BY 0 EOPATHIC MEDICINE 17 ARTES LIBRARY maony 1837. VERITAS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UNUM. TUCBUR SCIENTIA CIP OF THE S-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOEN RCUMSPICE ENAM HOMOEOPATHIC LIBRARY R94 HGISTI İKANISA+ Anchie Cashie Fraser M. D This sho hayaweza - ŠE, mamia up pete at the RUOFF'S REPERSit OF NOSOLOGICALLY ARRANGED.. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE, TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY A. HOWARD OKIE, Student of Medicine. WITH BY Thich ul.s. S. ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, GIDEON HUMPHREY, M. D. &c. ENTS, PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHED BY J. DOBSON, KAY & BROTHERS, & H. HOOKER. 1840 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1840, BY GIDEON HUMPHREY, M.D. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. JESPER HARDING, PRINTER. So By PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. With the design of inculcating the truth, and of diffusing the important benefits of Homoeopathy, the present volume has been translated from the German, and published with additions in the English language. Its aim is to concentrate the practical results of Homœopathic medicine, in a manner so plain and precise, that every intelligent observer of morbid phenomena, whether within the pale of the medical profession or out of it, may readily avail himself of the experience of the most distinguished practitioners of this system. As a book of reference for the practitioner, it far excels every other work, presenting him at a single glance what he might otherwise seek for amidst a confused mass of records, and never find. The in- defatigable author has drawn his matter from the infallible results of experience; all guess work and hypothesis, which have so long occupied the place of rational induction in the practice of medicine, find no support here. It is time that mere authority in medicine, or the ipse dixit of a public teacher of the healing art, uttered with true professional dignity, but unsup- ported by facts, should be discarded; that the mys- 155065 IV PREFACE. teries of the medical profession should be unveiled; that its professors should no longer seek to conceal themselves behind the shield of a false philosophy, while at the same time, they make an indiscrimi- nate attack, without examination, upon every sys- tem, which differs from their own. However nu- merous may be the occasions, which compels them to acknowledge the imperfection and lamentable deficiency of their art; yet they have ever manifest- ed a hostile bearing towards every one, who has proposed an innovation, or attempted a reformation in medicine; system has been piled upon system, and hypothesis upon hypothesis, until the accumu- lated mass, 'no longer capable of sustaining itself, has fallen to the ground, to become the uncertain foundation of other systems and more hypotheses. This has been the history of past medicine, and will be of that which is to come, unless facts, in- stead of conjectures, form the ground work of the system; and a rigid induction, instead of vague hy- pothesis completes the superstructure. The illustrious Harvey was traduced and perse- cuted by his contemporaries, and the benevolent Jenner shared the same fate, yet their discoveries have survived the malevolence of their persecutors, because they were facts. Governed by such un- generous feelings towards the votary of science and the philanthropist, it will scarcely excite our surprise, though it must arouse our indignation, to be informed, that the members of a liberal profes- sion had raised the banner of persecution against PREFACE. V * one of their brethren, however exalted may have been his motives, who proposes no less than a radi- cal, though beneficial reform in the practice of medi- cine. Such however has been and still is the dis- tinguished privilege of the illustrious Hahnemann, the founder of Homœopathy. This system has attracted the especial and al- most universal hostility of the medical profession, because it has dared to call in question the ortho- doxy of the prevailing practice. To do this, assured- ly required no small degree of moral courage on the part of Hahnemann. During the whole of his ca- reer, he met with nothing but discouragement from the established sect of medical science. The schools have for forty years not only refused to examine the claims of this system, but they still affect to treat it with silent contempt; or if they condescend to speak of it, it is only to assign it a place among the reveries of a distempered imagination. But although learned universities, medical col- leges and societies have thrown the whole weight of their influence into the opposite scale, his doctrine has gained a name, which will endure as long as truth continues to be regarded, or as health is pre- ferred to disease. This beautiful science having thus passed through many and severe ordeals, still stands erect, and advances forward in despite of every opposition, simply because it is founded on the Rock of Truth. It has already enlisted under its banner a numerous train of physicians, possessed of a high order of intellectual excellence, and ca- A2 VI PREFACE. pable of exerting an incalculable amount of influence to maintain and diffuse the principles of their fa- vourite science. It has secured to itself the warmest gratitude of countless thousands, who have received that aid from it which no other system could render them. Thus fortified by truth for its basis, and by de- voted adherents for its support, Homœopathy is not to be regarded as a conjectural art, but is entitled to a place among the certain sciences. The assaults of its enemies will hasten its triumph-and their blows will recoil upon themselves with a tenfold force. Already in Europe the practice of it is encouraged by royal enactments and imperial de- crees, and most of the crowned heads upon the con- tinent have Homeopathists as court physicians. COD Preliminary to a development of the principle upon which Homoeopathy is founded, and an ex- planation of the mode in which Homeopathic remedies are believed to act, I shall present the reader with a brief but comprehensive review of medicine, both ancient and modern. A glance at the history of medicine will show that its limited progress has been owing more to the defective method in which it has been studied than to any inherent complexity in the subject it- self. In its origin the practice must necessarily have been in the highest degree empirical. Empiricism therefore, is as old as the world, and will, judging from the past as well as the present, last as long. As the intellect of man became cultivated, he PREFACE. VII indulged in vague speculations concerning the phe- nomena about him, and hence medical philosophers turned their attention to the invention of medical hypotheses, moulded according to the prevailing no- tions of their day. Even Hippocrates himself was not free from the danger of hypothetical specula- tion, and laid the foundation for the grossest system of humoral pathology. Galen, whose medical doc- trines held a despotic sway over the minds of phy- sicians for 1400 years, based his therapeutics upon the purely arbitrary assumption of the ancient phi- losophers, that fire, air, earth and water, constituted the elementary principles of the universe. By means of these the elements of disease were expe- rienced; and the curative effects of medicine were to be sought for upon the principle, “contraria contrariis curantur." The cultivation of chemistry occasioned by the researches of the Alchymists, gave a severe shock to the learning of the schools. About the same time. Paracelsus made a vigorous attack upon the Galen- ical dogmas, which tended to dissipate the darkness of fourteen centuries. Though he exposed the er- rors of his predecessors, he had not the talent or good fortune to produce much advancement in practical medicine. At length, however, after the impulse given by the illustrious Bacon to the advancement of the physical sciences, mere speculation was obliged to give way to the more rational researches of the in- ductive philosophy. : VIII PREFACE. But it is to Haller that the merit belongs, of hav- ing laid the foundation of the modern school of phi- losophy, both by precept and example. Hence, from our inquiries, it is but too apparent, that practical medicine is still in its infancy, and far behind the other branches of medical know- ledge. A want of accurate knowledge of the phy- siological action of medicines upon the human econo- my, a subject hitherto disregarded in the application of the inductive method to the study of the vital phenomena, may be considered as the principal cause of the little progress which has yet been made in practical medicine. How far Hahnemann and his followers have remedied this radical defect, I will endeavour to show. When in our power to arrive at a knowledge of the occasional causes of disease and to effect their removal, we have a sure basis for medical practice, and that this must ever be the first indication in every rational plan of treatment is equally evident. But such knowledge is seldom within our reach, and the effects produced by exciting causes are the great objects of medical treatment, and must be met by remedies prescribed upon general indications or by certain others, the beneficial effects of which, in certain forms of dis- ease, are fully established, and which have hence been honoured with the name of specifics. Treatment predicated upon general indications, so often fails or proves injurious in the hands of the most skilful, that most physicians regret the want of more specific indications for the choice of reme- PREFACE. IX dies. And those practitioners whose knowledge of the specific effects of individual medicines has been the most extensive, have been the most successful in curing disease. It is probable that every remedy has a specific action upon the human body, and is capable of ex- citing on one or more organs constant and charac- teristic effects, modified by the peculiarities of con- stitution of the individual to whom the remedy is administered. Some, however, are endowed with this action in a much higher degree than others, particularly poisons, which produce in almost every individual a nearly similar train of symptoms. Of this class we have examples in the action of Opium, Belladonna and Stramonium on the brain; of Cu- prum, Argentum, Zinc, Rhus, Toxicodendron, Nux Vomica and Phosphorus on the spinal marrow; of Colchicum, Digitalis and Nitre on the kidneys; and many others which are known to every practition- er, though the precise nature of their specific ac- tion is but little understood. The doctrine of specifics, therefore, is fully es- tablished by an extensive series of facts; but that a more accurate knowledge of them would do much for the advancement of practical medicine, is self- evident; and to inquiring physicians the specific actions of medicines have always been a subject of the greatest interest. The methods, however, that have been pursued to obtain a knowledge of these, as well as the difficulty of the inquiry, have pre- vented all real progress. In no department of X PREFACE. = knowledge has this viscious method of procedure been so constantly followed as in the construction of tables of the materia medica. Haller felt and recommended the necessity of a thorough reforma- tion of the doctrine of the materia medica. He saw how imperfect was the means of acquiring any knowledge of the specific powers of medicines mere- ly from their use in disease, and he advised a much more feasible plan, viz: of trying them on the healthy. His recommendation was, strange to say, entire- ly disregarded, and suffered to remain a dead letter till the time of Hahnemann, who was the first to feel the importance of the inquiry. Whether he received the first idea from his illustrious predeces- sor, or not, is of little consequence, since to him be- longs the still greater merit of having first called it into life and reduced it to practice. His first ex- periment was made upon himself, being then in health, with a portion of powered Cinchona, care- fully observing his feelings during the use of the medicine, and accurately writing them down; he was thus enabled to distinguish the difference be- tween pathological and medical symptoms. To his surprise he found the symptoms produced by Cin- chona so similar to those of an intermittent fever produced by Malaria, that all doubt as to the simi- larity between the action of bark and Malaria seemed to be removed. Hahnemann continued to prosecute his inquiries into the pure effects of me- dicinal substances on healthy individuals, selecting PREFACE. XI those whose curative powers had acquired for them either in ancient or modern times an extended re- putation. The results of his experiments may be arranged under the following heads: 1st. That every medicine has the power, when exhibited in sufficient doses to a healthy individual, of disturbing more or less the functions of the body, and also that the mental faculties are rarely ex- empted from alteration. 2nd. That the action of most substances is cha- racterized by a succession of symptoms, which may be divided into primary and secondary. 3rd. That the direct action of some medicinal substances is again manifested by an alternation of symptoms of a directly opposite character; thus among the primary effects of Nux Vomica, we have constipation and diarrhoea; of Belladonna, contrac- tions and dilatations of the iris. 4th. That some substances produce the strongest symptoms in the morning, others in the evening, others at night. Many of them are influenced also by motion or rest, by cold or heat, by mental emo- tion and intellectual employments. Having in this way ascertained the pathogenetic effects of several of the most important medicines on healthy individuals, and on the other hand, their curative effects in some forms of disease, the ques- tion was reduced to this simple inquiry as to the affinity that the pathogenetic effects of a medicine bear to the pathological condition of the disease, which it is reputed to cure specifically; and whether XII PREFACE. they are similar or dissimilar in their general fea- tures. Hitherto the Galenic principle of contraria con- trariis curantur had been considered the founda- tion of successful practice; but this is altogether untenable, for the simple reason that very few mor- bid phenomena have a direct antithesis, and if there be any that have, we are unable to avail ourselves of it for practical purposes. Fortunately, however, for the advancement of medical science, an accu- rate comparison of the pathogenetic effects of the remedies with the pathological symptoms of the disease they are reputed to cure, displays the great- est similarity between them. For example, the continued use of mercury, besides other symptoms, produces inflammation and ulceration of the throat, so nearly resembling the same symptoms arising from syphilis, that it is difficult to distinguish the one from the other; for syphilis, however, mercury is a well known specific. Rhubarb, in a large dose, produces purging; in a small one it is less efficient in checking some forms of diarrhea; Opium, which in large doses constipates the bowels, is recom- mended by many excellent practitioners for Ileus and incarcerated Hernia. It possesses an intoxi- cating and stupefying property, yet in the curative state of acute fevers, in small doses, it relieves that symptom like a charm. Similar results could be shown to exist in a large class of important reme- dies, for a knowledge of which the reader is refer- red to the Organon and other Homœopathic works. PREFACE. XIII Having thus traced the successful treatment of disease to the influence of the Homeopathic prin- ciple, and confirmed its importance in numerous instances, Hahnemann acquired the fullest convic- tion that the idea which his original trial with bark suggested to him, was the simple expression of the law of specifics, and now no longer hesitated to announce, "that diseases are cured most safely and effectually, by small doses of such medicines, as are capable, in large doses, of exciting, by their direct action on healthy individuals, symptoms of a very similar nature,” hence the principle of the Homœ- opathic method is similia similibus curantur." Thus ushered into public notice, Homœopathy must stand or fall by its own merits, which can only be ascertained by a careful application of the prin- ciples to the treatment of disease. Hahnemann and all his followers appeal to experiments, and nothing but experiment, in support of the grand therapeuti- cal law expressed in the phrase, "similia similibus curantur." The spirit of the age however, in the pride of its intellect, disdains to examine it by this test; because the explanation of phenomena, apparently so con- trary to received notions, seems to be beyond the reach of our reason. An attempt therefore to show their reasonableness with the general laws of the human system may not be devoid of utility. Should it succeed, it may lead to a rapid development of the method, and should it fail, the facts will remain undisturbed for further and future speculation.- B XIV PREFACE. Different theories have been formed to explain the modus operandi of Homœopathic remedies. One supposes that in accordance, "Febris febre curan- dum," that the disease in order to be cured, must first be brought to a certain height, called its "acme" or "crisis." { Thousands of examples confirm this view. Even Intermittents, where the last paroxysm is general- ly the strongest, resolve themselves most happily and most surely according to this law. In chronic diseases, also, a very perceptible reaction is a pre- lude to convalescence, as though nature were en- deavouring to annihilate the focus of disease. In this way we often see rheumatic pains in the head or extremities, which have long distressed the suf ferer, disappear altogether after an unusually vio- lent paroxysm; and when arthritic tumours and lymphatic swellings are pierced with lancinating pains, their resolution may often be predicted. In conformity with these remarkable phenomena, an explanation of the action of Homœopathic medi- cines has been founded upon the supposition, that a disease once established in the system, cannot at once be cut short, though it may be much hastened in its development toward a crisis by an increased activity of the organic process-hence the various morbid phenomena are but the effects of the vis medicatrix naturæ to effect this purpose. If this be true, it necessarily follows that the most rational method of treating diseases must be to imitate na- ture, and at the same time to aid and support the PREFACE. XV vis medicatrix in its curative efforts. For this pur- pose a Homœopathic remedy must be sought, which will act directly on the diseased organ, and corres- pond in its pathogenetic properties to the altered functions of the part or parts affected. There is undoubtedly much plausibility in this theory, and it satisfactorily accounts for the mi- nute doses of medicines required to produce a slight Homœopathic aggravation of the disease which will soon subside and be followed by a restoration of healthy action. Hahnemann however, offers a different explana- tion of the Homoeopathic process, he sets at nought the vis medicatrix, and proceeds upon the undeniable fact, that two diseases meeting together in any in- dividual, the more readily give way to each other as they are the more similar to each other in their nature, the weaker giving way to the stronger. Hence he maintains that in the treatment of dis- ease, we have only to imitate the proceedings of nature, and substitute a stronger medicinal disease for that which has arisen from common causes, and this end is to be effected by the Homœopathic reme- dy. The discovery and application of the law of "simi- lia similibus curantur" to the treatment of diseases would necessarily lead to new views relative to their nature and causes. The remote cause, which in ordinary medicine is almost totally neglected, is eagerly sought after by the Homœopathist, as he considers it a morbid state, deserving the whole attention of the physician. The XVI PREFACE.. remote causes determine the development of the disease, and consequently require to be strictly in- quired into, because experience has taught the practitioner of the new school, that symptoms ap- parently similar, produced by different causes, de- mand peculiar treatment; for instance, a diarrhea arising from cold ought not to be treated in the same manner as that produced by a fit of colic or by eat- ing unwholesome food. An inflammation of the brain resulting from a repelled erysipelas, would require a different remedy from the disease produced by a blow or a stroke of the sun, &c. The enlightened Homœopathist will be governed in the selection of his remedy by all these circumstances, preferring that one which corresponds to all the existing symp- toms as well as the remote cause; whilst the old school would see only a diarrhoea, an encephalitis, and be governed in its treatment merely by these names; and instead of blindly theorizing concerning the nature of the proximate cause, and guessing at the requisite treatment, as it is too often the case with the routinist of the old school, Homœopathy convinced of the impenetrability of the secrets of nature, contents itself with taking into account, all the antecedent circumstances in reference to the patient, the cause producing the disease, the condi- tion of the moral and physical functions of the in- dividual, the external changes which are percepti- ble, the sufferings and sensations felt by the patient. Thus it is easy to see which method is most like- ly to acquire the greatest amount of positive know- ledge in relation to the patient's disease, and con- PREFACE. XVII sequently by which method a cure is most likely to be effected. The diagnosis of disease by such minute investigations must also be very much fa- cilitated, and the Homœopathic physician, by his anatomical and pathological knowledge, ought to be able to designate the suffering organ or organs, the nature of the change produced by the disease in them, as well as the changes that have taken place in the organism generally, and in all the func- tions particularly. It is only after all these inves- tigations have been made as accurately as possible, that the physician can acquire a just idea of the disease in a homoeopathic point of view. This close attention to all the phenomena of disease must give to the Homœopathist a vast superiority over the practitioner of the old school, who generalizes his cases, and sees no characteristic difference in those diseases classed by him under the same name. From what has already been said, Homœopathy possesses vastly superior means over the old system of rendering a correct prognosis of disease; since this is founded on the knowledge of the disease, and the means which science offers to overcome it. It becomes even the Homoeopathist, however, to be circumspect in predicting the course or termination of a disease; as the human body is a vastly compli- cated machine, our means of knowing what is going on within are so limited, and so many unforseen circumstances may disturb the action of a medicine or influence the condition of the patient. The cure of disease homoeopathically requires B2 XVIII PREFACE. three essential conditions, viz: 1. The employment of a medicine corresponding with the disease. 2. The reaction of nature. 3. That the action of the medicine be not disturbed by any internal or exter- nal causes-and hence the prognosis must be ren- dered according to the more or less complete union of these conditions. Another advantage possessed by Homœopathy consists in this, that the patient is spared a tedious convalescence in acute diseases, because as he has not been exhausted by blood-letting or evacuant medicines, he passes directly from a state of disease to one of health, to the regular exercise of his func- tions. Medicines, however, cure disease only as they assist nature in her conservative efforts; the physician who administers them according to this principle, is the only true minister of nature, and not he who attempts to thwart her operations. The allopathic physician, by blood-letting, exhausts the powers of nature, he prevents her re-action, and baffles her salutary efforts; he therefore much better merits the title of her tyrant than her minis- ter, and when he endeavours by enormous doses of medicine to produce an action opposed to that of the disease, he becomes her executioner. The im- propriety of such treatment is fully and fearfully at- tested by the frequent Gastralgias, the different or- ganic lesions of the stomach and alimentary canal, of the liver, urinary organs, lungs, and the nervous sys- tem, which remain behind as the results, not as is generally supposed, of the malignancy of the disease, but from the large doses of medicine, or from the debilitating effects of blood-letting. EXTRACT FROM THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. "I believe no cure of importance has been pub- lished, which I have not inserted in the following work. In one respect this book differs from all others of a similar nature, viz. that the foreign journals have been consulted in its compilation. As it respects completeness, I flatter myself that the present work surpasses all others of the same kind, now extant. Whether I judge correctly or otherwise, I leave to the unbiassed opinion of those competent to determine. With regard to the arrangement of the work, I considered the alphabetical order preferable, on account of the ease with which it may be consulted. Relative to 'cutaneous eruptions,' I have to re- mark, that all chronic eruptions, except Herpes and Scabies, are comprised under the head Impeti- gines, according to Petro Franck, as it was impos- sible to classify them after Willan and Bateman, pleased as I should have been to have done so, ow- ing to the superficial manner in which many of the cases were drawn up. I have introduced under the term 'Herpes,' those cases in which the authors themselves had previously used it, even if they did. not agree with the modern classification; but in order XX PREFACE. A to be consistent, I was obliged to omit this arrange- ment in this class of cases also. To many indivi- duals the old classification will be practically use- ful. The diffuseness for a work of this kind, with which I have treated the subject of intermittent fevers, I trust I shall not be reproached with by those who know the difficulty attendant on the Homœopathic treatment of this disease. I have carefully compiled all positive cases of cure which have appeared in the various publica- tions as well as journals, so that no published case of cure will have been omitted, where only one remedy had been given with success; on the other hand, I have almost entirely omitted those cases where a number of remedies were administered.” A.C.JONES REMARKS UPON DIET. The following work having been originally de- signed by its author for the exclusive use of physi- cians, no directions for the regimen of the sick dur- ing Homœopathic treatment, nor for the adminis- tration of medicines were necessary; and conse- quently they were not given. In the American edition, however, which has been prepared so as to render it available to the intelligent portion of the non-professional part of the community, as well as to all other debutants in Homœopathy, the editor deems it important to insert the following observa- tions upon these subjects. DIRECTIONS FOR THE REGIMEN OF THE SICK DURING HOMEOPA- THIC TREATMENT. The needful dietetic observances during Homœ- opathic treatment, are comprehended under the fol- lowing general rule, viz.-The patient should ab- stain from the use of every thing of a medicinal nature, and should partake of light, digestible food to satisfy hunger, and of such drink as nature re- quires to allay thirst. Agreeably to this rule, the aliment may be classified under the following sub- divisions, viz.- I. ALIMENT ALLOWED. I. In acute diseases the appetite is mostly im- paired, and only the lightest and most simple kinds of nutriment are proper; but in these cases nature herself usually dictates the needful abstinence, and the patient is allowed pure water in preference to i XXII REMARKS UPON DIET. all other drinks; toast water, or water with the ad- dition of sugar, raspberry or strawberry syrup. Barley-water, rice-water, thin oat meal gruel, pana- da, gum arabic water, whey, milk and water; pre- parations of arrow root, sago and tapioca, without any other seasoning than a little salt and loaf sugar, or one of the syrups mentioned. Most kinds of ripe succulent fruits possessing lit- tle or no acidity, fresh or prepared by cooking, and eaten in moderate quantities at a time; as grapes, apples, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, and sweet cherries; but no fruit whatever should be used in cases of colic or diarrhoea. II. After the more violent symptoms of acute dis- ease have subsided, and the appetite calls for more substantial food, or in most chronic diseases, a wider range may be taken in the choice of aliment, and in such cases the following articles in addition to those already enumerated, are allowed, viz. All kinds of light bread and biscuit not contain- ing potash, soda, or other similar ingredients, and not too fresh; cakes composed of meal, eggs, sugar, and a little butter; buckwheat cakes not raised with fermenting powders; light puddings and dump- lings of wheat, Indian meal, rice, oatmeal or bread, without wine, spices, or rich sauces; hominy, In- dian mush, rye mush, groats, pearl barley. Potatoes, turnips, carrots, spinage, green or dried peas or beans, (but these vegetables should not be used in colic or diarrhoea.) Milk not too recent from the cow, boiled milk, cocoa boiled with milk or water, pure plain choco- late, weak black tea. Butter, free from any rancid or unusual taste, cream, mild cheese, curds and other simple prepa- rations of milk, plain custards. REMARKS UPON DIET. XXIII • Raw or soft boiled eggs and egg tea, except in diarrhoea. Soups and broths of animal and vegetable sub- stances elsewhere permitted, seasoned with a little salt only; beef tea, chicken water, (the flesh being boiled at least for half an hour.) Chickens, pigeons, turkeys, venison, and other wild game. Beef, mutton, the lean part of ham, neats' tongues. Fresh scale fish, except Salmon. Salt, sugar, ice creams with the syrup of straw- berries and that of other allowed fruits, and not flavoured with aromatics. NOTE.-Should any of the allowed articles of diet disagree with the patient, on account of some constitutional peculiarity, or the nature of his dis- ease, they should be avoided by him, though per- fectly wholesome for others; nor should they be used if incompatible with the remedy prescribed by the physician, of which he is to be the judge. The patient should not overload his stomach, nor oppress it with various or incongruous dishes. The demands of the appetite for solids are to be satisfied at stated and not too frequent periods, and at no other time. Regularity in the time of eating is of importance. The diet of children at the breast should not be changed during their sickness, but in such cases, that of the mother should be regulated according to the preceding rules. 2 II. ALIMENT FORBIDDEN, Unless allowed by the Physician. Lemonade, buttermilk, drinks prepared from acids, fruits, or syrups, as currant jelly, &c. XXIV REMARKS UPON DIET. Melons, fresh or preserved acid fruits and dried fruits, as figs, raisins, prunes, dried currants, &c. Cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, parsnips, beets, radishes, mushrooms, tomatos, boiled onions, boiled or roasted unripe Indian corn. Cider vinegar, and salads or cucumbers prepared with it; sauerkraut, pickles. All kinds of pastry, sweet oil. Oysters raw or cooked, hard boiled eggs, omelet. Salted meat and salted fish. Veal, pork, geese, ducks. The liver, heart, lungs, and tripe of animals which are used for food. All kinds of nuts. Coffee and green tea, all kinds of pepper. (The use of tobacco when habitual, may be in- dulged in moderation.) III. ALIMENT STRICTLY FORBidden. Old smoked salted meat, and salted fish. Rancid butter, old strong cheese, lard, fat pork, turtles and terrapins. Fish without scales, as cat-fish and eels, lobsters, crabs, clams, and soups prepared from them. Food prepared from blood, and much animal fat. Veal cutlets, all kinds of sausages, particularly such as are smoked. The flesh of all very young animals. All soups highly seasoned, sauces, drawn butter, pepper-pot. Cakes prepared with much fat or aromatics. All kinds of coloured confectionary, honey. (Co- loured toys, if the colours be not fixed, are on all occasions to be withheld from children.) Artichokes, pickles prepared from spices, or greened with copper; catsups, celery, horse radish, REMARKS UPON DIET. XXV garlic, raw or pickled onions, red or cayenne pep. per, mustard, saffron, nutmeg, ginger, lemon or orange peel, vanilla, laurel leaves, bitter almonds, peach kernels or peach leaves, cloves, cinnamon, allspice, coriander, fennel or anise-seed, marjoram, sage, thyme, spiced chocolate. All kinds of distilled and fermented liquors, unless habit or the nature of the disease renders them in- dispensable, when they may be used under the direction of the physician. All natural and artificial mineral waters. Wine vinegar, beer vinegar, adulterated vinegar, and diluted mineral acids. NOTE.-The physician should always be consult- ed in relation to articles of diet more or less im- proper, to which the patient is so accustomed that it is difficult for him to abstain from them, and also with respect to other hurtful influences to which he may be unavoidably exposed. With the view of guarding against every extra- neous influence calculated to disturb the due effect of Homœopathic remedies, every article of diet and every medicine not expressly prescribed by the physician, is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. And this prohi- bition refers not only to all medicines procured at the shops, and all such as are empirical, but to every description of domestic medicines, as all man- ner of herb-teas, syrups, medicated poultices and irritating or medicinal substances applied to the skin. Blood letting by the lancet, or by leeches or cups, and laxative injections, except those of luke-warm water, are likewise forbidden. All perfumery, particularly musk, hartshorn, camphor, Cologne water, eau de Luce, or other C XXVI REMARKS UPON DIET. aromatic waters, flowers used for their odour, cos- metics and tooth-powders must be avoided. The cure is disturbed by hot baths, or baths im- pregnated with herbs, sulphur, and other medica- ments. In all internal diseases the use of stays or corsets hinders the cure and renders it difficult, as does the practice of rocking in rocking-chairs in diseases of the abdominal viscera, particularly in females. Linen, cotton, or leather worn next the skin is preferable to woollens. When the nature of his malady will permit, the patient should use moderate exercise in the open air, for an hour or more every day, and his cham- ber should be subjected to daily ventilation. Besides the foregoing, there are other agents of a moral nature which may retard or prevent a cure. Every strong passion or emotion of the mind, les- sens the susceptibility of the body to medicinal im- pressions, and may itself be the cause of disease. Much reading, particularly works of fiction, visiting theatres, card playing, debasing converse, sensual excitement, and the indulgence in secret sins of thought, tend to undermine the health and impede the cure. The depressing passions, as long con- tinued grief, anxiety, &c. may contribute to the same result. Under such circumstances a cure can scarcely be expected, unless the mental disturbance can justly be considered as the effect, and not the cause of the bodily disease. Other things being equal, a good moral regimen places the patient in the most favourable condition for recovery. Labour which diverts the mind, while it exer- cises the body, should be daily used in chronic dis- eases, as far as the strength will conveniently per- mit. REMARKS UPON DIET. XXVII NOTE.-Homœopathic medicines should be taken fasting, and for about half an hour afterwards the patient should abstain from eating or drinking, the use of tobacco, and, if possible, from much mental or bodily exertion. The medicines are to be kept in a clean, dry, and cool place, free from odours. THE SELECTION AND REPETITION OF MEDICINES. One of the most delicate and important points in the practice of Homœopathic medicine, is the choice of appropriate remedies. Unless the remedy is specifically adapted to the disease to be treated, the adminstration of it may be wholly inefficacious, but no farther injurious to the patient, than the de- lay occasioned by its use. When the remedy has been rightly chosen, the proper time for repeating it, is determined by the greater or less progress of the disease. When the case is urgent, the remedy may be given every twelve, six, or four hours, and even less if it do good. This repetition however is not even quick enough for the dangerous and rapid advance of some acute diseases. Thus in Cholera Asiatica, one of the most speedily fatal diseases, that we are acquainted with, at the beginning of the disease, we must ad- minister every four or five minutes, two or three drops of a mild solution of Camphor, in order to se- cure prompt and certain relief. When the disease has fully developed itself, the appropriate remedies, such as Cuprum, Ipecacuanha, Veratrum, Phos- phorus, Arsenic, &c., are given every hour or two. In cases of colic, cramps or spasms, the remedy best Dr Lin ہے Thayer pomen Your the female disade Hove Pot 15%8 od Ry Crystals f з fo Greqia half Prolupus+ the spiropal to frent water Antidotes 1. Best internal Antidote for Rhus tox Crot = Cig Jl. Morgan SELECTION OF MEDICINES. XXIX adapted to the respective disease, is to be repeat- ed at short intervals, say every fifteen or twenty minutes, as the urgency of the symptoms and the effects of the medicine may indicate. In these and similar cases, it is convenient to dissolve twelve or fifteen globules of the medicine, or a drop of the tincture, if this form of the medicine be used, in six or eight tea spoonsful of water, and give one of them every ten minutes. If the patient is not speedi- ly relieved by the remedy first chosen, another must be selected and tried in the same manner, always remembering not to use the same glass or cup for dif- ferent medicines, unless first well cleaned. In Croup, that scourge of infancy in this country, the appro- priate remedies, viz: Aconite, Hepar sulphuris and Spongia Usta, are to be exhibited in quick succes- sion. For example, if there is fever, give two or three doses of Aconite at intervals of fifteen or twen- ty minutes, until it makes some favourable change in the case, then ten or twelve pellets of each of these other medicines may be dissolved in six or eight tea spoonfulls of water, and a tea spoonfull of each remedy in solution may be given every fifteen min- utes, till the urgent symptoms abate, and afterwards the intervals between the doses may be increased. In diseases less dangerous and rapid in their course, the administration of a suitable remedy in doses of five or six globules placed upon the tongue, or dis- solved in a spoonfull of water, once in twenty-four hours, will be sufficiently often. In other cases, where aggravations and remissions in diseases occur daily, remedies adapted to each state may be given during its manifestation. In intermittent fevers the remedies to be chosen should have the faculty of producing in a healthy individual, the most promi- nent symptoms exhibited by the patient during the XXX SELECTION OF MEDICINES. paroxysm and intermission, carefully attending to the accessory phenomena. The time of adminis- tering it is immediately or very soon after the ter- mination of the paroxysms. Thus given, it has time to produce in the system, all the effects which it is capable of towards a restoration of health. If the period between the paroxysms is very short, the remedy must be given as soon as the fever subsides, or the sweating stage begins. In chronic diseases, medicines are to be repeated less frequently than in other cases. Hahnemann thinks that Sulphur in its mildest form ought not in most cases to be given oftener than once in seven days-and this period is to be lengthened in propor- tion as the patients are more delicate or excitable. Each remedial agent must be adapted to each indi- vidual, as well with respect to the symptoms as with respect to the strength of the dose and its repetition. Each case must be studied by itself, and treated distinctly, and the nature of each must lead to the discovery of the remedy, the dose and the repetition. In the treatment of all diseases of a chronic na- ture it is to be observed, that the remedies must not be repeated so frequently as in other cases. The appropriate remedy may be given daily, or once in two, three or four days, according to the intimate nature of the case, to the constitution of the patient, and to the effect it has produced upon the symptoms. After all, no absolute dose can be fixed upon, either with respect to strength or repetition-experience must teach us how the dose ought to be varied both in quantity and frequency, yet the experience of one practitioner may differ from another, and both may be equally successful. In the exhibition of Homœo- pathic medicine, the following rule has pretty gener- ally been adopted by all practitioners, viz: not to re- SELECTION OF MEDICINES. XXXI peat a remedy previously given, or prescribe another while the patient is evidently in an improving con- dition. A ABORTUS MOLIMINA. THREATENED abortion. Chamom.-Great restlessness, convulsive twitch- ings of the limbs, violent parturient-like pains in the coccygeal region, somewhat sanguineous dis- charge from the genitals. Ipecac. With the aid of Sabina, with the fol- lowing symptoms: chill, heat, pressure towards the groin, with discharge of blood. Sabina-Threatening abortion in a female in the sixth month of pregnancy. Secale cornut. Hæmorrhage with parturient- like pains. In another case, attended with constant loss of blood and colic. Nux Vom.-In a woman in the third month of gestation, with severe labour-like pains in the ab- domen and sacral region. Disposition to abortion in individuals who had previously suffered from it, was removed by Nux Vom., Acid Phos., Sabina, Sepia and Zinc. Sequelæ Abortus, besides the remedies above specified. Bellad, was administered in a case attended with fever, heat of the head, violent palpitations and constriction of the breast. China-In great debility from abortion. ABSCESSUS. ABSCESS, SEE ALSO FISTULA. Silicea, Hepar Sulph. ABSCESSUS PECTORIS. ABSCESS OF THE CHEST. With violent cough, offensive greenish expecto- 1 2 • ration, hectic fever, mucus rattling. Stan. 3, and Stan. 26. Ammon. Carb. was administered for a dry cough which remained after the removal of the other symptoms. ABSCESSUS PECTORIS.-Extending from the middle of the sternum up towards the shoulder, cough, night sweats-Silic. x. ABSCESSUS REGIONIS EPIGASTRICE. ABSCESS OF THE EPIGASTRIC REGION. Lycop. and Calcarea. ABSCESSUS LYMPHATICUS LABIORUM PUDENDI. LYM- PHATIC ABSCESS OF THE LABIA PUDENDI. Mercur. and Bellad. ADENITIS. INFLAM. QE THE LYMPHATIC GLANDS. Acid Sulph., Bellad., Hepar Sulph., Mercur. Wi ÆDOITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE LABIA Pudendi. With fever, burning and pulsating pain, Merc. vivus. AGALACTIA. ABSENCE OF MILK IN THE MAMMÆ. Agnus Castus-A robust woman could not suckle her child; relieved by three doses. AMAUROSIS. A SPECIES OF BLINDNESS, With cataract from suppressed scabies. Sulphur ii-In repeated doses. Bellad., Sulph., Euphr., Cann., Valer. Cures with AMAUROSIS INCIPIENS. INCIPIENT AMAUROSIS. Sensation as if a small piece of feather was pen- dant from the superior palpebra-Sulphur. China-Dilated pupils, loss of strength, tremor of the hands, debilitated digestion. AMAUROSIS INCIPIENS-In his left eye vision near- ly extinct, vision of the right eye nebulous, palpe- bræ reddened, and tumefied, the right eye discharg- es purulent matter-Calc. vi, Silicea viii, Nitric 3 ✔ir Acid viii, Phosph. viii, Petrol. vi, Caust. vi, Sili- cea vi, Caust. viii. AMBLYOPIA AMAUROTICA. FEEBLENESS OF SIGHT. With nebulous vision, double vision, muscæ voli- tantes, dilated pupils and night blindness-Bell. v, and Puls. iv. From refrigerants applied topically-Bell. With nebulous vision and cardialgia--Bell. With sensation of pressure on the eyes and aversion to light. Merc. solub.-with the aid of Euphras. in the following symptoms: nebulous vision, muscæ voli- tantes, intolerance of light, and lachrymation. Pulsatilla, with the aid of Euphras-Great de- bility, frequent lachrymation, whitish grey pupil. Ruta-Vision very weak and nebulous. Phos., Pulsat. and Stramon.-Have also ef- fected cures in other cases. AMENORRHEA. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, with fluor albus and chilliness-Graph., Sepia and Pul- ṣat. Acon. and Cocc.-With the aid of Sepia. Kali Carb.-Menstruation suppressed for three years in consequence of fright; frequent violent ab- dominal pains, irregular appetite, pain exacerbated in the evening with disordered respiration. Sulphur-Suppressed menstruation, pain in the head, vivid redness of the face, violent pain in the uterine region, prurient eruption on the breast. Pulsat.-Congestion towards the head, tooth- ache, and convulsive motions; con. was given prior to Pulsat. Pulsat.-Pale countenance, spasmodic tightness of the chest, continual chilliness. Cures with Nux Vom., Opium, Phosph., Sepia., Stram., and Sulph. 4 ANEURISM Spigel. Carbo veg., Silicea. ANEURISM of the right crural artery, Lycopod. administered internally and externally, (R31 Sem. Lyc. et 3ii, Alch. pur.) PALJAS ANEURISM of the carotid improved by Lachesis, Crotalus, Lycopod., and Guaco. ANEURISM of the inferior thyroid was completely cured by Sulph., Pulsat. and Lycopod. ANGINA. INFLAMMATION OF THE THROAT. Aconit.-Violent angina, tongue very thick, the right submaxillary gland and tonsil swollen to such a degree that she could neither speak nor swallow. Argentum-The throat raw, and sore when coughing, and so much swollen internally, that the food could not be swallowed. Baryta carb. et Muriatica-When disposed to suppurate. Bellad.-Violent pain when swallowing, dry cough, and swollen uvula. Cicuta-Swelling of the throat, threatening suf- focation; the consequence of lesion of the oesophagus from a spicula of bone. Ignatia-With stinging, and pressure. Iodine-Considerable swelling of the whole of the left side of the throat and neck, with stiffness of it, suppuration of the tonsils and posterior nares. Mercurius-Fever, internal pain in the throat, suffusion of the tonsils and the muscular parieties of the throat, excoriation of the palate, frequent hawking up of mucus, tongue covered with mucus. Pulsat.--Considerable inflammation and suppu- ration, sensation as if all the throat was sore and raw. The other remedies are Hepar., Acon., Dulc., Puls., Bry., Nux Vom., Nitr. Acid. ANGINA CHRONICA. CHRONIC SORE THROAT. Fauces slightly suffused and covered with viscid 5 ; mucus, sensation as if it was swollen, lancinating pain in the throat, as though raw and sore. Pulsat. removed this attack in a short time. A relapse, accompanied with dull stitches in both sides of the throat, and frequent inclination to swallow, was re- moved by Mang. acet. 3. Ignatia-Fauces sensitive, stinging pain in the throat when swallowing, frequent inclination to swallow, and sensation as if a plug was in the throat. Other remedies, Acid phos., Subad., Nux Vom. Pre- disposition to angina, removed by Sepia and Baryt. ANGINA CATARRHALIS. CATARRHAL SORE THROAT. Merc. solub-Succeeded by alternate doses of Bellad. and Dulc. Belladonna. Merc.--Mucous membrane chiefly affected with ptyalism. Pulsat-Feeling of rawness and soreness in the throat, increased secretion of mucus, and swelling of the tonsils. ANGINA FAUCIUM PHLEGMON. PHLEGMONOUS IN- FLAMMATION OF THE FAUCES. Bellad.-Fauces swollen, of a dark red colour, conjoined with severe fever. ANGINA GANGRANOSA. ULCERATED SORE THROAT. Ammon. carb. ANGINA MEMBRAN ACEA CYNANCHE TRACHEAL IS. CROUP. Acon.—4|15 followed by Spong, 420, and finally Hepar. sulph. 3. Acon.-0024, followed by Spongia x. "Hepar. sulph. calc. 2.-Excessive restlessness, stridulous, shrill respiration, dry hoarse cough, the patient seizes the larynx, vivid redness of face, ex- cessive anxiety. 1* 6 Hepar. Sulphur-After the lapse of 16 hours, 1110 gtt. Spong. tosta. respiration loud and shrill, hoarse, undistinguishable speech, great anxiety, violent attacks of coughing of a rough, sonorous, and shrill tone. Acon. and Spong.-Violent rough, hollow sound- ing cough, hoarse voice, rapid rattling respiration, severe fever. For the hoarseness which remained, Hepar. sulph. Acon. x, then alternately Phosph. x, Hepar. Sulph. and Spong, every half hour. Euphorbia-6 gtt. i. ANGINA MERCURIALIS. SORE THROAT FROM ABUSE OF MERCURY. Fetor, loose teeth, nasal speech, could no longer swallow any thing solid, fluids regurgitate through the nose, violent burning in the throat. Bellad., Ars., Cham., China, Acid Ñit. ANGINA PALATINA. INFLAMMATION OF THE PAL- *** 46 ATE. Nux Vom.-Swelling of the palate with dyspha- gia and constipation. RYNX. Phosphor.-Soft palate swollen, bluish red, an opening in it, considerable dysphagia, without pain, the uvula as if lacerated and hanging low in the œsophagus. ANGINA PAROTIDEA. INFLAMMATION OF THE PARO- No TID GLAND. Pulsat., Bell., Mercur., Cham., Kali carb., Rhus. ANGINA PECTORIS. Acon., Verat., Lactuca Viros., Asa foet. ANGINA PHARYNGEA. INFLAMMATION OF THE PHA- Petroleum-Violent stinging and burning pain 77 in the throat, behind and beneath the larynx, par- ticularly when swallowing; solids and liquids excite violent pain. ANGINA PITUITOSA. Arum Maculat. ANGINA SCIRRHOSA. SCHIRROUS DEGENERATION OF THE TONSILS. Tonsils swollen, indurated, and offensive mucous discharge from the nose. Bell., Sulph., Sepia, and Aurum. A case of chronic enlargement and indu- ration of the tonsils was cured by Iodium i. ANGINA SEROSA HABITUALIS. CHRONIC SORE THROAT. • Sulphur, Sep., Baryt. ANGINA SYNOCHIA. SORE THROAT WITH HIGH SYMP- TOMATIC FEVER. STAL sent a Acon., afterwards Bellad.. Bellad.-Angina of the fauces, larynx and pha- rynx, with severe synochial fever. ANGINA TONSILLARIS or CYNANCHE TONSILLARIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE TONSILS. Belladon.-Pain and swelling of the tonsils, great suffering when swallowing the saliva, veil of the palate much suffused, throat and nape stiff and swollen. For the disposition to this form of angina, Dulcam. Bellad. With fever pressing, and lancinating pain, which is exacerbated by speaking or swallow- ing, together with congestion to the head. Bell--Deglutition almost impossible, the mouth open, the tongue stretched forwards, unable to ar- ticulate. SE Bellad.-Severe inflammation, tonsils considera- bly swollen, deglutition very tedious and painful, tongue coated yellowish, loss of appetite, severe heat, thirst, somnolency, delirium, vertigo. 8 Acon. vi-Every two hours 1 gtt. Baryta carb., Spongia tost. Ignatia vi-Both tonsils much swollen and in- flamed, the whole of the fauces red, tongue covered with a white viscid mucus, lancinating pain in the throat when, and also when not swallowing, when swallowing stitches extending to the ears; generally, chilliness. Mercur. solub.