{ 1 」 $851 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN QUERIS PLKINSULAM AMO NAM CIRCUMSPICE BRE Բարուրման 1012 ܦ ALTA ARTES 1 VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE nuumUIL BENIH NA . TIENOR IMV POMIRI : NIISAMIMINI ! QA 457 i I 1 STEREOMETRICAL Propoſitions: : VARIOUSLY APPLICABLE ; But PAR TICULARLY IN TENDED For GAGEING. $ Ву ROBERT ANDERSON. LONDON, Printed by William Godbid for Joſhuah Conniers at the Sign of the Black Raven in Duck-lane, 1668. History of acconse bookshop 参 ​vea till annan 51063 GUU non ainoa จ ผuar con cinco in cingigiaci TiQozogiogia circID DAG ht Stitta Hitt 活​祭​活 ​ita sem 平安​安安安​安安 ​To TTTTTTT TRITO it's visi COCO019 nincsOID ở có 3 CNO Momoami cins er ensen uits chun eng ܕܟ To the R E A D E R years ſince 11 - Ĉ-44 Bout ſeven I refolved theſe fol- lowing propoſitions, with others of the like nature ; but did not intend ever to have publiſhed them : But being over- perſwaded by ſome of my Friends, I have here made ſo many of them publick, as I thought would be con- venient to what here is intended. A3 3 Here To the Reader. Here I ought to acknowledge that great Reſpect which I owe to my Worthy Friend Mr. John Collins, one of the Royal Society; which pro- pounded to me about 6 years ſince, that propoſition of the ſecond Sedi- ons of the Spbere and Spheroide; and alſo in giving me Information, and helping me to ſuch Books as might be moſt advandageous : Further, not only I, but all Lovers of the Mathe- maticks are very inuch oblieged to this our Worthy Friend for his good Intelligence, great care in ſending for Books from beyond the Seas, and his continual love in promoting the Mathematicks, and Mathematical Men. For Totbe Reader. Foraſmuch as throughout this little Tract, here is inuch uſe made of Pa- rallelepipedons, Priſmes and Pyramides: I think fit, a little to infilt thereon ; chiefly for the young Learners fakes, for which this is only intended. Y In the Diagram, Let there be a Solid, as POHG V FIR; the plane P OHG parallel equal and alike to the plane RIF V; Further, POIR is parallel equal and like to the plane GHFV : Yet further, the plane OHFI is parallel equal and like the plane PÅ VG: ſuch a Solid is called a Parallelepipedon. Let there be a Solid as GHD EV F, the plane GEV is parallel equal and like che plane HDF; Further, the planes HGFV and DEV F are alike and the line FV cominon to boch : ſuch a Solid is called a Prifmen- Ler there be a Solid as HBCDF, the planes B CF, CDF, DHF and HBF A 4 To ibe Redder. 1 1 HB F all meet at the point F, ſuch a Solid is called a Pyramide. : Further, Pyramides, Priſmes and Parallelepi- pedons upon the lame Bafe and Alci- tude, are as, one, one and a half, and three, that is, if the Pyramide be 49 the priſme will be 6, and the parallele- pipedon will be 12 An Example in Numbers. If PG, 6; PO, 8; and HF the Altitude be 9; Then multiply 6 by 8, and the product will be 48, the Area POHG, this Area multiplyed by 9 the Alcitide, the product is 432; the parallelepipedon POHGVFIR, if the Area 48. be multiplyed by half 9 that is 4 the product will be 216, equal to a priſone of the Baſe POHG and altitude HF. If the Area POHG, 48, be mul- tiplyed by one third of 9, that is by 3, the product will be 144 equal to a py- ramide whoſe Baſe is POHG and altitude HF TO 1 To tbe Reader To find the ſolidity of the prifme HD EV F. Let GE, voli GHS ; HF9; multiply 10 by, and the produ& will be 8o the Ares GHDE, this 80 be- ing multiplyed by half the altitude HF, 9; that is, 4 i, the product will be 360, the priſme GHD EVF. To find the ſolidity of the pyramide HBCDF, Let HD, 10; HB, 4; multiply 10 by 4 the product will be 40, the Area HBCD, this Area multiplyed by 3, that is one third of the Altitude HF, the product will be 120, the py- ramide HBCD F. ܘܰܚܬܳ ! To To the Reader. RE 1 P G E E of H D A B С To find the ſolidity of a Solid, tbat hath one of its Baſes an Ellipfis and the other Baſe a Circle, theſe two Baſes are ſuppoſed to be parallel. In ſuch a Solid, the ſides being conti- nued will never meet at a point as in circular and Eliptick cones, and there- fore the general Rule will not reſolve theſe kind of Solids : therefore icon- ſider it thus ; Let To tbe Reader. Let P E be equal to the Tranſverſe diameter in an Ellipſis; P A its Con- jugate diameter. Let R V and RI be the diameters of a Circle. Firſt, Let there be made a Rectangled figure of the Tranſverſe and Conjugate diame- ters of the Ellipſis, as PACE. Let there be a ſquare made of the diame- ter RV, as RIFV. Let thealcitude of the Solid be HF, find the ſolidity of the Solid PACEVFIR, thus, Let it be cut into as many parallelepipedons, priſmes, & pyramides as are neceſſary: then find the folidity of thoſe paralle- lepipedons , priſmes and pyramides, as before is taught, thoſe parallelepipe- dons, priſmes & pyramides being added together will be equal to the whole Solid, thus, the parallepipedon POHG VFIR, more the priſme GEDHFV, more the pyramide DCBHF, more the priſme HBAOIF; theſe 4 Solids be- ing added together make the whole Solid ACEPRIFV. For the whole is To tbe Reader. is equal to all its parts taken together. Axiom. 19. 1. of Euclid. The Areas of Circles, are in pro- portion one to another, as the Squares of their. Diameters 2. 12, of Euclid. The Areas of Elipſis are in propor- tion one to another, as the Rectangled figures of their Tranſverſe and Con- jugate Diameters. Archimedes the 7. Prop. of Conoides and Spheroides. The Area of a Circle, is to the Area of an Ellipſis; as the Square of the Di- meter of that Circle, is to the Rectan- gled figure of the Tranſverſe and Con- jugate Diameters of that Ellipſis, the 6th of Archimedes Conoides and Sphe- roides. As 14, is to ; ſo is the ſquare of the Diameter of any Circle to the Area of that Circle. prop. the 2. of Archimedes Circul. Dimenſ. The Solid PACEVFIR may be fuppoſed to have the nature of infinice Rectangled figures, parallel one to another, To tbe Reader. another, and parallel to the parallel planes A CEP and IFVR, and from che parallelogram ACEP to the ſquare RIFV, every parallelogram coming nearer and nearer a ſquare, even until they come to the ſquare RIF V it ſelf , ſo in Elliptick Solids adſcribed in ſuch plane Solids; the Areas of Ellip- ſes comes nearer and nearer to the Area of the Circle whoſe Diameter is RV. Therefore, as 14, is to it, ſo are ſuch plane ſolids to ſuch elliptick Solids, adſcribed in thoſe plane ſolids. An Example in Numbers. Let R V or RI be equal to 3; PE, 6; PA, 4; HF, 9; Therefore GE, 3; OA, 1; Therefore POHG, 9; equal RIFV, which being multiplyed by 9, the altitude HF; makes 81,equal to the parallelepipedon POHGVFIR, GE, 3; being mulciplyed by GH, 3; the pro- duct is GHDE, 9; which being mul- tiplyed by half the altitude HF, that ز is, To the Keader. is, 4 : the produ& is 40; equal to the priſme GHDEV F. HD, 3; H B, 1; therefore HBCD is equal to 3; which being multiplyed by one third of the altitude HF, that is, 3 ; the pyramide HBCDF will be equal to 9; BA, 3; A0, 1; therefore ABHO will be equal co 3, which bring mul-- tiplyed by half hf the alcicude, that is, by 4 the product is 13s, cqual to the priſme O ABHFI. Now theſe compoſed Numbers being added toge- ther make 144 equal to the whole fruftum pyramide PACEV FIR. Then as 14:11:: 144: 113; the irregular Elliptick ſolid, whoſe Tranſverſe PE, and conjugate Pa diameters at the Eliptick Baſe are 6 and 4, and the diameters of the Circular Baſe is 4 RV 3. Here note, . Although Archimedes gives the pro- portion of the ſquare of the diameter of any Circle, to the area of that Circle; To the Reader. Circle ; ; as 14, is to IT. And alſo ; that the diameter of any Circle is to the circumference of that Circle, as 7, is to 22; Yer you are not to under- . derſtand that theſe proportions are in their juft values; But that they are the leaſt numbers that will beſt agree to that approach If thoſe numbers bè thought not to agree near enough to truth, inſtead of thoſe, there may be uſed; for, 14 and 452 and 355; for 7 and 22, Il, take take 113 and 355. Further note. In the 24th. propoficion there is ſomewhat ſaid of Cylindrick hoofs. Thoſe cylinders ought to be upright and not inclining cylinders. Yet further note: By reaſon of much buſineſs, I could pot attend the Preſs as I ought to have done; and by that means there are conſiderable faults, which I deſire may be corrected before the Book is read, other- ned Tätbe Reader 3 7 otherwiſe there may riſe a miſappre- henfion of what there is intended. Laſtly note, Almoſt at the beginning of the firſt propofition you may find it printed, Thus, CN:NZ::EH:HZ, 4:6. the meaning is thus, as ÇN is to N Z; fo is EH, to Z, by the fourth prop. of the ſixth of Enclid; The like in the reft. R.A. (un) + # 1 PROPOSITION I 1 To find the ſolidity of a Fruftum: Pyramide, whoſe baſes are parallel and a like. Et A BCNHEDF be a ſiun fyramide, whoſe foli- dity iş required; Let the Lines AFBD, CE, and NH be continued till they meet at 2; Let Go, be the height of the frufium pra- mide, OZ the heigật of the Continuation ; Let FDEH befệt at the Angle N, as NR QK.: Then CN NZ::EH HZ, 4.6. " And-CN:E :::NL:HZ, 1;6.3. CN-EH: EH:NZ-HZ:HZ, 17.5. Thar is, CK: KN;:14 H:HZ, becauſe the planes HFDE, and NAD Ç are; parallel, they cut the Line Ż G, in G and 0, in the fame proportion as they cut NZ, in Nand Z, by 17. 11. Thus, NÁ:HZ::GO:OZ Therefore CK:KN:: 60:02, 11.5. O Z being found, which B added 1 (2) added to GO makes the whole Altitude GZ; by which find the whole pyramide NABCZ, which done, find the pyra. H E 1 mide H FD E Z, by the 7. 12. then N ABCZ leſs HFDEZ,the Remainder is the frustum HFDECB AN. 2 may be thus; Firſt toprove that A K is a c meanpropor- tion between AC and F E; then C GON: NKC A: AK, 1.6. AN:NR:: NM:NR. I. 6. CN: NK:: AN: NR,7. 5. CA: AK:: K 11 26 R q G 4 TIL B NM:NQ, 11.50 Further, i (3) Further, if GO the Altitude of the fruſtım ÉDEHĆ BAN, be multiplied by AC more AK more KR, that Product will be the triple of the ſaid frustum; for the parallelepi- pedon made of G Z the altitude of the pyra- mide in the Baſe N ABC is triple of the pyra- mide N ABCZ, by the ſame reaſon the pa- rallclepipeden made of G O in A C, together with the parallelepipedon made by Zo in AC is triple of the ſaid pyramide by 7. 12. if the parallelepipedon made of OZ in FE, that is, in R K, that is, the triple of the pyra- mide H FDEZ be taken from the parallele- pipedon N ABCZ, there remains that which is made of GO in À C, together with thoſe that are made of OZ in A Q and the fame OZ in MC, the triple of the fruſtum ABC NHED F, by 5. 5. for, GK:KN::GO: O2, CK KN::AR:R N, Therefore GO: OZ::AR:R N, and CK:KN::CM:MN, 4.6. AR:RN::AQ:QN, therefore GO: OZ::CM:MN, 11.5. GO:O2 :: AQ: QN, therefore GO in MN=OZ in CM, GO in QN-OZin All, add GO in AC to both, that is, GO in MN, mure GO in QN, more GO in A C, is equal to OZ in CM, more OZ in AR, more GO in AC; but OZ in CM, more OZ in AQ, morc GO in AC are triple of the ſaid fruftum ; therefore GO in MN, more GO in QN, B 2 more 1 (4) : more GO in AC are equal to the triple of the faid fruftum. An Example in Numbers, and firſt of the firſt. } CK, 34:K N, 26 :: GO, 68:0Z, 52 ; then 68 more 52=120, GZ: then AC 3600; in G Z, 120 ; is equal to 432000, a third part is 144000, ABCNZ, FE, 676 in O Z, 52 is equal to 35152. A third part is 117171, HFDEZ,144000 leſs 11717. is equal to 132282 į the folidity of the frujium A CEF. The Second way. AC, 3600 more FE, 676, more AK, 1560 the ſum of thoſe are 5836, which multiplyed by GO, 68, is 396848, a third part is 1322 82. Theſe ways Chriſtopher Clavius hath, pag. 208 of his Geometria practica. I ſhall give a third in conformity to what follows. A Third way. Let ACEZHPO F be a fruftum pyramide the Baſes Squares and Parallel ; Let HPOF be projected in the Baſe ACF Z, as Z VRT; VR and TR be continued to Dand B; then will T Dbe equal to R A, and R C a Squarez nuft manifeſt it is, that the parallelepipedon ZVRTPOFH, more the priſme V ABR OP, more the pyramide R BCDO, more the prilne RDETO F is equal to the faid fru- jinm Pjramida. For (5) For all the parts of any magnitude being taken together are equal to the whole. Axiom 19. I. H I 0 The priſme V ABROP is e. qual to the priſme R DETFO, be- cauſe of equal ba- ſes and altitude, P but the priſm VA BROPis halfthe parallelepipedon, made of the baſe Z E V ABR, and the altitude R O, by 28. 11. therefore y R D the parallelepipe- don inade of the baſe Z ABT that is the Rectangle made of HF and · B C tude RO, more the pyramide RBDCO that is of the ſquare of the difference of the ſides of the upper and lower Baſes and the altitude RO, ſhall be equal to the fruſtum propoſed. Example in Numbers. ZE, 60; ZT, 26; the product 1560 e- qual to BZ, a third part of RC is 385}, which sadded . ZA, and the alti. A B3 (6) added to 1560, is equal to 1945 i, this laſt compoſed number multiplyed by 68 equal to R O makes 132282; the ſolidity of the ſaid frujium; then as 14 to it, or more near the truth, as 452 to 355, ſo is 132282 to 103894 19* the fruftum cone adſcribed within the fru. Atun pyramide. PROPOSITION II. L To find the ſolidity of a fruſtum pyramide, whoſe Bajes are parallel , but not alike; that is, azken their correſponding ſides are not proportional. ET ADGOVZTS be the pyramide propoſed, here AG is a ſquare, sZ a parallelogram; Let ST Z V be projected in the baſe, as, QPKL; continue the ſides, as QL, to B and I; PK, to Cand H; LK, to Mand F; P Roto E and R ; the Figure be- ing completed, the whole fruſtum will be compoſed of theſe parts, namely 4 pyramides, as CDEPT, KFGHZ, LIOMV, RO B AS, more 4 priſmes, as BCPQTS, QR MLVS, LKHIVZ, KFEPTZ, more the parallelepipedon PQLKZV ST; a fur- ther demonſtration is needleſs. An (7) S GO 34 TEK N A RI M 'B Ga L 34 P 60 K 235 12 DF F F An Example. CD equal to 25, D E equal to 12, the like for the other Angles, CE equal to 300, B 4 which . (8) i which being multiplyed by*5, that is of TP, makes the pyramide CDEPT equal to 1500, which multiplyed by 4 (becauſe there are 4 of them) is boco; C, 34; CP, 12; BP, 408; this laſt being multiplyed by 7; that is the altitude TP, makes 3060 equal to the priſme BCQPTS, this being doubled (becauſe there are two of that magnitude) is 6120; PE, 25; P K, 60; Ø F, 1500; which be- ing multiplyed by 7 makes 11250, equal to the priſme PEFKZT, this being doubled (becauſe there are two oppoſites equal) is 22500; P.Q, 34; Q1,60; LP, 2040; this laſt number being multiplyed by 15 the alti- tude of the pyramide TP, produceth 30500; the parallelepipedon QPKLVZTS; theſe 4 compoſed numbers being added together, makes the whole fruſtum pyramide. Thus. The 4 pyramides are -6000 The 2 lefſer priſm's are 6120. The 2 greater priſmes are 22500. The parallelepipedon is -306vo. The whole fruſtum pyramide is 65220. A Second way thus. Let F C be the greater baſe, R Q the leſſer, GO the height; make it as RH:HQ::FA: AB; draw B E parallel to FA, then will the (9) the plane F B be like the plane R Q; Let the Figure be completed, then will the fruſtum ACDFRHOZ be equal to the fruſtum ABEFRH QZ more the priſme, BCVT QZ, more the pyramide TV DEZ : herc note that T B is made equal to QZ. 1 R 2.06, 64 H D 34 Go G V 126 A 60 B16C The Example in Numbers. The fruſtum A BEFRHQZ, is equal to 1245015, found by the firſt Propoſition, BC, 16; CV, 26; BV, 416; being multiplyed by the altitude, that is 32, makes 13312, equal (10) equal to the priſme BCVTQZ; TV, 263, VD, 34; TD,544; being multiplyed by of G O that is 21 }; makes 11605 | equal to the pyramicie TV DEZ; theſe three com- poſed numbers being added together, makes 149418; equal to the fruftum pyramide ACD FRH QZ. 3 1 The fruftun ÆBEFHRZQ 124501 The prijme BCVTQZ 13312. The pyramide TV DEZ 11605 The frustum A6DFRHQŹ 149418 A Third way thus. Let PC the greater baſe; RF the leſſer ; Let the upper bale be projected in the lower, as RIF V be equal to POHG, moſt eaſie it is to apprehend, that the fruſtum pyramide PACEV FIR, is equal to the parallelepi< pedon POHGV FIR, more the priſme OA BHFI, more the pyramide HBCDF, more the priſme H DEGVF, for the whole is equal to all its parts. In numbers thus. Let A C, be 56; AP, 38; RI, 26; R V, 30; RP, 40; RI, 26; VR, 30; IV, 780 equal to PH; which being drawn into RP, 40; makes POHGVFIR, 31200: O A, 12; A B, 30; A H, 360 ; being multiplyed by 20, that is half the height PR, it makes 7200 1 + (11) 7200 equal to OABHFI. BC, 28; HB, 12; BD, 336; being multiplyed by of the altitude that is 13 j, it R produceth 4480, equal to the pyra- mide HBCDF; JE GH, 26; HD, 28; HE, 728; being multiplyed by 20,the product is 14560 qiial.o the priſme H DE P E GVF; theſe 4 compoſed num- bers being added D together, makes the ſolidity of the A B C ſaid fruſtum The parallelepipedox-POHGF VRI=31200 The priſme O ABHFI=07200 The pyramide -H BCDF=04480 The priſme HDEGVF=14560 G H The frustum pyramide--PACEVFIR=57440 1 Then, As 14 isto 11, ſo is the folidity of any fruſtum pyramide thụs found, to any Ellip- tick frustum, adſcribed in that frustum pyra- mide. Propofition. (12) PROPOSITION. III. 1 To find the ſolidity of a Fruſtum Priſme. LI Et CAGDEF be a priſme, whoſe ſolidity is required, let B C be made equal to FE, and BH parallel to CD,and the F 2 HF 80 E 1 1 G D H 6/4 4 A32. B 52 C Figure (13.) 