1,640,922 V2 - ALL THAT REMAINS APPENDIX A: THE INVENTORY HIGAN GAN IVERSITY OF MICH LIBRARIES THE UNIVE UNIV 50272-101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REPORT NO. 4. Title and Subtitle APPENDIX A: The Inventory 2. tion ALL THAT REMAINS: The Traditional Architecture and Historic Engineering Structures of the Richard B. Russell Multiple Resource Area, Georgia and South Carolina 7. Author(s) 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Archeological Services Branch National Park Service Southeast Regional Office 75 Spring Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Same 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date 6. September 1983 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 15. Supplementary Notes Funded by the Savannah District U. S. Army Corps of Engineers * 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) 14. The Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation inventory forms prepared by Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) personnel for the Richard B. Russell Multiple Resource Area are presented here as a resource to be used in subsequent historic structures studies. The field survey conducted in 1979 recorded 93 domestic buildings and 8 engineering structures. The original forms are housed in the Office of the National Register in Washington, D. C. 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms c. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement (See ANSI-Z39.18) 19. Security Class (This Report) 21. No. of Pages 200 20. Security Class (This Page) 22. Price See Instructions on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4–77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce ALL THAT REMAINS: The Traditional Architecture and Historic Engineering Structures of the Richard B. Russell Multiple Resource Areal Georgia and South Carolina APPENDIX A: The Inventory Prepared by Archeological Services, Atlanta National Park Service United States Department of the Interior Funded by the Savannah District U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1983 " Musm. F 292 5292 .R49 A451 1983 V.2 Giff 1-16-89 ANTATO The following Office of Archeology and His- toric Preservation (OAHP) inventory forms were prepared for those extant structures more than 50 years of age located within the boundaries of the Richard B. Russell Multiple Resource Area (MRA) and are presented here as an appendix to the report outlining that resource (ALL THAT REMAINS: The Traditional Architecture and His- toric Engineering Structures of the Richard B. Russell Multiple Resource Area, Georgia and South Carolina, Worthy 1983). The MRA includes those portions of Elbert and Hart counties, Georgia, and Abbeville and Anderson counties, South Carolina, adjacent to the Savannah River and between Clarks Hill Reservoir and Hartwell Dam. The criteria for selection of structures within these boundaries to be included in the inventory followed the standard procedures for selection for the National Register of Historic Places and the National Park Service. These standards specify that buildings less than 50 years of age as a rule are not recorded, and that all complexes containing at least one structure within the minimum age criterion are inventoried as a whole. Exceptions may be made, however, if specific significant conditions oc- cur. Exceptions in this instance were made when structures within the complexes were too deteri- orated or overgrown with weeds to merit inclu- sion. Additionally, some significant structures were included in the inventory, although the ac- tual acquisition lines had not been drawn or were unknown. In these cases, an arbitrary dis- tance of 1000 ft was marked off on USGS topo- graphic maps from the average lake level (480 MSL gradient), and the area surveyed for struc- tures. In a few cases, particularly significant structures were included in the inventory because of the physical and visual impact of Rus- sell Lake, even though the buildings lie outside the acquisition area. Special note was also taken of structures of architectural or historical sig- nificance that were severely deteriorated and would not survive to be noted by future surveys. The field survey was carried out between January 23, 1979 and May 1, 1979, by John Linn Hopkins and Emily J. Harris, with the result that 93 domestic structures and 8 engineering elements were inventoried. Subsequently, recommendations were made regarding the eligibility of each property to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The OAHP forms are presented here in numerical order relative to the inventory identification num- ber. This number consists of a two-letter county abbreviation followed by the Real Estate Tract Num- ber employed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In cases where more than one complex existed within a tract, a further identifying number was assigned. Individual buildings within each complex were desig- nated by a letter. Structures within a given complex that were extremely deteriorated were located on the sketch-site plans to provide a complete understanding of the complex, but were not further recorded. The forms are presented here in their original form. As a means of cross-reference, Table 1 indi- cates the sites by OAHP identification number, HABS/ HAER recording number (when applicable), and the site numbers applied by IAS-Atlanta to facilitate incorporation into the RBR computerized data bank. Table 1. Cross Reference of Inventoried Structures. Georgia OAHP Number IAS Number HABS/HAER Site Name Eligible EB418A-C EB432 9Eb50 HABS GA-31 9Eb404 EB500A-C 9Eb48 HABS GA-34 EB501 9Eb201 HAER GA-42 EB505 9Eb49 EB507 9Eb427 HABS GA-33 Dye-White Allen/Beverly Pearle Mill Eureka/Grogan DOE 1978 X 1975 X EB510A-D 9Eb96 EB525 9Eb97 EB526 9Eb95 EB731-1A-B 9Eb105 HABS GA-32 EB731-2 9Eb106 HABS GA-35 R.J. Anderson W.F. Anderson × × X EB1512A-C 9Eb98 EB1513A-C 9Eb99 EB1514A-D 9Eb101 HABS GA-30 Alex./Cleveland 1977 EB1515A-D 9Eb100 EB1516A-B 9Eb102 EB1518 9Eb104 Gulley 9Eb55 9Eb53 9Eb103 9Ha10 HAER GA-41 HAER SC-6 GA-43 HAER SC-2 GA-37 HAER SC-4 GA-39 Blackwell Bridge SCL RR Bridge X X Sander's Ferry Bridge X Smith-McGee Bridge X I Table 1 (Continued) OAHP Number IAS Number HABS/HAER Site Name Eligible South Carolina AB201 38Ab307 AB204E 38Ab308 AB1002 38Ab309 AB1006A-B 38Ab310 AB1101-1A-B 38Ab311 AB1110A-B 38Ab110 AB1115-2 38Ab313 AB1123-1 38Ab314 AB1123-2 38Ab315 AB1220 38Ab316 AB1227A-C 38Ab317 Trask Rampey AB1300A-B 38Ab287 AB1300-1A-B 38Ab220 AB1301A-G 38Ab319 HABS SC-382 AB1301-2A-B 38Ab237 HABS SC-383 AB1301-3 38Ab318 AB1304A-K 38Ab21 HABS SC-379 AB1304-2A-B 38Ab320 AB1304-3A-B 38Ab321 HABS SC-381 HABS SC-380 38Ab323 HAER SC-5 Caldwell-Hutchison Long-Hutchison Harper-Featherstone Featherstone Tenant Harper-Featherstone Tenant Farm Abbeville Hydroelectric X X ххх X 38An36 HAER SC-7 (Lake Secession Dam) Gregg Shoals Dam and X 38An173 Power Plant Route 187 Bridge GEORGIA FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation E SITEID NO • Classification Residence B NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence OAHP INVENTORY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XXX YES ☐ NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) EB418 A 3 PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAD) 5 DATE 6 GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1890 7 OWNER/ADMIN United States of America OWNER 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS % Richard B. Russell RE Project Office P. 0. Box 1050 Elberton, GA 30635 STATE ADMIN 10 STATE GIA COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY COUNTY IT SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NUT Elbert 0 Beginning at the intersection of Georgia EXISTING ONR State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245, proceed generally north and east on Co. 245 4.6 miles to the intersection with Co. 244, then southwest on Co. 244 (Con't Reverse) | Heardmont CONG IDIST A COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert CITY/VICINITY Elberton 12 SURVEYS ONHL CONF OHAUS OSTATE CHAER COUNTY CONG DIST OHAER ONPS CL.6 LOCAL OTHER FASTING 14 UTM ZONE 17 I UTM ZONE 15 CONDITION LASTING II 70 □ EXCELLENT I AD GOOD NORTHING SIGN SCALE 80124 E3 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACI 01625 EXTERIOR INTACT DENVIRONS INTACT 344 240 3 773 7 35 OTHER QUAD NAME Heardmont, GA SC NORTHING SIGN SCALE 0124 DOTHER 74 RUINS 1625 QUAD NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 720FAIR 730 DETERIORATED 16 INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17 DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S) HISTORICAL DATE(S) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS EXTANT EQUIPMENT AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS ENGINEERS, ETC 82 DESTROYED UATE May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One story, balloon frame dwelling with front porch and rearshed additions. 38' (three bays) x 56' (three bays). Steep hip roof with two front gables, covered with asphalt shingles, boxed eaves; clapboard siding, bay window on front facade, 4 x 4 sash windows; foundation of log piers. Original plan was one room on either side of central hall, two rooms deep, with one room rear addition. Two interior brick chimneys. Associated with this structure are 12 outbuildings (two recorded, remainder extremely deteriorated), as follows: B) one-story garage, CA. 1930; C) one-story barn with loft, CA. 1930. The rest of the farm complex is in extremely deteriorated con- dition, and would be difficult to preserve. PRESENTUSE 18 ORIGINAL USE Residence 19 REFERENCES HISTORICAL REFERENCES PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Residence 20 URBAN AREA 50 000 POP OR MORE? OYES NO DNO 21 MCRS Region 22 PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY I YES, LIMITED YES UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN 21 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23 EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT 10 NO NO NAMI 25 PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION [ B A ELBERT CO. RD. 244 A PORCH H M t ADDITION N Significance This a well preserved example of the type of house constructed for small-scale farmers in this area in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Although common in the southeastern United States, this is the only structure of this type in the project area. The integrity of the structure is intact. It continues to be used as the dwelling for a small farm complex. Prior to acquisition by the Corps of Engineers (1979) this farm com- plex was owned by a black family for at least 50 years. As of this inventory, this is the only known example of black ownership in the project area. XX**X*XXXXXXXXX 11. XXX 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) 1.4 miles to an unpaved private road, then southwest on the unpaved road .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAIR NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHO!0 I VTYME DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM I 4575-78 INT TO IN GIGIHAH BER FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO OAHP INVENTORY E B 418 - A А 2 Classification Residence - Continuation 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE 10. STATE COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7. OWNER/ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES OWNER NO ☐ UNKNOWN ADMIN COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG DIST. STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:625 QUAD NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1825 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED ..YES ONO I NO ☐ UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION EB418-A Significance REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Garage Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES Corps of Engineers NO UNKNOWN (Demolition) EB418- B OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 OWNER ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Garage 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert CITY/VICINITY Heardmont 7. OWNER/ADMIN U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS % Richard B. Russell RE Project Office P. 0. Box 1050 Elberton, GA 30635 STATE GA COUNTY NAME CONG DIST. 1 0 COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245, proceed genĕr- ally north and east on Co. 245 4.6 miles to the intersection with Co..244, then southwest on Co. 244, 1.4 miles to an un- paved private road, then southwest on the unpaved (Con't rev 14. UTM ZONE 17 7 EASTING NORTHING 344 24 0377 37 35 37 35 SIGN SCALE 12. EXISTING SURVEYS CITY/VICINITY CÔNG Elbert Elberton DIST. 10 ONR NHL CONF HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES(DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT 1:625 EXTERIOR INTACT XXENVIRONS INTACT NAME Heardmont, GA - SC QUAD 1:24 OTHER UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:€2.5 OTHER QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR XFAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75☐ UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 85 DEMOLISHED Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS, EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon frame garage 12' x 14'. Gabel roof covered with asphalt shingles, clapboard siding, foundations of brick piers. One room. The structure is in a fair state of preservation. It is associated with 12 other structures as part of a small farm complex. See site EB418-A. PRESENT USE Garage 18. ORIGINAL USE Garage 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 . POP. OR MORE? 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? DYES NO 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY I YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED 凶 ​NC UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION B D ELBERT 244 CO. RD. B N Significance This garage is typical of early twentieth century small farm outbuildings through out the project area and the southeastern United States. For general comments see site EB418-A. ÆXX*XXXXONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) road .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 2118 IM ⠀⠀ #HI 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION EB418-B Significance REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO E B B4 8 B 3. PRIORITY 2 Classification Garage - Continuation 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE OAHP INVENTORY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. 10. STATE COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) 7. OWNER/ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN ITTI ANTI STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG DIST. I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING I UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 DOTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES, UNLIMITED YES ONO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES NO NAME (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE DISTRICT I.D. NO (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Barn Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 内 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN EB 14 418-C OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 I 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Garage 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert CITY/VICINITY Heardmont CONG DIST. 10 7. OWNER/ADMIN U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245, proceed generally north and east on Co. 245 4,6 miles, to the intersection with m2141.4 Co. 244, then southwest on Co. 244 1.4 miles to an unpaved to the private road, then southwest on the unpaved (Con't Reversed) north44. EASTING NORTHING SIGN % Richard B. Russell RE Project Office P. 0. Box 1050 Elberton, GA 30635 STATE GA COUNTY NAME COUNTY 12. EXISTING NR SURVEYS CITY/VICINITY CONG Elbert Elberton DIST. 10 NHL HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 CONF STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) XXINTERIOR INTACT QUAD EXTERIOR INTACT XENVIRONS INTACT NAME Heardmont, GA - SC QUAD NAME 14. UTM ZONE SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 344 2 2 40 377 37 35 OTHER UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 OTHER 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS, EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 82 DESTROYED DATE May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, balloon frame barn, with loft, and post and frame additions, 37' x 36'. Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles, clapboard siding, no foundations. Original structure one room. The structure is in a fair state of preservation. It is associated with 12 other structures as part of a small farm complex. See site EB418-A. PRESENT USE 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Barn 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION B A ELBERT Co. 20. 244 C. Significance This barn is typical of early twentieth century small farm outbuildings throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. For general comments see site EB418-A. XXXXXXXXCONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) road .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence EB432 32. OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1900 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 NO UNKNOWN XX YES Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN IIIII U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Richard B. Russell Real Estate Project Office P. 0. Box 1050 Elberton, Georgia 30635 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) XXXVICINITY Heardmont CONG DIST GA 10 STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG Elbert Elberton DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF ☐HABS HAER-1 HAER NPS CL6 STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Highway 245, proceed generally north and east on Co. 245 4.6 miles to the intersection with 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 7 3 43 30 53 77 41 10 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Heardmont, Georgia - S.C. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1825 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75☐ UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85X DEMOLISHED One-story, balloon frame dwelling with rear addition, four bays wide, one bay deep. Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles; clapboard siding, 4 X 4 sash windows; foundation of log piers. Originally two room central chimney plan with front door for each room, irregularly laid out rear addition connected to original structure by breezeway. Chimney laid in brick upon a fieldstone granite foundation; interior sheathed throughout. Structure not measured due to salvage demolition. Small frame storage building associated with this structure, gable roof, clapboard siding, demolished for salvage. PRESENT USE 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER XYES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION - CREEK SHOP House BARH O NOT MEASURED DUE TO ONGOING SALVAGE Significance This structure was typical of the small farm houses found throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. This structure is now in the process of demolition for salvage, and most significant fabric has already been removed. Two remaining outbuildings on the site are suffering similar fates. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 11. (continued) Co. 244, then southeast on Co. 244 .8 mile to an unpaved road, then west .5 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION EB432 (Continued) Significance REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification E B 34 3 2 3. PRIORITY Residence Continuation - 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE 10. STATE COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) OAHP INVENTORY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7. OWNER/ADMIN 9 OWNER´S ADDRESS Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG DIST. STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS INR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 IT QUAD OTHER NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 12.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION DATE 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES NO YES, LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES NO NAME (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE DISTRICT I.D. NO (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence E B 5000-A 3. PRIORITY 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Beverly Plantation OAHP INVENTORY 5. DATE 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1802, 1820 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN E. Chandler Brown 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 6 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN I 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XX/VICINITY Pearl CONG DIST STATE GA COUNTY NAME 10 COUNTY Elbert VICINITY Pearl 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245, proceed north on Co. 245 1.9 miles to an unpaved private road, then west 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) on the unpaved road .1 mile to the site. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL HABS CONF STATE HAER-I COUNTY CONG DIST. 1 To HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 21:24 1:62 5 1 7 3 40450 3 7 7 4 8 7 5 774875 QUAD OTHER NAME Heardmont, GA. - S.C. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED May 1, 1979 John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS. ETC Two-story, hewn-frame plantation house with additions, 47' (five bays) X 51' (six bays). (six bays). Gable and shed roofs covered with sheetmetal, boxed cornice; clapboard siding, 9x9 windows, exterior brick chimneys laid in common bond on fieldstone foundations; foundations of fieldstone granite. Front elevation features a two-story pedimented portico with fanlight, double doors surrounded with transom and sidelights, fluted columns of no order. Plan is irregular, two rooms wide divided by central stair-hall, three rooms deep. Interior finish is of original hand-planed sheathing and sheathing and dado paneling, detailed fireplace mantels, and original doors with some original hardware. This structure is in a good state of repair, although it is beginning to suffer some water damage. The preservation of this structure could be easily accomplished. Associated with this structure are three outbuildings, only two of which were recorded: (b) Well House, CA. 1910-1930; (c) Barn, CA. 1900. The final outbuilding is a concrete block garage, CA. 1950. The recorded outbuildings are in good and fair states of preservation, respectively. 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE Residence 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER See National Register Nomination Form ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER ☐YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION BO IA 먀 ​GARAGE GREEN House MILL RACE DAM BEAVERDAM CREEK PEARL MILL ELBERT CO. RD, 245 A. F Significance This superior home is certainly the most impressive structure in the project area, and is among the few such grand plantation houses remaining in Elbert County. Although not directly impacted by the construction and flooding of the Russell Dam, this house site (already listed on the National Register of Historic Places) will be surrounded on three sides by the waters of the proposed lake, which will reach to within 300 feet of the house. This structure has been included in this inventory because of the overwhelming visual impact of the proposed lake upon the site. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 11 10 IN | || || # 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Significance REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT EB500-A (Continued) HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM I INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation OAHP INVENTORY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification E B 151 0 3. PRIORITY Residence - Continuation 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Beverly Plantation - Continuation 10. STATE COUNTY NAME COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7. OWNER/ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN CITY/VICINITY CONG DIST. STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 QUAD OTHER NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:25 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES ONO NO UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES ONO NAME (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE DISTRICT_I.D. NO (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Well House E B Too 5 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Beverly Plantation OAHP INVENTORY B 3. PRIORITY 5 DATE 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1910- 1930 7 OWNER/ADMIN E. Chandler Brown 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Route 6 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN II 10. STATE G A COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert VICINITY Pearl CONG DIST UTM ZONE EASTING 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245, proceed north on Co. 245 1.9 miles to an unpaved private road, then west on the unpaved 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 1 7 3 340450377 03774875 SIGN 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) STATE GA COUNTY NAME 10 COUNTY Elbert CAT VICINITY Pearl CONG DIST 1 12. EXISTING ONR SURVEYS NHL CONF ☐HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Heardmont, GA. - S.C. 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING [ 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION SIGN SCALE 1.24 ☐ 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 74 RUINS 75☐ UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTtion and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC May 1, 1979 One-story, post-and-frame well house, 7' X 12'. Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles; vertical board roof apron, wooden shingles on enclosed portion; fieldstone granite piers as foundations. Plan if of an open-sided covering for the well, with added storage room. Interior Interior inaccessible. This structure is in a fair state of preservation and could easily be restored. Associated with this structure are three other structures. structures. See EB500-A for general comments. PRESENT USE Well House 18. ORIGINAL USE Well House 19. REFERENCES~HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES NO 21. MCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY I YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION GARASO IA GREENHOUSE MILL RACE Dam BRAVERDAM CREEK CHANDLER STORE PEARL MILL ELBERT Co. RD. 245 B. WELL Significance This well house is a unique structure within the project area, although the singular nature of this structure derives completely from the addition of the storage room at rear. See EB500-A for general comments. XKRKEEN 11. (continued) KHNKM road .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT #118 11 4575-78 01411111 !!!!! 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION EB500-B (Continued) Significance REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 ATIMIN NAH FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO E 3B500 2 Classification Well House - Continuationn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE OAHP INVENTORY B 3. PRIORITY Beverly Plantation - Continuation 10. STATE COUNTY NAME COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7. OWNER/ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN CITY/VICINITY CONG DIST STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CÔNG. DIST. I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:25 ITT QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES – HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20 URBAN AREA 50,000 POP, OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED OYES NO I NO UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES ONO NAME (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE DISTRICT I.D. NO (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn OAHP INVENTORY E B | 500 | - | C 3. PRIORITY 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Beverly Plantation 10. STATE G A COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert XXXVICINITY Pearl 5. DATE 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1900 7. OWNER/ADMIN I Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN E. Chandler Brown 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 6 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN CONG DIST STATE A G COUNTY NAME 1 0 COUNTY Elbert XXXVICINITY Pearl CONG DIST 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL HABS CONF STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245, proceed north on Co. 245 1.9 miles to an unpaved private road, then west 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) on the unpaved road .1 mile to the site. INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 ☐ 1:62 5 1 70 340450 3 7 7 4 875 QUAD OTHER NAME Heardmont, GA. - S.C. