1 F ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E-PLURIBUS UNUM TDEBOR SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM WA CIRCUMSPICE HOMOEOPATHIC LIBRARY. H616.03 J25€ KI MEDICAL LIBRARY. No..... S. A. JONES. M. D. O Samme Mons, Englener d St. M. D WORKS PUBLISHED BY HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE, FOREIGN BOOKSELLER TO THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS and The ROYAL SOCIETY. THE 219, REGENT STREET, LONDON. ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY, BY J. CRUVEILHIER, Professor d'Anatomie à la Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Atlas of 230 Plates, royal 8vo. Drawn from nature, by Messrs. Bonamy and Beau. A number, of Four Plates, with explanations, will appear regularly every month. Price 2s. 6d. plain. 5s. coloured. Extract from a letter of Professor Curveilhier to H. Baillière, dated, Paris, June 10, 1840. "Je declare que les Planches sont extremement remarquables par leur exactitude, et par les soins avec lesquelles elles sont executées, je me propose d'y renvoyer tou- jours dans (LA 2° EDITION DE) MON ANATOMIE DESCRIPTIVE!" (Signed) J. CRUVEILHIER. THE ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY, BY J. CURVEILHIER. 2nd Edition, in One large vol. 8vo. of text will be published immediately after the appear- ance of the Paris Edition. THE PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY, BY JAMES SYME, Professor of Clinical Surgery to the University of Edinburgh, and Surgeon in ordinary to the Queen. Third Edition, remodelled and much enlarged, and Illustrated with Plates and many Wood-Cuts in the Text. 1 vol. 8vo. GEOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS, Comprising a familiar exposition of the Elements of Geology and its Associate Sciences, Mineralogy, Fossil Conchology, Fossil Botany, and Palæontology. 1 vol. post. 8vo. illustrated by many Wood.cuts. BY C. F. RICHARDSON, F.G.S. 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NOUVELLES CONVERSATIONS FRANCAISES, ANGLAISES, ET ALLEMANDES. By Messrs. FLUGEL AND SPORGELL. London, 1837. 39. 6d. NOUVELLES CONVERSATIONS FRANCAISES ET ANGLAISES, Par M. BONIFACE, 15ème Edition, Revue et Corrigée, Londres, 1840. Price 2s. 6d. OBSERVATIONS ON THE TREATMENT, MEDICAL AND MECHANICAL OF STONE IN THE BLADDER. By R. WILLIS, M.D. In a small volume 8vo. preparing for publication. MANUAL OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE. TRANSLATED FROM THE THIRD EDITION OF G. H. G. JAHR, BY J. LAURIE, M.D. WITH A PREFACE BY P. CURIE, M.D. Part Second. THERAPEUTICAL AND SYMPTOMATOLOGICAL REPERTORY, OR ALPHABETICAL TABLES OF THE PRINCIPAL SYMPTOMS AND HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, WITH CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. VOL. II. LONDON: HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE, PUBLISHER, 219, REGENT STREET. Thomas Hurst, 5, Saint Paul's Church Yard. LEIPZIG: T. O. WEIGEL. 1841. On account of the augmentation of the matter of the Second Volume, the Publishers are under the necessity of raising the price to 15s. LONDON: PRINTED BY SCHULZE AND CO., 13, POLAND STREET. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMATIC HOMEOPATHY, WITH CLINICAL REMARKS. CHAPTER I. INTERNAL GENERAL AFFECTIONS. SECTION I.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ABSCESS (INTERNAL).--Abscess in the internal organs re- quires generally the same treatment, as when it takes place in the external organs. (See Chap. II.) ADENITIS.-See GLANds. ANASARCA.-See Chap. II. ANŒMIA.—The best medicines are in general: Calc. carb-v. chin. cin. fer. hep. kal. lyc. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. sep. sil. staph. sulph. verat. If this state arises from debilitating losses, whether of blood or any other humours, the most eligible medicines are: Chin. n-vom. and sulf. or else: Calc. carb-v. cin. phos-ac. staph. and sulph. When caused by VIOLENT ACUTE DISEASES, recourse may be had to Calc. carb-v. chin. hep. kal. natr. natr-m. n-vom. and veratr. See also: CHLOROSIS, WEAKNESS, SCURVY, &c. ANEURISM.-The medicines, which have been hitherto em- ployed most successfully, are; Carb-v. lach. and lyc. and also : Guaj. pulsat. and sulph.-In some cases recourse may be had to: Calc. caust, and graph. or else to: Amb. arn. ars. fer. natr-m. zinc. APOPLEXY.-See Chap. VI. ARSENIC (Effects from abuse of).-See Chap. XXVI. VOL. II. B 2 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. ARTHRITIS or GOUT.-The medicines which have been found most efficacious in arthritic affections, are generally: Acon. ant. ars. bell. bry. calc. caus. chin. cocc. coloc. fer. guaj. hep. iod. led. mang. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhod. sabin. sass. sulph. and in some cases perhaps: Canth. chel. cic. colch. con. daph. dulc. men. merc. stann. tart. and thuy. For ACUTE arthritis, the principal medicines are: Acon. ant. ars. bell, bry, chin. fer. hep. n-vom. puls. For CHRONIC arthritis, besides the preceding: Calc. caus. coloc. guaj. iod. mang. phos-ac. rhod. sass. sulph. For arthritis VAGA, principally: Arn. mang. n-mos. n-vom. puls. or else: Asa. daph. plum. and rhod. Arthritic NODOSITIES require especially: Agn. ant. bry. calc. carb-v. graph. led. n-vom. rhod, and staph., or perhaps also Aur. dig. lyc. phos. sabin. sep. sil. zinc. Arthritic contractions are often relieved by: Bry. caus. guaj, sulph.; and calc. coloc. rhus. sil. thuy. may be also employed. Recourse may be had to the same medicines against arthritic PRECURSORS and METASTASES: but the PRECURSORS will be often successfully combated by nux-vom. and recent METAS- TASES by bellad.—See, also, ARTHRITIC CEPHALALGIA, OPH- THALMIA, &c. In arthritic affections of persons addicted to SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS: Acon. calc. n-vom. sulph. may be preferred, or else: Ars. chin. hep. iod. lach. led. puls. For those who live on too SUCCULENT food, principally: Ant. calc. iod. puls. and sulph. For persons who WORK IN THE WATER, especially: Calc. puls. sass. and sulph., or else also: Ant. ars. dulc. n-mos. and rhus. : As to particular indications which may direct to the choice of any individual medicine, it is necessary, especially in CHRO- NIC ARTHRITIS, to attend to the TOTALITY OF THE CONSTI- TUTIONAL SYMPTOMS, to the state of the stomach, intestines, lungs, brain, &c. For the different pains and other symptoms which accompany ACUTE ARTHRITIS, See and compare RHEU- MATISM. ARTHROCACE.-Coloc. and phos-ac. have been principally re- commended against that morbid state, which sometimes accom- panies chronic inflammations of the joints. Perhaps Calc. hep. sil. and sulph. may be also employed. ASPHYXIA or APPARENT DEATH.-Homœopathic medicines may be administered in almost all cases, either by putting some globules on the tongue of the patient, or by dissolving them in water, and applying them in the form of a clyster. It is clearly understood that mechanical aid ought not to be neglected, but SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 3 phlebotomy, which in the majority of cases only injures, ought to be avoided. If asphyxia is caused by a fall, arn. may be used, especially if the patient has not been bled. In the contrary case, or if con- siderable loss of blood has been occasioned by the fall itself, it will be better to administer china first, and arnica afterwards. When asphyxia is the result of SUFFOCATION, in consequence of STRANGULATION, opium should be employed: when it arises from DELETERIOUS GASSES, opium, or perhaps also, aconit. or bellad.; and in case of DROWNING, lachesis should be princi- pally used. When asphyxia has been caused by CONGELATION, Ars. carb-v. or acon. and bryon. may be opposed to the sufferings which succeed resuscitation. If asphyxia has been produced by LIGHTNING, n-vom. should be administered in preference to any other medicine, and the patient should be placed, half-sitting, half-lying, in newly excavated earth, with which the whole body should be covered, except the face, which must be turned towards the sun, until the first signs of life exhibit themselves. When asphyxia occurs in new born infants, tart. or opium, or chin. ought to be administered. ATROPHY.—(EMACIATION).—See ATROPHY OF CHILDREN, HECTIC FEVER, TABES DORSALIS, MARASMUS SENILIS, PHTHISIS and SCROFULA. ATROPHY OF CHILDREN.-The best medicines that can be opposed to atrophy of SCROFULOUS CHILDREN, are: Sulph. fol- lowed by calc. and also: Ars. bar-c. bell. chin. cin. n-vom. phos. and rhus, or else: Arn. cham. hep. iod. lach. magn. petr. phos. and puls. Amongst these medicines, the preference may be given to ARSENICUM, when the following symptoms are observed: Dryness of the skin, which resembles parchment; hollow eyes, surrounded by a livid circle; anorexia or vomiting of food; Desire to drink often, but little at a time; excessive agitation and tossing, especially at night; short sleep, interrupted by starts and convulsive jerks; oedematous swelling of the face; loose fæces of a greenish or brownish colour, with evacuation of ingesta; fatigue, with want to remain continually in a recumbent pos- ture; coldness of the hands and feet; palpitation of the heart; nocturnal perspiration. BARYTA, when the symptoms are: Enlargement of the glands of the nape of the neck and of the neck; great physical debility; continued desire to sleep; bloatedness of the body and face, with distension of the abdomen; great indolence and aversion to all B 2 4 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. sorts of corporeal and intellectual exertion, and also to amuse- ment; mental absence, inattention and weakness of memory. Belladonna, when the symptoms are: Frequent colic, with unnoticed evacuations; Capriciousness and obstinacy; nocturnal cough with rattling of mucus; enlargement of the glands of the neck; unquiet sleep or sleeplessness; aversion to movement and to the open air; nervous excitability; precocity of intellect; blue eyes and fair hair. CALCAREA, when there are: Great emaciation with decided appetite; hollow and wrinkled countenance; dull eyes; enlargement and induration of the mesenteric glands; excessive weakness, with general feeling of fatigue after the least exertion, and fre- quently with profuse perspiration; frequent diarrhæa, or eva- cuations like clay; dry and flabby skin; dry and brittle hair; fre- quent palpitation of the heart; shiverings; pain in the small of the back; too great susceptibility of the nervous system; dread of all movement. CHINA; excessive emaciation, especially of the hands and feet; œdematous swelling of the abdomen; voraciousness; diarr- hæa, especially at night, with evacuation of ingesta, or frequent whitish evacuations of the consistence of pap; frequent pers- pirations, especially at night; indolence and apathy; hollow, pale, or earthy countenance; stupifying or unrefreshing sleep; great weakness and falling away. CINA, when there are: Vermiculous sufferings, pale face, wett- ing the bed, and great voracity. NUX-VOMICA, when there are: Yellowish, earthy complexion; puffed face; obstinate constipation, or constipation, alternately with diarrhea; enlargement of the abdomen, with borborygmus; decided hunger and appetite, with frequent vomiting of food; constant occasion to lie down ; dread of the open air; ill-humour, irascibility and passion; excitability of the nervous system. PHOSPHORUS, principally in the case of young girls with light hair, blue eyes, delicate skin, tall stature, and especially when there is a cachetic cough, diarrhea, and frequent and colliquative perspiration, great weakness, with ebullition of blood, palpitation of the heart, or oppression at the chest, on the least movement. RHUS, when there is great weakness, with constant incli- nation to lie down; pale face, hard and distended abdomen; violent thirst; slimy or sanguineous diarrhæa; decided appetite. STAPHYSAGKIA, when the symptoms are: Enlargement and distension of the abdomen, voracious appetite; retarded eva- cuations; enlargement of the sub-maxillary glands and of those of the neck; frequent or continued coryza, with scabs in the SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 5 nostrils; skin easily ulcerated; fetid perspiration at night; frequent furunculi. SULPHUR, in almost all cases, at the commencement of treat- ment, and especially when there are: Decided hunger, easy pers- piration; enlargement of the inguinal or axillary glands, or of those of the neck; hard and distended abdomen; rattling of mucus in the respiratory organs; fluent coryza; frequent slimy diarrhea, or obstinate constipation; oppression at the chest; palpitation of the heart; pale complexion, wan countenance, sunken eyes; stitches and shootings in the chest and sides, &c. For the remainder of the medicines that have been quoted, See the Pathogenesy of these medicines, and compare: HECTIC FEVER, PHTHISIS and SCROFULA. BACK (Strain in the small of the).—See MECHANICAL INJURIES, Chap. II. BONES.-See OSTITIS and other diseases of the bones. CARIES.-See OSTITIS and other diseases of the bones. CATALEPSY.-See SPASMS. CATARRHAL Affections.-See the organs in which they are situated. CHAMOMILE (Sufferings from abuse of).—See Chap. XXVI. CHILL or COLD (Effects from a).-The principal medicines are, in general: Acon. coff. cham. dulc. merc. n-vom. puls. and sulph. and also: Ars. bry, calc. carb-v. ipec. and sil. If the affections caused by a chill, are ACUTE and PAINFUL, it will be necessary to employ especially: Acon. ars. bell. cham. coff. n-vom. and puls.; but when there is, on the contrary, little pain, dulc. and ipec. will be found suitable in the majority of cases. OBSTINATE OF CHRONIC sufferings caused by a chill, mostly require: Carb-veg. calc. silic. and sulph. The effects of a chill IN THE water, or of COLD, DAMP AIR, require principally: Calc. dulc. puls. and sulph., or else: Ars. carb-veg. nux-mos. rhus. and sassap.; and: Antim. calc. carb- veg. and sulph. may be employed against sufferings brought on by bathing. Chills in the stomach, caused by partaking of ices, fruits, or acids, generally yield to puls. or ars. The effects of an ERUPTION SUPPRESSED BY A CHILL demand in preference ipec. or bryon.; those of a SUPPRESSED RHEUM: Chin. or lach. or puls. ; and those of CHECKED PERSPIRATION: Bell. bry. cham. chin. dulc. or silic.; while in the case of per- sons who are apt to take cold, in consequence of PERSPIRING FREELY : Carb-v. chin. hep. merc. phosph-ac. will frequently succeed. A DISPOSITION to suffer too easily from a chill, will be most 6 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. effectually combated by carb-v. calc. and sil. administered at intervals of six, eight, or ten weeks, provided that the consti- tution and other affections of the patient do not exhibit a closer affinity to Bell. chin. coff. dulc. and n-vom. The medicines which merit a preference in the case of per- sons, who suffer from the slightest exposure to COLD air, are especially Bryon, calc. carb-veg. merc. rhus-tox. and veratr. ; and also: nux-vom, or cham. when the least breath of cold air causes shiverings; and arsen. if cold air generally produces pain. Great SENSITIVENESS TO WIND is overcome, especially by by carb-veg. lach. or lycop. Sensibility to CURRENTS OF AIR is subdued by: Bell. calc. silic. and sulph., and that to the COOL EVENING AIR, by: Carb-veg. merc. and sulph. A remedy is generally found for chills caused by BOISTEROUS and DAMP WEATHER, in Calc. carb-veg. dulc. lach. rhodod. rhus. or veratr.; for those caused by STORMY WEATHER, in: Bryon. rhod. silic.; for those produced by a CHANGE OF WEATHER in : Calc. carb-veg. dulc. lach, merc. rhus. silic. sulph. and veratr. (When the weather changes FROM HEAT TO COLD, dulc. is often especially preferable; while a change FROM COLD TO HEAT is often more successfully encountered by carb-veg.) Chills in SPRING often require: carb-veg. rhus. and veratr. ; those in SUMMER principally: Bell. bryon. carb veg. and dulc.; those in AUTUMN especially: Merc. rhus. and veratr. Chills felt in WINTER require especially, when it is a DRY COLD: Acon. bell. bryon. or cham. ipec. nux-vom. and sulph.; when it is a DAMP COLD: Dulc. and veratr. will be oftener found suitable. With respect to particular affections caused by a chill, a pre- ference should be given to : ACONITUM, when there are: Odontalgia, prosopalgia, or other neuralgia, with head-ache, congestion of blood in the head, humming in the ears, pain in the limbs, as if beaten, violent, feverish heat, discouragement, with agitation and tos- sing, &c. ANTIMONIUM, against pains in the head or gastric sufferings, with want of appetite, nausea, disgust, &c. ARNICA, against pains in the limbs, rheumatic or arthritic sufferings. ARSENICUM, especially in cases of asthmatic or gastric suf- fering, with pains in the stomach. Belladonna, against: Head-ache, affected, confused sight; sore-throat, gastric sufferings, coryza, feverish heat, &c. BRYONIA, against: Convulsive cough, with vomiturition; pains in the limbs, diarrhæa, &c. SECT. I, CLINICAL REMARKS. 17. CALCAREA, against: Obstinate pains in the limbs, aggravated by every change of weather, or by working in the water. CARBO VEG. When there are: A hollow, obstinate cough, with vomiting; asthmatic sufferings, pain in the chest, &c. CHAMOMILLA, against: Cephalalgia, odontalgia, otalgia, or other excessively painful neuralgia, with agitation, tossing, dis- position to be angry, violent feverish heat, moist cough (espe- cially in children), painful cholic, with diarrhæa, &c. COCCULUS, against: Gastric sufferings. COFFEA, when there are: Odontalgia or other neuralgia, with disposition to weep, too great sensibility to every pain, sleep- lessness, &c. DULCAMARA, when there are: Head-ache, affections of the sight or hearing, odontalgia, sore-throat, gastric sufferings, moist cough, painless diarrhæa, pains in the limbs, or fever. HEPAR, when there are: Ophthalmia, or odontalgia, or ob- stinate pains in the limbs. IPECACUANHA, when there are: Gastric affections, nausea with desire to vomit; convulsive cough, with vomiting, asth- matic sufferings, &c. MERCURIUS, against: Pains in the limbs, sore-throat, affec- tion of the eyes, odontalgia, otalgia, painful diarrhæa, or also dysenteric evacuations. NUX-VOM., when there are: Fever, dry coryza, with obstruc- tion of the nose, dry cough, dysenteric evacuations, or slimy, painful diarrhæa. PHOSPHORIC AC., when there are: Obstinate, rheumatic pains, or cough excited by the slightest chill. PULSATILLA, against: Fluent coryza, moist cough, otalgia, fever, diarrhæa, &c.; and especially in the case of pregnant women. RHUS. against: Tooth-ache, or pains in the limbs. SILICEA, against: Obstinate pains in the limbs, aggravated by a change of weather. SULPHUR, when there are: Obstinate pains in the limbs; colic; slimy diarrhea; cold in the head or chest, with copious secretions, affection of the eyes; confused sight; otalgia, odon- talgia, &c. For the rest of the medicines cited, see the patho- genesy, and for the other remedies, which may be used, See Sect. 2. Articles CHILL, SENSIBILITY TO COLD AIR, TO WIND, &c. Compare also the different affections, such as: CEPHA- LALGIA, ODONTALGIA, RHEUMATISM, &c. &c., in their respective chapters. CHLOROSIS.-See Chap. XX. CHOLERA.-See Chap. XVI. & CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. CHOREA.-Sec SPASM. COFFEE (Sufferings from the abuse of).-The best medicines are in general: Cham. cocc. ign. and nux-vom., and also in some cases: Bell. carb-v. merc. rhus. puls. and sulph. Among these medicines, a preference may be given to : CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Head-ache or tooth-ache; exces- sive sensibility to the least pain, with cries and tears; pains in the stomach, which are removed for a time by the use of coffee; violent colic; great anguish in the pit of the stomach, with a sensation, as if the heart would be crushed. COCCULUS, when there are: Weakness, with perspiration, on every movement, and trembling of the limbs; starts during sleep; flushes of heat; tooth-ache when eating; sensation of emptiness in the head; gastralgia; excessive sadness and anguish; aggravation of all the sufferings in the open air, from movement, from eating or drinking, from sleep and from tobacco-smoke. IGNATIA, against: Head-ache, as if a nail were driven into the brain, or pressure outwards in the forehead, or with pul- sations in the head, mitigated by stooping; weakness; sensation of emptiness and insipidity in the pit of the stomach; spas- modic colic; soreness or numbness of the limbs; changeable disposition; at one time gaity, at another time tearfulness. NUX-VOMICA, when there are: Sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, excitability of the whole nervous system; semi-lateral head-ache, or head-ache, as if caused by a nail in the brain, aggra- vated by stooping or walking, and also in the open air; tooth- ache; gastralgia, which is aggravated by partaking of coffee; excessive sensibility to the open air; lively and choleric tem- perament. For the other medicines, See, in the particular organs, the affections which are caused by abuse of coffee. The CHRONIC consequences often yield to merc. or sulph., if cham. nux-vom. or ign. are insufficient. CONGESTIONS (SANGUINEOUS.)-See the organs which are liable to be attacked by them. CONSTITUTION AND TEMPERAMENT.—We have given, under the heads of the several medicines, some general ideas of the different constitutions and temperaments, to which they are respectively suitable. When bringing them, in this reper- tory, under a single view (See Sect. 3, CHARACTERS), we have still further increased them; but we cannot refrain from warning the homoeopathic student against the inconvenience that must result from basing the choice of medicines on these indications, which are so incomplete that they will lead him into error, if a due consideration of the totality of symptoms be neglected. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 9 CONTRACTIONS.-See ARTHRITIS and RHEUMATISM. CYANOSIS.-See Chap. XXIII. DANCE (ST. VITUS').-See SPASMS. DEBILITY (WEAKNESS).—In many cases, debility is, it is true, only a symptom of another disease, with the cure of which strength returns. But debility is often also the fundamental source of several sufferings, and especially when it is occa- sioned by loss of humours, excessive coition, violent acute dis- eases, and other debilitating causes; and in such cases it must be combated by means suited to the general state. The most efficacious remedy for debility, arising from LOSS OF HUMOURS, is china, but recourse may be often had also to; Calc. carb-v. cin. laches. n-vom. phosph-ac. sulph. and veratr. One of the first remedies for debility, caused by EXCESSIVE COITION, is also found in china; but if the malady is chronic, and the cause has exercised its influence on the patient for a long time; it will be necessary to have recourse to other medi- cines, such as: Calc. n-vom. phos-ac. sil. staph. and sulph., or else again to: Arn. anac. carb-v. con. merc. natr-m. phos. and sep. Calc. is especially indicated, if coition is invariably fol- lowed by great lassitude, trembling of the legs, fatigue and pain in the head. Staphys. if the patient is much distressed on account of his or her culpable excess, with asthmatic suf- ferings after coition, and hypochondriacal humour. In the majority of cases, the consequences of MASTUR- BATION require: N-vom. followed by sulph. and calc., if chin. phos-ac. or staph. prove insufficient, Carb-v. con. cocc. natr-m. n-mosch. and phos. will also be often found useful. The best medicines, to remedy an inclination for this vice, are: Sulph. and calc., and also: chin. cocc. merc. and phos., or perhaps also: Ant. carb-v. plat. puls. The most efficacious medicines for debility, when it is the result of violent ACUTE DISEASES, are: Chin. hep. sil. and veratr. or else, calc. kal. natr-m. phos-ac. and sulph.-Chin. is espe- cially beneficial in the first instance, when the patient has been copiously bled. A remedy is frequently found for debility, arising from the rapid growth of young persons, in phos-ac. See also this same article, Sect. 2.-For HYSTERICAL AND NERVOUS DEBILITY, See HYSTERICAL sufferings (Chap. XXII.) and NERVOUS excitability. DROPSY.-The medicines which have been hitherto most suc- cessfully employed against dropsy, are: Ars. chin. dig. dulc. hell. kal. led. lyc. merc. and sulph., and also: Bry. camph. canth. convolv. fer. lact. phos. prun. rhus. samb. sep. sol-nig. squil. B 3 10 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. Dropsical affections, caused by REPERCUSSION OF EXAN- THEMATA, have been cured especially by: Ars. dig. hell. rhus. and sulph. Those resulting from INTERMITTENT FEVERS, by: Ars. dulc, fer. mer. sol-nig. and sulph. Those arising from DEBILITATING LOSSES, by: Chin. fer. merc. and sulph. Those of persons addicted to drinking SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, by: Ars. chin. hell. led. rhus. and sulph. And those caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY, have usually yielded to Chin. dulc. hell. and sulph. : The medicines that have been generally employed against this disease, are: ARSENICUM, against anasarca, hydrothorax, ascites and œdema in the feet, and especially when they are accompanied by an earthy, or pale, and greenish colour of the skin, especially in the face; excessive weakness and general prostration of strength; dryness and redness of the tongue; much thirst; asthmatic suf- ferings, with attacks of suffocation when lying on the back, coldness of the extremities, tearing pains in the back, loins, and extremities. BRYONIA, against anasarca and ædema in the feet, with in- crease of the swelling by day, diminution at night. CAMPHORA, against anasarca, with red urine which deposits a thick sediment. CANTHARIDES, against dropsical affections, coeval with atonia of the urinary organs, stragury, tenesmus of the cervix vesica, pains in the limbs, chronic coryza, &c. CHINA, against anasarca and ascites, also in women advanced in years. This medicine is especially suitable if there are organic injuries of the liver or spleen, although arsenic and fer. are also adapted to these cases. CONVOLVULUS, against adematous swellings of all kinds, and also against other dropsical affections, with constipation, abdo- minal sufferings and debility. DIGITALIS, against ascites, anasarca, and hydrothorax, espe- cially with organic affection of the heart and quick pulse. DULCAMARA, against anasarca, and especially after perspi- ration has been suppressed by cold, damp air, or when there is violent nocturnal heat, with great agitation, scanty and offen- sive urine, thirst, anorexia, decay, empty risings, &c. HELLEBORUS, against anasarca, ascites, hydrothorax, &c.; especially against acute dropsy, and when there are great debi- lity, coma somnolentum, febrile symptoms, shooting pains in the extremities, loose gelatinous evacuations, secretion of urine almost suppressed, &c. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 11 KALI, against ascites, and other dropsical affections, also in aged women. LACTUCA, against anasarca, with excessive swelling of the feet, abdomen, and eyelids. LEDUM, against dropsy, with pains in all the limbs and dry- ness of the skin. MERCURIUS, against ascites, hydrothorax, and acute or chro- nic anasarca, sometimes with hepatic affections, oppression at the chest, general heat and perspiration; continued short and shaking cough; anguish, &c. PHOSPHORUS, against dropsy, with œdematous swelling of the hands, feet, and face. PRUNUS, against ascites and general dropsy. RHUS, SAMBUCUS, and SOLANUM NIGRUM, against general dropsy. For other medicines which may be also used: See Sect. 2, DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, and compare: ANASARCA, ASCITES, HYDRARTHRA, HYDROCELE, HYDROCEPHALUS, HY- DROTHORAX, &c., in their respective chapters. DRUNKENNESS and bad effects from ABUSE OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS. The best medicines are, in general: Acon. ant. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. chin. coff. hyos. lach. merc. natr. n-vom, op. puls. stram. sulph. The principal medicines against the actual state of INTOX- ICATION, are: Acon. bell. coff. and op. Against the effects of a DEBAUCH, especially: Ant. carb-v. coff. and n-vom. Against Chronic effects of drunkenness in general: Ars. bell. calc. chin. coff. hyos. lach. merc. natr. n-vom. puls. sulph. Against DELIRIUM TREMENS in particular: Ars. bell. calc. coff. hyos. n-vom. op. stram. Against an INCLINATION for drunkenness: Ars. calc. ach merc. sulph, and sulph-ac. In all cases a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, if after having drunk too much wine, there exists feverish heat, congestion in the head, redness of the face and eyes, and also loss of reason. ANTIMONIUM, if the consequences of the debauch are, gastric sufferings, and especially disgust, nausea, anorexia, and if carb-v. is found insufficient. ARSENICUM, if there appear in drunkards, mental alienation, with great anguish, which allows no rest whatever, fear of robbers, of spectres, and of solitude, with desire to hide, trembling of the limbs, &c. Belladonna, if in the case of drunkards, or in consequence of one excess, there be found: Loss of reason, with delirium, and 12 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. visions of mice; redness and bloatedness of the face; tongue loaded with mucus; aversion to meat; sleeplessness; stammer- ing, with constant smiling; sensation of dryness in the throat, with difficult deglutition; violent thirst; attacks of violent febrile heat, &c. CALCAREA, if there is frightful delirium, with visions of fire, murder, rats, and mice, and if neither bell. nor stram. is suffi- cient. CARBO VEG., if in consequence of a debauch, there are pres- sive or pulsative cephalalgia, mitigated in the open air; nausea, without desire to vomit; liquid and pale fæces. CHINA, against symptoms of debility in drunkards, and espe- cially if there are dropsical affections at the same time. COFFEA, if after having drunk too much wine (especially in children), there appear: moral excitability, too much gaity, sleeplessness, vomiturition and also vomiting; or if there are, in consequence of a debauch, head-ache, as if a nail were driven into the brain, and if nux-vom. be not sufficient. Coff. is also efficacious against trembling of the hands, in drunkards. HYOSCYAMUS, if in consequence of drunkenness, there are epi- leptic convulsions; sleeplessness, with continued delirium; deli- rium, with visions of persecutors and desire to run away, trem- bling of the extremities, &c. LACHESIS, against weakness and trembling of the hands, in drunkards, and especially if the patient experiences much diffi- culty in correcting his evil propensity. MERCURIUS, against the infirmities of drunkards, who have, at the same time, indulged in an abuse of coffee, and especially if neither n-vom. nor sulph. are found to be sufficient. NATRUM, against debility and dyspepsia in drunkards. NUX-VOм., if the symptoms, excited by a debauch, are: Semi-lateral cephalalgia, as if a nail were driven into the brain, aggravated in the open air, by walking, movement, meditation and stooping; nausea, with desire to vomit and vomiturition ; constipation, or else slimy evacuations with tenesmus; vertigo; red eyes, with blearedness in the canthi; photophobia; cough- ing, &c.; or if there are, in drunkards, congestion in the head, confusion or loss of consciousness, with delirium, frightful visions and desire to run away; great anguish, which allows no rest in any position, sometimes with the hands and feet cold and clammy; nausea, pituita from the stomach, or vomiting of food or of bitter substances; sleeplessness or half sleep, with starts, fright, and anxious dreams; constipation, or loose and scanty evacuations; trembling of the limbs, want of strength, &c.- Nux-vom. is also especially suitable in the case of drunkards, who have, at the same time, indulged in an abuse of coffee. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 13 OPIUM, if after having taken too much wine, or else in drunkards, there are: Lethargic sleep with snoring, or anxious delirium, with visions of mice, scorpions, &c., fear and desire to run away, or a succession of dreams, from which the patient wakes, when spoken to in a loud voice; constipation, dyspnea, general perspiration, convulsions, and epileptic spasms, trembling of the limbs, trismus, and jerkings of the muscles of the face and mouth, and fixed look; deep redness of the face, &c. PULSATILLA, against the effects of a debauch, with indi- gestion, and especially when there are cloudiness of the head, with heaviness in the forehead, mitigated in the open air, nau- sea, especially after eating and drinking, sour regurgitations, tongue loaded with mucus, &c., and especially when it is known that sulphur had been employed in the preparation of the wine which had been taken. STRAMONIUM, if, in drunkards, there are anguish, which drives from side to side, with laconic speech, uncertain look, fear and desire to run away; epileptic convulsions and mania, red, hot, and puffed face; delusions of sensation (as if, for in- stance, the body were cut in two, &c.) SULPHUR, against trembling, dropsical affections, and many other infirmities of drunkards; and also for drunkards, who have, at the same time, indulged in an abuse of coffee. ESCLAMPSIA.-See SPASMS. EXERTION (Effects of over-).-—-See FATIGUE. EMOTIONS (Sufferings caused by MORAL).—The best medi- cines against these sufferings are, in general: Acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. hyos. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. staph. stram. verat. Effects produced by FRIGHT or FEAR, yield most frequently to: Acon. bell. hyos. ign. lach. op. puls. samb. veratr. Effects arising from too great Jox, require in preference: Coff. or op. Those resulting from VEXATION or AFFLICTION, principally call for : Ign. phos-ac. staphys., or else also: Ars. graph. and lach. Those caused by NOSTALGIA, require especially: Capsic. merc. phos-ac. and perhaps also: Carb-an. or uur. Those from DISAPPOINTED LOVE: Hyos. ignat. phos-ac. Those from MORTIFICATION, (Wounded self-love): Bell. coloc. ign. plat. puls. staph. Those from CONTRADICTION, or from being in A PASSION, especially Acon. bry. cham. coloc. n-vom. plat. staph. to: : Among these medicines, the preference should be given ACONITUM, when there are: Head-ache, febrile heat, conges- 14 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. tion in the head, great fear, (especially in children); or if, after a FRIGHT, recourse could not be immediately had to opium. Belladonna, when there are: Mental alienation, or conti- nued anguish, with fear, cries, tears and naughtiness (in children), and especially if aconit. or opium have proved insuf- ficient to remove the bad effects caused by fear. BRYONIA, when there are: Coldness and shivering over the whole body, great irascibility, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and bilious sufferings, in consequence of the indulgence of passion. CAPSICUM, if nostalgia produces sleeplessness with redness. and heat in the cheeks. CHAMOMILLA, when in consequence of a fit of passion, there are: Bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiturition and vo- miting of bilious matter, gripings; diarrhæa; pressure at the pit of the stomach and in the stomach; head-ache; fever with heat, thirst, redness of the face and eyes, anguish and inquie- tude; jaundice; cough; palpitation of the heart; short breath, pulmonary spasms and fits of choking; or if, in children, there are convulsions and asthmatic sufferings; or if, after a fit of passion, the patient has eaten or drunk, and suffers in conse- quence from indigestion. COFFEA, if, in consequence of excessive Joy, the nervous system is violently affected, and if there are trembling, tendency to fainting, especially in women and children; or if, after a fit of passion, the patient has taken an infusion of camomile. COLOCYNTHIS, when in consequence of Indignation or Morti- fication, there are: Spasmodic colic, cramps in the calves of the legs, nausea, bitter taste and vomiting, sleeplessness, &c. HEPAR, if children cry for a long time, in consequence of a fit of passion, without allowing themselves to be quieted, and if bellad, is insufficient to relieve them. Hyoscyamus, when there appear as sequelæ of Fear: Dul- ness, obstructed deglutition, convulsions, involuntary starts or laughter during sleep, desire to run away, &c. And when in consequence of disappointed love, there are jealousy, delirium, &c. IGNATIA, against the effects of Fright, or Mortification, Af- fliction, or Grief, especially after the loss of a friend or relation, or when caused by disappointed love, and if there are: Deep, consuming and insurmountable grief, vomiting, gastric suffer- ings, head-ache, vertigo, pale face, or perhaps also convulsions or epileptic fits, especially in children, resulting from fright or fear. MERCURIUS, against recent or chronic consequences of a Fright, or Mortification, and also against Nostalgia, and espe- cially if there are great anxiety, and trembling, and agitation, especially at night, ebullition of blood on the least exertion, SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 15 sleeplessness, inability to endure the warmth of the bed; great nervous susceptibility, quarrelsome disposition, which causes one to complain of the whole world, and even of one's friends; desire to run away, continued shivering, perspiration during the whole night. NUX-VOм., against the effects of a Fit of Passion, with general coldness, and when bryonia has not been sufficient, or if the patient has taken an infusion of camomile, or has eaten or drunk, after flying into a passion, and chamom. has not been able to effect a complete recovery. OPIUM, if it can be administered immediately after a shock sustained from Fear or Joy, and especially when there are: Pains in the forehead, stupefaction, or even loss of conscious- ness, heat and perspiration on the head, with coldness in the body, congestion of blood in the head, sour risings or vomitings, great anguish and heaviness in the abdomen; diarrhea, or unnoticed evacuations, oppression in the chest and dyspnea; syncope; convulsive, or else epileptic fits; trembling, cries, or lethargic sleep, with snorings; spasmodic rigidity of the body; in- ternal heat, with coldness of the body and cold perspiration, &c. PHOSPHORI AC., against the effects of Deep Regret or Disap- pointed Love, or Nostalgia, and lastly, in all cases in which ignatia is insufficient, and especially when there are taciturnity, laconic speech; dulness and stupidity; falling off of the hair, or when it becomes grey; hectic fever, with profuse perspira- tion in the morning; continued desire to sleep, &c. PLATINA, if in consequence of Passion or Mortification, there are: Indifference, sadness alternately with laughter; pride with contempt for others; great anguish and fear of death, and especially if, in women, the uterine system is affected at the same time. PULSATILLA, against the effects of Fear, which is cha- racterized by diarrhea, with heat in the abdomen and cold- ness in the limbs; or against the effects of a Fit of Passion, in persons who are ordinarily of a mild disposition, or if the patient has taken camomile in a ptisan, or has eaten or drunk, and if cham. has not been sufficient to restore health. SAMBUCUS, if, in consequence of Fright or Fear, there are: General coldness of the body, trembling, convulsive jerkings, oppression on the chest, lethargic sleep with snoring, and when op. has not been able to contend successfully against that state. STAPHYSAGRIA, against the effects of a Fit of Passion, and especially if there are: Indignation and anger to such a pitch as to cause the patient to fling violently whatever is held in the 16 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. hand, or to push in every direction the objects that lie before him (on the table); ill-humour, inquietude and fear ; -or if, in consequence of Deep Grief, there are: Sadness, with a disposi- tion to take every thing in bad part, great fear respecting the future, sleep by day and sleeplessness at night; falling off of the hair; weak and languid voice; hypochondriacal humour. VERATRUM, if, after a Fright or Fear, there are unnoticed evacuations, or diarrhea, with general coldness of the body. For the other medicines which may also be employed, See in Sect. 3, the articles FRIGHT, FEAR, GRIEF, &c., and examine the pathogenesy of the medicines which are there enu- merated. EPILEPSY.-See SPASMS. ERGOTISM.—See Chap. XXVI. EXCITABILITY.-See Excitability (NERVOUS.) FAINTING.—The medicines which have hitherto been employed with the greatest success against different kinds of FAINTING, SWOONING, HYSTERICAL DEBILITY, LIPOTHYMIA, SYNCOPE, &c., are in general: Acon. carb-v. cham. hep. lach. mosch. n-vom. phos-ac. veratr. If this state is caused by FRIGHT, or any other MORAL EMO- TION, the most eligible medicines are: Acon. cham. coff. lach. op. or veratr. If it is brought on by VIOLENT PAIN: Acon. or cham. If it is produced by the SLIGHTEST PAIN: Hep. n-mosch. In HYSTERICAL subjects, principally: Cham. cocc. ign. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom. and perhaps also: Ars. and natr-m. If it manifests itself in consequence of DEBILITATING LOSSES or VIOLENT DISEASES, especially: Carb-v. chin. n-vom. or veratr. For persons suffering from ABUSE OF MERCURY, principally: Carb-v. or perhaps also: Hep. lach. and op. In all cases, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, when there are: Violent palpitation of the heart, ebullition of blood and congestion in the head, humming in the ears, and appearance of the fits when rising from a recumbent posture, with shivering, and deadly paleness of the face, which was previously red. CARBO VEGET., if the fits come on after sleep, on getting out of bed, or even also in bed in the morning. CHAMOMILLA, if there are, with the fits: Vertigo, cloudiness of the eyes, hardness of hearing, sensation of flabbiness and insipidity of the stomach, &c. COFFEA, especially in sensitive persons, and if aconit. has not been sufficient against the attacks caused by fright. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 17 HEPAR, when the fits come on in the evening, and are pre- ceded by vertigo. LACHESIS, if there are: Asthmatic sufferings, vertigo, paleness of the face, cloudiness of the eyes; nausea, vomiting, pain and stitches in the præcordial region, cold perspiration, convulsions, spasms in the maxillæ, rigidity and bloatedness of the body and epistaxis. MOSCHUS, when the fits manifest themselves, especially in the evening, or at night, or in the open air, being accompa- nied by pulmonary spasms, or followed by head-ache. NUX-VOM., when the fits come on principally in the morning, or after a meal, as well as in the case of pregnant women, or persons fatigued by intellectual labour, or when caused by drink- ing spirituous liquors, and especially when there are nausea, paleness of the face, sparks before the eyes, or clouded sight, pain in the stomach, anxiety, trembling and congestion in the head or chest. PHOSPHORI AC., if the fits come on after a meal, and if nux- vom. is insufficient. VERATRUM, if the fits are brought on by the least movement, or if there has previously been: Great anguish, with discou- ragement and despair; the fits being accompanied by spasm, tightness of the maxillæ, convulsive movements of the eyes and eyelids, &c. For the rest of the medicines, and for the others that may be also employed, See Sect. 2., FAINTING, and consult the pathogenesy of the medicines. FATIGUE FROM CORPOREAL AND INTELLECTUAL EXERTION.- -The most efficacious medicines against over-fatigue of any kind whatever, are in general: Acon. arn. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. cocc. coff. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. silic. veratr. For fatigue caused by CORPORAL EXERTION, the best medi- cines are: Acon. arn. bry. calc. chin. cocc. coff. merc. rhus. silic. and veratr. For that arising from PROLONGED WATCHING, principally: Carb-v. cocc. n-vom. puls. For the effects of EXCESSIVE STUDY, especially: Bell. calc. lach. n-vom. puls. and sulph. For bad effects resulting from a SEDENTARY LIFE, princi- pally N-vom. sulph. Among these medicines the preference may be given to: ACONITUM, if, in consequence of being Over-heated by exer- tion, there are: A full and quick pulse, panting respiration, cough, stitches in the side and pains in the limbs. ARNICA, if the stitches in the side, caused by Fatiguing la- bour, will not yield to aconitum, or if, in consequence of too 18 CHAP. Í. GENERALITIES. long a walk, there are pains in all the limbs, as if they were bruised or beaten, especially in the muscles, with swelling and soreness of the feet. BELLADONNA, against head-ache and cerebral suffering, brought on by Excessive study. BRYONIA, if aconitum is insufficient to counteract the effects of being Over-heated, or of violent running, or if the stitches in the side will not yield to arnica. CALCAREA, when the least exertion, and even conversation causes great fatigue, and when neither cocc. nor veratr. are sufficient; and also when the least intellectual fatigue produces head-ache. CARBO VEGET., against dejection after a Nocturnal debauch, and especially where there are: Pressive or pulsative cephalalgia, ameliorated in the open air; nausea, without other sufferings; liquid and pale fæces. CHINA, after Corporal exertion, with violent perspiration, and especially in persons who have been already weakened by perspiration and other debilitating causes. COCCULUS, against the effects of Fatiguing labour or pro- longed watching, especially when there are: Great weakness, with immediate fatigue on the least exertion, or the least loss of sleep; trembling and sensation of emptiness in the head, flushes of heat on the face, dull eyes, dryness of the mouth, aversion to food, risings, fits of nausea, with weakness, proceeding even to syncope, fulness in the stomach, oppression on the chest ; aggravation from the open air, conversation and coffee; great sadness, starts during sleep and anxious dreams. COFFEA, against fatigue caused by Corporal exertion with want of food. IPECACUANHA, if, in consequence of Prolonged watching, there are head-ache, nausea with desire to vomit, and especially when the patient is obliged to submit to still longer watching. MERCURIUS, against the effects of being Over-heated by exer- tion, and especially when there is ebullition of blood on the least exertion, with congestion in the head, chest and face. NUX VOMICA, against the effects of Prolonged watching, Excessive study and a Sedentary life, and especially in persons, who, in order to excite their strength, have taken coffee, wine, or other spirituous drinks; or if there are: Cepha- lalgia with congestion of blood in the head, cloudiness, heavi- ness in the forehead on moving the eyes, and painful shocks in the brain at every step; pale and hollow countenance, or earthy complexion; gastric sufferings, desire to vomit, or inertia of the abdominal organs; cough and nervous odontalgia; aggravation of sufferings in the open air; aversion to movement SECT. 1. CLINICAL KEMARKS. 19 and walking; excitability of the whole nervous system; shi- vering, lassitude, hypochondria and ill-humour; lively and cho- leric temperament. PULSATILLA, against fatigue from Excessive study, or against consequences of Prolonged watching, especially in women, and especially if they cannot lie down till towards morning, or if there are cloudiness of the head, state of intoxication, or sen- sation as if the cranium were empty and the head too light, or heaviness of the head, with photophobia; melioraiion of the sufferings in the open air; mild and easy character. RHUS. TOX., if, after having lifted or carried burdens, or in consequence of any other fatiguing exertion, there is soreness of all the joints, especially when beginning to move, or during repose. SILICEA, if, in consequence of Violent running, there is shortness of breath, aggravated by walking or ascending, with cough, expectoration of phlegm, &c. SULPHUR, if, in consequence of a Sedentary life, or Exces- sive study, or Prolonged watching, there are fatigue of the head, hypochondriacal humour, gastric sufferings, dyspepsia and con- stipation, and if nux-vom., has proved insufficient. VERATRUM, if, in consequence of Corporal exertion, there is great debility, and if the least exertion fatigues to such an extent as to cause syncope. For other medicines, which may be also used, See Sect 3, under the articles EXERTION, DEBILITY and WEAK- NESS. FEAR (Effects of).-See EMOTIONS (MORAL). GLANDS (Affections of the).—The medicines which have been hitherto used with the most success, are: Aur. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. cist. con. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. sil. spong. staph. and sulph. Among these medicines, a preference may be given to : AURUM, against enlargement and ulceration of the inguinal glands from the abuse of mercury, and also when caused by syphilis. BARYTA, principally against enlargement, inflammation, or induration of the glands of the nape of the neck and of the neck, and especially if, at the same time, there are dry scabs on the head and face. BELLADONNA, against inflammatory enlargement of the glands and lymphatic vessels, forming red and shining strings of radii, with nodosities, heat of the parts affected, and tensive and shooting pains; and also against enlargement and ulceration, or induration of the inguinal glands, or of those of the neck; and 20 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. also against cold tumours.-Dulc. hep. merc. rhus. or calc. n-vom. and sulph. are often suitable after bell. BRYONIA, against enlargement of the sub-cutaneous glands, forming small, hard nodosities under the skin. CALCAREA, against enlargement and induration of the sub- maxillary, axillary and inguinal glands, as well as against those of the neck, of the parotides and of the glands of the face, and also with otorrhea and hardness of hearing. Also against cold tumours and enlargement of the mesenteric glands.-Cal- carea is often especially indicated after sulph. CARBO VEG. especially against induration of the axillary glands and nodosities in the breast. CHAMOMILLA, against inflammatory and painful enlargement of the sub-maxillary glands, and of those of the neck, and also against induration of the mammary glands in new-born infants. CISTUS, against enlargement and ulceration, especially of the sub-maxillary glands, with caries of the maxilla. CONIUM, against glandular affections caused by contusion, scirrhous indurations and cold tumours. DULCAMARA, against cold tumours, and also against inflam- mation or induration of the inguinal glands, or of those of the neck, or of the nape of the neck, with tensive and drawing pains. —Dulc. is often indicated, especially after bell. or merc. GRAPHITES, against scrophulous enlargement of the glands of the neck. HEPAR, against ulceration, principally of the axillary or inguinal glands, and especially when the patient is suffering from abuse of mercury. IODIUM, principally against induration of the inguinal or axillary glands, or of those of the neck and nape of the neck, whether arising from a scrofulous habit, or from arthritic me- tastasis, or any other cause. MERCURIUS, against cold tumours, inflammatory enlargement or ulceration of the glands, especially of the sub-maxillary, axillary and inguinal glands, and also in the parotides, whether in scrofulous children, or caused by syphilis.-Dulc. or bell. and hep. or else rhus. are sometimes suitable after mercury. NITRI ACID., especially against inflammatory enlargement, or ulceration of the inguinal or axillary glands from abuse of mercury or syphilis. Nux- NUX-VOм., against inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, with heat and shining redness, hardness and soreness. vom. is especially suitable in this case after bellad. SILICEA, against scrofulous enlargement and induration, espe- SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 21 cially of the glands of the neck, nape of the neck and parotides, and also of the axillary and inguinal glands, with or without inflammation. SPONGIA, principally against scrofulous enlargement and induration of the glands of the neck. SULPHUR, against enlargement, induration and ulceration es- pecially of the inguinal, axillary and sub-maxillary glands, and also of those of the neck and nape of the neck, and likewise of the sub-cutaneous glands of the whole body, whether arising from a scrofulous habit, or from exanthemata, such as scar- latina, &c., or from abuse of mercury, or from other causes. For the other medicines, that may be also used, See Sect. 2, under the head GLANDs. HÆMORRHAGE.-The best medicines are, in general, Acon. bell. arn. chin. croc. fer. ipec. lach. phos. sabin. secal. For ACTIVE hæmorrhage, the most eligible are: Acon. bell. croc. sabin. For those arising from DEBILITY: Chin. fer. ipec. and secul. and perhaps also: Arn. n-vom. and puls. See, for the remaining medicines, Sect. 2, HÆMORRHAGE, and compare hæmorrhage of particular organs. HEAT (Fatigue from).—The best medicines against the effects of being over-heated, or against the influence of heat are, in general: Acon. ant. bell. bry. camph. carb-v. and silic.; or else also Op. thuy. and zinc. : Among these medicines, a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, against sufferings excited by a sun-stroke, or by the heat of the fire, and especially when the patient has slept in the sun, or near a warm fire. ANTIMONIUM, if the heat of summer can in no way be endured, or at least if the slightest exertion in that heat speedily fatigues, with nocturnal perspiration, constant inclination to sleep, gastric sufferings, &c., and especially if bryon. is insuf- ficient against that state. BELLADONNA, if aconitum is insufficient against the effects of a sun-stroke, or of the heat of the fire, or if there are: Head- ache, with fulness and expansive pressure, especially in the fore- head, as if every thing were about to protrude through it, with aggravation when stooping, on the least movement, and at every moral emotion; or great anguish and inquietude, fury, or at least, great agitation, or great timidity, terror, and fear for present objects; tearful disposition and cries. BRYONIA, when from labouring, or from any exertion whatever in the heat, there are: Painful fulness in the head; anorexia, or else nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; inability to digest milk; agitation with trembling; tightness of the clothes over the 22 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. hypochondria ; irascible and passionate humour; fear respecting the future. CAMPHORA, when aconit. or bellad. are insufficient against the effects of a sun-stroke, or the heat of the fire. CARBO VEG., if being over-heated causes head-ache, espe- cially heaviness, pulsative pains and pressure above the eyes; soreness of the eyes when making an effort to see, &c. SILICEA, when heat causes nausea, or other gastric suffer- ings, and when neither antim. nor bryon. is sufficient against that state. DEJECTION, caused by the air being charged with elec- tricity, heavy and hot weather, yields, according to the cir- cumstances, most frequently to bry. carb-v. n-vom. or silic. HUMOUR (weakness from loss of).—See DEBILITY. HYDRARGYROSIS.-See Chap. XXVI, MERCURY. HYDRARTHRA.-The most efficacious medicine is sulph.; but Calc. iod. merc. and sil. will be often also found suitable. HYPOCHONDRIA.-See Chap. IV. HYSTERIA.-See Chap. XX. ICTERUS.—See Chap. XVI. INDIGESTION (Effects of).-See Chap. XV. INDURATIONS.-The best medicines appear to be: Bry. carb-a. carb-v. con. dulc. iod. kal. n-vom. ran. rhus. sep. sil. spong. sulph. The principal medicines for SCIRRHOUS indurations are: Bell. carb-a. and carb-veg. cham. con. magn-m. n-vom. phos. sep. sil. staph. and sulph. Compare GLANDS and Chap. II, CARCINOMA. INFLAMMATIONS.-The best antiphlogistic that homoeopathy possesses, is undoubtedly aconit., and in many cases of acute inflammation, this medicine will subdue the disease; but it must not be supposed that it can be administered in all cases as an infallible specific; on the contrary, if aconitum is to do good, it must be indicated by the totality of symptoms, as well as every other medicine. There are, in fact, many in- flammatory diseases (and principally those in which the old school also forbids phlebotomy) in which the use of aconit. would only be a loss of time. But, on the other hand, the cases in which this medicine is almost indispensable, are inflammation of the serous membranes, with violent febrile heat, hard and quick pulse, &c. Sulph. is to CHRONIC, what aconit. is to ACUTE inflamma- tions, so that those who see hidden inflammation of some organ at the bottom of every chronic disease, will find as much reason for reckoning on the extensive efficacy of sulphur, as those who see in it only psoric corruption. But, in the same SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 23 way as aconit. is not suitable in all cases of acute inflammation, sulphur is not adapted to all cases of chronic inflammation, and must only be administered when it is evidently indicated by the existing symptoms. See also the particular local inflammations, in their respective organs, and compare FEVERS (INFLAMMATORY), (Chap. ÎV). JAUNDICE.—See Chap. XVI, ICTERUS. LOVE (Effects of DISAPPOINTED).-See EMOTIONS (MORAL). MARASMUS.-The best medicines against the different kinds of marasmus are, in general: Ars. bar-c. bell. calc. chin. cin. fer. graph. lach. sil. sulph. verat., and recourse may be often had also to: Ant. arn. carb-v. hep. ipec. lyc. nutr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. phos. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. staph., &c. For the various causes from which marasmus may arise, and for the medicines which are adapted to them, See the articles: EMOTIONS (MORAL), DEBILITY, FATIGUE, HUMOURS (Loss of), &c., &c., and compare ATROPHY, PITHISIS, HECTIC FEVER, &c. For MARASMUS SENILIS, the most eligible medicines are: Bar-c. con. op. phos. and secal. MASTURBATION.-See DEBILITY. MECHANICAL INJURIES.—See Chap. II. MEDICINAL Maladies.-See Chap. XXVI. NARCOTISMA.-See Chap. XXVI. NERVOUS debility, over-excitement and excitability.-The best medicines against debility, or over-excitement of the nervous system are, in general: Acon. cham. chin. coff. n-vom. puls. mgs-arc., or else: Asar. hep. ign. nitr-ac. teuc. valer. and veratr. If this state is the result of EXCESSIVE STUDY, PROLOnged WATCHING, or a SEDENTARY LIFE, the most eligible medicines are: N-vom. and sulph., and also: Calc. carb-v. cocc. lach. puls. and mgs-arc. If it has been occasioned by abuse of MERCURY, the most efficacious are: carb-v. cham. hep. nitr-ac. and puls. When caused by NARCOTIC substances, especially: Cham. coff. merc. n-vom. &c. From abuse of COFFEE, principally: Cham. ign. merc. n-vom. and sulph. It has been brought on by ABUSE OF WINE, or of ALCOHOLIC DRINKS, especially: Acon. bell. coff. n-vom. puls. and sulph. In general, the preference may be given to : ACONITUM, principally for young people (and especially for young girls), who are of a plethoric habit, and lead a sedentary life, or when there is excessive sensibility to the slightest pain, sleeplessness with agitation and tossing, excitability of the 24 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. organs of sight and of hearing, to such an extent as to render insupportable the least brightness or the slightest noise; red- ness of the cheeks, congestion in the head, palpitation of the heart, &c. CHAMMILLA, when there are great sensibility to pain, with tendency to faint from the slightest suffering; incon- solableness, with tossing, cries and tears; irascibility and quarrelsomeness; alternate paleness and redness of the face, or heat and redness of one cheek, with coldness and paleness of the other, &c. CHINA, when there are: Great weakness with trembling, aversion to corporal and intellectual labour; over-excitability of the whole nervous system, with extreme susceptibility to currents of air; retarded sleep or sleeplessness from the great flow of ideas; unpleasant dreams, which cause agitation, even after waking; easy perspiration, hypochondriacal humour. COFFEA, when there are: Sleeplessness, moral excitability, vexation and ill-humour, or too great gaity and vivacity, exces- sive sensibility to the least pain. NUX VOMICA, when there are: Irritability and excessive ner- vous excitement, too great susceptibility of all the organs, dis- position to be frightened, anxiety, desire to remain lying down, repugnance to the open air and to movement, peevishness, passion and obstinacy. PULSATILLA, under the same circumstances as nux-vom., but especially in females, or in persons of a mild and easy cha- racter. MAGNES ARCT., when there are over excitement with trem- bling, agitation and inquietude in the limbs, excessive disten- sion of the abdomen, anxiety and moral uneasiness, and great nervous debility. For the rest of the medicines cited, See their patho- genesy, and for others, which may also be employed, See Sect. 2. EXCITABILITY. NEURALGIA.—The best medicines are, in general: Acon. arn. ars. bry, cham. chin. coff. hep. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. verat. and perhaps also: Caps. coloc. con. kal. magn. mez. phos. ruta. sep. spig. stam. staph. thuy. valer. verb. If the sufferings have been produced by coffee, the medicines are principally: Cham. coff. ign. and n-vom. Neuralgia, caused by a CHILL, requires especially; Acon. coff. cham. chin. hep. merc. puls. rhus. In PLETHORIC persons, especially: Acon. arn. bell. merc. n-vom. In SENSITIVE and NERVOUS persons, principally: Acon. ars. bry. cham. chin. coff. hep. ign. valer, verat. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS, 25 When caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY, especially : Arn. chum. chin. hep. and puls. The medicines that may be generally employed, are: ACONITUM, when there are: Insupportable pains, especially at night, shooting or pulsative pains, febrile heat, moaning, corn- plaints, inconsolable anguish, or else fear of death; thirst, redness of the cheeks, small and quick pulse; great sensibility of all the nervous system and especially of the organs of sight and hearing; sleeplessness, agitation and tossing. ARNICA, when there are: Crawling, pricking in the parts affected, with agitation and inquietude, which force one to move them continually; aggravation of the sufferings on the least exertion, and from the slightest noise. ARSENICUM, when the pains are burning or tearing, mani- festing themselves especially at night and also during sleep, or when they are so insupportable as to drive to furious despair; when there are, at the same time, great anguish, excessive weakness, with desire to lie down, intermission of the pa- roxysms of pain, sensation of coldness in the part affected; aggravation during repose, after prolonged exercise, or in bed, in the evening, or after a meal; mitigation from the application of external heat. BELLADONNA, when there are: Shooting, burning pains, aggravated by every movement, all bright light and all noise, by the least disturbance, and even by the walking of other per- sons; daily paroxysms of pain from the afternoon till after mid- night; aggravation from a current of air, from the warmth of the bed, &c. BRYONIA, Pressive, or drawing and tearing shooting pains, as if caused by sub-cutaneous ulceration; aggravation from movement of the body, mitigation frequently from moving the part affected; irascibility and passion; liability to rheumatic affections, &c. CHAMOMILLA, Drawing, tearing, and pulsative pains, with sensation of torpor in the parts affected, excessive sensibility, which renders the least pain insupportable; failure of strength, to such an extent as to faint on the first attack of pain ; bloatedness of the face, or redness of one of the cheeks with paleness of the other; hot perspiration on the head, also in the hair, with tossing, cries, tears, and irascibility and quar- relsomeness. CHINA, when there are: Excessive sensibility of the skin, aggravation of pain from the slightest contact, sensation of tor- por and paralytic weakness in the part affected, pressive pain, ill-humour, discontent, sensuality, paleness of the face, with redness and transient heat of the countenance, great loquacity, VOL. II. C 26 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. or nocturnal agitation. This medicine will be most frequently employed with success after coffea. COFFEA, Insupportable pains, tearfulness, complete discou- ragement with agitation, tossing, cries, and great anguish; dread of the open air; sensibility of the organs, and especially of the hearing, which renders the least noise insupportable. Nux-vom, ignat. chin. or pulsat. will be often found to be indi- cated after coffea. HEPAR, Pain, as if from a wound, or from sub-cutaneous ulceration, which is aggravated by the slightest contact; syn- cope, on the least pain, especially in the evening. IGNATIA, Tearing pains, or pressure from within outwards, or lancinating boring, paleness of the face, watery urine, mo- mentary mitigation from a change of position; renewal of the paroxysm after a meal, after lying down in the evening, or after rising in the morning; fickleness, with tendency to be frightened, or sadness and taciturnity; mildness and sen- sitiveness. MERCURIUS, in persons subject to rheumatism, with noc- turnal perspiration, tearing and shooting pains, nocturnal aggra- vation, sensation of coldness in the parts affected, great debi- lity, ebullition of blood on the least exertion, paleness of the face, or transient redness on the face, or red blotches on the cheeks. NUX-VOм., in persons addicted to spirituous liquors or to coffee, of a lively and choleric temperament, with red face; also in persons who lead a sedentary and secluded life; drawing or jerking pains, which appear or are aggravated in bed in the morning, after a meal, or in the evening, also in free, cold air, during reading and meditation. PULSATILLA, Tearing or shooting and pulsative pains, occu- pying only one side, aggravated after lying down in the even- ing, or in the morning, on rising, also during repose, and espe- cially when seated, amelioration in the open air, especially in women, and in persons of a mild, timid, and tranquil cha- racter, pale complexion with chilly disposition. RHUS. Formicating and burning pains, or drawing shootings, or pain as if from sub-cutaneous ulceration; aggravation of the pains during repose and in the open air; mitigation by move- ment and warmth, calm temperament, disposed to melancholy and sadness, or to fits of anguish. VERATRUM, Violent pains which overthrow reason and pro- duce delirium, or pain with weakness to such an extent as to faint, and cold perspiration; general coldness of the body, with thirst; aggravation from the warmth of the bed, and at night, towards the morning; amelioration on rising up and walking. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 27 For the other medicines that may be used, See their pathogenesy and compare the articles: CEPHALALGIA, OTALGIA, ODONTALGIA, PROSOPALGIA, &c., in their respective chapters. OSTITIS, and other diseases of the bones.-The medicines that have been hitherto most successfully employed, are: Ang. asa. aur. bell. calc. dulc. lyc. merc. mez. phos. rut. sep. silic. sulph.; and also: Chin. hep. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhus. staph. Among these, the medicines that have been most frequently administered are : ANGUSTURA, against: Caries, and especially in subjects who have indulged in an abuse of coffee, or who have had a morbid desire for it. ASA, against: Exostosis, caries, and necrosis, especially in the legs or arms, and also against softening of the bones. AURUM, against: Exostosis and other diseases of the bones, from the abuse of mercury, and especially against caries of the bones of the nose. BELLADONNA, against: Exostosis in the forehead, with caries of the palate, and also against a deviation of the vertebra. CALCAREA, against: deviation of the vertebra, and of the hol- low bones of the extremities; swelling of the joints; softening of the bones; retarded closing of the fontanella in children, with enlargement of the cranium; exostosis and caries in the arms and legs; necrosis. DULCAMARA, against: Exostosis, with ulcers in the arms, caused by repercussion of scabies. LYCOPODIUM, against: Exostosis, ostitis, and caries in scro- fulous subjects. MERCURIUS, against: Exostosis, caries, aching pains, &c. MEZEREUM, against: Exostosis, in the legs and arms in scro- fulous subjects. PHOSPHORUS, against: Exostosis in the cranium, with tearing and boring pains, and swelling of the clavicula. PULSATILLA, against: Deviation of the vertebræ, with open fontanella in children. Ruta, against : Aching pains and affections of the periosteum, or also caries, caused by mechanical injuries. SEPIA, against: Exostosis and caries in the legs and arms. SILICEA, against: Exostosis, caries, necrosis, slow hardening of the fontanella, and almost all diseases of the bones. This, as well as calc. is a most efficacious remedy for affections of the bones. SULPHUR, against: Deviation, softening, swelling, caries, and other affections of the bones. It will be employed with much success before calc. at the commencement of a cure. c 2 28 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. Sect. 2. Articles For other medicines which may be also employed, See BONES, and for more extensive details compare the SCROFULA, SYPHILIS, RACHITIS, &c., and examine the pathogenesy of the medicines cited. PARALYSIS.-The medicines which have hitherto proved most efficacious are: Caus. cocc. n-vom. and rhus., and also: Arn. bar-c. bell. bry. dulc. fer. lach. led. lyc. oleand. ruta, silic. stann. sulph, zinc. For paralysis caused by APOPLEXY, the best medicines are: Arn. bar-c. bell. n-vom. stann. and zinc., or perhaps again: Anac. con. lach. laur. and stram. That caused by DEBILITY from loss of humours, requires especially Bar-c. chin. fer. and sulph. : That resulting from RHEUMATISM, especially: Arn. fer. and ruta. or else again: Bry. caus. lyc. and sulph. That arising from REPERCUSSION of an ERUPTION, or of a morbid SECRETION: Caus. and sulph. See besides, Sect. 2, PARALYSIS, and compare the articles APOPLEXY, RHEUMATISM, and DEBILITY. PASSION (Effects of a fit of).-See EMOTIONS (MORAL). PLETHORA.--See Sect. 2, PLETHORIC PERSONS. POISONING.-See Chap. XXVI. POLYSARCIA.-The principal medicines are: Ant. arsen, baryt. calc. and sulph., which may be profitably opposed to a tendency to become immoderately corpulent. RACHITIS.—The medicines that have been hitherto most suc- cessfully employed, are in general: Asa. bell. calc. lyc. merc. puls. silic. staph. and sulph., and also: mez. nitr-ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. and rhus. For the DEVIATION OF THE VERTEBRA, they are, especially : Bell. calc. puls. and sulph. which have been most successfully employed. For INCURVATION OF THE HOLLOW BONES, and Swelling OF THE JOINTS: Asa. calc, silic. and sulph. have been most fre- quently administered. Against ENLARGEMENT OF THE HEAD in children, with RE- TARDED CLOSING OF THE FONTANELLA, the most efficacious medicines are: calc. puls. and silic. See also Scrofula and diseases of the BONES. RHEUMATISM.-The most efficacious medicines are, in gene- ral: Acon. arn. bell. bry, cham. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. and rhus., and also: Ant. ars. caus. chin. fer. hep. ign. lach. lycop. nux-mosch. phosph. rhod. rut. sass. sep. sulph. thuy, verat. For ACUTE RIIEUMATISM, the best medicines are, especially : Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry, cham. chin. dulc. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. and rhus. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 29 FOR CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, especially: Caust. clem. hep. lach. lycop. phosph. sulph. veratr., provided always that Bryon. dulc. Fign. merc. nux-vom. puls. rhus. or thuy. have been found insufficient. ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM (with swelling), requires princi- pally: Acon. arn. ant. bell. bry. chin. clem. hep. rhus. or sulph. That with PAIN, AS IF BEATEN, AND STIFFNESS in the limb: Ant. bry. caus. guaj. lach. and sulph. That with PARALYSIS, principally: Arn. chin. fer. and rut., and perhaps also plumb. For UNSETTLED RHEUMATIC pains, the most eligible medi- cines are: Bryon. nux-mosch. nux-vom. and puls., or else again : Asa. daph. mang. plumb. and rhod. Rheumatism, caused by GONORRHEA, requires in preference: Clem. sass. and thuy., or else again: Daph. lycop. and sulph. That arising from ABUSE OF MERCURY, especially: Carb-veg. chin. guaj. lycop. sass. and sulph., or else also: Bell. calc. dulc. hep. lach. phos-ac. and puls. Rheumatic pains, which appear on suffering in the slightest degree from a CHILL, require in preference: Acon, arn. bry. calc. dulc. merc. phos-ac. and sulph. Those which are brought on by BAD WEATHER, especially : Dulc. rhus. rhod. and veratr., or else again: Calc. carb-veg. lach. lycop. mang. nux-mosch. and sep. Those which are felt on every CHANGE OF WEATHER: Calc. carb-veg. dulc. merc. lach. rhus. silic. sulph. and veratr. Those which result from A CHILL IN THE WATER or from COLD DAMP WEATHER, especially: Calc. nux-mosch. puls. and sass., or else again: Carb-veg. dulc. or sulph. Those which manifest themselves in consequence of CONGE- LATION: Arsen. bryon. or nux-vom. With relation to particular symptoms and to the nature of the pains, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, when there are: Shooting or tearing pains, miti- gated when sitting, but insupportable at night, with exaspe- ration, complaints, and reproaches; red and shining swelling of the part affected, and excessive sensibility to all contact and movement; aggravation and renewal of the sufferings from wine, or other heating causes, and also from moral emotions: violent fever, with dry heat, thirst, redness of the cheeks, or alternate redness and paleness of the face. ARNICA, when there are: Pains, as if from a sprain or bruise, paralytic sensation and crawling in the parts affected, or hard, red, and shining swelling; great uneasiness in the part affected, with sensation throughout the entire of it, as if it were resting on 30 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. something too hard; aggravation of the sufferings on making an effort to use the limb. (Arnica is especially suitable before or after: Chin. arsen. fer. or rhus.) BELLADONNA, if there are: Shooting, burning pains, aggra vated at night, and by movement, swelling of the part affected, with shining redness, widely extended; violent fever, with pul- sation of the carotids, congestion in the head, redness of the face and eyes. (Bell. is often especially suitable after: Acon, cham, merc. or pulsat). BRYONIA, Tensive and tearing pains, with shootings on mov- ing the part affected, or shifting pains, which affect the muscles rather than the bones; red and shining (or pale and tight) swelling, or rigidity of the part affected, aggravation of the pains at night and on the least movement, general perspiration, or coldness and shivering, or violent febrile heat, with head-ache, bilious or gastric sufferings, peevishness or passion. (Often after aconit. or rhus.) CHAMOMILLA, Drawing or tearing pains, with sensation of torpor, or of paralysis in the part affected, fixedness, and noc- turnal aggravation of the pains, fever with burning partial heat preceded by shuddering; hot perspiration, also in the hair, redness (of one) of the cheeks, great agitation and tossing, or shivering, with continued desire to remain lying down. (Espe- cially before or after bell. puls. or ignat.) MERCURIUS, Shooting, tearing, or burning pains, aggravated at night towards the morning, and also by the warmth of the bed, or by damp and cold air; ædematous swelling of the parts af- fected; principal seat of the pains in the joints or bones, sen- sation of coldness in the parts affected; profuse perspiration, which however affords no relief. (Often suitable before or after: Bell. bry. chin. dulcam. or laches.) NUX-VOM., Tensive, drawing pains, which occupy especially the back, loins, chest, or joints; sensation of torpor or paralysis in the parts affected, with cramps and palpitation in the muscles, dread of the open air and great sensitiveness to cold, gastric sufferings, constipation, shivering with trembling and aggra- vation of the sufferings. (Seldom suitable at the commence- ment of the disorder, but often after: Acon, cham. ignat. or arnic.) PULSATILLA, Drawing, tearing, and jerking pains, aggra- vated at night, or in the evening in bed, and also in a warm room, or on altering a position after remaining in it for a long time; or pains which pass rapidly from one joint to the other; sensation of torpor and paralysis in the parts affected, or shoot- ings and sensation of coldness on a change of weather; miti- gation of pain on uncovering the limb or in the open air; pale SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 31 face, and shivering which increases in proportion to the pain. (Often suitable after: Cham. ignat. or arnic.) RHUS, Tearing and burning, or tensive pains, or wrenching pains, with a sensation of paralytic weakness, and crawling in the parts affected; rigidity or red and shining swelling in the joints, with shootings when touched; aggravation of the pains during repose and in bad weather, or in an unfavourable sea- son. (It is often suitable after: Arnic. or bryon.) As to other medicines that have been cited, recourse may be had to: ARSENICUM, when there are: Burning, tearing pains, insup- portable at night, aggravated by cold air, and mitigated by external heat. CAUSTICUM, when the pains are insupportable in the open air, and less severe in a room or in bed; or when there are para- lytic weakness, rigidity and incurvation in the part affected. CHINA, against pains which are aggravated by the slightest touch, with paralytic weakness of the part affected, profuse perspiration, &c. DULCAMARA, if the pains manifest themselves, especially at night, and during repose, and if there is little fever. FERRUM, especially against rheumatic paralysis in the shoulder. IGNATIA, when there are pains as if caused by a bruise or sprain, or sensation as if the flesh were detached from the bones, aggravation or appearance of the pains at night, amelio- ration on a change of posture. LACHESIS, against: Chronic rheumatic pains, especially when administered alternately with hep. sulph.; or when there are rigidity and incurvation in the parts affected. LYCOPODIUM, if there are: Drawing and tearing pains, felt especially at night and during repose; painful rigidity of the muscles and joints, with sensation of torpor in the part affected. (Especially after: Rhus. calc. puls. or nux-mosch.) NUX-MOSCH, against: Unsettled, drawing or pressive pains, which are aggravated during repose, and also by free and cold air. PHOSPHORUS, against: Tearing, drawing, and tensive pains, excited by the slightest chill, with head-ache, vertigo, oppres- sion on the chest, &c. RHODODENDRON, if the pains are aggravated during repose, and if they are excited by rough, damp and windy weather. RUTA, particularly against rheumatic paralysis of the wrist or instep. SEPIA, especially for rheumatic affections in persons who grow rapidly, principally females. 32 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. SULPHUR, in almost all cases of chronic rheumatism, and against the obstinate remains of acute rheumatism. (Often after: Acon. bell. bryon. merc. or puls.) THUJA, against: Tearing and pulsative pains, as if from sub-cutaneous ulceration, with sensation of coldness and torpor in the part affected, and aggravation of the pains during repose, and also in the warmth of the bed. VERATRUM, if there are: Pains, as if from a bruise, aggra- vated by the warmth of the bed and by bad weather, amelio- rated by walking; with weakness and trembling of the part affected. For the rest of the medicines cited, see their pathogenesy, and compare the PARTICULAR ORGANS, which may be affected by rheumatism, as well as the CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS, CON- DITIONS and SUFFERINGS in Sections 2, 3 and 4 of this chapter. In the cases in which none of the medicines cited are found to be indicated, recourse may be had also to: Camph. cann. colc. cupr. cuph. kreos. magn. mez. ranunc. spig. quill. stann. tart. valer.-Compare also ARTHRITIS and NEURALGIA. SCROFULA.- The medicines which have been hitherto em- ployed with most success are, in general: Ars. asa. bar. bell. calc. cin. con. hep. iod. lyc. merc. rhus. silic. sulph., and also: Aur-mur. carb-an. carb-veg. cist. dulc. graph. lach. kreos. pinus. staph. At the COMMENCEMENT OF THE DISEASE, when children are slow in learning to walk, the principal medicines are: Bell. calc. sil. and sulph., and, perhaps, recourse may be also had to: Ars. chin. cin. fer. lyc. magn. pinus. puls. rhab. sep. For the SECOND STAGE, when there is a Glandular affection, the medicines are especially: Bar-c. bell. calc. cist. con. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. phos. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. (Compare GLANDS). CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS (Eruptions, tetters, ulcers, &c.), require principally: Aur. bar-c. calc. cist. clem. con. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. mur-ac. rhus. silic. and sulph. (See Chap. II, Cu- TANEOUS AFFECTIONS). For affections of the OSSEOUS SYSTEM, especially: Aur. calc. cist. lyc. merc. phos. phos-ac. puls. sil. and sulph. (Com- pare BONES and RACHITIS). Lastly ABDOMINAL OBSTRUCTION or MESENTERIC ATROPHY requires principally: Sulph. followed by calc., or else: Ars. bar-c. bell. chin. cin. lyc. n-vom. puls. rhus. &c. (See ATROPHY). With reference to PARTICULAR INDICATIONS for the choice of medicines, the individual cases may be so varied that it is almost impossible to communicate satisfactory ideas on this SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 33 subject, except by repeating the entire pathogenesy of these medicines. Without having recourse to that, a preference may be given to: ARSENICUM, when there is Atrophy, with excessive ema- ciation, swelling of the glands of the neck or of the nape of the neck, hard and distended abdomen; puffed face; loose eva- cuations; great debility, with continued desire to remain lying down; leuco-phlegmatic constipation; herpes and ulcers; scald- head; ophthalmia; cancerous affections, &c. ASA, when there are: Exostosis, caries, deviation, or in- curvation of the bones: enlarged glands; otorrhæa; ophthal- mia, ozœna, or phlegmonous inflammation of the nose, &c. BARYTA, when there are: Atrophy; enlargement and indu- ration of the glands of the neck and of the nape of the neck; bloatedness of the body and of the face, with distension of the abdomen; physical and intellectual weakness; dry scald-head; ophthalmia or blepharitis; herpes on the face; frequent an- ginæ; great tendency to take cold, &c. BELLADONNA, against: Hard and enlarged, or ulcerated glands; muscular weakness, which makes infants slow in learning to walk; ophthalmia, photophobia and blepharitis; cough, with rattling of mucus; otorrhea; emaciation and atrophy; ulcerations; inflammatory swelling of the nose; swelling of the lips; frequent bleeding of the nose; cancerous affections; leuco-phlegmasia; frequent phlegmonous anginæ; asthmatic sufferings; enlargement and hardness of the abdo- men; incontinence of urine; precocious intellect; blue eyes and light hair. CALCAREA, when there is: Enlargement of the head, with open fontanella, deviation of the spine, incurvation of the hollow bones, or other rachitic affections; herpes, scald-head, scabs on the face, enlarged, hard, or suppurating glands; ulcers, exostosis, or caries; enlargement and hardness of the abdomen, with enlargement of the mesenteric glands; excessive emaciation, with voraciousness; wan and wrinkled face, with dull eyes; dry and flabby skin; difficulty in learning to walk ; difficult dentition; ophthalmia, photophobia and blepharitis; otorrhæa; red swelling of the nose; swelling of the upper lip; frequent bleeding at the nose; leuco-phlegmosia; constipation, or frequent diarrhæa, &c. CINA, when there are at the same time, vermiculous affec- tions, paleness of the face, emaciation, great voraciousness and incontinence of urine. CONIUM, against: Enlargement and induration of the glands; herpes; ophthalmia; photophobia; frequent bronchial catarrh ; dry cough; asthmatic sufferings; cancerous affections, &c. c 3 34 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. HEPAR, when there are: Leuco-phlegmasia induration or suppuration of the glands; atrophy; scald-head; herpes; oph- thalmia; otorrhea; swelling of the nose or of the upper lip; cancerous ulcers; tendency to phlegmonous angina and to colds in the head or chest; liability of the skin to ulceration, &c. (Often suitable before or after bell. silic. lach, merc.) IODIUM, when there are: Excessive emaciation; enlargement and induration of the glands, with affection of the whole lymphatic system; rachitic affections; ophthalmia, blephar- ophthalmia; otitis and otorrhæa; enlargement of the mesen- teric glands; bronchial catarrh, &c. LYCOPODIUM, when there are: Enlargement and suppuration of the glands; strong tendency to cold in the head, bronchial catarrh and other mucous discharges; inflammation, deviation and other affections of the bones; atrophy; herpetic eruptions and ulcers; scald-head; ophthalmia, otitis and otorrhæa ; leuco-phlegmasia; frequent angina; obstinate constipation; &c. (It is often suitable after calc.) MERCURIUS, when there are: Sickly nutrition, great physical and intellectual weakness; disposition to take cold, to perspira- tion, to colds in the head and chest, and to other mucous dis- charges; leuco-phlegmatic constitution; enlargement and suppu- ration of the glands; rachitic affections; exostosis, deviation and incurvation, caries and other affections of the bones ; gnawing or scabby eruption and herpes; scald-head; scabs on the face; ophthalmia, blepharitis, otitis, otorrhæa, frequent anginæ, slimy diarrhea, &c. (Often suitable before or after: Bell. dulc. rhus. iod.) RHUS., when there are: Enlargement of the glands; scald- head; herpes on the face and other purulent or scabby erup- tions; emaciation; hardness and distension of the abdomen; frequent colds in the head; ophthalmia; otorrhea, frequent diarrhæa, &c. (Often suitable after merc.) SILICEA, against: Enlargement and suppuration of the glands, exostosis, deviation, incurvation, caries and other affec- tions of the bones; leuco-phlegmasia; cancerous affections; ten- dency to ulceration; swelling of the nose or upper lip; scald- head; otorrhæa, &c. (Often suitable after: Lyc. hep. or sulph.) SULPHUR, in almost all cases at the commencement of a cure, and especially when there are: Eruptions, herpes, en- largement, induration or suppuration of the glands; strong tendency to take cold, to diarrhæa with colic, or to constipation, to colds in the head, or to other mucous discharges; easy and profuse perspiration; sickly nutrition; flabby, and, as it were, spongy flesh; physical and intellectual weakness; difficulty in SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 35 learning to walk; ophthalmia; blepharitis; otorrhea; leuco- phlegmasia, &c. (Provided this medicine has not been admi- nistered at the commencement of a cure, it will be especially suitable after: Bell. merc. iod. rhus., &c.) As to the other medicines cited, it has hitherto been usual to employ : AURUM MURIATIC. against: Scabs and ulceration on the nose and lips. CARBO-AN. and VEG., against enlarged and hard glands. CISTUS, against: Enlarged and suppurating glands; ulcers; otorrhea; caries of the maxilla, &c. DULCAMARA, against: Enlargement, induration and suppu- ration of the glands. GRAPHITES, against: Herpes, ophthalmia, ulcers, enlarge- ment, induration and suppuration of the glands. KREOSOTUM, against: Enlargement of the glands, ophthal- mia, herpes, &c. LACHESIS, against: Enlargement of the glands, ophthalmia, phlegmonous angina, ulcers, &c. PINUS, against: Weakness of the joints, with difficulty in learning to walk. STAPHYSAGRIA, against: Enlargement, induration, or sup- puration of the glands; frequent coryza, with ulcerated nostrils; skin strongly disposed to ulceration; abdominal obstruction; emaciation, &c. In cases in which the medicines that have been cited, are found insufficient, recourse may be had also to: Ambr. am-c. aur. bar-m. bry, cocc. fer. ign. magn. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. (n-mosch.) phos. petr. puls. ran. rhab. sep. veratr. Compare also ATROPHY, GLANDS, BONES, RACHITIS, as well as the different LOCAL AFFECTIONS in the other chapters. SCURVY. —The medicines, which have been hitherto most successfully employed, are: Am-carb. am-mur. caus. carb-veg. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. staph. and sulph.; and also: Canth. cist. hep. natr-m. and nitr-ac. See also in Chap. XI, affections of the GUMS. SEA-SICKNESS.-See Chap. XV. SPASMS.—Under this head, we have collected the clinical re- marks which relate to DIFFERENT SPASMODIC AFFECTIONS, such as CatalEPSY, CHOREA, HYSTERICAL CONVULSIONS, &c., ECLAMPSIA, EPILEPSY, TETANUS, &c., since all these affec- tions present mutual points of contact, and the same medicine may be as efficacious against one kind of spasms, as against another, if the concomitant symptoms, which characterize the 36 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. case, indicate it. This arrangement will, perhaps, possess the advantage of exhibiting more clearly, in these various af- fections, that characteristic by which the choice ought really to be decided. The medicines which have been hitherto found most effica- cious against spasmodic affections are, in general; Bell. calc. caus. cham. cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. n-vom. opium. sil. stram. and sulph.; and also: Acon. ang. arn. ars. camph. cic. citr. cocc. croc. merc. mosch. plat. rhus. silic. stann. sulph. veratr. zinc-sulph. In cases in which the AFFECTION IS RECENT, the best me- dicines are: Acon. ang. arn. bell. camph. cham. cic. citr. cocc. croc. hyos. ign. ipec. merc. mosch. n-vom. opium. rhus, stram, veratr. For CHRONIC affections, the most eligible are: Ars. calc. caus. cupr. lach. plat. silic. stann. sulph. and zinc-sul., provided one or other of the preceding medicines, such as: Bell. cocc. croc. hyos. merc. n-vom. rhus. stram. or veratr. be not equally suitable. For PARTICULAR spasmodic affections, and especially Cata- LEPSY, the medicines which have been employed as yet with the greatest success are: Cham. and stram., and also: Acon. bell. cic. plat. and veratr. Against CHOREA, or ST. VITUS' DANCE, the following have been successfully administered: Bell. caus. cocc. croc. cupr. hyos. ign.n-vom. stram. or zinc-sulph,, and perhaps also in some cases: Asa. ars. chin. cic. coff. dulc. iod. puls. sabin. sep. or silic. A remedy is frequently found for ECLAMPSIA among: Bell. caus. cham. ign. n-vom. and plat., if, however, the individual case does not rather require: Cic. cin. magn. n-mosch. phos. or stram. RECENT attacks of EPILEPSY frequently yield to: Bell. ign. n-vom. op. &c., according to the circumstances, while CHRONIC EPILEPSY requires principally sulph. followed by calc. caust. cupr. and silic.; or else bell., followed by lach. hep. silic., &c. : Agar. ars. camph. hyos. stann. and stram., have been also em- ployed with more or less success. In Sect. 2, under the article EPILEPTIC SPASMS, will be also found a selection of medicines that may be used against this malady. (It is also an essential point in the treatment of chronic epilepsy, to allow each medi- cine to exhaust its salutary action, and to observe carefully the symptoms which follow, so as to adapt the succeeding medi- cine to them. This is a rule which cannot be too strongly enforced, not only for all spasmodic and periodical affections, but also for the majority of other chronic diseases.) TETANUS mostly requires: Ang. bell. bry. camph. cham. ipec. mosch. op. plat. sec. or stram., provided the circumstances do SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 37 not rather indicate: Acon. arn. cann. canth. cic. cin. grat. ign. lach. n-vom. rhus. or stann. For LOCAL AND INTERNAL SPASMS, See the other chapters. CONVULSIONS IN CHILDREN require principally: Acon. caus. cham. cin. coff. cupr. ign. ipec. lach, merc. n-vom. op. stann. and sulph. ;-and if they appear in consequence of DENTITION, the medicines are especially: Bell. calc. cham. cin. ign. stann. and sulph. When caused by VERMICULOUS AFFECTIONS: Cic. cin. hyos. merc. and sulph. SPASMS OF HYSTERICAL WOMEN mostly require: Aur. bell. cocc. ign. ipec. mosch. stram. veratr.; or else again: Bry. calc. caus. cham. cocc. con. magn. magn-m. plat. sec. sep. stann. and sulph.-Those which come on AT THE PERIOD OF THE CATA- MENIA, especially: Coff. cocc. cupr. ign. and puls.--And those IN LYING-IN WOMEN, especially: Bel. cham. cic. hyos. and ign. With reference to REMOTE CAUSES which have produced, or which prolong spasmodic affections, if they are TRAUMATIC OR MECHANICAL CAUSES, recourse may be had on the first instance to: Arn. or ung., or else again to: Rhus. puls. and sulph. When caused be FEAR, FRIGHT, or FRIGHT, or any other SUDDEN EMOTION, the medicines are principally: Cham. cupr. hyos. n-vom. op. or plat.-In case of epilepsy caused by fright, artemis. has also been employed with success. Spasmodic affections caused by MASTURBATION or other SHOCKS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, demand especially: Sulph. caic. lach. silic. n-vom. and perhaps also: Arn. chin. phos-ac. &c. Those which result from the ABUSE OF NARCOTIC SUB- STANCES, such as wine, opium, beer, (adulterated with stramo- nium, cocculus indicus, &c.), tobacco, &c., often require: Bell. cupr. cham. citr. coff. cupr. hyos. ign. n-vom. op. &c. Those caused by REPERCUSSION OF AN ERUPTION are often most successfully combated by: Calc. caus. ipec. lach. n-vom. stram. and sulph. Those which appear in consequence of a CHILL, or SUP- PRESSED PERSPIRATION, are subdued by: Acon. bell. cham. chin, cic. lach. n-vom. silic. &c. Those which are caused by the VAPOUR OF MERCURY re- quire in preference: Stram.; and those which are produced by the VAPOUR OF COPPER AND ARSENIC: Ars. camph. cupr. and merc. For the SYMPTOMS which indicate the medicines, in parti- cular cases, a preference may be given to : BELLADONNA, against: Tetanus, Trismus, Hysterical spasms, Convulsions of children, Eclampsia, St. Vitus' dance, Epilepsy, 38 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. &c., and when there are: Commencement of the convulsions in the upper extremities, with sensation of crawling and torpor in these parts; jerking of the limbs, especially of the arms, convulsive movements of the mouth, muscles of the face and eyes; congestion in the head, with vertigo, deep redness, heat and bloatedness of the face, or paleness and coldness of the face, with shivering; photophobia; convulsed or fixed eyes, dilated pupil; cramps in the larynx and throat, with obstructed deglutition and danger of suffocation; foam at the mouth; un- noticed emission of fæces (and of urine), or loose evacuation of ingesta; oppression on the chest and anxious respiration; renewal of the fits on the slightest contact or the least contra- diction; dizziness, or complete loss of consciousness; sleepless- ness between the fits, with agitation and tossing, or deep and lethargic sleep, with smiles and grimaces; waking with a start, with cries;-obstinacy, tears, malevolence, or desire to bite and to tear every thing, or great anguish, fear, and frightful visions. (Compare cham. hyos. ign. op. stram.) CAUSTICUM, against: Epileptic convulsions, St. Vitus' dance, &c., with cries, violent movement of the limbs, grinding of the teeth, smiles or tears, unnoticed emission of urine, or frequent micturition, renewal of the fits by cold water. CHAMOMILLA, principally against spasmodic attacks in children, or in lying-in women, and especially when there are: Stretchings, convulsions of the limbs, eyes, eyelids and tongue; convulsive jerks during sleep; redness and bloated- ness of the face, or redness of one cheek with paleness of the other; dry and burning heat in the skin, with violent thirst; hot perspiration on the forehead and hairy scalp; anxiety, moans and lamentations; anxious, rapid and rattling respiration; dry, rapid and rattling cough; colic, distension of the abdomen and loose evacuations. (Compare: bell. ign.) CUPRUM, against; Convulsions of children, Tonic spasms, Epilepsy and St. Vitus' dance, especially where there are: Com- mencement of the convulsions in the fingers or toes, or in the arms; retraction of the thumbs; loss of consciousness and of speech; salivation, sometimes frothy; fit of choking (especially after weeping), frequent micturition, turbid urine, redness in the face and eyes; tears and anxiety, or desire to play the buffoon, and to hide; appearance of the fits every month, and especially at the catamenia. HYOSCYAMUS, against: Clonic spasms, St. Vitus' dance, Epilepsy, &c., especially when there are: Bluish colour and bloatedness of the face, foam at the mouth, prominent eyes; convulsive movement of some limbs, or of the whole body; violent tossing; retraction of the thumbs; renewal of the fits, SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 39 on endeavouring to swallow the least drop of liquid; great anguish, cries, grinding of the teeth; loss of consciousness ; oppression on the chest; unnoticed emission of urine; cerebral congestion, deep and lethargic sleep, with snoring; sensation. of hunger and gnawing in the stomach;-dry cough at night, desire to laugh at every thing, wandering and delirium. (Com- pare: Bell. op.) IGNATIA, against: Clonic and tonic spasms, hysterical spasms, convulsions of Children, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance, &c., espe- cially when there are: Convulsive movements of the limbs, eyes, eyelids, muscles of the face and lips; holding back of the head; retraction of the thumbs; red and bluish face, or redness of one side and paleness of the other, or paleness and redness al- ternately; frothy salivation; spasms in the throat and larynx, with fit of suffocation and difficult deglutition, loss of conscious- ness with cries, or involuntary laughter; frequent yawning, or drowsy sleep, great anxiety and deep sighs; daily paroxysms of spasms;-Mildness, sensitiveness, fickleness, calmness. IPECACUANHA, against: Clonic and tonic spasms, especially in children and in hysterical women, and principally when there are: Holding back of the head, loss of consciousness, cries, pale and bloated face, distortion of the features and half- closed eyes, or convulsive movements of the muscles of the face, lips, eyelids and extremities; asthmatic sufferings, with rattling of mucus; nausea, disgust, attacks of vomiturition, or of vomiting, or diarrhea. LACHESIS, against Epileptic convulsions and other clonic or tonic spasms, with cries, falling and loss of consciousness, foam before the mouth, cold feet, eructations, pale face, vertigo, heaviness and pain in the head, palpitatio cordis, distended abdomen, coma somnolentum, nausea, &c., and especially in women or young people, as well as in men in the prime of life. NUX-VOM., against: Clonic and tonic spasms, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance, &c., and especially when there are: Cries, hold- ing back of the head, trembling or convulsive jerks of the limbs or muscles; renewal of the fits after contradiction or an angry emotion; unnoticed evacuation of fæces and urine; Sensation of torpor and numbness in the limbs; vomiting, profuse perspi- ration, oppression at the chest; constipation, ill-humour and irascibility. OPIUM, against: Tonic and clonic spasms, Epilepsy, &c., and especially when there are: Appearance of the fits at night or in the evening; holding back of the head, or violent move- ments of the limbs, especially of the arms; loss of con- 40 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. sciousness, insensibility, cries; closed fists; fit of choking; deep and lethargic sleep. (Compare: Bell. hyos. ign.) STRAMONIUM, against: Clonic and tonic spasms, Catalepsy, Eclampsia, St. Vitus' dance, Hysterical spasms, &c., especially when there are: Holding back of the head, or convulsive movements of the limbs, and especially of the upper part of the body and of the abdomen, sardonic laughter, stammering or loss of speech, pale and wasted face, with stupid expression, or red- ness and bloatedness of the face, loss of consciousness and of sensation, sometimes with cries, furious or devout gestures, frightful visions, laughter, lamentations, songs, desire to run away, &c., renewal of the fits by contact, and also by the sight of bright and brilliant objects. (Compare Bell.) to: Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had ACONITUM, against: Tetanus, Trismus and other tonic spasms, with alternate redness and paleness of the face, cries, grinding of the teeth, convulsive hiccough; and also against spasmodic attacks of young people (and especially young girls) of phlethoric habit, and leading a sedentary life. ANGUSTURA, against: Tonic spasms, with holding back of the head, trismus, &c. ARNICA, against: Tonic spasms, especially from a traumatic cause, with palpitation at the heart, trismus, holding back of the head, &c. ARSENICUM, against: Epileptic fits, with burning in the stomach, vertebræ and abdomen. CALCAREA, against: Epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance, especially with nocturnal attacks and in chronic cases (after sulph.) CAMPHORA, against some kinds of Epilepsy, with snoring, red and puffed face, coma somnolentum. CICUTA, against: Clonic and tonic spasms, Epilepsy, Cata- lepsy, Eclampsia, &c., with paleness or yellowish colour of the face, trismus, distortion of the limbs, cries and frothy saliva- tion, colic, as if caused by worms, &c. CITRI ACID, against convulsions caused by stramonium. COCCULUS, against: Epileptic convulsions, St. Vitus' dance, and other spasms, especially in women during the catamenia, or also from a traumatic cause. CROCUS, against: St. Vitus' dance and other convulsions, with laughter and starts, especially when the convulsions appear alternately with paroxysms of hooping-cough. MERCURIUS, against: Fits of Epilepsy and other convul- sions, with cries, rigidity of the body, distension of the abdo- men, itching in the nose, thirst and nocturnal attacks. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 41 MOSCHUS, principally against: Hysterical spasms, and especially when there are at the same time, pulmonary spasms. PLATINA, principally against fits of Catalepsy or Eclampsia, without loss of consciousness, but with trismus, loss of speech, convulsive movements of the eyes, corners of the mouth, and eyelids; appearance of the fits at day-break. RHUS, against some Tonic spasms, some kinds of St. Vitus' dance, &c. SILICEA, against some cases of chronic Epilepsy (after cale.) STANNUM, against Epileptic convulsions, with tossing of the limbs, retraction of the thumbs, paleness of the face, holding back of the head, loss of consciousness, appearance of the fits in the evening. SULPHUR, against Chronic epilepsy, with sensation as if a mouse were running over the muscles, cries, stiffness of the body, fits excited by cool air, or by a current of air. VERATRUM, against Clonic and Tonic spasms, with loss of sense and movement, convulsive movement of the eyes and eye-lids; anguish, discouragement and despair. For other medicines, which may also be employed and for ample details of the preceding, See Sect. 2, Spasms, and also the CIRCUMSTANCES, Sect. 3, and the CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS, Sect. 4; consult likewise the pathogenesy of the medicines. SPRAIN. See Chap. II, MECHANICAL INJURIES. STUDY (Effects of excessive).—See FATIGUE. SULPHUR (Sufferings from the abuse of).—See Chap. XXVI. SWOONING.-See FAINTING. SYCOSE.--See Chap. II. SYNCOPE.-See FAINTING and ASPHYXIA. SYPHILIS. See Chap. II. TEA (Sufferings from the abuse of CHINESE).-The medicines most deserving of notice, are: Chin. and fer., or else Thuy and coff. TETANUS.-See SPASMS. TOBACCO (Sufferings from the abuse of).-The medicines which have been found most efficacious are, in general: Acon. bry, cham. chin.cocc. coloc. cupr.merc. n-vom. puls. staph. verat. For RECENT effects, they are: Acon. cham. cocc. cupr. n-vom. puls. staph. verat. CHRONIC effects mostly require: Cocc. merc. n-vom. and staph. For persons who CHEW TOBACCO, they are especially: Cham. cocc. cupr. n-vom. and puls. For THOSE WHO ARE OCCUPIED IN MANUFACTURING TO- BACCO, principally: Ars. coloc. cupr. ! 42 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. Among these medicines a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, against violent head-ache, with nausea. CHAMOMILLA, against: Vertigo, dizziness, fainting fits, bilious vomiting, diarrhæa, &c. COCCULUS, against: Dyspepsia and excessive sensitiveness of the nervous system. CUPRUM, principally against convulsions. NUX-VOм., against: Dyspepsia, nausea, nervous excitabi- lity and obstinate constipation. PULSATILLA, when there are: Nausea, anorexia, clammy mouth, &c. STAPHYSAGRIA, if there are: Anxious inquietude, nausea, chronic constipation, &c. VERATRUM, against: Debility, with syncope, diarrhæa, icy coldness of the limbs and of the whole body, &c. Besides also: against TOOTH-ACHE, bry. or chin., against NAUSEA, ign., and against CONSTIPATION, merc. VARICES.-See Chap. II. VEXATION (Bad effects of ).—See MORAL EMOTIONS. WEAKNESS.-See DEBILITY. WINE (Sufferings from the abuse of).—See DRUNKENNESS. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS. Note.-The following section contains not only the symptoms which are found among the GENERAL SYMPTOMS of the text, but also a kind of summary of the symptoms which occur most fre- quently in the other organs. ABSCESS. See Chap. II. AGILITY (Great), (Activity). Coff. stram. op. tan. AGITATION and INQUIETUDE in the extremities. Ambr. arn. ars. asar. bell. bor. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin. ign. kre. lam. mos. merc. natr-m. n- mos. n-vom. op. phos-ac. prun. puls. sep. sil. squill. stann. sulph. tab. teucr. val. mgs- arc. Air (in the open). Plat. Children (in). Bor. cham. jal. rhab. senn. tart. AGITATION, Evening (in the). Alum. am-c. caus. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. natr. Meditating (when). Bor. Night, in bed (at). See Chap. III, Sect. 2. Pain (during). Ars. coff. mang. magn. tabac. mgs- arc. Parts affected (in the). Arn. chin. fer. Repose (during). Kre. plat. Seated (after being some time). Caus. magn. sil. sulph. -Spoken (After having). Ambr. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 43 APOPLEXY. See Chap. VI. ARTHRITIC pains and suffer- ings. See Sect. 1. ARTHROCACE. See Ibid. ASPHYXIA and SYNCOPE. Bell. bar-m. chin. lach. mosch. (arn. op. n-vom.) Compare ASPYHXIA, Sect. 1. ATROPHY. See Sect. 1. AWKWARDNESS (Unskilfulness). Canth. sabin. (Compare Chap. V). BEATEN (Sensation as if). See FATIGUE (Pain as if from), and PAIN as if from a bruise. BLACKNESS of the whole body. Acon. BLOOD (Ebullition of). Amb. am-m. arn. bell. bov. calc. carb-a. carb-v. con. croc. fer. iod. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. sen. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. angry (after being). Petr. beer (after drinking). Sulph. evening (in the). Lyc. samb. thuy. exertion (after the least). Iod. merc. natr-m. thuy. movement (from). Natr. night (at). Am-c. așar. bar-c. bor. bry. bruc. calc. carb-a. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. ran. rhus. sabin. senn. sep. sil. seated (ameliorated when). Thuy. walking (after). Amb. petr. Sil. wine (after partaking of). (Congestion of). Acon. arn. aur. bell. bry. cham. chin. merc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. BLOOD (Congestion of) active. Acon. bry. &c. -passive. N-vom. puls. sec. &c. Decompose (having a ten- dency to). Am-c. am-m. (Extravasation of). Arn. con. dulc. lach. n-vom. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. (Compare SUGILLA- TION, Chap. II.) (Loss of), hæmorrhage. Acon. arn. asa. bar-m. bell. carb-v. chin. cinnam. dict. cocc. cop. croc. diad. fer. iod. ipec. kre. ? lach. merc. mill. phos. rat. sabin. sec. sulph. (acording to its quality, in hæmorrhage): Black (deep). Am. ant. croc. Coagulated (partly). Arn. bell. caus. fer. merc-c. nitr- ac. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. stram. stront. Corrosive. Am-c. nitr. sass. Fetid. Bell. Hot. Dulc. Pale. Bell. graph. Red (bright). Arn. bell. dulc. led. merc. rhus. sabin. zinc. Serous. Tart. Thick. Plat. Viscous. Croc. BONES (Pains in and disease of the): Air (in the fresh). Hell. Dementia, (after an attack of). Cupr. Drinking (after). Hell. Meal (after a). Hell. Night (at). Am-m. anac. aur. bar-c. daph. lach. lyc. merc. phos-ac. Touched (from being). Sabad. Warmth of the bed (ame- liorated by the). Caus. Compare the CIRCUM- STANCES, Sect. 3. 44 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. BONES, Brittleness. Merc. Coldness in the bones (Sen- sation of). Zinc. Inflammation. Asa. aur. bell. chin. hep. lyc. mang. merc. mez. nitr-ac. phos-ac. sil. staph. sulph. -Softening (mollities). Asa. calc. dulc. lyc. sil. - Swelling (exostosis). Asa. aur. calc. daph. dulc. guaj. lyc. merc, mez. phos.phos-ac.rhus. rut. sabin. sil. staph. sulph. Ulceration (caries). Asa. ang. aur. calc. chin. cupr. euphorb. hep. lyc. merc. mez. nitr-ac. op. phos-ac. puls. rhus. rut. sabin. sep. sil. staph. sulph. (Compare OSSEOUS system.) BORING. See PAINS (Boring). BRUISE (Pain as if from a). See PAIN (as if from a bruise.) BURNING.—See PAINS (Burn- ing). con. CAPPILLARY (Vessels, affections of the). Sep. Compare SCUR- VY, Sect. 1, and also PLEXUS VENARUM, &c., Chap. II. CARPOLOGIA. Arn. ars. bell. chin. cocc. hyos. iod. op. phos. phos-ac. rhus. stram. CATALEPSY. See Sect. SPASMS. 1, CHLOROSIS. See Chap. XX. CHOLERA. See Chap. XV. CHOREA. See. Sect. 1. COLD (Tendency to take). Acon. anac. bar-c. bell. calc. camph. carb-v. chin. coff. con. dulc. | graph. hep. kal. lyc. magn-m. merc. merc-c. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. plat. sep. spig. sil. sulph. mgs-aus. CONGESTION. See BLOOD (Con- gestion of.) CONSUMPTION. See Sect. 1. CONSTRICTION (Pain as if from). See PAINS (Constrictive). CONTRACTIONS (SPASMODIC). Ambr. calc. carb-a. caus. chin. cin. colch. coloc. con. euphorb. fer. graph. guaj. hyos. kal. kal-h. lyc. men. merc. n-vom. phos. plumb. rhus. sec. sil. stram. sulph. tart. mgs-aus. CONTRACTIVE (Pains). See PAINS (Contractive). CONTRACTURE (Incurvation). Caus. coloc. guaj. plumb. sec. stram. CONTUSION (Effects of a). See Chap. II, MECHANICAL INJU- RIES. CONTUSION (Pain, as if from a). See PAIN (as if from a bruise). CONVULSIONS. See SPASMS (CLONIC). CRAMPS. Ambr. am-c. asar. calc. camph. caps. cocc. coloc. coff. lyc. con. fer. graph. hyos. kal. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. plat. rhus. sil. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. CRAMP-LIKE (Pains). See PAINS (Cramp-like). CRACKING in the joints. See JOINTS. CROSS-WAYS (Symptoms which show themselves). Agar. lach. mang. CRAWLING. See PAINS (Formi- cating). CONTRACTION of the tendons. Am-c. ars. caus. coloc. graph. guaj. lach. natr. natr-m. (Compare CONTRACTURE). (Sensation of). Am-c. am- m. bar-c. carb-a. caus. graph. lach. mang. natr. natr-m. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 45 DANCE (ST. VITUS'). See DEBILITY, (Senile). Ambr. aur. CHOREA, Sect. 1. DEAD (Paleness, coldness and torpor of some parts, which seem to be). Ars. calc. caus. chel. cic. con. kre. lyc. n-vom. phos. tart. thuy. zinc. DEBILITY, lassitude and fatigue. All the medicines, but prin- cipally: Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. arn. ars. bar-c. bar-m. bry. calc. carb- v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. con. cupr. dig. dulc. fer. graph. hyos. iod. laur. lyc. magn. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m.nitr-ac.n-mos. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhab. rhus. ruta. sec. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. tart. ther. veratr. &c. General and Extreme. (Uni- versal prostration of strength). Arn. ars. bar-m. hyos. iat. iod. ipec. laur. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. oleand. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. rhus. sil. stann. stram. tart. ther. veratr. Hysterical. Ars. cham. ign. mosch. natr-m. n-vom. phos. Nervous. Ars, bar. calc. COCC. con. cupr. dig. hep. laur. merc. phos. phos-ac. sil. sulph. mgs-arc. Obstinate (of long duration). Ars. chin. cupr. hep. natr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. veratr. (and many others). Physical (proceeding from debilitating causes, loss of humours, violent disease, &c.) Carb-veg. chin. hep. kal. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. sulph. veratr. of children. Bar-c. bell. calc. lach. lyc. n-vom. sil. sulph. bar-c. con. op. Sudden (rapid failure of strength). Acon. ars. cham. carb-v. con. dig. graph. ipec. lach. laur. n-vom. phos. ran. sec. verat. mgs-aus. DEBILITY, FATIGUE, LASSITUDE, &c., which manifest them- selves : Air (in the open). Ambr. am-c. bry. calc. coff. coloc. con. fer. hep. kal. magn. n-vom. plat. spig. verat. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. Bed in. Amb. carb-v. con. natr-m. phos. (Compare MORNING and NIGHT.) Carriage (when riding in a). Cocc. petr. sep. Evening (in the). Am-c. asar. caus. cyc. petr. stront. tab. Exercise (from). Ambr. am- c. bry. calc. coff. coloc. fer- mg. hep. kal. lyc. magn. n- vom. spig. verat. mgs-aus. Exertion (after the least). Anac. berb. calc. cocc. fer- mg. magn. n-mos. petr. sep. sulph. (Compare WALKING, Movement, &c. (after the least). Lying down (when). Alum. puls. Meal (after a). Asar. chin. clem. lach. nitr-ac. rhus. thuy. Morning (in the). Ambr. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. chel. con. croc. dig. lac. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. staph. stront. mgs-arc. Movement (on the least). Anac. cocc. plumb. spig, stann. staph. verat. 46 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. DEBILITY, FATIGUE, LASSITUDE, &c. (Ameliorated by). Nitr. ant. nitr-ac. petr. phos. sulph. zinc. From violence. (See MECHA- NICAL INJURIES, Chap. II.) DRAWING. See PAINS (Draw- ing.) Night (at). Ambr. kreos. Noon (fore). Sabad. Repose (during). Lyc. mosch. plat. (Compare when SEATED, LYING DOWN.) ing.) (Ameliorated during). Ars. staph. Seated (when). Magn. natr- m. nitr. plumb. ruta. an- Speak (after hearing an- other). Alum. am-c. ars. veratr. Speaking (after). Alum. ambr. am-c. calc. cann. fer. natr-m. stann. sulph. Stairs (on going up). Anac. Storm or thunder (during a). Caus. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. rhod. sil. On waking. Ambr. ant. chel. con. lac. lyc. n-vom. least). phos. sep. zinc. Walk (after the Alum. anac. bruc. carb-a. carb-v. con. hep. men. natr. phos. phos-ac. stann. sulph. zinc. Walking (after). Carb-v. coce. colch. n-vom. puls. Compare the CIRCUM- STANCES, Sect. 3, and also the articles DEBILITY and FATIGUE, Sect. 1. DIGGING, See PAINS (Digging). DISLOCATION (Pain from). See PAIN (Wrenching.) DISTORTION. Convulsion of the limbs. Cic. cin. graph. sec. sol-nig. (Compare SPASMS, TONIC.) Of the limbs. (Easy). natr. natr-m. rhus. sep. Spontaneous. Calc. bry. lyc. Acute. See PAINS. (Tear- Over the whole body. Amb. am-c. bry. calc. graph. merc. mez. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. mgs-aus. ECLAMPSIA, See Sect. 1. EMACIATION and ATROPHY. Am-c. ant. ars. bar-c. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. clem. cocc. dig. dulc. fer. gran. graph. hep. iod. lach. lyc. magn. merc. mez. natr. natr- m. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-vom. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. samb. sass. sec. sel. sil. stann. stront. sulph. tabac. veratr. EMACIATION in children. Bar-c. cham. chin. hep. iod. lyc. magn. n-vom. petr. puls. sulph. (Compare ATROPHY.) Of the parts affected. Plumb. EMPTY (Sensation as if the body were). Cocc. kal. EXCITABILITY (NERVOUS). Alum. arn. ars. asar. asar. bell. bruc. calc. cham. chin. coff. colch. cupr. dros. gran. hyos. ign. iod. kre. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. samb. sil. stann. sulph. teuc.val. veratr. mgs-arc. FAINTING, Swooning, (Syn- cope). Acon. arn. ars. bar- m. bell. calc. calad. camph. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. fer. hell. hep. hyos. ign. kre. lach. laur. lyc. mgn-m. mos. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 47 n-mos. n-vom. oleand. op. plumb. phos. phos-ac. ran. ran-sc. rhus. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. staph. stram. sulph. tart. veratr. FAINTING. Carriage (from ri- ding in a). Berb. Epistaxis (from). Croc. Evacuate (on going to). Spig. Evening (in the). Calc. mosch. natr-m. hep. lyc. n-vom. Exercise (after). N-vom. Exertion (after any). N-vom. Getting up from a chair (on). Acon. calad. Heat of a room (from the). Kreos. spig. Hysterical persons (in). Ars. cham. cocc. ign. mos. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. Injuries (from mechanical). Arn. Lying down (when). Lyc. sil. Meal (after a). N-vom. phos- ac. Meditating (when). Calad. -Morning (in the). Carb-v. kre. natr-m. n-vom. Movement (during). Croc. veratr. Nausea (caused by). Ang. carb-a. caus. cham. cocc. kal. tab. val. veratr. (laches. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. petr.) Night (at). Mos. n-vom. Pain (during). Hep. n-mos. Rising from the bed (when). Acon. calad. Vertigo (during). Cham. croc. hep. magn. sabad. ars. verb. lach. sulph. Writing (when). Calad. FAINTING (attended WITH :) Anxiety. N-vom. - Asthmatic sufferings. Berb. kreos. lach. Blood (ebullition of). Acon. bell. n-vom. petr. in the head (congestion of). Acon. (Compare Sect. 4). Cephalalgia. Graph. lyc. mosch. natr-m. stram. Consciousness (loss of). Arn. lyc. oleand. Convulsions. Laches. Crawling in the limbs. Bor. n-vom. Ears (buzzing and tingling in the). Acon. n-vom. petr. Epistaxis. Lach. Face (bloated). Ars. paleness of. Acon. berb. lach. natr-m. n-vom. puls. perspiration with). Calc. (covered redness of. Aconi. Heart (pain in the). Lach. -(palpitation of the).Acon. Heat. Berb. n-vom. petr. Lie down (want to). Natr-m. Limbs benumbed. Natr-m. Nausea. Lach. natr-m. n- vom. petr. (See NAUSEA, with fainting, Chap. XV). Perspiration (cold). Lach. -(which relieves). Oleand. Shivering or coldness. Acon. calc. coloc. Sight, (confused or clouded). Calc. lach. lyc. n-vom. (sparks before the). N- vom. Snoring. Stram. Stomach (pain in the). N- vom. Thirst. Acon. Trembling. N-vom. petr. Vertigo. Ars. berb. lach. 48 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. sulph. (Compare VERTIGO with fainting. Chap. VI.) Vomiting. Lach. sulph, kal. Compare Sect. 4. FATIGUE (PAIN AS IF FROM). (Sensation as if bruised or beaten over the whole body). Agar. arn. arg. aur. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. cor. croc. daph. dross. dulc. quaj. ipec. kre. magn-m. magn-s. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. ran. rhus. rut. sil. spig. spong. staph. tart. tart-ac. val. veratr. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. FATIGUE (PAIN AS IF FROM :) Air (in the open). Am-c cor. mgs-arc. Bed (in the). Mos. n-vom. - Evening (in the). Am-c. bry. phos-ac. sil. Morning (in the). Carb-v. mos. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. viol-od. mgs-arc. Movement (during). Agar. arn. calc. croc. staph. Night (at). Kreos. Repose (during). Aur. con. natr-m. amelioration. Staph. Seated (when), after a short walk. Rut. Stairs (on going up). Calc. -Touched (when). Hep. puls. rut. Uncovered (on being). Aur. Compare PAINS as if from a bruise. FATIGUE (easily fatigued, when walking or labouring). Anac. calc. mgn. sep. GANGLIA. See Chap. II. TU- MOURS. GANGRENE. See Chap. II. Sect.1. GLANDS (Affections of the). : Principally Am-c. aur. asa. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. cham. cist. clem. cocc. con. dulc. graph. hep. iod. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. petr. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. sulph. thuy. GLANDS (Enlargement of the). Alum. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bry. bell. bov. calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. cis. clem. cocc. con. dulc. graph. hep. iod. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. petr. puls. rhus. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. zinc. GLANDS (Cold and enlargement of the). (Calc. cocc. merc. sil. sulph.) Flaccidity of the. Con. iod. Hardness. Bar-c. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. cham. clem. cocc. con. dig. dulc. graph. iod. kal. n-vom. petr. phos. ran. rhus. sil. spong. squill. sulph. Inflammatory. Bar-c. bar-m. bell. carb-v. cham. con. dulc. hep. kal. merc. nitr-ac. petr. phos. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. Itching in the. (Anac. carb- a. carb-v. caus. con. kal. magn. phos. sep. sil). Nodosities in the. Bry. carb- a. clem. colc. dulc. graph. lyc. phos. sulph. Ulceration. Bar-m. bell. calc. cis. coloc. hep. merc. nitr-ac. petr. phos. sep. sil. sulph. (carb-a. cham. clem. con. graph. iod, spong.) SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 49 GLANDS, Pains (in the). Alum. arn. bell. calc. carb-a. caus. coloc. con. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhus. sil. spig. staph. thuy. phos. ac. mez. boring. (Bell.) burning. Carb-v. merc. contractive. Mang. nitr- formicating. Con. merc. lancinating. Bell. cocc. con. natr-m. pressive. Aur. bell. mang. merc. phos-ac. stann. pulsative. Am-m. clem. smarting. Con. tearing (sharp). Bell. tensive. Graph. Compare the article GLANDS in the particular organs. GNAWING. See PAINS (gnawing). GRIPPE. See Chap. XXI. HÆMORRHAGE. See BLOOD (Loss of). HEAT (VITAL), (Want of). Alum. euphorb. con. led. lyc. natr-m. sep. HEAVINESS in the limbs. Acon. agar. ant. arn. asa. bar-c. bar-m. bell. camph. cham. chin. cin. croc. ign. kre. lach. mez. mosch. n-vom. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhab. ruta. sabad. sep. spig. squill. stram. sulph. tab. tereb. thuy. Of the body or of movement. Calc. kal. mez. natr. natr-m. sep. sil. spong. stram. HYPOCHONDRIA. See Chap. V. HYSTERIA. See Chap. XX. INCISIVE pains. See PAINS (incisive). INDOLENCE. Am-m. ars. carb-a, VOL. II. chel. cinn. guaj. kal. magn-m. meph. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sec. sep. stann. tart. verb. INDOLENCE, Meal (after a). Asar. bar-c. chin. phos. thuy. Morning (in the). Carb-a. chel. natr. natr-m. verb. Compare (Dread of). MOVEMENT INDURATIONS. See Sect. 1. INFLAMMATION. See Sect. 1. INQUIETUDE. See AGITATION. INSENSIBILITY (Corporal). Bar- m. cic. oleand. (Compare TORPOR.) INSUPPORTABLE pains. See PAINS (Insupportable). INTERMITTENT sufferings. Ars. calc. chin. diad. ipec. lach. lyc. n-vom. spig. sulph. verat. (Compare Periodical sufferings). Daily. Ars. chin. lach. lyc. magn. n-vom. Every second day. Calc. puls. Compare FEVERS (In- termittent). JAUNDICE. See ICTERUS, Chap. XVI. JERKS and shocks in the limbs. Agar. alum. ambr. ang. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. cin. сосс. colch. con. cupr. graph. hyos. iod. kal. kal-ch. lach. laur. lyc. mosch. natṛ. natr-m. op. petr. plat. plumb. ran-sc. sec. sep. sil. sol-n. squil. stram. staph. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. At night. Ambr. ars. bell. cast. cham. con. cupr. dulc. hep. ign. kal. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. op, phos. D 50 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. puls. rhab. rhus. sel. sep. sil. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. viol-tr. mgs. JOINTS (Affections of the): Coldness. Cinn. petr. Cracking. Acon. ang. camph. | caps. carb-a. cham. cocc. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. thuy. sulph. Dislocation (Easy). Carb-a. croc. sil. (Sensation of). Dryness Canth. Eruptions. Sep. Erysipelas. Bry. rhod. Excoriation. Mang. ol-an. sep. Heaviness. Phos-ac. Herpes. Dulc. staph. Inflammation. See RHEU- MATISM, ARTHRITIS, Hy- DRARTHRA, White Swelling, &c. Sect. 1. Itching. Merc. zinc. sep. at night. Merc. Pains, in general. Acon. bar- c. caps. cocc. guaj. iat. ign. iod. led. lyc. mang. merc. n- vom. puls. rhab. staph. sulph. bed (in). Sulph. evening (in the). Bruc. natr. stront. morning (in the). Aur. staph. viol-od. movement (from). Arn. led. par. rhab. staph. night (at). Carb-a. mang. natr. sil. stront. position (in a false). Staph. dros. repose (during). Aur. touched (when). Bry. puls. Pains (arthritic). See ARTH- RITIS, Sect. 1. bruise or being beaten (as if from a). Agar. ang. arn. aur. bell. carb-a. con. cupr. dig. mur-ac. natr-n. n- vom. par. phos. phos-ac. puls. rut. viol-od. mgs. mgs-aus. JOINTS, (burning pains in the). Natr. natr-nit. mgs. cramp-like (spasmodic). Par. plat. stram. digging. Mang. rhod. drawing. Am-c. cis. graph. hyos. merc. mez. natr. petr. plat. puls. rhod. sec. sep. staph. stram. sulph. fatigue (from). Dig. formicating. Arn. ipec. sec. incisive. Hyos. jerking. Mang. natr. plat. paralytic. Am-c. aur. arn. euphorb. lach. led. natr. sass. staph. stram. pressive. Kal. pulsative. Led. rhagades (as if from). Mang. rheumatic. See Sect. 1. RHEUMATISM. Rigidity (want of flexibility). Bruc. canth. caps. carb-a. cocc. coloc. graph. kal. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. petr. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. Sensibility (painful). Arn. Shooting. Arn. bell. colch. dros. hell. hep. kal. kre. led. mang. merc. nitr. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. sulph- ac. thuy. Stability (want of). Acon. arn. croc. rhus. sulph. Swelling. Agn. led. mang. rhod. sabin. sil. sulph. (Com- pare RHEUMATISM, ARTH- RITIS, HYDRARTHRA, WHITE SWELLING, &c. Sect. 1). Tearing (or sharp). Am-c. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 51 aur. bov. calc. caus. con. graph. hyos. iod. kal. led. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr. petr. phos. sabin. sass. sec. sep. stront. sulph. teuc. JOINTS (Tensive pains in the). mang. rhus. Torpor (sensation of). Lyc. am-c. am-m. plat. Trembling. Mang. Wrenching. Am-c. arn. caps. ign. lach. par. rhus. rut. mgs. Compare with the whole preceding article on the joints, the different sensations and symptoms in the EXTREMITIEs. (Chap. XXIV. and XXV), and also the articles ARTH- RITIS, ARTROCACE, HYDRAR- THRA, RHEUMATISM, &c. in Sect. 1. LANCINATION. See PAINS (Lan- cinating or shooting). MEASLES. See Chap. II. MOBILITY. See AGILITY. MOVEMENT of the limbs (Dir- FICULT). Bell. camph. chel. fer. fer-mg. tereb. (Compare HEAVINESS and PARALY- SIS). MOVEMENT (Dread of). Am-c. ars. bell. calad. caps. chel. guaj. lyc. mur-ac. natr. natr- m. n-vom. the. thuy. zinc. (Compare INDOLENCE.) MUSCLES (Palpitation, Jerking, Quivering of the). Arn. asa. bar-c. bell. chin. clem. cocc. kal. lach. magn. men. mez. natr. natr-m. n-vom. ran. rat. rhus. sep. sulph. tart. teuc. thuy. zinc. Contraction (of the). Am- C. ars. caus. coloc. graph. lach. natr. natr-m. (Compare CONTRACTURE.) LASSITUDE. See DEBILITY and NERVOUS EXCITABILITY. See LASSITUDE. LEPROSY. See Chap. II. LIGHTNESS in the body (sen- sation of). Asar. coff. lac. stram. Alternately with lassitude. Natr-m. LOINS, or small of the back (tendency to suffer from a strain in the). Arn. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. con. graph. kal. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. phos. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. LYING DOWN (Want to remain). Acon. alum. ars. bar-c. calad. canth. cham. chel. clem. coff. cyc. daph. fer. gran. grat. led. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. staph. sel. tar. tart. the. MAGNETIZED (Desire to be). Calc. EXCITABILITY (NERVOUS). NODOSITIES (ARTHRITIC). See ARTHRITIS, Sect. 1. NUMBNESS of the limbs (Easy). • Amb. arg. calc. carb-a. carb- v. chin. cocc. croc. graph. guaj. hyos. ign. kal. led. lyc. merc. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. teuc. thuy. Labour (from Sep. manual). Lying down (when): Chin. kal. rhab. rhod. sil. Morning (in the). Amb. Night thuy. (in the). Croc. Repose (during). Puls. Seated (when). Merc. Semi-lateral. Caus. OBESITY. Ant. calc. OPISTHOTONUs. Ang. bell. D 2 52 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. cham. cin. ign. ipec. op. rhus. stam. stram. OSSEOUS system (Symptoms of the). Deviation, incurvation of the bones. Am-c. asa. calc. iod. lyc. merc. plumb. puls. sil. staph. sulph. Pains (aching). Agar. am-m. asa. bar-c. calc. camph. cyc. cupr. daph. diad. lach. lyc. mang. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. plumb. rhod. rut. staph. boring. Asa. hel. bruise (as if from a), or as if the flesh were detached by a blow. Bell. bry. ign. ipec. nitr-ac. rhus. rut. sulph. verat. burning. Carb-v. eu- phorb. phos-ac. rut. sabin. digging. Diad. mang. drawing. Am-m. arg. bry. cann. chin. cocc. colch. cyc. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. valer. zinc. Daph. ler. excoriation (as if from). formicating. Plumb. gnawing. dros. ruta. incisive. Sabad. jerking. Chin. colch. va- pressive. Arg. bry. cyc. daph. rhus. sabin. staph. veratr. scraped (as if being). Asa. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. spig. Compare PAINS in the limbs and BONES. PAINS IN THE LIMBS AND MUSCLES: Aching. See Bones (Suffer- ings in the). Pains. Arthritic. See ARTHRITIS Sect. 1. Beaten (as if). See PAIN, AS IF FROM A BRUISE. Boring. Agar. hell. mang. ran-sc. (Compare DIGGING PAINS.) Bruise (as if beaten, or as if from a). Acon. ang. arn. aur. bell. berb. bruc. bry. calc. cic. cis. COCC. con. cupr. hep. kre. lach. mosch. natr- m. n-vom. oleand. plat. puls. ran. rhus. rut. sulph. tart. veratr. mgs-arc. mgs- aus. pressive. Natr-n. veratr. as if the flesh were de- tached from the bones. Bry. nitr-ac. rhus. sulph. Burning, principally: Ars. carb-a. carb-v. euph. mez. phos. phos-ac. plumb. sabin. sec. sep. viol-od. and pricking. Plat. and shooting. Bar-c. bell. cin. dig. plat. puls. mgs- aus. Constriction, principally: Alum. COCC. ignat. plat. plumb. (Compare CRAMP- from LIKE). Contractive. See the pre- ceding. Contusive. See PAINS, as if from a bruise. Cramp-like principally: smarting. Phos-ac. shooting. Colch. daph. dros. hell. sabin. tearing. Arg. bell. bis. caus. chin. cocc. cyc. phos- ac. plumb. stront. zinc. (Spasmodic), Agar. ambr. anac. ang. asa. cin. coloc. asar. chel. con. euphras. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 53 graph. mosch. natr. oleand. plat. rut. sec. stram. PAINS (Cramp-like and tearing). Cin. natr. rut. and jerking. Anac. asa. mosch. -and pressive. Bar-c. oleand. plat. Crawling. Acon. arn. cic. colch. euphr. ign. mgn-m. merc. natr. olean. par. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabad. sec. sol-nig. spig. staph. stram. sulph. tab. teuc. veratr. (Com- pare SKIN). Digging. Cocc. colch. ind. n-mos. puls. mgs-arc. Drawing. All the medicines; but especially: Acon. ant. bell. bry. carb-v. caus. cham. cin. clem. cocc. hell. hep. kal. lyc. mang. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. plat. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. sabad. sep. stann. staph. stram. sulph. tart. val. veratr. and cramp-like. Asar. cin. natr. oleand. rut. puls. puls. and digging. Colch. ign. and jerking. Colch. ind. and paralytic. Arn. bar-c. carb-v. cham. chel. cin. cocc. hep. mag-m. mez. natr. nitr. and pressive. Anac. ang. arg. cann. cyc. natr-m. rut. stann. and, as if from shocks. Cocc. calc. and shooting. Bor. colch. dulc. merc. and tearing (acute). Cham. hell. lam. merc. plumb. rhod. rhus. sec. staph. PAINS (erratic or wandering), which pass from one place to another). Arn. asa. daph. mang. meph. n-mos. plumb. puls. rhod. Excoriation (as if from). Acon. arg. canth. cic. colch. hep. kre. plat. puls. rat. rhus. zinc. Expansive. Ign. plat. Gnawing. Berb. dros. mez. Incisive. Amb. ang. arg. hyos. mur-ac. - Insupportable. Acon. ars. cham. coff. lach. n-vom. Jerking, or successive pul- lings. Anac. asa. asar. chin. cin. cocc. colch. graph. ind. magn. mez. mang. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr‑s. phos-ac. plat. puls. rat. valer. puls. colch. vom. and drawing. Colch. ind. and paralytic. Chin. cin. and shooting. Mang. n- and tearing. Am-m. asar. chin. COCC. cupr. natr-s. phos-ac. puls. mgs. Neuralgic. See NEURALGIA, Sect. 1. Pinching. Bruc. cann. men. mgs-aus. Pressive. Almost all the medicines, but especially: Anac. ang. arg. arn. asa. bell. bis. cann. caps. carb-a. chin. cin. cupr. cyc. dros. cuphorb. ign. lach. led. lyc. magn. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. oleand. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. ran- sc. rut. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. val. veratr. zinc. 54 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. PAINS (Pressive and burning). Am-m. plat. cin. dros. euphorb. ign. mur- ac. plat. sabad. sulph-ac. thuy. and cramp-like. Oleand. PAINS (Shooting and shaking). and contractive. Cann. and digging. N-mos. and drawing. Anac. ang. arg. cann. cyc. natr-m. rat. stann. plug (as if from a). Anac. ign. plat. sulph-ac. and shooting. Asa. canth. cin. dros. euphorb. ign. mur-ac. plat. sabad. sulph-ac. thuy. and tearing. Arg. bell. bis. cann. cupr. cyc. led. rut. sass. stann. Pulsative. Am-m. calc. carb- v. cham. rhab. thuy. Rheumatic. TISM, Sect. 1. See RHEUMA- Shaking. Cupr. valer. Sharp. See TEaring. Shocks, or pain as if from shocks. Asa. cann. cupr. plat. rhod. valer. : Shooting. Almost all the medicines but principally: Acon. am-c. am-m. ant. arn. asa. bell. bry. cann. chin. colch. daph. dig. fer. guaj. hell. ign. kal. kre. lyc. men. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. phos. prun. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. spig. staph. sulph. thuy. and boring. Hell. and burning. Bar. bell. cin. dig. plat. puls. mgs-aus. and crawling. Natr. and drawing. Bor. colch. dulc. merc. and gnawing. Droser. -and jerking. Mang.n-vom. and pressive. Asa. canth. N-vom. splinters (as if from). Nitr-ac. tearing. Cann. canth. coloc. dig. euphorb. guaj. merc. thuy. zinc. Splinters (as if from). Nitr- ac. cham. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. dulc. Tearing (or sharp pains, acute pullings). All the me- dicines and principally: Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. aur. bry. cann. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, cocc. colch. dule. euph. fer. graph. hell. hyos. kal. led. lyc. merc. mez. mur- ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. phos. phos-ac. plum. puls. rhod. rhus. sass. sec. sep. spig. staph. stront. sulph. zing. rut. cramp-like. Cin. natr. drawing. Cham. hell. lam. merc. plumb. rhod. rhus. sec. staph. and jerking (or succes- sive pullings). Am-m. asar. chin. cocc. cupr. natr-s. phos- ac. puls. mgs. incisive. Hyos. paralytic. Aur. cham. chin, cocc. colch. magn-m. mez. natr. sass. pressive. Arg. bell. bis. cann. cupr. cyc. led. rut. sass. stann. shooting. Cann. canth. coloc. dig. euphorb. guaj. merc. thuy. zinc. Tensive. Am-c. ang. ant. arn. bar-c. bry. euphorb. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 55 1.0 mang. mez. n-vom. oleand. | PAINS Morning (in the). Carb- plat. rhus. PAINS. As if the muscles were too short. (See SENSATION OF CONTRACTION in the tendons.) Ulceration (as if from). Am- c. am-m. anac. bry. cham. kre. mang. merc. puls. sil. thuy. Voluptuous. Laches. Wrenching. Agn. am-c. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. dros. hep. mosch. natr-m. oleand. rhus. rat. sep. sulph. thuy. zinc. Compare the articles: NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, ARTHRITIS, Sect. 1, and also PAINS IN THE EXTREMITIES, Chap. XXIV. and XXV. PAINS IN THE LIMBS, which manifest themselves, or are aggravated : Air (in the open). Arn. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cor. kal. lyc. merc. n-mos. n-vom. sulph. mgs-aus. Afternoon (in the). Lyc. Bed at night (in). Merc. phos. rhod. sep. stront. sulph. (Compare NIGHT). Chill (from a). Acon. arn. bry. calc. dulc. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. sulph. Drinking (after). Hell. Evening (in the). Am-m. bruc. bry. natr-s. phos-ac. puls. ran. sil. stront. sulph. Exercise (after). Fer-mg. n-vom. Going up stairs or a hill (on). Calc. Heated (after being over). Zinc. Intermission, every second day (with). Lyc. Lying down (when). Mosch. v. mosch. natr. natr-m. n- vom. phos-ac. viol-od. mgs- arc. Movement (during). Arn. agar. bell. berb. bry. calc. cann. caps. chin. croc. lach. staph. zinc. valer. (mitigated by). Rhus. Night (at). Acon. am-m. ars. aur. bar. bell. cham. iod. kre. lyc. mang. merc. mosch. natr. natr-s. phos. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. stront. sulph. sang. sep. Pressing on the part (when). Plat. ( ameliorated when). Tong. Repose (during). Agar. ars. aur. con. kal. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. n-mos. rhod. rhus. val. veratr. (mitigated by). Bry. sa- bad. staph. Rubbing (amelioration from). Plumb. Seated (when). Acon. agar. ars. chin. cin. natr-m. puls. rut. sep. sulph. tart. veratr. (Compare REPOSE). Spirituous drinks (from). Daph. Standing (when). Agar. Step (on making a false). Bry. Touched (when). Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. chin. colch. cupr. hep. ign. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rut. sabin. Uncovered (when). Aur. Walking (when). Ang. ve- ratr. (Compare MOVEMENT). Weather (from bad). Dulc. lach. lyc. rhus. rhod. veratr. 56 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. PAINS, Weather (on a change | PINCHING. See PAINS (Pinching.) of). Calc. carb-v. dulc. merc. lach. rhus. sil. sulph. veratr. warm (from). Colch. windy (from). Lach. lyc. n-vom. Compare the CIRCUM- STANCES. Sect. 3, and also those of Chap. XXIV. and XXV. PARALYSIS. Anac. ang. arn. ars. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bry. carb-v. caus. cocc. colch. cupr. duc. fer. hyos. kal. lach. laur. led. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. oleand. op. phos. plumb. rhus. ruta. sec. sil. stann. stram. sulph. zinc. Evening (in the). Stront. sil. Night (at), in consequence of pain. Natr-m. Passion (after being in a). Staph. Semi-lateral. Caus. COCC. lach. PARALYTIC Weakness (Sensation of). Acon. am-m. anac. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bar-m. berb. cann. carb-v. cham. chel. chin. cin. cocc. colch. dros. eu- phorb. fer. fer-mg. hep. kre. magn-m. meph. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. plat. phos. phos- ac. puls. rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sil. stram. tab. val. ve- ratr. Painful (pain with sensation of paralytic weakness). See PAINS (Paralytic). PERIODICAL (Sufferings). Alum. anac. ars. aur. bell. calc. canth. carb-v. cupr. fer. hyos. ign. lyc. merc. n-vom. plumb. ran-sc. rhod. sec. sil. sulph. valer. (Compare INTERMIT- TENT sufferings). | PLUG (Sensation, as if of a). See PAIN, as if from a PLUG. POLYPUS. Calc. staph. teucr. PRICKING. See PAINS (Pricking). PULSATION in the body. Arn. ambr. clem. graph. kal. kre. iod. merc. natr-m. plumb. puls. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. tab. tart. thuy. zinc. Evening (in the). Thuy. Exertion (after the least). Graph. iod. puls. thuy. Meal (after a). Lyc. PULSE. See FEVER, Chap. IV. PUTREFACTION OF THE FLESH. Lach. REACTION (No). Carb-v. op. sulph. camph. laur. mosch. nitr-ac. RELAXATION of the limbs and muscles. Arn. camph. cupr. fer-mg. gran. gran. hell. lach. magn. natr. n-vom. op. viol- od. -Sudden, (when walking). Con. RICKETS. See Sect. 1. RIGIDITY of the limbs (Stiff- ness). Acon. bar-m. ang. arn. ars. bell. caps. cham. lach. lyc. n-vom. oleand. plat. plumb. rhus. sass. stram. sulph. tereb. thuy. veratr. - Evening (in the), when seated. Ang. Exertion (after). Arn. Moving the part affected after repose (on). Rhus. Walking (after). Veratr. RHEUMATISM. See Sect. 1. SCIRRHOUS (indurations). See INDURATIONS, Sect. 1. SCROFULA. See Sect. 1. SCURVY. See Sect. 1. SEA-SICKNESS. See Chap. XVI. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 57 SEATED (Inclination to remain). | SENSIBILITY to pain. Acon. Bar-c. mur-ac. n-vom. tar. SEMI-LATERAL sufferings. Am- c. am-m. alum. bar-c. bell. canth. caus. COCC. coloc. mang. mez. puls. rhus. sabad. stront. sulph-ac. thuy. zinc. Left side side (on the). loc. daph. bar-c. sulph-ac. thuy. Co- Right side (on the). Am-c. am-m. canth. First on the right side, then on the left. Sabad. agar. arn. asar. aur. bar-c. canth. cham. chin. cin. cocc. coff. cupr. n-vom. phos. sep. Touch (to the). Acon. agar. ant. bell. bry. camph. cin. cocc. n-mosch, tart. Wind (to the). Cham. (carb- v.) laches. (lyc.) sulph. to the north. Sep. Compare all the pre- ceding articles, with the same articles, in the CIRCUM- STANCES. Sect. 3. SENSATIONS (Excessively acute). SENSITIVENESS (Excessive). arn. Aur. bell. cupr. SENSIBILITY of the body (Ex- cessive). Acon. agar. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. canth. cham. chin. cin. cocc. coff. cupr. lyc. merc. n-vom. phos. mgs-arc. Air (to cold). Agar. am-c. anac. ant. aur. calc. camph. carb-a. caus. cocc. coff. ipec. lyc. mez. mosch. n-mos. phos. rhod. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. to a current of. Anac. bell. calc. caus. chin. graph. kal. natr. rat. sel. sil. sulph. to damp. Am-c. calc. carb-v. dulc. mur-ac. rhod. sep. to evening. (Carb-v.) merc. (sulph). To the fresh. Bell. calc. carb- a. caus. cham. cocc. coff. graph. ign. kal. lyc. merc-c. mosch. natr. n-vom. petr. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sulph. viol-tr. mgs-aus. To hot. Aur. calc. cocc. ign. ipec. rhus. sep. Movement (to). Acon. bry. cin. (Compare Dread of MOVEMENT.) Acon. agar. ang. arn. ar's. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. calc. canth. carb-a. (carb-v.) cham. chin. cin. cocc. coff. cupr. daph. dros. hep. ign. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m. meph. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. stann. sulph. teuc. valer. mgs-arc. SHAKING pains. (Shaking). SHOCKS in the body. Ambr. ang. · See PAINS bar-c. bell. cic. cocc. colch. cupr. kre. lyc. n-vom. op. ran. sulph. verat. zinc. mgs. (Compare JERKS.) SHOOTINGS. See PAINS (Shoot- ing). SIZE (Sensation as if some parts were increased in). Alum. bar. diad. merc. nitr. SOMNAMBULISM. See Chap. III. SPASMS, in general. Acon. æth. alum. ambr. ang. arn. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. cin. citr. cock. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. fer. hell. hyos. iat. ign. ipec. kal. lach. laur. lyc. merc. mosch, natr-s. nitr. n- D 3 58 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. mosch. n-vom. op. phos. plat. plumb. ran-sc. rhus. sabad. sec. sep. sil. sol-m. spig. squil. stann. stram. sulph. tab. tan. tart. thuy. veratr. SPASMS (Cataleptic) Catalepsy. Acon. bell. cham. cic. merc. plat. stram. veratr. Clonic (Convulsions). Acon. am-c. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bar-m. bell. calc. camph. cann. canth. caus. cham. chin. cic. cin. cocc. coff. con. croc. cupr. dig. hell. hyos. iat. ign. ipec. laur. lyc. merc. mosch. n- mosch. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. ran-sc. rhus. sabad. sec. spig. squil. stann. stram. tab. tan. tart. veratr. Epileptic. (Epilepsy). Æth. agar. arg. ars. bell. calc. camph. caus. cham. cic. cin. cocc. cupr. dig. dros. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. magn. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. onisc. op. petr. plumb. puls. ran. sec. sep. sil. sol-m. stann. stram. sulph. tart. valer. verat. Epileptiform (Eclampsia). Bell. caus. cham. cic. cin. ign. magn. n-mosch. n-vom. phos. plat. stram. Hysterical. Alum. aur. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. cic. сосс. con. ign. ipec. magn. magn-m. mosch. plat. sec. sep. stann. stram. sulph. veratr. Internal. Alum. bell. bis. calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. euphorb. graph. hyos. ign. ipec. lyc. magn-m. merc. mosch. natr-m. n- vom. plumb. puls. stann. staph. valer. (Compare CRAMPS in the particular organs). SPASMS (tonic) (Tetanus). Am- m. ang. arn. bell. bry. camph. cann. canth. cham. cic. cin. grat. ign. ipec. lach. merc. mosch. n-vom. op. plat. rhus. sec. stann. stram. SPASMS, characterized by : Abdomen (distended). Lach. merc. Asthmatic sufferings. Bell. cic. cupr. hyos. ign. op. after the attacks. Bell. Buffoonery (disposition to). Cupr. Cephalalgia, before the at- tacks. Caus. Colic (with), before the at- tack. Bell. caus. cham. cupr. Congestion (cerebral), (Apo- plexy), alternately with the attacks. Hyos. Consciousness (loss of). Bell. cic. cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. op. stann. stram. verat. Crawling in the limbs. Bell. Cries. Acon. bell. caus. cic. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. merc. op. stann. stram. verat. Dance (St. Vitus'). Asa. bell. caus. cic. cocc. coff. croc. cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. n-vom. puls. rhus. stram. sulph. zinc-s. (ars. chin.? dulc. iod. sabin. sep. sil.) Debility. Cic. puls. Dizziness. Cic. Dorsal pains. Ars. Drawing in the limbs before the attack: Lach. Evacuations N-vom. (unnoticed). Extremities (cold). Cham. coff. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 59 SPASMS. Eyes (convulsed). Bell. canth. caus. cham. citr. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. plat. verat. closed after the attack. Caus. half-closed. Cham. ipec. dull. Cham. fixed. Citr. red. Cupr. Compare Sect. 4. Face alternately pale and red. Ign. bluish. Hyos. ign. hypocratic. Cham. hot. Cocc. puffed. pale.Cic.ipec.lach.stann. Bell. camph. cham. cocc. citr. hyos. ipec. -red. Bell. camph. cham. cit. coce. Fear. Cupr. stram. Feet (cold), before the at- tack. Lach. Fists (closed), and thumbs retracted. Æth. bell. cham. cocc. hyos. ign. op. stann. stram. viol-tr. Gestures (furious or devout). stram. Grinding of the teeth. Acon. caus. hyos. coff. Hæmoptysis, after the at- tack. Dros. Heart (palpitation of the), before the attack. Lach. Hooping-cough (paroxysm of), alternately with the at- tacks. Croc. Hunger. Hyosc. Laughter. Alum. aur. calc. caus. con. croc. cupr. ign. Limbs (swollen). Bell. Lips (dry). Cham. Lying on the back. Cin. Movements (convulsive): eyes (of the). Bell. canth. caus. cham. citr. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. plat. veratr. SPASMODIC Movements (of the eyelids). Camph. cham. ign. ipec. rhab. face (of the). Bell. cham. ign. ipec. op. tart. head (of the). (of the). Bell. camph. cic. cupr. ign. stram. limbs (of the). See CLO- NIC SPASMS, above. tongue (of the). Cham. Nausea. Ipec. lach. puls. Nose (itching in the). Merc. Opisthotonus, or bending backwards of the body. Ang. bell. cham. cic. cupr. ign. ipec. n-vom. stann. stram. op. rhus. Paralysis, after the attack. Plumb. Perspiration. Bell. n-vom. Pupils (dilated). Bell. cham. citr. Rattling. Camph. cham. ipec. n-vom. Relaxation of the muscles. Cic. Respiration (rapid). Cham. Rigidity of the limbs. See SPASMS (TONIC.) Risings. Puls.—Before the attack. Laches. Salivation. Cit. cupr. ign. frothy. Cham. cic. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. Sighs. Ign. Sleep (coma), after the at- tack. Camph. cham. dros. hyos. ign. lach. op. Smiling, before the attack. Bell. Snoring. Dros. nitr-ac. Stomach (burning in the). Ars. 60 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. SPASMS characterized by : Tears. Alum. aur. caus. cupr. stram. Thighs (retracted). Cupr. Thirst (with). Cham. merc. n-vom. Throat (painful). Ign. Torpor in the limbs, before the attack. Bell. After: n- vom. Trismus, principally: Ang. bell. bry. camph. canth. caus. cham. cic. cupr. hyos. ign. laur. merc. n-vom. op. phos. plat. plumb. rhus. sec. verat. Urine (frequent emission of). Caus. cupr. involuntary. Caus. hyos. n-vom. Vertigo, before the attack: Ars. lach. stram. Visions (frightful). Stram. Vomit (desire to). Ipcc. lach. puls. Vomiting. N-vom. Yawning. Ign. SPASMS, excited or renewed by: Bath (a cold). Rhus. Contradiction. Bell. n-vom. Emotions (moral). Ign. Evening (in the). Op. stram. Fright (by). Ign. sec. stram. sulph. -Light (a bright). Bell. citr. stram. Liquids (by). Bell. hyos. stram. Morning (in the). Plat. Night (in the). Calc. cin. cupr. hyos. kal. lyc. merc. op. sec. Noise. Ang. (arn?). Periodically. Sec. stram. Running (by violent). Sulph. Tears (by). Cupr. SPASMS excited, or renewed by: Touch (the). Ang. bell. cocc. stram. Water (cold). Caus. rhus. tepid. Ang. Compare the CIRCUM- STANCES, Sect. 4, and See respecting the causes on which the spasms may depend, the article SPASMS, Sect. 1. STABILITY (Want of), in the limbs and in the carriage of the body. Bar-c. bry. caus. natr. sep. (See this same ar- ticle in the JOINTS). STAGGERING gait. See WALK- ING, STIFFNESS of the limbs. Æth. ang. bry. petr. phos. plumb. (Compare RIGIDITY and SPASMS) (TONIC). STRETCHINGS. Am-c. bruc. canth. caus. graph. guaj. meph. mur-ac. natr-s. n- vom. oleand. petr. plat. rhus. ruta. sabad. sen. sep. staph. sulph. tart-ac. verb. SWELLING : Arthritic. Acon. ant. ars. asa. bell. bry. chin. cocc. colch. hep. led. lych. mang. merc. puls. rhus. sabin. sulph. thuy. Cold. Asa. bell. calc. cocc. dulc. merc. Dropsical, oedematous. Ant. ars. aur. bell. bry. chin. con. dig. dulc. fer. hell. iod. kal. led. lyc. merc. mur-ac. nitr. op. plumb. prun. rhus. sen. sep. sulph. tereb. Erysipelatous. See ERYSIPE- LAS, Chap. II. Hard. Arn. ars. chin. graph. lach. led. sep. sulph. tab. thuy. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 61 SWELLING : Hot. See Inflammatory. Inflammatory, hot. Acon. agn. ant. arn. asa. aur. bell. bor. bry. canth. carb-a. cocc. colch. dulc. euphorb. hep. led. lyc. mang. merc. petr. puls. rhus. sass. sen. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. Lymphatic. Bell. berb. carb- v. hep. sep. sil. (Compare GLANDS, ENLARGEMENT). Painful. Con. dig. hep. merc. thuy. burning. Ars. carb-a. caus. puls. rhus. Rhus. excoriation (as if from). formicating. Rhus. lancinating. Ant. caus. cocc. fer. graph. mang, puls. rhus. sulph. tab. pulsative. Sulph. tearing. Ars. Îed. Painless. Ars. cocc. merc. rhus. Pale. Bov. bry. lach. sulph. Red. Ant. arn. asa. aur. bell. bry. canth. chin. hep. mang. merc. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sulph. thuy. Rheumatic. Acon. arn. ant. bell. bry. chin. hep. rhus. sulph. (Compare ARTHRITIC). Scarlet. Bell. Shining. Arn. ars. bell. bry. mang. merc. rhus. sabin. sulph. Steatomous (steatoma). Ant. bar-b. sabin. Suppurating. Calc. graph. hep. sil. staph. sulph. (Com- pare ABSCESS and GLANDS) (Ulcerations of the). Tight. Ant. bell. bry. dig. led. rhus. sulph. thuy. SYCOSIS. See Chap. II. SYPHILIS.—See Chap. II. TEARING.-See PAINS (tearing). THROBBING (BEATING). See PAINS (pulsative). THROWING BACK of the trunk. See OPISTHOTONUS. TORPOR (Sensation of), in the limbs. Amb. ars. asa. bell. bry. calc. carb-a. caus. cham. chel. chin. cocc. euphr. iod. led. lyc. n-vom. oleand. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhod. rhus. sec. spong. stram. val. zinc. In the parts affected. Asa. cham. n-vom. oleand. rhus. sulph. In the whole of one side of the body. Caus. TREMBLING of the limbs. Agar. alum. amb. ars. bar-m. bell. berb. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. cocc. croc. fer. fer- ing. gran. graph. hep. hyos. iod. kal. lach. lam. lyc. magn- s. mosch. natr. natr-s. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phos. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. sass. sec. sen. sep. stann. stram. stront. sulph. tab. tart. teuc. ther. thuy. veratr. viol-od. zinc. mgs- arc. air (in the open). Calc. kal. laur. plat. Anxiety (from). Fer. puls. Contradiction (after). Ran. zinc. Evening (in the). Bruc. lyc. Exertion (after the least). Merc. phos. rhus. Meditation (during). Bor. Morning (in the). Sil. Pains (during the). Natr. plat. mgs-arc. (after the). Bry. 62 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. TREMBLING of the limbs : Piano (when playing the). Natr. Rising up (on). Bry. Repose (during). Plat. Speaking (after). Ambr. bor. Walking (after). Fer-mg. TREMBLING (Sensation of) IN- TERNAL. Graph. samb. sulph- ac. (Compare VIBRATION). ULCERATION (Pain as if from). See PAIN from ulceration. UNEASINESS (Sensation of). Bry. calc. camph. chel. guaj. kre. magn-m. mang. meph. natr- m. petr. puls. sulph. VARICES.-See Chap. II. VEINS (Swelling of the). Chin. n-vom. puls. sulph. thuy. ULCERATION IN THE BODY. Meph. oleand. op. WALK (Difficult). Chin. oleand. tereb. (Heavy). Sabad. sil. (Com- pare HEAVINESS). (Slow). Tereb. (Staggering). Acon. agar. caus. iod. lac. mur-ac. natr- m. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sec. stram. sulph. teuc. verat. verb. (Stooping). Mez. sulph. tereb. (Unsteady). Caus. magn. natr. oleand. phos. sulph. WALK (Children learn with dif- ficulty to). Bell. calc. n-vom. sil. sulph. WEAKNESS. See FATIGUE. SECTION 3.-CONDITIONS. Under which the sufferings generally appear or are ameliorated. N.B. The articles of this section not only refer to the GENERAL SYMPTOMS of the text, but contain also a summary of conditions for the principal phenomena in the entire pathogenesy of the medicines. SF. Signifies Sufferings.-AM. Amelioration. AFTERNOON. See NooN. AGED (In persons). See PER- SONS. AIR (In cold air). SF. Alum. am-c. aur. bry. calc. camph. carb-v. caus. cham. cocc. daph. hell. hyos. merc. mez. n-mos. cann. AIR (In the fresh). SF. Am- c. arn. ars. bry. calc. camph. caps. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cocc. coff. con. fer. graph. grat. hep. ign. ipec. kal. led. lyc. mang. merc. mos. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. phos. rhus. sabad. sep. veratr. (Compare COLD). AM. Ant. Evening (in the). SF. Merc. (carb-v. sulph.) n-vom. petr. rhus. sabad. sabin. sen. sep. spig. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. thuy. valer. verat. viol- tr. zinc. mgs-aus. AM. Acon. æth. alum. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 63 ambr. am-c. am-m. arg. asa. aur. bar-c. croc. graph. hell. kal. lach. magn. `mgn-m. mang. natr. nic. n-vom. oleand. op. phell. plat. puls. rhod. sass. sen. sep. stann. stront. sulph-ac. tab. tart. mgs-arc. AIR (In warm). SF. Aur. calc. carb-v. colch. ign. lach. sel. sep. ANGRY (After being). SF. Acon. alum. bry. cham. chin. cis. cocc. coloc. ign. lach. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos. plat. ran. sep. staph. sulph. veratr. (Compare EMOTIONS, Sect. 1). ATTENTION to the pain (On turning one's). AM. Camph. AUTUMN (In). SF. Aur. rhod. rhus. verat. BATH (Sufferings from a COLD). Ant. rhus. BED (In). SF. Ambr. ars. calc. caus. daph. graph. hep. ign. kal. led. lyc. magn. merc. n- vom. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stront. sulph. mgs-arc. AM. Ars. bry. evon. lyc. merc. sabad. sabad. spong. squill. verat. (On getting warm in). SF. Caus. graph. kal. led. merc. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sabin. thuy. verat. AM. Am-m. bar-c. lyc. (On quitting the). SF. Carb- v. graph. guaj. ign. natr-m. valer. verat. AM. Aur. BEER (Sufferings from). Sec Chap. XV. BILIOUS (For persons). See Chap. XV. BREAD (From). See Chap. XIV. CACHETIC (In persons). See PERSONS (CACHETIC). CARRIAGE (When riding in a). SF. Bor. carb-v. cocc. graph. petr. phos. sep. sil. AM. Nitr-ac. CHILDREN (Medicines suitable for). Acon. amb. bar-c. bell. bry.calc.canth. cham. chin.cic. cocc. coff. dros. hep. ign. ipec. lyc. magn. merc. n-mos. n- vom. puls. rhab. rhus. ruta. sabin. sil. spong. stanu. staph. sulph. veratr. (Com- pare Chap. XX). CHILL (After a). SF. Acon. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. coff. coloc. con. dulc. graph. hyos. ipec. lach. lyc. mang. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. phos. puls. sass. sel. sil. sulph. verat. Water (In the), or from COLD DAMP AIR. Ars. carb- v. calc. dulc. n-mos. puls. rhus. sass. sulph. See the same article, Sect. 1. CHOLERIC (For persons). See in PERSONS (Choleric). COFFEE (Sufferings from). Ars. caus. cham. cocc. ign. merc. n-vom. sulph. AM. Cham. coloc. ign. n-vom. Compare this article, Sect. 1. COLD (From). SF. Agar. am- m. asar. bar-c. calc. camph. canth. caps. cocc. hep. merc. mosch. nitr-ac. n-mos. phos. sabad. sep. sulph. AM. Thuy. Compare AIR (Cold) and SEASON (Bad). CONTACT (From). SF. Acon. ang. arn. ars. bell. bry. camph. 64 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. merc. cann. caps. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. cupr. dros. euphorb. hep. ign. lyc. mang. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr- ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. ran. rhod. rhus. sep. spig. squill. staph. sulph. tar. mgs- arc. mgs-aus. CONTACT (From). AM. Asa. calc. grat. mang. men. mur-ac. natr. oleand. plumb. CONTRADICTION (From). SF. See ANGRY (After being). CONTUSION (In consequence of a). See INJURIES (MECHANI- CAL). CONVERSATION (From). SF. Alum. ambr. am-c. anac. arn. | asa, aur. bell. calc. cann. carb- v. cocc. dule. fer. kal. magn. magn-m. mez. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. sil. stann. sulph. Other persons (on hearing the conversation of). Am-c. ars. verat. CURRENT of air (In a). SF. Sil. sulph. (Compare WALKING QUICKLY) (on). DAMP weather (In). See WEA- THER. DARK complexion (In persons of a). See Sect. 1. DEBAUCHED constitution (From a). See DRUNKENNESS. DENTITON (Sufferings caused by). See Chap. XX. DRINKING (After). SF. Arn. ars. chin. cocc. aur. DRINKING anything hot (After). Cham. dros. hell. merc. puls. mgs-aus. AM. Alum. lyc. sulph. Quickly. Sil. DRUNKENNESS (In consequence of). See DRUNKENNESS, Sect. 1. DRY constitutions (For). See PERSONS. EATING (On). See MEALS. Cold (anything). SF. Bar-c. calc. hell. merc. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. sulph-ac. mgs-aus. hot. SF. Calc. cast. con. graph. hell. kal. kal-h. mang. merc. par. plumb. sulph. thuy. EGGS (From). Colch. EMOTIONS (After MORAL). SF. Bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. staph. stram. verat. zinc. (Compare Sect. 1, EMOTIONS, (MORAL). EVENING (In the). SF. Acon. agn. alum. amb. am-c. am- m. anac. ant. ars. asa. bell. bruc. bry. caps. carb-a. carb- v. cin. cis. coloc. cyc. daph. dulc. cug. euphr. guaj. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. men. merc.mez. natr. natr-m. natr- s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. sen. sep. sil. spig. samb. con. cupr. hell. hep. hyos. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. verat. Cold (anything). SF. Calc. cin. graph. natr. natr-m. n- vom. spig. staph. thuy. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. thuy. valer. zinc. mgs- arc. mgs-aus. AM. Lyc. In bed. SF. Ars. ign. led. phos. stront. sulph. thuy. AM. Nitr. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 65 EXCESSIVE COITION (From). SF. | GOING UP a height. Calc. See DEBILITY, Sect 1. EXERCISE (From). SF. Ars. calc. camph. carb-v. caus. coff. con. fer. hep. ipec. kal. led. merc. n-vom. spig. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. mgs- aus. AM. Amb. asa. graph. n-vom, op. sen. sep. stann. Com. AIR (In the FRESH) and WALKING (When). EXERTION (From CORPORAL). SF. Acon. ambr. arn. bry. calc. cann. chin. coff. cocc. croc. hell. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. petr. phos. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. verat. AM. Sep. (From INTELLECTUAL). SF. Aur. bell. calc. colch. lach. natr. natr-m. n-vom. plat. puls. sep. sil. sulph. FAIR complexion (In persons of a). See CONSTITUTION. FALL (In consequence of a). See INJURIES (MECHANICAL). Chap. II. FAT food (After eating). SF. Carb-v. ipec. natr. puls. thuy. FATIGUE (In consequence of). See Sect. 1. FEAR (In consequence of). SF. Bell. lach. op. puls. verat. FRIGHT (In consequence of). SF. Acon. bell. coff. hyos. ign. lach. merc. op. phos. plat. puls. samb. sulph. sec. stann. stram. verat. (Compare Sect. 1, EMOTIONS, (MORAL). FRUIT (From). See Chap. XV. GRIEF (In consequence of). SF. Ign. phos-ac. staph. See EMOTIONS (MORAL). Sect. 1. GOING UP a hill (When). SF. Aur. bry. stann. zinc. Stairs. Acon. alum. ang. calc. carb-v. n-vom. plat. plumb. rat. rhus. stann. sulph. thuy. GONORRHEA (In consequence of). See Chap. XIX. HEAT (In the). SF. Acon. amb. arn. ant. aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. cann. carb-v. dros. kal. laur. led. lyc. phos. puls. sen. sep. sil. thuy. mgs-arc. AM. Ars. bar-c. caus. coloc. lyc. merc. rhus. stront. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1, same article). HEAT (From the application of EXTERNAL). AM. Ars. aur. cham. n-mos. sep. stront. sulph. HEATED (From being OVER-). SF. Acon. carb-v. op. thuy. zinc. (Com. FATIGUE, Sect. 1). INDIGESTION (From). See Chap. XV. INJURIES (From MECHANICAL). See Chap. II. Joy (From). Coff. LACTATION (During). See Chap. XX. LAUGHING (After). SF. Ars. bell. carb-v. stann. LEAN persons (In). See PERSOns. LEUCOPHLEGMATIC persons (In). See PERSONS. LIGHT (From a bright), SF. Lyc. merc. stram. Sun (From the light of the). Agar. natr. sulph. LIVELY temperament (For a). See PERSONS. LOINS (In consequence of a strain in the). See INJURIES (MECHANICAL). Chap. II. LOSSES (In consequence of DE- BILITATING). SF. Calc. carb- 66 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. v. chin. cin. lach. n-vom. n-vom. phos-ac. sulph. verat. (Com- pare DEBILITY, Sect. 1). LOVE (From DISAPPOINTED). See EMOTIONS (MORAL). Sect. 1. LYING down (When). SF. Amb. ars. asa. bell. bry. calc. carb- v. caus. dig. hyos. mosch. n- mos. n-vom. rhus. AM. Alum. canth. cupr. magn. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. phell. staph. MIDNIGHT (After). SF. Acon. am-c. ars. aur. calc. cann. canth. caps. caus. coff. croc. dulc. graph. hep. iod. kal. magn. merc. natr. nitr. plat. sil. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. (Com- pare NIGHT AND MORNING). (Before). Ang. arn. bry. carb-v. hep. lyc. merc. mur- ac. petr. puls. rhus. spong. stann. tart. (Compare EVEN- ING). Back (On the). SF. Phos. MILD character (In persons of puls. AM. Ign. puls. a). See PERSons. MILK (From). See Chap. XV. Part affected (On the). SF. MOON (During the New). SF. Ars. ign. AM. Amb. ign. Side (On the). SF. Ars. bar-c. graph. hep. ign. puls. sabad. sil. AM. Phos. -Left side. SF. Lyc. phos. sep. Right side. SF. Magn-m. merc. stann. LYMPHATIC persons (In). See PERSONS. MASTURBATION (From). See DEBILITY, Sect. 1. MEAL (After a). SF. Princi- pally: Alum. anac. ant. ars. bov. bry. chin. cocc. hyos. ign. n-vom. phos. ran. sep. valer. zinc. (Compare Chap. XV.) AM. Alum. natr. phos. (During a). See When EAT- ING. MEAT (From the smell of FRESH). SF. Colch. MECHANICAL injuries (In con- sequence of). See INJURIES (MECHANICAL). Chap. II. MERCURY (From the abuse of). See Chap. XXVI. Am-c. daph. sil. (During the Full). Alum. sil. MORNING (During the). SF. Acon. am-c. ant. arn. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. clem. coff. con. croc. cupr. daph. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. fer. graph. guaj. hell. ign. iod. kal. magn. magn-m. meph. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. ran. rhab. rhod. sass. sen. sep. spig. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. val. verat. viol-od. Bed (In). See On WAKING. (On quitting the). See BED (On quitting the). (In the). SF. Cann. grat. guaj. natr. phos. phos-ac. sabad. sep. staph. sulph-ac. viol-tr. AM. Alum. MOVEMENT (From) SF. Acon. agn. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. chin. coloc. con. cupr. dig. graph. guaj. hell. ign. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 67 ars. asa. ipec. kal. laur. led. merc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phos. plumb. ran. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. veratr. zinc. mgs-aus. MOVEMENT AM. Agar. ambr. bar-c. calc. cyc. dulc. euphorb. fer. grat. kal. kal-h. lyc. magn. merc. men. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-s. op. phell. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhod, rhus. ruta. samb. sen. sep. sulph. tong. valer. Music (From). SF. Calc. coff. kal. natr. phos-ac. sep. stann. tab. viol-od. zinc. Piano (On playing the). Anac. calc. kal. natr. sep. zinc. Violin (On playing the). Calc. kal. viol-od. NERVOUS persons (In). See PER- SONS. NIGHT (During the). SF. Acon. am-c. am-m. ant. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bis. calc. camph. cann. caps. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. cinn. clem. colch. con. croc. dig. dulc. eug. fer. graph. grat. guaj. hep. hyos. ign. kal. kre. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-s. nic. nitr-ac. oleand. op. par. phos. plat. plumb. ran. rhus. sec. sep. sil. spong. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. (Compare MIDNIGHT). NOISE (From). SF. Arn. calc. ign. lyc. mang. natr. plat. sil. zinc. Noon (At). SF. Alum. arg. ars. cic. n-vom. phos. stram. valer. zinc. (After). Agar. alum. am-c. ant. asa. bell. camph. canth. chel. coff. colch. con. dulc. grat. iod. laur. lych. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-vom. phos. plumb. sass. sen. spong. staph. stront. thuy. zinc. (Compare EVENING and MEAL). NooN (Before). See MORNING (In the). Every second day. Lyc. NURSES and NEW-BORN IN- FANTS (In). See Chap. XX. OLD MEN (In). See PERSONS, (aged). PASSION (From being in a) SF. Bry. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. phos. plat. staph. PASTRY (From rich). SF. Puls. PERSONS, (Medicines to be em- ployed in the case of) : Aged. Ambr. aur. bar-c. con. op. sec. Bilious. Acon. ars. arn. bry. cham. chin. cocc. n-vom. sulph. &c. Cachetic. Arn. ars. calch. chin. merc. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. &c. &c. Choleric. Ars. bry. cham. coce. lach. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. &c. Dark. Acon. anac. bry. nitr-ac. n-vom. plat. Debilitated or Exhausted. Arn. ars. calc. carb-v. chin. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. n- vom. phos. phos-ac. sep. sulph. veratr. &c. (See DEBI- LITY, Sect. 1). Dry constitution (of a). Ambr. bry. chin. nitr-ac. n- vom. Fair. Bell. phos. (caps. clem. con. dig. lyc. merc. thuy.) &c. 68 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. PERSONS, Medicines to be em- ployed in the case of : Hypochondriacal persons. Asa, aur. bell. cham. chin.con. grat. hell. magn-m. mosch. mez. natr. n-vom. phos. phos- ac. plumb. puls. stann. staph. sulph. val. verat. viol-od. zinc. Lean. Ambr. bry. chin. lach, nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. &c. Leucophlegmatic. Ars. chin. merc. nitr-ac. sulph. (ant. bell. dulc. hell. puls. sep.) &c. (See ANASARCA, Chap. II.) Lively. Acon. ars. cham. nitr-ac. n-vom. &c. &c. Lymphatic. Ars. arn. bell. calc. carb-v. chin. merc. nitr- ac. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. &c. Melancholy. Ars. graph. lach. merc. n-vom. sulph. &c. (See MELANCHOLY, Chap. V). Mild character (of a). Bell. cocc. lyc. puls. sil. &c. Nervous. Acon. ars. bry. cham. coff. n-vom. sep. plat. &c. Phlegmatic. Caps. COCC. puls. sen. Plethoric. Acon. arn. bell. calc. hep. merc. sen. &c. Sedentary life (leading a). Acon. bry. calc. lyc. n-vom. sulph. Sensitive. Cupr. ign. phos. Sensual. Chin. ipec. verat. Tall stature (of a). Ambr. n-vom. phos. sep. Weak constitution (of a). Ars. bell. calc. chin. merc. nitr-ac. phos. sec. sep. sulph. Young. Acon. Acon. bell. bry. lach. &c. See CONSTITUTION, Sect. 1, and Compare CHIL- DREN and WOMEN. PERSPIRATION (From being in a). AM. Cal. cham. natr. thuy. PIANO (From playing on the). See MUSIC. PLETHORIC persons (For), See PERSONS. PORK (From fat). Ipec. puls. POSITION (From a change of). SF. Nitr-ac. puls. rhus. AM. Ign. valer. POTATOES (From). SF. Alum. PREGNANCY (During). See Chap. XX. READING (From). SF. Calc. chin. cocc. graph. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. rut. sil. REGIMEN (From the slightest neglect of). SF. Natr. REPOSE (During). SF. Agar. am-c. asa. aur. caps. coloc. con. dros. dulc. euphor. grat. kal. kal-h. kre. lyc. magn. men. mosch. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-op. phell. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. samb. sen. sep. sil. stann. sulph. thuy. tong. val. viol-od. zinc. (Compare SEATED or LYING.) AM. Acon. ant. arn. bar-c. bell. bry. camph. coff. colch. coloc. cupr. hell. ign. ipec. kal. laur. led. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phos. sabad. sass. spong. squill. stram. verat. After taking exercise, SF. Agar. anac. caus. croc. kal. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sep. spig. stann. valer. zinc. RISING up (On). SF. Bell. natr-m. sulph. ROOM (In a). SF. Acon. æth. alum. ambr. asa. aur. croc. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 69 dig. magn. magn-m. mang. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhod. sep. sulph. mgs-arc. ROOM (In a). AM. Arn. bry. caus. coff. con. mang. mosch. sass. stann. mgs-arc. SEASON (In a bad, an un- healthy). SF. Aur. carb-v. colch. merc. natr-m. petr. rhus. rat. sulph. verat. (Com- pare AUTUMN, WINTER, and SPRING). SEAT (On quitting one's). SF. Caus. con. natr-m. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. tart. verat. AM. Verat. (after having quitted one's). SF. Alum. carb-v. grat. rhus. SITTING DOWN (On). SF. Puls. tart. SOCIETY (When in). SF. Bar-c. lyc. plumb. SOLITUDE (In). SF. Ars. lyc. phos. SPIRITUOus liquors (From). See DRUNKENNESS. Sect. 1. SPOKEN (After having). See CONVERSATION. SPRING (In). SF. Aur. carb- v. natr-m. rhod. rhus. sabad. veratr. STANDING (When). SF. Agar. bry. coce. con. magn. mang. petr. phos-ac. plat. sabad. stann. sulph. zinc. ac. AM. Ars. calc. mur- SEATED (When). SF. Acon. | STEP (At every). That is to say, agar. alum. amb. anac. ang. asa. bar-c. bell. calc. ars. asa. caus. chin. cin. cyc. dig. cu- phorb. fer. graph. grat. guaj. magn. magn-m. men. merc. natr. natr-m. op. phel. plat. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. tart. tong. ve- rat. AM. Aur. calc. carb-a. mang. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. staph. verat. (after remaining). SF. Ang. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. SEDENTARY life (From a). See PERSONS. SENSITIVE persons (For). See PERSONS. SENSUAL persons (For). See PERSONS. SEXUAL excess (From). Ars. | anac. calc. carb-v. chin, con. merc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. sep. sil. staph. sulph. (Compare DEBILITY, Sect. 1.) when placing the foot in walking. Calc. bry. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. ran. rhus. sil. sulph. Compare WALK- ING (When). STEPPING (On). SF. Calc. bry. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. ran. rhus. sil. sulph. on the part affected. SF. Bell. bry. calc. cin. merc. mez. n-vom. sil. zinc. AM. Alum. am-c. ind. kal. men. magn-m. mang. mur-ac. natr. phos. phos-ac. puls. stann. tong. STOOPING (On). SF. Acon. alum. bar-c. bell. calc. cic. cocc. graph. ipec. kal. led. lyc. mang. merc. natr-m. petr. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sen. sep. spig. sulph. thuy. STORM or THUNDER (During a). SF. Bry. caus. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. rhod. sil. SULPHUR (From abuse of). See Chap. XXVI. 70 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. SULPHUROUS waters (From abuse of). See Chap. XXVI. SUMMER (In). SF. Carb-v. calc. lyc. natr. natr-m. sel. (bell. dulc. bry.) SUN (In the) SF. Agar. ant. graph. natr. sulph. TEA OF CHINA (From the abuse of). See TEA, Sect. 1. TOBACCO (From smoking). SF. Acon. cham. clem. cocc. coloc. cupr. ign. merc. natr-m. n- vom. petr. puls. ruta. sass. sel. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. verat. (Compare Товассо, Sect. 1.) AM. Coloc. diad. merc. natr. TWILIGHT (In the). SF. Calc. UNCOVERED (On being). SF. Aur. con. merc. sil. stront. VEAL (After eating). SF. Nitr. VEXATION (From). SF. Bell. coloc. ign. lach. phos-ac. plat. puls. staph. VIOLIN (When playing the). See MUSIC. WAKING (On). See Chap. III. WALKING (When). SF. Arn. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. con. dig. dros. led. magn-m. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. sabad. sep. squill. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. AM. Agar. alum. amb. am-c. ars. dulc. fer. graph. magn. mosch. mur-ac. nitr. plat. puls. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. quickly. SF. Aur. natr- m. sen. sil. (Compare RUN- NING.) (after). SF. Ambr. anac. carb-a. natr. plat. rhus. va- ler. WATER (From labouring in the). SF. Am-c. calc. carb-v. puls. sass. sep. sulph. (Com- pare CHILL in the WATER.) WATER (From cold). SF. Puls. rhus. spig. sulph. WATCHING (From). SF. Carb- v. cocc. colch. n-vom. puls. WEAK persons (In). See PER- SONS. WEATHER (On a change of). SF. Calc. carb-v. dulc, graph. lac. mang. merc. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sil. sulph. verat. (on a change from). Dulc. from cold or hot. Carb-v. (From cold). See from AIR (COLD.) and dry. Acon. cham. bell. bry. n-vom. ipec. sulph. and damp. Dulc. verat. Damp. Am-c. bor. calc. carb-v. dulc. lach. lyc. mang. n-mos. rhod. rhus. ruta. sep. verat. warm. Aur. calc. carb-v. colch. ign. lach. sel. sep. (Compare SUMMER, and dur- ing a STORM, and also in the HEAT.) Compare CHILL, Sect. 1. WEEPING (After). SF. Arn. bell. hep. stann. WET (After being), or from DAMP COLD. SF. Ars. calc. n-mos. puls. rhus. sass. sep. sulph. WIND (From the). SF. Aur. carb-v. con. graph. lach. lyc. n-vom. phos. plat. thuy. east. Acon. bry. (carb- v. hep. sil.) WINE north. Sep. (From).~ SF. Acon. ant. bell. bov. calc. carb-a. SECT. 4. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 71 carb-v. coff. con. lach. natr. natr-m. n-vom. op. petr. puls. rhod. sil. stront. zinc. sulph. (Compare DRUNKENNESS, Sect. 1.) WINTER (In). SF. (Acon. bell. bry. cham. dulc. ipec. n-vom. sulph. verat.) Compare CHILL, Sect. 1. WOMEN (Medicines especially suitable to). Acon. ambr. am- m. asa. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cic. coff. con. croc. hyos. ign. magn. magn-m. mosch. n-mos. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. sulph. valer. (Catamenia too profuse in). Acon. calc. sabin. (Dysmenorrhæa in). Cocc. graph. puls. sep. sulph. (At the change of life in). Lach. puls. Hysterical (in) Anac. ars. grat. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. magn-m. mosch. natr-m. nitr- ac. n-mos. n-vom. phos. plat. plumb. puls. sep. sil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. valer. ve- rat. viol-od. WOMEN (Lying in). Acon. ant. arn. bell. bry. cham. coff. hyos. ign. ipec. n-mos. n-vom. puls. rhab. rhus. sabin. stram. verat. Pregnant. Acon. alum. bar- c. bry. calc. cin. coff. con. croc. dulc. graph. hyos. ipec. lyc. magn. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sulph. WRITING (When, or after). SF. Bry. cann. kal. natr-m. sa- bin. sil. zinc. YAWNING (When). Cin. ign. magn. mur-ac. rhus. sass. mgs-arc. asa, aur. bell. bry. cann. caus. YoUNG persons (In). See PER- cham. chin, cic. cocc. con. SONS. SECTION 4.-CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS, Which characterize in a general manner the attacks of unea- siness, fainting, spasms, pain, &c. N.B. Compare with this section the CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS in all the other chapters, and also Clinical remarks. AGITATION. Acon. ars. cham. coff. magn. mang. tab. mgs- arc. In the parts affected. Arn. chin. fer. ANGUISH. Ars. bell. carb-v. cham. coff. cupr. hyos. ign. lyc. magn, natr. n-vom. rhod. tab. veratr. ASTHMATIC Affections. Bell. berb. cic. cupr. hyos. ign. kre. lach. natr-m. op. puls. BUFFOONERY and GESTICULA- TION. Cupr. stram. CEPHALALGIA. Caus. cham. graph. cin. lach. lyc. mosch. natr-m. stram. COLDNESS OF SHIVERING. Acon. ars. bry. calc. coloc. dulc. 72 CHAP. I. GENERALITIES. graph. kal. led. lyc. mez. natr-m. puls. rhus. sep. mgs- arc. COLIC. Bell. caus. cham. cupr. In the parts affected. Acon. bry. guaj. HUMOUR (Ill). Bry. chin, coff. n-vom. phos. CONSCIOUSNESS (Loss of). Arn. | INQUIETUDE. See AGITATION. and GROANS. bell. cic. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. oleand. op. stann. stram. verat. CRAWLING in the limbs. Bell. bor. cham. n-vom. CRIES. Acon. bell. caus. cic. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. op. stann. stram. verat. DELIRIUM. Verat. (See FEVERS). DISCOURAGEMENT, DESPAIR, and EXASPERATION. Acon. ars. cham. coff. ars. EARS (Humming in the). Acon. petr. EYES. (REDNESS of the). Cupr. (Lachrymation of the). Sa- bad. FACE. Alternately pale and red. Acon. cham. ign. Bluish. Bell. hyos. ign. op. Pale. Acon. berb. cic. ipec. lach. natr-m. n-vom. puls. stann. Puffed. Ars. bell. camph. cham. cit. coce. Red. Acon. bell. camph. cham. citr, COCC. FLATULENCY. Carb-v. chin. HEART. (Pain in the). Lach. - (Palpitation of the). Acon. lach. petr. HEAT. Berb. carb-v. n-vom. petr. LAMENTATIONS Acon. canth. cham. coff. LIE DOWN. (Want to). Ars. bry. calc. con. fer. ipec. lach. lyc. mosch. nutr-m. n-vom. oleand. petr. phos-ac. sep. verat. NAUSEA and DISGUST. Ipec. lach. natr-m. n-vom. petr. puls. PARALYSIS. Natr-m. plumb. PASSION. Ars. cham. PERSPIRATION. Bell. merc. natr. n-vom. sep. tab. SHUDDERING. Ars. bar-c. euph. mez. ran. sep. SIGHT (CONFUSED), or loss of. Bell. calc. lach. lyc. n-vom. SLEEP (Lethargy or coma). Bell. camph. cham. dros. hyos. ign. lach. n-mos. op. tart. TEARS. Alum. aur. caus. cham. coff. cupr. puls. stram. THIRST. Acon. cham. n-vom. TORPOR IN THE LIMBS. Bell. cham. n-vom. VERTIGO. Ars. berb. stram. sulph. lach. VOMIT (Desire to). Ipec. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. YAWNING. Ign. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 73 CHAPTER II. AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN AND EXTERNAL ORGANS. SECTION. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. ABSCESS.-See TUMOURS and SUPPURATION. ACNE.—Acne, which shows itself in YOUNG PEOPLE, especially on the face, often yields to: Bell. carb-v. hep. or sulph. That which arises from SEXUAL EXCESS, requires in pre- ference: Calc. phos-ac. and sulph. Acne in DRUNKARDS requires principally: N-vom. led. and sulph. or else: Ars. lach. and puls. For ACNE ROSACEA: Caus. cic. led. lach. rhus. rut. and sep. or else: Ars. calc. cann. canth. carb-an. and veg. kre. and verat. seem the most suitable. For ACNE PUNCTUATA: Bell. hep. natr. nitr-ac. and sulph. ANASARCA.-The principal medicines are: Ars. bry. chin. dig. dulc. hell. merc. and sulph. and perhaps the following may be also employed: Camph. convol. lact. rhus. samb. and sol-nig. See also DROPSY. Chap. 1. ANTHRAX.-See CARBuncle. BULLE.-See PEMPHIGUS and RUPIA. BURNS. See INJURIES (MECHANICAL.) CALLOSITIES.-The medicines which appear to be most effi- cacious against this affection of the skin are: Ant. calc. coloc. hep. silic. and sulph. (See also CORNS and WARTS.) CARBUNCLE.-The most efficacious medicine against CON- TAGIOUS CARBUNCLE OF ANTHRAX, proceeding from the car- buncle of horned cattle, is arsen. provided, however, that the symptoms in any particular case do not require in preference other remedies, such as: Chin. sil. and rhus. or also puls. The MALIGNANT PUSTULE commonly yields to: Ars. bell. rhus. silic. and perhaps : chin. hyos. mur-ac. sec. sep. may be also used. The NON-CONTAGIOUS CARBUNCLE or MALIGNANT FURUN- CULUS, which usually appears between the shoulders, requires in the majority of cases silic. or else: Hyos. lyc. or nitr-ac. Another kind of CARBUNCLE, which, instead of pus, contains a kind of PEDICULI, requires especially : Arsen, and chin. CARCINOMA and SCHIRRUS. The medicines which have been hitherto found most efficacious against these affections, are in general: Ars. bell. con, n-vom. sep. silic. and sulph. VOL. II. E 74 CHAP. II. SKIN. CARIES.-See Affections of the bones, Chap. 1. CHAPS.-See RHAGADEs. CHILBLAINS.-The medicines which have been hitherto most successfully employed, are: Agar. bell, nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. and sulph. (For the rest, See Sect. 2.) CHLOROSIS.-See DISEASES OF WOMEN. CONDYLOMATA.-See SYCOSIS. CONTUSIONS.-See INJURIES (MECHANICAL.) CORNS.—See Chap. XXV. CRUSTA LACTEA.-See Chap. X. CYANOSIS. See Chap. XXII. DISLOCATION.-See INJURIES (MECHANICAL.) ECCHYMOSIS.-Ecchymosis caused by mechanical injury, com- monly yields to: Arn. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. according to the circumstances. ECCHYMOSIS SENILIS requires in preference: Con. or arsen. or perhaps also: Sulph. or sulph-ac. The ECCHYMOsis known by the name of Purpura hæmorr- hagica, maladie tachettée of Werholf, require in preference : Rhus. or bryon. or else also: Led. and sec. The principal medicines for PETECHIE are: Bryon. or rhus. or else also: Ars. or lach. ECTHYMA.—The medicines which appear most suitable to this kind of pustular eruption, are: Ars. merc. and rhus. ECZEMA.-Febrile eczema often yields to petrol. or else also to dulc. or phos. especially if it has appeared in consequence of a chill. For chronic ECZEMA, the most eligible medicines are: Clem. dulc. merc. and phos. ECZEMA, produced by the abuse of mercury, requires in pre- ference sulph. or else also: Acon. bell. or dig. as intermediate medicines against excessive excitement. EPHELIS.-See SPOTS. ERYSIPELAS.-The best medicines against the different kinds of erysipelas are, in general: Acon. bell. clem. graph. lach. merc. puls. rhus. sil. and sulph. For SIMPLE erysipelas they are especially: Acon. bell. hep. lach. Erysipelas ERRATICUM, requires in preference: Bell. or rhus. or also graph. For VESICULAR erysipelas, they are especially: Graph. and rhus. or Bell. hep. and lach. For PHLEGMONOUS erysipelas, they are: Bell. graph. hep. lach. puls. and rhus. SECONDARY Erysipelas, accompanied by œdema, often yields to rhus; that, which arises from ULCERATED SURFACES requires SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 75 in preference: Clem. or rhus. : and that which changes to Gan- GRENE requires: Ars. or carb-veg. Against ZONA: Ars. graph. merc. puls. and rhus. have been employed with the greatest success. For other medicines, which may be also used: See Sect. 2, ERYSIPELAS. ERYTHEMA.-See INTErtrigo. ESSERA.-See URTICARIA. EXANTHEMATA.-See ERYSIPELAS, INTERTRIGO, MORBILLI, ROSEOLE, SCARLATINA, and URTICARIA. EXCORIATION.- See INTERTRIGO. FUNGUS. The best medicines against fungous vegetations are, in general: Ant. calc. graph. iod. petr. sep. staph. sil. and sulph. Fungus HEMATODES requires principally phos. and fungus ARTICULARIS, ant-crud. FURFUR.-See TETTERS, HERPES and SPOTS (FURFURACEOUS.) FURUNCULUS.-The principal medicine is arn. employed internally and externally, or else bell. or merc. administered only internally. The Large furunculi (a kind of carbuncle), which appear on the back, require in preference silic. or else also: Hyos. lyc. nitr-ac. The principal medicines for eradicating a DISPOSITION to furunculi, are: Lycop. n-vom. phos. and sulph. See also FURUNCULI, Sect. 2. GANGRENE.-The best medicines are: Ars. chin. lach. and sil. and perhaps: Bell. euph. plumb. sec. and squill. may be also used. For Gangræna SENILIS, sec. and perhaps also con. claim the preference. HERPES CIRCINATUS, or Ringworm.-Sep. is almost a spe- cific against this sort of tetter; but Schroen recommends also: Calc. caust. and sulph. HERPES FURFURACEA.-The medicines which seem most suitable to this kind of tetter, are: Cic. and sulph. and also: Anac. graph. lach. merc. and thuy. or else again: Ars. calc. kreos. led. lyc. natr-m. HERPES PHLYCTŒENOIDES.-The medicines which are prin- cipally recommended against this disease, are: Acon. bell.rhus. silic. and sulph. Besides these, recourse may be also had to: Ars. bov. calc. lyc. merc. and sep. HERPES ZOSTER.-See ZONA. ICTERUS.—See Chap. XVI. ICTHYOSIS. The medicines that have been principally re- commended against this malady, are: Coloc. hep. and plumb. E 2 76 CHAP. II. SKIN. IMPETIGO.—The medicines, which have been hitherto found most efficacious against the different impetigenous eruptions, are principally: Lycop. and sulph. or else also: Calc. cic. dulc. graph. lach. merc. rhus. For Impetigo SCABIDA, they are especially : Lyc. and sulph. For Impetigo SPARSA, they are principally: Cic. lach. and sulph. For Impetigo RODENS, they are: Ars. calc. cic. rhus. sep. and sulph. INJURIES (MECHANICAL).—The best medicines are in ge- neral: Arn. and rhus. and also: Ang. con. cuphr. hep. puls. ruta sulph. sulph-ac. &c. For consequences resulting from a violent SHOCK caused by a fall, a blow, &c., the principal medicine is: Arn. but if it has been accompanied by excessive FRIGHT, it will be well to administer previously a dose of opium; or if there is syncope, a dose of acon. The head-ache, which may remain after the use of arsenic, often yields to: Bell. phos-ac. or cicut. The effects of a STRAIN IN THE LOINS, from having lifted too heavy a weight, &c. require rather: Rhus. or else: Bry. calc. carb-veg. and sulph. if rhus. is insufficient. The effects of a shock, from making a FALSE STEP, require principally bryon. or pulsat. and rhus. will be but seldom suitable. CONTUSIONS require principally: Arn. or puls. especially if the muscles are chiefly affected. If the GLANDS are injured, the medicines are especially: Con. and phos. or else also: Iod. and kal. If the JOINTS, SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES, or Tendons, have suffered from a contusion, rhus. is preferable; and if the PERIOSTEUM is injured, the principal medicine is ruta. For a BRUISE, when it is the result of contusion: Arn. and rhus. are equally efficacious; and if these two medicines are insufficient, recourse may be had to: Con. sulph. and sulph-ac. or else again to: Con. sulph. and sulph-ac. or else again to: Dulc. lach. and n-vom. For DISLOCATION and SPRAINS, the principal medicine is arn. or rhus. But if, after administering these two medicines, there remains any pain: Am-c. and ruta. or else: Agn. bell. bry. puls. n-vom. may be employed. FRACTURES also require arn. to facilitate the union of the bones; if ruta or symphitum officinale be not equally eligible. BURNS yield most frequently, where arnica fails to an appli- cation of common soap, or to a (30th) dose of sapo taken inter- nally, or else to a dose of acon. For WOUNDS the principal medicines are, according to the circumstances: Arn. cic. staph, and sulph-ac. or also gran. ? SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 77 Contused WOUNDS inflicted by blunt or bruising instruments, such as blows from a hatchet, sabre, sword, &c., require in pre- ference arn. Wounds from a BITE are cured most easily by sulph-ac. if arnic. is insufficient. INCISED WOUNDS inflicted by instruments, such as razors, histouries, &c. require staph. in preference. The principal medicines for wounds caused by SPLINTERS, are: Acon. cic. or else: Nitr-ac. silic. or hep. In all cases of wounds with excessive hæmorrhage, when arn. is not sufficient to staunch them, diad. or phos. may be administered, or else also chin. if the patient is very weak. For wounds, which inflame and suppurate, the principal medi- cines indicated are: Cham. hep. or silic. or else: merc. puls. and sulph. In case of GANGRENE in the wounded part, chin. princi- pally merits a preference, especially at the commencement; but if the skin has already begun to turn black, recourse must be had to lach. or arsen. provided sil. is not equally indicated. The CONVULSIONS, which sometimes follow severe mecha- nical injuries, such as TRAUMATIC TETANUS, &c., require ang. or coccul. if arnic. is insufficient. TRAUMATIC FEVER commonly yields to arn. or acon. and it will be seldom necessary to have recourse to rhus. or bryon. CEREBRAL affections, in consequence of a wound, with Con- CUSSION OF THE BRAIN or of the SPINAL MARRow, require bell. cic. cin. or else calc. or hep. if arnic. proves insufficient. INTERTRIGO.-The best medicines are, in general: Ars. cham. graph. ign. lyc. puls. sep. and sulph. Excoriations in ADULTS, during summer, often yield to: Arn. n-vom. lyc. and sulph. The chafing of BED-RID PATIENTS, requires in preference: Arn. (or plumb.?) Erosion in the nipples requires especially: Arn. and sulph. or else also: Calc. caus. cham. graph. lyc. n-vom. and sep. The excoriations of CHILDREN require principally: Cham. lycop. and sulph. or else again: Graph. or sep. In cases arising from the ABUSE OF CHAMOMILE, ign. and puls. should be pre- ferred. JAUNDICE.-See Chap. XVI, ICTERUS. LEPROSY.-The medicines which Hering recommends as most efficacious against the various forms and degrees of leprosy, are principally: Alum. ars. carb-a, carb-v. caus. graph. natr. petr. phos. sep. sil. and sulph. LICHEN.-In Lichen SIMPLEX, the medicines which appear most 78 CHAP. II. SKIN. suitable to the concomitant gastric symptoms are, according to Schroen: Acon. bryon. or puls. ; while cocc. and dulc. seem to correspond better with the entire disease. The medicines which appear preferable for LICHEN AGRIUS, are: Cic. lyc. mur-ac. or sulph. LUPUS, or NOLI ME TANGERE.-The medicines which seem most suitable to tubercles of this kind, are: Alum. ars. calc. cic. rhus. sep. and sulph. MACULE.-See Srors. MAGGOT-PIMPLES.-(GRUBS). (Tannes). See ACNE punc- tuata. MEASLES.-See MORBILLI and RUBEOLA. MECHANICAL INJURIES.-See INJURIES (MECHANICAL.) MILIARIA. The principal medicines are: Acon. ars. bell. bry. cham. ipec. puls. and sulph. If the eruption is accompanied by great ANGUISH, ars. is especially eligible. In LYING-IN WOMEN, the principal medicine is: Bryon. or ipec. and in children: Acon. bell. bry. cham. or ipec. are pre- ferable. MILIARIA PURPUREA. (MILIARIA RUBRA).—The principal medicines are: Acon. and coff. or else sulph. or bell. if neither acon. nor coff. is sufficient. In cases in which this disease is complicated with scarlatina, dulc. deserves a preference. (Com- pare SCARLATINA). MORBILLI.—By the term Morbilli, which is derived from the Latin word MORBILLI, we designate the disease commonly called MEASLES. The principal medicines are: Acon. and puls. or else: Bell. bry. chin. phos. and sulph. Acon. or puls. will be successfully employed to facilitate the eruption, and to shorten the period of the precursors, and also coff. if the patient is much agitated, or sleepless and irritable. The PHOTOPHOBIA, which sometimes succeeds, often gives way to bell. if acon. or puls. is insufficient. The COUGH Sometimes requires also a dose of coff. or of hep. after administering acon. but if there be bronchitis or pneu- monia, it will be necessary occasionally to have recourse to bryon. In case of REPERCUSSION of the eruption, the medicines to be employed are principally: Bry. puls. and phos. or else again: Ars. bell. caus. and sulph. Against CEREBRAL AFFECTIONS: Bell. or stram. or else again: Ars. hell. or puls. ought especially to be employed. PULMONARY affections require in preference: Bry. phos. or sulph. PUTRID affections: Phos. puls. or sulph. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 79 The medicines which have been most frequently found suitable for the sequela of this disease, are: Bry. curb-veg. cham. chin. dros. dulc. hyos. ign. nux. rhus. sep. stram. and sulph. CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS, such such as COUGH, HOARSENESS, SORE-THROAT, &c., require especially according to the cir- cumstances: Bry. carb-veg. cham. con. dros. dulc. hyos. ign. nux-vom. sep. or n-vom. and if spasmodic, the medicines are : Bell. chin. hyos. or carb-v. dros. &c. If the cough is dry and hollow, they are principally: Cham. ign. or sulph. MUCOUS DIARRHEA often requires: Chin. merc. puls. or sulph. OTITIS and OTorrhea should be treated by: Puls. or carb- v. or else again: Colch. lyc. men. merc. nitr-ac. and sulph. PAROTITIS commonly yields to arn. or rhus. and MILIARIA ALBA sometimes requires nux-vom. In all cases a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, when there are: Vertigo, red and painful eyes, with photophobia; coryza; sore-throat with hoarseness; short, dry, and hollow cough; shootings in the side and chest; sleeplessness, or little sleep with vivid dreams and frequent waking with a start; universal dry heat, with red and hot, or puffed face; bleeding of the nose; frequent desire to urinate; vomiting or colic, also with diarrhea. BELLADONNA, when there are: Excessive swelling of the parotids, with salivation; sore-throat, with obstructed deglutition, and shooting pains when swallowing; hoarseness and dry cough, which fatigues the chest, with oppression and fits of choking; dry heat, with violent head-ache in the forehead, delirium and convulsive twitching of the limbs; violent thirst; great anguish and inquietude, with nervous excitement and sleeplessness. BRYONIA, if there are: Rheumatic pains in the limbs, with dry cough and shooting pain in the chest when breathing or coughing. CHINA, if there is: Violent colic, with excessive thirst. PHOSPHORUS, if there are: Typhoid symptoms, with loss of consciousness; watery diarrhea: tongue loaded with a foul, thick coating; black lips; great weakness; or else a dry cough, with desire to vomit, or vomiting. PULSATILLA, in almost all periods of the disease and in the majority of cases, even the most severe, with putrid and typhoid_symptoms; and especially if there are, at the same time: Internal or external inflammation of the ear, with or without otorrhea; dryness of the mouth, without thirst; short and dry cough, with shootings in the chest, &c. 80 CHAP. II. SKIN. STRAMONIUM, if there are: Delirium, with frightful visions of rats, mice, &c.; desire to hide oneself; spasmodic affection of the throat and difficult deglutition. SULPHUR, especially if there is: Violent inflammation of the eyes, with eruption slightly developed; or else: Violent otalgia, with purulent otorrhæa, difficulty of hearing, tearing and throb- bing in the head; pain in the limbs, and paralytic weakness; or else again, if there are typhoïd symptoms, with loose cough and expectoration of puriform mucus. For the rest of the medicines cited, see their pathogenesy, and consult in their respective chapters, the LOCAL AFFECTIONS which may accompany measles (morbilli.) NÆVI.-See SPOTS (BIRTH.) NETTLERASH.-See URTICARIA. PANARIS.—The medicines, which have hitherto been found most efficacious in curing or checking the progress of panaris (whitlow), are: Hep. lach. sil. and sulph. Sect. 2.) (For the rest, See PAPULÆ.-See LICHEN and PRURIGO. PEMPHIGUS.-The medicines which have been employed with greatest success against both Chronic and acute Pemphigus, are: Bell. dulc. rhus. and sep. (See also VESICULAR ERYSIPELAS, a disease which has so close an analogy to PEMPHIGUS, that it is not surprising that the same medicines should cure both these diseases. PETECHIÆ. Bryon. and rhus. or else ars. have been hitherto found most efficacious. PHLYCTÆNÆ.—See ECZEMA, TETTERS, SCABIES, MILIARIA and VARICELLA. PHTHIRIOSIS (MORBUS PEDICULARIS).—Ars. and chin. or per- haps also merc. are the medicines that should be principally employed against this frightful disease, characterized by the production of PEDICULI either in the skin, or in a kind of tumour, similar to a carbuncle. PITYRIASIS.-See SPOTS (furfuraceous.) POX (Small).-See VARIOLA. PRURIGO. The best medicines are in general: Calc. hep. merc. nitr-ac. sep. and sulph. For prurigo on the SCROTUM, they are especially: Dulc. rhod. nitr-ac. and sulph. or else again: Ambr. cocc. petr. and thuy. For that around the ANUS, they are principally: Merc. nitr- ac. sep. sulph. and thuy.; or else again: Bar-c. kal. and zinc. For that on the VULVA, they are: Calc. con. natr-m. sep. and sulph. See also, Sect. 2, ITCHING. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 81 PSORIASIS. The medicines which appear to answer best against this scaly eruption are, in general: Bryon. calc. led. lyc. sep. and sulph. and also: Caust. clem, graph. aud rhus. For Psoriasis PALMARIS they are especially: Sulph. or mur- ac. or also zinc. For Psoriasis FACIALIS they are: Calc. and sulph., or else: Graph. lyc. and sep.; and perhaps also: Bry. cic. led. merc. oleand. PURPURA.-The PURPURA HEMORRHAGIA, or SPOTTED DISEASE OF WERHOLF, commonly requires bryon. or rhus. provided the totality of the symptoms does not indicate also led. or sec. For PURPURA SENILIS, the principal medicines are: Ars. and con. PUSTULEÆ.-See ACNE, IMPETIGO, VACCINIA and VARIOLA. RHAGADES.—The most eligible medicines are: Alum. calc. hep. lyc. merc. petr. rhus. and sulph. Rhagades on the hands of those who work in water, require rather: Calc. and hep. or else also: Alum. merc. sass. and sulph. Rhagades which manifest themselves in winter, mostly yield to: Petr. or sulph. RUBEOLA.—The principal medicines against this disease are, according to the circumstances: Acon. bell. nux-vom. and puls. RŪPIA.—The medicines, which appear best suited to this kind of bullæ, are: Bor. kal. nitr-ac. and petr. SCABS.-See TETTERS (CRUSTACEOUS). SCABIES.—The principal medicines are, in general: Merc. and sulph. and also: Carb-veg. caus. clem. hep. lach. lyc. rhus. sep. and verat. and perhaps in some cases: Dulc. natr. phos-ac. and squill. may be administered. For the DRY or MILIARY itch, the treatment may commence by administering merc. and sulph. alternately, giving every 4, 6, or 8 days, a dose of one or other of these medicines, until an amelioration or change in the symptoms takes place.-In case of amelioration, it is adviseable to wait, without doing any thing further, as long as it continues; but if it ceases, or if a change occurs in the nature of the symptoms, another medicine must be substituted; and carb-veg. or hep. will be generally found most suitable, if the disease has retained the miliary form; or caustic. if pustules have made their appearance. And the remaining symptoms which continue after carb-veg. or hep. often yield to sep. or verat. For HUMID or PUSTULAR Scabies, sulph. and lyc. may be E 3 82 CHAP. II. SKIN. given alternately in the first instance, and in the manner re- commended above. In the event of subsequent amelioration, especially when the scabies assumes a dryer character, carb- veg. or merc. will be found most frequently indicated. But if neither sulph. or lyc. produce any change in the space of 15 or 20 days, or if the pustules become very large, it will be proper to have recourse to caust. of which 2, 3, or 4 doses may be given according to the circumstances, by administering the second 12 hours after the first, the third 24 hours after the second, the fourth 48 hours after the third, and so on. If, at the end of three days after the fourth dose, no change appears, some doses of merc. may be then administered, at intervals of 48 hours. If, in this kind of Scabies, there are small ulcers, clem. and rhus. will claim a preference; and if the pustules degenerate into large vesicles, of a yellowish or bluish colour, recourse must be had to lach. Scabies, the nature of which has been altered by abuse of sulphur, mostly requires: Merc. or caust. or else also: Calc. dulc. nitr-ac. or puls. (See also ERUPTIONS, SCABIOUs, Sect. 2). SCALDHEAD.-See Chap. VI. SCARLATINA.-The principal medicine is bell. provided cir- cumstances do not require others also, such as: Am-c. bar-c. lach. merc. phos. sulph. &c. For the FEVER, in the precursory period, acon. is to be pre- ferred, if bell. is insufficient. For the ANGINA, bar-c. and merc. rank after bell. Against ANGINA GANGRENOSA the principal medicines are : Am-c. ars. and carb-veg. or perhaps also lach. or sulph. VOMITINGS often require acon. or ars. if they will not yield to bell.; For TENESMUS and STRANGURY, con. merits a pre- ference, and for PULMONARY SPASMS, ipec. after bell. Sleeplessness often requires acon. or coff. In case of REPERCUSSION of the eruption, the medicines which are usually most apt to reproduce it, are: Bry. phos. phos-ac. and sulph. But if cerebral symptoms appear with COMA SOMNOLENTUM, op. is preferable; or bell. if there are starts on closing the eyes. For the PAROTITIS, which sometimes comes on in conse- quence of scarlatina, the principal medicines are: Bell. carb- veg. phos. rhus. and sil. or else merc. For DROPSICAL AFFECTIONS resulting from scarlatina, the medicines are, in general: Arn. ars. bell. dig. hell. phos-ac. or sen.-For HYDROCEPHALE: Arn. bell. hell. and phos-ac.- SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 83 For HYDROTHORAX: Ars. hell. sen. or else: Arn. or dig For ASCITES: Dig. or hell.-And for ANASARCA: Ars. or hell. or bar-m. For OTITIS or ОTORRHEA, in consequence of scarlatina, the medicines are principally: Bell. hep. or puls. or: Colch. lyc. men. merc. nitr-ac. or else, if there is CARIES of the ossicula auditoria : Aur. calc. natr-m. or sil. For SCARLATINA MILIARIA, or MILIARIA PURPUREA, they are: Acon. and coff., or else bell. and sulph, if neither aconit. nor coff. are sufficient. In case of complication of the miliaria purpurea with scarlatina, dulc. is often found very efficacious. In all cases, the preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if there are: Frequent colic, with bilious vomit- ing; violent fever, with dry heat, frequent, full and weak pulse; congestion in the head, with puffed face, vertigo and dizziness; or delirium; or lethargy, with waking with a start; dry, short, painful cough; bleeding at the nose, or also hœ- moptysis; inflammation of the throat. BELLADONNA, if there are: Violent inflammation in the throat and amygdala, with shooting pains, or spasmodic contrac- tion; inability to swallow the least liquid, which sometimes es- capes through the nostrils; danger of suffocation, on feeling the throat or turning the head; violent thirst, with or without hy- drophobia; inflamed and painful eyes, with photophobia ; violent pressure on the forehead, as if the eyes were about to be forced out of the sockets, or tearing and shootings in the head; vertigo, with clouded sight; red and dry tongue; sleep- lessness, with nervous excitement, frightful visions on closing the eyes, starts and jerks. MERCURIUS, if there are: Inflammation and excessive swell- ing of the amygdala, with salivation, ulcers in the mouth, en- largement of the inguinal glands, &c. PHOSPHORUS, if there are: Dry and hard tongue and lips, covered with blackish coating; loss of speech and hearing; dysphagia; incontinence of urine; excessive falling off of the hair. RHUS, if the exanthema degenerates into a kind of vesicular erysipelas, with lethargy, starts, agitation, strangury and vio- lent thirst. SULPHUR, if there is cerebral affection, which will not yield to bell.; with lethargic sleep, starts, convulsions of the eyes; or continued delirium; puffed and bright-red face; obstructed nose; dry, cracked, red tongue, covered with brownish mucus ; thirst and dysphagia. For the rest of the medicines cited, See their patho- 84 CHAP. II. SKIN. genesy, and consult, in their respective chapters, the different LOCAL AFFECTIONS, which may accompany scarlatina. SCIRRHUS.-See CARCINOMA. SUN SPOTS.-" FRECKLES," (Lentigines, Ephelides), require in preference: Verat. or else again: Bry. lyc. natr-m. and puls. HEPATIC SPOTS (Macula hepatice, Ephilis major, Ephilis hepatica), require especially: N-vom. phos. sep. and sulph. or else also: Ant. con. hyos. lach. lyc. merc. and natr. Furfuraceous spors (Pityriasis), require in preference: Ars. alum. bry. lyc. phos. and sep. and those which occupy the HEAD or the margin of the hairy scalp: Ars. and alum, or perhaps also: Calc. graph. oleand. and staph. Spots in PREGNANT WOMEN yield chiefly to sep. For MOTHER SPOTS (Navi), the principal medicines are: Carb-veg. and sulph. STEATOMA.-See TUMOUR (ENCYSTED). STINGS OF INSECTS.-The medicines, which, according to circumstances, commonly afford the most speedy relief, are: Acon, arn. bell. or merc. In case of being stung in very tender parts, and when in- flammation with fever follows, camph. may be immediately administered by smelling, and acon. if camphor is insufficient. In case of being stung by bees on the TONGUE, acon. should be first administered, and, if necessary, arn. half an hour afterwards. If arn. do not relieve, bell. should be administered at the end of 2 or 3 hours, a small spoonful every half-hour, (2 or 3 globules of the 30th attenuation in solution). If bell. prove insufficient, merc. may be administered every 2 or 3 hours. In case of being stung on the EYE, acon. and arn. should be administered alternately, allowing each dose of acon. to act for one hour, each dose of arn. for 3 or 4 hours. STROPHULUS. The medicines principally recommended against this kind of Lichen, are: Cic. cham. and caust. SUPPURATIONS.-The medicines which merit a preference, in cases of chronic suppuration, are commonly: Hep. lach. merc. silic. or sulph. Suppurations of a bad kind require especially: Asa, merc. and silic. SYCOSIS. The medicines which have been hitherto found most efficacious against condylomata or other sycosic excrescences, are: Thuy. and nitr-ac. or else, cinnab. euphr. lycop. phos-ac. sabin. and staph. A very speedy cure is also often accom- plished by administering merc. (3rd) and sulph. (3rd) alter- nately. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 85 SYPHILIS.—The principal medicine is merc. (viv. or solub.) But in the case of PRIMARY CHANCRES, a cure is seldom ac- complished by the last dilutions, which often only aggravate the sufferings by irritating the nervous system of the patient. The most certain method of curing recent Chancre, in the acute state, is to administer every day, or, at least, every second day, a dose of of a grain of the 3rd trituration of mercury, until a perceptible amelioration takes place, without being influenced by the appearance of the ulcers during the first days. NO RECENT CHANCRE IS HEALED WITHOUT BEING PREVIOUSLY AGGRAVATED. But by continuing the use mercury, it will be seen at the end of 8 or 10 days, (an experienced eye will often detect it as early as the fourth or sixth day), that there will appear, on the bottom of the ulcers, healthy granu- lations, which will increase daily, while at the same time, the ulcers will occasionally bleed and the margins begin to be depressed. When, under the administration of mercury, the chancre is slow in cicatrizing, or when the ulcer exhibits a strong ten- dency to produce vegetations, nitr-ac. will be administered with success, in a dose of one drop (3rd), morning and evening. or else in a dose of 3 or 6 globules dissolved in water, one spoonful morning and evening. But care must be taken to ad- minister it before the loss of substance has been repaired by mercury. Nitr-ac. is also to be selected in preference, against syphi- litic ulcers which have been for a long time fruitlessly treated, by administering the large doses of mercury, usual in the old school of medicine. If the chancre has passed from the acute to the CHRONIC state, though it is still primary, it will be sufficient in the ma- jority of cases, to administer 3 doses of the 3rd trituration of merc., one dose every 48 hours, allowing the medicine to act after the third dose without doing anything further. It will be rarely necessary to repeat merc. at the end of 3 or 4 weeks. It commonly happens in cases, in which the primary chancre has passed into the chronic state, that, while the ulcer loses its syphilitic character, macula veneræ, or venereal spots, make their appearance, with pimples on the forehead and chin, and round the mouth. These secondary symptoms are generally removed by mercury, with the remains of the primary ulcer; and if, after this has been healed, some traces still continue, which will not yield to this medicine, (2 or 3 doses of) lach. will often complete a cure. SECONDARY CHANCRES IN THE THROAT, which seldom ap- 86 CHAP. II. SKIN. pear, except in consequence of mercurial applications to the primary chancre, require the same treatment as the CHRONIC chancre (2 or 3 doses of merc. of the 3rd trit.), or else some doses of thuy. if the patient suffers from an abuse of merc. BUBOES, which generally result from cauterization of the primary chancre, and which in many cases appear previously to its being cicatrized, require no particular treatment, and mostly disappear with the primary ulcer, under the influence of merc. But if they have protruded after the cicatrization of the chancre, and especially if the patient has been subjected to an abuse of mercury, nitr-ac. is then the principal medicine; though aur. or carb-v. will be found exceedingly useful. CONSTITUTIONAL syphilis, which is rarely quite unmixed, also requires merc. provided the patient has not indulged in an abuse of merc. If he have, the most eligible medicines will be: Lach. thuy. nitr-ac. aur. and sulph. or else again: Alum. bell. carb-veg. clem. dulc. guaj. hep. iod. lyc. phos-ac, sass. and staph. ACHING syphilitic pains require in preference: Merc. lach. and aur. The SPOTS and TETTERS: Merc. lach. nitr-ac. and thuy. OPHTHALMIA: Merc. or nitr-ac. TETTERS.-See HERPES, and also: ACNE, ECTHYMA, ECZEMA, ERYTHEMA, IMPETIGO, LICHEN, LUPUS, PITYRIASIS, PSORIASIS, &c., and Compare the article TETTERS, Sect. 2. TETTER (ANNULAR).-See HERPES CIRCINNatus. TETTER (CRUSTACEOUS).—See IMPETIGO. TETTER (DARTRE VIVE of Sauvages).-See ECZEMA. TETTER (EATING).-See LUPUS and IMPETIGO RODENS. TETTER (ERYTHEMOIDAL).--See ERYTHEMA. TETTER (FURFURACEOUS).—See HERPES (FURFURACEOUS), Ec- ZEMA, LICHEN, PITYRIASIS and PSORIASIS. TETTER (LICHENOIDAL).—See ECZEMA and LICHEN. TETTER (MERCURIAL).—See ECZEMA and Chap. XXVI, MER- CURY. TETTER (MILIARY).-See HERPES (PHLYCTENOIDES). TETTER (PUSTULOUS).—See ACNE, IMPETIGO, ECTHYMA, Men- TAGRA, &c. TETTER (SCALY).-See chronic ECZEMA, LICHEN agrius and PSORIASIS. TETTER (SYPHILITIC).-See SYPHILIS. TUMOURS.-For INFLAMMATORY tumours, or PHLEGMON, the principal medicines are: Ars. bell. bry. cham. hep. puls, phos. and sulph., which are sometimes sufficient to prevent suppu- ration and to produce the dissolution of the tumours.-Arsen. is especially suitable if there are: Burning pains in the tumour; Bryon. if the tumour is hot and tight, pale or red; Bell. if the SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 87 redness of the tumour extends far over the surrounding parts; Hep. or rhus. if the tumour is painful to the touch; Puls. if it has a red areola, &c. For CALLOUS tumours, they are principally: Bar-c. carb-an. and veg. con. iod. and kal. or else also: Bry. chum. and sulph. which often produce dissolution without suppuration. In cases in which the formation of pus has already com- menced, and dissolution is impracticable, the medicines which will best expedite the opening of the abscess, are: Lach. and hep. For OPEN ABSCESS, when the suppuration has gone on for a long time, the medicines, which will, in the majority of cases, effect the most rapid cure, are: Calc. hep. merc. phos. and sil.-Phos. and sil. are most suitable, when a consumptive state succeeds, in consequence of chronic suppuration. (See also SUPPURATION and ULCERS). ABSCESS, arising FROM CONGESTION, requires commonly only the same medicines employed against SUPPURATION and ABSCESS in general; but in particular cases, attention must be paid to the real seat of the disease and a medicine selected according to the position of the injury. For LYMPHATIC TUMOUR AND ABSCESS, the principal medi- cines are: Asa. bell. calc. carb-veg. cocc. dulc. hep. lach. merc. phos. sep. sil. and phos.—If the tumours are INFLAMMATORY, they are: Bell. carb-veg. hep. lach. sep. sil. and phos.-For INDOLENT tumours, they are: Asa. calc. bell. cocc. dulc. merc. and sulph. (See also GLANDS). ENCYSTED TUMOURS require principally: Calc. graph. hep. and sil. or else again: Bar-c. caus. nitr-ac. and sulph. For STEATOMOUS TUMOURS, or STEATOMA, bar-c. is to be preferred. Tumours, which are formed in the tendons, and which are commonly called GANGLIA, require chiefly: Arn. or rhus. or perhaps also: Am-c. phos. phos-ac. plumb. ? sil. and zinc. ULCERS.—The best medicines are, in general: Ars. asa. bell. calc. carb-veg. con. cupr. graph. lyc. merc. phos-ac. rhus. sil. and sulph. Carcinomatous ulcers require principally: Ars. con. lach. merc. sil. and sulph. or perhaps also: Aur. hep. and staph. For FISTULOUS ulcers, the medicines are principally: Ant. calc. lyc. phos. sil. and sulph. GANGRENED ulcers require in preference· Ars. bell. chin. lach. and sil. or perhaps also: Con. rhus. sec. and squill. MERCURIAL ulcers require especially: Aur. bell. carb-veg. hep, lach, nitr-ac. sass. sil. sulph. and thuy. For PHAGADENIC ulcers, the principal medicines are: Ars. 88 CHAP. II. SKIN. hep. mez. sil. and sulph. or else again: Con. nitr-ac. and ran. For PUTRID ulcers and those in CACHETIC, SCORBUTIC per- sons, &c., they are especially: Ars. carb-v. hep. mur-ac. puls. sil. sulph. and perhaps also: Am-c. and am-m. SCROFULOUS ulcers yield most frequently to: Ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. lyc. mur-ac. sil. and sulph. SYPHILITIC ulcers require chiefly: Merc. or else again: Iod.(?) nitr-ac. lach. and thuy. URTICARIA (Nettle-rash, Essera).-The principal medicines are: Calc. dulc. and lyc. or else again: Acon. ars. bry. clem. hep. nux-vom. rhus. and urtic. For ACUTE urticaria, they are especially; Acon. bry. dulc. and rhus. or urt. and for CHRONIC urticaria: Calc. and lyc. and perhaps also: Ars. rhus. and urt. (For the rest, See Sect. 2). VARICES.—The principal medicines are: Arn. ars. calc. carb-v. caus. lyc. n-vom. puls. and sulph. VARICELLA, (Chicken-pox).-Though this eruption commonly passes off without danger, the fever and cerebral congestion which accompany its precursors may require medicine. In this case, acon. and bell. will be found most frequently indicated, provided the totality of symptoms do not rather require other medicines, such as: Ant. puls. sil. sol-m. tart. and thuy. For the tenesmus or strangury, which sometimes appears, the medicines are: Canth. con. and merc. An eruption similar to varicella, produced by an abuse of bacon, was cured, in one case, by puls. VARIOLA, or SMALL-POX.-The principal medicines are: Ars. merc. and rhus. In the period which precedes the eruption, the best medi- cines to allay the fever and bring out the eruption rapidly, are: Coff. bryon. and rhus. In case of CEREBRAL METASTASIS, bell. must be employed; and if there are GASTRIC sufferings, with vomiting, the medi- cines are: Ars. and ipec. After the eruption has appeared, the most suitable medicines, in the majority of cases, for promoting a rapid desiccation, are: Sulph. or merc.; but if the eruption is too great, a dose of bell. will sometimes be adviseable; and if the FEVER, during the suppuration, is too violent, acon. or bell. will be necessary; or else cham. if there is a cough during this period. If the pus becomes SANIOUS, and if SPHACELUS is apprehended: Ars. and carb-v. ought to be employed in preference. The best medicine against the SALIVATION, which some- times succeeds is merc. against the CATARRH, with cough SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 89 and hoarseness, the principal medicines are: Ars. or merc. and against the diarrhea, chin. is most eligible. VAŘIOLOIDES.-The principal medicines are Bell. and merc. or else: Ars. and rhus. Before the eruption, when there is much FEVER, with HEAD- ACHE, the medicines which deserve a preference are: Acon. or bell. and when there is PAIN IN THE LOINS, bryon. should be selected. In the ERUPTIVE PERIOD, sulph. will bring forward the desiccation most speedily. For PULMONARY CATARRH, caused by this disease, the prin- cipal medicines are: Merc. or bell. or else, if there are ASTH- MATIC AFFECTIONS, with mucous rattling, they are: Seneg. and tart. Affections of the bones require principally: Sil. or phos-ac. those of the joints: Bell. bry. and merc. VESICULE.-See PHLYCTÆNÆ. WARTS.-The medicines which have been hitherto employed with most success against warts, are: Calc. caus. dulc. natr. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. thuy. and sulph. For warts on the hands of ONANISTS, they are especially : Nitr-ac. sep. thuy. and sulph. WHITLOW.-See PANARIS. WOUNDS.-See MECHANICAL INJURIES. ZONA. -The medicines which ought to be employed in prefe- rence against this kind of herpes, are: Graph. and rhus. or else again: Ars. merc. and sulph. a SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE SKIN And of the External Organs. ABSCESS. See Sect. 1. ANASARCA, See Sect. 1. ARID (Skin). Acon. calc. iod. magn. BITES. See Sect. 1, MECHANI- CAL INJURIES. BLACKNESS OF THE SKIN (Com- plexion). Lach. BLISTERS. See TUBERCLES. BLOOD Oozing from the skin. Lach. BLOTCHES (THICK), after scratch- ing). See PLACES. BURN. See Sect. 1. BURNING. See PAINS (Burning). CALLOSITIES. Lach. rhus-v. CARBUNCLE. See Sect. 1. CHILBLAINS. Agar. ars. bell. bry. carb-a. carb-v. croc. ign, lyc. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. petr. puls. rhus. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. zinc. m-aus. Bluish-red. Bell. kal. Itching. N-vom. sulph. 90 CHAP. II. SKIN. CHILBLAINS (Painful). Nitr-ac. petr. phos. CIRCLES. See SPOTS (annular). COLDNESS of the skin. Ars. camph. nitr-ac. n-mos. sec. verat. (Compare FEVER, COLD- NESS, External). COLOUR OF THE SKIN: Black. Lach. Blue. Am-c. ars. camph. con. dig. lach. n-vom. op. plumb. Dirty. Iod. merc. Greenish. Lach. Pale. See CHLOROSIS, Chap. XX. Red. Agar. bell. lyc. puls. lach. Scarlet. See Scarlet-red. Scarlet-red. Am-c. bell. croc. euphorb. phos-ac. tereb. Yellow. Acon. ars. bry. calc. carb-v. caust. cham. chin. con. dig. hep. iod. lach. merc. n-vom. plumb. sec. sulph. CONDYLOMATA. See Sect. 1, SYCOSIS. CORNS. Am-c. ant. bov. calc. m. mur-ac. natr. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhod. sabad. sec. sel. sil. staph. stram. sulph. zinc. CRAWLING, Night (at). Bar-c. sulph. Shooting. Bar-c. sabad. DEGENERACY of the skin. Ant. DESQUAMMATION. Acon. am-m. ars. aur. bov. coloc. dig. hell. merc. mez. op. phos. phos- ac. sec. verat. (Compare SCALES.) Of the parts affected. Acon. Of the whole body. Coloc. dig. mez. phos. sec. DIRTY (Tinge of the skin). Iod. merc. DRYNESS of the skin. Acon. amb. am-c. ars. bell. calc. chin. coloc. dulc. graph. hyos. iod. kal. kal. led. lyc. magn. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. phos-ac. sec. sep. sil. Chronic. Graph. Movement (During). Calc. Nocturnal perspiration (al- ternately with). Natr. ( Sensation caust. lyc. nitr-ac. petr.DRYNESS phos. phos-ac. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Excoriated (As if). Amb. bry. calc. lyc. rhus. mgs- arc. Inflamed. Sep. Painful. Calc. caust. natr- m. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. Pressive. Ant. bry. sulph. Shooting. Am-c. bov. bry. hep. lyc. phos-ac. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. mgs. Tearing. Am-c. sulph-ac. CRACKS. See RHAGADES. CRAWLING. Acon. bar-c. carb- v. colch. evon. fer-mg. magn- Camph. of). ECCHYMOSIS. Arn. con. dulc. lach. n-vom. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. EPHELIDES (Freckles). Am-c. ant. berb. bry. calc. graph. lyc. natr. n-mos. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sulph. verat. ERUPTIONS in general. Am-c. ars. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. clem. con. cupr. dulc. euphorb. kal. kreos. lyc. natr- m. petr. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. Air (appearing in the). Nitr- ac. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 91 ERUPTIONS alternately asthmatic affections. rhus. with Calad. Bleeding easily. Merc. Blue (deep). Lach. ran. Burning. Ant. arg. ars. bov. berb. bry. calad. calc. cic. cocc. mere. magn-m. n-yom. nitr. oleand. petr. phos-ac. ran. rhus. squill. staph. stront. scratched (after being). Merc. scratched (ameliorated after being). Nitr. touched (when). Caust. Callous. Ran. Cold air (appearing in the). Sass. dissappearing. Calc. Confluent. Cic. hyos. val. Desquammation (with). Led. Drawn together. Agar. calc. Driven back. Amb. lach. stram. Dry.Bar-c. evon. hyos. merc. sass. verat. Excoriation (with pain, as if from). Arg. phos-ac. touched (when). Hep. spig. Glands (with swelling of the). Am-c. dulc. Grains of millet (like). Agar. COCC. Granulated. Carb-v. hep. phos-ac. Grapes (in the form of a bunch of). Calc. Groups (in). Calc. phos- ac. Itching. Agar. am-c. ant. bov. bry. calad. calc. canth. con. kal-ch. kre. lach. merc. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. oleand. petr. rhan. rhus. sep. spig. spong. squill. staph. stront. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. verat. ERUPTIONS (Itching) in bed. Ant. merc. mur-ac. puls. rhus. verat. — — evening (in the). Kreos. magn-m. staph. verat. heat (in the). Cocc. sass. night (at). Ant. merc. rhus. verat. Night (appearing in the). Ant. Painful. Lyc. merc. bell. Purulent. Cic. lyc. merc. rhus. sec. sep. sil. spig. staph. verat. (Compare RUN- NING). Red. Ant. ars. aur. aur. berb. cham. cic. cocc. graph. phos- ac. sass. sep. spig. thuy. val. (with red areola). Bor. cocc. tab. tart. red spots. Merc. Round. Dulc. phos. Scabby. Alum. am-c. ant. ars. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bov. calc. cic. clem. con. con. dulc. graph. hep. lyc. merc. mur- ac. natr-m. phos-ac. ran. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. viol-tric. brown. Ant. callous. Ran. yellow. Ant. cic. Scabious. Ars. bar-m. carb- V. caus. clem. coloc. con. cupr. grat. kre.? lach. merc. natr. ol-an. phos-ac. sep. squill. sulph. tart. verat. - bleeding easily. Merc. Scaly. See SCALES. Scarlet (colour). Am-c. bell. euphorb. lach. phos. phos-ac. sulph. tereb. 92 CHAP. II. SKIN, ERUPTIONS, Scratched (burning | EXCORIATION (Pain as if from, after being). Merc. natr-s. staph. stront. verat. Shooting pains (with), Ant. berb. magn. natr-m. plat. squill, viol-tric. Smarting. Bry. merc. plat. Spotted. (See SPOTS). Swelling of the part (with). Bell. Tettery. (See TETTERS). alternating with asth- matic affections and dysenteric evacuations. Rhus. Tuberculous. Agar. alum. ant. calc. caus. cocc. dulc. hep. kreos. lach. led. magn. magn-m. mang. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr. spig. staph, thuy. White. Agar. bor. val. edges (on the). Bell. Yellowish. Lach. merc. ERYSIPELAS. Acon. am-c. ant. arn. ars. bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. camph. carb-an. cham. chin. clem. graph. hep. lach. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos. puls. rhus. rut. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1). EXCORIATION of the skin. Am- c. arn. ars. bar-c. calc. caus. cham. chin. graph. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mang. merc. ol-an. petr. phos. plumb. puls. rut. sep. squill. sulph. sulph-ac. (Comp INTERTRIGO, Sect. 1). Itching. Petr. Joints (in the). Mang. ol- an. sep. Running. Bar-c. petr. Shooting. Phos. Smarting. Phos. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from). Acon. fer. hep. n-vom. par. plat. when touched). Fer. hep. par. EXCRESCENCES. Ran. Callous. Ant. ran. FISTULA. See ULCERS (Fistu- lous). FLACCIDITY of the skin. Chin. iod. sec. verat. FLAWS in the nails. Calc. rhus. stann. sulph. FURFURS. See Sect. 1. FURUNCULI. Ant. arn. bell. calc. euph. ind. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mez. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. sec. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. zinc. mgs. Large. Hyos. lyc. Periodical. Lyc. Shooting when touched. Mur-ac. sil. Small. Magn. zinc. Spring (in). Bell. GANGRENE. See Sect. 1. GLANDS (ENLARGED), like small nodosities under the skin. Bry. GNAWING in the skin. Agar. agn. chin. cic. dig. led. lyc. plat. rut. spong. staph. Shooting. Dig. GREENISH (Colour of the skin). Lach. HEAT. See Chap. IV, HEAT (External). INSENSIBILITY of the skin. See TORPOR. IRRITABILITY in the skin (Want of). Anac. ITCHING, TICKLING OF THE SKIN. Agn. amb. am-c. am-m. ant. ars. bov. carb-a. caus. cis. cocc. con. fer-mg. graph. ipec. kal-ch, kreos. lach. lyc, magn. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 93 merc. op. par. puls. ran. rhus. rhus-v. sass. sil. sulph. sulph- ac. tart. ITCHING, TICKLING OF THE SKIN. Air (when walking in the). Ign. Bed (in). Bov. carb-a. carb- v. chin. cocc. coloc. cic. kal- ch. lyc. merc. n-vom. rhus- v. puls. sass. sulph. thuy. zinc. evening (in the). Carb- a. carb-v. coloc. cyc. kal-ch. merc. n-vom. puls. sass. thuy. zinc. morning (in the). Rhus- v. sulph. night (at). Cocc. merc. rhus-v. sulph. Burning. Anac. arg. ars. calc. chin. cic. colch. dig. euphorb. hep. kal. n-vom. ol-an. phell. plat. puls. rhus. squill. stann. Burning (ceasing with). Sep. - Cold (in the). Spong. Crawling. Acon. bar-c. colch. evon. mur-ac. plat. rhod. sel. sil. staph. (See CRAWLING). Creeping (as if from some- thing). Spong. staph. Evening (in the). Carb-a. carb-v. chin. COCC. coloc. cyc. fer-mg. kreos. lyc. merc. mez. n-vom. oleand. puls. sass. sel. sil. stann. thuy. zinc. Heated, during the day (after being over-). Lyc. Inquietude (with). Coloc. Morning (in the). Sass. staph. sulph. Nausea (during). Ipec. Night (at). Am-c. am-m. berb. bar-c. cocc. croc. kreos. merc. mez. n-vom. sass. sulph. thuy. ITCHING, TICKLING OF THE SKIN. Pain, as if from a wound (with). Plat. Parts affected (in Acon. (in the). Perspiration (followed by). Coloc. Scratch (forcing one to). Agar. am-m. euphorb. evon. mur-ac. oleand. plat. sel. spong. Scratching (after): amelioration. Ign. nitr. phell. bleeding. Merc. sulph. burning. Am-c. evon. grat. kreos. led. magn-m. merc. natr-s. sil. sulph. eruption. Amm. amm-m. hep. stront. bin. excoriation. Oleand. sa- heat. Spong. sulph. (itching aggravated by). Anac. mez. puls. miliary. Spong. pain, as if from excoria- tion. Sulph. Sil. redness. Oleand. spong. running. Kal. sec. scabs. Sabad. skin (thick). Lach. smarting. Sulph. swelling. Mez. tickling (voluptuous). Seated (when). Cyc. Shooting. Agn. bar-c. con. cyc. dig. kal. mur-ac. n-vom. plat. puls. sil. spong. stann. tab. teucr. thuy. zinc. mgs- arc. Smarting. Am-c. calc. eu- 94 CHAP. II. SKIN. phorb. lach. led. mez. ol-an. | NAILS (Yellow). Con. phell. ITCHING, TICKLING IN THE SKIN. Touched (when). Euph. mitigated. Thuy. zinc. Undressing (when). Ars. cocc. mez. n-vom. oleand. sil. stann. Voluptuous sensation (with a). Mur-ac. sil. Warmth of the bed (in the). Bov. carb-v. cocc. merc. puls. spong. LEPROSY. See Sect. 1. MEASLES. See Sect. 1. MILIARY. Acon. alum. am-c. am-m. ant. arn. ars. bell. bov. bry. calad. calc. caus. cham. clem. coff. cupr. hell. ipec. kal-ch. lach. led. merc. mez. natr-m. n-vom. phos- ac. sass. sec. sel. spong. staph. sulph. tart. verat. viol- tric. Asthmatic affections (alter- nately with). Calad. Cold air (in the). Sass. Chronic. Am-c. clem. mez. staph. Excoriation (with). Sulph. White. Ars. val. MORBILLI. See Sect. 1. NAILS: Bluish. Dig. Brittle. Alum. Deformed. Ant. graph. sep. Discoloured. Ant. ars. Exfoliate (which). Merc. Fall off (which). Hell. Flesh (which grow into the). m-aus. Painful. Ant. Thick. Graph. Ulcers. See PANARIS. Wound (with pain as if from a). M-aus. NODOSITIES. See TUBERCLES. PAINS IN THE SKIN. Agar. amb. anac. -Burning. Arg. ars. bell. bry. calad. calc. carb-v. cic. dig. euphorb. hep. kal. mang. nitr. n-vom. ol. phell. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. sel. sep. squill. stann. emotions (after). Bry. evening (in the). Mang. itching (with). Anac. arg. calc. cic. colch. dig. euphorb. hep. kal. n-vom. ol-an. phell. plat. puls. rhus. squill. stann. night (at). Ars. cann. bar-m. parts affected (in the). Acon. sabin. pricking. Plat. scratching (after). Am- c. evon. grat. led. merc. natr- s. sep. sil. sulph. shooting. Bar-c. bry. cann. sabad. stung (after being). Nitr. touched (when). Fer. sa- bin. Shooting. Acon. ars. bar-c. bry-con. dig. fer-mg. nitr. n-vom. plat. puls. ran. spong. stann. teuc. thuy. zinc. burning (with). Bar-c. bry. cann. sabad. crawling. Bar-c. sabad. emotions (after). Bry. itching (with). Agn. bar-c. con. cyc. dig. fer-mg. nitr. n-vom. plat. puls. ran. spong. stann. teuc. thuy. zinc. night (at). Cann. merc. thuy. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 95 PAINS IN THE SKIN: Smarting or biting. Am-m. calc. euphorb. lach. led. mez. oleand. ol-an. phell. with itching. Am-c. calc. euphorb. lach. led. mez. ol- an. phell. PALENESS OF THE SKIN. Ars. chin. cocc. con. fer. graph. hell. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. (Com- pare CHLOROSIS). PANARIS. Alum. am-m. bar-c. bov. calc. caus. con. hep. iod. lach.merc. natr-m. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. m-arc. m- aus. PARCHMENT (Skin like). Ars. PEMPHIGUS. See Sect. 1. PETECHIÆ. Ars. bell. bry. con. led. phell. phos. rhus. sec. sil. sulph-ac. PIMPLES. Ant. arg. ars. bov. cic. con. hep. kal-ch. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sass. squill. staph. stront. tab. tart. veratr. zinc. mgs. (Compare ERUPtions). PLACES (THICK), after scratch- ing). Lach. PLEXUS venarum (Red). Plat. Pox (Small). See VARIOLA, Sect. 1. V. con. graph. lyc. merc. phos. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Pus of ulcers (Gelatinous). Sil. Greenish. Rhus. sil. Sanguineous. Ars. bell. con. nitr-ac. Sanious. Am-c. ars. asa. bell. carb-v. clem. merc. rhus. sil. squill. Serous. Asa. sulph. Viscous. Con. Yellow. Clem. sil. sulph. PUSTULES. Am-m. ant. ars. bell. berb. bry. calc. clem. cocc. dulc. evon. hyos. lach. magn- m. merc. plat. petr. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhus-v. sass. sep. sil. sol-m. sulph. tart. thuy. mgs. Black. Ars. bell. hyos. mur- ac. rhus. sec. sep. sil. Sanguineous. Ars. natr-m. sec. REDNESS of the skin. Acon. agar. bell. lach. lyc. puls. Burning. Bell. Itching. Agar. calc. Scarlet. Am-m. bell. croc. euphorb. phos-ac. terb. RHAGADES. Alum. aur. hep. lyc. mang. n-vom. nitr-ac. petr. puls. rhus. sass. sulph. zinc. PORES (Black). Natr. nitr-ac. ROUGH, scaly, rugged (Skin). sulph. PRICKING. Plat. fer-mg. Pus of ulcers (Acrid, corrosive). Ars. carb-veg. clem. rhus. sil. squill. merc. Corrosive. See ACRID, and Compare ULCERS (EATING). Dirty. Phos-ac. Eating. Merc. sil. Fetid. Am-c. ars. asa. carb- Bell. calc. graph. hyos. iod. merc. sec. sep. RUNNING of the skin. Bar-c. petr. Scratching (after). Kal. sec. SCABIES. See Sect. 1. SCABS. Alum. am-c. ant. ars. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bov. calc. cic. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. lyc. merc. mur-ac. natr- 96 CHAP. II. SKIN. m. phos-ac. ran. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. viol- tric. SCABS (Brown). Ant. Callous. Ran. Yellow. Ant. cic. Compare TETTERS. SCALES (Eruptions). Aur. ars. bell. calc. cic. clem. con. cupr. dulc. graph. led. lyc. magn. merc. mur-ac. oleand. phos. sep. sulph. (Compare also FURFURS and DESQUAM- MATION). SCARLATINA. See Sect. 1. SCIRRHUS. See Sect. 1. SENSITIVENESS of the skin. Arn. camph. chin. petr. sep. sil. spig. thuy. Air (when touched in the), &c. See Chap. 1, Sect. 2. SHEEP-ROT (Eruption like). Led. SMARTING. See PAINS (Smart- ing). SPHACELUS. See GANGRENE, Sect. 1. SPOTS (Blue). Ars. bar-c. fer. fer-mg. Brownish. Berb. carb-v. con. hyos. petr. phos. plumb. sep. thuy. Brown (reddish). Nitr-ac. Burning. Kal. phos-ac. sep. Cold air (appearing in the). Sabad. Confluent. Bell. Coppery. Lach. nitr. phos. Excoriated. Lach. merc. Flea-bites (like). Acon. graph. Gangrened. Hyos. Hepatic. See Sect. 1. Itching. Con. graph. iod. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. spong. sulph-ac. Livid. Lach. sep. SPOTS (Marbled). Thuy. Pale. Lach. Red. Ars. bell. calc. cocc. con. cor. dulc. fer-mg. graph. iod. kal. lach. lyc. magn. merc. phos-ac. sabad. sep. spong. squill. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. cold air (in the). Sabad. moon (during the in- creasing). Clem. Rosy (tuberculous). Natr. sil. Running scratched. Kal. after being Scarlet. Bell. euphorb. (phos-ac. tercb.) Scorbutic (like). Merc. Tettery. phos. sep. Merc. natr-m. Tuberculous. Alum. natr. sil. Vinous. Sep. Whitish. Ārs. alum. phos. sep. sil. sulph. Yellow. Fer. kal. lach. natr. petr. phos. sabad. sep. sulph. tart. (annular). Natr. natr-m. Yellow and green (which become). Con. STEATOMA. See Sect. 1. STREAKS (Red). Sabad. Reddish-brown. Carb-v. Scarlet. Euphorb. SUGILLATION. See EсCHYMOSIS. SUPPURATIONS. Asa. bell. hep. mang. merc. mez. puls. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1). Checked. Ars. hep. Malignant. merc. sil. Asa. kreos. Membraneous parts (in the). Sil. Mild. Merc. puls. sil. SYCOSIS. See Sect. 1. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 97 TENSION of the skin in bed, in TETTERS (Mercurial.) See Chap. the evening. Stront. TETTERS in general. Alum. ars. bor. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. iod. kal. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. ran. rhus. sass. sil. sol-m. sep. spong. staph. sulph. zinc. Annular. Sep. Bleeding, after scratching. Dulc. Body (over the whole). Dulc. ran. Burning, painful. Ars. ambr. bov. bry. calad. carb-v. con. led. merc. sep. sulph. mgs- arc. air (in the open). Led. night (at). Staph. scratching (after). Staph. Dry. Bov. calc. dulc. kal-h. kreos. led. merc. phos. phos- ac. rhus. staph. veratr. sulph. Eating. See Sect. 1. Furfuraceous. Ars. bry. dulc. kreos. led. merc. phos. sulph. (am-c. bov. calc. cic. graph.) (Compare Sect. 1.) Grapes (in the form of a bunch of). Calc. Insensible. Lyc. magn. Itching. Alum. ambr. bov. caus. clem. con. graph. kal-h. kreos. led. magn-s. merc. mang. natr-m. nic. nitr-ac. petr. sep. sulph. in the evening. Alum. bry. graph. staph. staph. at night. Ars. graph. XXVI. MERcury. Painless. Mgn. Pale. Dulc. while the moon is on the wane. Clem. Phlyctanoidal. Sect. 1. and Compare VESICULÆ. Pustulous. Kreos. Red. Clem. Clem. dulc. mgn. mgn-s. while the moon is in- creasing. Clem. Running. Alum. bov. calc. caus. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. kreos. lyc. merc. natr. phos-ac. rhus. sep. sulph. Scabby. Alum. ars. calc. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. lyc. mur-ac. phos-ac. ran. sass. sep. staph. sulph. (Com- pare SCABS.) Scaly. See Sect. 1. TET- TERS (scaly), and below SCALES. Sensitive to cold water. Dulc. Small. Dulc. magn. Squamous. Clem. cupr. dulc. led. magn. merc. phos. (Com- pare Sect. 1.) Suppressed. Ambr. lach. Suppurating. Ars. dulc. lyc. merc. natr. sep. sil. zinc. Syphilitic. See Sect. 1. SYPHILIS. Tearing pains (with). Mgs- arct. Wrinkled and cracked. Lyc. Yellow. Cupr. sulph. brownish yellow. Lyc. natr. warmth of the bed (in | TICKLING. See ITCHING. the). Clem. - Lychenoidal. See Sect. 1 LICHEN. VOL. II. TUBERCLES. Agar. alum. ant. calc. caus. cocc. dulc. hep. kreos. lach. led. magn. F 98 CHAP. II. SKIN. natr. magn-m. mang. mez. natr-m. nitr. spig. staph. thuy. TUMOURS. See Sect. 1. ULCERATION of wounds (easy). Alum. bar-c. bor. calc. cham. croc. graph. hep. mang. petr. sil. staph. sulph. ULCERATION in the skin (Pain as if from). Kal. ULCERS, which become BLACK. Ars. con. Bleeding easily. Ars. bell. carb-v. con. hep. hyos. kal. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sil. sulph. Bluish (which become). Ars. asa. aur. con. lach. merc. Boring (with). Chin. sil. sulph. Broken (at the bottom). Phos-ac. Burning. Ars. bell. bov. carb-v. cham. clem. graph. hep. lyc. merc. mez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. sep. sil. ac. margins (on the). Mur- night (at). Hep. lyc. rhus. staph. carb-v. con. hep. lyc. merc. sep. sil. ULCERS (Fistulous.) Ant. calc. lyc. phos. sil. sulph. -Flesh (with proud). Ars. graph. sulph. petr. sep. sil. sulph. Fungous. Lach. merc. sil. Gangrened. Ars. bell. chin. con. hep. kre. ? lach. rhus. sec. sil. squill. Greenish. Ars. Indolent. Ars. carb-v. phos- ac. sep. Inflamed. Ant. ars. mez. puls. sil. Insensible. Ars. euphorb. Itching. Alum. ars. bov. graph. lyc. phos-ac. puls. ran. sep. sil. staph. sulph. margins (on the). Tart. night (at). Lyc. staph. Jerking pains (with). Cham. staph. Lardaceous. Ars. merc. sa- bin. Margins (with bluish). Asa. hard. Ars. asa. calc. puls. lyc. phos. inverted. Lyc. pale. N-vom. touched (when). Lach. raised. Ars. n-vom. lyc. sulph. Cold (painful when). Ars. red. Ars. calch. lach. lyc. Coldness (with a sensation of). Bry. sulph. Crawling. Cham. clem. con. rhus. Dirty (at the bottom). Lach. Drawing pains (with). Bell. Eating. Ars. con. hep. merc. mez, nitr-ac. ran. sil. sulph- ac. Excoriation (with pain as if from). Bell. hep. mez. rhus. when touched. Hep. Fetid. Am-c. ars. asa. calc. Nails (in the). See PANARIS. Night (painful at). Bell. hep. lyc. rhus. Painful. Ars. Ars. lyc. merc. mur-ac. cold (after taking). Ars. Pimples (surrounded by). Lach. sulph. Pressure (with). Sil. Pulsation (with). Bry. chin. clem. hep. sulph. Putrid. Ars. carb-v. hep. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 99 kreos. mur-ac. puls. sil. | URTICARIA. Acon. ant. ars. bry. sulph. ULCERS, Scabby. Ars. bell. Scorbutic. See Sect. 1. Scrofulous. See Sect. 1. Shooting. Ars. chin, clem. graph. hep. lam. lyc. mez. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. puls. ran. sep. sil. staph. sulph. margins (on the), when touched. Clem. night (at). Rhus. splinters (as if from). Nitr-ac. Smarting. Bry. cham. graph. lam. puls. rhus. sil. staph. night (at). Rhus. Smooth. Lach. phos-ac. ran. sel. Superficial. Merc. phos-ac. Suppurating slightly. Ars. Syphilitic. See Sect. 1. Swollen. Bell. con. lyc. Tearings (with). Canth. graph. lyc. sep. staph. sulph. night (at). Lyc. Tensive pains (with). Con. sulph. Tettery. Zinc. Touch (sensitive to the). Asa. bell. cham. Warts (in the form of). Ars. UNHEALTHY (skin), every in- jury tends to ulceration. Alum. bar-c. bor. calc. cham. croc. graph. hep. mang. petr. sil. staph. sulph. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. clem. con. cop. dulc. hep. ign. kal. kre. lyc. magn-s. merc. natr- m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sass. sulph. urt. verat. Air (appearing in the fresh.) Calc. Air (appearing in the open.) Nitr-ac. Exercise (after violent). Con. natr-m. VARICELLA (Eruptions resem- bling). Ant. puls. sil. sal-m. tart. thuy. VARIOLUS. See Sect. 1. Venarum (Plexus). Plat. Vesicula. Bry. cant. nitr. ran. tab. Eating. Bor. caus. graph. kal. mgn. nitr-ac. petr. sep. sil. sulph. WARTS. Am-c. ars. bar-c. boy. calc. caus. dulc. euphorb. fer- mg. kal. lach. lyc. natr. natr- m. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. petr. rhus. ruta. sass. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. Inflamed. Bell. caus. nitr-ac. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. YELLOW (colour of the skin). Acon. ars. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. con. dig. hep. iod. lach. merc. n-vom. plumb. sec. sulph. (Compare ICTERUS.) ZONA, See Sect. 1. F 2 100 CHAP. III. SLEEP. CHAPTER III. SLEEP AND AFFECTIONS RELATING TO IT, SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS, COMA.-See SOMNOLENCY. LETHARGY.-See SOMNOLENCY. NIGHT-MARE (Incubus). A preference may be given to : ACONIT, in women or children, if there are at the same time: Febrile heat, thirst, palpitation of the heart, rapid pulse, oppression on the chest, anxiety and inquietude. NUX-VOM. if the attacks have been occasioned by alcoholic drinks, beer, a full meal, a sedentary life, &c. OPIUM, when the attacks are severe, with suspended respi- ration, eyes half-open, open mouth, snoring, rattling, features expressive of anguish, face covered with cold perspiration, shocks and convulsive movements of the limbs, &c. In cases, in which these medicines are insufficient, recourse may be also had, according to the circumstances, to: Sulph. silic. or else to: Am-c. hep. phos. puls. ruta. and valer. See besides, this articles in the AFFECTIONS ACCESSORY TO SLEEP, Sect. 3. SLEEPLESSNESS.-Sleeplessness is, in all cases, only a symp- tom of another disease, which must be removed, in order to restore healthy sleep. But it is often also the most prominent symptom, and then it is necessary to select a medicine suited to the circumstances, which have produced it. A preference may thus be given to : ACONITUM, when sleeplessness is caused by anxious and agi- tating events. Belladonna, when the patient feels a strong desire to sleep, without being able to do so, or when there are: Great anguish, agitation, frightful visions, timidity, apprehension of real objects, &c.; or else if there is, at the same time, great sleepiness in the morning, or too early in the evening. COFFEA, if sleeplessness is caused by excessive joy or agree- able over-excitement, or else in children, or in consequence of prolonged watching, and also in persons who have indulged in an abuse of coffee. HYOSCYAMUS, against sleeplessness, resulting from nervous excitement, especially in consequence of violent disease, or in sensitive and irritable persons. Mao!! SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 101 IGNATIA, if it has been produced by depressing emotions, such as grief, unpleasant ideas, &c. MOSCHUS, in many cases of sleeplessness, arising from ner- vous excitement, without other sufferings, especially in hys- terical or hypochondriacal persons. NUX-VOM. when it is the result of prolonged meditation, reading, &c., or when it is produced by coffee, or when sleep is hindered in the evening by a great flow of ideas. OPIUM, after such emotions as fear, fright, &c.; or when there are: Visions of phantoms, grimaces, &c., or in the case of old men. PULSATILLA, in persons, who have eaten too much in the evening, or if there are: Great flow of ideas, which prevents the patient's sleeping; or else with rapid circulation, congestion in the head and anxiety attended with heat. For sleeplessness in CHILDREN, with cries, colic, tossing, &c., the medicines are, according to the circumstances: Acon. bell. cham. coff. jalap. and rhab. or else again: Bor. cin. ipec. and senn. ACONITUM and coff. are especially indicated, when there is great agitation, with febrile heat. BELLADONNA is preferable, if the child cries during whole days and hours, without any assignable cause. CHAMOMILLA, is to be preferred, if there is at the same time head-ache, or ear-ache. JALAPPA, is suitable principally when there is violent colics, diarrhea. Rhabarbarum (Rheum), is indicated, if there is a frequent desire to evacuate with tenesmus and colic. See also SLEEPLESSNESS, Sect. 2. and accessory AFFEC- TIONS, Sect. 3. SOMNAMBULISM, or NOCTAMBULISM. The medicines which merit an especial preference, are: Bry. phos. and sil. SOMNOLENCY.-Under this head, we have collected the cli- nical remarks, relating to the various degrees of unhealthy sleep, such as: Coma somnolentum, Coma vigil, Cataphora, Lethargy, Somnolency, &c. For slight somnolency, or a DESIRE TO SLEEP, which often manifests itself without any other symptom, but at extraor- dinary hours, the medicines, which merit a preference, are: Bell. calc. carb-v. chin. con. graph. hep. kal. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. and sulph. For somnolency, which manifests itself in the MORNING, the principal medicines are: Hep. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. and sulph. 102 CHAP. III. SLEEP. For that which comes on after a MEAL, they are especially: Chin. graph. lach. n-vom. phos. and sulph. For that which comes on early in the EVENING, they are: Calc. kal. lach. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. sil. and sulph. See also, Section 2, Propensity to SLEEP. For LETHARGIC SOMNOLENCY or COMA, the medicines which have hitherto been employed with most success, are in general: Bar-c. bell. cham. lach. n-vom. op. and puls. COMA SOMNOLENTUM requires especially: Bar-c. bell. lach. n-vom. op. and puls. or else again: Ant. croc. laur. led. phos-ac. puls. tart. verat. and mgs-arc. For COMA VIGIL, the following may be consulted in pre- ference: Ars. bell. cham. cocc. hep. lach. hyos. n-vom. op. &c. For PROLONGED COMA or LETHARGY, the medicines are espe- cially: Bell. lach. op. and perhaps also: Plumb, or else merc. With respect to the SYMPTOMS, which characterize the dif- ferent cases of coma, the preference may be given to : BARYTA, if there are: Lethargic somnolency, with agitation, groans and murmurs, insensible pupils, weak and accelerated pulse. BELLADONNA, when there are: Deep or prolonged sleep, with immobility of body, subsultus tendinum, pale and cold face, cold hands, small and quick pulse, groans, movements and con- vulsive jerks of the limbs, &c., with hunger and furious expres- sion on waking, burning heat and dryness of the mouth, after the attacks. (Lach. is often suitable before or after, or else op. after.) CHAMOMILLA, especially in children, or when there are: Lethargic sleep, with great agitation, tossing, starts, jerking of the limbs, short respiration, feverish heat and redness, which occupy at one time the one, and at another time the other of the hands or checks; cries, colic, greenish diarrhæa, &c. LACHESIS, when there are: Prolonged sleep, or when the somnolency occurs alternately with sleeplessness, every second day, or else again, if there are: Deep sleep, with insensibility and immobility of the body, grinding of the teeth, tremulous or intermittent pulse, or also when the pulse is entirely sup- pressed. NUX-VOM. when there are: Heavy and profound sleep, with starts, groans, loud snoring, blear-eyed and dull eyes, hanging jaw, salivation, &c. OPIUM, when there are: Deep sleep, open and convulsed eyes, red and puffed face, hanging jaw, loss of consciousness, difficult, slow, and intermittent respiration, slow or entirely sup- pressed pulse, convulsive movements of the limbs, muscles of the face, and corners of the mouth, &c. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 103 PULSATILLA, when there are: Continued drowsiness with loss of consciousness, delirium, heat with agitation and tossing, invo- luntary movements of the mouth, hands, fingers, &c. (Cham. or 'tart. is often suitable afterwards.) See also, Sect. 2. SOMNOLENCY (LETHARGIC), COMA VIGIL, and SLEep (stupifying), and likewise, Sect. 3, AFFEC- TIONS WHILE ASLEEP, Compare also APOPLEXY, Chap. VI. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS. COMA SOMNOLENTUM. Agn. ant. | POSITIONS DURing sleep : ars. asa. bar-c. bell. caus. coloc. cocc. con. croc. dig. lach. laur. led. n-mos. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sec. sep. stram. tart. tereb. verat. zinc. mgs-arc. COMA VIGIL. Ars. cocc. hep. hyos. laur. n-vom. verat. Compare SOMNO- LENCY (LETHARGIC.) DREAMS. See Sect. 4. DREAMS (MANY). See Sect. 4. Dreams (Fantastic.) POSITIONS DURING SLEEP: Arms above the head (with the). N-vom. plat. puls. rhab. sulph. verat. crossed over the ab- domen. Puls. Back (on the). Acon. ars. chin. coloc. dros. kal-ch. n- vom. plat. puls. sulph. tart. viol-od. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. Hands under the head (with the). Acon. ars. chin. coloc. tart. viol-od. mgs. Inability to down. Lyc. sulph. remain lying on the back. Phos. on the side. Acon. sulph. on the left side. Lyc. on the right side. Bry. Knees bent (with Puls. viol-od. the). Legs drawn up (with the). Plat. puls. wide apart. Cham. Seated (when), with the head elevated. Sulph. puls. inclined forwards. Acon. down. Chin. hep. Side (on the left). Bar-c. sabin. SOMNOLENCY (Lethargic). Acon. æth. agn. ant. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bry. carb-v. caus. cham. cocc. coloc. con. croc. cyc. dig. euphr. hell. hyos. lach. laur. led. meph. merc. mosch. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. op. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. sep. stram. tart. tereb. verat. zinc. mgs-arc. (See also SLEEP (stupifying), and COMA. Alternately with sleepless- ness. Lach. Febrile. Acon. cham. puls. SOMNOLENCY, which manifests itself: - Air (in the open). Tart. 104 CHAP. III. SLEEP. SOMNOLENCY, which manifests itself: Day and night. Bar-c. Evening (in the). Ant. ars. tart. Fore-noon. Ant. Morning (in the). Meph. Tertian type (with). Lach. sep. Compare Propensity to SLEEP. SLEEP, according to its nature : Agitated. Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ang. ars. aur. bar-c. berb. bor. bov. bry. calc. cast. cham. chin. cic. coloc. daph. diad. dig. dulc. fer. gran. graph. hep. ign. ind. ipec. kal- ch. kal-h. kre. lach. lact. lyc. merc. men. mez. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sa- bad. sabin. sen. sep. spig. squill. stann. stram. staph. sulph. tab. terb. teuc. val. verb. viol-tric. zinc. Anxious. Acon. cast. fer. kal. op. Half-sleep. Incomplete sleep. Arn. ars. bell. bry. canth. cham. cic. cocc. dig. euphorb. graph. hep. kal. lach. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. op. par. petr. ran-sc. rhus, sabad. samb. sel. sil. m-arc. Interrupted. Ars. cocc. dig. par. zinc. ars. Light. Acon. alum. calad. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. ol-an. sel. sil. sulph. tart. Prolonged (too). Berb. bor. hep. merc. ol-an. phell. plat. puls. sulph. Profound. Bell. cupr. eug. hyos. ign. merc. n-vom. op. phos-ac. rhod. sec. sen. sol-m. spig. stann. stram. stram. sulph. tart. ther. verat. mgs-arc. SLEEP, according to its nature: Profound before midnight. Rhod. morning (in the). Graph. n-vom. sulph. Refreshing (not). Agar. alum. am-c. arn. ars. asa. aur. berb. bis. calc. cann. chel. chin. clem. cocc.con. daph.fer- mg. graph. guaj. kre. lact. lyc. magn. magn-m. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. prun. sa- bad. sep. spig. stann. sulph. tart. teuc. thuy. zinc. Short duration of (too). Calc. n-vom. Stupifying, lethargic. Anac. ant. bell. calad. camph. cocc. euphorb. graph. hep. hyos. ign. lach. led. meph. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. sen. spig. stram. sulph. tart. ve- rat. mgs. Compare Coma and SOMNOLENCY (Lethargic). SLEEP (Propensity to). Almost all the medicines, but princi- pally Acon. æth. ant. arn. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. camph. carb-v. caus. chin. cor. croc. dulc. euphorb. euphr. fer. grat. kre. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. meph. merc. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. : n-mosch. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. rhuta. sec. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. tab. tar. tart. verat. verb. zinc. mgs- arc. (Compare SOMNOLENCY.) Air (in the open). Acon. tart. m-aus. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 105 SLEEP Anorexia (alternately with). Bruc. Evening (early in an. tab. (Compare after a MEAL.) the). SLEEP, during Sulph. Alum. am-m. anac. ang. ant. arn. ars. bell. berb. bor. bov. bruc. calc. calc-ph. carb-v. chin. con. croc. dros. graph. hep. ind. kal. lach. laur. lyc. magn-s. mang. n-vom. par. petr. phos-ac. plat. puls. ruta. sass. sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. sulph. tab. thuy. mgs-aus. every second day. Lach. Exercise (during). Acon. Eyes (with burning in the). Rhod. (with closing of the). Con. croc. kal. tart. mgs-aus. (which seems to proceed from the). Euphr. Giddiness (with). Calad. - Heart (with palpitation of" the). Chin. Ideas (with confused). Acon. Insurmountable. Arum. cann. cor. lach. laur. natr. sulph. (Compare SOMNOLENCY). Meal (during and after a). See SUFFERINGS after a meal. Morning (in the). Berb. bis. bruc. carb-v. clem. cocc. con. hep. led. meph. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. spig. zinc. m-aus. (Compare SLEEP (not refreshing, too prolonged, &c.) Movement (ameliorated by). Carb-v. mur-ac. Noon (after). Bov. bruc. canth. grat. guaj. puls. sulph. viol-tric. (Compare after a MEAL.) (fore-). Natr-s. (Com- pare MORNING (in the.) (towards). Acon. agar. aur. bry. chin. dros. ol- Occupation. Reading and writing (when). Natr-s. Seated (when). Bruc. fer- mg. petr. tar. Storm (during a). Sil. Weakness (from). Nitr-ac. SLEEP (desire to). See SoмNO- LENCY and SLEEP (Propen- sity to). SLEEP (Fruitless effort To GO TO). See SLEEPLESSNESS, with desire to sleep. (One is a long time IN GOING TO), or SLEEP (RETARDED). Alum. am-c. anac. calc. calc-ph. carb-an. carb-v. chel. chin. clem. con. cyc. euphorb. fer. graph. guaj. hyos. kal. kre. lach. lyc. magn- m. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr- ac. n-vom. ol-an. petros. phell. phos. phos-ac. plum. prun. puls. ran. rat. sabad. sel. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. tereb. teuc. thuy. viol-tric. zinc. After going to bed late. Am-c. night (after waking in the.) Am-c. ars. berb. bor. fer. magn. natr-m. ol-an. phos. puls. ran. ran-sc. rat. sep. sulph. Every second day. Lach. See also SLEEPLESS- NESS, before midnight or in the evening. SLEEPLESSNESS. Amb. am-c. ars. bell. bor. bry. calc. calc- ph. camph. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cie. F 3 106 CHAP. III. SLEEP. cin. cinn. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. -daph. dig. hell. hep. hyos. jalap. iod. kal-h. lach. led. magn. magn-m. magn-s. merc. mosch, natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhus. sang. sass. sec. sil. spong. squil. sulph. tart. the. thuy. val. verat. (Compare PROLONGED WATCHING). Alternately with somnolency. Lach. After midnight. Arn. bell. calad, cham. chel. coff. natr- m. n-vom. samb. sil. sol-m. m-aus. (Compare WAKING TOO EARLY). Before midnight. Alum. am- m. ang. bry. lach. magn-m. mur-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. thuy. mgs-aus. (See SLEEP. (One is a long time in going to). With desire to sleep. Arn. bell. calad. cham. chell. coff. daph. merc. natr-m. op. samb. sil. sol-m. mgs-aus. When caused by, &c. (See NOCTURNAL AFFECTIONS, Sect. 3). WAKING, ACCOMPANIED BY: Aggravation of all the suf ferings. Bell. lach. n-vom. Agitation. Mgs. Air (solemn). Stram. Anguish, anxiety. Calc. con. plat. puls. rat. samb. Bitterness Bry. rhus. of the mouth. Borborygmus. Hæm. Crics. (See Sect. 3, Acces- sory Affections). Dejection. Lach. - Heat (burning). Bell. WAKING, ACCOMPANIED BY: Heat (burning) in the legs. Meph. Mouth (dry). Bell. rhus. fetid, clammy, insipid. Rhab. WAKING (ANXIOUS). Calc. con. plat. puls. rat. samb. Difficult. Natr. natr-m. nitr- ac. n-vom. phell. phos-ac. tab. teuc. viol-tric. Frequent. Alum. ars. asa. bar-c. berb. bis. calc. calc- ph. canth. cast. chel. cic. cocc. colch. diad. dig. eu- phorb. euphr. graph. guaj. kre. lach. lyc. meph. merc. mur-ac. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n- oleand. ol-an. petr. vom. phell. phos. puls. ran. rat. ruta. sabin. samb. sass. sell. sep. sil. squil. staph. stront. sulph. tart. terb. teuc. viol- tric. zinc. P Early (too). Am-m. aur. berb. bor. calc. dulc. fer-mg. guaj. kal. magn. meph. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. phell. phos-ac. prun. puls. ran. ran-sc. sel. sep. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. verb. (See SLEEPLESSNESS after midnight). Fixed hour (at a). Sel. Incomplete. Con. Start (with a). Agn. alum. ambr. am-c. ant. arn. ars. bell. bis. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. cocc. colch. croc. dig. dros. euph. fer-mg. graph. guaj. hep. hyos. ind. ipec. kal-h. lyc. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. rat. rhab. ruta. samb. sang. sass. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tab. tart. teuc. thuy. zinc. (Comp. STARTS, Sect. 3). SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 107 - WAKING CAUSED BY: Contact. Rut. Cough. Hep. stront. Excitement (nervous). Phos- ac. sep. Noise (the slightest). Sel. Rapidity of pulse. Sabin. Shivering. Mur-ac. Shocks in the head. Mgs- arc. Suffocation (want of breath). Hep. ipec. samb. WAKING WITH : WAKING WITH: Stomach (sufferings in the). Lach. Stretchings. N-vom. Taste (bitter). Bry. rhus. putrid. Rhab. Tears. Merc. Thirst. Berb. Throat (sore). Lach. Trembling. Rat. samb. Uncovered (fear of being). Clem. Urinate (desire to). Caus. Visions. Dulc. sulph. Breath (want of). Hep. dig. tar. samb. Cephalalgia. Anac. bell. mg. berb. fer-mg. lach. rhab. Cold. Fer-mg. Colic. Hæm. Congestion in the head. Berb. in the legs. Meph. Diarrhea. Hæm. Dizziness. Arn. chin. plat. puls. sol-m. Erections. Lach. Face (wan), with flabby skin. Fer-mg. Fatigue. (See SLEEP, not re- freshing). Fear of ghosts. Sulph. Hallucinations. Sulph. Hunger. Bell. Ideas (vexatious). Alum. Lassitude in the arms. Fer- mg. Limbs (pains in the). Lach. n-vom. Loins (pains in the). Lach. Look (furious). Bell. Pain in the limbs (as if beaten). Lach. viol-od. Paralysis (sensation Kre. of). Perspiration. Chel. cic. clem. dros. fer-mg. merc. Rigidity of the limbs. Lach. Weakness in the knees. Fer- Compare Affections when WAKING in the other Chap- ters. YAWNINGS. Acon. ars. bry. canth. cin. con. cuphorb. gran. grat. guaj. kal-h. kre. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mosch. oleand. ol-an. onis. phell. puls. rhab. rhus. ruta. sabad. sil. stann. staph. sulph. tab. ter. tart-ac. viol-od. zinc. Abortive. Lyc. Frequent. Acon. ars. euphorb. grat. hæm. kal-h. kre. laur. lyc. magn. mang. meph. mosch. oleand. onis. phell. puls. rhus. sil. stan. sulph. tab. tar. tart-ac. cor. Violent. Agar. cor. fer-mg. hep. ign. magn. mosch. plat. rhus. mgs-arc. Spasmodic. Cocc. cor. gran. hep. ign. mosch. n-vom. plat. rhus. mgs-arc. YAWNINGS, which manifest themselves: Afternoon (in the). Cant. ign. plat. Morning (in the). Ign. n- vom. viol-od. 108 CHAP. III. SLEEP. YAWNINGS which manifest YAWNING WITH : themselves : - Walk (during a). Euphorb. Yawnings, accompanied by : Cold. Natr-s. Cutis anserina. Laur. par. Shaking. Mur-ac. Shivering. Kre. par. sil. YAWNING with: Lachrymation. Kre. meph. staph. viol-od. Oppression on the chest. Stann. Stretchings. Canth. chin. guaj. natr-s. n-vom. ol-an. onis. rut. sabad. staph. tart. tart-ac. Trembling. Cin. oleand. Vertigo. Agar. SECTION 3.-ACCESSORY AFFECTIONS Which hinder sleep, or manifest themselves during sleep. (Compare the nocturnal affections, which are found in the other chapters, in order to complete, as occasion may require, the following articles). ACHING (Pains). Am-m. anac. aur. bar-c. daph. lach. lyc. mang. merc. phos-ac. AGITATION in the body. Acon. alum. agar. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. clem. cin. coce. con. dig. graph. guaj. hell. hep. jalap. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-s. nic. n-vom. oleand. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. rhod. rut. sec. senn. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. teuc. thuy. Children (in). Bell. bor. cham. cin. coff. jalap. ipec. rhab. senn. Morning (towards). Rhod. AIR (Morose) when sleeping. Cham. -Laughing. Stram. Tearful. Phos-ac. ANXIETY, ANGUISH. Acon. alum. am-c. ars. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. cann. carb-v. caus. cham. cin. cocc. dig. graph. hæm. hyos. kal. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. plumb. puls. ran- sc. rhus. sabad. sep. sulph. verat. ANXIETY, ANGUISH, Sleeping (when). Ars. bell. cocc. fer. hep. petr. ARMS (Heaviness in the). Diad. Large (appearing to be too). Diad. ASTHMATIC Affections, oppres- sion, dyspnæa, choking, &c., Acon. alum. ars. calc. carb-v. cham. graph. kal. kal-ch. lyc. op. phos. ran. sen. sulph. BACK (Pain in the). Am-m. BULIMY. Chin. BURNING in the vessels, when sleeping. Ars. CALVES OF THE LEGS (Cramps in the). Anac. kal. (Compare Chap. XXV, Sect. 3). CARPOLOGY while sleeping. Arn. ars. bell. chin. cocc. hyos. op. phos. phos-ac. rhus. stram. CEPHALALGIA. See HEAD (Pains in the). SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 109 CHEST (Pain in the). Alum. | EPISTAXIS when Sleeping. Merc. ERECTIONS. See Chap. XIX. am-c. am-m. CIPHERS (Visions of) when EXCITEMENT (Nervous). Amb. sleeping. Phos-ac. COLDNESS or shivering. Alum. amb. am-c. am-m. arg. ars. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. daph. fer. kreos. mgn-s. merc. mur- ac. natr-s. n-vom. staph. tart- ac. thuy. Sleeping (when). Amb. CONCUSSION. See SHOCKS. CONGESTION in the chest. Puls. COLIC. Acon. amb. am-c. am- m. bor. kal. lyc. magn. magn- s. natr. nitr-ac. phos. plumb. rhus. sep. staph. (Compare Chap. XVI, Sect. 4). CONVULSIONS. Calc. cin. cupr. hyos. kal. lyc. merc. op. puls. sec. (Compare JERKING). CRAWLING, when asleep. Carb- v. lyc. sulph. CRIES, during sleep. Anac. bell. bor. bry. calc. cham. cin. cocc. croc. gran. jalap. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. nitr-ac. puls. rhab. rut. sen. sep. sil. stram. sulph. tart. thuy. DEGLUTITION during sleep. Calc. DELIRIUM, Wanderings, while sleeping. Acon. arn. aur. bell. bry. camph. cham. coloc. dig. dulc. lach. n-vom. op. puls. rhab. sec. sep. sulph. DIARRHEA. See Chap. XVII. DREAMS (MANY). See Fantastic DREAMS, DELIRIUM, &c. EBULLITION of blood. Am-c. asar. bar-c. bor. bry. bruc. calc. carb-an. merc. natr. natr-m n-vom. phos. puls. ran. rhus. sabin. senn. sep. sil. Chest (in the). Cyc. puls. Head (in the). Puls. EPISTAXIS. See Chap. Sect. 2. IX, camph. canth. caps. chin. coff. colch. hyos. lach. laur. lyc. merc. mosch. nitr-ac. n- vom. puls. ran. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. mgs-aus. EYES (OPEN), when asleep. Bell. bry. coloc. fer. hell. ipec. op. phos-ac. samb. sulph. tart. verat. Convulsed. Hell. op. phos-ac. Fixed. Tart. Painful, at night. Fer-mg. kreos. EYELIDS (Agglutination of the). See Chap. VII. (Twitching of the). Rhab. FACE PUFFED, during sleep. Op. Cold. Bell. Pale. Bell. Red. Arn. op. viol-tric. FATIGUE. Ambr. ant. kreos. FEAR. Carb-v. cocc. caus. puls. of losing one's reason. Calc. of spectres. Carb-v. cocc. sulph. FEET (COLD). Am-m. carb-v. Burning. Lach. FEVER, on waking. Alum. FLATULENCY. Kal. FRIGHT, when sleeping. Arn. kal. puls. sil. sulph. tab. verat. (Compare STARTS). GANGLIA (Pains in the). Am-c. GASTRIC (sufferings). Cham. con. graph. hæm. hep. kal. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sil. GRIPINGS. See COLIC. GRINDING of the teeth, during sleep. Ars. HALLUCINATIONS. Bell. cham. led. merc. phos. stram. sulph. HANDS (COLD), when sleeping. Bell. carb-v. merc. Hot. Lach. staph. 110 CHAP. III. SLEEP. 1 HAWKING up of mucus. Am-c. HEAD (Pain in the). Alum. am- c. ars. berb. bov. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. caus. caus. cham. chin. con. eug. hæm. hep. kreos. lyc. magn. magn-s. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. par. phos. phos-ac. puls. sil. sulph. tart. zinc. mgs-arc. (Congestion in the). Am-c. puls. sil. (Heat in the). Camph. sil. HEARING (Delusions of). Carb- v. cham. sep. HEART (Pain in the). Bar-c. (Palpitation of the). Agar. ars. bar-c. calc. dulc. lyc.merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-n. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. HEAT (General). Alum. am-c. ars. bar-m. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. cin. colch. dulc. graph. hep. lach. laur. magn. magn-m. magn-s. merc. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. sil. stront. sulph. thuy. viol- tr. mgs-arc. Anxiety (with). Natr-m. puls. Feet (in the). Staph. Hands (in the). Staph. Head (in the). Camph. sil. Sleeping (when). Dulc. petr. viol-tr. Uncovered (with dread of being). Magn. IDEAS (Flow of). Bor. calc. chin. cocc. coff. hep. graph. kal. led. lyc. n-vom. puls. sabad. sil. staph. sulph. viol-tric. Fixed. Puls. (Compare Sect. 4, DREAMS (Fixed). Sad, peevish. Alum. graph. rhus. Uneasy. Graph. INQUIETUDE in the limbs. Kreos. n-vom. puls. sulph. (Compare AGITATION). ITCHING, tickling in the body. Am-c. am-m. bar-c. bar-c. berb. cocc. croc. kreos. merc. mez. n-vom. puls. rhus-v. sulph. thuy. JACTATION. Acon. alum. ars. bell. calc. cham. gran. asa. guaj. hell. kreos. lach. tart. sulph. JAW (HANGING), when asleep. N-vom. op. JERKING, Shocks, &c. Amb. ars. bell. carb-v. cast. cham. con. cupr. dulc. hep. ign. ipec. kal. lyc. merc-c. natr. natr-s. op. phos. puls. rhab. rus. sel. sep. sil. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. viol-tric. mgs-arc. Eyes (of the). Cocc. puls. Face (in the). Op. rhab. Fingers (of the). Anac. ars. cocc. rhab. sulph-ac. Head (of the). Cocc. Legs (in the). Phos. Mouth (of the). Anac. op. puls. JERKS of the Tendons, when asleep. Bell. JOINTS (Pain in the). Sil. LAMENTATIONS. Alum. n-vom. phos. stann. sulph. (Compare MOANS). LANCINATIONS (Isolated). Cann. euphorb. LAUGHTER during sleep. Alum. caus. lyc. LEGS (Heavy). Caus LIMBS (Pains in the). Am-c. am-m. anac. berb. calc. carb- V. con. lach. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. (Compare Chap. XXIV and XXV, Sect. 3). SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 111 LOINS (Pain in the). Am-m. | PULSE (Suppressed). Op. berb. kreos. MASTICATION, while sleeping. Calc. MEDITATION, (Intermittent) RESPIRATION when asleep. Op. Rapid. Acon. Short. Acon. cham. merc. during sleep. rhus. Anac. bry. ign. lach. MOANS, while asleep. Alum. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. bry. calad. carb-an. cham. chin. cin. ipec. lach, lyc. merc. mur-ac. nitr- ac. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhab. stram. sulph. verat. MOVEMENTS of the limbs (Invo- luntary). See Jerkings, Con- VULSIONS, CARPOLOGIA, &c. MURMURS, during sleep. Op. sulph. MOUTH OPEN (when asleep). Merc. op. rhus. samb. mgs. Dry. Caus. NAUSEA, or inclination to vomit. Alum. am-c. cham. con. hæm. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sil. (Com- pare Chap. XV, Sect. 2). NIGHTMARE (Incubus). Acon. alum. am-c. am-m. bell. bry. cin. con. cyc. daph. guaj. hep. kal. lyc. magn-m. meph. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr- ac. n-vom. op. phos. puls. rut. sil. sulph. tab. terb. valer. NOSE (DRY). Sil. OPPRESSION. See ASTHMATIC AFFECTIONS. PALPITATION of the heart. See HEART. PERSPIRATION. See Chap. IV, Sect. 2. LEGS (in the). Am-c. POLLUTIONS. Kal. kal-h. PULSE (Full) when sleeping. Chin. op. Hard. Bell. Quick. Bell. chin. Small. Bell. Slow. Chin. op. Wheezing. N-vom. RISINGS. Hæm. RUN AWAY (Desire to). N-vom. SHOCKS in the BODY. Am-c. cupr. ipec. merc-s. mez. natr. nitr-ac. Feet (in the). Phos. Head (in the). Mgs-arc. Limbs (in the). Ipec. merc-s. SIGHS. Lach. merc. SIGHT (Illusions of). Cham. SINGING, during sleep. Bell. croc. phos-ac. mgs-arc. SLIDE to the foot of the bed (One allows oneself to). Ars. mur-ac. SMILING (When asleep). Lyc. SNEEZING. Am-m. SNORING, when asleep. Arn. carb-v. camph. cham. chin. dros. ign. kal-h. mur-ac. n- vom. op. rhab. rhus. sabin. sil. stram. sulph. mgs. mgs-aus. SOMNAMBULISM. Alum. bry. natr-m. op. phos. sil. sulph. SPECTRES (Dread of). Carb-v. cocc. sulph. STARTS. Acon. agn. alum. amb. am-c. ant. arn. ars. bell. bis. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. croc. cupr. daph. dig. dros. eu- phorb. fer. fer-mg. graph. guaj. hep. hyos. ign. ind. ipec. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. merc. merc-c. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr.phos. plumb. puls. rat. rhab. rhus. ruta. samb. sang. sass. sep. sil. staph. 112 CHAP. III. SLEEP. stram. stront. sulph. tab. tart. | TREMBLING Internal. Natr-m. teuc. thuy. zinc. (Compare UNCOVERED (Desire to be) when SHOCKS, JERKINGS, &c.) STARTS When touched. Stram. With frightened gestures. Stram. STOMACH (Pain in the). Alum. am-c. calc. con. graph. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sen. sil. sulph. In the pit of the. Calc. kal. TALKING in one's sleep. Alum. arn. ars. bell. calc. camph. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. kal. magn. magn-m. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. stam. sulph. tart. mgs. Quarrelling (with). Ars. TEETH (Pains in the). See Chap. XI, Sect. 4, Tooth-ache at NIGHT.) (Grinding of the) during sleep. Ars. THIRST. Berb. bry. calc. cham. colch. magn-m. nitr-ac. sulph. THROAT (Sore). Am-m. TOES (Pains in the). Am-c. TREMBLING. Euphorb. asleep. Cor. plat. mgs-arc. UNEASINESS (General). Ars. merc. URINATE (Desire to). Am-c. lach. URINE (INVOLUNTARY emission of), during sleep. (Wet- ting the bed). Arn. (See Chap. VIII). Vertigo. Am-c. calc. caus. natr. phos. spong. sulph. VISIONS. Sulph. (Comp. HAL- LUCINATIONS). Frightful. Bell. calc. carb-v. merc. sil. sulph. Horrible. Carb-an. Voluptuous. Calc. VOMITING. Nitr-ac. sil. WEEPING, during sleep. Alum. arn. ars. bell. calc. camph. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. kal. magn. magn-m. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tart. zinc. mgs. Quarrelling (with). Ars. SECTION 4.-DREAMS. ABSURD. Chin. fer-mg. AGITATED. Led. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. sulph. zinc. AMOROUS. See EROTIC. ANIMALS which bite (of). Merc. phos. sulph. ANXIETY, even after waking (with). Calc. chin. phos- ac. ANXIOUS. Acon. alum. amb. am-m. anac. ant. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. chin. сосс. con. cor. dig. graph. hell. iod. kal. kal-h. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr- ac. n-vom. op. petr. petros. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhab. rhus. sel. sil. spong. stann. staph. SECT. 4. DREAMS. 113 sulph-ac. thuy. val. verat. | DISEASES (Of). Anac. calc. cocc. verb. APPREHENSION (With). Ars. ASSASSINS (Of). Bell. sil. (See Brigands and murder.) BODIES (Of MUTILATED). Arn. con. n-vom. BRIGANDS (Of). Bell. kal. magn. merc. natr. phos. sil. BUSINESS OF THE DAY (Of the). Bry. cic. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. urgent. N-vom. CARES (With). Ars. CATS (Of). Daph. COMPLICATED. Bar-c. bruc. bry. calc. caus. chin, cic. eug. hell. natr. puls.stann. val. mgs-aus. midnight (after). Chin. CONFLAGRATION (Of). Alum. anac. ars. bell. calc-ph. daph. graph. hep. kreos. magn-s. natr-m. phos. rhus. sulph. CONFUSED (See COMPLICATED.) CONTINUED (after waking). Calc. chin. natr. natr-m. CONTRADICTORY (during which one becomes angry). Alum. ant. ars. asar. bry. caus. cham. magn-s. sulph. CREEPING things (Of). Kal. CRUELTIES (Of). N-vom. sil. DANGERS (Of). Anac. calc. ph. con. hep. kal. nitr. ran. thuy. sulph. DARKNESS (Of). Ars. DEATHS (Of). Alum. am-c. anac. arn. ars. calc. coce. con. graph. kal. lach. natr. nitr- ac. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. thuy. verb. DEATH (With fear of). Alum. thuy. (with prediction of). Kal-ch. DEMONS (Of). Kal. natr. DIRTY things (of). Prun. DISAGREEABLE. Lach. | con. hep. kal. DISGUSTING. Anac. puls. sulph. zinc. DISAPPOINTMENTS (Of). Dig. mosch. DISTINCT. Acon. phos. m-arc. Dogs (Of). Merc. sil. sulph. EROTIC. Lach. viol-tric. m-arc. EVENTS of the day (About the). See BUSINESs. FALLING (of). Dig. kreos. thuy. sulph. FANTASTIC (Many dreams). Amb. ars. bar-c. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. con. graph. kal. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. prun. puls. sep. sil. spong. stront. sulph. tart. zinc. Going to sleep (on). Spong. FESTIVITIES (Of). Nitr-ac. FINE EFFECTS (Of). Sulph. FIRE (Of). See CONFLAGRA- TION. | FIXED, on one single object. Ign. (Compare Sect. FIXED IDEAS.) FLOODS natr. 3. (of). Magn. merc. FOUL LINEN (Of). Kreos. FLYING (one thinks oneself). Natr-s. FREQUENT. See NUMEROUSs. FRIGHTFUL, horrible, terrific, &c. Am-m. ant. arn. ars. aur. bell. bov. bruc. calc. cast. cocc. dig. dulc. euphr. graph. kal. lach. lyc. magn- m. merc. natr. nitr-ac. nic. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. ran- sc. rhus. sass. sep. spong. sulph. verb. zinc. mgs-aus. FURUNCULI (Of). Prun. HEMOPTYSIS (Of). Meph. HEMORRHAGE (Of). Phos, 114 CHAP. III. SLEEP. HEAVY. Kal-h. HISTORICAL. Am-c. merc. HORRIBLE. (See FRIGHTFUL.) HORSES (Of). Alum. INDECISION (Of). Arn. IGNOMINIOUS. Mosch. JOURNIES. See VOYAGES. LIVELY. Asa. croc. LOSSES (Of). Meph. MARRIAGE (Of). Alum. MEDITATION (With). Acon. anac. ars. bell. bry. calc-ph. graph. ign. lach. n-vom. rhus. sabad. sabin. thuy. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. MIDNIGHT (After). Chin. (Of). MISFORTUNES rhus-v. Magn. MONEY (Of). Magn. MURDERS or crimes (Of). Bell. lyc. natr-m.nitr-ac. rhus-v. sil. NUMEROUS, Frequent. Alum. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bov. bruc. calc. calc-ph. carb-v. caps. clem. coloc. con. fer. gran. graph. ign. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. plumb. sep. sil. stann. stram. stront. sulph. tar. tart. terb. ther. thuy. m-arc. PERILS (Of). See DANGERS. PERPLEXING Matters (Of). Ars. graph. PLEASANT. Croc. magn. POETIC. Calc. lach. spong. POISONING (Of). Kreos. PRESENTIMENT of what will hap- pen (With a). Sulph. PROJECTS (Of). Anac. PURSUITS (Of). Kreos. QUARRELS (Of). Alum. am-c. ant. ars. caus. cham. con. lach. magn. natr. natr-m. nic. phos. puls. sel. | REALITIES (Which appear to be). Natr. natr-m. REFLEXION (With). See MEDI- TATION. REMEMBRANCE (Of which one retains a). Mang. meph. Of things forgotten. Calad. (Of which one loses the). Aur. bell. hell. men. merc. REPENTANCE (Of). Ars. REPROACHES (Of). Arn. REVOLTS (Of). Merc. ROBBERS (Of). Alum. natr. natr-m. ROMANTIC. Am-c. (Compare POETIC.) SAD. Lyc. rhab. spong. SERPENTS (Of). Kal. SHOTS (Of). Hep. merc. SNOW (Of). Kreos. SPECTRES (Of). Alum. am-c. carb-v. ign. kal. nitr-ac. puls. sil. STORM (Of a). Ars. TEETH (Of the falling out of). N-vom. TERRIBLE. See FRightful. THREATS (With). Ars. TRAVELS. See VOYAGES. TYPHUS fever (Of death by). Kal-ch. UNPLEASANT. Chin. dulc. kal- ch. laur. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. phos. sass. rhus. thuy. Morning (towards the). N- vom. URINATE (Desire to). Kreos. VERMIN (Of). Am-c. n-vom. phos. VEXATIOUS events (Of). See CONTRADICTORY. VIVID. Acon. anac. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. cham. cic. clem. coloc. lyc. mang. men. meph. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. petr. phos. puls. ran. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 115 rhab. rhus. sil. stann. stran. sulph. teuc. viol-tric. VOLUPTUOUS. Am-c. am-m. ant. bis. caus. coloc. kal-ch. lach. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. puls. ran. samb. sep. sil. stann. staph. thuy. viol-tric. VOYAGES (Of). Natr. sil. On the sea. Sang. WAKING (When). Cham. WANTON See VOLUPTUOUS. par. phos-ac. plat. plumb. | WATER (Of). Ars. meph. ran. CHAPTER IV. FEBRILE AFFECTIONS. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ADYNAMIC (FEVERS).-See TYPHOID FEVERS. ATAXIC (FEVERS).-See TYPHOID FEVERS. BILIOUS (FEVERS).-See GASTRIC AND BILIOUS FEVERS. CATARRHAL AND RHEUMATIC (FEVERS).—We have pre- ferred discussing together in this article these two kinds of fever, both of which frequently proceed from the same cause, (Chills, suppressed perspiration, &c.), and which possess so many points of resemblance, that they are often complicated with one another. The most efficacious medicines against both species of fever are in general: Acon. ars. bell. bry. caus. cham. chin. dulc. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. and sulph. ; and also: Arn. camph. coff. ign. ipec. phos. sabad. sang. sil. spig. squill. stann. and verat. If the fever is intense, partaking of the INFLAMMATORY character, the medicines which ought to be employed in pre- ference are: Acon. bell. bry. cham., or else again: Ars. coff. ign. merc. puls. rhus. squill. But if the fever is only SLIGHT, or if it abates under the influence of the preceding medicines, those which will be found to be most frequently indicated are, according to the circum- stances: Chin. dulc. n-vom. puls. rhus., or else also: Arn. ipec. phos. seneg. and verat. In cases of PROFUSE PERSPIRATION, which however affords no relief, the most eligible are: Bry. chin. merc. and sulph. If VIOLENT PAIN predominates, a remedy will be most fre- quently found among: Acon. ars. cham. coff. ign. or else again among: Merc. puls. and sulph. If, after the fever has ceased, certain symptoms still remain, it will be proper, in case of CATARRHAL affections, to select in 116 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. : preference Sulph. or phos. seneg. and stann. or else again: Ars. bry. dulc. merc. puls. sil. and squill. When the RHEUMATIC affections continue, they require espe- cially Caust. chin. phos. sil. and sulph. or else hep. and lach. : See also: CHRONIC CATARRH and RHEUMATISM. For the details relative to the choice of the medicines cited, See the articles: CATARRH and RHEUMATISM, and compare in their respective chapters: ANGINA, CEPHALALGIA, OPTHALMIA, COUGH, ODONTALGIA, &c. (CATARRHAL and RHEUMATIC.) For the various complications that these fevers may un- dergo, See also: INFLAMMATORY, GASTRIC, Cerebral fevers, &c., and also: PLEURISY, GRIPPE, PNEUMONIA, &c. CEREBRAL (FEVERS).—See TYPHOID FEVERS. COMATOSE (FEVERS).—See LETHARGIC FEVERS. DENTITION (FEVER DURING). See Chap. XX. GASTRIC AND BILIOUS (FEVERS).The best medicines are in general: Acon. bell. bry. cham. cocc. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. and also: Ant. coloc. dig. rhus. squill. tart. and verat. or else again : Daph. gran. (?) and sulph. As to the different SHADES of these fevers, if the SIMPLE GASTRIC, (FEBRIS SABURRALIS) predominates, the medicines which principally deserve a preference are: Ipec. n-vom. puls. or else again: Ant. bry. cham. cocc. digit. rhus. sulph. tart. and verat. or else: Bell. daph. and squill. If BILIOUS Symptoms (BILIOUS FEVER) predominates, the principal medicines are: Acon. bry. cham. chin. cocc. n-vom. puls. or else again: Ars. coloc. daph. dig. gran.(?) ipec. and sulph. Gastric fevers, with a predominance of Mucous secretions and excretions (MUCOUS FEVER) require rather: Bell. chin. dig. merc. puls. and rhus., or else again: Ars. cham. cin. dulc. ipec. n-vom. rhab. spig. and sulph. If gastric fever is characterized by VERMICULOUS affections (VERMICULOUS FEVER), they are principally: Cic. cin. merc. sil. spig. and sulph. or else again: Acon. dig. hyos. n-vom. sabad. stann. stram. teuc, and valer. As to the character which these fevers may assume, if there are very decided INFLAMMATORY symptoms (INFLAMMATORY GASTRIC FEVER), the principal medicines are: Bell. bry. cham. merc. puls. or tart.--Acon. is indicated only in cases in which there are bilious symptoms, but never against a purely gastric state, however decided the inflammatory character may be. If the fever exhibits a NERVOUS character (NERVOUS GASTRIC, or ataxic fever), the medicines are especially: Bell. bry, cocc. rhus. and verat. or else again: Ars. carb-veg. chin, hyos. &c. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 117 Gastric fever, with symptoms of PUTRIDITY (PUTRID GASTRIC FEVER), requires rather: Ars. carb-veg. chin. merc. mur-ac. phos-ac. rhus. sulph. and sulph-ac. See also INFLAMMATORY fevers and TYPHOID fevers. With reference to the EXTERNAL CAUSES which may have occasioned one or other of these kinds of fever; those which appear in consequence of INDIGESTION, require in preference: Ipec. or puls. or else again: Ant. bry. n-vom. tart. and sulph. Those which are the result of a CHILL, require principally: Acon. bell. bry. cham. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. and sulph. Against gastric fevers caused by a chill in the stomach from COLD WATER, ICES, or Acios, the medicines which merit an especial preference are: Ars. and puls. or else again: Natr-m. sulph. sulph-ac. and also lach. Bilious fevers brought on by a CONTRADICTION or the IN- DULGENCE OF ANGER, require principally: Cham. or coloc. or else: Acon. bry. chin. n-vom. or staph. In cases in which the patient has already taken an injurious quantity of chamomile, or has eaten after being in a passion, puls. merits a prefe- rence. Lastly, with respect to the Symptoms which characterize individual cases of these fevers, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, especially at the commencement of the disease, and when there is: A predominance of bilious symptoms, namely: Tongue loaded with a yellowish coating, bitter taste of the mouth, and of all food, and all drink, except water; bitter, greenish, or slimy risings and vomitings, (vomiting of lumbrici); tension and distension of the hypochondria; soreness of the hepatic region, with shootings and pressure; suppressed evacuations, or frequent small evacuations, with tenesmus; red and scanty urine; dry heat, with full and frequent pulse, sleeplessness with agita- tion; plaintive, or quarrelsome and irascible humour. (Com- pare Bry. cham.) BELLADONNA if there are: Tongue loaded with a thick yel- lowish or whitish coating; aversion to food and drink, sour taste of rye-bread; vomiting of sour, or bitter, or slimy sub- stances; slimy diarrhea; dry heat, especially in the head, with thirst, or alternately with shiverings; anxiety and inquietude, or susceptibility and capriciousness, violent head-ache, as if every thing were about to protrude through the forehead; dry mouth; dysphagia; somnolency during the day, with sleepless- ness at night, &c. (Compare cham. and merc). CHAMOMILLA when there are: Red and cracked tongue, or tongue loaded with a yellowish coating; bitter taste of the mouth and of food; anorexia, nausea, or bitter or sour risings and vomitings; great anxiety, tension and pressure in the epigas- 118 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. trium, hypochondria, and especially in the pit of the stomach, flatulent colic, with tearing pains and distension of the ab- domen; constipation, or loose greenish evacuations, or of a sour smell, mixed with excrement and mucus, resembling beaten up eggs, yellowish urine, with flock-like sediment; semilateral head-ache; pains in the limbs; great agitation, with uneasiness and moans, or anger and irascibility; asthmatic sufferings; heat, especially in the face and eyes, with redness (especially of one) of the cheeks, or heat mixed with shuddering, sleeplessness. with agitation, or sleep disturbed by anxious dreams and starts, &c. (Compare Acon. bell. n-vom. and puls.) COCCULUS, if there are: Tongue loaded with a yellow coat- ing: disgust of food; dry mouth, with or without thirst; offensive risings and desire to vomit; painful fulness of the stomach, with obstructed respiration; constipation, or soft evacuations, with burning in the anus; great debility, with perspiration on the slightest movement; head-ache, especially in the forehead, with vertigo, &c. (This medicine is often suitable also when the patient has taken camomile to excess.) IPECACUANHA, when there are: Tongue loaded with thick yellowish mucus, with dry mouth; aversion to all food (and especially to fat things) with desire to vomit; offensiveness of the mouth and of all food; nausea with regurgitation and vomiting of ingesta; painful pressure and fulness in the pit of the stomach; gripings; loose, yellowish or offensive and putrid evacuations; pale, yellowish complexion; head-ache espe- cially in the forehead; feverish heat, with thirst, or shiverings. (Compare n-vom. and puls.) MERCURIUS, when there are: Moist tongue, loaded with a white or yellowish coating; dry and burning lips, sickly, putrid, or bitter taste; nausea, with desire to vomit, or vomiting of slimy or bitter substances; painful tenderness of the hypochondria, pit of the stomach, epigastrium, or umbilical region, especially in the morning, with anguish and inquietude; desire to sleep by day and sleeplessness at night; peevishness, irascibility; shiverings alternately with heat; burning thirst, sometimes with aversion to drinks, &c. (Compare Bell.) NUX-VOM. Dry and white tongue, or yellowish, especially towards the root; excessive thirst, with burning in the throat; bitter or putrid taste; bitter risings; continued nausea, especially in the open air; vomiturition or vomiting of ingesta; gastralgia with pressive pains; pressure and painful tension in the whole epigastrium and in the hypochondria; spasmodic colic, with pinching and grumbling noise in the umbilical region; constipation with frequent but ineffectual desire to evacuate, or small, loose, slimy, or watery fæces; pressive head-ache in the forehead, with vertigo; SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 119 irascible, peevish, or hypochondriacal humour; great weakness and lassitude; red and hot, or yellowish and earthy face; heat mixed with shivering and shuddering; feeling in the limbs as if they had been beaten; aggravation of the sufferings towards the morning, &c. (Compare Acon. bry. cham. ipec. and puls.) PULSATILLA. Tongue loaded with whitish mucus; insipid, clammy, or else bitter taste, especially after deglutition; risings with taste of food, or else bitter; aversion to food, especially fat or meat, with desire for acid things, or spirituous drinks; pituita, regurgitation of food; insupportable nausea and desire to vomit; vomiting of slimy and whitish, bitter and greenish, or acid sub- stances; vomiting of ingesta; pressure at the pit of the stomach, with difficult respiration; constipation, or loose evacuations, white, slimy, or bilious and greenish, or like beaten-up eggs; semi-lateral head-ache; frequent shivering, with adypsia, or dry heat with thirst; face alternately pale and red, or redness of one cheek with paleness of the other; sadness, with moaning, uneasiness and agitation. (Compare Cham. ipec. and n-vom.) Among the medicines cited, recourse may be had to : ANTIMONIUM, when, in consequence of indigestion, there are: Complete anorexia, with aversion to food, nausea and desire to vomit, and when the sufferings will yield neither to ipec. nor to puls. COLOCYNTHIS, if after the indulgence of anger there are: Bilious fever with gastralgia, spasmodic colic and diarrhæa, re- newed after eating anything whatever, cramps in the calves of the legs, &c., and when cham. bry. n-vom. or puls. are insuffi- cient. DIGITALIS, if there are: Nausea on waking in the morning, bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, slimy vomiting, loose eva- cuations and great weakness. RHUS, if there are: Great weakness, delirium, putrid diar- rhæa, dry tongue, with thirst and typhoid symptoms. SQUILLA, if there is: A complication with pleuretic affec- tions, and if neither acon. nor bry. has been sufficient. TARTARUS, pricipally in children, and especially if there are at the same time: Catarrhal affection, with loose cough, ex- cessive secretion of mucus and dyspnæa. VERATRUM, if there are: Great weakness after the alvine evacuations with syncope, yellowish complexion; dry tongue, with a yellowish or brownish coating, &c. For the remainder of the medicines cited and for more ample details, See the pathogenesy of the medicines, and compare also: INFLAMMATORY, TYPHOID, CATARRHAL fevers, &c., and also Chap. XV, GASTRIC AND BILIOUS affections, &c. HECTIC (FEVERS).-The medicines which have been hitherto 120 SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. employed with greatest success against the different kinds of Fever attendant on consumption, are in general: Ars. calc. chin. cocc. ipec. phos. phos-ac. sil. and sulph. and perhaps the fol- lowing may also be cited as suitable: Bell. con. cupr. dig. hell. hep. ign. iod. kal. lach. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. sep. stann. staph. verat. zinc. For NERVOUS hectic fevers (SLOW NERVOUS FEVERS), the principal medicines are: Ars. chin. cocc. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. staph. and verat. Hectic fevers with local affections and organic injuries, such as chronic inflammations, suppurations, &c. (HECTIC FEVERS, properly so called), require especially medicines adapted to the injury from which they arise, but recourse may be often had to: Phos. sil. sulph. or also to: Bell. calc. hep. lach. lyc. merc. and puls. Hectic fevers caused by MORAL EMOTIONS, PROLONGED GRIEF, NOSTALGIA, &c., require in preference: Phos-ac. and staph. or perhaps also: Ign. lach. merc. and ars. or graph. (Compare MORAL EMOTIONS). For those which result from DEBILITATING LOSSES (Loss of blood, excessive coition, onanism, &c.) the best medicines are: Chin. n-vom. phos-ac. and sulph., or else again: Calc. cin. lach. staph. (Compare Chap. 1, DEBILITY). Those which are brought on by VIOLENT DISEASES, espe- cially nervous complaints, typhoid fevers, cholera, &c., require in preference: Cocc. or hell. hyos. or phos-ac. or else: Ars. chin. verat. For Hectic fevers caused by DYSCRASIA, such as scrofula, &c., See these diseases and for those fevers which result from ABUSE OF MEDICATED SUBSTANCES, See Chap. XXIV, Toxi- CATION, POISONING. With respect to the SYMPTOMS, which indicate one or other of the medicines cited in any particular case, a preference may be given to : ARSENICUM, when there are: Excessive emaciation; great debility, with palpitation of the heart; dry and burning skin, thirst, which produces an inclination to drink often, but little at a time; agitated and unrefreshing sleep, interrupted by jerks and starts; desire to remain lying down continually, irascibility and capriciousness; anorexia with dyspepsia, &c. CALCAREA, when there are: Continued heat with little thirst; or frequent flushes of heat, with anguish and palpitation of the heart; or continued shivering, especially in the evening, with redness of the cheeks; flabbiness and dryness of the skin; excessive emaciation; great debility, with apathy; anorexia ; fits of anguish in the evening; short, dry cough; strong desire SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 121 to be magnetized; deep dejection after speaking; perspiration easily excited; great uneasiness of the patient respecting his state of health; slow and weak digestion; nocturnal perspiration, &c. CHINA, when there are: Pale face and sunk cheeks, with hollow eyes; great apathy and indifference; dryness and looseness of the skin; sleeplessness, or uneasy and unrefreshing sleep, with anxious dreams; anorexia, with desire for dainties only, or violent hunger and voraciousness, with weak digestion, ill-humour, uneasiness, distension of the abdomen and many other sufferings after a meal; frequent perspirations, especially at night; frequent diarrhea, and also of ingesta. COCCULUS, if there are: Great debility, with excessive de- jection and trembling after the least exertion; frequent flushes of heat, especially on the face; dulness of the eyes; dryness of the mouth; anorexia; oppression on the chest, with ebul- lition of blood and anxiety; excessive sadness; starts during sleep, and anxious dreams; frequent nausea; easy perspiration during movement; mild and phlegmatic temperament. IPECACUANHA, if there are: Dry and troublesome heat, es- pecially in the evening, with thirst, great uneasiness, burning in the palms of the hands and nocturnal perspiration; skin, like parchment; desire only for dainties; great apathy and in- difference; loss of breath on the least movement, &c. PHOSPHORUS, when there are: Dry cough; shortness of breath and oppressed respiration; shivering towards the even- ing, followed by dry heat; colliquative diarrhea; colliquative clammy sweats at night; great emaciation, excessive debility, &c. PHOSPHORIC ACID, when there are: Sadness, dejection ; taciturnity, laconic style of speaking and apathy; tendency in the hair to turn grey; feverish heat in the evening, with an- guish and quick pulse; debilitating perspiration in the morn- ing, &c. SILICIA, if there are: Pale and earthy face; dry and short cough; great emaciation; anorexia; shortness of breath; great weakness, especially in the joints; feverish heat in the evening, or in the morning, &c. SULPHUR, if there are: Feverish heat, especially towards the evening, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks (especially of the left cheek); dryness of the skin, with thirst; leanness and paleness of the face; dry, or loose and slimy fæces; short, op- pressed breathing; palpitation of the heart; nocturnal perspi- ration towards the morning; weakness and lassitude, especially in the legs, with heaviness; dry cough, &c. For the rest of the medicines cited, and for more ample details of all, See their pathogenesy, and Compare also the VOL. II. G 122 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. articles, PULMONARY, LARYNGEAL, ABDOMINAL PHTHISIS, &c., in their respective chapters. INFLAMMATORY (FEVERS).-The best medicines are in general: Acon. bell. bry. cham. merc. and n-vom. and also in some cases: Ars. chin. coff. hyos. lyc. puls. and sulph. For PURE inflammatory fevers, or SYNOCHUS, the principal medicines are: Acon. bell. bry. and perhaps also: Ars. cham. hyos. merc. rhus, puls. and sulph. If these fevers assume a NERVOUS or Ataxic character, with cerebral symptoms, a preference should be given to Bell. bry. cham. hyos. n-vom. op. phos-ac. rhus. &c. (See TYPHOID Fevers). In case of complication with LOCAL affections, such as PLEURISY, PNEUMONIA, or with CATARRHAL, RHEUMATIC, GASTRIC, OF BILIOUS affections, it will be necessary to give a preference to the medicines suited to these affections, as they have been cited under these articles. In all cases, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, when there are: Burning heat, preceded some- times by shivering, or mixed with shuddering; violent thirst, skin mostly dry and burning; puffed, hot and red face, or red blotches on the checks; or redness of the face, alternately with paleness, especially when rising up; redness, inflammation and pain in the eyes; sleeplessness; much agitation and tossing, sometimes with anxiety, fear of death, or cries and moans; full and hard, or suppressed pulse; violent head-ache, weighing down, pressive, or pulsative; vertigo on rising up; Nocturnal delirium; dryness of the lips and mouth; clean and moist tongue; hasty, hesitating manner of speaking, deep-red urine; oppression on the chest, with short, anxious and rapid respira- tion; stitches in the chest or sides; short cough; palpitation of the heart; pains in the limbs. (Compare Bell. bry. cham.) BELLADONNA, when there are: Internal and external heat, with deep redness of the face and eyes; burning thirst, with aversion to drink, or continued desire to drink, without being able to accomplish it; moist (and clammy) skin; desire to sleep by day, with sleeplessness at night; or disturbed sleep, with starts and jerking of the limbs, loss of consciousness, murmurs and carpologia, or cries and convulsions, or raving delirium, frightful visions and desire to run away; obstinacy and male- volence; heat of the head; violent head-ache, especially in the forehead, as if every thing were about to protrude through it; dilated pupils; furious and uncertain expression; photophobia; dryness of the mouth and lips; ulceration in the corners of the mouth; hasty and indistinct mode of speaking; sore throat, with dysphagia; cough, with head-ache and redness of the face; SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 123 yellow and scanty urine; shootings in the limbs; appearance of red spots on the skin. (Compare Acon. cham. merc.) BRYONIA, when there are: Intense heat, or shivering and shak- ing, the one or the other with redness and heat of the head and face, perspiration at night, especially towards morning; insatiable thirst, sometimes followed by vomiting; desire to sleep, with starts, cries and delirium, as soon as the eyes are closed; delirium day andnight; irascibility, or apprehension respecting the termination of the disease, with fear of death; laconic speech; agitation, tossing and carpology; great general debility; hard, full and quick pulse; stupifying cephalalgia, with vertigo on rising up; dulness of sight and hearing; dryness of the lips; pressure at the pit of the stomach; constipation; dry cough, with pain in the pit of the stomach; stitches in the chest or sides; tearing or shooting pains in the limbs. (Compare Acon. bell. cham. n-vom.) CHAMOMILLA, when there are: Internal and external heat, sometimes preceded by shiverings, or heat in the face and eyes, with redness (especially of one) of the cheeks; violent thirst, with burning in the mouth, extending into the stomach; sleep- lessness, with agitation and tossing, or sleep with anxious dreams and starts; great uneasiness and anxiety; semi-lateral head-ache; vertigo on rising up, with darkness or sparks before the eyes, and syncope; red and cracked tongue; bitter taste of the mouth and of food; sour or bilious risings or vomitings, great anxiety, tension and pressure in the epigastrium and hypo- chondria; colic and diarrhæca; hot, burning urine; tearing pains in the limbs, face and head; offensive breath; asthmatic affections. (Compare Acon, bell. n-vom.) MERCURIUS, when there are: Shiverings alternately with heat, redness of the skin, violent thirst, sometimes with aver- sion to drink; frequent, full pulse; heavy and pressive pains in the head; redness and bloatedness of the face; vertigo on rising up; dry and burning lips; moist tongue, loaded with a white, or yellowish coating; painful tenderness of the hypochon- driacal, precordial and umbilical regions; great anguish, agita- tion and tossing, especially at night, with sleeplessness; desire to sleep during the day; peevishness and irascibility. (Compare Bell.) NUX-VOM. Heat, especially in the face, sometimes mixed with shudderings, dry and burning skin; hard and frequent pulse; great debility and fainting fits; excessive anguish, with palpitation of the heart, or with dread of death; excitability of the whole nervous system; sleeplessness or comatose sleep; pressive head-ache, ag- gravated by stooping; vertigo when stooping; redness and heat of the face, sometimes with coldness in the body; dull, confused G 2 124 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. and red eyes; dry and white tongue; thirst, with burning in the throat; pressive pain in the stomach and epigastrium; con- stipation; sensation in the limbs as if they had been beaten; iras- cibility and susceptibility. (Compare Bry. and cham.) Among the rest of the medicines cited, we may consult : ARSENICUM, when there are: Burning heat at night, with burning in the veins; sleeplessness, with great agitation and tossing; excessive anguish and fear of death; great debility and desire to remain lying down. CHINA, when there are: Heat, with dryness of the mouth, parched and burning lips, redness of the face, delirium, shiver- ing when uncovered in the least; great weakness and pains in the limbs. COFFEA, especially in children when there are: Great agi- tation and tossing, over-excitement of the whole nervous system; cries, tears. HYOSCYAMUS, when there are: Furious delirium, sleepless- ness caused by nervous excitement; subsultus tendinum, car- pologia; redness and heat of the face, red, fixed and sparkling eyes. LYCOPODIUM, when there are: Circumscribed redness of the face, cerebral excitement, great weakness, dryness and redness of the tongue, constipation, ill-humour after sleeping, with cries, malevolence and grumbling. PULSATILLA, when there are: Dry heat, at night, princi- pally in the face, with heat and redness of one cheek; delirium, tearfulness, complete adypsia, or insatiable thirst, tongue loaded with white mucus, soreness in the pit of the stomach, bitter taste, loose evacuations. RHUS, Intense heat, with anguish, dryness of the skin, stupifying head-ache, delirium, with desire to run away, red, burning face, red, dry and rough tongue, great weakness, carpologia. SULPHUR, in several cases of obstinate inflammatory fever, and often against the remaining symptoms of these diseases after the use of: Acon. bell, or bry. Compare besides, GASTRIC and BILIOUS fevers, HECTIC, TYPHOID fevers, &c. INTERMITTENT (FEVERS).-The medicines which have been hitherto most used, are first: Ars. chin. ignat. ipec. lach. natr- mur. n-vom. puls. and rhus.—Then: Acon. antim. arnic. bell. bryon. calc. caps. carb-v. cham. cin. fer. op. veratr.—And also : Canth. cocc. coff. dros. hep. hyos. men. merc. mez. n-mos. sabad. samb. sep. staph. sulph. thuy. valer. Against MARSH FEVERS, the principal medicines are: Ars, chin. ipec. and perhaps also: Arn. carb-v. cina. fer. natr-m, rhus. verat, SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 125 Against fevers which prevail in SUMMER or SPRING, and in HOT CLIMATES, they are especially: Arn. bell. calc. caps. cin. ipec. lach. sulph. veratr. and perhaps too: Bry. carb-v. &c. Against fevers which have changed their character from the USE OF CINCHONA, they are principally: Arn. ars. hell. fer. mec. lach. puls. verat. or again: Calc. caps. carb-v. cin. merc. natr-m. n-vom. sep. sulph. With reference to the TYPE of fevers, the medicines which appear to correspond to all the SIMPLE TYPES are principally: Arn. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. chin. cin. hyos. ign. ipec. natr-m. n- vom. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr. QUOTIDIAN fevers have been also cured by: Calc. caps. diad. sabad. TERTIAN fevers by: Ant. calc. caps. cham. dros. lyc. mez. staph. QUARTAN fevers by: Acon. lyc. n-mos. sabad. Against DOUBLE QUOTIDIAN fevers: Bell. chin. graph. puls. stram. have been administered; and against DOUBLE TERTIAN, principally: Ars. n-vom. rhus. Against fevers which return every year: Ars. carb-v. lach. have been recommended. With respect to the HOUR at which the fevers appear, the medicines which correspond to almost ALL PERIODS OF THE DAY are principally: Ars. bell. bry. chin. ipec. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr. MATUTINAL fevers, (which appear in or during the morning), have been also cured by: Arn. calc. cham. sabad. staph. EVENING fevers, (which appear in the afternoon or evening), by: Arn. calc. carb-v. ignat. lyc.merc. sabad. sep. staph. NOCTURNAL fevers by: Carb-v. cham. merc. Fevers in which COLD predominates, require principally: Bry. caps. diad. ipec. puls. sabad. staph. veratr.;—these with a predominance of HEAT, chiefly: Acon. bell. bry. ipec. n-vom. sabad. silic. valer. veratr.;—and those in which SWEATING is the prevailing symptom, especially: Bry. chin. merc. samb. : For fevers which consist in SHIVERING and HEAT, the me- dicines are, when THE SHIVERING PRECEDES, principally : Acon. arn. bry. caps. carb-v. cin. ign. ipec. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. sulph. veratr.;-when the HEAT PRECEDES, they are especially Calc. caps. n-vom.; when the SHIVERING AND HEAT SUCCEED ONE ANOTHER ALTERNATELY, they are princi- pally Bell. calc. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. sabad. sil. spig. sulph. veratr.;-and when the SHIVERING AND HEAT ARE SI- MULTANEOUS, they are especially: Acon. ars. bell. cham. ign. ipec. lyc. n-vom. rhab. rhus. sabad. sulph. : For fevers consisting in HEAT AND SWEATING, they are, when the heat is ATTENDED WITH SWEATING, especially: Bell. 126 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. F bry. caps. cham. chin. cin. hep. ign. merc. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sabad.;-and when the SWEATING FOLLOWS THE HEAT, they are principally: Ars. chin. cin. hep. ign. ipec. puls. rhus. veratr. Fevers which consist only in SHIVERING AND SWEATING re- quire, if the SWEATING AND SHIVERING ARE SIMULTANEOUS, especially Lyc. puls. sulph. and if the SWEATING FOLLOWS THE SHIVERING, principally: Caps. carb-a. lyc. natr-m. rhus. sabad. thuy. verat. : Fevers which consist in SHIVERING, HEAT AND SWEATING, are remedied most frequently by: Ars. bell. bry. caps. cham. chin. cin. hep. ign. ipec. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. veratr. ac- cording to the place occupied by each of the principal symp- toms, as has been indicated above. Arn. THIRST BEFORE THE ATTACK indicates especially: chin. puls.;-during the SHIVERING, principally: Acon. ars. bryon. caps. carb-v. cham. chin. cin. ign. ipec. rhus. veratr.;- after the SHIVERING: Ars. chin. puls. sabad.;-after the HEAT: Chin.;—during the HEAT, especially: Chin. n-vom ;—ADYPSIA during the HEAT indicates especially: Ars. carb-v. chin. ign. ipec. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. veratr. As to the SYMPTOMS to be considered in the choice of a medicine, a preference may be given to: ARSENICUM in case of : Simultaneous appearance of shivering with heat, or shivering alternately with heat, or internal shivering with external heat, or vice versa; burning heat, as if boiling water were circulating in the veins; absence or appearance of perspiration a long time after the heat, and principally at the commencement of sleep; or else heat and shivering slightly developed; appearance of accessory affections with the shiver- ings, such as; pains in the limbs, anxiety and inquietude, flush of heat on speaking or moving in the least degree, op- pression on the chest, pulmonary spasms, head-ache, &c.; humming in the ears during the sweats; great debility, vertigo, pain of the liver or spleen after or during the fever in general; nausea and desire to vomit, violent pain in the stomach; ulcera- tion in the corners of the mouth; bitter taste in the mouth, trembling, great anxiety; paralysis of the limbs, or violent pains; disposition to dropsical affections. (Compare: Chin. fer. ipec. veratr.) CHINA, when there are : Nausea, bulimy, head-ache, anxiety, palpitation of the heart, or other symptoms before the fever; thirst, commonly before or after the shiverings and heat, or during the sweating, or else during the entire continuance of the febrile attack, or during the whole time of the apyrexia; shiverings, alternately with heat, or appearance of heat a long time after the shivering; adypsia, congestion and head-ache, paleness of the face, &c., during the shivering; dry and burning lips and SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 127 mouth, red face, ravenous hunger, &c., during the heat; great weakness during and after the paroxysm of fever; dis- turbed sleep; yellowish complexion; desire to sleep, after a meal; pain in the liver or spleen; bilious or dropsical symptoms; soreness or swelling of the liver or spleen, &c. IGNATIA: Thirst, only during the shivering fit; mitigation of the cold by the application of external heat; heat only externally, with partial shivering or internal shuddering; nausea and vo- miting, pale complexion, pains in the back, &c., during the shivering; adypsia, head-ache, vertigo, delirium, paleness of the face, or alternate paleness and redness, or redness only (of one) of the cheeks, during the heat; cephalalgia, pain in the pit of the stomach, great fatigue, profound sleep, with snoring, after or during the fever in general; eruptions on the lips and corners of the mouth, nettle-rash, &c. IPECACUANHA, when there are: Much shivering, with little heat, or much heat, with little shivering; aggravation of the shivering by external heat; adypsia, or at least, little thirst during the heat; nausea, vomiting, and other gastric symptoms, with clean or coated tongue and oppression on the chest, before, during and between the paroxysms. This medicine possesses this advantage, that even if it does not entirely suit a given case, it effects notwithstanding a favourable change, so that the cure can be afterwards completed by: Arn. chin. ign. n-vom. or else: Ars. carb-v. or cin. LACHESIS: Shivering after a meal, or in the afternoon, often with pain in the limbs and in the loins, to such an extent as to allow no rest, or with oppression on the chest and convulsive twitches; violent head-ache, loquacious delirium, redness of the face, violent thirst, great agitation and tossing during the heat, or internal shivering (during the external heat); discoloured, earthy, yellowish-grey complexion, head-ache, great weakness and rapid prostration of strength during the apyrexia; appearance of heat principally at night or in the evening; appearance of perspiration after the heat towards the morning; renewal of the febrile paroxysms by acid food. NATRUM MUR. When there are: Continued shiverings; heat with dizziness, cloudiness of the eyes, vertigo and redness of the face; violent head-ache, especially during the heat, aching pains, yellowish complexion, great debility, ulceration in the corners of the mouth, violent thirst during the shivering, and especially during the hot fit; dryness of the tongue; painful tenderness of the pit of the stomach when touched; bitter taste in the mouth and complete anorexia. NUX-VOM. When there are: Great weakness and prostration at the commencement of the fever, then shivering mixed with heat, or heat before the shivering, or external heat with internal 128 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. shivering, or vice versa; desire to be continually covered, even during the heat and perspiration; coldness and blueness of the skin, hands and feet, face or nails or stitches in the side and shoot- ings in the abdomen, pains in the back and loins, or drawings in the abdomen during the shivering fit; head-ache and humming in the ears during the heat; pains in the chest; heat in the head and face, with redness of the cheeks and thirst (often with desire for beer) during the shivering and heat; gastric or bilious affections, vertigo, anguish and constipation. This medicine is often suitable after ipec. (Compare also: Ars. bry. chin. ign. and puls.) PULSATILLA, when there are: Adypsia during the entire continuance of the fever, or thirst only during the heat, or heat and shivering together, with thirst; aggravation in the afternoon or evening; oppressive pain in the head, anxiety, and oppression on the chest during the shivering; redness and puffing of the face, perspiration on the face, shivering when uncovered, or redness only of the cheeks during the hot fit; gastric or bilious affections, bitter taste in the mouth, slimy, bilious, or sour vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, oppression on the chest, moist cough and head-ache during or between the paroxysms of fever. This medicine is often suitable after lach. or when the slightest indigestion causes a relapse. (Com- pare Cin. ign. n-vom. or ant. and cham.) RHUS TOX. when there are: Shivering mixed with heat, appearance of the paroxysms commonly at night or in the evening, perspiration after midnight or towards morning; pains in the limbs, head-ache, vertigo, tooth-ache, during the shiverings; convulsive jerks; nettle-rash, colic, diarrhea, and other gastric affections, icterus, sleeplessness with tossing, noc- turnal thirst, palpitation of the heart, with anxiety, pressure at the pit of the stomach in general, during or between the paroxysms. (Compare Ars. ign. n-vom. puls.) The following medicines may be also employed after the preceding: ACONITUM, when the heat and shivering are very violent ; and when there are: Heat especially in the head or face, with redness of the cheeks; anguish, palpitation of the heart, stitches in the side; tearful, plaintive, and contradictory humour, or gloomy ideas, despair and fear of death. ANTIMONIUM, When there are: Little thirst, tongue much coated, bitter taste in the mouth, risings, disgust, nausea, vo- miting and other gastric affections, gripings, tension and pres- sure at the epigastrium, constipation or diarrhea. ARNICA, Shivering, which appears principally in the evening; thirst also before the shiverings; aching pains before the pa- roxysms; constant change of position, because every position SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 129 is insupportable during the fever; great indifference or stupor ; pain in the stomach, anorexia, aversion to meat, during the apyrexia; yellowish complexion, bitterness in the mouth, great indifference. This medicine is often suitable after ipec. BELLADONNA, when there are: Violent head-ache with diz- ziness; violent shivering, with moderate heat, or vice versá; or partial shivering and shuddering, with heat in other parts; heat, with redness of the face, and pulsation in the carotids; complete adypsia, or violent thirst; great susceptibility and tearfulness. BRYONIA, Predominance of cold and shivering, with redness of the cheeks, heat in the head and gnawing; or predominant heat, followed by shivering, and with stitches in the side; during the heat (or before the shivering) head-ache and vertigo; tongue thickly coated; bitter taste, aversion to food, nausea, desire to vomit or vomiting; excessive thirst, constipation or diarrhæa. CALCAREA, when there is: first, heat in the face, then shi- vering; or heat in the face, with coldness in the hands; or shi- vering alternately with heat; or external shivering with in- ternal heat; vertigo; heaviness in the head and limbs; stretch- ings, pain in the loins, agitation. CAPSICUM, Thirst only during the shivering, or during the entire continuance of the fever; predominant coldness, fol- lowed by excessively burning heat; accumulation of much slimy matter in the mouth, throat, and stomach; diarrhea, with slimy and burning fæces; ill-humour, anxiety and dizziness, which increase with the coldness. CARBO VEG. when the shivering manifests itself especially in the evening or at night; thirst only during the shivering; pro- fuse perspiration, followed by shivering; rheumatic pains in the teeth or limbs, before or during the fever; vertigo, nausea, red- ness of the face during the hot fit. CHAMOMILLA, when there are: Pressure at the pit of the stomach, hot perspiration on the forehead, exasperation and tossing; or bilious vomiting diarrhæa and colic; much thirst, predominance of heat and perspiration. CINA, Vomiting and bulimy before, during, or after the paroxysms; thirst only during the shivering, or only during the heat; paleness of the face during every paroxysm, frequent tickling in the nose, which forces one to scratch; dilated pupils; emaciation. FERRUM, Shiverings, with thirst and head-ache, ebullition of blood, swollen veins, congestion in the head; œdematous swel- ling of the face, especially round the eyes, vomiting of food. after a meal; shortness of breath; great weakness, amounting almost to paralysis. G 3 1 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. 130 OPIUM, Sleep during the hot fit, or else during the shi- verings; snoring with the mouth open; convulsive twitches; hot perspiration; suppressed excretions. This medicine is especially suitable to old persons, and sometimes also to chil- dren. VERATRUM, when there are: External coldness and cold perspiration; or internal heat, with dep red urine, delirium, and red face; or shiverings, with nausea, vertigo, pain in the loins and in the back; or shiverings alternately with heat, con- stipation or vomiting, with diarrhea; thirst during the shi- vering and the heat. Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had to: CANTHARIS, when there is at the same time an affection of the urinary organs. COCCULUS, when there are: Excitability, spasmodic affections, especially cramps in the stomach, and constipation. COFFEA, Excessive sensibility and great excitement, though the fever is moderated; or only heat with thirst, redness of face and liveliness of mind; then general perspiration, with thirst; soft fæces or diarrhea; or colic, with shuddering, agi- tation, and tossing. DROSERA, Excessive shivering, with coldness of the face; icy coldness of the hands and feet, with vomiturition, or bilious vomiting; violent head-ache, spasmodic cough, during the hot fit, gastric symptoms during the apyrexia. HEPAR, Fever, with coryza, cough and affections of the chest; or shiverings with thirst, preceded by a bitter taste, and followed by heat with sleep. HYOSCYAMUS, Predominance of shivering or of heat, with nocturnal cough, which hinders sleep, or else with fits of epi- leptic convulsions. MENYANTHES, Predominance of coldness, shudderings and coldness in the hypogastrium. MERCURIUS, when there are: Heat mixed with shivering; heat with anguish and thirst; profuse sour or offensive pers- piration, with palpitation of the heart. MEZEREUM, Shiverings and coldness, especially in the hands and feet, or violent heat; excessive thirst; head-ache, paleness of the face, tenderness, swelling, and hardness in the region of the spleen; weakness and great sensitiveness to cold air. NUX MOSCH. when there are: Moderate thirst during the hot fit; desire to sleep, whiteness of the tongue, rattling and hæmoptysis. SABADILLA, Predominance of coldness; moderate thirst or complete adypsia; dry convulsive cough, aching, tearing pains SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 131 in the limbs during the shivering; delirium, sleep, stretchings, during the hot fit. SAMBUCUS, when perspiration predominates, or when there is excessive heat without thirst. SEPIA, when there are: Shivering with thirst, pains in the limbs, with icy coldness of the hands and feet, while the fingers are dead. STAPHYSAGRIA, when the fever commences in the evening, with predominant coldness, scorbutic affections, and nocturnal heat. SULPHUR, when the fever manifests itself in consequence of repercussion of scabies, and when there are shiverings every evening, nocturnal heat, and perspiration towards the morning; fever with palpitation of the heart and violent thirst, even before the shiverings. THUYA, when the fever manifests itself by shiverings, with trembling, internal and external coldness, thirst or adypsia, and perspiration afterwards, without being preceded by heat. VALERIANA, when there is: Absence of coldness, but ex- cessive heat with thirst, and bewilderment. For the rest of the medicines cited, and also for more ample details, See the SYMPTOMS which follow (Sect. 2. and 3), as well as their pathogenesy in the former part of this work. LETHARGIC (FEVERS).