7 Figure being completed, the frustum priſme AČDGFĚ may be compoſed of the prime BCDHFE, more the pyramide BAGHF: a further demonſtration is needleſs. An Example in Numbers. BC, 52; BH, 64; BD, 3328; this laſt . number being multiplyed by 40, that is half the height, makes 133120 equal to the priſime HBCĎEF; A B, 32; BH, 64; RG, 2048 : this laſt being drawn into 26, that is, a third part of the altitude makes 546131 equal to the pyramide GABHF : this priſme and pyramide being added together, makes 1877331, equal to the frustum priſme AGD CEF. The ſecond Caſe, thus. Let ZBCDEH be a fruſtum priſme ; Let AC be equal to H E and AO parallel to Z B, the Figure being completed, the priſme AC DOH E leſs the pyramide A,BZOH is equal to the priſme BCD ZHE; or thus, the priſme Z BCDF E more the folidity ZBHF, that is, half the pyramide ZB AOH, is equal to the fruſtum propoſed. Example in Numbers, A C, 845, A0, 64; AD, 5376; this laſt drawn into 40, half the height makes 215040; equal to the priſme O ACDHE; A C, 32; B2, 64; AZ, 2048 being multiplyed by 26", that is, one third of the height, it makes- 5 (14) H H F ¡ E D N - A B $4613; equal to the pyramide A B ZOH, Oh, this piramide taken from the prijine, leaves 160426, equal to the fruftum priſme propoſed. Then as 14 is to Ir, ſo are ſuch priſmes to Elliptick ſolids adſcribed in thoſe prijmes. Hence follows a Fourth way for finding the ſolidity of theſe irregular fruſtums. Suppoſe AC DFGNIH be the fruſtum propoſed, becauſe F A is equal to D C, and AC equal to DF, and GN equal tol H, and NI (15) N 1 1 1 IN NI to GH; and becauſe GN is V leſs than F A, and HI than DC, therefore if AN, CI, DH, FG be continned to- wards Z and V, G they will meet, R H ſuppoſe at Z and V, then AC DFV Z, leſs NI qiz HGVZ, there F D remains A CDF GNIH the fru- ftum propoſed. It alſo follows, That ſuch priſmes have ſuch propor- A B! tions one to anb- ther, ás Squares and Cubes of their correl ponding ſides, disjoyned, thus. The pyramide BCDEZ, is to the pyramide R QIHZ, as the cube of B E to the cube of RQ; 8, 12. The priſme FABE V Z, is to the priſme GNQR V Z, as the ſquare of FA, is to the ſquare of GN; the reaſon why theſe priſmes are not in a triplecate ratio of their homologal ſides, as well as the pgra- mides ; is becauſe FE, GR, and v Z are equal, ( fo! I (16) equal, and the ratio rileth but from VG, GN and VF, and FA; whereas in the pyramide the ratio riſeth from three, that is, from ZR, R Q, and RH; and from ZE, ED, and EB. In Nunzbers thus. Let V Z be 9, ZR, 3; ZE, 6; RQ, 45 EB, 8; RH, 3 ;; ED, 7; Therefore GN QRZV is equal to 54, and R QIHZ is equal to 14 ; then as the cube of 3, that is 27, to the cube of 6, that is 216; fo is the pyramide R QIHZ, that is 14, to the pyra- mide. EBCDZ, that is 112... Then 112 leſs 14 is equal to 98, equal to RQIHDCBE. Again, as the ſquare of 3, that is 9, to the {quare of 6, that is, 36; fo is the priſme GN QRZV; that is, 54 to the priſme FABEZ V, that is,-216. Then 216 leſs, 54 is equal to 162, equal to GNQREBAF. This laſt fruftum, more the frustum R QIHDBCE is equal to the fruftum GNIHDCAF equal to 260. Or thus: As 27: 189:: (that is the cube of Z E leſs the cube of Z R) 14:98, equal to the fru- ſtum RQIHDCBE. Again, as 9: 27:: (that is the ſquare of Z E leſs the ſquare of ZR) 54: 162, equal to the fruftum GNQ REB AF. What (17) What ever is ſaid of theſe priſmes and pura- mides, the ſame is to be underſtood in Cones and Ecliptick priſmes; For they are in duplicate and triplicate ratio of their bomologal ſides, further for as much as that, the two firſt terms in each pro- portion may be fixt; there may by the help of a Table of Squares and Cubes, the folidity of ſuch ſolids ealily be calculated gradually, that is, inch by inch, or foot by foot, the two Axed numbers in the pyramide are the Cube of the continuation, or the ſide R2; and the Pyramide R QIH, the like in the priſme, and with the ſquare of the continuation R Z. Thus . C4127 32 14 :: 37: 19 o 27:14:: 98: 24:14:: 189:98, theſe three num- bertshamely, 19., 56, and 98, are the folidity of the frufium pyramide Á QIHDC BE, (Ke firſt number is the ſolidity of one inch, the ſecond number of two inches, tha third of three inchess for the priſme; as 9:54:: 7:42, 9:54:: 16:96,9:54:: 27: 162; thele 3 numbers, viz. 42, 96, and 162 are the ſolidity of the fruſtum prijme GNQREBAF, taken inch by inch; therefore 42 more 19 cqua! to 61, 96 more 50 ; equal 1461;, 162 more 36 equal to 25%, are equal to the folidity of the wbole frujium GNIHDCAF, taken inch by inch; the like for any Elliptick fruftum. C Propofition. uit 17 ( 18 ) i' } 1 $ 3 Propoſition. IV. To find the ſolidity of a fruſtum pyramide, whoſe Baſes are not parallel ; and the initli- nation is from ſide to ſide. Et R LE T., HE R TCBAF Z be a fru- ftum pyra. mide, the 'baſe 'RH ET, not X parallel to the bafe É ABC let RHDZ bepárallel to ABC F, then . wholefry. Stum pyra. mide RH ETABC E H D 4 ZI ! kong F be com: A B poſed of the fru- ftum (19) fium pyramide RHDZ ARCF more, the priſine RHDZTE, by a compoſition of the laſt Propoſ. PD being the altitude of the fruftum pyramide RHDŽ ABCF: EX the height of the priſme RHDZTE may be found, thus. BD:DP::DE:EX; a fur- ther demonſtration is needleſs. II. To find the folidity of a triangular fruſtum pyramide, whojè baſes are not parallel. H T 9 F E C A 3 C 2 Let ( 20 ) Let CABDHF be a fruſtam pyramide, CAB not parallel to HDF, let QDE be parallel to CAB; the triangular fruſtum DEBAC is half a quadrangular fruſtum py- ramide, found by the 12 Propofion, Ď Z the height of the pyramide QHFED; There- fore the fruſtum pyramide QDEB AC more the pyramide QËFED will be equal to the fruſtum pyramide FHD ABC. III. To find the folidity of the fruſtum pyramide, ACFED Z. Here the baſe AFC is not parallel to the baſe ZDE R but to the plane ZOE; the frustum py- ramide ZOE FCA may be found by the 2. Propofition, the part ZOE G/F D will be a pya ramide, its al- titude may be found, thus, As OF:OG:: B OD: DR, then N E 1 2 (21) } RE then the frufium pyramide ZOEF CA more the pyramide ZOED will be equal to the ſolid ACFE OZD. IV. To find the ſolidity of a fruſtum pyramide, whoſe baſes are not parallel, and whoſe inclina- tion is from Angle to Anglo . Let CABDFXKQ be a fruſtum pyramide, the baſe CABD K not parallel to the baſe FXKQ, X Z but parallel to P' H the plane FEH G; then the fru. štum pyramide C A B DHEFG found by the 2 Propoſ. more the 1yramide EQXG F, found by the 2 caſe of this Propos. more the fruftum pyramide GEHZXQ,found by the 2 Propof. morethepyramide XKZQ, found by the 2 caſe of this Propos. will be e- qual to the whole fruſtum pyramide CABDFXKQ. A F E V 1 M (22) PROPOSITION V. LE Et FHAO E ben Semicircle, HO pax rallel to FE; FB and ED parallel to CA, the Figure being completed, the Cone QCI is equal to the Cylinder GE leſs the portion of the Sphere FHOE. B D 1 G H 1 G H 2 R R h 11 12 GH E For the ſquare of CO leſs the ſquare of RO is equal to the ſquare of R C, the ſquare of RN (equal to the ſquare of CO) leſs the square of R O is equal to the ſquare of ON more the Rectangle twice under RON; therefore the ſquare of R C (that is the ſquare of R I) is equal to the ſquare of ON more, the . (23) 1 the double Redangle RON, bý,4: 2. every one of tlieſe being conſidered one by one; but being collected (viz.) all the ſquares of RI is equal to all the ſquares of R N, leſs all the {quares of RO; or if there be taken the qua- druple of them, all the ſquares of QI is equal to all the ſquares of G N leſs all the ſquares of HO: by 2:12; all the circles; therefore the Cone QCI is equal to the Cylinder GE leſs the portion of the Sphere HFEO which was propoſed. The ſecond Caſe. á Let ROBC be of a Circle, and RSQC of an Ellipfis complete the Diagram, then will the ſquare of QC, that is I V leſs the D А } i ܢ 1 S 1 be B 1 64 ſquares ( 24) ſquare of L V be equal to the ſquare of SV. For AR:RD :: TV:V L, there fore the ſquares of them, and AR:R Dv: OV:VS, therefore the ſquares of them therefore, as the ſquare of TV, to the ſquare of V L, ſo the ſquare of O V, to the ſquare of VS; Therefore, as the ſquare of EV, to the ſquare of E V leſs the ſquare of TV. So the ſquare of IV, to the ſquare of IV leſs the ſquare of LV, but the ſquare of E V leſs the ſquare of T V is equal to the ſquare of OV; therefore the ſquare of IV leſs the ſquare of L V equal to the ſquare of SV. PROPOSITION VI. N the Hemiſphere ÍAP, Let FE be pa: rallel to IP, SZ and GX parallel to AC; the Figure being completed; the Cy- linder QG is equal to the Cylinder IE leſs ilie Cylinder RH; for as the ſquare of AC, to the ſquare of B C; ſo the Cylinder I E, to the Cylinder RH; again, as the ſquare of A C, to the ſquare of AC leſs the ſquare of BC, (that is the ſquare of BS) ſo is the Cy- linder IE, to the Cylinder I E leſs the Cylin- der R H, (that is the Cylinder QG) it follow- eth that the Cylinder R H is equal to the exc. Vitus Cylinder I QSFGEPV, for the cylin- . (25) Cylinder QG is equal to the excavetus Cylinder IROFHTPE. · But if the excavetus Cylinder ORQSGV TH, be added to both; the Cylinder R H will be equal to the excavętus or hollow cylinden QIFSGV PE; but the cone OCH is equal to FISGPE by the firlt part of the Fifth Propofition; Therefore I OSGVP is.es qual to ORC'TH, that is, of the difference betwixt'the circumſcribed ie and inſcribed QG cylinders'; ſübſtracted from the circum- feribed cylinder I E is equal to the portion of the Sphere ISGP; or if şof the difference be added to the inſcribed cylinder QG it will be equal to the portion of the Sphere IS GP. The like in a Spheroid by the ſecond part of the laſt Propoſition. : : 11 A D F B H E '. IM 19 SP X (26) In Numbers thus. Let IP bę 20; QV, 16; CB, 103 the ſquare of IP is 400, the ſquare of Q V 256; the difference of the ſquares iš 144,, a third part of that number is 48, which ſubltracted from the greater ſquare 400, leaves 352: or iftwo thirds of the dif ference, that is, 96 be added to the leſſer ſquare, that is, to 256, the ſum will be 352 the true mean ſquare; but if it be as 14:11:: 352.: 276 4 the mean circle, which being mul- tiplyed by the length 25, 20.; the Product is 5537} the ſolidity of the portion ZISG PX 1 + ! PROPOSITION VII. TER F two equal and alike Triangles as GCA and GFA be contrary put, (viz.) the Vertex of the one to the Baſe of the other, and Lines drawn parallel to the Baſe as MXV pa- rallel to CA; IF M X be drawn into XV, that ſo the Triangle GCA and GFA being drawn one into another ; they will generate a ſolid equal to one ſixth of the paralellepipedon ABD CEFGH, For (27) cream G HI M R. M E V x144 7 R K ? K. K 4 "B For ( 28 ) 1 2 For by 4; 2. the Line MV being cut into parts in X, the ſquare MX, (that is IZ) more the ſquare of XV, (that is XO) more the double Rectangle of MXV, that is, the Ređangles XQ and OR, are equal to the whole ſquare V Z; for that reaſon the whole paralellepipedon ABDCEFGH is compoſed of theſe parts, the pyramide ABDCH more the pyramide EFGH A more the two folids BDKOIRHE and ACMXIQFG, but the paralellepipedon ABDCEFGH is equal to three pyramides of the ſame Baſe and Altitude; therefore one of theſe ſolids as ACXMQIFG will be equal to of the whole PROPOSITION VIII. I F in the ſide of the paralellogram ACDE there be taken a point, ſuppoſe at B, and the Line BF drawn parallel to AE and CD, the Diameter BD being drawn, and the Fi- gure being completed; then will the Rect- angle under E Band BD, be to the Rectangle under the trapezium E ABD and the Tri- angle BDC, aş A B, to the compoſed of; AB more of BG; For the Rectangle EB, BD; that is, all the Rectangles of AB, B C; QR, R X; EF, FD; that is the paralelle- pipedon ( 29 ) 1 t 1 E F N X Za R IR ROZ K Z น A ti. B pipedon made of A B, BC, and the Altitude BF: the Rectangle E ABD, .BDC; that is, all the Redangles EF, FD; QR, R.Z; that is a priſme of EFD and the Altitude F B; more all the Rectangles of RZ, ZX; bat a paralellepipedon is to a priſme of the fama Baſe and. Altitude as I to, that may be as AB, to; AB, but all the Rectangles of RZ, ZX, are of the paralellepipedom: BCB and the Altitude CD by the laſt Propoſition, but the paralellepipedon BCBFD; is to. BC, as of the paralellepipedon BCBF E, to of B6 the priſme made of DFE and the Altitude EA, more all the Rectangles of R Z, ZX; that is of the paralellepipedon B CB and the Altitude BF, is equal to the Rectangle EA BD, BD C; that is all the Rectangles of OZX; ai ( 30 ) 1 1 68: PR Oils QZX; Therefore as AB, to A B more :BC, ſo are all the Rectangles A B, BC; QR, R X; EF, FD; to all the Rectangles ef AB, BC; QZ, ZX, The ſecond part of this Theorem may be that the Rectangle. EC, CF; is to the Rect- angle of the Tropezium E ABD and the Tri- angle B D F, as the Line AC, to': A B mogę BC; the demonftration of this differs riot from the former part, except in this, that all the Ređangles DFD, ZR Z, ZR Z, are of the paralellepipedon, as appears by the laſt Propoſition. obThis Propofition' is the 30 of the ſecond of Caval: GeometAsidivif. and is of good uſe in Jolid Geometry etsii SUU.. · 09 ? lu 12. 2: 3s will ! :8 I Tu ,,?ti, i suoi Et ADBEK be a conei and be cut Let through the axis, whoſe. Section will be the Triangle A KB, Let it be cut by another Plane as Ě ZU, the diameter of the Section ZB parallel to BK, the Baſe of the Section EDat Right Angle at C with A B ; Let it be as' ABA: AKB::PZ:ZK, then will PZC be equal to the ſquare of CE; i For, (31) b. Fór, AB:BK::AC:CZŁtherefore by 23.6. SA BA: AK ::CB:ZK, S CABA:BKA:ACB:CZK::PZ:ZK, apply CZ to the two laſt terms, aud it will be as 'ACB: CZK::CZP:CZK, becauſe CZK is in each proportion; Therefore AC B that is the ſquare of CE is equal to CZP; the like in all other planes parallel to the Baſe AEBD. This manner of ſedion Apolloniks calls a parabola3bbe ""??? niin, A.; 2; .. 1). Ww.Liela ?:13 :«i ?i és escayni "?!!..adito Milli OA vi list? iT bor: VR i to J !!! "Biļi!! ů و 1 KM ; ، رنو 1. ' 1 C . $ 1 PRETO H iji i . 2 1 B) ti? A 1 i } E: if ( 3 ) . if the femiparabola EIZRC be moved about the axis ZC, until it return to that point from whence it began its motion, it will Generate a ſolide, Archimedes names ſuch a ſolid, a Rect- angled conoide; s. but generally it is called by the name of a parabolical conside 21 i 1 09 و ان ننللننلهننيي : 1 :! سند ܐ ܐ ܂ ܃ ܃ ܃ ELE LE is iis . aidT PROPOSITION, X. Et AV BXK be a tone, and be cut through the axis, whoſe Section ſhall be the Triangłe AKB , Let it be cut by another Plane as NIEC whoſe diameter is NC, (be- ing continued if need bet ſhall cut both ſides of the cone, the Plane NIEC being at Right Angle with the Plane AKB, the Planes FED and TIG parallel to the plane AV BX, Let it be made, as CRN:GRT::CN:NP, then will QRN be equal to the ſquare of RI; for CN:NP::CR:RQ, taking the Altitude R N it may be CN:NR::CRN: QRN::CRN:GRT, in theſe laſt four terms CR N-is-twice, therefore QR N is. equal to GRT, that is, the ſquare of R I. By reaſon of the ſimilitude of the Triangle CHD to CRG, and of the Triangle NRT to NHF, it may be, as NR ( 33) ENROTRANH: FH TROURO HC HD by 23. 