.-Tension, with swelling of the glands of the neck; Indurated glands, with sticking pain. Back—Burning in the back; Intermitting stitches in the back; Pressing pain as from a strain, between the scapula; the back is so painful on the left side that she cannot rest upon it—she feels a violent pain in the loins when rising, after being seated; Pressive pains in the Small of the back; Pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration at the lower part of the spine ; Pain as from bruises in the crest of the left ileum—very violent in the evening; Pressing or bearing down in the coccyx—also a burning pain in that region when the parts are touched. Carbo Veg.—Tearing pains in the cervical muscles; Pain and swelling of the cervical glands; Drawing pain in the nape of the neck and occiput, with nausea and salivation; Intense aching or burning pain in the muscles of the neck; Shaking and trembling of the head and neck. Back—Rheumatic pain, with drawing in the back; Drawing pains when sitting down; Violent burning in the right hip; Weakness in the back; Painful stiffness in the morning when rising; Continuous sticking pain when making a false step; Drawing and aching that extends to the os coccygis: Tearing pains in the Small of the back; Sensation of coldness, numbness, and tightness; Stiffness and pain as from a plug in the small of the back. Causticum.—Continued tension and rigidity of the neck; Stiff- mess, especially on the right side; also affecting the chest ; Pain as from bruises in nape; Stiffness of the nape, with pain in the occiput; the muscles felt bound down ; she was unable to move her head; Feeling of tightness when moving the head; Shuddering in the nape—it seemed to affect the brain; Stitches at night when lying in bed; Rash-like eruption; Itching ; Humid tetters on the nape of the neck; Glandular swelling resembling goitre. Back— Burning pain in the middle of the right scapula; Pressure; Drawing or tearing pains in and between the scapula; Painful stiffness between the scapula ; Stitches and pricking in the back; Boil on the back; Tearing pains in the dorsal vertebrae, and * 663 BACK.] NECK AND BACK. between the scapula, extending right and left; Darting pains in the back, and small of the back, arresting the breath; Aching— also a cramp-like pain in the renal region; Frequent pulsations in the small of the back; Feeling of Soreness; Violent pain as from a strain; Pain as from bruises—also with leucorrhoeal discharge ; Dull, drawing, darting pains in the os coccygis; Pain as from bruises in the os coccygis; every movement of the body causes pain in the back; Painful stiffness when rising from a seat. Chamomilla.--Drawing pains in the scapulae, back, and Small of the back, especially at night; Bruise-like feeling; Furious labour-pains from the small of the back, extending into the thighs; a drawing pain, with lameness; Painful stiffness in the loins after sitting ; Stiffness in the chest and trunk, as from a cold; Stinging or tearing pains in the back; Intolerable pains in the hip and sacrum at night, on the opposite side to that on which she was lying; Opisthotonos. China.-Tension and drawing in the nape of the neck; Laming pains on the top of the shoulder, excited and aggravated by con- tact ; Tearing and drawing pains in the left scapula ; Pressure as from a stone between the scapula; Stitches in the spine and left side of the back; Nightly pains in the small of the back when lying on the back; Pain as if bruised—felt during movement; Insupportable pain in the small of the back, as if bruised or beaten— aggravated by the least movement; Tearing, jerking, darting, or twitching in the small of the back; Drawing pains towards the lumbar vertebrae; Sweat on the back from even slight movement of the body. - Cina, Boring stitches in the cervical muscles; Difficult move- ment of the nape; the child leans its head on one side; Sticking pains in the scapulaº, especially the right; Drawing, tearing pain in the whole spinal column; when lying on the back the spine feels painful, as if broken; Tearing pains about the middle of the spine—relieved by motion, but returns during rest ; Painful weari- ness in the loins, such as is felt after standing a long time; Paralytic drawings in the loins; Pain as from bruises in the small of the back; Tearing pain in the hip and gluteal region; Sensa- tion above the hips, as if the parts were constricted by a band. 664 - NECK AND BACK. [BACK. Cocculus.-Feeling of weakness in the muscles of the neck; he was compelled to support his head by leaning; Paralytic drawing in the side of the neck; Painful cracking of the cervical vertebrae when moving the head. Back—Stitches in the scapulae; when moving the shoulders the parts feel stiff and painful; Drawing pain under the left scapula when standing or lying down; Aching pain in back when sitting; Drawing, tearing, or boring pains in the back; the bones in the small of the back feel bruised; Para- lytic pains in the small of the back, sometimes so severe as to prevent walking; Paralytic, aching pain in the lumbar region. Colchicum.—Feeling of tightness in the muscles of the right side of the neck, painful during deglutition, and when pressed upon; Pains between the scapulae, chiefly during movement, that caused him to walk bent; Stitches that are felt above, below, and between the scapula; Tearing, lancinating pains in the back; Stinging in the small of the back; Pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration, at one spot in the sacrum—tender to touch ; Burning stitches in the os Sacrum ; the pains are worse during movement. Colocynthis.- Heat and itching at nape; Drawing pain; Furunculi on the neck, with burning pain; Violent contractions of the left sterno-mastoid muscle during rest; Stiffness of the left side of the neck; Violent drawing pains in the muscles of the left cervical region, with stiffness of the neck. Back—Path in right scapula during repose; Sensation in that region as if the nerves and blood-vessels were tense and stretched; Severe contusive pain from the right side of the neck to the superior border of the scapula, as if the parts were violently compressed—especially felt in the nerves; Drawing and shooting pains between the shoulders—it caused him to bend when walking; Flying pains in the dorsal region; Pulsative pains in the loins; Sensation near the right glenoid cavity, as if the humerus were dislocated; Aching, contusive pain in the sacral region. Conium.—Drawing pain in the right side of the neck, extending to the shoulder; Tensive pain in the nape during rest; Throbbing; Pain as from soreness in the lowest cervical vertebræ ; Apparent enlargement of the neck. Back—Hot feeling, with tingling down the spine; Pain as from a sprain on the left side of the back; 2 X 665 BACK1 - NECK AND BACK. Painful tightness of the muscles of the scapulae—increased by raising the arms; Violent pains in the back after a short walk, followed by nausea and exhaustion; Pains in the back, extending to the lumbar region, when standing. . Digitalis-Stitches in the cervical muscles when moving the neck; Painful stiffness of the neck; Tearing, sharp stitches during movement; Cutting pain, with a feeling of numbness in the nape, and sensation, on moving the head, of a soft, dead substance lying between the articulation of the atlas with the occipital bone; Pain in the articulation with the last cervical vertebrae, and the dorsal, when stooping the head; Drawing pain and pressure in the occiput, as if in the cervical muscles. Back—Pain in the small of the back as if it had been bruised, when stooping or moving, after lying down; also when blowing the nose. Dulcamara.-Rheumatic pains in the cervical muscles; Pain at nape, as if the head were drawn from its natural position—the muscles felt as if twisted; Painful stitches in the neck when turning the head to one side; Pressure on the upper part of the spine, close to the nape, when in bed in the morning; Enlargement of the glands in the cervical and occipital region. Back—Painful stitches in the middle of the back during inspiration; Pain in the small of the back, as after long stooping; Stitches in the loins, with pressure, from within outwards, at every inspiration; Lameness, as from a cold, in the small of the back; Pains in the lumbar region. Graphites.—Several glandular swellings in the neck; the nape, and especially the shoulders, are painful when lying down; - Violent pain in the nape—it almost made her scream; when stoop- ing she found it impossible to raise either of her arms up to the head; when turning the head, it felt as if a tumour, the size of an egg, had formed behind the ear; Swelling of the glands on one side of the neck, toward the shoulder—it made the part feel stiff and tense; Tearing stitches; Smarting and cutting pains; the vertebræ prominens feels as if ulcerated. Back–Rheumatic pains, stitches, or pains like bruises in the scapular region; Contractive pains between the scapula, day and night; Beating pain in the small of the back; Violent drawing pains, or twisting; Pain as 666. NECK AND BACK. [BACK. from bruises in the small of the back; Violent pains early in the morning, when rising. - Hepar Sulp.–Pimples on the neck; Bruise-like pain in the cervical muscles; Feeling of great weakness in the spine ; Stitches in the scapula or renal region; Drawing pains in the back; Ten- sive aching at night, when turning the body; Pain as from a sprain in the loins; Sharp pressure and pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back; Ulceration and suppuration of the axillary glands. Iodium.–Yellow spots on the neck; Red rash on the neck - and chest; Rheumatic tension in the right side of the neck; Sense of constriction; Tearing pains in the right side of the neck; Sense of constriction and pain in the enlarged glands; Painless, movable, lymphatic swellings under the jaw, near the thyroid cartilage; " Enlargement of the neck, that seemed to be increased by talking. . Back—Burning in the right scapula; Stitches in the scapula when lifting a weight. - - Kali Bich-Stiffness of the nape of the neck when bending the head; Stabbing pain from the third cervical to the fifth dorsal vertebræ, striking through the chest to the sternum, with inability to straighten the spine after stooping; Deep-seated, aching pain at the upper angle of the left scapula—also at the inferior angle of the right scapula; Pain extending from the small of the back to nape, and shooting through the sternum; Rheumatic pains between the seventh and eighth ribs, at their angles on the right side—increased on bending forwards, or twisting to the left side; Pains across the loins—he cannot straighten himself after stoop- ing; at times, for a week or more, he has pains in the loins, with scanty, high-coloured urine; Sudden stab, as with a knife, through º the loins—he could scarcely walk; in great pain all night—he could not sleep more than one hour—increased by turning in bed, with frequent desire to micturate; Vertigo and headache for six hours, followed by severe pain in lumbar and sacral region, extend- ing down the thigh, with a numb sensation so severe that he could scarcely rise from the chair for three days—it gradually decreased; Darting pain in the renal region, and severe stitch in the lumbar region—increased by coughing, and during inspiration. . . . - 2 X 2 667 BACK.] NECK AND BACK. Kali Carb.-Violent tension in the nape of the neck when bending or moving the head; Stiffness of the nape, early every morning—it passed off during the day, but lasted some weeks; Weakness of the cervical muscles; Darting pain in the left side of the neck; Congestion of the vessels; Swelling of the neck; En- largement of the cervical glands; Pains in the glands, as from a cold—uneasy tingling sensation; Goitre-like swelling of the neck; Itching pimples on the neck. Back—Pain in the back, as if it had been strained by lifting—especially felt under left scapula; Pain in the back as from blows or bruises; Pulsative throbbing near the upper border of the left scapula; Stitches in the scapular region, and in the region of both kidneys; Pressure in the right kidney; Stiffness and paralytic feeling in the back and small of the back; Burning pressure—worse when walking; Contractive pain after walking; Drawing pain in the small of the back—some- times with pulsations; Pain in the back as from a fall; Pain as if from flatulence; Violent pains in back, with Colic and Leucor- rhoea; Violent gnawing in the os coccygis when at rest and dur- ing motion. Kreasotum.-Pains in the back at night—worse during rest —scarcely allowing one to lie down or rise up—it extended into the left hip and inguinal region; Frequent pains in the small of the back and lumbar region, like sharp labour-pains, with desire to micturate; Pains in the small of the back, proceeding from above downwards, with heat in the hands and feet ; Pains that create a feeling of sickness and faintness—worse during rest than movement; Pains as if the back would break; Labour-like pains in the small of the back, with distention and pressure in the abdomen, extending to the genitals and thighs, with anxiety, chilliness, and trembling; Pains in the lumbar region as if the menses would appear; Frequent pains in the lumbar vertebrae; Ulcerative pains, as if the flesh were beaten off the bones of the lumbar vertebrae; Drawing pains in the coccyx, extending to the rectum and vagina—relieved by a flow of milky leucorrhoea. Lachesis.-Cervical region tender—sensitive to pressure— slight pressure seemed to threaten suffocation; Swelling of the cervical glands of the right side; Swellings that burst and ulcer- ate; Tubercles that are tender to pressure; Red, suppurating 668 NECK AND BACK. [BACK. blotches; Ulcers on the neck; Rheumatic stiff neck. Back— Eruptions on the back; Tumour near the spine, the size of a hazel-nut, with burning, throbbing pain; Pains in the back, with constipation and palpitation; Rheumatic pains in the back and limbs; Pain as if sprained in the small of the back, with a diffi- culty in rising up after stooping; Sensation as if the muscles had contracted, and were too short; Painful spot in the lumbar region. Ledum.—Painful stiffness in the scapulaº during motion; Bruise- like pain ; Pimples or boils on the scapula ; Pains in the loins after sitting; Pain in the small of the back when rising from a seat ; Tearing pains, extending from the loins to the occiput, in the evening, with bloated cheeks; Redness and inflammation of the eyes; Spasmodic pains in the loins, that arrested the breath. Lycopodium,_Painful stiffness on the left side of the neck; Pain in the neck when bending the head; when stooping, the nape of the neck feels too short ; Sense of grasping, which extended to the occiput—lasting day and night ; Drawing pains in the cervical muscles; Paralysis of the muscles; Involuntary nodding of the head; Hard swelling of the cervical glands; Painful eruption of pimples on the neck; Rigidity and stiffness of the neck from taking cold. Back — Chilliness in the back for several days; Burning as of a red-hot coal between the scapula; Throbbing; Pulsations in the back; Gurgling sensation; Pain in the small of the back, with pressure in the stomach; Drawing pain in the small of the back for seventeen days; Rheumatic tension in the back. Kidneys—Pressure in the renal region of both sides; Tearing pain in the right kidney; Stitches in the left kidney; Repeated stitches in the right renal region; Violent pain in the small of the back; he could not sit erect; Large swelling on the psoas muscle, very painful when moving the body (cured by Sil.); Curvature of the spine. Mercurius.-Rheumatic pressure and stiffness in the nape of the neck—worse on bending the head backwards; Swelling of the cervical glands, with stinging pain; Swelling and stiffness of the neck, with a feeling of heaviness, and difficulty in turning the head. Back—Burning in the upper part of right Scapula; Twitching, 669 BACK.I NECK AND BACK. beating, or cramp-like pains about the scapulaº, or a feeling as if bruised; Burning pain between the shoulders and down the back ; when lying down, and attempting to turn, he felt a severe pain that prevented movement; Pain in left scapula, with stitches, that made him cry aloud and weep; Bruised pain in the back when walking; also when sitting; Sharp prickings in the spine; Stitching pains in the back, with a feeling of unsteadiness in the knees; Stitching pain in the back during inspiration; Tearing pains in the region of the os coccygis. Natrum Carb.-Stiffness at nape as from a cold; Spasmodic, drawing pains, with difficulty in moving the head; Sudden drawing pain at nape, with stiffness; Stitches, or shooting pains in the cervical muscles; Cracking of the cervical vertebrae when moving the head; Paralytic pain in nape and between the shoulders; Small tumour; Blisters; Glandular swellings. Back—Tension and drawing between the scapula; Violent stitches during inspira- tion; Stitches in the right scapula after dinner; Gnawing pain between the shoulders; Stitches in the back that extend to the chest (night); Bruise-like pain in the back for several days; also at night—it awoke her from sleep—the violence of the pain would not allow her to turn in bed; Sudden stitches; Feeling of sore- mess; Pustules on the back, that are very painful to the touch. Natrum Mur. — Pain at nape as if strained or contused; Stitches from above downwards, at night; Violent pain and tension, with stiffness of the neck; Violent drawing pain, lasting several days; the muscles feel tender to touch; the slightest turn of the head causes pain in the nape of the neck; Boils on the neck; the cervical glands felt painful when coughing. Back—Feeling of weariness in the back; Burning in the left scapula, as if hot water had been poured over it; Tearing pain in left scapula as if broken; Burning and smarting in the upper dorsal vertebrae; Violent pulsations in the small of the back; Painful throbbing on left of spine at night, when in bed, as if inflamed; Cutting pains in the small of the back; Paralytic pains—very violent when rising up; also when rising from bed in the morning; Pain in the small of the back, as though it were broken; Tension and heat in the region of the kidneys when seated; he felt tired and worn out from a . *verysho rt walk. - . . . . . . . . * * * * * * ** 670 NECK AND BACK. [BACK. Nitric Acid.—Swelling of the glands on the right side of the neck; Sense of weakness in the neck—it does not seem able to bear the weight of the head; Sweating about the neck; Cracking of the cervical vertebrae. Back—Stitches between the scapula, accompanied by eructations of wind; Spasmodic jerking in the muscles of the back; Violent burning pain in the back; Burning pain in right lumbar region, the size of a hand—it prevented him following his occupation; Violent pain in the dorsal vertebrae when standing; Stiffness in the spinal column; Pulsations and pains in the back after taking cold, sometimes so violent that he could only lie on his face; Stiffness of the back, with pain when walking. Nux Wom.—Bruise-like pain in the nape of the neck when stooping or moving the head; Paroxysms of pain in the nape in the evening, or at night; Drawing pain at nape, as if oppressed by a load, early in the morning ; Pain in the articulations, and cracking of the cervical vertebrae when moving the head; Pain in the last cervical vertebrae, as from blows—it felt as if the flesh had been severed from the bones; the cervical muscles on the left side feel swollen and painful, with a sensation as if the tendons were too short. Back—Drawing and bruised pain between the scapula; Pain in the scapula as if sprained; Bruised pain in the back; Pain in the small of the back at night—it prevented him turning on the other side; Pains that are worse during movement ; Pains in the back when stooping; Rheumatic or haemorrhoidal pains in the back, loins, and lumbar region; Pulling and tearing in the lower part of the back when walking; Burning, tearing pains in the back, particularly at night; Pains in the back, caused by indiges- tion and weakness of the stomach; the pains sometimes arrest the breath, and are associated with flatulence and pains in the chest. Petroleum. — Feeling of heaviness, weight, or drawing pain in the nape of the neck, extending even to the occiput; Stiffness of the right side of the neck; Herpetic eruptions and swelling of the glands. Back—Sudden pain in the back during every act of deglutition, followed by oppressed breathing—it sometimes occurred during an imperfect eructation; Tearing pain in the back, between the scapula; Rigidity; Pain as from a strain; Cramp-like pain; or pain so violent that he is unable to move ; Short, sharp, violent pains in the small of the back when rising from a seat. º BACK.] NECK AND BACK. Phosphorus.-Sensation as of a heavy load at nape of neck; Pressure; Stiffness at nape and occiput—the parts are painful and stiff; the sterno-mastoid muscles feel tender and painful when moving the neck; Jerkings in the cervical muscles; Pains in the neck when walking in the open air; Swelling of the cervical and occipital glands; Hard swelling under the chin, the size of a hazel- nut. Back—Stitching pains in the right scapula—or beating and tearing pain; Sensation as if some one had seized her on both the scapula when in the act of carrying a weight in both her hands; Sensation as of a plug in the left scapula; Unceasing stitches in the spinal column; Heaviness and weariness in the back; Pain as if the back were broken; Burning pain in the small of the back during a delay of the menses; Pains that return periodically, and often so violent as to prevent walking; Pain when rising, after stooping; Pains in the sacrum and os coccygis; Ulcerative pain in the os coccygis. Platina.--Weakness in the nape; Tensive, numb feeling close up to the occiput; Cramp-like pain in the cervical muscles; Aching on the shoulder, as from carrying a heavy weight. Back– Pressure, with a feeling of coolness about the inferior spine of left scapula; Dull, slow shocks at mid-spine, on the left side ; Burning, dull stitches on left side, with soreness; Pressure as from a plug on the right side of the spine—it felt sore and tender; Pain in the Small of the back, as if broken; Numbness about the coccyx, as if from a blow. Pulsatilla.-Pain resembling rheumatism in nape, with weary feeling in the feet—she has some difficulty in moving about; Pain in nape as if the neck had been twisted; Crick in the neck; Swelling at the nape—very painful if touched, and then felt as if the parts were ulcerated; Swelling on the right side of the neck, that caused the part to feel tense, and would tear—there is also a sensation like an internal ulcer, but does not affect deglu- tition; Painless cracking in the first cervical vertebrae when moving the head; Itching pimples on the neck. Back—Pimples over the scapulae and back; Cracking in the Scapula during motion; Cramp-like pain in right when sitting ; Sticking pain between the scapulaº during motion, that arrests the breath—it also occurs during rest; Pain and heaviness under the scapulae; 672 - NECK AND BACK. [BACK. Interstitial distention and curvature of the upper dorsal vertebrae; Drawing pains in the loins, with a sticking pain at pit of stomach; Sticking pain in small of back, with cutting pains in the abdomen, that arrest the breath—followed by chilliness; Pain as after long stooping; the back feels painful, and stiff as a board; Pains resembling labour-pains; Pain when lying, as if from sub-cutaneous ulceration—the part felt as if bound tightly by a band; Aching pain, with weariness in the back, in the evening. Rhododendron.—Rheumatic pain, with stiffness at nape, early in the morning; Painful sensation as if the neck would swell; Rheumatic pain in the neck, on the right side, with drawing, that extends to the ear; Tensive pains in the sterno-mastoid muscles. Back—Violent aching pain in the back and right scapula when bending the body to the right, backwards—it felt as if some one were plunging a knife through the left chest and back; Rheumatic pains between the scapula—in the back, shoulders, and arms; Pains in the small of the back as if bruised—worse during rest— and especially so in rough, windy, wet weather; Intolerable pains when stooping; Large pustules on the back and shoulders; Dull shocks in the lower part of the spine; Aching in the lumbar vertebrae during rest. Rhus Rad.—Rigidity of the neck—increased at night—the side of the neck is very sensitive to pressure, and the muscles painful on movement; Pains in the right sterno-mastoid, at the attachment near the ear, after lying on that side; Rigidity and pain increased at night—especially by movement or coughing. Back–Burning pains in the scapula—worse when in bed; Pains that are felt when the right scapula is elevated or depressed; Pains in the back, that are worse when in bed in the morning; Pains in the dorsal spine—also at ten in the evening; Aching pain in the renal region, with languor, weariness, and stiffness; Aching in the loins when lying in bed—also when first moving in the morning; Aching in the lumbar region; Pains in the quadratus lumborum ; General weakness of the spinal column. Rhus Tox. —Rheumatic stiffness of the whole neck, with great difficulty in moving the head; Pain as if sprained, that extends even to the shoulders; Pain in the nape as from a heavy load—it 673 BACK.] NECK AND BACK. prevented him lying down; Swelling of the neck and glands, im- mediately behind the sterno-mastoid muscles; Pain in nape, as if sprained. Back—Rheumatic pains between the scapula—re- lieved by warmth; Tearing pains between the shoulders; Pain as if sprained, in the back and shoulders; Painful, bony swelling in the small of the back; Curvature of the dorsal spine; Sensation of creeping and coldness in the back; Sticking pains in the back; Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, or as if the flesh had been beaten loose; Aching pains in the hip when lying—some of the pains are relieved by lying on a hard couch. Sepia.-Feeling of swelling at the nape of the neck; Stiffness at nape; Tensive pain, with stretching sensation; Drawing and stitches, that arrest the breath; Jerking sensation, with shaking movement of the head; Aching pain, with Soreness at the seventh cervical vertebrae; Small swelling, the size of a hazel-nut, at the nape; Red, herpetic spots on both sides of the neck; Large boil on the neck; Burning, constrictive pain in the neck and shoulders. Back—Stitches in or between the scapula; Itching eruptions; Brownish spots on the back and neck; Stiffness of the back—re- lieved when walking; Pain in the back, only when sitting, or only when walking—it then arrests the breath; Cutting, digging pains in the back, with pressure; Sudden attack of violent pain in the back, as from a blow with a hammer—it took away his breath, and almost caused him to fall; Beating pain in the small of the back; Stitches in the quadratus region, continuing for four days—she was unable to lie on the right side—it felt painful, as from sub- cutaneous ulceration ; Feeling of weakness in the small of the back; Feeling as if sprained; Painful weariness when walking, as if the lower part of the back were broken. Silica.-Swelling of the cervical glands, and the thyroid body; Abscess on the nape; Swelling of the muscles on the right side; Pressing pain on the left side, as if the veins were too full; Stiff- ness and tension in the nape, that prevented free movement of the head; Stiff neck, with headache; Hard, glandular swellings in the nape; Violent pains in the nuchae. Back—Burning pain in the back when walking—also in the scapular region; Bruised pain in the scapula; Frequent stitches in right scapula; Pressure as from a weight ; Drawing pains, in paroxysms; Tearing pain when 674 - NECK AND BACK. [BACK. walking—sometimes so severe that it felt as if the part would be torn ; Tearing and sticking pains in the back and loins; Stiffness in the back after sitting; Violent pains, or beating; Spasmodic pains in the small of the back, compelling one to lie down; Para- lytic pain when rising in the morning; Sharp stitch; Feeling of lameness in the back; Inflamed psoas abscess. Staphysagria.-Heaviness of the head, and weakness of the cervical muscles; the head falls forward almost involuntarily; Rheumatic pain in nape, that extends between the scapula: ; Pain in the small of the back, as if sprained or broken, when rising from bed ; Drawing pain, that is worse when stooping than standing; Pain, as if bruised, in the small of the back—worse about 4 o’clock, A.M.; Burning pain near the spine, below the scapulae; Stabbing pain in the region of the first dorsal vertebrae; Pains in the back at night, like shocks and blows, lasting until 5 o'clock, A.M.–it arrested the breath; Curvature of the spine; Abscess on the psoas muscle 2 - Sulphur.—Cracking in the cervical vertebrae when bending the head backwards, or pressing it into the pillow; Paralytic stiffness at nape, as though it had been strained; Drawing pains in the muscles, with stiffness of the neck; Stitches in the nape when stooping; Stiffness and pain when bending the head to the right side; Continual sweat on the neck; Herpes; Blotches; Itching eruptions; Swelling of a cervical gland; Pain in a swollen gland in the front of the neck. Back—Stitches under the scapulae that arrested the breath, and prevented him stooping; Drawing pains in right scapula; Pain, as if sprained, when moving the arm ; Tension, and bruised feeling, from the scapula to the shoulders and neck; Stiffness in the back and sides, as after taking cold; Stiffness in the small of the back—she could not stand erect ; Pressing pain in the back when standing; Violent pain when stooping, with a sensation as if the muscles were too short ; Pulsa- tive stitches in the renal region; Violent pain in the kidneys after long stooping; Violent tearing in the left loin and kidney; Pain in the back when rising from a seat; Bruised pain at the sacrum and coccyx; Cracking in the vertebrae; Sensation as if the bones glided over each other; Pain in back when sneezing, or making a false step ; Pain in the back and hip; Burning sensation in the lowest 675 BACK.] - NECK AND BACK. part of the back, that extended into the anus; Heaviness and weariness in the back in the morning, as if he had not sufficient rest; Curvature of the spine. Thuja.-Stinging pains toward the anterior triangles of the neck—the veins appear blue and distended—the glands of the neck. were swollen and tender—he could not lie upon them ; Drawing pain in the right side of the neck during rest; Stiffness of the neck, that seemed to extend to the ear, and impeded free motion of the neck; Small, red pimples on the neck, lying close to each other— painful when touched; Tension of the skin of the neck, that caused a feeling of tightness when moving the head. Back— Bruise-like pain under the scapula ; Stitches, as with a point, be- tween the scapula; Sensation of stiffness in the spine, as from standing a long time in one position ; Throbbing as of a large artery in the dorsal spine ; Beating and throbbing near the glenoid cavity of the scapula ; Tearing pains in the left scapula; Sudden cramp-like pain in the small of the back—he felt as if he must fall; Burning and stinging between the scapula when sitting ; Drawing pains in the back when sitting ; Painful pressure in the lumbar region, as if bruised—worse when standing than walking; Stitches, with pressure, from the sacrum to the side of the pelvis; Burning, stinging on the right side of the sacrum—relieved by friction; Violent pains in the left lumbar region when walking ; Painful drawing in the sacrum, coccyx, and thighs, when sitting— the pain prevents standing upright. Valeriana, Rheumatic pains in the scapulae; Drawing pains in the back; Stitches in the renal region when sitting; Intense pain in left lumbar region, and above the hip, as if he had strained the part—worse when sitting or standing ; Drawing pain in the small of the back when in bed at night ; Bubbling pressure in the region of the os coccygis. Weratrum.