-Fever, pressing lancinating pain in the tonsils, accumulation of viscid mucus, of a bad taste, in the mouth and fauces, mouth very of fensive to the smell. Lachesis.--The tonsils are swollen, red and pain- ful; sensation of painful constriction in the throat, deglutition difficult and highly painful, fever, with burning heat. ANGINA UVULARIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE UVULA. Vehement swelling of the uvula, violent pain on attempting to swallow, cannot swallow water. Bel- ladonna x, Nux. Vom., Merc. RESTLESSNESS AT NIGHT. ANGOR NOCTURNUS. Arsen. ANOSMIA. LOSS OF SMELL. Calc. carb. ANTHRAX. CARBUNCLE. Very painful, of a brown- ish red appearance, several small apertures in the centre, which discharged an offensive matter. Arsenic-The whole left arm is swollen. CAR- BUNCLE in the nape-Rhus. CARBUNCLE on the nape, cellular tissue destroyed. Debility, fever, Siliciu x. APPETITUS morbosus. Veratrum. MORBID APPETITE. 9 A APHONIA ACUTA. SUDDEN LOSS OF VOICE. From taking cold, convulsions of the face, icy coldness of the body. Bellad. x gtt. i. APHONIA--From paralysis of the tongue; Bary- ta carb. Phosph.--Patient can speak only in a whisper, congestion to the head, palpitations, herpes, twitch- ing of the limbs while sleeping. Causticum--Aphonia of three months standing; the result of spasms; after the fruitless application of Ant. Crud. and Phosph. APHTHE. SORE MOUTH OF children. Acid Mur., Acid Sulph., Bellad., Borax x. Borax xigtt. i, Capsicum, Helleb., Niger., Merc. solub. 015; Aphtha of infants, Nux Vom. x, Sulph. APNEA. INSENSIBLE RESPIRATION.. Insensible respiration, great nausea with cold sweat on the forehead, fear of death, general heat, alternating with coldness and pallor, Ipecac. Cuprum. APNEA-In children before every cry- ing spell, with convulsive contraction of the legs over the buttocks. APOPLEXIA. APOPLEXY. Patient lies immoveable and senseless, the ac- tivity of all his senses is interrupted, face tumefied, reddened, twitchings in the face-Ipecac. 6. Coma vigil, loss of consciousness and recollection--Bellad. x. Vertigo, defective sight and hearing, subpara- lysis linguæ, Arnica 3 gtt. i, Stramon. 12, Hyosc. 15. The heaviness of the tongue which still re- mained was removed by Merc. sol. 2. APOPLEXY. Mouth drawn towards the right side, insensibility, stammering articulation, red puffed up countenance, paralysis of the left hand, saliva flows out, tongue thick, comatose, pulse full, pulsation of the arteries of the head, incontinence of urine. Se- 10 veral doses of Bellad. (15 gtt. i,) and Opium (10 gtt. i,) there still remained weakness of memory, impair- ed vision, difficult articulation, disorder and pressing pain in the head, and tremulous weakness of the extremities, which symptoms were removed by se- veral doses of Anacard. and Baryt.. APOPLEXY. With sopor, insensibility and speech- lessness, and rattling in the chest. For the para- lysis of the extremities, Rhus and Cocculus. APOPLEXY. In a plethoric individual, after a previous venesection, Nux 18, Cocc. 9. Arnica--From a fall, paralysis of the extremities of the left side, stammering unintelligible words. Baryta carb. x. Bellad-Patient falls down insensible, stupor, di- lated pupils, red bloated face, conjunctiva injected, inability to articulate or swallow. Bellad.-Patient falls down insensible, mouth dis- torted, face violet coloured, right arm and right foot paralysed, loss of feeling, jaw closed and the lower lip hanging down. Bellad.-Hemiplegia of the right side, weakness of all the organs of sense, continual flow of saliva, unable to swallow; pulse full and hard, face turgid. Bellad. In dysphagia, constipation, bloated face and red prominent eyes. Camphor. P Cocculus-Groaning respiration, paralysis of the right extremities. APOPLEXY. Ignat. and Bellad.-Eyes rolling around, pupils directed upwards, face violet co- loured and turgid, groaning respiration, forced froth and a little bloody saliva from the mouth, violent convulsive motions of the body. Nux Vom.-Loss of sensibility, somnolency, stam- mering speech, full pulse, paralysis of the degluti- tory organs and lower extremities. 11 蕊 ​Considerable use of coffee-Nux Vom. 30 gtt. i, internally, together with injection. Arnica 9 re- moved the vertigo and dullness of the head which remained. Other remedies-Coffea, Acon., Opium, Pulsat., Cham., Rhus, Veratrum, Bryon., Ignat., Lau- rocerasus, Acid Hydrocy., and Acid Phosph. As a prophylactic against a relapse, Bell. x. Opium-In excessive excitability, attended with much laughing-strange unconnected conversation, recognition of the bystanders, and frequent carrying of the hand to the head. Also Acon. and Coffea. PROLAPSUS ANI. ARCHOPTOSIS. Ignatia. Para Sa Majậu TV 4. Nux Vom.-Merc. solub.-The rectum looks black, blood spouts from it, very painful, stool very difficult and discharged with pressing. Lobelia Inflat.-The rectum protruding from three to four inches beyond the verge of the anus, when going to stool, with copious discharge of blood, pleno rivo, so that the patient was almost exsan- guinated, frequent attacks of syncope, pulsation of the arteries of the head which was raised from the pillow with difficulty, and his life was despaired of, and his medical advisers proposed an operation as the only alternative. Completely relieved by two doses of Lobel. In flat. 12. A Lobelia Inflat.-Two other cases closely resem- bling the above, were cured by this remedy. ARTHRITIS acuta. ACUTE GOUT. Gout in all the joints, violent rending pressing pains, can neither sit nor lie, nor yet change the posi- tion, the right knee and left ankle swollen, the pain is unsupportable during the night as well as on mov- ing or touching, drawing and rending in all the limbs, Arnica 1. There still remained, drawing 12 rending pain in the knee, the ankle and the toes, which on stepping degenerates into stitchings, sen- sation of lameness in all the limbs, Puls. 1. For the stiffness which remained in the knee and ankle, Nux Vom. 5. Gout-From taking cold, inflammatory swelling of the right knee, cannot bend it, the whole of the right foot cannot be moved, it is as if dead, in the affected joints very sensible drawing pain from time to time with continual torpid sensation, nocturnal exacerbation. The ankle joint, elbow and car- pal joints are also affected. Acon., Puls., Rhus, Bellad. ARTHRITIS ACUTA. Acon., Bryon., Nux. Acon., in aqua. distil. solut.-(Solution of Acon. in distilled water.) Antimon. Crud.-Acute gout with gastric at- tacks. KAN TA Arsen.-ARTHRITIS in one leg with insupportable rending pain extending from the hip to the ankle. Motion procured relief. Arnica-Violent gnawing pains, as if a dog was tearing the flesh from the bones, impossibility of motion, loss of appetite, frequent urination, evening fever, sleeplessness, nocturnal exacerbation. Asarum-Aurum. p it on Bryonia-Acute gout of the joints. Bryon., with the aid of Sulphur-Acute gout, inflammatory fever with absence of thirst, the right ankle red and much swollen, the great toe likewise swollen. Acon., Pulsat., Rhus-Some redness, slight swell- ing and stiffness, with stinging, rending pain, some- times affecting the left arm, and again, the right leg; on respiring, sticking in the left breast, some- times attacked with coughing spells with expecto- ration of light coloured bloody mucus. 13 Bryon., Pulsat. and Sulph.-Rending stinging pains in the limbs, particularly in the joints, with slight tumefaction; stiffness of the joints. Causticum-Causticum with the aid of Coccu- lus and Bryon. China-Acute arthritis. Cocculus-With hot swelling of the arms and hands, and violent fever. Dulc., Ferrum, Guaic. Ledum-Gout of the knee, with rending pain in it. Ledum-Gouty pains exacerbated by the warmth of the bed, most violent until midnight. Lycopod-With inability of performing flexion, or extension at the elbow joint, tension of the knee, red spots on the tibia. Phosphor-With paralytic weakness in the legs, and inability to flex the knee properly. Phosphor.-Gout, swelling of the left ankle, pain in stepping. Pulsatilla-Swelling, stiffness of the joints of the left hand, knee and ankle, on the foot an erysipe- latous-like inflammation, flying stitch sometimes in the throat, and then in the knee. Pulsatilla-In the knee, after taking a severe cold. Rhododen. Chrys.-ARTHRITIS produced by rough, stormy weather, exacerbated during quies- cence. Rhus.-Swelling of the joints of several fingers, with stiffness of the feet after sitting, more percep- tible and painful after sitting. Sulphur, Veratrum. ARTHRITIS CHRONICA. CHRONIC GOUT. On the left fore arm and carpus, several gouty nodes, wrenching, pressing pain in the limbs, chief- 2 14 ly at night, the foot, in the neighbourhood of the ankle, somewhat tumefied. Žinc. x, Sepia x, Phosph. x, Silic. x, Cal. vi, Nutr. iv, Petrol. vi. Inveterate gout-very violent nocturnal pains in several joints, without tumefaction of them. Iodine. ARTHRITIS OSSARIA--With contractions; Spong., Asa., Sulph., Thuja., Rhus., Bryon., Silicea, and Antipsorin. ARTHRITIS Vaga. WANDERING GOUT. The patient could sometimes not move the one then the other limb for pain, painful swelling some- times in one part and again in another, feet very painful, fever, thirst. Arnica, ii gtt. i, free from pain in five days. Joints very thick, and of a vivid redness, cannot endure the slightest touch or motion, the pains raged at night, in particular, very violently, and al- lowed no rest. Mang. Carb. x. Gouty complaints, sometimes attacking the knee, sometimes the foot, rending pain, swelling of the right hand. Sulph. x. When the gout attacks various joints, Pulsat., Arnica, and sometimes Sulph. are indicated. mr p ASCARIDES.--Acon., Asar., Calc., Cina., Ferr., Ignat., N. Vom., Phosph., Spig., Sulph., Teucr., Valer. 1 ASCITES. SEE HYDROPS. ASPHYXIA, FROm a fall. Arnica, 3-Cham. SUSPENDED ANIMATION. 要想 ​ASTHMA. DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. Violent convulsions of the chest, and attacks of dyspnoea, convulsive shaking of the whole body, with real fear of death; at the same time, spasm of the throat, red turgid face, prominent eyes. Ve- rat. alb., with the aid of Ipecac., Nux, and Pulsat. 15 Arsenic-Shrill (whistling,) expiration at even- ings on lying down, compressing sensation on the breast and trachea, which renders it necessary to sit erect and bent forward, great anxiety, sweat over the whole body. It continues several hours, till after midnight. Arsenic x-Humid asthma. Arsenic x-Spasmodic asthma, with cold sweat. A case of asthma cured with Arsenic. Arsenic-Asthma, with constriction of the chest after lying down, expectoration of lightish yellow and viscid mucus, he loses breath with every movement, corporeal weakness and frailty, pain in all the limbs. Belladon.-Asthma, with constriction in the chest, oppressed respiration, dyspnoea, so that he could not lie down. Bryonia--Alternating with Nux Vom., is awakened once or twice during the night from want of air, contraction of the chest, pressure on the mid- dle of the sternum, frothy expectoration, talking and motion exacerbate the asthma. Calcar., Lycopod., Graphit. Cannabis-He must stand at the window, with his body bent forwards, to prevent suffocation. Cuprum-With the aid of Merc. solub. Cuprum Carb.-Evenings, after lying down, spasms of the breast, respiration excessively hur- ried and anxious, whistling respiration, sits up in bed with his body flexed forwards, coughs up white mucus. Ipecac.-Nocturnal spasmodic asthma. Ipec. i½ every evening, gtt. i. Lobel. Inf-Case of Asthma, 35 years standing in a lady--attacks continued for four months during the warm season, confined to her bed, cough, was obliged to sit upright, and great difficulty of breath- 16 ing, apprehended suffocation and was repeatedly bled which afforded only momentary relief--all other allopathic treatment almost useless. Two doses of Lobel. after Nux and Ars. had been tried, com- pletely cured the disease. Lobel. Inf.--In cases characterised by constant dyspnoea increased by slight exertion, aggravated by slight exposure to cold-a sensation of weakness and oppression in the epigastrium, extending up- wards into the breast, with or without cardialgia or pyrosis, much mucus in the throat, or a sensation as though it were there; pains in the forehead, in the back, in the flank, and high coloured urine-- many cures of Asthma have been effected by American Physicians, with Lobel. Inf. Lycopod. and Graphit. Lycopod., Calcar., Graphit,--Asthma from suppressed scabies, a man æt 36. Nux Vom.--Shortness of breath, on moving, constriction of the breast, with want of air, on going to bed, suffocative asthma, rendering it impossible for him to remain in a recumbent position, the breast is forcibly constricted in its transverse direc- tion, dry concussive cough, flatulency, cardialgia, passes colourless urine, irritable, indisposed to men- tal exertion. Phosphor.-Asthmatic paroxysms, hoarse toned cough, frequent expectoration of mucus streaked with blood. Phosphor.--Asthma, short dry cough, sticking in the breast, constant chilliness, together with lan- guor and debility. Phthisical habit. Pulsat.--Tightness of the breast, worse in the evening, cannot lie in bed, constriction of the wind- pipe, awakened from sleep by an anxious paroxysm, cough, with copious expectoration of mucus, men- 17 … struation scanty, and accompanied by spasmodic affections. Sulphur-With otorrhoea. Spigelia. Spongia.--With Calc., dry cough, impeded re- spiration, cannot inspire nor expire freely, rattling respiration, wheezing, every exertion accompanied with loss of breath, struma. ASTHMA MILLARI. ASTHMA OF Millar. Sambuc. nigr., Arsenic., Asafoetida. Sambucus-The child, immediately on awaking, was in want of breath, it laid breathless for some minutes. Cured by two doses. ASTHMA MILLARI SIMULATUM. ASTHMA RESEM- BLING MILLAR's. Ipecac.-In two doses. Ignat., Nux Vom., Opium. ASTHMA THYMICUM KOPII. THYMIC ASTHMA OF KOPP. In the first stage, Acon., Hep. Sulph., Spong., Ipecac., Senega., Tart. Stibiatum. For the cough, Verat., Bellad., alternating with Hepar. Sulph., or also Mercur., and Conium, or Zincum, Phosph., Ammon. Carb., Lachesis, Bellad.--In repeated doses. ASTHMA HUMIDUM. SPITTING ASTHMA. In addition to the above remedies, Ammon. Carb., Ignat., Mercur., Pulsat., Senega., Squilla. ATROPHIA INFANTUM. INFANTILE MARASMUS. Arsenic--Skeleton-like emaciation, skin like parchment, at night, short restless sleep disturbed by starting, vomits what was eaten. Bellad, and Arsenic--Excessive emaciation, dry skin, glands of the throat and nape swollen, promi- nent belly, stool green, diarrhoeal, chopped ; coma, 2* 18 } $ frequent dry nocturnal cough, continual catarrh, vomiting of food, much thirst, hands always cold. China--With inordinate appetite, doughy tume- faction of the abdomen. Nux. Vom.-Sallow bloated countenance, ema- ciation, aversion to walking, frequent vomiting of food, thirst, tumid abdomen, sometimes diarrhoea, sometimes constipation. Rhus with the aid of Calc. Carb.-Pale counte- nance, abdomen distended and hard, considerable appetite, much thirst, emaciation, frequent mucous diarrhoea, stools occasionally somewhat bloody. Sulphur in several cases. Sulphur and Calc. carb. ATROPHIA MANUS SINISTRÆ. ATROPHY OF THE LEFT HAND. With weakness and torpid sensation of the fin- gers. Silicia removed all the symptoms. B INFLAMMATION OF THE GLANS PENIS. BALANITIS. Merc., Acon., Arn. and Rhus. BALANOBLENNORRHOEA. GONORRHOEA OF THE GLANS ang dan vi ove.. PENIS. Merc., Cinnabar with the aid of Nux.-Cinna- bar. Cinnab. After astringent washes and other medications had been allopathically tried without benefit, effected a cure in two or three days. STUTTERING. BALBUTIES. STAMMERING. Platina., Merc. LE PENE 19 BLEPHAROPTHALMIA. INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE BALL AND LIDS. Acon., Arsenic, Calcaria Carb., Caustic, Coc- culus, Rhus, Sepia, Spigelia, Sulphur, Thuja. Arsen.-Inflammation of the internal surface of the eye lid. Ulceration of the eye lids with swelling and red- ness of the internal mucous surface. -Merc. and Pulsatil. BLEPHAROPTH. ERYSIPELAT. FLAMMATION OF THE EYE-BALL AND LIDS. Hepar Sulph BLEPHAROPLEGIA. * PARALYSIS OF THE EYE LIDS. ERYSIPELATOUS IN- Plumb., Sepia, Veratr., Zinc. One eye is quite closed, eye ball reddened and intolerant of light; 3 doses Verat., 2 doses Spigel._ viii, 2 do. Sepia, 1 do. Verat. x, 1 do. Zinc. x, completely cured patient. BLEPHAROPTOSIS. FALLING DOWN OF THE UPPER DE BIL “ EYE LID. Cham., Verat., Stramon., Caust. BLEPHAROSPASMUS. SPASM OF THE EYE LID. Cham., Crocus, Hepar Sulphuris, Hyosciam., Ruta. BRONCHITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRONCHIA. Excessive anxiety, restless pain in the forehead, indolent stools, under the upper part of the sternum a firmly seated, sticking, oppressive, crampy pain, a painful oppressive sense of constriction diffused over the whole of the breast, respiration with fearful anguish, rapid, anxious, irregular, laborious, often to suffocation, with some rattling, hoarse voice, or- thopnoea. Acon. x, several doses, followed by several doses of Spong. In the last stage, Arsen. x. 20 Carbo. Veg. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. BUBO. Nitric Acid., Iodine, Merc., Thuja. с CACHEXY CACHEXIA EX NIMIO USU HYDRARGYRI. FROM THE ABUSE OF MERCURY. Bellad., Calcar. Sulphurata, Carbo. Veg., Acid Nit., Aurum. MERCURIAL AND SYPHILITIC CACHEXY.—Nose sun- ken, nodes on the frontal bone, syphilitic ulcers of the mouth, caries of the palate bones-Aurum, Silicea, Mercur. Spigel-MERCURIAL CACHEXY. Offensive mouth, pain in the gums, soreness of the whole mouth, and swelling of the mouths of the salivary ducts. CACHEXY FROM THE MISUSE OF CHINA. Arn., Ferrum, Ipecac., Merc. sol. CANCER. Arsenic, Bellad., Carbo. Animal, Carbo. Veg., China, Merc., Nit. Acid. CANCER LABII INFERIORIS. CAncer of the LOWER LIP, From pressure of the pipe-Con. Mac. 1 gtt. i. CANCER NASI. CANCER OF THE NOSE. Sulphur, Sepia, Calcar., Aurum foliat. CANCER UTERI. CANCER OF THE WOMB. Great weakness and debility, violent burning of the genitals, very fetid discharge of a dark brown colour, putrid, sometimes like ichor, mouth of the uterus situated obliquely in the pelvis, the whole vaginal portion and posterior surface of the uterus indurated and covered with warty excrescences-China 12, 5 ¿ 21 Thuja. 18, Arsen. x, Hepar Sulph. 2, Bellad., Platina 6, Arnica, Pulsat., Thuja., China 6, Staphis. 24. Schirrus of the neck of the uterus. Cadaverous countenance, excessive emaciation, eyes sunken in the orbits, dilated pupils, great debility, sadness, eructation, difficult digestion, wind colic, lancinating pains in the lumber and ischiatic region, drawing pains in the inguinal region, stinging pain in the uterus, leucorrhoea with reddish matter, sharp, fœ- tid discharge, which leaves brown spots on the linen, frequent discharge of coagula, menses suppressed for a long time, the neck of the uterus indurated, tumid, insensible, ulceration of the superior labium of the uterus, touching produces haemorrhage.- Bellad., Arsen., Platina, Chamom. Arsenic with the aid of Bellad. produced ame- lioration. Belladon., Nit. Acid. CANCER VENTRICULI. Lycopodium, Phos., Platina. CARDIALGIA. HEART BUrn. Costiveness, bitter taste, heart-burn, exacerba- tion after using coffee, weight, tightness, disten- sion in the gastric region, the feeling of compres- sion extends towards the breast, the nape, sacral region, and terminates with flatulency and palpi- tation of the heart.-Nux Vom., Coffea, Coccu- lus, Sulph. CANCER OF THE STOMACH. Cramp in the stomach of many years standing, with head-ach and abdominal disorders.-Nux, Bel- lad., Gratiol. and Euphorb. Cramp in the stomach with constipation, vomiting of food and waterbrash.—Nux Vom. and Calc. Cramp of stomach with griping, sticking and bor- borygmy in the scrobiculus cordis, as if seized with + 22 a rude grasp and held fast with the nails, this pain diffuses itself from the scrobiculus to the umbilical region, bending together, which pressure amelio rates somewhat.-Bell. and Sep. Cramp of stomach. Painful sensation of burning, sticking, weight in the stomach, almost incessant, constipation.-Nux Vom., Stan., Sulph., and Ly- cop. Cramp of Stomach.-Pulsat. Acid Nit.-Gastralgia of twenty years standing. Acid Nit.-Dull pain in the gastric region, with sensation of coldness in the stomach, sallow counte- nance, pains in the head, when walking immediately seized with pains in the sacral region and great weariness. Ars. with Bryon.-Cramp of the stomach, with burning, retching, vomiting of food, water brash. Baryt. acet. with the aid of Nux Vom., Con. and Sulph. After a suppressed herpetic eruption had reappeared. Bellad-Cramp of the stomach during pregnan. cy, pain in the pit of the stomach and left hypochon- drium, with much retching and vomiting, pressure towards the pelvis, red turgid face, partial loss of consciousness. Bellad. and Nux Vom.-Cramp of the stomach with nausea and vomiting, stitches, and sometimes violent constriction in the breast. Bellad. and Pulsat.-CARDIALGIA in a girl of light complexion, very violent before the menses appear, contracting, rendering it necessary to bend, with sour vomiting, and diarrhoea dejections of yel- low water. Bismuthum-Cramp of the stomach with sensa- tion of pressure, weight or heaviness, and indescri- bable uneasiness. Bismuth.-In hysteric Gastralgia. 23 Bryon.-Burning in the stomach with every mo- tion, together with Metrorrhagia. Bryon.-Cramp in the stomach from affection of the spleen. Calc. Carb.-Nausea, sour eructations, vomiting, blind piles. Carbo. animal-Pressure, burning in the sto- mach, sour water brash, constipation. Carbo. veget.—Very violent cramp of the sto- mach with trympanites. Carbo. veget.-Cramp of the stomach, particular ly after eating, violent griping and pressure in the gastric region, which is distended, painful. Carbo. veget.-Intolerable burning, contracting, pain in the stomach with pressure and violent de- sire for ice-cold water, the drink is ejected, hoarse- ness, with the aid of Sulph. Cham.-Pressure as if from a stone, after eating. China-Cramp in the stomach, arising after con- finement, with heart burn, retchings, and scanty al- vine discharges. Cocculus. Cocc., Bryon. and Pulsat.-After very slight cold, convulsive contraction, pressure, griping and throbbing in the gastric region, the abdomen is tu- mid, eructation of a sour fluid. Guaicum--Cramp of the stomach, very violent, frequently increased until hæmatemesis is excited. Ignatia.-Burning in the stomach, fine sticking in the pit of the stomach, with sensation of weakness and emptiness of it. Ignat., with the aid of Nux V. and Cham. ACUTE CARDIALGIA-Convulsive pressing pain in the pit of the stomach, which extended into the spine, and almost deprived the patient of breath, finds no amelioration in any position, chill, with chat- 24 tering of the teeth, and violent thirst, great lassitude on the slightest exertion. Ipecacuanha. Lachesis.-Horrid cramps and pains in the sto- mach, with violent eructation, retching and vomit- ing. Lycopod.-Periodical pain continues from eight to fourteen days, ceases evenings in bed, and reap- pears mornings, has the feeling as if the stomach was firmly pressed together from both sides, menstruation tolerably copious. Nitrum--Contracting spastic pain in the sto- mach. Nux Vom.-After every meal a drawing pain in the sacral region, which extends upwards between the shoulders, and there remains, a griping and bor- borygmy appears in the gastric region, with eruc- tation, retching and vomiting of the ingesta, con- stipation. Nux Vom.-Attacks of the following nature: swelling of the epigastric region with pain on pres- sure, very violent griping in the stomach, which tends towards the left hip, most violent at night and in the morning, returns after eating. Nux Vom.-Violent pressure in the stomach af- ter eating, ameliorated when sitting and bending forwards, empty eructations. Nux Vom.-With hæmorrhoidal affection, vio- lent constricting pain in the stomach and hepatic. region, distension of the epigastrium, cannot bear pressure on the scrobiculus cordis, hypogastrium tympanitic. When these symptoms abate, pain in the sacral region, and tumefaction of the hæmorr- hoids. Nux Vom., with the aid of Arsen.--Spastic pains, and feeling of debility in the stomach, a sensation 25 AY of weakness in the epigastrium, vomiting of food and drink immediately after taking. Nux Vom. with Cocculus and Carb. Veg.-- Cramp of the stomach, with violent constriction of the chest, and flow of water into the mouth. Nux Vom.--Cramp of the stomach after eating, with retching and vomiting of mucus. Nux. and Calc.--Very violent cramp of the sto- mach. Petrol.-Cramp of the stomach, with hæmorr- hoids. Phosphor.-Constricting pains in the scrobiculus cordis, with vomiting of a limpid acid fluid, also acid eructations. Phosph.-Contracting pressure in the gastric re- gion, frequent generation of acid and diarrhoea. Phosph.-Considerable disorder of the stomach, with cramps of it, inanition, vomiting. Pulsat. With vomiting, shivering, heat of the head, emaciation. Pulsatilla-Borborygmy and griping. Pulsat.-Severe pains in the stomach, almost constant head-ache, emaciation, difficult digestion, stomach cannot bear pressure. Dejection, anxiety. Sepia. Silicea.-Cramp of the stomach, gnawing and rooting, together with burning, flushes of heat, and cold creeps over the spine and nape, violent nausea in the morning. Stannum-Disturbance in the pit of the stomach, spasmodic griping in the stomach and around the umbilicus, with nausea, flatulency, and frequent in- effectual urgings to void the fæces. Stannum-Obstinate cramps of the stomach. Verutrum-Excessively painful constriction of the stomach, extending to the præcordia, with diar- rhoea. 3 26 CARDITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE HEART. Bryon., Acon., Puls., Cannab. CARDIOGMUS. DISEASE OF THE HEART. Spigelia-Violent palpitation, with feeling as if the heart was pressed together, obscure beating of the heart, the beats blend together, suffocative at- tacks, spasms of the breast, on moving she fears suf- focation. Aurum-Violent palpitations, accompanied by anxiety and tightness of the chest. Pulsat., with the aid of Acon.-Violent palpita- tion, loss of senses, very timid, fretful. Phosphor.-Stretches, pressure, anxiety, op- pression, with the sensation as if the heart was aug- mented in size, violent pulsation, with shocks ex- tending to the throat and head. Spigelia-Auscultation elicits a sound like the purring of a cat, straining at stool, syncope in a warm room, anxiety, short breath, obliged to lie with the head elevated. CARDIOPALMUS. PALPITATIONS. With paralytic pain and formication of the left Rhus. 24. arm. CARIES. MORTIFICATION of a bone. ONE. / 156- cea. Of the right fore-arm and leg, with violent swell- ing, discharge of ichor, and moderate fever. China, Asafœt., Phosphor., Sulph., Silicea, Acid Nitr., Carbo. anim., China. CARIES of the fore-arm after a fall. Sulph., Sili- CARIES of the leg. Sulph., Silicea. CARIES of the cubital articulation, with fistulous ulceration of the bone. Silicea, Lycopod, and Sulphur. CARIES of the femur in a scrophulous boy. Sepia x, Acid Nitr. "3 27 FUNGOUS CARIES of the hand. Rhus. and Arsen. CARIES of the inferior maxillary bone with fistula of the parotid gland. Silicea. CARIES of the facial bones. Calc. and Silicea x. CARIES of the third phalanx of the midfinger. Silicea x. CARIES of the foot, with hectic fever. Ars., Lyc. and Sil. x. CARIES SYPHILITICA of the nasal and palatal bones. Aurum. CARIES of the radius, with blueish red swelling of fore-arm, and hectic fever. Pulsat., Mezereum., Sabina, Silicea, Calcar. and Lycop. CARIES SYPHILITICA of the alveolar process, with ozœna. Aur., Merc. CARIES of the tibia, with inflammation of the whole foot, which cannot endure the slightest mo- tion, with secretion of offensive ichor. Silicea, Asafoetid. vi, Calc. carb. x, Mezer. vi, Silicea x, Sulph. x, and Nitric Acid. CARIES of the tibia, recent. Silicea. . CARIES of the tibia; on the inner side of the left leg a blueish ulcer with callous edges, discharges thin fetid matter, very tender, on the inner face of the ankle of the left foot a cold swelling. Asafoetid. vi. gtt. 1. Angustura. CARIES of the left tibia and fore-arm, with nu- merous fistulous sinuses, prostration of strength, enervating diarrhoea. Sulph., Asafœt., Acidum Nitri., and Acid Phosph. CATALEPSIS. CATALEPSY. Belladonna., Aconit. Stramonium iii-Commences with stitching pains in the head, with heaviness of it and vertigo, then loss of strength, fixed eyes, mouth open, loss of consciousness, any of the limbs could readily be 2 28 moved at will, and retained the position in which they were placed. CATARACTA. CATARACT. In a scrophulous boy, Sulph. x, with the inter- mediate application of Puls. twice during the treat- ment. In a woman, æt. 61, cured in six weeks, by Sulph. x, and Caustic. INCIPIENT CATARACT from suppressed psora. 3 doses Pulsat., and 2 do. Cannab. CATARACT TRAUMATIC-Cannabis. Simple lenticuLAR CATARACT-With lachryma- tion, reddening of the conjunctiva, pressure as if from sand in the eye. Puls. iii, Tr. Cannab., and Opium ii. CAPSULAR CATARACT. Magnes. Carb., and Tr. Cannab. CATARACT. Euphras. CATARRHUS. CATARRH. Nux Vom., Pulsat., Chamomilla, Phosph., Ipecac., Ignat., Bryon., Mercur., Dulcam., Sulph., Hepar. Sulph., Drosera. Verbasc., &c. ACUTE CATARRH. Acon., Ipecac., Scill., and Seneg. CHRONIC CATARRH. Copious secretion of a tough white mucus, which can be expectorated only with a straining cough. Squilla. CEPHALAGRA. GOUT OF THE HEAD. Bellad. x, and Zincum x. Rhus.--Rending sticking pains, with dull feeling of the head. See also Hemicrania. 2 CEPHALALGIA. HEAD-ACHE. Rending, boring and pressing pains on different parts of the head, the eyes pain as if bruised, the scalp painful to the touch, mental exertion excites 29 atjana ang kagabon violent pain, noise is disagreeable, great weakness of memory, tinnitus aurium, emaciation, sallow com- plexion, pressure in the stomach, and spasm of the œsophagus after taking cold.-Nux Vom. x, Pul- sat. iv, Ignatia vi, Bellad. and Bryonia. CEPHALALGIA CHRONICA. Carbo. veg. viii, Sepia x, Phosph. x, Acid. Nitric. x. Aconit.-Very violent head-ache with very irri- table tone of mind, from cold. Is readily excited to break out in loud complaints and upbraidings. Acon. relieved in four hours. Aconitum-Pain on one spot of the left parietal bone, by every touch or breath of air. Arnica.-Chronic head-ache with retching. Arnica.-Head-ache, the consequence of a blow on the head. Arsenic-Horrible pains centered in the gum above the upper incisor teeth, so violent as to pre- vent sleep. Aurum.-Roaring noise in the head. Bellad.-Resulting from taking cold and cutting off the hair. Bellad.-Very violent head-ach, exacerbated by walking, speaking, bright light, and every move- ment. Bellad.--Nervous head-ache, commences in the morning and continues till evening, generally bitter vomiting, violent pressure on the parietes of the head and on the temples, vertigo on raising and moving the head, particularly when stooping, con- gestion towards the head, bewildered feeling of the head with sleeplessness. Bellad.--Periodical chronic head-ache, particu- larly at the menstrual period. Bellad.--Periodical head-ache, from four o'clock, in the afternoon until three in the morning, screw- * 3* 30 ing, boring, rending pain, and roaring in the right ear, occiput and temples. Bellad.-Chronic head-ache, weight, pressing and tearing in the whole head, but chiefly in the fore- head, renewed by motion and a draught of air. Bryonia-Arising from congestion of blood to the head, attacking the forehead and the temples, pres- sing, pushing outwards, exacerbated by stooping, moving the head, coughing and sneezing. Bryonia-Hysterical head-ache, commences in the morning. Bryonia--Hysterical head-ache, commences in the morning, with drawing, digging, pressing pains in the forehead, then passes into a stinging, burning, lancinating pain over the whole head, several hours afterwards ceases after vomiting-Nux Vom. miti- gated the pain-Bryon. removed it in toto. Bryon.-Chronic head-ache, beating, pressing, rending, more violent mornings. Bryonia-Violent pain in the head, commencing early in the morning in bed, increases till towards evening, when it proceeds to insupportable violence. It is of a compressing nature, the patient could not endure either noise or light; palpitation, constric- tion of the breast, inclination to vomit, fretful, an- gry. Calcarea carb.—Chronic head-ache in a scrophu- lous individual, boring in the forehead as if the head would burst, when she is in the open air, beating head-ache, which compels her to lie down, some- times buzzing in the head, cutting in the abdomen during menstruation. Calc. carb. et Phosph.-lt commences in the forehead like a violent beating, extends through the right temple into the occiput, as a rending pain, the head is heavy, she must lie down and is relieved by it. 31 Calc. carb.-Violent rending, boring head-ache on change of weather or mental emotions, it chiefly affects the right side where the pains extend them- selves like radii. China-After cessation of the menses, most vio- lent pains in the head, nausea, inclination to vomit, chill, cold feet, great weakness. China-On the crown of the head pressing, bor- ing pain, the whole head as if bruised, this sensa- tion is exacerbated by exerting the perception, great prostration of strength, too long suckling, sunken countenance, Anorexia, violent thirst. China-Sore-like pain of the scalp, sensibility of the roots of the hairs. China-Painful reeling and sensation as if the brain was striking against the scull, exacerbated by motion. China-Periodical pain above the orbits. Colocynthis-vehement intermitting head-ache. Colocynth.-Rending head-ache. Dulcamara-Severe boring burning in the fore- head and crown of the head, with a pressing on the brain from within outwards, and as if a board pres- ed before the forehead. Helleborus Niger.--Chronic head-ache of a pres- sing nature, and confusion of ideas, the result of in- tense study. Ignatia-Hysterical head-ache. Magnesia carb., and Lycopod.-Sticking in the temples, rending in the forehead, scanty menstrua- tion, accompanied by vomiting. Mercurius-Rending, burning head-ache, parti- cularly in the temples. Mercurius with the aid of Bryonia-Rending head-ache and tooth-ache, excited by warmth and cold. Nux Vomica-CATARRHAL HEAD-ACHE-Pressing ܐ 32 beating pain in the forehead, above the eyes, in the temples and on the crown, as if the head would burst, stooping and coughing increase the pain, aris- ing after a cough and cold in the head. Nux Vom.-HYSTERICAL HEAD-ACHE-Periodical every ten-fourteen days; it commences with a dull pressing pain, vertigo, bewildered feeling of the head, violent pressure above the eyes, sensibility of them to the light, gastric and spastic symptoms, asth- matic constriction of the heart; attacks produced by mental emotion. Nux Vom. with the aid of Sepia-Lancinating chronic head-ache, sometimes occupying the whole head, continuing twenty-four hours, violent bilious and mucus vomiting. Nux-Constringing and pressing pain of the sto- mach, extending to the back, together with vomit- ing of an acid fluid, constipation and flatulency, the symptoms appear chiefly in the morning early. Nux Vom. and Bellad.-CEPHALALGIA. Chief- ly at night, lancinating pain, very vehement, con- joined with nausea and vomiting, vertigo, universal lassitude, constipation. Petroleum with the aid of Phosph. and Calcar. -Chronic head-ache resulting from a fall. Phosphor.-Violent periodical head-ache, with stupefaction and considerable congestion of blood to the head, sometimes darkness before the eyes, sour eructations, constant secretion of mucus in the throat. Platina-Spasmodic pain in the forehead, prin- cipally over the root of the nose, with heat and red- ness of the face, with prematurely increased men- struation. Pulsatilla-Pain exacerbated in the evening, appears to arise from the nape, and centres itself in both parietal bones, is obliged to lie down, roaring 33 in the ears, vertigo, appears to be looking through a dark veil, diurnal chill towards evening with stinging pains in the limbs, followed by heat without thirst. Pulsat.-Acute head-ache, every twenty-four hours in sudden attacks, very violent pain of the head, with sticking in the crown and burning in the eyes, is then attacked with nausea, the face be- comes glowing red, must lie down, dares not stir, every motion excites a feeling as if the brain fell forwards. Relieved by pressure. Pulsat.-Rending pain in the head, increasing evenings and nights, so violent that she cries out, paracusis illusoria, photophobia, soreness of the limbs. Nux Vom.-Periodical head-ache, commencing every morning after rising, and continually increas- ing till noon, pressing, rending, head muddled, gas- tric symptoms. Nux Vom.-Periodical head-ache from youth up. Nux Vom.-Periodical head-ache, several doses of Nux Vom. and one dose of Sepia. Nux Vom.--Periodical head-ache, sore pain, pressing outwards daily from seven in the morning till noon. Nux Vom.-Congestion to the head, vertigo when walking, more when stooping, bewildered feeling, weight of the head, pressing tensive pain in the fon- tal region, vomiting. Nux Vom.-Sometimes a reeling sensation in the brain, bewildered feeling in the head, pressing beating pain in the head early in the morning, exa- cerbation from wine and coffee, constipation. Nux Vom.-Daily after dinner until three o'clock, head-ache,with general heat and redness of the face. Nux Vom.--Dull pressing head ache in the fron- 34 tal region, and vertex with soreness and weak feel- ing, stools seldom, with the aid of Bellad. 3. Nux Fom.-Rheumatic head-ache, very severe pains in the right side of the head every night from eleven o'clock until morning. Nux Vom.-Violent pain of the head, fiery red- ness of the face, sparkling eyes, restless sleep--Bel- lad. produced momentary relief only. Nux Vom.-Head-ache changing in a quarter of an hour,usually drawing,rending, supeficial or again more penetrating, pulsating and compressing the temples or frequently pressing outwards, attacking different spots, severe heat of head, difficult stool, very irritable, disposed to anger. Two doses of Nux Vom. removed this affection of more than 20 years standing. Rhus.-Very violent cephalalgic attacks in a hysterical female, in the posterior part of the head, so that the patient was obliged to lie down; she laid for 24 hours without speaking,the slightest vexation, as well as every motion in the open air, was sure to renew the attack. Rhus.--Drawing pain in the left temple, even- ings and nights, at the same time, humming and roaring in the head. Sepia-Cephalalgia of five years standing, pres- sure in the left supra orbital region, besides pain in the whole head, commingled with fine sticking pains, an attack every week. Is exacerbated at the men- strual period, and by mental emotions, irritation to vomit, vertigo, fainty feelings, sensation of heat, breast affection. Whites. Sepia-Hysterical cephalalgia. Silicea-Periodical chronic head-ache, a sticking and rending pain commences in the temples, and extends towards the bones of the face into the lower jaw, where, as well as in the teeth, it is usually most 35 poignant. It is increased by a draught of air. Belladonna produced no apparent improvement. Sulphur-CHRONIC HEAD-ACHE.--Pressing pain in the forehead and whole of the frontal region, im- mediately on awaking early in the morning, which continues uninterruptedly during the day, easily wearied when walking. Sulph.-Every eighth day pressure, rending, and stupefaction with nausea. Taraxacum―Very violent head-ache, of two years duration, only when walking and standing. Valerian, Zincum.. LIP EVIL. CHEILOCACE. Bryonia-Swelling, with fissures and scabs. Bellad.-Swelling, with a tuberculous tumour of the lower lip. Bovista-Swelling of the upper lip. Conium, Silicea, and Sepia. Silicea-Cartilaginous induration of the upper lip, with an ulcer and a deep furrow covered with a cartilaginous crust. See also INDURATION OF THE LOWER LIP. CHEIRITIS. Malignant cheiritis passing into ichorous suppu- ration, from concussion. Arnica ii, and Rhus x. CHLOROSIS. GREEN SICKNESS. Ferrum., Pulsat., Nux Vom., China, Coccul., Sulphur, Sepia, Phosphor. Calc. carbon.-Chlorosis succeeded by dropsy. CHOLERA MITIS. MILD CHOLera. CHOLERA IN- FANTUM. .. Antimon. crudum--Cholera infantum, fre- quent vomiting of food, drink, and mucus at the same time, diarrhoea, with great desire for cold water. 1 * Gp M 36 Arsenic-CHOL. SPORAD. INFANT. Violent diar- rhoea, and vomiting of a watery mass, with great weakness, sunken death-like countenance, cold sweat on the forehead, eyes sunken, with blue mar- gin around them, distended abdomen, coldness of the body and great emaciation, violent moaning. Arsenic-Burning hot skin, great thirst, rest- less nights, jactitation, starting up, twitching. Arsen. Cholera, with great anxiety in the præ- cordial region. Arsen.--Watery vomiting and diarrhoea, with periodical burning. Bellad.-Vomiting, with mucus diarrhoea, and dry heat. Calcar. acet.-Sour vomiting and diarrhoea of children. Chamomilla-Mild painless diarrhoea, with fre- quent vomiting of an acid smelling mucus. China.--Usually only in nocturnal cholera. Colocynthis--Uninterrupted vomiting, joined with frequent diarrhoea. At the same time, stick- ing, griping abdominal pains, together with violent cramp of the calf of the leg. Ipecacuanha. Helleborus niger.-Anorexia, painfulness of the gastric region, nausea, vomiting of the ingesta, grip- ing, urging to stool, frequent diarrhoea, inclined to sleep. Secale. Cornut.-In choleric diarrhoea. Veratrum--Sporadic cholera, with aqueous diar- rhoea, loss of appetite, restless, much thirst, sud- den successive attacks of vomiting of a mucus watery fluid, with much lassitude, hot distended abdomen. Sometimes in conjunction with Cham. iv, or Rheum. Veratrum.-Terrible griping, with green bitter vomiting, and three stools. Khus. relieved the diar- 37 rhoea, with greenish yellow stools and severe thirst, which remained. Veratrum-Continual vomiting and purging, pressure in the pit of the stomach, thirst, exhaustion, cold extremities, cold clammy sweat, hippocratic countenance. Veratr.-Coldness of the body, excessive debility, cramps of the calves of the legs, retention of urine, cold sweat. CHOLERA ASIATICA. ASIATIC CHOLERA. ACUTE CHOLERA-Muscular rigidity, vomiting, diarrhea, swooning, general collapse, coma, hippo- cratic countenance. Ther., Verat. alb., Arsen., Ci- cuta virosa. DYSENTERIC CHOLERA-In the commencement, simple diarrhoea, with occasional red and aqueous evacuations, later, like rice water or a flocculent milky fluid. Adynamia. Ther., Camph., Phosphor., Acidum phosph. Ice water enema in obstinate colic. CHOLERA VOMITORIA--Continual vomiting, with- out diarrhoea, diminished secretion of urine. Ther., Ipecac., Verat. alb., Cham., Nux Vom. CHOLERA SPASMODICA--Vomiting and diarrhoea are inconsiderable. Cuprum metall., Verat. alb., Camph. CHOLERA ASPHYXIA-Immediate prostration of strength, marble coldness, loss of voice, coma, Ther. Camph. Verat.-In perfect asphyxia. Carbo. veget., or Hydrocyanic Acid. CHOLERA INFLAMMATORIA---Constant vomiting, slight diarrhoea, with white evacuations. Veratr., Ipecac., Cuprum when the vomiting ceases. Acon. Camphora is suited to the first stage only, where lassitude, with disturbed look, sunken eyes, blueish 4 38 face, coldness of the face, hands and feet, loss of spirits, anxiety with sense of suffocation, stupefac- tion, hoarse voice, burning in the stomach and œso- phagus, spasmodic pain in the calves and muscles, pain in the pit of the stomach without thirst, vomit- ing, or diarrhoea. Or according to Dr. Reubel, in the latter case, where no twitchings are present. Camphor suits when the general vital activity is sunken, the pulse scarcely perceptible, warmth of the surface almost extinct. When copious evacua- tions precede, it is not applicable. Camphor, ac- cording to Hahnemann's proposition, two or three drops every 4 or 5 minutes. Bakody's treatment--In the first stage, Ipecac. every half hour or hour. Sometimes Chamom., (in yellow mucus, coated tongue, pressure at the sto mach, griping and anxiety.) If sufficient improve- ment did not follow, he administered Veratr. Symp- toms: diarrhoea, with discharge of an aqueous whitish-grey fluid, painful burning in the gastric region, unquenchable thirst for cold water, vomiting of the ingesta. Second stage, with the following symptoms: tonic and clonic cramps, particularly in the fingers, toes, calves of the legs, sometimes also in the breast ; again, absence of all cramps, sunken countenance, blue lips, diminished temperature of the surface, eyes retracted, surrounded with blue rings. Ther., Ipecac., and Veratr. Sometimes the following remedy answers: Cicuta Virosa, where violent tonic cramps of the pectoral muscles and distorted eyes alternate with vomiting, and the accompanying diarrhoea is very slight and seldom. Third stage-Utmost degree of exhaustion, gene- ral apathy, marble coldness, general clammy sweat, blueness of the body, hippocratic countenance. 39 Ther., Veratrum, Cuprum, Arsenic, and Prunus Laur. They are indicated in the following cases: Cuprum-Where there is pain in the pit of the stomach, increased by pressure, an audible gurgling sound of drink, vomiting accompanied with severe pressure, preceded by a constricting sensation of the heart, and finally, in cases where clonic cramps of the fingers and toes are present. Arsenic-In pain of the upper part of the ab- domen, appearing after vomiting, in tonic cramps of the fingers and toes, unequivocal sudden sinking of the strength, an anxious restless tossing about in bed, and unspeakable agony, painful constriction of the heart, burning thirst, burning evacuations, with violent colic pains. Laurocerasus-Answers chiefly where there is a rending in the superior and inferior extremities, difficult hearing, obstupefaction, spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles, and a contracting sensation in the throat when drinking. Quin. when the pulse is weak and slow, vertigo, stupor, facial convulsion. Rummell administered Verat. as the chief reme- dy in cholera. Cuprum (in many spasms of the muscles or abdomen.) Camphor, Arsenic, Se- cale cornutum-If the vomiting was entirely or chiefly allayed, the alvine dejections still retain their morbid colour, when every thing betokens that no bile is present in the intestinal canal. Carbo. vegetab.-When the actual cholera symptoms had yielded, and congestion to the head and breast appeared, when oppression of the breast predominated, a slight sopor supervened, and the reddened cheeks were covered with clammy sweat. Cicuta virosa.--Where the patient lay coma- tose with eyes directed upwards, breathing confined to the utmost, violent convulsions of the pectoral muscles, vomiting, slight diarrhoea, with the aid of Hydrocyanic Acid. ¡ 40 Ipecac. et Acon.-Where the vomiting continues. Mercur.-In dysenteric cholera. In acute choleric diarrhoea, Secale cornut. did essential service. In the chronic form: Mercur., China, Dulcam., Acid. nitric., occasionally Tart. emet., and Digitalis. Against the cholera congestion, Camphor, Nux Vom., Acon., Secal. cornut., Lycopod., Cuprum, and Ipecacuanha. Prodromi: Bellad.-Where the face is redden- ed, eyes sparkling, vertigo, head-ache, congestion to the head. Nux Vom. where the diarrhoea is unfre- quent, and where violent pressing with small dis- charge, is present. Also Phosphor. Carbo. vegetab. has, during the rapid course, retarded the progress of the disease. Phosphor.-In violent rumbling of the abdomen and copious serous diarrhoea, without pain or vomit- ing. If nervous fever remained, Bryonia, Rhus, Acid. phosph., sometimes Stramon., Hyosciamus, Belladonna, Carbo, Opium. If symptoms of a chronic kind remained, Spiritus vini. sulph. generally proved useful. Veratrum-Vomiting of a greyish fluid, stools every quarter of an hour, sometimes yellow, again grey, abdomen drawn towards the spine and warm, the rest of the body cold as ice, hippocratic coun- tenance, aphonia, painful cramp of the toes and calves of the legs, imperceptible pulse. As prophylactics. Camphor, Cuprum, Vera- trum, Ipecac., and Arsenic were sometimes bene- ficial. CHOLERINA. MILD FORM OF CHOLERA. Acidum phosphoricum-Rolling and rumbling in the intestines, frequent diarrhoea, stools watery and greenish, with great prostration, clammy tongue, 41 thirst, bad complexion, dullness in the head, dimin- ished urinary discharge. Phosphor.-Rolling and rumbling in the abdo- men, with watery white mucus, and greenish stools, together with general cutaneous warmth. Ferrum. metal., and Calc. carb., Helleborus niger., Arsenic, Secale cornut., and Chamom. CHOREA STI. VITI. ST. VITUS' DANCE. Chorea-With vertigo, wind and noise in the intestines, the patient makes various strange mo- tions, convulsive twitching in different parts of the body. Bellad. x, Nux Vom. x, Calc. carb. viii, Lycop. x, Silic. x, Phosph. x, Caustic. x, and Sulph. x. CHOREA from fright, the head is drawn towards the back, gnashing of the teeth, violent twitching of the whole body, the patient dances, makes great leaps, with closed eyes and convulsive motions of the limbs. Stramon., Ignatia, Nux Vom., Hyos- ciam., Bellad., Aconit., Pulsatilla, Stramon., Sul- phur, Phosphor., Sepia, Carb. veg., Calc. carb. CHOREA. Ignatia, Belladonna, and Asafœtida. Asafoetida with the aid of Ignatia, Pulsat., Cuprum, and Aurum. Calcar. and Sulph.-CHOREA appearing after meazles, with very indistinct speech, continual mo- tion of the whole muscular system, crossing the feet when walking, corporeal emaciation. Calcarea carbon. Causticum-From repelled eruption, various singular motions of the mouth, the eyes, the head, the hands and feet, sleeplessness and restlessness. A relapse produced by a dietetic error was permanent- ly cured by Ignat. and Causticum. China-Twitching of all the muscles, thirst, suc- ceeded by fever and sweat, in a boy six years old. 4* 42 4. Cocculus and Bellad.—In Chorea of one side. Crocus-Spasms, with menstrual suppression. Cuprum While the patient was awake, every part of the body was in curious motion, she could not keep a limb quiescent, even the tongue was moved involuntarily. Cuprum aceticum-Convulsions, with distortion of the eyes, of the face and body, swinging the left arm and leg to and fro, anxiety and violent weep- ing. With the aid of Ignatia. Ignatia-Chorea from fright. Ignatia-Chorea in a girl eleven years old. Stramonium-Staggering, tottering gait, tremor of the extremities, the muscles of voluntary motion are not under the control of the will, insensibility to sensual impressions, loss of memory, stuttering, distortion of the facial muscles. For the tremor and gastric affection, with violent thirst, which remained, China iv. Stramonium-Removed a Chorea except diffi- cult articulation, which disappeared after Bellad., Stramon., and Nux Vom. Stram. and Sulphur. Sulphur, Conium, Calc., and Psoricum. Zincum, with the aid of Stramon.-Almost con- tinual pressing head-ache, loss of thirst, pressing pains in the stomach, involuntary lachrymation, ir- regular convulsive motions of the limbs, unsteady gait. Great apathy, inaptitude to mental exertion, and some convulsive motions which remained, re- moved by Stramon. CHYLURIA. Discharge of CHYLACEOUS URINE. Acidum phosph. CLAUDICATIO SPONTANEA. SPONTANEOUS LUXA- Calcarea-In a child. Rhus. 'TION. 43 See also Coxalgia. CORNS. Calcarea, Petroleum, Phosphor., Phosphoric Acid, and Sulphur. COELIALGIA CRAMP. Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla with the aid of Ferrum salitum— Severe pressing towards the fundament, every four weeks at the menstrual period, sometimes carried so far as to cause vomiting, quiescence in a recum- bent posture ameliorates. Has frequent attacks of gastric pressure and eructations after meals. Pulsatilla-Abdominal cramps from suppressed menstruation, with asthmatic attacks and constric- C-CMS CLAVI PEDIS. tion. SPASMODICA. INTESTINAL SPASMS. Belladonna-Very violent pain in the right side, in the lower part of the abdomen, back, and seat, the patient is obliged to lie down, great restlessness. Cuprum-Violent abdominal cramps in a boy nine years old. Sulphur-Griping pains, sensation as if one's fist was turning about in the belly, this pain alternates with a pain in the pit of the stomach, which seems as if two stones were rubbed together, relieved by bending forward. Other remedies-Cocculus, Cuprum, Hyos- ciamus, Ignatia, Ipecac., Mag. muriat, Moschus, Nux Vom., Rhus., Sepia., Stannum, Stramon., Valeriana and Veratrum. COLICA. COLIC. Arsenic-Violent griping, chill, great anguish, restlessness, vomiting after every drink, swoon-like weakness, icy coldness, suppressed urine, tenesmus. Belladonna-Violent colic, with pad-like disten- sion of various parts of the abdomen. 44 Carbo vegetab.-Belly-ache with sensation of lameness in the right leg. Chamomilla-Fearful rending contracting pain in the belly and loins, which throws the whole body into commotion, the abdomen is very painful to the touch, as if sore; diarrhoea with bilious attacks dur- ing menstruation. Colocynthis-Violent cutting abdominal pains as if with a knife, no position produces relief, almost driven to despair, violent stitches in the region of the right ovarium, chilliness during the pains- Colocynth. iv; Pulsatilla relieved a pressure in the pit of the stomach, and deep in the abdomen which remained. Colocynth.-Violent pains in the belly from cold, obliging the patient to bend forward and cry aloud, inclination to vomit, diarrhoea. Colocynth.-Violent cutting belly pains in par- oxysms. Colocynth.-Violent stinging and burning ab- dominal pains in the left lumbar region, remitting and again recurring. Colocynth.-Very violent pains in the belly, as if all the intestines were being cut, countenance quite changed from the pain, the whole body cover- ed with sweat, loss of appetite, thirstlessness, con- stipation, the belly is sensitive to the touch during the pains. Colocynthis-Violent colic day and night, the patient draws himself up and rolls about in bed. Colocynth.-Violent belly pains of a griping na- ture, in a boy thirteen years of age, which caused him to cry out, continuing several minutes and then remitting. Mercury and Sulphur-Violent colic in the left side of the abdomen, with constipation. 45 Nux Vomica-Periodical abdominal pain early in the morning after meals. Pulsatilla—In a pregnant woman with labour- like pains. Veratrum-Periodical colic every evening imme- diately after supper. COLICA FLATULENTA. WIND COLIC. Arsenic. Chamom. In an infant with green diarrhoea- like stools. Colocynth.-Very violent colic, as if the intes- tines were pressed between stones, considerable tympanitis. Belladonna-Swooning attacks with congestion. Cocculus, Phosphor. The pain is seated deep in the abdomen. COLICA HÆMORRHOIDALIS. GRIPING PAIN IN THE HÆMORRHOIDAL VESSELS. Sulphur-After eating, colicky abdominal pains with pressure in the hepatic region, pain in the loins and coccyx and hæmorrhoidal veins, with the aid of Aconite. Sulphur-Violent colic pains in the left inguinal region extending towards the diaphragm, causing a sensation of violent constriction, great nervous ex- citability. HEPATIC COLIC. COLICA HEPATICA. Oleum-terebinth. HEPATIC COLIC-With jaundice, Nux Vom. and Pulsat. COLICA MENSTRUALIS. MENSTRUAL COLIC. At every menstrual period very painful stitches in the left groin, a lancinating pain in the uterine region, patient moans loudly, menstruation contin- ues eight days, a contracted position of the body produces relief. Pulsatilla, Secale cornutum- 46 Menstrual colic with pale countenance, coldness of the extremities, cold sweat, small suppressed pulse, abdominal pains sometimes of a rending and again of a cutting nature. COLICA NEPHRITICA. NEPHRITIC Colic. Belladonna, Nux Vom., Nux. Cannab. and Ly- copod. COLICA SATURNINA. LEAD COLIC (PAINTER'S COLIC.) Nux Vom. with the aid of Opium-Violent pains in the abdomen, which is very much retracted, pa- tient must bend together, nausea, constipation of eight days duration, great weakness of the limbs. Opium--Severe constringing pains, constipation, great lassitude. COMBUSTIONES. BURNS. SCALDS. LC .. Sapo domest.x. Externally, warm Alcohol or Oleum terebinth., Arsenic, Carbo. COMMOTIO MEDULLÆ SPINALIS. AFFECTION OF THE SPINE. Torpor, paralysis of the upper extremities, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tightness of the breast, anxiety, great restlessness. CONGESTIONES AD CAPUT. CEREBRAL CONGESTION. Acon., Bellad., Nux Vom., Mercur. CONTRACTIONES UTERI IN PARTU DEFICIENTES. DE- FICIENT UTERINE CONTRACTIONS DURING LABOUR. From an inflammatory diathesis-Bellad. From atony-Pulsat. and Secale cornut. Opium--With tremor, violent twitchings of the body, deep sleep with open mouth and snoring. CONTRACT. SPASMOD. TEND. ACHILL. SPASMODIC CONTRACTION OF THE TENDO ACHILLIS, WITH INABILI- TY TO STEP. Cannabis. 47 CONTUSIONES. CONTUSIONS. BRUISES. Arnica--Internally and externally--Conium. Malignant contusions tending to gangrene, with gangrenous vesicles and dull pains. Acid sulph.-Internally and externally. CONTUSION OF THE FINGERS.--The fingers are dark blue, excessively swollen, motion impossible. Arnica-Internally and externally. CONVULSIONES. CONVULSIONS. Arsenic--In painless twitchings during sleep. Aconit.-Severe heat alternating with chills, small quick pulse, twitchings of the limbs, starting in the sleep, breath very short with slight cough. Belladonna-Very violent convulsions of the whole body, patient is thrown upwards, tears off her clothes. Belladonna-Loss of consciousness, red puffed up face, the whole body is convulsively agitated, particularly the eyes and arms, foaming at the mouth, delirium. Belladonna-Epileptic convulsions, violent con- vulsive motions in the arm and forearm, vertigo, loss of consciousness, convulsive agitation of the eyes and mouth, reddish froth in the mouth, upper part of the body and the head drawn backwards, the whole body is stiff, thumbs pressed into the palms. Bellad.-Convulsions of the arms, distortion of the left arm, circular motion of the arms. Bellad.-Convulsive tremor of the head. Bellad.--Convulsions in a child, it sometimes cries, sometimes stretches out its feet, or it lies down backwards and kicks around it, cries and grasps with its fingers. Bryonia-Painless twitchings in both arms in a pregnant woman. 1 48 Chamomilla-Convulsions of the arms and face, with distorted eyes, in a boy four years of age, after anger, severe febrile heat, hot head, burning thirst, pains in the belly. Chamomilla-Convulsive twitchings of the eye- lids and fingers, thumbs pressed into the palms, gnashing the teeth, pale face, general relaxation. Chamomilla-Convulsions in a child with chop- ped diarrhoea-like stools. Chamom.-Epileptic convulsions of a child, the child extends and stretches itself, bends over back- wards, stretches itself out stiff, presses the thumbs into the palms, hurried respiration, red tumid face and twitchings of the limbs. Cocculus-Incessant agitation of the arms and legs, also remitting jerks like an electric shock through the whole body, after these jerks the con- vulsions cease, impaired recollection, red tumid face, anxious oppressed respiration, violent pains in the index finger and arm extending to the breast. Conium maculat-Convulsive twitchings of the limbs. Cuprum and Belladonna—Attacks resembling chorea in a man. Hyosciamus-Epileptic convulsions in a boy aged eleven years, every night convulsions with crying out, distortion of the facial muscles, violent twitch- ings and tossing about in bed. Hyosciamus-In a pregnant woman, violent head-ache, red tumid face, frequent twitching of the cheeks, pains in the pit of the stomach and ab- domen, convulsive agitation of the superior and in- ferior extremities, twitching in the face with loss of consciousness. Ignatia-Convulsions which toss the patient about excessively, sometimes constriction of the Corgza with fluct discharg, wrambling wakis To Laschen 49 breast, violent heaving of the thorax with red and hot face. Ignatia-Tremor, distortion of the limbs after a fright, complexion changes from red to pale, much saliva flows from the mouth, loss of consciousness, respiration confined. Ignatia-Convulsions of children with inflamma- tory affection of the cerebrum. Ignatia-Convulsions from fright. Ipecacuanha-The patient lies senseless on his back, the face pale, tumefied, all the facial muscles twitch frightfully, also the extremities; sometimes the extremities are raised up, or the upper part of the body is thus affected, very much exhausted af- ter the attack. Moschus-Convulsions of the face, the breast, belly and limbs with loss of consciousness, loss of feeling and menstrual suppression. Pulsatilla-Convulsive tremor of the right arm and leg in paroxysms. Pulsatilla and Chamomilla-Violent gritting of the teeth, in a boy six years of age, eyes wide open, fixed, directed upwards, he lies fixed and un- conscious, coldness of the whole body, pale counte- nance and distorted features, respiration rapid and low, abdomen and gastric region much distended. Stannum.-Spasmodic contraction of the face, muscles of the eye, and neck, if the attack is very violent, the patient tosses about on the bed, vertigo, head-ache, loss of appetite, burning heat on the whole corporeal periphery, evacuations of fæces and urine occur in the midst of the convulsions. See also Spasmi. CORYZA. COLD IN THE HEAD. Arsenic-With acrid nasal discharge, which al- ternates with dry nasal catarrh, and burning in the nose. 5 : 50 ces. Arsenic-Very violent rending in the head with acrid nasal discharge. Digitalis-In chronic coryza with cough. Nux Vom.-Before the nasal discharge commen- Pulsatilla-Coryza with copious discharge. Pulsatilla-Chronic coryza with discharge of a yellow greenish offensive matter from the nose, which is much swollen and itches, chilliness. Pulsatilla-Obstruction of the nostrils in the warm room and in the evening, unimportant in the open air. Ignatia-Coryza in hysterical individuals. HABITUAL CORYZA-Silicea, Sulphur, Calcarea. REPELLED CORYZA, from cold, producing gastric symptoms. Nux Vom. vi, Ant. crud. 1, Pulsat., Ipecac. 2. REPELLED CORYZA-China, Ambra. COXALGIA. DISEASE OF THE HIP-JOINT. Pain on pressure at the hip-joint behind the tro- chanter, pain on the inner side of the knee, the af- fected limb somewhat lengthened, with inability to tread upon it, chill alternating with heat-Bellad., Arnica, Rhus, and Hepar sulph., Calc. Bryon., Acon., Belladonna, Arnica, in sponta- neous dislocation. Bryonia and Merc. solub. Calcarea carb.-In a girl three months old. Calcarea carb.-Voluntary limping in a scro- phulous child three years of age, drags the left foot in walking, eversion of the toes, the affected limb elongated. Calcarea, Lycopod., Causticum, Silicea- Voluntary limping. Hepar sulph., Calc.--The right limb is elon- gated four finger breadths, the corresponding but- Av 51 tock flat, the foot drags behind with a circular mo- tion, violent rending burning in the knee and hip joints, glands of the neck swollen, and a considerable goitre. į Mercury with the aid of Arnica--The right limb which is affected, elongated, violent sticking pains in the right hip joint, exacerbated by motion, fever. Merc., Phosphor., Rhus.-Spontaneous limping. Sulph., Calc. carb. and Silicea. In a scrophulous child aged six years, ischiatic abscess, purulent discharge, sticking pains in the right hip, thigh, and knee, spontaneous luxation in- wards and forwards, the knee could not be extend- ed, slight fever. Arnica 6, Bryonia vi, Lycopod. x, Acid. nitric, Sulph., Calc. carb. x, Silicea, Petrol. x, Bryonia 8, Phosph. x. COXALGIA-With an abscess which discharges much ichor, cured by three doses of Merc. solub., two of Spong., one of Hepar sulph., one of Ar-- senic x, and one of China i. COXALGIA-Hepar sulph., Calc. COXALGIA-After taking cold, in a boy fourteen years of age. Colocynth. In a complicated affection. WORM. CRUSTA LACtea. SCALLED HEAD. TETTER. Arsenic 2, Bryon. and Baryt. acet., Dulcam. 12 and 18, Lycopod. 30, Sarsapar., Sepia 30, Sul- phur, Mezereum, Rhus. LI CRUSTA SERPiginosa. SERPENTINE SCALL. RING- Arsenic, Rhus, and Calcarea sulphurata, Sul- phur-In a child aged six weeks, with diarrhoea and convulsions. Also Arsen., Calc., Clemat., Dulc., Graphit. and Mercur. ¿ CYANOSIS. THE BLUE SKIN DISEASE. Digitalis-Blue colour of the lips, eye-lids, 52 tongue, cold extremities, anxiety, asthma, hæmop- tysis. Distortion of the spine. CYPHOSIS. Merc., Mesmerismus, Pulsatilla-In a ricketty boy. Sulphur--In a scrophulous boy aged ten years, originating from being thrown upon his back, tonic and clonic cramps, strangury. With the aid of Ci- cuta virosa and Staph. CYSTITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. Canthar. With pains in the region of the blad- der, which is painful to the touch, with burning particularly before and after urinating, urging to urinate. D DACRYOSYRINX. FISTULA LACHRYMALIS. Acidum nitric. **** FAINTING FITS. DELIQUIUM ANIMI. Chamom.--The patient lies unconscious, is cold, hæmorrhage of the nose, lungs and stomach, in the night. Hyosciamus-Tumid blueish red face, contract- ed pupils, very difficult, irregular respiration and tremor of the body. Stramonium-Darkness before the eyes, loss of sensibility, the patient strikes about him with his limbs, talks incoherently, recognizes no one; has retention of urine, falls into a soporose state, with loud snoring. With the aid of Cocculus for the remaining Parab. illusoria. Other remedies-Aconit., Arsenic, Crocus, Nux Vom., Oleand., Plumbum, Sulph., Veratrum. For loss liquons dale, Lack, nux rom ? mind in the abrune & spricht } * 53 MANIA A POTU. DELIRIUM TREMENS. Belladonna-With very apparent tremors. Bellad. and Nux Vom.-Loss of memory, spec- tral illusions, sleeplessness, stammering, indistinct speech, sore throat, twitching of the limbs, with fright on awaking, tremors. Nux Vom.-Relieved the trembling, loss of strength, and violent startings. Calcarea-The patient's ideas dwell upon fire, murder, rats, and mice. Cure in three days. Nux Vom.-Tremors, weakness of the limbs, unable to keep any of them quiet, stammering ar ticulation, vomiting. Nux l'om.--DELIRIUM TREMENS, with great an- guish, gastric complaints, constipation, trembling of the limbs, congestion to the head, restless sleep. Opium-The muscles of the face and extremi- ties in constant tremulous and convulsive motion, perverted phantasy, the whole body covered with sweat, constipation. Opium ii. For the remaining debility and lassitude, China. Opium and Coffea-Stram. and Hyosciamus. DENTITIO Difficilis. Calcarea carb. Murias magnesia-Slow dentition with ab- dominal distention and constipation. DIFFICULT TEETHING. Diarrhoea from teething-Chamomilla. Sometimes, in the febrile stage, Aconit. is indi- cated, or Coffea when the nervous system is ex cited. DEPILATIO. LOSS OF THE HAIR. Loss TICLE. Calcar. carb., Graphit., Natrum, Staphysag., Phosphor., Sulphur. DESQUAMATIO EPIDERMIDIS. Aurum and Rhus. PEELING OFF THE CU- 5* 54 Sulphur, Calc., and Sepia, removed a furfura- ceous desquamation of the cuticle of the face of some years standing. DIABETES. PROFUSE DISCHARGE OF URINE. Belladonna. Also Argentum, Carbo. veg., and Ledum, Acid. phos., Scilla, and Taraxacum. DIARRHOEA. LOOSENESS OF THE BOWELS. Acidum nitric.--NOCTURNAL DIARRHEA, cutting and winding in the intestines, chilliness, inappetency, passage of undigested food. Acidum phosphoricum-PSORIC DIARRHEA, Vio- lent diarrhoea without pain, with angina. Acidum sulphur.-Psoric diarrhoea. - Arsenic-DIARRHEA in a boy two years old, ex- haustion, hippocratic countenance, cold clammy sweat on the head, cold extremities, appearing par- ticularly in the night, with great thirst, and strain- ing to vomit. Arsenic-Frequent slimy and scanty stools, vio- lent cutting and rending in the epigastric region, nausea, chiefly on moving, excessive thirst, great anguish, with whining, coldness of the extremities and face, the latter is covered with sweat. Arsenic-Very obstinate DIARRHEA in a scrophu- lous boy, evacuations chiefly pappy, slimy, brown- ish, being preceded by cutting, great emaciation, mental excitement. After various remedies had been administered, without any permanent relief, several doses of Arsenic repeated in quick succes- sion, cured the patient. Arsenic-Aqueous DIARRHEA, Occasionally joined with some tormina; great thirst, mucus covered tongue. Arsenic-In a child six weeks old, with very MA 55 violent colic and tenesmus, stools greenish, slimy, and very enervating. Arsenic-Autumnal DIARRHEA, with violent burning pain in the umbilical region, before and during the very frequent alvine dejections of a small quantity of mucus, nausea, great desire for cold water, chill with copious perspiration over the whole body, great anxiety, constant jactitation, general relaxation. Arsenic-DIARRHOEA during dentition, five or six evacuations of a brown water during the day, with great emaciation, skin of a yellowish hue, inappe- tency, crying during the whole day, distended ab- domen. Arsenic-DIARRHEA, with loss of strength, the stools, which are white and watery, pass in a full stream, almost in the agonies of death, with violent pains. Arsenic-Tedious dysenteric stools of children, accompanied by violent rending belly pains, great thirst, rapid emaciation, hectic fever. Arsenic-Violent DIARRHEA, with great prostra- tion, chill and heat alternately, stools preceded by cutting pain in the abdomen, the discharge which was quite watery, streamed from the anus with force, much rumbling in the belly, nausea and ex- cessive thirst. Belladonna-DYSENTERIC DIARRHOEA, with rend- ing, cutting, contracting pains in the belly, discharge of a small quantity of whitish slime, succeeded by ineffectual tenesmus and burning in the anus, chilli- ness particularly when at stool, thirst. Bryon.-Immediately after food or drink, griping belly-ache and diarrhoea. Calcarea acetica-Chronic diarrhoea of scro- phulous children. Calcarea acetica-In acute diarrhoea of chil- 56 dren, which appears as symptomatic of Gastromal- acia. Calcarea carb.-Chronic diarrhoea. Chamomilla-Particularly at the period of den- tition, but also in adults, alvine discharges, aqueous, thin, either yellow or green, sometimes of a whit- ish slime, no fetor, before and during evacuation rending, cutting belly-ache, accompanied with for- cible escape of flatus, succeeded by a burning and biting in the anus. Eating increases the fullness and distention of the belly. Chamomilla-DIARRHOEA after taking cold, or fit of anger, with thirst, prostration. Chamomilla-Violent DIARRHEA, fetid stools. China-DIARRHOEA succeeding cholera, with fæces white like milk, producing rolling and griping, joined with burning, urinal secretion altered, lan- guor and fainting. China-Slimy, aqueous diarrhoea, free from pain, and generally appearing at night, with pas- sage of food entirely undigested, frequent vomiting of mucus, water, and food, a painful pressure in the gastric region after eating, oppressed respiration, anxiety, extreme exhaustion, hippocratic counte- nance. China-White stools, frothy, with cutting in the anus, rumbling and rolling in the belly. Cuprum metall.-Griping and diarrhoea, from food cooked in copper vessels. Dulcamara-BLOODY DIARRHEA, violent cutting pains, particularly around the umbilicus, nocturnal exacerbation, immediately after the pains bloody diarrhoea and violent thirst, rectum much protruded, sensitive biting around the anus. Dulcamara--Violent diarrhoea from taking cold, severe cutting pains succeeded by nausea, copious cold sweat, then fluid stool, sometimes with vomit- £ 57 ing, unquenchable thirst, painful biting in the anus and rectum. Dulcamara-Yellow, watery, and slimy diar- rhoea, preceded by cutting and griping pains in the abdomen from taking cold. Ferrum-Colliquative phthisical diarrhoea. Ferrum--Usually immediately after eating or drinking, watery evacuations without pain or ex- ertion, generally with discharge of undigested food. · Ferrum acet.-White, painless diarrhoea, with rumbling and rolling in the intestines, both in chil- dren and adults. Hyosciamus-DIARRHEA with watery stools, which gush out at once during evacuation. Jalapa-Painful infantile diarrhoea, with se- vere griping in the abdomen, violent restlessness, constant crying. Ipecacuanha-SEROUS DIARRHEA with vomit- ing of white or green mucus with rending and cut- ting abdominal pains, great restlessness, constant jactitation and crying. Ipecac.-COLLIQUATIVE DIARRHEA in a child four months old. Ignatia-Yellowish white diarrhoea in hysteri- cal individuals, fulness of the stomach after eating, pressure of flatus under the false ribs, mucus in the mouth. Kreosot-CHRONIC DIARRHEA, several stools dai- ly, watery or thin, pappy, with cadaverous fetor, passage of food in an undigested state, flatulency, abdominal distention. After the administration of Sulph., Calcar., Arsen., China, Phosph., &c. with momentary relief, Kreosot alone removed the diarrhoea permanently. Lachesis-Towards evening and at night occa- sionally enervating diarrhoea. Magnesia carbon.-INFANTILE DIARRHEA, fre- 58 quent green watery stools, discharge of flatus and much crying. Mercurius.-DIARRHOEA with affection of the liver. Mercurius solubilis-DIARRHEA with tenesmus, violent cutting and rending in the abdomen, retch- ing. Mercurius-INFANTILE DIARRHEA with green dis- charges, crying of the children, cutting pain in the belly and distention of it, emaciation. Mezereum-DIARRHEA with violent tenesmus and protrusion of the rectum, which pains and burns as if sore, hot feeling, burning in the whole abdomen, violent cutting and griping, rumbling in the belly, general cold feeling before and after stool, and vio- lent longing for cooling drinks. With the aid of China for the chilliness and langor which remained. Nux Vomica--WATERY DIARRHEA with lanci- nating and drawing pains in the thighs. Petroleum-DIARRHEA of several years stand- ing, with antipathy to meat and fatty substances; pains precede the diarrhoea stools, yellow watery evacuations, burning in the rectum. Petroleum-MUCUS DIARRHEA with great de- bility, evening fever, sore pain in the umbilical re- gion. Phosphorus--DIARRHEA with pains in the belly. Phosphorus-DIARRHEA chronic infantile. Phosphorus--Chronic diarrhoea with inconti- nence of urine or fæces, pain of the abdomen and stomach, impetiginous eruption of the head. Pulsat.-Mucus diarrhoea, with general mucus diathesis. Pulsatilla-Diarrhoea with bloody and slimy evacuations, also at night, soreness of the anus, winding, cutting and griping pains around the um- 59 bilicus before every stool, insipid taste, sickness as if about to vomit, pain in the coccyx, chill. Ratanhia-DIARRHOEA of many years standing. Rheum.-Copious diarrhoea, tenesmus, adyna- mia. Rheum.--Diarrhoea very violent, with severe cutting pains in the abdomen, tenesmus, thirst, great weakness, restless, anxious fear of death. Rhus-DIARRHEA of two years standing in a man of weak constitution. Rhus—DiarrhŒA from taking cold, severe pains in the belly, pains in all the limbs, head-ache, pros- tration. Secale cornutum--WATERY DIARRHEA, vomiting, dry heat, collapse, thirst, distorted features, eyes deeply sunken in the head and surrounded by blue circles. Secale cornutum--DIARRHEA, generally painless, with great prostration, stools sometimes accompa- nied with passage of undigested food, or quite wate- ry, passing forcibly with the escape of much flatus, preceded by a painful cutting in the intestines. Secale cornutum-DIARRHEA with severe cutting pains in the whole belly. Sepia--INFANTILE DIARRHEA with green stools. Sulphur--DIARRHEA complicated with opthalmia, violent cutting in the abdomen with pressure as in dysentery, most violent at night, little appetite, some fever. Sulphur-CHRONIC WATERY DIARRHEA, greenish, with a very penetrating putrid odour, swelling in the belly, thirst. Veratrum-PAINLESS BROWN DIARRHEA of six weeks standing, much thirst, inappetency. DIARRHEA MUCOSA. MUCUS DIARRHŒA. Pulsat., Arsenic, Cham, Mercur., Petrol., Phosphor., China, Colch. I 60 DIARRHOEA SEROSA. SEROUS DIARRHŒA. Sulphur, Arsenic, Secale cornut., Ipecac., Sen- na., Cham., Dulcam., Ferrum., Mercur., Arnica, Oleander verat. 编 ​A DIPLOPIA. DOUBLE VISION. Belladonna. Cicuta virosa.--Double vision with dread of light, dilated pupils, light surrounded by an iridescent cir- cle. DOLORES ABDOMINIS GRAVIDÆ. PAINS OF THE AB- DOMEN DURING PREGNANCY. In the right side of the abdomen in the region of fundus uteri a very violent burning pain, relieved by strong pressure, Bryonia. Pulsatilla-DOLOR GRAVIDA, below the false ribs and the pit of the stomach, increased by sitting. DOLORES ARTHRITICI. GOUTY PAINS. Rhus and then China. DOLORES CAPITIS ET NUCHÆ. PAINS OF THE HEAD AND NAPE OF THE NECK. Rhus-Constant pain in the entire head, nape and shoulders, great general debility, the patient recognized scarcely any of her attendants, sleepless- ness. DOLORES RHEUMATICI ARtuum. RHEUMATIC PAINS OF THE LIMBS. Arsenic Rending pains in the shoulders and arms extending to the fingers, likewise in the thighs extending to the toes. These parts are sometimes as if dead, also rending in the back and coccyx, nocturnal exacerbations with great restlessness and debility. Belladonna-Pressing rending in the shoulders, in the bones, renewed by motion. 61 Bryonia-Rending pulling pains in the back and right leg with great inquietude and icy coldness. Bryonia-Rending pains in all the limbs, parti- cularly also in the head and ears, increased by mo- tion. Bryonia-Very painful, sticking, drawing pain, which obliges the patient to leave his bed, from the left elbow forwards, and sometimes in the shoul- ders and pectoral muscles, sleeplessness. Arnica removed the sore-like pain which remained after the administration of Bryonia. Dulcamara-Rending in all the limbs, disturb- ed sleep, great debility. With the aid of China. Dulcamara-Sticking and pressing pain in the arms and back, exacerbation during the night, and relieved by motion. Rhus-Rending and drawing in the shoulders, in the coccyx and extremities the whole day through, crawling and formication beneath the skin, limbs weary, stiff, and weak, better during motion or when in bed, lassitude, pains and pressure in the abdomen, pressure in the stomach. Thuja-Rending, throbbing pain in the right shoulder extending to the fingers, as though all was sore, sensation in the forearm as if dead, relieved by motion, worse in bed. DOLORES RHEUMATICI FACIEI. RHEUMATIC PAINS OF THE FACE. Belladonna-Rheumatic rending pains of the face. Belladonna—Pain in one side of the face, rend- ing and beating, which commences above the fore- head. Chamom., Pulsat., et Sepia-Pains in the gums and temple. Mezereum-Spasmodic dull pressure on the left 6 62 zygoma extending upwards and downwards on the same side. Phosphor.-Dull rending pain in the whole of the left cheek, pain and stitches in the cheek ex- tending to the ear, sensitive pain on opening the mouth extending through the whole left half of the face. Rhus-Rending pain extending from one of the teeth towards the jaw, ear and head. Tart. emeticus-Pain in the face, commences above the right half of the face, more violent at night, sleeplessness. Sulphur, Rhus, Sepia and Graphit. DOLORES FUNICULI SPERMATICI. PAIN IN THE SPER- MATIC CORD. Nux Vomica-Contracting spasmodic pain, with indurated swelling of one of the testes. Pulsatilla-Rending drawing pains extending to the testicle, particularly evenings and at night. DOLORES PEDum. PAINS OF THE FEET. Very violent pain of the feet, so that the phalan- ges cannot be moved, they burn with heat, sleep- lessness, Pulsatilla. For the swelling of the feet, Bryon. LABOUR PAINS. DOLORES AD PARTUM. Coffea--Too severe labour pain in a sensible in- dividual. Pulsatilla-Labour pains seldom and too weak, with severe pain in the coccyx. Pulsatilla-Labour too weak and painful. DOLORES POST PARTUM. AFTER PAINS. Nux Vom.-Too violent after-pains with a sen- sation as if the patient must go to stool. Arnica--AFTER-PAINS too severe. Cham., Pulsat., Bellad., Coff. crud. : Lahor short neffectual pains Bella 1 > مي 63 DYSECOIA. HARDNESS OF HEARING. DEAFNESS. Belladonna-Difficult hearing, from having the hair cut too frequently, with the aid of Ledum. and Pulsat. Calc. carb.-DYSECOIA with imperfect memory after suppressed intermittent fever. Calc. carb.-In a scrophulous boy with periodi- cal swelling of the cervical and submaxillary glands. Calcarea curb.--DYSECOIA with roaring in the ears, sensitiveness of the external meatus, with a very sensitive polypus-like excrescence. Graphit. Ledum.-DYSECOIA with constant roaring and almost torpor of the left side of the head. Petroleum and Silicea-DYSECOIA of one year's standing, with constant rustling before the ears, cracking and crashing sound in the ears, when quiet, much thick cerumen, pain in the back. Petroleum--DYSECOIA with a sensation in the eyes like the rushing of water. Pulsat.--Resulting from measles which were suppressed after taking cold, with otorrhoea and inflammatory swelling behind the ears. Pulsat.--DYSECOIA from cold with bombus au- rium. Silicea-DYSECOIA RHEUMATICO-HÆMORRHOIDALIS approaching perfect deafness. Spigelia-DISECOIA. DYSENTERIA. DYSENTERY. Aloe-Violent evacuations with the most painful tenesmus, faintiness when at stool. Aconit.-Conjoined with the presence of synochal fever. Arsenic-DYSENTERIC DIARRHOEA with burning in the anus, anxiety, thirst, great debility. Arsenic. 64 " Baryta muriatica-Frequent daily evacuations of bloody mucus without particular pain, with loss. of flesh. The patient had formerly had humid her- pes. Calcarea sulphurata-In violent tenesmus. Chamomilla-With burning around the anus. China-Rectile pains. Colocynth.-Violent rending pains in the belly, so that the patient must bend forward, confined flatus, stools frequent and streaked with blood. Dulcamara-Tenesmus before stools, which oc- curred suddenly, with seeming paralysis of the sphincter. Mercurius-With slimy, bloody diarrhoea, par- ticularly with green stools. Mercurius solubilis-DYSENTERY with very acute pains, as if the intestines were being cut, particu- larly severe when at stool; on assuming a recumbent position somewhat better, excessive thirst, discharge of slime and blood; the evacuations excoriate the Nocturnal exacerbation, sleeplessness, pros- tration. Two days after Mercur., China iii. anus. Mercurius solub.-Fever with very severe cut- ting in the abdomen, frequent discharges of small quantities of bloody slime, with violent pressing, burning and tenesmus, tongue dry and coated, in- appetency and rending in the limbs. Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus-In bloody flux. (In der Rothen Ruhr) if followed by mucous discharges and accompanied by fever. Mercur. sub. corros.-DYSENTERY with chill, heat, thirst, anxiety, diarrhoea with discharge of blood, tenesmus, cutting in the abdomen. Merc. corros. sublim.-Patient had thirty or forty bloody mucous or watery discharges per day, with pain and great prostration, cured in four or AUKTION 65 纛 ​five days-the remaining debility removed by Chi- na. Mercurius vivus-Vehement constringing pains of the abdomen. Nux Vomica-DYSENTERY, in which very pain- ful tenesmus predominates. Pulsatilla-With very slimy stools, also with severe respiratory affection. Rhus-When the diarrhoea stools pass involunta- rily during the night. Sulphur-With cold perspiration and anxiety, dry, red tongue, abdomen hard and retracted, or if there are insupportable pains in the umblical region. Sulphur-DYSENTERIA. Tart. emetic-Dry skin, lancinating abdominal pains, thirst, bitter taste in the mouth, tenesmus, burning in the rectum, bilious discharges, tinged with blood. Other remedies, Capsicum, Staphysagria. Pauli in his work, "Beobachtungen und Erfah- rungen, ueber die Ruhr und das Scharlachfieber," recommends Ipecac. when gastricism is present, sometimes also Nux Vom., Pulsat., and Chamo- milla. In cases where Merc. sublimat. has lost its effect, and there is more slime than blood passes, Colchicum helps. In violent nocturnal tenesmus, Sulphur. In dysentery complicated with vomit- ing, Arsen. and Verat. If the abdominal pains predominate with small alvine dejections, he advi ses Colocynth. In strangury, Cantharides. DYSPEPIA. INDIGESTION. Nux Fomica. Nux Vomica and Sulphur. Sulphur--With distention in the epigastric re- gion, impeded respiration, eructations, pressure in the stomach, costiveness. Nux Vom., Calcarea and Phosphor.--Dyspepsia 6* 66 # X with retching of mucus early in the morning, col- lection of water in the mouth and chronic diar- rhoea. Ignatia-With flatulent colic, particularly at the menstrual period. DYSPEPSIA POTATORUM. INDIGESTION FROM EXCES- SIVE DRINKING. Nux Vomica. SPASMODIC DIFFICULTY IN SWALLOWING. Bellad., Calcar., Conium., Laurocerasus, Mezereum, Platina, Stramonium, Veratr., Zin- cum, Canth. DYSPHAGIA SPASMODICA. DYSURIA. DIFFICULTY IN PASSING OF URINE. Cannabis, Cantharides, Uva Ursi and Digi- talis, Puls. E raniten INFANTILE CONVULSIONS. ECLAMPSIA INFANTUM. Chamomilla--Ignatia (from the misuse of Cham- omilla.) The other suitable remedies are, Aconit., Belladonna, Cina., Coffea, Ignatia, Nux Mos- chata and Platina, Pulsat. ECCHYMOSES IN OCULI BULBO MONATI. EFFUSED BLOOD IN THE EYES OF INFANTS. Nux Vomica. ECTROPIUM. EVERSION OF THE EYE-LIDS. Digitalis, Hepar sulphuris and Merc. solu- bilis. ENCEPHALITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. Belladonna-Encephalitis from measles, deli- rium, dull heaviness of the head, fixed, burning and occasional sticking pains in the head, eyes wild, roll- 17 67 ing about, dread of light, contracted pupils, sparks before the eyes, quick hard pulse, great thirst, anx- ious respiration. Belladonna-ENCEPHALITIS with pleuritic affec- tion, dry cough, sticking in the breast, head-ache, vomiting, diarrhoea, violent delirium, the patient carries his hand to the head automatically, red puf- fy burning hot face, subsultus tendinum, twitching of all the facial muscles, dry skin. With the aid of Aconit. and Bryonia. Belladonna-Inflammatory affection of the brain with sopor, patient lies with closed eyes, does not hear any thing, does not speak or desire any thing, sunken countenance, frequent excited pulse, urine and fæces pass involuntarily, respiration small and very rapid, alternating with deep breathing. Belladonna-NERVOUS ENCEPHALITIS. Uncon- sciousness, closed eyes, delirium, singing, murmur- ing, smiling, automatic movements of the hands, timidity, dilated pupils, suffused countenance, rapid anxious respiration. Sulph. with the aid of Acon.--Eclampsia, coma, very hot, much thirst, constipation; on raising the head, vomiting of mucus-Sulphur. ENCEPHALITIS FROM SUPPRESSED OTORRHŒA. Belladonna, Hyosciamus, Arnica and Sul- phur. ENTERITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE INTESTINES. Acon. and Bellad.-Violent cutting in the um- bilical region, painful distended abdomen, hard corded intermitting pulse, hot dry skin, thirst, hur- ried respiration. Acon. and Bryon.-ENTERITIS with obstructed bowels. NO Aconit. viii, several doses. Enteritis.,Acon. and Opium-Constipation, ster- 68 - coraceous vomiting, abdomen hard and distended, painful on pressure, thread-like, intermitent pulse, Kali nitricum. Aconit.-Several doses Antimon. crud. for the retching. ENTERITIS WITH VOMITURITION-Antimon. tar- tar. and Colocynth. EPILEPSIA. EPILEPSY. EPILEPSY-With burning pains in the coccyx and violent gaping, aura epileptica ascending from the abdomen, then twitching of the limbs. After the paroxysm, rushing noise before the ears, lassitude, Silicea, Sepia, Sulphur and Graphit. EPILEPSY-Paroxysm preceded by dizziness and inclination to vomit, convulsions every day and night, more frequent and violent at the menstrual period, menstrual discharge small and irregular, conjoined with fluor albus, Pulsatilla, Platina and Stramonium effected a cure. NOCTURNAL EPILEPSY FROM SUPPRESSED SCABIES. Vertigo, forgetfulness, snoring in the sleep and shaking of the extremities, then sound sleep. Oc- casionally after a paroxysm, swelling of the glands of the neck, menstrual discharge small and of a black colour, fluor albus, twitching of the extremi- ties during sleep, tremor of the limbs. Silicea, Calcarea, Lycopod.-For the menstrual derangement, Graphit. Arnica-EPILEPSY arising from a fall. Arsenic-Suppressed scabies, epilepsy with aura epileptica dorsalis, falling down senseless, burning pain in the stomach and very violent pain in the spine. Artemisia-EPILEPSY originating from fright dur- ing gestation. Aurum--EPILEPSY at the menstrual period, with 69 the intercurrent administration of Pulsatilla and Stramonium. Belladonna--Imperfect epilepsy, pressure in the abdomen, aura epileptica, imperfect loss of recollec- tion, thumbs pressed into the palms (clinched) dis- tension of the neek, the patient cannot articulate in consequence of tightness of the breast. Calcar. carb.--The paroxysm preceded by hun- ger and dizziness in the head, then sudden loss of re- collection, falling down, convulsions, thumbs pressed into the palms, foaming. With the aid of Hyoscia- mus and L, capod. Camphor--Convulsions arising from anger. Causticum-With the aid of Hyosciam. and Cuprum. Chamomilla--Epileptic paroxysms, preceded by colicky pains in the abdomen. Chamomilla--Epileptic spasms. Chamomilla-Imperfect epilepsy in a child æt ten, with aura epileptica, twitching of the middle finger of the right hand, which is stretched out stiff, convulsions seize the hand, then extend to both legs, the facial muscles are distorted, violent retch- ing and eructations, senseless and speechless during the paroxysm. Conium. Cuprum--Attack preceded by aura epileptica, violent involuntary motions of the left arm near to the body, then a violent attack. Cuprum-EPILEPSY in a boy æt. eight years, for two years sudden falling down with a short shriek, convulsive motions of the facial muscles, of the body and extremities. Cuprum and Ignatia. Cuprum and Arnica-Nocturnal epilepsy, origi- nating from a fall and fright, always a day or two after the menstrual period, several paroxysms dur- 70 ing the night, groaning, rattling in the throat, foam- ing at the mouth, thumbs firmly pressed into the palms. Hyosciamus-Arising from sudden fright, the patient falls down suddenly with a shriek, strikes convulsively with his hands and feet, the feet are contracted, thumbs pressed into the palms, foaming, rattling respiration. The attack terminates with a deep snoring sleep. Hyosciamus-Convulsions of several years' stand- ing in a girl. Ignatia-EPILEPSY arising from vexation and an- ger. Ignatia-In a boy æt. two years, with red face, fixed eyes, convulsions of the limbs. Ignatia-After anger in a male æt. 18 ans. Ignatia-Epileptic paroxysms after fright, with gaping, distortion of the eyes, foaming at the mouth, falling down, violent twitching of all the limbs. Lachesis-EPILEPSY, with head-ache, congestion to the head, trembling limbs, stupifying vertigo. Lycopodium. Nux Vom.-Paroxysms arising after anger, foaming at the mouth, twitching of all the limbs. Opium-EPILEPSY every night, with violent toss- ing about of the extremities, and painful, almost suffocative respiration. Petroleum. Solanum nigrum-EPILEPSY arising from having eaten spurred rye, (Secale cornutum.) Stannum-EPILEPSY in a child during dentition, paleness, clinching the teeth, spasmodic clinching of the thumbs, twitching with the hands, backward flexion of the body, distortion of the eyes, loss of re- collection. Stramonium. Sulphur-Epileptic convulsions, sleepiness, stiff- Epistaxis :. In the morning write dry Coryza Byn 71 J ness of the limbs, closing the eyes, clinching of the teeth, thumbs pressed into the palms, rolling about the room. Sulphur-Epileptic attack every four weeks, after the paroxysm, vertigo and vomiting of a bitter matter, rending pains in the foot, constipation; the epileptic attack was relieved by Sulphur, the other complaint by Calcar., Lycopod, and Sepia. EPIPHORA. LACHRYMOSE OPHTHALMY. Euphrusia, Paris, and Spigelia. EPISTAXIS. HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE NOSE. Aconit.-Continual hæmorrhage, very violent fever, pulsation of the carotids. Belladonna-Very violent hæmorrhage, with prostration and faintness. The remaining constipa- tion and great debility removed by Veratrum. Causticum, Bryonia, Agaricus muscar., Pul- sat. Crocus-In a viscid, dark-coloured hæmorrhage. Crocus-Pallid countenance, great debility. Rhus.-Discharge of light-coloured blood, some- times coagulated. Nights. EPULIS. TUBERCLE OF THE GUMS. Staphisugria. ERYSIPELAS FACIEI. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE. Belladonna-Dark red swelling of the face with vesicles, also swelling of the hairy scalp, of the mouth and posterior nares, with disorders of the functions of deglutition, and respiration, also gastric complaints. Belladonna. Belladonna and Calcar. sulphurata-Consider- able fever, restless sleep, inflammation of the nose, bilious yellow diarrhoea stools. 72 Calcarea sulphurata-Discoloured erysipelas of the face. Chamomilla-ERYSIPELAS of the face with bilious symptoms arising from odontalgia; the right cheek is hard and blue, gnawing pains in the bones of the face. Graphites-Smooth erysipelas faciei, with ardent fever continually increasing. Graphites-ERYSIPELAS of the head, extending from the forehead towards the nape, with several vesicles, which quickly dry. Graphites-Periodical erysipelatous inflamma- tion of the superior half of the face, with very se- vere pruritus. Lachesis. ERYSIPELAS BULLOSUM. VESICULAR ERYSIPELAS. ERYSIPELAS BULLOSUM FACIEI. Rhus-Countenance' very red and swollen, eyes completely closed, small and large vesicles on the tumefied parts, which burst and discharge a yellow lymph, and create severe burning and rending pain, the fingers swollen and covered with painful vesicles, general heat with chill in the evening. With synochal fever-Acon. and Rhus. Rhus and Graphit.--Face tumefied, on the right cheek numerous confluent yellow vesicles, burning in the swollen parts, lips swollen. Graphit. with the aid of Acon., Hepar sulph., and Rhus. Rhus and Arsenic-VESICULAR ERYSIPELAS of the arm, with gangrene of the orifice made in venesec- tion. ERYSIPELAS OF THE FEET. ERYSIPELAS PEDUM. Bryonia, Pulsatilla. Belladonna. Belladonna-Shining red erysipelatous inflam- 73 mation on the thigh and leg, with burning, rending, and stinging pains, fever, head-ache, gastric symp- toms. SORE NIPPLES. EXULCERATIO PAPILLÆ MAMILLARIS. Arnica-In a lying-in woman. Sulphur-Sore mamma with deep fissures; the remaining small humid vesicles removed by Gra- phites. Sulphur-Nipples and areola chapped, covered with scabs, from underneath which an acrid hu- mour exuded. The left nipple still continued some- what covered with humid scales, which was relieved by Lycopod. Nux Vom.-Soreness, with drawing pain. FEBRIS ARTHRITICĂ. OF GOUT. F FEVER DURING AN ATTACK Aconit. and Bryonia. FEBRIS BILIOSA. BILIOUS FEVER. Acon. and Pulsatilla-Vertigo, bitter taste, vom- iting of bile and mucus, thin mucous stool, vomiting preceded by chilliness, pain in the abdomen. Belladonna and Nux Vom.--Pain in the fore- head, vertigo, yellowness of the eyes, dark yellow- ish tongue, frequent bitter eructations, aversion to all kinds of food, much thirst, pressure in the he- patic and gastric regions, ineffectual efforts at de- fœcation. Cocculus-After vexation and the use of Chamo- milla, nausea, fullness in the epigastric region, stitches in the liver, frequent yellow alvine dis- charges, which burn the anus, fearfulness, fear of death. For pressure in the gastric region, eructa- 7 74 tions, costiveness and lassitude, with rending pains in the legs, China. Bryonia with the aid of Chamomilla--Redness of the face, violent thirst, wild expression of the eyes, foul tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, vomit- ing of bile, blood, and bitter offensive water, cos- tiveness. Chamomilla with the aid of Pulsat.--Inflam- matory bilious fever, red tongue, chapped, heat in the cavity of the mouth, bitter taste, very severe sickness and nausea, rending pains in the abdomen, great restlessness, fearfulness, cough with viscid ex- pectoration of a bitter taste, sleeplessness. Chamomilla-The conjunctiva and integument about the eyes and alæ of the nose of a yellow colour, redness of the face, head-ache, anorexia, tongue dry and yellow, eructations and bitter taste, intense thirst, cardialgia, urine and fæces tinged with bile. Chamomilla-Head-ache, pulse hard, frequent, strong, severe heat, pains in the epigastric region, bitter taste in the mouth, constipation, the eyes and face present a bilious appearance, with thirst and lassitude. FEBRIS FLAVA. YELLOW FEVER. Canth., Arnica, and Crotalus. FEBRIS CATARRHALIS. CATARRHAL FEVER. Nux Vom.--Scratching sensation in the œsopha- gus, with hoarse voice and cough, chilliness alter- nating with heat, in the afternoon. FEBRIS GASTRICA. GASTRIC FEVER. Bryonia--Violent sticking pains, vertigo on rising up, foul, coated tongue, intense thirst, bilious vomit- ing, obstinate constipation, palpitation of the heart. Bryonia--Fever, moderate thirst, sticking pains in the pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth, 75 pressure in the stomach, distaste for food, retching, costiveness. Chamomilla-Head-ache, sore throat, bitter taste and foul breath, nauseous sickness, flatulent colic with distention of the abdomen, painful diar- rhoea stools of a green colour, starting in the sleep. Ipecac.--Quivering of the lips, tongue covered with a thick coat of mucus, eructations, nausea, vomiting of food, bitter taste, inappetence. Nux Vom.-Chill of the whole body, flushed face, yellowish coated tongue, bitter taste, frequent spare mucous stools with soreness of the rectum, dullness of the head, fainting on slight exertion. Nux Vomica-Frequent rigors succeeded by general heat, inappetence, white tongue, constant nausea, eructations of food, small aqueous stools, vertigo, dullness of the head, sleeplessness, general depression. Nux Vomica-Chilliness, thirst, with loathing of food and drink, yellow tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting of food, ineffectual efforts at defœcation, sallow complexion. Pulsatilla-In consequence of having eaten pork, eructations, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, fever. Veratrum album-Great debility, dry yellow coated tongue, much thirst, abdomen distended and hard, bitter eructations, constipation. In gastric and bilious fever, the following reme- dies, according to Schweikert, are generally indi- cated. Pulsat., Cham., Ant. crud., Nux Vom., Bryon.,Ignat., Rhus, Cocc., Tarax., and Trifolium. FEBRIS HECTICA. HECTIC FEVer. Arnica and Lycopodium-In a psoric subject from exostosis with fistulous ulceration produced by a blow; cured by a dose of Arnica iv, a dose of Ly- 76 copod. 28, and (for the open wound,) one dose of Silicea x. China and Silicea-Violent cough with copious expectoration of a green purulent matter, diurnal fever, exacerbations in the forenoon, and remissions in the afternoon, loss of flesh and debility. Ferrum salitum, Arnica and Ipecacuanha Hectic fever arising from the abuse of China; the utmost prostration, anorexia, perspiration very easi- ly produced and very debilitating, diarrhoea, some- times passage of undigested food, the slightest noise and every powerful odour produces anxiety, the memory as if obliterated, hippocratic countenance. Ipecacuanha-Evening fever, exacerbations at- tended with great restlessness and uncomfortable- ness, skin like parchment, (pergamentartige Haut,) skeleton-like appearance, anorexia, every slight ex- ertion followed by loss of breath. Stannum and Ammonium carbonic.—Abscess of the lungs with lingering fever. INFLAMMATORY FEVER. Belladonna-Synocha with dysphagia and vio- lent dry cough. FEBRIS INFLAMMATORIA. Aconit. Belladonna-Synocha with delirium, dread of light, flushed face. INTERMITTEnt fever. FEBRIS INTERMITTENS. Aconitum-QUOTIDIAN, general heat, violent head-ache and thirst, succeeded by perspiration and thirst. Aconit.-Irregular febrile paroxysms in a patient æt. two years, almost imperceptible chilliness, suc- ceeded by general heat, pains in the head and anor- exia. Aconit.-QUARTAN, evening chill, succeeded by heat of ten hours' duration. 77 Antimonium crudum-Fever with gastric com- plaints, pains in the breast, tension, pain in the pit of the stomach. Antimon. crud.-With vomiting and distension at the præcordia. Antimonium crudum-TERTIAN, during apy- rexia, sickness, nausea, and even vomiting, foul coat- ed tongue, inappetence, pressure in the stomach, Ant. crud. 11. Antimon. crud.-Slight thirst, many gastric symp- toms. - Arnica-TERTIAN, yellowish puffed up face, breathing very difficult, abdomen hard and distend- ed, bad taste in the mouth and eructations, slight short dry cough, rending pain in the ankles. Arnica-INTERMITTENT FEVER, violent thirst be- fore the chill, thirst also during the hot stage. Arnica-QUOTIDIAN, severe chill in the morning, violent heat and profuse perspiration, some thirst during the chill, increased during the hot stage- pains in the gastric region, inappetence, aversion to meat. (After carrying something heavy. (?) Arn. ii. Two doses removed the fever. Arnica-Fever with drawing pains in the limbs, evening chill, succeeded by dry heat, congestion to the head, and violent thirst. Arsenic-TERTIAN, severe chill, continuing several hours, with the intercurrent appearance of burning heat, great debility and prostration, heaviness in the legs, desponding tone of mind, violent head-ache with pain, which presses from within outwards and sticking in the left temporal region, nausea, disa- greeable taste and aversion to all food during the paroxysm, costiveness, lips swollen and covered with scabs. Arsenic-TERTIAN, tolerably severe chill in the forenoon, violent heat with great thirst, great anx- *La 78 iety, jactitation, severe head-ache, delirium, hurried oppressed respiration, inappetence, red dry tongue, great prostration, tremor of the limbs, pains draw- ing around on individual parts of the body, sweat appears and all the complaints are diminished in the evenings. Two doses of Arsen. aided by Acon. Arsenic-QUOTIDIAN, for three months, evening paroxysms with stretching and drawing in the body, the greatest debility, and sensation as if cold water had been poured over the body, then violent burn- ing heat, continuing nearly two hours, which chief- ly affects the head, with insupportable thirst, which is not succeeded by much perspiration, sallow com- plexion, dry chapped lips. Three doses of Arsenic completely cured the disease. Arsenic-QUOTIDIAN, paroxysm afternoons, in which the chill frequently appeared during the burning heat, which succeeded it, violent cough in- creasing until vomiting is induced, bitter taste, ex- cessive thirst during the hot stage, considerable pains in the back, after the attack, general soreness and pains in the head. Three doses of Arsenic, one every evening. Arsenic-QUARTAN, that had been suppressed by Quinine, recurred with complete prostration of strength, chill, violent uninterrupted burning heat with thirst and head-ache. Three doses of Arsenic. Arsenic-QUARTAN, severe rending head-ache, complete prostration, gaping, stretching of the body, violent chill, which is soon followed by heat, and subsequently perspiration, face sallow and sunken, blue rings around the eyes, fetor of the breath, oedematous swelling of the feet. Arsen. 