The Gift of WILLIAM H. BUTTS, Ph.D. A.B. 1878 A.M. 1879 Teacher of Mathematics 1898 to 1922 Assistant Dean, College of Engineering 1908 to 1922 Professor Emeritus 1922 3 Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd. Natural History Booksellers 2-4 Arthur St. London W.C.2 P87/eu ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ALLURIOUS UNUM TCEHOR EQUÆRIS PENINSULAMʼAM CIRCUMSPICE W EUCLID'S ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, CHIEFLY FROM THE TEXT OF DR SIMSON, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES; TOGETHER WITH A SELECTION OF GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES FROM THE SENATE-HOUSE AND COLLEGE EXAMINATION PAPERS; TO WHICH IS PREFIXED AN INTRODUCTION, CONTAINING A BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY OF GEOMETRY. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF THE HIGHER FORMS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITIES. BY ROBERT POTTS, M.A. TRINITY COLLEGE. T CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. LONDON: JOHN W. PARKER, 445 WEST STRAND. M.DCCC.XLV. អូ រ L W.H. Butts Wheldon 1-14-37 33358 PREFACE. THIS new edition of Euclid's Elements of Geometry will be found to differ considerably from those at present in general use in Academical Education. The text is taken from Dr Simson's approved edition, with occasional alterations; but so arranged as to exhibit to the eye of the student the successive steps of the de- monstrations, and to facilitate his apprehension of the reasoning. No abbreviations or symbols of any kind are employed in the text. The ancient Geometry had no symbols, nor any notation beyond ordinary language and the specific terms of the science. We may question the propriety of allowing a learner, at the com- mencement of his Geometrical studies, to exhibit Geometrical demonstrations in Algebraical symbols. Surely it is not too much to apprehend that such a practice may occasion serious confusion of thought. It may be remarked that the practice of exhibiting the demonstrations of Elementary Geometry in an Algebraical form, is now generally discouraged in this University. To each book are appended explanatory notes, in which especial care has been taken to guard the student against the common mistake of confounding ideas of number with those of magnitude. The work contains a selection of problems and theorems from the Senate- house and College Examination Papers, for the last forty-five years. These are arranged as Geometrical exercises to the several books of the Elements, and to a few only in each book the solutions are given. An Introduction is prefixed, giving a brief outline of the history and progress of Geometry. The analysis of language, together with the sciences of number and magnitude, have been long employed as the chief elements of intellectual education. At a very early period, the study of Geometry was regarded as a very important mental discipline, as may be shewn from the seventh book of the Republic of Plato. To his testimony may be added that of the celebrated Pascal, (Euvres, Tom. I. p. 66,) which Mr Hallam has quoted in his History of the Literature of the Middle Ages. "Geometry," Pascal observes, "is almost the only subject as to which we find truths wherein all men agree; and one cause of this is, that geometers alone regard the true laws of demonstration." These iv PREFACE. are enumerated by him as eight in number. 1. To define nothing which cannot be expressed in clearer terms than those in which it is already expressed. 2. To leave no obscure or equivocal terms undefined. 3. To employ in the definition no terms not already known. 4. To omit nothing in the principles from which we argue, unless we are sure it is granted. 5. To lay down no axiom which is not perfectly evident. 6. To demonstrate nothing which is as clear already as we can make it. 7. To prove every thing in the least doubtful, by means of self-evident axioms, or of propositions already demonstrated. 8. To substitute mentally the definition instead of the thing defined. Of these rules he says, "the first, fourth, and sixth are not absolutely necessary to avoid error, but the other five are indispensable; and though they may be found in books of logic, none but the geometers have paid any regard to them.” If we consider the nature of Geometrical and Algebraical reasoning, it will be evident that there is a marked distinction between them. To comprehend the one, the whole process must be kept in view from the commencement to the conclusion; while in Algebraical reasonings, on the contrary, the mind loses the distinct perception of the particular Geometrical magnitudes com- pared; the attention is altogether withdrawn from the things signified, and confined to the symbols, with the performance of certain mechanical operations, according to rules of which the rationale may or may not be comprehended by the student. It must be obvious that greater fixedness of attention is required in the former of these cases, and that habits of close and patient observation, of careful and accurate discrimination will be formed by it, and the purposes of mental discipline more fully answered. In these remarks it is by no means intended to undervalue the methods of reasoning by means of symbolical language, which are no less important than Geometry. It appears, however, highly desirable that the provinces of Geometrical and Algebraical rea- soning were more definitely settled than they are at present, at least in those branches of science which are employed as a means of mental discipline. The boundaries of Science have been ex- tended by means of the higher analysis; but it must not be forgotten that this has been effected by men well skilled in Geometry and fully able to give a geometrical interpretation of the results of their operations; and though it may be admitted that the higher analysis is the more powerful instrument for that purpose, it may still be questioned whether it be well suited to PREFACE. V form the chief discipline of ordinary intellects without a previous knowledge of the principles of Geometry, and some skill in their application. Though the method of Geometrical analysis is very greatly inferior in power to the Algebraical, yet as supplementary to the Elements of Euclid, it is of great importance. It may be added, that a sound knowledge of the ancient geometry is the best introduction to the pursuits of the higher analysis and its extensive applications. On this subject the judgment of Sir Isaac Newton has been recorded by Dr Pemberton, in the preface to his view of Sir Isaac Newton's Discoveries. He says: "Newton censured the handling of geometrical subjects by algebraical calcu- lations. He used to commend the laudable attempt of Hugo d'Ome- rique (in his ‘Analysis Geometrica Nova et Vera,') to restore the ancient analysis, and very much esteemed the tract of 'Apollonius De Sectione Rationis,' for giving us a clearer notion of that analysis than we had before. The taste and mode of geometrical demon- stration of the ancients he professed to admire, and even censured himself for not having more closely followed them than he did: and spoke with regret of his mistake, at the beginning of his mathe- matical studies, in applying himself to the works of Descartes and other algebraical writers, before he had considered the Elements of Euclid with the attention they deserve." Regarding the study of Geometry as a means of mental discipline, it is obviously desirable that the student should be accustomed to the use of accurate and distinct expressions, and even to formal syllogisms. In most sciences our definitions of things are in reality only the results of the analysis of our own imperfect conceptions of the things; and in no science, except that of number, do the conceptions of the things coincide so exactly (if we may use the expression) with the things them- selves, as in Geometry. Hence, în geometrical reasonings, the comparison made between the ideas of the things, becomes almost a comparison of the things themselves. The language of pure Geometry is always precise and definite. The demonstrations are effected by the comparison of magnitudes which remain unaltered, and the constant use of terms whose meaning does not on any occasion vary from the sense in which they were defined. It is this peculiarity which renders the study so valuable as a mental discipline for we are not to suppose that the habits of thought thus acquired, will be necessarily confined to the consideration of lines, angles, surfaces and solids. The process of deduction pur- sued in Geometry from certain admitted principles and possible vi PREFACE. constructions to their consequences, and the rigidly exact com- parison of those consequences with known and established truths, can scarcely fail of producing such habits of mind as will influence most beneficially our reasonings on all subjects that may come before us. "" In support of the views here maintained, that Geometrical studies form one of the most suitable and proper introductory elements of a scientific education, we may add the judgment of a distinguished living writer, the author of "The History and Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences," who has shewn, in his "Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics," that mathematical studies judiciously pursued, form one of the most effective means of developing and cultivating the reason: and that "the object of a liberal education is to develope the whole mental system of man;—to make his speculative inferences coincide with his practical convictions;-to enable him to render a reason for the belief that is in him, and not to leave him in the condition of Solomon's sluggard, who is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason." To this we may sub- join that of Mr John Stuart Mill, which he has recorded in his invaluable System of Logic, (Vol. 1. p. 180) in the following terms. “The value of Mathematical instruction as a preparation for those more difficult investigations (physiology, society, govern- ment, &c.) consists in the applicability not of its doctrines, but of its method. Mathematics will ever remain the most perfect type of the Deductive Method in general; and the applications of Mathe- matics to the simpler branches of physics, furnish the only school in which philosophers can effectually learn the most difficult and important portion of their art, the employment of the laws of simpler phenomena for explaining and predicting those of the more complex. These grounds are quite sufficient for deeming mathe- matical training an indispensable basis of real scientific education, and regarding, with Plato, one who is άyewμétρntos, as wanting in one of the most essential qualifications for the successful culti- vation of the higher branches of philosophy." TRINITY COLLEGE, October 1, 1845. R. P. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION i On the Algebraical Symbols and Abbreviations used in Geometry... xxxix First Book of the Elements 1 Notes on the First Book 41 Second Book of the Elements Notes on the Second Book...... Third Book of the Elements... Notes on the Third Book Fourth Book of the Elements Notes on the Fourth Book Fifth Book of the Elements Notes on the Fifth Book Sixth Book of the Elements Notes on the Sixth Book Eleventh Book of the Elements 53 67 75 107 109 124 ... 126 159 ... 167 203 205 Notes on the Eleventh Book....... 252 Twelfth Book of the Elements...... 255 Notes on the Twelfth Book 287 On the Ancient Geometrical Analysis..... 289 Geometrical Exercises on Book I 293 II 305 III.. 311 IV 330 .... VI... XI ... XII..... Index to the Geometrical Exercises..... 344 366 371 377 ERRATA. GREAT care has been taken in the correction of the proofs, and it is believed that the Student will not meet with any errata of importance in the text to impede his pro- gress: the following, however, have been discovered on revising the sheets: PAGE 10 12 LINE 20 14 FOR CBG angles READ CGB. angle. 22 In the diagram, Prop. XXIII. D is misplaced. 59 20 80 17 111 125 5 23 BE equal less ABC 3-2 3 DE. less equal. ACB. 3-2 π. 3 172 In the diagram, Prop. III. A is misplaced. 177 In the diagram, Prop. IX. D and E are interchanged. 192 In the diagram, Prop. XXVI. for D read C. 242 13 323 46 328 1 341 4 AE arc centre of AQ. circumference. circumference. at. In the Geometrical Exercises, a few repetitions have occurred, and a few of the problems, perhaps, with more propriety, might have been arranged under a different book. In the Index a few references are omitted, as the Examination Papers, from which the questions have been taken, were without dates; besides some four or five others, which were lost. INTRODUCTION. B.C. THE aim of the following brief notices, is to give some account of the origin and progress of the science of Geometry, together with the names of the men by whom it has been successively advanced. Respect- ing the history of science it has been remarked that it serves, at least, to commemorate the benefactors of mankind; an object which can scarcely be considered as unworthy or unimportant. It is probable that this science had its origin, like all others, in the necessities of men. The word Geometry (yewμerpía), formed from two Greek words, yn and perpéw, seems to have been originally applied to the measuring of land. The earliest information on this subject is derived from Hero- dotus (Book II. c. 109), where he describes the customs of the Egyptians in the age of Sesostris, who reigned in Egypt from about 1416 to 1357, The account of Herodotus is to this effect. "I was informed by the priests at Thebes, that king Sesostris made a distribution of the territory of Egypt among all his subjects, assigning to each an equal portion of land in the form of a quadrangle, and, that from these allot- ments he used to derive his revenue by exacting every year a certain tax. In cases however where a part of the land was washed away by the annual inundations of the Nile, the proprietor was permitted to pre- sent himself before the king, and signify what had happened. The king then used to send proper officers to examine and ascertain, by admeasure- ment, how much of the land had been washed away, in order that the amount of tax to be paid for the future, might be proportional to the land which remained. From this circumstance I am of opinion, that Geometry derived its origin; and from hence it was transmitted into Greece." The natural features and character of the land of Egypt, where rain is unknown, are such as to give credibility, at least, to the tradition recorded by Herodotus. In the earliest records of history, the population of Egypt is represented as numerous, and in the valley of the Nile, the extent of cultivated land is comparatively small Its extreme fertility is also placed in close contrast with the barrenness of the districts beyond the limits of the inundations of the Nile, by which the boundaries of the land on its margin are annually liable to altera- tion. There appear therefore some grounds for the belief that the geometrical allotment of land had its origin on the banks of the Nile. But independently of the tradition of Herodotus, it seems reason- able to suppose, that the science of Plane Geometry may have originated in the necessity of measuring and dividing lands, which must have arisen as soon as property in land came to be recognized among men. This recognition is found in the oldest historical records known in any language. The narrative in the 23rd chapter of the book of Genesis refers to Palestine, and belongs to a period 1860 years B. C. In Egypt b ii INTRODUCTION. also, about 160 years later, as we learn from Gen. xlvii. not only was property in land recognized, but taxes were raised from the possessors and cultivators of the soil. This necessarily implies that there existed some method of estimating and dividing land, rude, probably, and inac- curate at first, but as society advanced and its wants increased, gradually becoming more exact. The existence of the pyramids, the ruins of temples, and other archi- tectural remains, supply evidence of some knowledge of Geometry; although it is possible that the geometrical properties of figures, neces- sary for such works, might have been known only in the form of prac- tical rules, without any scientific arrangement of geometrical truths. The word Geometry is used in a more extensive sense, as the science of Space; or that science which discusses and investigates the properties and relations existing between definite portions of space, under the fourfold division of lines, angles, surfaces, and volumes, with- out regard to any properties they may have of a physical nature. Of the origin and progress of Geometry, in this sense, it is proposed here to give some short account, as far as can be ascertained. Whatever geometrical or astronomical science may have been pos- sessed by the earlier Chaldeans and Egyptians, there are not known to be any historical records, which supply definite views of its limits or extent. In the most ancient Jewish writings, there is not the least allusion from which to infer that scientific Geometry was known and cultivated by that people. The traditions recorded by Josephus on this subject (Book 1. c. 3, 9) can scarcely be considered worthy of being received as historical truth, since the subsequent history of the Jews does not inform us that they were, at any period, a scientific people. Other ancient writers also confirm the tradition of Herodotus, that from Egypt the knowledge of Geometry passed over into Greece, where it attained a high degree of cultivation. Proclus, in his Commentary on Euclid's Elements of Geometry (Book 11. c. 4), attributes to Thales the merit of having first conveyed the knowledge of Geometry from Egypt to Greece. Thales was a native of Miletus, at that time, the most flourish- ing of the Greek colonies of Ionia in Asia Minor. He was born about 640 B.C., and was descended from one of the most distinguished families, originally of Phoenicia. (Herod. 1. 170. Diog. Laert. 1. 22.) Thales, from a desire of knowledge, is reported by Diogenes Laertius to have travelled into Egypt, and to have held a friendly intercourse with the priests of that country; thus obtaining an acquaintance with the science of the Egyptians. The same writer also adds that he learned the art of Geometry among the Egyptians, and suggested a method of ascertaining the altitude of the pyramids by the length of their shadows. Plutarch relates this story, and adds, that Amasis, who was then king of Egypt, was astonished at the sagacity of Thales. If this tradition, recorded both by Diogenes Laertius and by Plutarch, be deemed worthy of credit, it would appear that the idea suggested by Thales was, to the Egyptians, a new application of a geometrical truth. Whatever mathematical knowledge the Egyptians might possess in the age of Thales, there are no writings, either cotemporary or of later times, which exhibit its extent. Thales is also said to have been the discoverer of some geometrical theorems, and to have left to his successors the principles of many others. The theorems which stand as the 5th, 15th, and 26th Propo- INTRODUCTION. iii sitions of the first Book of Euclid's Elements of Geometry are attri- Se mech Bay, buted to him by Proclus, and Prop. 31. Book III, also Props. 2, 3, 4, Aug. 31.1850 5, of Book IV. He is reported by Herodotus (Book 1. c. 74) to have foretold the year in which an eclipse of the sun would happen. He also designated the seasons, and found the year to consist of 365 days. All this implied not only some acquaintance with Geometry, but a con- siderable knowledge of the motions and periodical revolutions of the heavenly bodies. Anaximander of Miletus and Anaximenes are men- tioned as disciples of Thales. The opinions of the latter are discussed by Aristotle immediately after those of Thales. Ameristus, the brother of Stesichorus the poet, is named by Hippias of Elis as a celebrated geometer. Nearly at the same time with the commencement of speculative phi- losophy in Ionia, a spirit of enquiry began to shew itself in some of the Achæan and Dorian colonies in Magna Græcia. The most distinguished man of these times was Pythagoras. He was born at Samos, about 568 B. C.; and his descent is referred by Diogenes Laertius to the Tyrrhenian Pelasgi. After having been a disciple of Thales, he is reported to have visited Egypt, where he became the pupil of Oinuphis at Heliopolis, (which in the book of Genesis is called On), once a famous city of Lower Egypt. (Plutarch de Iside et Osiride, s. 10.) After his return from Egypt, he established a school at Crotona, an Achæan colony in Magna Græcia, which became very celebrated, and continued for nine- teen generations. According to the account of Proclus (Book II. c. 4), Pythagoras was the first who gave to Geometry the form of a deductive science, by shewing the connexion of the geometrical truths then known, and their dependence on certain first principles. There are not known to be extant any particular accounts, or even fragments, of the earliest attempts to reduce geometrical truths to a system. It is, however, scarcely possible that any arrangement could have been attempted be- fore a considerable number of geometrical truths had been discovered, and their connexion observed. The traditionary account, that Pytha- goras was the founder of scientific mathematics, is, in some degree, supported by the statement of Diogenes Laertius, that he was chiefly occupied with the consideration of the properties of number, weight, and extension, besides music and astronomy. The passage of Cicero (De Nat. Deor. III. 36) may be referred to as evidence that later writers were unable to give any precise account of the mathematical discoveries of Pythagoras. To Pythagoras, however, is attributed the discovery of some of the most important elementary properties con- tained in the first book of Euclid's Elements. The very important truth contained in Prop. 47, Book 1. is also ascribed to Pythagoras. Whether his discovery of this truth resulted from geometrical, or from numerical considerations is not certainly known: Proclus attributes to him the discovery of that right-angled triangle, the three sides of which are respectively 3, 4, and 5 units. To Pythagoras also be- longs the discovery, that there are only three kinds of regular polygons which can be placed so as to fill up the space round a point; namely,! six equilateral triangles, four squares, and three regular hexagons. Proclus attributes to him the doctrine of incommensurables, and the discovery of the five regular solids, which, if not due to Pythago- ras, originated in his school. In Astronomy, he is reputed to have held, that the Sun is the centre of the system, and that the planets } b-2 iv INTRODUCTION. revolve round it. This has been called, from his name, the Pytha- gorean System, which was revived by Copernicus, A.D. 1541, and proved by Newton. As a moral philosopher, many of his precepts relating to the conduct of life will be found in the verses which bear the name of the Golden Verses of Pythagoras. It is probable they were composed by some one of his school, and contain the substance of his moral teaching. The speculations of the early philosophers did not end in the investigation of the properties of number and space. The Pythagoreans attempted to find, and dreamed they had found, in the forms of geometrical figures and in certain numbers, the principles of all science and knowledge, whether physical or moral. The figures of Geometry were regarded as having reference to other truths besides the mere abstract properties of space. They regarded the unit, as the point; the duad, as the line; the triad, as the surface; and the tetrac- tys, as the geometrical volume. They assumed the pentad as the physical body with its physical qualities. They seem to have been the first who reckoned the elements to be five in number, on the supposition of their derivation from the five regular solids. They made the cube, earth; the pyramid, fire; the octohedron, air; the icosa- hedron, water; and the dodecahedron, æther. The analogy of the five senses and the five elements was another favourite notion of the Pythagoreans. Pythagoras was followed by Anaxagoras of Clazomene. Aristotle states that he wrote on Geometry, and Diogenes Laertius reports that he maintained the sun to be larger than the Peloponnesus. Ænopides of Chios was somewhat junior to Anaxagoras, both of whom are men- tioned by Plato in his Rivals. Proclus ascribes to Ænopides the dis- covery of the truths which form the 12th and 23d Props. of the first Book of Euclid. Briso and Antipho are mentioned by Aristotle, as dis- tinguished geometers, but no records are known to be extant of their writings or their discoveries. About 450 B.C., Hippocrates of Chios, their cotemporary,,was the most eminent geometer of his time, and is reported to have written a treatise on the Elements of Geometry; no fragments of which, however, are known to be in existence. He discovered the quadrature of the lunes which bear his name, by describing, in the same direction, semicircles on the three sides of an isosceles right-angled triangle, and observing that the sum of the two lunes, between the two quadrants of the larger semicircle and the two smaller semicircles, was equal to the area of the triangle. By means of the lunes he attempted the quadrature of the circle, but without success. The account of his attempts will be found in the Commentary of Simplicius, on the first book of Aristotle's Physics. Hippocrates also solved the problem of the duplication of the cube, which is, to find the length of the edge of a cube which shall be twice as great as a given cube. This problem, at that time, and for ages afterwards, excited very great attention among philosophers. He shewed that the solution depended on finding two geometric mean proportionals between two given lines. About 100 years after Pythagoras, Zenodorus wrote a tract, pre- served in Theon's commentary on the Almagest of Ptolemy, in which he shews that plane figures having equal perimeters have not equal areas. Democritus, a native of Abdera, about the 80th Olympiad was cele- INTRODUCTION. # brated for his knowledge both of Philosophy and the Mathematics. He is stated to have spent his large patrimony in travelling in distant countries. Theodorus of Cyrene was eminent for his knowledge of Geometry, and is reported to have been one of the instructors of Plato. We now come to the time of Plato, one of the most distinguished philosophers that ever lived; whose writings are still read, and regarded as of inestimable value. Plato visited Egypt, and on his return, founded his School at Athens, about 390 B.C. Över the entrance he placed the inscription, Οὐδεὶς ἀγεωμέτρητος εἰσίτω: “Let no one ignorant of Geometry enter here." This is a plain declaration of Plato's opinion respecting Geometry. He considered Geometry as the first of the sciences, and as introductory and preparatory to the pursuit of the higher subjects of human knowledge. Plato both cultivated and ad- vanced the science of Geometry, as we learn from the testimony of Proclus and Pappus. The character of his writings, though not confined to discourses on Mathematics, affords incontestable evidence how great an admirer he was of Geometry, and how zealously he cultivated that science. To Plato is attributed the discovery of the method of the Geometrical Analysis; but by what means he was led to it, or to the invention of Geo- metrical loci, is not known. Hippocrates had, before his time, reduced the problem of the duplication of the cube to that of finding two mean proportionals between the edge of the given cube, and a line double that length; Plato attempted a solution of the problem in this form, by means of the right line and circle only. In this attempt, however, he failed, but effected a solution by means of two rulers, which could not be admitted as purely geometrical, since it involved other considerations besides those of the straight line and circle. It is uncertain whether the restriction of constructions in Geometry to the right line and circle, originated in the School of Plato, or at an earlier period. Plato is said to have discovered the Conic Sections,-curves which result from planes intersecting the surface of a cone,-and some of their more remarkable properties. Great attention was given to this subject, both during his lifetime, and after his death, by his cotemporaries and their successors. The Conic Sections and their properties were considered a distinct branch of the science, and called "the Higher Geometry." The tri- section of an angle, or an arc of a circle, was another famous problem, which engaged the attention of the School of Plato. This, as well as the duplication of the cube, was, for many ages, believed possible, by means of the right line and circle, and has been repeatedly attempted from the earliest times, without success. It baffled the genius of Archi- medes and others, who were not aware of the impossibility of its solution by the method they applied. The problem of the trisection of an angle or arc is reducible to the following problem: To draw a right line from a given point, cutting the semi-circumference of a circle in two points, and the diameter produced, so that the chord intercepted between the two points of intersection may be equal to the radius. This condition leads to the algebraical equation of one of the conic sections, whose properties are not the same as those of the right line and circle; and hence its impossibility is inferred. From the Academy of Plato, proceeded many who successfully cul- tivated, and very considerably extended, the bounds of Geometrical science. Proclus names thirteen of the disciples and friends of Plato vi INTRODUCTION. Plato celetă. who improved and made_additions to the science. Among his cotem- poraries may be named Leodamas of Thasus, Archytas of Tarentum, and Theætetus of Athens, by whom some theorems were discovered, and some improvements made in the methods of demonstration. Diogenes Laertius reports of Archytas, that he was the first who brought Mecha- nics into method by the use of mechanical principles, and the first who applied organic motions to Geometrical figures, and found out the duplication of the cube in Geometry. (Book VIII.) His solution of the duplication of the cube is given by Eutocius, in his commen- tary on the sphere and cylinder of Archimedes. Archytas was also the writer of a work on the elements of Geometry, which is not ex- tant. The same writer relates, that Leodamas, by means of the Geo- metrical Analysis, which he had learned from Plato, discovered the solution of many problems, and made many discoveries. Theætetus was celebrated for a treatise on Geometry, which is lost. Plato honoured this disciple by giving to one of his dialogues the title of Theætetus; and in another, entitled Phædrus, he ascribes the origin of Geometry to Thoth, an Egyptian divinity. Aristeas, a disciple and friend of Plato, composed five books on the Conic Sections, which were highly esteemed. Another of the scholars of Plato was Neoclides, whose name is cele- brated by Proclus. Leon was a scholar of Neoclides (B.c. 368), and was the author of several discoveries in Geometry. To Leon is attri- buted the invention of a method for discriminating the possibility or impossibility of a problem. He is also mentioned as the author of a work on the elements of Geometry. None of his discoveries or writings have descended to posterity. Amyclas was another friend of Plato; and the brothers Menæchmus and Dinostratus are both celebrated; the former for his application of the Conic Sections to solve the problem of the duplication of the cube, and the latter, for the discovery of a curve known by the name of the quadratrix. They are also said to have made some other additions to the science of Geometry, and to have rendered the whole more perfect. Theudias appears to have excelled both in mathematics and philosophy, and is said to have composed a work on Geometry, and to have generalized some theorems. At the same period, Cyzicenus of Athens, besides other branches of the mathe- matics, successfully cultivated Geometry. These friends and disciples of Plato used to resort to the Academy, and employ themselves in pro- posing, by turns, questions for solution. Eudoxus, a native of Cnidus, a town of Caria in Asia Minor, was one of the most intimate of the friends of Plato. He is reported to have written on the Elements, and to have generalized many results which had originated in the school of Plato, and to have advanced the science of Geometry by many impor- tant discoveries. To him is attributed the invention of the doctrine of proportion as treated in the 5th book of Euclid's Elements. He is said to have been the first who discovered that the volume of a cone or pyramid is equal to one third of its circumscribing cylinder or prism; that is, of a cylinder or prism having the same base and altitude. He is also reported to have advanced the knowledge of the higher Geo- metry, by the discovery of several important properties of the Conic Sections. He died в.c. 368, at 53 years of age. Diogenes Laertius, in his short memoir of Eudoxus, describes him as an astrologer, a physician, a legislator, and a geometer. Though none of his writings have descended to modern times, his name has been celebrated by the INTRODUCTION. vii eminent men, both of Greece and of Rome. Hermotimus wrote on Loci, and is said to have extended the results of Eudoxus and Theætetus. Philippus the Mendean, another disciple of Plato, is reported to have discovered problems, and to have proposed questions, being a great lover of the mathematical sciences. All these were either disciples of Plato, or attached themselves to the school he founded at Athens, and are mentioned by Proclus as having advanced or improved the mathe- matical sciences. Xenocrates also was a hearer of Plato, and is said to have been one of the instructors of Aristotle; he was renowned for his knowledge of the mathematical sciences. Aristotle, though originally a disciple of Plato, and attached to his school for a period of twenty years, became the founder of a new sect of philosophers-the Peripatetics, and opened a school, B.C. 341, at the Lyceum on the banks of the Ilissus. There he continued twelve years, till the false accusation of Eurymedon obliged him to flee to Chalcis, where he died at the age of sixty-three. • On this division of the Platonic school, the two sects-both the Academics and the Peripatetics-continued to hold the same opinion on the utility of Geometry, as the necessary introductory knowledge for all who were desirous of proceeding with the study of philosophy. Thus the science of Geometry continued to be cultivated, and to make advancement. Among the numerous writings of Aristotle, there is a treatise on Mechanics, and a collection of Problems in 38 divisions; the 15th consists of mathematical questions. There is also a tract on indivisible lines, which has been ascribed by some ancient commentators to Theophrastus, as we learn from Simplicius. (Rev. J. W. Blakesley's Life of Aristotle.) Two of the Peripatetic school are especially celebrated, Theophrastus and Eudemus, who devoted themselves chiefly to mathematical studies. Theophrastus was the author of the first history of the mathematical sciences, from the earliest times to his own. The work consisted of eleven books, of which there were four on Geometry, six on Astronomy, and one on Arithmetic. Eudemus also wrote a history of Astronomy in six books, and a history of Geometry in six books, from which Pro- clus acknowledges that most of his facts were taken. None of these writings have been preserved. Autolycus, of Pitane in Æolis, lived about 300 B. C. He was preceptor in mathematics to Arcesilaus, a disciple of Theophrastus the successor of Aristotle, as we learn from Diogenes Laertius. His treatise on the moveable sphere is the earliest written on that subject. The original Greek, with a Latin translation, was published in 1572. He also was the author of another treatise "On the Rising and Setting of the Stars," which is still extant, and has been translated and printed. Aristeas is said to have composed five books on the Conic Sections, and five books on Solid Loci. He is also said to have been the friend of Euclid, and his instructor in Geometry. We come next to the time of Euclid. The birth-place and even the country of Euclid are unknown, and he has been very frequently con- founded with another philosopher of the same name, who was a native of Megara. He studied at Athens, and became a disciple of the Pla- tonic school. He flourished in the time of Ptolemy Lagus (B.c. 323 to 284), to whom he made the celebrated reply, that "there is no royal road to Geometry." He is said to have successfully cultivated and viii INTRODUCTION. taught Geometry and the mathematical sciences at Alexandria, shortly after the school of Philosophy was founded in that city. The school at Alexandria became most distinguished for the eminent mathematicians it produced, both in the lifetime of Euclid and afterwards, until the destruction of the great library at Alexandria, and the subjugation of Egypt by the Arabians. Euclid has become celebrated chiefly by his work on the Elements of Geometry, for which his name has become a synonym. It consists of thirteen books, nine of which are devoted to the subject of Geometry, and four to the properties of numbers, as discussed by the Greek Arithmetic, and applied to Geometry. There are two other books on the five regular solids, usually found appended to the thirteen books of Euclid. These, however, were subsequently added to the Elements by Hypsicles of Alexandria. In some editions a sixteenth book is found, which was added by Flussas. Another geometrical work of Euclid is the Data, which consists of 100 pro- positions. This is the oldest specimen of the principles auxiliary to the Geometrical Analysis. The object of the several propositions of this book is to shew that, in cases where certain properties or ratios are given, other properties or ratios are also given, or may be found geometrically; and thus pointing out what data are essential in order that Geometrical Problems may be determinate and free from all am- biguity. Three books on Porisms are attributed to Euclid by Pappus and Proclus; the former, in the seventh book of his Mathematical Col- lections, has given some account of them and the general enunciations of some propositions. This contains all that is known to exist of these three books. Attempts have been made with some success in later times for their restoration. Euclid also wrote a Treatise on Fallacies in geometrical reasoning, and another on Divisions. Pappus makes mention of another work on Geometry attributed to Euclid under the title of TÓTшν πpòs éπipáveiav (Coll. Math. Lib. VII. Introd.), which his Latin translator Commandine has rendered by "Locorum ad Super- ficiem." Pappus also states that Euclid composed four books on the Conic Sections, which were afterwards augmented by Apollonius Per- gæus. Proclus has made no allusion to this work in his account of the writings of Euclid. Besides these writings on Geometry, Euclid is reported by Proclus to have been the author of a work on Optics and Catoptrics, and a work on Harmonics; but it is very questionable whether the treatise on Harmony which is extant, and attributed to Euclid, was really composed by him. Pappus mentions a work on Astronomy entitled "The Phænomena." This treatise contains some geometrical properties of the sphere. It has been a question whether Euclid was the author or the com- piler of the Elements of Geometry, which bear his name. If Euclid were the discoverer of the propositions contained in the thirteen books of the Elements, and the author of the demonstrations, he would be a phenomenon in the history of science. It is by far more probable that he collected and arranged the books on Geometry in the order in which they have come down to us, and made a more scientific classification of the geometrical truths which were known in his time. Euclid may also have been the discoverer of some new propositions, and may have amended and rendered more conclusive the demonstrations of others. From the slow advances of the human mind in making discoveries, and the general history of the progress of the sciences, it would seem INTRODUCTION. ix : unreasonable to assign to Euclid a higher place than that of the com- piler and improver of the Elements of Geometry. This is in complete accordance with the statement of Proclus, who relates that "Euclid composed Elements of Geometry, and improved and arranged many things of Eudoxus, and perfected many things which had been dis- covered by Theætetus, and gave invincible demonstrations of many things which had been left loosely or unsatisfactorily demonstrated before him." The Elements of Geometry, thus arranged and improved by Euclid, were acknowledged so far superior in completeness and accuracy to the elementary treatises then existing, that they entirely superseded them, and in course of time all have disappeared. The book of Euclid's Elements is therefore the most ancient work on Geometry known to be extant. The Greek Arithmetical Notation, employed in the arithmetical portion, has yielded to the more perfect system of the Indian; but the geometrical portion, from the time it was first put forth till the present day, a period of upwards of 2000 years, has maintained its high character as an elementary treatise, in all nations wherever the sciences have been cultivated. At this part of our subject we cannot forbear making a few remarks on the comparative claims of the Egyptians and Greeks to the merit of being the authors of Scientific Geometry. The learned Sir Gardiner Wilkinson, in his profound work on the Ancient Egyptians, unhesita- tingly assigns this honour to the Egyptians. In page 342 of Volume I. he expresses his judgment in the following terms: "Anticlides pretends that Moeris was the first to lay down the elements of that science, which, he says, was perfected by Pythagoras; but the latter observation is merely the result of the vanity of the Greeks, who claimed for their countrymen the credit of enlightening a people on the very subjects which they had visited Egypt for the purpose of studying." The vanity both of the later and the earlier Greeks may be readily admitted, without allowing that it suggests the true answer to this question. Dio- genes Laertius, (Book VIII.) in his life of Pythagoras, writes thus: "Anticlides reports that Maris was the first who invented Geometry, and Pythagoras brought his imperfect notions to perfection." Moris was an early king of Egypt (Herod. 11. 13), the son of Amenophis, and lived before the age of Sesostris. Whatever we learn from Herodotus respecting Geometry in Egypt, is referred to the age of Sesostris, and does not carry us beyond such processes as might exist without any attempts at science. The Geometry which was brought from Egypt to Greece, appears to have been in its infancy; and all that Pythagoras and others borrowed from the Egyptians could not have exceeded some practical rules and their applications. In the learned work referred to, any positive information as to the existence of Scientific Geometry among the early Egyptians, has been sought in vain; nor do ancient writers exhibit any remains of the Scientific Geometry of the Egyptians, or even make any claims in their favor to the merit of its invention. The general tenor of all the traditional and probable evidence tends to shew, that the scientific form of the Elements of Geometry is due to the acute intellect of the Greeks. And this presumption is reduced almost to historical certainty by the existing remains of the Greek Geometry. We may further observe, that in the very brief review we have given of the earliest commencement of the Greek Geometry and Mathematics, their simplicity is such as might be expected to characterize the original X INTRODUCTION. attempts of an acute people. The advances were so gradual that any supposition of the sudden introduction of more perfect science from foreign sources is completely removed. Moreover, at the time that the Greek Geometrical science was rapidly advancing towards perfection in the school of Plato, there is a total absence of any accounts that the Geometry of the Egyptians or of any other nation had proceeded so far in its development. Plato truly ascribes to the Egyptians and Phoeni- cians a certain commercial activity, but distinguishes their native cha- racter from that of the Greeks, which he represents as remarkable for its curiosity and desire of knowledge. (De Repub. IV.) Five centuries afterwards the same characteristic of that people is remarked by St Paul in his first epistle to the Corinthians. Archimedes was born at Syracuse, B.C. 287, about the period of the death of Euclid, and became the most eminent of all the Greek mathe- maticians. His discoveries in Geometry, Mechanics, and Hydrostatics, form a distinguished epoch in the history of mathematical science; and his remaining writings on the pure Mathematics are the most valuable portion of the ancient Geometry. He was the first who discovered that the volume of a sphere is two thirds of its circumscribing cylinder, or of a cylinder having the same diameter and altitude as the sphere, and that the curved surface of each is equal to four great circles of the sphere. He also found the relation of the volumes and surfaces of a hemisphere and cone upon the same base. These and other properties are investigated in two books, entitled, "On the Sphere and Cylinder," which have descended to our times in the original Doric Greek, together with the Commentary of Eutocius. Another work is still extant on the measurement of the circle, in which he shews that the area of a circle is equal to that of a right-angled triangle whose altitude is equal to the radius and whose base is equal to the circumference. Though he failed in his attempts to discover the exact proportion of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, he discovered an useful approximation to that ratio. He found, by numerical calculation, that the perimeter of a re- gular polygon of 192 sides, circumscribing a circle, is to the diameter in a less ratio than 30 to 1; and that the perimeter of the inscribed po- lygon of 96 sides is to the diameter in a greater ratio than 3 to 1: whence he concluded that the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of the circle must lie between these two ratios. The book of Lemmas, a collection of Problems and Theorems on Plane Geometry, attributed to Archimedes, is not known to be extant in the original Greek. It comes to us from the Arabic, of which a translation in Latin was pub- lished, for the first time, in 1659. On the Higher Geometry, three tracts of Archimedes are still extant. 1. On the Quadrature of the Parabola, in which he proves that the area included between the curve and two ordinates is equal to two thirds of the circumscribing parallel- ogram. This is the first instance known of the discovery of the quad- rature of a figure bounded partly by a curved line, if we except that of the lunes of Hippocrates. 2. His Treatise on Conoids and Spheroids, which contains many discoveries: among them may be named, the ratio of the area of an ellipse to a circle having the same diameter as the axis major of the ellipse; and that the sections of conoids and spheroids are conic sections. He also first proved that the volume of the cone and parabolic conoid of the same base and altitude are in the proportion of 2 to 3. This tract also contains the demonstrations of several discoveries INTRODUCTION. xi respecting hyperbolic conoids and spheroids. 3. A Tract on Spirals. The curve known by the name of the Spiral of Archimedes was ori- ginally discovered by his friend Conon, whose premature death pre- vented his completing the investigation of the properties of the curve. Archimedes completed the investigations, and put them forth as they appear in this tract. Besides his writings on Geometry, we have a tract on Arithmetic, entitled Tapμiτns, or Arenarius. The object was to prove the possibility of expressing the number of grains of sand which would fill the whole space of the universe considered as a sphere ex- tending to the stars. In this tract he alludes to a system of numeration which he had discovered, and which he had described in a work ad- dressed to Zeuxippus. Two books are also extant on the Equilibrium of Planes, and on their centres of gravity, in which he has proved the fundamental property of the Lever, and shewn how to find the centre of gravity of a triangle, and other figures. Two books, "On Bodies which are carried in a fluid," in which the general conditions of a body floating on a fluid are investigated and applied to different forms of bodies. Archimedes was also the discoverer of the method of finding the specific gravity of bodies. The story of the crown of king Hiero, to whom Archimedes was related, is briefly this. Hiero had delivered to a goldsmith a certain weight of gold to be converted into a votive crown. The king suspected that the crown he received from the smith was not of pure gold, though of the proper weight, but that it was alloyed with silver. He applied to Archimedes to ascertain, without melting the crown, whether it contained alloy. It was observed by Ar- chimedes, on going into a bath full of water, that when his body was immersed in the bath, a quantity of water equal to the bulk of his body flowed over the edge of the bath. It occurred at once to him, that if a weight of pure gold equal to the weight of the crown were immersed in a vessel full of water, and the quantity of water left in the vessel measured, on the gold being taken out; by doing the same with the crown in the same vessel, he would be able to ascertain whether the bulk of the crown were greater than the bulk of an equal weight of pure gold. For any weight of silver is larger in bulk than an equal weight of pure gold. According to Vitruvius, as soon as he had dis- covered the method of solution, he leaped out of the bath, and ran hastily through the streets to his own house, shouting evρŋka, eйρŋkа ! He was also the inventor of a machine for raising water from lower to higher levels, which was called the screw of Archimedes. An important application of the principle of this screw has lately been made in the propulsion of ships by means of steam power. When Syracuse was besieged by a land and naval armament under Appius and Marcellus, the besieged held out a successful resistance for three years chiefly by the aid of the machines invented by Archimedes. The city was at length surprised and taken B. C. 212. Archimedes, when seventy-five years of age, was slain by a soldier, while intent on the solution of a problem. He is reported to have expressed a desire that a sphere in- scribed in a cylinder might be engraved on his tomb, to record his discovery of the relation between the volumes and the surfaces respec- tively of these two solids. About 200 years after his death, his tomb was discovered near Syracuse by Cicero, while quæstor in Sicily. was nearly overgrown with bushes and brambles, which he caused to be cleared away. The tomb was identified as the tomb of Archimedes by • It xii INTRODUCTION. : the Sphere and Cylinder engraved upon the stone with the inscription, the latter part of which was completely effaced. (Cic. Tusc. Quæst. lib. v.) Conon was the friend and cotemporary of Archimedes, and is cele- brated by Virgil in his third Eclogue. In the treatise on the quadra- ture of the parabola, speaking of his genius, Archimedes exclaims- "How many theorems in geometry, which to others have appeared impossible, would Conon have brought to perfection, if he had lived!" Cotemporary with Archimedes was Eratosthenes, a distinguished geometrician and astronomer. He is celebrated for his construction in solving the problem of the duplication of the cube. He was the first who attempted to measure the circumference of the earth by means of observations of the Sun at two different places, near the same meridian, at the time of the solstice. Though he did not completely succeed, on account of the inaccuracy of his data, he pointed out the method. None of his works have descended to modern times except a few fragments, and a list of the names of forty-four constellations, and the principal stars in each constellation. Apollonius of Perga, a city of Pamphylia, lived about the same time, and stands next in fame to Archimedes. He was born at the time when Ptolemy Euergetes was king of Egypt: he studied the mathematical sciences at Alexandria in the school which Euclid's disciples had founded, and passed there the greater part of his life. He was the author of several works on Geometry, and became so eminent in that science that he was called by his cotemporaries the Great Geometer. His principal work is a treatise on the Conic Sections. From the author's dedicatory epistle to Eudemus, a geometer of Pergamus, it appears that the treatise consisted of eight books. The first four books still exist in the original Greek. An Arabic version of seven books, made about the middle of the thirteenth century, was found in the East about four centuries later by Golius, a professor of the oriental languages at Leyden; and was translated into Latin. It has been said that Apollonius appropriated the discoveries of others in the Conic Sections. It is well known that although Archimedes discovered many important properties of the curves which bear that name, it cannot be pretended that he was the origi- nal discoverer. Long before the time of Archimedes they had been studied in the school of Plato and at Alexandria, and many properties of them were well known. It is highly probable that Apollonius, in his treatise on the Conic Sections, availed himself of the writings of Archi- medes as well as of others who had gone before him. His treatise on Conics was most highly esteemed; and to him is justly accorded the honour of having composed a better treatise on that difficult subject than any who had written before him. He made important improve- ments in the problems both of Euclid and of Archimedes. Before Apollonius, we are informed, by his commentator Eutocius, that writers on the Conic Sections required three different sorts of cones from which to cut the three different sections. They used to cut the parabola from a right-angled cone, the ellipse from an acute-angled cone, and the hyper- bola from an obtuse-angled cone: because they always supposed the sections made by the cutting planes to be at right angles to the side of the cone. But Apollonius cut his sections from any cone by only varying the inclination and position of the cutting plane. It may be remarked that Apollonius first gave the names of ellipse and hyperbola to two of the INTRODUCTION. xiii curves: the name of parabola had been already applied to the third by Archimedes. He also first made the distinction between the diameters of the sections, and the axes, giving the latter name to the two diameters which are at right angles to each other in the ellipse and hyperbola, and restricting the term axis in the parabola, to the line which passes through the focus and vertex of that curve. The following is a very brief account of the subject of each book of this treatise. Book 1. treats of the generation of the Conic Sections and their dis- tinguishing properties. Book II. treats of the properties of diameters and axes of these three curves, and of the asymptotes of the hyperbola. Book III. consists of Theorems useful in the solution of solid loci. Book IV. explains his new method of the intersection of the sections of cones with each other and with the circumferences of circles. Book v. treats of maxima and minima in the Conic Sections. Book VI. treats of equal and similar sections of the cone. Book VII. contains a collection of Theorems useful in the solution of Problems. Book VIII. was a collection of Problems with their solutions by means of the Theorems in Book VII. Besides the treatise on the Conic Sections, Apollonius was the author of several treatises relating to the Geometrical Analysis. They bear the following titles in the translation of Pappus's Collections, and each treatise consisted of two Books. 1. De Rationis Sectione. 2. De Spatii Sectione. 3. De Sectione Determinatâ. 4. De Tactionibus. 5. De Inclinationibus... 6. De Planis Locis. An Arabic Version of the Treatise De Sectionis Ratione was trans- lated into Latin by Dr Halley and published at Oxford in 1708. The rest are not known to be extant either in the original Greek or in Arabic. Attempts however have been made since the revival of learn- ing in Europe to restore these lost treatises; notices of which will be found under the names of the respective authors in their proper places. Proclus, in his commentary on Euclid, informs us that Apollonius attempted to demonstrate the axioms of Euclid, and cites his method of proving the first axiom, that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another. Proclus examines his so-called proof, and shews that properties are assumed not more self-evident than the axiom itself. Nicomedes lived during the second century before the Christian era, and is known for the invention of a curve called the conchoid, and for the application he made of it in finding two mean proportionals between two given lines. He was also celebrated for the invention of several useful machines. About the same time also lived Nitocles, Thrasideus, and Dositheus, whose discoveries in mathematics, and whose writings, if they left any, have not descended to our times. Geminus, a native of Rhodes, and a mathematician of some repute, lived about 100 years before the Christian era, and is reported to have been the author of a work entitled 'Enarrationes Geometricæ,' which is not known to be extant. % いざ ​xiv INTRODUCTION. Hipparchus, a native of Nice, though not a writer on the Elements of Geometry, is regarded as the first who reduced Astronomy to a science, and either devised or greatly improved the methods of calcula- tion in Trigonometry, which form the basis of the science of Astronomy. His work on the calculation of chords originally consisted of 12 books, of which a few fragments only are known to be extant. He divided the circumference of the circle into 360 equal parts, and also the radius into 60 equal parts, which he likewise called degrees, each degree into 60 parts, and so on. His rules of calculation were derived from the properties of chords, and were estimated in sexagesimal parts of the radius, and the lengths of chords were calculated to every half degree of the semicircumference. It is, however, as an astronomer that his : name is most celebrated. He was the first who discovered the preces- sion of the equinoxes, and taught how to foretell eclipses, and form tables of them. The catalogue of stars which he observed and registered between the years B. C. 160 and 135, is preserved in Ptolemy's Almagest. They are arranged according to their longitudes and their apparent magnitudes. He was also the first who suggested the idea of fixing the position of places on the earth, as he did in the heavens by means of their latitude and longitude. He pursued his astronomical studies at Rhodes, whence he obtained the name of Rhodius, and afterwards in Bithynia, and at Alexandria. His writings on Astronomy are highly spoken of by ancient authors, but are not now extant: his commen- tary, however, on the Phænomena of Aratus, still exists. A full but rather exaggerated account of the discoveries of Hipparchus will be found in the work of Delambre, on the ancient Astronomy of the Greeks. There is some uncertainty with respect to the exact period when Hypsicles flourished. He was a native of Alexandria, and, it is said, a disciple of Isidorus. To him are attributed the 14th and 15th books of the Elements, which were added to the 13 books of Euclid. In the introduction, he makes mention of Apollonius, who flourished in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes, and probably Hypsicles came after him. Theodosius of Tripoli flourished about the time of Cicero, and was the author of a treatise on the sphere in three books, which has come down to our time, in the original Greek. In this treatise, he investi- gates the properties of circles, which are made by sections of the surface of the sphere. It was translated and published by Dr Barrow in 1675: another edition was published at Oxford, in 1707. For a period of some hundreds of years after the time of Theo- dosius, we shall find that few additional discoveries were made in geometrical and mathematical science. There were, however, some instances of individuals during that period, not entirely unskilled in Grecian science. Sosigenes the peripatetic, was a mathematician and astronomer. He was an Egyptian, and was brought by Julius Cæsar to Rome, for the purpose of assisting in the reformation of the Roman Calendar. This philosopher had discovered, by astronomical observa- tion, that the year consists of 365 days and 6 hours; and to make allowance for the accumulation of the hours which were above 365 whole days, he invented the intercalation of one day in four years. The duplication every fourth year of the sixth day before the Calends of March was the intercalary day; and hence the year in which this took place consisted of 366 days, and was named bissextile. This was called INTRODUCTION. XV - the Julian correction of the Calendar, and the reckoning by Julian years commenced B. c. 45, and continued till the more accurate cor- rection was made under Pope Gregory XIII. Marcus Vitruvius was also greatly esteemed by Julius Cæsar, and he was subsequently em- ployed by Augustus in constructing public buildings and warlike machines. Vitruvius was the author of a work on Architecture, in ten books, which was addressed to Augustus. This work is still extant, and is the only one on the Architecture of the ancients, which has descended to modern times. It affords evidence in the ninth book, that the writer was well skilled in Geometry.* Menelaus was born at Alex- andria, in the time of the Emperor Trajan, and was of Grecian origin. He composed a Treatise on Trigonometry in six books, and another on the Sphere in three books, both of which have come down to us through the medium of translations in Arabic. A Latin translation of the Spherics was published at Paris in 1664. Claudius Ptolemæus, one of the most eminent mathematicians and * The Romans were a nation of warriors, and at no period of their history distin- guished for their cultivation or advancement of the sciences. Though it must be ad- mitted that their history exhibits many noble instances of patriotism and the sterner virtues, the leading principle of the Roman policy was nothing less than universal dominion. In the life of Agricola, Tacitus has recorded the substance of the address of Calgacus to the Northern Britons when invaded by the Romans, in which are the following lines: "Sed nulla jam ultra gens, nihil nisi fluctus et saxa, et infestiores Romani: quorum superbiam frustra per obsequium et modestiam effugeris: raptores orbis, postquam cuncta vastantibus defuere terræ, et mare scrutantur: si locuples hostis est, avari: si pauper, ambitiosi: quos non Oriens, non Occidens, satiaverit: soli omnium, opes atque inopiam pari affectu concupiscunt: auferre, trucidare, rapere falsis nominibus, imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant." To this may be added the following passage from the popular work of M. Aimé-Martin; "La règne de Rome fut celui d'un brigand; elle s'aggrandit par la guerre et la pillage; et aussi elle perit par ses richesses et par la guerre." This will scarcely be deemed too highly coloured a description of Roman policy and practice, when it is compared with the following lines which Virgil puts into the mouth of Anchises. "Excudent alii spirantia mollius æra, Credo equidem; vivos ducent de marmore vultus ; Orabunt causas melius, cœlique meatus Describent radio, et surgentia sidera dicent: Tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memento: Hæ tibi erunt artes; pacisque imponere morem, Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos." (En. vI. 847.) These lines were written when nearly the whole world was subjected to the Roman arms, and when the future prospect of undisputed sway appeared to threaten that the dominion of Rome would be universal and perpetual. It may seem surprising that even in the golden age of Roman literature and magnificence, there does not appear to have existed one Roman of original genius, who successfully cultivated and advanced the mathematical sciences. The slender amount of scientific knowledge attained at that period, was acquired at Alexandria and at Athens, which seem to have been the chief places of resort for the philosophers and their hearers. Horace humorously concludes his description of the course of his education by declaring, that the object for which he was sent to Athens by his father was merely "Scilicet ut possem curvo dignoscere rectum." From this, perhaps, we may infer the opinion of that age, that a little mathematical knowledge was not deemed wholly useless, or incompatible with the pursuit of literature. With regard to the knowledge of astronomy which existed among the Romans, it may be observed, that it was rather cultivated for its supposed utility in relation to astrology and the prognostication of future events, than for its real value as science. xvi INTRODUCTION. c astronomers of antiquity, was born at Pelusium, in Egypt, about a.D. 70, and died A.D. 147. Though he is not known to have left any writings on Geometry, his great works still extant on Astronomy and Geography, for which he is justly celebrated, supply evidence of their author's having been deeply skilled in the applications of that science. His work on Geography consists of seven books, and his great work on Astronomy of thirteen, entitled "ueɣáλn oúvtağıs.” In the early part of the 9th century it was translated into Arabic under the title of Almagest, a word formed from the Arabic article, and a Greek super- lative. Both the original Greek and the Arabic version are still extant. Ptolemy adopted that system of the universe which placed the earth in the centre, and from him it acquired the name of the Ptolemaic system. We may pass over the period which intervened between Ptolemy and Pappus, as no mathematicians of eminence appeared in the school of Alexandria, which at that period was the chief place where philo- sophy and the sciences were still cultivated. Pappus lived in the time of the Emperor Theodosius, who reigned between 379 and 395 a. D. He was the author of a work entitled "Mathematical Collections," which consists, as its title implies, of Problems and Theorems collected from the works of different mathematicians, with commentaries and historical notices. This work and the Commentary of Proclus are the chief repositories of information respecting the ancient Geometry, and especially the Geometrical Analysis. The work of Pappus originally consisted of eight books, the whole of which are extant in the original Greek except the first book, and the first half of the second book. A translation of the last six books into Latin was made by Commandine, who also wrote a Commentary on the work. These, after his death, were published by the Duke of Urbino, at Pisaurum, in 1588. The first two books of Pappus were not then known to be extant; however, there were found in a MS. of Pappus, in the Savilian Library at Oxford, the last twelve Propositions of the second book. They were translated into Latin by Dr Wallis, and printed at the end of his Aristarchus Samius, in 1688. This fragment being on Arithmetic, it was conjectured that the first two books were on the same subject. The next five books are on Geometry, and the last is chiefly on Mechanics. The following is a very brief account of the contents of the remaining six books of Pappus. The third book discusses four general problems. 1. The solution of the Delian problem, or duplication of the cube by means of the Conic Sections: besides three other solutions, one by Eratosthenes, another by Hero, and a third by himself. There is also a fourth by Nicomedes, by means of the conchoid. 2. A problem respecting the Medietates, a name given to three lines when they were in arithmetical, geometrical, or harmonical proportion. 3. To draw two straight lines from two points in one side of a triangle to a point within it so that they may be greater than the other two sides of the triangle. 4. To inscribe the five regular solids in spheres. The fourth book consists of Theorems. Prop. I. contains an extension of Euclid, 1. 47. Prop. x. is one of the tangencies of Apollonius, to which the three preceding Props. are preliminary. Prop. XIII. On the property of the Arbelon. Prop. xIx. On the Spiral of Conon; also a solution of the Delian problem by means of the conchoid, and the trisection of an arc of a circle, with the pro- perties of the quadratrix, and some problems. The fifth book commences INTRODUCTION. xvii with a preface, in which Pappus remarks the instinct of bees whereby they construct their cells on geometrical principles, employing the figure whose base is a regular hexagon, which supplies, with the smallest labour, the greatest possible accommodation. The object of the book is to prove that, of these plane figures which are equilateral and equi- angular, and have equal perimeters, the greatest area is contained by the figure with the greatest number of sides; and that of all plane figures of equal perimeters, the circle is the greatest. The subject of isoperimetrical figures is treated in 57 Propositions. It is proved that of plane figures with equal perimeters, the greatest is that which is equilateral and equiangular. This principle is extended to solids. The regular solids are then compared, and it is proved that of those with equal surfaces, the greatest is that with the greatest number of faces. These are introductory to the proposition, that of all solids with equal surfaces, the greatest is the sphere. At the end of the book, it is shewn that there can be only five regular solids, or that only equi- lateral triangles, squares, and pentagons, can form the boundaries of regular solid bodies. The sixth book is employed chiefly in explaining and connecting some propositions of Theodosius and others in treatises on the sphere, &c. The object of the book is stated in a short preface with reference to the three selected propositions: namely, Prop. 6, Book III. of Theodosius on the Sphere; Prop. 6 of Euclid's Phenomena, and Prop. 4 of Theodosius on Days and Nights. Eight different treatises are quoted or alluded to by Pappus in this book, and it may be con- sidered as peculiarly worthy of notice, that in Props. 31, 32, 33, 34, which are preliminary to some on the sphere, there are stated, as examples, some distinctions of magnitudes which may either be in- creased or diminished without limit, or may be decreased while there is a limit to the decrease, and conversely. The seventh book is em- ployed on the ancient geometrical Analysis. The preface contains an exposition of the method employed by the ancients in the discovery both of the solution of problems, and the demonstration of theorems. After that follows a particular description of the object and contents of some of the most important treatises of the analytical Geometry of the ancients, the whole of which are said to have consisted of thirty- three books. The seventh book itself consists of Lemmas or sub- sidiary propositions assumed or employed in the treatises described in the preface. The whole of these thirty-three books existed in the time of Pappus, but the greater part of them have since perished, or at least, are not known to be in existence, either in the original Greek or in any translation. The Data of Euclid, in Greek, two books, de Rationis Sectione in an Arabic version, and seven books of the Conics of Apollonius, four in Greek and three in Arabic, are all that are pre- served. The descriptions however of eleven of these books are so parti- cular and entire, that some eminent mathematicians have attempted the restoration of them. Of these attempts some short notices will be found under the names of their respective authors. The treatises of Apollonius, entitled, De Rationis Sectione, De Spatii Sectione, De Sectione Determi- natâ, De Tactionibus, and De Inclinationibus, contained the discussion of general problems of frequent occurrence in geometrical investigations, completely solved, and all the possible cases distinguished; also of each case a separate analysis and synthesis were given with determinations in C xviii INTRODUCTION. all cases which required them. The use of these general problems was, the more immediate solution of any proposed geometrical problems, which could be easily reduced to a particular case of some one of them The other treatises in the list were useful for the same purpose. The seventh book contains 238 propositions, some of which exhibit complete examples of the ancient analysis and synthesis. The eighth book gives some account of the science of Mechanics, and exhibits the pro- gress it had made in the age of Pappus: it contains many references to the mechanical inventions of Archimedes. A considerable part of the book is employed in describing what are called the five mechanical powers, and the most obvious combinations of them for raising or draw- ing large weights. Pappus acknowledges that the substance of the book is chiefly borrowed from the works of Hero the Elder, who lived about fifty years after Archimedes. His long preface contains some statements of the mechanical notions and of the arts of that period, as well as some observations on the utility of Mechanics, and on the con- nexion of Mechanics with Geometry. The branches of the science are distinguished, and some notices are given of treatises which are lost. Serenus lived about the same time, and is chiefly known for his treatise, in three books, on the Cone and Cylinder. Theon, of the same period, was a native of Smyrna: he was a mathematician of the Platonic school at Alexandria, of which he subse- quently became president. He wrote a commentary on Euclid's Ele- ments; the earliest of which we have any notice, and another on the first eleven books of the Almagest of Ptolemy. The commentary was translated into Latin by Commandine, and published with his Latin translation of the Elements of Euclid from the Arabic. Hypatia, the daughter of Theon, became so well skilled in the mathematical Sciences as to be chosen to succeed her father in the school at Alexandria. Her commentaries on the Conic Sections of Apollonius, and on the Arithmetic of Diophantus, are not known to be in existence. Though of blameless life, she was assassinated, A.D. 415, and there are some grounds for the opinion, that Cyril the patriarch of Alexandria, was not quite exempt from blame in that horrid deed. Hero the younger was the instructor of Proclus in the mathematical sciences at Alexandria. He was the author of a work on Mensuration, entitled Geodæsia, and another on Mechanics, both of which were published in Latin, at Venice, in 1572. In the Geodesia, there is given the method of finding the area of a plane triangle in terms of the sides of the triangle. Diocles, his cotemporary, discovered the generation of the curve called the cissoid, which still bears his name, and was applied by him in finding two mean proportionals between two given lines. Another solution of this problem was given by Sporus, who lived about the same time. We now come down to the latter times of the Greek school of science and philosophy at Alexandria, which city seems to have been the chief place of refuge for the Grecian sciences. Proclus was born, A.D. 412, at Byzantium, and died at Athens at the age of 75 years. His parents, Patricius and Marcella, were both of Lycian origin, and are spoken of by Marinus as excelling in virtue. Proclus studied first at Alexandria under the most eminent Platonic philosophers. He fre- INTRODUCTION. xix quented the discourses of Olympiodorus, for the purpose of learning the doctrines of Aristotle; and in mathematical science he gave himself up to Hero, whose constant companion he became. He next studied at Athens, where he was the pupil of the celebrated Syrianus, and at length became the chief of the Platonic school established in that city. Of his numerous writings on the Mathematical sciences, his commen- tary on the first book of Euclid's Elements of Geometry is still extant in the original Greek. It was translated into English by Thomas Taylor, in 1788, and inscribed "To the Sacred Majesty of Truth." The commen- tary of Proclus, though tinged with much of the mysticism of the later Platonic school, contains some interesting facts relating to the history of Geometry, and many judicious remarks on the definitions, postulates, axioms, and propositions of the first book of the Elements. From a remark at the end, it appears to have been the intention of Proclus, if he had lived, to write commentaries on the other books of Euclid, in a similar style. There are extant two other mathematical works ascribed to him: one is a small treatise on the sphere, which was published in 1620 by Bainbridge, the professor of Astronomy at Oxford: the other is a compendium of Ptolemy's Almagest, entitled Hypotyposis. The original Greek was published in 1540, and a Latin translation by Valla in the following year. Proclus also wrote on many other subjects commentaries on several dialogues of Plato, of which some are still extant; lectures on Aristotle, and a commentary on the writings of Homer and Hesiod. Four Hymns, one to the Sun, one to the Muses, and two to Venus, are attributed to him. He also wrote on Providence and Fate, and concerning the existence of Evil; besides numerous other pieces, of which we may mention his eighteen arguments against Chris- tianity. These arguments, except the first, are all preserved in the answer of Philoponus. The Greek was published at Venice in 1535, and a Latin version at Lyons in 1557. Marinus of Naples was a disciple of Proclus, and his successor in the school at Athens. There is a commentary still extant, on Euclid's Data, of which he was the author: his other writings on mathematical subjects, though not numerous, have not survived. His most celebrated work, however, is a life of his master Proclus: it was published in 1700, with a Latin version by Fabricius. Of the mathematicians who lived about the middle of the sixth century, (the latest period of the decline of Grecian science,) Eutocius may be regarded as the most distinguished. He was a native of Ascalon in Palestine, and a disciple of Isidorus, one of the architects who designed and built the church at Constantinople, which is now called the Mosque of St Sophia. The only works of Eutocius which have descended to modern times, are two commentaries; one on the Sphere and Cylinder of Archimedes, and the other on the first four books of the Conics of Apollonius Per- gæus. The latter was published with the Oxford edition of that author by Dr Halley, in 1710; and the former with the works of Archimedes at Oxford, in 1792. The commentary on the Sphere and Cylinder con- tains ten various methods of solving the celebrated Delian problem, which are of little importance in the present state of mathematical science. Besides elucidations of difficult passages of the two works, these commentaries contain many useful observations on the historical progress of the mathematical sciences. J C2 XX INTRODUCTION. We must not pass over in silence one writer who lived at the end of the fifth century, and the early part of the sixth, and who was almost the latest author of any eminence that wrote in the Latin language. Boëthius was the most distinguished of the Romans for his scientific writings; which, however, consisted chiefly of translations and commentaries. He was a senator and consul in the reigns of Odo- acer and Theodoric, and was put to death by order of Theodoric, A. D. 526. He was educated at Athens; and his writings were numerous on almost every branch of literature and science. He was the author of a treatise on Arithmetic, and another on Geometry: of the latter there is an ancient MS. copy preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. He also translated Euclid's Elements, and some of the writings of Archimedes and Ptolemy. Boëthius, however, is chiefly celebrated for his work entitled "De Consolatione Philosophiæ,” which was much read in the middle ages, and has been translated into almost all the European languages. An Anglo-Saxon version was made by King Alfred; and ancient MS. copies exist in several public libraries: it was printed at Oxford, in 1698. The rise of the Mahommedan power in the seventh century, and the rapid and desolating conquests which followed, hastened the ex- inction of the Grecian sciences. In A. D. 640, the Mahommedans invaded and conquered Egypt. The great Library of Alexandria, which is said to have contained at that time many thousand volumes, the writings of geometers, astronomers, and philosophers, was com- mitted to the flames. As a justification of the act, the Khalif Omar declared, that, "if they agreed with the Koran, they were useless, and if they did not, they ought to be destroyed." The learned men who were congregated at Alexandria for the cultivation of science and philo- sophy, either fell by the swords of the conquerors, or escaped by flight, and these carried with them some remains of the sciences. In some- what more than a century after this event, the Arabians became the most zealous patrons and cultivators of the science and philosophy of the Greeks and Hindus. The rapid progress of the Mahommedan power, both in the East and in the West, led to the foundation of a powerful empire. The second Abbaside Khalif Almansur ascended the throne A.D. 753, and shortly after, transferred the seat of his government from Damascus to the newly-founded city of Bagdad. Haroun Alrashid, the grandson of Almansur, before his accession to the Khalifat had overrun the Greek provinces of Asia Minor, and penetrated as far as the Hellespont. The reigns of Alrashid and his successor Almamun displayed at Bagdad the highest degree of luxury and splendour, which are depicted in many scenes of the famous tales of the Arabian Nights' Entertainment. The Arabians became acquainted with the astronomical and arithmetical science of the Hindus before they had any knowledge of the writings of the Greek astronomers and mathematicians. It is related in the preface to the Astronomical Tables of Ebn Aladami, that in the reign of Almansur, in the 156th year of the Hegira, A.D. 773, an Indian astronomer visited the court of the Khalif of Bagdad, bringing with him astronomical tables, which, he affirmed, had been computed by an Indian prince whose name was Phighar. The Khalif, embracing the opportunity thus presented to him, commanded the book to be translated into Arabic, and to be published for a guide to the INTRODUCTION. xxi Arabians in matters pertaining to the stars: this task was committed to Alfazari. An abridgment of these tables was made in the succeed- ing age by Mohammed Ben Musa, under the patronage of Almamun before his accession to the Khalifat. (Colebrooke). The same Moham- med Ben Musa is recognized by the Arabians as the first who made known the Indian Arithmetic and Algebra: his Treatise on Algebra, the earliest written in Arabic, is still extant: a MS. copy is pre- served in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, which was translated into English by the late Dr Rosen, and published at the expense of the Oriental Translation Fund. In this treatise the rules of the science are given in prose, and their accuracy is established by geometrical illustrations. In the Sanscrit treatises on Arithmetic and Algebra, the rules are given in verse. Almansur ascended the throne of the Khalifs A.D. 813, and it was the glory of his reign, that he invited learned men from various countries for the introduction of science and literature into his dominions. He founded a college at Bagdad, and appointed Mesuc of Damascus, a famous Christian physician, its president. It was here, under the auspices and encouragement of Almamun that Arabic translations of Indian and Greek science commenced, which were con- tinued in succeeding reigns. The few manuscripts of the mathematical and philosophical writings of the Greeks which had escaped the general ruin, were diligently sought for and translated into Arabic. Trans- lations were made of the writings of Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonius, and others: besides which, Arabic commentaries were written to eluci- date and explain these writings. To the Arabians of Bagdad is due the merit of preserving many writings, which, at present, are not known to be extant in the original Greek. Almamun died at about forty-eight years of age, after a reign of more than twenty years, A.D. 833. He is reported to have uttered the following ejaculation just before his death, "O Thou who never diest, have mercy on me, a dying man!" The celebrated Alkindi 'is mentioned among the mathematicians and astronomers of the age of Almamun: his medical writings, which are still extant, prove that he sustained a very honourable rank among Arabian physicians. Alfragan was a celebrated astronomer, who flourished at the latter part of the eighth century; he was a native of Fargan, in Samarcand. In his Elements of Astronomy, a work which consists of thirty chapters, he adopts Ptolemy's hypothesis, and frequently quotes from his writings. Professor Golius, of Leyden, translated this treatise into Latin, with notes on the first nine chapters, which were published with the original Arabic, in 1669, after his death. Albategni was an Arabian astronomer of the ninth century: Dr Halley describes him as a man of great acuteness. His work, entitled "The Science of the Stars," was founded on his own observations, com- bined with those of Ptolemy. On his observations were founded the famous Alphonsine Tables. He died A.D. 888; his work was first printed in 1537. Albumazar was a physician and astronomer of the ninth century. His Introductio ad Astronomiam was printed in 1489, and his work "De magnis conjunctionibus, annorum revolutionibus ac eorum per- fectionibus," in 1526, at Venice. Rhazes was a most distinguished physician, and received the appel- xxii INTRODUCTION. lation of the experimenter. He is also said to have been profoundly skilled in astronomy and other sciences: he had the reputation of being a skilful alchemist, and of having been the first to use chemical prepa- rations in medicine. Many of his numerous works have come down to us, and some of them have been translated and printed. Honain was an Arabian physician and a Christian, who lived in the ninth century. He is reported to have travelled into Greece and Persia, and afterwards to have settled at Bagdad, where he translated the Elements of Euclid, and the writings of Hippocrates, into Arabic. Thabet Ben Korrah lived during the latter part of the ninth and the early part of the tenth century. Ebn Khallikan relates, in his Bio- graphical Dictionary, which has been translated into English, that Thabet Ben Korrah left Harran, and established himself at Kafratutha, where he remained, till Abu Jafar Mohammed Ben Musa arrived there, on his return from the Greek dominions, to Bagdad. He became ac- quainted with Thabet, and on seeing his skill and sagacity, invited him to Bagdad, made him lodge at his own house there, introduced him to the Khalif Almotaded, and procured him an appointment amongst the astronomers. Thabet became secretary to the Khalif, and was dis- tinguished for his skill in the mathematics and astronomy. To him is attributed a translation of the Conics of Apollonius, and the Almagest of Ptolemy. In the tenth century several treatises on Geometry are ascribed to Mohammed Bagdedin, among which is one "On the Division of Sur- faces;" it was translated into Latin, by Commandine, and published in 1570; it was also translated into English, by John Dee. This treatise on the Division of Surfaces is by some attributed to Euclid. Avicenna, who lived in the tenth century, has been accounted the prince of Arabian physicians and philosophers. He was a most volu- minous writer; his greatest work was an Encyclopædia, in twenty volumes, with the title of "Utility of Utilities." He is reported to have written on almost every subject of physics, metaphysics, and the mathematical sciences. Among his mathematical works was an abridg- ment of Euclid's Elements of Geometry. Many of his writings are extant, and some of them have been printed at Venice. About the middle of the eleventh century, Diophantus was trans- lated into Arabic, by Abulwafa Buzjani. In the twelfth century, Nassir Eddin, a Mahommedan, acquired the highest reputation in all branches of literature and science. He translated the Elements of Euclid into Arabic, which, with his commentary, was printed at Rome, in 1594, under the patronage of the Medici. He is also reported to have written commentaries on the Spherics of Theodosius and Mene- laus. The Kholasat al Hisab, is a compendium of Arithmetic and Geo- metry, composed by Baha Eddin, who died A.D. 1575. The Arabic text, and a Persian commentary written by Roshan Ali, were printed at Calcutta, in 1812. In this treatise, Baha Eddin remarks, that "Learned Hindus have invented the well-known nine figures for them;" meaning the Arabians. The Arabian mathematicians are not noted for any very important discoveries or improvements in Geometry. There is, however, one improvement in Trigonometry of considerable importance, to which they have an undoubted claim. The Greeks in their astronomical cal- INTRODUCTION. xxill culations employed the chords of arcs; but the Arabians introduced the sines, or half the chord of the whole arc, which led to greater sim- plicity in calculation. During the middle ages but few names have come down to us of men who were skilled in the mathematical sciences. Beda, commonly called the Venerable Bede, was born A. D. 672, near Wearmouth, in the bishopric of Durham; he was the first of the Anglo-Saxon historians. His Ecclesiastical History was completed in a. D. 731: his writings are numerous, and the first collection of them was printed at Paris, in 1544. Athelard or Adelard, was a monk of Bath, and the first who made known in England, Euclid's Elements of Geometry. This he did by making a translation from the Arabic into Latin, long before any Greek copies of Euclid were known. He is said to have travelled into France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Egypt and Arabia, to increase his knowledge. He also wrote numerous works; some MS. copies of which are said by Vossius to be in some of the College Libraries, at Oxford. The works of Ptolemy, the astronomer of Alexandria, became known to the learned of these times through the same language as the works of Euclid. A Treatise on the Sphere, by John de Sacro Bosco, or John of Holywood, was first put forth in the early part of the thirteenth cen- tury. It is asserted by Montucla (1. p. 506), to be only an abridgment of Ptolemy. MS. copies of it exist, and it has been printed several times; there is also a commentary on this treatise, written by Clavius. Roger Bacon, an English monk of the Franciscan order, was born near Ilchester, in Somersetshire, in 1214. He studied first at Oxford, and afterwards at Paris, and became the most celebrated philosopher of his age. Of his writings, which are numerous, some only have been printed; his tract on Chronology has not been printed. By his great skill in astronomy, he discovered the error which gave occasion for the reformation of the Calendar, and his plan was afterwards followed by Pope Gregory XIII, with this variation, that Bacon would have had the correction to begin from the birth of our Saviour; whereas Gregory's amendment reached no higher than the Nicene Council. His great. knowledge of the sciences in an ignorant age, no doubt gave rise to the story of his having dealings with the devil. John de Basingstoke, who died A. D. 1252, is reported to have intro- duced into England the knowledge of the Greek numerals. His merits and learning recommended him to the favour of Robert Grossetete, then bishop of Lincoln, who is reported by Roger Bacon to have excelled in Geometry and the other mathematical sciences, and to have spent many years in the study of them. Grossetete wrote on many subjects, and some of his pieces are still extant. He is reported to have studied first at Cambridge, afterwards at Oxford, and lastly at Paris; he was made Bishop of Lincoln in 1235. About the year 1261 another translation of Euclid's Elements of Geometry from the Arabic was made into Latin, by Campanus of Novara, who also wrote a Commentary on Euclid. It was printed at Venice, in 1482, without a title-page, by Erhardus Ratdolt, and was the first printed edition of the Elements in Latin. The translation of Campanus has been supposed by some to be only a revision of the translation which had been made by Adelard. It is possible he might xxiv INTRODUCTION. have revised and improved Adelard's translation, and annexed his Com- mentary; but this could only be determined by a collation of early MS. copies of the two versions. Campanus was the author of a treatise on the Quadrature of the Circle, which has been printed, in the Ap- pendix to the Margarita Filosofica. In the thirteenth century, Vitello, a native of Poland, displayed an intimate knowledge of the geometrical writings of the Arabians and Greeks. He is chiefly celebrated for the treatise on Optics, which he composed from the writings of the Greeks and Arabians on that science. It was printed in 1572: he also translated the Spherics of Theodosius. As geometers in the fourteenth century, Chaucer and Wallingfort may be mentioned. Chaucer, the father of English poetry, was born in London, A.D. 1328, and died at the age of seventy-two. He is said to have been learned in all the sciences. He was the author of a treatise on the Astrolabe, in which he describes the methods of astro- nomical observation known in his day: it has been printed. Richard Suisset or Swineshead wrote a work called "the Calcu- lator." It is highly commended by Cardan, and has been printed. Thomas Bradwardine, Archbishop of Canterbury, in the time of Edward III. was the author of a work entitled "Geometria Speculativa cum Arithmetica Speculativa." He also wrote "de Proportionibus," and "de Quadratura Circuli." Bradwardine was the most distinguished geometrician of his time. He died A.D. 1348: his work on Geometry was printed in 1495. George of Purbach, commonly called Purbach, was born in 1423, at a town of that name on the confines of Bavaria and Austria, and became the most eminent astronomer and mathematician of his time. He amended the Latin translation of Ptolemy's Almagest, which had been made, not from the Greek original, but from the Arabic trans- lation. He also corrected, by means of the Greek text, the translation of Archimedes, made by Gerrard of Cremona, and wrote commentaries on those books of Archimedes which Eutocius had omitted. He trans- lated the Conics of Apollonius, and made a Latin version of the Spherics of Theodosius and Menelaus; and of the book of Serenus on Cylinders. He composed an introduction to Arithmetic, and a treatise on Dialling and Gnomonics. He also made very great improvements in Trigo- nometry by introducing the table of Sines, and a new division of the radius into 600,000 instead of 60 equal parts. He thus completely changed the appearance of that science, so important in Astronomy. John Muller, or, as he was called, Regiomontanus, from the Latin- ized name of his native town, Konigsberg, died at Rome, in 1476, at the early age of forty years: he had been invited thither by Pope Sixtus IV. to assist in rectifying the Calendar. Muller was the disciple and friend of Purbach; after whose premature death, he revised and completed, at Rome, the Latin version of Ptolemy, which Purbach had left unfinished; he also further improved Purbach's division of the radius. He rejected the sexagesimal subdivision of the radius, and made it to consist of 1,000,000 equal parts. With this new division, he computed the sines of arcs, to every minute of the quadrant, to seven places of figures; he also annexed a table of secants. His celebrated treatise on Triangles, in five books, was not published in his lifetime, and did not appear till 1533, when it was edited and INTRODUCTION. XXV " published by Schener. The solutions of the more difficult cases of plane and spherical triangles are to be found in his work; and, with the exception of what Spherical Trigonometry owes to Napier, that science may be said to have made but small advances for more than two centuries after the age of Muller. In his work on Triangles he gave a table for finding the angle of a right-angled triangle, from the base and perpendicular, without knowing the hypothenuse. This table, which he styled "Canon Fœcundus," was calculated for every degree of the quadrant, and was, in reality, a table of tangents, which he was the first to introduce into the science of Trigonometry. He added also many new theorems to that science; and after him few improvements were made in it till the time of Euler. His fifth book contains numerous problems concerning rectilinear triangles, of which some are solved by Algebra. The tables of Regiomontanus were printed in 1490. The revival of ancient literature in Europe, about the middle of the fifteenth century, contributed to bring the mathematical writings of the Greeks into notice; and the discovery of the art of printing, about the same time, was the commencement of a new era in literature and science. The writings of the ancients were now no longer confined in MS. to the religious houses, and to the few who had the means of purchasing copies of the manuscripts. The fall of the Eastern empire, and the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, in 1458, drove many Greeks to seek their safety and subsistence in Italy and other parts of Europe. These became living instructors in the Greek lan- guage, and very much facilitated its revival in Italy. As the literature of the Greeks became known, their mathematical writings also attracted notice they were printed and translated, and published with commen- taries. Restorations also of lost treatises were attempted by mathe- maticians of that and following centuries. Mr Hallam in a note, p. 157, Vol. 1. of his History of the Middle Ages, remarks, "It may be considered a proof of the attention paid to Geometry in England, that two books of Euclid were read at Oxford, about the middle of the fifteenth century." With respect to the mathe- matical science of the middle ages, though we do not find any original writers who made additions to it by their discoveries; there must, in justice, be conceded to the men of those times, the possession of no mean or scanty knowledge of Geometry. The splendid ecclesiastical buildings of the middle ages, which are still standing both in Great Britain and in the south and west of Europe, evince in their structure a practical knowledge, at least, of some of the most difficult problems of Geometry and the science of Equilibrium. Lucas de Burgo's work, entitled "Summa de Arithmetica, Geo- metriâ, &c." was published in 1494. Fifteen years later he published the Latin translation of Euclid, which had been made from the Arabic by Campanus. Copernik, or (as he is commonly called) Copernicus, was born at Thorn in Prussia, in 1473, and his name is immortalized by his dis- covery of the true Solar system. The motion of the sphere, of the fixed stars with the sun and moon round the earth, in twenty-four hours, appeared to him too complex; and he felt persuaded that such could not be the system of nature. The Pythagoreans and some later philo- sophers had held the rotation of the earth round its own axis, and its revolution round the sun. Copernicus collected the writings of pre- xxvi INTRODUCTION, ceding astronomers, and examined all the hypotheses they had devised, for the explanation of the phænomena of the heavens: the result of his labours was his great work, "De Revolutionibus Orbium Cœlestium," Libri VI. It was completed in 1530, but was not published till a very few days before his death in 1543. In the title-page is quoted the admonition of Plato, ἀγεωμέτρητος οὐδεὶς εἰσίτω. Copernicus was the author of a tract on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, which contained a Table of Sines. It was first printed at Nuremberg, and afterwards at the end of the first book of his great work, De Revolu- tionibus, &c. The publication of this work was superintended by George Joachim Rhæticus, the disciple and latterly the assistant of Copernicus, in his astronomical labours. He was born in 1514, and died in 1576 at Feldkirk in the Tyrol. With the view of making astronomical calculations more accurate, he commenced a table of sines, tangents, and secants for every ten seconds of the quadrant, to fifteen places of figures; which he did not live to complete. This work was completed and published by his disciple Valentine Otho in 1596. The table of sines for every ten seconds, and for every second in the first and last degrees of the quadrant, which he had completed, was published in 1613 by Pitiscus, who extended the value of some of the latter sines to twenty-two places of figures. Nicholas Tartaglia was a celebrated mathematician, born at Brescia in 1479. He was the original discoverer of the solution of Cubic Equa- tions, which he first effected in 1530, and which Cardan, who has generally had the merit of the discovery, surreptitiously obtained from him. The treatise of Tartaglia on the Theory and Practice of Gun- nery, is the earliest which treated of the motion of projectiles. He also published an edition of Euclid's Elements, in Italian, with a Commen- tary. The last part of his great work, "Trattato de Numeri et Misure," was published in 1558. John Werner of Nuremberg, one of the most distinguished astrono- mers and geometers of his day, was born in 1468 and died in 1528: he was the first who attempted to restore the geometrical analysis of the ancient Greeks. In his "Opera Mathematica," which he published in 1522, will be found what he effected, both in the Conic Sections and in some solid problems. He also wrote a work on Triangles. Zamberti made the first translation of Euclid's Elements, from the original Greek into Latin, which he published at Venice in 1505. The original Greek was first published at Basle in 1533, edited by Simon Grynæus. This edition of Euclid was the foundation of Commandine's translation in 1572, as it has been, in great measure, that of later editions. During the sixteenth century Euclid was held in so high estimation among mathematicians, that no attempts appear to have been made to advance the science of Geometry, beyond the point at which he left it. Commentaries and translations seem to have been almost all they at- tempted. Erasmus Reinhold wrote commentaries on Euclid's Elements and the great work of Copernicus. He was born at Salfeldt in Thuringia in 1511, and died in 1553, and was considered one of the most eminent mathematicians of his time. He wrote on Plane and Spherical Tri- angles, improved Muller's Tables of Sines and Tangents, and was the author of numerous other works on the sciences. INTRODUCTION. xxvii • F. Maurolyco, of Messina, was born in 1494, and died in 1575; he made some improvements in Trigonometry, and edited the Spherics of Theodosius and Autolycus; he also published his "Emendatio et Res- titutio Conicorum Apollonii Pergæi,” in 1575. Frederick Commandine was born at Urbino in 1509, and died in 1575: he is justly accounted one of the first geometers of his age. He composed several original works on the sciences; but is chiefly known for his translations of several of the Greek geometers, of whose works some had not previously been translated into Latin. He trans- lated the geometrical writings of Archimedes, and wrote a com- mentary upon them; also four books of the Conics of Apollonius Pergæus, with the Lemmas of Pappus and the Commentaries of Euto- cius, together with Serenus on Sections of the Cone and Cylinder. He was the first who translated the last six books of the Mathematical Col- lections of Pappus into Latin, which were published after his death, in 1588, by the munificence of the duke of Urbino. The edition most commonly met with is that of Manolessius, printed in 1660. This translation of Pappus first directed the attention of mathematicians to the subjects of the lost works of the ancient geometers, and gave rise to various attempts for the restoration of several, which are described in the preface to the seventh book. Commandine's translation of Euclid with a commentary, was put forth in 1572. An Italian version was published under his direction in 1575. An English translation of the Latin version was published in 1715, by Dr John Kiel, at that time Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford. Commandine also trans- lated into Latin, an Arabic version of Euclid's tract on the Division of Surfaces. To this period belongs John Dee, a man distinguished for his mathematical and astrological knowledge. He was educated at St John's College, Cambridge, where he chiefly devoted his attention to mathematical studies. He was made one of the fellows of Trinity College, at its foundation by Henry VIII., and afterwards, as we learn from Lilly's Memoirs, read lectures on Euclid at Rheims. He wrote a learned preface, of fifty folio pages, to Billingsley's Euclid: it bears the date of February 9, 1570, and was written at Mortlake. He translated into English the tract on Division of Surfaces, from the Latin version of Commandine. 