-Rheumatic stiffness of the nape, with vertigo, especially during motion; the muscles of the neck feel paralysed, and seem unable to support the head; Painful soreness of the skin; Stinging as from nettles; Red, rash-like pimples on the neck. Back—Pain between the scapulae; Violent pressure as if crushed and bruised; Rheumatic pain between the scapula, extend- 676 UPPER LIMBS. [ARMS. ing upwards to the neck, and downwards to the back, and is espe- cially violent during an evacuation; Drawing, bruise-like pain in the spine when walking—when stooping, and again rising, it felt as though his back were broken ; Pains in the loins and lower limbs; Aching pains when standing ; Paralytic, bruise-like pain in the sacro-lumbar articulation—the same is also felt in the knee- joint; Intermittent stitches in the region of the os coccygis. Zincum.—Pains in the neck and shoulders; Rigidity of the left side of the neck; Pain in the muscles at night; Painful nodo- sity on the right side of neck—it felt as if it would ulcerate; Pain in nape, as if bruised. Back—Burning in the scapular region; Dull stitches; Burning, tearing between the spine and right sca- pula; Violent pains in back, with feeling of weakness during a walk in the open air—she reached home with great difficulty; Violent, tensive, rheumatic pains on the shoulders, and also in the lumbar region; Violent pains in the back when either walking or sitting ; sometimes, when walking, he is compelled to stand still. UPPER LIMBS, Aconite.—Sense of numbness and tingling in the arms and fingers; Trembling of the hands; the left arm feels numb, chilly, and insensible; the arms hang down as if paralysed; Numbness and icy coldness of the hands; Drawing pains in the joints of the shoulders, elbow and wrist; Jactitation of the arms; Tingling in the fingers, especially when writing. Agaricus.--Weakness and feebleness of the arms; Trembling of the hands; Deadness of the fingers, with sensibility to cold and frost; Burning of the fingers, with itching and redness. Ammo. Carb.-Heaviness and lameness of the arms; the right arm feels immensely heavy, weak, cold, benumbed, and all strength lost—this is followed by a tingling; Rigidity and weakness when laying hold of anything; Swelling of the veins of the hands—the 677 ARMS.] UPPER LIMBS. fingers swell if allowed to hang down; the hand goes to sleep if laid upon at night. - Ammo. Mur.-Swelling of a gland in the axilla; Rheumatic, drawing pains in the shoulder-joint; Heaviness and rigidity of the right arm; Swelling of the wrist-joint; Beating, tingling in the fingers; Vesicles and scurfy eruptions on the fore-arms; Peeling of the skin from the fingers. - Arnica.-Pain as if bruised, in the anterior part of the arms; Stitches, shoëks, and jerks; Pain at wrist, as if sprained; Weak- ness of the hands; Cramps in the fingers; Pains in the joints, as if dislocated; Swelling of the veins of the hands, Arsenicum.–Drawing and tearing in the arms at night, from the elbow to the shoulders; Sleeping of the arm when lying upon it at night; Swelling of the arm, with black, foetid blisters; Hands stiff, insensible; Cramps in the fingers; Burning ulcers on the tips of the fingers; Cold, painless swelling of the hands. Baryta Carb.-Cracking in the shoulder-joint at every movement of the arm; Pains in left shoulder and deltoid when raising the arm; the arm goes to sleep; Numbness and sleeping of the fingers; Dryness of the skin—it peels off. Belladonna, Tearing pain in shoulder; Sudden darting along the arm; Stunning, painful sensation; Lameness, with pressure and weakness; Spasmodic action of right arm—he throws it up involuntarily; Lancinations near the head of the humerus, as from a knife; Swelling of the arms; Scarlet redness of the skin; Stiffness; Lameness; Drawing pains in the fingers, as if affecting the periosteum. Bovista-Lameness of the arm, as if sprained; Sensation of weakness in the shoulder-joint ; Pains in the wrist; Weakness of the hands; Pimples—dry, hard, and red—or white vesicles, with red areola on the hands; Whitlow, from pricking the finger. Bryonia-Sweat in the axilla ; Burning pain; Weariness; Convulsive jerking and spasmodic drawing, or pain as if sprained, 678. - - -- UPPER LIMBS. [ARMS. in the arms; Shining-red swelling of the muscles and joints; Tearing and tension when moving them; Pressive pain in hu- merus; Swelling of the elbow-joint—also of the wrist and hands; Pain in wrist, as if sprained; Trembling of the hands, with dis- tention of the veins; Weakness of the hands; Inflammation of the dorsum, with burning pain; Pale swelling of the fingers, with heat; Ulcerative pains in the fingers. Calcarea.—Suppuration of the axillary glands; Pain in the shoulder-joint at night; Drawing, tearing from right shoulder to the hand; Weakness and lameness of the arm ; Warts or boils on the fore-arms; Pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained; Enlargement and swelling of the wrists; Shooting or drawing pains in the wrists; Swelling of the hands—also of the veins; Sweat of the palms; Trembling of the hands; Feeling of deadness when grasping; Deadness of the fingers; Swelling of the finger-joints; Arthritic nodes on the joints of the fingers; Painful boil on the finger; Lameness of the fingers; Several panarita; Hangmails. Carbo Veg.—Rheumatic drawing; Paralytic tearing, or stitches in the right shoulder—sometimes day and night; Burn- ing on the top of the right shoulder; Paralytic weakness of the right arm; Burning pain in upper right arm; Large boil, sur- rounded with little itching pimples; Burning, drawing in the fore-arm, from the elbow to the hand; Pains in the metacarpal bones; Tearing pains in the wrist; Throbbing in the hands; Icy coldness; Itching eruptions; Throbbing and pulsation in the thumb; Lameness and weakness of the fingers; Ulceration of the tips of the fingers. Causticum.–Pressure and stiffness in the shoulders; Sharp stitches; Startings in the arm; Drawing pain in the muscles of the arm—it feels heavy and lame; Dull tearing in the arms and hands; Heaviness and weakness in the arms; Warts and eruptions on the arms; Small, itching pimples; Swelling and sensation of fulness in the hands, with tingling; Trembling of the hands; Coldness; Paralytic feeling in the hands; Involuntary contrac- tion of the fingers; Lancinations in the fingers; Numbness; In- sensibility; Deadness; Icy coldness; Throbbing as from an ulcer; Burning under the finger-nails—the tips feel ulcerated. 679 . ARMS.] |UPPER LIMBS. China.-Laming, tearing in the whole of the arm, extending from the shoulders to the fingers, and seems chiefly in the muscles and bones; Pain in the ulna, as if scraped with a knife; Pains that are induced by sitting at an open window, or from a strong current of air; Tearing pains in the wrists, carpal, and metacarpal bones; Drawing cramp when about to grasp; Weakness, which is particularly felt when closing the hands; the hands become cold, and then hot, in alternation; Icy coldness of one hand, the other being warm; Trembling of the hands when writing ; Swelling of the dorsum of the hands, and the knuckles of the fingers; Pains in the finger-joints; Blueness of the nails. Cocculus.-Pains, drawing or stitching, in the shoulder-joint, or muscles of the humeral region, when at rest; Bruise-like feeling in the long bones; Convulsive movements of the arms; Lameness when writing; Paralytic pain as if the bone were broken; Drawing pain in the upper half of the humerus; Jerking of the muscles; Pain, as if dislocated, at the elbow, with Sudden paraly- tic pain; Insensibility, first in one hand, then in the other—they feel as if sleeping; Trembling of the hands when carrying food to the mouth; Heat and swelling of the hands; Alternate heat and coldness of the arms and hands. Colocynthis.-Suppuration of an axillary gland; Drawing pain in right shoulder when in bed at night; Tension when walking; Flying pains; Subsultus of the muscles; Paralytic pains, as from a bruise; Pain in right arm, at the insertion of the deltoid; Feeling of numbness in the right fore-arm ; Stiffness or cramp-like pains in the hands, with difficulty in opening them ; Tensive pain in the left thumb; Stitching pains in the fingers. Conium.-Pressive and drawing pains in the shoulders and arms; Tearing pains when at rest; Cracking in the elbow-joint; Humid, crusty, burning herpes on the fore-arm ; Paralytic, drawing pains in the wrist-joint; Cracking in the wrist; Sweat of the palms; Numbness of the fingers; Yellow spots on the fingers; Whitlow, with inflammation, and throbbing, burning pain; Yellow- ness of the nails. - Crocus.-Cracking in the shoulder-joint, as if it would dis- 680 UPPER LIMBS. [ARMS. locate; Subsultus of the muscles; Sensation when moving the arm, as if the head of the humerus were loose and had luxated; the fore-arms feel heavy, as if bruised—the arms and hands go to sleep; Tight sensation about the fingers, as if the blood could not circu- late freely; Burning, tingling in the fingers; Chilblains on the hands and fingers. ſº Digitalis.-Paralytic weakness in the left arm—he could scarcely raise it, or clench his hand without pain; Sensation at the elbow as if the nerve had been pressed upon ; Paralytic pain in the middle of the ulna ; Violent tearing in the fore-arm during rest and motion; Swelling of the right hand and fingers at night; Stiffness of the fingers; Numbness and insensibility of the three last fingers of the right hand; Sleeping of the fingers; Blueness of the fingers; Dead, cold feeling of the hands and fingers. Dulcamara.--Dull, violent pain, with heaviness in the right arm—it feels stiff and cold, as if paralysed; Contusive pain in the left arm, only during rest; Tremor of the hands in cold, damp weather; much sweat in the palms; Herpetic eruptions on the arms and hands; Red pimples at the bend of the elbows; Warts on the hands. Ferrum Ac.—Drawing pain; Heaviness and lameness in the arm; Inability to raise the arms, in consequence of a painful tension between the scapulae and the sternum; Sticking, tearing pain in the shoulder-joint, with cracking—he could not raise the arm; Trembling of the hands early in the morning; Cramp, numbness, and insensibility of the fingers; Contraction of the fingers and toes; Swelling of the hands; OEdema of the hands and feet; Peeling of the skin. Graphites.—Rheumatic pains in the shoulder, with burning in the joint; Gnawing pains in the bones of the right fore-arm ; Burning pain, like fire; Violent tearing pains near the wrist; Pains, like those of rheumatism, in the wrists and hands; Pain as of a sprain in the wrist; Stinging and burning in the palms of the hands; Erysipelas of the hand; Numbness and emaciation of the hands; the joint of the thumb feels sprained; Arthritic nodo- sities on the fingers; Eruptions; Herpes, cracks, and Sores on, and 2 Y 681 ARMS.] |UPPER LIMBS. between the fingers; Spreading blister on the little finger, from which a quantity of thin pus exudes, with a burning, stinging sensation; Thickening of the skin in the palms; Thickening of the nails; Distortion of the finger-nails. Hepar Sulp.–Foetid sweat in the axilla; Ulceration and suppuration of the axillary glands; Pain in the shoulder when raising the arm ; Tearing pains, or feeling as if bruised in the arms, or only in the humerus; Steatoma at the elbow-joint ; Painful drawings in the tendons of the flexors of the fore-arm ; Pain in the wrists; Heat and burning in the palms of the hands; Frequent burning in the hands; Sweat of the right hand; Crack- ing of the finger-joints; Unsteadiness and trembling in the hands when writing ; Cold sweat on the hands; Itching, scaly eruptions on the hands; Skin dry, rough—grating to feel; Small miliary eruption; Nettle-rash on the hands and fingers; Tingling in the tips of the fingers; Arthritic pains; Pamaritium. Hepar is almost a specific for Whitlow. Ignatia.-Pain as of dislocation in the shoulder-joint, espe- cially when moving the arm ; Bruise-like pain when bending the arm backwards; also when lying on the right side, in bed—the left humerus feels painful and bruised—relieved by pressure; Twitch- ing and jerking in the deltoid muscle; Intolerable pains in the bones and joints of the arm on which she has rested, in the morning—it passes off on turning to the side not affected; Feeling in the arm as of something creeping, like a mouse, at night; Convulsive twitchings in the arms; Pains in the styloid process of the ulna ; Pain in the wrist, as if sprained; Paralytic pain at the wrist; Rigidity of the right wrist; Heat and sweat in the palms; Yellowness of the hands; Pain in the index-finger, as if sprained; Convulsive twitching of the fingers. Iodium.—Induration of the axillary glands; Rheumatic pains in the left shoulder; Violent stitches in the joint when at rest; Rheumatic, tearing pains in both arms; Paralytic weakness in the arms early in the morning; Subsultus tendinum of the arms and hands; Tearing pain in the elbow; Zigzag movements of the hands; Constant coldness, or cold sweat of the hands; Trembling of the hands and fingers; Subsultus tendinum of the fingers. 682 LIPPER LIMBS. [ARMS. Kali Bich,- Stiffness of the shoulder-joint; Rheumatic pains— worse at night ; Pain in the shoulders, arms, and fingers; Cold shivering in the arms; Pains in the limbs after lying down at night, on the side not laid upon; Pain in left elbow-joint; Pain in right wrist; Rheumatic pains in the fingers; Pustules form at the roots of the nails, and extend over the back of the hands, up to the wrists; Small pustule on the hand, secreting a limpid fluid. Kali Carb.-Sweat in the axilla; Swelling and pain in the glands, with burning and tenderness; Tearing pain in left shoulder—also in the right; Pain as from blows and bruises in the right shoulder; Cracking in the joint; Violent tensive pain in. the arm—lasting eight days—he could not raise it on account of the pain; Pains from the shoulder to the wrist-joint; in the cold air the arms lose warmth, become numb, and go to sleep—also after violent exercise; Languor; Weakness; Loss of strength; Pulsative pains; SubSultus tendinum ; Stiffness of the elbow- joint; Pimples on the arms; Tearing pains in the wrists and metacarpus when grasping; Coldness of the hands; Loss of strength; Trembling when writing; Red, elevated spots on the wrists, the size of a pea; Rough, chapped skin of the hands; Pains under the nails; Burning in the tips of the fingers; Sleeping of the fingers; Vesicles on the little finger—also on the left index- finger; Inflammation round the border of the nail of the index- finger; Swelling like panaris—a thin pus exuded for seven days. Lachesis.--Pain in the right shoulder, that almost deprived him of the use of his arm; Rheumatic pains in the right shoulder and wrist; Pains that feel to be in the bones of the arms; Burning, beating as if the flesh would be torn off the bones; Weakness of the arm; Pain in the wrist, as if sprained; Rheumatic pains in the hands; Trembling of the hands—also from the effects of alcohol; Frequent swelling of the hands; Vesicles, with itching, burning ; Chapped skin; Flat warts; Stinging and burning at the tips of the fingers; Numbness; Sleeping; Tingling; Jactitation ; Itching vesicles—also between the fingers; Blotches, or clear vesicles; Flat warts on the thumbs; Gangrenous ulcer on the finger, arising from a small vesicle; Dark-brown swelling, the size of a walnut, with stinging, burning pain—worse at night, preventing sleep; Malignant carbuncle; Panaris—also with proud flesh. - 2 Y 2 683 ARMS.] - UPPER LIMBS. Lycopodium.-Boils and herpes in the axilla; Swelling of the axillary glands; Rheumatic tearings in the shoulder and elbow- joint, commencing at the neck—continuing day and night—relieved by lying on the affected side—also by motion—worse during per- fect rest, and when the part becomes cold during the day; Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint; Bruise-like pain in right shoulder; Sudden paralysis of the right arm in the evening; Weakness of the arms when at work; Arthritic stiffness; Nightly bone-pains; Large, inflamed swelling, like erysipelas, on the fore-arm ; but it formed a boil, and suppurated; Involuntary trembling of the hands; Great dryness of the skin; Stiffness or deadness of the fingers; Arthritic nodes; Chilblains; Itching, stinging, burning of the fingers; Painful ulcer on the left index-finger, that prevented sleep at night. Mercurius. – Painful stitching pains in the shoulder-joint, at night; when he awakes in the morning they feel as if gone to sleep; Cracking in the shoulder and elbow-joints; Tearing pain in right shoulder, humerus, and wrist—also in the knee and hip— particularly at night, when moving the parts; Burning pain in the arm; it compelled him to drop anything he might be holding in his hands; Weary feeling in the arms; Heaviness; Feeling as if sprained; Small, red, elevated eruption, that became tipped with white, and scaly; Herpes on the fore-arm, that peeled off, with itching—lasted eighteen days; Large, red, round spots, one inch in diameter, that formed scales on the fore-arm and wrist; Blisters, full of watery fluid, on the wrist; Feeling of weakness in the wrist- joint; Severe cramps in the hands; Sweating of the hands; Rigidity and contraction of the fingers; Deadness of the fingers; Deep cracks and rhagades, that look Sore at the base, as if they would bleed; Deep crack in the arch between the thumb and index- finger, painful and bleeding ; Small sores and ulcers on the fingers; Exfoliation of the finger-mails. Nitric Acid.— Painful swelling and inflammation of the axillary glands; Foetid, or strong-smelling sweat in the axilla; Tenderness in the axilla, especially the right; Aching pain or pressure on right shoulder; Drawing pains in both arms; Drawing, tearing, or hammering in the humerus; the right arm feels either bruised or sprained; Paralytic feeling in the right arm; it goes to 684 UPPER LIMBS. [ARMS. * sleep at night; Languor; Weakness; Weary feeling in the arms; Pains in the elbow-joints; Paralytic drawings in the fore-arm nearly all day; Tearing pains in the wrists; Stitches in the hands; Visible twitchings; Cramp; Painful stiffness; Trembling, sweating; Sleeping of the hands and fingers; Very cold hands; Rough skin; Rhagades; Copper-coloured spots; Vesicles or herpes between the fingers; Painful swelling of the fingers; Chilblains; White spots on the nails. Nux Wom.—Bruises; Pain in the shoulder, that prevents free motion, and especially elevation of the arm ; Pain in the shoulders as if the ligaments were torn; Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint; the arm feels heavy and weary; it became more useful after moving it for a short time; Rheumatic pain in the deltoid; Burn- ing, painful spot on the deltoid; Sudden loss of strength in the arms in the morning; Paralysis, with shocks as if the blood-vessels would rupture; Drawing pains from below upwards, with paralytic stiffness at night; Rheumatic laming pain in the humerus ; Weari- ness of the fore-arms; Paralytic weakness; Pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained; Deadness of the hands; Contraction, with cramp- like pain in the palms; his hands are chilly and cold ; he has not sufficient strength to write; Cool sweat on the palms; Pale swelling of the hands; when walking in the air, a profuse sweat covers the palms; the veins frequently become turgid with blood; in warm weather the fingers become red and swollen in several places, with burning, itching, when warm in bed, or in a hot room; Spasmodic contractions of the fingers; Cramps in the fingers at midnight, when in bed; Heat and swelling in the ball of the thumb; Cracking of the finger-joints; Chilblains on the hands and fingers. Petroleum.—Copious sweating in the axilla; Tearing pains in a tumour that threatens to suppurate; Pain in the shoulder when raising the arm; the joint feels sprained; Great weakness in the arms; Sleeping in the left arm for several days—also when lying upon the arms; Erysipelatous inflammation of the arms, with burning pain; Brown spots on the wrists; Burning in the palms of the hands; Sweat of the palms; Skin of the hands very brittle and rough ; Rhagades and chaps, especially in winter; Chilblains; Tips of the fingers chapped, rough, and painful; a wart threatened to ulcerate. 685 * ARMS.] UPPER LIMBs. Phosphorus.-Itching pimples in the axilla, with burning of the skin; Swelling of the glands; Violent itching in the right axilla; Tearing, drawing, or pressive pains in the shoulder—also at night; Rheumatic pains in right shoulder; Pain as if sprained; Cracking of the joint; Feeling of heaviness; Pain when lifting the arm ; Great weakness of the arms and of the joints, with dis- tention of the veins of the hands; Numbness and weakness; Itching ; Scaly herpes; Burning of the skin; Pain in the elbow- joint, as if broken ; Gnawing pain in the elbow; Tearing pains about the wrists; Weakness, or feeling as if sprained; Painful stitches during rest; Heaviness in the hands, with sense of fulness and distention of the veins; Determination of blood to the hands and head, as if caused from the stomach; one hand occasionally feels paralysed; Tremor of both hands; Sleeping of the hands; Burning feeling of the hands—also of the palms; Sudden swelling of the hands and fingers; the finger-joints feel sprained; the tips of the fingers numb and insensible; Jerking of single fingers; Periodical contraction of the fingers; Cramp-like drawings in the fingers; Paralysis; Loss of motion, but not of sensation, in the fingers; Feeling of tension and stiffness; the skin at the joints cracks; Chronic whitlows, not disposed to yield. Pulsatilla.- Continuous tearing pain in the shoulder-joint ; Sticking, rheumatic pain in the shoulder when moving the arm, or bending the head to one side; Bubbling sensation in the right shoulder; Excessive weight and heaviness in the shoulder-joint; Pain as if sprained; Paroxysms of drawing pains, extending from the shoulder to the wrist; Burning pain in the arm in the evening, with dryness in the fingers; Sensation of numbness when doing any kind of work; Pain in the arm during rest—it felt as if the humerus were broken, or beaten in two about the middle, with pain in the thumbs; Tearing pains in the muscles of the arm ; Pains in the elbow-joint; Tensive pains in the tendons about the elbow, when moving the arm; Distention of the veins of the fore- arm; Drawing pains in the bones; Painful stiffness of the wrist when moving it; the hand also feels strained; Sweat of the hands in the morning, after rising ; Pimples between the fingers, con- taining water; Chilblains. Rhus Tox. —Painful swelling of the axillary glands; Tearing 686 UPPER LIMBS. [ARMS. in the shoulder-joint and Scapula: ; Tearing, burning in the shoul- der, with lameness of the arm, when at rest, or in bed—also during cold weather; Sensation of something rolling down the arm to the hand; Burning and pricking in the arm, under the axilla; Sensa- tion as if hot water were running through the arms; Paralysis of the arm, with coldness and insensibility; Erysipelatous swelling of the arm ; Swelling of the bone, with burning pain, and ulceration of the part; Coldness of the fore-arms; Feeling of debility when seizing anything in the hands; Sensation in the hand, as of a cold air blowing upon it; Smarting of the back of the hand—the skin feels rough, hard, and stiff; Hot Swelling of the face and hands in the evening; Vesicles between the fingers and on the hand; Pim- ples on the hand, that itch and sting; Spasmodic contraction of the fingers; Tearing pains in the fingers and joints; Creeping or gnawing in the fingers; Sleeping of the fingers; Warts on the hands and fingers. Sanguinaria.-Severe pains in left shoulder—sometimes ex- tending into the breasts; Rheumatic pain in right shoulder and arm—worse when in bed at night—cannot raise the arm ; Pain in right shoulder, and upper part of the arm—worse at night, when turning in bed; Rheumatic pains in the arms and hands; Rheu- matism in the right fore-arm at night; Severe pain in arm and hand when lying warm in bed—also felt in foot, instep, and toes; Burning in the palms of the hands; Redness of the hands; Livid colour of the hands in Pheumonia; Stiffness of the fingers; Ulcer- ation at the roots of the nails, on all the fingers. Sepia.-Swelling and suppuration of one of the axillary glands; Humid herpes in the axilla; Pain below the left shoulder, as if sprained; Pain in the joint when raising only a small weight; Violent pain as if it would be torn off (this pain was relieved by eructations); Drawing pain early in the morning, when in bed; Pain in the head of the humerus, and tendon of the pectoralis major, when drawing back the arm; Feeling of coldness and stiff- ness in the arm ; Paralytic sensation, with throbbing ; Drawing pain from above downwards, passing to the fingers; Trembling of the hands when writing; Jactitation of the muscles; Pain in right arm, as if bruised; Large blister; Inflammatory swelling in the middle of the upper arm—bright-red, hard, spotted with red 687 ARMS.] UPPER LIMBs. spots; Brown spots on the elbow, the size of lentils; Stiffness of the elbow-joint; Red swelling on the fore-arm, like a fluctuating tumour (painful); Stiffness of the wrists; Numbness of the hands; Heat of the hands during the day—or icy coldness of both hands, even when in a warm room; Cold sweat on the hands; Suppurat- ing sores on the back of the hands and tips of the fingers; Itching and scurf on the hands; Pemphigus ; Numbness of the fingers; Uneasiness under the mails; Pain under the nails; Painless ulcers on the tips of the fingers; Panaritium on left index-finger, with violent throbbing and stitching pain; Diseases of the nails. Silica.-Excessive swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands; Languor of the upper limb–also when at work; Tearing pains in both arms; Congestion of blood when stooping or working —the arms were swollen, and trembled for an hour; Several large boils on the arms; Induration of the cellular tissue ; Several hard lumps, like peas, appear on the fore-arm; Cramp-like pain and para- lytic weakness of the wrists; Sleeping of the hands at night ; Ganglion on the back of the hand; Profuse sweat of the hands; Pustules on the dorsum ; Ulcers; Sensation on the back of the finger as if it were burnt; Pain as from a splinter in the finger; Weakness and rigidity of the fingers; the joints feel enlarged, and are painful when pressed upon ; Numbness of the fingers; Dryness of the tips; Cracks in the fingers, that burn and inflame, affecting the lymphatic vessels; Blisters on the fingers; Frequent whitlow, sometimes with proud flesh, and caries of the bone; Nails rough and yellow, or grey and dingy, crumbling like powder when cut- ting them. Sulphur.—Very foetid sweat in the axilla; Purulent swelling of the glands; Moist, swollen gland under right arm; Rheumatic pain in shoulder during inspiration; Pressure on the shoulder, as from a load, when walking in the air; Drawing pains in the joint and in the arm ; Tearing in shoulders and joints at night; Violent gnawing, or bruised pain; Stitches from the shoulder to the chest; Pain as of dislocation; Jerking in the shoulders; Bruise-like pain in the arms; Sleeping of the arms for twenty-four hours; Drawing cramps in the arms at midnight; Swelling of the arms; Red, burning spots on the arms; Warts; Vesicles; Hot Swelling, with pricking pain in left humerus; Pains and drawing in the fore- 688 LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. arms, as if in the nerves; Swelling of the fore-arm, as from a blow; Pain, as if sprained, in the wrist-joint; Swelling of the hands, with distention of the veins; Weakness of the hands in the morning; Trembling when writing or doing fine work; Tremulous feeling in either hand; Cold hands; Redness and swelling of the hands and fingers, as if frozen; Itching vesicles, like Scabies, on the hands and between the fingers; Red spots on the dorsum ; Fissures; Rha- gades and spots—also about the joints and knuckles; Cramps or tearing in the fingers; Numbness and deadness of the fingers; Swelling of the middle fingers; Thickness of the fingers; Red, inflamed chilblains, that itch when warm ; the skin of the fingers peels off; Warts on the fingers; Whitlow ; Hangmail. - L0 W E R LIMBS, Aconite.--Drawing pain in hip-joint during movement; Lameness; Numbness and weakness in the thighs; Sensation as if a tight bandage were drawn round them; Feeling of weakness about the head of the femur, with pain when lying down at night; Trembling and tottering of the legs—she cannot keep them still: Drawing, tearing pain in the knee-joint; Tension and aching in the patella; Stitches in left knee; Icy coldness of the knees; Sensation as if the hamstrings were too short; the knees are un- steady, and give way when walking; Heaviness in the legs—they feel numb, and go to sleep ; Coldness of the feet and toes; Sensa- tion as if a tight bandage were placed around the malleolus; Pains in the tarsal joints, with great despondency and fear of death; Inflammation of the feet and legs; Heat and prickings in the feet and toes; Inflammatory swelling of the knee. Agaricus.-Painful lameness of the lower limbs, as after a severe illness; Pain in the hip and thighs; the knees give way when walking; Darting pain in the knees; Heavy, languid feel- ing in the thighs, legs, and feet—the very ligaments feel relaxed and weak; Stinging pain in the leg, heel, foot, and toes; Itching, burning of the toes, as if frozen ; Burning and itching of the legs, with desquamation of the skin; Pimples on the legs, the size of a millet-seed. 689 LEGS.] LOWER LIMBS. Ammonium Carb.-Bruise-like pains in the hip-joint and thighs; Acute pains, as if the part had been beaten, especially in the morning before rising; Great lassitude of the thighs and legs; Excessive weakness in the lower limbs, with scraping pains in the bones; Acute pain in the right femur—it seemed even to touch the marrow; Stiffness in the thighs; Tearing in the knees; Pain under the patella; Feeling as if the knee were strained; Eruption on the knee, like that of Scarlatina; Sleeping of the legs; Fre- quent cramps; Acute pain in the heel; Swelling of the feet, up to the calves; the whole foot is swollen; Sweat of the feet; Burning, stinging in the corns. Ammonium Mur.—Sensation in left hip, as if the tendons were too short—she was obliged to limp when walking; Tearing pain in the front of the right thigh ; Stiffness of the knee; Ten- sion and contraction of the tendons of the leg; Spasmodic contrac- tion about the fibula; Stinging pain in left calf; Pain in the os calcis when treading ; Tearing pain in the heel, with throbbing, as if a tumour would form ; Cold feet at night when in bed. Antimonium Crud.—Drawing pains from the hip to the sacrum ; Stinging pains in the thighs; Painful stiffness of the knee for eight days; White, hard tubercles, the size of a pea, with red areola on the leg; Bluish spots on the thigh; Red pimples on the knee, like the vesicles in Chicken-pox; Heaviness in the feet—when walking the foot felt so heavy she could scarcely lift it; Chilblains on the feet—painful even in summer; Feet very sensitive to the stone pavement; Large horny excrescences on the soles, near the toes—they always return after being cut out ; Mortification of the foot; Hard excrescence under the nail of the great toe. Arnica.