—The medicines which will be found to be most frequently indicated against this kind of intermittent fever, are especially: Bell. cham. op. and puls. and perhaps also: Ant. carb-v. lach. merc. rhus. and tart. (See also Chap. III. SOMNOLENCY.) MUCOUS (FEVERS).-See GASTRIC Fevers. NERVOUS (FEVERS).—See TYPHOID Fevers. PITUITOUS (FEVERS). See GASTRIC Fevers. PUERPERAL (FEVERS).—See DISEASES OF WOMEN. Chap. XX. PUTRID (FEVERS).—See TYPHOID Fevers. RHEUMATIC (FEVERS).-See CATARRHAL AND RHEUMATIC Fevers. SLOW (FEVERS).-See HECTIC Fever. TRAUMATIC (FEVERS).—See Chap. II. MECHANICAL INJURIES. TYPHOID (AND NERVOUS FEVERS).—As all the fevers, com- prised under the names of ADYNAMIC, ATAXIC, CEREBRAL, NERVOUS, TYPHOID, PUTRID, &c. possess much mutual ana- logy, it has been deemed adviseable to collect the whole under one name, and thus to indicate the symptoms, which should decide the choice of a salutary medicine. The medicines which have been hitherto employed with 132 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. most success, are in general: Bell. bry. hyos. lach. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus stram. sulph. But in some cases also: Acon. arn. ars. camph. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. lyc. murc-ac. natr-m. nitr- spir. n-mos. op. puls. and sulph. or else again: Daph. gran. (?) phos. and sulph-ac. For nervous fevers, CHARACTERIZED BY ERETHISMUS (Ver- satile nervous fevers), the most eligible medicines are: Acon. bell. bry. cham. hyos. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. stram. For fevers characterized by DULLNESS (Typhoid fevers pro- perly so called), the principal medicines are: Arn. ars. bell. bry. chin, coce. hyos. lach. nitr-sp. n-vom. op. rhus. stram. verat. Typhoid fevers, with predominance of CEREBRAL Affection, (Typhus cerebralis, febris cerebralis) require in preference: Acon. bell. bry. hyos. lach. lyc. n-vom. op. phos-ac. rhus. and stram. For those with predominance of PULMONARY affections (Typhus pulmonaris, or Typhoid pneumonia), the principal me- dicines are: Bry. and rhus. or again: Ars. bell. chin. hyos. and sulph. Those with predominance of ABDOMINAL affections (Typhus abdominalis, Putrid fever), require in preference : Rhus. or bry., or ars. chin. and merc. or else again: Arn. carb-v. n-mos. puls. and sulph. With respect to the various PERIODS in which typhoid fever may present itself, if the patient is prescribed for during the period of INCUBATION, the disease will mostly be prevented, or at least mitigated by: bry. or rhus. The INFLAMMATORY period then requires principally: Bry. or else: Acon. bell. cham. hyos. lyc. n-vom. and stram. In the period of DEBILITY, the most eligible medicines are: Rhus. or ars. carb-veg. chin. merc. and mur-ac. or else again : Arn. lach. n-mos. phos-ac. and sulph. In the last extremity, when life is almost extinct, carb-veg. will often succeed in recalling the vital force and restoring the patient to a more vigorous state. During the period of CONVALESCENCE, when there still re- mains great physical and nervous debility, the medicines, which will be found to be most frequently indicated, are: Cocc. chin. and verat. or else n-vom. and sulph. With regard to the SYMPTOMS, which are to be considered in individual cases, a preference should be given to : BELLADONNA, when there are: Shivering alternately with SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 133 heat; or internal and external heat, with redness and burning heat of the cheeks or of the entire face; red and sparkling eyes; dilated pupils; photophobia; humming in the ears and hardness of hearing; uncertain or furious expression; puffed face; burning thirst, with aversion to drink, or desire to drink, without being able to swallow; disturbed sleep or sleeplessness; jerks and starts while sleeping or on waking; loss of consciousness, with murmurs and carpology; or raging delirium, with frightful visions, fear and desire to run away; violent head-ache, espe- cially in the forehead; vertigo on rising up; dryness of the lips, ulceration in the corners of the mouth; dryness and redness of the tongue, or dirty-yellow coating over the tongue; bitter taste in the mouth; anorexia, aversion to food and nausea ; anxious pressure at the pit of the stomach; no evacuations; scanty and red, or bright-yellow urine; rapid respiration, fre- quent pulse, precipitate or weak and indistinct speech; cold perspiration on the face, and especially on the forehead, under the eyes and round the nose; excessive apathy, soreness of all the limbs, cough, with pain in the chest, &c. (Compare Hyos.) BRYONIA, when there are: Shiverings followed by continued heat over the whole body, but especially in the head, with red face, profuse perspiration, or dry and cracked, or moist and clammy skin; dry, brownish, and cracked tongue and lips; violent thirst; aversion to all food, also with nausea and desire to vomit, or with vomiting of mucus or bile; violent pain in the pit of the stomach, when touched; constipation, or loose yellowish evacuations; brownish-red, or bright yellow urine, with yellowish sediment; pressive, stupifying cephalalgia, or sen- sation as if the brain had been bruised; sensation as if looking through a veil; obstruction of the ears, with hardness of hearing ; accumulation of much thick and tenacious mucus in the nasal fossæ and top of the nostrils; great liability to fall, with trem- bling and vertigo on rising up; delirium day and night, with fan- tastic visions or murmurs, or with desire to run away from the bed; sleeplessness, with flushes of heat and tossing, or continued desire to sleep, and also comatose somnolency with starts and fantastic visions; carpologia; quick and frequent pulse; or irre- gular, or small and intermittent pulse; short, oppressive res- piration, soreness and paralytic state of all the limbs; shootings in the chest, or in the sides; irritability, irascibility, despair of being cured and fear of death; petechia. (Compare Rhus.) HYOSCYAMUS, when there are: Furious delirium, with visions of every kind; nervous excitability, with sleeplessness and agi- tation, or coma somnolentum, interrupted by delirium, at one time of a mild, at another of a furious character; apathy, stu- 134 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. pidity, and great weakness, especially of the hands, on moving them; muscular palpitation; carpologia; desire to run away from the bed; redness and heat, or paleness, of the face, with bluish cheeks; fixed and dull eyes, surrounded by a livid circle, or red and sparkling eyes, with pupils at one time dilated, at another time contracted; hardness of hearing, with humming and tinkling in the ears; dry, parched tongue, covered with a brownish coating. (Compare Bell.) ; LACHESIS, if there are: Vertigo on rising up; eyelids as if paralysed; bitter taste in the mouth; pain in the chest, with dry cough, lethargic sleep, with a habit of lying on the face sunk face; lower jaw hanging; delirium with murmurs, stupid expression, sleepy-looking eyes; yellowish-red, cracked, or smooth and dry tongue, or covered with whitish slime; or heaviness of the tongue, with great difficulty in putting it out and in speaking; thirst, with aversion to drink; brownish-red and profuse urine. LYCOPODIUM, against: Great weakness, with total prostra- tion of strength; hanging of the lower jaw, half-closed eyes, with sensation, as if a veil were placed before them, slow res- piration, with open mouth; or if there are: Shiverings alter- nately with heat; animation without heat or congestion in the head or face; circumscribed redness of the cheeks, debilitating sweats; redness of the tongue; constipation; mildness, tran- quillity or cries, grumbling and malevolence, especially on waking. MERCURIUS, against: Vertigo, dizziness, fullness and con- fusion in the head; stupidity and incapacity for reflection; pressive cephalalgia, especially in the forehead and in the vertex; humming in the ears; tongue coated with thick mucus of a dirty yellow colour, or else clean, with bitter, putrid taste; bleeding of the gums; nausea and vomiturition, or vomiting of slimy and bitter substances; great tenderness and soreness at the pit of the stomach, hepatic region, and abdomen, round the navel, with pains, especially at night, uneasiness, anguish, and tos- sing; constipation or loose evacuations, which are yellow or greenish; deep-coloured, brownish urine; burning and dry skin, or profuse, debilitating, and clammy sweats; great weakness; complete sleeplessness; no delirium, or at least not distinctly marked. NUX-VOм. against: Excessive sensibility of all the organs, predominance of gastric and bilious symptoms; drowsiness, as if from intoxication, with loss of consciousness; great weakness and prostration; redness and burning in the cheeks and palms of the hands; dry tongue, of a white or black colour, with red and cracked margins, dry lips, with thirst and aversion to SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 135 drink; bitter or putrid taste of drinks; aversion to food; tearing or pressive cephalalgia, with vertigo; colic, palpitation of the heart and anguish; painful pressure and tension in the whole of the epigastrium and in the hypochondria. Sensation in the limbs as if they were beaten or paralysed; irascibility, impa- tience, and peevishness. PHOSPHORIC ACID. against: Complete apathy, stupefaction, and stupidity; great weakness and prostration; laconic style of speaking and aversion to conversation; fixed, stupid expression, with glassy or hollow eyes; sleeplessness at night with anxiety and tossing, or insurmountable sleepiness and sleep full of dreams, or delirium with murmurs and carpologia; confusion and unpleasant cloudiness in the head, especially on waking; ex- cessive humming in the eyes, with dysecoia; dryness of the tongue; dry, burning, and rough skin; heat especially towards the evening; loose evacuations, or constipation, with heaviness and pressure in the abdomen; brownish-red urine, with red- dish sediment; cold perspiration on the face, pit of the sto- mach, and hands, with anxiety, &c. (This medicine is some- times suitable before or after op.) RHUS, against: Great weakness and prostration, which scarcely permits one to rise up or to move; sleeplessness, with anguish and frequent starts, or coma somnolentum with murmurs, snoring and carpologia; dry heat with anguish; stupidity or confused ideas; or complete loss of consciousness; talkative delirium, with desire to run away, alternately with lucid intervals; stupifying cephalalgia; vertigo on rising up and moving; red and burning face or cheeks; red and burning, or fixed and dull eyes; stoppage of the ears and dysecoia; dryness of the mouth and throat; dry, cracked, brownish or blackish tongue and lips; or red and qui- vering tongue; violent thirst; anorexia and aversion to food, hardness and distension of the abdomen, with violent pains in the epigastrium, especially when touched; constipation, with ineffectual desire to evacuate, or loose, sanguineous fæces; deep- coloured and hot urine, or urine which is at first clear and after- wards turbid, dry heat, with anguish; or clammy perspiration; petechia. (Compare Bry.) STRAMONIUM against: Pulsative cephalalgia, especially in the vertex, with syncope; clouded sight and dysecoia; delirium with violent tossings, frightful visions, and illusions of sight and hearing, or with singing, whistling, talking in a foreign language, desire to run away from the bed, &c., loss of con- sciousness, to such an extent as no longer to recognize one's own relations; dilated and insensible pupils; no evacuation nor emission of urine; lethargic state, with snoring, &c. Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had to : 136 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. ARNICA, against: Coma somnolentum, with delirium and carpology; snoring and involuntary evacuation of fæces and urine, &c. ARSENICUM, against: Petechia, coma somnolentum, with delirium, carpologia, loss of consciousness, frequent starts, and moans; great weakness and prostration; hanging down of the lower jaw; open mouth; dull and glassy eyes, &c. CAMPHORA, against: Violent delirium, bewildered and hot head, with cold, clammy skin; great debility; debilitating and clammy perspiration; disposition to diarrhea. (Sometimes suitable after rhus.) CARBO VEG. against: Sleepiness with rattling, hypocratic face; insensible pupils; small and failing pulse; cold pers- piration on the extremities and face; involuntary evacuation of very offensive excrement; deep red urine, with a cloud sus- pended in the middle, &c. CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Spasmodic affections, gastralgia, or cramp-like colic, and diarrhea, with the remainder of the typhoid symptoms, CHINA, if there are: Anorexia, and taste of clay with the food; dry, parched, and cracked tongue and lips; diarrhea, day and night, with watery, yellowish evacuations, or with indigested food; continued somnolency, or unrefreshing sleep, &c. COCCULUS, if there are: Great weakness, cephalalgia, with vertigo; syncope; gastralgia; paralysis of the limbs, &c. (Often suitable after rhus. or camp.) MURIATIC ACID. against: Great weakness, with prostration, cephalalgia, as if the brain had been bruised, symptoms of putridity, or pleuratic affections. NATRUM MUR, if there are: Loss of consciousness; insatiable thirst, dryness of the tongue, great debility. NITRI SPIR. against: Great weakness, with prostration, complete apathy; stupidity, with fixed and haggard eyes; deaf- ness; dry, brownish lips; sleep, with delirium and mur- murs, &c. NUX MOSCH. if there are: Putrid or colliquative diarrhæa, coma somnolentum, with delirium, stupidity. OPIUM, against: Drowsiness or coma somnolentum, with sno- ring, open mouth, delirium, and murmurs. (After op. phos- ac. is sometimes suitable.) PULSATILLA, if there are : Loss of consciousness, with violent delirium, tears and lamentations, with despairing gestures. SULPHUR, if there are: Continued heat, especially in the evening, pale face, full, quick pulse; excessive thirst; dry, brownish tongue; scanty and deep-red urine, which soon SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 137 becomes turbid; sleeplessness; delirium, with open eyes, car- pology, constipation. For the remainder of the medicines cited, and for more ample details respecting the others, see their pathogenesy and compare also INFLAMMATORY, GASTRIC, LETHARGIC Fevers, &c. VERMICULOUS (FEVERS). See Chap. XVII. VERMICULOUS affections. YELLOW FEVER.-We possess, as yet, no valuable in- formation respecting the treatment of these fevers, except one case, which was cured by crotalus. The physician, who called upon to prescribe for these fevers, might also direct his attention to: Arn. carb-v. and also to: Am-c. ars. bry. rhus. and perhaps also to : Arn. bell. chin. ipec. merc. n-vom. SECT. 2.-FEBRILE SYMPTOMS. (N.B. For PARTIAL heat, coldness, perspiration, &c., See the particular organs in which they are seated.) CHILLY (Disposition). Agar. | COLDNESS IN general. alum. anac. bar-c. bruc. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. chel. cic. cist. euphr. grat. kal-ch. laur. lyc. merc. merc-c. mez. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. par. petr. phos- ac. plumb. puls. rat. sil. squill. sulph. tab. tart. teuc. viol- tric. mgs-arc. COLDNESS IN GENERAL. Æth. ars. asar. aur. bis. bor. bruc. bry. camph. cann. canth. carb- v. caps. cham. chel. chin, cic. cap. cyc. diad. dig. coloc. cap. dulc. eug. euphorb. hæm. hell. hyos. iat. ign. ind. ipec. kal-h. kre. lach. laur. led. lyc. | merc. mez. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. op. par. phos. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. ruta. sabad. sass. sec. sep. stram, sulph. tab. tart. thuy. verat. verb. mgs. Internal. Natr-s. par. thuy. Limbs (in the). Æth. ars. bell. camph. carb-an. carb-v. cic. coloc. dig. hell. hyos. iat. ipec. laur. led. lyc. merc. mez. natr-m. op. pæon. plumb. puls. sec. squill. stram. verat. verb. mgs. Semi-lateral, Dig. par. Sensation of. Cocc. mosch. phos-ac. sulph. tart-ac. mgs- arc. Transient. Merc. COLDNess WHICH MANIFESTS SHIVERINGS ITSELF. See which manifest themselves. FEVER IN GENERAL: Evening (in the), (Or with aggravation in the). Alum. ant. arn. ars. bell. bov. calad. calc. carb-v. chin. cyc. dulc. hell. ign. ipec. lach. led. lyc. merc. n-vom. petr. phos. phos- ac. puls. ran. rhod. rhus. sa- 138 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. bad. sabin. sep. staph. sulph. thuy. FEVER IN GENERAL: Midnight (after). Ran-sc. before. Verat. Morning (in the). Arn. calc. cham. chin. natr-m. n-vom. sabad. staph. verat. Night (at). Ars. bell. carb- V. caus. cham. lach. hep. merc-c. n vom. phos. puls. ran-sc. rhus. sulph. Noon (in the after-). Alum. ant. ars. calc. caus. chin. coff. dig. dig. natr-m. nutr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. ran. spong. staph. sulph. (fore-). Calc. chin. cap. natr-m. sabad. sil. staph. sulph. arn. Quartan. Acon. anac. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. chin. cin. clem. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. natr-m. n-mos. n- vom. puls. rhus. sabad. sulph. verat. rhus. double. Ars. n-mos. Quotidian. Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. chin. cin. cap. diad. hyos. ign. ipec. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. sulph. verat. Tertian. Anac. ant. arn. ars. bar-m. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. cham. chin, cin. dros. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. mez. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. staph. sulph. veratr. rhus. double. Ars. n-mos. Type (advancing). Ars. chin. ign. natr-m. n-vom. retarded. Chin. cin. FEVER composed of: Heat alternately with shi- verings. (See SHIVERINGS alternately with heat.) FEVER COMPOSED OF: Heat (partial), with coldness of the extremities. Pæon. Heat in the face, then shi- vering. Calc. sulph. Heat with shuddering. Acon. bell. hell. ign. lach. merc. sep. Heat, with shivering. Acon. anac. ars. bell. cham. cocc. coff. coloc. hell. ign. ipec. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhab. rhus. sabad. sulph. thuy. zinc. Heat, with shivering in the face, head, &c. (See AccEs- SORY SYMPTOMS. Sect. 3.) Heat (partial), with partial shiverings. Bell. cham. n- vom. puls. rhus. sulph. Heat, then shivering. Calc. caps. n-vom. Heat, then coldness in the hands. Calc. Heat, in the head or face, with coldness of the extre- mities. Am-c. arn. aur. bell. ran. rhod. rut. sabin. squill. stram. mgs-arc. Heat in the head, then cold- ness, then heat. Stram. Heat, alternately with pers- piration. Led. perspiration. Heat, with Bell. bry. caps. cham. chin. cin. con. euphorb. fer-mg. hep. ign. ipec. merc. n-vom. op. phos. puls. rhus. sabad. stram. sulph. Heat with partial perspi- ration. Ol-an. sulph. Heat, then perspiration. cin. Ant. ars. bell. bell. chin. coff. hep. ign. ipec. lach. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 139 puls. ran-sc. rhus. sulph. ve- | FEVER COMPOSEd of: rat. FEVER COMPOSED of; Shiverings with heat. Acon. anac. ars. bell. cham. cocc. coff. coloc. hell. ign. ipec. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhab. rhus. sabad. sulph. thuy. zinc. Shiverings with partial heat. N-vom. ol-an. sabad. Shiverings, with heat in the face, head, forehead, &c. (See ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS.) Shiverings (partial), with partial heat. Bell. cham. n- vom. puls. rhus. sulph. Shiverings (partial), then heat. Berb. Shiverings, with heat, then perspiration. Graph. Shiverings (partial), alter- nately with partial heat. Cham. -Shiverings, alternately with heat. Agn. bell. calc. coloc. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. rhab. rhod. rhus. sabad. sel. sil. spig. sulph. verat. Shiverings alternately with heat, then heat. Verat. Shiverings alternately with heat, then heat, then pers- piration. Bry. Shiverings alternately with heat, then perspiration. Kal. Shiverings, then heat. Acon. am-m. arn. bar-c. bor. bell. bry. caps. carb-v. cin. cist. cop. croc. cyc. dulc. graph. hep. ign. ipec. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sa- bad. sec. stram. sulph. val. verat. Shiverings, then partial heat. Cyc. Shiverings, then heat in the face. Amb. cyc. petr. Shiverings, then heat in the head. Ipec. Shiverings, then heat with perspiration. Bell. bry. caps. cham. chin. cin. daph. hep. ign. n-vom. phos. rhus. sa- bad. Shiverings, then heat with partial perspiration. Hep. Shiverings, then heat, then perspiration. Ars. bor. chin. cin. graph. hep. ign. ipec. lach. puls. rhus. sabin. verat. Shiverings, with sensation of heat. Oleand. Shiverings, alternately with perspiration. N-vom. Shiverings, with perspira- tion. Euphorb. lyc. puls. sulph. Shiverings, then perspiration. Caps. carb-an. caus. dig. lyc. magn-s. natr-m. petr. phos- ac. rhus. sabad. thuy. verat. Shuddering, with heat. Acon. bell. cham. hell. ign. n-vom. rhab. Shuddering, with flushes of heat. Zinc. Shuddering, with partial heat. Acon. n-vom. ol-an. Shuddering, alternately with heat. Magn-s. merc. mosch. n-vom. Shuddering, then heat. Bell. laur. mgs-arc. Shuddering, then heat in the head and face. Mgs-aus. Shuddering, then perspi- ration. Clem. dig. natr-m. HEAT, IN GENERAL. Acon. ars. 140 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. bell. bar-c. bis. bov. camph. casc. cham. chin. coff. con. fer. graph. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nic. phos. phos-ac. rhod. samb. sep. sil. spig. stann. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. tart. terb. zinc. HEAT, Anxious. Acon. ars. cham. ign. ipec. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sep. spong. stann. (Compare AN- GUISH, Sect. 3.) Burning. Acon. ars. bell. bis. bry. cham. cocc. dulc. gran. hell. hep. laur. lyc. merc. mosch. op. puls. sabin. squill. stann. staph. Dry. Acon. ars. bar-m. bell. bry. caus. coloc. con. dulc. gran. hep. ipec. lach. merc. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. prun. puls. sec. sil. spong. squill. stront. sulph. thuy. mgs. External. Anac. bell. bry. cocc. coloc. cor. hell. ign. merc. puls. sil. spong. Internal. Acon. ars. bell. bry. cham. con. cor. fer-mg. nitr-ac. puls. verat. (Compare, above, HEAT in general.) Nose and mouth (com- mencing from the). Stront. Partial. Bell. cham. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. Semi-lateral. Puls. Sensation of heat. Cham. ign. magn. oleand. sil. stann. mgs-arc. Transient. Agn. amb. bor. calc. carb-v. dig. graph. hep. ign. iod. lyc. magn. merc. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-an. petr. phos. plumb. ruta. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. sulph. HEAT, which manifests itself: Angry (after being). Petr. sep. -Bed (in). Agn. kal. hell. magn-m. Conversation (during im- portant). Sep. Evening (in the). Agn. ang. arn. bor. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. fer. hell. gran. hep. hyos. lach. merc. mosch. mur-ac. nic. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. sass. sulph. teuc. thuy. in bed. Bor. cham. puls. (Compare at NIGHT.) Exercise (during). Camph. n-vom. sep. m-aus. (after). Fer-mg. ol-an. Heat (relieved by artificial). Cor. -Labour (during continued). Oleand. - Leaning forwards (when). Merc-c. Meal (after a). See Chap. XIV. Morning (in the). Bor. euphr. kal. magn. meph. n-vom. puls. sulph. mgs. Movement (during). Stann. tart. Night (at). Alum. am-c. arn. ars. bar-m. bor. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. colch. dulc. hep. lach. laur. magn. magn-m. magn-s. meph. merc. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. ran. ran- sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. sil. stront. sulph. thuy. viol-tric. mgs-arc. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 141 HEAT, Noon (after). Anac. cop. PERSPIRATION, Itching. Mang. natr-s. stann. sulph. (fore). Sass. Pains (during). Carb-v. Parts affected (in the). Acon. bry. sulph. Room (in a). Am-m. ipec. Seated (when). Sep. Sleeping (when). petr. viol-tric. Dulc. Washing (after). Fer-mg. PERSPIRATION IN GENERAL. Dulc. graph. guaj. hep. lach. merc. n-vom. samb. tart. thuy. val. Acrid. Cham. con. Anguish (with). Berb. calc. fer. natr. sep. Aromatic smell (of an). Rhod. Clammy. Anac. ars. daph. fer. hep. lach. lyc. merc. n- vom. phos. phos-ac. plumb. verat. Cold. Ars. bar-m. carb-v. cupr. dig. dulc. fer. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. lyc. merc. natr. n-vom. plumb. sec. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. verat. mgs. Colliquative. Ars. carb-v. chin. merc. nitr. phos. stann. (Compare Debilitating.) Critical. Bry. Debilitating. Amb. carb-an. chin. cocc. fer. merc. nitr. sil. stann. (Compare Colli- quative.) Empyreumatic smell (of an). Bell. Greasy. Bry. chin, magn. merc. Hot. Ant. op. Impossible. Lach. staph. Insects (which attracts), Calad. par. rhod. Local. See Partial. Mouldy smell (of a). N-vom. stann. Offensive. Bar-c. carb-an. con. dulc. graph. kal. lach. lyc. magn. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. Partial. Ars. con. n-vom. puls. sulph. in the parts affected. Amb. merc. stront. tart. covered parts (in the). Acon. bell. Profuse. Ars. bell. chin. con. lach. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. samb. sulph. Putrid smell (of a). Daph. staph. Sanguineous. Lach. n-mos. Semi-lateral. N-vom. puls. Sour smell (of a). Acon. bry. carb-v. caus. cham. fer- mg. hep. iod. led. magn. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. Spots (which produces).Sel. Stiffens the linen (which). Merc. sel. Urine (smelling like). Berb. coloc. nitr-ac. Yellow colour to the linen. (which imparts a). Ars. bell. carb-an. merc. PERSPIRATION, WHICH MANI- FESTS ITSELF; Airing (when taking an). See WALKING in the open air. Cold air (in the). Bry. calc. Coughing (when). Ars. Day (during the), easily. Agar. amb. anac. bar-m. bell. berb. bry. calc. carb-an. chin. dulc, fer, fer-mg. gran, 142 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. graph. guaj. hep. kal. lach. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhab. sel. sep. sil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. verat. zinc. (Compare during LA- BOUR, and during a WALK.) PERSPIRATION, FESTS ITSELF : WHICH MANI- Dementia (after a paroxysm of). Cupr. Eaten (after having). Nitr- ac. sep. (Compare Chap. XIV. after a MEAL.) Eating (when). Carb-an. carb-v. merc. natr-m. ol-an. (Compare Chap. XIV. after a MEAL. Evacuation (before). Merc. Evening (in the). (in the). Ars. merc. mur-ac. sulph. Exercise. See MOVEMENT. Labour (during moderate). Agar. graph. kal. led. lyc. natr. rhab. sulph. intellectual. Kal. Lying down (after). Magn-s. Meal (after a). See Chap. XIV. Midnight (after). Amb. am- m. magn-m. n-vom. (before). Mur-ac. Morning (in the). Am-c. ant. ars. aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc. dros. ang. euphorb. fer-m. guaj. hell. hep. iod. lach. magn-s. merc. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. par. phos. phos- ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. every second day. Ant. on walking. Ars. Movement (on the least). Berb. calc. chin. cocc. fer. fer-mg. gran. graph. hep. kal. led. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. sep. sil. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. (Compare, during a WALK.) PERSPIRATION, WHICH MANI- FESTS ITSELF: Night (at). Amb. am-c. am- c. anac. arg. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cocc. coloc. con. cupr. daph. dig. dulc. euphr. fer. graph. hell. hep. iod. kal. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rat. rhus. sa- bin. samb. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. tab. tart. viol-od. viol- tric. zinc. alternately with dryness of the skin. Natr. Noon (in the after-). Berb. magn-m. magn-s. Pain (during). Merc. natr. rhus. tab. Seated (when). Anac. rhus. sep. staph. Sleep (at the commence- ment of). Ars. con. mur-ac. tab. thuy. verat. (during). Bell. carb-an. cham. chin. cic. fer. hyos. prun. sel. Speaking (when). Graph. iod. Walk (during a). Agar. amb. bruc. kal. led. natr-m. sel. sil. (Compare during MOVEMENT.) in the open air. Bry. carb-an. caus. guaj. n-vom. PULSE: Compressible. Bell. ran-- SC. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 143 PULSE, Feeble. Ars. bar-c. berb. cann. chin. dig. lach. laur. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sulph-ac. tart. Flying. Carb-v. Frequent. Acon. ars. bar- m. COCC. kal-ch. lach. n-vom. oleand. phos-ac. sil. stann. COCC. Full. Acon. arn. bar-m. bell. camph. chin. coloc. cor. dig. hep. merc. n-vom, ol-an. op. petr. phos- ac. puls. ran-sc. sil. sulph. tart. Hard. Acon. æth. bell. bry. coloc. cocc. cor. dulc. hep. iod. n-vom. op. phos. sil. sol- m. spong. sulph. verat. Insensible. Ars. cann. lach. puls. verat. Intermittent. Acon. ars. bis. hep. lach. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. op. phos-ac. sulph. verat. Irregular. Æth. ant. ars. con. dig. lach. laur. merc. natr-m. oleand. Quick. Acon. æth. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. camph. chin. coloc. cupr. guaj. hep. hyos. iod. kal-ch. merc. n-vom. op. phell. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sec. sil. spong. stann. stram. sulph. verat. Slow. Bell. berb. camph. cann. dig. fer-mg. lact. laur. merc. op. puls. verat. Small. Acon. æth. ars. bell. bis. bry. camph. carb-v. chin. dig. dulc. fer-mg. iod, kre. n-vom. op. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sec. sil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Strong. Bell. merc, PULSE, Suppressed. Ars. carb- v. kre. puls. sec. sil. Tight. Bell. dulc. Trembling. Ars. lach. merc. SHIVERINGS in general. Æth. alum. amb. anac. arg. arn. asar. bor. bruc. bry. calc. cann. caps. chin. cocc. coloc. con. cyc. daph. dros. euphorb. evon. guaj. hæm. hep. kal-ch. kal-h. kre. lam. led. magn-m. magn-s. mang. merc. merc-c. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phell. phos. phos- ac. puls. rut. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sep. spong. staph. sulph. tar. tart. ther. verat. mgs. mgs-aus. External. Dig. merc. zinc. Internal. Agn. anac. calc. hell. merc. natr-m. Partial. Acon. bell. cham. lach. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. Semi-lateral. Fer-mg. lyc. natr. thuy. Skaking (or with trembling). Acon. agar. am-c. anac. bell. bry. camph. canth. cast. chin. cist. cocc. fer. hell. ign. iod. laur. mang. mur-ac. natr-s. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. rhus. samb. stram. verat. mgs-aus. Side on which one has not lain (on the). Fer-mg. Transient. Bar-c. cham. rhus. SHIVERING, coldness and shud- dering, which appear : -Air (in the open). Agar. hep. laur. merc-c. mosch. n-mos. n-vom. petr. plat. plumb. rhus. sen. Angry (after being). N-vom, Bed (in). Ars. alum. bor. 144 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. P carb-an. fer. laur. merc. n- vom. phos. (Compare EVEN- ING and NIGHT). SHIVERING, coldness and shud- dering, which appear : 1 Bed (mitigated in). Magn-m. magn-s. Chill (after a). Lyc. sep. Day and night. Sass. Drinking (after). Ars. caps. chin. n-vom. verat. Eaten (after having). Ars. amelioration. Amb. Eating (when). Euphorb. ran-sc. (Compare SUFFERINGS during a meal, Chap. XIX). Epileptic fits (after). Cupr. Evening (in the). Acon. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb- v. cham. cin. coce. cyc. dule. fer. graph. guaj. hep. kal. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. meph. merc. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. prun. puls. rat. rhus. samb. sep. stann. stront. sulph. tart-ac. teuc. thuy. bed (in). Alum. am-c. ars. bor. bry. carb-an. fer. mur-ac. n-vom. phos. tart-ac. sulph. (Compare NIGHT). day (every second). Lyc. pain (during). Puls. Exercise (during). Ars. merc- c. sulph. in the open air. N-vom. Fire (in the warmth of a). Alum. anac. bov. cin. dulc. guaj. iod. lam. laur. merc. ruta. Heat (in the). Dulc. ruta. (mitigated by). Cor. - Lassitude in the legs (from). Sen. Meal (after a). Alum. berb. lach. ran. (Compare Chap. XIV). SHIVERING, coldness and shud- dering, which appear : Meal (before a). Berb. Midnight (after). Thuy. Morning (in the). graph. merc. natr-s. n-vom. phos. spig. ther. thuy. Movement (after). N-vom. (during). Merc-c. n-vom. rhus. sil. spig. Calc. Night (at). Alum. amb. am- c. am-m. arg. ars. bor. calc. carb-v. caus. fer. kreos. magn- s. merc. mur-ac. natr-s. n- vom. staph. sulph. tart-ac. thuy. Noon (in the after-). Arg. ars. bor. bry, dig. lach. puls. ran. nitr. sulph. (fore-). Thuy. Pain (while suffering from). Ars. bry. dulc. graph. led. lyc. mez. natr-m. puls. mgs- arc. after. Kal. Repose (during). Bruc. Rising up (on), after stoop- ing. Merc-c. Room (in a). Ars. (Compare near the FIRE). Sleeping (after). Bry. merc. Uncovered (when). (when). Acon. agar. bell. bor. chin. cor. lach. n-vom. puls. squill. Walk (after a). Natr-s. Wet (after getting). Sep. SHIVERING. Agn. canth. cocc. coff. dulc. guaj. hell. kre. natr-s. n-mos. par. petr. phos. plat. prun. puls. ran-sc. sabad. sen. sep. spig. stann, sulph. teuc. thuy. zinc. (Com- pare CHILLY disposition). SHUDDERING in general. Anac. SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 145 arg. ars. asa. asar. bar-c. bell. bor. calad. calc-ph. cann. cast. cham. chel. chin. cin. cinn. coff. con. euphorb. evon. fer. guaj. hæm. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. kal-ch. laur. led. magn-s. men. merc. mosch. natr. natr-m. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. phell. phos-ac. plat. rat. rhab. ruta. sabin. samb. sen. sil. stann. staph. tab. verat. verb. viol-od. zinc. SHUDDERING (Partial). Cham. gran. Parts affected (in the). Ang. euphorb. Semi-lateral. Gran. verb. SHUDDERINGS WHICH MANIFEST THEMSELVES. (Compare SHI- VERINGS which manifest them- selves) : Affected (in the parts). Ang. euph. Affections of the internal organs (during). Euphorb. Air (in the open). Hep. plat. Bed (in). Aur. ars. (Com- pare NIGHT ANd Evening). Cold air (in the). Cham. Day (during the). Kal. SHUDDERINGS which manifest themselves : Drinking (after). Ars. caps. chin. n-vom. verat. Evening (in the). Acon. ars. aur. bor. calc. cham. cocc. diad. magn-s. merc. phell. phos. phos-ac. rat. Exercise (during). Ars. Fire (near the warmth of a). Cin. guaj. merc. rut. mitigated. Magn-s. Meal (after a). Rhus. (Com- pare SUFFERINGS after a meal. Chap. XIV). Morning (in the). Calc. gran. Movement (during). N-vom. sil. Night (at). Arg. calc. merc. staph. Noon (in the after-). Arg. dig. n-vom. (fore-). Ars. stann. Pain (when suffering from). Ars. bar-c. mez. ran. sep. Room (in a). Ars. Touched (when). Spig. Uncovered (when). See SHI- VERINGS. SECTION 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS Which manifest themselves during the fevers, and principally during the intermittent fevers. (Compare with this Section, the Clinical remarks, Sect. 1, and also the Accessory Symptoms in the other Chapters, in order to complete the following articles as occasion may require). ABDOMEN (Coldness of the): Fever (before the). Men. Shiverings (before the). Ars. phos-ac. VOL. II. ABDOMEN (distended) : Heat (during the). Ars. ABDOMEN (Pains in the). See COLIC. H 146 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. ACHING (Pains) : Fever (during the). Arn. carb-v. natr-m. puls. &c. (See Chap. I, BONES). Heat (during the). Ign. Shiverings (during the). Bor. natr-m. sabad. ADYPSIA: Fever (after the). Ign. (during the). Ant. ars. bell. chin. hep. puls. rhod. sabad. tart. Heat (during the). Ars. caps. carb-v. chin. cin. cyc. diad. hell. hep. ign. ipec. magn. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. puls. sabad. samb. sep. sulph. tar. Perspiration (during the). Ars. carb-v. euphorb. ign. ipec. phos. sep. Shiverings (during the). Agar. anac. ars. aur. calc. carb-v. chin. cin. coloc. cyc. dros. euphorb. guaj. hell. lam. mang. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls. sabad. sulph. thuy. AGITATION, INQUIETUDE: - Fever (during the). Ars. ipec. &c. (See Chap. V, same ar- ticle). Heat (during the). Acon. ars. | bell. bov. cham. cin. coff. ipec. lach. magn-m. mur-ac. op. rut. sabin. sec. Perspiration (during Bry. the). Shiverings (during the). Anac. ars. coff. lach. ANGUISH, TUDE: ANXIETY, INQUIE- Fever (before the). Chin. (during the). Ars. coff. chin. lach. rhab. ANGUISH, ANXIETY, INQUIE- TUDE: Heat (during the). Acon. amb. ars. bov. calc. cham. cyc. fer. ign. ipec. magn. natr-m. op. phos. phos-ac. puls. rut. sep. spong. stann. stram. sulph. (Comp. Anxious HEAT, Sect. 2). Perspiration (during the). Calc. merc. natr. sep. Shiverings (during the). Ars. caps. chin. lam. natr-s. puls. APPETITE (Absence of): Fever (during the). Ant. con. daph. lach. natr-m. puls. sabad. staph. (Compare Sect. XIV, same article). ARMS (HEAVINESS of the): - Shiverings (during the). Kre. ARMS (Shivering in the). Bell. berb. n-vom. puls. sulph. ASTHMATIC (affections), oppres- sion, dyspnæa, shortness of breath, &c. Bry. ipec. puls. (Compare Chap. XXII, same article). Heat (during the). Acon. ars. bov. carb-v. lyc. rut. - Perspiration (during the). Merc. Shiverings (during the). Ars. natr-m. puls. sen. zinc. AVERSION to food : Fever (during the). Am-c. ant. ars. ipec. kal. rhab. (Com- pare same article, Chap. XIV). Shiverings (during the). Bry. BACK (Pain in the) : Fever (before the). Ars. ipec. (during the). Ars. bell. caus. chin. lach. natr-s. rhus. (Compare Pains in the LOINS). Heat (during the). Arn. ign. SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 147 BACK (Pain in the) : Shiverings (during the). Ars. bell. caps. caus. ign. mosch. n-vom. verat. BACK (Shiverings in the). Bell. berb. cocc. mosch. n-vom. puls. sulph. BEATEN (PAINS in the limbs as if they were). Rhod. (Compare LIMBS, (painful), and Chap. I, same article). - Fever (during the). Caps. carb-v. rhus. - Heat (during the). Sulph. Shiverings (during the). Bell. BEER (Desire for). N-vom. (See Chap. XIV). BILIOUS affections. See Sect. I. BILIOUS fevers. BLOOD (Expectoration of): Fever (during the). N-mos. &c. (See Chap. XXI). BODY (SWOLLEN). Lach. BRAIN (Paralysis of the) : - Fever (during the). Ars. lyc. coloc.? BREATH (Hot): Fever (during the). Zinc. BREATH (Short): Fever (during the). Fer. zinc. (Compare Chap. XXII, same article). BULIMY: Fever (during the). Chin. cin. phos. (Compare Chap. XIV, same article). Heat (during the). Chin. cin. phos. Shiverings (during the). M- aus. BURNING in the veins : Heat (during the). Ars. CALVES OF THE LEGS (Cramps in the :) Shiverings Acon. (after the). CARPOLOGIA. Arn. Arn. ars. bell. chin, coce. hyos. op. phos. phos-ac. rhus. stram. CEPHALALGIA : Fever (before the). Ars. bry. carb-v. chin. lach. natr- m. nitr. puls. (during the). Ang. ars. bell. bry. chin. dros. graph. hell. hep. kal. led. mang. mez. natr-m. n-vom. petr. rut. sep. tar. (after the). Ars. carb-v. cin. hep. Heat (during the). Acon. ang. ars. bell. berb. bor. bry. caps. carb-v. chin. cin. dros. dulc. ign. kal. lach. natr-m. puls. rut. spong. n-vom. sulph. val. Shiverings (before the). Fer. —(during the). Acon. anac. ars. bor. bry. caps. chin. cin. cor. dros. fer. gran. graph. kre. mang. merc. mez. natr- m. n-vom. petr. puls. rhus. sen. sep. sulph. tart. CHATTERING OF THE TEETH : Shiverings (during the). Camph. hep. lach. natr-s. n-vom. plat. tab. CHEEKS (Heat and redness of the). Acon. cham. chin. cocc. kre. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. (Compare FACE.) CHEST (Pains in the): Fever (during the). Acon. ars. bry. calad. chin. ipec. kal. sabad. &c. (See Chap. XXII.) Heat (during the). Ars. caps. carb-v. cin. kal. n-vom. Perspiration (during the). Bry. Shiverings (during the). Ars. bell. lach. sabad. sen. H 2 148 CHAP IV. FEVERS. CHEST (Heat in the): Heat (during the). Am-m. CHEST (Shiverings Sulph. in the). CHEST (OPPRESSION on the). See ASTHMATIC AFFECTIONS. COLIC : Fever (before the). Ars. chin. (during the). Ant. ars. bov. bry. cham. chin. ran. rhus. Perspiration (during the). N-vom. Shiverings (during the). Bov. calad. chin. coff. diod. lach. meph. merc-s. n-vom. puls. CONGESTION in the head: Fever (during the). Fer. (See Chap. VI. same article.) Heat (during the). Bell. Shiverings (during the). Chin. CONSCIOUSNESS (Loss of); - Fever (during the). Arn. COUGH: Fever (during the). Bry. calc. chin. con. ipec. kal. puls. sabad. &c. (See Chap. XXI.) Heat (before the). Calc. the). Dros. (during sulph. Perspiration (during the). (during the). Bry. Shiverings Kre. sabad. CRAWLING in the skin : Perspiration (during the). Rhod. CRIES: Fever (before the). Bell. lach. lyc. - Heat (during the). Lach. CUTIS ANSERINA : Shiverings (during the). Bar-c. canth. hæm. hell. laur. par. sabin. verat. DEAFNESS: Fever (during the). Rhus. bell. cocc. hell. hyos. mur-ac. | DEBILITY, lassitude, and fa- natr-m. n-vom. op. phos-ac. puls. stram. (Compare Chap. V. same article.) Ars. Heat (during the). dulc. natr-m. phos-ac. sep. CONSTIPATION: Fever (during the). Bell. cocc. lyc. n-vom. op. puls. staph. verat. (Compare Chap. XVII. same article.) CONTRACTION OF THE LIMBS: Shiverings (during the). Caps. CONVULSIONS. Op. (Compare Chap. 1. same article.) Shiverings (during the). Lach. merc. CORYZA: Fever (during the). Calad. rhus. (Compare Chap. IX. same article.) tigue, &c. Fever (after the). Dig. (before the). Natr-m n-vom. (during the). Ars. chin. fer. hyos. lach. lyc. ipec. merc. mez. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. sulph. ve- rat. &c. (Compare Chap. I. DEBILITY.) Heat (after the). Dig. (during the). Anac. bry. calc. fer-mg. natr-m. phos. sulph. Perspiration (during the). Ars. puls. Shiverings (during the). Bor. carb-v. caus. lach. lam. DELIRIUM: Fever (during the). Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin, cin. dulc. hyos. ign. n- SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 149 vom. op. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus. samb. stram. sulph. ve- rat. DELIRIUM: Heat (during the). Ars. bell. chin. cin. dulc. ign. lach. op. sabad. spong. verat. DESPAIR. Puls, &c. (See Chap. V. same article.) DIARRHEA : Fever (during the). Ant. arn. ars. cham. cin. con. n- mos. phos. puls. rhus. sulph. verat. (Compare Chap. XVII. same article.) Heat (during the). rhus. - Shiverings Phos. Puls. (during the). DISAPPEARANCE of the suffer- ings: Perspiration (during the). Calad. DISCOURAGEMENT, DESPAIR: Fever (during the). Coff. (Compare Chap. V. same ar- ticle.) Heat (during the). Acon. coff. Shiverings (after the). Acon. DREAMS (MANY): Perspiration (during the). Puls. DREAMS (FRIGHTFUL): Fever (after the). Ars. (Com- pare Chap. III. DREAMS.) DRINK (A repugnance to). See Chap. XIV. Heat (during the). N-vom. Shiverings Hell. (before the). DYSPNEA. See ASTHMATIC AF- FECTIONS. EARS Cold : Heat (during the). Ipec. EARS (Hot at the tips) : Shiverings (during the). Acon. EARS (Humming in the): 31 Heat (during the). N-vom. Perspiration (during the). Ars. ign. EARS (Pains in the). See OTAL- GIA. EARS (REDNESS OF THE): -Heat (during the). Camph. cist. EBULLITION of blood : Fever (during the). Ars. bov. fer. mosch. phos. phos- ac. sass. sep. staph. sulph. (Compare the same article, Chap. I.) Heat (during the). Fer. phos- ac. sass. staph. EMACIATION. Cin. &c. (See Chap. I. same article.) EPILEPSY: - Fever (during the). Hyos. EPISTAXIS: Fever (during the). (See Chap. IX. same article.) Shiverings (during the). Kre. EVACUATE (desire to): Heat (during the). Caps. EVACUATIONS (FREQUENT): Heat (during the). Lach. (Compare DIARRHÆa.) EXCITABILITY (NERVOUS): Fever (during the). Bry. lyc. (Compare Chap. I. and V, same article.) Heat (before the). Teuc. EYES (DOWNCAst) : Heat (during the). Fer-mg. EYES (FIXED): Shiverings (during the). Acon. EYES (Flames before the): Fever (during the). 150 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. EYES (Pains in the): -Fever (during the). Kre. led. rhod. (Compare Chap. VII). Shiverings (during the). Sen. FACE (COLDNESS OF THE): -- Heat (during the). Ipec. rhab. Shiverings (during the). Dros. ipec. natr. petr. FACE (HEAT OF THE) : Fever (during the). Acon. bell. n-vom. puls. rhus. &c. (See Chap. X, HEAT of the face). Heat (during the). Acon. bell. cham. &c. (See Chap. X). Perspiration (during the). N-vom. Shiverings (After the). See Sect. 2. FEVERS COMPOSED OF. (during the). Acon. agar. anac. bell. calc. cham. chin. FACE (PUFFED): Fever (during the). Fer. lyc. (Compare Chap. X, same ar- ticle.) - Heat (during the). Am-m. ars. bell. puls. Shiverings (during the). Bell. FACE and cheeks (Redness of THE): Fever (during the). Acon. bar-m. chạm. chin, cocc. kre. merc. op. puls. rhus. verat. Heat (during the). Acon. am-m. bell. camph. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. cyc. dulc. ign. kre. lyc. magn-s. natr- m. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. verat. Perspiration (during the). Puls. Shiverings (during the). Acon. ars. bry. cham. chin. ign. kre. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. coloc. dros. euphorb. kre. | FACE (REDNESS of one side of hyos. lyc. merc. natr. n-vom. ran. puls. sabad. sen. sulph. Side (on one). See Chap. X. Semilateral HEAT. FACE (PALENESS OF THE): Fever (during the). Ign. mez. puls. rhus. &c. (See Chap. X, PALENESS.) Heat (after the). Squill. (during the). Ĉin. fer- mg. ipec. sep. Shiverings (during the). Bell. camph. canth. chin. cin. dros. n-mos. puls. rhus. sulph. tart. FACE (Perspiration on the). Ars. prun. (Compare Chap. X, PERSPIRATION.) Heat (during the). Puls. sulph. the). See Chap. X, Semilate- ral REDNESS. FACE (Circumscribed redness of the). See Chap. X. FACE (YELLOW, earthy): Fever (during the). Chin. natr-m. rhus. &c. (See Chap. X.) - Heat (during the). Ars. cin. natr-m. Shiverings (during the). Ign. natr. FEET AND TOES (Cramps in the): Perspiration (during the). Puls. -Shiverings (after the). N- vom. (during the). N-vom. FEET (COLDNESS of the): Fever (before the). carb-v. SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 151 FEET (COLDNESS of the): (during the). Acon. cist. kal-ch. lach. merc. puls. rhod. heat (during the). Cocc. Shiverings (after the). Petr. (during the). Berb. chin. cop. dros. kre. lach. merc. mez. (Heat in the). Carb-v. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. &c. (See Chap. XXV, HEAT.) Shiverings (during the). N- vom. FEET (Pains in the) : Shiverings Cop. (during the). (Perspiration in the). Staph. FINGERS (Torpor of the) : Shiverings (during the). Stann. FOREHEAD (Heat in the): Shiverings (during the). Acon. chin. natr-s. FOREHEAD (Perspiration in the): Heat (during the). Ipec. magn-s. sass. Shiverings (during the). Bry. dig. GAIETY (PLAYFUL): Heat (during the.) Acon. GASTRIC (AFFECTIONS): - Heat (during the). Ant. cham. cocc. daph. dros. ign. ipec. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. (Compare NAUSEA, VOMIT- ING, &c., and Sect. 1, GAS- TRIC Fevers.) GENITAL ORGANS (HEAT in the). Meph. prun. GLANDS (Enlargement of the): Heat (during the). Calad. cist. (Compare Chap. I. same article.) GUMS (Bleeding of the): Fever (during the). Staph. (Compare Chap. XI, BLEED- ING of the gums.) HAIR STANDING ON END: Shiverings (during the). Bar-c. men. HAIRY-SCALP (Pain in the) : Shiverings (during the). Hell. HANDS (BLUENESS of the): Shiverings (during the). N-vom. (Compare NAILS.) HANDS (COLDNESS of the): Fever (during the). Acon. agar. agn. dros. merc. phos. puls. sulph. (Compare Chap. XXIV, COLDNess. .) Shiverings (during the). Chin. dros. merc. mez. HANDS (Cramps in the) : Perspiration (during the). Puls. HANDS (DEADNESS of the): Shiverings (during the). Sep. HANDS (HEAT of the): Fever (During the). Berb. carb-v. ipec. ipec. lach. merc. natr. natr-s. n-vom. puls. sa- bad. stann. sulph. (Compare Chap. XXIV, HEAT.) Heat (during the). Puls. Perspiration (during the). N-vom. Shiverings (during the). I- pec. n-vom. HANDS (STIFFNESS of the): Shiverings (during the). Kal. HEAD the): (BewildermENT of Fever (during the). Ang. bry. caps. ipec. rut. val. verat. &c. (See Chap. VI.) 152 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. HEAD (Burning of the) : Shiverings (during the). Arn. verat. - Heat (during the). Ang. ars. bry. val. verat. Shiverings Caps. (during the). HEAD (Congestion in the): Fever (during the). Chin. fer. hyos. n-vom. &c. (See Chap. VI.) Heat (during the). Bell. Shiverings (before the). Chin. (during the). Chin. n- vom. HEAD (HEAT in the): Shiverings (before the). A- con. arn. bell. bry. mang. merc. natr-s. n-vom. puls. HEAD (Heaviness of the, weight upon the): Heat (during the). Ars. Perspiration (during the). Ars. caus. Shiverings (during the). Puls. (during the). Acon. berb. cin. meph. n-vom. rhod. (Compare Chap. VI, HEAT.) HEAD (Pain in the). See CEPHA- LALGIA. HEAD (Perspiration on the). Cham. n-vom. puls. staph. sulph. HEAD (Pulsation in the): Bell. Heat (during the). (Compare CEPHALALGIA.) HEART (Palpitation of the): Fever (before the). Chin. (during the). Lach. merc. rhus. sass. sep. spig. sulph. Heat (during the). Calc. merc. sass. sep. sulph. HEAT (Insupportable external). Puls. HEPATIC (Pains). See LIVER (Pains in the.) HICCOUGH: Fever (during the). Lach. (Compare Chap. XIV.) HooPING-COUGH: Fever (during the). Kal. (Compare Chap. XXI, same article.) HUMOUR (Ill): Fever (during the). (Com- pare Chap. V.) Shiverings (during the). Anac. caps. kre. Heat (during the). Acon. (Tearful, plaintive, HUMOUR &c.) Heat (during the). Acon. HUNGER (UNNATURAL). See BULIMY. HYPOCHONDRIA (Pains in the). Bor. ICTERUS: Fever (during the). Chin. rhus. (Compare Chap. XVI, same article.) JERKING. See TWITCHING. JOINTS (Pains in the) : Fever (during the). Hell. Shiverings (during the). Hell. KNEES (Coldness of the) : -Heat (during the). Agn. LACHRYMATION. See WEEP- ING. LAMENTATIONS: Heat (during the). Acon. cham. puls. LASSITUDE, FATIGUE. See DE- BILITY. LEGS (Coldness of the): Shiverings (during the). Bell. berb.n-vom. puls. (Com- pare Chap. XXV, COLD- NESS.) SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 153 LEGS (Heat of the): Meph. LEGS (Pains in the): Fever (during the). Nitr. - Heat (during the). Caps. carb-v. LEGS (Paralyzed): Shiverings (during the). Ign. LEGS (Perspiration on the). Ars. (Compare Chap. XXV, Per- spiration.) LIE DOWN (Desire to): Fever (during the). Bry. calc. dros. Heat (during the). Calc. fer-mg. Shiverings (during the). Dros. merc. n-vom. puls. ther. LIMBS (Benumbed) : LIPS (Dry): Perspiration (during the). N- vom. LIPS (Ulcerated.) Natr-m. Bell. &c. (See Chap. X.) LIVER (ENLARGEMENT of the). Ars. chin. &c. (See Chap. XVI.) LIVER (PAINS in the): Ars. Fever (during the). chin. &c. (See Chap. XVI, HEPATIC pains.) LOINS (Pain in the). Lach. Heat (during the). Kal. Perspiration (after the). Kre. Shiverings (during the). Ars. kre. lach. n-vom. rat. ve- LOINS (Weakness in the). Cocc. Shiverings (during the). N- MILIARIA : vom. LIMBS (Heaviness of the): Shiverings (during the). Ther. LIMBS (PAIN in the): Fever (after the). Sabad. (before the). Bry. carb- v. chin. cin. sulph. (during the). Ars. bell. bry. chin. hell. lach. lyc. nitr. n-vom. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. Heat (during the). Arn. chin. ign. rhus. Perspiration (during the). N-vom. Shiverings (during the). A- con. ars. bell. bry. caps, chin. cin. hell. lach. lyc. merc. (nitr.) n-vom. puls. rhus. sa- bad. Perspiration (during the). Rhus. MILK (Desire for) : Heat (during the). Merc. MISCHIEVOUSNESS. Lyc. (Com- pare Chap. V, same article.) MOANS : HEAT (during the). Acon. cham. lach. puls. (Compare Chap. V, same article.) MOUTH (CLAMMINESS of the): Shiverings (during the). Berb. MOUTH (DRYNESS of the) : Fever (during the). Thuy. Heat (during the). Chin. lach. n-vom. Perspiration (during the). N-vom. Shiverings (during the). Berb. thuy. LIPS (Blackish). Ars. chin. rhus. MURMURS, &c. (See Chap. X.) LIPS (Dry): Fever (during the). Chin. ign. rhus. Lach. rhus. &c. (See Chap. V.) MUSCLES (Jerking of the): Shiverings (during the). Merc. · H 3 154 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. NAILS (BLUENESS of the :) Fever (before the). Cocc. Shiverings (during the). Aur. cocc. n-vom. petr. NAPE OF THE NECK (Perspi- ration on the). Sulph. NAUSEA and desire to vomit : Fever (before the). Cin. (during the). Ant. bry. cham. chin. dros. ipec. sep. verat. (Compare Sect. 1. Gas- TRIC Fevers, and Chap. XIV. same article.) Heat (during the). Acon. anac. ars. bar-c. carb-v. n- vom. puls. Perspiration (during the). Merc. Shiverings (after the). Acon. (during the). Ars. aur. bell. chin. cin. rhus. sabad. sep. verat. NECK (Tenderness of the), when touched. Lach. NERVOUS (Symptoms). Sect. 1. TYPHOID fevers. NETTLE-RASH : See - Fever (during the). Ign. rhus. &c. See Chap. II.) NOSE (Coldness of the). Sulph. NOSE (Obstruction of the): Fever (during the). Sulph. &c. (See Chap. IX.) NOSE. (Pains in the): Fever (during the). Rhod. NOSE (Scabs in the) : Fever (during the). Sulph. (Compare Chap. IX.) NUMBNESS: Fever (before the). Ars. (Compare Loss of CONSCI- OUSNESS.) Heat (during the). Berb. natr-m. - Shiverings (during the). Natr-m. puls. ODONTALGIA : Fever (before the). Carb-v. Shiverings (before the). Graph. kal. rhus. OPPRESSION. See ASTHMATIC affections. OTALGIA: - Fever (during the). Calad. &c. (See Chap. VIII.) Perspiration (during the). Ign. Shiverings (during the). Graph. PAINFUL (Body), when unco- vered: - Heat (during the). Merc. PAINS (Insupportable) : Fever (during the). Ars. cham. coff. PAINS (Paroxysms of): Shiverings Ars. nitr. rhus. (during the). PAINS (In the parts on which one has lain) : Heat (during the). Mang. Perspiration (during the). N-vom. PAINS (On being uncovered :) Perspiration (during the). Stront. Palate (BurnING): Heat (during the). Dulc. PALPITATION See HEART. PANTING (respiration): OF THE HEART. Fever (during the). Calad. &c. See Chap. XXII.) PRICKINGS: Heat (during the). Chin. PULSATIONS. See THRObbings. PUPILS (CONTRACted) : Fever (during the). Arn. &c. (See Chap. VII.) Shiverings (during the). Acon. SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 155 PUPILS (DILATED) : Fever (during the). Cin. bell. &c. (See Chap. VII.) Shiverings (during the). Acon. op. RATTLING IN THE THROAT: - Fever (during the). Ars. carb-v. n-mosc. REMISSION of the pains: Perspiration (during the). N-vom. REPUGNANCE to food. See AVER- SION. Respiration (SLOW). Lyc. &c. (See Chap. XXII.) Anxious (during the heat). Acon. puls. Rapid (during the heat). Acon. puls. RISINGS (Eructations): Fever (during the). Ant. chin. &c. (See Chap. XV.) SADNESS: Heat (during the). Acon. Shiverings (after the). Acon. SALIVATION. Caps. rhus. (Com- pare Chap. XI. same ar- ticle.) SCORBUTIC (Affections) : -Fever (during the). Staph. &c. See Chap. I. and IX. SENSATION (Loss of): - Shiverings (during the). Lach. SENSIBILITY TO COLD AIR: Shiverings Cyc. merc. SHAKING: (during the). SIDE (Stitches in the). Perspiration (during the). Merc. SIGHS: Fever (during the). Bry. ipec. Heat (during the). Puls. Perspiration (during the). Bry. SIGHT (CLOUDED). Lyc. &c. (See Chap. VII.) Heat (during the). Natr-m. puls. Shiverings (during the). Bell. cic. sabin. m-aus. SIGHT (WEAK): Heat (during the). Carb-v. natr-m. SKIN (Bluish): Shiverings (during the). Merc. n-vom. SKIN (BURNING). See Sect. 2, Burning HEAT. SKIN (Crawling in the): Perspiration (during the). Rhod. Shiverings Samb. (during the). SKIN (DRYNESS of the): Heat (during the). See Sect. 2, Dry HEAT. Shiverings Hæm. (during the). SKIN (HEAT of the). See Sect. 2, External HEAT. SKIN (PAINFULNESS of the :) Shiverings (during the). N- vom. - Perspiration (during the). SKIN (REDNESS of the): N-vom. SHOCKS in the body: Fever (during the). Rhus. (Compare Chup. I. SHOCKS.) SIDE (Stitches in the). See Chap. XXII. Heat (during the). Ars. SKIN (Shootings in the): Shiverings Samb. (during the). SKIN (YELLOWNESS of the): Fever (during the). Chin. (Compare ICTERUS.) 156 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. SLEEP: Fever (after the). Ars. Perspiration (during the). Ars. puls. sabad. Shiverings (after the). Ars. mez. SLEEP (PROFOUND, LETHARGIC). Bell. cham. op. puls. rhus. SLEEP (Desire to): Fever (during the). calad. n-mos. op. tart. pare SOMNOLENCY SLEEP.) Ars. Com- and Heat (during the). Hep. ign. verat. Shiverings (during the). Eth. amb. bor. natr-m. tart. ther. SLEEPLESSNESS: Fever (before the). Chin. puls. rhod. rhus. (Compare Chap. III. same article.) Heat (before the). Rhod. sec. SNEEZING: Fever (before the). Chin. SOMNOLENCY: Fever (during the). Carb-v. ign. merc. puls. op. tart. (Compare desire to SLEEP, and Chap. III. same article.) SPLEEN (HARDNESS OF THE). Ars. mez. &c. (See Chap. XVI.) SPLEEN (PAINFULNESS OF THE): -Fever (during the). Ars. berb. mez. &c. (See Chap. XVI.) SPLEEN (SWOLLEN): Fever (during the). Caps. chin. mez. &c. (See Chap. XVI.) STOMACH (Pains in the): Fever (during the). Cocc. sabad. (Compare this article, Chap. XV.) STOMACH (Pains in the): Heat (during the). Carb-v. sep. Shiverings (during the). Ars. lyc. STOMACH (Pains in the pit of the :) Fever (during the). Ant. ars. cham. ign. natr-m. rhus. (Compare Chap. XV, same article.) Heat (during the). Ars. Shiverings Ars. (during the). STOMACH (Shiverings in the pit of the). Bell. STRETCHINGS : Fever (before the). Ars. bry. carb-v. ipec. (during the). Lach. Heat (during the). Sabad. Shiverings (during the). Ars. bry. ipec. mur-ac. natr- s. n-vom. STRIKE (Desire to). Bell. (See Chap. V. same article.) SUFFERINGS in general: Fever (before the). Ars. chin. rhus. SUfferings aggraVATED : Heat (during the). Merc. Shiverings (during the). Ars. chin. rhus. SYNCOPE: Fever (before the). Ars. TASTE (Bitter) : Fever (during the). Ant. ars. chin. hep. natr-m. puls. (Compare Chap. XIV same article.) (before the). Hep. Heat (during the). Ars. Shiverings (during the). Ars. hep. TASTE (Putrid): Fever (during the). Puls. SECT. 3. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 157 staph. (Compare Chap. XIV. | THROAT (Sore): same article.) Taste (Putrid) : Heat (during the). Hyos. TASTE (Unpleasant) : Heat (during the). Caps. THIRST: Fever (after the). Ant. ars. chin, natr-m. n-vom. (before the). Arn. chin. n-vom. puls. sulph. Fever (during the). Con. dros. (Compare Chap. XIII, same article.) THROAT (Sore): Heat (during the). Berb. phos-ac. THROAT (Dryness of the): Heat (during the). Lach. caps.THROBBING, in the body. Zinc. THROBBINGS, in the head. (See (during the). Arn. ars. bell. bry. caps. natr-m. n- vom. rhus. rhut. terb. thuy. val. verat. Heat (after the). Chin. coff. n-vom. stann. stram. (before the). Chin. natr- m. puls. sabad. (during the). Acon. am- m. ang. arn. ars. bell. bov. bry. calc. cups. carb-v. casc. cham. (chin.) cin. cist. colch. cop. dulc. hep. hyos. lach. magn-m. merc. natr-m. nic. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. ran-sc. rhus. sec. sep. spig. spong. staph. stram. stront. sulph. val. ve- rat. Perspiration (after the). Bor. (before the). Coff. thuy. (during the). Chin. eug. hep. merc. n-vom. Shiverings (after the). Chin. dros. kre. puls. sabad. thuy. (before the). Arn. bov. chin. n-vom. sulph. (during the). Acon. arn. bov. bry. calad. calc. cann. caps. carb-v. cham. chin. cin. cor. diad. fer. hep. ign. ipec. kal. kal-h. lach. magn-s. mez. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. n- vom. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. thuy. verat. Chap. VI. same article.) TONGUE (Blackness of the). Rhus. &c. (See Chap. XII.) TONGUE (Coated). Ant. &c. (See Chap. XII.) TONGUE (Dryness of the) : Fever (during the). Lyc. natr-m. rhus. &c. (See Chap. XII.) Heat (during the). Ars. TONGUE (Redness of the). Lyc. &c. (See Chap. XII.) TONGUE (Whiteness of the): Fever (during the). Ign. n-mos. (Compare Chap. XII.) TORPOR of the side affected. Shiverings (during the). Puls. TOSSING: Fever (during the). Acon. bell. cham. cin. Heat (during the). Acon. bell. cham. cin. lach. Shiverings (during Lach. TREMBLING: (during the). -Fever (during the). Ars. zinc. Heat (during the). Fer-mg. magn. (during the). Perspiration (during the). Ars. rhus. Shiverings Agn. anac. ars. bell. bor. cin. COCC. con. merc. par. plat. sabad. tart. teuc. zinc. m- 158 CHAP. IV. FEVERS. aus. (Compare SHIVERING AND SHAKING.) TRISMUS : -Shiverings (during the). Lach. TWITCHING of the limbs : Shiverings (during the). Stram. TWITCHING of the muscles: Shiverings (during the). Oleand. UNCOVERED (Desire to be): Heat (during the). Fer. gran. mur-ac. plat. mgs-arc. UNCOVERED (Dread of being). Heat (during the). Magn. samb. - Perspiration (during the). Chin. stront. UNEASINESS : - Fever (before the). Ipec. Shiverings (during (during the). Cann. URINATE (Desire to). Shiverings (before the). Meph. merc. URINATING (Pain when) : Fever (during the). Cham. &c. (See Chap. XVIII.) URINE (DEEP-Coloured): Fever (during the). Sep. ve- rat. &c. (See Chap. XVIII.) URINE (Offensive and brown). Fever (during the). Sep. &c. (See Chap. XVII.) URINE (Profuse emission of) : Perspiration (during the). Dulc. phos. URINE (RED): Heat (during the). N-vom. URINE (YELLOW). (See Chap. XVIII.) VEINS (Swollen): Lach. &c. Fever (during the). Chin. fer. hyos. puls. &c. (See Chap. I.) VEINS (Swollen): Heat (during the). Bell. chin. puls. mgs-arc. VERTIGO: Fever (before the). Ars. bry. (during the). Ars. bry. chin. n-vom. verat. &c. (See Chap. VI.) Heat (during the). Ars. bry. carb-v. fer-mg. ipec. ign. magn-s. merc. natr-m. n-vom. Shiverings (during the). Caps. chin. puls. rhus. verat. VoмIT (Desire to). See NAU- SEA. VOMITING: Fever (after the). Chin. cin. hep. (during the). Ant. ars. chin. cin. con. fer. hep. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. n-vom. puls. stram. verat. Heat (after the). Hep. (during the). Lach. n- vom. stram. Shiverings (after the). Lyc. (during the). Ars. bor. caps. chin. cin. ign. puls. WEEPING (Lachrymation). Puls. &c. (See Chap. V.) Heat (during Spong. the). YAWNING. Ars. lach. n-vom. (Compare Chap. IV. same article.) Heat (during the). Calc. sabad. Shiverings (during (during the). Ars. calad. caus. cin. laur. natr-m. natr-s. mur-ac. n- vom. oleand. par. phos. sil. teuc. thuy. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 159 CHAPTER V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. SECTION I.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ALIENATION (MENTAL), MANIA, &c.-The medicines, which have been hitherto employed with most success, are, in general : Acon. bell. calc. hyos, lach, lyc, n-vom. op. plat. puls. sil. stram. sulph.verat. If the alienation is caused by DEPRESSING EMOTIONS, such as vexation, mortification, anger, &c., the medicines which principally merit attention are: Bell. hyos. n-vom, and plat, or else again: Ign. phos-ac. staph. &c. (Compare Chap. I, MORAL EMOTIONS.) If it is the result of EXCESSIVE STUDY, the medicines are espe- cially: Lach. plat. stram. and perhaps again: Nux-vom. op. and sulph. or also: Bell. hyos. and verat. (Compare Chap. I, FATIGUE FROM intellectual EXERTION.) That depression, which arises from RELIGIOUS NOTIONS, re- quires principally: Lach. sulph. verat. or else again: Ars. aur. bell. lyc. puls. and stram. For the mental alienation of DRUNKARDS (Delirium tremens), nux-vom. or op. will be found suitable, or else: Bell. calc. hyos. lach. and stram. provided the state of the patient is not such as rather indicates: merc. puls. or sulph. (Compare Chap. I, DRUNKENNESS). For mental alienation in FEMALES, and especially for that which depends on derangement of the sexual functions, the principal medicines are: Acon. bell. plat. puls. stram. and verat. or else again: Cupr. lach. merc. and sulph. (Compare Chap. XX, DISEASES OF FEMALES.) As to the SYMPTOMS, which should determine the choice, in particular cases, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if there are: Fear and presentiment of approaching death; desire to run away from the house or from the bed; gloominess, taciturnity, and laconic style of speaking; parox- ysms of anguish, convulsions; cold perspiration; congestion of blood in the chest or head; palpitation of the heart and anxietas præcordium; delirium, with laughter and tears alternately, &c. BELLADONNA, against: Excessive anguish, with agitation and inquietude, loss of consciousness, to such an extent as to recog- nize one's relation only, at the most, by the hearing; frightful visions of spectres, devils, soldiers, war, bulls, with desire to run 160 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. away, or to hide; mistrust, timidity, or quarrelsomeness, or else desire to spit, strike, bite, and tear every thing, or to pull out the teeth; cries, barking, &c.; conversation with the dead; apprehension and fear of death, preference for solitude, repug- nance to conversation and laconic style of speech; ill-humour, irascibility and moroseness, or moans, lamentations and prayers; ridiculous buffoonery; wildness of the eyes, with fixed and furious look; puffed face; strong desire to gaze at the sun or at a fire; slaver and froth at the mouth; stammering; burning thirst, or repugnance to drink, with dysphagia; jerks and starts; trembling of the limbs, and especially of the hands; sleeplessness, with agi- tation, &c. CALCAREA, especially when the patient is occupied, during the state of delirium, about murder, fire, rats, and mice, or when there are excessive mischievousness, with obstinacy, ill-humour, and aversion to conversation, trembling of the limbs, &c. HYOSCYAMUS, especially when there are: Paroxyms of mania, alternately with epileptic fits; sleeplessness, with con- tinued loquacious delirium, great anguish and fear, especially at night, with dread of being betrayed or poisoned, and desire to run away; visions of persons who are dead; jealousy; fury, with desire to strike and kill; ridiculous antics and buffoonery; raving about one's affairs, trembling of the limbs, &c. LACHESIS, when there are: Excessive loquacity, with sub- lime expressions, choice words, and ideas which pass rapidly from one subject to another; state of ecstasy and excitement, which proceeds even to tears; mistrust, suspicion; jealousy or pride, or excessive susceptibility; fear and presentiment of death, &c. NUX-VOM. when there are: GREAT ANGUISH AND INQUIE- TUDE, with desire to leave the house and to wander abroad; loss of consciousness, with raving, frightful visions, unreasonable an- swers and actions; paleness and bloatedness, or redness and heat of the face, with congestion in the head; stammering; trembling of the limbs; bewilderment and heaviness of the head; fulness and inertia in the abdomen; pressure, heaviness and squeezing in the pit of the stomach, epigastrium and hypochondria; vomiturition or vomiting of ingesta or of bilious matter; constipation or watery diarrhea; sleeplessness, with starts, &c. OPIUM, if there are: Lethargic drowsiness, with loss of con- sciousness; mania, with fantastical or fixed ideas, which in- duce a belief that one is not at home; frightful visions, of mice, scorpions, &c.; convulsive movements and trembling; an- guish, fury, inability to go to sleep, notwithstanding the greatest sleepiness; constipation, with meteorisma; congestion in the head, with redness of the face, &c. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 161 PLATINA, when there are: Ravings, respecting past events, with singing, laughing, weeping, dancing, grimaces and gesti- culations; obstinacy, or irascibility and quarrelsomeness, with desire to reproach others with their defects; contempt for other persons, with a high opinion of one's self; increased sexual de- sire; constipation and inertia in the abdomen ; excessive anguish, with palpitation of the heart, and great dread of death; frightful visions, with fear, fixed ideas, which lead to a belief that all persons are demons, &c. STRAMONIUM, especially when there are: Dizziness, with great inquietude and agitation, or loss of consciousness, to such an extent as no longer to recognize one's relations; fixed ideas, which induce a belief that the body is divided into two parts; delirium, with frightful visions, fear, and desire to run away, or with prayers, devout air, and other religious indications; or else, with great loquacity, lascivious ideas, or affected manners, air of importance, conversation with spirits, dancing, laughter and blows, or ridiculous antics, alternately with gestures ex- pressive of sadness and melancholy; or ungovernable fury, with desire to bite, spit at, strike and kill; desire for light and society; aggravation of the moral affections in solitude and darkness, and also at the autumnal equinox; redness and bloatedness of the face, with silly and smiling expression, &c. VERATRUM, when there are: Great anguish and inquietude, fear and disposition to be frightened; discouragement and despair; extraordinary taciturnity, with oaths on the slightest provocation; desire to reproach others with their defects; loss of consciousness, with singing, whistling, laughter, lascivious ideas, desire to wander round the house; erroneous and haughty notions; disposition to ascribe to one's self imaginary affections; raving about religious matters, &c. Among the other medicines cited, a preference may be given to : ANACARDIUM, if there are: A strong inclination to laugh at serious matters, and to preserve an imperturbable gravity when any thing laughable occurs; constant altercation with one's self; absence of all moral and religious feeling, also with a de- sire to blaspheme and to swear; settled conviction that one is possessed by a demon, &c. ARNICA, when there are: Playful gaity, with great levity, frivolity and mischievousness; peevish and quarrelsome dispo- sition, with obstinate resistance, &c. ARSENICUM, when there are: Excessive anguish, inquietude and indecision; fear of spectres, robbers and solitude, with de- sire to hide; aversion to conversation, great susceptibility, and excessive inclination to criticize. 162 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. CANTHARIS, when there are: Rage, with cries, blows, and barking; renewal of the paroxysms at the sight of water and on touching the gullet; excessive excitement of sexual desire, and of the sexual organs; violent thirst, with aversion to drink, and dysphagia, &c. CUPRUM, when there are: Want of moral energy; fixed ideas of imaginary occupations; lively songs, or malice and moroseness; wildness, redness, and inflammation of the eyes, during the paroxysm; tears and anxiety, or buffoonery and desire to hide; perspiration after the paroxysm, &c. LYCOPODIUM, if the paroxysms of mania are accompanied by a desire to reproach others, arrogance, and overbearing de- meanour. PULSATILLA, when the patient remains tranquil, with the hands joined, sighing and pretending that nothing is the matter, with a sort of stupor, nocturnal delirium, frightful visions, fear and desire to hide. SILICEA, especially if there are: Fixed ideas, so that one is occupied only about pins, counting them, fearing them, and looking for them every where; with taciturnity, laconic style of speaking, indifference, anguish, and dread of exertion; ag- gravation of the state, when the moon is increasing. ther; SULPHUR, especially when there are: Fixed ideas of pos- sessing fine things and of having a superfluity of property, with confusion of the intellect, so as to mistake one thing for ano- for instance, a cap for a hat, a rag for a handsome robe, &c. For the other medicines which may be employed, and for more ample details of the preceding, See Sect. 2, SYMPTOMS, and con- sult the pathogenesy of these medicines. Compare also the articles: MELANCHOLY, HYPOCHONDRIASIS, &c. CLAIRVOYANCE.-See FORESIGHT. CONTRADICTION (EFFECTS or).-See Chap. I, Consequences of MORAL EMOTIONS. DELIRIUM TREMENS.-See MENTAL ALIENATION, and Chap. I, DRUNkenness. DRUŃKENNESS.-See Chap. I. EMOTIONS (MORAL), (EFFECTS OF).-See Chap. I. EXCESSIVE STUDY.-See MENTAL ALIENATION, and Chap. I, FATIGUE FROM EXERTION. EXCITABILITY.--See Chap. I, NERVOUS excitability. FORESIGHT (CLAIRVOYANCE).-The zoo-magnetic state, or that of foresight or clairvoyance, which affects some persons to such an extent as to render them natural somnambulists, re- quires, in order to eradicate it, principally: Phosph. and per- haps recourse may be also had to: Acon, bry. silic. mgs-arc, or stram. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 163 FRIGHT (EFFECTS OF).-See Chap. I, Consequences of MORAL EMOTIONS. HYDROPHOBIA.-According to the opinion of Doctor Hering, it is advisable to apply distant heat to the recent wound, (See Chap. XXVI, ENVENOMED WOUNDS), until the febrile shud- derings appear; and to continue this practice, three or four times a-day, until the wound is healed, without leaving a co- loured cicatrice. At the same time the patient should take, every five or seven days, or as often as the aggravation of the wound requires it, one dose of bell. or lach. or also of hydrophobine, till the cure is completed. If, at the end of seven or eight days, a small vesicle shows itself under the tongue, with feverish movements, it will be ne- cessary to open it with a lancet or sharp-pointed scissors, and to rince the mouth with salt and water. If the raging state has commenced, before assistance can be procured for the patient, the medicines that ought to be admi- nistered, will be, according to the circumstances, especially: Bell. or lach. or else again: Canth. hyos. merc. or also: stram. or verat. (See MENTAL ALIENATIONS.) HYPOCHONDRIASIS.-The medicines which merit a pre- ference in this kind of moral affection, are in general: N-vom. followed by sulph.or: calc. followed by chin. and natr. or else again: Anac. aur. con. grat. lach. mosch. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. sep. and staph. If Hypochondriasis is caused by SEXUAL EXCESS, Loss of HUMOURS, or other DEBILITATING CAUSES, the principal medi- cines will be: Calc. chin. n-vom. and sulph. or else again: Anac. con. natr-m. phos-ac. sep. and staph. For that which results from disorders in the ABDOMINAL FUNCTIONS, caused by a SEDENTARY LIFE, EXCESSIVE STUDY, &c., they are especially: N-vom. and sulph. or else again: Aur. calc. lach. natr. and sil. With respect to the symptoms, which determine the choice in particular cases, the sufferings in Hypochondriasis are com- monly so complicated, that to comprise them in our indications, it would be almost necessary to repeat the entire pathogenesy of the medicines that have been cited. To render, however, some assistance to beginners, we shall point out some of the most prominent moral and physical symptoms of the principal medicines, while we recommend the student to complete these indications by referring to the whole of the remaining symp- toms of the pathogenesy. Thus it will be proper to administer ; 164 CHAP. IV. MORAL AFFECTIONS. CALCAREA, when there are: Dejection and sadness, with a strong disposition to shed tears; paroxysms of anguish, with ebullition of blood, palpitation of the heart and shocks in the pit of the stomach; despair on account of a ruined constitution ; and great fear of falling sick, of being unfortunate, of expe- riencing grievous accidents, of the loss of reason, or of con- tracting contagious diseases; discouragement and fear of death; excitability of all the organs; dislike and aversion to labour, with incapacity for thought or for the performance of any intellectual work whatever, &c. (Compare sulph.) CHINA, when there are: Great apathy and moral insensi- bility, or excitability of all the organs; scrupulous disposition ; discouragement, settled impression of being unfortunate and har- rassed by enemies; pressive head-ache or boring in the vertex, weak digestion, with distended abdomen, ill humour, lassitude and indolence after a meal; sleeplessness caused by flow of ideas, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, with anxious dreams, which continue to torment even after waking, &c. NATRUM, if there are: Great discouragement, with tears and uneasiness respecting the future; estrangement from individuals and from society; disgust to life; ill-humour, with pettishness, malevolence, disposition to be angry, and passion; unfitness for intellectual labour; pressive head-ache; anorexia with weak digestion, ill-humour, and many moral and physical sufferings, after a meal, and especially after the slightest deviation from regimen, &c. NUX-VOM. if there are: Ill-humour and moroseness, with despair and disgust to life, or great disposition to be angry and to fly into a passion; indolence and aversion to all movement and labour, with unfitness for mental exertion and great fatigue of the head after the slightest intellectual effort; unrefreshing sleep, with too early waking and aggravation of the sufferings in the morning; bewilderment of the head, with pressive pains, or as if they were caused by a nail driven into the brain; dread of the open air, and constant desire to remain lying down, with great fatigue from the least exercise; soreness and tension of the hypochondria and epigastrinm; constipation and great inertia in the abdomen, disposition to hæmorrhoids, &c. (Compare sulph. which is often suitable afterwards.) SULPHUR, if there are: Excessive moral dejection, scrupu- lousness, inquietude about one's domestic affairs, health, and even eternal salvation; fixed ideas; paroxysm of anguish, with impatience, uneasiness, and disposition to be angry; great men- tal and physical indolence; distraction and indecision; bewil- derment of the head, with unfitness for intellectual exertion, and SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 165 great fatigue after the least mental effort; pressive cephalalgia, especially in the vertex; fulness and pressure in the pit of the stomach; constipation, disposition to hæmorrhoids; propensity to consider oneself excessively unfortunate, &c. (Compare Calc. which is often suitable after Sulph.) Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had to: ANACARDIUM, if there are: Sadness, estrangement from individuals and society; fear of the future, with discourage- ment and despair, apprehension and dread of approaching death, &c. AURUM, if there are: Great inquietude, with fear of death, desire to weep, scrupulousness; unfitness for meditation, with cephalalgia, as if caused by the brain being bruised, after the least intellectual exertion, &c. CONIUM, if there are: Great indifference and apathy, es- trangement from society, and yet fear of solitude; disposition to weep, &c. GRATIOLA, when there are: Moroseness and capriciousness, with constipation, pressure at the stomach after a meal, &c. LACHESIS, if there are: Excessive moral dejection, with fear and uneasiness about the disease; fixed idea of being per- secuted, or hated and despised by one's relations; dislike to and unfitness for all physical or mental labour; sensation of excessive fatigue, which does not permit one to labour, &c. MOSCHUS, when the patient complains of excessive sufferings, without knowing where he is affected, with anxiety, palpitation of the heart, &c. NATRUM MUR. in cases, in which natr. appears to be indi- cated, though it is not, however, sufficient to effect a cure. PHOSPHORUS, if there are: Great sadness with tears, alter- nately with gaity and involuntary laughter; great uneasiness respecting one's health and the issue of the disease; paroxysms of anguish, especially when alone, or in stormy weather, with timidity, &c. PHOSPHORI AC. Great inquietude respecting the future, and anxious inquiries about the disease, moroseness and aversion to constipation, &c. SEPIA, Great uneasiness about the state of health, indif- ference to every thing, even to one's relations; aversion to business; discouragement and disgust of life. STAPHYSAGRIA, Great indifference, sadness, fear respecting the future; tears and peevishness on account of the disease, dis- like to all physical and mental exertion, unfitness for medi- tation, &c. For the other medicines, which may be also employed, See 166 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. Sect. 3, HYPOCHONDRIACAL HUMOUR, and Compare the articles: ALIENATION, MELANCHOLY and HYSTERia. HYSTERIA.—See Chap. XX. and Compare HYPOCHONDRI- ASIS. JOY (EFFECTS OF).-See Chap. I. Consequences of MORAL EMO- TIONS. LOVE (CONSEQUENCES OF DISAPPOINTED).—See Chap. I, Con- sequences of MORAL EMOTIONS. MANIA.-See MENTAL ALIENATION. MELANCHOLY.-The principal medicines are in general: Ars. aur. bell. ign. lach. puls. sulph. or again: Calc. caus. cocc. con. graph. hell. hyos. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. petr. sil. stram. and verat. For MELANCHOLY (when the patient is continually desponding), they are especially: Ars. aur. lach. and n-vom. or again : Ant. anac. calc. graph. merc. and sulph. Melancholy, of a mild character, requires principally: Cocc. bell. ign. lyc. phos-ac. puls. silic. and verat. or else again : Con. petr. sulph. &c. For RELIGIOUS melancholy, they are especially: Aur. bell. lach. lyc. puls. and sulph. Among the medicines cited, a preference may be given to : ARSENICUM, if there are: Periodical attacks, great anguish, with inquietude, tossing, aad inability to remain in bed, or quietly seated; appearance of anguish, especially at night or in the evening, in the twilight; tendency to shed tears; settled con- viction of having offended every one and of being incapable of happiness; fear, with inclination to commit suicide, or else, ex- cessive dread of death; oppression and clawing in the pit of the stomach; redness and heat of the face, &c. AURUM, Violent anguish of heart, tears, prayers, palpitation of the heart, aversion to life and inclination to commit suicide ; disposition to despair of oneself and of the respect of others, to view the dark side of every thing, and to be incapable of the least mental exertion; frequent humming in the ears, with head-ache; pain as if from a bruise in the head, after any intel- lectual labour; hepatic sufferings, &c. BELLADONNA, when there are: Great anguish, especially on meeting any one, with desire to attack every body and penitent tears; or restless, gloomy, or tearful humour, with apathy and indifference; amorous paroxysms; spasms in the throat and urinary organs; excitement of sexual desire, &c. IGNATIA, when there are: Disposition to remain silent, with fixed look; vexatious ideas and complete indifference to every thing else anguish, with palpitation of the heart; strong tendency to : SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 167 shed tears; desire for solitude; sensation of great weakness; fre- quent sighs; earthy, hollow countenance; falling off of the hair, &c. LACHESIS, when there are: Excessive anguish and inquie- tude, which urge one to seek the open air; moral dejection, with insurmountable disposition to give oneself up to grief, to view the dark side of every thing, and to despair even of one's eternal salvation; frequent sighs, followed by mitigation, &c. PULSATILLA, if there are: Tendency to be easily frightened, anguish with desire to drown oneself; sleeplessness with anguish, or agitated sleep, with anxious dreams; anxious contraction in the chest, especially in the evening, or, at night, with suffocation; despair of one's eternal happiness with constant prayers; strong disposition to weep, or to remain quietly seated, with the hands joined, &c. SULPHUR, when there are: Anxiety, with uneasiness about one's lot, domestic affairs, and even eternal salvation; disposi- tion to remain quietly seated, thinking of nothing, or to despair and run away; fear, anguish, disposition to weep, prayers and complaints about impious ideas which enter the mind invo- luntarily and abundantly; paleness of the face; great indiffe- rence and apathy, &c. For the other medicines cited and for more ample details respecting the preceding, see their pathogenesy and compare the articles: MENTAL ALIENATION, HYPOCHONDRIASIS, and Nos- TALGIA; for the other medicines which may also be employed, See Sect. 2. MELANCHOLY. NOSTALGIA.-The best medicines are in general: Caps. merc. and phos-ac. or else again : Aur. or carb-an. CAPSICUM is especially indicated when there are: redness of the cheeks, frequent tears and sleeplessness. MERCURIUS, when there are: Great anxiety, with trembling and agitation, especially at night, with sleeplessness; quar- relsomeness, which causes one to complain of every body; desire to run away, &c. PHOSPHORI AC. when there are: Taciturnity and laconic style of speaking; dullness of intellect and stupidity; hectic fever, with continued desire to sleep, and profuse perspiration in the morning. RAGE.-See ALIENATION AND HYDROPHOBIA. SOMNAMBULISM. See FORESIGHT (Clairvoyance), and Chap. III, SOMNAMBULISM. 168 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. SECTION 2. SYMPTOMS. ABSENCE of mind. Agn. am-c. anac. cham. daph. kreos. mosch. n-mos. (Compare DIS- INADVERTENCE, TRACTION, &c.) ABSURDITY. See Silly HUMOur. ACTIONS (Foolish). See FOLLY. ACTIVITY. Bar-c. lach, mosch. sep. stann. verat. With physical debility. Mosch. AFFLICTION. Dig. ign. (Com- pare SADNESS). AGITATION and INQUIETUDE. Acon. ath. amb. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. cham. cin. coloc. dig. dros. dulc. graph. iod. kal. lach. lam. laur. merc. natr. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad.sil. sol- m. spig. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. thuy. verat. mgs-arc. (Compare AN- GUISHI, INQUIEtude). - Air (In the open), mitigated. Laur. Alone (When). Mez. phos. Evening (In the). Am-c. Labour (During intellectual). Amb. natr. Night (At). Bell. graph. (Compare Chap. III, Sect. 3). Storm (During a). Natr. natr-m. phos. ALIENATION, DEMENTIA, MA- NIA. Acon. æth. agar. ant. arn. ars. aur. bell. berb. calc. cann. canth. cic. cocc. con. coce. con. croc. cupr. hyos. lach. led. lyc. merc. n-mos. n-vom. op. phos. plat. plumb. puls. sec. sep. stram.sulph. terb. verat. (Com- pare Sect. 1.) AMOROUS disposition. Ant. hyos. stram. verat. ANGER and PASSION. Acon. am- m. anac. aur. bar-c. bry. croc. mez. natr. natr-m. n-vom. cant. caps. caus. croc. kal. led. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nic. n-vom, oleand. petr. phos. ran. sabad. sen. sep. sol-m. stann. stront. sulph. mg-aus. (Compare Irascible HUMOUR, PASSION, &c.) ANGRY (Disposition to be). See Irascible HUMOUR, &c.) ANGUISII, ANXIETY, INQUIE- TUDE. Acon. æth. alum. amb. am-m. anac. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. bry. calad. calc. camph.cann. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, cic. cin.cocc. coff. coloc. con. cupr. cyc. dig. dros. euphorb. evon. fer.graph. grat. hell. hep.hyos. iat. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-h. lach. lam. laur. led, lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. men. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phell. phos. plat. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rhus. rut, sabad, sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. thuy. val, viol-tric. verat. mgs-arc. ANGUISH, anxiety at the Heart. See CHEST (Affections of the). Chest (In the). See CHAP. XXII. Conscience (Of the). As if SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 169 caused by a crime. Ars. coff. cyc. dig. merc. n-vom. puls. rut. stram. verat. mgs-aus. ANGUISH : - Tears (Relieved by). Tab. Thinking (Which is produced by). Calc. Walk quickly (Which forces to). Arg. ANGUISH, Anxiety, Inquietude, &c., which appear in : Air (In the open). Cin. mitigated. Laur. Alone (When.) Dros. mez. phos. Angry (After being). Lyc. verat. Approach of any one (On the). Lyc. Carriage (When in a). Bor. lach. Cruelty (On hearing recitals of). Calc. -Descending (When). Bor. -Evacuating (Before). See Alvine EVACUATIONS, Chap. XVII. Evening (In the). Amb. ars. calad. calc. carb-v. dig. hep. kal-h. laur. merc. nitr-ac. n- vom. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. In bed. Ars. calad. carb-v. laur. puls. sep. (Com. NIGHT). mitigated. Am-c. Labour (During intellectual). Natr-m. Meal (After a). See Chap. XIV.) Morning (In the). Ars. ign. graph. n-vom. verat. (Compare after WAKING.) Night (At). Acon. alum. am-c. ars. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. cann. carb-v. caus. cham. cin. cocc. dig. graph. hæm. hyos. kal. lyc. magn, merc. VOL. II. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr.phos. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rhus. sabad. sep. sulph. verat. ANGUISHI: Noon (After). Tab. bell. (Fore). Ran. Rising (When). Verat. Seated (When). Kreos. Sleeping (When). Ars. bell. cocc. fer. hep. petr. Storm (During a). Natr. natr-m. phos. Twilight (In the). Calc. Waking at night or in the morning (On). Calc. con. ign. plat. puls. rat. samb. ANGUISH, ANXIETY, &c. companied by: &c. ac- Asthmatic affections. Ars. kreos. plat. sen. Cephalalgia. Bell. graph. Colic. Aur. cham. Convulsions of the fingers. Puls. Debility. Am-c. Ebullition of blood. Calc. Epistaxis, which ameliorates. Kal-ch. Face (Redness of the). Bell. Gastralgia. Bar-m. Heart (Palpitation of the). Calc. fer. ign. mosch. n-vom. plat. puls. tart. verat. (Com- pare Affections of the CHEST.) (affections of the). N- vom. spong. Heat. N-vom. puls. sep. Humming in the ears. Puls. Nausea. Bar-in. graph. n- vom. puls. Perspiration. Ars. graph. u- vom. Pit of the stomach (Suffer- ings in the). Calc. cham. kal-ch. Pupils (Dilated). N-vom. I 170 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. ANGUISH, ANXIETY : Shivering. Kreos. puls. Shocks in the pit of the stomach. Calch. Shuddering. Calc. Syncope. Ars. Anac. bov. caps. natr-m. n- vom. sulph. BARKING. Bell. canth. BEAT (Desire to). See STRIKE. BITE (Desire to). Bell. sec. stram. verat. Trembling. Ars. plat. puls. BITTERNESS. Ars. sass. tart. Vertigo. Graph. Vomiting. N-vom. Vomiturition. Bar-m. ANTHROPOPHOBIA. Acon. anac. bar-c. cic. con. hyos. lyc. natr. puls. rhus. stann. sulph. mgs-aus. (Compare Love of SOLITUDE and Repugnance to SOCIETY.) ANTICS. Bell. croc. cupr. hyos. lach. stram. (Compare PLEA- SANTRIES and FOLLY.) APATHY. See INDIFFERENCE, APPREHENSIONS. Acon. am-c. bell. calc. caus. clem. cocc. coff. dig. graph. hep, iod. kal. | kal-h. lach.laur, magn-s. men. puls. sulph. verat. mgs-aus. (Compare FEAR.) Health, Affairs, &c. (Respect- ing one's), and respecting the future, (See INQUIETUDE.) ARGUE (Desire to). See CAVIL- LING. ARROGANCE. Gran. lyc. plat. (Compare PRIDE.) ASPERSION. Ipec. (Compare IN- JURIES, Outrages.) AUTUMN (In). aggravation of the moral sufferings. Stram. AVERSION TO LIFE. Amb. am-c. ant. ars. aur. bell. berb. carb-v. kal-ch. kreos. lach. merc. natr. phos. plumb. sep. sil. staph. sulph-ac. thuy. (Compare SUICIDE.) AVIDITY. Puls. AWKWARDNESS. Clumsiness. BLAME (Desire to). See CRITI- CISE. BLASPHEME and Swear (Desire to). Anac. BLOWS (Disposition to give). Bell. canth. hyos. stram. BRAVE every body (Desire to). Phell. spong CALM (Internal). Op. CAPRICE. Caps. n-mos. puls. zinc. (Compare HUMOUR, ca- pricious). CAREFUL thoughts. See IDEAS (vexations). CARELESSNESS. Op. CAVILLING. Caus. fer. COMPLAIN of the disease (De- sire to), N-vom. COMPLAINTS and Lamentations. Acon. ars. bell. bis. calc. cin, mosch. n-vom. CONCEPTION (Difficult). Agn. amb. calc. cham. con. merc. mez. natr. n-mos. oleand, sulph. zinc. CONCENTRATION in oneself, Euphr. grat. mang. mur-ac. ol-an. sil. CONDESCENSION, Mildness, &c. Lyc. puls, sil. mgs-arc. CONFIDENCE in oneself (Want of). Ang. bar-c. oleand. rhus. stram. ther. (Compare TIMI- DITY, INDECISION.) CONFOUND IDEAS (Disposition to). N-vom. sulph. CONSCIENCE (Anguish of). See ANGUISH. Scrupulous. Ars. ign. sulph, SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 171 CONSCIOUSNESS (Loss of). Æth. arn. ars. bell. calc. camph. canth. cic. cocc. cupr. hell. hyos. kal. lach. laur. merc.mur- ac. natr-m. n-vom. op. phos- ac. plat. plumb. puls.rhus.sec. stram. tab. verat. mgs-arc. Sudden. Kal. CONTEMPT for oneself. Agn. CONTRADICTION (Mental). Anac. lach. nic. rut. (Compare Quar- relsome HUMOUR, CAVILLING, &c.) With oneself (Internal). Anac. Insupportable (Contradiction is). Ign. oleand. CONVERSATION (Repugnanceto). Agar. amb. am-m. arg. ars. bell. berb. bry. calc. cham. clem. coloc. cyc. euphr. ign. magn-m. merc. natr-m. natr- s. nic. n-vom. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhab. sabin. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. the. tong. verat. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. mgs-aus. CONVERSATION with spirits, the dead, &c. Bell. stram. COWARDICE. Bar-c. CRIES. Acon. arn. ars. bell. cham. canth. coff. hyos. jalap. ipec. n-vom. plat. puls. rhab. sen. stram. verat. For help. Plat. CRITICISE (Desire to). Ars. guaj. lach. n-vom. sep. sulph. verat. (Compare ASPERSION). CRUELTY. Anac. DANCING. Acon. bell. cic. stram. tab. DARK (Moral state aggravated in the). Stram. DEATH (Desire for). See AVER- SION to life. (Fear of). Acon. agn. anac. ars. bry. calc. cocc. cupr. graph. ipec. lach. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sec. squill. stram. verat. DEATH, near (supposed to be). Acon. ars. bell. lach. mosch. n-vom. plat. verat. Thoughts of. N-vom. zinc. DEJECTION and DEPRESSION. Acon. bell. bruc. calc. canth. caust. chel. chin, colch. coloc, daph. dros. gran. graph. iod. kreos. lach. laur. merc. natr. n-vom. plat. plumb. rhus. ruta. sabin. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. verat. (Compare SADNESS). Alone (When). Bov. Evening (In the). Kreos. DELIRIUM. Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cin. coloc. con. dulc. hyos. ign. iod. lach. n-mos. n-vom. op. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. samb. sec. stram. sulph. verat. (Compare RAV- ING). Affairs (About one's). Bry. hyos. Asleep (When). Bry. spong. Epilepsy (With). Hyos. Frightful. Bell. op. samb. stram. Furious, violent. Bell. cham. puls. plumb. verat. Look (With fixed). Bell. Loquacious. Lach. Night (At). Acon. arn. aur. bell. bry. camph. coloc. dig. dulc. lach. n-vom. op. puls. rhab. sec. sep. sulph. Speaks of (During which one): affairs (one's). Bry. hyos. bulls (of). Bell. op. dogs (of). Bell. fire (of). Bell. calc. murder (of). Calc. bell. rats, mice, &c. (of). Calc. I 2 172 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. DELIRIUM : plat. spectres, demons. Bell. war (of). Bell. wolves (of). Bell. Trembling (With). Hyos. DELUSION of the senses and of the imagination, hallucination. Amb. bell. calc. magn-s. merc. op. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. staph. stram. val. (Compare VISIONS and erroneous I- DEAS.) Night (At). Bell. cham. led. merc. phos. stram. DEMENTIA. See Loss of REA- SON. DEPRAVATION. Anac. DEPRESSION. See Mental FATI- GUE, DEJECTION, &c. DESERTION (Sensation of). Carb- an. DESIRE for different things. N- mos. puls. rhab. Light, sunshine, and society (For). stram. Repose and tranquillity (For). N-vom. Things which are rejected as soon as obtained (For). Ars. bry. cham. chin. dulc. puls. DESPAIR. Amb. arn. ars. aur. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cocc. graph. nitr-ac. tart. val. verat. (Compare DISCOURAGE- MENT.) On account of the broken- down state of the health. Calc. (staph ?) DESPAIRS of others (one). Aur. Cured (Of being). Bry. ign. kal. kreos. n-vom. (Compare INQUIETUDE about the health, &c.) DETACHED from the body (Sen- sation as if the soul were). Anac. DETERMINATION (Slow). See HESITATION. DISCONTENT. Ang. bis. caps. chin. cic. kal. merc-c. par. plumb. puls. rut. DISCOURAGEMENT, EXASPERA- TION. Acon. anac. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, coff. con. cupr. dros. gran. ign. merc. natr. nitr. n-vom. plumb. puls. sec. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. tart. ther. verat. verb. (Compare DESPAIR.) DISDAINFUL humour. See Hu- Am-c. chin. MOUR, &c. DISOBEDIENCE. lyc. viol-tric. DISTRACTION. Agn. am-c. ang. bell. bov. caus. cham. colch. croc. graph. mang. merc. mosch. natr-m.n-vom. oleand. ol-an. plat. puls. sep. sil. sulph-ac. verb. DIZZINESS. Agn. alum. anac. aur. bov. bry. camph. canth. chel. cic. con. lyc. natr-m. n- mos. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. plat. puls. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. stann. stram. sulph. zinc. Stooping (On). Sulph. DOMINATION (Spirit of). Lyc. DREAD of, &c. See REPUGNANCE. DREAMS (WAKING). Ang. arn. cham. oleand. Future (Poetical respecting the). Oleand. Religious or philosophical. Sulph. DULNESS. See STUPIDITY. DULNESS (Of mind). See MIND (Dulness of.) Salvation (Of one's eter- EFFRONTERY. Ign. nal). Lyc. puls. sulph. EMBARRASSMENT IN SOCIETY. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 173 Amb. carb-v. (Compare TI- MIDITY.) EMOTION (Easily excited). See SENTIMENTAL character. ENERGY (Want of). See Dis- couragement. ENNUI (Mental weariness and fatigue). N-vom. plumb. ENVY. Lyc. puls. ERRONEOUS ideas. See IDEAS. ESTRANGEMENT. NANCE. See REPUG- EXALTATION. Agar. ang. ant. lach. n-vom. Philosophical. Sulph. Religious. Sel. sulph. EXASPERATION. (See DISCOU- RAGEMENT.) EXCITABILITY (Moral). Ang. arn. ars. asa. asar. bell. calc. carb-a. cham. chin. cocc. coff. daph. dros. hep. ign. kreos. lach. magn-m. meph. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. stann. sulph. teuc. val. mgs-arc. (Compare Chap. 1.) Of the imagination. Alum. ang. cann. chin. coff. lach. op. sabad. stram. verb. (Compare Flow of IDEAS, VIVACITY, &c.) EXPRESS one's ideas (Inability to). Bell. cann. hæm. lyc. n- vom. puls. thuy. FATIGUE (Moral and Intellec- tual), dejection, &c. Lach. led. merc. natr-m. n-vom. sass. sel. sen. spong. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. Compare Chap. VI. (FATIGUE of the head, from intellectual la- bour.) FEAR (Fearful, timid character). Am-c. ang. ars. bar-c. bell. berb. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. con. daph. dros. graph. hyos. kal. lach. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phos. plat. puls. ran. sec. spig. spong. sulph. val. verat. FEAR: Animals (Of). Chin. Diseases (Of contagious). Bar. calc. Dogs (Of). Chin. night (at). Chin. Evening (In the). Carb-a. kal. phos. puls. ran. val. verat. Misfortunes (Of). Calc. graph. (Compare APPREHEN- SION.) Night (At). Carb-v. cocc. caus. puls. sulph. Poisoned, betrayed, or as- sassinated (Of being). Bell. hyos. rhus. Reason (Of losing one's). Amb. calc. merc. Robbers (Of). Ars. con. ign. zinc. Solitude (Of). Lyc. Spectres, ghosts (Of). Acon. ars. carb-v. cocc. puls. ran. sulph. zinc. FICKLE humour. See Huмour, &c. FOLLY in conduct and gestures. ars. (Madness). Acon. arn. bell. cic. hyos. mosch. n-mos. n-vom. puls. stram. tan. verat. (Compare ALIENATION, RAGE, &c.) FOOLERIES, Anac. par. FORGETFULNESS (Easy). Acon. am-c. bar-c. bell. colch. con. croc. graph. guaj. lach. natr- m. n-mos. phos. plat. rhod. rhus. sil. stront. sulph. viol- od. zinc. Affairs (Of one's). Sel. Morning (In the). Phos. Names (Of). Guaj. sulph. 174 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. FORGETFULNESS, Orthography | GRIEF, State (About one's). (Of). Lach. FRETFULNESS. See Ill-humour. MALICE. Staph. HALLUCINATIONS. See Delu- croc. OF HEART. Anac. HATRED against men in gene- ral. (See MISANTHROPY). Against particular individu- als. (See REPUGNANCE). Against those from whom an offence has been received, natr-m. - FRIGHTENED (Disposition to be). sions of the senses. Acon. alum. ang. ant. arn. | HARDNESS bell. berb. bor. calc. cann. caps. carb-a. caus. cham. cic. citr. coce. con. graph. ign. kal. kal-h. lach. led. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phos. plat. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. ther. verat. FRIVOLITY. Arn. FROLICSOMENESS, Spong. FURY. Eth. agar. ars. bell. camph. cann. canth. cupr. hyos. lyc. merc. mosch. nitr- ac. plumb. sabad. (sen.) sol- nig. stram. verat. FUTURE (Inquietude respecting the). See INQUIETUDE. GAIETY. Acon. arn. aur. cann. carb-an. croc. men. merc-s. natr-m. plat. sass. sen. Excessive. Ang. arn. bell. verat. (Compare EXCITABI- LITY.) Noon (Towards), and in the evening. Zinc. GESTURES (Extravagant). See FOLLY. GHOSTS. See SPECTRES. GLOOMY humour. See HUMOUR (Gloomy). GRAVITY, SERIOUSNESS. Can. euphorb. grat. led. n-mos. sulph-ac. In presence of laughable ob- jects and occurrences. Anac. GRIEF (CARES). Alum. am-m. ars. calc. caus. graph. ign. lach. lyc. phos-ac. puls. staph. Future (About the). Natr. natr-m. HEALTH (Inquietude respecting one's). (See INQUIETUDE.) HESITATION, LONG REFLECTION, SCRUPULOUSNESS. Aur. bar- c. chin. graph. mur-ac. n- vom. sil. sulph. thuy. mgs-arc. HIDE (Desire to). Ars. bell. cupr. puls. stram. HUMOUR (Agreeable). Croc. ign. lach. men. plat. sulph- ac. tart. Capricious. Caps. n-mos. puls. zinc. (Compare Fickle HUMOUR.) Contradictory. (See PEEV- ISH). - Disdainful. Chin. guaj. ipec. par. plat. puls. Fickle. Acon. agn. arn. ars. aur. cann. caps. carb-an. croc. cupr. cyc. fer. ign. kal. merc-c. natr-m. n-mos. phell. phos. plat. puls. sass. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. val. zinc. mgs-arc. Fretful. Bell. cyc. ign. n- vom. puls. sulph. (Compare FRETFULNESS and ILL-HU- MOUR.) Gloomy. Bov. bruc. con. dig. gran. puls. rhod. stann. tab. verat. viol-od. (Compare SADNESS, MELANCHOLY, &c.) SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 175 HUMOUR: Hypochondriacal, Hypochon- driasis. Agn. anac. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. calc. caus. cham, chin. coce. con. euphr gran. grat. hell. iod. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sen. stann. staph. sulph. val. zinc. (Compare Sect. 1.) Ill, disagreeable, morose, &c. Æth. alum. am-c. am- m. ang. ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bell. berb. bor. calc. calc-ph. carb-a. chin. cic. colch. con. cor. cyc. evon. grat. guaj. hæm. ign. ind. iod. kal-ch. kreos. lach. led. magn-m. mang. meph. merc. merc-c. mez. mur-ac. natr-s. n-vom. oleand. plat. phos-ac. prun. puls. rat. rhab. rhus. sabin. samb. sass. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. thuy. tong. verb. viol-tr. zinc. mgs-aus. (Compare Irascibi- lity, Moroseness, &c.) air (in the open). Æth. sabin. angry (after being). Plat. evening (in the). Magn. puls. zinc. Irascible (Disposition to an- ger). Acon. æth. am-c. am- m. ars. bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. con. cor. croc. daph. evon. fer-mg. graph. hep. ign. ipec. kal. kal-h. kreos. led. lyc. merc. mosch, mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. phell. phos. plat. puls. ran. rat. rhus. sabad. sabin. sass. sep. sil. squill. stann. staph. stram. sulph. teuc. the. verat. verb. zinc. mgs. (Compare ILL-HUMOUR, Anger, &c.) HUMOUR (Irascible) : air (in the open). Æth. forenoon (in the). Ran. Irritable. Am-m. aur. bell. bor. bry. carb-v. con. daph. gran. graph. hep. iod. ipec. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. ran. sel. sil. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. (Com- pare IRASCIBLE HUMOUR, ILL- HUMOUR, EXCITABILITY, &c.) Peevish, contradictory. Acon. hep. kal. merc. n-vom. (Com- pare MISCHIEVOUSNESS, PRE- JUDICE, &c.) Quarrelsome. Acon. aur. bell. camph. caus. cham. dulc. fer. gran. hyos. kal-h. merc. mosch. natr-s. nic. n-vom. ran. rat. rut. sep. sulph. viol- tr. Silent. See Tranquil. Tranquil, silent. Carb-a. euphorb. euphr. hell. ign. lyc. mang.mur-ac. phos-ac. plumb. stann. (Compare TACITUR- NITY.) HYDROPHOBIA. See Sect. 1. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. See Sect. 1. HYSTERIA. See Chap. XX. IDEAS (Absence (Absence of). of). Alum. amb. anac. bell. canth. cic. cupr. evon. guaj. hell. natr- n-mos. phos-ac. rhus. rut. spig. verat. m. morning (in the). Guaj. Abundance of. Cann. chin. lach. mur-ac. op. phos. puls. sabad. stram. sulph. tab. terb. verb. viol-od. (Compare IMA- GINATION (EXALTED), VIVA- CITY. evening (before going to 176 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. sleep in the). Chin. lyc. n-vom. puls. sabad. sil. staph. viol-tric. IDEAS (Abundance of) : night (at). Bor. calc. chin. cocc. coff. hep. graph. kal. lyc. n-vom. puls. sabad. sil. staph. sulph. viol-tric. Arrange (Difficult to). Iod. phos. sabin. thuy. (Compare CONFUSED). Confused. Carb-a, chin. con. phos-ac. (Compare, Difficult to ARRANGE). Disagreeable. Bar-c. natr- m. Erroneous. abundant. Verat. (Com- pare Delusions of the IMAGI- NATION). Facetious. N-mosch. Fixed. Æth. carb-v. puls. sulph. Fretful. Alum. graph. ign. lach. rhus. sulph. (Compare FRETFULNESS). - Gay. Sulph. (Loss of). Asar. bar. bry. camph. cann. hell. guaj. iod. kreos. merc. mez. ol-an. ran. rhod. mgs-arc. Musical. Sulph. Profound, sublime. Lach. op. Slow. (Slow march of). Carb-v. chin. ipec. men. n- mos. phos-ac. rhus. rut. sep. thuy. (Compare Difficult RE- FLECTION). Unstable. Acon. lach. merc. puls. staph. tab. val. viol-od. zinc. mgs-aus. IDLENESS (Dread of). Cupr. IMAGINATION (Delusions of the): Cut in two (as if the body were). Stram. Demons (as if all persons were). Plat. | IMAGINATION (Delusions of the): -Diseases (about imaginary). Sabad. Enmities, Persecutions, &c. (about). Cham. chin. dros. lach. Nature of objects (About the). Sulph. Objects (About the size of). Berb. plat. stram. Occupations (About imagi- nary.) Cupr. Pins everywhere (one sees). Sil. Poisoned, betrayed (about being). Bell. hyos. rhus. Presence of strangers (about the). Magn-s. Riches and fine things (a- bout). Sulph. Size (About one's own). Plat. staph. stram. IMAGINATION (Excited). Alum. ang. cann. chin. coff. lach. meph. op. sabad. stram. verb. (Compare Abundance of IDEAS). IMAGINATION, Occupied about delusions. Amb. bell. calc. magn-s. merc. op. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. staph. stram. val. (Compare Erroneous IDEAS, VISIONS). at night. Bell. cham. led. merc. phos. stram. grimaces and wanton ima- ges. Amb. IMBECILITY. Ant. hyos. lach. n-mos. op. plumb. sol-nig. IMMODESTY. Bell. n-vom. phos. IMPATIENCE. Ars. calc. dros. dulc. ign. ipec. kal. merc. natr-m. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. IMPERIOUS character. Lyc. IMPIETY. See PERVERSITY. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 177 IMPORTANCE (Airs of). Plat. | INQUIETUDE: stram. verat. IMPRECATIONS. Nitr-ac. (Com- pare ОATHS). INADVERTENCE. Bar-c. bell. cham. merc. oleand. phos- ac. puls. sulph. mgs. (Com- pare DISTRACTION). INCONSOLABLENESS. Acon, amb. cham. n-vom. spong. ars. stram. sulph. verat. INCONSTANCY. Asa. bis. ign. op. INDECISION. See IRRESOLUTION. INDIFFERENCE, Apathy, want of interest. Am-m. ars. asa. bell. berb. calc. cann. cham. chin. clem. con. dig. euphr. hyos. ign. kal-ch. lach. lyc. men. merc. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. plat. prun. rhab. rhod. sabin. sep. sil. staph. verb. (Compare Insensibility.) Affairs (about one's). Stram. Neighbours (about one's). Phos. sep. INDOLENCE. Euphr. fer. guaj. hell. iod. lach. n-vom. oleand. rhab. sulph. teuc. mgs-arc. (Compare Chap. I.) Of mind. Iod. phos-ac. ran. (Compare DEJECTION, Repug- NANCE TO LABOUR, MEDITA- TION, &c.) INHUMANITY. Anac. INQUIETUDE. Acon. alum. am- m. arn. ars. bell, calad. calc. cant. caus, cham. chel, chin. cin. COCC. dig. euphorb. graph. iod. kal-h. magn-s. men. merc. mur-ac. nic. phell. rhus. sep. sil. spig. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. verat. (Compare ANGUISII and AGITATION.) Affairs (about one's). Bar- c. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. Future, or about one's con- dition, (about the). Anac. ant. bry. chel. caus. dig. dros. natr. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. rhus. spig. staph. sulph. tart. thuy. N- Health and life (about one's). Acon. arn. bry. calc. ign. kal. lach. nitr-ac. vom. phos. puls. sep. staph. Salvation (about one's eter- nal). Lyc. puls. sulph. INSENSIBILITY. Anac. chin. hyos. phos-ac. stram. (Com- pare INDIFFERENCE). INSTABILITY of mind. Natr. INSULTS, INVECTIVES, | OUT- RAGES. Anac. bell. cor. hyos. ipec. nitr-ac. n-vom. stram. INVECTIVES. See INSULTS. IRASCIBILITY. See HUMOUR (IRASCIBLE.) IRRESOLUTION, Indecision. Ars. bar-c. calc. daph. fer-ch. ign. iod. kal. lach. n-vom. petr. puls. sulph. tar. mgs-arc. (Compare WILL, Too feeble exercise of the). IRRITABILITY. (See HUMOUR, Irritable.) IRRITATION. See EXCITABILITY, IRRITABILITY. JEALOUSY. Hyos. lach. n-vom. JUDGMENT, predominating over the feelings of the heart. Viol-od. KILL (Desire to). Hyos. stram. LABOUR (Great desire to). Cyc. dig. euphr. sass. verat. (Com- pare ACTIVITY.) LABOUR (Repugnance to). Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. asa. bell.. bor. calc. calc-ph. carb-v. caus. chin. colch. con, cupr. cyc. evon. graph. ign. iod. I 3 178 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. lach. laur. magn-m. merc. mez. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. plumb. phos. puls. ran- sc. rhod. rhus. rut. sabad. sil. squill. staph. sulph. tab. tar. teuc. ther. tong. viol-tric. zinc. LABOUR (Unfitness for INTEL- LECTUAL). Acon. alum. asar. cyc. lach. laur. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. sel. sep. sil. sol-m. spig. spong. staph. sulph. ther. thuy. (Comp. Intellectual FATIGUE, Difficult MEDITATION, &c.) LACONIC style of speech. See REPUGNANCE TO CONVERSA- TION. LAMENTATIONS. PLAINTS. See COM- LAUGHTER. Acon. aur. bell. cic. con. croc. hyos. ign. natr-m. n-mos. phos. puls. stram. sulph. tar. verat. verb. (Compare Chap. I, SPASMS with LAUGHTER.) Air (In the open). N-mos. Sardonic. Ran-sc. sol-nig. Serious matters (about). Anac. LEVITY. Arn. LIFE (Aversion to). See AVER- SION. LOOKED AT (A AT (A child cannot bear to be). Ant. LOQUACITY. Bov. eug. coff. grat. hyos. iod. lach. meph. par. sel. stram. tab. tar. teuc. verat. LOVE (DISAPPOINTED). Sect. 1. See LOVE (Excessive SELF-). Plat. MADNESS. See FOLLY. MALEDICTIONS. Nitr-ac. (Com- pare INSULTS, &c.) MALICE and MALIGNITY. See MISCHIEVOUSNESS. MALEVOLENCE. Natr. MANIA. See ALIENATION. MEDITATE (Desire to). Lach. MEDITATION (Difficult, or im- possible). Acon. alum. am-c. asa. aur. bell. calc. carb-v. con. cyc. hæm. laur. lach. lyc. men. meph. merc. natr. natr- m. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. ran. sec. sel. sep. sil. sol-m. spig. sulph. thuy. (Compare MIND. (Dulness of), Absence of IDEAS, &c.) Profound. Cocc. sep. MELANCHOLY, gloominess, &c. Agn. amb. am-m. anac. ars. asar. aur. bell. bov. bruc, calc. caus. clem. coce. con. cupr. euphr. gran. graph. hæm. hell. hyos. ign. iod. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-s. merc. natr. natr- m. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. plat. plumb. puls. ran- sc. rhus. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. sulph- ac. tab. verat. viol-tric. (Com- pare GRIEF, DEJECTION, SAD- NESS, DESPAIR.) Relieved by tears. Tab. Religious. Ars. aur. lyc. puls. sulph. MEMORY (Weakness of). Acon. alum, anac. ars. aur. bell. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. colch. con. cyc. dig. guaj. hell. hep. ign. kreos. lach. laur. merc. mez. natr-m.nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. plumb. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. verb. viol- od. zinc. mgs-arc. periodically. Carb-v. proper names Sulph. Clearness of. Lyc. (for). No. Bry. camph. hyos. kal. mosch. petr. sil. stram. verat. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 179 MILDNESS. Croc. cupr. kal. lyc. | OATHS. See INSULTS, &c. puls. sil. mgs-arc. MIND (Dulness of the). Ant. ars. cham. cyc. hæm. hell. laur. lyc. mez. oleand. phos-ac. plumb. ran. rhab. rhus. spong. staph. sulph-ac. (Compare STUPIDITY, IMBECILITY, Dif- ficult MEDITATION, &c.) Without influence movements. Hell. MISANTHROPY. Acon. led. phos. (Compare Repugnance, Ha- tred.) OBSTINACY, Prejudice, &c. Arn. bell. caps. cupr. dros. guaj. kreos. lyc. merc. n-vom. nitr- ac. phell. sil. spong. stram. sulph. (Compare DISOBEDI- ENCE.) OFFENCE (Readiness to take). Cocc. on the OFFENCES MISCHIEVOUSNESS. Arn. bell. cham. cupr. nic. n-vom. In children. (See also PRE- JUDICE, OBSTINACY, DISOBE- DIENCE, &c.) MISTAKES (Disposition to make): Calculating (When). Am-c. Speaking (When). Alum. am-c. bov. calc. cham. caus. graph. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. Time (Respecting the). Cocc. lach. (Remembrance of old). Calc. cham. OPPRESSION of the heart. Evon. graph. iod. ran. PASSION (Tendency to fly into a). Anac. aur. bar-c. bor. croc. fer. ign. kal. mgs-s. merc. mez. mosch. natr. natr- m. n-vom. oleand. petr. phos. sen. stann. sulph. (Compare VIOLENCE, ANGER.) PEEVISHNESS. See MOROSENESS, ILL-HUMOUR. PENSIVE (Disposition to be). Phell. thuy. -Profoundly. Cocc. sep. PERSEVERANCE (Want of). Bar- c. oleand. Weights and Measures PERSPICACITY. Coff. viol-od. (About). N-vom. Writing (When). Am-c. bov. cann. cham. graph. lach. natr-m. n-vom. puls. sep. mgs-arc. MISTRUST, suspicion. Bar-c. bell. cic. hell. hyos. lach. merc. n- vom. puls. sulph-ac. MOROSENESS, Peevishness, &c. Bis. clem. coloc. cupr. evon. ipec. kreos. led. merc. n-vom. prun. puls. rhod. sass. sep. sulph. the. verb. viol-tric. zinc. mgs-aus. (Compare Ill-Hu- MOUR.) MURMURS. Bell. lach. n-vom. stram. NOSTALGIA. Aur. caps. carb-an. hell. merc. nitr-ac. phics-ac.sil. PERVERSITY. Anac. PETTISHNESS. Ars. calc. con. hæm. natr. n-vom. sil. staph. (Compare ILL-HUMOUR.) PHLEGMATIC temperament. Caps. sabad. sen. puls. PLEASANTRIES. Bell. croc. ign. lach. men. plat. sulph-ac. tar. PRAYERS. Bell. puls. stram. PRECIPITATION. Amb. ars. bar- c. bell. caps. hep. laur. merc. natr-m. phos-ac. puls. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. viol-tric. Labour (During intellectual). Amb. Speaking (When). Bell. hep. PREDICTION of the day of one's death. Acon. PREJUDICE, Caprice, Obstinacy. 180 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. Bell. calc. kreos. lyc. merc. vom. nitr-ac. sil. stram.sulph. PREPOSSESSION. Mosch. (Com- pare DISTRACTION and AB- SENCE of Mind.) PRESENTIMENT. Acon. (phos). PRIDE. Lach. plat. stram. verat. PROPHECIES. Agar. PUSILLANIMITY. Ang. bar-c. | REPUGNANCE to: Laughter. Amb. Music. See Chap. VIII. Others. Am-m. calc. (Com- pare HATRED.) Wash oneself. Sulph. RESERVE in conversation. (Want of). Bov. RESISTANCE. Caps. n-vom. bry, carb-v. chin. ran. (Com-RESOLUTION (Slow). See HESI- pare TIMIDITY, DISCOURAGE- TATION, slow DETERMINA- MENT, &c.) QUARRELS, Disputes, Discussion. See Quarrelsome HUMOUR.) QUAVERING. See SINGING, &c. RAGE, FURY, &c. See Sect. 1. HYDROPHOBIA. RAILLERY, Satire. Lach. RANCOUR. Nitr-ac. RAVING. Æth. ars. bell. bry. camph. canth. cin. cupr. hyos. lach. lyc. merc. mosch. n-mos. n-vom. op. plat. plumb. rhab. stram. sulph. Affairs (About one's). Bry. hyos. Nocturnal. Aur. bell. bry. coloc. dig. op. puls. rhab. sep. sulph. REASON (LOSs of). Bell. citr. lach. merc. RECOLLECTION (Distinct). Croc. REFLECTION, Meditation, &c. (Difficult). See Difficult ME- DITATION. RELIGIOUS feeling (Absence of). Anac. coloc. REMORSE (Prompt). oleand. Croc. REPROACHES. Acon. lyc. n-vom. REPUGNANCE to one's business. Puls. sep. TION, and IRRESOLUTION. RUN AWAY (Desire to). Acon. bell bry. coloc. hyos. puls. stram. verat. RUN hither and thither, to ramble (Desire to). Bell. n-vom.verat. SADNESS, Gloomy humour, &c. Acon. agn. amb. am-c. anac. ars. asa. bell. bov. bruc. calc. cann. carb-an. cast. cham. clem. cocc. con. croc. dig. fer. graph. hæm. hep. ign. iod. kal. lach. lam. laur. men. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. phell. phos. phos-ac. plat. prun. puls. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. sil. spig. staph. stram. sulph. viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. (Compare DEJECTION, ME- LANCHOLY, &c.) Alone (When). Bov. Consolation (Aggravated by an attempt at). Natr-m. Evening (In the). Kal-ch. plat. ran-sc. stram. zinc. amelioration. Am-c. Health, or affairs (About one's). See INQuietude. Morning (In the). Bruc. Noon (Towards). Zinc. Conversation See CONVER- SALVATION (Despair of ETER- SATION. Every thing. The. thuy. Gay faces. Mgs-aus. Labour. See LABOUR. NAL). Lyc. puls. sulph. (Com- pare Religious MELANCHOLY). SCRUPLES. Ars. gran. sulph. SELF-SUFFICIENCY, Fer-mg. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 181 SENSES (Confusion of the)., SOLITUDE: Camph. mang. stram. tart. verat. Delusions of the. Iod. val. (Compare DELUSIONS, Errone- ous IDEAS, and VISIONS.) SENSES (Dulness of the.) Alum. asa. caps. cham. stram. (Com- pare Dulness of MIND.) Loss of the. See Loss of CON- SCIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, &c. SENSIBILITY (Excessive). See SENSITIVENESS. SENTIMENTAL character. Calc- ph. cast. ign. lach. n-vom. SENSITIVENESS. Excessive sen- sibility. The least thing irri- tates or appears insupporta- ble. Arn. ars. bell. calc. coff. colch. dros. gran. ign. n-vom. phos-ac. samb. sulph. (Com- pare Chap. 1.) Looked at (When). Ant. Noise (To). See SYMPTOMS of HEARING. SERENITY. See GAIETY. SERIOUSNESS. See GRAVITY. SIGHS. Ign. plumb. (Compare Chap. XXII.) SINGING, QUAVERING, WHISTL- ING. Acon. bell. croc. cupr. spong. stram. tab. teuc. verat. SLANDER. Ars. guaj. n-vom. sep. verat. (Compare ASPERSION.) SOBS. Hel. SOCIETY (Estrangement from, or fear of). Amb. bar-c. bell. natr. (Compare LOVE OF SOLI- TUDE, ANTHROPOPHOBIA, &c.) Desire for, Love of. Mez. stram. (Compare Fear of So- LITUDE.) SOLITUDE (Aggravation of the moral state in). Phos. stram. Fear of. Ars. bis. bov. calc. con. lyc. mez. (phos. stram.) (Compare Love of SOCIETY). Love of. Bell. eug. ign. nic. n-vom. rhus. mgs-aus. SOMNAMBULISM, in the sense of clairvoyance. Acon. phos. stann. mgs-arc. SPEAK to oneself (Disposition to). Mosch. mgs-arc. SPECTRES (Fear of). Acon. ars. carb-v. cocc. puls. ran. sulph. Evening (In the). Puls. ran. Night (At). Carb-v. sulph. SPEECH (Slow). Thuy. Precipitate. Bell. hep. SPIRITS (Conversation with). Bell. stram. SPITS (One). Bell. SPOKEN to (The patient dis- likes to be). Ars. cham. STRANGENESS (Sensation of). Val. STRIKE (Desire to). See BLows. STUPIDITY. Ars. bell. cham. hyos. kreos. op. phos-ac. puls. sulph. (Compare IMBECILITY, DULNESS of MIND). SUICIDE (Inclination to com- mit). Ant. ars. aur. bell. carb- v. dros. hep. n-vom. puls. rhus. sec. spig. tart. (Com- pare AVERSION to life, DE- SPAIR, &c.) Blow one's brains out (With desire to). Ant. Drown oneself (With de- sire to). Ant. puls. sec. SUPERSTITION (Disposition to). Con. SUSCEPTIBILITY (Great). Alum. ang. bell. bov. cann. caps. caus. cham. cocc. iod. lach. lyc. magn-s. n-vom. puls. sass. sen. sep. sulph. viol- tric. (Compare IRRITABILI- TY). SUSPICION. See MISTRUST. TACITURNITY. Bruc. cham. hell. 182 CHAP. V. MORAL AFFECTIONS. puls. sil. sil. verat. (Compare, TIMIDITY: REPUGNANCE to conversation, Taciturn HUMOUR. Gloomy HUMOUR, &c.) TEAR (Desire to). Bell. verat. TEARS. Acon. alum. bell. bry. calc. carb-a. caus. cham. cin. coff. cupr. graph. hell. ign. kal. lach. mez. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. ran. sabin. sep. staph. stram. sulph. viol- od. (Compare Cries.) Children, when they are touched (In). Ant. cin. tart. Sleeping (When). See Chap. III. TEARS (Disposition to shed). Am-c. am-m. ars. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. cast. cham. chin. cin. coff. coloc. con. dig. graph. hæm. hep. kal-h. ign. iod. lam. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. men. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhab. rhus. ruta. sil. stann. sulph. sulph- ac. verat. viol-tr. mgs-aus. Evening (Ameliorated the). Am-c. cast. in Music (On hearing). Natr-s. TEETH (Frantic desire to pull out the). Bell. TEMERITY. Op. TENDERNESS. Ign. TERROR, in the Evening. Calc. carb-an. phos. (Comp. FEAR.) THOUGHTLESSNESS. See PRECI- PITATION. TIME, appears too long, at night. N-vom. Passes too rapidly. Cocc. ther. TIMIDITY. Bell. carb-v. kal. puls. (Compare FEAR, DIS- COURAGEMENT, Want of CON- FIDENCE, PUSILLANIMITY, &c.) Evening (in thej. Ran. TOSSING (Jactation). Acon. ars. bell. (See Chap. III. Sect. 3.) UNHAPPY (One feels). Chin. sulph. verat. (Compare Hypo- CHONDRIASIS.) VERSATILITY. Alum. caps. lyc. n-mos. puls. zinc. (Compare FICKLE humour.) VERSES (Disposition to make). Agar. VIOLENCE, Passion, &c. Acon. anac. bry. carb-v. croc. hep. kal-h. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. sep. stront. zinc. mgs-aus. (Compare Pas- SION, ANGER, &c.) VISIONS. Bell. hep. rhus, samb. stram. (Compare Delusions of the IMAGINATION.) Bulls (of). Bell. Dogs (of). Bell. Fires (of). Bell. Frightful. Bell. op. samb. stram. Murders (of). Calc. Rats and mice (of). Calc. op. Spectres, Demons (of). Bell. plat. War and soldiers (of). Bell. Wolves (of). Bell. VIVACITY of mind. Alum. ang. cann. coff. lach. (Compare EXCITABILITY, Excited IMA- gination, GaIETY, &c.) WEAKNESS (Intellectual). Anac. aur. bar-c. bell. con. (Compare Difficult MEDITA- TION, Dulness of MIND, IM- BECILITY, &c.) op. WICKEDNESS. Anac. WILL (Too feeble exercise of the). Calc. lach. (Compare IRRESOLUTION.) SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 183 CHAPTER VI. AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD AND HAIRY SCALP. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ALOPECIA AND FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR.- OF THE HAIR.—The principal medicines against alopecia are in general: Calc. hep. graph. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. sil. sulph. or else again: Aur. bar-c. carb- v. caust. chin. magn. merc. natr-m. sep. staph. zinc. Falling off of the hair, in consequence of severe ACUTE DISEASES, requires in preference: Lyc. hep. and sil. or else: Calc. carb-v. natr-m. phos-ac. and sulph. and in LYING-IN WOMEN: Calc. lyc. natr-m. sulph. may be employed with great success. For falling off of the hair, caused by DEBILITATING LOSSES, the principal medicines are: chin. and fer. and if it has taken place in consequence of frequent perspirations, merc. is pre- ferable. If the falling off of the hair is produced by long continued GRIEF, the medicines are especially: Phos-ac. or staph. or else again: Caus. graph. ign. and lach. That which is the result of frequent MEGRIMS or of HYs- TERICAL CEPHALALGIA, requires in preference: Hep. or nitr-ac. or: Ant. calc. sil. sulph. or else again : Aur. phos. and sep. Lastly, that which proceeds from ABUSE OF MERCURY often yields to hep. or carb-v. and that which arises from ABUSE OF CINCHONA to bell. With respect to the indications manifested by the STATE OF THE HAIRY SCALP and of the HAIR, if there is great SENSI- BILITY OF THE INTEGUMENTS OF THE HEAD, a preference may be given to Calc. bar-c. carb-v. chin. hep. natr-m. sil. and sulph. If there is violent ITCHING IN THE HAIRY SCALP, especially when it is caused by repercussion of old eruptions: Graph. kal. lyc. sil. and sulph. If there are MANY SCALES on the head: Calc. graph. magn. and staph. If the hair has a strong TENDENCY TO TURN GREY: Graph. lyc. phos-ac. and sulph-ac. If the hair is in a state of excessive DRYNESS: Calc. kal, and phos-ac. 184 CHAP. VI. HEAD. If it is covered with CLAMMY PERSPIRATION: merc. Chin. or Falling off of the hair on the LATERAL PARTS of the head sometimes indicates: Graph. or phos. ; while that which occu- pies the CROWN of the head, requires rather: Bar-c. lyc. and zinc. For other medicines, which may be also employed, See Sect. 6, Falling off of the HAIR. APOPLEXY AND CEREBRAL CONGESTION.-The medi- cines which have been hitherto employed with most success are, in general: Arn. bar-c. bell. cocc. lach. n-vom. op. puls. and, perhaps in some cases, recourse may be had to: Acon. ant. coff. con. dig. hyos. ipec. merc. n-mos. tart. SANGUINEOUS apoplexy requires principally: Arn. bell. lach. n-vom. op. or else again: Acon. ant. bar-c. coff. ipec. hyos. merc. puls. In SEROUS apoplexy: Arn. ipec. dig. merc. have been re- commended, and perhaps : Bar-c. cocc. and con. will be often found to be indicated. For NERVOUS apoplexy: Arn. bell. coff. hyos. stram. have been proposed. PARALYSIS, resulting from an attack of apoplexy, frequently finds a remedy among : Arn. bell. bar-c. n-vom. stram. zinc. or perhaps also among: Anac. con. lach. laur. stram. With respect to the EXTERNAL CAUSES, by which apoplexy may be occasioned; if it manifests itself in persons addicted to SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, a preference may be given to: Lach. n- vom. op. or else again to: Bar-c. coff. con. puls. For AGED PERSONS, especially: Bar-c. or op. or else: Con. dig. merc. &c. In consequence of SANGUINEOUS EVACUATIONS, or other debi- litating losses: Chin. or cocc. And when resulting from an OVER-LOADED STOMACH, espe- cially: Ipec. n-vom. or puls. provided however some spoonsfull of black coffee are insufficient. With reference to the symptoms which characterize dif- ferent cases of apoplexy, a preference may be given to : ARNICA, if the pulse is full and strong, with paralysis of the limbs (especially on the left side); loss of consciousness and drowsiness, with snoring, moans, murmurs, involuntary evacu- ution of fæces and urine, &c. BARYTA, if there are: Paralysis of the tongue or upper extre- mities (especially on the right side); mouth drawn to one side; confused consciousness, with childish manners, and want of sup- port for the body: Coma somnolentum, with agitation, moans, and murmurs; circumscribed redness of the cheeks. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 185 Belladonna, if there are: Drowsiness, with loss of con- sciousness, and of speech, or with convulsive movements of the limbs and muscles of the face; paralysis of the limbs, espe- cially on the right side; mouth drawn to one side; paralysis of the tongue; salivation; difficult or even impossible deglutition (loss of sight); dilated pupils; red and prominent eyez; redness and bloatedness of the face. COCCULUS, if the attacks are preceded by vertigo and nausea, and if during the attack itself, there are: Convulsive move- ments of the eyes; paralysis; especially of the lower extre- mities, with insensibility, &c. LACHESIS, if there are: Drowsiness and loss of consciousness, with blueness of the face, convulsive movements, or trembling of the limbs, or paralysis especially of the left side; attacks pre- ceded by frequent abstraction of mind, or vertigo, with con- gestion in the head. NUX-VOM. Drowsiness with snoring and salivation, blear- eyed, dull eyes; paralysis, especially of the lower extremities; hanging down of the lower jaw; attacks preceded by vertigo, with head-ache and humming in the ears, or by nausea, with desire to vomit. OPIUM, if the attacks are preceded by stupor, vertigo, and heaviness of the head, humming in the ears, difficulty in hear- ing, fixed look, sleeplessness, or anxious dreams, or frequent desire to sleep; then, during the attack; Tetanic rigidity of the body; redness, bloatedness, and heat of the face; heat of the head, which is covered with perspiration; redness of the eyes, with insensible and dilated pupils; slow, snoring respiration ; convulsive movements and trembling of the arms and legs, foam before the mouth, &c. PULSATILLA, if there are: Drowsiness and loss of conscious- ness, with bloatedness and bluish-redness of the face, loss of the power of movement, Violent palpitation of the heart, pulse almost extinct, and rattling respiration. For the remainder of the medicines that have been cited, consult their pathogenesy and compare the articles: CONGES- TION in the head, VERTIGO, and Chap. III, COMA SOMNOLEN- See also Chap. I. SPASMS. TUM. ARACHNOIDITIS.-See MENINGITIS. CEPHALALGIA.—In many cases, head-aches are only symp- tomatic, depending upon some other disease, on the cure of which they disappear. But they are often also (if we may be allowed the expression), idiopathic, or constitute at least the most prominent symptom of the disease, and then they must be removed by a direct mode of treatment, while as much attention is paid to the nature of the pain, as to the cause, 186 CHAP. VI. HEAD. { which has produced it, and the symptoms by which the case is characterized. The medicines which correspond in preference with the various kinds of cephalalgia, are in general: Acon. ant. bell. bry. calc. caps. cham. chin. coff. coloc. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. verat.; the following also, will be often found equally efficacious; Arn. ars. aur. carb-v. cin. cocc. dulc. hep. ipec. lyc. op. plat. or else again: Am-m. am-c. asar. clem. con. fer. graph. guaj. hyos. kal. lach. mosch. natr-m. petr. phos. &c. For ARTHRITIC head-aches, the principal medicines are: Bell. bry, coloc. ign. ipec. n-vom, sep. and verat. or else again: Arn. ars. aur. berb.? caps. caus. cic. mang. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. sabin. and zinc. CATARRHAL head-aches, with cold in the head, mostly re- quire Acon. cham. chin, cin. merc. n-vom. and sulph. or again, Ars. bell. carb-v. ign. lach. lyc. and puls. &c. (See Catarrh, Chap. XXI.) For head-aches, arising from CONGESTION OF BLOOD, a pre- ference may be given to: Acon. arn. bell, bry, coff. merc. op. puls. rhus. veratr. or again: Cham. chin. cic. cocc. dulc. hep. ign. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. or also: Alum. am-c. con. lach. led. &c. (Compare CONGESTION in the head.) GASTRIC head-aches, caused by a derangement of the sto- mach commonly require: Ant. ipec. n-vom. puls. or sulph. or also again: Arn. berb? bry. carb-v. cocc. or n-mos. and if CON- STIPATION is the particular cause of the head-ache, recourse may be had to: Bry. n-vom. op. or verat. For HYSTERICAL head-aches, the most suitable medicines are: Aur. cocc. hep. ign. magn. magn-m. mosch. nitr-ac. phos. plat. sep. valer. verat. or else again: Caps. cham. lach. rhus. &c. (Compare Chap. XX. HYSTERIA.) For NERVOUS head-aches, MEGRIM, &c. the principal medi- cines are: Bry. caps. coloc. ign. ipec. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. verat. or else: Acon. arn. ars. bell. cham. chin. cicc. cof. hep. nitr-ac. petr. sil. sulph. or else again: Asar. caus. con. graph. hyos. mang. natr-m. phos. plat. zinc. &c. (Compare Chap. I. NEURALGIA.) Lastly, RHEUMATIC head-aches most frequently require: Acon. cham. chin. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. spig. sulph. or else: Bell. bry. chin. ign. phos. or else again: Berb.? caus. lach. led. magn-m. &c. (Compare Chap. I. RHEUMATISM.) The medicines that have been principally employed against head-aches of FEMALES, are: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. cocc. coloc. dulc. magn. n-vom. puls. plat. spig. verat. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 187 In SENSITIVE, nervous persons: Acon. cham. cin. coff. ign. ipec. spig. verat. In CHILDREN: Acon. bell. caps. cham. coff. ign. ipec. Compare Chap. I, CONSTITUTION. With respect to the indications presented by the external CAUSES, which have occasioned the head-ache; when it is ABUSE OF COFFEE, a preference may be given to : Cham. ign. or n-vom. (Compare Chap. I, COFFEE.) Head-aches produced by HEAT require in preference: Acon. bell. bry, and carb-v. and perhaps recourse may be also had to: Am-c. bar-c. caps. ign. ipec. sil. (Compare Chap. I, FATIGUE from HEAT.) For those which result from a DEBAUCH, or ABUSE OF SPI- RITUOUS LIQUORS, the principal medicines are: Carb-v. or n-vom, or else: Ant. bell. coff. puls. &c. (Compare Chap. I. DRUNKENNESS.) Head-aches caused by INTELLECTUAL LABOUR, EXCESSIVE STUDY, &c. mostly require: N-vom. or sulph. or else: Aur. calc. lach. natr. natr-m. puls. and sil. or else again: Anac. graph. lyc. magn. phosph. mgs-arc. (Compare Chap. 1, FATIGUE from EXERTION). For Head-aches produced by MORAL EMOTIONS, if they have been caused by GRIEF, the preference should be given to: Ign. or phos-ac. or staph. and if they are the result of CONTRADICTION or ANGER: Cham. or n-vom. or else again : Coloc. lyc. magn. natr-m. petr. phos. or staph. (Compare Con- GESTION in the head, and Chap. I, MORAL EMOTIONS). For Head-aches which arise from INDIGESTION or a DISOR- DERED stomach, See above: GASTRIC cephalalgia, and compare Chap. XIV, INDIGESTION. such as Head-aches caused by MECHANICAL INJURIES, such CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN, &c., require in preference: Arn. or cic. or else again : Merc. petr. rhus. &c.; and against the con- sequences of a strain in the loins, or of EXERTION IN LIFTING TOO HEAVY A LOAD, recourse may be had to: Rhus. or calc. or also ambr. (Compare Chap. II, MECHANICAL INJURIES). If the head-aches have been produced by METALLIC sub- stances, sulph. will be most frequently indicated, and if COPPER has been the especial cause of them, hep. will be the most eligible medicine, while against head-aches arising from an abuse of MERCURY, a preference should be given to: Carb- veg. chin. puls. or else: sulph. or hep. or nitr-ac. or also: Aur. (Compare likewise Chap. XXVI, MEDICINAL DISEASES). The head-aches which result from a CHILL mostly require: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. dulc. n-vom. or again : Ant. chin. coloc. puls. &c. If they are caused by a CURRENT OF AIR, re- 188 CHAP. VI. HEAD. course must be had principally to: Acon. bell. chin. coloc. or n-vom. if they are brought on by BATHING: Ant. calc. or puls. and if they appear after taking cold drinks: Acon. bell. or ars. natr. puls.-Those which are occasioned by BAD WEATHER, require in preference: Bry. carb-v. n-vom. or rhod. (Compare also Chap. II, CHILL). For head-aches caused by TOBACCO, the principal medicines are: Acon. ant. or ign. And for those which result from PROLONGED WATCHING : Cocc. n-vom. or puls. For other CAUSES which should also be investigated, examine Sect. 4, CONDITIONS which excite or aggravate head- aches, and compare the various causes which are found in Chap. I. With respect to the SYMPTOмs which are to be taken into consideration in the choice of medicines, a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, against: Violent, stupifying, compressive and constrictive pains, especially above the root of the nose; great heaviness and fulness in the forehead and temples as if the head were about to split; burning pains through the entire of the brain, or semi-lateral, drawing pains; head-ache with humming in the ears and coryza, or with desire to vomit, vomiturition, moans, lamentations, fear of death, excessive sensibility to the least noise, or least movement; paleness and coldness, or redness and bloatedness of the face, with redness of the eyes; strong, full and quick, or else slow and also inter- mittent pulse; sensation of drawing in the hair, or else of a ball which mounts into the head and spreads a coolness through it; aggravation of the pains from movement, when speaking, rising up and drinking; amelioration in the open air. (Bell. bry. or cham. is often suitable after acon.) ANTIMONIUM, if in consequence of indigestion, or a chill, or repercussion of an eruption, there are: Pain in the forehead as if it would split, or else aching, boring, spasmodic or dull (and tearing) pains, especially in the forehead, temples, or vertex, aggravation of the pains on going up stairs, ameliora- tion in the open air; excessive falling off of the hair; nausea, disgust, anorexia, risings and desire to vomit. (This medicine is often suitable after puls.) BELLADONNA, especially against: Great fulness and violent ´pressive and expansive pains, as if the head would split, or as if every thing were about to protrude through the forehead, or through the side of the head; pains, especially above the eyes and nose, or semi-lateral, drawing, tearing, or shooting pains; wavering, shocks and fluctuation, or undulation, as if caused by SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 189 water in the head, with sensation as if the cranium were too small; strong pulsation of the carotids and swelling of the veins of the head; appearance of the head-ache every day from four o'clock in the evening till the following morning; aggravation from movement, especially from that of the eyes, and also from ascending, from being touched, from the open air, or currents of air, or else at night, from the warmth of the bed; especially if there are at the same time: Vertigo, dizziness, redness and bloatedness of the face, redness of the eyes; exces- sive sensibility to the least noise, the least shock and the slightest touch; ill-humour, moans, desire to remain lying down, humming in the ears, or clouded sight. (Hep. merc. or plat. are often suitable after bell.) BRYONIA, against: Expansive pressure or compression in the head, with fulness as if every thing were about to protrude through the forehead; throbbing, jerking pains, or drawings and shootings in the head, especially on one side only, or from the zygomatic process into the temple; burning pains in the forehead, or heat in the head; head-ache with vomiting, nausea and desire to lie down; appearance of the head-aches every day after a meal, or in the morning on opening the eyes; aggravation by movement, walking, stooping and being touched; irascibility and quarrelsomeness; shivering easily produced. Rhus. or n-vom. are sometimes suitable after bryon.) CALCAREA, against: Stunning, pressive, throbbing, or hammer- ing pains, or semi-lateral pains, with nausea, risings and desire to lie down; or boring in the forehead as if the head would split; heat or sensation of coldness in the head; cloudiness, or bewilderment of the head, as if it were compressed in a vice; appearance of the head-aches every morning on waking; aggravation from intellectual labour, spirituous liquors, corporeal exertion, and also from movement, stooping and the indulgence of anger, &c.; abundant falling off of the hair. (Calc. is es- pecially suitable after: Sulph. or nitr-ac.; Lyc. nitr-ac. or sil. is often suitable after calc.) CAPSICUM, when there are: Semi-lateral, pressive and shoot- ing pains, with nausea, vomiting and weakness of memory; or pains as if the cranium were about to split; aggravation of the pains from the movement of the head, or from that of the eyes, and also when walking in the open air and in cold air; espe- cially in phlegmatic, indolent persons, of a susceptible character, or in obstinate, awkward and clumsy children, apprehensive of the open air and of movement, with tendency to shivering, especially after drinking. CHAMOMILLA, especially in women and in persons whom the slightest pain exasperates, and when there are: Tearing and 190 CHAP. VI. HEAD. drawing on one side of the head (extending into the jaws); shootings, heaviness, or disagreeable throbbings in the head; redness of one of the cheeks, with paleness of the other; hot perspiration on the head, also in the hair; puffed face, painful eyes; catarrhal affection of the throat or bronchi, or bitter, putrid taste in the mouth, &c. (Cham. is especially suitable after acon. or coff. Bell. or puls. is often suitable after cham.) CHINA, in persons who are too sensitive to pain, and es- pecially when there are: Pressive pains at night, which hinder sleep, or acute, jerking pains in the forehead, as if all were about to protrude through it; boring in the vertex, with a sensation as if the cranium would split; aggravation by contact, meditation, conversation, the open air, movement, currents of air and wind; especially if there are at the same time: Painful tenderness of the hairy scalp and of the hair, when they are touched; or in per- sons of a grumbling and discontented disposition, and also in obstinate and disobedient children, who are inclined to gluttony, and who have a pale complexion, with transient heat and redness, accompanied by great loquacity, or nocturnal agita- tion. (It is often suitable after: Coff. or caps.) COFFEA, against: Semi-lateral pains, as if a nail were driven into the side of the head, or as if the brain were torn or bruised; exces- sive sensibility to noise, music, and especially to pain, which ap- pears insupportable, with exasperation, tears, tossing and great anguish, chilliness and aversion to the open air; especially in persons who are not in the habit of taking coffee; or else to whom coffee is instantly repugnant, though they commonly take it; and especially if the head-aches are brought on by meditation, contradiction, a chill, &c. (Acon. or cham. are often suitable after: Coff.; Ign. n-vom. or puls. is suitable before it). COLOCYNTHIS, against: Violent, semi-lateral, tearing, draw- ing, or pressive and spasmodic pains, with nausea and vomiting; compression in the forehead, aggravated by stooping or lying on the back; attacks of head-ache every afternoon, or towards the evening, with great anguish and inquietude, which do not permit one to remain lying down; violent pains which force one to cry out; perspiration which smells like urine; profuse and watery urine during the pains, or scanty and offensive urine at other times. IGNATIA, against: Pressive pains above the nose, aggravated or relieved by stooping; or expansive, jerking and throbbing pains; or boring shootings deep in the brain; tearing in the forehead and sensation as if a nail were driven into the brain; with nausea, cloudiness of the eyes and photophobia; paleness SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 191 of the face; profuse, watery urine; momentary disappearance of the pains on change of position; renewal after a meal, after lying down in the evening, or after rising in the morning; aggravation from coffee, spirits, tobacco-smoke, noise and strong smells; disposition to be frightened, fickleness, taciturnity and sadness. (It is sometimes suitable after cham. or puls. or n-vom.) MERCURIUS, if there are: Sensation of fulness, as if the cranium were about to burst, or as if the head were compressed by a band; tearing, burning, or shooting and boring pains, or semi-lateral tearings, extending to the teeth and neck, with shooting in the ears; violent aggravation of the pains at night in the warmth of the bed, and also from contact, and from hot and cold things; continued nocturnal perspiration, which how- ever does not relieve. NUX-VOм, against: Pain, as if a nail were driven into the head, or shooting pains with nausea and sour vomiting; shoot- ings and pressure in one side of the head, aggravated in the morning to such an extent as to cause loss of consciousness and of reason; or great sensibility of the brain to the least movement and to every step; great heaviness of the head, es- pecially on moving the eyes and during meditation, with a sensation, as if the cranium were about to split; buzzing in the head, with vertigo, or with shocks in the head when walking; sensation as if the brain were bruised; head-ache every day, especially on waking in the morning, after a meal, in the open air, when stoop- ing, and also from movement, even from that of the eyes; renewal after partaking of coffee, with repugnance to that beverage; pale and wan face; constipation with congestion, in the head; irascibility; proneness to fits of passion and indulgence of anger, or lively and sanguine temperament, &c. (Compare: Bry, cham. coff. ign. and puls.) PULSATILLA, against: Tearing pains, which are aggravated towards the evening; or pulsative shootings after rising in the morning and after lying down in the evening; tearing pains, shocks, shootings in one side of the head only, with vertigo, desire to vomit, heaviness in the head; cloudiness of the eyes; photophobia; humming, or tearing, jerking and shootings in the ears; paleness of the face, tearfulness, anorexia and adipsia, shivering, anxiety, attacks of epistaxis, palpitation of the heart; aggravation of the sufferings in the evening, and also during repose, and especially when seated; amelioration in the open air, and mitigation of the head-ache by pressure, or by wrapping up the head; mildness and easiness of disposition; cold, phleg- matic temperament. RHUS TOX. against; Tearing, shooting pains, extending 192 CHAP. VI. HEAD. into the ears, the root of the nose, the zygomatic process and the jaws, with soreness of the teeth and gums; burning or throbbing pains; fulness and pressive heaviness in the head; head-ache immediately after a meal; desire to lie down and to keep quiet; renewal of the attacks on the least contradiction, and also from walking in the open air; undulation of the brain at every step, and crawling in the head, &c. (It is often suitable after bry.) SEPIA, against: Shooting and boring pains, which force one to cry out, with nausea and vomiting; head-ache every morning ; tearing and drawing in one side of the head; pressure and draw- ing in the occiput; photophobia with inability to open the eyes; constipation; sexual desire; aversion to food; congestion of blood in the head, with heaviness and confusion of the head: pressure above the eyes in the bright day-light; sensation of coldness in the head. SILICEA, against: Throbbing pains with heat and congestion in the head, head-aches every day, especially in the morning or afternoon; aggravation of the pains from intellectual labour, speaking and stooping; nocturnal pains from the nape of the neck to the vertex; sensation as if the head were about to split, or as if the contents were about to protrude through the forehead or eyes; semi-lateral, shooting, or tearing pains, extending as far as the nose and face; appearance of tubercles on the head; frequent perspiration on the head; great tender- ness of the hairy scalp; falling off of the hair. (It is suitable after hep. or lyc.) SULPHUR, against: Fulness, pressure and heaviness in the head, especially in the forehead; or expansive pressure, as if the head were about to split; tearing, shooting, drawing, or jerking pains; especially in one side of the head; or throbbing, clucking (gloussantes) pains, with heat in the head and conges- tion of blood; buzzing and roaring; head-ache in the forehead above the eyes, which forces one to frown, or to shut the eyes; or head-ache with clouded sight, unfitness for meditation, nausea and desire to vomit; appearance of the head-aches every eight days, or every day, especially in the morning, or at night, or in the evening in bed, or else after a meal; aggra- vation from meditation, the open air, movement and walking ; excessive tenderness of the integuments of the head when touched, and falling off of the hair. VERATRUM, against: Pains so violent as to cause delirium and dementia; semi-lateral, pressive and pulsative, or constrictive pains, with constriction of the throat; sensation, as if the brain were bruised; pains in the stomach; painful stiffness of the nape of the neck; abundant urine, of a bright colour; nausea, SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 193 vomiting, &c. coldness and cold perspiration over the whole body; thirst; loose evacuations, or else constipation with congestion of blood in the head. to: Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had ARNICA, against: Pains above the eye, with greenish vo- miting; spasmodic compression in the forehead, as if the brain were contracted and hardened; heat in the head with coldness or coolness in the remainder of the body. ARSENICUM, against semi-lateral pulsative pains, with nausea, humming in the ears, &c. appearing periodically, especially after a meal, or in the morning, or at night, or in the evening in bed, with tears, moans, exasperation and soreness of the hairy scalp; amelioration from applying cold water. AURUM against: Pains as if from a bruise, especially in the morning, or during intellectual labour, proceeding even to con- fusion of ideas; clatter and buzzing in the head in hysterical persons. CARBO VEG. against: Pressive or throbbing pains, especially above the eyes, or in the whole head, commencing from the nape of the neck; appearance of the pains especially in the evening, or after a meal, with congestion of blood and heat in the head. CINA, against Tearing and drawing, or pressive pains, as if from a load, aggravated in the open air, by reading and meditation; with coryza. COCCULUS, against; Head-ache, with sensation of emptiness in the head, or with bilious vomiting. DULCAMARA, against: Pressive, stupifying pain in the forc- head, with obstruction of the nose; or boring, burning pain in the forehead, with digging in the brain; aggravation from the least movement, also when speaking, with heaviness in the head. HEPAR, against: Pains, as if a nail were driven into the brain; violent boring, or nocturnal pains in the head, as if the forehead were about to be torn open, with painful tubercles in the head. (Compare Bell. and sil.) IPECACUANHA, against: Head-ache, with nausea at the com- mencement; sensation, as if the contents of the head were bruised, extending as far as the tongue; vomiting or vomi- turition. LYCOPODIUM, against: Head-ache, with disposition to syn- cope, and great agitation; or tearing cephalalgia, especially in the afternoon or at night; pains which extend into the eyes, nose, and teeth, with desire to lie down. OPIUM, if there are: Congestion of blood in the head, with VOL. II. K 194 CHAP. VI. HEAD. constipation, violent, tearing pains in the head, or tensive pres- sure on the entire brain, with pulsation, or excessive heaviness of the head; if there are joined to these symptoms: uncertain look, violent thirst, dryness of the mouth, sour risings, with desire to vomit, &c. PLATINA, against: Violent spasmodic pains, especially above the root of the nose, with heat and redness of the face, inquie- tude, desire to weep; or buzzing and roaring in the head, as if from water, with coldness in the ears, eyes, and one side of the face, sparks before the eyes, and an illusion, as if all objects were smaller than they really are. (It is often suitable after bell.) For the remainder of the medicines cited, and for others that may be employed, See the symptoms in the following Sec- tions, and examine the pathogenesy of the medicines. Compare also: CONGESTION IN THE HEAD, ENCEPHALITIS, HYDROCE- PHALUS, &c. and also PROSOPALGIA AND ODONTALGIA. CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN.-The best medicines against injuries of the brain, caused by a CONCUSSION, a FALL, or a BLOW on the head, &c. are: Arn. and cic. or else again : Petr. or merc. (See also Chap. II, MECHANICAL INJURIES.) CONGESTION OF BLOOD IN THE HEAD.-The best me- dicines are, in general: Acon. arn. bell. bry. coff. merc. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. verat. or else again: Cham. chin. dulc. ign. sil. sulph. For congestion in the head, in persons addicted to the use of SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, the principal medicines are: N-vom. or puls. or again: Op. calc. and sulph. In persons who lead a SEDENTARY LIFE. Acon, or n-vom. ;-In YOUNG GIRLS at the critical age, principally: Acon. bell. or puls.;—In children during dentition: Acon. coff. or cham. : If the congestion in the head is caused by sudden joy, they are especially Coff. or op.; by sudden FRIGHT or by FEAR: Op.; by ANGER: Cham. or perhaps also: Bry. or n-vom. and after concentrated anger : Ign. For congestion arising from a FALL, or violent CONCUSSION, they are principally: Arn. cic. and merc.-From DEBILI- TATING losses: chin. or calc. or sulph. or also: N-vom. or ve- rat.;-For that which manifests itself after the least CHILL : Dulc.;-After LIFTING A HEAVY LOAD, or after a STRAIN OF THE LOINS: Rhus. or calc. Congestion in the head, resulting from CONSTIPATION, re- quires in preference: Bry. n-vom. op. or also: Merc. or puls. Lastly, a CHRONIC tendency to congestion in the head is mostly removed by: Calc. hep. sil. or sulph. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 195 With respect to the SYMPTOMS, which characterize CoN- GESTION in the head, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if there are: Throbbing and fulness in the head, frequent vertigo, especially when stooping; sensation as if the head would split, especially in the forehead, above the eyes, aggravated by stooping and coughing; sparks and darkness before the eyes; humming in the ears; frequent fainting, palpi- tation of the heart, &c; or violent burning pains through the entire brain, especially in the forehead; redness and bloated- ness of the face; redness of the eyes, with delirium or pa- roxysms of rage. (Bell. is often suitable after: Acon.) ARNICA, if there are: Heat in the head, with coldness, or coolness in the rest of the body; dull pressure on the brain, or burning throbbings, humming in the ears; vertigo, with clou- diness of the eyes, especially on rising from a recumbent pos- ture. BELLADONNA, if there are: Violent pressure on the fore- head, or jerking, burning and shooting pains on one side of the head; aggravation of the pains at every step, at every move- ment, in a stooping position, from the least noise, and from light which is in the slightest degree bright, with redness and bloated- ness of the face, redness of the eyes, sparks and darkness before the eyes, humming in the ears, diplopia, desire to sleep ;—or if there are: Dull and pressive pains deeply seated in the brain, with pale, wan face, loss of consciousness, delirium and mur- murs; or if the pain manifests itself after a meal, with las- situde, somnolency, painful rigidity of the nape of the neck, em- barrassed speech, and other precursory symptoms of an apo- plectic fit. (It is mostly suitable after acon.) BRYONIA, if there are: Compressive pains in both sides of the head, or a sensation when stooping, as if every thing were about to protrude through the forehead; bleeding at the nose, which, however, affords no relief; burning and watery eyes; constipation. COFFEA, if there are: Excessive liveliness and moral excite- ment; sleeplessness; great heaviness of the head; increased congestion when speaking; vivid and red eyes. MERCURIUS, if there are: Fulness in the head, as if the fore- head were about to split, or as if the head were compressed by a band; or if there are: Nocturnal aggravation, with burning, tearing, boring, or shooting pains; easy, frequent, and profuse perspiration. (It is often suitable after bell. or op.) NUX-VOM. if there are: Nervous excitability, painful sensi- tiveness of the brain, when walking and moving the head; pressure on the temples, which is mitigated neither by lying down, nor by rising up; clouded eyes, with desire to close K 2 196 CHAP. VI. HEAD. them, without being able to sleep; excessive heaviness of the head, especially on moving the eyes, with a sensation, when thinking, as if the head were about to split; aggravation in the morning, in the open air, or after a meal, and especially after partaking of coffee. OPIUM, if the congestion is violent, with severe tearing pains; pressure in the forehead from the inside outwards ; muscular palpitation in the temples; uncertain look; violent thirst; dryness of the mouth, sour risings, desire to vomit or vomiting. PULSATILLA, if the pain is pressive, semi-lateral, very trou- blesome and fatiguing; or if it commences in the occiput and extends into the root of the nose, or vice versa; amelioration from binding the head round tightly with a handkerchief, or from pressing it, or else from walking; aggravation in a sitting posture; heaviness of the head; paleness of the face, with ver- tigo; tearful humour, shivering, anxiety, cold and phlegmatic temperament. RHUS-Tox. if the congestion is accompanied by burning, pul- sative pains, with fulness in the head, pressive heaviness, or crawling, or undulation and fluctuation of the brain, and espe- cially if the pains manifest themselves after a meal. VERATRUM, if the congestion manifests itself with pressive throbbings, or semi-lateral pains, or a sensation as if the brain were bruised, or constrictive pain with a sensation of constric- tion in the throat; painful rigidity of the nape of the neck; profuse and watery urine, nausea, vomitings, &c. For the remainder of the medicines cited, and for the others which may be employed, See the following Sections, and examine the pathogenesy of the medicines. (Compare also CEPHALALGIA.) ENCEPHALITIS.-See MENINGITIS. ERUPTIONS ON THE HEAD.-See SCALDHEAD. EXOSTOSIS ON THE CRANIUM.-The medicines which deserve a preference are: Aur. daph. and phos. if the exostosis proceeds from ABUSE OF MERCURY; but for syphilitic exostosis merc. is the best medicine. FATIGUE of the head, from intellectual labour.-The best me- dicines are: N-vom. and sulph. or else Aur. calc. lach. natr. natr-m. puls. sil. (Compare Chap. I. FATIGUE FROM Intellec- tual EXERTION.) HAIR (DISEASES OF THE).-See ALOPECIA and PLICA POLO- NICA. HYDROCEPHALUS. The best medicines against ACUTE HY- DROCEPHALUS are: Acon. and bell, or also: Arn. and hell. if SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 197 neither acon. nor bell. is sufficient, Cin. con. dig. hyos. lach. merc. op. and stram. have been also recommended. For CHRONIC HYDROCEPHALUS, the medicines, which have been recommended, as most efficacious, are especially: Hell. ars. and sulph. With respect to the DETAILS of the medicines to be em- ployed, Compare MENINGITIS. MEDITATION (UNFITNESS FOR).-See WEAKNESS of Me- mory. MEGRIM.—See NERVOUS CEPHALALGIA. MEMORY (WEAKNESS OF).-See WEAKNESS of Memory. MENINGITIS AND ENCEPHALITIS.