1 To Henry Billingsley, a citizen of London, is due the merit of making the first English translation of Euclid's Elements of Geometry. It comprises the whole of the 13 books, with the 14th and 15th which were added by Hypsicles, and a 16th by Flussas. It was chiefly made from the Latin of Campanus, and contains a commentary, besides the preface, by John Dee, above-mentioned. It was first published in 1570 in a large folio volume; and a second edition was edited by Leeke and Serle in 1661. Francis Vieta was born at Fontenoy in Lower Poitou in 1540, and was a man of original genius, as is manifest from his discoveries and improvements in different branches of the mathematical sciences. He introduced the use of letters into Algebra, and invented many theorems. He effected great improvements in Geometry, made con- siderable additions to the science of Trigonometry, and reduced it to a system. He wrote a treatise on Angular Sections, and restored the tract of Apollonius on Tangencies, which he published with the title of xxviii INTRODUCTION. Apollonius Gallus. His collected works were published at Leyden by Schooten. Galileo Galilei, the cotemporary of Milton and friend of Kepler, was born at Pisa in Tuscany in 1564, and at a very early age, gave evidence of great genius for geometrical and philosophical pursuits. This became more evident while he was under the direction of Guido Ubaldi at the University of Pisa. From the time of Archimedes, a period of nearly 2000 years, little or nothing had been done in Mechani- cal Geometry, till Galileo first extended the bounds of that science by the application of Geometry to Motion. He first taught the true theory of uniformly accelerated and retarded motions, and of their composition, and proved that the spaces described by heavy bodies, falling freely from the beginning of their motion, are as the squares of the times. Contrary to the general belief, he maintained that all bodies, whether light or heavy, fall to the earth, through the same space in equal times; and attempted to verify the truth of his proposition by experiment. The two bodies, however, which he let fall from the top of the hanging tower of Pisa, did not reach the ground exactly at the same instant. The reason Galileo assigned was that the resistance of the air retarded the lighter body more than the heavier. He invented the cycloid, and the simple pendulum which he used in his astronomical experiments. The applica- tion of the pendulum to clocks was made by his son; and subsequently brought to perfection by Huygens. Galileo first proved that a body pro- jected in any direction not perpendicular to the horizon describes a para- bola; and it may be remarked that the Geometry of Galileo was wholly applied to explain and advance the science of Motion. The invention, in 1609, of the refracting telescope which still bears his name, disclosed new views of the solar system. By the aid of this he discovered that the moon is an opaque body with mountains and vallies, and that she receives her light by reflection from the sun. He also put forth the conjecture that the moon might be an inhabited world like the earth. He observed the different phases of the planet Venus, proving her motion round the sun. He discovered four of Jupiter's satellites, and caught an imperfect view of the ring of Saturn, which at the time of his obser- vation appeared like two small stars, one on each side of the planet's disk. He was the first who discovered spots on the sun's disk, and from their varying position he inferred the motion of the sun on its axis. By his telescope he also discovered that the whiteness of the Milky Way is caused by innumerable stars apparently more close together than in the other parts of the heavens. His celebrated work, the "Dia- logues on the Ptolemaic and Copernican Systems," was published at Florence, in 1632; and though dedicated to Ferdinand II., brought Galileo under the hatred of the Jesuits, and the power of the Inqui- sition. In June 1632, that court condemned him of heresy, for teaching that the sun is the centre of the solar system, and that the earth re- volves on its own axis, and moves round the sun. He was obliged, on his knees, to abjure his belief of all he had advanced in his Dialogues, and to swear, that for the future, he would never assert or write any thing in favour of such heretical opinions. He was sentenced to im- prisonment during the pleasure of the court; and for a certain time to recite daily the seven penitential psalms. Galileo is reported to have whispered in the ears of a friend, as he rose from his knees, “E pur se muove." INTRODUCTION. xxix The influence of his powerful friends no doubt moderated the sentence of the Inquisition, whose proceedings in what they called heresy, were always of the most cruel, frequently of the most horrid description. Galileo was nevertheless kept strictly confined in the prison of the Inquisition for two years. Even when upwards of 70 years of age, new rigours were exercised against him, on account of some fresh suspicions of pope Urban VIII., which were inflamed by the philosopher's inveterate foes, the Jesuits. His health greatly suf- fered, and he was afterwards released from confinement; but became blind some years before his death. During this period he finished his dialogues on Motion. His death took place in 1642, at the age of 78. Most of the works of Galileo were collected and printed in 1656; they were translated into English by T. Salusbury, and published in 1661, in his Mathematical Collections. A more complete collection of his works was published at Milan, in 1811. At Florence, in 1674, was published a work of Galileo, under the title of "Quinto Libro de gli Elementi d'Euclidi, &c.," by Vincenzio Viviani, one of his distinguished pupils. Christopher Clavius was born at Bamberg in Germany, in 1537, and died at Rome, in 1612: his writings on the mathematical sciences were collected and printed at Mayence, in five folio volume, in 1612: he superintended the reformation of the Calendar under the direction of pope Gregory XIII. He was skilled in the ancient Geometry, and edited several of the Greek mathematical writings, and on some of them he wrote commentaries, among which may be mentioned the Elements of Euclid. He was the author of a work on Practical Geo- metry, and of a commentary on Sacro Bosco's treatise on the Sphere, which works were first published in 1570. He was a zealous cultivator of the sciences; but no discoveries or improvements are attributed to him. Willebrod Snell was a man of original genius: he was born at Leyden, in 1591, and died in 1626. To him is attributed by Huygens the discovery of the law of the refraction of light, before it was made known by Descartes. He was a skilful geometer, and published in 1608, with the title of Apollonius Batavus, his attempted restoration of three tracts of Apollonius "De Sectione Determinata, "De Sectione Rationis," and "De Sectione Spatii." The tract "De Sectione Deter- minata" was translated into English by the Rev. J. Lawson, and pub- lished in 1772. This tract is imperfectly restored, as there is omitted the distinction of the situation of the points; and there is no complete exposition of the determinations. He also wrote a tract on the Circle ; in which are given various approximations, both geometrical and arith- metical. Ludolph Van Ceulen is also noted for having calculated the ratio of the diameter to the circumference of the circle, to thirty-five places of decimals. Sir Henry Savile, an accomplished scholar, founded two professorships at Oxford; one of Geometry, and the other of Astronomy, in 1619. As the first Savilian professor of Geometry, he delivered thirteen lec- tures on the first book of Euclid's Elements of Geometry, in 1620, which he published in Latin during the following year. In 1585 he was appointed Warden of Merton College, and Provost of Eton in 1596; the former appointment he held for thirty-six years. In 1613 he pub- lished the works of Chrysostom in Greek, and was the author and editor of several other works. XXX INTRODUCTION. 1 Leonard Digges was a mathematician of some note, and the author of a treatise on Geometry, in three books, which he called Pantometria. It was published by his son in 1591, with a supplementary book on the five regular solids. The ancient Geometry of the Greeks was considered perfect, as indeed within the bounds of its legitimate province it is; and no attempts were made to improve or extend the methods handed down from the ancients till the time of Kepler. He was born at Wiel, in 1571, and died in 1630: he introduced the new principle of infinity into Geometry. He conceived a circle to be made up of an infinite number of infinitely small triangles with their vertices in the centre, and their bases coinciding with the circumference of the circle. A cone, in the same manner, was supposed to consist of an infinite number of indefinitely small pyramids. This idea of Kepler lies at the foun- dation of the higher analysis. He published his views in a work entitled "Nova Stereometria," in 1615, which have been discussed under the names of "Infinitesimals ;" "Fluxions and Fluents;" "Dif- ferential and Integral Calculus." Pierre de Fermat was born in 1595, and died in 1665; though a person of extraordinary vanity, he was a mathematician of original genius. He attempted the restoration of the two books of Apollonius on Plane Loci: he has given the synthesis, but omitted the analysis of the propositions; he has also omitted the distinction of cases of each proposition, and has not ascertained the determinations. He wrote a treatise on Spherical Tangencies, in which he has demonstrated, in the case of spheres, properties analogous to those which Vieta had before demonstrated in his restoration of Apollonius on Tangencies. He was the author of a treatise on Geometric Loci, both plane and solid. Fer- mat had acquired some general notion of the Porisms of Euclid. He was the author of a method of maxima and minima, and of the qua- drature of parabolas of all orders, besides several discoveries in the pro- perties of numbers, one of which still bears the name of Fermat's theorem. His collected works were, after his death, published at Toulouse, in 1679. Descartes was born in 1596, and died at Stockholm in 1650. He was the cotemporary of Galileo, Fermat, Roberval, and many other celebrated mathematicians. He has been cited as the inventor of the New Geo- metry, or, as it is called, Analytical Geometry; the foundation of which, however, had certainly been laid before his time. Algebra had been applied to Geometry by Vieta, and, to some extent, by other mathematicians. But though he did not originate, he certainly ex- tended the limits and powers of Analytical Geometry, by the discovery of a new principle. The use of co-ordinates appears for the first time, though under a different name, in the second book of his Geometry, which was published in 1637. He first taught the method of ex- pressing curves by equations. The simple conception of expressing curve lines by means of equations between the two variable co-ordi- nates of a point in the curve; and curve surfaces by means of equations which contain the three co-ordinates of any variable point in the sur- face, has led to a new science, and entitles the discoverer to be classed amongst men of profound genius. This discovery and its applications by means of the higher analysis, have given a power to Geometry before unknown. In the Epistles of Descartes, which were printed in 1683, hẹ INTRODUCTION, xxxi remarks (Part II. Ep. 72), "In searching out the solution of geo- metrical questions, I always make use of lines parallel and perpen- dicular as much as possible: and I consider no other theorems than the two following; the sides of similar triangles are proportionals; and in right-angled triangles the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the squares of the two sides. And I am not afraid to suppose several unknown quantities, that I may reduce the proposed equation to such terms as that it may depend on no other theorems than these two." Buonaventura Cavalieri, better known by the Latinized appellation, Cavalerius, was born at Milan in 1598. He was a pupil of the cele- brated Galileo, and became Professor of Mathematics at Bologna; he died in 1647. He was the author of several works on the mathematical sciences, the most important of which is a treatise on Indivisibles in seven books, which he put forth in 1635: it is important as be- ing one of the first attempts to extend the powers of the ancient Geometry. He conceived a line to be made up of an infinite number of points; a surface to be formed of an infinite number of such lines; and a solid to be composed of an infinite number of such surfaces. These elements of geometrical magnitudes he named Indivisibles: and the principle he assumed in the application of these assumptions was, that the ratio of the infinite sums of lines, or of planes as com- pared with the unit of surface or volume, was the same as that of the surface or volume of which they were the measures. He shewed that his new principle was, in effect, the same as the method of Ex- haustions, but a more convenient mode of reasoning, being less tedious and more direct. In the first six books he explains and applies his theory of Indivisibles, and in the seventh book he proves the same results by methods independent of Indivisibles; with the view of shew- ing the agreement of the results, and the consequent truth of his new principle. Guldin controverted and wrote against the doctrine of Indivisibles, and was answered by Cavalerius in the third of his “Ex- ercitationes Geometrica sex," which were published in 1647. This work consists of exercises in the Method of Indivisibles, with answers to Guldin's objections. The method of Cavalerius is not free from error, as he applies the process of simplification at too early a stage of the investigation, by which means the strict logic of the reasoning is violated, while the correctness of the result is not affected. Roberval was born in 1602, and adopted the theory of Cavalerius, but improved his modes of expression. His Traité des Indivisibles was published in 1693, after his death, and contains his application of the new principles. His method of drawing tangents was an ap- proximation to that applied afterwards by the principles of Fluxions and the Differential Calculus. Albert Girard was a Fleming who displayed great genius in the Mathematics. He was the first who announced the restoration of the three books of the Porisms of Euclid, in a work on Trigonometry, which was printed at the Hague in 1629. To what extent he suc- ceeded is not known, as the results of his labours have never been published. To him are due some general theorems for the measuring of solid angles. Marinus Ghetaldus was a distinguished geometer at the beginning of the seventeenth century: he was the author of several works on the ancient Geometry: he attempted, from what could be gathered from xxxii INTRODUCTION. Pappus, a restoration of the lost book of Apollonius on Inclinations, and published it in 1607, with the title of Apollonius Redivivus. In the same year also he put forth a supplement to the Apollonius Gallus of Vieta, and a collection of problems. Among his other writings may be mentioned his Archimedes Promotus, which was first published in 1603. Blaise Pascal was born at Clermont in 1623, and at an early age gave proofs of extraordinary ability. He was of an enquiring mind, desirous of knowing the reasons of every thing. It is reported of him that whenever he could not obtain from others sound reasons, he used to seek them out for himself; never giving his assent except on con- viction. Pascal challenged the mathematicians of his day to prove some properties of the cycloid; but as the answers he received from Wallis and other eminent men were unsatisfactory, he himself gave the complete proofs of all the properties mentioned in his challenge. He invented the arithmetical machine which bears his name, and was the author of some pieces on other mathematical subjects. His intense application to study injured his health. He became a Jansenist, and retired to the Abbey of Port Royal, near Paris, where he composed his Provincial Letters, and wrote his thoughts on Religion and other subjects. These were published after his death, which happened when he was only thirty-nine years of age. His works were collected and published at Paris in 1779. Schooten was Professor of Mathematics at Leyden. In 1649 he published an edition of Descartes' Geometry, and in 1657 an original work entitled Exercitationes Mathematica. He attempted the restora- tion of the Loci Plani of Apollonius. He has given the synthesis only, omitting the analysis, except in a few instances. He has also omitted the determinations and the distinction of cases; and in the preface he acknowledges that his attempted restoration was designed to be an illustration of the Geometry of Descartes, by furnishing ap- propriate examples to his method. Christian Huygens was born at the Hague in 1629, where he died in 1696. He was one of the most ingenious mathematicians of his age. He was the author of two treatises, one entitled "Theore- mata de Quadratura Hyperbolæ, Ellipsis et Circuli, ex dato portionum gravitatis centro;" and the other, "De Circuli magnitudine inventa; which, at the time of their publication, were highly esteemed. He was also the author of some other pieces on Geometry, which were published at Paris in 1693, and he discovered the theory of Evolutes. His studies were not confined merely to the speculative portion of the mathematical sciences, but were extended to questions of practical utility. Among them may be named his improvements in telescopes, and his method of rendering the oscillations of pendulums isochronous. He was the discoverer of Saturn's ring, and a third satellite of that planet. When nearly sixty years of age he read and admitted the theory of centripetal forces, and the gravitation of the planets to the sun, which had been proved in Newton's Principia. His writings are numerous. Dr Isaac_Barrow was a distinguished scholar and geometer, and the tutor of Isaac Newton when an undergraduate at Trinity College. Dr Barrow was appointed Greek Professor at Cambridge in 1660, and Gresham Professor of Geometry in 1662: the latter office he resigned INTRODUCTION. xxxiii on his appointment to the new Professorship, founded at Cambridge b Mr Lucas, in 1663. This also he resigned, in favour of Mr Newton, in 1669. He became Master of Trinity College in 1672, and died in 1677 at the age of 47 years. In 1655 he edited, in Latin, the thirteen books of Euclid's Elements of Geometry, which were translated into English and published in 1660. He also put forth Euclid's Data in 1657. His Lectiones Geometrica were published in 1670, and translated into English, by Stone, in 1735. They contain his method of drawing tan- gents to curves, which is similar to that by the method of fluxions or the differential calculus: the difference being only in the notation. His Lectiones Optica were published in 1669. He also edited Archimedes, Apollonius and Theodosius. The Lectures which he delivered, as Lucasian Professor, were published after his death in 1683, with the title of Lectiones Mathematica, and were translated into English by Kirkby, in 1734: they are confined to Euclid's Elements of Geometry. He also applied the method of indivisibles to the propositions of Archimedes on the Sphere and Cylinder. His treatise was printed in 1678. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest philosophers that ever lived. The inscription on the pediment of the statue of Newton in the chapel of Trinity College, "Qui genus humanum ingenio supera- vit," records the unquestioned judgment of posterity. He was the original inventor of the method of fluxions and fluents; in 1665, his attention was first directed to the subject, and his method was completed before 1669. The merit of the invention was claimed for Leibnitz, who had put forth, in 1684, his view of the principles of infinitesimals or differentials. The terms employed and the notations adopted by these two great men were different; they agreed in the substance and object of the theory, but there was a considerable difference in their conception of the principles. An angry controversy arose respecting these claims, and an appeal was at length made to the Royal Society, by which a committee of enquiry was appointed. The result of their enquiries and deliberations was a decision in favour of Newton. The papers relating to this enquiry were printed in 1712, with the title of Commercium Epistolicum de Analysi promota. His discoveries in optics, and his new theory of light and colours for the explanation of optical phenomena, he did not publish till 1704: nearly thirty years after his chief discovery in that science. His greatest discovery, however, was that of universal gravitation. His thoughts were first led to the subject in 1666, just after he had left Cambridge for the country, on account of the Plague. As he was sitting alone in a garden, some apples fell from a tree, and his thoughts were led to the subject of gravity. He considered that as this power is not found to be sensibly diminished at the remotest distance from the surface of the earth to which we can rise, it seemed reasonable to conclude that it must extend much further than is commonly believed. He enquired: "Why not as high as the moon? and if so, her motion must be influenced by the force of gravity: perhaps she is retained in her orbit by it. Though the power of gravity is not sensibly lessened, in the little change of distance at which we can place ourselves from the surface of the earth, yet it is possible that at the height of the moon this power may differ much in degree from what it is here.' To make an estimate of the amount of this diminution, he considered, d xxxiv INTRODUCTION. that if the moon were retained in her orbit by the force of gravity, no doubt the primary planets are carried round the sun by the like power: and by comparing the periods of the several planets with their mean distances from the sun, he found, that if any power like gravity held them in their courses, its intensity must decrease inversely as the square of their distances from the sun. He arrived at this conclusion, from con- sidering them to move in circles concentric with the sun; from which form the orbits of the greater part of them do not greatly differ. By supposing therefore the force of gravity, when extended to the moon, to decrease in the same manner, he computed whether that force would be sufficient to keep the moon in her orbit. In this computation, taking sixty miles to a degree, the result at which he arrived did not shew the power of gravity to decrease as the inverse square of the moon's distance from the earth: whence he concluded that some other cause must, at least, combine with the action of gravity on the moon. Being unable to satisfy himself respecting this, he laid aside, for that time, all thought upon the subject. In the winter of 1676, he discovered the two grand propositions, that by a centripetal force varying inversely as the square of the distance, a planet must revolve in an ellipse about a centre of force, placed in one of the foci; and by a radius vector drawn to that focus, describe areas proportional to the times. These are proved in the second and third sections of the first book of the Prin- cipia. After the year 1679 his thoughts were again turned to the moon ; and, by using in his computation the more accurate length of a degree, he arrived at the conclusion, that that planet appeared, agreeably to his former conjecture, to be retained in her orbit by the force of gravity, varying as the inverse square of the distance. On this principle he proved that the primary planets really moved in such orbits as Kepler had supposed. He afterwards drew up about twelve propositions relating to the motion of the primary planets round the sun, and sent them, at the end of the year 1683, to the Royal Society. Soon after this communication, Dr Halley became known to Newton, and having learned from him that the proof of the propositions respecting the primary planets was completed, earnestly solicited him to finish the work. Accordingly the first edition was printed under the care of Dr Halley, with the title of "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathema- tica," and published in 1687. The reader of the Principia cannot fail of perceiving that Sir Isaac Newton was a most profound geometer. Newton and his cotemporary Maclaurin were the first who applied the consideration of the degrees of equations to the discovery of the general properties and characteristics of curved lines, and to them and Cotes are due the discovery of their most important general properties. Newton has given the results of his investigations on this subject, in his "Enumeratio Linearum tertii ordinis," which, with his tract on the quadrature of curves by the method of fluxions and fluents, were first printed at the end of the first edition of his Optics, in 1704. His principal object was the enumeration of lines contained in an equation of the third degree between two variables. He discovered seventy-two different species, and four more were added by Stirling. In his "Arithmetica Universalis," he has applied the method of Descartes to the solution of geometrical problems and the construction of the roots of equations. The whole works of Newton were edited by Dr Horsley in five quarto volumes, in 1779. INTRODUCTION. XXXV Edmund Halley was one of the most eminent geometers and astro- nomers of his age. In 1703 he succeeded Dr Wallis as Savilian Pro- fessor of Geometry at Oxford. Soon after his appointment, he com- menced a translation from the Arabic, of the treatise of Apollonius De Sectione Rationis, and attempted the restoration of his two books De Sectione Spatii, from the account given by Pappus in the seventh book of his Mathematical Collections: the whole of these he published in 1706. The tract de Sectione Rationis, recovered from the Arabic, is a complete specimen of the ancient method of analysis. He also pub- lished at Oxford in 1710, an amended translation of seven books of the Conics of Apollonius, and attempted a restoration of the eighth, which was lost. This magnificent folio edition contains the first four books in the original Greek, together with a Latin translation; the next three in Latin from the Arabic version; and the last book in Latin as restored by Dr Halley himself, together with the Lemmas of Pappus and the Commentaries of Eutocius. Halley united a profound know- ledge of the ancient geometry with the new geometry of Descartes, and applied the latter to the construction of equations of the third and fourth degrees by means of a parabola and a circle. His memoir on this subject was published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1687. At 63 years of age, he succeeded Flamsteed as Astronomer Royal at Greenwich; and for eighteen years discharged the duties of that office without an assistant. He died at the age of 86, in the year 1742. name. James Gregory was an eminent mathematician, the cotemporary and correspondent of Newton, Huygens, Wallis, and others of that time. He was the inventor of a reflecting telescope which bears his He discovered a method of drawing tangents to curves, geo- metrically. His "Geometria Pars Universalis" was first published at Padua, in 1668, and his "Exercitationes Geometrica" in the same year. Dr David Gregory, the nephew of James, was chosen Savilian Professor of Astronomy, in 1691, in preference to Dr Halley. In 1702 he published his chief work, entitled " Astronomia Physicæ et Geome- trica Elementa," founded on the Newtonian hypothesis; and in the following year, the works of Euclid, in Greek and Latin. cc Abraham Sharp, a skilful mathematician and expert mechanic, be- came the amanuensis of Flamsteed, in 1688, and assisted him in his "Historia Cælestis." He had the chief hand in constructing the mural arc at the Greenwich Observatory. He published in 1717, Geometry Improved, by A. S. Philomath; an elaborate treatise, and containing solutions of many difficult problems: he died in 1742, at the age of 91. Alexis Claude Clairaut was born in 1713, and died in 1765. To Clairaut is due the merit of having exhibited methodically the doctrine of three co-ordinates in space, applied to curve surfaces and the lines which originate in their intersections. His celebrated treatise on this subject was published in 1731, entitled “Traité des Courbes à double Courbure." Before Clairaut, however, M. Pacent, in a memoir read before the French Academy of Sciences, in 1700, had illustrated the extension of the principle of Descartes by a curve surface, expressed by an equation between three variables. Also John Bernouilli had ex- pressed surfaces by an equation, involving three co-ordinates in his solution of the problem, "To find the shortest line which can be drawn on a surface between two given points." xxxvi INTRODUCTION. The expression "curve of double curvature" arises from the con- sideration, that such a curve partakes of the curvature of two plane curves, which are in fact its projections on two co-ordinate planes. It was first suggested by M. Pitot, who employed it in a memoir on the spiral thread on a right cylinder, and which he read before the French Academy of Sciences, in 1724. Euler, in his "Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum," published in 1748, explains the general principles of the analytical theory of curves, and in the extension of his investigations to geometry of three dimen- sions, discusses the equation between three variables, which includes surfaces of the second degree. The treatise of Cramer, first published in 1750, with the title "Introduction à l'Analyse des lignes courbes Algébraïques," is one of the most complete on this branch of geometry. Edmund Stone published, in 1731, an edition of Euclid's Elements, with an account of his life and writings, and a defence of the Elements against modern objectors. In 1735 he translated and published Dr Barrow's Geometrical Lectures. He wrote an account of two new species of lines of the third order, not noticed by Newton, which was published in the forty-first volume of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, of which he was a fellow he was also the author of a Mathematical Dictionary and some other works*. Dr Robert Simson was a native of Ayrshire, and born in 1687. He was appointed Professor of Mathematics at Glasgow in 1711, where he continued to discharge his duties as an instructor for nearly fifty years. During this period his attention was principally directed to the writings of the ancient Greek geometers. His restoration of the Loci Plani and the Determinate Section of Apollonius, and his treatise on the Porisms of Euclid, entitle him to the high reputation he still holds as a geometer. *The following account of Stone from Dr Hutton, may be cited as an example of true genius overcoming all the disadvantages of birth, fortune, and education. Edmund Stone was the son of a gardener of the Duke of Argyle. At eight years of age he was taught to read; and at eighteen, without further assistance, he had made such advances in mathematical knowledge as to be able to read the Principia of Newton. As the Duke was one day walking in his garden, he saw a copy of Newton's Principia lying on the grass, and called some one near him to take it back to the library. Young Stone, the gardener, modestly observed, that the book belonged to him. To you! replied the Duke; do you understand Geometry, Latin, Newton? I know a little of them, replied the young man, with an air of simplicity. The Duke was surprised, and having himself a taste for the sciences, he entered into conversation with the young mathematician. He asked him several questions, and was astonished at the force, the accuracy, and the can- dour of his answers. But how, said the Duke, came you by the knowledge of all these things? Stone replied, a servant taught me, ten years since, to read. Does any one need to know more than the twenty-four letters of the alphabet, in order to learn any thing else that one wishes? The Duke's curiosity was redoubled: he sat down on a bank, and requested a detail of all his proceedings. I first learned to read, said Stone; the masons were then at work upon your house; I went near them one day, and saw that the architect used a rule and compasses, and that he made calculations. I enquired what might be the meaning and use of these things, and was informed that there is a science called Arithmetic. I purchased a book of Arithmetic, and learned it. I was told there was another science called Geometry; I bought the books, and learned Geometry. By reading, I found that there were good books in these two sciences in Latin: I bought a dictionary, and learned Latin. I understood, also, that there were good books of the same kind in French; I bought a dictionary, and learned French and this, my Lord, is what I have done. It seems to me that we may learn every thing when we know the twenty-four letters of the alphabet. The Duke, highly pleased with the account, brought this wonderful genius out of obscurity, and provided him with an employment which left him leisure to apply himself to the Sciences. ; INTRODUCTION. xxxvii Dr Simson's first endeavours were directed to improve the defective restorations of the books on the Geometrical Analysis by preceding geometers. His restoration of Apollonius is entirely according to the ancient method; and is more complete than any preceding attempt of the kind. In his preface to the Sectio Determinata, which he restored, he points out the defects in Snell's restorations, and notices the solutions of some of the problems by Alexander Anderson, in his supplement to Apollonius Redivivus, published at Paris in 1612. He also remarks on some of the problems in the Treatise on Geometrical Analysis, by Hugo d'Omerique, and in his work adopts some propositions from these performances. But Dr Simson is more generally known at the pre- sent day for his translation of the first six and the eleventh and twelfth books of Euclid's Elements of Geometry. The first edition was pub- lished both in Latin and English in 1756. The English translation has almost superseded every other, and may be regarded as the standard text of Euclid in English, having maintained its character in this country for nearly a century. The Data of Euclid was added to the second edition of the Elements in 1762. Dr Simson's first publication, except his paper on Porisms in the Philosophical Transactions, was his Geometrical Treatise on the Conic Sections, which was published in 1735. The description of the Porisms of Euclid by Pappus is so muti- lated, that every attempt, before Dr Simson's, to restore them had failed. Dr Halley, though successful in the restoration of some por- tions of the ancient Geometry, gave up the Porisms in 1706 as a hope- less task, as is obvious from his remark in the preface to the seventh book of Pappus, "Hactenus Porismatum descriptio, nec mihi intellecta, nec lectori profutura." Dr Simson had been occupied on the subject of the Porisms in 1715, and perhaps earlier, for he observes that in that year he had demonstrated the first case of Fermat's fourth Porism, before he had acquired the knowledge of the true nature of that class of Propositions. The first object of his researches seems to have been, to discover the Porisms, from the general description given of them by Pappus: and when he had failed in this, he tried to discover some of the individual Porisms, from which he expected to ascertain the distinctive character of these propositions; but in this attempt he had no better success. For a considerable time, he informs us, his imagination was completely occupied by the subject: his mind was harassed by the constant, but unsuccessful exertion: he lost his sleep, and his health suffered; all his endeavours were ineffectual, and he finally deter- mined to banish the subject from his thoughts. For some time he maintained this resolution, and applied himself to other pursuits; but afterwards, as he was walking on the banks of the river Clyde, he inad- vertently fell into a reverie respecting the Porisms. Some new ideas struck his mind, and having drawn the diagram with chalk on an adjoining tree, at that moment, for the first time, he acquired a just notion of one of Euclid's Porisms. This account is given in his pre- face to the Porisms, p. 319, of his "Opera Reliqua," a volume of his writings on Geometry, published after his death, by the munificence of the late Earl Stanhope. Matthew Stewart was a pupil of Dr Simson, and afterwards became Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. Dr Stewart was a successful cultivator of the ancient geometry. His "General xxxviii INTRODUCTION. Theorems of considerable use in the higher parts of the Mathematics," was published in 1746, and placed him among the first geometers of his time. In 1761 he published another volume, entitled "Tracts Physical and Mathematical," and two years after his celebrated work on geometry, "Propositiones Geometricæ more veterum demonstratæ ad Geometriam antiquam illustrandam et promovendam idoneæ.” this work he has given both the analysis and synthesis of a series of geometrical theorems, many of which were not known before. In Dr Waring extended the discoveries of Newton in the theory of curves much beyond his predecessors. His "Miscellanea Analytica de æquationibus Algebraicis et curvarum proprietatibus," was published in 1762, and his "Proprietates Algebraicarum Curvarum," in 1772. Bishop Horsley was born in 1732, and died in 1806. Though edu- cated at Cambridge he removed to Oxford, and there in 1769 published his edition of the Inclinations of Apollonius. Besides his edition of Newton's Works, he put forth in 1801 his Practical Mathematics, in three volumes, containing Euclid's Elements, the Data, &c. William Wales, by his talents and application rose from obscurity to an eminent position among men of science. He was the person selected to observe at Hudson's Bay the transit of Venus over the Sun in 1769, and afterwards accompanied, as astronomer, the celebrated Captain Cook on his first voyage in the years 1772 to 1774; and again in his other voyage in the years 1776 to 1779. A short time before he set sail in 1772, his friend Mr Lawson put forth his restoration of the two books of Apollonius, De Sectione Determinata, together with an English translation of Snell's restoration of the same two books. An- other restoration of these two books was made by Giannini, and pub- lished in his Opuscula Mathematica in 1773. Dr Robertson, the late Savilian Professor of Astronomy, to his treatise entitled "Sectionum Conicarum, Libri v11. &c.,” (1792, Oxon.) has annexed a learned history of the Conic Sections. Mascheroni published in Italian, in 1797, a treatise on geometry, entitled "Geometria del Compassa," in which the solutions of geome- trical problems are effected by means of the circle only, instead of the straight line and circle. It was translated into French, and published in 1798, and again reprinted in 1828. In the twelfth year of the Republic, a similar treatise by M. Servois, was put forth, in which the solutions of geometrical problems were effected by means of straight lines only. During the period of the French Revolution, at the end of the eighteenth century, the celebrated Monge discovered and put forth a new kind of geometry, under the appellation of "Géométrie Descrip- tive." The discoveries of Monge mark a new era in the history of geometry, as did the discovery of Descartes. The new geometry of Monge has two objects in view; first, to represent geometrical solids on a plane surface; and secondly, to deduce from this method of representation, the mathematical properties of the figures. It is chiefly conversant with the determination of the curves in which two or more surfaces intersect each other, when they are supposed to penetrate one another. To Monge is also due the theory of projections; and he was the first who proved that the square of any surface is equal to the sum of the squares of its projections on the three co-ordinate planes. It ought to be remarked, that attention had been before directed to this INTRODUCTION. xxxix subject by several who made contributions to it. Among these may be named Courcier, a jesuit, who published, at Paris, in 1613, a work in which he investigated the nature, and shewed the description of the curves which result from the penetration of cylindrical, spherical and conical surfaces; but to Monge is due the merit of its greatest ex- tension. The French school of Monge has produced many eminent geometers. The "Géométrie de Position," and "L'Essai sur la Théorie des Trans- versals," by Carnot, are a continuation of the method of Monge. Also may be mentioned "Les Développemens et les Applications de Géomé- trie," by Dupin, and the "Traité des Propriétés projectives," of M. Poncelet, with others, who have amply and skilfully written on the geometry of correlative figures, and its application to the physical sciences. To these may be added the names of Leslie, Playfair, Le Gendre, La Croix, L'Huillier, Vincent, and many others, too numerous here to mention, who by their writings have furthered the progress and advancement of scientific geometry. We must not, before closing this subject, omit naming F. Peyrard, who published, at Paris, in 1818, an edition of Euclid's Elements from an ancient Greek manuscript which had not been collated or printed before. This edition, besides the Greek text, contains a version in Latin, and a French translation. F. Peyrard is also known as the editor and translator of the writings of Archimedes and Apollonius. The short and cursory notices here given of the modern Geometry, are intended rather to awaken the curiosity of the student than to afford an ample and satisfactory account. In the "Mémoires Couron- nés de l'Académie de Bruxelles" for 1837, the student will find in the "Aperçu Historique" of M. Chasles, a full and particular account of the history of the methods and developements of the modern Geometry. ON THE ABBREVIATIONS AND ALGEBRAICAL SYMBOLS EMPLOYED IN GEOMETRY. It has been remarked that the ancient geometry of the Greeks ad- mitted no symbols besides the diagrams and ordinary language. In later times, after symbols of operation had been devised by writers on algebra, they were very soon adopted and employed, on account of their brevity and convenience, in writings purely geometrical. Dr Barrow was one of the first who introduced algebraical symbols into the lan- guage of elementary geometry, and distinctly states, in the preface to his Euclid, that his object is "to content the desires of those who are delighted more with symbolical than verbal demonstrations." As algebraical symbols are employed in almost all works on the mathe- matics, whether geometrical or not, it seems proper in this place to give some brief account of the marks which may be regarded as the alphabet of symbolical language. The mark was first used by Robert Recorde, in his treatise on Algebra entitled, "The Whetstone of Witte, &c.", for the sign of equality; "because,” as he remarks, "no two things can be more equal than a pair of parallels, or gemowe lines of one length." It was em- ployed by him, in his algebra, simply in the sense of æquatur, or, is equal to, affirming the equality of two numerical or algebraical ex- xl INTRODUCTION. 4 pressions. Geometrical equality is not exactly the same as numerical equality, and when this symbol is used in geometrical reasonings, it must be understood as having reference to pure geometrical equality. The signs of relative magnitude, > meaning, is greater than, and <, is less than, were first introduced into algebra by Thomas Harriot, in his "Artis Analyticæ Praxis," which was published after his death in 1631. The signs and were first employed by Michael Stifel, in his "Arithmetica Integra," which was published in 1544. The sign + was employed by him for the word plus, and the sign-, for the word minus. These signs were used by Stifel strictly as the arithmetical or algebraical signs of addition and subtraction. The sign of multiplication x was first introduced by Oughtrede in his "Clavis Mathematica," which was published in 1631. In algebra- ical multiplication he either connects the letters which form the factors of a product by the sign x, or writes them as words without any sign or mark between them, as had been done before by Harriot, who first introduced the small letters to designate known and unknown quantities. However concise and convenient the notation AB × BC may be in practice for "the rectangle contained by the lines AB and BC;" the student is cautioned against the use of it, in the early part, at least, of his geometrical studies, as the use of it is likely to occasion a misap- prehension of Euclid's meaning. Dr Barrow sometimes expresses "the rectangle contained by AB and BC" by "the rectangle ABC.” Michael Stifel was the first who introduced integral exponents to denote the powers of algebraical symbols of quantity, for which he employed capital letters. Vieta afterwards used the vowels to denote known, and the consonants, unknown quantities, but used words to designate the powers. Simon Stevin, in his treatise on Algebra, which was published in 1605, improved the notation of Stifel, by placing the figures that indicated the powers within small circles. Peter Ramus adopted the initial letters 1, q, c, bq of latus, quadratus, cubus, biquadratus, as the notation of the first four powers. Harriot exhibited the different powers of algebraical symbols by repeat- ing the symbol, two, three, four, &c. times, according to the order of the power. Descartes restored the numerical exponents of powers, placing them at the right of the numbers, or symbols of quantity, as at the present time. Dr Barrow employed the notation ABq, for "the square of the line AB," in his edition of Euclid. The notations AB², AB³, for " the square and cube of the line whose extremities are A and B,” are found in almost all works on the Mathematics, though not wholly consistent with the algebraical notations a² and a³. The symbol, being originally the initial letter of the word radix, was first used by Stifel to denote the square root of the number, or the symbol, before which it was placed. The Hindus, in their treatises on Algebra, indicated the ratio of two numbers, or of two algebraical symbols, by placing one above the other, without any line of separation. The line was first intro- duced by the Arabians, from whom it passed to the Italians, and from them to the rest of Europe. This notation has been employed for the expression of geometrical ratios by almost all writers on the Mathematics, on account of its great convenience. Oughtrede first used points to indicate proportion; thus, a .b:: c. d, means, that a bears the same proportion to b, as c does to d. EUCLID'S ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. BOOK I. DEFINITIONS. I. A POINT is that which has no parts, or which has no magnitude. II. A line is length without breadth. III. The extremities of lines are points. IV. A right line is that which lies evenly between its extreme points. V. A superficies is that which has only length and breadth. VI. The extremities of superficies are lines. VII. A plane superficies is that in which any two points being taken, the straight line between them lies wholly in that superficies. VIII. A plane angle is the inclination of two lines to each other in a plane which meet together, but are not in the same straight line. IX. A plane rectilineal angle is the inclination of two straight lines to one another, which meet together, but are not in the same straight line. A D E B r 1 2 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. N. B. When several angles are at one point B, either of them is expressed by three letters, of which the letter that is at the vertex of the angle, that is, at the point in which the right lines that contain the angle meet one another, is put between the other two letters, and one of these two is somewhere upon one of these right lines, and the other upon the other line. Thus the angle which is contained by the right lines AB, CB, is named the angle ABC, or CBA; that which is contained by AB, DB, is named the angle ABD, or DBA; and that which is contained by DB, CB, is called the angle DBC, or CBD. But, if there be only one angle at a point, it may be expressed by the letter at that point; as the angle at E. X. When a straight line standing on another straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to each other, each of these angles is called a right angle; and the straight line which stands on the other is called a perpendicular to it. XI. An obtuse angle is that which is greater than a right angle. XII. An acute angle is that which is less than a right angle. XIII. A term or boundary is the extremity of any thing. XIV. A figure is that which is inclosed by one or more boundaries. XV. A circle is a plane figure contained by one line, which is called the circumference, and is such that all straight lines drawn from a certain point within the figure to the circumference, are equal to one another. DEFINITIONS. 3 XVI, And this point is called the centre of the circle. XVII. A diameter of a circle is a straight line drawn through the centre, and terminated both ways by the circumference. D XVIII. A semicircle is the figure contained by a diameter and the part of the circumference cut off by the diameter. XIX. The centre of a semicircle is the same with that of the circle. XX. Rectilineal figures are those which are contained by straight lines. XXI. Trilateral figures, or triangles, by three straight lines. XXII. Quadrilateral, by four straight lines. XXIII. Multilateral figures, or polygons, by more than four straight lines. XXIV. Of three-sided figures, an equilateral triangle is that which has three equal sides. XXV. An isosceles triangle is that which has two sides equal. 1-2 4 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. XXVI. A scalene triangle is that which has three unequal sides. XXVII. A right-angled triangle is that which has a right angle. XXVIII. An obtuse-angled triangle is that which has an obtuse angle. XXIX. An acute-angled triangle is that which has three acute angles. XXX. Of quadrilateral or four-sided figures, a square has all its sides equal and all its angles right angles. XXXI. An oblong is that which has all its angles right angles, but has not all its sides equal. XXXII. A rhombus has all its sides equal, but its angles are not right angles. DEFINITIONS. 5 XXXIII. A rhomboid has its opposite sides equal to each other, but all its sides are not equal, nor its angles right angles. XXXIV. All other four-sided figures besides these, are called Trapeziums. XXXV. Parallel straight lines are such as are in the same plane, and whic being produced ever so far both ways, do not meet. A. A parallelogram is a four-sided figure, of which the opposite sides are parallel: and the diameter or the diagonal is the straight line join- ing two of its opposite angles. POSTULATES. I. LET it be granted that a straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point. II. That a terminated straight line may be produced to any length in a straight line. III. And that a circle may be described from any centre at any distance from that centre. AXIOMS. I. THINGS which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another. II. If equals be added to equals, the wholes are equal. 6 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. III. If equals be taken from equals, the remainders are equal. IV. If equals be added to unequals, the wholes are unequal. V. If equals be taken from unequals, the remainders are unequal. VI. Things which are double of the same, are equal to one another. VII. Things which are halves of the same, are equal to one another. VIII. Magnitudes which coincide with one another, that is, which exactly fill the same space, are equal to one another. IX. The whole is greater than its part. X. Two straight lines cannot inclose a space. XI. All right angles are equal to one another. XII. If a straight line meets two straight lines, so as to make the two interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, these straight lines being continually produced, shall at length meet upon that side on which are the angles which are less than two right angles. BOOK I. PROP. I, II. 7 PROPOSITION I. PROBLEM. To describe an equilateral triangle upon a given finite straight line. Let AB be the given straight line. It is required to describe an equilateral triangle upon AB. C DA BE From the centre A, at the distance AB, describe the circle BCD; (post. 3.) from the centre B, at the distance BA, describe the circle AČE; and from the point C, in which the circles cut one another, draw the straight lines CA, CB to the points A, B. (post. 1.) Then ABC shall be an equilateral triangle. Because the point A is the centre of the circle BCD, therefore AC is equal to AB; (def. 15.) and because the point B is the centre of the angle ACE, therefore BC is equal to BA; but it has been proved that CA is equal to AB; therefore CA, CB are each of them equal to AB; but things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another; (ax. 1.) therefore CA is equal to CB; wherefore CA, AB, BC are equal to one another: and the triangle ABC is therefore equilateral, and it is described upon the given straight line AB. Which was required to be done. PROPOSITION II. PROBLEM. From a given point, to draw a straight line equal to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line. It is required to draw from the point A a straight line equal to BC. K H D B E F From the point A to B draw the straight line AB; upon AB describe the equilateral triangle DAB, and produce the straight lines DA, DB to E and F; (post. 1.) (1. 1.) (post. 2.) from the centre B, at the distance BC describe the circle CGH, (post. 3.) and from the centre D, at the distance DG, describe the circle GKL. Then the straight line AL shall be equal to BC. Because the point B is the centre of the circle CGH, 8 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 1 therefore BC is equal to BG; (def. 15.) and because D is the centre of the circle GKL, therefore DL is equal to DG; and DA, DB parts of them are equal; (1. 1.) therefore the remainder AL is equal to the remainder BG; (ax. 3.) but it has been shewn that BC is equal to BG, wherefore AL and BC are each of them equal to BG; and things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another; therefore the straight line AL is equal to BC. (ax. 1.) Wherefore from the given point A a straight line AL has been drawn equal to the given straight line BC. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION III. PROBLEM. From the greater of two given straight lines to cut off a part equal to the less. Let AB and C be the two given straight lines, of which AB is the greater. It is required to cut off from AB a part equal to C, the less. D D E B F From the point A draw the straight line AD equal to C; (1. 2.) and from the centre A, at the distance AD, describe the circle DEF. (post. 3.) Then AE shall be equal to C. Because A is the centre of the circle DEF, therefore AE is equal to AD; (def. 15.) but the straight line C is equal to AD; (constr.) whence AE and C are each of them equal to AD; wherefore the straight line AE is equal to C. (ax. 1.) And therefore from AB the greater of two straight lines, a part AE has been cut off equal to C the less. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each; and have likewise the angles contained by those sides equal to each other; they shall likewise have their bases, or third sides, equal; and the two triangles shall be equal; and their other angles shall be equal, each to cach, viz. those to which the equal sides are opposite. Let ABC, DEF be two triangles, which have the two sides AB, AC equal to the two sides DE, DF, each to each, viz. AB to DE, and AC to DF, and the included angle BAC equal to the included angle EDF. Then shall the base BC be equal to the base EF; and the triangle ABC to the triangle DEF; and the other angles to which the equal sides are opposite shall be equal, each to each, viz. the angle ABC to the angle DEF, and the angle ACB to the angle DFE. BOOK I. PROP. IV, V. 9 A A B F For, if the triangle ABC be applied to the triangle DEF, so that the point A may be on D, and the straight line AB on DE; because AB is equal to DE, therefore the point B shall coincide with the point E; and AB coinciding with DE, because the angle BAC is equal to the angle EDF, therefore the straight line AC shall fall on DF; also because AC is equal to DF, therefore the point C shall coincide with F but the point B coincides with the point E; wherefore the base BC shall coincide with the base EF; because the point B coinciding with E, and C with F, if the base BC do not coincide with the base EF, the two straight lines BC and EF would inclose a space, which is impossible. (ax. 10.) Therefore the base BC does coincide with EF, and is equal to it. Wherefore the whole triangle ABC coincides with the whole tri- angle DEF, and is equal to it; and the other angles of the one coincide with the remaining angles of the other, and are equal to them, viz. the angle ABC to the angle DEF, and the angle ACB to DFE. Therefore, if two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides, &c. Which was to be demonstrated. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal to each other; and if the equal sides be produced, the angles on the other side of the base shall be equal. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle of which the side AB is equal to AC, and let the equal sides AB, AC be produced to D and E. Then the angle ABC shall be equal to the angle ACB, and the angle DBC to the angle ECB. A B C F G D E In BD take any point F; from AE the greater, cut off AG equal to AF the less, (1. 3.) and join FC, GB. Because AF is equal to AG, (constr.) and AB to AC; (hyp.) the two sides FA, ÂC, are equal to the two GA, AB, each to each; + 10 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and they contain the angle FAG common to the two triangles AFC, AGB; therefore the base FC is equal to the base GB, (1. 4.) and the triangle AFC is equal to the triangle AGB, also the remaining angles of the one are equal to the remaining angles of the other, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite ; viz. the angle ACF to the angle ABG, and the angle AFC to the angle AGB. And because the whole AF is equal to the whole AG, of which the parts AB, AC, are equal; remainder BF is equal to the remainder and FC was proved to be equal to GB; hence because the two sides BF, FC are equal to the two CG, GB, each to each; therefore the CG; (ax. 3.) and the angle BFC has been proved to be equal to the angle CGB, also the base BC is common to the two triangles BFC, CGB; wherefore these triangles are equal, (1. 4.) and their remaining angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite; therefore the angle FBC is equal to the angle GCB, and the angle BFC to the angle CBG. And, since it has been demonstrated, that the whole angle ABG is equal to the whole ACF, the parts of which, the angles CBG, BCF are also equal; therefore the remaining angle ABC is equal to the remaining angle ACB, which are the angles at the base of the triangle ABC; and it has been proved, that the angle FBC is equal to the angle GCB, which are the angles upon the other side of the base. Therefore the angles at the base, &c. Q.E.D. COR. Hence every equilateral triangle is also equiangular. PROPOSITION VI. THEOREM. If two angles of a triangle be equal to each other, the sides also which subtend, or are opposite to, the equal angles, shall be equal to one another. Let ABC be a triangle having the angle ABC equal to the angle ACB. Then the side AB shall be equal to the side AC. D A B C For, if AB be not equal to AC, one of them is greater than the other. Let AB be greater than AC; and at the point B, from BA cut off BD equal to CA the less, (1. 3.) and join DC. Then, in the triangles DBC, ABC, because DB is equal to AC, and BC is common to both, the two sides DB, BC are equal to the two sides AC, CB, each to each; BOOK I. PROP. VI, VII. 11 • and the angle DBC is equal to the angle ACB; (hyp.) therefore the base DC is equal to the base AB, (1. 4.) and the triangle DBC is equal to the triangle ACB, the less equal to the greater, which is absurd. Therefore AB is not unequal to AC, that is, AB is equal to AC. Wherefore, if two triangles, &c. Q. E.D. COR. Hence every equiangular triangle is also equilateral. PROPOSITION VII. .THEOREM. Upon the same base, and on the same side of it, there cannot be two triangles that have their sides which are terminated in one extremity of the base, equal to one another, and likewise those which are terminated in the other extremity. If it be possible, on the same base AB, and upon the same side of it, let there be two triangles ACB, ADB, which have their sides CA, DA, terminated in the extremity A of the base, equal to one another, and likewise their sides, CB, DB, that are terminated in B. C D A Join CD. B First. When the vertex of each of the triangles is without the other triangle. Because AC is equal to AD in the triangle ACD, therefore the angle ACD is equal to the angle ADC; (1. 5.) but the angle ACD is greater than the angle BCD; (ax. 9.) therefore also the angle ADC is greater than BCD; much more therefore is the angle BDC greater than BCD. Again, because the side BC is equal to BD in the triangle BCD, (hyp.) therefore the angle BDC is equal to the angle BCD; (1.5.) but the angle BDC was proved greater than the angle BCD, hence the angle BDC is both equal to, and greater than the angle BCD; which is impossible. Secondly. Let the vertex D of the triangle ADB fall within the triangle AČB. E F A D Produce AC and AD to E and F. Then because AC is equal to AD in the triangle ACD, therefore the angles ECD, FDC upon the other side of the base CD are equal to one another; ~(1. 5.) but the angle ECD is greater than the angle BCD; (ax. 10.) therefore also the angle FDC is greater than the angle BCD; 12 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. much more then is the angle BDC greater than the angle BCD. Again, because BC is equal to BD in the triangle BCD, therefore the angle BDC is equal to the angle BCD; (1. 5.) but the angle BDC has been proved greater than BCD, wherefore the angle BDC is both equal to, and greater than the angle BCD; which is impossible. Thirdly. The case in which the vertex of one triangle is upon a side of the other needs no demonstration. Therefore upon the same base and on the same side of it, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, and have likewise their bases equal; the angle which is contained by the two sides of the one shall be equal to the angles con- tained by the two sides equal to them, of the other. Let ABC, DEF be two triangles, having the two sides AB, AC, equal to the two sides DE, DF, each to each, viz. AB to DE, and AC to DF; and also the base BC equal to the base EF. Then the angle BAC shall be equal to the angle EDF. A D G ΔΑ B E For, if the triangle ABC be applied to DEF, so that the point B be on E, and the straight line BC on EF; then because BC is equal to EF, (hyp.) therefore the point C shall coincide with the point F; wherefore BC coinciding with EF, BA and AC shall coincide with ED, DF; for, if the base BC coincide with the base EF, but the sides BA, AC do not coincide with the sides ED, DF, but have a different situa- tion as EG, FG: Then, upon the same base, and upon the same side of it, there can be two triangles which have their sides which are terminated in one extremity of the base equal to one another, and likewise those sides which are terminated in the other extremity; but this is impossible. (1. 7.) Therefore, if the base BC coincide with the base EF, the sides BA, AC cannot but coincide with the sides ED, DF ; wherefore likewise the angle BAC coincides with the angle EDF, and is equal to it, (ax. 8.) Therefore if two triangles have two sides, &c. Q. E, D. BOOK I. PROP. IX, X. 13 PROPOSITION IX. PROBLEM.. To bisect a given rectilineal angle, that is, to divide it into two equal angles. Let BAC be the given rectilineal angle. It is required to bisect it. A D E F B Take any point D in AB ; from AC cut off AE equal to AD; (1. 3.) and join DE, describe an equilateral triangle DEF on the side of DE remote from A, (1. 1.) and join AF. Then the straight line AF shall bisect the angle BAC. Because AD is equal to AE, (constr.) and AF is common to the two triangles DAF, EAF; the two sides DA, AF, are equal to the two sides EA, AF, each to each and the base DF is equal to the base EF; (constr.) therefore the angle DAF is equal to the angle EAF. (1.8.) Wherefore the angle BAC is bisected by the straight line AF. Q.E.F. . PROPOSITION X. PROBLEM. To bisect a given finite straight line, that is, to divide it into two equal parts. Let AB be the given straight line. It is required to divide AB into two equal parts. C A D B Upon AB describe the equilateral triangle ABC;_ (1. 1.) and bisect the angle ACB by the straight line CD meeting AB in the point D. (1. 9.) Then AB shall be cut into two equal parts in the point D. Because AC is equal to CB, (constr.) and CD is common to the two triangles ACD, BCD; the two sides AC, CD are equal to BC, CD, each to each; and the angle ACD is equal to BCD; (constr.) therefore the base AD is equal to the base DB. (1. 4.) Wherefore the straight line AB is divided into two equal parts in the point D. Q.E.F. • 14 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XI. PROBLEM. To draw a straight line at right angles to a given straight line, from a given point in the same. Let AB be the given straight line, and C a given point in it. It is required to draw a straight line from the point C at right angles to AB. F A D C E B In AC take any point D, and make CE equal to CD; (1. 3.) upon DE describe the equilateral triangle DEF, (1. 1.), and join CF. Then CF drawn from the point C shall be at right angles to AB. Because DC is equal to CE, and FC is common to the two tri- angles DCF, ECF; the two sides DC, CF are equal to the two sides EC, CF, each to each; and the base DF is equal to the base EF; (constr.) therefore the angle DCF is equal to the angle ECF: (1.8.) and these two angles are adjacent angles. But when the two adjacent angles which one straight line makes with another straight line are equal to one another, each of them is called a right angle: (def. 10.) Therefore each of the angles DCF, ECF is a right angle. Wherefore from the given point C, in the given straight line AB, FC has been drawn at right angles to AB. Q.E.F. COR. By help of this problem, it may be demonstrated that two straight lines cannot have a common segment. If it be possible, let the segment AB be common to the two straight lines ABC, ABD. E A B D From the point B, draw BE at right angles to AB; (1. 11.) then because ABC is a straight line, therefore the angle ABE is equal to the angle EBC; (def. 10.) Similarly, because ABD is a straight line, therefore the angle ABE is equal to the angle EBD; but the angle ABE is equal to the angle EBC, wherefore the angle EBD is equal to the angle EBC, (ax. 1.) the less equal to the greater angle, which is impossible. Therefore two straight lines cannot have a common segment. PROPOSITION XII. PROBLEM. To draw a straight line perpendicular to a given straight line of an unlimited length, from a given point without it. Let AB be the given straight line, which may be produced any length both ways, and let C be a point without it. BOOK I. PROP. XII, XIII. 15 It is required to draw a straight line perpendicular to AB from the point C. C E H AF G B D Take any point D upon the other side of AB, and from the centre C, at the distance CD, describe the circle EGF meeting AB in F and G; (post. 3.) bisect FG in H (1. 10.), and join CH. Then the straight line CH drawn from the given point C shall be perpendicular to the given straight line AB. Join CF, and CG. And because FH is equal to HG (constr.), and HC is common to the triangles FHC, GHC; the two sides FH, HC, are equal to the two GH, HC, each to each; and the base CF is equal to the base CG; (def. 15.) therefore the angle FHC is equal to the angle GHC; (1.8.) and these are adjacent angles. But when a straight line standing on another straight line, makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of them is a right angle, and the straight line which stands upon the other is called a perpen- dicular to it. (def. 10.) Therefore from the given point C a perpendicular CH has been drawn to the given straight line AB. Q. E. F. PROPOSITION XIII. THEOREM. The angles which one straight line makes with another upon one side of it, are either two right angles, or are together equal to two right angles. Let the straight line AB make with CD, upon one side of it, the angles CBA, ABD. Then these shall be either two right angles, or shall be together, equal to two right angles. A D B E A D B C For if the angle CBA be equal to the angle ABD, each of them is a right angle. (def. 10.) But if the angle CBA be not equal to the angle ABD, from the point B draw BE at right angles to CD. (1.11.) Then the angles CBE, EBD are two right angles. (def. 10.) And because the angle CBE is equal to the angles CBA, ABE, add the angle EBD to each of these equals ; therefore the angles CBE, EBD are equal to the three angles CBA, ABE, EBD. (ax. 2.) 16 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Again, because the angle DBA is equal to the two angles DBE, EBA, add to each of these equals the angle ABC; therefore the angles DBA, ABC are equal to the three angles DBE, EBA, ABC. But the angles CBE, EBD have been proved equal to the same three angles; and things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another; therefore the angles CBE, EBD are equal to the angles DBA, ABC; but the angles CBE, EBD are two right angles; therefore the angles DBA, ABC are together equal to two right angles. (ax. 1.) Wherefore when a straight line, &c. PROPOSITION XIV. THEOREM. Q.E.D. If at a point in a straight line, two other straight lines, upon the opposite sides of it, make the adjacent angles together equal to two right angles, these two straight lines shall be in one and the same straight line. At the point B in the straight line AB, let the two straight lines BC, BD upon the opposite sides of AB, make the adjacent angles ABC, ABD together equal to two right angles. Then BD shall be in the same straight line with CB. A C B E D For, if BD be not in the same straight line with CB, let BE be in the same straight line with it. Then because AB meets the straight line CBE; therefore the adjacent angles CBA, ABE are equal to two right angles; (1. 13.) but the angles CBA, ABD are equal to two right angles; (hyp.) therefore the angles CBA, ABE are equal to the angles CBA, ABD: (ax. 2.) take away from these equals the common angle CBA, therefore the remaining angle ABE is equal to the remaining angle ABD; (ax. 3.) the less equal to the greater angle, which is impossible: therefore BE is not in the same straight line with CB. And in the same manner it may be demonstrated, that no other can be in the same straight line with it but BD, which therefore is in the same straight line with CB. Wherefore, if at a point, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XV. THEOREM. If two straight lines cut one another, the vertical, or opposite angles shall be equal. Let the two straight lines AB, CD cut one another in the point E. BOOK I. 17 • PROP. XV, XVI. Then the angle AEC shall be equal to the angle DEB, and the angle CEB to the angle AED. C -B A E D Because the straight line AE makes with CD at the point E, the adjacent angles CEA, AED; these angles are together equal to two right angles. (1. 13.) Again, because the straight line DE makes with AB at the point E the adjacent angles AED, DEB; these angles also are equal to two right angles; but the angles CEA, AED have been shewn to be equal to two right angles; wherefore the angles CEA, AED are equal to the angles AED, DEB; take away from each the common angle AED, and the remaining angle CEA is equal to the remaining angle DEB. (ax.3.) In the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the angle CEB is equal to the angle AED. Therefore, if two straight lines cut one another, &c. Q. E. D. COR. 1. From this it is manifest, that, if two straight lines cut each other, the angles which they make at the point where they cut, are together equal to four right angles. COR. 2. And consequently that all the angles made by any number of lines meeting in one point, are together equal to four right angles. PROPOSITION XVI. THEOREM. If one side of a triangle be produced, the exterior angle is greater than either of the interior opposite angles. Let ABC be a triangle, and let its side BC be produced to D. Then the exterior angle ACD shall be greater than either of the interior opposite angles CBA or BAC. A F E B C G D Bisect AC in E, (1. 10.) and join BE; produce BE to F, making EF equal to BE, (1. 3.) and join FC. Because AE is equal to EC, and BÈ to EF; the two sides AE, EB are equal to the two CE, EF, each to each, in the triangles ABE, CFE; (1. 15.) and the angle AEB is equal to the angle CEF, because they are opposite vertical angles; therefore the base AB is equal to the base CF, (1.4.) and the triangle AEВ to the triangle CEF, 2 18 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and the remaining angles of one triangle to the remaining angles of the other, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite; wherefore the angle BAE is equal to the angle ECF; but the angle ECD or ACD is greater than the angle ECF; therefore the angle ACD is greater than the angle BAE. In the same manner, if the side BC be bisected, and AC be pro- duced to G; it may be demonstrated that the angle BCG, that is, the angle ACD, (1. 15.) is greater than the angle ABC. Therefore, if one side of a triangle, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. Let ABC be any triangle. Then any two of its angles together shall be less than two right angles. A B C D Produce any side BC to D. Then because ACD is the exterior angle of the triangle ABC; therefore the angle ACD is greater than the interior and opposite angle ABC; (1. 16.) to each of these unequals add the angle ACB; Therefore the angles ACD, ACB are greater than the angles ABC, ACB; but the angles ACD, ACB are equal to two right angles; (1. 13.) therefore the angles ABC, BCA are less than two right angles. In like manner it may be demonstrated, that the angles BAC, ACB are less than two right angles, as also the angles CAB, ABC. Therefore any two angles of a triangle, &c. PROPOSITION XVIII. THEOREM. Q. E.D. The greater side of every triangle is opposite to the greater angle. Let ABC be a triangle, of which the side AC is greater than the side AB. Then the angle ABC shall be greater than the angle BCA. B A D Since the side AC is greater than the side AB, make AD equal to AB, (1. 3.) and join BD. Then because AD is equal to AB in the triangle ABD, therefore the angle ADB is equal to the angle ABD, (1. 5.) BOOK I PROP. XVIII—XX. 19 but because the side CD of the triangle DBC is produced to A, therefore the exterior angle ADB is greater than the interior and opposite angle DCB; (1. 16.) but the angle ADB has been proved equal to the angle ABD, therefore the angle ABD is greater than the angle DCB; wherefore much more is the angle ABC greater than the angle ACB, Therefore the greater side, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XIX. THEOREM. The greater angle of every triangle is subtended by the greater side, or, has the greater side opposite to it. Let ABC be a triangle of which the angle ABC is greater than the angle BCA. Then the side AC shall be greater than the side AB. A B For, if AC be not greater than AB, AC must either be equal to, or less than AB; if AC were equal to AB, then the angle ABC would be equal to the angle ACB; but it is not equal; (hyp.) therefore the side AC is not equal to AB. Again, if AC were less than AB, (1. 5.) then the angle ABC would be less than the angle ACB; (1. 18.) but it is not less, therefore the side AC is not less than AB; and AC has been shewn to be not equal to AB; therefore AC is greater than AB. Wherefore the greater angle, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XX. THEOREM. Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side. Let ABC be a triangle. Then any two sides of it together shall be greater than the third side, viz. the sides BA, AC greater than the side BC; AB, BC greater than AC; and BC, CA greater than AB, B A D C Produce the side BA to the point D, make AD equal to AC, (1. 3.) and join DC. 2-2 20 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Then because AD is equal to AC, therefore the angle ADC is equal to the angle ACD; (1. 5.) but the angle BCD is greater than the angle ACD; therefore also the angle BCD is greater than the angle ADC. And because in the triangle DBC, the angle BCD is greater than the angle BDC, (ax. 9.) and that the greater angle is subtended by the greater side; (1. 19.) therefore the side DB is greater than the side BC; but DB is equal to BA and AC, therefore the sides BA and AC are greater than BC. In the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the sides AB, BC are greater than CA; also that BC, CA are greater than AB. Therefore any two sides, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXI. THEOREM. If from the ends of a side of a triangle, there be drawn two straight lines to a point within the triangle, these shall be less than the other two sides of the triangle, but shall contain a greater angle. Let ABC be a triangle, and from the points B, C, the ends of the side BC, let the two straight lines BD, CD be drawn to a point D within the triangle. Then BD and DC shall be less than BA and AC the other two sides of the triangle, but shall contain an angle BDC greater than the angle BAC. A E D B Produce BD to meet the side AC in E. Because two sides of a triangle are greater than the third side, (1.20.) therefore the two sides BA, AE of the triangle ABE are greater than BE; to each of these unequals add EC; therefore the sides BA, AC are greater than BE, EC. (ax. 4.) Again, because the two sides CE, ED of the triangle CED are greater than DC; (1. 20.) add DB to each of these unequals ; therefore the sides CE, EB are greater than CD, DB. (ax. 4.) But it has been shewn that BA, AC are greater than BE, EC; much more then are BA, AC greater than BD, DC. Again, because the exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the interior and opposite angle; (1. 16.) therefore the exterior angle BDC of the triangle CDE is greater than the interior and opposite angle CED; for the same reason, the exterior angle CED of the triangle ABE is greater than the interior and opposite angle BAC; and it has been demonstrated, that the angle BDC is greater than the angle CEB; much more therefore is the angle BDC greater than the angle BAC. Therefore, if from the ends of the side, &c. Q. E. D. BOOK I. PROP. XXII, XXIII. 21 PROPOSITION XXII. PROBLEM. To make a triangle of which the sides shall be equal to three given straight lines, but any two whatever of these must be greater than the third. Let A, B, C be the three given straight lines, of which any two whatever are greater than the third, (1. 20.) namely, A and B greater than C; A and C greater than B; and B and C greater than A. It is required to make a triangle of which the sides shall be equal to A, B, C, each to each. D E G H L A B C— Take a straight line DE terminated at the point D, but unlimited towards E, make DF equal to A, FG equal to B, and GH equal to C; (1. 3.) from the centre F, at the distance FD, describe the circle DKL; (post. 3.) and from the centre G, at the distance GH, describe the circle HLK; and join KF, KG. Then the triangle KFG shall have its sides equal to the three straight lines A, B, C. Because the point F is the centre of the circle DKL, therefore FD is equal to FK; (def. 15.) but FD is equal to the straight line A ; therefore FK is equal to A. Again, because G is the centre of the circle HLK; therefore GH is equal to GK, (def. 15.) but GH is equal to C'; therefore also GK is equal to C; and FG is equal to B; (ax. 1.) therefore the three straight lines KF, FG, GK, are respectively equal to the three, A, B, C: and therefore the triangle KFG has its three sides KF, FG, GK, equal to the three given straight lines A, B, C. Q. E. F. PROPOSITION XXIII. PROBLEM. At a given point in a given straight line, to make a rectilineal angle. equal to a given rectilineal angle. Let AB be the given straight line, and A the given point in it, and DCE the given rectilineal angle. It is required to make an angle at the given point A in the given straight line AB, that shall be equal to the given rectilineal angle DCE. 22 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. C A E F G B D In CD, CE, take any points D, E, and join DE; make the triangle AFG, the sides of which shall be equal to the three straight lines CD, DE, EC, so that AF be equal to CD, AG to CE, and FG to DE. (1. 22.) Then the angle FAG shall be equal to the angle DCE. Because FA, AG are equal to DC, CE, each to each, and the base FG is equal to the base DE; therefore the angle FAG is equal to the angle DCE. (1.8.) Wherefore at the given point A in the given straight line AB, the angle FAG is made equal to the given rectilineal angle DCE. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XXIV. THEOREM. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, but the angle contained by the two sides of one of them greater than the angle contained by the two sides equal to them, of the other; the base of that which has the greater angle, shall be greater than the base of the other. # Let ABC, DEF be two triangles, which have the two sides AB, AC, equal to the two DE, DF, each to each, namely AB equal to DE, and AC to DF; but the angle BAC greater than the angle EDF. Then the base BC shall be greater than the base EF. A D B C E G F Of the two sides DE, DF, let DE be not greater than DF, at the point D, in the straight line DE, make the angle EDG equal to the angle PAC; (1. 23.) make DG equal to DF or AC, (1. 3.) and join EG, GF. Then, because DE is equal to AB, and DG to AC, the two sides DE, DG are equal to the two AB, AC, each to each, and the angle EDG is equal to the angle BAC; therefore the base EG is equal to the base BC. (1.4.) And because DG is equal to DF in the triangle DFG, therefore the angle DFG is equal to the angle DGF; (1.5.) but the angle DGF is greater than the angle EGF; (ax. 9.) therefore the angle DFG is also greater than the angle EGF; much more therefore is the angle EFG greater than the angle EGF. And because in the triangle EFG, the angle EFG is greater than the angle EGF, and that the greater angle is subtended by the greater side; (1. 19.) therefore the side EG is greater than the side EF; but EG was proved equal to BC; therefore BC is greater than EF. Wherefore if two triangles, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK I. PROP. XXV, XXVI. 23 1 PROPOSITION XXV. THEOREM. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, but the base of one greater than the base of the other ; the angle contained by the sides of the one which has the greater base, shall be greater than the angle contained by the sides, equal to them, of the olher. Let ABC, DEF be two triangles which have the two sides AB, AC equal to the two sides DE, DF, each to each, namely, AB equal to DE, and AC to DF; but the base BC greater than the base EF. Then the angle BAC shall be greater than the angle EDF. A D B C E F For, if the angle BAC be not greater than the angle EDF, it must either be equal to it, or less than it. If the angle BAC were equal to the angle EDF, then the base BC would be equal to the base EF; (1. 4.) but it is not equal, therefore the angle BAC is not equal to the angle EDF. Again, if the angle BAC were less than the angle EDF, then the base BC would be less than the base EF; (1. 24.) but it is not less, therefore the angle BAC is not less than the angle EDF; and it has been shewn, that the angle BAC is not equal to the angle EDF; therefore the angle BAC is greater than the angle EDF. Wherefore, if two triangles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXVI. THEOREM. If two triangles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and one side equal to one side, viz. either the sides adjacent to the equal angles in each, or the sides opposite to them; then shall the other sides be equal, each to each, and also the third angle of the one equal to the third angle of the other. Let ABC, DEF be two triangles which have the angles ABC, BCA equal to the angles DEF, EFD, each to each, namely ABC to DEF, and BCA to EFD; also one side equal to one side. First, let those sides be equal which are adjacent to the angles that are equal in the two triangles, namely BC to EF. Then the other sides shall be equal, each to each, namely AB to DE, and AC to DF, and the third angle BAC to the third angle EDF. A D B C E F 24 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. For, if AB be not equal to DE, one of them must be greater than the other. Let AB be greater than DE, make BG equal to ED, (1. 3.) and join GC. Then in the two triangles GBC, DEF, because GB is equal to DE, and BC to EF, (hyp.) the two sides GB, BC are equal to the two DE, EF, each to each; and the angle GBC is equal to the angle DEF; therefore the base GC is equal to the base DF, (1. 4.) and the triangle GBC to the triangle DEF, and the other angles to the other angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite; therefore the angle GCB is equal to the angle DFE; but the angle DFE is, by the hypothesis, equal to the angle ACB; wherefore also the angle GCB is equal to the angle ACB; (ax. 1.) the less angle equal to the greater, which is impossible; therefore AB is not unequal to DE, that is, AB is equal to DE. Hence, in the triangles ABC, DEF; because AB is equal to DE, and BC to EF, (hyp.) and the angle ABC is equal to the angle DEF; (hyp.) therefore the base AC is equal to the base DF, (1. 4.) and the third angle BAC to the third angle EDF. Secondly, let the sides which are opposite to the equal angles in each triangle be equal to one another, namely, AB equal to DE. Then in this case likewise the other sides shall be equal, AC to DF, and BC to EF, and also the third angle BAC to the third angle EDF. A D B HC E F For if BC be not equal to EF, one of them must be greater than the other. Let BC be greater than EF; make BH equal to EF, (1.3.) and join AH. Then in the two triangles ABH, DEF, because AB is equal DE, and BH to EF, and the angle ABC to the angle DEF; (hyp.) therefore the base AH is equal to the base DF, (1.4.) and the triangle ABH to the triangle DEF, and the other angles to the other angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite; therefore the angle BHA is equal to the angle EFD; but the angle EFD is equal to the angle BCA; (hyp.) therefore the angle BHA is equal to the angle BCA, (ax. 1.) that is, the exterior angle BHA of the triangle AHC, is equal to its interior and opposite angle BCA; which is impossible; (1.16.) wherefore BC is not unequal to EF, that is, BC is equal to EF. Hence, in the triangles ABC, DEF; because AB is equal to DE, and BC to EF, (hyp.) BOOK I. PROP. XXVI—XXVIII. 25 and the included angle ABC is equal to the included angle DEF; (hyp.) therefore the base AC is equal to the base DF, (1.4.) and the third angle BAC to the third angle EDF. Wherefore if two triangles, &c. PROPOSITION XXVII. Q.E.D. THEOREM. If a straight line, falling on two other straight lines, make the alter- nate angles equal to each other; these two straight lines shall be parallel. Let the straight line EF, which falls upon the two straight lines AB, CD, make the alternate angles AEF, EFD equal to one another. Then AB shall be parallel to CD. A E B G C F D For, if AB be not parallel to CD, AB and CD being produced will meet either towards A and C, or towards B and D. Let AB, CD be produced and meet towards B and D, in the point G. Then GEF is a triangle, and its exterior angle AEF is greater than the interior and opposite angle EFG; (1.16.) but the angle AEF is equal to the angle EFG; (hyp.) therefore the angle AEF is greater than and equal to the angle EFG; which is impossible. Therefore AB, CD being produced do not meet towards B, D. In like manner, it may be demonstrated, that they do not meet when produced towards A, C. But those straight lines in the same plane which meet neither way, though produced ever so far, are parallel to one another; (def. 35.) therefore AB is parallel to CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXVIII. THEOREM. If a straight line falling upon two other straight lines, makes the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite upon the same side of the line; or makes the interior angles upon the same side together equal to two right angles; the two straight lines shall be parallel to one another. Let the straight line EF, which falls upon the two straight lines AB, CD, make the exterior angle EGB equal to the interior and opposite angle GHD upon the same side; or make the two interior angles BGH, GHD on the same side together equal to two right angles. Then AB shall be parallel to CD. E A G B C H D F 26 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Because the angle EGB is equal to the angle GHD, (hyp.) and the angle EGB equal to the angle AGH, (1.15.) therefore the angle AGH is equal to the angle GHD; (ax. 1.) and they are alternate angles, therefore AB is parallel to CD. (1.27.) Again, because the angles BGH, GHD are together equal to two right angles, (hyp.) and that the angles AGH, BGH are also together equal to two right angles; (1.13.) therefore the angles AGH, BGH are equal to the angles BGH, GHD; (ax. 1.) take away the common angle BGH; therefore the remaining angle AGH is equal to the remaining angle GHD; (ax. 3.) and they are alternate angles; therefore AB is parallel to CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. (1. 27.) PROPOSITION XXIX. THEOREM. If a straight line fall upon two parallel straight lines, it makes the alternate angles equal to one another; and the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite upon the same side; and likewise the two interior angles upon the same side together equal to two right angles. Let the straight line EF fall upon the parallel straight lines AB, CD. Then the alternate angles AGH, GHD shall be equal to one another; the exterior angle EGB shall be equal to the interior and oppositè angle GHD upon the same side of the line EF; and the two interior angles BGH, GHD upon the same side shall be together equal to two right angles. E A G C H B D F For, if the angle AGH be not equal to the alternate angle GHD, let AGH be greater than GHD, then because the angle AGH is greater than the angle GHD, add to each of these unequals the angle BGH; therefore the angles AGH, BGH are greater than the angles BGH, GHD; (ax. 4.) but the angles AGH, BGH are equal to two right angles; (1. 13.) therefore the angles BGH, GHD are less than two right angles; but those straight lines which, with another straight line falling upon them, make the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, will meet together if continually produced; (ax. 12.) therefore the straight lines AB, CD, if produced far enough, will meet; but they never meet, since they are parallel by the hypothesis; therefore the angle AGH is not unequal to the angle GHD, that is, the angle AGH is equal to the angle GHD: but the angle AGH is equal to the angle EGB; (1.15.) BOOK I. PROP. XXIX-XXXI. 27 therefore likewise the angle EGB is equal to the angle GHD: (ax. 1.) add to each of them the angle BGH; therefore the angles EGB, BGH are equal to the angles BGH, GHD; (ax. 2.) but EGB, BGH are equal to two right angles; (1. 13.) therefore also BGH, GHD are equal to two right angles. (ax. 1.) Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXX. THEOREM. Straight lines which are parallel to the same straight line are parallel to each other. Let the straight lines AB, CD be each of them parallel to EF. Then shall AB be also parallel to CD. G A- B H E F K C D Let the straight line GHK cut AB, EF, CD. Then because GHK cuts the parallel straight lines AB, EF, therefore the angle AGH is equal to the alternate angle GHF. (1. 29.) Again, because GHK cuts the parallel straight lines EF, CD, therefore the exterior angle GHF is equal to the interior angle HKD; (1. 29.) and it was shewn that the angle AGH is equal to the angle GHF; therefore the angle AGH is equal to the angle GKD; and these are alternate angles; therefore AB is parallel to CD. (1.27.) Wherefore straight lines which are, &c. PROPOSITION XXXI. PROBLEM. Q. E. D. To draw a straight line through a given point parallel to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line. It is required to draw through the point A a straight line parallel to the straight line BC. E A F B D In the line BC take any point D, and join AD, at the point A in the straight line AD, make the angle DAE equal to the angle ADC; (1. 23.) and produce the straight line EA to F. Then EF shall be parallel to BC. Because the straight line AD meets the two straight lines EF, BC, and makes the alternate angles EAD, ADC, equal to one another, therefore EF is parallel to BC. (1.27.) Wherefore through the given point A, has been drawn a straight line EAF parallel to the given straight line BC. Q.E. F. " 28 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XXXII. THEOREM. If a side of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles; and the three interior angles of every triangle are together equal to two right angles. Let ABC be a triangle, and let one of its sides BC be produced to D. Then the exterior angle ACD shall be equal to the two interior and opposite angles CAB, ABC: and the three interior angles ABC, BCA, CAB shall be equal to two right angles. A E B C Through the point C draw CE parallel to the side BA. (1. 31.) Then because CE is parallel to BA, and AC meets them, therefore the angle ACE is equal to the alternate angle BAC. (1. 29.) Again, because CE is parallel to AB, and BD falls upon them, therefore the exterior angle ECD is equal to the interior and op- posite angle ABC; (1.29.) but the angle ACE was shewn to be equal to the angle BAC; therefore the whole exterior angle ACD is equal to the two interior and opposite angles CAB, ABC: (ax. 2.) to each of these equals add the angle ACB, therefore the angles ACD and ACB are equal to the three angles CAB, ABC, and ACB; (ax. 2.) but the angles ACD, ACB are equal to two right angles, (1. 13.) therefore also the angles CAB, ABC, ACB are equal to two right angles. (ax. 1.) Wherefore, if a side of any triangle be produced, &c. Q. E.D. COR. 1. All the interior angles of any rectilineal figure together with four right angles, are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides. D E A B For any rectilineal figure ABCDE can be divided into as many tri- angles as the figure has sides, by drawing straight lines from a point F within the figure to each of its angles. Then, because the three interior angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles, and there are as many triangles as the figure has sides, therefore all the angles of these triangles are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides; but the same angles of these triangles are equal to the interior angles of the figure together with the angles at the point F: and the angles at the point F, which is the common vertex of all the triangles, are equal to four right angles, (1. 15. Cor. 2.) BOOK I. PROP. XXXII, XXXIII, 29 therefore the same angles of these triangles are equal to the angles of the figure together with four right angles; but it has been proved that the angles of the triangles are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides; therefore all the angles of the figure together with four right angles are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides. COR. 2. All the exterior angles of any rectilineal figure, made by producing the sides successively in the same direction, are together equal to four right angles. D B Since every interior angle ABC, together with its adjacent exterior angle ABD, are equal to two right angles, (1. 13.) therefore all the interior angles, together with all the exterior angles of the figure, are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides; but it has been proved by the foregoing corollary, that all the inte- rior angles together with four right angles are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides; therefore all the interior angles together with all the exterior angles are equal to all the interior angles and four right angles, (ax. 1.) take from these equals all the interior angles, therefore all the exterior angles of the figure are equal to four right angles. (ax. 2.) PROPOSITION XXXIII. THEOREM. The straight lines which join the extremities of two equal and pa- rallel straight lines towards the same parts, are also themselves equal and parallel. Let AB, CD be equal and parallel straight lines, and joined towards the same parts by the straight lines AC, BD. Then AC, BD shall be equal and parallel. A B C Join BC. Ꭰ Then because AB is parallel to CD, and BC meets them, therefore the angle ABC is equal to the alternate angle BCD; (1. 29.) and because AB is equal to CD, and BC common to the two tri- angles ABC, DCB; the two sides AB, BC, are equal to the two DC, CB, each to each, and the angle ABC was proved to be equal to the angle BCD: therefore the base AC is equal to the base BD, (1. 4.) and the triangle ABC to the triangle BCD, i 30 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and the other angles to the other angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite; therefore the angle ACB is equal to the angle CBD. And because the straight line BC meets the two straight lines AC, BD, and makes the alternate angles ACB, CBD equal to one another; therefore AC is parallel to BD; (1.27.) and AC was shewn to be equal to BD. Therefore, straight lines which, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXXIV. THEOREM. The opposite sides and angles of parallelograms are equal to one another, and the diameter bisects them, that is, divides them into two equal parts. Let ACDB be a parallelogram, of which BC is a diameter. Then the opposite sides and angles of the figure shall be equal to one another; and the diameter BC shall bisect it. A B C Because AB is parallel to CD, and BC meets them, therefore the angle ABC is equal to the alternate angle BCD. (1.29.) And because AC is parallel to BD, and BC meets them, therefore the angle ACB is equal to the alternate angle CBD. (1. 29.) Hence in the two triangles ABC, CBD, because the two angles ABC, BCA in the one, are equal to the two angles BCD, CBD in the other, each to each; and one side BC, which is adjacent to their equal angles, common to the two triangles; therefore their other sides are equal, each to each, and the third angle of the one to the third angle of the other, (1. 26.) namely, the side AB to the side CD, and AC to BD, and the angle BAC to the angle BDC. And because the angle ABC is equal to the angle BCD, and the angle CBD to the angle ACB, therefore the whole angle ABD is equal to the whole angle ACD; (ax. 2.) and the angle BAC has been shewn to be equal to BDC; therefore the opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal to one another. Also the diameter BC bisects it. For since AB is equal to CD, and BC common, the two sides AB, BC are equal to the two DC, CB, each to each ; and the angle ABC has been proved to be equal to the angle BCD; therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle BCD; (1.4.) and the diameter BC divides the parallelogram ACDB into two equal parts. Q. E.D. BOOK I. PROP. XXXV, XXXVI. 31 PROPOSITION XXXV. THEOREM. Parallelograms upon the same base, and between the same parallels, are equal to one another. Let the parallelograms ABCD, EBCF be upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels AF, BC. Then the parallelogram ABCD shall be equal to the parallelogram EBCF. A D F A DE F B C B C AED F B C If the sides AD, DF of the parallelograms ABCD, DBCF, opposite to the base BC, be terminated in the same point D; then it is plain that each of the parallelograms is double of the triangle BDC; (1.34.) and therefore the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelo- gram DBCF. (ax. 6.) But if the sides AD, EF, opposite to the base BC, be not terminated in the same point; Then, because ABCD is parallelogram, therefore AD is equal to BC; (1.34.) and for a similar reason, EF is equal to BC; wherefore AD is equal to EF; (ax. 1.) and DE is common; therefore the whole, or the remainder, AE is equal to the whole, or remainder DF; (ax. 2 or 3.) and AB is equal to DC; (1. 34.) hence in the triangles EAB, FDC, because FD is equal to EA, and DC to AB, and the exterior angle FDC is equal to the interior and opposite angle EAB; (1.29.) therefore the base FC is equal to the base EB, (1. 4.) and the triangle FDC equal to the triangle EAB. From the trapezium ABCF take the triangle FDC, and from the same trapezium take the triangle EAB, and the remainders are equal, (ax. 3.) therefore the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram EBCF. Therefore parallelograms upon the same, &c. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION XXXVI. THEOREM. Parallelograms upon equal bases, and between the same parallels, are equal to one another. Let ABCD, EFGH be parallelograms upon equal bases BC, FG, and between the same parallels AH, BG. Then the parallelogram ABCD shall be equal to the parallelogram EFGH. A DE H B C F G 32 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Join BE, CH. Then because BC is equal to FG, (hyp.) and FG to EH, (1.34.) therefore BC is equal to EH; (ax. 1.) and these lines are parallels, and joined towards the same parts by the straight lines BE, CH; but straight lines which join the extremities of equal and parallel straight lines towards the same parts, are themselves equal and parallel; (1.33.) therefore BE, CH are both equal and parallel; wherefore EBCH is a parallelogram. (def. A.) Then since the parallelograms ABCD, EBCH, are upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels BC, AH; therefore the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram EBCH. (1.35.) For a similar reason, the parallelogram EFGH is equal to the parallelogram EBCH; therefore the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram EFGH. (ax. 1.) Therefore parallelograms upon equal, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXXVII. THEOREM. Triangles upon the same base, and between the same parallels, are equal to one another. Let the triangles ABC, DBC be upon the same base BC, and be- tween the same parallels AD, BC. Then the triangle ABC shall be equal to the triangle DBC. E A D F B C F: Produce AD both ways to the points E, through B draw BE parallel to CA, (1. 31.) and through C draw CF parallel to BD. Then each of the figures EBCA, DBCF is a parallelogram; and EBCA is equal to DBCF, (1.35.) because they are upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels BC, EF. And because the diameter AB bisects the parallelogram EBCA, therefore the triangle ABC is half of the parallelogram EBCA; (1.34.) also because the diameter BC bisects the parallelogram DBCF, therefore the triangle DBC is half of the parallelogram DBCF, but the halves of equal things are equal; (ax. 7.) therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DBC. Wherefore triangles, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXXVIII. THEOREM. Triangles upon equal bases, and between the same parallels, are equal to one another. BOOK I. PROP, XXXVIII, XXXIX. 33 Let the triangles ABC, DEF be upon equal bases BC, EF, and between the same parallels BF, AD. Then the triangle ABC shall be equal to the triangle DEF. G A D H ZN B CE F Produce AD both ways to the points G, H; through B draw BG parallel to CA, (1. 31.) and through F draw FH parallel to ED. Then each of the figures GBCA, DEFH is a parallelogram; and they are equal to one another, (1. 36.) because they are upon equal bases BC, EF, and between the same parallels BF, GH. And because the diameter AB bisects the parallelogram GBCA, therefore the triangle ABC is the half of the parallelogram GBCA; (1.34.) also, because the diameter DF bisects the parallelogram DEFH, therefore the triangle DEF is the half of the parallelogram DEFH; but the halves of equal things are equal; (ax. 7.) therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DEF. Wherefore, triangles upon equal bases, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXXIX. THEOREM. Equal triangles upon the same base and upon the same side of it, are between the same parallels. Let the equal triangles ABC, DBC be upon the same base BC, and upon the same side of it. Then the triangles ABC, DBC shall be between the same parallels. A E D B Join AD; AD shall be parallel to BC. For, if it is not, through the point A draw AE parallel to BC, (1. 31.) meeting BD or BD produced in E, and join EC. Then the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle EBC, (1.37.) because they are upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels BC, AE; but the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DBC; (hyp.) therefore the triangle DBC is equal to the triangle EBC, the greater equal to the less triangle, which is impossible: therefore AE is not parallel to BC. In the same manner it can be demonstrated, that no other line but AD is parallel to BC; AD is therefore parallel to BC. Wherefore, equal triangles upon, &c. Q.E.D. 3 34 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XL. THEOREM. Equal triangles, upon equal bases in the same straight line, and towards the same parts, are between the same parallels. Let the equal triangles ABC, DEF be upon equal bases BC, EF, in the same straight line BF, and towards the same parts. Then they shall be between the same parallels. A D G B CE F Join AD; AD shall be parallel to BF. For, if it is not, through A draw AG parallel to BF, (1. 31.) meeting ED, or ED produced in G, and join GF. Then the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle GEF, because they are upon equal bases BC, EF, and between the same parallels BF, AG; (1.38.) but the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DEF; (hyp.) therefore the triangle DEF is equal to the triangle GEF, (ax. 1.) the greater equal to the less triangle, which is impossible: therefore AG is not parallel to BF. And in the same manner it can be demonstrated, that there is no other parallel to it but AD; AD is therefore parallel to BF. Wherefore, equal triangles upon, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XLI. THEOREM. If a parallelogram and a triangle be upon the same base, and between the same parallels; the parallelogram shall be double of the triangle. Let the parallelogram ABCD, and the triangle EBC be upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels BČ, AE. Then the parallelogram ABCD shall be double of the triangle EBC. A DE B Join AC. Then the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle EBC, (1.37.) because they are upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels BC, AE. But the parallelogram ABCD is double of the triangle ABC, because the diameter AC bisects it; (1. 34.) wherefore ABCD is also double of the triangle EBC. Therefore, if a parallelogram and a triangle, &c. Q.E. D. BOOK I. PROP. XLII, XLIII. 35 PROPOSITION XLII. PROBLEM. To describe a parallelogram that shall be equal to a given triangle, and have one of its angles equal to a given rectilineal angle. Let ABC be the given triangle, and D the given rectilineal angle. It is required to describe a parallelogram that shall be equal to the given triangle ABC, and have one of its angles equal to D. A F G BE C Bisect BC in E, (1. 10.) and join AE; at the point E in the straight line EC, make the angle CEF equal to the angle D; (1. 23.) through Å draw AFG parallel to BC, (1. 31.) and through C draw CG parallel to ÈF. Then the figure CEFG is a parallelogram. (def. A.) And because the triangles ABE, AEC are on the equal bases BE, EC, and between the same parallels BC, AG; they are therefore equal to one another; (1. 38.) and therefore the triangle ABC is double of the triangle AEC; but the parallelogram FECG is double of the triangle AEC, (1. 41.) because they are upon the same base EC, and between the same parallels EC, AG; therefore the parallelogram FECG is equal to the triangle ABC, (ax. 6.) and it has one of its angles CEF equal to the given angle D. Wherefore a parallelogram FECG has been described equal to the given triangle ABC, and having one of its angles CEF equal to the given angle D. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XLIII. THEOREM. The complements of the parallelograms which are about the diameter of any parallelogram, are equal to one another. Let ABCD be a parallelogram, of which the diameter is AC: and EH, GF the parallelograms about AC, that is, through which AC passes: also BK, KD the other parallelograms which make up the whole figure ABCD, which are therefore called the complements. Then the complement BK shall be equal to the complement KD. A H D E K F BG C Because ABCD is a parallelogram, and AC its diameter, therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle ADC. (1. 34.) 3—2 36 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Again, because EKHA is a parallelogram, and AK its diameter, therefore the triangle AEK is equal to the triangle AHK; (1. 34.) and for the same reason, the triangle KGC is equal to the triangle KFC. Wherefore the two triangles AEK, KG are equal to the two triangles AHK, KFC, (ax. 2. but the whole triangle ABC is equal to the whole triangle ADC; therefore the remaining complement BK is equal to the remaining complement KD. (ax. 3.) Wherefore the complements, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XLIV. PROBLEM. To a given straight line to apply a parallelogram, which shall be equal to a given triangle, and have one of its angles equal to a given rectilineal angle. Let AB be the given straight line, and C the given triangle, and D the given rectilineal angle. It is required to apply to the straight line AB a parallelogram equal to the triangle C, and having an angle equal to D. FE K D C G M B HA L Make the parallelogram BEFG equal to the triangle C, (1. 42.) and having the angle EBG equal to the angle D, so that BE be in the same straight line with AB; produce FG to H, through A draw AH parallel to BG or EF, (1. 31.) and join ÍВ. Then because the straight line HF falls upon the parallels AH, EF, therefore the angles AHF, HFE are together equal to two right angles; (1. 29.) wherefore the angles BHF, HFE are less than two right angles: but straight lines which with another straight line make the two interior angles upon the same side less than two right angles, do meet if produced far enough: (ax. 12.) therefore HB, FE shall meet, if produced; let them be produced and meet in K, through K draw KL parallel to EA or FH, and produce HA, GB to meet KL in the points L, M. Then HLKF is a parallelogram, of which the diameter is HK; and AG, ME, are the parallelograms about HK; also LB, BF are the complements; therefore the complement LB is equal to the complement BF; (1. 43.) but the complement BF is equal to the triangle C; (constr.) wherefore LB is equal to the triangle C. And because the angle GBE is equal to the angle ABM, (1. 15.) and likewise to the angle D; (constr.) BOOK I. PROP. XLIV, XLV. 37. therefore the angle ABM is equal to the angle D. (ax. 1.) - Therefore to the straight line AB, the parallelogram LB is applied, equal to the triangle C, and having the angle ABM equal to the angle D. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XLV. PROBLEM. To describe a parallelogram equal to a given rectilineal figure, and having an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. Let ABCD be the given rectilineal figure, and E the given rec- tilineal angle. It is required to describe a parallelogram that shall be equal to the figure ABCD, and having an angle equal to E. A D F GL E B C KHM Join DB. Describe the parallelogram FH equal to the triangle ADB, and having the angle FKH equal to the angle E; (1. 42.) to the straight line GH, apply the parallelogram GM equal to the tri- angle DBC, having the angle GHM equal to the angle E. (1. 44.) Then the figure FKML shall be the parallelogram required. Because the angle E is equal to each of the angles FKH, GHM, therefore the angle FKH is equal to the angle GHM; add to each of these equals the angle KHG; therefore the angles FKH, KHG are equal to the angles KHG, GHM; but FKH, KHG are equal to two right angles; (1. 29.) therefore also KHG, GĤM are equal to two right angles; and because at the point H, in the straight line GH, the two straight lines KH, HM, upon the opposite sides of it, make the adjacent angles equal to two right angles, therefore HK is in the same straight line with HM. (1.14.) And because the line HG meets the parallel KM, FG, therefore the angle MHG is equal to the alternate angle HGF; (1.29.) add to each of these equals the angle HGL; therefore the angles MHG, HGL are equal to the angles HGF, HGL; but the angles MHG, HGL are equal to two right angles; (1.29.) therefore also the angles HGF, HGL are equal to two right angles, and therefore FG is in the same straight line with GL. (1. 14.) And because KF is parallel to HG, and HG to ML, therefore KF is parallel to ML; (1.30.) and KM has been proved parallel to FL, wherefore the figure FKML is a parallelogram; and since the triangle ABD is equal to the parallelogram HF, and the triangle BDC to the parallelogram GM; . 38 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore the whole rectilineal figure ABCD is equal to the whole parallelogram KFLM. Therefore the parallelogram KFLM has been described equal to the given rectilineal figure ABCD, having the angle FKM equal to the given angle E. Q. E. F. COR. From this it is manifest how, to a given straight line, to apply a parallelogram, which shall have an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle, and shall be equal to a given rectilineal figure; viz. by applying to the given straight line a parallelogram equal to the first triangle ABD, (1.44.) and having an angle equal to the given angle. PROPOSITION XLVI. PROBLEM. To describe a square upon a given straight line. Let AB be the given straight line. It is required to describe a square upon AB. D E A B From the point A draw AC at right angles to AB; (1.11.) make AD equal to AB, (1. 3.) through the point D draw DE parallel to AB, (1.31). and through B, draw BE parallel to AD; therefore ABED is a parallelogram ; whence AB is equal to DE, and AD to BE; (1.34.) but BA is equal to AD, therefore the four lines BA, AD, DE, EB are equal to one another, and the parallelogram ADEB is equilateral. It has likewise all its angles right angles since AD meets the parallels AB, DE, therefore the angles BAD, ADE are equal to two right angles; (1. 29.) but BAD is a right angle; (constr.) therefore also ADE is a right angle. But the opposite angles of parallelograms are equal; (1.34.) therefore each of the opposite angles ABE, BED is a right angle; wherefore the figure ÄDEB is rectangular, and it has been proved to be equilateral; therefore the figure ADED is a square, (def. 30.) and it is described upon the given straight line AB. Q.E.F. COR. Hence, every parallelogram that has one right angle, has all its angles right angles. PROPOSITION XLVII. THEOREM. In any right-angled triangle, the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle. BOOK I. PROP. XLVII. 39 Let ABC be a right-angled triangle, having the right angle BAC. Then the square described upon the side BC, shall be equal to the squares described upon BA, AC. F G H K B C D LE On BC describe the square BDEC, (1. 46.) and on BA, AC the squares GB, HC; through A draw AL parallel to BD or CE; (1, 31.) and join AD, FC. Then because the angle BAC is a right angle, (hyp.) and that the angle BAG is a right angle, (def. 30.) the two straight lines AC, AG upon the opposite sides of AB, make with it at the point A the adjacent angles equal to two right angles; therefore CA is in the same straight line with AG. (I.14.) For the same reason, BA and AH are in the same straight line. And because the angle DBC is equal to the angle FBA, each of them being a right angle, add to each of these equals the angle ABC, therefore the whole angle DBA is equal to the whole angle FBC. (ax. 2.) And because the two sides AB, BD, are equal to the two sides FB, BC, each to each, and the included angle ABD is equal to the included angle FBC, therefore the base AD is equal to the base FC, (1. 4.) and the triangle ABĎ to the triangle FBC. Now the parallelogram BL is double of the triangle ABD, (1.41.) because they are upon the same base BD, and between the same parallels BD, AL; also the square GB is double of the triangle FBC, because these also are upon the same base FB, and between the same parallels FB, GC. But the doubles of equals are equal to one another; (ax. 6.) therefore the parallelogram BL is equal to the square GB. Similarly, by joining AE, BK, it can be proved, that the parallelogram CL is equal to the square HC. Therefore the whole square BDEC is equal to the two squares GB, HC; (ax. 2.) and the square BEDC is described upon the straight line BC, and the squares GB, HC, upon AB, AC: therefore the square upon the side BC is equal to the squares upon the sides AB, AC. Therefore, in any right-angled triangle, &c. Q. E. D. 40 ´EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 1 PROPOSITION XLVIII. THEOREM. If the square described upon one of the sides of a triangle, be equal to the squares described upon the other two sides of it; the angle con- tained by these two sides is a right angle. Let the square described upon BC, one of the sides of the triangle ABC, be equal to the squares upon the other two sides AB, AC. Then the angle BAỠ shall be a right angle. A D B From the point A draw AD at right angles to AC, (1. 11.) make AD equal to AB, and join DC. Then because AD is equal to AB, therefore the square of AD is equal to the square of AB; to each of these equals add the square of AC; therefore the squares of AD, AC are equal to the squares of AB, AC: but the squares of AD, AC are equal to the square of DC, (1.47.) because the angle DAC is a right angle; and the square of BC, by hypothesis, is equal to the squares of BA, AC; therefore the square of DC is equal to the square of BC; and therefore the side DC is equal to the side BC. And because the side AD is equal to the side AB, and AC is common to the two triangles DAC, BAC; the two sides DA, AC, are equal to the two BA, AC, each to each; and the base DC has been proved to be equal to the base BC; therefore the angle DAC is equal to the angle BAC; (1.8.) but DAC is a right angle ; therefore also BAC is a right angle. Therefore, if the square described upon, &c. Q. E. D. NOTES TO BOOK I. ON THE DEFINITIONS. GEOMETRY is one of the most perfect of the deductive Sciences, and seems to rest on the simplest inductions from experience and observation. The first principles of Geometry are therefore in this view consistent hypotheses founded on facts cognizable by the senses, and it is a subject of primary importance to draw a distinction between the conception of things and the things themselves. These hypotheses do not involve any property contrary to the real nature of the things, and, consequently, cannot be regarded as arbitrary, but, in certain respects, agree with the conceptions which the things themselves suggest to the mind through the medium of the senses. The essential definitions of Geometry therefore being deductions from observa- tion and experience, rest ultimately on the evidence of the senses. It is by experience we become acquainted with the existence of individual forms of magnitudes; but by the mental process of abstraction, which begins with a particular instance, and proceeds to the general idea of all objects of the same kind, we attain to the general conception of those forms which come under the same general idea. The essential definitions of Geometry express generalized conceptions of real existences in their most perfect ideal forms; the laws and appearances of nature, and the operations of the human intellect being supposed uniform and consistent. But in cases where the subject falls under the class of simple ideas, the terms of the definition so called are no more than merely equivalent expressions. The simple idea described by a proper term or terms, does not in fact admit of definition properly so called. The definitions in Euclid's Elements may be divided into two classes, those which merely explain the meaning of the terms employed, and those, which, besides explaining the meaning of the terms, suppose the existence of the things described in the definitions. Definitions in Geometry cannot be of such a form as to explain the nature and properties of the figures defined; it is sufficient that they give marks whereby the thing defined may be distinguished from every other of the same kind. It will at once be obvious, that the definitions of Geometry, one of the pure sciences, being abstractions of space, are not like the definitions in any one of the physical sciences. The discovery of any new physical facts may render necessary some alteration or modification in the definitions of the latter. Def. I. Simson has adopted Theon's definition of a point. Euclid's definition is, onμeîov ẻœtiv où µépos ovồév, "A point is that, of which there is no part," or which cannot be parted or divided, as it is explained by Proclus. The Greek term onμetov, literally means, a visible sign or mark on a surface, in other words, a physical point. The English term point, means the sharp end of any thing, or a mark made by it. The word point comes from the Latin punctum, through the French word point. Neither of these terms, in its literal sense, appears to give a very exact notion of what is to be understood by a point in Geometry. Euclid's definition of a point merely expresses a negative property, which excludes the proper and literal meaning of the Greek term, as applied to denote a physical point, or a mark which is visible to the senses. a 42 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. μονας θέσιν Pythagoras defined a point to be povas Déoi exovoa, "a monad having position." By uniting the positive idea of position, with the negative idea of defect of magnitude, the conception of a point in Geometry may be rendered perhaps more intelligible. A point may then be defined to be that which has no magnitude, but position only. Def. 11. Every visible line has both length and breadth, and it is impossible to draw any line whatever which shall have no breadth. The definition requires the con- ception of the length only of the line to be considered, abstracted from, and independently of, all idea of its breadth. Def. III. This definition renders more intelligible the exact meaning of the definition of a point: and we may add, that, in the Elements, Euclid supposes that the intersection of two straight lines is a point, and that two straight lines can intersect each other in one point only. Def. IV. The straight line or right line is a term so clear and intelligible as to be incapable of becoming more so by formal definition. Euclid's definition is Evoeta γραμμὴ ἐστιν, ἥτις ἐξ ἴσου τοῖς ἐφ' ἑαυτῆς σημείοις κεῖται, wherein he states it to lie evenly, or equally, or upon an equality, (¿¿ loov) between its extremities, and which Proclus explains as being stretched between its extremities, ἡ ἐπ᾿ ἄκρων τεταμένη. If the line be conceived to be drawn on a plane surface, the words ég loov may mean, that no part of the line which is called a straight line deviates either from one side or the other of the direction which is fixed by the extremities of the line; and thus it may be distinguished from a curved line, which does not lie, in this sense, evenly between its extreme points. If the line be conceived to be drawn in space, the words ¿¿ loov, must be understood to apply to every direction on every side of the line between its extremities. Every straight line situated in a plane is considered to have two sides; and when the direction of a line is known, the line is said to be given in position; also, when the length is known or can be found, it is said to be given in magnitude. From the definition of a straight line, it follows, that two points fix a straight line in position, which is the foundation of the first and second postulates. Hence straight lines which are proved to coincide in two or more points, are called "one and the same straight line," Prop. 14. Book 1., or, which is the same thing, that, "Two straight lines cannot have a common segment," as Simson shews in his Corollary to Prop. 11, Book 1. Archimedes defined "a straight line to be the shortest distance between two points;" but this is a theorem considered by Euclid as requiring proof. The following definition of straight lines has also been proposed. "Straight lines are those which, if they coincide in any two points, coincide as far as they are produced." But this is rather a criterion of straight lines, and analogous to the eleventh axiom, which states that, "all right angles are equal to one another," and suggests that all straight lines may be made to coincide wholly, if the lines be equal; or partially if the lines be of unequal lengths. A definition should properly be restricted to the description of the thing defined, as it exists, independently of any comparison of its properties or of tacitly assuming the existence of axioms. Def. VII. Euclid's definition of a plane surface is, 'Eπíñedos étiqáveiá éotiv, „tis ἐξ ἴσου ταῖς ἐφ' ἑαυτῆς εὐθείαις κεῖται, “A plane surface is that which lies evenly or equally with the straight lines in it;" instead of which Simson has given the definition which was originally proposed by Hero the Elder. A plane superficies may be supposed to be situated in any position, and to be continued in every direction to any extent. Def. VIII. Simson remarks that this definition seems to include the angles formed by two curved lines, or a curve and a straight line, as well as that formed by two straight lines. Angles made by straight lines only, are treated of in Elementary Geometry. Def. IX. It is of the highest importance to attain a clear conception of an angle. NOTES TO BOOK I. 43 The literal meaning of the term angulus suggests the Geometrical conception of an angle, which may be regarded as formed by the divergence of two straight lines from a point. In the definition of an angle, the magnitude of the angle is independent of the lengths of the two lines by which it is included; their mutual divergence from the point at which they meet, is the criterion of the magnitude of an angle, as it is pointed out in the succeeding definitions. The point at which the two lines meet is called the vertex of the angle, and must not be confounded with the magnitude of the angle itself. The right angle is fixed in magnitude, and, on this account, it is made the subject with which all other angles in Geometry are compared. Two straight lines which actually intersect one another, or which when produced would intersect, are said to be inclined to one another, and the inclination of the two lines is determined by the angle which they make with one another. Def. x. It may be here observed that in the Elements, Euclid always assumes that when one line is perpendicular to another line, the latter is also perpendicular to the former; and always calls a right angle, òp¤n ywvía; but a straight line, evleîa ypaµµn. Def. XIX. This has been restored from Proclus, as it seems to have a meaning in the constructions of Prop. 14, Book 11; the first case of Prop. 33, Book III, and Prop. 13, Book v1. The definition of the segment of a circle is not once alluded to in Book 1, and is not required before the discussion of the properties of the circle in Book III. Proclus remarks on this definition: "Hence you may collect that the centre has three places. For it is either within the figure, as in the circle; or in its perimeter, as in the semi-circle; or without the figure, as in certain conic lines." Def. XXIV-XXIX. Triangles are divided into three classes by reference to the relations of their sides, and into three other classes by reference to their angles. A further classifi- cation may be made by considering both the relation of the sides and angles in each triangle. In Simson's definition of the isosceles triangle, the word only must be omitted, as the equilateral triangle is considered isosceles in Prop. 15, Book Iv. Objection has been made to the definition of an acute-angled triangle. It is said that it cannot be admitted as a definition, that all the three angles of a triangle are acute, which is supposed in Def. 29. It may be replied, that the definitions of the three kinds of angles point out and seem to supply a foundation for a similar distinction of triangles. Def. xxx-xxXIV. The definitions of quadrilateral figures are liable to objection. All of them, except the trapezium, fall under the general idea of a parallelogram; but as Euclid has defined parallel straight lines after he had defined four-sided figures, no other arrangement could be adopted than the one he has followed; and for which there ap- peared to him, without doubt, some probable reasons. Sir Henry Savile, in his Seventh Lecture, remarks on some of the definitions of Euclid, "Nec dissimulandum aliquot harum in manibus exiguum esse usum in Geometrià." A few verbal emendations have been made in some of them. A square is a four-sided plane figure having all its sides equal, and one angle a right angle: because it is proved in Prop. 46, Book 1, that if a parallelogram have one angle a right angle, all its angles are right angles. An oblong in the same manner may be defined as a plane figure of four sides having only its opposite sides equal, and one of its angles a right angle. A rhomboid is a four-sided plane figure having only its opposite sides equal to one another and its angles not right angles. Sometimes an irregular four-sided figure which has two sides parallel, is called a trapezoid. Def. xxxv. It is possible for two right lines never to meet when produced, and not be parallel. Def. A. The term parallelogram literally implies a figure formed by parallel 44 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. X straight lines, and may consist of four, six, eight, or any even number of sides, where every two of the opposite sides are parallel to one another. In the Elements, however, the term is restricted to four-sided figures, and includes the four species of figures named in the Definitions XXX-XXXIII. The synthetic method is followed by Euclid not only in the demonstrations of the propositions, but also in laying down the definitions. He commences with the simplest abstractions, defining a point, a line, an angle, a superficies, and their different varieties. This mode of proceeding involves the difficulty, almost insurmountable of defining satisfactorily the elementary abstractions of Geometry. Simson observes that it is necessary to consider a solid, that is a magnitude which has length, breadth, and thick- ness, in order to understand aright the definitions of a point, a line, and a superficies. A solid or volume considered apart from its physical properties, suggests the idea of the surfaces by which it is bounded: a surface, the idea of the line or lines which form its boundaries: and a finite line, the points which form its extremities. A solid is therefore bounded by surfaces; a surface is bounded by lines; and a line is termi- nated by two points. A point marks position only: a line has one dimension, length only, and defines distance: a superficies has two dimensions, length and breadth, and defines extension: and a solid has three dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness, and defines some definite portion of space. It may also be remarked that two points are sufficient to determine the position of a straight line, and three points not in the same straight line, are necessary to fix the position of a plane. ON THE POSTULATES. THE definitions assume the possible existence of straight lines and circles, and the postulates predicate the possibility of drawing and of producing straight lines, and of describing circles. The postulates form the principles of construction assumed in the Elements; and are, in fact, problems, the possibility of which is admitted to be self-evident, and to require no proof. It must, however, be carefully remarked, that the third postulate only admits that when any line is given in position and magnitude, a circle may be described from either extremity of the line as a centre, and with a radius equal to the length of the line, as in Prop. 1, Book 1. It does not admit the description of a circle with any other point as a centre than one of the extremities of the given line. Prop. 2, Book 1. shews how, from any given point, to draw a straight line equal to another straight line which is given in magnitude and position. ON THE AXIOMS. AXIOMS are usually defined to be self-evident truths, which cannot be rendered more evident by demonstration; in other words, the axioms of Geometry are theorems; the truth of which is admitted without proof. It is by experience we first become acquainted with the different forms of geometrical magnitudes, and the axioms, or the fundamental ideas of their equality or inequality appear to rest on the same basis. The conception of the truth of the axioms does not appear to be more removed from experience than the conception of the definitions. These axioms, or first principles of demonstration, are such theorems as cannot be resolved into simpler theorems, and no theorem ought to be admitted as a first principle of reasoning which is capable of being demonstrated. An axiom and its converse should both be of such a nature as that neither of them should require a formal demonstration. NOTES TO BOOK I. 45 The first and most simple idea, derived from experience, is, that every magnitude fills a certain space, and that several magnitudes may fill the same space. All the knowledge we have of magnitude is purely relative, and the most simple relations are those of equality and inequality. In the comparison of magnitudes, some are considered as given or known, and the unknown are compared with the known, and conclusions are synthetically deduced with respect to the equality or inequality of the magnitudes under consideration. In this manner we form our idea of equality, which is thus formally stated in the eighth axiom: "Magnitudes which coincide with one another, that is, which exactly fill the same space, are equal to one another." Every specific definition is referred to this universal principle. With regard to a few more general definitions which do not furnish an equality, it will be found that some hypothesis is always made reducing them to that principle, before any theory is built upon them. As for example, the definition of a straight line is to be referred her aprited to the tenth axiom; the definition of a right angle to the eleventh axiom; and the definition of parallel straight lines to the twelfth axiom. It is called the principle of superposition, or, the mental process by which one Geometrical magnitude may be conceived to be placed on another, so as exactly to coincide with it, in the parts which are made the subject of comparison. Thus, if one straight line be conceived to be placed upon another, so that their extremities are coincident, the two straight lines are equal. If the directions of two lines which include one angle, coincide with the directions of the two lines which contain another angle, where the points, from which the angles diverge, coincide, then the two angles are equal: the lengths of the lines not affecting in any way the magnitudes of the angles. When one plane figure is conceived to be placed upon another, so that the boundaries of one exactly coincide with the boundaries of the other, then the two plane figures are equal. It may also be remarked, that the converse of this proposition is also true, namely, that when two magnitudes are equal, they coincide with one another. This explanation of Geometrical equality appears to be out of its proper place. The definitions of the forms of magnitudes naturally come first, and the criterion of their equality appears as naturally to follow. If the first seven axioms are to be re- stricted to Geometrical magnitudes, the eighth ought to have preceded them. Perhaps Euclid intended that the first seven axioms should be applicable to numbers as well as to Geometrical magnitudes, and this is in accordance with the words of Proclus, who calls the axioms, common notions, not peculiar to the subject of Geometry. The eighth axiom is properly the definition of Geometrical equality. Axiom v. It may be observed that when equal magnitudes are taken from un- equal magnitudes, the greater remainder exceeds the less remainder by as much as the greater of the unequal magnitudes exceeds the less. Axiom IX. The whole is greater than its part, and conversely, the part is less than the whole. This axiom appears to assert the contrary of the eighth axiom, namely, that two magnitudes, of which one is greater than the other, cannot be made to coincide "with one another. Axiom x. The property of straight lines expressed by the tenth axiom, namely, "that two straight lines cannot enclose a space", is obviously implied in the definition of straight lines; for if they enclosed a space, they could not coincide between their extreme points, when the two lines are equal. Axiom XI. This axiom has been asserted to be a demonstrable theorem. If an angle be admitted to be a species of magnitude, this axiom is only a particular appli- cation of the eighth axiom to right angles. Axiom XII. See the notes on Prop. xxix, Book 1. JAL ablesiones de Dela 46 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. f ON THE PROPOSITIONS. THE deductive truths of Geometry are called propositions, which are divided into two classes, problems and theorems. A proposition, as the term imports, is something proposed; it is a problem, when some Geometrical construction is required to be effected: and it is a theorem when some Geometrical property is to be demonstrated. Every Proposition is naturally divided into two parts; a problem consists of the data, or things given; and the quæsita, or things required: a theorem, consists of the premisses, hypothesis, or the properties admitted; and the conclusion, or predicate, or properties to be demonstrated. Hence the distinction between a problem and a theorem is this, that a problem consists of data and quæsita, and requires solution: and a theorem consists of the hypothesis and the predicate, and requires demonstration. The connected course of reasoning by which any Geometrical truth is established is called a demonstration. It is called a direct demonstration when the predicate of the proposition is inferred directly from the premisses, as the conclusion of a series of successive deductions. The demonstration is called indirect, when the conclusion shews that the introduction of any other supposition contrary to the hypothesis stated in the proposition, necessarily leads to an absurdity. The course pursued in the demonstrations of the propositions in Euclid's Elements of Geometry, is always to refer directly to some expressed principle, to leave nothing to be inferred from vague expressions, and to make every step of the demonstrations the object of the understanding. It has been maintained by some philosophers that a genuine definition contains some property or properties which can form a basis for demonstration, and that the science of Geometry is deduced from the definitions, and that on them alone the demonstrations depend. Others have maintained that a definition explains only the meaning of a term, and does not embrace the nature and properties of the thing defined. If the propositions usually called postulates and axioms are either tacitly assumed or expressly stated in the definitions; in this view, demonstrations may be said to be legitimately founded on definitions. If, on the other hand, a definition is simply an explanation of the meaning of a term, whether abstract or concrete, by such marks as may prevent a misconception of the thing defined; it will be at once obvious that some constructive and theoretic principles must be assumed besides the definitions to form the grounds of legitimate demonstration. These principles we conceive to be the postulates and axioms. The postulates describe constructions which may be admitted as possible by direct appeal to our experience; and the axioms assert general theoretic truths so simple and self-evident as to require no proof, but to be admitted as the assumed first principles of demonstration. Under this view all Geometrical reasonings proceed upon the admission of the hypotheses assumed in the definitions, and the un- questioned possibility of the postulates, and the truth of the axioms. The general theorems of Geometry are demonstrated by means of syllogisms founded on the axioms and definitions. The form of syllogism employed in Geometrical reason- ings is of the simplest character. Every syllogism consists of three propositions, of which, two are called the premisses, and the third, the conclusion. These propositions contain three terms, the subject and predicate of the conclusion, and the middle term which connects the predicate and the conclusion together. The subject of the conclu- sion is called the minor, and the predicate of the conclusion is called the major term, of the syllogism. The major term appears in one premiss, and the minor term in - ་ NOTES TO BOOK I. 47 the other, with the middle term which is in both premisses. That premiss which contains the middle term and the major term, is called the major premiss; and that which contains the middle term and the minor term, is called the minor premiss of the syllogism. As an example, we may take the first syllogism in the demonstration of Prop. 1, Book 1, wherein it will be seen that the middle term is the subject of the major premiss and the predicate of the minor. Major premiss. Because the straight line AB is equal to the straight line AC; Minor premiss. and, because the straight line BC is equal to the straight line AB; Conclusion. therefore the straight line BC is equal to the straight line AC. Here, BC is the subject, and AC the predicate of the conclusion. BC is the subject, and AB the predicate of the minor premiss. AB is the subject, and AC the predicate of the major premiss. Also, AC is the major term, BC the minor term, and AB the middle term of the syllogism. In this syllogism, it may be remarked that the definition of a straight line is assumed, and the definition of the Geometrical equality of two straight lines; also that a general theoretic truth, or axiom, forms the ground of the conclusion. And further, though it be impossible to make any point, mark or sign, (onueîov) which has not both length and breadth, and any line which has not both length and breadth; the demonstrations in Geometry do not on this account become invalid. For they are pursued on the hypothesis that the point has no parts but position only: and the line has length only, but no breadth or thickness; also that the surface has length and breadth only, but no thickness: and all the conclusions at which we arrive are independent of every other consideration. Every proposition, when complete, may be divided into six parts, as Proclus has pointed out in his commentary. 1. The proposition or general enunciation which states in general terms the con- ditions of the problem or theorem. 2. The exposition or particular enunciation which exhibits the subject of the pro- position in particular terms as a fact, and refers it to some diagram described. 3. The determination contains the predicate in particular terms, as it is pointed out in the diagram. 4. The construction applies the postulates to prepare the diagram for the de- monstration. 5. The demonstration is the connexion of syllogisms, which prove the truth or falsehood of the theorem, the possibility or impossibility of the problem, in that par- ticular case exhibited in the diagram. 6. The conclusion is merely the repetition of the general enunciation, wherein the predicate is asserted as a demonstrated truth. Prop. I. In Books 1 and 11, the circle is employed as a mechanical instrument, in the same manner as the straight line, and the use made of it rests entirely on the third postulate. No properties of the circle are discussed or even alluded to in these books beyond the definition and the third postulate. One circle may fall within or without another entirely, or the circumferences may intersect each other, as when the centre of one circle is in the circumference of the other; and it is obvious from the two circles cutting each other, in two points, one on each side of the given line, that two equi- lateral triangles may be formed on the given line. Prop. II. When the given point is neither in the line, nor in the line produced, this problem admits of eight different lines being drawn from the given point in dif- ferent directions, every one of which is a solution of the problem. For 1. The given line has two extremities, to each of which a line may be drawn from the given point. • 48 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 2. The equilateral triangle may be described on either side of this line. 3. And the side BD of the equilateral triangle ABD may be produced either way. But when the given point lies either in the line or in the line produced, the distinction which arises from joining the two ends of the line with the given point no longer exists, and there are only four cases of the problem. Prop. III. This problem admits of two solutions, and it is left undetermined from which end of the greater line the part is to be cut off. : Prop. IV. This forms the first case of equal triangles, two other cases are proved in Props. VIII and XXVI. A distinction ought to be made between equal triangles and equivalent triangles, the former including those whose sides and angles mutually coincide, the latter those whose areas only are equivalent. The term base is obviously taken from the idea of a building, and the same may be said of the term altitude. In Geometry, however, these terms are not restricted to one particular position of a figure, as in the case of a building, but may be in any position whatever. Prop. v. Proclus has given in his commentary a proof for the equality of the angles at the base without producing the equal sides. The construction follows the same order, taking in AB a point D and cutting off from AC a part AE equal to AB, and then joining CD and BE. A corollary is a theorem which results from the demonstration of a proposition, and generally is so obvious as to require no formal proof. Prop. VI is the converse of one part of Prop. v. One proposition is defined to be the converse of another when the hypothesis of the former becomes the predicate of the latter; and vice versâ. : There is besides this another kind of conversion, when a theorem has several hypotheses and one predicate; by assuming the predicate and one or more than one of the hypotheses, some one of the hypotheses may be inferred as the predicate of the converse. In this manner, Prop. vIII is the converse of Prop. IV. It may here be .observed, that converse theorems are not universally true: as for instance, the following direct proposition is universally true; "If two triangles have their three sides respectively equal, the three angles of each shall be respectively equal." But the converse is not universally true; namely, "If two triangles have the three angles in each respectively equal, the three sides are respectively equal." Converse theorems require, in some instances, the consideration of other conditions than those which enter into the proof of the direct theorem. Converse and contrary propositions are by no means to be confounded, the contrary proposition denies what is assumed in the direct proposition, but the subject and predicate in each are the same. Prop. vI is the first instance of indirect demonstrations, and they are more suited for the proof of converse propositions. All those propositions which are demonstrated ex absurdo, are properly analytical demonstrations, according to the Greek notion of analysis, which first supposed the thing required to be done, or to be true, and then shewed the consistency or inconsistency of this construction or hypothesis with ! truths admitted or already demonstrated. Prop. VII. The enunciation in the text was altered into that form by Simson. Euclid's is, Επὶ τῆς αὐτῆς εὐθείας, δυσὶ ταῖς αὐταῖς εὐθείαις ἄλλαι δύο εὐθεῖαι · ἴσαι ἑκατέρα ἑκατέρᾳ οὐ συσταθήσονται, πρὸς ἄλλῳ καὶ ἄλλῳ σημείῳ ἐπὶ τὰ αὐτὰ μέρη, τὰ αὐτὰ πέρατα ἔχουσαι ταῖς ἐξ ἀρχῆς εὐθείαις. Prop. VIII. When the three sides of one triangle are shewn to coincide with the three sides of any other, the equality of the triangles is at once obvious. This, however, is not stated at the conclusion of Prop. vIII or of Prop. xxvI. For the equality of the areas of two coincident triangles, reference is always made by Euclid to Prop. IV. NOTES TO BOOK I., 49 Prop. IX. By means of this problem, any angle may be divided into four, eight, sixteen, &c. equal angles. Prop. x. Any finite straight line may, by this problem, be divided into four, eight, sixteen, &c. equal parts. Prop. XI. When the point is at the extremity of the line. By the second postulate the line may be produced, and then the construction applies. Prop. XIII. It is manifest that the lines which bisect the angles ABC and ABD are at right angles to each other. Prop. XIV is the converse of Prop. XII. "Upon the opposite sides of it." If these words were omitted; it is possible for two lines to make with a third, two angles, which together are equal to two right angles, in such a manner that the two lines shall not be in the same straight line. Prop. xv is the developement of the definition of an angle. If the lines at the angular point be produced, the produced lines have the same inclination to one an- other as the original lines, but in a different position. Prop. XVI. From this Prop. it follows that only one perpendicular can be drawn from a given point to a given line; and this perpendicular may be shewn to be less than any other line which can be drawn from the given point to the given line. The exact Prop. XVII appears to be only a corollary to the preceding proposition, and it seems to be introduced to explain Axiom XII, of which it is the converse. truth respecting the angles of a triangle is proved in Prop. XXXII. Prop. XIX is the converse of Prop. XVIII. It may be remarked, that Prop. xix bears the same relation to Prop. XVIII, as Prop. vi does to Prop. v. C Prop. XX-XXI. "Proclus, in his commentary, relates, that the Epicureans derided this proposition, as being manifest even to asses, and needing no demonstration; and his answer is, that though the truth of it be manifest to our senses, yet it is science which must give the reason why two sides of a triangle are greater than the third. But the right answer to this objection against this and Prop. xxi, and some other plain propo- sitions, is, that the number of axioms ought not to be increased without necessity, as it must be if these propositions be not demonstrated. Mons. Clairault, in the preface to his Elements of Geometry, published in French at Paris, 1741, says, that Euclid has been at the pains to prove, that the two sides of a triangle which is included within another, are together less than the two sides of the triangle which includes it.' But he has forgot to add this condition, viz. that the triangles must be upon the same base: because, unless this be added, the sides of the included triangle may be greater than the sides of the triangle which includes it, in any ratio which is less than that of two to one, as Pappus Alexandrinus has demonstrated in Prop. 3, Book III of his Mathematical Collections." Simson. S. " Prop. XXII. When the sum of two of the lines is equal to, and when it is less than, the third line; let the diagrams be described, and they will exhibit the impos- sibility implied by the restriction laid down in the proposition. Prop. XXIII. CD might be taken equal to CE and the construction effected by means of an isosceles triangle. It would, however, be less general than Euclid's. Prop. XXIV. Simson makes the angle EDG at D in the line ED, the side which is not the greater of the two ED, DF; otherwise, three different cases would arise, as may be seen by forming the different figures. The point G might fall below or upon the base EF produced as well as above it. Prop. XXIV and Prop. xxv bear! to each other the same relation as Prop. IV and Prop. VIII. Prop. XXVI. This forms the third case of the equality of two triangles. Every triangle has three sides and three angles, and when any three of one triangle are given equal to any three of another, the triangles may be proved to be equal to one another, X 4 50 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Sex Ba whenever the three magnitudes given in the hypothesis are independent of one another. Prop. IV contains the first case, when the hypothesis consists of two sides and the included angle of each triangle. Prop. VIII contains the second, when the hypothesis consists of the three sides of each triangle. Prop. XXVI contains the third, when the hypothesis consists of two angles, and one side either adjacent to the equal angles, or opposite to one of the equal angles in each triangle. There is another case, not ✰proved by Euclid, when the hypothesis consists of two sides and one angle in each triangle, but these not the angles included by the two given sides in each triangle. This case however is only true under a certain restriction. Prop. XXVII. Alternate angles are defined to be the two angles which two straight lines make with another at its extremities, but upon opposite sides of it. Prop. XXVIII. One angle is called "the exterior angle," and another "the interior and opposite angle,” when they are formed on the same side of a straight line which falls upon or intersects two other straight lines. It is also obvious that on each side of the line, there will be two exterior and two interior and opposite angles. The exterior angle EGB has the angle GHD for its corresponding interior and opposite angle: also the exterior angle FHD has the angle HGB for its interior and opposite angle. Prop. XXIX is the converse of Prop. XXVII and Prop. XXVIII. As the definition of parallel straight lines simply describes them by a statement of the negative property, that they never meet; it is necessary that some positive property of parallel lines should be assumed as an axiom, on which reasonings on such lines may themobe-Thiago be founded. toder fr $5 2.86. "This ense is 1: Euclid has assumed the statement in the twelfth axiom, which has been objected to, as not being self-evident. A stronger objection appears to be, that the converse of it forms Prop. 17, Book 1; for both the assumed axiom and its converse, should be so obvious as not to require formal demonstration. Simson has attempted to overcome the objection, not by any improved definition and axiom respecting parallel lines; but, by considering Euclid's twelfth axiom to be a theorem, and for its proof, assuming two definitions and one axiom, and then demonstrating five subsidiary Propositions. Instead of Euclid's twelfth axiom, the following has been proposed as a more simple property for the foundation of reasonings on parallel lines; namely, "If a straight line fall on two parallel straight lines, the alternate angles are equal to one another." In whatever this may exceed Euclid's definition in simplicity, it is liable to a similar objection, being the converse of Prop. 27, Book 1. Professor Playfair has adopted in his Elements of Geometry, that "Two straight lines which intersect one another cannot be both parallel to the same straight line." This apparently more simple axiom follows as a direct inference from Prop. 30, Book 1. But one of the least objectionable of all the definitions which have been proposed on this subject, appears to be that which simply expresses the conception of equidistance. It may be formally stated thus: "Parallel lines are such as lie in the same plane, and which neither recede from, nor approach to, each other." This includes the conception stated by Euclid, that parallel lines never meet. Dr Wallis observes on this subject, "Parallelismus et æquidistantia vel idem sunt, vel certe se mutuo comitantur.” As an additional reason for this definition being preferred, it may be remarked that the meaning of the terms ypaµµai wapáλλŋλoi, suggests the exact idea of such lines. Axiom X1 and XII, in some manuscripts of Euclid, are found placed respectively as the fourth and the fifth postulate. An account of thirty methods which have been proposed at different times for avoiding the difficulty in the twelfth axiom, will be found in the appendix to Mr Thompson's "Geometry without Axioms.” here the when the third dida with mides... oblide it here the Make the butt cr the wewe nie. than the leg -- the 140 小 ​; NOTES TO BOOK I. 51 Prop. XXXII. The three angles of a triangle may be shewn to be equal to two right angles without producing a side of the triangle, by drawing through any angle of the triangle a line parallel to the opposite side, as Proclus has remarked in his Commentary on this proposition. It is manifest from this proposition, that the third angle of a triangle is not independent of the sum of the other two; but is known if the sum of any two is known. Cor. 1 may be also proved by drawing lines from any one of the angles of the figure to the other angles. If any of the sides of the figure bend inwards and form what are called re-entering angles, the enunciation of these two corol- laries will require some modification. From this proposition, it is obvious that each of the angles of an equilateral triangle, is equal to two thirds of a right angle, as it is shewn in Prop. 15, Book IV. Also, if one angle of an isosceles triangle be a right angle, then each of the equal angles is half a right angle, as in Prop. 9, Book 11. Prop. XXXIV. If the other diameter be drawn, it may be shewn that the diameters of a parallelogram bisect each other, as well as bisect the area of the parallelogram. The converse of this Prop. namely, "If the opposite sides or opposite angles of a quadrilateral figure be equal, the opposite sides shall also be parallel; that is, the figure shall be a parallelogram," is not proved by Euclid.aries's Naks Prop. xxxv. The latter part of the demonstration is not expressed very intelligibly. Simson, who altered the demonstration, seems in fact to consider two trapeziums of the same form and magnitude, and from one of them, to take the triangle ABE; and from the other, the triangle DCF; and then the remainders are equal by the third axiom: that is, the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram EBCF. Other wise, the triangle, whose base is DE, (fig. 2.) is taken twice from the trapezium, which would appear to be impossible, if the sense in which Euclid applies the third axiom, is to be retained here. It may be observed, that the two parallelograms exhibited in fig. 2 partially lie on one another, and that the triangle whose base is BC is a common part of them, but that the triangle whose base is DE is entirely without both the parallelograms. After having proved the triangle ABE equal to the triangle DCF, if we take from these equals the triangle whose base is DE, and to each of the remainders add the triangle whose base is BC; perhaps the proof may appear somewhat more satisfactory. Prop. XXXVIII. In this proposition, it is to be understood that the bases of the two triangles are in the same straight line. Prop. XXXIX. If the vertices of all the equal triangles which can be described upon the same base, or upon the equal bases as in Prop. 40, be joined, the line thus formed will be a straight line, and is called the locus of the vertices of equal triangles upon the same base, or upon equal bases. A locus in plane Geometry is a straight line or a plane curve, every point of which and none else satisfies a certain condition. With the exception of the straight line and the circle, the two most simple loci; all other loci, perhaps including also the Conic Sections, may be more readily and effectually investigated algebraically by means of their rectangular or polar equations. Prop. XLI. The converse of this proposition is not proved by Euclid; viz. If a parallelogram is double of a triangle, and they have the same base, or equal bases upon the same straight line, and towards the same parts, they shall be between the same parallels. Also, it may easily be shewn that if two equal triangles are between the same parallels; they are either upon the same base, or upon equal bases. Prop. XLIV. to that line. Prop. XLVII. A parallelogram described on a straight line is said to be applied In a right-angled triangle, the side opposite to the right angle is : * ค 4-2 52 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. called the hypothenuse, and the other two sides, the base and perpendicular, according to their position. It is not indifferent on which sides of the lines which form the sides of the triangle the squares are described. If they were described upon the inner, instead of the outer sides of the lines, the construction would be found to fail. By this proposition may be found a square equal to the sum of any given squares, or equal to any multiple of a given square: or equal to the difference of two given squares. The truth of this proposition may be exhibited to the eye in some particular instances. As in the case of that right-angled triangle whose three sides are 3, 4, and 5 units respectively. If through the points of division of two contiguous sides of each of the squares upon the sides, lines be drawn parallel to the sides (see the notes on Book 11. p. 68), it will be obvious, that the squares will be divided into 9, 16 and 25 small squares, each of the same magnitude; and that the number of the small squares into which the squares on the perpendicular and base are divided is equal to the number into which the square on the hypothenuse is divided. Prop. XLVIII is the converse of Prop. XLVII. In this Prop. is assumed the Corol- lary that "the squares described upon two equal lines are equal," and the converse; which properly ought to have been appended to Prop. XLVI. The first book of Euclid's Elements, it has been seen, is conversant with the con- struction and properties of rectilineal figures. It first lays down the definitions which limit the subjects of discussion in the first book, next the three postulates, which restrict the instruments by which the constructions in plane geometry are effected; and thirdly, the twelve axioms, which express the principles by which a comparison is made between the ideas of the things defined. This Book may be divided into three parts. The first part treats of the origin and properties of triangles, both with respect to their sides and angles; and the comparison of these mutually, both with regard to equality and inequality. The second part treats of the generation and properties of parallelograms. The third part exhibits the con- nexion of the properties of triangles and parallelograms, and the equality of the squares on the base and perpendicular of a right-angled triangle to the square on the hypothenuse. When the propositions of the first book have been read, the student is recommended to use different letters in the diagrams, and where it is possible, diagrams of a form somewhat different from those exhibited in the text, for the purpose of testing the accuracy of his knowledge of the demonstrations. And further, when he is become sufficiently familiar with the method of geometrical reasoning, he may dispense with the aid of letters altogether, and acquire the power of expressing in general terms the process of reasoning in the demonstration of any proposition. Also, should he be not satisfied with the bare knowledge of the principles of the first book which have been exhibited synthetically, but be also desirous of knowing how these principles may be applied to the solution of Problems analytically and the demonstration of Theorems; he may refer to the Geometrical Exercises on the first book, which will be found at the end of the Elements, together with some brief account of the Ancient Geometrical Analysis. i. BOOK II. DEFINITIONS. I. EVERY right-angled parallelogram is called a rectangle, and is said to be contained by any two of the straight lines which contain one of the right angles. II. In every parallelogram, any of the parallelograms about a diameter, together with the two complements, is called a gnomon. A E D F H K B G C "Thus the parallelogram HG together with the complements AF, FC, is the gnomon, which is more briefly expressed by the letters AGK, or EHC, which are at the opposite angles of the parallelograms which make the gnomon." t 54 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION I. THEOREM. If there be two straight lines, one of which is divided into any number of parts; the rectangle contained by the two straight lines, is equal to the rectangles contained by the undivided line, and the several parts of the divided line. Let A and BC be two straight lines; and let BC be divided into any parts in the points D, E. Then the rectangle contained by the straight lines A and BC, shall be equal to the rectangle contained by A and BD, together with that contained by A and DE, and that contained by A and EC. B DEC G KL H F A From the point B, draw BF at right angles to BC, (1. 11.) and make BG equal to A; (1. 3.) through G draw GH parallel to BC, (1. 31.) and through D, E, C, draw DK, EL, CH parallel to BG. Then the rectangle BH is equal to the rectangles BK, DL, EH. But BH is contained by A and BC, for it is contained by GB, BC, and GB is equal to A: and the rectangle BK is contained by A, BD, for it is contained by GB, BD, of which GB is equal to A: also DL is contained by A, DE, because DK, that is, BG, (1. 34.) is equal to A; and in like manner the rectangle EH is contained by A, EC: therefore the rectangle contained by A, BC, is equal to the several rectangles contained by A, BD, and by A, DE, and by A, EC. Wherefore, if there be two straight lines, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION II. THEOREM. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the rectangles con- tained by the whole and each of the parts, are together equal to the square of the whole line. Let the straight line AB be divided into any two parts in the point C. Then the rectangle contained by AB, BC, together with that con- tained by AB, AC, shall be equal to the square of AB. A C B D FE Upon AB describe the square ADEB, (1. 46.) and through C draw CF parallel to AD or BÈ. (1. 31.) BOOK II. PROP. II, III, IV. 55 Then AE is equal to the rectangles AF, CE. And AE is the square of AB; and AF is the rectangle contained by BA, AC; for it is contained by DA, AC, of which DA is equal to AB: and CE is contained by AB, BC, for BE is equal to AB: therefore the rectangle contained by AB, AC, together with the rectangle AB, BC is equal to the square of AB. If therefore a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION III. THEOREM. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the rectangle con- tained by the whole and one of the parts, is equal to the rectangle contained by the two parts, together with the square of the aforesaid part. Let the straight line AB be divided into any two parts in the point C. Then the rectangle AB, BC, shall be equal to the rectangle AC, CB, together with the square of BC. A C B F D E Upon BC describe the square CDEB, (1. 46.) and produce ED to F, through A draw AF parallel to CD or BE. (1. 31.) Then the rectangle AE is equal to the rectangles AD, CE; but AE is the rectangle contained by AB, BC, for it is contained by AB, BE, of which BE is equal to BC: and AD is contained by AC, CB, for CD is equal to CB: and DB is the square of BC: therefore the rectangle AB, BC, is equal to the rectangle AC, CB, together with the square of BC. If therefore a straight line be divided, &c. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. Q.E. D. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the square of the whole line is equal to the squares of the two parts, together with twice the rectangle contained by the parts. Let the straight line AB be divided into any two parts in C. Then the square of AB shall be equal to the squares of AC, and CB, together with twice the rectangle contained by AČ, CB. A a CLB - H 1. a D F E K 56 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Upon AB describe the square ADEB, (1. 46.) join BD, and through C draw CGF parallel to AD or BE, (1.31.) and through G draw HGK parallel to AB or DE. Then, because CF is parallel to AD, and BD falls upon them, therefore the exterior angle BGC is equal to the interior and opposite angle ADB; (1. 29.) but the angle ADB is equal to the angle ABD, (1. 5.) because BA is equal to AD, being sides of a square; wherefore the angle CGB is equal to the angle CBG; and therefore the side BC is equal to the side CG; (1.6.) but CB is equal also to GK, and CG to BK; (1.34.) wherefore the figure CGKB is equilateral. It is likewise rectangular, for, since CG is parallel to BK, and CB meets them, therefore the angles KBC, GCB are equal to two right angles; (1. 29.) but the angle KBC is a right angle; (def. 30. constr.) wherefore GCB is a right angle: and therefore also the angles CGK, GKB, opposite to these, are right angles; (1. 34.) wherefore CGKB is rectangular: it is also equilateral, as was demonstrated; wherefore it is a square, and it is upon the side CB. For the same reason HF is a square, and it is upon the side HG, which is equal to AC. (1. 34.) Therefore the figures HF, CK, are the squares of AC, CB. And because the complement AG is equal to the complement GE, (1.43.) and that AG is the rectangle contained by AC, CB, for GC is equal to CB; therefore GE is also equal to the rectangle AC, CB; wherefore AG, GE are equal to twice the rectangle AC, CB; and HF, CK are the squares of AC, CB; wherefore the four figures HF, CK, AG, GE, are equal to the squares of AC, CB, and to twice the rectangle AC, CB: but HF, CK, AG, GE make up the whole figure ADEB, which is the square of AB; therefore the square of AB is equal to the squares of AC, CB, and twice the rectangle AC, CB. Wherefore, if a straight line be divided, &c. Q.E. D. COR. From the demonstration, it is manifest, that the parallelograms about the diameter of a square are likewise squares. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. If a straight line be divided into two equal parts, and also into two unequal parts; the rectangle contained by the unequal parts, together with the square of the line between the points of section, is equal to the square of half the line. Let the straight line AB be divided into two equal parts in the point C, and into two unequal parts in the point D. Then the rectangle AD, DB, together with the square of CD, shall be equal to the square of CB. BOOK II. PROP. V, VI. 57 A C D B L K H M E G F Upon CB describe the square CEFB, (1.46.) join BE, and through D draw DHG parallel to CE or BF; (1.31.) and through H draw KLM parallel to CB or EF; also through A draw AK parallel to CL or BM. Then, because the complement CH is equal to the complement HF, (1. 43.) to each of these equals add DM; therefore the whole CM is equal to the whole DF; but because AC is equal to CB, therefore CM is equal to AL, (1. 36.) therefore also AL is equal to DF: to each of these equals add CH, and therefore the whole AH is equal to DF and CH: but AH is the rectangle contained by AD, DB, for DH is equal to DB; and DF together with CH is the gnomon CMG; therefore the gnomon CMG is equal to the rectangle AD, DB: to each of these equals add LG, which is equal to the square of CD; (II. 4. Cor.) therefore the gnomon CMG, together with LG, is equal to the rectangle AD, DB, together with the square of CD: but the gnomon CMG and LG make up the whole figure CEFB, which is the square of CB; therefore the rectangle AD, ÓB, together with the square of CD, is equal to the square of CB. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. COR. From this proposition it is manifest, that the difference of the squares of two unequal lines AC, CD, is equal to the rectangle contain- ed by their sum AD and their difference DB. PROPOSITION VI. THEOREM. If a straight line be bisected, and produced to any point; the rect- angle contained by the whole line thus produced, and the part of it produced, together with the square of half the line bisected, is equal to the square of the straight line which is made up of the half and the part produced. Let the straight line AB be bisected in C, and produced to the point D. Then the rectangle AD, DB, together with the square of CB, shall be equal to the square of CD. A C B D L H K M E G F 58 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Upon CD describe the square CEFD, (1. 46.) and join DE, through B draw BHG parallel to CE or DF, (1. 31.) through H draw KLM parallel to AD or EF, and through A draw AK parallel to CL or DM. Then because AC is equal to CB, therefore the rectangle AL is equal to the rectangle CH, (1. 36.) but CH is equal to HF; (1. 43.) therefore AL is equal to HF; to each of these equals add CM; therefore the whole AM is equal to the gnomon CMG: but AM is the rectangle contained by AD, DB, for DM is equal to DB: (11. 4. Cor.) therefore the gnomon CMG is equal to the rectangle AD, DB: add to each of these equals LG which is equal to the square of CB; therefore the rectangle AD, DB, together with the square of CB, is equal to the gnomon CMG, and the figure LG; but the gnomon CMG and LG make up the whole figure CEFD, which is the square of CD; therefore the rectangle AD, DB, together with the square of CB, is equal to the square of CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION VII. THEOREM. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the squares of the whole line, and of one of the parts, are equal to twice the rectangle contained by the whole and that part, together with the square of the other part. Let the straight line AB be divided into any two parts in the point C. Then the squares of AB, BC shall be equal to twice the rectangle AB, BC, together with the square of AC. H A C B e K D FE Upon AB describe the square ADEB, (1. 46.) and join BD; through C draw CF parallel to AD or BE cutting BD in G, (1. 31.) through G draw HGK parallel to AB or DE. Then because AG is equal to GE, (1. 43.) add to each of them CK; therefore the whole AK is equal to the whole CE; and therefore AK, CE, are double of AK; but AK, CE are the gnomon AKF and the square CK; therefore the gnomon AKF and the square CK is double of AK: but twice the rectangle AB, BC, is double of AK, for BK is equal to BC; (II. 4. Cor.) therefore the gnomon AKF and the square CK, is equal to twice the rectangle AB, BC; BOOK II., PROP. VII, VIII. 59 to each of these equals add HF, which is equal to the square of AC, therefore the gnomon AKF, and the squares CK, HF, are equal to twice the rectangle AB, BC, and the square of AC; but the gnomon AKF, together with the squares CK, HF, make up the whole figure ADEB and CK, which are the squares of AB and BC; therefore the squares of AB and BC are equal to twice the rectangle AB, BC, together with the square of AC. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, four times the rect- angle contained by the whole line, and one of the parts, together with the square of the other part, is equal to the square of the straight line, which is made up of the whole and that part. Let the straight line AB be divided into any two parts in the point C. Then four times the rectangle AB, BC, together with the square of AC, shall be equal to the square of the straight line made up of AB and BC together. A C BD M P X Ul A G KI N R E HL F Produce AB to D, so that BD be equal to CB, (1. 3.) upon AD describe the square AEFD, (1. 46.) and join BE, D through B, C, draw BL, CH parallel to AE or DF, and cutting DE in the points K, P respectively; through K, P, draw MGKN, XPRO parallel to AD or EF. Then because CB is equal to BD, CB to GK, and BD to KN; therefore GK is equal to KN; for the same reason, PR is equal to RO; and because CB is equal to BD, and GK to KN, therefore the rectangle CK is equal to BN, and GR to RN; (1.36.) but CK is equal to RN, (1. 43.) because they are the complements of the parallelogram CO; therefore also BN is equal to GR; and therefore the four rectangles BÑ, CK, GR, RN, are equal to one another, and so are quadruple of one of them CK. Again, because CB is equal to BD, and BD to BK, that is, to CG; and because CB is equal to GK, that is, to GP ; therefore CG is equal to GP. And because CG is equal to GP, and PR to RO, therefore the rectangle AG is equal to MP, and PL to RF; but the rectangle MP is equal to PL, (1.43.) because they are the complements of the parallelogram ML; wherefore also AG is equal to RF; 60 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore the four rectangles AG, MP, PL, RF, are equal to one another, and so are quadruple of one of them AG. And it was demonstrated that the four CK, BN, GR, and RN are quadruple of CK; therefore the eight rectangles which contain the gnomon AOH, are quadruple of AK. And because AK is the rectangle contained by AB, BC, for BK is equal to BC; therefore four times the rectangle AB, BC is quadruple of AK; but the gnomon AOH was demonstrated to be quadruple of AK; therefore four times the rectangle AB, BC is equal to the gnomon AOH; to each of these equals add XH, which is equal to the square of AC; therefore four times the rectangle AB, BC, together with the square of AC, is equal to the gnomon AOH and the square XH; but the gnomon AOH and XH make up the figure AEFD which is the square of AD; therefore four times the rectangle AB, BC together with the square of AC, is equal to the square of AD, that is, of AB and BC added together is one straight line. Vin Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. FROPOSITION IX. THEOREM. If a straight line be divided into two equal, and also into two unequal parts; the squares of the two unequal parts are together double of the square of half the line, and of the square of the line between the points of section. Let the straight line AB be divided into two equal parts in the point C, and into two unequal parts in the point D. Then the squares of AD, DB together, shall be double of the squares of AC, CD. G E A C D B From the point C draw CE at right angles to AB, (1. 11.) make CE equal to AC or CB, (1. 3.) and join EA, EB; through D draw DF parallel to CE, meeting EB in F, (1.31.) through F draw FG parallel to BA, and join AF. Then, because AC is equal to CE, therefore the angle EAC is equal to the angle AEC; (1.5.) and because ACE is a right angle, therefore the two other angles AEC, EAC of the triangle are together equal to a right angle; (1.32.) and since they are equal to one another therefore each of them is half of a right angle. For the same reason, each of the angles CEB, EBC is half a right angle; and therefore the whole AEB is a right angle. And because the angle GEF is half a right angle, and EGF a right angle, for it is equal to the interior and opposite angle ECB, (1. 29.) BOOK II. PROP. IX, X. 61 therefore the remaining angle EFG is half a right angle ; wherefore the angle GEF is equal to the angle EFG, and the side EG equal to the side GF. (1. 6.) Again, because the angle at B is half a right angle, and FDB a right angle, for it is equal to the interior and opposite angle ECB, (1.29.) therefore the remaining angle BFD is half a right angle; wherefore the angle at B is equal to the angle BFD, and the side DF equal to the side DB. (1. 6.) And because AC is equal to CE, the square of AC' is equal to the square of CE; therefore the squares of AC, CE are double of the square of AC; but the square of AE is equal to the squares of AC, CE, (1. 47.) because ACE is a right angle; therefore the square of AE is double of the square of AC. Again, because EG is equal to GF, the square of EG is equal to the square of GF; therefore the squares of EG, GF are double of the square of GF ; but the square of EF is equal to the squares of EG, GF; (1. 47.) therefore the square of EF is double of the square of GF and GF is equal to CD; (1. 34.) therefore the square of EF is double of the square of CD; but the square of AE is double of the square of AC; therefore the squares of AE, EF are double of the squares of AC, CD; but the square of AF is equal to the squares of AE, EF, because AEF is a right angle: (1. 47.) CD: therefore the square of AF is double of the squares of AC, but the squares of AD, DF are equal to the square of AF; because the angle ADF is a right angle; (1. 47.) therefore the squares of AD, DF are double of the squares of AC, CD ; and DF is equal to DB; therefore the squares of AD, DB are double of the squares of AC, CD. If therefore a straight line be divided, &c. PROPOSITION X. THEOREM. Q. E. D. If a straight line be bisected, and produced to any point, the square of the whole line thus produced, and the square of the part of it produced, are together double of the square of half the line bisected, and of the square of the line made up of the half and the part produced. Let the straight line AB be bisected in C, and produced to the point D. Then the squares of AD, DB, shall be double of the squares of AC, CD. E F A B D G From the point C draw CE at right angles to AB, (1. 11.) make CE equal to AC or CB, (1. 3.) and join AE, EB; 62 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. through E draw EF parallel to AB, (1. 31.) and through D draw DF parallel to CE. Then because the straight line EF meets the parallels CE, FD, therefore the angles CEF, EFD are equal to two right angles; (1. 29.) and therefore the angles BEF, EFD are less than two right angles. But straight lines, which with another straight line make the interior angles upon the same side less than two right angles, will meet if pro- duced far enough; (ax. 12.) therefore EB, FD will meet, if produced towards B, D; let them meet in G, and join AG. Then, because AC is equal to CE, therefore the angle CEA is equal to the angle EAC; (1.5.) and the angle ACE is a right angle; therefore each of the angles CEA, EAC is half a right angle. (1. 32.) For the same reason, each of the angles CEB, EBC is half a right angle; therefore the whole AEB is a right angle. And because EBC is half a right angle, therefore DBG is also half a right angle, (1. 15.) for they are vertically opposite; but BDG is a right angle, because it is equal to the alternate angle DCE; (1. 29.) therefore the remaining angle DGB is half a right angle; and is therefore equal to the angle DBG; wherefore also the side BD is equal to the side DG. (1.6.) Again, because EGF is half a right angle, and the angle at F is a right angle, being equal to the opposite angle ECD, (1.34.) therefore the remaining angle FEG is half a right angle, and therefore equal to the angle EGF; wherefore also the side GF is equal to the side FE. (1.6.) And because EC is equal to CA ; the square of EC is equal to the square of CA; therefore the squares of EC, CA are double of the square of CA but the square of EA is equal to the squares of EC, CA; (1.47.) therefore the square of EA is double of the square of AC. Again, because GF is equal to EF, the square of GF is equal to the square of EF ; ; therefore the squares of GF, FE are double of the square of EF; but the square of EG is equal to the squares of GF, EF ; (1. 47.) therefore the square of EG is double of the square of EF; and EF is equal to CD; (1. 34.) wherefore the square of EG is double of the square of CD ; but it was demonstrated, that the square of EA is double of the square of AC; therefore the squares of EA, EG are double of the squares of AC, CD ; but the square of AG is equal to the squares of EÂ, EG; (1. 47.) therefore the square of A G is double of the squares of AC, CD: but the squares of AD, DG are equal to the square of AG; therefore the squares of AD, DG are double of the squares of AC, CD ; but DG is equal to DB; therefore the squares of AD, DB are double of the squares of AC, CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK II. PROP. XI. 63 PROPOSITION XI. PROBLEM. To divide a given straight line into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square of the other part. Let AB be the given straight line. It is required to divide AB into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square of the other part. F G A H B E C K D Upon AB describe the square ACDB; (1. 46.) bisect AC in E, (1. 10.) and join BE, produce CA to F, and make EF equal to EB, (1. 3.) upon AF describe the square FGHA. (1.46.) Then AB`shall be divided in H, so that the rectangle AB, BH is equal to the square of AH. Produce GH to meet CD in K. Then because the straight line AC is bisected in E, and produced to F, therefore the rectangle CF, FA, together with the square of AE, is equal to the square of EF; (II. 6.) but EF is equal to EB; therefore the rectangle CF, FA together with the square of AE, is equal to the square of EB; but the squares of BA, AE are equal to the square of EB, (1.47.) because the angle EAB is a right angle; therefore the rectangle CF, FA, together with the square of AE, is equal to the squares of BA, AE; take away the square of AE, which is common to both therefore the rectangle contained by CF, FA is equal to the square of BA. But the figure FK is the rectangle contained by CF, FA, for FA is equal to FG ; and AD is the square of AB; therefore the figure FK is equal to AD; take away the common part AK, therefore the remainder FH is equal to the remainder HD; but HD is the rectangle contained by AB, BH, for AB is equal to BD; and FH is the square of AH; therefore the rectangle AB, BH, is equal to the square of AH. Wherefore the straight line AB is divided in H, so that the rect- angle AB, BH is equal to the square of AH. Q.E. F. 64 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XII. THEOREM. In obtuse-angled triangles, if a perpendicular be drawn from either of the acute angles to the opposite side produced, the square of the side subtending the obtuse angle, is greater than the squares of the sides containing the obtuse angle, by twice the rectangle contained by the side upon which, when produced, the perpendicular falls, and the straight line intercepted without the triangle between the perpendicular and the obtuse angle. Let ABC be an obtuse-angled triangle, having the obtuse angle ACB, and from the point A let AD be drawn perpendicular to BC produced. Then the square of AB shall be greater than the squares of AC, CB, by twice the rectangle BC, CD. A B C D Because the straight line BD is divided into two parts in the point C, therefore the square of BD is equal to the squares of BC, CD, and twice the rectangle BC, CD; (II. 4.) to each of these equals add the square of DA; therefore the squares of BD, DA are equal to the squares of BC, CD, DA, and twice the rectangle BC, CD; but the square of BA is equal to the squares of BD, DA, (1.47.) because the angle at D is a right angle; and the square of CA is equal to the squares of CD, DA ; therefore the square of BA is equal to the squares of BC, CA, and twice the rectangle BC, CD; that is, the square of BA is greater than the squares of BC, CA, by twice the rectangle BC, CD. Therefore in obtuse-angled triangles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XIII. THEOREM. In every triangle, the square of the side subtending either of the acute angles, is less than the squares of the sides containing that angle, by twice the rectangle contained by either of these sides, and the straight line intercepted between the acute angle and the perpendicular let fall upon it from the opposite angle. Let ABC be any triangle, and the angle at B one of its acute angles, and upon BC, one of the sides containing it, let fall the perpendicular AD from the opposite angle. (1. 12.) Then the square of AC opposite to the angle B, shall be less than the squares of CB, BA, by twice the rectangle CB, DB. First, let AD fall within the triangle ABC. BOOK II. PROP. XIII. 65 A B D C Then, because the straight line CB is divided into two parts in D, the squares of CB, BD are equal to twice the rectangle contained by CB, BD, and the square of DC; (11.7.) to each of these equals add the square of AD; therefore the squares of CB, BD, DÃ, are equal to twice the rectangle CB, BD, and the squares of AD, DC; but the square of AB is equal to the squares of BD, DA, (1. 47.) because the angle BDA is a right angle; and the square of AC is equal to the squares of AD, DC; therefore the squares of CB, BA are equal to the square of AC, and twice the rectangle CB, BD; that is, the square of AC alone is less than the squares of CB, BA, by twice the rectangle CB, BD. Secondly, let AD fall without the triangle ABC. A B C D Then, because the angle at D is a right angle, the angle ACB is greater than a right angle; (1. 16.) and therefore the square of AB is equal to the squares of AC, CB, and twice the rectangle BC, CD; (11. 12.) to each of these equals add the square of BC; therefore the squares of AB, BC are equal to the square of AC, twice the square of BC, and twice the rectangle BC, CD; but because BD is divided into two parts in C, therefore the rectangle DB, BC is equal to the rectangle BC, CD, and the square of BC; (11. 3.) and the doubles of these are equal; that is, twice the rectangle DB, BC is equal to twice the rectangle BC, CD and twice the square of BC: wherefore the squares of AB, BC are equal to the square of AC, and twice the rectangle DB, BC: therefore the square of AC alone is less than the squares of AB, BC, by twice the rectangle DB, BC. Lastly, let the side AC be perpendicular to BC. A } Then BC is the straight line between the perpendicular and the acute angle at B; and it is manifest, that the squares of AB, BC, are equal to the square of AC, and twice the square of BC. (1. 47. Therefore in any triangle, &c. Q. E. D. 5 66 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XIV. PROBLEM. To describe a square that shall be equal to a given rectilineal figure. Let A be the given rectilineal figure. It is required to describe a square that shall be equal to A. H A B F G E C D Describe the rectangular parallelogram BCDE equal to the rectilineal figure A. (1. 45.) Then, if the sides of it, BE, ED, are equal to one another, it is a square, and what was required is now done. But if they are not equal, produce one of them BE to F, and make EF equal to ED, bisect BF in G; (1.10.) from the centre G, at the distance GB, or GF, describe the semi- circle BHF, The figure A. and produce DE to meet the circumference in H. square described upon EH shall be equal to the given rectilineal Join GH. Then because the straight line BF is divided into two equal parts in the point G, and into two unequal parts in the point E; therefore the rectangle BE, EF, together with the square of EG, are equal to the square of GF; (11. 5.) but GF is equal to GH; (def. 15.) therefore the rectangle BE, EF, together with the square of EG, is equal to the square of GH; but the squares of HE, EG are equal to the square of GH; (1.47.) therefore the rectangle BE, EF, together with the square of EG, are equal to the squares of HE, ÉG; take away the square of EG, which is common to both; therefore the rectangle BE, EF is equal to the square of HE. But the rectangle contained by BE, EF is the parallelogram BD, because EF is equal to ED ; therefore BD is equal to the square of EH but BD is equal to the rectilineal figure A; (constr.) therefore the square of EH is equal to the rectilineal figure A. Wherefore a square has been made equal to the given rectilineal figure A, namely, the square described upon EH. Q.E. F. NOTES TO BOOK II. IN Book 1, Geometrical magnitudes of the same kind, lines, angles and surfaces, more particularly triangles and parallelograms, are compared, either as being absolutely equal or unequal to, one another. In Book II, the properties of right-angled parallelograms, but without reference to their magnitudes are demonstrated, besides an important extension is made of Prop. 47, Book 1, to acute-angled and obtuse-angled triangles. Euclid has given no defini- tion of a rectangular parallelogram, or rectangle: probably, because the Greek expression παραλληλόγραμμον ὀρθογώνιον, or ὀρθογώνιον simply, is a definition of the figure. In English, the term rectangle has no signification, and therefore ought to be defined before its properties are demonstrated. A rectangle is defined to be a parallelogram having one angle a right angle; and a square is a rectangle having all its sides equal. In Prop. 35, Book 1, it may be seen that there may be an indefinite number of parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels whose areas are always equal to one another; but that one of them has all its angles right angles, and the length of its boundary less than the boundary of any other parallelogram upon the same base and between the same parallels. The area of this rectangular parallelogram is therefore determined by the two lines which contain one of its right angles. Hence it is stated in Def. 1, that every right-angled parallelogram is said to be contained by any two of the straight lines which contain one of the right angles. No distinction is made in Book II. between equality and identity, as the rectangle may be said to be contained by two lines which are equal respectively to the two which contain one right angle of the figure. It may be remarked that the rectangle itself is bounded by four straight lines. It is of primary importance to discriminate the Geometrical conception of a rect- angle from the Arithmetical or Algebraical representation of it. The subject of Geometry is magnitude not number, and therefore it would be a departure from strict reasoning on space, to substitute in Geometrical demonstrations, the Arithmetical or Algebraical representation of a rectangle for the rectangle itself. It is, however, absolutely neces- sary that the connection of number and magnitude be clearly understood, as far as regards the representation of lines and areas. All lines are measured by lines, and all surfaces by surfaces. Some one line of definite length is arbitrarily assumed as the linear unit, and the length of every other line is represented by the number of linear units contained in it. The square is the figure assumed for the measure of surfaces. The square unit or the unit of area is assumed to be that square, the side of which is one linear unit in length, and the magnitude of every surface is represented by the number of square units contained in it. But here it may be remarked, that Euclid has not informed us that the two lines by which every rectangle is contained, are capable of being represented by any multiples of the same linear unit. If, however, in the present case, the sides of rectangles are supposed to be divisible into an exact number of linear units, a numerical representation for the area of the rectangle may be deduced. On two lines at right angles to each other, take AB equal to 4, and AD equal to 3 linear units. Complete the rectangle ABCD, and through the points of division of AB, AD, draw EL, FM, GN parallel to AD; and HP, KQ parallel to AB respectively. * 5-2 68 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. A E F G B H P 'R K DL MNC Then the whole rectangle AC is divided into squares, all equal to each other. And AC is equal to the sum of the rectangles AL, EM, FN, GC; (11. 1.) also these rectangles are equal to one another, (1. 36.) therefore the whole AC is equal to four times one of them AL. Again, the rectangle AL is equal to the rectangles EH, HR, RD, and these rectangles, by construction, are squares described upon the equal lines AH, HK, KD, and are equal to one another. therefore the rectangle AL is equal to 3 times the square AH, but the whole rectangle AC is equal to 4 times the rectangle AL, therefore the rectangle AC is 4 × 3 times the square AH, or 12 square units: that is, the product of the two numbers which express the number of linear units in the two sides, will give the number of square units in the rectangle, and therefore will be an arithmetical representation of its area. And generally, if AB, AD, instead of 4 and 3, consisted of a and b linear units respectively, it may be shewn in a similar manner, that the area of the rectangle AC would contain ab square units; and therefore the product ab is a proper representation for the area of the rectangle AC. Hence, it follows, that the term rectangle in Geometry corresponds to the term product in Arithmetic and Algebra, and that a similar comparison may be made between the products of the two numbers which represent the sides of rectangles, as between the areas of the rectangles themselves. This forms the basis of what are called Arith- metical or Algebraical proofs of Geometrical properties. If the two sides of the rectangle be equal, or if b be equal to a, the figure is a square, and the area is represented by aa or a². Also, since a triangle is equal to the half of a parallelogram of the same base and altitude. Therefore the area of a triangle will be represented by half the rectangle which has the same base and altitude as the triangle: in other words, if the length of the base be a units, and the altitude be ʊ units. ab Then the area of the triangle is algebraically represented by ab, or 2 The leading idea which runs through the demonstrations of the first eight pro- positions, is the obvious axiom, that, "the whole area of every figure in each case, is equal to all the parts of it taken together.” Prop. I. For the sake of brevity of expression, "the rectangle contained by the straight lines AB, BC," is called "the rectangle AB, BC;" and sometimes "the rectangle ABC.” The method of reasoning on the properties of rectangles by means of the products which indicate the number of square units contained in their areas is foreign to Euclid's ideas of rectangles, as discussed in his second book, which have no reference to any particular unit of length or measure of surface. Prop. 1. Algebraically. (fig. Prop. 1.) Let the line BC contain a linear units, and A, b linear units of the same length. Also suppose the parts BD, DE, EC to contain m, n, p linear units respectively. Then a = m + n +P₂, 1 NOTES TO BOOK II. 69 multiply these equals by b, therefore ab= bm + b n + bp. That is, the product of two numbers, one of which is divided into any number of parts, is equal to the sum of the products of the undivided number, and the several parts of the other; or, if the Geometrical interpretation of the products be restored. The number of square units expressed by the product ab, is equal to the number of square units expressed by the sum of the products bm, bn, bp. Prop. 11. Algebraically. (fig. Prop. 11.) Let AB contain a linear units, and AC, CB, m and n linear units respectively. multiplying these equals by a, Then m + n = Ag а, therefore am+ an = a². That is, if a number be divided into any two parts, the sum of the products of the whole and each of the parts is equal to the square of the whole number. Prop. III. Algebraically. (fig. Prop. 111.) Let AB contain a linear units, and let BC contain m, and AC, n linear units. Then a = m + n, and multiplying these equals by m, therefore ma = m² + mn. That is, if a number be divided into any two parts, the product of the whole number and one of the parts, is equal to the square of that part, and the product of the two parts. Prop. iv. might have been deduced from the two preceding propositions; but Euclid has rather preferred the method of exhibiting, in all the demonstrations of the second book, the equality of the spaces compared. In the corollary to Prop. XLVI. Book 1, it is stated that a parallelogram which has one right angle, has all its angles right angles. By applying this corollary, the demon- stration of Prop. iv. may be considerably shortened. If the two parts be equal, then the square of the whole line is equal to four times the square of half the line. Also, if a line be divided into any three parts, the square of the whole line is equal to the squares of the three parts, and twice the rectangle contained by every two parts. Prop. iv. Algebraically. (fig. Prop. IV.) Let the line AB contain a linear units, and the parts of it AC and BC, m and n linear units respectively. Then a = M + N, squaring these equals, ••• a² = (m + n)2, or a² = m² + 2mn + n2. That is, if a number be divided into any two parts, the square of the number is equal to the squares of the two parts together with twice the product of the two parts. Prop. v. It must be kept in mind, that the sum of two straight lines in Geometry, means the straight line formed by joining the two lines together, so that both may be in the same straight line. ぶ ​The following simple properties respecting the equal and unequal division of a line ✓ are worthy of being remembered. 2BD÷2DC. I. Since AB = 2 BC = 2 (BD + DC) = 2BD + 2DC. (fig. Prop. v.) and AB = AD + DB; .. 2 CD + 2DB = AD + DB, Сп 0. 17 70 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and by subtracting 2DB from these equals, .. 2 CD = AD – DB, and _CD=}(AD – DB). That is, if a line AB is divided into two equal parts in C, and into two unequal parts in D, the part CD of the line between the points of section is equal to half the difference of the unequal parts AD and DB. II. Here AD = AC + CD, the sum of the unequal parts, (fig. Prop. v.) and DB = AC- CD their difference. Hence by adding these equals together, .. AD+ DB = 2AC, or the sum and difference of two lines AC, CD, are together equal to twice the greater line. And the halves of these equals are equal, } . AD + }. DB = AC, or, half the sum of two unequal lines AC, CD added to half their difference is equal to the greater line AC. III. Again, since AD = AC + CD, and DB = AC - CD, by subtracting these equals, .. AD – DB = 2 CD, or, the difference between the sum and difference of two unequal lines is equal to twice the less line. And the halves of these equals are equal, •. }.AD-}. DB = CD, or, half the difference of two lines subtracted from half their sum is equal to the less of the two lines. IV. Since AC - CD = DB the difference, .. AC = CD + DB, and adding CD the less to each of these equals, .. AC + CD = 2CD + DB, or, the sum of two unequal lines is equal to twice the greater line together with the difference between the lines. Prop. v. Algebraically. Let AB contain 2a linear units, its half BC will contain a linear units. And let CD the line between the points of section contain m linear units. Then AD the greater of the two unequal parts, contains a + m linear units; and DB the less contains a m units. Also m is half the difference of a + m and a ••• (a + m) (a — m) = a² — m², to each of these equals add m²; •. (a+m) (a − m) + m² = a². - m; That is, if a number be divided into two equal parts, and also into two unequal parts, the product of the unequal parts and the square of half their difference, is equal to the square of half the number. Bearing in mind that AC, CD are respectively half the sum and half the difference of the two lines AD, DB; the corollary to this proposition may be expressed in the following form: "The rectangle contained by two straight lines is equal to the difference of the squares of half their sum and half their difference." NOTES TO BOOK II. 71 The rectangle contained by AD and DB, and the square of BC are each bounded by the same extent of line, but the spaces enclosed differ by the square of CD. Prop. VI. Algebraically. Let AB contain 2a linear units, then its half BC contains a units; and let BD contain m units, Then AD contains 2a + m units, and .. (2a+m) m = 2a+m)m – 2am + m² to each of these equals add a³, ; •. (2a + m) m + a² = a² + 2am + m². But a²+2am + n² = (a + m)³, •. (2a+m) m + a² = (a + m)². That is, If a number be divided into two equal numbers, and another number be added to the whole and to one of the parts; the product of the whole number thus increased and the other number together with the square of half the given number, is equal to the square of the number which is made up of half the given number increased. The Algebraical results of Prop. v and Prop. vi are identical, as it is obvious that the difference of a+m and am in Prop. v is equal to the difference of 2a + m and m in Prop. VI, and one algebraical result expresses the truth of both propositions. This arises from the two ways in which the difference between two unequal lines may be represented geometrically, when they are in the same direction. In the diagram (fig. to Prop. v.), the difference DB of the two unequal lines AC and CD is exhibited by producing the less line CD, and making CB equal to AC the greater. Then the part produced DB is the difference between AC and CD, for AC is equal to CB, and taking CD from each, the difference of AC and CD is equal to the difference of CB and CD. In the diagram (fig. to Prop. v1), the difference DB of the two unequal lines CD and CA is exhibited by cutting off from CD the greater, a part CB equal to CA the less. Prop. VII. Algebraically. Let AB contain a linear units, and let the parts AC and CB contain m and n linear units respectively. Then a = m + n ; .. squaring these equals, .. u² = m² + 2mn + n², add n² to each of these equals, ••• a² + n² = m² + 2mn + 2n². But 2mn + 2 n² = 2 (m + n) n = ••. a² + n² = 2an + m². 2an, That is, If a number be divided into any two parts, the square of the whole number and of one of the parts is equal to twice the product of the whole number and that part, together with the square of the other part. Prop. VIII. Algebraically. Let the whole line AB contain a linear units of which the parts AC, CB contain m, n units respectively. Then m + n = a, and subtracting or taking n from each, m = a — n, squaring these equals, ... m² = a² - 2an + n², and adding 4an to each of these equals, .. 4an + m² = a² + 2an + n². 72 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. But a²+2an + n² = (a + n)², ... 4an + m² = (a + n)². That is, If a number be divided into any two parts, four times the product of the whole number and one of the parts, together with the square of the other part, is equal to the square of the number made up of the whole and that part. Prop. IX. Algebraically. Let AB contain 2a linear units, its half AC or BC will contain a units; and let CD the line between the points of section contain m units. Also AD the greater of the two unequal parts contains a + m units, and DB the less contains a m units. •• Then (a+m)² = a² + 2am + m², and (am)²= a² + 2am + m², Hence by adding these equals, (a + m)² + (a — m)² = 2a² + 2m². That is, If a number be divided into two equal parts, and also into two unequal parts, the sum of the squares of the two unequal parts is equal to twice the square of half the number and twice the square of half the difference of the unequal parts. Prop. x. Algebraically. Let the line AB contain 2a linear units, of which its half AC or CB will contain a units; and let BD contain m units. Then the whole line and the part produced will contain 2a+m units, and half the line and the part produced will contain a+m units, (2a + m)² = 4a² + 4am + m², add m² to each of these equals, •. (2a + m)² + m² = 4a² + 4am + 2m². Again (a + m)² = a² + 2am + m², add a² to each of these equals, •. (a + m)² + a² = 2a² + 2am + m², 2a²+2am and doubling these equals, •*. 2 (a + m)² + 2 a² 4a² + 4am + m². = But (2a+m)² + m² = 4a² + 4am + m². Hence .. (2a + m)²+ m² = 2 a² + 2 (a + m)². (2a+m)²+ 2a²+ That is, If a number be divided into two equal parts, and the whole number and one of the parts be increased by the addition of another number, the squares of the whole number thus increased, and of the number by which it is increased, are equal to double the squares of half the number, and of half the number increased. The algebraical results of Prop. IX, and Prop. x, are identical, the enunciations of the two Props. arising, as in Prop. v and Prop. VI, from the two ways of exhibiting the difference between two lines. To solve Prop. XI algebraically, or to find the point H in AB such that the rect- angle contained by the whole line AB and the part HB shall be equal to the square of the other part AH. Let AB contain a linear units, and AH one of the unknown parts contain x units, then the other part HB contains a x units. - And •. a (a − x) = x², by the problem, a², a quadratic equation. or x² + ax = Hence む ​±α √5 2 NOTES TO BOOK II. 73 The former of these values of a determines the point H. So that λ = AB AH, one part, 2 and a — x = a - AH : 3- √√5 2 AB = HB, the other part. It may be observed, that the parts AH and HB cannot be numerically expressed by any rational number. Approximation to their true values in terms of AB, may be made to any required degree of accuracy, by extending the extraction of the square root of 5 to any number of decimals. To ascertain the meaning of the other result x = - √5 + 1 2 α. In the equation a (ax) = x², for x write-x, then a (a + x) = x², which when translated into words gives the following problem. To find the length a given line must be produced so that the rectangle contained by the given line and the line made up of the given line and the part produced, may be equal to the square of the part produced. Or, the problem may also be expressed as follows: To find two lines having a given difference, such that the rectangle contained by the difference and one of them may be equal to the square of the other. Prop. XII. Algebraically. Assuming the truth of Prop. 47, Book 1, Algebraically. Let BC, CA, AB contain a, b, c linear units respectively, and let CD, DA, contain m, n units, then BD contains a + m units. And therefore, c² = (« + m)² + n², from the right-angled triangle ABD, also b² = m² + n² from ACD; Prop. XIII. as Case I. •'. c² — b² = (a + m)² — m² = a² + 2am + m² m² = a² + 2am, ... c2 b² + a² + 2am, * that is, c² is greater than b² + a² by 2am. Case II may be proved more simply as follows, in the same manner Since BD is divided into two parts in the point D, 1 therefore the squares of CB, BD are equal to twice the rectangle contained by CB, BD and the square of CD; (11. 7.) add the square of AD to each of these equals ; therefore the squares of CB, BD, DA are equal to twice the rectangle CB, BD, and the squares of CD and DA, but the squares of BD, DA are equal to the square of AB, (1. 47.) and the squares of CD, DA are equal to the squares of AC, therefore the squares of CB, BA are equal to the square of AC, and twice the rectangle CB, BD. Prop. XIII. Algebraically. That is, &c. Let BC, CA, AB contain respectively a, b, c linear units, and let BD and AD also contain m and n units. Case I. Then DC contains am units. 74 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Therefore c² = n² + m² from the right-angled triangle ABD, and b²= n²+(a – m)² from ADC; •. c²— b² = m² — (a — m)² m²- a²+2am =− a³ + 2am, ••• a² + c² = b² + 2am, or b²+2am = a² + c², - m² that is, 6² is less than a²+c² by 2am. Case II. DC DC = m - a units, •. c² = m² + n² from the right-angled triangle ABD, and b² = (m − a)² + n² from ACD, •'. c² — b² = m² — (m − a)² = m² m² + 2am — aº = 2am - a², ••• a² + c² = b² + 2am, Case III. or b² + 2am = a² + c², that is, b² is less than a² + c² by 2am. Here m is equal to a. And b² + a² = c², from the right-angled triangle ABC. Add to each of these equals a³, ... b² + 2a² = c² + a², that is, b² is less than c² + a² by 2a², or 2aa. BOOK III. : DEFINITIONS. I. Equal circles are those of which the diameters are equal, or from the centres of which the straight lines to the circumferences are equal. This is not a definition, but a theorem, the truth of which is evident; for, if the circles be applied to one another, so that their centres coincide, the circles must likewise coincide, since the straight lines from the centres are equal. II. ++ A straight line is said to touch a circle, when it meets the circle, and being produced does not cut it. III. Circles are said to touch one another, which meet, but do not cut one another. IV. Straight lines are said to be equally distant from the centre of a circle, when the perpendiculars drawn to them from the centre are equal. V. And the straight line on which the greater perpendicular falls, is said to be farther from the centre. VI. A segment of a circle is the figure contained by a straight line, and the circumference which it cuts off. 67 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. VII. The angle of a segment is that which is contained by the straight line and the circumference. VIII. An angle in a segment is the angle contained by two straight lines drawn from any point in the circumference of the segment, to the extre- mities of the straight line which is the base of the segment. IX. An angle is said to insist or stand upon the circumference intercepted between the straight lines that contain the angle. X. A sector of a circle is the figure contained by two straight lines drawn from the centre, and the circumference between them. XI. Similar segments of circles are those in which the angles are equal, or which contain equal angles. BOOK III. PROP. I, II. 77 PROPOSITION I. PROBLEM. To find the centre of a given circle. Let ABC be the given circle. It is required to find its centre. C F A D B E Draw within it any straight line AB, and bisect AB in D; (1. 10.) from the point D draw DC at right angles to AB, (1. 11.) produce CD to E, and bisect CE in F. Then the point F shall be the centre of the circle ABC. For, if it be not, let, if possible, G be the centre, and join GA, GD, GB. Then, because DA is equal to DB, (constr.) and DG common to the two triangles ADG, BDG, the two sides AD, DG, are equal to the two BD, DG, each to each; and the base GA is equal to the base GB, (1. def. 15.) because they are drawn from the centre G: therefore the angle ADG is equal to the angle GDB: (1. 8.) but when a straight line standing upon another straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of the angles is a right angle; (1. def. 10.) therefore the angle GDB is a right angle: but FDB is likewise a right angle; (constr.) wherefore the angle FDB is equal to the angle GDB, (ax. 1.) the greater equal to the less, which is impossible; therefore G is not the centre of the circle ABC. In the same manner it can be shewn that no other point out of the line CE is the centre; and since CE is bisected in F, any other point in CE divides CE into unequal parts, and cannot be the centre. Therefore no point but F is the centre of the circle ABC. Which was to be found. Cor. From this it is manifest, that if in a circle a straight line bisects another at right angles, the centre of the circle is in the line which bisects the other. PROPOSITION II. THEOREM. If any two points be taken in the circumference of a circle, the straight line which joins them shall fall within the circle. Let ABC be a circle, and A, B any two points in the circumference. The straight line drawn from A to B shall fall within the circle. 78 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. ▸ C D F A E B For if AB do not fall within the circle, let it fall, if possible, without, as AEB; find D the centre of the circle ABC, (111. 1.) and join DA, DB; in the circumference AB take any point F, join DF, and produce it to meet AB in E. Then, because DA is equal to DB, (1. def. 15.) therefore the angle DAB is equal to the angle DBA; (1. 5.) and because AE, a side of the triangle DAE, is produced to B, the exterior angle DEB is greater than the interior and opposite angle DAE; (1. 16.) but DAE was proved equal to the angle DBE; therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE; but to the greater angle the greater side is opposite, (1. 19.) therefore DB is greater than DE: but DB is equal to DF; (1. def. 15.) wherefore DF is greater than DE, the less than the greater, which is impossible; therefore the straight line drawn from A to B does not fall without the circle. In the same manner, it may be demonstrated that it does not fall upon the circumference; therefore it falls within it. Wherefore, if any two points, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION III. THEOREM. If a straight line drawn through the centre of a circle bisect a straight line in which it does not pass through the centre, it shall cut it at right angles: and conversely, if it cuts it at right angles, it shall bisect it. Let ABC be a circle; and let CD, a straight line drawn through the centre, bisect any straight line AB, which does not pass through the centre, in the point F. Then CD shall cut AB at right angles. A K F C B D Take E the centre of the circle, (111. 1.) and join EA, EB. Then, because AF is equal to FB, (hyp.) and FE common to the two triangles AFE, BFE, there are two sides in the one equal to two sides in the other, each to each; and the base EA is equal to the base EB; (1. def. 15.) BOOK III. PROP. III, IV. 79 therefore the angle AFE is equal to the angle BFE: (1..8.) but when a straight line standing upon another straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of them is a right angle; (1. def. 10.) therefore each of the angles AFE, BFE, is a right angle: wherefore the straight line CD, drawn through the centre, bisecting another AB that does not pass through the centre, cuts the same at right angles. But let CD cut AB at right angles. Then CD shall also bisect AB, that is, AF shall be equal to FB. The same construction being made. Because EA, EB, from the centre are equal to one another, (1. def. 15.) the angle EAF is equal to the angle EBF; (1. 5.) and the right angle AFE is equal to the right angle BFE: (1. def. 10.) therefore, in the two triangles, EAF, EBF, there are two angles in the one equal to two angles in the other, each to each ; and the side EF, which is opposite to one of the equal angles in each, is common to both; therefore the other sides are equal; (1.26.) therefore AF is equal to FB. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. If in a circle two straight lines cut one another, which do not both pass through the centre, they do not bisect each other. Let ABCD be a circle, and AC, BD two straight lines in it which cut one another in the point E, and do not both pass through the centre. Then AC, BD, shall not bisect one another. A E B F D For, if it is possible, let AE be equal to EC, and BE to ED. If one of the lines pass through the centre, it is plain that it cannot be bisected by the other which does not pass through the centre: but if neither of them pass through the centre, take F the centre of the circle, (111. 1.) and join EF. Then because FE, a straight line drawn through the centre, bisects another AC which does not pass through the centre, (hyp.) therefore FE cuts AC at right angles: (III. 3.) wherefore FEA is a right angle. Again, because the straight line FE bisects the straight line BD, which does not pass through the centre, (hyp.) therefore FE cuts BD at right angles: (III. 3.) wherefore FEB is a right angle: but FEA was shewn to be a right angle; 80 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore the angle FEA is equal to the angle FEB, (ax. 1.) the less equal to the greater, which is impossible: therefore AC, BD do not bisect one another. Wherefore, if in a circle, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. If two circles cut one another, they shall not have the same centre. Let the two circles ABC, CDG, cut one another in the points B, C. They shall not have the same centre. A C D G [ CK F B For, if it be possible, let E be their centre: join EC, and draw any straight line EFG meeting them in F and G. And because E is the centre of the circle ABC, therefore EC is equal to EF: (1. def. 15.) again, because E is the centre of the circle CDG, therefore EC is equal to EG: (1. def. 15.) but EC was shewn to be equal to EF; therefore EF is equal to EG, (ax. 1.) the equal less to the greater, which is impossible. Therefore E is not the centre of the circles ABC, CDG. Wherefore, if two circles, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION VI. THEOREM. If one circle touch another internally, they shall not have the same centre. Let the circle CDE touch the circle ABC internally in the point C. They shall not have the same centre. C A A B E For, if they have, let it be F: join FC, and draw any straight line FEB, meeting them in E and B. And because F is the centre of the circle ABC, FC is equal to FB; (1. def. 15.) also, because F is the centre of the circle CDE, FC is equal to FE: (1. def. 15.) but FC was shewn to be equal to FB; BOOK III. PROP. VI, VII, 81 therefore FE is equal to FB, (ax. 1.) the less equal to the greater, which is impossible: therefore F is not the centre of the circles ABC, CDĒ. Therefore, if two circles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION VII. THEOREM. If any point be taken in the diameter of a circle which is not the centre, of all the straight lines which can be drawn from it to the cir- cumference, the greatest is that in which the centre is, and the other part of that diameter is the least; and, of any others, that which is nearer to the line which passes through the centre is always greater than one more remote: and from the same point there can be drawn only two equal straight lines to the circumference, one upon each side of the diameter. Let ABCD be a circle, and AD its diameter, in which let any point F be taken which is not the centre: let the centre be E. Then, of all the straight lines FB, FC, FG, &c. that can be drawn from F to the circumference, FA, that in which the centre is, shall be the greatest, and FD, the other part of the diameter AD, shall be the least: and of the others, FB, the nearer to FA, shall be greater than FC, the more remote, and FC greater than FG. C BA E K G D H Join BE, CE, GE. And because two sides of a triangle are greater than the third, (1. 