-Tearing pains; Single thrusts in the hip; Pain as from a sprain in the hip; Pains in the thighs and legs; Twitchings in the muscles of the thigh; Stitches in the knee; Sudden weak- ness in the knees—they give way when standing; the feet feel numb and insensible; when going up-stairs the right knee felt bruised, as from a blow; Sudden swelling of the (affected) foot— it felt very uneasy, as if from lying on a board; Pain as from a strain in the tarsal joint; Stitches in the foot and tendo Achillis; 690 LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. Stitches or prickings in the soles of the feet; Tingling; Violent burning in the feet; Severe stitches in the great toe ; Sweat of the soles of the feet; Arthritic inflammation of the knee, ankle, or great toe. Arsenicum,_Drawing, tearing pains in the hip and left foot in the morning, after a sleepless night; Lancination in hips, thigh, and groin ; Violent tearing or drawing pains in the joints; Pain and uneasiness, that compel him to move the limbs, or change his position constantly—the pains are worse in the even- ing or at night, but pass off when in the recumbent position; Sleeping of the limbs; Cramps in the thighs, calves, and toes when in bed, followed by great lassitude; Convulsive jerkings of the legs and knees; Sensation as if the lower limbs would give way under the body when going up-stairs; Lameness; Coldness of the knees and feet—it seemed impossible to get them warm ; Cold sweat of the legs; Swelling of the limbs, sometimes with pain; the knees feel as if tightly bandaged; Pains as if bruised, and the flesh loose; Spasmodic pains in the legs in the morning; Itching herpes in the bend of the knee; Painful cramp in the calf, that almost made him scream at night, with coldness and lameness of the leg; Heaviness of the legs—he can scarcely raise them; Weakness of the knees; Wasting of the lower limbs; Swelling of the legs and feet; Ulcers, with burning, or lancina- tions, or eruptions covered with scurf; Pains in the feet—aggra- vated by movement; Numbness, stiffness, and insensibility of the feet; Hot, shining swellings, with red, burning spots, or black- blue blisters—or red-blue, hard, painful swellings; Thickening of the skin on the soles of the feet—which is insensible, resembling leather or cork—sometimes with deep cracks; Blisters on the bottoms of the feet, discharging a light-yellow fluid; Ulcers on the heels and soles; Stiffness of the toes; Spreading blisters on the feet and toes; Soreness of the feet when walking. Baryta Carb.-Boils on the glutei muscles; Burning, sting- ing, itching; Tearing pains and cramp in the limbs; Pains in the bones, down to heels; Weariness of the lower limbs; Weakness as if he must fall; Sudden beating in the thigh ; Attacks of pain in the right knee, as if opened with a knife; Violent stitches, that leave a lameness; Cramp in the calves; Ulcers on the legs; 691 LEGS.] - LOWER LIMBS. Tremor of the feet when standing; Burning in the soles the whole night; Hard skin on the soles; Corns, with burning or stitches; Foetid sweat of the feet. Belladonna.-Coxalgia, with burning, stinging in the joint— most violent at night; Stiffness in the joint after sitting, with difficulty in rising from the seat; Violent stitches in the right hip ; Pains in the thighs and legs, as if bruised; Heaviness of the thighs and legs when walking, with stiffness in the knees; Paralytic drawing and lameness of the lower limbs, with vertigo, nausea, trembling, and anxiety—she was compelled to lie down; Violent cramp-like pains in the knee; Trembling of the knee; the joints feel as if they would give way when going down a hill; Pain in the leg, as if it had been crushed; Painful feeling of weight in the legs; Sweat of the feet, without warmth; Stiffness of the ankle-joint when walking; Swelling of the feet; Tingling; Burn- ing or digging in the soles of the feet; the ball of the heel feels bruised when treading upon it; Heat, with creeping in the feet. Bryonia.—Coxagra ; Spontaneous limping; Pain in the hips as from knives cutting ; Lancinations near the trochanter when making a false step—it caused him to start—during rest the part throbbed, and was painful to touch ; Painful jerks in the hip when lying or sitting; Weakness of the thighs and legs—felt when going down-stairs; Feeling of lameness in the lower limbs; Drawing pains; Lancination; Rheumatic pains, with Sweat—intolerance of touch or movement; Pain and rigidity in the thighs in the morning, when in bed; Bruised pain in the thighs, with throbbing and hammering; Pain as if bruised in the patella; Stitching pains in the knees, with drawing pains in the calves; Tensive, painful stiffness, with red, Shining 8welling of the knees; Tearing pains from the knees down the tibialis anticus muscle; Burning in the right knee, with sweat at night; Weakness of the legs when com- mencing to walk ; Lancinating pains, with tension in the calves; Swelling of the legs, with or without redness; Pain in the feet when treading, as if sprained; Stitching pains in the feet and soles; Heaviness and numbness in the soles; Tension and pain in the ankle-joint; Hot, inflammatory swelling of the feet, with red- ness and bruise-like pain, or feeling as if ulcerated; Arthritic swelling of the feet; Rhewmatic Gowt. 692 LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. Calcarea C.—Tension and drawing in the hips, with pain as of sub-cutaneous ulceration when walking; Painful twitchings in the gluteal region; Stitches in the hip-joint when stooping; Stitch that ascended from the patella to the hip when setting down the foot to walk; Feeling of numbness in the right hip and thigh, with a sensation as if the bone were broken in many pieces; he walks on the points of his toes; Coxagra ; Uneasiness in the lower limbs, with frequent belching of wind; Painful weariness of the thighs; the limbs go to sleep in the evening when sitting; Stitches in the thigh, knee, and heel, at night; Tearing stitches on the inner side of the thigh, above the knee, when sitting; Pains in the muscles of the thigh, as if bruised; Varices of the veins of the thigh ; Pain in the patella, as if sprained, when rising from a seat; Drawing pains in the region of the patella; Sharp stitches in the knee-joint; Sweating of the knees; Inflamed bursae, below the knee; Swelling of the knee-joint; Pain in the calf when setting down the foot to walk; Violent cramp in the calf at night; Erysipelatous swelling of the leg; Large, dark patches on the legs, with swelling of the parts; Several w!cers on the legs; Pains in the feet—also the soles, as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Burning in the soles; Sweating of the feet; Blisters on the heel when walking—they become in- flamed, and appear like boils; Cramps and sharp stitches in the toes; Swelling of the soles; Coldness or deadness of the feet; Burning under the nail of the great toe; Stitches or prickings in the toes; Contraction of the toes; Corns. Camphora.--Difficult motion and weariness of the limbs ; Cracking of all the joints in the lower limb; Drawing pains, as from bruises, in the thigh, with a sensation às if the knee would suddenly give way; Stitches in the patella when sitting ; Pain below the patella when walking ; Tearing pains in the thighs and knees; Feeling of great weariness in the feet and legs when walk- ing ; Tearing cramps in the calf, and dorsum of the foot ; Tearing pains in the tips of the toes, and under the nails, when walking. Carbo Veg.—Drawing pain in the hip and thigh, with burning and tearing pain—worse when walking; Drawing or tearing pains in the legs, with lameness; Uneasiness in the right thigh and leg —it compelled him to change his position continually; Numbness and insensibility; Sleeping of the legs; Lameness in both lower 693 LEGS.] LOWER LIMBS. limbs; Feeling of rigidity; Heaviness and weakness; Contractive pain in the thigh, with giving-way of the knee; Jactitation of the muscles; Rheumatic drawing or burning pain in the thigh; Pain- ful stiffness and weakness of the knees; Burning in the knee ; Paralytic pain; Lameness in the joint; Vesicular eruption; Herpes; Poplitial amewrism, with tension and throbbing; Violent cramp in the legs and soles of the feet when walking, or at night in bed; Swollen spot in the calf, that is painful to touch ; Itching blotches on the calves; Ulcers that bleed readily, and emit a foetid odour; Cramp in the feet, with contraction of the toes; Chronic numbness of the feet; Profuse sweating of the feet; Burning in the soles; Redness and swelling of the toes; Pain under the nails; Ulcera- tion of the tips of the toes. Causticum.—Pinching over the acetabulum, as if the muscles were seized with a pair of tongs; Pain as from a sprain or contu- sion in the left hip-joint; Burning, with prickling in the hip ; Ex- coriation high up between the thighs; Drawing pains in the limbs, as if in the bone; Violent drawing and tearing pains in both limbs, from the toes upwards; Jactitation of the muscles; Pains, as from bruises, in the thighs and legs; Pain in the hip, with stitches in the knee; very great uneasiness in the lower limbs when in bed in the morning—lasting some hours; Tingling in the thighs and legs; Pains in the limbs as if they would be paralysed; Excessive lassitude when awaking in the morning; Trembling or shaking when commencing to walk; Varices of the veins; some parts of the thighs and legs are almost covered with little dark veins; Vio- lent itching about the knees, with an eruption like mettle-rash ; Soreness, as from excoriation, on the inner part of the thigh, and on the scrotum ; Itching of the thighs—also with stinging; Painful drawing and stiffness of the knees; Tearing pains in the knees; Painful cracking in the knee-joint, with a feeling as if it were sprained; Weakness and giving-way of the knees when walking; Tearing pain in the leg and calf; Burning in the bone (tibia); Red, painful spot on the tibia, that spreads and scales off; Neu- ralgic pains in the soles, heels, and tendo Achillis; Cramp in the feet; Stiffness in the ankle-joint; Drawing pain in the arch of the right foot; Burning pains in the soles; Tingling in the soles; Blisters on the feet and heels; Ulcer on the heel; Violent burning and stinging in the great toe : the ball of the great toe feels in- 694 - - LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. flamed, as if burnt, and would ulcerate; Suppurating ulcer near the nail, with proud flesh; Burning pain, or violent stitches, in the corns. China.-Painful drawings in the bones and muscles of the lower limb ; Darting, tearing pains in the thighs—excited by con- tact; Tearing pains, in paroxysms, in the thigh and knee—it was difficult to walk or stand; Bruised feeling in the posterior muscles of the thigh when sitting ; Laming pain in the knee when rising from a seat; Trembling of the knees; Giving-way of the knees when going up-stairs or walking; Hot Swelling of the right knee; Chilliness and shuddering in one leg, as when plunged into cold water; Hard, dark-red swelling on the calf, which suppurated; Burning tension in the tendo Achillis; Lameness of the feet; Arthritic swelling of the foot; Pains in the legs, as if the perios- teum were inflamed or bruised; Lancinations in the soles or heels; Darting, tearing pains in the bones of the feet and toes, especially the joints—increased by contact, not by motion; Paralysis of the feet. Cocculus.-Cracking and painful sensation in the hip-joint when walking, or turning the thigh ; Twitchings in the muscles around the hip-joint; Paralytic pain in the left os innominatum ; Stitches about the hip-joint; Paralytic immobility of the thighs and legs; Paralysis of the lower eactremities, from the small of the back ; Rigid feeling from the thighs to the knees; Pains in the thighs, as if bruised or broken ; Cracking of the knee during motion; Inflammation and swelling of the knee, with darting pains; Violent stitches in the knee, and in the integuments, with involuntary starting of the limbs; Tearing pains in the patella ; Feeling of weariness in the knees, as after a long journey; Sleeping of the feet; Swelling of the foot in the evening, with heat and itching; Cold sweat of the feet; Pain in the os calcis, as if bruised. Colchicum.—Tearing pains in the hip—worse at night; Draw- ing pain in the muscles of the right thigh, in bed, at night; Tear- ing pains in the knee; CEdematous swelling of the legs and feet; Drawing or tearing pains in the soles or heels; Pain in the left great toe, as if the nail were growing into the flesh; Tingling in the toes, as from being frozen. Dulcamara.--Drawing stitches in left hip ; Sensation as if the 695 LEGS.] - LOWER LIMBS. head of the femur would be dislocated; Twitchings in the lower limbs; Bruised feeling, that made him walk lame; Pains in the thighs, that disappear when walking, and return again when sitting, with a very tired feeling; Paralytic pains in the right thigh; Tearing pains in the knee-joint; Swelling of the leg and calf (not the foot); Numbness; Painful cramp in the calf; Burning in the feet; Stinging, burning in the toes; Desquamation of the skin of the feet ; Formication; Profuse sweat of the feet; Rheumatism o the joints. - Ferrum Acet.--Lameness; Numbness and sleeping of the thighs; Weakness and instability of the knees; Painful weariness in the knees; Painful drawing in the legs, with stiffness and heavi- ness; Pain in the leg, as if bruised; Painful cramp in the calves when rising in the morning; Frequent cramps in soles and toes; Swelling of the feet—also the ankles, and even extending to the knees (sometimes the hands); the feet are so cold that he can scarcely drag them along; CEdema of the feet, consequent upon the loss of animal fluids; Varices of the feet; Great stiffness on moving the feet after having rested. Graphites.—Soreness between the thighs, especially when walking; Boils and pimples on the nates; Great heaviness and lassitude in the lower limbs; Deadness; Stiffness; Numbness; Red spots and herpes on the thighs, near the scrotum ; Cutting pains in the knee, as with a knife; Stiffness in the knees; Jacti- tation in the muscles of the legs; Pain as from a bruise or a sprain in the knee-joint; Numbness in the knee, that awakes him at night; Herpes about the knee; Cramps in the calves during the day; Drawing pains in the calves; Hard swelling of the legs; Great weight; Tingling; Ulcers on the legs; Stiffness of the joints; Gnawing pain in the heels; Stitches in the heels—when stepping they made him start; Pain in the heel, as from sub- cutaneous ulceration; Ulcerative pain in the soles; Burning of the feet, and in the soles, for several days—worse when walking; Sweat of the feet, with strong odour; Profuse sweat, with soreness of the toes; Swelling of the foot; Cold feet; Swelling of the toes, and balls of the toes; Itching; Soreness and excoriation between the toes; Ulcer on the fourth toe; Ulceration of the tips; Horny skin; Burning soreness of the corns; the nails are thick and deformed. 696 LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. Hepar Sulph-Pain as from a sprain in the hip-joint when walking in the open air; Coxagra, with throbbing and threatened suppuration; Boils on the nates; Soreness, with sweating between the scrotum and thighs; Profuse sweat between the thighs; Ten- sion and uneasiness in the lower limbs; Weight and heaviness; Pain as from bruises in the anterior muscles of the thigh; Cramps in the thighs; Sudden pain, with weakness in the thigh—it pre- vented him walking ; Pain in the knee, as if bruised or broken; Swelling of the knee; Itching pimples around the knee; Cramps in the calves; Uneasiness in the legs—he cannot keep them still ; Erysipelas of the leg; Tearing pain in the tendo Achillis; Cramp in the feet, soles, and toes; Pains in the ankle when walking, as if he had sprained it ; Swelling of the ankles, with difficult breathing; Rhagades of the feet; Stinging pains in the toes; Burning, tingling; the nail of the great toe feels painful, as if it would ulcerate. Hyoscyamus.-Redness of the nates; Boil on the left thigh; Drawing pains in the thighs—worse during rest; Gangrenous spots and vesicles on the lower limbs; Bruised pain in the tibia when walking, with a red rash on the calf; Drawing, tearing pains in the soles of the feet; Redness of the feet; Swelling of the feet; Spasmodic contraction of the toes when walking; Cold- ness of the feet. Kali Carb.-Ulcerative pain in the gluteal region; Itching between the nates; Tearing pain in the hips and knees; Darting in the left hip-joint; Painful stitches in the left hip when stand- ing; Pain as from bruises in the hip-joint—very painful when sneezing; Tearing pains, as if in the bones; Burning pains, with painful stitches; Sudden attack of heaviness, as if the whole limb would be paralysed; Numbness in the right lower limb; Frequent sleeping of the limbs—they give way involuntarily; Burning pains that extend to the feet; Jactitation of the muscles of the thigh; Paralytic feeling in the whole thigh ; Dull pains; Tension and stiffness in the knees; Tearing, throbbing, and beating in the knees; Pain as from a sprain; Swelling of the legs; Itching vesicles and herpes on the legs; Pains in the ankles; Darting pain into the internal malleolus—it caused her to stand still when walking; Painful stitches in the feet; Tingling; Heaviness; Stiff- ness; Sleeping of the feet after a meal; Coldness of the feet when 2 Z 697 LEGS.] - LOWER LIMBS. in bed; Sweat of the soles; Profuse sweat of the feet, lasting ºnany days; Swelling of the feet and ankles; the tips of the toes are painful when walking; Gnawing, burning, or pricking in the great toe ; Inflamed chilblains; Corns painful and sensitive. Lachesis.--Tearing pains in the hip and lower limbs; Rheu- matic pains in right hip, extending into the back and knee—so intense that it drives one out of bed when asleep at night; Tear- ing pains from below upwards; Drawing pains, as if in the bones; Weakness and weariness in the lower limbs; Trembling, that is followed by headache; Pains as from a shock in the thigh, after every glass of wine; Stinging pains in the knees; Rheumatic tearings, or pain as if sprained, particularly in the left knee; Sensation as if the hamstrings were too short ; Weakness and stiffness of the knees; Swelling of the knees; Pains in the calves; Swelling of the legs, or only the left leg and foot; Blue-red Swelling of the leg and foot; Deep ulcers and old herpes; Black, gamgrenous ulcers; Deep holes in the tibia; Caries of the tibia ; Tearing pains in the feet; Coldness of the feet, as from ice; Swelling of the feet; Abscess on the heel, from friction of a boot; Inflamed spot on the toe; Excoriation between the toes; Cracks or rhagades, like deep cuts; Chilblains inflame and suppurate. Lachesis is said to cure Gamgrene. Ledum Pal.—Rheumatic and laming pains in the hip-joint; Pain in the right hip—more violent during motion; Pains that extend from the hip to the ankles; Sensation as if the posterior muscles of the thigh were paralysed ; Pain in the periosteum of the femur—it felt bruised and sore; Sensation in the left thigh, as if the muscles had not their proper length—they feel sprained in every position—more violent when walking or touching the parts; Trembling of the knees; Great weakness in the joints— he was obliged to sit down; Cracking in the knees; Stiffness in the knees when walking; Swelling, with tensive, pricking pain when walking—with hardness and a tense feeling in the whole leg; Heat and swelling of the legs, with stinging pain; Cramps in the calves at night, or when lying down; Obstinate swelling of the foot for eight days; Inflammatory swelling of the feet and legs; Pains in the soles when walking; Bruised pain in the heel; Pres- sure on the dorsum of the foot; Gnawing, itching on the dor- 698 LOWER LIMIBS. [LEGS. sum—more violent in bed; Sensation as if the blood were rushing to the great toe; the ball of the great toe inflames—feels swollen and thick—when stepping it is extremely painful; Gout. Lycopodium.—Boil on the nates; Pains in the gluteal muscles; Pain in the hip, as from a sprain—every four days he had a pain from the hip down to the foot, that caused him to limp ; Tearing pains at night; Involuntary shaking, first of the right, then of the left limb; the limbs feel cold and heavy—or tired and powerless— or as if they had been bruised; Constant subsultus; Soreness between the limbs—she is scarcely able to walk; Drawing and burning in the thigh; Tearing pains in the thighs: Pain as from a bruise in the right thigh, just above the knee-joint; Cold thrills along the left thigh; Large boil on the thigh, above the knee; Stiffness of the knees in the morning after rising; Tearing pains in the knees and ankles; Pain as from a sprain in the knee-joint; Swelling of the knees, with sweat; White swelling of the knee; Sore pains in the knees; Pains in the bones; Cramp in the calves at night—or when walking by day—or when sitting with the knees bent—sometimes so painful as to extort cries; the legs feel heavy and swollen; Burning in the legs; Red spots; Old ulcers, with burning pain at night; Pains in the ankles, heels, and soles of the feet; Sensation, when setting down the foot, as if a stone were under it; Pricking pain in the heels; Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal joint; Burning in the feet; Pain in the soles when walking; Pain as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; Swelling of the feet—also during the menses; Great weight of the feet; Swelling of the right foot; Swelling of the soles; Constant coldness of the feet; Cold sweat of the feet; Profuse sweat of the feet, even until they become sore; Burning Soreness of the toes, as if sand were upon or between them; Excoriation between the toes; Contrac- tion of the toes; Pain around the nails; Painful corns; Stitches in the corns; the corns appear in a fortnight after commencing the proving. Mercurius.-Sharp, acute stitches in iliac spine; Pain in the right gluteal region; Burning pain in the nates; Tearing pain in the hip-joint, knee, and humerus at night; Involuntary twitching of the limbs; Coldness of the thighs; Drawing pains in the thighs; Eruptions; Small pimples or herpes on the thighs; Tumour on 2 Z 2 699 LEGS.] LOWER LIMBS. the upper part of the left thigh ; Pains and weakness in the knees; Tearing pain in the joint; Sensation as if the tendons were too short; Painless beating in the knee-joint; Spasmodic contraction of the legs; Dropsical swelling of the legs and feet, or of one leg only; Nodes on the tibia, with redness, pain, and swelling; Drawing pains in the tibia; Spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the calf—the part was raised in large lumps; Painful cramp in the right calf; Rapid swelling of the ankles, with violent pains; Pain as if sprained; Tearing pains in the tarsal joint; Painful swelling of the metatarsal bones; Swelling of the heel; Cramp-like contraction of the toes; Swelling of all the toes; Burning pain in the great toe; Excoriation of the skin of the toes; Ulceration and softening of the nails. - Nitric Acid, Soreness of the nates when riding—also at night; Pain and pressure in the right gluteal region; Feeling, when about to walk, as if the head of the femur would luxate ; Soreness between the thighs when walking; Ulcer near the right hip-joint; Drawing pains from the hip to the foot; Pain in the limbs as if bruised; Heaviness in the lower limbs; Languor; Tingling; Paralytic pain; Feeling of coldness in the right limb ; Pains in the thighs when rising from a seat; Pain as if bruised, or as if broken; Pricking in the thighs; Dry herpes; Boils on the thighs; Painful stiffness in the knees, and in the patella; he can scarcely walk; Stitches in the knee; the poplitial space seems swollen; the knees give way when walking, and feel extremely weak; Coldness of the knees; Cramp in the calf towards morning; Jerking in the calves; Great weariness after a short walk; the feet are so painful that he cannot bear the pressure of the shoes; Stitching pains in the heel; Weak- ness of the ankles—they give way when walking; Swelling of the feet after a walk; Icy coldness of the legs and feet; Sweat of the soles; Foetid sweat; Inflammation and swelling of the toes; Violent pain under the nail of the great toe; Spreading vesicles and chilblains. Nux Wom.-Burning pain in the right hip-joint; Frequent dartings from the feet to the hips; Vacillation in gait, and un- steadiness of the lower limbs; Heaviness and weariness in the legs; Sudden sensation of weakness early in the morning; Sleeping of the limbs when at dinner; Numbness and paralysis of the limbs; Coldness of the thighs; Tired feeling after a very sound sleep; & 700 4. LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. Paralytic pain in the head of the femur, thigh, and knee; Bruised pain in the posterior muscles of the thigh, as after great fatigue; Boils on the thigh, with a violent stinging pain; Drawing, stabbing pain from the knee to the groin; Tottering and giving-way of the knees; Stiffness of the knees when rising from a seat, with a sensa- tion as if the tendons were too short ; Pain in the patella as from fatigue; Arthritic inflammation and swelling of the knee—also with nodes; Ulcer on the leg, with red areola; Bright-red swelling, with black, painful spots; Cramp in the calves when in bed; Pains in the joints of the foot, as after a fatiguing journey; Heat and swelling of the feet; Cramp in the soles during the day—also at night, when drawing up the feet; Painful contraction in the soles; Burning pain in the soles; Stitches in the soles—also in the heel; Feeling of numbness in the heel as after jumping from a great height; Tenderness in the heel, when treading, especially on a stone; Painful chilblains; Burning in the toes as after being frozen—also when getting warm; Cramp-like contraction of the toes—also after midnight, in bed. Petroleum. — Chronic disease of the hip-joint P Redness; Soreness, with moisture, high up between the thighs; Small, itching pimples near the scrotum, on the thighs; Herpetic spot on the inner side of the thigh; Large boil on the thigh ; Stiff- ness of the knees—also in the legs and ankles; Stitching or tearing pains in the knees; Painful weakness and cracking in the knees; Sensation as if one of the semi-lunar cartilages had become dislocated; Large red spot on the left knee; Herpes on the knee; Cramp in the calves, legs, and feet; Blotches on the calves, that itch; Cramp in the foot at night; Swelling of the foot for several days; Blisters on the heel; Herpes about the malleolus; Profuse sweat of the feet; Feeling of tightness in the ball of the great toe, as if bound by an iron band; Eruptions on and between the toes; Inveterate wilcers on the toes, with high edges—red, flat base, and moisture; Ulcers that form after frost- bite; Painful chilblaims; Corns; Stitching or burning pain in the corns. Phosphorus.-Pain in the nates after long sitting; Pulsation or twitching—or feeling as if the part would be sore and ulcerate; Paralytic, painful feeling in the left hip-joint; he could scarcely 701 LEGS.] LOWER LIMBS. step on the left foot; Pain in the hips, as if sprained; Weariness in the limbs, even in the morning; Great restlessness in the limbs; Burning pains in the thighs; Pimples or boils on the back of the thigh ; Herpes about the knees; Pains in the knees; Trembling of the knees; Drawing pain from the knees to the feet; Rigidity of the hamstrings when walking; Arthritic stiffness of the knees, with paralytic weakness of the legs; Suddenly-formed, painful tumour just below the bend of the knee—red, inflamed, burning; Twitching in the calves; Cramp in the calf, with jerking of the leg upwards; Pain in the tibia as if the periosteum were injured— the part is tender to touch; Several small, blue-red spots on the legs, like petechiae; Tendency of the ankle to give way when walking; Easy dislocation of the foot; Twitching of the foot during the day —also in the evening, when going to sleep; Violent itching in the soles; Tingling; Formication; Icy coldness of the feet, even when in bed, and during hot weather; Swelling of the feet in the evening; Spots, vesicles, and ulcers on the feet; Pain, and redness in the soles; Throbbing in the heels; Blister on the heel, that bursts, and is painful when walking; Pain in the great toe, as if it had been frozen ; Deeply-sticking pains in the corns, that seem to strike into the bone; Soreness and inflammation in the balls of the toes. Phosphoric Acid.-Boil on the nates; Pain in the hip-joint, as if it were broken; Painful heaviness in all the joints of the lower limbs; Rheumatic, paralytic feeling in the left limb; Bruise- like pain in the muscles of the thighs; Painful Swelling of the glands of the thigh ; Excessive languor and weakness in the legs when walking; Itching ulcers on the legs; Nightly burning in the tibia; Burning in the soles; Burning heat of the feet, with sore- ness of the toes; Numbness of the left foot; Sweating of the feet; Swelling of the feet; Blisters and chilblains on the feet. Pulsatilla.-Pain in the gluteal region, as if bruised; Pain in the hip when bending the back; Pain in the hip as if dislocated; Chronic coxalgia; Jerking, tearing pains in the lower limbs; Trembling during the pains in the morning; Uneasiness in the limbs at night; Bruised pain in the limbs; Violent pain in the muscles of the thighs; Jerking pain from the hip-joint to the knee—it passed off during a walk; Violent pains in the thigh, as if a vessel would burst; Drawing pains, at night, in the muscles of 702 LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. the thigh; he cannot find ease in any position, and is continually tossing about; Paralytic weakness in the thigh after being seated a long time, and about to walk—it soon passes off; Bruise-like pains that seemed in the bone; Painful stiffness and weariness of the legs, with trembling of the knees; Tearing, jerking in the knees; Cracking in the knees; Rheumatism of the knee; Painless Swelling of the knee; Hot, inflammatory swelling of the knee; Weakness and unsteadiness of the knees—when walking they sud- denly give way; Sleeping of the legs; Paralytic pain when rising from a seat; Heaviness and weariness in the limbs during the day; Varices of the legs; Bleeding of the varices; Heat and swelling of the legs; Pains in the legs, with chilliness ; * Pains in the bones of the legs; Pain in the tibia as if beaten with a stick; Cramp in the calves; Jerking pains in the malleolus; Swelling of the dorsum of the foot; Erysipelas; Swelling of the feet at night; Hot swelling, extending to the calves; Red-hot swelling of the foot, with tensive, burning pain; Tearing pain in the soles of the feet—also in the knee and back; Burning pain in the soles; Burning, pricking pain in the heel (the pricking pain is generally accompanied by burning); Tingling in the toes as after being frozen ; Burning, pricking in the toes after getting warm in bed, accompanied with an itching stinging, as after parts that have been frozen; Painful broken chilblains; OEdematous swelling of the feet—also coming on towards evening. Rhododendron.