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story (with loft), post-and-frame barn, 17' x 20'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding with wooden shingle gable ends; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan of two rooms. This structure is in a fair state of repair, and could be easily restored. This structure is associated with three other structures on this site, see EB500-A for general comments. PRESENT USE Barn 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? ..YES 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY NO 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 1. YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO 西 ​NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION вот A GARAGE GREEN- House DAM MILL RACE BEAVERDAM CREEK PEARL MILL MILL ELBERT CO. RD, 245 بش Significance This small barn is typical of such structures found throughout the project area and in the surrounding regions. See EB500-A for associated significance. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO II LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT TH 4575-78 8111870111011 20 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO EB 501 OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification 3 PRIORITY Bulk Products (Food) 13 20 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Bulk Products (Text) 15 0 0 1807; 1889 1900 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Gray-Pearl Mill 10. STATE G A COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert CITY/VICINITY Elberton CONG DIST Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XYES Demolition--In flood pool of new dam OWNER NO UNKNOWN ADMIN United States Federal Government 9 OWNER´S ADDRESS c/o Richard B. Russell Project P.O. Box 1050, Elberton, GA COUNTY NAME STATE GA CITY/VICINITY ip CONG 10 COUNTY Elbert Elberton DIST. 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245, proceed north on Co. Road 245 1.7 mile to the site, on Beaverdam Creek. 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. TUTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 7 7 3 340 54 537 728 20 1:24 OTHER 1.62 5 QUAD NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1€2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris HABS 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. May 1, 1979 MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. According to informant evidence, this site was a cotton manufactury of 5,000 spindles used in the production of cotton yarns, thread and batting. The earliest known use of the site was Gray's Mill, documented to exist in 1811 on property purchased in 1809 by Joseph Gray, Sr. The mill was still in existence in 1889, when it was purchased and extensively enlarged for use as the Heardmont Cotton Mill by William Mattox and J.W. McCalla. The mill burned in September of 1890 after only three months of production. The mill was sold in 1895 to the Swift brothers, and was placed back in production in the spring of 1900. It is believed that parts It is believed that parts of the original structure of Gray's Mill were incorporated into the 1889 extensions, and are still in evidence on the site today. The mill operated until ca. 1934 under the name of the Pearl Cotton Mills, when it burned for the last time. See HABS report "The Industrial History of the Russell Project Area" for further description, documentation and sources. The mill ruins still retain much of their integrity and the site is likely to yield much important information on 19th century, 18. ORIGINAL USE Grist Mill and Cotton Mill PRESENT USE Ruins 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER See HABS report "The Industrial History of the Russell Project Area" ADAPTIVE USE Reservoir (CONT OVER) 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES NO YES. LIMITED XNO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION X 1000 Beaver ham. Co Rte 245 Mill Site 5001 Significance A regionally significant 19th century water power site that, though it is in ruins, is likely to yield important information relating to both the history of grist milling in the area and the development of the late 19th century Southern textile industry. This is a worthy site which retains much of its integrity and can be a source of important archaeological data. ABSTRACT Southern mill design and technology. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn E B | 50 OAHP INVENTORY 5 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6 GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1870 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 白 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Richard B. Russell Real Estate Project Office P. O. Box 1050 Elberton, Georgia 30635 10. STATE COUNTY G A COUNTY NAME Elbert CXXVICINITY Middleton CONG DIST STATE GA COUNTY NAME CITYXIKINKY 10 COUNTY Elbert Elberton CONG DIST 10 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245 proceed north- west on Georgia State Highway 72 0.5 mile to an unpaved road, then northeast on the unpaved private road 1.2 miles 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL ☐ OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 17 33 95 00 00 377 14 50 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Elberton East, Georgia UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1825 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 OTHER RUINS QUAD NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Two-story balloon frame barn, with side shed addition, 31' X 22'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; horizontal sheathing on original, vertical sheathing on addition; foundation of milled granite piers. Plan of three rooms. This structure is fairly well preserved, although it is deteriorating rapidly. It is the only surviving structure on the site. 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Barn 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO 四 ​NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION PRIVATE ROAD COLD ROAD TO WASHINGTON, G.) House SITE CREEK 505 Significance This is a typical example of a late nineteenth century barn found throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. It is the only surviving It is the only surviving structure from a small farm complex, once located on the same site. MERKMENDESMAXWINDKN 11. (continued) to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8 230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1 SITEID. NO ? Classification Barn 8 NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn EB505 OAHP INVENTORY 3 PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAD 5 DATE 6 GOVE SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1870 Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN TI 7 OWNER/ADMIN U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 9 OWNER S ADDRESS c/o Richard B. Russell Real Estate Project Office P. O. Box 1050 Elberton, Georgia TO STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert CXXVICINITY Middleton CONG DIST 30635 STATE G A COUNTY NAME CITYXKINKY 10 COUNTY Elbert Elberton CÔNG DIST 110 12 EXISTING SURVEYS ONK ONHI CONE OHABS ☐STATE DHAERI HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER BEXTERIOR INTACT IF SHE ADDRESS(STREETS NOT Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 245 proceed north- west on Georgia State Highway 72 0.5 mile to an unpaved road, then northeast on the unpaved private road 1.2 miles 14 UTM ZONE 17 UIM ZONE FASTING NORTHING 3 00377 14 33 9500 TASTING I NORTHING SIGN 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) QUAD NAME Heardmont Elberton East, ENVIRONS INTACT sic Georgia, S. C. SCALE 5 0 124 OOTHER INTERIOR INTAI 01625 SIGN SCALL DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 0124 OTHER ARUINS QUAD NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 377 3450 15 CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT い ​16 INVENTORIED BY AO GOOD John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 72 FAIR Historic American Buildings Survey 17 DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS. EIC 82 DESTROYED DATE May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED Two-story balloon frame barn, with side shed addition, 31' x 22'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; horizontal sheathing on original, vertical sheathing on addition; foundation of milled granite piers. Plan of three rooms. This structure is fairly well preserved, although it is deteriorating rapidly. It is the only surviving structure on the site. PRESENT USE Barn 18 ORIGINAL USE Barn 19 REFERENCES - HISTORICAL REFERENCES PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN ARE A 50 000 21 HCRS Region 22 PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP OR MORE? YES NO YES. LIMITED NO YES UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 21 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23 EDITOR INDEXER NO DISTRICT ID NO NAME 25 PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION PRIVATE ROOD COLD ROAD то WASHINGTON, GA.) HOUSE SITE CREEK 505 Significance This is a typical example of a late nineteenth century barn found throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. It is the only surviving structure from a small farm complex, once located on the same site. MMKMNDEXMXWAMKN 11. (continued) to the site. ABSTRACT HA NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HISE PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM W FITA INT 4575-78 #11 191 8:40 11700 11 B FHR-8-230 June 1978 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Eureka House E B 507 10. STATE G A COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert DOE'D 1978 OAHP INVENTORY VICINITY Middleton 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1840 7. OWNER/ADMIN ! Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 ☐ UNKNOWN YES Salvage by owner NO Micco Corporation OWNER ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Mr. Peyton S. Hawes, Jr., Cofer, Beauchamp & Hawes Suite 200, Peachtree and Broad Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 STATE GA COUNTY NAME CONG IDIST. CIVICINITY 10 COUNTY Atlanta CONG. DIST. 12 EXISTING ONR NHL ☐HABS SURVEYS CONF STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72, and Elbert County Highway S2218, proceed northeast on Co. S2218 1.7 miles to the site. 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 337 8 9 0 3 7 7 3378 90377 50 30 OTHER QUAD Elberton East, Georgia NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72. FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED AFFILIATION John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. doors DATE May 1, 1979 One and one-half story, hewn-frame dwelling, 46' (three bays) X 81' (five bays). Gable roofs covered with asphalt singles over wood shingles. Single dormer on either side of projecting pedimented porch roof, boxed cornice; clapboard siding, 9 X 9 sash windows, front and reaf surrounded with transom and sidelights; foundations of massive quarried granite piers. Plan is T-shaped, two rooms wide divided by central hall, two rooms deep, with breezeway dividing main portion from rear kitchen wing. Three interior chimneys laid of quarried granite through second floor narrowing to brick flues; interior finish is of split lath and plaster in major rooms, remainder is sheathed with hand-planed boards. Though deteriorated by vandalism and neglect, this structure could easily be preserved. Most important architectural fabric survives intact, while good photographic evidence of the missing fabric exists. Associated with this structure is a deteriorated privy (not recorded), a well adjacent to kitcheBoNT OVER) 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES – HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Abandoned ADAPTIVE USE 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SEABOARD COAST LINE RR BEAVER DAM CREEK - - - MILL RACE? SITE OF EUREKA MILLS xx COLLAPSED PORCH EXTENSION PRIVY 307 ELBERT CO. 120. 52218 WELL PORCH TE BREEZE WAY با COLLAPSED PORCH PORCH Significance This site is an extremely important building for the project area, as it is one of few Antebellum homes still in existance. The architectural quality of the building, though deteriorated through vandalism and neglect, is easily detectable and would be as easily restored. Historically, this house is as important as its architectural significance. It is believed that this home was the plantation house for the Grogan estate. At one time, the "Eureka" Mill was included in this property on the Beaverdam Creek, which was one of the early water-powered industrial sites in this area. The use of quarried granite in the construction of the piers and chimneys of this HERE RENOSOS XOS ICHISCIA house may also be the earliest known use of the stone in this area, which later became the largest industry in Elbert County. 17. (continued) wing, and formal landscape composition of site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION EB507 (Continued) Signit REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION EB507 (Continued) Signifi REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) E│| B | 5 | 1 | 0 || - | OAHP INVENTORY A 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1920 7. OWNER/ADMIN Gaines T. Anderson 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 6 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE GTA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert CITY/VICINITY CONG Middleton Vic. DIST 10 STATE COUNTY G A COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Elbert CONG Middleton Vic. DIST. 10 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road S2218, proceed north on Co. S2118 .9 mile to the intersection with County S2217, then 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 17 UTM ZONE 3 3 7 1 65 3774 08 0 1:24 OTHER 1:625 QUAD Elberton East, Georgia NAME EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED AFFILIATION Historic American Buildings Survey John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 One story balloon frame dwelling, 32' (three bays) X 21' (one bay). Gable roof covered with sheet metal; asphalt siding over vertical sheathing, 6X6 sash windows; foundation of milled granite piers. Plan is two rooms wide, one room deep divided by central chimney of brick laid on milled granite foundation. Porch added to front. PRESENT USE Residence 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES. NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ELBERT COUNTY RD. 52217 c A B CREEK A. Significance This structure is typical of small tenant dwellings found throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. It is adjacent to a similar tenant house (510 B). Though somewhat deteriorated, this structure contains much of its original fabric and integrity, and could be easily preserved. XAXNE 11. (continued) southeast on Co. S2217 .2 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence E| B|5|10| -| OAHP INVENTORY B 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 7. OWNER/ADMIN Gaines T. Anderson 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 6 Elberton, Georgia Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN II 10. STATE GTA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert XXY/VICINITY | Middleton 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road S2218, proceed north on Co. S2218 .9 mile to the intersection with County S2217, then southeast on Co. $2217 .2 mile to the site. 14 UTM ZONE EASTING 1733 71 UTM ZONE EASTING 377401 NORTHING 90377 4010 NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) 30635 CONG DIST STATE G A COUNTY NAME ZY/VICINITY 10 COUNTY Elbert Middleton CÔNG. 10 DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR ONHL CONF DHABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT KENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 西 ​1.24 ☐ 1:62 5 OTHER QUAD Elberton East, Georgia NAME SIGN SCALE 1:24 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Plan One-story balloon frame tenant house, 31' (three bays) X 38' (two bays). Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles, boxed eaves; asphalt siding over vertical sheathing, 6 X 6 sash windows; foundation of milled granite piers. is two rooms wide and two rooms deep, with a pedimented front porch. Two interior brick chimneys. Three out- buildings are associated with this site (privy not recorded, 510 C, 510 D). PRESENT USE Residence 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES— HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO I KNO ☐ UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP,OF LOCATION ELBERT COUNTY RD. 52217 OD B B CREEK PORCH PORCH Significance This structure is typical of small tenant dwellings found throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. It is adjacent to a similar tenant house (510 A). Though much of the original interior fabric remains intact, some structural deterioration has taken place. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO E B 5 1 10 C 3 PRIORITY 2. Classification Garage 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Garage 10. STATE GA COUNTY COUNTY NAME Elbert CATVICINITY Middleton OAHP INVENTORY 5 DATE CA. 1930 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6 GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ITATI Gaines T. Anderson 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 6 Elberton, Georgia 30635 ADMIN CONG DIST 10 STATE G GA COUNTY COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Middleton CONG DIST. 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL HABS CONF STATE HAER-I COUNTY ☐ HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road S2218, proceed north on Co. S2218 .9 mile to the intersection with County 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE below) S2217, then southeast on Co. S2217 .2 mile to the site. 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 INTERIOR INTACT 1:62 5 EXTERIOR INTACT 17 7 3 3 719 0 3 3 74 0 33 4000 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE OTHER 124 OTHER QUAD NAME ENVIRONS INTACT Elberton East, Georgia 162.5 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED Historic American Buildings Survey May 1, 1979 John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. One-story balloon frame garage, 10' (one bay) X 20'. Gable roof covered with sheet metal; vertical board sheathing. One room. There are two additional outbuildings and a house associated with this site. PRESENT USE Storage 18. ORIGINAL USE Garage 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP. OR MORE? YES NO I YES. LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN' 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ELBERT COUNTY Ro, 52217 CREEK 口 ​SHED B TRIVY с Significance This structure is typical of early automobile garage construction throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. through neglect. The original fabric in this structure remains intact, though deteriorated REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO E B 5 1 0 2. Classification Well House 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Well House 10. STATE G A COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert | OAHP INVENTORY D 3. PRIORITY VICINITY Middleton 5. DATE CA. 1930 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES ON UNKNOWN 7. OWNER/ADMIN OWNER IITI Gaines T. Anderson 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 6 Elberton, Georgia 30635 ADMIN IT CONG DIST STATE GA COUNTY NAME Y/VICINITY 1 0 COUNTY Elbert Middleton CONG. DIST. 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road S2218, proceed north on Co. S2218 .9 mile to the intersection with County S2217, then southeast on Co. S2217 .2 mile to the site. 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 33 1 7 3 3 UTM ZONE EASTING INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT NORTHING SIGN SCALE 71903774 4 03 0 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Elberton East, Georgia NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 162.5 OTHER QUAD NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED AFFILIATION Historic American Buildings Survey 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC DATE May 1, 1979 One-story, open-sided post and frame well house, 8' X 8'. Gable roof covered with sheet metal, vertical board apron. Wooden well cover. PRESENT USE Well House 18. ORIGINAL USE Well House 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES NO NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? I YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION CREEK ELBERT COUNTY RD. 52217 OP SHED B PAVY D. WELL Significance This structure is typical of well houses found throughout the project area and the southeastern United States, and is in a good state of preservation. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO E B B 5 52 25 OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification Residence 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN (SPECIFY THREAT) Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN 5 DATE 16. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1920 7. OWNER/ADMIN U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Richard B. Russell Real Estate Project Office P. O. Box 1050 Elberton, Georgia 30635 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Middleton CONG DIST 10 STATE COUNTY G A COUNTY NAME Elbert City Elberton CONG DIST. 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL ☐ OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road S2218, proceed northeast on Co. S2218 2.1 miles, then turn west on an unpaved private road .1 mile to the site. 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 17 338 3380 60 377 5 4 40 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Elberton East, Georgia UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 162.5 OTHER QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, balbon-frame house with additions, 32' (four bays) X 31' (three bays). Gable roof covered with sheet metal, boxed eaves; clapboard siding, 4 X 4 sash windows with board shutters; foundations of milled granite piers. Original plan is two rooms wide divided by central chimney, one room deep; addition of two rooms across rear with further addition of one room and porch at rear, and pedimented front porch. Interior chimney of brick laid on fieldstone granite foundation; interior finish is sheathed throughout. Associated with this structure is a post- and-frame wellhouse, not recorded due to advanced deterioration. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50,000 L POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED .. YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION BEAVERDAM CREEK RO COAST LINE RR 525 WELL ELBERT COUNTY RD. 52218 ELBERT CORD 267 PORCH [ H N Significance This structure is a typical farmhouse seen throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. Though much of the original fabric remains intact, this structure is slowly deteriorating through vandalism and neglect. Much of this deterioration is taking place in the interior from water damage, and some structural fabric has been greatly affected. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) INT 4575-78 1110 111 HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM ABSTRACT 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Significance REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT EB525 (Continued) HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 OAHP INVENTORY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification BL 5 12 3. PRIORITY Residence - Continuation 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE 10. STATE COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7. OWNER/ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG DIST. I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER. 1:25 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 17. DESCRIPTION and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. MCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES ONO YES. LIMITED ONO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES ONO NAME (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE DISTRICT I.D. NO (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence OAHP INVENTORY EB 52 6 I 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE CA. 1920 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 枃 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER TITI ADMIN 7. OWNER/ADMIN Wilbur Dye 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS CYNE o Mr. Dan Dye Route 4, Box 315 Elberton, Georgia Georgia 30635 COUNTY NAME 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XX/VICINITY Middleton CONG DIST 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road S2218, proceed northeast on Co. S2218 2.4 miles to an unpaved private road, then southeast .5 mile to the site. 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 1 7 3 3 8 9 4 0 3 7 7|51|0|0|||||| UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING STATE GA CITY/VICINITY 10 0 COUNTY Elbert Middleton 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY CONG. DIST. 10 HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SIGN SCALE 1.24 1.62 5 QUAD Elberton East, Georgia OTHER NAME SIGN SCALE 1.24 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, balloon frame dwelling, 36' (three bays) X 28' (two bays). Hip roof covered with sheet metal; asphalt siding over clapboards, 6 X 6 sash windows; foundations of milled granite piers. Two rooms wide, two rooms deep divided by central hall. Interior brick chimney laid on milled granite foundations and two suspended brick chimneys. Interior is partially sheathed, and is greatly deteriorated due to vandalism and neglect. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION 526 ← CREEK FARM ROAD House SITE SEABOARD COAST LINE RR TT TT Significance This structure is an interesting example of a small tenant dwelling, similar to other structures found throughout the southeastern United States. The unusual characteristic of the low hip roof makes this structure unique in the project area, though somewhat less unique in the surrounding regions. This structure has been badly damaged due to vandalism and neglect and is deteriorating rapidly, thereby compromising any preservation effort. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Farm complex 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Farm complex Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) E B 7 B731-1 OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 5. DATE CA. 1930 - 1940 7. OWNER/ADMIN R. J. Anderson 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 2 Elberton, GA 30635 OWNER ADMIN II 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG. DIST 10 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road $985 and Elbert Co. Road 266 in the town of Ruck ersville, proceed northeast 1.6 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert Co. Road 239, then 14. UTM ZONE 17 EASTING Road 239, then NORTHING 33769 537829 COUNTY NAME STATE COUNTY GIA XXXVICINITY Elbert Ruckersville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 HAER COUNTY LOCAL 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. По NPS OTHER CL6 (Con't Reverse) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SIGN SCALE 05 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Rockbranch, GA ENVIRONS INTACT UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 ☐ 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 A 1930's farm complex including: (a) One-story, balloon frame house, four bays x three bays. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal, open eaves; asphalt siding, 4x4 sash windows; front pedimented porch; foundations of brick, concrete and granite block piers. Interior and exterior brick chimneys, CA. 1932. (b) See separate form, Site EB731-1B. (c) Two- story, hewn and balloon frame barn with side shed additions and attached granite milking parlor. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Hewn frame members incorporated from earlier structures, CA. 1934. (d) One-story, frame storage barn, with post-and-frame addition. Gable roof covered with sheet- metal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers, CA. 1935. (e) One-story, balloon frame shed. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers, CA. 1935. (f) Post-and-frame cattle feeding crib. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; vertical board siding on end walls, side walls open, (CONT OVER) 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Farm complex Farm complex 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION כן A ELBERT. RD. 239 JO B D E OF F H CREEK G J H 17. (continued) exposing V-shaped feed crib, CA. 1935. (g) Post-and-frame garage. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal: foundation of fieldstone granite, CA. 1935. (h) Balloon frame chicken shed. Shed roof covered with sheetmetal; vertical board siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers, CA. 1935. (i) Quarried granite wellhouse. Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles, boxed eaves, CA. 1935. (j) Two-story, balloon frame storage barn, gable roof covered with wooden shingles, boxed eaves; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers, CA. 1935. This complex is intact and relatively well preserved. Significance Although this 1930's farm complex is ineligible for inventory by usual H.A.B.S. standards, it has been included in this survey as an excellent example of an intact and well-preserved early twentieth century agrarian complex. The similarity of many of these structures to earlier structures in the inventory indicates the continuity of building types and farming needs in this region. See also Site EB731-1B. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 11. (continued) southeast on Co. 239 0.4 mile to an unpaved private drive, then south on the private drive 0.1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Vice of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn E B7 3731-18 B OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO ☐ UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER 5. DATE CA. 1820, 1935 7. OWNER/ADMIN R. J. Anderson 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 2 Elberton, GA 30635 ADMIN I 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST 10 STATE COUNTY 12. EXISTING SURVEYS GA COUNTY NAME Elbert NR NHL HABS CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road S985 and Elbert County Road 266 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast 1.6 miles to the intersection 3 SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) with unpaved Elbert County Road 239, then southeast on Co. 239 0.4 miles to an unpaved private drive, then south (Con't Rey STATE 2 VICINITY ***VICINI Ruckersville HAER-I ☐ COUNTY CONG. DIST. Tol HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 INTERIOR INTACT 1:62 5 EXTERIOR INTACT 1 7 3 3 76 76953 95378 29 05 QUAD OTHER NAME Rockbranch, GA DENVIRONS INTACT UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1625 QUAD 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION OTHER 74 RUINS NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey. 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, log barn with frame additions, loft, and cattle pens, 49' x 48'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; logs hewn on four sides with one-half dovetail joinery partially covered with sheetmetal, clapboard siding on additions; foundations of milled and quarried granite piers. Original plan of log structure is of one room, with Original frame additions of four rooms and open breezeway. This structure is fairly well-preserved, and restoration could be easily accomplished. It is one of ten structures that comprise this 1930's farm complex. See site EB731-A. 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Barn Personal conversation with Reuben J. Anderson. 4/16/79 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES KINO I NO UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER- 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? I YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION 600 ELBERT CO. RD 239 A D DE B C 640 CREEK OF b. 血 ​L 1 LOG - - CATTLE PENS (OPEN) 2807 Significance According to informant evidence, the log portion of this structure was originally a kitchen for the nearby Harper plantation, an early nineteenth century complex. The sturcture was moved to its present location and adapted for use as a barn CA. 1935 by Reuben J. Anderson. The structure illustrates the common practice in this area of adapting farm buildings to changing needs. The log portion of this structure is a fine example of one-half dovetail joinery. This structure is the only example of log construction on the Georgia side of the project area. XXXXXXXXXCONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) on the private drive 0.1 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO OAHP INVENTORY E B 7 3 1 2 2. Classification Farm Complex 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1919 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Anderson Farm Complex R. J. Anderson 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO Corps of Engineers UNKNOWN Route 2 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN I 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME Elbert COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) CXIX/VICINITY Ruckersville CONG. DIST. STATE G A COUNTY NAME CIVICINITY CONG. 10 COUNTY Elbert Ruckersville DIST. 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road $935 and Elbert County Road 266 in the hamlet of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Co. $985 1.6 miles to the inter- 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 17 3372 6 5 3 7 8 3 2 2 378 220 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Rock Branch, GA. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1.62.5 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 712 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS, EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 Circa 1920 farm complex as follows: (a) One-story, balloon frame house, 42' (three bays) X 31' (three bays), CA. 1919. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal, open eaves; asbestos siding, 4x4 windows; foundations of cement blocks. Plan is probably of four rooms, two rooms wide divided by central hall, two rooms deep, pedimented front porch with four columns. Interior inaccessible. (b) Post-and-frame well house, CA. 1919. Gable roof with asphalt shingles over wooden shingles, clapboard wall apron. (c) Balloon-frame storage shed, CA. 1920. CA. 1920. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; fieldstone granite foundation piers. (d) Two-story balloon-frame cattle barn, CA. 1920. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Included in this complex are two other outbuildings not recorded: Post-and-frame garage, CA. 1950, and a post-and-frame machinery shed, CA. 1950. These structures are all in good condition and could be easily preserved. This complex was not extensively (CONT OVER) 18. ORIGINAL USE Farm Complex PRESENT USE Farm Complex 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Conversation with Reuben J. Anderson, April 25, 1979 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT 1.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ELBERT Co. RD. 5985 250 ELBERT CO. R. 239 21 口 ​2-D' A 0% 2501 GARAGE MACHINE SHED 2506 CREEK 731-2A H PORCH TT LI # A B C I SHED ADDIN Significance This early twentieth century farm complex is typical of such complexes throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. However, such a well-preserved complex is rather unusual. The complex is associated with Site EB731-1 through single-family ownership. XXXBENIKEEXXONMEN 11. (continued) section with Elbert County Road 239, then southeast on Co. 239 0.1 mile to an unpaved private road, then south on the unpaved private road 0.1 mile to the site. 17. (continued) documented due to lack of time remaining in the inventory. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) EB 15 12-A OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1870 7. OWNER/ADMIN J. R. Cleveland 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 4 Elberton, GA 30635 OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG. DIST 10 STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME XXXVICINITY Elbert Ruckersville CONG DIST. 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road S985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then east and south on Elbert Co.238 0.8 miles to the site. 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 1 7 3 39 33918 NORTHING 339 18 0 3 7 8 46 90 SIGN 3. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) VENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 162 5 QUAD 90 OTHER NAME Lowndesville, SC · GA SIGN SCALE 1.24 162.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon frame house, 32' (two bays) x 34' (two bays). Gable roofs covered with sheetmetal, boxed eaves; clapboard and weatherboard siding, 6 x 6 and 4 x 4 sash windows; foundations composed of wooden posts, and quarried, milled and fieldstone granite piers. Plan is basically L-shaped, three rooms, with porches at front, side and at the corner of the L. Interior brick chimney laid on fieldstone granite foundation. Interior of this structure was inacces- sible. This sturcture is in a fair state of preservation, and probably contains much of its orignial fabric. Associ- ated with this structure are three outbuildings: B) small shed, CA. 1880; C) barn, possibly CA. 1850-1860; and a small deteriorated and overgrown privy, not recorded. The recorded outbuildings are in poor, and fair condition, respectively. PRESENT USE Storage 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO I NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Co. 238 ELBERT COUNTY RD. 238 A B SHED A PORCH PORCH L COVERED PORCH Significance This small dwelling is an example of a typical post-Civil War farmhouse, found throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. This structure is in a good state of repair, and appears to contain much of its original fabric. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Shed 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Shed E B1 OAHP INVENTORY LO 5 1 2 B 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) J. R. Cleveland II ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 4 Elberton, GA 30635 CONG. DIST. 10 NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST. STATE GIA COUNTY 10 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road $985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then east & south on Co. 238 0.8 miles to the site. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS COUNTY NAME XXXVICINITY Elbert NR NHL HABS ☐HAER-I Ruckersville HAER CONF STATE COUNTY 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE XX1:24 1:62 5 17 17 UTM ZONE 3 3 9 2 33 9 2 05 0 5 3 7 8 46 8 46 1 5 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD ENVIRONS INTACT NAME Lowndesville, SC - GA EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 125 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 OTHER RUINS QUAD NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and BacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon frame shed with addition, 21.' (onę bay) x 12'. Gable roof on original, shed roof on addition, covered with asphalt shingles; clapboard siding on original and sheathing on addition; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan of two rooms. This structure is quite overgrown and is deteriorating rapidly. It is associated with two other outbuildings and a house (See EB1512-A for general comments). PRESENT USE Storage shed 18. ORIGINAL USE Storage shed 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? T NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME NO 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Co.238 ELBERT COUNTY RD. 238 B i ORIGINAL SHED ADD'N Significance Small storage sheds and barns of this type are found throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT N HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES Corps of Engineers NO UNKNOWN (Demolition) EB1512-c OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 5 DATE CA. 1850- 1860 7. OWNER/ADMIN J. R. Cleveland 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 4 Elberton, GA 30635 OWNER ADMIN SIGN 1 17 7 3 39 24 0 3 7 8 4 6 2 0 240 378 462 NORTHING SIGN 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST 10 COUNTY STATE GA COUNTY NAME XXXVICINITY Elbert Ruckersville ☐NR NHL HABS HAER-I HAER CONF STATE COUNTY 12 EXISTING SURVEYS 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road $985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Co. S985 3.1 miles to the 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then east intersection with unpave miles to and south on Co. 238 0.8 miles to the site. 14. UTM ZONE UTM ZONE EASTING 3 EASTING NORTHING CONG DIST. 1 To NPS LOCAL OTHER CL6 NTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:625 OTHER NAME QUAD Lowndesville, SC · GA SCALE 1 24 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72FA 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION DATE John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris May 1, 1979 Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. Two-story, hewn and balloon frame barn, with one-story rear shed addition, 21' x 31'. barn, with one-story rear shed addition, 21' x 31'. Gable roof with pole rafters on original covered with sheetmetal, shed roof covered with tarpaper; horizontal and vertical board sheathing; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan of five rooms. This structure is in a fair state of preservation. It is associated with two other outbuildings and a house. and a house. (See EB1512-A for general comments). PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS. AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 YES POP. OR MORE? ON 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER. YES DISTRICT ID NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Co. 238 ELBFORT COUNTY ROAD 238 A SHED C Significance This small barn is typical of the outbuildings found on small farmsteads in the project area and the southeastern United States. The structure appears to be of an earlier construction date than the other buildings on the site, which may indicate its survival from an earlier farm on this site, or its removal from another location. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) E B 1 5 1 3 -|| OAHP INVENTORY A 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6 GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN I. C. Cleveland 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 4 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert GTY/VICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST STATE G A COUNTY NAME 1 10 0 COUNTY Elbert /VICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST 10 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road $985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Co. S986 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then 14. UTM ZONE 17 7 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 3 3 9 8 4 339840378 EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 4590 SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:625 QUAD OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT Lowndesville, S.C. GA. - NAME SIGN SCALE 1 24 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE NORTHING 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 63' x 47'. House One-story balloon frame house adapted for use as barn with post-and-frame additions and cattle pens, 63' x 47'. has gable roof covered with asphalt shingles, boxed eaves, additions have shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. House has L-shaped plan of 3 rooms with interior brick chimney and suspended brick chimney. chimney. Shed additions are to side and rear of house. Interior used for animal pens; corn grinding equipment located in small post-and-frame addition on west side of structure. This structure is quite deteriorated, with much of the original fabric destroyed. Associated with the structure are two outbuildings: (b) barn, CA. 1880, (c) barn, CA. 1880, both altered by additions and in fair condition. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Barn Residence 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50,000 POP. OR MORE? 21 HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ELBERT CO.RD. 238 POND B A HOMES BARN SHEED MOBILE MIL Gavi A 口 ​甲 ​J H CATTLE PENS ORIGINAL HOUSE ADD'N SHED ADD'N Significance This dwelling is typical of small post-Civil Ware farm houses located throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. The adaptation of the structure from house to barn exemplifies the way in which farm structures in this area are altered to meet changing needs. The associated barns, which have undergone similar alterations, are contemporary to this house, and formed a typical small farm complex for the region. REFERENCESCONTINUED, 11. (continued) east and south on Co. 238 1.1 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM FENCED CATTLE PEN INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation E B 1 5 1 3 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn 1 OAHP INVENTORY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 白 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) B 3 PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7 OWNER/ADMIN I. C. Cleveland 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 4 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME Elbert COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) XXY/VICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST STATE GA COUNTY NAME CREY/VICINITY CONG 110 COUNTY Elbert Ruckersville DIST. 10 12 EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road S985 in the town of Ruckersville, pro- ceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the inter- 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 QUAD 3398 981 0 3 7 8 46 10378 4600 OTHER NAME Lowndesville, S.C. S.C. - GA. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 124 OTHER 1825 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 731 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC - - DATE May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED Two-story, balloon frame barn with interior section of saddle-notched logs as a corn crib, 46' X 29'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal, open eaves; clapboard siding and horizontal board sheathing; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan is of three adjacent rooms central bay is the log corn crib, with flanking machinery bays, cattle pens added to sides and rear. This structure is in a fair state of repair, but is rapidly deteriorating. Much of the original fabric remains in place, but is deteriorated through use and neglect, which will make the preservation of this structure difficult. Associated with this structure are two other structures (See EB1513-A). PRESENT USE Barn 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ELBERT CO.RD. 238 B A POND SHEPS BARN SHEO MOBILE HOMES B. FRAME CONSTRUCTION LOG CRIB FRAME CONSTRUCTION Significance The use This barn is an unusual example of construction within the project area and in the surrounding regions. of saddle-notched logs to form a crib within the structure for the purpose of hay or corn storage appears to be quite singular. Despite additions to the original structure, most of the original fabric remains intact. SHEETENIDESons men 11. (continued) ABSTRACT section with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then east and south on Co. 238 1.1 miles to the site. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn EB B1 151 5 13 10. STATE G A COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) 1 ATYVICINITY Ruckersville OAHP INVENTORY 3 PRIORITY 5 DATE 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 百 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) I. C. Cleveland 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 4 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN CONG. DIST. STATE G A COUNTY NAME CXTX/VICINITY 1 0 COUNTY Elbert Ruckersville CONG. DIST 1 0 12 EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County S985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Co. $985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 17 3 339800378462 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING then INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SIGN SCALE 5 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. NAME SIGN SCALE 1 24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and backGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, balloon frame barn with post-and-frame additions and cattle pens, 45' X 21'. post-and-frame additions and cattle pens, 45' X 21'. Gable and shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. There have been many alterations to the original fabric of this structure, and it has deteriorated considerably. Associated with this structure are two other buildings (See EB1513-A). 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn PRESENT USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY I YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER ☐YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ELBERT CO. RD, 238 Significance B POND SHEDS BARN с MOBILE HOMES SHED , ORIGINAL STRUCTURE 서 ​This barn is a typical example of an outbuilding for a small post-Civil War project area and the Southeastern United States. farmstead found throughout the 11. (continued) east and south on Co. 238 1.1 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM N INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE E B 1 5 1 4 -A OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Cleveland House Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) CA. 1810- 1820 7. OWNER/ADMIN Thomas J. Cleveland 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 3 Elberton, Georgia 30635 OWNER ADMIN IT 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert XXY/VICINITY Ruckersville CONG. IDIST. STATE GA 1 0 COUNTY COUNTY NAME Y/VICINITY Elbert Ruckersville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road S985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road EASTING NORTHING SIGN 33992 9 9 2 0 3 784100|||| 14. UTM ZONE 1 7 UTM ZONE EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. 1 To NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER ☐ 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. May 1, 1979 MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. TWO-story, hewn frame house with additions, 44' (probably three bays) X 36' (three bays). Gable and shed roofs covered with sheetmetal over wooden shingles, boxed cornice; asphalt siding over clapboards, 9x9 and 9x6 sash windows, with shutters, some original hardware in place, exterior brick chimneys laid in common bond on fieldstone granite foundations, many other details obscured due to asphalt siding; foundations of field- stone granite and log piers. Plan probably consists of a room on either side of a central hall, three rooms deep with kitchen addition of one room to one corner of plan. Interior inaccessible. This house is in a fair state of repair and probably contains much of the original fabric, making its preservation and restoration a much easier task. Associated with this structure are three outbuildings: (b) smokehouse, CA. 1880; (c) wellhouse, CA. 1880; (d) barn, CA. 1910. All are in a fair state of preservation. 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE Abandoned 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown. See National Register nomination form. 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER.st YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ELBERT Co. RD. 238 Oc D 4 B PKG PEN A. Z Significance This large dwelling is the only extant example of the early plantation/farm houses in the project area. Constructed CA. 1810-1820, this house was properly recognized as significant by the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. The original fabric of this home seems to be in a good state of preservation and should be quite easily restored. 11. (continued) 238, then east and south 1.4 miles on Co. 238 to the site. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM ABSTRACT INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Smoke house 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Cleveland Farm E B 31514-1 B OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Thomas J. Cleveland 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 3 Elberton, GA 30635 OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG IDIST STATE GIA COUNTY NAME XXXVICINITY 10 COUNTY Elbert Ruckersville 12 EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS ☐ STATE HAER-I HAER COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road S985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then east and south on Co. 238 1.4 miles to the site. 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 17 3 399 0 0 3 784 1 20 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT DEXTERIOR INTACT CONG DIST 10 NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1.24 ☐ 162 5 DOTHER QUAD Lowndesville, SC NAME GA SIGN SCALE 1.24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon frame smoke house, 10' (one bay) x 12' (one bay). Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan of one room. This building is in a fair state of preservation. The structure is associated with three other buildings (See EB1514-A). PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Smoke house 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT ID NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Ос A B HOG PEN B Significance This smoke house is a good example of a typical late nineteenth century farm outbuilding, seen throughout the project area and the southeastern United States (See EB1515-A). REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Well house EB1514-lcl 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Well house OAHP INVENTORY Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Enginners (Demolition) 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Thomas J. Cleveland 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 3 Elberton, GA 30635 OWNER ADMIN CONG DIST. 1 D HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME XXXVICINITY COUNTY Elbert Ruckersville CONG DIST STATE GA COUNTY NAME 10 COUNTY Elbert ONR NHL town of 12. EXISTING CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO! Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road $985 in the town of SURVEYS Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) east and south on Co. 238 1.4 miles to the site. ☐HABS STATE XIXWVICINITY Ruckersville HAER-I COUNTY INTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE 17 EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 339 3 39 91 537 8 4 0 60 QUAD OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT XENVIRONS INTACT NAME Lowndesville, SC - GA UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:€2.5 OTHER QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPtion and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, open sided post and frame well house, 8' x 7'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal over wooden shingles. Original crank and well cover still in place. This structure is in a fair state of preservation. It is associated with three other structures (See site EB1515-A). 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE Historic American Buildings Survey PRESENT USE Well house 18. ORIGINAL USE Well house 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES INO NO ☐ UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES NO NAME (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE DISTRICT I.D. NO | | | | | (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER: 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Пс D A B C. WELL Significance This well house is typical of many such structures built in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries throughout the project area and surrounding region. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn EB1 51 14-D OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 16 GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 5 DATE CA. 1910 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO Corps of Engineers OWNER UNKNOWN (Demolition) ADMIN Thomas J. Cleveland 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 3 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert } XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST Elberton, GA 30635 STATE GA COUNTY NAME 10 COUNTY Elbert XIXYVICINITY Ruckersville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 HAER COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road S985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238, then east and south on Co. 238 1.4 miles to the site. 14. UTM ZONE 17 NORTHING 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG DIST. 10 Го NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EASTING SIGN SCALE 3 39 91 5378 78 40 50 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 1625 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT XXENVIRONS INTACT NAME Lowndesville, SC - GA QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72X FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82☐ DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Two-story, hewn and sawn frame barn, 35' x 25', probably incorporating members from an earlier structure. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal over wooden shingles; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan has two stalls on either side of a central wagon bay. The barn is in a fair state of preservation. It is associated with three other structures. (See EB1514-A). PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP, OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES, UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Ов PIG PEN ELBERT 0.R.D. 238 Ос A D. ཀ་ Significance According to informant evidence this barn was moved from an early local mill site to its present location, CA 1910. The site and construction of the barn indicates that the original barn, CA. 1840, was radically altered through the relocation process, in effect building a new barn from old parts. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) E B1515-AL OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Eugene W. Harper 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 2 Hartwell, GA 30643 OWNER ADMIN II 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert CITY/VICINITY | Ruckersville CONG DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert Co. Road $985 in the town of Ruck- ersville, proceed Northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert Co, Road 238, then east and south on Co. 238 1.6 miles to the site. EASTING NORTHING 340 14 03 78 40 78400 이이 ​14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Hart Hartwell CÔNG. DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) XENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, SC - GA SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, balloon frame house, 32' (two bays) x 34' (two bays). Gable roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding, boxed eaves, 4 x 4 sash windows; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. L-shaped plan two rooms wide by two rooms deep, with a front porch with turned supports, interior brick chimney laid on fieldstone granite foundation. Interior finish of sheating and gypsum board. This structure is in a poor state of repair, and is deteriorating rapidly due to its use as storage for animal feed. The preservation of this structure would be difficult. Associated with this structure are three other structures: B) Barn, CA. 1880; C) Barn, CA. 1880; D) Well house, CA. 1880. All of these structures are deteriorating rapidly. PRESENT USE Storage 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES NO 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO XXNO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SITE 1514 ELBERT CO. RD 238 DA CHICKEN Lunop A. B COLLAPSED PORCH PORCH ARCHEOLOGIC TOWN SITE OF EDINBURG 0.4mi. ✓ Significance This small house is an example of a typical dwelling for a late-nineteenth century farm, seen throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. The current use of this structure as a storage building for farm products is resulting in the increasing deterioration of its original fabric. It is associated with three outbuildings, comprising a typical late-nineteenth century small farm complex. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 111 211 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn E B 1516- OAHP INVENTORY 3 PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 I 7. OWNER/ADMIN Eugene W. Harper 19 OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 2 Hartwell, GA 30643 10. STATE GA COUNTY NAME COUNTY XXXICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST Elbert 10 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert Co. Road $985 in the town of Ruck- ersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to 238, then the intersection with unpaved Elbert Co. Road 238, then east and south on Co. 238 1.6 miles to the site. 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 1 7 3 40 UTM ZONE NORTHING 0100378 3 40 10 0 3 783 980 EASTING NORTHING STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Hart Hartwell CONG DIST Гора NHL HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 CONF STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 12. EXISTING ONR SURVEYS 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) KINTERIOR INTACT 1.625 XXENVIRONS INTACT SIGN SCALE 1:24 980 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, SC NAME - GA SIGN SCALE 1 24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Two-story balloon frame barn with post and frame shed additions, 56' x 27'. Gable and shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. This structure is in a fair state of pre- servation. It is associated with three other buildings (See site EB1515-A for general comments). PRESENT USE 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Barn 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO I NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? I YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SITE EB1514 ELBERT CO. RD. 238 Де CHICKEN COOP D B B 100. ARCHEOLOGIC SITE OF THE EDINBURG COMMUNITY 0.4 MI. Significance This small barn is typical of late nineteenth century farm outbuildings found throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. (See EB1575-A) REFERENCES (CONTINUED) HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM ABSTRACT INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN E B1 31515 OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Eugene W. Harper 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 2 Hartwell, GA 30643 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY CONG DIST. STATE GA COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY COUNTY Hart Hartwell CONG. DIST. 09 NR NHL HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 12 EXISTING SURVEYS Ruckersville 10 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert rsection of Elbert Road 266 and Elbert Co. Road S985 in the town of Ruck- County ersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. $985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert Co. Road 238, then east and SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) south on Co. 238 1.6 miles to the site. 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING 340 13 340 EASTING NORTHING 130378 NORTHING 13 CONF INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SIGN SCALE 1:24 162 5 QUAD 3970 OTHER NAME ENVIRONS INTACT Lowndesville, SC - GA SIGN SCALE 1 24 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 Two-story, balloon frame storage barn, 12 x 16. frame storage barn, 12 x 16. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. This structure is in a poor state of preservation. It is associated with three other buildings (See site EB1515-A for general comments). PRESENT USE 18. ORIGINAL USE Storage barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? -YES Storage barn 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY NO YES. LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SITE 1514 ELBERT Co. RD. 238 CHICKEN COOP ARCHEOLOGIC TOWN SITE OF EDINBURG • 4Mi.| C. Significance This storage barn is typical of small outbuildings on late nineteenth century farms found throughout the project area and the southeastern United States. (See EB1515-A) REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Well house 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Well house Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) EB1515 OAHP INVENTORY D 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Eugene W. Harper 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 2 Hartwell, GA 30643 COUNTY NAME OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert CITY/VICINITY | Ruckersville CONG. DIST. 10 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert Co. Road $985 in the town of Ruck- ersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert Co. Road 238, then east and south on Co. 238 1.6 miles to the site 14. UTM ZONE NORTHING STATE COUNTY GA CITY/VICINITY CONG Hart Hartwell DIST. [69] 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT 1:625 EASTING SIGN SCALE 01:24 17 3 40 13 0 3 7840 20 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD ENVIRONS INTACT NAME Lowndesville, SC - GA UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1:625 OTHER QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED DATE Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC May 1, 1979 One-story, open-sided, post and frame well house, 7' x 6'. Gable roof covered in sheetmetal. This structure is associated with three other structures, see EB1515-A for general comments. PRESENT USE Well house 18. ORIGINAL USE Well house 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES YES NO 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED I NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER. 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? I YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SITE 1514 ELBERT Co. RD 238 DA CHICKEN A D. Coop B ARCHEOLOGIC TOWN SITE OF EDINBURG .4 Mi.. Significance This well house is a typical example of many such structures throughout the project area and surrounding regions. Much of the fabric is in place, but is greatly deteriorated through neglect. See EB1515-A for general comments. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Well house EB1516-IA 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Well house OAHP INVENTORY 3 PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1850 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN Frank S. Fortson, III 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Box 307 East Palatka, FL 32031 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XXXVICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST 10 10 COUNTY STATE FL COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Putnam East Palatka CONG DIST. ONR NHL HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 12. EXISTING SURVEYS CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road S985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) to the intersection with unpaved Eltert County (Con't Rev. INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT XXENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 7 339 38 03 78 51 90 OTHER NAME QUAD Lowndesville, SC - GA UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72X FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPtion and baCKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Gable roof covered One-story, partially enclosed well house of hewn frame and post and frame construction, 20' x 8'. with tarpaper over asphalt shingles; enclosed portion covered with clapboards, board sheathing half-way down on two sides around well; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Cement floor around well, cement and wooden well cover and well crank in place. This structure is fairly well preserved. This well house and a large cattle barn (Site EB1516-B) are the only two structures remaining from an early plantation/farm complex, CA. 1850. The well house is in close proximity to the ruins of what appears to be an early farm house. PRESENT USE Well house 18. ORIGINAL USE Well house 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO DXNO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION B HOUSE SITE A PRIVATE ROAD TO THE SAVANNAH RIVER. A. N O Significance This is a typical example of well houses constructed in this area CA. 1850. It is one of the few surviving examples of structures from this period in the project area. The well house and cattle barn (Site EB1516-B) are the only remaining structures from what appears to have been a fairly large plantation/farm complex bordering the Savannah River. XXXXCONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) Road 238, then east and south on Co. 238 .5 miles to an unpaved private road, then northeast on the private road 0.2 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn B1516- B OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1850 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) Frank S. Fortson, III 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Box 307 East Palatka, FL 32031 OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert XIXY VICINITY Ruckersville CONG. DIST. 10 STATE COUNTY FI COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Putnam East Palatka 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road $985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. S985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 238,, then east and south on Co. 238 0.5 miles to an (Con't Reverse) 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 17 700 3 3950 037 8 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. NPS т CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SIGN SCALE 037 8 52 5270 70 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, SC - · GA SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 71☐ GOOD 72 XFAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED Two-story, hewn frame cattle barn with balloon frame addition, 38' x 24'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding and board sheathing; foundations of wooden posts and fieldstone granite piers. Three rooms wide, one room deep, mangers in two end rooms. in two end rooms. This structure has deteriorated, but remains in a fair state of preservation. It is one of two structures remaining from an early plantation/farm complex. CA. 1850 (See EB1516-A). 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Barn 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO XNO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION HOUSE SITE B PRIVATE ROAD TO THE SAVANNAH RIVER. B. MANGER MANGER ADDITION ORIGINAL N Significance This barn is typical of outbuildings constructed 1850 in this area. It is one of the few surviving examples of outbuildings from this period in the project area. Despite additions to and deterioration of the original fabric, the integrity of the structure is intact. (See EB1516-A for significance of complex). REFERENCECONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) unpaved private orad, then northeast on the private road 0.3 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 1. SITE I.D. NO E B 151 8 OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification Residence 3. PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Gully House Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) CA. 1820, w/additions 7. OWNER/ADMIN CA. 1908 Robert A. Alexander, et al 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 6651 Starling Drive Mableton, Georgia 30059 OWNER ADMIN II 10. STATE GA COUNTY COUNTY NAME Elbert XIXY/VICINITY Ruckersville CONG DIST. NORTHING 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of Elbert County Road 266 and Elbert County Road S985 in the town of Ruckersville, proceed northeast on Elbert Co. $985 3.1 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 339140378 5 6 5 17 UTM ZONE EASTING SIGN 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) STATE GA 10 COUNTY COUNTY NAME Cobb CITY/VICINITY Mableton CONG DIST. т 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER LOCAL NPS CL6 OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 QUAD 650 Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. OTHER NAME SIGN SCALE 124 OTHER 1625 QUAD NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION • 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, hewn and balloon frame house, 63' (six bays) X 50' (two bays) deep. Gable roofs covered with sheetmetal, boxed eaves; clapboard siding, 9x6, 6x6, and 2x2 sash windows, exterior chimneys of fieldstone granite to height of first floor ceilings, brick above. Plan is irregular; original plan of two rooms, with exterior chimneys, additions made on both sides to create five room plan. Interior sheathed throughout, parts of original sheathing fabric and dado remain along with original mantels. This structure is in a good state of repair, and could be easily preserved and restored. Associated with this structure are three outbuildings, none of which were recorded due to extreme deterioration and overgrowth. PRESENT USE Residerice 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION 1518 CARDEE KITCHEN SHED SHED PORCH HALL PORCH PRIVY BEDROOM BEDROOM Significance This small farm house has been in the Gully Family for approximately seventy-one years, and displays two radically different but well preserved periods of architectural construction. The core of this home was built CA. 1820, and contains a good deal of original fabric despite being greatly altered from its intended appearance. Additions to the house were undertaken CA. 1908, according to informant evidence, which included the partial removal of the second story of the original home. The fabric of the early twentieth century additions remains intact and in excellent repair. REFERENCES CUxHkUeb) 11. (continued) 238, then east on Co. 238 0.2 miles to the intersection with unpaved Elbert County Road 305, then northeast on Elbert Co. 305 0.4 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification 3. PRIORITY BT & A (Truss) 6030 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 inundation YES OWNER ΝΟ ☐ UNKNOWN ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Blackwell Bridge 7. OWNER/ADMIN ca. 1900 GA. DOT 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS STATE GA. DOT Atlanta, GA. COUNTY NAME 14. UTM ZONE EASTING SIGN SCALE 17 7 3 4 To 10. STATE COUNTY GA COUNTY NAME Elbert CITY/VICINITY Elberton CONG. DIST 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of Georgia State Highway 72 and Elbert County Road 244, proceed north on Co. 244 1.7 miles to the bridge on Beaverdam Creek. NORTHING 3459 453 7715 30 CONG. COUNTY DIST 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13 SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CITY/VICINITY INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 7 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION JHH, EJH, DCJ 74 1:24 OTHER RUINS ☐ 1:25 QUAD NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED HABS/HAER 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. This structure is a single span, pin connected Pratt through truss, 158'11" long and 18'4" wide. The road deck is wooden and is supported on steel floor beams. The bridge is supported on quarried granite bridge abuttments. The truss is composed of eyelar diagonals, tension members and laced channel compression members. The top chord lateral bracing is of a form which would almost certainly predate 1910. It retains its historic integrity and exhibits important features of the "American System" of pin connections. 18. ORIGINAL USE Bridge PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER "A Guide to Identifying and Dating Trusses" Donald C. Jackson. Bridge ADAPTIVE USE AASLH Technical Leaflet No. 95, T. Allan Comp and 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES NO 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP, OR MORE? 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES, LIMITED XYES. UNLIMITED } NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT ID. NO ONO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Beaver Bam Co. Ate 244 Significance A turn-of-the-century Pratt through truss that is of local significance in the context of transportation and commerce. It is also a regionally significant example of a bridge technology which was once quite common but is rapidly disappearing. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 1. SITE I.D. NO OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification 3. PRIORITY BT & A (Beam) 58 4 0 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) YES Inundation 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Savannah River Railroad Bridge 10 STATE GIA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert CITY/VICINITY Elberton ca. 1908 7. OWNER/ADMIN OWNER Seaboard Coastline Railroad 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Seaboard Coastline Railroad Atlanta, Georgia NO ☐ UNKNOWN ADMIN CONG IDIST STATE SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY 11 0 COUNTY CONG Abbeville Calhoun Falls DIST. 09 12. EXISTING ONR SURVEYS NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Bridge is 1.2 miles up river (north) of Highway 72 Bridge, approx. 2.5 miles west of the intersection of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad and S.C. State Hwy. 81 in Calhoun Falls, S.CINTERIOR INTACT 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 17 UTM ZONE 3 EASTING 3 4 862 0377 NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 166 To QUAD OTHER NAME SIGN SCALE 1.24 1625 QUAD 15. CONDITION 16. INVENTORIED BY 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED OTHER, 74 RUINS NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED JLH, EJH, DCJ HABS/HAER 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. May 24, 1979 MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. This structure is a 21 span plate girder railroad bridge carrying the Seaboard Coastline RR over the Savannah River. Savannah River. The spans are approximately 125 feet long and rest primarily on concrete piers. However, portions of five piers are made of granite, which indicates the present bridge may not be the original on the site. According to the Elberton Star, April 17, 1928: The bridge was built in 1908. The north end of the bridge was torn away by flood in 1928, and a $25,000 contract was granted for construction of some new concrete piers for the bridge. PRESENT USE Bridge 18. ORIGINAL USE Bridge 19 REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS. AND/OR OTHER Elberton Star, April 17, 1928. 46 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES NO YES, LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Savannah Rever GA. Szaloard outline RR... GA, Rte 72 *4 Bridge S,C. Significance A regionally significant example of plate girder construction that was important in the development of the area. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification BT & A (Truss) I 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE GA Route 368 Bridge Sander's Ferry Bridge OAHP INVENTORY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO Inundation by Reservoir OWNER UNKNOWN ADMIN 3. PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 60 3 0 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7 OWNER/ADMIN 1927 Georgia/ South Carolina DOT 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS GA DOT Atlanta, GA S.C. DOT Columbia, S.C. CITY/VICINITY 10. STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME GLA Elbert CITY/VICINITY Elberton CONG DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 184 and South Carolina State Highway 81 in the town of Iva, proceed southwest on State Highway 184, 6.5 miles to the bridge. 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 1 7 7 3 3 UTM ZONE 15. CONDITION 16. INVENTORIED BY 33 EASTING STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME S C CONG Anderson Iva DIST. I 12 EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) LINTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT NORTHING SIGN SCALE 92 415 37 9168 5 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1.625 QUAD OTHER NAME 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED JLH, EJH, DCJ 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS. ETC. The structure is a three span, pin connected Camelback Through Truss. Each truss span is 161 feet long, 19 wide and supported on reinforced concrete piers founded on bedrock. The approach spans are 75 feet long. The "Sander's Ferry Bridge" was built jointly by Elbert County, Ga. & Anderson County, S.C. at a cost o $82,000. It was the only non-toll bridge connecting Anderson County with Georgia. Built by the Austin Bridge Company of Atlanta, the bridge was formally opened March 17, 1927. The structure is a near classic example of a bridge using the "American Sytem" of pin connections. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Bridge Bridge 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Elberton Star February 4, 12, 25, 1927. ADAPTIVE USE Bridge "A Guide to Dating and Indetifying Trusses" AASLH Technical Leaflet No. 95, T. Allan Comp and Donald C. Jackson 20. URBAN AREA 50,000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES NO YES. LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? I YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP Revi Savannal OF LOCATION GA, NE 368 Bringe Significance A regionally significant bridge built in response to the automobile surge of the 1920's. It is an excellent example of the "American System" of pin connections as applied to bridges. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM Π Y INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification BT & A (Truss) OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 6030 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 7. OWNER/ADMIN ca. 1917 Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO inundation by reservoir UNKNOWN GA DOT/SC DOT OWNER ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Smith-McGee Bridge (GA Route 181) 10. STATE GIA COUNTY NAME COUNTY Elbert Hand CITY/VICINITY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) Elberton CONG. DIST. Beginning at the intersection of Ga. State Hwy. 181 and Ga. State Hwy. 77 (Spur), proceed east on State Hwy. 181 0.8 miles to the Bridge. Structure is located over Savannah Rr. 14 UTM ZONE EASTING SCALE 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS GA DOT Atlanta, GA SC DOT STATE IS CC COUNTY NAME Columbia SC CITY/VICINITY COUNTY Anderson Abbeville CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES(DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT 1:62 5 EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 17 7 UTM ZONE 15. CONDITION 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING SIGN 3 335 19 037 99 317 5 1:24 OTHER QUAD NAME EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:25 QUAD OTHER NAME 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED JLH, EJH, DCJ 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS. ETC. Structure is a three span, pin-connected Camelback through truss bridge with approach ramps. Fabricated out of steel, the trusses are 178 feet long and composed of eyebar tension members and laced channel compression members. They are supported on reinforced concrete piers founded on bedrock. The approach ramps have 73 foot spans. The bridge is a well preserved example of a Camelback Truss that remains relatively unaltered. exhibits, in almost classic form, the "American System" of pin connections made popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It PRESENT USE Bridge 18. ORIGINAL USE Bridge 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Elberton Star, February 25, 1927. (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE Bridge "A Guide to Identifying and Dating Trusses" T. Allan Comp and Donald C. Jackson, AASLH Technical Leaflet No. 95, May, 1977 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED .- YES NO I ONO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Savannah River G-A 5.C. GA12181 Bringe Significance A regionally significant bridge built in response to the automobile surge of the 1920's. It is an excellent example of the "American System" of pin connections as applied to bridges. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 SOUTH CAROLINA FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) AB 3/20/1 OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1920 7. OWNER/ADMIN United States of America OWNER ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville ) CITY/VICINITY Vic. CONG DIST. | Calhoun Falls 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS % Richard B. Russell RE Project Office P. 0. Box 1050 Elberton, GA 30635 STATE COUNTY G.A 12. EXISTING ONR 019 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highways 72 and 81, proceed south on S.C. 81 2.1 miles to an unpaved road, then west 200 feet to an unpaved road, then southwest .15 miles to the (con't reverse) 14 UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING 3 5 2 T52 EASTING SURVEYS COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Elbert Elberton NHL HABS CONF STATE HAER-1 COUNTY 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT NORTHING SIGN SCALE 85037 69 650 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 SIGN SCALE 1:24 162.5 OTHER 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED NORTHING EXTERIOR INTACT CONG. DIST. 100 HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT Calhoun Falls, SC - GA QUAD NAME QUAD NAME 76☐ ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS, EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story, balloon-frame dwelling with porch addition, 32' (three bays) x 24' (one bay). Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles, open eaves; board and batten siding, windows of no lights with board shutters; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan is two rooms wide divided by central chimney, one room deep. Chimney of brick laid on fieldstone granite foundation; interior never finished. No other structures associated with this site remain. The advanced vandalism and deterioration of this structure has eliminated much of the original fabric and integrity, which would hamper any preservation of the structure. 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Abandoned Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES YES NO YES. LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION A་ ROAD TO HESTER CEMETERY 201 STREAM BURNED BARN (NOT DRAWN TO SCALE) N PORCH Significance This structure is a typical example of a tenant farmer or homestead dwelling of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and may be seen throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. The significance of this structure as an example has been greatly lessened because of the extreme deterioration of the original fabric. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) 11. Site address (street & no) (Continued) Hester Cemetery, then continue southwest on an unpaved road .5 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 110 11 10 0…… 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION AB201 Significance REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification OAHP INVENTORY AB 201 3. PRIORITY Residence - Continuation 5. DATE 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. 10. STATE COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) 7. OWNER/ADMIN 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF DHABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 QUAD OTHER NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS. AND/OR OTHER 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP. OR MORE? YES NO YES, LIMITED ONO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES NO NAME (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE DISTRICT I.D. NO (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES Corps of Engineers NO UNKNOWN (Demolition) AB204E OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN OWNER ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville ) City VICINITY Calhoun Falls CONG. DIST. 09 United States of America 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS % Richard B. Russell Project P. 0. Box 1050 Elberton, GA 30635 STATE COUNTY 12. EXISTING SURVEYS CONF GA COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Elbert Elberton CONG DIST. To ]NR NHL HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER XENVIRONS INTACT QUAD NAME Calhoun Falls, SC - GA 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 72 and State Highway 81 in the city of Calhoun Falls, South Carolina, proceed southeast on South3 SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) Carolina 81 2.7 miles to an unpaved drive, to an unpaved drive, (Con't Reverse) EXTERIOR INTACT INTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 1 7 3 354 34 53 76 96 35 OTHER UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 124 OTHER 1825 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76X XALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE Historic American Buildings Survey John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One story, ballonn frame dwelling, 30' (two bays) x 31' (two bays). Gable roof covered with sheet metal, open eaves; clapboard and asphalt siding, 6 x 6 sash windows with board shutters. Originally two room central chimney plan, with rear addition two rooms wide, one room deep and front addition of one room. and front addition of one room. Associated with this structure are two small sheds and an open well, not recorded due to extreme deterioration. These associated structures are not contemporary with this house, and date CA. 1930. PRESENT USE Residence 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO I NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION WELL SHED SHED 204E SOUTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY 81 N PORCH Significance This site is a poorly preserved example of a small rural homestead dating from the period 1880-1890. The structure's significance has been undermined by the deterioration of its original fabric due to neglect, and is further diminished by the numerous examples of similar buildings throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. XXXXXXXXX 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) then southwest .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM T INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1002 OAHP INVENTORY 2. Classification 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Barn 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1870 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn OWNER L. and I. Company, Inc. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS P. O. Box 246 Williamston, South Carolina 29697 ADMIN CONG DIST. NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 10. STATE SC İCOUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville X/VICINITY Calhoun Falls CONG, DIST. STATE SC COUNTY NAME /VICINITY 09 COUNTY Anderson Williamston 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highways 72 and 81 in the City of Calhoun Falls, S.C., proceed north on SC 81 2.9 miles to Abbeville 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) County Road 901, then generally west and south through INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 ☐ 1:62 5 1 7 35266 665377 5 3 7 7 7 2 85 OTHER QUAD NAME Latimer, S.C. ENVIRONS INTACT UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED Historic American Buildings Survey John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, log barn with frame additions on both ends, 35'8" X 16'6". Gable roof previously covered with sheet metal (rough sawn boards rafters remain); V-notched logs hewn on two sides, additions covered with board and batten siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Original log section has collapsed loft and board floor, dirt floors in additions. The absence of a roof is causing increasing decay of the logs, diminishing the potential for preservation of this site. This structure was associated with a small house and another log barn, now demolished. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES N NO 11 YES, LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN' 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO KNO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION 1002 PRIVY House SITE ORIGINAL LOG CONSTRUCTION Significance This barn is one of the comparatively few examples of traditional log construction surviving in Abbeville County. The use of V-notch joinery indicates a later date than the earliest period of log construction in this area (CA. 1800-1830). The structure exemplifies the survival of log construction during the nineteenth century and the use of frame additions to adapt small log buildings to changing needs. The structure continues to deteriorate, but the significant features of log construction remain intact. NEXE RIKENDESKKKKKKK 11. (continued) the Salem Cemetery on Co. 901 .4 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence OAHP INVENTORY A B 100 6- JA I 3. PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 5. DATE CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XXYES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER Bigelow - Sanford Carpet Co., Inc. 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS Box 3089 Greenville, SC 29602 ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville CITY/VICINITY CONG. DIST. STATE SC COUNTY NAME Calhoun Falls 10 9 COUNTY Greenville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highways 72 and 81 in the City of Calhoun Falls, S.C., proceed north on SC 81 2.9 miles to Abbeville 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) County Road 901, then turn west and (Con't Reverse) 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 1 7 35 24 3 UTM ZONE EASTING CITY/VICINITY Greenville HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER CONG. DIST. I NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 53777 NORTHING 77950 SIGN SCALE OTHER 1:24 OTHER QUAD NAME Latimer 1:825 QUAD NAME 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION Historic American Buildings Survey John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. - DATE May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon-frame dwelling, 38' (three bays) x 40' (three bays). Gable roofs covered with sheet-metal, boxed eaves; clapboard siding, 6 x 6 and 9 x 9 sash windows; foundations of brick and cinderblock piers. Plan is variation of H plan with one room on either side of a central vestibule, two- to three rooms deep. Two - interior brick chimneys laid on fieldstone granite foundations, with a suspended brick chimney in the kitchen at rear; interior is partially finished with sheathing, original simple mantels in place. This structure contains much of its original fabric, which remains in place and preserved. However, due to neglect, some significant deterioration of structural material has taken place, and will soon hamper any preservation effort. Associated with this structure are three outbuildings, none of which were recorded due to extreme overgrowth, deterioration, and collapse (one outbuilding on the site was a log blacksmith shop, recently collapsed due to the vandalism and (CONT OVER) 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Abandoned Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES NO 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION [B WELL SHED A LOG SMITHY N A. PORCH + PORCH 17 Continued. Significance removal of structural material). The standing outbuildings are not original, but date CA. 1940. This structure is an interesting example of a house for a small farm in the project area. Although the plan of this house is unique in the project area, similar structures may be seen throughout the southeastern United States. XX**X*X*XXXXXXXXXXX 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) north on Co. 901 .6 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OAHP INVENTORY AB1006-B 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 5. DATE CA. 1900 7. OWNER/ADMIN Bigelow Sanford Carpet Co., Inc. O 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Box 3089 Greenville, SC 29602 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville CITY/VICINITY | Calhoun Falls CONG. DIST. واه STATE SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY COUNTY 9 Greenville Greenville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL HABS HAER-I STATE COUNTY CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highways 72 and 81 in the City of Calhoun Falls, S.C., proceed north on SC81 2.9 miles to the inter-13 SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) section with Abbeville County Road 901. (Con't Reverse) ADMIN CONG. DIST. I HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 01:24 1:625 17 3 52 225 3 7 7 7 920 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD NAME Latimer, SC UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:2.5 OTHER QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION ENVIRONS INTACT 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 One story balloon frame dwelling, 25' (two bays) x 20' (two bays). Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles, open eaves; clapboard siding, 6 x 6 sash windows; foundations of brick piers. Plan is two rooms wide with two front doors, one room deep, with a three room addition across the length of the back. One suspended brick chimney. This structure has been badly vandalized, allowing natural deterioration to rapidly advance. The preservation of this structure as a result will be extremely difficult. 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Residence 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO KNO UNKNOWN' ADAPTIVE USE May 1, 1979 (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER 1 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? TI YES DISTRICT I.D. NO XNO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION WELL A LOG SMITHY SHED B. COLLAPSED PORCH Significance This structure is typical of small farm and tenant houses found throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. REFERENCES/ *************** 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) then west and north on Co. 901 .7 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn A B 11 01 -1A OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XRYES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) ADMIN B. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, SC 29655 STATE S COUNTY יט 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville CITY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. IDIST 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 64, proceed on Co. 64 2.1 miles to an unpaved private road, then southwest on the private road .9 miles to the site. 14 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 3 40 78 3400 17 349 325 3 25 3 7 8 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN C COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG 9 Abbeville Abbeville DIST. 0 9 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:625 QUAD EXTERIOR INTACT NAME Lowndesville, SC ENVIRONS INTACT GA SIGN SCALE 1 24 125 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 OTHER RUINS QUAD NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82☐ DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris May 1, 1979 Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. Two story log barn with post and frame addition to one side, 20' x 22' 6". 22' 6". Gable roof covered with sheet-metal with overhang on one side; clapboards on gable ends, V - notch log joinery, door openings framed with boards pegged into log ends; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. This structure is associated with a collapsed dwelling, and with the B. B. Hutchinson farm complex (not recorded). The significant deterioration of logs may soon result in the collapse of the structure and prevent its preservation. PRESENT USE Barn 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO I NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO XNO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION A. B.B.HUTCHISON FORM (NOT THREATENED) COLLAPSED House ORIGINAL LOG ΠΑ CONSTRUCTION WELL Significance This structure was recorded due to its unknown status within the project area. Except for this site and site AB1101-1B, the B. B. Hutchison farm complex is not threatened by the Richard B. Russell Project, and was therefore not recorded. This structure is an excellent example of the survival of log construction in this area during the nineteenth century. The use of V-notch joinery indicates a late nineteenth century date. The small size, two story height of the structure and its overhanging roof are unusual architectural features in the project area. barn is well preserved, but is deteriorating rapidly and threatened with collapse. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) The ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence AB 1 10 01 1 B 3. PRIORITY 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville XXVICINITY Lowndesville OAHP INVENTORY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 5 DATE CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN B. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN I OWNER ADMIN CONG DIST. 019 Route 1 Iva, South Carolina STATE SC COUNTY Abbeville 29655 COUNTY NAME CIVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING ONR SURVEYS NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 64, proceed on Co. 64 2.1 miles to an unpaved private road, then southwest 14. UTM ZONE 17 EASTING NORTHING 1 7 3 4 8 348800378311 UTM ZONE EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 SIGN SCALE 1 24 1625 OTHER 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED AFFILIATION EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, SC. - GA. NAME QUAD NAME 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED May 1, 1979 John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPtion and baCKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. One story, balloon frame dwelling, 24' (one bay) X 15' (one bay). Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; vertical board and batten siding, windows of no lights with board shutters; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan is two rooms wide and one room deep, one exterior chimney laid in fieldstone granite to ceiling level, narrowing to brick chimney head, one suspended brick chimney. The site is associated with the B. B. Hutchison farm complex as a tenant or hired man's house. The integrity of the structure is diminished by extreme deterioration, which would hamper preservation of the site. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP OR MORE? YES NO NO □ UNKNOWN ` 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Ов B.B. HUTCHISON FORM (NOT THREATENED) COLLAPSED DWELLING DA لله Significance This structure was recorded due to its unknown status within the project area. Except for this site and site AB-1101-1-A, the B. B. Hutchison farm complex is not threatened by the Richard B. Russell Project, and was, therefore, not recorded. The building is a typical example of a tenant farmer or hired man's dwelling within the project area and the Southeastern United States, unusual in the project are for its definite association with a farm complex. The method of chimney construction, with the main stack laid of fieldstone granite narrowing to a brick chimney head, is unique within the project area among standing structures. KEXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 11. (continued) on the private road 0.6 mile to a private drive, then south 0.2 mile on the private drive to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) AB1 11 1|0|- A OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1890 I 7. OWNER/ADMIN Felkel Farms, Inc. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 816 Burwell Lane Columbia, South Carolina OWNER ADMIN CONG DIST. STATE SC COUNTY NAME 9 COUNTY Richland CITY/VICINITY Columbia CONG DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) CE VICINITY Lowndesville Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed south on Abbeville County Road 14. UTM ZONE 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 17 349 3 4 0 3 7 8 4 850 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 731 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One story balloon frame dwelling with front and rear porches, 24' (four bays) X 26' (two bays). (two bays). Gable roof covered with asphalt shingles; clapboard siding, central pedimented porch; foundations of fieldstone and quarried granite, bricks and concrete piers. Plan is impossible to reconstruct due to vandalism of interior. Interior walls were partially sheathed, partially covered with gypsum board, poured concrete floors. The structure is extremely deteriorated, making preservation nearly impossible. Associated with this structure are a small barn contemporary to the house and five additional deteriorated outbuildings CA. 1930-1940 (not recorded). 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Abandoned Dwelling 19_REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS. AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO T 囟 ​NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23 EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION PRIVY COUNTY ROAD SHED SHEDS COLLAPSED BARN A ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 64 ROCKY RIVER A. PORCH PORCH (INTERIOR DEMOLISHED) Significance This structure is a typical example of a small farm dwelling of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the project area and throughout the Southeastern United States. HAKENKXXXXXXXX 11. (continued) 65 1.7 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 64, then east on Co. 64 1.6 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM T INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1 1 1 0 B OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Barn 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1890 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 QUNKNOWN YES NO Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 7. OWNER/ADMIN Felkel Farms, Inc. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 816 Burwell Lane Columbia, South Carolina COUNTY NAME OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) XXY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. STATE SC CITY/VICINITY 09 COUNTY Richland Columbia CONG. DIST. I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed south on Abbeville County Road 65 EASTING NORTHING 349 3 1 0 3 7 84 310 784860 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 QUAD ☐ OTHER NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:625 QUAD NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE Historic American Buildings Survey 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED Balloon frame embankment barn with loft and post and frame shed addition, 36' x 20'. X Gable roof and Gable roof and shed roof on addition, covered with sheet metal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. This structure is contemporary with an associated house and five additional small outbuildings, CA. 1930-1940 (not recorded). This structure is in a poor state of repair, indicating that its preservation would be a difficult undertaking. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YESNO I NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAPOF LOCATION PRIVY SHED SHEDS COLLAPSED BARN B ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROD 64 ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD ROCKY RIVER SPACE OVER LOWER STORY... N Significance project area. It is not known how prevalent such This is one of three known embankment structures in the project area. structures are in the surrounding region. OIKNEES 11. (continued) 1.7 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 64, then east on Co. 64 1.6 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM 1 INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence OAHP INVENTORY A B 1 115 2 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT OWNER ADMIN Ca. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Richard B. Russell Real Estate Project Office P. O. Box 1050 'Elberton, Georgia 30635 COUNTY NAME 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville COUNTY 11 SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) XXX/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG IDIST STATE GA CITY/VISIHTY 0 9 COUNTY Elbert Elberton CONG DIST 1 | 0 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL D OTHER Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and South Carolina State Highway 71, proceed south on an unpaved private drive 0.1 mile to the site. NORTHING 3501 013 353786 5 378 674 SIGN 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING SCALE 17 3 740 1:24 OTHER ☐ 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73% DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon frame house with rear addition, 43' (three bays) X 52' (three bays). Hip roof with two front gables, gable roof on addition, covered with asphalt shingles over wooden shingles, boxed cornice; gable ends covered with shingles with diamond shaped lattice vents, clapboard and weatherboard siding, 9x9 sash windows; cement front porch, collapsed rear porch; foundations of brick and cinderblock piers. Central hall plan, two rooms wide one room deep, with one room addition. Interior brick chimney; interior sheathed throughout. Much siding has been removed from the structure, resulting in increasing deterioration, including the collapse of the floors. Preservation could not be easily accomplished. The structure is associated with a post and frame garage, CA. 1950, and a balloon frame shed, CA. 1940, both quite overgrown. The association of the structure with a house trailer, modern house, and large barn nearby is unknown. 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Abandoned ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP OR MORE? YES NO I NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SHED GARAGE 1115-2 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HIGHWAY 71 MOBILE HOME NEW HOUSE BARN SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HIGHWAY 81 PORCH TT L PORCH ト ​H Significance This structure is typical of late nineteenth and early twentieth century houses in this region, although there are relatively few like it in the project area. Due to the salvage of much original fabric, there appears to be little potential for preservation. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM 1 IN INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1 1 2 3 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence 1 1 OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1900 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER Am Trask Ltd. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Mr. Neil Trask Lowndesville, South Carolina ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) XXY/VICINITY Calhoun Falls CONG. DIST. STATE SIC 09 COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Abbeville Lowndesville CONG DIST 09 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina Highways 72 and 81 in the City of Calhoun Falls, S.C., proceed north on SC 81 6.2 miles to an unpaved road, Abbeville EASTING NORTHING 351780378 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING 03782540 SIGN 13 SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) Latimer, S.C. INTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD NAME NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 12.5 OTHER QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey ENVIRONS INTACT 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 82 DESTROYED DATE May 1, 1979 One story, balloon-frame dwelling, 22'3" (one bay) X 16'4" (one bay). Gable roof covered with sheet metal; clapboard siding, windows of no lights previously covered with board shutters; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Plan is one room, no chimney, hole in end wall for stove flue. The structure has been subject to salvage (not evident in photographs) and the main structural members are deteriorating rapidly. 85 DEMOLISHED PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? .-YES 陌 ​NO 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED I NO UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO N NAME NO 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION 1123-1 ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 140 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HISHINGY DI Significance Increasing This is the only one-room cabin in the project area, and probably served as a hired man's house. decay of the structural members and ongoing salvage are likely to result in the collapse of this building. XXXRENKK 11. (continued) County Road 140, then west on Co. 140 .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT N HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO OAHP INVENTORY A B B1 12 3 2 2 Classification Residence 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1850 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN 7. OWNER/ADMIN Am Trask Ltd. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Mr. Neil Trask Lowndesville, South Carolina I 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME VICINITY COUNTY Abbeville Lowndesville NORTHING 37821 8 2 1 7 0 NORTHING 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of 349 000 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 17 7 34 UTM ZONE EASTING 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) CÔNG. IDIST. STATE SC 09 COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville City Lowndesville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER CONG DIST 019 NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD Lowndesville, S.C.-GA. NAME SIGN SCALE 1.24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Two-story, sawn frame dwelling with balloon frame additions (CA. 1930-1940), 63' (seven bays) X 45' (three bays). Gable roof, shed roofs on additions, covered with asphalt shingles; asbestos siding, exterior brick chimneys laid in common bond, 9x9 sash windows; two-story front porch (CA. 1870), with four columns; foundations of cement blocks, previously brick piers. Original plan two rooms with central hall stair, porch additions on front and sides, shed addition of four rooms across rear. Interior finish of lath and plaster, original chair rails, dado paneling, and mantels in place. This structure is on the verge of collapse due to extreme deterioration, making preservation or restoration nearly impossible. The structure is associated with a garage and privy (CA. 1930-1940), both extremely deteriorated and overgrown. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP OR MORE? YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY I YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Co. 140 ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD. 140 1123-2 GARAGE SHED PORCH L PORCH T PORCH Significance This structure is one of the few examples of an antebellum plantation house in the project area. It is one of two structures in the project area with lath and plaster walls, and contains rare examples of original interior finish. It is the only house in the project area with a two-story colonnaded porch, a rare feature in this region. Preservation of this building would be extremely difficult due to its advanced deterioration. 