20.) therefore BE, EF are greater than BF: but AE is equal to BE; (1. def. 15.) therefore AE, EF, that is, AF is greater than BF. Again, because BE is equal to CE, and FE common to the triangles BEF, CEF, 1 the two sides BE, EF are equal to the two CE, EF, each to each but the angle BEF is greater than the angle CEF; (ax. 9.) therefore the base BF is greater than the base CF. (1. 24.) For the same reason CF is greater than GF. Again, because GF, FE are greater than EG, (1. 20.) and EG is equal to ED; therefore GF, FE are greater than ED: take away the common part FE, ; and the remainder GF is greater than the remainder FD. (ax. 5.) Therefore, FA is the greatest, and FD the least of all the straight lines from F to the circumference; and BF is greater than CF, and CF than GF. Also, there can be drawn only two equal straight lines from the point F to the circumference, one upon each side of the diameter. 6 82 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. At the point E, in the straight line EF, make the angle FEH equal to the angle FEG, (1. 23.) and join FH. Then, because GE is equal to EH, (1. def. 15.) and EF common to the two triangles GEF, HEF; the two sides GE, EF are equal to the two HE, EF, each to each; and the angle GEF is equal to the angle HEF; (constr.) therefore, the base FG is equal to the base FH: (1. 4.) but, besides FH, no other straight line can be drawn from F to the circumference equal to FG: for, if there can, let it be FK: and, because FK is equal to FG, and FG to FH, therefore FK is equal to FH; (ax. 1.) that is, a line nearer to that which passes through the centre, is equal to one which is more remote; which has been proved to be impossible. Therefore, if any point be taken, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. If any point be taken without a circle, and straight lines be drawn from it to the circumference, whereof one passes through the centre; of those which fall upon the concave circumference, the greatest is that which passes through the centre; and of the rest, that which is nearer to the one passing through the centre is always greater than one more remote: but of those which fall upon the convex circumference, the least is that between the point without the circle and the diameter; and of the rest, that which is nearer to the least is always less than one more remote: and only two equal straight lines can be drawn from the same point to the circumference, one upon each side of the line which passes through the centre. Let ABC be a circle, and D any point without it, from which let the straight lines DA, DE, DF, DC be drawn to the circumference, whereof DA passes through the centre. Of those which fall upon the concave part of the circumference AEFC, the greatest shall be DA, which passes through the centre; and any line nearer to it shall be greater than one more remote, viz. DE, shall be greater than DF, and DF greater than DC: but of those which fall upon the convex circumference HLKG, the least shall be DG between the point D and the diameter AG; and any line nearer to it shall be less than one more remote, viz. DK less than DL, and DL less than DH. D XLGB GB\N H F E A M BOOK III. PROP. VIII, IX. Take M the centre of the circle ABC, (111. 1.) and join ME, MF, MC, MK, ML, MH. And because AM is equal to ME, add MD to each of these equals, therefore AD is equal to EM, MD: (ax. 2.) but EM, MD are greater than ED; (1. 20.) therefore also AD is greater than ED. 83 Again, because ME is equal to MF, and MD common to the tri- angles EMD, FMD; EM, MD, are equal to FM, MD, each to each: but the angle EMD is greater than the angle FMD; (ax. 9.) therefore the base ED is greater than the base FD. (1. 24.) In like manner it may be shewn that FD is greater than CD. Therefore, DA is the greatest; and DE greater than DF, and DF greater than DC. And, because MK, KD are greater than MD, (1. 20.) and MK is equal to MG, (1. def. 15.) the remainder KD is greater than the remainder GD, (ax. 5.) that is, GD is less than KD: and because MLD is a triangle, and from the points M, D, the extremities of its side MD, the straight lines MK, DK are drawn to the point K within the triangle, therefore MK, KD are less than ML, LD: (1. 21.) but MK is equal to ML; (1. def. 15.) therefore, the remainder DK is less than the remainder DL. (ax. 5.) In like manner it may be shewn, that DL is less than DÈ. Therefore, DG is the least, and DK less than DL, and DL less than DH. Also, there can be drawn only two equal straight lines from the point D to the circumference, one upon each side of the line through the centre. At the point M, in the straight line MD, make the angle DMB equal to the angle DMK, (1. 23.) and join DB. And because MK is equal to MB, and MD common to the triangles KMD, BMD, the two sides KM, MD are equal to the two BM, MD, each to each; and the angle KMD is equal to the angle BMD; (constr.) therefore the base DK is equal to the base DB: (1. 4.) but, besides DB, there can be no straight line drawn from D to the circumference equal to DK: for, if there can, let it be DN: and because DK is equal to DN, and also to DB, therefore DB is equal to DN; that is, a line nearer to the least is equal to one more remote, which has been proved to be impossible. If, therefore, any point, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION IX. THEOREM. If a point be taken within a circle, from which there fall more than two equal straight lines to the circumference, that point is the centre of the circle. Let the point D be taken within the circle ABC, from which to the circumference there fall more than two equal straight lines, viz. DA, DB, DC. Then the point D shall be the centre of the circle. 6—2 84 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. DE F G C A B For, if not, let E be the centre: join DE, and produce it to the circumference in F, G ; then FG is a diameter of the circle ABC: (1. def. 17.) and because in FG, the diameter of the circle ABC, there is taken the point D, which is not the centre, therefore DG is the greatest line from it to the circumference, and DC is greater than DB, and DB greater than DA: (111. 7.) but they are likewise equal, (hyp.) which is impossible: therefore E is not the centre of the circle ABC. In like manner it may be demonstrated, that no other point but D is the centre; D therefore is the centre. Wherefore, if a point be taken, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION X. THEOREM. One circumference of a circle cannot cut another in more than two points. If it be possible, let the circumference FAB cut the circumference DEF in more than two points, viz. in B, G, F. B A H* AK D E G F C Take the centre K of the circle ABC, (111. 3.) and join KB, KG, KF. Then because K is the centre of the circle ABC, therefore KB, KG, KF are all equal to each other: (1. def. 15.) and because within the circle DEF there is taken the point K, from which to the circumference DEF fall more than two equal straight lines KB, KG, KF, therefore the point K is the centre of the circle DEF: (111. 9.) but K is also the centre of the circle ABC; (constr.) therefore the same point is the centre of two circles that cut one another, which is impossible. (III. 5.) Therefore, one circumference of a circle cannot cut another in more than two points. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XI. THEOREM. If one circle touch another internally in any point, the straight line which joins their centres being produced shall pass through that point of contact. Let the circle ADE touch the circle ABC internally in the point A ; BOOK III. PROP. XI, XII. .85 and let F be the centre of the circle ABC, and G the centre of the circle ADE; then the straight line which joins the centres F, G, being produced, shall pass through the point A. A H OG T B C For, if FG produced do not pass through the point A, let it fall otherwise, if possible, as FGDH, and join AF, AG. Then, because two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side, (1. 20.) therefore FG, GA are greater than FA: but FA is equal to FH; (1. def. 15.) therefore FG, GA are greater than FH: take away from these unequals the common part FG; therefore the remainder AG is greater than the remainder GH; (ax. 5.) but AG is equal to GD; (1. def. 15.) therefore ĜD is greater than GH, the less than the greater, which is impossible. Therefore the straight line which joins the points F, G, being pro- duced, cannot fall otherwise than upon the point A, that is, it must pass through it. Therefore, if one circle, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XII. THEOREM. If two circles touch each other externally in any point, the straight line which joins their centres shall pass through that point of contact. Let the two circles ABC, ADE, touch each other externally in the point A; and let F be the centre of the circle ABC, and G the centre of ADE. Then the straight line which joins the points F, G, shall pass through the point of contact A. E B A F : For, if not, let it pass otherwise, if possible, as FCDG, and join FA, AG. And because F is the centre of the circle ABC, FA is equal to FC: also, because G is the centre of the circle ADE, GA is equal to GD: therefore FA, AG are equal to FC, DG; (ax. 2.) wherefore the whole FG is greater than FÀ, AG: but FG is less than FA, AG; (1. 20.) which is impossible: 86 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore the straight line which joins the points F, G, cannot pass otherwise than through the point of contact A, that is, FG must pass through the point A. Therefore, if two circles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XIII. THEOREM. One circle cannot touch another in more points than one, whether it touches it on the inside or outside. For, if it be possible, let the circle EBF touch the circle ABC in more points than one, and first on the inside, in the points B, D. B A E H B F/C D H A D G Join BD, and draw GH bisecting BD at right angles. (1. 11.) Because the points B, D are in the circumferences of each of the circles, therefore the straight line BD falls within each of them; (111. 2.) therefore their centres are in the straight line GH which bisects BD at right angles; (III. Cor. 1.) therefore GH passes through the point of contact: (III. 11.) but it does not pass through it, because the points B, D are without the straight line GH; which is absurd: therefore one circle cannot touch another on the inside in more points than one. Nor can two circles touch one another on the outside in more than one point. For, if it be possible, let the circle ACK touch the circle ABC in the points A, C; join AC. A B K C Because the two points A, C are in the circumference of the circle ACK, therefore the straight line AC which joins them, falls within the circle ACK: (III. 2.) but the circle ACK is without the circle ABC; (hyp.) therefore the straight line AC is without this last circle: but, because the points A, C are in the circumference of the circle ABC, the straight line AC must be within the same circle, (111. 2.) which is absurd; BOOK III. PROP. XIII, XIV. 87 therefore one circle cannot touch another on the outside in more than one point : and it has been shewn, that they cannot touch on the inside in more points than one. Therefore, one circle, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XIV. THEOREM. Equal straight lines in a circle are equally distant from the centre; and conversely, those which are equally distant from the centre, are equal to one another. Let the straight lines AB, CD, in the circle ABDC, be equal to one another. Then AB and CD shall be equally distant from the centre. C A A D 1 B Take E the centre of the circle ABDC, (111. 1.) from E draw EF, EG perpendiculars to AB, CD, (1. 12.) and join EA, EC. Then, because the straight line EF, passing through the centre, cuts the straight line AB, which does not pass through the centre, at right angles, it also bisects it: (III. 3.) therefore AF is equal to FB, and AB double of AF. For the same reason CD is double of CG: but AB is equal to CD: (hyp.) therefore AF is equal to CG. (ax. 7.) And because AE is equal to EC, (1. def. 15.) the square of AE is equal to the square of EC: but the squares of AF, FE are equal to the square of AE, (1. 47.) because the angle AFE is a right angle; and, for the like reason, the squares of EG, GC are equal to the square of EC; therefore the squares of AF, FE are equal to the squares of CG, GE: (ax. 1.) but the square of AF is equal to the square of CG, because AF is equal to CG; therefore the remaining square of EF is equal to the remaining square of EG, (ax. 3.) and the straight line EF is therefore equal to EG: but straight lines in a circle are said to be equally distant from the centre, when the perpendiculars drawn to them from the centre are equal: (III. def. 4.) therefore AB, CD are equally distant from the centre. Next, let the straight lines AB, CD be equally distant from the centre, (III. def. 4.) that is, let FE be equal to EG; 88 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. then AB shall be equal to CD. For, the same construction being made, it may, as before, be demonstrated, that AB is double of AF, and CD double of CG, and that the squares of EF, FA are equal to the squares of EG, GC: but the square of FE is equal to the square of EG, because FE is equal to EG; (hyp.) therefore the remaining square of AF is equal to the remaining square of CG: (ax. 3.) and the straight line AF is therefore equal to CG : but AB was shewn to be double of AF, and ĈD double of CG; wherefore AB is equal to CD. (ax. 6.) Therefore equal straight lines, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XV. THEOREM. The diameter is the greatest straight line in a circle; and, of all others, that which is nearer to the centre is always greater than one more remote: and the greater is nearer to the centre than the less. Let ABCD be a circle, of which the diameter is AD, and the centre E; and let BC be nearer to the centre than FG. Then AD shall be greater than any straight line BC, which is not a diameter, and BC shall be greater than FG. A B F H E C G D From the centre E draw EH, EK perpendiculars to BC, FG, (1. 12.) and join EB, EC, EF. And because AE is equal to EB, and ED to EC, (1. def. 15.) therefore AD is equal to EB, EC: (ax. 2.) but EB, EC are greater than BC; (1. 20.) wherefore also AD is greater than BC. And, because BC is nearer to the centre than FG, (hyp.) therefore EH is less than EK: (111. def. 5.) but, as was demonstrated in the preceding proposition, BC is double of BH, and FG double of FK, and the squares of EH, HB are equal to the squares of EK, KF: but the quare of EH is less than the square of EK, because EH is less than EK; therefore the square of BH is greater than the square of FK, and the straight line BH greater than FK, and therefore BC is greater than FG. Next, let BC be greater than FG ; then BC shall be nearer to the centre than FG, that is, the same construction being made, EH shall be less than EK. (111. def. 5.) Because BC is greater than FG, BH likewise is greater than KF: and the squares of BH, HE are equal to the squares of FK, KE; BOOK III. PROP. XV, XVI. of which the square of BH is greater than the square of FK, because BH is greater than FK: therefore the square of EH is less than the square of EK, and the straight line EH less than ĒK: and therefore BC is nearer to the centre than FG. (111. def. 5.) Wherefore the diameter, &c. Q. E.D. 89 PROPOSITION XVI. THEOREM. The straight line drawn at right angles to the diameter of a circle, from_the_extremity of it, falls without the circle; and no straight line can be drawn from the extremity between that straight line and the cir cumference, so as not to cut the circle; or, which is the same thing, no straight line can make so great an acute angle with the diameter at its extremity, or so small an angle with the straight line which is at right angles to it, as not to cut the circle. Let ABC be a circle, the centre of which is D, and the diameter AB. Then the straight line drawn at right angles to AB from its extre- mity A, shall fall without the circle. C L D A ! For, if it does not, let it fall, if possible, within the circle, as AC; and draw DC to the point C, where it meets the circumference. And because DA is equal to DC, (1. def. 15.) the angle DAC is equal to the angle ACD: (1. 5.) but DAC is a right angle; (hyp.) therefore ACD is a right angle; and therefore the angles DAC, ACD are equal to two right angles; which is impossible: (1. 17.) therefore the straight line drawn from A at right angles to BA, does not fall within the circle. In the same manner it may be demonstrated, that it does not fall upon the circumference therefore it must fall without the circle, as AE. Also, between the straight line AE and the circumference, no straight line can be drawn from the point A which does not cut the circle. For, if possible, let AF be between them. FE H R A D From the point D draw DG perpendicular to AF, (1. 12.) and let it meet the circumference in H. And because AGD is a right angle, and DAG less than a right angle, (1. 17.) 90 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore DA is greater than DG: (1. 19.) but DA is equal to DH; (1. def. 15.) therefore DH is greater than DG, the less than the greater, which is impossible: therefore no straight line can be drawn from the point A, between AE and the circumference, which does not cut the circle: or, which amounts to the same thing, however great an acute angle a straight line makes with the diameter at the point A, or however small an angle it makes with AE, the circumference must pass between that straight line and the perpendicular AE. "And this is all that is to be understood, when, in the Greek text, and translations from it, the angle of the semicircle is said to be greater than any acute rectilineal angle, and the remaining angle less than any rectilineal angle." Q.E.D. COR. From this it is manifest, that the straight line which is drawn at right angles to the diameter of a circle from the extremity of it, touches the circle; (111. def. 2.) and that it touches it only in one point, because, if it did meet the circle in two, it would fall within it. (III. 2.) "Also, it is evident, that there can be but one straight line which touches the circle in the same point.” PROPOSITION XVII. PROBLEM. To draw a straight line from a given point, either without or in the circumference, which shall touch a given circle. First, let A be a given point without the given circle BCD; it is required to draw a straight line from A which shall touch the circle. G C E4 A D F B Find the centre E of the circle, (III. 1.) and join AE; and from the centre E, at the distance EA, describe the circle AFG; from the point D draw DF at right angles to EA, (1. 11.) and join EBF, AB. Then AB shall touch the circle BCD in the point B. Because E is the centre of the circles BCD, AFG, therefore EA is equal to EF, (1. def. 15.) and ED to EB; therefore the two sides AE, EB, are equal to the two FE, ED, each to each; and they contain the angle at E common to the two triangles AEB, FED; therefore the base DF is equal to the base AB, (1. 4.) and the triangle FED to the triangle AEB, and the other angles to the other angles: therefore the angle EBA is equal to the angle EDF: but EDF is a right angle, (constr.) wherefore EBA is a right angle: (ax. 1.) and EB is drawn from the centre: BOOK III. 91 PROP. XVII, XVIII, XIX. but a straight line drawn from the extremity of a diameter, at right angles to it, touches the circle: (III. 16. Cor.) therefore AB touches the circle; and it is drawn from the given point A. But if the given point be in the circumference of the circle, as the point D, draw DE to the centre E, and DF at right angles to DE: DF touches the circle. (111. 16. Cor.) Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XVIII. THEOREM. If a straight line touches a circle, the straight line drawn from the centre to the point of contact, shall be perpendicular to the line touching the circle. Let the straight line DE touch the circle ABC in the point C; take the centre F, and draw the straight line FC. (11. 1.) Then FC shall be perpendicular to DE. A F B D C GE For, if it be not, from the point F draw FBG perpendicular to DE. And because FGC is a right angle, therefore GCF is an acute angle; (1. 17.) and to the greater angle the greater side is opposite: (1. 19.) therefore FC is greater than FG: but FC is equal to FB; (1. def. 15.) therefore FB is greater than FG, the less than the greater, which is impossible: therefore FG is not perpendicular to DE. In the same manner it may be shewn, that no other is perpendicular to DE besides FC, that is, FC is perpendicular to DE. Therefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. 1 PROPOSITION XIX. THEOREM. If a straight line touches a circle, and from the point of contact a straight line be drawn at right angles to the touching line, the centre of the circle shall be in that line. Let the straight line DE touch the circle ABC in C, and from Clet CA be drawn at right angles to DE. Then the centre of the circle shall be in CA. A F B D C E 92 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. For, if not, let F be the centre, if possible, and join CF. Because DE touches the circle ABC, and FC is drawn from the centre to the point of contact, therefore FC is perpendicular to DE; (111. 18.) therefore FCE is a right angle: but ACE is also a right angle; (hyp.) therefore the angle FCE is equal to the angle AĆE, · (ax. 1.) the less to the greater, which is impossible: therefore F is not the centre of the circle ABC. In the same manner it may be shewn, that no other point which is not in CA, is the centre; that is, the centre of the circle is in CA. Therefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XX. THEOREM. The angle at the centre of a circle is double of the angle at the cir- cumference upon the same base, that is, upon the same part of the cir- cumference. Let ABC be a circle, and BEC an angle at the centre, and BAC an angle at the circumference, which have the same circumference BC for their base. Then the angle BEC shall be double of the angle BAC. A B F E Join AE, and produce it to F. First, let the centre of the circle be within the angle BAC. Because EA is equal to EB, therefore the angle EAB is equal to the angle EBA; (1.5.) therefore the angles EAB, EBA are double of the angle EAB: but the angle BEF is equal to the angles EAB, EBA; (1. 32.) therefore also the angle BEF is double of the angle EAB: for the same reason, the angle FEC is double of the angle EAC: therefore the whole angle BEC is double of the whole angle BAC. Again, let the centre of the circle be without the angle BAC. F B E A It may be demonstrated, as in the first case, that the angle FEC is double of the angle FAC, and that FEB, a part of the first, is double of FAB, a part of the other; therefore the remaining angle BEC is double of the remaining angle BAC. Therefore the angle at the centre, &c. Q.E. D. BOOK III. PROP. XXI, XXII. 93 PROPOSITION XXI. THEOREM. The angles in the same segment of a circle are equal to one another. Let ABCD be a circle, and BAD, BED angles in the same segment BAED. Then the angles BAD, BED shall be equal to one another. First, let the segment BAED be greater than a semicircle. A E F D B C Take F, the centre of the circle ABCD, (111. 1.) and join BF, FD. And because the angle BFD is at the centre, and the angle BAD at the circumference, and that they have the same part of the circum- ference, viz. BCD for their base; therefore the angle BFD is double of the angle BAD: (111. 20.) for the same reason the angle BFD is double of the angle BED: therefore the angle BAD is equal to the angle BED. (ax. 7.) Next, let the segment BAED be not greater than a semicircle. B A E F D } C Draw AF to the centre, and produce it to C, and join CE. Therefore the segment BADC is greater than a semicircle; and the angles in it BAC, BEC are equal, by the first case: for the same reason, because CBED is greater than a semicircle, the angles CAD, CED, are equal: therefore the whole angle BAD is equal to the whole angle BED. (ax.2.) Wherefore the angles in the same segment, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXII. THEOREM. The opposite angles of any quadrilateral figure inscribed in a circle, are together equal to two right angles. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral figure in the circle ABCD. Then any two of its opposite angles shall together be equal to two right angles. D C A B 94 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Join AC, BD. And because the three angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles, (1. 32.) the three angles of the triangle CAB, viz. the angles CAB, ABC, BCA, are equal to two right angles: but the angle CAB is equal to the angle CDB, (III. 21.) because they are in the same segment CDAB; and the angle ACB is equal to the angle ADB, because they are in the same segment ADCB: therefore the two angles CAB, ACB are together equal to the whole angle ADC: (ax. 2.) to each of these equals add the angle ABC; therefore the three angles ABC, CAB, BCA are equal to the two angles ABC, ADC: (ax. 2.) but ABC, CAB, BCA, are equal to two right angles; • therefore also the angles ABC, ADC are equal to two right angles. (ax. 1.) In the same manner, the angles BAD, DCB, may be shewn to be equal to two right angles. Therefore, the opposite angles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXIII. THEOREM. Upon the same straight line, and upon the same side of it, there cannot be two similar segments of circles, not coinciding with one another. If it be possible, upon the same straight line AB, and upon the same side of it, let there be two similar segments of circles, ACB, ADB, not coinciding with one another. D A B Then, because the circle ACB cuts the circle ADB in the two points A, B, they cannot cut one another in any other point: (III. 10.) therefore one of the segments must fall within the other : let ACB fall within ADB: draw the straight line BCD, and join CA, DA. And because the segment ACB is similar to the segment ADB, (hyp.) and that similar segments of circles contain equal angles; (III. def. 11.) therefore the angle ACB is equal to the angle ADB, the exterior to the interior, which is impossible. (1. 16.) Therefore, there cannot be two similar segments of circles upon the same side of the same line, which do not coincide. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXIV. THEOREM. Similar segments of circles upon equal straight lines are equal to one another. Let AEB, CFD be similar segments of circles upon the equal straight lines AB, CD. Then the segment AEB shall be equal to the segment CFD. BOOK III. PROP. XXIV, XXV. 95 E F A B C D For if the segment AEB be applied to the segment CFD, so that the point A may be on C, and the straight line AB upon CD, then the point B shall coincide with the point D, because AB is equal to CD: therefore, the straight line AB coinciding with CD, the segment AEB must coincide with the segment CFD, (111. 23.) and therefore is equal to it. (ax. 8.) Wherefore similar segments, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXV. PROBLEM. A segment of a circle being given, to describe the circle of which it is the segment. Let ABC be the given segment of a circle. It is required to describe the circle of which it is the segment. Bisect AC in D, (1. 10.) and from the point D draw DB at right angles to AC, (1. 11.) and join AB. First, let the angles ABD, BAD be equal to one another: B 7 A D C then the straight line BD is equal to DA, (1.6.) and therefore, to DC; and because the three straight lines DA, DB, DC are all equal, therefore D is the centre of the circle. (III. 9.) From the centre D, at the distance of any of the three, DA, DB, DC, describe a circle; this shall pass through the other points; and the circle of which ABC is a segment is described: and because the centre D is in AC, the segment ABC is a semicircle. But if the angles ABD, BAD are not equal to one another. B C E B E A D C At the point A, in the straight line AB, make the angle BAE equal to the angle ABD, (1. 23.) and produce BD, if necessary, to meet AE in E, and join EC. And because the angle ABE is equal to the angle BAE, therefore the straight line BE is equal to EA: (1.6.) and because AD is equal to DC, and DE common to the triangles ADE, CDE, the two sides AD, DE, are equal to the two CD, DE, each to each ; and the angle ADÊ is equal to the angle CDE, 96 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. for each of them is a right angle; (constr.) therefore the base AE is equal to the base EC: (1. 4.) but AE was shewn to be equal to EB; wherefore also BE is equal to EC; (ax. 1.) and therefore the three straight lines AE, EB, EĆ are equal to one another: wherefore E is the centre of the circle. (111. 9.) From the centre E, at the distance of any of the three AE, EB, EC, describe a circle; this shall pass through the other points; and the circle, of which ABC is a segment, is described. And it is evident, that if the angle ABD be greater than the angle BAD, the centre E falls without the segment ABC, which therefore is less than a semicircle: but if the angle ABD be less than BAD, the centre E falls within the segment ABC, which is therefore greater than a semicircle. Wherefore a segment of a circle being given, the circle is described of which it is a segment. Q. E. F. PROPOSITION XXVI. THEOREM. In equal circles, equal angles stand upon equal circumferences, whether they be at the centres or circumferences. Let ABC, DEF be equal circles, and let the angles BGC, EHF at their centres, and BAC, EDF at their circumferences be equal to each other. The circumference BKC shall be equal to the circumference ELF. A D H B K G E C L Join BC, EF. F And because the circles ABC, DEF are equal, the straight lines drawn from their centres are equal: (III. def. 1.) therefore the two sides BG, GC, are equal to the two EH, HF, each to each: and the angle at G is equal to the angle at H; (hyp.) therefore the base BC is equal to the base EF. (1. 4.) And because the angle at A is equal to the angle at D, (hyp.) the segment BAC is similar to the segment EDF; (III. def. 11.) and they are upon equal straight lines BC, ÈF: but similar segments of circles upon equal straight lines, are equal to one another, (nr. 24.) therefore the segment BAĆ is equal to the segment EDF: but the whole circle ABC is equal to the whole DEF; (hyp.) therefore the remaining segment BKC is equal to the remaining segment ELF, (ax. 3.) and the circumference BKC to the circumference ELF. Wherefore, in equal circles, &c. Q.E. D. BOOK III. PROP. XXVII, XXVIII. 97 PROPOSITION XXVII. THEOREM. In equal circles, the angles which stand upon equal circumferences are equal to one another, whether they be at the centres or circumferences. Let ABC, DEF be equal circles, and let the angles BGC, EHF at their centres, and BAC, EDF at their circumferences, stand upon the equal circumferences BC, EF. The angle BGC shall be equal to the angle EHF, and the angle BAC to the angle EDF. A D B C K H F E\ If the angle BGC be equal to the angle EHF, it is manifest that the angle BAC is also equal to EDF. (111. 20. and 1. ax. 7.) But, if not, one of them must be greater than the other: let BGC be the greater, and at the point G, in the straight line BG, make the angle BGK equal to the angle EHF. (1. 23.) + Then because the angle BGK is equal to the angle EHF, and that equal angles stand upon equal circumferences, when they are at the centres; (111. 26.) therefore the circumference BK is equal to the circumference EF: but EF is equal to BC; (hyp.) therefore also BK is equal to BC, the less to the greater, which is impossible: (ax. 1.) therefore the angle BGC is not unequal to the angle EHF; that is, it is equal to it: but the angle at A is half of the angle BGC, (III. 20.) and the angle at D half of the angle EHF; therefore the angle at A is equal to the angle at D. (ax. 7.) Wherefore, in equal circles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXVIII. THEOREM. In equal circles, equal straight lines cut off equal circumferences, the greater equal to the greater, and the less to the less. Let ABC, DEF be equal circles, and BC, EF equal. straight lines in them, which cut off the two greater circumferences BAC, EDF, and the two less BGC, EHF. · Then the greater circumference BAC shall be equal to the greater EDF, and the less BGC to the less EHF. B A K D L C E F G H 7 98 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Take K, L, the centres of the circles, (111. 1.) and join BK, KC, EL, LF. Because the circles ABC, DEF are equal, the straight lines from their centres are equal: (111. def. 1.) therefore BK, KČ are equal to EL, LF, each to each: and the base BC is equal to the base EF; (hyp.) therefore the angle BKC is equal to the angle ELF: (1. 8.) but equal angles stand upon equal circumferences, when they are at the centres; (111. 26.) therefore the circumference BGC is equal to the circumference EHF: but the whole circle ABC is equal to the whole EDF; (hyp.) therefore the remaining part of the circumference, viz. BAC, is equal to the remaining part EDF. (ax. 3.) Therefore, in equal circles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXIX. THEOREM. In equal circles, equal circumferences are subtended by equal straight lines. Let ABC, DEF be equal circles, and let the circumferences BGC, EHF also be equal; and join BC, EF. Then the straight line BC shall be equal to the straight line EF. A K D B C E F G H Take K, L, (III. 1.) the centres of the circles, and join BK, KC, EL, LF: and because the circumference BGC is equal to the circumference EHF, therefore the angle BKC is equal to the angle ELF: (111. 27.) and because the circles ABC, DEF, are equal, the straight lines from their centres are equal; (III. def. 1.) therefore BK, KC, are equal to EL, LF, each to each: and they contain equal angles; therefore the base BC is equal to the base EF. (1. 4.) Therefore, in equal circles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXX. PROBLEM. To bisect a given circumference, that is, to divide it into two equal parts. Let ADB be the given circumference. It is required to bisect it. D A B Join AB, and bisect it in C; (1. 10.) from the point C draw CD at right angles to AB. (1. 11.) Then the circumference ADB shall be bisected in the point D. Join AD, DB. BOOK III. PROP. XXX, XXXI. 99 And because AC is equal to CB, and CD common to the triangles ACD, BCD, the two sides AC, CD are equal to the two BC, CD, each to each ; and the angle ACD is equal to the angle BCD, because each of them is a right angle: therefore the base AD is equal to the base BD. (1. 4.) But equal straight lines cut off equal circumferences, (III. 28.) the greater equal to the greater, and the less to the less; and AD, DB are each of them less than a semicircle ; because DC passes through the centre: (III. 1. Cor.) therefore the circumference AD is equal to the circumference DB. Therefore the given circumference is bisected in D. Q. E. F. PROPOSITION XXXI. THEOREM. In a circle, the angle in a semicircle is a right angle; but the angle in a segment greater than a semicircle is less than a right angle; and the angle in a segment less than a semicircle is greater than a right angle. Let ABCD be a circle, of which the diameter is BC, and centre E; and draw CA, dividing the circle into the segments ABC, ADC, and join BA, AD, DC. Then the angle in the semicircle BAC shall be a right angle ; and the angle in the segment ABC, which is greater than a semi- circle, shall be less than a right angle; and the angle in the segment ADC, which is less than a semicircle, shall be greater than a right angle. F D B E C Join AE, and produce BA to F. And because BE is equal to EA, (1. def. 15.) the angle EAB is equal to EBA; (1.5.) also, because AE is equal to EC, the angle EAC is equal to ECA; wherefore the whole angle BAC is equal to the two angles ABC, ACB: (ax. 2.) but FAC, the exterior angle of the triangle ABC, is equal to the two angles ABC, ACB; (1. 32.) therefore the angle BAC is equal to the angle FAC; (ax. 1.) and therefore each of them is a right angle: (1. def. `10.) wherefore the angle BAC in a semicircle is a right angle. And because the two angles ABC, BAC of the triangle ABC are together less than two right angles, (1. 17.) and that BAC has been proved to be a right angle; therefore ABC must be less than a right angle: and therefore the angle in a segment ABC greater than a semicircle, is less than a right angle. And because ABCD is a quadrilateral figure in a circle, ta.. 7-2 100 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. any two of its opposite angles are equal to two right angles: (111. 22.) therefore the angles ABC, ADC, are equal to two right angles: and ABC has been proved to be less than a right angle; wherefore the other ADC is greater than a right angle. Besides, it is manifest, that the circumference of the greater segment ABC falls without the right angle CAB; but the circumference of the less segment ADC falls within the right angle CAF. "And this is all that is meant, when in the Greek text, and the translations from it, the angle of the greater segment is said to be greater, and the angle of the less segment is said to be less, than a right angle." COR. From this it is manifest, that if one angle of a triangle be equal to the other two, it is a right angle: because the angle adjacent to it is equal to the same two; (1.32.) and when the adjacent angles are equal, they are right angles. (1. def. 10.) PROPOSITION XXXII. THEOREM. If a straight line touches a circle, and from the point of contact a straight line be drawn cutting the circle; the angles which this line makes with the line touching the circle, shall be equal to the angles which are in the alternate segments of the circle. Let the straight line EF touch the circle ABCD in B, and from the point B let the straight line BD be drawn, cutting the circle. Then the angles which BD makes with the touching line EF, shall be equal to the angles in the alternate segments of the circle; that is, the angle DBF shall be equal to the angle which is in the segment DAB, and the angle DBE shall be equal to the angle in the segment DCB. A D C E B F A From the point B draw BA at right angles to EF, (1. 11.) and take any point C in the circumference DB, and join AD, DC, CB. And because the straight line EF touches the circle ABCD in the point B, and BA is drawn at right angles to the touching line from the point of contact B, the centre of the circle is in BA: (111. 19.) therefore the angle ADB in a semicircle is a right angle: (III. 31.) and consequently the other two angles BAĎ, ABD, are equal to a right angle; (1. 32.) but ABF is likewise a right angle; (constr.) therefore the angle ABF is equal to the angles BAD, ABD: (ax. 1.) take from these equals the common angle ABD: therefore the remaining angle DBF is equal to the angle BAD, (ax. 3.) which is in the alternate segment of the circle. And because ABCD is a quadrilateral figure in a circle, the opposite angles BAD, BCD are equal to two right angles: (III. 22.) BAU in all we now ZAD m LDIZ C 7 BOOK HI. PROP. XXXII, XXXIII. 101 but the angles DBF, DBE are likewise equal to two right angles; (1. 13.) therefore the angles DBF, DBE are equal to the angles BAD, BCD, (ax. 1.) and DBF has been proved equal to BAD; therefore the remaining angle DBE is equal to the angle BCD in the alternate segment of the circle. (ax. 2.) Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXXIII. PROBLEM. Upon a given straight line to describe a segment of a circle, which shall contain an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. Let AB be the given straight line, and the angle at C the given rectilineal angle. It is required to describe upon the given straight line AB, a segment of a circle, which shall contain an angle equal to the angle C. First, let the angle at C be a right angle. H C A F B Bisect AB in F, (1.10.) and from the centre F, at the distance FB, describe the semicircle AHB. Therefore the angle AHB in a semicircle is equal to the right angle at C. (III. 31.) But, if the angle C be not a right angle. H E H C F B B A F G E D D At the point A, in a straight line AB, make the angle BAD equal to the angle C, (1. 23.) and from the point A draw AE at right angles to AD; (1. 11.) bisect AB in F, (1. 10.) and from F draw FG at right angles to AB, (1. 11.) and join GB. And because AF is equal to FB, and FG common to the triangles AFG, BFG, the two sides AF, FG are equal to the two BF, FG, each to each: and the angle AFG is equal to the angle BFG; (1. def. 10.) therefore the base AG is equal to the base GB; (1.4.) and therefore the circle described from the centre G, at the dis- tance GA, shall pass through the point B: let this be the circle AHB. The segment AHB shall contain an angle equal to the given rectili- neal angle C. Because from the point A, the extremity of the diameter AE, AD is drawn at right angles to AE, therefore AD touches the circle: (111. 16. Cor.) 102 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 1 and because AB, drawn from the point of contact A, cuts the circle, the angle DAB is equal to the angle in the alternate segment AHB: (III. 32.) but the angle DAB is equal to the angle C; (constr.) therefore the angle C is equal to the angle in the segment AHB. (ax. 1.) Wherefore, upon the given straight line AB, the segment AHB of a circle is described, which contains an angle equal to the given angle at C. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XXXIV. PROBLEM. From a given circle to cut off a segment, which shall contain an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. Let ABC be the given circle, and D the given rectilineal angle. It is required to cut off from the circle ABC a segment that shall contain an angle equal to the given angle D. DL E B F Draw the straight line EF touching the circle ABC in the point B, (III. 17.) and at the point B, in the straight line BF, make the angle FBC equal to the angle D. (1.23.) Then the segment BAC shall contain an angle equal to the given angle D. Because the straight line EF touches the circle ABC, and BC is drawn from the point of contact B, therefore the angle FBC is equal to the angle in the alternate seg- ment BAC of the circle: (111. 32.) but the angle FBC is equal to the angle D; (constr.) therefore the angle in the segment BAC is equal to the angle D. (ax. 1.) Wherefore from the given circle ABC, the segment BAC is cut off, containing an angle equal to the given angle D. Q. E.F. J PROPOSITION XXXV. THEOREM. If two straight lines cut one another within a circle, the rectangle con- tained by the segments of one of them, is equal to the rectangle contained by the segments of the other. Let the two straight lines AC, BD, cut one another in the point E, within the circle ABCD. Then the rectangle contained by AE, EC shall be equal to the rect- angle contained by BE, ED. A D E B C BOOK III. PROP. XXXV. 103 centre. If AC, BD pass each of them through the centre, so that E is the It is evident that since AE, EC, BE, ED, being all equal, (1. def. 15.) therefore the rectangle AE, EC, is equal to the rectangle BE, ED. But let one of them BD pass through the centre, and cut the other AC, which does not pass through the centre, at right angles, in the point E. D F C A E B Then, if BD be bisected in F, F is the centre of the circle ABCD: join AF. And because BD which passes through the centre, cuts the straight line AC, which does not pass through the centre, at right angles in E, therefore AE is equal to EC: (III. 3.) and because the straight line BD is cut into two equal parts in the point F, and into two unequal parts in the point E, therefore the rectangle BE, ED, together with the square of EF, is equal to the square of FB; (11. 5.) that is, to the square of FA: but the squares of AE, EF, are equal to the square of FA; (1. 47.) therefore the rectangle BE, ED, together with the square of EF, is equal to the squares of AE, EF: (ax. 1.) take away the common square of EF, and the remaining rectangle BE, ED is equal to the remaining square of AE; (ax. 3.) that is, to the rectangle AE, EC. Next, let BD, which passes through the centre, cut the other AC, which does not pass through the centre, in E, but not at right angles. DA A E C B Then, as before, if BD be bisected in F, F is the centre of the circle. Join AF, and from F draw FG perpendicular to AC; (1. 12.) therefore AG is equal to GC; (III. 3.) wherefore the rectangle AE, EC, together with the square of EG, is equal to the square of AG: (II. 5.) to each of these equals add the square of GF; therefore the rectangle AÊ, EC, together with the squares of EG, GF, is equal to the squares of AG, GF; (ax. 2.) but the squares of EG, GF, are equal to the square of EF; (1. 47.) and the squares of AG, GF are equal to the square of AF: therefore the rectangle AE, EC, together with the square of EF, is equal to the square of AF; that is, to the square of FB: but the square of FB is equal to the rectangle BE, ED, together with the square of EF;~ (11. 5.) 104 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. r therefore the rectangle AE, EC, together with the square of EF, is equal to the rectangle BE, ED, together with the square of EF; (ax. 1.) take away the common square of EF, and the remaining rectangle AE, EC, is therefore equal to the remaining rectangle BE, ED. (ax. 3.) Lastly, let neither of the straight lines AC, BD pass through the centre. H A E G B Take the centre F, (111. 1.) and through E the intersection of the straight lines AC, DB, draw the diameter GEFÄ. And because the rectangle AE, EC, is equal as has been shown to the rectangle GE, EH; and for the same reason, the rectangle BE, ED is equal to the same rectangle GE, EH; therefore the rectangle AE, EC is equal to the rectangle BE, ED. (ax. 1.) Wherefore if two straight lines, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXXVI. THEOREM. If from any point without a circle two straight lines be drawn, one of which cuts the circle, and the other touches it; the rectangle contained by the whole line which cuts the circle, and the part of it without the circle, shall be equal to the square of the line which touches it. Let D be any point without the circle ABC, and let DCA, DB be two straight lines drawn from it, of which DCA cuts the circle, and DB touches the same. Then the rectangle AD, DC shall be equal to the square of DB. Either DCA passes through the centre, or it does not: first, let it pass through the centre E. D A Join EB, therefore the angle EBD is a right angle. (III. 18.) And because the straight line AC is bisected in E, and produced to the point D, therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of EC, is equal to the square of ED: (11. 6.) but CE is equal to EB; therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of EB, is equal to the square of ED : but the square of ED is equal to the squares of EB, BD, (1. 47.) ग BOOK III. PROP. XXXVI. 105 1 because EBD is a right angle: therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of EB, is equal to the squares of EB; BD: (ax. 1.) take away the common square of EB; therefore the remaining rectangle AD, DC is equal to the square of the tangent, DB. (ax. 3.) But if DCA does not pass through the centre of the circle ABC. Take E the centre of the circle, (III. 1.) D B pa 4 E A draw EF perpendicular to AC, (1. 12.) and join EB, EC, ED. And because the straight line EF, which passes through the centre, cuts the straight line AC, which does not pass through the centre, at right angles. Therefore EF also bisects AC; (III. 3.) therefore AF is equal to FC: and because the straight line AC is bisected in F, and produced to D, the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of FC is equal to the square of FD: (11.6.) to each of these equals add the square of FE; therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the squares of CF, FE is equal to the squares of DF, FE: (ax. 2.) but the square of ED is equal to the squares of DF, FE, (1.47.) because EFD is a right angle; and for the same reason, the square of EC is equal to the squares of CF, FE; therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of EC, is equal to the square of ED: (ax. 1.) but CE is equal to EB; therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of EB, is equal to the square of ED: but the squares of EB, BD are equal to the square of ED, (1.47.) because EBD is a right angle: therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of EB, is equal to the squares of EB, BD; take away the common square of EB ; therefore the remaining rectangle AD, DC is equal to the square of DB. (ax. 3.) Wherefore, if from any point, &c. Q. E.D. COR. If from any point without a circle, there be drawn two A D C B : 106 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. straight lines cutting it, as AB, AC, the rectangles contained by the whole lines and the parts of them without the circle, are equal to one another, viz. the rectangle BA, AE, to the rectangle CA, AF: for each of them is equal to the square of the straight line AD, which touches the circle. PROPOSITION XXXVII. THEOREM. If from a point without a circle there be drawn two straight lines, one of which cuts the circle, and the other meets it; if the rectangle contained by the whole line which cuts the circle, and the part of it without the circle, be equal to the square of the line which meets it, the line which meets shall touch the circle. Let any point D be taken without the circle ABC, and from it let two straight lines DCA and DB be drawn, of which DCA cuts the circle, and DB meets it. If the rectangle AD,DC be equal to the square of DB; then DB shall touch the circle. D B E F A Draw the straight line DE, touching the circle ABC, in the point B; (III. 17.) find F, the centre of the circle, (III. 1.) and join FE, FB, FD. Then FED is a right angle: (III. 18.) and because DE touches the circle ABC, and DCA cuts it, therefore the rectangle AD, DC is equal to the square of DE: (111. 36.) but the rectangle AD, DC is, by hypothesis, equal to the square of DB; therefore the square of DE is equal to the square of DB; (ax. 1.) and the straight line DE equal to the straight line DB: and FE is equal to FB; (1. def. 15.) wherefore DE, EF are equal to DB, BF, each to each; and the base FD is common to the two triangles DEF, DBF; therefore the angle DEF is equal to the angle DBF: (1. 8.) but DEF was shewn to be a right angle ; therefore also DBF is a right angle: (ax. 1.) and BF, if produced, is a diameter; and the straight line which is drawn at right angles to a diameter, from the extremity of it, touches the circle; (111. 16. Cor.) therefore DB touches the circle ABC. Wherefore, if from a point, &c. Q.E.D. NOTES TO BOOK III. : IN the third Book of the Elements are demonstrated the properties of the circle, assuming all the properties of figures demonstrated in the first and second books. A new conception is introduced in the third book, namely, that of similarity, and ' applied to the proof of properties connected with similar segments of circles. It may be worthy of remark, that the word circle will be found sometimes taken to mean the surface included within the circumference, and sometimes the circumference itself. A circle is said to be given in position when the position of its centre is known, and in magnitude when its radius is known. Def. I states the criterion of equal circles. Simson calls it a theorem; and Euclid seems to have considered it as one of those theorems, or definitions involving an axiom, which might be admitted as a basis for reasoning on the equality of circles. Def. VI, X. An arc of a circle is any portion of the circumference; and a chord is the straight line joining the extremities of an arc. Every chord except a diameter divides a circle into two unequal segments, one greater than, and the other less than a semicircle. And in the same manner, two radii drawn from the centre to the cir- cumference, divide the circle into two unequal sectors, which become equal when the two radii are in the same straight line. A quadrant is a sector whose radii are per- pendicular to one another, and contains a fourth part of the circle. Prop. I. If the point G be in the diameter CE, but not coinciding with the point F, the demonstration given in the text does not hold good. At the same time, it is obvious that G cannot be the centre of the circle, because GC is not equal to GE. Prop. II. In this proposition, the circumference of a circle is proved to be essen- tially different from a straight line, by shewing that every straight line joining any two points in the arc falls entirely within the circle, and can neither coincide with any part of the circumference, nor meet it except in the two assumed points. From which follows the corollary, that, "a straight line cannot cut the circumference of a circle in more points than two." Commandine's direct demonstration of Prop. II depends on the following axiom, "If a point be taken nearer to the centre of a circle than the circumference, that point falls within the circle." Take any point E in AB, and join DA, DE, DB. Then because DA is equal to DB in the triangle DAB; therefore the angle DAB is equal to the angle DEB; (v. 1.) D BA…. but since the side AE of the triangle DAE is produced to D, E therefore the exterior angle DEB is greater than the interior and opposite angle DAE; but the angle DAE is equal to the angle DBE, therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE. And in every triangle the greater side is subtended by the greater angle; therefore the side DB is greater than the side DE; but DB from the centre meets the circumference of the circle, therefore DE does not meet it. Wherefore the point E falls within the circle. And E is any point in the straight line AB, therefore the straight line AB falls within the circle. 108 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. ! 1 Prop. VII and Prop. VIII exhibit the same property; in the former, the point is taken in the diameter, and in the latter, in the diameter produced. Prop. xI and Prop. XII. In the enunciations it is not asserted that the contact of two circles is confined to a single point. The meaning appears to be, that supposing two circles touch each other in any point, the straight line which joins their centres being produced shall pass through that point in which the circles touch each other. In Prop. XIII, it is proved that a circle cannot touch another in more points than one, by assuming two points of contact, and proving that this is impossible. Prop. xv and xvi. The converse of these propositions are not proved by Euclid. Prop. XVI may be demonstrated directly by assuming the following axiom; "If a point be taken further from the centre of a circle than the circumference, that point falls without the circle." Prop. XVII. When the given point is without the circumference of the given circle, it is obvious that two equal tangents may be drawn from the given point to touch the circle, as may be seen from the diagram to Prop. VIII. Circles are called concentric circles when they have the same centre. Prop. XVIII appears to be nothing more than a corollary to Prop. xvI. Because a tangent to any point of the circumference of a circle is a straight line at right angles at the extremity of the diameter which meets the circumference in that point. In Prop. xvi, AE is proved to be perpendicular to AB, and in Prop. XVIII, AB is proved to be perpendicular to AE; which is the same thing. Prop. xx. This proposition is proved by Euclid only in the case in which the angle at the circumference is less than a right angle, and the demonstration is free from objection. If, however, the angle at the circumference be a right angle, the angle at the centre disappears by the two straight lines from the centre to the extremities of the arc becoming one straight line. And, if the angle at the circumference be an obtuse angle, the angle formed by the two lines from the centre, does not stand on the same arc, but upon the arc which the assumed arc wants of the whole circumference. If Euclid's definition of an angle be strictly observed, Prop. xx is geometrically true only when the angle at the centre is less than a right angle. If, however, the defect of an angle from four right angles may be regarded as an angle, the proposition is universally true, as may be proved by drawing a line from the angle in the cir- cumference through the centre, and thus forming two angles at the centre in Euclid's strict sense of the term. In the first case, it is assumed that, if there be four magnitudes, such that the first is double of the second, and the third double of the fourth, then the first and third together shall be double of the second and fourth together: also in the second case, that if one magnitude be double of another, and a part taken from the first be double of a part taken from the second, the remainder of the first shall be double the remainder of the second, which is, in fact, a particular case of Prop. 5, Book v. Prop. xxI. Hence, the locus of the vertices of all triangles upon the same base, and which have the same vertical angle, is a circular arc. Prop. xxxi suggests a method of drawing a line at right angles to another when the given point is at the extremity of the given line. Prop. xxxv. It is possible to prove the most general case of this proposition, and from it to deduce the other cases. The converse of Prop. xxxv is not proved by Euclid. The properties of the circle demonstrated in the third book may be divided under three heads. 1. Those which relate to the centre. 2. To similar segments. 3. To the equal rectangles contained by the segments of the lines which intersect each other within and without the circle. BOOK IV. DEFINITIONS. I. A RECTILINEAL figure is said to be inscribed in another rectilineal figure, when all the angles of the inscribed figure are upon the sides of the figure in which it is inscribed, each upon each. : II. In like manner, a figure is said to be described about another figure, when all the sides of the circumscribed figure pass through the angular points of the figure about which it is described, each through each. III. A rectilineal figure is said to be inscribed in a circle, when all the angles of the inscribed figure are upon the circumference of the circle. IV. A rectilineal figure is said to be described about a circle, when each side of the circumscribed figure touches the circumference of the circle. V. In like manner, a circle is said to be inscribed in a rectilineal figure, when the circumference of the circle touches each side of the figure. VI. A circle is said to be described about a rectilineal figure, when the circumference of the circle passes through all the angular points of the figure about which it is described. VII. A straight line is said to be placed in a circle, when the extremities of it are in the circumference of the circle. 110 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION I. PROBLEM. In a given circle to place a straight line, equal to a given straight line which is not greater than the diameter of the circle. Let ABC be the given circle, and D the given straight line, not greater than the diameter of the circle. It is required to place in the circle ABC a straight line equal to D. E B D Draw BC the diameter of the circle ABC. Then, if BC is equal to D, the thing required is done; for in the circle ABĈ a straight line BC is placed equal to D. But, if it is not, PC is greater than D; (hyp.) make CE equal to D, (1. 3.) and from the centre C, at the distance CE, describe the circle AEF, and join CA. Then CA shall be equal to D. Because C is the centre of the circle AEF, therefore CA is equal to CE: (1. def. 15.) but CE is equal to D; (constr.) therefore D is equal to CA. (ax. 1.) Wherefore in the circle ABC, a straight line CA is placed equal to the given straight line D, which is not greater than the diameter of the circle. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION II. PROBLEM. In a given circle to inscribe a triangle equiangular to a given triangle. Let ABC be the given circle, and DEF the given triangle. It is required to inscribe in the circle ABC a triangle equiangular to the triangle DEF. G H D E F B Draw the straight line GAH touching the circle in the point A, (III. 17.) and at the point A, in the straight line AH, make the angle HAC equal to the angle DEF; (1. 23.) and at the point A, in the straight line AG, make the angle GAB equal to the angle DFE; and join BC: then ABC shall be the triangle required. Because HAG touches the circle ABC, and AC is drawn from the point of contact, BOOK IV. PROP. II, III. 111 therefore the angle HAC is equal to the angle ABC in the alternate segment of the circle: (111. 32.) but HAC is equal to the angle DEF; (constr.) therefore also the angle ABC is equal to DEF: (ax. 1.) for the same reason, the angle ABC is equal to the angle DFE: CB. therefore the remaining angle BAC is equal to the remaining angle EDF: (1. 32 and ax. 1.) wherefore the triangle ABC is equiangular to the triangle DEF, and it is inscribed in the circle ABC. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION III. PROBLEM. About a given circle to describe a triangle equiangular to a given triangle. Let ABC be the given circle, and DEF the given triangle. It is required to describe a triangle about the circle ABC equi- angular to the triangle DEF. L D A K GE FH M B N Produce EF both ways to the points G, H; find the centre K of the circle ABC, (111. 1.) and from it draw any straight line KB; at the point K in the straight line KB, make the angle BKA equal to the angle DEG, (1. 23.) and the angle BKC equal to the angle DFH; and through the points A, B, C, draw the straight lines LAM, MBN, NCL, touching the circle ABC. (111. 17.) Then LMN shall be the triangle required. Because LM, MN, NL touch the circle ABC in the points A, B, C, to which from the centre are drawn KA, KB, KC, therefore the angles at the points A, B, C are right angles: (III. 18.) and because the four angles of the quadrilateral figure AMBK are equal to four right angles, for it can be divided into two triangles; and that two of them KAM, KBM are right angles, therefore the other two AKB, AMB are equal to two right angles: (ax. 3.) but the angles DEG, DEF are likewise equal to two right angles; (1. 13.) therefore the angles AKB, AMB are equal to the angles DEG, DEF; (ax. 1.) of which AKB is equal to DEG; (constr.) wherefore the remaining angle AMB is equal to the remaining angle DEF. (ax. 3.) In like manner, the angle LNM may be demonstrated to be equal to DFE; 112 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. . and therefore the remaining angle MLN is equal to the remaining angle EDF: (1. 32 and ax. 3.) therefore the triangle LMN is equiangular to the triangle DEF: and it is described about the circle ABC. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION IV. PROBLEM. To inscribe a circle in a given triangle. Let the given triangle be ABC. It is required to inscribe a circle in ABC. A G E D B F C Bisect the angles ABC, BCA by the straight lines BD, CD meeting one another in the point D, (1.9.) from which draw DE, DF, DG perpendiculars to AB, BC, CA. (1.12.) And because the angle EBD is equal to the angle FBD, for the angle ABC is bisected by BD, and that the right angle BED is equal to the right angle BFD; (ax. 11.) therefore the two triangles EBD, FBD have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each and the side BD, which is opposite to one of the equal angles in each, is common to both ; therefore their other sides are equal; (1.26.) wherefore DE is equal to DF: for the same reason, DG is equal to DF: therefore DE is equal to DG: (ax. 1.) therefore the three straight lines DE, DF, DG are equal to one another; and the circle described from the center D, at the distance of any of them, will pass through the extremities of the other two, and touch the straight lines AB, BC, CA, because the angles at the points E, F, G are right angles, (III. and the straight line which is drawn from the extremity of a dia- meter at right angles to it, touches the circle: (111. 16.) therefore the straight lines AB, BC, CA do each of them touch the circle, and therefore the circle EFG is inscribed in the triangle ABC. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION V. PROBLEM. To describe a circle about a given triangle. Let the given triangle be ABC. It is required to describe a circle about ABC. BOOK IV. PROP. V, VI. 113 A 12 包 ​B B C A E A B C C F Bisect AB, AC in the points D, E, (1. 10.) and from these points draw DF, EF at right angles to AB, AC; (1. 11.) DF, EF produced meet one another for, if they do not meet, they are parallel, wherefore AB, AC, which are at right angles to them, are parallel; which is absurd : let them meet in F, and join FA; also, if the point F be not in BC, join BF, CF. Then, because AD is equal to DB, and DF common, and at right angles to AB, therefore the base AF is equal to the base FB. (1. 4. In like manner, it may be shewn that CF is equal to FA; and therefore BF is equal to FC; (ax. 1.) and FA, FB, FC are equal to one another: wherefore the circle described from the centre F, at the distance of one of them, will pass through the extremities of the other two, and be described about the triangle ABC. Q.E. F. COR. And it is manifest, that when the centre of the circle falls within the triangle, each of its angles is less than a right angle, (111. 31.) each of them being in a segment greater than a semicircle; but, when the centre is in one of the sides of the triangle, the angle opposite to this side, being in a semicircle, (III. 31.) is a right angle; and, if the centre falls without the triangle, the angle opposite to the side beyond which it is, being in a segment less than a semicircle, (111. 31.) is greater than a right angle: therefore, conversely, if the given triangle be acute- angled, the centre of the circle falls within it; if it be a right-angled triangle, the centre is in the side opposite to the right angle; and if it be an obtuse-angled triangle, the centre falls without the triangle, be- yond the side opposite to the obtuse angle. PROPOSITION VI. PROBLEM. To inscribe a square in a given circle. Let ABCD be the given circle. It is required to inscribe a square in ABCD. A B D C Draw the diameters, AC, BD, at right angles to one another, (III. 1 and I. 11.) and join AB, BC, CD, DA. The figure ABCD shall be the square required. 8 114 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Because BE is equal to ED, for E is the centre, and that EA is common, and at right angles to BD; the base BA is equal to the base AD: (1. 4.) and, for the same reason, BC, CD are each of them equal to BA, or AD; therefore the quadrilateral figure ABCD is equilateral. It is also rectangular; for the straight line BD being the diameter of the circle ABCD, BAD is a semicircle; wherefore the angle BAD is a right angle: (III. 31.) for the same reason, each of the angles ABC, BCD, CDA is a right angle: therefore the quadrilateral figure ABCD is rectangular: and it has been shewn to be equilateral; therefore it is a square; (1. def. 30.) and it is inscribed in the circle ABCD. Q.E. F. PROPOSITION VII. PROBLEM. To describe a square about a given circle. Let ABCD be the given circle. It is required to describe a square about it. G A F 13 B D H C K Draw two diameters AC, BD of the circle ABCD, at right angles to one another, and through the points A, B, C, D, draw FG, Gh, hk, kF touching the circle. (III. 17.) The figure GHKF shall be the square required. Because FG touches the circle ABCD, and EA is drawn from the centre E to the point of contact A, therefore the angles at A are right angles: (III. 18.) for the same reason, the angles at the points B, C, D are right angles: and because the angle AEB is a right angle, as likewise is EBG, therefore GH is parallel to AC: (1. 28.) for the same reason AC is parallel to FK: and in like manner GF, HK may each of them be demonstrated to be parallel to BED: therefore the figures GK, GC, AK, FB, BK are parallelograms; and therefore GF is equal to HK, and GH to FK: (1. 34.) and because AC is equal to BD, and that AC is equal to each of the two GH, FK; and BD to each of the two GF, HK; GH, FK are each of them equal to GF, or HK: therefore the quadrilateral figure FGHK is equilateral. It is also rectangular; for GBEA being a parallelogram, and AEB a right angle, therefore AGB is likewise a right angle: (1. 34.) BOOK IV. PROP. VII, VIII, IX. 115 and in the same manner it may be shewn that the angles at H, K, F are right angles: therefore the quadrilateral figure FGHK is rectangular: and it was demonstrated to be equilateral; therefore it is a square; (1. def. 30.) and it is described about the circle ABCD. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION VIII. PROBLEM. Į To inscribe a circle in a given square. Let ABCD be the given square. It is required to inscribe a circle in ABCD. F A E D K B H Bisect each of the sides AB, AD in the points F, E, (1. 10.) and through E draw EH parallel to AB or DC, (1. 31.) and through F draw FK parallel to AD or BC: therefore each of the figures AK, KB, AH, HD, AG, GC, BG, GD is a right-angled parallelogram; and their opposite sides are equal: (1. 34.) and because AD is equal to AB, (1. def. 30.) and that AE is the half of AD, and AF the half of AB, therefore AE is equal to AF; (ax. 7.) wherefore the sides opposite to these are equal, viz. FG to GE: in the same manner it may be demonstrated that GH, GK are each of them equal to FG or GE: therefore the four straight lines GE, GF, GH, GK are equal to one another; and the circle described from the centre G at the distance of one of them, will pass through the extremities of the other three, and touch the straight lines AB, BC, CD, DA ; because the angles at the points E, F, H, K, are right angles, (1. 29.) and that the straight line which is drawn from the extremity of a diameter, at right angles to it, touches the circle: (III. 16. Cor.) therefore each of the straight lines AB, BC, CD, DA touches the circle, which therefore is inscribed in the square ABCD. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION IX. PROBLEM. To describe a circle about a given square. Let ABCD be the given square. It is required to describe a circle about ABCD. A E D B 1 8--2 116 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Join AC, BD, cutting one another in E: and because DA is equal to AB, and AC common to the triangles DAC, BAC, (1. def. 30.) the two sides DA, AC are equal to the two BA, AC, each to each ; and the base DĈ is equal to the base BC; wherefore the angle DAC is equal to the angle BAC, (1.8.) and the angle DAB is bisected by the straight line AC: in the same manner it may be demonstrated that the angles ABC, BCD, CDA are severally bisected by the straight lines BD, AC: therefore, because the angle DAB is equal to the angle ABC, (1. def. 30.) and that the angle EAB is the half of DAB, and EBA the half of ABC; therefore the angle EAB is equal to the angle EBA; (ax. 7.) wherefore the side EA is equal to the side EB: (1. 6.) in the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the straight lines EC, ED are each of them equal to EA or EB: therefore the four straight lines EA, EB, EC, ED are equal to one another; and the circle described from the centre E, at the distance of one of them, will pass through the extremities of the other three, and be described about the square ABCD. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION X. PROBLEM. To describe an isosceles triangle, having each of the angles at the base double of the third angle. Take any straight line AB, and divide it in the point C, (II. 11.) so that the rectangle AB, BC may be equal to the square of CA; and from the centre A, at the distance AB, describe the circle BDE, in which place the straight line BD equal to AC, which is not greater than the diameter of the circle BDE; (IV. 1.) and join DA. Then the triangle ABD shall be such as is required, that is, each of the angles ABD, ADB shall be double of the angle BAD. E B D Join DC, and about the triangle ADC describe the circle ACD. (Iv. 5.) And because the rectangle AB, BC is equal to the square of AC, and that AC is equal to BD, (constr.) the rectangle AB, BC is equal to the square of BD: (ax. 1.) and because from the point B, without the circle ACD, two straight lines BCA, BD are drawn to the circumference, one of which cuts, and the other meets the circle, and that the rectangle AB, BC, contained by the whole of the cutting line, and the part of it without the circle, is equal to the square of BD which meets it; therefore the straight line BD touches the circle ACD: (111. 87.) BOOK IV. PROP. X, XI. 117 and because BD touches the circle, and DC is drawn from the point of contact D, the angle BDC is equal to the angle DAC in the alternate segment of the circle: (III. 32.) to each of these add the angle CDA; therefore the whole angle BDA is equal to the two angles CDA, DAC: (ax. 2.) but the exterior angle BCD is equal to the angles CDA, DAC; (1. 32.) therefore also BDA is equal to BCD: (ax. 1.) but BDA is equal to the angle CBD, (1. 5.) because the side AD is equal to the side AB; therefore CBD, or DBA, is equal to BCD; (ax. 1.) and consequently the three angles BDA, DBA, BCD are equal to one another: and because the angle DBC is equal to the angle BCD, the side BD is equal to the side DC: (1. 6.) but BD was made equal to CA; therefore also CA is equal to CD,_(ax. 1.) and the angle CDA equal to the angle DAC; (1. 5.) therefore the angles CDA, DAC together, are double of the angle DAC: but BCD is equal to the angles CDA, DAC; (1. 32.) therefore also BCD is double of DAC: and BCD was proved to be equal to each of the angles BDA, DBA ; therefore each of the angles BDA, DBA is double of the angle DAB. Wherefore an isosceles triangle ABD is described, having each of the angles at the base double of the third angle. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XI. PROBLEM. To inscribe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon in a given circle. Let ABCDE be the given circle. It is required to inscribe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon in the circle ABCDE. F B A E G H C Describe an isosceles triangle FGH, having each of the angles at G, H double of the angle at F; (IV. 10.) and in the circle ABCDE inscribe the triangle ACD equiangular to the triangle FGH, (iv. 2.) so that the angle CAD may be equal to the angle at F, and each of the angles ACD, CDA equal to the angle at G or H; wherefore each of the angles ACD, CDA is double of the angle CAD. Bisect the angles ACD, CDA by the straight lines CE, DB; (1.9.) and join AB, BC, DE, EA. Then ABCDE shall be the pentagon required. Because each of the angles ACD, CDA is double of CAD, and that they are bisected by the straight lines CE, DB; 118 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. • therefore the five angles DAC, ACE, ECD, CDB, BDA are equal to one another: but equal angles stand upon equal circumferences; (111. 26.) therefore the five circumferences AB, BC, CD, DE, EA are equal to one another: and equal circumferences are subtended by equal straight lines; (111. 29.) therefore the five straight lines AB, BC, CD, DE, EA are equal to one another. Wherefore the pentagon ABCDE is equilateral. It is also equiangular: for, because the circumference AB is equal to the circumference DE, if to each be added BCD, the whole ABCD is equal to the whole EDCB: (ax. 2.) but the angle AED stands on the circumference ABCD; and the angle BAE on the circumference EDCB; therefore the angle BAE is equal to the angle AED: (111. 27.) for the same reason, each of the angles ABC, BCD, CDE is equal to the angle BAE, or AED: therefore the pentagon ABCDE is equiangular; and it has been shewn that it is equilateral: wherefore, in the given circle, an equilateral and equiangular pentagon has been described. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XII. PROBLEM. To describe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon about a given circle. Let ABCDE be the given circle. It is required to describe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon about the circle ABCDE. G A E H M F B D L Let the angles of a pentagon, inscribed in the circle, by the last proposition, be in the points A, B, C, D, E, so that the circumferences AB, BC, CD, DE, EA are equal; (Iv. 11.) and through the points A, B, C, D, E draw GH, HK, KL, LM, MG touching the circle; (III. 17.) the figure GHKLM shall be the pentagon required. Take the centre F, and join FB, FK, FC, FL, FD. And because the straight line KL touches the circle ABCDE in the point C, to which FC is drawn from the centre F, FC is perpendicular to KL, (III. 18.) therefore each of the angles at C is a right angle: for the same reason, the angles at the points B, D are right angles: and because FCK is a right angle, the square of FK is equal to the squares of FC, CK: (1. 47.) BOOK IV. PROP. XII. 119 for the same reason, the square of FK is equal to the squares of FB, BK: therefore the squares of FC, CK are equal to the squares of FB, BK; (ax. 1.) of which the square of FC is equal to the square of FB; therefore the remaining square of CK is equal to the remaining square of BK, (ax. 3.) and the straight line CK equal to BK: and because FB is equal to FC, and FK common to the triangles BFK, CFK, the two BF, FK are equal to the two CF, FK, each to each; and the base BK was proved equal to the base KC; therefore the angle BFK is equal to the angle KFC, (1. 8.) and the angle BKF to FKC: (1.4.) wherefore the angle BFC is double of the angle KFC, and BKC double of FKC: for the same reason, the angle CFD is double of the angle CFL, and CLD double of CLF: and because the circumference BC is equal to the circumference CD, the angle BFC is equal to the angle CFD; (111. 27.) and BFC is double of the angle KFC, and CFD double of CFL; therefore the angle KFC is equal to the angle CFL: (ax. 7.) and the right angle FCK is equal to the right angle FCL; therefore, in the two triangles FKC, FLC, there are two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each; and the side FC, which is adjacent to the equal angles in each, is common to both; therefore the other sides are equal to the other sides, and the third angle to the third angle: (1. 26.) therefore the straight line KC is equal to CL, and the angle FKC to the angle FLC: and because KC is equal to CL, KL is double of KC. In the same manner it may be shewn that HK is double of BK: and because BK is equal to KC, as was demonstrated, and that KL is double of KC, and HK double of BK, therefore HK is equal to KL: (ax. 6.) in like manner it may be shewn that GH, GM, ML are each of them equal to HK, or KL: therefore the pentagon GHKLM is equilateral. It is also equiangular: for, since the angle FKC is equal to the angle FLC, and that the angle HKL is double of the angle FKC, and KLM double of FLC, as was before demonstrated; therefore the angle HKL is equal to KLM: (ax. 6.) and in like manner it may be shewn, that each of the angles KHG, HGM, GML is equal to the angle HKL or KLM: therefore the five angles GHK, HKL, KLM, LMG, MGH, being equal to one another, the pentagon GHKLM is equiangular: and it is equilateral, as was demonstrated and it is described about the circle ABCDE. Q.E.F. 120 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XIII. PROBLEM. To inscribe a circle in a given equilateral and equiangular pentagon. Let ABCDE be the given equilateral and equiangular pentagon. It is required to inscribe a circle in the pentagon ABCDE. B G A M E H C K Bisect the angles BCD, CDE by the straight lines CF, DF, (1. 9.) and from the point F, in which they meet, draw the straight lines FB, FA, FE: therefore since BC is equal to CD, (hyp.) and CF common to the triangles BCF, DCF, the two sides BC, CF are equal to the two DC, CF, each to each; and the angle BCF is equal to the angle DCF; (constr.) therefore the base BF is equal to the base FD, (1. 4.) and the other angles to the other angles, to which the equal sides are opposite; therefore the angle CBF is equal to the angle CDF: and because the angle CDE is double of CDF, and that CDE is equal to CBA, and CDF to CBF; CBA is also double of the angle CBF; therefore the angle ABF is equal to the angle CBF; wherefore the angle ABC is bisected by the straight line BF: in the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the angles BAE, AED, are bisected by the straight lines AF, FE. From the point F, draw FG, FH, FK, FL, FM perpendiculars to the straight lines AB, BC, CD, DE, EA: (1. 12.) and because the angle HCF is equal to KCF, and the right angle FHC equal to the right angle FKC; therefore in the triangles FHC, FKC, there are two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each; and the side FC, which is opposite to one of the equal angles in each, is common to both; therefore the other sides are equal, each to each; (1. 26.) wherefore the perpendicular FH is equal to the perpendicular FK: in the same manner it may be demonstrated, that FL, FM, FG are each of them equal to FH, or FK: therefore the five straight lines FG, FH, FK, FL, FM are equal to one another: wherefore the circle described from the centre F, at the distance of one of these five, will pass through the extremities of the other four, and touch the straight lines AB, BC, CD, DE, EA, because the angles at the points G, H, K, L, M are right angles, and that a straight line drawn from the extremity of the diameter of a circle at right angles to it, touches the circle: (III. 16.) BOOK IV. PROP. XIII, XIV, xv. 121 therefore each of the straight lines AB, BC, CD, DE, EA touches the circle: wherefore it is inscribed in the pentagon ABCDE. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XIV. PROBLEM. To describe a circle about a given equilateral and equiangular pentagon. Let ABCDE be the given equilateral and equiangular pentagon. It is required to describe a circle about ABCD. B F A E C D Bisect the angles BCD, CDE by the straight lines CF, FD, (1. 9.) and from the point F, in which they meet, draw the straight lines FB, FA, FE, to the points B, A, E. It may be demonstrated, in the same manner as in the preceding proposition, that the angles CBA, BAE, AED are bisected by the straight lines FB, FA, FE. And because the angle BCD is equal to the angle CDE, and that FCD is the half of the angle BCD, and CDF the half of CDE; therefore the angle FCD is equal to FDC; (ax. 7.) wherefore the side CF is equal to the side FD: (1. 6.) in like manner it may be demonstrated, that FB, FA, FE, are each of them equal to FC or FD: therefore the five straight lines FA, FB, FC, FD, FE are equal to one another; and the circle described from the centre F, at the distance of one of them, will pass through the extremities of the other four, and be described about the equilateral and equiangular pentagon ABCDE. Q.E. F. PROPOSITION XV. PROBLEM. To inscribe an equilateral and equiangular hexagon in a given circle. Let ABCDEF be the given circle. It is required to inscribe an equilateral and equiangular hexagon in it. F A B G C E H Find the centre G of the circle ABCDEF, and draw the diameter AGD; (III. 1.) 122 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and from D, as a centre, at the distance DG, describe the circle EGCH, join EG, CG, and produce them to the points B, F; and join AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FA : the hexagon ABCDEF shall be equilateral and equiangular. Because G is the centre of the circle ABCDEF, GE is equal to GD: and because D is the centre of the circle EGCH, DE is equal to DG: wherefore GE is equal to ED, (ax. 1.) and the triangle EGD is equilateral; and therefore its three angles EGD, GDE, DEG, are equal to one another: (1. 5. Cor.) but the three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles; (1. 32.) therefore the angle EGD is the third part of two right angles: in the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the angle DGC is also the third part of two right angles: and because the straight line GC makes with EB the adjacent angles EGC, CGB equal to two right angles; (1. 13.) the remaining angle CGB is the third part of two right angles: therefore the angles EGD, DGC, CGB are equal to one another: and to these are equal the vertical opposite angles BGA, AGF, FGE: (1.15.) therefore the six angles EGD, DGC, CGB, BGA, AGF, FGE, are equal to one another : but equal angles stand upon equal circumferences; (111.26.) therefore the six circumferences AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FA are equal to one another: and equal circumferences are subtended by equal straight lines: (111. 29.) therefore the six straight lines are equal to one another, and the hexagon ABCDEF is equilateral. It is also equiangular: for, since the circumference AF is equal to ED, to each of these equals add the circumference ABCD ; therefore the whole circumference FABCD is equal to the whole EDCBA: and the angle FED stands upon the circumference FABCD, and the angle AFE upon EDCBA; therefore the angle AFE is equal to FED: (III. 27.) in the same manner it may be demonstrated that the other angles of the hexagon ABCDEF are each of them equal to the angle AFE or FED: therefore the hexagon is equiangular ; and it is equilateral, as was shewn ; and it is inscribed in the given circle ABCDEF. Q. E. F. COR.-From this it is manifest, that the side of the hexagon is equal to the straight line from the centre, that is, to the semi-diameter of the circle. And if through the points A, B, C, D, E, F there be drawn straight lines touching the circle, an equilateral and equiangular hexagon will be described about it, which may be demonstrated from what has been said of the pentagon: and likewise a circle may be inscribed in a given equilateral and equiangular hexagon, and circumscribed about it, by a method like to that used for the pentagon. BOOK IV. PROP. XVI. 123 PROPOSITION XVI. PROBLEM. To inscribe an equilateral and equiangular quindecagon in a given circle. Let ABCD be the given circle. It is required to inscribe an equilateral and equiangular quindecagon in the circle ABCD. A B F E C D Let AC' be the side of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle, (IV. 2.) and AB the side of an equilateral and equiangular pentagon inscribed in the same: (IV. 11.) therefore, of such equal parts as the whole circumference ABCDF contains fifteen, the circumference ABC, being the third part of the whole, contains five ; and the circumference AB, which is the fifth part of the whole, contains three; therefore BC, their difference, contains two of the same parts: bisect BC in E; (III. 30.) therefore BE, EC are, each of them, the fifteenth part of the whole circumference ABCD: therefore if the straight lines BE, EC be drawn, and straight lines equal to them be placed round in the whole circle, (Iv. 1.) an equilateral and equiangular quindecagon will be inscribed in it. Q. E. F. And in the same manner as was done in the pentagon, if through the points of division made by inscribing the quindecagon, straight lines be drawn touching the circle, an equilateral and equiangular quindecagon will be described about it: and likewise, as in the pentagon, a circle may be inscribed in a given equilateral and equiangular quindecagon, and circumscribed about it. : NOTES TO BOOK IV. 1 1 4 THE fourth book of the Elements contains some particular cases of four general problems on the inscription, and the circumscription of triangles and regular figures in and about circles. Euclid has not given any instances of the inscription or circum- scription of rectilinear figures in and about other rectilinear figures. Any rectilinear figure, of five sides and angles, is called a pentagon; of seven sides and angles, a heptagon; of eight sides and angles, an octagon; of nine sides and angles, a nonagon; of ten sides and angles, a decagon; of twelve sides and angles, a duodecagon; of fifteen sides and angles, a quindecagon, &c. These figures are included under the general name of polygons; and are called equilateral, when their sides are equal; and equiangular, when their angles are equal; also when both their sides and angles are equal, they are called regular polygons. Prop. III. An objection has been raised to the construction of this problem. It is said that in this and other instances of a similar kind, the lines which touch the circle at A, B, and C, should be proved to meet one another. This may be done by joining AB, and then since the angles KAM, KBM are equal to two right angles (III. 18.), therefore the angles BAM, ABM are less than two right angles, and con- sequently (ax. 12.), AM and BM must meet one another, when produced far enough. Similarly, it may be shewn that AL and CL, as also CN and BN meet one another. Prop. v. The corollary to this proposition appears to have been already demon- strated in Prop. 31, Book III. Prop. VI, VII. It is obvious that the square described about a circle is equal to double the square inscribed in the same circle. Also that the circumscribed square is equal to the square of the diameter, or four times the square of the radius of the circle. Prop. VII. It is manifest that a square is the only right-angled parallelogram which can be circumscribed about a circle, but that both a rectangle and a square may be inscribed in a circle. Prop. x. By means of this proposition, a right angle may be divided into five equal parts. Prop. XVI. The arc subtending a side of the quindecagon, may be found by placing in the circle from the same point, two lines respectively equal to the sides of the regular hexagon and pentagon. The centres of the inscribed and circumscribed circles of any regular polygon are coincident. Besides the circumscription and inscription of triangles and regular polygons about and in circles, some very important problems are solved in the constructions respecting the division of the circumferences of circles into equal parts. By inscribing an equilateral triangle, a square, a pentagon, a hexagon, &c. in a circle, the circumference is divided into three, four, five, six, &c. equal parts. In Prop. xxvi, Book III, it has been shewn that equal angles at the centres of equal circles, and therefore at the centre of the same circle, subtend equal arcs; by bisecting the angles at the centre, the arcs which are subtended by them are also bisected, and hence, a sixth, eighth, tenth, twelfth, &c. part of the circumference of a circle may be found. NOTES TO BOOK IV. 125 By the aid of the first corollary to Prop. 32, Book 1, may be found the magnitude of an interior angle of any regular polygon whatever. Let e denote the magnitude of one of the interior angles of a regular polygon of n sides, then no is the sum of all the interior angles. But all the interior angles of any rectilinear figure together with four right angles, are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides, that is, if we agree to assume π to designate two right angles, .. n0 + 2π = NT, and _no = nπ 2π = (n − 2).π, (n − 2) 0 = n the magnitude of an interior angle of a regular polygon of n sides. By taking ʼn – 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. may be found the magnitude, in terms of two right angles, of an interior angle of any regular polygon whatever. Pythagoras was the first, as Proclus informs us in his commentary, who discovered that a multiple of the angles of three regular figures only, namely, the trigon, the square, and the hexagon, can fill up space round a point in a plane. It has been shewn that the interior angle of any regular polygon of n sides in terms of two right angles, is expressed by the equation n 2 Ꮎ Add . 7. N Let 03 denote the magnitude of the interior angle of a regular figure of 3 sides. Then 03 • 303 3 2 T 3 = π, 3 and 60₂ = 2π, 3 = one third of two right angles, that is, six angles each equal to the interior angle of an equilateral triangle are equal to four right angles, and therefore six equilateral triangles may be placed so as com- pletely to fill up the space round the point at which they meet in a plane. In a similar way, it may be shewn that four squares and three hexagons may be placed so as completely to fill up the space round a point. Also it will appear from the results deduced, that no other regular figures besides these three, can be made to fill up the space round a point: for any multiple of the interior angles of any other regular polygon, will be found to be in excess above, or in defect from four right angles. The equilateral triangle or trigon, the square or tetragon, the pentagon, and the hexagon, were the only regular polygons known to the Greeks, capable of being inscribed in circles, besides those which may be derived from them. M. Gauss in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticæ, has extended the number by shewing that in general, a regular polygon of 2″ + 1 sides is capable of being inscribed in a circle by means of straight lines and circles, in those cases in which 2" + 1 is a prime number. ✓ BOOK V. DEFINITIONS. I. ' A LESS magnitude is said to be a part of a greater magnitude when the less measures the greater; that is, when the less is contained a certain number of times exactly in the greater.' II. A greater magnitude is said to be a multiple of a less, when the greater is measured by the less, that is, 'when the greater contains the less a certain number of times exactly.' III. "Ratio is a mutual relation of two magnitudes of the same kind to one another, in respect of quantity." IV. Magnitudes are said to have a ratio to one another, when the less can be multiplied so as to exceed the other. V. The first of four magnitudes is said to have the same ratio to the second, which the third has to the fourth, when any equimultiples whatsoever of the first and third being taken, and any equimultiples whatsoever of the second and fourth; if the multiple of the first be less than that of the second, the multiple of the third is also less than that of the fourth: or, if the multiple of the first be equal to that of the second, the multiple of the third is also equal to that of the fourth: or, if the multiple of the first be greater than that of the second, the multiple of the third is also greater than that of the fourth. VI. Magnitudes which have the same ratio are called proportionals. 'N.B. When four magnitudes are proportionals, it is usually expressed by saying, the first is to the second, as the third to the fourth.' VII. When of the equimultiples of four magnitudes (taken as in the fifth definition), the multiple of the first is greater than that of the second, but the multiple of the third is not greater than the multiple of the fourth; then the first is said to have to the second a greater ratio than the third magnitude has to the fourth: and, on the contrary, the third is said to have to the fourth a less ratio than the first has to the second. VIII. Analogy, or proportion, is the similitude of ratios." IX. Proportion consists in three terms at least. DEFINITIONS.. 127 1 X. When three magnitudes are proportionals, the first is said to have to the third the duplicate ratio of that which it has to the second. XI. When four magnitudes are continual proportionals, the first is said to have to the fourth the triplicate ratio of that which it has to the second, and so on, quadruplicate, &c. increasing the denomination still by unity, in any number of proportionals. Definition A, to wit, of compound ratio. When there are any number of magnitudes of the same kind, the first is said to have to the last of them the ratio compounded of the ratio which the first has to the second, and of the ratio which the second has to the third, and of the ratio which the third has to the fourth, and so on unto the last magnitude. For example, if A, B, C, D be four magnitudes of the same kind, the first A is said to have to the last D the ratio compounded of the ratio of A to B, and of the ratio of B to C, and of the ratio of C to D; or, the ratio of A to D is said to be compounded of the ratios of A to B, B to C, and C to D. And if A has to B the same ratio which E has to F; and B to C the same ratio that G has to H; and C to D the same that K has to L; then, by this definition, A is said to have to D the ratio compounded of ratios which are the same with the ratios of E to F, G to H, and K to L. And the same thing is to be understood when it is more briefly expressed by saying, A has to D the ratio compounded of the ratios of E to F, G to H, and K to L. In like manner, the same things being supposed, if M has to N the same ratio which A has to D; then, for shortness sake, M is said to have to N the ratio compounded of the ratios of E to F, G to H, and K to L. XII. In proportionals, the antecedent terms are called homologous to one another, as also the consequents to one another. "Geometers make use of the following technical words, to signify certain ways of changing either the order or magnitude of proportionals, so that they continue still to be proportionals.' XIII. Permutando, or alternando, by permutation or alternately. This word is used when there are four proportionals, and it is inferred that the first has the same ratio to the third which the second has to the fourth; or that the first is to the third as the second to the fourth : as is shown in Prop. XVI. of this fifth book. XIV. Invertendo, by inversion; when there are four proportionals, and it is inferred, that the second is to the first, as the fourth to the third. Prop. B. Book. v. XV. Componendo, by composition; when there are four proportionals, and it is inferred that the first together with the second, is to the second, as the third together with the fourth, is to the fourth. Prop. 18, Book v. XVI. Dividendo, by division; when there are four proportionals, and it is inferred, that the excess of the first above the second, is to the second, } 128 DEFINITIONS. as the excess of the third above the fourth, is to the fourth. Prop. 17, Book v. XVII. Convertendo, by conversion; when there are four proportionals, and it is inferred, that the first is to its excess above the second, as the third to its excess above the fourth. Prop. E. Book v. XVIII. Ex æquali (sc. distantiâ), or ex æquo, from equality of distance: when there is any number of magnitudes more than two, and as many others, such that they are proportionals when taken two and two of each rank, and it is inferred, that the first is to the last of the first rank of magnitudes, as the first is to the last of the others: Of this there are the two following kinds, which arise from the different order in which the magnitudes are taken, two and two.' XIX. Ex æquali, from equality. This term is used simply by itself, when the first magnitude is to the second of the first rank, as the first to the second of the other rank; and as the second is to the third of the first rank, so is the second to the third of the other; and so on in order: and the inference is as mentioned in the preceding definition; whence this is called ordinate proportion. It is demonstrated in Prop. 22, Book v. XX. Ex æquali in proportione perturbatâ seu inordinatâ, from equality in perturbate or disorderly proportion*. This term is used when the first magnitude is to the second of the first rank, as the last but one is to the last of the second rank; and as the second is to the third of the first rank, so is the last but two to the last but one of the second rank; and as the third is to the fourth of the first rank, so is the third from the last to the last but two of the second rank; and so on in a cross order and the inference is as in the 18th definition. It is demonstrated in Prop. 23, Book v. AXIOMS. I. EQUIMULTIPLES of the same, or of equal magnitudes, are equal to one another. II. Those magnitudes, of which the same or equal magnitudes are equimultiples, are equal to one another. III. A multiple of a greater magnitude is greater than the same multiple of a less. IV. That magnitude, of which a multiple is greater than the same multiple of another, is greater than that other magnitude. * Prop. 4. Lib. 11. Archimedis de sphærâ et cylindro. BOOK V. PROP. I, II. 129 PROPOSITION I. THEOREM. If any number of magnitudes be equimultiples of as many, each of each; what multiple soever any one of them is of its part, the same mul- tiple shall all the first magnitudes be of all the other. Let any number of magnitudes AB, CD be equimultiples of as many others E, F, each of each. Then whatsoever multiple AB is of E, the same multiple shall AB and CD together be of E and F together. C A G- E H- F Bl DI Because AB is the same multiple of E that CD is of F, as many magnitudes as there are in AB equal to E, so many are there in CD equal to F. Divide AB into magnitudes equal to E, viz. AG, GB; and CD into CH, HD, equal each of them to F: therefore the number of the magnitudes CH, HD shall be equal to the number of the others AG, GB: and because AG is equal to E, and CH to F, therefore AG and CH together are equal to E and F together: (1. ax. 2.) for the same reason, because GB is equal to E, and HD to F; GB and HD together are equal to E and F together; wherefore as many magnitudes as there are in AB equal to E, so many are there in AB, CD together, equal to E and F together: therefore, whatsoever multiple AB is of E, the same multiple is AB and CD together, of E and F together. Therefore, if any magnitudes, how many soever, be equimultiples of as many, each of each; whatsoever multiple any one of them is of its part, the same multiple shall all the first magnitudes be of all the others: For the same demonstration holds in any number of magni- tudes, which was here applied to two.' Q. E.D. PROPOSITION II. THEOREM. If the first magnitude be the same multiple of the second that the third is of the fourth, and the fifth the same multiple of the second that the sixth is of the fourth; then shall the first together with the fifth be the same multiple of the second, that the third together with the sixth is of the fourth. Let AB the first be the same multiple of C the second, that DE the third is of F the fourth: and BG the fifth the same multiple of C the second, that EH the sixth is of F the fourth. Then shall AG, the first together with the fifth, be the same multiple of C the second, that DH, the third together with the sixth, is of F the fourth. 9 130 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. A D E- 4.3. G H F Because AB is the same multiple of C that DE is of F; there are as many magnitudes in AB equal to C, as there are in DE equal to F: in like manner, as many as there are in BG equal to C, so many are there in EH equal to F: therefore as many as there are in the whole AG equal to C, so many are there in the whole DH equal to F: therefore AG is the same multiple of C that DH is of F; that is, AG, the first and fifth together, is the same multiple of the second C, that DH, the third and sixth together, is of the fourth F. If therefore, the first be the same multiple, &c. Q. E.D. COR. From this it is plain, that if any number of magnitudes AB, BG, GH be multiples of another C; and as many DE, EK, KL be the same multiples of F, each of each: then the whole of the first, viz. AH, is the same multiple of C, that the whole of the last, viz. DL, is of F. A & D E. B- K- G- HCL F PROPOSITION III. THEOREM. If the first be the same multiple of the second, which the third is of the fourth; and if of the first and third there be taken equimultiples; these shall be equimultiples, the one of the second, and the other of the fourth. Let A the first be the same multiple of B the second, that C the third is of D the fourth; and of A, C let equimultiples EF, GH be taken. Then EF shall be the same multiple of B, that GH is of D. F K. L- H È ABG C D Because EF is the same multiple of A, that GH is of C, there are as many magnitudes in EF equal to A, as there are in GH equal to Č: BOOK V. PROP. III, IV. 131 let EF be divided into the magnitudes EK, KF, each equal to A; and GH into GL, LH, each equal to C: therefore the number of the magnitudes ÉK, KF shall be equal to the number of the others GL, LH: and because A is the same multiple of B, that C is of D, and that EK is equal to A, and GL equal to C; therefore EK is the same multiple of B, that GL is of D: for the same reason, KF is the same multiple of B, that LH is of D: and so, if there be more parts in EF, GH, equal to A, therefore, because the first EK is the same multiple of the second B, which the third GL is of the fourth D, C: and that the fifth KF is the same multiple of the second B, which the sixth LH is of the fourth D; EF the first, together with the fifth, is the same multiple of the second B, (v. 2.) which GH the third, together with the sixth, is of the fourth D. If, therefore, the first, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. If the first of four magnitudes has the same ratio to the second which the third has to the fourth; then any equimultiples whatever of the first and third shall have the same ratio to any equimultiples of the second and fourth, viz. the equimultiple of the first shall have the same ratio to that of the second, which the equimultiple of the third has to that of the fourth.' Let A the first have to B the second, the same ratio which the third C has to the fourth D; and of A and C let there be taken any equimultiples whatever E, F; and of B and D any equimultiples whatever G, H. Then E shall have the same ratio to G, which F has to H. KEA B G M LF CDH N Take of E and F any equimultiples whatever K, L, and of G, H any equimultiples whatever M, N: then because E is the same multiple of A, that F is of C; and of E and F have been taken equimultiples K, L; therefore K is the same multiple of A, that L is of C: (v. 3.) for the same reason, M is the same multiple of B, that N is of D. 9—2 132. EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. And because, as A is to B, so is C to D, (hyp.) and of A and C have been taken certain equimultiples K, L, and of B and D have been taken certain equimultiples M, N; therefore if K be greater than M, L is greater than N; and if equal, equal; if less, less: (v. def. 5.) but K, L are any equimultiples whatever of E, F, (constr.) and M, N any whatever of G, H; therefore as E is to G, so is F to H. (v. def. 5.) Therefore, if the first, &c. Q.E.D. COR. Likewise, if the first has the same ratio to the second, which the third has to the fourth, then also any equimultiples whatever of the first and third shall have the same ratio to the second and fourth; and in like manner, the first and the third shall have the same ratio to any equimultiples whatever of the second and fourth. Let A the first have to B the second the same ratio which the third C has to the fourth D, and of A and C let E and F be any equimultiples whatever. Then E shall be to B as F to D. Take of E, F any equimultiples whatever K, L, and of B, D any equimultiples whatever G, H: then it may be demonstrated, as before, that K is the same multiple of A, that L is of C: and because A is to B, as C is to D, (hyp.) and of A and C certain equimultiples have been taken, viz. K and L; and of B and D certain equimultiples G, H; therefore, if K be greater than G, L is greater than H; and if equal, equal; if less, less: (v. def. 5.) but K, L are any equimultiples whatever of E, F, (constr.) and G, H any whatever of B, D; therefore, as E is to B, so is F to D. (v. def. 5.) And in the same way the other case is demonstrated. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. If one magnitude be the same multiple of another, which a magnitude taken from the first is of a magnitude taken from the other; the remainder shall be the same multiple of the remainder, that the whole is of the whole. Let the magnitude AB be the same multiple of CD, that AE taken from the first, is of CF taken from the other. The remainder EB shall be the same multiple of the remainder FD, that the whole AB is of the whole CD. G A- C E- F. B D Take AG the same multiple of FD, that AE is of CF: therefore AE is the same multiple of CF, that EG is of CD: (v. 1.) : BOOK V. PROP. V, VI. 133 but AE, by the hypothesis, is the same multiple of CF, that AB is of CD; therefore EG is the same multiple of CD that AB is of CD; wherefore EG is equal to AB: (v. ax. 1.) take from each of them the common magnitude AE; and the remainder AG is equal to the remainder EB. Wherefore, since AE is the same multiple of CF, that AG is of FD, (constr.) and that AG has been proved equal to EB; therefore AE is the same multiple of CF, that EB is of FD: but AE is the same multiple of CF that AB is of CD: (hyp.) therefore EB is the same multiple of FD, that AB is of CD. Therefore, if one magnitude, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION VI. THEOREM. If two magnitudes be equimultiples of two others, and if equimultiples of these be taken from the first two; the remainders are either equal to these others, or equimultiples of them. Let the two magnitudes AB, CD be equimultiples of the two E, F, and let AG, CH taken from the first two be equimultiples of the same E, F. Then the remainders GB, HD shall be either equal to E, F, or equimultiples of them. K A 3 C- G-H- BDEF First, let GB be equal to E: HD shall be equal to F. Make CK equal to F: and because AG is the same multiple of E, that CH is of F: (hyp.) and that GB is equal to E, and CK to F; therefore AB is the same multiple of E, that KH is of F: but AB, by the hypothesis, is the same multiple of E, that CD is of F; therefore KH is the same multiple of F, that CD is of F: wherefore KH is equal to CD: (v. ax. 1.) take away the common magnitude CH, then the remainder KC is equal to the remainder HD: but KC is equal to F; (constr.) therefore HD is equal to F. Next let GB be a multiple of E. Then HD shall be the same multiple of F. A K C- G-H- B DE F 1 J T 134 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Make CK the same multiple of F, that GB is of E: (hyp.) and because AG is the same multiple of E, that CH is of F; and GB the same multiple of E, that CK is of F; therefore AB is the same multiple of E, that KH is of F: (v. 2.) but AB is the same multiple of E, that CD is of F; (hyp.) therefore KH is the same multiple of F, that CD is of F; wherefore KH is equal to CD: (v. ax. 1.) take away CH from both; therefore the remainder KC is equal to the remainder HD: and because GB is the same multiple of E, that KC is of F, (constr.) and that KC is equal to HD; therefore HD is the same multiple of F, that GB is of E. If, therefore, two magnitudes, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION A. THEOREM. If the first of four magnitudes has the same ratio to the second, which the third has to the fourth; then, if the first be greater than the second, the third is also greater than the fourth; and if equal, equal; if less, less. Take any equimultiples of each of them, as the doubles of each : then, by def. 5th of this book, if the double of the first be greater than the double of the second, the double of the third is greater than the double of the fourth: but, if the first be greater than the second, the double of the first is greater than the double of the second; wherefore also the double of the third is greater than the double of the fourth; therefore the third is greater than the fourth: in like manner, if the first be equal to the second, or less than it, the third can be proved to be equal to the fourth, or less than it. Therefore, if the first, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION B. THEOREM. If four magnitudes are proportionals, they are proportionals also when taken inversely. Let A be to B, as C is to D. Then also inversely, B shall be to A, as D to C. GABE HCDF BOOK V. PROP. B. C. 135 Take of B and D any equimultiples whatever E and F; and of A and C any equimultiples whatever G and H. First, let E be greater than G, then G is less than E: and because A is to B, as C is to D, (hyp.) and of A and C, the first and third, G and H are equimultiples; and of B and D, the second and fourth, E and F are equimultiples; and that G is less than E, therefore H is less than F; (v. def. 5.) that is, F is greater than H; if, therefore, E be greater than G, F is greater than H; in like manner, if E be equal to G, F may be shewn to be equal to H; and if less, less but E, F, are any equimultiples whatever of B and D, (constr.) and G, H any whatever of A and C; therefore, as B is to A, so is D to C. (v. def. 5.) Therefore, if four magnitudes, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION C. THEOREM. If the first be the same multiple of the second, or the same part of it, that the third is of the fourth; the first is to the second, as the third is to the fourth. Let the first A be the same multiple of the second B, that the third C is of the fourth D. Then A shall be to B as C is to D. A B C D EG FH Take of A and C any equimultiples whatever E and F; and of B and D any equimultiples whatever G and H. Then, because A is the same multiple of B that C is of D; (hyp.) and that E is the same multiple of A, that F is of C; (constr.) therefore E is the same multiple of B, that F is of D;` (v.3.) that is, E and F are equimultiples of B and D: but G and H are equimultiples of B and D; (constr.) therefore, if E be a greater multiple of B than G is of B, F is a greater multiple of D than H is of D; that is, if E be greater than G, F is greater than H: in like manner, if E be equal to G, or less than it, F may be shewn to be equal to H, or less than it : 136 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. but E, F are equimultiples, any whatever, of A, C; (constr.) and G, H any equimultiples whatever of B, D; therefore A is to B, as C is to D. (v. def. 5.) Next, let the first A be the same part of the second B, that the third Cis of the fourth D. Then A shall be to B, as C is to D. A B C D For since A is the same part of B that C is of D, therefore B is the same multiple of A, that D is of C: wherefore, by the preceding case, B is to A, as D is to C; and therefore inversely A is to B, as C is to D. (V. B.) Therefore, if the first be the same multiple, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION D. THEOREM. If the first be to the second as the third to the fourth, and if the first be a multiple, or a part of the second; the third is the same multiple, or the same part of the fourth. Let A be to B as C is to D: and first let A be a multiple of B. Then C shall be the same multiple of D. A B C D E F Take E equal to A, and whatever multiple A or E is of B, make F the same multiple of D: then, because A is to B, as C is to D; (hyp.) and of B the second, and D the fourth, equimultiples have been taken, E and F ; therefore A is to E, as C to F: (v. 4. Cor.) but A is equal to E, (constr.) therefore C is equal to F: (v. A.) and F is the same multiple of D, that A is of B; (constr.) therefore C is the same multiple of D, that A is of B. Next, let 4 the first be a part of B the second. Then C the third shall be the same part of D the fourth. Because A is to B, as C is to D; (hyp.) then, inversely, B is to A, as D to C: (v. B.) but A is a part of B, therefore B is a multiple of A: (hyp.) BOOK V. PROP. D, VII, VIII. 137 : A B C D therefore, by the preceding case, D is the same multiple of C; that is, C is the same part of D, that A is of B. Therefore, if the first, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION VII. THEOREM. Equal magnitudes have the same ratio to the same magnitude: and the same has the same ratio to equal magnitudes. Let A and B be equal magnitudes, and C any other. Then A and B shall each of them have the same ratio to C: and C shall have the same ratio to each of the magnitudes A and B. DA E B C F Take of A and B any equimultiples whatever D and E, and of C any multiple whatever F. Then, because D is the same multiple of A, that E is of B, (constr.) and that A is equal to B: (hyp.) therefore D is equal to E: (v. ax. 1.) therefore, if D be greater than F, E is greater than F; and if equal, equal; if less, less; but D, E are any equimultiples of A, B, and F is any multiple of C; (constr.) therefore, as A is to C, so is B to C. (v. def. 5.) Likewise C shall have the same ratio to A, that it has to B. For having made the same construction, D may in like manner be shewn to be equal to E: therefore, if F be greater than D, it is likewise greater than E; and if equal, equal; if less, less: but F is any multiple whatever of C, and D, E are any equimultiples whatever of A, B; therefore, C is to A as C is to B. (v. def. 5.) Therefore, equal magnitudes, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. Of two unequal magnitudes, the greater has a greater ratio to any other magnitude than the less has: and the same magnitude has a greater ratio to the less of two other magnitudes, than it has to the greater. 138 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS, Let AB, BC be two unequal magnitudes, of which AB is the greater, and let D be any other magnitude. Then AB shall have a greater ratio to D than BC has to D: and D shall have a greater ratio to BC than it has to AB. Fig. 1. E Fig. 2. E Fig. 3. E F. F. A C- A F. A G B LK HD G B C- LK HD G B LK D If the magnitude which is not the greater of the two AC, CB, be not less than D, take EF, FG, the doubles of AC, CB, (as in fig. 1.) But if that which is not the greater of the two AC, CB, be less than D, (as in fig. 2 and 3.) this magnitude can be multiplied, so as to become greater than D, whether it be AC or CB. Let it be multiplied until it become greater than D, and let the other be multiplied as often; and let EF be the multiple thus taken of AC, and FG the same multiple of CB: therefore EF and FG are each of them greater than D: and in every one of the cases, take H the double of D, K its triple, and so on, till the multiple of D be that which first becomes greater than FG: let L be that multiple of D which is first greater than FG, and K the multiple of D which is next less than L. Then because L is the multiple of D, which is the first that becomes greater than FG, the next preceding multiple K is not greater than FG: that is, FG is not less than K: and since EF is the same multiple of AC, that FG is of CB; (constr.) therefore FG is the same multiple of CB, that EG is of AB; (v. 1.) that is, EG and FG are equimultiples of AB and CB : and since it was shewn, that FG is not less than K, and, by the construction, EF is greater than D; therefore the whole EG is greater than K and D together: but K together with D is equal to L; (constr.) therefore EG is greater than L: but FG is not greater than L: (constr.) and EG, FG were proved to be equimultiples of AB, BC; and L is a multiple of D; (constr.) therefore AB has to D a greater ratio than BC has to D. (v. def. 7.) Also D shall have to BC a greater ratio than it has to AB. For having made the same construction, it may be shewn, in like manner, that L is greater than FG, but that it is not greater than EG: and L is a multiple of D; (constr.) Чем BOOK V. PROP. VIII, IX. 139 and FG, EG were proved to be equimultiples of CB, AB: therefore D has to CB a greater ratio than it has to AB. (v. def. 7.) Wherefore, of two unequal magnitudes, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION IX. THEOREM. Magnitudes which have the same ratio to the same magnitude are equal to one another: and those to which the same magnitude has the same ratio are equal to one another. Let A, B have each of them the same ratio to C. Then A shall be equal to B. A D c F E For, if they are not equal, one of them must be greater than the other: let A be the greater: then, by what was shewn in the preceding proposition, there are some equimultiples of A and B, and some multiple of C, such, that the multiple of A is greater than the multiple of C, but the multiple of B is not greater than that of C. Let these multiples be taken; and let D, E be the equimultiples of A, B, and F the multiple of C, such that D may be greater than F, but E not greater than A Then, because A is to C as B is to C, (hyp.) (hyp.) and of A, B, are taken equimultiples D, E, and of C is taken a multiple F; and that D is greater than F therefore E is also greater than F: (v. def. 5.) but E is not greater than F; (constr.) which is impossible: therefore A and B are not unequal; that is, they are equal. Next, let C have the same ratio to each of the magnitudes A and B. Then A shall be equal to B. For, if they are not equal, one of them must be greater than the other : let A be the greater : therefore, as was shewn in Prop. VIII. there is some multiple F of C, and some equimultiples E and D of B and A such, that F is greater than E, but not greater than D: and because C is to B, as C is to A, (hyp.) and that F the multiple of the first, is greater than E the multiple of the second; therefore F the multiple of the third, is greater than D the multiple of the fourth: (v. def. 5.) but F is not greater than D (hyp.); which is impossible: therefore A is equal to B. Wherefore, magnitudes which, &c. Q.E.D. 140 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION X. THEOREM: That magnitude which has a greater ratio than another has unto the same magnitude, is the greater of the two: and that magnitude to which the same has a greater ratio than it has unto another magnitude, is the lesser of the two. Let A have to C a greater ratio than B has to C. Then A shall be greater than B. A B c D F E For, because A has a greater ratio to C, than B has to C, there are some equimultiples of A and B, and some multiple of C such, (v. def. 7.) that the multiple of A is greater than the multiple of C, but the multiple of B is not greater than it : let them be taken; and let D, E be the equimultiples of A, B, and F the multiple of C; such, that D is greater than F, but E is not greater than F: therefore D is greater than E: and, because D and E are equimultiples of A and B, and that D is greater than E; therefore A is greater than B. (v. ax. 4.) Next, let C have a greater ratio to B than it has to A. Then B shall be less than A. For there is some multiple F of C, (v. def. 7.) and some equimultiples E and D of B and A such, that F is greater than E, but not greater than D: therefore E is less than D: and because E and D are equimultiples of B and A, and that E is less than D, therefore B is less than A. (v. ax. 4.) Therefore, that magnitude, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XI. THEOREM. Ratios that are the same to the same ratio, are the same to one another. Let A be to B as C is to D ; and as C to D, so let E be to F. G H- K- A- C- E- B- D F L M- N- Then A shall be to B, as E to F. Take of A, C, E, any equimultiples whatever G, H, K; BOOK V. PROP. XI, XII. 141 and of B, D, F, any equimultiples whatever L, M, N. Therefore, since A is to B as C to D, and G, H are taken equimultiples of A, C, and L, M, of B, D; if G be greater than L, H is greater than M; and if equal, equal; and if less, less. (v. def. 5.) Again, because C is to D, as E is to F, and H, K are taken equimultiples of C, E; and M, N, of D, F ; if H be greater than M, K is greater than N; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: but if G be greater than L, it has been shewn that H is greater than M; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: therefore, if G be greater than L, K is greater than N; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: and G, K are any equimultiples whatever of A, É; and L, N any whatever of B, F: therefore, as A is to B, so is E to F. (v. def. 5.) Wherefore, ratios that, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XII. THEOREM. If any number of magnitudes be proportionals, as one of the antece- dents is to its consequent, so shall all the antecedents taken together be to all the consequents. Let any number of magnitudes A, B, C, D, E, F, be proportionals; that is, as A is to B, so C to D, and E to F. Then as A is to B, so shall A, C, E together, be to B, D, F together. G H- K- A- C E- B D F L M N Take of A, C, E any equimultiples whatever G, H, K; and of B, D, F any equimultiples whatever, L, M, N. Then, because A is to B, as C is to D, and as E to F; and that G, H, K are equimultiples of A, C, E, and L, M, N, equimultiples of B, D, F; therefore, if G be greater than L, H is greater than M, and K greater than N; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: (v. def. 5.) wherefore if G be greater than L, then G, H, K together, are greater than L, M, N together; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: but G, and G, H, K together, are any equimultiples of A, and A, C, E together; because if there be any number of magnitudes equimultiples of as many, each of each, whatever multiple one of them is of its part, the same multiple is the whole of the whole: (v. 1.) : 142 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. for the same reason L, and L, M, N are any equimultiples of B, and B, D, F: therefore as A is to B, so are A, C, E together to B, D, F together. (v. def. 5.) Wherefore, if any number, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XIII. THEOREM. If the first has to the second the same ratio which the third has to the fourth, but the third to the fourth a greater ratio than the fifth has to the sixth; the first shall also have to the second a greater ratio than the fifth has to the sixth. Let A the first have the same ratio to B the second, which the third has to D the fourth, but C the third a greater ratio to D the fourth, than E the fifth has to F the sixth. Then also the first A shall have to the second B, a greater ratio than the fifth E has to the sixth F. M G- H A- C- E B D F N K L Because C has a greater ratio to D, than E to F, there are some equimultiples of C and E, and some of D and F such, that the multiple of C is greater than the multiple of D, but the multiple of E is not greater than the multiple of F: (v. def. 7.) let these be taken, and let G, H be equimultiples of C, E, and K, L equimultiples of D, F, such that D may be greater than K, but H not greater than L: G and whatever multiple G is of C, take M the same multiple of A; and whatever multiple K is of D, take N the same multiple of B: then, because A is to B, as C to D, (hyp.) and of A and C, M and G are equimultiples; and of B and D, N and K are equimultiples; therefore, if M be greater than N, G is greater than K; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: (v. def. 5.) but G is greater than K; (constr.) therefore M is greater than N: but H is not greater than L: (constr.) and M, H are equimultiples of A, E; and N, L equimultiples of B, F; therefore A has a greater ratio to B, than E has to F. (v. def. 7.) Wherefore, if the first, &c. Q. E.D. COR. And if the first have a greater ratio to the second, than the third has to the fourth, but the third the same ratio to the fourth, which the fifth has to the sixth; it may be demonstrated, in like manner, that the first has a greater ratio to the second, than the fifth has to the sixth. BOOK V. 143 PROP. XIV, XV. ✔ PROPOSITION XIV. THEOREM. If the first has the same ratio to the second which the third has to the fourth; then, if the first be greater than the third, the second shall be greater than the fourth; and if equal, equal; and if less, less. Let the first A have the same ratio to the second B which the third C has to the fourth D. If A be greater than C, B shall be greater than D. 1 3 lil lil A B C D A B C D A B C D Because A is greater than C, and B is any other magnitude, A has to B a greater ratio than C has to B: (v. 8.) but, as A is to B, so is C to D; (hyp.) therefore also C has to D a greater ratio than Chas to B: (v. 13.) but of two magnitudes, that to which the same has the greater ratio is the less: (v. 10.) therefore D is less than B; that is, B is greater than D. Secondly, if A be equal to C, then В shall be equal to D. For A is to B, as C, that is, A to D: therefore B is equal to D. (v. 9.) Thirdly, if A be less than C, then B shall be less than D. For C is greater than A; and because C is to D, as A is to B, therefore D is greater than B, by the first case; that is, B is less than D. Therefore, if the first, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XV. THEOREM. Magnitudes have the same ratio to one another which their equi- multiples have. Let AB be the same multiple of C, that DE is of F. Then C shall be to F, as AB to DE. A D G. K H L BCEF Because AB is the same multiple of C, that DE is of F; there are as many magnitudes in AB equal to C, as there are in DE equal to F: let AB be divided into magnitudes, each equal to C, viz. AG, GH, HB; 144 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and DE into magnitudes, each equal to F, viz. DK, KL, LE: then the number of the first AG, GH, HB, is equal to the number of the last DK, KL, LE: and because AG, GH, HB are all equal, and that DK, KL, LE, are also equal to one another; therefore AG is to DK as GH to KL, and as HB to LE: (v. 7.) but as one of the antecedents is to its consequent, so are all the ante- cedents together to all the consequents together, (v. 12.) wherefore, as AG is to DK, so is AB to DE: but AG is equal to C, and DK to F ; therefore, as C is to F, so is AB to DE. Therefore, magnitudes, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XVI. THEOREM. If four magnitudes of the same kind be proportionals, they shall also be proportionals when taken alternately. Let A, B, C, D be four magnitudes of the same kind, which are proportionals, viz. as A to B, so C to D. They shall also be proportionals when taken alternately; that is, A shall be to C, as B to D. E G A C- B D F- H Take of A and B any equimultiples whatever E and F; and of C and D take any equimultiples whatever G and H: and because E is the same multiple of A, that F is of B, and that magnitudes have the same ratio to one another which their equimultiples have; (v. 15.) therefore A is to B, as E is to F: but as A is to B so is C to D; (hyp.) wherefore as C is to D, so is E to F: (v. 11.) again, because G, H are equimultiples of C, D, therefore as C is to D, so is G to H: (v. 15.) but it was proved that as C is to D, so is E to F; therefore, as E is to F, so is G to H. (v. 11.) But when four magnitudes are proportionals, if the first be greater than the third, the second is greater than the fourth; and if equal, equal; if less, less; (v. 14.) therefore, if E be greater than G, F likewise is greater than H; and if equal, equal; if less, less: and E, F are any equimultiples whatever of A, B; (constr.) and G, H any whatever of C, D: therefore A is to C as B to D. (v. def. 5.) If, then, four magnitudes, &c. Q.E. D. BOOK V. PROP. XVII. 145 PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. If magnitudes, taken jointly, be proportionals, they shall also be pro- portionals when taken separately: that is, if two magnitudes together have to one of them, the same ratio which two others have to one of these, the remaining one of the first two shall have to the other the same ratio which the remaining one of the last two has to the other of these. Let AB, BE, CD, DF be the magnitudes, taken jointly which are proportionals; that is, as AB to BE, so let CD be to DF. Then they shall also be proportionals taken separately, viz. as AE to EB, so shall CF be to FD. X P K NL H B D M E F GA Take of AE, EB, CF, FD any equimultiples whatever GH, HK, LM, MN; and again, of EB, FD take any equimultiples whatever KX, NP. Then because GH is the same multiple of AE, that HK is of EB, therefore GH is the same multiple of AE, that GK is of AB: (v. 1.) but GH is the same multiple of AE, that LM is of CF; therefore GK is the same multiple of AB, that LM is of CF. Again, because LM is the same multiple of CF, that MN is of FD; therefore LM is the same multiple of CF, that LN is of CD: (v. 1.) but LM was shewn to be the same multiple of CF, that GK is of AB; therefore GK is the same multiple of AB, that LN is of CD; that is, GK, LN are equimultiples of AB, CD. Next, because HK is the same multiple of EB, that MN is of FD; and that KX is also the same multiple of EB, that NP is of FD; therefore HX is the same multiple of EB, that MP is of FD. (v. 2.) And because AB is to BE as CD is to DF, (hyp.) and that of AB and CD, GK and LN are equimultiples, and of EB and FD, HX and MP are equimultiples; therefore if GK be greater than HX, then LN is greater than MP; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: (v. def. 5.) but if GH be greater than KX, then, by adding the common part HK to both, GK is greater than HX; (1. ax. 4.) wherefore also LN is greater than MP; and by taking away MN from both, LM is greater than NP; (1. ax. 5.) therefore, if GH be greater than KX, LM is greater than NP. In like manner it may be demonstrated, that if GH be equal to KX, 10 146 · EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. LM is equal to NP; and if less, less: but GH, LM are any equimultiples whatever of AE, CF, (constr.) and KX, NP are any whatever of EB, FD: therefore, as AE is to EB, so is CF to FD. (v. def. 5.) If then, magnitudes, &c. Q. E.D. : • PROPOSITION XVIII. THEOREM. If magnitudes, taken separately, be proportionals, they shall also be proportionals when taken jointly: that is, if the first be to the second, as the third to the fourth, the first and second together shall be to the second, as the third and fourth together to the fourth. Let AE, EB, CF, FD be proportionals; that is, as AE to EB, so let CF be to FD. Then they shall also be proportionals when taken jointly; that is, as AB to BE, so shall CD be to DF. H 0 M P- K N to B DI E F. G A L Take of AB, BE, CD, DF any equimultiples whatever GH, HK, LM, MN; and again, of BE, DF, take any equimultiples whatever KO, NP: and because KO, NP are equimultiples of BE, DF, and that KH, NM are likewise equimultiples of BE, DF; therefore if KO, the multiple of BE, be greater than KH, which is a multiple of the same BE, then NP, the multiple of DF, is also greater than NM, the multiple of the same DF; and if KO be equal to KH, NP is equal to NM; and if less, less. First, let KO be not greater than KH; therefore NP is not greater than NM: and because GH, HK, are equimultiples of AB, BE, and that AB is greater than BE, therefore GH is greater than HK; (v. ax. 3.) but KO is not greater than KH; therefore GH is greater than KO. In like manner it may be shewn, that LM is greater than NP. Therefore, if KO be not greater than KH, then GH, the multiple of AB, is always greater than KO, the multiple of BE; and likewise LM, the multiple of CD, is greater than NP, the multiple of DF. 1 BOOK V. PROP. XVIII. 147 Next, let KO be greater than KH; therefore, as has been shewn, NP is greater than NM. H P₁ M K B N E AF D G A And because the whole GH is the same multiple of the whole AB, that HK is of BE, therefore the remainder GK is the same multiple of the remainder AE that GH is of AB. (v. 5.) which is the same that LM is of CD. In like manner, because LM is the same multiple of CD, that MN is of DE, therefore the remainder LN is the same multiple of the remainder CF, that the whole LM is of the whole CD: (v. 5.) but it was shewn that LM is the same multiple of CD, that GK is of AE; therefore GK is the same multiple of AE, that LN is of CF ; that is, GK, LN are equimultiples of AE, CF. And because KO, NP are equimultiples of BE, DF, therefore if from KO, NP there be taken KH, NM, which are likewise equimultiples of BE, DF, the remainders HO, MP are either equal to BE, DF, or equimultiples of them. (v. 6.) First, let HO, MP be equal to BE, DF: then because AE is to EB, as CF to FD, (hyp.) and that GK, LN are equimultiples of AE, CF; therefore GK is to EB, as LN to FD: (v. 4. Cor.) but HO is equal to EB, and MP to FD; wherefore GK is to HO, as LN to MP: therefore if GK be greater than HO, LN is greater than MP; (5. A.) and if equal, equal; and if less, less. But let HO, MP be equimultiples of EB, FD. Then because AE is to EB, as CF to FD, (hyp.) H P M K B N- D E F G A C L and that of AE, CF are taken equimultiples GK, LN; and of EB, FD, the equimultiples HO, MP; if GK be greater than HỒ, LN is greater than MP; and if equal, equal; and if less, less; (v. def. 5.) which was likewise shewn in the preceding case. But if GH be greater than KO, 10—2 148 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS, taking KH from both, GK is greater than HO: (1. ax. 5.) wherefore also LN is greater than MP; and consequently adding NM to both, LM is greater than NP: (1. ax. 4.) therefore, if GH be greater than KO, LM is greater than NP. In like manner it may be shewn, that if GH be equal to KO, LM is equal to NP; and if less, less. And in the case in which KO is not greater than KH, it has been shewn that GH is always greater than KO, and likewise LM greater than NP: but GH, LM are any equimultiples whatever of AB, CD, (constr.) and KO, NP are any whatever of BE, DF; therefore, as AB is to BE, so is CD to DF. If then magnitudes, &c. Q.E.D. (v. def. 5.) PROPOSITION XIX. THEOREM. If a whole magnitude be to a whole, as a magnitude taken from the first is to a magnitude taken from the other; the remainder shall be to the remainder as the whole to the whole. Let the whole AB be to the whole CD, as AE a magnitude taken from AB is to CF a magnitude taken from CD. Then the remainder EB shall be to the remainder FD, as the whole AB to the whole CD. A E- F B D Because AB is to CD, as AE to CF: therefore alternately, BA is to AE, as DC to CF: (v. 16.) and because if magnitudes taken jointly be proportionals, they are also proportionals, when taken separately; (v. 17.) therefore, as BE is to EA, so is DF to FC; and alternately, as BE is to DF, so is EA to FC: but, as AE to CF, so, by the hypothesis, is AB to CD; therefore also BE the remainder is to the remainder DF, as the whole AB to the whole CD. (v. 11.) Wherefore, if the whole, &c. Q.E.D. COR.-If the whole be to the whole, as a magnitude taken from the first is to a magnitude taken from the other; the remainder shall like- wise be to the remainder, as the magnitude taken from the first to that taken from the other. The demonstration is contained in the preceding. PROPOSITION E. THEOREM. If four magnitudes be proportionals, they are also proportionals by conversion; that is, the first is to its excess above the second, as the third to its excess above the fourth. BOOK V. PROP. E, XX. 149 Let AB be to BE, as CD to DF. Then BA shall be to AE, as DC to CF. E A - C F BD Because AB is to BE, as CD to DF, therefore by division, AE is to EB, as CF to FD; (v. 17.) and by inversion, BE is to EA, as DF to FC; (v. B.) wherefore, by composition, BA is to AE, as DC is to CF. (v. 18.) If therefore four, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XX. THEOREM. If there be three magnitudes, and other three, which, taken two and two, have the same ratio; then if the first be greater than the third, the fourth shall be greater than the sixth; and if equal, equal; and if less, less. Let A, B, C be three magnitudes and D, E, F other three, which taken two and two have the same ratio, viz. as A is to B, so is D to E; and as B to C, so is E to F. If A be greater than C, D shall be greater than F; and if equal, equal; and if less, less. A B C DE F Q Because A is greater than C, and B is any other magnitude, and that the greater has to the same magnitude a greater ratio than the less has to it; (v. 8.) therefore A has to B a greater ratio than C has to B: but as D is to E, so is A to B; (hyp.) therefore D has to E a greater ratio than C to B: (v. 13.) and because B is to C, as E to F, by inversion, C is to B, as F is to E: (v. B.) and D was shewn to have to E a greater ratio than C to B: therefore D has to E a greater ratio than F to E: (v. 13. cor.) but the magnitude which has a greater ratio than another to the same magnitude, is the greater of the two; (v. 10.) therefore D is greater than F. Secondly, let A be equal to C. Then D shall be equal to F. 150 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. A B C DEF Because A and C are equal to A is to B, as C is to B: but A is to B, as D to E; and C is to B, as F to E; one another, (v. 7.) (hyp.) (hyp.) wherefore D is to E, as F to E; (v. 11. and v. b.) and therefore D is equal to F. (v. 9.) Next, let A be less than C. Then D shall be less than F. A B C DEF For Cis greater than A; and as was shewn in the first case, C is to B, as F to E, and in like manner, B is to A, as E to D; therefore F is greater than D, by the first case; that is, D is less than F. Therefore, if there be three, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXI. THEOREM. If there be three magnitudes, and other three, which have the same ratio taken two and two, but in a cross order; then if the first magnitude be greater than the third, the fourth shall be greater than the sixth; and if equal, equal; and if less, less. Let A, B, C be three magnitudes, and D, E, F other three, which have the same ratio, taken two and two, but in a cross order, viz. as A is to B, so is E to F, and as B is to C, so is D to E. If A be greater than C, D shall be greater than F; and if equal, equal; and if less, less. A B C DE F BOOK V. PROP. XXI, XXII. 151 Because A is greater than C, and B is any other magnitude, A has to B a greater ratio than C has to B: (v. 8.) but as E to F, so is A to B; (hyp.) therefore E has to F a greater ratio than C to B: (v. 13.) and because B is to C, as D to E; (hyp.) (hyp.) by inversion, C is to B, as E to D: and E was shewn to have to F a greater ratio than C has to B; therefore E has to F a greater ratio than E has to D: (v. 13. Cor.) but the magnitude to which the same has a greater ratio than it has to another, is the less of the two: (v.10.) therefore F is less than D; that is, D is greater than F. Secondly, Let A be equal to C; D shall be equal to F. A B C DEF Because A and C are equal, A is to B, as C is to B: (v. 7.) but A is to B, as E to F; (hyp.) and C is to B, as E to D; wherefore E is to F, as E to D; (v.11.) and therefore D is equal to F. (v. 9.) Next, let A be less than C: D shall be less than F. A B C DEF For C is greater than A; and, as was shewn, C is to B, as E to D, and in like manner B is to A, as F to E therefore F is greater than D, by case first; that is, D is less than F. Therefore, if there be three, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXII. THEOREM. If there be any number of magnitudes, and as many others, which taken two and two in order, have the same ratio; the first shall have to the last of the first magnitudes, the same ratio which the first has to the last of the others. N. B. This is usually cited by the words "ex æquali," or "ex æquo." First, let there be three magnitudes A, B, C, and as many others D, E, F, which taken two and two in order, have the same ratio, 152 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. that is, such that A is to B as D to E; and as B is to C, so is E to F. Then A shall be to C, as D to F. АВС DE F GK M HL N Take of A and D any equimultiples whatever G and H; and of B and E any equimultiples whatever K and L; and of C and F any whatever M and N: then because A is to B, as D to E, and that G, H are equimultiples of A, D, and K, L equimultiples of B, E; therefore as G is to K, so is H to L: (v. 4.) for the same reason, K is to M as L to N: and because there are three magnitudes G, K, M, and other three H, L, N, which two and two, have the same ratio ; therefore if G be greater than M, H is greater than N; and if equal, equal; and if less, less; (v. 20.) but G, H are any equimultiples whatever of A, D, and M, N are any equimultiples whatever of C, F; (constr.) therefore, as à is to C, so is D to F. (v. def. 5.) Next, let there be four magnitudes, A, B, C, D, and other four E, F, G, H, which two and two have the same ratio, viz. as A is to B, so is E to F; and as B to C, so F to G ; and as C to D, so G to H: Then A shall be to D, as E to H. * A.B.C.D E.F.G.H Because A, B, C are three magnitudes, and E, F, G other three, which taken two and two, have the same ratio; therefore by the foregoing case, A is to C, as E to G: but is to D, as G is to H; wherefore again, by the first case, A is to D, as E to H: and so on, whatever be the number of magnitudes. Therefore, if there be any number, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXIII. THEOREM. If there be any number of magnitudes, and as many others, which taken two and two in a cross order, have the same ratio; the first shall have to the last of the first magnitudes the same ratio which the first has to the last of the others. N. B. This is usually cited by the words "ex æquali in proportione perturbatâ ;” or “ex æquo perturbato.” BOOK V. PROP. XXIII. 153 First, let there be three magnitudes A, B, C, and other three D, E, F, which taken two and two in a cross order have the same ratio, that is, such that A is to B, as E to F; and as B is to C, so is D to E. Then A shall be to C, as D to F. A B C DEF GH L K M N Take of A, B, D any equimultiples whatever G, H, K; and of C, E, F any equimultiples whatever L, M, N: and because G, H are equimultiples of A, B, and that magnitudes have the same ratio which their equimultiples have; (v. 15.) therefore as A is to B, so is G to H: and for the same reason, as E is to F, so is M to N: but as A is to B, so is E to F; therefore as G is to H, so is M to N: and because as B is to C, so is D to E, and that H, K are equimultiples of B, D, and (hyp.) (v. 11.) (hyp.) L, M of C, E; therefore as H is to L, so is K to M: (v. 4.) and it has been shewn that G is to H, as M to N: therefore, because there are three magnitudes G, H, L, and other three K, M, N, which have the same ratio taken two and two in a cross order; if G be greater than L, K is greater than N: and if equal, equal; and if less, less: (v. 21.) but G, K are any equimultiples whatever of A, D; and L, N any whatever of C, F ; (constr.) therefore as A is to C, so is D to F. (v. def. 5.) Next, let there be four magnitudes A, B, C, D, and other four E, F, G, H, which taken two and two in a cross order have the same ratio, viz. A to B, as G to H; B to C, as F to G; and C to D, as E to F. Then A shall be to D, as E to H. A.B.C.D E.F.G.H Because A, B, C are three magnitudes, and F, G, H other three, which taken two and two in a cross order have the same ratio; by the first case, A is to C, as F to H; but C is to D, as E is to F; wherefore again, by the first case, A is to D, as E to H; and so on, whatever be the number of magnitudes. Therefore, if there be any number, &c. Q. E.D. 154 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XXIV. THEOREM. If the first has to the second the same ratio which the third has to the fourth; and the fifth to the second the same ratio which the sixth has to the fourth; the first and fifth together shall have to the second, the same ratio which the third and sixth together have to the fourth. Let AB the first have to C the second the same ratio which DE the third has to F the fourth; and let BG the fifth have to C the second the same ratio which EH the sixth has to F the fourth. Then AG, the first and fifth together, shall have to C the second, the same ratio which DH, the third and sixth together, has to F the fourth. G H B E- ACDF Because BG is to C, as EH to F; by inversion, C is to BG, as F to EH: (V. B.) and because, as AB is to C, so is DE to F; (hyp.) and as C to BG, so F to EH ; ex æquali, AB is to BG, as DE to EH: (v. 22.) and because these magnitudes are proportionals when taken separately, they are likewise proportionals when taken jointly; (v. 18.) therefore as AG is to GB, so is DH to HE: but as GB to C, so is HE to F: (hyp.) therefore, ex æquali, as AG is to C, so is DH to F. (v. 22.) Wherefore, if the first, &c. Q. E. D. COR. 1.—If the same hypothesis be made as in the proposition, the excess of the first and fifth shall be to the second, as the excess of the third and sixth to the fourth. The demonstration of this is the same with that of the proposition, if division be used instead of composition. COR. 2.-The proposition holds true of two ranks of magnitudes, what- ever be their number, of which each of the first rank has to the second magnitude the same ratio that the corresponding one of the second rank has to a fourth magnitude: as is manifest. PROPOSITION XXV. THEOREM. If four magnitudes of the same kind are proportionals, the greatest and least of them together are greater than the other two together. Let the four magnitudes AB, CD, E, F be proportionals, viz. AB to CD, as E to F; and let AB be the greatest of them, and consequently F the least. (v. 14. and a.) Then AB together with F shall be greater than CD together with E. BOOK V. 155 PROP. XXV, F. B G-D HI A CE F Take AG equal to E, and CH equal to F. Then because as AB is to CD, so is E to F, and that AG is equal to E, and CH equal to F, therefore AB is to CD, as AG to CH: (v. 11, and 7.) and because AB the whole, is to the whole CD, as AG is to CH, likewise the remainder GB is to the remainder HD, as the whole AB is to the whole CD: (v. 19.) but AB is greater than CD; (hyp.) therefore GB is greater than HD: (v. a.) and because AG is equal to E, and CH to F; AG and F together are equal to CH and E together: (1. ax. 2.) therefore if to the unequal magnitudes GB, HD, of which GB is the greater, there be added equal magnitudes, viz. to GB the two AG and F, and CH and E to HD; AB and F together are greater than CD and E. Therefore, if four magnitudes, &c. Q.E. D. (1. ax. 4.) PROPOSITION F. THEOREM. Ratios which are compounded of the same ratios, are the same to one another. Let A be to B, as D to E; and B to C, as E to F. Then the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of A to B, and B to C, which, by the definition of compound ratio, is the ratio of A to C, shall be the same with the ratio of D to F, which, by the same definition, is compounded of the ratios of D to E, and E to F. A.B.C D.E.F Because there are three magnitudes A, B, C, and three others D, E, F, which, taken two and two, in order, have the same ratio; ex æquali A is to C, as D to F. (v. 22.) Next, let A be to B, as E to F, and B to C, as D to E: A.B.C D.E.F therefore, ex æquali in proportione perturbatâ, (v. 23.) A is to C, as D to F; that is, the ratio of A to C, which is compounded of the ratios of A to B, and B to C, is the same with the ratio of D to F, which is com- pounded of the ratios of D to E, and E to F. And in like manner the proposition may be demonstrated, whatever be the number of ratios in either case. 156 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION G. THEOREM. If several ratios be the same to several ratios, each to each; the ratio which is compounded of ratios which are the same to the first ratios, each to each, shall be the same to the ratio compounded of ratios which are the same to the other ratios, each to each. Let A be to B, as E to F; and C to D, as G to H: and let A be to B, as K to L; and C to D, as L to M. Then the ratio of K to M, by the definition of compound ratio, is compounded of the ratios of K to L, and L to M, which are the same with the ratios of A to B, and C to D. Again, as E to F, so let N be to 0; and as G to H, so let O be to P. Then the ratio of N to P is compounded of the ratios of N to 0, and O to P, which are the same with the ratios of E to F, and G to H: and it is to be shewn that the ratio of K to M, is the same with the ratio of N to P; or that K is to M, as N to P. A.B.C.D. K.L.M. E.F.G.H. N.O.P. Because K is to L, as (A to B, that is, as E to F, that is, as) N to 0: and as L to M, so is (C to D, and so is G to H, and so is) O to P: ex æquali K is to M, as N to P. Therefore, if several ratios, &c. (v. 22.) Q.E.D. PROPOSITION H. THEOREM. If a ratio which is compounded of several ratios be the same to a ratio which is compounded of several other ratios; and if one of the first ratios, or the ratio which is compounded of several of them, be the same to one of the last ratios, or to the ratio which is compounded of several of them; then the remaining ratio of the first, or, if there be more than one, the ratio compounded of the remaining ratios, shall be the same to the remaining ratio of the last, or, if there be more than one, to the ratio compounded of these remaining ratios. Let the first ratios be those of A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, and E to F; and let the other ratios be those of G to H, H to K, K to L, and L to M: also, let the ratio of A to F, which is compounded of the first ratios, be the same with the ratio of G to M, which is compounded of the other ratios; and besides, let the ratio of A to D, which is compounded of the ratios of A to B, B to C, C to D, be the same with the ratio of G to K, which is compounded of the ratios of G to H, and H to K. Then the ratio compounded of the remaining first ratios, to wit, of the ratios of D to E, and E to F, which compounded ratio is the ratio of D to F, shall be the same with the ratio of K to M, which is com- pounded of the remaining ratios of K to L, and L to M of the other ratios. BOOK V. 157 PROP. H, K. A.B.C.D.E.F. G.H.K.L.M. Because, by the hypothesis, A is to D, as G to K, by inversion, Ď is to A, as K to G ; (v. B.) and as A is to F, so is G to M; (hyp.) therefore, ex æquali, D is to F, as K to M. (v. 22.) , If, therefore, a ratio which is, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION K. THEOREM. If there be any number of ratios, and any number of other ratios such, that the ratio which is compounded of ratios which are the same to the first ratios, each to each, is the same to the ratio which is com- pounded of ratios which are the same, each to each, to the last ratios; and if one of the first ratios, or the ratio which is compounded of ratios which are the same to several of the first ratios, each to each, be the same to one of the last ratios, or to the ratio which is compounded of ratios which are the same, each to each, to several of the last ratios; then the remaining ratio of the first, or, if there be more than one, the ratio which is compounded of ratios which are the same cach to each to the remaining ratios of the first, shall be the same to the remaining ratio of the last, or, if there be more than one, to the ratio which is compounded of ratios which are the same each to each to these remaining ratios. Let the ratios of A to B, C to D, E to F, be the first ratios: and the ratios of G to H, K to L, M to N, O to P, Q to R, be the other ratios: and let A be to B, as S to T; and C to D, as T to V; and E to F, as V to X: therefore, by the definition of compound ratio, the ratio of S to X is compounded of the ratios of S to T, T to V, and V to X, which are the same to the ratios of A to B, C to D, E to F: each to each. Also, as G to H, so let Y be to Z; and K to L, as Z to a; M to N, as a to b; 0 to P, as b to c; and Q to R, as c to d: therefore, by the same definition, the ratio of Y to d is compounded of the ratios of Y to Z, Z to a, a to b, b to c, and c to d, which are the same, each to each, to the ratios of G to H, K to L, M to N, 0 to P, and Q to R: therefore, by the hypothesis, S is to X, as Y to d. Also, let the ratio of A to B, that is, the ratio of S to T, which is one of the first ratios, be the same to the ratio of e to g, which is compounded of the ratios of e to f, and ƒ to g, which, by the hypothesis, are the same to the ratios of G to H, and K to L, two of the other ratios; and let the ratio of h to I be that which is compounded of the ratios of h to k, and k to l, which are the same to the remaining first ratios, viz. of C to D, and E to F; also, let the ratio of m to p, be that which is compounded of the ratios of m to n, n to o, and o to p, which are the same, each to each, to the remaining other ratios, viz. of M to N, O to P, and Q to R. Then the ratio of h to l shall be the same to the ratio of m to p; or h shall be to l, as m to p. 158 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. h, k, l. A, B; C, D; E, F. S, T, V. X. G, H; K, L; M, N; 0, P; Q, R. Y, Z, a, b, c, d. e, f, g. m, n, o, p. Because e is to f, as (G to H, that is, as) Y to Z; and ƒ is to g, as (K to L, that is, as) Z to a; therefore, ex æquali, e is to g, as Y to a: (v. 22.) and by the hypothesis, A is to B, that is, S to T, as e to g; wherefore S is to T, as Y to a; (v. 11.) and by inversion T is to S, as a to Y: (v. B.) but S is to X, as Y to D; (hyp.) therefore, ex æquali, T is to X, as a to d: also, because h is to k as (C to D, that is, as) T to V; (hyp.) and k is to l as (E to F, that is, as) V to X; therefore, ex æquali, h is to l, as T to x: in like manner, it may be demonstrated, that m is to p, as a to d; and it has been shewn, that T is to X, as a to d; therefore h is to l, as m to p. (v. 11.) Q.E.D. The propositions G and K are usually, for the sake of brevity, expressed in the same terms with propositions F and H: and therefore it was proper to shew the true meaning of them when they are so expressed; especially since they are very frequently made use of by geometers. NOTES TO BOOK V. In the first four books of the Elements are considered, only the absolute equality and inequality of Geometrical magnitudes. The fifth book contains an exposition of the principles whereby a more definite comparison may be instituted of the relation of magni- tudes, besides their simple equality or inequality. Def. I, II. In the first four books the word part is used in the same sense as we find it in the ninth axiom, "The whole is greater than its part:" where the word part means any portion whatever of any whole magnitude: but in the fifth book, the word part is restricted to mean that portion of magnitude which is contained an exact number of times in the whole. For instance, if any straight line be taken two, three, four, or any number of times another straight line, by Euc. 1. 3; the less line is called a part, or rather a submultiple of the greater line; and the greater, a multiple of the less line. The multiple is composed of a repetition of the same magnitude, and these definitions suppose that the multiple may be divided into its parts, any one of which is a measure of the multiple. And it is also obvious that when there are two magnitudes, one of which is a multiple of the other, the two magnitudes must be of the same kind, that is, they must be two lines, two angles, two surfaces, or two solids. Euclid does not seem to consider one triangle a part or multiple of another, except when both are between the same parallels; and a triangle is doubled, trebled, &c., by doubling, trebling, &c. the base. The same may be said of parallelograms. Also the arcs of two circles are not considered as part and multiple, unless the circles have equal radii. Angles, arcs, and sectors of equal circles may be doubled, trebled, or any multi- ples found by Prop. XXVI-xxxix, Book 11I. Two magnitudes are said to be commensurable when a third magnitude of the same kind can be found which will measure both of them; and this third magnitude is called their common measure: and when it is the greatest magnitude which will measure both of them, it is called the greatest common measure of the two magnitudes : also when two magnitudes of the same kind have no common measure, they are said to be incommen- surable. The same terms are also applied to numbers. Unity has no magnitude, properly so called, but may represent that portion of every kind of magnitude which is assumed as the measure of all magnitudes of the same kind. The composition of unities cannot produce Geometrical magnitude; three units are more in number than one unit, but still as much different from magnitude as unity itself. Numbers may be considered as quantities, for we consider every thing that can be exactly measured, as a quantity. Unity is a common measure of all rational numbers, and all numerical reasonings proceed upon the hypothesis that the unit is the same throughout the whole of any par- ticular process. Euclid has not fixed the magnitude of any unit of length, nor made reference to any unit of measure of angles, surfaces, or volumes. Hence arises an essen-' tial difference between number and magnitude; unity, being invariable, measures all rational numbers; but though any quantity be assumed as the unit of magnitude, it is impossible to assert that this assumed unit will measure all other magnitudes of the same kind. All whole numbers therefore are commensurable; for unity is their common measure : also all rational fractions proper or improper, are commensurable; for any such frac- 160 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. tions may be reduced to other equivalent fractions having one common denominator, and that fraction whose denominator is the common denominator, and whose numerator is unity, will measure any one of the fractions. Two magnitudes having a common measure can be represented by two numbers which express the number of times the common measure is contained in both the magnitudes. But two incommensurable magnitudes cannot be exactly represented by any two whole numbers or fractions whatever; as, for instance, the side of a square is incom- mensurable to the diagonal of the square. For, it may be shewn numerically, that if the side of the square contain one unity of length, the diagonal contains more than one, but less than 2 units of length. If the side be divided into 10 units, the diagonal contains more than 14, but less than 15 such units. Also if the side contain 100 units, the diagonal contains more than 141, but less than 142 of such units. It is also obvious, that as the side is successively divided into a greater number of equal parts, the error in the magnitude of the diagonal will bę diminished continually, but never can be entirely exhausted; and therefore into whatever number of equal parts the side of a square be divided, the diagonal will never contain an exact number of such parts. Thus the diagonal and side of a square having no common measure, cannot be exactly represented by any two numbers. The term equimultiple in Geometry is to be understood of magnitudes of the same kind, or of different kinds, taken an equal number of times, and implies only a division of the magnitudes into the same number of equal parts. Thus, if two given lines are trebled, the trebles of the lines are equimultiples of the two lines: and if a given line and a given angle or triangle be trebled, the trebles of the line and angle or triangle are equimultiples of the line and angle or triangle: as (fig. vi. 1.) the straight line HC and the triangle AHC are equimultiples of the line BC and the triangle ABC: and (fig. vi. 33.) the arc EN and the angle EHN are equimultiples of the arc EF and the angle EHF. Def. III. Λόγος ἐστὶ δύο μεγεθῶν ὁμογενῶν ἡ κατὰ πηλικότητα πρὸς ἄλληλα ποια σχέσις. Told σxéois. By this definition of ratio is to be understood the conception of the mutual relation of two magnitudes of the same kind, as two straight lines, two angles, two surfaces, or two solids. To prevent any misconception, Def. iv. lays down the criterion, whereby it may be known what kinds of magnitudes can have a ratio to one another; namely, Λόγον ἔχειν πρὸς ἄλληλα μεγέθη λέγεται, ἃ δύναται πολλαπλα- σιαζόμενα ἀλλήλων ὑπερέχειν. Magnitudes are said to have a ratio to one another, which, when they are multiplied, can exceed one another;" in other words, the magni- tudes which are capable of mutual comparison must be of the same kind. The former of the two terms is called the antecedent; and the latter, the consequent of the ratio. If the antecedent and consequent are equal, the ratio is called a ratio of equality; but if the antecedent be greater or less than the consequent, the ratio is called a ratio of greater or less inequality. Care must be taken not to confound the expressions "ratio of quality" and "equality of ratio :" the former is applied to the terms of a ratio when they, the antecedent and consequent, are equal to one another, but the latter, to the ratios, when they are equal. Arithmetical ratio has been defined to be the relation which one number bears to another with respect to quotity; the comparison being made by considering what mul- tiple, part or parts, one number is of the other. An arithmetical ratio, therefore, is represented by the quotient which arises from dividing the antecedent by the consequent of the ratio; or by the fraction which has the antecedent for its numerator and the consequent for its denominator. Hence it will at once be obvious that the properties of arithmetical ratios will be made to depend on the properties of fractions. NOTES TO BOOK V. 161 It must ever be borne in mind that the subject of Geometry is not number, but the magnitude of lines, angles, surfaces, and solids; and its object is to demonstrate their properties by a comparison of their absolute and relative magnitudes. Also, in Geometry, multiplication is only a repeated addition of the same magnitude; and division is only a repeated subtraction, or the taking of a less magnitude successively from a greater, until there be either no remainder, or a remainder less than the magnitude which is successively subtracted. The Geometrical ratio of any two given magnitudes of the same kind will obviously be represented by the magnitudes themselves; thus, the ratio of two lines is repre- sented by the lengths of the lines themselves; and, in the same manner, the ratio of two angles, two surfaces, or two solids, will be properly represented by the magnitudes themselves. In measuring any magnitude, it is obvious that a magnitude of the same kind must be used; but the ratio of two magnitudes may be measured by every thing which has the property of quantity. Two straight lines will measure the ratio of two triangles, or two parallelograms (fig. vi. 1.): and two triangles, or two parallelograms will measure the ratio of two straight lines. It would manifestly be absurd to speak of the line as measuring the triangle, or the triangle measuring the line. (See Notes on Book II. p. 68.) The ratio of any two quantities depends on their relative and not their absolute mag- nitudes; and it is possible for the absolute magnitude of two quantities to be changed, and their relative magnitude to continue the same as before; and thus, the same ratio may subsist between two given magnitudes, and any other two of the same kind. In this method of measuring Geometrical ratios, the measures of the ratios are the same in number as the magnitudes themselves. It has however two advantages; first, it enables us to pass from one kind of magnitude to another, and thus, independently of any numerical measure, to institute a comparison between such magnitudes as cannot be directly compared with one another: and secondly, the ratio of two magnitudes of the same kind may be measured by two straight lines, which form a simpler measure of ratios than any other kind of magnitude. But the simplest method of all would be, to express the measure of the ratio of two magnitudes by one; but this cannot be done, unless the two magnitudes are commensu- rable. If two lines AB, CD, one of which AB contains 12 units of any length, and the other CD contains 4 units; then the ratio of the line AB to the line CD, is the same as the ratio of the number 12 to 4. Thus, two numbers may represent the ratio of two lines when the lines are commensurable. In the same manner, two numbers may repre- sent the ratio of two angles, two surfaces, or two solids. ད་ Thus, the ratio of any two magnitudes of the same kind may be expressed by two numbers, when the magnitudes are commensurable. By this means, the consideration of the ratio of two magnitudes is changed to the consideration of the ratio of two numbers, and when one number is divided by the other, the quotient will be a single number, or a fraction, which will be a measure of the ratio of the two numbers, and therefore of the two quantities. If 12 be divided by 4, the quotient is 3, which measures the ratio of the two numbers 12 and 4. Again, if besides the ratio of the lines AB and CD which contain 12 and 4 units respectively, we consider two other lines EF and GH which contain 9 and 3 units respectively; it is obvious that the ratio of the line EF to GH is the same as the ratio of the number 9 to the number 3. And the measure of the ratio of 9 to 3 is 3. That is, the numbers 9 and 3 have the same ratio as the numbers 12 and 4. But this is a numerical measure of ratio, and can only be applied strictly when the antecedent and consequent are to one another as one number to another. And generally, if the two lines AB, CD contain a and b units respectively, and q be 11 162 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 1 the quotient which indicates the number of times the number b is contained in a, then q is the measure of the ratio of the two numbers a and b: and if EF and GH contain c and d units, and the number d be contained g times in c. Չ The number a has to b the same ratio as the number c has to d. This is the numerical definition of proportion, which is thus expressed in Euclid's Elements, Book VII, definition 20. "Four numbers are proportionals when the first is the same multiple of the second, or the same part or parts of it, as the third is of the fourth." This definition of the proportion of four numbers, leads at once to an equation: a C therefore b for, since a contains b, q times; =q: 9: a b C d and since c contains d, q times; q: the fundamental equation upon which all reasonings on the pro- portion of numbers depend. Sometimes a proportion is defined to be the equality of two ratios. But we are anticipating the subject of the sixth and eighth definitions. Def. VIII declares the meaning of the term analogy or proportion. The ratio of two lines, two angles, two surfaces or two solids, means nothing more than their relative magnitude in contradistinction to their absolute magnitudes; and a similitude or like- ness of ratios implies, at least, the two ratios of the four magnitudes which constitute the analogy or proportion. Def. IX states that a proportion consists in three terms at least; the meaning of which is, that the second magnitude is repeated, being made the consequent of the first, and the antecedent of the second ratio. It is also obvious that when a proportion consists of three magnitudes, all three are of the same kind. Def. vI appears only to be a further explanation of what is implied in Def. VIII. Def. v. Proportion having been defined to be the similitude of ratios, the fifth definition lays down a criterion by which two ratios may be known to be similar, or four magnitudes proportionals, without involving any enquiry respecting the four quan tities, whether the antecedents of the ratios contain or are contained in their consequents exactly; or whether there are any magnitudes which measure the terms of the two ratios. The criterion only requires, that the relation of the equimultiples expressed should hold good, not merely for any particular multiples, as the doubles or trebles, but for any multiples whatever, whether large or small. This criterion of proportion may be applied to all Geometrical magnitudes which can be multiplied, that is, to all which can be doubled, trebled, quadrupled, &c. But it must be borne in mind, that this criterion does not exhibit a definite measure for either of the two ratios which constitute the proportion, but only, an undetermined measure for the sameness or similarity of the two ratios. The nature of the proportion of Geometrical magnitudes neither requires nor admits of a definite measure of either of the two ratios, for this would be to suppose that all magnitudes are commensurable. Though we know not the definite measure of either of the ratios, further than that they are both similar, and one may be taken as the measure of the other, yet particular conclusions may be arrived at by this method: for by the test of proportionality here laid down, it can be proved that one magnitude is greater than, equal to, or less than another that a third proportional can be found to two, and a fourth proportional to three straight lines, also that a mean proportional can be found between two straight lines and further, that which is here stated of straight lines may be extended to other Geometrical magnitudes. : : With respect to this test or criterion of the proportionality of four magnitudes, it NOTES TO BOOK V. 163 It has been objected, that it is utterly impossible to make trial of all the possible equi- multiples of the first and third magnitudes, and also of the second and fourth. may be replied, that the point in question is not determined by making such trials, but by shewing from the nature of the magnitudes, that whatever be the multipliers, if the multiple of the first exceeds the multiple of the second magnitude, the multiple of the third will exceed the multiple of the fourth magnitude, and if equal, will be equal; and if less, will be less, in any case which may be taken. The Arithmetical definition of proportion in Book VII, Def. 20, even if it were equally general with the Geometrical definition in Book v, Def. 5, is by means univer- sally applicable to the subject of Geometrical magnitudes. The Geometrical criterion is founded on multiplication which is always possible. When the magnitudes are com- mensurable, the multiples of the first and second may be equal or unequal; but when the magnitudes are incommensurable, any multiples whatever of the first and second must be unequal; but the Arithmetical criterion of proportion is founded on division, which is not always possible. Euclid has not shewn how to take any part of a line or other magnitude, or that the two terms of a ratio have a common measure, and there- fore the numerical definition could not be strictly applied, even in the limited way in which it may be applied. Number and Magnitude do not correspond in all their relations; and hence the distinction between Geometrical ratio and Arithmetical ratio; the former is a com- parison кαтà πŋλıkótηta, according to quantity, but the latter, according to quotity. The former gives an undetermined, though definite measure, in magnitudes; but the latter attempts to give the exact value in numbers. The fifth book exhibits no method whereby two magnitudes may be determined to be commensurable, and the Geometrical conclusions deduced from the multiples of magnitudes are too general to furnish a numerical measure of ratios, being all independent of the commensurability or incommensurability of the magnitudes themselves. It is the numerical ratio of two magnitudes which will more certainly discover whether they are commensurable or incommensurable, and hence, recourse must be had to the forms and properties of numbers. All numbers and fractions are either rational or irrational. It has been seen that rational numbers and fractions can express the ratios of Geometrical magnitudes, when they are commensurable. Similar relations of incommensurable magnitudes may be expressed by irrational numbers, if the Algebraical expressions for such numbers may be assumed and employed in the same manner as rational numbers. The irrational expressions being considered the exact and definite, though undetermined, values of the ratios, to which a series of rational numbers may successively approximate. Though two incommensurable magnitudes have not an assignable numerical ratio to one another, yet they have a certain definite ratio to one another, and two other magnitudes may have the same ratio as the first two: and it will be found, that, when reference is made to the numerical value of the ratios of four incommensurable mag- nitudes, that the same irrational number appears in the two ratios. The sides and diagonals of squares can be shewn to be proportionals, and though the ratio of the side to the diagonal is represented Geometrically by the two lines which form the side and the diagonal, there is no rational number or fraction which will measure exactly their ratio. If the side of a square contain a units, the ratio of the diagonal to the side is numerically as √2 to 1; and if the side of another square contain b units, the ratio of the diagonal to the side will be found to be in the ratio of √2 to 1. Again, the two parts of any number of lines which may be divided in extreme and mean ratio will be found to be respectively in the ratio of the irrational number √5-1 to A 1 11-2 164 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. : 3-√5. Also, the ratios of the diagonals of cubes to the diagonals of one of the faces will be found to be in the irrational or incommensurate ratio of √3 to √√/2. Thus it will be found that the ratios of all incommensurable magnitudes which are proportionals do involve the same irrational numbers, and these may be used as the numerical measures of ratios in the same manner as rational numbers and fractions. Def. VII is analogous to Def. v, and lays down the criterion whereby the ratio of two magnitudes of the same kind may be known to be greater or less than the ratio of two other magnitudes of the same kind. Def. XI includes Def. x, as three magnitudes may be continual proportionals, as well as four or more than four. In continual proportionals, all the terms except the first and last, are made successively the consequent of one ratio, and the antecedent of the next; whereas in other proportionals, this is not the case. A series of numbers or Algebraical quantities in continued proportion, is called a Geometrical progression, from the analogy they bear to a series of Geometrical magni- tudes in continued proportion. Def. A. The term compound ratio was devised for the purpose of avoiding cir- cumlocution, and no difficulty can arise in the use of it, if its exact meaning be strictly attended to. DC to CE; and the ratio With respect to the Geometrical measures of compound ratios, three straight lines may measure the ratio of four, as in Prop. 23, Book VI. For K to L measures the ratio of BC to CG, and L to M measures the ratio of of K to M is that which is said to be compounded of the ratios of K to L, and L to M, which is the same as the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of the sides of the parallelograms. Both duplicate and triplicate ratio are species of compound ratio. Duplicate ratio is a ratio compounded of two equal ratios; and in the case of three magnitudes which are continual proportionals, means the ratio of the first to a third proportional to the first and second. It will be hereafter seen, that the ratio of two triangles, when they have the same altitude, are to one another as their bases; (Prop. 1, Book vi.) and, when their bases are equal, they are to one another as their altitudes; but when neither their bases nor altitudes are equal, they are to each other in a ratio compounded of their bases and altitudes. And if the ratio of their altitudes be the same as the ratio of their bases, or the triangles be similar, they are to each other in the duplicate ratio of their alti- tudes or bases. (Prop. 19, Book VI.) In the same manner, the ratio of two squares will be to each other in the ratio compounded of the ratios of their sides, and therefore in the duplicate ratio of their sides. And generally, that all similar figures are in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides. (Prop. 20, Book v1.) Triplicate ratio, in the same manner, is a ratio compounded of three equal ratios; and in the case of four magnitudes which are continual proportionals, the triplicate ratio of the first to the second means the ratio of the first to a fourth proportional to the first, second, and third magnitudes. Instances of the composition of three ratios, and of triplicate ratio will be found in the eleventh and twelfth books. The product of the fractions which represent or measure the ratios of numbers, corresponds to the composition of Geometrical ratios of magnitudes. It has been shewn that the ratio of two numbers is represented by a fraction, whereof the numerator is the antecedent, and the denominator the consequent of the ratio; and if the antecedents of two ratios be multiplied together, as also the consequents, the new ratio thus formed is said to be compounded of these two ratios; and in the same manner, if there be more than two. It is also obvious, that the ratio compounded of two equal ratios is equal to the ratio of the squares of one of the antecedents to its consequent ; also when there are three equal ratios, the ratio compounded of the three ratios is equal NOTES TO BOOK V. 165 to the ratio of the cubes of any one of the antecedents to its consequent. And further, it may be observed, that when several numbers are continual proportionals, the ratio of the first to the last is equal to the ratio of the product of all the antecedents to the product of all the consequents. It may be here remarked, that, though the constructions of the propositions in} Book v are exhibited by straight lines, the enunciations are expressed of magnitude in general, and are equally true of angles, triangles, parallelograms, arcs, sectors, &c. Prop. c. This is frequently made use of by geometers, and is necessary to the 5th and 6th Propositions of the 10th Book. Clavius, in his notes subjoined to the 8th def. of Book 5, demonstrates it only in numbers, by help of some of the propositions of the 7th Book; in order to demonstrate the property contained in the 5th definition of the 5th Book, when applied to numbers, from the property of pro- portionals contained in the 20th def. of the 7th Book: and most of the commentators judge it difficult to prove that four magnitudes which are proportionals according to the 20th def. of the 7th Book, are also proportionals according to the 5th def. of the 5th Book. But this is easily made out as follows: First, if A, B, C, D, be four magnitudes, such that A is the same multiple, or the same part of B, which C is of D: Then A, B, C, D, are proportionals: this is demonstrated in proposition (c). Secondly, if AB contain the same parts of CD that EF does of GH ; in this case likewise AB is to CD, as EF to GH. F B₁ H D K L A C E G Let CK be a part of CD, and GL the same part of GH : and let AB be the same multiple of CK, that EF is of GL : therefore, by Prop. c, of Book v, AB is to CK, as EF to GL: and CD, GH, are equimultiples of CK, GL, the second and fourth; wherefore, by Cor. Prop. 4, Book v, AB is to CD, as EF to GH. And if four magnitudes be proportionals according to the 5th def. of Book v, they are also proportionals according to the 20th def. of Book VII. First, if A be to B, as C to D; then if A be any multiple or part of B, C is the same multiple or part of D, by Prop. D, Book v. Next, if AB be to CD, as EF to GH : then if AB contains any part of CD, EF contains the same part of GH : F B₁ HI D K L A CE G M for let CK be a part of CD, and GL the same part of GH, and let AB be a multiple of CK: EF is the same multiple of GL: take M the same multiple of GL that AB is of CK; therefore, by Prop. c, Book v, AB is to CK, as M to GL: 166 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. ! and CD, GH, are equimultiples of CK, GL; wherefore, by Cor. Prop. 4, Book v, AB is to CD, as M to GH. And, by the hypothesis, AB is to CD, as EF to GH; therefore M is equal to EF by Prop. 9, Book v. and consequently, EF is the same multiple of GL that AB is of CK. This is the method by which Simson shews that the Geometrical definition of pro- portion is a consequence of the Arithmetical definition, and conversely. a C and taking ma, mc ō = d' It may however be shewn by employing the equation any equimultiples of a and c the first and third, and nb, nd any equimultiples of b and d the second and fourth. Prop. XVIII, being the converse of Prop. XVII, has been demonstrated indirectly. Let AE, EB, CF, FD be proportionals, that is, as AE to EB, so let CF be to FD. Then these shall be proportionals also when taken jointly; that is, as AB to BE, so shall CD be to DF. B D E F A C For if the ratio of AB to BE be not the same as the ratio of CD to DF; the ratio of AB to BE is either greater than, or less than the ratio of CD to DF. First, let AB have to BE a greater ratio than CD has to DF; and let DQ be taken so that AB has to BE the same ratio as CD to DQ. And since magnitudes when taken jointly are proportionals, are also proportionals when taken separately; (v. 17.) therefore AE has to EB the same ratio as CQ to QD; but, by the hypothesis, AE has to EB the same ratio as CF to FD; therefore the ratio of CQ to QD is the same as the ratio of CF to FD. (v. 11.) And when four magnitudes are proportionals, if the first be greater than the second, the third is greater than the fourth; and if equal, equal; and if less, less; (v. 14.) but CQ is less than CF, therefore QD is less than FD; which is absurd. Wherefore the ratio of AB to BE is not greater than the ratio of CD to DF; that is, AB has the same ratio to BE as CD has to DF. Secondly. By a similar mode of reasoning, it may likewise be shewn, that AB has the same ratio to BE as CD has to DF, if AB be assumed to have to BE a less ratio than CD has to DF. For further information on the very important subject of Ratio and Proportion, reference may be made to Dr. Barrow's Mathematical Lectures; Professor De Morgan's Connexion of Number and Magnitude; and the fourth chapter of Professor Peacock's Algebra. BOOK VI. DEFINITIONS. I. SIMILAR rectilineal figures are those which have their several angles equal, each to each, and the sides about the equal angles proportionals. II. Reciprocal figures, viz. triangles and parallelograms, are such as have their sides about two of their angles proportionals in such a manner, that a side of the first figure is to a side of the other, as the remaining side of this other is to the remaining side of the first." III. A straight line is said to be cut in extreme and mean ratio, when the whole is to the greater segment, as the greater segment is to the less. IV. The altitude of any figure is the straight line drawn from its vertex perpendicular to the base. 168 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION I. THEOREM. Triangles and parallelograms of the same altitude are one to another as their bases. Let the triangles ABC, ACD, and the parallelograms EC, CF, have the same altitude, viz. the perpendicular drawn from the point A to BD or BD produced. As the base BC is to the base CD, so shall the triangle ABC be to the triangle ACD, and the parallelogram EC to the parallelogram CF. E A F HGB C D K L Produce BD both ways to the points H, L, and take any number of straight lines BG, GH, each equal to the base BC; (1. 3.) and DK, KL, any number of them, each equal to the base CD; and join AG, AH, AK, AL. Then, because CB, BG, GH, are all equal, the triangles AHG, AGB, ABC, are all equal: (1. 38.) therefore, whatever multiple the base HC is of the base BC, the same multiple is the triangle AHC of the triangle ABC: for the same reason, whatever multiple the base LC is of the base CD, the same multiple is the triangle ALC of the triangle ADC: and if the base HC be equal to the base CL, the triangle AHC is also equal to the triangle ALC: (1. 38.) and if the base HC be greater than the base CL, likewise the triangle AHC is greater than the triangle ALC; and if less, less: therefore, since there are four magnitudes, viz. the two bases BC, CD, and the two triangles ABC, ACD; and of the base BC, and the triangle ABC the first and third, any equimultiples whatever have been taken, viz. the base HC and the triangle AHC; and of the base CD and the triangle ACD, the second and fourth, have been taken any equimultiples whatever, viz. the base CL and the triangle ALC; and since it has been shewn, that, if the base HC be greater than the base CL, the triangle AHC is greater than the triangle ALC; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: therefore, as the base BC is to the base CD, so is the triangle ABC to the triangle ACD. (v. def. 5.) And because the parallelogram CE is double of the triangle ABC, (1.41.) and the parallelogram CF double of the triangle ACD, and that magnitudes have the same ratio which their equimultiples have; (v. 15.) as the triangle ABC is to the triangle ACD, so is the parallelogram EC to the parallelogram CF; BOOK VI. PROP. I, II. 169 and because it has been shewn, that, as the base BC is to the base CD, so is the triangle ABC to the triangle ACD; and as the triangle ABC is to the triangle ACD, so is the paral- lelogram EC to the parallelogram CF; therefore, as the base BC is to the base CD, so is the parallelogram EC to the parallelogram CF. (v. 11.) Wherefore, triangles, &c. Q. E.D. COR. From this it is plain, that triangles and parallelograms that have equal altitudes, are one to another as their bases. Let the figures be placed so as to have their bases in the same straight line; and having drawn perpendiculars from the vertices of the triangles to the bases, the straight line which joins the vertices is parallel to that in which their bases are, (1. 33.) because the perpen- diculars are both equal and parallel to one another. (1. 28.) Then, if the same construction be made as in the proposition, the demonstration will be the same. PROPOSITION II. THEOREM. If a straight line be drawn parallel to one of the sides of a triangle, it shall cut the other sides, or these produced, proportionally: and conversely, if the sides, or the sides produced, be cut proportionally, the straight line which joins the points of section shall be parallel to the remaining side of the triangle. Let DE be drawn parallel to BC, one of the sides of the triangle ABC, Then BD shall be to DA, as CE to EA. A A E D D E B C B D E B C Join BE, CD. Then the triangle BDE is equal to the triangle CDE, (1.37.) because they are on the same base DE, and between the same parallels DE, BC: but ADE is another triangle; and equal magnitudes have the same ratio to the same magnitude; (v. 7.) therefore, as the triangle BDE is to the triangle ADE, so is the triangle CDE to the triangle ADE: but as the triangle BDE to the triangle ADE, so is BD to DA, (vI. 1.) because, having the same altitude, viz. the perpendicular drawn from the point E to AB, they are to one another as their bases; and for the same reason, as the triangle CDE to the triangle ADE, so is CE to EA: therefore, as BD to DA, so is CE to EA. (v. 11.) Next, let the sides AB, AC of the triangle ABC, or these sides produced, be cut proportionally in the points D, E, that is, so that BD may be to DA as CE to EA, and join DE. Then DE shall be parallel to BC. 170 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. The same construction being made, because as BD to DA, so is CE to EA; and as BD to DA, so is the triangle BDE to the triangle ADE; (v1.1.) and as CE to EA, so is the triangle CDE to the triangle ADE; · therefore the triangle BDE is to the triangle ADE, as the triangle CDE to the triangle ADE; (v. 11) that is, the triangles BDE, CDE have the same ratio to the triangle ADE: therefore the triangle BDE is equal to the triangle CDE: (v. 9.) and they are on the same base DE: but equal triangles on the same base and on the same side of it, are between the same parallels; (1. 39.) therefore DE is parallel to BC. Wherefore, if a straight line, &C. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION III. THEOREM. If the angle of a triangle be divided into two equal angles, by a straight line which also cuts the base; the segments of the base shall have the same ratio which the other sides of the triangle have to one another and con- versely, if the segments of the base have the same ratio which the other sides of the triangle have to one another; the straight line drawn from the vertex to the point of section, divides the vertical angle into two equal angles. Let ABC be a triangle, and let the angle BAC be divided into two equal angles by the straight line AD. Then BD shall be to DC, as BA to AC. E A R D Through the point C draw CE parallel to DA, (1. 31.) and let BA produced meet CE in E. Because the straight line AC meets the parallels AD, EC, the angle ACE is equal to the alternate angle CAD: (1. 29.) but CAD, by the hypothesis, is equal to the angle BAD; wherefore BAD is equal to the angle ACE. (ax. 1.) Again, because the straight line BAE meets the parallels AD, EC, the outward angle BÃD is equal to the inward and opposite angle AEC: (1.29.) but the angle ACE has been proved equal to the angle BAD; therefore also ACE is equal to the angle AEC, (ax. 1.) and consequently the side AE is equal to the side AC: (1.6.) and because AD is drawn parallel to EC, one of the sides of the tri- angle BCE, therefore BD is to DC, as BA to AE: (v1.2.) but AE is equal to AC; therefore, as BD to DC, so is BA to AC. (v.7.) Next, let BD be to DC, as BA to AC, and join AD. Then the angle BAC shall be divided into two equal angles by the straight line AD. BOOK VI. PROP. III, A. 171 The same construction being made ; because, as BD to DC, so is BA to AC; and as BD to DC, so is BA to AE, because AD is parallel to EC; (v1.2.) therefore BA is to AC, as BA to AE: (v. 11.) consequently AC is equal to AE, (v.9.) and therefore the angle AEC is equal to the angle ACE: (1.5.) but the angle AEC is equal to the outward and opposite angle BAD; and the angle ACE is equal to the alternate angle CAD: (1. 29.) wherefore also the angle BAD is equal to the angle CAD; `(ax. 1.) that is, the angle BAC is cut into two equal angles by the straight line AD. Therefore, if the angle, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION A. THEOREM. If the outward angle of a triangle made by producing one of its sides, be divided into two equal angles, by a straight line, which also cuts the base produced; the segments between the dividing line and the extremities of the base, have the same ratio which the other sides of the triangle have to one another: and conversely, if the segments of the base produced have the same ratio which the other sides of the triangle have; the straight line drawn from the vertex to the point of section divides the outward angle of the triangle into two equal angles. gles Let ABC be a triangle, and let one of its sides BA be produced to E; and let the outward angle CAE be divided into two equal angles by the straight line AD which meets the base produced in D. Then BD shall be to DC, as BA to AC. E B C D Through C draw CF parallel to AD. (1.31.) And because the straight line AC meets the parallels AD, FC, the angle ACF is equal to the alternate angle CAD: (1.29.) but CAD is equal to the angle DÃE; (hyp.) therefore also DAE is equal to the angle ACF. (ax. 1.) Again, because the straight line FAE meets the parallels AD, FC, the outward angle DÃE is equal to the inward and opposite angle CFA: (1. 29.) but the angle ACF has been proved equal to the angle DAE; therefore also the angle ACF is equal to the angle CFA; (ax. 1.) and consequently the side AF is equal to the side AC. (1.6.) and because AD is parallel to FC, a side of the triangle BCF, therefore BD is to DC, as BA to AF: (v1.2.) but AF is equal to AC; therefore, as BD is to DC, so is BA to AC. (v. 7.) Next, let BD be to DC, as BA to AC, and join AD. The angle CAD shall be equal to the angle DAE. The same construction being made, because BD is to DC, as Bà to AC; 172 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and that BD is also to DC, as BA to AF; (v1. 2.) therefore BA is to AC, as BA to AF: (v. 11.) wherefore AC is equal to AF, (v. 9.) and the angle AFC equal to the angle ACF: (1.5.) but the angle AFC is equal to the outward angle EAD, (1.29.) and the angle ACF to the alternate angle CAD; therefore also EAD is equal to the angle CAD. (ax. 1.) Wherefore, if the outward, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. The sides about the equal angles of equiangular triangles are propor- tionals; and those which are opposite to the equal angles are homolo- gous sides, that is, are the antecedents or consequents of the ratios. Let ABC, DCE be equiangular triangles, having the angle ABC equal to the angle DCE, and the angle ACB to the angle DEC; and consequently the angle BAC equal to the angle CDE. (1.32.) The sides about the equal angles of the triangles ABC, DCE shall be proportionals; and those shall be the homologous sides which are opposite to the equal angles. * F D A B CE Let the triangle DCE be placed, so that its side CE may be contigu- ous to BC, and in the same straight line with it. (1.22.) Then, because the angle BCA is equal to the angle CED, add to each the angle ABC; (hyp.) therefore the two angles ABC, BCA are equal to the two angles ABC, CED: (ax. 2.) but the angles ABC, BCA are together less than two right angles; (1.17.) therefore the angles ABC, CED are also less than two right angles : wherefore BA, ED if produced will meet: (1. ax. 12.) let them be produced and meet in the point F: then because the angle ABC is equal to the angle DCE, (hyp.) BF is parallel to CD; (1. 28.) and because the angle ACB is equal to the angle DEC, AC is parallel to FE: (1.28.) therefore FACD is a parallelogram ; and consequently AF is equal to CD, and AC to FD: (1. 34.) and because AC is parallel to FE, one of the sides of the triangle FBE, BA is to AF, as BC to CE: (v1.2.) but AF is equal to CD; therefore, as BA to CD, so is BC to CE:__ (v. 7.) and alternately, as AB to BC, so is DC to CE; (v. 16.) again, because CD is parallel to BF, as BC to CE, so is FD to DE: (vi. 2.) but FD is equal to AC; therefore, as BC to CE, so is AC to DE; (v. 7.) BOOK VI. PROP. IV, V. 173 and alternately, as BC to CA, so CE to ED: (v. 16.) therefore, because it has been proved that AB is to BC, as DC to CE, and as BC to CA, so CE to ED, ex æquali, BA is to AC, as CD to DE. (v. 22.) Therefore the sides, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. If the sides of two triangles, about each of their angles, be proportionals, the triangles shall be equiangular; and the equal angles shall be those which are opposite to the homologous sides. Let the triangles ABC, DEF have their sides proportionals, so that AB is to BC, as DE to EF; and BC to CA, as EF to FD; and consequently, ex æquali, BA to AC, as ED to DF. Then the triangle ABC shall be equiangular to the triangle DEF, and the angles which are opposite to the homologous sides shall be equal, viz. the angle ABC equal to the angle DEF, and BCA to EFD, and also BAC to EDF. A D E F B C G At the points E, F, in the straight line EF, make the angle FEG equal to the angle ABC, and the angle EFG equal to BCA: (1. 23.) wherefore the remaining angle EGF, is equal to the remaining angle BAC, (1. 32.) and the triangle GEF is therefore equiangular to the triangle ABC: - consequently they have their sides opposite to the equal angles proportionals: (VI. 4.) wherefore, as AB to BC, so is GE to EF but as AB to BC, so is DE to EF; (hyp.) therefore as DE to EF, so GE to EF; (v. 11.) that is, DE and GE have the same ratio to EF, and consequently are equal; (v. 9.) for the same reason, DF is equal to FG: and because, in the triangles DEF, GEF, DE is equal to EG, and EF is common, the two sides DE, EF are equal to the two GE, EF, each to each; and the base DF is equal to the base GF; therefore the angle DEF is equal to the angle GEF, (1.8.) and the other angles to the other angles which are subtended by the equal sides; (1. 4.) therefore the angle DFE is equal to the angle GFE, and EDF to EGF: and because the angle DEF is equal to the angle GEF, and GEF equal to the angle ABC; (constr.) therefore the angle ABC is equal to the angle DEF: (ax. 1.) for the same reason, the angle ACB is equal to the angle DFE, and the angle at A equal to the angle at D: therefore the triangle ABC is equiangular to the triangle DEF. Wherefore, if the sides, &c. Q. E.D. 174 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION VI. THEOREM. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and the sides about the equal angles proportionals, the triangles shall be equiangular, and shall have those angles equal which are opposite to the homologous sides. Let the triangles ABC, DEF have the angle BAC in the one equal to the angle EDF in the other, and the sides about those angles pro- portionals; that is, BA to AC, as ED to DF. Then the triangles ABC, DEF shall be equiangular, and shall have the angle ABC equal to the angle DEF, and ACB to DFE. A D G E F B At the points D, F, in the straight line DF, make the angle FDG equal to either of the angles BAC, EDF; (1. 23.) and the angle DFG equal to the angle ACB: wherefore the remaining angle at B is equal to the remaining angle at G: (1. 32.) and consequently the triangle DGF is equiangular to the triangle ABC; therefore as BA to AC, so is GD to DF: (VI. 4.). but, by the hypothesis, as BA to AC, so is ED to DF; therefore as ED to DF, so is GD to DF; (v. 11.) wherefore ED is equal to DG; (v. 9.) and DF is common to the two triangles EDF, GDF : therefore the two sides ED, DF are equal to the two sides GD, DF, each to each; and the angle EDF is equal to the angle GDF; (constr.) wherefore the base EF is equal to the base FG, (1. 4.) and the triangle EDF to the triangle GDF, and the remaining angles to the remaining angles, each to each, which are subtended by the equal sides: therefore the angle DFG is equal to the angle DFE, and the angle at G to the angle at E; but the angle DFG is equal to the angle ACB; (constr.) therefore the angle ACB is equal to the angle DFE; (ax. 1.) and the angle BAC is equal to the angle EDF: (hyp.) wherefore also the remaining angle at B is equal to the remaining angle at E; (1. 32.) therefore the triangle ABC is equiangular to the triangle DEF. Wherefore, if two triangles, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION VII. THEOREM. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and the sides about two other angles proportionals; then, if each of the remaining angles be either less, or not less, than a right angle, or if BOOK VI. PROP. VII. 175 one of them be a right angle; the triangles shall be equiangular, and shall have those angles equal about which the sides are proportionals. Let the two triangles ABC, DEF have one angle in the one equal to one angle in the other, viz. the angle BAC to the angle EDF, and the sides about two other angles ABC, DEF proportionals, so that AB is to BC, as DE to EF ; and in the first case, let each of the remaining angles at C, F be less than a right angle. The triangle ABC shall be equiangular to the triangle DEF, viz. the angle ABC shall be equal to the angle DEF, and the remaining angle at C equal to the remaining angle at F. A G D E F B C For if the angles ABC, DEF be not equal, one of them must be greater than the other: let ABC be the greater, and at the point B, in the straight line AB, make the angle ABG equal to the angle DEF; (1. 23.) and because the angle at A is equal to the angle at D, (hyp.) and the angle ABG to the angle DEF; the remaining angle AGB is equal to the remaining angle DFE: (1. 32.) therefore the triangle ABG is equiangular to the triangle DEF: wherefore as AB is to BG, so is DE to EF: (vI. 4.) but as DE to EF, so, by hypothesis, is AB to BC; therefore as AB to BC, so is AB to BG: (v. 11.) and because AB has the same ratio to each of the lines BC, BG, BC is equal to BG; (v.9.) and therefore the angle BGC is equal to the angle BCG: (1.5.) but the angle BCG is, by hypothesis, less than a right angle; therefore also the angle BGC is less than a right angle; and therefore the adjacent angle AGB must be greater than a right angle; (1. 13.) but it was proved that the angle AGB is equal to the angle at F; therefore the angle at F is greater than a right angle: but, by the hypothesis, it is less than a right angle; which is absurd. Therefore the angles ABC, DEF are not unequal, that is, they are equal: and the angle at A is equal to the angle at D: (hyp.) wherefore the remaining angle at C is equal to the remaining angle at F: (1. 32.) therefore the triangle ABC is equiangular to the triangle DEF. Next, let each of the angles at C, F be not less than a right angle. Then the triangle ABC shall also in this case be equiangular to the triangle DEF. A A B G E F D 176 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. it may be The same construction being made, be proved in like manner that BC is equal to BG, and therefore the angle at C equal to the angle BGC: but the angle at C is not less than a right angle; (hyp.) therefore the angle BGC is not less than a right angle: wherefore two angles of the triangle BGC are together not less than two right angles: which is impossible; (1. 17.) and therefore the triangle ABC may be proved to be equiangular to the triangle DEF, as in the first case. Lastly, let one of the angles at C, F, viz. the angle at C, be a right angle: in this case likewise the triangle ABC shall be equiangular to the triangle DEF. A A G B B C G D E F For, if they be not equiangular, at the point B in the straight line ÂB make the angle ABG equal to the angle DEF; then it may be proved, as in the first case, that BG is equal to BC: and therefore the angle BCG equal to the angle BGC: (1. 5.) but the angle BCG is a right angle, (hyp.) therefore the angle BGC is also a right angle; (ax. 1.) whence two of the angles of the triangle BGC are together not less than two right angles; which is impossible: (1.17.) therefore the triangle ABC is equiangular to the triangle DEF. Wherefore, if two triangles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. In a right-angled triangle, if a perpendicular be drawn from the right angle to the base; the triangles on each side of it are similar to the whole triangle, and to one another. Let ABC be a right-angled triangle, having the right angle BAC; and from the point A let AD be drawn perpendicular to the base BC. Then the triangles ABD, ADC shall be similar to the whole triangle ABC, and to one another. A B D C Because the angle BAC is equal to the angle ADB, each of them being a right angle, (ax. 11.) and that the angle at B is common to the two triangles ABC, ABD; the remaining angle ACB is equal to the remaining angle BAD: (1. 32.) BOOK VI.. PROP. VIII, IX, X. 177 therefore the triangle ABC is equiangular to the triangle ABD, and the sides about their equal angles are proportionals; (v1. 4.) wherefore the triangles are similar: (vi. def. 1.) in the like manner it may be demonstrated, that the triangle ADC is equiangular and similar to the triangle ABC. And the triangles ABD, ACD, being both equiangular and similar to ABC, are equiangular and similar to each other. Therefore, in a right-angled, &c. Q. E.D. COR. From this it is manifest, that the perpendicular drawn from the right angle of a right-angled triangle to the base, is a mean propor- tional between the segments of the base; and also that each of the sides is a mean proportional between the base, and the segment of it adjacent to that side: because in the triangles BDA, ADC; BD is to DA, as DA to DC; (v1. 4.) and in the triangles ABC, DBA; BC is to BA, as BA to BD; (v1.4.) and in the triangles ABC, ACD; BC is to CA, as CA to CD. (v1.4.) PROPOSITION IX, PROBLEM. From a given straight line to cut off any part required. Let AB be the given straight line. It is required to cut off any part from it. D A E B From the point A draw a straight line AC, making any angle with AB; and in AC take any point D, and take AC the same multiple of AD, that AB is of the part which is to be cut off from it; join BC, and draw DE parallel to CB. Then AE shall be the part required to be cut off. Because ED is parallel to BC, one of the sides of the triangle ABC, as CD is to DA, so is BE to EA; (vI. 2.) and by composition, CA is to AD, as BA to AE: but CA is a multiple of AD; (constr.) (v. 18.) therefore BA is the same multiple of AE: (v. D.) whatever part therefore AD is of AC, AE is the same part of AB: wherefore, from the straight line AB the part required is cut off. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION X. PROBLEM. To divide a given straight line similarly to a given divided straight line, that is, into parts that shall have the same ratios to one another which the parts of the divided given straight line have. 12 178 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Let AB be the straight line given to be divided, and AC the divided line. It is required to divide AB similarly to AC. A F G H E B K Let AC be divided in the points D, E; and let AB, AC be placed so as to contain any angle, and join BC, and through the points D, E draw DF, EG parallels to BC. (1.31.) Then AB shall be divided in the points F, G similarly to AC. Through D draw DHK parallel to AB: therefore each of the figures, FH, HB is a parallelogram; wherefore DH is equal to FG, and HK to GB: (1.34.) and because HE is parallel to KC, one of the sides of the triangle DKC, as CE to ED, so is KH to HD: (v1.2.) but KH is equal to BG, and HD to GF; therefore, as CE to ED, so is BG to GF: (v. 7.) again, because FD is parallel to GE, one of the sides of the triangle AGE, as ED to DA, so is GF to FA: (vi. 2.) therefore, as has been proved, CE is to ED, so is BG to GF, and as ED to DA, so GF to FA: therefore the given straight line AB is divided similarly to AC. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XI. PROBLEM. To find a third proportional to two given straight lines. Let AB, AC be the two given straight lines. It is required to find a third proportional to AB, AC. A B C D E Let AB, AC be placed so as to contain any angle: produce AB, AC to the points D, E; and make BD equal to AC; join BC, and through D, draw DE parallel to BC. (1. 31.) Then CE shall be a third proportional to AB and AC. Because BC is parallel to DE, a side of the triangle ADE, AB is to BD, as AC to CE: (VI. 2.) but BD is equal to AC; therefore as AB is to AC, so is AC to CE. (v. 7.) Wherefore, to the two given straight lines AB, AC, a third propor- tional CE is found. Q.E.F. BOOK VI. PROP. XII, XIII. 179 PROPOSITION XII. PROBLEM. To find a fourth proportional to three given straight lines. Let A, B, C be the three given straight lines. It is required to find a fourth proportional to A, B, C. Take two straight lines DE, DF, containing any angle EDF: and upon these make DG equal to A, GE equal to B, and DH equal to C; (1.3.) G E D A B C H F join GH, and through E draw EF parallel to it. (1. 31.) Then HF shall be the fourth proportional to A, B, C. Because GH is parallel to EF, one of the sides of the triangle DEF, DG is to GE, as DH to HF; (v1.2.) but DG is equal to A, GE to B, and DH to C; therefore, as A is to B, so is C to HF. (v. 7.) Wherefore to the three given straight lines A, B, C, a fourth portional HF is found. Q.E.F. pro- PROPOSITION XIII. PROBLEM. To find a mean proportional between two given straight lines. Let AB, BC be the two given straight lines. It is required to find a mean proportional between them. D • A B Place AB, BC in a straight line, and upon AC describe the semi- circle ADC, and from the point B draw BD at right angles to AC. (1.11.) Then BD shall be a mean proportional between AB and BC. Join AD, DC. And because the angle ADC in a semicircle is a right angle, (III. 31.) and because in the right-angled triangle ADC, BD is drawn from the right angle perpendicular to the base, DB is a mean proportional between AB, BC the segments of the base: (VI. 8. Cor.) therefore between the two given straight lines AB, BC, a mean proportional DB is found. Q.E.F. 12-2 180 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION XIV. THEOREM. Equal parallelograms, which have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, have their sides about the equal angles reciprocally pro- portional: and conversely, parallelograms that have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and their sides about the equal angles reci- procally proportional, are equal to one another. Let AB, BC be equal parallelograms, which have the angles at B equal. The sides of the parallelograms AB, BC about the equal angles, shall be reciprocally proportional that is, DB shall be to BE, as GB to BF. A F E D B G C Let the sides DB, BE be placed in the same straight line; wherefore also FB, BG are in one straight line: (1. 14.) complete the parallelogram FE. And because the parallelogram AB is equal to BC, and that FE is another parallelogram, AB is to FE, as BC to FE: (v. 7.) but as AB to FE, so is the base DB to BE, (vi. 1.) and as BC to FE, so is the base GB to BF; therefore, as DB to BE, so is GB to BF. (v. 11.) Wherefore, the sides of the parallelograms AB, BC about their equal angles are reciprocally proportional. Next, let the sides about the equal angles be reciprocally propor- tional, viz. as DB to BE, so GB to BF: the parallelogram AB shall be equal to the parallelogram BC. Because, as DB to BÊ, so is GB to BF ; and as DB to BE, so is the parallelogram AB to the parallelogram FE; (vI. 1.) and as GB to BF, so is the parallelogram BC to the parallelogram FE; therefore as AB to FE, so BC to FE: (v. 11.) therefore the parallelogram AB is equal to the parallelogram BC. (v.9.) Therefore equal parallelograms, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XV. THEOREM. Equal triangles which have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, have their sides about the equal angles reciprocally proportional: and conversely, triangles which have one angle in the one equal to one angle in the other, and their sides about the equal angles reciprocally pro- portional, are equal to one another. Let ABC, ADE be equal triangles, which have the angle BAC equal to the angle DAE. BOOK VI. PROP. XV, XVI. 181 Then the sides about the equal angles of the triangles shall be reciprocally proportional; that is, CA shall be to AD, as EA to AB. B D A C E Let the triangles be placed so that their sides CA, AD be in one straight line; wherefore also EA and AB are in one straight line; (1. 14.) and join BD. Because the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle ADE, and that ABD is another triangle ; therefore as the triangle CAB, is to the triangle BAD, so is the triangle AED to the triangle DAB; (v. 7.) but as the triangle CAB to the triangle BAD, so is the base CA to the base AD, (vI. 1.) and as the triangle EAD to the triangle DAB, so is the base EA to the base AB; (vI. 1.) therefore as CA to AD, so is EA to AB: (v. 11.) wherefore the sides of the triangles ABC, ADE, about the equal angles are reciprocally proportional. Next, let the sides of the triangles ABC, ADE about the equal angles be reciprocally proportional, viz. CA to AD, as EA to AB. Then the triangle ABC shall be equal to the triangle ADE. Join BD as before. Then because, as CA to AD, so is EA to AB; (hyp.) and as CA to AD, so is the triangle ABC to the triangle BAD; (vi. 1.) and as EA to AB, so is the triangle EAD to the triangle BAD; (vi. 1.) therefore as the triangle BẮC to the triangle BAD, so is the tri- angle EAD to the triangle BAD; (v. 11.) that is, the triangles BAC, EAD have the same ratio to the triangle BAD: wherefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle ADE. (v. 9.) Therefore, equal triangles, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XVI. THEOREM. If four straight lines be proportionals, the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the rectangle contained by the means: and conversely, if the rectangle contained by the extremes be equal to the rectangle con- tained by the means, the four straight lines are proportionals. Let the four straight lines AB, CD, E, F be proportionals, viz. as AB to CD, so E to F. The rectangle contained by AB, F, shall be equal to the rectangle contained by CD, E. 182 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. E. G A B H C D From the points A, C draw AG, CH at right angles to AB, CD; (1.11.) and make AG equal to F, and CH equal to E: (1. 3.) and complete the parallelograms BG, DH. (1. 31.) Because, as AB to CD, so is E to F; and that E is equal to CH, and F to AG; AB is to CD as CH to AG: (v.7.) therefore the sides of the parallelograms BG, DH about the equal angles are reciprocally proportional; but parallelograms which have their sides about equal angles reciprocally proportional, are equal to one another; (v1. 14.) therefore the parallelogram BG is equal to the parallelogram DH: but the parallelogram BG is contained by the straight lines AB, F; because AG is equal to F; and the parallelogram DH is contained by CD and E; because CH is equal to E; therefore the rectangle contained by the straight lines AB, F, is equal to that which is contained by CD and E. And if the rectangle contained by the straight lines AB, F be equal to that which is contained by CD, E; these four lines shall be proportional, viz, AB shall be to CD, as E to F. The same construction being made, because the rectangle contained by the straight lines AB, F, is equal to that which is contained by CD, E, and that the rectangle BG is contained by AB, F; because AG is equal to F; and the rectangle DH by CD, E; because CH is equal to E; therefore the parallelogram BG is equal to the parallelogram DH; (ax. 1.) and they are equiangular : but the sides about the equal angles of equal parallelograms are reciprocally proportional: (vI. 14.) wherefore, as AB to CD, so is CH to AG: but CH is equal to E, and AG to F; therefore as AB is to CD, so is E to F. (v. 7.) Wherefore if four, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. If three straight lines be proportionals, the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the square of the mean; and conversely, if the rectangle contained by the extremes be equal to the square of the mean, the three straight lines are proportionals. Let the three straight lines A, B, C be proportionals, viz. as A to B, so B to C. The rectangle contained by A, C shall be equal to the square of B. BOOK VI. PROP. XVII, XVIII. 