—Pain in the right hip as if sprained; Contu- sive pain in some of the muscles when sitting; Weakness and heaviness in the right lower limbs; Tearing pains in the hip-joint and lower limbs—worse during rest, at night, and in stormy weather; Tearing pains from the thigh to the foot, with formica- tion; Heaviness and weariness in the thighs when beginning to walk; Tensive pain at the inside of the right thigh ; Burning soreness between the thighs and at the perinaeum; Small red spots, or dark blotches, at the inner side of the right thigh; Pain in the right knee-joint, as from a blow ; Pain as if sprained in the right knee; Cold swelling of the right knee; White swelling of the knee; GEdematous swelling of the legs and feet; Constant sleeping of the legs and feet; Troublesome tingling in the feet ; Coldness of the feet; Chilblains. * The chilliness, with pain, is peculiar to Puls. 703 LEGS.] - LOWER LIMBS. Rhus Tox,−Coxalgia; Scrophulosa; Limping, with intense pain in the hip-joint—alternating with pain in the knee, and shortening of the limb ; Spontaneous luxation, with abscess in the groin; Hot, red spot in right hip, with burning pain; Paralysis of the lower limbs; Pain in the joints, as if sprained; Stiffness in the knee-joint when moving the limb; Inflammation and swelling, with suppuration of the right knee-joint (cwred); Acute Rheuma- tism of the knee; Drawing pains in the knee; Heaviness in the calves—he can scarcely drag his legs along; Tension in the knee; Burning pain in the tibia; Coldness of the left tibia; Paralytic drawing in the leg when sitting; Cramp in the calf after midnight, when in bed; Red, burning spots about the knees, with small vesicles that soon dry up ; Painless paralysis of the feet (cured by rather large doses, in two cases); Paralysis of the feet, caused by a fall on the back; Erysipelas of the legs and feet; Swelling of the feet; Inflammatory swelling, with erysipelatous eruption on the feet; Pustules on the dorsum of the foot; Stabbing, as with knives, in the lower part of the tendo Achillis; Pain in the heel when pressing the foot on the floor; Red, round blotches on the balls of the toes; Painful beating in the great toe, as if an abscess were forming ; Gangrenous ulcers on the toes, with a vesicular eruption over the whole body; Chilblaims. Rhus is often em- ployed externally for chronic swelling of the knee-joint, and other synovial affections. - Sepia-Pain as if bruised in the right hip-joint—worse when rising from a chair; Sleeping of the lower limbs; Numbness, with sudden paralytic feeling of the limbs; Lameness of both limbs; Icy coldness of both limbs, from noon till bed-time; Cramps in the thighs; Pain as if bruised; Lancinating pains when walking, with loss of power in the limbs; Boils on the thighs; Drawing pains in the knees; Stiffness; Tension and great weakness in the knees; Cold knees at night; Painful swelling of the knee during rest and motion; Painless swelling of the patella; Drawing pains and cramps in the legs; Violent cramps in the calves at night; Swelling of the legs, as far as the knee; Itching pimples on the legs, even up to the knees; Pains in the feet that prevent walking; Creeping in the feet when standing; Frequent sleeping of the feet when sitting; Pricking, burning in the feet; Swelling of the feet; Profuse sweating of the feet and toes for many days; Foetid per- 704 LOWER LIMBS. [LEGS. spiration of the feet, or suppressed sweat of the feet; Very cold feet at night when in bed; Pimples and ulcers on the dorsum of the foot; Frequent and long-continued cramp in the soles of the feet; Stitching pains in the heel; Blisters or ulcers on the heel; Soreness of the toes; Cramp in the toes; Burning, aching in the corns; Inflamed corns; a distorted nail suppurated, and a healthy new one appeared. Silica.—Paralytic weakness in the limbs when rising from a seat ; Heaviness and weariness after a short walk; Jactitation of the muscles; Pressure; Tearing pains, prickings, or stitches in the thighs; Small boils on the posterior surface of the thighs; Soft- ening and caries of the bones in the lower limbs; Painful stiffness of the knees; Feeling of tension about the knee; Weakness of the knees; Swelling of the knee—even inflammatory, with intense pain at night, and great tenderness; Icy coldness of the legs, up to the knees—he cannot get them warm in bed; Tremor in the legs and knees; Swelling of the legs; Boils on the calves; Ulcers; Itching eruptions; Cramps in the calves; Feeling of numbness; Painful smarting spot on the right tibia; Caries of the tibia; Burning feet; Swelling of the feet, especially in the morning when rising; Swelling of the left foot, up to the ankle; Cadaverous smell from the feet; Foetid sweat; Profuse sweating of the soles, and between the toes; Feet sore and painful after walking; Sup- pression of the sweat, followed by coldness of the feet; Painful, hard bunions; Ulcerative pain in the great toe, with stinging pain; Painful stitches in the corns, that cause the foot to jerk up. Sulphur.—Violent pain, as from a sprain in the right hip—the part felt so painful in the morning that he could scarcely step; Pain at the ischiatic notch—she could not sit nor lie on that side— with pain as of sub-cutaneous ulceration; Very painful jerks in the hip-joint; Drawing pains in the left hip ; Spontaneous limping; Drawing pains in the lower limbs; Pain as if bruised, after walking; Heaviness in the limbs, with tension in the knees, almost paralytic; Sudden weakness in the knees and legs; Transparent swelling; Red spots on the legs; Pain in the posterior muscles after sitting; Soreness between the thighs when walking; Red, humid eruptions on the inner side of the thighs; Stiffness and 705 LEGS.] LowRR LIMBs. tension of the knees when rising from a seat; Relaxation of the knee, as if it would give way when walking; Swelling of the knees; Dropsy of the joint; Fungus of the knee; White swelling; Sleeping of the leg; Pains as if the flesh were being torn from the bones; Intense pain in the calves when going up-stairs; Erysipelas of the leg; Cramp in the calves when walking or dancing; Swelling of the calves; Cramp in the feet; Violent stitches in the tendo Achillis; Burning in the soles; Swelling of the feet; Pain in the tarsal joints, as from a sprain; Cracking when walking; Varices about the ankles; Pimples; Vesicles on the soles; Cramp in the toes; Spreading blisters; Eruption between the toes; Chilblains; Painful, inflamed corns; Podagra. Werat.—Paralytic pain, first in the right, then in the left hip- joint; Rheumatic pains and weakness in the thighs; Pains as if broken; Heaviness in the legs; Very violent eramps in the calves; Icy coldness of the feet, Zincum.—Tearing pains about the hips; Heat and burning in the left hip, that extended to the middle of the thighs; Rheu- matic drawing in the right limb; Heaviness, with pain, weakness, and sensitiveness—she can scarcely walk; the air of the room seemed too much ; Tearing pains in the muscles of the thigh ; Lancinations when walking or lying down ; Painful, paralytic feeling in the right thigh ; Varices of the thigh, that extended up to the labia; Very violent itching, with an eruption like nettle-rash ; Pimples on the thigh and over the knee, that burst when scratched; Rheumatic pains in the right knee and along the tibia; Tearing and painful gnawing in the knees; Trembling of the knees after a very short walk; Rheumatic pains in the tibia (especially the right); Tearing pains in the ealves; Frequent cramp in the left calf at night; Sensation in the left leg, as if the circulation were arrested; Erysipelas and painful 8welling of the tendo Achillis ; Varices of the leg disappeared; Burning and ulcerative pains in the heels; Inflammatory swelling of the foot; Soreness of the feet from walking; Trembling of the foot when lifting it from the ground; Foetid sweat of the feet; Heat, redness, and swelling of the toes, as if frozen ; Eruptions on the toes, with stinging pain when walking; Painful chilblains; Paralysis of the feet. 706 SKIN. [SKIN. SKIN. Aconite.—Tingling; Itching; Burning; Stinging ; Soreness; Spots like flea-bites, especially on the face and hands; Large, red, itching pimples—or filled with acrid fluid; Isolated pimples the size of a pin's head, filled with serum; on the forehead, face, neck, they dry up and peel off; Burning or swelling of the injured or affected parts; Hot, shining swelling, in Gout or Rheumatism; Erysipelas; Yellow skin; Jaundice. Alumina.--Stinging, itching over the whole body, particularly after getting warm in bed at night; she scratches until the part bleeds. Useful for Rhagades; Humid scurf; Gnawing tetters. Ammo. Carb.-Itching, that, after scratching, is followed by burning; Vesicles or pimples, the size of a millet-seed, on the nape of the neck and fore-arms; Red rash on the upper part of the body, like scarlatina; Skin sensitive to cold air; when undressing at night the body feels sore. Antimon. Crud.—Itching, especially over the chest, back, and limbs; Red pimples; Vesicles like varicella; Red stigmata, with white tips; White blotches, with red areola; Burning and stinging like nettle-rash, with nausea and thirst; Spots and vesicles like the stings of insects, especially on the face and about the joints; Pustules, with yellow or brown scurf; Brown hepatic spots here and there, and on the arms; Horny places, and thickening of the skin; Callosities on the soles of the feet, near the toes. Argentum Nit.—Itching, pricking, and Smarting; Pimples here and there; Dark colour of the skin—varies from blue-grey to violet, bronze, or black; Dropsy from disease of the liver. Arnica.-Pricking sensation; Fine prickings, more especially on the nose, eyebrows, and eyelids; Burning pains that shift from one part to another; Red, blue, or yellow spots; Excoriations; Bed-sores; Small boils; Hot, hard, shining swellings; Contusions; Bruises; Bites and stings of insects; Scalds; Burns ; Corns (ex- ternal application). 707 SKIN.] SKIN. Arsenicum.—Burning—or burning, with itching; Urticaria ; Miliary eruption like millet-seeds, with watery exudation; Erup- tions that scale off like bran, or in large patches; Psoriasis? Red pustules that burn, form a crust, and spread—seen on the hairy scalp and in the whiskers; Painful blotches—some are filled with pus and blood; Herpes that burn at night; Burning, cancerous ulcers; Black blisters; Carbuncle; Ulcers—putrid, mortifying ; or with foetid odour—proud flesh; Varices; Jaundiced colour of the skin; Dry, parchment-like condition of the skin; General anasarca; Swelling of the face and body, or the face and feet; Elastic swell- ings, affecting the hip, knees, and lower limbs; Ascites. Asafoetida. — Ulcers that particularly affect the bones, with ichorous, thin, foetid pus; Caries of the bones; Ulcers, with elevated, bluish edges; Ulcers that are tender and painful from the least pressure; Dark-red, hot swellings; Swelling of the glands. Aurum,_Formication in the skin, all over the body; Pustules on the face, neck, and chest ; Rhagades; Tetters; Ulcers—scro- fulous, syphilitic, mercurial, or cancerous; Nodes—arthritic, mercurial, or syphilitic ; Exostosis of the cranial bones; Cancerous affections of the nasal and palatine bones (also from Mercury); Ulcerated nostrils; Dropsical swellings; Enlarged glands, with induration. Baryta Carb.-Pricking, stinging, tingling, or burning in the skin; Itching here and there—the parts feel painful after being scratched; Swelling and induration of the glands, especially the occipital and cervical; Warts; Panaris; Excoriation; Steatoma; Sarcoma. - Baryta Mur.—Yellowish, scaly eruptions; Tetters; Crusty eruptions; Scrofulous herpes; Foetid, ichorous ulcers; Scrofulous bubo ; Swelling and induration of the glands—those of the neck and abdomen; Stone-like swellings; Dropsy after Scarlet Fever. Belladonna,—Red spots like flea-bites; Eruptions resembling Measles; Watery vesicles and blebs, like pemphigus; Purple rash; Scarlet spots; Scarlet redness on the face, neck, and chest, or over the whole body; Erysipelatous inflammation, with swelling ; 708 - SKIN. [SKIN. Thlegmonous and erysipelatous inflammation, especially of the more delicate tissues; Red, hot swellings; Swelling of the glands —also the parotid ; Scrofulous and mercurial ulcers; Bleeding cracks in the bends of the joints; Bites of insects; Chilblains; Measles—especially when there is great intolerance of light, con- joined with brain affection; Vesicular Erysipelas (also Rhus.”) Borax,−White pimples the size of hemp-seed, with red areola about the neck and chest; Tendency of old wounds to open and suppurate; Unhealthy skin. Bovista.-Red pimples ; Moist herpes that become scurfy ; Ulcers on the lips and corners of the mouth; Impetigo; Psoriasis; Papulous, squamous, or vesicular eruptions; Dry, reddish pimples on the hands, the size of lentils; Ulcers on the fingers; Panarita after a slight prick from a needle. Bromine.—Scrofulous swelling of the glands. Bryonia.-Yellow colour of the skin; Moist skin; Rash on the arms; Vesicles that burst and scale off; White miliaria ; Suda- mina, as in typhoid fever; Red spots the size of lentils; Nettle- rash; Measles, especially when slow to appear; Erysipelas of the joints; Swellings that are tense, hot, red, or pale; Dropsical swell- ings; Hard knots in various parts, like indurated glands; Arthritic nodes; Rash of infants and nursing-women. Calcarea.—Skin rough, dry; Itching, vesicular eruption over the body; Large, elevated patches, the size of a pea, on the face, cheeks, and elbows; Scurfy places in the thighs; Unhealthy skin— tendency to ulcerate and suppurate—a number of warts appear; Fistulous ulcers, with red, hard edges; Rhagades, especially from working in water; Nasal Polypus; Chronic eruptions in the face; Eczema of the scalp, face, and joints; Porrigo ; Impetigo (also Ars., Rhus, Sulp.); Moist impetigo; Soft tumours on the scalp in infants; Eruptions on the scalp (itching); Soft, sore tumour be- hind the ear; Pimples on the cheek, with greenish crust; Pimples on the face and whiskers; Chapped lips; Boils; Whitlow ; Ulcers *In Scarlet Rash and Fever, Belladonna will often suffice without the help of any other remedy. 709 SKIN.] SKIN. on the legs; Burning of the skin of the feet; Sweat of the feet. - - Cantharis.-Acute inflammation of the skin, with burning exudation of a serous fluid, that raises the epidermis into a blister; Small itching vesicles about the face, and on the cheek; Burning, stinging, excoriating sensation; Swelling, heat, and redness of the skin; Ulcers with callous edges; Exanthema, passing on to gam- grene (also Lach.); Vesicular Erysipelas; Acne Rosacea; Pem- phigus ; Carbuncle. Carbo Veg.—Burning of the skin, especially at night, in bed; Nettle-rash, of several weeks’ duration; Dry itch, like blotches; Reddish-brown moles; Bright-red, round, flat aneurisms by anas- tomosis, that bleed freely if but slightly wounded; Old ulcers, that break open and emit bloody pus; Painless ulcers at the tips of the fingers and toes. Causticum.-Skin sensitive to cold—a current of air is very disagreeable, and diffuses a chilliness over the whole body; Sting- ing, itching, especially on the back and limbs; Itching, with scarlet redness; Pimples; Vesicles, like scabies; Large vesicles on the chest and back; Painful blisters; Eruptions the size of a pin's head, without fluid; Violently-itching nettle-rash ; Injured parts become sore, ulcerate, and suppurate; Warts, painful and in- flamed; Soreness and excoriation about the scrotum, between the thighs; Ulcers on the heel; Burning and inflammation about the toes; Painful varices—also of the pregnant; Itching eruption like scabies (after Sulp.) Chamomilla.-Red rash—small red spots; Thick clusters of red pimples, that itch and Smart after being scratched; Rash of in- fants and nursing–women; Excoriated, sore places in children; Injuries that tend to ulcerate; Painful ulcers, that are very sensi- tive to the touch, with a creeping sensation or darting; Ulcer, with itching pimples that surround it ; the skin is very sensitive to air; the nervous system sensitive and irritable, and remarkably sensitive to pain. China.--Skin painful and sensitive over the body and palms of 710 SKIN. [SKIN. the hands; Itching in the evening; Pimples appear on the chest, loins, and arms; Skin flaccid and dry; Yellow colour of the skin, as in Jaundice; General anasarca; Swelling of the limbs; Erysi- pelatous swelling of the body; Excoriations; Arthritic and rheu- matic, hard, red swellings; Ulcers that are painful and sensitive; Boring, beating pain when moving the part affected; Burning and pressure from tension; Ichor, of a putrid odour; Moist gangrene; Ulcers that bleed when touched; Ulcers that secrete a thin, acrid, foetid ichor, inclining to gangrene ; Psoas abscess; Caries. Cicuta, Eruptions on the face, that suppurate, with yellow scurf, and burning pain; Dark-red pimples on the face and hands, the size of a lentil, with burning pain on their first appearance ; Long-standing, pustulous eruptions; Confluent eruptions; Lichen; Impetigo ; Herpes exedens; Mentagra. Clematis. – Inveterate eruptions; Vesicular, itch-like pus- tules; Herpes—red and humid; Herpes, with yellowish, corrosive ichor; Scaly eruptions; Psoriasis; Syphilitic lichen; Eruptions that itch excessively when in bed, or after washing; Eruptions, with heat, redness, swelling—or with corrosive ichor; Burning; Tingling or throbbing pains in the ulcer; White blisters on the face and forehead ; Induration of a gland under the nipple ; Schirrous indurations; Cancerous ulcers. Colocynthis.-Itching of the chest and abdomen; Trouble- some itching—followed by sweat; the skin of the whole body Scales off. Conium.—Itching of the skin; Stinging, as from flea-bites; the skin feels painful; Slow, dull stitches in different parts; Smarting or burning; Itching, with tingling or creeping under the skin; White, transparent vesicles, with acrid humour; Nettle- rash after violent exercise; Chronic herpes—humid, or crusty, with burning pain; Chronic, brown spots; Red spots, that itch, on the body; Ulcers, with a feeling of tightness, or tingling ; Bleed- ing of ulcers; Blackening of the edges; Foetid ichor; Petechia. Glands — Itching, tingling, or painful; Stitching pain in the glands; Induration—especially following a contusion; Schirrous indurations; Cancerous ulcers. - 711 SKIN.] SKIN. Copaivae, Dark-coloured, or bright-red, elevated, lentil-size eruptions, in clusters, on the face, chest, and abdomen—also the hands and feet—they disappear, without scaling, in from four to fourteen days; Scarlet-red or dark-rose eruption, of an irregular shape, broad, like the spots on a tiger—may be confined to a few patches, or spread over the whole body, with or without fever— with swelling of the eyelids, lips, or the whole face—scales off in about three days; Isolated spots, like nettle-rash; Pale, or bright- red pustules between the fingers, or on the arms and bend of the elbows—resembling the itch-vesicle; Eczema ; Urticaria. Corallia Rub.—Smooth spots on the palms and fingers—first coral colour, then deep red, and, lastly, of a copper hue; Red, flat ulcers on the glams-penis, and inner surface of the prepuce, emit- ting a quantity of yellowish ichor. Crotalus.-Black spots over the whole body; Yellow spots; Yellow skin, as in Jaundice; Blisters and livid spots; Blue spots; Large blisters, the size of a dollar, that burst; Swellings, that are cold and insensible, or hot and painful on pressure; Swelling of the head; Swelling of the whole body; Jaundice; Yellow Fever; Hectic; Typhus; Gangrene. Croton Tiglium.—Scarlet redness; Rash-like eruption, with vesicles; Erysipelatous redness of the face; Vesicular Erysipelas of the face; CEdema of the eyelids; Large water-blebs on the chin; Pustules the size of a millet-seed, which soon enlarge, and become confluent—ooze, and form a greyish-brown crust; Herpes on the scrotum ; Erythema ; Eczema. Cuprum.—Eruption resembling lepra; Miliary eruption on the chest and hands; Herpes, with yellow scales; Caries; Old ulcers; Contraction of the skin about the limbs; Jaundice; a kind of dry itch. Digitalis.-Peeling-off of the skin of the whole body; Darting; Pricking; Itching; Burning in various parts; Elastic, white swelling of parts, or the whole body—painful when touched; and followed by anasarca; Elastic, painful swelling of the legs—after- wards the hands and fore-arms; General paleness of the skin; 712 SKIN. - [SKIN. Blue colour of the skin ; Blueness of the lips and eyelids; Cyanosis. Dulcamara.-Burning, itching; Sensation as if insects were crawling rapidly over different parts; Very violent itching when in bed at night, from 12 to 3 A.M.; Eruption of white blotches, with red areola ; Small itching pimples; Bright-red pimples—the points are filled with pus in a few days; Herpetic crusts over the whole body; Red spots, like flea-bites; Dryness, heat, and burning of the skin; Urticaria (acute and chronic), with fever; Anasarca after Scarlatina or Rheumatic Fever; Dropsical symptoms from being over-heated, and exposure to a damp, cold air; Herpes, that form a crust, or dry off in scales, like bran; Crusta Lactea; Impetigo; Warts on the face. Fluoric Acid has relieved varicose veins of twenty years' standing; after repeated doses the veins were reduced to one-half their former size. Graphites.—Chronic dryness of the skin; Pustules about the chin—also on the chest ; Itching pimples, full of acrid water; Small, red, itching pimples—the tips are filled with pus, which burst and speedily disappear; Many small boils appear on the neck, back, and arms; Unhealthy state of the skin—tendency to suppurate; Ulcers that emit a foetid odour; Proud flesh in the ulcers; Ulcers on the legs; Herpetic sores between the toes; Blisters and pustules on the toes; Ulceration of the toes; Ulcer on the great toe; Ulcer on the fourth toe ; Horny skin on the toes; Thickening and deformity of the nails; Falling-off of the whiskers. Useful for inveterate Psoriasis. Erysipelas of the face ; Impetigo ; Herpetic eruptions on the face, in females, with scanty menses; Zona ; Mentagra ; Obstinate scrofulous ulcers; Lym- phatic Abscess. Gratiola-Itching; Smarting; Burning, itching in various parts; Itching, with burning, after scratching ; Pimples the size of a millet-seed, with yellow tips, that burn after being scratched; Humid eruptions; Small boils. Hellebore.—General Dropsy; Anasarca, especially after Scarlet 3 A 713 SKIN.] SKIN. Fever; Dropsy after Intermittent Fever; Sudden watery swelling of the skin of the whole body; Sensation of heaviness in the swollen parts; Anasarca, particularly after suppressed eruptions; Measles; Purple rash; Dropsy of children; Acute Hydrocephalus; CEdema of the scrotum. Hepar Sulp.–Pimples, the size of a pea, in different parts of the body; Chaps in the skin; Rhagades of the hands and feet; the slightest scratch or injury inclines to ulceration, and frequently suppuration; Syphilitic ulcers after Mercury; Corrosive, gnawing pain in the ulcer; Stitching, burning, and throbbing, chiefly at night; the ulcer bleeds if only lightly wiped; Yellow colour of the skin and sclerotic coat of the eye; Swelling of the cervical and inguinal glands; Erysipelas of the face; Vesicular Erysipelas; Humid tetters; Humid scald head; Crusta Lactea, and Serpiginosa, with Scrofula; Acne; Chronic eruptions on the face; Herpes; Pim- ples; Scales and crusts; Herpetic eruptions on the face, chest, and hands; Gnawing tetters; Styes on the lids; Ulcers on the cornea ; Pimples on the scalp; Scaly eruption on the hands; Large boils on the arms, thighs, and legs; Panaris; Ulcer on the heel; Erysipelas of the feet and legs. Hepar promotes Suppura- tion. - - Hydrastus. – Useful for excoriation of infants; Irritable tumours and ulceration of the breasts; Cancer; Lupus; Psoriasis; Rhagades. Hyoscyamus.--Skin dry and brittle; Heat, with inflammation; Skin red as vermilion—the part feels painfully warm to the hand; Eruption from large doses of Belladonna ; Large pustules, that form in clusters, especially from the hips to the knees—resembling confluent Small-pox, without fluid—desduamating in four days; Brown spots appear and disappear in various parts; Herpetic spots on the nape of the neck; Frequent appearance of large boils; Obstinate Dropsy; Erysipelas; Scarlet rash. Iodium.—Dirty-looking or yellow colour of the skin, resem- bling Jaundice; Rough, dry skin; Profuse, papulous eruption; Scarlet rash; Large furuncle between the scapula, with loss of appetite and sleep; Painless ulcers, that refuse to heal; Eruptions 714 - - - SKIN. [SKIN. on the thighs and abdomen; Induration of glands; Inflammation of the knee; White swelling; Bunions; Anasarca. Kali Bichrom.—Skin hot, dry; Eruption, like Small-pox, on the face, or over the body—dies off without bursting; Pustules the size of peas, with a small black spot in the centre, and inflamed base; Eruptions on the thighs and legs—red elevations, sometimes the size of a split pea; Hands covered with a depressed cicatrix, as if punched out, or cleanly cut. Probably useful in some syphilitic eruptions. Polypus of the nose. Kali Carb.-The skin is tender to pressure, as from sub- cutaneous ulceration; Skin dry; Obstructed perspiration; Burn- ing, itching on the face, hands, and legs, or over the whole body; Burning in many parts, as if a blister were drawing the skin; Pimples like nettle-rash ; Yellow, scaly spots that itch intensely, covering the abdomen—after scratching, a moisture appears; Herpes on the thigh; Spreading blisters ; Old warts on the face; Ulcers that bleed at night. Useful in Ascites and Anasarca. Kreasotum.—Very violent itching, especially towards evening, with irresistible desire to scratch—which is followed by burning; Blotches, like mettle-rash ; Blisters, like bug-bites, over the arms and abdomen; Large, greasy-looking pustules—or like scabies; Herpes—furfuraceous, pustulous, dry, or humid—on the hands, fingers, ears, and the joints of the fingers; Malignant ulcers; Scrofulous and varicose ulcers; Acne Rosacea; Dryness, with peeling of the skin on the upper lip. .* Lachesis.-Rash of very fine points over the body, with slight fever, sweat, and palpitation; Dry itch; Erysipelas, especially of the face; Jaundice; Skin yellow, lead-colour, or bluish-red; Copper-coloured spots on the skin; Black Gangrene of wicerated parts; Ready bleeding of wounds or ulcers; Superficial ulcers, foul at the base; Cancerous ulceration; Bleeding Cancer; Scarlet eruption on the body; Cracks in the skin; Rhagades and excoria- tion between the toes; Red spots on the glans-penis; Panaris ; Warts; Hard lumps and tuberosities; Aneurisms. - Ledum Pal-OEdematous swelling of the skin; Hot, tense, 3 A 2 715 - SKIN.] - SKIN. hard swellings, with lancinating pains; Boils; Small, red, insen- sible spots on the arms, legs, and abdomen; Dry, itching herpes; Painful, arthritic nodosities; Tubercle on the forehead; Swelling of the ball of the great toe, which is very tender to pressure; In- flammation of the thigh and leg, with intense pain when warm in bed. Stings of insects (external application). Lycopodium.—The skin of the whole body is hot and dry; Tendency of the skin to crack; Itching of the skin, especially when heated; Pimples that itch and become painful; Smarting and burning sensation in different parts of the body, especially the back and arms; Painful eruption on the neck and chest; Large, bright- red spots on the pit of the stomach; Hepatic spots; Freckles; Yellowish-brown herpes; Herpetic eruption on the tibia; Sup- purating herpes, full of deep cracks, that become covered with a thick crust; Large boil on the fore-arm—followed by another, in a few days, on the left gluteal region; Large boil on left scapula; Boils that recur periodically; Ulcers from much Mercury; Carious ulcers of the bones; Arthritic nodes; Glandular swellings; Drop- sical swellings; Varices of the pregnant; Chilblains; Warts; Ex- coriation of the skin in children. Mercurius.-Yellow colour of the skin, as in Jaundice; Itching of the skin, with great desire to scratch the part; Itching, that is worse when warm in bed; Small itching pimples, that ulcerate, dry up, and desquamate; Peeling of the skin of the whole body, or of the hands and feet; Pustules that become confluent, discharge an acrid humour, and dry up ; Transparent vesicles, that contain a watery fluid; Dry rash, that easily bleeds; Eruptions resembling itch, that affect the bend of the joints, and sometimes other parts; Herpes that have a burning sensation when touched; Herpes, with a scaly border; Swollen spots, on which a flat, grey scurf forms; Variola during the suppurative stage; Erysipelatous inflammations; Primary syphilitic ulcers; Spreading, spongy, bluish, readily- bleeding ulcers, or those that are rough, jagged, uneven, as if the part had been eaten away; Ulcers that are extremely painful to the slightest touch ; Carious ulcers, and syphilitic ulcers of almost all kinds; Buboes; Suppurations; Nodes; Syphilitic exanthemata; Phymosis and paraphymosis; Rhagades of the hands; Glossitis; Ranula; Ulcers of the throat and fauces; Swelling and suppura- 716 SKIN. [SKIN. tion of glands; Tumours on the scalp of infants; Porrigo ; Panaris; Exfoliation; Ulceration around, and falling-off of, the nails. Muriatic Acid.—Stinging, itching in various parts of the body; Several painful ulcers that prevent sitting or lying; Putrid ulcers on the legs, that induce a dropsical and cachectic condition; Burn- ing around the ulcer; Ulcers that emit a foetid odour; Ulcers that pulsate, burn, and end in scales; Ulceration of the nostrils; Deep ulcer on the tongue; Boils, with stinging pain. Natrum Carb.-Skin of the whole body dry, rough, and chapped; Profuse sweat after little labour; Itching pimples and blotches on the head, chest, and abdomen ; Red vesicles filled with fluid—sore to the touch—chiefly at the bend of the arm, and between the thighs; Vesicles at the tips of the fingers and toes; Herpes that emit a purulent fluid, and spread in size; Yellow rings; Rose-coloured, leprous spots; Herpes circinnatus; Pimples and blotches on the face; Chapped lips; Vesicles on the chin; Painful warts, that bleed, and increase in size. Natrum Mur.—Red spots, the size of a pin's head, over the body; Miliary eruption on the neck, throat, abdomen, and thighs; Several boils on the body; Nettle-rash; Corns; Warts; Varices. Nitric Acid.—Yellow colour of the skin ; Dry skin; Acid or foetid sweat; Itching over the whole body—the parts bleed when scratched; Ulcers that bleed readily when touched; Flat, yellow- looking ulcers; Painless ulcers, with grey, inverted edges; Mer- curial and syphilitic ulcers; Copper-coloured, or reddish-brown spots on the skin; Black pores; Large tubercles and spots on the hands; Frequent large boils; Erysipelas of the face; Ulcers of the mouth and fauces; Vesicles on the tongue; Ulcers on the cornea; Red spots on the glans-penis; Flesh-coloured excrescences on the corona glandis; Sycotic condylomata; Ulcers like chancre; Deep ulcer on the glans, with elevated, sensitive edges; Ulcers in the vagina; Psoriasis; Rhagades on the hands; White spots on the finger-nails; Warts; Chilblains; Tenderness of the toes; Pain- ful corns; Old scars, that are affected by change of weather. Nux Womica.--Skin sensitive, sore, Smarting; Burning, itch- - - 717 SKIN.] SKIN, ing, or stinging over the whole body; Blue spots; Ecchymosis; Jaundiced colour of the skin; Chlorosis; Ulcers with pale, raised edges; Boils; Chilblains, with burning, itching, and cracks; Corms on the feet. Oleander.—Gnawing, itching over the skin, especially when undressing at night; Scurfy pimples; Itch-like eruptions; the skin easily excoriates and becomes raw, even from the friction of the clothes; Eruptions on the scalp, with burning, itching, or gnawing; Scurfy or scaly condition of the scalp; Humid spots behind the ears. Petroleum.—Skin painfully sensitive, even to the clothes; Itching, stinging nettle-rash; Humid, sore spots; Unhealthy skin; Small wounds ulcerate and spread; Stitching pain in ulcers; Stinging, with proud flesh; Brown or yellow spots on the skin; Rhagades on the hands, especially in winter; Herpes on the scro- tum; Blisters on the toes, that speedily become ulcers, with raised edges, and a moist, flat base—not always painful; Chilblains; Warts; Corns. Phosphorus.— Round, herpetic spots; Blotches, yellow or brown; Painful, hard blisters in various parts; Blisters full of fluid, that burst; Very trifling wounds bleed freely; Small boils on the nape of the neck; Large boils on the chest and thighs; Ex- coriation of the skin; Vesicles between the fingers; Affections of the glands after contusion; Lymphatic abscesses, full of fistulous ulcers; Caries of the bones, with hectic symptoms; Evil results of suppressed Scarlet Fever, or Measles; Burning pain in wounds. Phosphorus may prove useful in some forms of Leprosy. Phosphoric Acid.