-To promote practical facility, we have united the inflammations of the brain and those of its membranes in the same article, since, in the majo- rity of cases, there is in fact a complication of the symptoms of both these affections. The best medicine against cerebral inflammations in general, is : Bell. which may sometimes be preceded by acon. In some individual cases, recourse has been also had to: Bry. hyos. op. stram. and sulph. and, perhaps, in other cases: Camph. canth. cin. cupr. dig. hell. hyos. lach. and merc. may be also admi- nistered. Cerebral inflammation in CHILDREN, may require besides bell. Acon. cin. hell. lach. and merc. That which arises from a SUN-STROKE, appears to require in preference: Bell. or camph. or perhaps again: Lach. That which is caused by CONGELATION, or a violent CHILL in the head: Acon. or bry. or perhaps again: Ars. or hyos. Cerebral inflammation, proceeding from repercussion of ERY- SIPELAS, or other EXANTHEMATA, such as SCARLATINA, &c. requires in preference: Bell. or rhus. or perhaps again: Lach. or merc. or also phos. ? and that from suppression of an ОTORR- HÆA: Puls, or sulph. If cerebral inflammation threatens to turn to HYDROCE- PHALUS, the medicines which will be found to be most fre- quently indicated, are especially: Bell. merc. or lach. and if HYDROCEPHALUS has already SHOWN ITSELF, besides bell. merc. and lach. recourse may be had to: Arn. dig. hell. or else: Cin. con. hyos. op. and stram. With respect to particular indications, furnished by the symp- toms, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, especially at the commencement of the disease, and when there are: Violent inflammatory fever, with raving and furious delirium, violent burning pains through the entire brain, and especially in the forehead; redness and bloatedness of the face; redness of the eyes, &c. 198 CHAP. VI. HEAD. BELLADONNA, if the patient buries his head in the pillow, and is exasperated by the slightest noise and the least light; or when there are: Violent, burning and shooting pains in the head; red, sparkling eyes, with furious look; redness and bloatedness of the face; lethargic sleep, with convulsed and half-open eyes; great heat in the head with violent pulsation of the carotids; swelling of the veins of the head; loss of consciousness and of speech, or murmurs, violent delirium; convulsive movements of the limbs; spasmodic constriction of the throat, with dysphagia, and other symptoms of hydrophobia, vomiting, unnoticed eva- cuation of fæces and emission of urine. BRYONIA, when there are: Prolonged shiverings, with red- ness of the face, heat in the head and violent thirst; continued desire to sleep, with delirium, starts, cries, and cold perspi- ration on the forehead, pressive, burning pains in the head, or shootings, which traverse the brain. CINA, if there are: Vomiting, with clean tongue, or evacuation of lumbrici, upwards or downwards. HYOSCYAMUs, if there are: Drowsiness and loss of consci- ousness with delirium about one's affairs, singing, murmurs and laughter, carpologia, starts, &c. ÕPIUM, when there are: Lethargic sleep, with snoring and half-open eyes, and dizziness after waking; frequent vomiting; complete apathy, with total absence of desire and of complaint. STRAMONIUM, when there is: Sleep, which is almost natural, but with jerking of the limbs, moans, tossing, and mental absence after waking; or when there are: Fixed look, desire to withdraw in a slow and timid manner, or to run away, with cries and fear; violent feverish heat; redness of the face and moisture on the skin. For the remainder of the medicines cited, see their ра- thogenesy PLICĂ POLONICA. The medicines which ought to be em- ployed against this disease of the hair are principally: Vinc. or perhaps also: Bor. or lyc. SCALD-HEAD.-The best medicines are in general: Ars. calc. hep. lyc. rhus. and sulph. and also: Bar-c. cic. graph. oleand. phos. sep. staph. and vinc. For DRY SCALD-HEAD (Furfuraceous and amiantaceous scald- head) they are especially: Sulph. or calc. or else again: Ars. hep. phos. and rhus. For MOIST SCALD-HEAD (Achor, Favus, Tinea favosa muci- flora) they are principally: Lyc. and sulph. or hep. rhus. and sep. or again: Bar-c. calc. cic. graph. oleand. staph. and vinc. If there are at the same time SCROFULOUS affections, such as SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 199 ENLARGEMENT OF THE GLANDS of the nape of the neck and of the neck, &c. they are principally: Ars. bar-c. calc. and staph. or else again: Bry. or dulc. TINIA.-See SCALD-HEAD. VERTIGO.-Though vertigo is most frequently only a sympto- matic phenomenon, which disappears with the cure of its cause, there are, however, cases in which it is the prominent symptom of an affection, and requires, if the expression may be allowed, direct treatment. The best medicines that can be employed in such a case are in general: Acon. ant. arn. bell. cham. chin. con. hep. lach. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. or again Calc. cin. cocc. lyc. petr. phos. and sec. For vertigo proceeding from the STOMACH they are es- pecially: Acon. ant. arn. bell. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. and rhus. For that which arises from NERVOUS affections, principally : Arn. bell. cham. chin. cin. hep. n-vom. puls. and rhus. For that produced by CONGESTION OF BLOOD, especially : Acon. arn. bell. chin. con. lach. merc. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. &c. That which manifests itself in consequence of the REPER- CUSSION of inveterate ULCERS, requires in preference: Calc. or sulph. That which is the result of the motion of a CARRIAGE, prin- cipally: Hep. and sil. or perhaps again: Cocc. petr. With respect to the DETAILS to be considered in the choice of the medicines cited, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if the vertigo manifests itself especially on rising from a recumbent posture, or on stooping, and when there are at the same time: Nausea, risings and vomiting, or cloudiness of the eyes, loss of consciousness, intoxication and whirling in the head. ANTIMONIUM, if there is: Disordered stomach, with nausea and vomiting, repugnance to food, &c. ARNICA, if the vertigo manifests itself in consequence of too full a meal, or if it comes on when eating, with nausea, cloudi- ness of the eyes, whirling in the head, redness of the face, &c. Belladonna, against: Vertigo with anguish, dizziness, or unconsciousness, and cloudiness before the eyes; or with stag- gering, nausea, trembling of the hands and sparks before the sight appearance of the attacks especially when stooping or rising up. CHAMOMILLA, if the vertigo manifests itself principally on rising in the morning, or after a meal, and especially after 200 CHAP. VI. HEAD. partaking of coffee; with cloudiness of the eyes, or else with syncope. CHINA, if the vertigo comes on principally when raising the head, (or during movement), with sensation of weakness in the head, to such an extent as to cause it to be bent backwards. CONIUM, when there are: Whirling vertigo, which causes to fall sideways, especially when one looks backwards; sensation of heaviness and fulness in the head; weakness of memory and easy forgetfulness. HEPAR, against: Vertigo brought on by the motion of a carriage, or merely by moving the head; or with nausea, dizzi- ness, syncope and cloudiness of sight., LACHESIS, against: Vertigo with paleness of the face, syn- cope, nausea and vomiting, bleeding at the nose, &c. and especially if the vertigo manifests itself on waking in the morning, or when there are again: Absence of mind or stupor, intoxica- tion, dizziness, &c. MERCURIUS, if the vertigo commences on getting out of bed, or rising up, or else in the evening with nausea, cloudiness of the eyes, heat, anguish and desire to lie down. NUX-VOM. if the vertigo manifests itself during or after a meal, or while walking in the open air, when stooping, (or during meditation), or else in the morning, or in the evening in bed, and especially when lying on the back; with whirling and undulation in the head, danger of falling, or else with humming in the cars, cloudiness of the eyes, or else syncope and loss of consciousness. OPIUM, against: Vertigo caused by fright, and especially if there are at the same time, trembling, weakness, dizziness: humming in the ears, cloudiness of the eyes, and if the vertigo comes on principally when rising up in the bed and forces one to lie down again. PULSATILLA, against: Vertigo which occasions falling, and which manifests itself especially on raising the eyes, or when seated, or when stooping, and especially in bed in the evening, or after a meal; with heaviness in the head, humming in the cars, heat or paleness of the face; cloudiness of the eyes; nausea and desire to vomit. RHUS. TOX. against: Vertigo which manifests itself princi- pally in the evening on lying down, with fear of falling or dying. SILICEA, if the vertigo shows itself in the morning, or on elevating the eyes, when riding in a carriage, when stooping, and in consequence of every mental emotion, with danger of falling, nausea, vomiturition; or if the vertigo seems to mount from the back into the nape of the neck and head. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 201 SULPHUR, against: Vertigo which manifests itself especially in a sitting posture, when going up stairs or a hill, or after a meal, in the morning, in the evening, or at night; with nausea, fainting, or bleeding at the nose. For the other medicines which may also be employed, and for more ample details respecting the preceding, See Sect. 2, VERTIGO, and also Sect. 4 and 5, the different CONDITIONS and Concomitant symptoms. WEAKNESS OF MEMORY AND UNFITNESS FOR MEDITATION.— The best medicines are in general: Aur. arn. calc. carb-v. chin. lach.merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. verat. If this state is caused by DEBILITATING LOSSES, the medi- cines are principally: Chin. n-vom. and sulph. (Compare Chap. I, DEBILITY). In consequence of EXCESSIVE STUDY, or Too FATIGUING INTELLECTUAL LABOUR: N-vom. or sulph. or else again: Aur. calc. lach. natr. natr-m. puls. and sil. (Compare Chap. I, FATIGUE from EXERTION). In consequence of MECHANICAL INJURIES, a BLow, a FALL on the head, &c.; Arn. or perhaps again: Cic. merc. or rhus. In consequence of abuse of SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS especially: N-vom. or perhaps also: Calc. lach. op. merc. puls. and sulph. (Compare Chap. I, DRUNKENNESS). In consequence of violent MORAL EMOTIONS, such as: Fright, Grief, ANGER, &c. especially: Acon. or staph. or again Calc. puls. or sil. With CONGESTION OF BLOOD in the head, especially: Chin. merc. rhus. and sulph. For the SYMPTOMS, and for the other medicines which may also be employed, See the following sections, with the patho- genesy of the medicines, and Compare CEPHALALGIA, CONGES- TION, &c. WENS IN THE HEAD.-The medicines which have been hitherto employed with the greatest success against this kind of encysted tumours, are principally: Calc. daph. graph. and kal. Perhaps recourse may be also had to: Hep. sil. and sulph. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD, ACHING pains. See Sect. 6. ALIVE in the head (Sensation as if something were). Petr. sil. BALL, which mounts (Sensation of a). Acon. plumb. BAND, circle round the head; K 3 202 CHAP. VI. HEAD. (Sensation of a). Eth. merc. sulph. ther. (Compare VICE). BEATEN (As if). See BRUISE. BLOWS in the head. Caus. clem. croc. lach. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. phos- ac. samb. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph-ac. thuy. (Comp. THROBBINGS and SHOсKS). Exercise in the open air (during). Spig. Walking quickly and going up stairs (when). Bell. BOILING water in the head (sen- sation of). Acon. ind. BORING. Agar. ang. ant. bis. calc. clem. chin. dulc. hep. ign. lach. merc. mosch. natr- s. oleand. ol-an. pæon. puls. sabin. sep. spig. stann. staph. tart. BRUISED, or torn (Sensation as if the brain were). Agar. am- m. anac. ang. ars. aur. bov. camph. caus. cham. chin. coff. con. cupr. euphorb. euphr. hell. ign. iod. ipec. lach. merc. mur-aċ. n-vom. op. phos. puls. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. BURNING in the head. Acon. arn. ars. bry. bis. canth. caus. dulc. eug. hæm. hell. mang. merc. phos. rhus. stann. verat. BUZZING, MURMURING, ROAR- ING in the head. Ars. aur. calc. caus. fer. graph. kal. kreos. magn-m. natr-s. n- vom. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sass. sulph. zinc. mgs. Evening (in the) and after a meal. Cinn. CARRIAGES (Sensitiveness to the noise of). Nitr-ac. CLOUDINESS. Bell. cocc. magn- m. merc. n-vom. op. phell. rhab. samb. val. (Compare STUNNING, INTOXICATION, &c.) CLOUDINESS (Painful). Natr-m. COLDNESS in the head. Arn. calc. laur. phos. val. COMMOTION in the brain (Sen- sation of). Hyos. verat. (Com- pare MOVEMENT). COMPRESSION, violent or trouble- some pressure. Eth. alum. arg. asar. bov. bry. cann. caus. coloc. daph. graph. kal-h. kreos. laur. magn-s. men. mos. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. n-mos. ol-an. pæon. phell. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. sel. spig. spong. staph. stront. thuy. zinc. CONCUSSION of the brain. See Sect. 1.. CONFUSION in the head, Be- wilderment of the head. Acon. ath. agar. amb. ang. arn. ars. asa. asar. bar-m. bell. berb. bruc. bis. bry. calc. calc-ph. caps. caus. chin. cor. croc. diad. dig. dros. euphr. fer. gran. graph. hyos. iod. magn- m. magn-s. men. meph. merc. mez. natr. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. op. par. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran. rhab. rhod. rhus. samb. sec. sen. sep. spig. staph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. ther. thuy. tong. val. verb. viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. Board before the head (as if there were a). Calc. dulc. plat. Coryza (as if from a). Berb. Fatigue in the head (as i from). Natr-m. Intoxication (as if caused by). Ang, carb-an. cor. kreos SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 203 magn-m. mez. nitr. n-vom. op. phos-ac. puls. rhab. samb. thuy. val. CONFUSION in the head: Occiput (in the). Amb. carb- an. plumb. sec. tong. Painful. Agn. arn. asa. asar. caus. diad. dros. natr-m. n- mos. plat. sec. viol-od. hyos. stann. sulph-ac. tart. verat. CONTRACTION (Sensation of). Ang. bis. graph. grat. hyos. nitr. puls. sep. squill. sulph. tar. val. (Compare SPASMODIC pains). CONTUSION (Pains as if from). Val. Pollutions (as if after). Mez. | CORROSION (Pain as if from). phos-ac. Semi-lateral. Sulph-ac. Sleeping (as if after). Rut. Smoke in the brain (as if from). Arg. sulph-ac. Stupifying. Ang. arg. asar. aur. сосс. croc. dulc. kal. magn-m. magn-s. mez. par. rhab. rat. verb. Watching (as if from). Amb. bry. chin. n-vom. puls. CONGESTION in the head. Acon. amb. am-m, ant. arn. asa. aur. bell. bor. bry. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. coff. coloc. dulc、 fer. graph. hyos. ign. iod. kal. kal-ch. lach. laur. lyc. magn- m. magn-s. mang. merc. mill. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. op. phell. phos. plumb. puls. ran. rat. rhus. sen. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. tab. tar. thuy. verat. viol-od. Morning in bed (in the). Lye. Music (from). Amb. Night (at). Puls. Smoking (when). Magn. Speaking (when). Coff. Stooping (when). Acon. bell. cor. lach. sen. sep. verat. Compare Sect. 1, CON- GESTION. CONSTRICTION. Acon. anac. arn. asar. camph. cocc. graph. Pæon. ran-sc. CRACKING in the head. Acon. ars. cham. puls. CRAWLING in the head. Arg. arn. bruc. colch. cupr. hyos. plat. puls. rhus. sulph. mgs- aus. CURRENT OF AIR in the brain (Sensation as if from a). Aur. cor. puls. DIGGING in the head. Agar. anac. bar-c. bis. bruc. bry. caus. clem. coloc. dulc. kal- h. merc. n-vom. phell. sabin. samb. spig. tart. mgs. mgs- aus. DRAWING pains, Drawings. Acon. agar. ars. asar. bell. bor. calc. caps. carb-v. cham. cin. coloc. con. croc. cupr. fer. gran. guaj. kal. kreos. magn. mang. merc. mosch. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. ol-an. petr. puls. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. squill. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. tong. val. zinc. zing. DULL pains. Agar. ant. chel. cin. onis. teuc. thuy. verb. DULNESS. Ang. arg. asar. aur. bell. cocc. croc. dulc. kal. magn-m. magn-s. mez. par. rhab. tart. verb. EBULLITION. Merc. Of blood. Bell. EMPTINESS in the head. Arg. 204 CHAP. VI. HEAD. СОСС. cor. cupr. gran. puls. sen. (Compare LIGHTNESS). EXCORIATION (Pain as if from). Camph. canth. daph. zinc. mgs. EXPANSION (Sensation of). Pressing asunder, or from within outwards. Acon. am- c. asa. asar. bell. berb. bry. calc. caps. cocc. cor. dros. hep. ign. kal-h. magn-s. mez. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. par. phos. ran. ran-sc. rhus. samb. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thuy. verb. zinc. mgs- arc. (Compare Sensation, as if the cranium were about to SPLIT.) FATIGUE of the head. See Sect. 1. FLUCTUATION (Sensation of). Bell. hyos. (Compare Sensa- tion, as if from WATER in the head, UNDULATION, &c.) FULNESS in the head. Acon. am-m. bell. bor. bry. calc. calc-ph. caps. cast. chin. con. daph. grat. guaj. ign. kreos. meph. merc. natr. nic. natr-ac. petr. phell. phos. ran-sc. rhus. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. GIDDINESS AND STUPOR. Am- m. ars. bell. bis. bor. bov. bry. calc. carb-a. caus. cyc. iod. kal. lach. laur. led. lyc. merc. mosch. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. op. phos. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. sabin. samb. sec. sil. spig. stram. sulph. tab. tart. val. verat. zinc. (Com- pare Loss of CONSCIOUSNESS and VERTIGO.) GURGLING in the head. Sep. HAMMERING in the head. Am- m.aur. calc. clem. fer. lach. mez. natr-m. phos-ac. (Com- pare THROBBINGS.). HEAT in the head. Amb. am-c. am-m. arn. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. daph. euphr. ham. hell. hyos. ind. laur. magn-m. magn-s. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. ol-an. phell. phos. plumb. ran. rat. rhab. rhod. rut. sep. sil. stram. stront. sulph. tab. tart. tax. viol-od. (Compare Febrile SUFFER- INGS.) • Meal (after a). See Chap. XXV. Morning (in the). Berb. lyc. Night (at). Camph. sil. Noon (in the after-), when walking. Stront. Puffs (from). Calad. canth. Smoking (when). Magn. HEAVINESS of the head. Acon. alum. am-m. arn. ars. bar-m. bell. berb. bov. bruc. bry. calc. calc-ph. camph. carb-an. carb-v. cast. cham. chin. cic. con. dulc. fer. gran. hæm. hell. ign. ipec. kal-h. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn-m. mang. men. meph. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. onis. op. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plumb. prun. puls. ran-sc. rat. rhab. rhus. rhus-v. sabin. sang. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. terb. the. tong. verb. viol-od. viol-tric. mgs-aus. HYDROCEPHALUS. See Sect. 1. HYSTERICAL Cephalalgia. See Sect. 1. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 205 INCISIVE pains. Arn. lach. ve- rat. INFLAMMATION of the brain. See Sect. 1, MENINGITIS. Sensation of. Daph. INSUPPORTABLE pains. Ars. INTOXICATION (Sensation of). Acon. agar. alum. ang. ant. arg. asar. bell. berb. bov. bry. | camph. caps. carb-an. carb- veg. caus. cham. cic. cocc. con. cor. croc. eug. graph. hyos. kreos. laur. lach. led. lyc. merc. mos. n-mos. n- vom. op. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. sec. sil. spig. stram. thuy. tong. valer. verat. mgs- aus. ITCHING in the head. Dig. JERKING pains. Anac. arn. bor. bry. cham. chin. ign. magn. magn-m. mur-ac. n-vom. pæon. phos. phos-ac. puls. rat. sep. sulph. teuc. thuy. mgs. LIGHTNESS Stram. (Sensation of). MEGRIM. See Sect. 1. MOVEMENTS, Commotion, Wa- vering, &c. of the brain, on moving the head. Acon. am- c. ars. bar-c. bell. calc. carb- a. chin. croc. dig. hyos. kal. laur. magn-s. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. rhab. rhus. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. MOVEMENT of the brain, when drinking and speaking. Acon. Step (on making a false). Led. Stooping (when). Bry. dig. laur. rhab. Walking or stepping (when). Led. rhus. NAIL, in the brain (Sensation, as if from a). Agar. arn. coff. evon. hep. ign. lyc. mosch. n-vom. staph. thuy. magn. (Compare PLUG.) NUMBNESS of the brain. See TORPOR. PARALYSIS of the brain (Symp- toms of). Ars. lyc. PINCHING. Petr. mez. verb. PLUG (Pain as if from a). Anac. arg. asa. con. plat. (Compare NAIL.) PRESSING ASUNDER (Sensation of). See EXPANSION. PRESSURE. Agar. alum. amb. am-m. anac. ang. arg. ar. ars. asar. bar-c. bell. berb. bis. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. calc-ph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. caus. chin. cic. cin. clem. cist. coce, colch. coloc. crot. cupr. diad. dig. dros. dulc. eug. eug. euphorb. euphr. evon. fer. gran. graph. grat. guaj. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. lach. lam. led, lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. men. meph. merc. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. onis. op. pæon. par. petr, phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhab. rhod. rhus. rut. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tax. tart. teuc. terb. ther. thuy. tong. val. verat. verb. viol-tric. zinc. zing. mgs-arc. Downwards. Amb. cin. cupr. laur. phos. senn. mgs-arc. Expansive. See EXPANSION. Heavy (like a stone, weight). Bis. cann. cin. led. men. n-vom. rhus. mgs-arc. Outwards. See EXPANSION. a 206 CHAP. VI. HEAD. PRICKING. Am-m. viol-od. PULLED ASUNDER (Pain as if). Natr-s. PULSATION. Alum. asar. bell. carb-v. chel. chin. croc. daph. fer-mg. kreos. led. n-vom. oleand. op. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. spong. thuy. (Compare THROBBING.) RIGIDITY of the brain (Sensation of). Phos. SHRUNK, or contracted (Sensa- tion as if the brain were). Grat. SMARTING pains. Sabin. SMOKE in the brain (Sensation of). Arg. sulph-ac. SOFTENING of the brain. Lach. SOLIDITY in the head (Sensation of a want of). Verat. (Com- pare WAVERING OF THE BRAIN.) ROLLING in the head. Eug. SPASMODIC, Compressive pains. graph. SENSIBILITY of the brain. Con. merc. nitr-ac. phos. SHOCKS in the head. Acon. bell. caus. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. samb. sang. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph-ac. thuy. (See THROBBING, BLOWS, &c.) SHOOTING pains. See SHOOт- INGS. SHOOTINGS in the head. Acon. ath. alum. am-c. arg. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. berb. bor. bruc. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-v. caus. cham. cin. coccion. con. cyc. daph. dig. euphorb. evon. fer. gran. grat. guaj. hep. ign. ind. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. merc. mill. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol- an. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sabin. sass. sel. sel. sep. spig. squill. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-uc. tab. tar. tart. thuy. tong. val. verb. viol- tric. zinc. Inwards. Coloc. Knives (as if from). Bell. lach. Outwards. Asa. bry. con. 'natr. Acon. amb. ang. arn. ars. calc. carb-v. colch. coloc. eug. hæm. ign. mosch. natr. n- vom. petr. phos-ac. plat. ran. rhab. sass. squill. stann. tax. (Compare VICE, TENSION, CONSTRICTION, &c.) SPLIT (Sensation, as if the head were about to). Am-c. ant. bell. calc. caps. cast. cham. chin. daph. hep. ign. kreos. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. n-vom. oleand. puls. rat. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. (Com- pare EXPANSION.) STUNNING pains. See STUPIFY- ING. STUPIFYING, stunning, &c. pains. Acon. anac. ant. arg. ars. asa. asar. bell. bov. calc. cic. cin. cinn. con. crot. cupr. cyc. dros. dulc. evon. gran. hell. hyos. iod. kal. laur. led. lyc. magn-m. mosch. mez. nitr. oleand. phos. rhab. ruta. sabad. sabin. stann. staph. tart. sulph. thuy. valer. verb. mgs. (Compare STUPOR AND GIDDINESS.) STUPOR. Bell. bor. bov. bry. carb-an. cyc. fer-mg. laur. led. mosch. ol-an. op. plumb. rhus. sabin. sec. spig. stram. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 207 sulph. tab. tart. val. zinc. (Compare GIDDiness.) SWELLING (Sensation of). Bell. par. ran. ran-sc. ther. SWIMMING in the head. Con. SWINGING (Sensation of). Bell. TEARINGS, or sharp pains, acute | drawings, &c. in the head. Æth. agar. amb. am-m. anac. ant. arg. arn. aur. bell. berb. bov. calc. canth. caps. cast. cham. chin. cin, coce, colch. coloc. con. dig. guaj. ign. ind. ipec. kal. kreos. led. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. merc. mill. mur-ac. natr-m. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. pæon. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. ran. rat. rhab. rhus. ruta. samb. sass. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. terb. teuc. thuy. tong. zinc. mgs. TENSIVE pains, Tension. Ars. asa. bar-c. berb. calc. cann. carb-v. caus. clem. dig. graph. hep. kal-ch. kreos. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. men. merc. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. puls. rhab. rhod. sabad. samb. stront. sulph. ther. THROBBINGS, Pulsative pains. Acon. alum. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann, caps. carb- v. cast. cham. COCC, dros. euphr. fer. graph. grat. ign. iod. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn. mang. merc. mez. mill. natr. natr-m. natr- s. nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. ol- an. op. par. petr. phell. phos. plumb. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. rut. sabad. sabin. sass. senn. sep. sil. spong. squill. stann. - stram. sulph. tab. tart. ther. thuy. tong. verat. zinc. Abdomen (which commence from the). Rhab. TIGHTNESS. See SPASMODIC pains. TORPOR in the head (Sensation of). Carb-an. graph. magn- m. ol-an. plat. thuy. ULCERATION (Pain as if from). Am-c. bov. cast. caus. hep. mang. n-vom. UNDULATION, swinging, ebul- arn. lition, &c., in the head. Acon. bell. caus. dig. hyos. ind. par. magn-m. (Compare Sensation of WATER.) VERTIGO. Acon. æth. agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ant. asar. bell. berb. bor. bruc. bry. calc. calc-ph. camph. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cic. cocc. con. croc. cupr. diy. eug. fer. gran. graph. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. kal-ch. lach. lact. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s.merc. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. op. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sel. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. the. ther. thuy. val. verb. viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. mgs. mgs-aus. Back (which ascends from the). Sil. Carriage (like the motion of a). Fer. Circle, round and round, (In a). Con. Drawing. Zinc. m-arc. 208 CHAP. VI. HEAD. VERTIGO: Fall (which causes one to). Acon. agar. alum. arn. ars. bell. bruc. cann. caus. cic. coloc. cocc. con. dros. eu- phorb. fer. kreos. led. magn- m. magn-s. mez. natr-m. phell. plumb. puls. ran. rhab. rhod. rhus. rut. sabin. sell. spig. squill. spong. tarb. zinc. mgs. backwards. Led. rhus. forwards. Arn. fer. natr- m. ran, rhus. sideways. Cann. con. dros. euphorb. mez. rhab. squill. zinc. Falling (with a sensation, as if one were). Mosch. Occiput (in the). zinc. Chin. Semilateral. Mgs-arc. Sinciput (in the). Rhab. Stagger (causing one to). Ars. bell. bry. camph. caus. cic. croc. fer. lyc. magn-m. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. phos-ac. puls. sec. sen. spong. stram. sulph. tab. tar. tereb. thuy. verat. viol-tr. asa. bar-m. bell. bis. bry. calad. chel. cic. con. cupr. euphorb. evon. fer. grat. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. ole- and. phos. puls. ran. rhod. rut. staph. tab. val. verat. viol-od. VIBRATION in the head. Grat. lyc. n-vom. sass. sil. stront. verb. VICE (Sensation as if the head werec ompressed in a). Magn- s. natr-m. plat. puls. ran. sabad. sass. stann. sulph. (Compare BAnd, CRAMPS, TENSION, &c.) VIOLENT pains. Bell. coloc. lach. merc. WATER in the brain (Sensation as if there were). Acon. bell. dig. ind. phos-ac. samb. Boiling. Acon. ind. WAVERING in the brain (Sen- sation of). Acon. am-c. ars. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-an. croc. magn-s. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. rhus. staph. sulph-ac. verat. (Compare MOVEMENT of the brain, UNDULATION, &c.) Stomach (which proceeds WIND, or a current of air, pass- from the). Kal. Whirling. Acon. anac. arn. ing over the brain (Sensation of). Aur. cor. puls. SECTION. 3. PARTS OF THE HEAD AFFECTED. BRAIN (Deeply seated in the). Agar. bov. lach. lam. n- vom. EARS (As far as the). Lach. merc. puls. EYES (Above the). Agar. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. bruc. carb-v. cic. cist. colch. croc. evon. hep. lach. lyc. meph. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sel. sep. sulph. tab. SECT. 3. PARTS AFFECTED. 209 EYES (Behind the). Daph. lach. ther. (Pains, extending as far as the). Lach. (Compare Sect. V, Cephalalgia, with pains in the EYES.) FACE (Pains in the). Am-m. anac. guaj. lyc. rhus. sen. thuy. FOREHEAD (In the). See SINCI- PUT and Forehead.) NAPE OF THE NECK (Alternately with pains in the). Hyos. (Pains, commencing from the). Carb-v. fer. puls. sil. (Pains, extending as far as the). Bor. mosch. nitr. puls. sabin. NECK (Pains extending as far as the). Anac. lach. merc. NOSE (Above the root of the). Acon. agar. am-m. ars. asar. bar-c. bis. bor. camph. hep. ign. mosch. n-vom. onis. plat. staph. tart. viol-tr. NOSE (As far as the). Ars. bis. bor. dig. fer-mg. lach. lyc. mez. natr. nitr. rhus. stann. OCCIPUT (In the). Anac. amb. am-m. arg. ars. bar-c. bor. camph. carb-a. carb-v. caus. colch. con. gran. graph. grat. hæm. ign. ind. iod. kal. kal- ch. kreos. lach. magn. meph. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. natr- s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. plumb. prun. puls. rhus. sec. sep. spig. sulph. tart. thuy. viol-tr. zinc. SEMI-LATERAL pains. Agar. amb. anac. ars. asar. aur. bell. bry. calc. caps. caus. cham. chin. cic. coccion. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. graph. guaj. kal. kal-h. lyc. merc. mez. n-vom. ol-an. pæon. sass. petr. phos. puls. ran. sec. sep. sil. spong. sulph.tart. thuy. tong. valer. verat. verb. SIDES of the head. Asa. asar. caps. coff. cupr. dig. guaj. kreos. mill. natr-s. phell. plat. rhod. squill. staph. zinc. (Compare SEMI-LATERAL pains.) SINCIPUT (In the forehead and). Acon. alum. amb. am-c. am- m. ang. ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. asar. bar-c. bell. berb. bis. bor. bry. camph. cann. cast. caus. chin. cic. cist. clem. сосс. coccin. colch. coloc. con. cor. croc. crot. diad. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. gran. graph. graph. grat. guaj. hæm. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr- ac. n-vom. ol-an. oleand. phos. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. rhab. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. tar. tart. teuc. the. ther. thuy. valer. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. TEETH (Pains in the). Kreos. lyc. merc. mez. puls. sil. TEMPLES (In the). Acon. agn. anac. ang. ant. arn. asa. asar. bell. berb. bis. bor. calc. cann. carb-v. cast. caus. chel. chin. clem. cocc. croc. cupr. cyc. daph. dig. guaj. hel. kal. kreos. lach. magn-s. merc. natr-m. natr¬s. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. ran. ran-sc. rhab. rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. squill. stann. stront. sulph. tab. tar. teuc. thuy. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 210 CHAP. VI. HEAD. TONGUE (As far as the). Ipec. VERTEX (In the). Agar. amb. ant. bruc. calc. carb-v. cast. chin. cocc. con. croc. cupr. daph. evon. fer. graph. hep. kreos. lach. natr. natr-s. nitr- ac. par. ran. rhab. samb. squill. stram. tab. thui. valer. verat. SECTION 4.-CONDITIONS. Under which the symptoms manifest themselves. AIR (From COLD). Cepahlalgia. AIR (During exercise in the Carb-an. fer. natr-m. rhod. ameliorated. Sen. ArR (From a current of). Ce- phalalgia. Acon. bell. chin. coloc. n-vom. valer. AIR (IN HEATED). Cephalalgia. Iod. AIR (In the open). Cephalalgia. Alum. bel. calc. calc-ph. chin. cin. con. fer. grat. kal. lach. mang. mur-ac. mez. n-vom. mez. n-vom. spig. sulph. ameliorated. Acon. ant. ars. coloc. crot. diad. mang. nitr. phell. phos. sen. tab. thuy. viol-tric. zinc. Cloudiness. Agar. ameliorated. Am-m. Confusion ameliorated. Ars. men. Heaviness ameliorated. Ars. Vertigo. Agar. amb. ang. calc. canth. dros. ran. rut. sep. sulph. tar. the. Am-m. ameliorated. magn-s. phell. sulph-ac. AIR (After exercise in the open). Cephalalgia. Am-c. calc. hep. nic. petr. sabad. AIR (During exercise in the open). Cephalalgia. Alum. cin. con. grat. kal. led. mur- ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. open): ameliorated. Ant. coloc. thuy. Blows, shocks. Spig. Vertigo. Amb. ang. ars. calc. dros. merc. n-vom. rut. puls. sep. sulph. tar. the. AIR (On going out into the open.) Vertigo. Ran. ANGRY (After being). Cepha- lalgia. Lyc. magn. natr-m. petr. phos. rhus. mgs. Heaviness. Magn. Vertigo. Calc. ARMS (When using the). See LABOUR. BATHING in a river (After). Ce- phalalgia. Ant. (Compare Sect. 1. CEPHALALGIA.) BED (In). See MORNING and EVENING, in bed, and also LYING DOWN. BEER (After drinking). Cepha- lalgia. Rhus. Intoxication (easy). Kal-ch. BLOWING THE NOSE (When). Cephalalgia. Sulph. BRANDY. See SPIRITUous li- quors. BREAKFAST (After). Lyc. n-mos. (Compare MORNING.) BRIGHTNESS. See LIGHT. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 211 CARBONIC gas. (Cephalalgia, as | CooL (When the head is). Ce- if produced by). Am-c. CARRIAGE (From the motion of a). Cephalalgia. Graph. iod. kal. meph. nitr-ac. ameliorated. Nitr. Vertigo. Hep. sil. CATAMENIA (Before, during, after the). See Chap. XX. CHANGE of weather. See WEA- THER. CHILL (From a). Cephalalgia. See Sect. 1. (As if from a). Acon. ol-an. CLOSING the eyes (On). See EYES. COFFEE (From). Cephalalgia. Cham. ign. nitr. n-vom. (Compare Sect. 1, CEPHA- LALGIA.) Vertigo. Cham. COLD air (From). Cephalalgia. Carb-an. fer. natr-m. rhod. ameliorated. Sen. COLD air (On passing from warm into), Cephalalgia. Ran. verb. COLD (From external). Cepha- lalgia. Verb. (Comp. CHILL.) COMPANY (In a numerous). Ce- phalalgia. Magn. COMPRESS the head (Pains which force one to). Merc. COMPRESSING the head (By). Cephalalgia ameliorated. Cinn. puls. CONCUSSIONS (From). Cepha- lalgia. Arn. bell. cic. hep. phos-ac. CONTRADICTION or anger (Af- ter). Cephalalgia. Lyc. magn. natr-m. petr. phos. rhus. mgs. (Compare Sect. 1, Ce- phalalgia.) COOL bandages (By). Cepha- lalgia ameliorated. Ars. phalalgia. Aur. CORYZA (As if from a). Cepha- lalgia. Chin. sulph. COUGHING (When). Cephalal- gia. Kal. spig. sulph. Vertigo. N-vom. COUGHING (after). Cephalalgia. Stann. COVERING the head (On). Cold- ness. Val. DEBAUCH (As if after a). Cepha- lalgia. Ambr. bry. chin. n- vom. puls. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1. CEPHALALGIA caused by a DEBAUCH.) DINNER (After). See after EAT- ING and after-Noon. DRINKING (After). Cephalalgia. Acon. Movement of the brain. Acon. DRINKING and eating (After). Cloudiness. Bell. cocc. EATING (After). Cephalalgia. Am-c. arn. bruc. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. cinn. evon. graph. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. men. natr-s. nitr- ac. n-mos. n-vom. pæon. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. zinc. Cloudiness. Bell. cocc. men. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. Confusion. Bell. natr-m. n- vom. sulph. kal. Congestion. Petr. sil. Heat. Lyc. n-vom. Vertigo. Cham. cor. lach, magn-s. natr-s. n-vom. petr. puls. rhus. sulph. EATING (When). Cephalalgia. Graph. ran. ameliorated. Phell. Confusion. Natr-s. Heat. N-vom. 212 CHAP VI. HEAD. EATING (When) : Perspiration on the fore- head. N-vom. Vertigo. Arn. magn-m. mgs. EMOTIONS (After MORAL.) Ce- phalalgia. Kreos. (Compare GRIEF, CONTRADICTION, &c. &c. See Sect. 1.) Vertigo. Sil. EPILEPSY (After an attack of.) Cephalalgia. cupr. EVACUATIONS (From (From insuffi- cient). Cephalalgia. Con. EVENING (In the). Cephalalgia. EYES (When lifting up the). Cephalalgia. Mgs-arc. EYES (When moving and turn- ing the). Cephalalgia. Bell. bry. cupr. dig. hep. magn-s. mur-ac. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sep. mgs-arc. EYES (On opening the). Cepha- lalgia. Bry. chin. FALSE STEP (On making a). Cephalalgia. Anac. led. Commotion of the brain. Led. FIRE (By the warmth of a). Cephalalgia. Bar-c. Am-c. anac. ang. bruc. carb-FLATUS (During an emission v. cham. cinn. croc. crot. eug. euphr. fer. hep. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn-m. meph. petr. phos. puls. rhus. rut. sep. stront. sulph. tart. ther. thuy. zinc. Cloudiness. Graph. sil. Confusion. Bruc. rut. euphr. Heaviness. Sep. Vertigo. Am-c. ars. bruc. calc. carb-a. graph. hep. kal. magn. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus. spong. sulph.mgs. Vibration, in the head. Stront. EVENING (In bed, in the). Ce- phalalgia. Ars. lyc. magn-m. puls. sep. sulph. zinc. (Com- pare NIGHT.) Vertigo. Lach. n-vom. rhus. staph. EXERTION (From physical). Ce- phalalgia. Calc. (Compare LABOUR.) Heaviness. Calc. Vertigo. Kal-ch. EYES (when casting down the). Vertigo. Olcand. spig. of). Cephalalgia ameliorated. Cic. FLATUS (As if from incarce- rated). Cephalalgia. Sulph. FRIGHT (After a). Vertigo. Op. FROWNING (When). Cepha lalgia. Natr-m. GOING INTO the open air (On). Ran. GOING UP (When). Cephalal- gia. Calc. fer-mg. sulph. Vertigo. Bor. GOING UP high (When). Cepha- lalgia. Calc. arn. Vertigo. Calc. GOING UP stairs (When). Ce- phalalgia. Ant. bell. men. par. phos-ac. Shocks. Bell. Vertigo. Calc. sulph. HAIR (On touching the). Ce- phalalgia. Agar. HAIR (On untying the). Cepha- lalgia ameliorated. Nitr. HEAT (From). Cephalalgia. Acon. am-c. arn. bar-c. bell. bry. carb-v. caps. ign. iod. ipec. sen. sil. spong. Of the bed. Bell. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 213 HEAT (On passing from cold to). | LOOKING backwards (On). Ver- Cephalalgia. Ran. HOLDING BACK the head. (On). Amelioration. Bell. thuy. INDIGESTION (As if from). Ce- phalalgia. N-mos. puls. (Com- pare Sect. 1. Gastric CEPHA- LALGIA.) INJURIES (From MECHANICAL). See Sect. 1. Cephalalgia. LABOUR (From intellectual). Anac. arn. asar. aur. calc. chin. cin. colch. daph. dig. gran. graph. lach. lyc. magn. natr. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. sabad. sil. sulph. mgs- arc. Confusion. Cocc. Fatigue of the head. Aur. calc. graph. lyc. magn. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sel. sil. Stupor. Bor. Vertigo. Agar. am-c. arn. bor. cupr. gran. grat. natr. sep. LABOURING with the arms (From). Cephalalgia. Natr-s. -Vertigo. Berb. LAUGHING (On). Cephalalgia. Phos. tong. LAUGHTER (Sensibility of the brain to). Phos. LEMONADE (After drinking.) Sel. LIGHT (From candle-:) Cepha- lalgia. Croc. Day- (From). Cephalalgia. Sep. LOINS (From a strain in the). See Sect. 1. LOOKING into the air (On). Ce- phalalgia. Cupr. plumb. thuy. Vertigo. Puls. sil. tigo. Con. LOOKING down (On). Oleand. spig. LOOKING steadily at an object (On). Cephalalgia. Mur-ac. spong. ameliorated. Agn. Vertigo. Sass. LYING DOWN (After). Cepha- lalgia. Calad. LYING DOWN (When). Cepha- lalgia. Bell. camph. coloc. euphr. lyc. magn. ameliorated. Calc-ph. cupr. hell. ign. oleand. Vertigo. Calad. con. rhod. staph. thuy. mgs. ameliorated. Phell. LYING on the back (When). Cephalalgia. Coloc. Vertigo. Merc. n-vom. sulph. LYING on the part affected (When). Cephalalgia. Calad. graph. magn. phos-ac. MASTICATION (From). Cepha- lagia. Sulph. MEAL (After a). See after Eat- ING. MEDITATION (From). See from Intellectual LABOUR. MIDNIGHT (After). Cephalalgia. Phos-ac. MORNING (In the). Cephalal- gia. Agar. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ars. aur. bov. bry. calc. calc-ph. carb-an. caus. cham. cin. clem. con. croc. fer-mg. graph. hep. kal. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rut. sep. sil. squill. stann. staph. sulph. thuy. zinc. Cloudiness. Agar. bell. alum. bis. calc. carb-a. cham. 214 CHAP. VI. HEAD. graph. iod. magn-m. merc. phos. verat. MORNING (In the): Confusion. Bell. clem. magn- m. phos. rhod. rut. thuy. zinc. Heat. Berb. lyc. Heaviness. Am-m. clem. con. croc. nitr. n-vom. petr. Vertigo. Agar. alum. am-c. bell. calc. carb-an. cham. magn-m. mang-s. nic. nitr- ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. squill. sulph. zinc. MORNING in bed (In the). Ce- phalalgia. Agar. anac. berb. bov. bry. calc. calc-ph. caus. cham. cin. con. ign. kreos. lach. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhab. rut. squill. staph. thuy. Cloudiness, Intoxication, &c. Graph. merc. Congestion. Lyc. Heat. Lyc. Vertigo. Con. graph. lach. MORNING, after breakfast (In the). Cephalalgia. Lyc. n- mos. MORNING, on rising (In the). Cephalalgia. Am-m. n-vom. puls. Cloudiness. Merc. Vertigo. Bell. cham. gran. graph. magn. natr-m. nic. phos. puls. rhus. rut. sep. MOUTH (On opening the). Ce- phalalgia. Spig. MOVEMENT (From). Cephalal- gia. Acon. agn. am-m. anac. bell. bry. calc. calc-ph. carb- an. chin. croc. dulc. grat. kal. magn-s. natr-m. natr-m. n-mos. n- vom. plat. samb. spig. staph. sulph. ther. (Compare on MOVING the head, eyes, &c.) MOVEMENT (From). Cephalal- gia. Acon. agn. am-m. anac. bell. bry. calc. calc-ph. carb- a. chin. croc. dulc. grat. kal. magn-s. natr-m. n-mos. n- vom. plat. samb. spig. staph. sulph. ther. ameliorated. Mur-ac. Heaviness. Calc. Vertigo. Anac. chin. kal. Wavering of the brain. Acon. carb-an. croc. magn-s. n-mos. MOVEMENT of the eyes (From). See on MOVING the eyes. MOVING the arms (On). Cepha- lalgia. Fer-mg. natr-s. rhus. Vertigo. Berb. sep. MOVING the eyes (On). Bell. bry. cupr. dig. hep. magn-s. mur-ac. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. mgs-arc. Heaviness. N-vom. MOVING the head (On). Cepha- lalgia. Caps. cor. graph. lach. lyc. natr-m. phos-ac. puls. sep. spig. Movements, wavering, sha- king, &c. of the brain. Acon. carb-a. croc. magn-s. natr-m. n-mos. sulph. Vertigo. Acon. arn. calc. carb-v. hep. kal. meph. mos. MUSIC (From). Cephalalgia. Amb. phos. Congestion. Amb. Sensibility of the brain. Phos. NIGHT (At). Cephalalgia. Alum. am-c. ars. berb. bov. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. con. cug. hæm. hep. kreos. lyc. magn. magn- s. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. par. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 215 phos. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. tart. zinc. mgs-arc. Congestion in the head. Am-c. puls. sil. Heat in the head. Camph. sil. Vertigo. Am-c. calc. caus. natr. phos. spong. sulph. NOISE (From). Cephalalgia. Anac. con. ign. iod. merc. phos-ac. spig. Vertigo. Ther. NOISE of carriages (Sensibility to the). Nitr-ac. NOON (After). Cephalalgia. Æth. asar. bell. lach. coloc. graph. lyc. sen. sil. stront. -Vertigo. Sep. NOON (When walking in the after.) Heat in the head. Stront. NOON (At). Vertigo. Arn. magn-m. magn-s. natr. n- vom. phos. NOON (Fore-). Cephalalgia. Bor. hep. sel. sil. OVER-HEATED (From being). Carb-v. sil. (Compare HEAT.) PERIODICALLY. Cephalalgia. Arn. ars. bell. calc. fer. natr- m. n-vom. sil. sulph. rhus. Daily. Bell. calc. con. lach. magn. natr-m. n-vom. sep. sil. sulph. Every second day. Ambr. PRESSURE (From). Cephalalgia. Agar. am-c. cast. phos-ac. val. ameliorated. Par. RAISING the head (On). Cepha- lalgia. Bov. Vertigo. Arn. chin. coloc. merc. READING (When, or after). Cephalalgia. Ang. arg. arn. bor. calc. cin. ign. natr-s. (Compare Intellectual LA- BOUR.) READING (When, or after): Vertigo. Am-c. arn. cupr. grat. par. READING aloud (When). Vertigo. Par. REFLECTING, meditating (when). See Intellectual LABOUR. REPOSE (During). Cephalalgia, ameliorated. Hell. Confusion. Natr. RESTING the head (When). Ce- phalalgia. Alum. ameliorated. Bell. diad. kal. men. merc. Confusion ameliorated. Diad. Vertigo ameliorated. Sabad. RESTING on the cheek (When). Vertigo. verb. RESTING (When). Cephalalgia. Agar. am-c. cast. phos-ac. val. ameliorated. Par. RISING from the bed (When). See rising in the MORNING. RISING from a recumbent posi- tion (On). Cephalalgia. Squill. Vertigo. Croc. oleand. petr. puls. sil. RISING from a seat (On). Ce- phalalgia. Grat. lam. sulph. (Compare RISINg up.) Vertigo. Acon. asar. bry. laur. petr. puls. sabad. thuy. RISING UP (On). Cephalalgia. Acon. cor. daph. lam. mur-ac. n-vom. tong. viol-tr. ameliorated. Cic. magn. ROOM (In a). Cephalalgia. Arn. ars. crot. laur. mang. nic. sen. zinc. sulph. ameliorated. Mang. Confusion. Acon. ars. men. natr. Heaviness. Ars. 216 CHAP. VI. HEAD. ROOM (In a) : Vertigo. Am-m. lyc. magn- m. staph. sulph-ac. ROOM (On coming into a). Cephalalgia. Spong. tong. ROOM (In a warm). Cepha- lalgia. Arn. sen. spong. Confusion. Acon. Vertigo. Lyc. RUNNING (On). Cephalalgia. Natr-m. (Compare WALKING quickly.) SCRATCHING behind the ear (After). Cloudiness. Calc. SEATED (When). Cephalalgia. Agar. bruc. rut. ameliorated. Lam. Vertigo. Am-c. evon. grat. lach. meph. merc. nitr-ac. phos. puls. rut. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. viol-od. SHOCKS (From). Cephalalgia. Bell. SLEEP (During). Cephalalgia. Cham. magn. SLEEP (Which disturbs the). See Chap. III. Sect. 3. SLEEPING (When). Ameliora- tion. Hell. SLEPT too much (As if after having). Cephalalgia. Bov. thuy. SMELLS (From strong). Ign. sel. SMOKE (As if from). Cephalal- gia. Agn. SNEEZING (When). Cephalalgia. Kal. Vertigo. N-vom. SPEAKING (When, or after). Cephalalgia. Acon. chin. coff. con. ign. iod. dulc. sil. spig. Congestion in the the head. Coff. Stupor. Bor. Vertigo. Bor. par. SPEAKING (When, or after): Vibration. Sass. SPEAKING (When listening to another). Pain. Ign. SPIRITUOUS liquors (From), Ce- phalalgia. Calc. carb-v. ign. n-vom. rhod. sel. zinc. (Com- pare WINE.) Easy intoxication. bov. con. kal-ch. Alum. STANDING a long time (When). Cephalalgia. Arg. tar. Vertigo. Cann. cyc. oleand. phos-ac. rhab. spig. n-vom. STEPPING for the purpose of walking (When). Cephalalgia. Chin. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. (Compare WALKING). Sensibility of the brain. Nitr-ac. phos. Shaking of the brain. Lyc. n-vom. rhus. sep. sil. spig. viol-tric. Vibration in the head. Lyc. n-vom. sil. STOMACH (After derangement of the). Cephalalgia. N-mos. puls. (Compare Sect. 1, Gas- tric CEPHALALGIA.) STOOPING forwards and bending oneself double (When). Ce- phalalgia. Acon. asar. calc. calc-ph. camph. coloc. cor. bar-c. bor. bry. cic. dig. fer. fer-mg. hep. kreos. ign. lach. laur. n-vom. petr. plat. puls. rhus. rhab. sen. senn. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph-ac. thuy. verat. Congestion. Lach. sep. sen. verat. Heaviness. Acon. petr. rhus. Movements of the brain. Dig. rhab. Vertigo. Acon. anac. bar-c. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 217 bell. berb. bry. carb-v. led. lyc. meph. n-vom. ol. petr. plumb. puls. sil. sulph. ther. val. STOOPING the head (When). Cephalalgia. Nitr. STOOPING (After). Heaviness. Tong. viol-tric. SUN (In or from the). Cephalal- gia. Bruc. lach. natr. n-vom. (As if from the). Prun. (From the light of the). Vertigo. Agar. TEA (After partaking of). Cepha- lalgia. Sel. THINKING (When). See Intel- lectual LABour. THINKING of one's pains (When). Amelioration. Camph. TOBACCO (From the smoke of). Cephalalgia. Acon. ant. ign. magn. ameliorated. Diad. Cloudiness. Alum. TOUCH (From the). Cephalalgia. Bell. calc. camph. cast. chin. cupr. ipec. mez. ameliorated. Asa. TURNING in the bed (When). Cephalalgia. Meph. TURNING the eyes (When). Heaviness. Agn. TURNING the head (When). See MOVEMENT, MOVING. TWILIGHT (In the). Cephalalgia. Ang. UNCOVERING the body (When). Cephalalgia. Ameliorated. Cor. VEAL (After partaking of). Cephalalgia. Nitr. VOMITING (From). Cephalalgia. Eug. WAKING (On). See MORNING in bed. WALKING (From). Cephalalgia. Arn. caps. chin. iod. n-vom. VOL. II. puls. stront. the. viol-tr. sulph. (Compare STEPPING). WALKING (From). ameliorated. Canth. Cloudiness. Camph. Confusion of the head. The. Heaviness. The. Shaking of the brain. Calc. lyc. n.vom. sep. sil. spong. viol-tr. Vertigo. Anac. arn. ars. asar. cann. carb-v. cic. ipec. natr- m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. spig. sulph. tart. viol-tr. ameliorated. Staph. Vibration in the head. N- vom. verb. WALKING (After). Vertigo. Laur. WALKING in the open air (From). See AIR. WALKING quickly (When). Cephalalgia. Bell. bry. Shocks. Bell. WALKING in the wind (When). Cephalalgia. Chin. WATCHING (As if from). Cepha- lalgia. Amb. bry. chin. vom. puls. n- WATCHING (From). See Sect. 1. CEPHALALGIA. WATER (Cold). Cephalalgia. Ars. mitigated. Ars. WATER (Near RUNNING). Ver- tigo. Ang. fer. sulph. WEATHER (From bad). Cephal- algia. Carb-a. n-vom. rhod. (Compare Chap. 1. CEPHAL- ALGIA). WEATHER (From change of). Cephalalgia. Lach. ran. verb. WIND (In the). Cephalalgia. Chin. mur-ac. WINE (From). Cephalalgia. N- Ꮮ 218 CHAP. VI. HEAD. vom. rhod. sel. zinc. (Com- pare SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS). WINE: Cloudiness (Easy). Alum. bov.con. cor. kal-ch. Vertigo. Bov. natr. zinc. WRAPPING UP the head (On). Cephalalgia. Calc. WRAPPING UP the head (On). Ameliorated. Magn-m. WRITING (After having writ- ten, or when). Cephalalgia. Bor. calc. natr-m. (Compare Intellectual LABOUR.) Vertigo. Sep. SECTION 5.-ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. NOTE. Compare with this section, the CLINICAL REMARKS, Sect. 1, and, also, in the other chapters, the articles, which cor- respond with the following articles, in order to complete these, if necessary. AGITATION (With). Cephalalgia. | COFFEE (With desire for). Ver- Lyc. ANGUISH, anxiety (With). Ce- phalalgia. Phos. ran. rhab. stront. Vertigo. Bell. caus. merc. n-mos. rhod. APPETITE (With loss of). Ce- phalalgia. Sel. ARMS (With jerking of the). Cephalalgia. Verat. ASTHMATIC sufferings (With). Cephalalgia. Coloc. BLOOD (With ebullition of). Ce- phalalgia. Phos. BRAIN (With movements of the). Vertigo. Lyc. grat. BUZZING in the head (With). Vertigo. Natr-s. BUZZING, humming in the ears. Cephalalgia. Acon. dulc. puls. Vertigo. Puls. sen. CEPHALALGIA (With). Vertigo. Anac. ars. bar-c. canth. cupr. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn- m. nic, nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. spig. stram. stront. tab. tart. CHEEKS (With redness of the). Cephalalgia. Lach. n-vom. (acon. cham). tigo. N-mos. CorTION (With desire for). Ce- phalalgia. Sep. COLIC (With). Acon. cocc. Cephalalgia. (Alternately with) Cephalal- gia. Cin. Vertigo. Spig. CONSCIOUSNESS (With loss of). Vertigo. Acon. ars. bell. bor. canth. cocc. lach. laur. mosch. n-vom. tab. Congestion. Hyos. Cephalalgia. N-vom. CONSTIPATION (With). Cepha- lalgia. N-vom. CONVERSATION (With aversion to). Cephalalgia. Thuy. CORYZA (With). Cephalalgia. Acon. kal-h. lach. CRANIUM were too small (With a sensation as if the). Cepha- lalgia. Bell. CRY OUT (Pains, which force one to). Coloc. cupr. sep. DEAFNESS (With). Cephalalgia. Dulc. (grat.) stram. DEATH (With fear of). Vertigo. Rhus. SECT. 5. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 219 DEJECTION (With). Cephalalgia. Berb. ran. ther. DELIRIUM (With). Cephalalgia. N-vom. Vertigo. N-mos. DISCOURAGEMENT (With). Ce- phalalgia. Agar. DISTANT (With a sensation as if all objects were). Vertigo. Anac. stann. DISTRACTION (With). Cephalal- gia. Caps. EARS (With hammering in the). Cephalalgia. Calc-ph. (With humming in the). Cephalalgia. Acon. ars. dulc. puls. sulph. (With shooting in the). Ce- phalalgia. Bor. merc. rhus. -Vertigo. Carb-v. n-vom. puls. sen. EPISTAXIS (With). Cephalalgia. Alum. ant. carb-an. coff. dulc. mgs-arc. Vertigo. sulph. EXTREMITIES, as if they were beaten (With pain in the). Cephalalgia. Acon. EXTREMITIES (With heaviness of the). Cephalalgia. Sil. EYES (With affection of the). Cephalalgia. Croc. fer-mg. op. rhab. sen. Carb-an. lach. (With closing of the), or drawing of the eyelids. Ceph- alalgia. Agar. bell. natr-m. oleand. sep. sulph. mgs. vertigo. Arg. (With confused sight, or cloudiness of the). Cephalal- gia. Cyc. grat. ign. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. puls. sass. sil. stram. sulph. vertigo. Acon. anac. arg. ars. bis. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. cham. cic. gran. hep. hyos. laur. merc. n-vom. oleand. par. puls. sabad. sabin. stram. terb. zinc. EYES (With congestion in the). Cephalalgia. Alum. (With convulsions of the). Cephalalgia. Viol-od. (With heat in the). Cephal- algia, Amb. bov. eug. (With lachrymation of the). Cephalalgia. Eug. ign. puls. spong. (With pains in the). Cephal- algia. Amb. bis. bry. carb-a. cin. cocc. croc. eug. kal. led. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. puls. sen. sil. stann. tart. Vertigo. Tab. (With puffed). Cephalalgia. Rhab. (With sparks before the). Cephalalgia. Eug. lach. spong. viol-od. Vertigo. Bell. ign. mez. (With whirling before the). Vertigo. Anac. laur. mosch. natr-m. oleand. sep. mgs. EYE-LIDS (With drawings of the). Cephalalgia. Bell. kreos. FACE (with heat in the). Ceph- alalgia. Ang. calc. calc-ph. cann. diad. n-vom. stront. (with pain in the). Cephal- algia. Sil. tong. (with paleness of the). Ceph- alalgia. Acon. alum. amb. hell. phos. verat. (with redness of the). Ceph- alalgia. Acon. cann. ign. kreos. magn-s. plat. stront. thuy. (with yellowness of the). Cephalalgia. Lach. FAINTING, Syncope (With) L 2 220 CHAP. VI. HEAD. Cephalalgia. Graph. lyc. puls. stram. Vertigo. Berb. cham. croc. hep. lach. magn. mosch. n- vom. sabad. sulph. FEAR of losing one's rea- son (With). Cephalalgia. Amb. FEVER in the evening (With). Cephalalgia. Led. FINGERS (With cold). Cephal- algia. Hell. Pale. Cephalalgia. Verat. (With tearings in the). Ceph- alalgia. Nitr. FLATULENCY (With). Cephalal- gia. Calc-ph. FROWN (With desire to). Cephal- algia. Sulph. FULNESS of the head (With). Vertigo. Bor. GIDDINESS (With). See With loss of SENSE. GURGLING in the head (With). Vertigo. Sep. HANDS (With trembling of the). Vertigo. Bell. HEART (With palpitation of the). Cephalalgia. Hep. tart. HEAT (With general). Cephalal- gia. Cor. natr-s. Vertigo. Merc. HOLD BACK the head (Pains, which force one to). Nitr. HYPOCHONDRIACAL humour (With). Vertigo. Phos. IDEAS (With loss of). Cephalal- gia. Kreos. prun. Vertigo. Phosph. ILL humour. See IRASCIBILITY. INDIFFERENCE (With). Cephal- algia. Puls. INDOLENCE (With). Cephalalgia. Calc-ph. INQUIETUDE (With). Cephalal- gia. Plat. (Compare AGITATION and ANGUISH.) IRASCIBILITY (With ill-humour, or). Cephalalgia. Bell. berb. calc-ph. kal. kal-h. kreos. meph. sil. stann. thuy. tong. Jaws (With trembling of the). Cephalalgia. Carb-v. JERKING of the arms (With), Cephalalgia. Verat. LASSITUDE (With). See WEAK- NESS. LIE DOWN (With desire to). Cephalalgia. Bell. bry. calc. con. fer. lach. lyc. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. rhus. sass. sel. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 4, ame- lioration when LYING DOWN). Vertigo. Amb. graph. merc. mosch. nitr-ac. op. LYING DOWN (With inability to remain). Cephalalgia. Coloc. MAD (With fear of going). Amb. MEDITATION (With difficult). Cephalalgia. N-vom. sulph. MELANCHOLY (With). Ceph- alalgia. Sel. MOANS (With). Cephalalgia. Ars. bell. MOVE the head (Pains which force one to). Chin. cor. NAPE OF THE NECK (With numbness of the). Cephalal- gia. Spig. NAPE OF THE NECK (With pain in the). Cephalalgia. Puls. verat. Vertigo. Alum. NAPE OF THE NECK (With stiff- ness of the). Cephalalgia. Arg. graph. lach. magn. nitr. spig. verat. NAUSEA (With). See With de- sire to VOMIT. SECT. 5. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 221 ODONTALGIA (With). Cephalal- | SOMNOLENCY (With). See with gia. Rhus. PERSPIRATION desire to SLEEP. in the head. SPEECH (With embarrassed). Cephalalgia. Acon. PERSPIRATION (With general). Cephalalgia. Natr-s. - Cold. Cephalalgia. Graph. PHOTOPHOBIA (With). Cephal- algia. Euphr. kal. puls. RAVINGS (With). Vertigo. N- mos. RISINGS (With). Cephalalgia. Calc. natr. n-vom. Vertigo. Sass. RUN hither and thither (With desire to). Cephalalgia. (Ars.) coloc. SEAT were raised (With a sen- sation as if the). Vertigo. Phos. SEAT were rocked (With a sen- sation as if the). Vertigo. Zinc. SENSE (With dulness or loss of). Vertigo. Bov. camph. chel. natr-m. n-mos. plat. ran- sc. stann. stram. tart. verat. SHIVERING (With) Cephalalgia. Berb. evon. hell. lach. magn-s. mez. n-vom. sil. thuy. SHOCKS in the head (With). Vertigo. Natr-m. SHUDDERING (With). Cephalal- gia. Mez. puls. (Compare SHIVERINGS). Vertigo. Chel. SIGHT (With affection of the). See With affection of the EYES. SLEEP (With desire to). Ceph- kreos. alalgia. Bruc. grat. lach. natr-s. stront. Cloudiness. Arg. tong. Confusion. Rhod. tart. Vertigo. Æth. arg. laur. puls. SMELL (With acuteness of). Cephalalgia. Phos. Vertigo. Par. STOMACH (With pain in the). Cephalalgia. Verat. Vertigo. Amb. gran. STOMACH (With pains in the pit of the). Cephalalgia. Arg. Vertigo. Acon. STOMACH (As if proceeding from the). Cephalalgia. Con. STOMACH (With weakness in the pit of the). Vertigo. Acon. TASTE (With bitter). Cephalal- gia. Kreos. TREMBLING (With). Cloudiness. Calc. TURNED UPSIDE DOWN (With a sensation as if objects were). Vertigo. Eug. URINE (With flow of). Cephal- algia. Eug. sel. verat. VERTIGO (With). Cephalalgia. Anac. ars. canth. cupr. kal- ch. lach. lyc. magn-m. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. spig. stram. stront. tab. tart. VOMIT (With nausea or desire to). Cephalalgia. Acon. alum. am-c. arg. ars. bor. bry. calc. camph. caps. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. cocc. coloc. con. cor. croc. dros. eug. graph. grat. hæm. ign. ipec. kal. lach. magn. meph. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sass. sep. stann. stront. sulph. tab. tereb. thuy. verat. zinc. (Compare with VOMITING.) VOMIT (With nausea or desire to). Vertigo. Acon. am-c. ant. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. bor. calad. calc-ph. carb-a. carb-v. chin. cocc. gran. hep. lach. 222 CHAP. VI. HEAD. lyc. merc. mosch. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sabad. sass. sil. spig. spong. squill. stront. sulph. tab. tart. ther. VOMITING (With). Cephalalgia. Arn. bry. caps. chin. cocc. coloc. con. eug. graph. ipec. kal. lach, mosch. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sass. sep. verat, zinc. Vertigo. Lach. natr-s. ther. VOMITURITION (With). Cephal- algia. Stann. VOMITURITION : Vertigo. Sil. WEAKNESS (With lassitude, de- bility, or). Cephalalgia. Alum. chin. kreos. n-vom. sil. sulph. Vertigo. Bell. berb. lach. nitr-ac. nic. sulph. zinc. WEAKNESS of the head (With heaviness or). Vertigo. Camph. caus. chin. cupr. magn-m. rhod. spong. WEEP (With desire to). Cepha- lalgia. Ars. kreos. plat. ran. SECTION 6.-HAIRY SCALP and Exterior of the head. ACHING pains. Acon. ant. arg. | Burning : aur. canth. cinn. cupr. ipec. merc. mez. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhod. rut. Air (When exposed to the). Acon. Bruise (From a). Ipec. Drawings. Canth. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhod. rut. Lying down (When). Aur. Pressure. Arg. nitr-ac. rhod. Swelling (As if from a). Ant. Tearing. Arg. rhod. Tension and shootings. Rut. ADHESION of the hairy scalp. Arn. BALDNESS. Bar-c. lyc. zinc. BENDING the head forwards, when walking. Sulph. BORING. Lyc. onis. BRUISE (Pain as if from a). Hell. ipec. petr. rhod. rut. Occiput (In the). Hell. BURYING the head in the pillow. Bell. hell. BURNING. Ars. bry. coloc. cupr. merc. ol-an. ran. sabad. tab. Eyes (Into the). Spig. Forehead (In the). Clem. coloc. cupr. diad. men. sabad. spig. Temples (In the). Cupr. spig. Vertex (In the). Cupr. CHILL in the head (Disposition to suffer from a). Bar-c. calc. carb-v. kal. led. lyc. natr-m. phos. COLDNESS (Sensation of). Agar. calc. chel. laur. sulph. verat. Nape of the neck (Which mounts from the). Chel. Parts (In circumscribed). Sulph. Vertex to the sacrum (From the). Laur. CONTRACTION of the hairy scalp. Natr-m. plat. ran-sc. rhus. CONTRACTION (Sensation of). Carb-v. chin. CONTUSION (Pain, as if from a). See BRUISE. CORRODING. Berb. men. (Com- pare corroding ITCHING.) CRAWLING. Arn. chel, colch. led. SECT. 6. HAIRY-SCALP. 223 ran. rhus. sabad. tab. (Com- pare CREEPING.) CREEPING (Sensation, as if an insect were). Cann. staph. DESQUAMMATION of the hairy scalp, scales on the head. Calc. graph. kal. lach. oleand. staph. -Itching (With). Alum. magn. staph. Rainy weather (In). Magn. DISTORTION of the head. Cupr. DRAWINGS. Canth. chin. graph. magn-m. men. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhod. rhus, rut. sass. sep. staph. thuy. Face (As far as the). Magn-m. Glands of the neck (As far as the). Graph. Hair were pulled (As if the). Acon. canth. alum. chin. ind. rhus. sel. Teeth (As far as the). Graph. magn-m. petr. Temples and forehead (As far as the). Petr. DROPS of water were falling on the head (Sensation as if). Cann. ECCHYMOSIS (Pain as if from). Ars. fer. (Compare pain, as if from ULCERATION.) ERUPTIONS in general. Arg. bar- c. cic. hep. lyc. merc. mez. nitr-ac. petr. sen. sulph. sulph-ac. Burning. Cic. merc. oleand. Dry. Bar-c. merc. rhus.sulph. Eating away the hair. Merc. rhus. - Herpetic. Rhus. Itching. Merc. mez. oleand. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. at night. Oleand. rhus. Moist, oozing, running. Alum. clem. graph. hell. hep. kreos. merc. mez. nitr-ac. oleand. sep. sil. staph. sulph. ERUPTIONS: Nodosities (From). Hep. sil. Offensive. Lyc. staph. sulph. Painful. Arg. bar. fer-mg. gran. hep. rut. when touched. Hep. rut. Phlyctanoidal. Clem. Pimpled. Arg. clem. fer- mg. kreos. sulph. Purulent. Bar-m. cic. lyc. rhus. Rhus. greenish pus (of a). yellowish. Merc. Pustulous. Ars. berb. clem. puls. -Scabby (Scald-head). Alum. ars. bar-c. bar-m. calc. carb- a. fer-mg. graph. hell. hep. kal. kreos. merc. natr-m. oleand. petr. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Scaly. Oleand. Wound (With pain as if from a). Hep. rut. ERYSIPELAS. Euphorb. rhus. EXCORIATED places, in the head. Bov. Ulceration (With). Nitr-ac. EXCORIATION (Pain, as if from). Alum. amb. arg. bry. dros. natr-m. n.vom. ol-an. par. staph. zinc. EXOSTOSIS. See Sect. 1. FONTANELLA in children (Open). Calc. sil. FURUNCULI. Led. HAIR (Falling off of the). Amb. am-c. ant. aur. bar-c. bov. calc. carb-veg. con. fer. fer- mg. graph. hep. ign. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. par. petr. phos. phos- ac. plumb. sass. sec. sel. sep. 224 CHAP. VI. HEAD. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. (Compare BALDNESS.) HAIR (Falling off of the): -Sides (At the). Graph. HAIR (Dryness of the.) Alum. kal. plumb. -grayness. Graph. lyc. phos- ac. sulph-ac. lankness. Phos-ac. HAIR (Greasiness of the). Bry. HAIR (Sensation, as if one were pulled by the). Acon. alum. canth. chin. ind. rhus. sel. HAIR were standing on end, (As if the). Arn. canth. zinc. HAIR (Tenderness of the). Alum. amb. asar. calc. caps. chin. fer. mez. par. sulph. thuy. verat. (Compare pain- ful SENSIBILITY of hairy-scalp.) the - Scratched (After being). Caps. Touched (When) Amb. chin. cinn. fer. mez. sulph. HAIR (Twisted state of the). Bor. HEAT in the head. Bell. bry. coloc. verat. Forehead (In the). Cham. diad. euphr. Part affected (In the). Kal- h. HERPES. See Herpetic ERUP- TIONS. HOLDING BACK of the head. See WEAKNESS and Convulsive MOVEMENTS. IMMOBILITY of the hairy-scalp. Arn. INCISIVE (Pains). Clem. sass. ITCHING. Agn. alum. am-c. am- m. anac. ant. bar-c. berb. calc-ph. caps. сус. fer- mg. graph. lach. led. merc. mez. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-an. phos. puls. ran. rhod. rut. sen. sep. sil. spong. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. zinc. ITCHING: Burning. Ars. merc. (Com- pare BURNING.) Corroding. Ang. ars. bar-c. caps. oleand. Evening (In the). Agn. calc- ph. rhod. Lice (As if from). See Cor- roding, smarting. Night (At). Oleand. rhus. Scratching (After). Merc. changing its situation. Cyc. pain (with). Caps. -smarting. Oleand. Shooting. Cyc. SHOOTINGS.) (Compare Sleeping (While). Agn. Smarting. Agn. led. mez. puls. ran. JERKING (Painful). Agar. bry. cham. hell. LIFT the head from the pillow (Frequent desire to). Stram. LUMPS. Tubercles, small tu- mours. Calc. daph. hell. n- vom. petr. puls. rhus. rut. sep. sil Painful. Hell. n-vom. puls. rut. - Suppurating. Calc. kal. MASTICATION (During). Pains in the temples. Thuy. Com- pare MOUTH (On opening the). MOBILITY of the head (Great). Lam. evon. natr-m. - Of the hairy scalp. Sep. sulph. MOVEMENTS of the hairy scalp. Evon. natr-m. sang. sep. sulph. MOVEMENTS of the head (Con- vulsive). Camph. cupr. lyc. sep. stram. SECT. 6. HAIRY SCALP. 225 MOVEMENTS of the head: Distortion. Cupr. Holding back of the head. Bell. camph. cic. ign. n-vom. stram. (Compare XXIII. OPISTHOTONUS.) Jerks. Alum, cic. Shocks. Cic. kal. sep. Chap. Side (Head drawn to one). Camph. MUSCLES (Jerking of the). Arg. lach. NODOSITIES. See ERUPTIONS. OCCIPUT (Pains in the). HELL. lach. PAINS in the occiput during movement. Hell. See SORE- NESS, TENDERNESS, painful SENSIBILITY. PAINS from a current of air. Acon. Chewing (when). Thuy. Hair (when brushing back the.) Puls. rhus. Mouth (on opening the).'Ang. Moving the head (on). Cupr. hell. Night (at). Lyc. natr-s. thuy. Pressure (from). Agar. carb- a. carb-v. crot. nitr-ac. Stairs (when going up). Hell. Stooping (when). Hell. Strain in the loins (from a). Amb. Touched (when). Agar. amb. arg. ars. bov. chin. cinn. cupr. fer. mez. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. par. petr. puls. rhus. sil. spig. thuy. Walking (from). Sass. Wind (from a rough). N- vom. PERSPIRATION on the head. Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cin. coloc. dig. graph. guaj. hep. led. merc. n-vom. puls. rhab. sep. verat. Air (in the open). N-vom. Clammy. Cham. merc. vom. n- Cold. Bry. cin. dig. hep. merc. verat. Evening (in the). Calc. sep. Exertion (when making an). Berb. Hot. Cham. Morning (in the). Kal. natr- m. Night (at). Coloc. natr-m. Semi-lateral. N-vom. Stooping (when). Berb. Walking (when). Led. air (in the open). Graph. guaj. PIMPLES. See pimpled ERUp- TION. PLICA Polonica. See Sect. 1. PRESSIVE pains. Arg. nitr-ac. oleand. phos-ac. rhod. sass. Forehead (in the). Chin. cic. Temples (in the). Agar. thuy. PRICKING. Sabad. PULSATIONS. Chel. guaj. RHAGADES, after scratching. Oleand. SCABS. See Scabby ERUPTIONS. SCALDHEAD. See Sect. 1. SCALES on the head. See DES- QUAMMATION of the hairy- scalp. SCRAPING (Sensation of). Lyc. SENSIBILITY of the hairy scalp (Painful). Alum. amb. am-c. ars. asar. bar-c. bov. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-veg, chin. crot. fer. kreos. lach. mez. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. sel. sil. spong. par. sass. L 3 226 CHAP. VI. HEAD. sulph. thuy. tong. verat. | SWELLING of the head. Ars. bell. (Compare TENDERNESS of the hair). SENSIBILITY of the hairy scalp : Cold air (to the). Bor. Covering (to the pressure of any). Carb-a. carb-v. led. Touch (to the). Amb. arg. ars. bov. carb-a. chin. cin. fer. kreos. men. natr-m. natr- daph. cham. cupr. lach. rhus. Painful. Daph. Semi-lateral. Daph. SWELLING (Sensation of). Æth. berb. guaj. dig. (Compare SIZE of the head). Air (on going into the open). Eth. s. n-vom. par. sil. spig. sulph. | TEARINGS. Arg. bry. carb-an. SHAKING of the head. Bell. hyos. (Compare Convulsive MOVEMENTS BLING). and TREM- SHIVERING between the brows when reading. Ang. SHIVERING in the scalp. Agn. amb. merc-c. stann. verat. Part affected (in the). Kal-h. SHOCKS in the head. Agar. bry. hell. (Compare Convulsive MOVEMENTS). SHOOTINGS in the scalp. Agn. berb. caus. chin. cinn. daph. dig. euph. guaj. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. ran. rut. sass. thuy. Forehead (in the). Chin. euph. Sides (in the). Phos. - Temples (in the). Dig. euphr. guaj. thuy. SHUDDERING. Sen. SIZE of the head were increased (Sensation as if the). Berb. bov. cor. daph. daph. dulc. ind. mang. meph. ran-sc. ther. Occiput (in the). Dulc. SIZE of the head in children. (Great). Calc. sil. SPASMODIC pains. Bell. SPOTS (Furfuraceous). Kal. STANDING ON END of the hair. See HAIR. carb-veg. graph. lyc. natr. natr-s. ol-an. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. Extremities (which com- mence from the). Carb-veg. Forehead (in the). Carb-v. natr. Occiput (in the). Carb- veg. Sides (in the). Carb-an. Teeth and sub-maxillary glands (into the). Graph. Vertex (in the). Natr-s. TENSION in the hairy scalp. Agn. ang. arn. asar. berb. caus. lach. lam. merc. nitr-ac. ol-an. rut. spig. tar. viol-od. mgs-arc. Forehead (in the). Carb-an. evon. par. phos. Temples (in the), when chewing. Ang. TENSION in the vertex. Carb- an. TENUITY in the cranium (Sensa- tion of). Bell. THROBBINGS, Pulsations in the temples. Guaj. TICKLING. See ITCHING. TORN OUT or pulled (Sensation as if the hair were). Acon. alum. canth. chin. iod. rhus. sel. STOOPING the head WHEN WALK- TORPOR (Sensation of). Ang. ING. Sulph. carb-a. caust. daph. mez. plat. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 227 TREMBLING of the head. Alum. | WEAKNESS of the head. Arn. cocc. ign. sep. tab. tart. (Com- pare SHAKING). TUBERCLES. See LUMPS. ULCERATION (Pain as if from sub-cutaneous). Ars. kal-h. petr. phos-ac. rhus. zinc. ULCERATED Spots. Nitr-ac. ULCERS (Small). Ars. ruta. VEINS (Swelling of the). Bell. sang. thuy. caus. chin. cupr. rhod. spong. viol-od. Backwards (which causes to bend). Camph. chin. dig. rhod. viol-tr. Forwards. Cupr. Sideways. Spong. WRINKLES on the forehead. Rhab. viol-od. CHAPTER VII. AFFECTIONS OF THE EYES AND SIGHT. SECTION 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. AMAUROSIS.--See AMBLYOPIA AMAUROTICA. AMBLYOPIA, or WEAKNESS OF SIGHT.-Nervous weakness of sight may be produced by so many different external influences, and may be connected with so many different disorders of the organism, that there is hardly any medicine which may not be efficacious in this affection, according to the case. While, therefore, we have limited our attention to the most important medicines, we find that we have noticed a considerable number. But as we have annexed to cach a series of indications to direct the choice, there can be no difficulty in selecting the medicine suited to any particular case. The best medicines against the various cases of Amblyopia are in general: Aur. bell. calc. caus. chin, cic. cin. dros. hyos. merc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. verat. or again: Agar. cann. caps. con. croc. dig. dulc. euphr. guaj. kal. lach. lyc. magn. natr. nitr-ac. op. plumb. rhus. sec. spig. tart. zinc. For AMBLYOPIA, properly so called (simple weakness of sight, or confused sight), they are principally: Anac. bell. calc. caps. cin. croc. hyos. lyc. magn. puls. rut. sep. and sulph. or again : Cann. caus. natr. natr-m. phosph. plumb. &c. Against AMBLYOPIA AMAUROTICA (Incipient amaurosis), a preference may be given to: Aur. bell. calc. caps. caus. chin. cic. con. dros. dulc. hyos. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phos. puls. rhus. secal. sep. lach. lyc. n-mosch.? plumb. zinc. &c. For COMPLETE AMAUROSIS, if not incurable, the same me- dicines may be generally employed as in AMBLYOPIA AMAU- 228 CHAP. VII. EYES. ROTICA, provided the choice is decided, not by the intensity of the affection, but by the totality of the symptoms. All that can be done in this case is to select in preference the most powerful medicines, such as: Bell. calc. merc. phos. sep. and sulph. &c. and yet it is necessary at the same time to have recourse without hesitation to such other medicines as the en- semble of the state may require. For amaurosis ERETHISTICA a preference may be given to: Bell. calc. chin. con. hyos. merc. nitr-ac. op. phos. sep. sulph. &c. For TORPID amaurosis, (l'amaurose torpide), on the contrary: Aur. caps. caus. chin. dros. dulc. natr. natr-m. op. phos-ac. plumb. secal. verat. &c. With respect to the EXTERNAL CAUSES from which weak- ness of sight may proceed, if it be the result of FINE WORK, a preference may be given to Bell. or ruta. or perhaps again. to: Carb-v. calc, and spig. When arising from DEBILITATING CAUSES, such as Loss of HUMOURS, SEXUAL EXCESS, &c. the most eligible medicines are especially: Chin. or cin. or perhaps also: Anac. calc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. or sulph. or perhaps again: Phos-ac. or sep. In persons addicted to SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS: Chin. or again : Calc. lach. n-vom. op. or sulph. In consequence of a COLD in the head or eyes: Bell. dulc. or cham. cuphr. merc. n-vom. puls. and sulph. &c. In consequence of MECHANICAL INJURIES, such as blows in the head; violent concussions, &c.; Arn. or con. euphr. rhus. or ruta. or staph. In OLD MEN, or AGED PERSONS principally: Aur, bar-c. con. op. phos. secal. In SCROFULOUS subjects especially: Bell. calc. chin.cin. dulc. merc. sulph. or else again: Aur. cuphr. hep. n-vom. or puls. When the result of ARTHRITIC METASTASIS, especially: Ant. bell. merc. puls. rhus. spig. and sulph. &c. When produced by a RHEUMATIC cause, principally: Cham. euphr. lyc. merc. nux. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. or again: Caus. hep. lach. &c. After the SUPPRESSION OF A SUPPURATION or of a mucous discharge: Chin. euphr. hep. lyc. puls. sil. sulph. &c. After the suppression of chronic HÆMORRHAGE, such as Hæmorrhoids, Catamenia, &c.: Bell. calc. lyc. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. &c. After REPERCUSSION OF EXANT HEMATA, or of an Erup- tion: Bell. calc. caust. lyc. lach. merc. sil. sulph. &c. After abuse of MERCURY, or of other METALLIC substances, SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 229 especially: Sulph. or hep. nitr-ac. sil. or else again: Aur. bell. carb-v. chin. lach. op. puls. &c. With regard to the indications derived from AFFECTIONS OF OTHER ORGANS, with which nervous weakness of the sight may be connected, if it is associated with NERVOUS CEPHALALGIA, recourse may be had to: Aur. bell. calc. hep. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. &c. If with CONGESTION OF BLOOD in the head: Aur. bell. calc. chin. hyos. n-vom. op. phos. sil. sulph. &c. With diseases of THE EAR, OR OF THE HEARING, especially : Cic. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. puls. &c. With GASTRIC AND ABDOMINAL affections, principally : Ant. calc. caps. chin. cocc. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. &c. With disorders in the UTERINE SYSTEM, especially: Aur. bell. cic, con. cocc. magn, natr-m. n-vom. plat. phos. puls. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. &c. With PULMONARY affections: Calc. cann. hep. lach. lyc. natr-m. phos. sil. sulph. &c. With diseases of the HEART: Aur. calc. cann. dig. lach. phosph. puls. sep. spig. &c. With SPASMODIC affections, Epilepsy, &c.: Bell. lach. caus. cic. ign. hyosc. lach op. sil. stram. sulph. Lastly, with respect to the indications furnished by the SYMPTOMS, it is clear, from what has been previously said, that it will not be sufficient to collect, merely those of the injured sight and of the eyes, but that attention must be paid also to those presented by the entire organism. But these symptoms may be so varied that it is absolutely impossible to give a complete enumeration of them, without repeating the entire pathogenesy of the medicines cited. We shall, there- fore, restrict ourselves to a selection of those which are directly related to the sight, leaving to pathologists the task of adding to these indications the symptoms of the text. While suitable regard is bestowed upon these supplemental researches, a pre- ference may be given to : AURUM, if there are: Black points, or flames and sparks before the eyes; hemiopia, which causes all objects to appear as if they were cut horizontally; tensive pains in the eyes. BELLADONNA, if there are: Pupils dilated and also insensible; photophobia; spasmodic movements of the eyes or eyelids, from the effect of the light; flames, sparks, or mist, or black spots and points; or coloured or silvery spots before the sight; noc- turnal blindness as soon as the sun has set; diplopia; or red appearance of objects, which sometimes also seem to be in- verted; shootings in the eyes, or pressive and expansive pains 230 CHAP. VII. EYES. extending to the orbits and the forehead; redness of the face. CALCAREA, against: Confusion of sight, as if looking through a mist, a veil, or down, especially when reading, or after a meal, with black points before the eyes; excessive pho- tophobia, with dazzling effect from too bright a light; pupils much dilated; pressure or sensation of coldness in the eyes. CAUSTICUM, against: Sudden and frequent loss of sight, with a sensation as if a cuticle were placed before the eyes; or confused sight, as if looking through gauze or a mist; black, dancing bands, or sparks and sparkling before the eyes; photophobia. CHINA, if there are: Weakness of sight to such an extent as to be able to distinguish only the outline of distant objects; when reading, confusion of the letters, which appear pale and surrounded by a white border; pupils dilated and insensible: dulness of the cornea, as if there were smoke in the bottom of the eye; sparks before the eyes, or black, dancing points; amelioration of the sight after sleeping. CICUTA, if there are: Frequent suspension of vision, as if from absence of mind, with vertigo, and especially when walking; wa- vering of objects before the sight, and movement of the letters when reading; diplopia; frequent cloudiness of the eyes, alter- nately with dysecoia; livid circle round the eyes; photophobia and burning in the eyes; pressive cephalalgia above the orbits. CINA, against: Confusion of sight when reading, which dis- appears on rubbing the eyes; dilated pupils; photophobia; pressure in the eyes, as if caused by sand, especially when reading. DROSERA, against: Frequent suspension of the sight, espe- cially when reading, with confusion and paleness of the letters; photophobia, while the eyes are dazzled by the light of the day; excessive dryness of the eyes; dryness of the nose and mouth; shootings in the eyes. HYOSCYAMUS, if there are: Dilated pupils; frequent spasms of the eyes or eyelids; strabismus; diplopia; nocturnal blind- ness; illusion of the sight, which causes all objects to appear of a red colour, or larger than they really are; pressive stupe- fying pains above the eyes. MERCURIUS, against: Confusion of sight, as if looking through a mist; frequent momentary loss of sight; black points; dancing motes, flames and sparks before the eyes; momentary attacks of sudden blindness; movement of the letters when reading; excessive sensibility of the eyes, especially to the brightness of the fire and to the daylight; incisive, shooting, or SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 231 pressive pains in the eyes, especially on fatiguing the sight (pupil dilated and also insensible and unequal.) Natrum mur. if there are: Frequent cloudiness of the sight, especially when stooping, walking, reading, writing, &c. con- fusion of the sight, as if looking through down, or a veil ; confusion of the letters when reading; diplopia, hemiopia; black specks, luminous lines and sparks before the eyes, frequent spasmodic closing of the eyes; frequent lachrymation. NUX-VOM. when there are: Sparks, or black, or grayish points before the eyes, or flashes like lightning; excessive sensi- bility of the eyes to the brightness of day, especially in the morn- ing; violent pressure on the eyes, when the sight is fatigued in the least; redness of the face; dilated pupils; heaviness and frequent contraction of the eyelids. PHOSPHORUS, against: sudden attacks of blindness by day, or cloudiness of the sight, which causes every thing to appear as if covered with a grey veil; excessive sensibility of the eyes to the brightness of day and to candlelight, with tendency to be daz- zled by a clear light; black reflection or sparks and black spots before the sight; pressive pains in the eyes, orbits and forehead; frequent lachrymation, especially in the open air and in the wind. PULSATILLA, if there are: Frequent disappearance and cloudi- ness of the sight, with paleness of the face, and desire to vomit ; blindness in the twilight, with a sensation, as if the eyes were covered with a band; or confused sight, as if looking through a fog, or as if it were caused by something that could be removed by rubbing, especially in the open air, or in the evening, or on waking in the morning; diplopia; or pale appearance of all objects; luminous or flaming circles before the eyes; photo- phobia; with shootings in the eyes, when the light strikes the sight; frequent and profuse lachrymation, especially in the open air, in the wind, and in bright daylight; contraction of the pupils. RUTA, if there are: Confusion of sight as if looking through a mist, with complete obscurity in the distance; dancing black points before the sight; pressive or burning pains in the eyes on fatiguing the sight, and especially when reading; lachryma- tion in the open air. SEPIA, if there are: Confused sight, especially when reading or writing; contracted pupils; appearance of a veil, black spots, luminous points and lines before the sight; photophobia during the day, painful pressure on the eye-balls. SILICEA, against: Confusion of sight, as if looking through a grayish veil; momentary attacks of blindness by day; confusion and pale appearance of the letters when reading: sparks and 232 CHAP. VII. EYES. black spots before the sight; photophobia and dazzling in the brightness of day; frequent lachrymation, especially in the open. air; shootings in the forehead, which seem to commence from the eyes. SULPHUR, against: Confusion of sight as if looking through a mist, or if there is an appearance of down or of a black veil before the eyes, frequent cloudiness of sight, especially when reading; photophobia, especially in the sun, and during warm and oppres- sive weather, while the eyes are dazzled by the brightness of day ; sudden attacks of blindness by day; sparks and white spots, or dancing motes, points and black spots before the eyes; tearing, burning pains in the head and eyes; profuse lachrymation, espe- cially in the open air; or excessive dryness of the eyes, especially in a room; unevenness, or dilation and insensibility of the pupils. VERATRUM, when there are: Nocturnal blindness; sparks and black spots before the eyes, especially on quitting the bed or seat, profuse lachrymation, with burning incisive pains and sensation of dryness in the eyes; diplopia, photophobia, &c. For the rest of the medicines cited, See Section 3, Symptoms of the sight, and consult the pathogenesy of the me- dicines. Compare also OPHTHALMIA, HEMERALOPIA, NYCTA- LOPIA, PHOTOPHOBIA, &c. BLEPHARITIS.-The best medicines against inflammation of the eyelids are, in general: Acon. ant. ars. bell. calc. cham. chin. euphr. hep. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. verat. or else again: Bar- c. bry, caus. cocc. iod, kreos, lyc. natr, natr-m. sep. spig. staph. thuy. zinc. If the EXTERNAL surface of the eyelid is inflamed, they are especially: Acon. bell. hep. and sulph. For inflammation of the CONJUNCTIVA, especially: Ars. hep. and merc. For inflammation of the MARGINS of the eyelids of the MEIBOMIAN GLANDS, principally: Bell. cham. euphr. hep. merc. n-vom. and puls. For HORDEOLA (styes), they are especially: Puls. or staph. or else again: Amc. calc. or fer. For ACUTE blepharitis, recourse should be had especially to : Acon. bell. cham. euphr. hep. merc. n-vom. and puls. For CHRONIC blepharitis, principally: Ant. ars. calc. chin. and sulph. provided any of the other medicines is insufficient. In general, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if the eyelids are swollen, hard and red, with heat, burning and dryness; or if there are: Pale and shining swelling, with burning and tensive pains; much mucus in the eyes and nose; excessive photophobia; fever, with violent heat and SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 233 thirst, &c. (After acon.: Bell. or hep. or sulph. is often suitable.) ANTIMONIUM, against: Red swelling of the eyelids, with blearedness in the canthi, photophobia, and shootings in the eyes. ARSENICUM, if there are; Inflammatory redness of the con- junctiva, with injection of the veins; excessive dryness of the eyelids, especially in the margins, with spasmodic closing, or nocturnal agglutination. BELLADONNA, if the eyelids are swollen and red, with burn- ing and itching, continued agglutination and bleeding on open- ing them, or else with holding back of the margins, or great paralytic heaviness of the eyelids. CALCAREA, if there are: Incisive, burning or smarting pains in the eyelids especially when reading, with red, hard, swelling, which increases to a considerable size, copious secretion of gum and nocturnal agglutination, and especially if sulph. is insuffi- cient against that state. CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Great dryness in the margins of the eyelids, or copious secretion of mucus, with nocturnal ag- glutination, spasmodic closing of the eyelids, or great hea- viness. CHINA, if there is: Frequent crawling in the internal sur- face of the eyelids, especially in the evening, with lachryma- tion. EUPHRASIA, if the margins of the pupils are ulcerated, with itching by day and agglutination at night, redness, swelling, photophobia and continued winking, with coryza, cephalalgia, or heat in the head. (If Euphr. is insufficient, n-vom. and puls. often complete the cure.) HEPAR, against: Excessive inflammatory redness of the eye- lids, with pain, as if from ulceration or a bruise, when touched; nocturnal agglutination, or spasmodic closing of the eyelids. (It is often suitable after acon. or merc.; and Bell. sometimes an- swers after hep.) Hyoscyamus, if there are: Spasmodic contraction and clos- ing of the pupils. MERCURIUS, if the eyelids are hard, as if violently contracted, with swelling, difficulty in opening them, incisive pains, ulcers on the margins, pustules on the conjunctiva, scabs round the eyes, holding back of the eyelids; shooting, burning pains, and itching, or else absence of all pain. (Hep. is often especially suitable after merc. when that proves insufficient.) NUX-VOм. if there are: Burning itching in the eyelids, espe- cially in the margins, or pain as if from excoriation, more violent when touched, agglutination of the eyelids towards the 234 CHAP. VII. EYES. morning; canthi filled with blearedness; coryza, cephalalgia, or heat in the head. (N-vom. is often also suitable after euphr. when that medicine is not sufficient against inflammation of the margins.) PULSATILLA, if there are: Inflammatory redness of the con- junctiva, or of the margins, secretion of much mucus; trichiasis; appearance of hordeola; nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids; tensive or drawing pains. (Puls. frequently completes the cure, when neither euphr. nor n-vom. has been found sufficient.) RHUS, if the eyelids are heavy, as if they were paralyzed, with smarting itching. SULPHUR, against: Excessive inflammatory redness of the eyelids, with burning pains, discharge of mucus and of gum; ulceration of the margins, pustules and ulcers round the orbits, &c. (Acon. is often suitable before sulph. and after it, calc. is most frequently indicated.) VERATRUM, if the eyelids are excessively dry, with lachry- mation, difficulty in moving the eyes, and much internal heat. For the rest of the medicines cited, and for more ample de- tails, see their Pathogenesy, and Compare OPHTHALMIA. BLINDNESS (Cacitas).-See AMAUROSIS, CATARACT, HEMERA- LOPIA, SPECKs, &c. CATARACT.-The medicines which have hitherto been em- ployed with most success against Lenticular cataract are: Cann. caus. con. magn. phosph. sil. and sulph. In some cases, perhaps, the following may be also employed: Am-c. bar-c. chel. dig. euphr. hyosc. nitr-ac. op. rutu. For Traumatic cataract (caused by a wound), con. has been used in preference; but perhaps : Am-c. euphr. puls. and ruta. may be also administered. GLAUCOMA, or cataract, in which the crystalline lens seems to assume a blue or sea-green colour, has been cured by phosph. CORNEA (Opacity of the).-See SPECKS and opacity of the cornea. DIPLOPIA.—See Sect. 2, and compare AMBLYOPIA. EYE-LIDS (Inflammation of the).—See BLEPHARITIS. FISTULA LACHRYMALIS.-The medicines which claim a preference are: calc. puls. stannum and sil. and perhaps again : Caust. natr. petr. and sulph. FUNGUS.-Against FUNGUS HEMATODES: Bell. calc. lyc. sep. and sil. have been administered with more or less success. For MEDULLARY FUNGUS, bell. has been employed with the greatest success. GLAUCOMA.-See CATARACT. HEMERALOPIA, or NOCTURNAL BLINDNESS.-The best medi- SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 235 cine against that blindness which commences with twilight, is: Bell. or verat. or perhaps also: Merc. hyos. or puls. (For the details, See AMBLYOPIA.) HEMIOPIA.-See Sect. 2, and Compare AMBLYOPIA. HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE EYES.-The medicines that have been employed with most success, are principally: Bell. carb-v. cham. and n-vom. perhaps lach. may be also used. HORDEOLUM (Stye).-The medicines which merit a pre- ference are: Puls. or staph. or else again : Am-c. bry, calc. con. fer. graph. lyc. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sep. and stann. (Compare BLEPHARITIS.) LIPPETUDO.—The most eligible medicines are: Acon. euphr. merc. puls. or perhaps also: Gran. ? par. ? rhus. spig. MYOPIA. The medicines that have been hitherto employed with most success, are: Am-c. anac. carb-v. con. nitr-ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. and sulph. For Myopia, which results from OPHTHALMIA, they are es- pecially Puls. and sulph. For that caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY: Carb-v. nitr-ac. and sulph. or perhaps again : Puls. For that which is brought on by TYPHUS FEVER OF DEBILI- TATING LOSSES, especially: Phos-ac. For other medicines, which may be also employed, See Sect. 3, same article. NEURALGIA OCULORUM.-The medicines which deserve a preference, are principally: Bell. and spig. NYCTALOPIA, or DIURNAL BLINDNESS -The best medicines against attacks of sudden blindness, which manifest themselves in the day, are: Acon. merc. sil. and sulph. and perhaps recourse may be also had to: Con. nitr. n-vom. phos. and stram. (Compare also AMBLYOPIA.) OPACITY of the cornea.-See SPECKS and Opacity. OPHTHALMIA.-The best medicines against the different kinds of ophthalmia, are in general: Acon. ars. bell. calc. cham. euphr. hep. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. And also: Ant. arn. bry. caus. chin. coloc. dig. dulc. fer. graph. lach. nitr-ac. petr. rhus. sep. spig. sulph-ac. verat. Or perhaps again: Aur. bar-c. bor. cann. clem. con. led. lyc. natr-m. phosph. sil. staph. thuy. &c. ACUTE ophthalmia requires in preference: Acon. bell. cham. dulc. euphr. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. or else again: Ant. arn, bor. lach. nitr-ac. spig. verat. In CHRONIC Ophthalmia, on the contrary, the most eligible medicines are: Ars. calc. euphr. hep. sulph. or again: Caus. chin, coloc. dig. fer. graph. lach. nitr-ac. petr. sep. spig. sulph- ac. &c. 236 CHAP. VII. EYES. For ARTHRITIC ophthalmia, they are especially: Acon. bell. coloc. spig. or else: Ars. cham. dig. hep. merc. n-vom. rhus. or again: Berb.? led. lyc. &c. For CATARRHAL ophthalmia, principally: Ars. bell. cham. euphr. hep. ign. n-vom. puls. or again: Dig. euphorb.? merc. and sulph. For RHEUMATIC ophthalmia: Acon. bell. bry. cham. euphr. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. verat. or again: Berb. ? led. lyc. spig. For SCROFULOUS ophthalmia, especially: Ars. bell. calc. dulc. hep. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. or else: caus. chin. fer. graph. petr. sep. or else again: Aur. bar-c. cann. cham. con. dig. euphr. iod. lyc. magn. natr-m. For SYPHILITIC ophthalmia: Merc. or nitr-ac. or perhaps again: Aur.? When ophthalmia is caused by SUPPRESSED Gonorrhea, puls. should be employed in preference. Ophthalmia, which results from a CHILL, requires in prefe- rence: Acon. ars. bell. calc. cham. dulc. hep. n-vom. puls. and sulph. (Compare Chap. I, Consequences of a CHILL.) That which arises from TRAUMATIC causes (the introduction of foreign substances, &c.): Acon. calc. hep. sulph. or perhaps again: Arn. cuphr. puls. or rut. That from FATIGUE OF THE EYES: Bell. carb.v. rut. and spig. That from ABUSE OF MERCURY: Hep. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. or perhaps again: Bell. dulc. chin. lach. lyc. staph. or thuy. That which manifests itself in NEW-BORN INFANTS: Acon. bell. cham. dulc. merc. or else: Calc. euphr. rhus. puls. or again: Bor. bry. n-vom. or sulph. With respect to the SYMPTOMS which characterize individual cases of ophthalmia, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, in almost all cases of acute inflammation, at the commencement of the treatment, and especially when there are : redness of the eyes, with deep redness of the blood-vessels; insup- portable burning, shooting, or pressive pains, especially on mov- ing the eyes; violent photophobia; profuse lachrymation and lippetudo, or excessive dryness of the eyelids. (Ant. or bell. or hep. is sometimes suitable after acon.) ARSENICUM, if there are: Burning pains, as if from red-hot coals; or pressive and shooting pains, aggravated by light and by moving the eyes; violent pains, which force one to lie down, or insupportable pains, with anguish to such an extent as to drive one from the bed; redness of the eyes, with injected veins; corrosive tears; nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids; excessive photophobia; specks and ulcers on the cornea. BELLADONNA, when there are: Bright redness of the sclero- SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 237 tica with injection of the veins; flow of scalding and corrosive tears, or excessive dryness of the eyes, with painful sensibility of the eyes to light; pressive pains round the eyes, or pains which penetrate deeply into the orbits and head, or shooting pains in the eyes and head, especially round the orbits, coming on by fits; or if the pains are aggravated by moving the eyes; dilated pupils; and especially if there are at the same time: Violent coryza, with cough; or violent head-ache, with vertigo, giddiness, sparks or black spots before the eyes, or cloudiness of the sight, or specks and ulcers on the cornea, &c. (It is often suitable after: Acon. hep. or merc.) CALCAREA, when there are: Violent, pressive or shooting pains, with itching; or smarting, burning, and incisive pains, aggravated especially by reading, and by candle-light in the evening; redness of the sclerotica, with secretion of much mucus; lachrymation, especially in the open air; specks and ulcers on the cornea; photophobia; confusion of sight, as if looking through a mist, or as if there were down before the eyes, especially when reading or fatiguing the sight in any way whatever. (It is sometimes suitable after: Sulph. or dulc.) CHAMOMILLA, if the eyes are red, with pressive pains on moving them or shaking the head; or shooting, pressive and burning pains, as if fiery heat were coming forth at the eyes; red and swollen pupils, with secretion of much mucus and noc- turnal agglutination; great dryness of the eyes; it is especially suitable in the case of children, and when the pains are insup- portable, with great impatience, exasperation, &c. EUPHRASIA, if there are: Pressive pains in the eyes; redness of the sclerotica, with injection of the veins; inflammation of the cornea, with vesicles upon it, or also with specks and ulcers; discharge of much mucus and lachrymation; swelling and agglutination of the eyelids, frequent contraction of the eyes and eyelids, with tendency to wink; miliary eruption round the eyes, or coryza, with violent head-ache; photophobia and wavering of light. HEPAR, if the eyes and pupils are red, with pain, as if from excoriation and from a bruise, when touched; spasmodic closing of the eyelids; difficulty in moving the eyes; photophobia, especially in the evening; the sight at one time confused and clouded, at another time clear and distinct; pressure on the eyeball, as if it were about to start from the head; specks and ulcers on the cornea, and pimples round the eyes and eyelids; frequent lachrymation and nocturnal agglutination of the eye- lids. (It is often suitable after: Bell. or merc.) IGNATIA, if the eyes are less red, but very painful, violent pressure, as if there were sand in the eyes; profuse lachryma- 238 CHAP. VII. EYES. tion, especially in bright sunshine; nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids; excessive photophobia; confusion of the sight, as if looking through a mist; violent fluent coryza, with or without head-ache. MERCURIUS, if there are: Incisive pains, or pressure as if from sand, especially on fatiguing the eyes, and also in the evening and in the warmth of the bed; or shootings, itching and shootings, especially in the open air; redness of the sclerotica, with injection of the veins; profuse lachrymation, especially in the evening; excessive sensibility of the eyes to the brightness of the fire and to the daylight: vesicles and pimples on the scle- rotica; ulcers on the cornea; pustules and scabs round the eyes and in the margins of the eyelids; confusion of sight, as if look- ing through a mist; renewal of the inflammation from taking the least cold. (It is often suitable after: Bell.) : NUX-VOM. if the canthi are still redder than the eyes them- selves or if there are: Ecchymosis or softening of the scle- rotica; burning, smarting and pressive pains, as if there were sand in the eyes; lachrymation, photophobia, especially in the morning; much blearedness in the canthi, with nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids; and especially if there are at the same time: heavy and pressive head-ache, coryza, with obstruc- tion of the nose; aggravation on waking in the morning, or after a meal, or in the evening, in bed. PULSATILLA, when there are: Pressure, as if from sand, or tearing, shooting, or incisive or boring pain in the eyes, redness of the eyes and eyelids, with secretion of much mucus; profuse lachrymation, especially in the cold air, in the wind, in the open air, and in bright daylight; or excessive dryness of the eyelids, especially in the evening; smarting and corrosive tears; noc- turnal agglutination of the eyelids; adematous swelling round the eyes or in the eyelids; photophobia, with shootings in the eyes, when exposed to the brightness of day; aggravation of all the sufferings towards the evening or afternoon, with tearful hu- mour, and aggravation after shedding tears. (It is often suitable in rheumatic ophthalmia, at the commencement of the treatment, before fer. or after con.) SULPHUR, If there are: Pressure, as if from sand, or itching, burning and smarting in the eyes or eyelids, aggravated by move- ment of the eyes, and by the light of the sun; redness of the eyes and eyelids; inflammation also of the iris, with unequal pupils ; confusion in the cornea, as if it were covered with dust, or specks, vesicles and ulcers on the cornea; pustules, ulcers and scabs round the eyes, and in the eyelids; profuse lachrymation, especially in the open air, or excessive dryness of the eyes, espe- cially in a room; excessive photophobia, with contraction SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 239 of the eyelids; sparks and a mist before the sight, &c. (It is often suitable after: Bell. merc. puls. or also after acon. Calc. is frequently suitable after sulph.) to: Among the other medicines cited, a preference may be given ANTIMONIUM, if the eyelids are very red, with blearedness in the canthi, photophobia, and shooting pains. ARNICA, if there are: Difficult and painful movement of the eyes and eyelids, as if they were excoriated; dilation of the pupils, and sensitiveness to the light; redness and swelling of the eyes and eyelids.. BRYONIA, if the eyes are red, with burning or pressive pains, as if there were sand in them, aggravated in the evening or at night; swelling of the eyelids, with pains in the head on open- ing them. (It is often suitable after puls. in rheumatic oph- thalmia.) CAUSTICUM, if the eyelids are swollen and ulcerated, with nocturnal agglutination; pressure, or burning, smarting pains in the eyes. CHINA, if there are: Aggravation towards the evening, with pressure as if there were sand in the eyes; photophobia; frontal cephalalgia; heat and redness, or dulness and confusion of the eyes, as if the bottom were full of smoke. COLOCYNTHIS, if there are: Violent, burning and incisive pains, extending into the head, with pressure, drawing and spasmodic pains in one side of the head and into the nose, with great anguish and inquietude, which do not allow any rest whatever. DIGITALIS: Redness of the eyes and conjunctiva; shootings across the eyes, or a sensation as if sand were introduced into them; profuse lachrymation, augmented by brilliant light and cold air; photophobia; obstruction and dryness of the nose. DULCAMARA, if the least chill brings on the complaint, with pressive pains, especially when reading, confused sight, as if looking through a veil, or flames and sparks, which seem to issue from the eyes, with aggravation during repose. FERRUM, if the eyes, after being fatigued in the least, are dull, confused, and watery, or red, with burning pains, or if there are hordeola. GRAPHITES, when there are: Ulcers in the cornea, excessive photophobia; redness and swelling of the eyelids, with secre- tion of much mucus and agglutination. LACHESIS, when there are: Great dryness of the eyes, pho- tophobia; shootings as if from knives, or violent pressure, as if the eyeball were about to start from the socket; ulceration of the cornea; confused or clouded sight. 240 CHAP. VII. EYES. NITRI-ACID, if there are: Pressure and shootings in the eyes; frequent lachrymation, especially when reading; eyes sur- rounded by a yellow circle, with difficulty in opening them in the morning; specks on the cornea; swelling of the eyelids and suppuration of the eyes. PETROLEUM, if the pains are burning, shooting, smarting or pressive, with pains above the root of the nose, and swelling of the nose, with purulent discharge. RHUS, in cases in which Bry. appears to be indicated, but proves insufficient, and if there are: Smarting, burning and shootings, profuse lachrymation, nocturnal agglutination and erysipelatous swelling of the eyelids, with photophobia. SEPIA, if there are: Photophobia, coryza, nocturnal agglu- tination of the eyelids, pustules on the eyeballs; violent, pres- sive pains. SPIGELIA, if there are: Pressive, shooting, or boring pains, deeply seated in the orbits, and extending into the head, with a sensation as if the eyeballs were too large; and especially if the pains are so violent that they drive to despair. SULPHURIS-ACID, if the pains are burning or smarting, with photophobia, lachrymation, especially when reading, and diffi culty in opening the eyelids. VERATRUM, against: Tearing pains, which hinder sleep at night, with violent head-ache, photophobia, burning heat, and sensation of dryness in the eyes. For more ample information respecting the medicines that have been cited, and those which may be also employed, See Sect. 2, SYMPTOMS, and consult the pathogenesy of the medicines. Compare likewise: BLEPHARITIS, SPECKS, ÚLCERA- TION OF THE CORNEA, &c. PARALYSIS OF THE EYELIDS.-The best medicines are: Sep. veratr. and zinc. (Compare Sect. 2, same article.) PHOTOPHOBIA.-The medicines which have been hitherto employed with most success are: Bell. con. euphr. ign. puls. staph. verat. and also: Acon. ars. calc. hep. merc. n-vom. phos. rhus. sulph. verat. BELLADONNA is especially suitable, if there are at the same time: Coloured areola round the candle; red spots, mist o cloudiness before the eyes, diplopia, and weakness of sight. CONIUM, if there is: Pallid redness of the eyeball, wit injected veins in the conjunctiva. EUPHRASIA, if there are: Head-ache and obscure or wavering appearance of the lighted candles. IGNATIA, when there is: Pressure in the eyes, with lachry. mation, without any perceptible injury of the eye. SECTION 2.-CLINICAL REMARKS. 241 PULSATILLA, if there are: Luminous circles round the candle, with confused sight, as if caused by something which might be removed by rubbing; diplopia, or clouded sight. STAPHYSAGRIA, if there are: Black reflections and sparks before the eyes; or flames, especially at night; or areola, round the candle, with confused sight. VERATRUM, if there are: Black spots before the eyes, or sparks, with diplopia. See also: AMBLYOPIA and OPHTHALMIA, and Sect. 2, PHOTOPHOBIA. PRESBYOPIA.-The medicines which deserve a preference, are : Calc. dros. sil. sulph. or else: Carb-an. con. hyos. lyc. natr. natr- m. petr. and sep. PSEUDOPIA, or ILLUSIONS OF SIGHT.-See Sect. 2, Musca VOLITANTES, POINTS, SPOTS, FLOCKS, SPARKS, FLAMES, &c. Compare AMBLYOPIA. SPASMS OF THE EYELIDS.-The best medicines against spasmodic closing of the eyelids, are: Bell. cham. croc. hep. hyos. (Compare Sect. 2, CLOSING of the eyelids.) SPECKS AND OPACITY OF THE CORNEA.-The medicines that have been hitherto employed most successfully against SPECKS ON THE CORNEA, are: Bell. calc. euphr. hep. puls. sulph. and also: Ars. cann. cin. magn. nitr-ac. and, perhaps, recourse may be also had to: Aur. chel. con.? gran.? lach.? lyc. sep. sil. Against OPACITY of the cornea, the medicines that have been principally employed, are: Cann. euphr. magn. nitr-ac. puls. sulph, and, perhaps, recourse may be also had to: Ang.? caps. chel. chin. lach. op. plumb. and rut. STRABISMUS.-The medicines which claim a preference, are: Bell. hyos. or perhaps also: Alum. ULCERĂTION OF THE CORNEA.-The medicines which have hitherto succeeded best against ulcers on the cornea, are: Ars. bell. calc, euphr. hep. lach. merc. natr. sil. and sulph. SECT. 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE EYES. ABSCESS in the canthus. Bell. bry. calc. natr. petr. puls. sil. stann. ACHING pains in the orbits. Bov. cupr. par. phos. AGGLUTINATION of the eye-lids. (Nocturnal). Alum. am-c. ang. ant. ars, bar-c. bell. bor. VOL. II. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. cic. croc. dig. eu- phorb. euphr. graph. hep. ign. kal. kreos. led. lyc. merc. magn. magn-m. natr-m. natr- s. n-vom. ol-an. phos. plumb. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. M 242 CHAP. VII. EYES. stram. sulph. tar. thuy. ve- | BURNING heat in the eyes: rat. ANXIOUS look. Arn. BEATEN (Pain round the eyes, as if). Natr-s. Blearedness. Agar. ant. am-c. bis. calc. cham. graph. ipec. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. staph. sen. (Compare Mucus). BLEEDING of the eyes. Bell. carb-v. cham. lach. n-vom. of the eye-lids. Bell. BLUENESS of the eyes. Verat. Canthi (of the). Sass. Eyelids (of the). Dig. BODY in the eye (Sensation of a foreign). Calc-ph. meph. (Compare SAND). BORING in the eyes. Puls. spig. BRILLIANT eyes. See SPARK- LING. BRUISE (Pain in the eyes, as if from a). Cocc. hep. n-vom. sulph. tart. verat. Eyelids (in the). Hepar. Orbits (in the). Cupr. BURNING heat in the eyes. Acon. agn. alum. amb. am-c. ang. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. hell. berb. bor. bruc. bry. calad. calc. canth. caps. carb- v. cast. caus. cham. chin. cic. coloc. con. cor. croc. eug. fer. graph. grat. hep. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. meph. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. ol- an. par. petr. phell. phos. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. rut. sa- bad. sass. sen. sep. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. thuy. tong. val. viol-od. zinc. Bottom of the eyes (in the). Con. Canthi (in the). Agar. am- m. carb-v. gran. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. ran. squill. sulph. tart. Eyebrows (in the). N-vom. Eyelids (in the). Bell. berb. calc. croc. lyc. oleand. phell. phos-ac. sass. sen. stann. sulph. zinc. Margins of the eyelids (in the). Meph. n-vom. CATARACT. See Sect. 1. CLOSING, Contraction of the eyelids. Acon. alum. ars. bell. calc. cham. croc. cupr. hep. hyos. merc. natr-m. plumb. sil. staph. stram. sulph. tart. viol-od. (Compare SINKING). COLDNESS in the eyes. Am-c. asa. calc. con. lyc. plat. mgs- arc. Canthi (in the). Asar. Margins of the eyelids (in the). Phos-ac. COMPRESSION of the eyes. Aur. bell. cann. chin. cor. hep. plat. tab. viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. - Eyelids (of the). Asa. euphr. CONDYLOMATA in the eyebrows. Thuy. CONFUSION in the eyes. Arn. ars. bell. bor. bry. fer. lach. merc. mos. spig. spong. stann. stram. tart. verat. (Compare DULNESS of the eyes, &c.) CONGESTION of blood in the eyes. Alum. bell. kal-ch. sen. phos. plumb. CONTRACTION of the eyes. Euphr. plumb. rut. squill. verb. Eyelids (of the). Euphr. n- SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 243 vom. plumb. rhod. tab. viol- DRAWING: tric. CONTRACTION in the eyelids (Sensation of). Guaj. CONVULSED eyes. Acon. ars. bell. camph. cham. cupr. dig. hyos. lach. laur. op. petr. phos-ac. plat. plumb. ran-sc. sec. spig. stann. stram. verat. (Compare CONVULSIONS). Eyelids. Sen. CONVULSIONS of the eyes. Bell. canth. cocc. cupr. hyos. ign. spig. mgs-arc. Of the eyelids. Berb. ign. grat. lach. rhab. (Compare JERKING, CRAMPS). CORNEA (Specks, ulcers, &c. on the). See SPECKS, ULCERS, &c.) CORROSION round the eyes. Agn. plat. Eyelids (in the). Agn. berb. CRAMPS. See SPASMS. CRAWLING in the eyes. Spig. Canthi (in the). Plat. Eyebrows (in the). Croc. Eyelids (in the). Chin. sen. Round the eyes. Arn. Round the eyes. Plat. Eyelids (in the). Colch. rhab. sen. tong. mgs-arc. DRAWING, Sinking of the eye- lids. Acon. alum. croc. merc. spong. sulph. tart. viol-od. (Compare SPASMS). DROWNED in tears (Eyes, as it were), or watery. Bry. daph. kreos. sep. tart. teuc. verat. DRYNESS in the DRYNESS in the eyes. Asa. berb. croc. gran. laur. magn. mang. n-mos. phell. puls. rhod. sen. spig. staph. sulph. tong. zinc. natr-s. Canthi (of the). Ang. n- vom. thuy. Eyelids (of the). Acon. ars. daph. euphorb. puls. verat. -(of the margins of the). Ars. cham. DRYNESS of the eyes (Sensation of). Asa. asar. bar-c. bell. n- mos. n-vom. sil. Canthi (of the). Ang. n-vom. thuy. Eyelids (of the). Bar-c. mgs- arc. mgs-aus. CUTICLE before the eyes (Sen-DULNESS of the eyes. Æth. sation as if there were a). See Sect. 3. DETACHED (Sensation as if the eye-ball were). Carb-an. DIGGING. Colch. spig. DIMINUTION of the opening be- tween the eyelids. Agar. (Sensation of). Hæm. DOWNCAST eyes. Ang. arn. asar. bell. bov. bry. chin. con. cyc. fer. hæm. hyos. iod. kal. kreos. lach. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhab. rhus. sabin. spig. spong. stann. val. verat. DRAWING in the eyes. Cann. colc. ol-an. arn. ars. asar. bell. berb. bov. bruc. hyos. kal. kreos. lach. merc. mosch. phos-ac. sabin. (Compare CONFUSION in the eyes, &c.) DUST in the eyes (Sensation of). Lach. rhab. sulph. (Compare SAND). ECCHYMOSIS in the eye. Bell. cham. lach. n-vom. ENLARGEMENT of the eyes. Ant. EXCORIATION of the canthi. Kal. Eyelids (in the margins of the). Bor. M 2 244 CHAP. VII. EYES. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from a | HAIR in the eye (Sensation, as wound, or from), in the eyes. Ant. bar-c. canth. cham. cor. croc. hep. stann. sulph. zinc. Canthi (in the). Ang. cham. n-vom. ran. zinc. Eyelids (in the). Bar-c. canth. cor. croc. hep. spig. sulph. zinc. EYEBROWS (Falling off of the). Alum. plumb. sel. FATIGUE of the eyes (Drowsy). Acon. asa. phell. plat. plumb. tart. thuy. viol-od. viol- tric. FATIGUE (Pain as if from). Meph. oleand. As if from reading. Oleand. FIBRE in the eye (Sensation, as if there were a). Tab. (See THREAD in the eye). FIRE were shooting from the eyes (Sensation as if). Dulc. FISTULA lachrymalis. See Sec- tion 1. FIXEDNESS of look, or of the eyes. Acon. æth. ang. arn. ars. asar. bar-m. bell. camph. | cic. cupr. hell. hyos. ign. kal. lach. laur. merc-c. mosch. n-vom. op. phos-ac. puls. rhus. rut. sec. sen. squill. stram. tart. mgs-arc. FULNESS in the eyes (Sensation of). N-mos. FUNGUS hæmatodes. See Sect. 1. if there were a). Tab. See FIBRE and THREAD. HEAT, Burning in the eyes. Ang. bell. carb-a. cham. chin. cor. diad. graph. kreos. lach. mang. meph. phos. plat、 sa- bin. sil. spig. tab. verat. verb. viol-od. Canthi (in the). Carb-v. phos. thuy. HEAVINESS of the eyes. Hæm. hell. plumb. sulph. Eyelids (of the). Acon. bell. berb. daph. graph. hæm. lach. natr-s. n-vom. phell. spong. sulph. viol- sep. od. HERPES in the eyelids. Bry. kreos. sulph. HOLDING-BACK of the eyelids. Bell. HOLLOWNESS of the eyes. Anac. ars. berb. berb. calc. cic. coloc. cupr. cyc. dros. fer. gran. iod. kal. nitr-ac. op. phos. phos-ac. sec. spong. stann. staph. sulph. teuc. HORDEOLUM (Nodosities, as if from). Am-c. bry. con. fer. graph. lyc. merc. phos. phos- ac. puls. rhus. sep. stann. staph. sulph. thuy. HORDEOLUM (Sensation as if there were a). Amb. meph. IMMOBILITY of the eyes. Am-c. ang. rat. (Compare difficulty in MOVING them). FUNGUS (Medullary). See Sect. INCISIVE pains. Calc. coloc. 1. GLASSY eyes. Bry. cocc. op. phos-ac. sep. GLAUCOMA. See Sect. 1, CA- TARACT. HAGGARD eyes. Ars. bell. cupr. op. sec. merc. puls. viol-tric. Eyelids (in the). Calc. merc. INFLAMMATION of the eyes. Acon. amb. ant. arn. urs. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. caus. cham, chin. cinn. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 245 clem. coloc. con. cupr. daph. | dig. dulc. euphorb. euphr. fer. gran. graph. hep. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. merc-s. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. ran. rat. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. teuc. thuy. verat. zinc. INFLAMMATION : Canthi (of the). Bor. calc. zinc. Conjunctiva (of the). Ars. hep. dig. merc. sulph. (Com- pare REDNESS). Cornea (of the). Euphr. spig. Eyelids (of the). Acon. ant. ars. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin. cocc. dig. euphr. hep. kreos. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. spig. staph. sulph. thuy. verat. zinc. (of the margins of the). Bell. cham. clem. dig. euphr. hep. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. staph. stram. Iris (of the). Clem. merc-c. plumb. sulph. ITCHING in the eyes. Agar. ant. arg. bell. bor. calc. carb-v. caus. gran. kreos. merc. natr- m. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phell. puls. ran. sep. sil. stann. sulph. viol-tric. zinc. mgs. Round the eyes. Agn. con. Canthi (in the). Arg. bell. carb-v. con. euphorb. fer-mg. led. mosch. mur-ac. n-vom. rut. staph. sulph. zinc. -Eyebrows (in the). Agn. ITCHING: Eyelids (in the). Agn. amb. bell. croc. euphorb. grat. pœon. sep. sulph. zinc. mgs- arc. (in the margins of the). N-vom. staph. JERKING, Twitching in the eyes. Agar. cham. nic. petr. rat. rhus. stann. Eyebrows (in the). Cin. ol- an. rut. Eyelids (in the). Agar. asar. bell. calc. camph. caus. cham. dulc. ind. iod. ipec. lyc. men. ol-an. par. petr. rat. rhab. rhod. rhus. sabin. sen. sep. stront. sulph. mgs-arc. LACHRYMAL caruncula (Pains in the). Fer-mg. (Abscess in the). Bell. bry. calc. natr. puls. sil. (Compare FISTULA lachrymalis, Sect. 1). LACHRYMATION. Acon. alum. am-c. arn.asar. bell. bry. caps. cast. caus. chin. cinn. clem. coloc. croc. dig. eug. euphorb. euphr. fer. fer-mg. graph. grat. hep. ign. iod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn- s. merc. mosch. natr-m. natr- s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n- vom. ol-an. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhab. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. teuc. thuy. verat. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. (Compare DROWNED in tears). LARGE (The eyes appear to be too). Caus. con. lach. mez. op. par. phos-ac. plumb. spig. (Comp. Sensation of SWELL- ING). eyes LIGHT (Desire for). Acon. bell. 246 CHAP. VII. EYES. LIPPETUDO. See Sect. 1. LIVID circle round the eyes. Anac. ars. berb. bis. calc. chin. cocc. cupr. graph. hep. ipec. kal. lach. merc. natr. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. staph. sulph. verat. MOVING the eyes (Difficulty in). Arn. hep. Eyelids (the). Arn. n- mos. Mucus (Secretion of). Bar-m. calc. cham. dig. euphorb. euphr. graph. puls. sulph. Sanguineous. Euphr. NAIL in the margin of the orbit (Sensation, as if there were a). Hell. NODOSITIES in the eyelids. Staph. sulph. thuy. OOZING (running) speck in the canthus. Ant. OPACITY of the cornea. See Sect. 1, SPECKS and OPA- CITY. OPACITY of the crystalline lens. See Sect. 1, CATARACT. OPENING the eyelids (Difficulty in). Amb. ars. caus. kal. merc. natr. phos. spig. sulph- ac. (Compare CLOSING). ORBITS (Pains in the). Bell. iod. sel. spig. (Compare the par- ticular pains). PARALYSIS of the eye-lids. Alum. bell. lach. graph. nitr- ac. op. plumb. rhus. sep. spig. stram. verat. zinc. PIMPLES, Pustules, &c. round the eyes. Euphr. hep. staph. sulph. Conjunctiva (on the). Merc. Cornea (on the). Sep. Eyebrows (in the). Guaj. sel. thuy. PIMPLES, Pustules, &c.: Eyelids (in the). Hep. mosch. sel. PRESSING ASUNDER of the eye- lids (Spasmodic). Ang. arn. bell. laur. op. PRESSING-BACK of the eyeballs. Sec. PRESSURE in the eyes. Acon. agar. alum. amb. anac. ang. ars. bar-c. bell. berb. bis. bor. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chin. cin. clem. COCC. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. euphr. graph. grat. hæm. hep. ign. kal. kal-ch. lach. led. lyc. mang. meph. merc. mez. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhab. rhod. rhus. rut. sabad. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph- ac. tab. tart. thuy. val. verat. zinc. zing. Canthi (in the). Alum. carb- v. mosch. stann. staph. tar. Eyebrows (in the). Dig. Eyelids (in the). Bry. cham. croc. euphr. fer-mg. graph. meph. rhab. sen. sil. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. Face (which proceeds from the). Rhod. Orbits (in the). Bov. con. cor. Round the eyes. Arn. PRESSURE (EXPANSIVE), or to- wards the outside from with- in. Asar. bry. daph. lach. guaj. magn-s. mez. sen. PRICKING. Fer-mg. sep. PROMINENT eyes. Acon. æth. arn. ars. aur. bell. canth. caps. chin. con. cocc. cupr. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 247 hep. hyos. laur. merc-c. op., REDNESS: stann. verat. mgs-arc. PUFFED state of the eyelids. Spong. (Compare SWELL- ING). PULLED OUT (Sensation, as if the hair were being). Prun. PULSATIONS. See THROBBINGS. PUPILS Contracted. Anac. ars. bell. cham. camph. cic. daph. hæm. lact. mang. mez. n- mos. n-vom. plumb. puls. rhab. samb. sec. sep. squill. verat. zinc. Dilated. Acon. ang. bar-m. bell. calc. carb-an. chin. cic. cin. cocc. croc. cục. dig. gran. guaj. hyos. ign. ipec. lac. lach. laur. led. mang. nitr. n-vom. op. phos-ac. puls. samb. sec. spig. squill. stram. verat. mgs. Immoveable. Bell. laur. op. Insensible. Bar-m. carb-v. chin. euphr. dig. stram. Unequal. Merc-c. sulph. PUSTULES on the conjunctiva. Merc. (Compare SCABS). On the cornea. Sep. Round the eyes. Sulph. QUIVERING of the eyes. See TREMBLING. RED spot on the eyelid. Camph. REDNESS of the eye (In the scle- rotica). Acon. ang. arn. ars. asar. aur. bell. bruc. bry. calc. caps. chin. con. cupr. euphr. fer. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. magn. magn-m. merc. n-vom. op. phos. rhus. rhus-v. sep. sil. spig. spong. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. teuc. thuy. verat. (Com- pare INFLAMMATION). Canthi (of the). Bell. bruc. bry. n-vom. tab. teuc. zinc. Conjunctiva (of the). Ars. bell. berb. dig. hæm. lach. merc. phos. meph. n-vom. puls. sulph. Eyelids (of the). Acon. ant. bell. bry. calc. cham. fer. graph. kreos. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. sep. natr-m. sulph. (of the margins of the). Arg. kreos. sabad. val. Iris (of the). Sulph. Veins in the eyes (of the). Acon. æth. amb. bell. graph. ign. men. merc. phos-ac. spig. sulph. RIGIDITY of the RIGIDITY of the eyes. Berb. Eyelids (of the). Men. rhus. spig. RUB the eyes (Desire to). Croc. plumb. puls. RUBBING or friction in the eye. (Sensation of). Sulph. puls. SAND, or dust in the eyes (Pain, as if from). Alum. asa. bruc. bry. caps. caus. chin. cin. dig. euphr. graph. hæm. ign. kreos. lach. merc. ol-an. phos. puls. sil. stront. sulph. tar. thuy. teuc. viol-tric. zing. SCABS, Ulceration round the eyes. Merc. sulph. Eyebrows (in the). Sep. spong. Eyelids (in the) Merc. sep. SCARS in the cornea. Euphr. sil. SCRAPING in the SCRAPING in the eye. Puls. SECRETION of mucus. See Mu- CUS. SENSIBILITY of the eyes to the light. See PHOTOPHOBIA. 248 CHAP. VII. EYES. Eyelids (in the). Calc. clem. lyc. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. zinc. mgs-aus. SOFTENING of the sclerotica. Bell. SHOOTINGS in the eyes. Acon. | SMARTING: ant. ars. bell. berb. bry. calc. cham. cinn. cic. cist. coloc. dig. euphr. graph. hep. kal. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn. magn- s. meph. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. phell. phos. puls. sass, sep. spig. spong. staph. sulph. tar. thuy. viol-tric. zinc. Canthi (in the). Asar. bell. clem. con. phos. tart. Eyelids (in the). Cyc. lyc. pæon. stann. sulph. mgs- arc. -Eyelids (of the). Sulph. SORROWFUL look. Stram. SPARKLING, brilliant eyes. Acon. æth. bell. bry. cupr. lach. mosch. n-vom. stram. SPASMODIC, Compressive pains. Cann. Orbits (in the margins of the). Plat. Orbits (in the margins of SPASMS in the eyes. Acon. bell. the). Rhod. Towards the inside. Coloc. Towards the outside. Dros. mur-ac. natr. sil. SINKING, Falling, Drawing, &c. of the eyelids. Acon. croc. graph. merc. natr. phell. sep. spig. spong. sulph. tart. viol- od. viol-tric. zinc. SLEEP. See Drowsy FATIGUE. SMALLNESS of the eyes, and want of expression in them. Lach. SMARTING in the eyes. Calc. carb-v. caus. chin. clem. euphr. gran. iod. kal. kreos. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. plat. rhab. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. teuc. thụy. valer. viol-tr. zinc. (SMARTING in the eyes must be read instead of ITCH- ING in the pathogenesy of merc. and n-vom). Canthi (in the). Carb-v. con. gran. mez. mur-ac. n- vom. phos. ran-sc. ruta. sil. staph. sulph. tart. teuc. zinc. canth. kal-ch. (Compare CON- VULSIONS. Eyelids (in the). Alum. bell. cham. croc. hep. hyos. rhod. ruta. sen. viol-od. (Compare CLOSING). SPECK on the eyelid (RED). Camph. Running, oozing, in the canthus. Ant. SPECKS on the cornea. See Sect. 1, SPECKS. STRABISMUS. Alum. bell. hyos. SUPPURATION of the eyes. Bry. caus. nitr-ac. Canthi (of the). Bell. n- vom. kal. zinc. Lachrymal caruncula (of the). Bell. (Compare ABSCESS). SWELLING of the eyes. Acon. ars. bar-c. bruc. bry. kal. magn. n-vom. plumb. rhus. stram. Canthus (in the). Bell. sass. Conjunctiva (of the). Bry. n-vom. sulph. Eyelids (of the). Acon. arg. arn. bell. bry. calc. cham. colch. cyc. dig. cuphr. fer. SECTION 2. SYMPTOMS. 249 1 fer-mg. graph. hyos. ign. kal. | TICKLING round the eyes. Amb. iod. kreos. lach. mang. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sen. sep. squill. sulph. thuy. val. SWELLING of the eyes: Hard. Acon. thuy. Oedematous. Ars. rhus. (puls.) Gland (of the lachrymal). Bell. sil. SWELLING (Sensation of). Croc. guaj. par. (Compare Sensation as if the eyeball were LARGE.) too Weeping (as if after). Croc. Eyelids (of the). Caust. TEARING, sharp, drawing, acute, &c. pains in the eyes. Asar. berb. bry. kal. led. lyc. n- vom. puls. squill. verat. zinc. Eyebrows (in the). Thuy. Eyelids (in the). Berb. plumb. TEARING from the inside out- wards. Sil. TEARS (ACRID, corrosive). Ars. bell. calc. kreos. led. natr-m. puls. spig. Burning. Arn. bell.eug.kreos. Cold. Lach. Greasy. Sulph. Shining. Dig. eug. euphorb. euphr. led. sabin. spig. TENSION in the eyes. Aur. n- vom. plat. sabin. stram. Eyelids (in the). Acon. n- TREMBLING, Quivering of the eyes. Op. sulph. Eyelids (of the). Carb-v. iod. op. plat. TREMULOUS look, expression. Con. plat. TRICHIASIS. Bor. puls. TWITCHING of the eyes. Am-m. petr. rat. rhus. sil. stann. (Compare JERKING). Canthi (Of the). Phos. Eyebrows (of the). Ol-an. rut. Eyelids (of the). Agur. asa. calc. carb-v. croc. grat. ind. kreos.'ol-an. par. petr. phell. phos. plat. rat. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. stront. sulph. tong. ULCERATION of the eyelids. Merc. natr-m. spig. stram. Margins of the eyelids (of the). Clem. colch. euphr. merc. sulph. Eyes (of the). Caus. nitr- ac. ULCERATION (Pain as if from). Hep. ULCERS on the Cornea. See Sect. 1. UNCERTAIN look. Bell. VEINS (Injected). Acon. æth. amb. bell. graph. ign. meph. merc. phos-ac. spig. sulph. Canthus (in the external). Merc. mos. oleand. stram. sulph-ac. | VESICLES in the Cornea. Sulph. VICE (Sensation, as if the eyes tong. Orbits (in the). Plat. Round the eyes. N-mos. THREAD in the eyes (Sensation as if there were a). See FIBRE and HAIR. were compressed in a). Rat. WARTS in the eyebrows. Caus. WATER in the eyes (Sensation of). Staph. WEAKNESS of the eyelids. Grat. THROBBING, Pulsation in the WEEPING (Pain in the eyes, as eyes. Asar. rhab. if from). Croc. tab. teuc. M 3 250 CHAP. VII. EYES. WHIRLING in the eyes (Sensa- tion of). Bov. cist. WINKING. Croc. euphr. fer-mg. spig. WOUND (Pain as if from a). See pain, as if from EXCOR- IATION. YELLOWNESS of the sclerotica. Ars. bell. canth. cham. chin. con. gran. iod. lach. magn-m. n-vom. phos. plumb. sep. verat. Spot, in the sclerotica. Phos- ac. SECTION 3.-SYMPTOMS OF THE SIGHT. AMAUROSIS. See Sect. 1. AMBLYOPIA. See Sect. 1. AREOLA, Reflection round the candle. Alum. anac. bell. fer- mg. lach. magn-m. nitr. phos. rut. sep. stann. staph. Blue. Lach. Green. Phos. sep. Red. Ruta. Variegated. Nitr. stann. AREOLA round objects (Varie- gated). Cic. BAND before the sight (Sensation of a cuticle, or). Caus. daph. puls. rat. (Compare VEIL.) BANDS before the sight (Lumin- ous). Am-c. natr-m. sep. Black. Phos-ac. BLINDNESS by day (Attack of). Acon. con. men. nitr. n-vom. phos. sil. stram. sulph. (Com- pare DAZZLED.) BLINDNESS at night. Bell. hyos. merc. puls. verat. cic. con. cupr. dig, evon. gran. graph. hep. lach. laur. lyc. men. mosch. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. ol-an. op. phos. puls. rhus-v. sec. squill. sulph. stram. thuy. CLOUDINESS of the sight: Alternately with deafness. Cic. Sleep (with). Thuy, Semilateral. Cham. fer-mg. CLOUDS before the eyes. Cast. ol-an. sabin. COLOURS before the sight or in objects. Am-m. cic. dig. kal. nitr. sass. stram. stront. Blue. Stront. Green. Dig. sep. stront. Red. Bell. con. croc. hyos. sass. stront. Variegated. Cic. dig. kal. nitr. stram. Yellow. Alum. ars. canth. dig. sulph. BRIGHTNESS before the sight. CONFUSION of the letters, when Val. On shutting the eyes. Alum. kal. CIRCLE. See AREOLA. CIRCLES before the eyes (Co- loured). Nitr. stront. Flaming. Puls. CLOUDINESS of the sight. Amb. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. cham. chin. reading. Bry. chin. daph. dros. graph. lach. lyc. meph. natr-m. sen. sil. stram. CONFUSION of sight. Agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. bar-c. bell. calc. cann. caps. caus. cham. chel. con. COCC. croc. cyc. dulc. euphorb. hæm. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kreos. led. lyc. SECT. 3. SIGHT. 251 magn. mang. meph. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rut. sang. suss. sen. staph. stram. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. val. verb. mgs- aus. CONFUSION of sight: Alternately with increased clearness. Hep. Cuticle before the eyes (As if from a). Caust. daph. puls. rat. Down (as if from). Calc. kreos. lyc. natr. natr-m. sulph. Mist or fog (as if looking through a). Acon. alum. amb. am-m. ang. bell. bis. calc. caus. cyc. dig. evon. hæm. ign. merc. nitr-ac. phell. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rut. sass. sec. sulph. Rubbing the eyes (removed by). Croc. plumb. puls. Sparkling (with). Alum. am- c. led. sen. tart. Veil (as if looking through a). Berb. calc. caus. croc. hæm. kreos. lach. natr-m. petr. plat. phos. rhus. sec. sep. sil. sulph. tab. thuy. verb. blue. Lach. Water (as if looking through). Staph. CUTICLE before the sight (Sen- sation of a). See BAND and VEIL. DAZZLED by the light (State in which the eyes are). Bar-c. bry. calc. con. dros. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. sil. (Compare BLINDNESS.) Candles (of the). Phos. (Compare nocturnal BLIND- NESS.) DIFFUSION of light. Bell. Puls. DIPLOPIA. Agar. am-c. aur. bell. cic. con. daph. euphorb. hyos. iod. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. puls. sec. stram. verat. DISTANT (Objects appear). Anac. nic. stann. sulph. DOWN. See CONFUSION of sight. FLAMES before the sight. Aur. bell. bry. cann. kal-ch. lach. merc. puls. viol-od. zinc. FLASHES, like lightning before the sight. Croc. natr. n-vom. spig. staph. HAIRS before the sight (Sensa- tion, as if there were). Sang. HEMERALOPIA. See Sect. 1. HEMIOPIA. Aur. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. Horizontal. Aur. Vertical. Lyc. mur-ac. ILLUSIONS of sight in general. Camph. cocc. dig. hyos. stram. INDISTINCTNESS of sight. Kal- h. stram. INVERTED, turned upside down (Objects appear to be). Bell. LARGER than they really are (Objects appear to be). Hyos. laur. LIGHT of the candles appears dull (The). Euphr. Areola (Surrounded by an). See AREOLA. Wavering. Anac. euphr. Loss of sight. Ars. bell. caps. dros. lach. merc. natr-m, nic. puls. spig. tab. verat. (Com- pare FIXEDNESS and CLOUDI- NESS.) LUMINOUS (All objects appear too). Camph. n-vom. LUMINOUS bands before the eyes. Am-c. natr-m. sep. MIST. See CONFUSION of sight. MOBILITY of the letters, when reading. Bell. cic. con. merc. 252 CHAP. VII. EYES. MUSCA VOLANTES, am-c. n- Dancing | PRESBYOPIA. Bell. bry. calc. carb-a. con. dros. hyos. lach. lyc. mos. natr. natr-m. vom. petr. sep. sil. spig. sulph. READ small print (Inability to). Meph. natr. points, spots, &c. before the sight. Acon. agar. am-m. anac. aur. bar-c. cast. cocc. con. chin. evon. kal. lyc. magn. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. ruta. sec. sep. sil. sulph. tab. terb. thuy. MYOPIA. Agar. am-c. anac. ang. berb. carb-v. con. euphor. graph. grat. hyos. lyc. mang. meph. mez. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rat. spong. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. val. viol-od. viol-tric. NEARER than they really are (Objects appear). Bov. PALE (Objects or letters appear). Chin. dros. puls. rhus. sil. PHOTOPHOBIA. Acon. alum. am- c. am-m. anac. ant. ars. asar. bar-c. bell. berb. bry. calc. camph. cast. caus. clin. cic. cin. clem. con. cuphr. graph. hell. hep. ign. kal. kal-h. lach. magn-s. merc. natr. natr-s. nitr. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhus. rhus-v. sen. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. sulph- ac. tab. tar. verat. (Compare DAZZLED.) Candle-light (by). Bor. cast. hep. phos. Day (by). Ant. euphr. graph. hell. hep. n-vom. phos. phos- ac. sep. sil. Fire (from the light of the). Merc. Sun (in the). Berb. cast. euphr. POINTS before the sight (Black). Am-c. am-m. con, chin. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. ruta. sep. sulph. tab. tereb. thuy. (Compare Musca.) REFLECTION before the sight (Blue). Lach. SHADE (All objects appear to be in the). Sen. SMALLER than they really are (Objects appear to be). Plat. the eyes. stram. SPARKLING before Alum. am-c. bor. caus. cham. chin. cic. cin. graph. iod. led. lyc. petr. plat. sec. sen. staph. stront. sulph. tab. tart. ther. verat. SPARKS before the sight. Aur. ars. bar-c. bell. caus. dig. dulc. iod. kal. kal-ch. lach. lyc. merc. mez. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. op. petr. phos. sil. staph. val. verat. mgs. STARS before the sight. Bell. cast. Srors before the eyes (Black). Acon. agar. am-m. anac. aur. bar-c. cocc. evon. kal. lyc. magn. merc. nitr-ac. phos. sec. sep. sil. sulph. terb. (Compare Muscă.) Brilliant. Sen. White. Ars. rat. sulph. THREADS before the sight. Anac. bar-c. caus. nitr-ac. UNCERTAIN sight. Par. VEIL before the eyes (Sensation of a). See CONFUSION of sight, as if looking through a veil. Gray before the eyes. Phos. sil. VEILED (Objects appear to be). Sen. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 253 WAVERING of objects. Cic. WEAKNESS of sight. Agar. anac. ars. aur. bell. cann. carb-an. cast. chin. cin. daph. dig. gran. hyos. iod. lach. lam. natr-m. nic. phos. rhus. sabad. sec. staph. WEAKNESS of sight: Amaurotic. AMBLYOPIA. SECTIONS 4.-CONDITIONS. See See Sect. 1, Of the symptoms of the eyes and sight. AIR (Pains in the eyes, in the | COUGHING (Lachrymation when). open). Merc. sulph-ac. Lachrymation. Calc. phell. Sabad. Sparks, flames, &c. Kal-ch. phos. puls. rhab. ruta. sabad. | DARK (Colours before the sight, sen. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. -Sight (Ameliorated). Hæm. Confused. Puls. AIR (Coldness in the eyes, when walking in the). Alum. con. AIR (Amelioration in COLD). Asar. - Lachrymation. Dig. lyc. puls. -Twitching of the eyelids. Dulc. AIR (Pains in the eyes, in SHARP). Thuy. ANGUISH (Pains in the eyes, with). Ars. BLOWING the nose (Sparks after). Natr-s. BODIES (From FOREIGN). See Sect. 1. Traumatic OPHTHAL- MIA. BRIGHT-DAYLIGHT (Dazzling sensation from the). Phos- ас. CAMPHOR (Cloudiness of sight from the smell of). Nitr. CLOSING the eyes (Pain when). Clem. croc. Brightness. Alum. kal. Heat. Cor. COLD air (Lachrymation in the). Dig. lyc. puls. Twitching of the eyelids. Dulc. in the). Stront. Sparks, flames, &c. Bar-c. staph. val. DUST (Sufferings of the eyes, from the introduction of). Sulph. EVENING (Blindness in the). See NYCTALOPIA. Closing the eyelids. Natr- m. Cloudiness Puls. of the sight. Coldness in the eyes and eyelids. Lyc. Colours before the sight. Nitr. sass. Confusion of sight. Cham. croc. hep. puls. tab. Dazzling. Lyc. Heat (In the). Graph. Inflammation Chin. aggravated. Itching in the eyes. Cupr. Lachrymation. Asar. merc. sep. Luminous appearances. Kal. mgs. Pains in the eyes. Agn. alum. am-m. asar. bry. cast. con. croc. daph. hep. iod. led. lyc. magn-s. meph. natr-s. nic. ol-an. phell. phos-ac. 254 CHAP. VII. EYES. puls. rat. sass. sen. sep. tong. | LIGHT : zinc. mgs-aus. EVENING: Redness of the canthi. Bruc. Swelling of the eyes. Sep. Weakness of the sight. Cast. nic. EXCITABILITY (Pains in the eyes with). Daph. FATIGUING the sight (Pains in the eyes when). Bar-c. carb-v. cin. mang. merc. plat. rhab. rhod. rut. staph. sulph-ac. Downcast eyes. Ker. Lachrymation. Sen. Loss of sight. Nic. HEAD (With head-ache or pains extending into the). Spig. sulph. Traumatic INJURIES (From MECHANICAL). See Sect. 1. OPHTHALMIA. Convulsions of the eyelids. Berb. Dryness of the eyelids. Ars. Heat in the evening. Graph. Photophobia. Cast. hep. phos. Spots. Am-m. LOOKING at any object (Lachry- mation when). Cinn. Points before the sight. Am- m. LOOKING steadily at any object (Confused sight when). Calc. phell. LOOKING into the air (Lumin- ous flocks, when). Zinc. Pains in the eyes. Carb-v. sabad. LOOKING at anything bright (Lachrymation when). Chel. magn-m. sabad. Pains. Magn-m. n-vom. a distant object (Confused sight when). Cast. LIE DOWN (Pains in the eyes, LOOKING at with desire to). Ars. LIGHT (Convulsions in the eyes, from the). Bell. Dazzling, confused sight. Bar-c. bry. calc. con. dros. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. (Compare PHOTOPHOBIA). Lachrymation. Dig. kreos. puls. rut. Pain. Cast. LOOKING sideways (Cloudiness, when). Oleand. Pain. Magn-s. LOOKING at anything white (Clouded sight, when). Cham. Loss of sight. Tab. Pains. Ang. ars. calc. euphr. | MEAL (Clouded sight, after a). kal. natr-s. puls. rhod. ruta. sass. sen. sulph. tong. LIGHT (In candle-). Pains. Calc. croc. cor. kel. lyc. magn-s. mang. natr-s. ol-an. phos-ac. sep. (Compare DAZZLING.) Closing of the eyelids. Ars. Cloudiness of the sight. Phos. Colours round the candle. See AREOLA. Confusion of sight. Croc. hep. Calc. Downcast eyes. Val. MORNING (Agglutination of the eyelids in the). Chel. kal. mang. n-vom. sass. Blearedness in the eyelids. Sen. Confused sight. Berb. caps. cham. chel. puls. Closing of the eyelids. Calc. natr-m. Glassy eyes. Sep. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 255 • MORNING (Lachrymation in the). | READING (Casting down of the Calc. kreos. par. rat. sep. Opening the eyes (Diffi- culty in). Amb. am-m. Pains in the eyes. Acon. bruc. bry. magn. magn-s. meph. natr-s. nitr. n-vom. par. phell. sep. sil. sulph-ac. mgs-aus. Photophobia. Am-c. am-m. natr-s. n-vom. rhus-v. Redness of the eyes. Bruc. - Sinking of the eyelids. Spong. sulph. Swelling of the eyes. Bar-c. Weakness of sight. Phos. MOVING the eyes (Pains when). Acon. ars. bry. cham. chin. con. cupr. lach. meph. ran-sc. spig. sulph. MOVING the eyelids (Pain in the eyes, when). Hep. mang. mgs- aus. MOVING the head (Pain in the eyes, when). Cham. NIGHT (Agglutination of the eyelids, at). Alum. am-c. ang. ant. bov. bry. carb-v. cast. cham. croc. euphorb. hep. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. ol-an. phos. plumb. rat. rhus. sass. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. bar. verat. Blindness (attack of). Bell. hyos. puls. verat. Cramps, spasms in the eye- lids. Natr-m. croc. (Compare CONVULSIONS.) · Opening the eyelids (Diffi- culty in). Cocc. sep. NOON (Pains in the after-). Eug. NYCTALOPIA. See Sect. 1. OPENING the eyes (Pain, on). Alum. canth. n-vom. PAINS (Lachrymation during the). Sabad. eyes, when). Grat. Cloudiness, loss of sight. Calc. dros. hep. men. natr-m. rhus-v. sulph. thuy. Colours before the sight. Croc. Confusion of the letters. See CONFUSION. Confused sight. Bar-c. calc. cin. croc. rhod. sep. Convulsions of the eyelids. Berb. Dazzling. Sen. Dryness of the eyelids. Ar. Dull, pale (The letters ap- pear). Chin. dros. sil. Lachrymation. Croc. grat. nitr-ac. sulph-ac. Myopia. Grat. Pains in the eyes. Asar. berb. calc. cin. con. croc. dulc. kal. natr. natr-s. nitr-ac. oleand. sen. sulph-ac. Points (Black, &c.) Calc. kal. RISING from the seat (Sparks, on). Tart. verat. Black spots. Verat. Rooм (Black points, &c., before the sight in a). Con. Colours. Con. Dryness of the eyes. Sulph. Lachrymation. Asar. Pains in the eyes. Asar. RUBBING the eyes (Colours be- fore the sight after). Stront. Confusion of sight, aggra- vated. Sen. ameliorated. Caps. cin. croc. plumb. puls. Itching ameliorated. Ol-an. Pains. Kreos. SIESTA (Confused sight, after a). Puls. SLEEPING (Dryness of the eyes, when). Puls. 256 CHAP. VIII. EARS. SNEEZING (Flames, sparks, &c. when). Kal-ch, SPECTACLES (Contraction of the eyes, on putting on). Bor. STOOPING (Cloudiness of the sight, when). Graph. natr-m. Congestion in the eyes. Sen. Pains. Dros. sen. SUN (Confusion of sight, in the brightness of the). Bry. -Lachrymation. Bry. ign. Pains in the eyes. Sulph. - Photophobia. Asar. cast. sulph. SUN (Blindness in the heat of the). Con. TOUCHED (Pains in the eyes, when). Agar. aur. caus. cupr. dig. hep. n-vom. tart. VOMIT (Confusion of sight, with desire to). Puls. WALKING (Cloudiness of sight, when). Natr-m. cic. WALKING in the open air (Cold- ness in the eyes, when). Alum. con. WARM weather (Photophobia, during). Sulph. WHITE (Cloudiness of sight, when looking at anything). Cham. WIND (Lachrymation, in the). Phos. puls. Pains in the eyes. Asar. lyc. WINE (Pains in the eyes, after drinking). Zinc. WRITING (Confusion, cloudi- ness of sight, &c., when). Asa. natr-m. rhod. sep. Pains in the eyes. Natr. sen. staph. Sparks before the sight. Bor. WRITING (Lachrymation, after). Ker. YAWNING (Lachrymation, when). Sabad. staph. viol-od. CHAPTER VIII. AFFECTIONS OF THE EARS AND HEARING. SECTION 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. DYSECOIA or DIFFICULTY IN HEARING. The best medicines are: Calc. caus. graph. lach. led. merc. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. sil. sulph. Or else: Anac. ant. ars. asa. aur. bell. carb-v? cic. coff. con. hep. hyos. kal. magn. mur-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. staph. verat. &c. (See Sect. 3). For CONGESTIVE dysecoia, a preference may be given to: Aur. bell. graph. merc. phos. sil. or perhaps again: Coff. hyos. petr. sulph. &c. For NERVOUS dysecoia, principally: Caus. petr. phos. phos-ac. or perhaps again: Anac. mur-ac. nitr. verat. &c. For CATARRHAL or RHEUMATIC dysecoia, caused by a cOLD in the head or in the whole body, especially: Ars. bell. led. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 257 merc. and puls. or again: Calc. caus. cham. coff. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sulph. Dysecoia, caused by inveterate HERPES or the REPERCUSSION OF other ERUPTIONS, requires in preference: Sulph. or ant. or else again: Caust. graph. lach? &c. That which manifests itself in consequence of ExANTHEMATA, such as MEASLES, SCARLATINA, &c: Bell. merc. puls. sulph. or else: Carb-v.-When it is the result of MEASLES, the princi- pal medicines are: Puls. and carb-v. when of SCARLATINA : Bell. or hep. and when of SMALL-POX: Merc. or sulph. For Dysecoia, which proceeds from the suppression of INTERMITTENT FEVERS by ABUSE OF CINCHONA, they are especially Cale. and puls. or perhaps also: Carb-v. hep. n-vom. and sulph. : For that from ABUSE OF MERCURY, principally: Asa. nitr-ac. staph. or again: Aur. carb-v? chin? hep. petr. and sulph. In consequence of frequent ANGINE TONSILLARES and swel- ling or HYPERTROPHY OF THE AMYGDALE, especially: Aur. merc. nitr-ac. staph. In consequence of Fevers or other NERVOUS disorders, especially: Arn. phos. phos-ac. verat. Lastly, in consequence of the SUPPRESSION OF a discharge from the ears or nose: Hep. lach. led. or else: Bell. merc. puls. With respect to the indications furnished by the SYMPTOMS, a preference may be given to : CALCAREA, when there are: Deafness, as if caused by ob- struction of the ears; frequent humming, and rolling or tinkling, singing, and music; or frequent throbbings, with heat in the ears; Continued dryness of the ears, or else purulent dis- charge; pressive head-ache in the forehead, &c. CAUSTICUM, against: Sensation of obstruction in the ears, with rumbling, humming, and roaring in the head; loud vi- bration of all sounds, and even of the human voice, in the ears; discharge from the ears; rheumatic pains in the ears and limbs ; extraordinary sensitiveness to cold wind, &c. GRAPHITES: Great dryness in the ears, or purulent otorrhæa ; difficulty in hearing, which is sometimes removed by the motion of a carriage; singing, whistling, and tinkling, or humming and thundering in the ears, especially at night, or a sensation as if the air penetrated to the Eustachian tube; herpes and scabs round the ears and on other parts of the body. LACHESIS: Dryness of the ears, with insufficient cerumen, which is at the same time too hard and too pale, or white and like pap; painful pulsations, cracking or humming, rolling and 258 CHAP. VIII. EARS. the beating of a drum in the ear, with loud reverberation of all sounds; excoriation and scabs, round the ears, &c. (It is often suitable after or before Caust). LEDUM, when there are: Sensation as if the ears were stopped, with humming on the inside; confusion and giddiness of the head, on the side affected; with sensation of torpor in the integuments; and especially after the suppression of an otorrhæa, or of a nasal or ocular catarrh. MERCURIUS: Obstruction of the ears, which ceases when swallowing or blowing the nose; Extraordinary reverberation of all sounds in the ear; tinkling, roaring and humming, espe- cially in the evening; sensation of coldness in the cars; dis- charge of cerumen, or purulent otorrhea, with ulceration of the ears; rheumatic pains in the ears, head, or teeth; great disposition to perspiration, &c. NITRI ACID. Great dryness of the ears, or discharge of cerumen ; obstruction of the cars, with grumbling, beating, and cracking; frequent tooth-ache, with scorbutic affection of the gums; shootings in the teeth and ears. PETROLEUM, when there are: Troublesome dryness of the internal car, or discharge of blood and pus; tinkling or rolling and humming in the cars; herpes and excoriation in the ears or adjacent parts; frequent odontalgia, with swelled face; bleeding of the gums, expansive pains in the occiput, &c. (It is often suitable after Nitr-ac.) PHOSPHORUS, if there is a difficulty in hearing sounds, especi- ally that of the human voice, with excessive echoing of all sounds and especially words, in the ears, and with reverberation penetrating into the head; Congestion of blood in the ears, with throbbing and pulsations; sensation of dryness or dis- charge of cerumen. PULSATILLA, when there are: Hard, black, or too liquid cerumen, with discharge; shooting pains in the cars, or dis- charge of pus or blood: sensation as if the cars were ob- structed, with roaring and humming, or with pulsative mur- murs, tinkling or chirping; especially in persons of a mild. character, or in women, disposed to leucorrhæa and other disorders of the uterine system. SILICEA, if there are: Discharge of cerumen; obstruction of the ears, which is dissipated by blowing the nose, or with detonation; difficulty in hearing any sound, especially that of the human voice, and without noise in the ears, or else with tinkling, clucking, and noise, as if from a bird flapping its wings; aggravation of the deafness during the full moon, or else at the new moon; deafness alternately, with excessive acute- ness of hearing; scabs behind the ears. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 259 SULPHUR Difficulty in hearing sounds, and principally that of the human voice; obstruction and frequent closing up of the ears, especially when eating and blowing the nose, or else, only on one side; gurgling or undulation in the ears, as if caused by water, or humming and roaring; congestion of blood in the head; disposition to cold in the head or other mucous dis- charges; discharge from the ears, &c. For the remainder of the medicines cited, examine their pathogenesy and for the others, which may be also employed, See the SYMPTOMS OF THE HEARING. Sect. 2. Compare also the articles: OTALGIA, OTORRHEA, HUMMING IN THE EARS, &c. Those who are accustomed to reflect, will understand, that profitable hints for the treatment of dysecoia, may be derived from a comparison of what has been said under the article AMBLYOPIA (Chap. VII) with respect to the indications furnished by the nature and causes of that affection. HÆMORRHAGE (Auricular)-See Sanguineous OTORRIEA. HERPES IN THE EARS.—That kind of Herpes, which is usually seated in the ears, or in the skin behind the ears, mostly requires : Graph. hep. merc. oleand. petr. sulph. or again: Bar-c. calc. cic. lach. lyc. mez. sep. sil. (See also Sect. 2, the articles: Herpes, Eruptions, Excoriations, &c. and compare Chap. II. Diseases of the skin). HUMMING IN THE EARS.-The most eligible medicines are : Carb-v. caus. chin. graph. merc. puls. and sulph. or again: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-a. chum. coff. con. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. sep. sulph. (Com- pare besides DYSECOIA, and See Sect. 3, the different NOISES IN THE EARS). OTALGIA.—The best medicines are, in general: Bell. cham. merc. puls. sulph. or else: Arn. chin. dulc. hep. n-vom. plat. spig. or else again : Ant. bor. bryon. calc. magn. phos-ac. &c. For INFLAMMATORY Otalgia, they are especially: Bell. merc. n-vom. and puls. or again; Bor. bry, calc. magn. &c. For RHEUMATIC Otalgia: Bell. merc. puls. or again: Arn. chin. hep. n-vom. &c. That which is caused by a cHILL or by CHECKED PERSPIRA- TION, requires especially: Cham. chin. dulc. or again: Merc. puls. or sulph. In all cases, a preference may be given to : BELLADONNA, if there are: Shootings in and behind the ears digging and boring pains, tearing and shootings, extending into the throat, with tinkling, roaring and humming in the ears; Excessive sensibility to the least noise; painful affection of the 1 260 CHAP. VIII. EARS. head and eyes, also with photophobia; heat and redness of the face; congestion of blood in the head. CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Shootings, as if caused by knives, or tensive and drawing pains, into the lobe of the ear; dry- ness of the ears, or sensation of obstruction; excessive sensi- bility to the least noise, and also to music; great sensitiveness which renders the pains insupportable; susceptibility, ill- humour, and disposition to be offended at trifles. MERCURIUS: Shooting pains, deeply seated, or tearing, extending into the cheeks and teeth, with sensation of coldness in the ears, aggravation of the pains in the warmth of the bed; or spasmodic pains, with inflammatory redness of the ear: discharge of cerumen; profuse perspiration, without relief, &c. PULSATILLA; Jerking, tearing pains, as if something were about to escape through the ears; redness, swelling, and heat of the external ear, or shooting and tearing pains, which attack the entire of the side of the head that is affected, and which are so insupportable, as to cause the loss of reason, especially in persons of a chilly disposition, who are disposed to weep, and principally in women. SULPHUR, if there are: Drawing, tearing, or shooting pains, extending into the head or throat; burning heat, which comes out of the cars; excessive sensibility of hearing to the least noise, to such an extent as to cause nausea, on listening to the softest musical tones; expecially in persons subject to colds in the head, or to congestions in the head. to: Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be also had ARNICA, in nervous, sensitive persons, who experience a return of the complaint from the slightest cause, with pressure and shootings in and behind the ears, tearing, internal heat, and great sensibility to noise. CHINA, if the tearing pains manifest themselves rather externally than internally, and are aggravated by contact, with redness of the ear, internal shootings and tinkling in the ears. (It is often suitable after arnic). DULCAMARA, if the pains are increased during repose, espe- cially at night, with nausea. HEPAR, frequently after bell. if that is insufficient, and if there are shootings in the cars, when blowing the nose, pul- sations, throbbings, and humming. NUX-VOм. in persons of a lively choleric temperament, and if there are tearing shooting pains, which force one to cry out, or which extend into the forehead and temples, with tearing SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 261 in the bones of the face, and aggravation of the pain in the morning, or in the evening, in bed. PLATINA, if there are: Violent, spasmodic pains, shocks, rolling and thundering in the ears, which are cold, with a sen- sation of numbness, with crawling, which extends over the face. SPIGELIA, against; Troublesome, pressive pain, as if caused by a plug in the ear; with pressive pain and tearing in the bones of the face. Compare also: PROSOPALGIA, ODONTALGIA, CEPHALALGIA, NEURALGIA, &c. OTITIS. For acute INTERNAL Otitis, Puls. will be found in most cases almost a specific. But in some instances, if the complaint attacks the brain, and is attended with great anguish, vomiting, coldness of the limbs, delirium, &c. recourse must be had to bell. If, after administering either of these two medicines, there still remain sufferings, which require other remedies, these will be principally: Merc. n-vom. sulph. or again: Bor. bry. calc. cham. magn. &c. For CHRONIC INTERNAL Otitis, with discharge from the ears. See ОTORRHÆA. In cases of EXTERNAL Otitis, puls. should be preferred, or else again Bell. bor. calc. magn. merc. or sulph. : OTORRHÆA. The best medicines are: Puls. and sulph. Or else Bell. calc. caus. lach. lep. merc. nitr-ac. petr. sil. Or again: Alum. anac. asa. aur. carb-v. cist. colch. gran? Kal. lyc. men. natr-m. Against a discharge of CERUMEN, it will be better to employ : Kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. natr-ac. puls. or again; Am-m. anac. phos. Against CATARRHAL OF MUCOUS Otorrhæa, the medicines to be preferred are, especially: Bell. merc. puls. sulph. or again: Calc. carb-v. hep? natr-m. sil. Against PURULENT Otorrhæa, they are, principally: Bell. hep. merc. puls. or again: Asa. calc. caust. lach. nitr-ac. petr. sil. or also: Aur. cist. kal. lyc. natr-m. &c. (See Sect. 2, DIS- CHARGE OF Pus). Against SCROFULOUS Otorrhæa (with ulceration of the concha), especially Hep. lyc. merc. puls. and sulph. (Compare HERPES). And against SANGUINEOUS Otorrhæa, or Auricular HÆMOR- RHAGE, principally: Merc. and puls. or again: Cic. lach. &c. (See Sect. 2, Discharge of blood). Otorrhea, which remains after ACUTE OTITIS, requires princi- pally: Merc. puls, and sulph. 262 CHAP. VIII. EARS. That which manifests itself in consequence of EXANTHEMATA, such as SCARLATINA, MEASLES, SMALL-POX, &c. Bell. colch. hep. lyc. merc. men. or else: carb-v. In consequence of ABUSE OF MERCURY, especially : Aur. asa. hep. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. and if there is caries of the ossicula auditoria: Aur. natr-m. sil. After ABUSE OF SULPHUR: Puls. or merc. Against the consequences of SUPPRESSED Otorrhæa, a pre- ference may be given to: Bell. merc. and puls. or again: Bry. dulc. and n-vom. If there is sWELLING OF THE GLANDS OF THE NECK or of the PAROTIDES: Puls. merc. or bell. should be especially selected. If there is CEPHALALGIA or fever: Bell. or bry. and if the suppression is caused by a CHILL: Dulc. or merc. If there is ORCHITIS: Merc. puls. or n-vom. (Compare besides, the articles: DYSECOIA, OTALGIA, OTITIS, &c. and See Sect. 2, DISCHArge). PAROTITIS.-The best medicine against ACUTE PAROTITIS, is merc. which in most cases will be found a specific. If, however, the disease assumes a more serious character, if the inflammation becomes erysipelatous, or if the pain pene- trates to the brain, while the tumour disappears, with lethargy and delirium, bell. must be employed in preference, or else hyos. if bell. is insufficient. If the patient has been previously subjected to an ABUSE OF MERCURY, or if merc. is insufficient, if the tumour has begun to harden, with SLOW FEVER, &c. carb-v. is the medicine that ought to be employed. This medicine is also almost always suitable, if the patient has a VERY HOARSE VOICE, or if there is metastasis on the stomach. If Carb-v. is not sufficient against the SLOW FEVER, coccul. may be also used. In cases of metastasis on the TESTES, puls. or n-vom. should be preferred. Besides the medicines cited, there are also: Kal. and rhus. or else: Am-c. calc. cham. con. which may be administered in obstinate cases. (Compare also: ANGINE, Chap. XIII.) POLYPUS IN THE EARS.-Cal. and staph. are the most eli- gible medicines. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS OF THE EARS. 263 SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE EARS. AIR were entering into the Eustachian tube (Sensation as if). Graph. BANDS. Tightness, (Otalgia in the text). Anac. ang. asar. bell. bry. cann. caus. cham. colch. croc. dros. dulc. eu- phorb. fer-mg. gran. guaj. lyc. mang. meph. merc. mez. mur- ac. natr. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. par. petr. phos. plat. prun. puls. ran-sc. rhab. rhod. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. thuy. val. zinc. | CERUMEN. Paper (Like mouldy). Con. Red. Con. Scanty (too). Lach. Slimy. Con. White and pap-like. Lach. CERUMEN (Want of). Carb-v. COLDNESS in the ears (Sensa- tion of). Lach. plat. Internally. Merc. COMPRESSION in the ears. Cann. spong. thuy. CONGESTION in the ears. Lyc. phos. puls. sulph. BLEEDING from the ears. See CONTRACTION, DISCHARGE. Constriction. Bry. dig. sass. spong. BLOWS in the ears (Sensation CORRODING in the ears. Arg. of). Arn. natr-m. n-vom. pæon. plat. BONES (Swelling of the). Puls. BORING in the ears. Am-m. bell. euphr. hell. magn-m. | ol-an. phell. plumb. ran-sc. rhod. sil. BORING behind the ears. Onis. Round the ears. Rhod. BRUISE (Pain, as if from a). Arn. cic. rut. BURNING in the ears. Agar. alum. ars. caus. clem. ign. kreos. spig. tab. External. Berb. sulph. Internal. Canth. Lobes (In the). Nitr. sabad. CARIES of the Mastoid apo- physis. Aur. nitr-ac. sil. CERUMEN (Accumulation of). Con. sel. sil. Black. Puls. Hard. Lach. puls. sel. Moist. Sil. Pale. Lach. berb. plat. CRAWLING in the ears. Ars.colc. merc. plat. Internal. Amb. samb. DIGGING in the ears. Ant. hell. DISCHARGE from the ears. Alum. am-m. anac. asa. bell. bar-m. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. cist. colch. gran. hep. kal. lach. lyc. men. merc.natr-m.nitr-ac. petr. puls. sil. sulph. Blood (Of). Bry. cic. graph. lach. merc. petr. puls. rhus. Brownish. Anac. Cerumen (Of). Am-m. anac. kal. lyc. merc. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. puls. Offensive. Aur. bov. carb-v. caus. hep. zinc. Pus (of). Alum. asa. aur. bell. bor. bov. calc. caus. cham. cist. graph. kal. lach. hep. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 264 CHAP. VIII. EARS. DISCHARGE after abuse of Mercury. Asa. Yellow, alternately with deafness. Phos. DRAWING in the ears. Oleand. magn-m. ran-sc. Internal. Colc. cyc. fer-mg. kreos. merc. mez. phos-ac. sil. stann. sulph. DRYNESS in the ear. Graph. lach. nitr-ac. petr. DRYNESS (Sensation of). Petr. phos. ERUPTIONS in the ears. Am-m. bar-c. bov. calc. chin. cic. hep. mosch. mur-ac. petr. puls. sep. Before the cars. Cic. oleand. Behind the ears. Bar-c. calc. cic. graph. hep. lach. lyc. mez. oleand. sep. sil. Lobes (In the). Merc. sass. teuc. Tragus (In the). Puls. ERUPTIONS in the ears: - Burning. Mosch. sass. puls. Furfuraceous. Merc. Herpetic. See HERPES. Humid. Bov. calc. kreos. lyc. mez. oleand. Itching. Mez. puls. sass. Pimples (Of). Merc. Purulent. Cyc. sep. Scabby. Bov. graph. hep. lach. lyc. mur-ac. puls. sass. sil. Scaly. Teuc. - Smarting. Puls. ERYSIPELAS. Meph. puls. EXCORIATION behind the cars. Graph. kal. lach. nitr-ac. petr. sulph. Internal. Merc. (Pain as if from). Cic. internal. Bor. caus. sep. EXCRESCENCES (Fungous). Merc. FUNGOUS Excrescences. Merc. FURUNCULI in the ear. Sulph. HEAT in the ears. Alum. ang. asar. camph. carb-v. casc. chin. hep. ign. kreos. meph. natr-m. puls. sabin. tab. ant. alternately with coldness. Verat. Internal. Calc. canth. casc. puls. mgs-arc. Lobes (In the). Camph. chin. Side only (On one). Alum. carb-v. ign. HERPES in the ears. Kreos. (Compare ERUPTIONS). Before. Oleand. Behind. Graph. oleand. sep. Lobe (In the). Caus. sep. teuc. HUMIDITY, running, oozing, behind the ears. Graph. kal. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. Margins of the ears (In the). Sil. INCISIVE pains. Arg. INFLAMMATION of the ears. Bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. kal. kreos. magn. merc. puls. Internal. Acon. bell. bor.bry. calc. canth. hep. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. (See Sect. 2, OTITIS.) Lobes (Of the). Nitr. Margins of the ears (Of the). Sil. INSENSIBILITY of the ear. Mur- ac. ITCHING in the ears. Agar. alum. am-c. arg. bar-c. hep. meph. sil. spig. sulph. Behind the ears. Nitr-ac. ther. SECT. 2. CLINICAL REMARKS. 265 ITCHING Internal. Anac. caps. | PUSTULES in the ear. | Berb. fer-mg. n-vom. puls. rat.rhab. rut. samb. sep. Lobes (Of the). Sabad. JERKING pains in the ears. Am- m. ang. petr. puls. rhod. spig. val. Before the ears. Ang. In the ears. Cin. Lobes (In the). Nitr. REDNESS of the ears. Agar. ant. camph. chin. hep. ign. kreos. magn. meph. puls. tab. Behind the ears. petr. tab. Oleand. Lobes (Of the). Camph. chin. Side only (On one). Alum. carb-v. ign. OFFENSIVENESS of the ears. RETRACTION of the ear (Sensa- Graph. tion of). Verb. PAROTIDES (Affections of the): SCABS. See ERUPTIONS. 1 Boring. Sabad. Inflammation. Induration. Am-c. con. sil. Bell. calc. cham. kal. merc. rhus. Pressure. Merc. Shootings. Bell. ign. merc. puls. Soreness. Merc. Swelling. Am-c. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-a. carb-v. cham. coce. con. dig. ign. kal. lach. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhus. sil. -Tearing. Bell. PERIOSTEUM behind the ear (swelling of the). Carb-an. PINCHING behind the ear. Pæon. sabin. In the ear. Bell. PLUG in the ear (Pain, as if from a). Anac. spig. POLYPUS in the ear. Calc. staph. PRESSURE behind the ears. Thuy. In the ears. Anac. asa. bell. camph. cann. caps. cupr. kreos. oleand. rhab. rut. sabad. sass. sen. spig. spong. verat. PRESSURE (Expansive). Caus. kreos. natr-s. puls. PULSATIONS. See THROBBINGS. Pus (Discharge of). See Dis- charge. VOL. II. SCRAPING in the ear. Rut. SENSIBILITY of the ear. Kal-h. In the wind. Lach. SHOOTINGS in the ears. Eth. alum. anac. ant. arg. arn. ars. bell. berb. bor. bry. calc. camph. caus. cham. chel. chin. colch. con. dros. fer-mg. gran. graph. grat. hell. kal. kal-h. kreos. magn-s. men. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. ran. rat. rut. samb. sass. sep. staph. sulph. tab. thuy, viol-od. zinc. Behind the ears. Arn. bell. nitr. tab. In the ears. Berb. caus. dulc. magn-m. ran-sc. Lobes (In the). Sabad. Round the ears. Arn. bell. nitr. tab. SHOOTINGS, towards the inside. Natr-s. Towards the outside. Am-m. con. kal. natr-s. sil. SPASMODIC pains in the ears. Cin. merc. oleand. ran. spig. thuy. Internal. Ang. croc. kreos. merc. mur-ac. petr. phos-ac. plat, ran. samb. thuy, val. N 266 CHAP. VIII. EARS. SWELLING of the ears. Alum. TICKLING in the ears. Acon. ant. calc. caus. kal. kreos. natr-m. puls. rhus. sep. sil. zinc. Before the ears. Bry. cist. Behind the ears. Bry. caps. carb-an. tab. In the ears. Cist. lach. Lobes (of the). Nitr. TEARING, sharp, drawing, acute pains. Acon. æth. agar. amb. anac. ang. arn. ars. bell. berb. caps. cast. cham. colch. cupr. dulc. gran. grat. guaj. iod. kal-h. meph. merc. mez. mur- ac. n-vom. ol-an. par. phell. phos. plumb. puls, rhod. spig. squill. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. thuy.verb. zinc. Before the ears. Ang. Behind the ears. Ind. nitr. In the ears. Chin. dulc. Round the ears. Con. rhod. TENSION in the ears. Amb. kreos, Behind the ears. Nitr-ac. Internal. Asar. aur. cham. dig. THROBBING. Pulsations in the ear. Bar-c. calc. cann. graph. hep. lach. magn-m. mez. mur- natr-m. nitr-ac. ac. natr. phos. rhab. sil. spig. thuy. Behind the ear. Onis. sabad. Internal. Amb. TIGHTNESS. Bell. TORPOR in the ears (Sensation of). Plat. TUMOURS in the ears (Small). Berb. Lobes (In the). Merc. TYMPANUM (Sensation of re- laxation in the). Rhab. ULCERATION of the ear. Am-c. lyc. merc. spong. stann. (Compare HERPES and Ex- CORIATION). ULCERATION (Pain in the ear, as if from). Anac. magn. ULCER in the ear. Bov. camph. kal. VICE (Sensation of compres- sion, as if in aj. Bell. WATER in the ears (Sensation of). Sulph. WEN on the lobe. Nitr-ac. WIND from the ears (Escape of). Chel. stram. WORM in the ear (Sensation of a). Rhod. WRINKLED skin before the ear, Oleand. WRINKLED body in the eusta- chian tube (Sensation of a). N-mos. SECTION 3.--SYMPTOMS OF THE HEARING, ACUTENESS of hearing, in bed, | BELLS (Sound of). Ars. val, in the evening. Kal. (Com- pare SENSIBILITY). AIR were entering into the eustachian tube (Noise as if). Graph. BAND Over the ear (Sensation of a). (See STOPPAGE.) (Compare RINGING. CHIRPING, &c. Puls. sil. sulph. CLUCKING in the ears. Cast. sil. CONFUSION of hearing, sounds reach the ears confusedly. Carb-an. SECT. 3. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEARING. 267 CRACKING. Bar-c. calc. lach. men. mosch. nitr-ac. sulph. CREPITATION. Alum. mosch. CRIES. Phos-ac. stann. DEAFNESS. Ant. bar-m. magn- m. mur-ac. natr. nic. nitr. plumb. sec. mgs-arc. (Com- pare, DIFFICULTY in hearing.) DETONATION, Snapping. Calc. mang. sabad. sil. sulph. DIFFICULTY in hearing, dimi- nished sense of hearing. Æth. am-c. am-m. anac. ant. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. (carb-v). caus. chin. cic. cocc. con. dros. graph. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. merc. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. verat. verb. (Compare Sect. 1. DYSE- COIA). sec. sep. spig. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. ther. verat. viol-od. zinc. mgs. mgs-aus. ILLUSIONS of the hearing. See the particular noises. MURMURS. See HUMMING and ROLLING. MUSIC in the ears (Sound of). Calc. natr. OBSTRUCTION of the ears. Æth. ang. arg. asar. bry. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. cist. cocc. colch. cyc. lach. led. mung. men. merc. natr. nitr- ac. puls. sep. sil. spig. sulph. verat. verb. Ceasing with Sil. detonation. when blowing the nose. Mang. merc. sil. when swallowing. Merc. On one side. Sulph. REVERBERATION, Echoing of sounds in the ear. Caus. lach. merc. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. Of words, of the human voice. Phos. phos-ac. Human voice (The). Ars. RINGING. See TINKLING. phos. sil. sulph. except the. Ign. DRUM (Sound of a). Lach. GRUMBLING. See HUMMING. HAMMERING in the ears. Spig. HUMMING, roaring, grumbling, &c. Acon. agar. agn. amb. am-c. am-m. ant. arn. ars. bell. bar-c. bry. calc. cann. carb-a. carb-v. carb-v. casc. caus. cham. chin. cocc. coff. con. croc. daph. dros. evon. fer. gran. graph. hep. hyos. iod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. ol-an. op. petr. phos. puls. rhab. sabad. ROLLING, Thundering, &c. Calc. caus. chel. graph. lach. ole- and. petr. plat. rhod. SENSIBILITY of the hearing. Ars. bell. bry. calad. cham. coff. con. iod. lach. lyc. magn. mur-ac. natr. phos-ac. plumb. sen. sep. sil. ther. ve- rat. viol-od. Conversation (to). Ars. phos-ac. verat. Excessive. Coff. lyc. phos. sep. sil. sulph. Music (to). Acon. cham. coff. lyc. phos-ac. sep. sulph. viol-od. Noise (to). Acon. ars. bry. chin. iod. lyc. magn, magn-m. N 2 268 CHAP. VIII. EARS. mur-ac. natr. phos-ac. plumb. sil. sulph. ther. zinc. SENSIBILITY : Organ (to the sound of the). Lyc. Violin (to the sound of the). Viol-od. SINGING. Graph. kal. oleand. ol-an. petros. (Compare TINKLING.) SNAPPING noise in the ears. Calc. mang: STOPPAGE of the ears, or a sen- sation as if something, a band, &c. were placed before them. Acon. ang. ant. calad. calc. cann. magn-m. nitr-ac. sa- bad. sulph. sulph-ac. verb. mgs-arc. TINKLING, ringing, &c. Acon. ang. amb. am-c. am-m. ars. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. cast. kreos. cham. chin. clem. con. fer-mg. gran. graph. kal. led. lyc. magn. magn-s. men. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. op. par. petr. puls. sass. sil. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. val. viol-od. (Compare SINGING, BELLS.) THUNDERING. See ROLLING. VOICES (One hears imaginary). Cham. WHISTLING in the ear. Graph. kreos. mur-ac. n-vom. sil. teuc. WINGS in the ears (Noise as if a bird were flapping its). Cham. magn. sil. SECTION 4.-CONDITIONS. AIR (Pains in the). Bry. con. | BLOWING THE NOSE: euphorb. lyc. tab. AIR (Pains when taking exercise in the). Bry. con. Obstruction (Sensation of). Sulph. Pain. Hep. AIR (Pains after exercising in CARRIAGE (Hearing amelio- the). Bry. AIR (Pains from the COLD). Agar. ANGRY (Pains after being). Sulph. BED in the evening (Pains in). Thuy. Humming. Hep. Morning (pains in the). N- vom. BLOWING THE NOSE (Cries in the ears when.) Phos-ac. stann. rated by the motion of a). Graph. CERUMEN (Hearing ameliorated by clearing out the). Con. COLD (Difficulty in hearing, af- ter taking). Merc. Pain. Dulc. merc. COLD air (Sufferings caused by). Agar. colch. CONVERSATION (Sensibility of the hearing to). Ars. phos- ac. verat. (Compare When SPEAKING, &c.) Hearing ameliorated. Mang. CRY OUT (Pain which forces one merc. sil. to). N-vom. SECTION 4. CONDITIONS. 269 DEGLUTITION (Hearing amelio- rated during). Merc. Noise in the ears. Alum. bar-c. Pain. Anac. bov. dros. fer- mg. mang. n-vom. DIGGING into the ear with the finger (Clucking when). Cast. EVENING (Otalgia in the). Alum. carb-v. ran. thuy. Difficulty in hearing. Nic. tar. Heat. Alum. carb-v. MUSIC: Sensibility of hearing. Coff. lyc. phos-ac. sep. viol-od. NAUSEA (Pain in the ears, with). Dulc. NIGHT (Pain at). Alum. bar-c. dulc. nitr. rhus. lying on the ear (when). Bar-c. nitr. Humming. Am-c. graph. Itching. N-vom. Tinkling. Rat. Voice (sound of the human). Cham. Humming in the ears. Merc. NOISE (Sensibility of the hear- sulph-ac. EVENING, in bed (Pain in the). Thuy. Acuteness of hearing. Kal. Redness of the ears. Alum. carb-v. Tinkling in the ears. Croc. merc. FACE (Pain in the ears, with pain in the). Merc. phos- ac. IRASCIBILITY and susceptibili- ty (Pain in the ears with). Cham. LAUGHING (Pain from). Mang. LEGS (Pain in the ears, with coldness in the). Thuy. MASTICATION (Cracking during). Calc. nitr-ac. n-vom. Pain. N-vom. sen. Snapping, crepitation. A- lum. MEAL (Pain during a). Verb. MOON (Difficulty in hearing, at the full-). Sil. MORNING (In bed, in the). N- vom. MUSIC (Pain when listening to). Phos-ac. tab. ing to). Acon. ars. bry. chin. iod. lyc. magn. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. phos-ac. plumb. sil. ther. zinc. Noise in the ear aggravated by. Ol-an. ODONTALGIA (Pain in the ear, with). Meph. phos-ac. ran- SC. ORGAN (Sensibility of the hear- ing to the sound of the). Lyc. READING in a loud voice (Diffi- culty in hearing when). Verb. REASON (Pain which almost de- prives one of). Puls. RISING from the seat (Hum- ming on). Verat. ROOM (Humming in a). Magn. SLEEP (Noise in the ears with). Mez. SNEEZING (Cracking when). Bar-c. SPEAKING (Pain when). Mang. Whistling Teuc. STOOPING (Humming when). Croc. Supporting the head (Grumbl- ing, humming when). Fer. TEETH (Pain on compressing the). Anac. n-vom. 270 CHAP. IX. NOSE. URINE (Pain in the ear, with profuse). Thuy. VIOLIN (Sensibility to the sound of the). Viol-od. VOMITING (Deafness after). m. WALKING in the open air (From). Bry. con. WARMTH of the bed (Pain from the). Merc. Bar-WEATHER (Hearing affected by a change of). Mang. n-mos. YAWNING (Cracking when). Mang. WALKING (Pain when). Bry. con. mang. Cracking. Bar-c. men. CHAPTER IX. AFFECTIONS OF THE NOSE AND OF THE SMELL. SECTION I.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ANOSMIA.-The best medicines against chronic loss of smell, are: Natr-m. sep. sil. sulph. or else: Aur. calc. caust. kal. &c. (See Sect. 2, SMELL.) CANCER IN THE NOSE.- NOSE. The medicines which merit a pre- ference, are: Ars. aur. calc. carb-an. sep. sil. and sulph. (Com- pare also CARCINOMA, Chap. II.) CARIES IN THE NOSE. When this malady arises from a scrofulous or mercurial origin, Aur. ought always to be pre- ferred. For syphilitic caries, merc. is most eligible, but if the patient has already abused that medicine, then aur. will be the most suitable. See besides: OSTITIS and DISEASES OF THE BONES, Chap. I. CORYZA, or COLD IN THE HEAD. The best medicines are in general: Am-c. ars. cham. dulc. hep. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. Or else: Bell. euphr. ign. ipec. lyc. natr. samb. Or else again: Alum. anac. bry. calc. carb-v. caus, con. graph. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. sil. zinc. &c. (See Sect. 3.) For the PRECURSORS of coryza, if it is tardy in establishing itself, with catarrhal affection of the frontal sinus, eyes, &c., the medicines to be preferred are especially: Am-c. calc. lach. n-vom. sulph. or again: Caust. hep. and natr-m. For DRY CORYZA, or catarrhal OBSTRUCTION of the nose, the medicines are, in general, the same as the preceding, but in SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 271 obstinate cases, recourse may be also had to: Bry. ign. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. plat. sil. &c. (See Sect. 3, DRY CORYZA AND OBSTRUCTION OF THE NOSE.) Obstruction of the nose in new-born infants, usually yields to: N-vom, or samb. For FLUENT CORYZA, or NASAL BLENORRHEA, the principal medicines are: Merc. puls. sulph. or Ars. bell. chum. dulc. hep. ipec. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. sil. &c. (See Sect. 3, FLUENT CORYZA.) For ORDINARY CORYZA, according to its nature, the most suitable medicines will be found to be: Merc. hep. bell. lach. or : Ars. dulc. n-vom. ipec. or: Cham. puls. sulph. or again: Bry. ign. am-c. euphr. Coryza, with FEVER, requires mostly: Merc. n-vom. For CHRONIC Coryza, besides the preceding, recourse may be also had to: Alum. anac. calc. carb-v. caus. con. graph. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. sil. zinc. (Compare also OZŒNA.) The medicines that are to be preferred against a DISPOSITION TO TAKE COLD on the slightest occasion, are: Calc. graph. natr. puls. sil. and sulph. (Compare also CHILL, Chap. I.) The sequela of SUPPRESSED CORYZA, mostly require, in gene- ral: Acon. ars. bell. bry. chin. cin. n-vom. puls. or sulph. When the HEAD is principally affected, recourse must be had to: Acon. bell. cham. chin. cin. n-vom. sulph. or, again, to: Ars. bell. carb-v. lach. lyc. puls. If the EYES are affected, a preference should be given to : Bell. cham. euphr. ign. lach. n-vom. puls. or again: Hep. merc. and sulph. In case of ASTHMATIC sufferings: Ars. or ipec. or again : Bry. n-vom. or sulph. And in case of BRONCHITIS: Acon. bry. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. or sulph. In all cases, a preference may be given to : AMMONIUM, if there are: Obstruction of the nose, principally at night, swelling and painful sensibility of the nostrils; blow- ing of blood from the nose; excessive dryness of the nose; pain in the eyes, with lachrymation; bleeding of the nose, dryness of the mouth, especially at night, &c. ARSENICUM, if there are, at the same time, Obstruction of the nose, and profuse discharge of serous mucus, with burning in the nose and erosion of the parts adjacent; sleeplessness at night; bleeding at the nose; hoarseness; humming in the ears; head- ache, with throbbing in the forehead and nausea; amelioration from the heat; adypsia, or desire to drink frequently, but little at a time. DULCAMARA, if there are: Obstruction of the nose, with dis- charge, which is checked by the least exposure to cold air; ag- 272 CHAP. IX. NOSE. gravation during repose, and amelioration by movement; bleed- ing at the nose; dryness of the mouth, without thirst; hoarse- ness and roughness of the voice. CHAMOMILLA, principally in children, or after suppressed perspiration, and especially if there are: Ulceration of the nostrils, cracked lips; somnolency, heaviness of the head, with a kind of dulness; shivering with thirst; redness of one cheek, with paleness of the other; acrid and smarting mucus in the nose. (It is often suitable before or after puls.) HEPAR in the majority of cases of ordinary coryza, in which merc. is indicated, and proves insufficient, or when the patient has previously taken too much of that medicine; especially if exposure to cold air renews the complaint or causes head-ache, or if the coryza attacks only one nostril, and the head-ache is aggravated by movement. LACHESIS, in cases in which merc. or hep. is indicated, with- out being sufficient, and especially if there are: Profuse dis- charge of serous mucus, swelling and excoriation of the nostrils and lips, scabs in the nostrils, lachrymation and frequent sneez- ing; or else, if the catarrhal discharge is a long time in establish- ing itself, with obstruction of the nose, humming in the ears, lachrymation, head-ache, ill-humour and complete unfitness for meditation, and especially if n-vom. is insufficient against that state. MERCURIUS, in almost all cases of ORDINARY CORYZA, whe- ther there is or is not an epidemic; especially if there are: Fre- quent sneezing; profuse discharge of serous mucus; swelling, redness, and excoriation of the nose, with itching and aching pains on pressing the nose; offensive smell of nasal mucus ; pres- sive head-ache in the forehead; nocturnal perspiration, shivering or feverish heat; violent thirst; pains in the limbs; aversion to solitude; aggravation of the state from both heat and cold. Compare Bell. hep. and lach.) NUX-VOM. if there are: Dry coryza, with obstruction of the nose; head-ache with heaviness in the forehead, or with shooting or tearing pains; heat of the face, especially in the evening, with burning redness of the cheeks; pain, as if beaten, over the whole body; quarrelsomeness and passion; or if the coryza is fluent in the morning, but dry in the evening or at night, with dryness of the mouth, without much thirst; sensa- tion of dryness in the chest; constipation or hard fæces: or else, if there are, at the same time, obstruction of the nose and discharge of brown and corrosive mucus, and if ars. has proved insufficient against that state. (Compare ars. ipec. and lach.) PULSATILLA, if there are: Anorexia; loss of taste and smell; secretion of yellowish, greenish, thick and offensive mucus; swell- ing of the nose; blowing of blood from the nose; ulcerated SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 273 nostrils; frequent sneezing; photophobia; hoarse voice; hea- viness and confusion of the head, especially in the evening, and in the warmth of a room, with obstruction of the nose; ameliora- tion in the open air; shivering, especially in the evening; adypsia; tearfulness. (It is often suitable before or after cham.) SULPHUR, if there are: Obstruction and excessive dryness of the nose, or else profuse secretion of thick, yellowish and puriform mucus; frequent sneezing; blowing of blood from the nose; loss of smell; excoriation and ulceration of the nostrils, &c. (It is often suitable after puls.) Among the medicines cited, recourse may be also had to: BELLADONNA, in cases in which merc. or hep. has been indi- cated, without being sufficient, and especially if the sense of smelling is at one time too acute, at another, too dull. EUPHRASIA, if there is a discharge of much whitish mucus, with red eyes and lachrymation. IGNATIA, against coryza in nervous persons, with head-ache in the forehead and hysterical excitement. IPECACUANHA, in cases in which arsen. or n-vom. has been indicated without being sufficient, and especially if there are : great weakness, anorexia, with nausea, disgust, and even vomiting. LYCOPODIUM, if there is obstruction of the nose, especially at night, with confused head-ache, and burning pain in the forehead. NATRUM, if the coryza returns every second day, or if it is renewed by every current of air and by the slightest chill, and is removed only by perspiration. SAMBUCUS, if in new-born infants there is obstruction of the nose, from thick, tenacious mucus, with waking with a start as if about to be suffocated. For the remainder of the medicines cited, see their patho- genesy, and also the Symptoms, Sect 3. Compare also: CATARRH, COUGH, &C. Chap. XXI. EPISTAXIS and NASAL HÆMORRHAGE.-The best medicines are: Acon. arn. bell. bry, chin. croc. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. or else again: Ambr. carb-v. cin. fer. gran? kreos? led. sabin. sec. sep. sil. &c. (See Sect. 2). For nasal HÆMORRHAGE, or bleeding from the nose in a stream, they are principally: Acon. arn. bell. chin. merc. puls. rhus. or sec. If the Epistaxis is caused by CONGESTION OF BLOOD in the head, it will be necessary to employ in preference: Acon. bell. chin, croc. con. or again: Alum. cham. graph. rhus. &c. (Com- pare Chap. VI, CONGESTION in the head). N 3 274 CHAP. IX. NOSE. If it manifests itself during the CORYZA: Ars. or puls. In children suffering from VERMICULOUS AFFECTIONS: Cin. or merc. or gran.? In WOMEN who have Too FEEBLE CATAMENIA: Puls. sec. or sep. In those who have Too PROFUSE CATAMENIA: Acon. calc. croc. sabin. &c.—With AMENORRHÆA: Bryon. puls. or sep. IN WEAK PERSONS, or those who have been ЕXHAUSTED by debilitating losses, sanguineous evacuations, &c.: Chin. or sec. or carb-v.? cin.? fer.? In consequence of being OVER-HEATED, or indulging in an ABUSE OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, &C. N-vom. or acon. bell. bryon. In consequence of PHYSICAL EXERTION: Rhus. or arn. or again Bry. calc.? puls.? sulph.? In consequence of a CONTUSION, or .a BLow, &c. especially in MEN: Arn. A DISPOSITION to bleed at the nose from the slightest cause, requires in preference: Culc. carb-veg. sep. sil. or sulph. For more ample information, see Sect. 2, EPISTAXIS, and consult the pathogenesy of the medicines cited: ERYSIPELAS in the nose. See ERYSIPELAS in the face, Chap. VI. HÆMORRHAGE (NASAL).-See EPISTAXIS. INFLAMMATION of the nose.-See CORYZA, OzŒNA and UL- CERATION. OZONA. The best medicines against chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose are in general: Alum. am-c. asa. aur. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. con. graph, kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. natr. nitr-ac. puls. sil, sulph. thuy. CHRONIC OBSTRUCTION of the nose requires especially: Bry. calc. caus. con. lach. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. sil. and sulph. or else again: Aur. carb-v. graph. kal. magn. magn-m. n-vom. phos. or thuy. ÚLCERATION, RHAGADES and SCABS in the nostrils, require in preference: Alum. aur. bor. calc. cic. graph. lach. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. puls. and sulph. For DISCHARGE OF PUS, or Ozana, properly so called, the medicines that ought to be employed are principally: Aur. or merc. or again: Asa. calc. cic.? con. lach. puls. sulph. For syphilitic Ozana, merc. is to be preferred, but if the patient has already been subjected to an abuse of it: Aur. must be employed, or else: Asa. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sulph. or thuy. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 275 See also the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2 and 3, and compare like- wise CARIES, CORYZA, SWELLING, &c. POLYPUS in the nose.—A preference should be given to: Calc. phos. staph. and teuc. and again perhaps to: Sep. sil. SWELLING of the nose.-The best medicines are in general : Arn, ars. asa. aus. bell, bry, calc. hep, merc. natr-m. phos. puls. sep. sulph. zinc. If the swelling is caused by a CONTUSION, a blow, or a fall, &c. arn. is to be preferred. After ABUSE OF MERCURY: Asa. aur. bell. hep. lach.? and sulph. may be employed. In persons addicted to the use of SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS: Ars. calc. puls. sulph. or again : Bell. hep. lach.? or merc. In scrofulous subjects especially: Asa. aur. calc. hep. merc. puls. and sulph. or again: Bry. lach.? phos. &c. In case of RED and PAINFUL swelling, the medicines are principally Bell. hep. merc. or again: Bry. calc. rhus. or sulph. : If there are at the same time, BLACK PORES in the nose, the principal medicine is: Sulph. or else: Graph.-If there are SCABS, especially: Carb-v. natr-m. sep. or sil.-If there are BLACK SPOTS: Phos-ac.-If the END of the nose is RED: Culc. carb-an. or rhus.-If there is a COPPERY REDNESS: Ars. or cann.-And if there are warts on the nose: Caust. SECTION 2. SYMPTOMS OF THE NOSE. ACHING pains. Ars. aur. carb- BONES (Swelling of the). Merc. an. colch. ind. merc. natr-m. | BORING pains. Natr-m. spig. sil. thuy. verat. BLACK pores. sabin. sulph. sulph. Dros. graph. BRUISE (Pain as if from a). Arn. bell. cic. hep. viol-od. BURNING in the nose. Bell. kal. BLACKNESS of the nose. Merc. BLOWING of blood from the nose. Agar. alum. am-c. bor. calc-ph. caus. dros. graph. lach. lyc. par. phos. puls. sep. stront. sulph. thuy. Evening and at night (in the). Graph. Morning (in the). Caus. BODY in the nose (Sensation of a foreign). Calc-ph. BONES (Caries of the). Aur. Nostrils (in the). Ars. canth. cist. hep. led. magn-m. nic. nitr-ac. stann. sulph. tab. Nostrils (of the). Bov. kal- h. phell. rat. Point (in the). Carb-an. BURNING places in the nose. Iod. CANCER in the nose. See Sect. 1. CARIES of the bones. Aur. 276 CHAP. IX. NOSE. CLOTS of blood in the nose. | DISCHARGE OF Ambr. am-c. fer. n-vom. COLDNESS of the nose. Arn. bell. plumb. verat. COMPRESSION in the nose, as if from a claw. Nitr. COMPRESSIVE pain. Acon. verat. CONDYLOMA (Ficus). Nitr-ac. CONGESTION of blood in the nose. Am-c. cupr. samb. - Stooping (when). Am-c. CONTRACTION (Pain as if from). Sabad. CONTUSION (Pain as if from). See BRUISE. CONVULSIONS. Lyc. COPPERY redness. Cann. CORROSION in the nostrils. Berb. Nose (in the upper part of the). Sil. CRACKING in the nose. Sulph. CRACKS in the point of the nose. Carb-an. Nostrils (in the). Ant. CRAWLING in the nose. Arn. bor. Nostrils (in the). Arg. berb. carb-v. gran. ol-an. ran-sc. sabad. spig. tab. teuc. Point of the nose (in the). Mosch. pæon. rhab. DESQUAMMATION of the nose. Ars. aur. carb-an. natr. Furfuraceous. Ars. aur. DIG the nose with the finger (Desire to). Cin. phos-ac. sel DIGGING in the nose. Coloc. nitr. DISCHARGE OF PUS from the nose. Alum. am-c. arg. ars. asa. aur. calc. cic. cin. con. graph. lach. lyc. merc. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. Acrid, corrosive. Lyc. merc. Green. Asa. aur. merc. puls. rhus. nose: PUS from the Offensive. Asa. aur. graph. lyc. merc. rhus. Sanguineous. Arg. Thick. Alum. Yellow. Alum. aur. cic. puls. DRAWING pains. Rhab. thuy. DRYNESS of the nose. See Sect. 3. EPHELIDES (Freckles) on the nose. Phos. sulph. EPISTAXIS. Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-c. anac. arg. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. cann. caps. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. cor. croc. dros. dulc. fer. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal-ch. kal-h. lach. led. lyc. merc. meph. mill. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. sec. sep. sep. sil. spong. sulph. terb. thuy. verat. Blowing the nose (after). Arg. bar-c. spong. Congestion in the head (with). Alum. graph. Evacuation (during). Carb- v. phos. Evening (in the). Ant. dros. fer. graph. phos. sulph. Exertion (after every). Carb- V. and Fainting (with). Calc. Hawking (when). Rhus. spitting Head (with heaviness of the). Coff. Head (with pain in the). Alum. carb-an. dulc. mgs. Heat of the face (with). Graph. Heat and dryness of the nose (with). Cann. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 277 EPISTAXIS: Amb. Meal (after a). Am-c. (Com- pare Chap. XV). Morning (in the). am-c. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. hep. kal. kreos. magn. nitr-ac. n-vom. sulph. in bed. Caps. Night (at). Bell. calc. carb- v. cor. graph. kal-ch. magn- S. rhus. verat. (Compare When sleeping). Nose (with obstructed). Puls. Over-heated (after being). Thuy. Paleness of the face (with). Carb-v. Pulsation in the head (with). Bor. Sight (with loss of). Ind. Singing (after). Hep. Sleeping (when). Bry. merc. Stooping (when). Carb-v. rhus. Syncope (with). Croc. Vertigo (with). Carb-an. sulph. Washing oneself (when). Am-c. Weeping (after). Nitr-ac. EPISTAXIS OF BLOOD: Acrid. Nitr. Black. Croc. nitr-ac. kreos. lach. Clear colour (of a). Dulc. kreos. lach. Hot. Dulc. Serous. Kreos. Thick. Croc. kreos. lach. n- vom. Viscous. Croc. ERUPTIONS on the nose. Ant. am-c. aur. bell. clem. euphr. kal. lach. magn. natr. nic. nitr-ac. petr. plumb. rhus. sulph. tar. (Compare HERPES, SCABS). ERUPTIONS on the nose: Corners (in the). Plumb. Interior of the nose (in the). Magn. phell. sil. Lower part of the nose (in the). Caps. squill. Partition of the nose (in the). Ol-an. Point of the nose (in the). Caus. clem. nitr-ac. sil. spong. ERUPTIONS, ACCORDING TO THEIR NATURE: Burning. Ol-an. Confluent. Phell. Excoriation (with pains as if from). Spig. Furfuraceous. Aur. Herpetic. See HERPES. Itching. Nitr-ac. squill. Lancinating. Squill. Painful. Caps. phell. when touched. Clem. Pimples (of). Am-c. caps. clem. euphr. kal. lach. ol-an. petr. plumb. sil. Pressive, painful. Magn. Pustules (of). Clem. euphr. merc. petr. plumb. Red. Aur. lach. Running. Ol-an. squill. Scabby. See SCABS. Shooting. See LANCINATING. Vesicles (of). Magn. nitr- ac. phell. plumb. sil. EXCORIATION of the nostrils. Agar. alum. ang. ant. bov. graph. ign. lach. magn-m mang. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. zinc. Corners (in the). Ant. phos. EXCORIATION in the nose (Pain as if from). Cic. hep. 278 CHAP. IX. NOSE. Alæ nasi (in the). Caus. sel. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from): | ITCHING: Nostrils (in the). Am-c. colch. magn-m. n-vom. squill. Point of the nose (in the). Bor. rhus. FINGERS into the nose (Desire to put the,. Cin. phos-ac. sel. FULNESS in the nose (Sensation of). Par. Interior of the nose (in the). Agar. gran. n-vom. ol-an. sabad. sel. sen. Point of the nose (in the). Caus. sil. NODOSITIES in the nostrils. Ars. FURUNCULI in the nose. Alum. OBSTRUCTION of the nose. See am-c. sil. HEMORRHAGE (Nasal). Sect. 1. Sect. 3. See PAIN in the nose: HEAT in the nose. Can. canth. chin. cor. gran. magn-m. n- vom. Point of the nose (in the). M-arc. HEAT (Sensation of). Rhab. HEAVINESS of the nose. Am-c. colch. merc. samb. sil. stann. Stooping (when). Am-c. sil. HERPES in the alæ nasi. Nitr-ac. spig. Night (at). Bell. cor. lach. Pressing upon it (when). Am-m. sil. -Touched (when). Aur. bell. bry, hep. led. magn-m. magn- S. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. ruta. sil. PAIN in the nose, ameliorated by pressing upon it. Agn. PALENESS of the nose. Natr-m. PERSPIRATION on the back of the nose. Ruta. INCISIVE pains in the bones of PIMPLES. (See ERUPTIONS). the nose. Ind. INDURATION of the alæ nasi. Thuy. INFLAMMATION of the nose. Aur. bry. calc. canth. hep. ran. rat. rhus. sil. stann. sulph. Nostrils (of the). Agar. bry. canth. cham. cist. cocc. con. | mang. merc. n-vom. ran. rhus. sil. stann. sulph. ve- rat. Point of the nose (in the). Nitr. sep. sulph. nose Semi-lateral. Natr-m. INSENSIBILITY of the (Semi-lateral). Natr-m. ITCHING in the nose. Agar. am- c. bor. bor. carb-v. chel. ign. merc. n-vom. oleand. rat. samb. spig. PLUGS OF MUCUS in the nose. Sep. sil. POINTED nose. See FACE, Chap. X. POLYPUS in the nose. Phos. teuc. PORES in the nose (Black). Dros. graph. sabin. sulph. PRESSING upon the nose (Pains ameliorated when). Agn. PRESSURE upon the nose. Asa. magn. merc. oleand. ran. Root of the nose (in the). Agn. hyos. rut. PRICKING in the point of the nose. Ran-sc. PULSATIONS. See THROBBINGS. Pus. See DISCHARGE of pus. PUSTULES. See ERUPTIONS. QuIVERING in the nose. Chel. stront. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 279 RHAGADES. See CRACKS. REDNESS of the nose. Alum. aur. bell. calc. cann. chin. hep. kal. magn-m. mang. magn-m. mang. merc. phos. ran. Corners (of the). Plumb. Interior of the nose (of the). Bell. phell. Margins of the nostrils (of the). Lach. Point of the nose (of the). Calc. carb-an. nic. nitr-ac. rhus. sil. mgs-arc. REDNESS of the nose (Coppery). Cann. Roor of the nose (Pain in the). Agn. hyos. men. petr. puls. ruta. (Compare CEPHALALGIA above the root of the nose, Chap. VI, Sect. 3). SCABS in the nose. Carb-an. carb-v. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos- ac. sep. sil. Below the nose. Bar-c. sass. Nostrils (in the). Alum. ant. aur. bor. bov. calc. cic. graph. hep. lach. lyc. magn-m. nitr- ac. phos. ran. rat. sass. sil. staph. sulph. thuy. (Compare ULCERATION). SCRAPING in the nose. N-vom. SENSIBILITY of the nose. Agar. am-m. natr. sil. Interior (of the). Agar. am- c. kal-h. Touched (to the pressure, when). Am-m. SHOOTINGS in the nose. Bell. nitr-ac. spig. Point of the nose (in the). Nitr. SMARTING in the nose. Ang. aur. bry. euphorb. ran-sc. sabad. spig. Nostrils (in the). Graph. SMELL (Acuteness of). Acon. agar. alum. bar-c. bell. calc. cham. colch. cyc. graph. hep. kal. lyc. mez. n-vom. phos. sabad. sulph. tabad. SMELL (Acuteness of): Acids (for). Dros. Eggs and fat meat (for). Colch. Garlic (for). Sabad. Tobacco-smoke (for). Bell. Wine (for). Tab. SMELL (Absence of). Anac. aur. caus. hep. ipec. magn-m. mang. natr-m. phell. phos. plumb. rhod. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. Dulness, diminution of. Alum. bell. calc. cyc. kal. mez. tab. SMELL, Offensive Offensive exhalation from the nose. Bell. calc. graph. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. Putrid. Bell. graph. Urine (of). Graph. SMELLS in the nose (Imaginary): Acid. Alum. Brandy (of). Aur. Cheese (of). N-vom. Coffee (of). Puls. Close. Mgs. Coryza (of an old). Puls. Dung (of). Staph. Dust (of). M-arc. Eggs (of rotten). Calc. men. mgs-arc. Gunpowder (of). Calc. Gypsum (of). Mgs. Herrings (of). Agn. Horn (of burnt). Sulph. Musk (of). Agn. Nauseous. Canth. men. Offensive. Kreos. plumb. nitr-ac. sep. breathing through the nose (when). Nitr-ac. with anorexia. Kreos. Pitch (of). Ars. 280 CHAP. IX. NOSE. SMELLS in the nose (Imaginary): Pus (of). Sen. Putrid. Aur. and milk (of). bread and milk Par. Smoke (of). Sulph. Snuff of a candle (of the). N-vom. Sour. See Acid. Sponge (of burnt). Anac. Sulphur (of). Ars. n-vom. Sweetish. Aur. Tallow (of). Val. Tobacco (of). Puls. SORENESS of the nose. Alum. -Nostrils (of the). Euphr, SPASMS in the alæ nasi. Amb. SPASMODIC pains in the nose. Plat. zinc. Root of the nose (in the). Arn. hyos. zinc. SPLINTERS of bone (Pain in the nose, as if from). Nitr- ac. SPLINTERS in the nose (Pain, as if from). Nitr-ac. SPOTS in the nose (Red). Iod. phos-ac. sil. Yellow. Sep. STUPIFYING pain. Acon. oleand. rhab. SUFFOCATING pain. Euphorb. SWELLING of the nose. Alum. am-m. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-an. graph. hep. ign. kal. lyc. magn-m. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. ran. rhus. sep. sulph. zinc. Alæ nasi (of the). Lach. phell. magn-m. sulph. thuy. Back of the nose (of the). Phos-ac. Nostrils (in the). Am-c. bell. canth. cist. cocc. lach. nitr. zinc. SWELLING of the nose: Point of the nose (of the). Bor. calc. nic. sep. sulph. Cocc. croc. Semi-lateral. natr-m. zinc. SWELLING of the bones. Merc. TEARING pains in the nose. Ind. kal-h. nic. TENSION in the nose. Asa. merc. ran. Alæ nasi (in the). Thuy. Bones (in the). Thuy. Interior (in the). Graph. Root of the nose (in the). Men. THROBBINGS, pulsation in the nose. Coloc. cor. sil. TICKLING in the nose. Arg. carb-v. ol-an. ol-an. puls. spig. (Compare CRAWLING.) TORPOR in the nose (Sensation of). Asa. plat. samb. viol- od. TREMBLING in the point of the nose. Chel. ULCERATION of the nose. Cham. staph.sulph. (Compare SCABS). Alæ nasi (in the). Puls. Nostrils (in the). Alum. arn. aur. bry. calc. cor. graph. ign. kal. lyc. merc. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. (Compare SCABS). ULCERATION in the nose (Pain, as if from). Magn-s. puls. Interior (in the). Am-m. ars. aur. aur-m. bell. bor. bry. hep. sil. verat. VESICLES. See ERUPTIONS. WARTS on the nose. Caus. SECT. 3. CORYZA. 281 SECTION 3.-SYMPTOMS OF CORYZA. Morning (in the). Calc. natr-m. n-vom. Night (in the). Caus. n-vom. with fluent coryza, dur- ing the day. Euphr. n-vom. Semi-lateral. Alum. plat. CORYZA in general. Alum. am-c. | Coryza : am-m. anac. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. COCC. con. diad. dig. dulc. euphr. graph. hep. ign. ipec. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. puls. samb. sep. sil. sulph. terb. zinc. Chill (after every). Natr. spig. Cold (on taking). Graph. Continued. Calc. natr. sil. Current of air (from a). Natr. Day (every). Graph. (every second). Natr. Incomplete. Lach. Morning (in the). Dig. Perspiration (Ameliorated after). Natr. Semi-lateral. Hep. Suppressed. See Sect. 1. Wet (after getting). Sep. CORYZA (Dry). Amb. am-c. am- m. aur. bry, calc. caps. carb- an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. graph. hep. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. mang. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. op. par. phos. plat. rat. sabin. sass. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. (Compare OBSTRUCTION of the nose.) Alternately with fluent cory- za. Alum. bell. euphr. gran. n-vom. par. Cold (aggravated by). Dulc. Continued. Caus. Evening (in the). Calad. Fluent in the air. Thuy. Fluent by day. Euphr. n- vom. stann. CORYZA (Fluent). Arg. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. caus. cham. cin. cinn. clem. cor. cupr. cyc. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. hep. ipec. kal. kal-ch. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-s. meph. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. par. petr. phell. phos. phos- ac. plumb. puls. sabad. sel. sep. sil. spig. squill. staph. sulph. tart. zinc. mgs-aus. (Compare Sect. 1. CORYZA.) Air (in the open). Teuc. thuy. Alternately with obstruc- tion of the nose. Alum. bell. euphr. gran. n-vom. par. Cephalalgia to cease (Which causes). Lach. Day only, with dry coryza in the evening or at night (by). Euphr. n-vom. Evening (in the). Sil. Frequent. Sil. to cease Lachrymation (Which causes). Lach. Morning (in the). Berb. n- vom. nose Obstruction of the ears to cease (Which causes). Lach. Obstruction of the (which causes). Sil. Semi-lateral. Alum. rhod. staph. Alum. bell. 282 CHAP. IX. NOSE. DISCHARGE from the nose. See Mucus. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. squill. Pus (of). See Sect. 2. Dis- MUCUS: CHARGE. DRYNESS of the nose. Agar. amb. ars. bar-c. bell. berb. bry. calc. cann. cor. dros. gran. graph. ign. kal. magn- m. meph. merc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. phos. rat. rhus. sen. sep. sil. spig. sulph. tab. zinc. Air (when walking in the open). Ant. Heat in the nose (with). Cann. Night (at). N-vom. sil. Sneezing (with). Rat. DRYNESS (Sensation of). Anac. con. mez. petr. sen. verat. sil. FULNESS in the nose (Sensation of). Laur. par. GRIPPE. See Chap. XXI. INFLUENZA. See Chap. XXI. Mucus (Increased secretion of). Bar-c. euphr. iod. plumb. phos. ran-sc. rhod. sabad. spig. Air (in the open). Rhod. Mucus without coryza (Dis- charge of). Agar. anac. calc- ph. carb-v.cast.caus. euphorb. graph. kreos. magn-m. nitr- ac. par. phos. ran. ran-sc. sulph-ac. terb. ther. Chronic. Anac. phos. Mucus, with or without Cory- za. Acrid. See Corrosive. Burning. Ars. cinn. kal-h. sulph. (Compare coryza ac- companied by BURNING.) Corrosive, acrid. Am-m. ars. cast. kal-h. lach. mang. magn-m. magn-s. merc. mez. Greenish. Berb. bor. kal. natr. par. phos. puls. thuy. (Compare DISCHARGE of pus. Sect. 1.) Glutinous. Sel. Hard, forming scabs. Alum. bry. natr. sep. sil. Offensive. Calc. caus. graph. hep. magn-m. natr. nitr-ac. puls. thuy. (Compare Dis- CHARGE of pus, Sect. 2.) Pimples (Forming). Sep. sil. Purulent. Berb. calc. kal. sulph. (Compare Sect. 2, Dis- CHARGE of pus.) Putrid. Graph. Reddish. Par. Sanguineous. Kal. n-vom. par. phos. sulph. thuy. (Com- pare BLOWING of blood from the nose, Sect. 2.) Serous, watery. Agar. am- m. ars. bov. carb-v. cast. graph. lach. merc. mez. mur- ac. par. plumb. ran-sc. sulph- ac. terb. Tallow (like). Cor. Tenacious. Gran. Thick. Ant. bar-c. bor. graph. magn-s. mang. mur- ac. natr. nitr-ac. ol-an. par. puls. sabad. samb. sass. sel. sulph. Viscous. Bov. canth. colch. plumb. ran. samb. White. Berb. sabad. spig. Yellowish. Ant. berb. bov. graph. magn-m. magn-s. mez. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sel. spig. sulph. (Compare DISCHARGE, Sect. 2.) SECT. 3. CORYZA. 283 OBSTRUCTION of the nose. Alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ant. arg. ars. aur. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. chel. cic. cin. con, cupr. fer- mg. graph. grat. iod. ipec. kal. kal-h. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n- vom. ol-an. op. par. petr. phell. phos. plumb. puls. ran. rat. sabad. samb. sass. sel. sep. sil. spig. stann. stram. sulph. tab. teus. thuy. verb. zinc. (Compare Dry CORYZA, and Sect. 1. Ozana.) Of the nasal fossæ. Staph. OBSTRUCTION of the nose, which manifests itself. Discharge of Mucus (With). Ars. n-vom. Evening (in the). Carb-v. euphr. puls. Morning (in the). Con. lach. | par. phos. rhod. Night (at). Am-c. lyc. magn-m. n-vom. phell. Pain, as if from excoriation in the nose (with). Amb. ran. Pain in the nose (with smarting). Arg. Pus (from). Calc. Reading aloud (when). Verb. Room (in a). Puls. ran. Puls. in the warmth of a. Side only (On one). Alum. fer-mg. n-mos. rhod. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. OBSTRUCTION of the nose: Sneezing (with). Fer-mg. Pus (Discharge of). See Sect. 2, DISCHARGE of pus. SNEEZING. Agar. amb. bor. calc. calc-ph. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cin. cist. croc. euphorb. grat. kal. kal-ch. kreos. lach. meph. merc. mez. natr-m. n-vom. nic. phos. prun. puls. ran-sc. rat. rhus. squill. staph. sulph. tar. tart. teuc. ther. verat. Evening (in the). Puls. Immoderate. Con. kal. sil. Interrupted. Acon. natr-m. nitr-ac. sil. Morning (in the). Caus. kreos. puls. Nausea (with). Sulph. Spasmodic. Stram. sulph. Violent. Acon. ars. sabad. rhus. SNEEZING, accompanied by: Abdomen (Pain in the). A con. Chest (pain in the). Acon. cin. grat. sen. Crawling in the nose. Pæon. plat. teuc. Head (pain in the). Cin. Hypochondria (pain in the). Grat. Nape of the neck (pain in the). Am-m. Side (Shooting in the). Acon. bor. grat. SNEEZE (Ineffectual desire to). Carb-v. mez. plat. 284 CHAP. IX. NOSE. SECTION 4.-CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS OF CORYZA. NOTE. It is obvious that, in particular practical cases, the following observations are to be completed by the correspond- ing articles, on the organs that are simultaneously attacked. See also CORYZA, Sect. 1. Calc. HEAT. Spig. ASTHMATIC sufferings. bov. kal. mgs-aus. BEATEN (Pains as if). Hep. CATARRH. Acon. fer-mg. graph. ign. mang. spig. sulph. (Com- pare CATARRH, Chap. XXI.) CHEST (Erosion, roughness in the). Carb-v. kreos. meph. Oppression at the. Calc. Pain in the. Bell. magn-s. mez. ol-an. phos-ac. sulph. zinc. COLIC. Acon. COUGH. Alum. amb. bar-c. bell. canth. euphr. ign. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. spong. sulph. thuy. Night (At). Caus. EARS (Humming in the). Acon. EPISTAXIS. Ars. EXCITABILITY (Nervous). Ign. EYEBROWS (Pressure on the). Ars. EYES (Prominent). Spig. Watery. Euphr. staph. FACE (Altered). Sabad. FEVER. Hep. lach. merc. natr. spig. GRIPING (Alternately with). Calc. HEAD-ache. Acon. ars. bry. calc. caus. cin. graph. ign. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom. sep. spig. thuy. Confusion in the head. Bov. euphr. lyc. phos. sabad. Heat in the head. Lyc. n-vom. HEART (Anguish at the). Anac. HOARSENESS. Ars. carb-v. caus. dig. graph. kal. natr. nitr-ac. phel. petr. sep. spig. spong. sulph. thuy. LACHRYMATION. Euphr. lach. staph. LEGS (Rigidity in the). Anac. LIMBS (Pains in the). Sep. LIPS (Eruption on the). Mez. MOUTH (Dryness of the). N- vom. Mucus (Hawking up of). Colch. NAUSEA. Graph. NOSE (Bleeding of the). Ars. Burning of the. Ars. calad. cin. mez. (Compare Burning Mucus.) V. Crawling in the. Caps. carb- Obstruction of the. Cham. natr-s. lach. nitr. n-vom. par. phell. rat. rhod. tong. semi-lateral. Rhod. staph. Scraping in the. N-vom. Swelling of the. Bry. nitr- ac. phell. NOSTRILS (Excoriated). See Cor- rosive Mucus. Inflamed. Hep. lach. mang. phell. Ulcerated. Calc. cocc. lach. nitr-ac. squill. staph. tart. ODONTALGIA. Lach. OTALGRA. Lach. SHIVERINGS. Natr. puls. spig. sulph. tart. SLEEPLESSNESs. Ars. SECT. 4. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 285 SMELL (LOSS of). Am-m. carb- TASTE (Loss of) Magn-m. natr- an. magn-m. magn-s. mang. mez. natr-m. nitr. puls. rhod. sulph-ac. tart. SMELL from the nose (Offen- sive.) Bell. SPEECH (Embarrassed). Magn. SNEEZING. Arg. ars. calad. calc. carb-a. chin. cist. cyc. dros. kal. kal-ch. kreos. lach. natr- m. n-vom, sep. squill. staph. tart. m. puls. rhod. tart. | THIRST. Diad. THROAT (Roughness, erosion in the). Caus. Scraping in the. Hep. n- vom. Sore. Nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. URINE (Flow of). Verat. VOICE (Hoarse and low). Bar-c. WEEP (Desire to). Spig. YAWNING. Carb-an. CHAPTER X. AFFECTIONS OF THE FACE. Lips and Jaws. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ACNE ROSEATA.-See Chap. II. CANCER or CARCINOMA,-See SCIRRHOUS AND ULCERATION. CARIES of the jaw.-The medicines that have been hitherto em- ployed with most success against scrofulous ulceration of the maxillary bones, are: Cist. and sil. (See also: OSTITIS and DISEASE in the bones, Chap. I.) COUPEROSE.-See ACNE ROSEATA, Chap. II. CRUSTA LACTEA. (Impetigo larvalis, Biett.)—The principal medicines are: Rhus. and sulph. next: Calc. dulc. graph. hep. lyc. mez. sass. sep. viol-tr. and perhaps also, in some cases : Ars. bar-c. bell. cic. iod. merc. natr-m. Viol-tr. appears to be especially eligible, when there is, at the same time, an AFFECTION OF THE URINARY ORGANS. Graph. and mez. have been principally recommended in cases characterized by the formation of VERY THICK SCABS. EPHELIDES.—See Chap. II, SPOTS. HERPES, ERUPTIONS.-See ACNE ROSEATA, CRUSTA LACTEA, Herpes, ERYSIPELAS, &c. ERYSIPELAS in the face.-The best medicines are: Bell. lach. and rhus. next: cham. graph. hep, sulph. and perhaps also, in 286 CHAP. X. FACE. some cases: Acon. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. euphorb. sep. stram. &c. (Compare Sect. 2, ERYSIPELAS.) BELLADONNA is particularly suitable, if there are: Delirium, shooting cephalalgia, furious look, violent thirst, dry tongue, parched lips, and other symptoms, which authorise an appre- hension of metastasis in the membranes of the brain. LACHESIS is often indicated at the commencement, or else if bellad. is not powerful enough to combat successfully the cere- bral affections. Hep. or merc. will be often found to be indi- cated after: lach. RHUS is to be preferred against vesicular erysipelas; and if the integuments of the head are attacked by erysipelas, it will, in most cases, prove a specific. See besides, Chap. II, ERYSIPELAS; and compare in this chapter, FLUXION IN THE CHEEK. FLUXION IN THE CHEEK.-The best medicines against swelling of the cheek, caused by ODONTALGIA (commonly known by the name of FLUXION), are in general: Arn. cham. merc. mgs-arc. n-vom. puls. sep. staph. or perhaps again: Ars. aur. bell. bry. carb-v. caus. sulph. &c. (See Sect. 2, SWELLING OF THE CHEEK, and Semi-lateral swelling of the face.) If the swelling is RED and HOT, the principal medicines are: Arn. bell. bry. cham. and merc. If it is HARD, they are: Arn. bell, or cham. If it is PALE; Bry. n-vom. sep. and sulph. If it becomes ERYSIPELATOUs: Cham. sep. or else: Bell. graph. hep. lach. rhus. sulph, &c. (See ERYSIPelas.) If it so happens that before the appearance of the swelling in the face, medicines have been administered against the tooth- ache that precedes it, puls. may be selected, if merc. or cham. has been previously employed; or else merc. after puls. or bell. or bell. after merc. or sulph. after bell. bry. &c. Compare also: Odontalgia. GLANDS (Enlargement of the).-See Chap. I, GLANDS; and Compare Sect. 2, same article. HERPES on the Face.-The best medicines are: Ars. calc. cic. graph. lyc. merc. rhus. sep. sulph. or again: Am-c. anac. bar-c. carb-an. carb-v. hep. kreos. led. nitr-ac. thuy. CRUSTACEOUS HERPES (Impetigo) requires especially: Calc. graph. and sulph. or again: Ars. cic. lach? lyc. rhus. sep. &c. (Compare CRUSTA LACTEA.) For FURFURACEOUS Herpes, they are especially: Ars. bry. cic. and sulph. and perhaps again: Anaç, merc. or thuy. &c. (See Sect. 2.) Against CORRODING herpes (Lupus), a preference may be SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 287 given to; Ars. calc. cic. rhus. sep. sulph. or again: Alum? clem? merc? sil? Lastly SQUAMOUs herpes (Psoriasis) requires mostly: Calc. graph. lyc. sep. or sulph. or bruc? Compare also, Chap. II, the articles: ACNE, IMPETIGO, HERPES, PSORIASIS, &c. MENTAGRA.—The best medicines are: Ant. cic. graph. and perhaps also, in case of necessity: Carb-v. clem. dulc. kreos merc. sass. sep. sil. (Compare also, Sect. 2, SCABS, HERPES, PUSTULES, &c.) PARALYSIS of the facial muscles.-The most eligible medicines are: Caust. and graph. PROSOPALGIA or pains in the face.-The best medicines are, in general: Acon. bell. caus. coloc. con. hep. lyc. merc. mez. n- vom. phos. plat. spig. staph. Or else: Bry. calc. caps, chin. lyc. puls. rhus. stann. sulph. thuy. verat. Ör again: Act. arn, ars. bar-c. cham. coff. kal. kal-ch? magn? magn-m? &c. (See Sect. 2, PAINS IN THE FACE.) INFLAMMATORY prosopalgia mostly requires: Acon. arn. bry, phos. staph. sulph. or else again: Bar-c. bell. lach. merc. plat. thuy. verat. For RHEUMATIc prosopalgia, the medicines most frequently indicated are: Acon. caus. chin. merc. mez. phos. puls. spig. sulph, or again: Arn. bry. hep. lach. magn. n-vom. verat. ARTHRITIC prosopalgia requires, in the majority of cases: Caus. coloc, merc. n-vom. rhus. spig. &c. For NERVOUS prosopalgia (Tic douloureux, Facial neuralgia), a preference may be given to: Bell. caps. lyc. plat. spig.mgs- arc. or else again: Hyos. lach. magn. n-vom. &c. Prosopalgia, arising from abuse of MERCURY, requires espe- cially Aur. carb-v. chin. hep. sulph. &c. : For that which appears in YOUNG PERSONS (and especially in young females) of a PLETHORIC habit, they are especially : Acon. bell. or calc. chin. lach. phos. plat. In NERVOUS persons, especially; Bell. lach. lyc. plat. spig. In all cases, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if there are: redness and heat of the face, with crawling pain, or pains as if from ulceration, which occupies only one side of the face; swelling of the cheek or jaws; fever- ish heat, thirst; excessive exasperation, with agitation and tossing, &c. BELLADONNA, if the pain follows the course of the sub- orbital nerve, and is easily excited by rubbing the part af- fected; or if there are tearing, shooting pains in the bones, jaws, or zygomatic process; rigidity of the nape of the neck; 288 CHAP. X. FACE. twitches in the eyelids; convulsive jerks of the muscles of the face, and distortion of the mouth; heat and redness of the face, &c. CAUSTICUM, if there are tensive or pulsative pains in the bones of the face, and especially in the zygomatic process, with a sort of paralysis of the facial muscles; or drawing pains in the jaws, which hinder opening the mouth; rheumatic pains in the extremities, humming in the ears, &c. COLOCYNTHIS, against tearing and shooting pains, which occupy especially the left side of the face, and extend into the head, temples, nose, ears, and teeth, with swollen face, aggra- vation of the pains from the slightest touch, &c. CONIUM, especially if the pains come on at night, and are tearing or shooting. HEPAR, if the pains in the bones of the face (zygomatic pro- cess) are aggravated especially by contact, and extend into the ears and temples. LYCOPODIUM, against pains which commence with a sensa- tion of coldness, and occupy principally the right side of the face, with aggravation at night or in the evening. MERCURIUS, if the pains are tearing or shooting, and affect the entire of one side of the head, from the temples to the teeth, and if they are aggravated especially at night, in the warmth of the bed, with salivation, lachrymation, perspiration on the face or head, sleeplessness, &c. MEZEREUM, against spasmodic, stupifying pains, which occupy the left side of the zygomatic process, and extend into the eye, temple, ear, teeth, neck and shoulder, with aggrava- tion or renewal of the pains after partaking of anything hot, or coming into a room from the open air. NUX-VOM. against tearing and drawing pains, extending into the ear, with swelling of the cheek; redness of the face or of (one of) the cheeks, or yellowish colour, especially round the nose and mouth; crawling in the face, with palpitation of the muscles; aggravation of the pains from meditation and intel- lectual labour, wine, coffee, &c. PHOSPHORUS: Tearing pains, especially on the left side, with itching and tension in the skin of the face; bloatedness and paleness of the face; aggravation of the pains from every move- ment of the muscles of the face, when eating and opening the mouth, speaking, &c. also from the slightest contact; pains, extending from the jaws into the root of the nose or into the ear; congestion in the head, with vertigo, humming in the ears, &c. PLATINA, if the pains are crawling, with sensation of coldness and torpor on the side affected, or spasmodic pain and tensive CLINICAL REMARKS 289 pressure in the zygomatic process, aggravation or renewal of the pains in the evening and during repose; disposition to lachrymation; redness of the face, with thirst, &c. SPIGELIA, when there are: Jerking, tearing, burning and pres- sure in the zygomatic process; violent pains, which can endure neither the slightest touch nor the least movement, with shining swelling of the side affected, or with anguish of heart and great agitation. STAPHYS: Pressive, pulsative pains, extending from the teeth into the eye; or shooting, burning, drawing, incisive or tearing pains, with sensation of swelling on the side affected, spasmodic weeping, coldness of the hands and cold perspiration on the face. For the rest of the medicines cited, see their PATHO- GENESY, and compare: Chap. I, NEURALGIA, and also Chap. XI, ODONTALGIA.-See likewise Sect. 2, the different PAINS in the Face, SCIRRHOUS.-The medicines which should be selected in prefe- rence against scirrhous indurations in the face and lips, are: Bell. con. sep. sil. sulph. See also Chap. I, INDURATIONS. SWELLING of the lips.-Scrofulous swelling of the lips, re- quires principally: Aur. bell. bry. hep. lach. merc. sil. staph. sulph. &c. (See Sect. 2). If there is at the same time DRAWING BACK of the lip, the most eligible medicines are: Bell. and merc. If there are SCABS and ULCERATION: Bell. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. sulph. or perhaps again: Cic. graph. natr-m. nitr-ac. &c. Compare also: Chap. IV, SWELLING OF THE NOSE. TIC DOULOUREUX.-See PROSOPALGIA. ULCERATION in the face and lips.-The best medicines are in general: Ars. bell. clem. hep. merc. sil. staph. sulph. or again Cic. graph. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. &c. CARCINOMATOUs ulcerations require in preference: Ars. clem. con. sil. sulph. &c. For SCROFULOUS ulcerations, the best medicines are espe- cially Bell. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. and sulph. or perhaps again: Cic. graph. natr-m. nitr-ac. &c. : See, besides, Chap. II, ULCERS, and also Sect. 2, ULCE- RATION, SCABS, &c. WARTS in the face.-See Sect. 2. VOL. II. 290 CHAP. X. FACE. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE FACE. ACNE ROSEATA. Ars. calc-ph. | BURNING face. See Burning carb-an. kreos, rhus. rut. verat. (Compare ACNE ROSE- ATA, Chap. II.) Chin and mouth (round the). Verat. APHTHA on the lips. Ipec. BLACK pores in the chin and upper lip. Sulph. Face (in the). Dig. hep. nitr-ac. sabin. sulph. Suppurating. Dig. BLACKISH face. See Blackish COLOUR. BLEEDING of the lips. Ars. bry. carb-an. ign. BLISTERS. See VESICLES. BLOATEDNESS of the face. See Bloated FACE. BLUISH face. See BLUISH CO- LOUR. BONES of the face (Pains in the). See PAINS in the bones. BONES (Swelling of the) Aur. sil. Forehead (of the). Aur. Jaw (of the). Aur. lower. sil. Temples (in the). Spig. BORING in the bones, zygoma- tic process. Bov. ind. stront. BORING pain in the face. Bell, euphorb. magn. thuy. Bov. Jaw (in the lower). ind. sabad. BROKEN (Sensation, as if the lower jaw were about to be). Phos-ac. BROWNISH face. See Brownish COLOUR. BRUISE (Pain in the bones, zy- gomatic process, as if from a). Cor. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Face (in the). Ruta, HEAT, BURNING pains. Ars. bell. co- loc. euphorb. rhus. stann. Bones, zygomatic process (in the). Caus. cist. ol-an. par. spig. staph. Cheeks (in the). Agar. asar. caus. clem. ol-an. phos-ac. rhus. Chin (in the). Anac. caus. Eyes (below the). Dros. Jaws (in the). Acon. daph. mgs-arc. Lip (in the lower). Clem. upper. Mez. Lips (in the). Am-c. am-m. arn. asa. berb. bor. bry. carb- an. gran. magn-s. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr-s. rhod. rhus-v. sabad. spig. sulph. tab. tart- ас. commissuræ of the. Mez. CADAVEROUS face. See Hippo- cratic FACE. CALLOSITY in the face. Rhus- V. CANCER. See Sect. 1. CARIES in the jaw. Cist. merc. sil. CHANGEABLE colour. See Co- LOUR, alternately, &c. CHAPS, Cracks, Rhagades in the face. Sil. Lips (in the commissuræ of the). Merc. mez. Lips (in the). Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. ant. arn. ars. bar-c. bry. bov. calc. cups. carb-a. carb-v. cham. chin. colch. con. croc. dros. graph. ign. kal. kal-h. lach. nic. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. par. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls, SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 291 sabad. sil. squill. sulph. tab. tar. tart. verat. zinc. CHAPS : Ulcerated. Merc. phos-ac. COBWEB on the face (Sensation as if there were a). Bar-c. bor. graph. ran-sc. COLDNESS round the chin and mouth (Sensation of). Plat. Face (in the). Lyc. plat. ran- SC. painful. Lyc. COLOUR of the face: Alternately pale and red. Acon. alum. ars. bell. bov. caps. cin. croc. ign. kal. laur. magn. magn-s, natr. n-vom. oleand. op. phos. puls. spig. verat. Blackish. Chin. (Compare BROWNISH.) Lips. Acon. ars. chin. merc. rhus. squill. tart-ac. verat. Mouth (round the). Ars. Bluish. Acon. agar. ang. ars. bell. bry. cin. con. cupr. hyos. ign. lic. puls. cheeks. Cham. eyes (round the). Anac. ars. berb. bis. calc. chin, cic. cocc. cupr. graph. hep. ipec. kal. lach, merc. natr. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. staph. sulph. verat. lips. Ars. berb. caus. cupr. dig. lyc. phos. mouth (round the). Cin. Brownish. Bry, op. staph, angry (when). Staph. lips. Ars. bry. oleand. op. phos. staph. tart-ac. Coppery, red. Alum. Dirty, discoloured. magn, phos. sec. Iod. Earthy. Ars. bis. bor. bry. chin, croc. fer. gran. ign. ipec. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-s. merc. mosch. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. op. phos. sil. zinc. COLOUR of the face : Grayish. Berb. carb-v. kreos. laur. Greenish. Ars. Leaden. Ars. lach. merc. Pale. Æth. amb. am-c. anac. arn. ars. bell. berb. bis. bov. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-v. cham. chin. cic. cin. clem. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. fer. graph. hæm. hell. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-h. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. merc. mez. natr. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. op. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. teuc. tong. verat. zinc. mgs- arc. alternately with redness. Acon. alum. ars. bell. bov. caps. cham. cin. croc. ign. kal. laur. magn. magn-s. natr. n-vom. oleand. op. phos. puls. spig. verat. evening (in the). Lyc. lips. Caus. fer. lyc. spig. morning, after rising (in the). Bov. verat. rising up. (on). Acon. semi-lateral. Acon. arn. bell. cham. coloc. ign. mosch. n-vom. tab. verat. Purple lips. Bar-c. Red cheeks. Acon. agar. alum, ars. calc. cann. caps. 0 2 292 CHAP. X. FACE. cham. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. s. nitr-n. vom. rhus. sil. sulph. kal. kreos. lach. merc. mosch. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. puls. ran. rhus. spig. sulph. tong. val. COLOUR of the face (Red): chin. Zinc. face. Acon. amb. arg. ars. bell. bov. bry. calc. caps. cham. chel. chin. con. citr. coccin. cocc. croc. cupr. fer. fer-mg. grat. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. men. merc. mur-ac. natr. nitr. n-vom. op. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. stram. stront. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. lips. Bar-c. bell. spig. mouth (round the). Ipec. Redness (Circumscribed), red spots. Acon. calc. dulc. lach. lyc. phos. stram. sulph. coppery. Alum. deep. Bar-c. bell. bry. camph. coloc. kreos. op. sec. squill. sulph. verat. fiery. Bell. bry. cocc. croc. fer. hep. mur-ac. plat. sabad. stram. sulph. tab. thuy. semi-lateral (redness of one cheek and paleness of the other). Acon. arn. bell. cham. coloc. ign. mosch. n-vom. tab. verat. Redness, after being angry. Staph. delirium (during). Lach. fever (during). See Chap. IV. FEVER. lying down (when). Acon. verat. -sleeping (when). Men. Scarlet. Bell. Sickly. Am-c. ber, cin. clem. gran. kal. mang. natr- teuc. COLOUR of the face (Sickly) : eyes (round the). Cin. Yellowish. Amb. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. gran. graph. hell. hep. iod. ipec. lach. kal, lyc. magn-m. merc. natr. natr- m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. sep. eyes (round the). Cin. lips (trace on the). Stram. vom. (mouth and nose). N- temples (on the). Caus. COMPRESSION (Pain as if from). Gran. mang. Maxillary joint (In the). Gran. CONGESTION in the face. Coc- cion. ind. stram. CONTRACTION in the cheeks. Rhus. Forehead (in the muscles of the). Rhab. Jaw (of the). Alum. sensation of. Bell. CONTUSION in the bones, zygo- matic process (Pains as if from). Con. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Face (in the). Rut. CONVULSIONS in the face. Bell. cham. ign. ipec. lyc. op. puls. tart. (Compare JERKINGS.) Lips and mouth (of the). Bell. bruc. cham. ign. ipec. lyc. merc. CORROSION, in the bones of the face. Arg. ind. samb. Chin and lips (in the). Plat. Face (in the). Agn. amb gran. rut. Jaw (in the lower). Ind, SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 293 CORROSION: Whiskers and forehead (in the). Amb. CRACKING in the maxillary joint, during mastication. Am-c. gran. rhus. CRACKS. See CHAPS. CRAWLING in the cheeks. Arn. Chin and nose (in the). Verat. Face (in the). Acon. alum. amb. cann. colch. fer-mg. grat. gran. lach. n-vom. ol- an. pæon. plat. ran. rhus. sabad. sec. Lips (in the). Arn. ars. berb. fer-mg: Whiskers and forehead (in the). Amb. CREEPING in the face. Agar. phell. Lips (in the). Cast. CREEPING Over the cheek (Sen- sation as if an insect were). Agn. DEEP-SUNK eyes. See Hollow FACE (cheeks), eyes. DESPAIRING expression (See De- spairing EXPRESSION.) DESQUAMMATION. Canth. phos. puls. rhus. DIGGING pains, in the bones, zygomatic process. Magn. thuy. Face (in the). Bov. euphorb. Jaws (in the). Plat. m-arc. DIRTY Complexion. See Dirty COLOUR. DISCOLOURED face. See Dirty COLOUR. DISCOMPOSED Face. See FACE (Discomposed). DISLOCATION of the jaw (Easy). Petr. staph. Morning, in bed (in the). Petr. DISLOCATION in the maxillary joint (Pain as if from). Con. mgs-arc. DISTORTION of the features of the face. Acon. am-c. ars. camph. cham. cocc. cupr. ign. lach. laur. merc-s. plat. rhus. sec. sol-nig. squill. stram. (Compare CONVULSIONS.) Mouth and lips (of the). Bell. dulc. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. sec. stram. Semi-lateral. Graph. DRAWING pain in the bones, zygomatic process. Alum. bell. carb-v. chel. colch. dig. graph. kal-ch. phos. stann. staph. sulph. tart. val. viol-od. Chin (in the). Agar. caus. Face (in the). Ars. bar-m. cham. colch. hep. kal. kreos. magn-m. n-vom. ol-an. phos- ac. ran-sc. sep. verat. Jaw (in the). Aur. cham. mez. phos-ac. lower. Agar. puls. sil. Orbits (in the). Stann. DRAWING-BACK of the lip. Bell. merc-c. DRYNESS of the lips. Acon. alum. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. arn. bar-c. bell. berb. bry. chin. con. dig. dros. gran. hyos. ign. kal-h. kreos. lach. mang. merc. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. oleand. phos. plat. rhod. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. tab. tart. tart-ac. verat. Evening (in the). Magn-s. EARTHY complexion. See Co- LOUR (Earthy). EMACIATION of the face. Calc. sep. tab. EPHELIDES on the face. Am-c. calc. graph. kal. lyc. mur-ac. natr. n-mos. puls. sulph. 294 CHAP. X. FACE. (Compare Chap 11, same article.) ERUPTION, herpes, scabs, &c. on the cheeks. Am-c. bell. calc. cic. dig. dulc. fer-mg. kal-h. kreos. lach. nic. phos- ас. Chin (on the). Am-c. bell. carb-v. cic. clem. dig, dulc. fer-mg. graph. hep. kal-ch. kreos. lyc. merc. natr-m. n- vom. par. phos-ac. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. zinc. Commissuræ of the lips (on the). Bell. carb-v. caus. ign. lyc. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. sen. senn. sulph. tar. Eyes (round the). Arn. sulph. Eyebrows (in the). Fer-mg. Eyelids (in the). Bry. kreos. sulph. Face (in the). Alum. amb. am-c. am-m. ant. ars. bell. bar-c. bruc. calc. calc-ph. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cic. cist. clem. coloc. con. dulc. eug. euphorb. graph. hep. ign. kreos. kal. kal-ch. lach. led. lyc. magn-m. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. sass. sep. staph. sulph. tart. thuy. valer. verat. (Compare VESICLES, PIMPLES, TUBER- CLES, &c.) Forehead (on the). Alum. amb. aur. bell. calc. caps. cic. clem. dulc. fer-mg. hep. kal- ch. led. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. par. sass. sep. sulph. Jaw (on the lower). Par. Lips (on the). Alum. am-c. ars. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. caps. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. clem. con. dig. fer-mg. hell. hep. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. magn-m. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. n-vom. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhod. ruta. sass. sen. sep. sil. squill. spong. staph. sulph. thuy. mgs. ERUPTION: Mouth (round the). Am-c. anac. ars. bor. calc. graph. kreos. lach. magn. natr. natr- m. par. phos. rhus. sep. Nose (round, or in the). Bell. clem. par. rhus. sulph. tar. in the root of the. Fer- mg. Temples (on the). Alum. arg. bell. dulc. mur-ac. nitr- ac. Whiskers (in the). Amb. calc. lach. nitr-ac. ERUPTION on the face : Air (Disappearing in the open). Hep. Blackish. Spig. Bleeding. Merc. rhus. par. Brownish. Dulc. Burning. Ant. calc. cic. merc. natr-m. rat. rhus. sen. senn. staph. viol-tric. after scratching. Sass. on wetting the face. Euphr. Confluent. Cic. Corrosive pain (with). Dig. Excoriation (with pain, as if from). Rhod. verat. mgs. Granulated. Natr-m. tab. Herpetic. See HERPES. Itching. Am-c. con. dig. lyc. merc. natr. nitr-ac. sass. staph. thuy. zinc. in the heat. Euphr. Jerking pain (with). Rhus. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 295 ERUPTION on the face: Lenticular. Cic. Millet (like grains of). Par. Nodosities (of). See NoDo- SITIES. Painful. Eug. sulph. night (at). Viol-tric. touched (when). Bell. hep. led. par. val. verat. Papulæ (of). Ars. Pimples (of). See PIMPLES. Pustulous. See PUSTULES. Raw (as if the skin were). Graph. ERYSIPELAS in the face: Forehead (in the). Ruta. Nausea and fever (with). Nitr-ac. Semi-lateral. Bor. sep. stram. Vesicles (with). Cist. euphorb. graph. hep. lach. rhus. EXCORIATION of the lips. Ars. canth. caus. cham. cupr. graph. lyc. mez. natr-m. Commissuræ of the lips (of the). Ant. caus. lyc. mez. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), in the face. Con. graph. puls. Red. Ant. aur. calc-ph. caus. cic. led. nitr-ac. sep. after wetting the face. Euphr. Roughness of the skin (as if from). Sep. Running (with). Calc. cic.- graph. merc. natr-s. rhus. sep. viol-tric. offensive. Cic. merc. yellow. Rhus. viol-tric. Scabby. See SCABS. Scaly. Aur. Shooting pain (with). Led. plat. staph. Smarting, biting. Bry. merc. natr-m. plat. sil. - Spreading. Sep. Suppurating. Ant. cic. rhus. Tuberculous. See TUBER- CLES. Yellow. Ant. cic. dulc. euphr. kreos. merc. sep. ERYSIPELAS in the face. Acon. bell. bor. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. cham. euphorb. graph. hep. lach. puls. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. (Compare SWELLING and Sect. 1, same article). Caries in the teeth (from) Sep. Chin (in the). Ant. plat. Commissuræ of the lips (in the). Sulph-ac. Lips (in the). Ign. ipec. phos-ac. plat. sabad. EXFOLIATION of the lips. Alum. am-m. berb. canth. cham. con. kal. mez. natr-s. mosch. n-vom. plumb. puls. sep. sulph-ac. tart. ExOSTOSIS in the jaw. Ang. EXPRESSION (Anxious). Æth. bell. cupr. spong. tart. Dejected. Æth. arn. ars. bell. berb. canth. cham. chin. dros. fer. fer-mg. hæm. ign. laur. lyc. mang. oleand. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhus. sec. squill. stann. staph. tart. verat. Despairing. Canth. Fearful. Stram. Gloomy. Natr-s. zinc. Sad. Colch. cupr. Silly. Stram. Sorrowful. Magn. Suffering, painful. Eth. colch. puls. stram. Terror (of). Canth. 296 CHAP. X. FACE. EXPRESSION : Timid. Stram. Wandering, disordered. Plumb. stram. zinc. FACE (Bloatedness of the). Acon. am-c. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cin. citr. cocc. colch. hyos. ipec. kal. lach. laur. led. lep. lyc. merc. natr. op. phos. plumb. puls. samb. sang. sep. spig. spong. tart. round the eyes. Ars. fer. merc. puls. Cadaverous. See HIPPOCRA- TIC Discomposed, wasted. Æth. ars. bis. colch. hæm. iod. lach. merc. phos-ac. rhus. spig. Expression (without), un- meaning, dull features. Coloc. op. Hippocratic, cadaverous. Ars. canth. carb-v. lach. plumb. Hollow. See WAN. Pointed nose. Ars. chin. n- vom. phos-ac. rhus. staph. verat. Wan, hollow cheeks. Eth. arn. ars. bell. berb. canth. cham. chin. dros. fer. ign. laur. lyc. mang. oleand. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhus. sec. squill. stann. staph. tart. verat. - eyes deeply sunk (with). See Chap. VIII. FACES (Yellow trace on the nose and cheeks in the form of). Sep. FRIGHT (Expression of). See EXPRESSION of fright. FRIGIDITY of the face. Bis. cic. hyos. verat. (Compare FEBRILE sufferings, Chap. IV.) FRIGIDITY of the face: Cheeks (in the). Cham. Hands (With coldness of the). Cic. FULNESS in the face (Sensation of). Sang. FURUNCULI in the cheeks. Alum. am-c. mez. Chin (on the). Nitr-ac. sil. Ear (before the). Carb-v. Forehead (on the). Led. Jaws (under the). Carb-v. Temples (on the). Mur-ac. GLANDS in the face (Enlarge- ment of the). Bry. iod. GLANDS (Affections of the sub- maxillary) : Boring. Sabad. Hardness. Clem.cocc. graph. merc. rhus. sic. staph. Inflammation. sulph-ac. Bell. merc. with pain, as if from a bruise. Ars. Nodosities. Clem. Pains in general. Am-c. arn. aur. calc. chin. cic. con. ign. nitr-ac. rhus.sep.stann.staph. verat. deglutition (during). N- vom. stram. touched (when). Clem. sil. sulph. Pressure. Ars. stram. Pulsative pains. Merc. Shootings. Bell. merc. mez. n-vom. sulph. Swelling (enlargement). Am- c. am-m. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. bov. calc. chin. cic. clem. cocc. cor. dulc. graph. iod. kal. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr- m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. phos- ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. verat. Sect. 2. SYMPTOMS. 297 GLANDS: Tension. Clem. spong. Throbbing, pulsations. Am- m. bov. clem. GLUEY lips. Stram. zinc. GRANULATIONS on the cheeks. Tab. GRAYNESS (See Grayish Co- LOUR.) GREASY appearance of the face. Natr-m. plumb. sel. Lips. Am-m. GREENISH face. See Greenish Colour. HAIR (Falling off of the). Graph. -Beard (of the). Graph. Eyebrows (of the). Plumb. sel. Moustaches (of the). Plumb. sel. Whiskers (of the). Graph. natr-m. HANGING down of the jaw. Ars. lyc. op. HARDNESS of the cheek. Cham. HEAT in the face. Acon. am- c. am-m. anac. ant. arn. bell. bry. bov. calc. cham. cann. chin, cin. cocc. coff. con. cor. croc. diad. fer-mg. gran. grat. hep. kreos. lach. mang. men. mosch. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. op. pæon. petr. phos-ac. plat. ran. rat. rhus. sabad. sang. sep. sil. squill. stront. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. verat. (Com- pare FEVER, Chap. IV.) Cheek on which one has not lain (in the). Viol-tric. Cheeks (in the). Ant. bov. chin.cocc. coloc. daph. merc. oleand. rhus. val. Forehead (in the). Cham. euphr. diad. Lips (in the). Arn. HEAT in the face : Semi-lateral. Arn. ign. viol- tric. HEAT in the face, in the open air. Mur-ac. val. Burning. Am-m. arn. bell. bry. caps. croc. daph. diad. gran. grat. ign. ind. natr. n- vom. pæon. plat. rhus. sabad. sang. stront. sulph. tab. thuy. verat. Dejection, nausea (with). Anac. Dryness of the mouth (with). Plat. Evening (in the). Ang. arn. plat. thuy. Fever, shiverings, heat (dur- ing the). See FEVER, Chap. IV. Flushes of heat. Alum. amb. cist. cocc. gran. graph. kal. kal-ch. lyc. phos. teuc. thuy. cheeks (in the). Cocc. Labour (during intellectual). Am-c. Meal (after a). Petr. (Com- pare Chap. XIV). Morning (in the). Croc. Movement and speaking (from). Squill. Night (at). Hep. Noon (in the after-). Anac. Paleness (with). Mosch. Sleeping (when). Men. Stooping forwards (when). Cor. Thirst (with). Petr. plat. Wine (after drinking). Sa- bad. Yawn (with desire to). Daph. HEAT (Sensation of). Ang. asar. euphorb. tar. -Evening (in the). Ang. HEAVINESS in the face (Sensa- tion of). Alum. nic. rhus-v. 0 3 298 CHAP. X. FACE. HEMIPLEGIA. Caus. graph. HEPATIC spots. See Srors (He- patic). HERPES and herpetic spots. Am- C. anac. ars. bar-c. bruc. calc. carb-a. carb-v. cic. con. graph. hep. kreos. led. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. rhus. sabad. sep. sulph, thuy. Cheeks (in the). Am-c. dulc. kal-h. kreos. nic. phos- ac. Chin (on the). Am-c. carb- v. n vom. sil. Commissure of the lips (in the). Carb-v. phos-ac. sulph. Eyelids (in the). Bry. kreos. sulph. Eyes (round the). Sulph. Forehead (on the). Caps. Lip (on the). Caus. natr. phos-ac. sass. Mouth (round the). Am-c. anac. ars. bor. kreos. magn. natr. natr-m. par. phos. rhus. sep. Nose (round the). Rhus. sulph. HERPES on the face: Burning. Led. rhus. Corrosive. See Sect. 1, Lu- PUS. Dry. Kal-h. led. Furfuraceous, mealy. Ars. bry. bruc. cic. kreos. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. sulph. thuy. Itching. Caps. kal-h. nic. nitr-ac. rhus. sulph. Jerking pains (with). Rhus. Rough. Led. HIPPOCRATIC face. See FACE (Hippocratic). HOLLOW eyes. FACE. Sce Hollow HORRIPILATION in the face. Arn. puls. rhod. Semi-lateral. Puls. INCISIVE pains in the face. Bell. rhus. staph. INDURATION in the face. Sil. Glands (of the). See GLANDS. Lips (in the). Bell. sil. INDURATION in the lips (Sensa- tion of). Cyc. IRREGULARITY of the features. Phos-ac. ITCHING in the face. Agn. amb. bell. calc. cann. con. fer-mg. lach. natr-m. n-vom. rut. stront. Cheeks (in the). Agar. agn. ang. bell. gran. rut. spong. Forehead (in thẹ). Alum. amb. caps. Lips (in the). Fer-mg. sa- bad. Mouth (round the). Anac. Whiskers (in the). Amb. calc. sil. Zygomatic process and nose (in the). Bell. JAW (Spasm in the). See SPASM in the jaw. JERKING pains, successive draw- ings in the face. Colch. Jaws (in the). Acon. mgs. m-arc. Zygomatic process (in the). Cin. colch. mang. spig. stront. Running. Carb-v. dulc. JERKING, palpitation of the fa- phos-ac. Scabby. See Scabs. (Compare Scaly. Bruc. calc. graph. lyc. sep. sulph. Chap. II). cial muscles. Amb. arn. bell. cann. cham. ign. iod. ipec. lach. lyc. merc. mez. n-vom. op. phos. puls. ran-sc. sel. tart. verat. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 299 JERKING of the muscles, in bed, in the evening. N-vom. Commissuræ of the lips (in the). Bor. ign. oleand. op. rhab. Eyes (above the). Mez. Lips (of the). Carb-v. cham. ipec. sulph. thuy. air (in the cold). Dulc. morning (when sleeping in the). Ol-an. LANCINATIONS in the face. Am- c. ars. asar. bell. cham. co- loc. con. euphr. guaj, kal-ch. mang. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. spong. stann. sulph. Chin (in the). Agar. euphr. Jaw (in the). Acon. berb. carb-a. mgs-arc. lower. Euphr. sabin. sil. thuy. Joint (in the maxillary). Bell. hep. tab. Lips (in the). Asa. bell. sa- bad. Zygomatic process (in the). Eth. alum. berb. carb-a. evon. guaj. merc. par. phos. sabin. sil. staph. verb. MILIARIA on the face. Cham. euphr. hep. lach. verat. Mucous lips. Kal-h. zinc. Morning (in the). Kal-h. MUSCLES of the face (Jerking, twitching of the). See JERK- ING). Tension. Ang. NODOSITIES in the face. Bry. led. oleand. puls. (Compare TUBERCLES). Forehead (in the). Cic. con. led. oleand. Jaw (in the lower). Graph. Lips (in the). Ars. OPENING the mouth (Difficulty in). Colch. n-vom. PAIN in the face (Prosopalgia). Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am- m. amb. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. bor. bov. bry. calc. cann. caps. caus. cham. chin. colch. coloc. con. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. evon. fer-mg. gran. grat. guaj. hep. hyos. kal. kal-h. kal-ch. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mez. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. pæon. phos. phos-ac. plut. puls ran. ran- sc. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. thuy. tong. ve- rat. verb. viol-od. (Compare the pains separately). merc. Chin (in the). Agar. anac. ant. asa. caus. euphr. plat. verat. Eyes (extending into the). Dros. mang. mez. n-vom. stann. viol-od. Ears (extending into the). Bov. coloc. mez. Jaws (in the). Acon. agar. amb. am-m. asa. aur. bell. berb. bov. carb-an. caus. cham. colch. con. cor. cupr. daph. gran. hep. ind. kal. mang. merc. mez. nic. ol-an. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran. rat. rhus. sabad. sass. sil. spig. spong. stann. tong. verb. viol-od. mgs. mgs- arc. Lips (in the). Amb. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. asa. bell. berb. bor. bry. carb-an. carb- v. cast. caus. cham. clem. dulc. fer-mg. gran. ign. ipec. kal. magn-s. merc. mez. mur- ас. natr-s. ol-an. phos-ac. plat. rhod. rhus-v. sabad. 300 CHAP. X. FACE. 裴 spig. sulph. tab. tart-ac. PAIN which manifests itself: thuy. PAIN in the face : Nose (extending into the). Mang. verat. Side only (on one), Semi- lateral. Acon. am-c. am-m. caus. cham. colch. coloc. evon. grat. kreos. mez. n- vom. ol-an. phos. spig. tong. verat. Teeth (extending to the). Coloc. mez. Temples (extending to the). Mez. Zygomatic process, bones of the face (in the). th. alum. am-m. anac. ang. arg. bell. berb. bis. bor. bov. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. cin. cist. cocc. colch. cor. dig. evon. guaj. graph. hep. hyos. ind. kal. kal-ch. lyc. magn. magn-s. merc. mez. natr. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. plat. phos. rut. sabin. samb. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. teuc. val. verb. viol-od. zinc. (Compare Jaws). PAIN which manifests itself: Agitation (with). Spig. Anguish of heart (with). Spig. Cold air (in the). Agar. colch. Cold (After taking). Phos. Evening (in the). Caps. phos. magn-s. plat. mgs. Laughing (when). Bor. mang. tab. Mastication (during). Alum. am-m. cor. natr-m. phos. verb. Meal (during a). Ang. plat. Mouth (with difficulty in opening the). Caus. colch. n-vom. Mouth (when opening the). am-m. cor. hep. Alum. nic. Mouth (when shutting the). Bar-c. Movement of the jaws, muscles of the face, &c. (dur- ing). Alum. am-m. bor. cor. mang. natr-m. phos. spig. verb. Night (at). Con. led. magn. sil. amelioration. Ang. Periodically. Spig. (Com- pare Chap. I, same article). Repose (after). Mang. Rubbing the part affected (ameliorated after). Plumb. Sleeping (when). Caps. Speaking (when). Phos. Tears (with). Phos-ac. Touched (when). Bry. caps. cor. cupr. dig. hep. merc. mez. phos. puls. spig. amelioration. Thuy. Vomiting (with). Lach. Weather (during bad). Bell. PALENESS of the face. See Pale COLOUR. lips. Calc. PALPITATION of the muscles. See JERKING, TWITCHING. PARALYSIS of the face. Caus. -Jaw (of the), Hanging jaw. Ars. dulc. lach. PARALYTIC pain in the face. Evon. sabin. Weakness of the facial muscles. Sen. PERSPIRATION on the face. Ign. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. val. verat. mgs. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 301 PERSPIRATION on the face: Cold. Rhab. n-vom. rhus. verat. Lip (on the upper). Acon. Mouth and nose (round the). Rhab. Semi-lateral. Puls. PIMPLES on the face. Alum. amb. ars. bor. carb-an. carb- v. caus. cic. eug. hep. kal-ch. lach. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos.ac. sep. sulph. (Compare ERUP- TIONS). Chin (on the). Kal-ch. merc. phos-ac. rhus. thuy. Commissuræ of the lips (on the). Petr. Forehead (on the). Amb. clem. hep. kal-ch. led. mur- ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. par. sulph. Jaw (on the lower). Par. Lip (on the upper). Ant. spig. Lips (on the). Bell. bor. lach. mur-ac. par. petr. phos- ac. rut. thuy. mgs. Mouth (round the). Phos. rhus. Temples (on the). Arg. bell. mur-ac. nitr-ac. Whiskers (in the). Amb. PINCHING pain. Verat. PLEXUS venarum, on the chin (Reddish blue). Plat. POINTED face. See FACE (Point- ed). PRESSIVE pains in the face. Bry. rhus. staph. tar. verb. Chin (in the). Asa. Jaw (in the). Berb. m- arc. lower. Cupr. spig. Orbits (in the). Stann. Zygomatic process (in the). Anac. arg. bell. berb. bis. caps. hyos. kal-ch. merc. mez. oleand. plat. sabin. samb. spig. stann. staph. sulph. tart. teuc. verb. viol-od. PRESSURE (Pain ameliorated by external). Bry. Aggravated. Verb. PRESSURE in the face (Expan- sive). Asa. dros. Jaw (in the lower). Amb. Zygomatic process (in the). Colch. PRICKING in the face. Caus. hep. n-mos. Eyes (below the). Dros. Lips (in the). Sabad. PROSOPALGIA. See Sect. 1. PULSATION, Throbbing in the face. See THROBBING. PURPLE lips. Bar-c. PUSTULES, Purulent pimples on the face. Arn. bell. calc-ph. kreos. nitr-ac. n-vom. tar. verat. Cheeks (on the). Bell. kreos. Chin (on the). Clem. kreos. merc. n-vom. sass. Commissuræ of the lips (on the). Tar. Lips (on the). Berb. carb-v. merc. n-vom. Nose (on the). Bell. round the. Par. tar. QUIVERING of the lips. Lach. ran-sc. stram. sulph. Muscles (of the facial). Amb. op. RED face. See COLOUR (Red). RED points in the face. Caps. RED spots. See SPOTs (Red). RELAXATION of the facial muscles and lips. Op. RHAGADES in the lips. Agar. am-c. ant. arn. caps. croc. 302 CHAP. X. FACE. } lach. merc. natr-m. nic. n- vom. phos-ac. plat. (Compare CRACKS). RHAGADES: Commissuræ of the lips (in the). Ant. RIGIDITY in the face (Sensation of). Sang. Cheeks (on moving the muscles of the). Euphr. Joint (in the maxillary). Daph. natr-s. sass. ther. morning, in bed (in the). Ther. Lips (of the). Euphr. Muscles (of the masticatory). Sass. ROUGHNESS of the face, rough skin. Alum. rhus. sep. sulph. Forehead (of the). Alum. Lips (of the). Merc. sulph. tab. phos. phos-ac. sep. sil. squill. staph. sulph. SCABS : Mouth (round the). Calc. graph. Nose (on the). Bell. Temples and forehead (on the). Dulc. mur-ac. Whiskers (in the). Calc. lach. SEMI-LATERAL pains. See Pains (SEMI-LATERAL). SENSIBILITY, tenderness of the skin of the face. Puls. SHINING face. Aur. natr-m. plumb. Lips. Am-m. SHOCKS in the jaws. Cham. mgs-arc. SHOOTINGS in the face. See LAN- CINATIONS. SHRIVELLED lips. Am-m. Mouth (round the). Anac. SICKLY complexion. See Co- ars. -Red. Sep. sulph. ROUGHNESS in the lips (Sensa- tion of). Magn-m. ROUGH places on the forehead. Sass. SCABS. Alum. ant. ars. calc. cic. dulc. graph. hep. lach. lyc. merc. mez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. petr. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. verat. viol-tric. (Compare CRUsta LACTEA, Crustaceous HERPES, Sect. 1). Cheeks (on the). Bell. cic. kreos. lach. Chin (on the). Cic. dulc. graph. kreos. merc. sep. Commissuræ of the lips (on the). Bell. ign. n-vom. petr. LOUR. SMARTING, as if caused by salt. Cann. SORROWFUL expression. EXPRESSION. See SPASM of the jaw (Trismus). Acon. ang. arn. bell. bry. camph. canth. caus. cham. cic. con. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. laur. merc. n-vom. op. phos. plat. plumb. rhus. sec. verat. Mouth wide open (with the). Ang. SPASMODIC pains. See Pains (SPASMODIC). SPIDER'S web (Sensation as if the face were covered with). Bar-c. bor. graph. ran- SC. Lips (on the). Bell. berb. | SPOTS on the face (Blue). Fer. bor. calc. cham. cic. ign. mur- ac. natr-m. n-vom. petr. Dirty, discoloured. Sec. Freckles. Sed EPHELIDES. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 303 SPOTS: Hepatic, on the upper lip. Sulph. Red, on the face. Alum. amb. bell. bry. carb-an. fer. lyc. merc. op. rhus-v. samb. sil. sulph. tab. m-arc. forehead (on the). Sass. meal (after a). Sil. scarlet. Bell. Rough, on the forehead. Sass. Thick, on the face. Carb- an. White, on the cheeks. Sil. Yellow, on the face. Amb. colch. fer. SPOTTED Skin on the face. Sa- bad. STRAIN in the lower jaw. Ran. STRETCHED (Sensation, as if the masticatory muscles were). Colch. SWELLING of the face: Eyes (below the). Ars. bry. merc. n-vom. oleand. between the. Kal. Forehead (of the). Rhus-v. Jaw (of the). Alum. merc. stann. lower. Acon. caus. kal. Lips (of the). Alum. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. chin. dig. hel. hep. kal. kal-ch. lach. merc. merc-s. mez. natr. nitr-ac. sil. staph. sulph. mgs. lower. Alum. bor. mur- ac. puls. upper. Arg. bov. calc. lyc. merc-s natr-m. Mouth (round the). Carb- an. n-vom. Nose (round the). N-vom. Root of the nose (of the). Bry. Temples (in the). Cham. Zygomatic process (of the). STUPIFYING pains in the face. Mez. plat. verb. (Compare TORPOR). Magn. SUFFERING (Expression of). SWELLING of the face: Hard. Am-c. arn. ars. bell. Cham. plat. SWELLING of the face. Ars. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. bov. calc. canth. carb-v. cic. coloc. gran. graph. hell. hep. lach. laur. lyc. magn. merc. natr- m. n-vom. rhus. rhus-v. sec. stram. verat. Cheek (of the). Am-c. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. bov. carb- v. caus. cham. dig. euphorb. kal. kal-h. merc. natr. nitr- ac. n-vom. puls. sep. spong. stann. staph. sulph. mgs- arc. Chin (of the). Caus. Hot. Arn. bell. cham. Livid. Gran. Morning (in the). Ars. Edematous. Colch. hell. Painful. Bell. bor. Pale. Bov. euphorb. hell. n-vom. sep. sulph. Red. Arn. bell. bor. cic. coloc. kal. lach. merc. natr. oleand. rhus. sulph. (Compare ERYSIPELAS). Shining. Arn. spig. Syncope (with). Ars. Vertigo (with). Ars. Commissuræ of the lips (of SWELLING in the face (Sensa- A the). Oleand. tion of). Æth. alum. bar-c. 304 CHAP. X. FACE. grat. nic. n-mos. puls. sulph- | TENSION of the skin and muscles: ac. SWELLING : Cheeks (in the). Acon. samb. -Jaw (in the). Daph. Room (on (on entering a). Æth. TEARING, acute drawings, sharp pains, &c. Agar. alum. am- C. am-m. bell. berb. bor. colch. coloc. con. evon. gran. grat. hep. kal-h. led. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. sulph. tong. viol-od. Bones, zygomatic process (in the). Æth. alum. am-m. arg. berb. bor. calc. carb-v. cin. graph. ind. kal. lyc. magn. magn-s. merc. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. rut. sep. spig. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. teuc. zinc. Chin (in the). Agar. Ears (before the). Bov. Jaw (in the). Agar. bell. berb. gran. merc. plumb. rat. tong. mgs. mgs-arc. lower. Bov. ind. puls. viol-od. Lip (in the lower). Caus. Nose and eyes (between the). Mang. TENDERNESs of the skin of the face. See SENSIBILITY. TENSION of the skin and muscles of the face. Alum. bar-c. gran. grat. hep. lach. lyc. merc. magn. mosch. nitr. n-vom. phell. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. samb. viol-od. viol-tric. Chin (in the). Verb. Eyes (below the). N-vom. viol-od. Forehead (in the). Viol-tric. Mouth and nose (round the). N-vom. Muscles were drawn to one side (as if the). Cist. Semi-lateral. Phos. TENSIVE pains in the face. Am- c. asa. coloc. kal-ch. lach. magn-m. ol-an. verat. verb. Bones (in the). Caus. chel. kal-ch. plat. verb. Jaws (in the). Aur. caus. under the. Caus. Joint (in the maxillary). Am-m. bell. daph. gran. merc. sass. verb. Lips (in the). Sep. spig. Muscles (in the masticatory). Sass. verb. THICKENING of the skin of the face. Bell. viol-tric. THROBBINGS, Pulsations. Agar. arn. bell. caus. cham. croc. kreos. staph. Jaws (in the). Plat. Zygomatic process (in the). Magn. sulph. TIMID expression. See Expres- sion (TIMID). TORPOR in the face (Sensation of). Asa. plat. samb. (Com- pare STUPIFYING pain). Bones, zygomatic process (in the). Asa. caps. oleand. plat. mez. Chin (in the). Asa. plat. Lips (in the). Amb. cyc. Mouth (round the). Plat. TRACE on the cheeks and nose (Yellow). Sep. TUBERCLES on the face. Alum. magn. TWITCHING. See JERKING. ULCERATION (Pain, as if from). Acon. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 305 ULCERATION in the face. Ars. VESICLES : con. iod. Burning and shooting. N- vom. Chin (in the). Merc. natr- m. Commissuræ of the lips (in the). Am-m. bell. bov. calc. carb-v. graph. hep. mang. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. sil. zinc. Lips (in the). Am-m. ars. bell. caps. cham. chin. cic. con. graph. hep. kal. lyc. merc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. sep. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. (Compare SCABS and EXCORIATION). Mouth (round the). Natr. ULCERS on the lips. Ars. bov. clem. con. sep. sil. sulph. Corrosive. Con. n-vom. Putrid and serous smell (of a). Merc. Chin (in the). Hep. sass. Commissuræ of the lips (in the). Sen. senn. Forehead (in the). Sen. Lip (in the upper). Rat. sen. val. Lips (in the). Carb-an. clem. con. hell. hep. magn-m. merc. natr-s. plat. rhod. Nose (in the). Clem. VESICLES in the upper lip (San- guineous). Natr-m. VESSELS in the face (Swelling of the). Op. WARTS on the face. Caus. dulc. kal. sep. WHITE of egg on the face (Sen- sation, as if there were). Alum. magn. phos-ac. sulph- ac. WRINKLED face. Lyc. stram. WRINKLES in the forehead. Hell. rhab. UNMEANING features. See FACE YELLOW face. See COLOUR without expression. VEINS in the cheek (Red). Lach. VENARUM (Plexus) in the chin. Plat. VESICLES in the face. Ant. clem. cist. euphorb. graph. hep. lach. rhus. sulph. val. (Com- pare PIMPLES). (Yellow). YELLOW circle (Eyes surrounded by a). Nitr-ac. spig. YELLOW grains in the skin. Ant. YELLOW trace on the lip. Stram. CHAPTER XI. AFFECTIONS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ABSCESS in the gums.-See GUMS. CARIES in the teeth.-The medicines which appear preferable 306 CHAP. XI. TEETH. against a disposition in the teeth to caries, are: Bar-c. calc. euphorb. mez. sep. staph. and sulph. For pains in the carious teeth, the most suitable medicines are: Ant. or else: Chin. merc. n-vom. puls. staph. mgs-arc. or again: Acon. bar-c. bry, calc. cham. coff. phos-ac. sil. sulph. See also: ODONTALGIA. DENTITION (Sufferings caused by). See Chap. XX, Sect. 3. FISTULA in the gums. See Affections of the GUMS. GUMS (Affections of the).-The best medicines against affec- tions of the gums are, in general: Am-c. am-m. bell. bor. carb- v. chin. hep. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. staph. sulph. or again: Ars. bry. caps. caus. dulc. kal-ch. kreos. mur-ac. sep. For SWELLING and INFLAMMATION of the gums, the prin- cipal medicines are: Bell. chin. hep. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. staph. sulph. or again: Am-c. am-m. bar-c. bor. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sil. &c. For easy BLEEDING of the gums, they are especially : Carb-v. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. sil. staph. sulph. For ULCERATION of the gums, principally: Alum. carb-v. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. staph. sulph-ac. For FISTULA and ABSCESS in the gums especially: Calc. sil. staph. and sulph. or again: Caus. lyc.? natr-m. petr.? or else: canth.? For EXCRESCENCES: Staph. For SCORBUTIC affections: Caps. carb-v. merc. natr-m. nitr- ac. staph. sulph. or again: Am-c. am-m. ars. bry. caus. dulc. gran.? kal-ch. kreos. mur-ac. sep. &c. Affections of the gums caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY, re- quire principally: carb-v. chin. or else: Hep. nitr-ac. staph. &c. Those which arise from abuse of KITCHEN SALT: Carb-v. or nitr-sp. In persons, who lead a SEDENTARY LIFE, if they are PHLEG- MATIC and PLETHORIC: Caps. but if they are LEAN and of a lively temperament: N-vom. See also: STOMACACE, and Compare Sect. 3. GUMS. ODONTALGIA or Tooth-ache.-The best medicines against the various kinds of ODONTALGIA, are first: Bell. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. Then: Bry. calc. chin. hyos. ign. mez. rhus. spig. staph. mgs-arc. Or else: Acon. ant. arn, ars. carb-v. coff. hep. sep. sil. verat. Or else again: Bar-c. caus. cic. dulc. euphorb. magn. nitr- ac. phos-ac. plat. sabin. Pains in the CARIOUS teeth require mostly: Ant. or else: SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 307 bar-c. chin. merc. n-vom. puls. staph. mgs-arc. or else again : Acon. bar-c. bry. calc. cham. coff. phos-ac. sil. sulph. &c. For those, which affect several teeth at once, or the whole of one part of the jaw, the most suitable medicines will be found to be: Cham. merc. rhus. staph. or if the pains attack only ONE SIDE: Cham. merc. puls, rhus. The pains which affect the BONES OF THE FACE at the same time, require in preference: Hyos. merc. n-vom. rhus. sulph. those which extend to the EYES: Puls.-To the EARS: Ars. cham.merc. puls. sulph.-To the HEAD: Ant. ars. cham. hyos. merc. n-vom. rhus. puls. sulph. &c. (See Sect. 5). For Odontalgia with SWELLED FACE, the principal medicines are: Arn. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. sep. staph. mys-arc. or again : Ars. aur. bell. bry. carb-v. caust. sulph.—With ENLARGEMENT OF THE sub-maxillary GLANDS: Carb-v. cham. merc. n-vom. sep. staph. &c. CONGESTIVE Odontalgia requires in preference: Acon. bell. calc. cham. chin. hyos. puls. or again : Aur. phos. plat. sulph. For RHEUMATIC and ARTHRITIC Odontalgia, the medicines are principally Acon. bell. caus. cham. chin. merc. n-vom. puls. staph. sulph. or again: Arn. bry. cyc. hep. lyc. magn. phos. verat. mgs-arc. : For NERVOUS Odontalgia, especially: Acon. bell. cham. coff. hyos. ign. n-vom. plat. spig. mgs-arc. or again: Ars. magn. mez. sulph. verat. &c. If the tooth-ache has been caused by abuse of COFFEE: Cham. will mostly remove it; but in case of necessity, recourse may be also had to: Ign. n-vom. or else to: Bell. carb-v. merc. or again to Cocc. puls. rhus. Odontalgia occasioned by abuse of TOBACCO requires in pre- ference: Bry. or chin. or else again : cham. or merc. For that produced by abuse of MERCURY, the principal me- dicines are: Carb-v. nitr-ac. or again: Bell. chin. hep. puls. staph. sulph. For that which is the consequence of a CHILL, a remedy will be found in the majority of cases, among: Acon. bell. cham. coff. dulc. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. or again among : Bar-c. calc. chin. hyos. n-vom. phos. rhus. sulph. mgs-arc. For that caused by COLD and DAMP air, the medicines are, especially : N-mos. and puls. or perhaps again: Calc. merc. and sulph. and if it is caused by WATER WHICH HAS BEEN DRUNK : Bry, merc. staph. sulph. Odontalgia in SENSITIVE and NERVOUS persons often mani- fests itself in such a manner as to indicate especially: Acon. bell. coff. hyos. ign. n-vom. plat. spig. Odontalgia in FEMALES requires mostly: Acon. bell. calc. 308 CHAP. XI. TEETH. cham. chin. coff. hyos. ign. plat. puls. sabin. sep. spig. In plethoric YOUNG GIRLS: Acon. bell, calc. &c. At the period of the CATAMENIA: Calc. carb-v. cham. During PREGNANCY: Bell. calc. agn. n-mos. n-vom. puls. sep. staph. or again : Alum. hyos. rhus. During LACTATION : Chin. In Hys- TERICAL females: Ign. and sep. Lastly, for odontalgia in CHILDREN, great benefit will be often derived from: Acon. bell. calc. cham. coff. ign. As to the indications presented by the TOTALITY OF SYMP- TOMS, recourse may be had to: Belladonna, when there are: great anguish and inquietude which drive one in every direction, or excessive sadness, with tendency to shed tears; pain in the gums and teeth, as if they were all ulcerated; drawing, tearing, incisive, or shooting pains in the teeth, face, and ears, aggravated in the evening, after lying down, and especially at night; boring in the carious teeth, as if from congestion of blood, with discharge of blood on sucking them; painful swelling of the gums, with heat, itching vesicles, and burning; swelling of the cheek; salivation, or else dryness of the mouth and throat, with excessive thirst, renewal of the pains from intellectual labour or after eating; aggravation in the open air, and from contact with food (when masticating, eating, &c.) heat and redness of the face; pulsations in the head or cheeks; burning and redness of the eyes. (After bell., merc. hep. or cham. puls. are sometimes suitable). CHAMOMILLA: Great irascibility and disposition to shed tears, during the pain; violent, drawing, jerking, or pulsative and shooting pains; pain which appears insupportable, especially at night, in the warmth of the bed, with exasperation, hot swelling and redness of the cheek; shining swelling of the gums and enlargement of the sub-maxillary glands; pains, which occupy the entire of the jaw, on one side, without the patient being able to point out the precise tooth that is affected; or digging and gnawing in one carious tooth, with loosening of that tooth; semi-lateral, shooting or pulsative pains, in the side of the head affected, in the ear and face; aggravation or renewal of the pains, after drinking, or eating any thing hot or cold, and especially after partaking of coffee; pain, with heat and redness especially of one of the cheeks; hot perspiration, also in the hair;~violent agitation and tossing, or great weakness, to such an extent as to cause fainting, &c. MERCURIUS, against: Tearing, shooting pains, in the carious teeth or in the roots of the teeth, occupying the whole of the side of the head and face that is affected, and extending to the ears with painful swelling of the cheek or submaxillary glands, and SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 309 salivation; appearance or aggravation, or insupportableness of pain in the evening, or at night, in the warmth of the bed; renewal from cool and damp air, also when eating, or after eating or drinking any thing cold; teeth set on edge, with loosening, and sensation as if they were too long; swelling, whiteness, ulce- ration and discolouration of the gums, with easy bleeding, itching, burning, and pain as if from excoriation when touched; nocturnal perspiration, vertigo, rheumatic pains in the limbs; peevish, contradictory humour, or strong disposition to shed tears; shivering, with redness of the cheeks, &c. (It is often suitable before or after bell. or dulc. or before hep. or carb-v.) NUX-VOMICA, especially in persons of a lively choleric tem- perament, with florid complexion; in persons, who indulge in coffee and spirituous liquors, or who lead a sedentary and confined life; pain, as if from excoriation, or jerking drawings, with shootings in the teeth and jaws, or only in the carious teeth ; pains, which spread over the head, ears, and zygomatic pro- cess; with painful enlargement of the sub-maxillary glands; swollen and painful gums, with pulsation, as in an abscess; red and hot spots on the cheek and neck, aggravation or ap- pearance of the tooth-ache at night, or in the morning on waking, or else after dinner, during a walk in the open air, when reading, thinking, or engaged in any intellectual labour whatever; or else in the warmth of a room, with amelioration in the open air; plaintiveness and exasperation, or quarrelsomeness, iras- cibility, and peevishness. PULSATILLA, especially in persons of a mild, quiet and timid character with disposition to shed tears; against tooth-ache with otalgia and semi-lateral cephalalgia; tearing, drawing, shooting, or jerking pains, as if the nerve were tightened and suddenly relaxed; or pulsative, digging and gnawing pains, with prick- ing in the gums; pains, which extend to the face, head, eye, and ear of the side affected, with paleness of the face; heat in the head, shivering in the body and dyspnea; aggravation or appear- ance of the pains in the evening, or at night, after midnight, and also in the warmth of the bed, or in that of a room; and also when eating or drinking anything hot, when seated and from contact with the tooth-pick; mitigation from cold water, (which, however, sometimes also aggravates) and from cool air. After these polychrestic medicines against tooth-ache, a pre- ference may be given to : BRYONIA, especially in persons of a lively and choleric, or irascible and obstinate temperament; pains in the carious teeth and also in the others; jerking and drawing pains, with loosening of the teeth and sensation as if they were too long, espe‐ 310 CHAP. XI. TEETH. cially when or after eating; shootings in the ears; pain, with desire to lie down, aggravated at night or on taking anything hot into the mouth, also when lying on the cheek of the side not affected, with mitigation when lying on the side affected; pain, as if from excoriation in the gums. CALCAREA is suitable only against tooth-ache, with congestion in the head, especially at night, and when there are: pulsative, shooting, boring pains, or sensation, as if from excoriation; corrosion and digging, whether in the carious teeth, or in the others; swelling, painful tenderness and easy bleeding of the gums, with shootings and pulsations; aggravation or renewal of the tooth-ache from a current of air or from cold air, and also from drinking any thing hot or cold, or else from noise, from the slightest chill and at the period of the catamenia. CHINA, especially after debilitating losses, during lactation, &c. or if in persons usually gay, the pains provoke ill-humour and irascibility; or else, when there are: Dull, troublesome pains in the carious teeth; or pulsative, drawing and jerking pains; appearance or aggravation of the pains after a meal, or at night, and also from the slightest contact; renewal from the open air or a current of air; mitigation from pressure and com- pressing the teeth; swelling of the gums; dryness of the mouth, with thirst; congestion of blood in the head, with swelling of the veins in the forehead and hands; agitated sleep at night. HYOSCYAMUS, when there are violent, tearing, and pulsa- tive pains, which are felt from the cheek and the forehead; swelling of the gums, with tearing pains, and with humming in the head, which seems to waver; appearance of the pains in the cold air, or else in the morning; congestion of blood in the head, with redness and heat of the face; spasms in the throat, convulsive jerkings of the fingers, hands or arms; nervous excitability; redness and brilliancy of the eyes. IGNATIA, in many cases, in which n-vom. or puls. is indi- cated, but in persons of a sensitive temperament, of a mild, quiet, and affectionate character, or at one time gay, at another time disposed to weep, and especially in persons inclined to give themselves up to the indulgence of grief; or if the teeth are, as it were, broken, if they seem to loosen, and if the pains are felt towards the end of a meal, and are aggravated still more afterwards, or else if (like the pains of ign. in general), they are aggravated after partaking of coffee, by tobacco-smoke, in the evening after lying down, or in the morning, on waking. (Compare: Cham. n-vom. puls.) MEZEREUM, if the pains attack in preference the carious teeth, with drawing, burning or boring shootings, extending to SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 311 the bones of the face and temples; sensation as if the teeth were set on edge and too long; aggravation of the pains from con- tact and movement, or else in the evening; with shiverings, ebul- lition of blood, and congestion in the head; sensation of torpor and drawing pains in the side of the head that is affected; con- stipation, anorexia and ill-humour. RHUS, principally in persons of a quiet character, disposed to melancholy and sadness, or else to fear and anguish ; tearing, jerking and shooting pains, or else digging and crawling, or pain, as if from excoriation in the teeth; aggravation or appearance of pain in the open air; or at night, when it is insupportable; mitigation from the application of ex- ternal heat; pain and burning in the gums; loosening of the teeth and offensive exhalation from the carious teeth. (Compare Bell. and bry.) SPIGELIA, against: Pressive, expansive pains, or jerking pulsative tearings, especially in the carious teeth; appearance of the pains immediately after a meal, or at night, when they force one to leave the bed; aggravation from cold water, or exposure to the open air; especially if there are, at the same time : burning, tearing and jerking pains in the zygomatic process, bloatedness of the face, with yellowness round the eyes; pains in the eyes, frequent desire to urinate, palpitation of the heart, shivering and agitation. STAPHYS, if the teeth grow black, become carious and break off, with paleness, whiteness, ulceration, or swelling and painful- ness of the gums, with easy bleeding, nodosities, and excres- cences, swelling of the cheek and sub-maxillary glands; tearing, drawing, and pressive pains in the gums, the carious teeth and roots of the sound teeth; appearance or aggravation of the pains during mastication, or immediately after eating or drinking any thing cold, and also from contact with the cold air, or else in the morning or at night. SULPHUR, against Tearing, jerking and pulsative pains, whether in the carious teeth, or in the others; pains, which extend to the ears and head, with swelling of the cheek, con- gestion of blood in the head and pulsative cephalalgia; inflamma- tory redness of the eyes and nose; shootings in the ears; con- stipation, with frequent but ineffectual desire to evacuate; pain in the loins; uneasiness in the limbs; desire to sleep by day and shiverings; aggravation or appearance of the pains in the evening, or at night, in the warmth of the bed, or on being exposed either to the open air, or to a current of air, and also from cold water, when eating and masticating; loosening, elon- gation, and setting on edge of the teeth; easy bleeding of the 312 CHAP. XI. TEETH. teeth and gums, which are separated and swollen, with pulsa- tive pains. (It is especially suitable after Coff. or acon.) MAGNES ARCTIC, against: Pains in the carious teeth, as if they were being pulled out, or painful shocks which traverse the periosteum of the jaw, with drawing, pressive, tearing, digging, burning, or shooting pains; swelling of the gums and painfulness when touched, or a sensation, as if they were torpid (after the cessation of the pains); aggravation of the pains after eating and in the warmth; mitigation in the open air and when walk- ing; red and hot swelling of the cheeks; shiverings in the body; nervous excitability, trembling and uneasiness in the limbs. Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had to: ACONITUM, especially when the pains are difficult to de- scribe, when the patient is distracted, and especially if coff. is insufficient against that state; or else, if there are: Lancinating shocks or pulsative pains, with congestion of blood in the head, heat in the face, redness of the cheek and great agitation. ANTIMONIUM, in most cases of pain in the carious teeth, with successive drawings and corrosion into the head, espe- cially in bed, in the evening; aggravation after eating and also from cold water; mitigation in the open air; bleeding and easy separation of the gums. ARNICA, especially against pains and other sufferings after any operation whatever on the teeth; or else if there is: wrenching pain in the teeth, or drawing when eating; or again, if the cheek is swollen, red and hard, with pulsation, or with crawling in the gums. ARSENICUM, if the teeth are elongated, with painful loosen- ing; drawing, jerking pains in the teeth and gums, which extend to the cheek, ear, and temple; insupportable pains, which urge to furious exasperation; appearance of the pains at night, with aggravation, when lying on the side affected; mitiga- tion from the warmth of the fire. CARBO VEGET. frequently if ars. or merc. appears to be in- dicated without, however, being sufficient, and especially if the gums separate and bleed, with ulceration, loosening of the teeth, and painful tenderness when touched, especially after a meal; drawing, tearing, or pulsative pains in the teeth, pro- voked by contact with hot, cold, or too salt things. COFFEA, against the most violent pains, if the patient is utterly distracted, with tears, trembling, great anguish, toss- ing and agitation; pains, which are difficult to describe, or else tearing, and jerking pains, which manifest themselves especially at night or after a meal. (If coff. is insufficient: Acon. or hyos. sulph. verat. are to be preferred). SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 313 HEPAR, often after merc. or bell. especially if there are : Painful, or else erysipelatous swelling of the cheek, or jerking and drawing pains in the teeth, aggravated by compressing the teeth, when eating, in a warm room, or else at night, like the majority of the pains of Hepar. SEPIA against: Pulsative and shooting pains, in persons of a yellow complexion; pains, which extend into the ears, arms, and as far as the fingers, where they become crawling; and especially if there are at the same time: asthmatic sufferings, swelling of the cheek, cough and enlargement of the sub-max- illary glands. SILICEA, against: Shooting pains, with swelling of the bones or periosteum of the jaw; pains, which are seated rather in the jaw than in the teeth; nocturnal heat, which hinders sleep; disposition of the skin to ulceration; aggravation of the pains at night, or from contact with hot or cold things. VERATRUM, if the pains manifest themselves, with swelling of the face, cold perspiration on the forehead, nausea, which causes vomiting of bilious matter, pain in the limbs, as if they were beaten, failure of strength, which proceeds to fainting, coldness of the whole body, with internal heat and insatiable thirst for cold water; pulsative pains, or pressure and sensa- tion of heaviness in the teeth. Lastly, if not one among the preceding medicines is found to correspond with the indications, recourse may be also had to: BARYTA CARB. if the gums and cheek are pale and swollen, with pulsation in the ears, especially at night; or if there are, burning shootings in the teeth, provoked by contact with hot things. CAUSTICUM against: Pulsative or shooting pains, with pain- ful gums, easy bleeding, and with rheumatic pains in the muscles of the face, eyes, and ears. CYCLAMEN, against: Shooting and boring pains, or dull drawings, at night, especially in arthritic subjects. DULCAMARA, if tooth-ache, caused by a chill, is accompanied by diarrhea, and if cham. is insufficient; or if there are: Be- wilderment of the head, with salivation; when the gums are separated and fungous, and when neither bell. nor merc. is sufficient. EUPHORBIUM, against: Pressive, shooting, or boring pains, with erysipelatous swelling of the cheek, or with brittleness of the teeth. MAGNESIA, against: Nocturnal boring, or tearing and jerk- ing pains, or pains, as if caused by ulceration; insupportable VOL. II. P ! 314 CHAP. XI. TEETH. pains, during repose, which force one to leave the bed and walk about, with swelling of the cheek. NITRI ACID, against: Pulsative, or jerking, shooting and drawing pains, which manifest themselves especially in the evening, in bed, or else at night, and which completely hinder sleep before midnight. PHOSPHORI ACID, if the gums bleed, and are swollen and separated, with tearing pains, aggravated by the warmth of the bed and also by hot or cold things; violent pains in the inci- sores, at night. PLATINA, against: Pulsative and digging pains in the teeth, aggravation of the symptoms in the evening and during repose; sensation of spasm and torpor, on the side of the face that is affected, haughtiness and assumption, with contempt for others. SABINA, against: Pulsative or pressive pains, which mani- fest themselves in the evening and at night, especially in the warmth of the bed, and after eating, with sensation as if the tooth were about to break or to be pulled out; pulsation over the whole body; frequent eructations and loss of blood from the uterus. For more ample details, See Sect. 2, 3, & 4, and also the pathogenesy of the medicines cited, and Compare the articles : NEURALGIA, CEPHALALGIA, PROSOPALGIA, OTALGIA, &c. in their respective chapters. SECTION 2, SYMPTOMS OF THE TEETH. N.B. Compare with the following pains, the pains of the FACE (Chap. X), and those of the HEAD (Chap. VI). AIR were introduced (Sensation | BLOOD: as if.) Coccion. " Black. Graph. BLACK Coating, on the teeth. BLows in the teeth. Tar. Chin. BLACKNESS of the teeth. Merc. plumb. squill. staph. BLEEDING (Easy). Amb. ant. bar-c. carb-v. phos. rat. sulph. tar. tong, zinc. When sucking the teeth. Bell, BORING. Alum. bell. bov. calc. con, cyc. grat. kal. lach. magn. mez. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. sel. sil. sulph. BROKEN (Pain as if the teeth were). Natr-m. BRUISE (Pain as if from a). Ign. BLOOD (ACID). Graph. rat. BURNING. Bar-c, magn. mez. tar. tong. phos-ac. sulph. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 315 Kreos. sabad. CARIES of the teeth. mez. phos. plumb. sep. staph. CARIOUS teeth (Pains in the). Acon. alum. amb. ang. ant. bar-c. hell, bor. bov. bry. chin. calc. cham. coff. con. lach. meph. merc. mez. natr- m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. phos-ac. puls. rhab. sil. spig. staph. sulph. tab. tar. thuy. mgs. mgs-arc. CARIOUS (Sensation, as if the teeth were). Coccion. COATING on the teeth (Black). Chin. COLDNESS in the teeth. Asar. diad. grat. ol-an. rat. rhab. tax. Quotidian, typical. Diad. CONGESTION (Sensation of). Calc. CONTRACTIVE pains. Carb-v. CORROSIVE pains. Calc. carb- v. cham. con. kal. nic. phos. puls. staph. sulph-ac. thuy. CRACKING of the teeth, when rubbing them. Sel. CRAWLING. Mur-ac. rhus. DIGGING in the teeth. Ant. bor. bov. calc. cham. kal. natr. n-vom. plat. puls. rat. rhab. rut. sen. sil. sulph- ac. DRAWING pains. Alum. am. am-c. anac. ang. bar-c. bell. bis. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. clem. coccion. con. cyc. daph. graph. guaj. hep. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. meph. mez. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. par. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran-sc. rhod. sulph. sabin. sass. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tab. tar. terb. thuy. verat. zinc. DRAWINGS in the nerves. Coloc. puls. EDGE (Teeth set ON). Berb. caps. fer-mg, kal-ch. lach. merc. mez. n-mos. ran-sc. sep. sil. spong. sulph. sulph- ac. tar. tart-ac. ELONGATION (Sensation of). Alum. arn. ars. bry. calc. camph. caps. caus. gran. kreos. lach. magn-m. mez. natr-s. rat. stann. sulph. EXCORIATION (Pain, as if from). Calc. caus. graph. n-vom. rhus. zinc. EXFOLIATION of the Lach. staph. FALLING OUT, of the teeth. Merc. n-vom. plumb. sec. GRINDING of the teeth. Acon. ant. ars. bell. cic. hyos. lyc. phos. plumb. sec. stram. verat. When sleeping. Ars. (Sensation HEAVINESS teeth. of). Verat. HUMMING. Hyos. INCISIVE pains. Oleand. ran. ITCHING. Spong. JERKING pains, successive draw- ings. Am-c. anac. ant. ars. bry. bell. cast. cham. chin. clem. coccion. coff. con. hep. kal. kreos. magn. magn-s. merc. mez. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rat. rhus. sil. spig. stann. stront. sulph. mgs. mgs-aus. (Compare SHOCKS.) LOOSENING of the teeth (Sensa- tion of.) Am-c. arn. ars. aur. bry. calc. camph. carb- an, carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cocc. hyos. ign. lach. P 2 316 CHAP. XI. TEETH. magn. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. op. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sang. sec. sep. spong. stann. sulph. verat. zinc. Hyos. Mucus on the teeth. iod. magn. mez. plumb. sulph. Black. Chin. Brownish. Sulph. Offensive. Mez. Yellow. Plumb. NERVE (Sensation of tension in the). Coloc. puls. Then sudden distension. Puls. NOTCHING of the teeth. Lach. plumb. OFFENSIVENESS. rhus. Calc. plumb. POLISHED (State, in which the teeth become). Sel. PRESSURE ON the teeth. Ars. bis. bor. chin. euphorb. guaj. iod. natr. n-mos. oleand. staph. tar. verat. mgs. Expansive. Mur-ac. sabin. spig. thuy. PRICKING. Ant. magn-s. prun. PULLED OUT (Sensation as if the teeth were being). Cocc. ipec. stront. prun. m-arc. PULSATIONS. See THROBBING. ran. Cham. Roor of the teeth (Pain in the). Camph. lach. meph. merc. ol-an. staph. stront. teuc. SEMI-LATERAL pains. coloc. n-vom. puls. SENSIBILITY of the teeth. Fer- mg. mang. natr. natr-m. sass. sen. sulph. Air (in the). Berb. natr- m. Touched m. (when). Natr- SHOCKS. Acon. bar-c. coccion. Į lyc. meph.merc. n-mos. plat. sep. sulph. mgs. mgs-arc. (Compare JERKINGS. SHOOTINGS in the teeth. Acon. amb. am-c. bar-c. bar-m. berb. bor. calc. caus. cham. clem. con. cyc. dros. euphorb. euphr. gran. graph. guaj. hell. kal. lach. magn. merc. mez. natr-m. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. phell. phos. puls. ran-sc. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spong. sulph. tab. val. zinc. SMARTING pains. Mang. SMELL of the teeth (Offensive). Calc. plumb. rhus. SOUNDS in the teeth (Painful reverberation of). Ther. SPASMODIC pains. Anac. bor. lyc. n-mos. plat. SPLINTERED (Pain, as if the teeth were). Sabin. TEARINGS, sharp pains, acute drawings, &c. in the teeth. Agar. alum. amb. am-c. am- m. anac. arn. ars. bell. berb. bruc. carb-v. cast. caus. chin, coccion. coff. colch. cupr. daph. graph. grat. guaj. hell. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. magn. mang. meph. merc. mez. natr-s. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. phell. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. samb. sass. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tong. verb. viol-od. zinc. mgs-aus. TENSIVE pains. Anac. coloc. puls. THROBBINGS, pulsations. Acon. ang. ars. bar-c. bar-m. calc. carb-a. caus. cham. chin. coccion. coloc. daph. hyos. kal. lyc. magn. magn-s. SECT. 3. GUMS. 317 merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. par. phos. plat. puls. rat. sabad. sep. spig. stram. sulph. verat. TORPOR (Sensation of). Chin. petr. ULCERATION of the roots of the teeth. Alum. ÚLCERATION (Pain, as if from), in the teeth. Am-c. kal-h. magn. n-vom. phos. WATER, coming from the mouth, when the teeth are sucked (ACIDULATED and of- fensive). Nic. WRENCHING pain. Prun. YELLOWNESS of the teeth. Iod. lyc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. SECTION 3.-SYMPTOMS OF THE GUMS. ABSCESS. See Sect. 1. GUMS. BLEEDING (Easy). Agar. alum. am-c. anac. ant. arg. ars. arum. bar-c. bell. berb. bor. bov. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cist. con. euphr. fer- mg. gran. graph. iod. kal-ch. magn-m. merc. natr-m. nitr. | nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. ran-sc. rat. rut. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. tong. zinc. Acidulated blood (of). Graph. rat. tar. tong. black. Graph. BLUISH. Oleand. sabad. BURNING, heat. Bell. cham. merc. natr-s. n-vom. petr. puls. rhus. terb. CRAWLING. Arn. DRAWINGS in the gums. Ars. caps. n-vom. staph. tab. ECCHYMOSIS. Con. EXCORIATION. Carb-v. nitr-ac. sep. sil. dig. Pain (as if from). Alum. bis. bry. graph. merc. puls. rhus. sass. terb. thuy. zinc. between the gums and cheeks. Rhod. EXCRESCENCES. Staph. FUNGOUS gums. Bry. dulc. merc. (Compare SCORBUTIC, WHITE, &c.) INCISIVE pains. Par. INFLAMMATION. Am-c. hep. iod. kal. kreos. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. phos. sil. ITCHING. Bell. merc. rhod. LIVID, dirty colour. Merc. NODOSITIES. Berb. natr-s. phos- ac. plumb. staph. OFFENSIVENESS, like wine (Pu- trid). Graph. PALE colour. Plumb. staph. PRESSURE (Pain, as if from). Ars. staph. PRICKING. Puls. PULSATION, Throbbing. Bell. calc. daph. n-vom. sulph. PUSTULES. Carb-an. natr-s. petr. PUTRIDITY. n-vom. TIC). Am-c. natr-m. (Compare SCORBU- REDNESS. Carb-an. kreos. merc. phell. ran-sc. dirty. Berb. pale. Bar-c. kal-ch. RETRACTION. Carb-v. (Compare SEPARATION). RHAGADES. Plat. SCORBUTIC gums. Am-c. am- m. kreos. mur-ac. nitr. (Com- 318 CHAP. XI. TEETH. pare FUNGOUS, WHITE, PU- | SWELLING: TRID Gums, &c.) SENSIBILITY (Painful). Agar. amb. calc. caus. lach. natr-m. n-vom. phos. rut. staph. SEPARATION. Ant. arg. carb-v. cist. dulc. gran. iod. merc. phos. phos-ac. sulph. terb. SHOCKS (Sensation of). Lyc. (Compare JERKING). SHOOTINGS. Am-m. bell. calc. kal-h. lyc. petr. puls. sabad. SHRIVELLED gums. Par. SMELL, as if from urine (OF- FENSIVE, putrid). Graph. SUPPURATION. Am-c. canth. carb-v. caus. (Compare UL- CERATION, ABSCESS, &c.) SWELLING of the gums. Agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ars. bar-c. bell. bis. bor. calc. caps. carb-an. caus. caus. cham. chin. cist. coccion. cocc. con. graph. hep. iod. kal. kal-h. lach. lyc. magn-m. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr- ac. n-vom. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plumb. ran-sc. sass. sep. sil. spong. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. zinc. mgs. mgs-arc. SWELLING (Below the gum). Rhod. Carious tooth (round a). Sabin. Cephalalgia (with). Cast. Night (at). Cast. merc. Painful. Carb-an. kal-h. lyc. magn-m. n-vom. phell. ran- SC. rhod. sabin. sass. sil. staph. sulph. thuy. zinc. mgs- arc. during mastication. Spong. when touched. Hep. petr. Red. Carb-an. phell. ran- SC. pale. Bar-c. White. Sabin. TEARINGS. Ars. bruc. colc. hyos. lyc. sass. staph. teuc. THROBBING, Pulsation. Bell. calc. daph. n-vom. sulph. TORPOR in the gums, after pain. Mgs-arc. ULCERATION. Agn. aur. berb. bor. carb-v.iod. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. sabin. sep. stann. staph. sulph-ac. zinc. ULCERATION (Pain, as if from). Bell. kal-h. ULCERS (Fistulous). See Sect. 1. VESICLES in the gums (Burn- ing). Bell. mez. WHITENESS of the gums. Merc. nitr-ac. oleand. staph. zinc. (Compare SCORBUTIC). SECTION 4.-CONDITIONS. Under which tooth-ache appears or is aggravated. AFTER the pain (Torpor of the | AIR (From cold): gums). Mgs-arc. Amelioration. Natr-s. AIR (From cold). Hyos. merc. n-vom. puls. sass. sen. sep. sil. staph. mgs. puls. (From a current of). Calc. chin. sass. sep. sulph. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 319 AIR : (From damp). Bor. n-mos. rhod. sen. (In the evening). N-mos. merc. (On taking an inspiration of). Alum. caus. cic. natr-m. n-vom. petr. sabin. sel. sil. spig. staph. mgs. mgs-arc. (In the open). Ant. amb. bell. bov. chin. con. n-vom. petr. phos. spig. sulph. Amelioration. N-vom. rhus. (From walking in the). Con. magn-s. n-vom. BAD weather (From). See DAMP air. BED (In). Alum. am-c. ant. bar-c. cham. graph. kal. merc. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. puls. rat. sabin. sulph-ac. Amelioration. Lyc. magn-s. (On quitting the). Amelio- ration. Oleand. sabin. BREAD (On eating). Carb-an. CAMOMILE (As if after the use of). Alum. CARRIAGE (From the motion of a). Magn. CATAMENIA (Before, during, and after the). See Chap. XX. CHILDREN (In). See ODONTAL- GIA. CHILL (From a). See Sect. 1. ODONTALGIA. As if after a. Alum. COFFEE (From). Cham. n-vom. COITION (After). Daph. COLD (From). Agar. calc. hell. magn. sulph-ac. ther. air (From). Hyos. sass. sen. sep. sil. staph. mgs. Amelioration. Natr-s. puls. and heat (Sensibility of the teeth to). Natr-m. COLD: Food (From). Con. Things (From). Ant. carb- v. cast. kal. kal-h. magn-s, mang.merc.nitr. par. phos-ac. plumb. sil. spig. sulph. thuy. Water, drinks, &c. (From). Bor. bruc. calc. carb-an. cham. cin. graph. lach. mur- ac. n-mos. n-vom. puls. sass. staph. sulph. mgs. Amelioration. Puls. COMPRESSING the teeth, bring- ing the teeth close together (When). Am-c. colch. graph. guaj. hep. petr. sep. tab. (Compare MASTICATION). Amelioration. Chin. DAMP air, weather (From). Bor. n-mos. rhod. sen. DAY and night. Amb. DRINKING Coffee (After). Cham. n-vom. Cold (anything). Calc. carb- an. cham. cin. graph. mur-ac. n-mos.n-mos.sass. staph.mgs. Hot. Agn. cham. dros. Tea. Thuy. Wine. N-vom. (When). Cham. sabin. EATING (When). Ant. bell. bry. canth. carb-an. cast. cocc. euphorb. graph. hep. ign. kal. lyc. magn-m. magn- s. merc. natr. puls. sabin. sil. sulph. thuy. mgs-arc. Gums (pains in the). Merc. Bread (when). Carb-an. (after). Ant. bell.bor.bry. cham. chin. coff. graph. ign. lach. magn. natr. natr-m. n-vom. sabin. spig. stann. staph. mgs-arc. Anything cold. Con. Anything hot. Agn. phos. sil. 320 CHAP. XI. TEETH. ENTERING a room (On). Magn- | MEAL (After a). See after EAT- S. EVENING (In the). Alum. am- c. anac. ant. bar-c. bell. bov. cham. graph. kal. magn-s. mang. merc. mez. nic. nitr- ac. phos. puls. rat. sabin. sulph. sulph-ac. In bed. Alum. am-c. ant. bar-c. graph. kal. merc. nitr- ac. rat. sulph-ac. EXERCISE (During). See WALK- ING. FEMALES (In). See Sect. 1, ODONTALGIA. FRUIT (After eating). Natr. Hor drinks (From). Lach. n- vom. -Food (From). Agn, phos. sil. Things (From). Amb. anac. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-v. lach. magn-s. merc. n-vom. phos- ac. puls. sil. sulph. mgs-aus. Amelioration. Kal-h. n-mos. INTRODUCTION of air into the mouth (From the). Alum. bell. caus. cic. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. petr. sabin. sel. sil. spig. staph. mgs. mgs-arc. LABOUR (From intellectual). Bell. n-vom. LYING horizontally Clem. (From). On the side affected (when). Ars. ING. MEDITATION (During). From intellectual labour, &c. Bell. n-vom. MORNING (In the). Hyos. kreos. lach. n-vom. phos. staph. tart. Gums (pains in the). Par. terb. Teeth (mucus on the). Iod. In bed, or on waking (in the). Kal. kreos. lach. n-vom. ran. MOVEMENT (From). Mez. NIGHT (At). Am-c. amb. anac. ars. bar-c. bar-m. bell, berb. bov. bry. calc. cham. chin. clem. coff. cyc. gran. graph. grat. hell. kal-h. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. (bleeding of the gums, at). Bov. Pain in the. Merc. rhus. Swelling of the. Cast. merc. Teeth (Grinding of the). Ars. NOISE (Pains aggravated by). Calc. NooN (In the after-), after din- ner. Berb. lach. n-vom. puls. PREGNANT females (In). See Sect. 1, ODONTALGIA. PRESSURE (During). Tong. Amelioration. Chin. QUOTIDIAN odontalgia. Diad. RAINY weather (From). See sang. DAMP air. Amelioration. Bry. On the side affected. Bry. MASTICATION (During). Alum. chin. euphorb. fer-mg. oleand. phos. sabin. staph. sulph. teuc. thuy. teuc. thuy. verat. zinc. (Compare when COMPRESSING the teeth). Swelling of the gums. Spong. REPOSE REPOSE (Insupportable during). Magn. pain RISING from the bed (Pains ameliorated, on). Oleand. sabin. SECT. 5. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 321 ROOM (In the warmth of a). Hep. n-vom. puls. SALT things (From). Carb-v. SHIVERINGS in the evening (During the). Mez. SLEEPING (Cessation pains while). Merc. of the (grinding of the teeth, while seated, and). Ant. SMOKE (From tobacco). Clem. sabin. spig. Amelioration. Bor. natr-s. SPEAKING (When). Sep. STORM (During a). Rhod. SUCKING the teeth (When). N-mos. Bleeding of the teeth, gums. Bell. bov. rat. SWEET-MEATS (From). Natr. TEA (From). Thuy. TOBACCO (When smoking). See from SMOKE (Tobacco-). TOOTH-PICK (Pain, on making use of the). Puls. Which forces to use the. Sel. TOUCHED (When). Bell. bor. cast. chel. chin. euphorb. magn-m. magn-s. mez. natr- m. nitr. n-mos. rhod. sep. TOUCHED: Gums (pain in the). Arg. hep. merc. petr. stront. mgs- arc. Painful sensibility of the. Agar. amb. calc. caus. phos. rat. staph. Swelling of the. Hep. petr. stront. VINEGAR (Amelioration from). Tong. WALKING (Amelioration from). Mgs-arc. In the open air (From). Con. magn-s. n-vom. Amelioration. Bov. WARMTH (In the). Graph. hell. hep. n-mos. puls. mgs-arc. Of the bed (in the). Cham. merc. phos. phos-ac. puls. sabin. (Compare in the BED and at NIGHT). Of a room (in the). Hep. n-vom. puls. WIND (From). Puls. WINE (From). N-vom. SECTION 5.-ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. NOTE. Compare Clinical Remarks, Sect. 1, and also the note of the concomitant symptoms of Coryza, Chap. IX. Sect. 1. AGITATION. Coff. magn. mang. BONES or periosteum of the natr-s. spig. At night. Magn. ANGUISH. Clem. coff. ARMS and fingers. (Pains, ex- tending into the). Sep. BEATEN (Pain in the body, as if it had been). Verat. jaw (Swelling of the). Sil. CHEEK (Pain in the). See pains in the FACE. (swelling of the). Ars. arn. aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. carb-v. caus. cham. graph. iod. kal. lach. lyc. merc. P3 322 CHAP. XI. TEETH. natr-m. n-vom. petr. puls. (samb). sep. staph. sulph. mgs-arc. CHEEKS (Redness of the). Cham. n-vom. COLDNESS in the EARS. Lach. Of the whole body. Verat. COUGH. Sep. DEJECTION. Mang. DYSPNEA. Puls. sep. EARS (Pains in the). Bell. bor. nic. puls. rhod. (Pains, extending into the). Am-c. anac. ars. bar-c. bor. cham. lach. merc. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. puls. sep. sulph. (Pains which commence at the). Ol-an. EBULLITION of blood. Mez. sep. ERECTIONS. Daph. EXASPERATION, discourage- ment, despair. Ars. cham. n- vom. EXCITABILITY, irritability. Alum. sep. EYES (Pains, extending into the). Puls. Surrounded by a yellow mark. Spig. FACE (Bloatedness Spig. of the). (heat of the). Cham. graph. stann. (pains in the). Ars. euphorb. kal. kreos. sil. spig. (extending into the). Alum. am-c. hyos. merc. mez. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph.' (paleness of the). Puls. spig. (redness of the). Cham. verat. FEET (Jerkings in the). Magn. FINGERS (Jerking of the). Magn. GLANDS (Swelling of the sub- MAXILLARY). Camph. carb-v. cham. merc. n-vom. sep. staph. HEAD (Congestion in the). Aur. hyos. mez. sulph. (heat in the). Aur. (pains in the). Bor. euphorb. lach. nitr. puls. thuy. verat. (pains extending into the). Ant. ars. bar-c. bor. cham. clem. cupr. hyos. magn. merc. mez. n-vom. rhus. puls. sulph. HEART (Palpitation of the). Spig. HEAT (Nocturnal). Sil. Universal. Lach. verat. HUMOUR (Plaintive). N-vom. IRRITABILITY. Alum. sep. JAW (Pain in the). N-vom. thuy. mgs-arc. (paralytic weakness of the). N-mos. LABOUR (Unfitness for intellec- tual). Clem. LEGS (Heaviness of the). Lach. LIE DOWN (Desire to). Bry. LIPS (Swelling of the). Bov. natr. NAPE of the neck (Pain in the). N-mos. -Rigidity of the. Lyc. NAUSEA. Verat. NECK (Pains extending into the). Natr-m. PERSPIRATION (Disposition to). Daph. (on the forehead), Cold. verat. PULSATION in the body. Sep. (swelling of the). Cham. RAGE. See EXASPERATION. verat. FAINTING. Verat. SALIVATION. Daph. merc. phos. stront. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 323 SHIVERINGS. Daph. euphorb. | UNCOVERED (Dread of being). lach. merc. puls. sulph. SLEEP (Desire to). Sulph. SLEEPLESSNESS. Sil. THIRST. Verat. TOSSING. Clem. Clem. VOMITING. Verat. WALK about (Desire to). Magn. WEAKNESS. Clem. Verat. WEEP (Disposition to). Coff. CHAPTER XII. AFFECTIONS OF THE MOUTH. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. APHTHÆ in the mouth.-The best medicines, especially in chil- dren, are: Bor. merc. n-vom. sulph. sulph-ac. &c. and Compare STOMACACE. DUMBNESS.-See SPEECH. See Sect. 2, GLOSSITIS, or inflammation of the tongue. The best medi- cines are: Acon, arn, ars. bell. lach. merc. If this state is caused by MECHANICAL INJURIES or by the STING OF BEES, the principal medicines will be: Acon. and arn. administered alternately. If the SWELLING is exceedingly LARGE, or if there are INDU- RATIONS: Bell. and merc. should be administered in preference, after the use of aconitum. If the inflammation threatens to turn to GANGRENE, the best medicines will be: Ars. and lach. Compare also: STOMACACE, and See Sect. 2, Swell- ING, HARDNESS, INFLAMMATION, REDNESS, &c. of the tongue. HÆMORRHAGE (BUCCAL).-A selection must be made, according to the circumstances, and the internal and external causes of the disease, among: Arn.bell. chin. dros. fer. kreos. ? led. and lyc.-See also Chap. IX. NASAL HÆMORRHAGE. INFLAMMATION in the mouth.-See STOMACACE and GLos- SITIS. OFFENSIVENESS of the mouth.-Though this inconvenience is always a symptom of some other disease, it often exists without any apparent cause, and in that case, a preference should be given to: Arn. ars. aur. bell. bry, cham. hyos. mere. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. sulph. In YOUNG GIRLS, at the critical age: Aur. is often suitable ; or again: Bell. hyos. puls. and sep. If the offensive smell manifests itself, only IN THE MORN- ING: Arn. bell. n-vom. sil, and sulph. may be taken into consi- deration. 324 CHAP. XII. MOUIH. If it manifests itself AFTER A MEAL: Cham. n-vom. or sulph. If it takes place, in the EVENING or at NIGHT: Puls. or sulph. For that which arises from ABUSE OF MERCURY, the prin- cipal medicines are: Aur. carb-v. lach. sulph. or again: Arn.? bell. hep. &c. See also, Sect. 2, SMELL from the mouth. PALATE (Inflammation of the).—The medicines which may be employed in preference, are, in general: Bar-c. bar-m. bell. calc. lach. merc, n-vom. or again: Acon. aur. chin. coff. sil. Inflammation of the VELUM PALATI requires in preference: Acon. bell. coff. merc. n-vom. For inflammation of the palate itself, the principal medi- cines are: Calc. chin. n-vom, or again : Bar-c. bar-m. lach. merc. or perhaps Aur. bell. sil. : If there is ULCERATION or even CARIES of the palate: Aur. lach. merc. sil. should be preferred, or perhaps again: Bar-c. calc. &c. (See Chap. I. Diseases of the bones). If the complaint is caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY: Aur. and lach. will be often found suitable; or else again: Bell. bar-m. calc. sil. &c. See also Chap. XIII. ANGINA, and Compare STOMA- CACE, and also, Sect. 2, the articles: INFLAMMATION, SWEL- LING, REDNESS, ULCERATION, &c., of the palate and velum palati. PARALYSIS of the tongue.-When this malady exists, in some measure, alone, and without any other apparent injury, the medicines, that should be selected, are: Caus. graph. lach. and perhaps again : Dulc. or Euphr. When it is caused by APOPLEXY, it will be proper to employ : Bell. hyos. op. stram. &c. (See Chap. VI. APOPLEXY.) PTYALISM, or Salivation.-The medicines to be preferred, ac- cording to the circumstances, are: Bell. calc. canth. colch. dulc. euphorb. hep. iod, lach. merc. nitr-ac. op. sulph. If salivation is caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY, they are prin- cipally: Bell. dulc. hep. iod. lach. nitr-ac. op. and sulph. See also: STOMACACE, and Compare Sect. 2, SALIVATION, SALIVA, &c. RANULA. The medicines, which have been hitherto employed with most success, are: Calc. merc. and thuy. Perhaps Ambr. may be also administered. SPEECH (Defects of).-The best medicines against the different defects of speech, such as: STAMMERING, HESITATION, &c. are, in general: Bell. caus. cic.? euphr. graph. lach. merc. natr. n-vom. sulph. See also Sect. 2, same article, and Compare in this section PARALYSIS of the tongue. STAMMERING, IMPEDIMENT, HESITATION, &c. See SPEECH, SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 325 STOMACACE, or inflammation and ulceration of the buccal cavity. The best medicines against this complaint are, in general: Merc. and n-vom. or else: Ars. bor. caps. carb-v. dulc. natr-m. nitr-ac. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. or again: Chin. gran.? hep, iod. merc-c. n-mos. ? sep. sil. Stomacace, caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY requires in pre- ference: Carb-v. dulc. hep. nitr-ac. staph. sulph. or again: Chin. iod. natr-m. &c. If it is produced by ABUSE OF KITCHEN SALT: Carb-v. or nitr-sp. will, in most cases, effect a cure. In all cases, a preference may be given to: ARSENICUM, if there are: Ulceration on the margins of the tongue, aphtha with violent burning pains; swelling and easy bleeding of the gums, with loosening of the teeth; great debi- lity and decay. BORAX, if there are: Ulceration of the gums; aphtha in the mouth and on the tongue, which bleed easily; tenacious mucus in the throat acrid and offensive urine. (It is especially suitable in children). : CAPSICUM, principally in plethoric persons, who are of a phlegmatic temperament, and who lead a sedentary life; and, especially, if there are: burning vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue, swelling of the gums, &c. CARBO VEGET., if there are: Separation, retraction, exco- riation, and ulceration of the gums, with profuse bleeding, loosening of the teeth, heat in the mouth, excessive offensive- ness of the ulcers, excoriation and difficult movement of the tongue. DULCAMARA, if the least cold brings on the complaint, with swelling of the glands of the neck. MERCURIUS, if there are: Red, fungous, separated, ulcerated and easily bleeding gums, with burning pains at night, sensation of excoriation, especially when touched; loosening of the teeth, inflammation, excoriation, and ulceration of the tongue and buccal cavity, or a state in which they are covered with aphtha; offensive, cadaverous smell of the mouth and of the ulcers profuse discharge of offensive or else sanguineous saliva, with ulceration of the orifice of the duct of the salivary glands; swelling, rigidity and hardness of the tongue, or moisture and thick coating of white mucus upon it; paleness of the face, with shivering; loose, brownish evacuations. NATRUM MUR., against: Swelling and easy bleeding of the gums, with great sensibility to all hot or cold things, ulcers and vesicles in the mouth, and on the tongue and gums, with burning pains, and impediment in the speech; profuse saliva- tion; torpor and rigidity of the tongue, especially on one side only. 326 CHAP. XII. MOUTH. NITRI ACID, if there are: Bleeding, whiteness and swelling of the gums, with loosening of the teeth; excoriation in the mouth, with shooting pains; putrid offensiveness of the mouth; salivation. Nux-VOм., principally in lean persons, of a lively _tempera- ment, and who lead a sedentary life, and especially if there are: Putrid and painful swelling of the gums, with burning or pulsa- tive pains; offensive ulcers, and painful pimples and vesicles in the mouth, gums, palate, or tongue; nocturnal salivation; sanguineous saliva; tongue loaded with thick, white mucus ; putrid smell of the mouth; discoloured face, with hollow cheeks and dull eyes; emaciation, constipation, irascibility and irrita- bility. STAPHYS, if the gums are pale, white, and ulcerated, or painful and swollen, with easy bleeding; fungous excrescences on the gums and in the mouth; ulceration or many vesicles on the mouth and tongue; discharge of saliva, which is sometimes sanguineous; shooting pains in the tongue; discomposed and wan countenance, with sunk cheeks and hollow eyes, sur- rounded by a livid circle, swelling of the glands of the neck, and follicles under the tongue. SULPHUR, against: Easy bleeding, separation and swelling of the gums, with pulsative pains; vesicles, bullæ, and aphtha in the mouth and on the tongue, with burning and pain, as if from excoriation, especially when eating; offensive and sour smell of the mouth; salivation or sanguineous saliva; tongue loaded with a thick whitish, or brownish coating; slimy, green- ish evacuations, with tenesmus; miliary eruption; nocturnal agitation, &c. SULPHURIS ACID, against: Aphtha in the mouth; swelling, ulceration and easy bleeding of the gums; profuse salivation, &c. For the rest of the medicines cited, see their pathoge- nesy, and Compare Sect. 2, SYMPTOMS of the mouth. TRISMUS.-LOCKED JAW.-See Chap. X. ULCERATION of the mouth.-See GLOSSITIS and STOMACACE. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS. APHTHE in the mouth. Ars. bor. | ATROPHY of the tongue. Mur- canth. iod. merc. n-vom. plumb. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. Palate (on the). Sass. Tongue (on the). Agar. bor. sass. ASTRICTION. See CONTRACTION. ac. BLACKISH tongue. Ars. chin. lach. n-vom. op. phos. sec. verat. (Compare tongue LOADED with a black coat- ing.) SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 327 BLOOD (Clotted), in the mouth. | CARIES OF THE BONES of the Canth. BLOOD (Discharge of). Hæmor- rhage. Bell, chin. dros. led. lyc. n-vom. BLOOD (Spitting of), Hæmopty- sis. Acon. arn. chin. cop. fer. led. mill. natr-m. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. sabin. sec. stram. sulph-ac. (Compare Sanguine- ous SALIVA, and Chap. XXI. Hæmoptysis.) BLUENESS of the buccal cavity. Merc. Tongue (of the). Ars. dig. sabad. BONES OF THE PALATE (Caries of the). Aur. merc. BORING in the palate. Aur. Tongue (in the). Clem. BROWNISH tongue. Ars. chin. lach. merc. n-vom. phos. plumb. rlius. sec. spong. sulph. (coating). See Tongue LOADED with a brownish coating. BURNED (Sensation in the mouth as if it were). Magn-m. sabad. (Compare TORPOR.) Palate (in the). Sep. Tongue (in the). Daph. hyos. merc. plat. puls. sabad. BURNING in the mouth. Asa. asar. calc. cham. cupr. mez. natr-s. nitr-sp. n-vom. plat. sulph. verat. Esophagus (in the). N-vom. Palate (in the). Camph. carb-v. cinn. dulc. ign. magn. natr-s. ran. sen. squill. Tongue (in the). Acon. ars. bell. calc. hyos. iod. magn-m. natr-s. ol-an. phell. phos-ac. prun. ran-sc. rat. sen. sulph. verat. palate. Aur. merc. CHAPT, cracked tongue. Ars. bar-c. bell. cham. chin. cic. lach. n-vom. plumb. puls. ran-sc. spig. sulph. verat. CLAMMINESS of the mouth. See Clammy TASTE. Chap. XIV. CLOSING of the mouth (Spas- modic). See SPASMS in the jaw. Chap. XII. COATING on the tongue. See Tongue LOADEd. COLDNESS in the mouth. (Sen- sation of). Tart-ac. verat. Tongue (on the). Bell. laur. verat. CONTRACTION or astriction in the mouth (Sensation of). Asar. gran. Palate (in the). Arn. cinn. CONTRACTION of of the mouth (SPASMODIC.) Calc. CONVULSIONS of the tongue. Cham. lyc. CRACKED tongue. See. CHAPT. CRAWLING in the mouth. Zinc. Tongue (on the). Acon. sec. CUTICLE on the tongue (Sensa- tion, as if there were a). Rhus. DIRTY tongue. Bry. lyc. oleand. DISCOLOURED tongue. Sec. DISTORTION of the mouth and tongue, when speaking. Caus. DRAWINGS and jerkings in the tongue. Cast. DRYNESS of the mouth. Acon. æth. alum. am-c. anac. ang. ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. bry. calc. cann. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cinn. cocc. con. euphorb. hyos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. 328 CHAP. XII. MOUTH. merc. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. op. par. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rat. rhus. rut. sabad. sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. squill. stram. sulph. tab. the. verat. DRYNESS of the mouth: Adypsia (with). Ang. bell. cann. cocc. euphorb. lyc. n- mos. n.vom. phos-ac. sa- bad. Evening (in the). Cyc. Moisture on the tongue (with). Acon. sulph. Morning (in the). Amb. berb. magn. natr-s. ol-an. par. puls. sen. spig. sulph. Night (at). Am-c. caus. cinn. magn. magn-m. n-vom. phell. rat. Noon (in the fore-). Sen. Thirst (with). Acon. arn. bry. canth. chel. cinn. cyc. kreos. laur. natr-s. nitr-ac. op. petr. rhus. sec. sulph. tab. Waking (on). Alum. DRYNESS of the palate. Carb-an. cist. cyc. hell. magn. merc. staph. verat. DRYNESS of the tongue. Ars. bar-m. bell. bry. carb-an. cham. cist. daph. dulc. hyos. lach. merc. n-mos. n-vom. par. phos. plumb. rhus. sep. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. verat. Morning (in the). Calc. clem. graph. tar. Night (at). Calc. n-vom. DRYNESS in the mouth (Sensa- tion of). Acon. asa. bell. kal. n-mos. sulph-ac. viol-tric. Morning (in the). Stront. Tongue (on the). Arg. ars. bell. calc. n-mos. DUMBNESS. See Loss of SPEECH. EXCORIATION of the buccal cavity. Kal. lach. merc. n- vom. phos. Palate (of the). Lach. mez. nitr-ac. n-vom. Tongue (of the). Agar. carb-v. dig. kal. nitr-ac. n- vom. sep. sil. - Velum palati (of the). Phos- ac. mouth EXCORIATION in the (Sensation of). Agar. alum. am-c. asar. bell. bis. caus. dig. sabad. Palate (in the). Agar. alum. caus. mur-ac. par. thuy. Tongue (in the). Alum. arn. amb. caus. graph. sabad. thuy. Tonsils (in the). Bell. Velum palati (in the). Rut. EXCRESCENCES in the mouth (Painful). Staph. EXFOLIATION (Desquammation). of the skin in the mouth. Sulph. Palate (of the). Par. Tongue (of the). Ran-sc.tar. FLABBY tongue. Kreos. FROTH before the mouth. Eth. agar. bell. camph. canth. cham. cic. cocc. colch. cupr hyos. ign. lach. laur. par. plumb. sec. stann. stram. tart-ac. verat. Milky. Æth. Reddish. Bell. Sanguineous. Sec. stram. Smell of rotten eggs (of the). Bell. White. Par. Yellow (Greenish). Sec. GLANDS in the mouth. (Swell- ing of the). Iod. Tongue (under the). N- mos. staph. tab. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 329 GOITRE. See Chap. XXIII. HÆMOPTYSIS. See BLOOD. HEMORRHAGE Sect. 1. (Buccal). See HAIR on the tongue (Sensation, as if there were a). Natr-m. sil. HAIRY (Sensation as if the in- terior of the mouth were). Ther. HARDNESS of the tongue. Merc. HEAT in the mouth. Carb-v. cham. cinn. colch. at night. Cinn. Palate (in the). Camph. dulc. Tongue (in the). Bell. HEAVINESS of the tongue. Anac. bell. colch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-vom. plumb. Difficulty in moving the tongue. Calc. carb-v. lyc. merc. (Compare RIGIDITY.) INCISIVE pains in the tongue. Bov. Palate (in the). Hell. INFLAMMATION of the mouth. Acon. am-c. bell. canth. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. verat. (Compare RIGIDITY SWELLING.) and Palate (of the). Cal. n-vom. ran. Tongue (of the). Acon. arn. ang. bell. canth. lach. merc. plumb. ran-sc. papillæ (of the). Bell. Velum palati (of the). Acon. bell. coff. INSENSIBILITY of the tongue. See TORPOR. ITCHING in the palate. Fer-mg. Tongue (in the). Sulph. LOADED (Tongue). Bar-c. bar- m. bry. iod. lyc. natr. LOADED: Blackish coating (with a). Chin. merc. phos. -Brownish. Bell. hyos. phos. sabin. sin. sulph. verb. Dirty. Bry. lyc. oleand. Grayish. Amb. puls. tart. Gray (yellowish). Amb. Greenish. Plumb. Mucus (of). Bell. dulc. lach. merc. n-mos. phos-ac. puls. sulph. verb. viol-tric. cupr. Thick. Bell. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. sabad. sec. sulph. White. Alum. amb. ant. arn. bell. bis. bry. calc. croc. cupr. cyc. dig. ign. ipec. merc. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. oleand. petr. prun. puls. ran- sc. sabin. sel. sen. sep. sulph. tar. viol-tric. Yellowish. Alum. bell. bry. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. ipec. n-vom. plumb. puls. sabad. verat. verb. Yellow (grayish). Amb. LOADED (Tongue) : Evening (in the). Bis. Morning (in the). Ran-sc sel. tart. verb. Side only (on one). Daph. MOVING the tongue (Difficulty in). Calc. carb-v. lyc. merc. Mucus (Accumulation of), in the mouth. Alum. ang. asar. bell. calc. caps. caus. chin. cupr. ign. laur. magn. merc. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. sel. rhus. spig. squill. sulph. teuc. ther. Evening (in the), with thirst. Ang. Morning (in the). Cupr. plumb. 330 CHAP. XII. MOUTH. Mucus on the the tongue. See | RIGIDITY of the tongue. Berb. Tongue LOADED with Mu- bor. colch. con. euphr. hell. cus. lach. merc. natr-m. Mucus (Nature of the). See ROUGHNESS. Berb. carb-v. cyc. Chap. XIII. NODOSITIES in the mouth and on the tongue, bleeding and when touched burning (Small). Magn. NODOSITIES under the tongue, with pain as if from excoria- tion. Amb. OPENING the mouth (Difficulty in). Colch. v-vom. PAPILLA of the tongue (Re- traction of the). Croc. oleand. PARALYSIS of the organs of speech. Canth. caus. graph. Tongue (of the). Acon. bell. caus. dulc. euphr. hyos. ipec. lach. mur-ac. n-mos. op. stram. on taking cold. Dulc. PIMPLES in the mouth. Dulc. Palate (on the). N-vom. Tongue (on the). N-vom. PINCHING in the tongue. Ang. PRESSURE on the palate. Thuy. Velum palati (on the). Rut. PTYALISM. See SALIVA and SALIVATION. PUSTULES On the tongue. Mur-ac. Palate (on the). Phos. RANULA under the tongue. See Sect. 1. REDNESS of the buccal cavity. Am-c. bell. ign. (Compare IN- FLAMMATION.) Margins of the tongue (of the.) Bell. n-vom. Tongue (of the). Ars. bell. bry. cham. hyos. lach. n- vom. ran-sc. rhus. stann. sulph. verat. papillæ (of the). Bell. Velum palati (of the). Bell. dig. phos. Palate (of the). Magn. mez. Tongue (of the). Ang. bell. bry. carb-v. casc. coloc. croc. magn-s. oleand. par. sulph. erection of the papillæ (from). Croc. oleand. SALIVA (Accumulation of wa- ter, or). Alum. am-c. anac. ant. arg. asar. bar-c. bell. bis. bov. bruc. bry. calc-ph. camph. carb-v. chel. cupr. dig. eug. fer-mg. grat. gran. hell. hep. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. magn-m. mur-ac. natr-s. nic. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. par. phell. phos. plumb. ran. rat. rhod. rhus. sabad. sen. spig. sulph. tarb. tart. the. thuy. tong. verb. viol- tric. zinc. mgs-aus. Dryness (with a sensation of). Colch. kal. plumb. rhod. SALIVA, according to its na- ture: Acrid. verat. Bitter. Ars. sulph. thuy. Brownish. Bis. Clammy. Arg. bell. berb. camph. cann. eug. Cool. Asar. Frothy. Berb. bry. canth. eug. phell. plumb. ran-sc. sabin. spig. sulph. Hot. Daph. Metallic taste (with a). Bis. ran. zinc. Mucous. Camph. Offensive smell (of an). Dig. merc. Reddish. Sabin. Rough. Par. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 331 SALIVA, according to its na- Scraping : ture: ars. Salt. Euphorb. hyos. merc-s. phos. sep. sulph. verat. verb. Sanguineous. Arg. canth. clem. hyos. ind. kal-h. magn. merc. n-vom. rhus. staph. sulph. thuy. Soapy. Bry. Sour. Alum. calc. calc-ph. ign. natr-s. stann. sulph. tar. Sweetish. Alum. dig. gran. nic. phos. plumb. puls. sabad. Thick. Bell. bis. n-mos. Watery, serous. Asar. kreos. magn-m. puls. the. aus. mgs- Palate (in the). Carb-v. hell. mez. Tongue (on the). Teuc. SENSIBILITY of the interior of the mouth (Painful). Ipec. Tongue (of the). Bell. berb. moving it (on). Berb. touching it (on). Bell. Tongue (under the). Sel. SHINING tongue. Lach. SHOOTINGS in the mouth. Spig. Palate (in the). Ign. mez. nitr-ac. ran-sc. staph. Tongue (in the). Acon. ang. chin. clem. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. prun. sabad. staph. White. Ol-an. ran. sabin. SIIRIVELLED skin, on the pa- spig. Yellowish. Rhus. SALIVARY Glands: (Pain in the). Acon. (Swelling of the). Thuy. (Ulceration of the). Merc. SALIVATION. Acon. am-c. ant. bell. bruc. bry. calc. canth. cham. cinn. colch. con. daph. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. hæm. hep. hyos. ind. lach. merc. merc-c. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. plumb. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhus. sep. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. mgs. Evening (in the). Mgs. Nausea (with). Verat. Nausea and desire to vomit (with). Euphorb. puls. Night (at). N-vom. rhus. Shuddering (with). Arg. euphorb. Stomach (with pain in the). Euphorb. SCRAPING in the mouth. Croc. dig. late. Bor. phos. SIZE of the tongue were in- creased (Sensation as if the). Par. puls. SMARTING in the mouth. Amb. asar. masticating solid food (when). Phos-ac. Palate (in the). Carb-v. mez. mur-ac. ran-sc. Speaking (when). Ign. and chewing Tongue (on the). Arn. asar. ol-an. teuc. night. (at). Phos-ac. SMELL of the mouth : Cadaverous. See Putrid. Cheese (of). Aur. Earthy, in the morning. Mang. Garlic (of). Petr. Horse-raddish (of). Agar. Mercury (As if from abuse of). Bar-m. Offensive. Agar. alum. amb. am-c. anac. arn. ars. aur. bar- c. bar-m. bell. bry. carb-an. 332 CHAP. XII. MOUTH. amygdala (from elonga- tion of the). Aur. cast. hyos. kal. led. lyc. merc. | SPEECH : merc-c. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n- mɔs. n-vom. petr. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. the. verb. mgs. SMELL of the mouth: sulph. evening (in the). Puls. meal (after a). Cham. n-vom. sulph. morning (in the). Arn. bell. camph. grat. n-vom. puls. sil. sulph. the. night (at). Puls. sulph. tongue (of the). Daph. Onions (of). Kal-h. Pitch (of). Canth. Putrid, cadaverous. Alum. arn. aur. bov. bry. cham. graph. iod. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. sabin. sen. Meal (after a). Cham. n-vom. Morning (in the). Arn. n- vom. puls. Sour. Sulph. Urine (of). Graph. SPASMODIC Sensation in the tongue. Bor. SPASMS in the tongue. Ruta. (Compare CONVULSIONS.) SPEECH (Bawling style of). Cupr. Broken. Tab. Dejected, feeble. Bell. canth. ign. op. sec. sep. stann. staph. tab. Dejected from weakness. Stann. staph. Drawling, when reading. Tab. Embarrassed, difficult. Am- c. anac. aur. bell. calc. cann. caus. cic. con. dulc. euphr. graph. hep. mez. natr-m. n- vom. op. rut. sec. stann. mgs- aus. Cann. pain in the back (from). shocks in the head and arms (from). Cic. words (for certain). Lach. High (too). Lach. Indistinct, confused. Bry. calc. caus. lach. lyc. sec. dryness of the throat (from). Bry. sen. Interrupted (suddenly). Tab. (Loss of). Bell. caus. chin. cic. cupr. hyos. lach. laur. merc. oleand. plumb. stram. tart. verat. apoplexy (after). Laur. Low, weak. Tab. Nasal. Bell. lach. phos-ac. Precipitate. Ars. bell. hep. lach. merc. Slow. Thuy. Stammering, hesitating. Acon. bell. bov. caus. euphr. lach. merc. natr. n-vom. sec. stram. sulph. verat. Tremulous. Acon. ign. Weak. See Low, Dejected. Whispering, Stram. murmuring. Whistling. Bell. caus. SPEECH. See also VOICE, Chap. XXI. STOMACACE. See Sect. 1. SUPPURATION of the tongue. Canth. merc. SWELLING in the buccal cavity. Am-c. bell. lach. merc. sep. (Compare INFLAMMATION.) Glands under the tongue (of the). N-mos. staph. tab. salivary. Bar-m. thuy. Palate (Of the). Bar-c. bar- m. calc. chin. n-vom. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 333 SWELLING : Tongue (of the). Anac. ars. bell. calc. canth. chin. con. dig. dulc. hell. kal. lach. merc. merc-s. phos-ac. plumb. sec. sil. stram. thuy. thuy. painful. Con. phos-ac. papillæ (of the). Bell. semi-lateral. Calc. sil. Velum palati (of the). Bell. coff. (Compare Swelling of the Uvula, Chap. XIII.) SWELLING in the tongue (Sen- sation of). Berb. m-aus. - Palate (in the). N-vom. puls. THICKENING of the tongue (Sen- sation of). N-vom. TORPOR (Sensation of), numb- ness in the mouth. Amb. bov. ind. lyc. magn-s. stront. (Com- pare Sensation, as if after be- ing BURNED, &c.) Palate (of the). Verat. Tongue (in the). Amb. ars. bell. bor. colch. hyos. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-mos. puls. rhab. Semi-lateral. Natr-m. TREMBLING of the tongue. Ars. bell. merc. ULCERS, ulceration in the mouth. Agn. alum. caus. dulc. hep. iod. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. plumb. staph. thuy. zinc. Palate (in the). Aur. lach. merc. n-vom. sil. Salivary glands (on the ori- fice of the). Acon. bell. merc. String of the tongue (on the). Agar. Tongue (on the). Agar. ars. bov. chin. cic. dig. dros. graph. mur-ac. natr-m. n- vom. op. verat. ULCERS: Velum palati (on the). Phos- ac. ULCERS: Bluish colour (of a). Aur. Burning. Caus. chin. merc. natr. natr-m. phos-ac. Excoriation (with pain, as if from). Bov. Itching. Chin. Offensive smell (of an). N- vom. plumb. Painful, when touched. Cic. food and drink (on.com- ing in contact with). Natr- m. Shooting. Nitr-ac. Small, yellow. Zinc. Smarting. Natr-m. Suety bottom (with a). Hep. VESICLES in the mouth. Amb. bar-c. calc. caps. carb-an. cham. kal. magn. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. n-vom. rhod. spong. staph. sulph. (Com- pare PIMPLES and Pus- TULES.) Palate (on the). Calc. n- vom. spig. Tongue (on the). Am-c. am-m. ant. arg. bar-c. berb. bry. calc. caps. carb-an. cham. graph. kal-h. magn. magn-s. mang. mez. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. phell. puls. sel. spig. spong. squill. staph. zinc. VESICLES: Burning. Amb. am-m. arg. bry. Excoriation (with pain, as if from). Arg. sulph. Incisive pains (with.) Magn- S. 334 CHAP. XII. MOUTH. VESICLES: Inflamed. Bar-c. Painful. N-vom. WHITE coating. See Tongue LOADED with a white coating, &c. when coming in contact | WHITENESS, paleness of the with food and drink. Natr- m. -Shooting. Spong. Smarting. Natr-m. rhod. Whitish. Berb. WEAKNESS of the organs of speech. Am-c. (Compare PA- RALYSIS.) tongue. Acon. amb. anac. ang. ars. berb. gran. kreos. oleand. phos. YELLOWNESS of the tongue. See Tongue LOADED with a yellow coating. CHAPTER XIII. AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. AMYGDALITIS.-The best medicines are, in general: Bar-c. bell. hep. ign. lach. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. sulph. or again: Calc. canth, cham. gran? lyc. sep. thuy. If there is SUPPURATION Or ULCERATION, the most eligible medicines are, usually: Bar-c. bell. ign. lach, lyc. merc. nitr-ac. or sep. Against INDURATION of the amygdala: Bar-c. calc. ign. sulph. are often employed with success.—(Compare also: Chap. I, INDURATIONS.) See besides : ANGINA, in this section. ANGINA, Cynanche, or sore-throat. The best medicines against the different kinds of angina, are, first: Bell. lach. merc. or: Cham. n-vom. puls. Then Acon. bry. caps. coff. ign. rhus. sulph. : Or else: Bar-c. chin. cic. cocc. dulc. sabad. sep. verat. Or else again: Alum, ars. calc. canth. carb-v. gran? kreos? lyc. mang. nitr-ac. n-mos. sen. staph. thuy. Acute ANGINA requires principally: Acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. ign. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. or again: Ars. bar-c. canth. caps. chin. dulc. hep. lach. mang. staph. For CHRONIC and also for CONSTITUTIONAL angina, the best medicines are: Alum. bar-c. calc. carb-v. hep. lach. lyc. sep. sulph. or again: Bell. chin, mang. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. sabad. sen. staph. thuy. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 335 Against CATARRHAL and RHEUMATIC angina, the most effi- cacious medicines are: Bell. cham. n-vom. puls. sulph. or else: Acon. carb-v. caps. dulc. gran? merc. rhus. or sen. Phlegmonous angina requires in preference: Bar-c. bell, hep. ign. nitr-ac. sulph. or again: Acon. calc. canth. coff. lach. merc. n-vom. sep. thuy. For GANGRENED angina: Am-c. ars. or lach. may be admi- nistered. MEMBRANOUS angina, or CROUP, requires, in preference: Acon. hep. spong. or phos. (See Chap. XXI, CROUP.) With respect to the SEAT of the inflammation, BRONCHIAL, LARYNGEAL, ESOPHAGITAL, PALATINAL, PAROTIDAL, PHARYN- GEAL, TONSILLARY, TRACHEAL, and UVULAR angina, See in this chapter the articles, AMYGDALITIS, ESOPHAGITIS, PHA- RYNGITIS, &c. and also Chap. VIII, PAROTITIS; and Chap. XXI, BRONCHITIS, LARYNGITIS, &c. With reference to the EXTERNAL CAUSES, on which the an- gina may depend, if the disorder manifests itself in consequence of EXANTHEMATA, such as SCARLATINA, MEASLES, SMALL-POX, &c. Ars. bar-c. carb-v. ign. may be preferred. For angina, caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY, the principal medicines are: Arg. bell. carb-v. hep. lach. lyc. staph. sulph. For those which result from a CHILL, the most suitable medicines are: Bar-c. bell. bry. cham. coff. dulc. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. For those which arise from a syphilitic cause, they are: Merc. nitr-ac. thuy. or again: Lach. For those which are produced by a TRAUMATIC cause, such as the introduction of FOREIGN BODIES, SPLINTERS OF BONE, &c. into the throat, the medicines most likely to succeed, in the majority of cases, are: Acon. bell. cham. cic. ign. or merc. Lastly, with relation to the symptoms, which characterize the different kinds of angina, a preference may be given, in the first instance, to: BELLADONNA, against almost all sorts of angina, and espe- cially if there are: Pain as if from excoriation, scraping, sensa- tion of enlargement, dryness, burning, or shootings in the throat, principally during deglutition; pains, which extend to the ears; spasmodic contraction and constriction of the throat, with constant desire to swallow, or difficult, or impracticable deglutition; adypsia, or violent thirst, with dread of drinking, or inability to drink, because all drinks escape through the nostrils, bright and often yellowish redness of the parts affected, without swelling, or else swelling and inflammatory redness of the velum palati, uvula, or tonsils, also with suppuration; ulcers, which spread ra- pidly; accumulation of much slimy, whitish mucus in the throat and } 336 CHAP. XIII. THROAT. mouth, and on the tongue; salivation; swelling of the muscles, or also of the glands of the neck and nape of the neck; violent head-ache in the forehead; tearful and capricious humour. (Compare Merc. a medicine which is often suitable before or after Bell.) CHAMOMILLA, especially in children, or if the disease is caused by checked perspiration, or if there are; swelling of the parotides, tonsils, and sub-maxillary glands; shootings, burning pains, or a sensation as if there were an enlargement in the throat; deep redness of the parts affected; inability to swallow solid food, especially when lying down; thirst, with dryness in the mouth and throat; tickling in the larynx, which provokes a cough; hoarseness and roughness of the voice; fever towards the evening, with heat and shivering alternately, redness (especially of one) of the checks; excessive agitation, tossing, cries and tears. LACHESIS, in almost all cases, in which bell. or merc. appear to be indicated, without, however, being sufficient, and espe- cially if there are: Pain as if from excoriation, burning and dryness in the throat, which occupy only small, circumscribed places, or extend to the cars, larynx, tongue, nose, gums, &c. with dyspnea, danger of suffocation, salivation, and hawking up of mucus; swelling, redness and excoriation of the amygdala, or of the velum palati; constant desire to swallow, with spasms in the throat, or with a sensation as if there were a tumour, or plug, or lump, which required to be swallowed; obstructed deglu- tition, with dread of drinking, during which the liquid often escapes through the nostrils; aggravation of the complaint in the afternoon and morning, or invariably after sleeping, and also from the slightest contact, and the most trivial pressure of the neck; mitigation while eating. MERCURIUS, often at the commencement of the disease, be- fore bell. or alternately with that medicine, and especially if there are: Violent shootings in the throat and amygdalæ, espe- cially when swallowing, and which extend to the parotides, ears and sub-maxillary glands; burning in the throat, and pain as if from excoriation, swelling and great inflammatory redness of the parts affected; elongation of the uvula; constant desire to swallow, with sensation as if there were an enlargement which required to be swallowed; difficult deglutition, es- pecially of drinks, which escape through the nostrils; unplea- sant taste in the mouth; suppuration of the amygdala, or ulcers in the throat, which get round them but slowly; aggra- vation of the malady at night or in the evening, and also in the cool air and while speaking; shivering in the evening, or shiver- ings alternately with heat; perspiration, which affords no SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 337 relief; rheumatic, tearing or drawing pains in the head and nape of the neck. NUX-VOMICA, often after cham. or in lean, bilious, and choleric persons, or persons of a sanguine temperament, and especially if there are scraping and pain, as if from excoriation in the throat, principally when swallowing and taking an inspiration of cool air; pain during empty deglutition, as if the pharynx were contracted, or as if there were a plug in the throat; shootings into the ears, especially when swallowing; swelling of the uvula, palate or tonsils, or only a sensation of swelling, with pres- sive and shooting pains; dry cough, with head-ache, and pains in the hypochondria when coughing; small ulcers, of a putrid smell, in the mouth and throat. PULSATILLA, principally in females, or persons of a mild cha- racter and phlegmatic temperament, and especially if there are : Redness, sometimes bluish, of the throat, tonsils, or uvula, with a sensation as if these parts were swollen, or as if there were an enlargement in the pharynx; scraping pain, as if from excoria- tion, and dryness in the throat, without thirst; shootings in the throat, especially at a period different from that of deglutition ; shiverings towards the evening, with aggravation of the sore- throat; accumulation of tenacious mucus, which covers the parts affected. Among the other medicines that have been cited, recourse may be also had to : ACONITUM, especially if there are: Violent fever, with dry heat; redness of the cheeks, agitation, tossing, impatience and exasperation; deep redness of the parts affected, with difficult and painful deglutition; burning, choking, pricking and con- traction in the throat; painful sensibility of the throat, when speaking; violent thirst. BRYONIA, against: Painful sensibility of the throat when touched, and on turning the head; difficult and painful deglu- tition, as if from the presence of a hard body in the throat; shootings and sensation of excoriation and dryness in the throat, to such an extent as to hinder speaking; fever, with or with- out thirst, or shivering and coldness; irascibility and irritability. CAPSICUM in cases in which either cham. bryon. ign. n-vom. or puls. appears to be indicated, without, however, being suffi- cient, and especially if the fever continues with shiverings and thirst, followed by heat; pressive pains, with spasmodic con- striction of the throat; excoriation and ulceration in the mouth and throat; painful cough; continued desire to remain lying down and to sleep, with dread of the open air and of the cold. COFFEA, if there are, at the same time, coryza, with irritation in the throat, which forces to cough; especially in the VOL. II. 338 CHAP. XIII. MOUTH. open air, sleeplessness, heat, tearfulness and lamentations; swel- ling of the velum palati, with elongation of the uvula; exces- sive tenderness of the parts affected, and pains, which appear insupportable: short, dry cough, &c. HEPAR, often after bell. or merc. and especially if there are: Dryness, sensation of a plug, or shootings in the throat, as if caused by splinters, especially when swallowing, coughing, breath- ing and turning the head; painful scraping, which obstructs speech; obstructed or else impossible deglutition; violent pressure in the throat, with danger of suffocation; swelling of the amygdala. IGNATIA, if there are: Red and inflammatory swelling of the palate or amygdalæ; sensation of a plug in the throat, or shoot- ings into the ears, especially at a period different from that of deglutition, with burning and pain, as if from excoriation, during deglutition; more difficult deglutition of drinks than of solid food; hardness of the amygdala, or state in which they are covered with small ulcers. (Compare cham. n-vom. puls. or else: Bell. merc. hep. sulph. RHUS, frequently in cases in which bryon. appears to be indicated without being sufficient, and especially if there are: Rather plaintive than passionate humour; pressure and shoot- ings, during deglutition; pulsative pain in the bottom of the gullet; obstructed deglutition, as if from contraction of the throat; sensa- tion of swelling in the throat, with pain as if from a bruise, also when speaking. SULPHUR, if there are: Swelling of the throat, amygdalæ or uvula; scraping and dryness; pain as if from excoriation, burn- ing and shootings in the throat, during deglutition or at other times; pressure in the throat, as if from an enlargement or con- traction, and painful sensation of constriction, with difficult deglutition; swelling of the glands of the neck. Among the following medicines recourse may be also had, as occasion requires, to; Baryta carb. if the complaint returns after every chill, and if the amygdala are swollen, hard, and disposed to suppurate. CHINA, against: Swelling of the palate and uvula, with shootings in the throat, especially during deglutition, or with disturbed sleep at night, and aggravation of the disorder from the least current of air. CICUTA, if in consequence of the introduction of a foreign body, the throat is swollen to such an extent as to render deglu- tition absolutely impossible, and if bell. is insufficient against that state. COCCULUS, if the pain is more deeply seated (in the so- phagus), with dryness, which extends into the chest, gurgling and clucking when drinking. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 339 DULCAMARA, in catarrhal angina, in which merc. is indicated, without being sufficient, and if there is a secretion of much mucus. SABADILLA, against indolent angina, with pressure, burning, sensation of enlargement or constriction, during the period of deglutition and at other times; dryness, scraping and roughness in the throat, with constant desire to swallow. SEPIA, against pain, as if from excoriation and shootings during deglutition, with frequent hawking and accumulation of much mucus. VERATRUM, if the throat is dry, with burning, roughness, scraping, or constrictive pain, choking, pressure and spasms during deglutition. For the rest of the medicines that have been cited, and for more ample details respecting all, See their PATHOGENESY and Compare the SYMPTOMS of the throat, Sect. 2 and 3. DYSPHAGIA.—See PHARYNGITIS, PARALYSIS of the gullet and SPASMS. GLANDS of the neck (Inflammation of the).—See Chap. XXIII. GOITRE.-See Chap. XXIII. ŒESOPHAGITIS, or inflammation of the œsophagus.-The me- dicines which merit a preference are: Arn. ars. bell. cocc. merc. mez. rhus. or else again: Asa. carb-v. euphorb. laur. sabad. sec. -Compare also ANGINA and PHARYNGITIS. PARALYSIS of the gullet.-A preference may be given to: Caus. con, lach. sil. or perhaps again to: Ars. bell. kal. n-mos.? plumb.? puls.? PHARYNGITIS, with inflammation of the VELUM PALATI and UVULA.—The best medicines, are in general: Acon. bell. canth. hyos. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. stram. or again: Ars. calc. ign. verat. (See ANGINA). If the inflammation is pure (franche): Acon. bell. canth. lach. merc. will be found to be most frequently indicated. If there is SPASMODIC CONSTRICTION of the gullet, a prefe- rence may be given to: Bell. hyos. lach. stram. verat. or perhaps again to: Con. lyc. merc. n-vom. For a sensation, as if there were an ENLARGEMENT in the throat, the principal medicines are: Ars. ign. n-vom. puls. or again: Bell. lach. sulph. If the inflammation occupies the VELUM PALATI, at the same time, a cure will be often effected by: Acon. bell. coff. merc. N-vom, Inflammation of the UVULA requires in preference: Bell. coff. merc, n-vom. or again: Calc. sen. sulph. See also: Angina. Q 2 340 CHAP. XIII. THROAT. SPASMS in the throat.-See Sect. 2, same article, and Compare PHARYNGITIS. ULCERS in the throat.-The most eligible medicines are: Bell. lach. merc. nitr-ac. and thuy. For the different kinds of ulcers, such as MERCURIAL, SY- PHILITIC ulcers, &c. See mercurial, syphilitic ANGINA, &c. UVULA (Inflammation of the).-See PHARYNGITIS. SECTION 2. SYMPTOMS OF THE THRoat. ADHERENCE (Sensation of). Nitr-ac. ANGINA. See Sect. 1. BALL which mounts in the throat (Sensation of a). Con. lyc. magn-m. plumb. sulph. BODY in the throat (Foreign). See PLUG. BORING in the throat. Arg. BRUISE (Pain as if from a). Rhus. BURNINGS in the throat. Acon. arn. ars. asa. bell. bis. bov. bruc. camph canth. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chel. crot. euphorb. guaj. hyos. ign. iod. lach. laur. lyc. magn. merc. merc-c. mez. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-an. par. phos. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhod. sabad. sec. sen. spong. squill. sulph. verat. mgs-aus. CHOKED (Disposition to be). See Chap. XXI. CHOKING. Acon. amb. bar-c. bell. canth. chel. graph. kreos. lach. nic. n-vom. ol-an. ran- sc. sabin. verat. (Compare CRAMPS, CONSTRICTION, &c.) CLUCKING in the throat. Euphr. COLDNESS (Sensation of). Laur. verat. CONSTRICTION (Sensation of). Alum. ars. bell. calc. croc. crot. hyos. ign. iod. lach. lyc. mez. natr-s. ol-an. plat. plumb. rhod. sabad. sass. sen. stram. verat. (Comp. SHRINK- ING, SPASMS, &c.) CONSTRICTION (Sensation of) : Esophagus (in the). Ars. CONTRACTION (Sensation of astriction, or). Acon. bar-c. calch-ph. cinn. gran. nic. nitr-sp. phos-ac. ran-sc. rat. rhab. sulph. CONVULSIONS in the throat. Lach. CRAMPS, Spasms in the throat. Bell. calc. coloc. con. graph. lach. laur. natr-m. nic. n- vom. onis. plat. ran. rat. sass. stram. zinc. (Comp. SHRINK- ING, CONSTRICTION). - With risings and palpitations of the heart. Coloc. CRAWLING. Acon. colch. grat. samb. sec. CREEPING in the throat (Sensa- tion as if an insect were). Plumb. CRUMBS of bread in the throat (Sensation as if there were). Dros. lach. DEGLUTITION (Difficult, ob- structed). Acon. alum. amb. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 341 am-c. arg. arum. bar-m. bell. bry. canth. caus. chel. dros. hep. ign. ipec. laur. men. merc. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sil. stram. teuc. DEGLUTITION (Difficult, Ob- structed): drink escapes through the nostrils. Aur. bell. lach. merc. petr. food ascends into the nasal fossæ. Sil. Frequent desire to swal- low. Alum. bell. caus. con. hæm. lach. merc. sabad. staph. with danger of suffoca- tion, if one does not swallow. Bell. when walking in the wind. Con. Hindered. Amb. am-c. ant. arn. ars. bell. canth. carb-v. cic. cin. con. cupr. hep. hyos. iod. kal. lach. laur. lyc. natr-s. op. plumb. stram. sulph. food (of solid). Cham. dros. rhus. liquids (of). Bell. canth. cin. hyos. ign. nausea (by). Arn. Involuntary. Con. Noisy. Arn. cupr. laur. Painful. Ign. natr-s. rhus. (Compare Sect. 3, during DEGLUTITION). Spasmodic. Bell. lach. merc. (Compare CRAMPS, SPASMS). DIGGING. Arg. DRAWINGS. Caps. laur. plat. plumb. stann. staph. teuc. zinc. DRYNESS. Alum. anac. ant. ars. asa. bell. bor. bruc. bry. calad. caus. chin, cist. cocc. ! con. cor. crot. cupr. hep. hyos. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-s. mang. men. merc. natr. natr- S. n-mos. ol-an. op. petr. phell. phos. sabad. sass. sec. sel. sen. sep. squill. staph. stram. stront. sulph. tab. tar. verat. zinc. DRYNESS: Chest (extending into the). Lach. Cough (with desire to). Sen. Ears (extending into the). Lach. Morning (in the). Sass. Night (at). Cinn. phell. Night and day. Phos. Nose (extending into the). Lach. Painful. Lach. merc. Partial. Lach. Speech (which hinders). Bry. merc. sen. Thirst (with). Calad. Water in the mouth (with). Merc. DRYNESS in the throat (Sensa- tion of). Bry. n-mos. stann. ELONGATION of the uvula (Sen- sation of). Croc. dulc. plat. (Compare SWELLING). EXCORIATION. Amb. arg. calc. lach. mez. EXCORIATION (Sensation of). Am-c. arg. ars. asa. bell. bry. camph. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cist. cor. dig. ign. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. mang. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus-v. rut. sen. sep. sil. stann. staph. sulph. thuy. zinc. Esophagus (in the). Merc. Fossa (Drink mounts into the nasal.). Aur bell. lach. merc. petr. 342 CHAP. XIII. THROAT. FOSSE (Ingesta ascend into the | Mucus in the throat : nasal.) Sil. GURGLING of drink in the gullet. Cupr. laur. HAIR in the throat (Sensation of a). Sil. sulph. HAWK (Desire to). Bell. sabad. teuc. HEAT in the throat. Eth. camph. cham. cist. hyos. laur. merc. At night. Cinn. INCISIVE pains in the throat. Mang. INDURATION of the amygdala. Ign. plumb. INFLAMMATION, redness. Acon. arg. ars. bell. bis. canth. coff. colch. con. cupr. dulc. ign. iod. lach. lyc. mang. merc. mez. nic. nitr-ac. puls. ran. sabad. sang. sen. sep. stront. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1, ANGINA). Amygdala (of the). Bell. canth. ign. natr-s. plumb. puls. sep. (Compare Sect. 1, AMYGDALITIS). Uvula (of the). Calc. coff. merc. natr-s. nitr. n-vom. puls. sabad. sen. IRRITATION of the gullet. Cocc. ITCHING in the throat. Samb. JERKING. Sep. Mucus in the throat (Accumu- lation of). Alum. amb. am- m. arg. arn. ars. asar. bell. bor. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus. colch. graph. grat. kal. lach. magn. magn-s. natr. ol-an. petr. plat. puls. ran. rhus. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. stann. tab. tar. zinc. Evening (in the). Alum. ang. Morning (in the). Am-m. puls. Night (at). Alum. puls. Mucus (Expectoration of). Alum. guaj, magn-s. natr-m. rhus. Hawking (when). Bis. calc. carb-an. caus. con. dros, gran. hep. kal. lach. lam. lyc. natr-m. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhus. sen. sep. stann. tar. teuc. thuy. Morning (in the). Amb. natr-m. petr. phos. rhus. sep. Mucus. (Comp. COUGH, EXPEC- TORATION, &c. Chap. XXI). Adhesive. (See Difficult to expectorate). Bitter. Arn. ars. tar. Difficult to expectorate, te- nacious. Alum. am-m. bor. cist. fer-m. lach. magn. merc. Easy to expectorate. Arg. carb-v. Gelatinous. Arg. Grayish. Amb. arg. ars. Greenish. Ars. colch. dros. Masses (in small). Agar. senn. Mouldy taste (With a). Teuc. Putrid. Ang. Red, like blood. Thuy. Rind (in form of a), or which forms a coating over the parts. Bell. puls. Salt taste (of a). Ars. sulph. Sanguineous. Alum. bis. magn. sep. Sour. Lam. magn-s. tar. Thick. Alum. lam. magn. merc. n-mos. Transparent. Plumb. Viscous, tenacious. Alum. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 343 ang. ant. asar. bell. bor. bry. ol-an. phos. caps. magn. phos-ac. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. sass. sen. tab. Mucus : White. Spig. bell. n-vom. Yellowish. Dros. spig. n-vom. Mucus in the throat (Sensation, as if there were). Grat. rhod. NOISE of drinks in the gullet (Gurgling). Cupr. laur. PARALYSIS of the gullet. Bell. caus. lach. n-mos. plumb. PARALYSIS (Sensation of). Ars. cocc. ipec. kal. lach. puls. sil. PARTIAL pains, which affect only a small part. Lach. PLUG, foreign body, lump, en- largement, &c. (Sensation of a). Amb. am-c. ant. arn. bar- c. bell. calc. cham. chel. croc. graph. hæm. hep. ign. lach. led. merc. natr-m. nitr-sp. n-vom. ol-an. par. ol-an. par. plumb. rut. sabad. sabin. sep. sulph. tab. (Compare Sensation of SWELLING). PRESSURE in the amygdala. Bell. n-vom. Body (as if from a hard). Arn. bry. ol-an. Esophagus (in the). Fer- mg. merc. Throat (in the). Arum. asa. bry. calc. cinn. dulc. fer. grat. hep. iod. kal-h. kreos. merc. mez. n-vom. par. phell. phos. puls. rhus. rut. sabad. sabin. sass. sep. tab. tar. teuc. thuy. verat. PRICKING. Acon. REDNESS of the throat. Acon. calc. cham. ign. lach. merc. (Compare INFLAMMATION). REDNESS: Tonsils (of the). Nitr-ac. puls. Uvula (of the). Calc. puls. RIGIDITY of the throat. Lach. ROUGHNESS. See SCRAPING. SAND in the throat (Sensation as if there were). Cist. SCRAPING, roughness in the throat. Acon. amb. am-c. ant. arg. ars. bell. bov. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. con. croc. dig. dros. graph. grat. hep. iod. kreos. magn. mang. men. mez. natr. n- mos. n-vom. ol-an. par. phos. plat. puls. rhod. sabad. sass. sen. sep. squill. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tabac. teuc. thuy. tong. verat. zinc. Evening (in the). Stann. Morning (in the). Sass. SENSIBILITY of the throat. Cocc. nic. On coming in contact with food. Cocc. When touched. Lach. nic. SHOOTINGS in the throat. Acon. alum. am-m. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-an. caus. caus. cham. chin. cist. dros. fer-mg. graph. hep. ign. kal. led. lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. merc. mez. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr- ac. n-vom. par. petr. phell. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sabin. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. teuc. thuy. Amygdala (in the). Bell. merc. ran-sc. SHRINKING (Sensation of). Alum. arum. bell. calc. caps. carb-v. caus. cic. dros. mez. gran. hæm. lach. puls. rhus. sulph. (Com- n-vom. 344 CHAP. XIII. THROAT. pare TION). CRAMPS, CONSTRIC SWELLING in the throat (Sen- SMARTING, itching. Bar-c. carb- V. cist. hæm. merc. mez. mur-ac. phos. phos-ac. puls. teuc. zinc. SOFTNESS (Sensation of). Cist. SPASMODIC pains in the throat. Alum. Esophagus. Alum. SPASMS. See CRAMPS, &c, SPLINTERS in the throat (Pain as if from). Hep. nitr-ac. SQUEEZING in the oesophagus. Alum. SUPPURATION of the amygdala. Aur. bar-c. bell. canth. ign. lyc. merc. sep. (Compare AMYGDALITIS, Sect. 1). SWALLOW (Frequent desire to). Arum. bell. caus. hæm. lach. merc. sabad. staph. With danger danger of being choked, if one does not swal- low. Bell. When walking in the wind. Con. SWELLING of the amygdala. Alum. am-c. aur. bar-c. bell. calc. cham. canth. hep. ign. lach. lyc. merc. natr-s. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. ran-sc. sep. stann. sulph. thuy. Throat (of the). Lach. merc- s. op. petr. sen. sep. spig. thuy. verat. (Compare IN- FLAMMATION). Uvula (of the). Bell. calc. chin. coff. merc. natr-s. n- vom. sen. sil. sulph. Veins of the neck (of the). Puls. sation of). Arg. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. casc. caus, colch. hep. ign. ipec. lach. merc. n- vom. plumb. puls. rhus. sa- bad. sabin. sang. stann. sulph. tar. verat. (Compare PLUGS). TEARINGS, sharp pain. Æth. ars. colch. teuc. zinc. TICKLING in the throat. Cist. lach. Crumb of bread (as if from a). Dros. lach. TENSION. Asa. chel. puls. sep. stann. TORN away (Sensation as if something were). Caus. rhus. TORPOR (Sensation of). Magn- S. TUMOURS, (enlargement in the throat). Lach. TUMOUR (Sensation of a). See PLUG. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the throat. Kal-h. Esophagus (in the). Merc. ULCERS, ulceration in the throat. Bell. dros. ign. iod. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. thuy. (Compare Chap. XXII, same word). Amygdala (in the). Aur. ign. lyc. Offensive. Lach. Painful. Lach. Shooting. Nitr-ac. Velum palati (in the). Dros. VEINS of the neck (Swelling of the). Puls. WHIRLING in the throat. Op. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 345 SECTION 3. CONDITIONS. And Symptoms which accompany Sore-throat. AIR (From COLD). Merc. From the introduction of. Cist. n-vom. AIR (From a current of). Chin. BRANDY (From). Rhus. BREAD (When eating). See When EATING. CHILL (From a). See Sect. 1, ANGINA. COLD air (From). Merc. COUGHING hep. CURRENT OF AIR. See AIR, &c. DEGLUTITION (During). Acon. alum. am-m. arg. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. calc-ph. camph. canth. caps. carb-v. casc. caus. cham. chin. cor. dros. fer. graph. hell. hep. ipec. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn-s. mang. merc. mez. natr-m. nic. n- vom. ol-an. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhus. rut. sabad. sabin. sass. sep. sil. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. verat. DEGLUTITION (At a time diffe- rent from that of). Arn. ign. iod. laur. led. mang. n-vom. phell. plat. puls. sabad. sulph. zinc. (When). Carb-v. DYSPNEA (With). Lach. EARS (Pains extending into the). Bell. hep. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. EATING (When). Plumb. Amelioration. Lach. magn-m. nic. puls. sulph-ac. viol-tric. EXERTION, fatigue (During). Caus. FATIGUE, from exertion. Caus. GLANDS of the neck (Pains extending into the). Sep. sulph. GLANDS (Into the sub-maxil- lary). Merc. GUMS (Pains, extending into the). Lach. Hor drinks (From). Alum. Hor food (From). Alum. sil. sulph. INSPIRATION (On taking an). Arg. hep. LARYNX (Pains, extending into the). Lach. LOINS (After a strain in the). Calc. MORNING (In the). Am-c. calc- ph. cist. - On waking. Calc-ph. lach. NIGHT (At). Alum. am-m. camph. canth. Thirst (with). Lyc. Noon (In the after-). Puls. NOSE (Alternately with blowing the). Lach. NOSE (When blowing the). Carb-v. PAROTIDES (Pains, extending into the). Merc. PRESSURE of the neck (From). Bell. lach. Bread (aggravation from eat- SALIVATION ing). Ran-sc. EATING (Amelioration after). Pain. Amb. ars. lam. EMOTION (On every). Cist. EVENING (In the). Alum. am-c. merc. (With). Lach. SALT (After eating anything). Dros. SLEEPING (After). Lach. SPEAKING (When, or after). Q 3 346 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. Acon. bell. magn. merc. nic. rhus. staph. SPEECH (Alternately with em- barrassed). Lach. STRAIN IN THE LOINS. See LOINS. THIRST (With NOCTURNAL). Lyc. TOUCHING the neck (On). Bell. lach. mez. teuc. zinc. TURNING (On). Bry. hep: WAKING (On). Calc-ph. lach. SUFFOCATION (With danger of). YAWNING (When). Nic. Bell. hep. CHAPTER XIV. APPETITE AND INFLUENCE OF FOOD. On the digestive organs and organism in general. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ANOREXIA or want of appetite.-Though, in the majority of cases, this state is only a symptom of another disease, the cure of which is necessary to the restoration of appetite, it may also, however, constitute a particular affection of the nerves of the stomach, and exist without any apparent injury or disorder. The most eligible medicines, in that case, are: Ant. arn. bar-c. bry. calc. chin. hep. iod. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. See also, Sect. 3, Want of APPETITE, REPUGNANCE to food, &c. and also in this Section: DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, and Chap. XV. GASTROSIS, BULIMY, VORACIOUSNESS, UN- HEALTHY HUNGER, &c.-The best medicines that can be em- ployed against affections characterized by this symptom, are, in general: Bry. calc. chin. hyos. lach. lyc. magn-m. merc. natr- m. n-vom. petr. sabad. sep. sil. spig. squill. sulph. verat. If this state manifests itself during CONVALESCENCE, in con- sequence of VIOLENT acute DISEASES, LOSSES or other DEBILI- TATING CAUSES, a preference may be given to: Chin. verat. or perhaps also: Calc. natr-m. sil. sulph. In PREGNANT WOMEN, the principal medicines are: Magn- m. natr-m. n-vom. petr. sep. In subjects attacked by VERMICULOUS AFFECTIONS: Hyos. merc. sabad. sil. spig. For the remainder, See Sect. 3, HUNGER, and Compare in this DYSPEPSIA. } SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 347 DYSPEPSIA.-The particular affection, which we are about to treat of under this name, is in fact, only a kind of GASTROSIS (or MILD GASTRITIS of the physiological school), which is cha- racterized by weakness of digestion, with anorexia, or slight or irregular appetite, disorder in the region of the stomach, risings, flatulence, ill-humour, somnolency and other inconveniences after a meal, disposition to indigestion, sourness and mucous obstruc- tion of the digestive organs. But as such, dyspepsia is suffi- ciently distinguished from gastric derangement, of which it may be denominated the first stage, in the same manner as that is the first stage of gastritis, properly so called. Dyspepsia is likewise the gastric affection that is most frequently encoun- tered in medical practice, and this is another circumstance which entitles it to a separate consideration. The most efficacious medicines against dyspepsia, are, in general: Hep. and sulph. and in many cases, even of the most obstinate kind, one or other of these medicines will succeed singly, PROVIDED THE DOSES ARE REPEATED ONLY LONG INTERVALS, and never until a new aggravation of the state has been indicated. AT If neither of these medicines is indicated or advances the cure, the most efficacious medicines will then be: Arn. bry. calc. chin. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. or else: Carb-v. natr. natr-m. rut. sep. sil. or perhaps again: Am-c. anac. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. con. dros. fer. graph. hyos. ign. kal. kreos. lyc. n-mos. petr. phos. staph. verat. If the weakness of digestion is so great, that almost EVERY THING WHICH THE PATIENT TAKES, causes sufferings, recourse may be had to: Carb-v. chin. lach, natr. n-vom. sulph. provided the totality of symptoms does not require in preference any of the other medicines cited. If COLD WATER is particularly insupportable, the best medi- cines are, according to the circumstances: Ars. or caps. cham. chin. fer. natr. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph-ac. or verat. If the sufferings are caused by BEER: Ars. bell. coloc. fer. rhus. sep. sulph. When they are produced by MILK, especially: Bry. calc. n-vom. sulph. or again: Ars. lach. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. For those who feel inconvenience after partaking of bread : Bry, caus. merc. natr-m. n-vom. puls. sulph. If Acids disagree: Ars. natr m. n-vom. phos-ac. sep. sulph. or again: Fer. dros. lach. staph. If MEAT cannot be endured: Fer. ruta. sil. sulph. And if the least FAT brings on the sufferings: Carb-v. natr- m. puls. sep. sulph. 348 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. Dyspepsia in CHILDREN requires in preference: Bar-c. calc. ipec. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. or else: Hyos. or iod. That of OLD MEN: Bar-c. cic. or else: Ant. carb.v. chin. n-mos. n-vom. In HYPOCHONDRIACAL persons: Puls. or sep. or else: Hel. bry, calc. con. hyos. ign. lach. n-mos. phos. sep. sulph. verat. &c. In Pregnant FEMALES: Ácon. ars. con. fer. ipec. kreos. lach. magn-m, natr-m. n-mos. n-vom, petr. phos. puls. sep. Dyspepsia, caused by a SEDENTARY and CONFINED LIFE, requires especially : Bry, calc. n-vom. sep. sulph.—By prolonged WATCHING: Arn. carb-v. cocc. n-vom. puls. verat.-And by Ex- CESSIVE STUDY: Arn. calc, lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. or else cocc. verat. When caused by DEBILITATING LOSSES, purging, vomiting, bleeding, &c. especially: Chin. carb-v. rut. or again: Calc. lach. n-vom. sulph.-BY SEXUAL EXCESS: Calc. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. staph. When caused by abuse of the PLEASURES OF THE TABLE: Ant. ars. ipec. n-vom. puls.—by abuse of wine or SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, particularly: Carb-v. lach. n-vom. sulph. or again : Ars. bell. chin. merc. natr. puls.-By abuse of COFFEE: Cocc. ign. n-vom. or again: Carb v. cham, merc. rhus. puls. sulph.—Of TEA: Fer. or thuy.-Of TOBACCO : Cocc. merc. ipec. n-vom. puls. staph. When caused by MECHANICAL INJURIES, a BLow on the epigastrium, STRAIN IN THE LOINS, &c. Arn. bry. rhus. or per- haps again: Am-c. calc. con. ? puls. ruta.? When caused by DEPRESSING EMOTIONS, such as GRIEF, ANGER, &c. Bry. cham. chin. coloc. n-vom. phos-ac. staph. &c. With respect to the indications furnished by the totality of SYMPTOMS, a preference may be given to: ARNICA, frequently after chin. if that medicine is insufficient, or if there are: Excessive sensibility and nervous excitement ; dryness of the tongue; or thick yellowish coating upon it; putrid or bitter, or sour taste; offensive smell of the mouth; frequent eructations, sometimes with a taste of rotten eggs; desire for acids; fulness in the epigastrium, flatulence and distension of the abdomen, after a meal; also: Heaviness in the limbs ; vertigo, bewilderment of the head, especially in the forehead above the eyes; giddiness and heat in the head; confused sleep, with starting, frequent waking, anxious and unpleasant dreams; yellowish, earthy complexion; frequent nausea, with desire to vomit, especially in the morning or after a meal; hypochondria- SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 349 cal humour. (N-vom. is sometimes suitable after arn.; Compare also: Bry. and rhus.) BRYONIA, especially if the dyspepsia manifests itself in sum- mer, or in damp and warm weather, or when there are: Ano- rexia, alternately with bulimy, also at night, or loss of appetite with the first mouthful; desire for wine, coffee, and acid things, aversion to food, to such an extent as not to be able to bear the smell of it; frequent eructations, especially after a meal, mostly empty or sour, or bitter; after every meal pressure at and dis- tension of the epigastrium, colic, regurgitation, or else vomit- ing of food; ready indigestion from bread or milk; water-brash ; painful sensibility of the epigastrium, when touched, and inability to bear tight clothing; constipation or hard fæces; restlessness and irascibility. (Compare: Arn. chin. rhus.) CALCAREA, against: Clamminess, dryness, or sour, or bitter taste of the mouth; constant thirst, with little appetite; insipidi- ty of food; hunger, after a meal; attack of bulimy, especially in the morning; repugnance to meat and hot food, with desire for wine or dainties; nausea or sour regurgitations after par- taking of milk; heat, distension, head-ache, pain in the stomach or abdomen, or desire to sleep, after a meal; pyrosis and sourness, pituita from the stomach, fulness and swelling in the region of the stomach, with excessive tenderness, when touched; tension in the hypochondria, and inability to bear tight clothing; evacuations only every two, three, or four days, or else two or three evacuations a day; general debility; shooting or pressive cephalalgia, with a sensation of coldness in the head ; plethoric, full constitution. (It is often suitable after sulph). CHINA, not only against dyspepsia from loss of humours, but also against that which arises from unhealthy exhalations in the air, in spring or autumn, in the neighbourhood of canals, marshes, &c. and in general, if there are: Indifference to food and drink, as if caused by satiety; desire for wine and sharp, acid, cheering things; insipidity, or acid or bitter taste of food, frequent and easy indigestion, especially after having supped late; uneasiness, desire to sleep, hypochondriacal humour, fulness, distension, eructations, or else vomiting of ingesta, great weakness, with continued desire to lie down, after the lightest meal; shivering and great sensibility to the least current of air; retarded and disturbed sleep; ill-humour and dislike to every thing. (Compare also: Arn. bry. rhus.) HEPAR, in many cases of chronic dyspepsia, especially if frequent doses of mercurial preparation have been previously administered to the patient, or if there are: easy and frequent indigestion, whatever caution is used in the nature and quan- tity of food taken, with desire for wine or for acid, sharp, or 350 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. cheering things; frequent nausea, especially in the morning, with desire to vomit and eructations, or else vomiting of sour bilious or mucous substances; much mucus in the throat; pain in the abdomen; hard, difficult, and dry evacuations; pressure, dis- tension, heaviness in the epigastrium, bitter taste in the mouth and of the food, while eating; aversion to fat; decided thirst; pressure of the clothes on the hypochondria. (Lach. or merc. is sometimes suitable after hep.) LACHESIS, also in many cases of chronic dyspepsia, espe- cially after the use of hep. or if there are: Irregular appetite, at one time ravenous, at another disappearing altogether; re- pugnance to bread, with desire for wine and milk, both of which, however, disagree; frequent nausea and eructations, or else vomiting of food, especially just after eating; uneasiness, indo- lence, heaviness, fulness, sleep, vertigo, pains in the stomach, and many other sufferings, after every meal; flatulency; eructa- tions, which relieve; frequent dyspnea; disturbed sleep, with many dreams; constipation or hard difficult evacuations;` earthy, yellowish complexion; pressure and fulness in the hypochondria and epigastrium, with painful tenderness on the slightest touch and pressure of the clothes. (Merc. is sometimes suitable after lach.) MERCURIUS, frequently after lach. or hep. provided the patient has not been subjected to an abuse of mercury, and es- pecially if there are: Putrid, sweetish, or bitter taste, especially in the morning; anorexia or great voracity, with speedy satiety on eating; repugnance to solid food, meat, and cooked or hot things, with desire for cooling things, milk, cold drinks, or else for wine and brandy; pressure at the epigastrium, eructations, pyrosis, and other inconveniences after every meal, especially after partaking of bread; frequent eructations, nausea, and desire to vomit, painful sensibility, fulness, pressure and tension in the region of the stomach; flatulency; constipation, with frequent tenesmus; hypochondriacal humour, sadness, susceptibility and irascibility. NUX VOMICA, often at the commencement of a cure, espe- cially in persons, disposed to hæmorrhoids, and in general if there are sour or bitter taste in the mouth and of the food, espe-. cially of bread, or else insipidity of food; repugnance to food, with desire for beer, milk, wine, spirits; or else insatiable hunger and bulimy, with speedy satiety; nausea, eructations, regurgitation, or else vomiting of food, flatulence, bewilderment of the head, vertigo, uneasiness and hypochondriacal humour, lassitude, indolence, and sleep; distension, fulness and tension in the epigastrium, with excessive tenderness when touched, and tightness of the clothes round the hypochondria; sufferings from SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 351 drinking, rye-bread, and sour things; sour risings and regurgi- tations; frequent nausea and desire to vomit; pituita from the stomach; pyrosis; heaviness of the head, with unfitness for intellectual labour; frequent heat and redness of the face; rest- lessness, quarrelsomeness, irascibility, lively and choleric tem- perament; yellowish, earthy complexion; constipation and hard, difficult evacuations. (Sulph. is often suitable after n-vom.) PULSATILLA, under almost the same circumstances as n-vom. at the commencement of a cure, but principally in women, or persons of a cold and phlegmatic temperament, of a mild and easy character, with disposition to mucous obstruction of the principal organs, or to heart-burn, with acid, bitter, or putrid taste of the mouth or of food; repugnance to cooked or hot food, with desire for sour, and relishing things, wine, spirits, &c. adypsia; nausea, desire to vomit, eructations, or else vomit- ing, dyspnea, sadness and melancholy, after a meal; sufferings from eating bread; bitter or sour eructations, with taste of ingesta; pituita from the stomach; frequent hiccough; frequent and loose, or difficult and slow evacuations; colic and borboryg- mus. (Sulph. is often suitable after puls.) RHUS TOX. in several cases, in which bryon. appears to be indicated, without, however, being sufficient, and especially if there are: Insipid, clammy taste of the mouth; putrid or sweetish, or bitter taste of food; anorexia, as if from satiety, with repugnance to bread and meat especially, or desire for dainties; sufferings from drinks, bread, and beer; sleep, ful- ness, eructations, nausea, lassitude, vertigo, after a meal; frequent, and mostly abortive eructations, which are violent and painful; pituita from the stomach, pressure and distension in the region of the stomach; frequent and offensive flatus; gastric sufferings at night; hypochondriacal humour, melancholy, discouragement, fear for the future, uneasiness about one's affairs, &c. (Compare also: Arn. and chin.) SULPHUR, in most cases of chronic dyspepsia, at the com- mencement of a cure, or else in persons especially of a nervous, irritable system, after n-vom. or puls. and in general, if there are: Sour, putrid or sweetish taste of the mouth, especially in the morning, insipidity or too salt taste of food; repugnance to food, and especially to meat, bread, fat, and milk, with desire for sour things, or wine; sufferings from meat, fat, milk, sour things, things sweetened with sugar, and farinaceous things; dyspnea, nausea, pains in the stomach, regurgitation, or also vomiting of food, lassitude, shivering, &c. frequent eructations, after a meal; sourness, pyrosis and pituita from the stomach; disposition to mucous obstruction of the principal organs; fla- tulency and inertia in the abdomen; decided thirst; sad, hypo- 352 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. chondriacal, or morose, and irascible humour. (Calc or merc. is often suitable after sulph.) to : Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had CARBO VEG. if there are: Bitter taste of the mouth, aver- sion to food, milk, or fat, with sourness or other sufferings from these substances; frequent and mostly sour, bitter or abortive eructations, pituita from the stomach, frequent flatu- lence, with dyspnæa, &c. NATRUM, if bry. chin. n-vom. prove inefficacious against weakness of the digestive organs, with pressure at the stomach, peevishness and ill-humour, after a meal, on the slightest devia- tion from regimen; if milk and other drinks disagree; with continued nausea. NATRUM MUR. if fat food, milk, acid things, or bread dis- agree, with irregular appetite, at one time voracious, at another disappearing altogether; frequent pituita from the stomach, or vomiting of food, &c. RUTA, if there are: Insipidity of food, putrid eructations, after eating meat; frequent and sudden attacks of nausea, with vomiting of food, while eating; sufferings from bread, &c. or SEPIA, against: Anorexia, with repugnance to meat milk, or else excessive appetite and voraciousness; sufferings from fat food, milk, and acid things; sourness, especially after a meal; pituita from the stomach, especially after drinking, &c. SILICEA, against: Bitter taste, especially in the morning; frequent eructations, often with taste of ingesta; continued nausea, especially in the morning or after a meal; repugnance to cooked victuals and especially to meat; vomiting after drink- ing; pain in the stomach, with pituita, decided thirst, &c. For the remainder of the medicines cited, see their pathoge- nesy, and also, Sect. 2 & 3, the SYMPTOMS OF THE APPETITE, and SUFFERINGS AFTER A MEAL. Compare also: INDIGESTION, GASTRITIS, GASTROSIS, VOMITING, SOURNESS, PYROSIS, FLATULENCE, CONSTIPATION, &c. in their respective chap- ters. INDIGESTION (Consequences of).—The best medicines against indigestion, arising from ingesta or an overloaded stomach, are in general: Ant. arn. ipec. n-vom. puls. or else: Acon. ars. bry. carb-v. chin. coff. hep. OVERLOADED If the indigestion is caused merely by an STOMACH, a cup of BLACK COFFEE, will frequently be sufficient to remedy the primary inconvenience. For those which re- main, recourse may be had to: Ant. ipec. n-vom. puls. or else again: Acon, arn. ars. bry. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 353 For indigestion in CHILDREN who often acquire a bad habit of bolting their food, and swallowing indigestible and injurious things: Ipec. or puls. or else: Chin. n-vom. will be often very beneficial. Indigestion caused by FAT THINGS, PORK, PASTRY, &c. re- quires in preference: Puls. or again: Carb-v. or ipec. That which is occasioned by Ices, Fruit, or other things that are cold in the stomach: Puls. or ars. or else: carb-v. From abuse of WINE: Carb-v. n-vom. or again: Ant. coff. ipec. puls. From ACID WINES, principally: Ant. or puls.-From SUL- PHURATED WINES: Puls. From VINEGAR, SOUR BEER, and other ACIDS: Acon. ars. carb-v. hep. or again : Lach. natr-m. sulph. sulph-ac. From TAINTED MEAT OR FISH: Chin. or puls. provided coal when pulverized and mixed with brandy, is insufficient, or if in- conveniences still remain after the application of this re- medy. From SALT THINGS: Carb-v. or else: Ars. or nitr-sp. Besides, against HEAD-ACHE arising from indigestion, a pre- ference may be given to: Acon. ant. arn. bry. carb-v. ipec. puls. &c. See CEPHALALGIA, Chap. VI. Against GASTRIC DERANGEMENT: Ant. ipec. n-vom. puls. or again: Arn. ars. bry. &c. See GASTROSIS, Chapter XV. Against FLATULENCE: Carb-v. chin. n-vom. puls. &c. FLATULENCE, Chap. XVI. Against COLIC: N-vom. puls. or else: Ars. hep. &c. Chap. XVI. COLIC. Against DIARRHEA: Ipec. puls. or coff. n-vom. &c. Chap. XVII. Diarrhea. See See See Against MILIARY OF URTICARIAR ERUPTIONS: Ipec. puls. or else: Bry. Against FEVER especially: Bry. caps. or ant. (Compare Chap. IV. GASTRIC FEVERS). With reference to the indications furnished by the TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS, See GASTROSIS, DYSPEPSIA, GASTRIC fever, VOMITING, ENTeralgia, DIARRHEA, &c. in their respective chapters. MALACIA, or depraved appetite for extraordinary things. See Sect. 2, Desire for different things. POLYPHAGIA.-See BULIMY, and Compare Sect. 2, HUNGER, 354 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE APPETITE, TASTE. &c. ADYPSIA. Agn. ars. calad. fer. | APPETITE (Want of) : ipec. lyc. mang. n-mos. plat. puls. sep. tab. thuy. m-aus. Dryness of the mouth (With). See Chap. XII. Fever (During). See Chap. IV. Bulimy (with). Bry. fer. lach. natr-m. oleand. op. sil. (Pro- AFTER-TASTE of food longed). Natr-m. phos-ac. Beer (of). Sulph. Bread (of). Phos-ac. Milk (of). Ign. Things (of acid). Natr-m. APPETITE (Increase of). Alum. am-c. ang. arg. bry. cug. merc. par. sep. tart. teuc. (Compare HUNGer.) Coition (with desire for). Cinn. Eating (only when). Chin. merc. Evening (in the). Arn. natr- m. nitr. Dryness of the mouth (with) Cic. Evening (in the). Cyc. Fulness (with sensation of). Chin. phos. rhus. Hunger (with). Agar. alum. ars. Morning (in the). Cyc. fer. lach. meph. sel. sen. Nausea (with). Ant. con. Thirst (with). Ars. calc. kreos. nitr. n-vom. phos. sep. sil. spig. tart. Tongue (with clean). Dig. pale and flabby (with). Kreos. Water in the mouth (with). Kreos. Fulness in in the the stomach APPETITE (Sudden loss of), (with). Arg. Immoderate. Berb. natr-m. n-mos. sulph. Noon (at). Natr-m. n-mos. APPETITE (Want of). Acon. alum. amb. am-m. anac. ant. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. bor. bry. canth. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. cinn. coloc. con. croc. cyc. dig. guaj. hep. ign. iod. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn-s. merc. natr- m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-sp. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. plat. plumb. puls. ran- sc. rat. rhus. sen. senn. spig. spong. squill. stront. sulph. tab. terb. viol-tric. zinc. m- aus. (Compare Absence of HUNGER, Sensation of SA- TIETY, &c.) when eating. Arg. caus. colch. iod. lyc. magn-s. plat. rhab. rut. tart. (Compare Dis- GUST, SATIETY.). APPETITE (Variable), at one time strong, at another time slight. Alum. gran. lach. meph. BULIMY. See Canine Hunger. DAINTINESS, See GLUTTONY. Derangement of the stomach. See Sect. 1. INDIGESTION. DESIRES in particular : Acid drinks (for). Bor. bry. dig. fer. puls. food (for). Arn. ars. con. cor. gran, hep. ign. kal. phell. puls. sabin. sec. squill. sulph. tart. ther. verat. Beer (for). Acon. caus. chin. cocc. merc. n-vom. op. pet. sect. 2. symPTOMS. 355 phell. phos-ac. puls. sabad. | DESIRES in particular : spig. stront. sulph. mgs. DESIRES in particular : Bitter drinks (for). Natr-m. food (for). Dig. natr-m. Brandy (for). Ars. merc. n-vom. sel. ther. (Compare Spirituous liquors.) Bread (for). Plumb. stront. Chalk, lime (for). Nitr-ac. n-vom. Coal (for). Cic. Coffee (for). Ang. arg. ars. aur. bry. caps. cham. colch. con. gran. Cold drinks (for). Ang. ars. bov. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin. cocc. dulc. dulc. euphorb. led.merc. natr-s. oleand. phos- ac. plumb. rhus. rut. sabad. sulph. tart. thuy. verat. -Cold food (for). Cupr. sil. thuy. verat. Dainties, for). Calc. chin. ipec. petr. rhus. (Compare GLUTTONY.) Earth, chalk, lime (for). Nitr-ac. n-vom. Fat food (for). Nitr-ac. Flour (for things made from). Sabad. Fried fish (For). Plum. Fruits (for). Alum. gran. sulph-ac. tart. verat. Herrings (for). Nitr-ac. Honey (for). Sabad. Com- pare SWEETMEATS. Hot drinks (for). Casc. Lemonade (for). Sabin. Liquid food (for). Staph. Meat (for). Magn. Milk (for). Ars. bry. lach. merc. n-vom. phell. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. staph. Pungent things (for). Hep. puls. Refreshing or comforting things (for). Caus. phos. phos-ac. Salt things (For). Calc. carb-v. cor. meph. Spirituous liquors, wine, &c. (for). Acon. ars. bry. calc. chin. hep. lach, merc. n-vom. puls. sel. sep. staph. sulph. ther. Strengthening drinks (for). Caus. Succulent food (for). Gran. phos-ac. kal. Sugar (for). Am-c. (Compare Sweetmeats.) Sweet-meats, things sweet- ened with sugar. Am-c. carb- v. ipec. kal. lyc. sabad. sulph. Tender food (for). Alum. Things which are no longer wished for, after they are obtained (for). Ign. Tobacco (to smoke). Daph. eug. staph. ther. Uneatable things (for). Bry. Undetermined things (for). Bry. chin. magn-m. puls. ther. Vegetables (for). Alum. magn. Vinegar (for). Arn. (Com- pare acids). Water (for cold). Arn. ars. cop. gran. led. magn. oleand. plumb. rhus. rat. sabad. sass. squill. tart. Wine (for). Acon. bry. calc. chin. hep. lach. merc. sep. staph. sulph. ther. (Compare Spirituous liquors.) DIGESTION (Weakness of). Anac. bar-c. calc. carb-an. chin, con. graph. hep. ign. iod 356 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. lach. lyc. merc. natr. n-mos. HUNGER: op. par. petr. sep. spong. squill. stann. sulph. val. Compare Sect. 1, DYSPEP- SIA.) DISGUST, aversion in general. Ant. arn. asar. bell. cast. crot. cupr. grat. guaj. kal-h. laur. magn-s. nitr-sp. ol-an. phell. plumb. prun. rat. sec. sen. senn. (Compare Nausea, Chap. XV.) Beer (after drinking). N- vom. Eating (when). Ars. bell. bry. canth. caus. cham. colch. cyc. ol-an. sass. Food, drink (for). See RE- PUGNANCE. Night (at). Rat. FLAVOUR of food (Too strong). Camph. Broth (of). Caps. Tobacco (of). Coff. eug. GLUTTONY. Calc. chin. ipec. magn-m. natr. petr. rhus. HUNGER (Augmented). Am-c. ang. ant. arg. aur. bov. calc. cin. coff. dulc. graph. grat. hell. iod. laur. lyc. mang-m. merc. mez. natr. n-mos. n- vom. phos. plumb. puls. rhab. sabad. sec. sen. spong. stann. stront. tab. teuc. the. verat. verb. zinc. mgs. (Compare Increased APPETITE.) HUNGER (Canine), Bulimy. Agar. alum. berb. bry. calc. chin. cin. COCC. con. hep. hyos. iod. kal. kal-ch. lyc. magn-m. men. merc. natr-m. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phos. sabad. sep. sil. spig. squill. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. val. verat. Continued. Bov. merc. tab. - Gnawing, troublesome. Arg. bell. sen. False, Sensation of hunger, without actual hunger. Ant. asar. aur. ind. nic. plat. sen. stann. Immoderate. Carb-v. coff. gran. graph. guaj. lyc. Insatiable. Ang. ant. arg. merc. sec. spong. stann. zinc. (Compare Voracious.) No, (Absence of hunger.) Am-c. ars. caps. cham. cic. lach. tab. (Compare Absence of APPETITE.) Violent. Am-c. aur. Voracious, Voraciousness. Chin. cin. gran, merc, mur-ac. petr. sep. squill. staph. verat. zinc. HUNGER, Bulimy, &c. which manifests itself. Air. (ceasing in the open). Tart. Beer (after drinking). N- vom. Eating (after). Bov. calc. cin. lach. merc. phos. plumb. stront. Evening (In the). Agar. mez. tabad. teuc. mgs. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. Fever, shiverings, heat (During the). See Chap. IV. Morning (in the). Ant. calc. sabad. Night (at). Bry. chin. phos. sel. sulph. Noon (at). Mez. n-mos. mgs-aus. (after). N-vom. (fore). Natr. Water (Relieved by cold). Kal-ch. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 357 HUNGER, Bulimy, &c., WITH: Anorexia, Bry. fer. lach. natr-m. oleand. op. sil. Borborygmus. Sulph-ac. Distension. Gran. Flushes of heat. Bry. Fulness in the stomach. Asar. staph. Head-ache. Sulph. Life (Disgust of). Nitr-ac. Lying down (Desire to re- main). Sulph. Nausea. Hell. magn-m. natr. oleand. phos. spig. tab. val. Pituita from the stomach. Staph. Repugnance to food. Ang. dulc. grat. hell. n-vom. op. rhab. sabad. Satiety (Speedy). Natr-m. Scornful humour. Plat. Stomach (Pain in the). Lach. puls. (Compare Gnaw- ing HUNGER.) Taste in the mouth (Dis- agreeable). Chin. Thirst. Bry. hyos. spig. verat. Urine (Flow of). Verat. Vomit (Nausea, and desire to). Chin. hell. lach. magn- m. natr. oleand. phos. spig. tab. Vomiting and diarrhea. Verat, Weakness, lassitude, faint- ing. Lach. merc. sulph. INDIFFERENCE to food. See Ab- sence of APPETITE. Tobacco (to smoking). Mgs- aus. INSIPIDITY of food. Alum. ars. bell. bry. chin, colch. cor. dros. ign. kal-h. merc. n- vom. puls. rhod. sass. sen. squill. staph. stram. tart. viol-tric. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. INSIPIDITY: Beer (of). Puls. mgs. Butter (of). Puls. Coffee (of). N-vom. Meat (of). Alum. n-vom. puls. Milk (of). N-vom. Tobacco (of). N-vom. mgs. PRECIPITATION, hastily (Habit of eating with). Calad. plat. (Compare Voracious HUNGER.) REPUGNANCE to food in general. Acon. ang. arg. arg. ars. aur. bry. canth. chin. cinn. cocc. dulc. grat. guaj. hell. ign. ipec. kal-h. laur. magn-s. mang. merc. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. op. plat. prun. puls. rat. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. squill. stront. sulph. tart. the. Acid things (to). Bell. cocc. fer. ign. sabad. sulph. Beer (to). Asa. bell. chin, n-vom. puls. Brandy (to). Ign. Bread (to rye). Agar. con. kal. lach. lyc. men. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. Broth (to). Arn. Butter (to). Ars. carb-v. chin. men. puls. Coffee (to). Bell. cham. chin. lyc. merc. natr. nitr. n-vom. rhab. rhus. sabad. spig. Cold food (to). Cyc. Drinks (to). Agn. arn. bell, canth. chin. cocc. hyos. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. rat. samb. stram. Fat food (to). Carb-an. carb- v. hep. natr-m. petr. rhab, sulph. 358 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. REPUGNANCE to food in general: Hot, cooked food. Calc. cupr. graph. ign. lyc. merc. petr. sil. verat. zinc. Meat (to). Alum. arn. ars. aur. bell. calc. carb-v. fer. graph. hell. ign. lyc. magn. magn-s. merc. mez. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. plat. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. terb. zinc. pork (to). Colch. veal (to). Zinc. Milk (to). Am-c. arn? bell. cin. guaj. ign. natr. n-vom. puls. sep. sulph. tart. mother's (to). Cin. merc. sil. stann. Mother's breast (to the) Cin. merc. sil. stann. Pork (to). Ang, colch. dros. Salt things. Graph. sel. Snuff (to). Spig. Sourcrout (to). Hell. Sugar (to things sweetened with). Graph. Sweet-meats (to). Caus. graph. merc. nitr-ac. sulph. zinc. Tarts (to buttered). Cyc. Tobacco (to smoking). Arn. calc. camph. carb-an. cocc. ign. lach. lyc, meph. natr-m. n-vom. puls. spig. tar. tart. Vegetables (to green). Hell. magn. Water (to cold). Calad. chin. n-vom.phell. stram. tab. Wine (to). Ign. rhus. sabad. SATIETY, when eating (speedy.) Am-c. ars. bar-c. bry. cic. colch. con. croc. cyc. ign. led. merc. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. prun. rhod. spong. the. thuy. mgs. (Compare Loss of APPE- TITE, DISGUSTWhen eating, &c. SATIETY (Sensation of). Arn. chin. clem. mang. rhus. rut. TASTE in the mouth and throat : Acid. Ars. bar-c. calc. caps. carb-an. cham. chin. cocc. con. croc. cupr. graph. kal. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-n. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-vom. ol-an. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhab. sass. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tab. mgs-arc. Acrid. Berb. laur. rhus. coughing (when). Cocc. drinking (after). N-vom. sulph. evening (in the). Puls. meal (after a). Bell. carb- v. cocc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sabin. sep. sil. meal (before a). Bar-c. milk (after drinking). Amb. carb-v. lyc. sulph. morning (in the). Lyc. n-vom. puls. sulph. Acrid, burning. Berb. Almonds (of sweet). Coff. dig. smoking tobacco (after). Dig. After-taste of food. See AFTER-TASTE. Astringent. Alum. ars. lach. Bad. Agar, calc. iod. kal. zinc. Bitter, bilious. Acon. æth. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant. arn. asa. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. casc. caus. cham. chel. chin, coloc. con. croc. diad. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. grat. hell. hep. iod. kal. kal-ch. kal-h. kreos. led. lyc. magn. magn- s. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phos. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 359 ran. plumb. prun. puls. sabad. sabin. sass. sil. spong. stann. stram. sulph. tab. tar. tart. verat. TASTE in the mouth and throat (Bitter, bilious) : deglutition of food (after). Puls. puls. drinking (after). Ars. evening (in the). Am-c. arn. puls. expectorating mucus and saliva (when). N-vom. food (when swallowing). Kreos. Puls. masticating food (when). meal (after a). Am-c. ang. ars. berb. bry. hell. lyc. nitr-ac. puls. ran. teuc. val. morning (in the). Am-c. am-m. arn. bar-c. bry. carb- an. ipec. lyc. magn-s. merc. puls. sil. sulph. smoking tobacco (ame- liorated by). Diad. TASTE in the mouth and throat: Coryza (of the mucus of a). Sabin. Deranged (as if the stomach were). Bar-c. kal. Disagreeable, repugnant. Lach. sabad. sel. Disgusting. Sabad. Earthy. Hep. n-mos. puls. stront. Empyreumatic. Kal-ch. puls. ran. squill. sulph. dry food (after). Ran. meal (during a). Squill. Greasy. Asa. caus. mang. mur-ac. ol-an. sabin. Herbaceous. Calad. n-vom. phos-ac. sass. stann. verat. Insipid (sickly?). Agar. amb. asa. bry. caps. chel. chin. dulc. euphorb. euphr. guaj. ign. ipec. mang. oleand. ol- an. par. petr. puls. ran. rhab. rhus. sabin. staph. sulph. tab. thuy. verb. drinking (after). Chin. evening (in the). Thuy. meal (after a). Thuy. morning (in the). Rat. smoking tobacco (after). Ang. Bitter-acid. Petr. ran. rhus. val. sulph. Bitter-sweetish. Kal-h. lach. meph. magn-s. men. Bilious. (See Bitter.) Blood (of). Alum. am-c. bis. bov. fer. ipec. sabin. sil, zinc. morning (in the). Bis. Chalk (of,. Ign. n-mos. Cheese (of). Phell. phos. Clammy. Berb. grat. n-mos. prun. morning (in the). Nic. Clay (of). Chin. (Compare Earthy.) Coppery. Agn. cocc. cupr. natr-n. rhus. Metallic. Agn. calc. cocc. sass. sen. mgs. Milky. Aur. merc. n-vom. Mint (of). Verat. Mouldy. Led. Mucous. Arn. bell. carb-an. cham. dig. lyc. merc. natr-s. n-vom. par. petr. phell. phos. plat. prun. puls. rhab. rhus. sabin. sass. sil. tab. drinking (after). Chin. morning (in the). Lyc.val, Offensive. Agar. anac. spig, val. Oily. Mang. sil. 360 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. TASTE in the mouth and throat : Pitchy. Canth. Pungent. Verat. Purulent. Puls. Putrid. Acon. arn. bar-m. bell. bov. bry. caus. cham. con. cupr. cyc. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. meal (after a). Rhus. morning (in the). N-vom. rhus. sulph. Rancid. Amb. asa. euphorb. kal-h. mur-ac. eating and drinking (af- ter). Kal-h. Rough. Alum. lach. mur- ac. Salt. Ars. carb-v. cupr. iod. kal. merc. merc-c. n-mos. n- vom. tart. zinc. Soapy. Dulc. iod. Sourish. Kal-h. men. Sour-salt. Cupr. Sulphur. N-vom. magn-s. Sulphuric acid. Plumb. Sweetish. Æth. alum. aur. bry. croc. cupr. fer. ipec. laur. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. plat. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. sabad. sass. spong. squill. sulph. thuy. drinking water (after). cate, at another time dull. Gran. TASTE in the mouth and throat : Walnuts (of). Coff. Watery. Caps. chin. staph. TASTE OF FOOD: Acid. Am-c. ars. calc. chin. lyc. n-vom. puls. tab. tar. (beer of). Merc. puls. bread (of rye-). Bell. cham. chin, cocc. puls. staph. bread (of wheaten). N- vom. tar. butter (of). Puls. tar. coffee (of). Chin. drinks (of). Chin. meat (of). Caps. puls. Acid-salt. Tar. Acidulated like wine (of water). Tab. Bitter taste of food, in ge- neral. Acon. ars. bor. bry. camph. cham. chin, coloc. dros. fer. hep. ign. N- vom. puls. rhab. rhus. sabin. stann. staph. stram. sulph. beer (of). Ars. chin. ign. mez. phell. puls. stann. bread (of). Ars. asar. cin. dig. dros. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. sass. sulph-ac. thuy. butter (of). Puls. Phell. café au lait (of). Sabin. drinks (of). Acon. chin. evening, after a meal (in puls. the). Thuy. meat (of). Camph. puls. morning (in the). Ran- sc, sulph. smoking tobacco (after). Sel. Tallow (of). Val. Urine (of). Sen. Variable, at one time deli- milk (of). Puls. tobacco (of). camph. casc. cocc. mgs-arc. wine (of). Puls. Clay (food tasting like). Asar. Chin. Disagreeable, repugnant SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 361 taste of meat and food. | TASTE of food (DECIDED). Squill. Camph. TASTE of food : Tobacco taste of). Broth (of). Caps. (disagreeable | TASTE (DULL). Rhod. sec. sen. spong. Disgusting taste of tobacco. Ipec. Dry taste of bread. Phos-ac. rhus. food (of). Fer. rut. Herbaceous taste of beer. N-vom. Insipid taste of food. Calc. chin. oleand. rut. stram. (Compare INSIPIDITY.) Metallic taste of food. Am-c. Mouldy taste of food. Mgs. Mucous taste of beer. Asa. Pungent taste of tobacco. Staph. Putrid taste of beer. Ign. food (of). Bar-m. ign. mosch. meat (of). Puls. water (of). Natr-m. Rough taste of bread. Rhus. Salt taste of food (not suf- ficiently). Thuy. Salt taste of food (too). Ars. bell. carb-v. chin. puls. sulph. tar. Sickly taste of beer. Ipec. food (of). Anac. ars. calc. cyc. rut. thuy. Smoky taste of bread. N- vom. Sweetish taste of food. Mur-ac. puls. squill. puls. beer (01). Cor. mur-ac. bread (of). Merc. puls. butter (of). Puls. meat (of). Puls. squill. milk (of). Puls. tobacco (of). Sel. Watery taste of food. Cupr. VOL. II. TASTE (LOSS of). Anac. bell. bor. bry. canth. hep. hyos. lyc. magn. natr-m. op. phos. rhab. sil. stram. verat. THIRST. Acon. anac. ang. ant. arn. ars. aur. bar-m. bell. bry. calc. canth. cast. caus. chin. cic. cin. cocc. colch. dig. dros. dule. eug. euphorb. gran. graph. grat. hep. hyos. iod. lam. laur. led. magn. magn-m. magn-s. merc. merc-s. natr- m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. N- vom. oleand. op. petr. phell. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhod. sa- bad. samb. sass. sec. sen. senn. sil. spig. squill. stann. stram. stront. tart. verat. verb. zinc. Appetite (with absence of). Am-c. calc. nitr. phos. sil. spig. verb. zinc. Appetite (with absence of). Am-c. calc. nitr. phos. sil. spig. tart. Beer (increased by). Bry. Burning, inextinguishable. Acon, anac. ars, aur. bell, bry. calc. camph. carb-v. cast. cham. dulc. fer. lach. laur. lyc. merc. merc-s. nitr. op. phos- ac. plumb. puls. puls. sec. sil. spig. squill. stram. verat. verb. Choking. Ars. Choking when drinking (with a sensation of). Squill.- Continued. Am.c. bar-c. bell. calc. lam. merc. natr-m. sulph. Dread of drinking (with). R 362 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. Arn. bell. canth. hyos. lach. | THIRST: merc. n-vom. samb. stram. THIRST: Drink often, but little at a time (with desire to). Ars. chin. seldom, but much at a time. Bry. Drinks (for particular). See DESIRE. Dryness of the mouth or tongue (with). See Chap. XII. Evening (in the). Am-m. bov. croc. magn. magn-s. natr-s. nic. rat. sep. thuy. -Fever (during the shiverings, heat, or). See Chap. IV. Immoderate. Carb-v. Insatiable. Acon. ars. bell. Meal (after a). Bell. bry. graph. Meal (during a). Am-c. COCC. - Morning (in the). Bor. dros. graph. magn-s. nitr-ac. rhus. sabad. sass. sep. thuy. Night (at). Ant. bry. calc. cham. cinn. coff. lyc. magn. magn-m. nitr-ac. rhus. sulph. thuy. No thirst. See ADYPSIA. Noon (in the after-). Berb. bov. ran. rut. Urinate (with desire to). See Chap. XVIII. Inability to swallow (with). | VORACIOUSNESS. See Voracious See Chap. XIII. Hindered HUNGER. DEGLUTITION. SECTION 3.-SUFFERINGS FROM FOOD. ACID food (from). Ars. dros. | BEER (from): fer. lach. natr-m. n-vom. Vomitings. Fer. mez. phos. phos-ac. sep. staph. BRANDY. See SPIRITUOUS li- sulph. After-taste. Natr-m. Colic. Dros. Diarrhea. Lach. Eructations. Phos-ac. bitter. Staph. Flatulency. Phos-ac. Pituita. Phos. Pyrosis. N-vom. BEER (from). Ars. asa. bell. co- loc. euphorb. fer. mez. sep. stann. sulph. After-taste Sulph. Bulimy. N-vom. Disgust. Mur-ac. (prolonged). Ebullition of blood. Sulph. Heat in the head and ce- phalalgia. Fer. rhus. Stomach (obstruction in the). Acon. quors. BREAD (From rye-). Caus. natr-m. n-vom. phos. rhus. sass. After-taste Phos-ac. (prolonged). Colic. Bry. Eructations. Bry. Head-ache. Zing. Nausea. Zing. Stomach (pain in the). A- con. bry. caus. kal. merc. puls. rhus. rut. sass. sulph-ac. zinc. zing. Taste (acid). Nitr-ac. Vomitings. Bry. nitr-ac. COFFEE (From). Calc-ph. caps. cham, ign. n-vom. Cephalalgia, vom. Cough. Caps. Calc-ph. n- SECT. 3. Food. 363 COFFEE (From): Ill-humour. Calc-ph. Odontalgia. Cham. n-vom. -Pyrosis. Calc-ph. Stomach or abdomen (pain in the). Cham. n-vom. loc. ameliorated. Cham. co- Suffocation (with paroxysm of). Cham. - Vertigo. Cham. Vomit (desire to), nausea. Calc-ph. caps. cham. DRINKING (After) : Abdomen (pain in the). Amb. ars. bry. chin. croc. fer. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. puls. rhus. staph. sulph. teuc. Aching pains. Hell. Asthmatic sufferings. Anac. n-vom. Cephalalgia. Acon. Chest (pain in the). Chin. thuy. verat. Cloudiness. Bell. cocc. Convulsions. Hyos. Cough. See Chap. XXI. Diarrhea. Ars. cin. Eructations. Ars. mez. rhus. tar. Hiccough. Ign. lach. puls. Hypochondria (pains in the). Natr. Nausea and desire to vomit. Natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. teuc. Odontalgia. See Chap. XI. Pyrosis. Lam. Respiration (obstructed). A- nac. Shivering and shuddering. Ars. caps. chin. n-vom. tar. verat. DRINKING (After) : Stomach (pain in the). Acon. fer. kal nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. rhod. sil. sulph-ac. Taste (insipid). Coloc. Throat (sensation of erosion in the). Nitr-ac. Vomiting. Arn. ars. bry. cin. fer. mez. n-vom. puls. sil. verat. EGGS (Nausea from new-laid). Colch. FARINACEOUS food (Sufferings from). Sulph. FAT things (From). Carb-an. carb-v. dros. natr-m. ipec. nitr-ac. puls. sep. sulph. thuy. Abdomen (pain in the). Ang. bry. Cephalalgia. Puls. Eructations. m. sep. thuy. Carb-v. natr- repugnant. Natr-m. sour. Chin. sulph. zinc. Flatulency (sufferings from). Sulph-ac. Nausea. Carb-an. dros. nitr- ac. puls. sep. Nausea, with desire to vo- mit. Calc. Pyrosis. Natr. n-vom. Regurgitation (sour). Calc. carb-v. lyc. tart. Stomach (derangement of the). Chin. Taste (Acid). Am. carb-v. lyc. sulph. Vomiting. Eth. samb. spong. sulph. FRUIT (From). Bor. chin. natr. Diarrhea. Chin. Odontalgia. Natr. Stomach (pain in the), sad- ness, &c. Bor. Stomach (chill in the). LEMONADE (From). Cephalal- Sulph-ac. gia. Sel. R 2 364 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. LIQUID food (From): Eructations. Gran. Nausea. Gran. MEAL, or when eating (During a) : Abdomen (pain in the.) Ars. Agitation. Bor. Borborygmus. Fer-mg. Cephalalgia. Graph. natr-s. ran. Chest (pains in the). Led. magn-m. ol-an. Clouded sight. Natr-s. Distension. Con. Dizziness. Am-c. oleand. Eructations. Natr. oleand. sass. Face (heat in the). Am-c. perspiration on the. Natr-m. Flatulency. Fer-mg. Head (heat in the). N-vom. pain. Graph. natr-s. ran. perspiration on the fore- head. N-vom. Hiccough. Magn-m. merc. teuc. Hunger. Verut. Nausea. Ang. bell. bar. caus. cic. cocc. colch. dig. fer. kal. magn. n-vom. rut. verat, desire to vomit (with). Cocc. fer. Odontalgia. See Chap. XI. Esophagus (pressure the). Ars. in Perspiration. Carb-an. carb- v. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. face (on the). Natr-m. Regurgitation. Merc. phos. sass. Respiration (obstructed). Magn-m. MEAL, or when eating (During a) : 2. Satiety (speedy). See Sect. Shiverings. Euphorb. ran- SC. Stomach (Pain in the). Ang. arn. cic. con. sep. tart. verat. while digesting the food. Bar-c. nitr. sep. Syncope. N-vom. Thirst. Am-c. cocc. Vertigo. Am-c. arn. magn. magn-m. mgs. Vomiting. Dig. nitr. MEAL (Sufferings after a) : Abdomen (pain in the), Co- lic, &c. Amb. am-c. alum. anac. ant. arg. arn. ars. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. chel. chin. cic. co- loc. con. dig. evon. grat. ign. iod. kal. lach. lyc. n-vom. ol- an. petr. phos. plat. puls. rhab. rhus. sil. spong. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. zinc. (Compare Distension.) Aching pains. Hell. After-taste of food (Pro- longed). Natr-m, phos-ac. Anguish, anxiety. Asa. carb- v. fer-mg. hyos. kal. nitr-ac. n-vom. thuy. viol-tric. Anus (pain in the). Lyc. Asthmatic sufferings, dysp- næa, oppression, &c. See Chap. XXII. Beaten (pain in the limbs, as if). Lach. meph. Bulimy. See Sect. 2. Chest (pains in the). See Chap. XXII. Coldness. Ran. Cough. See Chap. XXI. Dejection. N-mos, phos-ac. SECT. 3. FOOD. 365 MEAL (Sufferings after a) : Diarrhea. Am-c. bor. chin. coloc. fer-mg. lach. verat. (Compare Chap. XVII.) Disgust. Alum. ipec. kal. sass. Distension, fulness, &c. of the stomach or abdomen. A- gar. agn. anac. amb. ant. arn. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chin. con. croc. dig. dulc. graph. ign. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spong. sulph. tab. thuy. zinc. Dizziness. Zinc. (Compare Chap. VI.) Ears (Pain in the). See Chap. VIII. Eructations, risings. Ang. ars. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. con. cyc. daph. dig. fer. kal. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. plat. puls. ran-sc. sass. sep. sil. spig. sulph. thuy. verat. zinc. acrid, scraping. N-mos. bitter. Bry. chin. sass. empty, abortive. Ang. natr-m. phos. ran-sc. rhus. sulph. verat. noisy. Calc. sobbing. Cyc. sour. Bry. carb-v. chin. dig. kal. petr. sass. sil. zinc. taste of food (with). Bry. ran-sc. sil. sulph. thuy. Evacuate (occasion to). A- nac. fer-mg. Eyes (sufferings in the). See Chap. VII. -Face (heat in the). Am-c. am-m. anac. asa. caus. cham. n-vom. petr. sil. sulph. viol- tric. MEAL (Sufferings after a) : paleness. Kal. perspiration. Cham. natr- s. viol-tric. redness. Arum. lyc. n- vom. sil. Feet (pains in the). See Chap. XXV. Fingers (deadness of the). Con. Flatulency. Carb-v. con. fer- mg. kal. lach. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. sulph. thuy. zinc. (Com- pare Distension.) -Hands (heat, burning in the). Lyc. phos. sulph. Head (confusion, cloudiness in the). Bell. COCC. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. sulph. sil. men. (congestion in the). Petr. (heat in the). Lyc. n-vom. (pain in the). Am-c. arn. bruc. bry. calc. carb-an. carb- v. cham. chin. cinn. evon. graph. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. men. natr-s. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-mos. n-vom. pæon. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. Heat. Bell.~ calc. fer-mg. nitr-ac. phos. sep. viol-tric. Heaviness of the body. Lach. Hepatic pains. Bry. graph. lyc. Hiccough. Alum. bov. carb- an. cyc. graph. hyos. ign. lyc. magn-m. merc. natr. par. phos. sep. verat. zinc. Hunger. Gran. Hypochondria (pains in the). See Chap. XVI. Hypochondriacal humour. 366 CHAP. XIV. APPETITE. Anac. chin. natr. zinc. n-vom. | MEAL (Sufferings after a) : MEAL (Sufferings after a): Ill-humour. Kal. natr. puls. Indolence. Asar. bar-c. chin. lach. phos. thuy. Inquietude. Am-m. phos. Intoxication, cloudiness. Bell. cocc. cor. hyos. Knees (weakness in the). Lach. Labour (unfitness for). A- nac. bar-c. (Compare Indo- lence.) Lassitude, fatigue, weak- ness. Alum. anac. ant. asar. calc. chin. con. clem. fer-mg. lach. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. rhus. sulph. thuy. Laughter (involuntary). Puls. Limbs (pains in the). See Chap. I, Sect. 3. Lying down (desire to re- main). Ant. Melancholy. Puls. Mind (fatigue of the). Lach. Mouth (dryness of the). The. (offensive smell of the). Cham. sulph. Nausea. See Desire to Vomit. Nose (sufferings of the). See Chap. IX. Odontalgia. See Chap. XI. Oppression. See Chap. XXII. Palpitation of the heart. See Chap. XXII. -Perspiration. Con. nitr-ac. sep. cold. Sulph-ac. Pituita from the stomach (flow of water like). Am-m. calc. sil. sulph. Pulse (quick or intermittent). Natr-m. Pyrosis. Am-c. calc. chin. con. croc iod. kal. lam. merc. natr-m. n-vom. sep. sil. mgs- arc. Regurgitation. Asa. bry. fer. lach. merc. n-vom. phos. puls. sass. thuy. verat. bitter. Sass. verat. food which has been just digested (of). Phos. sour. Con. dig. sass. Respiration (obstructed). See Chap. XXII. Sadness. Hyos. Saliva in the mouth (accu- mulation of). Chin. natr-s. Shiverings. Caus. kal. nitr- sp. n-vom. sil. sulph. tar. Shuddering. Am-m. rhus. Sleep, desire to sleep. Acon. anac. agar. arum. asa. bov. calc. chin. cic. croc. cyc. graph. kal. meph. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. rat. rhus. rut. sil. sulph. tab. verb. zinc. asa. aur. Smell of the mouth (Offen- sive). See MOUTH, Chap. XII. Sourness in the mouth. See Sour TASTE. Stomach (pain, pressure, &c. in the). Acon. agar. alum. am-c. anac. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bis. bry. calc. calc-ph. caps. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cist. cocc. coloc. con. daph. dig. fer. fer-mg. graph. grat. hep. iod. kal. lach. led. lyc. merc. mosch. natr. nitr- sp. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stront. sulph. tab. tart. verat. zinc. (Compare Dis- TENSION.) SECT. 3. FOOD. 367 ! MEAL (Sufferings after a) : Swelling in the body (sen- sation of). Cinn. Syncope. N-vom. phos-ac. Taciturnity. Fer-mg. Taste (bad). See Sect. 2. Thirst. Bell. bry. graph. Throat (sore). Amb. ars.lam. Throbbing in the body. Lyc. (Compare Pulsations.) -Trembling in the body. Lyc. Uneasiness. Bar-c. chin. cinn. lach. n-mos. n-vom. phos-ac. rhod. sulph. Vertigo, dizziness. Cham. cor. kal. lach. magn-s. natr- s. n-vom. petr. puls. rhus. sulph. Vomit (desire to), and nau- sea. Alum. agar. am-c. am- m. anac. ars. bis. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. con. cyc. dig. graph. grat. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-s. nitr- ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. verat. Vomiting. Am-c. anac. ars. calc. dig. dros. fer. hyos. iod. ipec. lach. magn. nitr-ac. nitr- sp. n-vom. phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tart. ve- rat. of food. Ars. calc. fer. hyos. lach. n-vom. phos. puls. rut. tart. Vomiturition. Chin. magn. Water-brash. Am-m. calc. sil. sulph. Weep (desire to). Arn. puls. MEAT (Sufferings from). Colch. sil. sulph. Eructations (putrid). Ruta. Pain in the stomach. Fer. MEAT (Nausea from the smell of). Colch. MrLK (Sufferings from). Ars. calc. chel. kal. lach. lyc. natr- m. nitr-ac. n-vom. sep. sulph. After-taste (prolonged). Ign. Dejection. Sulph-ac. Diarrhea. Bry. lyc. natr. sep. sulph. Distension of the stomach or abdomen. Carb-v. con. MILK (Vomiting from Mo- THER'S). Sil. ONIONS (Sufferings from). Thuy. PORK (From partaking of). Colch. puls. POTATOES (Sufferings from). Alum. Colic. Alum. Eructations. Gran. Nausea. Gran. RAW food (After). Pain in the stomach. Rut. SALT food (Sufferings from). Carb-v. nitr-sp. SMELL OF MEAT (Nausea from the). Colch. SMOKING. See TOBACCO. SPIRITUOUS liquors (Sufferings from). Wine, brandy, &c. Ant. bell. bor. calc. carb-a. carb-v. con. ign. natr. natr- m. n-vom. op. petr. puls. rhod. sel. sil. stront. zinc. (Compare Brandy and Wine). SUGAR (From things sweetened with). See SWEET-MEATS. SUPPED late (Indigestion after having). Chin. SWEET-MEATS (From). Abdomen (Pain in the). Ign. sulph. Pyrosis. Zinc. Stomach (Pain in the). Sulph. TEA (Sufferings from). Chin. fer. sel. thuy. Cephalalgia. Sel. Odontalgia. Thuy. 368 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. TOBACCO (Sufferings from smoking). Calc. clem. cocc. coloc. ign. natr-m. n-vom. petr. puls. rut. sass. sep. sil. sol-m. spong. stann. sulph- ac. tar. thuy. Bitterness of the mouth. Euphr. Cephalalgia. Ant. magn. Colic. Bor. ign. Eructations. Sel. Heart (Palpitation of the). Phos. Hiccough. Amb. ant. arg. ign. lach. puls. rat. sel. Nausea. Carb-an. clem. euphr. ign. phos. Odontalgia. Clem.sabin.spig. Perspiration. Ign. Pyrosis. Staph. tar. Respiration (Obstructed). Tar. Vertigo. Bor. UNDIGESTED food (Sufferings from). Lyc. Pyrosis. Iod. colic VEAL (Cephalalgia and from partaking of). Nitr. WINE (Sufferings from). Ant. bell. bov. calc. carb-an. carb- v. con. natr. natr-m. n-vom. op. petr. puls. rhod. sil. stront. zinc. Cephalalgia. Calc. n-vom. rhod. sel. zinc. Ebullition of blood. Sil. Eyes (Affection of the). Zinc. Heat, excitement. Carb-v. Intoxication (Easy). Alum. bov. con. cor. kal-ch. Nausea. Ant. Spasms in the stomach. Lyc. Vertigo. Bov. natr, zinc. Vomiting. Ipec. CHAPTER XV. AFFECTIONS OF THE STOMACH. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. BILIOUS affections.-See GASTROSES. CANCER in the stomach.-See SCIRRhus. CHOLERA and CHOLERINA.-The best medicines against the different kinds of cholera are, in general: Ars. camph. cupr. ipec. sec. verat. or again: Bell. canth. carb-v. cham. chin, cic. coloc. dulc. hyos. lach. laur. n-vom. op. phos-ac. sulph. Against SPORADIC cholera, which manifests itself especially in the heat of summer, the most eligible are: Ars. cham. chin. coloc. dulc. ipec. merc. verat. Against ASIATIC or EPIDEMIC cholera: Ars. camph. carb-v. cupr. ipec. sec. verat. and also: Bell. canth. cham. cic. laur.merc. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. 369 Against CHOLERINA, or diarrhea during the epidemic : phos. phos-ac. and sec. A species of CHOLERA, caused by the indulgence of VIOLENT ANGER requires principally: Cham. or else: coloc. if INDIGNA- TION is mixed with anger. For the SEQUELE of cholera, the medicines that have been recommended or administered, are, in general: Acon. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. chin. hyos. op. phos-ac. rhus. stram. sulph. Against CEREBRAL affections, in particular: Bell. lach. op. or else: Acon. hyos. stram. Against INFLAMMATORY affections: Acon. GASTRIC OF ABDOMINAL affections: Bell. bry. carb-v. merc. rhus. sulph. PULMONARY affections: Acon. bell. bry. carb-v. rhus. sulph. GENERAL DEBILITY: Chin.-Of the INTESTINAL CANAL in particular: Phos. sulph. TYPHOID affections: Bell. bry. carb-v. cocc. hyos. op. phos-ac. rhus. stram. With respect to the indications furnished by the symptoms, a preference may be given to : ARSENICUM, if the most formidable symptoms make their appearance at the commencement, and especially when there are: Violent pains in the stomach, with great anguish and burning in the epigastrium, as if occasioned by hot coals; raging and insatiable thirst, which forces to drink often, but little at a time; continued nausea, diarrhea and violent vomiting of watery, bilious or slimy, greenish, brownish, or blackish mat- ter; renewal of the vomiting and diarrhæa, immediately after drinking anything, however little; dry, black, and chapt lips and tongue; sleeplessness, with tossing, complaints and lamenta- tions, great anguish and dread of approaching death; rapid failure of strength, proceeding to the most complete prostration ; hippocratic face, hollow cheeks, pointed nose, sunk and dull eyes; small, weak, intermittent or trembling pulse; tonic spasms in the fingers and toes; coldness of the skin and clammy perspi- ration. CAMPHORA, especially at the commencement of the disease, and particularly if there is neither thirst, nor vomiting, nor diarrhea, but, rapid failure of strength, to such an extent as not to be able to stand, with wandering look and hollow eyes; blueness and icy coldness of the face and hands, with coldness of the body; inconsolable anguish, with dread of being suffocated; the patient half-numbed and insensible utters cries and groans in a hoarse voice, without making any precise complaint; only that when questioned he attributes his lamentations to burning pains in the stomach and throat, with cramps in the calves of the R 3 370 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. legs and other muscular parts; on touching the pit of the stomach, cries are uttered.—If there is already diarrhea or vomiting, with thirst, camphora is seldom suitable, and never if there are at the same time: Coldness and blueness of the ex- tremities, face, and tongue, with tonic and painful spasms in the limbs and calves of the legs, dulness of the senses, moans and yawning, tetanus and trismus. : CUPRUM, principally if there are, besides the vomiting and diarrhea Convulsive movements of the extremities, especially of the fingers and toes, sometimes with rolling of the eyeballs, great agitation and coldness in the prominent parts of the face; pressive pain in the pit of the stomach, aggravated by the touch; spasmodic colic without vomiting, or else vomiting pre- ceded by spasmodic constriction of the chest, which obstructs respiration, or accompanied by strong pressure at the epigas- trium; deglutition of drinks with a clucking noise along the pharynx. IPECACUANHA, principally in slight attacks, with sensation of softness in the stomach, shiverings commencing at the stomach or intestines, or coldness in the face and extremities ; especially if the vomiting predominates, or comes on alternately with watery diarrhea, accompanied by colic, or clse, if there is a yellowish diarrhea, without vomiting, but with cramps in the calves of the legs, fingers and toes: Ipec. is especially indi- cated when the vomiting or diarrhæa appears at the commence- ment of the disease, or continues after amelioration of the general state; it is never suitable when the complaint is at its height and in all its intensity. Secale cornut. especially when the vomiting has ceased, but the evacuations are a long time in resuming their natural colour, and when every thing indicates that there is no longer any bile in the intestinal organs, or else, when there are pains in the extremities; and also, when there are: Loose, brown- ish, or flock-like and colourless fæces, with rapid exhaustion, coldness of the extremities, clean tongue or slight coating of white mucus; vertigo, anguish, cramps in the calves of the legs, borborygmus and nausea, before evacuating. VERATRUM, is the principal medicine in almost all cases of cho- lera with violent evacuations upwards and downwards, coldness of the body, great weakness and cramps in the calves of the legs; espe- cially if there are besides : Vomiting by jerks, sudden, profuse, watery, scentless alvine evacuations, mixed with white flocks ; paleness of the face, without the slightest tinge of colour; eyes surrounded by a livid circle, features expressive of exces- sive anguish, coldness of the breath and of the tongue; great anguish in the chest, which forces the patient to rush from the SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 371 bed, excruciating colic, especially round the navel, as if the abdomen were being torn to pieces, tenderness of the abdo- men when touched, drawing and cramps in the fingers, skin on the palms of the hands shrivelled, no secretion of urine. to: Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be also had BELLADONNA, if there are: Typhoid symptoms, eyes half open and convulsed, grinding of the teeth and distortion of the mouth during sleep, or great agitation with desire to run away, shootings in the side, or burning pains in the abdomen, burn- ing heat, with redness of the face and thirst for cold drinks, quick pulse, which is more or less full, without being hard. CANTHARIS, if the urinary organs are particularly affected, with violent burning in the hypogastrium, borborygmus, san- guineous evacuations with tenesmus, heat in the abdomen and great agitation, with cerebral symptoms. CARBO VEG. When there is paralysis, with total absence of pulse, or if, after the cessation of vomiting, diarrhæa and spasms, there is congestion in the chest and head, with op- pression at the chest and lethargic sleep, with redness of the cheeks, which are covered with clammy perspiration. CHAMOMILLA, especially at the commencement of the di- sease, or during the precursory period, and principally if there are: Coating of yellowish mucus on the tongue, colic in the umbilical region, pressure in the region of the stomach extend- ing to the heart, with excessive anguish, cramps in the calves of the legs, watery diarrhea and sour vomiting. CHINA, against a kind of cholera, with lienteria and vomiting of food; painful pressure in the abdomen after a very light meal, with oppression at the chest and eructations which relieve; anorexia, with sensation of satiety; hippocratic face; exhaustion, which proceeds even to syncope. CICUTA, if the diarrhea is only slight, but the vomiting occurs alternately with violent tonic spasms in the muscles of the chest, accompanied by convulsions of the eyes; or when there are: Lethargic sleep, with upturned eyes, dyspnæa, con- gestion in the head and chest, vomiting or diarrhæa. COLOCYNTHIS, if there are: Continued vomiting, first of ingesta, then of greenish matter, with violent colic, no secre- tion of urine, cramp in the calves of the legs, and frequent, loose evacuations, which become every time more watery and colourless. DULCAMARA, against a kind of cholera, occasioned by cold drinks, with vomiting of drinks, bilious, greenish or yellow- ish matter, and mucus; frequent greenish evacuations; pain in the abdomen, with burning and retraction in the region of 372 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. the stomach; great weakness; pulse almost extinct; coldness in the extremities; violent thirst; excessive dulness. Hyoscyamus, if after the vomiting, diarrhea and coldness have ceased, there are still typhoid symptoms, with stupor, wandering look, redness and heat in the face, and when bell. is insufficient against that state. LACHESIS, if neither bell. nor hyos. nor op. has been sufficient against a state of stupor and the typhoid symptoms, which are the sequela of cholera. LAUROCERASUS, if there are: Rheumatic pains in the ex- tremities; dysecoia, intoxication, distortion of the features and sensation of contraction in the throat, when swallow- ing. NUX VOм. if the loose evacuations occur seldom, and when there is rather frequent desire with scanty, or even ineffectual evacuations; gastralgia, great debility, anguish in the pit of the stomach, pressive pain in the sinciput, and coldness rather in- ternally and than externally. OPIUM, if neither bell. nor hyos. is sufficient against the state of stupor and lethargic sleep, which manifests itself when the primitive symptoms of cholera have disappeared. PHOSPHORUS, against the diarrhea which prevails during the continuance of the cholera, or in consequence of that complaint, especially if it is accompanied by violent thirst, borborygmus, and great weakness. PHOSPHORIC ACID, against the diarrhea itself, with disco- loured face, bewildered head, so great clumminess of the tongue, that the finger adheres to it, when it touches it, borborygmus, and whitish green, watery and slimy evacuations, with dimi- nished secretion of urine. CONTRACTION of the cardia or œsophagus.-A preference may be given to: Ars. bry. n-vom. phos. rhus. and sulph. DYSPEPSIA.-See Chap. XIV. GASTRALGIA, or pains and spasms in the stomach.-The best medicines against this disease are in general: Bell. bry, calc. carb-v. cham. chin, cocc. ign. n-vom. puls. sulph. And also: Bis. carb-a. caus. graph, grat. lach, lyc. magn, nitr- sp. sil. stann. staph. stront. Or again: Am-c. ant. coff. coloc. cupr. daph. euphorb. gran.? kal. kreos. natr. natr-m. n-mos. sep. For gastralgia, caused by ABUSE OF COFFEE, a preference may be given to: Cham. cocc. ign. n-vom. From abuse of CAMOMILE: N-vom. puls. or perhaps also: Bell. ign. When caused by MORAL EMOTIONS, such as anger, indig- nation, &c. Cham. coloc. or perhaps : N-vom. or staph. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 373 That which arises from DEBILITY, Loss of HUмours, in women during LACTATION, or after BEING CONFINED, in per- sons exhausted by perspiration, purgatives, &c.: Carb-v. chin. cocc. or else: n-vom. In consequence of INDIGESTION : Bry. n-vom. puls. or else: Ant. carb-v. chin. IN DRUNKARDS, or when caused by a debauch: Carb-v. n-vom. or in cases of chronic suffering: Calc. lach. sulph. With STAGNATION OF BLOOD, in the system of the vena por- tæ: Carb-v. or n-vom. In HYSTERICAL or HYPOCHONDRIACAL PERSONS: Calc. cocc. grat. ign. n-vom. magn. stann. &c. In women, during the CATAMENIA: Cham. cocc. n-vom. puls. -If the catamenia are too WEAK: Cocc. puls.—Too Profuse : Calc. or lyc. In consequence of an abuse of KITCHEN SALT: Nitr-sp. or perhaps also: Carb-v. With respect to the indications furnished by the SYMPTOMS, a preference may be given to : BELLADONNA, especially in cases, in which Cham. appears to be indicated without being sufficiently efficacious; mostly in women, or delicate, sensitive persons, and principally if there are: Corrosive pressure or spasmodic tension, which forces one to bend oneself backwards and to hold in the breath, by which actions the pain is relieved; renewal of the pains during dinner; or else pain, so violent, that it deprives of consciousness and causes one to full from weakness; also, decided thirst, with ag- gravation of the pains after drinking; slow and scanty evacua- tions; sleeplessness at night, sometimes with sleep during the day. BRYONIA, against: Pressure as if from a stone in the pit of the stomach, especially when eating or immediately after a meal, with a sensation of swelling in the region of the stomach; contractive, pinching, and incisive pains, mitigated by pressing on the epigastrium, or by eructations; aggravation of the pains from movement, or walking, with shootings in the epigastrium, on making a false step; also: Constipation, pressure and com- pression in the temples, forehead and occiput, as if the cra- nium would split, mitigated by pressing upon the parts affected and by compressing the head tightly. CALCAREA, especially in plethoric persons, disposed to bleed at the nose, or in women who have the catamenia too profusely, or else in cases in which bell. has been efficacious without being sufficient, and especially if there are: Pressive, compres- sive spasmodic pains, or sensation as if there were a clawing and a gathering in the stomach, with anxiety; aggravation of the 374 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. pains at night or after a meal, frequently with vomiting of food, sourness and nausea, and with painful sensibility of the region of the stomach to pressure; also: Constipation and hæmorrhoi- dal sufferings, or else chronic relaxation of the abdomen; palpi- tation of the heart, &c. CARBO VEG. especially if n-vom. has done good, without, however, effecting a complete cure, or if there is: Painful, burning pressure, with anxiety, trembling and aggravation when touched, and also at night or after a meal, especially after flatu- lent food; or contractive, spasmodic pain, which forces one to bend double, with choking and aggravation when lying down; with pyrosis, nausea; repugnance to food, even when thinking of it; much flatulency, with oppression at the chest, and con- stipation. CHAMOMILLA, if there is: Distension of the abdomen and hypochondria, with pressure as if from a stone, or as if the heart would be crushed, with oppression, dyspnea and short- ness of breath; aggravation of the pains after a meal, or at night, with great anguish and tossing; amelioration, while bent double, momentary mitigation from partaking of coffee; espe- cially if there are at the same time: Pulsative cephalalgia in the vertex at night, which forces to quit the bed; peevishness, and irascibility. (Cham. often succeeds best alternately with coffee; if it produces no improvement, notwithstanding the apparent similarity of the symptoms, bell. should be substi- tuted for it). CHINA, especially if there are: Great weakness of digestion, with distension and painful pressure in the stomach, after eating or drinking, ever so little; sourness, pyrosis; mucous or bilious derangement of the primary organs; pituita from the stomach; frequent vomiturition; aggravation of the pains during repose; amelioration from movement; anorexia and repugnance to all sorts of food and drink; indolence, desire to sleep, hypochon- driacal humour and unfitness for labour, especially after a meal; tardy evacuations; yellowish, earthy complexion; yellow- ness of the sclerotica. COCCULUS, often when n-vom. or cham. has relieved the patient without preventing a return of the complaint, and espe- cially if there is: Pain in the stomach, with pressive, con- strictive pains in the abdomen, mitigated by the emission of flatus; renewal of the colic after a meal, with nausea, accu- mulation of water in the mouth and oppression at the chest ; hard, retarded evacuations; moroseness and peevishness, with self-concentration. IGNATIA, frequently in cases in which puls. has produced only a partial mitigation, and especially if there are: Pressive SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 375 pains, as if from a stone, which manifest themselves especially after a meal or at night, and which often occupy only the cardia; or if there is: A sensation of weakness and emptiness in the pit of the stomach, with tenderness of that part when touched, and burning in the stomach; hiccough, regurgita- tion of ingesta; repugnance to food, drink, and tobacco; much mucus in the mouth, &c. especially also in persons who have suffered from hunger, whether occasioned by poverty or any other cause. NUX-VOM. if the pains are contractive, pressive, and spasmo- dic, with sensation of gathering or clawing in the stomach ; sensation, as if the clothes were too tight over the epigastrium; aggravation of the pains after a meal, from coffee, and also at night, towards the morning, or after rising from the bed; op- pression at the chest, as if it were compressed by a band, with pain extending into the back and loins; nausea, accumulation of water in the mouth, or pyrosis, or else vomiting of food, during the pains in the stomach; sour or putrid taste of the mouth; flatulence and distension of the abdomen; constipation; hæmorrhoidal snfferings; hypochondriacal, morose and irascible humour; with hasty and passionate character; semi-lateral cepha- lalgia, or pressive pain in the forehead, with unfitness for ex- ertion; palpitation of the heart with anxiety. (Nux-vomica is also indicated in most cases of gastralgia, at the commencement, and two or three doses of it will frequently be sufficient to effect a radical cure, or at least such an amelio- ration, that carb-v. will afterwards easily accomplish the rest. There are, however, also cases in which n-vom. produces only a momentary mitigation, which is immediately succeeded by renewed aggravation. In this case, the medicines that ought to be administered are, according to circumstances: Puls. cham. or ign. Lastly, if notwithstanding the apparent resemblance of the symptoms, n-vom. produces no effect at the commence- ment, cham. or cocc. is often substituted for it, with the greatest success). PULSATILLA, if the pains are shooting, aggravated by walk- ing or making a false step; spasmodic pains, both when fasting, and after having eaten, and mostly with nausea, desire to vomit, or vomiting of food; adypsia, except when the pain is at its height; pulsation in the epigastrium, with anxiety, or tension and squeezing in the region of the stomach; soft or liquid eva- cuations; aggravation of the pains in the evening, with shiverings which proportionably increase the pains; sour or bitter taste of the mouth or of food; sadness, tearfulness; mildness and easi- ness of character. SULPHUR, against: Pressive pain, as if from a stone, princi- 376 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. pally after a meal, with nausea, pituita from the stomach, or vomiting; especially if there are besides: Sourness, pyrosis, fre- quent regurgitation of food, repugnance to fat food, rye-bread, acid and sweet things; bewilderment of the head, with unfit- ness for meditation; sensation as if the clothes were tight round the hypochondria, with tension and distension of that part; disposition to hæmorrhoids, or to mucous derangement of the digestive organs; melancholy, hypochondriacal humour, with disposition to be angry or to weep. to: Among the medicines cited, recourse may be had afterwards BISMUTHUM in many of the most obstinate cases of gastral- gia; especially if there are: Pressive pains, with a sensation of excessive heaviness, and of indescribable uneasiness in the stomach. CARBO AN. Often when carb-v. appears to be indicated and proves insufficient, and when there are : Pressive, burning pain, with sourness, pyrosis, pituita from the stomach, and consti- pation. CAUSTICUM, against: Pressure, spasmodic constriction, and squeezing, as if occasioned by claws; shuddering when the pains increase; sourness and pituita. GRAPHITES against: Spasmodic pains, squeezing or a sen- sation of clawing, or pressure, with vomiting of food. GRATIOLA, against: Pressive gastralgia, especially after a meal, with desire to vomit, ineffectual desire to eructate, con- stipation and hypochondriacal humour. LACHESIS, against: Pressive pains, ameliorated immediately after a meal, but renewed some hours after, and aggravated especially after a siesta; with dyspepsia, flatulence, and consti- pation. LYCOPODIUM, principally against: Compressive pains, as if the stomach were squeezed on both sides, with remission of the pains in the evening in bed, renewal in the morning, but espe- cially in the open air, or else after a meal. MAGNESIA, if the pains are pressive and contractive, with sour eructations. NITRI SPIRIT. if there are, from abuse of salt; pressive con- traction and fulness in the stomach, after a meal, with sour or slimy vomiting; anorexia, pyrosis and sourness. SILICEA, against: Pressive gastralgia, especially after a meal, or when drinking quickly, with pituita from the stomach and vomiting. STANNUM, Sometimes against the most obstinate gastralgia, with bitter eructations, bulimy, diarrhæa, nausea, pale and sickly complexion. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 377 STAPHYS, against: Pressive and tensive gastralgia, at one time ameliorated, at another time aggravated after a meal, es- pecially after partaking of bread, with frequent nausea and con- stipation. STRONTIANA, against: Pressive gastralgia, especially after a meal, with fulness in the abdomen. For the remainder of the medicines cited, and for more ample details in general, See the Symptoms, Sect. 3 & 4, and examine the pathogenesy of the medicines. GASTRIC derangement.-See Gastroses. GASTRITIS, or inflammation of the stomach. The affection, which we here designate under this name, is neither the func- tional disorder, denominated dyspepsia, nor simple gastric de- rangement, but only GASTRITIS PROPERLY SO CALLED, and cha- racterized by: Continued violent pain in the region of the stom- ach; aggravated by the touch, by every movement of the ab- dominal muscles, and by ingestion of any substance whatever, with painful sensibility, distension, heat or pulsation in the epigastrium; vomiting of every thing that is taken into the stom- ach; great anguish; coldness of the extremities; excessive weak- ness, spasms and other consensual nervous accidents. The best medicines against this inflammation are, in gene- ral: Acon. ars. bell. bry, hyos. ipec. n-vom, puls. verat. or else: Ant. canth. euphorb. ran. stram. and perhaps also, in obstinate cases: Asa. bar-c.? bar-m.? camph. cann.? colch. coloc. cupr. dig. hell. iat.? laur.? mez.? nitr. phos. sabad. sec. squill. tereb.? Among these medicines a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, almost always at the commencement, especially if there is violent inflammatory fever, with violent pains, or if the affection is caused by a chill, or by cold drinks, taken after being over-heated. ANTIMONIUM, if the complaint is caused by gastroses, in con- sequence of indigestion, &c. and if there are frequent vomit- ings, with a thick coating of white or yellowish mucus on the tongue. ARSENICUM, often alternately with acon. and especially if the disease is caused by a chill in the stomach from ice, &c. or if the case is characterized by a rapid failure of strength, with pale, hippocratic face, coldness of the extremities, &c. and when verat. is insufficient against that state. Belladonna, if cerebral symptoms are united with stupor, loss of consciousness, or delirium, and if hyos. is insufficient against that state. BRYONIA, often after acon. or ipec. especially if the complaint 378 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. is occasioned by a chill from cold drinks, taken after being over- heated. HYOSCYAMUS, if there are hypochondriacal sufferings, or else cerebral symptoms, with stupor, loss of consciousness or delirium, and when the patient has no sense of the serious nature of the disorder. IPECACUANHA, if the vomitings predominate, and especial- ly if the complaint is caused by gastroses, in consequence of indigestion, &c. or else if there are violent pains, or if the complaint is occasioned by a chill from cold drinks, and if acon. is insufficient. NUX-VOM. often in consequence of indigestion, or a chill from cold drinks, especially after Acon. bry. ipec. or ars. if neither of these medicines is sufficient. PULSATILLA, if the complaint is caused by gastroses or by a chill in the stomach from ice, and especially if neither ars. nor ipec. is sufficient in either of these cases. VERATRUM, whenever the case is characterized by extreme coldness of the limbs, rapid failure of strength, pale and hippo- cratic face. For the remainder of the medicines cited, see their pathoge- nesy, and compare the articles: CHOLERA, GASTROSES, and also especially for CHRONIC gastritis, DYSPEPSIA, and GAS- TRALGIA. GASTRO-ENTERITIS.-For the treatment of this disease. See GASTRITIS and ENTERITIS, and consult the medicines which correspond to both these inflammations. GASTROSES or GASTRIC DERANGEMENT.-The best medicines are, in general: Acon. ant. ars. arn. bell. bry. cham. cocc. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. or else: Caps. carb-v. chin. coff. coloc. dig. hep. rhab. rhus. squill. tarb. verat. or else again: Asa. asar. berb.? calc. cann. cic. cin. colch. con. cupr. daph. dros. ign. lach. lyc. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. rhab. sec. sep. sil. stann. sulph-ac. tarax. For gastric derangement, characterized by HEARTBURN, a preference may be given to: N-vom. puls. sulph. or again: Bell. calc. caps.? carb-v. cham. chin. con. phos. sep. staph. sulph- ac. : Acon. For BILIOUS derangement of the digestive organs : bry. cham. chin, cocc. merc, n-vum. puls. or again : Ant. ars. asa. asar. cann. coloc. daph. dig. gran.? ign. ipec. lach. sec. staph. sulph. tart. For Mucous derangement: Bell. caps. chin. ipec. merc. n- vom. puls. sulph. verat. or again: Ars. carb-v. châm. cin. dulc. petr. rhab. rhus. spig. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 379 For SABURRAL derangement: Ipec. n-vom. puls. or again: Ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. cham. coff. hep. merc. tart. verat. Besides, for gastric affections in CHILDREN, the medicines most frequently indicated, will be found to be: Bell. cham. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. or else: Bar-c. calc. hyos. lyc. sulph. For those which are the result of INDIGESTION: Ant. arn. ipec. n-vom. puls. or again: Acon. ars. bry. carb-c. chin. coff. hep. tart. sulph. &c. (See INDIGESTION, Chap. XIV.) In consequence of the abuse of SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS: Carb- v. n-vom. or again: Ant. coff. ipec. puls. From abuse of COFFEE: Cocc. ign. n-vom. or again: Cham. merc. rhus. puls. sulph.-Of TOBACCO : Cocc. merc. ipec. n-vom. puls. staph.—Of ACIDS: Acon. ars. carb-v. hep. or again : Lach. natr-m. sulph. sulph-ac.?-Of CAMOMILE: Puls. or n- vom.—Of RHUBARB : Puls.—Of MERCURY: Carb-v. chin. hep. or sulph. In consequence of being OVER-HEATED: Bry. or sil.—Of a CHILL: Ars. bell. cham. cocc. dulc. ipec.-Of a chill in the stomach from ICES, FRUITS, &c. Ars. puls. and carb-v. In consequence of MECHANICAL INJURIES, such as A BLOW ON THE STOMACH or abdomen, A STRAIN IN THE LOINS, &C. Arn, bry. rhus. or perhaps again : Puls.? rut.? In consequence of NERVOUS EXCITEMENT from PROLONged WATCHING, EXCESSIVE STUDY, &c. Arn. n-vom. puls. sulph. or again : Carb-v. cocc. ipec. verat. or else: Calc. or lach.? In consequence of DEBILITATING LOSSES, in women during LACTATION, after frequent VOMITINGS OF PURGATIONS: Chin. carb-v. rut. or again: Calc. lach. n-vom. sulph. After MORAL EMOTIONS, Such as ANGER, GRIEF, &c. Cham. coloc. or again: Acon. bry. chin. n-vom. puls. (Compare also the CAUSES, in the article: DYSPEPSIA, Chap. XIV). With respect to the indications furnished by the SYMPTOMS, a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, if there are: Thick yellowish coating on the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth and of all food, and also of all drinks, except water; thirst; excessive nausea, bitter eructations; violent ineffectual vomiturition, or bitter, greenish, or slimy vomitings; tension and distension of the hypochondria, with painful tenderness in the hepatic region; no evacuations, or frequent small evacuations, with tenesmus; pulsative or shoot- ing cephalalgia, aggravated by speaking. ANTIMONIUM, especially, if there are, in consequence of indigestion: Frequent hiccough, anorexia, disgust, coating or 380 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. numerous vesicles on the tongue, dryness of the mouth, or much saliva, or mucus, in the mouth; decided thirst, espe- cially at night; nausea and desire to vomit, aggravated by wine; offensive eructations, or eructations with the taste and smell of ingesta; vomiting of food, or of slimy or bilious matter; soreness in the stomach when touched, with painful sensation of fulness; cuttings and much flatulence, diarrhea or consti- pation, dull cephalalgia, aggravated by going up stairs, or by smoking tobacco. (Bry. is sometimes suitable after ant.) ARNICA, not only when the derangement is caused by me- chanical injuries, but also against gastric affections produced by prolonged watching, excessive intellectual labour, and in general, if there are: Violent nervous excitement, with dry- ness of the tongue or yellowish coating on the tongue; putrid, bitter, or sour taste; offensive smell of the mouth; desire for acid things; repugnance to tobacco smoke; eructations, with taste of rotten eggs; desire to sleep, flatulence and distension, especially after a meal; heaviness of the whole body; bending of the knees; vertigo, bewilderment of the head, with pressive pain, heat in the brain and dizziness. (N-vom. or cham. is sometimes suitable after: arn.) ARSENICUM, if there are: Acrid, bitter eructations; dryness of the tongue with violent thirst and desire to drink frequently, but little at a time; salt or bitter taste, excessive nausea; or vomiting of food, or of bilious, greenish, or brownish matter ; cuttings or burning pains in the stomach and abdomen, with cold- ness and anguish; or violent pressure, as if from a circum- scribed burn in the stomach; excessive tenderness in the region of the stomach, when touched; great weakness, with desire to lie down; no evacuations, or watery or greenish, brownish or yellowish diarrhea, with tenesmus; renewal of the vomitings or of the diarrhea, after drinking; or at every move- ment of the body. BELLADONNA, if there are: Thick, whitish, or yellowish coating on the tongue; aversion to food and drink, sour taste of rye-bread; vomiting of food or of sour, bitter, or slimy substances, sometimes with continued vomiturition; dryness of the mouth, with thirst; head-ache in the sinciput, as if all were about to protrude through the forehead, with pulsation of the carotids; no evacuations or slimy diarrhæa. BRYONIA, especially in summer, or from warm and damp weather, and if there are: Dryness of the tongue, which is loaded with a whitish or yellowish coating, or covered with vesicles; thirst day and night, with sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat; putrid smell of the mouth; bitter taste, es- pecially after sleeping, or clammy, insipid and putrid taste; SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 381 repugnance, especially to solid food, with desire for wine, acid things, or coffee; frequent ineffectual vomiturition, or bilious vomiting, especially after drinking; tension and fulness in the region of the stomach, especially after a meal; constipation; bewilderment of the head, with vertigo, or burning, pressive, or expansive cephalalgia, aggravated especially after drinking; cold and shiverings. CHAMOMILLA; Red and cracked state of the tongue, or yel- lowish coating upon it; bitter taste of the mouth and of food; offensive smell from the mouth; anorexia, nausea, or eructations and greenish, bitter, or sour vomitings; great anxiety, tension and pressure in the epigastrium, hypochondria and scorbiculus; constipation, or loose greenish evacuations, or evacuation of sour substances, or mixed with excrement and mucus resembling beaten up eggs; agitated sleep, with tossing and frequent waking; pain and fulness in the head, heat and redness of the face; redness and burning in the eyes; susceptibility. (If the patient has already taken too much chamomile: Cocc. or puls. should be administered). COCCULUS, if the tongue is loaded with a yellow coating, with aversion to food; dryness of the mouth with or without thirst; offensive eructations, nausea and desire to vomit, espe- cially when speaking, after sleeping, when eating, or during movement, especially that of a carriage; painful fulness in the region of the stomach, with dyspnea; constipation or soft fæces, with burning in the anus; great weakness, with perspi- ration on the least movement; frontal cephalalgia, with ver- tigo. IPECACUANHA: Tongue clean, or else thickly coated with yel- lowish mucus, while the mouth is dry; aversion to all food, and especially to fat things, with desire to vomit, violent ineffectual vomiturition, or easy and violent vomiting of ingesta, or of slimy substances; offensiveness of the mouth, bitter taste in the mouth and of all food; violent pains, pressure and fulness in the region of the stomach; gripings, and loose, yellowish, or offensive, putrid evacuations; coldness or shiverings over the whole body; pale, yellowish complexion, frontal cephalalgia, or a sensation as if the entire cranium were bruised; nettle-rash. MERCURIUS, if there are: Moisture on the tongue, which is loaded with a white or yellowish coating, dry and burning lips, nauseous, putrid or bitter taste; nausea with vomiturition, or vomiting of slimy, or bilious substances; painful tenderness of the epigastrium and abdomen, especially at night, with anguish and inquietude; desire to sleep by day, with sleeplessness at night; thirst, sometimes with aversion to drinks. (It is often suitable after bell.) 382 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. NUX-VOM. if there are: Dry and white, or yellowish tongue, especially towards the root; adypsia, or violent thirst, with py- rosis; accumulation of slimy matter or of water in the mouth; bitter or putrid taste of the mouth, or insipid taste of food; bitter eructations, continued nausea, especially in the open air; vomiturition, or vomiting of ingesta; pressive gastralgia; pain- ful pressure and tension in the whole of the epigastrium and hypo- chondria; constipation, with frequent, but ineffectual desire to evacuate, or else small, loose, slimy, or watery evacuations; bewilderment of the head, with vertigo, heaviness, especially in the occiput, tinkling in the ears, rheumatic pains in the teeth and extremities; fatigue and lassitude, unfitness for medita- tion; restlessness, quarrelsomeness, irascibility; heat and red- ness, or yellowish and earthy colour of the face. (Cham. is often suitable after n-vom.) PULSATILLA : Tongue loaded with whitish mucus; putrid, in- sipid, clammy, or else bitter taste, especially after deglutition; bitter taste of food and especially of bread, bitter eructations, with taste of ingesta, or sour or putrid eructations; insipidity of food; repugnance to food, especially to hot (cooked), "food, and also to fat and meat, with desire for acid things or spiri- tuous liquors; sourness and harshness in the stomach; pituita ; regurgitation of food; insupportable nausea and desire to vomit, especially after eating or drinking, or aggravated in the even- ing; vomiting of food, or of slimy, bitter, or sour substances (especially at night); hardness and tension of the abdomen, with flatulence and borborygmus; retarded, difficult evacua- tions, or slimy, or bilious diarrhea; semi-lateral, tearing, or jerking cephalalgia; shivering, with lassitude and drawing over the whole body; ill-humour, taciturnity, and disposition to be angry on account of mere trifles, especially in persons, whose character is commonly mild and easy. Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be after- wards had to: CAPSICUM, in phlegmatic, heavy and awkward persons, or persons of a susceptible character, disposed to take every thing in bad part, with slimy evacuations, pyrosis, burning in the stomach and anus, during evacuation. CARB. VEG. if there are: Anorexia, uneasiness, or else vomiting of ingesta, after a very light meal, and often with sourness; pain in the stomach when pressing upon it; excessive sensibility to cold, or hot, dry or damp weather, heaviness of the head and weakness. CHINA, if there are: Anorexia and aversion to food and drink, as if from satiety; frequent rising, or regurgitation and also vomiting of ingesta; painfulness and tension of the abdo- SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 383 men, with pressure round the navel; frequent emission of of- fensive flatus; lienteria; shivering and shuddering after drink- ing. COFFEA, if the gastric derangement is accompanied by vio- lent nervous excitement, with sleeplessness. COLOCYNTHIS, if there are: Gastralgia, vomiting or diarrhæa immediately after eating ever so little; spasmodic colic; cramps in the calves of the legs. DIGITALIS, if there are: Nausea, especially on waking in the morning, bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, slimy vomiting, loose evacuations and great weakness. HEPAR, if there are: Pressive gastralgia, with nausea, risings, desire to vomit, or slimy, bilious, or sour vomiting, with pyrosis; colic and constipation, or loose, slimy evacua- tions. RHABARBARUM (Rheum), if there are: Clammy taste, re- pugnance to fat victuals or coffee, nausea with colic, or diarrhea with evacuation of sour, slimy, and brownish sub- stances. RHUS, if the gastric symptoms manifest themselves, espe- cially at night, with colic, pressive pains in the stomach, dry- ness and bitterness of the mouth, nausea and desire to vomit. SQUILLA, if the gastric affections are accompanied by pleu- retic symptoms, and if neither acon. nor bry. is sufficient against that state. TARTARUS, if there is: Continued nausea, with desire to vomit and great anguish, or violent ineffectual vomiturition, or else slimy evacuations upwards or downwards. Veratrum, if there are: Dry tongue, or tongue loaded with a yellow or brownish coating, slimy evacuations upwards or downwards, with great weakness and syncope after the eva- cuations. For the remainder of the medicines cited, and for more ample details in general, See the Symptoms, Sect. 2, 3 & 4, and Compare the articles: GASTRIC FEVER, CHOLERA, Dys- PEPSIA, GASTRALGIA, PYROSIS, VOMITINGS, and DIARRrhæa, in their respective chapters. HÆMATEMESIS.-See VOMITING of blood. HEARTBURN.-See PYROSIS and HEARTBURN. HICCOUGH.—The medicines, that ought to be selected when this symptomatic affection manifests itself without any other apparent injury, are: Acon. bell. bry. hyos. ign. magn-m. n-vom. puls. stram. sulph. INDIGESTION (Consequences of).-See Chap. XIV. MELÆNA or black disease.-The medicines, which seem to bẹ 384 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. most suitable to this affection, characterized by black vomitings, &c. are: Ars. chin. verat. or again: Ipec. n-vom. sulph. MUCOUS (Gastric derangement).-See GASTROSES. PITUITA from the stomach.-The best medicines, that can be administered against this symptomatic affection, characterized by ejection of a certain quantity of water from the stomach, with- out the exertion of vomiting, are: Bry. calc. hep. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. sulph. (Compare DYSPEPSIA and GASTRO- SES). PYROSIS and heartburn.-The medicines, that are most fre- quently indicated, if this symptom predominates in gastric affec- tions, are: N-vom. puls. sulph. sulph-ac. or again: Bell. calc. caps. carb-v. cham. chin. and staph. RUMINATION, MERYCISMUs, (regurgitation of food). The medicines, that appear preferable against those kinds of dyspep- sia, in which this symptom predominates, are: Bry. canth. fer. ign. lyc. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. (Compare DYSPEPSIA). SCIRRHUS & CANCER in the stomach.-A preference may be given to: Ars. bar-c. lyc. n-vom. phos. verat. or else again : Con.? sil.? staph.? sulph. SEA-SICKNESS.-The best medicines are: Ars. cocc. petr. and perhaps also: Sil. and ther. (Compare VOMITING). SOURNESS.-See GASTROSES and PYROSIS. VOMITING and NAUSEA.-These affections, though generally symptomatic, yet sometimes predominate over the totality of the other symptoms, in such a way as to require particular atten- tion. The medicines, that ought, in this case, to be preferred, are in general: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry, calc. con. ipec. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. tart. verat. For vomiting oF FOOD after a meal, from weakness of the stomach, they are especially: Ars. fer. hyos. n-vom. puls. sulph. or again: Bell. bry. calc. cocc. graph. kal. lach. rhus. verat. For BLACK Vomiting (Melana): Ars. chin. verat. or again : Ipec. n-vom. sulph. &c. For vomiting of FECAL matter (Iliac passion, Ileus, Chordapsus, Miserere, &c.) Op. or again: Plumb. or else: Acon.? sulph.? thuy.? (Compare ILEUS, Chap. XVI). : For vomiting of SABURRES, BILIOUS, SLIMY, or SOUR sub- stances, See the article GASTROSES, BILIOUS, MUCOUS de- rangement, &c. Vomiting of PREGNANT WOMEN requires in preference: Ipec. n-vom. or else : acon. ars, con. fer. kreos. lach. magn-m. natr-m. n-mos. petr. phos. puls. sep. verat. That of DRUNKARDS: Ars. lach. n-vom. op. or again: Calc. sulph. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 385 That which is caused by PASSIVE MOVEMENTS, such as those of a SWING, CARRIAGE, SHIP, &c. Ars. cocc. or again: Petr. sil. sulph. That which is caused by WORMS: Acon. cin. ipec. merc. n- vom. puls. sulph. or again : Bell. carb-v. chin. lach. For other CAUSES also, See GASTROSES, and Compare in general the articles: CHOLERA, DYSPEPSIA, Gastralgia, Gas- GASTRALGIA, TRITES, GASTROSES, DIARRHEA, COLIC, HELMINTHIASIS, In- DIGESTION, &c. in their respective chapters. SECTION 2. NAUSEA, VOMITING, ERUCTATION, PYROSIS, &c. ACIDITY. See SOURNESS. ERUCTATIONS in general. Alum. amb. ars. bar-c. cocc. con. graph. hep. kal. lyc. mez. mur-ac. natr. phell. phos. ran. rhus. sen. sep. staph. tab. Abortive. Acon. am-c. ang. bell. carb-an. caus. con. fer- mg. graph. phos. puls. sulph. mgs. Acrid. Alum. asa. merc. Bilious. See BITTER. Bitter. Am-c. ang. arn. ars. bell. berb. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. chin. dros. fer. grat. lyc. magn-s. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. sass. sep. spong. squill. stann. staph. sulph-ac. tar. thuy. tong. verat, verb. Bitterness in the mouth (with). Graph. Burning. Bell. canth. hep. iod. lyc. ol-an. ol-an. phos-ac. sulph. tab. val. Continual. Con. cupr. sulph. Eating fat things (after). Carb-v. fer. meat. Staph. Eggs (with taste of rotten). Sep. stann. sulph. tart. val. Empty, eructations of flatus. Acon. agar. am-c. am-m. VOL. II. ang. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. bry. calad. cann. carb-v. caus. cocc. colch, coloc. con. cyc. euphorb. gran. guaj. hæm. ind. ipec. kal-ch. lach. laur. magn-s. men. merc. mez. natr-m. oleand. ol-an. phos. plat. plumb. ran-sc. rat. rhus. rut. sabad. sabin. senn. staph. sulph. tab. tar. tart. val. verat. verb. mgs-arc. ERUCTATIONS: Fat. Lyc. Food (with taste of). Agar. amb. am-c. ant. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. con. croc. euphr. lach. laur. natr-m. n-vom. ol- an. phell. phos. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rat. rhus. rut. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. verat. fat. Carb-v. fer. acid things (after eating). Staph. Garlic (with taste of). Asa. Hindered (with ineffectual desire). Acon. am-c. bell. casc. con. fer-mg. grat. n- vom. phos. plat. Horn (with a taste of). Mgs. Incomplete. Arn. phos-ac. sabad. Ink (with a taste of). Ind. S 386 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. ERUCTATIONS: Interrupted. Arn. Mucous. Magn-s. Noisy. Con. gran. petr. plat. Offensive. Bis. cocc. phell. senn. sulph. Painful. Carb-an. caus. con. natr. n-vom. plumb. sabad. sep. Putrid. Arn. asar. bell. cocc. magn-s. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. oleand. tab. thuy. Rancid. Asa. merc. ran-sc. thuy. val. - Repugnant, disagreeable. Cin. natr-m. sep. Respiration (which obstruct). Grat. Salt taste, after eating meat (of a). Staph. Scraping. Ant. natr-m. n-mos. stann. staph. Sobbing. Cyc. meph. staph. tart. Sour. Alum. amb. am-c. ars. asar. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cyc. dig. fer. graph. ign. iod. kal. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn. merc. natr- m. natr-n. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. ran- sc. sass. sep. sil. spig. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. verat. zinc. Spasmodic. N-vom. phos. Sweetish. Grat. plumb. Urine (with the taste of). Ol-an. Violent. Arn. bis. lach. merc. plumb. verat. ERUCTATIONS, which manifest themselves: Drinking (after). Ars. mez. rhus. tar. ERUCTATIONS which manifest themselves: Eating (after). Ang. ars. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chin, con. cyc. daph. dig. fer. kal. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. plat. puls. ran-sc. sass. sep. sil. spig. sulph. thuy. verat. zinc. Eating (when). Natr. oleand. sass. Fat (after eating anything). Carb-v. natr-m. sep. thuy. Flatus (mitigated by the emission of). Meph. Hysterical women (as in). Rut. Meat (after partaking of). Ruta. Milk (after partaking of). Chin. natr-m. sulph. zinc. Morning (in the). Croc. val. Night (at). Sulph. tart. Noon (in the after-). Lyc. ERUCTATIONS accompanied with: Chest (pain in the). Zinc. Colic. Cham. Mitigation of the sufferings. Lach. Respiration (which obstruct). Grat. Stomach (pain in the). Ca- lad. cham. cocc. magn. phos. rhus. spong. Suffocation Lach. (danger of), Throat (constriction of the). N-vom. contraction. Caus. fulness. Con. Vomit (desire to). Cocc. verb. Yawning (alternately with). Berb. SECT. 2. NAUSEA. 387 HICCOUGH in general. Acon. agar. ang. am-m. bell. bor. bry. carb-a. chel. colch. dros. euphorb. graph. hyos. ign. magn-m. natr-s. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. plumb. puls. rut. sel. sil. spong. stann. stram. stront. sulph. tab. ve- rat. verb. zinc. Painful. teuc. Magn-m. rat. Spasmodic. Bell. n-vom. ran. stram. tab. Violent. Am-m. cic. lyc. nic. n-vom. rat. stront. teuc. verat. HICCOUGH, which manifests it- self: Breakfast (after). Zinc. Drinking (after). Ign. lach. puls. Evening (in the). Nic. sil. Meal (after a). Alum. bov. carb-m. cyc. graph. hyos. ign. lyc. magn-m. merc. natr. par. phos. sep. verat. zinc. (during a). merc. teuc. Magn-m. Movement (after). Carb-v. Night (at). Ars. Tobacco (after smoking). Amb. ant. arg. ign. lach. puls. rut. sel. HICCOUGH with: Blows in the pit of the sto- mach. Teuc. Choking. Puls. Convulsions. Bell. Irascibility. Agn. Pain in the chest. Am-m. Pain in the stomach. Magn- m. rat. Perspiration. Bell. NAUSEA and desire to vomit in general: Acon. agar. agn. alum. amb. am-c. anac. ang. ant. arn. ars. asar. bar-c. bar- m. bell. bis. bor. bov. bry. camph. calad. cann. cann. caps. carb-an. carb v. caus. cham. cic. cist. cocc. colch. con. cop. crot. cupr. cyc. dig. dulc. fer. fer-mg. gran. graph. grat. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. merc. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. onis. op. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. ran- sc. rat. rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sec. sen. senn. sep. sil. spong. squill. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. the. ther. thuy. val. verat. viol-tric. zinc. NAUSEA and desire to vomit : Air (in the open). Acon. bell. ang. lyc. tar. ameliorated. Lyc. tab. (after a walk in the). Alum. (during a walk in the). Acon. ang. Breakfast (after). Bell. cham. Carriage (from the motion of a). Bor. cocc. lyc. n-mos. petr. sep. sulph. Chill (after a). Cocc. Coffee (after partaking of). Caps. cham. Cold (after taking). Cocc. Coughing (when). See Chap. XXI, COUGH with Nausea. Drinking (after). Natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. teuc. water amelioration after). Phos. Drinking (when). Bry. $ 2 388 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. NAUSEA and desire to vomit: Eating (after). Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ars. bis. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. con. cyc. dig. graph. grat. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. verat. with a good appetite. Bry. cann. before. Berb. sulph. when. Ang. bell. bor. caus. cic. coce. colch. dig. fer. kal. magn. n-vom. ol-an. puls. rut. verat. amelioration. Phos. sa- bad. sep. Emotions (from moral). Kal. Entering a room (on). Alum. Eructations (amelioration from). Rhod. tart. Evening (in the). Asar. calc. con. cyc. phos. puls. ran. Eyes (on shutting the). Ther: Fat (after eating anything). Carb-an. dros. puls. nitr-ac. sep. (as if from having eaten). Acon. cyc. tar. Flatus (amelioration from the emission of). Tart. Heated (after being over-). Sil. C. Indigestion (as if from). Bar- Lying down (amelioration when). Rhus. Meal. See EATING. Meat (from the smell of). Colch. Midnight (after). Ran-sc. Milk (after partaking of), Calc. NAUSEA and desire to vomit: Morning (in the). Acon. alum. anac. arn. bar-c. bry. calad. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. dig. graph. hep. lach. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos. ran-sc. rhus. sep. sil. spig. squill. staph. sulph. verat. Movement (from). Ars. tab. ther. (when one becomes over- heated by). Sil. Motion of a carriage (from the). Bor. cocc. n-mos. lyc. petr. sep. sulph. Night (at). Alum. am-c. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. con. hæm. merc. nitr. nitr- ac. phos. puls. rat. rhus. sulph. ther. Noise (from a loud). Ther. Noon (in the after-). Ran. (in the fore-). Bov. Pressing on the epigastrium (when). Hyos. Reflection (during). Bor. Room (appearing or amelio- rated in a). Lyc. (on entering a). Alum. Saliva (after swallowing). Colch. Seated (when). Bry. Sitting up in the bed (on). Bry. cocc. Slimy matter in the throat (as if from). Guaj. Smell of eggs (from the). Colch. of meat. Colch. Smoking (when). Carb-an. clem. euphr. Speaking (when). Alum. bor. Spitting (when). Led, SECT. 2. NAUSEA. 389 NAUSEA and desire to vomit: Sweet things (after partaking of). Acon. merc. Thread in the gullet (as if from a). Val. Tobacco (from Carb-an. clem. euphr. ign. phos. smoking). Walking in the open air (after). Alum. (when). Acon. ang. Wine (after drinking). Ant. NAUSEA, accompanied by: - Agitation. Ign. Anguish, anxiety. Bry. dig. ign. kal. merc. nitr-ac. plat. tar. tart. - Back (pains in the). Puls. Borborygmus. Puls. Bulimy. Magn-m. spig. val. Cephalalgia. Asar. cic. kreos. merc. mez. natr-s. n-vom. ran. sil. tar. tart. (Compare Chap. VI, Sect. 5, Cephalal- gia, with NAUsea). Chest (Pain in the). Merc. ol-an. Coldness. Hep. val. in the stomach. Grat. tab. Colic. Agn. cupr. gran. merc. mosch. puls. rhab. tab. Dejection. Dig. Ears (humming in the). Acon. pain in the. Puls. Eructations. Acon. ars. cocc. con. ipec. mosch. petr. sep. spig. sulph. Evacuate (desire to). Gran. squill. -Excitability. Magn-m. Eyes (pain in the). Natr-s. sil. - Face (earthy colour of the). Magn-m. NAUSEA, accompanied by : Face (heat in the). Petr. stront. paleness of the. Hep. puls. tab. tart. redness. Verat. Feet (pains in the). Ars. Heat. Ars. merc. (Compare Chap. IV, Sect. 2, HEAT with nausea). Hepatic pains. Petr. Humming in the ears. Acon. Humour (Ill-). Gran. Hunger. Hell. magn-m. natr. oleand. phos. spig. tab. val. Ideas (confusion of). Calc- ph. Intoxication. Cupr. Lassitude, weakness. Con. natr-s. plat. sulph. Lips (whiteness of the). Val. Loose evacutions. Squill. Lying down (desire to re- main). Ars. asar. cocc. mosch. phos-ac. Mien (forbidding, repug- nant). Gran. Mouth (burning in the). Kreos. Navel (retraction of the). Mosch. Pain in the stomach. Am-c. ars. calad. caps. croc. dig. gran. grat. lact. magn. magn- s. mang. merc. natr-m. onis. puls. sabin. sec. stann. sulph. tab. tart. Repugnance to food (and aversion). Ant. bell. con. crot. cupr. hell. laur. magn-s. ol- an. prun. Respiration Petr. (obstructed). Sight (confused). Calc. Shiverings. Bov. gran. kreos. nitr-ac. puls. sulph-ac. (Com- 390 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. pare Chap. IV, Sect. 2, SHI- VERING). NAUSEA, accompanied by : Shuddering. Ars. asar. calc. mez. sabad. and trembling. Mez. Sleep (desire to). Ars. Suffocation Cham. (attack of). Taste (bitter). Bell. lyc. sep. putrid. Cupr. sour. Spong. sweetish. Merc. Tears (easy). Magn-m. Thirst. Bell. phos. verat. Throat (burning in the). Puls. scraping in the. Meph. Tongue (dryness and white- ness of the). Petr. Trembling. sulph. Ars. nitr-ac. Vertigo. Calad. calc-ph. camph. magn. merc. petr. ther. (Compare Chap. VI, Sect. 3, Vertigo with NAU- SEA) Water in the mouth (accu- mulation of). Asar. cocc. gran. ipec. kreos. magn-s. mez. oleand. petr. val. Worm in the œsophagus (sensation of a). Puls. NAUSEA felt in: chin. con. croc. daph. guaj. iod. kal. lach. lyc. mang. natr-m. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n- vom. petr. phos. sabad. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. zinc, mgs- arc. PYROSIS: Scraping, Carb-an. natr. Throat (which mounts into the). Con. lyc. mang. natr-m. tabac. C. Vomit (with desire to). Am- PYROSIS, which manifests it- self: Acid things (after eating). N-vom. Drinking (after). Lam. Eating (after). Am-c. calc. chin. con. croc. iod. lam. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. sep. sil. mgs-arc. - with good appetite. Croc. Eating (when). Merc. Evening (in the). Amb. mgs-arc. Fat things (after eating). Natr. n-vom. Smoking tobacco (after). Staph. tar. Sweet things (after eating). Zinc. Undigestible food (after eating). Iod. Abdomen (the). Agn. crot. REGURGITATION. Asa. con. lyc. cupr. rhab. Chest (the). Merc. ol-an. Gullet (the). Cupr. cyc. Pit of the stomach (the). Agn. caps. cupr. ruta. mosch. (squill. teuc.) Throat (the). Cupr. phos-ac. (stann). PYROSIS in general. Alum. amb. am-c. arg. asar. bell. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. magn-m. n-vom. plumb. ran. sass. spig. verb. mgs-aus. Bitter. Arn. ars. cic. graph. grat. ign. n-vom. puls. sass. teuc. food (of). Teuc. Bitter-sour. Am-c. cann. cast. sulph-ac. Blood (of). N-vom. sep. Drinks (of). Sulph. Food (of). Am-c. bell. bry. SECT. 2. NAUSEA. 391 canth. fer. graph. ign. lyc. | REGURGITATIONS with : magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. teuc. thuy. REGURGITATION : Green substances (of). Ars. graph. Liquid (of a disagreeable). Plat. Milk (of). Lyc. tart. Rancid. Merc. Salt. Arn. sulph-ac. tart. Scraping. Cann. Slimy. Arn. mag-s. Sour. Ars. calc. carb-v. con. dig. graph. kal. lyc. mang. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. petr. phos. plumb. puls. spong. sulph. tart. mgs. sass. food (of). Graph. lyc. natr-m. phos. sulph. milk (of). Lyc. Sourish, with easy choking. Plat. Strong, acrid. Ars. tart. Sweetish. Ind. merc. plumb. sulph-ac. water (of). Acon. Watery. Ant. arn. grat. magn-s. plumb. senn. tart. Yellow substances (of). Cic. REGURGITATIONS which mani- fest themselves : Drinking (after). Merc. Eating (after). Asa. bry. con. dig. fer. lach. merc. n-vom. phos. puls. sass. thuy. verat. sass. (when). Merc. phos. Milk (after partaking of). Calc. carb-v. lyc. tart. Night (at). Canth. Stooping (when). Cic. mgs. Waking (when). Magn-m. REGURGITATIONS with: Burning in the gullet. Cic. Pains in the stomach. Bell. quivering. Magn-s. SOURNESS. Carb-an. sep. (Com- pare Sour ERUCTATIONS). VOMITINGS in general. Acon. amb. anac. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. camph. cocc. con. cupr. cic. dig. gran. grat. hyos. ipec. lach. laur. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. phos. puls. sil. sulph. tart. ther. val. verat. zinc. Acrid, strong. Arg. ipec. Bilious, bitter. Acon. ant. ars. bell. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. cast. chum. cin. coff. colch. cupr. dig. dros. grat. hep. ign. iod. ipec. lach. lyc. magn. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. oleand. petr. phos. plumb. puls. sabin. samb. sec. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. tart. val. verat. zinc. (Compare Sect. 1, GASTROSES, Bilious derangement). Blackish. Ars. calc. chin. hell. ipec. laur. n-vom. phos. plumb. sec. sulph. verat. (Compare BROWNISH). Blood (of). Acon. am-c. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. cupr. dros. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. lyc. mez. mill. nitr. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. puls. sulph. verut. zinc. coagulated. Arn. caus. Brownish. Ars. bis. Crude substances (of). Sec. Drinks (of). Ars. ipec. Easy. Iat. sec. } Eggs (like the white of). Iat. 392 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. ! VOMITING: Excrement (of). Op. plumb. Food (of). Æth. ars. bell. bry. calc. canth. caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. dig. dros. fer. graph. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lam. laur. lyc. magn-s. merc. mur-ac. natr- m. n-vom. oleand. phos. phos- ac. plumb. puls. rat. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sep. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. verat. zinc. - Frothy. Æth. verat. Gelatinous. Ipec. Greenish. Acon. æth. ars. cann. coloc. hell. hep. ipec. lach. lyc. mez. oleand. op. petr. phos. plumb. puls. stram. verat. Lumbrici (of). Acon. cic. Milk, that has been partaken of. Eth. arn. samb. Milky. Æth. Sep. in pregnant women. Mucus (of). Acon. æth. ant. urs. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. cast. cham. chin. cin. con. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. graph. hep. ign. iod. ipec. kreos. lach. magn-s. merc. mez. natr-s. nitr. nitr-sp. n- vom. phos. puls. samb. sec. stram. sulph. tab. tart. terb. val. verat. zinc. sanguineous. Acon. hep. hyos. lach. nitr Painful, fatiguing. Asar. tart. (Compare VIOLENT). Periodical. Cupr. n-vom. Pitch (of matter like). Ipec. Salt. Magn. natr. Sour. Bell. bor. calc. caus. cham. daph. fer. graph. hep. kal. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls. sass. stram. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. verat. VOMITING: Sweetish. Kreos. Urine (of). Op. Violent. Ars. bell. bis. cupr. iod. lach. merc. mez. mosch. n-vom. plumb. puls. tart. ve- rat. Watery. Arg. ars. bar-m. bell. caus. chin. cupr. hyos. iat. kreos. magn. rat. sil. stann. stram. sulph-ac. tab. Yellow (Greenish). Oleand. verat. Yellowish. Ars. iod. oleand. plumb. VOMITINGS, themselves: which manifest Acid things (after partaking of). Fer. Beer (after drinking). Fer. mez. Bread (after eating). Nitr-ac. Breakfast (after). Bor. daph. Carriage (from the motion of a). Cocc. (Compare Sect. 1. VOMITING). Chill (after a). Bell. Coughing (when). See Chap. XXI. Disgust (after). Graph. Drinking (after). Árn. ars. bry. n-vom. puls. sil. verat. amelioration. Cupr. Eating (after). Am-c. anac. ars. calc. dig. dros. fer. hyos. iod. ipec. lach. magn. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-vom. phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tart. verat. (when). Dig. puls. rhus. Evacuation (during). Arg. Evening (in the). Anac. bell. bry. phos. puls. sulph. SECT. 2. NAUSEA. 393 VOMITINGS, which themselves : manifest VOMITING with : Eyes (on shutting the). Ther. Milk (after partaking of). Æth. samb. spong. sulph. (from mother's). Sil. Morning (in the). Ars. bar- m. bor. calc. dig. dros. kreos. lyc. mosch. n-vom. sil. sulph. Movement (from). Stram. tab. ther. verat. zinc. Mucus (when hawking up). Amb. Night (at). Ars. bell. bry. calc. caus. dig. dros. fer. gran. ign. kal. lyc. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rat. sep. sil. sulph. ther. tart. val. verat. Noon (in the after-). Sulph. Smoking tobacco (after). Ipec. Spitting (after). Dig. Stooping (after). Ipec. Sucking (after). Sil. VOMITING With: Anguish, anxiety. Ant. ars. asar. bar-m. n-vom. sen. -Borborygmus. Puls. Breath (offensive). Ipec. Cephalalgia. Asar. kreos. nitr-sp. sep. (Compare Chap. VI. Sect. 5, Cephalalgia with VOMITING.) Chest (alternately spasms in the). Cic. vom. with (ebullition in the). N- (pain in the). Mosch. Choking. Hyos. Colic, gripings, &c. Ars. asar. bry. calc. graph. hell. hyos. n-vom. plum. puls. stram. tart. verat. Constipation. Plumb. Convulsions. Ant. hyos. merc. op. cupr. Cries. Ars. Death (fear of). Ars. Dejection. Lam. Diarrhea. Æth. ant. ars. asar. bell. coloc. cupr. dulc. eug. iat. ipec. lach. phos. rhab. sen. stram. tart. verat. (Compare Sect. 1, CHO- LERA.) Ears (Pains in the). Puls. Eructations. Caus. mur-ac. nitr-ac. Eyes convulsed. Cic. Face (Paleness of the). Puls. tart. (perspiration on the). Camph. sulph. Feet (Coldness of the). Kreos. phos. (torpor of the). Phos. Hands (Coldness of the). Kreos. phos. verat. (heat of the). Verat. (numbness of the). Phos. Heat. Ars. bell. ipec. lam. verat. Hiccough. Bry. Legs, &c. (cramps in the feet). N-vom. Limbs (coldness of the). Hyos. Lying down (Desire to re- main). Verat. Nausea. Bar-m. daph. dig. graph. lam. mur-ac. n-vom. sulph. verat. zinc. Nose (Dryness Kreos. of the). (obstruction of the). Kreos. Pain in the back. Puls. (in the stomach). Ars. asar. bar-m. cupr. dig. hyos. s 3 394 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. ipec. lach. mosch. op. phos. | VOMITURITION which manifests plumb. sulph. tart. verat. VOMITING With: Perspiration. Bell. gran. ipec. sulph. cold. Camph. Shiverings. Nitr-sp. puls. tart. val. Shuddering. Verat. Sight (Cloudiness of the). Lach. lam. (green and yellow co- lours before the). Tab. Sleep. Tart. Syncope. Kal. Taste (Bitter). Puls. (sour after-). Anac. Teeth (Followed by blunt- ness of the). Puls. Thirst. Ipec. Throat (burning in Arg. puls. Tongue (clean). Cin. Trembling. Gran. tart. the). n-vom Urine (Flow of). Lach. Vertigo. Gran. hyos. natr-s. ther. Weakness, lassitude. Ars. gran. hyos. ipec. kal. lam. phos. verat. VOMITURITION in general. Acon. arg. arn. ars. bar-m. bry. cann. chin. dig. graph. hyos. kal. magn. nitr. n-vom. sec. senn. sil. squill. stann. sulph. tart. terb. viol-tric. zinc. Convulsive. Dig. Ineffectual. Arn. asar. bell. bry. chin. crot. ipec. n-vom. op. plumb. itself : Eating (after). Chin. (before). Berb. Evening (in the). Kal. Mucus (when hawking up). Amb. Night (at). Arn. ran-sc. rat. Tobacco (after smoking). Ipec. VOMITURITION accompanied by: Aggravation of all the symp- toms. Asar. Colic. Hyos. Lassitude. Tart. Perspiration on the fore- head. Tart. Salivation. Tart. Stomach (pain in the). Arn. WATER-BRASH, Flow of water, like pituita, proceeding from the stomach. Am-c. anac. ars. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cyc. dros. gran. graph. kal-h. led. lyc. natr- natr-s. nitr-sp. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. sep. sil staph. sulph. verat. Drinking (after). Nitr-ac. m. sep. Evening (in the). Anac. cyc. natr-s. Every second day. Lyc. Food (after partaking of acid). Phos. Meal (after a). Am-m. calc. sil sulph. Milk (after drinking). Cupr. phos. Morning (in the). Sulph. Night (at). Carb-v. graph. Violent. Ars. asar. bis. WATER-BRASH, &c. with : dig. VOMITURITION which manifests itself: Drinking (after). Ipec. Anguish, heat, trembling. Euphorb. Colic, pain in the abdomen. Led. sulph. SECT. 3. SENSATIONS. 395 WATER-BRASH, &c. with: Pain in the abdomen. Sulph. WATER-BRASH, &c. with: Vomiting. Anac. natr-m. sil. (in the stomach). Natr- Vomiturition of bitter water. Lyc. m. sep. sil. Shuddering. Sil. SECTION 3.-SYMPTOMS OF THE STOMACH, And of the pit of the stomach. ACUTE pains in the stomach. Calc-ph. ALIVE in the stomach (Sensa- tion as if there were some- thing). Croc. ANGUISH in the stomach and pit of the stomach (Sensa- tion of). Ars. canth. cham. cic. cocc. coff. cupr. gran. guaj. iat. laur. n-vom. pæon. plumb. sec. stram. teuc. thuy. verat. BEATEN (Pain in the pit of the stomach, as if). Camph. In the stomach. Asa. euphorb. magn-m. ol-an. BLOWS. See THROBBINGS, SHOCKS. BORBORYGMUS, gurgling in the stomach. Carb-an. croc. laur. men. teuc. the. verb. (Com- pare CRIES.) BORING in the stomach. Ars. natr-s. sep. BRUISE in the stomach (Pains as if from a). N-vom. BURNING in the pit of the stomach. Acon. amb. am-m. ant. arg. ars. bell. bry. caps. casc. dig. euphorb. gran. laur. merc. n-vom. phos. plat. ran. ran-sc. sec. sep. sil. sulph. tax. verat. (Scorbiculus, Epigastrium, &c.) Burning : In the stomach. Amb, am-c. am-m. ars. asa. bar-m. bell. berb. bry. calad. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chel. cic. colch. croc. daph. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. hyos. iat. ign. iod. kal-h. laur. mang. merc. merc-c. mez. mill. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. par. phell. phos. phos- ac. plumb. rat. rut. sa- bad. sass. sec. sen. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. terb. zinc. cc CANCER in the stomach. See Sect. 1, SCIRRHUS. CLAWING, Squeezing as if from a claw, sensation of ramas- sement” (Greifen and Raffen) in the pit of the mach. Caus. natr. (Compare SPASMS). sto- In the stomach. Arn. calc. carb-an. caus. cocc. euphorb. graph. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. rat. sass. sil. stann. sulph-ac. tab. COLDNESS in the pit of the stomach (Sensation of). Ars. bell. laur. phos. In the stomach. Ars. bor. 396 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. caps. chel. colch. con. ign. kal-ch. lach. laur. magn-s. nitr. nitr-ac. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. COLDNESS in the stomach in the morning. Magn-s. COLOUR of the membranes of the stomach, with red spots (Bluish). Bar-m. COMMOTION in the stomach (Pain as if from). Casc. CONSTRICTIVE pains in the stomach. Alum. ars. guaj. merc. ol-an. op. plumb. ran- sc. rat. sass. CONTRACTION in the stomach (Pain, as if from). Acon. arn. asa. bell. bor. calc. carb-an. carb-v. chel. con. euphorb. kal. lýc. magn. men. mill. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. rhab. rhod. sep. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. CONTRACTION, as if the stomach were gathered into a ball. Arn. CONTRACTION in the pit of the stomach (Sensation of). Cast. plat. puls. rhod. sulph-ac. In the œsophagus. Puls. CONTRACTION in the stomach. (Sensation of). N-vom. CONTRACTION in the cardia (Sensation of). Bry. lach. n- vom. phos. CORROSION in the stomach. Ars. am-m. calad. chel. grat. iod. nitr. n-vom. rut. CRAWLING in the pit of the stomach. Puls. In the stomach. Colch. rhus. CRIES, croaking, noises in the stomach. Kal-h. CUTTINGS, Incisive pains in the pit of the stomach. Ant. bry. calad. calc. cann. nic. rat. DERANGEMENT in the cardia (Sensation of). Lach. n-vom. phos. DERANGEMENT of the stomach. See Chap. XIV. INDIGES- TION. DIGGING in the pit of the sto- mach. Arn. phos. sabad. sulph. con. In the stomach. Grat. kal. staph. sulph. DISTENSION, Sswelling of the stomach. Ars. caps. hæm. hell. ipec. lyc. n-mos. n-vom. op. rat. sabin. After a meal. See Chap. XIV. Of the pit of the stomach. Ars. bell. calc. cic. daph. hell. hep. n-vom. op. prun. DRAWINGS in the stomach. Am- m. ars. bry. mang. natr. EARTH in the stomach (Sensa- tion as if there were). Mill. EMPTINESS in the stomach (Sen- sation of). Ant. calad. ign. kal-h. meph. mur-ac. natr. nic. oleand. petr. phell. sen. senn. sep. tart. teuc. verat. verb. With a sensation of fulness in the abdomen. Oleand. ENLARGEMENT. See EXTENSION. EXCORIATION in the pit of the stomach (Pain as if from). Alum con. mang. ran. ran-sc. In the stomach. Ang. bar-c. chin. colch. con. daph. mosch. n-vom. sabad. EXTENSION in the pit of the stomach. (Sensation of). Mang. SECT. 3. SENSATIONS. 397 FASTING (Sensation as if one | HEAVINESS in the pit of the were). See HUNGER, EMPTI- NESS. FERMENTATION in the pit of the stomach. Croc. FLACCIDITY, flabbiness in the sto- mach (Sensation of). Euphorb. | ipec. merc. spong. tab. the. FULNESS in the stomach and pit of the stomach (Sensa- stomach (Sensation of). Bar- c. dig. In the stomach. Agar. bar-c. carb-v. cast. dig. hell. hep. op. plumb. sil. sulph. HERPES in the pit of the stom- ach. Ars. HUNGER (Sensation of). See Chap. XIV. False HUNGER. tion of). Arn. asa. bar-c. bell. | INCISIVE pains in the pit of the bov. canth. carb-v. casc. cast. cham. cocc. crot. cyc. daph. dig. gran. grat. hell. kal. lyc. mosch. natr. natr-s. nitr-sp. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. prun. ran-sc. rhab. sabin. staph. sulph, sulph-ac. Evening, in bed (in the). Natr-s. Meal (after a). See Chap. XIV. Sect. 3. DISTENSION. Respiration (which ob- structs). Natr-s. n-mos. GANGRENE in the stomach. Sec. GRIPINGS. See CUTTINGS. GURGLING, clucking, noises in the stomach. Anac. kal-h. (Compure CRIES.) BORBORYGMUS, stomach. Ant. bry. calad. calc. cann. nic. rat. In the stomach. Arg. cann. kal-ch. natr. plumb. rat. sulph-ac. INFLAMMATION in the stomach. See Sect. 1. GASTRITIS. INQUIETUDE in the stomach. Canth. INSIPIDITY in the stomach (Sen- sation of). Croc. diad. kal-h. lyc. magn. mosch. sabad. sil. sulph. tart. teuc. the. verat. Meal (Before a). Sulph. LASSITUDE. See WEAKNESS. LIQUIDS in the stomach (As if there were). Mill. MOVEMENTS in the stomach. Natr-m. nitr. ol-an. HARDNESS in the cardia (Sen- NUMBNESS in the stomach (Sen- sation of). Kreos. HEAT in the pit of the stomach. Phos. In the stomach. Bar-m. camph. cinn. kal-ch. mang. mez. phos. rat. sass. HEAT in the pit of the stomach (Sensation of). Bry. sabad. In the stomach. Casc. men. n-mos. sulph. HEAVINESS, as if the stomach were drawn downwards. Euphorb. ipec. the. (Compare PRESSURE as if from a stone). After a meal. Merc. sation of). Cast. OPEN (Sensation as if the stomach were). Spong. OPPRESSION in the pit of the stomach. Bry. COCC. coff. kreos. mosch. plat. prun. sabad. sec. teuc. PAIN in the stomach and pit of the stomach (Violent). Ars. aur. cupr. hell. iod. ipec. lach. merc. phos. plumb. ran. ran-sc. sec. stann. verat. PINCHING in the pit of the stomach. Calc. cann. COCC. ipec. 398 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. PINCHING : In the stomach. Arn. asar. calc. cann. graph. kal. plat. puls. tax. PRESSURE in the pit of the stomach. Acon. agar. am-c. anac. ant. arg. arn. asar. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. camph. cann. caus. cham. chin. coff. coloc. cupr. cyc. dig. gran. hæm. hell. hep. ign. kal. kal- ch. mang. merc. natr-m. natr- n. nitr. n-vom. ol-an. pæon. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. stann. staph. sulph. tart. tax. terb. teuc. thuy. val. verat. zinc. mgs-aus. As if the heart were about to be crushed. Ars. carb-v. cham. n-vom. In the stomach. Acon. agar. alum. amb. anac. ars. asa. asar. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bis. bry. calad. calc. cann. canth. carb- an. carb-v. casc. caus. chin. cic. coff. coloc. con. crot. daph. dig. dulc. fer. graph. grat. hep. iod. ipec. kal-h. kal-ch. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. meph. merc. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. op. par. petr. phos. plat. plumb. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. rut. sabin. samb. sec. sen. sep. sil. spong. squill. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. tax. terb. the. verb. zinc. mgs. As if from a weight, a stone, in the pit of the stomach. Acon. ars. cham. grat. spig. spong. In the stomach. Acon. arn. ars. bry, carb-an. cham. merc. par. phos-ac. rhus. sep. spig. squill. staph. PULSATIONS. See THROBBINGS. RED spots on the pit of the stomach. Natr-m. RETRACTION of the pit of the stomach. Calad. dulc. RETRACTION (Sensation of). Dig. hell. mur-ac. SENSIBILITY, tenderness of the stomach, and region of the stomach (Painful). Am-c. am- m. ars. bar-c. canth. carb-v. caus. colch. hep. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m. merc. n-vom. ol-an. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. terb. verat. Clothes (to the pressure of the). Am-m. bry. calc. carb- V. caus. coff. hep. kreos. lach. lyc. n-vom. spong. sulph. Pressing upon it (when). Bry. calc. lach. natr-m. n- vom. ol-an. sil. Speaking (when). Natr. Stepping up (when). Bar-c. Touched (when). Ant. bry. colch. coloc. hyos. ign. kreos. luch. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. sulph. SHOCKS, blows in the pit of the stomach. Natr. n-vom. plat. SHOOTINGS in the pit of the stomach. Anac. arn. aur. bell. berb. bry. calad. caps. caus. chell. colch. con. dig. dros. kal. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rhab. rhod. rhus. rut. sabin. samb. sep. spig. staph. sulph. tab. tart. zinc. - In the stomach. Bell. berb. bry. chell. coff. con. ign. kal. nitr. plat. sep. sulph. SECT. 3. SENSATIONS. 399 ach. Acon. ant. cham. n-vom. ran-sc. stann. tax. SHUDDERING in the pit of the stomach. Caus. SMARTING in Mosch. stram. SPASMS, spasmodic pains in the stomach. Agar. am-c. ant. arn. ars. asa. bell. bis. bar- m. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chell. chin. cocc. coff. con. cupr. daph. dig. dulc. euphorb. fer. gran. graph. hyos. iod. kal. lach, lyc. magn. merc. mill. natr. natr- m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n- vom. petr. phos. plumb. puls. sec. sen. sep. stann. sulph. tab. thuy. verat. mgs. (Com- pare CONTRACTIONS, and Sect. 1, GASTRALGIA). the stomach. TENSION: In the pit of the stomach. Ang. ant. chel, zinc. SPOTS on the pit of the stom- ach (Red). Natr-m. SQUEEZING. Rhus. CLAWING). STRAIN in the stomach. Nitr. ol-an. (Compare SWELLING of the pit of the stomach. Acon. aur. calc. hep. lyc. natr-m. petr. sulph. (Sensation of). Bry. TEARINGS in the pit of the stomach. Æth. rut. sep. zinc. As if something were about to be torn away. Petr. In the stomach. Hæm. TENSION in the pit of the stom- In the stomach. Acon, asa. bry. carb-v. kal. magn-m. merc. staph. THROBBINGS, pulsations in the region of the stomach. Acon. asa. bell. calad. chel. cic. dros. iod. kal. kreos. oleand. plat. puls. rhab. rhus. sep. sulph. tart. thuy. TORN AWAY (Pain as if some- thing were). Rhus. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the pit of the stomach. Cast. hell. natr-m, rhus. In the stomach. Cann. magn-m. rat. stann. UNEASINESS in the stomach. Crot. grat. phos. sabad. zinc. As if from a violent disorder. Mur-ac. UNDULATION in the stomach, after a meal. Phos-ac. WATER in the stomach (Sensa- tion as if there were). Phell. WEAKNESS in the pit of the stomach (Sensation of). Croc. nitr. In the stomach. Dig. ign. petr. (Compare Flaccidity). After a meal. Dig. WEIGHT in the stomach (Sen- sation of a). See PRESSURE as if from a stone. WORM in the stomach (Sensa- tion as if there were a). Lach. 400 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. SECTION 4.-CONDITIONS. Under which the pains in the stomach manifest themselves, or are aggravated. AIR (In the open). Lyc. n- | EAT (Pains in the stomach which vom. BED, in the evening (In). Natr- S. BED (In the warmth of the). See, In the WARMTH of the bed. BENDING oneself double (When), amelioration. Cham. BRANDY, spirituous liquors (From). Ign. Bread (When eating). See Chap. XIV. Sect. 3. - Mitigation. Staph. force one to). Graph. EATING (Before and after). See Chap. XIV. Sect. 3, MEAL. ERUCTATIONS (Amelioration from). Dig. par. rat. EVENING (In the). Alum. carb- an. lyc. phos. puls. sep. sulph-ac. thuy. EVENING in bed (In the). Ful- ness. Natr-s. Mitigation. Lyc. FALSE STEP (From a). Bry. puls. rhus. CHILL (After a). Carb-v. caus. FLATULENT food (After). Carb-v. lyc. sulph-ac. CLOTHES, garments appear to be oppressive (The). See Sect. 3, SENSIBILITY to the pressure of the clothes. COFFEE (After partaking of). Cham. n-vom. Amelioration. Graph. lyc. COLD (Amelioration, when drinking any thing). Phos. CONTRADICTION (From a). Carb-v. COUGHING (When). See Chap. XXI. DEGLUTITION of food (During). Bar-c. nitr-ac. sep. DRINKING (After). See Chap. XIV. Sect. 1. quick. Sil. DRINKING (When). Arn. Amelioration. Phos. Anything cold (Ameliora- tion from). Phos. FRIGHT (From a). Carb-v. INSPIRATION (When taking an). Anac. caps. INTELLECTUAL fatigue (From). See From Intellectual LA- BOUR. LABOUR (From Mgs-aus. Intellectual). LOINS (From a strain in the). Arn. bry. rhus. (as if from a). Bor. LYING DOWN (Amelioration when). Bell. chin. stann. caus. graph. (Compare RE- POSE). On the side. Bry. MEAL (During and after a). See Chap. XIV, Sect. 3. MEAT (After eating). See Chap. XIV. MIND (From CLOSE APPLICA- TION of the). See From In- tellectual LABOUR. SECT. 5. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 401 MORNING (In the). Anac. chin. | STEPPING UP (When). Anac. gran. lyc. magn-s. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. ran-sc. staph. sulph. MOVEMENT (During). Ang. bry. caus. cupr. NIGHT (At). Alum. am-c. ars. calc. carb-v. cham. con. graph. ign. kal. lyc. n-vom. nitr-ac. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. sen. sep. sil. sulph. OVER-LOADED (AS (As if from being). Ant. cic. rhab. tart. PERIODICALLY. Hyos. ign. lyc. PRESSING upon the part affec- ted. Acon. bry. calc. ign. lach. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. ran-sc. sabad. samb. sil. REPOSE (Amelioration from). Cham. (Compare LYING DOWN). SEATED (When). Hep. puls. sulph. SPEAKING (When). Caps. natr. bar-c. magn-m. bry. hell. (Compare FALSE STEP). STOOPING (When). Alum. rhus. STRETCHING (When). Am-c. SUCKLING (When). Carb-v. TOUCHED (When). Ant. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bry. canth. caps. colch. coloc. cupr. hyos. lach. lyc. natr. natr-m. n- vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. ran. spig. stann. sulph. tereb. thuy. VOMITING (Amelioration from). Hyos. WALKING (When). Bell. bry. calc. sep. (Compare From a FALSE STEP). (After). Calad. WARMTH of the bed (From). Amelioration. Graph. lyc. WINE (After drinking). See Chap. XIV. SECTION 5.-ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS Which accompany the pains in the stomach. (Compare the CLINICAL REMARKS, Sect. 1, and also the articles, which, in the other chapters, correspond with the following articles. ANGUISH. Bov. cham. op. ran- sc. sabad. APATHY (With). Kal-ch. ASTHMATIC sufferings, dyspnea, choking, oppression, &c. CHEST (Spasms in the). Lyc. n-vom. sep. (oppression at the). N-vom. COLDNESS (GENERAL). Lyc. kal-ch. Alum. cham. chel. cocc. dulc. | CRIES. Cham. guaj. hell. lyc. natr-s. n-mos. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. spig. stram. BILE (Evacuations of). Iod. DESPAIR. Ant. DIARRHEA. Calc-ph. stann. ERUCTATIONS. Grat. kal-ch. lach. n-vom. 402 CHAP. XV. STOMACH. ERUCTATIONS: Bitter. Stann. Sour. Magn. meph. merc. natr-m. onis. puls. sec. stann. sulph. tab. tart. FACE (Paleness of the). Cann. PERSPIRATION. Cann. cham. magn. stann. FAINTING. Laur. nitr. (Compare | WEAKNESS). FINGERS (Deadness of the). Lyc. FLATULENCY. Carb-v. HEAD (Heat in the). Caus. Pains in the. Bov. calc-ph. HEAT in the head. Caus. HUNGER. Men. verat. INQUIETUDE. Cham. mang. mgs. Lamentations and com- plaints. Ars. LOINS (Pains in the). Bor. MOUNTING into the oesophagus (Sensation of something). Asa. MOUTH (Bitterness of the). Lyc. PULSE (Weak). Cann. RATTLING IN THE THROAT. Cann. RESPIRATION (Obstructed). See ASTHMATIC sufferings. SHIVERING. Lyc. kal-ch. | SHUDDERING. Caus. SUICIDE (Strong desire to com- mit). Ant. THIRST. Verat. TONGUE (Heaviness of the). Mgs. VOMITINGS. Bry. calc. dig. graph. ipec. kal. lach. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. (Compare Chap. XIV, VOMITINGS, with pain in the stomach). VOMITURITION. Lach. n-vom. WEAKNESS. Calc-ph. natr-m. NAUSEA. Am-c. ars. calad. caps. croc. dig. gran. grat. sabad. lact. magn-m. magn-s. mang. CHAPTER XVI. AFFECTIONS OF THE ABDOMINAL ORGANS, and of the Inguina. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. ASCITES.-The best medicines are in general: Ars. chin. hell. merc. sulph. and also: Acon. bry. kal. prun. sep. or perhaps` again: Asa. colch. dig. led. lyc. squill. &c. (See Sect. 3, DROP- SICAL Swellings). For the details Compare Chap. I. DROPSY. BUBOES. SYPHILITIC buboes require in preference: Merc. or if the patient has been already subjected to an abuse of that SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 403 : medicine Aur. carb-v. nitr-ac. or perhaps again: Staph. or thuy. See Chap. II. SYPHILIS. For SCROFULOUS buboes a preference may be given to: Hep. sil. sulph. or else: Ars. calc. clem. dulc. iod. merc. nitr-ac. &c. (See Sect. 3, GLANDS, and Compare Chap. I. Affections of the GLANDS). COLIC, EnterALGIA or PAIN IN THE ABDOMEN.-The best me- dicines are in general: Bell. coloc. n-vom. puls. Or else: Acon. ars. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. coff. hyos. ign. lyc. merc. phos. sec. sulph. And perhaps in some cases, recourse may be also had to: Agn. alum. ant. arn. calc. caus. colch. cupr. fer. ipec. kal. lach. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. op. plat. rhab. rut. sen. stann. verat. zinc. For colic, arising from spasmodic CONTRACTION of the intes- tines (Colic of Miserere, or Iliac passion), a preference may be given to N-vom. op. plumb. thuy. For that caused by FLATULENCE (Flatulent or windy colic): Bell, carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. n-vom. puls. sulph. or else again Agn. colch. coloc. fer. graph. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. phos. verat. zinc. mgs-arc. For that which results from HEMORRHOIDS (Hæmorrhoi- dal colic): Curb-v. coloc. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. For that which arises from an INFLAMMATORY state of the intestines (Inflammatory colic): Acon. bell. hyos. merc. or again: Ars. bry. cham. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. (Compare EN- TERITIS). For SPASMODIC colic, or abdominal spasms: Bell. cham. COCC. coloc. hyos. ipec. magn. magn-m. n-vom. puls. or again: Ars. colc. cupr.fer. kal. lach, phos. stann. sulph. &c. (See Sect. 3, SPASMS). For that which proceeds from WORMS in the intestines (ver- miculous colic) : Merc. or cin. sulph. or again: Cic. fer. (fil.?) n-mos. ruta, sabad. &c. (See HELMINTHIASIS). With reference to the colics denominated STOMACHAL, HE- PATIC, NEPHRITIC, UTERINE, &c. See the articles: GASTRAL- Gia, HEPATITIS, NEPHRALGIA, METRALGIA, &c. in their re- spective chapters. With respect to the EXTERNAL CAUSES, on which any one kind of these colics may depend; if it is caused by INDIGESTION or SABURRES in the digestive organs (Gastric colic), a prefe- rence may be given to: Bell. n-vom. puls. or perhaps again: Acon. ars. bry. carb-v. chin. coff. hep. tart. sulph. (Compare Chap. XIV. GASTROSES). In consequence of INDIGNATION or RAGE, &c. Cham. or coloc. or else: sulph. 