18 gtt. i, with the aid of Ipecac. against cachexy from the misuse of China. Arsenic-TERTAIN, vertigo, chill, without thirst, vomiting of bile, and finally of blood, heat, at first 79 dry, then joined with sweat and thirst, with great prostration. Arsenic-FEBRE QUOTIDIANA PROMERIDIANA, chill, heat and sweat predominating, dry, short cough and oppression of the breast before and during the chill, thirst in every stage. Arsenic-TERTIAN, pain in the sacral region, followed by chill, with blue and cold hands and feet, short dry cough, and tumefaction in the pit of the stomach. Afterwards heat with sticking pains in the head and thirst, hot stage succeeded by per- spiration, the scalp painful on being touched. Arsenic-Chill, pains of the head and limbs, pres- sure in the sacral region and in the pit of the sto- mach, with respiratory affection, sometimes suc- ceeded by nausea and vomiting, then burning heat internally and externally, thirst and dryness of the tongue, seldom followed by perspiration. Arsenic-Chill accompanied by violent affection of the breast and pains in the limbs, succeeded im- mediately by heat and head-ache, long afterwards, perspiration, burning thirst, with little drinking through all three stages. Arsenic-QUARTAN, much gaping, stretching of the limbs, chill, head-ache, tightness of the breast, absence of thirst succeeded by severe burning heat until towards evening, redness of the skin, no thirst, at midnight great anxiety and copious perspiration, succeeded by much lassitude and uncomfortableness. Arsenic-QUARTAN, violent chill, moderate heat, perspiration continuing a long time, with great loss of power in the limbs and general relaxation of the body. In the apyrexia, muddled sensation in the head, vertigo on rising, bed ridden, inappetence, in- creased thirst, clammy sweat, countenance of an ashy hue, anxiety respecting his disease. Arsenic-INTERMITTENT FEVER, with absence of 80 thirst during both the hot and cold stages, violent pressing pains in the forehead arising after the paroxysm. Arsenic-TERTIAN, with great debility and oedema of the feet. Arsenic--QUOTIDIAN, with violent urgings to evacuate stool and urine, great restlessness, violent desire for cold water. Arsenic x. Arsenic--QUARTAN, slight chill, then burning heat accompanied by violent head-ache and un- quenchable thirst, copious sweat did not succeed until long after the hot stage, painful burning in the gastric region. Arsenic-QUARTAN, slight chill, then severe heat with delirium and violent head-ache, succeed- ed by a gentle sweat, with thirst before and during the chill, pains over the gastric region, and empty eructations preceding the chill. Arsenic--TERTIAN, vertigo, pulsating pain in the forehead, shivering chill continuing 3 or 4 hours, which cannot be relieved by the application of heat externally, without thirst and with vomiting of bile and blood, succeeded by burning dry heat with thirst, finally ending with sweat. Arsenic-Dry heat of short duration, violent pain in the forehead, pressing outwards, with thirst, nau- sea, disagreeable taste, pain in the pit of the sto- mach, distension and tension of the abdomen. Arsenic-TERTIAN, commencing with chill and chattering of the teeth, then violent heat with in- coherent speech and loss of consciousness, rending head-ache and thirst, finally sweat of sour odour, inappetence, sickness, nausea, bitter taste, tongue coated white, and a scurfy eruption around the mouth. Arsenic--TERTIAN, commences with vertigo, great heat, which gradually increases in violence and terminates in sweat, which continues a long 81 time. During the hot stage, much thirst and little appetite. Arsenic--QUOTIDIAN, afternoons gaping, then shivering chill, succeeded by heat with moderate thirst, and rending, throbbing pain in the forehead, dry cough, tightness of the breast, respiration at- tended with lancinating pains, then moderate per- spiration. Arsenic-FEBRIS INTERMITTENS ANOMALA, after- noons severe chill without thirst, and with burning pain on the breast appeared at the same time cold rigors running up the back into the shoulders, flatu- lent risings with evening repetitions, lassitude dur- ing the apyrexia. After the use of Arsenic, the paroxysms ceased, and in the morning, nothing re- mained but a feeling of debility, uncomfortableness, and disposition to vomit, which symptoms were re- moved by Pulsat. Arsenic-QUARTAN, shivering chill in the after- noons, then moderate heat with occasional chilliness, sometimes moderate thirst, no sweat; about the termination of the chill, sticking, pressing and draw- ing in the forehead extending to the eyes, motion increases the pain, sleep disturbed by startings, oedema of the feet. Arsenic--TERTIAN, the paroxysms commence with stretching and gaping, rending pains a short time before and during the chill, in the beginning of the hot stage intercurrent chilliness, then sweat, scarcely any thirst, cramp of the breast, and great anxiety. Arsenic-QUOTIDIAN, chill with shivering, nau- sea, extraordinary sinking of the strength, after the chill, excessive thirst, succeeded by violent heat and sweat. After Nux Vom., which was first admin- istered, the fever re-appeared after a short cessa- tion. ན 82 Belladonna-Heat, with violent congestion to the head, delirium; whether it approximated to a nervous fever or an encephalitis, the remedy was equally efficacious. Belladonna-TERTIAN, with great thirst and odontalgia. Belladonna-The fever commences with exces- sive thirst and pains in the head, chill accompanied with trembling, much thirst, heat accompanied by slight delirium and sweat. Belladonna-Absence of thirst during both the cold and hot stages. Belladonna-TERTIAN, afternoon chill extend- ing from the feet into the knees, then heat with dry mouth, without much thirst, and trifling sweat. Belladonna-QUOTIDIAN, chill, heat without sweat, thirst only before the chill. Bryonia--With gastric complaints which are exacerbated by motion. Bryonia-QUOTIDIAN, afternoons, a severe shi- vering fit of several hours' duration, with intolerable pain in the head, pressing outwards, particularly in the forehead, increased by the slightest motion, thirst. After the chill he feels very languid with- out succeeding heat, restless sleep at night, and not refreshing. Bryonia-TERTIAN, severe chill half an hour long, then increased temperature of the skin, fre- quent pulse, much thirst, trifling sweat. During the apyrexia, affection of the breast with dry cough, pale countenance, Bryonia vii. Bryonia-TERTIAN, with vertigo and head-ache, when inspiring, sticking in the breast and side, moderate chill followed by severe heat, delirium, much thirst with dry cough, sweat, two doses of Aconit. viii before the attack, and Bryonia vi af ter, performed the cure. 83 Bryonia-Shivering chill, chattering of the teeth, much thirst, excessively laborious dry cough, with violent stitches in the breast, heat at first al- ternating with chill, then becoming very violent, at the same time great thirst, then profuse sweat with which the cough and stitches in the breast termi- nate. Three doses of Bryonia. Bryonia-Head-ache, gastric symptoms, rheu- matic complaints increased by exercise, costive habit. Cantharides-TERTIAN, with catarrh of the bladder and urethra. Calcarea-QUARTAN, slight chill, violent heat with thirst, sleeplessness, nausea and vomiting early in the morning. Capsicum-Severe chill, without much heat. Carbo vegetabilis-Thirst during the cold stage, and no thirst during the hot stage. Carbo vegetab.-TERTIAN, coldness in the even- ings with thirst, then heat, with violent thirst and head-ache, obstruction. Carbo vegetabilis-QUARTAN, not very severe chill, then heat with violent head-ache, then sweat, thirst during the chill, although he drank but little at a time. Chamomilla-TERTIAN, violent pressure at the heart after the paroxysm, the forehead covered with hot sweat, jactitation with despairing state of mind. Chamomilla-QUOTIDIAN, chill without thirst, heat with slight thirst, and then copious sweat, great debility, inappetence, disturbed by anxious dreams through the night, great inquietude. Chamomilla-Burning heat of the body, face, and forehead, with cool hands and very cold feet, distate for food, costiveness, pain in all the limbs on touching them, moderate thirst, before the febrile 84 paroxysm much thirst, retching, mucous vomiting and cough. A dose of China, which was previously administered, served only to moderate the fever. China-QUOTIDIAN, chill, vertigo, paleness of countenance, coldness and pallor of the hands and feet, retching up mucus, heat continuing a long time, violent head-ache, vivid redness of the face, full accelerated pulse, dry, spasmodic, concussive cough, with pain in both hypochondria and parti- cularly in the epigastrium, sleepiness, sweat during the night, moderate thirst during the chill and heat. Apyrexia: dry spasmodic cough. China-QUARTAN, chill and coldness, intense. heat and thirst, copious sweat. During the fever and apyrexia: taste, eructations and vomiting bit- ter, tongue thickly coated, of a brownish yellow colour, pressure in the pit of the stomach, pressure, sticking, and swelling in the splenic region, pale yellow complexion. China-QUARTAN, gentle rigour of short duration, then violent pressing pain in the forehead, conges- tion of blood to the head, rending pain in the right temple and around the right eye; the latter is red- dened, hot, burning painful aversion to light, lachry- mation: general heat, which is not very intense, great thirst: paroxysm continuing from forenoon until evening, profuse perspiration in the night. During the Apyrexia, anxiety, despondency. China-QUOTIDIAN, severe chill, with intense thirst, constriction of the breast, oppressed respira- tion, great languor, then heat, anxiety and thirst, general sweat follows during the night. In the Apyrexia: dullness in the head, tooth-ache, little appetite, unfrequent hard stools, pale appearance, frequent change of colour, great emaciation, lassi- tude, nocturnal pains of the limbs, dejected state of mind. China 3 gtt. i every 3 hours, for several days. 85 China-Great internal and external coldness, with shivering, with concomitant redness, and heat of the face and head, terminates with heat, alter- nating with rigors, thirst throughout the paroxysm, finally some sweat. Two dos. Čhina iv. China-QUOTIDIAN, sallow, dark yellow com- plexion, head very sensitive externally, trembling debility, sleepiness and fulness after eating, great sensibility to a draught of air, chill preceded by thirst, then follows heat, with enervating perspira- tion. China-Intermittent fever, without thirst. China-QUARTAN, chill of one hour's duration, succeeded by heat, with head-ache and delirium, then sweat; thirst only before the chill. Inclination to vomit before the chill, also frequent actual vomit- ing, hunger immediately after the fever. In the Apyrexia, little appetite, with pain and swelling in the gastric region. China-Vomiting after the febrile paroxysm. China-TERTIAN, fever without preceding chill, spasmodic cough, with painful concussion, without expectoration. China-QUOTIDIAN, during the Apyrexia, icy coldness of the body, with cold sweat; incessant hunger, great emaciation, pale countenance, restless sleep, with whining. China-Violent chill with bilious vomiting, pale- ness even in the hot stage. China-INTERMITTENT FEVER, with much thirst and dullness of the head during the chill. China-Nausea, bitter taste before the chill, not unfrequently conjoined with vomiting, then chill, followed by sweat, with excessive hunger. Chininum sulphuricum-TERTIAN, paroxysm at no settled period, chill and rending pain in the back, pains in the gastric region, then heat, with S 86 ? head-ache and thirst, followed by cold fetid sweat. During the apyrexia, pains in the gastric region, aversion to cooked victuals, constipation, nocturnal cough with expectoration. Cocculus-İNTERMITTENT FEVER, consisting only of shivering chill in the evening, and where the apyrexia is distinguished by vertigo, dull head-ache, despondency, general debility. Drosera-INTERMITTENT FEVER, with sickness of the stomach. Drosera-When the epidemic hooping cough prevailed concomitantly. Severe chill with cold face, icy coldness of the hands and feet only, bilious vomiting was likewise associated: hot stage accom- panied by violent pressing, pulsating pains in the head, and spasmodic, concussive cough. During the apyrexia, gastric symptoms, (repeated doses.) Ferrum aceticum-Head-ache, violent pressing in the forehead, then severe chill, continuing three quarters of an hour, with increased head-ache and much thirst, the heat which succeeds is moderate, as is the sweat, bitter taste, inappetence, constipa- tion, yellowish complexion, great exhaustion after the fever. During the apyrexia, moderate head- ache. Helleborus-Intermittent FEVER, with oedema of the feet, induration of the liver and abdominal affection. Hyosciamus-Chronic quartan, with a dry noc- turnal cough, which disturbed the sleep. Hyosciamus-FEBRIS INT. QUOTIDIANA EPILEP- TICA, arising from anger. C Ignatia-Intense thirst in the cold stage. Ignatia-QUOTIDIAN, violent thirst on the ap- pearance of the severe and lasting chill, still tone of mind, absorbed in himself; four doses. Ignatia—QUOTIDIAN, violent chill, pains in the + 87 head and limbs, with intense thirst, then heat with head-ache, and finally sweat; two doses Ignatia 9. Ignatia--Gaping and stretching, violent chill, particularly on the back and arms, with thirst for cold water, succeeded by external heat and inter- nal coldness, then sweat, followed by a sense of general lassitude, absence of thirst during both the hot and sweating stages. Taciturn, and always looking straight forward, without thought, fearful. Ignatia-Thirst only or principally during the cold stage. Ignatia-Intense thirst on the appearance of the chill, which decreases during the heat, generally vomiting of bile, mucus, or food during the cold stage in an epidemic intermittent. Ignatia-QUOTIDIAN, in the evening, coldness, then heat with thirst, followed by sweat with thirst, roaring noise and sticking pain in the ears, costiveness for some days. Ignatia-QUARTAN, chill, then some heat with slight perspiration, thirst before and during the chill, inappetence. Ignatia-QUOTIDIAN, chill in the feet, then in the sacral region, then heat with head-ache, follow- ed by general sweat, thirst before and during the chill only, anorexia, distate for bread, pains in the gastric region; two doses. Ipecacuanha-INTERMITTENT, with slight chill, gastric symptoms, and constriction of the breast. Ipecacuanha-Chill, with thirst, which continued through the hot and sweating stages which suc- ceeded. Ipecac.--INTERMITTENT, with shivering and cutis anserina, then flying heat, poor appetite, white coated tongue, no thirst, stools seldom and hard, retching from the stomach to the throat; two doses daily. 88 f Ipecac.-INTERMITTENT, with violent vomiting, more during the cold than hot stage. : Ipecac.--QUARTAN, chill, heat with head-ache, then sweat, thirst of equal intensity during the hot and cold stages. Ipecac.--Fever commencing in the afternoon, with intense chill and thirst, succeeded by heat and moderate thirst, which continue the whole evening and at night, in conjunction with head-ache. A slight returning paroxysm was removed by Nux x. Lachesis--INTERMITTENT FEVER, chill with burn- ing of the face, continued chilliness of the whole body, violent head-ache, with much heat towards evening, profuse morning perspiration. Lachesis-With severe pains in the limbs, rest- less jactitation, tightness of the breast, raging pains in the head, and delirium while awake. Lachesis--INVETERATE INTERMITTENT, with ema- ciation, and sallow, greyish-yellow skin. Natrum muriaticum--QUARTAN, severe cold- ness with rending in the hands, feet, and sacral re- gion, then intense heat, with head-ache and rend- ing pains as in the cold stage, then profuse fetid sweat, thirst only during the chill. In the apyrexia, pressure in the stomach and flatulent eructations. Natrum muriaticum-QUOTIDIAN, afternoons very severe chill and sticking under the left ribs, then violent heat with cough and head-ache, then slight sweat confined to the head, thirst during and after the hot stage. A rending pain of the head which appeared after the cessation of the fever, Camphor removed. Natr. muriat.-QUOTIDIAN, chill of one hour and a half's duration without thirst, sweat during the night without thirst, the food has lost its sapidity. Nux Vom.-TERTIAN, pain in the forehead, more intense in the morning, and on stooping, aver- 89 sion to all aliment, thirst, vomiting of all the food and of a bilious mucus, pressure in the pit of the stomach after eating, then vomiting and flatulent distension, great corporeal debility, anxious desire to go to stool, peevish. Nux Vom.-INTERMITTENT FEVER, in which thirst is present during the cold and hot stages, or where heat and chill alternate. Nux Vom.-QUOTIDIAN, Severe chill with shiver- ing, chattering of the teeth, and thirst, after drink- ing increased coldness, then heat, sweat, deficient appetite, sour eructations, constipation. Nux Vom.-QUOTIDIAN, violent coldness, then heat with thirst, white tongue. Nux Vom.-Before the paroxysm, anorexia, nausea, retching, mucous coated tongue. Nux Vom.-INTERMITTENT FEVER, chill, heat, with complete prostration of strength, violent pain in the sinciput, bitter taste, eructation, deficient ap- petite, costiveness, much thirst during and after the hot stage, yellowish face, tongue white coated. Nux Vom.-QUARTAN, chilliness predominant over the whole body an obstinate case; two doses Nux Vom. 30. Nux Vom.-QUARTAN, chill in the bones, then intense heat with head-ache, and profuse succeed- ing sweat, thirst only in the hot stage, at the same time sickness of the stomach, and violent rending in the extremities, pain in the gastric region; one dose of Nux. Mezereum-QUARTAN, violent chill and coldness of the whole body continuing several hours, icy cold- ness of the hands and feet, with thirst. On the re- mission of chill, sleep with sweat. Apyrexia: great paleness, dull, pressing head-ache, inappetence, dis- tention and hardness of the splenic region, pressing *S 90 pain in the swollen spleen, sensitiveness to cold air, general debility. Natrum muriaticum-TERTIAN, chill, heat, and sweat predominating, much thirst during the hot stage, short, dry cough, sticking in the left side of the abdomen, vesicular eruption in the upper lip, bitter taste. Natrum muriaticum-TERTIAN, violent epis- taxis, febrile paroxysm with chill, cold hands, sleepiness, then heat with thirst, rending in the forehead, without thirst. In the apyrexia, much thirst. Natrum muriaticum-Coldness of the body, then intense thirst and general heat, finally head- ache, inappetence, yellowish complexion, lassi- tude. Natrum muriaticum-TERTIAN, chill at 10 o'clock in the morning, with rending pains in the bones, and thirst, followed by great heat of the whole body, with violent rending pains in the head, and excessive thirst, yellowish complexion, inappe- tence, sleeplessness and lassitude. Natrum muriaticum-QUOTIDIAN, severe gene- ral chilliness, then thirst, with general heat and throbbing head-ache, lassitude, little appetite. Natrum muriaticum--INTERMITTENT FEVER, in which a protracted chill preceded a long continued heat, and which was always renewed on airing the bed. Natrum muriaticum-TERTIAN, commencing like an electric shock, moderate heat with thirst, head-ache, and stiffness in the left lumbar region. In the apyrexia, lassitude, deficient appetite, and head-ache. Nux Vomica-QUARTAN, chill in individual parts, then intense general heat with stupor and 91 much thirst, finally copious sweat. In the apyrexia great appetite. Nux Vomica-QUARTAN, moderate chill, heat, then heat and some sweat, thirst before the chill, and during the heat, abdomen hard and distended, appetite wanting, tongue coated white. Nux Vomica-QUARTAN, brief chill with ve- hement head-ache, followed by heat with slight head-ache, then slight sweat, little thirst in the hot stage, slight appetite, bitter taste. Nux Fomica-TERTIANA TYPO POSTPONENTE, ge- neral chill and pain over the gastric and hypochon- driac regions, then heat with head-ache, afterwards sweat, violent thirst before the cold, and during the hot stage, dry mouth only in the cold stage; apy- rexia, anorexia, cold food tastes the best. Nux Vomica-TERTIAN, with slight chill, then intense heat and violent head-ache, not succeeded by sweat, thirst during the hot stage and inclination to vomit during the cold stage; bitter taste and anorexia. Nux Vomica-QUOTIDIAN, slight chill, intense heat and profuse sweat, thirst after the chill, head- ache, and inclination to vomit, inappetence and op- pression of the breast. Nux Vomica-TERTIAN, chill, afternoons not severe, continuing three hours, then vomiting, suc- ceeded by general severe internal heat with head- ache, finally general profuse perspiration with head- ache, thirst during the heat, but more intense dur- ing the sweating stage, apyrexia, bitter taste, white coated tongue, little appetite, pains in the hypogas- trium, white of the eyes of a yellowish hue, hard stool, and urine of a coffee brown colour. Nux Vomica-Stitches in the breast, back and thighs, short breath, much thirst during the chill, After the chill violent frontal cephalalgia, while 92 the heat is still in its incipient stage the thirst abates, without succeeding sweat. Nux Vomica-QUARTAN, with periodical chilli- ness over the whole body and general uneasiness. Nux Vomica with the aid of Ipecacuanha- Mornings languid, stretching, gaping, then violent chill with thirst, immediately afterwards heat with- out thirst, in the apyrexia frontal head-ache, con- stipation. Opium-With cerebral affection and coma dur- ing the hot stage. Opium-With violent shivering chill, then sound sleep and succeeding sweat, on walking, head-ache and lassitude. Pulsatilla-QUOTIDIAN, evening, at six o'clock violent chill of one hour's duration, then violent heat and head-ache, sweat through half the night, in the apyrexia constant bad head-ache, pain of the breast, violent cough, with expectoration and bitter taste, Pulsat. iv. Pulsatilla-TERTIAN, the apyrexia is accom- panied by very great heaviness of the whole body, with chilliness, sleepiness in the day time and great lassitude, particularly in the evening, very restless nocturnal sleep and fluid stool. Pulsatilla—TERTIAN, violent chill, with de- pression of the general system, eructation before the chill, then severe heat with head-ache and oppres- sion, followed by copious perspiration without thirst, violent rending pains in the limbs before and after the chill. Pulsatilla-QUOTIDIAN, chill one hour long, then heat with head-ache and some thirst, followed by sweat, soft stool. Pulsatilla-TERTIAN, chill with head-ache, heat of short duration, with short breath, then sweat 93 and thirst, aversion to all food, particularly butter, face tumid, peevish, obstinate. Pulsatilla-Torpidity of the fingers before the paroxysm, then chill which was not relieved by heat, succeeded by heat with thirst, cold sweat, conges- tion to the head with pulsation of the temporal ar- teries, inclined to vomit when coughing. Rhus-QUARTANA VESPERTINA, with chill predom- inating, thirst in the hot and cold stages, pulsating frontal head-ache before and during the chill, and in the hot stage, chronic urticaria on the back of the left hand. Rhus-DOUBLE TERTIAN, chill with thirst and pains in the limbs, then general warmth, chilliness on moving, succeeded by copious sweat of an acid odour, noise in the ears, difficulty of hearing, coryza without nasal discharge. Rhus-QUOTIDIAN, nocturnal paroxysm, during the day, stricture, pressure and soreness as if from an inward sore in the epigastrium, the slightest pres- sure insupportable, at the same time a very harrass- ing throbbing there, with the utmost anxiety. Rhus-TERTIAN, with Urticaria. Sabadilla-During the chill, dry spasmodic cough, succeeded by alternate heat and chill, gas- tric complaints. Sabadilla-INTERMITTENT FEVER consisting of chill merely with lassitude and anorexia. Sabadilla-Attacks in the afternoon, commenc- ing with chill, which continues more than two hours, affecting particularly the back and hands, after- wards some heat, and then very little sweat, loss of thirst, general lassitude, complexion and eyes of a yellowish cast, stool softer than natural. Had pre- viously used China to excess. After Nux Vom. had relieved the paroxysm, Sabadilla fully cured the affection. 94 Sambucus-Profuse enervating sweat in the apyrexia. Sepia-During the apyrexia, paleness, rending pains in the head, fore-arms and knee-joints with cough. During the paroxysm heat predominates, thirst and rending pain in the cold stage. Sepia-QUOTIDIANA POST MERIDIANA, hot head with redness and sticking in the sides of the head, pressure in the occiput, then chilliness of the back with thirst, dry cough with sticking in the hypo- chondria. Sepia-TERTIAN, chill, heat, sweat chiefly in the face, thirst in all three stages, vertigo, anorexia, bitter taste, epistaxis. Staphysagria--TERTIAN fever with scorbutic affection, evening chill without succeeding heat. Sulphur-QUOTIDIAN, thirst before the cold and in the hot stage, vertigo, much head ache, bitter taste, lassitude, night sweats, eruption with much itching; has had the itch, Arnica, Pulsat., Natrum mur., which were previously administered merely re- lieved. Taraxacum-QUOTIDIAN, evenings, cold hands and nose, then copious sweat. In the apyrexia, las- situde and vertigo when walking. Thuja--Chill with coldness internally and ex- ternally and succeeded by general sweat. Valeriana-INTERMITTENT FEVER, where there is no chill, but only violent heat with thirst and dull- ness of the head. Veratrum--QUOTIDIAN, Severe chill with much thirst, alternating with increasing heat, vertigo, nausea, succeeded by violent continued heat, with unquenchable thirst, delirium, strives to throw the covers from him, suffused face, towards morning pro- fuse sweat without thirst, with pale countenance. 95 Verat.-TERTIAN, chill succeeded by warmth, then cold sweat. Veratrum-QUOTIDIAN, chill, then some heat without either sweat or thirst, anorexia, one dose Veratr. Veratrum-TERTIAN, chill with thirst, then some heat without sweat. Veratrum with the aid of Nux Vom.--Chill of several hours' duration, with much thirst, unimpor- tant dry heat, then sweat for several hours, during which the thirst entirely disappears, dull pressing head-ache, vertigo, bitter taste, pain in the sacral region. MILIARY FEVER. FEBRIS MILIARIS. Ipecacuanha-MILIARY FEVER with sighing, con- striction of the chest, diminished cutaneous action. FEBRIS INFANTUM CUM DENTITIONE DIFFICILE COM- INFANTILE FEVER WITH DIFFICULT DENTI- PLICATA. TION. Belladonna-Burning heat, startings, great rest- lessness, convulsions, unquenchable thirst, dilated pupils, fixed look. Nux Vom.-Body burning hot, frequent change of position, frequent micturition, starting in the sleep, slight twitchings. Exacerbation in the morn- ing. FEBRIS NERVosa. TYPHUS FEVER. TYPHUS in a man of weak constitution, chill, heat, congestion to the head, soreness of all the limbs as if bruised, Acon. then Bryon. Nights, fearful dreams with startings, noise in the ears, much thirst, skin burning hot, dry tongue, brown in the centre, Bellad. Constipation with ineffectual efforts at de- fœcation, bruise-like pains of all the limbs, Nux Vom. Very delirious throughout the night, springs up, will go out, feels around himself, rumbling in 96 the belly, Ignat. Anxiety and restlessness in the evening, burning heat, dry, parched tongue, Bellad. Dulness, pressing head-ache, eyes dull, great loss of strength, he is still and desponding, Acidum phoph. Head clear, evenings great restlessness, springs up, will go out, murmuring, delirious, hot head, red face, Hyosc. iv. Status nervosus stupidus, twitching and working of all the limbs, stupor, cannot open his eyes in the right manner, twitching of the facial mus- cles, belly much distended, hard, snoring sleep from which he can scarcely be aroused, Opium 11. He lies motionless, Spir. nitr. dulc. gtt. i. Twitching of the extremities, distortion of the eyes and face, can- not swallow fluids, Hyosc. and then Stram. Coma- tose state, meteorism. Four doses of Opium. Con- siderable improvement, great debility and ineffec- tual efforts at defœcation. Veratrum-Convalescence. Acidum muriat.-Playing with the hands, groan- ing, the body slides down in bed, dry heat, alternat- ing with momentary sweats. Acidum phos.-FEBRIS NERVOSA STUPIDA, stu- por, delirium, tactiturnity, difficulty of hearing,black lips, tremulous tongue, perfect loss of consciousness, pale sunken visage, involuntary passage of stool and urine, entire prostration of strength. Acidum phosph.-Pressing head-ache, eyes dull and sunken, paleness, tongue coated white, rumbling in the distended abdomen, great debility, picking the bed clothes. Acidum phosph. and China-Excessive coma with many fanciful images before the eyes, noise in the ears, considerable difficulty of hearing. Acidum sulphur.—FEBRIS NERVOSA STUPIDA. Acon., Nux and Rhus-Head-ache, dryness of the nostrils, red dry tongue, dry black lips, complete 97 anorexia, abdominal pains, hot dry skin, prostra- tion of strength, frequent crying, diarrhoea. Belladonna-Typhus with dry skin, great thirst, parched tongue, quick hard pulse and sleepless- ness. Belladonna-Vertigo, noise in the ears, dry tongue, slight thirst, constipation, sleeplessness, frightful dreams, nocturnal restlessness. Belladonna-Sleeplessness, delirious, if the pa- tient is aroused from his wanderings he either does not answer questions or answers wrong, quick or has- tily, hurried respiration, lips dry and covered with incrustations, with aid of Nux Vomica. Belladonna-TYPHUS FEVER with inflammatory cerebral affection. Menostasia, face puffed up, un- steady glance, constant motion of the hands, tries to throw off the bed clothes, does not recognise the attendants, incoherent murmuring, hasty drinking, burning heat of the body. Belladonna-Wild unsteady eyes, violent deli- rium, quick soft pulse, moist clammy skin, tremor of the hands and difficult deglutition. Belladonna-INCIPIENT TYPHUS, vertigo, dull- ness of the head, dread of light, noise in the ears, twitching of the hands, sleep with wanderings, in- terrupted by frequent startings. Bryonia-FEBRIS NERVOSA VERSATILIS, constant delirium day and night, dry burning heat of the whole body, particularly of the head, tongue and lips dry, brown, cracked, great thirst, on touching the epigastrium patient cries out, constipation, pain when urinating. Bryonia―FEBRIS CONTINUA, pressing head-ache with delirium, tremor on raising up, disgust of food, tongue coated yellow, stitches in the breast, great prostration. - 9 98 Bryonia-FEBRIS GASTRICA NERVOSA. Carbo vegetab.-Typhus in the last stage, rat- tling, comatose sleep, hippocratic countenance, in- continence of stool and urine. Carbo veget.-Pulse weak and cannot be count- ed, rattling respiration, black lips, tongue very hard, arid, on the cheeks circumscribed redness, urine of a putrid odour; against the returning avidity of the tongue and lips the skin being at the same time dry and cool, Spir. camphor. Chamomilla-TYPHUS, with dry skin, great thirst, dry tongue and sleeplessness. China-Dark incrusted tongue, involuntary yel- low diarrhoea evacuations. With the aid of Cham. and Pulsat. China, with the aid of Canthar. Coffea-Sleeplessness from sprightliness, great hyper-excitability of mind, cannot bear noise. Hyosciam.-Lively violent delirium, complete sleeplessness, restless, twitching, floccitatio, incli- nation to jump out of bed. Hyosciamus-Lies quiet and comatose with half closed eyes, interrupted by startings and delirium, great debility, dullness and difficulty of hearing. Hyosciamus-The patient lies motionless, directs. his attention to nothing around him, pupils much dilated, strabismus, albuginea inflamed, dry lips, brown, dry tongue with dark coating, disgustingly · fetid breath, urine passed unconsciously, delirious, dry hot skin. • Hyosciam.-FEBRIS NERVOSA STUPIDA, the pa- tient does not speak a word, stares with surprise at the bystanders, does not answer questions, walks like a drunken man, stupidity, fixed look, dilated pupils. Hyosciamus-FEBR. NERV. VERSAT, eyes shin- ing, unsteady look, occasionally wild, difficult hear- 99 ing, ringing and roaring before the ears, nose filled with a blackish material, lips, teeth and tongue covered with dry blackish incrustations, putrid stench from the mouth, constant delirium, sometimes still, sometimes violent, recognises no one, endea- vours to jump out of bed, picks the bed clothes. Mercurius-Vertigo, violent pressing head-ache, noise in the ears, great sensibility, painfulness of the epigastrium and umbilical region, foul bitter taste, skin burning hot or feeling so, sometimes costive and again yellow diarrhoea stools, or where there are insupportable pains in the epigastric region, parti- cularly at night, with restlessness, anxiety, jactita- tion, and complete sleeplessness. Mercurius and Rhus--Inflammatory nervous fe- ver, with intermitting pulse and great sinking of strength. *** Nux Vomica-Patient lies as if intoxicated, does not recognise his attendants, rotates his head to and fro, great loss of strength, cheeks, con- stipation, anxiety. Nux and Acon.-Very severe pains of the head, pulsation of the carotids, tongue red and dry, burn- ing heat, prostration of strength, restlessness, dry lips covered with mucus, subsultus tendinum. Opium-Constant slumbering and snoring with eyes half opened, difficult to arouse, does not com- plain. Pulsat.-With vesicles on the lips, mouth and fauces, which give occasion to dysphagia and dif- ficulty of speaking, very viscid mucus in the throat on coughing or retching, nocturnal restlessness. Rhus--Great prostration with dry nose and tongue. Rhus and Sulphur-Restless jactitation, frequent throwing up of the left arm, religious delirium, in- voluntary diarrhoea of foul matter, constant sub- DorM 100 MH sultus tendinum, continual cough. After Sulphur, consciousness, less confused and subsultus diminish- ed. Spirit nitri. dulcis--Great baxation,little sleep, answers questions only when urged, does not make the slightest motion, is nevertheless conscious. Spiritus nitri. dulcis-FIBRIS NERVOSA STUPIDA, fixed disturbed eyes, hears thing, arid brown lips, desires nothing, the patient scarcely perceives her natural wants, excessive debility, murmuring and wandering in sleep, can bt be brought to recollect herself rightly. C Sulphur-Constant heat, continual stupor, agryp- nia, incoherence with open eyes, floccitatio, tenes- mus from time to time. W Veratrum albo-Complicated with a kind of religious mania, all/thread like pulse, sinking of all the powers, incontinence of alvine dejections, raves about heaven complete sleeplessness. In an EPIDEMIC TYPHUS, besides the above reme- dies, the following proved themselves efficacious. Acon., Arsenic, Stramonium, Plumbum, Cof- fea, Cocculus, Ignatia, Arnica and Pulsatilla. FEBRIS NERVOSA STUPIDA. NERVOUS FEVER. TY- PHOID FEVER. Pulsatilla, Rhus, Cocculus, Hyosciamus, Acid phosph., Hyosciamus, Bellad., Opium and Acid muriat., Acidum sulph. and Spiritus nitri. dul- cis. FEBRIS NERVOSA VERSATILIS. Bryonia, Hyosciamus, Cham., Bellad., Nux Vomica, Stramonium. PUERPERAL FEVER. FEBRIS PUERPERALIS. Aconit. and Bryonia. Acon. and Bryonia-Violent fever, dry hot skin, belly much distended, severe pain on touching. 101 Acon. and Bryonia-Inflammation of the uterus in child bed. Acon., Bellad. and Cocculus-In a puerperal peritonitis. Belladonna-PUERPERAL PERITONITIS, severe chill, heat, suffused face, violent pains in the whole abdomen, which is somewhat distended, labour-like pains, severe pain in the forehead, on moving or opening the eyes, or on speaking loud, which in- creases almost to a loss of reason and despair, great restlessness, anxiety, &c. Belladonna-With violent delirium, very hasty questions, sleeplessness, stoppage of the secretion of milk and the lochia. For the dry heat, violent thirst, anorexia, burning uterine pains, Bryonia. For the still remaining symptoms, Rhus, Arnica and Pulsatilla. Belladonna.-Violent pains in the head, as if the brain would be pressed out, dilated pupils, vio- lent belly pains, increased by pressure, sleeplessness, much thirst. Belladonna and Bryonia-Red face, white coated tongue, breasts flaccid and free from milk, pain in the region of the ovaria, diarrhoea, frequent pulse. Belladonna-PUERPERAL PERITONIS, painful dis- tended abdomen, vivid redness of face, dry mouth without thirst. Bellad.-PUERPERAL METRITIS, vivid redness of the face, great anxiety, dry skin, full pulse, short breath, sighing. Bellad, and Nux Fom.-PUERPERAL METRITIS, constant pains in the uterus and fundament, lochia diminished and fetid, frequent retchings with ab- dominal distention, abdomen painful on pressure, delirium. Bryonia and Aconit.-PUERPERAL PERITONITIS, 9* 102 glowing redness of the face, respiration short and very hurried, sticking pains in the forehead and hypogastric region increased by external pressure, constipation, belly distended,suppressed lochia, some- times severe lancinating pains in the thighs. First Acon. then Bryonia. Chamomilla and Rhus-INCIPIENT PUERPERAL FEVER. Nux Vomica-INCIPIENT PERITONITIS, violent burning pain in the whole abdomen, suppressed lo- chia and constipation, skin dry like parchment, great anxiety and inquietude. Nux Vomica-PUEPERAL FEVER, in the advanc- ed stage with the following symptoms: great debili- ty, head-ache, eructations, costiveness, little slimy lochia, disappearance of a rash, little milk in the breasts, much heat, delirium, thirst. For furuncu- la, which were present, Sulphur, and for the swol- len lactiferous ducts, Belladonna was administered. Nux Vomica-PUEPERAL METRITIS, considerable fever, inclined to the typhoid state, hot red face, swooning paroxysms, noise in the ears, severe thirst, uterus hard, painful and sensitive, the tense and dis- tended abdomen is painful, copious and bloody lo- chia, constipation. FEBRIS PUTRIDA. PUTRID FEVER. Arsenic--With gangrene of the left side of the tongue, and the left masseter muscle, convulsions and typhoid symptoms. Arsenic--Burning pain in the stomach and in- testinal canal, black tongue, white rash, petechiæ, hæmorrhage. FEBRIS RHEUMATICA. Acon. RHEUMATIC FEVER. Bryonia--Violent head-ache, rending pains ex- tending along the back and extremeties at inter- 103 2 vals, torpor of the fingers, hands and feet, inquietude, heat of the body, motion increases the pains. Bryonia--FEBRIS GASTRICA RHEUMATICA, rend- ing pains in the whole head, particularly violent in the wrists, elbows and ancles, the ligaments of the joints swollen, reddened, hot. Dulcamara--Resulting from cold, stupifying head-ache, red face, violent thirst, dry, hot, burning skin, violent stinging and rheumatic drawing in the sacral region, shoulders and arms. 173 See also RHEUMATISMUS ACUTUS. SWEATING FEVER. FEBRIS SUDATORIA. Heat with intercurrent rigors, excessive thirst, pressure in the stomach, eructations, then profuse perspiration. China and Sambucus. WORM FEVER. FEBRIS VERMINOSA. Aconitum, Cina. Cicuta virosa-In children with belly-ache and convulsions. Nux Vom. with the aid of Pulsat. in a woman with sensitive distended abdomen, heat, inclination to vomit. FISTULA. SINUOUS ULCERS. Silicea. Silicea--Fistulous passages in the breasts, ex- tending to the sternum, the inferior half of the ster- num swollen, suppressed menses with slight fever. FISTULOUS ULCER in the inguinal region, remain- ing after a suppurating bubo. Acid, nitric., and Silicea. FISTULA on the right side of the throat, and be- low the shoulder, with stitches beneath the ster- num, and cough with expectoration of thick mucus. Silic. x, Calc. carb. x, Nux x, Sulphur, Carbo. vegetab. v, Conium x. 104 KĄ DOK Calcarea carbonica-Three fistulous ulcers on the posterior side of the thigh, cured by 6 doses Calcarea carb. x. FISTULA LACHRYMALIS. LACHRYMAL Fistula. Silicea, Lachesis, Calcar. et petroleum. SALIVARY FISTULA. FISTULA SALIVALIS. Acid nitric. * FISTULA URINARIA. Sulphur in repeated doses. FLATULENTIA. URINARY FISTULA. FLATULENCY. Carbo vegetabilis-FLATULENCY, with alvine ob- struction. Lycopodium-After a spare meal, pressure in the stomach, fullness and distention in the epigastric region, pit of the stomach very sensitive and pain- ful to the touch, hard scanty stool. Zincum-With much rumbling and rolling in the abdomen. See also COLICA FLATULEnta. SPONGOID Cancer. FUNGUS HEMATODES. Phosphor.-FUNGUS HEMATODES as large as a man's fist, situated on the thigh, somewhat painful, constant discharge of venous blood. FUNGUS HEMATODES of the cornea, with chronic opthalmia, complicated with ulcers and spots on the cornea, great dread of light, burning, stinging, and boring pains in the internal part of the eye, vision almost totally extinct. Calcarea as the principal remedy, then Lycopod. 12, Sepia x, and Silicea 12, cure. 3 MEDULLARY Fun- Belladonna-After violent pains in the eye a red point appeared deep in the internal part of the FUNGUS MEDULLARIS RETINÆ. GUS OF THE RETINA. 105 eye, externally a hardness, pupil much dilated, vi- sion almost extinct. FUROR UTERINUS. NYMPHOMANIA. Platina, Platina and Veratrum. FURUNCULUS. BOIL. Arnica, Belladonna, Nux Vom. 18, and Ar- nica i, Lycopodium, Sulphur. FURUNCLE of the size of a pigeon's egg, very red and shining, presenting a small white point on the apex, with active fever and great inquietude. Aconit. and Hepar sulph. Seurat M Fo GALACTORRHEA. FLOW OF MILK. Phosphor, Pulsatilla. GANGRÆNA BRACHII. GANGRENE Of the arm. On moving the right arm a burning pricking sensation in the middle of it, lower down it is cold, immoveable, and without sensation, it is partly covered with a cheesy, ash-grey material, partly with dark blue sanguineous vesicles, extending from the shoulder blade to the apices of the fingers, in- continence of stool and urine, very violent thirst and anxiety, Ars. 3, Opium, China. For an ulcer which remained, Silicea. G/ Cor Bi GANGRÆNA SCROTI. GANGRENE OF THE SCROTUM. China in repeated doses. GASTRALGIA, see CARDIALGIA. GASTRITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE STOMACH. Very violent burning pain in the epigastrium, vomiting of food, small rapid pulse, tossing about in bed, Ars. x, 12 hours afterwards, Colocynth. Acon. and Belladonna-CHRONIC GASTRITIS, very 106 painful pressure in the epigastrium after eating, the pressure extends itself up the breast, the food regurgitates into the throat. GASTROATAXIA. DERANGEMENT OF THE STOMACH. Bryonia-White furred tongue, foul taste, dis- posed to vomit on rising up, distended abdomen, pain in the epigastrium, vertigo, obstinate consti- pation. Bryonia-Gastric pressure, the food regurgitates after singultus. Bryonia and Calcarea-Dragging pain from the right hypochondrium up to the stomach, then vom- iting. Cocculus-Frequent frontal head-ache, with succeeding bilious vomiting, pressure in the stomach as if from a stone, pain in the right hypochondrium, occasional hard stool, painful menstruation continu- ing 8 or 10 days. Chamomilla-Beside the gastric complaints, rending pain in the limbs and abdomen, nocturnal inquietude. Digitalis-Nausea, great sensation of debility, and gastric complaints. Digitalis-Nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, ano- rexia, thirst, diarrhoea, vertigo, and pain in the forehead. Ipecac.-Frontal head-ache, nausea, sickness, bit- ter taste, complete inappetence. Nux Vomica-Violent painful pressure in the head, disorders of the stomach and bowels, coated tongue, anorexia, constipation. Nux Vom.-Chronic nausea and vomiting. Pulsatilla-Whitish yellow tongue, bad taste, inclination to vomit, offensive breath, after eating pressure in the stomach and rending pain in the head, mucus in the throat, with the aid of Bryonia. 107 Sepia-Foul taste, with eructations, poor appe- tite, sometimes nausea and even vomiting, pressure and weight in the abdomen, and sensation of disten- sion. Sulphur-Gastric pressure, cardialgia, diar- rhoea, rumbling in the abdomen, prostration. GASTROMALACIA. SOFTENING OF THE STOMACH. Veratrum. Arsenic, Kreosote. Calcarea acetica-In acute dangerous diarrhoeas with cadaverous odour, burning of the hands and soles of the feet, fever, violent thirst, want of appe- tite and rapid emaciation, constant restlessness, jac- titation, whining and crying, occasional vomiting. GLOSSITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE TONgue. Mercur, solub.-Swelling of the tongue, saliva- tion, violent fever and thirst. Belladonna. Glossoplegia. Baryta carbonica. GONAGRA ACuta. GOUT IN THE KNEE. Belladonna-With insupportable pains, as well when quiescent as on moving. China-Swelling of the knee and foot, with the aid of Aconit. and Arnica. Pulsatilla-With severe inflammatory swelling of the knee. See ARTHRITIS. GONITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE KNEE. Rhus-GONITIS from cold passing into ulceration and general atrophy. PARALYSIS OF THE TONGUE. Acon. and Bellad.-ERYSIPELATOUS GONITIS very painful, with violent fever. Silicea-Considerable blueish-red swelling of the knee, with violent rending and sticking pains. 108 GONOCELE. SWELLING OF THE KNEE JOINT. Calcarea-Inflammatory swelling of the knee, accompanied with severe pain. SIMPLE GONORRHŒA. GONORRHEA INSONS. 13 Nux-GONORRHOEA arising from suppressed hæ-3 morrhoids. GONORRHEA VIRULENTA. VIRULENT GONORRHŒA. Cannabis-Burning when urinating, stitches while and after urinating, frequent micturition with small discharge, many painful erections, then mucous dis- charge from the urethra, slight balanitis. Cannabis--Thick yellow mucous discharge, stinging and burning while and after urinating. Cannabis-Scanty white discharge, painless, orifice of the urethra reddened, frequent micturition. Cannabis--GONORRHEA primary. Cantharides-GONORRHEA with chordee. Mercurius solubilis-Violent burning and sting- ing in the urethra, with copious discharge of thick yellow mucus, painful erections and nocturnal dis- charge, with the aid of Cannabis and Pulsat., which merely relieved the pain when urinating. Mercur. solub., Mercur. solub. with Petros. Petroselinum-GONORRHEA abhinc 8 days, fre- quent and violent urging to urinate, stinging pains on commencing to pass the water. Petroselinum-Mucous discharge, thin, and of a whitish-gray colour, inconsiderable pain after uri- nating, worse at night. For the nocturnal discharge, which was still present, Merc. solub. Petroselinum-Burning pain in the urethra when urinating, inconsiderable discharge. GLEET. GONORRHOEA SECUNDARIA. Acid. nitric.--Gleet. In a gleet of one year's standing, Nitric acid and Sepia proved serviceable. Gonorrhea :- Apis & Cannabis Dr Williams monitily - June humber Hahn 109 Capsicum with the aid of Thuja--Copious dis- charge more yellow than white, secretion of urine natural, a tickling in the penis when urinat- ing, sometimes a cutting pain in the groin. Cubeba-Discharge of a thick, greenish, puru- lent matter, painless, redness and swelling. Lycopodium. Petroselinum-Gonorrhea of six years stand- ing: discharge either yellow or albuminous, very copious, frequent violent priapism, with crooking of the penis (chordee,) micturition entirely painless, except a crawling when first urinating early in the morning. Petroselinum-Constant urging to urinate. Petroselinum, Cannabis, and Mercur. Sulphur. Thuja and Sulphur-GLEET with CONDYLOMATA. The other remedies are-Lycopod., Sepia, Sili- cea, Calcarea, Natrum muriat., and Agnus cas- tus. GONORRHEA INVETERATA. INVETERATE GONOR- RHA. Of twenty years standing, cured with Canthar., Dulcamara, Acid, nitric,Petroleum, and Lycopod. GONORRHOEA PROSTATICA. DISCHARGE FROM THE PROSTATE GLAND. Belladonna. GONORRHEICE METASTASES. RHOEA. Pulsatilla. GRIPPE. See INFLUENZA. GUTTA ROSACEA. Arsenic, Ruta, and Rhus. TRANSLATED GONOR- CARBUNCLED FACE.* * Shakspeare thus alludes to a subject of this disease. "His face is all bubukles and whelks, and knobs, and flames of fire." } 10 110 POCRATIS. HEMATEMESIS ACUTA. Vomiting of blood. Aconit. and Nux Vom.-Noise in the ears, gas- tric pressure, anorexia, great lassitude and debility, the body covered with cold sweat, hard, full, tu- multuous pulse, vomiting of dark, red, coagulated blood. Later, stools like pitch. Arsenic-Violent HÆMATEMESIS, with pale, cold body, and loss of pulse. Acon. and Arnica--HEMATEMESIS, with general debility, a returning disposition to vomit, thirst, pains in the head and teeth, great restlessness, was removed by Aconit. and Bellad. Hyosciamus—In a woman æt. 74. HAMATEMESIS with Hemoptysis-Ipecuc. and Drosera. Ipecac. and China--HÆMATEMESIS, with frequent swooning. Pulsat. and Belladonna-Alternate doses. HÆMATEMESIS CHRONICA. See MORBUS NIGER HIP- H HÆMATURIA. DISCHARGE OF BLOODY URINE. Cantharides-HEMATURIA, with violent cutting burning pains and constant dysury, discharge of several drops of blood. Ipecac. ii. gtt. j, Lycopodium. Nux Vom. From the abuse of ardent spirits. Pulsatilla-With pains below the umbilicus, and drawing in the sacrum. HÆMOPTYSIS. SPITTING OF blood. BLOOD. Dry cough, frequent spitting of blood, sticking and burning pains in the right side of the breast when inspiring or coughing, tightness of the breast, fever and emaciation. 111 Acon.—Constant bloody expectoration, face very red, eyes much protruded, cough, violent sticking pain, fever; with the aid of Pulsat. Acon., Bryonia, Conium, Pulsatilla, Carbo veget. Phosphorus-Much emaciation, short respira- tion, violent paroxysms of coughing, speaking puts her out of breath. Arnica-Vomiting of black blood, great oppres- sion, the cough which produced the hæmorrhage was not violent. Arnica-HEMOPTYSIS from external violence. Arnica-Beating and burning in the epigastrium, blood appears in coagulated lumps, without cough, epigastrium sensitive, patient powerless. After, corporeal ill-treatment; with the aid of Nux Vom. and China. Arnica-Light, frothy blood, mixed with coagu- la and mucus, was expectorated in rather large masses by slight hacking, heat, congestion of blood in the breast, palpitation, from time to time attacks of syncope. Arnica-Very violent HÆMOPTYSIS; with the aid of Stannum and Sulphur. Bismuthum and Sulphur-HEMOPTYSIS with pressing pain. Bryonia, Arnica, China, Nux Vomica, Aconit. -Cough, with bloody expectoration, oppression of the breast, sticking on respiring deeply. Crocus, Digitalis, and Sepia-In a child from over heating. Lachesis. Ledum-In a woman who had suffered for nine years with phthisis. pulmon,, removed by two doses. Ledum with Acon.-Lycopodium. Millefolium-Every evening congestion of blood in the breast; blood appears in the mouth, then 112 cough with expectoration of more light-coloured blood. For the debility, China. Millefolium-HAMOPTYSIS with frequent san- guineous expectoration, constant constriction of the chest and strong palpitations. Pulsatilla and Sepia-Alternately, being pre- ceded by Aconit. Rhus and Ledum-As soon as the patient coughs a warm feeling in the breast arises, a quantity of light red blood is then expectorated, with a very painful feeling in the lower part of the breast, above the epigastrium, anxious constriction of the breast, debilitated and emaciated. Finally one dose of China. Silicea with the aid of Sulphur and Calcarea- Weak, broken voice, sticking pain in the right side, sensation of fullness and burning in the chest, pe- riodical attacks of spitting of blood, the blood which is expectorated is black, mixed with pus, purulent expectoration, thick, of a whitish green or grey colour, fetid. HÆMORRHAGIA ANI. See HÆMORRHOIDES. HÆMORRHAGIA NARIUM. See EPISTAXIS. HÆMORRHAGIA UTERI. See METRORRHAGIA. HÆMORRHAGIA OCULORUM. DISCHARGE OF BLOOD FROM THE EYES. Belladonna--With swelling of the eyes in chil- dren. Chamomilla. Nux Vomica-Eyes protruded, palpebræ swol- len, wind colic, constipation. HÆMORRHOIDES. PILES. Acidum nitricum-Bleeding piles with protru- sion of hæmorrhoidal tumours. Acidum muriaticum-Turgid and inflamed hæ- morrhoidal tumours. 