—Formication all over the body; Red spots on the limbs; Large red spots or patches on the shoulders and abdomen; Scarlet exanthemata; Fine red rash, in clusters; Red rash all over the body; Burning erysipelas; Herpes that are dry or moist; Excoriation in the bends of the joints, and between the toes; Flat ulcers, with an indented base, and secreting a dirty- looking pus; Inveterate ulcers; Blisters on the balls of the toes; Burning or smarting in wounds and ulcers; Burning in corns; Chilblains; Condyloma. - 718 - - - SKIN. - [SKIN. Platina-Gnawing, itching, pricking, or burning in the anus and scrotum ; Ulcers on the fingers and toes (syphilitic?) Plumb. Acet.—Bluish or lead-colour of the skin of the whole body; Yellowish colour of the skin and albuginea of the eye; Dark-brown spots; Red pimples on the chest; Suppuration is arrested ; Red, swollen spots on the fingers; a burn becomes much inflamed. Plumb. seems to induce gangrene. Podophyllum.—Yellow, sallow skin; Jaundice; Skin warm, moist—feels soft, with debility. Pulsatilla.-Eruption resembling Measles; Red spots like nettle-rash, with a biting sensation; Spots like flea-bites; Ery- sipelas, with swelling and hardness of the skin; Cracking of the skin; Eruptions from indigestion, or eating too much fat; Boils; Flat, putrid ulcers; Suppurating wounds; Varicose veins and ulcers; Swelling of the limbs, with stinging pain; Dropsical swell- ings; Chilblains, with heat; Burning and throbbing; Urticaria; Varicella. - Ranunculus B.- Tettery eruption over the whole body; Blisters or vesicles, that burst, and form a horny scurf; Herpes on the fingers; Ulcers on the fingers; Horny excrescences - Rhododendron.—Itching, gnawing, especially when going to sleep; Prickings here and there; Redness, and painful swelling of the joints, especially when affected by gout; White swelling of the knee; Puffiness of the hands; OEdema of the legs and feet; Swelling of the testes; Hydrocele. - - Rhus Rad.—Eruptions, with itching; Vesicles; Erysipelas; Inflammation and swelling of the lymphatic glands. Rhus Tox-Erysipelas; Small, burning vesicles on the skin, with redness; Burning, itching eruptions about the eyes and lids—also on the scrotum and prepuce; Yellow vesicles, that run into each other; Confluent vesicles, that contain a milky or watery fluid; Blackish pustules (with inflammation), that spread rapidly; Herpetic eruptions; Red, shining swellings, with a feeling of sore- 719 SKIN.] - SKIN. ness, and that are tender to touch ; Red spots the size of lentils, with vesicles in the centre; Syphilitic eruptions; Glandular swell- ings—especially those in the parotid region; Soft tumours on the scalp; Moist Impetigo; Tinea; Pemphigus; Zona; Acne Rosacea; Rhagades; Warts; Hangnails; Panaris; the various forms of Erysipelas. Sanguinaria-Itching nettle-rash ; Old, indolent ulcers, with hard edges and ichorous discharge ; Jaundice; Nasal Polypi (also external application). Sarsaparilla. — Red pimples; Blotches as from nettles; Herpes; Shrivelled skin; Mercurial ulcers; Hot swellings. Secale.—Skin dry, brittle, insensible—lead-colour; Peeling-off of the skin; Formication in the fingers and toes—also in the neck; Sensation of creeping under the skin; Petechia; Boils; Carbuncle; Gangrene—especially of the lower limbs; Black, suppurating wounds; Tumours on the neck; Blood-blisters, that terminate in gangrene. Sepia-Swelling of the body, face, and limbs; Swelling of the glands and lymphatic vessels; Soreness of the skin, which is tender to touch ; Itching of the skin of the face, arms, back, abdomen, and genitals; Dry itch; Red blotches; Claret-coloured spots; Brown spots; Scurfy, humid herpes; Ringworm ; Pem- phigus; Boils; Painless ulcers; Excoriation in the bends of the joints—also in children; Distortion of the nails, Silica.--Skin very sensitive to touch, with constant liability to take cold; Itching, biting in parts, or over the whole body; Eruption like varicella; Rose-coloured blotches in the leprous; Aching pain in an ulcer on the leg; Stinging, burning in ulcers; Inflammation and induration of the thyroid gland; Erysipelatous inflammation; Ulcers—scrofulous and fistulous ; Foetid ulcers, with stinging; Mercurial ulcers; Proud flesh in the ulcer; Fu- runcles; Carbuncle on the nape of the neck; Tumours on the back and hip; Cold, hard tumours; Glandular indurations, Silica pro- motes suppuration in the glands and soft tissues. Ulcer on the tongue; Exfoliation of the bones (3rd trituration); Caries of the 720 - - * SKIN. - [SKIN. bones; Tumours on the scalp; Mammary abscess; Sore, cracked nipples; Foetid sweat of the feet; Ganglions; Warts; Whitlow. Staphysagria.-Dry, crusty eruptions; Herpes; Frequent boils; Mercurial ulcers; Itching scabs on the hairy scalp; Pains and caries of the bones; Induration and swelling of the glands; Scorbutic ulcers. Sulphur.—Formication; Creeping; Prickling or stinging in the skin; Eruption, with burning itching; Fiery-red eruption; Small vesicles, with red areola; Erysipelatous inflammation, with stinging and throbbing; Nettle-rash, with Fever; Yellow and brown spots; Hepatic spots on the chest and back; Eruption, with thick, yellow scurf; Small-pox during the suppurative stage; Suppurating abscess; Boils; Swelling and suppuration of glands; Itch; Dry, scald head ; Herpes—crustaceous and circinnatus; Chronic ulcers of the legs and feet—also ulcers surrounded with pimples; Proud flesh in ulcers; Fistula; Ulcers with raised, swollen edges; Ulcers that discharge a foetid pus; Jaundice; Chlorosis; Chilblains; Painful corns, with aching and stinging; Banaris; Excoriation of the skin in infants. Sulph. Acid.-Red, itching spots, that gradually increase, and sometimes become blue—or accompanied with a discharge of black blood from the nose, mouth, and anus, with rapid prostration of strength ; Jaundice; Bed-sores; Gangrenous suppurations; Con- tusions. Tartar Emet.—Skin cold, clammy, insensible; Vesicles, like Chicken-pox, that gradually increase in size, and fill with pus— afterwards a red areola surrounds the pustule, when they strongly resemble variola, form a crust, which falls off in a few days, and leaves a red spot, which, ultimately, is whiter than the surrounding skin; Small, red pustules, that increase in size and number on the third day, and are soon surrounded by a brown edge—suppurate, and form crusts about the sixth day; after these pustules a rash . appears, with fever, difficult breathing, headache, and profuse, f sweats; Pustulous eruption on the genital organs. - / Thuja-Pimples about the thighs, elbows, and fore-arms, 721 ; f FEWERS.] FEVERS. with red areola and pustules at the tip, strongly resembling variola; Wart-shaped excrescences about the anus, uterus, and genital parts; Conical figwarts; Moist figwarts at the anus (exter- nal application); Mulberry condyloma, with rhagades; Cauli- flower excrescences on the glans and prepuce; Brown spots on the skin; Ulcers after much Mercury. Weratrum.-Blue colour of the skin during an attack of Cholera; Eruptions that resemble itch, and scale off; Pimples, that appear in clusters here and there; Sensation in the arms and feet, as if an eruption would break out. Zincum.-Itching rash in the bend of the knees and elbows; Herpetic ulcers; Boils on the back; Obstinate chronic eruption; Scaly eruption, like the scales of fishes; Herpes about the tonsils— white, grey, flat spots, resembling venereal ulcers, with a smooth surface—also with Nitric Acid. FEWERS. Aconite.—Shivering over the limbs—chiefly in the evening, after lying down; Pains in the limbs; Redness of the cheeks; During the hot stage, cannot bear to be uncovered; Burning heat, especially in the head and face; Congestion of blood to the head; Dry, burning skin, with excessive thirst; Pulse hard, strong, accelerated; Tongue white; Fever of inflammation, especially. Arnica.-Fever, with dry heat in the body—the skin feels warm—yet there is a general feeling of coldness; Pains in the bones and periosteum; Headache; Yellow face; Bitter taste; Aversion to meat; Back and hips feel bruised; During the hot stage, no great thirst; Pulsations in the body; Coughs until he vomits; Thirst during the chilly stage, or even before it sets in. Useful for Typhoid, Tertian, and Quartan fevers. Arsenicum.—General coldness; Skin dry, like parchment, or - - - 72 2 - . -- - * - w E"EVERS. [FEWERS. goose-flesh; Cold, as if cold water were poured over him; Chilliness after drinking, or walking in the open air; Violent shaking chills every afternoon, at 3 P.M.; Chilliness and coldness at night, in bed; no thirst during the chilly stage; During the hot stage, sometimes the thirst is excessive, and often a craving for beer; Great languor; Weakness; Trembling of the limbs; Yellow, livid face; Tongue white, or dry, or red; the sweat sets in generally at night—sometimes occurring only on the hands, and, alternately, very profuse; Frequently the thirst continues during the sweating stage—sometimes there is ebullition of blood; Sensa- tion as if hot water were passing through the veins; Pulse small, frequent, wiry, or irritable—sometimes 120 to 140; Sweat stains the linen yellow. Useful in Intermittent, Gastric, Bilious, Mucous, Typhoid, or Typhus; Putrid fever; Puerperal fever; Hectic. Belladonna.-Coldness of the feet, with congestion of blood to the head; Chilliness of the back and arms; Fever, commencing with rigors, in the evening, or at night—little or no thirst ; Alter- nation of heat, with the chills—then very violent, burning heat— internal—also external, during the hot stage; Heat of head and face, which may be puffed or bloated; Thirst; Headache; Burning in the stomach; Dimness of sight; Pupil dilated; Delirium; Sweat generally begins on the face; Sleeplessness; Pulse quick and strong—or rather slow and full. Chiefly Inflammatory and Brain fevers; some forms of Typhus, with Delirium; Loss of conscious- ness; also Puerperal and Milk fevers. Bryonia.-Chilliness and coldness of the body, even when in bed; Frequent rigors—the chilly stage lasts some time, and is fre- quently preceded by vertigo and headache, or a sense of confusion in the head—sometimes the head feels hot, and the face becomes red, with chattering of the teeth, or cough, with pain in the side— coming on more frequently in the morning or afternoon; During the hot stage, the headache is increased—the brain feels as if it would press through at the forehead; the limbs and abdomen feel as if plunged into hot water; Sweat, sometimes so profuse as to cause anxiety and prevent sleep—also with sighing, and pressure on the chest; the sweating stage occurs at night, or in the morn- ing—sometimes acid; Tongue yellow. Very valuable in Enteric or Typhoid, Bilious, Rheumatic, Milk, and Puerperal fevers. 723 FEWERS.j. FEVERS. Chamomilla.-Chills that seemed confined to parts; Flying chills in the evening—one part feels cold, and another hot; Shivering, with internal heat; Great heat at night, when in bed, with anxiety; Thirst, with redness of the cheeks; Profuse perspi- ration on the head and forehead; Burning heat, with redness of one cheek, the other being cold; Fever heat, with delirium and tossing ; Eyes open; Sensation of great external heat; Night-Sweat, without sleep; Morning sweat, with Smarting on the skin; Acid sweat ; Fever, with Diarrhoea; Painful urination; Colic in the abdomen. Useful in infantile fevers; Fever of dentition ; Fever with delirium; Catarrhal, Rheumatic, Gastric, and Bilious fevers; Puerperal fever; and debility after parturition. China.-Coldness of the whole body, with rigors; Hands and feet cold, even in a warm room; Chilliness as if a cold air were blowing over the skin; Chilliness in the open air; Trembling and shivering ; Chattering of the teeth; Sensation as if cold water were running over the thighs; Icy coldness of the hands; Internal coldness, with weakness of the legs; Chilliness in the back; In- crease of heat, without thirst ; Rush of blood to the head; Heat in the head, with swelling of the veins; Heat coming on in the evening, without previous chillimess, with thirst, and followed by sweat; Fevers, commencing in the afternoon or evening—followed by heat—then sweat at night; Fever, with loss of appetite; Bitter taste; Colic pains in the liver and spleen; Yellow colour of the skin; Pains in the back, chest, and limbs—sometimes palpitation; the thirst seems worse during the sweating stage; Profuse sweat during sleep at night; Exhausting night-sweats; Greasy sweat; Pulse quick and hard—sometimes irregular. Specific in Marsh Agwe. Useful in Acute fevers, with profuse sweats; Hectic, Bilious, Typhoid, Quotidian, or Tertian fevers. Conium.—Chilliness in the morning, with headache and nausea; Tremor of all the limbs; Cold hands and face; Feeling of heat in the body; Heat, with profuse sweat and thirst; Loss of appetite; Vomiting and diarrhoea; Slow fever, with sweat all over; Night-sweat; Foetid sweat; Pulse slow, full, or unequal; Collapse of the pulse; Catarrhal fever, with cough and sore throat. Digitalis.-Internal coldness of the whole body; Very sensi- 724 FEVERS. [FEVERS. tive to cold; Shivering—followed by heat and profuse sweat; Pulse extremely slow, or small, irregular; Gastric fever; Bilious fever. Dulcamara.-Coldness; Shaking; Chilliness, with nausea; Un- easiness in the limbs; Burning heat, and dryness of the skin; Violent fever, with intense heat and thirst ; Fever, especially after taking cold; Profuse sweat at night; Foetid sweat; Profuse urine; Intermittent fevers—worse towards evening; Pulse hard, wiry. Ignatia.-Chilliness, especially over the back and arms—some- times with nausea and vomiting; Desire for cold water; Constant shivering; Chattering of the teeth; Chill—followed by heat, and then sweat; Sudden flushes of heat over the body. During the Chilly stage—Sallow look; Nausea; Vomiting of bile, mucus, or food; Pains in the back; Feeling of lameness. Hot stage—Red- ness of the cheeks; no thirst; Stinging of the limbs; Throbbing headache; Wertigo; Delirium; Pain in back; Cold feet, and internal coldness; Sleep—sometimes snoring—followed by sweat. Useful in Catarrhal, Rheumatic, Intermittent, and some forms of Typhoid. Iodium.—Fever, with subsultus and delirium; Dry skin; Soft, quick pulse; Coldness of the skin and feet at night; Profuse sweat at night; Enteric, or Typhus; Hectic fevers; Cholera. Ipecacuanha.-Shuddering, with coldness of the face and limbs; Coldness of the hands and feet, with cold sweat; Great languor; Short, lasting chilliness, followed by violent heat and thirst; Heat, with cold sweat on the forehead; Thirst only during the chilliness; Sudden attack of heat about 4 P.M.; Feeling of burning in the head and cheeks — no thirst ; Intermittent; Gastric complications; Mucous; Puerperal and putrid fevers, Lachesis.-General coldness, with desire to sit near the fire; Chilliness every other day; Chilly, with lowness of spirits; Chat- tering of the teeth; Fear of lock-jaw; Intermittent fever—coming on every morning, or afternoon, or evening; Continued fever, with dry skin, coated tongue, dry mouth, constant thirst, quick pulse, and dim vision; Heat, with shivering, and dread of the slightest current of air; Fever, coming on every morning, with restlessness, 725 FEVERS.] - FEVERs. moaning, deep respiration, and sweat; Burning in the hands and feet at night; Intolerable heat at night, with sweat and thirst ; Small, quick pulse, or full and hard; Typhus on the tenth day, with vertigo; Ptosis; Bitter taste, and loss of appetite; Typhus on the seventeenth to the nineteenth day, with sopor; Tongue dry, parched—in front only—smooth, yellowish, difficult to protrude : Slight sweat; Pulse 70—soft, irregular in volume. Lachesis is valuable in Typhoid, Typhus, Intermittent, Tertian, and Quar- tan fevers, with headache and prostration. Lycopodium,_Spasmodic shaking, with chilliness and throb- bing in the anterior part of the head in the evening; Feeling of in- ternal chilliness early in the morning; Chilliness on the left side of the body—lasting several days; Coldness of the hands and feet— they felt quite dead; Rigors every other evening, at seven o’clock— they caused him to start upright in the bed, without subsequent heat or sweat ; Chilliness every afternoon, from three o’clock until evening; Chilliness every day; Evening fever, with chilliness— followed by heat—after midnight he feels hot—early in the morn- ing a sour-smelling sweat; Alternate heat and chills, with heat and redness of the cheeks; Fever, with nausea and vomiting ; Tertiam fever, with sour vomiting after the chills, and swelling of the hands and face; Hectic fever, with clammy night-sweats; Typhoid fever, with constipation, peevishness, great nervous irritation, dry tongue, red cheeks; Great weakness; Perspiration by day, with fever; Flushes of heat; Burning heat, with shortness of breath; Pale face, and frequent starting during sleep; Sweat, smelling like onions; Acid sweat; Night-sweat—confined to the body, not on the limbs; Sweat only on the chest, after midnight; Morning sweats for seven successive days; Sweat that smells like blood. Useful in Intermittent, Quotidian, and Tertian fevers; Nervous fevers, with exhausting night-sweats. Mercurius.-Constant coldness of the hands and feet, with blueness of the skin; Cold feet when in bed; Chilliness, with shaking over the whole body; Cold thrills; Internal chilliness; Violent rigors in the evening, with subsultus—he could not retain his seat; Trembling of the limbs; Paroxysms of fever, especially at night; Alternate chilliness and heat; Mingling of chilliness with heat—also about the face and head; During the hot state the 726 FEVERS. [FEVERS. thirst is considerable; Desire for iced water or milk—he drank three quarts in one night; he continually wants drink; Sweat, with a burning in the skin; Profuse night-sweats—greasy—stains the linen yellow; Profuse foetid sweats, that saturated the bed- clothes; the fingers looked like those of a washerwoman; Acid sweat; Foetid sweat for many mights; Profuse sweat in the morn- ing; Pulse accelerated—even rapid, quick, violent, hurried—or slow and trembling. Useful in almost all fevers; Inflammatory, Intermittent, Catarrhal, Rheumatic, Mucous, Gastric, Bilious, Hectic, Typhoid, and Typhus fevers. Natrum Mur.—Constant chilliness; Loss of animal heat; Chilliness at night, with thirst; Frequent internal chilliness; Shuddering, with goose-flesh; Chills, with desire to sleep by day; Fever before dinner—he feels excessively weak, and is obliged to lie down—followed by violent chilliness—then moderate heat, and, finally, sweat for some hours; Fever at eight o'clock in the morn- ing—chilly until noon—heat until evening, without sweat or thirst; Violent headache—she became unconscious; Fever, with Agwe ; Pains in the bones, and in the back; Yellow, livid com- plexion; Headache; Great debility; Loss of appetite; Bitter taste; Pressure at the stomach, with tenderness, and ulceration at the corners of the mouth. Before the fever, there may be great languor and headache. During the chills—Shortness of breath; Drowsiness; Yawning, with or without thirst. During the heat— Thirst, and very violent headache; Flushes of heat; Profuse sweat in the day, and during motion; Profuse night-sweats for several nights; Acid sweat every morning. Prescribed for Intermittent, Quotidian, Tertian, and Quartan fevers; Nervous fever, with thirst, dry tongue, great weakness, nausea, and headache. - Nitric Acid.—Coldness, especially of the skin; Fever in the afternoon; Chilliness, then heat; Internal heat, without thirst; Dry heat at night, with violent thirst; Perspiration at night, foetid or acid; Sweat by day, that has either an acid or strong ammo- niacal odour; Night-sweats for twenty nights in succession. Useful in Mercurial fever. - Nux Wom.—Fever, with headache—gastric and bilious sufferings; Considerable yawning, even early in the morning, 727 FEWERS.] FEVERS. immediately after rising—followed by pains in the limbs, chills, and trembling; Chilliness, with dread of the open air; Intense coldness—he could not get warmth even from a large fire; Cold- ness of the lower part of the body, with heat of the face; Coldness of the whole body, with blueness of the fingers and nails; Coldness at night—he cannot get warm in bed—it prevents sleep—towards morning a sweat breaks out; Shuddering and chilliness after drinking. During the chill—Great desire for beer; Nightly chilli- ness, with pains in the limbs; Afternoon or evening fever, with heat—followed by chills; Chilliness, with redness of the cheeks; Pains in back and limbs; Morning fever, with much heat and thirst. During the hot stage—Vertigo, headache, red face; Vomiting of mucus, water, bile, or food, with pains in the chest and stomach ; Constipation and red urine—the chills return imme- diately on being uncovered; the sweats are sometimes cold or hot, profuse, or very foetid; Sweat after midnight, or about 3 o'clock, A.M.; Morning sweat, with a musty odour—sometimes with incli- nation to vomit, or with colic. After the morning sweat—Desire for beer; Pulse full, or hard and frequent—or small and quick. Intermittent, Quotidian, Tertian, Quartan fevers, with constipa- tion; Gastric, Bilious, Typhoid, and Nervous fevers. Opium.—Intermittent fever, with sopor; Snoring; Convulsive movements of the limbs; Suppression of wrime and faeces; Warm perspiration ; Chilliness in the back, with small pulse— scarcely perceptible; Fever, with chilliness; Flushes of heat in the face, and white tongue—followed by sweat; Fever, with trembling; Chilliness and thirst; Fever, with delirium (after a short sleep)—it lasted twelve hours—left him very weak, with fits of nausea; Fever, with strong, quick pulse; Congestion of blood to the brain ; Dark-red face; Impeded respiration; Great distention of the blood-vessels; Sweat in large drops; Sweat over the whole body early in the morning, with disposition to uncover; Profuse sweat for twelve hours; Fever, with coma or delirium; Typhus cere- bralis. Phosphorus.-Coldness of the limbs; Icy coldness of the hands and feet; Shivering at seven in the evening; Chilliness in the evening; Violent chills at night, with diarrhoea, heat, and pro- fuse sweat; Great heat after midnight, with short breathing—no 728 4. - FEWERS. [FEVERS. thirst; Slight sweat; Frequent attacks of heat, without thirst or sweat; Fever, with thickly-coated tongue; Small, hard, quick pulse; Hectic fever, with dry heat at night, especially in the palms of the hands—and circumscribed redness of the cheeks; Pulse quick and faint—or quick and full; Night-sweats for six nights; Exhausting night-sweats, with turbid urine; Morning sweats, with great debility, and feelings of anxiety—sometimes with Diarrhoea; Typhºws abdominalis, with violent Diarrhoea; Putrid Typhus? Fever of the consumptive; Enteric fever. Pulsatilla.-Coldness, paleness, with sweat over the body—the hands and feet cold as death; Frequent shuddering—the hair stands on end; Shuddering up the back; Creeping chilliness; Fits of chilliness, with trembling—followed by trifling heat, but no sweat; Chilliness, with flushes of warmth, without thirst; Heat in the evening, after lying down—between two and five o'clock in the morning; Heat, with sweat and thirst, which increased the more he drank; Burning heat at night, with thirst ; Sleeplessness; Pains in the abdomen; Chilliness—followed by heat in the head and hands; Intermittent fever, without thirst during the chills— followed by heat, with thirst—accompanied or succeeded by sweat; Fever, that commences or increases in the evening, or at night, and remits towards morning. Cold stage—Pale face; Vertigo; Stupe- faction; Heaviness, and pains in the head; Anxiety, and oppression at the chest—or with vomiting. Hot stage—Anguish; Headache; Face red, bloated; Sweat of the face; Chills return, if uncovered; Moaning; Restlessness; Hurried, anxious breathing; Inclination to vomit, and Diarrhoea. During the Apyrexia, there is often bitter taste; Headache; Pain in the chest; Moist cough; Somnolence; Diarrhoea or constipation; Dry heat of the body at night, with dis- tended veins and burning hands, and desire to lay them on a cold place—or one hand feels hot, the other cold; on one side of the body, the hand and foot are cold and red—while, on the other side, they are really hot; Sensation as if a very hot air blew upon him; he cannot bear external warmth, in consequence of the distention of the veins; Heat in the morning, when in bed, with a feeling that a sweat would break out; Sweat only on one side of the body; Morning sweat, that soon passes off. Pulsatilla is valuable in Intermittent, Continued, Catarrhal, Mucous, Bilious, Gastric, Typhoid, and Hectic fevers; Fever with Exanthemata. 3 B 729 FEWERS.] FEVERs. Rhus Tox,−Coldness—the cold air affects the skin of the body painfully; Icy cold feet, when warm in the other parts, while in bed; Evening fever; Chills about eight o'clock, with dry heat, thirst ; Diarrhoeic pains in the abdomen—followed by sleep; Diarrhoea again in the morning; Fever, with drowsiness, yawning, and weary feeling; Sensation as if warm water were being poured over him—or as though his blood were running very hot through the vessels, and especially violent through the head, with beating headache; Chilliness about seven o’clock in the evening, with a sensation as if cold water were being poured over him ; after lying down, and covering himself, he immediately became hot, and was obliged to stretch himself—afterwards sweat; Fever, with giddiness and sweat that prevented sleep; Fever, with Jaundice, or pains in the limbs; Gastric derangement, or loguacious delirium; Fever, with bright-red, or dry, brown, or black tongue; Sweat during the pains; Thirst for water or beer; Sweat, with an itching rash ; Profuse sweat about the neck at night; Fever of Erysipelas, or Urticaria; Typhus fevers; Abdominal Typhus in every stage; Petechiae. Sambucus.-Intermittent fever, with excessive night-sweat; Obstinate intermittents, with exhaustive sweats during the Apyrexia; Chills over the whole body, with stinging, crawling here and there; Coldness below the knees downwards; the hands and feet are very cold to the touch; Burning in the face; Warmth in the body; Icy coldness of the feet—no thirst; Dry heat, with a dread of uncovering—he feared an attack of Colic; Profuse sweat after midnight, without thirst; Tendency to be frightened from sleep; Delirium. Sulphur.—Internal coldness; Heat when falling asleep; Cold- ness, particularly of the nose, hand, and foot; Shaking chills in the evening, with paleness of the face; Fever in the morning, with internal chilliness; Dry heat in the morning, when in bed; Copious morning sweat; Fever, with delirium; Asthma; Burning pain in the stomach ; Vomiting; Convulsions; Worm fever. Tartar Emet.—Anxiety; Restlessness; Moaning; Uneasiness, especially about the abdomen; Cold creeping through the veins; Tremor; Coldness of the body—cold as marble, after the clonic 730 FEVERS. [FEVERS. spasms, with collapse of the pulse; Chilliness, with flushes of heat; Loss of appetite, and Colic ; Restlessness, with heat, thirst, head- ache—followed by sweat; Heat of the body increased by the least movement; Heat, sweat, and irresistible desire for sleep; In- creased secretion of urine; Frequent sweating—profuse at night— or cold, clammy sweat; Throbbing in the blood-vessels; Visible throbbing, quick and audible; Pulse full, quick, or irritated—88; or slow, even to 50; Collapse of the pulse; Gastric or Enteric fever. - Weratrum.—Coldness of the whole body; Fever for several days—sometimes in the evening—sometimes in the morning; and so continues for a long time; the whole body feels cold to him and others—with cold, clammy sweats, commencing on the fore- head; Internal, cold thrill, from the head to the feet and toes, with thirst ; Constant chills over the back and arms; Alternation of chills and heat, with vertigo, anxiety, and disposition to vomit; Alternation of paleness, with heat and redness of the face—much thirst; Great desire for cold drink; Fever, with external coldness; |Fever, with internal heat and dark urine; During the heat there is generally slumber or delirium, with red face; Cold sweat all over the body; Long-lasting night-sweat; Profuse sweat, with thirst and good appetite; Pulse almost imperceptible ; Collapse; Weak pulse; Quotidian and Tertian fevers; Morning intermittent; Abdominal Typhus. Zincum.—Frequent shivering, during the evening, over the back; Constant chilliness, with internal heat; Shivering from the afternoon until evening; Several attacks of fever during the day, with chilliness; then flushes of heat over the whole body; Trembling of the limbs; Faintness; Violent throbbing of the vessels; Mouth dry and hot; Thirst profuse; Sweat at night— sometimes acid; Perspiration, even during the day. 3 B 2 731 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. # g CLINICAL DICTION ARY, Abdomen, in general.—ACON., Ars., BELL., CARBO V., Chin., COLOCY., Kali c., Lycop., Nua, OPI., PLUMB. A.C., Pwls., Rhus, Sep., Sulp., WERAT. Abortion.—BELL., Cann., Cham, Cro., Ratan, SABI., SECA., Sep. Abrasion of PARTS.—Arnica, Graph., Lyc., Sep. Abscess.-Ars., ASAF., Bell, Calc., HEPAR, MERC., Sulp. BREAST-Hep., Merc., Phos., Sil. LIVER—Acom., CHIN., Lach., MERC. LUMBAR–CALC., Hep., Phosp., SIL., Sulp. PSOAS.–China, LACH., Merc., SIL. ARS.—Abscess, with burning pain; Lancinations; Tendency to become cold; Thin, bloody, unhealthy pus; Blue, black, foetid gangrene, accompanied with great prostration. BELL-Aching; Throbbing; Red-hot swelling; Erysipela- tous, fiery-Scarlet, fleecy-looking pus; Abscess of liver; Tends to disperse swelling—prevent suppuration (also Acom.) BRYON.—Surrounding parts alternating pale and red; Hot, tense, shining; Stinging pain, especially affecting the muscles. CALC.—Hard; Swollen; Red; Suppuration slow; Steatoma; Abscess and ulcers, threatening to become fistulous—or lumbar abscess. CHAM.—Burning, Smarting, especially at night; Creeping sensation; Exquisitely tender to the touch ; Erysipela- tous; Nervous system very sensitive. - CHIN.—Boring, beating; Ichor, with putrid smell; Moist gangrene; Hard, red swelling. HEPAR–Slight injury tends to suppuration; Burning, throb- bing, with inflammation; Soreness; Tendency to bleed and chap ; Pus of an acid nature and smell. LED.—Large boils; Tensive, hard swellings; Hot ; Lace- rating. MERC.—Especially of a syphilitic character, or glandular; Slow to suppurate; Red, shining—not very hot. 735 AB, AM.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Abscess— . MEZ.—From the effects of Mercury. PULS.—Itching; Stitching; the surrounding redness becomes hard, shining—pains incisive—bleed readily. Suitable for Varicose abscess. RHUS—Heat, swelling, inflammation, especially in the parotid region—also axillary; Erysipelatous ; Burning, itching, or surrounded by small vesicles; Red, shining, stinging—very. SOI’e. SECALE-Tendency to blackness; Dry gangrene; Malignant carbuncle, especially on the neck; Suppuration—pus yellow; Burning; the surrounding skin shrivels up, and peels off. SILICA—Aching, sticking, burning; Inflamed parts quick in suppuration; Abscess of bone; Nodes—fistulous kind; Parotitis; Steatoma; Lymphatic glands; Panaris; Suppu- rations of all kinds; Mammary abscess (also Phosp.) SULP.-Abscess disposed to become chronic—slow to inflame - in scrofulous habits—also in the lungs and mammae. Acidity.—Carb. v., Cham, Nua, Puls., Sulp., Sulp. ac. Acids.-Sufferings from—Acon., Ars., Carb. v. Acne of females.—Bor., Graph. - ROSACEA-Ant., Calc., Kreas., Phosp., Phosp. ac., Rhus, º Swlp. Acne, in general.—Alwm., Ars., Carb. v., Cawst., Hep., Led., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Sep. After-Pains.