404 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. In consequence of MECHANICAL INJURIES, such as a STRAIN IN THE LOINS, a BLow in the abdomen, &c. Arn. bry. rhus. or again: Carb-v. or else: lach. In consequence of being poisoned by LEAD (PAINTER's colic, SATURNINE Colic): Op. or bell. or again: Alum. plat. In consequence of a CHILL: Cham. chin. coloc. merc. n-vom.. -From a BATH: N-vom.-From COLD, DAMP weather: Puls. For the other causes to which also colic may be referred, See Sect. 4, and Compare the articles: DYSPEPSIA, GASTROSES, Gas- TRALGIA, DIARRHEA, &c. in their respective chapters. For colic in CHILDREN Moreover, the most suitable medi- cines are: Cham. n-mos. rhab, or else: Acon. bell. calc. caus. cic. coff. sil. staph. or else again : Bor. cin. ipec. jalap. senn. In PREGNANT or LYING-IN Women: Arn. bell. bry. cham. hyos. lach. n-vom. puls. sep. verat. In HYSTERICAL women (Hysterical colic): Cocc. ign. ipec. magn-m. mosch. n-vom. stann. valer. or perhaps again: Ars. bell, bry. stram. During the CATAMENIA (Menstrual colic): Bell. cham. carb- v. cocc. coff. n-vom. puls. sec. sulph. zinc. &c. (See Chap. XX. Dysmenorrhæa). In HYPOCHONDRIACAL persons: Calc. chin. grat. natr. natr- m. stann. &c. (Compare Chap. I. Sect. 3, PERsons). Lastly, with respect to the indications furnished by the SYMPTOMS, a preference may be given to : BELLADONNA, if there are: Pinching and drawing, as if every thing were about to escape downwards, aggravated by movement and walking; protrusion of the colon like a pad, ameliorated by pressing upon it and bending double; or else pain in the hypogastrium, as if the intestines were grasped by nails; or spasmodic constriction in the abdomen, with burning and pressure in the sacrum and above the pubis; especially if there are, at the same time, liquid, puriform fæces, or congestion of blood in the head, with redness of the face, swelling of the veins of the head, and pains so violent, that they almost deprive the patient of reason. (Merc. is sometimes suitable after bell.) COLOCYNTHIS, in the majority of colics, and especially if there are Exceedingly violent pains, which are mostly incisive, constrictive or spasmodic, with a sensation of clawing and pinching; or cuttings and shootings, as if from knives; great tenderness of the abdomen, which feels, as if it were bruised; distension or a sensation of emptiness in the abdomen; cramps in the calves of the legs, or shivering and tearing in the legs, during the pains; excessive inquietude, agitation and tossing, SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 405 caused by the violence of the pain; no evacuations, or diarrhæa and bilious vomiting, which is renewed immediately after eating, ever so little; mitigation from coffee. (In several cases of colic, even the most violent, a cure may be accomplished by means of coloc. alone, either by repeating the doses, or by administering some spoons-full of café à l'eau, every time that an aggravation takes place after a new dose of coloc. It is indisputable that if the first or second dose of coloc. produce a mitigation of the symptoms, every repetition of the dose and the use of black coffee can be only injurious. Caust. will be frequently found very beneficial against the remaining sufferings that will not yield to coloc.) NUX-VOMICA, if there are: Obstinate constipation or hard and difficult fæces; pressure in the abdomen, as if from a stone, with borborygmus and sensation of internal heat; pinching, drawing, contractive or compressive pains; pressure at the pit of the stom- ach, with distension and tenderness of the abdomen when touched; tension and fulness, especially in the hypochondria, with sensation as if the garments were too tight; coldness in the hands and feet, or else numbness even to loss of consciousness, during the paroxysm of pain; cuttings and flatus deeply seated in the abdomen; acute and hard pressure on the vesica and rec· tum, as if flatus were about to escape with violence, forcing the patient to bend double; aggravation at every step; mitigation during repose, and also when sitting and lying; violent pain in the loins or pressive cephalalgia. PULSATILLA, if there are: Shooting pains; pulsation in the pit of the stomach, uneasiness, heaviness and fulness in the abdomen, with disagreeable tension and distension, great tender- ness and pain, as if from a bruise, when touched; incarcerated flatus, with borborygmus, and anxious heat in the abdomen, or pinching, cutting, and tearing, especially in the epigas- trium, aggravated by the touch; general heat, with swelling of the veins in the hands and forehead; tightness of the clothes round the hypochondria; aggravation of all the sufferings when sitting or lying, or else in the evening, with shiverings, which increase proportionably with the pains; mitigation from walking; pain in the loins as if beaten, when rising from a seat; desire to vomit; diarrhea; paleness of the face, with livid circle round the eyes; pressive and tensive cephalalgia. to : Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be had ACONITUM, if the colic affects the vesica, at the same time, with violent spasmodic pains, retraction of the hypogastrium in the vesical region; continued and unsuccessful desire to uri- 406 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. nate; excessive tenderness of the abdomen; pain in the loins, as if beaten; much anguish, inquietude and tossing. ARSENICUM, if there are: Excessive pain, with great anguish in the abdomen; violent cuttings, or spasmodic drawing, tearing, or corroding pains, appearance of the pains especially at night, or after eating or drinking; desire to vomit, or else watery or bilious vomiting; constipation or diarrhea; violent thirst; shivering and excessive debility. CARBO VEGET. if there are: Fulness and distension of the ab- domen, as if it would burst, with borborygmus, incarcerated flatus, pinching in the abdomen, dyspnæa, eructations of flatus; congestion in the head, with pressive pain; inertia in the abdo- men with constipation; heat in the body and especially in the head; appearance of the sufferings, especially after eating ever so little. CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Tearing, drawing pains with great agitation and inquietude, which force one to run about; sensa- tion as if the intestines were gathered into a ball, and as if the abdomen were quite empty; with nausea, bitter vomiting or bilious diarrhea; pains in the loins as if they had been severely bruised; incarcerated flatus, with anguish, tension, pressure, and fulness in the pit of the stomach, and hypochondria, or with a bearing down towards the inguinal ring; livid circle round the eyes; paleness and redness of the face alternately; appear- ance of the pains, especially at night, or in the morning at sun-rise, or after a meal. (Puls. is sometimes suitable after cham.) CHINA, if there are: Excessive distension of the abdomen, as if from tympanitis, with fulness, pressure as if from hard bodies, or spasmodic, constrictive pains, with incarcerated flatus and bearing towards the hypochondria; especially if the pains manifest themselves at night, or in persons, who have been weakened by perspiration, sanguineous evacuations or other debilitating losses. COCCULUS: Constrictive, spasmodic pains in the hypogastrium, with nausea, dyspnea, production of much flatus, fulness and distension of the stomach and epigastrium; or else sensation of emptiness in the abdomen; tearing and burning in the intestines, with squeezing and clawing in the stomach; desire to vomit ; constipation; great anguish, nervous excitability and tendency to be frightened easily. COFFEA: Excessive pains, which drive to despair; with anxiety and oppression at the epigastrium; great agitation and tossing, with cries, grinding of the teeth, convulsions, coldness of the limbs, moanings and paroxysm of suffocation. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 407 HYOSCYAMUS: Spasmodic and cuttings pains, with vomiting, cries, pains in the head, hardness and distension of the abdo- men, and tenderness when touched. IGNATIA: Nocturnal colic, which disturbs sleep; shooting in the region of the spleen; incarcerated flatus, with difficult but relieving emission; fulness and distension of the hypochon- dria; especially in delicate and sensitive women. LYCOPODIUM, if there are: Enormous production and accu- mulation of flatus, especially after eating the smallest possible quantity of anything whatever; with pressure in the stomach and epigastrium, tension, fulness, and distension of the abdo- men and pit of the stomach; constipation, or unfrequent and hard evacuations. MERCURIUS, if there are: Violent, contractive pains, with distension and hardness of the abdomen, especially round the navel; or tensive, burning, or shooting pains; hiccough, buli- my, repugnance to sweet things; desire to vomit and saliva- tion; eructations, frequent desire to evacuate, or slimy diarr- haa; aggravation of the pains at night, especially after midnight; shiverings, with heat and redness of the cheeks; excessive ten- derness of the abdomen when touched; great lassitude. PHOSPHORUS, if the colic, produced by flatus, manifests itself deeply in the abdomen, and if it is aggravated by a recumbent position. SECALE, if there are, in men: Colic with pain in the loins, tearing in the thighs; eructations and vomiting; or, in women, especially during menstruation: Burning pain in the right side of the abdomen, with constipation and abdominal pain, as in cholera; or else: Tearing cuttings, paleness of the face, cold- ness of the extremities, small, weak pulse, and cold perspira- tion. SULPHUR, against hæmorrhoidal colic, after carb-v. or n-vom. has been administered without effect; and also against bilious colic, if neither cham. nor coloc. is sufficient; or else against flatulent colic, which has resisted the effect of: Cham. cocc. n- vom. or carb-v. and lastly against vermiculous colic, if sufferings still remain after taking merc. or cin. For the rest of the medicines cited, see the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 3, 4, & 5, and consult the pathogenesy of the medicines.- Compare also the articles: CHOLERA, DYSPEPSIA, Diarrhæa, ENTERITIS, GASTRALGIA, GASTRITIS, GASTROSES, HELMINTHI- ASIS, &c. in their respective chapters. CONGESTION (Abdominal), and stagnation of blood in the ab- domen. The best medicines are, in general: N vom, and sulph. or else: Ars. caps. carb-v. or again: Bell. bry. cham. merc. puls. rhus. verat, 408 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. ARSENICUM is particularly suitable, if slimy, or watery eva- cuations occur frequently, with great weakness. NUX-VOM. is especially indicated for persons, who lead a sedentary life, and are much engaged in intellectual labour, &c. and particularly if there are: Constipation, and hard, diffi- cult evacuations, pain in the loins, as if the hips and back were bruised and entirely deprived of strength; hardness and tension of the abdomen. CAPSICUM in phlegmatic, indolent, heavy persons, of a sus- ceptible character, especially if small, watery or slimy evacua- tions occur frequently. CARBO VEGET. if there are: much flatus, inertia of the intes- tinal canal, constipation, dyspepsia and anorexia. SULPHUR, in the majority of cases, even the most obstinate, especially in hypochondriacal persons, and particularly after n-vom. For the rest of the medicines cited, See HÆMORRHOIDS, Chap. XVII. CONTRACTION of the intestines.-See strangulated HERNIA, and Compare ILEUS. DIAPHRAGMITIS.-The medicine which deserves a preference in almost all cases is: bry. or else: cham. or n-vom. BRYONIA is especially indicated, if there is at the same time: Pneumonia, or pleurisy, or else: violent, dry cough; aggrava- tion of the pain from the least movement of the diaphragm ; violent fever, with small, quick, and hard pulse; delirium, with great agitation and anguish, dry and short cough. CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Decided swelling of the epigas- trium and hypochondriacal region, with aggravation of the pain, and suffocation on the slightest touch; anxious, short respiration, which is interrupted by the pain; dry, fatiguing cough; vomiting and great agitation, with complaints and la- mentations. NUX-VOM. if there is a sensation of constriction in the lower part of the chest, as if that region were bound tightly by a cord, with short, fatiguing cough, anxiety, constipation, and thirst. Besides these medicines: Cann. cocc. hyos. ipec. puls. stram. and verat. have been also recommended. ENLARGEMENT of the abdomen.-For enlargement of the ab- domen in CHILDREN, See CAarreau. For that in young girls, at the critical age, lach. is often very beneficial. For that in aged women, or in those who have had many children, the principal medicine is sep. or again: Bell. calc.? chin.? n-vom.? plat. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 409 ENTERALGIA.-See COLIC. ENTERITIS.-The best medicine, in most cases, is acon. of which a few doses, administered every two or three hours, will lower the inflammation to such an extent, that: lach. bell. or merc. will complete the cure. In more complicated cases, recourse may be had also, ac- cording to the circumstances to: Ars. bry, hyos. n-vom. or else again: Ant. cham. chin. coloc. ipec. nitr-ac. phos. puls. rhus.sec. squill. or sulph. For the details, by which a selection should be decided, Compare the articles: GASTRITIS, GASTROSES, CHOLERA, COLIC, DIARRHEA, &c. in their respective chapters. FLATULENCY.-The best medicines are: Chin. n-vom. puls. sulph. or else: Bell, carb-v. cham. cocc. or again: Agn. colch. coloc. fer. graph. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. phos. verat. zinc. mgs-arc. If the malady manifests itself in consequence of Flatulent FOOD, chin. is to be preferred. After DRINKS: N-vom. After eating PORK or any other FAT MEAT: Chin. or puls. See also: COLIC, and Sect. 3, FLATULENCY. HELMINTHIASIS or VERMICULOUS AFFECTIONS.-The best medicines are in general: Acon. cin. merc. sulph. or again: Calc. carb-v. chin. cic. fer. fil. graph. ign. n-mos. sabad. sil. spig. &c. (See Chap. XVIII. Sect. 2, WORMS). For TAPE-WORM or TENIA, the treatment may commence in most cases by administering a single dose of sulph. when the moon is waning, then a single dose of merc. at the full moon following; repeating the sulph. eight days after, and so on for some time. If these two medicines remain inefficacious, or contribute nothing to the cure, a preference may be given to : Calc. carb- v. fil. frag. gran.? graph. sabad. &c. (See Chap. XVII. Sect. 5, TENIA). For the sufferings caused by LUMBRICI, the best medicines are in general: Acon. cin. merc. sulph. or again: Bell. chin. cic. hyos. n-vom.rhus. sil. spig. If there are: FEVER WITH COLIC, desire to vomit, hardness and distension of the abdomen, tenesmus or small slimy eva- cuations, the principal medicine is: acon. which may, in case of necessity, be followed at the end of some hours by: cin. and recourse may be afterwards had to merc. if cin. produces no change in the course of four and twenty hours. If there are, with the fever and colic: Violent, excessive VOL. II. T 410 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. nervous excitability, starts and disposition to be frightened, bell. is to be preferred, or else lach. if bell. is insufficient. The following medicines may be also administered in the following manner: Against the FEVER: Chin. cic. sil. spig.- Against COLIC with CONVULSIONS: cic.-Against COLIC, with bulimy, diarrhea and coldness: Spig.-And against FEVER in SCROFULOUS Subjects: Sil. When the intensity of the disorder has been subdued by one or other of the preceding medicines, sulph. may be often em- ployed with great success, both to remove the remaining suf- ferings and to prevent a return. In most cases it will be suffi- cient, or even better to administer only a single dose, at inter- vals of three, four, or five weeks, and if at the end of that time there still appear symptoms, which excite a suspicion that a lingering remnant of the disease continues, such as atrophy, voracious appetite, paleness of the face, &c. the cure will be frequently completed by: Bar-c. calc. graph. lyc. or natr-m. See besides, also, Chap. XVII. Sect. 5, LUMBRICI. Lastly, for sufferings caused by ASCARIDES, the most suitable medicines are: Acon. calc. chin. fer. ign. merc. sulph. If there is feverish agitation, especially at night, with sleep- lessness and tossing, acon. is preferable, or else: Ign. if acon. is insufficient. In cases, in which these two medicines continue inefficacious, or in which the complaint constantly returns, especially at the new or full moon, a dose of sulph. may be administered im- mediately after each of these periods, either at once, or in a solution of eight ounces of water, of which the patient should take a desert spoon-full every day. If sulphur is also insufficient; Calc. or else: fer. may be ad- ministered in the same manner; and if an obstinate diarrhea succeeds the use of fer. recourse may be had to: Chin. See besides, Chap. XVII. Sect. 3, ASCARIDes. HEPATITIS and other AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER.-The best medicines against diseases of the liver, are in general: Acon. bell. bry. cham. chin. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. ac. Or else: Aur. calc. kal. lyc. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr- Or else again: Alum, ambr. am-c. verb.? cann. canth. n- mos. For ACUTE HEPATITIS, the principal medicines are: Acon. bell. merc. n-vom. or again Bry. cham. chin. lach. puls. sulph. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 411 ACONITUM is especially indicated at the commencement of a cure, and particularly if there are: Violent inflammatory fever, with shooting pains in the hepatic region; insupportable pains, with moaning, tossing, anguish and fear of death. Belladonna, if there are: Pressive pains, which extend to the chest and shoulders, distension of the pit of the stomach, tension in the epigastrium, difficult and anxious respiration, congestion in the head, with clouded sight, vertigo with faint- ing, burning thirst, anxious tossing and sleeplessness. (It is often suitable after acon. or alternately with merc. or lach.) BRYONIA, if there are: Pressive pains, with tension in the hypochondria, thick, yellowish coating on the tongue, violent oppression at the chest, with rapid and anxious respiration, constipation, and aggravation of the pains from move- ment. CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Dull, pressive pains, which are aggravated neither by external pressure, nor by movement, nor by respiration, with pressure in the stomach, tension in the hypochondria, oppression at the chest, yellow colour of the skin; thick yellow coating on the tongue; bitter taste in the mouth, and paroxysm of anguish. CHINA, if there are: Aggravation of the complaint, every second day, with shooting and pressive pains, swelling and hardness of the hepatic region and epigastrium, pressive cephalalgia, bitter taste in the mouth and thick yellowish coating on the tongue. LACHESIS, frequently in cases in which merc. or bell. appears to be indicated without being sufficient, or alternately with either of these medicines, especially in persons addicted to spirituous liquors. MERCURIUS, often after bell. if this medicine is insufficient and especially if there are: Pressive pains, which do not allow one to lie long on the right side, bitter taste in the mouth, ano- rexia with thirst, continued shivering, decided yellowness of the skin and eyes. (Lach. is often suitable after merc.) NUX-VOM. if the pains are shooting or pulsative, with exces- sive tenderness of the hepatic region when touched; bitter and sour taste; desire to vomit or else vomiting; pressure in the hypochondria and epigastrium, with shortness of breath; thirst, red urine, pressive cephalalgia, vertigo and paroxysm of an- guish. (Sulph. is often suitable after n-vom.) PULSATILLA, when there are: Frequent paroxysms of anguish, especially at night, with loose, greenish, and slimy evacuations, desire to vomit, bitter taste in the mouth, yellowness of the tongue, oppression at the chest, tension in the hypochondria and pressive gastralgia. T 2 412 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. SULPHUR, often after n-vom. especially when the shooting pains continue; or else in all cases in which the preceding medi- cines produce, in a few days, no perceptible amelioration, or when the amelioration which they have produced makes no farther progress. For CHRONIC affections of the liver, the best medicines are: N-vom. or sulph. or else: Aur. lach. lyc. magn-m. natr. or again: Alum. amb. calc. chin. sil. For ENLARGEMENT OF INDURATION of the liver, they are es- pecially: Ars. calc. chin. n-vom. sulph. or again: Cann.? graph. lyc. magn-m. merc. n-mos. Hepatic ABSCESS appears to require in preference: Lach. or sil. or perhaps again: Bell.? merc.? hep.? Against BILIARY CALCULUS: Bell." calc. hep. lach. lyc. sil. sulp. HERNIA.-The best medicines for the radical cure of hernia, are: Aur. cocc. magn. n-vom. sil. verat. Hernia in CHILDREN, caused by their crying, requires espe- cially Aur. cocc. n-vom. nitr-ac. or verat. Against INCARCERATED or STRANGULATED hernia, relief will be afforded in most cases, with sufficient speed, and without any surgical operation, by: Acon. n-vom. op. sulph. or else by: Ars. bell. lach. verat. ACONITUM is especially indicated if there are: Violent inflam- mation of the parts affected, with burning pain in the abdomen, as if from hot coals, excessive sensibility to the least touch, nausea, bitter, bilious vomiting, anguish and cold perspira- tion. * In the majority of cases, a decided amelioration will take place after the second dose, which, in case of necessity may be administered an hour after the first; but if there is no change after the third, recourse must be had to sulph. (See SULPH.) NUX-VOM. if the tumour is less painful and less tender when touched, the vomitings less violent, but the respiration greatly obstructed, and especially if the strangulation is caused by a chill, by being over-heated, by contradiction or being in a passion, or else by neglect of regimen, &c. (It may, perhaps, be repeated every two hours.) OPIUM, if in the space of one or two hours after the second dose of n-vom. no change takes place, or if there are, from the commencement, redness of the face, distension and hardness of the abdomen, putrid eructations, or even vomiting of fæcal matter. (It may, perhaps, be repeated every quarter of an hour, till a decided amelioration has taken place). * If in the preceding case, the vomiting manifests itself with cold perspiration and coldness of the extremities, verat. should SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 413 be preferred, and, if there is no change after the second dose, it should be succeeded by bell. SULPHUR, is to be preferred, if the hernia is not reduced in one hour, after the administration of the second dose of aconit. or else if the bilious vomitings are changed to acid vomiting. After sulph. has been administered, it will be well to wait some hours, and to allow the patient to repose quietly, if he happens to go to sleep. * In cases, in which the tumour exhibits symptoms of gan- grene, lach. if preferable, or else: ars. if lach. is ineffec- tual. ICTERUS.—The principal medicine is merc. which frequently accomplishes a cure alone, provided the patient has not been exposed previously to an abuse of that medicine. In that case a preference should be given to chin. which may also be admi- nistered alternately with merc. when this remedy is insuffi- cient. If In very obstinate cases, which resist the efficacy of these two medicines, recourse may be had to: Hep. lach. or sulph. admi- nistered alternately with merc. according to circumstances. icterus manifests itself in consequence of a sharp dispute or a fit of passion: cham. or n-vom. is to be preferred, or else: lach. or sulph. With respect to icterus produced by the abuse of certain me- dicinal substances; recourse may be had, against that caused by cinchona, to: Merc. or bell. calc. n-vom.-Against that which is the result of: Mercury, to: Chin. or hep. lach. sulph.—Against that occasioned by RHUBARB, to: Cham. or merc. Acon. ars. calc. carb-v. dig. have been also employed; and perhaps in some particular cases: Amb. cupr. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. may be administered.-Compare likewise Chap. II. Sect. 2, YELLOW COLOUR of the skin. ILEUS, or ILIAC PASSION, CHORDAPSUS, colic of Miserere, &c. If this disease, characterized by vomiting of fæcal matter and urine, is caused by SPASMODIC strangulation of the intestines, the medicines which merit a preference are op. plumb. or per- haps again : Cocc.? thuy.? n-vom. If there is, on the contrary, an INFLAMMATORY cause: acon. sulph. should be preferred; or perhaps again: Lach.? bell.? merc.? See also: ENTERITIS and HERNIA. PERITONITIS.-The best medicines are: Acon. bell. bry. cham. or else: Coff. coloc. hyos. n-vom. rhus. &c. Compare for the details, the other analogous abdominal INFLAMMATIONS, such as: ENTERITIS, METRITIS, PUERPEral FEVER, &c. in their respective chapters. 414 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. PHTHISIS (Abdominal).—See CARREAU and TUBERCLES. SPASMS (Abdominal).-See Spasmodic COLIC, and Chap. XX. METRALGIA. SPLENITIS and other AFFECTIONS OF THE SPLEEN.-The best medicines against diseases of the spleen, are in general: Agn. arn. bry. caps. chin. ign. n-vom. sulph. or else again: Acon.berb.? iod.? mez.? For ACUTE SPLENITIS the principal medicine is: Chin. and then: Acon. arn, ars. bry. n-vom. ACONITUM is only indicated to allay the fever, at the com- mencement, if the violence of the disease requires it, but: Chin. may be often administered at once. (See CHINA). ARNICA, if chin. is not quite sufficient and especially if there are: Pressive, shooting pains, which obstruct respiration, or if typhoid symptoms manifest themselves with apathy and stupor, and if the patient is perfectly insensible to the seriousness of his state. ARSENICUM, if there is diarrhea, with sanguineous, burn- ing fæces and great weakness; or else if the disease assumes an intermittent character, and china is insufficient against that state. BRYONIA, if after the use of chin, arn. or n-vom. the consti- pation continues with shooting pain in the region of the spleen, at every movement. CHINA, in most cases, immediately after: acon. or also at the commencement of the cure, especially if there are : pressive, shooting pains, or if the disease assumes an intermittent cha- racter. NUX-VOM. after chin. or arn. if either of these medicines has produced an amelioration, but the constipation and pres- sive gastralgia continue, and the general state remains statio- nary at the same time. For ENLARGEMENT and INDURATION of the spleen, great benefit is often derived from: Agn. ars. caps. chin. ign. sulph. or again: Iod. ? mez. ? TABES MESENTERICA.-See Chap. I. ATROPHY of children and scrofula, and add: Asa.? caust. iod. merc. TUBERCLES (Abdominal).-The principal medicines are: Calch. hep. lach. sil. sulph. or again: Iod. kal. merc. ol-jec. may be found to possess some efficacy. TYMPANITIS.-The principal medicine is: Chin. but perhaps in some cases, recourse may be also had to: Carb-v. coloc. Tyc. n-vom. sulph.? See also COLIC and FLATULENCY. SECT. 2. HYPOCHONDRIA. 415 > SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE HYPOCHONDRIA, liver, spleen, and diaphragm. ABSCESS in the liver. Lach. | DISTENSION, swelling in the sil. ANGUISH, anxiety in the hypo- chondria. Cham. phos-ac. staph. BAND, circle, or string round the hypochondria (sensation. of a). Con. lyc. BEATEN or from a bruise (pain in the hypochondria, as if). Carb-v. cocc. cupr. ran. Liver. Carb-v. clem. Spleen. Sass. BLOWS. See SHOCKS. BORBORYGMUS, gurglings, in the spleen. Verb. BORING in the hypochondria. Sen. Liver. am-c. BRUISE (Pain as if from a). See BEATEN. BURNING in the diaphragm. Asa. Hypochondria. Acon. bell. tong. Liver. Acon. am-c. bry. kal. lach. merc. stann. terb. Spleen. Bell. ign. sec. CONSTRICTION in the hypo- chondria. Acon. con. dig. Diaphragm. Asar. n-vom. CONTRACTIONS in the diaph- ragm. Asar. mez. Hypochondria. N-vom. Liver. Canth. CONTUSION (Pain as if from a), in the liver. Kreos. hypochondria. Bell. ign. Liver. Sil. Spleen. Iod. DRAWING pains. Calc. puls. teuc. Liver. Bry. con. natr-m. sabad. sulph. Spleen. Berb. cupr. sulph. DULL pain in the liver. Hyos. ENLARGEMENT of the abdomen. See SIZE. EXCORIATION in the hypochon- dria (Pain as if from). Alum. sulph. Liver. Acon. am-c. carb-an. lyc. Spleen. Asar. ran. FLATULENCY (Pain in the spleen, as if from). Meph. FULNESS in the hypochondria (Sensation of). Cham. ign. sulph. Liver. Kreos. HARDNESS in the hypochondria. Bor. bry. Liver. Ars. calc. cann. chin. graph. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. n-vom, sil. sulph. Spleen. Ars. agn. chin. iod. ign. sulph. HEAT in the liver (Sensation of). Sabad. HEAVINESS in the hypochondria (Sensation of). N-mos. sulph. Liver. Phos-ac. tab. Spleen. Sulph. CORROSION in the liver (Sensa- ICTERUS. See Sect. 1. tion of). Rut. DIGGING in the hypochondria. Asa. sen. Liver. Sabad. INCISIVE pains in the hypochon- dria. Ang. nic. tong. Liver. Ang. carb-a. lach. Spleen. Verb. 416 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. } INDURATION of the liver or spleen. See Sect. 1, HEPATI- TIS and SPLENITIS. INFLAMMATION. See Sect. 1, HEPATITIS and SPLENITIS. INSENSIBILITY of the spleen. Ars. JERKINGS in the hypochondria. Puls. MILIARY eruption, in the re- gion of the liver. Sel. OBSTRUCTION of the liver. Chin. n-mos. Spleen. Chin. n-mos. OPPRESSION in the hypochon- dria. N-vom. PINCHING in the hypochondria. Ipec. Liver. Lyc. natr-m. PRESSURE on the diaphragm. Viol-tric. Hypochondria. Acon. bor. casc. crot. mang. mur-ac. phos-ac. rhod. sulph. verat. zinc. • Liver. Acon. agn. amb. am- c. anac. arn. asa. berb. calc. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cocc. con. dig. kal. kreos. lyc. magn-m. n-mos. n-vom. ol- an. phos. phos-ac. plumb. prun. ran-sc. rut. sabad. sa- bin. sep. stann. sulph. tab. terb. thuy. zinc. Spleen. Bor. ign. nitr-ac. ol-an. stann. sulph. PRESSURE towards the hypo- chondria (EXPANSIVE). Calc. PRICKING in the spleen. Rut. PULSATIONS in the spleen. Ran. (Compare THROBBINGS.) RHEUMATIC pains in the liver. Meph. SCRAPING in the liver. Sa- bad. SENSIBILITY, tenderness of the hypochondria (Painful). Bell. chin. natr. sulph. Liver. Acon. æth. amb. dig. natr-s. merc. n-vom. Spleen. Natr-m. SHOCKS in the hypochondria. N-vom. stann. Liver. Croc. val. SHOOTINGS in the diaphragm. Spig. viol-tric. Hypochondria. Aur. æth. asa. carb-v. graph. kal. puls. rat. rhod. sep. sel. Liver. Acon. agar. alum. am-c. asar. berb. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. COCC. con, hep. kal. kreos. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. plumb. ran. ran-sc. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. zinc. arn. Spleen. Agar. .am-c. berb. bry. carb-v. chin. cist. con. hæm. hep. ign. lach. magn-s. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. ol-an. phos-ac. ran-sc. rhod. sass. sel. sep. sil. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. zinc. SMARTING in the spleen. Asar. SOFTENING of the liver. Lach. SPASMS in the diaphragm. Stann. SPASMODIC pains in the dia- phragm. Lyc. natr-m. Hypochondria. Mur-ac. phos-ac. rhod. stann. zinc. Liver. Bar-m. calc. cann. chin. merc. n-mos. n-vom. Spleen. Agn. ars. caps. ign. iod. TEARINGS in the hypochondria. Teuc. Liver. Con. SECT. 3. ABDOMEN. 417 TENSION in the hypochondria. | THROBBINGS, pulsative pains in Acon. bell. calc. casc. cham. con. dig. graph. lyc. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. sep. staph. sulph. verat. Liver. Bry. calc. carb-v. caus. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. sulph. Spleen. Nitr-ac. rhod. sulph. the hypochondria. Acon. graph. puls. Liver. Natr-s. n-vom. sep. sil. Spleen. Grat. ran. rut. ULCERATION in the hypochon- dria (Pain as if from). Puls. Liver. Sil. SECTION 3.-SYMPTOMS OF THE ABDOMEN, Inguina, and Integuments of the Abdomen. ADHERING to the umbilicus | BEATEN, or from a bruise (Pain (Sensation as if the intestines were). Verb. ALIVE in the abdomen (Sensa- tion as if there were some- thing). Cann. croc. kal-h. merc. n-vom. sabad. as if): Sides. Ang. - right side. Ang. camph. BLOOD in the peritonæum (Ex- travasated). Lach. BLOWS. See SHOCKS. Hypogastrium. Sabad. thuy. BODY were moving about in the Inguina. Kal-h. Sides. Rat. ARTHRITIC pains. Daph. ATONIA, Inertia. Alum. camph. chin, crot. kal. sass. BALL (Hysterical). Acon. magn- m. plumb. Ebullition. N-vom. BEARING DOWN, Pressure. Phos. Inguina (towards the). Calc. cham. kal-h. magn-s. teuc. (Compare Expansive PRES- SURE.) BEATEN, or from a bruise (Pain as if). Cann. cocc. coloc. hep. led. natr-s. n-vom. puls. ran. rut. samb. sep. stram. verat. Hypogastrium. Val. Inguina. Val. Integuments of the abdo- men. N-vom. plumb. sabin. sulph. val. abdomen (Sensation as if a hard). Bor. BORBORYGMUS. See NOISE in the abdomen. BORINGS in the abdomen. Sa- bad. sen. Epigastrium. Sen. Hypogastrium. Sabad. Inguina. Mgs-arc. Sides. Par. BRUISE in the integuments (Pain as if from a). Sulph. Sides. Arn. BURNING. Ars. bar-m. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. colch. cop. euphorb. euphr. lach. laur. lyc. mez. natr-s. nitr- sp. n-vom. phos. plumb. ran. rat. rhus. sabad. sass. sec. sep. sil. stann. verat. (Com- pare HEAT.) Epigastrium. Calad. camph. canth. cham. T 3 418 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. BURNING: Hypogastrium.Camph.phos- ac. Inguina. Natr-s. Integuments. Sel. Sides. Rat. left side. Sep. Umbilicus. merc. sep. Acon. kal-h. BURST (Pain as if the abdomen were about to). Sep. val. Inguina. Magn-s. CHILL in the abdomen (Dispo- sition to suffer from a). Caus. nitr-ac. CLAWING (Squeezing as if from a claw). Bruc. carb-an. co- loc. hep. ipec. mosch. sep. zinc. (Compare Contraction.) Epigastrium. Mosch. Hypogastrium. Bell. lyc. puls. Inguina. Kal-h. Umbilicus. Acon. stann. COLDNESS in the abdomen (Sen- sation of). Æth. ars. asa. calc. camph. crot. hell. kal. kreos. laur. men. phell. phos. plumb. sabad. sass. sec. sen. sep. tart-ac. terb. Integuments. Amb. terb. Umbilicus. Rat. COLIC. See Sect. 1. COMMOTION in the intestines. Mang. Moving the arms (when). Cann. Stepping up (when). Am-c. Walking (when). Merc. n- vom. rhus. COMPRESSION in the abdomen. Amb. puls. Hypogastrium. Puls. Inguina. Ign. thuy. Umbilicus. Acon. CONGESTION in the abdomen, Merc. n-vom. (Compare Sect. 1, same article). CONSTRICTIVE pain. Bell. carb- an. chin. coloc. euphorb. mez. plat. plumb. sabad. thuy. Hypogastrium. Bell. evon. verb. Umbilicus. Bell. plumb. verb. CONTRACTION of the abdomen. Fer. lach. plumb. rhus. Hypogastrium. Con. rhus. Integuments. Arg. sabad. - when walking. Arg. Muscles (abdominal). Natr- n. CONTRACTIVE pains. Am-c. bell. calc. caus. coloc. hep. kal. kreos. laur. lyc. mang. merc. mosch. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. phos. rhus. sabin. sass. sulph. tax. thuy. Inguina. Rat. Umbilicus. Bell. phos. CORRODING pains in the abdo- men. Ars. calc. cupr. dulc. oleand. plat. ruta. Hypogastrium. Sen. CRAMPS. See SPASMS. CRAWLING in the integuments. Magn-m. CREEPING in the abdomen (Sen- sation as if something were). Dulc. CUTTINGS. Acon. agar. alum. amb. ant. arg. ars. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. cham. chel. cic. coloc. con. crot. cyc. dig. hæm. hep. hyos. ign. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. phos- ac. plumb. puls. ran-sc. rhab. rhus. sass. sec. sep. sil. stann. staph. stront, sulph. sulph-ac. SECT. 3. ABDOMEN. 419 tart. val. verb. viol-tric. | DISTENSION of the abdomen in zinc. CUTTINGS: Epigastrium. Asar. calc. cham. lyc. ol-an. terb. Hypogastrium. Ang. evon. laur. ol-an. sep. sil. terb. Inguina. Carb-an. val. Outwards (from within). Ang. Sides. Arn. mur-ac. rut. mur-ac. par. Umbilicus. Bov. calad. dulc. ign. ipec. kal-h. laur. mang. mur-ac. n-vom. ol-an. puls. sass. spig. tart. verb. DIGGING. Ars. bell. hæm. natr. rhus. rut. sabad. senn. spong. stann. sulph. val. Epigastrium. Ol-an. sep. Hypogastrium. Ol-an. sep. Umbilicus. Con. DISTENSION. Eth. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg. arn, ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bis. bry. calc. calc-ph. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. croc. dig. fer. gran. graph. grat. hæm. hyos. ign. iod. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. lam. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. men. merc. merc-c. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. | ol-an. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. spig. squill. stann. stram. stront. sulph. tab. thuy. val. verb. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. Epigastrium. Acon. hell. rhod. Hypogastrium. Bell. Inguina. Am-m. natr-s. Sides. Caus. natr-m. zinc. general : Eating or drinking (After). See Chap. XIV. Evening (in the). Rhod. Morning (in the). Nitr-ac. rhod. Painful. Bar-c. bell. cast. caus. cham. gran. kal-h. merc. merc-c. spig. stann. stront. tab. Partial. Bell. plumb. DRAWING pain. Acon. ars. caps. chin. cocc. gran. lach. led. lyc. magn. mayn-m. magn-s. natr-m. n-vom. op. squill. staph. verat. Hypogastrium. Chin. val. Inguina. Calc. kal. kal-h. ol-an. plat. thuy. val. Integuments. Sen. val. Side. Lyc. natr. par. right side. Camph. Umbilicus. Rat. EMPTINESS in the abdomen (Sensation of). Am. cham. cocc. coloc. euphorb. guaj. lach. merc. mur-ac. oleand. petr. phos. sass. sep. stann. ERYSIPELAS in the abdomen. Graph. EXCORIATION in the inguina. N-vom. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from). Ars. bell. calc. con. ipec. n- vom. ran. stann. sulph. Epigastrium. Mang. Integuments. men. Side. Arn. Amb. bell. left side. Colch. EXOSTOSIS in the interior of the pelvis. Aur. EXTENSION in the abdomen (Sensation of). Ign. sep. val. 420 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. EXTENSION in the i.nguina (Sensation of). Magn-s. mgs- aus. FALLING in the abdomen (Sen- sation of something). Plumb. FERMENTATION. Ang. gran. rhus. sen. stram. FLATULENCY. Acon. amb. am-c. anac. agn. anis. arn. asa. aur. bell. calc. calc-ph. caps. carb- v. casc. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. con. colch. euphorb. fer. graph. grat. ign. ipec. lach. lam. laur. lyc. mez. natr. natr-n. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. phos. plumb. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. sen. sulph. tart. teuc. verat. zinc. mgs. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. Abundant (accumulation of). Ant. bar-c. bor. calc-ph. cic. cist. fer-mg. gran. graph. lyc. kal-ch. natr-n. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. phos-ac. prun. rhus. senn. sep. tart. zine. epigastrium. Graph. lyc. natr-n. n-vom. rhab. hypochondria. Cham. lyc. n-vom. hypogastrium. Acon. chin. phos. sulph-ac. inguina. Cham. lach. left side. Fer-mg. Colic (with). See Sect. 1, Flatulent COLIC. (Frequent emission of). See FLATUS. -(Incarcerated). Amb. aur. calc. canth. carb-a. caus. chin. con. graph. guaj. iod. kal. lam. lyc. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phell. phos. plumb. prun. puls. rhab. rhod. sep. sil. stann. staph. sulph. teuc. mgs-arc. FLATULENCY, which manifests itself: • Acid things (from partaking of). Phos-ac. Children (in). Cham. Coughing (aggravation from). Cocc. Drinking (after). N-vom. Eructations (amelioration af- ter). Natr. nitr. Evening (in the). Nitr-ac. puls. zinc. Flatus (amelioration from the emission of). Natr. nitr. Hysterical women (in). Colch. ign. puls. Leaning forwards (ameliora- tion when). Bell. Lying down (aggravated by). Phos. Meal (after a). See Chap. XIV, Sect. 3. Morning (in the). Hep. nitr-ac. n-vom. Movement (from). Aggra- vation. Natr. nitr. Night (at). Acon. amb. aur. carb-v. cocc. fer. kal. merc. natr-m. n-mos. puls. Noon (in the after-). Nitr. Pressure (amelioration from external). Hell. FLATULENCY, accompanied by: Anguish. Cic. n-vom. Contraction of the intes- tines. Chin. Eructations. Grat. rhod. Head-ache. Calc-ph. Ill-humour. Cic. Nausea. Grat. Obstructed respiration. Mez. Shiverings. Mez. FLATUS (Emission of): -Difficult. Calc-ph. hep. plat. sil. verat. SECT. 3. ABDOMEN. 421 FLATUS (Emission of): Frequent. Agar. agn. aur. bell. bor. bry. carb-v. caus. chin. dig. fer-mg. gran. graph. kal. led. mang. natr. natr-s. oleand. ol-an. phos- ac. ran. plumb. rhod. sass. squill. staph. stram. stront. sulph. tart-ac. teuc. viol-tric. zinc. No. Kal. lyc. natr. sil. Painful. Con. graph. kal. puls. mgs. Violent. Verat. FLATUS, according to its nature. Cold. Con. Eggs (of the smell of rot- ten). Arn. teuc. Garlic (of the smell of). Agn. Hot. Plumb. staph. zinc. Offensive. Agar. arn. asa. aur. carb-an. caus. chin. fer- mg. graph. natr-s. ol-an. petr. plumb. puls. ran. rhod. rhus. sass. sen. sil. spig. staph. stront. sulph. Putrid. Ars. calad. carb-v. natr. oleand. zinc. Sour smell (of a). Natr. FULNESS in the abdomen. Anac. ant. asar. camph. carb-v. cast. chin, colch. con. croc. graph. lyc. magn-s. mur-ac. n-vom. ol-an. puls. rhod. sulph. tart. verb. mgs. Hypogastrium. Aur. diad. FULNESS, in the MORNING. Con. Meal (after a). See Chap. XIV, Sect. 3. Meditation (during). Mgs. GLANDS (INGUINAL): Drawing. Dulc. mez. thuy. Hardness. Clem. dulc. Inflammation, redness. Dulc. merc. sil. GLANDS (INGUINAL): Jerking. Clem. Pains. Ars. berb. calc. graph. merc. terb. thuy. mgs. Pressure. Berb. Pulsation. Berb. Shooting. Berb. Suppuration. Hep. merc. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. Swelling. Ars. aur. calc. carb-v. clem. dulc. graph. hep. iod. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. sil. spong. staph. stront. sulph. terb. thuy. Tension. Dulc. GLANDS (Sufferings of of the mesenteric). See Sect. 1, CAR- REAU. GRUMBLING. See NOISE in the abdomen. GURGLING See NOISE in the abdomen. HARDNESS of the abdomen. Anac. arn. ars. calc. chin. cupr. fer. grat. lach. magn-m. magn-s. mez. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. puls. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph. stram. val. Hypogastrium. Graph. sep. Inguina. Ant. Integuments. Natr. Umbilicus. Bry. plumb. rhus. HEAT in the abdomen. Bell. camph. casc. laur. mang. mez. n-vom. phos. sass. sen. sil. (Compare BURNING.) Umbilicus. Sulph-ac. HEAVINESS in the abdomen. Amb. ars. asa. carb-v. graph. hell. kal. lyc. magn. mez. n- vom. op. rhus. sep. sulph. terb. Epigastrium. N-mos. Hypogastrium. Diad. fer. 422 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. HEAVINESS: Inguina. Calc. croc. HEAVINESS after drinking (Sen- sation of). Asa. When walking. Fer. sep. HERNIA (Pain, as if from a). Berb. chin. clem. coloc. gran. terb. mgs-arc. mgs- aus. HERNIA (Symptoms of): Cruralis. N-vom. Inguinalis. Alum. asar. aur. berb. carb-an. cham. chin. clem. cocc. coloc. gran. guaj. lach. lyc. magn. nitr-ac. n- vom. op. petr. phos. prun. rhus. sil. spig. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. thuy. verat. zinc. mgs-arc. (Compare Sect. 1. same article.) Scrotalis. Magn-m. n-vom. Umbilicalis. Gran. n-vom. Ventosa. Am-c. caps. INCISIVE pains in the Inguina. Calc. INDURATION in the abdomen. Ars. calc. chin. lyc. plumb. (Compare HARDNESS, and also Sect. 1, HEPATITIS, SPLENITIS, &c. INFLAMMATION in the abdomen. See Sect. 1, ENTERITIS, HE- PATITIS, SPLENITIS, &c. INQUIETUDE in the abdomen. Agar. kal. INSENSIBILITY. Ars. ITCHING in the Integuments. Bell. JERKING in the abdomen. Ars. rhus. Hypogastrium. Sulph-ac. Inguina. Calc. Integuments. Ang. guaj. n- vom. ran-sc. sulph-ac. LABOUR-PAINS (Colic, as if for). Asa. cham. cin. iod. kal. kreos. natr-m. puls. sulph- ac. MASS in the abdomen (Sensa- were a). tion as if there Rhus. sulph. tart. MOVING ABOUT in the abdomen (Sensation as if something were). Caps. sabad. sep. (Compare ALIVE.) MOVEMENTS in the abdomen. Cann. carb. croc. kal-h. natr. natr-s. ol-an. phell. puls. rat. rhus. sabad. sulph. tar. thuy. Water (as if from). Casc. hell. phos-ac. NOISE, borborygmus, grumbl- ing, &c., in the abdomen. Acon. agar. agn. anac. ang. ant. arg. ars. aur. bell. bis. bruc. bry. calc. carb-an. carb- v. con. cop. cyc. guaj. fer- mg. hæm. hell. ign. kal-h. laur. lyc. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. n- vom. oleand. ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. sass. sec. senn. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. terb. teuc. thuy. verat. zinc. mgs. mgs-aus. NOISE, borborygmus : Eating or drinking (after). See Chap. XIV, Sect. 2. Evening (in the). Puls. spong. in bed. Bry. Hypogastrium (in the). Aur. cyc. sil. sulph-ac. Inspiration (when taking a deep). Hell. Lying down, in the morn- ing (when). Spong. Movement poreal). Sil. (during cor- SECT. 3. ABDOMEN. 423 NOISE, borborygmus : -Side (on the left). Lyc. Sleeping (when). Agn. OPPRESSION (Sensation of). | Arum. euphr. magn. mosch. sen. Epigastrium. Sen. Hypogastrium. Con. magn. at night. Magn. PINCHING. Agar. alum. am-m. anac. asa. aur. bar-c. bor. bruc. bry. calc. carb-v. cic. cin. cocc. coloc. croc. cic. dig. dulc. euphr. gran. graph. grat. guaj. hell. ign. iod. ipec. lam. lyc. magn. magn-m. men. merc. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-an. petr. phell. phos. plat. plumb. ran. ran-sc. rat. rhus. sabin. samb. sil. spig. squill. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. teuc. tong. val. verb. zinc. mgs- aus. Epigastrium. Cocc. Hypogastrium. Aur. rut. sil. tart-ac. Inguina: Rat. Integuments. Pæon. samb. Sides. Ign. lyc. mur-ac. rat. rut. left side. Asar. carb-v. Umbilicus. Dulc. plat. verb. mur-ac. PLUG in the umbilicus (Sensa- tion of a). Ran-sc. Sabad. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tab. tar. tart. terb. verat. zinc. mgs- arc. mgs-aus. PRESSURE: Epigastrium. Amb. bry. caus. n-vom. sulph. teuc. Hypogastrium. Amb. arg. aur. bell. carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. colch. diad. kal. natr- m. rut. sep. thuy. val. Inguina. Bell. kal-h. merc. Side. Asar. tar. thuy. zinc. left. Sulph. tart. right. Prun. Umbilicus. Anac. cocc. lach. men. ran-sc. rhab. spig. tab. verb. PRESSURE downwards, in the intestines (Sensation of a). Agn. PRESSURE in the abdomen (Ex- pansive). Colch. euphorb. ign. Inguina. Cann. clem. ign. kal-h. lyc. mez. rhus. terb. mgs-arc. (Compare HERNIA.) PRESSURE as if from a stone. Bell. colc. cocc. diad. merc. n-vom. sep. spig. tax. verb. Epigastrium. N-vom. tax. Hypogastrium. Bell. cocc. diad. sep. Inguina. Bell. Umbilicus. Cocc. spig. verb. PULSATIONS. See THROBBINGS. POINTS. on the abdomen (Red). PUSTULES PRESSURE on the abdomen. Amb. ang. bell. bis. calc. caps. casc. caus. chin. cupr. euphorb. euphr. grat. ign. lach. lyc. mang. meph. merc. mez. natr-m. natr-n. n-vom. op. par. plat. plumb. prun. puls. rhab. rhus. sabin. samb. sen. Puls. REDNESS in the Inguina. of the abdomen (Scarlet). Rhus. RELAXATION in the abdomen (Sensation of). Phos. rhus. (Compare EMPTINESS, WEAK- NESS). after breakfast. Phos. Inguinal ring. Mgs-arc. 424 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. RETRACTION of the abdomen. SHOOTINGS in the abdomen : Cupr. puls. Umbilicus. Acon. bar-c. chel. natr. plumb. tab. terb. RIGIDITY on the left side. Natr- m. SENSIBILITY, tenderness of the abdomen (Painful). Bell. bov. coff. coloc. ham. merc. n-vom. puls. ran. squill. Epigastrium. Stann. Hypogastrium. Cyc. stann. verb. Inguina, Graph. Integuments. Acon. bell. bov. canth. n-vom. puls. tab. SENSIBILITY (Painful): Hypogastrium. Chel. chin. kal. samb. n-vom. Inguina. Bell. calc. carb- an. kal. lyc. merc. mur-ac. natr-s. prun. rat. sep. stront. sulph-ac. Integuments. Magn-m. rut. samb. Umbilicus. Acon. anac. asa. dulc. hyos. magn-s. n-vom. plat. plumb. sep. verb. Side. Calc. ign. natr. n-vom. plat. sabad. sass. tar. left. Bell. hep. samb. sass. sep. sulph. tar. SHOOTINGS outwards, in the sides. Asa. Movement (During). Merc. | SHUDDERING in the abdomen. n-vom. puls. Coloc. Pressure (to). Merc. n-vom. | SIZE of the abdomen (Great). sass. (Compare when STEPP- ING UP, Sect. 4.) Touched (when). (when). Acon. æth. bell. bis. canth. cham. cyc. hyos. n-vom. puls. stann. stram. sulph. tab. terb. verat. (Compare when Sect. 4.) TOUCHED SHIVERINGS in the abdomen, in the evening. Ars. Integuments. Par. SHOCKS, blows in the abdomen. Cann. plat. mgs-arc. Hypogastrium. Arn. Inguina. Cann. SHOOTINGS in the abdomen. Alum. ang. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. con. cupr. dig. gran. grat. kal. kreos. magn- s. merc. mez. natr. nitr. n- vom. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. oleand. phos. phos-ac. puls. rut. sep. spig. stann. sulph. tar. verb. viol-tric. zinc. Epigastrium. Kal. Calc. caus. graph. iod. mang. natr. sep. staph. sulph. (Com- pare SWELLING). Hypogastrium. Sil. Suffocation, when lying in a horizontal position (with danger of). Iod.. SKIPPING in the abdomen (A sensation of). Croc. SMARTING. Hep. - Inguina. Sulph-ac. SOFTNESS, relaxation abdomen. Phos. rhus. in the After breakfast. Phos. SPASMS. See Sect. 1 Spasmo- dic COLIC. SPASMS and spasmodic pains. Am-c. ars. aur. bell. berb.. bry. calc. camph. carb-v. cham. chel. chin. con. COCC. cupr. euphorb. fer. graph. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. lyc. magn. magn-m. mosch. mur-ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. SECT. 3. ABDOMEN. 425 spong. stann. stram. teuc. val. verat. SPASMS, and spasmodic pains: Hypogastrium. Carb-v. Inguina. Dig. ign. Integuments. sabin. samb. stram. sulph. tab. verb. zinc. TEARINGS : Inguina. sulph-ac. Fer. lyc. Umbilicus. Bell. calad. phos- ac. zinc. verb. SPOTS on the abdomen (Brownish). Sep. Red. Bell. sabad. sep. dotted. Sabad. Yellowish. Canth. phos. sep. SPRAIN in the inguina (Pain, as if from a). Euphorb. STAGNATION of the blood in the abdomen. Bell. bry. dig. n-vom. puls. sulph. STONE. See PRESSURE, &C. STRAIN in the abdomen. Caps. dig. gran. ign. sep. sabad. Umbilicus. Gran. ign. ran. STRANGULATION in the abdo- men. Spong. SWELLING in the abdomen. Acon. ars. natr-m. verat. (Compare ENLARGEMENT.) Black and blue. Æth. Dropsical. Acon. ars. agn. asa. bry. caus. chin. colch. dig. dulc. hell. kal. led. lyc. merc. prun. sep. squill. sulph. encysted (as if caused by ascites). Cann. chin. Side (on the left). Laur. Umbilical. Bry. caus. prun. puls. SWELLING in the inguina (Sen- sation of). Am-m. ant. TEARINGSin the abdomen. Alum. ars. bry. cham. cocc. colch. cop. dig. hæm. lyc. magn-m. merc. mez. n-mos. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sec. squill. Euphorb. lyc. Integuments. Samb. Sides. Lyc. Umbilicus. Stram. verb. TENSION in the abdomen. Amb. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. graph. ham. hyos. kreos. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. merc. mez. mosch. natr-m. n-vom. par. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhod. sec. sil. spong. staph. stram. stront. sulph. thuy. verat. zinc. Epigastrium. Natr. tax. Hypogastrium. Aur. chin. Inguina. Am-m. dig. magn- s. merc. spig. Sides. Zinc. Umbilicus. Merc. verat. THROBBINGS, pulsations. Caps. ign. op. plumb. sang. tart. Epigastrium. Calad. cann. Inguina. Lyc. sulph-ac. Umbilicus. Acon. TORN AWAY (Sensation as if something were). Plumb. rhus. verb. TORPOR in the abdomen (Sen- sation of). Carb-v. TREMBLING in the abdomen. Ign. TYMPANITIS. See Sect. 1. ULCERATION (Pain as if from). Cham. cocc. kreos. ran. Hypogastrium. Nitr-ac. Inguina. Am-m. cic. Integuments. Rhus. Left side. Val. ULCERATION in the abdomen. Chin. cupr. Below the navel. Ars. 426 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. UNEASINESS in the abdomen. | WATER in the abdomen (Sen- Asa. aur. cist. cyc. fer-mg. natr. natr-m. tart. Disease (as if from a vio- lent). Mur-ac. VARICES in the inguina. Berb. VIOLENT PAINS in the abdomen. Ars. bell. cast. cham. coloc. cupr. nitr. plumb. In the right side. Nitr. sation of). Casc. hell. phos- ac. WEAKNESS (Sensation of). Bor. ign. oleand. phos. staph. (Compare EMPTINESS, SOFT- NESS.) WORMS (Colic, as if from). Rut. (Compare Sect. 1, HELMIN- THIASIS.) SECTION 4.-CONDITIONS of the abdominal sufferings. N.B. The words liver, spleen, abdomen, &c., indicate the organs, the sufferings of which are aggravated or manifested under the condition stated in the title.-When no particular organ is intimated, the abdomen in general is to be understood. ACID things (After partaking | BREAKFAST (after) : of). Dros. phos-ac. AIR (In the open). N-vom. ANGRY (After being). Coloc. (Compare Sect. 1, COLIC.) BED (In). See MORNING, NIGHT, EVENING. BEND DOUBLE (Pains which force one to). Bell. chel. coloc. grat. rhab. rhus. sabad. BENDING Acon. DOUBLE (When). Abdomen. N-vom. phos. CARRIAGE (When riding in a). Bor. Abdomen. Carb-v. Liver. Sep. Spleen. Bor. lach. CATAMENIA (Before, during, and after the). See Chap. XX. CATAMENIA were about to com- mence (As if the). Cin. croc. lam. magn. mosch. mur-ac. stann. Amelioration. Cast. euphorb. | CHILL (From a). Alum. cham. sulph. BENT FORWARDS (When seated with the body): Abdomen. Tart. Amelioration. Sulph. BLOWING THE NOSE (When). Canth. BRANDY (From). Ign. BREAKFAST (After). Graph. Liver. chin, coloc. dulc. merc. nitr- ac. n-vom. verat. CHILL (As if from a). Coloc. n- croc. dig. meph. merc. vom. sabin. samb. val. CLOTHES round the hypochron- dria (Tight feeling of the). Am-m. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. coff. hep. kreos. lach, lyc. n-vom. spong. sulph. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 427 COFFEE (After partaking of). | FLATUS (Amelioration when Ign. n-vom. Amelioration. Coloc. CONSTIPATION (From). Con. sil. COUGHING (When). Abdomen. Ars. anac. bell. cham. canth. cocc. n-vom. (Compare Chap. XXI.) Hypochrondria. Dros. (Com- pare Chap. XXI.) Inguina. Mgs-aus. Integuments. Amb. puls. CRY OUT (Pains which force emitting). Arn. natr-n. Colic. Con. HEAT (Amelioration from ex- ternal). Alum. bar-c. cast. gran. sil. meph. Hor (When thing). Ol-an. drinking any HOT (When eating any thing). Kal, ol-an. INSPIRATION (When taking an). Abdomen. Anac. arg. dig. hyos. kreos. magn. mosch. sen. sulph. Hypochrondria. Asa. Liver. Bry. sel. Liver. Bry. cocc. one to). Cupr. viol-tric. CURRENT OF AIR (From a). Mgs-aus. INSPIRATION (When taking a deep). sulph. Spleen. Agar. DAILY. Arn. diad. natr-m. DESPAIR (Pain which drives to). Coff. DRINKING (After). Amb. ars. bry. chin. croc. fer. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. puls. rhus. staph. sulph. teuc. EATING (When), after EATING, &c. See Chap. XIV, Sect. 3, Sufferings during and after a MEAL. ERUCTATIONS (Amelioration from). Bar-c. lach. natr-n. EVACUATION (After). See Chap. XVII. EVENING (In the). Abdomen. Amb. diad. led. magn-m. meph. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. par. phos. puls. val. verat. zinc. amelioration. Nitr. - Spleen. Magn-s. Abdomen. Mang. Hypochrondria. Ran-sc. LAUGHING LAUGHING (When). Ars. n- vom. LEANING forwards (When). Ab- domen. Bell. COCC. prun. verb. Liver. Cocc. STOOPING.) (Compare LOINS (From a strain in the). Arn. carb-v. lach. LYING on the right side (When). Liver. Magn-m. LYING on the side (When). Par. phos. Amelioration. Natr-s. MEDITATION (During). Mgs. MIDNIGHT (After). Amb. MILK (After partaking of). Ang. bry. carb-v. con. sulph- ac. EVENING in bed (In the). Par. MORNING (In the). Abdomen. val. zinc. -Integuments. Sabin. EXPIRATION (During). Dig. (Compare when taking an INSPIRATION.) Alum. amb. calc. caus. cham. gran. hep. kreos. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. ran-sc. Liver. Bry. 428 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. MORNING (In the): Spleen. Am-m. MORNING, in bed (In the). | Acon. amb. natr. phos. sep. Spleen. Con. MORNING at sun-rise (In the). Cham. MOVEMENT (From). Abdomen. Arn. cocc. dig. ipec. kreos. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. puls. sep. stram. amelioration. Coloc. Integuments. Plumb. Liver. Ang. merc. n-vom. Spleen. Ran. NIGHT (At). Acon. amb. am-c. am-m. ars. aur. bor. calc. carb-v. cocc. dulc. fer. graph. | kal. kreos. lyc. magn. magn- s. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. petr. phos. plumb. prun. puls. ran-sc. rhus. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. verat. Integuments. Lyc. NOON (In the after-). Nitr. PASSION (After being in a). Coloc. (Compare Sect. 1, COLIC.) PERIODICAL pains. Ign. n-vom. sulph. POTATOES (From). Alum. PRESSING upon the part (When). Abdomen. Anac. bell. cin. n-vom. ran. samb. sass. amelioration. Bell. Hypochondria. Acon. Liver. Berb. sabad. sel. tab. Spleen. Ign. REPOSE (During). Bov. - Amelioration. Ipec. puls. RETRACTION of the abdomen (During). Val. RISING from a recumbent posi- tion (Amelioration on). Arg. Rooм (In a). Kal-h. SEATED (When). Abdomen. Ruta. Hypochondria. Puls. Liver. Am-c. SINGING (When). Integuments. Puls. SITTING down (On). Abdomen. Ruta. SMOKING (When). Bor. ign. Amelioration. Colic. SNEEZING (When). Bell. canth. cham. SQUEEZING THE (Amelioration when). Puls. STANDING ABDOMEN FOR ANY TIME (When). Rhab. Inguina. Thuy. STOOPING (When). Diaphragm. Lyc. natr. Hypochondria. Alum. Hypogastrium. Kal. Liver. Alum. clem. kal. lyc. Spleen. Rhod. STRETCH (Pains which force one to). Tart. STRETCHING (When). Inguina. Magn-s. Morning (in the). Rhus. STRAIN IN THE LOINS (From a). Arn. carb-v. lach. STRAIN IN THE LOINS (As if one had suffered a). Val. SWEET-THINGS (From). Ign. sulph. TOBACCO (When smoking). Bor. ign. Amelioration. Coloc. TOUCHED (When). Abdomen. Acon. æth. bell. canth. cham. cupr. cyc. hyos. merc. nitr- ac. plumb. stann. stram. sil. tab. terb. verat. SECT. 5. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 429 TOUCHED (When) : Hypochondria. Aur. cupr. dros. ran. Hypogastrium. Cyc, Inguina. Spig. Integuments. Plumb. Liver. Æth. agar. bry. carb-an. carb-v. chin. clem. lyc. magn-m. natr-s. n-vom. sep. val. Side (left). Bell. colch. Umbilicus. Carb-v. caus. TREMBLING IN THE ABDOMEN. Iod. TURNING THE BODY (When). Integuments. Amb. VEAL (From). Nitr. WALKING (When). Abdomen. Chin. fer. hyos. ran. sulph. verat. WALKING (When) : Inguina. Thuy. Liver. Hep. magn-m. natr- s. sep. Spleen. rhod. sel. WALKING (Perspiration on the abdomen when). Amb. WALKING on the pavement (When). Con. Arn. ign. lach. WALKING in the open air (After). Kal-h. WATER (On drinking). Croc. teuc. Amelioration. Gran. WORMS (From). Cic. filix. n- mos. ruta. sabad. (Compare Sect. 1, HELMINTHIASIS). YAWNING (When). Puls. SECTION 5. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS Of Abdominal Affections. (See Note at the head of Sect. 4, and Compare the Sections of Accessory or Concomitant Symptoms in the preceding Chap- ters). in the). Coloc. CEPHALALGIA. Hyos. phos. (Compare Chap. VI). CHEEKS (Redness and heat in the). Merc. ACCUMULATION OF WATER in CALVES OF THE LEGS (Cramps the mouth. Am-c. AGITATION. Ipec. ANGUISH, inquietude. Cic. cupr. hep. mosch. n-vom. plat. | sulph. ANUS (Contraction of the). Verb. APPETITE (Want of). Ant. ASTHMATIC sufferings, dyspnæa, choking, &c. Caps. cham. chin, cocc. hæm. kreos. lach. lyc. mez. mosch. rhod. prun. sulph. COLD (Disposition to take). Caus. nitr-ac. COLDNESS (GENERAL). Ars. bov. meph. After the colic. Hæm. CONSTIPATION. Bell. CONVULSIONS. Cic. cupr. sec. 430 CHAP. XVI. ABDOMEN. COUGH. Chin. CRIES. Hyos. ipec. DEGLUTITION Arum. (Desire for). DESPAIR, exasperation. Coff. DIARRHEA, or soft, liquid fæces. Amb. am-c. ars. bor. bruc. bry. chel. coloc. hæm. jalap. lach. natr. nic. ol-an. petrol. phos. puls. spig. stront. verat. zinc. DIARRHEA were about to com- mence (Colic as if). Agar. ang. bar-c. dig. hæm. kal- ch. lach. meph. n-vom. oleand. sabin. DysmenorrhÆA. Cocc. (Com- pare Chap. XX, Sect. 1, same word). Dysentery (As if from). Led. ERUCTATIONS. Bell. grat. kal. kal-h. n-vom. rhod. sec. EVACUATE (Desire to). Anac. aur. bar-c. bis. fer-mg. petr. phos. sep. staph. verb. viol- tric. EVACUATION of hard fæces. Ant. -Sanguineous. Rhus. EYES (Alternately with an af- fection of the). Euphr. Surrounded by a livid circle. Cham. FACE (Heat in the). Hep. merc. n-vom. (Paleness of the). Cham. phos. (Redness of the). Cast. merc. n-vom. (Shuddering in the). Co- loc. HANDS burning after a colic. Hæm. Yellow. Sil. HEAT (GENERAL). Ars. carb-v. (Compare Chap. IV). HUMOUR (HYPOCHONDRIACAL). Sulph. Ill. Asa. cic. kreos. INQUIETUDE. Bell. carb-v. coloc. mosch. tart. LABOUR (Aversion to). Tart. LASSITUDE, weakness. N-vom. LEGS (Heaviness of the). Diad. (Pain in the). Coloc. cop. fer-mg. sec. (Paralysis of the). Carb-v. LEUCORRHEA. Kreos. magn-m. (Compare Chap. XX, LEU- CORRHEA with Colic. LOINS (Pains in the). Hæm. kal. natr-s. n-vom. sec. LYING DOWN (Desire to remain). Abdomen. Gran. n-vom. tart. Liver. Graph. LYING DOWN (Inability to re- main). Prun. NAILS (Blueness of the). Sil. NAUSEA. Am-c. bell. chel. cyc. gran. grat. hæm. hep. mang. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. samb. stann. sulph. (Compare Chap. XV). NAUSEA and desire to vomit. Dig. grat. n-vom. PALENESS of the face. Cham. phos. PERSPIRATION (Cold). Ars. PERSPIRATION (Obstructed), op- pression, &c. Caps. cham. chin, cocc. hæm. kreos. lach. lyc. mez. mosch. rhod. prun. sulph. (Pains which interrupt). Hy- pochondria. Kal. ign. staph. spleen. Am-m. arn. RETENTION of urine. See URINE. SHIVERINGS. Coloc. daph. gran. merc. mez. phos. spig. stront. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 431 (Compare Chap. IV, Colic URINE: during the SHIVERINGS). SHIVERINGS after the colic. Kreos. diad. ipec. Red. Ant. Scanty. Kreos. Suppressed. Arn. graph. Shuddering (GENERAL). Chin. URINATE (Want to). Fer-mg. SIGHS. Ign. SIGHT (Cloudiness of the), pochondria. Calc. kreos. meph. VERTIGO. Abdomen. Calc. Hy--- Hypochondria. Calc. SLEEP. Tart. n-vom. SLEEPLESSNESS. Kreos. STRETCHINGS. Hæm. SYNCOPE. Ran-sc. TEARFUL humour. Carb-v. THIRST. Chin. verat. TOSSING. Bell. cham. ipec. TREMBLING. Bov. meph. URINE (Profuse emission of). Bell. lach. spig. verat. VESICA (Pains in the). Lach. n- vom. prun. VOMITINGS. Abdomen. Asar. ars. bell. casc. hyos. lach. puls. sec. WATER in the abdomen (Sensa- tion as if there were). Casc. hell. phos-ac. WATERBRASH, Flow of water like pituita. Bry. gran. YAWNINGS. Cast. hæm. CHAPTER XVII. ALVINE EVACUATIONS, WITH ANUS, Rectum and Perinæum. SECTION 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. ASCARIDES.—See Sect. 1, same article, and Chap. XVI, HEL- MINTHIASIS. BLENORRHÆA recti.-The medicines which appear to be most suitable for this affection, are: Ant. bor, caps. dulc. lach. merc. phos. puls. sep. sulph.-See also Sect. 2, DISCHARGE of mucus from the anus. CHOLERA.-See Chap. XV. CONSTIPATION.-The best medicines are: BRY. LACH. merc. natr-m. N-VOM. Or. plat. puls. sep. SULPH. or else again: Calc. cann. caus. con. graph. grat. LYC. staph. verat. To put a speedy stop to a constipation which has continued several days, a preference may be given to: Bry. n-vom, op, or again: Cann. lach. merc. plat. puls. sulph. mgs-arc. For a DISPOSITION to constipation, or OBSTRUCTION OF THE ABDOMEN, it is often desirable to administer doses, especially 432 CHAP XVII. ANUS AND FECES. > at long intervals of: Bry. calc. caus. con. graph, grat. lach. lyc. sep. sulph. Constipation also in persons who lead a SEDENTARY life, mostly requires: Bry.n-vom. sulph. or again: Lyc. op. plat. That in DRUNKARDS, or persons addicted to SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS: Calc. lach. n-vom, op. sulph. That which manifests itself in consequence of DIARRHEA, or frequent PURGINGS: N-vom. op. or again: Ant. lach. ruta. That which takes place in OLD PERSONS, often alternately with diarrhea: Ant. op. phos. or again: Bry. lach. rhus.? ruta. In PREGNANT WOMEN: N-vom. op. sep. or again : Alum. bry. lyc.—And in LYING-IN Women: Ant. bry. n-vom. plat. In sucking CHILDREN; Bry. n-vom. op. or again: Alum. lyc. sulph. verat. That which manifests itself when TRAVELLING in a carriage: Plat. or again Alum. op. That which arises from being poisoned by PLUMBUM: Alum, op. plat. Recourse may be also had to: BRYONIA, especially in summer, and in persons subject to rheumatism, or else if the constipation occurs in consequence of a disordered stomach, with chilly disposition, congestion and head-ache; irascibility and laconic style of speaking; and ge- nerally in persons of an irritable, passionate character. LACHESIS, in many cases of obstinate constipation, with pressure in the stomach and ineffectual desire to eructate. MERCURIUS, if the constipation is accompanied by an un- pleasant taste in the mouth, with soreness of the gums, yet without loss of appetite. (If, in this case, merc. is insufficient, recourse should be had to staph.) NATRUM MUR. in the most obstinate cases, and often also when every other medicine proves inefficacious; especially if no desire to evacuate manifests itself and if the intestines appear to be totally inactive. NUX VOMICA, not only in hypochondriacal persons and those who are SUBJECT TO HÆMORRHOIDS, but also if constipation manifests itself in consequence of too hearty a meal, derange- ment of the stomach, &c. and especially if there are: Anorexia, nausea, distension and tension of the abdomen, with pressure and heaviness; heat, especially in the face; congestion and head-ache; unfitness for exertion, disturbed sleep, oppression, ill-humour; sensation as if the anus were closed or contracted, with frequent and ineffectual desire to evacuate. OPIUM, also against the sensation as if the anus were closed, (but without the frequent desire to evacuate), which occurs in SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 433 the preceding case, with pulsation and sensation of a weight in the abdomen, pressive gastralgia, dryness of the mouth, ano- rexia, congestion and head-ache, with redness of the face, &c. PLATINA, if notwithstanding the greatest exertion, the pa- tient can expel only small pieces, with tenesmus and crawling in the anus; after the evacuation, shuddering with sensation of weakness in the abdomen; constrictive pain in the abdomen, with pressure and pain in the stomach, and ineffectual desire to evacuate. PULSATILLA, often in the same cases in which n-vom. is in- cated, but in persons of a mild, cold and phlegmatic character; or if, after the stomach has been deranged by fat food, the con- stipation is accompanied by moroseness, with laconic speech and shivering. SEPIA, especially in females, or in persons subject to rheu- matism, and also in many cases in which n-vom. or sulph. has been indicated without being sufficient. SULPHUR, in most cases of habitual constipation, especially after the use of n-vom. in hypochondriacal persons, or in those who are subject to hæmorrhoids; and principally if there is frequent and ineffectual desire to evacuate, with incarcerated flatus, uneasiness, distension of the abdomen, unfitness for in- tellectual labour, &c. For the rest of the medicines cited, and for more ample details in general, See the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4, and consult the pathogenesy of the medicines. DIARRHEA.-The best medicines are in general: Ars. cham. chin. dulc. fer. ipec. merc. puls. rhab. sec. sulph, Or else: Ant. bry. calc. caps. coloc. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. rhus. Or else again: Ars. bell. berb. carb-v. cupr. graph. hep. hyos. lach. magn. nitr-ac. n-mos. petr. sep. verat. Diarrhea without pain requires principally: Fer. or again Chin, cinn. That with COLIC: Ars. bry, cham. coloc. hẹp. merc. nitr-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sulph. &c. With TENESMUS: Ars. caps. hep. ipec. lach. merc. n-vom. rhab. rhus. sulph. &c. With VOMITING: Ars. bell. ipec. or again: Cham. coloc. dulc. fer. &c. (Compare Chap. XV, CHOLERA). With evacuation of ingesta (LIENTERIA): Chin. fer. or again: Ars. bry. n-vom. With FAILURE OF STRENGTH (Debilitating, colliquative diar- rhæa): Ars. chin. ipec. verat. or again: N-vom. phos. phos-ac. sec. VOL. II. U 434 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FECES. For BILIOUS, Mucous diarrhea, &c. See Chap. XV, in the article GASTROSES, Bilious, mucous derangement, &c. CHRONIC diarrhæa is often cured by: Calc. chin. fer. graph. hop. lach. nitr-ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. sep. sulph. RELAXATION OF THE ABDOMEN, or disposition to have several evacuations during the day, frequently finds a remedy among: Calc. graph. kreos. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. Furthermore, diarrhea which manifests itself in consequence of EXANTHEMATA, such as measles, scarlatina, small-pox, &c. mostly requires: Ars. chin. merc. phos-ac. puls. sulph. That which is occasioned by a CHILL: Bell. bry. cham. dulc. merc. n-mos. verat. or again: Caus. chin. natr. n-vom. op. puls. sulph.-From a chill in SUMMER, or Autumn, or SPRING: Ars. dulc. or else: Bry. merc.-From COLD DRINKS: Ars. carb-v. n-mos. puls. That which is the result of a SUDDEN EMOTION, such as FRIGHT, sudden Joy: Ant. coff. op. verat. or again: Acon. puls.—Of a DEPRESSING emotion, such as GRIEF: Ign. or phos- ac.-Of a CONTRADICTION, or of ANGER: Cham. or coloc. That which manifests itself in consequence of INDIGESTION, or an improper regimen: Ant. coff. ipec. puls. n-vom.-In con- sequence of a DEBAUCH: Carb-v. n-vom. From partaking of MILK Bry. sulph. or again: Lyc. natr. sep.-From the use of ACID THINGS, or FRUIT: Ars. lach. puls. or again: Chin.? rhod.? That which is produced by the abuse of MEDICINAL SUB- STANCES, and particularly of MERCURY: Hep. or else: Carb-v. chin. nitr-ac.-From the abuse of MAGNESIA: Puls. rhab.- From that of RHUBARB Cham. merc. puls. or again: Coloc. n- vom.—From the abuse of TOBACCO : Cham. puls. : Also, diarrhæa in WEAK or exhausted PERSONs requires in preference: Chin. fer. n-mos. phos. phos-ac. sec. In PHTHISICAL persons: Calc. chin. fer. phos. In SCROFULOUS subjects: Calc. dulc. lyc. sep. sil. sulph. or again: Ars. bar-c. chin. IN AGED PERSONS: Ant. bry. phos. sec. In PREGNANT FEMALES: Ant. dulc. hyos. lyc. petr. phos. sep. sulph.—And in LYING-IN FEMALES: Ant. dulc. hyos. rhab. In CHILDREN: Ant. cham. fer. hyos. ipec. jalap. magn. merc. n-mos. rhab. sulph. sulph-ac.-During DENTITION: Ars. calc. cham. coff. fer. ipec. magn. merc. sulph. Lastly, with regard to the indications furnished by the SYMPTOMS, a preference may be given to : ARSENICUM, if the evacuations are watery or slimy, whitish, greenish, or brownish, taking place especially at night, after SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 435 midnight, or towards the morning, or else after eating or drink- ing; with cuttings, burning or tearing pains in the abdomen ; violent thirst; anorexia with nausea, or else vomiting; excessive emaciation, great weakness; sleeplessness and anxiety at night; distension of the abdomen; coldness of the extremities; pale- ness of the face, with wasted cheeks and hollow eyes surrounded by a livid circle. CHAMOMILLA, against watery, bilious, or slimy diarrhea, of a yellowish, whitish, or greenish colour, resembling beat-up eggs; or evacuation of ingesta; borborygmus, anorexia, thirst, coating on the tongue, tearing colic, or cuttings, fulness in the pit of the stomach; distension and hardness of the abdomen ; frequent eructations, with desire to vomit, or else bilious vo- miting; bitter taste in the mouth; and in children: Cries, agi- tation, tossing, constant desire to be carried, &c. CHINA, if the evacuations are profuse, watery and brownish, with ingesta; if the evacuations take place at night, or imme- diately after a meal; with violent, pressive, constrictive and spasmodic colic, or else without any pain: great weakness in the abdomen; borborygmus, eructations, burning pains in the anus; anorexia, violent thirst, and general debility. DULCAMARA, if there are: Liquid, greenish, or yellowish, slimy, or bilious evacuations; nocturnal evacuations; with colic and cuttings, especially in the umbilical region; anorexia and violent thirst; nausea, or else vomiting; paleness of the face, great lassitude and inquietude. FERRUM, if the diarrhea manifests itself principally at night, or after eating or drinking, with easy, painless evacuations of fæces, composed of slimy matter and ingesta; paleness of the face, emaciation, hardness and distension of the abdomen, without flatulence: thirst, anorexia alternately with bulimy; pressive gastralgia; spasmodic pains in the back and anus. IPECACUANHA, against watery or slimy diarrhea, of a yellow- ish, whitish, or greenish colour, with nausea and desire to vomit, or else vomiting of yellowish, whitish, or greenish mucus; tearing colic or cuttings, with cries (in children), tossing and inquietude; accumulation of saliva in the mouth; distension of the abdomen; weakness, with desire to remain continually lying down; paleness of the face, with livid circle round the eyes; coldness, quarrelsomeness and irascibility. MERCURIUS, if the evacuations take place principally at night, with watery, slimy, frothy, or else bilious, or else san- guineous evacuations; of a greenish, whitish, or yellowish colour; fæces resembling beat-up eggs, frequent tenesmus, burning, itching and excoriation at the anus; violent colic and cuttings; U 2 436 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FECES. pyrosis, nausea and eructations; shivering and shuddering; cold perspiration, trembling and great lassitude. PULSATILLA, against slimy, bilious, or watery diarrhea; of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish colour, or else which changes its colour; evacuation of pap-like fæces; or else liquid and offensive evacuations, with excoriation of the anus, at the same time; bitter taste in the mouth; tongue covered with a white coating, nausea, desire to vomit, disagreeable eructa- tions, or else, slimy, bitter vomiting; colic and cuttings, es- pecially at night. RHABARBARUM (RHEUM), when the evacuations are of a sour smell, when the fæces are liquid, slimy, and, as it were, fermented, with paleness of the face, salivation, colic, frequent desire to evacuate and tenesmus; or else profuse evacuations, with vomiting and great weakness; or again if, in children, the diarrhea is accompanied by cries, with agitation, tossing and retraction of the thighs. (If Rheum is insufficient, cham. will frequently complete the cure, especially when the pains are very violent). SECALE, if the evacuations take place without pain, but the patient is very weak; with watery, yellowish, or greenish fæces, which are expelled promptly and with great violence, often also the evacuations are unnoticed; evacuation of ingesta; colic and cuttings, especially at night; coating of mucus on the tongue; clammy taste, frequent borborygmus and much flatulence, with fulness in the abdomen. SULPHUR, in many cases, even of the most obstinate diarrhæa ; especially if the evacuations are frequent, principally at night, with colic, tenesmus, distension of the abdomen, dyspnæa, shi- vering and great weakness; slimy or watery, frothy, or putrid faces, of a whitish or greenish colour; evacuation of ingesta. or sour, or else sanguineous fæces; renewal of the diarrhea on taking the least cold; emaciation, &c. Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be after- wards had to: ANTIMONIUM, against watery diarrhea, with disordered sto- mach, tongue covered with a white coating, anorexia, eruc- tations and nausea. BRYONIA, often during the heat of summer, especially if the diarrhea is caused by cold drinks, or if in consequence of a contradiction, or of giving way to passion, cham. has proved insufficient. CALCAREA, frequently after sulph. in chronic diarrhæa, es- pecially in scrofulous children, with weakness, emaciation, paleness of the face, and decided appetite. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 437 CAPSICUM, against slimy diarrhea, with tenesmus and burn- ing in the anus. COLOCYNTHIS, against slimy or watery diarrhea, with violent, spasmodic colic, and especially if they are caused by contradiction or the indulgence of passion, and if cham. is insufficient against that state. NUX-VOM. if there are frequent, but scanty evacuations of watery, whitish, or greenish fæces, with colic and tenesmus. PHOSPHORUS, especially against chronic diarrhæa, with pain- less evacuation, but with slow diminution of strength. PHOSPHORI ACID, against watery or slimy diarrhea, with ingesta, or with unnoticed evacuation of fæcal matter. RHUS TOX. against diarrhea which manifests itself espe- cially at night, with pains in the limbs, head-ache and colic, invariably aggravated after eating or drinking. For the rest of the medicines cited, and for more ample infor- mation in general, See the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4, and consult the pathogenesy of the medicines.-Comp. also, in their respec- tive chapters, the articles: CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, Gastroses, VOMITING, &c. DYSENTERY.-The medicines most frequently indicated, are: Acon. ars. bry, carb-v. cham. chin. coloc. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. or else again: Bell. caps. colch. dulc. gran.? hep. kreos.? lach.? nitr-ac. n-mos. staph. Among these medicines, a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, if the dysentery manifests itself during warm weather, with cold nights; with rheumatic pains in the head, nape of the neck and shoulders, or with violent shiverings, excessive heat and thirst. (If acon. is insufficient, cham. merc. n-vom. or puls. will be often suitable afterwards). ARSENICUM, if the fæces become putrid, also with unnoticed evacuations, great weakness, offensive urine, offensive smell from the mouth, state of stupor, with eruption of red or bluish spots. (If ars. is insufficient, carb-v. is often suitable afterwards; or else n-vom. if aggravation takes place after the use of ars.) BRYONIA, frequently after acon. especially during the heat of summer, and if the dysentery is the result of a chill from drink- ing anything cold. CARBO VEGET. if ars. is insufficient against the state of pu- tridity, and especially when the patient's breath is cold, and he complains of burning pains. (If the putrid smell of the fæces does not disappear after the use of carb-v. recourse must be had to: Chin.) CHAMOMILLA, often after acon. especially if there is: Vio- lent heat, with thirst, rheumatic pains in the head, and great agitation. 438 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FECES. CHINA, if neither ars. nor carb-v. is sufficient against the state of putridity, or else against the dysentery which manifests itself in marshy countries, especially if the complaint assumes an intermittent character. COLOCYNTHIS, is, after merc. one of the principal medicines against dysentery, especially if there are: Spasmodic colic, which forces to bend double; with great agitation, evacuations of sanguinolent mucus; fulness and pressure in the abdomen, with distension, as if arising from tympanitis; shudderings, which commence at the abdomen; white coating on the tongue. IPECACUANIA, one of the most efficacious medicines against the dysentery which manifests itself in autumn, especially after using acon. or if there are: Violent tenesmus and colic with evacuation, first of slimy matter, then of sanguinolent mucus. (If ipec. is insufficient, coloc. will be often found to be indicated afterwards). MERCURIUS, will, in many cases, prove a specific, especially if there is: Before, and still more after the evacuations, violent tenesmus, as if all the intestines would be forced out by the effort, which, however, produces only an evacuation of pure blood, or else of blood mixed with greenish, mashed substances, resem- bling beat-up eggs; during the evacuations, (cries in children) violent colic, nausea, eructations, shivering and shuddering, cold perspiration on the face, great exhaustion and trembling of the limbs. NUX-VOMICA, especially if there are: Small, frequent eva- cuations, with tenesmus and fæces composed of sanguinolent slime, violent cuttings in the umbilical region; excessive heat and violent thirst; especially after acon. or bry. against the dysen- tery which manifests itself during the heat of summer, or again, if there is a putrid smell from the evacuations, and if ars. only aggravates that state. PULSATILLA, especially if the evacuations consist almost en- tirely of mucus streaked with blood; with clammy taste in the mouth, white coating on the tongue, desire to vomit, or else vomiting of mucus, frequent shiverings, especially towards the evening, dyspnæa and tearfulness. RHUS, especially if there are at an advanced stage of the disorder: Unnoticed evacuations at night, without colic or tenesmus. SULPHUR, often in the most desperate cases, when none of the other medicines can subdue the disease, especially if there are: Dyspnæa; evacuation of mucus streaked with blood; ex- ceedingly frequent want to evacuate; violent tenesmus, especially at night; or else in persons subject to hæmorrhoids. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 439 For the rest of the medicines cited, See their pathoge- nesy, and Compare DIARRHEA. FISTULA in recto (ano).—The most eligible medicines are: Calc. caus. sil. and sulph. See also Chap. II, Fistulous ULCERS. HELMINTHIASIS.-See Chap. XVI. HÆMORRHOIDES.-The medicines that are most frequently in- dicated against hæmorrhoidal affections are in general: Acon. ant. ars. bell, calc. caps. carb-v. cham. ign. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. sulph. Or else again: Amb. am-c. am-m. anac. berb.? caus. chin. coloc. graph, kal. lach. nitr-ac. petr. rhus. sulph. For COLIC caused by hæmorrhoids, the principal medicines are: Carb-v. coloc. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. For ITCHING in the anus: Acon. n-vom. sulph. For INFLAMMATION of the hæmorrhoidal pimples: Acon. cham. puls. or again: Ars. mur-ac. n-vom, sulph. For HEMORRHAGE, which sometimes succeeds: Acon. bell. ipec. or again: Calc. chin. sulph. For ANOMALOUS hæmorrhoidal affections, and sufferings caused by the SUPPRESSION or a habitual HÆMORRHOIDAL DIS- CHARGE: N-vom. sulph. or again: Calc. carb-v. puls. For Mucous discharge (Mucous hæmorrhoids): Ant. caps. carb-v. puls. sulph. or again: Bor. ign. lach. merc. Lastly, for a CONSTITUTIONAL DISPOSITION to hæmorrhoids: N-vom. sulph. or again: Calc. carb-v. caus. graph. lach. petr. &c. Of these medicines, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if there are: Bleeding of the hæmorrhoids, with shooting and pressure at the anus, sensation of fulness in the abdomen, with tension, pressure and colic; pain in the loins, as if the back or sacrum were bruised. ANTIMONIUM, if there is a secretion of much whitish mucus, with burning, crawling, itching, or else cracks in the anus. (It is often suitable alternately with puls.) ARSENICUM, if the blood that is discharged is burning, with burning and shooting pains in the hæmorrhoidal pimples; heat and agitation, with burning in the veins, or great weakness. (It is sometimes suitable alternately with carb-v.) BELLADONNA, against bleeding hæmorrhoids, with violent pain in the loins, as if the back would break. (If bellad. is in- sufficient, recourse should be had especially to hep.) CALCAREA, often after sulph. when that medicine is insuffi- cient, or when the patient has already taken too large a quan- tity of it, especially if the hæmorrhoids bleed frequently, or when a habitual discharge has been suppressed in plethoric persons. CAPSICUM, if the pimples are much swollen, with a discharge 440 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FÆCES. of blood, or of sanguinolent mucus from the rectum, burning pains in the anus; painful drawing in the loins and back, with cuttings. CARBO VEGET. against: Large and bluish swelling of the pimples, with shooting pains in the loins, rigidity of the back, burning and rheumatic pains in the limbs; constipation, with burning fæces and evacuation of blood; frequent congestion in the head, with bleeding at the nose, flatulence, inertia in the abdomen, &c.—and also if there is a secretion of much burning mucus from the rectum. CHAMOMILLA, against: Open hæmorrhoids, with compressive pains in the abdomen and frequent want to evacuate; diarrhæa occasionally, with burning and corrosive fæces; tearing pains in the loins, especially at night; or else if there are painful and ulcerated cracks in the anus. IGNATIA, if there are violent shootings, extending deeply into the rectum, itching and crawling in the anus, profuse discharge of blood, prolapsus recti during evacuation; or pain as if from excoriation and contraction in the rectum, with frequent, but ineffectual desire to evacuate, and evacuation of sanguinolent mucus. MURIATIC ACID, if the hæmorrhoidal pimples are inflamed and swollen, of a bluish red colour, with swelling of the anus, pain as if from excoriation, violent shootings and great tender- ness, when touched. NUX-VOMIC. against blind and open hæmorrhoids, and also against anomalies of this affection, especially in persons who lead a sedentary life, or who have indulged in an abuse of coffee or of spirituous liquors; as well as in pregnant women, or when caused by vermiculous affections, &c. especially if there are: Shooting, burning pain, or itching in the anus; shootings and shocks in the loins, with pain as if beaten, and which hinders rising up; frequent constipation, with ineffectual desire to evacuate, and sensation as if the anus were closed or contracted; frequent congestion in the abdomen and head, with distension of the epigastrium and hypochondria, heaviness in the head, unfitness for meditation, and vertigo; dysuria and strangury; discharge of blood or mucus from the anus. SULPHUR, in the same circumstances as n-vom. if this medicine is insufficient, and especially if the constipation sometimes occurs alternately with loose evacuations of sanguinolent mucus; sen- sation of erosion in the anus, with itching and shooting; fre- quent congestion in the head; palpitation of the heart; easy excitement of the vascular system; pulsations over the whole body, with anguish and oppression after the least moral emo- tion; dyspepsia; dysuria; oozing, burning and frequent pro- SECT. 2. EVACUATIONS. 441 trusion of hæmorrhoidal pimples. (Sulph. answers best after n- vom. These two medicines administered alternately, sometimes effect a complete cure of chronic hæmorrhoidal affections). For the remainder of the medicines, See their PATHO- GENESY, and Compare the articles COLIC, CONSTIPATION, ab- dominal CONGESTION, &c. ITCHING in the anus.-For the itching which accompanies a papulous eruption known by the name of PRURIGO, See that word. For that which arises from ASCARIDES, See Chap. XVI, HELMINTHIASIS. For that which is caused by HÆMORRHOIDS, the principal medicines are: Acon. n-vom, sulph. LIENTERIA.—See DIARRHEA, and Compare Sect. 2, Undi- gested SUBSTANCES (Ingesta), emitted during evacuation. LUMBRICI.—See Sect. 2, same article, and Compare Chap. XVI, HELMINTHIASIS. PARALYSIS of the sphyncter ani.-See Sect. 2, same word. PROLAPSUS recti.—The best medicines are: Ing. n-vom. merc. sulph. and perhaps : Ars. calc. lyc. rut. sep. may be adminis- tered to counteract a tendency to this affection. See also Sect. 2, same article. Prolapsus recti in FEMALES requires principally: Ign. or n- vom. PRURIGO.—The best medicines against Prurigo ani, are: Merc. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. thuy. or perhaps again: Bar-c. calc. zinc. RHAGADES in the anus.-The medicines which have been hitherto found most efficacious are: Agn. and graph. but perhaps in some cases: Calc. cham. hep. rhus. sass. sulph. &c. may be added to these. (See Chap. II, RHAGADES). TÆNIA.-See Sect. 2, same word, and Compare Chap. XVI, HELMINTHIASIS. SECTION 2. ALVINE EVACUATIONS. CONSTIPATION. Agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. cocc. colch. coloc. con. cor. crot. cupr. daph. eug. graph. grat. guaj. hep. hyos. kal. lach. lac. laur. led. lyc. magn. mang. men. merc. mosch. natr-m. nic. n-vom. ol-an. op. phos. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. sel. sep. sil. squill. stann. staph. stram. sulph. tab. terb. ther. thuy. verat. viol-od. zinc. mgs. mgs-arc. (Comp. Re- tarded EVACUATION and Ов- STRUCTION in the abdomen). U 3 442 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FACES. CONSTIPATION: Constriction of the intes- tines (as if from). N-vom. -Diarrhea (alternately with). Ant. iod. lach. n-vom. rhus. ruta. tart. Obstinate. Bry. caus. graph. lach. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. op. plumb. sass. sulph. thuy. verat. mgs-arc. Pollutions (after). Thuy. Travelling (when). Plat. CONSTIPATION with : Cephalalgia. Con. n-vom. verat. Desire to evacuate. Cocc. con. sec. viol-od. (Compare Ineffectual DESIRE). Distension. Bell. Heat of the body. Cupr. verat. in the head. Bell. of the liver. Induration Graph. Perspiration. Bell. Urinate (frequent desire to): Sass. COLOUR of the fæces: Ash-coloured. Asar. dig. Black. Ars. camph. chin. ipec. merc. op. phos. squill. sulph-ac. verat. Bright. Carb-v. caus. Brownish. Amb. ars. asa. camph. dulc. magn. magn-m. merc-c. rhab. sabad. squill. sulph. tart. terb. verat. Clay-like. Calc. hep. petros. Grayish. Asar. dig. merc. phos. phos-ac. rhab. Greenish. Eth. am-m. ars. bell, bor. canth. cham. coloc. crot. dulc. hep. ipec. laur. magn. magn-m. merc. merc- c. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. terb. val. verat. COLOUR of the fæces: Pale. Carb-v. lyc. Sepia (of). Mosch. Shining, as if from grease. Caus. White flocks (with). Ipec. squill. Whitish Rhus. streaks (with). ars. asar. Whitish. Acon. ars. bell. calc. caus. cham. chin. cin. colch. cop. dig. hep. ign. iod. merc. natr-s. n-vom. pe- tros. phos-ac. puls. rhus. spig. spong. sulph. Yellowish. Eth. amb. ars. asa. calc. cham. chin. coce. coloc. crot. ign. ipec. magn- m. merc. natr. oleand. petr. phos. plumb. puls. stront. tab. tart. terb. with streaks. Rhus. DESIRE to evacuate (URGENT and frequent). Ant. arg. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. caus. hyos. ign. magn. magn-m. merc. merc-c. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. plat. puls. ran- sc. rhab. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sass. sec. sil. spig. stann. staph. sulph. tab. Ineffectual, fruitless. Amb. anac. arn. ars. asa. bell. bis. carb-an. caus. cocc. con. fer- mg. grat. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. merc-c. natr. natr-m. n-vom. oleand. plumb. ran. rhab. rut. sang. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tereb. thuy. tong. viol-od. DESIRE which manifests itself (URGENT or frequent) : Evening (in the). Bis. Movement and (During). Rhab. walking SECT. 2. EVACUATIONS. 443 DESIRE which manifests itself DIARRHÆA : (URGENT and frequent): Night (at). Merc. puls. sulph. DESIRE with (URGENT or fre- quent): Anguish. Amb. caus. Anthropophobia. Amb. Anus (pain in the). Ars. caus. magn. sulph. Back (pain in the). Rat. Colic. Ars. bar-c. puls. rhus. Eructations. Thuy. Face (redness of the). Caus. Flatus (emission of). Carb- an. lach. magn-m. sep. Loins (pain in the). Bar-c. Nausea. Rhus. Rectum (itching in the). Euphorb. Recti (prolapsus). Ruta. Vesica (pain in the). Sulph. DIARRHEA. Acon. æth. agar. alum. amb. am-c. ant. arn. ars. asa. asar. bar-c. bell. berb. bor. bov. bry. calc. calc- ph. cann. canth. carb-v. caps. cast. cham. chel. chin. cin. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. cap. crot. cupr. dig. dulc. eug. fer. fer-mg. graph. hell. hep. hyos. iat. ign. ind. iod. ipec. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. lac. laur. led. magn. magn-m. meph. merc. merc-c. mur-ac. natr. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. op. pæon. par. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. prun. puls. ran-sc. rat. rhab. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. sec. sen. senn. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill. staph. stann. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. terb. tong. val. verat. zinc. mgs, mgs-aus. Colliquative. See DEBILI- TATING. Constipation (alternately with). Ant. bry. iod. lach. n-vom. rhus. ruta. tart. Dysenteric, loose. Canth. caps. carb-v. colch. coloc. dig. hep. iod. ipec. kreos. merc. merc-c. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb. rhus. staph. sulph. (Compare DYSENTERY). Loose (See DYSENTERIC). Painful. Carb-v. jalap. merc. petr. plumb. sulph. verat. (Compare DIARRHEA, with colic, tenesmus, &c.) Painless. Bar-m. chin. cin. clem. hyos. nitr. sulph. mgs. Stercoral matter (of). Cin. gran. hep. led. mosch. mur- ac. plumb. prun. spig. Violent. Cupr. iat. iod. magn-m. mez. tab. verat. DIARRHEA which manifests it- self. (Compare Sect. 1, CLI- NICAL REMARKS). Acid things (from). Lach. Cold (after taking). Bell. bry. caus. cham. chin. dulc. merc. n-mos. n-vom. op. puls. sulph. verat. Coolness of the evening (in the). Merc. Damp weather (in). Lach. rhod. Day and night. Sulph. Drinking (after). Ars. cin. Evening (in the). Caus. kal. lach. (in the coolness of the). Merc. -Fruits (after partaking of). Chin, cist. lach, rhod. Meal (after a). Am-c. ars. 444 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FECES. bor. chin. coloc. fer-mg. lach. DIARRHEA with: verat. DIARRHEA which manifests it- self: Milk (after partaking of). Bry. lyc. natr. sep. sulph. Morning (in the). Bry. cap. Night (at). Anac. ars. aur. bor. bry. canth. caps. caus. cham. chel. chin. cinn. dulc. grat. kal. lach. merc. mosch. puls. rhus. sulph. tab. verat. (when sleeping). Arn. mosch. puls. rhus. Warm weather (during). Lach. DIARRHEA with (Compare Sect. 1, CLINICAL REMARKS): Abdomen (distended, in- flated). Graph. sulph. verat. Anguish, anxiety. Ant. lach. merc. Anus (excoriation of the). Cham. fer. merc. sass. Appetite (loss of). N-mos. Back (pains in the). Fer. Cephalalgia. Rhus. Coldness. Spig. Colic, cutting. Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. ars, asa. bar-c. bor. bov. bry. cann. canth. caps. cast. cham. coloc. con. cop. crot. dig dulc. euphorb. hell. hep. ind. ipec. jalap. kal. kal-h. lach. magn. merc. merc-c. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. nic. n-vom. ol- an. petr. prun. puls. rat. rhab. rhus. sass. sil. spig. staph. stram. stront. sulph. tart. terb. tong. verat. mgs- aus. Constipation (alternately with). Ant. bry. iod. lach. n- vom. rhus. ruta. tart. Cries and tears in children. Carb-v. cham. ipec. jalap. rhab. senn. sulph. Dyspnea. Sulph. Eructations. Con. dulc. merc. Face (paleness of the). Fer-mg. • Flatulency. Fer-mg. Heat. Merc. Lassitude. Fer-mg. kal. Limbs (pains in the). Am- m. rhus. Listlessness. N-mos. Loins (pain in the). Kal-h. n-vom. Nausea. Ars. bell. gran. hell. ipec. lach. merc. Perspiration on the face (cold). Merc. Shiverings. Cast. cop. dig. merc. puls. sulph. Shuddering. Merc. puls. Sleep (desire to). N-mos. Sleep. N-mos. Stomach (pain in the). Bell. bry. pæon. Tenesmus. Ars. lach. merc. n-vom. Thirst. Ars. dulc. magn-s. Trembling. Merc. Urine (profuse). Acon. Vomitings. Æth. ant. ars. asar. bell. coloc. cupr. dulc. eug. iat. ipec. lach. phos. rhab. sen. stram. tart. verat. DYSENTERY. See Sect. 1. EVACUATION of fæces: Difficult. Agn. alum. am-c. ant. asa. bar-c. bry. calc. camph. carb-v, casc. caus. chin. cocc. colch. grat. hep. ign. kal. kal-h. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m. mang. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-n. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. & 1 SECT. 2. EVACUATIONS. 445 n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. puls. rhod. sass. sep. sil. staph. stront. tar. thuy. mgs- arc. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sass. sen. sep. sil. spong. staph. stront. sulph-ac. (Compare Difficult EVACUATIONS and HARDNESS.) EVACUATION of fæces (Difficult): | EVACUATION of fæces : Caus. (better when standing). (though the fæces are soft). Anac. carb-v. chin. diad. hep. n-mos. rhod. Frequent. See Several TIMES a-day. Intermittent. Amb. calc. con. kal. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol- an. phos. rat. sabad. sulph. verb. Every second day only. Amb. calc. con. kal. natr-m. sulph. Involuntary. Acon. arg. arn. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. chin. cin. cap. dig. hyos. lach. laur. mur-ac. natr-m. oleand. op. phos. phos-ac. puls. sec. sulph. tart. zinc. flatus (when expelling). Fer-mg. night (at). Arn. sleeping (when). Arn. mosch. puls. rhus. ac. urinating (when). Mur- Insufficient. Bar-c. carb-v. colch. euphr. graph. kal. lach. magn-m. natr. n-vom. petr. sabad. sep. squill. sulph. zinc. par. Loose. See DIARRHEA. Profuse. Ang. aur. gran. ran. teuc. - Prompt, speedy. Ant. bar-c. cast. onis. viol-tric. Retarded, slow. Am-c. asa. colch. hyosc. lach. magn-m. natr-n. nic. nitr. n-mos. phos. Scanty. Alum. arg. bell. bry. calad. calc. chin. daph. eug. grat. hep. hyos. magn. magn-m. merc. merc-c. natr. natr-m. plat. rut. sabad. sass. sen. sep. stann. staph. terb. ther. Slow. See Retarded. Small. Acon. arn. bell. caps. eug. lach. mez. n-vom. Spouting out. Eug. Suppressed. See Constipa- tion. Times a-day (several). A- con. am-m. ang. arn. bor. calc. carb-an. chin. cic. cinn. coff. cyc. dros. gran. mang. mez. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. ol-an. par. petr. phos-ac. ran. ran-sc. sang. sen, sil. tar. (Compare DIARRHEA). Unnoticed. Ars. colch. lach. phos-ac. puls. staph. verat. m-aus. FORM AND CONSISTENCE of fæces: Balls (like little). Plumb. Fermented. Ipec. sabad. Flocks (with white). Ipec. squill. Frothy. Calc. coloc. iod. lach. magn. merc. natr-s. op. rhus. sulph-ac. Gelatinous. rhus. sep. Colch. hell. Hard. Acon. agar. agn. a- lum. am-c. am-m. ant. asa. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. cant. carb-an. casc. chel. cocc. con. cyc. euphr. graph. Dor M 446 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FACES. grat. guaj. hep. ign. iod. kal- h. lach. lam. laur. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s.| nic. nitr. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plumb. prun. ran. rat. rhus. rut. sa- bad. sass. sel. sen. sil. spig. spong. squill. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. thuy. verat. verb. viol-tric. zinc. mgs-arc. FORM AND CONSISTENCE of fæces (Hard): partly hard, partly li- quid. N-vom. at one time soft, at ano- ther time hard. Magn-s. Knotty. Bar-c. carb-an. caus. calc. chel. graph. iod. led. magn-m. mang. natr-s. petr. plumb. prun. sil. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. viol-od. -Large. Bry. graph. ign. kal. natr-n. n-vom. sulph-ac. thuy. verat. mgs-arc. Liquid. Æth. ang, arn, ars. calc. carb-v. chin. cic. clem. diad. lach. meph. mur-ac. nitr. oleand. onis. phell. phos. rat. rhab. sec. spig. staph. terb. verat. mgs-aus. Mashed, or like beat-up eggs. Cham. merc. n-mos. puls. sulph. sulph-ac. viol- tric. Pap (like). Agar. ant. arn. | asa. calad. calc. chin. cin. cyc. eug. euphr. iod. lach. lam. mang. mere. mez. ol- an. pæon. par. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhab. rhod. sel. sen. sil. | sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. terb. teuc. ther. val. zinc. Picces (in small). Am-c. Mou casc. guaj. magn-m. merc. phos-ac. rut. FORM AND fæces: Sandy. Eug. CONSISTENCE of Sheep-dung (like). Magn- m. plumb. rut. sep. verb. Small size (of a). Caus. graph. merc. mur-ac. staph. Soft. Acon. æth. agn. amb. am-m. anac. bar-c. bor. calc. carb-v. cinn. cocc. coff. graph. iod. lach. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. puls. ran-sc. rat. rhod. rut. sabin. sep. staph. tab. viol-tric. zinc. mgs-aus. bin. first soft, then hard. Sa- at one time soft, at ano- ther hard. Magn-s. HARDNESS OF THE FACES. See FORM AND CONSISTENCE of fæces. LIENTERIA. See Sect. 1. OBSTRUCTION of the abdomen. Agn. asa. bry. calc. caus. cocc. con. daph. dulc. graph. kal. lyc. magn. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. staph. sulph. ve- rat. mys-arc. (Compare CoN- STIPATION and Intermittent EVACUATION.) induration of the liver (with). Graph. RELAXATION of the abdomen. Calc. graph. gran. kreos. natr-m. phos. sulph-ac. (Com- pare DIARRHEA and frequent EVACUATIONS.) SMELL of the fæces: Cadaverous, corpse-like. Bis. sil. stram. carb-v. Mouldy. Coloc. SECT. 2. EVACUATIONS.. 447 SMELL of the fæces: Offensive. Ars. asa. calc. calc-ph. eug. fer-mg. lach. merc-c. nitr-ac. op. par. phos- ac. plumb. ran-sc. rhab. squill. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. teuc. Putrid. Ars. bry. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc.coloc. graph. merc. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. par. sec. sep. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. Sour. Arn. calc. coloc. magn. merc. graph. hep. rhab. sep. sulph. SUBSTANCES evacuated: Acrid, corrosive (with exco- riation at the anus). Ars. cham. fer. lach. merc. puls. sass. verat. Bilious. Eth. ars. cin. dulc. ipec. merc. merc-c. puls. Blood (coated with). Con. magn-m. n-vom. squill. thuy. Burned (as if). Bry. Burning. Ars. lach. merc. Clay (like). Calc. Corrosive. See ACRID. Digested (not), ingesta. Arn. ars. asar. bry. calc. cham. chin. con. fer. lach. merc. nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. phos. phos-ac. squill. sulph. at night, or after a meal. Chin. Dry. Arg. hep. kreos. mang. nitr-ac. phos. stann. terb. zinc. Gelatinous. Colch. hell. rhus. sep. Membranes Canth. colch. (with false). Mucus mixed with blood. Arn. caps. carb-v. cast. dros. graph. hep. ign. iod. lach. magn-m, merc, merc-c. n-vom. petr. puls. sabad. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. SUBSTANCES evacuated : Pitch (like tar or). Ipec. lach. merc. n-vom. Purulent. Arn. calc-ph.? iod. lach. sulph. Sandy. Arg. Sanguinolent. Arn. ars. canth. caps. carb-v. colch. coloc. cupr. daph. dulc. ipec. jalap. kreos. lach. merc. merc- c. natr. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phos. plumb. rat. rhus. tart. val. verat. slimy. See Mucus mixed with blood. Slimy. Am-m. ang. arn. ars. asar. bar-m. bell. bor. canth. caps. carb-v. casc. cast. cham. chel. chin. colch. coloc. dig. dulc. fer. gran. graph. grat. hell. hyos. iod. ipec. laur. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. ruta. sec. sep. spig. squill. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. Threads, like hairs (with). Sel. Undigested. (See not DI- GESTED). · Viscous. Caus. lach. merc. plumb. sass. Watery. Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bis. calc. cham. chin. dig. dulc. fer. hyos. iat. ipec. lach. mur-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. ran-sc. rhus. sec. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. Worms (with). See WORMS, HELMINTHIASIS). TENESMUS. See Sect. 5. 448 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FECES. SECTION 3.-CONDITIONS OF THE EVACUATIONS and Symptoms of the Anus. arrhæa. Bry. lyc. natr. sep. sulph. ACID THINGS (After partaking | MILK (After partaking of), di- of), diarrhea. Lach. CHILL or taking cold (After a). Diarrhæa. Bell. bry. caus. cham. chin. dulc. merc. natr. n-mos. n-vom. op. puls. sulph. verat. COOLNESS of the evening (in the), diarrhæa. Merc. DAMP weather (During), diarr- hæa. Lach. rhod. DAY and night, Sulph. DRINKING (After), (After), diarrhea. diarrhæa. Ars. cin. ERECTIONS (Pain in the perinæ- um during). Alum. EVENING (In the), pain in the anus. Iod. plat. Diarrhea. Caus. kal. lach. Desire to evacuate. Bis. FRUIT (After partaking of), diarrhea. Chin. cist. lach. rhod. HORSEBACK (Excoriation, fol- lowed by blisters, from rid- ing on). Carb-an. MEAL (After a), pain in the anus. Lyc. Diarrhea. Am-c. ars. bor. chin. coloc. fer-mg. lach. ve- rat. MEDITATION (During), pain in the anus. N-vom. caus. MORNING (In the), diarrhea. Bry. cop. MOVEMENT and walking (Dur- ing), desire to evacuate. Rhab. NIGHT (At), pain in the anus. Am-c. Diarrhæa. Anac. ars. aur. bor. bry. canth. caps. caus. cham. chel. chin. cin. dulc. grat. kal. lach. merc. mosch. puls. rhus, sulph. tab. verat. Evacuation (involuntary). Arn. Evacuate (desire to). Merc. puls. Tenesmus. Merc. SEATED (When), pain in the anus. Am-c. am-m. phos. ther. SLEEPING (When), evacuation. Arn. mosch. puls. rhus. URINATING (When), involuntary evacuation. Mur-ac. Prolapsus recti. Mur-ac. WALKING (When), pain in the perinæum. Am-m. caus. WARM Weather (Diarrhæafrom). Lach. SECT. 4.-CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS of Evacuations. ABDOMEN (Distension of the), | ABDOMEN (Pain in the). See during evacuation. Lyc. COLIC. SECT. 4. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 449 ABDOMEN (Retraction of the), | during evacuation. Agar. ABDOMEN (Weakness of the), during evacuation. Plat. ANGUISH, anxiety: Before evacuation. bar-c. caus. kal. Amb. During evacuation. Verat. After evacuation. Caus. ANTHROPOPHOBIA : Before the evacuation. Ant. ANUS (Constriction of the), af- ter evacuation. Mez. mgs. ANUS (Contraction of the), dur- ing the evacuation. Thuy. ANUS (Pain in the): Before the evacuation. Carb- an. carb-v. merc. oleand. phos. rat. spong. During the evacuation. A- con. æth. ang. ant. ars. bar-c. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. cast. caus. chel. cocc. crot. dulc. euphorb. grat. hell. hep. ipec. lach. laur. merc. merc-c. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phell. puls. rhus. sass. sel. senn. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. sulph. tab. terb. thuy. tong. After evacuation. Alum. caps. cast. caus. grat. hep. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. merc. mez. mgs. natr. natr-m. ole- and. ol-an. pæon. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. rat. rhab. sen. senn. stront. sulph. tab. tart. terb. teuc. mgs. BACK (Pains in the), during evacuation. - Puls. BLOOD. See EMISSION of blood. BURNING in the anus: During evacuation. Lach. merc. puls. | CEPHALALGIA after the evacua- tion. Rat. COLIC, CUTTINGS, PAINS IN THE ABDOMEN, &C. : Before the evacuation. Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. ars. asar. bar-c. bry. caps. carb-v. casc. cast. cinn. dig. dulc. eug. hell. merc. nic. nitr-ac. ol- an. petr. puls. rat. rhab. rhus. stann. staph. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. verat. viol- tric. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. During the evacuation. Æth. agar. ang. ars. bor. bov. bry. cann. carb-v. cham. con. di- ad. dulc. dros. eug. euphorb. hell. ign. ind. lach. magn. mang. merc. merc-c. nitr. n- vom. ol-an. rhab. sass. sel. sep. sulph. terb. verat. zinc. (Compare DIARRHEA, with colic.) After the evacuation. Amb. agar. am-c. arg. bov. carb-v. canth. ol-an. puls. rhab. staph. tong. verat. zinc. CONGESTION in the head: After the evacuation. Lach. CONSTRICTION of the anus dur- ing evacuation. Lach. CONTRACTION of the anus, dur- ing evacuation. Thuy. After evacuation. Ign. DEJECTION after evacuation. Calc. nitr-ac. phos. DISTENSION of the abdomen : During the evacuation. Lyc. EMISSION of blood : During the evacuation. A- lum. amb. am-c. am-m. a- nac. asar. calc. carb-v. casc. caus. kal. lam. lyc. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. phos. plat. prun. puls. rut. sel. sep. 450 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FECES. sulph-ac. thuy. zinc. (Com- | HEART (Palpitation of the): pare Sect. 5, HÆMORRHOIDS, and Sect. 2, Sanguinolent SUBSTANCES.) EMISSION of mucus : After the evacuation. Alum. kal. lach. lyc. magn-m. merc. n-vom.sel. spig. sulph. (Com- pare Slimy SUBSTANCES, Sect. 2.) After the evacuation. Asar. phos. sel. ERECTIONS: Before the evacuation. Thuy. During the evacuation. Ign. EVACUATE (desire to). See DE- SIRE, Sect. 1.) EXCITABILITY after the evacua- tion. Nitr-ac. FACE (Heat in the), during the evacuation. Gran. FAINTING during the evacua- tion. Sass. During evacuation. Tart. After evacuation. Caus. con. INGUINA (Pains in the), during evacuation. Laur. IRRITABILITY before evacuation. Calc. ITCHING in the anus, during evacuation. Sil. sulph. LASSITUDE after evacuation. Calc. coloc. LOINS (Pain in the), during the evacuation. Carb-an. kal- h. rut. After the evacuation. Tab. MUCUS. See EMISSION of mucus. NAUSEA before the evacuation. Acon. gran. rhus. After. Acon. During. Hell. PAINS. See ANUS, RECTUM, Co- LIC, &c. PALPITATIONS. See HEART. FERMENTATION in the abdomen. PROLAPSUS recti. See RECTUM. Gran. FLATULENCY before the evacua- tion. Carb-an. cast. spong. tart. viol-tric. (Compare FLA- TUS.) FLATUS (Emission of), during the evacuation. Agar. asa. bor. calc-ph. fer-mg. phell. sabin. squill. staph. viol-tric. mgs. After. Con. HEMORRHOIDS (Bleeding), dur- ing evacuation. Nitr-ac. Com- pare EMISSION of blood.) HÆMORRHOIDS (Painful), during the evacuation. Caps. rhus. After the evacuation. Am-c. graph. mgs. HÆMORRHOIDS (Protrusion of), during evacuation. Alum. calc. phos-ac. rat. rhus. PROSTATIC FLUID (Emission of), during and after the evacua- tion. See Chap. XIX. PULSATIONS, throbbing in the anus, after the evacuation. Lach. RECTI (Prolapsus), during eva- cuation. Ars. asar. calc. dulc. gran. ign. lach. merc. mez. rut. sep. sulph. After evacuation. Merc. RECTUM (Heat in the), after evacuation. Gran. RECTUM (Pain in the), before evacuation. N-vom. puls. During evacuation. Caus. con. coloc. gran. grat. ign. lạch. mang. mang. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-vom. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. After evacuation. Asar. grat. SECT. 5. SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS. 451 kal. natr. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. sen. (Com- pare ANUS and the particular pains, Sect. 5). SHIVERING before the evacua- tion. Bar-c. cast. dig. mez. After evacuation. Mez. SHIVERING, dread of an apo- plectic fit, and paleness of the face during the evacua- tion. Verat. lach. laur. merc. merc-c. natr. nic. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. rhus. sel. senn. sep. spong. sulph. tab. TENESMUS : After evacuation. Caps. ipec. merc. phell. phos. phos-ac. rhab. senn. sulph. tab. TREMBLING, before evacuation. Merc. After evacuation. Con. SHUDDERING before evacuation. URINE (Emission of), after eva- cuation. See Chap. XVIII. Mez. During evacuation. Rhab. VOMITINGS before evacuation. verat. After evacuation. Mez. plat. STOMACH (Pain in the), during evacuation. Agar. TEARING, after evacuation. Calc. TENESMUS, before evacuation. Merc. During evacuation. Acon. æth. ars. bell. calc. crot. eu- phorb. grat. hell. hep. ipec. Tart. Arg. During evacuation. (Compare DIARRHEA, with vomiting.) After evacuation. Eug. WEAKNESS during evacuation. Verat. After. Chin, con. lach. YAWNINGS : Before evacuation. Cast. SECTION 5.-SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS. Rectum and Perinæum. ASCARIDES. Acon. asar. calc. chin. cin. fer. graph. ign. magn. magn-s. merc. n-vom. phos. plat. spig. spong, squill. sulph. teuc. val. BLACKNESS of the rectum. Merc. BLOOD. See EMISSION of blood. BORING in the rectum. Val. BURNING in the anus. Am-c. alum. ang. ant. ars. bar-c. bry. caps. calc. carb-an. carb- v. cast. cocc. colch. euphorb. gran. graph. iod. kal. lach. laur. mur-ac. natr. nic. n- vom. nitr-ac. op. oleand. onis. puls. rat. sass. sep. staph. stront. sulph. terb. thuy. verat. zinc. BURNING in the anus : Buttocks (between the). Thuy. gran. Evacuation (During). See Sect. 4. Perinæum (in the). Gran. Rectum (in the). Ars. calc. canth. carb-an. con. gran. grat. kal. mur-ac. natr. natr- m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. CHAPS. See RHAGADES. CLAWING, Squeezing as if from a claw, in the arms. Phell. 452 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FACES. CLOSED (Sensation as if the anus were). Lach. plumb. mgs. CONDYLOMATA in the anus. Nitr-ac. thuy. CONGESTION in the anus. Sep. sulph-ac. CONSTRICTIVE pains. Mez. natr-m. n-vom. thuy. mgs. mgs-aus. CONTRACTION (Pain as if from). Ang. bor. ign. mang. plumb. sec. thuy. Perinæum. Sep. EMISSION of blood at a time different from that of evacua- tion : Sanguinolent and sanious matter (of). Natr-m. Thick. Ang. EMISSION of mucus, at a time different from that of evacua- tion. Alum. ant. ars. bor. chin. colch. graph. lach. merc. merc-c. mur-ac. natr- m. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sabin. stram. val. zinc. (Com- pare HÆMORRHoids.) Rectum. Bor, calc. coloc. ERUPTION in the anus. Calc. n-vom. sep. CONTRACTION in the rectum (Sensation of). Natr-m. n- vom. kal. lyc. Burning and grouped. Calc. Itching. Lyc. Ulcerated. Kal. CORROSION, in the anus. Ang. EXCORIATION in the anus. Am- spong. CRACKS. See RHAGADES. CRAWLING, tickling, &c., in the anus. Agar. amb. chin. colch. croc. gran. ign. natr. n-vom. plat. rhus. sabin. sel. spig. terb. teuc. zinc. Rectum. Calc. fer-mg. n- vom. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. spong. tart. DRAWINGS, in the anus and perinæum. Cyc. Rectum. Kreos. mang. rhod. EMISSION of blood at a time different from that of evacua- tion. Am-c. ant. asar. bor. calc. coloc. ign. lach. lyc. merc. merc-c. mur-ac. natr- m. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sabin. stram. val. zinc. (Com pare HÆMORRHOIDES.) clotted. Merc-c. stram. deep black. Ant. asar. merc-c. red (bright). Casc. merc. zinc. c. ars. bar-c. calc. carb-an. hep. kal. merc. natr-m. nitr- ac. sulph. Buttocks (Between the). Calc. natr-m. sep. m. when walking. Natr- Perinæum. Carb-v. rhod. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), in the anus. Ars. caus. graph. hep. ign. n-vom. phell. puls. sass. spong. zinc. Rectum. Am-m. ars. grat. lyc. n-vom. puls. EXCORIATION, followed by blisters, from riding on horse- back. Carb-a. FISTULA in the rectum. See Sect. 1. FURUNCULUS in the perinæum. Ant. GAPING of the anus (Con- tinued). Phos. HEMORRHOIDAL pimples, in the anus. Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arn. ars. bar-c. bor. caps. SECT. 5. SYMPTOMS OF THE ANUS. 453 carb-a. carb-v. caus. coloc. cupr. fer. graph. kal. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. phos. puls. sulph. sulph- ac. HÆMORRHOIDAL pimples : Rectum. Ars. calc. caus. coloc. hep. lyc. phos. phos-ac. sep. stront. HÆMORRHOIDAL pimples : Bleeding. Acon. am-c. ant. bor. carb-v. chin. cupr. fer. kal. lach. mill. nitr-ac. phos. phos. puls. sep. sulph. mur-ac. Blind. Ant. cupr. fer. grat. n-vom. puls. verat. mgs. Bluish. Carb-v. mur-ac. Burning. Ant. ars. carb-an. lach. sulph-ac. Congestion in the (With). Lach. calc. anus Cracked. Cham. caus. Crawling (with). Ant. Incisive pains (with). Lach. Itching. Ars. graph. sulph- ac. Large. Graph. Moist. See OOZING. Oozing. Sulph. sulph-ac. Painful. Alum. anac. ars. carb-v. caus. cham. coloc. graph. natr-m. n-vom. sabin. stront. Caus. meditation (during). night (at). Ars. seated or lying down (when). Phos. walking (when). Caus. Protruding. Calc. caus. hep. lyc. merc. phos. phos-ac. puls. rat. rhus. sep. sulph. Shooting. Ars. bar-c. kal. natr-m. sulph-ac. HÆMORRHOIDAL pimples : Swollen. Ang. calc. carb-v. caus. coloc. mur-ac. ac. natr- Ulcerated. Cham. HEAT in the rectum. Con. HERPES in the anus. Natr-m. anus. Perinæum. Petr. INCISIVE pains in the Caus. kal. laur. natr. staph. Evacuation (During). See Sect. 4, Pains in the ANUS. Rectum. Caus. lyc. mang. natr. INERTIA, Inactivity of the rec- tum. Alum. Alum. anac. camph. chin. crot. kal. mur-ac. n- vom. rut. verat. ITCHING in the anus. Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. bar-c. bor. calc. carb-v. caus. colch. croc. fer-mg. graph. ign. gran. grat. kal. lyc. merc. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhus. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph. teuc. zinc. Perinæum. Agn. gran. n- vom. petr. tar. Rectum. Amb. bor. calc. fer-mg. gran. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sep. sel. spig. sulph. LUMBRICI. Acon. bar-c. bell. chin. cic. cin. graph. hyos. kal. lyc. magn. merc. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. sabad. sil. spig. sulph. terb. MOISTURE. See OOZING. MUCUS. See EMISSION of mucus. OoZING. Bar-c. carb-an. carb-v. nitr-ac. V. Perinæum. Carb-an. carb- Rectum. Anac. carb-v. sep. Smarting. Am-c. puls. gs. OPEN. See GAPING. 454 CHAP. XVII. ANUS AND FECES. PAINS in the rectum. Acon. caus. con. n-vom. sen. om. PARALYSIS in the anus. Acon. bell. coloc. hyos. laur. Intestinal canal. Phos. PERSPIRATION in the perinæum. Hep. fer-mg. gran. ign. kal. lyc. magn. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. tart. SMARTING in the anus. Ant. dulc. grat. mur-ac. phos-ac. puls. verat. mgs. PIMPLES (Hæmorrhoidal). See- HÆMORRHOIDAL. PINCHING in the rectum. Sabad. PRESSURE in the anus. Acon. ant. bar-c. chel. chin. cyc. lach. laur, nitr. n-vom. ol-an. phell. phos. puls. sen. spig. staph. tong. verb. zinc. Evacuation (during). See Sect. 4. Perinæum. Alum. cyc. n- vom. Rectum. Arn. chin. n-vom. phos. sen. PROLAPSUS recti. Ars. calc. colch. ign. lyc. merc. mez. natr-m. plumb. rut. sep. sulph. ther. mgs. Evacuation (During). See Sect. 4. Rectum. Ign. mur-ac. natr- m. phos-ac. puls. SPASMODIC pains in the rectum. Kreos. prun. SPASMS in the anus. Colch. STOPPAGE of the anus. N- vom. SWELLING in the anus. Graph. n-vom. sulph. TANIA. Calc. carb-a. carb-v. fil. frag. gran. graph. kal. magn-m. merc. natr. phos. petr. plat. sabad. stann. sulph. tereb. TEARINGS in the anus. Colch. kal. natr-m. phos-ac. zinc. Evacuation (during). See Sect. 4, Pains in the ANUS. Rectum. Kal. natr-m. phos- ac. rut. sabad. sep. thuy. Urinating (When). Mur- TENESMUS, contraction, squeez- ac. RHAGADES in the anus. Agn. graph. (Compare Sect 1.) RETRACTION, Anus. Plumb. RUMBLING, Gurgling in the rectum. Mang. SHOOTING pains. See SHOOT- INGS. ing, &c. Acon. æth. ars. bell. calc. caps. crot. euphorb. gran. grat. hell. hep. ipec. lach. laur. merc. merc-c. natr. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhab. rhus. sel. senn. sep. spong, sulph. tab. TENSION in the anus. Lyc. sep. Rectum. Sep. SHOOTINGS in the anus. Acon. ars. bor. carb-an. carb-v. chin. con. croc. gran. grat. ign. kal. magn. merc. natr-THROBBINGS, Pulsations. Anus. m. n-vom. phos. sep. sil. Grat. lach. rhod. spong. sulph. zinc. Rectum, Natr-m. Evacuation (During). See | TORN AWAY (Pain as if some- Sect. 4, Pains in the ANus. Perinæum. Alum, natr. Rectum. Bor, carb-an. chin. thing were), Anus. Calc. ULCER in the anus. Kal. pæon. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 455 ULCERATION (Pain as if from), Anus and Perinæum. Cyc. VERMICULOUS Symptoms. See ASCARIDES, LUMBRICI, TENIA, and Compare Chap. XVI. HELMINTHIASIS. CHAPTER XVIII. AFFECTIONS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. BLENNORRHÆA of the VESICA.-See CATARRH of the Vesica. BLENNORRHEA of the URETHRA.-See GONORRHÆA. CALCULUS and GRAVEL.-The medicines that have been found most efficacious in these affections, either relieving, or curing them by the expulsion of a great quantity of gravel with the urine, are: Calc. cann. n-vom. petr. phos. uva. Perhaps in some cases, recourse may be also had to: Canth. nitr-ac. n-mos. zinc. The medicines that have been most successfully employed against CALCULUS in VESICA or the Stone, are especially: Cann. sass. and uva. For RENAL calculus: Lyc. and sass. have been administered with the greatest success. CATARRH of the vesica.-The best medicines are, according to circumstances: Dulc. puls. sulph. or again: Ant. calc. con. kal. n-vom. phos.-See also CYSTITIS and DYSURIA. CONTRACTION of the urethra.-Against organic contractions, caused by callosities, a preference may be given to: Clem. dig. dulc. petr. sulph. or else: Puls. CYSTITIS or inflammation of the vesica.-The medicines, among which an efficacious remedy for this disease may be most frequently found, are: Acon. camph. cann. canth. dig. n- vom. puls. or again: Calc. graph. hyos. kal. lyc. mez. sep. sulph. ACONITUM is especially indicated if there are: Violent fever with thirst, frequent and urgent desire to urinate, with no emission, or with emission of only a few drops of deep-coloured red and turbid, or else sanguinolent urine; painful tenderness of the vesical region, especially when touched, with aggravation of the pains when urinating. CAMPHORA, if the complaint results from ABUSE or Cantha- RIDES, either in the form of a vesicatorium, or in any other manner; or else, if there is complete retention of urine, or slow emission of urine in a slender stream, with burning in the urethra and vesica. 456 CHAP. XVIII. URINARY ORGANS. CANNABIS, frequently after acon. especially if there is com- plete retention of urine; or else, if the desire to urinate mani- fests itself especially at night, with burning pains, when urinating; or emission, drop by drop, of sanguinolent urine. CANTHARIS, if there are: Violent, but ineffectual desire to urinate, or with emission of only some drops of saturated urine; shooting and burning pains in the vesical region, espe- cially before and after the emission of urine; or else, incisive pains from the loins to the vesica; distension of the abdomen, which is tender when touched, especially in the region of the vesica. DIGITALIS, when the neck of the vesica is principally af- fected, and when there is retention of urine, with constrictive pain in the vesica, or frequent or painful desire to urinate, with emission of only a few drops of deep-coloured and turbid urine. DULCAMARA, especially in chronic affections of the vesica, if there are continued desire to urinate, with unpleasant sensa- tion of a flow towards the vesical region and urethra; emission, drop by drop, of urine which deposits a slimy sediment, or which is mixed with sanguinolent corpuscula. (Kal. or phos. is some- times suitable after: dulc.) NUX-VOM. if there is: frequent desire to urinate, with vio- lent pains, during and after a scanty emission of urine, which is sometimes also discharged drop by drop; burning pain in the urethra and vesica, or else in the loins; contractive pain in the urethra after urinating, especially if the patient has in- dulged too freely in spirituous liquors, or if the disease is joined with hæmorrhoidal affections. PULSATILLA, if the desire to urinate is accomplished by pres- sive, burning, and incisive pains in the region of the vesica ; with heat and redness of that part, and often with complete retention of urine, or scanty and painful emission of excessively slimy urine, or emission of sanguinolent urine, with purulent sediment. SULPHUR, in many most obstinate cases, or when none of the preceding medicines is quite sufficient, and especially if the urine is mixed with mucus or blood, with burning in the urethra when urinating. (Calc. is often suitable after sulph. especially if the complaint is caused by the suppression of hæmorrhoids; and if calc. is insufficient against the burning pains, ars. or carb-v. may be administered.) For the remainder of the medicines cited, see their PATHO- GENESY, and the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4, 5.—Compare also DYSURIA, HEMATURIA, ISCHURIA, and NEPHRITIS. DIABETES.-Carb-v. led. natr-m. phos-ac. have been princi- SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 457 pally recommended; but in the case of the last-named medicine alone, there are four authenticated instances of its having accomplished the cure of a kind of dysuria, which is charac- terized by milky urine, such as is sometimes seen alternately with watery and colourless urine in diabetes mellitus. In other cases, perhaps, recourse may be had also to: Bar-m. con. magn. meph. and especially; Merc. and sulph. DYSURIA, STRANGURY, &c.-The best medicines against these irritations of the urinary organs are, in general: Acon. bell. camph. cann. cunth. coloc. dulc. hep. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. or again : Arn. ars. aur. berb? calc. con. dig. hyos. kal. n-mos. phos. sass. staph. If these sufferings are the result of a CHILL, a preference may be given to: Acon. bel. dulc. or again to: Merc. n-vom. puls. After a chill in the water especially: Puls. sass. or else: Calc. or sulph. After the abuse of SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS: N-vom. or else: Puls. sulph. After abuse of CANTHARIDES: Camph. or again: Acon. puls. In persons subject to HÆMORRHOIDS, or after the SUPPRES- SION of a cronic Hæmorrhoidal discharge: N-vom. puls. sulph. or again: Acon. ars. calch. carb-v. lach. merc. In PREGNANT FEMALES, or females subject to DYSMENOR- RHEA Cocc. phos-ac. puls. or again: Con. n-vom. sulph. IN CHILDREN: Acon. bell. merc. n-vom. puls. ; and if it is the consequence of a FALL, or of a blow on the back, or ab- domen: Arn.-After a FRIGHT: Acon. For the details, See CYSTITIS and NEPHRITIS, and Compare ISCHURIA. : ENURESIS.-Incontinence of Urine.-PARALYTIC enuresis re- quires especially Cic. mgs-aus. or, perhaps, again: Acon. ars. bell. caus? dulc. hyos. lach. laur. magn? natr-m? petr? zinc ? (Compare Sect. 5, PARALYSIS of the vesica, and Sect. 2, In- voluntary emission of urine.) Against SPASMODIC enuresis, the medicines most frequently indicated are: Bell. caus. cin. con. hyos. ign.magn. natr-m. puls. rhus. or again: Bar-c. bry. lach. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. rut. spong. sulph. (Compare Sect. 5, SPASMS and TENESMUS of the vesica.) NOCTURNAL enuresis (wetting the bed), mostly finds a remedy among: Ars. bell. carb-v. cin. puls. sep. sil. sulph. or else among: Am-c. arn. calc. caus. chin. cin. con. graph. hep. petr. natr. ruta. mgs-aus. See also, Sect. 2, Involuntary EMISSION of urine. FISTULA URINARIA.-The medicines which merit a prefer- ence, are: Ars. calc. sil. sulph. VOL. II. X 458 CHAP. XVIII. URINARY ORGANS. GONORRHOEA.-The principal medicine in the inflammatory period is Cann. of which a dose of one drop (teinture mère), should be administered morning and evening, or else from 3 to 6 globules of the 3rd., 6th., or 9th., attenuation, should be dissolved in 8 ounces of water, and a spoon-full of this solu- tion should be taken morning and evening. In the majority of cases, a perceptible diminution of the in- flammatory symptoms will be obtained by this treatment at the end of a few days, without having recourse to any other medi- cines, especially if the patient keeps himself perfectly quiet, complete rest being the indispensable condition of a speedy cure. When the inflammatory symptoms have disappeared, the cure will frequently be completed by merc. (3rd trituration) or by sulph. or else by these two medicines administered alter- nately. Merc. is especially indicated if the running is greenish and puriform, while sulph. is better suited to a serous, whitish discharge. There are, however, also cases in which it will be necessary to have recourse to other medicines, such as canth. if the in- flammation is violent, with Ischuria, priapismus, painful erections, &c. and when cannab. is insufficient against that state; or else petros. if the strangury which sometimes succeeds will neither yield to cann. nor to merc. nor to sulph. For SECONDARY gonorrhoea, especially when the previous treatment has consisted in large doses of balsam of copaiba, or of cubeba, the most suitable medicines are: Sulph. or merc. or else: Caps. fer. nitr-ac. natr-m. n-vom. sep. thuy.-Caps. is especially indicated if the running is whitish and thick, like cream, with scalding when urinating; and if caps. is insuffi- cient, the cure will be often completed by fer. or n-vom. If there are, at the same time, CONDYLOMATA in the genital organs, Nitr-ac. thuy. or cinn. must be preferred; though merc. and sulph. administered alternately, frequently remove both the gonorrhoea and the condylomata. When there is a complication of GONORRHOEA and CHANCRES, recourse must be had to merc. immediately, whether the go- norrhoea be primitive or secondary. Besides the medicines cited: Agn. con. cop. cub. dulc. hep. led. lyc. merc-c. mez. petr. sil. have also been recommended. With respect to the affections produced by SUPPRESSING the discharge, such as articular RHEUMATISM, ORCHITIS, OPTHAL- MIA, &c. See these affections in their respective chapters. HÆMATURIA.-The medicines most frequently indicated are: Arn. ars. cann, canth. chin. ipec. lyc. merc. mez. mill. puls. or SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 459 again: Calc. con. sulph. (Compare also CYSTITIS and DYSURIA, and likewise Sect. 3, DISCHARGE of blood from the urethra. HÆMORRHOIDES vesicæ.-The most eligible medicines are : N-vom. puls. sulph. or again: Acon. ars. calc. carb-v. lach. merc. Compare also Dysuria. ISCHURIA.-Against SPASMODIC retention of urine, a prefe- rence may be given to : N-vom. op. puls. or perhaps again to: Aur. canth. con. hyos. lach. rhus. verat. (Compare DYSURIA, and also Sect. 5, SPASMS and TENESMUS of the vesica). Against INFLAMMATORY ischuria, principally: Acon. cann. canth. n-vom. puls. &c. (Compare CYSTITIS and DYSURIA). Against PARALYTIC ischuria: Ars. dulc. hyos. &c. (Compare Sect. 5, PARALYSIS of the vesica). LITHIASIS.-See CALCULUS. NEPHRITIS and NEPHRALGIA.-The medicines that have been hitherto employed with most success are: Bell.cann. canth. n-vom. puls. and perhaps: Alum. berb. colch, hep. lyc. sass. may be also used. BELLADONNA is especially indicated if there are shooting pains in the kidneys, extending along the urethra into the vesica, with periodical aggravation, great anguish and colic. (If bell. is insufficient, hep. will be often suitable). CANNABIS, if there is a drawing pain from the kidneys to the pubis, with great anxiety and uneasiness. CANTHARIS, if the pains are shooting, tearing and incisive, with painful emission of a few drops of water only, or complete ischuria; or else if the urine is mixed with blood. NUX-VOм. if the complaint is occasioned by the suppression of hæmorrhoids, or by abdominal congestion, with tension, distension and pressure in the region of the kidneys. PULSATILLA, if the disease manifests itself with amenorrhæa, or too scanty catamenia in delicate persons, of a mild and phleg- matic temperament; or else if there is sanguinolent urine with purulent sediment. ISCHURIA. Compare also: CYSTITIS, DYSURIA, HÆMATUria, and PARALYSIS of the vesica.-See Sect. 5. POLYPUS of the vesica.-There is on record only one instance of this complaint being cured by homoeopathy; and calc. was the medicine administered in that case. Perhaps staph. may also be found useful sometimes. RETENTION of urine.-Compare Sect. 5, same word, and See ISCHURIA. STRANGURY.-See DYSURIA and STRANGURY, and also Sect. 2, EMISSION of urine, drop by drop. THICKENING (Epaississement) of the vesica.-Dulc. merc. and x 2 460 CHAP. XVIII. URINARY ORGANS. puls. appear to be eligible medicines in the treatment of this affection. See also CATARRH of the vesica and CYSTITIS. URETHRITIS.-See GONORRHEA. SECTION 2. URINE. COLOUR of the urine: Blackish. Colch. Brown. Acon. amb. ant. arn. ars. asa. bell. bry. calc. colch. dig. dros. lach. merc. nitr-ac. petr. prun. puls. sulph-ac. tart. Brown (deep). Caus. colch. dig. nitr-ac. petr. puls. tart. Chesnut. Kreos. Clay (of). Anac. berb. cor. fer-mg. sabad. sass. sulph-ac. zinc. Clear. Ant. arum. colch. coloc. dulc. euphr. ign. lach. magn-s. natr-m. nitr. (Com- pare YELLOW, &c.) Deep. Ars. bell. calc. calc- ph. canth. carb-v. hep. iod. lach. eug. graph. hell. chin. colch. dig. lyc. merc. natr. nitr-ac. op. rhus. sel. sep. squill. staph. stront. sulph. verat. mgs-arc. (Compare BROWN, RED, &c.) Greenish. Ars. camph. iod. magn. magn-s. ol-an. rhab. ruta. verat. Lemon-coloured, (Yellow). See Clear YELLOW. Milk-white. Aur. berb. iod. phos-ac. Orange-coloured. See Clear YELLOW. Pale. Æth. bell. berb. canth. caus. chel. hep. lam. magn. n-vom. ol-an. phell. phos. rat. sass. stront. COLOUR of the urine : Red, reddish. Acon. am-m. ant. bell. berb. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. colch. con. daph. dig. dulc. fer-mg. grat. hæm. hep. ipec. lach. merc. n-vom. petr. plat. plumb. puls. rhab. sass. sel. sep. squill. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. tong. Red (blood-). Bell. calc. carb-v. merc. rhus. sep. Red (Deep-). Ant. carb-v. hep. merc. sulph-ac. tart. White, whitish. Alum. am- c. berb. carb-v. cyc. dulc. merc. phos. sec. sulph. like milk. Aur. berb. iod. phos-ac. White (turbid, dirty). Cann. chin. con. cyc. rhus. Yellow (clear). Agar. ang. berb. carb-v. cham. natr. samb. tong. verat. prun. zinc. deep, like rotten eggs. Daph. DESIRE to urinate (URGENT and frequent). Acon. alum. amb. am-c. ant. arn. arg. asar. bar- c. bell. berb. bor. bov. bry. cann. caps. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. cin. coce. colch. con. cop. dros. eu- phorb. hell. hyos. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. men. meph. merc. mur- ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. SECT. 2. URINE. 461 ol-an. par. petr. petros. phos., DESIRE (URGENT or frequent), phos-ac. puls. rat. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill. stunn. staph. stram. sulph. tar. tart. thuy. verb. viol-tr. (Compare frequent EMISSION). DESIRE to urinate: Ineffectual. Arn. bor. canth. caps. chin. coloc. cop. dig. hell. n-vom. petros. sass. sep. verat. Profuse urine (with). Alum. arg. ars. bar-c. bell. carb-an. cin. colch. cyc. hell. kal-h. lach. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. rhus. samb. spig. spong. squill. stann. tar. thuy. verb. viol-tric. (Compare Frequent, Profuse, Increased EMISSION). Scanty urine (with). Am-c. ang. ant. caus. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. hell. hyos. kal. lam. lach. led. magn-m. men. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. rat. rut. sabad. sabin. sass. sil. staph. tart. (Compare Frequent and Infrequent EMISSION). DESIRE (URGENT or frequent), which manifests itself: Coffee (After partaking of). Ign. Day and night. Carb-v. cast. kal. kal-h. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. sass. Evening (in the). Am-c. bell. sabad. Lifting a load (when). Bry. - Morning (in the). Amb. berb. Night (at). Ars. kreos. lach. magn. meph. n-vom. rhus. sabin. samb. spig. tart. thuy. (Compare EMISSION at night). which manifests itself: Noon (in the after-). Bell. DESIRE (URGENT or frequent), with : Burning in the abdomen. Lach. Colic, cuttings. Lach. puls. Face (paleness of the). Phos- ac. Heat. Phos-ac. Inguina (pains in the). Rhod. Loins and back (pain in the). Lach. Perinæum (pain in the). Tart. Thirst. Cast. caus. phos-ac. tart. verat. Urethra (pain in the). See painful DESIRE, &c. Vesica (pain in the). Hell. n-vom. puls. rhod. rut. sulph- ас. DIABETES. See Sect. 1. EMISSION of urine : Difficult. Ars. cann. canth. con. dig. euphorb. magn-m. plumb. ran. sec. Diminished (not so abun- dant secretion). Alum. amb. bell. bry. carb-v. colch. coloc. dig. dulc. graph. grat. ipec. kreos. led. mez. op. par. phell. puls. rhus. sel. sen, squill. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. tong. verat. Rhus. though one drinks much. Drop by drop. Cann. canth. clem. con. cop. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph. magn-s. merc. n-mos. n-vom. plumb. prun. puls. rhus. sabin. sec. staph. stram. sulph. mgs- aus. 462 CHAP. XVIII. URINARY ORGANS. EMISSION of urine : Frequent. Am-c. anac. ant. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bis. bor. bov. bry. calc. calc-ph. casc. cast. chel. cupr. daph. euphr. ign. iod. kal. lach. led. lyc. natr-s. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. rat. rut. sang. sass. sil. staph. stann. sulph. val. zinc. (Com- pare Increased EMISSION and frequent DESIRE). too frequent. Lyc. merc. Increased (too great secre- tion). Agn. alum. amb. am- m. berb. canth. caus. clem. colch. dig. ind. kreos. magn. magn-s. nic. oleand. ol-an. phos. plumb. puls. rat. rhab. rhod. sabad. sec. sen. spong. stront. tab. terb. teuc. ther. mgs-arc. (Compare Fre- quent DESIRE, with profuse urine). Infrequent, rare. Agar. ars. bell. bry. hæm. prun. sec. stann. stront. (Compare Dimi- nished EMISSION). Interrupted. Clem. con. puls. sulph. zinc. - Involuntary, unnoticed. Acon. arn. ars. bar-m. bell. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. cin. con. dig. dulc. graph. hyos. ign. laur. magn. merc. natr-m. puls. rhus. stram. sulph. tart. ve- rat. zinc. mgs-aus. coughing (when). Ant. caus. kreos. natr-m. puls. staph. squil. sulph. zinc. day and night. Caus. drop by drop, oozing. Arn. petr. puls. zinc. flatus (when expelling). Puls. sulph. EMISSION of urine (Involuntary): NAL. night (at). See NOCTUR- repose (during). Rhus. seated (when). Puls. standing (when). Bell. Long intervals (at). See IN- FREQUENT. Nocturnal. Alum. am-c. am- m.anac.ars.bor.bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. casc. caus. coff. con. cupr. daph. dig. graph. hep. iod. lach. magn- m. magn-s. merc. natr. natr- m. nic. petr. phos-ac. rat. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. spig. squill. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. mgs-aus. involuntary, unnoticed, (wetting the bed). Am-c. arn. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. con. graph. hep. natr. petr. puls. ruta. sen. sep. sil. sulph. mgs-aus. in the first sleep. Sep. Painful. Ars. bar-m. colch. con. nitr-ac. n-vom. n-mos. ran. stann. sulph. uva. zinc. Profuse, every time. Acon. æth. alum. am-c. ang. ant. arg. bar-c. bell. bis. calc-ph. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cin. chel. coff. colch. coloc. cyc. daph. euphr. fer-mg. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kal-h. kreos. led. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr- m. nitr. phos-ac. rat. rhus. rut. sabin. samb. sass. spig. squill. sulph. val. excessive. Kreos. merc. mur-ac. natr. Retarded, not taking place for some time after the desire and opportunity concur. Hep. Scanty. See In SMALL quan- tities. SECT. 2. URINE. 463 EMISSION of urine : - Slow. Camph. chin. plat. Small quantities (in), little | at a time. Acon. agar. am-c. anac. ang. ant. bry. cann. caus. chel. colch. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. hell. hyos. kal. lach. lam. led. magn-m. men. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n- vom. ol-an. petr. phos. phos- ac. puls. rat. rut. sabad. sabin. sass. sil. staph. tart. (Compare Frequent DESIRE, with scanty emission). Stream (feeble). Cham. hell. merc. mgs-aus. ; intermittent. Clem. con. puls. sulph. rhus. scattered. Cann. canth. small. Camph. canth. chin. graph. merc. ol-an. prun. puls. samb. spong. staph. sulph. strong. Agn. Suppressed. Acon. ars. aur. bell. bis. iod. sulph. terb. Violent. Sulph. sec. stram. FLOW of urine. Acon. bar-m. bell. cann. dig. hyos. merc. squill. stram. verat. FLOW of urine, WITH: Cephalalgia. Verat. Colic. Acon. verat. Diarrhea. Acon. bell. puls. Emaciation. Merc. Hunger. Bell. verat. Lassitude and fatigue. Calc- ph. Loins (pain in the). Phos- ac. (weakness in the). Puls. Nausea. Verat. Perspiration. Acon. bell. Thirst. Bell. cast. verat. INCONTINENCE of urine. See Sect. 1, ENURESIS. ISCHURIA. See Sect. 1. RETENTION of urine. Arn. aur. camph. canth. con. cyc. dig. dulc. hyos. lach. n-vom. op. plumb. prun. puls. rhus. rut. sabin. stann. sulph. verat. (Compare Sect. 1, ISCHURIA). Painful. Acon. arn. canth. SEDIMENT of the urine : Abundant. Bell. Bluish. Prun. aur. Brick-dust (of the colour of). See RED. Brownish. Amb. lach. Clay (of the colour of). Cor. ol-an. tong. zinc. Cloud (with a red). Amb. nitr. Cloudy. Amb. arum. carb- v. grat. merc. nitr. ol-an. par. phos-ac. plot. rat. sen. thuy. Corpuscles (with red). Ant. Earthy. Mang. Farinaceous. Berb. Filaments (with red). Tart. (with slimy). Sen. Cham. merc. Flock-like. mez. sass. sen. zinc. Gelatinous. Berb. phos-ac. puls. Grains (with red). Sel. Gravel (with). Lyc. nitr-ac. ruta. sass. sel. sil. zinc. (Com- pare SANDY). Grayish. Berb. spong. Purulent. Puls. Red, reddish, of the colour of brick-dust. Acon. am-c. arn. bell. berb. camph. daph. graph. ipec. laur. kreos. lach. lyc. mez. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. op. par. 464 CHAP. XVIII. URINARY ORGANS. plat. phos. puls. sel. sep. squill. sulph. SEDIMENT of the urine: Red, reddish, of the colour of brick-dust. Acon. am-c. arn. bell. berb.camph. daph. graph. ipec. laur. kreos. lach. lyc. mez. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. op. par. plat. phos. puls. sil. sep. squill. sulph. (cloud). Amb. nitr. (corpuscles). Ant. (filaments). Tart. (grains). Sel. (sand). Alum. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. Red colour (of a blood-). Am-c. Sandy. Alum. am-c. lach. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. Sanguinolent. Acon. cann. dulc. phos-ac. sep. sulph-ac. Slimy. Ars. aur. berb. calc. dulc. merc. natr. natr-m. puls. sen. sulph-ac. terb. Thick. Alum. bell. camph. laur. merc. phos-ac. spong. terb. sulph. Turbid. Con. rhus. zinc. Violet. Mang. puls. White. Alum. bar-c. bell. berb. calc. graph. fer. kreos. phos. phos-ac. prun. rhus. sep. spig. spong. sulph. terb. tong. zinc. cloudy. Phos-ac. turbid, dirty. Con. rhus. yellowish. Terb. Yellowish. Cham. lyc. natr- s. phos. sil. spong. terb. SMELL of the urine : Acrid. Ars. bor. calc. Ammonia (of the smell of). Stront. Cats' urine (like). Viol-tr. Offensive. Amb. bor. calc. carb-an. coloc. cupr. daph. dulc. kreos. merc. natr. nitr- ac. petr. phos-ac. rhod. sep. sulph. viol-tric. SMELL of the urine : Sour. Ambr. graph. merc.. natr. Strong. Dros. Violets (like). N-mos. terb. STRANGURY. See Sect. 1, DYSU- RIA and Strangury. TENESMUS (Urinary). Arn. calc. canth. caps. colch. lach. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. ol-an. plumb. prun. puls. sabad. sass. sil. viol-tric. URINE according to its nature: Acrid, corrosive. Caus. graph. hep. iod. kreos. laur. merc. prun. tart. verat. Burning. Acon. ars. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. cor. dig. dulc. hæm. kreos. lyc. phos. merc. sec. Cloudy. Carb-v. Cold. Nitr-ac. Cuticle (forming a). Iod. par. phos, sulph. Depositing a sediment. See SEDIMENT. sen. Fiery. Bell. colch. kal. par. plumb. sass. tart. Frothy. Lach. laur. spong. Gelatinous. Coloc. phos-ac. Hot. Ars. bry. calc-ph. cham. hep. prun. sec. squill. Milky. Aur. iod. phos-ac. (Compare White COLOUR, turbid URINE). Purulent. Cann. canth. clem. sabin. uva. Sandy. Lyc. nitr-ac. sass. sil. zinc. Sanguinolent. Amb. arn. ars. berb. calc. camph. cann. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 465 canth. chin. con. hep. ipec. merc. mez. mill. n-vom. op. phos. puls. sass. squill. sulph. tart. terb. thuy. uva. zinc. (Compare EMISSION of blood from the urethra). URINE according to its nature: Slimy. Ant. calc. caus. con. natr-m. sen. uva. Thick. Camph. carb-v. con. dulc. n-vom. plumb. sabad. sulph-ac. (which becomes thick). Coloc. sen. Turbid. Alum. amb. anac. ars. bell. camph. cann. cham. chin. con. cyc. hep. ipec. kreos. lach. merc. natr. plumb. sabad. rhus. sass. sep. sulph. tart. verat. viol- tric. URINE according to its nature : (which becomes turbid). Ang. aur. caus. cin. dulc. graph. grat. meph. merc. ol- an. plat. rat. rhus. sen. sulph- ac. zinc. Viscous. Coloc. cupr. dulc. Watery, clear. Alum. anac. ant. arn. ars. arum. aur. bell. berb. bis. bry. caus. COCC. hell. hyos. ign. kreos. lam. mur-ac. meph. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. squill. stann. sulph-ac. teuc. thuy. WETTING the bed. See Sect. 1, ENURESIS. SECTION 3. CONDITIONS Of the Symptoms of the Urine. BED (Wetting the). See NIGHT MORNING (In the), Desire to (Involuntary emission at), and Sect. 1, ENURESIS. COFFEE (After partaking of), urgent desire. Ign. COUGHING (When), involun- tary emission. Ant. caus. kreos. natr-m. puls. staph. squill. sulph. zinc. DAY and night (Urgent desire). Carb-v. cast. kal. kal-h. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. sass. Involuntary emission. Caus. EVACUATION (After), Emission of urine. Lach. sel. EVENING (In the), Urgent or frequent desire. Am-c. bell. sabad. LIFTING loads (When), Desire to urinate. Bry. urinate. Amb. NIGHT (at), Urgent, &c. desire. Am-c. ars. kreos. lach. magn. meph. n-vom. rhus. sabin. samb. spig. tart. thuy. Emission of urine. Alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ars. bor. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. caus. coff. con. cupr. daph. dig. graph. hep. iod. lach. magn- m. magn-s. merc. natr. natr- 7. nic. petr. phos-ac. rat. rhus. ruta. sabin. sass. sep. sil. spig. squill. squill. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. mgs- aus. Involuntary, unnoticed emis- sion. Am-c. urn. ars. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. chin, cin. con. graph. hep. natr. puls. x 3 466 CHAP. XVIII. URINARY ORGANS. sen. sep. sil. sulph. mgs- SEATED (When), Involuntary aus. NIGHT (At): Involuntary, unnoticed emis- sion during the first sleep. Rhus. NOON (In the after-), Desire to urinate. Bell. REPOSE (During), Involuntary emission. Rhus. emission. Puls. STANDING (When), Involuntary emission. Bell. WALKING (When), Involuntary emission. Arn. bry. caus. natr-m. puls. ruta. zinc. Pain in the loins. Alum. SECT. 4. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS Of Urine. ANGUISH during the desire to urinate. Acon. carb-v. cham. dig. graph. phos-ac. BURNING in the abdomen during the desire to urinate. Lach. BURNING in the urethra, with emission of blood. Puls. Before the emission of urine. Bry. cann. cop. During the emission. Alum. berb. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. caus. cham. clem. colch. cupr. dig. ign. kal. | lach. magn. merc. natr. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. par. phos. phos-ac. prun. puls. rhab. sabad. sabin. sass. sen. spig. staph. sulph. sulph- ac. terb. teuc. thuy. uva. ve- rat. viol-tric. zinc. After the emission. Berb. con. merc. natr. natr-s. puls. sen. teuc. thuy. zinc. BURNING in the vesica during the emission. N-vom. rhab. CEPHALALGIA (Flow of urine with). Verat. Coccyx (Pains in the), during emission. Graph. COLIC (With), Desire to urinate. Puls. Flow of urine. Acon. verat. CONSTIPATION (With), Flow of urine. Verat. CONTRACTIVE pains in the ure- thra during emission. Dig. CORD (Pain in the spermatic), during emission. Bell. clem. DESIRE to urinate after the emission of urine. Rat. staph. zinc. DIARRHEA and perspiration, with flow of urine. Acon. EMACIATION, with flow of urine. Merc. EMISSION of blood after the emission of urine. Hep. zinc. EVACUATION (INVOLUNTARY), during the emission. Mur- ac. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), in the urethra during emis- sion. Bov. cinn. daph. n- vom. Before and after. N-vom. FACE (Paleness of the), with frequent desire to urinate. Phos-ac. SECT. 4. ACCESSORY SYMPTOMS. 467 FLATUS (When expelling), In- | PRESSURE on the vesica : voluntary emission. Puls. sulph. GLANS PENIS (Pain in the), dur- ing emission. Acon. anac. caus. After emission. Anac. HEAT (with), Frequent desire. Phos-ac. HIPS (Burning in the), before the emission. Dulc. HUNGER (With), Flow of urine. Bell. verat. INGUINA (Pains in the), during the desire to urinate. Rhod. INCISIVE pains in the urethra : Before the emission. Bry. canth. dig. During the emission. Ant. canth. con. hell. n-mos. phos- ac. sulph. After the emission. Canth. dig. INCISIVE PAINS in the vesica during the emission. Canth. ITCHING in the urethra before the emission. Cop. n-vom. During the emission. Lyc. n-vom. After the emission. Cop. lyc. n-vom. | Before the emission. Ang. chin. con. During the emission. Asar. hep. verat. After the emission. Asar. berb. chin. rut. SHOOTINGS in the urethra during emission. Cupr. cyc. merc. sen. sulph. thuy. After the emission. Con. merc. SHUDDERING after the emission. Eug. plat. SIGHT (Great distinctness of), after the emission. Eug. SMARTING in the urethra be- fore the emission. Cop. During the emission. Canth. carb-v. clem. ign. lyc. magn. merc-c. nitr-ac. phos. sep. After the emission. Bor. cop. SPASMODIC pains in the vesica after the emission. Puls. SPASMS in the vesica during and after the emission. Asa. STOMACH (Pain in the), during the emission. Laur. TEARINGS in the urethra during emission. N-vom. sulph. LOINS (Pain in the), during the TENESMUS of the urethra during emission. Berb. rhab. Lach. During the desire. puls. Mucus (Emission of), when urinating. Calc. merc. NAUSEA, hunger, cephalalgia, constipation and coryza, with flow of urine. Verat. NAUSEA : Before the emission. Dig. After the emission. dig. Cast. PERINEUM (Pains in the), with desire to urinate. Tart. emission. Ang. arn. colch. rhus. After emission. Ang. squill. THIGHS (Pains in the), when urinating. Berb. THIRST (With), Flow of urine. Bell. cast. verat. URETHRA (Pain in the), with desire to urinate. See Sect. 2, Painful DESIRE. During emission. Colch. After emission. Bov. VESICA (Pain in the), during emission. Tart. 468 CHAP. XVIII. URINARY ORGANS. VESICA (Pain in the) : During the desire to urinate. Hell. puls. rhod. rut. sulph- ас. VOMIT (Desire to), after the emission. Cast. VULVA (Pain in the), during emission. Thuy. WEAKNESS, lassitude (Flow of urine, with). Calc-ph. In the loins. Puls. SECTION 5. SYMPTOMS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. BALL rolling in the urethra | DRAWINGS in in the (Sensation as if there were a). Lach. BLOOD. See EMISSION of blood. BoDy in the loins (Pain as if from a foreign). N-vom. BURNING heat in the urethra. Amb. ant. ars. berb. bry. calc. cann. clem. colch. cupr. kal. merc. natr. nitr-ac. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. sep. staph. sulph. terb. thuy. Loins (in the). Bell. hep. terb. Urinating (when). See Sect. 4. Vesica. Acon. berb. colch. lach. rhab. sep. terb. CALCULUS. See Sect. 1. CATARRH of the vesica. See Sect. 1. CONSTRICTION in the vesica. Caps. phos-ac. puls. sass. (Compare SPASMS). CONTRACTIONS in the urethra and loins. Clem. Vesica. Berb. CORRODING pains. Urethra. Gran. CRAWLING in the urethra. Pe- tros. DISCHARGE from the urethra &c. See RUNNING. urethra. Colch. petros. puls. zinc. Kidneys. Clem. n-mos. Vesica. Berb. rhod. DROP of Something were falling into the urethra (Sensation as if a). Thuy. DYSURIA. See Sect. 1. EMISSION, &c. See RUNNING. ExcORIATION (Pain as if from), Urethra. Berb. cop. lach. mez. prun. teuc. Kidneys. Zinc. FULNESS (Sensation of). Vesica. Calad. GONORRHEA. See Sect. 1. HÆMORRHOIDS of the vesica. See Sect. 1. INCISIVE pains, Urethra. Berb. canth. caps. con. colch. dig. gran. lach. lyc. merc. sep. zinc. Vesica. Berb. canth. caps. kal. lach. lyc. terb. mang. Kidneys (in the). Canth. clem. merc. n-mos. INFLAMMATIONS. See Sect. 1, CYSTITIS, NEPHRITIS, URE- THRITIS. ITCHING in the urethra. Sulph. thuy. JERKING in the urethra. Natr. phos. Kidneys. Canth. SECT. 5. SYMPTOMS OF THE ORGANS. 469 Mucus. See RUNNING of mu- | RUNNING of blood from the cus. OBSTRUCTION in the vesica (Sen- sation of). Op. sen. PARALYSIS of the vesica. Acon. ars. bell. cic. dulc. hyos. lach. laur. mgs-aus. PINCHING in the urethra and vesica. Lyc. POLYPUS in the vesica. Calc. PRESSURE in the urethra. Colch. petros. puls. teuc. Kidneys. Kal. ran-sc. terb. thuy. zinc. Vesica. Acon. arn. aur. berb. chin. colch. con. lach. ol-an. puls. rhus. rut. sass. sep. squill. tart. zinc. PULSATIONS in the vesica. Canth. Kidneys. Canth. Urethra. Canth. merc. PUs. See RUNNING of pus. REDNESS of the orifice of the urethra. Hep. RELAXATION of the vesica. Mur- ac. RUNNING from the urethra. Agn. cann. lam. merc. sass. thuy. RUNNING of blood from the 1 urethra. Am-c. ant. arn. ars. calc. cann. canth. caps. caus. chin. con. euphorb. hep. ipec. lyc. merc. mez. mill. n-vom. phos. plumb. puls. sep. sulph. tart. zinc. (Compare Sect. 1, SANGUINOLENT urine). Burning (with). Puls. Constipation (with). Lyc. Dyspnea (with). Con. Kidneys and vesica (with pains in the). Ipec. puls. Paralysis of the legs. Lyc. Stomach (with pain in the). Ipec. urethra : Vomit (with desire to). Ipec. RUNNING (discharge of mu- cus). Agar. ang. ant. calc. cann. canth. dulc. fer. gran. hep. merc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. sass. sulph. (Compare GONORRHŒA). Purulent. N-vom. sass. (Compare GONOrrhæa). Sanguinolent. Canth. nitr- ac. Thick. Merc. merc-c. Viscous. Agar. n-vom. Watery. Cann. merc. merc-c. Whitish. Merc. Yellowish. Agn. cop. merc. natr-m. thuy. RUNNING of pus (discharge of pus), from the urethra. Čann. canth. caps. clem. con. ipec. nitr-ac. n-vom. sabin. sass. SENSIBILITY, tenderness (Pain- ful), in the kidneys. Alum. cann. cocc. colch. n-vom. plumb. SHOOTINGS in the urethra. Berb. bry. cann. canth. caps. con. cupr. gran. lach. lyc. mang. merc. merc-c. par. petr. sep. sulph. tar. thuy. viol-tric. Vesica. Berb. canth. lyc. sulph. tart. (when). See Kidneys. Acon. æth. bell. berb. canth. chin. dig. hep. kal. nitr. phos-ac. ran-sc. val. zinc. Urinating Sect. 4. SMARTING in the urethra. Bell. bor. natr. phos. sep. teuc. SORENESS in the region of the vesica, when touched. Canth. puls. 1 470 CHAP. XIX. GENITAL ORGANS. SPASMODIC pains in the vesica. Berb. prun. At night. Prun. Asa. In the kidneys. Sulph. SPASMS in the vesica. caps. phos-ac. sass. sep. terb. (Compare CONSTRICTION). STONE. See Sect. 1, CALCulus. STRICTURE in the urethra. See Sect. 1. SUPPURATION in the urethra, kidneys and vesica. Canth. SWELLING of the urethra. Cop. gran. led. nitr-ac. rhus. Cervix vesica (in the region of the). Puls. TEARINGS in the urethra. Colch. natr. rut. sulph. TENESMUS of the vesica. Acon. arn. calch. canth. caps. colch. lach. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. ol-an. plumb. prun. puls. sa- bad. sass. sil. viol-tric. TENSION in the urethra. Phos. Vesica. Tart. THICKENING of the of the vesica. Dulc. TORPOR, insensibility in the urethra. Magn-m. TUMOUR in the urethra (Small). Lach. ULCERS in the vesica. Ran. WEAKNESS in the vesica. Alum. magn-m. rhab. WORM in the vesica (Sensation like the movement of a). Bell. CHAPTER XIX. AFFECTIONS OF THE GENITAL ORGANS. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. BALANITIS.—-See Sect. 2, INFLAMMATION of the gland, and Compare BALANORRHOEA, SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA, &c. BALANNORRHOEA, or PSEUDO-GONORRHEA.-If this affection is of a syphilitic or sycosic nature, the medicines which merit a preference, are according to circumstances: Merc. nitr-ac. or thuy. In all other cases, the following will be found most effica- cious: N-vom. sep. sulph. or again: Cinn. merc. mez. nitr-ac. thuy-Compare also Sect. 2, COPIOUS SECRETION of smegma. CHANCRES.-See Chap. II, SYPHILIS. CONDYLOMATA.-See Chap. II, Sycosis. ERYSIPELAS in the scrotum.-See ORCHITIS. GONORRHOEA. See Chap. XVIII. RHOEA.-See BALANITIS. PSEUDO-GONOR- HÆMATOCELE.-If the malady is the result of a CONTUSION, a Blow, or any other mechanical injury, arn. is to be preferred. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 471 In some cases, however, recourse may be had also to: Puls. or zinc. or else again to: N-vom. rhus. sulph.-Compare OR- CHITIS. HERNIA SCROTALIS.-The medicines that have been hi- therto employed with most success are: Magn-m. and n-vom. HERPES in the genital organs.-See PRURIGO and HERPES. HERPES PREPUTIALIS.-The best medicines are, according to Schroen: Aur. hep. nitr. phos-ac. HYDROCELE.-The medicines that have been hitherto employed with most success, are: Graph. puls. sil. rhod. sulph. For hydrocele in SCROFULOUS persons: Sil. has been par- ticularly recommended. See also Sect. 2, Dropsical SwElling. IMPOTENCE. The medicines that have hitherto appeared most efficacious, are: Bar-c. calc. cann. con. lyc. mosch. mur- ac. natr-m. sulph.-Perhaps in some cases also, recourse may be had to: Chin. graph. lach. n-mos. mgs-aus.—See also Sect. 3, IMPOTENCE, ERECTIONS, EJACULATION, &c. LASCIVIOUSNESS and increase of sexual desire.-An un- healthy increase of sexual desire frequently finds a remedy among Canth. chin. graph. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sil. sulph. verat. zinc. or again among: Carb-v. hyos. kal. lach. mosch. natr. op. plat. plumb. rhus. ruta. staph. If there is, with this increased excitement, an excessive flow of lascivious ideas, a preference should be given to: Canth. chin. graph. lach. mosch. op. staph. verat. If there are frequent erections: Canth. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. MASTURBATION.-The principal medicine to obliterate an inclination to this vice is: Sulph. administered in a single dose for several weeks, and then followed by calc.-In some parti- cular cases, however, recourse may be also had to: Chin. cocc. mẹrc. natr-m. phos. or perhaps again: Ant. carb-v. plat. puls. The bad effects of this most odious and unnatural propensity require in most cases: Chin. n-vom. phos-ac. or staph. espe- cially if these effects are speedily manifested in the form of acute diseases, or else if they are rather the result of early ex- haustion from excess, than of long indulgence. But if these remedies are insufficient, or if the effects exhibit themselves in a slow and chronic form, the most suitable me- dicines are: N-vom. sulph. calc. administered successively in single doses and at long intervals. Besides these medicines, recourse may be had also, in some cases to: Cocc. merc. phos. or again to: Ant. carb-v. plat. puls. ORCHITIS. The best medicines are in general: Arn. aur. clem. 472 CHAP. XIX. GENITAL ORGANS. nitr-ac. puls. or else again: Ars. con. lyc. merc. natr. n-vom. spong. staph. zinc. For orchitis, when caused by a CONTUSION, they are prin- cipally: Arn. puls. or again: Con.? zinc.? In consequence of suppressed GONORRHOEA: Puls. or again : Aur. clem. merc. nitr-ac. In consequence of a metastasis of PAROTITIS: Merc. puls, or n-vom. ERYSIPELATOus inflammation of the scrotum, such as some- times attacks CHIMNEY-SWEEPERS, appears to require in prefe- rence: Ars. or merc. Chronic induration of the testes often finds a remedy among : Agn. aur. clem. graph. lyc. rhod. sulph. PHIMOSIS, PARAPHIMOSIS and inflammation of the prepuce. If this inconvenience arises from a syphilitic cause, the principal medicine is merc. or else: Nitr-ac. or thuy. In other cases, recourse may be had to: ARNICA, if the inflammation is produced by friction or any other mechanical cause. If, in this case, the inflammation is violent: Arn. should be preceded by a dose of acon; and if arnica is afterwards insufficient, recourse must be had to: Rhus. If the complaint is caused by UNCLEANLINESS: Acon. or merc. will, in most cases, be found sufficiently efficacious. When it results from contact with POISONOUS plants, the juice of which has been communicated by the hand to the parts: Acon. bell. or bry. If there is SUPPURATION: Merc. or caps. or hep. and if IN- DURATION remains after it: Lach. When GANGRENE is to be dreaded: Ars. or lach. In LITTLE CHILDREN: Acon. or merc. or else if these two medicines are insufficient: Calc. POLLUTIONS.-See SPERMATORRHEA. PRIAPISMUS.-The most eligible medicines appear to be: Canth. coloc. graph. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sil.-See also Sect. 3, ERECTIONS. PROSTATITIS.-Puls. and thuy. have been hitherto employed with most success. PRURIGO.