6. } YILL DINRGY TŘG NHC:FHD, but T R Gigual to the fetare bf R'I, and FHD is eepuiak tö' tlie ſquare of HE; therefore as NRC to the ſquare of RI, ſois NHC to the ſquare of HE. This Section of a cone is named by Apollo- nius an.Ellipfis. cin!! 4 :: :: wilt wer: : K 1050 1 cili!! UN 1 sigasi 1 to be rumah Atvom 11 Gr Dan 1 و مرا در :: :ر !] و در رد :: ji A I Hilir : 0 : E C 1 { į B L 1 X But (34) 1 i But if the Semi-Ellipſis CEIN be moved about the exis, CN, until it return to that point from whence it began its motion, it will Generate a folid, Archiwides calls ſuch a ſolid 2. Spheroide ; but if it be turned about thc leſfer Diameter, then he calls that folid a Sphe- roide prelatus. PROPOSITION XI. 3 Le Et ABCBF be a cone, and be cut through the axis, whoſe fection will make the the Triangle' AFC, Let it be cut by another Plane BHD the Diameter HG, and the ſide of the Triangle CF being continued may meet at K, H N at right Angle with HG, the Plane QI E parallel to ABCD, the Plane BDH at right Angle with the Plane AFC; Let it be made, as KRH:ERO::KH:HN, draw R Z paral- lel to HN, and joyn Z NK, then will ZRH be equal to the ſquare of RI; For, as KH: NH::KR:ZR, take the Altitude RH and apply it to the two laſt terms, and it will be as KH:NH::KRH:ZRH:: KRH:ERO, Therefore ZRH is equal to ER O that is the ſquare of RI becauſe of the fimilitude of the Triangle AGH to HRO, and of KG C to K Ř E, it may be as, KG: (35) CHIGA ORA:RD }by 23,6 :: KGH:CGA::KRHERO; COA is' equal to the fquare of G B; and ERO is equal to .. 7!, K K F J M H :: f. ad 1 } A N در ز. A BV B Anscs D the (36) the fquare of R. ITherefore as K GH, to the fquäre of 'G BL fois KRH, to the ſquare of RI. w This manncr of Section Apolloniug calls a Hyperbohaa but if the femihyperbola BIHRG be moved about the Axis HG, until it returns to that point from whence it began įts mo- tiun, it will Generate a folid ; ſuch a ſolid is called by Archimedes an Amblygon conoide 3 but generally it is called a Hyperbolical cono- ide. PROP:0S I TION XII. To find the ſolidity of the portion of the Sphere-BNR E. LE Et ABN E be a sphere and BH a Cg- linder, it is manifelt that the paralellepi. pedon whiple Bafe-is the ſquare of GE, and Altitude GN is equal to the paralellepipedon whoſe Baſe is the ſquare of GŃ and Altitude AG; it fis alſo manifeft that the Rectangle AGN is equal to the ſquare Ge, the like for any other, as, A GN equal to ZRZ, Therefore by the 8 Propoſition, as AG to AG more GN, ſo are all the ſquares ZF, to all the ſquares of ZR; Therefore, as AG, to AG more; GN, ſo the Cylinder EK, to ( 37 to the portion of the Sphere ERNB. The like in a spheroide. K . H R Z Z E 1 1 + A 1 In Numbers thus. Let AG be 150; GN, 54; GE 90; the paralellepipedon made of the ſquare of BE and Altitude GN, is 1749600; then, as AG, 150; to; AG, more GN; that is 75 more 9; that is 84; ſo is 1749600, to 999776, that is all the ſquares in the portion of the Sphere BNRE; then as 14:11:: 979776:7698243 the portion of the Sphere BNRE. 3 Propol. . D (78) PROPOSITION XIII. L To find the folidity of a Parabolical Conoide, Et BCOE be a ſemiparahola; by the 9 Propoſition it is, as E B, is to ER that is to ŽQ; fo is the ſquare of BC that is the ſquare of Ř I, to the ſquare of RO, that is, as the parallelogram BF, is to the Triangle FEB; fo is the parallelepipedon made of the ſquare of BC and Altitude BE, to all the ſquares of RO, but the Triangle FBE is of the parallelogram B F; Therefore the para- bolical conoide will be of the cylinder of the ſame Baſe and Altitude, FzzzzzzzE NI q RO q R 2 IR 4 R 9 IR IVP NR A B oleto C Thus (39.) ! २. Thus in Numbers. Let AB, 10; BG, 10; Thereforc A C, 30; Let BE, 30; the ſquare of AC, 20; is 400, whieh being multiplyed by EB, that is by 15š the Product is 6000, equal to all dhe ſquares in the conoide A EC; but if it be made as 14:11::6000:4714 the folidity of the conoide A EC. PROPOSITION, XIV. L. To find the ſolidity of a Hyperbolical Conoide. Et ZRHX be a femihyperbola, and EF parallel to ZK, A R the Tranſverſe Di- ameter, R X the intercepted Axis, the point H in the Hyperbolical Line by the ir Propofi- tion it is, as AXR to AFR, ſo is the ſquare of XZ, to the ſquare of FH, that is, as the Parallelepipedon made of the Rectangle RXZ and the Altitude AX, is to the priliy made of the Rectangle AŘ X and the Altitude RD, more the pyramide made of the ſquare of ZD and Altitude DR; fo is the parallele- pipedon made of the ſquare of Z K and Alti. tude XR, to all the ſquares in the conside ZHRK, But 1 D 4 (40) ތާ But as the parallelepipedon made of the Recto angle RXZ and Altitude AX, is to the priſme made of the Rectangle ARX and Al- titude RD, more the pyramide made of the ſquare D Zsand Altitude eR; fo is the Line A X to the Line BR (that is ; 4R), gore of the Line RX, by the 8 Propoậtion; Therefore by the 11. 5. it will be as the Line AX, is to the Line B R, more of the Linç RX, fo is the parallelepipedon made of the ſquare of Z K and Altitude XR, to all the squares in the conoide ZHR K; then as 14:11, fu are all the ſquares in the conoide ZHRK, to the conoide ZHRK. 1 A +B R c E 11 F Z X Ķ Let (41) In Numbers thus. V2:20 1,0 Let AX be 1503 RX, 545 ZX,90; ÅR, 963 BRO:48s the parallelepipeglana whatsappose is the Rectangle of Rwandte Altitude à x is 729000. The prime whoſe: Boyle is thg Reggangte ARXwand Altitude RD is 28328000 The pyramidei wholer Befe is the loupe, of R X and Altitude R Divisi 87.489 gigai The parallelepipedon, whoſe: Baſe is the Aquare of ZX and Altitude XR is 437400. Then 729000: 233280 more 87480, that is, 320760 :: AX, 150: BR, 48, more of RX, 18; that is 66:: 437400: 192456 equal to all the ſquares in the of the conoide ZH RK; but if that laſt number be multiplyed by 4, the Product will be 769824 equal to all the ſquares in the conoide ZHRK, then 14:17: 769824: 533433, the ſolidity of the Hyperboliek conoide ZHR K. 5 PROP. (4) 1 ROPOSITION XV. i to frid'tkie folidity of a whole sphere, or a portion thereof. Út ADEF be a Plane and the Semi- circle DQIQE be in that Plane, Let the Planes ABCD and CDE be at Right Angle with the Planc ADEF; Let DC, AL and E F each of them be equal to DE; E 1 K PINO K H K X RS X IR o X q A D B Let (43) Let the Planes ĶHXR be parallel to tho Baſe of the priſme; namely, parallel to AB CD. The Rectangle DR E is equal to the ſquare of R Q by 35 3, that is, the Rectan- gle comprehended of IR and R X, for RX is equal to RE, and IR is equal to R D, therefore all the ſquares in ; of the Sphere E QIQD are equal to all the Rectangle in the priſme CDFÉ, the like in any part There- fore the priſme RXHKFE, leſs the pyra- mide OIKH Fſball be equal to all the ſquares in the portion of the Sphere QER. Then as 14:11, ſo the priſme XRIOFE to the ſolidity of the portion of the Sphere QER. In Numbers thus: Let AB, AF, FE, AD, DC, BC each of theſe be equal to D Е, and DE be equal to 204 : from E to the firſt R be 54, apd. from that firſt R to Dbe 150; KR, 204 mul- tiplyed by R X, 54; is XK, 11016; which being multiplyed by RE 27; the Product will be 297232, equal to the priſme KHXR EF; FK, KH,HO, and I K, every of them equal to 54; Therefore the pyramide KHO IF will be 52488; then KHXREF, 297 232; lefs KHOIF, 52488 there will remain IOXREF, 2449443 equal to all the ſquares in the portion QER; that is, all the ſquares in the portion of ; of a Sphere, PROP. (442 .: il . ''!) L ) el > 5 .,, J-PROPOSITION XVI. !!! To find the Solidity of a whole Spheroide, or portion thereof. Et FADE be a Plane, the Elliplás EQ D be in that Plane; Let AB and DC each of them be equal to DE, the Planes K RXH parallel to the Baſe of the priſme AB CD. Find the Line FE by the roth. Prop. by the fajd 19th. Prop, the Rectangle IRE Leben K q 원 ​90 H X K no H 표 ​X K ҡ H А. D B; + will (145) I 1 & 1 1 3 will be equal to the ſquare of RQ; but the Re&angle TR E is equal to the Rectangle IRX, becauſe DC is equal to D:E, -there- fore R X is equal to R E, therefore the Red- angle BR X is equal to the ſquare of RQ; therefore the prijme X HKR E F leſs the py- ramide KHOFF will be equal to all the ſquares in the portion QER. ... In Number's Thus,i.digis, i i costulpo:, ? Let D E the longeft Diameter beizby the Conjugate'or ſhorteſt 18,1 therefore Ke will be 12, for it is 36:18 : 12. 7Let from E to the firſt å be 9, then' E E, 12,1 dmtltiplyed by Ri Xi99; X K will be 1083 which bring multiplyed by u of ER, thád-ligl 4 lghe Produ: will be 486, equal to KH XE EF for the finding of Kilwórk thuşzri Abj16 to AD, 10.; fo'is AK,9; to bilB; then IK,3, meltiplyed by KH9the Product is27, 1 bat is, Hl; this laſt number being multiply- ed by of K F, that is by. 3; the pyramide KHIO F will be equal to 81, which being ſubkracted from the priſme K'HXREF there will remain 406 the priſme IQ XREF equal to all the ſquares in the portion of the Spheroide. QER. . 5 A PROP. A 1 (46) ܕ ܙ is P. ROPOSITION XV I. To find the.ſolidity of a layperbolical Conoide. . LE Et MAEL bea Plane, and, 'the hyper- bola be in that Plane; to that Plane let the Planes BAM, GEL and DEL be perpek- dicular ; Let DE, CF and B A be each of them equal to AM; Let the Planes KIXH be parallel to the Plane ABDE the Baſe of the priſme ABDELM;: find the Lives ML and MG by the:11 Propoſition, the Recto angle IKM, is cqual to the ſquare of-KZ, but the Rectangle IKM is equal to the Red- angle IKH X, becaufe A B is equal to A M, therefore HK is equal to KM; Therefore the Rectangle IKHX, is equal to the ſquare KZ; Therefore the priſme ABDEL M, is equal to all the ſquares in the conoide AMZ: $ In Numbers thus. Let GM the Tranſverſe Diameter be 18; MA, 12; AE, 10; ML, 6; A B equal to AM multiplyed by AE, 16; the Product is 72 equal to ABCF, which being multiplyed by ; AM, that is, 6, the Product is 432 equal to the priſme ABCFLM; FE, 4; multi- 0:47) 1 1 5 A M hing '!." 1 3 risu ils. K j "!? built A F B D 1 CG multiplyed by FC, 12; the Product is 48, equal to FCDE, which being multiplyed by of FL, that is, 4; the Product is 192, equal to the pyramide FCDEL; this Pyra- mide being added to the priſme before found, the whole priſme ABDELM, will be 634, equal to all the ſquares in the conoide AZ M. PROPOSITION XVIII. To find the folidity of a Conoide parabola. LE Et AVHP be a Rlánė, the parabola PO R A be in that Planes Let VC and A B each of them be equal to AP; Let the Planes QG, QF, and QE bie parallel to the Baſe of the priſme ABCV. By the 9 Propoſition the parallelogram HD is equal to the fquare of QO, but the Plane H Q is equal to the Rectangle Q-ZGI, becauſe IQ is equal to HP and QZ is equal to CPTherefore the Plane QG is equal to the ſquare of QO, the like in the reſt; Therefore the priſme A B CVHP igequal to all the ſquares in the co- noide Re RA. In (49) H PA INE G q N E o 2 A E C B. + In Numbers thus. Let AP, be 10; AV, 8; Therefore AC 'will be 80; which being multiplyed by: AP, 10; thàt is, by 5, the Product will be 400,. equal to the priſme A BEVHP; that is, all the ſquares in of a parabolical conoide whole Altitude is AP, 10; and ſemidiameter of the Baſe is AR. In theſe 4 laſt Propoſitions it ought to be made, as 14:11; ſo are all the ſquares in the portion to the portion it felf. E Prop. (50) PROPOSITION XIX. To find the Area of a ſegment of a Circle or an Ellepfis. L. Et AGE be a ſemicircle, the area HGF the ſegment required; Let there be given AC, 13; HR, 12; CR, 5; then, as 14: 11, ſo is the ſquare of 13, that is, 169, to the area of of the Circle, 132 the area AGC. In the Triangle HRC, there is given HR, 12-; CR, 5; and the Right G T H I I Z T Z A B C Angle (50) Angle CRH; therefore there is given the Angle CR H; thus, 5: 12 :: 100000: 240000, the Tangent of 67 Degrees 23 Minutes, a- gain, as 90 Degrees, that is the Angle A ĆG, is to 67 Degrees 23 Minutes; ſo is the area ACG, 132; to the area of the Sector HC G, 98188 ; the Triangle HCR, 30; being taken from the Sector, leaves the Segment HRG, 68188; by the latter part of the 10 Propoſition it will be as A C:BC::10:ZO, Therefore as AC:BC, ſo the ſegment of the Circle HRG, to the ſegment of the El- lipfis ZRG; Let B C be 10, then as 13 : 10::68188: 52L98 the ſegment of the Ellip- fis. PROPOSITION X X. To find the folidity of a Circular er Elliptick Spindle. LE Et ABCOHP be a Circle, HB and PVO be two Diameters at right Angle at Z; Let AK and GC be parallel to H B, the Lines P O parallel to PVO; Let GC equal to AK be the axis, Vo che Dia- meter of the Spindle. Suppoſe there be a Solid whoſe Baſe ſhall be the ſegment. KHG OB A and Altitude the ſegment APK; ſuch E 2 al (52) H K G F P PE R 9 I P GE R N 1 Pad R E 1 A C D B a Solid is equal to all the ſquares in of a Sphere whoſe Diameter is AK; for the Rect- angle ORP is equal to the Rectangle ARK, 35,3, and by the ſame 35, 3, the Rectangles ARK are equal to all the ſquares In å of a Sphere whoſe Diameter is A K. If from the Solid whoſe Baſe is KHGO CB A and Altitude APK, there be taken a Solid, whoſe Baſe is KGCA and Altitude AKP there will remain a Solid whoſe Baſe and Altitude is equal to the ſegment GOC or A PK; equal to all the ſquares in the of the Spindle. By ('53) in By the 15 Propofition find all the ſquares 25 of a Sphere whoſe Diameter is AK. By the 19 Propoſition find the ſegment A PR which multiplyed by K G makes a paral- lelepipedon, which being taken from of the forementioned Sphere, leaves all the ſquares in á of the Spindle, this being multiplyed by 4 gives all the ſquares in the Spindle ; Then, as 14:11, ſo are all the ſquares in the Spindle, to all the Circles, that is the Spindle it felf. Further, as the whole ſo the parts are cal- culated; find the ſegment of a Sphere by the 15 Propoſition, and the ſegment of the Circle KRP by the 19 Propolition, this ſegment KR P multiplyed by KG, which taken from the correſponding part of the Sphere, leaves the correſponding part of the Spindle GOI. · Let BOHP be ſuppoſed to be an Ellipſis, HB and PZO its Diameters ; the Area K PA may be found by the laſt part of the 19th. Propoſition: find of a spheroide that hath KA for one of its Diameters, if the ſquare of ZP be leſlened by the ſquare of ZR, there will remain a ſquare whoſe Root ſhall be half the other Diameter; find all the ſquares in of ſuch a Spheroide by the 16. Propof. then proceed as in the Circle, as well for the parts as the whole. E 3 3 Proposa 1 (54) PROPOSITION X X I. To find the ſolidity of the ſecond sections in a Sphere or Spheroide. Et D A BRCMNLFQ be of a Sphere cut by two Planes, viz. the Plane RXD GZQ and MX APZT being at right Angles, their Interſection X Z. MA Equal to MZ; RD equal to RZ; CN e- qual to C B the ſemidiameter of the Sphere : MX and XR being known, the reſt may be found thus. N D M 1 x A H ? T 1 F B C R (55) I. The Areas ZXD and ZX A may be found by the 19th. Propofition. 2. The Spherical Superficie of BDZQ is equal to a Surface whoſe Saſe is equal to the Line FLN and Altitude RB. Or, The Spherical Superficie of RDZQ is equal to the Area of a Circle whoſe Diameter is equal to a Line drawn from B to D. The like for the Spherical Superficie of NA ZT. Archimedes 36. 1. of the Sphere and Cylinder. 3. Ler RDGZQ and MAPZT be Qua- drants of leſler Circles of the fame Sphere, RD and MA their Semidiameters; CEZL and CNZE Quadrants of great Circles of the Sphere; AOZ and DIZ Arches of great Circles of that Sphere, the Arch NZ equal to the Arch NA, and the Arch B Z equal to the Arch BD; the right lined Angle DRZ equal to the Spherical Angle DB Z, the Angle Z M A equal to the Angle ANZ. 4 As 90 Degrees, is to the degrees and parts of a Degree in the Angle DBZ; fo is the Spherical Superficie BADGZQ, to the Sphe- rical Superficie of the Triangle BADGZ. 1 E In (56) 5. In the Triangle IZ BDI; there is given the Arches BD and BZ, and the Angle D BZ; Therefore there are given the Angles BDZ and BZD. The like in the Triangle OZNAO for the Angles NAZ and NZA; by the third Caſe of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles. 6. In the Triangle A OZID, there is given the Arch AD and the Angles Z AD and ZDA; Therefore there is given the Angle AOZID, by the 8th. Caſe of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles. In the Triangle AOZID there are given the three Angles, Therefore the Area may be found, thus. As 180 Degrees, is to the ex- ceſs of the three Angles over and above 180 Degrees; fo is the Area of a great Circle of that Sphere to the Area of that Triangle, Foſter, Miſcel, page 21. Or, It may be found by that method which is delivered by that Learned Mathematician Mr. Johor Leek,in page, 116,of Mr.Gibſons Syntaxis Muthematica, Which is this. If the exceſs of the three Angles above 180 Degrees be mut- tiplyed' by half the Diameter of the Sphere, the Superficies of any Spherical Triangle is thereby produced. By * (57) 1 By this Rule and by what Mr. Gibſon delive- red in that 116 page, I found this way to reſolve this Propoſition. 