183 A B D— C A C B D Take D equal to B. And because as A to B, so B to C, and that B is equal to D; A is to B, as D to C: (v.7.) but if four straight lines be proportionals, the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to that which is contained by the means ; (v1. 16.) therefore the rectangle contained by A, C is equal to that contained by B, D: but the rectangle contained by B, D, is the square of B, because B is equal to D; therefore the rectangle contained by A, C, is equal to the square of B. And if the rectangle contained by A, C, be equal to the square of B. Then A shall be to B as B to C. The same construction being made, because the rectangle contained by A, C is equal to the square of B, and the square of B is equal to the rectangle contained by B, D, because B is equal to D; therefore the rectangle contained by A, C, is equal to that contained by B, D: but if the rectangle contained by the extremes be equal to that contained by the means, the four straight lines are proportionals : (vi. 16.) therefore A is to B, as D to C: but B is equal to D; wherefore, as A to B, so B to C. Therefore, if three straight lines, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XVIII. PROBLEM. Upon a given straight line to describe a rectilineal figure similar, and similarly situated, to a given rectilineal figure. Let AB be the given straight line, and CDEF the given rectilineal figure of four sides. It is required upon the given straight line AB to describe a rectilineal figure similar, and similarly situated, to CDEF. H G FE L K A B C D Join DF, and at the points A, B in the straight line AB make the angle BAG equal to the angle at C, (1.23.) and the angle ABG equal to the angle CDF; therefore the remaining angle AGB is equal to the remaining angle CFD: (1. 32. and ax. 3.) 184 “EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore the triangle FCD is equiangular to the triangle GAB: again, at the points G, B, in the straight line GB, make the angle BGH equal to the angle DFE, (1.23.) and the angle GBH equal to FDE; therefore the remaining angle GHB is equal to the remaining angle FED, and the triangle FDE equiangular to the triangle GBH: then, because the angle AGB is equal to the angle CFD, and BGH to DFE, the whole angle AGH is equal to the whole CFE; (ax. 2.) for the same reason, the angle ABH is equal to the angle CDE: also the angle at A is equal to the angle at C, (constr.) and the angle GHB to FED: therefore the rectilineal figure ABHG is equiangular to CDEF: likewise these figures have their sides about the equal angles pro- portionals; because the triangles GAB, FCD being equiangular, BA is to AG, as DC to CF; (vI. 4.) and because AG is to GB, as CF to FD; and as GB is to GH, so is FD to FE, by reason of the equiangular triangles BGH, DFE, therefore, ex æquali, AG is to GH, as CF to FE. (v. 22.) In the same manner it may be proved that AB is to BH, as CD to DE: and GH is to HB, as FE to ED. (v1. 4.) Wherefore, because the rectilineal figures ABHG, CDEF are equi- angular, and have their sides about the equal angles proportionals, they are similar to one another. (vI. def. 1.) Next, let it be required to describe upon a given straight line AB, a rectilineal figure similar, and similarly situated, to the rectilineal figure CDKEF of five sides. Join DE, and upon the given straight line AB describe the rectili- neal figure ABHG similar, and similarly situated, to the quadrilateral figure CDEF, by the former case: and at the points B, H, in the straight line BH, make the angle HBL equal to the angle EDK, and the angle BHL equal to the angle DEK; therefore the remaining angle at L is equal to the remaining angle at K. (1. 32. and ax. 3.) And because the figures ABHG, CDEF are similar, the angle GHB is equal to the angle FED: (VI. def. 1.) and BHL is equal to DEK; wherefore the whole angle GHL is equal to the whole angle FEK: for the same reason the angle ABL is equal to the angle CDK: therefore the five-sided figures AGHLB, CFEKD are equiangular : and because the figures AGHB, CFED are similar, GH is to HB, as FE to ED; (vI. def. 1.) but as HB to HL, so is ED to EK; (v1.4.) therefore, ex æquali, GH is to HL, as FE to ÈK: (v. 22.) for the same reason, AB is to BL, as CD to DK: and BL is to LH, as DK to KE, (vi. 4.) because the triangles BLH, DKE are equiangular: therefore because the five-sided figures AGHLB, CFEKD are equiangular, BOOK VI. PROP. XVIII, XIX, XX. 185 and have their sides about the equal angles proportionals, they are similar to one another. In the same manner a rectilineal figure of six sides may be described upon a given straight line similar to one given, and so on. Q. E. F. PROPOSITION XIX. THEOREM. Similar triangles are to one another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides. Let ABC, DEF be similar triangles, having the angle B equal to the angle E, and let AB be to BC, as DE to EF, so that the side BC may be homologous to EF. (v. def. 12.) Then the triangle ABC shall have to the triangle DEF the duplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF. A D F B G C Take BG a third proportional to BC, EF, (v1. 11.) so that BC may be to EF, as EF to BG, and join GA. Then, because, as AB to BC, so DE to EF; alternately, AB is to DE, as BC to EF; (v. 16.) but as BC to EF, so is EF to BG; (constr.) therefore, as AB to DE, so is EF to BG: (v. 11.) therefore the sides of the triangles ABG, DEF, which are about the equal angles, are reciprocally proportional: but triangles, which have the sides about two equal angles recipro- cally proportional, are equal to one another; (vI. 15.) therefore the triangle ABG is equal to the triangle DÉF: and because as BC is to EF, so EF to BG; and that if three straight lines be proportional, the first is said to have to the third the duplicate ratio of that which it has to the second; (v. def. 10.) therefore BC has to BG the duplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF: but as BC to BG, so is the triangle ABC to the triangle ABG; (v1.1.) therefore the triangle ABC has to the triangle ABG the duplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF: but the triangle ABG is equal to the triangle DEF; therefore also the triangle ABC has to the triangle DEF the dupli- cate ratio of that which BC has to EF. COR. Therefore similar triangles, &c. Q.E.D. From this it is manifest, that if three straight lines be pro- portionals, as the first is to the third, so is any triangle upon the first to a similar and similarly described triangle upon the second. PROPOSITION XX. THEOREM. Similar polygons may be divided into the same number of similar tri- angles, having the same ratio to one another that the polygons have; and the polygons have to one another the duplicate ratio of that which their homologous sides have. 186 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Let ABCDE, FGHKL be similar polygons, and let AB be the side homologous to FG: the polygons ABCDE, FGHKL may be divided into the same number of similar triangles, whereof each shall have to each the same ratio which the polygons have ; and the polygon ABCDE shall have to the polygon FGHKL the duplicate ratio of that which the side AB has to the side FG. A E F B M L G K H D C Join BE, EC, GL, LH. And because the polygon ABCDE is similar to the polygon FGHKL, the angle BAE is equal to the angle GFL, (vi. def. 1.) and BA is to AE, as GF to FL: (v1. def. 1.) therefore, because the triangles ABE, FGL have an angle in one equal to an angle in the other, and their sides about these equal angles p oportionals, the triangle ABE is equiangular to the triangle FGL; (v1.6.) and therefore similar to it; (VI. 4.) wherefore the angle ABE is equal to the angle FGL: and, because the polygons are similar, the whole angle ABC is equal to the whole angle FGH; (vi. def. 1.) therefore the remaining angle EBC is equal to the remaining angle LGH: (1. 32. and ax. 3.) and because the triangles ABE, FGL are similar, EB is to BA, as LG to GF; (VI. 4.) and also, because the polygons are similar, AB is to BC, as FG to GH; (v1. def. 1.) therefore, ex æquali, EB is to BC, as LG to GH; (v.22.) that is, the sides about the equal angles EBC, LGH are proportionals; therefore, the triangle EBC is equiangular to the triangle LGH, (VI. 6.) and similar to it; (v1. 4.) for the same reason, the triangle ECD likewise is similar to the triangle LHK: therefore the similar polygons ABCDE, FGHKL are divided into the same number of similar triangles. Also these triangles shall have, each to each, the same ratio which the polygons have to one another, the antecedents being ABE, EBC, ECD, and the consequents FGL, LGH, LHK: and the polygon ABCDE shall have to the polygon FGHKL the duplicate ratio of that which the side AB has to the homologous side FG. Because the triangle ABE is similar to the triangle FGL, ABE has to FGL, the duplicate ratio of that which the side BE has to the side GL: (v1. 19.) for the same reason, the triangle BEC has to GLH the duplicate ratio of that which BE has to GL: therefore, as the triangle ABE is to the triangle FGL, so is the triangle BEC to the triangle GLH. (v. 11.) BOOK VI. PROP. XX, XXI. 187 Again, because the triangle EBC is similar to the triangle LGH, EBC has to LGH, the duplicate ratio of that which the side EC has to the side LH: for the same reason, the triangle ECD has to the triangle LHK, the duplicate ratio of that which EC has to LH: therefore, as the triangle EBC to the triangle LGH, so is the triangle ECD to the triangle LHK: (v. 11.) but it has been proved, that the triangle EBC is likewise to the triangle LGH, as the triangle ABE to the triangle FGL: therefore, as the triangle ABE to the triangle FGL, so is the tri- angle EBC to the triangle LGH, and the triangle ECD to the triangle LHK: and therefore, as one of the antecedents is to one of the consequents, so are all the antecedents to all the consequents: (v. 12.) that is, as the triangle ABE to the triangle FGL, so is the polygon ABCDE to the polygon FGHKL: but the triangle ABE has to the triangle FGL, the duplicate ratio of that which the side AB has to the homologous side FG; (v1. 19.) therefore also the polygon ABCDE has to the polygon FGHKL the duplicate ratio of that which AB has to the homologous side FG. Wherefore similar polygons, &c. Q.E.D. COR. 1. In like manner it may be proved, that similar four-sided figures, or of any number of sides, are one to another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides: and it has already been proved in triangles: (VI. 19.) therefore, universally, similar rectilineal figures are to one another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides. COR. 2. And if to AB, FG, two of the homologous sides, a third proportional M be taken, (vi. 11.) AB has to M the duplicate ratio of that which AB has to FG: (v. def. 10.) but the four-sided figure or polygon upon AB, has to the four- sided figure or polygon upon FG likewise the duplicate ratio of that which AB has to FG; (1. Cor.) therefore, as AB is to M, so is the figure upon AB to the figure upon FG: (v. 11.) which was also proved in triangles: (vI. 19. Cor.) therefore, universally, it is manifest, that if three straight lines be proportionals, as the first is to the third, so is any rectilineal figure upon the first, to a similar and similarly described rectilineal figure upon the second. PROPOSITION XXI. THEOREM. Rectilineal figures which are similar to the same rectilineal figure, are also similar to one another. Let each of the rectilineal figures A, B be similar to the rectilineal figure C. The figure A shall be similar to the figure B. A 188 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Because A is similar to C, they are equiangular, and also have their sides about the equal angles proportional: (vI. def. 1.) again, because B is similar to C, they are equiangular, and have their sides about the equal angles proportionals: (VI. def. 1.) therefore the figures A, B are each of them equiangular to C, and have the sides about the equal angles of each of them and of C pro- portionals. Wherefore the rectilineal figures A and C are equiangular, (1. ax. 1.) and have their sides about the equal angles proportionals: (v. 11.) therefore A is similar to B. (vi. def. 1.) Therefore rectilineal figures, &C. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXII. THEOREM. If four straight lines be proportionals, the similar rectilineal figures similarly described upon them shall also be proportionals: and conversely, if the similar rectilineal figures similarly described upon four straight lines be proportionals, those straight lines shall be proportionals. Let the four straight lines AB, CD, EF, GH be proportionals, viz. AB to CD, as EF to GH; and upon AB, CD let the similar rectilineal figures KAB, LCD be similarly described; and upon EF, GH the similar rectilineal figures MF, NH, in like manner: the rectilineal figure KAB shall be to LCD, as MF to NH. K L X A B C D M N E F G H S PR To AB, CD take a third proportional X; (vI. 11.) and to EF, GH a third proportional 0: and because AB is to CD as EF to GH, therefore CD is to X, as GH to 0; (v. 11.) wherefore, ex æquali, as AB to X, so EF to 0: (v. 22.) but as AB to X, so is the rectilineal figure KAB to the rectilineal figure LCD, and as EF to O, so is the rectilineal figure MF to the rectilineal figure NH: (v1. 20. Cor. 2.) therefore, as KAB to LCD, so is MF to NH. (v. 11.) And if the rectilineal figure KAB be to LCD, as MF to ÑH ; the straight line AB shall be to CD, as EF to GH. Make as AB to CD, so EF to PR, (vI. 12.) and upon PR describe the rectilineal figure SR similar and simi- larly situated to either of the figures MF, NH: (vI. 18.) then, because as AB to CD, so is EF to PR, and that upon AB, CD are described the similar and similarly situated rectilineals KAB, LCD, and upon EF, PR, in like manner, the similar rectilineals MF, SR; therefore KAB is to LCD, as MF to SR: but by the hypothesis KAB is to LCD, as MF to NH; BOOK VI. 189 PROP. XXII, XXIII. and therefore the rectilineal MF having the same ratio to each of the two NH, SR, these are equal to one another; (v. 9.) they are also similar, and similarly situated; therefore GH is equal to PR: and because as AB to CD, so is EF to PR, and that PR is equal to GH; AB is to CD, as EF to GH. (v. 7.) If, therefore, four straight lines, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXIII. THEOREM. Equiangular parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG. Then the ratio of the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CF, shall be the same with the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides. A DH G B KLM E F Let BC, CG be placed in a straight line; therefore DC and CE are also in a straight line; (1. 14.) and complete the parallelogram DG; and taking any straight line K, make as BC to CG, so K to L; (vi. 12.) and as DC to CE, so make L to M: (vi. 12.) therefore, the ratios of K to L, and L to M, are the same with the ratios of the sides, viz. of BC to CG, and DC to CE: but the ratio of K to M is that which is said to be compounded of the ratios of K to L, and L to M; (v. def. a.) therefore K has to M the ratio compounded of the ratios of the sides : and because as BC to CG, so is the parallelogram AC to the paral- lelogram CH; (vI. 1.) but as BC to CG, so is K to L; therefore K is to L, as the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CH: (v. 11.) again, because as DC to CE, so is the parallelogram CH to the parallelogram CF; but as DC to CE, so is L to M; wherefore L is to M, as the parallelogram CH to the parallelogram CF; (v.11.) therefore since it has been proved, that as K to L, so is the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CH; 190 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and as L to M, so is the parallelogram CH to the parallelogram CF; ex æquali, K is to M, as the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CF: (v. 22.) but K has to M` the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of the sides; therefore also the parallelogram AC has to the parallelogram CF the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of the sides. Wherefore equiangular parallelograms, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXIV. THEOREM. Parallelograms about the diameter of any parallelogram, are similar to the whole, and to one another. Let ABCD be a parallelogram, of which the diameter is AC; and EG, HK parallelograms about the diameter. The parallelograms EG, HK shall be similar both to the whole parallelogram ABCD, and to one another. A E B ה G H D K C Because DC, GF are parallels, the angle ADC is equal to the angle AGF: (1.29.) for the same reason, because BC, EF are parallels, the angle ABC is equal to the angle AEF: and each of the angles BCD, EFG is equal to the opposite angle DAB, (1.34.) and therefore they are equal to one another : wherefore the parallelograms ABCD, AEFG, are equiangular: and because the angle ABC is equal to the angle AEF, and the angle BAC common to the two triangles BAC, EAF, they are equiangular to one another; therefore as AB to BC, so is AE to EF: (VI. 4.) and because the opposite sides of parallelograms are equal to one another, (1. 34.) AB is to AD as AE to AG; (v. 7.) and DC to CB, as GF to FE; and also CD to DA, as FG to GA: therefore the sides of the parallelograms ABCD, AEFG about the equal angles are proportionals; and they are therefore similar to one another; (vi. def. 1.) for the same reason, the parallelogram ABCD is similar to the parallelogram FHCK: wherefore each of the parallelograms GE, KH is similar to DB: but rectilineal figures which are similar to the same rectilineal figure, are also similar to one another: (VI. 21.) therefore the parallelogram GE is similar to KH. Wherefore parallelograms, &c. (Q.E.D.) { BOOK VI. PROP. XXV, XXVI. 191 PROPOSITION XXV. PROBLEM. To describe a rectilineal figure which shall be similar to one, and equal to another given rectilineal figure. Let ABC be the given rectilineal figure, to which the figure to be described is required to be similar, and D that to which it must be equal. It is required to describe a rectilineal figure similar to ABC, and equal to D. A K C B F D L E M G H ; Upon the straight line BC describe the parallelogram BE equal to the figure ABC; (1. 45. Cor.) also upon CE describe the parallelogram CM equal to D, (1. 45. Cor.) and having the angle FCE equal to the angle CBL: therefore BC and CF are in a straight line, as also LE and EM: (1. 29. and 1. 14.) between BC and CF find a mean proportional GH, (vi. 13.) and upon GH describe the rectilineal figure KGH similar and similarly situated to the figure ABC. (vi. 18.) Because BC is to GH as GH to CF, and that if three straight lines be proportionals, as the first is to the third, so is the figure upon the first to the similar and similarly described figure upon the second; (v1. 20. Cor. 2.) therefore, as BC to CF, so is the rectilineal figure ABC to KGH: but as BC to CF, so is the parallelogram BE to the parallelogram EF; (vI. 1.) therefore as the rectilineal figure ABC is to KGH, so is the parallelogram BE to the parallelogram EF: (v. 11.) and the rectilineal figure ABC is equal to the parallelogram BE; (constr.) therefore the rectilineal figure KGH is equal to the parallelogram EF: (v. 14.) but EF is equal to the figure D; (constr.) wherefore also KGH is equal to Ď: and it is similar to ABC. Therefore the rectilineal figure KGH has been described similar to the figure ABC, and equal to D. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XXVI. THEOREM. If two similar parallelograms have a common angle, and be similarly situated; they are about the same diameter. Let the parallelograms ABCD, AEFG be similar and similarly situated, and have the angle DAB common. ABCD and AEFG shall be about the same diameter. 192 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. : 7 A G D K E F B D For, if not, let, if possible, the parallelogram BD have its diameter AHC in a different straight line from AF, the diameter of the paral- lelogram EG, and let GF meet AHC in H; and through H draw HK parallel to AD or BC: therefore the parallelograms ABCD, AKHG being about the same diameter, they are similar to one another; (vI. 24.) wherefore as DA to AB, so is GA to AK: (vi. def. 1.) but because ABCD and AEFG are similar parallelograms, as DA is to AB, so is GA to AE; therefore as GA to AE, so GA to AK; (v. 11.) (hyp.) that is, GA has the same ratio to each of the straight lines AE, AK; and consequently AK is equal to AE, (v. 9.) the less equal to the greater, which is impossible: therefore ABCD‍and AKHĞ are not about the same diameter : wherefore ABCD and AEFG must be about the same diameter. Therefore, if two similar, &c. Q. E. D. 'To understand the three following propositions more easily, it is to be observed: 1. 'That a parallelogram is said to be applied to a straight line, when it is described upon it as one of its sides. Ex. gr. the paral- lelogram AC is said to be applied to the straight line AB. 2. But a parallelogram AE is said to be applied to a straight line AB, deficient by a parallelogram, when AD the base of AE is less than AB, and therefore AE is less than the parallelogram AC described upon AB in the same angle, and between the same parallels, by the parallelogram DC; and DC is therefore called the defect of AE. E C G A D B F 3. And a parallelogram AG is said to be applied to a straight line AB, exceeding by a parallelogram, when AF the base of AG is greater than AB, and therefore AG exceeds AC the parallelogram described upon AB in the same angle, and between the same parallels, by the parallelogram BG. PROPOSITION XXVII. THEOREM. Of all parallelograms applied to the same straight line, and deficient by parallelograms, similar and similarly situated to that which is described upon the half of the line; that which is applied to the half, and is similar to its defect, is the greatest. Let AB be a straight line divided into two equal parts in C; and let the parallelogram AD be applied to the half AC, which is therefore deficient from the parallelogram upon the whole line AB by the parallelogram CE upon the other half CB: BOOK VI. PROP. XXVII, XXVIII. 193 of all the parallelograms applied to any other parts of AB, and de- ficient by parallelograms that are similar and similarly situated to CE, AD shall be the greatest. Let AF be any parallelogram applied to AK, any other part of AB than the half, so as to be deficient from the parallelogram upon the whole line AB by the parallelogram KH similar and similarly situated to CE: G DLE La F H А СК В AD shall be greater than AF. First, let AK the base of AF, be greater than AC the half of AB: and because CE is similar to the parallelogram HK, (hyp.) they are about the same diameter: (VI. 26.) draw their diameter DB, and complete the scheme: then, because the parallelogram CF is equal to FE, (1. 43.) add KH to both; therefore the whole CH is equal to the whole KE: but CH is equal to CG, (1. 36.) because the base AC is equal to the base CB; therefore CG is equal to KE: (ax. 1.) to each of these equals add CF ; then the whole AF is equal to the gnomon CHL: (ax. 2.) therefore CE, or the parallelogram AD is greater than the paral- lelogram AF. Next, let AK the base of AF be less than AC: G FM H IND E A KC B then, the same construction being made, because BC is equal to CA, therefore HM is equal to MG; (1.34.) therefore, the parallelogram DH is equal to the parallelogram DG; (1. 36.) wherefore DH is greater than LG: but DH is equal to DK; (1. 43.) therefore DK is greater than LG: to each of these add AL; then the whole AD is greater than the whole AF. Therefore, of all parallelograms applied, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXVIII. PROBLEM. To a given straight line to apply a parallelogram equal to a given rectilineal figure, and deficient by a parallelogram similar to a given parallelogram: but the given rectilineal figure to which the parallelogram to be applied is to be equal, must not be greater than the parallelogram J 13 194 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. applied to half of the given line, having its defect similar to the defect of that which is to be applied; that is, to the given parallelogram. Let AB be the given straight line, and C the given rectilineal figure, to which the parallelogram to be applied is required to be equal, which figure must not be greater (vi. 27.) than the parallelogram applied to the half of the line, having its defect from that upon the whole line similar to the defect of that which is to be applied; and let D be the parallelogram to which this defect is required to be similar. It is required to apply a parallelogram to the straight line AB, which shall be equal to the figure C, and be deficient from the paral- lelogram upon the whole line by a parallelogram similar to D. H G OF X FR L M C D K N A E SB Divide AB into two equal parts in the point E, (1. 10.) and upon EB describe the parallelogram EBFG similar and similarly situated to D, (vI. 18.) and complete the parallelogram AG, which must either be equal to C, or greater than it, by the determination. If AG be equal to C, then what was required is already done: for, upon the straight line AB, the parallelogram AG is applied equal to the figure C, and deficient by the parallelogram EF similar to D. But, if AG be not equal to C, it is greater than it : and EF is equal to AG; (1. 36.) therefore EF also is greater than C. Make the parallelogram KLMN equal to the excess of EF above C, and similar and similarly situated to D: (v1. 25.) then, since D is similar to ÈF, (constr.) therefore also KM is similar to EF: (v1. 21.) let KL be the homologous side to EG, and LM to GF: and because EF is equal to C and KM together, EF is greater than KM; therefore the straight line EG is greater than KL, and GF than LM: make GX equal to LK, and GO equal to LM, (1. 3.) and complete the parallelogram XGOP: (1.31.) therefore XO is equal and similar to KM: but KM is similar to EF; wherefore also XO is similar to EF; and therefore XO and EF are about the same diameter: (VI. 26.) let GPB be their diameter, and complete the scheme. Then, because EF is equal to C and KM together, and XO a part of the one is equal to KM a part of the other, the remainder, viz. the gnomon ERO, is equal to the remainder C: (ax. 3.) and because OR is equal to XS, by adding SR to each, (1. 43.) the whole OB is equal to the whole XB: but XB is equal to TE, because the base AE is equal to the base EB; (1.36.) BOOK VI. PROP. XXVIII, XXIX. 195 wherefore also TE is equal to OB: (ax. 1.) add XS to each, then the whole TS is equal to the whole, viz. to the gnomon ERO: but it has been proved that the gnomon ERO is equal to C; and therefore also TS is equal to C. Wherefore the parallelogram TS, equal to the given rectilineal figure C, is applied to the given straight line AB, deficient by the parallelogram SR, similar to the given one Ď, because SR is similar to EF. (VI. 24.) Q.E. F. PROPOSITION XXIX. PROBLEM. To a given straight line to apply a parallelogram equal to a given rectilineal figure, exceeding by a parallelogram similar to another given. Let AB be the given straight line, and C the given rectilineal figure to which the parallelogram to be applied is required to be equal, and D the parallelogram to which the excess of the one to be applied above that upon the given line is required to be similar. It is required to apply a parallelogram to the given straight line AB which shall be equal to the figure C, exceeding by a parallelogram similar to D. F L M K H D A F BO NPX G Divide AB into two equal parts in the point E, (1. 10.) and upon EB describe the parallelogram EL similar and similarly situated to D: (VI. 18.) and make the parallelogram GH equal to EL and C together, and similar and similarly situated to D: (VI. 25.) wherefore GH is similar to EL: (vi. 21.) let KH be the side homologous to FL, and KG to FE: and because the parallelogram GH is greater than EL, therefore the side KH is greater than FL, and KG than FE: produce FL and FE, and make FLM equal to KH, and FEN to KG, and complete the parallelogram MN: MN is therefore equal and similar to GH: but GH is similar to EL; wherefore MN is similar to EL; and consequently EL and MN are about the same diameter: (v1. 26.) draw their diameter FX, and complete the scheme. Therefore, since GH is equal to EL and C together, and that GH is equal to MN;, MN is equal to EL and C: take away the common part EL ; then the remainder, viz. the gnomon NOL, is equal to C. And because AE is equal to EB, the parallelogram AN is equal to the parallelogram NB, (1. 36.) that is, to BM: (1. 43.) 수 ​ 13-2 196 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. add NO to each ; therefore the whole, viz. the parallelogram AX, is equal to the gnomon NOL: but the gnomon NOL is equal to C; therefore also AX is equal to C. Wherefore to the straight line AB there is applied the parallelogram AX equal to the given rectilineal figure C, exceeding by the parallelo- gram PO, which is similar to D, because PO is similar to EL. (v1. 24.) Q. E. F. PROPOSITION XXX. PROBLEM. To cut a given straight line in extreme and mean ratio. Let AB be the given straight line. It is required to cut it in extreme and mean ratio. D E A B C F Upon AB describe the square BC, (1. 46.) and to AC apply the parallelogram CD, equal to BC, exceeding by the figure AD similar to BC: (VI. 29.) then, since BC is a square, therefore also AD is a square: and because BC is equal to CD, by taking the common part CE from each, the remainder BF is equal to the remainder AD: and these figures are equiangular, therefore their sides about the equal angles are reciprocally propor- tional: (vI.14.) therefore, as FE to ED, so AE to EB: but FE is equal to AC, (1. 34.) that is, to AB; (def. 30.) and ED is equal to AE ; therefore as BA to AE, so is AE to EB: but AB is greater than AE; wherefore AE is greater than EB: (v. 14.) therefore the straight line AB is cut in extreme and mean ratio in E. (v1. def. 3.) Q. E.F. Otherwise, Let AB be the given straight line. It is required to cut it in extreme and mean ratio. A ¿ B Divide AB in the point C, so that the rectangle contained by AB, BC, may be equal to the square of AC. (11. 11.) Then, because the rectangle AB, BC is equal to the square of AC; as B.4 to AC, so is AC to CB: (vi. 17.) therefore AB is cut in extreme and mean ratio in C. (v1. def. 3.) Q.E.F. BOOK VI. PROP. XXXI, XXXII. 197 PROPOSITION XXXI. THEOREM. * In right-angled triangles, the rectilineal figure described upon the side opposite to the right angle, is equal to the similar and similarly described figures upon the sides containing the right angle.. Let ABC be a right-angled triangle, having the right angle BAC. The rectilineal figure described upon BC shall be equal to the similar and similarly described figures upon BA, AÇ. B D C Draw the perpendicular AD: (1. 12.) therefore, because in the right-angled triangle ABC, AD is drawn from the right angle at A perpendicular to the base BC, the triangles ABD, ĂDC are similar to the whole triangle ABC, and to one another: (vI. 8.) and because the triangle ABC is similar to ADB, as CB to BA, so is BA to BD: (v1.4.) and because these three straight lines are proportionals, as the first is to the third, so is the figure upon the first to the similar and similarly described figure upon the second: (vI. 20. Cor. 2.) therefore as CB to BD, so is the figure upon CB to the similar and similarly described figure upon BA: and inversely, as DB to BC, so is the figure upon BA to that upon BC: (v. B.) for the same reason, as DC to CB, so is the figure upon CA to that upon CB: therefore as BD and DC together to BC, so are the figures upon BA, AC to that upon BC: (v. 24.) but BD and DC together are equal to BC; therefore the figure described on BC is equal to the similar and similarly described figures on BA, AC. (v. a.) Wherefore, in right-angled triangles, &c. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION XXXII. THEOREM. If two triangles which have two sides of the one proportional to two sides of the other, be joined at one angle, so as to have their homologous sides parallel to one another; the remaining sides shall be in a straight line. Let ABC, DCE be two triangles which have the two sides BA, AC proportional to the two CD, DE, viz. BA to AC, as CD to DE; and let AB be parallel to DC, and AC to DE. A D B E 198 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. } 1 Then BC and CE shall be in a straight line. Because AB is parallel to DC, and the straight line AC meets them, the alternate angles BAC, ACD are equal; (1. 29.) for the same reason, the angle CDE is equal to the angle ACD ; wherefore also BAC is equal to CDE: (ax. 1.) and because the triangles ABC, DCE have one angle at A equal to one at D, and the sides about these angles proportionals, viz. BA to AC, as CD to DE, the triangle ABC is equiangular to DCE: (vi. 6.) therefore the angle ABC is equal to the angle DCE: and the angle BAC was proved to be equal to ACD; therefore the whole angle ACE is equal to the two angles ABC, BAC: (ax. 2.) add to each of these equals the common angle ACB, then the angles ACE, ACB are equal to the angles ABC, BAC, ACB: but ABC, BAC, ACB are equal to two right angles: (1.32.) therefore also the angles ACE, ACB are equal to two right angles: and since at the point C, in the straight line AC, the two straight lines BC, CE, which are on the opposite sides of it, make the adjacent angles ACE, ACB equal to two right angles; therefore BC and CE are in a straight line. (1. 14.) Wherefore, if two triangles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXXIII. THEOREM. In equal circles, angles, whether at the centres or circumferences, have the same ratio which the circumferences on which they stand have to one another: so also have the sectors. Let ABC, DEF be equal circles; and at their centres the angles BGC, EHF, and the angles BAC, EDF, at their circumferences. As the circumference BC to the circumference EF, so shall the angle BGC be to the angle EHF, and the angle BAC to the angle EDF; and also the sector BGC to the sector EHF. A D G H N K M B E F Take any number of circumferences CK, KL, each equal to BC, and any number whatever FM, MN, each equal to EF: and join GK, GL, HM, HN. Because the circumferences BC, CK, KL are all equal, the angles BGC, CGK, KGL are also all equal: (III. 27.) therefore what multiple soever the circumference BL is of the cir- cumference BC, the same multiple is the angle BGL of the angle BGC: for the same reason, whatever multiple the circumference EN is of the circumference EF, the same multiple is the angle EHN of the angle EHF: and if the circumference BL be equal to the circumference EN, BOOK VI. PROP. XXXIII. 199 the angle BGL is also equal to the angle EHN; (111. 27.) and if the circumference BL be greater than EN, likewise the angle BGL is greater than EHN; and if less, less: therefore since there are four magnitudes, the two circumferences BC, EF, and the two angles BGC, EHF; and that of the circum- ference BC, and of the angle BGC, have been taken any equimultiples whatever, viz. the circumference BL, and the angle BGL; and of the circumference EF, and of the angle EHF, any equimultiples whatever, viz. the circumference EN, and the angle EHN; and since it has been proved, that if the circumference BL be greater than EN; the angle BGL is greater than EHN; and if equal, equal; and if less, less; therefore as the circumference BC to the circumference EF, so is the angle BGC to the angle EHF: (v. def. 5.) but as the angle BGC is to the angle EHF, so is the angle BAC to the angle EDF: (v. 15.) for each is double of each; (III. 20.) therefore, as the circumference BC is to EF, so is the angle BGC to the angle EHF, and the angle BAC to the angle EDF. Also, as the circumference BC to EF, so shall the sector BGC be to the sector EHF. A D G L H N K BX C E M F Join BC, CK, and in the circumferences, BC, CK take any points X, O, and join BX, XC, CO, OK. Then, because in the triangles GBC, GCK the two sides BG, GC are equal to the two CG, GK each to each, and that they contain equal angles; the base BC is equal to the base CK, (1. 4.) and the triangle GBC to the triangle GCK: and because the circumference BC is equal to the circumference CK, the remaining part of the whole circumference of the circle ABC, is equal to the remaining part of the whole circumference of the same circle: (ax. 3.) therefore the angle BXC is equal to the angle COK; (111. 27.) and the segment BXC is therefore similar to the segment COK; (III. def. 11.) and they are upon equal straight lines, BC, CK: but similar segment of circles upon equal straight lines, are equal to one another; (111. 24.) therefore the segment BXC is equal to the segment COK: and the triangle BGC was proved to be equal to the triangle CGK; therefore the whole, the sector BGC, is equal to the whole, the sector CGK: for the same reason, the sector KGL is equal to each of the sectors BGC, CGK: in the same manner, the sectors EHF, FHM, MHN proved equal to one another: may be 200 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore, what multiple soever the circumference BL is of the cir- cumference BC, the same multiple is the sector BGL of the sector BGC: and for the same reason, whatever multiple the circumference EN is of EF, the same multiple is the sector EHN of the sector EHF: and if the circumference BL be equal to EN, the sector BGL is equal to the sector EHN; and if the circumference BL be greater than EN, the sector BGL is greater than the sector EHÑ; and if less, less ; since, then, there are four magnitudes, the two circumferences BC, EF, and the two sectors BGC, EHF, and that of the circumference BC, and sector BGC, the circumference BL and sector BGL are any equi- multiples whatever; and of the circumference EF, and sector EHF, the circumference EN, and sector EHN are any equimultiples whatever; and since it has been proved, that if the circumference BL be greater than EN, the sector BGL is greater than the sector EHN; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: therefore, as the circumference BC is to the circumference EF, so is the sector BGC to the sector EHF. (v. def. 5.) Wherefore, in equal circles, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION B. THEOREM. If an angle of a triangle be bisected by a straight line, which likewise cuts the base; the rectangle contained by the sides of the triangle is equal to the rectangle contained by the segments of the base, together with the square of the straight line which bisects the angle. Let ABC be a triangle, and let the angle BAC be bisected by the straight line AD. The rectangle BA, AC shall be equal to the rectangle BD, DC, together with the square of AD. A B C D E Describe the circle ACB about the triangle, (IV. 5.) and produce AD to the circumference in E, and join EC. Then because the angle BAD is equal to the angle ĈAE, (hyp.) and the angle ABD to the angle AEC, (11. 21.) for they are in the same segment; the triangles ABD, AEC are equiangular to one another: (1. 32.) therefore as BA to AD, so is EA to AC; (vI. 4.) and consequently the rectangle BA, AC is equal to the rectangle EA, AD, (vi. 16.) that is, to the rectangle ED, DA, together with the square of AD ; (11. 3.) BOOK VI. PROP. B, C, D. 201 but the rectangle ED, DA is equal to the rectangle BD, DC; (111. 35.) therefore the rectangle BA, AC is equal to the rectangle BD, DC, together with the square of AD. Wherefore, if an angle, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION C. THEOREM. If from any angle of a triangle a straight line be drawn perpendicular to the base; the rectangle contained by the sides of the triangle is equal to the rectangle contained by the perpendicular and the diameter of the circle described about the triangle. Let ABC be a triangle, and AD the perpendicular from the angle A to the base BC. The rectangle BA, AC shall be equal to the rectangle contained by AD and the diameter of the circle described about the triangle. B A C E Describe the circle ACB about the triangle, (Iv. 5.) and draw its diameter AE, and join EC. because the right angle BDA is equal to the angle ECA in a semi- circle, (III. 31.) and the angle ABD equal to the angle AEC in the same segment; (III. 21.) the triangles ABD, AEC are equiangular: therefore as BA to AD, so is EA to AC; (vI. 4.) and consequently the rectangle BA, AC is equal to the rectangle EA, AD. (vi. 16.) If therefore from an angle, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION D. THEOREM. The rectangle contained by the diagonals of a quadrilateral figure in- scribed in a circle, is equal to both the rectangles contained by its opposite sides. Let ABCD be any quadrilateral figure inscribed in a circle, and join AC, BD. The rectangle contained by AC, BD shall be equal to the two rectangles contained by AB, CD, and by AD, BC. B D A 202 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Make the angle ABE equal to the angle DBC: (1.23.) add to each of these equals the common angle EBD, then the angle ABD is equal to the angle EBC: and the angle BDĂ is equal to the angle BCE, because they are in the same segment: (111. 21.) therefore the triangle ABD is equiangular to the triangle BCE: wherefore, as BC is to CE, so is BD to DA; (VI. 4.) and consequently the rectangle BC, AD is equal to the rectangle BD, CE: (VI. 16.) again, because the angle ABE is equal to the angle DBC, and the angle BAE to the angle BDC,¯ (111. 21.) the triangle ABE is equiangular to the triangle BCD: therefore as Bà to AE, so is BD to DC ; wherefore the rectangle BA, DC is equal to the rectangle BD, AE: but the rectangle BC, AD has been shewn equal to the rectangle BD, CE; therefore the whole rectangle AC, BD is equal to the rectangle AB, DC, together with the rectangle AD, BC. (11. 1.) Therefore the rectangle, &c. Q.E.D. This is a Lemma of Cl. Ptolemæus, in page 9 of his Meyaλŋ Σúvtağıs. NOTES TO BOOK VI. In this book, the theory of proportion exhibited in the fifth book, is applied to the comparison of the sides and areas of plane rectilineal figures, both to those which are similar, and those which are not similar. Def. I. In defining similar triangles, one condition is sufficient, namely, that similar triangles are those which have their three angles respectively equal; as in Prop. 4, Book VI, it is proved that the sides about the equal angles of equiangular triangles are proportionals. But in defining similar figures of more than three sides, both of the conditions stated in Def. 1, are requisite, as it is obvious, for instance, in the case of a square and a rectangle, which have their angles respectively equal, but have not their sides about their equal angles proportionals. The following definition has been proposed: “Similar rectilineal figures of more than three sides, are those which may be divided into the same number of similar triangles." This definition would, if adopted, require the omission of a part of Prop. 20, Book vi. Def. III. To this definition may be added the following: X A straight line is said to be divided harmonically, when it is divided into three parts, such that the whole line is to one of the extreme segments, as the other extreme segment is to the middle part. Three lines are in harmonical proportion, when the first is to the third, as the difference between the first and second, is to the difference between the second and third; and the second is called a harmonic mean between the first and third. 6 The expression. harmonical proportion' is derived from the following fact in the Science of Acoustics, that three musical strings of the same material, thickness and tension, when divided in the manner stated in the definition, or numerically as 6, 4, and 3, produce a certain musical note, its fifth, and its octave. Def. IV. The term altitude, as applied to the same triangles and parallelograms, will be different according to the sides which may be assumed as the base. Prop. I. In the same manner may be proved, that triangles and parallelograms upon equal bases, are to one another as their altitudes. Prop. A. When the triangle ABC is isosceles, the line which bisects the exterior angle at the vertex is parallel to the base. In all other cases; If the line which bisects the angle BAC cut the base BC in the point G. Then the straight line BD is harmonically divided in the points G, C. · For BG is to GC as BA is to AC; and BD is to DC as BA is to AC, (v1. 3.) (vi. a.) therefore BD is to DC as BG is to GC, but BG BD - DG and GC GD - DC. = Wherefore BD is to DC as BD - DG is to GD - DC. Hence BD, DG, DC, are in harmonical proportion. Prop. Iv is the first case of similar triangles, and corresponds to the third case of | equal triangles, Prop. 26, Book 1. Sometimes the sides opposite to the equal angles in two equiangular triangles, are called the corresponding sides, and these are said to be proportional, which is simply taking the proportion in Euclid alternately. The term homologous (óµóλoyos), has reference to the places the sides of the triangles have in the ratios, and in one sense, homologous sides may be considered as corresponding $ 204 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. sides. The homologous sides of any two similar rectilineal figures will be found to be those which are adjacent to two equal angles in each figure. Prop. v, the converse of Prop. IV, is the second case of similar triangles, and corresponds to Prop. 8, Book 1, the second case of equal triangles. Prop. VI is the third case of similar triangles, and corresponds to Prop. 4, Book 1. The property of similar triangles, and that contained in Prop. 47, Book 1, are the most important theorems in Geometry. Prop. VII is the fourth case of similar triangles, and corresponds to the fourth case of equal triangles pointed out in the note to Prop. 26, Book 1, p. 49. . - Prop. XIII may be compared with Prop. xv1, Book II. T It may be observed, that half the sum of AB and BC is called the Arithmetic mean between these lines; also that BD is called the Geometric mean between the same lines. To find two mean proportionals between two given lines is impossible by the straight line and circle. Pappus has given several solutions of this problem in Book 111, of his Mathematical Collections; and Eutocius has given, in his Commentary on the Sphere and Cylinder of Archimedes, ten different methods of solving this problem. Prop. XIV, depends on the same principle as Prop. xv, and both may easily be demonstrated from one diagram. Join DF, FE, EG in the fig. to Prop. xiv, and the figure to Prop. xv is formed. We may add, that there does not appear any reason why the properties of the triangle and parallelogram should be here separated and not in the first proposition of the sixth book. Prop. xv, holds good when one angle of one triangle is equal to the defect from what the corresponding angle in the other wants of two right angles. Prop. XVII is only a particular case of Prop. XVI, and more properly, might appear as a corollary. Algebraically, Let AB, CD, E, F, contain a, b, c, d units respectively. Then, since a, b, c, d are proportionals, .. α с Multiply these equals by bd, .. ad = bc, or, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means. And conversely, If the product of the extremes be equal to the product of the means, or ad = bc, then dividing these equals by bd, .. с or the ratio of the first to the second number, is equal to the ratio of the third to the fourth. Similarly may be shewn, that if ; then ad = b². a b b And conversely, if ad = b²; then a b ī = ā Prop. XVIII. Similar figures are said to be similarly situated when their homologous sides are parallel. Prop. xx. It may easily be shewn, that the perimeters of similar polygons are proportional to their homologous sides. Prop. XXXI. This proposition is an extension of Prop. 47, Book 1, to similar rectilineal figures, and may be deduced from Prop. 22, Book v1, and Prop. 47, Book 1. Prop. B. The converse of this proposition does not hold good when the triangle is isosceles. The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth books of the Elements treat of numbers, and employ the Greek numerical notation. BOOK XI. DEFINITIONS. I. A SOLID is that which hath length, breadth, and thickness. II. That which bounds a solid is a superficies. III. A straight line is perpendicular, or at right angles, to a plane, when it makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane. IV. A plane is perpendicular to a plane, when the straight lines drawn in one of the planes perpendicular to the common section of the two planes, are perpendicular to the other plane. V. The inclination of a straight line to a plane is the acute angle contained by that straight line, and another drawn from the point in which the first line meets the plane, to the point in which a perpen- dicular to the plane drawn from any point of the first line above the plane, meets the same plane. VI. The inclination of a plane to a plane is the acute angle contained by two straight lines drawn from any the same point of their common section at right angles to it, one upon one plane, and the other upon the other plane. VII. Two planes are said to have the same, or a like inclination to one another, which two other planes have, when the said angles of inclination are equal to one another. VIII. Parallel planes are such as do not meet one another though produced. IX. A solid angle is that which is made by the meeting, in one point, of more than two plane angles, which are not in the same plane. X. Equal and similar solid figures are such as are contained by similar planes equal in number and magnitude. 206 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. XI. Similar solid figures are such as have all their solid angles equal, each to each, and are contained by the same number of similar planes. XII. A pyramid is a solid figure contained by planes that are constituted betwixt one plane and one point above it in which they meet. XIII. A prism is a solid figure contained by plane figures, of which two that are opposite are equal, similar, and parallel to one another; and the others parallelograms. XIV. A sphere is a solid figure described by the revolution of a semicircle about its diameter, which remains unmoved. XV. The axis of a sphere is the fixed straight line about which the semicircle revolves. XVI. The centre of a sphere is the same with that of the semicircle. XVII. The diameter of a sphere is any straight line which passes through the centre, and is terminated both ways by the superficies of the sphere. XVIII. A cone is a solid figure described by the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of the sides containing the right angle, which side remains fixed. If the fixed side be equal to the other side containing the right angle, the cone is called a right-angled cone; if it be less than the other side, an obtuse-angled; and if greater, an acute-angled cone. XIX. The axis of a cone is the fixed straight line about which the triangle revolves. XX. The base of a cone is the circle described by that side containing the right angle, which revolves. XXI. A cylinder is a solid figure described by the revolution of a right- angled parallelogram about one of its sides which remains fixed. XXII. The axis of a cylinder is the fixed straight line about which the parallelogram revolves. DEFINITIONS. 207 XXIII. The bases of a cylinder are the circles described by the two revolving opposite sides of the parallelogram. XXIV. Similar cones and cylinders are those which have their axes and the diameters of their bases proportionals. XXV. A cube is a solid figure contained by six equal squares. XXVI. A tetrahedron is a solid figure contained by four equal and equilateral triangles. XXVII. An octahedron is a solid figure contained by eight equal and equilateral triangles. XXVIII. A dodecahedron is a solid figure contained by twelve equal pentagons which are equilateral and equiangular. XXIX. An icosahedron is a solid figure contained by twenty equal and equilateral triangles. Def. A. A parallelopiped is a solid figure contained by six quadrilateral figures, whereof every opposite two are parallel. 208 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. PROPOSITION I. THEOREM. One part of a straight line cannot be in a plane, and another part above it. If it be possible, let AB, part of the straight line ABC, be in the plane, and the part BC above it: C A B D and since the straight line AB is in the plane, it can be produced in that plane: let it be produced to D; and let any plane pass through the straight line AD, and be turned about it until it pass through the point C: and because the points B, C are in this plane, the straight line BC is in it: (1. def. 7.) therefore there are two straight lines ABC, ABD in the same plane that have a common segment AB; (1. 11. Cor.) which is impossible. Therefore, one part, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION II. THEOREM. Two straight lines which cut one another are in one plane, and three straight lines which meet one another are in one plane. Let two straight lines AB, CD cut one another in E; then AB, CD shall be in one plane: and three straight lines EC, CB, BE, which meet one another, shall be in one plane. A D E C B Let any plane pass through the straight line EB, and let the plane be turned about EB, produced if necessary, until it pass through the point C. Then, because the points E, C are in this plane, the straight line EC is in it: (1. def. 7.) for the same reason, the straight line BC is in the same: and by the hypothesis, EB is in it: therefore the three straight lines EC, CB, BE are in one plane ; but in the plane in which EC, EB are, in the same are CD, AB: (x1. 1.) therefore, AB, CD are in one plane. Wherefore two straight lines, &C. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP. III, IV. 209 PROPOSITION III. THEOREM. If two planes cut one another, their common section is a straight line. Let two planes AB, BC cut one another, and let the line DB be their common section. Then DB shall be a straight line. B E F A D If it be not, from the point D to B, draw, in the plane AB, the straight line DEB, (post. 1.) and in the plane BC, the straight line DFB: then two straight lines DEB, DFB have the same extremities, and therefore include a space betwixt them; which is impossible: (1. ax. 10.) therefore BD, the common section of the planes AB, BC, cannot but be a straight line. Wherefore, if two planes, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. If a straight line stand at right angles to each of two straight lines in the point of their intersection, it shall also be at right angles to the plane which passes through them, that is, to the plane in which they are. Let the straight line EF stand at right angles to each of the straight lines AB, CD, in E the point of their intersection. Then EF shall also be at right angles to the plane passing through AB, CD. A F G E H B Take the straight lines AE, EB, CE, ED all equal to one another; and through E draw, in the plane in which are AB, CD, any straight line GEH; and join AD, CB; then from any point F, in EF, draw FA, FG, FD, FC, FH, FB. And because the two straight lines AE, ED are equal to the two BE, EC, each to each, and that they contain equal angles AED, BEC, (1. 15.) the base AD is equal to the base BC,(1. 4.) and the angle DAE to the angle EBC: 14 210 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and the angle AEG is equal to the angle BEH: (1. 15.) therefore the triangles AÉG, BEH have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and the sides AE, EB, adjacent to the equal angles, equal to one another: wherefore they have their other sides equal: (1. 26.) therefore GE is equal to EH, and AG to BH: and because AE is equal to EB, and FE common and at right angles to them, the base AF is equal to the base FB; (1. 4.) for the same reason, CF is equal to FD: and because AD is equal to BC, and AF to FB, the two sides FA, AD are equal to the two FB, BC, each to each ; and the base DF was proved equal to the base FC; therefore the angle FAD is equal to the angle FBC: (1. 8.) again, it was proved that GA is equal to BH, and also AF to FB; therefore FA and AG are equal to FB and BH, each to each; and the angle FAG has been proved equal to the angle FBH; therefore the base GF is equal to the base FH: (1.4.) again, because it was proved that GE is equal to EH, and EF is common; therefore GÊ, EF are equal to HE, EF, each to each ; and the base GF is equal to the base FH; therefore the angle GEF is equal to the angle HEF; (1.8.) and consequently each of these angles is a right angle. (1. def. 10.) Therefore FE makes right angles with GH, that is, with any straight line drawn through E in the plane passing through AB, CD. In like manner, it may be proved, that FE makes right angles with every straight line which meets it in that plane. But a straight line is at right angles to a plane when it makes right angles with every straight line which meets it in that plane: (x1. def. 3.) therefore EF is at right angles to the plane in which are AB, CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. If three straight lines meet all in one point, and a straight line stands at right angles to each of them in that point; these three straight lines are in one and the same plane. Let the straight line AB stand at right angles to each of the straight lines BC, BD, BE, in B the point where they meet: Then BC, BD, BE shall be in one and the same plane. A C F B D E If not, let, if it be possible, BD and BE be in one plane, and BC be above it; and let a plane pass through AB, BC, the common section of which, with the plane in which BD and BE are, is a straight line; (xI. 3.) BOOK XI. PROP. V, VI. 211 let this be BF: therefore the three straight lines AB, BC, BF are all in one plane, viz. that which passes through AB, BC. And because AB stands at right angles to each of the straight lines BD, BE, it is also at right angles to the plane passing through them: (xI. 4.) and therefore makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane : (XI. def. 3.) it; but BF, which is in that plane, meets it ; therefore the angle ABF is a right angle: but the angle ABC, by the hypothesis, is also a right angle; therefore the angle ABF is equal to the angle ABC, and they are both in the same plane, which is impossible; (1. ax. 9.) therefore the straight line BC is not above the plane in which are BD and BE: wherefore the three straight lines BC, BD, BE are in one and the same plane. Therefore, if three straight lines, &c. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION VI. THEOREM. If two straight lines be at right angles to the same plane, they shall be parallel to one another. Let the straight lines AB, CD be at right angles to the same plane. Then AB shall be parallel to CD. A B D E Let them meet the plane in the points B, D, and draw the straight line BD, to which draw DE at right angles, in the same plane; (1. 11.) and make DE equal to AB, (1. 3.) and join BE, AE, AD. Then, because AB is perpendicular to the plane, it makes right angles with every straight line which meets it, and is in that plane: (x1. def. 3.) but BD, BE, which are in that plane, do each of them meet AB; therefore each of the angles ABD, ABE is a right angle; for the same reason, each of the angles CDB, CDE is a right angle: and because AB is equal to DE, and BD common, the two sides AB, BD are equal to the two ED, DB, each to each; and they contain right angles : therefore the base AD is equal to the base BE: (1.4.) again, because AB is equal to DE, and BE to AD; AB, BE are equal to ED, DA, each to each; and, in the triangles ABE, EDÁ, the base AE is common: therefore the angle ABE is equal to the angle EDA: (1. 8.) but ABE is a right angle; 14-2 212 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore EDA is also a right angle, and ED perpendicular to DA: but it is also perpendicular to each of the two BD, DC; wherefore ED is at right angles to each of the three straight lines BD, DA, DC in the point in which they meet: therefore these three straight lines are all in the same plane : (XI. 5.) but AB is in the plane in which are BD, DA, (XI. 2.) because any three straight lines which meet one another are in one plane: therefore AB, BD, DC are in one plane: and each of the angles ABD, BDC is a right angle; therefore AB is parallel to CD. (1. 28.) Wherefore, if two straight lines, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION VII. THEOREM. If two straight lines be parallel, the straight line drawn from any point in the one to any point in the other, is in the same plane with the parallels. Let AB, CD be parallel straight lines, and take any point E in the one, and the point F in the other. Then the straight line which joins E and F shall be in the same plane with the parallels. A E B G H C F D If not, let it be, if possible, above the plane, as EGF; and in the plane ABCD in which the parallels are, draw the straight line EHF from E to F. And since EGF also is a straight line, the two straight lines EHF, EGF include a space between them, which is impossible. (1. ax. 10.) Therefore the straight line joining the points E, F is not above the plane in which the parallels AB, CD are, and is therefore in that plane. Wherefore, if two straight lines, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. If two straight lines be parallel, and one of them is at right angles to a plane; the other also shall be at right angles to the same plane. Let AB, CD be two parallel straight lines, and let one of them AB be at right angles to a plane. Then the other CD shall be at right angles to the same plane. IC B D E BOOK XI. PROP. VIII, IX. 213 Let AB, CD meet the plane in the points B, D, and join BD: therefore AB, CD, BD are in one plane. (XI. 7.) • In the plane to which AB is at right angles, draw DE at right angles to BD, (1.11.) and make DE equal to AB, (1. 3.) and join BE, AE, AD. And because AB is perpendicular to the plane, it is perpendicular to every straight line which meets it, and is in that plane; (x1. def. 3.) therefore each of the angles ABD, ABE is a right angle: and because the straight line BD meets the parallel straight lines AB, CD, the angles ABD, CDB are together equal to two right angles: (1. 29.) and ABD is a right angle ; therefore also CDB is a right angle, and CD perpendicular to BD: and because AB is equal to DE, and BD common, the two AB, BD are equal to the two ED, DB, each to each; and the angle ABD is equal to the angle EDB, because each of them is a right angle ; therefore the base AD is equal to the base BE: (1. 4.) again, because AB is equal to DE, and BE to ÅD, the two AB, BE are equal to the two ED, DA, each to each; and the base AE is common to the triangles ABE, EDA ; wherefore the angle ABE is equal to the angle EDA: (1.8.) but ABE is a right angle; and therefore EDA is a right angle, and ED perpendicular to DA: but it is also perpendicular to BD; (constr.) therefore ED is perpendicular to the plane which passes through BD, DA; (xI. 4.) and therefore makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane: (xI. def. 3.) but DC is in the plane passing through BD, DA, because all three are in the plane in which are the parallels AB, CD; wherefore ED is at right angles to DC; and therefore CD is at right angles to DE: but CD is also at right angles to DB; therefore CD is at right angles to the two straight lines DE, DB in the point of their intersection D; and therefore is at right angles to the plane passing through DE, DB, (x1. 4.) which is the same plane to which AB is at right angles. Therefore, if two straight lines, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION IX. THEOREM. Two straight lines which are each of them parallel to the same straight line, and not in the same plane with it, are parallel to one another. Let AB, CD be each of them parallel to EF, and not in the same plane with it. Then AB shall be parallel to CD. 214 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. AH B : E F C K D In EF take any point G, from which draw, in the plane passing through EF, AB, the straight line GH at right angles to EF; (1. 11.) and in the plane passing through EF, CD draw GK at right angles to the same EF. And because EF is perpendicular both to GH and GK, EF is perpendicular to the plane HGK passing through them: (XI. 4.) and EF is parallel to AB therefore AB is at right angles to the plane HGK. (x1. 8.) For the same reason, CD is likewise at right angles to the plane HGK. Therefore AB, CD are each of them at right angles to the plane HGK. But if two straight lines are at right angles to the same plane, they are parallel to one another: (XI. 6.) therefore AB is parallel to CD. Wherefore, two straight lines, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION X. THEOREM. If two straight lines meeting one another be parallel to two others that meet one another, and are not in the same plane with the first two; the first two and the other two shall contain equal angles. Let the two straight lines AB, BC, which meet one another, be parallel to the two straight lines DE, EF, that meet one another, and are not in the same plane with AB, BC. The angle ABC shall be equal to the angle DEF. B A C D D F Take BA, BC, ED, EF all equal to one another; and join AD, CF, BÊ, AC, DF. Then, because BA is equal and parallel to ED, therefore AD is both equal and parallel to BE. (1. 33.) For the same reason, CF is equal and parallel to BE. Therefore AD and CF are each of them equal and parallel to BE. But straight lines that are parallel to the same straight line, and not in the same plane with it, are parallel to one another: (x1. 9.) therefore AD is parallel to CF; and it is equal to it; (1. ax. 1.) and AC, DF join them towards the same parts; and therefore AC is equal and parallel to DF. (1. 33.) And because AB, BC are equal to DE, EF, each to each, and the base AC to the base DF; the angle ABC is equal to the angle DEF. (1. 8.) Therefore, if two straight lines, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP. XI, XII. 215 PROPOSITION XI. PROBLEM. To draw a straight line perpendicular to a plane, from a given point above it. Let A be the given point above the plane BH. It is required to draw from the point A a straight line perpen- dicular to the plane BH. In the plane draw any straight line BC, and from the point A draw AD perpendicular to BC. (1. 12.) If then AD be also perpendicular to the plane BH, the thing required is already done; but if it be not, from the point D draw, in the plane BH, the straight line DE at right angles to BC; (1. 11.) and from the point A draw AF perpendicular to DE. Then AF shall be perpendicular to the plane BH. E G F A H B D C Through F draw GH parallel to BC. (1. 31.) And because BC is at right angles to ED and DA, BC is at right angles to the plane passing through ED, DA: (xI. 4.) and GH is parallel to BC: but, if two straight lines be parallel, one of which is at right angles to a plane, the other is at right angles to the same plane; (xI. 8.) wherefore GH is at right angles to the plane through ED, DA; and is perpendicular to every straight line meeting it in that plane: (XI. def. 3.) but AF, which is in the plane through ED, DA, meets it; therefore GH is perpendicular to AF; and consequently AF is perpendicular to GH; and AF is perpendicular to DE; therefore AF is perpendicular to each of the straight lines GH, DE. But if a straight line stand at right angles to each of two straight lines in the point of their intersection, it is also at right angles to the plane passing through them: (XI. 4.) but the plane passing through ED, GH is the plane BH; therefore AF is perpendicular to the plane BH: therefore, from the given point A, above the plane BH, the straight line AF is drawn perpendicular to that plane. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XII. PROBLEM. To erect a straight line at right angles to a given plane, from a point given in the plane. Let A be the point given in the plane. It is required to erect a straight line from the point A at right angles to the plane. ་ 216 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. D B A From any point B above the plane draw BC perpendicular to it; (xI. 11.) and from A draw AD parallel to BC. (1. 31.) Because, therefore, AD, CB are two parallel straight lines, and one of them BC is at right angles to the given plane, the other AD is also at right angles to it: : (XI. 8.) therefore a straight line has been erected at right angles to a given plane, from a point given in it. Q. E. F. PROPOSITION XIII. THEOREM. From the same point in a given plane, there cannot be two straight lines at right angles to the plane, upon the same side of it: and there can be but one perpendicular to a plane from a point above the plane. For, if it be possible, let the two straight lines AB, AC be at right angles to a given plane from the same point A in the plane, and upon the same side of it. Let a plane pass through BA, AC; the common section of this with the given plane is a straight line passing through A: (x1.3.) B C DA E let DAE be their common section: therefore the straight lines AB, AC, DAE are in one plane : and because CA is at right angles to the given plane, it makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane: (XI. def. 3.) but DAE, which is in that plane, meets CA; therefore CAE is a right angle. For the same reason, BAE is a right angle. (ax. 11.) Wherefore the angle CAE is equal to the angle BAE; and they are in one plane, which is impossible. Also, from a point above a plane, there can be but one perpendi- cular to that plane: for, if there could be two, they would be parallel to one another, which is absurd. (x1. 6.) Therefore, from the same point, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XIV. THEOREM. Planes to which the same straight line is perpendicular, are parallel to one another. BOOK XI. PROP. XIV, XV. 217 Let the straight line AB be perpendicular to each of the planes CD, EF. These planes shall be parallel to one another. G H E D B F If not, they shall meet one another when produced: let them meet; their common section is a straight line GH, in which take any point K, and join AK, BK. Then, because AB is perpendicular to the plane EF, it is perpendicular to the straight line BK which is in that plane: (XI. def. 3.) therefore ABK is a right angle. For the same reason, BAK is a right angle: wherefore the two angles ABK, BAK of the triangle ABK are equal to two right angles, which is impossible: (1. 17.) therefore the planes CD, EF, though produced, do not meet one another; that is, they are parallel. (xI. def. 8.) Therefore, planes, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XV. THEOREM. If two straight lines meeting one another be parallel to two other straight lines which meet one another, but are not in the same plane with the first two; the plane which passes through these is parallel to the plane passing through the others. Let AB, BC, two straight lines meeting one another, be parallel to DE, EF, two other straight lines that meet one another, but are not in the same plane with AB, BC. The planes through AB, BC, and DE, EF shall not meet, though produced. E G B F K D H From the point B draw BG perpendicular to the plane which passes through DE, EF, (x1.11.) and let it meet that plane in G; and through G draw GH parallel to ED, and GK parallel to EF. (1.31.) And because BG is perpendicular to the plane through DE, EF, it makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane: (xI. def. 3.) but the straight lines GH, GK in that plane meet it; therefore each of the angles BGH, BGK is a right angle: 218 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. (XI. 9.) and because BA is parallel to GH (for each of them is parallel to DE, and they are not both in the same plane with it), the angles GBA, BGH are together equal to two right angles: (1. 29.) and BGH is a right angle ; therefore also GBA is a right angle, and GB perpendicular to BA. For the same reason, GB is perpendicular to BC. Since therefore the straight line GB stands at right angles to the two straight lines BA, BC that cut one another in B; GB is perpendicular to the plane through BA, BC: (x1. 4.) and it is perpendicular to the plane through DE, EF; (constr.) therefore BG is perpendicular to each of the planes through AB, BC, and DE, EF: but planes to which the same straight line is perpendicular, are parallel to one another; (XI. 14.) therefore the plane through AB, BC is parallel to the plane through DE, EF. Wherefore, if two straight lines, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XVI. THEOREM. If two parallel planes be cut by another plane, their common sections with it are parallels. Let the parallel planes AB, CD be cut by the plane EFHG, and let their common sections with it be EF, GH. Then EF shall be parallel to GH. K F H B D A E For, if it is not, EF, GH shall meet, if produced, either on the side of FH, or EG. First, let them be produced on the side of FH, and meet in the point K. Therefore, since EFK is in the plane AB, every point in EFK is in that plane : (xI. 1.) and K is a point in EFK; therefore K is in the plane AB: for the same reason, K is also in the plane CD: wherefore the planes AB, CD produced, meet one another: but they do not meet, since they are parallel by the hypothesis; therefore the straight lines EF, GH, do not meet when produced on the side of FH. In the same manner it may be proved, that EF, GH do not meet when produced on the side of EG. But straight lines which are in the same plane, and do not meet, though produced either way, are parallel; therefore EF is parallel to GH. Wherefore, if two parallel planes, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP. XVII, XVIII, 219 PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. If two straight lines be cut by parallel planes, they shall be cut in the same ratio. Let the straight lines AB, CD be cut by the parallel planes GH, KL, MN, in the points A, E, B; C, F, D. As AE is to EB, so shall CF be to FĎ. H G C I K N M B D Join AC, BD, AD, and let AD meet the plane KL in the point X; and join EX, XF. Because the two parallel planes KL, MN are cut by the plane EBDX, the common sections EX, BD are parallel: (x1. 16.) for the same reason, because the two parallel planes GH, KL are cut by the plane AXFC, the common sections AC, XF are parallel : and because EX is parallel to BD, a side of the triangle ABD; as AE to EB, so is AX to XD: (vi. 2.) again, because XF is parallel to AC, a side of the triangle ADC; as AX to XD, so is CF to FD: and it was proved that AX is to XD, as AE to EB; therefore, as AE to EB, so is CF to FD. (v. 11.) Wherefore, if two straight lines, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XVIII. THEOREM. If a straight line be at right angles to a plane, every plane which passes through it shall be at right angles to that plane. Let the straight line AB be at right angles to the plane CK. Every plane which passes through AB shall be at right angles to the plane CK. D G A H K C FB E Let any plane DE pass through AB, and let CE be the common section of the planes DE, CK; take any point F in CE, from which draw FG in the plane DE at right angles to CE. (1. 11.) And because AB is perpendicular to the plane CK, therefore it is also perpendicular to every straight line in that plane meeting it; (xi. def. 3.) 220 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and consequently it is perpendicular to CE: wherefore ABF is a right angle: but GFB is likewise a right angle; (constr.) therefore AB is parallel to FG: (1. 28.) and AB is at right angles to the plane CK; therefore FG is also at right angles to the same plane. (x1. 8.) But one plane is at right angles to another plane when the straight lines drawn in one of the planes, at right angles to their common section, are also at right angles to the other plane; (x1. def. 4.) and any straight line FG in the plane DE, which is at right angles to CE, the common section of the planes, has been proved to be per- pendicular to the other plane CK; therefore the plane DE is at right angles to the plane CK. In like manner, it may be proved that all planes which pass through AB are at right angles to the plane CK. Therefore, if a straight line, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XIX. THEOREM. If two planes which cut one another be each of them perpendicular to a third plane; their common section shall be perpendicular to the same plane. Let the two planes AB, BC be each of them perpendicular to a third plane, and let BD be the common section of the first two. Then BD shall be perpendicular to the third plane. B EF D A C If it be not, from the point D draw, in the plane AB, the straight line DE at right angles to AD the common section of the plane AB with the third plane; (1. 11.) • and in the plane BC draw DF at right angles to CD the common section of the plane BC with the third plane. And because the plane AB is perpendicular to the third plane, and DE is drawn in the plane AB at right angles to AD, their common section, DE is perpendicular to the third plane. (x1. def. 4.) In the same manner, it may be proved, that DF is perpendicular to the third plane. Wherefore, from the point D two straight lines stand at right angles to the third plane, upon the same side of it, which is impossible: (xI. 13.) therefore, from the point D there cannot be any straight line at right angles to the third plane, except BD the common section of the planes AB, BC: therefore BD is perpendicular to the third plane. Wherefore, if two planes, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP. XX, XXI. 221 PROPOSITION XX. THEOREM. If a solid angle be contained by three plane angles, any two of them are greater than the third. Let the solid angle at A be contained by the three plane angles BAC, CAD, DAB. Any two of them shall be greater than the third. A D B E C If the angles BAC, CAD, DAB be all equal, it is evident, that any two of them are greater than the third. But if they are not, let BAC be that angle which is not less than either of the other two, and is greater than one of them DAB; and at the point A in the straight line AB, make, in the plane which passes through BA, AC, the angle BAE equal to the angle DAB; (1. 23.) and make AE equal to AD, and through E draw BEC cutting AB, AC in the points B, C, and join DB, DC. And because DA is equal to AE, and AB is common, the two DA, AB are equal to the two EA, AB, each to each; and the angle DAB is equal to the angle EAB: therefore the base DB is equal to the base BE: and because BD, DC are greater than CB, 1. 20.) 1. 4.) and one of them BD has been proved equal to BE a part of CB, therefore the other DC is greater than the remaining part EC: (1. ax. 5.) and because DĂ is equal to AE, and AC common, but the base DC greater than the base EC; therefore the angle DAC is greater than the angle EAC; (1. 25.) and, by the construction, the angle DAB is equal to the angle BAÉ; wherefore the angles DAB, DAC are together greater than BAE, EAC, that is, than the angle BAC: (1. ax. 4.) but BAC is not less than either of the angles DAB, DAC: therefore BAC, with either of them, is greater than the other. Wherefore, if a solid angle, &c. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION XXI. THEOREM: Every solid angle is contained by plane angles, which together are less than four right angles. First, let the solid angle at A be contained by three plane angles BAC, CAD, DAB. These three together shall be less than four right angles. D B 222 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Take in each of the straight lines AB, AC, AD, any points B, C, D, and join BC, CD, DB. Then, because the solid angle at B is contained by the three plane angles CBA, ABD, DBC, any two of them are greater than the third; (x1. 20.) therefore the angles CBA, ABD are greater than the angle DBC: for the same reason, the angles BCA, ACD are greater than the angle DCB; and the angles CDA, ADB greater than BDC: wherefore the six angles CBA, ABD, BCA, ACD, CDA, ADB are greater than the three angles DBC, BCD, CDB: but the three angles DBC, BCD, CDB are equal to two right angles; (1. 32.) therefore the six angles CBA, ABD, BCA, ACD, CDA, ADB are greater than two right angles : and because the three angles of each of the triangles ABC, ACD, ADB are equal to two right angles, therefore the nine angles of these three triangles, viz. the angles CBA, BAC, ACB, ACD, CDA, DAC, ADB, DBA, BAD are equal to six right angles; of these the six angles CBA, ACB, ACD, CDA, ADB, DBA are greater than two right angles; therefore the remaining three angles BAC, CAD, DAB, which contain the solid angle at A, are less than four right angles. Next, let the solid angle at A be contained by any number of plane angles BAC, CAD, DAË, EAF, FAB. These shall together be less than four right angles. A B K D Let the planes in which the angles are, be cut by a plane, and let the common sections of it with those planes be BC, CD, DE, EF, FB. And because the solid angle at B is contained by three plane angles CBA, ABF, FBC, of which any two are greater than the third, (x1. 20.) the angles CBA, ABF, are greater than the angle FBC: for the same reason, the two plane angles at each of the points C, D, E, F, viz. those angles which are at the bases of the triangles having the common vertex A, are greater than the third angle at the same point, which is one of the angles of the polygon BCDEF: therefore all the angles at the bases of the triangles are together greater than all the angles of the polygon: and because all the angles of the triangles are together equal to twice as many right angles as there are triangles; (1. 32.) that is, as there are sides in the polygon BCDEF; and that all the angles of the polygon, together with four right angles, are likewise equal to twice as many right angles as there are sides in the polygon; (1. 32. Cor. 1.) BOOK XI. PROP. XXI, XXII. 223 therefore all the angles of the triangles are equal to all the angles of the polygon together with four right angles: (1. ax. 1.) but all the angles at the bases of the triangles are greater than all the angles of the polygon, as has been proved; wherefore the remaining angles of the triangles, viz. those of the vertex, which contain the solid angle at A, are less than four right angles. Therefore, every solid angle, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXII. THEOREM. If every two of three plane angles be greater than the third, and if the straight lines which contain them be all equal; a triangle may be made of the straight lines that join the extremities of those equal straight lines. Let ABC, DEF, GHK be the three plane angles, whereof every two are greater than the third, and let them be contained by the equal straight lines AB, BC, DE, EF, GH, HK: if their extremities be joined by the straight lines AC, DF, GK, a triangle may be made of three straight lines equal to AC, DF, GK; that is, every two of them shall together be greater than the third. B E H A C D G K If the angles at B, E, H are equal, AC, DF, GK are also equal, (1. 4.) and any two of them greater than the third: but if the angles are not all equal, let the angle ABC be not less than either of the two at E, H; therefore the straight line AC is not less than either of the other two DF, GK;~~ (1. 4. or 24.) and therefore it is plain that AC, together with either of the other two, must be greater than the third. Also, DF with GK shall be greater than AC. For, at the point B in the straight line AB make the angle ABL equal to the angle GHK, (1. 23.) and make BL equal to one of the straight lines AB, BC, DE, EF, GH, HK, and join AL, LC. . Then, because AB, BL are equal to GH, HK, each to each, and the angle ABL to the angle GHK, the base AL is equal to the base GK: (1. 4.) and because the angles at E, H are greater than the angle ABC, (hyp.) of which the angle at H is equal to ABL, therefore the remaining angle at E is greater than the angle LBC: (ax. 5.) and because the two sides LB, BC are equal to the two DE, EF, each to each, and that the angle DEF is greater than the angle LBC, the base DF is greater than the base LC: (1. 24.) and it has been proved that GK is equal to AL; therefore DF and GK are greater than AL and LC: (1. ax. 4.) 224 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. but AL and LC are greater than AC; (1. 20.) much more then are DF and GK greater than AC. Wherefore every two of these straight lines AC, DF, GK are greater than the third; and, therefore, a triangle may be made, the sides of which shall be equal to AC, DF, GK. (1. 22.) Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXIII. PROBLEM. To make a solid angle which shall be contained by three given plane angles, any two of them being greater than the third, (x1. 20.) and all three together less than four right angles. (x1. 21.) Let the three given plane angles be ABC, DEF, GHK, any two of which are greater than the third, and all of them together less than four right angles. It is required to make a solid angle contained by three plane angles equal to ABC, DEF, GHK, each to each. From the straight lines which contain the angles cut off AB, BC, DE, EF, GH, HK, all equal to one another; and join AC, DF, GK: then a triangle may be made of three straight lines equal to AC, DF, GK. (x1. 22.) A B E H R I X M N D F G K Let this be the triangle LMN, so that AC be equal to LM, DF to MN, and GK to LN; (1. 22.) and about the triangle LMN describe a circle, (IV. 5.) and find its centre X, which will be either within the triangle, or in one of its sides, or without it. (III. 1.) First, let the centre X be within the triangle, and join LX, MX, NX. AB shall be greater than LX. If not, AB must either be equal to, or less than LX. First, let it be equal: then, because AB is equal to LX, and that AB is also equal to BC, and LX to XM, AB and BC are equal to LX and XM, each to each ; and the base AC is, by construction, equal to the base LM; wherefore the angle ABC is equal to the angle LXM. (1.8.) For the same reason, the angle DEF is equal to the angle MXÑ, and the angle GHK to the angle NXL: therefore the three angles ABC, DEF, GHK are equal to the three angles LXM, MXN, NXL: but the three angles LXM, MXN, NXL are equal to four right angles; (1. 15. Cor. 2.) therefore also the three angles ABC, DEF, GHK, are equal to four right angles: BOOK XI. PROP. XXIII. 225 but, by the hypothesis, they are less than four right angles; which is absurd: therefore AB is not equal to LX. But neither can AB be less than LX: for, if possible, let it be less; and upon the straight line LM, on the side of it on which is the centre X, describe the triangle LOM, the sides LO, OM of which are equal to AB, BC: (1.22.) and because the base LM is equal to the base AC, the angle LOM is equal to the angle ABC. (1. 8.) And AB, that is, LO is by the hypothesis less than LX: wherefore LO, OM fall within the triangle LXM ; for if they fell upon its sides, or without it, they would be equal to, or greater than LX, XM: (1. 21.) therefore the angle LOM, that is, the angle ABC, is greater than the angle LXM. (1. 21.) In the same manner it may be proved that the angle DEF is greater than the angle MXN, and the angle GHK greater than the angle NXL: therefore the three angles ABC, DEF, GHK are greater than the three angles LXM, MXN, NXL; that is, than four right angles: (1. 15. Cor. 2.) but the same angles ABC, DEF, GHK are less than four right angles; which is absurd: (hyp.) therefore AB is not less than LX: and it has been proved that it is not equal to LX; wherefore AB is greater than LX. Next, let the centre X of the circle fall in one of the sides of the triangle, viz. in MN, and join XL. In this case also, AB shall be greater than LX. I R M N If not, AB is either equal to LX, or less than it. First, let it be equal to LX: therefore AB and BC, that is, DE and EF, are equal to MX and XL, that is, to MN: but, by the construction, MN is equal to DF; therefore DE, EF are equal to DF, which is impossible: (1. 20.) wherefore AB is not equal to LX: nor is it less; for then, much more, an absurdity would follow: therefore AB is greater than LX. But, let the centre X of the circle fall without the triangle LMN, and join LX, MX, NX. In this case likewise AB shall be greater than LX. If not, it is either equal to or less than LX. First, let it be equal: it may be proved, in the same manner as in the first case, that the angle ABC is equal to the angle MXL, and GHK to LXN: therefore the whole angle MXN is equal to the two angles ABC, GHK; 15 226 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. but ABC and GHK are together greater than the angle DEF; (hyp.) therefore also the angle MXN is greater than DEF: and because DE, EF are equal to MX, XN, each to each, and the base DF to the base MN, the angle MXN is equal to the angle DEF: (1. 8.) but it has been proved, that it is greater than DEF, which is absurd. Therefore AB is not equal to LX: neither is it less; for then, as has been proved in the first case, the angle ABC is greater than the angle MXL, and the angle GHK greater than the angle LXN. At the point B, in the straight line CB, make the angle CBP equal to the angle GHK, and make BP equal to HK, and join CP, AP. R B E H M N A D F G K And because CB is equal to GH, CB, BP are equal to GH, HK, each to each; and they contain equal angles; wherefore the base CP is equal to the base GK, that is, to LN. And in the isosceles triangles ABC, MXL, because the angle ABC is greater than the angle MXL, therefore the angle MLX at the base is greater than the angle ACB at the base. (1. 32.) For the same reason, because the angle GHK or CBP is greater than the angle LXN, the angle XLN is greater than the angle BCP: therefore the whole angle MLN is greater than the whole angle ACP. And because ML, LN are equal to AC, CP, each to each, but the angle MLN is greater than the angle ACP, the base MN is greater than the base AP: (1. 24.) but MN is equal to DF; therefore also DF is greater than AP. Again, because DE, EF are equal to AB, BP, each to each, but the base DF greater than the base AP, the angle DEF is greater than the angle ABP: (1.25.) but ABP is equal to the two angles ABC, CBP, that is, to the two angles ABC, GHK; therefore the angle DEF is greater than the two angles ABC, GHK: but it is also less than these, which is impossible. (hyp.) Therefore AB is not less than LX: and it has been proved that it is not equal to it; therefore AB is greater than LX. From the point X erect XR at right angles to the plane of the circle LMN. (XI. 12.) And because it has been proved in all the cases, that AB is greater than LX, BOOK XI. PROP. XXIII, A. 227 find a square equal to the excess of the square of AB above the square of LX, and make RX equal to its side, and join RL, RM, RN. The solid angle at R shall be the angle required. Because RX is perpendicular to the plane of the circle LMN, it is perpendicular to each of the straight lines LX, MX, NX. (x1. def. 3.) And because LX is equal to MX, and XR common, and at right angles to each of them, the base RL is equal to the base RM. (1. 4.) For the same reason, RN is equal to each of the two RL, RM: therefore the three straight lines RL, RM, RN, are all equal. And because the square of XR is equal to the excess of the square of AB above the square of LX; therefore the square of AB is equal to the squares of LX, XR: but the square of RL is equal to the same squares, because LXR is a right angle; (1. 47.) therefore the square of AB is equal to the square of RL, and the straight line AB to RL. But each of the straight lines BC, DE, EF, GH, HK is equal to AB, and each of the two RM, RN is equal to RL; therefore AB, BC, DE, EF, GH, HK are each of them equal to each of the straight lines RL, RM, RN. And because RL, RM are equal to AB, BC, each to each, and the base LM to the base AC; the angle LRM is equal to the angle ABC. (1. 8.) For the same reason, the angle MRN is equal to the angle DEF, and NRL to GHK. Therefore there is made a solid angle at R, which is contained by three plane angles LRM, MRN, NRL, which are equal to the three given plane angles ABC, DEF, GHK, each to each. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION A. THEOREM. If each of two solid angles be contained by three plane angles, which are equal to one another, each to each; the planes in which the equal angles are, have the same inclination to one another. Let there be two solid angles at the points A, B; and let the angle at A be contained by the three plane angles CAD, CAE, EAD; and the angle at B by the three plane angles FBG, FBH, HBG; of which the angle CAD is equal to the angle FBG, and CAE to FBH, and EAD to HBG. Then the planes in which the equal angles are, shall have the same inclination to one another. In the straight line AC take any point K, and from K draw in the plane CAD the straight line KD at right angles to AC, (1.11.) and in the plane CAE the straight line KL at right angles to the same AC: therefore the angle DKL is the inclination of the plane CAD to the plane CAE. (XI. def. 6.) In BF take BM equal to AK, * 15-2 228 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and from the point M draw in the planes FBG, FBH, the straight lines MG, MN at right angles to BF; therefore the angle GMN is the inclination of the plane FBG to the plane FBH. (x1. def. 6.) A B K M H D F G C E H ? : ( Join LD, NG. And because in the triangles KAD, MBG, the angles KAD, MBG are equal, as also the right angles AKD, BMG, and that the sides AK, BM, adjacent to the equal angles, are equal to one another; (hyp.) therefore KD is equal to MG, and AD to BG: (1. 26.) for the same reason, in the triangles KAL, MBN, KL is equal to MN, and AL to BN : therefore in the triangles LAD, NBG, LA, AD are equal to NB, BG, each to each; and they contain equal angles: therefore the base LD is equal to the base NG. Lastly, in the triangles KLD, MNG, the sides DK, KL are equal to GM, MN, each to each, and the base LD to the base NG; (1.4.) therefore the angle DKL is equal to the angle GMN: (1.8.) but the angle DKL is the inclination of the plane CAD to the plane CAE, and the angle GMN is the inclination of the plane FBG to the plane FBH, which planes have therefore the same inclination to one another, (XI. def. 7.) And in the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the other planes in which the equal angles are, have the same inclination to one another. Therefore if each of two solid angles, &c. PROPOSITION B. THEOREM, Q.E.D. If two solid angles be contained, each by three plane angles which are equal to one another, each to each, and alike situated; these solid angles are equal to one another. Let there be two solid angles at A and B, of which the solid angle at A is contained by the three plane angles CAD, CAE, EAD; and that at B, by the three plane angles FBG, FBH, HBG; of which CAD is equal to FBG; CAE to FBH; and EAD to HBG. Then the solid angle at A shall be equal to the solid angle at B. Let the solid angle at A be applied to the solid angle at B: A B C E D F H G ´and first, the plane angle CAD being applied to the plane angle FBG, so that the point A may coincide with the point B, and the straight line AC with BF; BOOK XI. PROP. B, C. 229. then AD coincides with BG, because the angle CAD is equal to the angle FBG: and because the inclination of the plane CAE to the plane CAD is equal to the inclination of the plane FBH to the plane FBG, (XI. A.) the plane CAE coincides with the plane FBH, because the planes CAD, FBG coincide with one another: and because the straight lines AC, BF coincide, and that the angle CAE is equal to the angle FBH; therefore AE coincides with BH: and AD coincides with BG; wherefore the plane EAD coincides with the plane HBG: therefore the solid angle A coincides with the solid angle B, and consequently they are equal to one another. (1. ax. 8.) Q.E. D. PROPOSITION C. THEOREM. Solid figures which are contained by the same number of equal and similar planes alike situated, and having none of their solid angles con- tained by more than three plane angles, are equal and similar to one· another. Let AG, KQ be two solid figures contained by the same number of similar and equal planes, alike situated, viz. let the plane AC be similar and equal to the plane KM; the plane AF to KP; BG to LQ; GD to QN; DE to NO; and, lastly, FH similar and equal to PR. The solid figure AG shall be equal and similar to the solid figure KQ. H G R Q E F P C IM D A B K L Because the solid angle at A is contained by the three plane angles BAD, BAE, EAD, which, by the hypothesis, are equal to the plane angles LKN, LKO, OKN, which contain the solid angle at K, each to each; therefore the solid angle at A is equal to the solid angle at K. (XI. B.) In the same manner, the other solid angles of the figures are equal to one another. Let then the solid figure AG be applied to the solid figure KQ; first, the plane figure AC being applied to the plane figure KM, so that the straight line AB may coincide with KL, the figure AC must coincide with the figure KM, because they are equal and similar: therefore the straight lines AD, DC, CB coincide with KN, NM, ML, each with each; and the points A, D, C, B with the points K, N, M, L: and the solid angle at A coincides with the solid angle at K; (XI. B.) wherefore the plane AF coincides with the plane KP, and the figure AF with the figure KP, because they are equal and similar to one another: therefore the straight lines AE, EF, FB coincide with KO, OP, PL; 230 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and the points E, F with the points O, P. In the same manner, the figure AH coincides with the figure KR, and the straight line DH with NR, and the point H with the point R. And because the solid angle at B is equal to the solid angle at L, it may be proved, in the same manner, that the figure BG coincides with the figure LQ, and the straight line CG with MQ, and the point G with the point Q. Therefore, since all the planes and sides of the solid figure AG coin- cide with the planes and sides of the solid figure KQ, AG is equal and similar to KQ. And in the same manner, any other solid figures whatever contained by the same number of equal and similar planes, alike situated, and having none of their solid angles contained by more than three plane angles, may be proved to be equal and similar to one another. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION XXIV. THEOREM. If a solid be contained by six planes, two and two of which are paral- lels, the opposite planes are similar and equal parallelograms. Let the solid CDGH be contained by the parallel planes AC, GF; BG, CE; FB, AE. Its opposite planes shall be similar and equal parallelograms. B H A G € F D E Because the two parallel planes BG, CE are cut by the plane AC, their common sections AB, CD are parallel: (xI. 16.) again, because the two parallel planes BF, AE are cut by the plane AC, their common sections AD, BC are parallel: (XI. 16.) and AB is parallel to CD; therefore AC is a parallelogram. In like manner it may be proved, that each of the figures CE, FG, GB, BF, AE is a parallelogram. Join AH, DF; And because AB is parallel to DC, and BH to CF; the two straight lines AB, BH, which meet one another, are paral- lel to DC and CF, which meet one another, and are not in the same plane with the other two: wherefore they contain equal angles; (x1. 10.) therefore the angle ABH is equal to the angle DCF : and because AB, BH are equal to DC, CF, each to each, and the angle ABH equal to the angle DCF; therefore the base AH is equal to the base DF, (1. 4.) and the triangle ABH to the triangle DCF: but the parallelogram BG is double of the triangle ABH, (1. 34.) and the parallelogram CE double of the triangle DCF: therefore the parallelogram BG is equal and similar to the paral- lelogram CE. BOOK XI. PROP. XXIV, XXV. 231 In the same manner it may be proved, that the parallelogram AC is equal and similar to the parallelogram GF, and the parallelogram AE to BF. Therefore, if a solid, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXV. THEOREM. If a solid parallelopiped be cut by a plane parallel to two of its opposite planes; it divides the whole into two solids, the base of one of which shall be to the base of the other, as the one solid is to the other. Let the solid parallelopiped ABCD be cut by the plane EV, which is parallel to the opposite planes AR, HD, and divides the whole into the two solids ABFV, EGCD. As the base AEFY of the first is to the base EHCF of the other, so shall the solid ABFV be to the solid EGCD. L X Z B G R I T K EHMF YFC Q S Produce AH both ways, and take any number of straight lines HM, MN, each equal to EH, and any number AK, KL, each equal to EA, and complete the parallelograms LO, KY, HQ, MS, and the solids LP, KR, HU, MT. Then, because the straight lines LK, KA, AE are all equal, the parallelograms LO, KY, AF are equal; (1. 36.) and likewise the parallelograms KX, KB, AG: also the parallelograms LZ, KP, AR are equal, because they are opposite planes: (XI. 24.) for the same reason, the parallelograms EC, HQ, MS are equal, (1.36.) and the parallelograms HG, HI, IN: as also HD, MU, NT: (XI. 24.) therefore three planes of the solid LP are equal and similar to three planes of the solid KR, as also to three planes of the solid AV: but the three planes opposite to these three are equal and similar to them in the several solids, and none of their solid angles are contained by more than three plane angles; (x1. 24.) therefore the three solids LP, KR, AV are equal to one another: (xI. c.) for the same reason, the three solids ED, HU, MT are equal to one another: therefore, what multiple soever the base LF is of the base AF, the same multiple is the solid LV of the solid AV; and whatever multiple the base NF is of the base HF, the same multiple is the solid NV of the solid ED: and if the base LF be equal to the base NF, the solid LV is equal to the solid NV; (x1. c.) and if the base LF be greater than the base NF, the solid LV is greater than the solid NV; and if less, less. Since then there are four magnitudes, viz. the two bases AF, FH, and the two solids AV, ED; + 232 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. and that of the base AF and solid AV, the base LF and solid LV are any equimultiples whatever; and of the base FH and solid ED, the base FN and solid NV are any equimultiples whatever: and since it has been proved, that if the base LF is greater than the base FN, the solid LV is greater than the solid NV: and if equal, equal; and if less, less; therefore as the base AF is to the base FH, so is the solid AV to the solid ED. (v. def. 5.) Wherefore, if a solid, &c. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION XXVI. PROBLEM. At a given point in a given straight line, to make a solid angle equal to a given solid angle contained by three plane angles. Let AB be a given straight line, A a given point in it, and D a given solid angle contained by the three plane angles EDC, EDF, FDC. It is required to make at the point A, in the straight line AB, a solid angle equal to the solid angle D. In the straight line DF take any point F, from which draw FG perpendicular to the plane EDC, meeting that plane in G, (xI. 11.) and i oin DG: j at the point A, in the straight line AB, make the angle BAL equal to the angle EDC, (1.23.) and in the plane BAL make the angle BAK equal to the angle EDG; then make AK equal to DG, and from the point K erect KH at right angles to the plane BAL, (x1. 12.) and make KH equal to GF, and join AH. The solid angle at A which is contained by the three plane angles BAL, BAH, HAL shall be equal to the solid angle at D contained by the three plane angles EDC, EDF, FDC. A D B L E C K H G Take the equal straight lines AB, DE, and join HB, KB, FE, GE And because FG is perpendicular to the plane EDC, it makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane: (x1. def. 3.) therefore each of the angles FGD, FGE is a right angle. For the same reason, HKA, HKB are right angles. And because KA, AB are equal to GD, DE, each to each, and that they contain equal angles, therefore the base BK is equal to the base EG; (1. 4.) and KH is equal to GF, and HKB, FGE are right angles, (constr.) therefore HB is equal to FE. (1. 4.) Again, because AK, KH are equal to DG, GF, each to each, and contain right angles, the base AH is equal to the base DF; and AB is equal to DE, BOOK XI. PROP. XXVI, XXVII. 233 therefore, HA, AB are equal to FD, DE, each to each ; and the base HB is equal to the base FE; therefore the angle BAH is equal to the angle EDF. (1. 8.) For the same reason, the angle HAL is equal to the angle FDC: because if AL and DC be made equal, and KL, HL, GC, FC be joined; since the whole angle BAL is equal to the whole EDC, and the parts of them BAK, EDG are, by the construction, equal; therefore the remaining angle KAL is equal to the remaining angle GDC: and because KA, AL are equal to GD, DC, each to each, and contain equal angles, the base KL is equal to the base GC; (1. 4.) and KĤ is equal to GF; so that LK, KH are equal to CG, GF, each to each ; and they contain right angles; (xI. def. 3.) therefore the base HL is equal to the base FC: (I. 4.) again, because HA, AL are equal to FD, DC, each to each, and the base HL to the base FC, the angle HAL is equal to the angle FDC. (1. 8.) Therefore, because the three plane angles BAL, BAH, HAL, which contain the solid angle at A, are equal to the three plane angles EDC, EDF, FDC, which contain the solid angle at D, each to each, and are situated in the same order, the solid angle at A is equal to the solid angle at D. (XI. B.) Therefore at a given point in a given straight line a solid angle has been made equal to a given solid angle contained by three plane angles. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XXVII. PROBLEM. To describe, from a given straight line, a solid parallelopiped similar and similarly situated to one given. Let AB be the given straight line, and CD the given solid parallelopiped. It is required from AB to describe a solid parallelopiped similar and similarly situated to CD. At the point A of the given straight line AB, make a solid angle equal to the solid angle at C, (xI. 26.) and let BAK, KAH, HAB be the three plane angles which contain it, so that BAK be equal to the angle ECG, and KAH to GCF, and HAB to FCE: and as EC to CG, so make BA to AK; (v1. 12.) and as GC to CF, so make KA to AH; (vI. 12.) wherefore, ex æquali, as EC to CF, so is BA to AH: (v. 22.) complete the parallelogram BH, and the solid AL. Then AL shall be similar and similarly situated to CD. L H D M F K A B C E 234 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Because, as EC to GC, so is BA to AK, the sides about the equal angles ECG, BAK, are proportionals; therefore the parallelogram BK is similar to EG.* (v1. def. 1.) For the same reason, the parallelogram KH is similar to GF, and HB to FE; wherefore three parallelograms of the solid AL are similar to three of the solid CD: and the three opposite ones in each solid are equal and similar to these, each to each. (XI. 24.) Also, because the plane angles which contain the solid angles of the figures are equal, each to each, and situated in the same order, the solid angles are equal, each to each. (XI. B.) Therefore the solid AL is similar to the solid CD. (x1. def. 11.) Wherefore, from a given straight line AB, a solid parallelopiped AL has been described similar and similarly situated to the given one CD. Q.E.F. PROPOSITION XXVIII. THEOREM. If a solid parallelopiped be cut by a plane passing through the diagonals of two of the opposite planes; it shall be cut into two equal parts. Let AB be a solid parallelopiped, and DE, CF the diagonals of the opposite parallelograms AH, GB, viz. those which are drawn betwixt the equal angles in each. And because CD, FE are each of them parallel to GA, and not in the same plane with it, CD, FE are parallel; (x1. 9.) wherefore the diagonal CF, DE, are in the plane in which the parallels are, and are themselves parallels: (x1. 16.) and the plane CDEF shall cut the solid AB into two equal parts. C B G n D H A E Because the triangle CGF is equal to the triangle CBF, (1.34.) and the triangle DAE to DHE; and that the parallelogram CA is equal and similar to the opposite one BE, (xI. 24.) and the parallelogram GE to CH; therefore the prism contained by the two triangles CGF, DAE, and the three parallelograms, CA, GE, EC, is equal to the prism contained by the two triangles CBF, DHE, and the three parallelograms BE, CH, EC; (x1. c.) because they are contained by the same number of equal and similar planes, alike situated, and none of their solid angles are contained by more than three plane angles. Therefore the solid ÃB is cut into two equal parts by the plane CDEF. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP. XXIX. 235 PROPOSITION XXIX. THEOREM. Solid parallelopipeds upon the same base, and of the same altitude, the insisting straight lines of which are terminated in the same straight lines in the plane opposite to the base, are equal to one another. Let the solid parallelopipeds AH, AK be upon the same base AB, and of the same altitude, and let their insisting straight lines AF, AG, LM, LN be terminated in the same straight line FN, and CD, CE, BH, BK be terminated in the same straight line DK. The solid AH shall be equal to the solid AK. First, let the parallelograms DG, HN, which are opposite to the base AB, have a common side HG. D H K 12 G N B A L Then, because the solid AH is cut by the plane AGHC passing through the diagonals, AG, CH, of the opposite planes ALGF, CBHD, AH is cut into two equal parts by the plane AGHC; (x1. 28.) therefore the solid AH is double of the prism which is contained betwixt the triangles ALG, CBH: for the same reason, because the solid AK is cut by the plane LGHB, through the diagonals LG, BH of the opposite planes AĹNG, CBKH, the solid AK is double of the same prism which is contained betwixt the triangles ALG, CBH: therefore the solid AH is equal to the solid AK. (1. ax. 6.) Next let the parallelograms DM, EN, opposite to the base, have no common side. D HE K M F G N C B A L DEH K G N બ F B A L Then, because CH, CK, are parallelograms, CB is equal to each of the opposite sides DH, EK; (1.34.) wherefore DH is equal to EK: add or take away the common part HE; then DE is equal to HK: (1. ax. 2 or 3.) wherefore also the triangle CDE is equal to the triangle BHK, (1. 38.) and the parallelogram DG is equal to the parallelogram HN: (1. 36.) for the same reason, the triangle AFG is equal to the triangle LMN: and the parallelogram CF is equal to the parallelogram BM, and CG to BN; for they are opposite. (xI. 24.) Therefore the prism which is contained by the two triangles AFG, CDE, and the three parallelograms AD, DG, GC is equal to the prism contained by the two triangles LMN, BHK, and the three parallelograms BM, MK, KL. (x1. c.) If therefore the prism LMN, BHK be taken from the solid of : 236. EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. which the base is the parallelogram AB, and in which FDKN is the one opposite to it; and if from this same solid there be taken the prism AFG, CDE; the remaining solid, viz. the parallelopiped AH, is equal to the remaining parallelopiped AK. (1. ax. 3.) Therefore solid parallelopipeds, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXX. THEOREM. Solid parallelopipeds upon the same base, and of the same altitude, the insisting straight lines of which are not terminated in the same straight lines in the plane opposite to the base, are equal to one another. Let the parallelopipeds CM, CN be upon the same base AB, and of the same altitude, but their insisting straight lines AF, AG, LM, LN, CD, CE, BH, BK not terminated in the same straight lines. The solids CM, CN shall be equal to one another. N K E G M H P Q R F B A C Produce FD, MH, and NG, KE, and let them meet one another in the points O, P, Q, R; and join AO, LP, BQ, CR. And because the plane LBHM is parallel to the opposite plane ACDF, and that the plane LBHM is that in which are the parallels LB, MHPQ, in which also is the figure BLPQ; and the plane ACDF is that in which are the parallels AC, FDOR, in which also is the figure CAOR; therefore the figures BLPQ, CAOR are in parallel planes: in like manner, because the plane ALNG is parallel to the opposite plane CBKE, and that the plane ALNG is that in which are the parallels AL, OPGN, in which also is the figure ALPO; and the plane CBKE is that in which are the parallels CB, RQEK, in which also is the figure CBQR; therefore the figures ALPO, CBQR are in parallel planes: and the planes ACBL, ORQP are parallel; (hyp.) therefore the solid CP is a parallelopiped: but the solid CM is equal to the solid CP, (x1. 29.) because they are upon the same base ACBL, and their insisting straight lines AF, AO; CD, CR; LM, LP; BH, BQ are in the same straight lines FR, MQ: and the solid CP is equal to the solid CN, (xI. 29.) for they are upon the same base ACBL, and their insisting straight lines AO, AG; LP, LN; CR, CE; BQ, BK are in the same straight lines ON, RK: therefore the solid CM is equal to the solid CN. Wherefore solid parallelopipeds, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP. XXXI. 237 PROPOSITION XXXI. THEOREM. Solid parallelopipeds, which are upon equal bases, and of the same altitude, are equal to one another. Let the solid parallelopipeds AE, CF be upon equal bases AB, CD, and be of the same altitude. The solid AE shall be equal to the solid CF. First, let the insisting straight lines be at right angles to the bases AB, CD, and let the bases be placed in the same plane, and so that the sides CL, LB may be in a straight line; therefore the straight line LM, which is at right angles to the plane in which the bases are, in the point L, is common to the two solids AE, CF: (xI. 13.) let the other insisting lines of the solids be AG, HK, BE; DF, OP, CN: and first, let the angle ALB be equal to the angle CLD: then AL, LD are in a straight line. (1. 14.) P F Ꭱ N M E כן K B A S HT Produce OD, HB, and let them meet in Q, and complete the solid parallelopiped LR, the base of which is the parallelogram LQ, and of which LM is one of its insisting straight lines. Therefore, because the parallelogram AB is equal to CD, as the base AB is to the base LQ, so is the base CD to the base LQ. (v. 7.) And because the solid parallelopiped AR is cut by the plane LMEB, which is parallel to the opposite planes AK, DR; as the base AB is to the base LQ, so is the solid AE to the solid LR: (XI. 25.) for the same reason, because the solid parallelopiped CR is cut by the plane LMFD, which is parallel to the opposite planes CP,BR; as the base CD to the base LQ, so is the solid CF to the solid LR: but as the base AB to the base LQ, so the base CD to the base LQ, as before was proved; therefore, as the solid AE to the solid LR, so is the solid CF to the solid LR: (v. 11.) and therefore the solid AE is equal to the solid CF. (v. 9.) But let the solid parallelopipeds SE, CF be upon equal bases SB, CD, and be of the same altitude, and let their insisting straight lines be at right angles to the bases; and place the bases SB, CD in the same plane, so that CL, LB may be in a straight line; and let the angles SLB, CLD be unequal: the solid SE shall be equal to the solid CF. Produce DL, T'S until they meet in A, and from B draw BH parallel to DA; 238 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. P F R ENT E X K Q B L A S HT and let HB, OD produced meet in Q, and complete the solids AE, LR; therefore the solid AE is equal to the solid SE; (xI. 29.) because they are upon the same base LE, and of the same altitude, and their insisting straight lines, viz. LA, LS, BH, BT; MG, MV, EK, EX, are in the same straight lines AT, GX: and because the parallelogram AB is equal to SB, (1. 35.) for they are upon the same base LB, and between the same parallels LB, AT; and that the base SB is equal to the base CD; therefore the base AB is equal to the base CD ; and the angle ALB is equal to the angle CLD; therefore, by the first case, the solid AE is equal to the solid CF: but the solid AE is equal to the solid SE, as was demonstrated; therefore the solid SE is equal to the solid CF. But, if the insisting straight lines AG, HK, BE, LM; CN, RS, DF, OP be not at right angles to the bases AB, CD; in this case likewise the solid AE shall be equal to the solid CF. M E G K B L A H Q T P F אן U I C R Y Z From the points G, K, E, M; N, S, F, P draw the straight lines GQ, KT, EV, MX; NY, SZ, FI, PU, perpendicular to the plane in which are the bases AB, CD; (x1. 11.) and let them meet it in the points Q, T, V, X; Y, Z, I, U; and join QT, TV, VX, XQ; YZ, ZI, IU, UY. Then, because GQ, KT are at right angles to the same plane, they are parallel to one another: (x1. 6.) and MG, EK are parallels; therefore the planes MQ, ET, of which one passes through MG, GQ, and the other through EK, KT, which are parallel to MG, GQ, and not in the same plane with them, are parallel to one another; (XI. 15.) for the same reason, the planes MV, GT are parallel to one another; therefore the solid QE is a parallelopiped. In like manner it may be proved, that the solid YF is a parallelopiped. But, from what has been demonstrated, the solid EQ is equal to the solid FY, because they are upon equal bases MK, PS, and of the same altitude, and have their insisting straight lines at right angles to the bases: and the solid EQ is equal to the solid AE, (XI. 29. or 30.) and the solid FY to the solid CF, because they are upon the same bases and of the same altitude; therefore the solid AE is equal to the solid CF. Wherefore, solid parallelopipeds, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP, XXXII, XXXIII. 239 PROPOSITION XXXII. THEOREM. Solid parallelopipeds which have the same altitude, are to one another as their bases. Let AB, CD be solid parallelopipeds of the same altitude. They shall be to one another as their bases; that is, as the base AE to the base CF, so shall the solid AB be to the solid CD. B D K P EN E E 35 C G H A M To the straight line FG apply the parallelogram FH equal to AE, (1. 45. Cor.) so that the angle FGH may be equal to the angle LCG; and upon the base FH complete the solid parallelopiped GK, one of whose insisting lines is FD, whereby the solids CD, GK must be of the same altitude. Therefore the solid AB is equal to the solid GK, (x1. 31.) because they are upon equal bases AE, FH, and are of the same altitude: and because the solid parallelopiped CK is cut by the plane DG, which is parallel to its opposite planes, the base HF is to the base FC, as the solid HD to the solid DC: (x1. 25.) but the base HF is equal to the base AE, and the solid GK to the solid AB; therefore, as the base AE to the base CF, so is the solid AB to the solid CD. Q.E.D. Wherefore, solid parallelopipeds, &c. COR. From this it is manifest, that prisms upon triangular bases, of the same altitude, are to one another as their bases. Let the prisms, the bases of which are the triangles AEM, CFG, and NBO, PDQ the triangles opposite to them, have the same altitude: they shall be to one another as their bases. Complete the parallelograms AE, CF, and the solid parallelopipeds AB, CD, in the first of which let MO, and in the other let GQ be one of the insisting lines. And because the solid parallelopipeds AB, CD have the same altitude, they are to one another as the base AE is to the base CF: wherefore the prisms, which are their halves, are to one another, as the base ÃE to the base CF; (x1. 28.) that is, as the triangle AEM to the triangle CFG. PROPOSITION XXXIII. THEOREM. Similar solid parallelopipeds are one to another in the triplicate ratio of their homologous sides. Let AB, CD be similar solid parallelopipeds, and the side AE homo- logous to the side CF. 240 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. The solid AB shall have to the solid CD the triplicate ratio of that which AE has to CF. B X P H G D K R A E L M C Produce AE, GE, HE, and in these produced take EK equal to CF, EL equal to FN, and EM equal to FR ; and complete the parallelogram KL, and the solid KO. Because KE, EL are equal to CF, FN, each to each, and the angle KEL equal to the angle CFN, because it is equal to the angle AEG, which is equal to CFN, by reason that the solids AB, CD are similar; therefore the parallelogram KL is similar and equal to the paral- lelogram CÑ. For the same reason the parallelogram MK is similar and equal to CR, and also OE to FD. Therefore three parallelograms of the solid KO are equal and similar to three parallelograms of the solid CD: and the three opposite ones in each solid are equal and similar to these: (XI. 24.) therefore the solid KÓ is equal and similar to the solid CD. (x1. c.) Complete the parallelogram GK; and upon the bases GK, KL, complete the solids EX, LP, so that EH be an insisting straight line in each of them, whereby they must be of the same altitude with the solid AB. And because the solids AB, CD are similar, and, by permutation, as AE is to CF, so is EG to FN, and so is EH to FR: but FC is equal to EK, and FN to EL, and FR to EM ; therefore, as AE to EK, so is EG to EL, and so is HE to EM: but as AE to EK, so is the parallelogram AG to the parallelogram GK; (vI. 1.) and as GE to EL, so is GK to KL; (vI. 1.) and as HE to EM, so is PE to KM: (v1. 1.) therefore, as the parallelogram AG to the parallelogram GK to KL, and PE to KM: GK, so is (x1. 25.) (XI. 25.) (x1. 25.) but as AG to GK, so is the solid AB to the solid EX; and as GK to KL, so is the solid EX to the solid PL; and as PE to KM, so is the solid PL to the solid KO; and therefore as the solid AB to the solid EX, so is EX to PL, and PL to KO: but if four magnitudes be continual proportionals, the first is said to have to the fourth, the triplicate ratio of that which it has to the second; (v. def. 11.) therefore the solid AB has to the solid KO, the triplicate ratio of that which AB has to EX: but as AB is to EX, so is the parallelogram AG to the parallelogram GK, and the straight line AE to the straight line EK; BOOK XI. PROP. XXXIII, D. 241 wherefore the solid AB has to the solid KO, the triplicate ratio of that which AE has to EK: but the solid KO is equal to the solid CD, and the straight line EK is equal to the straight line CF; therefore the solid AB has to the solid CD, the triplicate ratio of that which the side AE has to the homologous side CF. Therefore, similar solid parallelopipeds, &c. Q. E.D. COR.-From this it is manifest, that if four straight lines be continual proportionals, as the first is to the fourth, so is the solid parallelopiped described from the first to the similar solid similarly described from the second; because the first straight line has to the fourth the triplicate ratio of that which it has to the second. PROPOSITION D. THEOREM. Solid parallelopipeds which are contained by parallelograms equian- gular to one another, each to each, that is, of which the solid angles are equal, each toʻeach, have to one another the ratio which is the same with the ratio compounded of the ratios of their sides. Let AB, CD be solid parallelopipeds, of which AB is contained by the parallelograms AE, AF, AG, which are equiangular, each to each, to the parallelograms CH, CK, CL, which contain the solid CD. The ratio which the solid AB has to the solid CD, shall be the same with that which is compounded of the ratios of the sides AM to DL, AN to DK, and AO to DH. D L B G F K H Y E N C a. M A S b- T R X C d- Produce MA, NA, OA to P, Q, R, so that AP be equal to DL, AQ to DK, and AR to DH; and complete the solid parallelopiped AX contained by the parallelo- grams AS, AT, AV similar and equal to CH, CK, CL, each to each. Therefore the solid AX is equal to the solid CD. (x1. c.) Complete likewise the solid AY, the base of which is AS, and AO one of its insisting straight lines. Take any straight line a, and as MA to AP, so make a to b; (vI. 12.) and as NA to AQ, so make b to c; and as AO to AR, so c to d. Then, because the parallelogram AE is equiangular to AS, AE is to AS, as the straight line a to c, as is demonstrated in Prop. 23, Book VI.: and the solids AB, AY, being betwixt the parallel planes BOY, EAS, are of the same altitude; therefore the solid AB is to the solid AY, as the base AE to the base AS; that is, as the straight line a is to c. (XI. 32.) 16 242 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. And the solid AY is to the solid AX, as the base OQ is to the base QR; (XI. 25.) that is, as the straight line OA to AR; that is, as the straight line c to the straight line d. And because the solid AB is to the solid AŸ, as a is to c, and the solid AY to the solid AX, as c is to d ex æquali, the solid AB is to the solid AX, or CD which is equal to it, as the straight line a is to d. But the ratio of a to d is said to be compounded of the ratios of a to b, b to c, and c to d, (v. def. A.) which are the same with the ratios of the sides MA to AB, NA to AQ, and OA to AR, each to each : and the sides, AP, AE, AR are equal to the sides DL, DK, DH, each to each: therefore the solid AB has to the solid CD the ratio which is the same with that which is compounded of the ratios of the sides AM to DL, AN to DK, and AO to DH. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXXIV. THEOREM. The bases and altitudes of equal solid parallelopipeds, are reciprocally proportional: and conversely, if the bases and altitudes be reciprocally proportional, the solid parallelopipeds are equal. Let AB, CD be two solid parallelopipeds: and first, let the insisting straight lines AG, EF, LB, HK; CM, NX, OD, PR be at right angles to the bases. If the solid AB be equal to the solid CD, their bases shall be reciprocally proportional to their altitudes; that is, as the base EH is to the base NP, so shall CM be to AG. If the base EH be equal to the base NP, K B G R D M F X H P A E C N then because the solid AB is likewise equal to the solid CD, CM shall be equal to AG: because if the bases EH, NP be equal, but the altitudes AG, CM be not equal, neither shall the solid AB be equal to the solid CD: but the solids are equal, by the hypothesis; therefore the altitude CM is not unequal to the altitude AG; that is, they are equal. Wherefore, as the base EH to the base NP, so is CM to AG. Next, let the bases EH, NP not be equal, but EH greater than the other: R D K B M X F T P 0 H A K C N BOOK XI. PROP. XXXIV. 243 then since the solid AB is equal to the solid CD, CM is therefore greater than AG: for, if it be not, neither also in this case would the solids AB, CD be equal, which, by the hypothesis, are equal. Make then CT equal to AG, and complete the solid parallelopiped CV, of which the base is NP, and altitude CT. Because the solid AB is equal to the solid CD, therefore the solid AB is to the solid CV, as the solid CD to the solid CV: (v. 7.) but as the solid AB to the solid CV, so is the base EH to the base NP; (XI. 32.) for the solids AB, CV are of the same altitude: and as the solid CD to CV so is the base MP to the base PT, (XI. 25.) and so is the straight line MC to CT; (vI. 1.) and CT is equal to AG: therefore, as the base EH to the base NP, so is MC to AG. Wherefore the bases of the solid parallelopipeds AB, CD are reciprocally proportional to their altitudes. Let now the bases of the solid parallelopipeds AB, CD be reci- procally proportional to their altitudes, viz. as the base EH is to the base NP, so let CM be to AG. The solid AB shall be equal to the solid CD. H K B G F Ꭱ D M X P C N A E If the base EH be equal to the base NP, then since EH is to NP, as the altitude of the solid CD is to the altitude of the solid AB, therefore the altitude of CD is equal to the altitude of AB: (v. A.) but solid parallelopipeds upon equal bases, and of the same altitude, are equal to one another; (XI. 31.) therefore the solid AB is equal to the solid CD. But let the bases EH, NP be unequal, and let EH be the greater of the two. R D K B M G F સ T H I P 0 A E CN Therefore, since, as the base EH to the base NP, so is CM the altitude of the solid CD to AG the altitude of AB, CM is greater than AG. (v. A.) Therefore, as before, take CT equal to AG, and complete the solid CV. And because the base EH is to the base NP, as CM to AG, and that AG is equal to CT, therefore the base EH is to the base NP, as MC to CT. But as the base EH is to NP, so is the solid AB to the solid CV; (xI. 32.) for the solids AB, CV are of the same altitude: and as MC to CT, so is the base MP to the base PT, (vI. 1.) and the solid CD to the solid CV: (x1.25.) 16-2 244 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore as the solid AB to the solid CV, so is the solid CD to the solid CV; that is, each of the solids AB, CD has the same ratio to the solid CV; and therefore the solid AB is equal to the solid CD. (v. 9.) Second general case. Let the insisting straight lines FE, BL, GA, KH; XN, DO, MC, RP not be at right angles to the bases of the solids. In this case, likewise, if the solids AB, CD be equal, their bases shall be reciprocally proportional to their altitudes, viz. the base EH shall be to the base NP, as the altitude of the solid CD to the altitude of the solid AB. K B G F R D M X P I H A E C N From the points F, B, K, G; X, D, R, M, draw perpendiculars to the planes in which are the bases EH, NP, meeting those planes in the points S, Y, V, T; Q, I, U, Z; and complete the solids FV, XU, which are parallelopipeds, as was proved in the last part of Prop. 31, of this book. Because the solid AB is equal to the solid CD, and that the solid AB is equal to the solid BT, for they are upon the same base FK, and of the same altitude; (xI. 30. or 29.) and that the solid CD is equal to the solid DZ, being upon the same base XR, and of the same altitude; (x1. 30. or 29.) therefore the solid BT is equal to the solid DZ: but the bases are reciprocally proportional to the altitudes of equal solid parallelopipeds of which the insisting straight lines are at right angles to their bases, as before was proved; therefore as the base FK to the base XR, so is the altitude of the solid DZ to the altitude of the solid BT: and the base FK is equal to the base EH, and the base XR to the base NP; wherefore, as the base EH to the base NP, so is the altitude of the solid DZ to the altitude of the solid BT: but the altitudes of the solids DZ, DC, as also of the solids BT, BA, are the same ; therefore as the base EH to the base NP, so is the altitude of the solid CD to the altitude of the solid AB; that is, the bases of the solid parallelopipeds AB, CD are recipro- cally proportional to their altitudes. Next, let the bases of the solids AB, CD be reciprocally proportional to their altitudes, viz. the base EH to the base NP, as the altitude of the solid CD to the altitude of the solid AB. The solid AB shall be equal to the solid CD. K B G F H T A E S R D M X P C N BOOK XI. PROP. XXXIV, xxxv. 245 The same construction being made; because, as the base EH to the base NP, so is the altitude of the solid CD to the altitude of the solid AB; and that the base EH is equal to the base FK, and NP to XR ; therefore the base FK is to the base XR, as the altitude of the solid CD to the altitude of AB: but the altitudes of the solids AB, BT are the same, as also of CD and ᎠᏃ ; therefore as the base FK to the base XR, so is the altitude of the solid DZ to the altitude of the solid BT: wherefore the bases of the solids BT, DZ are reciprocally propor- tional to their altitudes : and their insisting straight lines are at right angles to the bases; wherefore, as was before proved, the solid BT is equal to the solid DZ: but BT is equal to the solid BA, and DZ to the solid DC, (x1.30. or 29.) because they are upon the same bases, and of the same altitude; therefore the solid AB is equal to the solid CD. Therefore, the bases, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXXV. THEOREM. If, from the vertices of two equal plane angles, there be drawn two straight lines elevated above the planes in which the angles are, and con- taining equal angles with the sides of those angles, each to each; and if in the lines above the planes there be taken any points, and from them per- pendiculars be drawn to the planes in which the first-named angles are; and from the points in which they meet the planes, straight lines be drawn to the vertices of the angles first named: these straight lines shall contain equal angles with the straight lines which are above the planes of the angles. Let BAC, EDF be two equal plane angles : and from the points A, D let the straight lines AG, DM be elevated above the planes of the angles, making equal angles with their sides, each to each, viz. the angle GAB equal to the angle MDE, and GAC to MDF; and in AG, DM let any points G, M be taken, and from them let perpendiculars GL, MN be drawn to the planes BAC, EDF, (XI. 11.) meeting these planes in the points L, N; and join LA, ND. The angle GAL shall be equal to the angle MDN. A B H G D C F K E L N M Make AH equal to DM, and through H draw HK parallel to GL: but GL is perpendicular to the plane BAC; wherefore HK is perpendicular to the same plane. (XI. 8.) From the points K, N, to the straight lines AB, AC, DE, DF, draw perpendiculars KB, KC, NE, NF; and join HB, BC, ME, EF. 246 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Because HK is perpendicular to the plane BAC, the plane HBK which passes through HK is at right angles to the plane BAC; (xI. 18.) and AB is drawn in the plane BAC at right angles to the common section BK of the two planes; therefore AB is perpendicular to the plane HBK, (x1. def. 4.) and makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane: (xI. def. 3.) but BÍ meets it in that plane; therefore ABH is a right angle: for the same reason DEM is a right angle, and is therefore equal to the angle ABH: and the angle HAB is equal to the angle MDE: (hyp.) therefore in the two triangles HAB, MDE there are two angles in one, equal to two angles in the other, each to each, and one side equal to one side, opposite to one of the equal angles in each, viz. HA equal to DM; therefore the remaining sides are equal, each to each: (1.26.) wherefore AB is equal to DE. In the same manner, if HC and MF be joined, it may be demonstrated that AC is equal to DF: therefore, since AB is equal to DE, BA and AC are equal to ED and DF, each to each ; and the angle BAC is equal to the angle EDF; (hyp.) wherefore the base BC is equal to the base EF, I. 4.) and the remaining angles to the remaining angles: therefore the angle ABC is equal to the angle DEF : and the right angle ABK is equal to the right angle DEN; whence the remaining angle CBK is equal to the remaining angle FEN: for the same reason, the angle BCK is equal to the angle EFN: therefore, in the two triangles BCK, EFN, there are two angles in one equal to two angles in the other, each to each, and one side equal to one side adjacent to the equal angles in each, viz. BC equal to EF ; therefore the other sides are equal to the other sides; BK then is equal to EN, and AB is equal to DE; wherefore AB, BK are equal to DE, EN, each to each; and they contain right angles; wherefore the base AK is equal to the base DN. And since AH is equal to DM, the square of AH is equal to the square of DM: but the squares of AK, KH are equal to the square of AH, because AKH is a right angle; (1. 47.) and the squares of DN, NM are equal to the square of DM, for DNM is a right angle: wherefore the squares of AK, KH are equal to the squares of DN, NM: and of these the square of AK is equal to the square of DN; therefore the remaining square of KH is equal to the remaining square of NM; and the straight line KH to the straight line NM: and because HA, AK are equal to MD, DN, each to each, and the base HK to the base MN, as has been proved; therefore the angle HAK is equal to the angle MÍN. (1.8.) Therefore, if from the vertices, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK XI. PROP. XXXV, XXXVI. 247 COR. From this it is manifest, that if from the vertices of two equal plane angles, there be elevated two equal straight lines containing equal angles with the sides of the angles each to each; the perpendiculars drawn from the extremities of the equal straight lines to the planes of the first angles are equal to one another. Another demonstration of the Corollary. Let the plane angles BAC, EDF be equal to one another, and let AH, DM be two equal straight lines above the planes of the angles, containing equal angles with BA, AC; ED, DF, each to each, viz. the angle HÃB equal to MDE, and HAC equal to the angle MDF; and from H, M, let HK, MN be perpendiculars to the planes BAC, EDF: HK shall be equal to MN. Because the solid angle at A is contained by the three plane angles BAC, BAH, HAC, which are, each to each, equal to the three plane angles EDF, EDM, MDF, containing the solid angle at D; the solid angles at A and D are equal, and therefore coincide with one another; to wit, if the plane angle BAC be applied to the plane angle EDF, the straight line AH coincides with DM, as was shewn in Prop. B. of this book: and because AH is equal to DM, the point H coincides with the point M: wherefore HK, which is perpendicular to the plane BAC, coincides with MN which is perpendicular to the plane EDF, (x1. 13.) because these planes coincide with one another. Therefore, HK is equal to MN. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XXXVI. THEOREM. If three straight lines be proportionals, the solid parallelopiped described from all three, as its sides, is equal to the equilateral paral- lelopiped described from the mean proportional, one of the solid angles of which is contained by three plane angles equal, each to each, to the three plane angles containing one of the solid angles of the other figure. Let A, B, C be three proportionals, viz. A to B, as B to C. The solid described from A, B, C shall be equal to the equilateral solid described from B, equiangular to the other. 0 H N M G 03 K E D B A Take a solid angle D contained by three plane angles EDF, FDG, GDE: and make each of the straight lines ED, DF, DG equal to B, and complete the solid parallelopiped DH; 1 248 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. make LK equal to A, and at the point K in the straight line LK, make a solid angle contained by the three plane angles LKM, MKN, NKL, equal to the angles EDF, FDG, GDE, each to each; (XI. 26.) and make KN equal to B, and KM equal to C; and complete the solid parallelopiped KO.. And because, as A is to B, so is B to C, and that A is equal to LK, and B to each of the straight lines DE, DF, and C to KM; therefore LK is to ED, as DF to KM; that is, the sides about the equal angles are reciprocally proportional; therefore the parallelogram LM is equal to EF: (vi. 14.) and because EDF, LKM are two equal plane angles, and the two equal straight lines DG, KN are drawn from their vertices above their planes, and contain equal angles with their sides; therefore the perpendiculars from the points G, N to the planes EDF, LKM are equal to one another: (xI. 35. Cor.) therefore the solids KO, DH are of the same altitude: and they are upon equal bases LM, EF and therefore they are equal to one another: (xI. 31.) but the solid KO is described from the three straight lines A, B, C, and the solid DH from the straight line B. Therefore if three straight lines, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XXXVII. THEOREM. If four straight lines be proportionals, the similar solid parallelopipeds similarly described from them shall also be proportionals. And if the similar parallelopipeds similarly described from four straight lines be pro- portionals, the straight lines shall be proportionals. Let the four straight lines AB, CD, EF, GH be proportionals, viz. as AB to CD, so EF to GH; and let the similar parallelopipeds AK, CL, EM, GN be similarly described from them. AK shall be to CL, as EM to GN. K L A B C D P M N V E G H S R Make AB, CD, O, P continual proportionals, as also EF, GH, Q, R: (vi. 11.) and because as AB is to CD, so EF to GH; and that CD is to 0, as GH to Q, (v. 11.) and O to P, as Q to R; therefore, ex æquali, AB is to P, as EF to R: (v. 22.) but as AB to P, so is the solid AK to the solid CL; and as EF to R, so is the solid EM to the solid GN; (x1. 33. Cor.) therefore as the solid AK to the solid CL, so is the solid EM to the solid GN. (v. 11.) BOOK XI. PROP. XXXVII, XXXVIII. 249 Next, let the solid AK be to the solid CL, as the solid EM to the solid GN. The straight line AB shall be to CD, as EF to GH. Take as AB to CD, so EF to ST, and from ST describe a solid parallelopiped SV similar and simi- larly situated to either of the solids EM, GN. (x1.27.) And because AB is to CD, as EF to ST, and that from AB, CD the solid parallelopipeds AK, CL are simi- larly described; and in like manner the solids EM, SV from the straight lines EF, ST; therefore AK is to CL, as EM to SV; but, by the hypothesis, AK is to CL, as EM to GN; therefore GN is equal to SV: (v. 9.) but it is likewise similar and similarly situated to SV; therefore the planes which contain the solids GN, SV are similar and equal, and their homologous sides GH, ST equal to one another: and because as AB to CD, so EF to ST, and that ST is equal to GH, therefore AB is to CD, as EF to GH. Therefore, if four straight lines, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXXVIII. THEOREM. "If a plane be perpendicular to another plane, and a straight line be drawn from a point in one of the planes perpendicular to the other plane, this straight line shall fall on the common section of the planes. "Let the plane CD be perpendicular to the plane AB, and let AD be their common section: if any point E be taken in the plane CD, the perpendicular drawn from E to the plane AB shall fall on AD. C E G A D B For, if it does not, let it, if possible, fall elsewhere, as EF; and let it meet the plane AB in the point F; and from F draw, in the plane AB, a perpendicular FG to DA, (1. 12.) which is also perpendicular to the plane CD; (xI. def. 4.) and join ÉG. Then, because FG is perpendicular to the plane CD, and the straight line EG, which is in that plane, meets it; therefore FGE is a right angle: (x1. def. 3.) but EF is also at right angles to the plane AB; and therefore EFG is a right angle; wherefore two of the angles of the triangle EFG are equal together to two right angles; which is absurd: (1.17.) therefore the perpendicular from the point E to the plane AB does not fall elsewhere than upon the straight line AD; it therefore falls upon it. If therefore a plane, &c. Q.E. D.” * 250 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. : PROPOSITION, XXXIX. THEOREM. In a solid parallelopiped, if the sides of two of the opposite planes be divided, each into two equal parts, the common section of the planes pass- ing through the points of division, and the diameter of the solid parallelo- piped, cut each other into two equal parts. Let the sides of the opposite planes CF, AH, of the solid parallelo- piped AF, be divided each into two equal parts in the points K, L, M, N; X, O, P, R; and join KL, MN, XO, PR: and because DK, CL are equal and parallel, KL is parallel to DC: (1. 33.) for the same reason, MN is parallel to BA: and BA is parallel to DC; therefore, because KL, BA are each of them parallel to DC, and not in the same plane with it, KL is parallel to BA: (x1.9.) and because KL, MN are each of them parallel to BA, and not in the same plane with it, KL is parallel to MN: (x1.9.) wherefore KL, MN are in one plane. In like manner, it may be proved, that XO, PR are in one plane. Let YS be the common section of the planes KN, XR; and DG the diameter of the solid parallelopiped AF: YS and DG shall meet, and cut one another into two equal parts. D K F C I E T B H P A N G Join DY, YE, BS, SG. Because DX is parallel to OE, the alternate angles DXY, YOE are equal to one another: (1. 29.) + and because DX is equal to OE, and XY to YO, and that they contain equal angles, the base DY is equal to the base YE, and the other angles are equal; (1.4.) therefore the angle XYD is equal to the angle OYE, and DYE is a straight line: (1.14.) for the same reason BSG is a straight line, and BS equal to SG. And because CA is equal and parallel to DB, and also equal and parallel to EG; therefore DB is equal and parallel to EG: (x1.9.) and DE, BG join their extremities; therefore DE is equal and parallel to BG: (1.33.) and DG, YS are drawn from points in the one, to points in the other; and are therefore in one plane: whence it is manifest, that DG, YS must meet one another : let them meet in T. BOOK XI. PROP. XXXIX, XL. 251 And because DE is parallel to BG, the alternate angles EDT, BGT are equal; (XI. 29.) and the angle DIY is equal to the angle GTS: (1. 15.) therefore in the triangles DTY, GTS there are two angles in the one equal to two angles in the other, and one side equal to one side, opposite to two of the equal angles, viz. DY to GS; for they are the halves of DE, BG: therefore the remaining sides are equal, each to each: (1. 26.) wherefore DT is equal to TG, and YT equal to TS. Wherefore, if in a solid, &c. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION XL. THEOREM. If there be two triangular prisms of the same altitude, the base of one of which is a parallelogram, and the base of the other a triangle; if the parallelogram be double of the triangle, the prisms shall be equal to one another. Let the prisms ABCDEF, GHKLMN be of the same altitude, the first whereof is contained by the two triangles ABE, CDF, and the three parallelograms AD, DE, EC; and the other by the two triangles GHK, LMN, and the three parallelograms LH, HN, NG; and let one of them have a parallelogram AF, and the other a triangle GHK, for its base. If the parallelogram AF be double of the triangle GHK, the prism ABCDEF shall be equal to the prism GHKLMN. B D X M 0 N C H E F G K Complete the solids AX, GO: and because the parallelogram AF is double of the triangle GHK; and the parallelogram HK double of the same triangle; (1. 34.) therefore the parallelogram AF is equal to HK: but solid parallelopipeds upon equal bases, and of the same alti- tude, are equal to one another; (xI. 31.) therefore the solid AX is equal to the solid GO: and the prism ABCDEF is half of the solid AX; (x1. 28.) and the prism GHKLMN half of the solid GO: (x1. 28.) therefore the prism ABCDEF is equal to the prism GHKLMN. Wherefore, if there be two, &c. Q. E. D. • 1 NOTES TO BOOK XI. THE Eleventh Book of the Elements commences with the definitions of the Geo- metry of Planes and Solids, and then proceeds to demonstrate the most elementary pro- perties of straight lines and planes, solid angles and parallelopipeds. The solids considered in the eleventh and twelfth books are Geometrical solids, portions of space bounded by surfaces which are supposed capable of penetrating and intersecting one another. In the first six books, all the diagrams employed in the demonstrations are supposed to be in the same plane, which may lie in any position whatever, and be extended in every direction, and there is no difficulty in representing them roughly on any plane surface; this, however, is not the case with the diagrams employed in the demonstra- tions in the eleventh and twelfth books, which cannot be so intelligibly represented on a plane surface on account of the perspective. A more exact conception may be attained, by adjusting pieces of paper to represent the different planes, and drawing lines upon them as the constructions may require, and by fixing pins to represent the lines which are perpendicular to, or inclined to any planes. Any plane may be conceived to move round any fixed point in that plane, either in its own plane, or in any direction whatever; and if there be two fixed points in the plane, the plane cannot move in its own plane, but may move round the straight line which passes through the two fixed points in the plane, and may assume every possible position of the planes which pass through that line, and every different position of the plane will represent a different plane; thus, an indefinite number of planes may be conceived to pass through a straight line which will be the common intersection of all the planes. Hence, it is manifest, that though two points fix the position of a straight line in a plane, neither do two points nor a straight line fix the position of a plane in space. If however, three points, not in the same straight line, be conceived to be fixed in the plane, it will be manifest, that the plane cannot be moved round, either in its own plane or in any other direction, and therefore is fixed. Also any conditions which involve the consideration of three fixed points not in the same straight line, will fix the position of a plane in space; as two straight lines which meet or intersect one another or two parallel straight lines in the plane. Def. v. When a straight line meets a plane, it is inclined at different angles to the different lines in that plane which may meet it; and it is manifest that the incli- nation of the line to the plane is not determined by its meeting any line in that plane. The inclination of the line to the plane can only be determined by its inclination to some fixed line in the plane. If a point be taken in the line different from that point where the line meets the plane, and a perpendicular be drawn to meet the plane in another point; then these two points in the plane will fix the position of the line which passes through them in that plane, and the angle contained by this line and the given line, will measure the inclination of the line to the plane; and it will be found to be the least angle which can be formed with the given line and any other straight line in the plane. If two perpendiculars be drawn upon a plane from the extremities of a straight line which is inclined to that plane, the straight line in the plane intercepted between the perpendiculars is called the projection of the line on that plane; and it is obvious that the inclination of a straight line to a plane is equal to the inclination of the straight line to its projection on the plane. If however, the line be parallel to the NOTES TO BOOK XI. 253 plane, the projection of the line is of the same length as the line itself; in all other cases the projection of the line is less than the line, being the base of a right-angled triangle, the hypothenuse of which is the line itself. The inclination of two lines to each other, which do not meet, is measured by the angle contained by two lines drawn through the same point and parallel to the two given lines. Def. VI. Planes are distinguished from one another by their inclinations, and the inclinations of two planes to one another will be found to be measured by the acute angle formed by two straight lines drawn in the planes, and perpendicular to the straight line which is the common intersection of the two planes. It is also obvious that the inclination of one plane to another will be measured by the angle contained between two straight lines drawn from the same point, and per- pendicular, one on each of the two planes. The intersection of two planes suggests a new conception of the straight line. Def. IX. When a solid angle is contained by three plane angles, each plane which contains one plane angle, is fixed by the position of the other two, and consequently, only one solid angle can be formed by three plane angles. But when a solid angle is formed by more than three plane angles, if one of the planes be considered fixed in position, there are no conditions which fix the position of the rest of the planes which contain the solid angle, and hence, an indefinite number of solid angles, unequal to one another, may be formed by the same plane angles, when the number of plane angles is more than three. Def. x is restored, as it is found in the editions of Euclid, by Dr Barrow and others. It appears to be universally true, supposing the planes to be similarly situated, in which are contained the corresponding equal plane angles of each figure. Def. A. Parallelopipeds are solid figures in some respects analogous to parallelo- grams, and remarks might be made on parallelopipeds similar to those which were made on parallelograms in the notes to Book 11, p. 67; and every right-angled parallelopiped may be said to be contained by any three of the straight lines which contain the three right angles by which any one of the solid angles of the figure is formed; or more briefly, by the three adjacent edges of the parallelopiped. As all lines are measured by lines, and all surfaces by surfaces, so all solids are measured by solids. The cube is the figure assumed as the measure of solids or volumes, and the unit of volume is that cube, the edge of which is one unit in length. If the edges of a rectangular parallelopiped can be divided into units of the same length, a numerical expression for the number of cubic units in the parallelopiped may be found, by a process similar to that by which a numerical expression for the area of a rectangle was found. Let AB, AC, AD be the adjacent edges of a rectangular parallelopiped AG, and let AB contain 5 units, AC, 4 units, and AD, 3 units in length. Then if through the points of division of AB, AC, AD, planes be drawn parallel to the faces BG, BD, AE respectively, the parallelopiped will be divided into cubic units, all equal to one another. D A B C E G 254 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. And since the rectangle ABEC contains 5 x 4 square untis, (note, p. 68.) and that for every linear unit in AD there is a layer of 5 × 4 cubic units corresponding to it; consequently, there are 5 × 4 × 3 cubic units in the whole parallelopiped AG. That is, the product of the three numbers which express the number of linear units in the three edges, will give the number of cubic units in the parallelopiped, and therefore will be the arithmetical representation of its volume. And generally, if AB, AC, AD; instead of 5, 4 and 3, consisted of a, b and c linear units, it may be shewn, in a similar manner, that the volume of the parallelopiped would contain abc cubic units, and the product abc would be a proper representation of the volume of the parallelopiped. If the three sides of the figure were equal to one another, or b and c each equal to a, the figure would become a cube, and its volume would be represented by aaa, or a³. Prop. VI. From the diagram, the following important construction may be made. If from B a perpendicular BF be drawn to the opposite side DE of the triangle DBE, and AF be joined; then AF shall be perpendicular to DE, and the angle AFB measures the inclination of the planes AED and BED. Prop. XIX. It is also obvious, that if three planes intersect one another; and if the first be perpendicular to the second, and the second be perpendicular to the third; the first shall be perpendicular to the third; also the intersections of every two shall be perpendicular to one another. Prop. XXXIII. Algebraically. Let the adjacent edges of the solid AB contain a, b, c units, and those of the solid CD contain a', b', c' units respectively. Also, let V, V' denote their volumes. Then V = abc, and V' a'b' c'. But since the parallelopipeds are similar, .. a 818 = • Hence V abc V' a'b'c' a' b'c' a b c a α a a³ a''b'' Z b3 c3 = • a'3 b'8 C'3 In a similar manner, it may be shewn that the volumes of all similar solid figures bounded by planes, are proportional to the cubes of their homologous edges. BOOK XII. : LEMMA I. If from the greater of two unequal magnitudes, there be taken more than its half, and from the remainder more than its half; and so on: there shall at length remain a magnitude less than the least of the pro- posed magnitudes. (Book x. Prop. 1.) Let AB and C be two unequal magnitudes, of which AB is the greater. If from AB there be taken more than its half, and from the remainder more than its half, and so on; there shall at length remain a magnitude less than C. D A K F.- H. G BC E For may be multiplied so as at length to become greater than AB. Let it be so multiplied, and let DE its multiple be greater than AB, and let DE be divided into DF, FG, GE, each equal to C. From AB take BH greater than its half, and from the remainder AH take HK greater than its half, and so on, until there be as many divisions in AB as there are in DE: and let the divisions in AB be AK, KH, HB; and the divisions in DE be DF, FG, GE. And because DE is greater than AB, and that EG taken from DE is not greater than its half, but BH taken from AB is greater than its half; therefore the remainder GD is greater than the remainder HA. Again, because GD is greater than HA, and that GF is not greater than the half of GD, but HK is greater than the half of HA; therefore the remainder FD is greater than the remainder AK: and FD is equal to C, therefore C is greater than AK; that is, AK is less than C. Q. E. D. And if only the halves be taken away, the same thing may in the same way be demonstrated. PROPOSITION I. THEOREM. Similar polygons inscribed in circles, are to one another as the squares of their diameters. 256 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Let ABCDE, FGHKL be two circles, and in them the similar polygons ABCDE, FGHKL; and let BM, GN be the diameters of the circles: as the polygon ABCDE is to the polygon FGHKL, so shall the square of BM be to the square of GN. A B F E G L M N H K D Join BE, AM, GL, FN. · And because the polygon ABCDE is similar to the polygon FGHkl, the angle BAE is equal to the angle GFL, and as BA to AË, so is GF to FL: therefore the two triangles BAE, GFL having one angle in one equal to one angle in the other, and the sides about the equal angles proportionals, are equiangular; and therefore the angle AEB is equal to the angle FLG: but AEB is equal to AMB, because they stand upon the same circumference: (III. 21.) and the angle FLG is, for the same reason, equal to the angle FNG: therefore also the angle AMB is equal to FNG: and the right angle BAM is equal to the right angle GFN; (III. 31.) wherefore the remaining angles in the triangles ABM, FGN are equal, and they are equiangular to one another: therefore as BM to GN, BA to GF; (vI. 4.) and therefore the duplicate ratio of BM to GN, is the same with the duplicate ratio of BA to GF: (v. def. 10. and v. 22.) but the ratio of the square of BM to the square of GN, is the duplicate ratio of that which BM has to GN; (VI. 20.) and the ratio of the polygon ABCDE to the polygon FGHKL is the duplicate of that which BA has to GF: (VI. 20.) therefore as the polygon ABCDE is to the polygon FGHKL, so is the square of BM to the square of GN. Wherefore, similar polygons, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION II. THEOREM. Circles are to one another as the squares of their diameters. Let ABCD, EFGH be two circles, and BD, FH their diameters. As the square of BD to the square of FH, so shall the circle ABCD be to the circle EFGH. For, if it be not so, the square of BD must be to the square of FH, as the circle ABCD is to some space either less than the circle EFGH, or greater than it. A X R E K N H B F D S LG M P BOOK XII. PROP. II. 257 First, if possible, let it be to a space S less than a circle EFGH; and in the circle EFGH inscribe the square EFGH. (1v. 6.) This square is greater than half of the circle EFGH; because, if through the points E, F, G, H, there be drawn tangents to the circle, the square EFGH is half of the square described about the circle: (1. 47.) and the circle is less than the square described about it; therefore the square EFGH is greater than half of the circle. Divide the circumferences EF, FG, GH, HE, each into two equal parts in the points K, L, M, N, and join Ek, kf, fl, LG, ĠM, HM, HN, NE; therefore each of the triangles EKF, FLG, GMH, HNE, is greater than half of the segment of the circle in which it stands; because, if straight lines touching the circle be drawn through the points K, L, M, N, and the parallelograms upon the straight lines EF, FG, GH, HE be completed, each of the triangles EKF, FLG, GMH, HNE is the half of the parallelogram in which it is: (I. 41.) but every segment is less than the parallelogram in which it is; wherefore each of the triangles EKF, FLG, GMH, HNE is greater than half the segment of the circle which contains it. Again, if the remaining circumferences be divided each into two equal parts, and their extremities be joined by straight lines, by con- tinuing to do this, there will at length remain segments of the circle, which together are less than the excess of the circle EFGH above the space S; because, by the preceding Lemma, if from the greater of two unequal magnitudes there be taken more than its half, and from the remainder more than its half, and so on, there shall at length remain a magnitude less than the least of the proposed magnitudes. Let then the segments EK, KF, FL, LG, GM, MH, HN, NE be those that remain, and are together less than the excess of the circle EFGH above S: therefore the rest of the circle, viz. the polygon EKFLGMHN is greater than the space S. Describe likewise in the circle ABCD the polygon AXBOCPDR similar to the polygon EKFLGMHN: as therefore the square of BD is to the square of FH, so is the polygon AXBOCPDR to the polygon EKFLGMHN: (XII. 1.) but the square of BD is also to the square of FH, as the circle ABCD is to the space S; (hyp.) therefore as the circle ABCD is to the space S, so is the polygon AXBOCPDR to the polygon EKFLGMHN: (v. 11.) but the circle ABCD is greater than the polygon contained in it; wherefore the space S is greater than the polygon EKFLGMÍN: (v. 14.) but it is likewise less, as has been demonstrated; which is impossible. Therefore the square of BD is not to the square of FH, as the circle ABCD is to any space less than the circle EFGH. In the same manner, it may be demonstrated, that neither is the square of FH to the square of BD, as the circle EFGH is to any space less than the circle ABCD. Nor is the square of BD to the square of FH, as the circle ABCD is to any space greater than the circle EFGH. 17 258 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. For, if possible, let it be so to T, a space greater than the circle EFGH: A E K N R H B D ន L M G C T therefore, inversely, as the square of FH to the square of BD, so is the space T to the circle ABCD ; but as the space T is to the circle ABCD, so is the circle EFGH to some space, which must be less than the circle ABCD, (v. 14.) because the space T is greater, by hypothesis, than the circle EFGH; therefore as the square of FH is to the square of BD, so is the circle EFGH to a space less than the circle ABCD, which has been demon- strated to be impossible; therefore the square of BD is not to the square of FH as the circle ABCD is to any space greater than the circle EFGH: and it has been demonstrated, that neither is the square of BD to the square of FH, as the circle ABCD to any space less than the circle EFGH: wherefore, as the square of BD to the square of FH, so is the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH. Circles, therefore, are, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION III. THEOREM. Every pyramid having a triangular base, may be divided into two equal and similar pyramids having triangular bases, and which are similar to the whole pyramid; and into two equal prisms which together are greater than half of the whole pyramid. Let there be a pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABC, and its vertex the point D. The pyramid ABCD may be divided into two equal and similar pyramids having triangular bases, and similar to the whole; and into two equal prisms which together shall be greater than half of the whole pyramid. D K L B F C Divide AB, BC, CA, AD, DB, DC, each into two equal parts in the points E, F, G, H, K, L, and join EH, EG, GH, HK, KL, LH, EK, KF, FG. Because AE is equal to EB, and AH to HD, HE is parallel to DB: (vI. 2.) for the same reason, HK is parallel to AB: BOOK XII. PROP. III. 259 therefore HEBK is a parallelogram, and HK equal to EB: (1. 34.) but EB is equal to AE; therefore also AE is equal to HK: and AH is equal to HD; wherefore EA, AH are equal to KH, HD, each to each; and the angle EAH is equal to the angle KHD; (1. 29.) therefore the base ÈH is equal to the base KD, and the triangle AEH equal and similar to the triangle HKD. (1. 4.) For the same reason, the triangle AGH is equal and similar to the triangle HLD. Again, because the two straight lines EH, HG, which meet one another, are parallel to KD, DL, that meet one another, and are not in the same plane with them, they contain equal angles; (xI. 10.) therefore the angle EHG is equal to the angle KDL; and because EH, HG are equal to KD, DL, each to each, and the angle EHG equal to the angle KDL; therefore the base EG is equal to the base KL, and the triangle EHG equal and similar to the triangle KDL. (1. 4.) For the same reason, the triangle AEG is also equal and similar to the triangle HKL. Therefore the pyramid of which the base is the triangle AEG, and of which the vertex is the point H, is equal and similar to the pyramid, the base of which is the triangle KHL, and vertex the point D. (xI. c.) And because HK is parallel to AB, a side of the triangle ADB, the triangle ADB is equiangular to the triangle HDK, and their sides are proportionals: (v1.4.) therefore the triangle ADB is similar to the triangle HDK: and for the same reason, the triangle DBC is similar to the triangle DKL ; and the triangle ADC to the triangle HDL; and also the triangle ABC to the triangle AEG; but the triangle AEG is similar to the triangle HKL, as before was proved; therefore the triangle ABC is similar to the triangle HKL: (vI. 21.) and therefore the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABC, and vertex the point D, is similar to the pyramid of which the base is the triangle HKL, and vertex the same point D: (XI. B. & XI. def. 11.) but the pyramid of which the base is the triangle HKL, and vertex the point D, is similar, as has been proved, to the pyramid the base of which is the triangle AEG, and vertex the point H; wherefore the pyramid, the base of which is the triangle ABC, and vertex the point D, is similar to the pyramid of which the base is the triangle AEG, and vertex H: therefore each of the pyramids AEGH, HKLD is similar to the whole pyramid ABCD. And because BF is equal to FC, the parallelogram EBFG is double of the triangle GFC: (1.41.) but when there are two prisms of the same altitude, of which one has a parallelogram for its base, and the other a triangle that is half of the parallelogram, these prisms are equal to one another; (xI. 40.) therefore the prism having the parallelogram ÈBFG for its base, and the straight line KH opposite to it, is equal to the prism having the triangle GFC for its base, and the triangle HKL opposite to it; 17-2 260 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. for they are of the same altitude, because they are between the parallel planes ABC, HKL: (XI. 15.) and it is manifest that each of these prisms is greater than either of the pyramids of which the triangles AEG, HKL are the bases, and the vertices the points H, D; because, if EF be joined, the prism having the parallelogram EBFG for its base, and KH the straight line opposite to it, is greater than the pyramid of which the base is the triangle EBF, and vertex the point K: but this pyramid is equal to the pyramid, the base of which is the triangle AEG, and vertex the point H; (xI. c.) because they are contained by equal and similar planes: wherefore the prism having the parallelogram EBFG for its base, and opposite side KH, is greater than the pyramid of which the base is the triangle AEG, and vertex the point H: and the prism of which the base is the parallelogram EBFG, and opposite side KH, is equal to the prism having the triangle GFC for its base, and HKL the triangle opposite to it; and the pyramid of which the base is the triangle AEG, and vertex H, is equal to the pyramid of which the base is the triangle HKL, and vertex D: therefore the two prisms before mentioned are greater than the two pyramids of which the bases are the triangles AEG, HKL, and vertices the points H, D. Therefore the whole pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABC, and vertex the point D, is divided into two equal pyramids similar to one another, and to the whole pyramid; and into two equal prisms; and the two prisms are together greater than half of the whole pyramid. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION IV. THEOREM. If there be two pyramids of the same altitude, upon triangular bases, and each of them be divided into two equal pyramids similar to the whole pyramid, and also into two equal prisms; and if each of these pyramids be divided in the same manner as the first two, and so on: as the base of one of the first two pyramids is to the base of the other, so shall all the prisms in one of them be to all the prisms in the other, that are produced by the same number of divisions. Let there be two pyramids of the same altitude upon the triangular bases ABC, DEF, and having their vertices in the points G, H; and let each of them be divided into two equal pyramids similar to the whole, and into two equal prisms; and let each of the pyramids thus made be conceived to be divided in the like manner, and so on. 7 As the base ABC is to the base DEF, so shall all the prisms in the pyramid 4BCG be to all the prisms in the pyramid DEFH made by the same number of divisions. C M G N H D Y R B X E F BOOK XII. PROP. IV. 261 Make the same construction as in the foregoing proposition: and because BX is equal to XC, and AL to LC, therefore XL is parallel to AB, (vi. 2.) and the triangle ABC similar to the triangle LXC. For the same reason, the triangle DEF is similar to RVF. And because BC is double of CX, and EF double of FV, therefore BC is to CX, as EF to FV: (v. c.) and upon BC, CX are described the similar and similarly situated rectilineal figures ABC, LXC; and upon EF, FV, in like manner, are described the similar figures DEF, RFV: therefore, as the triangle ABC is to the triangle LXC, so is the triangle DEF to the triangle RVF, (v1. 22.) and, by permutation, as the triangle ABC to the triangle DEF, so is the triangle LXC to the triangle RVF. And because the planes ABC, OMN, as also the planes DEF, STY, are parallel, (xI. 15.) the perpendiculars drawn from the points G, H to the bases ABC, DEF, which, by the hypothesis, are equal to one another, shall be cut each into two equal parts by the planes OMN, STY, (x1. 17.) because the straight lines GC, HF are cut into two equal parts in the points N, Y by the same planes: therefore the prisms LXCOMN, RVFSTY are of the same altitude; and therefore, as the base LXC to the base RVF, that is, as the triangle ABC to the triangle DEF, so is the prism having the triangle LXC for its base, and OMN the triangle opposite to it, to the prism of which the base is the triangle RVF, and the opposite triangle STY: (XI. 32. Cor.) and because the two prisms in the pyramid ABCG are equal to one another, and also the two prisms in the pyramid DEFH equal to one another; as the prism of which the base is the parallelogram KBXL and opposite side MO, to the prism having the triangle LXC for its base, and OMN the triangle opposite to it; so is the prism of which the base is the parallelogram PEVR, and opposite side TS, to the prism of which the base is the triangle RVF, and opposite triangle STY: (v.7.) therefore, componendo, as the prisms KBXLMO, LXCOMN, to- gether, are to the prism LXCOMN, so are the prisms PEVRTS, RVFSTY to the prism RVFSTY; and permutando, as the prisms KBXLMO, LXCOMN are to the prisms PEVRTS, RVFSTY, so is the prism LXCOMN to the prism RVFSTY: but as the prism LXCOMN to the prism RVFSTY, so is, as has been proved, the base ABC to the base DEF; therefore, as the base ABC to the base DEF, so are the two prisms in the pyramid ABCG to the two prisms in the pyramid DEFH: and likewise if the pyramids now made, for example, the two OMNG, STYH, be divided in the same manner; as the base OMN is to the base STY, so are the two prisms in the pyramid OMNG to the two prisms in the pyramid STYH; but the base OMN is to the base STY, as the base ABC to the base DEF; 262 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. therefore, as the base ABC to the base DEF, so are the two prisms in the pyramid ABCG to the two prisms in the pyramid DEFH; and so are the two prisms in the pyramid OMNG to the two prisms in the pyramid STYH; and so are all four to all four: and the same thing may be shewn of the prisms made by dividing the pyramids AKLO and DPRS, and of all made by the same number of divisions. Q.E. D. PROPOSITION V. THEOREM. Pyramids of the same altitude which have triangular bases, are to one another as their bases. Let the pyramids of which the triangles ABC, DEF are the bases, and of which the vertices are the points G, H, be of the same altitude. As the base ABC to the base DEF, so shall the pyramid ABCG be to the pyramid DEFH. G H M N T Y D K R E V F Q Z B X C For, if it be not so, the base ABC must be to the base DEF, as the pyramid ABCG to a solid either less than the pyramid DEFH, or greater than it. First, if possible, let it be to a solid less than it, viz. to the solid Q: and divide the pyramid DEFH into two equal pyramids, similar to the whole, and into two equal prisms ; therefore these two prisms are greater than the half of the whole pyramid. (XII. 3.) And again, let the pyramids made by this division be in like manner divided, and so on until the pyramids which remain undivided in the pyramid DEFH be, all of them together, less than the excess of the pyramid DEFH above the solid Q: (XII. Lem. 1.) let these, for example, be the pyramids DPRS, STYH: therefore the prisms, which make the rest of the pyramid DEFH, are greater than the solid Q. Divide likewise the pyramid ABCG in the same manner, and into as many parts, as the pyramid DEFH. Therefore, as the base ABC to the base DEF, so are the prisms in the pyramid ABCG to the prisms in the pyramid DEFH: (XII. 4.) but as the base ABC to the base DEF, so, by hypothesis, is the pyramid ABCG to the solid Q; and therefore, as the pyramid ABCG to the solid Q, so are the prisms in the pyramid ABCG to the prisms in the pyramid DEFH; but the pyramid ABCG is greater than the prisms contained in it; wherefore also the solid Q is greater than the prisms in the pyramid DEFH; (v. 14.) BOOK XII. PROP. V, VI. 263 but it is also less, which is impossible. Therefore the base ABC is not to the base DEF, as the pyramid ABCG to any solid which is less than the pyramid DEFH. In the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the base DEF is not to the base ABC, as the pyramid DEFH to any solid which is less than the pyramid ABCG. Nor can the base ABC be to the base DEF, as the pyramid ABCG to any solid which is greater than the pyramid DEFH. For, if it be possible, let it be so to a greater, viz. the solid Z. And because the base ABC is to the base DEF as the pyramid ABCG to the solid Z ; by inversion, as the base DEF to the base ABC, so is the solid Z to the pyramid ABCG: but as the solid Z is to the pyramid ABCG, so is the pyramid DEFH to some solid, which must be less than the pyramid ABCG, (v. 14.) because the solid Z is greater than the pyramid DEFH; and therefore, as the base DEF to the base ABC, so is the pyra- mid DEFĤ to a solid less than the pyramid ABCG; the contrary to which has been proved: therefore the base ABC is not to the base DEF, as the pyramid ABCG to any solid which is greater than the pyramid DEFH. And it has been proved, that neither is the base ABC to the base DEF, as the pyramid ABCG to any solid which is less than the pyra- mid DEFH. Therefore, as the base ABC is to the base DEF, so is the pyramid ABCG to the pyramid DEFH. Wherefore, pyramids, &c. q.E.D. PROPOSITION VI. THEOREM. Pyramids of the same altitude which have polygons for their bases, are to one another as their bases. Let the pyramids which have the polygons ABCDE, FGHKL for their bases, and their vertices in the points M, N, be of the same altitude. As the base ABCDE is to the base FGHKL, so shall the pyramid ABCDEM be to the pyramid FGHKLN. M N A D F K B G H Divide the base ABCDE into the triangles ABC, ACD, ADE, and the base FGHKL into the triangles FGH, FHK, FKL; and upon the bases ABC, ACD, ADE let there be as many pyra- mids of which the common vertex is the point M, and upon the remaining bases as many pyramids having their common vertex in the point N. 264 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Therefore, since the triangle ABC is to the triangle FGH, as the pyramid ABCM to the pyramid FGHN; (x11. 5.) and the triangle ACD to the triangle FGH, as the pyramid ACDM to the pyramid FGHN; and also the triangle ADE to the triangle FGH, as the pyramid ADEM to the pyramid FGHN; as all the first antecedents to their common consequent, so are all the other antecedents to their common consequent; (v. 24. Cor. 2.) that is, as the base ABCDE to the base FGH, so is the pyramid ABCDEM to the pyramid FGHN: and for the same reason, as the base FGHKL to the base FGH, so is the pyramid FGHKLN to the pyramid FGHN: and, by inversion, as the base FGH to the base FGHKL, so is the pyramid FGHN to the pyramid FGHKLN: then, because, as the base ABCDE to the base FGH, so is the pyramid ABCDEM to the pyramid FGHN; and as the base FGH to the base FGHKL, so is the pyramid FGHN to the pyramid FGHKLN; therefore, ex æquali, as the base ABCDE to the base FGHKL, so the pyramid ABCDEM to the pyramid FGHKLN. (v. 22.) Therefore, pyramids, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION VII. THEOREM. Every prism having a triangular base may be divided into three pyramids that have triangular bases, and are equal to one another. Let there be a prism of which the base is the triangle ABC, and DEF the triangle opposite to it. The prism ABCDEF may be divided into three equal pyramids having triangular bases. F D E A B Join BD, EC, CD. And because ABED is a parallelogram of which BD is the diameter, the triangle ABD is equal to the triangle EBD; (1.34.) therefore the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C, is equal to the pyramid of which the base is the triangle EBD, and vertex the point C: (XII. 5.) but this pyramid is the same with the pyramid the base of which is the triangle EBC, and vertex the point D; for they are contained by the same planes: therefore the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C, is equal to the pyramid, the base of which is the triangle EBC, and vertex the point D. Again, because FCBE is a parallelogram of which the diameter is CE, the triangle ECF is equal to the triangle ECB; (1. 34.) therefore the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ECB, and BOOK XII. PROP. VII, VIII. 265 vertex the point D, is equal to the pyramid, the base of which is the triangle ECF, and vertex the point D: + but the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ECB, and vertex the point D, has been proved equal to the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C: therefore the prism ABCDEF is divided into three equal pyra- mids having triangular bases, viz. into the pyramids ABDC, EBDC, ECFD. And because the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C, is the same with the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABC, and vertex the point D, for they are contained by the same planes; and that the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C, has been demonstrated to be a third part of the prism, the base of which is the triangle ABC, and DEF the opposite triangle; therefore the pyramid of which the base is the triangle ABC, and vertex the point D, is the third part of the prism which has the same base, viz. the triangle ABC, and DEF its opposite triangle. Q.E.D. COR. 1. From this it is manifest, that every pyramid is the third part of a prism which has the same base, and is of an equal altitude with it: for if the base of the prism be any other figure than a triangle, it may be divided into prisms having triangular bases. COR. 2. Prisms of equal altitudes are to one another as their bases; because the pyramids upon the same bases, and of the same altitude, are to one another as their bases. (XII. 6.) PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. Similar pyramids, having triangular bases, are one to another in the triplicate ratio of that of their homologous sides. Let the pyramids having the triangles ABC, DEF for their bases, and the points G, H for their vertices, be similar and similarly situated. The pyramid ABCG shall have to the pyramid DEFH, the triplicate ratio of that which the side BC has to the homologous side EF. K L N M A B C X O H R P D E F Complete the parallelograms ABCM, GBCN, ABGK, and the solid parallelopiped BGML, contained by these planes and those opposite to them: and, in like manner, complete the solid parallelopiped EHPO con- tained by the three parallelograms DEFP, HEFR, DEHX, and those opposite to them. And because the pyramid ABCG is similar to the pyramid DEFH, the angle ABC is equal to the angle DEF, (x1. def. 11.) and the angle GBC to the angle HEF, and ABG to DEŃ: and AB is to BC, as DE to EF; (v1. def. 1.) 266 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. that is, the sides about the equal angles are proportionals: wherefore the parallelogram BM is similar to EP: for the same reason, the parallelogram BN is similar to ER, and BK to EX: therefore the three parallelograms BM, BN, BK are similar to the three EP, ER, EX: but the three BM, BN, BK are equal and similar to the three which are opposite to them, (xI. 24.) and the three ÉP, ER, EX equal and similar to the three opposite to them: wherefore the solids BGML, EHPO are contained by the same number of similar planes: and their solid angles are equal; (XI. B.) and therefore the solid BGML is similar to the solid EHPO: (XI. def. 11.) but similar solid parallelopipeds have the triplicate ratio of that which their homologous sides have; (xI. 33.) therefore the solid BGML has to the solid EHPO the triplicate ratio of that which the side BC has to the homologous side EF: but as the solid BGML is to the solid EHPO, so is the pyramid ABCG to the pyramid DEFH; (v. 15.) because the pyramids are the sixth part of the solids, since the prism, which is the half of the solid parallelopiped, (x1. 28.) is triple of the pyramid: (XII. 7.) wherefore, likewise the pyramid ABCG has to the pyramid DEFH, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to the homologous side EF. Q.E.D. COR. From this it is evident, that similar pyramids which have multangular bases, are likewise to one another in the triplicate ratio of their homologous sides. For they may be divided into similar pyramids having triangular bases, because the similar polygons, which are their bases, may be divided into the same number of similar triangles homologous to the whole polygons: therefore, as one of the triangular pyramids in the first multangular pyramid is to one of the triangular pyramids in the other, (v. 12.) so are all the triangular pyramids in the first to all the triangular pyramids in the other; that is, so is the first multangular pyramid to the other: but one triangular pyramid is to its similar triangular pyramid, in the triplicate ratio of their homologous sides; and therefore the first multangular pyramid has to the other, the triplicate ratio of that which one of the sides of the first has to the homologous side of the other. PROPOSITION IX. THEOREM. The bases and altitudes of equal pyramids having triangular bases are reciprocally proportional: and conversely, triangular pyramids, of which the buses and altitudes are reciprocally proportional, are equal to one another. Let the pyramids of which the triangles ABC, DEF are the bases, and which have their vertices in the points G, H, be equal to one another. BOOK XII. PROP. IX. 267: The bases and altitudes of the pyramids ABCG, DEFH shall be reciprocally proportional, viz. the base ABC shall be to the base DEF, as the altitude of the pyramid DEFH to the altitude of the pyramid ABCG. L N O R G H K X C M A B P F D E Complete the parallelograms AC, AG, GC, DF, DH, HF; and the solid parallelopipeds BGML, EHPO contained by these planes and those which are opposite to them. And because the pyramid ABCG is equal to the pyramid DEFH, and that the solid BGML is sextuple of the pyramid ABCG, (XI. 28. and XII. 7.) and the solid EHPO sextuple of the pyramid DEFH; therefore the solid BGML is equal to the solid EHPO: (v. ax. 1.) but the bases and altitudes of equal solid parallelopipeds are reci- procally proportional; (x1. 34.) therefore as the base BM to the base EP, so is the altitude of the solid EHPO to the altitude of the solid BGML: but as the base BM to the base EP, so is the triangle ABC to the triangle DEF; (v. 15.) therefore as the triangle ABC to the triangle DEF, so is the alti- tude of the solid EHPO to the altitude of the solid BGML: but the altitude of the solid EHPO is the same with the altitude of the pyramid DEFH; and the altitude of the solid BGML is the same with the altitude of the pyramid ABCG; therefore, as the base ABC to the base DEF, so is the altitude of the pyramid DEFH to the altitude of the pyramid ABCG: wherefore, the bases and altitudes of the pyramids ABCG, DEFH are reciprocally proportional. Again, let the bases and altitudes of the pyramids ABCG, DEFH be reciprocally proportional, viz. the base ABC to the base DEF, as the altitude of the pyramid DEFH to the altitude of the pyramid ABCG. The pyramid ABCG shall be equal to the pyramid DEFH. The same construction being made, because as the base ABC to the base DEF; so is the altitude of the pyramid DEFH to the altitude of the pyramid ABCG; and as the base ABC to the base DEF, so is the parallelogram BM to the parallelogram EP: therefore the parallelogram BM is to EP, as the altitude of the pyramid DEFH to the altitude of the pyramid ABCG: but the altitude of the pyramid DEFH is the same with the alti- tude of the solid parallelopiped EHPO; and the altitude of the pyramid ABCG is the same with the alti- tude of the solid parallelopiped BGML: therefore, as the base BM to the base EP, so is the altitude of the ; . 268 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. solid parallelopiped EHPO to the altitude of the solid parallelopiped BGML. But solid parallelopipeds having their bases and altitudes recipro- cally proportional, are equal to one another; (xI. 34.) therefore the solid parallelopiped BGML is equal to the solid parallelopiped EĦPO: and the pyramid ABCG is the sixth part of the solid BGML, and the pyramid DEFH is the sixth part of the solid EHPO; therefore the pyramid ABCG is equal to the pyramid DEFH. (v. ax. Therefore the bases, &c. Q. E.D. x. 2.) PROPOSITION X. THEOREM. Every cone is the third part of a cylinder which has the same base and is of an equal altitude with it. Let a cone have the same base with a cylinder, viz. the circle ABCD, and the same altitude. The cone shall be the third part of the cylinder; that is, the cylinder shall be triple of the cone. If the cylinder be not triple of the cone, it must either be greater than the triple, or less than it. First, if possible, let it be greater than the triple; B A E H D F G C and inscribe the square ABCD in the circle: this square is greater than the half of the circle ABCD. Upon the square ABCD erect a prism of the same altitude with the cylinder; this prism shall be greater than half of the cylinder : for let a square be described about the circle, and let a prism be erected upon the square, of the same altitude with the cylinder: then the inscribed square is half of that circumscribed; and upon these square bases are erected solid parallelopipeds, viz. the prisms of the same altitude; therefore the prism upon the square ABCD is the half of the prism upon the square described about the circle; because they are to one another as their bases: (xI. 32.) and the cylinder is less than the prism upon the square described about the circle ABCD: therefore the prism upon the square ABCD of the same altitude with the cylinder, is greater than half of the cylinder. Bisect the circumferences AB, BC, CD, DA, in the points E, F, G, H; and join AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA: then, each of the triangles AEB, BFC, CGD, DHA is greater than the half of the segment of the circle in which it stands, as was shewn in Prop. 11. of this book. BOOK XII. PROP. X. 269 Erect prisms upon each of these triangles, of the same altitude with the cylinder; each of these prisms shall be greater than half of the segment of the cylinder in which it is; because if through the points E, F, G, H, parallels be drawn to AB, BC, CD, DA, and parallelograms be completed upon the same AB, BC, CD, DA, and solid parallelopipeds be erected upon the parallelograms; the prisms upon the triangles AEB, BFC, CGD, DÍA, are the halves of the solid parallelopipeds; (xII. 7. Cor. 2.) and the segments of the cylinder which are upon the segments of the circle cut off by AB, BC, CD, DA, are less than the solid paral- lelopipeds which contain them; therefore the prisms upon the triangles AEB, BFC, CGD, DHA, are greater than half of the segments of the cylinder in which they are: therefore, if each of the circumferences be divided into two equal parts, and straight lines be drawn from the points of division to the extremities of the circumferences, and upon the triangles thus made prisms be erected of the same altitude with the cylinder, and so on, there must at length remain some segments of the cylinder which together are less than the excess of the cylinder above the triple of the cone: (XII. Lem. 1.) let them be those upon the segments of the circle AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA; therefore the rest of the cylinder, that is, the prism of which the base is the polygon AEBFCGDH, and of which the altitude is the same with that of the cylinder, is greater than the triple of the cone: but this prism is triple of the pyramid upon the same base, of which the vertex is the same with the vertex of the cone; (xII. 7. Cor. 1.) therefore the pyramid upon the base AEBFCGDH, having the same vertex with the cone, is greater than the cone, of which the base is the circle ABCD: but it is also less, for the pyramid is contained within the cone ; which is impossible: therefore the cylinder is not greater than the triple of the cone. Nor can the cylinder be less than the triple of the cone. Let it be less, if possible; therefore, inversely, the cone is greater than the third part of the cylinder. EK B H D G F In the circle ABCD inscribe a square : this square is greater than the half of the circle: and upon the square ABCD erect a pyramid, having the same vertex with the cone; this pyramid is greater than the half of the cone; because, as was before demonstrated, if a square be described about the circle, the square ABCD is the half of it: $ 270 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. * and if upon these squares there be erected solid parallelopipeds of the same altitude with the cone, which are also prisms, the prism upon the square ABCD is the half of that which is upon the square described about the circle ; for they are to one another as their bases; as are also the third parts of them: (XI. 32.) therefore the pyramid, the base of which is the square ABCD, is half of the pyramid upon the square described about the circle: but this last pyramid is greater than the cone which it contains; therefore the pyramid upon the square ABCD, having the same vertex with the cone, is greater than the half of the cone. Bisect the circumferences AB, BC, CD, DA in the points E, F, G, H, and join AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA: therefore each of the triangles AEB, BFC, CGD, DHA is greater than half of the segment of the circle in which it is: upon each of these triangles erect pyramids having the same vertex with the cone: therefore each of these pyramids is greater than the half of the segment of the cone in which it is, as before was demonstrated of the prisms and segments of the cylinder: and thus dividing each of the circumferences into two equal parts, and joining the points of division and their extremities by straight lines, and upon the triangles erecting pyramids having their vertices the same with that of the cone, and so on, there must at length remain some segments of the cone, which together are less than the excess of the cone above the third part of the cylinder: (XII. Lem. 1.) let these be the segments upon AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA: therefore the rest of the cone, that is, the pyramid of which the base is the polygon AEBFCGDH, and of which the vertex is the same with that of the cone, is greater than the third part of the cylinder: but this pyramid is the third part of the prism upon the same base AEBFCGDH, and of the same altitude with the cylinder; therefore this prism is greater than the cylinder of which the base is the circle ABCD: but it is also less, for it is contained within the cylinder; which is impossible: therefore the cylinder is not less than the triple of the cone. And it has been demonstrated that neither is it greater than the triple: therefore the cylinder is triple of the cone, or, the cone is the third part of the cylinder. Wherefore, every cone, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XI. THEOREM. Cones and cylinders of the same altitude, are to one another as their bases. Let the cones and cylinders, of which the bases are the circles ABCD, EFGH, and the axes KL, MN, and AC, EG the diameters of their bases, be of the same altitude. As the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, so shall the cone AL be to the cone EN. BOOK XII. 271 PROP. XI. L N D H S R E I C M G K P F 1 B If it be not so, the circle ABCD must be to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to some solid either less than the cone EN, or greater than it. First, let it be to a solid less than EN, viz. to the solid X; and let Z be the solid which is equal to the excess of the cone EN above the solid X; therefore the cone EN is equal to the solids X, Z together. In the circle EFGH inscribe the square EFGH; therefore this square is greater than the half of the circle: upon the square EFGH erect a pyramid of the same altitude with the cone; this pyramid shall be greater than half of the cone: for, if a square be described about the circle, and a pyramid be erected upon it, having the same vertex with the cone, the pyramid inscribed in the cone is half of the pyramid circumscribed about it, because they are to one another as their bases: (XII. 6.) but the cone is less than the circumscribed pyramid; therefore the pyramid of which the base is the square EFGH, and its vertex the same with that of the cone, is greater than half of the cone. Divide the circumferences EF, FG, GH, HE, each into two equal parts in the points O, P, R, S, and join EO, OF, FP, PG, GR, RH, HS, SE: therefore each of the triangles EOF, FPG, GRH, HSE is greater than half of the segment of the circle in which it is: upon each of these triangles erect a pyramid having the same vertex with the cone; each of these pyramids is greater than the half of the segment of the cone in which it is: and thus dividing each of these circumferences into two equal parts, and from the points of division drawing straight lines to the extremities of the circumferences, and upon each of the triangles thus made erecting pyramids having the same vertex with the cone, and so on, there must at length remain some segments of the cone which are together less than the solid Z; (Lemma.) let these be the segments upon EO, OF, FP, PG, GR, RH, HS, SE: therefore the remainder of the cone, viz. the pyramid of which the base is the polygon EOFPGRHS, and its vertex the same with that of the cone, is greater than the solid X. In the circle ABCD inscribe the polygon ATBYCVDQ similar to the polygon EOFPGRHS, and upon it erect a pyramid having the same vertex with the cone AL: and because as the square of AC is to the square of EG, so is the polygon ATBYCVDQ to the polygon EOFPGRHS; (x11. 1.) and as the square of AC to the square of EG, so is the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH; (XII. 2.) therefore the circle ABCD is to the circle EFGH, as the polygon ATBYCVDQ to the polygon EOFPGRHS: (v. 11.) 272 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. but as the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, so is the cone AL to the solid X; and as the polygon ATBYCVDQ to the polygon EOFPGRHS, so is the pyramid of which the base is the first of these polygons, and vertex L, to the pyramid of which the base is the other polygon, and its vertex N: (XII. 6.) therefore, as the cone AL to the solid X, so is the pyramid of which the base is the polygon ATBYCVDQ, and vertex L, to the pyramid the base of which is the polygon EOFPGRHS, and vertex N: but the cone AL is greater than the pyramid contained in it; therefore the solid X is greater than the pyramid in the cone EN: (v. 14.) but it is less, as was shewn; which is absurd: therefore the circle ABCD is not to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to any solid which is less than the cone EN. In the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the circle EFGH is not to the circle ABCD, as the cone EN to any solid less than the cone AL. Nor can the circle ABCD be to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to any solid greater than the cone EN. For, if it be possible, let it be so to the solid I, which is greater than the cone EN: therefore, by inversion, as the circle EFGH to the circle ABCD, so is the solid I to the cone AL: but as the solid I to the cone AL, so is the cone EN to some solid, which must be less than the cone AL; (v. 14.) because the solid I is greater than the cone EN; therefore, as the circle EFGH is to the circle ABCD, so is the cone EN to a solid less than the cone AL, which was shewn to be im- possible: therefore the circle ABCD is not to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL is to any solid greater than the cone EN. And it has been demonstrated, that neither is the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to any solid less than the cone EN: therefore the circle ABCD is to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to the cone EN: but as the cone is to the cone, so is the cylinder to the cylinder, (v. 15.) because the cylinders are triple of the cones, each of each, (XII. 10.) therefore as the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, so are the cylinders upon them of the same altitude. Wherefore, cones and cylinders of the same altitude are to one another as their bases. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XII. THEOREM. Similar cones and cylinders have to one another the triplicate ratio of that which the diameters of their bases have. Let the cones and cylinders of which the bases are the circles ABCD, EFGH, and the diameters of the bases AC, EG, and KL, MN the axes of the cones or cylinders, be similar. The cone of which the base is the circle ABCD and vertex the point L, shall have to the cone of which the base is the circle EFGH and vertex N, the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG. BOOK XII. PROP. XII. 273 L N V S R A C K E G T M B P F N x For, if the cone ABCDL has not to the cone EFGHN the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG, the cone ABCDL must have the triplicate of that ratio to some solid which is less or greater than the cone EFGHN. First, if possible, let it have it to a less, viz. to the solid X. Make the same construction as in the preceding proposition, and it may be demonstrated the very same way as in that proposition, that the pyramid of which the base is the polygon EOFPGRHS, and vertex N, is greater than the solid X. Inscribe also in the circle ABCD the polygon ATBYCVDQ similar to the polygon EOFPGRHS, upon which erect a pyramid having the same vertex with the cone; and let LAQ be one of the triangles containing the pyramid upon the polygon ATBYCVDQ, the vertex of which is L; and let ÑES be one of the triangles containing the pyramid upon the polygon EOFPGRHS of which the vertex is N, and join KQ, MS. Then, because the cone ABCDL is similar to the cone EFGHN, AC is to EG as the axis KL to the axis MN; (x1. def. 24.) and as AC to EG, so is AK to EM; (v. 15.) therefore as AK to EM, so is KL to MN; and alternately, AK to KL, as EM to MN: and the right angles AKL, EMN are equal: therefore, the sides about these equal angles being proportionals, the triangle AKL is similar to the triangle EMN. Again, because AK is to KQ, as EM to MS, (vi. 6.) and that these sides are about equal angles AKQ, EMS, because these angles are, each of them, the same part of four right angles at the centres K, M; therefore the triangle AKQ is similar to the triangle EMS. (v1. 6.) And because it has been shewn that as AK to KL, so is EM to MN, and that AK is equal to KQ, and EM to MS: therefore as QK to KL, so is SM to MN: and therefore, the sides about the right angles QKL, SMN being proportionals, the triangle LKQ is similar to the triangle NMS. And because of the similarity of the triangles AKL, EMN, as LA is to AK, so is NE to EM ; and by the similarity of the triangles AKQ, EMS, as KA to AQ, so ME to ES: therefore, ex æquali, LA is to AQ, as NE to ES. (v. 22.) Again, because of the similarity of the triangles LQK, NSM, as LQ to QK, so NS to SM; and from the similarity of the triangles KAQ, MES, 18 274 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. as KQ to QA, so MS to SE: therefore, ex æquali, LQ is to QA, as NS to SE: (v. 22.) and it was proved that QA is to AL, as SE to EN: therefore, again, ex æquali, as QL to LA, so is SN to NE: wherefore the triangles LQA, NSE, having the sides about all their angles proportionals, are equiangular and similar to one another: (VI. 5.) and therefore the pyramid of which the base is the triangle AKQ, and vertex L, is similar to the pyramid the base of which is the triangle EMS, and vertex N, because their solid angles are equal' to one another, and they are contained by the same number of similar planes: (XI. B.) but similar pyramids which have triangular bases have to one another the triplicate ratio of that which their homologous sides have; (XII. 8.) therefore the pyramid AKQL has to the pyramid EMSN the tri- plicate ratio of that which AK has to EM. In the same manner, if straight lines be drawn from the points D, V, C, Y, B, T to K, and from the points H, R, G, P, F, O to M, and pyramids be erected upon the triangles having the same vertices with the cones, it may be demonstrated that each pyramid in the first cone has to each in the other, taking them in the same order, the triplicate ratio of that which the side AK has to the side EN; that is, which AC has to EG: but as one antecedent to its consequent, so are all the antecedents to all the consequents; (v. 12.) therefore as the pyramid AKQL to the pyramid EMSN, so is the whole pyramid the base of which is the polygon DQATBYCV, and vertex L, to the whole pyramid of which the base is the polygon HSEOFPGR, and vertex N: wherefore also the first of these two last-named pyramids has to the other the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG: but, by the hypothesis, the cone of which the base is the circle ABCD, and vertex L, has to the solid X, the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG; therefore, as the cone of which the base is the circle ABCD, and vertex L, is to the solid X, so is the pyramid the base of which is the polygon DQATBYCV, and vertex L, to the pyramid the base of which is the polygon HSEOFPGR, and vertex N: but the said cone is greater than the pyramid contained in it; therefore the solid X is greater than the pyramid, the base of which is the polygon HSEOFPGR, and vertex N: (v. 14.) but it is also less; which is impossible: therefore the cone, of which the base is the circle ABCD and vertex L, has not to any solid which is less than the cone of which the base is the circle EFGH, and vertex N, the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG. In the same manner it may be demonstrated, that neither has the cone EFGHN to any solid which is less than the cone ABCDL, the triplicate ratio of that which EG has to AC. Nor can the cone ABCDL have to any solid which is greater than the cone EFGHN, the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG. BOOK XII. PROP. XII, XIII. 275 For, if it be possible, let it have it to a greater, viz. to the solid Z: therefore, inversely, the solid Z has to the cone ABCDL, the tripli- cate ratio of that which EG has to AC: but as the solid Z is to the cone ABCDL, so is the cone EFGHN to some solid, which must be less than the cone ABCDL, (v.14.) because the solid Z is greater than the cone EFGHN; therefore the cone EFGHN has to a solid which is less than the ·cone ABCDL, the triplicate ratio of that which EG has to AC, which was demonstrated to be impossible: therefore the cone ABCDL has not to any solid greater than the cone EFGHN, the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG: and it was demonstrated, that it could not have that ratio to any solid less than the cone EFGHN; therefore the cone ABCDL has to the cone EFGHN, the tripli- cate ratio of that which AC has to EG: but as the cone is to the cone, so the cylinder to the cylinder; (v. 15.) for every cone is the third part of the cylinder upon the same base, and of the same altitude: (XII. 10.) therefore also the cylinder has to the cylinder, the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG. Wherefore, similar cones, &c. Q. E.D. PROPOSITION XIII. THEOREM. If a cylinder be cut by a plane parallel to its opposite planes, or bases; it divides the cylinder into two cylinders, one of which is to the other as the axis of the first to the axis of the other. Let the cylinder AD be cut by the plane GH parallel to the oppo- site planes AB, CD, meeting the axis EF in the point K, and let the line GH be the common section of the plane GH and the surface of the cylinder AD. Let AEFC be the parallelogram in any position of it, by the revo- lution of which about the straight line EF the cylinder AD is described; and let GK be the common section of the plane GH, and the plane AEFC. And because the parallel planes AB, GH are cut by the plane AEKG, their common sections AE, KG, with it, are parallel: (x1.16.) wherefore AK is a parallelogram, and GK equal to EA the straight line from the centre of the circle AB: for the same reason, each of the straight lines drawn from the point K to the line GH may be proved to be equal to those which are drawn from the centre of the circle AB to its circumference, and are therefore all equal to one another; therefore the line GH is the circumference of a circle of which the centre is the point K: (1. def. 15.) therefore the plane GH divides the cylinder AD into the cylinders AH, GD; for they are the same which would be described by the revolution of the parallelograms AK, GF about the straight lines EK, KF: and it is to be shewn, that the cylinder AH is to the cylinder HC, as the axis EK to the axis KF. + • 18-2 276 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. L R N A E B K H F D T X Y M Q Produce the axis EF both ways: and take any number of straight lines EN, NL, each equal to EK; and any number FX, XM, each equal to FK; and let planes parallel to AB, CD, pass through the points L, N, X, M: therefore the common sections of these planes with the cylinder produced are circles, the centres of which are the points L, N, X, M, as was proved of the plane GH; and these planes cut off the cylinders PR, RB, DT, TQ. And because the axes LÑ, NE, EK, are all equal, therefore the cylinders PR, RB, BG, are to one another as their bases: (XII. 11.) but their bases are equal, and therefore the cylinders PR, RB, BG, are equal: and because the axes LN, NE, EK, are equal to one another, as also the cylinders PR, RB, BG, and that there are as many axes as cylinders: therefore, whatever multiple the axis KL is of the axis KE, the same multiple is the cylinder PG of the cylinder GB: for the same reason, whatever multiple the axis MK is of the axis KF, the same multiple is the cylinder QG of the cylinder GD: and if the axis KL be equal to the axis KM, the cylinder PG is equal to the cylinder GQ; and if the axis KL be greater than the axis KM, the cylinder PG is greater than the cylinder GQ; and if less, less: therefore, since there are four magnitudes, viz. the axes EK, kf, and the cylinders BG, GD; and that of the axis EK and cylinder BG there have been taken any equimultiples whatever, viz. the axis KL and cylinder PG, and of the axis KF and cylinder GD, any equimultiples whatever, viz. the axis KM and cylinder GQ; and since it has been demonstrated, that if the axis KL be greater than the axis KM, the cylinder PG is greater than the cylinder GQ; and if equal, equal; and if less, less: therefore as the axis EK is to the axis KF, so is the cylinder BG to the cylinder GD. Wherefore, if a cylinder, &c. Q.E.D. BOOK XII. PROP. XIV, xv. 277. PROPOSITION XIV. THEOREM. Cones and cylinders upon equal bases are to one another as their altitudes. Let the cylinders EB, FD, be upon the equal bases AB, CD. As the cylinder EB to the cylinder FD, so shall the axis GH be to the axis KL. Produce the axis KL to the point N, and make LN equal to the axis GH, and let CM be a cylinder of which the base is CD, and axis LN. Then because the cylinders EB, CM, have the same altitude, they are to one another as their bases: (XII. 11.) but their bases are equal, therefore also the cylinders EB, CM, are equal: F K EG C LD A H B N M : and because the cylinder FM is cut by the plane CD parallel to its opposite planes, as the cylinder CM to the cylinder FD, so is the axis LN to the axis KL: (XII. 13.) but the cylinder CM is equal to the cylinder EB, and the axis LN to the axis GH; therefore as the cylinder EB to the cylinder FD, so is the axis GH to the axis KL : and as the cylinder EB to the cylinder FD, so is the cone ABG to the cone CDK, (v.15.) because the cylinders are triple of the cones: (XII. 10.) therefore also the axis GH is to the axis KL, as the cone ABG to the cone CDK, and as the cylinder EB to the cylinder FD. Wherefore cones, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XV. THEOREM. The bases and altitudes of equal cones and cylinders are reciprocally proportional; and conversely, if the bases and altitudes be reciprocally proportional, the cones and cylinders are equal to one another. Let the circles ABCD, EFGH, the diameters of which are AC, EG, be the bases, and KL, MŃ, the axes, as also the altitudes, of equal cones and cylinders; and let ALC, ENG be the cones, and AX, EO the cylinders: the bases and altitudes of the cylinders AX, EO shall be reciprocally proportional; that is, as the base ABCD to the base EFGH, so shall the altitude MN be to the altitude KL. 27.8 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. R Ο A I X Y /H E G F K B Either the altitude MN is equal to the altitude KL, or these altitudes are not equal. First let them be equal; and the cylinders AX, EO being also equal, and cones and cylinders of the same altitude being to one another as their bases, (XII. 11.) therefore the base ABCD is equal to the base EFGH: (v.a.) and as the base ABCD is to the base EFGH, so is the altitude MN to the altitude KL. But let the altitudes KL, MN, be unequal, and MN the greater of the two, : and from MN take MP equal to KL, and through the point P cut the cylinder EO by the plane TYS, parallel to the opposite planes of the circles EFGH, RO; therefore the common section of the plane TYS and the cylinder EO is a circle, and consequently ES is a cylinder, the base of which is the circle EFGH, and altitude MP: and because the cylinder AX is equal to the cylinder EO, as AX is to the cylinder ES, so is the cylinder EO to the same ES: (v. 7.) but as the cylinder AX to the cylinder ES, so is the base ABCD to the base EFGH; (x11. 11.) for the cylinders AX, ES are of the same altitude; and as the cylinder EO to the cylinder ES, so is the altitude MN to the altitude MP, (xII. 13.) because the cylinder EO is cut by the plane TYS parallel to its opposite planes; therefore as the base ABCD to the base EFGH, so is the altitude MN to the altitude MP: but MP is equal to the altitude KL; wherefore as the base ABCD to the base EFGH, so is the altitude MN to the altitude KL: that is, the bases and altitudes of the equal cylinders AX, EO, are reciprocally proportional. But let the bases and altitudes of the cylinders AX, EO be recipro- cally proportional, viz. the base ABCD to the base EFGH, as the altitude MN to the altitude KL: the cylinder AX shall be equal to the cylinder EO. First, let the base ABCD be equal to the base EFGH: then because as the base ABCD is to the base EFGH, so is the altitude MN to the altitude KL; MN is equal to KL; (v. A.) and therefore the cylinder AX is equal to the cylinder EO. (XII. 11.) But let the bases ABCD, EFGH be unequal, and let ABCD be the greater: and because as ABCD is to the base EFGH, so is the altitude MN to the altitude KL; BOOK XII PROP. XV, XVI, 279 therefore MN is greater than KL. (v. a.) Then, the same construction being made as before, because as the base ABCD to the base EFGH, so is the altitude MN to the altitude KL; and because the altitude KL is equal to the altitude MP; therefore the base ABCD is to the base EFGH, as the cylinder AX to the cylinder ES; (x11. 12.) and as the altitude MN to the altitude MP or KL, so is the cylinder EO to the cylinder ES: therefore the cylinder AX is to the cylinder ES, as the cylinder EO is to the same ES: whence the cylinder AX is equal to the cylinder EO: and the same reasoning holds in cones. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XVI. PROBLEM. In the greater of two circles that have the same centre, to inscribe a polygon of an even number of equal sides, that shall not meet the lesser circle. Let ABCD, EFGH be two given circles having the same centre K. It is required to inscribe in the greater circle ABCD, a polygon of an even number of equal sides, that shall not meet the lesser circle. A B E H L KGMD F CN Through the centre K draw the straight line BD, and from the point G, where it meets the circumference of the lesser circle, draw GA at right angles to BD, and produce it to C; therefore AC touches the circle EFGH: (111. 16. Cor.) then, if the circumference BAD be bisected, and the half of it be again bisected, and so on, there must at length remain a circumference less than AD: (XII. Lem. 1.) let this be LD; and from the point L draw LM perpendicular to BD, and produce it to N; and join LD, DN: therefore LD is equal to DN: and because LN is parallel to AC, and that AC touches the circle EFGH; therefore LN does not meet the circle EFGH and much less shall the straight lines LD, DN, meet the circle EFGH: so that if straight lines equal to LD be applied in the circle ABCD from the point L around to N, there shall be inscribed in the circle a polygon of an even number of equal sides not meeting the lesser circle. Q. E. F. 280 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. LEMMA II. If two trapeziums ABCD, EFGH be inscribed in the circles, the centres of which are the points K, L; and if the sides AB, DC be parallel, as also EF, HG; and the other four sides AD, BC, EH, FG, be all equal to one another; but the side AB greater than EF, and DC greater than HG: the straight line KA from the centre of the circle in which the greater sides are, is greater than the straight line LE drawn from the centre to the circumference of the other circle. If it be possible, let KA be not greater than LE; then KA must be either equal to it, or less than it. A D K C B E H G PO L First, let KA be equal to LE: therefore, because in two equal circles AD, BC, in the one, are equal to EH, FG in the other, the circumferences AD, BC, are equal to the circumferences EH, FG; (III. 28.) but because the straight lines AB, DC are respectively greater than EF, GH; the circumferences AB, DC are greater than EF, HG; therefore the whole circumference ABCD is greater than the whole EFGH: but it is also equal to it, which is impossible: therefore the straight line KA is not equal to LE. But let KA be less than LE, and make LM equal to KA, and from the centre L, and distance LM, describe the circle MNOP, meeting the straight lines LE, LF, LG, LH, in M, N, O, P ; and join MN, NO, OP, PM, which are respectively parallel to, and less than EF, FG, GH, HE: (VI. 2.) then because EH is greater than MP, AD is greater than MP; and the circles ABCD, MNOP are equal; therefore the circumference AD is greater than MP: for the same reason, the circumference BC is greater than NO: and because the straight line AB is greater than EF, which is greater than MN, much more is AB greater than MN: therefore the circumference AB is greater than MN; and for the same reason, the circumference DC is greater than PO: therefore the whole circumference ABCD is greater than the whole MNOP: but it is likewise equal to it, which is impossible: therefore KA is not less than LE: nor is it equal to it; therefore the straight line KA must be greater than LE. Q. E. D. BOOK XII. PROP. XVII. 281 COR. And if there be an isosceles triangle, the sides of which are equal to AD, BC, but its base less than AB, the greater of the two sides AB, DC; the straight line KA may, in the same manner, be demonstrated to be greater than the straight line drawn from the centre to the circumference of the circle described about the triangle. PROPOSITION XVII. PROBLEM. In the greater of two spheres which have the same centre, to inscribe a solid polyhedron, the superficies of which shall not meet the lesser sphere. Let there be two spheres about the same centre A. It is required to inscribe in the greater a solid polyhedron, the superficies of which shall not meet the lesser sphere. D X R ན P I I Τ E M E S G eb N B Let the spheres be cut by a plane passing through the centre; the common sections of it with the spheres shall be circles; because the sphere is described by the revolution of a semicircle about the diameter remaining unmoveable; so that in whatever position the semicircle be conceived, the common section of the plane in which it is with the superficies of the sphere is the circumference of a circle; and this is a great circle of the sphere, because the diameter of the sphere, which is likewise the diameter of the circle, is greater than any straight line in the circle or sphere. (III. 15.) Let then the circle made by the section of the plane with the greater sphere be BCDE, and with the lesser sphere be FGH; and draw the two diameters BD, CE at right angles to one another; and in BCDE, the greater of the two circles, inscribe a polygon of an even number of equal sides not meeting the lesser circle FGH; (x11. 