—Arm, CHAM., Coff, Opi., Pod., Pwls., Rhus, - Sab., SECA. Agalactea.—A com., Asaf., Bell., Calc., Pwls., Zinc. Albuminuria.--ARS., Colac., Merc. corr., PHOSP. AC., Zimc. Alcohol.-Evils of Amt. c., Dig., LACH., Nua, Opi., SULP. A.C. Alopecia.-Ars., Bary. c., Graph., Merc., Phosp., Sulp. Amativeness.-Canth., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Phosp., Plat., Stram., Verat. Amaurosis.-Acom., BELL., Calc., Cann., CAUST., CON., Cic., Dig., HYOS., Merc., PHOSP., Puls., Sil., STRAM., SULP., Verat., Zimc. Partial—Bary., Spig., Staphy. Rheumatic—Ars., Dwlc., Spig., Verat. Amblyopia.-BELL., Calc., Cann., CON., Dig, Euph., Hyos., Lyc., PHOSP., Puls., Ruta, Stram, Val, 736 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [AM.—AP. Amenorrhoea.—A com., Ars., Bell., Calc., Cocc., Dig., Ferr., Graph., Iod., Kali c., Lyc., Nat. m., Nua, Puls., Sep., Sulp. Long standing—Com. -- Anaemia.-Ars., Bry., CHIN., Dig., FERR. A.C., Nat. mur., PHOS. AC., Puls., Sep., Staph., Sulp. Anasarca.-APIS., ARS., Bry., Chin.., DIG., HELL., Iod., Led, Merc., Plumb., Squill. After Scarlet Fever—Amſm. m., APIS, ARS., Dig., HELL. Aneurism.—Arm., CARB. V., Cawst., Kali c., Lach, Lyco. By Anastomosis—CARB. V., Sulp. Anger.—(Effects of a fit of)—Acon., CHAM., Cocc., Coloc., HYOS., Nua, Op., Plat., STAPH., Stram. Angina.-Acute—ACON., Apis, Arg. mit., BELL., HEP., KALI. B., LACH., MERC., Nua, Pwls., Samg., Tart. em. Chronic—Alwm., CARB. V., Chin.., NIT. A.C., Sep., SULP. Diphtheritic—Hep., Nua. Gangrenous—ARS., Kreas., LACH. Mercurial—Bell., Chin.., Dulc., Hep., Lach, Nit. ac., Staph., Sulp. Angina Pectoris.—ACON., Ars., Awr., Cact., DIG., Hep, Ipec., LACH., Lawr., Samb., Stram, Verat. Ankles.—Burning pain—ARS., CAUST., Com., Phosp., Puls., Ruta. Paralytic—Cawst., Chin.., Ign., Natr. mur., Nua, Plumb. ac., - Staph., Valer. Swelling—Ars., Bry., Calc., Dig., Merc., Pwls., Rhw8, Sulp., Thuj. Weakness—Ars., Carb. v., Chin.., Nat. c., Phosp., Rhw8, Zinc. Anus.--Carb. v., Cawst., Graph., Nua, Phosp., Sep., Sulp., Thuj. Burning—ARS., Carb. v., CAUST., Graph., Nit. ac., Sep., Sulp. Congestion—Acom., Aloes, Lach, Nua, Sulp. Constriction—Natr. m., Nwa v., Thuja. Itching—Acom., Carb. v., Cawst., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac, Sep., Sulp., Thuja. - Anxiety.—A con., Ars., AUR., Calc., IGN., Lyco, Nua, PULS., Sulp. …” Aphonia.-BELL., Brom., CAPS., Carb. v., Caust., DROS., Dulc., Hep., Iod., Merc., Nua, Phosp., Puls., SPON. 737 AP,-AS.T CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Aphthae.—ARS., BOR., Cic., MERC., Nit. ac., Nua, Sarsa, Staph., Sulph, Tart. em. Apnoea.—Bry, Calc., Cup., Lauro., Phosp. Apoplexy.-ACON., ARN., Awr., Bell., Cact, Chim, Cocc., Hydrocy. ac., Ipec., LACH., Nua, OPI., Rhw8, Tab. Of old persons—Phosp. Appetite.—Lost—Ant., Ars., Bry, Calc., CHIN., Cocc., Cycl., Hep., Iod., Lobel, Lyc., MERC., Nat. m., NUX, PULS., Rhus, Sep., Sil, SULP. - * ACON.—Aversion to all food; Taste of fish or rotten eggs. CHINA—Aversion to all food—pain after very little; Desire for acids. - COCC.—Excessive repugnance—even the smell of food. LYCOP.—Appetite lost after the first mouthful; Dislike for warm or boiled food. NUX—Aversion, yet a feeling of hunger; Food smells foetid; Likes milk. RHUS—Appetite quite lost; Dislikes bread, meat, or broth, coffee, and wine. SULP.-Aversion to meat, especially fat—cannot digest it ; Desire for acids; Sweets induce colic. Appetite.—Voracious—Calc., Cima, Hep., Iod, Kali, Lach., Lyc., Nºwa, Oleand., Petro., Sil., Verat, - Very soon satisfied—Podoph. Constant hunger—Staphy. Arcus Senilis.-Ars. Arms.-Rheumatic pains in—Acom., Ars., BRY., CALC. PHOSP., Dulc., Fer., Mer., Mez, Nua, Phosp., Pwls., Rhod., Rhºws, Samg., Swlp., Thuj., Verat. Paralysis—Arm., Calc., Chel, COCC., Dulc., Lyco., Nua, Op., Rhºws, Sil., Verat, Arthritis.-ACON., Amt. c., Bell., BRY., Chin., Colch., Dulc., Ferr., Nua, Puls., Rhus, Sabi., Staph., Sulp., Thuj., Zimc. Chronic—Arnica, Swlp. Concretions—Ant. c. Flying pains—Puls. From Gonorrhoea—Clem, Copaivae. GREAT TOE—LED., Sulp. KNEE–BRY., Lyc., RHUS, Sang. - Ascarides.—Ars., Calc., Chim, Cina, Dig, Ferr., Ign, Ipec, Merc, Spig, Sulp, 738 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [AS.—BL. Ascites.—A com., APIS, ARS., Bry., Chim., DIG., HELL., Merc., Sep., Sulp. Asphyxia.-Camphor, by olfaction. Drowning—Lach. Frozen—Ars. Hanging—Camph., Opi. If from a blow or fall—Arm., or China. Lightning—Acom. Of infants—China. Asthma.-Acon., Ars., Bry, Colc., Cupr., Hep, Ipec., Lob., Nua, Opi., Pwls., Phosp., Samb., Samg., Spong., Sulp. Atrophy of children.—Ars., Calc., Iod., Phosp., Sulp. From worms—Cima. From syphilitic taint—Merc., Merc. iod. Of the testes—Iod., Kali bi., Pwls., Spong. With enlarged glands—Baryta, c., Kali iod. Back-Rheumatism—BRY., Carb. v., CHIN., Graph, Kreas., MEZ., PULS., RHUS, Sulph. Pain, as of dislocation—ARN., Calc., Nua, Phosp., Pwls. Balanitis-Weak Calendula lotion; Aconite at bed-time (Yeldham), CANN., Merc., NIT. AC., Sulp., THUJA. Balanorrhoea.—ACON., Cimm., Merc., Nit. ac., NUX, Sep., Sulp., THUJA. Bathing.—Evils arising from—CALC., DULC., Phosp., Rhus. Bed-sores.—ARN., SULP. A.C. Apply weak Arnica lotion; if necessary, Carrot and Potato poultice. Beer.—Sufferings from—Ferr., Rhus, Stram. Dislike for—Cocc., Nua. Bites of Insects.-Weak solution of Arnica, LEDUM. Blackness of the skin.-ARG. NIT., CHIN., Cup., Merc., Op., Sec., WERAT. Black Womit.—(Melaena)—Acom., ARS., Chim., Ipec, Nua, Petr., SEC., VERAT. - Bladder.—Burning at neck—ACON., Anti. e., APIS, Berb., CANTH., CAUST., Cham, Colch., Hyos., Lycop., Puls., Rwta, Tereb. Calculus of Ant., Calc., Cann., Canth., Dulc., LYC., Petro., Phosp., Sarsa., SIL., Zimc. Catarrh of ANT. C., Cann., Cawst., Com., Copab., DULC., FERR. A.C., Merc., Nua, PULS., Sulp. - Paralysis of Acom., Ars., Cic., DULC., Hyos., Lach, Lawr., NUX, Phosp. 739 BL.—BR.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Bladder— Thickening of-DULC., Merc., Puls. Ulceration of neck—CAUST, CLEM., Merc., MUR. A.C. Blindness.-(By day)—Acon., CANN., CON., Phosp., Sil., Sulp. (By night)—BELL., HYOS., Merc., Nit. ac. (Momentary)—AUR., BELL., Calc., CON., Hep., Hyos., Merc., NAT. M., Phosp., Puls., STRAM., Sulp. Blotches.—Amm. c., ANT. C., Cocc., GRAPH., Merc., Phosp., SEP., Sulp. Boils.-(Large)—ANT. C., Bell., Calc., Hep., HYOS., Lyc., Silic. (Small)—ARN., Lach., Merc., NIT. AC., SULP., Zinc. Bones.—Asa., AUR., Calc., Chin., Con., Cupr., Hep., Lyc., Merc., Nit.ac., PHOSP., Rhus, RUTA, SIL., STAPH., Swlp. Burning—Ars., Awr., Merc., Phosp. ac. Caries of Ars., Asa., AUR., Hep., Iod., Lyc., MERC., - Nit. ac., Phosp. ac., Sil. Drawing—Asa, Chim, Merc., Rhod. - Gnawing—Rwta, Staphy. (Pains in)—Bruised—Cocc., Rwta. Pressive—Arg., Mez. Scraping—Chin., Sabad. Shooting—Calc., Cawst. Swelling and softening—ASA., Calc, LYC., Merc., Phosp., SIL., STAPH., Sulp. Borborygmus.-Bry, Carb. v., Caws., Chin, Colocy., Hell., Lyc, Nua, Sulp. Brain.-Inflammation of-Acom., BELL., HYOS., Lach., Merc., ZINC. Chronic congestion—ACON., Awr., Bry., Cact., Glom., Iod., Lach., Nwa, Opi., Pwls., SULP. Concussion of Acom., ARNICA, Cic, Dig., Rwta. Softening—Probably Ars., Chin., Opi., Secale? (no cure). Bread.—Dislike for—Nat. Mwr, Pwls., Sep. Breasts.--ARN., Calc., CLEM., CON, Kreas., Plumb., SIL, Swlp., Zinc. Breath.-Foetid—AUR., Bry, CARB. V., Chin, MERC., NUX, Podop., Swlp. Cold—ARS., Camph., CARBO. V., Chim., WERAT. Hot—Acom., Nat. mur., Phosp., Rhus, Stront., Sulp. Bright's Disease.—Ars., Canth., Merc., Phosp. ac., Zinc. Bronchitis.--Acute— ACON., Brom, BRY, HEP., Phosp., SPONG., Squill. 740 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [BR.—CH. Bronchitis.-Chronic —ARS., Cact., Cawst., IOD., Ipec., LOB., Merc., Phosp., SENEG., Stamm., Sulp. Bruises.—ARN., Cawst., Coniwm. • Buboes.—Awr., Carbo veg., MERC., NIT. A.C., Staph., Sulp., Thuja. Bulimy.—Calc., Chin, Cina, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Nua, Sil, Verat. Bunions.—Arm., Rhºws, Sil, Swlp., Verat. vir., IOD. (also external application.) Burns.—ARN., CAUST., Plumb. ac., Sec., URTIC. For the fright—ACON., Ign., OPI. Keep the air from the part by Olive Oil, Cotton Wool, or Collodion, if only a small part of the surface is injured. Cancer.—ARS., Awr., Bell, Calc., Clem., CON., HYDRA.S., JKreas., Phosp., Sil. BREAST-ARS., Clem., CON., HYDRAS., Kreas., Sil. OF THE LIP–ARS., Hydras. STOMACH-Ars., Baryt., Carb, ac., Lyc., Nit. ac., Sulp. UTERUS—ARS., Awr., Bell., CON., Kreas., Nit.ac., Plat., Staph. Cancrum Oris.—Ars., Chima, Hell., Iod., Kreas., SECALE. Canthi.-Agar., Calc., Carb. v., Euph., Nua, Puls., Staph., Sulp. Carbuncle.—Acon., ARS., Bell., CANTH., China, HYOS., Lach., Lyc., Mur. a.c., Rhºws, Secale., SILIC. Carditis.-ACON., Ars, AUR., BELL., Bry., CACT., Cann., DIG., LACH., SPIG., Sulp. Carphologia.-BELL., Hyos., Iod., Opi., STRAM. Cataract.—Calc., CANN., Caws., CON., Euphr., Hep., Phosp. Sil., Sulp. 4. From injury—ARN., CON., Puls., Ruta. Catarrh.-Acom., Ars., BELL., Bry, CAMPH., Carb. v., Cham., DULC., Hep., Ipec., MERC., NUX, PULS., Samb., Samg., Sulp. Chronic—Ars., Calc., Carb. v., Caws., Hep., Lyc., Phosp., Seneg., Sep., Sulp. Frequent—Calc., CARB. V., Caws., LYCO., Nat. c., Sep., Sil., Sulp. Suffocative — ARS., Bry., Camph., IPEC., SAMB., TART, EMI. Chancre.—Soft—Calendula lotion, Caust., Staph., Sulp., Zimc. Hard—Lach., MERC. CORR., Merc. iod., Nitric ac. 741 CH.—C0.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Chaps on the skin.-ALUM., Ant., Calc., Cham, Clem, Dulc.,. Graph., HEP., MERC., Nit. ac., PETRO., Rhus, Sarsa, Sep., Sulp., ZINC. - . . ANUS—Cham., GRAP., Hep., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Petro, RATAN., Rhus, Sulp. - LIPS–ARS., Hep, Merc., SIL. Chemosis.-Acom., BELL., Merc. Chicken-Pox.—ANT. C., Bell, LED., MERC., PULS., Rhw8, - Tart. em. - - * Chilblains.—Arm., Ars., Cham., Kreas, NUX, PETRO., PULS., Rhºws. Blue colour—Arm., Bell., KALI. C., LACH. External application—Arm., Tamws. Inflamed—ACON., ARS., Nit, ac., PULS. Tendency to gangrene—Ars., Chim, LACH., Op., SECA. Very painful—Hepar, Nit. ac., Phosp. ac. Chlorosis.-Ars., Bell., CALC., Chi., Cocc., Com., FER.R., Kali, Lyc., Nit. ac., PLAT., Puls., Sep., SULP. Cholera.-Ars., CAMPHOR (three drops on sugar), Carb. v., CUPR., IOD., Ipec., SECAL., VERAT. Cholera Infantum.—ARS., Cham., Chim., IPEC., VERAT. Chorea.—Asa, BELL., Cawst., Chim, CIC., Cocc., CUPR., HYOS., Ign., STRAM, Circocele.—Arn., Carb. v., Lach., Lyc., Puls., Sulp., Zinc. Coffee.—Evils from—Cawst., Cham., Igm., Nua. Colic.—A con., Ars., Bell., Carb. v., CHAM., COLOC., CUPR., Hyos., Ign, Nua, Opi., Plumb, ac., Podop., Rhºws, Sec., Verat. - Bilious—ACON., Cham., Chi., Colocy., Iod., MERC., PODOP. Flatulent—CARB. V., Cham, CHIN., Cocc., LYCO., NUX, Pwls., Verat. Spasmodic—BELL., Cham., Cocc., CUPR., Nua, WERAT. Lead Colic—Alwm., OPI., Sulp. ac. - Coma-BELL., Camp., Com., HYOS., Led., OPI., Phosp., Stram. From organic disease of the brain—Ars. - Concussion.—A com., ARN., Bell. CIC., Hep., MERC., Ruta. Condylomata.-Aur, Caust., Kali iod, Lyc, NIT. A.C., Phos. ac., Staph., THUJ. Congestion to the head.—Acon, Aloes, Arn., Aur., Bell, Bry., Cact., Chim, Coff, Merc., Nua, Op., Sulp. 742 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [C0.—C0. Congestion to the chest.—ACON., Aloes, Bell., Cact, DIG., Ferr., MERC., PHOSP., Sep. Constipation.—Aeon, Alum., BRY., Calc., Carb. v., Cham, Cocc., Ferr., Gallic ac., HEP., LED., LYC., Nit. ac., NUX V., OP., Phosp., PLAT., PLUMB., Sil., Staph., SULP., Tamm. ac., Thuja, ZINC. Of the pregnant—ALUM., Bry, NUX, Sep. From travelling—Carb. v., COCC., NUX, Op., PLAT. Convulsions.—A con., Ars., Cawst., Cupr., Hyos., Ign, Ipec, Stram. Contortion of features—BELL., Camph., Cupr., Stram. Contortion of limbs—Cocc., Hyos., NUX, Opi., Plat., Sec., STRAM. Of infants—Cham., Ipec, Op. • Cornea.—BELL., CALC., Cann., CAUST., Com., Euph., HEP., Merc., Nit. ac., Sep. - Opacity of CANN. Ulceration of--NIT. A.C., SULP. Corns.—Remove all pressure. Apply Tinct. of Arm, or Iod., Amm. c., ANT. C., ARS., Calc., Nua, LYC., Phosp., Sil., SULP. Coryza.-ARS., Bell, Bry, Cham., Dulc., Lyc., MERC., NUX, PULS., Sel., Sulp. Fluent—Ars., Dulc., Merc., Pwls., Rhºws, Seneg., Tart. em. Cough.-Short, hacking—ACON., Arn., ARS., Bell., Brom, Calc., Caust., Iod., Kali iod, Merc., Nat. e., Rhus, Stamm. Hoarse—BELL., Carb. v., DROS., Dulc., Euphor., Hep., Iod., Spong. Spasmodic—Acon., Ars., Bry, Cham., Chim, Cupr., Ferr. ac., Hyos., Ipec., Samb. Dry—Acom., Bry., Ign., Ipec, Nua, Phosp., Rhus, Spong. Loose—Ars., Calc., Chin., Dros., Lyc., Puls., Seneg., Sep., Stam/m. - Morning—Ars., Bry, Caw8t., Iod., Lyc., Nua, Pwls. Night—Acom., Bell., Cham., Hyos., Merc., Sep. With soreness in the chest—Ars., Carb. v., CAUST., Lyc., PHOSP., SULP. - Tickling in the larynx—Bell, CHAM., Dros., Ipec., KALI BI., Lach., Spong. From stomach-derangement—Nua, Pwls., SEP. 743 C0,—DE.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Coxalgia.-Acon, Ars., Bell., Bry, Calc., Cawst., Coloc., Hep., Merc., Nit. ac., Puls., Rhus, Staph., Sulp. Coxarthrocace.—Bell., Calc., Coloc., Hep., Lach., Merc., Phosp., Phosp. ac., Rhw8, Sil., Sulp. Cracking of Joints.--Anti. c., CAMPH., CAPS., Chin., Croc., - LED., NIT. AC., PETRO., PHOSP., Rhus, Sab., Sil., SULP., THUJA. Cramp.–Bell., Calc., CUPR., Hyos., IGN, Nua, Puls., Sec., Verat. - In the calves of the legs—SULP., VERAT. Crick of the Neck,-Sensation—Acom., Bell., Bry. Croup.–ACON., Brom., Cupr., Dros., HEP., IOD., Kali bich. (Spasmodic)—Lach., Samb., SPONG., Tart. em. ACONITE–Two or three doses, followed by Spongia; or the two may be administered in alternation, with a tolerably hot sponge held over the larynx, Crusta Lactea.—A con., ANT. C., Ars., Bell., CALC., Graph., Hep., Led., MERC., RHUS, SEP., Staph., Swlp., VIOLA TRI. a Crusta Serpiginosa,—ARS., CLEM., Sarsa, SEP. Cyanosis.-Ars., Camph., Carb. v., Chin, CUPR., DIG., Lach., Lawr., Op., Phosp., Vera. Cystitis.-Acon, APIS., Cann., CANTH., Dig., Lyco., Nua, Pwls., TEREB. Deadness.-Sensation of ACON., Ars., CALC., CAUST., Chel., CON., Hyos., Lyc., MERC., Nua, Phosp., Plat., SEC. Deafness.-Arm, AUR., BELL., Bry., CALC, CAUST., Com., Hyos., Kali c., LYC., Nit, ac., Nua, v., Petro., Phosp., PULS., Sil., SULP. After meals—CARB. VEG., Hyos, Merc., SULP. From paralysis of the Portis Mollis—BELL., CAUST., Hyos., - Nit. ac., NUX, Sil. Rheumatic—DULC., GRAPH. Scrofulous—Iod., Spong. Syphilitic—Merc., Nit. ac. Debility.—After acute disease—CHIN., Nua, PHOSP. A.C., Sil., Werat. From masturbation—Calc., Carb. v., Chin, FERR., Lyc., NUX, PHOSP. A.C., Sil., Staphy., Sulp, 744 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [DE—DR. Debility— From long watching—CHIN, Cocc., NUX, Phosp. ac., Puls. Rapid prostration—A con., ARS., CAMP.H., CARB. V., Com., DIG., Hydrocy. ac., Nua, Phosp., SEC., VERAT. Delirium.—ACON., Ars., BELL., Bry., Camp., Canth., Cupr., HYOS., Ign., Lach.,OPI., Phosp., PLAT., Sec., STRAM., VERAT. Delirium Tremens.—Acom., Ars., Bell., Coff., Dig., Hyos., LACH., NUX, OPI., Stram. Dentition.—Difficult—ACON., Bell., Bor., CALC., CHAM., Cima, Coff, Ign., KREAS., Merc., Phosp., Sulp. Despair.—Feelings of AUR., Calc., Caus., Con., IGN., Lyc., Nat. c., Rhus, Sulp. Diabetes.—Arm., ARS, Awr., Carb. v., Dulc., LED., Lyc., Nat. m., PHOSP. A.C., Squil. º Diaphragm.— Affections of — ACON., Arn., BRY., CHAM., CHIN., Cocc., Ign, Ipec., NUX, Op., Stram., Verat. Diarrhoea.—ARS., CAMP., Cham., CHIN., Dig., DULC., Ferr., Merc., Mur. ac., Podop., Puls., SULP., Verat. Alternating with constipation — Amt., Bry., Iod., NUX, PODOP., Rhºws. Chronic—Calc., Ferr., Kreas., Mur. ac., Nat. m., Verat. Of summer—CHIN, DULC., Sulp. ac. Of infants—Acom., CHAM., IPEC., Merc. Of the aged—Ars., BRY., CHIN., PHOSP., Seca. Violent evacuations, with tenesmus and faintness—ALOE. With vomiting—Ant., ARS., CUP., IPEC., VERAT. Diphtheria.-Amm. caus., BELL., Brom, Caust., HEPAR, Iod., KALI BICH., Lach., MERC. IOD., Mur. ac., Nitri. ac., Nua, v. Diplopia.-BELL., Cie., Com., DIG., HYOS., Natr. m., Oleand., Puls., Sulp. - Dislocation.—Acom., ARN., Bry., Calc., Phos., RHUS. Dreams— ACON.—Anxious dreams; Vivid; Raving in his dream. ALUM.—About thieves; Frequent dreams. ANTI. C.—Disputing in his dreams; Quarrelsome. ARN.—Terrific dreams of mutilated persons, or upbraiding each other. - 3 C 745 DR.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Dreams— -- ARS.—Very anxious; Storms; Fire; Darkness; Black waters. BELL–Frightful visions; Assassins; Robbers—sees many persons; Transacts business—frequently starting up in a fright—sees a black dog. - BRY.—Wexatious; Disagreeable; Confused dreams; Delirium; Vivid dreams of the transactions during the day; Som- nambulism. - CALC.—Frequent—horrible—of dead persons, or the siók and dying; Vivid; Anxious; Frightful figures. CAUST.-Anxious; Grief; Quarrels; Laughter; Loud talking; Voluptuous. - CHAM.—Dreams of a morose, sullen nature; Illusions; Fan- tastic or quarrelsome dreams; Delirium. CHINA.—Confused; Absurd; Painful; Frightful, that cause. much agitation on awaking—or a feeling of stupidity. COCC.—Frightful; Anxious—of death and disease. COFF.—Long-continued, very vivid dreams. COLOCY.—Vivid; Very lascivious dreams; Indignation. CONIUM.–Frightful, with anxiety—sees great danger; Mutila- tion; Death. CROCUS.––Gay; Lively; Sings songs; Very pleasant and agreeable. - DIGIT.—Sleep much disturbed by anxious dreams—starting up. DULC.—Very frightful dreams and visions towards morning. GRAPH.-Dreams of fire, death, anguish—starts; Medita- tive dreams. HELL–Anxious; Confused—remembers dreaming—does not know what. " HEPAR.—Great flow of ideas; Dreams of sickness, danger, firing of guns. HYDROCY. AC.—Very lively dreams; Very light sleep, or dis- quieting dreams. - IGNAT-Dreams, with reasonings and reflection—repeatedly dreaming the same thing during one night—he awakes, and dreams it again. - IPEC.—Frightful, with agitation, terror—starting from sleep. KALI C.–Frequent; Anxious; Spectres; Devils; Serpents; Robbers; Dangers. - " … • 746. CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [DR. Dreams— KREAS.–Of falling snow; Poisoning; Various occupations; Sees dirty linen; Urinating—of erections; Disgusting dreams; Violation of person. - LACH.-Dreaming all night—of business, travelling, frequent difficulties and troubles—has done wrong—committed a theft—intriguing, &c. LAUR.—Dreams during the day; Troubles; Agitated; Sad; Confused. ºr LOBEL-Dreams between frequent waking; Sad and anxious. LYCO.-Frightful dreams that affect him after waking—he is to be hung or murdered, and hides himself—awakes in a fright—feels some important thing has been left undone— he is in the midst of a riot; Lewd, voluptuous dreams; Nervous excitement during sleep. MERC.—Anxious dreams, with palpitation—many events occur during the night; Dreams of thieves—or awakes, and fears to sleep again—he is falling from a great height—has been bitten by a dog; Vivid dreams of business. NAT. CARB.-Amorous dreams, about marriage, and various amusements—she dreams of a dead man; Vivid dream of a funeral procession—he dreams of a fight, danger, rob- bers—he is detained by robbers. NAT. MUR.—Dreams during the day, with a shock at the heart; Dreams at night, that drive him out of bed, with palpitation; Dreams that impress the mind when awake; Anxious dream, with weeping—she was being beaten; Dreams of riot and murder—of being poisoned—of fire; Dreams that excite so much as to cause sweating—her dream affected her the whole of the following day; Dreams that appeared to be real. NITRIC AC.—Dreams, with violent starting—he dreamt he was dying; Very anxious dreams, with pulsations—he commits a crime—sees dead bodies; Terrifying dreams, that cause him to tremble when awaking; Lascivious dreams— she screams in her dream. NUX w.—Frightful visions—wild beasts, vermin; Falling- out of teeth; Disagreeables that occurred during the day; Urgent business; Cruel mutilations; Lewd dreams. PHOSP-Distressing, horrible, and frightful—of being bitten 747 DR.—DR.] CLINICAL. DICTIONARY. Dreams— or stung—or of a flow of blood; Anxious and vivid dreams of things she could not manage; Wexatious dreams. PLAT.-Dreams of war and bloodshed. PULS.—Dreams of business and quarrels—dogs, cats, bees, and animals she drives away from her; Loud, prating dreams, with jerking of the limbs—calls aloud in her dream ; Fright in the dream, causing one to jump up in the bed— crying, moaning, weeping. - RHUS TOX.—Dreams chiefly of the occurrences of the evening or day, and the realisation of his plans; Frightful dream of the world being consumed by fire, with palpitation on awaking ; Loud weeping during the dream. SEPIA.—He dreams of being chased—that his figure and person are altered—of falling from a high mountain—wakes with a start, and shrieks—fancies she was called; Dreams of a rape; Lascivious dreams. SILI.—Dreams, with exclamations—violent weeping, as if choking, or of being drowned—sees serpents, robbers, mur- derers, large dogs, long journeys, and events of childhood; Somnambulism. STAPHY.—Dreams full of wrath, revenge, murder; Busy, rest- less, starting in affright; Amorous, voluptuous dreams. SULP.-Dream, before midnight, of a fire; Horrid visions; Dreams of dogs that bite; Dreams with presentiment of the future. - - THUJA.—Anxious and distressing dreams of death and danger; Starting and cries when lying on the left side. VERAT.—Vivid dreams about robbers chasing him; Frightful dreams, with vomiting. - ZINC.—Frightful dreams, that wake him from sleep, with pal- pitation—he dreams, continually through the night, of quarrels—of being strangled—of horses, pigs; Disgusting dreams, with cries and starting during sleep. - Dropsy.—Ant., Apis, ARS., Bry, Canth., CHIN, Colch., DIG., Dulc., HELL., LED., Merc., Sulph. After Scarlet Fever—Apis, Baryt. m., Helleb. Ovarian—ARS., Canth., Chim, Dulc., Iod., Merc., Phosp. ac., Plat., Sep., Staph. Drowsiness,—Habitual—ACON., Chin, NUX, Opi. 748 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [DY-EC. Dysentery.—Acon, ALOE, Ars., Cham., Coloc., IPEC., Kreas., Merc., MERC. CORR., Nua, PETRO., Rhus, Sulp. Dyspepsia.—ARN., Ars., BRY., CALC., Carb. v., CHIN., Graph., HEP., Kali bich., Lach., Merc., NUX V., PETRO., Puls., Sep., SULP. Dysphagia.-ACON., Ars., BELL., Bry, CANTH., Caws., Dros., HEP., Iod., LACH., Lobel, MERC., Nua, Opi., Rhw8, Stram., Sulp., Tart. em. Dyspnoea.—ACON., ARS., Bell., Bry, CUP., Dros., Iod, IPEC., PHOSP., Samb., Sulp., Tart. em., Verat. Dysuria.-ACON., Bell, CANN., CANTH., CAUS., Dig., DULC., Hep., Lyc., MERC., NUX, PHOSP. A.C., Rhºws, Sarsa., STAPH., SULP., Thuj., ZINC. Ear.—External—Alwm., Arm, Bary., Bell., Bry., Chim, Kali c., Kreas., Merc., Oleand., Petro., Phosp, ac, Pwls., Ruta, Sil. Ear.—Internal—Acon., Awr., Bell., Bor., Calc., Canth., Cawst., Cham, Chim, Dulc., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Petro., Plat., Pwls., Sep., Spig., Sulp., Verat. (Buzzing or humming)—Acon., AUR., Bell., CAUST., GRAPH., Kali c., Lach., Merc., MOSCH., NUX, Pwls., Spig., SULP., Verat. Discharge of cerumen—Com., MERC., Sulp. 22 of pus—ASA., Awr., Bell., Calc., CAUST., Lyc., MERC., Puls., SIL., Sulp. of blood—Bell., Calc., Ferr., IPEC., Lach., Merc., Nit. ac., Phosp., Rhw8. (Fluttering)—BELL., Calc., GRAPH., Plat., Puls., Spig. (Ringing)—CALC., Cawst., CON., Kali c., Lyc, Nua, Petro., Pwls., Sep., Sil., Sulp. Ears.-Pain in (burning)—ACON., ARS., CANTH., Cawst., - Kreas., Spig., Sulp. Aching—Arm., Pwl., Sulp. Drawing—MERC., Mez., Phosp., SIL. Shooting—ACON., BELL., Calc., CHAM., Nit. ac., NUX, PULS., Staph., Sulph. Ecchymosis.--ARN., Ars., Bry., CON., Dulc., Lach, Led, Nua. RHUS, Seca., SULP. AC. 22 749 JEC.—ER.I CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Eclampsia. —ARS., BELL., Cham, Cicu, CUPR., Hyos., Ign, Ipec., Lach., Plat., Stram. * Of infants—ACON., CHAM., Opi. Ecthyma.-ARS., Caust, Lach, Merc., RHUS. - Eczema.-Bell., CANTH., CLEM., DULC., Led., Mez, Petro, Phosp., RHUS. Elbow.—Ant., Bell., Calc., CAUST., Kali c., LED., LYC., MERC., Mez., Phosp., PULS, RHUS, Sep., Staph., SULP., Thuj. Emaciation.—ARS., Bary., CALC., Cham, CHI., Ferr., IOD., - Lach., LYC., NUX, Phosp., SULP., Thuj. Emissions.—Ana, Calc., Ferr, ac., Graph., Hep, Lyc, Nat, Nwaº, Phosp. ac., Sep., Sil., Sulp. Diurnal—CANTH., Graph., Nua. Nocturnal—Lyc., MOSCH., PHOS. AC. Emptiness.-Feeling of-ARS., Bry, CALC., Carb. v., Cham, Cocc., Comi., Kali c., LYC., Nat. m., NUX. - Encephalitis.-ACON., ARS., BELL., Bry., Canth., HYOS., Lach., Op., Petro., PULS., Sep., Stram., ZINC. Enteritis.-ACON., ARS., BELL., Coloc., Lach., MERC., Nwaº, Seca. Enuresis.-Arn., Ars., CANTH., CAUST., Cicw., Cin., Dig., DULC., Hyos., Lyc., MERC., Pwls., Rhºws, Sep., Sil., Sulp. Ephelis.--Ant., CALC, GRAPH., Lyc, NIT. AC., Phosp., Puls., SULP. - - Epidrosis.-Bovis, Calc., Carb. v., Graph, Kali c., Lyc., Merc., Phosp., Sep., Thuj., Zinc. Epigastrium.—ANT., Arn., Ars., CALC., Carb. v., CAUS., Cham., COCC., Lyc., Merc., Nat., NUX, PULS. Epilepsy.—Arg, nit., ARS., BELL., Camph., Caws., CIC., Cin., Com., CUPR., Hydroc. ac., HYOS., Lach., Naja, NUX, Phosp. ac., Seca, STRAM. Epistaxis—Acon., ARN., Bell., Calc., CHI., Croc., Ferr., IPEC., Merc., Plumb. ac., SEC., SULP. A.C. Erections.—(Feeble)—CALAD., CAUS., Chin., CON., Graph., LYC., Sel, Thuj. Eructations.—(Bitter)—ARN., Ars., BRY., CHIN, Ipec, Lyc., Merc., NUX, Pols., Sep. (Sour)—Alwm., Calc., CHAM., Chin., Hep., LYC., Merc., Nat. m., NIT. AC., Nua, Petro., PHOS. AC., Pod, PULS., SULP, AC. '750 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [ER.—EX. Eruptions. -- (Dry)—ARS., Bary., CALC., Carb. v.; CAUS., CLEM., DULC., Led., MERC., Petro., SEP., Sil., Staph., VERAT., Zimc. (Miliary)—ANT, ARS., Bell., BRY., Carb. v., Caus., Clem, Lach., Led., Merc., Nua, Phosp. ac., Rhºws, Staph., Swlp., Verat. (Moist)—Bell., Bov., CARB. V., Caws., Clem., DULC., GRAPH., Hep., LYC., MERC., Nit. ac., Phos., RHUS, SIL., Staph., SULP. - (Pustular)—ANT. C., ARS., Bell., Canth., Carb. am., CAUS., Chi., Dwlc., GRAPH., HEP., Kreas., LACH., MERC., Nit. ac., PHOSP., RHUS, Sec., Sil., Sulp., TART. E.M. (Scaly)—ARS., Awr., CLEM., Dulc., Led., MERC., Olean., PHOS., Sulp., ZINC. Erysipelas.-ACON., Ammo. c., Arm, ARS., BELL., Bry, CANTH., Cham., GRAPH., Hep., LACH., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Rhºws r., RHUS TOX. Evacuations.—(Involuntary)—ACON., Ars., Bell., CHIN., Lach., PHOSP. AC., Seca, Verat. (Black)—Pitch-like—ARS., Bry, Canth., CHIN, IPEC., LACH., Op., Sec., SULP. A.C. - (Bloody)—ARN., Calc., Canth., CHI., FERR., IPEC., MERC. CORR. (Green)—CHAM., Dulc., IPEC., Phosp., Puls., STANN., Verat. Of mucus—ANT. C., Bor., Caps., CAUS., Colo, MERC., Petro., SULP. (Whitish)—ACON., Bell., CALC., Dig., Hep., Lach., MERC., PHOSP., Rhºws. - Evening.—(Aggravation towards)—Acom., ANT., Arm., BELL., Caps., Caus., CHAM., Colo., DULC., Hep., HYOS., LYC., Mez, Nit. ac., Plat., PULS., Rhus, Sep., Spig., SULP. AC. Excoriation.—ARN., CANTH., Caus., CHAM., Graph., Hep., Lyco., Petro., Sep., SULP. A.C. Of infants—CHAM. Of the Anus—Acom., Merc., Sulp. Excrescences of Joints.-ANT., ARS., Con..., Iod., KREAS., Phosp., SIL., STAPH. Exercise.—(Dread of)—Bell., CHIN., LACH., Lyc., Nat. c., NUX, Sulp. - 751 EX-FA.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Exertion.—(From too great)—ARN., Bry., Calc., Chim, Coff, VERAT. Expectoration.—(Bitter)—Ars., Cham., Pwls. Frothy—Phosp. Greenish—Cann., Ferr., Pwls., Sep. Grey—Ambra, Lyco. Metallic—Cupr., Ipec, Nua, Rhus. Purulent or yellow—ACON., Ars., Awr., Bry., CALC., Carb. v., Dros., Kali b., Kali iod., Nit, ac., PHOSP., Puls., Seneg., Spon., Stamm., SULP. Saltish—ARS., CALC., Chim., Iod., Lach., LYC., Nat., PHOSP., Sep., STANN. Sweet—Calc., Dig., Kali, PHOSP., Plumb., Pwls., STANN. Thick, tenacious—Ars., Bell., Ipec., Kreas., Lyc., Pwls., Squill. Transparent—Chim, Fer, ac., Kali b., Lawro, Stamm. Eyes, in general.-Acon, BELL., Calc., Cann., CAUS., Con., Dig., Euphr., MERC., NIT. A.C., PULS, RHUS, Sep., SULP. . Bleeding of-Bell., Carb v., Cham., Euphr., Lach, Nua. Bruise-like pain—ARN., Bry., Chin.., Nua, Rhºws, RUTA, - Verat. Burning in-Acom., ARS., Bell, Brom., Canth., Carb. v., Caws., Colo., Dig., Ferr., Graph., Kreas., Lyc., Merc., Phosp., Rhºws, Spig., Sulp. Neuralgia in-Acom., ARS., Bell., Caws., Chin., Hyos., SPIG. Eyelids.-Inflammation—ACON., Alum., BELL., Calc., CAUS., Cham., Hep., MERC., Nit. ac., PULS., Rhus, STAPH., Sulph. Agglutination—ALUM., ARS., Bary, BELL., Calc., CHAM., Euphr., Hep., Kali c., Lyc., Merc., Nua, PULS., RHUS, Sep., SIL., STAPH., Sulp. Face.—Swelling of-ARN., Ars., BELL., Bry., Camp., CHAM., Dulc., Hell., Hyos., Kali c., Lyc., MERC., Op., Phosp., Puls., Sep., Stram. Pale—ARS., CAMP., Chin., CINA, Cocc., Com., Cupr., DIG., Ferr., Igm., IOD., IPEC., Lyc., PHOSP. A.C., Seca., Sep., Sulp., VERAT. Yellow—ARS., Bry., CHIN., Cie., FERR., LYC., MERC., NIT. AC., NUX, Phosp., SEP., SULP. 752 - CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [FA.—FE. Face— - (Around the mouth)—ALUM., Ars., BRY., Calc., CAUS., Graph., Kali, KREAS., Merc., NAT. MUR., RHUS, Sep., Staph. (Eruptions on)—ANT., Ars., CALC., Carb. v., CAUS., Cic., Graph., HEP., Kreas., Led., Mwr. ac., RHUS, SEP., Staph., Sulp. (Forehead)—ANT., Bovi., Calc., CAUS., Hep., KREAS., LED., Nit. ac., Phosp. ac., Rhw8, Sep., Sulp. Pains in (Neuralgic)—ACON., Arn., ARS., Bell, Caws., CHAM., Chim., Coloc., Dros., KALM., Lyc., Mez., Nua, Phosp., Plat., SPIG., - STAPH., VERAT. - (Paralysis of the muscles)—CAUST., Graph., Nua, OPI. (Red)—ACON., BELL., Bry., Canth., CHAM., HYOS., Nua, v., OP., STRAM. - (Warts on)—Caus., Nit, ac., Sep, Sulp., Zinc. Fainting.—ACON., Arn., CAMP., Carb. v., Cham, Chin., Cocc., - CON, DIG., Ipec., LACH., Mosch., Nua, v., SPIG., Tart. em., WERAT. Fatigue.—(Excessive)—ARN., Ars., BRY., Calc., Cham., Ipec, Lyc., NUX, Phosp., RHUS, Ruta, WERAT. (Of mind)—ANAC., Awr., Calc., Chin., Cocc., IGN., Nat. m., NUX V., PULS., SEP., Sil. Feet.—(Cold)—ARS., Calc., Caws., Cham., DIG., Graph., Lach., Lyc., Mur, ac., NAT. M., Petro., Phosp., Plat., Sil., Sulp., TVerat. (Cramp in)—Amm. c., CALC., CAUS., Lyc., Nat., NUX, *- Sulp., WERAT. • (Dry, hot)—ACON., Arm., BRY., Calc., Dulc., GRAPH., Lyc., MERC., PHOSP. A.C., Sep., SIL. (Paralysis of)—Bell., COCC., Nua, OLEAND., Plumb., RHUS, SULP., Zinc. (Sweating)—Amm. c., CALC., Carb. veg., Cupr., KALI. C., Lyc., Merc., NIT. A.C., SIL., Sulp., Thuj. Fever.—(Bilious)—ACON., Ars., BRY., CHAM., Chin., Cocc., MERC., Nua, Puls., TART. E.M. (Hectic)—ACON., Ars., CHIN., Hydro. ac., MERC., Phosp. ac., Sulp. (Milk)—Acom., BRY., CHAM., Coff, Puls., Rhw8. 3 D 753 FE-GA.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Fever— - (Puerperal)—Acom., BELL., BRY., Merc., Nua, Puls., RHUS. (Rheumatic)—ACON., Ars., Bell., BRY., Cham., Dulc., Nua, Pwls., RHUS. (Typhoid)—Arm., BRY., Phosp. ac. Figwarts.-Cinn., Euphr., Nit. ac., STAPH, THUJA. Fingers.-Amm. m., Bovi., Calc., Graph., Led., Lyc., Merc., Rhw8, Sep., Sil., Swlp. Fish.-Sufferings from—Kali c., Plumb. Fistula in Ano.—Calc., CAUST., Dulc., Lyc., Nit. ac., Puls., SIL. Flatulence.—Acom., Arm., Bell, BRY., Calc., CARBO V., Cham, Hep., LYC., NUX V., Plumb., PULS., Staph, Swlp. Foetid Odour from mouth.-Arm., Ars., CARB., Cham, Chim, Kali c., Lyc., MERC., Nit. ac., NUX, Podop., Puls., RHUS, Sep., Spig., Stamm., SULP. Food.-Sufferings from—(Bread)—BRY., Nat. m., NUX, PULS., Sep., Sulp. º (Butter)—ANT., Ars., Carb. v., IPEC., Nit. ac., PULS. (Coffee)—Ars., Canth., Caws., CHAM., Hep, IGN., Lyc., NUX, Sulp. (Meat)—Ant., Ars., CARB. V., Chin, Nua, Pwls. (Milk)—ARS., Bry., Calc., Cham., CHIN., Lyc., Nit. ac., SEP. (Pastry)—Ant., Ars., Carb. v., IPEC., PULS. (Potatoes)—Alwm., CALC., Coloc., Sep., Verat, (Tea)—CHIN., Ferr., THUJ., Verat. Fright.—Sufferings from—ACON., Coff, IGN., Lach, Nua, OPI., Pwls. Fruit.—Sufferings from—Ars., BOR., BRY., Carb., CHIN., Pwls., Verat. Gall-stones—Bell, Bry., Calc., Hep., LYC., Nua, Sil., Sulp. Ganglia.-Amm., Arn, IOD., Kali iod., Phosp. ac, Rhus, SIL., Zimc. Gangrene,—ARS., Asa, CANTH., Carb. v., CHIN, Kreas., LACH., SEC. - 754 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [GA.