8. By this laſt Rule we are to find the Areas of the Triangles B DIZ and NAOZ: the difference between the Areas of theſe, and thoſe found by the 4. of this ſbeweth the Areas of the two Figures,viz. G ZID and OZPA, which added to the Area DIZO A gives the Superficie of the mixc Lined Triangle APZ GD. R A F X C B D 1 9. (58) 9. In the gth. Chapter of the forementioned Syntaxis Mathematica there is given ſome Rules about ſome folids; but when it was time to treat of theſe ſecond fragments, that Author breaks off thus ; There may be other parts of a Sphere beſides thoſe which are here called Fragments, (not to ſpeak of thoſe which Are irregular and multiform) which are either Cones or Pyramides, whoſe-Baſes lie in the ſu- perficies of the Sphere, and their vertices at the Center, the folidity of one of theſe is found by multiplying the third part of the Baſe by the Altitude (which here is the ſemiaxis) the pro- sluct is the folidity : theſe Fragments are thoſe which are uſually called Solid Angles. Thus far Mr. Gibſon. In the Diagram, Let the Triangle AZF, be equal to the Triangle ZP ADG in the laſt Diagram, the Spherical Superficie of that Triangle multiplyed by one third of the Semi- diameter CA, CF or CZ produceth the Spherical pyramide Z FAC. This pyramide may be divided into three folids, viz. a pyramide whoſe Baſe is the ſeg. ment Z FX and Altitude Z B, the pyramide whoſe Baſe is the Arca Z AX and Altitude XE; and the folid AZXF the folid requi- red. But the pyramides are given, becauſe the (59) the Areas ZXF and ZX A may be found by the I of this, and the Altitudes X B and XÉ are given to limịt the Propoſition ; There- fore the pyramides ZXFC and ZXAC taken from the pyramide Z FAC leaves the ſolid FX AZ 1 IO. 8 Let ħ 480PABDhHFCT be of a spheroide; boOXVIABDh HFCT, be of a Sphere. Unto the Planes ħ 48096 and + LOXC, Let there be Planes at right Angles as 8 QDH, O QB F and PPCA C. OIDH, OIBF and XIAC. From the points L parallel to 8C draw the Line 4L E, becauſe the Line 4 LE is parallel to ! Cg Therefore the Line 4 T is equal to LT, and the Line TQ is equal to TI, Therefore the Quadrants of the Circle T 48 and TLI are equal. In theſe Planes, viz. QDH, LO QBF and P&AC, Let there be Lines drawn, viz. P comma, and Q N, parallel to & H. P comma, and ON parallel to o F. comma, and N parallel to 4 C. The points SPQD, OPQD and PPO A in chole El- lipſes, the points OVID, OVIB and XV "A in thoſe Circles, 1 ☺ (60) h L ES H ZI D RZ 1 B of I V hot A C : ,9C : XC:::H: OH,by the 1o. Prop. OC XC::HE: LE, TH : OH::YE : LE, 11.5. H-OH:OH:14 E-LE:LE, 17. 5. 80 : OH::4L : LE, 19.5. OF : 4 E::OF : 4 E:: 0F : LE, ioth. Prop. OF-4E: 4E :: F-LE:LE, 17.5. OR: #E::OZ : LE, 19.5. R+J0:4E :: ©Z+OZ:LE, 12.5. HE : LE::IC: XC, 2C XC:: 0R+80: Z+OZ, 11. 5. 9 C XC:: Area R094 ; Area ZOOL, Again, : an (61) Again. & H : #E ::(QNJOH:IN, 10. Prop. H-QN:QN::O HIN(ZH)IN, 17.5. ſo : : OH:: OZ ZH, 19.5. : LE P, QN::V, : IN, P, QN:QN::V,-IN:IN, 17.5. P. : QN::V,: IN 19.5. ŠO+P.:QN::(HE)OZ+VI:IN; (LE) 12.5. 30+P.: 4 E::OZ + VI: LE, PC : XC:: 2 E 9C : XC:: 304P. : OZ#VI, that is, 9C:XC::Area OQP8: Area Ziyo, the Plane. O P QB F or any other drawn parallel to theſe, ſhall have the ſame qualifications ; which makes us conclude that the whole Section ILTX ſhall be to the whole Section (T&as XC is to $ C, and as XC to 8C ſo the ſegment ILZO to the ſegment Q4 08, the ſecond Section in the spheroide. PROP. (62) PROPOSITION XXII. IRE F four Numbers be in proportion, that is, as the firſt is to the ſecond ; fo is the third, to the fourth. It will always be, as the firſt, is to a Geometrical mean proportion be- tween the firſt and ſecond; fo is the third, to -a Geometrical mean proportion between the third and fourth. : Let it be, A:B::C:D, multiply the two firſt recrmis by A, and it will be, as A A:AB :: C:D, 17. 7. If the two lali tearms be multip yed by C, it will be A A: AB::CC:CD, they, as A:VAB::C: VCD, 22.6. 1 In Numbers thus. :.4 4:9 4 16 : 36. 16 : 36 :: 16 : 36. 16 : 36 :: 256 : 576. 4 : 6 :: 16 : 24 . PROP. (63) 1 سه 1 PROPOSITIO N. XIII. > To find the Relation of one Hyperbola to another. 1 5 1 LEE Et FLBC be a ſemihyperbola, its Tranſ- verſe Diameter FH, its intercepted Axis FC. Let GMBC be another ſemihy- perbola, its Tranſverſe Diameter KG, its in- tercepted Axis GC. Let it be made, as, 1. KG : GC HF : FC KG4GC: GC HF+FC: FC, 18. 5. KC : GC HC : FC KC : HC GC : FC, 16.5. KC GC : FC, 17.7. 2 :: .. : HC . 2 : FE : HC : HE : HC KC :: KF .. KC GC : FC KCG : HCF :: KCG : KFG :: HCF : HEF :: KCG : KFG :: GF GF KF GF KFG HCF CBC CBC : FE, 19.5. : HE, 11.5. : FE, 11.5. : HEF, 23. 6. ; HEF, 16.5. ; ELE, 11 Pro. : FMF=ELE, 11.5. 11. Prop. Therefore (64) Therefore FM is equal to the Line L E, and for as much as GC is divided in F, in the ſame Ratio as F C is in E, Therefore, GG : FC :: GF : FE, 17.7. GC : FC : EC, 19.5. GC MD : LD, FC :: area CBG : ATBA CBF 12.5. FG ::: : FC :: GC : म TK G H H А В 1 म M. L ABD From N (65) 2. / From the Vertex of the Hyperbola CBF, Let there be a Semihyperbola as CAF; FH its Tranſverſe Diameter. Then as, :ENE, HCF: HEF :: CBC : ELE II. Prop, HCF: HEF :: CAC 11. Prop. CBC:CAC:: ELE :ENE, CB : CA :: EL 22.6. CB :CA :: area CBF:area CAF, 12.5. 11.5. : EN 3. :: CV .: 2 3 Let CV Q be of an Ellipſis; its Tranſ- verſe Diameter FV, its ſemiconjugate CQ, Let CGQ be of another Ellipſis its Tranf- verſe Diameter EG, its conjugate CQ. Let it be made, as, FC : EC : EG, CV ; CG, FC : EC 17.7. FC : EC : CD, 17.7. FC : CG :CD, FC :FC+CG :: EC : EC+CD, 18.5. FC :FG : ED, CV : GV :: CG : DG, FCV : FGV :: ECG :EDG; 23.6. FCV: FGV :: CQC :GLG, 10. Prop. ECG: EDG :: CQC : DHD=GLG, 10. Profi F Therefore :: CG :: EC 16.54 :: EC 18.5. / 17. 7. (66) 1 Therefore DH and GL are equal, Be- cauſe che Line CV is divided in G in the fame ratio as CG is in D. ! Therefore, as, CV : VG :: CG : GD, CV : CG :: CG : DC, 19.5. CV : CG :: IL : IH, CV : CG : Area coy: area CQG, CG } 4 1 From the vertex of the Quarter of the Ellipſis CGQ;. Let there be of another Ellipſis, as GGR, its Tranſverſe Diameter EG the ſemiconjugate CR, i Then, as, ECG:EDG :: CQC :DHD, ÉCG:EDG :: CRC : DKD, CO.C:DHD:: CRC :DKD, CQ:CR :: DH : DK, CQ :CR :: area CDQ: area CGR, 12. 5. 10. Pr. 10. Pr. 11.5. 22.6. 5. Let CGB be half a parabola, its Diame- ter CG, its Ordinate @ B. Let CVB be half of another parabola, its Diameter CV, its Ordinate C B. Let I (67) G K N C ILIR E F , 2 3 Let it be, CV: CG :: CV : CG, CV :CG, CV:CG :: CV: CG :: GV : GD, CG: OD :: CBC: DND, 9. Prop. CV:GV ::CBC : GTG=DND, 9. Prop: 1 1 1-2 Therefore, (68) Therefore GT is equal to DN; becauſe the Line CV is divided in G in the famc ratio as CG is in D. Therefore, CV : CG :: CG :CD, CV:CG :: AT :AN, CV :CG :: area CVB * area CGB, 12. 5. 6. From the vertex of the ſemiparabola CGB; Let there be another femiparabola, as CGZ, Then, as, GC :GD : DND, 9. Pr. GC :DOD, CZC : CBC :: DODY : DND, II.5. ZC : BC ZC : BC : BC , :: 'area ZGC : area BGC, 12. 5. :: CBC :: CZC : GD 9. Pr. :: OD :ND, 22. 6. 7. Hence, It follows that the areas of hyperbolas, Ellip- ſes and parabolas may be increaſed or decreaſed in any proportion aſſigned ; either according to their Tranſverſe diameters or Ordinates : or both together. It (69) It follows alſo That the areas of hyperbolas, ellipſes and pas rabolas of the ſame baſes are as their Alti- tudes. And alſo, That the areas of hyperbolas , ellipſes and parabolas of the ſame Altitudes are as their bafes. Further it follows, If there be two hyperbolas, namely, A and B; if the Tranſverſe diameter of A, be to the Tranfverſe diameter of B; as the conjugate diameter of A, is to the conjugate diameter of B; if the Tranſverſe diameter of A, is to the Tranſverſe diameter of B; as the inter- preted diameter of A, is to the interpreted diameter of B: if the conjugate diameter of A, is to the conjugate diameter of B; as the Ordinate of A, is to the Ordinate of B. Then ſuch hyperbolas are called like hyperbolas. And the area of A, will be to the area of B; as the Rectangled Figure of the Tranſverſe and conjugate diameters of A, to the Rectan- gled Figure of the Tranſverſe and conjugate diameters of B. Or, The area of A, will be to the area of B; as the Rectangled Figure of the interpreted di- ameter, and Ordinate of A, is to the Rectan- gled Figure of the interpreted diameter and Ordinate of B. F3 Here (70) 8. Here note, In the byperbolas CF B, CFA and E CGB, the Lines CB, EL; and, CA, EN; and CB, FM, are called Ordinates. In the Ellipſes, CGQ, CGR and CV; the Lines DH, and DK and GL are Ordinates; the Lines CR and CR conjugate diameters: In the parabolas. CGB, CGZ and CVB; the Lines CB, DN; and CZ, DO; and CB, GT are called Ordinate's. A 7 9. In the hyperbola CFB; CF, EF, CB and EL being given, to find the Tranſverſe dameter FH. Let FE=A.FG=B.CB=D.EL=E.Z=HF. Therefore HE=Z+A. HC-Z + B. Therefore, DD;EE :: ZB+BB: ZAAA, 11. Prop. ZADD+AADD=ZBEE+BBEE, 16.6. ZBE E LAADD. 112 (71) 1 1 In Words thus. - The difference between the tqüäre of iß in the ſquare of E, and the ſquare of A 'in the {quare of D; being divided by the difference between A in the ſquare of :D Hd B in the ſquare of E; the Ouotient is the value of Z: 1 IO. In the Ellipſis CRG; CQ, DH, and CD being given, to find the Tranſverſe dia- meter EG Let CQ=A. DH=B. 'CD D, GC32 . Therefore Z+D-ED. Z-D=DG. ZZ: Zt Din Z_D:: AA:BB, 10. Prop. LA ZZBB_ZZAA — DDAA. :6. DDAA=ZZAA ZZBB : ! In Words thys. nili · As the ſquare Root, of the difference be- tween the ſquare of A and the fquare of B, is. to A, ſo is D, to Z; the ſemitranſverſe diame- ter. 22, 6, F4 In (72) II. In the parabola CGB; CB, CD and DN being known, to find the diameter DG. Let CB=A, DN=B. CD=C. DG-Z. Then C+2=CG. DAA : BB :: C+Z : Z, 9. Prop: -tom AAZ=BBC+-BBZ 166, -BBZ In Words thus. As the difference betwixt the ſquare of A and B, is to the ſquare of B; fo is C, to Z, Or thus. AA : BB : Z, 9. Prop. AA-- BB: BB :: C+Z-Z:Z, 17.5. :: C+Z 12. Yet further, it may be made manifeſt, that by the points of B and F there may be infinite hyperbolick lines pafs : the area of the leaſt, ſhall not be ſo little as half the parallelogram, whoſe haſe is B.C. and Altitude CE: nor the area:of the greateſt, ſo great, as three fourthş of the ſaid parallelogram, . PROPE (23) ËROPOSITION XXIV. of all manner of cylindrick hoofs. I. LE Et MACFTP be half a parabolick Cylinder, the base MAC parallel, equal and a like to the baſe FTP. Let C and F be the vertices of the parabolas ACM and TFP, CM and FP their diameters. Let this cylinder be cut by the Plane HVKB parallel to the Plane FPMC, the Line' H B in the ſuperficie of the cylinder. Let it be cut by another Plane, as HGRB parallel to the Plane PTAM, the line HB in the fuperficie of the ſaid cylinder. Let it be cut by the Plane O ADQM, the line AOD in the ſuper- ficie of the cylinder, and the line DQM in the Plane CFPM; the Ordinate A M the common Section of the Planes ABCM and AODQM. Further, Let it be cut by the Plane AIELM, the line AI E in the ſuperficie of the cylinder and the line ELM in the Plane CFPM., From K, to O and I let lines be drawn, and alſo from M to D and E: from the interfe&tion of GR and ME, that is from L, to the interſection of the lines H B and AE, that is to I, let there be a line drawn, as LI; and (74) - and likewiſe the line QO; then the lines LI and QO will be equal and parallel to the line R B. Becauſe the Planes, AOD QM and AIELM, cut the Plane GFPM at right Angles, and the, points B, O,1,H, are in the ſuperficie of the cylinder and in the line ВН. Betwixt the Planes ACM apd AODQM there is a ſolid made, as ABCMQDO A; alſo betwixt the ſaid baſe ABCM and the Plane AIEL Mthere is another folid made as ABC MLEIA : ſuch folids are called cylindrick boofs, and they take their particular names from ſuch cylinders as they are part of; viz. of the baſe ABCM be ball, or a quarter of a citele, it may be called a circular cylindrick hoofs. If half or a quarter of an ellipſis, then an elliptick cylindrick hoof. If the baſē be half or a whole parabola, then a parabolick cylin- prick: hoof.; If half; or a whole hyperbola, then a hyperbolick.cylindrick" hoof; the like for any other. TO (75) e G H ? T F . : S. ; D ► N M R 5.24 B K A Το (76) 2. 1 To prove that the Section AODQM is of the ſame kind and degree as the baſe AB CM. The Angle BKO is equal to the Angle RMQ; becauſe BK and R M are parallel, equal and in the Plane A B C M, the Lines OK and QM are parallel, equal and in the Plane AOD QM, alſo the Lines B O and R Qarq parallel, equal and in the Plane BH GR; Therefore the Triangles BKO and RMQ are equal and a like. Becauſe it is, as, CM:CR::MAM:R BR. 9th. Prop. as MC:MR::MD:MQ. 4. 6. but A M is common to both and equal to BR; Therefore by the 5th. of the 23. Propof. as, DM:DQ:: MAM:QOQ, Therefore the Section AODQM is a para- bola by the gth. Propoſition. 3. To find the relation of one hoof to another. The Triangles MC D and MCE are upon the ſame baſe MC, Therefore they are as their Altitudes CD and CE. 1.6. Again, the Triangles K BO and KBI are upon the fame baſe KB, Therefore they are as their Altitudes BO and BI, 1.6. 1 Further, (77) Further, the Triangles KBO and MCD are alike, and alſo the Triangles KBI and MCE are alike, therefore their fides are in proportion 4.6. The Triangle MCD: Triangle MCE:: CD: CE. 1.6. The Triangle KBO: Triangle KBI:: BO:BI. 1.6. But BO:BI::CD:CE. 4. 6. The Triangle KBO: Triangle KBI:: CD:CE. II.5. KBO + MCD:KBI MCE::CD:CE. 12.5. Hence it follows, That the ſolidities of hoofs upon the ſame baſe are as their Altitudes, that is, the hoof ABCMQDO A, is to the hoof A BCML EIA ; as CD, is to CE.; Further it follows. Becauſe it is BO:BI::CD:CE, There- "fore the ſuperficies of hoofs, upon the ſame baſe are as their Altitudes, that is, the ſuper- ficie CBAOD, is to the ſuperficie CBAIE; as CD, is to CE. Te (78) 1 4. 2 To find the folidity of cylindrick hoofs. - The Triangles "MCD' and KBO are alike, - Therefore as, as KB:BO::MC: CD, 4.6. and KB:BO::MC:CD, by the converſe of 17.7. then as, KB, to a Geome- trical mean proportion between K B and half BO, ſo is MC, to a Geometrical mean pro- portion between MC and half CD, by the 22. Propoſition. Let MX be made equal to the laſt term in the laſt Proportion, viz. the Geometrical mean proportion between MC and half CD. Then will KZ be equal to a Geometrical mean proportion between KB and half BO, and À ZX M will be a ſemi- parabola. by the 5th. of the 23 Propſition; that is, as CM:XM::B K:Z K. Further, the area of the Triangle MC D is equal to the Product of MC in half CD, that is, a Square whoſe ſide is a Geometrical mean pro- portion between M C and half CD, that is, equal to the Square of MX. Alſo the area of the Triangle KBO is equal to the Product of K B. in half BO, that is, equal to a ſquare whoſe fide is a Geometrical mean .proportion between K B and half BO; that is equal to the Square of KZ. Hence (79) 1 5. Hence it follows. That the ſolidity of the hoof MQDOA BC is equal to all the ſquares in one eighth of a parabolick Spindle whoſe ſemiaxis is AM and femidiameter is MX; but all the ſquares. in a parabolick Spindle is to a parallelepipedon of the ſame Baſèand Altitude; as 8, is to '15. Bonao, Caval. Exerc. quer, page 282, 1 6. It further follows. As all the ſquares in the whole folid AZ X.M are equal to the whole hoof MQDO AC, ſo are their parts equal, if the axis be cut by a Plane at right Angle. Example. :: The Plane BKO cuts the axis AM in: ·K at right Augle, that is, the Plane KBO : is parallel to the Plane MCD, the part of the Spindle AKZ, is equal to the part of the hoof AKOB. 3 7. If the boof ABCMQDO A be cut by a Plane QON parallel to the Baſe ABCM, the part QOND may be found thus. Firſt, take away the part KABO equal to the part of the Spindle K AZ: then take away the (80) the priſme KBRM QO; Laſtly, take away the parabolick Semicylinder RBCNOR, there will remain the little hoof QOND. 8. If ACM be a ſemihyperbola its Tranſverſe diameter C4, the hyperbolick cylinder may be MABCFHTP: this cylinder being cut by Planes according to the Firſt of this Pro- poſition, the Sections AODOM and AIF LM will be ſemihyperbolas, DS and EW their Tranſverſe diameters by the First of the 230. Propoſition. If between M4 and half 'S there be a Geometrical mcan proportion found, ſuppoſe it MD, and if between MC and half DC there be taken a Geometrical mean proportion, ſuppoſe it MX: And alſo if a Geometrical mean proportion be taken between K B and half BO, ſuppole it KZ; the Plane A ZXM will be the area of a hyper- bola its Tranſverſe diameter Xh; by the 22d. Propoſition and by the Firſt of the 23d. Pro- poſition all the Squares in one Fourth of the hyperbolick Spindle A ZXM taking A M for its axis, will be equal to the hyperbolick boof ABCMQDOA, by the 4th. and 5th. of this Propoſition. The relations of the ſoli- dities and ſuperficies, by the Third of this. If (81) . 