113 Ammonium carbonicum-Bleeding piles. Ammonium muriaticum-Renews the sup- pressed hæmorrhoidal discharge. Calcarea carbon.--Suppressed hæmorrhoids and their sequelæ. Carbo vegetabilis-Painful hæmorrhoidal tu- mours. Chamomilla-Burning and itching in the anus, perinæum and genitals, lancinating pains in the rectum, frequent tenesmus, small tumours on the verge of the anus, of a livid red colour, very pain- ful, defœcation attended with pain. Graphit. and Nux Vom.-Blind piles, with ver- tigo, weakness of the eyes, cardialgia, gastric pres- sure and flatulency. Sulphur-In various forms of hæmorrhoidal dis- ease. Other remedies are--Nux Vomica, Ignatia, and Sepia. HEMERALOPIA. DAY SIGHT. NIGHT BLINDNESS. Belladonna-In the candle-light sees nothing but iridescent circles surrounding it. Belladon. and Hyosciamus, Belladonna and Mercur. Belladon., Mercur., Digit., Hyosciam., and Stramon. Belladonna, Hyosciam., and Stramon. Hyosciamus, Veratrum. HEMICRANIA. MEGRIM. HEAD-ACHE OF ONE SIDE OF THE HEAD. Belladonna-Resembling tic doloureux, recurring every Friday. Causticum, Veratrum. China-HEMICRANIA, with exaltation of spirits and great sensibility of the part affected to pressure. Cocculus-With constricting or compressing head- 10* # t 114 ache, after eating or exercise, with vomiting or great and anxious uneasiness. Colocynth.-Periodical chronic hemicrania, re- curring daily at 5 o'clock in the afternoon; Asarum produced no perceptible improvement. Nux Vom.-Head much affected soon after awaking, succeeded by sticking pain directly above the left orbit, frequent attacks of pressing head- ache, increased by external pressure. Increases until noon, when it is most violent. Nux Vom.-Extending from the root of the nose up towards the right temple, mornings fre- quently increasing to unconsciousness and raving, jactitation, face pale and covered with cold sweat, Pulsatilla-On the left side of the forehead beat- ing and sticking, early in the morning after arising and in the evening after lying down, diminished by external pressure and in the air, alternating with violent pain in the stomach and griping. Pulsatilla 12, Nux Vom. 24, and Sepia 30, cured a case of hemicrania in four weeks. Pulsatilla-Sticking in the forehead, the tem- ples, and the right ear, extending to the teeth, and general pulsation in the head, is particularly violent in the evening and at night in bed, chilliness. Sepia-CHRONIC HEMICRANIA, very violent head- ache, severe rending and boring pains, with the in- tercurrence of very sensitive stitches, when at the worst, patient must observe a state of quiescence, close the eyes and apply pressure with the hand. Sepia-Several cases in which the pain was situated above the eye, commencing early in the morning, sometimes with vomiting, light and noise insupportable, frequently attended with menstrual disorders and leucorrhoea. Sepia-HEMICRANIA from youth up, in the morn- ing commences in the forehead, the eyes and root 115 of the nose, continues half an hour after going to bed, terminates in stupor, vomiting is sometimes added. At other times, dulness of the head, with pressure above the eyes. HEMIPLEGIA. PARALYSIS OF ONE SIDE OF THE BODY. Causticum and Nux Vomica-HEMIPLEGIA from repelled scabies, the patient drags the right foot, can walk only when supported by crutches, the hands void of sensation and powerless, urine and stool evacuated with difficulty, very violent spasms of the right foot. Cocculus and Rhus-HEMIPLEGIA, with great prostration of the mental powers, constipation, in- continence of urine, ascites. Cocculus--Loss of voluntary motion of the right arm and foot, together with torpor of those parts. Cocculus--HEMIPLEGIA after apoplexy. Nux Vomica was exhibited for the spasmodic distortions and contractions which appeared. Cocculus-With the aid of Nux Vomica. Cocculus with Rhus, Nux Vomica, and Pul- satilla. Hyosciamus, Cocculus, and Rhus-The ex- tremities of the left side are paralysed, stammering articulation, difficulty of hearing, tremulous tongue, he looks dumb, stares at one point, head-ache. Nux Vom., Bellad., and Cocculus--In a hemi- plegia from violent anger. Stannum, with the aid of Belladonna and Stra- monium. L2 HEMIPLEGIA FACIALIS. PALSY OF ONE SIDE OF THE Causticum, Graphites, Rhus and Causticum. HEPATITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER. Acon. and Merc. solub.-Violent sticking, burn- ing pain in the whole convex portion of the liver, FACE. 116 with great thirst, bilious vomiting, liver much swol- len. Bryonia--SUBACUTE HEPATITIS, pale counte- nance with a tinge of yellow, could not turn over, must lie on his back, on respiring deeply, severe pain, argillaceous stool. Bryonia and Nux Vom. Bryonia, with the aid of Merc. solubilis. Bryonia, Chamomilla. Chamomilla-HEPATITIS with violent fever, se- vere pains and anxiety. Nux Vom.--Violent sticking and pressing pain in the hepatic region, stitches there when respiring, vomiting, constipation, head-ache, quick, full, hard pulse. Nux Vomica--RHEUMATIC HEPATITIS. Nux Vomica--Perceptible distention in the he- patic region, with tense and severe sticking pains, increased by inspiration and coughing, very sensi- tive to pressure, pulse rapid, full, and rather hard; with the aid of Mercurius solubilis. Psoricum-HEPATITIS CHRONICA, with bitter taste, inappetence, flatulency, costiveness, pains in the sacral region, hepatic pains. Sulphur and Silicea-Head-ache, gastric pres- sure, sore pain below the false ribs, chill, morning sweat, lassitude, small, hard pulse. HERNIE. RUPTURES. Four herniæ in a woman æt. 53, were cured by two doses of Nux Vom., one dose of Cocculus, and one dose of Aurum i. China. HERNIA INGUINALIS. INGUINAL HERNIA. Aurum, Carbo animalis, Lycopodium, Zin- cum. 117 Cocculus--In an inguinal hernia produced by a spasmodic enlargement of the inguinal ring. Nux Vom.-Arising from excessive crying in an infant. Psoricum-Infantile inguinal hernia. HERNIA INGUINALIS CONGENITA. COGENITAL IN- GUINAL HERNIA. In an infant five weeks old, cured by Nux, Sul- phur, and Chamomilla. HERNIE INCARCERATÆ. STRANGULATED HERNIÆ. STRANGULATED FEMORAL HERNIA--No evacuation of focal matter or flatus for three days, fever, foul eructations, vomiting, two doses of Nux Vomica. STRANGULATED INGUINAL HERNIA, Aconit.-Violent burning pains in the abdomen, sickness, bitter, bilious vomiting, anxiety, weak, contracted pulse. Belladonna, Nux Vomica, Opium. HERPES. TETTER. Acidum phosph.-Moist, tettery eruption on the epithelium of the upper and lower lips, on the cheek, and near the left angle of the mouth. Aconit. and Anthracin.-HERPES forming crusts, febrile heat. Arsenic—TETTER Over the greater part of the body, with hectic fever, delirium, &c. Aurum with the aid of Sulphur-HERPETIC MACULA and eruption, occupying the dorsum of the nose, with violent itching. Bovista-FURFURACEOUS HERPES on the cheeks, shoulders and legs, in a scrophulous boy. It also re- moved a thick, humid, scurfy eruption of the ear. Bryonia with the aid of Sulphur-Small red herpes with severe itching, occupying the right side of the forehead, eye-brows, and root of the nose, also the temples and a portion of the scalp, in a child. 118 Calcarea-Red herpetic eruption with severe pruritus, occupying the popliteal space. Carbo vegetabilis-Humid, very prurient tetter on both arms, chronic urticaria on the forehead. Conium-Humid tetter on the fore-arm. Conium-Violent burning, pungent humid tet- ter on the hands and fore-arms. In repeated doses. Conium-On the whole inner surface of both fore-arms, insupportable itching, biting, particular- ly in the evening, great lassitude, constriction of the breast. After antipsorics, particularly Alumina, it disappeared permanently. Dulcamara with the aid of Graphit. and Sul- phur-Reddish spots, particularly on the leg, with violent pruritus and furfuraceous desquamation. Graphites-HERPES on the back of the hand, small congregated papulæ of a light red colour, which cover half of the dorsal surface of the hand, ardor and pruritus, with exudation of a limpid fluid. It first disappeared permanently, after Bo- vista, with the aid of Calcarea, Sepia, and Silicea. Graphites-HERPES on the right and left arm, on the hands, the face, and the calves of the legs. Hepar sulphur. and Lycopodium-Thick scurfy tetter on the fore-arm. Lachesis-An old tetter, with thick crusts in the beard. Ledum-Dry tetter on the face, which burns sen- sitively in the open air or on contracting the facial muscles. Lycopodium-Herpetic eruption on the leg with varices. Lycopodium-Furfuraceous tetter around the mouth, with pruritus, costiveness. Lycopodium-HERPES on the face, nape, calves, closely circumscribed with a yellowish ground, sin- gle, elevated spots of a vivid red colour, and scaly 119 desquamation. A redness which remained, was re- moved by Sulphur. Lycopodium-TETTER on the elbows, forming a single suppurating patch, with burning and smart- ing, and many liver-coloured spots, (Leberflecken.) Lycopodium-Purulent humid tetter. Mercurius solubilis--Severe moist tetter, scaly on the border, spreading itself over almost the whole of the fore-arm. Phosphorus and Graphit.-HERPES of the up- per lip, with violent itching, and profuse ichorous secretion, which gradually hardens, purulent papu- lar eruption over the whole body. Phosphorus--HERPES of a light brown colour, somewhat rough, resembling maculæ hepaticæ, (Le- berflecken,) with occasional pruritus. Psoricum and Lycopod.-General herpes in a child. Psoricum--Tetter on the palmar surface of the hand. Rhus-Dry herpes on the head. Rhus-Herpes on the legs, arms, breast, and ab- domen, with smarting pruritus, cough with copious expectoration and dysenteric stool, with the aid of Pulsatilla and Dulcamara. Rhus-Large herpetic eruption on the thigh, an acrid yellow fluid exudes from between the scales, violent pruritus, particularly in the warmth. Sta- phis. and Clematis preceded. Sepia--HERPES resembling maculæ hepaticæ. Sepia--An elderly lady about 60 years of age, had an obstinate herpetic eruption on the backs and wrists of both hands, for several years, was finally cured by Sepia. Sepia, Petroleum, and Calcarea-HERPES in the face and on the dorsal surface of the hand, vio- lent pruritus, base and circumference reddened. 120 Petroleum with the aid of Sulphur and Cal- carea--Humid tetter on the back of the hand, se- vere itching and burning. Ranunculus bulbosus-HERPES on the palm of the left hand. Ranunc. bulb.--Three cases of DRY TETTER ON the inner surface of the fingers, in repeated doses. Sulphur, Rhus, Dulcamara-HERPES with burning and itching. Sulphur-HERPES implicating the whole face, moist, very prurient, extending to the eye-lid, which is red and swollen. Sulphur-HERP. SQUAM. on the forehead. Sulphur and Graphit.—HUMID HERPES. CAPITIS. Sulphur-DRY HERPES extended over the whole body, with dry tinea capitis. Sulphur-In the popliteal space, very prurient, forming crusts. HERPES CRUSTACEUS, SCABBY TETTER. Conium-With very large scabs. Graphit. On the whole inner surface of the right fore-arm a thick crust with smarting and itch- ing. The part affected is stiff and immoveable. The recurrence of small, herpetic, prurient spots on the hands several months afterwards, was re- moved by Zincum. Lycopod.-Thick scabs of a straw colour, with intense nocturnal itching. Sulphur-Thick, yellow, greenish incrustations. CORRODING TETTER. HERPES EXEDENS. Sulphur, China, and Graphit. HERPES FURFURACEUȘ FACIEI. TETTER OF THE FACE. Sulphur and Lycopod. FURFURACEOUS HERPES LICHENOIDES. On the whole body. Rhus x, and Clem. erecta. 121 HERPES PALPEBRARUM FURFU- RACEOUS TETTER OF THE EYE-LIDS. With burning, pruritus, and photophobia. Bry- onia and Sulph. HERPES PHAGADANICUS. PHAGADÆNIC TETTER. With intense itching and smarting in bed, ema- ciation and evening fever. HERPES PHLYCTÆNODES. Sulphur. rinæum. FURFURACEUS. HERPES SCROTI. Antipsorin. Arsenic x. Arsenicum-Many limpid vesicles occupying the scrotum and posterior surface of the glans penis with nocturnal pruritus and burning, interrupting sleep. Petroselinum-HERPES of the scrotum and pe- HEAD. HERPES OF THE SCROTUM. HERPES SQUAMOSUS. SCALY TETTER. In a scrophulous boy, Sulphur and Calcarea. STYE. HORDEOLUM. Pulsatilla. DROPSY OF THE SCROTUM. HYDROCELE. Pulsatilla-Swelling of the scrotum on one side, and of the left spermatic cord. HYDROCELE After the use of Arnica external- ly, and of Conium internally, with the aid of Sulph., Nux Vom., Pulsat., and Graphit. disappeared. Graphit. and Sulphur. Rhododendron-INFANTILE HYDROCELE. HYDROCEPHALUS ACUTUS. ACUTE DROPSY OF THE Aconitum. Bellad.-HYDR. ACUT., from repelled measles, 11 122 the eyes distorted, head pressed into the pillow, twitchings, by which the head is drawn backwards, stupor, pupils very much dilated. Belladonna-He bores his head into the pillow, contracted pupils, stupor, startings, thirst. Belladonna with the aid of Sulphur-Burning hot, dread of light, contracted pupils, boring with the head into the pillow, burning heat and dry skin, intense thirst, fearful startings. Arnica in the third stage. Acidum phosphoric. Bryonia In the third stage, in the following symptoms: vivid red face, rolling eyes, dry, yellow brownish, coated tongue, distention and fullness of the abdomen, hurried, groaning, anxious respira- tion, frequent gulping down of drink. Helleborus niger.-Stupor, unable to hold up the head, trembling hands with frequent involun- tary motions, eyes insensible to light, pupils very much dilated, swallows the drink which is offered him very hastily, without desiring it, strikes about himself occasionally, stupid slumber, easily startled, often cries out, pulse small, intermittent. Sulphur in the third stage. HYDROCEPHALUS CHRONICUs. CHRONIC DROPSY OF THE HEAD. Helleborus, Sulphur, and Arsenic. HYDROPHOBIA. CANINE MADNESS. (Cantharides, Belladonna, Stramonium, and Hyosciamus.) Belladonna, Hyosciamus. HYDROPS. DROPSY. Arsenic, Bryonia, Camphor. China. Dulcamara-From intermittent fever, face tu- 123 mefied, abdomen and limbs swollen, nocturnal rest- lessness, scanty, offensive urine. Helleborus niger.--After scarlatina. Kali carbonicum-In dropsical attacks of old persons. Lactuca-DROPSY, with intermittent fever and constipation, the feet and abdomen much swollen. Ledum palustre, Bryonia, and Arsenic-Pre- ceded by asthma and debility, swelling of the whole body, with continual pains in all the limbs, and dry skin. Lycopodium, alternating with Bryonia. Lycopodium-In a complicated dropsy, with the aid of Sepia, Sulph., Calc., Silic., and Lycopod. Mercurius solubilis-DROPSY after scarlatina. Merc. sol.-DROPSY OF THE ABDOMEN produced by a disease of the liver, patient is emaciated, stools clay-coloured, urine scanty—had been treated for months allopathically, tapped three times; finally cured by Merc. sol. in repeated doses. Mercurius solubilis—GENERAL DROPSY, from an affection of the liver. Puls.-ABDOMINAL DROPSY in a female suffering under amenorrhoea from youth; salivated with mercury, which was immediately followed by drop- sy, Pulsat. i, one dose daily. Menses appeared the fourth day, and about a gallon of fluid was dis- charged from the bowels; abdomen returned to natural size. Sambucus internus-Universal dropsy. HYDROPS ACUtus. ACUTE DROPSY. Helleborus niger.-Heat, pain in all the limbs, oppression of the breast, dizziness, white tongue, tenesmus, passage of bilious mucus, the whole body is greatly swollen, urging to urinate. ++ 124 DROPSY OF THE SKIN. HYDROPS ANASARCA. Antimon. crudum, Kali carbon., and Arsenic -After suppressed intermittent fever. Arsenic with the aid of Helleborus niger. Arsenic-ANASARCA after suppressed intermit- tent fever. Belladonna with the aid of Helleborus niger.— ANASARCA post purpuram milliarem. Helleborus after Scarlatina-Patient lies coma- tose, loss of appetite, very small secretion of urine, diarrhoea with violent urging to stool, pale counte- nance. Helleborus with the aid of Arsenic—ANASARCA and ASCITES, almost constant chill, diarrhoea with strong urgings to urinate, unquenchable thirst, and very short breath. Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Sulphur, Lycopod., Sepia, Calcarea, Silicea-EDEMA OF THE CHEST, neck, feet, suppression of the menses. Sepia. Solanum nigrum-Removed a dropsy, after Ars. and Helleborus had been given with little effect. HYDROPS ASCITES. DROPSY OF THE BELLY. China. Arsenic-AscITES with oedema of the feet, the patient has pains in the limbs, is powerless, asth- matic, with the aid of Ledum and Bryonia. Cinchona and Digitalis. Digitalis-ABDOMINAL DROPSY and anasarca. Dropsy after intermittent fever—Colch., Ferr., Arnica, and China. HYDROPS OVARII. Belladonna. HYDROTHORAX. DROPSY OF THE CHEST. Arsenic-ŒDEMA of the feet, violent nocturnal dyspnoea, lying with the head elevated, short cough. OVARIAN DROPSY. 125 Arsenic and Carbo vegetab. Arsenic, Helleborus, and Digitalis. Colchicum-Orthopnoea, violent periodical con- striction of the chest, short, dry, concussive cough, distended abdomen, frequent flatulent eructations, urging to stool, turbid urine passing by drops, cede- ma, great debility, with the aid of Opium, Bryonia, China, and Bellad. Digitalis-DROPSY with fever. Pulsatilla, Kali carbonicum. HYDRARTHRON GENU. DROPSY OF THE KNEE JOINT. Iodine. HYPOCHONDRIA. Low SPIRITS. Aurum-Distention, fulness in the abdomen, flatulent discharges, constipation, fear of the future. With the aid of Nux, Veratr., Bellad., and Pulsat. Baryta acetica and Rhus-Anorexia, dyspep- sia, late sleep with fearful dreams, a strong feeling of anxiety ascending from the abdomen, dejection, anxious respecting the future. Nux Vomica-Congestion to the head, vertigo, roaring noise in the ears, morning sickness, gastric pressure with great anxiety, much flatus discharged, with stool, short breath when walking, anxious, mo- rose, irritable. Nux Vom.-Vertigo, bewildered feeling of the head, sourish, mucous, disagreeable taste, anorexia with disgusting taste of all food, epigastrium dis- tended, sensitive, constipation, with the aid of Co- nium, Sulphur, Natrum mur., and Lycopod. Nux Vom. with the aid of Aconit., Arsenic, Coloc., Carbo animal. and Carbo vegetab.-Hy- POCHONDRIASIS with hæmorrhoids, congestion and obstruction of the liver, intermescence of the abdo- men and spasms of the chest. Phosphor.-Violent head-ache with stupor and 11* 126 congestion to the head, occasional dimness of vision, violent syrigmus, coryza without nasal discharge, sour eructations, flatulency, the utmost irritability and peevishness. Mercur. solub.-HYPOCHONDRIA from repelled scabies, congestion to the head and chest, vertigo, constriction of the chest, timidity, distention of the abdomen, pressing pain in the left hypochondrium. Stannum--Hypochondriacal and hysterical complaints, with cramp in the stomach. Sulphur-Great languor, constant vertigo, dull- ness, great lassitude after slight exertion, inclined to suicide, asthmatic when ascending a height, various gastric symptoms. Sulphur and Sepia-PSORIC HYPOCHONDRIA, in- creased mucous secretion, coryza without nasal dis- charge, disorder of the digestive function. HYSTERALGIA SPASMODICA in partu. Ignatia--Pain in the pubic region, sometimes pressing inwards and again outwards, she gasps for breath, changeable disposition. Pulsatilla. HYSTERIA. HYSTERICS. Aurum-Noise in the ears, dull head-ache, pres- sure in the eyes, abdomen much distended, frequent palpitations, attacks of great languor, very fickle disposition, desires death. Aurum-HYSTERIA spasms with alternate parox- ysms of laughing and crying, prolapsus uteri and exostoses within in the pelvic cavity being at the same time present. Belladonna-Gastric and other abdominal pains. Bryonia-Hysterical spasms of the head and abdomen, with gastric complaints and costiveness. Cicuta--Tetanus hystericus. Chamomilla-Tetanus hystericus. 127 Ignatia-Pressing, constricting pain in the fore- head and occiput, with red face, and diminished visual power, spasmodic contraction of the œsopha- gus, thoracic constriction, difficult respiration, tre- mor of the head and twitching of the extremities, with diminished consciousness. Ipecacuanha-Hysteric spasms with the head thrown backwards, facial muscles distorted. Nux Vomica-Hysterical complaints, palpita- tions, nausea, inclination to vomit, retching, con- traction in the throat, principally forenoons, with pressure in the epigastrium. Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Veratrum, and Gra- phit.-In important hysterical affections. Pulsatilla-On awaking early in the morning very violent head-ache, vertigo, very great lassitude, colour of the face varies, great anxiety, restless, feeling of constriction of the chest, frequent rigors. Pulsat., Bryonia, Nux Vom., Opium, and Sul- phur-Sharp lancinating pains in the umbilical region, from which it removes into the abdomen, spasmodic contraction in the region of the larynx, frequent flushing of the face; the spasmodic attacks begin generally with great anxiety, lassitude, rest- less sleep, mental excitement, severe rending pains in the shoulders and arms. After eating, anxiety and oppression in the epigastrium. Silicea-Menstrual ataxiæ, sticking pain in the throat with dysphagia, silent, meditative, vertigo, head-ache, constipation, restless, anxious, aversion to labour, complaints exacerbated during the in- crease of the moon. Silicea and Sepia-HYSTERIA with globus hys- tericus, which constricts respiration, pressure in the epigastrium, rumbling in the belly, menses every fourteen days, throbbing and beating in the head, anorexia, vomiting, debility. 128 I ICTERUS. JAUNDICE. Belladonna alternating with Nux-Restless sleep, startings, bitter taste, trismus, various dis- orders after eating, griping pains in the umbilical region, nights, costiveness. Aurum-Great prostration and emaciation, taste excessively bitter, oppressed respiration, stools sel- dom and grey. RUM. Chamomilla, Mercur. and Sulphur. China-Painful distended abdomen, anorexia, stool slightly coloured. Aconit. preceded. China, Merc., and Sulphur-ICTERUS NEONATO- Digitalis-With mucous vomiting, nausea, lassi- tude, loss of appetite, thirst. Digitalis-İCTERUS SPASMODICUS, skin of a yellow hue, nausea, inclination to vomit, frequent retch- ings, bitter taste, inappetence, sensitiveness, pressure in the epigastric and hepatic regions, grey argil- laceous excrement, tardy stool, chill alternating with heat. Mercur. Nux Vom.-Nausea, sickness, pressure in the gastric region, constipation. Nux Vomica. Pulsatilla and Nux Vom.-General lassitude and relaxation, prostration, constant pain in the hypochondria, sticking in the hepatic region ex- tending to the arm. ICTERUS from disorganization of the liver. Ar- senic. ILEUS. Bryonia-Alvine obstruction without stercora- 129 ceous vomiting, with yellowness of the face, sunken eyes, and rigidity of the abdominal muscles. Bryonia, with the aid of Opium and Plumbum. ILEUS INFLAMMATORIUS; fever, tense, distended ab- domen, cutting or contracting pains in the colon, face flushed, bitter taste, violent thirst, frequent, imperceptible pulse, great restlessness, anxiety, fear of death, no stool for six days, an offensive yellow fluid breaks out. Belladonna-ILEUS. Ipecacuanha. Opium-ILEUS in an hysterical female, with vomiting of fecal matter and urine. Opium-No stool for five days, violent pains in the umbilical region, distended abdomen painful to the touch, thirst, constant anxiety. IMPETIGINES. CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS. Arsenic-Eruption in the region of the beard, consisting of red papulæ, the apices of which became vesicles filled with matter, the face from this cause appeared of a vivid red colour, itching on the head, pustular eruption with depilation. Arsenic-CUTANEOUS ERUPTION, burning and itch- ing of twenty-seven year's duration upon the head, neck, and face of an old lady, of a dry papular character at first, afterwards covered with a thick, yellowish crust, removed by two or three doses of Ars. 3. Arsenic-Large and burning pustules with in- flamed circumference and somewhat elevated, on the dorsal surface of the right hand, which was swollen, and could not be used. Ammonium and Sepia-Impetigo in the elbow joint, small maturating pustules, which itch, and on being scratched burn violently, scabs form, beneath which pus is secreted, milky fluor albus. After 130 some time small papulæ re-appeared, which were completely removed by Graphit. Causticum, Sulphur, Mercur. and Veratrum album. In a boy at. 7 years, eruption of several years standing, swelling of the meibomian glands, with burning pain, behind both ears a suppurating fissure, an itching eruption resembling scabies on the abdomen, thighs, nates, and in the knee joint, which excites scratching in the evening and night. Chamomilla-Red papulæ close together, con- gregated on a red patch, which itches chiefly at night. Cicuta virosa-IMPETIGO OF THE FACE, of sixteen years' standing, eruption elevated about a line above the surface, which on originating caused burning pain, then became confluent, of a dark red colour. Cicuta virosa-TINEA FACIEI, IMPETIGO of the face recurring annually, a small scurf appears on the left angle of the mouth, which continually spreads, and from which a yellowish lymph exudes that causes soreness in the parts with which it comes in contact, forms scabs of the colour of honey, with burning and smarting pain; the submaxillary glands are swollen, and scabs of a brownish yellow colour in the nostrils. Graphites-TINEA FACIEI. Helleborus-An ERUPTION resembling the itch, with inflammation of the eye-lids, loss of sleep from the itching on the body, emaciation, constant diar- rhoea. Ledum-Pimples or furuncles on the forehead, or red papulary eruption on the face, smarting itch- ing on the breast. Mercurius aceticus-Itching pimples over the whole body, which burn like fire after scratching. Mercurius solubilis-IMPETIGO on the abdomen, 131 the thighs, the genitals, around the right ear and the left nostril, with dysury and swollen scrotum. Merc. sublimat. corros.-SYPHILITIC IMPETIGO, eruption on the right lumbar region, and on the hands with copper-coloured base and maturating pustules, which burned and pained. Merc. solubilis-HERPETIC ERUPTION, burning when touched. Lachesis-HERPETIC ERUPTION on the back of the hand, which continually increased, discharged much ichor, itched and burned. Mercurius solubilis-CUTANEOUS ERUPTION over the whole body, in the face a dirty yellow incrus- tation, secreting a fetid humour, itching, lachryma- tion, small pustules on the conjunctiva. Oleander-Eruption on the hairy scalp, very prurient, then smarting after scratching, particu- larly at night, sometimes scaly and again humid. Oleander-Eruption on the ear. Psoricum-IMPETIGO between the fingers, on the wrists and elbow-joints an eruption, which gradual- ly extended over both fore-arms. Psoricum-TINEA FACIEI, the whole of the face is covered with scabs, in a child æt. 1 1-2 years, with swelling of the lips and eye-lids. Psoricum-TINEA FACIEI, a humid, highly offen- sive scabby eruption spreading over the whole face. Rhus TINEA FACIEI, the whole sinciput, the forehead and right side of the face are covered with a thick humid scurf, beneath which there is an ichorous matter, frequently mixed with blood and of an insupportable odour, which exudes at various points, the integument beneath the scab is rough, sore, uneven, and discoloured, insupportable smart. ing and itching, eye-lids swollen, over the whole. body it is rough and furfuraceous, particularly the extremities, large humid patches with thick scabs 132 frequently arise on these parts, in other places the eruption is dry. Sepia-A DRY ERUPTION Over the whole body af- ter repelled scabies. Stibium tartaricum-An ERUPTION over the whole body with scabs of the size of a pea, which were filled with pus. Sulphur and Sepia-TINEA FACIEI, the face is full of scabs, with papula which arise and disap- pear, impaired vision, opacity of the cornea. Sulphur-A SCABBY ERUPTION on the loins, of fourteen years standing, suppurating at several joints, itching of the affected part, worse at night. Vinca minor.-TINEA FACIEI, chronic eruption on the head, face, and behind the ears, humid and of strong odour. IMPOTENTIA. IMPOTENCE. Nocturnal pollutions with copious seminal emis- sions, erections not constant, wandering pains, Ig- natia i, Nux x, Caps, ii, Anacard., Capsicum, and Cannab. thesa & alia & Acidum Muriaticum-Libidinous desires with- out erections. Acidum phosphoricum. Lycopodium with the aid of Conium, Sepia, and Sulphur. Moschus-Impotence from cold. IMPOTENTIA, with induration of both testicles- Calcarea sulphurat. i, Lycopod. vi, Graphit. vi, and Sulphur. INCONTINENTIA ALVI. INVOLUNTARY DEFÆCATION. Arnica-With discharge of a brown, watery, and inodourous urine. Hyosciamus-INCONT. from paralysis of the sphincter ani muscle. ! # i 224 * 17. 133 A INCONTINENTIA URINÆ. INVOLUNTARY URINATION. Cicuta virosa-Loss of strength, dull hearing, raw, burning sensation in the stomach, troubled, sorrowful disposition. Magnesia carbonica and Natrum muriat. Rhus-Patient cannot retain his urine long, he must evacuate immediately, or it is discharged in- voluntarily. Sulph. and Calcar. carb.-Painful involuntary discharge of blood red urine. Sulphur and Caust. Sulph. and Pulsat. W ivan im INDURATION. INDURATION of the left knee. Silicea. INDURATIO SCIRRHOSA of the right inguinal glands. Iodine externally. INDURATION of the mesenteric glands. Tinct. sul- phuris. INDURATION of the lower lip. Arsenic, with a livid ulcer, the lip is prominent, a hard, firm swell- ing in the epithelium, the external edge of the lip covered with a thick scab, on the inner surface of the lip two pustules and a flat ulcer, rending pains in the indurated lump and sore, which extended to- wards the cheeks and ear, a papulary eruption free from pain, on touching the lip, it smarts and pains as if sore, the swelling is almost gone. Sepia x, (owing to the occurrence of fever and pleuritis, Aconit. and Bryonia x.) A papulary eruption re- sembling scabies appeared with improvement of the general health. Petrol., Phosphor. and Sul- phur completely cured the lip. INDURATION OF THE MAMMÆ. BREAST. SCHIRRUS OF THE Immoveable induration from a blow, sometimes 12 134 itching in it. Conium maculat. internally and ex- ternally, with the aid of Chamomilla. INDURATIO TESTICULORUM. TESTICLES. Spongia, then Aurum 6. PAINFUL INDURATION OF THE TESTICLES. Coccul., Aurum, Rhodod., Spigelia, Nitr. acid., Aurum, Nux Vom. INDURATIO UTERI SCIRRHOSA. CANCER OF THE WOMB. INDURATION OF THE China-Serous, bloody discharge, which some- times changes to a discharge of lumps of blackish blood, and again to a bloody streaked, purulent, very fetid matter, heaviness and sensation of full- ness in the genitals, with great debility and ema- ciation. Belladonna-INDURATION with prolapsus uteri and metrorrhagia. Murias magnes.-SCHIRROUS INDURATION of the uterus. INDURATION of the vagina. Sepia. INFLAMMATIO ERYSIPELATOSA MAMMÆ. TOUS INFLAM. OF THE BREAST. Bryonia and Phosphor. 7 ERYSIPELA- * INFLAMMATIO FACIEI ET OCUli. INFLAMMATION OF THE FACE AND EYES. Face dark red, covered with many pustules, eyes closed, much thirst, Calc. sulph. and Euphorb. produced improvement. Sepia effected a cure. INFLAMMATIO PEDIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE FEET. From a contusion-Hot shining swelling of the great and second toes, and of the whole fore part of the foot. Arnica. 135 INFLAMMATIO RHEUMATICA BRACHII. RHEUMATIC INFLAM. OF THE UPPER ARM. Antimon. crudum.-The tendinous insertion of the biceps muscle of the right arm is swollen, pain- ful, a part of the fore-arm participated in the in- flammation, arm could not be flexed. INFLAMMATION OF THE MUCOUS COAT OF THE INTES- TINES. Antimon. tart. and Colocynth. Influenza. EPIDEMIC CATARRH. Arnica-Stitches in the breast, pain in the sacral region, rending pains in the limbs, hæmorrhage from the nose and mouth. Belladonna-In status nervosus with delirium, and a kind of floccitatio. Camphor-In diarrhoea or soft stool, with ex- ternal coldness. Carbo. vegetab.-Protracted cough with easy expectoration of mucus. Conium-Bad nocturnal cough. Ignatia amara.-General convulsions with froth at the mouth. Iodium-Cough with bloody expectoration, pains in the breast, and high fever. Ipecacuanha-Violent retching and vomiting of mucus. Mercurius-Pain in the limbs with or without deep catarrhal cough, sudden prostration of strength, chill, violent head-ache, stitches in the breast and coughing up blood. Mercurius vivus-In an affection of the head, throat, and chest, with a concussive dry cough, which afterwards becomes loose, which prevents talking. Mercurius solub. Nux Vom.-Is a chief remedy in influenza. 136 Phosphor.-Catarrhal fever with dry heat, acrid nasal discharge, much sneezing and coughing, the trachea subsequently became very painfully affect- ed, can scarcely breathe for coughing, and cannot speak on account of the pain in the bronchia. Phosphor.-In an inflammatory affection of the trachea, the pain of which prevented speaking. Pulsatilla-For a violent cough with copious expectoration and pains in the breast. Sabadilla--Great sleepiness, chilliness, dyspha- gia, bitter taste, absence of thirst, cough with vo- miting, when coughing, pain in the head and gas- tric region, very painful lameness of the limbs, ex- acerbations noons and evenings, likewise in the cold, hot face with chill and coldness of the extre- mities. Senega-In tickling and burning in the fauces and larynx. Stannum--Loose cough with much expectora- tion. Taraxacum--Cough commenced with a severe scratching sensation in the œsophagus and bronchia. INTERTRIGO. EXCORIATIONS. Sepia--INTERTRIGO in conjunction with spas- modic night cough. INTUMESCENTIA INFLAMMAT. GLAND. INGUINAL. IN- FLAM. SWELLING OF THE INGUINAL GLANDS. Dulcamara--Arising from cold, pain chiefly when moving or attempting to walk, drawing pain extending to above the arch of the pubis, finally vomiting, diarrhoea, slight fever. GLANDULARUM INTUMESCENTIA INFLAMMATORY SWELLING OF THE SUBMAX. GLANDS. Conium merc.—In a female aged 37. Mercurius solub.-With sticking pains. SUBMAXILLARIUM. 137 INTUMESCENTIA NARIS SCROPHULOSI PERIODICA. Pɛ- RIODICAL SCROFULOUS SWELLING OF THE NOSE. Calcarea--With a blueish-red colour, and ob- struction of the nasal duct. INTUMESCENTIA TESTICULI ET FUNICULI SPERMATICI. Swelling of THE TESTICLES AND SPERMATIC CHORD. Pulsatilla-Gonorrhoea with abdominal pains, chill, thirst, anorexia, and diarrhoea. INTUMESCENTIA UTERI EX partu. SWELLING OF THE UTERUS FROM PARTURITION. Belladonna-With constant pressure, drawing pains in the sacral region. INTUMESCENTIA VAGINE. GINA. Nux Vomica. IRITIS ARTHRITICA. THE IRIS. SWELLING OF THE VA- ( ARTHRITIC INFLAMMATION OF Cocculus-Sclerotica, cornea and iris inflamed, dread of light, contracted pupils, lancinating pains in the orbit. Cocculus and Staphysagria--Very violent lan- cinating pain in and around the left orbit, with the aid of Nux Vom., Bryonia, Calcarea, Conium, and Lycopodium. He- IRITIS ARISING FROM THE ABUSE OF MERCURY. par sulphur. ISCHIAS NERVOSA. SCIATICA. Nitric acid.-SCIATICA, pains mitigated when riding, the inquietude in the affected limb increased after the use of wine or flatulent attacks; with the aid of Carbo vegetabilis. Chamomilla Nocturnal pains in the right thigh conjoined with weakness of the whole limb, so that the patient had to assume a slow gait, suddenly 12* 138 Uxime complete lameness of the leg with very violent pains, particularly severe at night. Colocynth.-ISCHIAS with inability either to walk or stand. Colocynthis-Entirely unable to step with the foot of the affected side. Nux Vomica and Carbo vegetab.--ISCHIAS NER- VOSA ANTICA, violent rending pains increased by motion or contact, with the aid of Sulphur. Pulsatilla-Violent sticking and rending pains, patient limps, the pain extends upwards, or inwards and upwards into the knee, with the aid of Sul- phur. Rhus. ISCHURIA. RETENTION OF URINE. Pulsatilla-With paroxysms of compression of the abdomen, groaning, crying, distortion of the eyes and mouth, abdomen in the region of the blad- der red and hot. Arnica-With a sense of fullness of the bladder and impossibility to evacuate the urine. Cannabis-ISCHURIA with constipation. Also Camphor and Uva ursi. L LÆSIO CAPITIS. INJURY OF THE HEAD. Mercurius solubilis-A man addicted to drink fell down cellar on his head. Arnica and Aconit. were applied without effect. Arnica. LÆSIO ŒESOPHAGI. INJURY OF THE ŒESOPHAGUS. Cicuta--Lesion from a spiculum of bone, throat much swollen, anxiety, speechlessness, danger of suffocation. 139 ACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE LARYNGITIS ACUTA. Aconit. and Spongia. LARYNGITIS CHRONICA. CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE LARYNX. LARYNX. Hepar sulph., Calc. iv, and Spongia. Spongia tosta.-Hoarseness, roughness, burning in the wind pipe, sometimes expectoration of viscid mucus. LEPRA. LEPROSY. Alumina, Ammon. carb., Arsenic, Baryta, Carbo animal., Carbo veget., Causticum, Co- loc., Conium, Graphit., Iod., Kali carb., Lycopod., Magn. carb., Mur. magnes., Natr. carb., Ñatr. muriat., Nitr, acid., Petroleum, Phosphor., Se- pia, Silicea, Sulphur, Zinc. LETHARGUS. SOMNOLENCY. Belladonna-Obliged to lie down, sleep of seve- ral hours duration. LEUCOMA. SPOTS UPON THE CORNEA. Calc. carb. See also MACULÆ CORNEÆ. Jane LEUCOPHLEGMATIA. DROPSICAL DIATHESIS. Rhus, Helleborus niger. LEUCORRHEA. WHITES. FLUOR ALBUS. Aconit. .F Alumina-Acrid, corroding LEUCORRHEA, par- ticularly before menstruation. Arnica and then Calcarea-LEUCORRHOEA with tumor genu. Bovista-Excoriating LEUCORRHŒA. Calcarea carbonica--Profuse daily discharge of mild white mucus with violent pruritus of the geni- tals, occasionally burning and sudden stitches, gene- 140 ral languor and prostration, particularly weakness in the knees and legs, leanness, pale face, pains of the breast, dry cough. Calcarea carbon.-LEUCORRHOEA of three or four years standing, principally after menstruation, ex- coriates, frequent sticking pains in the hepatic re- gion, frequent pains in the sacral region, little ap- petite. Cocculus-FLUOR ALBUS resembling water in which meat has been washed, (Fleischwasserähn- licher,) with a purulent, ichorous fluid, wind colic, distension of the abdomen with every motion, pain as if from an internal sore. Leucorrhin. x--With menstrual disorder, and paroxysms of cramp. Leucorrhin x. Lycopodium with the aid of Pulsatilla-Acrid and excoriating leucorrhoea, increased before and after menstruation, worse early in the morning, pain in the side. Mercurius solubilis—ACRID FLUOR ALBUS with burning, smarting pains.jir of the . Natrum muriaticum-LEUC. Scrophulosæ puel- læ prius herpeticæ, very pale appearance, discharge day and night of much white, thick, pellucid, mild mucus, without pain or other affection of the abdo- men or genital organs, pressing pain in the sinciput, great disposition to mucous diarrhoea. Nitric acid.--Metrorrh. maligna, with pains in the head and rending in the limbs. Previous use of mercury. Nux Vom.--Irregular menstruation, small dis- charge of blood with severe pains in the abdomen, yellowish, offensive discharge of mucus without pain, colic, feeling of faintiness in the pit of the stomach with sickness, constipation. Pulsatilla--Fluor albus of a pregnant woman. 141 Sepia-Profuse discharge of a thick, yellowish, mild mucus, only through the day, with fulness, weight, tension of the abdomen, constant painful downward pressure in the side as if from a weight, menstruation not affected. LIENTERIA. DIARRHOEA WITH PASSAGE OF UNDI- GESTED FOOD. China-Particularly nights. China--Immediately after eating, pain in the belly, and then diarrhoea of undigested food. Phosphor. LITHIASIS. CALCULOUS DIATHESIS. In gravelly complaints with urging to urinate and spasmodic contraction of the bladder, Sarsa- parilla, Petrol., Calcarea, Phosphor., and Lyco- podium, produced improvement. Cannabis-CALCULUS of the bladder, with uri- nary complaints, bloody urine, violent pains. Lycopodium-CALCULI RENALES, in its place a copious hæmorrhoidal discharge appeared every month. LOCHIORRHEA. TOO PROFUSE LOCHIAL DISCHARGE. Crocus, Bryonia, and Calcarea. Nux Vom. and China-LOCHIA after miscar- riage, short dry cough, violent pains in the stomach, constipation, copious flow of milk, great debility. SUPPRESSED LOCHIAL DIS- LOCHIA SUPPRESSA. CHARGE. Pulsatilla. LORDOSIS. Spinal curvature. Belladonna. LUMBAGO. PAIN IN THE LOINS. Stannum. Rhus-Pains in the lumbar region particularly at night, of 18 months standing. 142 H LUMBRICI. LONG ROUND WORMS. Aconit. Cicuta, Cina, Nux Vomica, Sabadilla, Spige- lia, Ol. tereb. LUPIA. ENCYSTED TUMOUr. Baryta carbon., Causticum, Calcarea, Gra- phit. LUPUS VORAX. A MALIGNANT SORE. NOLI ME TANGERE. On the thumbs with fistulous ulcerations in an individual of lepro-psoric diathesis. LUXATIO SPONTANEA FEMORIS; VID. COXALGIA. iλ M 4.4. SPOTS ON THE CORNEA. MACULE CORNEÆ. Bellad., Aurum, Conium, Cannabis, Hepar sulphuris, Arsenic, Nitric. acidum, Sulphur. See also OBSCURATIO CORNEÆ. See MORBUS ANIMI. MANIA. 157 MARASMUS. ATROPHY. EMACIATION. China-In a boy, with frequent stools, constant sweat, anorexia, loss of thirst, emaciation, paleness and debility, with the aid of Ferrum. MARASMUS SENILIS. DECAY OF OLD AGE. Conium, Buryta acetica, and Opium. MASTITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE MAMMÆ. Aconit., Bellad. Bryonia-After taking cold, tension, severe sticking pains, burning, hardness, redness of the skin and increased temperature. Aconit. with Hepar sulph. and Silicea-The In excellent prophylactic against Mustitie Bryonia in de 200 Potence from the 2nd to the 4 ta day. Jac. R. Bill, and H. M. Jun 143 mammæ is considerably swollen, has fistulous pas- sages, with moderate fever and great debility. Chamomilla-Where anger or fright was the exciting cause. Mercur.-Hardness, tumefaction, sensibility, pain- fulness of the mammæ, with rending in the side of the face. Phosphor.-In the second stage, after the forma- tion of pus, it promotes the spontaneous opening of the abscess. Phosphor.-Suppurating openings with callous edges on various parts of the breast, dry cough, but sometimes accompanied with bloody expectora- tion and hectic fever. Phosphor.--In tedious suppuration of the breast with constant fever. Phosphor. and Silicea-Abscess with copious secretion of pus. Silicea-MASTITIS with fistulous passages. Sulphur-Ulcer of the mammæ covered with fungous flesh, with secretion of thin sanguinolent pus. MASCHALOPAanus. AXILLARY GLANDS. Carb. animalis. INDURATED SWELLING OF THE MELAENA. See MORBUS Niger. MELANCHOLIA. See MORBI ANIMI. MELONCUS. Violent swelling of the cheek. Two doses of Lycopod., Calcar. carb. and Sulphur. MELONCUS DENTARIUS. Chamom., Magnetis polus. arct., Euphorbium, Bellad., Mercur. solub., Rhus, Pulsatilla, Nux Vom., and Bryonia. 144 MENINGITIS ACUTA INFANTUM. OF THE MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN IN INFANTS. Belladonna, Chamom., Phosphor. ACUTE INFLAM. MENINGITIS PUERPERALIS. THE MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. Aconit., Belladonna, Stramon., Veratr., Hyos- ciam., and Platina. PUERPERAL INFLAM. OF MENOSTASIA. SUPPRESSION OF THE MENSES. Kali carbonic., Opium, Sepia, Stramonium. Pulsatilla-Pale face, spasmodic tension of the breast, and continual chilliness. Sulphur-With fever, congestion to the head, breast, spleen and vessels of the back and loins, with hæmorrhoidal affection. Also Veratrum. MENSTRUALATAXIÆ. MENSTRUAL DISORDERS. The menses appear too frequently and flow too profusely, fluor albus, pains in the head, twitching of the eye-lids, palpitations, clotted, dark-coloured menstrual discharge, Acidum phosph. Aurum-From menstrual disturbance, pressing pains in the abdomen, congestion to the head, in- supportable pressing, rending pains particularly in the sinciput, the whole head dull, vertiginous, ex- acerbation before and after menstruation, melan- choly tone of mind, does not speak. Bovista-Profuse menstruation every fourteen days, preceded by excoriating leucorrhoea. Calcar. carb.--Profuse menstruation, accom- panied with violent abdominal pains, frequent pains in the head, dizziness, vertigo particularly before and after menstruation, pressure on the breast, great lassitude. China-Profuse menstrual discharge, vertigo, pressing pain in the head, glimmering before the eyes, whizzing in the ears, dry mouth, thirst, pains 145 in the abdomen, hard scanty stool, restlessness, great debility. Cocculus-Spasms during menstrual disturbance. Crocus-Excessive menstruation. Graphites-Very sparing menstrual discharge, with drawing in the abdomen and all the limbs Graphites--Menses too sparing and too seldom, irregular in their appearance, with discharge of thick blood, black like pitch, constant pressing pains in the head, swelling of the abdomen, and of the upper and lower extremities, heaviness, lan- guor, inactivity. Ignatia-Menses too early and profuse, before and during the discharge, heat in the head, heavi- ness, violent pressing pains in the forehead, sensi- tiveness of the eyes to light, ringing in the ears; anorexia, sensation of emptiness in the stomach, pal- pitations, weakness approaching syncope. Nux Vomica-Menstrual spasms, pressure in the forehead and on the crown of the head, pain- ful pressing sensation extending upwards from the uterus to the umbilicus, sometimes to the gastric region, together with paroxysms of syncope. Opium-Menstrual spasms. Phosphor.-Menses continue eight days, and leave the patient much debilitated. Platina Menses too profuse and long continued, with downward pressure from the loins towards the genitals, and spasmodic labour-like pains in the ab- domen. Augustin Platina-Every two weeks menses appear, and discharge profusely for two days, particularly at night, very severe cutting in the hypogastrium, heavy pressing down towards the genitals, and very violent labour-like pains. After menstruation great exhaustion. Pulsatilla Menstruation too early, fluor albus 13 +4 146 before and after the flow, with cutting pains, short breath, sleeplessness. Secal. cornut.-Menstrual flow every every two weeks, with pain, weakness, loss of appetite, and leucophlegmatic aspect. Cured with one or two doses of Secal. cornut. INFLAMMATION OF THE WOMB. METRITIS. Aconit., Pulsatilla, and Nux Vom. Belladonna and Pulsatilla. Tag METRITIS PUERPERALIS. VID. FEBRIS PUERPE- RALIS. METRORRHAGIA. (UTERINE HÆMORRHAGE.) DIS- CHARGE OF BLOOD FROM THE WOMB. Asarum-Succeeding violent spasms after fright, during gestation. Belladonna-Suits where bearing down pains in the abdomen extending to the groin, and violent pain in the sacral region exist concomitantly. Bry- onia where the discharge of dark-red blood is con- nected with violent pains in the sacral region, and very sensible pains in the head as if it was being pressed asunder. Chamomilla, dark hæmorrhagic discharge with coagula at intervals. Crocus, in nervous erethism, head-ache, stupor, vertigo, whiz- zing in the ears, face alternately flushed and pale, colicky pains with discharge of dark-coloured, co- agulated, viscid blood. Ferrum, in severe ere- thism of the vascular system, face fiery red, hard full pulse. Hyosciamus, constant discharge of light-red blood with general spasms, interrupted by startings or twitchings of the limbs. Pulsatilla, chiefly when the discharge comes at intervals, with expulsion of coagula. Arnica-MET. from external violence. Belladonna-Uninterrupted flow of light-colour- 147 ed blood, pulse full, hard, frequent, violent pains in the abdomen, which prevent all rest. Belladonna-Very copious menstruation, light- coloured blood, violent pains in the abdomen. Belladonna-At the menstrual period violent abdominal pains with constant discharge of light- coloured blood. Bryonia. Chamomilla--Very copious hæmorrhagic dis- charge of offensive dark coagula, appearing at the menstrual period, unattended by pain, great gene- ral debility, whizzing in the ears. Chamomilla-Violent METRORRHAGIA in a pa- tient recently delivered, paleness, almost uncon- scious, pulse scarcely perceptible. Chamomilla-METRORRHAG. during menstrua- tion, uninterrupted flow of blood, which was very offensive, great debility, whizzing in the ears. China-Constant hæmorrhage for four weeks, pressing pains in the head, labour-like abdominal pains, urging to urinate, scanty, hard stool, great debility, sleeplessness, restless, vanishing of thoughts, blood discharged in dark, coagulated pieces. Crocus, with the aid of Ipecac. and Nux Vom. Violent metrorrhagia after fright, large portions of dark coagulated blood were discharged, without any sensation, jumping sensation around the umbili- cus, a beating pain in the left side of the head and forehead, extending to the left eye, vision much impaired, vertigo, syncope, loss of appetite, nausea, exhaustion and lassitude, slight swelling of the ankles, which was cured by Ferr. mur. Crocus, with the aid of Bryonia-Discharge of dark coagulated blood not at the menstrual period. Crocus. Crocus-METR. with great debility, so that the patient can scarcely speak. 148 Cocculus-In a pregnant female with profuse muco-sanguineous discharge from the uterus. Ferrum-In a lying-in woman, from mental emotion, with labour-like pains. Ferrum metallicum, and China. Tinctura nervina Bestuschefii-Violent pains in the loins and abdomen, labour-like pains, with hard, full pulse, head-ache, and vertigo, without debility. Hyosciamus--Constant flow of light-red blood with spasms of the whole body, which were inter- rupted by starts or jerks, and twitching of particu- lar limbs. Ipecac.-VIOLENT METRORRHAGIA with abortion, abdominal pains, paleness, vertigo, nausea, much thirst; afterwards China. Mesmerismus--METR. with syncope, face and hands cold as ice, convulsions. Platina-Constant discharge of coagula, partly of a vivid red, partly of a black colour; anorexia, sensation of a ball moving in the abdomen, stitches in the inguinal and sacral region, stools seldom, dif- ficult, causing pain, hypogastric region very painful, great debility, restless sleep, melancholy. Pulsatilla-VIOLENT METRORR. in a pregnant woman, threatened abortion, false labour pains. Pulsatilla-Very violent METRORRHAGIA after delivery, patient is pale, covered with cold sweat, lies motionless, roaring in the head, loss of vision, uterine contractions completely deficient, adherent placenta, uterus of a doughy feel. Sabina--VIOLENT METRORRHAGIA with labour- like pains extending from the sacral region into the groin with violent impulse to void the urine. Sabina--Hæmorrhage with painless discharge, sometimes fluid, sometimes coagulated. Sabina-Discharge of light-red blood. 149 Sabina-Profuse menstruation with abdominal spasms. Sabina-Painless hæmorrhage from the uterus for four weeks, the blood was usually discharged in dark coagulated masses, intermixed with thin and watery blood, little discharge at night, occa- sionally bearing down towards the genitals, con- siderable general debility, emaciation. Secale cornutum, with the interposition of Cal- carea-Very copious menstruation producing syn- cope. Sepia-Constant excessive discharge of blood day and night, with a convulsive contracting pain in the abdomen, painful bearing down towards the genitals, sometimes sudden stitches through these parts. MONOMANIA MOESTA. Belladonna-He believes he has injured indi- viduals, he is in great anxiety when he sees people in the street approaching. Ignatia-From mortification, is silent and looks steadily before him, seeks solitude. MEASLES. MORBILLI. Aconit.-As a principal remedy. Aconit.-Opthalmia, great general heat, face red, burning hot, hoarse, hollow, dry cough, noctur- nal restlessness. Aconit. Measles with violent abdominal pains and impulse to urinate. Aconit. and Pulsat.