16.) and let its sides in BE, the fourth part of the circle, be BK, KL, LM, ME; join KA, and produce it to N; and from A draw AX at right angles to the plane of the circle BCDE, meeting the superficies of the sphere in the point X: (xI. 12.) and let planes pass through AX, and each of the straight lines BD, KN, which from what has been said, shall produce great circles on the 282 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. superficies of the sphere, and let BXD, KXN be the semicircles thus made upon the diameters, BD, KN: therefore, because XA is at right angles to the plane of the circle BCDE, every plane which passes through XA is at right angles to the plane of the circle BCDE; (xI. 18.) wherefore the semicircles BXD, KXN are at right angles to that plane: and because the semicircles BED, BXD, KXŇ upon the equal diameters BD, KN, are equal to one another; their halves BE, BX, KX, are equal to one another, therefore as many sides of the polygon as are in BE, so many are there in BX, KX, equal to the sides BK, KL, LM, ME: let these polygons be described, and their sides be BO, OP, PR, RX; KS, ST, TY, YX; and join OS, PT, RY; and from the points O, S, draw OV, SQ perpendiculars to AB, AK: and because the plane BOXD is at right angles to the plane BCDE, and in one of them BOXD, OV is drawn perpendicular to AB the common section of the planes, therefore OV is perpendicular to the plane BCDE: (x1. def. 4.) for the same reason SQ is perpendicular to the same plane, because the plane KSX is at right angles to the plane BCDE. Join VQ: and because in the equal semicircles BXD, KXN, the circumferences BO, KS are equal, and OV, SQ are perpendicular to their diameters, therefore OV is equal to SQ, and BV equal to KQ: (1.26.) but the whole BA is equal to the whole KA, therefore the remainder VA is equal to the remainder QA ; therefore as BV is to VA, so is KQ to QA; wherefore VQ is parallel to BK: (vI. 2.) and because OV, SQ are each of them at right angles to the plane of the circle BCDE, OV is parallel to SQ: (x1. 6.) and it has been proved, that it is also equal to it; therefore QV, SÕ are equal and parallel: (1. 33.) and because QV is parallel to SO, and also to KB; OS is parallel to BK; (x1.9.) and therefore BO, KS, which join them are in the same plane in which these parallels are, and the quadrilateral figure KBOS is in one plane: and if PB, TK be joined, and perpendiculars be drawn from the points P, T, to the straight lines AB, AK, it may be demonstrated, that TP is parallel to KB in the very same way that SO was shewn to be parallel to the same KB; wherefore TP is parallel to SO, (x1. 9.) and the quadrilateral figure SOPT is in one plane: for the same reason the quadrilateral TPRY is in one plane: and the figure YRX is also in one plane: (xI. 2.) therefore, if from the points O, S, P, T, R, Y, there be drawn straight lines to the point A, there will be formed a solid polyhedron between the circumferences BX, KX, composed of pyramids, the bases of which are the quadrilaterals KBOS, SOPT, TPRY, and the triangle YRX, and of which the common vertex is the point A: BOOK XII. PROP. XVII. 283 } and if the same construction be made upon each of the sides KL, LM, ME, as has been done upon BK, and the like be done also in the other three quadrants, and in the other hemisphere; there will be formed a solid polyhedron inscribed in the sphere, composed of pyramids, the bases of which are the aforesaid quadrilateral figures, and the triangle YRX, and those formed in the like manner in the rest of the sphere, the common vertex of them all being the point A. Also the superficies of this solid polyhedron shall not meet the lesser sphere in which is the circle FGÌ. For, from the point A draw AZ perpendicular to the plane of the quadrilateral KBOS, meeting it in Z, and join BZ, ZK: (xI. 11.) and because AZ is perpendicular to the plane KBOS, it makes right angles with every straight line meeting it in that plane; therefore AZ is perpendicular to BZ and ZK: and because AB is equal to ÂK, and that the squares of AZ, ZB are equal to the square of AB, and the squares of AZ, ZK to the square of AK; (1.47.) therefore the squares of AZ, ZB are equal to the squares of AZ, ZK: take from these equals the square of AZ, and the remaining square of BZ is equal to the remaining square of ZK, and therefore the straight line BZ is equal to ZK: in the like manner it may be demonstrated, that the straight lines drawn from the point Z to the points O, S, are equal to BZ or ZK; therefore the circle described from the centre Z, and distance ZB, will pass through the points K, O, S, and KBOS will be a quadrilateral figure in the circle: and because KB is greater than QV, and QV equal to SO, therefore KB is greater than SO: but KB is equal to each of the straight lines BO, KS; wherefore each of the circumferences cut off by KB, BO, KS, is greater than that cut off by OS; and these three circumferences, together with a fourth equal to one of them, are greater than the same three together with that cut off by OS; that is, than the whole circumference of the circle; therefore the circumference subtended by KB is greater than the fourth part of the whole circumference of the circle KBOS, and consequently the angle BZK at the centre is greater than a right angle: and because the angle BZK is obtuse, the square of BK is greater than the squares of BZ, ZK; (11. 12.) that is, greater than twice the square of BZ. Join KV: and because in the triangle KBV, OBV, KB, BV are equal to OB, BV, and that they contain equal angles ; the angle KBV is equal to the angle OVB: and OVB is a right angle; therefore also KVB is a right angle: and because BD is less than twice DV; (1.4.) the rectangle contained by BD, BV is less than twice the rectangle DV, VB; that is, the square of KB is less than twice the square of KV: (v1.8.) 284 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 1 but the square of KB is greater than twice the square of BZ; therefore the square of KV is greater than the square of BZ: and because BA is equal to AK, and that the squares of BZ, ZA are equal together to the square of BA, and the squares of KV, VA to the square of AK; therefore the squares of BZ, ZA are equal to the squares of KV, VA; and of these the square of KV is greater than the square of BZ; therefore the square of VA is less than the square of ZA, and the straight line AZ greater than VA: much more then is AZ greater than AG; because, in the preceding proposition, it was shewn that KV falls without the circle FGH: and AZ is perpendicular to the plane KBOS, and is therefore the shortest of all the straight lines that can be drawn from A, the centre of the sphere, to that plane. Therefore the plane KBOS does not meet the lesser sphere. And that the other planes between the quadrants BX, KX, fall without the lesser sphere, is thus demonstrated. From the point A draw AI perpendicular to the plane of the quad- rilateral SOPT, and join 10; and, as was demonstrated of the plane KBOS and the point Z, in the same way it may be shewn that the point I is the centre of a circle described about SOPT; and that OS is greater than PT; and PT was shewn to be parallel to OS: therefore, because the two trapeziums KBOS, SOPT inscribed in circles, have their sides BK, OS parallel, as also OS, PT; and their other sides BO, KS, OP, ST all equal to one another, and that BK is greater than OS, and OS greater than PT, therefore the straight line ZB is greater than IO. (x11. Lem. 2.) Join AO, which will be equal to AB; and because AIO, AZB are right angles, the squares of AI, 10 are equal to the square of AO or of AB ; that is, to the squares of AZ, ZB ; and the square of ZB is greater than the square of IO, therefore the square of AŽ is less than the square of AI; and the straight line AZ less than the straight line AI: and it was proved, that AZ is greater than AG; much more then is AI greater than AG: therefore the plane SOPT falls wholly without the lesser sphere. In the same manner it may be demonstrated, that the plane TPRY falls without the same sphere, as also the triangle YRX, viz. by x11. Lem. 2. Cor. And after the same way it may be demonstrated, that all the planes which contain the solid polyhedron, fall without the lesser sphere. Therefore in the greater of two spheres, which have the same centre, a solid polyhedron is inscribed, the superficies of which does not meet the lesser sphere. Q.E.F. But the straight line AZ may be demonstrated to be greater than AG otherwise, and in a shorter manner, without the help of Prop. xvI., as follows. From the point G draw GU at right angles to AG, and join AU. If then the circumference BE be bisected, and its half again BOOK XII. PROP. XVII, XVIII. 285 bisected, and so on, there will at length be left a circumference less than the circumference which is subtended by a straight line equal to GU, inscribed in the circle BCDE: let this be the circumference KB: therefore the straight line KB is less than GU: and because the angle BZK is obtuse, as was proved in the preceding, therefore BK is greater than BZ: but GU is greater than BK; much more then is GU greater than BZ, and the square of GU than the square of BZ: and AU is equal to AB; therefore the square of AU, that is, the squares of AG, GU are equal to the square of AB, that is, to the squares of AZ, ZB: but the square of BZ is less than the square of GU; therefore the square of AZ is greater than the square of AG, and the straight line AZ consequently greater than the straight line AG. COR.-And if in the lesser sphere there be inscribed a solid poly- hedron, by drawing straight lines betwixt the points in which the straight lines from the centre of the sphere drawn to all the angles of the solid polyhedron in the greater sphere meet the superficies of the lesser; in the same order in which are joined the points in which the same lines from the centre meet the superficies of the greater sphere: the solid polyhedron in the sphere BCDE shall have to this other solid polyhedron the triplicate ratio of that which the diameter of the sphere BCDE has to the diameter of the other sphere. For if these two solids be divided into the same number of pyramids, and in the same order, the pyramids shall be similar to one another, each to each: because they have the solid angles at their common vertex, the centre of the sphere, the same in each pyramid, and their other solid angles at the bases, equal to one another, each to each, (XI. B.) because they are con- tained by three plane angles, each equal to each; and the pyramids are contained by the same number of similar planes; and are therefore similar to one another, each to each: (x1. def. 11.) but similar pyramids have to one another the triplicate ratio of their homologous sides: (XII. 8. Cor.) therefore the pyramid of which the base is the quadrilateral KBOS, and vertex A, has to the pyramid in the other sphere of the same order, the triplicate ratio of their homologous sides, that is, of that ratio, which AB from the centre of the greater sphere has to the straight line from the same centre to the superficies of the lesser sphere. And in like manner, each pyramid in the greater sphere has to each of the same order in the less, the triplicate ratio of that which AB has to the semi-diameter of the less sphere. And as one antecedent is to its consequent, so are all the antecedents to all the consequents. Where- fore the whole solid polyhedron in the greater sphere has to the whole solid polyhedron in the other, the triplicate ratio of that which AB the semi-diameter of the first has to the semi-diameter of the other; that is, which the diameter BD of the greater has to the diameter of the other sphere. PROPOSITION XVIII. THEOREM. Spheres have to one another the triplicate ratio of that which their diameters have. 1 286 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. Let ABC, DEF be two spheres, of which the diameters are BC, EF, The sphere ABC shall have to the sphere DEF the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF. B A E D G L K F M N For, if it has not, the sphere ABC must have to a sphere either less or greater than DEF, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF. First, if possible, let it have that ratio to a less, viz. to the sphere GHK; and let the sphere DEF have the same centre with GHK: and in the greater sphere DEF inscribe a solid polyhedron, the super- ficies of which does not meet the lesser sphere GHK; (x11. 17.) and in the sphere ABC inscribe another similar to that in the sphere DEF: therefore the solid polyhedron in the sphere ABC has to the solid polyhedron in the sphere DEF, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF. (x11. 17. Cor.) But the sphere ABC has to the sphere GHK, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF; therefore, as the sphere ABC to the sphere GHK, so is the solid polyhedron in the sphere ABC to the solid polyhedron in the sphere DEF: but the sphere ABC is greater than the solid polyhedron in it; therefore also the sphere GHK is greater than the solid polyhedron in the sphere DEF: (v. 14.) but it is also less, because it is contained within it, which is impossible: therefore the sphere ABC has not to any sphere less than DEF, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF. In the same manner, it may be demonstrated, that the sphere DEF has not to any sphere less than ABC, the triplicate ratio of that which EF has to BČ. Nor can the sphere ABC have to any sphere greater than DEF, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF: for, if it can, let it have that ratio to a greater sphere LMN: therefore, by inversion, the sphere LMN has to the sphere ABC, the triplicate ratio of that which the diameter EF has to the diameter BC. But as the sphere LMN to ABC, so is the sphere DEF to some sphere, which must be less than the sphere ABC, (v. 14.) because the sphere LMN is greater than the sphere DEF; therefore the sphere DEF has to a sphere less than ABC the triplicate ratio of that which EF has to BC; which was shewn to be impossible: therefore the sphere ABC has not to any sphere greater than DEF, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF: and it was demonstrated, that neither has it that ratio to any sphere less than DEF. Therefore the sphere ABC has to the sphere DEF, the triplicate ratio of that which BC has to EF. Q. E.D. NOTES TO BOOK XII. THIS book treats of the properties of prisms and cylinders, pyramids and cones. A new principle is introduced called "the method of Exhaustions," which may be applied for the purpose of finding the areas and ratios of circles, and the relations of the surfaces and of the volumes of cones, spheres and cylinders. The first comparison of rectilinear areas is made in the first book of the Elements by the principle of superposition, where two triangles are coincident in all respects; next, comparison is made between triangles and other rectilinear figures when they are not coincident. In the sixth book, similar triangles are compared by shewing that they are in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides, and then by dividing similar polygons into the same number of similar triangles, and shewing that the polygons are also in the duplicate ratio of any of their homologous sides. In the eleventh book, similar rectilinear solids are compared by shewing that their volumes are to one another in the triplicate ratio of their homologous sides. "The method of Exhaustions" is founded on the principle of exhausting a mag- nitude by continually taking away a certain part of it, as is explained in the tenth book of the Elements, where Euclid states, that two quantities are equal, whose dif- ference is less than any assignable quantity. If A and A' be two magnitudes of the same kind, and if d and d be any other magnitudes of the same kind, such that A' + d is always greater than, and A'-d' always less than A, however small d and d' may be made, then A' is equal to A. The method of exhaustions may be applied to find the circumference and area of a circle. A rectilinear figure may be inscribed in the circle and a similar one circum- scribed about it, and then by continually doubling the number of sides of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons, by this principle, it may be demonstrated, that the area of the circle is less than the area of the circumscribed polygon, but greater than the area of the inscribed polygon; and that as the number of sides of the polygon is in- creased, and consequently the magnitude of each diminished, the differences between the circle and the inscribed and circumscribed polygons are continually exhausted, and at length become less than any assignable difference; and the area of the circle is the limit to which the inscribed and circumscribed polygons continually approach, as the number of sides is increased. Also in comparing two unequal circles, two similar polygons are inscribed in the circles, and then by doubling the number of sides continually, it is shewn that the limit to which the ratio of the areas of the rectilineal figures continually approach is the same as the ratio of the circles. In a similar way it will be seen, that the principle is applied to the surfaces and volumes of cones, cylinders and spheres. Prop. II. (1.) For there is some square equal to the circle ABCD; let P be the side of it, and to three straight lines BD, FH, and P, there can be a fourth propor- tional; let this be Q: therefore (v1. 22.) the squares of these four straight lines are proportionals; that is, to the squares of BD, FH, and the circle ABCD it is possible there may be a fourth proportional. Let this be S. And in like manner are to be understood some things in some of the following propositions. C 288 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. • (2.) For as, in the foregoing note, it was explained how it was possible there could be a fourth proportional to the squares of BD, FH, and the circle ABCD, which was named S; so, in like manner, there can be a fourth proportional to this other space, named T, and the circles ABCD, EFGH. And the like is to be understood in some of the following propositions. (3.) Because, as a fourth proportional to the squares of BD, FH, and the circle ABCD, is possible, and that it can neither be less nor greater than the circle EFGH, it must be equal to it. SIMSON. Prop. IV. Because GO is equal to OA, and GM to MB, therefore (v1. 2.) OM is parallel to AB; in the same manner ON is parallel to AC; therefore (XI. 15.) the plane MON is parallel to the plane BAC. SIMSON. Prop. XI. Vertex is put in place of altitude, which is in the Greek, because the pyramid, in what follows, is supposed to be circumscribed about the cone, and so must have the same vertex. And the same change is made in some places following. SIMSON. The thirteenth book of the Elements relates to equilateral and equiangular figures inscribed in circles, and to the five regular solids. Two books which treat of the inscriptions of the five regular solids in one another and in spheres, are frequently found annexed to the Elements as the fifteenth and six- teenth books; these however, were composed by Hypsicles of Alexandria. There is a continuation of the same subject by Flussas, which has been appended to the Elements, and called the sixteenth book of the Elements. ON THE ANCIENT GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS. SYNTHESIS, or the method of composition, is a mode of reasoning which begins with something given, and ends with something required, either to be done or to be proved. This may be termed a direct process, as it leads from principles to consequences. Analysis, or the method of resolution, is the reverse of synthesis, and thus may be considered an indirect process, a method of reasoning from consequences to principles. The synthetic method is pursued by Euclid in his elements of Geo- metry. He commences with certain assumed principles, and proceeds to the solution of problems and the demonstration of theorems by unde- niable and successive inferences from them. The Geometrical Analysis was a process employed by the ancient Geometers, both for the discovery of the solution of problems and for the investigation of the truth of theorems. In the analysis of a problem, the quæsita, or what is required to be done, is supposed to have been effected, and the consequences are traced by a series of geometrical con- structions and reasonings, till at length they terminate in the data of the problem, or in some previously demonstrated or admitted truth, whence the direct solution of the problem is deduced. In the Synthesis of a problem, however, the last consequence of the analysis is assumed as the first step of the process, and by proceeding in a contrary order through the several steps of the analysis until the process terminate in the quæsita, the solution of the problem is effected. But if, in the analysis, we arrive at a consequence which contra- dicts any truth demonstrated in the Elements, or which is inconsistent with the data of the problem, the problem must be impossible: and further, if in certain relations of the given magnitudes the construc- tion be possible, while in other relations it is impossible, the disco- very of these relations will become a necessary part of the solution of the problem. In the analysis of a theorem, the question to be determined, is, whether by the application of the geometrical truths proved in the Elements, the predicate is consistent with the hypothesis. This point is ascertained by assuming the predicate to be true, and by deducing the successive consequences of this assumption combined with proved geometrical truths, till they terminate in the hypothesis of the theorem or some demonstrated truth. The theorem will be proved synthetically by retracing, in order, the steps of the investigation pur- sued in the analysis, till they terminate in the predicate, which was assumed in the analysis. This process will constitute the demonstration of the theorem. If the assumption of the truth of the predicate in the analysis lead to some consequence which is inconsistent with any demonstrated truth, 19 290 ANCIENT GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS. the false conclusion thus arrived at indicates the falsehood of the predi- cate; and by reversing the process of the analysis, it may be demon- strated, that the theorem cannot be true. It may be here remarked, that the geometrical analysis is more extensively useful in discovering the solution of problems than for in- vestigating the demonstration of theorems. From the nature of the subject, it must be at once obvious, that no general rules can be prescribed, which will be found applicable in all cases, and infallibly lead to the solution of every problem. The conditions of problems must suggest what constructions may be pos- sible; and the consequences which follow from these constructions and the assumed solution, will shew the possibility or impossibility of arriving at some known property consistent with the data of the problem. Though the data of a problem may be given in magnitude and position, certain ambiguities will arise, if they are not properly re- stricted. Two points may be considered as situated on the same side, or one on each side of a given line; and there may be two lines drawn from a given point making equal angles with a line given in position; and to avoid ambiguity, it must be stated on which side of the line the angle is to be formed. A problem is said to be determinate when, with the prescribed con- ditions, it admits of one definite solution; the same construction which may be made on the other side of any given line, not being considered a different solution: and a problem is said to be indeterminate when it admits of more than one definite solution. This latter circumstance arises from the data not absolutely fixing but merely restricting the quæsita, leaving certain points or lines not fixed in one position only. The number of given conditions may be insufficient for a single deter- minate solution; or relations may subsist among some of the given conditions from which one or more of the remaining given condi- tions may be deduced. If the base of a right-angled triangle be given, and also the dif- ference of the squares of the hypothenuse and perpendicular, the tri- angle is indeterminate. For though apparently here are three things given, the right angle, the base, and the difference of the squares of the hypothenuse and perpendicular, it is obvious that these three apparent conditions are in fact reducible to two: for since in a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares on the base and on the perpendicular are equal to the square on the hypothenuse, it follows that the differ- ence of the squares of the hypothenuse and perpendicular is equal to the square of the base of the triangle, and therefore the base is known from the difference of the squares of the hypothenuse and perpendicular being known. The conditions therefore are insufficient to determine a right-angled triangle; an indefinite number of triangles may be found with the prescribed conditions, whose vertices will lie in the line which is perpendicular to the base. If a problem relate to the determination of a single point, and the data be sufficient to determine the position of that point, the problem is determinate: but if one or more of the conditions be omitted, the data which remain may be sufficient for the determination of more than one point, each of which satisfies the conditions of the problem; in that case, the problem is indeterminate, and in general such points are found ANCIENT GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS. 291 to be situated in some line, and hence such line is called the locus of p. 51. the point which satisfies the conditions of the problem. If any two given points A and B (fig. Prop. 5, Book Iv.) be joined by a straight line AB, and this line be bisected in D, then if a perpendicular be drawn from the point of bisection, it is manifest that a circle described with any point in the perpendicular as a cen- tre, and a radius equal to its distance from one of the given points, will pass through the other point, and the perpendicular will be the locus of all the circles which can be described passing through the two given points. Again, if a third point C be taken, but not in the same straight line with the other two, and this point be joined with the first point A; then the perpendicular drawn from the bisection E of this line will be the locus of the centres of all circles which pass through the first and third points A and C. But the perpendicular at the bisection of the first and second points A and B is the locus of the centres of circles which pass through these two points. Hence the intersection F of these two perpendiculars, will be the centre of a circle which passes through the three points, and is called the intersection of the two loci. Sometimes this method of solving geometrical problems may be pursued with advantage, by constructing the locus of every two points sepa- rately, which are given in the conditions of the problem. In the Geo- metrical Exercises which follow, only those local problems are given where the locus is either a straight line or a circle. There is another class of Propositions called Porisms. The exact meaning of the term as applied to this class of propositions, appears to be as uncertain as the derivation of the word itself. In the original Greek of Euclid's Elements, the corollaries to the propositions are called porisms (Tоρioμатa); but this scarcely explains the nature of porisms, as it is manifest that they are different from simple deductions from the demonstrations of propositions. Some analogy, however, we may suppose them to have to the porisms or corollaries in the Elements. Pappus (Coll. Matth. Lib. VII. pref.) informs us that Euclid wrote three books on Porisms, and gives an obscure account of them. He defines "a porism to be something between a problem and a theorem, or that in which something is proposed to be investigated." Dr. Simson, to whom is due the merit of having restored the porisms of Euclid, gives the following definition of that class of propositions: "Porisma est pro- positio in qua proponitur demonstrare rem aliquam, vel plures datas esse, cui, vel quibus, ut et cuilibet ex rebus innumeris, non quidem datis, sed quæ ad ea quæ data sunt eandem habent relationem, con- venire ostendendum est affectionem quandam communem in pro- positione descriptam." Professor Dugald Stewart defines a porism to be "A proposition affirming the possibility of finding one or more of the conditions of an indeterminate theorem." Professor Playfair in a paper (from which the following account is taken) on Porisms, printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, for the year 1792, defines a porism to be "A proposition affirming the possibility of finding such conditions as will render a certain problem indeterminate or capable of innumerable solutions.” It may without much difficulty be perceived that this definition represents a porism as almost the same with an indeterminate problem. There is a large class of indeterminate problems which are, in general, loci, 19-2 292 ANCIENT GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS. and satisfy certain defined conditions. Every indeterminate problem containing a locus may be made to assume the form of a porism, but not the converse. Porisms are of a more general nature than indeter- minate problems which involve a locus. It is highly probable that the ancient geometers arrived at all geo- metrical truths in their attempts at the solution of problems. The first mathematical enquiries must have occurred in the form of questions, where something was given, and something required to be done; and by reasonings necessary to answer these questions, or to discover the relations between the things that were given, and those that were to be found, many truths were suggested which came afterwards to be the subjects of separate demonstration. Such The ancient geometers appear to have undertaken the solution of problems with a scrupulous and minute attention, which would scarcely allow any of the collateral truths to escape their observation. They never considered a problem as solved till they had distinguished all its varieties, and evolved separately every different case that could occur, carefully distinguishing whatever change might arise in the construction from any change that was supposed to take place among the magni- tudes which were given. This cautious method of proceeding soon led them to see that there were circumstances in which the solution of a problem would cease to be possible; and this always happened when one of the conditions of the data was inconsistent with the rest. instances would occur in the simplest problems; but in the analysis of more complex problems, they must have remarked that their con- structions failed, for a reason directly contrary to that assigned. In- stances would be found where the lines, which, by their intersection, were to determine the thing sought, instead of intersecting one another, as they did in general, or of not meeting at all, would coincide with one another entirely, and consequently leave the question unresolved. The confusion thus arising would soon be cleared up, by observing, that a problem before determined by the intersection of two lines would This was now become capable of an indefinite number of solutions. soon perceived to arise from one of the conditions of the problem in- volving another, or from two parts of the data becoming one, so that there was not left a sufficient number of independent conditions to confine the problem to a single solution, or any determinate number of solutions. It was not difficult afterwards to perceive, that these cases of problems formed very curious propositions, of an indeterminate nature between problems and theorems, and that they admitted of being enun- ciated separately. It was to such propositions so enunciated that the ancient geometers gave the name of Porisms. Besides, it will be found, that some problems are possible within certain limits, and that certain magnitudes increase while others de- crease within those limits; and after having reached a certain value the former begin to decrease, while the latter increase. This circumstance gives rise to questions of maxima and minima, or the greatest and least values which certain magnitudes may admit of in indeterminate pro- blems. In the following collection of problems and theorems, many will be found to be of so simple a character, (being almost obvious deductions from propositions in the Elements) as scarcely to admit of the principle of the Geometrical Analysis being applied, in their solution. 50, 10. GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES ON BOOK I. PROBLEM I. From two given points on the same side of a straight line given in Lese B.1,2.3. position, draw two straight lines which shall meet in that line, and make equal angles with it; also prove, that the sum of these two lines is less than B.,P.33. the sum of any other two lines drawn to any other point in the line. alon Senge. ANALYSIS. Let A, B be the two given points, and CD the given line. Suppose G the required point in the line, such that AG and BG being joined, the angle AGF is equal to the angle BGD. A B C- D F Н E Draw AF perpendicular to CD and meeting BG produced in E. Then, because the angle BGD is equal to AGF, (hyp.) and also to the vertical angle FGE, (1. 15.) therefore the angle AGF is equal to EGF; also the right angle AFG is equal to the right angle EFG, and the side FG is common to the two triangles AFG, EFG, therefore AG is equal to EG, and AF to FE. Hence the point E being known, the point G is determined by the intersection of CD and BE. Synthesis. From A draw AF perpendicular to CD, and produce it to E, making FE equal to AF, and join BG cutting CD in G. Join also AG. Then AG and BG make equal angles with CD. For since AF is equal to FE, and FG is common to the two triangles AGF, CGF, and the included angles AFG, EFG are equal; therefore the base AG is equal to the base EG, and the angle AGF to the angle EGF, but the angle EGF is equal to the vertical angle BGD, therefore the angle AGF is equal to the angle BGD; that is, the straight lines AG and BG make equal angles with the straight line CD. Also the sum of the lines AG, GB is a minimum. For take any other point H in CD, and join EH, HB. Then since any two sides of a triangle are greater than the third side, therefore EH, HB are greater than EB in the triangle EHB. But EG is equal to AG; therefore EH, HB are greater than AG, GB. That is, AG, GB are less than any other two lines which can be drawn from A, B, to any other point H in the line CD. 294 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES PROBLEM II. To trisect a given straight line. Analysis. Let AB be the given straight line, and suppose it divided into three equal parts in the points D, E. C F A DE B On DE describe an equilateral triangle DEF, then DF is equal to AD, and FE to EB. On AB describe an equilateral triangle ABC, and join AF, FB. Then because AD is equal to DF, therefore the angle DAF is equal to the angle DFA, and the two angles DAF, DFA are double of one of them DAF. But the angle FDE is equal to the angles DAF, DFA, and the angle FDE is equal to DAC, each being an angle of an equilateral triangle; therefore the angle DAC is double the angle DAF; wherefore the angle DAC is bisected by AF. Also because the angle FAC is equal to the angle FAD, and FAD to DFA; therefore the angle CAF is equal to the alternate angle AFD: and consequently FD is parallel to AC. Synthesis. Upon AB describe an equilateral triangle ABC, bisect the angles at A and B by the straight lines AF, BF, meeting in F; through F draw FD parallel to AC, and FE parallel to BČ. Then AB is trisected in the points D, E. For since AC is parallel to FD and FA meets them, therefore the alternate angles FAC, AFD are equal; but the angle FAD is equal to the angle FAC, hence the angle DAF is equal to the angle AFD, and therefore DA is equal to DF. But the angle FDE is equal to the angle CAB, and FED to CBA; (1. 29.) and therefore the remaining angle DFE is equal to the remaining angle ACB. Hence the three sides of the triangle DFE are equal to one another, and DF has been shewn to be equal to DA, therefore AD, DE, EB are equal to one another. Hence the following theorem. If the angles at the base of an equilateral triangle be bisected by two lines which meet at a point within the triangle; the two lines drawn from this point parallel to the sides of the triangle, divide the base into three equal parts. ON BOOK I. 295 THEOREM I. If two opposite sides of a parallelogram be bisected, and two lines be drawn from the points of bisection to the opposite angles, these two lines trisect the diagonal. Let ABCD be a parallelogram of which the diagonal is AC. Let AB be bisected in E and DC in F, also let DE, FB be joined cutting the diagonal in G, H. Then AC is trisected in the points G, H. A I G E B K H F C D Through E draw EK parallel to AC and meeting FB in K. Then because EB is the half of AB, and DF the half of DC; therefore EB is equal to DF; and these equal and parallel straight lines are joined towards the same parts by DE and FB; therefore DE and FB are equal and parallel. (1. 33.) And because AEB meets the parallels EK, AC, therefore the exterior angle BEK is equal to the interior angle EAG. For a similar reason, the angle EBK is equal to the angle AEG. Hence in the triangles AEG, EBK, there are the two angles GAE, AEG in the one, equal to two angles KEB, EBK in the other, and one side adjacent to the equal angles in each triangle, namely AE equal to EB: therefore AG is equal to EK, (1. 26.) but EK is equal to GH, (1. 34.) therefore AG is equal to GH. By a similar process, it may be shewn that GH is equal to HC. Hence AG, GH, HC are equal to one another, and therefore AC is trisected in the points G, H. PROBLEM III. To bisect a triangle by a line drawn from a given point in one of 143.9M the sides. (Euclidis de Divisionibus.) Analysis. Let ABC be the given triangle, and D the given point in the side AB. D A B E F C Suppose DF the line drawn from D which bisects the triangle; therefore the triangle DBF is half of the triangle ABC. i 296 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES Bisect BC in E and join AE, DE, AF, then the triangle ABE is half of the triangle ABC: hence the triangle ABE is equal to the triangle DBF; take away from these equals the triangle DBE, therefore the remainder ADE is equal to the remainder DEF. But ADE, DEF are equal triangles upon the same base DE, and on the same side of it, they are therefore between the same parallels, that is, AF is parallel to DE, therefore the point F is determined. Synthesis. Bisect the base BC in E, join DE, from A, draw AF parallel to DE, and join DF. Then because DE is parallel to AF, therefore the triangle ADE is equal to the triangle DEF; to each of these equals, add the triangle BDE, therefore the whole triangle ABE is equal to the whole DBF, but ABE is half of the whole triangle ABC; therefore ABF is also half of the triangle ABC. Siam'p. Alg, ifp. Prob. 1. PROBLEM IV. Given one angle, a side opposite to it, and the sum of the other two sides, construct the triangle. Analysis. Suppose BAC the triangle required, having BC equal to the given side, BAC equal to the given angle opposite to BC, also BD equal to the sum of the other two sides. B A Join DC. D C Then since the two sides BA, AC are equal to BD, by taking BA from these equals, the remainder AC is equal to the remainder AD. Hence the triangle ACD is isosceles, and therefore the angle ADC is equal to the angle ACD. But the exterior angle BAC of the triangle ADC is equal to the two interior and opposite angles ACD and ADC: Wherefore the angle BAC is double the angle BDC, and BDC is the half of the angle BAC. Hence the synthesis. At the point D in BD, make the angle BDC equal to half the given angle, and from B the other extremity of BD, draw BC equal to the given side, and meeting DC in C, at C in CD make the angle DCA equal to the angle CDA, so that CA may meet BD in the point A. Then the triangle ABC shall have the required conditions. ON BOOK I. PROBLEMS. 297 A PROBLEMS. 5. Given the base and one of the sides of an isosceles triangle, to describe the triangle. 6. Describe an isosceles triangle, each of the sides of which shall be double of the base. 7. In a given straight line, find a point equally distant from two given points; one in, and the other above or below, the given straight line. 8. AB, AC are straight lines cutting one another in A, D is a given point. Draw through D a straight line cutting off equal parts from AB and AC. 9. Draw through a given point, between two straight lines not parallel, a straight line, which shall be bisected in that point. 10. Divide a given right angle into three equal angles. 11. One of the acute angles of a right-angled triangle is three times as great as the other; trisect the smaller of these. 12. From a given point in a given straight line, it is required to erect a perpendicular by the help of straight lines only. 13. From a given point without a given straight line, to draw a line making an angle with the given line equal to a given rectilineal angle. 14. Through a given point draw a straight line which shall make equal angles with two straight lines given in position. 15. To determine that point in a straight line from which the straight lines drawn to two other given points shall be equal, provided the line joining the two given points is not perpendicular to the given line. 16. To place a straight line in a triangle (terminated by the two sides) which shall be equal to one straight line and parallel to an- other. 17. Determine the shortest path from one given point to another, subject to the condition, that it shall meet two given lines. 18. In the base of a triangle, find the point from which lines, drawn parallel to the sides of the triangle and limited by them, are equal. 19. From a given point in either of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle, to draw a straight line to the other side produced, which shall make with these sides a triangle equal to the given triangle. Prove that the line thus drawn will be greater than the base of the isosceles triangle. 20. From one of the obtuse angles of a rhomboid draw a straight line to the opposite side, which shall be bisected by the diagonal drawn through its acute angles. 21. Upon a straight line as a diagonal describe a parallelogram having an angle equal to a given angle. 22. On a given line to describe a parallelogram, having two of its opposite angles double of the other two, and all its sides equal. By means of this problem, trisect a right angle. 23. Describe a parallelogram equal to a given square, and having an angle equal to half a right angle. 24. To describe a rhombus which shall be equal to any given quadrilateral figure. 298 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES H pe 7. 25. Describe a parallelogram equal in area and perimeter to a given triangle. 26. Describe on a given straight line a triangle which shall be equal to a given rectilineal figure, and have its vertical angle equal to a given angle. 27. Transform a given rectilinear figure into a triangle whose vertex shall be in a given angle of the figure and whose base be in one of the sides. 28. Straight lines are drawn from a fixed point to the several points of a straight line given in position, and on each base is described an equilateral triangle. Determine the locus of the vertices. 29. Upon a given base to describe an isosceles triangle, which shall be equal to a given triangle. 30. Given the base and one side of a triangle, to find the third side, so that the area may be the greatest possible. 31. Describe a right-angled triangle upon a given hypothenuse, so that the hypothenuse and one side shall be together double of the third side. 32. Having given two lines, which are not parallel, and a point between them; describe a triangle having two of its angles in the respective lines, and the third at the given point; and such that the sides shall be equally inclined to the lines which they meet. 33. Bisect a triangle by a straight line drawn parallel to one of its sides. 34. Bisect a triangle by a straight line drawn through a point within or without the triangle. 35. It is required to bisect any triangle by a line perpendicular to the base. 36. It is required to determine a point within a given triangle, from which lines drawn to the several angles, will divide the triangle into three equal parts. 37. Bisect a parallelogram, (1) by a line drawn from a point in one of its sides: (2) by a line drawn from a given point within or with- out it: (3) by a line perpendicular to one of the sides. 38. To bisect a trapezium (1) by a line drawn from one of its angular points:.(2) by a line drawn from a given point in one side. 39. Divide a triangle into three equal parts, (1) by lines drawn from a point in one of the sides:.(2) by lines drawn from the angles to a point within the triangle: V(3) by lines drawn from a given point within the triangle. In how many ways can the third case be done? To trisect a parallelogram by lines drawn from a given point in one of its sides. ~ 40. 41. To divide a parallelogram into four equal portions by straight lines drawn from a given point in one of its sides. 42. To divide a square into four equal portions by three straight lines drawn from any point in one of its sides. 43. From a given isosceles triangle, cut off a trapezium which shall have the same base as the triangle, and shall have its remaining three sides equal to each other. 44. Divide an equilateral triangle into nine equal parts. 45. To find a point in the side or side produced of any paral- lelogram, such that the angle it makes with the line joining the point and one extremity of the opposite side, may be bisected by the line joining it with the other extremity. ON BOOK I. PROBLEMS. 299 46. Find a point in the diagonal of a square produced, from which if a straight line be drawn parallel to any side of the square, and meeting another side produced, it will form together with the produced diagonal and produced side, a triangle equal to the square. 47. A trapezium is such, that the perpendiculars let fall on a diagonal from the opposite angles are equal. Divide the trapezium into four equal triangles, by straight lines drawn to the angles from a point within it. 48. Given one side of a right-angled triangle, and the difference between the hypothenuse and the sum of the other two sides, to con- struct the triangle. 49. In a right-angled triangle, given the sums of the base and the hypothenuse, and of the base and the perpendicular; to determine the triangle. 50. Given half the perimeter and the vertical angle of an isosceles triangle, it is required to find the sides. 51. Given the perimeter and the angles of a triangle, to con- struct it. 52. Given one of the angles at the base of a triangle, the base itself, and the sum of the two remaining sides, to construct the triangle. 53. Given the base, an angle adjacent to the base, and the differ- ence of the sides of a triangle, to construct it. 54. Given one angle, a side opposite to it, and the difference of the other two sides; to construct the triangle. 55. Given the base, the perpendicular and the sum of the sides; to construct the triangle. 56. Given the base, the altitude, and the difference of the two remaining sides; construct the triangle. 57. To find a point in the base of a triangle, such that if perpen- diculars be drawn from it upon the sides, their sum shall be equal to a given line. 58. Determine the locus of the vertices of all the equal triangles, which can be described on the same base, and upon the same side of it. 59. To describe a square upon a given straight line as a diameter. 60. Shew how the squares upon the sides of a right-angled tri- angle may be dissected, so as exactly to cover the square of the hypothenuse. 61. Find a square equal to 3, 5, or any number of squares. 62. Construct a square whose area shall be 8 or n times that of a given square. 63. Construct all right-angled triangles whose sides shall be rational, upon a given line as their base. 64. Describe a square which shall be equal to the difference between two given squares. 65. In a right-angled triangle, it is required to find analytically the base and perpendicular, their difference being 1, and the hypothenuse equal to 5. 66. Any two parallelograms having been described upon two sides of a given triangle, apply to the third side a parallelogram equal to their sum. 67. Given a square of one inch, shew how a rhombus may be con- structed, whose area shall be equal to it, and each of its sides a mile long. 300 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES Not futis See Mapella THEOREMS. * 2. In the fig. 1. 5. If FC and BG meet in H, then prove that AH bisects the angle BAC. 3. In the fig. 1. 5. If the angle FBG be equal to the angle ABC, and BG, CF intersect in O; the angle BOF is equal to twice the angle BAC. 4. If a straight line drawn bisecting the vertical angle of a triangle, also bisects the base, the triangle is isosceles. 5. In the base BC of an isosceles triangle ABC take a point D, and in CA take CE equal to CD, let ED produced meet AB produced in F; then 3. AEF=2 right angles + AFE. 6. The difference between any two sides of a triangle is less than the third side. 7. ABC is a triangle right-angled at B, and having the angle A double the angle C; shew that the side C is less than double the side AB. B 8. The difference of the angles at the base of any triangle, is double the angle contained by a line drawn from the vertex perpen- dicular to the base, and another bisecting the angle at the vertex. 9. If from the right angle of a right-angled triangle two straight lines be drawn, one perpendicular to the base, and the other bisecting it, they will contain an angle equal to the difference of the two acute angles of the triangle. 10. If one angle at the base of a triangle be double of the other, the less side is equal to the sum or difference of the segments of the base made by the perpendicular from the vertex, according as the angle is greater or less than a right angle. 11. If one angle of a triangle be equal to the sum of the other two, the greatest side is double of the distance of its middle point from the opposite angle. 12. If two exterior angles of a triangle be bisected, and from the point of intersection of the bisecting lines a line be drawn to the oppo- site angle of the triangle, it will bisect that angle. 13. In an obtuse-angled triangle if perpendiculars be drawn from the points bisecting the sides, prove that they all will pass through the same point. 14. In an obtuse-angled triangle, if perpendiculars be drawn from the angles to the opposite sides, produced if necessary, they will pass through the same point: required a proof. v15. Let ACB be a triangle; and let AD, CG, BE respectively bisect the exterior angles HAE, ECB, CBG, and meet BC, AB, AC produced in the points D, E, G. It is required to demonstrate that these three points are in the same straight line. 16. If two sides of a triangle be produced, the three straight lines which bisect the two exterior angles and the third interior angle shall all meet in the same point. 17. ABC is a triangle in which the angle ABC is twice the angle ACB; shew that if the point D in BC which divides it into segments, whose difference is equal to the side opposite to the angle ACD, be joined with the point A, AD is perpendicular to BC. 18. In Prop. 35, Book 1, shew that the two parallelograms can be ON BOOK I. THEOREMS. 301 divided into the same number of triangles which are actually equal, each to each, so that the divided figures may be superposed. 19. If from the vertex of a triangle, two straight lines be drawn to the base, one bisecting the vertical angle, and the other bisecting the base, prove that the latter is the greater of the two straight lines. 20. If from the vertical angle of a triangle three straight lines be drawn, one bisecting the angle, another bisecting the base, and the third perpendicular to the base, the first is always intermediate in mag- nitude and position to the other two. 21. In a right-angled isosceles triangle, the lines drawn from any of the angles to the opposite angle of the square described opposite side are all equal. upon the 22. Shew that the perimeter of the triangle, formed by joining the feet of the perpendiculars dropped from the angles upon the opposite sides of a triangle, is less than the perimeter of any other triangle, whose angular points are on the sides of the first. 23. From a given point there can be drawn only two equal straight lines to a given line, one on each side of the shortest line; and the shortest line is the perpendicular. 24. A, B are two fixed points: if two straight lines AC, BC be drawn making a given angle C, prove that the straight line bisecting C passes through a fixed point, and determine the point geometrically. 25. From every point of a given straight line, the straight lines drawn to each of two given points on opposite sides of the line are equal: prove that the line joining the given points will cut the given line at right angles. 26. From a given point without the angle contained by two straight lines given in position, draw a straight line in such a direction that the part of it intercepted between the given point and the nearest straight line, shall be equal to the part intercepted between the two straight lines. 27. If a straight line be drawn from a given point, and making a given angle with a given straight line, its length and the points of its intersection with the given line are given. egal, 28. Shew that if there be two rectilinear figures on the same base, one of which wholly envelopes the other, the perimeter of the envelop- ing figure is greater than the perimeter of the other. 29. Shew that we may draw to a point within a triangle_two straight lines which shall be greater than the sides of the triangle, if one of these two straight lines be not terminated in the extremity of the base. • 30. If parallel lines be defined to be "lines in the same plane which make the same angle with any straight line which meets them," prove the following propositions respecting them. (a) The alternate angles are equal. (b) The two interior angles on the same side of the cutting line are equal to two right angles. (c) Parallel lines never meet however far they are produced. 31. Can it be properly predicated of any two straight lines that they never meet if indefinitely produced either way, antecedently to our knowledge of some other property of such lines which makes the por- perty first predicated of them à necessary conclusion from it? • 32. Lines which are perpendicular to parallel lines are also parallel. . 33. If the line joining two parallel lines be bisected, all the lines 302 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES drawn through the point of bisection and terminated by the parallel lines are also bisected in that point. 34. A quadrilateral figure whose sides are equal will be a paral- lelogram. 35. If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral figure be equal the opposite sides will be equal and parallel. 36. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. 37. The perimeter of a square is less than that of any other paral- lelogram of equal area. 38. Any straight line which bisects the diagonal of a parallelogram will also bisect the parallelogram; and no straight line can bisect a parallelogram unless it cut or meet the opposite sides. 39. The diagonals of a square and of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles. 40. If from any point in the diagonal of a parallelogram straight lines be drawn to the angles, the parallelogram will be divided into two pairs of equal triangles. 41. ABCD is a parallelogram of which the angle C is opposite to the angle A. If through A any straight line be drawn, then the distance of C is equal to the sum or difference of the distances of B and of D from that straight line according as it lies without or within the parallelogram. 42. If in a parallelogram two lines be drawn parallel to adjacent sides, and meeting the other sides of the figure, the lines joining their extremities, if produced, will meet the diameter in the same point. 43. ABCD is a parallelogram; draw the diagonal BC, and from D draw DE at right angles to BC, then if perpendiculars be drawn from B and C, they shall intersect in the line DE, produced if necessary. 44. If ABCD be a parallelogram, and E any point in the diagonal AC, or AC produced; shew that the triangles EBC, EDC are equal. 45. If from a point without a parallelogram, lines be drawn to the extremities of two adjacent sides, and of the diagonal which they in- clude. Of the triangles thus formed, that, whose base is the diagonal, is equal to the sum of the other two. 46. It is impossible to divide a quadrilateral figure (except it be a parallelogram) into equal triangles by lines drawn from a point within it to its four corners. 47. If of the four triangles into which the diagonals divide a trapezium, any two opposite ones are equal, the trapezium has two of its opposite sides parallel. 48. If two sides of a trapezium be parallel, the triangle contained by either of the other sides and the two straight lines drawn from its extremities to the bisection of the opposite sides is equal to half the trapezium. 49. The sum of the diagonals of a trapezium is less than the sum of any four lines which can be drawn to the four angles, from any point within the figure, except their intersection. 50. When the corner of a leaf of a book is turned down a second time, so that the lines of folding are parallel and equidistant, the space in the second fold is equal to three times that in the first. 51. If the sides of a quadrilateral figure be bisected and the points of bisection joined, the included figure is a parallelogram, and equal in area to half the original figure. ON BOOK I. THEOREMS. 303 52. Along the sides of a parallelogram ABCD taken in order, measure AA' - BB' = CC' = DD'; the figure A'B'C'D' will be a paral- lelogram. = 53. If the points of bisection of the sides of a triangle be joined, the triangle so formed shall be one-fourth of the given triangle. 54. Prove that two lines drawn to bisect the opposite sides of a trapezium will also bisect each other. 55. Upon stretching two chains AC, BD, across a field ABCD, I find that BD and AC make equal angles with DC, and that AC makes the same angle with AD, that BD does with BC; hence prove that AB is parallel to CD. 56. If a line intercepted between the extremity of the base of an isosceles triangle, and the opposite side (produced if necessary) be equal to a side of the triangle, the angle formed by this line and the base produced is equal to three times either of the equal angles of the triangle. 57. AD, BC are two parallel straight lines, cut obliquely by AB and perpendicularly by AC; BED is drawn cutting AC in E so that ED is equal to twice BA; prove that the angle DBC is equal to one- third of the angle ABC. 58. AB, BC, DE, EF are rods joined at B, F, E, and D, capable of angular motion in the same plane, and so placed that FBDE is a parallelogram. If, when the rods are in any given position, points A, G and C be taken in the same line, shew that these points will always be in the same line, whatever be the angle the rods make with each other. 59. If upon the sides of a triangle as diagonals, parallelograms be described, having their sides parallel to two given lines, the other diago- nals of the parallelograms will intersect in a point. 60. Prove that the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is greater than that of an equal rectangle of the same altitude. 61. If the areas of any triangle and of a square be equal, the perimeter of the triangle will be the greater. 62. If from the extremities A and B of the base of any triangle ABC, and on the same side of it, two straight lines AD, BE be drawn perpendicular to the base, each being double the altitude of the triangle, and straight lines DF, EG be drawn from D and E to the middle points of AC, BC; the sum or difference of the triangles ADF, BEG will be equal to the triangle ABC according as the angles, at the base of the latter, are acute or one of them is obtuse. 63. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is less than that of any other equal triangle upon the same base. 64. Of all triangles having the same base and the same perimeter, that is the greatest which has the two undetermined sides equal. 65. Of all triangles having the same vertical angle, and whose bases pass through a given point, the least is that whose base is bisected in the given point. 66. If from the base to the opposite sides of an isosceles triangle three straight lines be drawn, making equal angles with the base, viz. one from its extremity, the other two from any other point in it, these two shall be together equal to the first. 67. From the extremities of the base of an isosceles triangle straight lines are drawn perpendicular to the sides, the angles made by them with the base are each equal to half the vertical angle. 304 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES 68. If each of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle be one- fourth of the third angle, and from one of them a perpendicular be. drawn to the base meeting the opposite side produced; then will the part produced, the perpendicular, and the remaining side, form an equilateral triangle. 69. If two sides of a triangle be given, the triangle will be greatest when they contain a right angle. 70. The area of any two parallelograms described on the two sides of a triangle is equal to that of a parallelogram on the base, whose side is equal and parallel to the line drawn from the vertex of the triangle to the intersection of the two sides of the former parallelograms produced to meet. AE. 71. In the figure to Prop. 47, Book 1, (a) If BG and CH be joined, those lines will be parallel. (b) If FC and BK be joined, they will cut off equal portions AD, (c) If perpendiculars be let fall from F and K on BC produced, the parts produced will be equal; and the perpendiculars together will be equal to BC. (d) Shew that AL, BK, CF, intersect each other in the same point. (e) Join GH, KE, FD, and prove that each of the triangles so formed equals the given triangle ABC. (f) The sum of the squares of GH, KE, and FD will be equal to eight times the square of the hypothenuse. (g) If the exterior angular points of the squares be joined, an irregular hexagon will be formed, whose area is equal to the area of the square described upon the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, one of whose sides is equal to the hypothenuse of the original triangle, and the other is equal to the sum of its sides. · 72. A point is taken within a square, and straight lines drawn from it to the angular points of the square, and perpendicular to the sides; the squares on the first are double the sum of the squares on the last. Shew that these sums are least when the point is in the centre of the square. 73. If from the vertex of a plane triangle, a perpendicular fall upon the base or the base produced, the difference of the squares of the sides is equal to the difference of the squares of the segments of the base. 74. If from the middle point of one of the sides of a right-angled triangle a perpendicular be drawn to the hypothenuse, the difference of the squares of the segments into which it is divided, is equal to the square of the other side. 75. If a straight line be drawn from one of the acute angles of a right-angled triangle, bisecting the opposite side, the square upon that line is less than the square upon the hypothenuse by three times the square upon half the side bisected. 76. If one angle of a triangle be equal to a right angle, and another equal to two-thirds of a right angle, prove from Euclid, Book 1, that the equilateral triangle described on the hypothenuse, is equal to the sum of the equilateral triangles described upon the sides which contain the right angle. GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES ON BOOK II. THEOREM I. The square of the excess of one straight line above another is less than the squares of the two straight lines by twice their rectangle. Let AB, BC be the two straight lines, whose difference is AC. Then the square of AC is less than the squares of AB and BC by twice the rectangle contained by AB and BC. : A C B H K D FE Constructing as in Prop. 4. Book 11, Because the complement AG is equal to GE, add to each CK, therefore the whole AK is equal to the whole CE; and AK, CE together are double of AK; but AK, CE are the gnomon AKF and CK, and AK is the rectangle contained by AB, BC; therefore the gnomon AKF and CK are equal to twice the rectangle AB, BC. But AE, CK are equal to the squares of AB, BC; hence taking the former equals from these equals, therefore the difference of AE, and the gnomon AKF is equal to the difference between the squares AB, BC, and twice the rectangle AB, BC; but the difference AE and the gnomon AKF is the figure HF which is equal to the square of AC. Wherefore the square of AC is equal to the difference between the squares AB, BC, and twice the rectangle AB, BC. THEOREM II. If straight lines be drawn from each angle of a triangle bisecting the opposite side, four times the sum of the squares of these lines is equal to three times the sum of the squares of the sides of the triangle. Let ABC be any triangle, and let AD, BE, CF be drawn from A, B, C, to D, E, F, the bisections of the opposite sides of the triangle: draw AE perpendicular to BC. A E F B DE C 20 306 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES Then the square of AB is equal to the squares of BD, DA together with twice the rectangle BD, DE, (11. 12.) and the square of AC is equal to the squares of CD, DA diminished by twice the rectangle CD, DE; (II. 13.) therefore the squares of AB, AC are equal to twice the square of BD, and twice the square of AD; for DC is equal to BD: and twice the squares of AB, AC are equal to the square of BC, and four times the square of AD: for BC is twice BD. Similarly, twice the squares of AB, BC are equal to the square of AC, and four times the square of BE: and twice the squares of BC, CA are equal to the square of AB, and four times the square of FC: hence, by adding these equals, four times the squares of AB, AC, BC are equal to four times the squares of AD, BE, CF together with the squares of AB, AC, BC: and taking the squares of ÄB, AC, BC from these equals, therefore three times the squares of AB, AC, BC are equal to four times the squares of AD, BE, CF. PROBLEM I. Divide a given straight line into two such parts, that the rectangle contained by them may be three-fourths of the greatest which the case will admit. Analysis. Let AB be the given line, and let AB be bisected in D: then the rectangle AD, DB, or the square of DB is the greatest possible rectangle. E G A C D F B Let C' be the point required, such that the rectangle AC, CB is equal to three-fourths of the square of DB. On AB describe a semicircle, and draw CE perpendicular to AB, then the square of CE is equal to the rectangle AC, CB. Again, bisect DB in F; on FB describe the right-angled triangle FBG, having the hypothenuse FG equal to DB. Then BG is the line, the square of which is three-fourths of the square of DB. Hence GB is equal to EC: join GE. Therefore the point E, and also the point C is found. Synthesis. Bisect AB in D and DB in F: on FB make the right- angled triangle FBG having the hypothenuse FG equal to DB. On AB describe a semicircle, and through G draw GE parallel to AB, and draw EC parallel to GB. Then C is the point required, such that the rectangle contained by AC, CB is equal to three-fourths of the square of half the line AB. ON BOOK II. 307 PROBLEMS. PROBLEMS. 2. Divide a straight line into two parts, such, that their rectangle may be equal to a given square; and determine the greatest square that the rectangle can equal. 3. Divide a straight line into two such parts that the difference of the squares of the two parts shall be equal to twice the rectangle contained by them. 4. Divide a straight line into two parts such, that the rectangle contained by them may be equal to the square of their difference. 5. To divide a straight line so that the rectangle under its seg- ments may equal a given rectangle. 6. Divide a given straight line so that the rectangle under the parts may be equal to a given square, and point out the limit which the side of the given square must not exceed so that the problem may be possible. 7. Divide a given straight line into two parts, such that the squares of the whole line and one of the parts shall be equal to twice the square of the other part. 8. Divide a given line, so that the square of the greater part may equal twice the rectangle of the whole and the less part. 9. Divide algebraically a given line (a) into two parts, such that the rectangle contained by the whole and one part may be equal to the square of the other. Deduce Euclid's construction from one solution, and explain the other. 10. Divide a given straight line into three parts, such that the square of the whole line may be equal to the squares of the extreme parts together with twice the rectangle contained by the whole and the middle part. 11. To produce a straight line AB to C, so that the rectangle con- tained by the sum and difference of AB and AC may be equal to a given square. 12. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, produce it so that the rectangle contained by the whole line produced and the part produced, may be equal to the rectangle contained by the given line and one segment. 13. Construct a rectangle that shall be equal to a given square and the difference of whose adjacent sides shall be equal to a given line. 14. Construct a rectangle equal to a given square, and having the sum of its sides equal to a given line. 15. Find a square which shall be equal to the sum of two given rectilineal figures. 16. Shew how to divide a given rectangle into parts which together will form a rectangle of any proposed length. 17. A given line AB is divided into two parts in the point C. Find the position of any point D above the line, so that the sum of the squares on the lines DA, DC, DB may be equal to the square on AB, diminished by the rectangle AC, AB. 18. Construct a triangle with three sides a, b and c, such that ab=c², and a + b = 4c. 20-2 308 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES 3. THEOREMS. The area of a rhombus is equal to half the rectangle con- tained by the diagonals. 4. Prove that the area of a trapezium whose bases are parallel is half of the rectangles contained by each of the bases, and the perpen- dicular distance. 5. The area of any right-angled triangle is equal to the rectangle of the semiperimeter and excess of the semiperimeter above the hypo- thenuse. Required proof. 6. Any rectangle is the half of the rectangle contained by the diameters of the squares on its two sides. 7. The sum of the squares of two lines is never less than twice their rectangle. 8. If a straight line be divided into two equal and into two unequal parts, the squares of the two unequal parts are equal to twice the rectangle contained by the two unequal parts, together with four times the square of the line between the points of section. 9. If the points C, D be equidistant from the extremities of the straight line AB, shew that the squares constructed on AD and AC exceed twice the rectangle AC, AD by the square constructed on CD. 10. In a right-angled triangle, the square on that side which is the greater of the two containing the right angle is equal to the rect- angle by the sum and difference of the other sides. 11. Shew that the first of the algebraical propositions, (u + x) (α − x) + x² = a², (a + x)² + (a− x)² = 2a² + 2x², is equivalent to the two Propositions v and v1, and the second of them to the two Propositions Ix and x of the second book of Euclid. 12. Shew how in all the possible cases, a straight line may be geometrically divided into two such parts, that the sum of their squares shall be equal to a given square. 13. ABCD is a rectangular parallelogram, of which A, C are opposite angles, E any point in BC, F any point in CD. Prove that the area of the triangle AEF together with the rectangle BE, DF is equal to the parallelogram AC. 14. A, B, C, D are four points in the same straight line, E a point in that line equally distant from the middle of the segments AB, CD; F is any other whatever in AD; then AF² + BF² + CF² + DF² = AE² + BE² + CE² + DE² + 4 EF². 15. The sum of the perpendiculars let fall from any points within an equilateral triangle, will be equal to the perpendicular let fall from one of its angles upon the opposite side. Is this proposition true when the point is in one of the sides of the triangle? In what manner must the proposition be enunciated when the point is without the triangle? 16. If a line AB be divided into two parts AC and CB in the point C (Prop. 11, Book 11.), so that the rectangle AB x BC= AC²; and if AC be divided in D, so that CD=BC, prove that AC× AD=BC². ON BOOK II. THEOREMS. 309 - 17. All plane rectilineal figures admit of quadrature. Point `out the succession of steps by which Euclid establishes the truth of this proposition. 18. The hypothenuse (c) of a right-angled triangle ABC is tri- sected in the points D, E; prove that if CD, CE be joined, the sum of the squares of the sides of the triangle CDE = .c². 19. If from the right angle C of a right-angled triangle ABC, straight lines be drawn to the opposite angles of the square described on the hypothenuse AB; shew that the difference of the squares described on these lines is equal to the difference of the squares described on the two sides AC, BC. 20. If the sides of the triangle be as the numbers 2, 4, 5, shew whether it will be acute or obtuse-angled. 21. If an angle of a triangle be two-thirds of two right angles, shew that the square of the side subtending that angle is equal to the squares of the sides containing it, together with the rectangle contained by those sides. 22. In any triangle the squares of the two sides are together double of the two squares of half the base and of the straight line joining its bisection with the opposite angle. 23. The square described on a straight line drawn from one of the angles at the base of a triangle to the middle point of the opposite side, is equal to the sum or difference of the square of half the side bisected and the rectangle contained between the base and that part of it, or of it produced, which is intercepted between the same angle and a perpendicular drawn from the vertex. 24. If perpendiculars be drawn from the extremities of the base. of a triangle on a straight line which bisects the angle opposite to the base, the area of the triangle is equal to the rectangle contained by either of the perpendiculars and the segment of the bisecting line between the angle and the other perpendicular. 25. Upon the sides AB, BC, CA of the triangle ABC, or upon these produced, let fall the perpendiculars DE, DF, DG, from the point D within or without the triangle. Then AE2+ BF²+ GC2 BE² + CF² + AG. Required a demonstration. 26. If from the three angles of a triangle, lines be drawn to the points of bisection of the opposite sides, the squares of the distances between the angles and the common intersection are together one-third of the squares of the sides of the triangle. of a 27. Prove that the square of any straight line drawn from the vertex of an isosceles triangle to the base, is less than the square side of the triangle by the rectangle contained by the segments of the base. 28. If from one of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle a per- pendicular be drawn to the opposite side, the rectangle contained by that side and the segment of it intercepted between the perpendicular and base is equal to half the square described upon the base. 29. If in an isosceles triangle a perpendicular be let fall from one of the equal angles to the opposite side, the square of the perpendicular is equal to the square of the line intercepted between the other equal angle and the perpendicular, together with twice the rectangle con- tained by the segments of that side. 30. The square on the base of an isosceles triangle whose ver- 310 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES AT tical angle is a right angle, is equal to four times the area of the triangle. 31. If ABC be an isosceles triangle, and CD be drawn perpendicular to AB; the sum of the squares of the three sides = AD² + 2.BĎ² + 3.CD³. 32. If ABC be an isosceles triangle, and DE be drawn parallel to the base BC, and EB joined; prove that BE² = BC × DE+ ĈE². 33. If ABC be an isosceles triangle of which the angles at B and C are each double of A; then the square of AC is equal to the square of BC together with the rectangle contained by AC and BC. 34. Shew that in a parallelogram the squares of the diagonals are equal to the sum of the squares of all the sides. 35. If ABCD be any rectangle, A and C being opposite angles, and O any point either within or without the rectangle: OA² + OC² = OB² + OD². 36. In any quadrilateral figure, the sum of the squares of the diagonals together with four times the square of the line joining their middle points is equal to the sum of the squares of all the sides. 37. In any trapezium, if the opposite sides be bisected, the sum of the squares of the two other sides, together with the squares of the diagonals, is equal to the sum of the squares of the bisected sides together with four times the square of the line, joining the points of bisection. 38. The squares of the diagonals of a trapezium are together double the squares of the two lines joining the bisections of the oppo- site sides. 39. In any trapezium two of whose sides are parallel, the squares of the diagonals are together equal to the squares of its two sides which are not parallel, and twice the rectangle contained by the sides which are parallel. 40. If squares be described on the sides of any triangle and the angular points of the squares be joined; the sum of the squares of the sides of the hexagonal figure thus formed is equal to four times the sum of the squares of the sides of the triangle. ON BOOK III. 311 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES ON BOOK III. THEOREM I. If AB, CD be chords of a circle at right angles to each other, prove that the sum of the arcs AC, BD is equal to the sum of the arcs AD, BC. (Archimedis, Lemm. Prop. 9.) Draw the diameter FHG parallel to AB, and cutting CD in H. D B E F G H C Then the arcs FDG and FCG are each half the circumference. Also since CD is bisected in the point H, the arc FD is equal to the arc FC, and the arc FD is equal to the arcs FA, AD, of which, AF is equal to BG, therefore the arcs AD, BG are equal to the arc FC; add to each CG, therefore the arcs AD, BC are equal to the arcs FC, CG which make up the half circumference. Hence also the arcs AC, DB are equal to half the circumference. Wherefore the arcs AD, BC are equal to the arcs AC, DB. PROBLEM I. The diameter of a circle having been produced to a given point, it is required to find in the part produced a point, from which if a tan- gent be drawn to the circle, it shall be equal to the segment of the part produced, that is, between the given point and the point found. Analysis. Let AEB be a circle whose centre is C and whose diameter AB is produced to the given point D. F E D B G Suppose that G is the point required, such that the segment GD is equal to the tangent GE drawn from G to touch the circle in E. Join DE and produce it to meet the circumference again in F join also CE and CF. Then in the triangle GDF, because GD is equal to GE, therefore the angle GED is equal to the angle GDE; and because CE is equal to CF, the angle CEF is equal to the angle CFE; 312 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES therefore the angles CEF, GED are equal to the angles CFE, GDE: but since GE is a tangent at E, therefore the angle CEG is a right angle, (III. 18.) hence the angles CEF, GEF are equal to a right angle, and consequently, the angles CFE, EDG are also equal to a right angle, wherefore the remaining angle FCD of the triangle CFD is a right angle. and therefore CF is perpendicular to AD. Synthesis. From the centre C, draw CF perpendicular to AD meeting the circumference of the circle in F: join DF cutting the circumference in E, join also CE, and at E draw EG perpendicular to CE and intersecting BD in G. Then G will be the point required. For in the triangle CFD, since FCD is a right angle, the angles CFD, CDF are together equal to a right angle; also since CEG is a right angle, therefore the angles CEF, GED are together equal to a right angle ; therefore the angles CEF, GED are equal to the angles CFD, CDF ; but because CE is equal to CF, the angle CEF is equal to the angle CFD, wherefore the remaining angle GED is equal to the remaining angle CDF, and the side GD is equal to the side GE of the triangle EGD, therefore the point G is determined according to the required conditions. PROBLEM II. Given the base, the vertical angle, and the perpendicular in a plane triangle, to construct it. Upon the given base AB describe a segment of a circle containing an angle equal to the given angle. (111. 33.) D E Á B At the point B draw BC perpendicular to AB, and equal to the altitude of the triangle. (1. 11, 3.) Through C draw CDE parallel to AB, and meeting the circum- ference in D and E. (1. 31.) Join DA, DB; also EA, EB. Then EAB or DAB is the triangle required. It is also manifest, that if CDE touch the circle, there will be only one triangle which can be constructed on the base AB with the given altitude. ON BOOK III. 313 THEOREM II. If a chord of a circle be produced till the part produced be equal to the radius, and if from its extremity a line be drawn through the centre and meeting the convex and concave circumferences, the convex is one third of the concave circumference. (Archimedis, Lemm. Prop. 8.) Let AB any chord be produced to C, so that BC is equal to the radius of the circle: and let CE be drawn from C through the centre D, and meeting the convex circumference in F, and the concave in E. Then the arc BF is one third of the arc AE, B A C D F E G Draw EG parallel to AB, and join DB, DG. Since the angle DEG is equal to the angle DGE; (1.5.) and the angle GDF is equal to the angles DEG, DGE, (1. 32.) therefore the angle GDC is double of the angle DEG. But the angle BDC is equal to the angle BCD, (1. 5.) and the angle CEG is equal to the alternate angle ACE; (1. 29.) therefore the angle GDC is double of the angle CDB, add to these equals the angle CDB, therefore the whole angle GDB is treble of the angle CDB, but the angles GDB, CDB at the centre D, are subtended by the arcs BF, BG, of which BG is equal to AE. Wherefore the circumference AE is treble of the circumference BF, and BF is one third of AE. Hence may be solved the following problem: AE, BF are two arcs of a circle intercepted between a chord and a given diameter. Determine the position of the chord, so that one arc shall be triple of the other. THEOREM III. AB, AC and ED are tangents to the circle CFB; at whatever point between C and B the tangent EFD is drawn, the three sides of the tri- angle AED are equal to twice AB or twice AC: also the angle subtended by the tangent EFD at the centre of the circle, is a constant quantity. B E D C 314 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES Take G the centre of the circle, and join GB, GE, GF, GD, GC. Then EB is equal to EF, and DC to DF; (III. 37.) therefore ED is equal to EB and DC; to each of these add AE, AD, wherefore AD, AE, ED are equal to AB, AC; and AB is equal to AC, therefore AD, AE, ED are equal to twice AB, or twice AC; or the perimeter of the triangle AED is a constant quantity. Again, the angle EGF is half of the angle BGF, and the angle DGF is half of the angle CGF, therefore the angle DGE is half of the angle CGB, or the angle subtended by the tangent ED at G, is half of the angle contained between the two radii which meet the circle at the points where the two tangents AB, AC meet the circle. THEOREM IV. If two chords of a circle intersect each other at right angles, the sum of the square described upon the four segments is equal to the square described upon the diameter. (Archimedis, Lemm. Prop. 11.) Let the chords AB, CD intersect at right angles in E. A D C B F Draw the diameter AF, and join AC, AD, CF, DB. Then the angle ACF in a semicircle is a right angle, (III. 31.) and equal to the angle AED: also the angle ADC is equal to the angle AFC. (III. 21.) Hence in the triangles ADE, AFC, there are two angles in the one respectively equal to two angles in the other; consequently, the third angle CAF is equal to the third angle DAB, therefore the arc DB is equal to the arc CF, (III. 26.) and therefore also the chord DB is equal to the chord CF. (III. 29.) Because AEC is a right-angled triangle, the squares of AE, EC are equal to the square of AC; (1. 47.) similarly, the squares of DE, EB are equal to the square of DB; therefore the squares of AE, EC, DE, EB, are equal to the squares of AC, DB; but DB was proved equal to FC, and the squares of AC, FC are equal to the square of AF, wherefore the squares of AE, EC, DE, EB, are equal to the square of AF, the diameter of the circle. ON BOOK III. PROBLEMS. 315 PROBLEMS. 3. Given the centre of a circle; find its diameter by means of the compasses alone. 4. Through a given point within a circle, to draw a chord which shall be bisected in that point. 5. Through a point in a circle which is not the centre, to draw the least chord. 6. To draw that diameter of a given circle which shall pass at a given distance from a given point. 7. Draw through one of the points in which any two circles cut one another, a straight line which shall be terminated by their circum- ferences and bisected in their point of section. 8. Determine the distance of a point from the centre of a given circle, so that if tangents be drawn from it to the circle, the concave part of the circumference may be double of the convex. 9. Find two points in a given straight line from each of which if two tangents be drawn to two given points on the same side of the given circle, they shall make an angle equal to a given angle. Is any limitation required? 10. Find a point without a given circle, such that the sum of the two lines drawn from it touching the circle, shall be equal to the line drawn from it through the centre to meet the circle. 11. From a given point without a circle, a straight line is drawn cutting a circle. Draw from the same point another line so as to intercept two arcs which together shall subtend an angle equal to a given angle. 12. In a chord of a circle produced, it is required to find a point, from which if a straight line be drawn touching the circle, the line so drawn shall be equal to a given straight line. 13. Determine the point without a circle, from which, if two straight lines be drawn touching the circle, they may form an equi- lateral triangle with the chord which joins the points of contact. 14. A, B, C, are three given points, find the position of a circle such that all the tangents to it drawn from the points A, B, C shall be equal to one another. What is that circle which is the superior limit to those that satisfy the above condition? 15. Two parallel chords in a circle are respectively six and eight inches in length, and are one inch apart; how many inches is the diameter in length? 16. The radius of the circle ABDE whose centre is C, is equal to five inches. The distance of the line AB from the centre is four inches. The distance of the line DE from the centre is three inches. Required the lengths of the straight lines AB, DE. 17. Required the locus of the vertices of all triangles upon the same base, having the sum of the squares of their sides equal to a given square. 18. Draw a straight line which shall touch a given circle, and make a given angle with a given straight line. 19. Draw a straight line which shall touch two given circles: (1) on the same side; (2) on the alternate sides. 20. Through a given point without a given circle, draw a straight line which shall cut off a quadrantal arc of that circle. 316 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES 21. Three given straight lines are in the same straight line; find a point from which lines drawn to their extremities shall contain equal angles. 22. Draw through a given point in the diameter of a circle à chord, which shall form with the lines joining its extremities with either extremity of the diameter, the greatest possible triangle. 23. ADB, ACB, are the arcs of two equal circles cutting one another in the straight line AB, draw the chord ACD cutting the inner circumference in Cand the outer in D, such that AD and DB together may be double of AC and CB together. 24. From a given point without a given circle a line is drawn cutting the circle. It is required to draw from the same point another line also cutting the circle, so that the sum of the arcs intercepted be- tween these two lines shall be equal to a given arc. 25. A given straight line being divided in a given point, to find a point at which each segment of the given straight line shall subtend an angle equal to half a right angle. 26. Divide a circle into two parts such that the angle contained in one segment shall equal twice the angle contained in the other. 27. Any segment of a circle being described on the base of a triangle; to describe on the other sides segments similar to that on the base. 28. Through a given point within or without a circle, it is re- quired to draw a straight line cutting off a segment containing a given angle. 29. Through two given points to describe a circle bisecting the circumference of a given circle. 30. A segment of a circle being described upon AB, it is required to draw a chord AC, such that CK being drawn perpendicular to AB, AC+ CK shall be a maximum. 31. In the circumference of a given circle, to determine a point to which two straight lines drawn to two given points shall contain an angle equal to a given angle, pointing out the limitations within which the problem is possible. 32. One side of a trapezium capable of being inscribed in a given circle is given, the sum of the remaining three sides is given; and also one of the angles opposite to the given side: construct it. 33. To find a point P, so that tangents drawn from it to the out- sides of two equal circles which touch each other, may contain an angle equal to a given angle. 34. Given two circles: it is required to find a point from which tangents may be drawn to each, equal to two given straight lines. 35. Between two given circles to place a straight line terminated by them, such that it shall equal a given straight line, and be inclined at a given angle to the straight line joining their centres. 36. Two circles being given in position and magnitude, draw a straight line cutting them, so that the chords in each circle may be equal to a given line not greater than the diameter of the smaller circle. 37. Describe two circles with given radii which shall cut each other, and have the line between the points of section equal to a given line. If two circles cut each other; to draw from one of the points of intersection a straight line meeting the circles, so that the part of 38. ON BOOK III. PROBLEMS. 317 it intercepted between the circumferences may be equal to a given line. 39. Three points being in the same plane, find a fourth, where lines drawn from the former three shall make given angles with one another. 40. Two given circles touch each other internally. Find the semichord drawn perpendicularly to the diameter passing through the point of contact, which shall be bisected by the circumference of the inner circle. 41. The circumference of one circle is wholly within that of another. Find the greatest and the least straight lines that can be drawn touching the former and terminated by the latter. 42. Draw a straight line through two concentric circles, so that the chord terminated by the exterior circumference may be double that terminated by the interior. What is the least value of the radius of the interior circle for which the problem is possible? 43. To draw a straight line cutting two concentric circles, so that the part of it which is intercepted by the circumference of the greater may be triple the part intercepted by the circumference of the less. 44. Find the greatest of all triangles having the same vertical angle and equal distances between that angle and the bisection of the opposite sides. 45. If a string of a given length be fixed at each end to two given points A and B, and be pulled downwards, so as to form a triangle with the line joining A and B, determine the lowest point that it may be made to reach. 46. From a given point without a circle, at a distance from the circumference of the circle not greater than its diameter, draw a straight line to the concave circumference which shall be bisected by the convex circumference. 47. Find a point in the circumference of a circle, from whence a line drawn, making a given angle with a given radius, may be equal to a given straight line. 48. To find within an acute-angled triangle a point from which, if straight lines be drawn to the three angles of the triangle, they shall make equal angles with each other. 49. From two lines, including a given angle, cut off by a line of given length, a triangle equal to a given rectilineal figure. 50. From the extremities of the diameter of a given semicircle, draw two chords to meet in the circumference, which shall intercept a given length on a given oblique chord. 51. The positions of three stations, A, B, and C, have been laid down on a map, and an observer at D (a station in the same horizontal plane as A, B, and C,) determines the angles ADB and BDC; give a geometrical construction for laying down D on the map. 52. In an acute-angled triangle, to find a point from which if three lines be drawn to the three angles, the sum of these lines shall be -the least possible. 53. Draw lines from the angles of a triangle to the points of bisection of the opposite sides and terminated in these points. If from the extremities of any one of them, lines be drawn parallel to the re- maining two and produced to meet, a triangle will be formed whose sides are equal to the three lines first drawn. 54. It it required within an isosceles triangle to find a point such, 318 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES that its distance from one of the equal angles may be double its distance from the vertical angle. 55. To construct an isosceles triangle equal to a scalene triangle and having an equal vertical angle with it. 56. Given the angle at the base of an isosceles triangle, and the perpendicular from it on the opposite side, to construct the triangle. 57. Given the base, the vertical angle, and the differences of the sides, to construct the triangle. 58. Describe a triangle with a given vertical angle, so that the line which bisects the base shall be equal to a given line, and the angle which the bisecting line makes with the base shall be equal to a given angle. 59. Given the perpendicular height, the vertical angle and the sum of the sides, to construct the triangle. 60. Construct a triangle in which the vertical angle and the difference of the two angles at the base shall be respectively equal to two given angles, and whose base shall be equal to a given straight line. 61. Given the vertical angle, the difference of the two sides con- taining it, and the difference of the segments of the base made by a perpendicular from the vertex; construct the triangle. 62. On a given straight line to describe a triangle having its vertical angle equal to a given angle, and the difference of its sides equal to a given line. 63. Given the vertical angle, and the lengths of two lines drawn from the extremities of the base to the points of bisection of the sides, to construct the triangle. 64. Given the base, and vertical angle, to find the triangle whose area is a maximum. 65. Find a triangle of which the vertical angle, the sum of the squares of the two sides containing it and the area are given. 66. The base, vertical angle, and rectangle under the sum of the other sides and one of them are given. Construct the triangle. 67. Describe a circle the circumference of which shall pass through a given point and touch a given circle in a given point. 68. Describe a circle which shall pass through a given point and which shall touch a given straight line in a given point. 69. Describe a circle to touch two right lines given in position and such that a tangent drawn to it from a given point may be equal to a given line. 70. Let AB, AC be any two lines given in position; DE a line of given length; find the position of that circle which is touched by both the lines AB, AC and whose diameter is equal to DE. 71. Describe a circle to touch two right lines given in position, so that lines drawn from a given point to the points of contact shall contain a given angle. 72. Describe a circle through a given point, and touching a given straight line, so that the chord joining the given point and point of con- tact may cut off a segment containing a given angle. 73. To describe a circle through two given points to cut a straight line given in position, so that a diameter of the circle drawn through the point of intersection shall make a given angle with the line. 74. The straight lines drawn from the same point, and touching the same circle, are equal. Having proved this, exhibit a construction ON BOOK III. PROBLEMS. 319 that shall include all the triangles which can be described with a given perimeter and given vertical angle. 75. A flag-staff of a given height is erected on a tower whose height is also given: at what point on the horizon will the flag-staff appear under the greatest possible angle. 76. Find a point from which, if straight lines be drawn to touch three given circles, none of which lies within the other, the tangents so drawn shall be equal. 77. The centres of three circles (A, B, C,) are in the same straight line, B and C touch each other externally and A internally, if a line be drawn through the point of contact of B and C, making any angle with the common diameter, then the portion of this line inter- cepted between C and A, is equal to the portion intercepted between B‍and A. 78. If P be a point without a circle whose centre is O, and AOB a diameter perpendicular to PO: draw a line PMEC cutting the circle in M and C and the diameter in E, so that the rectangle PM, PC, may be four times the rectangle AE, EB. 79. From a given point without a circle draw a straight line cutting the circle, so that the rectangle contained by the part of it without and the part within the circle shall be equal to a given square. 80. Let AP be a tangent to any circle, and AB a diameter. To determine the point P, so that PCB being drawn, cutting the circum- ference in C, the rectangle contained by PC, CB, shall be equal to a given square; and shew in what cases this is impossible. 81. The diameter ACD of a circle, whose centre is C, is produced to P, determine a point F in the line AP such that the rectangle PF.PC may be equal to the rectangle PD. PA. 82. Through a given point draw a line terminating in two lines given in position, so that the rectangle contained by the two parts may be equal to a given rectangle. 83. A ladder is gradually raised against a wall; find the locus of its middle point. 84. A, B, C, D are four points in order in a straight line, find a point E between B and C, such that AE.EB = ED. EC by a geome- trical construction. 85. Determine the locus of the extremities of any number of straight lines drawn from a given point, so that the rectangle contained by each, and a segment cut off from each by a line given in position, may be equal to a given rectangle. 86. Find a point without a given circle from which if two tan- gents be drawn to it, they shall contain an angle equal to a given angle, and shew that the locus of this point is a circle concentric with the given circle. · £ 87. Find the locus of the vertex of a triangle described on a given base; (1) when the sum of the angles at the base is given; (2) when one of them is always double of the other. 88. Find the locus of the centres of all circles which cut off from the directions of two sides of a triangle, chords equal to two given straight lines. Hence describe a circle that shall cut off from the direction of three sides of a triangle, chords respectively equal to three given straight lines. 320 GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES 1 89. In a given straight line to find a point at which two other straight lines, being drawn to two given points, shall contain a right angle. Shew that if the distance between the two given points be greater than the sum of their distances from the given line, there will be two such points; if equal, there may be only one; if less, the pro- blem may be impossible. 90. Produce a given straight line so that the rectangle under the given line, and the whole line produced may equal the square of the part produced. 91. To produce a given straight line, so that the rectangle con- tained by the whole line thus produced, and the part of it produced, shall be equal to a given square. 92. To determine a right-angled triangle whose hypothenuse may be equal to a given straight line, and the rectangle contained by whose sides may be equal to the square of their difference. 93. Given the lengths of the three lines drawn from the angles of a triangle to the points of bisection of the opposite sides, construct the triangle. 94. Describe a triangle whose sides shall be bisected by three given straight lines, and one of whose sides shall pass through a given point. 95. Find the locus of a point, such that if straight lines be drawn from it to the four corners of a given square, the sum of the squares shall be invariable. THEOREMS. 5. The arcs intercepted between any two parallel chords in a circle are equal. Also the sum of the arcs subtending the vertical angle made by any two chords that intersect, is the same, as long as the angle of intersection remains the same. 6. From the extremities A and C of a given circular arc AC, equal arcs AB, CD are measured in opposite directions: prove that the chords AC, BD are parallel. 7. Two circles cut each other, and from the points of intersection straight lines are drawn parallel to one another, the portions intercepted by the circumferences are equal. 8. A, B, C, A', B', C' are points on the circumference of a circle; if the lines AB, AC be respectively parallel to A'B', A'C', shew that BC' is parallel to B'C. 9. C, C' are the centres of two circles of unequal radii, CR, C'R' any pair of parallel radii, join RR': then shall all such lines produced meet in one point. Prove this property, and from it deduce à method of drawing a common tangent to two circles. 10. If from a given point a straight line be drawn touching a circle given in position, the straight line is given in position and mag- nitude. 11. DF is a straight line touching a circle, and terminated by AD, BF, the tangents at the extremities of the diameter AB, shew that the angle which DF subtends at the centre is a right angle. ON BOOK III. THEOREMS. 321 12. The circles described on the sides of any triangle as diameters will intersect in the sides, or sides produced, of the triangle. 13. The circles which are described upon the sides of a right- angled triangle as diameters, meet the hypothenuse in the same point; and the line drawn from the point of intersection to the centre of either of the circles will be a tangent to the other circle. 14. If on the sides of a triangle circular arcs be described con- taining angles whose sum is equal to two right angles, the triangle formed by the lines joining their centres has its angles equal to those in the segments. 15. If AO, BO be the bounding radii of a quadrant, and in OB any point Q be taken, and QC drawn meeting the circumference in C, and making BQC= Qu.,20. Cai. 35. 23 Trin.,42.,44. 24 Trin.,30. S. H. ,04. Mag. 44. 25 Cath.,31. 26 Pet.,27. 29 Trin.,28, 30 Qu.,34. 31 Pem.,29. Cath.,34. Emm.,34. Pet.,35. Chr.,39. 32 Joh. ,39. 33 Trin. ,25. 58 Joh. ,42. 59 Pet.,36. 60 Cai.,39. 61 Trin. ‚11.,20.,32.,33. Chr.,35. 62 Pet.,37. 63 Chr.,37. Pem.,31. 64 Cai.,40. 65 Pet. 24. 66 Cai.,44. 108 Pet.,35. 109 Joh.,15. Jes. 36. 110 Emm.,35. 111 Joh.,16. 112 Emm.,21. 113 Trin,,29. 114 Joh. ,15. 115 Joh.,35. 116 S. H.,33. 117 Pem. 31. ,43. Qu.,19. ,25.,43. Trin. ,22. ,37. Cai.,43. Mag.,32. 118 Qu.,41. 119 Joh. ,15. 120 Trin.,43. 121 Trin. 43. 122 Joh.,23. 124 Pet.,33. 125 Trin. 35. 126 Pet.,33. 127 Sid.,30. 128 Chr.,29. 129 Qu.,34. 123 Joh.,13. 130 Joh.,29. 34 Cai.,36. 81 Cai.,31. 131 Qu.,29. 82 Jes.,42. 83 Joh. 42. 84 Sid.,44. 85 Qu.,20.,26.,32. 35 Qu.,32. 36 Chr.,36. 37 S. H.,15. Qu.,28. Chr.,39. Emm.,26. Cai.,35. 38 Joh.,34. 39 Jes.,19. Trin.,22.,25. ,27. Qu.,35. Pem.,37. Mag. ,45. 40 Joh.,25. 41 C. C.,24. 42 Joh.,15. C. C.,37. 86 Sid.,39. 87 Qu.,33. 88 Emm.,24. 89 Cai.,45. 138 Joh.,19. 90 Trin.,19.,41. Sid.,45. 139 B. S.,42. Ki.,44. C. C.,44. 91 Cath.,36. 92 S. H.,37. 140 S. H.,39. Pem.,43. 141 Pem.,32. 142 Pet.,44. 132 Joh. ,33. 133 Joh.,21. 134 Joh.,21. 135 Cai.,37. 136 Pet.,45. 137 Joh.,19. Qu.,26. Emm.,31. INDEX. 383 143 Joh.,20. 144 Joh. 22. Emm.,26. 145 Pet.,35. 146 Mag.,35 147 Joh.,15. 148 S. H.,45, 149 S. H.,40. 150 Joh.,44. 151 Joh.,14. 152 Joh.,14. 153 Joh.,14. 154 Joh.,14. 155 Trin.,26. 156 Joh. ,40. 157 Joh. 38. 158 Joh.,43. S. H.,33. 159 Joh. 14. 160 S. Hí,03. Cai. 43. Pet.,41. 161 Qu.,31. Trin. ‚42. 162 Cai.,29. 163 C. C.,30. 164 Joh.,18. Cath.,31. 165 Qu.,40. 166 Joh.,42. 167 Joh.,18. 168 Chr.,36.,38. 169 Pet. ,40. 170 Trin. ,20. 171 Cai.,39. 172 Emm.,37. 173 Chr.,37. 1 Trin.,30.,41. 2 Cai.,42. 3 Trin. 4 Trin. 5 Trin.,32. PROBLEMS ON BOOK XI, p. 368, 1 Trin.,29. Chr. ,43. 2 Chr.,44. 3 S. H.,12. 4 Cai.,38. 6 Joh.,29. 7 S.H.,25. Qu.,30. Trin. ,25.,35. 8.Emm.,32. 9 S. H.,14. Qu.,20.,28. THEOREMS, p. 368, &c. 12 Trin.,31. 13 Trin.,43. 14 Trin. 15 Cai.,37. 16 Pet.,40. 17 Trin.,28. 5 Pet.,25. 6 Cai.,37. 7 Trin.,31.,36. 18 Emm.,34. 8 Cai,,43. 19 Joh. ,14. 9 S. H.,20. 20 Cai.,45. 10 Joh.,31. 11 Cai.,34. 21 Cai.,44. &c. 10 Trin. 29. 11 S. H.,37. 12 Qu.,30. 13 Cai,,36. 22 Joh.,17. 23 Trin.,42. 24 Trin. 25 Trin.,22.',25. Mag.,29. Joh.,34. Chr. ,45. 26 Trin. 27 S. H.,33. 28 Emm.,35. 29 Cath.,33. 30 Joh.,22. PROBLEMS ON BOOK XII, p. 374, &c. 1 S. H.,03. Joh.,41. 2 Joh.,33. 3 C. C.,34. 4 Qu.,25.,29. Trin. ,33. ,35.,44. Chr. ‚34. ‚41. ,45. Emm. ,39. Mag. ,34. 5 Trin.,21. 6 S. H.,18. Chr.,33. 7 Joh.,21. Chr.,31. 8 S. H.,44. 9 Pem.,45. 10 Trin.,41. 11 S. H.,37. 12 Sid.,33. THEOREMS, p. 375, &c. 13 Trin. ,34.,32. 14 S. H.,26. 15 Mag. 29. Trin. ,32. 16 Trin.,37.,29. S. H.,20. Mag. ,29. 17 S. H.,01. 18 Qu.,33. 1 Trin.,23.,27. Pem.,30. Sid.,31.,44. Cai.,31.,34.,41. Emm.,36.,40. Chr.,42. 2 Jes.,19. Pem.,32. 3 Chr.,32. B. S.,35.,37. 4 Cath.,30. Trin. ,32. S. H.,03.,43. Chr.,35. 5 Qu.,39. 6 Joh.,13. 7 Emm.,33. 8 S. H.,16. 9 Cai.,32. 10 Cai.,45. 23 Chr.,37. 11 S. H.,28. 24 S. H..01. 12 Trin. ,21. Joh.,15. 25 Joh.,15. 13 Qu.,36. 26 Joh.,17. 14 Qu. ,37. 27 Joh.,31. 15 Cai.,39. 16 Cai.,38. 17 Qu.,24. 18 S. H.,44. 28 Cai.,37. 29 Joh.,22. Cai.,38. S. H.,43. 30 Cai.,45. 19 Cai.,39. 20 Pet.,37. 31 Joh.,37. 32 Cai.,44. 21 Pem.,37. 33 Pet.,28. 22 Joh.,17. 34 S. P.,39. ૐ 1 + DO NOT 、 1 * GO 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06536 9236 B 449696