9. IF ABC M be a quarter of a Circle, the circular cylinder will be A B CMTHFP; this cylinder being cut by Planes, according to the Firſt of this, the Sections A ODOM and AIÉLM will be quarters of Ellipſes by the Third of the 23d. Propoſition. If a Geometrical mean proportion be taken be- tween MC and half CD, ſuppoſe it MX, and alſo a Geometrical mean proportion be taken between K B and half B O, ſuppoſe it KZ.' The area AZXM will be one quarter of an Ellipfis by the 22d. Propoſition, and by the Third of the 23d. Propoſition. All the ſquares in one fourth of the ſemi- Spheroide , taking A M for its semiaxis, and MX for its jemidiameter , will be equal to the circular cylindrick hoof. AODOMC BA, by the Fourth and Fifth of this Propo- fition. As the whole, ſo the parts, according to the Sixth and Seventh of this Propoſition. How to find all the ſquares in any Sphere or Spheroide is taught Propoſition the 15th, and 16th. Here Note, If the Altitude of the hoof be equal to four diameters of the baſe, that hoof will be equal to all the ſquares in a Sphere adſcribed in that cylinder. G If } | * (82) If the Altitude be leſs than Four diameters of the baſe, that hoof will be equal to all the ſquares in a ſpheroide whoſe longeſt diameter ſhall be the axis. But if the Altitude be greater than Four diameters of the baſe, then that hoof will be equal to all the ſquares in a Spheroide whoſe ſhorteſt diameter ſhall be the axis. IO. If ABCM be a quarter of an Ellipſis, the Elliptick cylinder will be ABCMTHFP; this cylinder being cut by Planes, according to the Firſt of this, the sections AODOM and AIELM will be quarters of Ellipſes by the 3d. of the 23d. Propoſition. If Geometrical means be taken between MC and half CD, and alſo between KB and half B O, ſuppoſe them to be M X and KZ, Then will AZXM be a quarter of an Ellipſis by the 22d. Propoſition, and by the 3d. of the 23d. Prop. all the ſquares in one Fourth of a femiſpheroide taking A M for its ſemiaxis and MX for its ſemidiameter, will be equal to the Elliptick cylindrick hoof AO DOMCBA by the Fourth and Fifth of this Propofition. The parts KABOBC R QON and QOND are found as in the Sixth and Seventh of this. A (63) A Table of Squares and Cubes. Roots. Squares, Cubes. Roots. Squares. Cubes, I 2 26 27 16 64 216 64 1 8 3 9 4 5 25 125 36 3 49 343 SI2 9 81 729 10, I001 IOOO LI I21 1331 12 1441 1728 13 169 2197 14 196 2744 IS 225 3375 16 2564095 171289 49,13 18 3241 5832 19 361 6859 201 400 8000 21 441 9261 22 48410648 23 529 12167 24 57613834 256251 15625 675 17576 27 729) 19683 28 784121952 29 841 24389 301 900 27.000 311 9611 29791 32 1024 32768 331089 35937 34.11539304 351225 42 875 36L290 46658 371 369 50653 38114441 54872 391521 59319 401600 64000 411681 689-1 421764 74088 431849 79907 441936 85184 45120251 91125 46211697336 4712209103823 14812304110592 A (84) A Table of Squares and Cubes. Roots. Squares. Cabes. Roots. Squares Cubes. 49,2401117649 5012500 125000 512601132651 522704140608 532809148877 542916157464 553025166375 56:3136|175616 573249185193 583364195112 59348120.5379 636ool2 Looo 61137.2 722 6981 623844238328 633969250047 6414096262144 654225274625 66 43562 87496 67 1489300763 68 462 4314432 69 4701328509 704900343000 21 5041357911 7215784373248 735329309017 7415 4761405224 75 56251421875 7657761438976 77,5929456533 7816084 474552 79 6241493039 80 6400512000 81 65611531441 826724551368 836889571787 847056592704 857225614125 8673961636056 877569658503 887744/681472 89179211704969 9081007129000 91 82 811753571 9084641778688 938649 804357 948836830584 9590251857375 9692161884736 I А 1 (85) A Table of Squares and Cubes. Roots. Squares. Cubes. Roots. Squares Cubes. 971 9409 912673 98 9604941192 99 9801 970299 100 10000 1000000 101102011030301 102 104041061208 103 106091092737 104108161124864 105110251157625 106112 361191016 10711 449|122 5043 108 116641259712 109118811295029 11012100 1331000 I1112 321 1 367631 1121 2 544 1 404928 13127691 442897 114129961481544 IIS 132251520875 11613456 1 560896 11 7136851601613 II813924/1643032 11914161 1685159 120 14400 172 8000 12114641177156I I 22 148841815848 123151291 860867 1 24153761906624 1 25156251953125 1 26158762000376 127 161292048383 1 2815384120971.52 129136412146689 1301690021 97000 131171612248091 132/1742412299968 133|176892352637 1341 795 6 2406104 135 1 8225 2460375 1361 84962515456 137 187692571353 13819044 262 8072 139193212685619 1401960012744000 14119881|2 8032 2 1 142/201642 863288 143204492924207 144207362985984 1 II G3 A (86) A Table of Squares and Cubes 145-10253048625 14631316112136 1472 16093176523 148_19043241792 1491222013307949 1 502 2500 3 375000 15122 801 3442951 1522 310435 11 808 153234093581577 1541237163653264 15524025 3723875 156243363796416 157243493869893 15 81249643944312 159252814019679 160256004096000 161125921 4173241 161 26244425152 8 163265694330747 164126896 441 0944 1652722514492125 166275564574296 167 278894657463 168/282244741632 169285614826809 170 2 8900 4913000 17129241500021 I 17229584 5088448 173299295177717 174302765268024 175306255369375 176309765451776 177313295 545233 1783168415639752 1793204115735339 1801324005832000 181327615929741 182/331245028568 183133489612 8487 184338566229504 185 3422516331625 1 86 3459616434856 187/349696539203 188343446644672 18913572 16751269 1903610068590001 191 364816967871 192 3686417077888 A 2 (87) A Table of Squares and Cubes. Roots. Squares. Cubes. Roots. squares Cubes. 222 193372491 71 89057 19437630 7301384 1951380251 7417875 196138416,7529536 197|38009 7645373 19839204 7762392 19939601 7880599 20040000_8000000 20140401 8120601 20240804 8242408 203412098365427 20441616 8489664 20542 0251 8615135 20642436 8741816 207|42849 8869743 208|43264 8998912 209143681 9129329 210/44100 92 61000 2 1 1 44521 9393931 2 1 2 449441 952 812 8 21345 369 9663597 214457969800344 215 46225 9938375 216646656110077696 217 4708910218313 2184752410360232 219 4796110503459 220 4840010648080 2214884110793861 492 8410941048 223/4972911089567 224 5017611239424 225150625 11390625 2265107611543176 227 51529'11697983 22151994!11852352 229152441|12008989 23015290012167000 2315336112326391 232 5382412487168 23315428912649337 23415475612812904 23515522512977875 33615-69613144256 23715616913312053 238 5664413481272 2295712113651919 240157600'1 3824000 G 4 1 (88) PROPOSITION XXV. LE Et AYDG be a Sphere, O Y its axis, C the Center of the sphere, the Lines AD and BI be at right Angles, and at right Angles with the axis G Y. t G W H q K R EV 4 만 ​M h D B M У (89) 1 A $ Let this Sphere be cut by a Plane through the axis GY, and the Baſe AD; the section makes the Circle AYD G. Let the Sphere be cut by another Plane, viz. as by the Plane CBHSI; HC its diameter, BI'its diameter of the Baſe. In the inclining Solid whoſe diameter of the Bafe is Bl, and diameter of the Section CH and the altitude CZ or HN, that is the inclining Solid BH SIC is equal to the Zone A HFD, leſs the Cone HWFQC, or the inclining Solid BH SIC is equal to the Excavatus part of the Sphere ACHFCD. Let the plane KSE be parallel to the plane AID; RS the common ſection of the planes KSE and CHI: OE, OS and OK are equal; the ſquare of OS is equal to the ſquares of RO and R S. 47. I. Therefore the Area of the Circle who femidi- diameter is O s, is equal to the Areas of the two Circles whoſe femidiameters are OR and R S, that is, the Area of the ſemicircle OK SE, leſs the Area of the ſemicircle ORL is equal to the armille 4 RKSE, that is, the Area of a ſemicircle whoſe femidiameter is RS. Wherever the plane KSE be drawn parallel between the two parallel planes AID and HWF it will have the ſame qualification by the 47. 1: Whence it is manifeſt the inclining Solid BHSIC is the difference betwixt the Zone A (90) AHFD and the Cone HWFQC, Further, this inclining Solid BHSIC is equal to a hemiſpheroide whoſe axis is H N, the altitude of the ſection BHSIC, and the ſemidiame- ter of the Baſe of the hemiſpheroide is CA By the ioth. of the 6th. of Exclid, and by the 3d. of the 23. Propofition. 2. Let AKD be a Hemiſphere; the Plane A KD and the Plane L GFS cutting one ano- ther at right Angles their common ſection the ļine LF. From the points L and F draw the Lines as LG and FM parallel to the line AD; alſo from the points L and G, to the points F ! K H N G 700 B 27 F R A C „D and (91) and M let there be lines drawn as GM and LF their common fe&tion the point Z. From the point L, to the line M F let there be a perpendicular line as LE. Let YP be equal to 58; then will the Spheroide whoſe axis is EL and its conjugate diameter Y P be equal to the Excavatus part MZLGZF of the Zone MLGF; or the Zone MLGF leſs the cones GZ L and FZM will be equal to the sphe- roide EYLP. By the 47. of the 1. of Euclid, and by the joth. 6th. of Euclid, and by the 3d. of the 23d. Propof. Here note, Z is the vertex of the two cones. Here alſo note, that L 4 is equal to 4 F. Further note, the lines IO, ñ 4 and BO are ſuppoſed to be at right Angles with the line LF. G F R L F F ✓ A B в C DE 3 (92) . I 3. * Let AGE be a Hemiſphere ; the planes AGE and GIE cutting one another at right Angles ; their common ſection the line GE. Let GZ be equal to ZE; and alſo R L c- qual to ZI; then will the Hemiſphere AGE leſs the cone whole diameter of che Baſe is AE and Altitude CG, that is the Cone AGE, be equal to a spheroide whoſe axis is CG and conjugate ſemidiameter is RL. By the 47th. I. and roth, and 6th, and by the third of the 23d. Prop. 4. Let AGE be a Hemiſphere; the Planes AGE and GQ, cutting one another at right Angles; their common ſection the line GB. Let G! be equal to ! B being conti- nued till it meets with the Circle GY A be- ing continued; Let RO be equal to ở L. Then will the Hemiſphere AGE, leſs the cone whoſe diameter of the Baſe is B D and alti- tude CG, that is the cone B GD, be equal to the fruſtum Spheroide whoſe axis is B P and conjugate femidiameter is OR. By the 47. I. and 10.6. and by the third of the 23d. Propofition. This holds true not only in the sphere, but alſo in both the spheroides; as well in the cone as alſo in both the Conoides, not only when the (93) the cutting plane cuts the axis, but when it is parallel thereunto; but when it is parallel to the axis, there will be a cylinder inſtead of theſe cones., The Excavatus parts in the sphere and both the spbereides, will always be ſpheres er Spheroides, or parts thereof their demon- ſtrations by the 47.1. 10. 6. and by the third of the 23d. Prop. 2 : 5. The Excavatus parts of a frustum cone, will have relation to the hyperbola, ellipſis and pa- rabola; Their demonſtrations from the 47. 1. 10. 6. and from the firſt, third and fifth of the 23. Prop. 6. The Excavatus parts of a hyperbolick conoide will have relation to all the three le&tions, viz. the hyperbola, ellipfis and parabola, their de- monſtrations by the 47. 1. 10. 6. and by the firſt, third and fifth of the 23. Prop. 7. The Excavatus parts of a parabolick conoide, will have relation but to the ellipſis and para- bola, their demonſtrations from the 47. I. and 10.6. and from the third and fifth of the 23. Propoſition. (94) 8. The folidity of every fruftum cone, is equal to a cylinder whoſe Baſë is the leſſer Baſe of the frustum, and its altitude the altitude of the fruftam, more a hyperbolick conoide whoſe Baſe is equal to the difference of the Baſes of the ſaid fruſtum, and its altitude the altitude of the fruſtum ; the Tranſverſe Diameter of the hyperholick conoide will be a line intercep- ted, betwixt the continuation of the other ſide of the frustum cone, and the intercepted Diameter, being continued. 9. The folidity of every fruftum parabolick L'onoide, is equal to a cylinder whofe Baſe is the lefſer Baſe of the frustum, and altitude the altitude of the ſaid frustum, more a parabolick conoide whoſe Baſe is equal to the difference betwixt the Baſes of the ſaid fruftum, and its altitude the altitude of the fruftum. 10. The folidity of every fruſtum hyperbolick conoidi, is equal to a cylinder whoſe Baſe is the Jeſler Baſe of the fruſtum, and altitude the altitude of the ſaid fruftum ; more a hyperbo- lick conoide whoſe Baſe is equal to the diffe- rence betwixt the Baſes of the ſaid frustum z and (95) and its altitude the altitude of the fruftum. This latter hyperbolick conoide, is like to that hyperbolick conoide, of which the fruftum is a part. II. A sphere being cut by two parallel planes, both of them equidiſtant & parallel to a plane paſſing through the Center of the sphere; in- cludes a part of the sphere, which for diſtin- &ion fake may be called a middle Zone. The folidity of every middle Zone of any sphere, is equal to a cylinder of the fame Baje and altitude as the Zone; more a Sphere whole diameter is equal to the altitude of the Zone. I 2. A Spheroide being cut by two parallel planes, both of them equidiſtant and parallel to a plane paſſing through the Center of the Sphe. roide and cutting the Axis of the ſaid ſpheroide at right Angles, includes a part of the Sphe- roide, which part for diſtinction fake may be called the middle Zone of a Spheroide. The folidity of the middle Zone of any Spheroide, is equal to a cylinder of the fame Baſe, and altitude as the Zone; more a Sphe- roide whoſe Axis is equal to the altitude of the Zone. The (96) The ellipſis which generates this laſt sphe- oroide, is like to that ellipſis which generated that spberoide of which this middle Zone is á part. 13. The folidities of hyperbolick conoides upon the fame Baſei, are as their altitudes. Here the Tranſverſe Diameter is increaſed or de- creaſed in the ſame proportion as the inter- ..cepted Diameter. By the firſt of the 23d. Propofition. And alſo The folidities of hyperbolick conoides under the ſame altitudes, are as their Baſes. Here the conjugate Diameter is increaſed or de- creaſed in the ſame proportion as the ordi- dinate. By the ſecond of the 23d. Propofi- tion. The folidițies of like hyperbolick Conoides, are în a triplicate nie of their correſponding terms, that is, their Tranſverſe Diameters, or their intercepted Diameters, their con- jagate Diameters, or the Ordinates. 1 14. ju: The ſolidities of bumniſpheroides upon the fame Baf, are as their Altitudes. By the 3d. of the 23d, Prop. The ſolidities of bëmipheroides under the ſame Altitude, are as their Bujes, by the 4th. of the 23d. Prop. The (97) $ The folidities of like Spheroides, are in a triplicate ratio of their correſponding terms. 15. The folidities of parabolick conoides upon the fame Baſe, are as their Altitudes. By the 5th of the 23d. Prop. The folidity of parabolick conoides under the ſame Altitude, are as their Baſeś. By the 6th of the 23d. Prop. The ſolidities of like parabolick conoides, are in the triplicate ratio of their correſpon- ding terms. An Example thus. Suppoſe there be two parabolick conoides, A and B, the ſolidity of A, will be to the ſa- lidity of B; as the Cube of the axis of A, is to the Cube of the axis of B. Further, as the parabolick cönoide of A, is to the parabolick conoide of B; ſo is the Cube of latus rectum of A, to the Cube of latus rectum of B. Yet further, if theſe conoicles both equally incline, it will be ; As the conoide of A, is to the conoide of B ſo will the Cube of the Diameter of A, be to the Gube of the Diameter of B. The like in the reſt. If there be two parabolick conoidis unlike, ſuppoſe A and D. Then, À will have that proportion to D, as is H com- (98) ! 