--Alternately in an epi- demic. Aconit.-Heat and chill alternately, severe cough, head-ache, nasal discharge. Arnica-Measles with swelling of the parotid glands. Belladonna-From eruption with very dry heat, 13* 150 thirst, delirium, asthma, air not readily inspired, hoarse voice, pains in the belly. Belladonna-Violent head-ache, twitching of the extremities, hoarseness, which prevents speaking. Bryonia-Stitches in the breast during inspira- tion, frequent short, dry cough, rending in the ex- tremities. Bryonia-For promoting the eruption. China-Very violent pains of the belly, un- quenchable thirst, vomiting of ascarides. China-Where the abdominal complaints are prominent, with increase of stools, emaciation, pale- ness of face, without fever. Magnes. carb.-In malignant cases. Nux Vomica-To induce the appearance of the eruption. Pulsatilla-The eruption is at its acme, very intense heat with sweat, incessant short, dry cough, difficult respiration, during the cough stitches in the breast. Sulphur-Violent pains in the ears, difficulty of hearing, otorrhoea, short, hurried respiration, hoarse- ness of voice remaining. Sulphur-The following symptoms appeared from taking cold: lips and tongue covered with a dirty, dark brown, thick, viscid coating, dry heat, no thirst, does not complain of pain, takes no notice of the family, incessant cough, with copious viscid muco-purulent expectoration. When cerebral symptoms are prominent with considerable vascular fever, Belladonna and Mer- curius. In great sensibility and irritability of the nervous and muscular systems with less vascular activity, Coffea, Ignat., Belladonna, Hyosciamus. When pectoral symptoms predominate with hur- 151 ried, panting, croaking respiration, excessive rest- lessness and croupy cough, Acon. and Ipecac. In frequent nocturnal cough, Pulsatilla, Chamo- milla, and Hyosciamus. Pulsatilla-Measles disposed to recede. MORBI ANIMI. MENTAL DISEASES. Aconit. Fear of death in a woman recently de- livered, sad, taciturn, paroxysms of anxiety, loss of consciousness. Arnica-A high degree of mischievousness and fickleness, rudeness, sulky, senseless speaking. Arsenic--Great anxiety, restlessness, sleepless- ness, heat in the head, frequent weeping, believes he has injured individuals. Arsenic-PERIODICAL MELANCHOLY, anxiety in the præcordia, he is compelled to get out of bed at night from anguish, sensation of suffocation, twisting, gnawing in the pit of the stomach, with retching and flow of water from the mouth. Arsenic-MELANCHOLIA e retrograda miliaria, great internal anxiety, believes that he cannot be happy at home, inclination to suicide, sleeplessness. Aurum--RELIGIOUS MELANCHOLY produced by conscientious compunctions. Aurum with the aid of Nux Vomica, Veratrum and Pulsatilla-In the morning heaviness of the head, frequently after momentary loss of conscious- ness, erroneous fanciful ideas, anxiety, longing for his relations, (nostalgia,) fear for the future, despair, great inclination to weep, constant inquietude, seeks solitude. Belladonna--MANIA, raving, raging, spitting, wild fixed look. Belladonna-Strikes his own breast, and at those who come near him, with sadness on account of a death. 152 Belladonna-Frightful anguish, sees spectres, fear of death, recognises no one, bites and strikes about him, great restlessness, the comatose state. with deep respiration which supervened, was re- lieved by Opium. Belladonna and Stramonium--MANIA, face of a blueish-red, sparkling eyes, pupils much dilated, incessant shrieking, drinks much water, sees figures, bites and beats about him, an incessant motion of the hands, distension of the abdomen, an assumed look of importance which supervened after the Belladonna, was relieved by Stramonium, and the weeping tone of mind by Helleborus niger. Bellad., Veratr., Nux and Sulphur-MELAN- CHOLIA. Bellad., Sulphur, Cocculus, Lycopodium, and Acidum nitricum-Melancholy in a woman re- cently delivered, quiet, abstracted, taciturn, des- pairs of salvation, small secretion of milk. Belladonna-Sleeplessness, anguish, utters all kinds of foolishness, quarrelsome, strikes, pupils much dilated, yellow, puffed-up countenance. Belladonna-Mental derangement with status atrabiliaris, great anguish and fearfulness, con- stant pain in the stomach and sacral region. Belladonna-Fixed ideas of having suffered in- jury, paracusis illusoria, congestion to the head. Belladonna, with the aid of Veratrum-Puer- peral mania. Belladonna relieved a case of puerperal mania after the usual allopathic treatment had been tried. in vain. Belladonna and Nux Vomica-A boy aged 13 years, became suddenly melancholy, dejected, weeps, a desire sometimes seizes him to kill indivi- duals passing by. Conium-Mental disease in a man æt. 32, si- 153 lent, sad, brooding thoughts, alternating with a very excited, violent domineering disposition, with the aid of Belladonna. Conium-Indolent condition with taciturnity. Helleborus niger.-MELANCHOLY in a boy, con- stantly reading the bible, speaking of death, sad- ness, inclination to suicide, looks steadily before him and speaks but little, with the aid of Veratrum. Helleborus niger.-Silent melancholy. Hyosciamus-MANIA from the extraction of a carious tooth, rending and pulsating tooth-ache, pain extending to the forehead, succeeded by loss of consciousness, raving, shrieking, springing out of bed and striking about, with the aid of Nux i. Hyosciamus-MELANCHOLY with amenorrhoea, mistrustful, flying from the house during the night, anxiety, heat and redness of the face, from fright, with the aid of Pulsatilla and Veratrum. Hyosciamus-MANIA in a woman, she is much irritated, she raves if she is spoken to respecting her rank, is abusive, talks much, delirium, anguish with tremor of the limbs. Ignatia-MELANCHOLY after fright, sense of weakness in the abdomen, menstruation every four- teen days, constipation, disposed to weep, loves soli- tude, great feeling of corporeal debility, with the aid of Platina for the menstrual irregularity. Ignatia-MELANCHOLIA INTERMITTENS QUOTIDI- ANA, with the aid of Natrum muriaticum. Lachesis-MANIA, great loquacity, holds dis- courses, a kind of pride and distrust. Nux Vomica-MELANCHOLIA INCIPIENS, moody, disturbed sense of weakness in the left side of the hypogastrium, with nausea, languor, and rattling in the belly, head dull, inaptitude for mental ex- ertion, he spoke very violently and absurdly. Nux Vomica-Absurd speaking, heaviness of 154 the head, anorexia, languor, redness and paleness of the face. Nux Vomica-Erroneous fancies, with cessation of the menses. Opium-Patient believes he is not in his own dwelling, desires to go out, anxious, costive for seve- ral days, face glowing, retention of urine. Platina-Melancholy with great fearfulness, ti- midity, considers persons about him devils, trembling of the hands and feet, palpitations, anguish, small, weak pulse. Platina-From excessive mental exertion and anger, pallid countenance, head confused, violent erections, inclined to be angry and quarrelsome, loves solitude, miscalculates readily, makes a noise and wishes to run away, with the aid of Nux Vom. and Ferrum acet. Pulsatilla-PUERPERAL MELANCHOLY, with sup- pression of the secretion of milk in a hysterical in- dividual. Pulsatilla-MELANCHOLY during pregnancy, sits still with folded hands, parablepsis, speaks nonsen- sically, desires to run away, sleeplessness. Pulsatilla-Mental anguish with sleeplessness, peculiar sense of inquietude in the head, pains of the head, pressure in the heart, irregular menstru- ation. Stramonium-MELANCHOLY, frightful image- ries, conscientious scruples, restless, sadness with thoughts of death and weeping, stammering, indis- tinct articulation with fever. Stramonium--MANIA in a jealous drinker. Stramonium--MANIA, evening delirium, con- verses with spirits, believes he is contending with the devil, sleeps very little towards morning, face red, eyes sparkling, constipation, frequent pulse. Stramonium-A girl æt. 11 years, kneeling in office good antidoli for Distalis L 155 bed, on being touched starts up with a shriek and wild motions, sometimes wrings her hands, halloos, does not recognise her connections, makes the strangest motions, sometimes laughs aloud, lassitude. Sulphur-Face pale, violent pains in the head, pressure in the epigastrium, very anxious state of mind, believes she must starve, fears the complete ruin of her household affairs, frequently great anxiety. Veratrum-Patient will not leave his bed, is anxious, dispirited, despairing, complains and cries without cause, vivid red face. Veratrum--Dejection, anguish, restless, border- ing on despair, violent delirium, singing and laughing. Veratrum-Giddiness, costiveness, sometimes deadly anxious, groaning, despair, violent delirium, confusion of intellect and loss of recollection. Veratrum-VIOLENT MANIA, abuses her attend- ants, spits at them, great anxiety, with palpitations, timidity, wishes to run away, singing, whistling, laughing, kissing, mistrustful, mania for destroying, great loquacity. Veratrum-Mania in a boy 12 years old, during the paroxysm dark-red face, prominent sparkling eyes, strikes about him, roars out, froths at the mouth. After Veratrum, he broke out into loud laughter, and leapt like a rope dancer; these symp- toms were removed by Stramonium. Veratrum. Vanilla-Silent melancholy. MORBUS CORULEUS. BLUE SKIN DISEASE. Digitalis-The lips, eye-lids, and tongue of a blue colour, cold extremities, asthma, hæmoptysis. MORBUS DÆMONIACUS. DEMONIACAL POSSESSION. Nux Fom. and Cuprum. 156 HÆMORRHAGIC MORBUS MACULOSUS WERLHOFII. PETECHIA. Rhus. MORBUS NIGER HIPPOCRATIS. MELENA. BLACK VOMIT. BLACK JAUNDICE. Arsenic-With hepatic affection and symptoms of jaundice. Arsenic, with the aid of Arnica. Belladonna-In the incipient stage with the following symptoms, digging, pressing, gnawing in the region of the stomach. Ipecac. With pressure on the breast and fre- quent eructations, dark blood passed with the eva- cuations, nausea, vomiting, syncope, with the aid of Pulsatilla. Ipecacuanha-Vomiting and diarrhoea with dis- charge of dark masses like pitch, paleness with sunken features, half stupid, coldness of the extremi- ties, sometimes perspiration occasioned by anxiety, small, weak pulse. With Bellad. and China. Nux Vom., Aconit., Arsenic, Ipecac. and Zinc. Nux Vom., Bellad. and Stannum. Nux Vom., Sulphur and Petroleum. Nux Vomica, Veratrum. Nein NECROSIS. See also ossIUM MORBI. ! NECROSIS of the knee joint. Bellad., Mercur., Sulphur, Calcarea, Lycopod. and Capsicum. NEPHRALGIA. PAIN OF THe kidneys. Nux Vom.-Very violent pain in the right lum- bar region, suppressed secretion of urine, could not lie on the right side. Uor M Kuntitional Muralgia "almost a o wy 15 to 20 minues thee to or gets By Jillaca 4. 8. Swan, Sh.D. Aurenet And July Fever 1868 Maou брисере you 157- : NEPHRITIS. Aconit. and Cantharides. Aconit., Cannabis and Cantharides-NEPHRI- TIS with inflammation of the bladder and retention of urine. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. NEURALGIE. NEUROSES. NERVE-ACHE. TIC DOU- LOUREUX AND NEURALGIA OF THE TONGUE. China with Platina-Stinging pain on the tongue. Magnetis polus arcticus. NEURALGIA-Case of some months standing, oc- curring suddenly at night, pain commences in the lower jaw, passes to the infraorbitary foramen in the right side, shoots up to the ear and thence to the forehead. In the lower jaw and forehead the pain is most violent. It is oftener produced by cold than by warm drinks. Nux Vom. 3 in water every six hours for several days, produced an entire ces- sation of the violent attacks. Phos. 24 and 6 ex- hibited for several weeks, morning and evening, completed the cure. NEURALGIA-Rending pain from the left ear to- wards the temple and downwards, the whole left side of the lower jaw, tickling and pricking sensa- tion in these parts, pain increased by warm drinks and after eating, occurring mostly in the summer; glands of the neck swollen. Zinc. 3 gtt. of the third dilution dissolved in eight spoons-full of water, one spoonful taken on appearance of the attack. The disease was cured before all the medicine was taken. NEURALGIA-Sudden sharp pains every morning in the eye-ball, as though it was thrust out, much aggravated by opening or moving the eye; from the globe of the eye they extended into the forehead, upper eye-lid paralyzed, skin around the eye tender and painful to the touch. Spigel. 30. 14 158 35 NEURALGIA-Six years standing, burning and darting in the gums of both jaws, which were much swollen, though apparently bloodless. In a quarter of an hour these pains ceased, and the lips swelled, violent lancinating pain in the right ear with buz- zing in it, darting and rending in the occiput behind the ear, boring and darting in the temporal region, hairy scalp very sensitive, impossibility of lying the head upon the pillow, with an aggravation of all the patient's sufferings. These symptoms oc- curred daily about 4 o'clock, P. M., and remained till 3 o'clock the next morning. Bellad. 30 gtt i. af- terwards Pulsat. 15, then Bellad. again, and the patient was perfectly cured. Bryon., Calcar., Lycop., Sepia, Baryt., Phos., Cham., Mezereum, Mercur. solub., Rhus, Sulph., Staphys., Carb. vegetab., Nux Vom., Stram., Aconite, Thuja, Bovist., Petrol., have been found useful in cases of Neuralgia. NEURALGIA-Rending pain in the right side of the forehead, extending to the eye and ear, so vio- lent as to prevent sleep at night; also frequent flushes and hacking cough. Tart. emet. 29 cured it in two days. NEURALGIA TEMPORO-FACIALIS-Sulphur, Cal- carea, and Kali. See CARDIALGIA and PROSOPALGIA. NICTITATIO. TWINKLING OF THE EYE-LIDS. Spigelia with the aid of Ferrum aceticum. SOMNAMBULISM. NOCTAMBULATIO. Bryonia. NOTALGIA. BACK-ACHE. Arsenic-NoT. PERIOD. COMPLICATA Commences with a sense of weakness and anxiety in the back below the shoulder blades, with pressure in the Maou 159 stomach, the pain afterwards ascends and becomes changed into a burning pain, which is increased by the slightest touch, disturbed sleep, alvine evacua- tions frequent, thin and yellow, sore pain in the anus, debility. Bryonia-Stiffness in the sacral region. Rhus and Colocynthis-Violent pains along the back, extending into the loins, hips, and posterior part of the thighs, day and night. Metrusies OBSTRUCTIO alvi. 0 CONSTIPATION. Argilla-ALVINE OBSTRUCTION in children. Bryonia with the aid of Nux Vom.-Stool very hard appearing every eight days. ysms of colic. Y Carbo vegetabilis-OBSTRUCTIO HÆMORRHOIDALIS. Graphites, in many cases of constipation, has pro- duced the desired effect. Lycopodium-CONSTIPATION with violent parox- Nux Vomica. Nux Vomica-Bowels obstructed for six days, vertigo, stupor, heaviness of the head, congestion to the head and gastric complaints. Opium. Opium-OBSTRUCTION of pregnant women. Plumbum aceticum-In alvine obstruction of nineteen days duration. Psoricum-In a child costive from birth. After Sulphur, Opium, Alumina afforded but tempo- rary benefit. Stannum-With fullness, distention, uncomfort ableness, heat in the head. Sulphur-Obstinate constipation. Veratrum album. 160 OBSCURATIO CORNEÆ. OPACITY OF THE CORNEA. Cannabis-Used externally and internally, a whitish-grey spot over the whole cornea, with the aid of Bellad: for the ophthalmia. Euphrasia and Cannabis alternately, the great- er part of the cornea is obscured by a spot. Euphrasia-Obscuration of the whole cornea. Magnesia viii, and Acidum nitricum. OBSCURATIO LEUCOMATOSA EX OPTHALMIA TRAUMATI- CO-ARTHRITICA. With vertigo, itching and burning in the eyes and eye-lids, suppressed menses, dilated pupils, dread of light. Calcarea vi, Phosphor. x, and Silicea x. OBSTIPITAS LATERALIS. TORTICOLLIS. WRY NECK. Lycopodium. ODONTALGIA. TOOTH-ACHE. Acidum nitric.-ODONT. arising from the abuse of mercury, worse at night, a throbbing pain. Aconit.-Violent tooth-ache frequently recur- ring, rush of blood to the head, heat and redness of the cheeks, the tooth-ache consisted in a crawling sensation in the teeth, increased in the afternoon, at its height at night. Aconit.-Severe pulsating tooth-ache with con- gestion to the head. Agaricus muscarius-Rending in the teeth increased by cold. Alumina-Tooth-ache when chewing. Belladonna-Rending digging pain in the teeth of the upper jaw, without any of them being hollow, sensation as if the teeth were too long, gums swol- len, red and burning, pains increased by touching, more violent evenings and forenoons, and exacer- bated by drawing cool air into the mouth, the face red and hot. Bellad.-ODONT. with trismus. 161 Bryonia and Rhus-Insupportable tooth-ache as if all the teeth were being forcibly wrenched out, the warmth of the bed, warm and cold air increase the pains. Causticum-The gums are painful and bleed easily, with rending in the facial muscles, the eye and ear. Calcarea-Rending in hollow and healthy teeth, in paroxysms day and night, increased by cold, par- ticularly by a draught of cold air, between the pa- roxysms, great sensibility of the teeth to cold air. Chamomilla-TOOTH-ACHE from taking cold, af- ter food or drink, but principally after warm food and coffee. Chamomilla-Very violent tooth-ache, with restlessness, whimpering, swelling of the left cheek, a hollow molar tooth in the upper jaw of the left side, the gum swollen and burning, he complains of a digging, corrosive pain in the hollow teeth, sleep- lessness. Chamomilla-Violent PERIODICAL TOOTH-ACHE in the last molar tooth of the lower jaw left side, the tooth has a considerable cavity, and the pain is of a jerking and dragging nature, worse after eating. Chamomilla-Violent TOOTH-ACHE consisting of single stitches through the upper jaw on the left side, with itching and pricking in the teeth them- selves, worse at night, swelling of the gums. China-ODONT. particularly severe after meals and in the night, the tooth-ache can be ameliorated only by closing the jaws firmly together, the least touch aggravates the pain. Coffea-With irritability of the nervous system. Euphorbia-Beating, throbbing pain, as if the teeth were screwed together, beneath the eye-tooth a sensitive swelling, painful to the touch, which plainly indicated an abscess, erysipelas genarum. 14* 162 Graphit.-ODONTALGIA in all the teeth of the left side, with attacks of hemicrania, aggravated particularly at night. Hyosciamus-ODONTALGIA in the upper inscisor and molar teeth of the right side, both in the sound and carious teeth, the pain extending over the up- per jaw, the right side of the nose to its root and the right eye, the lower jaw is also affected, though not so severely, the pain of a rending and beating nature, with swelling of the gums, aggravated by pressure on the painful teeth, sensation as if the teeth were too long. Lachesis-In the roots of the teeth very violent twitching, rending, dull sticking pains frequently through the upper jaw up into the ear, always ap- peared on waking from sleep, soon after eating, also after warm and cold drinks. Magnesia carbonica-ODONT. sometimes in one or again in several teeth on the right side of the under jaw, violent boring with rending on the right side of the face extending into the temporal region, with stiffness of the nape and muscles of the neck, the pain is inconsiderable through the day, in the evenings and during the whole night very violent, obliging the patient to walk about. Mercurius vivus-ODONT. during pregnancy, the gums are swollen, livid, vividly red on the edges, as if corroded, painful and very sensitive, tongue also sensitive, very offensive breath, rending in the healthy as well as carious teeth, aggravated at night, and by cold air or cold drinks. Mercurius solubilis-Violent rending pain in the teeth of the upper jaw, so that the patient could not remain in bed, the gums itch, appear pale, swol- len, and fallen away from the teeth, the pain dis- appears momentarily on rubbing the teeth, it is 163 ameliorated by warmth, violently aggravated by cold air. Mercurius solubilis-Violent itching compelling rubbing, in the upper jaw of the left side, the whole gum is red and much swollen, an ulcer is formed near a carious molar tooth, painless swelling of the left cheek, drawing cool air into the mouth pro- duces rending pain in the hollow molar tooth, pain aggravated in the evening, diminished by warmth. Mezereum-ODONT. from cold, drawing pains in the superior and inferior maxillary bones, alternat- ing with boring pain in individual teeth, and stick- ing pain extending into the zygoma of the same side, the teeth on the left side are set on edge, hol- low, and as if too long, the whole of the left side of the head externally as if hollow (boll) with draw- ing pains on individual parts, contact and motion aggravate the pains of the head and teeth, chill in the evening, peevish state of mind. Mezereum-Jerking, sticking pains in a molar tooth of the superior maxillary bone, continuing day and night, worse in the evening, conjoined with a dull feeling in the tooth as if it would be jerked out. Nux Vom.-Drawing, rending tooth-ache with- out swelling of the cheek, principally at night, ag- gravated by warmth or cold, particularly by cold air, the teeth very sensitive to cold air. Nux Vomica-Great soreness of the entire su- perior maxillary bone, with digging pain in the se- cond anterior molar tooth on the right side, which is carious, and alternate stitches in it, extending up to the facial bones, particularly when walking in the open air, when eating, and early in the morning. Nux Fomica-Violent digging tooth-ache in an upper molar tooth of the left side, with stitches over the whole side of the face, relieved by warmth. .I 164 up. Nux Vom.-Boring pain in the teeth of the per and under jaw. Platina-Beating, digging pain through the whole jaw of the right side, worse in the evenings and when quiet, involuntary weeping, menses too early and copious, together with a kind of spastic numbness in the affected side of the face. Psoricum. Pulsatilla-ODONTALGIA during pregnancy, pa- roxysms appearing particularly in the evening, with sense of chilliness and striking paleness, alleviated by cool air. Pulsatilla-Beating tooth-ache in the superior maxillary bone of the left side, with drawing ex- tending upwards into the eye, worse at night in bed, aggravated in the warm room or by warm food or drink, relieved in the open air. Pulsatilla-Sticking pains in a hollow molar tooth, extending into the ear and left side of the face, at the same time chilliness and twitchings through the whole body. Pulsatilla-Dragging, gnawing, and rending pains in the upper and lower molar teeth of the left side, the lower jaw painful to the touch. Rhus-Rending in the teeth and head, from evening till morning, could not remain in a horizon- tal position, very violent in the exacerbation. Rhus-From taking cold, relieved in a warm room. Sabina-Especially violent when warm in bed, sensation as if the tooth would burst, copious dis- charge of blood. Sepia-ODONT. GRAVIDE―Throbbing, pulsating, conjoined with pulsation in the whole body, loud whining, pain relieved by cold water. Sepia-Throbbing tooth-ache conjoined with 165 sticking pain, pain extends itself into the ear and arm, respiratory affection. Silicea-Where the periosteum of the lower jaw, or the bone itself, is swollen, pulsating tooth-ache. Spigelia-Pulsating tooth-ache, combined with pains of the face. Staphysagria-Violent corrosive pain with sen- sitive drawing, sometimes along the fore-teeth, some- times up towards the eye, worse early in the morn- ing, aggravated by eating and chewing, in the open air, and by drinking cold liquids, relieved by warmth, gums bleed easily. Sulphur-Pulsating tooth-ache with swollen gums. Veratrum-Pulsating tooth-ache with swollen face, cold sweat on the forehead, and general de- bility. ODONTALGIA gastrica. TOOTH-ACHE FROM DISOR- DERED STOMACH. Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla. ODONTALGIA RHEUMATICA. RHEUMATIC TOOTH- ACHE. Nux Vom., Pulsatilla, Mercurius solubilis, Chamomilla, Bryonia, Aconit.-In sensitive in- dividuals and those obnoxious to congestions, Meze- reum, Agaricus muscarius, Calcarea carbon. ODONTALGIA NERVOSA. NERVOUS TOOTHACHE. Coffea, Spigelia, Belladonna. ODONTALGIA SANGUINEA. BLOODY TOOTH-ACHE. Aconit., Pulsatilla, Hyosciamus, Sulphur, Belladonna, Sabina, Magnetis polus arcticus, Euphorbia and Sepia. DEMATIA. LOCAL DROPSY. EDEMA of the legs with suppressed menstruation. Pulsatilla. 166 Aconit.-Phlegmonous oedema. Bryonia-dematia calida. China-Edema of the extremities. Ferrum muriaticum. Rhus-EDEMATIA CALIDA around both malleo- læ, with the aid of Sulphur. Ledum-DEMATIA CALIDA above and below the patella. EDEMA PULMONUM. Hepar sulph., Calcarea. OOPHORITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE OVARY. Nux, Bryonia and Sulphur. OPHTHALMIA. INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. Aconit. and Belladonna-The eye is suffused with blood, excessive dread of light, violent head- ache, with the aid of Sulphur. Arsenic-Obstinate ophthalmia with ulcers on the cornea, and extreme dread of light. Arsenic-Conjunctiva as if injected with blood, burning pain in the eye, fever. Belladonna-Pain in and above the eyes, heat of the eyes, aversion to light, lippitude early in the morning, the whole body hot, frequent pulse. Belladonna with the aid of Sulphur-Aversion or dread of light, incessant lachrymation, burning in the eyes. Euphrasia-Palpebræ of both eyes swollen and adherent, eyes inflamed, discharge of mucus mixed with blood from the eyes, catarrh. Hepar sulphur.-Severe pain above the right eye-brow, violent lachrymation of the left eye, aversion to light, conjunctiva reddened, violent sore pain on touching. Mercurius solubilis-Slight ophthalmia with burning, pungent pain, aggravated in the open air, profuse lachrymation especially in the evening, the $1 "wild hair" "had lodges Borax Liphe du eye Sensation an iz in itu Corner of 167 eyes can support neither day-light nor candle-light, viscid stool which excoriates the anus. Calcarea carb.-Moderate inflammation of the right eye, a grey stripe across the pupil transverse- ly, violent pressure in the eye, on moving the eye smarting and lachrymation, extreme aversion to light. Sulphur-The right eye-ball is reddened, ob- scured, the palpebræ thick, red, secreting purulent mucus, aversion to light, sticking pain above the eye, profuse lachrymation, little appetite. Lycopodium-Eye-lids thickened, tumefied, mei- bomian glands enlarged and swollen. Sulphur, Digitalis, Pulsatillă, were previously exhibited with little effect. Rhus-Inflammation of both eyes, the white of the eye is inflamed, pale red, smarting and burning in the eyes, sight dim, the eye-lids adhere in the mornings, watery eyes. Sulphur-Violent ophthalmia in a child nine years of age, which fell into some lime, swelling, red- ness of the eyes, burning in the eye-lids, which are red and swollen, a tense pain on moving the eyes, a bruise-like pain on shutting the eye-lids, intoler- ance of sun-light. Sulphur-Ophthalmia from taking cold, violent pressing in the left eye, which is inflamed, and ap- pears to be larger, eye-lids much swollen, albugi- nea blood-red, cornea obscure, ulcer on the cornea, intolerance of light, very severe pressing pain on the margin of the orbits, which are much increased by motion of the eye-lids or exposure to the light of the sun, the pain affects the whole head, worse at night. OPHTHALMIA ARTHRITICA. GOUTY OPHTHALMY. Aconit. and Arsenic-The eye is very intolerant 168 of light, weeps easily on opening, cornea dull, con- junctiva much reddened, the iris is darker than natural, burning heat in the eye, violent pains in the supra orbitar region, the forehead and temple. Aconit. iii. Belladonna and Sulphur. Belladonna, Cucculus and Sulphur-Arthritic pains around the orbit, varicose condition of the vessels of the conjunctiva. Colocynthis-Severe head-ache, burning, cut- ting pains in the right eye, congestion to the head. Nux Vomica-Burning itching pain in the eye- lids, intolerance of light, rending pains of the eyes at night. OPHTHALMIA ARTHRITICA CUM OBSCURATIONE LEU- COMATOSA. Pressing rending pain in the forehead and orbits, pupils much dilated, aversion to light, epiphora. Crocus, Belladonna, Nux Vom., Euphrasia and Spigelia limited the inflammation; for the opacity, Phosphor., Calcarea and Silicea were successful- ly given. Sulphur-Intolerance of light, conjunctiva slight- ly suffused, sclerotica of a rosy hue, pains around the eye. OPHTHALMIA CATARRHALIS. CATARRHAL OPHTHAL- Belladonna-Redness of the eye-lids, sense of burning, intolerance of light, dryness, catarrh and convulsive cough. China-Conjunctiva of the left eye slightly red- dened, motion of the eye painful, sensation as if sand was beneath the eye-lid, exacerbation in the even- ing, frontal head-ache. Digitalis-Eye-lids red, swollen, burning, eyes MY. G 169 very sensitive to light, conjunctiva, eye-ball and lids injected, sensation of sand in the eye, incessant lachrymation, copious muco-purulent secretion. Digitalis-Conjunctiva uniformly reddened, eyes suffused with tears, lids strongly adherent, both eye- lids covered with mucus, the lower lid much red- dened and swollen, severe catarrh, with the aid of Mercur. solubilis. Nux Vomica-OPHTHALMIA originating from cold, violent pressing in the eyes after attempting to open them, the white of both eyes suffused with blood, palpebræ reddened, swollen, adhesion be- tween the lids from mucus. CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. Calcarea carb. and Silicea-Palpebræ swollen, the ball of the eye much reddened, intolerance of light, nocturnal adhesion of the lids, with the aid of Rhus. OPHTHALMIA CHRONICA. Calcar. and Bellad.-Great intolerance of light, constant crying, incessant lachrymation, exanthema around the eyes, spots on the cornea, Arsen., Aci- dum nitric. and Calcarea; cured. Sepia with the aid of Sulphur-Chronic oph- thalmia with intense lachrymation, suppurating pustules on the globe of the eye and nocturnal ad- hesion of the lids. OPHTHALMIA INTERMITTENS. INTERMITTENT OPH- Belladonna-Redness of the conjunctiva, epi- phora, intolerance of light. THALMY. OPHTHALMIA MERCURIALIS. EYES PRODUCED BY MERCURY. Acidum nitric. INFLAMMATION OF THE 15 170 OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUM. INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES OF NEW BORN INFANTS. Chamomilla-Swelling and redness of the eye- lids with secretion of mucus, great intolerance of light, the left eye cannot be opened. Dulcamara-Tardy stools. Rhus-The inflamed eye-lids were firmly closed, from time to time puruloid mucus is forced out be- tween them. OPHTHALMIA RHEUMATICA. RHEUMATIC INFLAM- MATION OF THE EYES. Belladonna-Rending drawing pain in the parts surrounding the eye, in the right eye smarting, burn- ing and pressing pains, flow of tears, intolerance of light, dilated pupils, conjunctiva bulbi much red- dened. Mercurius solubilis—Sclerotic coat of the right eye reddened, an ulcer on the cornea, rending boring pains in the eye and parts around it, with exacer- bation in the evening and at night, intolerance of light, nebulous vision. Spigelia and Euphrasia-The right eye is in- flamed, much reddened, the over-distended vessels appear like a blueish-red circle, cornea obscure, violent pains of the eye and orbit. For the ecchy- mosis of the selerotic coat which still remained, Nux Vomica. OPHTHALMIA SCROPHULOSA. OF THE EYES. Arsenic. SCROFULOUS INFLAMM. Belladonna-Vessels of the selerotica as if in- jected with blood, sensitive pressure in the eyes, in- tolerance of light, eye-lids adherent early in the morning. Belladonna and Sulph.-Quivering of the eye- lids, edges of the lids swollen and inflamed, adhere 171 } during the night, smarting and lachrymation, in- tolerance of light, conjunctiva beset with red ves- sels. Bellad, Calcarea, Lycopod., Sepia--The left eye slightly inflamed, cornea perfectly obscure, vi- sion much impaired, the right eye very intensely inflamed, palpebræ swollen, red, sore, discharge of a thin, acrid, purulent matter, lachrymation, great intolerance of light, burning, smarting, boring pains of the internal eye, ulcers and spots on the cornea, cervical glands swollen. Belladonna-Intolerance of light, reddened ball, small ulcers; the intolerance of light still remaining after Bellad., was removed by Ignat., Bellad., Mercur. and Hepar sulphuris. Bellad., Calcarea, Acid. nitricum and Arsenic. Calc. carb.-Intolerance of light, eye-lids red, swollen, painful, and closed, flow of acrid tears, sclerotica reddened, pustulæ on the cornea, scro- phulous diathesis. Calcarea with the aid of Belladonna, Hepar sulph. and Pulsatilla--Great intolerance of light, frequent lachrymation, agglutination of the eye- lids, smarting pain. Calcarea-OPHTHALMIA with ulcers and specks on the cornea. Graphites-OPHTHALMIA with ulcers and intoler- ance of light. Hyosciamus. Petroleum-INCIPIENT Scrophulous ophthalmia, with swelling of and purulent discharge from the nose. Rhus-Both eyes somewhat reddened, lachryma- tion during the day, nocturnal agglutination, rest- less, sleeplessness, oedematous swelling of the parts surrounding the eye. Sepia, 172 Sulphur--Edges of the eye-lids thick, puffed up, ulcerated, specks on the cornea, vision impaired, nebulous vision. After exacerbation at the com- mencement, a cure was effected (by repeated doses) in six weeks. OPHTHALMIA SYPHILITICA. TION OF THE EYES. Mercur. OPHTHALMIA TRAUMATICA. EYES FROM A WOUND. Aconit. and Arnica in the primary stage. Arnica--Produced by a kick from a horse, eye- lids much swollen, ecchymosed, pupils dilated, sensi- tive to light, with the aid of Euphrasia for the flow of tears. Arnica and Calc. carb.-OPHTHALMIA TRAU- MATICA in a scrophulous boy. See also PsORO-OPHTHALMIA. ORCHITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE TESTICLE. Acon., Arnica and Spongia. Arnica--From external injury, the right testicle is very violently swollen, with considerable pain. Mercurius solubilis--From repelled gonorrhoea. Nux Fom.-The testicles are swollen, will not bear touching, violent pains in them, with itching of the glans penis. Pulsatilla-ORCHITIS from cold with chill, vom- iting and diarrhoea. Clematis and Spongia. Mercurius-ORCHITIS with gonorrhoea. Spongia. ORCHITIS ERYSIPELATOSA. OF THE TESTICLES. SYPHILITIC INFLAMMA- Belladonna and Rhus. INFLAMMATION OF THE ERYSIPELATOUS INFLAM. 173 ORTHOPNOEA. DIFFICULT RESPIRATION. Violent orthopnoea with sanguinolent sputa Phosphor. See also SUFFOCATIO. OSCHEOCELE. SCROTAL HERNIA. Nux Vomica 18, Magnesia carbonica. OSSIUM MORBI. DISEASES OF THE BONES. Asafoetida, Mezereum, Silicea and Sulphur- Exostosis of the tibia, with dull, drawing, digging pains, more severe when quiescent than on moving. Calcarea carb. and Asa.-Necrosis of the tarsal bones. Lycopodium, Silicea, Mezereum and Ledum- Scrophulous exostosis. Mercurius solubilis-Swelling of the tarsal bones with violent pains. Mezereum-Painful swelling of the bones of the whole left foot. Phosphor.--EXOSTOSIS. Silicea-OSTEITIS, CARIES ET NECROSIS. 26 See also CARIES. OSTEOCOPI. VIOLENT DEEP-SEATED PAINS OF THE BONES. Violent pains in the bones of the arm, exacerba- tion several times through the day and night, the arm is emaciated, powerless, and very pale, the voluntary motion of the arm arrested. Mercurius solubilis, China, Ferrum, Cocculus, Pulsatilla, Belladonna and Ledum. Phosphor. See TOPHI. OTALGIA. EAR-ACHE. La Pulsatilla-Violent pain in the ear like ear-ache. Spigelia-EAR-ACHE. Pulsatilla-Rheumatic rending in the ear espe- cially in the evening and at night, with difficulty 15* 174 of hearing, noise in the ears, sticking, rending in the head. Also, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Nux Vom. and Rhus. OTITIS. Aconit., Nux and Sulphur. Pulsatilla-Violent rending and otalgic pains deep in both ears, with whizzing and humming in the ears, the pain is frequently very intense, dyse- coia and otorrhoea. Pulsatilla-OTITIS with otorrhoea from repelled INFLAMMATION of the ear. measles. Pulsatilla with Bryonia and Belladonna. Internal and external erysipelatous otitis. Pulsa- tilla. OTORRHOEA. PURULENT DISCHARGE FROM THE EAR. Belladonna and Pulsatilla alternately, roaring humming in the ears conjoined with fearful pains. Calc. carbonica. Menyanthes trifoliata-OTORRHEA post exan- thema. Mercurius solubilis-OTORRHEA with ulceration of the external part of the ear, blear-eyedness, tu- mid eye-lids. Sulphur and Belladonna-Purulent scrophu- lous otorrhoea. Baryecoia. OZANA. PURULENT NASAL DISCHARGE. Alumina-Discharge of a thick, yellow, fetid matter, particularly in the morning, at the same time anorexia, herpes, and obstructio nasi. Aurum-A thick, yellowish-green matter, part- ly fluid and partly dry is blown from the nose, dis gusting fetor from the nose, and loss of the sense of olfaction. Aurum-SYPHILITIC OZÆNA, on blowing the nose and shit acid on ron Lagen 175 discharges bloody matter, the nose is obstructed, the nostrils agglutinated by a yellow ulcerated crust, the nose near the os frontis and superior maxillary bone reddened and swollen, fretful state of mind. Thick purulent mucus or a more limpid yellowish- red humour, which excoriates the lips and produces red pimples. Calcarea carb. Murias magnesia-MILD OZENA, soreness of the internal nasal surface, yellow scurf in the nose, discharge of an acrid, watery, mucous humour, redness and soreness of the upper lip, swelling of the lower part of the nose. Phosphor. Pulsatilla-From chronic catarrh, a yellowish- green purulent matter of insupportably fetid odour is discharged in considerable masses from the nose, nose somewhat swollen, menstruation too late and too scanty, chilliness, loss of thirst, peevish state of mind. Sepia with the aid of Bellad. P PALPITATIO CORDIS. Pulsatilla and Spigelia-Aurum. Veratrum. PANARITIUM. WHITLOW. Sepia, Rhus. Silicea-Suppurating whitlow with a fleshy ex- crescence and insufferable pain. Sulphur-Abscess beneath the nail on the lower and external edge, with insufferable pain. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. PARABLEPSIS. PERVERTED VISION. Cicuta virosa-Double vision, iridescent ap- 176 pearance around letters and flame of the candle, intolerance of light, vertigo. See DIPLOPIA. PARALYSIS. PALSY. Arnica. Bryonia with Rhus--PARALYSIS of the inferior extremities, complete lameness and torpidity. Camphor and Rhus--In PARALYSIS of the ex- tremities resulting from the frequent application of blisters. PARALYSIS of the right upper arm with aphonia after retrocessant catarrh. Causticum. Cocculus-PARALYSIS of the inferior extremities. Hyosciamus-PARALYSIS of the sphincter ani muscle, in a boy. Mesmerism with the aid of Plumbum aceticum -Loss of motion, sense of coldness, emaciation and loss of sensibility of the inferior extremities. Nux Vomica--PARALYSIS of the right foot, ver- tigo caduca, slight dizziness, frequent darkness be- fore the eyes, vomiting and burning in the pit of the stomach immediately after eating, general cor- poreal debility, choleric disposition. Nux Vomica-PARALYSIS of the left upper arm, dyscinesia et anesthesia, sensation in the arm as if from thrusting. Nux Vom., Rhus and Cocculus-PARALYSIS of the right upper arm, the fingers are crooked, ar- ticulation difficult. Nux Vom., with Rhus and Cocculus-The right upper arm is paralysed, fingers crooked, contracted, anorexia, constipation, difficult articulation, ptya- lism. Oleander with Cocculus, Arnica and China— PARALYSIS of the extremities, with double vision. 177 Rhus-PARALYSIS of the left upper arm from cold with diarrhoea, tenesmus, difficult respiration. Rhus-PARALYSIS of the extremities from falling down backwards. Rhus--PARALYSIS of the right upper arm, con- joined with burning pain. Silicea-PARALYSIS of the muscles of the back, patient can neither turn in bed nor sit. Sulphur and Calcarea-Painful paralysis of the parts around the hip joint, the patient could hardly walk, dragged the foot along the ground, violent pain in the sacral region and hip with every step. Sulphur--PARALYSIS of the inferior extremities. PARESIS. PARTIAL PALSY. Arnica and Nux Vomica--PARESIS of the ex- tremities, the patient cannot carry his hands to his head, when seizing at any thing he cannot grasp it, he drops every thing, his legs have no stability. Carbo veg., Sulph.,, Graphit. and Lycopod.- Painful drawing from the elbow to the knee, the wrist as if stiff and sprained, weakness of the knees, they are as if paralysed; he must, as it were, draw his feet after him. Ignatia-RHEUMATIC PARESIS, violent rheumatic wrenching pain as if the flesh was being loosened from the bones, voluntary motion of the arm could not be effected, incessant restlessness. Stibium tartaricum which was first administered produced only momentary alleviation. Nux Vomica-Torpidity of one of the legs. Zincum-PARESIS of the upper arms. PAROTIS. MUMPS. INFLAMMATION AND SWELLING OF THE PAROTID GLANDS. Belladonna-EPIDEMIC MUMPS. Belladonna-MUMPS with fever in the after- noon, and scurf on the head, with the aid of Sepia. 178 Kali carbonicum-MUмps. Baryta muriatica-After scarlet rash, which was not completely developed. Rhus--After scarlatina, with violent fever. Belladonna and Mercurius solubilis. PAROTIS CHRONICA. TID GLAND. CHRONIC INFLAM. OF THE PARO- Mercurius-Parotis without much pain, swell- ing and induration which increased slowly. PARULIS. Gum-boil. Nux Vom. and Sulph. PEMPHIGUS. ERUPTION OF VESICLES. Dulcamara-PEMPHIGUS CHRONICUS, bladders of the size of a pea, containing a yellow, transparent fluid, situated on a red base and very prurient, which form ulcers with ichorous discharge, much thirst, mucous stools. Rhus--PEMPHIGUS CHRONICUS, large flat vesicles situated on a reddened base, containing a sero-puru- lent fluid, which partly dried up in brown scabs, partly became changed into flat ulcers or humid ex- coriations, paralytic weakness of the extremities. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNgs. Acidum phosphoricum--PERIPNEUMONIA in a late stage, violent cough with purulent expectora- tion, fever, frequent pulse, profuse night sweats, head-ache. PERIPNEUMONIA. Aconit. in forty cases. Aconit.-Chill, dull, sticking, pressing pains in the lobes of both lungs, permitting a horizontal pos- ture only, and restricting deep inspiration, frequent short cough with constant irritation to cough, expec- toration of frothy masses mixed with blood, severe dyspnoea, face puffed up and of a dark blue colour, In peasons who work ид aning Phosp пих гот J.b. Morgen. в. 179 violent pressing head-ache, violent pulsation of the carotids, small, suppressed pulse, dry, burning heat. Aconit.-Anxiety, very short breath, at every inspiration sticking from the lowest ribs upwards to the shoulder blades, constricting pain of the chest, hæmoptysis, burning heat, head-ache, coma with phantasms and anxiety. Aconit.-Stitches and pain in the lobes of both lungs, dry cough with bloody expectoration, violent asthma, fever, with the aid of Bryonia. Aconit. and Belladonna-PERIPNEUMONIA in a child one year old, pale sunken countenance, dry burning heat of the skin, very frequent pulse, vio- lent cough, pains when coughing, short, hurried, somewhat rattling respiration. For the cough with costiveness, Nux Vomica. Bryonia-Deep stitches in the right side with every inspiration, great anxiety and constriction of the chest, dry cough, the expectoration which is small in quantity, is mixed with streaks of blood, difficult articulation, some rattling on the breast, redness, sweat on the face, eyes suffused, thirst, full, quick pulse, dry tongue black in the centre, noc- turnal raving. Camphor-PNEUMONIA in the latter stage, short, anxious, very constricted respiration, with painful sensation and sticking in the breast, frequent, vio- lent irritation to cough, alternate chill and heat, dry, hot skin, weak, slow pulse, sleepiness. China-With short, hurried respiration, dull stitches, lying with the head elevated, incessant cough with mucous expectoration streaked with blood, burning dry heat, flushed face, thirst, later hæmoptysis and syncope with subsultus tendinum. Phosphor.-PNEUMONIA NEGLECTA, sunken, sal- low countenance, dull, sunken eyes, short, power- 180 less, dry cough, intense thirst, heat, chill, with the aid of Sulphur. Phosphor.-PNEUMONIA inclined to paralysis of the lungs, accelerated respiration accompanied by loud rattling in the chest, cough seldom, with slight viscid mucous expectoration. Sulphur-The pectoral complaints continually increase, the heat in the chest increases to conges- tion, and the bloody expectoration becomes hæmo- ptysis. Veratrum-In a case of pneumonia already far advanced. PERIPNEUMONIA NERVOSA. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS WITH TYPHOID SYMPTOMS. Aconit., Bellad, and Bryonia-Entire loss of consciousness, suppression of all sensorial activity, eyes dull, lips dry and covered with a black crust, stammering speech, very intense thirst, involuntary, thin alvine dejections, respiration short, skin dry, pulse small, trembling, thread-like, intermittent. Aconit., Bryonia and Nux Vomica. Aconit., Bryonia, Bellad. and Nux Vomica. Aconit., Hyosciamus and Rhus-PERIPNEUMO- NIA NERVOSA, after scarlatina, short, difficult respi- ration, incessant stitches with oppression, dry cough, sometimes expectoration of frothy blood, which is raised with difficulty, delirium, murmuring, pick- ing at the bed-clothes, involuntary stools, violent heat. For the remaining cough with profuse pu- ruloid expectoration and circumscribed redness of the cheeks, Lycopodium was successfully adminis- tered. Belladonna-Painful pressure beneath the ster- num, respiration constricted, sopor, insomnia, sub- sultus tendinum, picking at the bed-clothes, eyes 181 suffused, unsteady glance, small, quick pulse, sup- pressed evacuation of urine and stool. Bryonia and Rhus-General burning heat with violent stitches in the right side of the breast with every inspiration, very rapid, painful, anxious re- spiration with severe constriction of the chest, con- stant slumber with frequent startings and slight de- lirium, indistinct murmuring, strange phantasms, picking at the bed-clothes, tremor of the tongue, which is dry, brown and furrowed, excessive de- bility. Bryonia-Cough with little expectoration of dirty, reddish, bloody mucus, great inclination to sleep, he lies as if intoxicated, delirium. Arnica for the sticking pain, on respiring deeply, which afterwards remained. Carbo vegetabilis-Rattling respiration, weight of and stitches in the breast, frequent cough, vio- lent heaving of the chest, delirium and soft pulse. China-PNEUMONIA with picking at the bed- clothes. Pulsatilla-Short, hurried respiration in a child with burning skin, subsultus tendinum, violent thirst, starting, mild delirium, anxiety, fretfulness. Rhus-Tongue brownish, rough and dry, tight- ness of the breast, little sleep, frequently interrupt- ed by restless fancies, easily frightened, small pulse, will spring out of bed. PERITONITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE PERITONEUM. Aconit.-In repeated doses. Aconit.-Several doses with the intercurrent ap- plication of Antimon. crud. and Nux Vomica for the gastric symptoms which were present. PERITONITIS PUERPERALIS. See FEBRIS PUERPE- RALIS. 16 182 PERNIO. CHILBLAIN. FROST BITE. Agaricus. Belladonna and Pulsatilla--With blueish-red swelling, and pulsating pain in the affected part. Also, Petroleum, Acidum nitric., Nux, Ignatia, Phosphor, Rhus. PHIMOSIS. Cannabis. PHLEGMASIA ALBA DOLENS. MILK LEG. Aconit. and Rhus, with the aid of Nux Vomica, Arsenic, Belladonna and Pulsatilla-Rending pains along the inner side of the right leg, which is swollen, will not bear pressure. Belladonna-In a woman in child-bed, the leg very painful, swollen, will not permit touching, could not change her position without the utmost pain, fever. INTOLERANCE OF LIGHT PHOTOPHOBIA SCROFULOSA. IN A SCROFULOUS INDIVIDUAL. Nux moschata with Conium. Hyosciamus, Ignatia. PHRENITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. BRAIN FEVER. Belladonna. PHTHISIS PITUITOSA. BRONCHITIS. Phosphor. and Lycopodium-Short, constricted respiration, accompanied in the morning with white, frothy expectoration, breast free from pain, ema- ciation and debility, with the aid of Calcarea, Sulph. and Sepia. PHTHISIS PITUITOSA from repelled scabies, with constriction of the chest, cough with thick mucous expectoration, great corporeal debility. Sulphur and Lycopodium. 183 Sulphur, Arsenic, Calcarea and Stannum iii cured a case of phthisis pituitosa. Stannum-In the breast incessant excitation to cough, oppression of the breast, asthma, loss of breath from trifling exercise, great debility, vomit- ing of mucus in the morning. Stannum-Cough with copious mucous expec- toration, day and night, great emaciation, frequent small pulse, burning heat in the palms, morning sweat, diarrhoea. Stannum-Violent concussive cough, sometimes dry, sometimes with copious expectoration easily raised, worse at night; when coughing the breast pains as if raw and sore, weakness and enervation, night-sweats. Belladonna removed a beating, press- ing pain in the left side of the breast, and hoarse- ness, which remained. PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Skin pale with vivid roseate hue of the cheeks, violent rending pains in the lower part of the thorax, expectoration of blood every eight days, thick yel- low true purulent expectoration, sleeplessness, and inability to walk. Dulcamara, Sulphur, Aconit., Nux, Sepia, Ignatia, Stannum, Kali carbon., Calcar., Phosphor., Silicea, Sepia, Carbo veget., Bellad. Acon., Psoricum and Sulphur-Hæmorrhage from the lungs, emaciation, great pectoral weak- ness, constant dull pain of the breast, short breath. Carbo vegetabilis-PHTHISIS EX VOMICA, Cough day and night, partially dry and convulsive, or at- tended with expectoration of large thick masses of yellow, green puriform mucus, sometimes also of a thinner matter, respiration short, constricted, hur- ried, dull, pressing pains in the breast, with stitches passing through it. Carbo vegetabilis-The expectoration consists 184 of lumps of thick, green, puriform, fetid mucus, es- pecially profuse in the morning. China, Sepia, Ammonium carb. and Lycopo- dium. China-Incessant cough with purulent expecto- ration. Dulcamara-Resulting from repeated colds, in- cessant cough with expectoration coloured with light-red blood, breast painful, fever. Ferrum aceticum and Pulsatilla-PHTHISIS FLORIDA after a cold bath, great emaciation with colliquative clammy sweats, diarrhea, hippocratic countenance, pale lips, asthma with very restricted respiration, greenish, purulent expectoration, streak- ed with blood, and foul nauseous taste. In ten or twelve days, perfect convalescence. Hyosciamus-Incipient phthisis after pneumonia, frequent cough with greenish expectoration, corpo- real weakness, especially of the breast. Kali carbon. with Nux Vom.-PHTHISIS PURU LENTA, purulent expectoration of a whitish-yellow appearance, discharged by coughing, shortness of breath, great exhaustion. Laurocerasus-Incessant cough, with very co- pious gelatinous expectoration with spots of blood. Ledum palust.-After neglected pneumonia, copious, fetid, greenish expectoration, straining cough, stitches in the side, emaciation, with the aid of Chamomilla. Lycopodium-PHTHISIS FLORIDA, rattling respi- ration, puruloid expectoration, nocturnal clammy sweats. Lycopodium-Weak, soft voice, great weakness, day and night, bad cough with profuse expectora- tion, mild fever with clammy night sweats. Nitrum-In violent pains of the breast and lungs. 185 Phosphor. with the aid of Lycopodium, Sepia and Graphit.-Weak, interrupted speech, difficult respiration, great constriction, occasional hæmorr- hage, puruloid expectoration mixed with blood, cold clammy sweats, diarrhoea. Phosphor.-Concussive cough with trembling of the limbs, yellow purulent expectoration, of a saline taste, worse early in the morning and in the even- ing, profuse night sweats, debility. Phosphor.