11. (continued) Lowndesville, proceed south on Abbeville Co. 65 1.7 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 64, then east on Co. 64 0.6 mile to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 140, then southeast on Co. 140 1.6 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM TH INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) A B 1 2 2 0 OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 II 7. OWNER/ADMIN OWNER Howard M. Smith and Annie Laurie Smith 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 1630 N. Main St. Anderson, South Carolina 29621 ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) VICINITY CONG IDIST STATE S C COUNTY NAME CITY CONG Lowndesville 09 COUNTY Anderson Anderson DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 71 and South Carolina State Highway 81, in the town of Lowndesville, proceed east on South Carolina State UTM ZONE 34 EASTING NORTHING 9 8 3 0 3 78 7860 ||||| NORTHING 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING SIGN SCALE 1 7 34983 1:24 OTHER 1:625 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. SIGN SCALE 1:24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC May 1, 1979 Gable One-story balloon frame dwelling with rear addition and front porch, 32' (four bays) X 45' (three bays). (three bays). roofs covered with asphalt shingles, shed roof on addition covered with sheetmetal; asbestos siding over clapboard, addition covered with tar paper; two front doors; foundations of brick piers and cement blocks. L-shaped plan of four rooms with central stuccoed chimney. One-room addition on inside of L. Interior finish of sheathing and gypsum board. Associated with this structure is an open-sided post and frame well house with a sheetmetal gable roof and a small privy shed (not recorded). This structure is well preserved. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS. AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION WELL PRIVY 1220 COLLAPSED SHED ABBEVILLE COUNTY TED 228 PORCH Significance This is a typical example of a tenant farmer or homesteaders' dwelling found throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States and is in a good state of preservation. AGPERIEN 11. (continued) Highway 71 0.4 mile to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 228, then northeast on Abbeville Co. 228 0.9 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence OAHP INVENTORY A B 1 22 7 - A 3. PRIORITY 5. DATE CA. 1830 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN IT 7. OWNER/ADMIN Mrs. Gladys Rampey 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 3911 Third Avenue Birmingham, Alabama 35222 STATE A L COUNTY NAME OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) VICINITY CONG DIST. CITY Lowndesville 0 9 COUNTY Birmingham CONG DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY ☐ HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 71 and South Carolina State Highway 81 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed east on Highway 71 0.4 mile 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 3 4 9 6 6 0 3 7 8 6 8 5 0 | EASTING NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 白 ​1:24 1:62 5 QUAD OTHER NAME SIGN SCALE 1 24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 82 DESTROYED DATE May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One and one-half story log dogtrot house with balloon frame additions to front and rear and enclosing dogtrot, 50' (four bays) X 67' (seven bays). (seven bays). Gable roofs covered with asphalt shingles over wooden shingles, boxed cornice; massive logs hewn on four sides with one-half dovetail joinery, frame additions covered with clapboard, collapsed front porch, detached exterior brick chimneys laid in common bond at ends of log section, 9 x 6 sash windows; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Original plan was two rooms with dogtrot, additions create L-shaped central hall plan of six rooms. Interior finish is sheathed throughout, with some original wainscot in place, suspended chimney in rear addition. Due to vandalism and extreme deterioration, this structure is in poor condition. potential for preservation or restoration appears to be quite limited. The structure is associated with a collapsed frame house and a frame barn (AB1227-B), and a post and frame well house (AB1227-C), both extremely 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE ADAPTIVE USE The (CONT OVER) Residence Unknown 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Abandoned 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ABBEVILLE 228 COUNTY ROAD COLLAPSED House ად SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HIGHWAY 81 CREEK SHED PRIVY ROCKY RIVER A. T ARCHED SPENING DOSTRAT COLLAPSED PORCH T COVERED DOOR, Z ORIGINAL LOG CONSTRUCTION Significance Although this structure is extremely deteriorated, the interior and exterior finish that remain intact reveal both important construction techniques and changes made over time. The building is an excellent example of early log construction, displaying superb one-half dovetail joinery of massive hewn logs. The frame additions and enclosed dogtrot exemplify the adaptation of an early structure to later styles and needs for expansion. Although this structure is outside the acquisition area, it has been included in this inventory because of its historic merit and proximity to the acquisition line. 11. (continued) to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 228, then northeast on Co. 228 0.4 mile to an unpaved private drive then southeast 0.1 mile on the private drive to the site. 17. (continued) deteriorated and overgrown. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240* YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1 2 2 7 - B OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification Barn 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE CA. 1875- 1885 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT T 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn Mrs. Gladys Rampey 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 3911 Third Avenue Birmingham, Alabama 35222 OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE S C COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville XXY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. STATE AL COUNTY 09 COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Birmingham 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 71 and South Carolina State Highway 81 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed east on State Highway 71 0.4 mile to the intersection with 14. UTM ZONE 17 7 UTM ZONE EASTING 3 34 EASTING NORTHING 9 6 8 0 3 7 8 6 830 |||||||| 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. I NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME ENVIRONS INTACT Lowndesville, S.C. GA. - SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:€2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE Historic American Buildings Survey 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTion and baCKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. Two-story hewn and balloon frame barn, 44' x 24'. May 1, 1979 Gable and shed roofs, covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite pies. This barn is deteriorated and overgrown. It is associated with a log and frame house (AB1227-A), a collapsed frame house, and a well house (AB1227-C). PRESENT USE 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Abandoned 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION CREEK ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD 228 SHED COLLAPSED HOUSE B De SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HIGHWAY 8/ A PRIVY ROCKY RIVER B. I -- Significance This structure is a good example of a post Civil War cattle or horse barn. The hewn frame members of the structure were probably incorporated from an earlier structure. This barn appears to have been associated with a later frame house, CA. 1875-1885, now collapsed. Although this structure is outside the acquisition area, it has been included in this inventory because of its relationship to Site AB1227-A. XXXMKKHECKINKED) 11. (continued) Abbeville County Road 228, then northeast on Co. 228 0.4 mile to an unpaved private drive, then southeast 0.1 mile on the private drive to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 1. SITE I.D. NO A B B 1 2 2 | 7 | - | | OAHP INVENTORY C 3. PRIORITY 2 Classification Well House 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1875- 1885 7. OWNER/ADMIN Mrs. Gladys Rampey OWNER ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Well House 10. STATE SC COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO 1 XXV/VICINITY Lowndesville 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS 3911 Third Avenue Birmingham, Alabama 35222 CONG. DIST. STATE AL COUNTY NAME CITY/VACAN 09 COUNTY Birmingham 12. EXISTING ONR SURVEYS NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER COUNTY Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 71 and South Carolina State Highway 81 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed east on State Highway 71 0.4 mile to the intersection with Abbeville EASTING NORTHING 349700378 497 0 0 3 7 8 6 8 2 0 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. NAME ENVIRONS INTACT NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and bacKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Opensided post and frame well house, 10' x 10'. Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; apron of weatherboard; hewn posts. Wooden well cover and well crank in place. The structure is quite deteriorated and overgrown. is associated with a log and frame house (AB1227-A), a collapsed frame house, and a frame barn (AB1227-B). It PRESENT USE 18. ORIGINAL USE Well House 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Abandoned 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY ☐ YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP OR MORE? YES NO 陌 ​NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO INO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION CO.RD. 228 ABBEVILLE co. RD 228 COLLAPSED HOUSE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HIGHWay 81 B ㅇㅁ ​0341 CREEK PRIVY ROCKY RIVER Significance This structure is unusual in the use of hewn posts. It is likely that these posts were incorporated from an earlier structure, and that this well house was contemporary to a later frame house, CA. 1875-1885, now collapsed. Although this structure is outside the acquisition area, it has been included in this inventory because of its relationship to site AB1227-A. 11. (continued) County Road 228, then northeast on Co. 228 0.4 mile to an unpaved private drive, then southeast 0.1 mile on the private drive to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 BH WHI FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn OAHP INVENTORY A B 1 3|| 0 | 0 || -|| A 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880- 1890 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) IT OWNER ADMIN Alan B. Sibley, Jr. and Winston H. Sibley, Jr. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Sibley Farms, Inc. Route 1 Milledgeville, Georgia 31061 10. STATE STC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) WAY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 5.2 miles to 14. UTM ZONE 1 EASTING NORTHING 7 3 4 4 0 0 5377 UTM ZONE EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 53779665 NORTHING SIGN 09 STATE COUNTY NTY GA COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Baldwin Milledgeville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR ONHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER COUNTY 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. I NPS CL6 LOCAL DOTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME ENVIRONS INTACT Lowndesville, S.C. GA. SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 74 RUINS 75☐ UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 85 DEMOLISHED 71 GOOD 72 X FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION DATE John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and baCKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon frame barn with additions 37' (three bays) X 20'. Gable and side shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations not visible. This structure is one of three remaining outbuildings on the site, of which only one small shed (CA. 1930) was not recorded due to extreme overgrowth. This small farm complex dates to the early decades of the nineteenth century, but due to vandalism, no original structures remain. (The original main house burned a year ago, while the early log barn on the property collapsed on April 9 of this year due to the removal of major structural material by vandals.) This structure is in fair condition with most of its significant fabric intact. 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Abandoned Barn 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP. OR MORE? YES NO TI YES. LIMITED KNO YES UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION L. CEMETERY COLLAPSCO LOS BARN 0 B SHED ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 123 HOUSE SITE 123 Significance This small barn is a typical example of a late nineteenth century barn of which many examples exist throughout the project area and surrounding region. The significance of this building has been greatly undermined by the loss of the older, major buildings of this complex. REXEKKOKKKKKKKK 11. (continued) the intersection with Abbeville County Road 123, then generally west on Co. 123 1.2 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B1 300- B OAHP INVENTORY 2. Classification Barn 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880- 1890 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville CITY/VICINITY Lowndesville Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN Alan B. Sibley, Jr., Winston H. Sibley, Jr. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Sibley Farms, Inc. Route 1 Milledgeville, Georgia 31061 CONG. DIST. STATE GA COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY 09 COUNTY Baldwin Milledgeville CÔNG. DIST 12 EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 13 SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) 5.2 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 34 3 93 5 3 7 7 9 6 90 QUAD OTHER Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 ☐ 1 €2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82☐ DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon-frame barn, 31' (three bays) x 17'. Gable roof with flanking shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. This structure is one of three remaining structures on the site, of which only one small shed (CA. 1930 was not recorded due to overgrowth. This small farm complex dates from the early decades of the nineteenth century, but due to vandalism, no original structures remain. (The original main house burned a year ago, while the early log barn on the property collapsed April 9 of this year due to the removal of major structural material by vandals.) This structure is in fair condition, with most of its significant fabric intact. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50,000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN' 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION O CEMETERY COLLAPSED LOS BARN B SHED Co. 123 House SITE ABBEVILLE Co. RD. 123 B. -- N G Significance This small barn is a typical example of a late nineteenth century barn of which many examples exist throughout the project area and surrounding region. The significance of this building has been greatly undermined by the loss of the older, major buildings of this complex. 11. (continued) 123, then generally west on Co. 123 1.2 miles to the site. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM ABSTRACT INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 e 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B1 30 0 - 1 1 A OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification Residence 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO Corps of Engineers UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN Alan B. Sibley, Jr. and Winston H. Sibley, Jr. 19. OWNER'S ADDRESS Sibley Farm, Inc. Route 1 Milledgeville, Georgia 31061 STATE GA COUNTY NAME 10. STATE S COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) XXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. CITYNERD 09 COUNTY Baldwin Milledgeville CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING ONR NHL SURVEYS CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 5.2 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 123. EASTING 34 407 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 3779940 NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. GA. NAME SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and BacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story balloon frame dwelling. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; boxed eaves; clapboard siding; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. granite piers. T-shaped plan of T-shaped plan of three rooms. Central brick chimney; interior sheathed throughout. Not measured due to extreme deterioration and overgrowth. There is one well house associated with this structure (see AB-1300-1-A). Continuing decay of the structure makes preservation nearly impossible. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP. OR MORE? YES NO YES. LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Co. RD. 123 House SITE 1300 ◇ B ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 123 NOT MEASURED DUE TO OVERGROWTH AND DECAY Significance This is a typical example of a small tenant or homestead dwelling found throughout the project area and the Southeastern United States. The structure is in near-archaeologic condition. SIOONPINUED) 11. (continued) then generally west on Co. 123 1.1 miles to an overgrown private road, then east .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1 30 0 | 0 1 B OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification Well House 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO Corps of Engineers UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Well House 10. STATE S C COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville XXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 5.2 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 123, 14. UTM ZONE 1 17 UTM ZONE EASTING 3440 EASTING NORTHING 3440 70 37 7 9940 NORTHING SIGN Alan B. Sibley, Jr. and Winston H. Sibley, Jr. 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS Sibley Farm, Inc. Route 1 Milledgeville, Georgia 31061 STATE G A COUNTY NAME CITY XANKY COUNTY Baldwin Milledgeville ONR ONHL ☐ CONF DHABS ☐ STATE HAER-I COUNTY 12. EXISTING SURVEYS.. 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT 1:62 5 CONG. DIST HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL DOTHER ENVIRONS INTACT - GA. EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 QUAD OTHER Lowndesville, S.C. NAME SIGN SCALE 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 1:24 OTHER 74 RUINS ☐ 162.5 QUAD NAME 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. Open-sided post and frame well house. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED Gable roof previously covered with sheetmetal (now absent), board apron. The structure is associated with an extremely deteriorated dwelling (AB-1300-1-A). Not measured due to extreme overgrowth. PRESENT USE Well House 18. ORIGINAL USE Well House 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION co. 123 House SITZ 1300 Significance See Site AB1300-1A. ◇ B ABBEVILLE Co. RD. 223 NOT MEASURED DUE TO OVERGROWTH AND DECAY. 11. (continued) then generally west on Co. 123 1.1 miles to an overgrown, private road, then east .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) A | B |1 3| | 0 | 1 ||- | A OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1810- 1820 7. OWNER/ADMIN B. B. Hutchison 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Hutchison Farm OWNER ADMIN Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESЯutchison Farm Route 1 Iva, South Carolim 29655 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville CITYXZXY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. STATE S C COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY 0 9 COUNTY Abbeville Lowndesville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 17 34 NORTHING 34 406 0378 08 4060378 30 UTM ZONE EASTING 15. CONDITION' 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT 1:625 CONG. DIST. 09 NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. NAME NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:€2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Two-story log dog-trot house with frame additions; 47' (four bays and dogtrot) X 60' (five bays). Gable roofs covered with sheetmetal, boxed eaves. One-half dovetail log joinery, clapboard siding on additions, boxed eaves, 6x6 sash windows, exterior brick chimneys laid on fieldstone foundations, original hardware or hand-forged replacement hardware in place throughout; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Original plan of one room on either side of dogtrot; present plan two rooms deep on each side of dogtrot, with rear wing; original roof raised to its present height by addition of three logs to walls. This structure is in good condition with little damage to the fabric from deterioration and the preservation of this structure could be easily accomplished. Associated with this structure are six outbuildings: (b) smokehouse, CA. 1810-1820; (c) well house, CA. 1900; (d) corn crib, CA. 1880; (e) blacksmith shop, CA. 1850; (f) garage, CA. 1930-1940; (g) garage, CA. 1930. garage, CA. 1930. All of these associated structures are maintained at present and range from good to fair condition. 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO "NO' UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION PRNY DB A ос BARN BARN DE G A. DOG TROT PORCH Significance Composed of massive hewn logs with one-half dovetail joinery. This well preserved farmhouse is an excellent example of the construction skill of the early settlers of Abbeville County. This is certainly the most impressive log dwelling in the project area, if not in the whole of Abbeville County. The farm has been in the possession of the Hutchison family since 1877, though the original two buildings may date from as early as CA. 1810-1820. REFEREN 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 mile to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 1.0 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM 1 INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Smokehouse 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Hutchison Farm Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) A B 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - || OAHP INVENTORY B 3. PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1810- 1820 7. OWNER/ADMIN B. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS OWNER ADMIN Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison Route 1 Iva, South Carolina 29655 10. STATES COUNTY C COUNTY NAME Abbeville XXXVICINITY Lowndesville 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, NORTHING 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG IDIST. STATE SC COUNTY NAME SY/VICINITY 09 COUNTY Abbeville Abbeville CÔNG DIST. 0 9 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SIGN SCALE 17 344060 3 7 8 0 8 2 5 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71K GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS. ETC. May 1, 1979 Log smokehouse, 11' (one bay) x 16'. Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; one-half dovetail log joinery, clapboards on gable ends, door frame pegged into log ends; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. granite piers. Plan of one room. There has been little damage to the original fabric of this structure and preservation could be easily achieved. Associated with this structure are six additional structures as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex. See Site AB1301-A for general comments. PRESENT USE Storage 18. ORIGINAL USE Smokehouse 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES, UNLIMITED YES NO I NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION B F PRIVY OB A Ос BARN 1 BARN Z Significance This small smokehouse is possibly the only outbuilding left standing from the original Hutchison Farm Complex. The log construction with one-half dovetail joinery indicates that it was built during the same period as the Hutchison house, Site AB1301-A, CA 1810-1820. REFERENCESTO DESTCONTINUED 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 1.0 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation OAHP INVENTORY 1. SITE I.D. NO AB 1 301 2 Classification Well House 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 Corps of Engineer OWNER (Demo) 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Hutchison Farm CA. 1900 ADMIN II 7. OWNER/ADMIN B. B. Hutchison Administrator, Estate of H. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, South Carolina 29655 10. STATE COUNTY S C COUNTY NAME Abbeville CXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE 17 7 UTM ZONE EASTING 3 4 4 NORTHING 3440603 7 8 0 8 25 EASTING NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) 09 STATE COUNTY S C COUNTY NAME XXXIVICINITY CONG. Abbeville Lowndesville DIST. 199 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF ☐HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 ☐ COUNTY LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:625 OTHER QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. NAME SIGN SCALE 1:24 1825 QUAD OTHER NAME 715 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS, EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED Open-sided cedar post and frame well house, 12' x 12'. Gable roof covered with wooden shingles and sheetmetal; clapboard on gable ends. Well at center well crank in place. This structure is well preserved and the well is still in use. It is associated with six additional buildings as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex. See Site AB1301-A for general comments. PRESENT USE Well House 18. ORIGINAL USE Well House 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO I NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? |||| YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Ов A PRIVY Ос BARN BARN Significance See Site AB1301-A. OG C. E WELL XAPPERIENCES 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 1.0 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Corn Crib 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Hutchison Farm Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) ADMIN AB 1 3 | 0 | 1 |- D OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN B. B. Hutchison OWNER I II Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 19. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, South Carolina 29655 10. STATE SC COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 3 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 34406037808 EASTING NORTHING SIGN 12. EXISTING DNR SURVEYS 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) STATE S C COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITA/VICINITY Abbeville Lowndesville NHL CONF HABS STATE ☐HAER-1 HAER COUNTY CONG DIST. 09 NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 QUAD 0 SIGN SCALE OTHER 124 OTHER NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA. - 1.825 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 713 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story balloon frame corn crib with shed addition to one side, 18' (two bays) x 24'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal, clapboard siding and vertical board sheathing; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. piers. This structure has suffered minimal deterioration and could be easily preserved. It is associated with six additional structures as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex. See Site AB1301-A for general comments. 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE Historic American Buildings Survey PRESENT USE Storage 18. ORIGINAL USE Corn Crib 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION OG DE PRIVY A Oc BARN BARN Significance See Site AB1301-A. D Z 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 mile to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 1.0 mile to the site. TIM BIMMHH NAM HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM ABSTRACT INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Blacksmith Shop 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Hutchison Farm Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 西 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) A B 1 3 0 1 - E OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1850 7. OWNER/ADMIN B. B. Hutchison OWNER ADMIN Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, South Carolina 29655 10. STATE COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) CLXY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the STATE ST COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY COUNTY Abbeville Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 09 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 17 34 406 0 34406 3 7 8 0 8 0 0 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:2.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story hewn-frame blacksmith shop, 18' (one bay) x 14' (one bay). Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; clapboard siding, windows of no lights covered with board shutters; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. One room; no chimney. Original firepit in place; many original tools present. There has been little damage to the original fabric of this structure and preservation could be easily achieved. This building is associated with six additional structures as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex. See Site AB1301-A for general comments. PRESENT USE ADAPTIVE USE Blacksmith Shop 18. ORIGINAL USE Blacksmith Shop 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED DYES NO NO ☐ UNKNOWN' (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? I YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION PRIVY BARN OF DE OB A Ос BARN G E. FIREPIT Significance This is a rare and extremely well preserved example of a blacksmith shop which were integral parts of many nineteenth century southern farm complexes. The original tools present within the shop, and its continued use for blacksmithing, make it a unique example of the continuity of traditional farming practices. See Site AB1301-A for the relationship of this site to the remainder of the farm complex. 11. (continued) intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 mile to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 1.0 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Garage AB1301-E 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Hutchison Farm OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 - 1940 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER I ADARITI ADMIN B. B. Hutchison, Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, SC 29655 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville ) CITY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. Гото STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Abbeville Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndes ville, proceed southwest on Co.65 3.0 miles 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) Lowndesville, to the intersection with Abbeville County (Can't Reverse) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 344 3 44 05 03 78 08 60 QUAD UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE OTHER 1:24 OTHER, NAME 1:62.5 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75☐ UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, post-and-frame, open-sided garage. Gable and shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboards on gable ends. This garage structure is well maintained and in good repair. Associated with this structure are six additional structures that form the Hutchison Farm Complex. For general comments on the whole complex, see AB1301-A. PRESENT USE Garage 18. ORIGINAL USE Garage 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? I YES DISTRICT I.D. NO DINO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Significance See AB1301-A ABSTRACT PRIVY BARN Q6 A Ос OG DE וד. B 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 1.0 miles to the site. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 IN MAN FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence AB1301-G 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Hutchison Farm 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville XIXY/VICINITY Lowndesville OAHP INVENTORY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES Corps of Engineers OWNER NO UNKNOWN (Demolition) ADMIN 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 7. OWNER/ADMIN CONG IDIST. 019 B. B. Hutchison, Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, SC 29655 STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME XXXVICINITY Abbeville Lowndesville ONR NHL HABS OHAER-I HAER STATE COUNTY 12. EXISTING SURVEYS CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) miles to the intersection with Abbeville (Con't Reverse) CONG. DIST. 09 NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. JUTM ZONE 17 EASTING NORTHING 344 0 0503 0378 SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 QUAD 0870 OTHER NAME Lowndesville, SC · GA UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. One story opensided post and frame garage with loft. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; clapboards on gable ends. This garage structure is well maintained and in good repair. This garage is associated with six additional structures as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex. See site AB1301-A for general comments. 18. ORIGINAL USE Garage PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES— HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Garage Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION G. OG OF DE 0 PRIVY Ов A Ос BARN BARN Significance See site AB1301-A for general comments. G G ÆÆÆÆÆx 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 1.0 miles to the site. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM ABSTRACT INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Long House A B 1 3 0 1 - 2 A OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1870 7. OWNER/ADMIN OWNER IT ROUTI ADMIN IT B. B. Hutchison, Adminstrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, SC 29655 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) CONG DIST. 12. EXISTING Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in CITY/VICINITY Lowndesville STATE SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY 09 COUNTY Abbeville Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 69 ONR NHL HABS SURVEYS CONF STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) miles to the intersection with Abbeville (Con't Reverse) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 34 43 23 3 78 18 201 43 23 53 78 18 QUAD OTHER NAME Lowndesville, SC - GA UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:€2.5 I QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71☐ GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon-frame house; 44' (four bays) x 48' (four bays). Gable roofs covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding, boxed eaves, windows covered with board shutters front door with sidelights, small exterior cupboard with five shelves; foundation of fieldstone granite piers. Interior inaccessible. Interior inaccessible. Central chimney of brick laid on fieldstone granite foundations. This structure has been used for hay storage, resulting in the collapse of its floors. The potential for preservation of the structure therefore appears to be limited. The structure is associated with a small log dogtrot barn (site AB1301-2B). PRESENT USE Hay storage 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN N 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION A. ASBEVILLE COUNTY RDTI OLD ROLD BED A B ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD. 123 L L Significance This structure is a fine example of a post-civil war homestead dwelling. The front door with sidelights is an unusual feature in the project area, and even more unique is the small cupboard on an exterior wall, where there was previously a porch. This structure was recorded as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex (AB1301), although this house site and associated barn lie outside the acquisition line of the Russell Project. WRX 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 2.1 miles to Abbeville County Road 123, then south on Co. 123 .1 mile to an unpaved drive, then east 1000 feet to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Barn AB1301-2B 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 5. DATE 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1914 1917 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES OWNER NO UNKNOWN ADMIN B. B. Hutchison, Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, SC 29655 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY I Abbeville XXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the 09 STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME XXXVICINITY CONG Abbeville Lowndesville 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL HABS HAER-I HAER CONF STATE COUNTY LOCAL town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) to the intersection with Abbeville County (Con't Reverse) INTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:625 17 3 34 325 5378 1860 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE OTHER 1:24 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, SC - GA DIST 09 NPS CL6 OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT NAME 1:62.5 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Two story log dogtrot barn, 28' x 10', dogtrot 3'9" high. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; unhewn logs with v-notch joinery, openings in center of dog trot and door to loft in one end wall. Pens on either side originally intended for animals, with hayloft above. According to informant evidence, dogtrot was approximately 6' in height when the barn was constructed in 1914 - 1917, and the building has settled to its present height. The remainder of the structure is well preserved, although its original integrity is partially lost. integrity is partially lost. This structure is associated with a house, site AB1301-2A. 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn PRESENT USE Barn 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER ADAPTIVE USE Numerous personal conversations with A. Bandon Hutchison and Alvin Hutchison April 1979. 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES XNO NO' YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 81 OLD A ROLOBED コロ ​ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD. 123 B. DOGTROT Significance This structure exemplifies a unique form of log barn construction, not seen in the project area or in the surrounding region. Although the building has settled considerably, it continues to be a utilitarian farm structure of unique integrity. Informant evidence indicates that the barn was built sometime between 1914 and 1917, thus revealing the survival, or perhaps imitation, of traditional log construction techniques in the early twentieth century. This structure was recorded as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex (AB1301), although this barn and it's associated house lie outside the acquisition area of the Russell Project.) XXRPERXXXCONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & NO) (Continued) Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 2.1 miles to Abbeville County Road 123, then south on Co. 123 .1 mile to an unpaved drive, then east 500 feet to the site. ABSTRACT N HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN AB 1 301-3 OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7. OWNER/ADMIN B. B. Hutchison, Administrator, Estate of M. B. Hutchison 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS Route 1 Iva, SC 29655 STATE SC COUNTY NAME 09 COUNTY Abbeville XIX VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 0 9 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 STATE COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville XIXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. CONF 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed outhwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) to the intersection with Abbeville County (Con't Reverse) 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 17 3 42 30 UTM ZONE EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT NORTHING 3781820 SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:625 QUAD NAME Lowndesville SC - GA NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 OTHER 1625 QUAD NAME 71☐ GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One story, balloon frame hired man's dwelling, 29' (three bays) x 14' (one bay). Gable roof covered with wooden shingles; clapboard siding, windows of no lights covered with board shutters; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Two room plan with central brick chimney laid on fieldstone granite foundation. This building has deteriorated seriously as the result of its use as a storage barn. Informant evidence indicates that this hired man's dwelling was associated with a no longer extant house across the road and a small store, now in ruins. It is presently associated with the Hutchison farm complex (site AB1301-A). 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence PRESENT USE Storage 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Personal conversation with A. B. Hutchison and Catherine Hutchison 4/14/79. 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP. OR MORE? YES NO YES. LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ABBEVILLE Co. RD. 81 COLLAPSED STORE COTTON 1501- 3 GIN? HOUSE SITE N Significance This structure is one of the few that can be positively identified as a post-civil war hired man's dwelling in the project area. It is the only surviving part of a complex of buildings which included a house and a small store, and was associated with other nearby farms, few of which still exist. This structure was recorded as part of the Hutchison Farm Complex (AB1301), although it lies outside of the acquisition area of the Russell Project. CONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 1.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 93, then south on Co. 93 .4 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 BIM BIMH NH FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation AB BT 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Blacksmith shop 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm OAHP INVENTORY 13 04 -A 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1900 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XX YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS % R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, SC 29646 SIC COUNTY NAME 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME XIX VICINITY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South ing at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville (Con't Reverse) 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING 3 NORTHING 3 419 15 3 78 781275 EASTING NORTHING SIGN CONG DIST. STATE CITY/VICINITY 0 19 9 COUNTY Greenwood Greenwood CONG. DIST I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE CHAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER EATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT SCALE XX:24 1:62 5 OTHER NAME EXTERIOR INTACT XENVIRONS INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, SC - GA SIGN SCALE 1 24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 71☐ GOOD 72XFAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 16. INVENTORIED BY 70 EXCELLENT John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERJALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One story, log blacksmith Shop, To(one bay) x 15' (one bay). Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; unhewn logs with saddlenotch joinery, windows of no lights coverd with board shutter. One room, no chimney, brick firepit in place. This structure is in fairly good repair, and could be easily preserved. The structure is one of ten outbuildings that made up the Harper farm complex: B) Well house (CA. 1850); C) Generator house (CA. 1920); D) Pig house (CA. 1930); E) Barn (CA. 1850); F)Barn (CA. 1830); G) Feeding crib (CA. 1900); H) Horse Barn (CA. 1880); I) Garage (CA.1930); J) Garage (CA. 1930). Two chimneys are all that remain of the original farmhouse (AB1304-K), which was destroyed by fire, CA. 1974. Most of these structures are in good condition and could be easily preserved or restored. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Blacksmith shop 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP OR MORE? 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES NO 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED N NO UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER STREAM HARPER'S FERRY LANDING H ABBEVILLE CO. RD. 81 A. DA H K в Oc F E PRIVY STREAM FIREPIT Significance The saddlenotch log joinery in this structure indicate that it was build CA. 1900. It represents the survival of traditional log construction in the early twentieth century. The structure was part of the larger Harper Farm complex, which originated as an early nineteenth century plantation. The complex includes structures of different periods; illustrating the continual evolution of the Southern farm. Several structures in the complex are of unique architectural character. The complex, associated with the site of Harper's Ferry, played a central role in the economic development and history of the project area. CONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 2.9 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Well house 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm OAHP INVENTORY A B 1 B130 304 1 B 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT ADMIN CA. 1850 7. OWNER/ADMIN Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS % R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, SC 29646 STATE SC COUNTY 14. UTM ZONE EASTING SCALE 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNty name Abbeville XIXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 09 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville (Con't Reverse) NORTHING SIGN COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Greenwood Greenwood CONG DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT XNTER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 17 3417 75378 11 40 140 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, SC - GA UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John Linn Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Two story embankment well house, larder and buttery, partially opensided, hewn timber fram, 13' x 23'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; clapboard siding, louvered vent openings, 242 sash windows; foundations of brick and timber piers. Opensided well area beside one room larder, one room buttery or cold room below larder. Wooden well cover and pump mechanism partially intact, concrete floor and water tub in buttery. This structure has suffered little de- terioration although minor alterations, including closing off the larder, have occurred. The building could be easily restored and preserved. The structure is one of ten remaining from the Harper farm complex (See site AB1304-A for general comments). PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Well house, larder, buttery 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED - YES NO NO UNKNOWN POP. OR MORE? 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OFLOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER HARPER'S FERRY LANDING STREAM ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD. 81 DA H H F E STREAM ہے K □J COLLAPSED PRIVY B. ୮ L Significance This structure is a unique example of a combination well hours, larder and buttery and is one of three embankment strucutres in the project are. See site AB1304-A for significance of complex. XXXXXXXS (CONTINUED) 11. Site Address (Street & No) (Continued) County Road 81. then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation A B 1 3 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Generator House 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville | 0 | 0 4 OAHP INVENTORY C 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1920 ZLXY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XYES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER 7. OWNER/ADMIN Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 ADMIN STATE SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY 019 COUNTY Greenwood Greenwood CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 STATE ☐ COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT *KENVIRONS INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 17 7 3 341 74 03 78 11 35 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA, UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 OTHER, 1:62.5 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, balloon frame well or generator house. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; vertical sheathing and clapboard siding, lattice door. One room containing concrete foundation for heavy equipment, pieces of electrical equipment on walls. The structure is well preserved. It is one of ten structures remaining from the Harper Farm Complex (See Site AB1304-A for general comments). PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Generator House 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES NO YES, LIMITED XNO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER ← STREAM HARPERS FERRY LANDING Significance See Site AB1304-A 06 ABBRVILLE COUNTY RD 81 DA H H F E STREAM Pם K ロ ​осов COLLAPSED PRIVY C. NO MEASUREMENTS TOKEN OF THIS STRUCTURE. 11. (continued) intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Pig House 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm A B 1 30 4 OAHP INVENTORY D 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XXYES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER 7. OWNER/ADMIN Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS CYOR. c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 ADMIN 10. STATE S C COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) Y/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 34 1740 3 7 8 11 3 3781 135 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING SIGN STATE SC 09 COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Greenwood Greenwood 12. EXISTING SURVEYS INR NHL CONF ☐HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT XX EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:625 OTHER QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. NAME SIGN SCALE 1.24 162.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72. FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 This structure is A-frame pig house. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; horizontal sheathing; no foundation. quite overgrown and has suffered some deterioration. It is one of ten structures remaining from the Harper Farm Complex. (See Site AB1304-A for general comments.) PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Pig House 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP. OR MORE? YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? YES. LIMITED ONT YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25 PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER STREAM HARPER'S ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD FERRY LANDING I H OG Significance See Site AB1304-A. 11. (continued ABSTRACT F Ос QD STREAM ÜB K 81 OA PRIVY D. NO MEASUREMENTS TAKEN OF THIS STRUCTURE, DUE TO EXTREME OVERGROWTH. the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM ПИШ ИШИНИН МИНИ INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Barn 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm A B 1 304 |E W OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1850 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240* YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER III Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 CITY/VICINITY ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville XXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 09 STATE S C COUNTY NAME 9 COUNTY Greenwood 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) | Greenwood HAER-I COUNTY CONG. DIST. T HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT EASTING SCALE 17 3 34 1660 3 378 11 25 1:24 OTHER ☐ 1:62 5 QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. GA. NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION 82☐ DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS, EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Gable and gable- Gable Three story, hewn frame embankment barn with balloon frame shed additions at both ends, 60' x 30'. end shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; sheetmetal over clapboard siding; foundations of log and fieldstone granite piers. Two upper floors originally used for storage of hay and feed, and contain original grain bins with original hardware in place, later cribbed lofts for hay storage; lower floor used for dairy cattle and contains pens, six stanchions and concrete feed trough. The structure is well preserved. It is one of ten remaining structures in the Harper Farm Complex. (See Site AB1304-A for general comments.) 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown Abandoned 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? → YES. LIMITED YES, UNLIMITED NO ☐ UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION STREAM HARPER'S FERRY LANDING ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD. 81 H SAVANNAH RIVER H $0 STREAM E О О в K ]J Oc OA E. COLLAPSED PRIVY GRAIN BINS CRIB HAY STORAGE ROOF OVER LOWER STORY Significance This unusually large barn is one of three embankment structures in the project area. See Site AB1304-A for for significance of complex. AEFERENCESIOSAKADER 11. (continued) then Southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1 304-F OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Barn 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1830 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 四 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville XXY/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST 09 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 17 3 4 1 UTM ZONE EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING 640378│1│130 |||||| NORTHING SIGN 29646 STATE S COUNTY C COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Greenwood Greenwood 12. EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER COUNTY 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG DIST. I NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT XEXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1.24 OTHER 1625 QUAD NAME ENVIRONS INTACT Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. SIGN SCALE D 1 24 OTHER 1625 QUAD NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82☐ DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTion and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC May 1, 1979 Log barn with post and frame shed additions, 35' X 32'. Gable and shed roofs covered with Gable and shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; massive logs hewn on four sides with one-half dovetail joinery, partially covered with sheetmetal, some original hardware intact; foundations of brick and fieldstone granite piers. Two rooms with loft, used for hay. The structure is well preserved, due largely to its sheetmetal covering. It is one of ten structures remaining from the Harper Farm Complex. (See Site AB1304-A for general comments.) PRESENT USE Abandoned 18 ORIGINAL USE Hay Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER HARPER'S FERRY LANDING STREAM бо F ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD. 81 ロム ​STREAM H n Oc Ов PRIVY F LL ADD. ADD. LOG STRUCTURE Significance This fine example of early log construction is probably the oldest standing structure in the Harper Farm Complex. Although log barns and other buildings were common in this area in the nineteenth century, this is one of the relatively few examples that survives intact. See Site AB1304-A for significance of complex. XIALIBAENSES SOKMADES) 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO AB 1 3 0 4 1- G OAHP INVENTORY 2. Classification 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Feeding Crib 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1900 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY ICOUNTY NAME Abbeville XXX/VICINITY Lowndesville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection of Abbeville County Road 81 then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 341 6 4 0 3 7 8 1 34164 037 1130 EASTING NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG DIST STATE SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY 09 COUNTY Greenwood Greenwood CONG DIST. I 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 ☐ 1:62 5 QUAD SIGN SCALE OTHER 124 OTHER NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA. 1825 QUAD NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 7 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story, post-and-frame open-sided feeding crib for cattle. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal. V-shaped arrangement of posts to hold cattle feed. This structure is well preserved. It is one of ten structures remaining from the Harper Farm Complex (See Site AB1304-A for general comments). PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Cattle Feeding Crib 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS. AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES YES NO KNO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER STREAM HARPER'S FERRY LANDING 口​の ​DA ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 81 LL H E STREAM Ов Ос K Significance See Site AB1304-A for general comments. RFERENCKSXCOXINDEXK 11. (continued) miles to the site. ABSTRACT PRIVY G. NO MEASUREMENTS TAKEN OF THIS STRUCTURE. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM TIM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1 3 0 4 - OAHP INVENTORY H 2 Classification Horse Barn 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5 DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1880 7 OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 ADMIN 10. STATE S C COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville ) CX/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. I 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in 65`3.0 the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 17 7 3 4 UTM ZONE NORTHING 34 16 4 0 3 7 8 1640 781135 EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY NORTHING SIGN STATE S C COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY COUNTY Greenwood Greenwood CONG DIST 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:625 QUAD NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA. SIGN SCALE 1 24 OTHER 1825 QUAD NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 Sawn frame horse barn with post-and-frame shed additions, 50' x 36'. Gable and shed roofs covered with sheetmetal; vertical sheathing on exterior walls; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Interior pens and frame crib stalls constructed of stacked horizontal frame members joined by one-half dovetails; original tack equipment and hardware intact; some grafitti, such as names and dates, carved in interior walls. The building is well preserved. It is one of ten structures remaining from the Harper Farm Complex. (See Site AB1304-A for general comments.) PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Horse Barn 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO I INO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCAT LOCATION 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION STREAM ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 81 SAVANNAH RIVER H D$ I K □J F E Ов STREAM DA H. PRIVY T [ [ ORIGINAL STRUCTURE 1 Significance The use of one-half dovetail joinery in constructing frame stalls makes this structure unique. This joinery method was employed in early log construction, but there are no other examples of its use with frame members in the project area, nor has it been documented in the surrounding region. See Site AB1304-A for significance of complex. Xpandan 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 20140 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B1 3 04 2 Classification Garage 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper Farm 1 H OAHP INVENTORY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 ㄸ ​7. OWNER/ADMIN OWNER Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 ADMIN 10. STATE S C COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) XIVICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. I Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the 14. UTM ZONE EASTING 17 UTM ZONE NORTHING 341675378 1 78 1 1 50 EASTING 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY SIGN COUNTY STATE S C COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Greenwood Greenwood CONG. DIST. I 12. EXISTING ONR SURVEYS NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 OTHER QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. GA. NAME SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED NORTHING John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. Post-and-frame truck garage. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; walls of horizontal sheathing. well preserved. It is one of ten structures remaining from the Harper Farm Complex. comments.) May 1, 1979 This structure is (See Site AB1304-A for general PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Garage 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES □NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT 1.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION STREAM HARPER'S FERRY LANDING SAVANNAH RIVER H 60 I. DA Q ABBEVILLE COUNTY RO. 81 H 0 F Ос STREAM K Ов Significance See Site AB1304-A for general comments. PRIVY KERKOR KHEIR SHIMME 11. (continued) intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification Garage 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE A B 1 3 04-J OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1930 7. OWNER/ADMIN Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 四 ​YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER ADMIN TITIANIT Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 Harper Farm 10. STATE SC COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Y/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 703 781 14 40 3 41 7 703 EASTING NORTHING SIGN STATE S C COUNTY NAME COUNTY Greenwood 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF ☐HABS STATE 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) CITY/VICINITY | Greenwood HAER-I COUNTY CONG. DIST. T HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:625 OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. NAME SIGN SCALE 1.24 ☐ 125 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75☐ UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey ENVIRONS INTACT - GA. 85 DEMOLISHED 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. DATE May 1, 1979 One-story post-and-frame, one-car garage. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; board and batten siding. This structure is quite overgrown, but appears to be relatively well preserved. It is one of ten structures remaining from the Harper Farm Complex. (See Site AB1304-A for general comments.) 18. ORIGINAL USE Garage PRESENT USE Abandoned 19. REFERENCES—HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES, UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23 EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT ID. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER HARPER'S FERRY LANDING STREAM ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 81 DA H H Ок DG Significance See Site AB1304-A. STREAM DJ Ов Ос PRIVY Ор J. NO MEASUREMENTS TAKEN OF THIS STRUCTURE DUE TO EXTREME OVERGROWTH. REXERENCEXI 11. (continued) the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO AB 1 30 41-1: OAHP INVENTORY K 2. Classification Ruin of Residence 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1810- 1820 7. OWNER/ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Harper House Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY SC COUNTY NAME Abbeville CXXIVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81 14. UTM ZONE I 17 EASTING NORTHING 34 17 60 3 7 8 1 1 175 SIGN 12. EXISTING ONR SURVEYS 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) STATE COUNTY S C COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY Greenwood Greenwood CONG. DIST. T INHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-1 COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 QUAD OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT Lowndesville, S.C. GA - NAME UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62.5 F QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED This site contains the archaeologic remains of the Harper Farm House, destroyed CA. 1974 by fire. The structure was a two-story log house, possibly dating CA. 1810-1820. The two brick chimneys are laid in common bond with a relieving arch over the fireplace openings to distribute the weight of the brick above. The size of the chimneys gives an impression of the large scale of the original home. The site is associated with ten outbuildings. (See Site AB1304-A for general comments.) PRESENT USE 18. ORIGINAL USE Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? Ruins 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY I YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR · INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION SAVANNAH RIVER → STREAM HARPER'S PERRY LANDING DA ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD. 81 F I STREAM E K Ос PRIVY K. NO MEASUREMENTS TAKEN Significance These remains were included in this inventory to lend a sense of completion to the Harper Farm Complex of which ten outbuildings survive. The two chimneys exhibit an unusual construction technique for this region, with a brick relieving arch over the fireplace openings. This is the only known example of this form of brick construc- tion in the project area. See Site AB1304-A for significance of this complex. XRAPHAKHOCKENZIEKIN HEXCX 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 3.0 miles to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM TIM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B1 3 04 |- 12 2A OAHP INVENTORY 2. Classification Residence 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT OWNER ADMIN CA. 1825- 1835 7. OWNER/ADMIN Estate of Douglas Featherstone 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Mr. R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main St. 10. STATE S C COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville XXXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 34 18 1 5 3 7 8 1 9 2 0 17 UTM ZONE EASTING SIGN Greenwood, South Carolina South Carolina 29646 STATE SC COUNTY COUNTY NAME CITYÁKNKXK Greenwood Greenwood 12. EXISTING SURVEYS INR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) CÔNG DIST. NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 1:625 QUAD OTHER NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1825 QUAD OTHER NAME 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION and BacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story log cabin with frame addition, 32' (two bays) X 18' (one bay). Gable roof covered with sheetmetal, boxed eaves; logs hewn on four sides, one-half dovetail joinery, horizontal battens cover some open spaces between logs, gap in end wall indicates collapsed or removed chimney, windows of no lights covered with board shutters, vertical board door, original door frame pegged into butt ends of logs, clapboard siding on frame addition and gable ends; foundations of massive hewn logs and fieldstone granite piers. Original plan of one room with one room addition. This structure is somewhat deteriorated but restoration and preservation could be accomplished with little difficulty. The structure is associated with a balloon-frame cattle barn, CA. 1940 (Site AB1304-2B), and is probably associated with the Harper Farm Complex (Site AB1304). (CONT OVER) 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Abandoned Storage Barn Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50,000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED POP. OR MORE? YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ALLEN'S CREEK TO SITE 1304 1 1/2M1. B A. L CHIMNEY OPENING ORIGINAL LOG STRUCTURE FRAME ADD'N. Significance It is possible that this small one-room log cabin was constructed as a slave quarters or other dependency for the Harper Farm (Site AB1304), and later moved to its present location. The age, size and construction methods of the original structure closely parallel those of site AB1304-3A, which may indicate that the two buildings were related and/or had similar uses. The addition to the log structure and its use for hay storage make it a good example of the ways in which farm structures were adapted to changing needs. XXXXX 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 3.1 miles to an unpaved private dirt road, then northeast .6 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B 1 13 304 - 2 2 B OAHP INVENTORY 2 Classification Barn 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1940 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Barn Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 KYES NO Corps of Engineers UNKNOWN (Demolition) OWNER 7. OWNER/ADMIN Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Mr. R. B. Curry 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 ADMIN CONG DIST. NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 10. STATE SC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO ) XXVICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. STATE SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY 0 9 COUNTY Greenwood Greenwood 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER COUNTY Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, NORTHING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) ENVIRONS INTACT INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT 14. UTM ZONE EASTING SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 34 1815 537819 15 QUAD OTHER NAME Lowndesville, S.C. GA. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 1625 QUAD D OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY 71% GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75☐ UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED AFFILIATION 82 DESTROYED DATE Historic American Buildings Survey John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 85 DEMOLISHED One-story balloon frame cattle barn, 80' X 37'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; horizontal board sheathing with boards near eaves spaced for ventilation; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Interior divided lengthwise into two areas for cattle stalls, manger on one side. This building is relatively well preserved. It is associated with a log cabin converted into a hay barn (Site AB1304-2A), and may be associated with the Harper Farm Complex (Site AB1304). PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Barn 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY TI YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION ALLEN'S CREEK TO SITE 1304 1/2 MI. B MANGER Significance This structure displays the characteristics of a modern farm outbuilding. Its relationship to Site AB1304-2A, a log cabin adapted as a hay barn and to the Harper Farm Complex, demonstrates the continual evolution of the Southern farm. ABSTRACT REFERENZ 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 3.1 miles to an unpaved private road, then northeast 6 mile to the site. HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM T INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Residence Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) A B 1 13 30 4 - 3 A OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1830- 1840 II 7. OWNER/ADMIN OWNER ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Residence 10. STATES TC COUNTY NAME COUNTY Abbeville XXIXIVICINITY Lowndesville CONG DIST. 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o Mr. R. B. Curry, Jr. 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina STATE ST 29646 COUNTY NAME CITYONKE COUNTY Greenwood Greenwood CONG. DIST. 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I HAER NPS CL6 COUNTY LOCAL OTHER 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:62 5 17 34 34 27 3 5 3 7 8 1 5 3 5 273 15 OTHER UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 ☐ 1625 OTHER 15. CONDITION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED ENVIRONS INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. - GA. NAME QUAD NAME 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 1, 1979 One-story log cabin with balloon frame additions, 36' (two bays) X 27' (three bays). Gable roof covered with sheetmetal; logs hewn on four sides, joinery method not visible, entire structure covered with rigid asbestos shingles, 6 x 6 sash windows, exterior chimney on original structure of brick laid on fieldstone granite foundation, exterior chimney on rear addition of brick; frame porches added across front and at rear corner of addition; foundations of fieldstone granite piers. Original plan one room, Original plan one room, present plan of five rooms, three rooms wide, two rooms deep. Interior finish of sheathing and gypsum board. The original fabric of the log cabin has been well preserved by the later additions and asbestos siding which could be easily removed. The structure is associated with a small log shed (CA. 1900), Site AB1304-3B, and six other structures that are extremely deteriorated and overgrown, most of which date after 1940. It is probably associated with the Harper Farm Complex (Site AB1304). 18. ORIGINAL USE PRESENT USE Abandoned Residence 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER ADAPTIVE USE Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? YES NO 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY I YES. LIMITED YES, UNLIMITED NO UNKNOWN (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO 歯​NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION HARPER FARM 1/2 MI. SHED ABBEVILLE COUNTY ROAD 81 SHED MOBILE HOME ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD.93 B SHED SHEO SHED PORCH PORCH FRAME ADDIN ORIGINAL LOS CONSTRUCTION ORIGINAL LOG FRAME COTRUCTION PORCH ADDIN ADDN Significance This small dwelling is a fine example of an early one-room log cabin, later adapted for continued use. It is possible that this structure was constructed as a slave quarters or other dependency for the Harper Farm (Site AB1304), and later moved to its present location. The age, size and construction methods of the original structure closely parallel those of Site AB1304-2A, which may indicate that the two buildings were related and/or had similar uses. 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 2.2 miles to an unpaved private drive then south on the unpaved private drive then south on the unpaved drive .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO A B1 13 OAHP INVENTORY 04 3 B 2 Classification Shed 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT CA. 1900 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Shed Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 XXYES NO UNKNOWN Corps of Engineers (Demolition) OWNER 7. OWNER/ADMIN Estate of Douglas Featherstone 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS c/o R. B. Curry 201 N. Main Street Greenwood, South Carolina ADMIN 10. STATE COUNTY SIC COUNTY NAME Abbeville WW/VICINITY Lowndesville CONG. DIST. 29646 STATE SC COUNTY NAME CITY/VICITY Greenwood Greenwood 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER 09 COUNTY 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 81 and Abbeville County Road 65 in the town of Lowndesville, proceed southwest on Co. 65 3.0 miles to the intersection with Abbeville County Road 81, 14. UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 34 273 5 3 7 8 15 25 17 UTM ZONE EASTING SIGN 13. SPECIAL FEATURES (DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT SCALE 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1.24 125 OTHER 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED AFFILIATION CONG. DIST. NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT QUAD Lowndesville, S.C. GA NAME QUAD NAME 76 ALTERED 85 DEMOLISHED 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 16. INVENTORIED BY John L. Hopkins, Emily J. Harris Historic American Buildings Survey 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. 82 DESTROYED DATE May 1, 1979 Log shed, 10' (one bay) X 12'. Gable roof covered with sheetmetal, Gable roof covered with sheetmetal, small unhewn logs, V-notch joinery, horizontal sheathing covering spaces between logs, clapboard on gable end; foundations of logs directly on ground partially supported by bricks and fieldstone granite. Plan of one room. This structure is well preserved. It is associated with Site AB1304-3A, a log cabin with frame additions, and six other structures that are extremely deteriorated and overgrown, most of which date after 1940. PRESENT USE Abandoned 18. ORIGINAL USE Storage Shed 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER Unknown 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP, OR MORE? 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES W NO NO UNKNOWN ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT 1.D. NO N NAME NO 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION HARPER FARM 1/2 mi. ABBEVILLE COUNTY RD 81 ABBEVILLE COUNTY RO. 93 B. Significance This small shed exemplifies the survival of log construction techniques in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The late date is indicated by the use of V-notch joinery. XXNXKEEXOOXXNDENR) 11. (continued) then southwest on Co. 81 2.2 miles to an unpaved private drive, then south on the unpaved drive .1 mile to the site. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM TIM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification Spec. Struc. (Dam) 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Lake Secession Dam I 3. PRIORITY 7 9 5 0 OAHP INVENTORY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT II Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES NO UNKNOWN OWNER ADMIN I 7. OWNER/ADMIN 1940 City of Abbeville, S.C. 9. OWNER'S ADDRESS City Hall Abbeville, S.C. s Tc 10. STATE S COUNTY COUNTY NAME Abbeville 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) CITY/VICINITY Abbeville CONG DIST. 09 COUNTY NAME STATE 9 COUNTY CITY/VICINITY 12. EXISTING SURVEYS NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER LOCAL Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 284 and Abbeville County Road 72, proceed west on Co. 72 3.2 miles to the site located across the Rocky River 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING NORTHING 00 91680 EASTING NORTHING 3 5 11 8 0 0 37 91 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) CONG. DIST. NPS OTHER I CL6 INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:625 QUAD OTHER NAME SIGN SCALE 1:24 1:25 QUAD OTHER NAME 1. ZONNAL 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLIC GİYİNMƏ 2.5 15. CONDITION 16. INVENTORIED BY 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION JLH, EJH, DCJ HABS/HAER 17. DESCRIPTION and bacKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. May 24, 1979 MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS. ETC. Constructed in 1940, the Secession Lake Dam is a reinforced concrete multiple arch dam 85 feet high and 370 feet long. The structure consists of nine arch-rings supported on ten buttresses. The dam was built by J. Ray Pennell Co. for the city of Abbeville. The lake has a capacity of 90,000 acre feet and the dam is used for hydroelectric power. The reinforced concrete multiple arch dam was first built in California in 1908 and was an important American development in dam design subsequently used throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. The Secession Lake Dam is an excellent example of the structural form and the only one of its type known to exist in South Carolina. 18. ORIGINAL USE Dam PRESENT USE Dam ADAPTIVE USE Dam 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS. AND/OR OTHER Register of Dams in the United States, U.S. Committee of International Commission on Large Dams, 1963. 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 POP OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES. LIMITED YES, UNLIMITED YES NO NO ☐ UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION مفسر し ​ين شاد Dam S.C. Pte 22 Significance A regionally significant example of multiple arch dam construction. It is the oldest example of this kind Though not a dam of monumental proportions it is exceptional in terms of water power of construction in the state. development in the South. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 || | || FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2. Classification OAHP INVENTORY 3. PRIORITY 4. DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) Spec. Struc. (Dam) 7 9 0 0 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 YES Inundation OWNER NO UNKNOWN ADMIN 8. NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE Gregg Shoals Dam ca. 1905- 1907 7. OWNER/ADMIN Army Corps of Engineers 9. OWNER'S ADORERichard B. Russell Project P.0. Box 1050 Elberton, Ga. COUNTY NAME 30635 10. STATE COUNTY NAME GLA COUNTY Elbert 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET NO) CITY/VICINITY Elberton CONG DIST. STATE CITY/VICINITY S COUNTY Abbeville Calhoun Falls CONG DIST. 0 9 NR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 12. EXISTING SURVEYS Beginning at the intersection of Anderson County Road 56 & South Carolina State Highway 81 near the town of Iva, proceed southwest on Co. Rd. 36 5.7 miles to the site. Dam extends across the Savannah. 14. UTM ZONE 17 UTM ZONE EASTING 3 339 39 48 EASTING 0378 13. SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT NORTHING SIGN SCALE 78 6900 1:24 OTHER 1:62 5 QUAD NAME NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1:24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED 16. INVENTORIED BY AFFILIATION JLH, EJH, DCJ 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED HABS/HAER 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. May 24, 1979 In MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT, AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. This is the archaeologic remains of a dam constructed ca. 1905-1907. 1904 0.H. Sheffield and associates were authorized to construct this dam "for the purpose of developing water power for commercial and other purposes" (ACFS, State of Georgia, August 11, 1904). The dam was operated as a hydro-electric facility from 1907 to ca. 1940 by the Duke Power Company. It ceased production after 1940 because of its inability to create enough power for the region, and was replaced by Hartwell Dam ca. 1950. Gregg Shoals Dam was partially blown up by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in conjunction with construction of Hartwell Dam. The present site includes a small wood and rockfill crib dam perhaps used to facilitate construction of the original dam in 1905-1907 or perhaps indicative of 19th hydropower development at the site. According to informant evidence, the large bolts were placed on top of the dam after the flood of 1908 to support flashboards and extend the height of the dam, thereby increasing the (CONT OVER) 18. ORIGINAL USE Dam PRESENT USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES, PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER 20. URBAN AREA 50.000 POP. OR MORE? 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY YES, LIMITED YES. UNLIMITED YES NO NO UNKNOWN 24. LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? ADAPTIVE USE (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT 1.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION GA Significance *5* Dam A regionally significant water power site which is likely to yield important information about the development of hydropower in the South. It retains considerable integrity of design. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX depth of water behind it. The height of the reinforced concrete portions of the dam is approx. 10 feet above normal water level. ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 FHR-8-230 June 1978 Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation 1. SITE I.D. NO 2 Classification OAHP INVENTORY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240 NO UNKNOWN 3. PRIORITY 4 DANGER OF DEMOLITION? (SPECIFY THREAT) YES BT & A (Truss) 60 3 Inundation 5. DATE 6. GOVT SOURCE OF THREAT 8 NAME(S) OF STRUCTURE S.C. Route 187 7. OWNER/ADMIN ca. 1925 South Carolina DOT 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS South Carolina DOT Columbia, S.C. OWNER ADMIN 10. STATE SC COUNTY COUNTY NAME AMON Abbeville Lon CITY VICINITY Calhoun Falls CONG DIST. STATE COUNTY NAME CITY/VICINITY CONG 09 9 COUNTY DIST т 11. SITE ADDRESS (STREET & NO) Beginning at the intersection of South Carolina State Highway 184 and South Carolina State Highway 187, proceed south on State Highway 187 0.4 miles to the bridge. 12 EXISTING SURVEYS ONR NHL CONF HABS STATE HAER-I COUNTY HAER NPS CL6 LOCAL OTHER 13 SPECIAL FEATURES DESCRIBE BELOW) INTERIOR INTACT EXTERIOR INTACT ENVIRONS INTACT 14 UTM ZONE EASTING 17 7 3 UTM ZONE NORTHING 408 8 6 0 3 79 2 05 EASTING SIGN SCALE 2050 1:24 OTHER 1.625 QUAD NAME NORTHING SIGN SCALE 1 24 1625 QUAD OTHER NAME 15. CONDITION 16. INVENTORIED BY 70 EXCELLENT 71 GOOD 72 FAIR 73 DETERIORATED AFFILIATION 74 RUINS 75 UNEXPOSED 76 ALTERED 82 DESTROYED DATE 85 DEMOLISHED JLH, EJH, DCJ HABS/HAER 17. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND HISTORY, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATE(S). HISTORICAL DATE(S). PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS. MATERIALS. EXTANT EQUIPMENT. AND IMPORTANT BUILDERS. ENGINEERS, ETC. May 24, 1979 The structure is a single span, bolt connected Warren pony truss. It is 56'5" long and 21'6" wide and rests on reinforced concrete abuttments. There are foundations indicating the existence of two early bridges, both of which have been demolished. 18. ORIGINAL USE Bridge PRESENT USE Bridge ADAPTIVE USE 19. REFERENCES-HISTORICAL REFERENCES. PERSONAL CONTACTS, AND/OR OTHER "A Guide to Identifying and Dating Trusses" AASLH Technical Leaflet No. 95, T. Allan Comp and Donald C. Jackson. 20 URBAN AREA 50.000 21. HCRS Region 22. PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY POP. OR MORE? YES NO YES, LIMITED NO YES. UNLIMITED UNKNOWN 24 LOCATED IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT? (CONT OVER) (CONT OVER) 23. EDITOR INDEXER YES DISTRICT I.D. NO NO NAME 25. PHOTOS AND SKETCH MAP OF LOCATION Significance A locally significant example of an early 20th century bolted Warren pony truss. It has played a role in the local travel and commerce of the area. REFERENCES (CONTINUED) ABSTRACT HAER NO LC TECH REPORT HIST REPORT CONTEMP PHOTO HIST PHOTO CONTEMP DRWG HIST DRWG COLOR PLATE PHOTOGRAM SW FILM INT 4575-78 30 261AA BR5 46718 06/94 02-013-01 INFORMATIO CONSERVATION, INC. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANTHROPOLOGY DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD MUSEUMS LIBRARY 3 9015 06575 0856