1 compoſed of the Baſe and altitude of A, to the Baſe and altitude of D. In parabolick conoides, as A and B. If the conoide of A be equal to the conside of B, then their Baſes and altitudes are reci- procal, and if their Baſes and altitudes are re- ciprocal; thoſe conoides are equal. Thus. As the Baſe of A, is to the Baſe of B; fois the altitude of B to the altitude of A. Theſe are ſaid to be reciprocal, and their magnitudes are equal. The like in hemiſpheroides, but not in hy- perbolick conoides; for there may be infinite hyperbolick conoides,yet having the fame Baſe & altitude;' the leaſt not ſo little as a Cone, nor the greateſt ſo great as a parabolick conoide of that lame Baſe and altitude. In this condition the femidiameter of the Baſe, and the altitude are ſuppoſed to be equal. 16. Spheres of equal Diameters may be added together, their ſum will be a Spheroide, whoſe axis will be equal to the Diameter of one of the Spheres; But the area of that Circle which paſleth through the Center of this Spheroide, and cutteth the axis at right Angles; will be equal to the areas of ſo many great Circles of thoſe spheres, as there are spheres in number. Suppoſe there be fix Spheres to be added toge- ther, (99) 1 ther,' the axis of the Spheroide will be equal to one of their Diameters, but the area of that Circle, that paſſech through the Center of that ſpheroide, and cuttech the axis at right Angles, ſhall be equal to the areas of fix Cir- cles whoſe Diameter is equal to the Diameter of one of the Spheres. The areas of the Circles are added, or fabſtracted, by the 47th. of the i. of Euclid. Spheres and spheroides of the ſame axis, may be added to, or ſubſtracted from each other, their fum, and difference will be jpheres or ſphèroides. 17. Hyperbolick conoides of the ſame axis may be added too, óf ſubſtracted from each other, their ſum and difference will be hyperbolick co- noides. Here you are to take the ſum of the Baſes, for the baſe of the ſum, and the diffe- rence of the baſes, for the baſe of the diffe- rence. Further, We are to take both the parameters for the parameter of the fum, and the difference of both the parameters for the parameter of the difference. 18. Parabolick conoides of the ſame axis, may be added too, or ſubſtracted from each other the fun and difference will be parabolick co- noides, uſing the former rules for their baſis aud parameters, Here 2 12 (100) . Here note, the line P Z in the Diagram for the 9th. Propoſ. the line PN in the Dia- gram for the ioth. Propof. the line N H in the Diagram for the 11th. Propof. are called parameters. . 19. If the axis, Tranſverſe and conjugate Dia- meters of a hyperbolick conoide be equal one to another; and the axis equal to the axis of a sphere : this hyperbolick conoide and sphere being added together, they make a parabolick conoide; its Bole and altitude equal to the Baſe and altitude of the luyperbolick conoide, its parameter the double of the Diameter of the sphere. If there be a hyperbolick concide, A; and a Spheroide,B; their axis equal : If the tranſverſe Diameter of A, is to the parameter of B; as the parameter of A, is to the parameter of B. Two ſuch conoides being added together, they will make a parabolick conoide; its safe the ſame as the hyperbolick conoide; its pura- meter equal to the parmeters of the other co- noides, being added together. If there be a Cone, whoſe axis is equal to the Diameter of the Baſe; and a sphere whoſe axis is equal to the axis of the Cone; this Cone and sphere being put together, makes a parabolick conoide; its Bajë equal to the Baſe of 1 (101) of the Cone, its parameter equal to the Dia- meter of the Sphere: 1 20. Parabolick Conoides, may always be added toand ſometimes ſubſtracted from hyperborck conoides of the fame axis ; that fum will be a perbolick conoide, and that difference when a difference may be will be a hyperbolick conoide, the ſum of their Baſes for the Baſe of the ſum: and the difference of their Baſes for the Baſe of their difference: the ſum of their parameters for the parameter of the fum, and the diffe- rence of the parameters for the parameter of the difference. Here note, when the parameter of the hy. perbolick conoide is greater than the parameter of the parabolick conoide, then a difference may be : but if it be leſſer, then no difference can be taken. The Demonſtrations of theſe are in Prop. 15, 16, 17 and 18, compared with Propof. 9, 10 and 11. of this Book. } / APPLI- (107) Meaning and continue tanttttttttttttttt 动 ​ကြံတို့ကလေး 009692:00 pm 6000 1900024 T The Application. He firſt Propoſition is to find the foļi- dity of pyramides and Coxes, or fru- ftum pyramides and Cones, and may be applicable to the meaſuring of all ſolids or Veſſels in that form, whether whole or in part, or gradually, that is, foot by foot, or inch by inch. The ſecond Propoſition may be applyed to tủe meaſuring of irregular ſolids, and may be uſeful for the exact meaſuring of all ſorts of Stone and Timber: alſo for the exact meafu- ring of all ſorts of elliptick, parabolick and hyperbolick irregular ſolids, or Veſſels that are made in that form : for ſuch ſolids may be cut into parallèlepipedons, priſmes and pyra. mides, and then reduced to their own na- ture, by the proportion of the parallelogran adſcribed about thoſe Figures to the Figures themſelves, Thus. The proportion of parallelograms of the fame baſe and altitude with the areas of para- bolas are as 4 to 3, Therefore, AS (103) As 4, is to 3; fo is any ſuch ſolid to any ſuch parabolick irregular folid. By the help of a Table of squares and Cubes any ſuch ſolids may be calculated foot by foot, or inch by inch, without any great trouble, as is ſhewed in the third caſe of the third Pro- poſition; This ſecond and third Propoſ. are the general uſe in ſuch kind of ſolids. In the fourth Propoſ. with its ſeveral caſes, there is the meaſuring of fruftum pyramides when their Baſes are not parallel. In the fifth Propoſ. there is the relation of the Sphere and spheroide to the cylinders of their hafes and altitudes, as well of the parts as the whole. In the ſixth Propoſ. there is the meaſuring of the middle Zone of a sphere and spheroide ; the middle Zone of a Spheroide, hath been ta- ken generally for the Figure repreſenting a Cask ; ſo, the meaſuring of one, the other is meaſured. In the twelfth Propoſ. there is the meaſu- ring of a portion of a sphere, which may be applyed to the meaſuring of the inverted Crown of Brewers Coppers, or ſeveral other uſes. In the thirteenth Propoſ . there is the mea- ſuring of parabolick conoides, which may be taken for a Brewers Copper, the inverted crown. H4 Some- (104) Sometimes it may be a portion of a Sphere, or Spheroide, but ſometimes the portion of a paetbolick conóide ; other times the portion of a hyperbolick conoide, they ought to be taken as diſcretion ſeems convenient. ** In the fourteenth Propoſ. there is the mea- ſuring of a hyperbolick conoide, which may be token for a Brewers Copper. * In Propof. 15, 16, 17, and 18. there is the meaſuring of a Sphere, Spheroide , parabolick conoide and hyperbolick conoide, as well the whole as their parts. If the parabolick or hyperbolick conoides be taken for Brewers Coppers, with the help of the Tables of Squares and Cubes, they may eaſily be calculated foot by foot, or inch by inch according to the third Prop. In the twentyeth Prop. there is the maſu- ring of Circular and Elliptick Splindles. å The middle Zone may be taken for a Cask. In the twenty firſt Propoſ . there is the mea- ſuring of the ſecond Section in a sphere and Spheroide. The uſe may be to meaſure the middle Zone of a Spheroide, cut by a plane parallel to the axis; that is, when the ſuperfice of the liquor cuts the heads of the Cask. In the twenty fourth Propoſ. there is the meeíuring of right cylindrick hoofs, viz. Cir- cnlar, Elliptick, parabolick and hyperbolick ; and I t (105) and may be uſed for the meaſuring of Brewers leaning Veſſels. : If a Brewers Copper be taken to be of that Figure that parabolick or byperbolick conoides àre, and they ſtand leaning, the meaſuring of them is almoſt the ſame as though they did not lean. Here I ought to have ſhewed the making, and uſe of an Inſtrument for taking the lean- ing of ſuch Veſſels; But my buſineſs calls mė off; However, they may be had of Mr. John Marks Inſtrument maker, living at the Sign of the Ball near Somerſet Houſe in the Strand, who was formerly Servant to thac incomparable Inſtrument maker Mr. Henrj Sútton. Here note, the Table of Squares and Cubes is very ready’and uſeful in finding the porti- ons of a ſphere, Spheroide, parabolick and hyper- bolick conoides. 7 To find two fuch numbers, that their Product being added to the ſum of their Squares, the : ſum ſhall be a Square, and it's Root commen- Jurable. Le Et one of the numbers be A, and the other Z. The product may be A Z; the ſum of their ſquares ZZ + AA; the ſum of their ſquares and product may be ZZ+ ZA +AA, equal to a ſquare whoſe ſide is, 2+2 that 1 (106) that is the ſquare Z Z — 47 +4, therefore ZZ+ZA+AA=ZZ --42 + 4, that is, ZA+ AA=-47 + 4; Let A be a unit, then 5Z=3, that is, 2= 7, that is, Z is 3, and A, 5. Theſe two numbers make good the queſtion, for 3 in 5, is 15 ; the ſquare of 3, 9, and the ſquare of 5, is 25 ; their ſum is 49, whoſe Root is 7. Albert Girąd obſerves from this ſeventh Propoſ. of the sth. of Diophantus, That if there be a Triangle made of 3 ſuch numbers, the Angle oppolite to the greateſt ſide will be 120 degrees. It may be further obſerved, that if there be a right angled Tri- angles made of theſe 3 numbers, the ſum of the hypotenuſe and baſe of the one, will be equal to the ſum of the hypotenuſe and baſe of the other; and alſo the area of the ope ſhall be equal to the area of the other. Thus, 1749 17149 5,25 - 319 58 The ſum of their Squares. 24 40 The difference of their Squares. 170 42 Their double Rectangles. 98 189 The ſum of their fides. 18401 840) Their Areas. Here note, the double Rectangles are taken for their Altitudes. 74 Here (107) Here note, In Progreſſions from a Unit, the ſum, of the ſum and difference of the greateſt number in that progreffion, and any one number be- twixt the greateſt and Unity, is equal to the ſum, of the ſum and difference of that fame greateſt number; and any other number be- twixt Unity and that greateſt. Further note, This ſeventh Propoſition is a Lemma to the eighth, to find three Triangles of equal areas; therefore the areas are equal, and the hypo- teruſe and baſe of the one, is equal to the kypar tenuſe and Bafe of the other. A general Theorem for the finding of two ſuch numbers ; Take the ſquare of any num- ber, from which take a Unit ; take the double of that number, to which adde a Unit; that ſum and difference will be the two numbers required. Thus, The number taken is 32 its ſquare 9, leſs a unit is 8; the double of 3, is 6 more, a unit is 7; theſe two numbers makes good the queſtion. For 56+64+49=169, whoſe root is 13. Two right angled Triangles being made of theſe three numbers, viz. 7, 8, 13. according to the former method, will have that ſame qualification. This 3 ! ta (108) This Propoſition was publickly propoſed in Paris in the year 1633, which Renatos' des Cartes reſolved, and Francis Schooten publiſh- ed in Sect. 12. Miſcel , incumbred with a ſquare adfected equation, with furds. 1 F 1 N I S. > 1 Eryata. Page 17, line 3, for Ecliptick read Eliptick. p.25, for Excave= W r. Excavatus. p.29, 1.12, for-r. In the ſame line, for BC BPE; t. B CBFD:"P:39, 1. 22, for Z B, r. 2 C. p. 32. 1. 19 for NR, r. NP. p.39, 1. 13, put ; after Line. p. 46, 1.21, for 634, r. 624. p. 53, 1. 3, for APR, 1. APK. p. 48,1. 25, for Z B, r. XB. p. 60, 1. ult. for RO94, r. RO 4. P. 61,5, 6, for V, 1. VI. p. 64, l. 4, for GG, r. GC. p:66; 1,18, for CDQ, 1,CGQ: P.70, P: 711. 5, pat , after D. P: 74,1.4, for GFPM; r. CFPM. p.80, 1.21, put : before all. p. 82, 1. 25, after K ABO put, 1 អណ្តូ obimo ဒီလို့ဝလို့ဝရှိလို့ရှိ Imprimatur. Tbo. Tomkins R. Rmo in Chrifto Patri ac Domino Dno. GILBERTO Divinâ Providantiâ Archiep. Cant. à Sac. Dom. Ex Ads Limb. Aug.25.1668. ******* : *:t** cto conto che tocou* * i GAGING PROMOTED. AN APPENDIX TO Stereometrical Propofitions. By ROBERT ANDERSON, LONDON Printed by 7. W. for Jofbua Coniers, at the Raven in Ducklane, 1669. + Thurtouz.un steises scindi ola Mcha, bocaschap ) go a quella s1022 Gaging Promoted AN APPENDIX Τ Ο . Scercometrical Propofitions } - 1. Note. Ś an Abftra&t from the andoubred Axioma of Geometry, it is generally obſerved, that in a Rank of numbers, having equal diffe- rence,the ſecond differences of the ſquares of thoſe numbers are equal, che third differences of the cubes of thoſe numbers are equal and ſo is order in the higher powers. Thus, & A (2) In Squares I I lalala 4 1.100 100 con 5125 I if I 214 39 39 2 51 25 24 4 16 747 81 21314. 1_213 14 Obſerve in the firſt of theſe Examples, in the firſt collum are the numbers of a progreſſition, having equal difference, to wit, a unice. In the ſecond co- lum, che ſquares of thoſe numbers. In the third co- lum, che firſt differences. In the fourth colum, the ſecond differences, to wit, 2, 2, 2. In the ſecond Example, in the firſt colum are a Rank of numbers, having equal difference, to wit, 2. In the fecond colum, their ſquares. In the third colum, the firſt difference. In the fourth colum, the ſecond diffe- rence. II. Note. Hence it follows, that by the help of fuch diffe- rences the table of ſquares may be calculated : thus, in the firſt Example, the ſum of 1 and 3, is 4 ; che ſquare of 2. The ſum of 2, 3 and 4, is 9; the ſquare of 3. The ſum of 2, 5 and 9, is 10 ; the ſquare of 4. The ſum of 2, 7 and 16, is 25; the ſquare of 5. The fum of 2, 11 and 36, is 49; the ſquare of 7. &c. 111. . (3) III. Note. 9:39 Like plain numbers are in the ſame proportion one to another, that a ſquare number is in, to a ſquare number : "Euclide the 26 Propoſition of the Eighth Book. Therefore the ſecond difference in fuch a Rank of plane numbers are equal. Further, what planes and folids are either equal or propor- tionable co ſuch Ranks may be gradually calculated; as in the laſt. IV. N 01.C. 1 بهتي doo 3. *27 48. .I 7 2 8 1 2 IG 6 3 27 i 8 37 71 5125 21 3' 4:5 26 72 98 5 I 25 120 218 7343 186 386 9729 -6 24 4 64 48 in I 2.3 A is In che firſt Example, in the first colum are the numbers in a Rank having equal difference, co wit, a unite. In the ſecond colum, the cubes of thoſe numbers. In the third colum, the firſt differences of thoſe cubes. In the fourth colum, the ſecond differences. In the fifth colum, ehe third differen- ces, to wit, 6, 8. The like in the ſecond Example: V. Note. Hence it follows, charrlic rable of qu'es math. Az 117.1 dia, (4) " made, thus : In the firſt Example 1 and 7, is 8; the, cube of 2. The ſum of 8 and 19, is 27; the cube of 3. The ſum of 18, 19, and 27, is 64; che cube of 4. The ſum of 6, 18, 37 and 64, is 125;che cube of s. The ſum of 6, 24, 61 and 125, is 2 16; che cube of 6. The ſum of 6, 30, 91 and 216, is 343; the cube of 7. The like in the ſecond Example. VI. Note. Like folid, numbers are in the ſame proportion one to another, that a cube number is in, co a cube number.' Euclide che XXVII Prop. of the Eighth Book. Therefore the third differences in fuch a Rank of ſolid numbers are equal : further, ſuch planes and ſolids as are either equal or proporcio- nable to ſuch Ranks, may be gradually calculated, as in the laſt. VII. Note. O If a Rank of Squares, whoſe Roots have equal differences, be multiplied by any number, the ſe- cond differences of ſuch a Rank of prouds are e- qual. Let the number multiplying be 10. In the firit colum are the num- bers bearing equal difference. In che ſecond colum are the ſquares of thoſe numbers. In the third celum the products. In the fourch colum the firſt differences. In the fiſch colum che ſecond differences and they equal. 1 이 ​in I 40 em con 3 91 9u 4 16 160 5 25/250 919 11:1 20 70 90 21 2 6) VIII. Note: . If unto luch a Rank of Produ&ts, as in the laft, there be added a Rank of Cubes, whoſe Roots are equal to the Roots of che Squares, the third diffe rences of ſuch a Rank will be equal. 00 OC © III 26 37 8 48 40 32 6g 6 3 90 27117 416064224 1077 6 44 151 5.2501125375 .2 13 3'4 5 E olalalm' & ! 