-PHTHISIS with very severe shortness of breath, tense feeling over the chest, very severe cough with thick, yellow expectoration, emacia- tion, with the aid of Petroleum and Sepia. Psoricum-Cure of phthisis purulenta very far advanced. Pulsatilla-Face pale, sunken, impaired hear- ing, great emaciation, hectic fever, colliquative diar- rhoea, expectoration which ceased four days since, was formerly yellowish-green, puruloid, rattling. Pulsatilla, Nux Vom., Stramonium-Fever, copious night sweats, face very thin, diarrhoea. Sambucus-Constant cough with copious expec- toration, debility, emaciation, when coughing pain in the breast, the feet are oedematous. Sambucus-Ex potu frigido ingesto, fever with violent cough and expectoration, of a sweetish taste, burning heat of the palms, copious sweat in the evening. Silicea, Sulphur and Calcarea. Stannum-Cough with expectoration of a yel- low matter of offensive odour and disgusting taste, emaciation, want of air and symptoms of strangula- tion when walking. Sulphur-Pressure and tension of the breast, sensation of narrowness of the breast, expectoration purulent streaked with blood, blind piles. Sulphur-Incipient phthisis with amenorrhoea. 16* 186 Sulphur and Psoricum-Alternately in several cases. PHTHISIS BRONCHIALIS. Sulphur and Causticum. PHTHISIS LARYNGEA. LARYNGEAL PHTHISIS. Causticum--Rough hoarse voice, can scarcely speak loud, soreness in the larynx, with the aid of Drosera and Trifolium. Spongia-Hoarseness, the voice fails when sing- ing, dysphagia, frequent short, dry cough, occasion- ally with discharge of white mucus frequently mixed with blood, with the aid of Drosera. Also, Carbo vegetab., Mangan. and Sulphur. PHTHISIS INTESTINALIS E SCABIE SUPPRESSA. IN- TESTINAL PHTHISIS FROM REPELLED ITCH. Psoricum. PHTHISIS TUBERCULOSA. TION. BRONCHITIS. TUBERCULAR CONSUMP- Schmid recommends the alternate use of Hepar sulphuris and Mercurius. PHYSCONIA. DISTENTION OF THE ABDOMEN. Lycopodium, Lachesis. PHYSCONIA HEPATIS. Calcarea carbonica. SWELLING OF THE LIVER. PHYSCONIA HEPATIS ET LIENIS, with excessive dis- tention of the abdomen and slight sticking pains in the liver. Sulphur. SWELLING OF THE SPLEEN. PHYSCONIA SPLENICA. Berberis. PLACENTA INCARCERATA. Secale cornutum. PLEURITIS. PLEURISY. RETAINED PLACENTA. Aconit.-Violent sticking pain in the whole right breast, which almost prevented respiration, dry cough, dry hot skin. T 187 Aconit.-Very violent sticking pains, anxiety, incessant cough, hard frequent pulse, very red face. Aconit.--Violent sticking pains in the vicinity of the false ribs of the left side, very much aggra- vated by inspiring deeply or coughing, dry, short interrupted cough, hurried respiration, great thirst, mucous coated tongue, fiery-red urine, skin dry and hot, pulse hard and much accelerated, great rest- lessness. Aconit.-Violent stitches in the breast, short painful cough, face vividly red, respiration short, hurried and painful, expectoration mixed with blood, every change of position causes pain, violent hard accelerated pulse, muscular twitchings and delirium subsequently supervened. Aconit. and Belladonna-Very violent sticking pains, anxiety from coughing, aggravation from deep inspirations and motion, short dry cough, de- lirium. Aconit. and Bryonia. Aconit., Bryon. and Arnica-PLEURITIS BILIOSA, with the aid of Nux Vom. Aconit. and Cannabis. Bryonia-Hot, flushed face, hot, dry skin, spark- ling eyes, pains like a bruise in the back and be- tween the shoulders, severe thirst, violent dry cough attended with severe stitches, paroxysmal, short, constricted respiration, delirium. Bryonia with the aid of Aconit. Bryonia with the aid of Nux Vomica. Bryonia with the aid of China. Scilla-Sticking pain in the whole inferior por- tion of the breast, with every inspiration, short, dry cough, frequent hard pulse, burning heat of the body, red face, great thirst. 188 PLEUROPNEUMONIA. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS AND PLEURA. Aconit.-Anxiety, which restricts respiration, short breath, on respiring more powerfully severe stitches in the left side of the breast, which is im- mediately succeeded by cough with little bloody sputa, fear of suffocation, hot, dry skin. Aconit.-Constant sticking in the right side of the breast, short, very oppressed respiration, frequent cough, with only occasional expectoration some- what bloody, burning hot skin, full, strong intermit- tent pulse. Aconit.-Anxious, oppressed respiration, sticking in the right side of the breast, short, dry cough, fever, red cheeks, very rapid, small, hard pulse. Aconit.-Aconit. with Bryon. and Arnica. Aconit. and Bryonia. Aconit. with the aid of Sulphur and Bryonia- Face puffed up and fiery red, dry, parched skin, vomiting after eating, abdominal pains, watery stools, pectoral complaints, insomnia and delirium. Arnica-Violent sticking in the side, short op- pressed respiration, painful, short, dry cough, oc- casional mucous expectoration tinged with blood, which is raised with difficulty, face red and swollen, great heat, constipation. Belladonna-Stitches in the left side of the breast, continual heat, frequent cough with bloody expectoration, short, difficult respiration, delirium, dry tongue, loss of thirst, constipation. Bryonia-Violent stitches when coughing, with excessive constriction of the chest, as if a weight lay upon it, sleeplessness, swollen, dark red face, respiration rapid, anxious, oppressed and short, small hard pulse, violent palpitations, hot, dry skin, thirst. Bryonia-Stitches in the breast which oppress Poly mus sarium, Leucisure Prop AR, mangan находить 189 inspiration; the horizontal position is the only one the patient can bear, heat, burning in the breast, anxiety, oppression, cough, expectoration of a small quantity of mucus, vivid redness of face, tongue yellowish brown. Bryonia-Excessive sticking in both sides of the chest, frequent excitation to cough with some bloody mucous expectoration, very oppressed re- spiration, heat of skin, full, hard, slow, intermitting pulse, face swollen, blueish red, coma with delirium producing anxiety. Bryonia, Bryonia with the aid of Aconit. Cannabis-Very violent stitches in the left side of the breast, sticking in the breast on moving, breathing or speaking, cough with copious viscid, green, bloody expectoration, deficient strength, gen- tle slumbers with jactitation, palpitations with anxiety, with the aid of Aconit. PLICA POLONICA. MATTED HAIR. Vinca minor. A case was cured by Ignatia, Sulphur, Conium, and Natrum muriaticum. PODAGRA. GOUT OF THE FOOT. Arnica and Sabina. PRIAPISMUS. SPASMODIC OR PAINFUL ERECTIONS. Pulsatilla. POLYPUS AURIUM. Calcarea carbonica. DER. POLYPUS OF THE EAR. POLYPUS NARIUM. NASAL POLYPUS. Calcarea carbonica-Phosphor. used external- ly. Marum verum externally. Ozænin, Phosphor., Sulphur. POLYPUS VESICÆ URINARIÆ. Calcarea carbonica. POLYPUS OF THE BLAD- 190 PRESBYOPIA. FAR-SIGHTEDNESS. Drosera with the aid of Hyosciamus-Fire and broad day-light dazzles. PROCTALGIA. PAIN IN THE ANUS. Sulphur-Burning pain in the anus and on the DISCHARGE FROM THE ANus. scrotum. PROCTORRHOEA. Sulphur. PROLAPSUS IRIDIS TRAUMATicus. IRIS FROM A WOUND. Arnica. PROLAPSUS UTERI. FALLING DOWN OF THE WOMB. Belladonna, Nux Vom. and Aurum, Sepia, Secale corn. Arnica PROLAPSUS UTERI Succeeding too rapid delivery. Secal. cornut.-Especially when bearing down pains, which generally accompany this disease, are present. PROLAPSE OF THE S GLAND. PROSTATITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE PROSTRATE Pulsatilla and Thuja. PROSOPALGIA FOTHERGILLI. TIC DOULEUREUX. PROSOPALGIA—The paroxysms appeared in gene- ral very violent, permitting neither touch nor mo- tion. Spigelia helped palliatively. The following remedies radically. Calcarea, Lycopod., Sepia, Baryt., Phosphor. and Graphit. Belladonna. Belladonna and Nux Vomica. Bellad. and Stramonium. Belladonna and Zincum. Hepar, Thuja, Arsenic, Sabina, Sulphur. Nux Vom., Belladonna and Bryonia-Tic dou- leureux with violent trismus. 191 Phosphor. Stramonium-With erysipelatous swelling of the face and lip. Staphysagria with the aid of Carbo veget., Cal- carea, Nitric acid, Phosphor. and Sepia. PROSOPALGIA RHEUMATICA. See DOLORES RHEU- MATICI FACIEI. PSEUDO SYPHILIS. DISEASE RESEMBLING SYPHILIS. Hepar sulph., Sarsaparilla, Acidum nitric. PSOITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE PSOAS MUSCLE. Aconit. and Bryonia. Colocynthis. PSOROPHTHALMIA. PSORIC INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. Calc. carb.-Bad chronic inflammation of the eye-lids, the whole of the eye-lashes destroyed, lids thick, swollen, and as if corroded, secrete a thick, purulent humour. Hepar sulph.-Both eye-lids inflamed, sore, hu- mid, as if corroded, particularly at the internal can- thus, inner surface of the eye-lids inflamed, of a vivid red colour, smarting, itching, dark circles around the flame of the candle, conjunctiva bulbi reddened. Hepar sulph.-Nocturnal agglutination of the eye-lids, with much muco-purulent secretion, a small ulcer on the cornea. Sulphur, Graphit. and Nitric acid-Both eyes are much inflamed, ball and lids red and swollen, flow of tears, intolerance of light. PURPURA MILIARIS. See SCARLATINA MILIARIS. A 192 Ꭱ RANULA. FROG TONGUE. VARY GLANDS OR DUCTS. SWELLING OF THE SALI- Mercury. Thuja, Acidum nitric., Ambra, and Calcarea carb. Staphysagria, Sulphur, Mezereum. RAPHANIA. ERGOTISMUS. DISEASE PRODUCED BY EATING SPURRED RYE. Solanum nigrum. For the remaining nervous weakness, Bellad. HOARSENESS. RAUCEDO. Bryonia-RAUCEDO with cough, after measles, with the aid of Belladonna. Calcarea carb.-Chronic raucedo with severe cough and copious mucous expectoration, conjoined with foul breath. Carbo vegetabilis. Drosera with Tinctura acris and Trifolium. RAUCEDO in a preacher conjoined with a feeling of soreness. Mercur. Pulsatilla with the aid of Bryonia-Violent raucedo of long duration, sticking head-ache, short dry cough, heaviness of the limbs. Spongia and Mercur. solub.-RAUCEDO in an in- dividual of a phthisical habit. Sulphur-CHRONIC RAUCEDO with severe dry cough. RETENTIO MENSIUM. See AMENORRHŒA. RETENTIO URINÆ. Cannabis. RETENTION OF THE URINE. 193 RACHITIS. RICKETS. RACH. CUM LORDOSI-Abdomen distended, un- steady gait, falls down easily, without fever. Bel- ladonna removed all these symptoms. RHAGADES. CHAPS. Hepar. sulph., Calc.-Deep redness and fissures in the ball of the left hand. RHAGADES OF THE NIPPLES, Sulphur internally and externally. Tinct. arnica. RHEUMATISMUS acutus. ACUTE OR INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. Aconit, and Bryonia-Swelling of the joints of the superior and inferior extremities, synochal fever, immobility, lancinating pains of the head. Aconit. and Bryonia-Drawing, stinging pains in the knees, worse on moving at night and early in the morning, the knee joint hot and swollen, the right arm painful, somewhat swollen and immove- able. Aconit.-Immobility of the loins, he lay stiff, ex- tended upon his back, frequent pulse, with the aid of Rhus and Nux Vomica. Aconit. and Bryonia. Aconit., Bryonia and Nux. Aconit. RHEUMATISM of the left knee joint. Antimonium crudum-Swelling of the biceps at the point of insertion, and of a part of the fore- arm with tensive and stinging pains. Arnica-Intolerable rending pains in the limbs, patient lies perfectly stiff in bed, can move neither hands nor feet. Arnica-Incessant rending pains in the hands and feet, the feet are slightly, but the hands con- siderably swollen, red and shining, painful to the touch, cannot move the hands and feet without very violent pains, with the aid of Antim, crud. 1 17 194 Belladonna-RHEUMATISM of the right hip joint, very violent pain, especially severe at night, with great restlessness, cannot remain in any position, very painful to the slightest touch. Belladonna-ACUTE RHEUMATISM, pressing rend- ing in the shoulders. Bryonia-General heat, head-ache, violent rend- ing pains alternately in the upper and lower ex- tremities, painful to the touch, swelling and inflam- mation of the wrist and knee joint, particularly violent at night. Bryonia-Sticking and drawing pain in the fore- arm, shoulders and pectoral muscles which prevent- ed his lying in bed. Bryonia-Tensive, sticking, rending pains in the extremities and nape, all these parts are swollen, shining red, nocturnal exacerbation, pains are also increased by motion, sleeplessness, restlessness, ex- cessive dry heat, thirst. In two days he was free from pain. Bryonia-Violent tension and rending in the limbs, knee stiff, limbs red and shining, much exa- cerbated by motion, a sensitive sticking when touch- ing the affected parts. Bryonia-Stiffness of the nape, sticking pains sometimes in the shoulders, increased by motion. Bryonia and Ledum-Violent pain in the knee with hot swelling above and below the patella, ex- tension of the leg attended by violent pain, noctur- nal sleeplessness. Mercur. sol. produced only tem- porary relief. Causticum-Drawing and violent rending pain chiefly in the joints, alleviated when in the room or in bed, much increased in the open air; when out of bed, a kind of paralytic weakness, and instability of the limbs. Chamomilla-Drawing rending pain from the 195 tuberosity of the ischium to the sole of the foot, in the bones, very severe at night. Cocculus-Rending, disabling pains in the right arm, the patient cannot move it. Dulcamara-After being thoroughly wet, prick- ling, sticking in the whole right leg, extending to the sole of the foot, thence the pain extended into the right hypochondrium and across the loins, stiff- ness of the loins. Dulcamara-Sticking and pressing pains in the arms and back, aggravated at night, alleviated by exercise. Nux Vomica-In both arms from the shoulders, a drawing pain and sensation as if these parts would fall asleep, the patient cannot move them without pain, likewise in the lower extremities, stiffness and pains in the hips and knees, sensitive to the cold air. Pulsatilla-Drawing rending pains sometimes in the one and again in the other knee, or in the fore- arms,hands, shoulders, the nape and feet, the patient cannot move the parts affected, after sometime swelling appeared, the pains remitted, and some other part was affected. Chilliness, thirstlessness. Rhus-The rending and tensive pains prevent rest in bed, the affected parts are red and shining, on touching sticking and sore pains, a tensive stick- ing in the joints with a feeling of stiffness, particu- larly on rising up after sitting, these pains in the joints are aggravated in the open air, nights much heat and thirst, the pains are far more violent than during the day, anxiety, timidity. Rhus and Chamomilla, Sulphur. Thuja-Rending in the right shoulder extending to the finger, pains as if all these parts were sore. Veratrum-Very violent pains in both arms, re- 196 curring at the same time every day, extending from the shoulder joint to the wrist, cannot bear covering. RheumatismuS CHRONICUS. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Arnica-CHRONIC RHEUMATISM of the knee, with dragging and sensation of weariness in the thigh, aggravated by exercise. Ignatia-Rheumatic pain in the humero-scapular articulation, violent sticking on rotating the arm inwards, severe pain in the body of the bones. Lycopodium-Pain in the sacral region with drawing, cramp and rending in the whole spinal column, especially when sitting, after taking cold a similar rheumatic tension and rending pain in the joints of the upper and lower extremities, stiffness of the limbs, coldness of the feet. Nux Vomica. Phosphor.-CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Phosphor.-Drawing, sticking pains through the whole right side of the face, drawing pain in the teeth, pains in the loins and limbs, rending in them with drawing in the limbs alone, loss of power in the joints, intolerance of the open air. Phosphor-Stitches and drawing in the facial bones, tension, drawing and rending in all the limbs, alternating with pains in the head, dullness, bruise- like pain in all the limbs. Pulsatilla-Heaviness and pressure extending from the shoulder along the arm into the fingers, which are numb, with change of weather, stitches and cold feeling in them, general debility. Rhus-CHRONIC RHEUMATISM of the left hume- rus, violent rending and burning in that part, worse when in a state of quiescence or warm in bed, the arm as if lame. Rhus-CHRONIC RHEUMATISM of the right shoulder, rending and burning, aggravated by exercise, re- lieved by lying on the part affected. Steling (Intoleravle) ongoing to bed tuum Tryph 197 1 RHEUMATISMUS LYMPHATICUS. Nux Vomica. RHINITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE. Aurum-Swelling of the nose and whole face. Belladonna, Murias magnesiæ, Zincum. RHINITIS ERYSIPELATOSA. ERYSIPELATOUS INFLAM. OF THE NOSE. Plumbum. RHINORRHAGIA. See Epistaxis. EPISTAXIS. RIGOR. SENSATION OF CHILLINESS. Aconit.-Painful rigor of the vertebral column and all the limbs, pulse hard. RUMINATIO MORBIFICA NOcturna. With dysphagia, from repelled scabies-Cantha- rides and Phosphor. ... CLE. S. y SARCOCELE. INDURATED SWELLING OF THE TESTI- Pulsatilla and Nux Vomica-In a sarcocele of the size of a hen's egg. SCABIES. ITCH. Sulphur as principal remedy-Hahnemann. Carbo vegetabilis-Hahnemann. Sulphur and Causticum. Causticum. Ol. Olivarum. Psoricum. Sepia. Sulphur-PURULENT ITCH. Mercury-In dry miliary itch, which bleeds easily. Mercurius aceticus-In psoric eruptions. 17* 198 An itch which had been fruitlessly treated for a long time with allopathic doses of Sulphur, was cured by Rhus and Staphysagria. Another case was cured by Sulphur, Rhus and Arsenic. Another by Sepia, Carbo. veget., Bryonia and Mercury. SALIVATIO. SALIVATION. Acidum nitric. SCARLATINA. SCARLET FEver. Belladonna-The chief remedy, both as pro- phylactic and curative. Belladonna and Aconite. Belladonna-With the aid of Acidum phos- phoricum, in scarlet fever with typhoid symptoms, with profuse diarrhoea discharged without any sen- sation, deglutition almost impossible, black lips. Aconit. and Merc. solub.-In violet scarlet fe- ver with severe inflammation of the throat. Ignatia and Pulsatilla-When there is a sen- sation as if a plug was in the throat. With stupor, Opium and Arnica, with tonic spasms, Ipecac. With clonic spasms, Hyosciamus. Spasms of the lungs and trachea were relieved by Ipecac. HYDROPS AFTER SCARLET FEVER-Rhus, Mercu- rius. Helleborus, Arsenic, Belladonna. SCARLATINA MILIARIS, SCARLET FEVER WITH MILIA- RY ERUPTION. Aconit. The principal remedy. Also as pro- phylactic. Aconit. with the aid of Coffea. Belladonna-Stupifying head-ache, loss of con- sciousness, violent dysphagia, dry cough and deli- rium. 199 Sulphur-Corporeal restlessness, boring with the head in the pillow, tongue and lips covered with dark incrustations. Bryonia-In the nervous stage. Chamomilla and Ipecac.-When the eruption is lingering. Mese SCIATICA. PAIN IN THE HIP-JOINTS. Nux, Pulsat., Colocynth. in three cases. Bellad., Merc., Canth., and also Ars. in nervous sciatica of a gouty origin, when the pains are worse after dinner, or when they are burning. Cham.-In daily doses has also been useful. Hepar. Sulph., Calc.-In Tincture gtt. 10, dai- ly, in one month restored a patient labouring under Čoxarthrocace, with the following symptoms--in- tolerable aching pain in the right hip-joint, soreness to the touch, and lameness, particularly at night— a hospital physician of the old school, who had ex- amined him, promised him a cure in two years. SCIRRHUS. See INDURATIO SCIRRHOSA AND CANCER. SCIRRHUS LABII SUPERIORIS. SCHIRRUS OF THE UP- PER LIP. The whole upper lip much swollen,the epithelium of a blueish colour, tickling itching over the whole body-Belladonna, Arsenic, Staphysagria, Meze- reum, Conium, Nux Vomica, Lycopodium, Gra- phit., Silicea and Acidum nitric. SCIRRHUS VENTRICULI. SCHIRRUS OF THE STO- MACH. Arsenic. SCORBUTUS. SCURVY. Acidum muriaticum. SCROPHULOSIS. SCROFULA. In a case of scrofula pretty far advanced with rickets, tumid belly, etc.-Nux Vom., Belladon- 200 na, Sulphur and Calcarea, effected considerable improvement. Belladonna with the aid of Merc. and Sulphur -Swelling of the glands of the neck, emaciation, hard distended abdomen, restless sleep. Calcarea carb.--Glandular affection with otor- rhoea and dysecoia. Calcarea, Silicea, Lycopodium and Sepia-In a scrophulous boy with incipient osseous affection. Calcarea-Indurated glands. Conium--Swelling of the glands and ulcers of the neck. Graphit.--Scrophulous swelling of the glands of the throat. Iodine-SCROPHULA, with oedematous swelling of the eye-lids. Silicea-Scrophulous swelling and induration of the cervical and parotid glands. Staphysagria--Scrophula, with predominant pectoral symptoms of phthisis, cough with purulent expectoration, thick upper lip, sub-maxillary glands hard, swollen, painful, glands of the neck, axilla and groin swollen, tumid abdomen, debility. Sulphur-SCROPHULA with swelling of the cer vical and mesenteric glands, dry tinea capitis, with the aid of Calcarea carbonica. Sulphur--Redness of the nose, incrustations in the nostrils, scurfy, cracked lips, goitre, induration of the cervical glands. Sulphur-SCROPHULA POST SCARLATINAM TURBA- TAM, paleness, thick nose, swollen lips, many large glandular swellings, costiveness. Sulph-SCROPHULA with prominent abdomen, rattling respiration, chronic catarrh. Other remedies for glandular indurations are: Baryta carb., Carbo veget., Carbo animalis, Dulcamara, Cocculus and Belladonna. 201 SCROPHULA MESENTERICA. TION OF THE MESENTERIC GLANDS. Calcarea carb., Arsenic and Belladonna. SINGULTUS. HICCOUGH. SCROPHULOUS AFFEC- Belladonna-Violent singultus. Nux Vomica. Pulsatilla—VIOLENT SINGULTUS with spasms of the throat and chest. Bryonia. Belladonna, Ignatia and Sulphur. SODA. HEARTBURN. Sulphur-In violent heartburn with emaciation. Nux Vomica, China, Calcarea and Sulphuri- cum acidum. SOPOR. COMA. LETHARGY. With convulsions of the extremities. Opium. SORDES GASTRICÆ. See GASTROATAXIÆ, SPASMI. SPasms. Aurum-With alternate laughing and crying. Belladonna-Universal spasms in children, with smiling. Belladonna-SPASMS of the facial muscles with closed eyes, shining, hot face, with fixed, lustrous eyes. Belladonna-Violent spasms, proceeding from the right foot which is swollen, through the leg to- wards the breast, spasms in the throat and organs of speech, loud shrieking during the paroxysm, co- pious sweat. Belladonna with the aid of Pulsatilla-Me- nostasia, twitchings of the limbs and facial muscles day and night, very little appetite, tensive motion in the pit of the stomach, occasional pressing and drawing pains in the abdomen. Causticum-Spasms with a pendulous motion 202 of the head, masticatory movements, aversion to drink. China-Spasms sometimes clonic, sometimes tonic, with twitching and trembling of the limbs. Cocculus-Spasms from impeded menstruation with despondency, timidity and abdominal spasms. Cocculus-Spasms from suppressed menstruation with oppression and spasms of the chest, sighing, groaning, griping pains in the belly, and nausea ap- proaching syncope, convulsive motions of the limbs. Crocus-Hooping cough, paroxysms of laughing, dancing, jumping, whistling and singing. Cuprum--Loss of consciousness, trembling, eye- lids closed, the patient is speechless, tonic spasms; sometimes the back is bent backwards, flow of sali- va, constipation, small discharge of urine. Cuprum aceticum with Ignatia and Pulsatilla -Before going to sleep great sense of chilliness, during sleep incessant weeping with twitching of the limbs, springs suddenly out of bed and bustles restlessly about. Cuprum-SPASMS of various kinds. Hyosciamus--VIOLENT SPASMS of the calf of the leg, difficulty of hearing, cold sweat, spasms of the breast, pale countenance, with the aid of Ignatia for the debility. Hyosciamus-Violent spasms, loss of conscious- ness, froths at the mouth, distortion of the eyes. Ignatia-Spasms during menstruation caused by fright. Hyosciamus--Violent spasms, the patient grits her teeth, dilated pupils, mouth spasmodically dis- torted, paroxysmal convulsions of the superior and inferior extremities. Ignatia--SPASMS of children during dentition with twitching of the angle of the mouth, spasmodic motion of the muscles of the cheeks, the forehead 203 and eye-lids, foams at the mouth, twitching of the extremities. Ipecacuanha-Extremities of stony hardness, the fingers and toes drawn upwards and asunder, mouth spasmodically closed, face glowing red, irritation to vomit, (Brechreiz) sweat. Menyanthes trifoliata—Violent spasmodic toss- ing and jerking of the legs, in an arthritic woman. Nux Vomica-Violent spasms in a small child, crying, rigidity, backward flexion of the head, fixed eyes, trembling of the limbs. Sulphur was finally administered. Nux Vomica--After taking cold violent spas- modic affection of the limbs, which gradually ex- tended to the back, causing stiffness of it, occasional individual twitches with a shriek, respiration very difficult. Nux Vomica-Spasms of the breast and stomach, with Cocculus. Opium--Spasmodic attack from fright. Pulsatilla--Spasms from menostasia, abdominal spasms, asthmatic attacks with constriction and sense of suffocation, deadly anxiety, palpitations. Sepia-Rending, contracting pains in the whole abdomen, which frequently extend to the pectoral muscle, nape, and right leg. Stannum--SPASMS from irritation produced by Veratrum-HYSTERIC SPASMS with cataleptic worms. symptoms. See CŒLIALGIA SPASMODICA. SPASM OF THE THROAT (ESOPHA- SPASMUS ABDOMINIS. SPASMUS GULE. GUS.) Belladonna, Nux Vomica-Periodical contrac- tion of the throat with danger of suffocation and habitual head-ache. 204 SPASMUS PALPEBRARUM. Spasmus pectorIS. SPASM OF THE BREAST. Arsenic. Bryonia and Pulsatilla. Cocculus. See BLEPHAROSPASMUS. Cuprum aceticum-The whole breast is con- tracted, at the same time, face of a vivid red with hot sweat, sometimes also convulsive motions of the extremities and the muscles of the trunk. Lycopodium and Graphit. Spigelia. See also ASTHMA. SPASMI PULMONUM ET TRACHEÆ. LUNGS AND WINDpipe. Ipecacuanha. SPASMI VENTRICULI. See CARDIALGIA. SPLENALGIA. PAIN OF THE spleen. China-Sticking pain in the spleen. STEATOMA. FATTY TUMOUr. Baryta carbonica-Behind the mastoid process a fatty tumour. SPASMS OF THE STOMACACE. MALIGNANT SORE MOUTH. China and Arsenic-STOMACACE in a child aged two years, after measles, black, spongy gums, loose incisor teeth, discharge of saliva which flows over the lower lip which hangs down, cadaverous odour. Helleborus niger. Mercurius solubilis in many cases. STRABISMUS. SQUINTING. Veratrum. Nux Vomica-The gums much swollen, almost entirely covering the teeth, which are loose and black, had the appearance of putrid flesh, cadaver- ous odour exhaled from the mouth, face sunken, discoloured, emaciation. 205 STRANGURIA. STRANGURY. Nux Vom., Magnetis polus austral.—From a dynamic paralysis of the bladder. STRICTURA ANI SPASTICA. OF THE anus. Nux Vomica. SPASMODIC STRICTURE STRUMA. GOITRE. Calcarea carbonica, Natrum carbonicum. Other remedies-Carbo animalis, Lycopodium, Iodine, Natr. muriaticum. TORPIDITY OF THE LIMBS. STUPOR ARTUUM. Pulsatilla. Rhus-Sense of torpidity and formication in the upper extremities. SUDOR NOCTurnus. China. Acidum phosphoricum. Stannum. Sepia, Sambucus, Pulsatilla. SUFFOCATIO. NIGHT SWEATS. SUFFOCATIVE ATTACKS. Phosphor.-Suffocative attacks conjoined with cough and hoarseness. Pulsatilla-Every night about twelve o'clock a suffocative attack, occasioned by mucus in the throat. Sambucus nigra-Suffocative paroxysm in a boy, trembling of the whole body from anxiety, loss of breath, hurried respiration, rattling in the chest. SUPPRESSIO HÆMORRHOIDUM. SUPPRESSED PILES. Calcarea carbonica. SURDITAS. DEAFNESS. Calcarea carbonica. Psoricum. See also DYSECOIA. 18 206 SYCOSIS. Acidum nitric. and Thuja-Many burning con- dylomata. Thuja was applied externally at the same time. Thuja-Gonorrhoea of the glands (Balano-blen- norrhoea) with small ulcers and condylomata of the prepuce and anus. Thuja-Condylomata with brown spots under the arms. Thuja with the aid of Acid nitric.-Several humid condylomata on the glans. Thuja-Internally and externally, on the labia majora large condylomatous productions, with tran- sudation of an acrid matter, burning pain. Thuja-Used internally and externally, with Acid. nitric. Mercurius solubilis-Condylomata with syphi- litic ulcers. Mercurius solubilis alternating with Thuja, (applied internally and externally,) in condylomata with malignant leucorrhoea. Euphrasia-Internally and externally, condy- lomata and medorrhoea. Cinnabaris. Psoricum-Humid condylomata of the prepuce, with nocturnal incontinence of urine, angles of the mouth ulcerated, with dry herpetic eruption in the ham. Cinnabaris and Selenum-CONDYLOMATA, con- dylomata, fan-like standing in groups, gonorrhoea. Sulphur-After the fruitless application of Aci- dum nitric. and Thuja. SYPHILIS. VENEREAL DISEASE. Mercurius as the principal remedy. Mercurius vivus and solubilis in different dilu- tions. 207 Merc. subl. corros.-The margin of the glans covered with ill-conditioned red ulcers. Mercur. præcip. rubra--In syphilitic affections of the throat. Nitric acid-After the use of large quantities of mercury in primary syphilis. The following observations on the homeopathic treatment of syphilis extracted from the work of Doctor Attomyr, on the venereal disease, although not contained in the work of Ruoff, were deemed of sufficient importance to be inserted here. TRANS- LATOR. "With respect to the treatment of the various forms of the venereal disease, we have in general nothing farther to add except that in this disease as in all others the general homeopathic law of cure by similarity of symptoms is applicable, and here too proves its validity. Before entering specially upon the homoeopathic treatment of the venereal disease, it will be neces- sary to premise some few remarks, which deserve consideration when viewed in reference to my ther- apeutical results. Syphilitic patients, with very few exceptions, are young unmarried men, who either board at the hotels or sit at table with their relations, or proba- bly superiors. In either case it is unfortunate for the observance of the homoeopathic diet, and indeed much worse here than it would have been in Ger- many or any other Austrian province, for in Hun- gary far greater quantities of condiments and acids are used with food than in other places. To this must be added the fact that patients conceal their disorders, and in order not to excite suspicion, dare not venture on the slightest aberration from their accustomed diet. In consequence of these uncer- tain dietetic circumstances, I resolved in treating such patients to administer larger doses than usual 208 I am still of the opinion that the lower dilutions recall re-action quicker, but that their effects are less intensive and permanent than the higher. Four grains of calomel in the space of a few hours ope- rate violently, and excite diarrhoea, while the same four grains, if taken in minute portions, result in an indisposition, which continues several days, and in a more intense commotion of the organism. I more- over concluded from these premises that the larger doses could be repeated more frequently, which would seem essential on account of the necessarily frequent dietetical errors. Within the period of two years I treated 156 patients labouring under the venereal disease. Every physician knows how it is with office practice, how difficult to learn any thing or obtain any certain experience in this man- ner. Generally one half of this class of patients stay away, so that it is impossible for us to decide with certainty upon the termination of their disor- ders. The one remains away because the effects of the treatment did not fulfill his anticipations, the other (and among syphilitic patients the majority,) because he is approaching convalescence, and is desirous of avoiding the burdensome thanksgiving for his cure. This last occurred so frequently to me that during the treatment of an interesting case I was always fearful, as I was led to expect that as the cure progressed, my patient would remain away, and I be unable to arrive at any certainty with regard to the termination of the case. I requested a patient with eleven chancres (seven of which of the size of a lupine seed were situated on the scrotum) after all were healed, but two of them still presented cicatricular depressions, to re- turn in eight days and let me see if the two scars had also disappeared. My patient, however, did not return, notwithstanding I had clearly given him 209 to understand, that I had no reference to his return- ing thanks, but merely as a subject of scientific interest. This plan was so often adopted towards my patients that they ironically termed me the "gratis Doctor," for which I in return during the last three months of my residence in Presburg, punished them very sensibly, although I am sorry that punishment in many instances fell upon those who were innocent. So it happened that of the 156 patients treated, I cannot cite more than 84 who persevered until perfectly cured, and most of these, at my request, returned, and were examined by me fourteen days after their convalescence. Were cured of Chancres,. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Balano-blenorrhoea, Bubo, Hernia humoralis, Nodes and eruptions, • 34 24 9 2 10 2 2 I have observed the following five varieties of chancre. First form. The edges more or less jagged, ele- vated, slightly painful, but sensitive when rubbed by the linen, with a copper-coloured circumference. The base of the sore is indurated, lard-like, the ichor adheres so firmly to it that it cannot be re- moved by washing. The ichor is of a light yellow colour, viscid, glutinous, resembling pus, sometimes acrid, offensive; it makes spots on the linen as if from melted tallow. The sore extends far more in depth than in breadth. This form appears on all parts of the glans, and also on the prepuce, but more frequently on the posterior part of the glans near its junction with the prepuce. 18* 210 Second form. The sores are superficial, not only do not extend in depth, but are perceptibly elevated above the surface. The edges are never jagged, always sharply circumscribed, painless. The sore looks clean, of a flesh-red colour, almost spongy, it is never necessary to clean it as the ichor does not adhere. The ichor is somewhat thinner than in the first form, usually more copious and mixed with blood. This form heals sooner than the first, ap- pears almost exclusively on the prepuce, and there are always several sores present at the same time. Third form. The sores of the second form gra- dually become elevated so much above the surface of the prepuce that they resemble more a horizon- tal section of a wart than an ulcer. This form discharges very profusely. The ichor is more of fensive than in the two preceding forms, but still not so bad as it is in those which follow. It is unusual for all the chancres of the second form to become converted at the same time into those of the third, therefore these two forms are usually coexistent. This variety frequently heals very quickly. I have never seen true condylomatous forms of disease arise from this. In my case book I have given the compound name of "chancre wart" to this form, which term, on account of its brevity, I will still retain. Fourth form. The corona of the glans is almost one ulcerated surface. This frequently extends to the posterior part of the glans; occasionally, at the same time, to the prepuce also. The sore is quite superficial, here and there lard-like, but the greater part red and thinly coated with matter, which can be readily washed off. The ichor, which is very profuse, is somewhat less consistent in this than in the varieties already described, and is of a very fetid odour, which apparently depends upon the 211 simultaneously increased secretion of smegma. The sore appears as if the skin had been torn off. This form either heals as such by contracting from the edges towards particular points, forming several chancres, which are nearly separated or only united by linear excoriations; or the above described lard- like spots extend more in depth, and chancres of the first form appear. This fourth variety of chan- cre has a tendency to appear in company with gonorrhoea. Fifth form. A chancre which in its incipient state has the appearance of the first form, in a few days becomes covered with a scab which presents the appearance of a psoric sore. The scab absorbs the fluid secreted beneath it, and thus becomes thicker and does not fall off until the sore beneath it has healed. This variety appears either on the common integument of the penis or directly on the verge of the prepuce, which becomes swollen, looks as if excoriated, burns severely while and after urinating, when walking is disturbed the pressure of the linen to which it slightly adheres. This variety I term the "psoric chancre" and conjecture that it arises from a complication of syphilis and psora, which conjecture is strengthened not only by the appearance of the sore, but also by the violent pru- ritus and the favorable results attending the ad- ministration of Sulphur. This form generally ap- pears simultaneous with one of the varieties already described. In the treatment of these different forms of chan- cre, I have by degrees been obliged to resort to the following eleven remedies: Mercurius solubilis, Merc. dulcis, Merc.sub- limatus corrosivus, Acidum nitric., Thuja, Hepar sulphur., Corallia rubra, Acid phosphor., Sul- phur, Causticum, Staphysagria. 212 In the first variety of chancre, Merc. solub. is the chief remedy, it is not however adapted to half the cases. Thuja comes next to the quicksilver in this variety. The patient usually took a few doses of Mercur., then a few doses of Thuja, and when its beneficial influence appeared to cease the Mercury was resumed. In addition to these, I administered Merc. dulcis., Sublim. corrosiv. and Causticum in several obstinate cases, and I believe I have ob- served considerable improvement in this form after each of these remedies. In the second form Acidum nitric. is the chief remedy. When this form is purely pronounced without complication, particularly with the third form, the Nitric acid acts very promptly and in twenty days, at the extent, the disease is cured. I have however cured, or evidently assisted the cure of several of these cases with Mercur. and Thuja. In the third form Thuja appears preferable to Acid. nitric,, although the latter as well as Mercu- rius solub. is a very effectual remedy in this variety. In one case, Acid. phosph. acted very strikingly. Staphysagria in another in the same prompt man- ner. In the fourth form preference must be given to Corallia rubra. Although this remedy is capable of curing a chancre of this variety in fourteen or at the extent eighteen days, yet still it does not appear to be able to prevent this form from becoming convert- ed into the first by which the treatment is consid- erably prolonged. Nitric acid may be ranked with Corallia in the treatment of this form and in several cases in which rapid improvement did not succeed the administration of Corallia, and where the pru- ritus was very vehement, I gave Sulphur which cured the disease in toto. In the fifth form which was the most rare, Sul- 213 phur was the chief remedy. Hepar Sulphur. oper- ated favourably in this form when complication with bubo existed. At first I gave Merc. solub. in doses of a drop of the fourth dilution, and when this was all gone I re- sorted to the fifth. At the beginning of the treat- ment I repeated the medicine every six or seven days and afterwards every three or four days. I have however cured several chancres with X000 and 4000. Nitric acid and Thuja were given in similar doses, but also with effect in the thirtieth dilution. Of Corallia, 1 gave about a grain of the third trituration. Sulphur and the liver of sul- phur I always administered in the X000, also Caus- ticum, Staphysagria and Phosphoric acid, and the two other preparations of mercury in the third potence. One month was about the average time required to cure a chancre, several healed in four- teen days in which cases I must remark that these patients were individuals who were able to follow strictly the homeopathic dietetic regulations. In several cases, six weeks or more were consumed in the cure of the chancres, for which the patients themselves were in fault, as several confessed to me that they were not able to refrain from coition during the treatment. The articles of diet which I forbade were, 1. Acids: as vinegar and lemon-juice. 2. Spirituous drinks: wine, whiskey, beer, li- quor and all alcoholic drinks; beer I would have al- lowed, had it not been adulterated with bitter plants. 3. Spices, or rather medicines which have crept from the apothecary shop into the kitchen, as cof- fee, tea, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, the cayenne pepper, (Capsicum annuum) which is used in Hunga- ry, cloves, caraway and aniseed. 214 I also advised my patients to avoid the use of pomatum, medicated dentifrice, and perfumery of every description. Smoking 1 did not forbid, be- cause no one would have obeyed me in this parti- cular. One of the most important directions during the treatment of chancre, relates to mental and parti- cularly bodily quietude. The patient should go out as little as possible, walk very slowly, not wear tight pantaloons, or remain long standing, and on no account, drive or take horse exercise. My at- tention was directed to this latter circumstance se- veral years ago, by the experienced Dr. Miller, attached to the medical staffin Pest: As 1 treated but few venereal patients after that period, this circumstance was forgotten. In Presburgh, I treat- ed a young man more than seven weeks for a large deep chancre, which did not lose at all its lard-like base, and although it did not extend either in breadth or depth, it evinced no disposition to heal. The patient was too well acquainted with the supe- riority of Homœopathy to adopt the advice of try- ing Allopathic treatment. While we were discuss- ing the probable cause which impeded the cure, my patient enquired whether it was not probable that daily horse exercise could be an injury? Dr. Mil- ler's advice now struck me. I forbid riding on horse- back, and in the course of eleven days the chancre was healed, the patient having remained in his room in his drawers, generally reclining upon the sofa. Corporeal rest is decidedly the best prophylactic against the formation of buboes. I must mention still another serious obstacle which greatly impedes the cure of all venereal diseases. I refer to the ex- cessive anxiety of those youths who are infected for the first time; they fancy that they see themselves 215 walking about without their olfactory organs and covered with eruptions and sores. At first I applied charpie to the sores; but as this became deranged and formed lumps, I preferred fine, clean, washed linen, (not new). I subsequently abandoned this also, as every foreign body adheres to the sore as soon as it commences healing and dis- charging, and on removing, irritates the chancre, and in general incommodes more than the secretions of the sore. I have treated patients with several chancres conjoined with Phymosis, without having seen the sores more than once, as the Phymosis occurred a few days afterwards and continued to the conclu- sion of the treatment. When the prepuce could be retracted, the chancres were either completely cured or very nearly so. When washing the sores, care must be taken not to press too violently upon them. Many patients gave themselves much trouble in endeavouring to wash off the lard-like matter forming the base of the chancre. Patients should be informed that this is futile and injurious. It is entirely impossible to clean the base of the sore, as this must be removed by the process of suppuration, produced by the ac- tion of the appropriate remedy. Chancres of the first form generally discharge copiously, and for a long time, so that the patient's linen appears as much soiled as in Gonorrhoea. When I perceive this increased discharge make its appearance, I always continue the remedy which produced it, be- cause this increased suppuration of the sore, is the most natural remedy to cleanse and heal it. The period of increased discharge frequently occupies two thirds of the whole time employed in the cure. I have however frequently seen perfectly healthy sores, which were much diminished in size and su- 216 perficial, remain in statu quo without healing com- pletely. This apparently depends upon the conduct of the patient, on whom the cure has advanced thus far. If doubt arises respecting the nature of sores on the genitals, whether they are really chancres or not, it is adviseable to wait several days before ad- ministering our remedy. If in the course of six or eight days the sores are not healed, but have be- come larger, deeper, and the base lard-like, there can then be no doubt, the patient may talk as much as he pleases about the fidelity of his sweet heart. In concluding this subject I have still to remark, that in the cases of three patients afflicted with chancres, I observed vermin, which are not uncom- mon in syphilis, and by us termed "Filz läuse,' (Pediculus pubis). One of these patients, who was somewhat of a scrofulous diathesis, was troubled with them in two instances. I need scarcely remark that these patients observed the utmost cleanliness, as I do not at all consider these vermin as the re- sult of filthiness. It is not improbable that they are produced per generationem æquivocam, in the same manner as in the itch, either by the discharge from the chancre, or in transpiration of the patient, and consequently may be ranked as the product of the venereal disease. "" BUBOES. Swelling of the inguinal glands consequent upon syphilis, are more dreaded by patients than any other form of this disease. It is well know how un- der Allopathic treatment they are plastered, cau- terised and incised again and again. I have treated eight patients with venereal buboes, without the necessity of one of them being confined to bed for a single day. A day or two before the spontaneous 217 rupture of the swelling, the patient experienced a slight tensive pain when walking, but not any other inconvenience either before or after that circum- stance occurred. The buboes usually broke while patients were walking, and had they not experienc- ed the sensation produced by the moisture, they would not have been aware of its occurrence. have witnessed neither sinuses, fistulous openings, callous edges, nor partial remaining indurations, &c., in any of these cases, although I never made use of cataplasms to prevent induration, leeches for in- flammation, or of the knife or caustics in opening them. I There is no doubt that buboes, which appear simultaneously with chancres, or immediately after their suppression with external remedies partake of the venereal character. Scrofulous glandular affections are usually readily recognizable from the general diathesis and the disorders of the glands. in other parts of the body which are commonly present. But there are also buboes which appear sooner or later after coition without any other symp- tom of venereal infection. Whether these glandu- lar swellings are to be considered as venereal has not yet been determined by adequate experience. I have seen two such cases. The one an arthritic man aged thirty-eight, the other a young man of three-and-twenty. Both cases were preceded by frequent coition, and in the case of the first indivi- dual, it was inordinate. In the first case the bubo which was confined to one side was cured by reso- lution under the use of Sulphur and Nitric acid, the second by suppuration by Nitric acid alone, In the latter case there were two buboes of the size of a hen's egg, one on each side. Buboes are treated homoeopathically by the same remedy that is indicated for the particular variety 19 218 of chancre which they accompany. The medica- ment that cures the chancre frequently operates so powerfully upon the bubo, that the latter suppu- rates and heals before the chancre is completely cured, so that in this case the bubo does not alter the peculiar treatment adapted to the chancre. Sometimes, however, the bubo remains after the chancre has healed, and in this particular case does it first become necessary to adapt our therapeuti- cal efforts to the bubo itself. I made use of five remedies in the cure of buboes. Merc. solubilis, Acid. nitric., Sulphur, Hepar sulph., Calc., and Silicea. The two first remedies I gave in drop doses of the fourth dilution, at inter- vals of four or six days, the three last in the thir- tieth dilution, every eight days. Mercurius and Acid. nitric. operated better dur- ing the inflammatory state of the swellings, previous to their opening. After this had occurred, I ad- ministered Sulph., Silicea, and the liver of sulphur with good effect. I have frequently seen swellings of the inguinal glands arise in patients afflicted with very painful gonorrhoeas, in which much violent exercise was taken, particularly in individuals infected for the first time. In such cases I recommended the ob- servance of strict corporeal rest for a few days, and proceeded in the treatment of the gonorrhea with- out reference to the inguinal swellings, and I have never seen them pass into suppuration or induration, or remain after the cure of the gonorrhoea. CONDYLOMATA. The cases of this affection, which have come un- der my notice, are too few in number for me to de- termine whether this form of the venereal disease belongs to the syphilitic, or whether it depends on · 219 one of the various cachexies of Hahnemannian syco- sis. The first view is favoured by the fact of the concomitant presence of chancre and condylomata, as well as the degeneration of many chancres into condylomatous structures; while the circumstance that this form of disease frequently appears entirely alone without any admixtion with the other forms of venereal, and has the peculiarity which is foreign to chancre of occupying the anus at the same time, or selecting this part alone as its seat, favours the Hahnemannian views of sycosis. Be this as it may, the distinction is of no practical utility. The symp- toms of this disease direct the physician to the ap- propriate remedy, no matter whether he considers the first or last view as correct-a superiority pos- sessed by homoeopathy in the treatment of this as well as other diseases, which is not acknowledged only because it is desirable to arrogate the appear- ance of science. In the case of a patient with two large condylo- matous excrescences on the anus, who had been previously treated by caustics, neither Thuja, Ni- tric acid, Acid. phosphor., Lycopod., Sulphur, Psorin, nor Sycosin were of any benefit. Staphy sagria X⁰⁰⁰ repeated every five days, removed the disease almost entirely in the course of two weeks, so that I gave the patient a few doses more of the latter remedy, in hopes that the disease would be completely overcome in a short time; the patient, however, did not return; I therefore cannot say how the case terminated, although it is very proba- ble that the patient was cured. The condylomatous case, which I have mentioned as cured, was that of a patient with three condy- lomatous excrescences, which had been cauterised, but were reproduced. I gave him Thuja X10, se- ven days after Sulphur X, seven days later Acid. 220 nitric. 