—G0. Gangrene— (Senile)—Amm., Carb. v., Chin., Com., Mwr. ac., Sec. Gastralgia.-(Spasms)—Bell., BIS., Bry., Calc., CARB. V., Caw8, CHAM., CHIN., COCC., Coff, Coloc., CUP., Ign., LOBEL., Lyc, NUX, Opi., Puls., Verat. Gastritis.-(Inflammation)—ACON., Ant., ARS., Bell, BIS., BRY., CANTH., Cham., Chin., Hep., Ign., IPEC., MERC., NUX, Phosp., PULS., Sang., SECA., Tart. em., Verat. Giddiness.-Acon., Bell., Bry., Cact, Chin, Con., Glomo., Kali iod, Lach., Merc., Naja, Nua, Opi., Pwls., Sep., Sil., Sulp. Glands.-Bary., BELL., Calc., Carb. v., Clem., Com., Dwlc., Hep., IOD., Kali iod, Lyc., MERC., MERC. IOD., Nit. ac., Phosp., RHUS, Sil., SPONG., Sulp. (Cold, hard)—Arm., Bary., CON., Dwlc., Iod., SPONG., Sulp. (Inflammation)—ACON., BELL., Merc., Phosp. (Suppuration of)—ARS., Calc., Carb. v., Clem., Dwlc., HEP., MERC., Nit, ac., SIL. (Swelling)—Acom., Arn., Ars., BELL., Cham., Hep, IOD., Merc., NIT. A.C., Phosp., Rhws, SPONG., Sil. (Wasting)—Awr., Clem., CON., IOD., Kali iod., Spong. Glaucoma.-Comi., Fluor. ac., Sil. Gleet.—CANTH., Caps., Cinn., Ferr., MERC., Nit, ac., Nua, PULS., Sep., Sulp., Thuj. Globus Hystericus.--Acon., ASA., Awr., BELL., Caw8., Com., IGN., Lach., LYC., Plat. Glossitis.-Alcon, APIS, Bell., CANTH., Lach., Merc. Goitre.-BROM., Calc., Hep., IOD., SPONG. Gonitis.-ACON., Arn., Ars., Bry., Cale, IOD., PULS, RHUS, Sulp. Gonorrhoea.—First stage—ACON., APIS, Cann., Canth. Second stage—CANN., Caps., Copaib., MERC, Nit, ac., PULS., SULP., TEREB. Chronic—Ferr., Gels., Lyc, PETRO., Sulp. Gout.-ACON., Bell., Bry., COLCH., Coloc., Kali c., Nua, Puls., Rhºws, Sabi., Sulp, (Chronic)—Arnica. (Gonorrhoeal)—Clematis, GREAT TOE—Ledwm. 755 GR.—HE.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Gravel.—Ant., Calc., Cann., CANTH., Kali, LYC., Nit. ac., Nua, PETRO., Phosp., Sarsa., ZINC. Grief—(Effects of)—AUR., CALC., Coloc., Hyos., IGN., Lyc., - Phosp. ac., STAPH. Gums, Ammo., BOR., Calc., CARB. W., Hep., MERC., Nit. ac., Nwaº, STAPH. (Gumboil)—Bell., Calc., HEP., Merc., Sil., STAPH. (Ulceration)—Alwm., BOR., CARB. V., Lyc., Merc., MUR. AC., Nit. ac., Sulp. ac. - Haematemesis.-ACON., Arm., ARS., Camm., Canth., CHIN., FERR., IPEC., Nua, Phosp., Seca, Stamm. Haematocele.—Arn., Clem., Pwls., Rhºws, Zinc. Haematuria.-Arm, CANTH., Chim, Lyc., Mez., Pwls., - TEREBIN. Haemoptysis.-ACON., ARN., Bell, Bry., CHIN., Dig., FERR. AC., IPEC., Nit. ac., Phosp., Rhus, SULP. A.C. Haemorrhage.—ACON., Arn., Bell., Canth., CHIN., Croc., - FERR., IPEC., Mille., Phosp., Sabi., Sec., Stann., Sulp. ac. LUNGs—ACON., Bell., CHIN., FERR., Ham., IPEC., Mille., Nitr. ac., PHOSP., Rhus, Squill. UTERUs—ACON., Bell., CHAM., CHIN., CROC., Ferr., IPEC., PLAT., Sabi., SEC. Haemorrhoids.—ALOES, Amm. c., Ars., Calc., Carb. v., Cawst., Ferr., Graph., Hep., Ign., Lyc., Nit. ac., NUX, - Podop, SULP., Thuja. - (Bleeding)—Aeon, Calc., Ham., Ign, Ipec, Mill, Nit. ac., Phosp, ac. (Burning)—Ars., Carb. v., Mur. ac. - - Hair.—(Falling off)—Amt, c., Calc., Graph., Hep., Lyco., Phos. ac., Sil. Hangnails.-Cale, Merc., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Rhus, Sulp, Head, (Pain as if bruised)—ARN, AUR., Camp., Chim, CON., Hell., Iod, NUX, Puls., Sep., Verat., Zine. (Burning)—ACON., ARS., Camth., CAUS., Merc., PHOSP., Spig. (Fulness)—ACON., BELL., BRY., Chim, Merc., RHUS, Swlp. (Heaviness)—ACON., Bell., BRY., Carb. v., CHIN, Dulc., 756 - CLINTCAL DICTIONARY. [HE-HI. Head— Nat. m., NUX V., OP., Phosp., RHUS, Sulp., Thuj. - (Rush of blood)—ACON., Awr., BRY., Carb. v., CHIN., Iod, Nua, OP., SULP. (Shooting)—Alcon., Arn., Bell., Caws., Clem., Colo., Dig., Hep., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Nua, Pwls., Rhw8, Sil., Spig., Sulp. ac. (Throbbing)—ACON., BELL., Bry., Calc., Cham., FERR. AC., Igm., KREAS:, Lach., Nat. m., Petro., * PHOSP., Plat., Sil., Sulp. Heart.—(Diseased)—ACON., Awr., Cact., Camm., Colch., Com., DIG., Graph., IOD., Lach., Naja, SPIG. (Hypertrophy)—ARS., Asa., Awr., BROM., DIG., IOD., Spig. (Rheumatism)—Acom., Bell., Bry., COLCH., KALM., LACH., SPIG. Heartburn.—(Pyrosis)—Arm., Bry, CALC., Caps., Carb. v., CON., Ign., Iod., LYC., NUX, Phosp., PULS., SULP. A.C., Zinc. Heaviness.-(Feeling of)—ACON., Asa., Bell., Calc., Carb. v., Chin., Merc., NUX, Phosp., SEP., Sil, SULP. (Legs)—Arm, CHIN., FERR. A.C., KALI. C., Wat. m., Puls., Bhus. - Hepatitis.-ACON., Bry., Camth., Cham, CHIN, Dig., Iod, Lach., MERC., NUX, Sulp. (Chronic)—BRY., Calc., Com., Kali, LYC., NIT. A.C., NUX, Podop., Sil, SULP. Herpes.—Hell, Mez, Mur, ac., Rhus. (Crustaceous)—Bary., Calc., Graph., Mur, ac., Sulp. (Dry, mealy)—ARS., Calc., CLEM., Lyc, Merc., Rhus, Sep., Sil. (Furfuraceous)—Ars., Bry, Merc., Sulp. (Humid)—Bov., CALC., Com., DULC., GRAPH., Kreas., RHUS, Sep., Sulp. (Inveterate)—Carbo v. (On the cheek)—Nat. m. (Scaly)—ARS., Aur., CLEM., Merc, Hiccough.-ACON., Amm., BELL., Bry., CUPR., HYOS., Ign., NUX, Puls., Stram. 757 H0,—IN.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Hoarseness.-Acom., BELL., Carb. v., Cham., DROS., Dulc., -- Hep., Mang., Phos., Pwls., SPONG. (Chronic)—Calc., CARB. V., CAUS., Hep., Iod., PHOSP. Hordeolum,_Amm. c., Calc., HEP., Merc., PULS., Sep., Staph., Sulp. Hydrocele.—Arm., Awr., Clem., Com., Dig., Iod., Nit. ac., Rhod., | Sil., Sulp. Hydrocephalus.-Acon., Apis, BELL., Dig., HELL., Merc., Sulp., Tart. em. Hydrophobia.-BELL., Canth., Hyos., Stram. Hydrothorax,−Apis, Apocy., ARS., Bry, DIG., Hell., MERC., - Samg., Squill. Hypertrophy.—Ars, Iod., Phosp., Sil., Sulp. - Hypochondriasis.--Anac., AUR., Calc., CHIN., Com., Lyc., Nat., NUX, Phosp., SULP. Hypogastrium.-Aur, Bell., Bry., Carb. v., Colo., Kali, Lyc., Ram., Sep., Sil. Hypopyion.—ARS., Calc., HEP., Merc., Sulp. Hysteria.-ACON., Aur., Bell, Cham., COCC., Con, HYOS., IGN., Mosch., Natr., Nua, PLAT., Pwls., Sep., VALER. Ileus.-Acon, Bry., COCC., Nua, Opi., PLUMB., Thuj. Imagination.-Acom., Coloc., Nua, Opi., Plumb. Impetigo.-ARS., Calc., DULC., Hep., Mere., RHUS, Sulp. Impotence.—Calad., Camp., CANTH., Com., Ferr., Graph., Hyos., Ign., Lyc., Mosch., Mwr. ac., Nat. m., Nua, PHOSP. A.C., Selen., Sulp., Thuj. Indigestion—ANT. C., Arn., Bry, CARB. V., Chin., Hep., IPEC., NUX, PULS., Sulp. - (From fat, or pork)—Amt. c., CARB. V., IPEC., Puls. Indolence.—A com., ARS., Bry., CHIN., Cocc., Lyc., Nat. m., NUX, PHOSP. A.C., Sep. Thuj. Induration of organs.—Arm, Bary., Bell., Bry, Calc., Chin., Clem, Con, Dulc, Nua, Phosp., Plumb., Sep., Sil., Staph., Swlp. - Infants.-(Acidity of)—Bell., CHAM., Nua, Puls. (Constipation)—BRY., Nua, Op. (Convulsions)—BELL., Cham, Cima, Igm., Ipec, Opi. (Restlessness)—ACON., Bell, Cham., COFF., Opi. 7.58 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [IN.—JO. Inflammation.—ACON., Apis, Arn., Ars., BELL., Bry., Canth., CHAM., Hep., MERC., Nit, ac., Phosp., Puls., RHUS, Sulp. Influenza-ACON., Ars., Bry, CAMP.H., Led., Merc., Nua, Sulp., Tart. em. Intermittent Fever.-ARS., Bell, CHIN, Hep, IGN., Ipec, Lyc., Nua, Puls., Rhºws. (Cold predominant)—ARS., Bry, Caws., CHIN., Dros., IPEC., Nit, ac., Phosp., Rhus, WERAT. (Heat predominant)—ACON., BELL., Cham., Hep., Ign., MERC, NIT. AC., Nua, SAMB., Sulp., Thuj. Iritis.-Acom., Bell., Clem., Merc., Rhus, Sulp., Tereb. Ischuria.-Aur, Cann., CANTH., Cawst., DIG., Nua, Opi., Puls. Itch,-(Scabies)—Ant., Ars., Carb. v., CAUST., Crot. tig. 2 Hep., Lobel. 2 Merc., Sep., SULP. Jaundice.—ACON., Bry, CHAM, CHIN, DIG., Hep., IOD., MERC., NIT. AC., Nua, PODOP., Sulp. CHRONIC FORM, with eruptions—Ars., Carb. v., Iod., Nit. ac. From Cinchona, also with asthma and rheumatism—MERC. From Coffee, Alcohol, or Tobacco—Nua, Opi. From Mercury, with diarrhoea and debility—CHINA. From overloaded stomach—NUX, PULS. Induced by anger or chagrin—ACON., CHAM. Liver disease—very yellow; Low spirits; Emaciation—IOD. With retching; Scanty urine; Slow pulse—DIG. Jaws.-(Cracking of)—Caps., FERR., Led., Nua, RHUS, Swlp. - (Rigidity of)—Cawst., Colch., Rhus, Staph., Verat. Jerking of the body or limbs—Bell., Caws., Chin, Com., Cupr., Nua, Op., Plat., Rhus, Stram. Joints.-(Cracking of)—CAMP.H., Caps., CHIN., Cocc., Com., Ipec., LED., LYC., Nit. ac, Nua, PETRO., Phosp., RHUS, THUJ. (Stiffness of)—Bell., BRY., Carb. am., Cawst., Cocc., Kali, Lyc., Nua, Petro., Rhus, Sep., Staph., Sulp. (Weakness)—Arn., Calc., Chim, Kali, Lyc, Nua, Phosp., Rhw8, Sep., Staph., Sulp. 759 KI.—LE.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Kidneys.-ARN., BERB., Bry, Cann., CANTH., Clem, Hep, Kali, LYC., Merc, Nua, PETRO, Pwls., Sarsa, Swlp., Thuj., ZINC. Knee.—Arg., CALC., Cawst., LED., LYC., Merc., Nat. m., Petro., RHUS. . (Cap of)—Bell., Calc., Led., Nit, ac. (Hollow of)—Caws., Nat. m., Petro., Sulp. Labour-Pains.—(Excessive)—BELL., CHAM., COFF., Nua, OPI., Pwls. (Feeble)—Ign., PULS., SECA. (Spasmodic)—BELL., Bry., Hyos., OPIUM, Puls. Lameness.—(Spontaneous)—ARN., Bell., CALC., CHIN, Ferr., RHUS, Rwta. Laryngitis.-(Acute)—ACON., Bell, Canth., Cham., Dros., HEP., IOD., Phosp., SPONG. tº (Chronic)—Ars., CAUS, DROS., Hep., Iod, KALI. B., Phosp. Larynx,-(Constriction)—Acon., Ars., Bell., Camph., Canth., Ipec, Pwls., Spong. (Ulceration)—Bell., Caws., Hep., Kalibi., Merc. iod., Nit. ac. Lassitude.-Acom., Amac., Bry., Calc., Carb. v., CHIN., FERR. AC., Graph., Hyos., Lyc., Nat. m., Wvac., PHOSP. A.C., Rhus, Sep., Spong., Verat. Legs.-(Aching pains)—Acon, Bry, Calc., Com., Cupr., Kali, Merc, Nua, Opi., Phosp., Rhºws, Sil., Staph., Verat. (Heaviness)—Acom., Arn., Bell., Calc., Ferr. ac, Graph., Nat., Nua, Phosp., Pwls., Rhus, Sep., Staph, Swlp., Verat. - (Paralysis)—Bell., Caws., COCC., Nua, Oleand., RHUS. Lepra.—Alwm., ARS., Caw8, CUPR., Graph, Petro., Phosp., Sep., Sil., Zimc. - Leucoma.-Bell., Calc., Cann., Euph., Hep., Nit, ae, Puls. Leucorrhoea.—A con., Alwm., Arg. nit., Ars., Bor., Calc., Com., Ferr., Kali iod, Kreas., Lyc., Nat, Nua, Petro., Puls., Sab., Sec., Sep., Sulp., Tart. em.; Zinc. (Bloody)—CHIN., Cocc., Kreas., Lyc., Nit. ac. (Brown)—Amm. m., Nit, ac. (Burning)—CANTH., Con., Kreas., Puls., Sulp. ac. (Corrosive)—ALUM., Ars., Bov., Carb. v., CON., FERR., Iod, MERC., PHOSP., Sep., Sil, Sulp. 760 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [I.E.-MA. Leucorrhoea— (Green)—Bov., Merc., Sep. (Milky)—Calc., Puls., Sil., Sulp. (Mucous)—Bor., Calc., Graph., Mez, Nua, Stann., Sulp. (Purulent)—Chin., Cocc., MERC., Sabi. (Watery)—GRAPH., PULS., Sep. (White, with great debility)—KREAS. (Whitish)—Alwm., Calc., Carb. v., Chim., Cocc., Com., Ferr., Merc., Phosp., Pwls., Sulp. (Yellow)—LYC., Nat., Nit. ac., Nua, Sabi., SEP. Lichen.—Acon., Bry., Cic, Lyc., Mur. ac., Rhw8, Staph., Sulp. Lips.-(Swelling of)—AUR., Bell., BOV., Bry., Hep., Merc., Sil., STAPH., Sulp. - Liver.—(Enlarged)—ARS., Calc., Cann., Caws., CHI, IOD., Kali bi., Lyc., MERC., Nua, Swlp. (Indurated)—Ars., CHIN., CON., Graph., Hep., IOD., KALI IOD., Lyc., SULP. Lochia.-(Profuse)—Bry., Croc., Puls., Sab., Sec. (Foetid)—Bell., Carb. am., Chim, Sabi., Sec. (Suppressed)—Acom., Bell., Dulc., Plat., Pwls., Sec. Lock-Jaw.-Bell., CAMPH., Cie., Cupr., Hyos., Ign, Merc., Nwaº, OPI., Stram., Verat. - Loins.—(Pains in)—Arn., Awr., Bry., Canth., Colo., Lyc., Petro., Plumb., Sarsa., Sep., Staph., Thuj. Love.—(Disappointed)—Awr., HYOS., IGN., Pwls., Staph. Lumbago.—BRY., Caws., LYC., NUX, Puls., Rhus, Sulp. Lumbrici-Cham, CINA, FELI. MAS., Graph, Merc, RUTA, Saba., SPIG. Lungs.-ACON., BRY., Calc., Chim, DROS., Merc., PHOSP., Stann., TART. E.M. Lupus.--ARS., Calc., Cie., CLEM., RHUS, Sep., Staph. Maculae.—Bry., Calc., CAUS., Lyc, NIT. A.C., Phosp., SEP., Staph. Mammary Gland,-(Atrophy)—KALI IOD., Phosp. (Induration)—BELL., Carb. v., Clem., CON., Nit, ac., Phosp., Sil. (Inflammation)—ACON., BELL., Bry, Com., Hep., MERC., Phosp. 3 E 761 MA.—ME.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Mammary Gland— (Suppuration)—ARS, Calc., HEP., KREAS., Merc., Phosp., SIL. Mania.-Acon., Awr., BELL, Canth, Cic, Cupr., HYOS., OPI, Plat., STRAM., Verat, (For suicide)—AUR., Lach., Nwaº, Plat., Pwls. . Marasmus.--Ant., ARS., Bary, CALC, Chin, Cup, Ferr., IOD., Lyc., Nit. ac., Nwaº, PHOSP., Stann., Swlp. Marsh Fever.—Acom, ARS., Bry., CHIN., Samb. Masturbation.—Anac, Ars., CALC, Canth., CHIN., Com., Lyc., Nat. m., NUX, PHOSP. A.C., Sep., Sil., Staph., Swlp, Measles.—ACON., Bell, BRY, Chin, Dule, ipec, Merc., Phosp., PULS., Rhus, Sulp. Meat—(Dislike for)—Bry, CALC, CARB. V., Lyc, Mur. ac., P ETRO., Sep., Sil. Melancholia.-Ars., AUR, IGN., Petro., PLAT., Phos., Puls., Stram. & e Memory.—(Weak)—Alum, Anaco Bell, Con, Hyos., Lyo., Oleand., Staph., Zimc. - (From over-study)—NUX. (From congestion)—ACON., Merc. (Loss of fluids)—Chin. - Meningitis.-ACON., Ars, BELL., HYOS, Opi., Stram. Menoposia.-Acon, BELL., COCC., Con., Lach, Puls., Sep. Menorrhagia.--AC0N., Aloe, BELL, Canth., Chim, Coloc., FERR., IOD., NAT. M., Nua, Phosp. Menstruation.—(Too early)—Calc., Carb. v., Cham., Ipec., Phosp., Sep. * (Bright-red) — BELL., Carb. v., HYOS, IPEC., Mille., Sabi. - (Coagulated)—Bell, CHAM, CROC., Ferr., Hyos., PLAT., Sabi., Seca. (Continued during lactation)—BORAX, (Dark, brownish)—Bry, CANTH., Cham, Croc., FERR., NIT. AC, - (Painful)—BELL., Cham., CON., Graph., LACH.; Nua, PULS., Seca. (Suppressed)—ACON., Ars., Bry, Caws., COCC., Comi., -- DULC., Kali c., Lyc., PULS., Sang., Sil., SULP. 762 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [ME-MI. Menstruation— (Too late)—Caws., CON., Cupr., Dulc., HYOS, Iod, Lyc., Pwls., SULP. (Too long)—Bry., CANTH., Cupr., Ign., Kreas, PLAT., SECA. Mercury, in general.-Arg., AUR., Bell, Carb. v., Chin, CLEM., Colch., DULC., Gwaii., HEP., Iod., KALI IOD., LED., Mez., NIT. A.C., Phosp. ac., Rhw8, Staph., Swlp., Thuja. Mercury.—Evil effects (Dr. Quin–British Annals). Acute mercurial pains—Camph., Opi., Rhºw8. Bone-pains, with ...} Awr., Chim., Mezer. and suppuration of glands Caries of nasal and palatine bones—Mez., Staph. Inflammation of tonsils and velum—Bell., Dulc, Hep. Mercurial exanthemata—Dulc., Staph., Sulp. Nodes—Awr., Asa., Led., Sil., Staph. Pains in the bones—Awr., Mez., Thuja. Pains in the scapulae—Mezer., Phosp. ag. Phthisis trachealis—Led., Nit. ag. º Salivation, Cough, and Bubo-Bell, Dulc., Hep., Wit. ac. Ulceration of bones, with foetid odour—Staphy. Vertigo, with great weakness—Dulc. Metritis.-ACON., BELL., Cham., IOD., Merc, Puls., RHUS, SECA. - - Metrorrhagia.-(Haemorrhage from the uterus)—Agon, Arm., Bell, Bry., Cham., CROC., Ferr., IPEC., Mille, PLAT., SABI., Sang., SECA. º Milk Fever.-Acom, BRY., Cham, Dulc., Puls., Rhus. Milk Leg.—(Phlegmasia)—ARS., Bell., BRY, Iod, Lach., LYC., Merc., Puls., RHUS, Sulp, Mind,-(Anxiety)—ACON., Arn, Ars., AUR., Bry, Calc., Camph., CHAM., Coff., Hyos., IGN., Plat., PULS. (Absence of)—Anac., Cham, Cocc., IGN., Kreas, Nua, Opi., Puls., Sep. º - - ACON.—Anguish; Apprehension; Fear of death, with predic- tion of the day; Tendency to start. ANAC.—Hysteric (hypochondriacal); Anxiety; Dread of men. ABN.—Fear of death; Loss of all hope; Agitation, with groans; Obstinate temper. 768 MI.] - CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Mind— ARS.–Melancholy, even religious; Restless at night; Anxiety of mind; Reproaches of conscience, with great fear of death; Impatient. AUR.—Desire for death; Anguish; Inclined to suicide; Constant weeping. BARY.-Whining; Discontent; Dislike for society; Suspi- cious; Passionate. BELLA.—Sadness; Low spirits; Desponding; Anguish, with restlessness. - BRY.—Great oppression; Weeping; Doubt of recovery; Fear; Irritable; Passionate, CALC.-Desponding; Weeping; Dread of something occur- ring; Constantly thinks of accidents; Nervous uneasiness; Obstinacy; Dislike for other persons. CANN.—Easily offended; Mania, alternating with a merry or Sad mood. CANTH.-Anxious; Whining; Low spirits; Restless, or raging with passion. CARB. V.-Restless toward evening; Irritable; Passionate; Dread of ghosts. CAUST.-Apprehension; Anxiety; Fear at night; Tendency to start; Irritable. CHAM.—Restless; Moaning; Tossing; Crying of children. CHIN.—Lowness of spirits, with excessive nervousness; Apathy; Indifference. CINA.—Whining; Peewish; Discontent; Children cry if only touched. - COCC.—Sadness; Disposed to reverie; Soon offended at a trifle; Angry feeling. COFF.—Tossing; Restless; Sleepless; Anguish about the heart. - CON.—Anxiety; Sadness; Weeping; Hysteric mood; Vexed; Melancholy; Tendency to start. CROC.—Sadness, alternating with cheerfulness; Religious melancholy. - CUP.—Anxiety; Weeping, with fits of craziness; Attacks of death-like anguish. DIG.-Apprehensive for the future; Great mental anguish; Feeling of sickness. 764 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [MI. Mind— FERR.—Anxiety, with throbbing at the pit of the stomach; Peevish. GRAPH.-Low, excessive grief; Much weeping; Fear of some calamity at hand; Great anguish of mind at night; Unable to remain in bed. HELL.-Silent grief ; Melancholy; Sobbing; Anguish, as if she would die. HEP.—Anguish, with apprehension; Thoughts of suicide: Irritable; Ill-temper. HYOS.—Mistrustful; Fear of being poisoned; Loquacious; Jealous; Quarrelsome. IGN.—Silent, inward grief; Sadness; Moaning; Constant sighing, or weeping; Desire to be alone. IOD.—Very low spirits; Whining mood; Restless; Nervous; Irritable. IPEC.—Peewish humour of children; Irritability; Crying; Anguish of mind. LYCO.--Despair of salvation; Intense anguish ; Weeping; Fear of solitude. MERC.—Anguish; Restlessness; Fear of losing the senses; Impatient; Obstinate. NAT. C.—Anxiety, especially from thunder; Dread of society and mental labour. NIT. A.C.—Sadness; Fear of death; Anxiety, or great excita- bility; Fits of rage. NUX.—Grief, with palpitation; Constantly brooding over his own condition; Anxiety about his health; Thoughts of death; Very sensitive to external impressions; Melan- choly; Irritable; Dread of labour, physical or mental. OLEAN.—Abstraction of mind; Weak memory; Dulness of intellect; Dread of labour. OPI.—Easily alarmed; Tendency to start, or total indif- ference; Stupidity. PHOSP.--Melancholy; Weeping; Great anguish when alone; Easily frightened; Fits of weeping, followed by laughter; Hysteria; Hypochondria. PLAT.-Hysteria, with lowness of spirits; Involuntary weep- ing; Anguish at the heart, as if death were near, with dyspnoea and trembling. 765 MI-M0.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Mind— PULS.—Sadness; Weeping;. Fear of death; Intense anguish; Inclination to suicide; Morose, ill-humour, or alternate laughter and weeping; Uneasiness at the stomach, or pal- pitation; Giddiness. - . RHUS.—Sad; Anxious; Desire to be alone and weep; Fear of being poisoned; Anguish of mind, with fear of death. SEP-Anxiety, with flushes of heat; Spirits much depressed; Great dejection; Indifference to everything; Pensive. SPIG.-Great anxiety about the future; Despondency; Thoughts of suicide. STAPH.-Weeping; Hypochondriac mood, with indifference; Weak memory; Restlessness; Spite; Anger—he cannot remain in one place; Very sensitive. STRAM.–Mania; Fury; Desire to strike or bite; Trifles irri- tate; Anguish of mind, with tears; Mental derangement. TART. E.M.–Restlessness, with palpitation; Despair—all hope gone. - THUJ.—Mental dejection; Anxiety for the future. VALER.—Desolate; Despairing—alternating with joy and excitement, VERAT, - Great dejection; Deadly anguish; Timid; Frightened; Despair. - - ZINC.—Fear of death; Mind haunted by spectres—robbers; - Dislike to conversation; Aversion to all labour. * Moles.—Calc., Carb. v., Graph., Petro., Sulph. Morning.—(Exacerbation)—Awr, Calc, Carb. v., Caws., Chel., Com., Croc., Dros., Graph., Hep., Ign, Iod., Kali bi., Nat. m., Nua, Phosp., Rhod, Sabad, Sabi., Staph., - Stram., Swlp. ac., Tart. 6m., Verat. Morning Sickness.-Ars, Bell., Cocc., Ipec, Kreas., Nua, Petro. Mouth.—(Dry)–Agon., Ant., Bell, BRY., Caws., Cham., Cocc., Lach, Lyc., Merc., Nit. a6., Nua, Phosp., Puls., Rhºws, Sil., Verat. (Foetor from)—Arm, AUR., Bell, CARB. V., Chim, Dulc., IOD., MERC, N UX, Sep., Sulp. * (Mucus in)—Bell., Calc., Chin, Ign., MERC., Nua, PHOSP. A.C., Sang, Seneg., SULP. (Ulcers in)—Ars., BOR, Hep., KALI IOD., Merc., MUR. A.C., - Nit. ac., Nua. z - 766 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [M0.—NE. Movement.—(Pains increased by)—ACON., Arm., Bell., BRY., Calc., CHAM., Chin., Colch., Ipec., LED., Merc., Mez, Nua, Phosp., SPIG., Staph. (Pains mitigated by)—Ars., A8a., Awr., Com., Dulc., Ferr., Kreas., Lach., Lyc., Nat. c., Plat., Puls., Rhod., Rhw8, Sep., Tart. em. Mucous Fever.—ANT. C., Ars, DULC., Ipec., MERC., Puls. Mumps.-Ars., Awr., BELL., Carb. v., Com., MERC., Puls., RHUS, Sil. Myelitis.-Acom., ARS., BELL., Bry, Chin., COCC., Dulc., - Nwaº, RHUS, Verat. - Myopia.-Calc., CON., Euphra, Hep., Hyos., Kali iod, Lyc., Nit, ac., Phosp., Plumb., Pwls., Ruta, Sulp. Naevus.-Ars., Calc., Carb. v., Phosp., Sulp. Nails.-Alwm., ARS., Bovis., Caws., GRAPH., Hep., MERC., Nit. ac., SIL., Sulp. (Deformed)—Ant., GRAPH., Sep., SIL., Sulp. - (Ulcerated)—Ars., Calc., HEP., Merc., NIT. AC., Petro., Puls., SIL. Nausea.—Amt. c., Arn., Ars., Bis., Caws., Cham, Chim, Cup., Hep., IPEC., LOB., Merc., NUX, Puls., Rhus, Verat. (After a meal)—Ars., BRY., CAUS., Dig., Nat. m., NUX, Petro., PULS. (When riding)—Ars., Bor., COCC., Kreas, LYC., PETRO., - SEP. - Neck.-(Enlarged)—Bell., Com., Iod., Phosp. - (Eruption on)—Caws., CLEM., Hep., Lyc., SEP., Sulp. (Glands of)—Baryt., Bell., Carb. a., Clem., Dulc., Kali iod, Rhus, Spong., Staph. (Stiffness at nape)—BELL., BRY., Caws., LYC., Merc., Rhw8. Necrosis.-Ars., Asa., AUR., KREAS., Merc., PHOSP., Sabi., Sil. Nephritis.-Acom., Arn., Bell, BERB, Bry., Cann., CANTH., Nua, Pwls. Nervous Debility.—ARN., Asar, Bary., Bry, CHIN., Hep., IGN., Lyc., Mosch, NUX, Phosp., Puls., Sil., Valer., Verat. Nervous Excitement—Acon, Bell, Cham., COFF., Hyos., Kreas., Nua, Plat., Puls., Sep., Sulp. 767 º NE.-0N.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Nettle-Rash,_ACON., Ars., BRY., Calc., CAUS., Dwlc., HEP. Ipec., PULS, RHUS, Sep., Sulp., Urtic. Neuralgia.-ACON., Ars., Asa, BELL., Bry, Cawst., CHAM., Chim, CLEM., Coff., COLOC., Igma, KALM., Kreas., Lyc., MERC., Mez., Nua, Phosp., Pwls., SPIG., Staph., Verat. (Of the head)—Glom., Kalm, Staph. Night.—(Worse at)—Acom., Ars, Awr., Bell., Bry., Camm., Cham., Chim, Colch., Con..., Ferr. ac., Kreas., Merc., Nit. ac, Phos., Puls., Rhod, Rhw8, Samb., Sil., Thuj. Nightmare.—Acom., BELL, NUX, Opi., PULS., Sulp. Night-Sweat.—Amm. m., ARS., Bry, Calc., KALI. C., Merc., - NIT. AC., Phosp. ac., Plumb., SAMB. Nipples.—(Inflamed)—ACON., Bell., BRY., Merc., Phosp., PULS., Sulp. (Sore, cracks)—ARN., Calc., Graph., Lyc., Petro., SIL. Nodosities.—ANT., Awr., Bry., Calc., CAUS., GRAPH., Led, Lyc., PHOSP., RHOD. (Of the breast)—Bell., Carb. am., Clem., CON., Nit. ac., SIL. Nose.—(Sore, ulcerated)—Amt. c., Ars., AUR., Calc., Graph., HEP., Nat. c., Nit. ac., Sep., Sulp. (Stoppage of)—ALUM., Amm. c., Ant, c., AUR., Bary., Carb. v., CAUS., CON., Kali bi., Lyc., NUX, Phosp., SAMB., Sep. Numbness.--ACON., Awr., Calc., CARB. V., Chin., COCC., Dros., Graph., IGN., Kali c., Lyc., Nat. m., NUX, Rhºws, SIL., Spig., Thuj. Nyctalopia-Acom., CON., MERC., Nit. ac., Phosp., STRAM. Nymphomania.-Bell., CANTH., HYOS., Merc., Nua, Phos., PLAT., Stram. Obesity.—ANT, CALC., Caps., Cocc., Ferr., Lyc., Puls., SULP. OEdema.-APIS, ARS., Bry., CHIN, DIG., Ferr., HELL., Led., Lyc., Rhºws, Squill. - OEsophagus.-(Constriction)—Ars., Bry, Caws., Cocc., Ipec., Lach., Nua, Phosp., Plºwmb., Rhºws, Tart. em. (Inflammation of)—Acom., BELL., CANTH., Merc. Onychia.-Caws., GRAPH, HEP., Merc., Plat., Sep., SIL., Sulp. (Syphilitic)—ARS., MERC. IOD. Apply dilute Arsenical solution (or Fowler's). 768 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. IOP.—PA. Ophthalmia.-ACON., Apis, Arm., BELL., Canth., Caws., Cham., Com., EUPHR., Hep., Kali bi., Merc., Nit. ac., NUX, Phos., PULS., Rhus, Spig., Sulp. (Arthritic)—Ars., Bell., Bry., Caws, Cocc., Merc., Puls., Sulp. (Catarrhal)—Aeon., Bell, Euphr., Hep., Merc., Nua, Pwls., Spig. (Gomorrhoeal)—Acom., Cann., Gels., Lyc., Merc., Puls., Sulp. (Granular)—ARS., Bary., DIGIT., Kali bi., Sabi., Thuj. (Of infants)—BRY., Sulp. (Traumatic)—ARN., Com., Ruta. (Purulent)—Arg. mit., BELL., Camm., Camth., Clem., HEP., Kali iod, Rhus, TART. E.M. Free application of cold water. (Rheumatic)—ACON., Bell., BRY., Merc., Rhod, RHUS. (Scrofulous)—Agar., Ars., CALC., Caws., Com., Cupr., Graph., HEP., Merc. iod., RHUS, Sulp. (Syphilitic)—Awr., Merc., Nit. ac., Sulp., Thuja. Opisthotonos.-BELL., CUPR., Ipec., NUX, Rhus, Stram. Orchitis.-Acom., APIS, Arn., Awr., Bell., Camm., CLEM., Kali iod., Merc., Nit. ac., Nua, PULS., Spong., Sulp. Orthopnoea.—Ars., Bry, Camp., Carb. v., Hep., IPEC., Opi., PHOS., Puls., SAMB., Tart. em. Otalgia.-Acom., BELL., CHAM., Dros., Dulc., MERC., PULS., Spig. - (Inflammatory)—ACON., BELL., Bry., MERC., Puls. Otorrhoea.—Asa., AUR., Bell., Calc., CARB. V., CAUS., HEP., - Lyc., MERC., Nit. ac., PULS., Sil., SULP. Ovarian Dropsy.—Bell., Dig., Dulc., Merc. Ovaries.—ACON., Bry., CANTH., Com., Lach., MERC., PLAT., Podop., SECA., Staph., Thuj., Zimc. Ozoena.-Alwm., ARS., AUR., Bell., CAP.C., Com., Graph., HEP., Merc., PULS., Rhºws. * (Syphilitic)—AUR., MERC., Nit. ac. Pains.—(Aching)—ARN., AUR., Bell., Calc., Caps., CARB. W., Chim., CUPR., Ign., Eye., MERC., Rhod., RUTA. (Bruised)—ACON., ARN., Awr., BRY., CHIN., Cocc., Com., Dros., Ign, Kreas., NAT. M., NUX V., Phosp. ac., Ruta, Vera. (Burning)—Acon., ARS., Bry, CANTH., Carb. v., CAUST., 3 F 769 PA—PH) CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Pains—(Burning continued)— - - Euphor., Kali iod., Lyc., Merc., PHOSP., Rhw8, Sep. - (Cutting)—BELL., Calc., Canth., COLOC., Merc., Nat. m., RHUS. (Pricking)—Aeon, Arn., Asa, Bell, Bry, Cale, Canth, Chim, Cocc., Igm., Merc., Nit. ac., Pwls., Rhºw8, Staph., Tart, em., Thuj. (Shooting)—ACON., Arm., Ars., BRY., CALC., Canth., KALI IOD., Kreas., Nit. ac., PULS., RHUS, - Spig., Squill., STAPH. (Violent)—ACON., ARS., Cham., COFF., COLOC., Com., CUPR. - (Wandering)—Arm., Chin., PULS, RHOD., Rhus, Sulp., VALER. Palpitation.—ACON., Ars., AUR., Bell., CACT., Camm., Iod., Kalm., LACH., Lyc., NAJA, Nat. m., Opi., Phosp., SPIG., VERAT. . - Panaris.--ARS., Bell., Bov., HEP., Lach., MERC., SIL., Sulp. Paralysis.--ARN., Bell., CAUS., COCC., Dulc., IGN., Lawr., . - Nwaº, Olean., Phos., RHUS, Sec., Sil., Stram., Verat. (Of the tongue)—HYOS. - (With apoplexy)—Arm, Com., Opi., Rhus, Zine. Parotid Region.—ACON., Awr., BELL., Cham, IOD., Kali iod., Merc., RHUS. Parturition.—Arm., BELL., Cham., Cocc., HYOS., Ign., PULS., Sec. Pastry.—(Evils of)—BRY., Ipec., PULS., Sulp. Pemphigus.-Ars., Bell., CANTH., Dulc., Merc., Ram, RHUS, Sep., Staph., Tart. em. - Pericarditis.-Acom., ARS., Bell., Brom., Bry, Cact., CANN., DIG., Lach., Naja, SPIG. 4; Peripneumonia.-ACON., BRY., Merc., Phos., Seneg., SQUILL. Peritonitis.-ACON., BELL., Bry, Canth., Cham, Colo., Hyos., MERC., RHUS. – Petechiae.—Arm., ARS., BRY., Hyos., Kreas., Led., RHUS, SEC., Sulp. ac, Pharyngitis-ACON., BELL., Canth, KALI BI., Lach., MERC. IOD. Phlebitis.-Acon, Ars., Hama., Lach., Pwls., Sulp., Tart. em. 770 - - CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [PH.—PR, Photophobia-Acon., Ars., BELL., Bry., CALC., Caw8., - Cham, Com., EUPHRA., Hyos., IGN., Sulp. Phthiriasis.--ARS., Chim, Merc., Olean, Sabad., STAPH. Phthisis.-CALC., Carb. veg., CAUS., CHIN., Dros., Iod., Kali c., KALI IOD., Lyc., PHOSP., Puls., Sang., Sep., STANN., Sulp. Pityriasis.--ARS., Bry, CALC., Graph., Led., Lyc., PHOS., - . Rhus, SEP., Staph. Placenta-(Retention)—Bell., Canth., PULS., SECA. Pleurisy.-ACON ., BRY., Chim, Hep., Kali iod., Merc., Nua, Phos., Squill., Sulp. Pleurodynia.--ARN., Bry., Nua, Puls., Sulp. Plica Polonica.-Bor., Lyc., Nat. m., Vimca. Pneumonia.-ACON., Bell., BRY., Camm., Merc., PHOSP., Samg., Squill., TART. E.M. - First stage—Acom., Bry., Cann. Second stage—Phosp., Sulp. Third stage—Chin., LYC., PHOSP. Poisons.—(If unknown)—Excite vomiting; Administer tepid water; Sugar and Water; Albumen; Strong Coffee. ACIDS, MINERAL OR VEGETABLE-Alkalies; Soap-water; Whiting; Chalk; Milk; Olive oil; Linseed tea. ALCOHOL–Milk; Mucilage; Coffee; Ammonia; Nux v. ALKALIES.–Acids; Lemon-juice; Vinegar. ANTIMONY–Milk; Soap-water; Strong tea; China. ARSENIC–Albºwmen ; Soap-water; Sugar-water; Milk. BELLADONNA.—Charcoal; Castor-oil; Coffee. IODINE—Starch ; Flour and Water; Mucilage. LEAD–Soap ; Milk; Mucilage; Sulphate of Magnesia. LUNAR CAUSTIC–Salt; Salt and Water; Mucilage. MERCURY—Sugar-water; Milk; Albumen. OPIUM-Strong Coffee; Vinegar; Camph. ; Nux v.; Electro- magnetic shocks to the spine. PHOSPHORUS—Coffee; Magnesia; Mucilage; Albumen. PRUSSIC ACID—Camphor; Coffee; Hartshorn; Vinegar. REPTILES-Suck the part; Give Ammonia, or Brandy. Polypus.--(Nasal)—CALC, Iod., KALI BI., O.P., Phosp., SANG. Apply the tincture with a camel-hair pencil. Pregnancy.—(Constipation during)—BRY., Lyc, NUX, Plat, SEP. - 771 PR.—RA.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Pregnancy— - (Diarrhoea)—CHAM., Dulc., Puls., SULP. (Toothache)—Acom., CHAM., Clem., NUX, Puls., STAPH. (Varices)—Arn., Carb. v., HAMA., PULS., Zinc. - (Vomiting)—Ars., Ipec., KREAS., LOBEL., Petro., Verat. Presbyopia.—CALC., Caws., CON., HYOS., LYC., Sep., Stram. Priapismus.-Cann., Canth., Nat. c., Phosp. ac., Plat., Thuj. Prolapsus.-(Recti)—ALOE, Ars., Calc., IGN., NIT. AC., NUX, Pod., Sulp., Thuj. - (Uteri)—BELL., Cann., NUX, PLAT., PODOP., Sec., SEP. (Vagina)—Arni., Bell, FERR, KREAS., MERC., NUX. Prosopalgia.-ACON., Ars., Bell., Caws., COLOC, KALM., Phosp., SPIG., Staph., Verat. Prostate.- (Affections of) — AUR., Cann., Merc., PULS., THUJA. Proud Flesh.--ARS., CARB. V., CAUS., Graph., Phosp., SIL. Prurigo of the anus.-CALC., Caws., Merc., NIT. A.C., Sulp., *. THUJ., Zime. Of the scrotum—Dulc., Nit. ac., PETRO., Rhod. Psoriasis.--ARS., Bry., Calc., C.L.E.M., Graph., Lyc., MERC., Phosp., RHUS, Sep. (Syphilitic)—Aur., CLEM., Kali iod., Lach., Merc., Nit. ac., Sarsa, Staph., THUJA. - Puerperal Fever.-ACON., BELL., Bry., CHAM., Colo., HYOS., Merc., PULS., Rhus, Seca. (Spasms)—CHAM., Cie., COCC., Hyos., IGN. Pulsation.—(In parts)—ACON., Asa., COCC., IOD., Kal. c., Nat. m., PLAT., Puls., Sabi., TARTEM., Thuja. Pulse, (Quick)—ACON., BRY., Hyos., IOD., MERC., PHOSP., Rhºws, Stanſm. - (Intermittent)—CHIN, DIG., Hep., Nat. m., Phosp. ac., Secal. (Slow)—Bell., Camph., DIG., KALMI., Opi., Verat. (Trembling)—ARS., Bell., Cact., CAMP.H., DIG., Kreas., - LACH., Rhºws, SPIG. Purpura Haemorrhagica.-ARN., BRY., Chin, Led, RHUS. Rachitis–(Rickets)—ARS, ASA, Bell, CALC, Iod, Lyo, - Petro., PHOS. AC., Puls., SIL., Sulp. 772 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. IRA.—SA. Ranula.-CALC., IOD., Kali iod, Merc., Thuj. Raphania.-(Ergotism)— ARS., Bell., BRY., Chin., Hyos., RHUS, Seca. Rectum.—Ars., CARB. V., Caust., Chin., Graph., NUX, SULP., THUJA. Respiration.—(Anxious)—ACON., Ars., Bell., BRY., Camph., Hep., Ipec., Lobel., Phos., SAMB., TART. E.M. (Quick)—ACON., Asa., BELL., BRY., Carb. v., CUPR., Ipec., Lobel., PHOSP., TART. E.M. (Slow)—Bell., Camph., CON., Cupr., DIG., Lawr., OPI. Restlessness.-ACON., BELL., Cham., Chim., COFF., HYOS., OPI., Phosp. Rhagades.—Alwm., Arm., Calc., Petro., Rhw8. (Of the anus)—Hydras., Ratan. Rheumatic Fever. — ACON., Bell., BRY., Merc., PULS., RHUS. - Rheumatism.—Arm., BRY., Calc. phosp., Chin., COLCH., DULC., Merc., Nua, v., Pwls., RHOD., RHUS, Thuj., Verat. (Chronic)—ASA., CAUST., Hep., LED., Lyc., Phosp., SULP. (Of the heart)—Acon, Cact, Colch., Naja, Spig. Rigidity of the body.—Bell., Cie., Cupr., Ipec., Stram. * (Of the limbs)—Ars., Hell., Merc., Nua, v., Stram. Rigors.--ARS., BRY., CHIN, Dig., Dros., Kreas., LOBEL., MERC., NUX W., Puls., Rhºws. Ringworm.—Calc., Caust., Clem., Rhus, Sep., Sulp. Rubeola-ACON., Bell., BRY., Merc., PULS., Rhºws. Rupia-—ARS., Bor, GRAPH, Kali c., Nit. ac., Petro., RHUS, Sil. (Syphilitic)—Alum., CLEM., MERC. IOD., NIT. A.C., Thuja. Sacrum.—Arm., BRY., Caws., Cocc., Kali c., NUX, Pwls., Rhºws. - Sadness.-Acom., AUR., Bell, IGN., Nat. m., PLAT., Puls. Saliva.