38 37 In the firſt colam are the numbers baving equal difference. In the ſecond colum the Products of their ſquares by a given number. In the third co- lum che cube of the numbers in the firſt colum. To the fourth celum the ſum of the products and cubesi In che fifth colum their firſt difference. In the fixe colum che ſecond differences. In the ſeventh cor lum the third differences which are equal. IX. Note. Let a conſtant number be added to a Rank of Products, ſo that one of the numbers, multiplying be AAN (6) 3 1 be a conſtant number, and the other of the num- bers be the ſquares of numbers having equal diffe- rence, and this Rank of ſums be added to a Rank of cubes, whoſe roots are the ſame with the roots of the ſquares; ſuch a compounded Rank will have Cheir chird difference equal. Thus, 18 19 11 191 28,40 37 8 56 69 3 8 90 27125 107 4 8160 64232 6 44 151 5 8250 125 383 I 2' 3 4 15 415 1 61 78 In the firſt colum are the numbers having equal difference. In the ſecond colum is the conſtant number to be added. In the chird colum are the Rank of products, that is, the ſquares of the num- bers in the firſt colum multiplied by a given num- ber. In the fourth colum are the cubes of the num- 'bers in the firſt colum. In the fifth calum are the ſum of the numbers in the ſecond, third and fourth colums. In the fixth colum are the firſt differences of their ſums. In the ſeventh colum are the ſecond differences. In the eighth colum the third differen, çes, and they equal. X. Note. Ina Rank of numbers, having equal difference, and equal in number; if the third part of the cubes of each of theſe numbers, be ſubſtracted from the products of the ſquares of each of theſe numbers, in half the greateſt number of that Rank, the re- mainders (7) 9 09 108 I > be lo lalu lo 7 54 00 parent 108 54 mainders will bea Rank of numbers, equal to all the ſquares in the ſeveral porcions of one fourth of a ſphere, whoſe diameter is equal to the greateſt number in that Rank, and the third differences of this Rank of portions are equal; but the firſt and fecond differences will increaſe and decreaſe, diffe- rently one from another. Thus, 00 oolool 99 3 99 162 261 54 6 72_432 360 108 369 54 91 243 972 729 54 12 75617281152 423 423 54 15 1125 27001575 54 369 18.1944 3888 1944 361 54 2130875.2922205 162 96 2446086912 2304 T I 3 4 5 1.67 In the firft colum are the numbers having equat difference. In the ſecond colum are, che pyramides adſcribed within the cubes of the numbers in the firſt colum. In the third columare the products of the ſquares of the numbers in the firft colum, by half the greateſt number in the firſt colun. In the fourch colum are the differences of the numbers in che ſecond and.chird coluns, thac is, all the ſquares in ſeveral portions of one fourth of a ſphere, whidſe diameter is 24. In the fifth colum are tire firſt dif- ferences, In the fixt colum are their ſecond diffe- rences. In the ſeventh colum are the third differen- ces, and they equal. XI. ci 2 (8) 1 XI. Note, The Application or Uſe of the Preceeding Notes. The application or Uſe may be, to calculate Pya Famides and cones, either che whole or their pares; as alſo to calculate the parabolick and hyperbolick conoides, either the whole, or their fruftims; yet allo, to calculate the ſphere or ſpheroide, either the whole or their portions or Zones, and that gradually, that is, to find the ſolidity upon every inch or foot. To find the ſolidity of a parabolick Conoide upon every two inches, To do which, conſider the Diagram of the 18 Prop. of my Stereometrical Prop. Ler PA be 16; AR 12; therefore A Vor PH will be 9.; for it ought to be as PA, is to AR; fois A R, CO A V. Let the axis AP be divided into eight equal parts; viz. 2,4,6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Let there be planes drawn parallel to the baſe, through every one of there diviſions, though in the Diagram there is noc ſo many. From P.to the firſt ſuppole to be 2, its {quare 4; the half thereof 2, which multiplied by 9 equal to P H, the Product will be 18; that is, the Priſm QZGIH P.; equal co all the ſquares in the portion of the conoid QOP. Let from P, to the kecond Qbe 4, its ſquare 16, the half is 8; which mu'ti- (9) 3 muleiplied by 9, the Produ& is 72; equal to the Prilo QZFIHP, equal to all the ſquares in the portion of the conoid ROP. Lee from P to the chird Qube 6, its ſquare 36, the half of it is 18, which multiplied by 9, che product is 162;, the Priſm QZETHP; equal to all the ſquares in the third fortion of the conoid. QOP. Having obtained two portions, the reft may be obtained thus : having obtained the ſecond diffe- rence, which is 36, we may proceed co find the reſt by the Seventh Note; chus, add 36 to 54, and it makes 90:which added to 72, the ſum is 162, equa! to all the ſquares in chac porcion, and ſo in order 36, 90 and 162; the ſum is 288. 36,126 and 288, the ſum is 450. 36, 162 and 450, the fum is 648, &c. In the firft colum are che pares of the altıcude of the conoid. In che ſecond colum are all the 36 ſquares in ſeveral porcions of one fourth of a conoid. In the third colum che firſt differences. In the 36 fourth colum che ſecond differen- 1264 36 ces. Theſe porcions in the ſecond 36 colum may be reduced to circular portions, thus, as 14 is to 11; ſo are all the ſquares in tlieſe parti- ons to the portions chemſelves, o 001- 18 , 2 361 54 4 ? 36 90 126 36 62 1o 455 198 6 I2 283 141 882234 270 1152 1 2 3 14 I. Scholium: The uſe of this gradual calculation may be chus: Suppoſe a Brewers Copper be in form of a para- bolick 1 (10) bolick conoid; the quantity of ţiquor therein con tained may be found, thus, having calculated a cable upon every inch, or two inches, or as is thought convenient"; then having a ſtraight' Ru- 1er divided equally into inches, putting the Ruler into the liquor to the bottom of the Copper, fee how many inches of the Ruler is wet, with the number of wer inches enter the firſt colum of your cable, and in the next colum are the number of cu- Dick inches which that portion contains; the num- beř of cubick inches thus found, being divided by the number of cabičk inchies in a Gallon, the quo- tient'fhews the number of Gallons in that portion ofthe Copper. : II. Scholium: 3 To compoſe ſeveral works into one, t A's 14, is to 11; ſo are all the ſquares in one fourth of the conoid, to one fourth of the conoid įt' ſelf. becauſe this one fourth 'ought to be di- vided by the number of cubick inches in a Gal- lon, ſáppoſe it 288, to thew the namber of Gal- lons in each portion, we may multiply 14 by 288, that is 40323 Tlienas 4032 is co 1.1 ; fo are all che fquares in one fourch of the conoid, to the Gala lons in that one fourth. Further, becauſe this one fourth ought to be multiplied by 4; to reduce it to a whole conoid; therefore, divide the conſtant diviſor, that is, 4032, by 4, and it will be 1008. Then, as 1008, is to 11 ; lo are choſe ſeveral pór- tions in the ſecond colum of the laſt table, to the num- II number of Gallons in thoſe ſeveral portions of a parabolick conoid. By ſuch compoſitions may the Pra&icioner compoſe conſtant diviſors or divi- dends, which will much breviate the work; this is onely for an Example. ܪܕ i Every parabolick conoid hath its ſecond diffe- rences equal. To find the fecand differences, work chus, Square one of the equal ſegments of the axis, and multiply that Square by the Parame- ter, that product will be the ſecond difference. In chis Example, the equal fegment of the axis is 2 the ſquare of ic 4; which mulciplied by the Para- meter 9, the product is 36, the ſecond difference. Half of the ſecond difference, is always the firſt of the firſt difference. Half 36 the ſecond difference, is 18, the firſt of the firſt difference, &c. Here note, this 36 is the ſecond difference of one fourth of all the ſquares in a parabolick conoid ; if 36 be multiplied by 4, it makes the ſecond difference 144; whoſe half is 72, the firſt of the firſt differences. Or, the firſt differences are found by taking half che difference of the ſquares of any cwo ſegments, which mulciplied by the Parameter, chereby the firſt differences are obtained. Thus, to find the firſt difference anſwerable to che Segments 6 and 8; the Square of 8, is 64 ; the Square of 6, is 36 che difference of thoſe Squares is 28, whoſe hali is 14 ; which multiplied by the Parameter 9, che, product is 126; the firſt difference anſwerable be- twixt 6 and 8, XII (12) XII, Note. To find the ſolidity of as hyperbolick conoid gräs dually, to wit, upon eyerj three incbes. For the performance of which, take notice of the XVI Prop. of Stereom. Prop. in chat Diagram, Lec A M equal to A B be g. Let ML equal to AF, be 6. Let AF be 15 : therefore FE will be g. Ler the reſt of the conſtruction be as in that Pro- poſition. Let from M to the firſt K be 3, whoſe Tquare is 9, whoſe half is 4i, the area KHM; which being multiplied by ML, 6; the produd will be 27, the priſm KHNOLM. Becauſe F E, F C and FL are equal, that is, each of them 9 : Therefore, the firſt pyramid ONXILM will be 9. Then this priſm and pyramid being added, will make 36, che whole priſm KHXILM, equal to all the ſquares in the portion KZM. Ler from M to the ſecond K be 6, whoſe ſquare is 36, its half 18, che area KHM; 'which being multiplied by ML, 6; the product will be 108, equal co the priſm KHNO LM. The cube of 6, is 216; a chird parc is 73, the pyramid ONXIL, this priſm and pyramid be- ing added together, the ſum will be 1 So; the priſm KHXILM : equal to all the ſquares in che por- tion KZM. Lec from M to A, be 9; its ſquare 81, che half 40, equal to the area ABM, which being mulciplied by ML, 6; the product will be 243 : the cube of 9, is 729; a third part thereof is 243; equal to the pyramid FCDEL: this priſm and pyramid being added cogecher, is 486, che whola ( 13 ) 1 whole priſm ABDELM, equal to all the ſquares of the portion AZ M. Theſe three porcions being obtained, they may be continued by the VIII Note, thus: *52 151800 1116324 378 For if the third dif- 00 36 ferences which are e- 3_46 108 qual, and in this Ex- 144 54 180 ample is 54, be added 306 54 to che firſt of the fe- 486 216 cond differences, be. 522 54 121008 270 ing 108, it makes 162, 792 54 and by fuch additions, the ſecond differences 812216 in the fourth colum 1494 54 are made. Furcher, by 214410 432 1926 adding theſe ſecond 246336 differences to the firſt I 2 3 14 15 of the firſt differences which is 36, it makes 144, &c. So the numbers in the third colum are made. Yec further, by adding theſe firſt differen- ces to the firſt number in the ſecond colum, che Rank of portions of ſuch a conoid is made. Then, By making uſe of the directions in the firſt and ſecond scholiums, the number of Gallons are ob- tained. The parabolick and hyperbolick conoides may well be made uſe of for Brewers Coppers; the parabolick, when the crown is ſomewhat blunt ; but the hyperbolick conoid when the crown is more ſharp. ) XIII. . (14) $ XIII. Note. To calculate a sphere gradually, to wit, upor every three Inches. 1 Conſider the XV Prop. of Stereon, Prop. Let E D equal to EF, be 24. The reſt of the conſtru- dion as in that Prop. Let from E, co che firft R be 3, whoſe ſquare is 9 , whoſe half is 41, the area RXE, which being mulciplied by 24, the produ& will be 108; the priſm KHXREF. The cabe of 3, is 27; a third part thereof is 9, the pyramid KHOIF; this pyramid taken from the former priſm; leaves the priſm R XQ I FE, 99 : equal to all the ſquares in the portion R QE. From E, to che ſecond R, 6; its ſquare 36, the half 18, which multiplied by 24, makes 432; che priſm RXHK FE. The cube of 6, is 216, a third part of it is 72; the pyramid KHOIF : this pyramid being taken from that priſm, there reſt 360; the priſm RXO IFE, equal to all the fquares in the portion RQE. Let from E to the third R be 9; its ſquare 81, the half thereof 407, the area RXE, this area being multiplied by 24, the product will be 972, the priſm KHYREF : the cube of 9, is 729, a third part of it is 243, the pyramid KHOIF : chis py- ramid being ſubftracted from chae priſm, the re- mainder is 729; the priſm R XOIFE, equal co all che ſquares in the third portion R QE. Having obtained theſe three portions, the reſt may be found by their chird difference, according to the X. Note. - The (15) la hilo 1 3) 09 108 10854 1 54 18 369 108 1 2 4 15 16 00 99 99 162 261 54 이 ​72_432 360 369 2 343 972 729 54 423 54 12 57017281152 423 54 15112527001575 54 54 1944 38881944 261 54 21 30875294 2305 162 99 2446086912 2304 3 7 The numbers in the ſeventh colum are the third differences, and they equal; the numbers in che Gxe colum are che fecond differences, and are com poſed by ſubſtrading the numbers in the ſeventh from the firſt and laſt numbers in the Gxt colum.; the numbers in the fifcb colum are the firſt differ rences, and are compoſed by adding thoſe num- bers in the fixt colum to the firſt and laſt of thoſe in che fifth colum; the numbers in the fourth colum are all the ſquares in ſeveral portions of one fourth of a ſphere whoſe diameter is 24, thoſe por- cions are made by adding the numbers in the fifchi colum to the numbers in the fourth, thus, 261, and 99, is 360. 369, and 350, is 729. 423, and 720, 1$ 1152, &c. Then making uſe of the firſt and ſecond ſchio lium the number of gallons are obtained. Or if it be made, as 44, IS 1.0.31, fo is 54, 60 a fourch B numbers (16) . S number, with that fourth number proceede to make tables of the fecond and firſt differences, and then the table of porcions ic felfe. Every ſphere bath its third differences equall. To find che chird difference, doe thus. Cube one of the equal ſegments of the axis and mulciply thac cube by 2, and that product will be the third difference, thus, the cube of three is 27, which mulciplyed by 2, the product is 54 ; the third difference of all the ſquares in one fourth of a ſphere. Here nore, ebat it is to be underſtood, that che axis of the ſphere is equally divided into an equal number of ſegments; ſo then, if the number of fegments in the lemiaxis, leſs by one ; be multiplyed by the third difference, it gives the firſt of the ſecond differences. Thus, the number of ſegments in the femiaxis is 4, then 4 which being mulciplyed by 54, the product is 162: the firſt of the ſecond differences, To find the third difference in one fourth of all the ſquares in a ſpheroid, do thus: The axis being divided as above in the ſphere; cabe the difference betwixt two Segments, which being multiplyed by 2, makes a product ; then, as the ſquare of the ſemiaxis, is to che ſquare of the ocher femidiameter ; ſo is chac fermer product co a fourth number, which will be the third diffe- rence. For the ſecond differences, uſe the Rules given for the ſphere. XIV. Note. To calculate a pyramid or cone gradually. To find the chird difference in a pyramid work thus, che lels 1, is 3; 1 (17) en 1 the Alcitude of the pyramid being equally divided cube che difference of the two legmencs, which being doubled, makes a number, then, as the ſquare of the Alcicude of che pyramid, is co chic area of the baſe of that pyramid ; ſo is that for- mer number, to the third difference of chac pyramid. To find the ſecond differences in a pyramid: As the difference of two of the ſegments of che Alcicude, is to the following ſegmenc ; 'ſo is the chird difference, to the ſecond difference anſwet- able to chat ſegment. To find the firſt differences in a pyramid. Cube cwo of the ſegments, and cake a third part of their difference. Then, as the ſquare of che Altitude of the pyramid; is to the area of the baſe of that pyramid, fo is that former difference; to the firſt difference anſwerable to thoſe two ſegments. Let there be a pyramid whoſe Altitude is 1ő and one ſide of che baſe is 40, and the ocher ſide 5, cherefore che area of the baſe is 200. Let the Altitude be divided into five equall parts, and co calculate accordingly. To find the third differ- ence, che cube of 2, is 8; whoſe double is 16. Then, as 100 the ſquare of the Alcitude, is có 200 che area of the baſe; fo is 16. to che third difference 32. To find any of the ſecond differ- ences ac demand, co find the ſecond difference än- Iwerable co 8. As 2, the difference betwixe che ſegments 6, and 8, is co 8; fo is che firft difference 32,00 128 the ſecond difference anſwerable co 