4, gutt. una. for two successive days, all without effect. The Thuja was now repeated but in the fourth dilution, a drop every third day, after which the excrescences were diminished one half in size. The repetition of Thuja of the fourth di- lution entirely cured the disease. Throughout this work I have avoided the recital of cases, for in this disease one case very much re- sembles all of the others. In sycosis I have made an exception in order to be able to introduce the remark that Thuja, which in this case was the proper curative when first administered, was not attended with any success, and did not prove bene- ficial until administered in a lower dilution after two other remedies had been given. I am perfectly willing that this favourable result should be as- cribed to the lower dilution, but must remark that in at least ten cases of intermittent fever, in which Ipecacuanha proved fruitless, and several other remedies given subsequent to it, likewise proved inefficient, that Ipecac. then administered in the same dilution and dose, was attended with the most favourable result. GONORRHEA. This form of the venereal disease is of all others the most troublesome, as well for the patient as his physician. To the patient, as it is the cause of much pain, sleepless nights, fever and other analo- gous symptoms, which may result in inflammation and induration of the testicles, strictures of the urethra, &c., either owing to the misconduct of the patient or to the preposterous and violent allopathic treatment. Gonorrhoea is a troublesome disease to the physician, owing to its tendency to become chronic, and in the form of a gleet to continue long and obstinately. It appears to be the general cha- 221 racter of diseases of mucous membranes to run their course sluggishly. We frequently see catarrhs, in themselves unimportant, continue for several weeks. This is also the case with various mucous diseases of the nose, ear, vagina, &c., which are rendered chronic as soon as an increased mucous secretion appears. The usual time required to cure an acute gonor- rhoea was one month. Several were cured in four- teen days; a few cases degenerated into gleet. I experienced the best effect in the treatment of this disease from the exhibition of Cannabis in the fourth dilution, in drop doses, which were repeated at intervals of five or six days. I occasionally re- peated the remedy for two or three days in succes- sion, and then waited seven or eight days. Pulsatilla was given with effect also in drop doses of the fourth dilution, where general corpo- real agitation, very diminished appetite, evening chill, increased thirst, &c. were present. In three or four days, this febrile state was usually allayed, and I then again continued the Cannabis. A few globules of the 30th dilution of Cantha- rides were always effectual in very painful erec- tions, violent burning and strangury. In one case hæmaturia supervened, which was not relieved by Cantharides but by Mezereum. Mercur. solub. 4 gutt. una, effected a rapid cure in a case of Gonorrhoea attended with a greenish discharge. In this case however, several sores were present, which indicated the application of Mercu- ry. The Gonorrhoea was cured before the chan- cres. At first, before I had effectually tried the effica- cy of Cannabis, I tried Blennorrhin, in doses of several globules of the thirtieth dilution. A gonor- rhoea in which Copaiva proved inefficient, was 19* 222 cured in two weeks by two doses of Blennorrhin. In several other cases, this remedy effected consid- erable improvement, although it did not produce a complete cure. But as Cannabis with an inter- current dose of Pulsatilla, Cantharides, or in cases of very frequent urination, Petroselinum, act- ed very favourably in a majority of cases. I made no farther trials with Blennorrhin in acute gonor- rhoea, although I made use of it in gleet. GLEET. Nine cases of this disease were cured with Blen- norhin 30th, Sulphur 30th, and Cannabis 4th gutt. una. I repeated Cannabis every five, and the other two remedies every eight days. I am unable to mention any particular indications for the employment of any of these remedies. Generally Sulphur, given at first, produced considerable im- provement, diminished the discharge perceptibly, but excited slight burning in the urethra, after which I usually gave Cannabis with effect. I ob- served this frequently. I have however perfectly eured painless gleets with Cannabis aided by Sul- phur or Blennorrhin. As regards the dietetic treatment in gonorrhoea, all violent exercise must be avoided. If the testi- cles are sympathetically affected, the patient must wear a suspensory bandage, or at least support the testicles with a handkerchief. Beer should not be taken during the existence of acute or chronic gonor- rhoea. I saw discharges unattended with pain, repro- duced in several patients who indulged freely in wine immediately after their gonorrhoeas had been cured, it however soon disappeared, the very severe burning can be much diminished by the patient's drinking water very freely, by which means the 223 i urine is increased in quantity and rendered less acrid. This innocent palliative produces great re- lief to the patient, and should therefore never be neglected. INFLAMMATION OF THE TESTICLES. I treated but two cases. One was in company with a gonorrhoea, or rather gonorrhoea conjoined with swelled testicle. The patient being afflicted with gonorrhoea went out a hunting in cold damp weather, and returned with violent pain in the testes. The disease increased during the night, and both testicles were swollen, hard, not bearing the slightest touch, the scrotum red and tense, some fe- ver which continued until the evening of the suc- ceeding day. There was scarcely any discharge from the urethra. Two doses of Clematis, 12th dilution, three globules, repeated every three days cured the disease, after which the gonorrhoeal dis- charge reappeared. Swelling of the epididymis of one of the testes, which still remained, was removed by Aurum iv. dissolved in water. The second case was a relapse, which had pre- viously been subjected to allopathic treatment. It was relieved by China IV000, and Aurum IV⁰⁰⁰ China was administered three times, Aurum twice. - The patient should remain in bed and have the testes properly supported. GONORRHOEA GLANDIS. Incorrectly so termed. It could with more pro- priety be called inflammation of the glans penis. I treated two cases. One case was conjoined with gleet. The glans was very red and swollen, small fissures appeared on various parts of it, and in a few days, a very offensive mucous secretion succeeded, which increased very much in a short time, and affected the prepuce also. Corrallia 3, about 1 224 grain repeated in four days cured the balano-blen- norrhoea, and Cannabis and Sulphur the gleet. The second case was connected with chancre, was not so violent, and was cured by the use of Mer- cur. A few years ago I cured several of these cases with Thuja X⁰⁰⁰ NODES. The patient had been afflicted three years be- fore with a chancre which was cauterised. After taking a violent cold from exposure to moisture, the patient had a gouty attack. It was treated without effect; a depot formed on the tibia, which was at- tended with such violent boring and rending pains, particularly at night, that he was deprived of all nocturnal rest, and obliged to quit his bed. He then underwent a course of "Dzondischer" pills, which rather increased than relieved his malady. After the administration of half a grain of Hepar sulph., Calc. 3d trituration, he was able to sleep several hours in the morning. Two additional doses of He- par, given at intervals of eight days, removed the pain almost entirely, the patient ate, drank and slept as in health, though the swelling was not per- ceptibly diminished, this however disappeared en- tirely on administering three doses of Acid. nitric. x, at intervals of from eight to ten days. The other patient had two osseous swellings of the size of a pigeon's egg on the head, and an erup- tion over the whole body, for the relief of which he had taken several hundred baths, and as many mer- curial pills. This patient was cured after eighteen months' treatment which was repeatedly interrupt- ed. Of course he took very many homœopathic medicines, so that I am unable to mention the re- sults obtained by any particular one, especially as 225 during the latter period I treated him only by let- ter. COMPLICATIONS. CHANCRE AND BUBO-The treatment of this form of complication, has been described under BUBO. CHANCRE AND GONORRHOEA-If the gonorrhoea is very painful, the treatment of the chancre which otherwise is preferable, must be suspended, and Cantharides or some other appropriate remedy be exhibited. This also holds good if profuse and con- tinued hæmaturia supervenes. • CHANCRE AND CONDYLOMATA-In this case, the treatment can be united, as Thuja and Nitric acid are particularly indicated in both forms. GONORRHEA AND HERNIA HUMORALIS-Here of course the latter must be treated without delay. The other complications are not of importance, and the treatment of them is obvious. SYPHILIS SECundaria. SECONDARY SYPHILIS. Aurum-Nasal speech, stinking ichor and small pieces of bone discharged from the nose, ulcers on the palate, the tonsils are corroded by ulcers, offen- sive discharge from the ears, with violent boring pains in them, painful periosteal swelling on the hairy scalp, forearm and tibia, on the head itching nodes, rending pains in the bones of the extremi- ties. Aurum-INVETERATE SYPHILIS, the nasal, frontal and superior maxillary bones swollen and reddened, with sticking pains in them, bloody, fetid discharge from the nostrils, the margins of the eye-lids red- dened at their inner canthi, if the head is not kept warm, head-ache as if a draught of air passed thro' it. Acidum nitric.-On the head isolated, humid pustules, the face full of maturated pustules, with 226 broad red margins, which after some days form crusts, on the right ala nasi, a condylomatous pro- tuberance of the size of a bean, covered with a scab, tonsils red and swollen, there was formerly a raw spot on the anus between the legs, pruriency and humidity of the interguments. Hepar sulphuris, Rhus. Sepia-INVETERATE SYPHILIS with ulcers of the glans and prepuce. After Mercur., Acidum nitric. and Thuja had been given without perceptible improvement. Thuja with the aid of Graphit. and Sepia were given, copious discharge of pure mucus from the urethra in a subject who had previously taken much Mercury, slight burning when urinating, the bul- bous portion of the urethra painful internally, the orifice of the urethra, red, swollen, the inner sur- face of the prepuce red, pain in the region of the bladder, ulceration of the base of the glans, scrotum painful, many nocturnal pollutions, headache, me- lancholy, inclined to suicide. SYRYGMUS. RINGING, TINKLING, BUZZING, ETC. SOUNDS IN THE EAR. Graphites-Roaring in the ears. Petroleum-Roaring in the ears with difficulty of hearing. Nicotiana-A tedious and loud roaring in the ears, attended with difficulty of hearing, was re- moved by this remedy. ; T TABES. See FEBRES LENTE AND SCROPHULA MES- SENTERICA. TENIA. TAPE worm. Carbo animalis. 227 Sabadilla. Fragaria vesca, Filix mas, Cort. radic. grana- torum. TELANGIECTASIS. NAEVUS MATERNUS. DILATATION OF THE CIRCULAR BLOOD VESSELS. Two red spots on the base of the nose and crown of the head were removed by the alternate use of Sulphur x and Phosphor x. Sulphur. Carbo vegetabilis. TETANUS. LOCKED JAW. Aconite-The jaws are completely closed, the eyes are distorted, the patient lies as if dead. Arnica-TETANUS with opisthotonos in a boy. six years of age, who had been run over by a carriage. Belladonna with the aid of Hyosciam. and Pul- satilla, the last mentioned remedy for amenorrhoea, in a woman who was sick six years. Tetanus with paroxysms from an hour to an hour and a half in duration. The head is bent backwards on the nape, arms distorted and painful, spasmodic structure of the throat preventing deglutition, menstruation sus- pended from eight to twelve weeks. Bryonia―HYSTERICAL TETANus. Cicuta virosa-TETANUS with occasional con- vulsions of the extremities in a scrophulous boy, pupils contracted, strangury and constipation, with the aid of Staphysagria. Cicuta virosa with the aid of Stramonium— Violent opisthotonos and trismus, to which lameness of the right leg subsequently supervened. Causticum and Mercurius vivus, with the aid of Belladonna, Camphor, Ipecacuanha, Vera- trum, Sulphur and Phosphor.-Opisthotonos with trismus in a pregnant woman. Ignatia-Spasms resembling opisthotonos in a 228 child from fright, tonic spasms of the muscles of the nape, which retain the head in a state of pos- terior flexion upon the back, difficult respiration, impeded deglutition. Phosphor.-TETANUS with trismus. Stramonium-The extremities are as rigid as wood, the thumbs pressed into the palms, fixed eyes, laborious, groaning respiration. Phosphor. with Sulphur-TETANUS with tris- mus. Sulphur with the aid of Opium, Stramonium and Moschus-Opisthotonos with trismus, eyes fix- ed and looking upwards, pupils much dilated, in- cessant whining, which is interrupted by a piercing shriek, succeeded by sopor. See also TRISMUS. THROMBUS LABIALIS. BLOODY TUMOUR OF THE lip. Arnica. TINEA CAPITIS. SCALLED HEAD. Baryta acetica-HUMID TINEA CAPITIS. Calcarea carbonica-Moist and dry tinea capi- tis. Graphites-Moist tinea principally on the crown of the head. Calcarea sulphurata-Scabs and scurf on the head, face and nape, painful to the touch, itching and bald spots on the scalp. Graphit. and Phosphor.-Dry tinea capitis. Lycopodium-HUMID TINEA CAPITIS with sore- ness of the thigh. Lycopodium and Hepar sulphur.-HUMID TINEA with foetid discharge and dysecoia. Oleander-HUMID TINEA CAPITIS, itching severely, and burning after scratching. Psoricum-TINEA of the head and face. Rhus--TINEA which has spread over the whole 229 head, forming thick crusts, under which a greenish matter exudes, intense itching at night. Rhus-Forming vesicles in the commencement, which burst, discharge or form thick yellow crusts. Rhus, Sulph., Calc. carb. Staphysagria-A humid, scall-like eruption, with discharge of very fetid pus, and swollen cervi- cal glands. Sulphur-TINEA mostly dry, also humid and fœtid. Sulphur and Graphit. Tinein. TINEA FACIEI. See IMPETIGINES. TONSILLITIS. See ANGINA TONSILLARIS. TOPHI. NODES. Mercury and Belladonna.-TOPHUS of the os frontis, and ulcers on the palate. Phosphor.--Many tophi on the bones of the head and the clavicle, painful on firm pressure. pipe. TRACHEITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE WIND PIPE. Calcarea sulphurata-Constant fever, oppress- ed, short respiration, hoarse voice, severe dry cough, pain in a particular spot. TREMOR. Trembling. Sulphur-From repelled itch. TRISMUS. LOCKED JAW. Angustura, Belladonna. Cicuta virosa-In a boy, after taking cold. Mercur.-Inflammatory trismus with swelling of the right angle of the lower jaw, and tension of the muscles of the neck to the nape. TUMOR LABUus. Iodine-In the commencement. 20 230 TUMOR GENU. SWELLING OF THE KNEE. The knee joint crooked, an ulcer in the ham, in a boy eight years old, he could not walk without the aid of crutches. After China, Sulphur, Cal- car. carbonica and Silicea, perfect restoration. Iodine-TUMOR GENU INFLAMMATORIUS, light-red swelling of the knee, with inflamed fistulous sinuses and fever. Silicea. Silicea, Calcarea and Staphysagria—The knees swollen particularly posteriorly, they are bent. Sulphur with the aid of Natrum muriaticum -Very violent pain in the left knee, in a boy five years of age, the knee and a portion of the thigh, thickly swollen, the leg can neither be flexed nor extended. W TUMORES LYMPHATICI. Silicea. LYMPHATIC SWELLINGS. Peath Do Palin S TUSSIS. COUGH. Acidum phosph.--COUGH with puriform expec- toration and pain in the breast. Acid. sulph.-COUGH with bloody expectoration. Aconit.-Violent, incessant cough, with danger of suffocation about 12 o'clock, obliging the patient to stand up, constriction of the wind pipe, face vivid red, pulse very frequent. Ambra—DRY, SPASMODIC COUGH. Ammonium carbon.-DRY COUGH of many years standing. Ammonium muriat.-COUGH with little expec- toration. Arsenic with the aid of Stannum-Phthisical cough with expectoration of a yellowish, offensive matter, of bad taste, want of air when walking, emaciation, bright red cheeks. Arsenic-SPASMODIC COUGH particularly in the Beel Guan & Constant Coregh - Coughing ding on neprisiel Constant dry cougle day or night with scarcely any intermission day or night, vec asumed by tickling in the Clust, under the sternum Cuned promity withe, Arum Tryphytum 2nd Lou There are 231 evening and at night when going to sleep, rendering it necessary to observe the erect position. Bellad.--COUGH in a child a year old, with heat, thirst, groaning, and bloated face. Belladonna-Nocturnal, dry, spasmodic cough, appearing about midnight. Belladonna-Dry, spasmodic COUGH with insuf- ferable head-ache, aggravated by walking, speak- ing, bright light, and every motion. Belladonna-PHTHISICAL COUGH in a scrophulous child, nocturnal cough and loss of strength. Belladonna-DRY, NOCTURNAL COUGH, frequent- ly continuing an hour. Bryonia-DRY COUGH, asthma with heaviness of the head. Bryonia-SPASMODIC COUGH, particularly even- ings and at night, after eating. Bryonia-COUGH with a bruise-like pain below the false ribs. Calcarea carb.-CHRONIC COUGH with hoarseness. Carbo vegetabilis--TEDIOUS COUGH with free ex- pectoration of mucus. • Chamomilla-Early in the morning and in the evening, cough with tickling in the pit of the neck. China-The coUGH commenced with a rattling noise beneath the sternum as if from an accumula- tion of mucus. Conium-VIOLENT, DRY, TICKLING COUGH With continual constriction of the chest, and symptoms of fever in the evening. Conium-DRY COUGH. Drosera-COUGH with hoarseness, after measles. Ferrum aceticum-COUGH appearing after every meal, with vomiting of food. Hepar sulphuris, Calcareum―TEDIOUS COUGH, with copious mucous expectoration, with emacia- tion and general debility. 232 Hyosciamus-Spasmodic nocturnal cough, some- times arising after lying down at night, and con- tinuing till towards morning, with mucous expec- toration. Hyosciamus-NOCTURNAL COUGH in several indi- vidual paroxysms, only a little loose, the child be- comes quite red in the face, gasps for breath, and vomits white mucus. Hyosciamus-VIOLENT DRY SPASMODIC COUGH, es- pecially when lying down, is obliged to sit erect, with vomiting, fever in the evening, and emaciation. Ignatia-CHRONIC DRY COUGH With pain in the abdomen, with the aid of Spongia, Stannum, China and Ipecac. Iodine--COUGH with bloody expectoration and pains in the breast. Ipecacuanha-FREQUENT DRY COUGH, with little or no expectoration, cold in the head without nasal discharge, and heaviness of the head, nausea and vomiting. Ipecacuanha-The attacks of the short, violent and concussive, though loose cough, succeeded each other so rapidly and continued so incessantly that the children could scarcely breathe. It was gene- rally conjoined with retching. Ipecacuanha--DRY SPASMODIC COUGH, excited by a constant tickling and irritation in the larynx. Ipecacuanha-MORNING COUGH when first walk- ing in the open air. Ipecacuanha-TUSSIS SUFFOCATORIA. Ledum pulustris—In rigidity during a paroxysm of coughing, the child bent itself backwards, vio- lent attack of coughing. Lycopodium-PHTHISICAL COUGH. Mercurius solubilis-DRY, TICKLING COUGH, of six months duration, which arose after an inflammatory pectoral affection, little mucous expectoration, con- 233 stricted respiration, throat as if sore and raw, ton- sils and soft palate injected, dysphagia. Merc. solubilis with Cina-SPASMODIC COUGH. Nux Vomica-COUGH with vomiting, great de- bility, heat and sweat, much thirst, little appetite. Nux Vomica-TICKLING COUGH, with the tick- ling below the larynx. Nux Vomica-COUGH with expectoration, par- ticularly in the evening and morning, pectoral op- pression and lassitude. Psoricum-VERY VIOLENT DRY COUGH with con- striction of and pain in the breast, as if it were raw and excoriated. Pulsatilla-SPASMODIC COUGH, chiefly in the evenings and at night, with tickling in the trachea, asthma and palpitation of the heart. Pulsatilla-CHRONIC CATARRHAL COUGH, with a tendency to become converted into phthisis, with very copious mucous expectoration, emaciation and general debility. Pulsatilla-COUGH with little expectoration, at the same time retching and vomiting of mucus, which finally becomes bitter, generally at night towards morning. Pulsatilla-VIOLENT MORNING COUGH with retch- ing, collection of water in the mouth, inclination to vomit, and expectoration of a whitish-yellow mucus. Pulsatilla-VIOLENT COUGH With copious expec- toration and pain in the breast, which precludes all rest when lying down, and troubles the patient day and night. Rhus-COUGH with bloody expectoration. Sambucus-PHTHISICAL COUGH after taking cold. Sepia-COUGH in a child. Stannum--CONSUMPTIVE COUGH, day and night, violent cough with copious greenish expectoration of a disgusting sweetish taste; after the paroxysm 20* 234 of coughing, sensation of soreness in the breast, great debility, with the aid of China for the tick- ling and remaining weakness. Stibium tartaricum alternating with Conium -IN AN OBSTINATE COUGH, incessant, short and dry, with soreness beneath the sternum, incessant irrita- tion to cough proceeding from this painful spot, ema. ciation. Sulphur-DRY COUGH after pneumonia, espe- cially in the morning; when coughing pain and tight- ness of the breast, shortness of breath when walk- ing, pains in the limbs and great lassitude. Sulphur-SHORT COUGH, preventing sleep at night, without expectoration, pressure and tension on the sternum. Sulphur-SHORT COUGH agitating the whole breast, succeeding a pectoral inflammation, with enervating night sweats. Verbascum―ROUGH, DRY, CATARRHAL COUGH, principally in the evening and at night, which, how- ever does not awake the child from sleep. TUSSIS FERINA, (CONVULSIVA.) HOOPING COUGH. Aconil.-A dose given every day. Aconit. succeeded by Conium. Aconit., Hepar sulph. and China. Arnica-Particularly when the cough occurs after crying. Belladonna. Belladonna, China and Conium. Belladonna-HOOPING COUGH With danger of suf- focation and spasms. Belladonna-With restlessness, fever, and red face. Bryonia--SUFFOCATIVE COUGH, particularly after eating, patient at the same time gasps for breath, vomiting of food. 235 Cuprum metallicum. Chamomilla in the first stage. Cina-HOOPING COUGH with fever, copious expec- toration, asthmatic. Cina-In cases where there is rigidity of the body during the paroxysm of coughing, also where a chuckling noise is heard passing downwards after the paroxysm, or where the patient bores his nose with the finger and griping is present. Cina-When after the administration of Dro- sera the cough still observes for a long time a pecu- liar violence, agitating the whole body. Conium--Where nocturnal paroxysms remain. Also in psoric symptoms with pustular eruptions and sore head, when Sulph. and Sepia are also in- dicated. Drosera-In the convulsive stage; it reduces the cough to one of a catarrhal nature. Drosera alternating with Nux Vom. or China. Dulcamara. Hydrocyanic acid.-Two cases of hooping-cough cured within ten days by Acid hydrocy. ii. Iodine-Where the attacks are preceded by anxiety. Ipecac. Magnesia muriatica-With anorexia. Merc. solub.-With diarrhoea, stools of a grass- green colour. NIGHT COUGH. TUSSIS NOCTURNA. Belladonna, Calcarea, Chamomilla, China, Conium, Drosera, Hyosciamus, Ignatia, Kali, Lycopod., Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Verbascum. Tussis suffocatoria. SUFFOCATING COUGH. Sulph. with the aid of Silicea and Kali carb., When lying down in bed in the evening, respira- tion stops, violent paroxysms of coughing, obliging 236 the patient to jump out of bed, shrill, whistling respiration. TYMPANITIS CHRONICA. CHRONIC TYMPANY. Conjoined with periodical colic-Colocynth. TYPHUS. See FEBRIS NERVOSA. U ULCERATION of the nose and upper lip in a scro- phulous boy-Aurum muriat. ULCUS. ULCER. Arsenic-SCHIRROUS ulcers of the throat and breast, over the whole face, on the forearms and hands, with excessive burning pain, chill, sleepless- ness, yellowish diarrhoea. Belladonna-Swelling of the cheek, arising from a pimple. Carbo vegetabilis-ULCERS with burning pain. Lycopodium-ULCERS on the throat. Silicea as a prominent remedy in ulcers; also Sulphur. ULCUS CORNEÆ. ULCER OF THE CORNEA. Euphrasia-ULCER remaining after rheumatic ophthalmia. Rhus-After scrophulous ophthalmia. ULCUS CRURIS. ULCER OF THE LEG. Lachesis-ULCER above the ankle, surrounded by varices. Lachesis-OFFENSIVE ULCERS on both legs, se- creting a thin ichor, dyspeptic disorders, with the aid of Silicea. Lachesis-DISCOLOURED ULCER, very painful, (used externally.) 237 Lachesis-ULCERS of unclean appearance on the leg. Lycopodium—OFFENSIVE DIRTY ULCERS with cal- lous edges and violent burning pain. Pulsatilla, Belladonna and Baryta acetica- An ULCER arising from the rupture of a varicose vessel, from which a copious brown sanies was dis- charged, burning on the edges. Silicea--On the upper edge of the tibia a round ulcer, the base is dirty, blueish red, copious secre- tion of a thin, sanguineous, inodorous fluid, stinging pains in the ulcer. Carbo vegetab, ulcer on the left tibia, the surface of the sore black; Sulphur effected but little. ULCUS FISTULOSUM. FISTULOUS ULCER. The patient was first affected with gonorrhoea, and unable to walk from a violent pain in the peri- neum near the verge of the anus, where a tumour soon made its appearance, which was lanced and continued to discharge matter, and degenerated in- to a true fistula ani. The patient was troubled with a cough, debilitating diarrhoea, fever, and much emaciated, the ulcer in the meantime, showing no disposition to heal up, although both Mercury and Cinchona were used; Homœopathic aid was called in. Treated by Sulph., one dose every six days, as antidotal to Merc. and Cinchon. previously given, the cough and diarrhoea soon subsided, and the pa- tient gained strength, so that in three weeks he was able to leave his room, the irritation about the rectum having been removed. Three doses of Sili- cea, after producing slight stitches in the fistula, caused it to close up completely in three weeks more. Sulphur in another but more aggravated case of fistula, without the aid of any other remedy effect- ed a cure. 238 ULCUS FUNGOSUM. Sulphur and Silicea. FUNGOUS ULCER. ULCUS GENU. ULCER OF THE KNEE. With stiffness and crooking of the knee-Silicea, Kali and China. ULCER OF THE LIPS. ULCUS LABIORUM. Arsenic—AN ULCER on the lower lip with a lard- like aspect. ULCER WITH CARTILAGINOUS INDURATION OF THE • UPPER LIP. Nux Vomica with the aid of Conium. A PAINLESS ULCER in both angles of the mouth. ULCER OF THE TONGUE. ULCUS LINGUÆ. Merc. vivus. MERCURIAL ULCER. ULCUS MERCURIALE. Sulphur. ULCUS ORIS. ULCER OF THE MOUTH. Mercurius vivus. ULCUS PEDIS. ULCER OF THE FOOT. Arsenic-GANGRENOUS ULCER on the great toe, Bryonia, Rhus, China and Sulphur. Graphit. and Bryonia--Foot purple coloured, swollen and hot around the ankle, on the dorsal surface of the foot an ulcer discharging purulent sa- nies, with callous edges and fetid odour, sticking, rending pains in the ulcer. Graphit. and Lycopodium-AN ULCER on the left ankle, which secretes much sanies, with pru- rient and pungent pains and costiveness. Silicea-ULCER on the dorsal surface of the foot, with a mass of fungous flesh. ULCUS PHAGADÆNICUM. PHAGADENIC ULCER. A corroding ulcer on the forehead which extend- ed to the frontal and nasal bones with excessive pain. 239 The sore secreted very offensive and unhealthy ichor, Silicea, Phosph., Sulph., Arsenic, Sepia and Calcarea affected a cure. PSORIC ULCER. ULCUS PSORICUM. Sulphur. ULCUS PUTRIDUM. PUTRID ulcer. ULCER of an ashy blueish cast, which secretes fe- tid ichor, Arsenic and Carbo vegetab., (applied ex- ternally.) ULCER secreting fetid, bloody, discoloured ichor with the sloughing of decayed cellular tissue, with ulcerous passages extending to the bone. ULCUS VARICOSUM. VARICOSE ULCER. ULCER with the edges everted, red and porous circumference, the calf of the leg swollen, the in- ferior half of the leg of a dark blueish red, Sulphur and Silicea. URETHRITIS. INFLAMMATION OF THE URETHRA. Petroselinum. URTICARIA FEBRILIS. NETTLERASH WITH FEVER. Aconit. and Nux-Thoracic constriction, short breath, hot skin. URTICARIA CHRONICA. CHRONIC URTICARIA. Antipsorica, particularly Arsenic. V VARICELLE. CHICKEN POX. Acon., Antimon. crud., Mercur. solub. and Pul- satilla. VARIOLE. SMALL POX. Aconit, Bellad.-At the period of maturation. Mercurius-Also when diarrhoea is present. 240 Vaccinin-Also Variolin. Sulphur-According to Rosenthal, occasions the small pox to pass mildly. Aconit., Nux Vom., Merc. solub. Aconit., Pulsat., Merc. solub. VERMITIO. VERMINOSE DIATHESIS. Acon., Carbo animal., Carbo vegetab., Cina, Ferrum, Nux Vomica, Sabadilla and Spigelia. See also ASCARIDES, LUMBRICI AND TÆNIA. VERTIGO. DIZZINESS. SWIMMING OF THE HEAD. Belladonna-In idiopathic vertigo. Cocculus--VERTIGO with sense of obstupefaction and intoxication, recurring about every fourteen days, attended with alternate numbness, sometimes of the hands and again of the feet. Conium with the aid of Belladonna and Lyco- podium-Very violent VERTIGO from suppressed scabies, attended with dullness, falling down, ob- jects appear to waver, vomiting, diminished visual power and leucorrhoea. Natrum muriat.—VERTIGO CONDUCA. Nux Vom.--VERTIGO approaching syncope with loss of sense, nausea every morning, vomiting, va- rious digestive symptoms after eating. Nux Vomica-CHRONIC VERTIGO, every thing appears to turn round in a circle, particularly in the morning. Opium-VERTIGO approaching syncope when sit- ting erect, tremor of the arms and legs from fright. Petroleum-CHRONIC VERTIGO. Pulsat.-CHRONIC VERTIGO, chiefly when stoop- ing, sometimes sticking in the ears and rending pains in the head. Pulsatilla--CHRONIC VERTIGO, sticking in the Silicea--Very VIOLENT VERTIGO, patient falls ears. 241 ZL down senseless, with head-ache, great debility and congestion of blood to the head. Sulphur-VERTIGO CADUCA, bordering on nervous apoplexy. ¿ VERRUCA. WARTS. Calcarea carbonica. Causticum-Painful, inflamed warts. Dulcamara-WARTS on the hands. Rhus-WARTS on the hands (externus usus.) Sulphur-WARTS on the fingers. Thuja. VOMICA. ABSCESS. Abdominal VOMICA with violent pain and fever- Arsenic. VOMICA of the lungs--Sulphur and Sepia, also Lycopodium. Kali carbon. CHRONIC VOMITING. VOMITUS CHRONICUS. Arsenic--Vomiting of food immediately after eating, or of water and mucus, with nausea, sensa- tion of pressure in the gastric region, sense of burn- ing. The only symptom which remained was nau- sea during menstruation; this was removed by Pul- satilla. Bryonia--VOMITING of food preceded by water- brash. Ferrum-After every ingestion of food, vomiting of it. Ipecacuanha-Idiopathic vomiting. Nux Vomica-VOMITING of all the food, of a year's duration, with constipation, spasms in the throat when moving. Nux Vomica-VOMITING with cardialgia, con- stipation, pain in the cardiac orifice of the stomach when swallowing. Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla-Periodical at- 21 242 tacks of vomiting, as soon as the patient eats any- thing, she is obliged to eject it again in an undigest- ed state, violent retching with chill and spasmodic shaking of the whole body, it ascends upwards from the pit of the stomach, thin stool. Pulsatilla-VOMITING of food very soon after dinner, an oppressing sensation in the pit of the stomach on pressure, constriction of the chest after walking fast. Pulsatilla-VOMITING and griping, paleness and emaciation. Pulsatilla-CHRONIC VOMITING with pressure and stinging pain in the gastric region and right hypo- chondrium, sometimes anorexia, and again inordi- nate appetite, vertigo when stooping forwards, ab- dominal pains, sometimes diarrhoea, sometimes con- stipation, various digestive complaints after meals, fluor albus. Pulsatilla-Abdominal pains,. ncreasing in inten- sity, vomiting of all the food with eructations and bad taste in the mouth, burning along the œsophagus, palpitation in the epigastric region, stools at times fluid, greyish and whitish, with tenesmus, vertigo, sleeplessness, marasmus. Sulphur, Silicea, Graphit., Phosphor., Lycopo- dium--Dizziness, noise in the ears, eructation, vomiting after eating, with debility, and a state re- sembling syncope. Veratrum album with the aid of Bryonia— VOMITING Several times through the day, also some- times during the night, diarrhoea, nausea, retching. Veratrum-VOMITING which nothing will allay. VOMITUS GRAVIDARUM. Vomiting during PREG- NANCY. Arsenic-SICKNESS of the stomach with vomiting and attacks approaching syncope. 243 Ipecacuanha, Conium. Murias magnesiæ-NAUSEA during the whole day without absolute vomiting. Natrum muriaticum. Nux Vomica. Phosphor-Sudden vomiting without preceding nausea. Sepia. VOMITUS FÆCIUM ET URINE. VOMITING OF FECES AND URINE. Opium. VOMITUS ATONICUS. IN THE STOMACH. Nux Vom. Nux Vom., Calcarea and Phosphor. VOMITUS VERMINOSUS. WORMS DISCHARGED BY Mea VOMITING FOr want of TONE VOMITING. Aconit, Cina., Sabadilla. VULNUS. WOUNDS. Arnica-Exhibited internally and externally. Rhus. Silicea. Z. ZONA. SHINGLES. HERPES ZOSTER. Mercur., Graphit. and Pulsat. Mercurius. A Abortion, threatened Abscess, Acute rheumatism, Adenitis, Ædoitis, After-pains, Agalactia, Amaurosis, Amblyopia amaurotica, Amenorrhoea, of the chest, of the epigastric re- gion, Lymphatic, of the labii pudendi, Anasarca, Aneurism, Angina, sa, Uvularis, Angor nocturnus, Anosmia, Anthrax, INDEX. Chronica, Catarrhalis, Faucium phlegmo- nosa, Grangænosa, Membranacea, Mercurialis, Palatina, Parotidea, Pectoris, Pharyngea, Pituitosa, Schirrosa, · Serosa habitualis, Synochia, Tonsillaris, 1 1, 241 Anus, pain in the Aphonia, Aphthæ, Apnœa, Appetitus morbosus, Apoplexia, apoplexy, Archoptosis, • 1 Ascarides, Ascites, 2 Asphyxia, Asthma, 2 193 2 Arthritis acuta, Chronica, Ossaria, Vaga, ib. 62 Atrophia, 2 ib. 3 ib. 124 Millari, simulatum, Thymicum Kopii, Humidum, 4 Back-ache, 4 Balanitis, ib. Balanoblennorrhoea, 5 Balbuties, Infantum, Manus Sinistræ, B ib. latosa, ib. Blepharoplegia, ib. Blepharoptosis, 7 Blepharospasmus, ib. Blue-skin disease, ib. Boil, 111 11 13 14 ib. ib. 14, 124 14 ib. Bilious fever, ib. Black vomit, black jaundice, ib. Bladder, inflammation of the ib. Bleeding from the nose, 6 Blepharopthalmia, ib. Erysipe- ib. Bones, Caries of the ib. Diseases of the Deep seated pains in the 8 ib. ib. Brain-fever, 8 190 Bronchitis, 9 Chronic, ib. Breast, spasm of the ib. Bruises, 8 Bubo syphilitic, 9 Burns, • ation of the Inflammation of the 17 ib. ib. ib. 142 17 18 158 18 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 51, 155 105 26 173 ib. 182 66 19, 182, 186 20 204 47 20 46 73 150 52 71 19 22 246 с Cachexia ex usu hydrargyri, Mercurial and Sy- philitic, from the misuse of China, Calculous diathesis, Cancer, of the lower lip, of the nose, of the uterus, Ventriculi, Carbuncle, Carbuncled face, Cardialgia, Cardiopalmus, Carditis, Cardiogmus, Caries, Cataménia, suppressed, Catalepsy, Cataract, Catarrh, Catarrhal ophthalmia, sore throat, L Cephalagra, Cephalalgia, Chaps, Cheilocace, Cheiritis, Chest, abscess of the, Chicken-pox, Chilblain, Children's sore-mouth, Chlorosis, Cholera Mitis, Infantum, Asiatica, Dysenterica, Vomitoria, Asphyxia, Inflammatoria, Cholerina Chorea St. Vitii, Chronic rheumatism, Chyluria, Cinchona, abuse, Claudicatio spontanea, Clavi pedis, Colialgia spasmodica, Cold in the head, Colica, cachexy from its Flatulenta, Hæmorrhoidalis, • Hepatica, Menstrualis, Colica nephritica, Saturnina, 20 Coma, 201 46 Combustiones, ib. Commotio medulla spinalis, ib. Condylomata, 218 ib. Congestiones ad caput, 141 Congestion cerebral, Constipation, 20 159 ib. Consumption, pulmonary, 183 ib. Contractiones uteri ib. entes, 21 8 Contusiones, contusions, 109 Convulsiones, convulsions, 21 of infants, 26 Corns, ib. Coryza, 26 Cough, ib. Coxalgia, 3 Cramp in the intestines, in the stomach, 27 28 Croup, ib. Crusta lactea, 168 5 Cutaneous eruptions, 28 Cyanosis, ib. Cynanche tonsillaris, 193 Trachealis, Sag 35 Cyphosis, ib. Cystitis, 1 defici- Tend. Achillis, ib. 220 Serpiginosa, 239 D 182 35 9 Dacryosyrinx, fistula lachry- malis, 42 ib. Day sight, ib. Deafness, 37 Delirium tremens, ib. Deliquium animi, ib. Demoniacal possession, ib. Dentitio difficilis, ib. Depilatio, 40 Desquamatio epidermidis, 41 Diabetes, 196 Diarrhoea, 42 46 ib. 43 Difficulty of breathing, ib. Diplopia, 49 Discharge from the prostate 43 gland, 45 ib. ib. 45 46 ib. Mucosa, Serosa, of undigested food, • GAF489988 ib. 230 50 43 21 5 51 ib. 129 51 52 113 63, 205 53 52 155 53 ib. raj 5 52 ib. ib. 54 ib. 59 60 141 14 60 109 of bloody urine, 110 blood from the eyes, 112 247 Discharge of blood from the womb, Diseases of the bones, Distension of the abdomen, Dizziness, Potatorum, Dysphagia spasmodica, Dysuria, E Ear, inflammation of the purulent discharge from the, Dolores abdominis gravid æ, ib. ib. Arthritici, Capitis et Nucho, ib. Rheumatici artuum, ib. Faciei, 61 Funiculi spermatici, 62 Pedum, ad partum, post partum, Double vision, Dropsical diathesis, Dropsy, Dysecoia, ib. Fainting-fits, ib. Far-sightedness, 60 Fatty tumour, 139 Febris arthritica, 122 Catarrhalis, 63 Fever during an attack of gout, Dysenteria, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, ib. 65 Febris biliosa, 66 Flava, ib. ib. Ear-ache, Ecchymosis in oculo infantis, Eclampsia infantum, Ectropium, Emaciation, Encephalitis, from suppress- ed otorrhoea, Encysted Tumour, Enteritis, Epiphora, Epistaxis, Epulis, Epidemic catarrh, Epilepsia, Epilepsy, 146 173 186 240 60 Erections, spasmodic pain- ful, Ergotismus, Eruption of vesicles, Erysipelas faciei, Bullosum, Pedum, Erysipelatous inflam. of the breasts, Exulceratio papillæ mamil- laris, Eyes, inflammation of the 174 ib. 173 66 ib. ib. 142 66 Nocturnal from sup- pressed scabies, 67 142 Fistula, 67 135 169 Eyes, chronic inflam. of the of infants ecchymosed, 66 Eye-balls and lids, inflamma- tion of Eye-lids, eversion of the , spasms of the , palsy of the Eye-lid, falling down of the upper, 68 F Gastrica, Hectica, DAN GE 19 66 19, 204 19 ib. Inflammatoria, Intermittens, Miliaris, Infantum cum denti- tione, &c. Nervosa, typhus fe- ver, Nervosa stupida, 76 ib. 95 ib. ib. 100 ib. Puerperalis, ib. Putrida,putrid fever, 102 Rheumatica, Sudatoria, Verminosa, ib. 103 ib. ib. 52, 104 ib. ib. 104 105 139 182 versatilis, Lachymalis, Salivalis, Urinaria, Flatulentia, Flatulency, ib. Flow of milk, 71 Fluor albus, ib. Frost-bite, ib. Fundament, falling down of the 189 Fungus Hæmatodes, 192 Medullaris retina, 178 Furfuraceous tetter of the 71 face, 72 Furfuraceous tetter of the ib. eye-lids, 134 Furor Uterinus, Furunculus, 73 166 52 190 204 73 74 73 ib. 74 ib. 75 11 104 ib. 120 121 105 ib, 248 G Galactorrhoea, Grangræna Brachii, Scroti Gangrene of the arm, of the scrotum, Gastralgia, Gastric fever, Gastritis, Gastroataxiæ, Gastromalacia, Glands, inflammation of Glands, induration of inflam. and swelling of, Glans penis, inflam. of the Gleet, Glossitis, Glossoplegia, Goitre, Gonagra acuta, Gonitis, Gonocele, Gonorrhoea insons, H Hæmatemesis acuta, • Hæmaturia, Hæmoptysis, Hæmorrhagia ani, Chronica, Hemeralopia, 136 Hemicrania, 18 Hemiplegia, 108, 222 Narium, Uteri, Oculorum, • 105 Hair, loss of the ib. Hand, atrophy of the left, ib. Head, gout in the ib. Head-ache, ib. Head-ache, one sided, ib. Hearing, hardness of 74 Heart, inflammation of the 105 Disease of the 106 Heart-burn, or cramp in the 107 stomach, 2 Heart-burn, 133 Hectic fever, 108, 220 108 ib. Hæmorrhage from the nose, Hæmorrhoides, 107 Hepatic colic, ib. Hepatitis, 205 Hernia scrotal, 107 Herniæ, ib. Herpes, 108 Virulenta, Secundaria, Inveterata, Prostatica, of the glans pe- nis, 18, 223 Gonorrhæicæ metastases, 109 Gout, acute, 11 13 14 Hiccough, Chronic, Wandering, in the head, in the knee, in the foot, 28 Hip-joint, pain in the 107 disease of the 189 Hoarseness, 60 Hooping cough, Gouty pains, Griping pains in the hæmor- rhoidal vessels, Grippe, Green sickness, Gum-boil, Gums, tubercle of the Gutta rosacea, 109 ib. "Facialis. Crustaceus, Exedens, 146, ib. ib. Phagadænicus, Phlyctenodes, Scroti, Squamosus, Zöster, Hordeolum, 45 Hydrocele, 109 Hydrocephalus acutus, 35 178 Hydrophobia, 71 Hydrops, 109 ib. Hysteria, Furfuraceus faciei, Lichenoides, Palpebrarum furfura- ceus, Chronicus, Acutus, Anasarca, Ascites, Ovarii, 110 Hydrothorax, ib. Hydrarthron genu, ib. Hypochondria, ib. Hysteralgia spasmodica in 112 partu, 4. 771 112 53 18 28 ib. 113 63 26 ន ib. 21 201 75 113 ib. 115 ib. 45 115 173 116 117 120 ib. ib. ib. 121 ib. ib. ib. ib. 243 201 199 50 192 234 121 ib. 121 122 ib. ib. 123 124 ib. ib. ib. 125 ib. 126 iba 249 1 Icterus, Ileus, Impetigines, Impotentia, Incontinentia alvi, urinæ, Induration, 128 Inflammation of the mem- branes of the brain in in- fants, 243, ib. Inflammation puerperal of 129 the membranes of the 132 brain, ib. Inflammation of the kid- 133 neys, ib. Inflammation of the mucous ib. coat of the intestines, 134 Inflammatio, erysipelatosa mammæ, 143 197 Inflammatio, faciei et oculi, 134 Pedis, Rheumatica brachii, 65 Inflammation of the nose, of the ovary, of the perito- neum, 66 95 of the palate, of the paro- tid gland, 52 66, 182 of the blad- der, of the bron- chia, of the bron- chia, chronic, 20 19 166 of the mammæ, of the testicles, Indurated swelling of the testicles, Indigestion, Induratio uteri schirrosa, of the axillary glands, from intemperance, Infantile fever during denti- tion, Inflammation of the brain, of the eyes, of the eyes of infants, of the fauces, of the glans penis, of the lymphat- ic glands, of the liver, of the lungs, of the la- rynx, of the lungs and pleura, of the mam- mæ, 170 5 19 of the eye-ball and lids, of the eye-ball, erysipelatous, ib. of the heart, of the intes- 26 tines, of the eyes and face, of the feet, of the knee, of the labia pudendi, 18 134 ib. 107 of the uvula, of the wind- pipe, 67 Inflammatory fever, ib. 115 178 139 188 142 Intolerance of light, 2 Influenza, Inguinal hernia, 144 ib. 157 135 134 ib. ib. ib. of the pharynx, ib. of the pros- tate gland, of the psoas muscle, 190 191 of the stomach,105 of the testicle, Injury of the head, of the oesophagus, Intermittent fever, Intertrigo, Insensible respiration, Involuntary defœcation, urination, 135 197 166 172, 223 of the tongue, 107 of the ton- sils, 774 of the throat, of the throat, ca- tarrhal, 5 of the urethra, 239 8 181 6 swelling of the inguinal glands,136 swelling of the submaxillary, ib. 182 135 116 congenita, 117 138 ib. 76 136 9 132 133 229 76 22* 250 Intermittent ophthalmy, Iris, falling down from a wound, Iritis arthritica, Ischias nervosa, Ischuria, Itch, Jaundice, K Kidneys inflammation of the • Pain in the Knee, gout in the Inflammation of the Swelling of the Induration of the Knee-joint, necrosis of the Swelling of the L J Labour pains, Deficient, Lachrymose ophthalmia, Lachrymal fistula, Læsio capitis, Esophagi, Laryngeal phthisis, Laryngitis acuta, Chronica, Lead colic, Lepra, leprosy, Lethargy, Lethargus, Leucoma, Leucophlegmasia, Leucorrhoea, Lienteria, Lip-evil, • • • Lip, bloody tumour of the Induration of the Lithiasis, Lochiorrhoea, • Locked-jaw, Lordosis, Lower lip cancer of the t • Megrim, 2 Melæna, Labia pudendi, abscess of Inflammation of ib. Melancholia, 62 Meloncus, 46 • • Lochia suppressa, Local dropsy, Lochial discharge too pro- fuse, suppressed, 169 | Looseness of the bowels, Lumbago, 190 Lumbrici, 137 Lungs and windpipe, spasms ib. of the 138 Lupia, 197 Lupus vorax, 128 • 157 Mania, 156 Luxatio spontanea femoris, Lymphatic swellings, M Maculæ corneæ, Mammæ, inflammation of the 107 Marasmus, ib. 230 Mastitis, 133 Maschalopanus, 156 Matted-hair, 108 Measles, à potu, Senilis, 141 ib. 227 • Medullary fungus of the re- tina, 1/3 · ib. Menstrualataxiæ, 186 Menstrual colic, Dentarius, 71 Meningitis acuta infantum, 104 Meningitis puerperalis, 138 Menostasia, 139 Disorders, ib. Menstruation suppressed, 46 Mental diseases, 139 Mercurial sore throat, 201 Mercury, cachexy from the 139 abuse of · 35 228 Miliary fever, 133 Milk-leg, 141 Miscarriage threatened, ib. Monomania mosta, ib. Morbilli, 165 Morbi animi, · ib. Metritis, ib. Metrorrhagia, ib. Milk, absence of in the mam- 141 Morbus cœruleus, 53 17, 142 ib. ib. 143 189 149 54 104 113 143, 156 143 141 142 Maculosus Werlho- fii, Niger Hippocratis, Demoniacus, 141 20 Mortification of the bones, 204 142 ib. ib. 230 142 ib. ib. mæ, 2 • Flow of immoderate 105 95 182 1 149 ib. 151 155 ib. ib. 144 144 ib. ib. 45 144 3 151 6 20 146 ib. 156 ib. 155 26 TO 251 Morbid appetite, Mumps, Nævus maternus, Necrosis, Nervous fever, Nephralgia, Nephritis, Nephritic colic, Nettle rash, Neuralgiæ, neuroses, nerve- ache, Nictitatio, Night blindness, Cough, Sweats, Noctambulatio, Nodes, venereal, Notalgia, Nose, cancer of the Purulent discharge from the Nymphomania, N O Obscuratio corneæ, Obstipitas lateralis, Obstructio alvi, Odontalgia, Edematia, Edema, Oophoritis, Opacity of the cornea, Ophthalmia, Leucomatosa, Osteocopi, Otalgia, Otitis, Otorrhoea, Arthritica, Catarrhalis, Lachrymosa, Chronica, Intermittens, Mercurialis,. Neonatorum Rheumatica, Scrophulosa, Syphilitica, Traumatica, Erysipelatosa, Orchitis, Orthopnoea, Oscheocele, Ossium morbi, · · • 8 Ozona, • 177 227 156 100 156 157 46 239 • 157 158 113 · 235 205 158 224 Painters' colic, 158 Palate, inflammation of the 20 Palpitations, Pains in the abdomen dur- ing pregnancy, Gouty, of the head and nape of the neck, Rheumatic of the limbs, P Face, In the spermatic chord, Feet, During labour, After labour, In the anus, Spleen, Palpitatio cordis, 174 Palsy, of the eye-lids, 105 Palsy, Palpitation of the heart, Panaritium, Parablepsis, 160 Paralysis, ib. ib. of the tongue, of one side of the body, Face, 159 160 165 Paresis, ib. Parotid gland, inflammation 166 of the 160 Parotis, Chronica, 174 ib. 166 167 Parulis, 168 Partial palsy, 71 Peeling off of the cuticle, 169 Pemphigus, ib. Peripneumonia, ib. 170 Peritonitis, ib. ib. Pernio, 172 Piles, Notha, Puerperalis, · ib. Pharynx, inflammation of the ib. Phimosis, ib. Phlegmasia alba dolens, 173 Photophobia scrofulosa, ib. Phrenitis, ib. Phthisis pituitosa, ib. ib. Pulmonalis, Bronchialis, Laryngea, Intestinalis, &c. • 174 8£ £ £ ££££800 60 ib. ib. ib. 61 62 ib. ib. ib. 190 204 46 6 26 175 19 176 175 ib. ib. 176 107 115 ib. 177 6 177 178 ib 177 53 178 ib. 180 181 ib. 182 112 6 182 ib. ib. ib. ib. 183 186 ib. ib. 252 Phthisis Tuberculosa, Physconia, Hepatis, Splenica, Placenta incarcerated, Pleuritis, Pleuropneumonia, Plica Polonica, Pleurisy, Podagra, Polypus aurium, Narium, • vesicæ urinariæ, of the nose, ears and bladder, Presbyopia, Priapismus, Prolapsus ani, Proctalgia, Proctorrhoea, Prolapsus iridis traumaticus, Uteri, K • Prostatitis, Prosopalgia Fothergilli, Rheumatica, Pseudo syphilis, Psoitis, Psorophthalmia, Puerperal fever, Putrid << Purpura miliaris, Mag • Rachitis, Ranula, Raphania, Raucedo,. Respiration difficult, Insensible, Restlessness at night, Retained placenta, Retentio mensium, R Urinæ, Retention of urine, Rhagades, of the nipples, Rheumatic fever, Rhinitis, Rhinorrhagia, Rickets, • inflammation of arm, (C • Rheumatismus acutus, eyes, • Erysipelatosa, Chronicus, Lymphaticus, · • 186 Rigor, ib. Ringworm, ib. Ruminatio' mortifica noc- ib. turna, ib. Ruptures, ib. 188 S 1-89 186 Salivatio, salivation, 189 Salivary fistula, ib. Salivary glands, swelling of ib. the ib. Sarcocele, Scalled head, ib. Scabby tetter, 190 Scaly CC 189 Scalds, 11 Scabies, 190 Scarlatina, scarlet fever, ib. Miliaris, ib. Sciatica, ib. Schirrus of the breast, ib. Schirrus, ib. • Labii superioris, Ventriculi, 191 ib. Scorbutus, ib. Scrofula, ib. Scrophulosis, 100 Scrophula mesenterica, 102 Scrophulous inflammation 191 of the eyes, • ib. Sight, feebleness of 173 Sinuous ulcers, Scurvy, Scrotum, gangrene of the Herpes of the Dropsy of the 192 Serpentine scall, ib. Shingles, 193 135 170 193 Nipples, 196 Somnambulism, 197 Somnolency, ib. Sopor, ib. Sordes gastrica, ib. Spasm of the eye-lids, 193 Spasmi, spasms, • • • 192 197 51--228 120 121 46 197 198 ib. 137 199-133 199 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 201 9 Singultus, 8 Small-pox, 186 Smell, loss of 192 Soda, · ib. Sore throat, catarrhal, 138 Ulcerated, 193 ib. From abuse of mercury, Chronic, With fever, 102 Mouth of children, Malignant, • • • 197 51 197 116 198 104 170 199 105 121 ib. 51 243 3 103 201 239 8 201 5 ib. 6 77 ib. 9 204 73 158 139 201 ib. 19 201 253 Spasmus abdominis, Gulæ, Palpebrarum, Pectoris, Spasmi pulmonum et tra- cheæ, Ventriculi, • • 66 Spasmodic difficulty in swal- lowing, Contractions of the tendo Achillis, 46 Spine, affection of the Distorsion of the Spinal curvature, Spitting of blood, Splenalgia, Spongoid cancer, Spontaneous luxation, Spurred rye, disease pro- duced by eating, Spots on the cornea, Squinting, Steatoma, Stammering, stuttering, St. Vitus' dance, St. Anthony's fire, Stomach, cancer of the • Stomacace, Strabismus, Strangury, Strictura ani spastica, Struma, Stupor artuum, Sudor nocturnus, Suffocatio, Suffocating cough, Suppressio hemorrhoidum, Suppression of the menses, Surditas, Suspended animation, Stye, Swelling, periodical of the nose, of testicles and sper- matic chord, of the uterus from parturition, Vagina, Liver, - Swelling of the spleen, Sweating fever, Sycosis, - 203 Syphilis, ib. Syphilitic inflammation of 204 the eyes, ib. Syrigmus, • ib. ib. ❤ 192 139 204 Thrombus labialis, bloody ib. tumour of the lip, 18 Throat, spasm of the 41 Inflammation of the Chronic, Threatened abortion Tic douloureux, prosopal- gia, Tinea capitis, 71 21 Cramps and spasms of the ib. Derangements of the 106 Softening of the Spasms of the Schirrus in the 107 204 Tongue, înflam. of the Paralysis of the 199 Tonsils, schirrus of the 204 Inflammation of the ib. 7 ib. Tonsillitis, 205 Tooth-ache, ib. Tophi, nodes, ib. Torticollis, T Tabes, Tænia, tape-worm, Teething, difficult, Telangiectasis, novus ma- ib. turnus, 52 Testicles, induration of the and spermatic chord, swelling of 137 Inflammation of the 172 141 110 204 227 104 Tetanus, locked-law, 42 Tetter, 117 120 121 51 Corroding, Phagadænic, of the head, S 206 172 226 - • ib. Torpidity of the limbs, ib. Tracheitis, ib. Translated gonorrhoea, 235 Tremor, trembling, 205 Trismus, locked-jaw, 144 Tubercle of the gums, 205 Tumour, encysted, 14 Tumour labus, 121 Genu, Tumores lymphatici, Tussis, 137 ib. ib. Tympanitis chronica, ib. Typhus, see febris nervosa, 186 Typhoid fever, ib. Twinkling of the eye-lids, 103 206 226 ib. 53 - 227 134 190-157 228 107 ib. 228 203 4 ib. 1 224-229 229 160 160 205 229 109 229 ib. 71 142 229 230 ib. ib. Ferina, hooping-cough, 234 Nocturna, night-cough, 235 Suffocatoria, ib. 236 95 100 158 254 U Ulceration of the nose and upper lip, Ulcus, ulcer, Corneæ, Oris, Pedis, Phagadænicum, Psoricum, Putridum, Varicosum, Urine bloody, discharge of Urinary fistula, Urethritis, Urticaria febrilis, - Chronica, 236 ib. Upper lip, schirrus in the Uterine hæmorrhage, Uterus, cancer of the Uvula, inflammation of the 110 Chylaceous discharge of 42 Profuse, CC Difficulty in passing, Retention of the ib. Cruris, ulcer of the leg, ib. Vomica, abscess Fistulosum, 237 of the lungs, 238 Voice, loss of the Fungosum, Labiorum, ib. Vomiting of blood, Linguæ, ib. Vomitus chronicus, Mercuriale, ib. Fæcium et urinæ, ib. Vomicus atonicus, ib. Verminosus, ib. Vomiting, 239 During pregnancy, 242 243 Vertigo, Verruca, warts, Vesicular erysipelas, Vision, feebleness of Perverted, Far-sighted, ib. Vulnus, ib. J 54 Warts, 66 Whites, 192 Whitlow, V Varicella, chicken-pox, Variolæ, small-pox, Venereal disease, Vermitio, verminose diathesis, 240 diathesis, 240 104 Womb, cancer of the 239 Worm fever, 199 146 Wounds, 20 Wry-neck, 8 D ib. Worms, long round, ib. W Yellow fever, 239 ib. 206 Zona, shingles, W Y - Discharged by vomit- ing, Ꮓ • 240 241 - 72 3 175 190 241 ib. 9 110 241 243 ib. ib. 241 139 175 20 103 142 243 ib. 160 74 243 A 575842 S UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06523 8100