-(Increased)—Alum., ARG., Bell., Bry, Calc., Caus, DULC., Hell., HEP., Iod., Kali c., MERC., Nua, v., Phosp., Rhus, STAPH. Sarcocele.—Awr., Clem., Con., Graph., Puls., Rhod, Sulp., Thwa. - 773 # ºr SA—SL. CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Satyriasis.-CANTH., Chin., HYOS., Merc., Nat. m., PLAT., Stram., Sulp. - Scabies.—CAUST., Dulc., SULP., Verat., (Lobel., Crot, tig.) Scald Head.—(Humid)—ARS., Bary., DULC., GRAPH., Hep., . Lyc., RHUS, Sep., STAPH., Sulp. - Scarlatina.-ACON., Amm. c., BELL., Canth., Dulc., HYOS., Merc., Phosp., RHUS. Also Mur. ac., Nit. ac., Phosp. ac. - * - Sciatica.-Acom., Ars., Cham., Coff., COLOC., IGN., MERC., NUX, Pwls., Rhod., Rhºws, Staph. Scrotum.—Arm, Carb. v., Clem, Dulc., Graph., Petro., Pwls., Rhod., Sil., Sulp. Scurvy of the gums.-Ars., Bor., CARB. V., Caws., Hep., Merc., MUR. A.C., STAPH. Sea-Sickness.-ARS., COCC., KREAS., Lobel., PETRO., Sep., Tart. em. Sick Headache.—COCC., IPEC., Mosch., Samg., SEP., Verat. Skin-(Burning in)—ACON., ARS., Bell., CANTH., CAUS., CHAM., Cocc., Con, Dig., Dulc, Hep., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., MERC., PHOSP., Puls., Rhus, Sep. (Peeling of)—Amm. C., Ars., Awr., Bov., Caws., Coloc., Com., Merc., Phosp., Sec., Verat. Spots on (Black)—Ars., Lach., Rhºws, Sec. (Blue)—Arm., Ars., Bry, Led., Rhºws, Ruta. (Brown)—Bry., Hyos., MERC., NIT. AC., SEP., Sulp. - (Tendency to inflame)—Acom., BELL., CANTH., Cham., - - Hep., MERC., Nit. ac., Puls., RHUS, Sil. - to ulcerate)—Bor., Calc., Caws., GRAPH, HEP., Petro., SIL., Staph. - Sleep.–(Agitated)—Aeon, Ars., BELL., Cham., CHIN, Coloc., GRAPH., Kreas., Lyc., MERC., Nua, v., PHOSP., RHUS, Sep., Sulp. (Comatose)—BELL., Croc., Hyos., OPI., Tart. em. (Cries out in)—Bell., Bry., Cham, Cina, Merc., Stram., * Tart. em. (Jerking of the limbs)—Ars., BELL., Cham, Cupr., LYC., Phosp., PULS., SIL. (Not refreshed)—Alum., Bis., BRY., Calc., Carb. v., Chin, 29 35 25 774 - CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [SL-SP. f Sleep—(Continued)– CON., Hep., Lyc., Nat. m., OPI., Petro., PHOSP., Sulp., ZINC. (Snoring)—Arm., CHIN., Hyos., OPI., Rhus, Stram. (Starting in)—Acom., Ars., Bell., Calc., CAUS., Cham., CUPR., Dros., Hyos., IGN., NUX W., Puls., Samb., Sulp. (Talking in)—BELL., Calc., Carb. v., Cham, Nit, ac., NUX W., PULS., Rhus, SULP. Sleepiness.-Acom., ANTI., Bell, Bry, CROC., MERC., Nat. m., Nua, v., Opi., PULS., TART. E.M. (In the morning)—CARB. V., Graph., NUX V., Phosp. ac., - Rhºws, ZINC. Sleeplessness.-Acom., Ars., BELL., Bry., Calc., Cham., COFF., Fluor, ac., Hep., HYOS., Ign, Merc., Mosch., Nat. m., Nua, v., OPI., Phosp. ac., RHUS, Sep., Sil, Sulp. (After midnight)—ARS., Awr., Canth., COFF., Com., - KALI. C., Nat. c., NUX, Sep., Sil. Small-Pox,−First stage, Fever—ACON., BELL., Bry., Rhus. Second, Eruptive—ANTI. C., MERC., Sulp., TART. E.M. Third, Desquamation—Bry, Dulc., Pwls., Sulp. Complica- tions must be treated according to their nature and symp- toms. If the eruption be tardy—BRY. Black pustules—Ars., Carb. v., Kreas., Lach., Mwr. a.c., Sec. Confluent form—Hyos., Tart. em. - To prevent pitting, protect from the air and light. Smell.—(Loss of)—Awr., Bell, CALC., Caws., Hyos., PHOSP., - Samg., Sep. i Sneezing.—(Fits of)—Ars., CARB. V., Caust., HELL., Nua. v., RHUS, SABAD. Somnambulism.—Bry, Opi., Phosp., Sil., Sulp. Spasms of the muscles.—A com., BELL., CIC., CUPR., Hyos., IGN., Ipec., Merc., Nua, v., Opi., Plat., Plumb., Seca., Stram., Verat. (Clonic)—Agar, Arn., Bell, Camph., Canth., Cham, Cie., Cupr., Hyos., Ign., Ipec, Nua, Stram. (Hysteric)—Aur., Bell., Bry., COCC., Com., Hyos., IGN., - Mosch., NUX W., PLAT., Stann., Stram., VALER. 775 S.P.-ST.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Spasms— - (Tonic)—Angus., Bell., Bry, Camph., Caws., Cic., Cupr., Plat., Seca., Stram., Verat. Speech-(Difficult)—Bell., Canth., Dros., Hep., Spong. (Stammering)—Acom, Bell, CAUS., Euphra., MERC., Plat., Stram. Spermatic Cord.—Clem., Wit. ac., PHOSP. A.C., Puls., SPONG., Staph. Spermatorrhoea.—Bell., Canth., CHIN., FERR., MERC., º Phosp. ac. Sphacelus.-Ars., Asa., Camth., Secal., Sil. Spine.—(Curvature of)—CALC., Con, Lyc., Rhus, SIL., Sulp. (Atrophy)—Calc., Caws., Nua, v., Phosp. ac., Sulp. (From injury)—Arm, Rhºws. (Inflammation of)—Acom., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cocc., Ipec., Phosp., Verat. - Spleen.—A com., Ars., Brom., Bry, CHIN, IOD., Nua, v., Sulp. Sprains.—ARN., Bry., RHUS, Ruta, Sil. Sterility.—BOR., Camm., Caus., Con., Ferr., MERC., NAT. C., Phosp., Plat., Sulp. - Stings.--Acom., Arm, LED. Arnica lotion, Camphor by olfac- tion. Stomacace,—Ars., BOR., CARB. V., Dulc., Hep., KALI IOD., Merc., MUR. A.C., Nua, v., Sep., STAPH., Tart. em. Stomach,-(Acidity)—BRY., Calc., CARB. V., Cham., Com., Lyc., NIT. AC., NUX, PETRO., Puls., Sep., SULP. AC. (Burning)—Acon., ARS., BIS., Bry, Camph., CANTH., Carb. v., Colch., Dig., IOD., Lawr., PHOSP., Rhus, Sec., Sep., TEREB. - (Cramp in)—Anti., Calc., CARB. V., Caws., COCC., Com., CUPR., Graph., Lye, Nat. m., NUX W., PHOSP., Sep. (Emptiness)—Anti., CHAM., Graph., Ign., IPEC., Kali iod, Nat. m., PETRO., Phosp., Rhus. - (Fulness)—Canth., CHIN, Iod., Kali bi., LYC., NUX V., Phosp., Zinc. (Heavy load)—Acom., ARS., Carb. v., Dig., Kali c., Lobel., Petro., Sep., Sulp, (Pressure also at pit)—Acom., ARS., Bell, BIS., Carb. v., 776 - CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [ST.—TA. Stomach—(Pressure continued)— Cham., CUPR., Dulc., FERR. AC., Hep., Lyc., MERC., Nat. m., NUX V., Phosp., RHUS, Sep., VERAT. (Throbbing)—BIS., IOD., Kali c., Lobel, Nua, v., PULS., SEP. Strain.—(From lifting)—Arm., Bry., CALC., Carb. am., Cocc., CON., Graph., IOD., RHUS, Sil., Sulp. Strangury.-Apis, Cact., CANTH., Caws., TEREBIN. Stricture.—(Urethra)—Camm., Canth., CLEM., Dig., DULC., Iod., Nua, v., PETRO., Puls., Sil., Sulp. (Rectum)—Nit. ac., Plumb., Thuja. Struma.-Ars., Asa., Awr., BARY., Bell., CALC., Carb. v., Cina, Com., IOD., KALI IOD., Lyc., MERC. IOD., Olewn jecoris, Rhw8, Sil., Sulp. Subsultus Tendinum.—Asa, BELL., Caus., Clem., Coloc., - Cupr., HYOS., Ign., Tod., Kali c., Lyc., Plat., Rhus, Sec., Sulp. . Sunstroke.—ACON., Bell., CAMP., GLON., LACH., Opi., Zinc. Suppuration.—ARS., Asa., Bell., Bovi., Calc., Carb. v., HEP., Lyc., MERC., Nit. ac., Phosp., Pwls., Rhºws, SIL. Sweat.—(Tendency to)—Bell., Bry., Calc., Camth., Cham., Chin., - Hep., Merc., Nit, ac., Nua, Rhºws, SAMB., Selen., SIL., Stamm., Sulp., TART. E.M., Thuj. - Sycosis.-CINNAB., Lyc., Nit. ac., Phosp. ac., Sabi., STAPH., THUJ. Syncope.—ACON., CACT., Camp., CHIN., Com., Dig., Ferr. ac., HYOS., LACH., Naja, Nua, v., Opi., Verat. *: Syphilis.-(Primary)—MERC., Merc. corr., Merc. iod. Calen- dula lotion to the ulcer (Yeldham.) (Secondary)—Hepar, Kali iod., Nit, ac. Tabes Dorsalis.-Chim, Nua, Sulp. Tabes Mesenterica.-CALC., Caws., Hep., IOD., Merc., Sil., Swlp. Tape-Worm.—Ars., FILIX MAS., GRANN., Sabad., Stamm, Sulp. Taste.—(Loss of)—Ammo. m., BELL., Calc., Lyc., NAT. M., PULS., Sec., SIL., Verat. (Acid)—Ars., Calc., Cocc., Kali iod., Phosp., Puls., Rhw8, Tart. em. 3 G 777 TA—T0.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Taste— (Bitter)—BRY., Cham, CHIN., Dros., Merc., NUX V., Puls., WERAT. Tea.—(Evils of)—CHIN., Ferr., THUJ., Verat. Teeth.-(Loosening of)—Carb. v., Caws., Lyc., Merc., Nit. &c., Phosp., Rhus, Sep. (Caries of)—Amt. c., Kreas., Mez., Phosp., Spig., Staph. (Pains in)—ACON., Bell., CHAM, CLEM., Coff, Kreas, Merc., Nua, Spig., STAPH. Tenesmus.-ACON., BELL., Canth., Caws., HEP., Ipec., Merc., NIT. AC., Nua, v., Puls., RHUS, SULP., Verat. Testes.—Arm., AUR., Chin., C.L.E.M., CON., Iod., Merc., Nit. ac., Nua, v., Puls., RHOD., SPONG., Staph., Sulp., Thuja. Thirst.—ACON., ARS., Bell., BRY., Calc., Caws., Cham., CHIN., Hyos., KALI IOD., Lach., MERC., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Plat., Rhºws, Seca., SULP. - Tobacco.—(Evils of)—Acom., Ars., Cocc., Cupr., Ign., Nua, v., - Staph., Verat. Toes.—ARN., CAUS., Chin., GRAPH., L.E.D., Merc., Plat., Sabi., Sil., SULP. Tongue-Acon., Bell., BRY., Chin., MERC., Puls., RHUS. ACON.—White; Numb; Dry, like leather, or swollen; Burn- ing, or cold; Trembling; Vesicles that burn. ARS.—White, bluish, brown, or blackish—or red, dry, cracked, and trembling ; Insensible, as if burnt; Covered with vesicles. - BELL.-Hot, dry; White in the middle, with red edges— or white coating, or cracked; Papillae enlarged, inflamed— painful to touch; Tremor of the tongue. BRY.—Yellow or white, or dry; Rough, brownish, parched. CANTH.--White, slimy; Inflammation; Suppuration. CARBO. v.-White, or yellowish-brown mucus. CAUS.—Burning, scraping ; Vesicles; Paralysis. CHAM.—Dry, red, fissured—or thick coating; White or yellow. CHIN.—Thick, dirty brownish-white, or yellow ; Parched; Blackish one side; Swollen and painful. COLOCY.—White or yellow; Rough, as if strewed with sand; Red; Sore. CONI.—Stiff, swollen, painful; Speech difficult. 778. - CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [T0. Tongue— - DIG.-Coated several days; White in the morning; Swollen; Blue. DULC.—Dry, rough, swollen ; Paralysis; Difficult speech. GRAPH.-Burning vesicles; Painful ulcer; Papillae sensitive; Rough tongue. Hyos.-Clean, dry, parched, with lips like Scorched leather; Feels as if burnt; Paralysis of the tongue. IGNAT-Numbness; Tip feels sore, burnt; Biting the tongu when eating. - LYC.—Heavy, swollen, Sore; Vesicles; Tubercle, or ulcer, under the tongue. MERC.—Stiff, sore, ulcerated; Hard, swollen; Very sensitive to the air; Thick coating—or brown, or blackish. NAT. MUR.—Vesicles that smart when eating ; One half feels stiff and numb ; Sensation as of a hair on the tongue. NIT. A.C.—White coating; Dry; Vesicles; Soreness; Smarting from food. - NUx VOM.—Coated white or yellow ; Brown, blackish, or cracked; the tongue feels heavy and enlarged. PETRO.—Tongue tender for solid food; Acid or salt food causes much smarting; White coating. PHOSP.-White coating, or slimy mucus—or dry and furred; Clear vesicles on the tip of the tongue. PODOP.-Thick, white fur (morning) on awaking, with foul taste in mouth. PULS.—White, or greyish ; Dry, parched, or covered with tenacious mucus; Tongue feels too broad. RHUS RAD.—Yellow coating, or brown mucus; Very red at tip; Pricking; Burning; Biting ; Vesicles; Excoriation. RHUS TOX.—Clean—free from fur—or very dry; Bright-red, like beefsteak; Parched, brown—feels as if covered with a skin. SABAD.—Sore—full of blisters; Tip feels scalded. SECALE.—Thin, white coating—or yellow, brown, or blackish; Spasmodic movements of the tongue. SEPIA.—White coating—feels as if burnt; Vesicles; Soreness; Swelling; Tongue covered with a thick mucus. SIL-Brown mucus; Swelling of the right half; Sensation as from a hair on the fore part of the tongue. 779 T0,—UL.] CLINICAL DICTIONARY. Tongue— STRAM.–Swelling of the tongue—it hangs out of the mouth; Paralysis of the tongue. SULP.-Dry in the morning, or taste of salt mucus; Red ; Vermilion; Cracked; Burning, Smarting vesicles. VERAT.—Yellow, or dry, blackish, and cracked; Swelling, with redness; Coldness of the tongue. ZINC.—Yellowish-white, or sore; Vesicles; Swelling of the left side; White coating, with icy coldness of the tongue. Tonsils.-(Swelling of)—Acom., Bary. c., BELL., Canth., HEP., Kali bi., Lach., MERC., Nit. ac., Rhus, Sulp. Trembling of the body.—ACON., Arm, CHIN., FERR. A.C., Kali c., Kali bi., Lach., Merc., Nit. ac., Petro., Sep., Zimc. (Of the limbs)—Amac., ARS., BELL., Caws., Cic, Cocc., IOD., Lyc, Nua, v., Phosp., Puls., Rhus, Stram., WERAT. Trichiasis.-Ars., Calc., Hep., Plumb., Zinc. - Tubercles.—A con., Ars., Calc., Caws., Iod., Kali iod., Lyc., Phosp., Sil., Sulp. - Tumours.-Ars., Bell., Bry., Hep., Lyc., Merc., Phosp., Rhºws, Sulp. (Hard)—BRY., Cham., CON., DULC., Iod., Led., PHOSP., Sulp. - (CEdematous)—Amt. c., Apis, ARS., BRY., Camth., Chim., DIG., HELL., Led., Merc., Plºwmb., PULS., Squil., Sulp. Tympanitis.-Ars., Chin., Coloc., Hyos., Iod., Lyc., Nua, v., Tart, em. - .* Typhus.-Ars., BRY., Camp., Carb. v., CHIN., Phosp., RHUS. (Brain, affection of)—Bell., Hyos. Ulcers.--ARS., Asa, Calc, HEP., MERC., NIT. AC., Sil., Sulp. (CANCEROUS)—ARS., CON., Hep., HYDRAS., Sil. (SYPHILITIC)—AUR., Carb. v., Dulc., HEP., KALI IOD., Each., Merc., MERC. IOD., NIT. AC., Petro., - Plat., Sil., THUJ. (VARICOSE)—Ars., Chin, HAMA., Kreas., Lach., PULS., SULP, 780 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [UL.—WE. Ulcers— (Gums)—Bell., CARB. V., MERC., Nit. ac., Nua. v., Phosp. ac., STAPH. - (Of the mouth)—Alwm., BOR., Caws., Iod., KALI IOD., Merc., Mur. a.c., Nat. m.wr., Nit. ac. Umbilicus.-Acom., Carb. v., Caws., Chaſm., Chin., Cocc., Iod., Lyc., Nua, Pwls., Swlp. Urethra.-Acom., Ant., Ars., CANN., CANTH., Colch., DULC., Merc., Petro., PULS., Sulp., Tereb. Urethritis.-ACON., APIS, Cann., CANTH, Caws., Merc., PULS., Sulp. Urine.—(Frequent, urgent)—Acom., Arm., BRY., CANTH., Caws., DIG., Hyos., PHOSP. A.C., Puls., Rhus, Staph., Sulp. (At night)—Amm. c., Ars., CALC., GRAPH., Iod, KALI IOD., Nat. mur., SEP., Sulp. (Bloody)—Arm., Camm., CANTH., Ipec., Puls., TEREB. (Dark)—ACON., Arm., Bell., BRY., Colch., DIG., KALI IOD., Lach., MERC., Phyto., Rhus, Staph., TART. E.M. (Turbid)—CANN., Chin, Coloc., CON., MERC., Phosp. ac., Rhw8, Sabad., Sarsa, Sep. Uterus.-BELL., Carb. am., Cham., CROC., Ferr., Kali c., Merc., PLAT., Pwls., Sabi, SECA., Sep., Sulp. - (Hour-glass contraction)—BELL., SECA. (Prolapsus)—Awr., Bell., Calc., Ferr., Lyc., Nua, v., Plat., Stamm. (Ulceration)—Ars., Bell., HYDRAS., KALI IOD., Merc., SEP., Staph., SULP., Thuj. Uvula-Acom., BELL., Croc., Dulc., FERR. A.C., IOD., Merc., Nit. ac., NUX W. For cough, induced by elongated uvula, paint with Arg. mit., or Ferr. acet. Wagina.—(Inflammation)—ACON., Bell., Carb. v., DULC., Lyc., MERC., MERC. IOD., Wit. ac., Puls., SEP., Sulp. Varicose Weins.—ARN., Carb. v., CAUS., Flwor, ac., HAMA., PULS., Sulp., Zimc. Weins.—(Distended)—Acom., BELL., Chin., Croc, Ferr., HYOS., Phosp., PULS., Thuj. * (Pulsation in)—Acon., Ars., BELL., Com., GRAPH, KALI C., Sabi., Sep., THUJ., Zinc. Vertigo.—A com., Aur., Bell., Bry., Cact., Calc., Chin., Cic., 781 WE—WHI cLINICAL Dictionary. Wertigo—(Continued)— - - Com., Ferr., Glom., Hyos., Ipec, Mosch, Nua, v., Phosp., Pwls., Rhºws, Sang., Sep., Sulp., Verat, Zinc. Vesicles.—Ant. c., Ars., CANTH., Caws., Cie., Clem., Dulc., GRAPH., Merc., Phosp., RHUS, TART. E.M. Womica.-Ars., Carb. am., Lyc., Sil., Stamm. Womiting.—Ant. c., ARS., Cupr., Dig., Ipec, Nua, v., Pwls., Tart. em., Verat. * (Of bile)—Acom., Bry., Cham., CHIN., Ipec., MERC., Nua, v., Pwls., Verat. - (Of food)—ARS., Bry., Dig., Ferr. ac., IPEC., NUX V., Podop., PULS. (Of pregnancy)—ſpec., Kreas., Nua, v., Petro. (With diarrhoea)—ARS., Colo., CUPR., Ferr. ac., Ipec., VERAT. Vulva. –(Excoriation)—Carb. v., Caws., Graph., Sep. (Discharge from)—Dwlc., Iod., Merc., Nit. ac., Sep., Sulp. (Inflammation)—Acon., Ars., Bell., Canth., Merc., Merc. iod., Staph., Thuj. (Itching)—Acom., Carb. v., Com., Kali iod, Wit. ac., Sep., Sulp. Warts.-Amm. C., Ars., Calc., CAUS., Dulc., NIT. AC., Petro., Phosp. ac., Rhºws, Sep., Staph., SULP., Thuja. - (Suppurating)—ARS., Hep., SIL., Thuj. Waterbrash.-Ars., BRY., CALC., CAPS., CARB. V., Com., Lob., LYC., Nat. m., Nua, v., Sep., Sulp. ac. Weakness.-(General feeling of)—Acom., Ars., Calc., Caws., CHIN., FERR. A.C., HYDRAS., Iod., KALI BI., Nat. m., NUX V., PHOSP. A.C., Rhus, Sep., Sil., STANN., THUJ., Vera. vir., Verat. - Wens.—Bary. c., CALC., GRAPH., Kali iod., Phosp., SIL. White Swelling.—Ant., Ars., Calc., CON., IOD., KALI IOD., Kreas., LYC., Pwls., Rhod, RHUS, SIL., - Staph., Swlp. - Whitlow.—ARS., Bov., Com., Graph., HEP., Kali c., Lach., MERC., Nit. ac., SIL., Sulp. Whooping-Cough.-Aeon, BELL, Bry, Carb. v., CHAM., Cina, Cupr., DROS., Dulc., Hyos., IPEC., Kali c., Led., LOBEL., NUX V., Opi., Tart. em., Verat. 782 CLINICAL DICTIONARY. [WH.—Z0. Whooping-Cough— - (Premonitory)—ACON., Bell., Ipec., NUX V. (Whooping)–Cup., DROS., Ipec, Lobel, Phosp., Spong. Complications must be treated according to their nature and symptoms. - -- Worms.-Acom., Anac., Calc., Chim., CINA, Ferr., FILIX MAS., GRANN., Ign., MERC., Ruta, Sabad., SPIG., Sulp. LUMBRICI—Cham., CINA, MERC., Sabad., SPIG. TAPE-WoRM-FILIX MAS, GRANN., Kousso, Merc., Sulp. Wounds.-Acon., ARN., CALEND., Com., Phosp., Rhºws. (Contused)—ARN., CONI., Rhus, Ruta, Sulp. ac. (Incised)—CALEND., Staph., Sulp. ac. (Punctured)—Carb. v., Com., Hep., Nit. ac., Sil. Yawning.—(Constant)—Acom., Bry., CAUS., COCC., IGN., Lyc, Nua, v., Phosp., PLAT., RHUS. Zona.-(Shingles)—ARS., Caus., GRAPH., Merc., RHUS, Sil., - Tart. em. Note.—In using the Dictionary, it must be understood that it is only in- tended to refresh the memory of the busy practitioner. The symptoms and character of the remedy should be sought for in the Materia Medica; consequently this part of the work is of no real value to the novice, and should not be used until the whole of the outlines are engrafted on the memory.—The larger type indicates that such me- dicines have been often successfully prescribed : still, those in the lesser type must be considered of equal value; and, in some cases, the true remedy may not be found in the Dictionary, especially if it should happen to be one of those medicines which are not very fre- quently employed. THE END. 783 ERR. A.T.A. Page 108—Cina—for “MUG wort of INDIA,” read “MUGworT OF JUDEA.” ,, 215–Lycopodium—line 7—for “Succession,” read “Succussion.” C A T A L O G U E O F H O M CE O P A T H | C WO R K S PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY L E A T H A N D R O SS, 5, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD, E.C., AND 9, VERE STREET, OXFORD STREET, W., LONDON. Messrs. 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In a case, and mounted on canvas, 3s. - Black's Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy. 8vo, sewn, price 2s. Buck (Henry, M.R.C.S.)—Outlines of Materia, Medica, Regional Symptomatology, etc., with a Clinical Dictionary. By Henry Buck, M.R.C.S., Member of the British Homoeopathic Society. This Work gives extended Outlines of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. It points out the characteristic uses of the Remedies, and the mode of finding them, in an eminently practical and succinct manner; comprehending, in fact, a complete system of Therapeutics and Materia Medica. The second portion of the Work is devoted to Regional Symptomatology; and 2 an extended Clinical Dictionary forms the conclusion of the volume. Bound in Cloth Extra, 8vo, price One Guinea. - Æxtract from the Monthly Homoeopathic Review. “Mr. Buck has helped us out of our dilemma by supplying us with the best treatise hitherto published, to place in the hands of the student and inquiring practitioner. It is what it professes to be—an “outline,” not a finished picture; but this is just what was wanted ; and when the student has mastered the “Outlines,’ and practically ap- plied the Outlines of Materia Medica to, if we may so term them, the “Outlines of Disease,’ we doubt not but that he will have seen sufficient reason, and obtained sufficient success, to tempt him to look yet further into the science, in all its lights and shades. The book not only reflects credit upon the author, but the printer and publisher deserve their meed of praise for the way in which it has been brought out. It is a handsome volume, well bound, type bold and legible; such as the busy practitioner may take with him in his carriage, and read without straining his eyes or inducing headache. Buck (H.)—Infant Life, and How to Preserve it. A valuable book of Advice to the Mother, on the care of the Infant, and its treatment during diseases, etc. Sixth Adition ; price Is. Curie (P. 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Price 2s. - Hughes' (Dr. Richard) Manual of Therapeutics—This Manual is according to the method of Hahnemann, a Survey of the entire Field of Disease, with a Statement of what Homoeopathy can and does do for each definite form thereof. Second Ædizzoz. Part I., Cloth, price 6s. Part II., Cloth, price 7s. 6d. ; or the two parts in one Volume, Cloth, price 12s. 6d. Hughes (Dr. Richard) on the Sources of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Three Lectures delivered at the Homoeopathic Hos- pital, 1877. Demy 8vo., Cloth, price 2s. Hughes' (Richard, M.D.) Manualof Pharmacodynamics. Fourth Fdition ; 8vo, Cloth, price 18s. 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The present edition contains many important new chapters and sections, with new features and matter pertaining thereto, including the specific Characteristic Effects of all the New Ameri- can Remedies, the symptoms and treatment of all general Diseases, includ- ing those of Women and Children, with plain Directions for the treatment of Accidents (including railway accidents), and numerous Physiological Notes, Deductions, Explanations, and Illustrations delineating the minor operations in surgery. The new chapters comprise Nursing, Change of Air and Scene, Mineral Baths and Waters, Hydropathic Appliances and External Remedies, Affections of the Digestive Organs, Cancer, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Diseases of the Bladder, Functions and Disease of the Kidneys, Affections of the Lungs, Consumption and Diseases of the Respi- ratory Organs, Asthma and Hay Asthma, Affections of the Eyes (with a description of the eyes and their appendages, and illustrations showing the various parts of the eye), Insanity, Delirium Tremens, Hysteria, Locomo- tive Ataxy, Scurvy, Softening of the Brain, Alcoholism, Dipsomania, Dis- eases of the Spinal Cord, while Paralysis has been specially considered, and the section on Stammering is quite new. This edition possesses a New and Concise Dictionary of Medical Terms and Treatment, with leading indications of Treatment, prefixed to the various chapters and divisions, 4 and a most comprehensive and intelligible Index. The whole book is lucidly expressed, the diction being carefully divested of technicalities, and definite expression studied from first to last. Diseases of Tropical Climates are fully considered, and the volume may be pronounced of the greatest value to Families, Emigrants, and Missionaries. Now ready. Zwenty-sixth Edition ; 8vo, Cloth, pp. 1120, price 16s. Laurie's Epitome of Domestic Medicine. Zhāržieff. Adition ; 12mo, Cloth, price 5s. Completely re-written and enlarged by R. S. Gutteridge, M.D. This work is intended as a guide to all who are desirous of commencing Homoeopathic Treatment in their families. “We have to speak very differently of the second work on our list, Dr. Laurie's Epitome, edited by Dr. Gutteridge. Dr. Laurie's large work is too well known as a standard domestic treatise to require any praise from us. Our only objection is that it is too complete for the purpose. Dr. Gutteridge's edition of it, now before us, is practically a new work. It is based on Laurie's large book, but usefully curtailed, while the remedies introduced since Dr. Laurie wrote are here found pre- sented. The description of the diseases, their treatment, with the indication for each medicine, are admirably done. A useful introductory chapter gives general information, while a short chapter on Invalid Cookery, and a full account of the main actions of each medicine, and a glossary of medical terms complete the book. This is one of the best works on domestic medicine we have, and we have much pleasure in recommending it.”—Homaeopathic Review, September, 1880. “This is a thoroughly practical work for every-day use ; it has run through twenty- nine editions, and we hope it will run through twenty-nine more.”—Homatopathic World, September, 1880. - • Laurie's Parent's Guide ; an Elementary Instructor in the Homoeopathic Treatment of the Diseases of Childhood. Second AEdition. This Work, like the two preceding, and by the same author, is intended for use in Families. It affords simple directions as to the general treat- ment of diseases common to early life. Commencing with practical advice in respect to Nursing, Feeding, Clothing, etc., it indicates the Homoeopathic Treatment of disorders, diseases, and accidents, of fre- quent occurrence in childhood. Bound in Cloth, 18mo, price 5s. The following Works, by the same author, are also of great value in the famzz/y, viz.:- Laurie's Homoeopathic Guide, for Family Use. Eighzy-sixth Adžaozz bound in cloth, price Is. Revised, enlarged, and brought down to the present time by R. S. Gutteridge, M.D. “The little volume before us is in its eighty-sixth edition, and we learn that its aggregate sale amounts to no fewer than Two Hundred and Fifty-Five Thousand 1 Let some one calculate the influence of such a circulation ; it goes beyond our arithmetic. For us it is pleasing that this enormous influence is in the cause of truth. The book is thoroughly good, and worthy of its well-won reputation.”— Homatopathic World, October, 1881. Laurie on General Complaints; their Treatment with Twelve Remedies. Cloth, price Is. Laurie's “Cholera, and Cholerine;” a few plain directions for the Homoeopathic Treatment and Prevention of these Diseases. 8vo, price Id. Malan's Homoeopathist's Vade-Mecum. This Work, intended for the use of the Practitioner, contains the Symptoms and Principal Remedies for each Disease, arranged alphabetically, and preceded by Clinical Remarks, and other matters of importance in prescribing. It is intended, in fact, as a complete Prescribing Manual. 18mo, Cloth, 2s. 6d. 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A valuable and constantly useful Companion to Homoeopathic works. 32mo, Cloth, Is. Russell (J. Rutherford, M.D.)—The Treatment of Rheu- matism, Epilepsy, Asthma, and Fever. Being Clinical Lectures delivered at the London Homoeopathic Hospital. With a comparative view of the fallacies of the old school, and the improved treatment generally by Homoeopathy, Dr. Russell introduces the subjects of Acute Rheumatism, Affections of the Heart, in connection with that disease; Rheumatism affecting the Brain ; Rheumatic Gout; Chronic Rheumatism ; Doses and Attenuation of Medicines; Epilepsy; Asthma ; Fever, etc. : affording a complete epitome of the diagnosis, treatment, and peculiarities of each. The whole is illustrated by numerous cases, and presents an admirable compendium for the use of the student and practitioner. Price, bound in Cloth, Post 8vo, 7s. 6d. - Russell.—A Contribution to Medical Literature: relating to the Theory and Practice of Homoeopathy. This Work gives a popular digest of valuable matter on most subjects pertaining to the art of Medi- cine; and is written in a style which will be found highly attractive to the general reader. Whilst advocating and explaining the theory and prac- tice of the Homoeopathic system, general information is given on many interesting subjects of daily experience. The latest results and generali- sations of the art are also recorded ; so that the volume affords an admirable epitome of the literature of Homoeopathy. 8vo, Cloth, price Io.s. 6d. Russell.—Hints on Diet, With Special Reference to Homoeo- pathy. The question of Diet naturally interests every one, and hence it has formed a frequent subject on which books innumerable have been written. Generally speaking, however, a certain amount of self-denial or asceticism is recommended, which few patients can follow. Dr. Russell consults previous habits, and deals with the patient as he is, rather than as he should have been. The whole Work is therefore emi- nently practical ; and although primarily intended for those who follow the Homoeopathic system, it is of equal value to all classes. Zhird Adžion ; 8vo, sewed, price Is. Russell.—Heart (Treatise on the); its Functional and Organic Diseases. Second Edition ; price Is. Russell.—Digestion; and Structure and the Uses of the Liver. Second Ædźzon ; price Is. Russell.—Prieumonia, under Prompt and Effectual Treat- ment (Homoeopathic Treatise on). Second Edition ; price Is. Russell.—Nervous System, including Epilepsy (Treatise on Affections of the). Second Edition ; price Is. 6 Russell.—Skin and its Diseases (Homoeopathic Treat- ment of). Second Edition ; price 2s. 6d. 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This Work is an exposition of the nature, proofs, and applications of the Homoeopathic system, embraced under the following heads:— CONFERENCE I.—I do not believe in Homoeopathy—The prudence to be observed before either denying or affirming anything. II.—My conversion to Homoeopathy—Why and how I was converted to Homoeopathy. ‘. III.-The Allopaths and the Academicians—The obstacles which stand in the way of conversions; and the opposition to the progress of our doctrine. IV.-The spread of Homoeopathy—The state of our doctrine in all parts of the world. V.—The Temple of Hippocrates—A general glance at the History of Medicine—An exposition of the old systems. VI.-The same subject. VII.-The Temple of Hahnemann—Exposition of the new medicinal doctrine. VIII.-The same subject. IX. —The possible—The action of infinitesimal doses, considered as fossible proofs furnished by reason, and by the phenomena of nature. X.—The fact—The action of infinitesimal doses, considered as a fact— Proofs furnished by negative, positive, general, and particular facts —Homoeopathy among the railway workmen at Nimes. XI.-At Home-Homoeopathic medicines; their doses; preparation, ad- ministration, etc. XII.-Our failures-–Confessions; explanation of the failure of Homoeopaths. 8 . XIII.-How long 2—Old prejudices—Bleeding, leeches, etc. XIV.—A comedy always new—Evacuants, purgatives, etc. XV.-A new organ—Blisters, cauteries, setons, moxas, etc. XVI.-The Messiah of Medicine—Sketch of Hahnemann’s Life—How he constructed the edifice of Homoeopathy. Price 2s. 6d. Granier's (Dr. Michel)—The Rights of Man in the Domain of Medicine; or the Right of Private Judgment advocated in respect to Medicine, etc. Price Is. Henderson (W., M.D.)—Homoeopathy Fairly Represented; in Reply to Dr. Simpson’s “Homoeopathy Misrepresented.” By William Henderson, M.D., Professor of General Pathology in the University of Edinburgh. Second Edition ; price Is. 6d. Henriques (A.)—Art versus Nature in Disease; a Refuta- tion of Naturalism. By A. Henriques, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, etc., etc. In the words of the author, this work owes its existence to one bearing the title of “Nature and Disease,” by Sir John Forbes. Whilst the object of the latter is to extol the power of nature in healing, the writer in “Art zerszes Nature '’ has endeavoured to prove “that nature has no power to cure diseases.” Arguments are offered in direct refutation of naturalism, from physiological, nosological, and therapeutical points of view; and practical conclusions are drawn in support of the Homoeopathic system. Price Is. 6d. Homoeopathy Vindicated; being a Reply to Objections made against its doctrines. By an Amateur. I8mo, sewed, price Is. Homoeopathy, what is It? and is It True P By a Convert of Seven Years’ standing. 8vo, sewed, price 6d. - Joslin (B. F., M.D.)—Principles of Homoeopathy; in a Series of Lectures. This Work gives an exposition of the principles and practice of Homoeopathy, in the form of a series of Lectures. The subjects of them are, respectively—Obstacles to Homoeopathic Investigation and Relief; Evidences of the Power of Small Doses and Attenuated Medi- cines, including a Theory of Potentisation; the use of Chemical and Mechanical means, in connection with Homoeopathic Practice; the Law of Cure ; and, lastly, Pure Homoeopathy. The Work is free from techni- calities, and affords a full exposition of the system. Price Is. Sugden (Samuel)—Homoeopathy Disclosed; or, a Word to the Allopathists. With Cases successfully treated; and Objections answered. Sewed, price 6d. Tuckey (Charles, A.B., M.D., etc.)—A Dialogue on Homoeopathy. Price 2d. Wilkin (G., M.D.)—Short Sketch of Homoeopathy; its Principles and Practice. 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