8. The ſecond differences are in proportion one co another, as their anſwering ſegments; ás 2, is to B 2 32 4 (18) 7 3.2; fo is 8, to 128. To find any of the firſt dif- ferences, cube the two Segments, to wit, 2 and 4, and the cubes will be 8 and 64, then take 3 from 64 and the Remainder is 56, a third part · is 18;. chen, as the ſquare of the Altitude too, is to che area of the baſe 200; fo is 182, CO 37, the firſt difference anſwering to 2 and 4. Then by a continuall adding of the third difference to che fecond differences chey are made, and by ad- ding the firſt of the ſecond differences to the firſt of the firſt differences and ſo in order the firſt differences are made. Laſtly by adding the firft differences the Segments of the pyramid, are made aceording to the Ill. Note; or thus. Site | 37 41 42 } 101) lalalala inlo 32 32 64 32 96 32 128 6 144 1 1341, 1975 325 3 10, 666 Il 2 1 3 4's The numbers in the fifch colum are the third differences, the firſt number in the fourth colum being found by the Rule before given, all the numbers in that fourch colum may be made by adding the third difference, thus, to 32 adde 32, the ſumme is 64. adde 32, to 64; the ſumme is 96. adde 32, to 96; the ſumme is 128. The firſt number in the chird colum being found by the Rule above, thens, added to 32; the ſumme is 371. adde 1 (19) adde 64, to 37; ; the fumme is 101;. adde 96, to 1015, the ſum is 1975. adde 128, c9 1971 ; the fum is 3251. further, adde the firſt of the third colum, to the firſt of che ſecond colum ; thus, adde St, co o; che ſum will be si, adde 575, co sj the ſum is 422, adde roi. Co 42; che ſum is 144. adde 197', co 144; the ſum is 341;, adde, 32575 10 341}; che fum is 666. If it be to calculate a cone whoſe diameters of the baſe are 40 and 5. Let ie ic be made, as 14, is to 11; ſo is 32, to che third difference of the ſame cone. Then proceede with the chird dif- ference to make che ſecond and firſt; and laſtly, the table it felf. XV. Note The calculation of fruſtum pyramides whoſe baſes are unlike, To the performance of which conſider the third caſe of che ſecond propoſicion of Stereen. Prop. Every ſuch ſolide liąth its third differences equall, but the ſecond and firſt differences will be complicated according to the IX. Note. To find the third difference proper to the pyramid BCDHF, Let the conſtruction and numbers be the ſame as in that diagram, and let it be co calculate it upon every two inches, chus. The cube of 2, is 8; the double chereof is 16, Then, as the ſquare of the Alcitude 40, thac is 1600, is to clie arca of the bare BCDH, 336; To is 16, to 3-2.. by the R.:le delivered in the 14 Note, B 3 ( 20 ) 14 Note, the firſt of the ſecond differences is Sites and the firſt of the firſt differences is not The ſolide HDEGVF hath its ſecond differ- ences equall by the Vil. Note. To find its firſt and ſecond differences. The ſquare of 2, is 4. which multiplyed by FV, 26; che product will be 104. chen, as 40 the Altitude, is to HD, 28; ſo is 104, CO 7260. che ſecond difference. Therefore the firſt of the firſt differ- ences will be 36-40 To find the ſecond differences of the ſolide ABHOIF the ſquare of 2 is 4, which multi- plyed by IF, 30; the product is 120, then, as 40, the Altitude; is to O A, 12 : fo is 120, to 36, the ſecond difference. Therefore the firſt of the firſt differences are 18. For the complication of theſe differences. I 2 TO 3 3, 3ion in the pyramid BCDHF 360 72,00 in the priſm HGEDFV 18 36 in the priſm ABHOIF 54,112,61 375 their fumme. Rejecting the denominators they may be writ- țen Thus, 5496 | 11216 | 336 Becauſe che denominators are Rejected, there- fore the two laſt figures toward the Right hand are decimals. (21) 3342 08 172712 1 Н 161496, 1216 336 4. 1552 6, 518472 184264 336 1888 19652 8 74624 336 12 2 2 4 2. 8376 336 10! 92 3000 12!143936 22896 1616 24832 247064 181885464 26o632 13904 14240 336 14576 14912 336 15 248 220936' 2560 336 141377768 338; 336 13568 336 336 20216oooo 2745 36 336 222448776288776 427521 28 33352 336 озо70392 318264 283403904 333512 зо/3753ooo 34909615584336 336 32)4118o16 365016 344499288 38127716256336 36489715, 397864 1659:336 16928 336 57440oo 432056 17264336 1 32 32 15920 414792 38| 5 3 1944 2 3 4 5. ВА- - : (22) The conſtru&ion of the table may be chus; the numbers in the firſt colum are the third dif- ferences. The firſt number in the fourth colum is the complicated ſecond difference, and the other number in that fourth colum are made chus, to the firſt 11216,adde 336; the ſum is 11552. Then. co t hat 11552, adde 336; che qum is 11888, &c. The firſt number in the third colum is compli- cated from the firſt complicated difference and a parallelipepidon whoſe baſe is the plane RIFV, and the Altitude the firſt Segment of the Altitude of the fruſtum, thus, the plane RIFV, is 780; which being doubled is 1560 ; then, 156000 more 5496 is 161496 ; the firſt of the firſt differences, then 161496 more 11216, is 172712. Further, 172712 more 11552, is 184264.' Yer further 184264 more 11888, is 196152, &c. The numbers in the ſecond colum are made chus, the firſt number in the ſecond colum, is the ſame as the firſt number in the third colum, then, 161496 more 172712, is 334208, and 334308 more 184264, is 518472, &c. Then makeing uſe of the firſt and ſecond ſcho- lium, the quantity of Liquor chat ſuch peffels fontain may eaſily be obtained. XVI. Note. To calculate Elliptick ſolides whoſe baſes are unlike. The calcalation of ſuch ſolides are the ſame as in the 15.note for if the first, ſecond and third complicated differences be found , then make- ing uſe of this propotion as 14, is to 11; ſo is 336; to the chird difference. re And I C (23) And As 14, is to it, ſo is 11216, to the firſt of the ſecond differences. Further As 14, is to il; fo is 161496, to the first of the firſt differences, then proceede to make the table it ſelf, as in the 15 note. Or make uſe of the ſecund ſcholium of the 11 note and you will have che quancicy in Gallons, Or Such Elliptick ſolides may be calculated by the 12 noce : for every ſuch Ellipcick ſolide is equall to a fruftum hyperbolick conoide whole circular baſes of the conoide, are equall to the Elliptick baſes of the Elliptick ſolide ; and the Alicude of one fruſtum is equall to the Altitude of the other. XVII. Note. Every hyperbolick conoid hach its third diffe- rences equal. To find the third, ſecond and firſt differences in an hyperbolick conoid, and conſequently to calculate that conoid gradually. In the foremen- cioned diagram of the 17. prop. Scereom. Prop. Let GM, the Tranſverſe diameter be 12. ML, the parameter 6. MA, che axis of the conoid 24, 10 (24) I To calculate the folidity of this conoid vpon every three Inches. To find the third difference of this conoid. ) + Take the difference of two of the Segments,to wit, 3 ; whoſe cube is 27: whoſe double is $4. Then, as GM. 12; is to ML,6:fo is 54,00 27. The third difference of all the ſquares in one fourth of that conoid proper to chae pyramid FCDEL. By the Rule in the laſt note the firſt of the fecond differences is 27. For the first of the firſt differences, worke thus; take the firſt Segment which is 3; whoſe cube is 27, a third part is 9, then, as G M, 13; is to ML, 6: ſo is 9,00 4. chc firſt of the firſt differences proper to che pyramid FCDEL. The ſecond and firſt differences of all the ſquares in one fourth of this conoids is complica- ted from the ſecond and firſt differences of the pyramid FCDEL, and tlie ſecond and firſt diffe- rences of the priſm ABCFLM. Every ſuch priſm hath it fecond difference equall. To find the ſecond and firſt difference of the priſm ABCFLM. 1 Square che difference of cwo of the Segments of the axis, co wic, 3; that is 9, which being multiplyed by the parameter ML, 6; che product is 54, che ſecond difference. The firſt of the firſt d fferences of every ſuch prilm is half of the fecond (25) ſecond difference ; therefore the firſt of the firſt differences is 27: a: To complicate theſe differences. I 2. 3 differences 41 27 27 in the priſm FCDEL. 27 154 in the priſm ABCFLM, 31;181 | 27 in all che ſquares of one fourth of that hyperbolick conoid. O 112 27 27 720 311 31 81! 6 144 108 2-20 93641 135 355) 27 12: 162 5171 15 1237 189 18 1.944 706 27 216 922 12 27 21.2866 24 1032 2 3 14 15 27 1165, 243 5 In the firſt colum are the third differences. In the fourth colum che ſecond differences. In the third colum che firſt differences. In the ſecond colum the portions of all the ſquares of one foarch of an hyperbolick conoid, upon every cliree inches, (26) > inches, whoſe Tranſverſe diameter is 12, ånd parameter is 6, and axis is 24. The conſtruction of this table is the ſame as the former ; thus, 8 1 more 27; is 108. more 27; is 135. more 27, is 102. &c. 31.1. more 81 ; is 112.. more 108 ; is 2201. &c. o more 31; is 31. more 112; is 144.more 220, is 364. more 355; is 78O. Here remember that the Tranſverſe diameter is found, by the g of the 23 Propoſition of Stereom. Prop. Alſo the parameter found by the converſe of the firſt part of the 11 Prop. of Stereom. Prop. The parameter of the parabolike conoid is found, by che converſe of the 9 Prop. Of Stereom. Prop. XVIII. Note. Cautions concerning Reduction, I If it be to calculate pyramids whether Regular or Irregular, whole or fruftums ; che chird, ſecond and firſt differences are to be found as above: then Reduce thoſe differences into Gallons and parts of a Gallon, or Barrells, or parts of a barrels; Thus Suppoſe 288 cubick inches make one Gallon, and 36 Gallons make one Barrell. Then, If the mcaſure be taken in inches, divide the third, ſecond and firſt differences by 288, and fo there will be three quociencs in Gallons or parts of (27) 1 1 of a Gallon, then with thoſe three quotients proceede to make the table of ſolid Segments, and that cable will be in Gallons or parts of a Gallon, If it be to calculate a table in Barrells multiply 288 by 36 and che produ& will be 10368 the number of cubick inches in one Barrell. Then divide the third, ſecond and firſt differences. by 16368, there will be three quotients in Barrells or parts of a Barrell: Then with theſe chree quocients proceede to make the table of ſolides Segments. That cable being ſo made will be in Barrells or parts of a Barrell, 2. To calculate Cones and Elliptick ſolids, whether the whole or their fruftums. Haveing found their third ſecond and firſt differences, as above, and it be to calculate them in cubick inches, Let it be made as 14, is to 11; ſo is the third difference, to a fourch, And, As 14, is to it; ſo is the ſecond difference, to a fourth, Furcher, As 14, is to 11; fo is the firſt difference, to a fourch with theſe three number thus found, proceede to make che table of ſolid Segments, and chat table will be in cubick inches. To calculate theſe ſolids in Gallons. Multiply 14 by 288 the product will be 4032. Then, As 40329 to 11; ſo is the third difference, te a fourch, And 1 1 + (28) And, : 'As 4032, to 11; ſo is the ſecond differences to à fourth, Furcher, As 4032, to 11; ſo is the firſt difference, to a fourth. With theſe three numbers thus found, proceed to make che table of folid Segments. So chat rable will be in Gallons. To calculate thele folids in Barrells. Suppoſe 288 cubick inches makes one Gallon, and 36 gallons makes one Barrell, then multiply 288, 36 and 14 one inco another and they make 145152. Then, As 145152, is to 11; fo is the third difference, to a fourth. And, As 145152, is to 11, ſo is the ſecond difference, to a fourch, Further, As 145:52, is to 11; ſo is the firſt difference, to a foruth. With theſe chree numbers thus found make the table of ſolid Segmencs: that table will be in Barrells. III. Having found the third, ſecond and firſt diffe- rences of all the ſquares of one fourth of a ſphere, Spheroid and hyperbolick Conoid, as in the iz and 13 notes and the ſecond and firſt differences of all the ſquares of one fourth of a parabolick conoid as in the 11 noce: they may be Reduced to Circular differences. Thus (29) Thus, As 14, is to 11 ; ſo is the third difference, to a fourth. And, As 14, is to 11, ſo is the ſecond difference, to a fourch. Further, As 14, is to 11; ſo is the firſt difference, co a fourch. With theſe numbers thus found make a cable, of ſolid Segments of cubical inches of one fourch of any of theſe for:ds. Thele folid Segments ought to be multiplyed by four, to reduce them co folid Segments of a whole ſphere, ſpheroid, hyperbolick and paraboliek conoidë but to ſhun chać work divide 14, by four, and then find the new differences, but becauſe 14 cannot be juft divided by four, therefore div.de 14, by cwo, and multiply 11, by two, and then work; Thus, 1 Then, As 7, to 22; ſo is that third difference, to a fourch. And, As 7 to 22; fo is that ſecond difference, to fourch. Further, As 7 to 22; ſo is chat firſt difference, tot fourch. With theſe numbers thus found, proceed to make cables as is taught in thoſe Noces: cables fd made, will be tables of ſolid Segments of choſe Lolids, in cubick inches. To calculate theſe folids in Gallons. Multiply (30) Multiply 288 by 14, wiroſe produ& is 4032; one fourth chercof is 1008 ; Then As 1008, is to ¡I; fo is the third difference, to a fourth, And As 1008, is to II ; ſo is the ſecond difference; to a fourth, 3 Further, As 1008, is to II; fo is the firſt difference, to a fourth, Tables being made, with numbers thus found according to the former directions in the ſphere, ſpheroid , hyperbolick and parabolick conoids will be tables of ſolid Segments of a whole ſphere, Spheroid, hyperbolick and parabolick conoid, in Gallons or parts thereof. To calculate theſe ſolids in Barrells. Multiply 4032 by 36, the product will be 145152, one fourth chereof will be 36288; Then, As 36288, is to st; so is the third difference, to a fourth. And, As 36288, isto11, ſo is the ſecond difference, co a fourch. Furcher, As 36288, is to sI; fo is the firſt difference, to a fourth. Tables being made, with numbers chus found, according co the former directions, will be cables of ſolid Segments in Barcells. &c. Then, 1 (31) Then, Uling a Rod or Ruler equally divided into inches as in ſcholium the first, the number of Gallons or Barrells may ſpeedily be obtained. As for che juſt magnitude of the Gallon, it is not my buſineſſe to diſpute ; that being deter- mined by cuſtom or Authority : I took 288 onely for Example fake. XIX. Note. . In a Rank of numbers having equal differences. Let the firſt term in the Rank be Z, its ſquarë ZZ. the ſecond term 2Z, its ſquare 4ZZ, there- fore the firſt of the firſt differences is 3 ZZ, che third term in that Rank 3Z, its ſquare 9Zz, then OZZ, Leſs 4ZZ, the ſecond of che firſt differences SZZ, cherefore ZZ Leſs 3ZZ che ſecond difference will be 2ZZ. Furcher, The fourth cerm in chac Rank is 4Z, its ſquare is 16ZZ, then 16ZZ Leſs 9ZZ tle chird of the firft differences 7ZZ; again, 7ZZ Lcfc sZZ the ſecond difference is 2ZZ. Hence it follows, That the ſecond difference is equallco the ſquare of the firſt term doubled. Or alſo, The ſecond difference is equall to the ſquare $ $ of 1 (32) of the difference of two of the terms, (in order taken) doubled. By the Tame method we find that the third differences in a Rank of cubes are equall, and the third difference is equal to the firſt term multi- plyed by 6. $ Or, The third difference is equal to the cube of the difference of two of the terms, taken in order, multiplged by , The index and equal difference, of every power agrees; co wir, the index of the ſquare is 2, and the ſecond differences are equal. The index of the cube is 3, and the third differences are equal. The index of the ſquare ſquared is 4, and the fourth differences are equal. &c. The equal difference of every power, is com- plicated from the index of that power,and the equal difference of the next Lefler power. Let the Rank be in naturall order. Thus; !, 2, 3, 4. &c. ? The indices of che powers, Thus. Il | 2 | 3 l 4 5 ZT ZZZZZZZZZT ZZZZZ A unity the equal difference in chac naturall Rank, whoſe ſquare is I, which multiplyed by 2 che index of the ſquare the product is 2, the equal difference in the ſquares. 3, che index of the cube multiplyed by a the equal difference in the ſquares, c!le ,1 A 546330 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06525 5823 1