-PRURIGO SCROTALIS requires in preference: Dulc. nitr-ac. rhod. sulph. or again: Ambr. cocc. petr. thuy. SARCOCELE.-If this disease is not too far advanced to be cured by resolution, a remedy will be generally found for it among: Agn. aur. clem. graph. lyc. rhod. sulph. SATYRIASIS.-Canth. appears to be the most suitable medicine. -See also LASCIVIOUSNESS, and Sect. 3, Sexual DESIRE. SPERMATORRHOEA and POLLUTIONS.-For spermatorrhoea, SECT. 2, ORGANS. 478 properly so called, or emission of semen without erection, there is no medicine that has as yet received the sanction of experience. But, perhaps, recourse may be had to: Canth. graph. phos-ac. puls. sel. sep. sulph. or again to: Bell. calad. con. mosch. n-vom. sabad.? For a flow of PROSTATIC fluid, a remedy will be mostly found among Calc. hep. phos-ac. sep. sil. sulph. (See also Sect. 3, FLOW of prostatic fluid). Nocturnal pollutions are often speedily checked by: Carb-v. caus. chin. con. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. sep. sulph. For those which are the result of SEXUAL EXCESS, &c. &c. the principal medicines are: Chin. phos. phos-ac. puls, sep. sulph. (See also Sect. 3, POLLUTIONS). SYCOSIS.-See Chap. I. SYPHILIS. See Chap. I. SECTON 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE GENITAL ORGANS Of man. AFFLUXION towards the genital | BURNING: organs (Sensation of). Asa. coloc. BEATEN (Pain in the genital organs, as if they had been). Arn. (Compare BRUISE.) Penis (in the). Arn. Testes (in the). Con. BRUISE (Pain as if from con- tusion, or a), in the scrotum. Acon. kal. Testes. Arg. calc. dig. natr. rhod. BURNING in the genital organs. Bov. Cord (in the spermatic). Berb. mgs. Gland (in the). Ars. berb. gran. n-vom. tart. viol-tric. Hairy part (in the). Gran. Penis (in the). Gran. Prepuce (in the). Ars. calc. merc. n-vom. sulph. Scrotum (in thej. Euphr. gran. Testes (in the). Berb. plat. staph. Vessels (in the spermatic). Amb. mgs. CHANCRES. See ULCERS. CHAPS in the glans penis. Ars. (Compare RHAGADES.) Præputium (In the). Merc. sulph. COLDNESS of the genital organs. Agn. cann. caps. Glans penis (of the). Berb. Penis (of the). Merc. sulph. Præputium (in the). Berb. sulph. Scrotum (of the). Caps. merc. CONDYLOMATA. Cin. euphr. lyc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. staph. thuy. Pains, as if from excoria- tion (with). Sabin. Running. Nitr-ac. thuy. 474 CHAP. XIX. GENITAL ORGANS. CONSTRICTION in the spermatic | ERUPTIONS cord vom. (Sensation of). N- Testes (in the). Am-c. ign. n-vom. plumb. spong. mgs- aus. CONTRACTION in the spermatic cord. Alum. berb. n-vom. Testes (in the). Alum. n- vom. plumb. CORROSION in the testes. Plat. phos-ac. CRACKS. See CHAPS. RHAGA- DES. CRAWLING, tickling in the ge- nital organs. Mosch. sel. Glans penis (in the). Merc. spig. tart. Præputium (in the). Merc. phos-ac. Scrotum (in the). Acon. sel. Testes (in the). Euphr. merc. DIMINUTION, lessening of the scrotum. Lach. DRAWING in the spermatic cord. Agn. berb. clem. mang. merc. nitr-ac. puls. terb. zinc. Glans penis (in the). Gran. iod. kal. lyc. Testes (in the). Agar. am- C. berb. chin. clem. cocc. merc. natr. nitr-ac. ol-an. puls. rhod. staph. terb. thuy. verat. zinc. Penis (in the). Gran. kal. ol-an. ran-sc. rhod. mgs- aus. DRYNESS of the glans penis. Calad. EMISSION of semen. See Sect. 3. EROTIC, amorous paroxysms. Açon. ant. hyos. op. stram. verat. on the genital organs. Rhus. Glans penis (on the). Bry. calad. cinn. lach. lyc. rhus. sep. Hairy part (on the). Lach. Penis (on the). Graph. phos- ac. Præputium (on the). Graph. phos-ac. sep. sil. Scrotum (on the). Petr. phos-ac. rhus. Thighs (Between the). Petr. ERUPTIONS On the genital organs: Blisters. Lyc. Granulated. Cinn. Herpes (of). Dulc. petr.sass. Itching. Arn. bry. sep. sil. Miliary. Bry. Moist. rhus. sil. Carb-v. phos-ac. Red. Arn. bry. calad. carb- v. lyc. sil. Smarting. Lyc. Spots. Arn. carb-v. sil. Vesicular. Merc. phos-ac. rhus. CÒCC. ExCITABILITY of the genital organs. Aur. carb-v. coff. graph. lyc. natr-m. phos. plat. sil. sulph. Sexual desire (of). See Sect. 3, Sexual DESIRE, EXCORIATION between the thighs. Bar-c. cinn. hep. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. sulph. (Compare Chap. XVII, XX, and XXV.) Glans penis (in the). Natr. Præputium (in the). Alum. calad. ign. mur-ac. natr. n- vom. sil. verat. Scrotum (in the). Arn. natr. petr. plumb. sulph. Sect. 2. organs. 475 EXCORIATION between thighs (Pain as if Rhod. the from). Glans penis (in the). Lach. Penis (In the). Arn. - Præputium (in the). Cham. cor. Scrotum (in the). Berb. zinc. FLACCIDITY, Flabbiness of the genital organs. Agn. kalad. hell. Penis (of the). Merc. prun. GANGRENE of the genital organs. Ars. canth. laur. GONORRHEA. See Chap. XVIII. Sect. 1, HARDNESS of the spermatic cord. Phos-ac. spong. - Præputium (of the). Sulph. Prostate gland (of the). Iod. Testes (of the). Agn. aur. clem. iod. merc. n-vom. rhod. spong. sulph. (Compare IN- DURATION.) HAIR about the genital organs (Falling off of the). Nitr-ac. sass. HEAT (Sensation of), in the genital organs. Sulph-ac. HEAVINESS in the testes (Sensa- tion of). Am-c. natr. HERNIA Scrotalis. Magn-m. n- vom. Symptoms of. Lach. HERPES, on the genital organs. Dulc. Præputium (on the). Sass. Scrotum (on the). Petr. Thighs (between the). Natr- m. petr. HYDROCELE. See Sect. 1. INFLAMMATION of the genital organs. Ars. canth. merc. plumb. INFLAMMATION: Cord (of the spermatic). N-vom. puls. Glans penis (of the). Arn. ars. cann. cupr. led. merc. natr. rhus. sass. Penis plumb. Præputium (of the). Calc. cann. merc. natr. nitr-ac. sulph. (of the). Cann. Prostate gland (of the). Puls. Scrotum (of the). Ars. phos- ac. plumb. erysipelatous. Ars. Testes (of the). Aur. clem. con. lyc. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. staph. zinc. Vessels (of the lymphatic). Merc. INCISIVE pains in the glans penis. Lyc. Penis (in the). Ol-an. Testes (in the). Terb. INDURATION of the testes, See Sect. 1, SARCOCELE and com- pare HARDNESS. IRRITABILITY. See EXCITABI- LITY. ITCHING in the genital organs. Agar. amb. ang. euphr. ign. magn-m. nitr-s. nitr-ac. sel. sep. Cord (in the spermatic). Mang. Glans penis (in the). Ars. cann. caus. euphr. fer-mg. magn. merc. n-vom. sil. Penis (in the). Cann. ign. Præputium (in the). Acon. ars. cann. caus. euphorb. euphr. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. sil. viol-tric. 476 CHAP. XIX. GENITAL ORGANS. ITCHING: Scrotum (in the). Caus. cocc. fer-mg. kal. magn-m. meph. petr. prun. puls. rhod. sel. sil. staph. Testes (in the). Merc. n- vom. -Thighs (Between the). Carb- v. natr-s. petr. Evening (in the). Ign. puls. Morning (in the). Puls. Voluptuous. Euphorb. euphr. merc. staph. JERKING in the spermatic cord. Mang. plumb. Penis (In the). Mez. NODOSITY on the glands penis. Bell. OFFENSIVENESS. See SMELL. OOZING between the thighs. Bar-c. carb-v. hep. petr. Scrotum (in the). Petr. sil. sulph. PAINS in the genital organs, which manifest themselves : Movement (from). Berb. PERSPIRATION on the genital organs. Calad. cor. merc. sep. sulph. thuy. at night. Bell. Scrotum (on the). Daph. ign. natr-s. rhod. sep. sil. thuy. Thighs (Between the). Cinn. PHIMOSIS. See Sect. 1. PINCHING in the glans penis. Acon. POLLUTIONS. See Sect. 3. PRESSURE in the spermatic. cord. Berb. spong. sulph. Penis (in the). Viol-tric. Testes (in the). Aur. berb. bis. calc. cann. carb-v. caus. ign. lach. natr. puls. sabad. spong. squill. staph. sulph. PRICKING in the glands penis. Mez. PULSATIONS in the penis. See THROBBINGS. PUSTULES on the penis. Bov. RED spots. See SPOTS (Red). REDNESS between the thighs. Petr. Glans penis (on the). Ars. calad. cann. merc. sabin. sass. Penis (on the). Cann. Præputium (on the). Calc. cann. cinn. merc. sil. sulph. Scrotum (on the). Ars. merc. petr. puls. REDNESS. See also INFLAMMA- TION. RELAXATION of the testes. Nitr-ac. sulph. RETRACTION of the testes. Bell. berb. euphr. n-vom. ol-an. plumb. rhod. thuy. zinc. mgs-aus. Penis (of the). Berb. Præputium (of the). Bell. coloc. n-vom. prun. sulph. mgs. after coition. Calad. RHAGADES on the præputium. Sulph. Cord (on the spermatic). Cann. sulph. Glans penis (on the). Kal. Penis (on the). Arn. kal. mosch. Scrotum (on the). Arn. - Testes (in the). Sulph. RIGIDITY of the penis. See ERECTIONS. SCABS on the præputium. Caus. nitr-ac. SECRETION of Smegma (Abund- ant). Alum. caus. cinn. cor. lach. lyc. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac n-vom. sep. sulph. thuy. SECT. 2. ORGANS. 477 SENSIBILITY of the genital | organs. Cocc. verat. SENSIBILITY (Painful), of the præputium. Cor. sabin. Testes (of the). Arn. asa. aur. cann. cocc. ign. ol-an. phos-ac. sep. tar. zinc. mgs. SHOCKS in the testes. Mgs-aus. (Compare JERKING.) SHOOTINGS in the spermatic cord. Am-m. arn. berb. grat. n-vom. sulph. thuy. Glans penis (in the). Acon. ars. euphorb. euphr. fer-mg. lyc. merc. mez. phos-ac. ran- sc. rhod. sabin. sulph. Penis (in the). Mez. ol-an. sulph. thuy. viol-tric. Præputium (in the). Ars. euphr. merc. puls. Scrotum (in the). Fer-mg. merc. sulph. thuy. Testes (in the). Arn. bell. berb. caus. merc. n-vom. rhod. staph. sulph. SHRINKING of the præputium (Phimosis). Cann. merc. nitr-ac. rhus. sabin. sulph. SHUDDERING in the scrotum. Zinc. SMARTING between the thighs. Hep. - Cord (in the spermatic). Berb. Glans penis (in the). Berb. n-vom. Præputium (in the). N-vom. puls. Scrotum (in the). Ran-sc. Testes (in the). Berb. SMELL of the genital organs (Offensive). Natr-m. sass. sulph. SORENESS of the testes. Phos. SPASMODIC pains in the genital organs. Graph. SPASMODIC pains : Testes (in the). Spong. SPOTS (Red), on SPOTS (Red), on the glans penis. Arn. carb-v. sil. V. itching. Arn. lach. moist and smooth. Carb- Penis (on the). Calc. Præputium (on the). Rhus. nitr-ac. STRAIN in the testes. Sabad. SWELLING of the genital organs. Ars. lyc. plumb. Cord (of the spermatic). Berb. chin. kal. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. puls. spong. Epididymis (of the). Sulph. Glans penis (of the). Ars. cann. merc. natr. rhus. thuy. semi-lateral. Spig. Penis (of the). Arn. cann. cinn. cupr. plumb. on the back. Sabin. lymphatic vessels vessels (of the). Merc. Præputium (of the). Calad. cann. cinn. cor. graph. merc. natr. nitr-ac. rhus. sil. sulph. thuy. viol-tric. frænum (on the). Sa- bin. Prostate gland (of the). Cann. Scrotum (of the). Arn. phos- ac. plumb. puls. rhus. samb. sep. Testes (of the). Agn. arn. ars. aur. bar-m. canth. chin. clem. con. dig. iod. kal. lyc. merc. mez. natr. nitr- ac. n-vom. ol-an. phos- ac. puls. rhod. spong. staph. sulph. zinc. aus. mgs. mgs- 478 CHAP. XIX. GENITAL ORGANS. SWELLING (Nature of the): Dropsical. Arn. graph. lyc. n-vom. puls. rhod. sil. sulph. Hard. Agn. arn. n-vom. phos-ac. sabin. spong. Hot. Arn. kal. puls. Painful. Arn. aur. canth. merc. nitr-ac. ol-an. n-vom. SWELLING. See also INFLAM- MATION. SYCOSIS. See See CONDYLOMATA and Chap. II. Sect. I. SYPHILIS. See Chap. II. Sect. 1. } TEARING, sharp pain, drawing in the spermatic cord. Bell. colch. puls. Glans penis (in the). Euphorb. kal. Penis (in the). Kal. mez. mgs-aus. Testes (in the). Euphorb. puls. staph. mgs-aus. TENSION in the genital organs. Graph. THICKENING of the skin, in the scrotum. Clem. rhus. Epididymis (of the). Sulph. Præputium (of the). Lach. THROBBINGS, pulsations, in the spermatic cord. Am-m. THROBBINGS: Glans penis (in the). Rhod. Penis (in the). Cop. TORPOR in the genital organs (Sensation of). Amb. berb. Glans penis (in the). Berb. Præputium (in the). Berb. ULCERATION in the prepuce (Pain as if from). Ign. ULCERS in the glans penis. Cor. merc. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. Præputium (on the). Caus. cor. hep. merc. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. thuy. ULCERS (Nature of the) : Chancres. Merc. Chancres (like). Hep. merc. nitr-ac. thuy. Deep. Sulph. Smooth, red. Cor. VOLUPTUOUS sensation, in the genital organs. Amb. ang. graph. plat. (Compare Volup- tuous ITCHING and EXCITA- BILITY of the parts). WEAKNESS of the genital or- gans. Agn. berb. hep. mang. sep. sulph. After evacuation of fæces or emission of urine. Calc-ph. SECTION 3.-GENITAL FUNCTIONS Of man. AVERSION. See REPUGNANce. COITION (Repugnance to). Agn. semen (incomplete). See EJA- CULATION. cann. clem. kal. lyc. rhod. | COITION: mgs. COITION (during): Enjoyment (Absence of). Anac. calad. plat. Colic (flatulent). Graph. Ejaculation, emission of excessive. Calc-ph. Penis (flabby). N-vom. SECT 3. FUNCTIONS. 479 COITION: Perinæum (pain in the). Alum. Sleep. Bar-c. lyc. Urethra (pain in the). Berb. COITION (After). Compare POL- LUTIONS. Asthmatic sufferings. Staph. Burning in the back. Magn- m. Fatigue of body and mind. Sep. Fatigue in the limbs (pain as if from). Sil. Head (Confusion in the). Bar-c. calc. Heat (general). N-vom. Humour (ill). Sil. Irritability (nervous). Petr. Lassitude. See FATIGUE, WEAKNESS. Mouth (Dryness of the). N-vom. Nausea. Mosch. Odontalgia. Daph. Perspiration. Eug. natr. nocturnal. Agar. Præputium (retraction of the). Calad. Pollutions. Natr-m. Sight (weakness of). Kal. Thirst. Eug. Urethra (pain in the). Canth. Vertigo. Bov. Vomiting. Mosch. Weakness. Agar. calc. con. kal. lyc. petr. sel. sep. In the parts. Berb. DESIRE (Absence of SEXUAL). Agn. alum. bor. calc. camph. carb-an. fer-mg. graph. hell. hep. ign. kal. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. phos- ac. sil. sulph. mgs. (diminished SEXUAL). Acon. bar-c. bell. berb. magn. op. petr. sabad. spong. teuc. DESIRE: (increased SEXUAL). Acon. agar. agn. am-c. arn. ant. aur. bov. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. cinn. cocc. coff. dig. fer. fer-mg. gran. hyos. graph. ign. iod. kal. lach. laur. lyc. mang. men. merc. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. par. phos. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. rut. sabin. sass. sen. sep. sil. stann. staph. sulph. verat. zinc. mgs-arc. Easily excited (too). Kal. lyc. n-vom. phos. Excessive. Am-c. canth. kal. lach. mosch. n-vom. With discharge of pros- tatic fluid. Nitr-ac. With frequent erections. Canth. dig. fer. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. op. phos. plat. plumb. puls. sabin. sen. sep. sil. spig. staph. With pollutions. Dig. fer. natr. n-vom. op. plumb. sass. Fury (with). Agn. Immoderate. Alum. coloc. kal. lyc. natr. natr-m. plat. plumb. sil. ther. zinc. Invincible (like Priapismus). Coloc. graph. natr. natr-m. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sil. Lascivious, with disposition. for coition. Ant. calc. canth. carb-v. chin. con. ign. lach. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phos. puls. sass. sil. spig. stann. stram. verat. zinc. mgs- arc. Morning (in the). Calc-ph. 480 CHAP. XIX. GENITAL ORGANS. : DESIRE. Morning (In the): With lascivious lust. Chin. con. merc. Physical desire, without mental inclination. Lach. sulph. DISCHARGE of prostatic fluid, &c. See EMISSION. EMISSION of prostatic fluid. Anac. ars. bell. calc. con. daph. dig. eug. euphorb. hep. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. petr. phos-ac. puls. sel. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. sab. thuy. zinc. Emotion (after every). Con. Evacuation (During). Anac. calc. carb-v. caus. con. sel. sil. sulph. (during a difficult). Agn. alum. am-c. anac. hep. natr. sep. staph. (during a loose). Ars. Flaccidity of the penis (with). Aur. bell. Urinating (when). Anac. calc. hep. lach. natr. sep. sulph. EMISSION of semen. Canth. Evacuation (during). Phos- ac. - Sleeping (when). Sel. EJACULATION, emission of se- men, during coition: ERECTIONS (Frequent). Agn, am-m. anac. arn. canth. dig. euphorb. fer. ign. kal. kreos. led. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. onis. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran. sen. sep. sil. staph. tab. tar. viol-tric. mgs. mgs- arc. (Compare excessive sEx- UAL DESIRE with frequent erections). (Absence of). Agn. caus. con. graph. hep. kal. lyc. magn. nitr-ac. n-mos. puls. rhod. spong. teuc. in the morning. Graph. Desire (without sexual). Amb. eug. lach. phos-ac. sabad. spig. mgs. Duration (Of too short). Calc. con. mgs-aus. Easily excited (too). Lyc. n-vom. phos. sabin. Insufficient. Con. mgs-aus. Painful. Alum. bor. cann. canth. hep. ign. kal. merc. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. sabad. sen. thuy. Strong (too). Canth. kreos. phos. puls. sabin. tar. mgs- arc. (Compare PRIAPIS- MUS). Weak (too). Agar. bar-c. hep. lyc. sel. sulph. (absence of). Calad. eug. ERECTIONS which manifest graph. lach. lyc. Energy (without). Calc. con. natr-m. phos. sulph- ac. Insufficient. Agar. plumb. Speedy (too). Berb. calad. carb-v. con. lyc. phos. plat. sel. sulph. zinc. Slow (too). Calc. eug. lach. lyc. zinc. themselves : Evacuation (during). Ign. Evacuate (with a desire to). Thuy. Evening (in the). Cinn. phos. Morning (in the). Amb. caps. n-vom. phos. thuy. Night (at). Alum. aur. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. SECT. 3. FUNCTIONS. 481 ol-an. par. plat. plumb. rhus. | POLLUTIONS: staph. thuy. zinc. ERECTIONS: Odontalgia (during). Daph. FLOW of prostatic fluid. See EMISSION. IMPOTENCE. Agn. calad. camph. cann. caps. chin. coloc. con. eug. graph. hyos. lach. lyc. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. n-mos. | op. sel. stram. sulph. mgs-aus. (plumb?) After a chill. Mosch. LASCIVIOUS ideas (Crowding of). Calc. carb-v. chin. graph. POLLUTIONS. Alum. am-c. anac. ant. arg. ars. aur. bar- m. bell. bis. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. con. cor. dig. fer. kal. led. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. ol-an. op. par. petr. petros. phos. phos- ac. puls. ran. ran-sc. rut. sep. sulph. tar. thuy. verb. viol- od. viol-tric. (Absence of). Calc. kal. lach. Amorous dreams (with). Led. par. Amorous dreams (without). Bis. Flaccidity of the penis (with). Bell. calad. con. mosch. n- vom. sabad. sel. Frequent. Am-c. bov. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. con. dig. fer. kal. lyc. magn. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sass. sep. stann. staph. sulph. mgs-arc. too frequent. Carb-v. chin. con. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. Day (too easily excited dur- ing the). Canth. graph. lach. without Graph. erections. Painful. Calc. clem. mosch. Sanguinolent. merc. Caus. led. Siesta (during a). Sulph. POLLUTIONS (After the). (Com- pare after CoITION): Aggravation of the suffer- ings. Alum. Aggravation of all the symp- toms. Alum. Coldness in the extremities. N-vom. Constipation. Thuy. Erections. Grat. Head (Confusion in the). Bov. calc. as if one side of the brain were paralysed. Sil. Inquietude. Carb-an. Perspiration. Lach. Sight (Weakness of). Kal. Uneasiness. Sep. viol-od. Weakness. Carb-an. chin. kal. lach. lyc. n-vom. phos- ac. sep. PRIAPISMUS. See Sect. 1. REPUGNANCE to COITION. coition. See REPUGNANCE to the opposite sex. Am-c. SEMEN. (Nature of the): Sanguinolent. merc. Smell Lach. Caus. led. (of a pungent). Watery. Sulph. WEAKNESS of the genital func- tions. Bar-c. calad. calc. ign. n-mos. sep. sil. sulph. VOL. II. Y 482 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. CHAPTER XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. (On the diseases of women). ACCOUCHEMENT.-Lying-in, Labour. The best medicines to mitigate labour-pains, are, in general: Cham. coff. n-vom. n- mus. op. puls. sec. or again: Acon. bell. calc. For FRUITLESS pains, or SPASMODIC pains, the most suita- ble medicines are: Coff. n-vom. or again: Bell. cham. n-vom. puls. COFFEA is especially suitable, if the pains are so excessively violent as to drive to despair; and if, in this case, coff. is insufficient, acon. will frequently be found of great benefit. NUX-VOM. is indicated, if pains manifest themselves, with- out the labour actually taking place, and especially if these pains are accompanied by a continued desire to evacuate or urinate. If, in this case, n-vom. is insufficient, a preference should be given to cham. or hell. or else: n-mos. or puls. For the ABSENCE of labour-pains, the best medicines are : Op. puls. sec. Opium is especially suitable, if in vigorous and plethoric women, the pains have been suddenly suspended, either by a fright or any other injurious influence, with cerebral con- gestion, redness and bloatedness of the face, and also a lethar- gic state. PULSATILLA, if in women of a good constitution, the pains exhibit themselves slowly, and especially if there are spasmodic pains, or else if the absence of pain arises from inactivity of the uterus rather than from general debility. SECALE is indispensable if the absence of pain manifests itself in persons of a weak and cachetic constitution, or in women who are exhausted by excessive loss of blood, whether there are at the same time spasmodic pains, or any other sort of pain. But, however, beneficial this medicine may be in this particular case, its efficacy is doubtful in most others; and may bring on the most grievous consequences if erroneously employed. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 483 If after expulsion of the fœtus, the contractions preparatory to that of the placenta take place slowly, with ADHERENCE OF THE PLACENTA, puls. and sec. administered with the precau- tion enforced above, are sufficient in most cases, to effect a safe and speedy termination of the labour.-If puls. though in- dicated, proves insufficient, or if there is excessive congestion in the head, with red face, sparkling eyes, great dryness of the skin and of the vagina, great anguish and inquietude, bell. is to be preferred. When the after-pains are ToO ACUTE, or TOO LONG CONTI- NUED, the best medicines are: Arn. cham. coff. or again: Calc. n-vom. puls. Furthermore, for the CONVULSIONS or spasms, which some- times occur during the confinement: Hyos. ign. or again: Bell. cham. cic. will be found to be most suitable. Against INJURY OF THE ORGANS in consequence of a difficult labour: Arn. Against the HEMORRHAGE which succeeds: Croc. plat. or again Bell. cham. fer. sabin. : See also: LYING-IN. AGALACTIA or WANT OF MILK.-See LACTATION. AMENORRHOEA, AMENIA, MENOCHESIA, SUPPRESSION of the catamenia, and sufferings caused by these disorders.-The best medicines against the total absence of catamenia, or against too scanty a discharge are, in general: Puls. sep. sulph. or else: Acon. ars. bry. calc. caus. chin. cocc. con. cupr. fer. graph. iod. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. n-mos. op. sab. verat. or else again : Bell. cham. plat. rhod. staph. stram. valer. zinc. For AMENIA in young girls, they are especially: Puls. sulph. or else: Caus. cocc. graph. kal. natr-m. petr. sep. verat. For the SUPPRESSION of catamenia in consequence of a CHILL: N-mos. puls. or again: Bell.? dulc. sep. sulph.-In con- sequence of a FRIGHT OF SUDDEN EMOTION: Acon. lyc. or again: Coff. op. verat. TOO If the catamenia are not entirely suppressed, but are only FEEBLE (MENOCHESIA), the following medicines will be often found suitable: Calc. caus. con. graph. kal. lyc. magn. natr-m. phos. puls. sil. sulph. verat. zinc. Besides if these affections manifest themselves in PLETHORIC persons: Acon. bell. bry. n-vom. op. plat. sabin. sulph. In WEAK, exhausted, or cachetic persons: Ars. chin. con. graph. iod. natr-m. puls. sep. sulph. With regard to the affections, which manifest themselves in consequence of these disorders, or to the accessory SYMPTOMS which accompany them, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if there are: Frequent congestion in the head or Y 2 484 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. chest, palpitation of the heart; pressive, pulsative or shooting cephalalgia, redness of the face; fulness and hardness of the pulse; frequent heat, with thirst; irascibility, &c. especially in young girls who lead a sedentary life. ARSENICUM, if there are: Great weakness; pale and dis- coloured face, with eyes surrounded by a livid circle; decided preference for sour things, coffee, or brandy, excessive lasci- viousness; corrosive leucorrhoea; frequent fainting-fits. BRYONIA, if the amenorrhoea is accompanied by violent ere- thismus of the vascular system; frequent congestion in the head or chest; with bleeding at the nose, or dry cough; cold- ness and frequent shivering, sometimes alternately with dry and burning heat; constipation, pressive gastralgia or colic. CALCAREA, if there is: Frequent congestion in the head, with vertigo, burning pains in the forehead, or pulsative, pres- sive, or gravative cephalalgia; humming in the ears; pressive gastralgia, with fulness in the hypochondria and inability to bear any tight clothing; colic and cuttings, with pains extending into the thighs, which manifest themselves especially at the time when the catamenia should appear; great fatigue and heaviness of the whole body, especially in the legs. CAUSTICUM, if there are: Hysterical symptoms, cuttings, pains in the small of the back, spasms in the abdomen and yellowish complexion. CHINA, if there are: Paleness of the face, with livid circle round the eyes; pressive cephalalgia, principally at night; pres- sive gastralgia, especially after eating; dyspepsia; emaciation; great weakness, with lassitude and heaviness in the legs; sleep- lessness, or disturbed sleep, with anxious and fatiguing dreams; or else, abdominal or pulmonary spasms; congestion in the head, with pulsation of the carotids; nymphomania; nervous excitability, with excessive sensibility to the least noise, &c. COCCULUS, if, at the period when the catamenia should appear, the following symptoms manifest themselves: Hyste- rical spasms in the abdomen, with pressure at the chest, op- pression, inquietude, anguish, sadness, sighs, moans, and excessive weakness, which almost takes away the power of speech; or else if there is a discharge of blood, but of black blood, which comes away only in drops, with many nervous sufferings. CONIUM, if there are hysteric and chlorotic symptoms, flab- biness and dryness, or else hardness and painfulness of the mammæ; great fatigue, and nervous and hysterical weakness, with involuntary laughter or tears, great dejection after the least exercise; anxiety and sadness; spasms in the abdomen, SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 485 with tension and shooting pains in the same part; leucorrhœa, &c. CUPRUM, if there are: Congestion in the head; pressive cephalalgia in the vertex; redness of the face and eyes, or else paleness of the face, with livid circle round the eyes; frequent nausea, with vomiting; spasms in the abdomen or convulsions in the limbs, with cries; palpitation of the heart and spasms in the chest. FERRUM, especially when there are: Great fatigue and weak- ness, with trembling of the limbs; emaciation, strong disposi- tion to continue in a recumbent or sitting posture; congestion of blood in the head, with pulsative pains, roaring, and pricking in the brain; pale and earthy colour of the face, with livid circle round the eyes; or fiery redness of the face, with redness of the eyes; pressure in the stomach and head; œdematous swelling of the face, hands, and feet; great lassitude in the legs and other chlorotic sufferings. GRAPHITES, if the catamenia appear sometimes, but are too pale and soon cease; especially when there are, at the same time, herpes on the skin, or frequent erysipelatous eruptions; hysterical cephalalgia; nausea; pains in the chest; great debi- lity; cuttings and hysterical spasms; leucorrhoea and sterility; disposition to hæmorrhoids. IODIUM, when there are: Frequent palpitation of the heart; paleness of the face, alternately sometimes with excessive redness; loss of breath when going up stairs or a hill; exces- sive fatigue and weakness, especially in the legs, with other chlorotic sufferings. KALI CARB. is one of the most powerful remedies against amenorrhoea and amenia, especially if there are: Obstructed res- piration; palpitation of the heart; disposition to erysipelatous eruptions and paleness of face, often alternately with excessive redness. LYCOPODIUM, when there are: Chlorotic symptoms, strong tendency to melancholy, sadness and tears; hysterical cephalal- gia; sour vomitings and sourness in the mouth; swelling of the feet, pain in the back, and loins, with colic, and syncope; leucorrhoea; swelling and pressure in the epigastrium, and drawing or tensive pains through the entire abdomen. MERCURIUS, against amenorrhoea, with congestion in the head, accompanied by dry heat and ebullition of blood; leu- corrhoea; œdematous swelling of the hands and feet, or of the face, paleness and unhealthy colour of the face, excessive fa- tigue and weakness, with trembling and ebullition of blood, after the least exertion; irritability; sadness, or peevishness and contradictory spirit. 486 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. NATRUM. when there are: Frequent head-aches, hysterical or chlorotic affections; disposition to sadness, with apathy; great weakness of mind and body, with heaviness in the limbs and dread of movement; disposition to exhibit anger and pro- pensity to fly into a passion. NUX-MOSCH. against suppression of the catamenia, with spasms and other hysterical affections, disposition to sleep and to syncope, great fatigue and debility, with general depression. after the least effort; pain in the loins; frequent pituita from the stomach; fickleness. OPIUM, against suppressed catamenia, with congestion in the head, which seems too heavy; redness and heat of the face; coma; convulsive movements. PULSATILLA, is one of the chief remedies against amenorr- hæa, especially when it has been produced by the effects of damp- ness, or caused by damp, cold air; or when it is accompanied by frequent attacks of semi-lateral cephalalgia, with shooting pains, extending into the face and teeth; head-ache in the forehead, with pressure on the vertex ; pale complexion, vertigo, with humming in the ears; shooting odontalgia, with pains which shift suddenly to one side; frequent nasal catarrh; dyspnæa, shortness of breath and suffocation after the least movement; palpitation of the heart; coldness in the hands and feet, often alternately with sudden heat; disposition to slimy diarrhea; leu- corrhœa; pain in the loins; pressive heaviness in the abdomen; gastralgia with nausea, desire to vomit and vomiting ; continued shiverings, with yawning and stretching; great fatigue, espe- cially in the legs, swelling of the feet, especially in females with light hair, blue eyes, ephelis on the face, mild character and disposition to sadness and tears. SABINA if, especially in persons previously subject to pro- fuse catamenia, the menstrual discharge is supplanted by thick and very offensive leucorrhoea. SEPIA is almost as important as puls. against amenorrhoea, with leucorrhea, or when there are: Frequent attacks of hyste- rical cephalalgia or megrim; odontalgia, with too great sensi- bility of the nerves of the teeth; delicate constitution; delicacy and tenderness of the skin; discoloured complexion, or dirty spots on the face; nervous debility and excessive tendency to perspiration; frequent shiverings alternately with heat; dispo- sition to melancholy and sadness with tears; frequent nasal catarrh, especially after getting wet; pains in the limbs, as if they were beaten, frequent colic and pain in the loins. SULPHUR, if there are: Pressive and tensive cephalalgia, es- pecially in the occiput, extending into the nape of the neck, or pul- sative pains in the head, with congestion, heat, digging, pain SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 487 as if beaten, and humming in the brain; pale and sickly face, with livid circle round the eyes and red spots on the cheeks ; pimples on the forehead and round the mouth; voracious appetite, with general emaciation; sour and burning eructations; pres- sure, fulness and heaviness in the stomach, hypochondria, and ab- domen; disposition to hæmorrhoids; loose, slimy evacuations; constipation with hard fæces and frequent desire, but without any result; spasms in the abdomen; leucorrhoea; itching in the genital organs; hysterical fits and chlorotic symptoms; tendency in the limbs to numbness; dyspnæa ; pain in the loins ; syncope; great disposition to take cold; nervous debility, with excessive fatigue, especially in the legs, and great depression after talking; irritability and inclination to be angry, or sadness and melancholy, with frequent weeping. VERATRUM against amenorrhoea with nervous cephalalgia, hysterical affections; pale, earthy colour of the face; frequent nausea, with vomiting; coldness of the hands, feet, or nose; excessive weakness, with fainting fits; excitability of venereal desire. See also: CHLOROSIS, DYSMENORRHOEA, MENOSPOSIA, &c. and consult for more ample details, the entire pathogenesy of the medicines cited. CANCER in the UTERUS and BREAST. See MAMMÆ and UTERUS. CHLOROSIS.—The best medicines against chlorotic affections are: Con. puls. sep. sulph. or else again: Calc. chin. fer. ign. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. HA, &c. For the details, Compare AMENOrrhea, Dysmenorr- COLIC (MENSTRUAL).—See DYSMENORRHŒA. DYSMENIA.-See DYSMENORRHEA. DYSMENORRHOEA, DYSMENIA, MENSTRUAL COLIC, and other affections, resulting from disordered menstruation.-The best medicines against these affections, are, in general: Bell. bry. calc. cham. cocc. coff. graph. ign. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sec. sep. sulph. verat. or again: Am-c. carb-v. caus. cupr. kreos. lach. magn. mayn-m. merc. natr-m. n-mos. petr. sil. zinc. If these sufferings manifest themselves in YOUNG GIRLS, at the period when the catamenia should appear, a preference may be given to: Puls. sulph. or again to: Caus. cocc. graph. kal. natr-m. petr. sep. verat. In FEMALES who have too FEEBLE, or too RETARDED cata- menia, or of too SHORT DURATION: Calc. caus. con. graph. kal. lyc. magn. natr-m. phos. puls. sil. sulph. verat. zinc. In those who have them too PROFUSE, too EARLY, or of too 488 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. LONG DURATION: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. ign. ipec. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. sec. sep. sil. sulph. verat. In females at the CRITICAL AGE: Lach. or again : Cocc. con. puls. rut. sep. sulph. Also, SPASMS at the period of the catamenia require : Cocc. cupr. ign. plat. puls. or again: Con. chin. graph. magn-m. natr- m. n-vom. sulph. &c. (See Sect. 4). COLIC: Bell. calc. cham. cocc. coff. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sec. sep. sulph. &c. (See Sect. 4). And if there is LEUCORRHOEA at the period of the catamenia, or at any other time, the most suitable medicines are: Puls. sep. sulph. or else again: Am-c. calc. carb-v. caus. cocc. con. magn, magn-m. merc. n-vom. petr. (Compare LEUCORRHŒA). In general, a preference may be given to: BELLADONNA, if the catamenia are preceded by colic, with great fatigue, anorexia, cloudiness of sight, or accompanied by nocturnal perspiration on the chest, with frequent yawning, shivering, colic, anxietas præcordiorum; violent thirst, pains in the loins and spasmodic pains in the back; especially if the pains are pressive, as if every thing would protrude through the genital organs, with heaviness in the abdomen, as if caused by a stone; numbness of the legs, when seated, and pressure on the rectum, as if previous to evacuation; or else, if there is Congestion in the chest or head, with pulsative pain, heat in the head, redness and bloatedness of the face, especially in young persons of a plethoric habit. BRYONIA, if there are: Congestion in the chest or head, with short cough, or frequent bleeding at the nose; leucorrhoea, rheumatic pains in the limbs; pressive or burning gastralgia; pressure and fulness in the epigastrium, coldness or frequent shivering; constipation. CALCAREA if there is: Congestion in the head, with dizzi- ness and vertigo; or tearing, boring cephalalgia, aggravated by every moral emotion and also by a change of weather; leucorr- hoa; gripings, pain in the back and spasmodic pain in the loins; violent colic; anorexia; asthmatic sufferings; tooth-ache, nausea, or else vomiting. CHAMOMILLA, if, with too profuse and too early catamenia, there are; violent colic, with excessive tenderness of the abdo- men when touched, as if all on the inside were ulcerated; pain in the loins and abdominal spasms of the most painful character, with loose greenish, or watery evacuations, nausea, eructa- tions, desire to vomit, tongue covered with a yellowish coat- ing and bitter taste in the mouth; and especially if the blood is of a deep colour, with clots, and if there are also fainting- SECT. I, CLINICAL REMARKS. 489 fits, with thirst, coldness of the limbs, and pale and wan face. COCCULUS, if the catamenia are too early, with abdominal spasms, or scanty, with leucorrhoea in the intervals, or if the discharge consists only in some drops of black, coagulated blood, with pressive colic, flatulency, nausea proceeding even to syncope; paralytic weakness, oppression, and spasms in the chest, anxiety and convulsive movements of the limbs; or else, if there is, instead of the catamenia, a carnation-coloured leucorr- hoea, mixed with sanguinolent and purulent serum. COFFEA, if there is, exceedingly painful colic and so violent, that it drives to despair; especially if the blood flows profusely, with secretion of much mucus, voluptuous itching, and immo- derate excitability of the genital organs. GRAPHITES, if the catamenia come on very slowly, and if after having at last appeared, they are still too feeble and of too short duration, with discharge of a thick and black, or else of a serous and pale blood; especially if there are at the same time: Gripings and abdominal spasms, pressive cephalalgia, nausea, pain in the chest, bronchial or nasal catarrh; great weakness, rheumatic pains in the limbs; œdematous swelling of the feet and legs; herpetic eruption, or odontalgia with swollen cheek. IGNATIA, if the catamenia are too early and too profuse, with discharge of black blood, mixed with clots; spasmodic, contrac- tive colic; gravative cephalalgia, photophobia, anxiety, palpi- tation of the heart, and great weakness, proceeding even to syncope. NUX-VOM. if the catamenia are too profuse, too early and of too long duration, and if they are preceded by drawing pains in the muscles of the nape of the neck; or else if there are: spasms in the uterus, with pressive pains in the hypogastrium extending to the thighs; nausea with syncope, especially in the morning; great fatigue, shivering, rheumatic pains in the limbs; pain in the loins as if they were severely bruised; constipation with fruitless desire to evacuate; frequent desire to urinate, with tenesmus vesica; sensation of distension, as if the abdomen would burst; congestion of blood in the head, with vertigo and pressive cephalalgia; irascibility and passion, or else restless- ness and inconsoleableness. PHOSPHORUS, if the catamenia are too feeble, preceded by leucorrhoea, with desire to weep, and accompanied by colic and cuttings, as if from knives, with pain in the loins and vomiting of bile, mucus, and food; or else, if the catamenia are retarded, but are proportionably more profuse and of longer duration, with great weakness, livid circle round the eyes, emaciation and in- x 3 490 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. quietude; or with shooting cephalalgia, feeling in the limbs as if they had been beaten, palpitation of the heart, hæmoptysis, shiverings, swelling of the gums or cheek. PLATINA, especially when the catamenia are too profuse, of too long duration, or too early, with discharge of black, slimy blood; leucorrhoea before or after the period; spasmodic colic with painful pressure on the genital organs; frequent desire to urinate, constipation or hard fæces, gripings, anorexia, fre- quent attacks of vertigo or anguish with inquietude and tears; discharge of black and thick blood; sleeplessness at night, short- ness of breath and susceptibility. PULSATILLA, in most cases of dysmenorrhoea and menstrual colic, especially if the catamenia are retarded, with discharge of black and coagulated blood, or else of pale and serous blood; or if there are: Colic, abdominal spasms, hepatic pains, gastralgia, pain in the loins, nausea and desire to vomit, or else sour or slimy vomiting; megrim; vertigo, shiverings, with paleness of the face, tenesmus of the anus or vesica; leucorrhoea, tearful- ness, or anguish, sadness and melancholy. SECALE, if the catamenia are too profuse and of too long duration, with tearing and incisive colic, coldness of the extre- mities, paleness of the face, cold perspiration, great weakness, small and almost suppressed pulse. SEPIA, if the catamenia are too profuse or else too feeble, with leucorrhea, spasmodic colic and pressure on the parts, cephalalgia, pain as if from fatigue in the limbs, odontalgia and melancholy. SULPHUR, especially if the catamenia are too early and too profuse, or else too feeble, with discharge of very pale blood; or if there are, before, during and after the period: Colic, abdo- minal spasms, cephalalgia, congestion in the head and epistaxis, pain in the loins, great inquietude and agitation, odontalgia, pyrosis, gastralgia, itching in the parts and leucorrhœa, asth- matic sufferings, cough, or else epileptic convulsions. For the rest of the medicines cited and for more ample details in general, See the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4, and con- sult the pathogenesy of these medicines.-Compare also : AME- NORRHOEA, METRORRHAGIA, METRALGIA, COLIC, LEUCORR- HEA, &c. FEVER (MILK-).—See LACTATION. FEVER (PUERPERAL).—The best medicines are in general: Acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. n-vom. rhus. or again : Arn. ars. hyos. ipec. merc. plat. puls. sec. stram. verat. Among these medicines, a preference may be given to : ACONITUM, if the fever is violent, with dry and burning heat, violent thirst for cold drinks, redness and heat in the face, SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 491 short, oppressed and moaning respiration; distension of the abdomen, with great tenderness when touched and periodical cuttings in the entire of the abdominal region; scanty, sangui- nolent, and offensive lochia. (Bell. or bry. is often suitable after acon.) BELLADONNA, if there is: Flatulent distension of the ab- domen, with shooting and digging pains, or violent spasmodic colic, as if part of the intestines were seized by the nails, or else painful pressure on the genital organs, as if every thing would protrude through that passage; excessive tenderness of the abdo- men when touched; shivering in some parts, with simultaneous heat in others, or else burning heat, especially on the head and face, with redness of the face and eyes; pressive cephalalgia in the forehead, with pulsation of the carotids; dryness of the mouth, with redness of the tongue and thirst; dysphagia with spasms in the throat; sleeplessness with agitation and tossing, coma somnolentum, wild delirium or other cerebral symptoms ; scanty, serous and slimy lochia, or metrorrhagia, with discharge of coagulated and offensive blood; swelling and inflammation in the mammæ, or else they are flabby and without milk; con- stipation or loose, slimy evacuations. (If bell. is insufficient, hyos. may be substituted for it, with strong probability of suc- cess). BRYONIA, if the abdomen is distended and excessively tender when touched, and on the slightest movement either of the whole body, or only of the abdominal muscles, with constipa- tion; shooting pains in the abdomen, aggravated by pressure; violent fever, with burning heat over the whole body, and raging thirst for cold drinks; irascibility, with apprehension, fear of the future and great uneasiness about the state of the health. CHAMOMILLA, if the mammæ are flabby and empty, with metastasis of the milk on the abdominal organs, and whitish diarrhea; too profuse lochia; distension of the abdomen and excessive tenderness when touched; colic like labour-pains ; universal heat, with red face, violent thirst, aggravation and afterwards perspiration at night; great agitation, impatience and nervous excitability; especially if the fever is brought on by a fit of passion or a chill. COFFEA, if there is strong nervous excitement, with too great sensitiveness to the least pain. COLOCYNTHIS, if cham. is insufficient against the puerperal fever, caused by violent indignation, and especially if there are: Delirium, alternately with coma somnolentum, heat in the head, redness of the face, sparkling eyes, dry heat, hard, full and quick pulse. NUX-VOMICA, if the lochiæ disappear suddenly, with a sen- 492 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. sation of heaviness and burning in the genital organs and abdo- men; or else if they are too profuse, with violent pain in the loins, dysuria and burning when urinating; constipation; nau- sea, desire to vomit, or else vomiting; redness of the face; rheu- matic or spasmodic pains in the thighs and legs, with numbness. of these parts; bewilderment of the head, or pressive or pulsa- tive cephalalgia with vertigo, cloudiness of the eyes, tinkling in the ears and syncope. RHUS is almost indispensable, when the nervous system is affected from the first, when the slightest contradiction aggra- vates the symptoms, and when the white lochia becomes sangui- nolent, with clots of blood. HYDATID.-See UTERus. HYSTERIA.—The best medicines against hysterical affections are, in general: Aur. bell. calc. caus. cic. cocc. con. grat.ign. lach. mosch. n-mos. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sep. sil. stram. sulph. verat. or again : Anac. ars. asa. bry. cham. chin. iod. natr- m. nitr-ac. stann. staph. stram. valer. viol-od. For the details, See and Compare, in their respective chapters, the different affections, such as CEPHALALGIA, COLIC, FAINTING, &c. (HYSTERICAL). LACTATION.-The best medicines against a DEFICIENCY OF MILK in lying-in females, are, in general: Calc. caus. puls. or rhus. especially when the agalactia arises from want of vital energy, whether in the mammæ only, or in the whole constitu- tion. But if, on the contrary, the secretion of milk is hindered by too much vitality in the breasts, with tension, redness and pulsation in the parts, and when, at the same time, the milk- fever is violent, the medicines indicated, in most instances, are: Acon. bry. cham. or else: bell. or merc. Besides these medicines: Agn. chin. cocc. iod. n-mos. sep. sulph. zinc. have been recommended against agalactia. If it should be necessary to have recourse to art, MILK- FEVER requires principally: Acon. or coff. administered alter- nately. If these two medicines are insufficient: bell. or bry. or rhus. is to be preferred. Arn. also, may be often suitable, especially if the geni- tal organs are much irritated in consequence of a difficult labour. With respect to SUPPRESSION of the milk, if it is caused by a violent EMOTION, the best medicines are: Bry. cham. coff. If caused by a chill: Bell. cham. dulc. puls. or again: Acon. merc. sulph. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 493 If there is a METASTASIS on the abdominal organs: Bell. bry. puls. rhus. The CHRONIC EFFECTS of a suppression of milk require in preference Rhus. or perhaps again: Calc. dulc. lach.? merc. puls. sulph. If the milk is BAD, too clear, or repugnant to the child, it will frequently be sufficient to administer to the mother: Cin. merc. or sil.-In some cases perhaps : Bor. or lach. will be found to be also suitable, especially if the milk curdles speedily. SILICEA is particularly suitable if the infant vomits after sucking. Lastly, with regard to WEANING, puls. is the best medicine to stop the secretion of milk, or to avert the sufferings, which sometimes result from it. Often, however, Bell. bry. calc. will be also found very efficacious. Against a FLOW of milk, at a time different from that of lactation, the best medicine is: Calc. especially if the mammæ are constantly loaded with milk. Perhaps too: Bell. bor. bry. or rhus. may sometimes be found to be suit- able. See also: MAMMA. LEUCORRHŒA.-The most powerful medicines are: Calc. puls. sep. sulph. or again: Acon. agn. alum. am-c. ars. bov, cann. carb- v. caus. chin. cocc. con. iod. magn, magn-m. mez. nutr. n-vom. petr. sabin. stann. For the details by which a selection is to be determined, See Sect. 3. LEUCORRHEA, and Compare AMENORRHOEA andƊYME- NORRHEA. LOCHIA.-See LYING-IN. LYING-IN.—The medicines, most frequently indicated against the different sufferings and affections of LYING-IN WOMEN are, in general: When the AFTER-PAINS are too acute or of too long conti- nuance: Arn. cham. coff. or again: Calc. n-vom. puls. (See Ac- COUCHEMENT). For MILK-FEVER.-Acon. coff. or again: Arn. bell. bry. rhus. For DEFICIENCY OF MILK: Calc. caust. puls. or again : Acon. bell. bry, cham. &c.—For SUPPRESSION of milk: Acon. bell. bry, calc. cham. coff. merc. puls. rhus. sulph.-For FLow of milk and sufferings caused by WEANING: Bell. bry. calc. puls. See LACTATION. For EXCORIATION of the mammæ: Arn. sulph. or again : Calc. cham. ign. puls.--For INFLAMMATION or ÚLCERATION of the mamma: Bell. bry. merc. phos. sil. sulph. (Compare MAM- MÆ). 494 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. For SUPPRESSION OF THE LOCHIA: Coloc. hyos. n-vom. plat. sec. verat. zinc.--For Lochia, which is TOO PROFUSE or of too LONG DURATION: Bry. calc. croc. hep. plat. puls. rhus. sec. (Compare Sect. 3, same word). For WHITE SWELLING: Arn. bell. rhus. or again: Acon. ars. calc. iod. lach. n-vom. puls. sil. sulph. For PUERPERAL FEVER: Acon. bell. bry. cham. n-vom. rhus. or again: Coff. coloc, hyos. ipec. merc. puls. verat. (See PUERPE- RAL FEVER). For MORAL AFFECTIONS in lying-in women: Bell. plat. puls. sulph. verat. zinc. (Compare also NYMPHOMANIA). For CONVULSIONS, ECLAMPSIA, &c. Cic. hyos. ign. plat. or again Bell. stram. (Compare Chap. I. SPASMS). For DEBILITY: Calc. kal. or else: Chin. sulph.-Or again : N-vom. phos-ac. verat. (Compare Chap. I. DEBILITY). For SLEEPLESSNESS: Coff. For COLIC: Bry. cham. or again: Arn. bell. hyos. lach. n- vom. puls. sep. verat. (See Chap. XVI. COLIC). For DIARRHEA : Ant. dulc. hyos. rhab. (Compare Chap. XVII. DIARRHEA). For CONSTIPATION: Bry. n-vom. op. or plat. (Compare Chap. XVII. CONSTIPATION). For FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR: Calc. lyc. natr-m. sulph. (Compare Chap. VI. ALOPECIA). MAMME and PAPILLE.-The best medicines against EX- CORIATION of the nipples are: Arn. sulph. or again: Calc. cham. ign. puls. CHAMOMILLA is suitable, especially if the nipples are highly inflamed; or also if they are ulcerated, provided the patient has not been previously subjected to an abuse of this medicine. In the latter case, ign. or puls. will be preferable, or perhaps again: Merc. or sil. In all other cases of simple excoriation, arn. should be em- ployed in the first place; and if that medicine is insufficient, it will be necessary to have recourse to sulph. or calc. Besides these medicines: Caus. graph. lyc. merc. n-vom. sẹp, sil. may be also administered. For INFLAMMATION OF THE MAMMA, the most efficacious medicines are: Bell. bry. hep. merc. phos. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 4). BELLADONNA is especially indicated if the breasts are swollen and hard, with shooting or tearing pains, and erysipelatous redness, which emanates from a central point and spreads in the form of radii. (This medicine must often be administered alternately with bry.) BRYONIA, when the breasts are hard, rigid, and too full of SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 495 milk, with tensive or shooting pains in the tumour, and burn- ing heat externally; especially if these symptoms are joined with feverish movements, with heat, excitability of the vas- cular system, &c. (If bry. is insufficient, recourse must be had to bell.) HEPAR, if notwithstanding the administration of Bell. bry. merc. suppuration is beginning to establish itself. MERCURIUS, when neither bell. nor bry. is sufficient against erysipelatous inflammation, and when parts of the breast re- main hard and painful. PHOSPHORUS, when hep. is insufficient to prevent suppura- tion, or when complete ulceration of the mamme has already taken place, and when there are also fistulous ulcers, with hard and callous edges; or else, if with these symptoms, there are also Perspiration or colliquative diarrhæa, with suspicious cough, feverish heat in the evening, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, and other symptoms of hectic fever. SILICEA, if phos. is insufficient against suppuration of the mamma with fistulous ulcers and symptoms of hectic fever. With regard to SCIRRHOUS and CARCINOMATOus affections of the mamma, the best medicines against INDURATION of the mammary glands and NODOSITIES, are: Bell. carb-a. con. sil. or again: Clem. coloc. graph. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sep. sulph.-If the complaint is caused by a CONTUSION, the most eligible medicines will be: Arn. carb-a. con. (Compare Sect. 4, INDURATIONS and NODOSITIES). For CANCER in the breast, a preference may be given to: Ars. clem. sil. or perhaps again: Bell. con. hep.? kreos.? See also, for mamma and papilla (nipples) in general, the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 5. MENOCHESIA, or too feeble catamenia.-See AMENORRHŒA and DYSMENORRHŒA. MENOPOSIA, or critical age of women.-The medicines which correspond most accurately with the symptoms of this period, are: Lach. cocc. con. puls. ruta. sep. sulph.-Lachesis also, is almost a specific for the affections of this period. For the details of these affections, Compare the articles : AMENORRHEA, DYSMENORRHOEA, METRORRHAGIA. MENORRHAGIA, or too profuse catamenia.-See METRORRHA- GIA, and Compare DYSMENORRHŒA. MENSTRUATION.-See AMENORRHOEA, DYSMENORRHœa, Me- TRORRHAGIA. METRALGIA or spasms in the uterus.- See Uterus. METRITIS.—The medicines most frequently indicated are : Acon. bell. cham. coff. merc. n-vom. and perhaps in some cases 496 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. recourse may be had to: Bry. chin. ign. lach. plat. puls. rhus. sec. ACONITUM is always suitable at the commencement of a cure, especially if there is violent inflammatory fever, and particularly if the complaint has been occasioned by a fright during the con- finement or at the period of the catamenia, or if the patient has been subjected to an abuse of chamomile. BELLADONNA, especially if the inflammation takes place after confinement, with suppression of the lochia or adherence of the placenta; or else if there are: Heaviness, drawing, and pres- sure in the hypogastrium, as if all would protrude through the genital organs, with burning shootings, pain in the back as if it would break, and shooting pains in the coxo-femoral joint, which render contact and movement insupportable. CHAMOMILLA, especially if the inflammation is caused by sharp contradiction, or the indulgence of passion after the confinement, with copious secretion of lochia, and discharge of black and clotted blood. When the abuse of chamomile has contributed to the aggravation of the disease, the best medi- cines are: Acon. ign. n-vom. puls. COFFEA, if the affection arises from the influence of exces- sive and sudden joy, especially during the catamenia or confine- ment. MERCURIUS, when the pains in the uterus are shooting, pressive or boring, and especially if there is, at the same time, little heat, but frequent perspiration or shivering. NUX-VOм. if there are pressive, violent pains in the hypo- gastrium, aggravated by pressure and touch; violent pains in the small of the back; constipation or hard fæces; ischuria, dysuria, or strangury; swelling in the orifice of the uterus, with pain as if bruised and shooting in the hypogastrium; ag- gravation in the morning. See also PUERPERAL FEVER and Compare the affections of this organ in the article UTERus. METRORRHAGIA and MENORRHAGIA.-The best medicines against Too PROFUSE A DISCHARGE, and also against HÆMORR- HAGE AT A DIFFERENT TIME from that of the catamenia are, in general: Arn. bell. bry, cham. chin. cinnam. croc. fer. hyos. ipec. plat. puls. sabin. sec. sep. or else again: Acon. arn, culc, carb-a. ign. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom.phos. sil. sulph. verat. If these affections manifest themselves in vigorous and PLE- THORIC persons (ACTIVE HÆMORRHAGE), a preference should be given to: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. fer. n-vom. plat. sabin. sulph. or perhaps again to: Arn. croc. hyos. ign. ipec. phos. sil. verat. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 497 In WEAK, exhausted, and cachetic women (PASSIVE HÆ- MORRHAGE): Chin. croc. puls. sec. sep. sulph. or perhaps again : Carb-v. n-vom. ipec. phos. ruta.? verat. If the metrorrhagia occurs only at the period of the catame- nia, or if these are only TOO PROFUSE (Menorrhagia), the most suitable medicines are: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. ign. ipec. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. sec. sep. sil. sulph. verat. For metrorrhagia which attacks during PREGNANCY, after ACCOUCHEMENT, or in consequence of a MISCARRIAGE, the most suitable medicines are: Bell. cham. croc. fer. plat. sabin. or again: Arn. bry. cinnam. hyos. ipec. For that which appears at the CRITICAL AGE: Puls. or again : Lach.? In general, a preference may be given to: ARNICA, if the metrorrhagia takes place in consequence of a strain in the loins or a false step, or from any other result of over-exertion, especially in pregnant women, and when cinnam. is insufficient. Belladonna, if the blood is neither too bright nor too deep- coloured, but if there are violent pressive and tensive pains in the abdomen, with sensation of constriction or expansion, pain- ful pressure on the genital organs, as if all would force a pas- sage through them, and pain in the small of the back as if the entire of the sacral region were bruised. BRYONIA, often after croc. if this medicine has done good, without, however, being quite sufficient, or if there is a profuse discharge of deep-red blood, with violent pressive pain in the loins, expansive cephalalgia in the temples, violent pressure in the abdomen, nausea, vertigo and syncope. CHAMOMILLA, if there is a discharge of deep-red, or offen- sive and clotted black blood, gushing out at intervals; with colic like labour-pains, violent thirst, coldness of the extremi- ties, paleness of the face, great weakness, and also syncope, with clouded sight and humming in the ears. CHINA, especially if the blood gushes out at intervals, with spasmodic pain in the uterus; gripings, frequent desire to uri- nate, and painful tension in the abdomen, or else in persons who have already lost much blood, and also in the most serious cases, with heaviness of the head, vertigo, dulness of the senses, coma, syncope, coldness of the extremities, paleness of the face, or bluish colour of the face and hands, with con- vulsive shocks across the body. CINNAMOMUM, especially in pregnant or lying-in women, and principally if the loss has taken place in consequence of a strain in the loins, a false step, or any physical exertion 498 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. whatever. (If cinnam. is insufficient, recourse must be had to: arn.) CROCUS, especially if the blood is black, viscous, clotted, and if cham. chin. and fer. have proved insufficient; or else if there are: skipping and rolling in the abdomen as if from a ball or something alive; yellowish and earthy complexion; great weak- ness with vertigo, confused sight and syncope; sadness and great anxiety and inquietude. HYOSCYAMUS, if there are pains, like labour-pains, with drawing pains in the loins, back, and extremities; heat over the whole body, with full and quick pulse, swelling of the veins in the hands or face, great inquietude; increased vivacity, trembling over the whole body; or numbness of the limbs, dulness of the senses, cloudiness of the sight; delirium; start- ing of the tendons or convulsive jerks alternately with tetanic rigidity of the extremities. FERRUM, if there is a profuse discharge of blood which is part- ly fluid, and partly black and coagulated, with pain in the loins and colic resembling labour-pains; violent erethismus of the vas- cular system, with cephalalgia, vertigo, burning redness of the face, fulness and hardness of the pulse. (Chin. is sometimes suitable after fer.) IPECACUANHA, especially in pregnant women, or after ac- couchement, with profuse and continued discharge of fluid and bright-red blood, cutting pains in the umbilical region; violent pressure on the uterus and rectum, with shivering and coldness, heat in the head, great weakness, paleness of the face, nausea, and continued desire to remain lying down. PLATINA, if the blood is thick and deep-coloured, without being precisely clotted, with drawing pains in the loins, which extend to the inguina, and excite a sensation, as if all the in- ternal parts were being drawn down, or if there is violent excitability of the genital organs and venereal desire. PULSATILLA, if the discharge of blood stops at intervals and returns soon after with redoubled violence, or if the blood is black, mixed with a great mass of clots, with pains like labour- pains, especially in pregnant women, and also in females at the critical age, or after accouchement, with adherence of the placenta. SABINA, especially after accouchement, or in consequence of miscarriage, with discharge of black, deep-coloured, clotted blood, pains in the abdomen, and in the loins like labour-pains; great weakness; rheumatic pains in the limbs and head. SECALE, especially after accouchement, or in consequence of a miscarriage, or in weak, cachetic, and exhausted persons; with coldness in the extremities, pale or earthy colour of the face; SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 499 small and almost suppressed pulse; moral inquietude with fear of death. SEPIA, especially if there is, at the same time, induration in the cervix uteri, with spasmodic colic, painful pressure on the genital organs, and transient shootings across these parts. MILK.-See LACTATION. MISCARRIAGE.-Abortion.—The best medicines both against a disposition to this accident and against its precursors and sequelæ, are, in general: Bell. calc. carb-v. chum. croc. fer. ipec. lyc. n-vom. sabin. sec. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. Or else again: Asar. bry. "cann. canth. chin. croc. cyc. hyos. n-mos. plumb. ruta. For a DISPOSITION to miscarriage, the principal medicines are: Calc. carb-v. fer. lyc. sabin. sep. sulph. zinc. or perhaps again: Asar. cann. cocc. kreos. n-mos. plumb. puls. ruta. sil. CALCAREA is especially indicated in PLETHORIC persons, who are subject to too profuse and too early catamenia, with dispo- sition to leucorrhoea, soreness of the mammæ, frequent con- gestion in the head, colic, pain in the loins, and varices in the genital organs. CARBO VEG. if the catamenia are usually too pale, or else too early, and too profuse, with varices in the genital organs; pain in the loins and frequent head-aches, abdominal spasms, &c. FERRUM, especially in chlorotic females, subject to leucorr- hoa, with amenorrhoea; or else in plethoric females, with ex- cessive activity of the vascular system, redness of the face, full and strong pulse, too early and too profuse catamenia. LYCOPODIUM, if the catamenia are commonly too profuse and of too long duration, with itching, burning and varices in the genital organs, great dryness of the vagina, disposition to melancholy, with sadness and tears; leucorrhoea; frequent ce- phalalgia, pains in the loins, syncope, &c. SABINA, in plethoric persons, who have too profuse catame- nia and of too long duration, and especially if the miscarriage generally takes place in the third month of pregnancy. SEPIA, if there are: Leucorrhea with erosion, eruptions and itching in the organs; too feeble or too early catamenia, with tears, melancholy, cephalalgia and odontalgia; frequent attacks of megrim; weak constitution; delicate and tender skin; dirty complexion, with brownish or yellowish spots on the face; tall stature; nervous debility and easy perspiration; frequent colics and great tendency to cold in the head. SULPHUR, if the catamenia are too early and too profuse, or else too feeble and retarded, with leucorrhea, itching, burning 500 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. and erosion in the genital organs; eruption or herpes on the skin; disposition to hæmorrhoids, catarrhs, or other mucous discharges; nervous debility, with anorexia; great fatigue, es- pecially in the legs; frequent cephalalgia, with pressive pain and congestion of blood in the head, &c. Compare also: AMENORRHOEA and DYSMENorrhoea. With reference to the PRECURSORS of miscarriage, the medi- cines, by the aid of which it is most frequently prevented, are: Arn. bell. bry. cham. hyos. ipec. n-vom. sabin. sec. or perhaps again: Cann. chin. cin. cocc. n-mos. plat. puls. rhus. ruta. ARNICA is especially indicated, if in consequence of a BLOW, a CONCUSSION, or other MECHANICAL INJURY, labour-pains manifest themselves with discharge of blood or of serous mu- cus. BELLADONNA, if there are: Violent, pressive, or tensive pains, which occupy the whole of the abdomen, with a sensa- tion of constriction or distension, pain in the small of the back as if it were broken, sensation of affluxion towards the genital organs, with or without discharge of blood. BRYONIA, if there are: Violent pains, with obstinate consti- pation, congestion in the head, dryness of the mouth and thirst; and especially if n-vom. is insufficient against that state. CHAMOMILLA, when there are: Violent cutting pains from the loins to the hypogastrium, with frequent desire to urinate or to evacuate; discharge of blood, mixed with clots, from the vagi- na; heaviness in the whole body; frequent yawnings; cold- ness and shivering; great agitation and convulsive movements of the limbs. HYOSCYAMUS, if there are alternately clonic and tonic spasms, with loss of consciousness and discharge of bright-red blood, especially during the convulsions. IPECACUANHA, if there are the same spasms which indicate hyos. but without loss of consciousness, and especially if the spasms are accompanied by cuttings round the navel, with pressive affluxion towards the genital organs and discharge of blood. If ipec. is insufficient in this case, plut. or else cin. will be found to be indicated. NUX-VOMICA, if there is: Obstinate constipation, with con- gestion of blood in the uterus, and especially if the patient has indulged in an abuse of irritating or heating drinks, such as wine, coffee, &c. SABINA, especially if the precursors of miscarriage manifest themselves in the first period of pregnancy, or when there are, at any period whatever, Drawing and pressive pains from the loins to the genital organs; discharge of blood from the vagina; SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 501 flabbiness, suppleness and sinking of the abdomen; continued desire to evacuate and diarrhea, or desire to vomit, or else vomiting of every thing that is taken into the stomach; fever with shiverings and heat. SECALE, especially in weak, cachetic and exhausted persons, disposed to passive hæmorrhage, to spasmodic affections, &c. or if there is a want of vital energy in the uterus or organic injury of that organ. For the sequelae of miscarriage, such as METRORRHAGIA, METRITIS, &c. See these articles. MOLES. See UTERUS. NYMPHOMANIA.-Plat. and verat. have been hitherto em- ployed with most success. Perhaps recourse may be also had to: Bell. canth.? chin. cinnam.? grat. lach.? n-vom. zinc. (Com- pare also: Chap. XIX. LASCIVIOUSNESS). OÕPHORITIS ‘or Inflammation of the Ovarium.-The medi- cines which seem to be most suitable against this disease, are: Bell. lach. merc. or again: Acon.? ars.? amb.? unt.? canth.? chin.? staph.? In one case of INDURATION and ULCERATION of the ovarium, reported by Hering, Lach. exercised a most important influence in producing so favourable a change in the totality of the symp- toms, that plat. administered afterwards, (and before lach. it would have had no effect), was sufficient to complete the cure. POLYPUS uteri.-See UTERUS. PREGNANCY.-The medicines, which are most frequently in- dicated in the various affections of pregnant women, are in general: For CONVULSIONS and SPASMS: Bell. cham. cic. hyos. ign. or again: Cocc. ipec. mosch. plat. strum. verat. (See Chap. I. SPASMS). For MORAL AFFECTIONS: Bell. puls. or again; Acon. cupr. lach. merc. plat. stram. verat. (Compare Chap. V. MENTAL ALIE- NATION). For CEPHALALGIA: Bell. bry. cocc. n-vom. puls. plat. verat. or again: Acon. calc. magn. sep. sulph. (Compare Chap. VI. CEPHALALGIA). For yellowish or brownish SPOTS on the FACE: Sep. For TOOTH-ACHE: Magn. n-mos. n-vom. puls. or again: Alum. bell. calc. hyos. rhus. staph. (Compare Chap. IX. ODON- TALGIA). For BULIMY: Magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. petr. sep. (Compare Chap. XIV. BULIMY). For DYSPEPSIA, NAUSEA, VOMITING, &c.: Con. ipec. n-vom. puls. or again: Acon, ars. fer. kreos. lach. magn-m. natr-m.n- 502 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. mos. petr. phos. sep. verat. (Compare Chap. XV. DYSPEPSIA and VOMITING). For PAIN IN THE ABDOMEN: Arn. bry. cham. n-vom. puls. sep. or again: Bell. hyos. lach. verat. (Compare Chap. XVI. COLIC). For CONSTIPATION: Bry. n-vom. or again: Alum. lyc. op. sep. (Compare Chap. XVII. same word). For DIARRHEA: Ant. phos. sep. sulph. or again: Dulc. hyos. lyc. petr. (Compare Chap. XVII. same word). For DYSURIA and STRANGURY: Cocc. phos-ac. puls. or again: Con. n-vom. sulph. For VARICES: Lyc. PROLAPSUS uteri or vagina.-The medicines that have been hitherto employed with most success, are: Aur. bell. n-vom. sep.-Perhaps, in case of necessity, recourse may be also had to: Calc. gran.? kreos. merc. n-mos.? stann.? For Prolapsus uteri they are particularly: Aur. bell. calc. n-vom. sep. stann. For Prolapsus vagina: Kreos. merc. n-vom. PUTREFACTION of the uterus.-See UTERUS. STERILITY.-Barrenness.-The medicines, which have hitherto been found most favourable to the promotion of conception, are: Bor. calc. cann. merc. phos. Besides these medicines: Am-c. has been recommended for barren females, who have TOO FEEBLE CATAMENIA. For those who have TOO PROFUSE or too early catamenia : Calc. merc. natr-m. sulph. sulph-ac. If the catamenia are RETARDED: caus. graph. and if they are suppressed: Con. See also: Sect. 3, STERILITY. SCIRRHOUS of the uterus or mamma.-See MAMMA and UTE- RUS. UTERUS (Affections of the).-The best medecines for affections of the uterus are, in general: Bell, cham. cocc. con. hyos. ign. magn. magn-m. n-vom. plat. puls. sep. sulph. or else again : Bry. caus. mosch. natr-m. n-mos. stann. stram. verat. &c. (Compare HYSTERIA). For UTERINE SPASMS (Spasms in the uterus, metralgia, or hysteralgia) the best medicines are: Cocc. con. ign. magn. mågn- m. or else again: Bell. bry.? cham. caus. hyos. natr-m. n-vom. plat.? sep. stann. &c. (Compare MENSTRUAL COLIC and HYSTE- RICAL SPASMS). For PROLAPSUS UTERI, the medicines that have hitherto been employed with most success, are: Aur. bell. calc. n-vom. sep. stann. &c. and perhaps : Gran.? kreos.? merc.? n-mos.? may be also administered. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS OF THE ORGANS. 503 For INFLAMMATION in the uterus, See METRITIS. SWELLING of the uterus (enlargement of the abdomen), in aged women, or in consequence of repeated pregnancy, requires in preference: Sep. or again: Bell.? calc.? chin.? n-vom.? plat.? for DISTENSION of that organ from gas, a preference may be given to Phos. or perhaps to: Lyc. For HYDATID and MOLES, observation has not as yet indi- cated any medicine with sufficient certainty; but it is possible that Bell. or canth. may be sometimes found efficacious against MOLES. Against POLYPUs uteri : Staph. has been principally recom- mended; and perhaps in some cases, recourse may be also had to: Calc. With respect to SCIRRHOUS and CARCINOMATOUS affections of the uterus: Aur. bell. magn-m. sep. staph. have been hitherto employed with most success against INDURATIONS : and Ars. bell. staph. against CARCINOMATOUS ulcerations.—Perhaps also in some cases: Chin. iod. plat. may be administered against INDURATIONS; and: Merc. and Merc. nitr-ac.? thuy. against ULCE- RATIONS. (Compare also: scirrhous and cancer in the MAм- MA). PUTREFACTION of the uterus, such as sometimes occurs after accouchement, in females of a sickly constitution requires sec. in preference. WEANING.—See LACTATION. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE GENITAL ORGANS. Of the female. AFFLUXION. See PRESSURre. APHTHE. Carb-v. BLOOD (Congestion of). Bell. bry. chin. croc. hep. merc. n-vom. plat. sabin. sec. sulph. BLOOD (Discharge of). Sect. 3. See carb-v. cham. kal. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. sulph. thuy. BURNING: Uterus (in the). Bry. CANCER in the uterus. Sect. 1, UTERUS. CATAMENTA. See Sect. 3. See BOLUS (Hystericus). Lach. COLIC, as if the catamenia were plumb. BRUISE in the internal parts (Pain as if from a). Bar-m. BURNING in the genital organs. Am. am-c. berb. bry. calc. about to commence. See PRES- SURE, &c. CONGESTION of blood. Bell. bry. chin. croc. hep. merc. n-vom, plat. sabin. sec. sulph. 504 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. CONTRACTIVE pains. Ign. n- | INDURATIONS (Scirrhous). See vom. sabin. sep. thuy. CORROSION. Kal. lyc. CRAWLING (Voluptuous). Plat. (Compare ITCHING). DEFORMITY of the cervix uteri. Natr. DIGGING. Con. DISCHARGE of pus from the parts. Calc. DISTENSION of the uterus, as if from gas. Phos-ac. DRAWINGS. Mosch. In the uterus. Puls. DRYNESS of the vagina. Bell. lyc. ERUPTIONS. Bry. graph. merc. n-vom. sep. tart. Corroding. N-vom. Itching. N-vom. sep. Nodosities (with). Merc. Pimples (of). Merc. graph. tart. Pustules (of black). Bry. Running. Sep. Vesicular. Graph. EXCORIATION between the thighs. Am-c. caus. graph. hep. kreos. natr. nitr-ac. petr. sep. Vulva (in the). Caus. carb- v. graph. hep. lyc. meph. merc. natr. nitr-ac. petr. sep. sulph. thuy. (Compare Cor- rosive LEUCORRHEA). EXCORIATION (Pain as if from). Amb. berb. rhus. thuy. FEVER (Milk-). See Sect. 1, LACTATION. Sect. 1, UTERUS. INCISIVE pains in the orifice of the uterus. Puls. INFLAMMATION of the labia. Acon. bell, calc. merc. n-vom. sulph. Ovaria (of the). See Sect. 1, OOPHORITIS. Uterus (of the). See Sect. 1, UTERUS. Vagina (of the). Merc. ITCHING. Amb. am-c. calc. carb- v. coff. con. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. merc. natr. nitr-ac petr. sep. sil. staph. sulph. thuy. Voluptuous. Coff. kreos. plat. LABOUR-PAINS (Pains like). Asa. cham. cin. iod. kal. kreos. natr-m. puls. sulph- ac. MENSTRUATION. See CATA- MENIA, Sect. 3. MOLES (Escape of). Canth. OVARIUM (Pains in the). Lach. PRESSURE, (Compressive, &c). Calc. sabin. ign. mang. PRESSURE on the parts (Sensa- tion of affluxion). Asa. bell. calc. chin. con. croc. graph. ipec. kal. magn. mosch. mur- ac. natr. natr-m. n-vom. plat. rat. sep. sulph. zinc. thuy. were As if menstruation about to commence. Cin. croc. lam. magn. mosch. mur- ac. FLATUS from the vagina (Emis- PROLAPSUS uteri. See Sect. 1. sion of). Lyc. FULNESS (Sensation of). Chin. HERPES. Dulc. petr. HEAT. Merc. n-vom. sep. HEAVINESS (Sensation of). N- vom. PULSATIVE pains. Merc. PUSTULES on the vulva (Black). Bry. PUTREFACTION of the uterus. See Sect. 1, UTERUS. REDNESS of the vulva. Calc. SECT. 3. SEXUAL FUNCTIONS. 505 merc. (Compare INFLAMMA- SWELLING of the ovaria. Graph. TION). SENSIBILITY. Coff. merc. sec. staph. zinc. SENSIBILITY (Painful). Merc. n-vom. staph. SHOCKS. Bell. calc. cann. kal. kreos. merc. nitr-ac. phos. sep. staph. thuy. SMARTING. Cham. kreos. staph. thuy. SPASMODIC pains. Ign. kreos. n-vom. thuy. SPASMS in the uterus. Caus. cocc. con. ign. magn-m. natr- m. n-vom. puls. sep. stann. (Compare Sect. 1, UTERUS). lach. Uterus (of the). Canth. n- vom. sec. Vagina (of the). Merc. Vulva (of the). Am-c. bry. cann. carb-v. lach. meph. sec. thuy. TEARING. Phos. ULCERS. Nitr-ac. sep. (Compare Chap. XIX, Sect. 2). VARICES in the vulva. Calo. carb-v. lyc. n-vom. zinc. VOLUPTUOUS itching, crawling. Coff. plat. WARTS on the orifice of the uterus. Sec. thuy. SECTION 3. SEXUAL FUNCTIONS Of the Female. BLOOD (Discharge of), at a time different from that of the catamenia. Amb. arn. bell. bov. bry. calc. cham. chin. cocc. coff. hep. Moon (at the new or full). Croc. Nurses (in). Sil. Pregnant women (in). Cocc. kal. phos. rhus. BLOOD during and at a time different from that of the ca- tamenia (Nature of the): Acidulated smell (of an). Sulph. Acrid. Am-c. kal. natr-s. sass. - Black, deep-coloured. Am- c. asar. bell. bry. canth. cham. cocc. fer. ign. kreos. magn. magn-m. magn-s. nitr. n- mos. ol-an. plat. puls. sel. stram. BLOOD during and at a time different from that of the ca- tamenia (Nature of the): Burning. Sil. - Clots (in). Bell. caus. cham. chin. COCC. fer. ign. ipec. magn-m. natr-s. plat. puls. rhus-v. sabin. stram. stront. Corrosive. Natr-s. sil. Flesh-coloured. Stront. Gushing. Cham. puls. sabin. Itching. Petr. Offensive. Bell. Pale (too). Bell. berb. bor. carb-v. fer. graph. prun. puls. sulph. Pitch (like). Magn. Red (bright). Bell. hyos. sabin. VOL. II. Z 506 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. BLOOD during and at a time different from that of the ca- tamenia (Nature of the): Slimy. Cocc. puls. sulph-ac. Thick (too). Magn-s. n- mos. plat. Viscous. Croc. magn-m. Watery. Berb. phos. prun. puls. tart. BLOOD (Loss of). Metrorrhagia. Acon. ant. bell. bry. calc. cham, chin, cin. cinnam. cocc. coff. cop. croc. diad. fer. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kreos. merc. lyc. mill. natr. n-mos. plat. puls. rat. sabin. sec. sep. sil. squill. stram. sulph. sulph- ac. mgs-aus. (Compare Sect. 1, METRORRHAGIA). CATAMENIA according to their appearance: Early (too). Alum. amb. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. asa. asar. bar-m. bell. bor. bov, bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. cast.cin. cocc. croc. gran. grat. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lam. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. mosch. mur- ac. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. par. petr. phell. phos. plat. prun. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. spong. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tong. verat. zinc. mgs. mgs- aus. Irregular. N-mos. Retarded. Am-c. caus. chel. cic. dros. dulc. graph. hep. ign. iod. kal. lach. lyc. magn. natr-m. natr-s. phos. puls. sabad. sass. sil. stront. sulph. tab. terb. zinc. CATAMENIA according to their duration and intensity : Feeble (too). Alum. asa. bar-c. berb. carb-v. caus. con. fer. graph. kal. lach. lyc. magn. natr-m. nic. ol-an. n-vom. phos. puls. sass. sep. sil. sulph. terb. thuy. mgs-arc. CATAMENIA according to their duration and intensity: Interrupted (which only at night). Bov. Long duration (of too). Acon. asar. grat. kreos. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. rat. rhus. sabad. sec. sil. sulph-ac. mgs. flow Profuse (too). Acon. agar. alum. am-c. ars. bell. bor. bry. bov. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. cin. croc. dulc. gran. hyos. ign. ipec. kal-h. kreos. laur. led. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. merc. mosch. natr-m. nitr. phos. plat. prun. rat. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sec. sep. sil. spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph- ac. tab. verat. mgs. mgs- aus. Short duration (of too). Alum. bar-c. lach. nic. phos. plat. puls. ruta. CATAMENIA (Suppression of the), Amenorrhoea. Acon. agn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dros. fer. graph. hyos. iod. kal. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. op. plat. puls. rhod. sabin. sec. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. valer. verat. zinc. mgs-arc. COITION (Disposition to). Kreos. sulph-ac. Enjoyment (absence of), or retarded enjoyment during. Berb. fer. SECT. 3. SEXUAL FUNCTIONS. 507 COITION (Nodosity in the cer- | LEUCORRHOEA : vix uteri, after). Kreos. Pain (with). Berb. fer. kreos. Repugnance to. Caus. kal. natr-m. petr. Swelling of the parts, after. Kreos. CONCEPTION (Easy). Merc. natr. DESIRE (Diminished SEXUAL). Bar-c. bell. (Compare Chap. XIX, same word, and Re- pugnance to COITION). Increased. Ars. bell. canth. chin. cinn. coff. grat. lach. n-vom. plat. verat. zinc. (Compare Chap. XIX, same word, and Sect. 1, NYMPHO- MANIA). EROTIC, amorous ecstasy. Acon. n-vom. (Compare Chap. XIX). LABOUR-PAINS. See Sect. 1, ACCOUCHEMENT. LEUCORRHOEA. Acon. agn. alum. amb. am-c. ars. bell. bor. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin, cinn. cocc. coff. con. dros. graph. iod. kal. kreos. lam. lyc. magn. magn- m. magn-s. mang. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. plumb. puls. rat. sabin. sep. sil. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. viol-tric. Acrid, corrosive. Alum. am- c. anac. ant. ars. bor. bov. canth. carb-v. chin. con. fer. ign. iod. kal-h. kreos. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos- ac. prun. puls. ran. sep. sil. sulph-ac. (Compare BURNING and SMARTING). Bluish masses (with). Ambr. Brownish. Am-m. nitr-ac. Burning. Am-c. calc. carb- an. canth. con. kal. magn-s. puls. sulph-ac. (Compare SMARTING). Corrosive. Iod. lyc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. ran. SMARTING, ACRID). (Compare Debilitating. Stann. Flesh-coloured. Alum. cocc. nitr-ac. tab. Greenish. Carb-v. sep. Gushing. Sil. Itching. Alum. anac. calc. chin. kal. phos-ac. sabin. sep. Malignant. Mez. Milky. Calc. carb-v. fer. lyc. puls. sil. sulph-ac. Nocturnal. Ambr. caus. Offensive. Natr. nitr-ac. sep. Painful. Sep. Puriform. Chin. cocc. ign. merc. sep. Putrid. Natr. nitr-ac. sep. Reddish. Lyc. nitr-ac. sep. Sanguinolent. Chin. cocc. sulph-ac. tart. Serous. Graph. nitr. ol-an. Slimy. Ambr. am-m. cocc. dict. magn. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. sass. sen. stann. sulph. zinc. Smarting. Alum. ant. carb- an. cham. con. hep. lam. magn. merc. phos. sulph. Stiffens the linen (which). Alum. nitr. Thick. Ambr. bor. carb-v. magn-s. natr. natr-m. puls. sabin. tong. zinc. Transparent. Natr-m. stann. Vesicles (which produces). Phos. Watery. Alum. am-c. chin. z 2 508 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. graph. merc-c. mez. sep. | LEUCORRHEA ATTENDED WITH: tart. LEUCORRHEA : White. Graph. magn. natr- m. nitr. sulph. White of eggs (like). Am- m. mez. petr. plat. LEUCORRHEA WHICH CHARGES ITSELF: DIS- Coition (after). Natr. Movement (during a walk or). Magn. magn-s. tong. Night (at). Amb. caus. Urinating (when). Am-m. calc. sil. LEUCORRHEA WHICH MANIFESTS ITSELF: Before the catamenia. Alum. bar-c. calc. carb-v. chin. kreos. ruta. sulph. During the catamenia. Graph. puls. After the catamenia. Alum. cocc. graph. kreos. merc. phos-ac. puls. ruta. After the cessation of the catamenia. Ruta. LEUCORRHOEA ATTENDED WITH: - Cephalalgia. Natr-m. Colic. Alum. am-m. bell. con. kal. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. puls. rat. sil. sulph. zinc. Debility. Kreos. Diarrhea. Natr-m. Distension of the abdomen. Am-m. graph. sep. Dreams (lascivious). Petr. Face (yellowness of the). Natr-m. Fatigue, lassitude. Alum. Fatigue in the limbs (Pain as if from). Magn-s. Labour-pains. Dros. Loins (pains in the). Kal. magn-s. nitr. Shootings in the parts. Sep. Spasms in the abdomen. Ign. magn. magn-m. Trembling. Alum. LOCHIA (Anormal). Chin. hep. Duration (of too long). Sec. Offensive. Bell. carb-an. sec. Sanguinolent (which be- comes). Rhus. sec. Serous. Carb-an. Strong (too). Bry. calc. croc. hep. plat. puls. rhus. sec. Suppressed or scanty. Co- loc. hyos. n-vom. plat. sec. verat. zinc. MISCARRIAGE, Abortion. Asar. bell. calc. cann. canth. carb- v. cham. chin. croc. fer. ipec. lach. lyc. n-mos. n-vom. plat. plumb. rat. sabin. sec. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. (Compare Sect. 1, same word). STERILITY, Barrenness. Agn. am-c. bor. calc. cann. caus. cic. con. croc. dulc. fer. fil. graph. hyos. merc. natr. natr-m. phos. plat. ruta. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. (Compare Sect. 1, same word), SECT. 4. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 509 SECTION 4. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS Of Catamenia. ABDOMEN (Distension of the). See DISTENSION. ABDOMEN (Heaviness of the), before the catamenia. Puls. ABDOMEN (Pains in the). See COLIC, SPASMS. AFFLUXION, pressure on the genital organs (Sensation of). Compare PRESsure. Catamenia (before the). Plat. during the. Am-c. bell. bor. con. mosch. nitr-ac. n- mos. plat. sep. after the. Chin. AIR, expression (Dejected). Berb. ANGUISH, anxiety: Before the catamenia. Stann. During the catamenia. Bell. ign. merc. After the catamenia. Phos. ANOREXIA before the catamenia. | Bell. ANUS (Discharge of blood from the), during the catamenia. Am-m. graph. (Pain in the), during the catamenia. Berb. ASTHMATIC affections, before the catamenia. Berb. AVERSION to life during the catamenia. Sulph. BACK (Pain in the). (Compare LOINS). Before the catamenia. Spong. At the commencement of the catamenia. Phos. During the catamenia. Am- C. am-m. bell. caus. lyc. phos. BACK (Pain in the): With suppression of the ca- tamenia. Ars. BEATEN in the lower extremities (Pain as if). (Compare LEGS). At the commencement of the catamenia. Lach. phell. During the catamenia. Amb. con. spong. stram. BLOATEDNESS of the face during the catamenia. Chin. BLEEDING of the ulcers. See ULCERS. BLOOD (Congestion of): Before the catamenia. Merc. During the catamenia. Calc. chin. sulph. BLOOD FROM THE ANUS (Dis- charge of), during the cata- menia. Am-m. graph. BLOOD (Ebullition of) : Before the catamenia. Cupr. merc. BLOOD (Expectoration of), dur- ing the catamenia. Phos. BLUISH face. See FACE. BULIMY before the catamenia. Magn. CATARRH during the catamenia. Graph. CEPHALALGIA. (Compare HEAD). Before the catamenia. Alum. calc. carb-v. cupr. fer. natr- m. puls. sulph. verat. During the catamenia. Alum. berb. bor. calc. carb-v. cast. graph. ign. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. n- 510 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. vom. ol-an. phos. plat. puls. CRAMPS in the chest: sep. sulph. verat. CEPHALALGIA : After the catamenia. Lach. natr-m. puls. CHEEK during the catamenia (Swollen). Graph. CHEST (Cramps in the), during the catamenia. Chin. CHEST (Pain in the), at the commencement of the cata- menia. Lach. ސ During the catamenia. Berb. graph. puls. COLIC, gripings, &c.: Before the catamenia. Alum. am-c. bar-c. bell. calc. caus. cham. lach. nitr. plat. puls. sep. At the commencement of the catamenia. Graph. lyc. phos. During the catamenia. Alum. am-c. am-m. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. cocc. con. gran. graph. ign. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-s. n-vom. ol-an. phos. plat. puls. rat. sass. sil. stann. stram. sulph-ac. zinc. After the catamenia. Lach. puls. CONGESTION. See BLOOD. CONSCIOUSNESS (Loss of), dur- ing the catamenia. Chin. CONSTIPATION during the cata- menia. Kreos. natr-s. CONVULSIONS, Spasms: During the catamenia. Sec. CONVULSIONS of the eyes. See EYES. CORYZA during the catamenia. Graph. COUGH before the catamenia. Sulph. CRAMPS in the uterus: During Hyosc. the catamenia. After the catamenia. Chin. Before the catamenia. Lach. During the catamenia. Chin. DEJECTION during the cata- menia. Berb. DESIRE to evacuate (Urgent), during the catamenia. Puls. DIARRHEA : Before the catamenia. Sil. At the commencement of the catamenia. Verat. During the catamenia. Am- m. After the catamenia. Lach. DISTENSION of the abdomen, with metrorrhagia. Hep. Before the catamenia. Kreos. During the catamenia. Alum. berb. zinc. DREAMING (Much), before or during the catamenia. Alum. DREAMS (Anxious). Con. DYSECOIA during the catamenia. Kreos. EBULLITION of blood : Before the catamenia. Cupr. merc. During the catamenia. Alum. EPILEPSY (Attack of), Epileptic fit, during the catamenia. Sulph. EPISTAXIS: Before the catamenia. Lach: sulph. verat. During the catamenia. Natr- s. sulph. With suppressed catamenia. Bry. ERUCTATIONS before the cata- menia. Kreos. lach. magn, ERUPTION between the thighs during the catamenia. Kal. EXCORIATION between the thighs during the catamenia. Bov. kal. sass. SECT. 4. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 511 EXCORIATION in the genital or- gans: Before the catamenia. Sep. During the catamenia. Sil. EXTREMITIES (Pains in the body or). (Compare PAIN AS BEATEN, PAIN AS IF FROM FATIGUE, &c.) IF During the catamenia. Berb. bry. graph. EYES CONVULSED during the ca- tamenia. Chin. EYES surrounded with a livid circle after the catamenia. Phos. FACE (Bluish), after the cata- menia. Verat. after the catamenia. Puls. sulph. GASTRIC affections during the catamenia. Kal. GRINDING the teeth after the catamenia. Verat. GUMS (Affections of the): C. Before the catamenia. Bar- During the catamenia. Merc. phos. HÆMORRHOIDS: During the catamenia. Lach. After the catamenia. Cocc. HEAD (Congestion in the). See BLOOD. HEAD (Heat in the). See HEAT. Bloated during the cata- HEAD (Pain in the). See CE- menia. Chin. Hot. Alum. Pale before the catamenia. Puls. during the catamenia. Cast. magn. magn-m. puls. Puls. after the catamenia. Yellowish, with leucorrhoea. Natr-m. Caus. during the catamenia. FAINTING during the catamenia. Berb. ign. n-vom. PHALALGIA. HEAT before the catamenia. Merc. HEAT in the head: Before the catamenia. Con. During the catamenia. Calc. ign. HEAVINESS in the legs. See LEGS. HEPATIC pains: Before the catamenia. Con. n-mos. puls. During the catamenia. Phos- ac. puls. FEET (Pains in the), during the HOARSENESS during the cata- catamenia. Am-m. FEET (Swelling of the), during the catamenia. Graph. lyc. FERMENTATION in the abdomen during the catamenia. Phos. FEVER during the catamenia. Phos. menia. Graph. HUMMING in the ears : Before the catamenia. Fer. During the catamenia. Bor. kreos. verat. HUMOUR (Ill-), during the ca- tamenia. Berb. FLATULENCY during the cata- INQUIETUDE, agitation: menia. Kreos. 1 FURY at the commencement of the catamenia. Acon. Gastralgia, before, during, or Before the catamenia. Con. kreos. sulph. During the catamenia. Plat. sulph. 512 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. IRRITABILITY, irascibility, be- fore the catamenia. Kreos. natr-m. ITCHING between the thighs during the catamenia. Kal. ITCHING in the genital organs. See ORGANS. JERKINGS during the catamenia. Chin. LABOUR-PAINS before the cata- menia. Plat. LASSITUDE, fatigue. (Compare WEAKNESS). At the commencement of the catamenia. Phell. During the catamenia. Calc. ign. n-vom. After the catamenia. Alum. LAUGH (Propensity to), during the catamenia. Hyosc. LEGS as if beaten (Pain in the): At the commencement of the catamenia. Lach. phell. During the catamenia. Amb. con. spong. stram. LEGS from varices (Blueness of the), during the catamenia. Amb. LEGS (Heaviness in the): C. Before the catamenia. Bar- During the catamenia. Zinc. LEGS (Lassitude in the) : During the catamenia. Sulph. zinc. c. bar-c. caus. lach. magn. nitr. n-mos. puls. LOINS (Pains in the) : At the commencement of the catamenia. Asar. lach. During the catamenia. Am- C. am-m. berb. bor. calc. carb-v. cast. gran. kreos. lyc. magn. magn-m. natr. nitr. ol-an. phos. prun. puls. rat. sass. sulph. After the catamenia. Puls. With suppression of the catamenia. Ars. LOQUACITY during the cata- menia. Stram. LYING-DOWN (Desire to remain), during the catamenia. Am- C. MAMME (PAIN in the), before the catamenia. Calc. con. MAMME (Swelling of the), be- fore the catamenia. Calc. MELANCHOLY (Compare SAD- NESS): Before the catamenia. Caus. lyc. natr-m. stann. During the catamenia. Sep. MILIARY eruption before the catamenia. Dulc. MOANING and sobbing after the catamenia. Stram. MORAL affections, before, dur- ing, or after the catamenia. Puls. After catamenia and leucor- NAUSEA : rhoea. Kreos. LEGS (Pains in the), during the catamenia. Amb. con. spong. stram. LIPS (Swelling of the), during the catamenia. Phos. LIVER. See HEPATIC pains. LOINS (Pains in the): Before the catamenia. Am- Before the catamenia. Puls. At the commencement of the catamenia. Verat. During the catamenia. Bor. calc. graph. magn. n-vom. puls. After the catamenia. Puls. NIGHT-MARE, Incubus, before the catamenia. Sulph-ac. SECT. 4. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 513 NOSE (Itching in the), after the | PERSPIRATION AT NIGHT: catamenia. Sulph. ODONTALGIA : Before the catamenia. Bar- c. sulph. During the catamenia. Am- c. calc. carb-v. graph. laur. sep. After the catamenia. Calc. ORGANS (Excoriation in the GENITAL): Before the catamenia. Sep. After the catamenia. Sil. ORGANS (Itching in the GENI- TAL): Before the catamenia. Sulph. ORGANS (Pain in the GENITAL): Before the catamenia. Chin. plat. During the catamenia. Am- c. bell. berb. con. nitr-ac. n- mos. plat. puls. sil. sulph- ac. After the catamenia. Chin. kreos. PAINS in general: Before the catamenia. Alum. -During the catamenia. Alum. ars. canth. croc. magn. natr. PALE appearance of objects dur- ing the catamenia. Sil. PALENESS of the face. FACE. See PALPITATION of the heart: Before the catamenia. Cupr. iod. spong. Before the catamenia. Ve- rat. During the catamenia. Bell. PHOTOPHOBIA during the cata- menia. Ign. PRESSURE on the parts. See AFFLUXION. PYROSIS before the catamenia. Sulph. RAVING, delirium : During Hyosc. lyc. the catamenia. SADNESS (Compare MELAN- CHOLY). Before the catamenia. Lyc. At the commencement of the catamenia. Natr-m. During the catamenia. Am-c. SHIVERING : Before the catamenia. Calc. lyc. puls. At the commencement of the catamenia. Verat. During the catamenia. Bell. kreos. magn. n-vom. phos. puls. After the catamenia. Puls. SHOOTINGS in the genital or- gans: - During Sulph. the catamenia. SIGHT (CONFUSED), before the catamenia. Bell. SLEEP (DISTURBED), during the catamenia. Alum. kal. SMELL of the body (Lascivious), during the catamenia. Stram. During the catamenia. Alum. SOBBING AND MOANING after ign. iod. phos. After the catamenia. Iod. PERSPIRATION during the cata- menia. Hyos. Back (on the). Kreos. Chest (on the). kreos. Bell. the catamenia. Stram. SOURNESS in the mouth during the catamenia. Lyc. SPASMS (ABDOMINAL). (Com- pare COLIC: Before the catamenia. Carb- v. hyosc. sulph. z 3 514 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN. SPASMS (ABDOMINAL): At the commencement of the catamenia. Zinc. During the catamenia. Cocc. con. cupr. chin. graph. ign. magn-m. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. plat. puls. sep. sulph. SPASMS (HYSTERICAL). (Compare CRAMPS). Before the catamenia. Hyos. kreos. During the catamenia. Lach. puls. STITCHES in the side, before, during, or after the cata- menia. Puls. STOMACII (Pain in the) : Before the catamenia. Lach. n-mos. puls. sulph. During the catamenia. Bor. sass. STRETCHINGs before the cata- menia. Puls. SWELLING. See the parts af- fected. TEETH set on edge during the catamenia. Merc. TENESMUS ani, before, during, or after the catamenia. Puls. THIRST during the catamenia. Bell. verat. TONGUE, (Dry, burning), with deep-coloured spots during the catamenia. Merc. ars. TREMBLING during the cata- menia. Hyosc. ULCERS (Angry), during the catamenia. Graph. ULCERS (Bleeding), before the catamenia. Phos. URETHRA (Running from the), before the catamenia. Lach. URINATE (Frequent occasion to): Before the catamenia. Phos. puls. URINATE (Frequent occasion to): During the catamenia. Puls. sass. After the catamenia. Puls. URINE (Flow of), during the catamenia. Hyos. VARICES (Swollen), during the catamenia. Amb. VERTIGO : Before the catamenia. Calc. lach. puls. verat. During the catamenia. Ve- rat. After the catamenia. Puls. VOMIT (Desire to), during the catamenia. Verat. VOMITINGS: Before the catamenia. Kreos. puls. At the commencement of the catamenia. Phos. During the catamenia. Am- c. carb-v. lyc. puls. After the catamenia. Puls. WATERBRASH before the cata- menia. N-mos. WEAKNESS. (Compare LASSI- TUDE): Before the catamenia. Iod. n-mos. During the catamenia. Graph. iod. magn. magn-m. ol-an. phos. After the catamenia. Iod. phos. plat. WEEPING: Before the catamenia. Con. During the catamenia. Lyc. phos. plat. YAWNING: Before the catamenia. Puls. During the catamenia. Bell. SECT. 5. SYMPTOMS OF THE MAMME. 515 SECTION 5. SYMPTOMS OF THE MAMME. ABSCESS in the mamma. Hep. phos. sil. (Compare Sect. 1, MAMME). ATROPHY of the mamma. Phos. - Nipples (of the). Sass. BURNING in the mammæ. Phos. Nipples (in the). Cic. graph. sulph. CANCER in the mamma. See Sect. 1, MAMMÆ. CRACKS. Graph. sulph. Bell. bry. carb-an. carb-v. con. hep. merc. phos. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1, MAMME). INFLAMMATION: Nipples (of the). Phos. sil. sulph. ITCHING in the mamma. Alum. con. Nipples (in the). Agar. petr. sulph. CRAWLING in the mamma. Sabin. NODOSITIES in the mammæ. DRAWINGS in the Kreos. mammæ. the mammæ. ERUPTIONS in the Graph. ERYSIPELAS in the mammæ. Carb-an. phos. sulph. (Com- pare Sect. 1, MammÆ). EXCORIATION of the mammæ. Arn. calc. caus. cham. graph. ign. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. sep. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1, MAMMA). EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), in the mammæ. Caus. n- vom. sang. zinc. Carb-an. coloc. graph. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. puls. (Compare INDURATIONS). PAINS in the mammæ. Phos. rhab. Graph. Lactation (during). Bor. Nipples (in the). sulph. RHAGADES in the mammæ. Caus. RHEUMATIC pains in the mam- mæ. Bry. SCABS on the mammæ. Lyc. SCALES, furfurs, on the mammæ. Petr. FLACCIDITY, softness of the SENSIBILITY of the mammæ. mammæ. Cham. HERPES in the mamma. Caus. dulc. INDURATIONS. Bell. carb-an. con. cham. clem. merc. phos. sep. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1, MAMME). INDURATION of the mamma. Bell. bry. carb-an. cham. clem. con. graph. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1, MAMMA). -Nipples (of the). Agar. sulph. INFLAMMATION of the mammæ. Graph. Nipples (of the). Graph. SHOOTINGS in the mammæ. Con. kreos. graph. iod. natr-m. phos. rhab. sang. sep. SHUDDERING in the mammæ. Dig. SMALLNESS (Excessive), of the mammæ. N-mos. SUPPURATION of the mammæ. Kreos. merc. phos. sil. Nipples (of the). Cham. merc. sil. SWELLING of the mamma. Bell. bry. calc. con. graph. hep. 516 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF CHILDREN. lyc. merc. merc-c. phos. puls. | ULCERATION of the mamma. sabin. sil. sulph. (Compare Sect. 1, MAMMÆ). SWELLING : Nipples (of the). Lyc. merc. Phos. sil. sulph. Fistulous. Phos. sil. ULCERS. See SUPPURATION. VESICLES On the nipples. Graph. SECTION 6. DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Principally of New-born Infants. (CLINICAL REMARKS.) ABDOMINAL OBSTRUCTION.-See Chap. 1, ATROPHY of i children. ACIDITY.—The best remedies against acid retching and diar- rhæa are: Cham. rheum. or: Bella. calc. sulph. (Compare DIARRHEA). APHTHÆ. The medicine which ought to be almost always em- ployed in the first place is: Merc. and then, at the end of six or seven days: Sulph.-Bor. or sulph-ac. will also be often found suitable. ASPHYXIA.-The best medicine to employ in concert with mechanical means is tart. 1st trit. gr. 1, dissolved in 8 oz. of water, and administered either in the form of a clyster, or by introducing some drops of this mixture into the mouth of the infant, every quarter of an hour. If at the end of half an hour no favourable change takes place in the infant, recourse must be had to op. if the face is bluish, and to chin. if it is pale. When the infant revives and respiration commences, acon. may be administered if the face has been previously red or bluish; or again: Chin. if it has been pale. ASTHMA.-Attacks of asthma in little children, with spasms, suffocation, and bluish face, mostly yield to ipec. and if they come on during sleep, with cries, dry, dull cough and anxiety, to samb. See also Chap. XXII, THYMIC ASTHMA and ASTHMA MILLARI. Besides these two kinds of asthma, there is also another, characterized by hard and tight distension of the hypochondria and pit of the stomach, with shortness of breath, choking, anxiety, agitation and tossing, cries and retraction of the thighs.-Cham. is the specific medicine against this state. ATROPHY.-See Chap. 1. COLIC of children.-The best medicines are in general: Bor. SECT. 6. CLINICAL REMARKS. 517 cham. cin. ipec. kal. jalap. n-mos. rhab. senn. or again: Acon. bell. calc. caus. cic. coff. sil. staph. For the details, See CRIES, DIARRHEA and WORMS. CONSTIPATION of new-born infants.-Bry. n-vom. op. are the most efficacious medicines, and may, in most cases, be ad- ministered immediately. If these medicines are insufficient, a selection may be made according to circumstances, and the symptoms exhibited by the nurse, among: Alum. lyc. sulph. verat. CONVULSIONS.-See SPASMS. CORYZA. Little children are often affected by a kind of coryza, or rather a kind of OBSTRUCTION of the nose, which hinders respiration while they are sucking. The most eligible medicine is, in most cases: Ñ-vom. or else: Sulph. if n-vom. is insufficient. Recourse may be often had also to: Cham. if the obstruc- tion is accompanied by running of water from the nose; or else by: Carb-v. if it is aggravated in the evening, or again by dulc. if the aggravation takes place in the open air. CRYING of new-born infants.-If children cry continually with- out any apparent cause, bell. is frequently indicated, or else: Cham.—If the crying is caused by soreness of the head or ears, cham. must be employed in the first place, and bell. if that me- dicine is insufficient. If the infant suffers from colic, and bends itself double when crying, with retraction of the thighs, the best medicine is cham. if the infant's face is red, or bell. if it is pale. If there are, at the same time, loose evacuations of a sour smell, with tenesmus, rhab. is preferable. If none of these medicines is sufficient, recourse may be had to: Bor. jalap. ipec. senn. When the infant or the nurse has been already subjected to an abuse of chamomile, bor. ign. puls. may be administered. When the infants are very restless, with sleeplessness and feverish heat, coff. or acon. is to be preferred. CROUP. See Chap. XXI. CRUSTA LACTEA.-See Chap. X. DENTITION.-The best medicines against the sufferings that are caused by dentition are in general: Acon. bell. bor. calc. cham. coff. ign. merc. sulph. or again: Ars. chin. fer. magn. magn-m. n-vom. stann. SLEEPLESSNESS requires principally: Coff. or again: Acon. bor. cham. FEBRILE affections: Acon. cham. coff. n-vom. or else again : Bell. bor. sil. AGITATION and nervous EXCITABILITY: Coff. or else: Acon. bell. bor. cham. 518 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF CHILDREN. CONSTIPATION: Bry. magn-m. n-vom. DIARRHEA: Merc. sulph. or again: Ars. calc. cham. coff. fer. ipec. magn. Dry and spasmodic COUGH: Cham. cin. n-vom. SPASMS OF CONVULSIONS: Bell. cham. cin. ign. or again: Calc. stann. sulph. If the teeth are excessively slow in cutting through the gums, the work of nature will be mostly facilitated and expedited by sulph. or calc. See also, for the above-mentioned affections, the cor- responding articles in this chapter. DIARRHEA.-Diarrhea in children caused by ACIDITY in the digestive organs with colic, and often with cries, requires in preference rhab. especially if there is tenesmus, at the same time, or if notwithstanding the greatest cleanliness, the infant has a sour smell. If in this case, rhab. is insufficient while the colic is violent, and the face is red, cham. will be more eligible, or else bell. if the infant's face is pale. If, on the contrary, there is little pain, but great weakness, with distension of the abdomen, and especially if bell. cham. rhab. have proved insufficient, sulph. will be frequently found very beneficial. Diarrhea which manifests itself in children during the HEAT OF SUMMER, yields, in most cases, to a few doses of ipec. or else to n-vom. if ipec. is insufficient. If, notwithstanding this treatment, the diarrhea returns whenever the weather is a little WARM, recourse may be had to: Bry. or to: Carb-v. if bryon. is not quite sufficient. If, on the contrary, the diarrhea is renewed every time that the weather BECOMES COOL, dulc. will be the best medicine, or else: Ant. if the tongue is covered with a white coating. Ars. will also be frequently found very beneficial, especially when the infant is much emaciated, and becomes very weak, pale and languid. Besides these medicines: Fer. hep. ipec. jalap. magn. merc. n-vom. sulph-ac.-See also the articles: ACIDITY, ATROPHY, DENTITION, GASTROSIS, WORMS, &c. and Compare Chap. XVII, DIARRHEA and DYSENTERY. ECLAMPSIA.-See SPASMS. EXCORIATION in infants.-The best medicine to employ in the first place is cham. provided, however, the infant or nurse has not been previously subjected to an abuse of cha- momile ptisan. In this latter case, bor. ign. or puls. must be preferred. If cham. is insufficient, recourse may be had to bor. or to SECT. 6. CLINICAL REMARKS. 519 carb-v. or else merc. if the infant's skin is yellowish, if the parts affected are, as it were, raw, and if the excoriation ma- nifests itself also behind the ears. If none of the preceding medicines is sufficient, sulph. will often be very beneficial, and also sil. if sulph. fails to effect a complete cure. Caus. graph. lyc. sep. have been also recommended. FEVERS.—The fevers of children require in most cases: Acon. cham. or coff. and considerable benefit has been also derived from: Bell. bor. ign. merc. n-vom. ACONITUM is especially indicated, if there is: Violent heat; with thirst, sleeplessness, or agitated sleep with frequent waking with a start, anxiety, weeping, exasperation and in- consoleableness. CHAMOMILLA, if there are: Burning heat and redness of the skin, with desire to drink frequently; great agitation especially at night, with tossing, anxiety, moaning and sighs; redness of the face or only (of one) of the cheeks; hot perspiration in the head, also in the hair; short, rapid, and anxious respira- tion, with rattling of mucus in the throat; short, dry, and panting cough, or convulsive jerks of the limbs. COFFEA, if the fever is less violent, but if there is excessive nervous excitability with sleeplessness, or agitated sleep with frequent waking with a start, at one time excessive gaiety, at another time strong propensity to shed tears. For the rest of the medicines cited, Compare Chap. IV. FEVERS, &c. GASTROSIS or GASTRIC DERANGEMENT of infants.-The best medicines are in general: Bell. cham. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. or again: Bar-c. calc. hyos. lyc. magn. rhab. sulph. If there exists ACIDITY, whether exhibited in vomiting or in acid diarrhæa, the most eligible medicines are: Bell. cham. rhab. or again: Calc. magn. n-vom. puls. If the gastric derangement arises from INDIGESTION, the best medicine against the vomiting is: ipec. especially if there is diarrhæa at the same time; or puls. if ipec. is insufficient. If the diarrhea is not accompanied by vomiting, but is attended with evacuation of ingesta, or if the infant has been already weakened by purgatives, chin. is to be preferred.-If there is, on the contrary, only vomiting, with constipation, recourse must be had to: n-vom. With regard to chronic DYSPEPSIA in some infants, or that weakness of the stomach, which causes the slightest neglect of regimen to be followed by indigestion: Bar-c. calc. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. will be often found beneficial. 520 CHAP. XX. AFFECTIONS OF CHILDREN. HERNIA. UMBILICAL hernia of infants yields mostly to: n-vom. -The most useful medicines for INGUINAL hernia, are: Aur. cham. n-vom. sulph. verat. provided that only a single dose of each of them is given and that they are administered at long intervals, one from the other. HYDROCEPHALE.--See Chap. VI. ICTERUS.-In most cases, a few doses of merc. will be sufficient, or if not: Chin. will complete the cure. INCONTINENCE of urine.-ENURESIS.-See Chap. XVIII. INDIGESTION.-See GASTROSIS. ISCHURIA.—The best medicine is: Camph. or if this is insuffi- cient: Acon. or puls. (Compare Chap. XVIII. ISCHURIA and DYSURIA). Ş MILIARY eruption of nurses. In the majority of cases, some doses of acon. will be sufficient, if not, cham. may be employed, and if this medicine is also insufficient, recourse must be had to: sulph. OPHTHALMIA of new-born infants.-The best medicines are: Acon. cham. dulc. merc. or else: Bell. bry. calc. n-vom. puls. sulph. (Compare also OPHTHALMIA, Chap. XVIII). RACHITISMA.-See Chap. I. SCROFULA.—See Chap. I. SLEEPLESSNESS of new-born infants.-If the nurse has not usually indulged in an abuse of coffee, coff. will often be suffi- cient; in the contrary case, or if coff. is not sufficient, op. will frequently be very useful, especially if the child has a red face. If the infant is tormented by colic, with cries, a preference must be given to: Cham. or else to: jalap. or rhab. If there is at the same time great agitation with feverish heat, and if coff. is insufficient, acon. may be often administered with great success. If sleeplessness manifests itself after WEANING, or if the child cries for whole hours and days, without closing the eyes and without any perceptible cause, bell. is the best me- dicine. See also: CRYING. SPASMS and CONVULSIONS.-The best medicines against spasms in little children are in general: Bell. cham. cin. coff. ign. ipec. merc. op. or again: Acon. caus. cupr. lach. n-vom. stann. sulph. BELLADONNA is especially indicated if the paroxysms termi- nate in a lethargic state, or occur alternately with it; or else if the child wakes suddenly, as if from fright, with haggard eyes, anxious and fixed look, as if from apprehension; dilated SECT. 6. CLINICAL REMARKS. 521 pupils; tetanic rigidity and coldness of the whole body, with burning in the hands and forehead; or else if the child wets the bed frequently. CHAMOMILLA, if there are, convulsive jerkings of the arms and legs, with involuntary movements of the head, followed by drowsiness with the eyes half-open and loss of consciousness; redness of one of the cheeks, with paleness of the other, moan- ing or frequent desire to drink. (If cham. is insufficient against this state, bell. may be administered). CINA, especially in children who have worms or who wet the bed frequently, with cramps in the chest, convulsive move- ments of the limbs, distension and hardness of the abdomen, frequent itching in the nose, cough resembling hooping-cough, &c. COFFEA, especially in weak, wretched children, who are often attacked by these convulsions, without any other ail- ment. IGNATIA, in most cases, at the commencement of the disease or treatment, especially when it is unknown whether the teeth, or worms, &c. are the cause of the attacks, or if the spasms return every day at the same hour, with jerking in some limbs or in some muscles only; frequent flushes of heat, and perspi- ration, whether during or after the spasms; light sleep, from which the child wakes with a start, piercing cries and trem- bling of the whole body. (After ign., cham. is often suit- able). IPECACUANHA, if the child has short respiration in the inter- vals between the fits, with nausea, vomiturition, or vomiting and diarrhea, with frequent spasmodic stretching. MERCURIUS, if the abdomen is hard and distended, with fre- quent eructations and salivation, or with heat, perspiration and great weakness after the fits. OPIUм, especially if the fits are caused by fright, or if there are: Trembling of the whole body, tossing of the arms and legs, piercing cries during the fits; or else lethargy with loss of consciousness, distension of the abdomen, constipation and ischuria. See also Chap. I. SPASMS. STAMMERING in children.-The principal medicines to pro- mote the cure of this defect are: Bell. euphr. merc. and sulph. provided mechanical assistance is not neglected at the same time. WEAKNESS of children (muscular).-The best medicines for children who are a long time in learning to walk, from physi- cal weakness of the muscles, are: Bell. calc. caus. sil. sulph. or again: Pin.-See also Chap. I. SCROFULA and RACHITIS. 522 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. WETTING THE BED.-See Chap. XVIII. ENURESIS. WORMS.-See Chap. XVI. HELMINTHIASIS. CHAPTER XXI. AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX AND OF THE BRONCHIA. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. APHONIA.-See HOARSENESS and Aphonia. BRONCHITIS.-See CATARRH (BRONCHIAL). CATARRH (BRONCHIAL or PULMONARY), BRONCHITIS Or DEFLUXION OF THE CHEST.-The medicines most frequently indicated, are, in the first place: Acon. bell. bry. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. Or else: Arn. ars. calc. caps. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. dros. dulc. euphr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. phos. phos-ac. sep. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. verat. verb. Or else again: Bar-c. cann. con. fer. hep. lyc. magn. mang. natr. natr-m. petr. sabad. sep. spong. squill. stram. tart. IN ORDINARY catarrh, with cough and slight fever, the most efficacious medicines are: Cham. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. If the COUGH is violent and DRY, the most suitable medi- cines will be: Bell. bry. cham. ign. n-vom. sulph. or again: Acon, caps. cin. dros. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. merc. natr-m. phos. rhus. spong. &c. (See COUGH). If it becomes SPASMODIC: Bell. bry. carb-v. cin. dros. hep. hyos. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. &c. (See COUGH). If it becomes Loose, with copious expectoration: Bry. carb- v. dulc. euphr. merc. puls. sulph. tart. or again: Calc. caus. lyc. sen. sep. sil. stann. &c. (See CoUGH). If there is HOARSENESS with the catarrh: Cham. dulc. merc. n-vom.puls. rhus. samb. sulph. or again : Ars. calc. carb-v. dros. mang. natr. phos. ta t. (Compare HOARSENESS). If there is FLUENT CORYZA: Ars. dulc. euphr. ign. lach, merc. puls. sulph. &c. (Compare Chap. IX. CORYza). In cases in which the catarrh assumes a decidedly INFLAM- MATORY character (ACUTE BRONCHITIS, properly so called), a preference may be given to: Acon. bell. bry, cham. dros. phos. spong. or again: Ars. lyc.merc. n-vom. puls. squill. sulph. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 523 In EPIDEMIC catarrh or GRIPPE, the medicines most fre- quently indicated are: Acon. ars. bell. caus. merc. n-vom. or again: Arn. bry, camph. chin. ipec. phos. puls. sabad. sen. sil. spig. squill. verat. (Compare GRIPPE). Against CHOKING CATARRH: Ars. carb-v. chin. ipec. lach. op. or again: Bar-c. camph. graph. puls. samb. tart. (Compare ASTHMA). Lastly in CHRONIC catarrh, a preference may be given to : Ars. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. dulc. iod. lach. lyc. mang. natr. natr- m. petr. phos. phos-ac. sil. stann, staph. sulph. Besides, CATARRHAL affections, which are the result of MEASLES (Morbilli), mostly require: Bry. carb-v. cham. dros. hyos. ign. n-vom. or again: Acon. bell. cin. coff. dulc. sep. Those which manifest themselves in AGED PERSONS: Bar-c. carb-v. con. hyos. kreos. phos. stann. sulph. In CHILDREN: Acon. bell. cham. cin. coff. dros. ign. ipec. sulph.-In SCROFULOUS children, especially Bell. calc.-In very FAT children: Ipec. or calc. : Lastly, whatever name may be applied or appropriate to the several shades of difference between the various kinds of bron- chial or pulmonary catarrh, a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, if there is: Burning feverish heat, with full in- flammatory pulse; hoarse, rough voice; painful sensibility of the part affected, with aggravation of the pain when taking an inspiration, coughing, and speaking; short, dry cough, with constant occasion to cough, caused by a troublesome tickling in the larynx or in the bronchia; obstructed respiration, with tension, pain as if from excoriation, or shootings in the chest when coughing and taking an inspiration; if the cough is more violent, more hoarse, and more hollow at night; but shorter and more panting during the day; if there is thirst, sleeplessness or disturbed sleep, with tossing; burning pain in the head, redness of the face and eyes; or else, if the cough is convulsive and croaking, with scanty expectoration of whitish or sanguinolent mucus. BELLADONNA, if there is: Dry cough, with sore throat, coryza, violent fever in the afternoon and evening, dry and burning skin, frequent desire for cold drinks, without however drinking much; obstinacy and naughtiness in children, and rapid respiration when asleep; or else: Spasmodic cough, which does not allow time for respiration; fatiguing, shaking cough, excited by an insupportable tickling in the larynx, as if there were a foreign body in it, or as if dust had been swal- lowed; or else dry and short, or hollow and barking cough; appearance of the cough at night, or in the afternoon, or in the evening in bed, and also during sleep, with renewal from the 524 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. least movement; pain, as if beaten, in the nape of the neck, or expansive cephalalgia as if the forehead would burst, when coughing; rheumatic pains in the chest; shootings in the sternum or in the hypochondria; rattling of mucus in the chest; redness of the face and head-ache; hoarseness, and mucus in the chest; frequent sneezing, especially towards the end of a fit of coughing. BRYONIA against: Dry or loose cough, excited by a tickling in the throat; or else, spasmodic suffocating cough, especially after midnight or after eating or drinking, with vomiting of food; cough, with yellowish expectoration, or with spitting of dirty, reddish, or else sanguinolent mucus; shootings in the side, or pains in the chest and head, as if these parts would burst, when coughing; strong disposition to perspire, hoarse- ness, rattling of mucus, and soreness of the larynx, aggra- vated by smoking tobacco. CHAMOMILLA: Much tenacious mucus in the throat, dry cough, produced by a continual titillation in the larynx and chest, and aggravated by speaking; or cough, morning and evening, or at night in bed, continuing also during sleep and accompanied sometimes by paroxysms of suffocation; scanty expectoration of bitter mucus in the morning ;—especially also, when the cough is excited by passion, in naughty children, after crying out or shedding tears; or if there is hoarseness with coryza, dryness and burning in the throat, and thirst; fever towards the evening; ill-humour, taciturnity, laconic speech, irascibi- lity and peevishness. : MERCURIUS: Hoarse, rough voice, with burning and tick- ling in the larynx; disposition to perspiration, which, however, does not relieve; aggravation from the least current of air; or else dry, shaking, and fatiguing cough, especially in the evening. or at night, also during sleep, excited by a tickling or a sensa- tion of dryness in the bronchia; cough, with shooting pains in the chest; or with vomiturition and desire to vomit, bleeding at the nose (in children), pains in the head or chest, as if these parts would split, expectoration of blood, fluent coryza, hoarseness and slimy diarrhæa. NUX-VOMICA, if there are: Hoarse, dry, and deep cough, excited by dryness of the throat, with tension and pain in the larynx and bronchia; hoarseness and painful erosion of the throat, especially in the morning or in the evening in bed; much tenacious mucus in the throat, which it is impossible to detach; dry coryza, with dryness of the mouth, heat and redness of the cheeks, shivering, or shiverings alternately with heat; constipation, pressive head-ache in the forehead, ill-humour, irascibility, obstinacy and mischievousness;— -or if there is: SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 525 Convulsive, fatiguing and shaking cough, excited by a tickling in the throat, which manifests itself especially in the morning or at night, in bed or after dinner, and which is excited by move- ment, meditation and reading; with nocturnal oppression, or with head-ache as if the cranium would split; sensation as if from a bruise in the epigastrium, and pains in the hypochondria, when coughing; or else cough with vomiting or with bleeding at the nose and mouth. PULSATILLA, if there is: Hoarseness, with almost complete extinction of the voice; shooting or erosion in the throat and palate; coryza, with running of yellowish, greenish and offen- sive matter; loose cough, with pain in the chest; shivering with adypsia; or else: Cough, which is dry at first, followed by a loose cough, with expectoration of much salt, bitter, yel- lowish or whitish matter, or else of sanguinolent mucus; or shaking cough, which manifests itself especially in the evening or at night, in bed, aggravated when lying down; with desire to vomit, vomiting, sensation of suffocation, as if from the vapour of sulphur and rattling of mucus; soreness in the abdomen, as if it had been beaten, or painful shocks in the arms, shoul- ders, or back, or unnoticed emission of urine when cough- ing. RIUS TOXIC. if there is: Hoarseness, with roughness and erosion in the throat, frequent sneezing, a great quantity of mucus in the nose, without coryza, but with obstructed res- piration; or if there is: Short, dry cough at night, excited by a tickling in the bronchia, with inquietude and short breath, especially in the evening and before midnight, painful shocks in the head and chest, or tension, or shootings in the chest, pain in the stomach, shootings in the loins: especially if the cough is aggravated by cold air and ameliorated by warmth and movement; or if the cough manifests itself in the morning after waking, or in the evening, with bitter taste in the mouth, or with vomiting of food. SULPHUR if there is: Hoarseness, with almost complete ex- tinction of the voice, roughness and scraping in the throat, much mucus in the bronchia; fluent coryza; cough, sensation of erosion in the chest and shivering, with aggravation of this state from cold and damp weather; or else: Dry cough, some- times also fatiguing and shaking, with vomiturition, vomiting, and spasmodic constriction in the chest, and which manifests itself especially in the evening or at night, when the patient is lying down, and also in the morning or after a meal; or again, if there is Loose cough, with expectoration of much thick, whitish, or yellowish mucus, sometimes only during the day, : 526 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. with dry cough at night;-or obstinate, dry cough, excited by a tickling in the throat; shootings in the chest or head, giddi- ness, and cloudiness of sight, when coughing; sensation of fulness in the chest, with oppression, rattling of mucous, pal- pitation of the heart, and orthopnoea. Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be afterwards had to: ARNICA, against dry or loose cough, excited by a tickling in the larynx, manifesting itself especially in the morning, during sleep, with tears, and cries, or else after crying or shedding tears (in children); or loose cough, with inability to expectorate the mucus that has been detached by the cough ; especially if there is, at the same time: Pressive and spasmodic cephalalgia, as if the brain were contracted; shootings in the chest; pains in the loins and rheumatic pains in the extremi- ties; frequent bleeding at the nose or mouth, or else expecto- ration of blood. ARSENICUM, if there is: Loose cough, with difficult expec- toration and tenacious mucus in the larynx and bronchia; or else dry, shaking and fatiguing cough, especially in the evening, after lying down, or at night, renewed after drinking, and also in the free and cold air; violent dyspnea or else paroxysm of suffocation, especially in the evening, in bed; great lassitude and weakness; hoarseness and coryza with discharge of corrosive mucus, rheu- matic cephalalgia with violent pains; aggravation of the general state at night and after a meal. CALCAREA, especially against: Frequent and obstinate hoarse- ness; much tenacious mucus in the larynx and bronchia violent, dry cough, excited by a tickling in the throat, as if there were down in the throat, manifesting itself especially in the evening, in bed, or at night, during sleep; loose cough with. rattling of mucus, or with thick yellowish and offensive expecto- ration; pains and shootings in the side and chest; great lassi- tude with uneasiness respecting the state of health. CAPSICUM: Hoarseness and dry cough, more violent in the evening and at night, sometimes with desire to vomit, flying rheumatic pains, cephalalgia as if the cranium would split; pressive pains in the throat and ear; shootings in the chest or back, or pressure on the vesica, with shootings in that organ; coryza with obstruction of the nose and tickling or crawling in the nostrils. CARBO VEG. if there is: Obstinate hoarseness and roughness of the voice, especially in the morning or evening, aggravated by prolonged conversation, or by cold and damp weather; or paroxysms of spasmodic cough, several times a day, or only in the evening; or cough with profuse expectoration of greenish SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 527 mucus; rheumatic pains in the chest or extremities; pain, as if from ulceration, or crawling, scraping, and tickling in the larynx. CAUSTICUM, if there is: Violent and shaking cough, especially at night, with pain in the throat and head, hoarseness, rough- ness and weakness of the voice; rattling of mucus; pain, as if from erosion in the larynx and chest; fluent coryza with head- ache; diminished appetite, nausea and vomiting of food; rheu- matic pains in the limbs and zygomatic process; shiverings at every movement; heat at night, with palpitation of the heart; great fatigue in the legs, aggravation in the open air; unno- ticed emission of urine when coughing. CHINA, if there are: Hoarseness, indistinct speech, and low voice, caused by mucus adhering to the larynx; dry cough, as if produced by the vapour of sulphur; or convulsive, suffocating cough, at night, with vomiting of bile, and difficult expectora- tion of slimy or whitish, or else sanguinolent mucus; the cough is excited, when laughing, talking, taking an inspiration and also when eating or drinking. CINA, especially in children, if the cough is dry or the ex- pectoration very scanty, with starts during sleep, want of breath, moaning, paleness of the face; or hoarse fit of coughing every evening, especially in children under the influence of ver- miculous affections; or if there is, at the same time, fluent coryza, with burning heat in the nostrils, and violent and pain- ful sneezing which forces to cry out. DROSERA: Excessive hoarseness with low and dull voice ; dryness, roughness and scraping in the larynx, with much yellowish, grayish or greenish mucus; dry, spasmodic, fatiguing and shaking cough, which manifests itself principally at night, or in the evening, in bed, and often with vomiturition, or vomiting of food, bleeding from the nose or mouth, and fit of choking; cough, which is excited by laughing or weeping, moral emo- tions, singing, tobacco-smoke and drinking. DULCAMARA, against loose cough, especially after a chill, with hoarseness or expectoration of blood; or panting, barking cough, like hooping cough, excited by taking a deep inspira- tion. EUPHRASIA, against cough with violent coryza, which affects the eyes at the same time; cough only during the day, with difficult expectoration or only in the morning, with much expec- toration and obstructed respiration. HYOSCYAMUS, if the cough is dry, stronger at night, and especially in a recumbent position, ameliorated when the patient. sits up, with tickling in the larynx or bronchia; or spasmodic cough, with redness of the face and vomiting of mucus. 528 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA IGNATIA, if the cough is dry and rough, with fluent coryza, head-ache and weak voice, or short cough, as if there were down or the vapour of sulphur in the throat, aggravated by the act of coughing so as to become shaking and spasmodic; espe- cially in persons, who have experienced much grief; or if the catarrhal state is aggravated after a meal, in the evening after lying down, and after rising in the morning. IPECACUANHA, especially in children, if they are nearly suf- focated, if we may so speak, by mucus in the bronchia, with rattling of mucus; or spasmodic, suffocating cough, with bluish face and convulsive rigidity of the body; contraction and tickling in the larynx; dry cough, or cough with scanty expecto- ration of nauseous mucus, desire to vomit and vomiting of slimy matter, or with bleeding at the nose and mouth. LACHESIS, if there is: Catarrhal cough, with coryza, shooting pains in the head, rigidity of the nape of the neck, and pulmonary affections; continued hoarseness, with a sensation of mucus adhering to the throat; cough especially at night, when sleeping, or in the evening in bed, or else invariably after sleep- ing, excited by a tickling in the larynx, or by the slightest pressure of the gullet; aggravation of the cough after a meal, and also on rising from a sitting posture; pains in the throat, eyes, ears, and head, when coughing. PHOSPHORUS, especially if there is: Hoarseness with cough, fever, and the moral affections so influenced that the patient is apprehensive of death; hoarseness or entire extinction of the voice; painful sensibility of the larynx; dry cough, produced by a titillation in the throat, with shootings in the larynx and pains as if from excoriation in the chest; want to cough when laughing, drinking, reading in a loud voice, or walking in the open air; or else dry cough with expectoration of viscous or sanguino- lent mucus. PHOSPHORI ACID, if there are: Excessive hoarseness and loose cough, produced by a titillation in the pit of the stomach or in the throat-pit; dry cough in the evening, cough in the morning with whitish, or yellowish, or else puriform expec- toration; pressive pains in the chest. SEPIA, especially against: Cough with expectoration of much mucus, which is generally putrid, or of a salt taste, and yellow, greenish or puriform, or else sanguinolent; often only in the morn- ing or in the evening, with rattling of mucus, weakness, and pain as if from excoriation in the chest; or dry spasmodic cough, like hooping cough, especially at night, or in the evening in bed, with cries, choking, nausea, vomiturition and vomiting of bile; especially in scrofulous subjects, affected with herpes or erythema in the joints. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 529 SILICEA, principally against obstinate cough, with expecto- ration of much transparent or puriform mucus; or shaking, violent cough, with pain in the throat and abdomen, or else suffocating cough at night. SQUILLA, especially in chronic catarrh, characterized by secretion of much whitish and viscous mucus, at one time ex- pectorated easily, and at another time not without great exer- tion. STANNUM, especially if there are: Expectoration of much greenish or yellowish, and sweetish or salt mucus; or else dry, violent shaking cough, especially in bed in the evening until midnight, or more violent in the morning, and sometimes also with vomiturition and vomiting of food. STAPHYS, if there is, cough with expectoration of yellowish, viscous or puriform mucus, especially at night, with pain as if from ulceration in the chest, or else expectoration of blood. VERATRUM, especially if the cough is hollow and profound, as if proceeding from the remotest ramifications of the bronchia, or else from the abdomen; with gripings, salivation, bluish face, unnoticed emission of urine, violent pain in the side, dys- pnæa, and great weakness; or with shootings towards the inguinal ring, as if a hernia were about to take place. VERBASCUM, especially in children, if there is a dry and hoarse cough, which manifests itself more in the evening and at night, during sleep, without waking the patient. For the remainder of the medicines cited, and for more ample details respecting the preceding, See their pathogenesy. — Com- pare also in their respective chapters, the articles: CORYZA, LARYNGITIS, PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY, Pulmonary PHTHISIS, ASTHMA, GRIPPE, CROUP, HOOPING-COUGH, COUGH, Hoarse- NESS, &c. CATARRH (SUFFOCATING).-See BRONCHIAL CATARRH and Sur- FOCATING ASTHMA. COUGH.-Cough being always only a symptom of some other affection, there is scarcely any medicine that may not enter into the list of remedies to be administered. We, therefore, pre- tend not to give, in this place, sufficient instruction for the treatment of a phenomenon which is merely symptomatic; but on the other hand, we have not considered it useless to offer some general observations respecting the selection of the medicines, according to the different kinds of cough that may characterize the affections of which they form a part. Thus, against CATARRHAL Cough, the following medicines. should be taken into consideration; generally: Acon. bell. bry. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. or again: Arn. ars. calc. VOL. II. A A 530 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. caps. caus. chin. cin. dros. dulc. euphr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. phos. phos-ac. sep. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. verat. verb. And if the CATARRHAL cough is DRY, particularly: Acon. bell. bry. caps. cham. cin. hyos. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. rhus. spong. sulph. or again : Bar-c. hep. dros. lyc. natr-m. phos. If it is Loose with much expectoration: Calc, dulc. euphr. lyc. phos. puls. sen. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tart. or again: Bry. cann. carb-v. caus. kal. merc. natr-m. &c. See also BRONCHITIS. For NERVOUS and SPASMODIC cough, the medicines most frequently indicated are: Bell. bry. carb-v. cin. cupr. dros. hep. hyos. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. or again: Ambr. chin. con. fer. iod. lact. nitr-ac. sil. mgs-arc. If the cough is accompanied by VOMITING OF VOMITURITION: Bry. carb-v. dros. fer. ipec. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. sep. sulph. tart. verat. If it manifests itself with PAROXYSMS OF SUFFOCATION (Suf- focating cough): Bry. cham. chin. dros. hep. ipec. lach. op. samb. spig. sulph. tart. mgs-arc. For the other kinds of cough, See the articles: PLEURISY, PNEUMONIA, HÆMOPTYSIS, HOOPING-COUGH, Croup, PULMO- NARY PHTHISIS, &c. and Compare BRONCHITIS, GRIPPE, &c. and also the SYMPTOMS of cough, Sect. 3, 4, 5. CROUP, or MEMBRANOUS ANGINA, ANGINA TRACHEALIS.-The best medicines are in general: Acon. spong. and hep. and these may be administered by dissolving from six to ten globules of the sixth or third attenuations in from six to eight ounces of water, of which solution a spoonful may be taken every hour, or even every half-hour, according to circumstances. ACONITUM is especially indicated in the inflammatory period, and ought to be continued as long as there are: Great excite- ment of the nervous and sanguineous symptoms, burning heat with thirst, short, dry cough, short and quick respiration, but not loud, wheezing, nor resembling the sound of a saw. SPONGIA is indicated, on the contrary, if the symptoms above mentioned have yielded to the action of acon. and if there remain only the characteristic symptoms of violent croup, or else if the disease presents itself from the first under this form, with hoarse, hollow, ringing, and squeaking cough, or dry cough producing little mucus, which is detached with difficulty, slow, noisy, wheezing respiration, which resembles the sound of a saw, or else a fit of choking, with inability to breathe except when holding back the head. HEPAR is preferable, if, from the action of spong., the cough SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 531 has become more easy and the difficulty of respiration seems to arise only from an accumulation of mucus in the respiratory organs; or else, if from the commencement, the symptoms of croup are accompanied by a rattling of mucus, if the cough is moist, with the respiration slightly obstructed, and little irrita- tion of the nervous and sanguineous systems. Besides these three principal medicines, the following have been also recommended against the HOARSE AND HOLLOW COUGH which sometimes precedes the croup, several days: Cham. chin. cin. dros. hyos. n-vom. verat. Against the croup with PARALYTIC STATE OF THE LUNGS: Tart. Against a complication of the croup with ASTHMA MILLARI: Samb. or mosch. Against desperate cases in which: Acon. spong. and hep. prove insufficient: Mosch. phos. or again: Camph. cupr. lach. Against LARYNGITIS, hoarseness and catarrhal affections which continue after the croup: Hep. or phos. or again: Arn. bell. carb-v. dros. To overcome a DISPOSITION to croup: Lyc. and phos. have been principally recommended. DEFLUXION.—(Rhume de poitrine).-See BRONCHITIS. GRIPPE or INFLUENZA.-The medicines that have been hitherto employed with most success against this kind of BRONCHITIS, are, in general: Acon. ars. bell. caus. merc. n-vom. and also Arn. bry. camph. chin. ipec. phos. puls. sabad. sen. sil. spig. squill. verat. ACONITUM is especially suitable if the complaint assumes a decidedly inflammatory character, with pleurisy or pneumonia, or else if there is only a dry, violent and shaking cough, either with or without oppression at the chest, or shootings in the chest or sides; and, also, if there are rheumatic affections, with bronchial catarrh and sore-throat. ARSENICUM, if there is: Rheumatic cephalalgia with violent pains, fluent coryza, with corrosive mucus; or great weakness, with aggravation of the state at night or after a meal; spas- modic cough, with desire to vomit, or vomiting and expecto- ration of serous mucus; blearedness in the eyes, which are also inflamed, with ulcers on the cornea and excessive photo- phobia. (In this last case : Bell. or lach. will also be often suitable). Belladonna, if the cough becomes spasmodic, or if talking, bright light, walking and all movement aggravate the cepha- lalgia to such an extent as to render it insupportable; or else if the affection attacks the membranes of the brain, with violent A A 2 : 532 CHAP. XX. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. burning heat, agitation and inquietude, delirium and convul- sions. CAUSTICUM, if there are: Rheumatic pains in the limbs and shiverings, which are aggravated by all movement; pains in the zygomatic process and maxillæ; and violent, dry cough, ag- gravated at night, with heat over the whole body; sensation of erosion in the chest; constipation, anorexia, with nausea and also vomiting of food. MERCURIUS, if there are: Rheumatic pains in the head, face, ears, teeth, and limbs, with sore-throat; pleuretic or pulmonary symptoms, with dry, violent, shaking and incessant cough, which does not permit one to utter a single word; dry or fluent coryza; frequent bleeding at the nose; constipation, or slimy, or bilious diarrhea, shivering or heat, with violent perspira- tion. NUX-VOM. if the cough is hoarse and hollow, with rattling of mucus, or with thick expectoration; violent cephalalgia, as if the brain were bruised, with heaviness of the head and vertigo; pain in the small of the back; constipation, anorexia, nausea and desire to vomit, with thirst; sleeplessness or agitated sleep, with anxious dreams; shooting or pain as if from erosion in the chest. Among the other medicines, recourse may be had to : ARNICA, if the influenza assumes an inflammatory character, with pleurodynia, rheumatic pains in the limbs, pressive, spas- modic cephalalgia and bleeding at the nose or mouth. BRYONIA, if there are rheumatic pains in the limbs and chest, which do not permit the least movement. CAMPHORA, if there is catarrhal asthma, with immense ac- cumulation of mucus in the bronchia, choking-fit, and dryness and coldness of the skin. CHINA, against weakness in consequence of the influenza, with anorexia and heat without thirst. IPECACUANHA, if the paroxysms of cough are accompanied by violent vomiturition and vomiting of slimy matter. PHOSPHORUS, if the bronchia and larynx are so irritated, that the sharpness of the pain alters the voice and almost hinders speech. PULSATILLA, when the cough allows no repose, day or night, and when it is especially fatiguing in a recumbent posture, with mucous obstruction of the digestive organs, and loose evacuations. SABADILLA, if there are: Fluent coryza, bewilderment of the head, and dirty complexion; dull cough, with vomiting, or with hemoptysis, which manifests itself especially in a recum- ! SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 533 bent posture; aggravation of all the symptoms in the cold air, and also towards noon, and again still more towards evening. SENEGA, if there are: Tickling and incessant burning in the larynx and throat, with danger of suffocation when lying down. SILICEA against a disposition to take cold in the head after the influenza. SPIGELIA, if the cough is loose from the first, with expec- toration of much mucus. STANNUM, if the cough, which is at first dry, becomes loose, with profuse expectoration, or if the influenza threatens to turn to phthisis pituitosa. VERATRUM, if the influenza manifests itself with symptoms of sporadic cholera, and if there are slight catarrhal symptoms, but great weakness. HÆMOPTYSIS.-See Chap. XXII, PULMONARY HÆMORRHAGE. HOARSENESS and APHONIA.-The most efficacious medicines are in general: Bell. bry, caps. carb-v. caus. cham. dros. dulc. hep. mang. merc. natr. n-vom. petr. phos. puls. samb. sil. sulph. For ordinary CATARRHAL hoarseness, or that without cough, they are principally: Cham. carb-v. dulc. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. samb. sulph. or again: Bell. calc. caps. dros. hep. mang. natr. phos. tart. CHRONIC hoarseness requires in preference: Carb-v. caus. hep. mang. petr. phos. sil. sulph. or again: Dros. dulc. rhus. For complete APHONIA, great benefit will be often derived from: Ant. bell. caus. merc. phos. sulph. Besides, hoarseness resulting from MORBILLI will be most frequently cured by: Bell. bry. carb-v. cham. dros. dulc. sulph. That which manifests itself in consequence of CROUP by: Hep. phos. or again by: Bell. carb-v. dros. In consequence of BRONCHITIS, NASAL CATARRH, &c. by: Carb-v. caus. dros. mang. phos. rhus. sil. sulph. That which is the result of a chill, by: Bell. carb-v. dulc. sulph. and if it is invariably aggravated by cold and damp weather: Carb-v. or sulph. Compare also: LARYNGITIS, CROUr and COUGH, and for the details, See BRONCHITIS, and also the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4. HOOPING-COUGH.-The medicines which have hitherto been employed with most success against this complaint are in ge- neral: Acon. arn. bell. carb-v. con. cupr. dulc. hep. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. verat. And also: Bry, cham. con. iod. lact. led. sep. sulph. tart. And perhaps, in some cases, recourse may be also had to: Anac. ars. fer. lach. nitr-ac. samb. In the FIRST stage of hooping-cough, the IRRITATIVE period, 534 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. the medicines which most frequently succeed in arresting the progress of this complaint at its commencement are: Acon. carb-v. dulc. ipec. n-vom. puls. ACONITUM is especially indicated, if, at the commencement, the cough is dry and sibilant, with fever, or if the child com- plains of burning pains in the larynx or bronchia. CARBO-VEG. if notwithstanding the use of the medicines. cited above (Acon. dulc. ipec. n-vom. puls.) the cough threatens to proceed to the second stage, or else if it manifests itself from the first as a convulsive cough, appearing especially in the evening, or before midnight, with redness of the pharynx, sore- throat when swallowing, lachrymation, or shootings in the head, pains in the chest and throat, or else if there is an erup- tion on the head or body. DULCAMARA, if, from the first, the cough is loose, with easy expectoration and hoarseness, and especially if it manifests itself in consequence of a chill. IPECACUANHA, if, from the commencement, the cough is ac- companied by great anguish, with danger of suffocation and bluish face; especially if n-vom. has proved insufficient against that state. NUX-VOM. if the cough is dry, and manifests itself especially from midnight until morning, with vomiting, anguish, choking fit, and bluish face, bleeding at the nose and mouth. PULSATILLA, if, from the commencement, there is a loose cough with vomiting of mucus or food, or else slimy diarrhæa. In the SECOND stage of the hooping-cough, the CONVULSIVE period, with vomiting and bleeding at the nose and mouth, the best medicines are: Cin. cupr. dros. verat. or again: Bell. merc. CINA is especially indicated if the child suddenly becomes stiff during the paroxysm, and, if, after the paroxysm, a clucking noise is heard, descending from the gullet into the ab- domen. This medicine is also almost a specific in children who have vermiculous symptoms, such as frequent gripings, itching in the anus, and desire to rub the nose frequently, or to poke the fingers into it. In this case merc. will also be found very beneficial. CUPRUM, if, during the paroxysm, there is rigidity of the body, with suspended respiration and loss of consciousness; vomiting after the paroxysms, and rattling of mucus in the chest when not coughing. (Verat. will be often found suitable after cupr.) DROSERA, if besides the symptoms peculiar to this stage, the paroxysms are excessively violent, if the sibilant sound of the cough is very decided; if there is no fever, or if, on the contrary, the fever is strongly developed, with shuddering SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 535 and heat, thirst only after the shivering, perspiration rather hot than cold, or only at night; aggravation of this state during repose; amelioration from movement. This medicine is besides, always preferable, if the hooping-cough is entirely developed, with vomiting of food or slimy matter, and bleeding at the nose and mouth. (Verat. is sometimes suitable after dros.) VERATUM, frequently if dros. is not quite sufficient against the affections of the convulsive stage, or else before this medi- cine, especially if the child is very weak, with a kind of slow fever, cold perspiration, especially on the forehead; small, quick and weak pulse; great thirst, or else if, during the pa- roxysms, there is emission of urine or pain in the chest and inguina; drowsiness between the paroxysms, with repugnance to movement and conversation; weakness of the nape of the neck, to such an extent as to be unable to hold up the head; miliary eruption over the whole body, or only on the hands and face. The convulsive form of hooping-cough, of which we have been just speaking, is not, however, always entirely developed, and it is often found, when this disease prevails as an epidemic, that children are affected by a spasmodic cough, which has not all the characteristics of hooping-cough, or rather, the disease itself (according to essentials) assumes a form more or less different from the ordinary one.—The medicines, which, in that case, are most frequently indicated are: Bell. bry. iod. merc. sulph. tart. BELLADONNA is especially indicated, if there are very decided cerebral affections, or if the cough announces itself by a pain- ful sensation in the region of the stomach, with bleeding at the nose and mouth, or else with sugillation in the eye; or if there are other spasmodic affections, such as eclapsia, convulsive asthma, &c.—Also when the paroxysms terminate in sneezing. BRYONIA, if the paroxysms of suffocating cough take place, especially in the evening, or at night, and also invariably after eating or drinking, with want of breath, choking and vomiting of ingesta. IODIUM, if the cough is excited by an insupportable tickling in the bronchia, with undulating respiration during the pa- roxysms, excessive anguish before the fits, great fatigue and emaciation. LACTUCA, if the cough is violent, with vomiting after every fit of coughing, without any other symptom characteristic of hooping-cough. MERCURIUS, if the cough comes on only at night, or else only by day, and if it manifests itself in two paroxysms which 536 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. occur soon after one another, and which are separated from the two following paroxysms by longer intervals; or in the true hooping-cough, if the child bleeds profusely at the nose and mouth, when vomiting, with profuse perspiration at night, and great nervous susceptibility; especially in children subject to vermiculous affections or to convulsions. (Carb-v. is often suitable in this last case after merc.) SULPHUR, if the paroxysms of coughing are accompanied by vomiting, and will yield to none of the other medicines cited. TARTARUS, especially if the fits of vomiturition are accom- panied by diarrhea, with great debility and failure of vital force, or if the children vomit up their supper soon after mid- night. When the convulsive period of the hooping-cough is passed, and the complaint is on the decline, the medicines that are most frequently indicated against the catarrhal cough which remains, are: Arn. carb-v. dulc. hep. puls. ARNICA is especially indicated if the child cries much after coughing, or if the paroxysms are announced or excited by cries and tears. CARBO-VEG. if the catarrhal cough frequently relapses into a convulsive cough, or if, notwithstanding the cessation of the other symptoms of real hooping-cough, the vomitings con- tinue. DULCAMARA, if the catarrhal cough is accompanied by ex- pectoration of much mucus. HEPAR, if the cough is considerably abated, but hollow, dry and hoarse, with vomiturition after the paroxysms, and frequent tears. PULSATILLA, if there is: Loose cough, with easy expectora- tion of serous mucus. As we have divided hooping-cough into its different stages, and indicated the medicines most suitable to each, we must now guard against an error, which might be committed if it were supposed that none of the medicines cited can ever be adapted to any other period than the one to which it is here attached. All these medicines having, in their pathogenesy, many more symptoms than we have recapitulated in this place, and the same disease being capable of exhibiting so many shades of difference, according to the constitution of the indi- vidual who is attacked by it; it is possible that a medicine which we have cited only against the precursors of hooping- cough, or else against a cough which resembles it, may fre- quently be found suitable against the true hooping-cough. We have asserted several times, and we cannot repeat it too often, that the choice of a medicine must never be decided by the NAME 1 SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 537 1 of the disease, but by the totality of the symptoms.-Compare also: BRONCHITIS, CROUP, LARYNGITIS, COUGH, &c. and the SYMP- TOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4, 5, and the pathogenesy of the medicines cited. INFLUENZA.-See GRIPPE, LARYNGITIS and LARYNGEAL PHTHISIS.-The best medicines against affections of the larynx are in general: Acon. ars. carb-v. caus. dros. hep. lach. merc. phos. spong. or again: Calc. cham. cist. iod. ipec. led. mang. nitr.? nitr-ac. senn. stram. For ACUTE LARYNGITIS or LARYNGEAL ANGINA, the most suitable medicines are: Acon. hep. spong. or again: Cham. dros. lach. merc. ipec. phos. sen. (Compare also: Croup). For CHRONIC laryngitis, or LARYNGEAL PHTHISIS, a prefe- rence may be given to: Ars. calc. carb-v. caus. cist. phos. or again: Dros. hep. iod. kreos. led. mang. nitr-ac. For the details, See the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4, and also the pathogenesy of the medicines cited.-Compare likewise BRONCHITIS, CROUP, &c. PHTHISIS (LARYNGEAL).—See LARNYGITIS. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE LARYNX and Bronchia. APHONIA. See Sect. 1, HOARSE- | CONSTRICTION : NESS. BURNING. Am-m. ars. cham. graph. lach. merc. mez. par. phos. sen. spong. tong. Lying down (When.) Sen. CATARRH. See Sect. 1, BRON- CHIAL CATARRH. CHOKING (Liability to fits of). Acon. bell. rhus. COLDNESS (Sensation of), when taking an inspiration. Rhus. CONSTRICTION. Ars. asar. bell. calad. camph. canth. cham. cocc. dros. hell. ipec. lach. laur. mosch. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sass. sil. spong. verat. (Compare SPASMS.) Lying in a horizontal posi- tion (when). Puls. Night (at). Puls. CONTRACTION. Lach. n-vom, CONTRACTIVE pains. Iod. phos- ac. thuy. staph. In the throat-pit, after be- ing in a passion. Staph. CONTUSION (Pain as if from a). Rut. CRAMPS. See SPASMS. CRAWLING. Arn. carb-v. colch. dros. iod. lyc. stann. sulph. thuy. (Compare TICKLING.) Night (at). Lyc. CROUP. See Sect. 1. DRAWING. Bor. DRYNESS. Ars. dros. lach. magn-m. mez. par. phos. puls. sen. spong. sulph-ac. zinc. Chest (in the). Phos, zinc. A A A 3 538 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. DRYNESS: Meal (after a). Zinc. Morning (in the). Sen. zinc. DULL voice. Sec. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), or sensation as if the whole were raw. Ant. arg. bov. bry. caus. graph. iod. lach. puls. sen. sil. sulph. HAWKING UP of mucus. Bis. carb-an. caus. cin. con. fer- mg. hep. iod. kal. lam. lyc. natr-m. par. petr. phos. phos- ac. plat. plumb. rhus. sel. sen. sep. stann. tar. teuc. thuy. Morning (in the). Amb. caus.natr-m. petr. phos. rhus. sep. HEAT while walking in the open air. Ant. HOARSENESS. Alum. amb. am- c. am-m. ang. ars. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. fer. graph. hep. iod. kal. kal-ch. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn-m. mang. men. merc. mez. mur- ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. ol-an. op. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. tong. thuy. verb. zinc. HOARSENESS, which manifests itself : Air (in the open). Mang. Children (in). Cham. Chill (after a). Bry. cham. Cold, damp weather (from). Carb-v. sulph. HOARSENESS, which manifests itself: Evening (in the). Alum. carb-v. caus. in bed. N-vom. Morning (in the). Bov. carb-an. carb-v. caus. dig. iod. mang. n-vom. Noon (in the after-). A- lum. Periodically. N-vom. Reading aloud (from). Verb. Sing (when beginning to). Sel. Speaking (after). Carb-v. staph. Suddenly. Alum. n-mos. Walking against the wind (when). N-mos. HOARSENESS accompanied by : Cephalalgia. N-vom. Chest (pain in the). Sulph. Constipation. N-vom. Coryza. Ars. carb-v. caus. dig. graph. kal. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phell. sep. spig. spong. sulph. thuy. Cough. Amb. am-c. bry. dros. dulc. mang. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sen. spong. thuy. Dryness of the mouth. Op. of the tongue. Op. Ears (obstruction of the). Men. Fever. Natr. Lying down (desire to re- main.) Cupr. Perspiration (disposition to). Bry. Respiration Mez. (obstructed). Shivering. Natr. n-vom. Sneezing. Kal. Throat (sore). Carb-v. nitr- ac. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 539 INCISIVE pains. Arg. canth. OBSTRUCTION (Embarras), in the nitr. INFLAMMATION of the bronchia. See Sect. 1, Bronchitis. of the larynx. See Sect. 1, LARYNGITIS. IRRITATION (Occasion to cough). Bry. coff. colch. dros. fer. mez. n-vom. stann. stront. sulph. tart. (Compare Sect. 3, COUGH.) Inspiration (on taking an). Men. ITCHING. N-vom. Mucus (Accumulation of). Amb. ang. arg. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. calc. camph. canth. cann. caus. cham. chin. cin. croc. cupr. dig. dros. graph. hyos. iod. lach. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. oleand. plumb. samb. sen. stann. staph. sulph. tart. zinc. mgs. (Compare HAWKING). Going up stairs, laughing, stooping, (when). Arg. - Morning (in the). Natr-m. Night (at). Mgs. Mucus (Nature of the), Comp. EXPECTORATION, Sect. 3, and Mucus, Chap. XIII, Sect. 1. - Blood (with globules of). Sel. Difficult to expectorate. Aur. canth. staph. Easy to expectorate. Arg. dig. stann. Lumps (in). Plumb. Thick. Amb. Viscous. Bar-c. bov. canth. Yellow (greenish). Plumb. Mucus (Hawking up of). See HAWKING. bronchia; tightness (prise), in the chest. Bar-c. bell. carb-v. graph. natr-m. teuc. verat. verb. (Comp. mucus). Larynx (in the). Chin. lach. OBSTRUCTION (Obturation), (Sen- sation of). Mang. spong. verb. PARALYSIS of the epiglottis. A- con. PHTHISIS (Laryngeal). See LA- RYNGITIS. PLUG (Sensation of a foreign body, or a). Ant. bell. dros. kal. lach. spong. sulph. PRESSURE. Zinc. PULSATION. Lach. ROUGHNESS. See SCRAPING. SCRAPING, roughness. Alum. bov. cann. carb-v. chin. dros. graph. hep. kreos. laur. lyc. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. prun. puls. spong. sulph. verat. (Compare HOARSENESS, Ex- CORIATION, &c.) SENSIBILITY (Painful), sore- ness, tenderness. Bell. graph. hep. lach. phos. sulph. Coughing (when). Arg. bell. bor. bry. Inspiration (when taking an). Bell. hep. Reading aloud (after). Nitr- ac. Singing (when). Spong. Smoking (aggravation from). Bry. Sneezing (when). Bor. Speaking (when). Bell. bry. hep. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. Touching the throat (on). Bell. hep. lach. spong. Turning the neck (on). Lach. spong NUMBNESS (Sensation of) A-SHOOTINGS. Bor. canth. chin. con. dros. nitr-ac. phos. thuy. 540 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. SPASMS. Ant. laur. men. n-vom., VOICE: verat. (Compare CONSTRIC- TION.) At night. Ol-an. SUFFOCATION (Pain in the la- rynx, with danger of). Bell. hep. lach. sen. SWELLING (Sensation of). Lach. laur. sulph. TENSION. Lach. nitr. TICKLING. Carb-v. cham. colch. con. cupr. fer. led. merc. n- vom. sen. stann. sulph. zinc. (Compare Sect. 3 & 4, Cough accompanied and excited by TICKLING.) TORPOR (Sensation of). Acon. ULCERATION of the larynx. Calc. VOICE (Compare SPEECH, Chap. XII.) Croaking. Acon. Distinct (which is not). Caus. chin. croc. graph. hyos. merc. sabad. spong. Dull (without tone). Asa. lyc. sulph. Extinct. See Sect. 1, APHO- NIA. Failing. Alum. dros. spong. | Hoarse, rough. Ars. bell. kreos. lach.stann. sulph. (Com- pare HOARSENESS.) Hollow. Bar-c. lach. sec. Loud (elevated tone), after hawking. Stann. Low (low tone). Chin, dros. laur. sulph. in cold, damp air. Sulph. Nasal. Bell. lach. merc. Sibilant (wheezing). Bell. Squeaking. Stram. Stoppage of the. Bov. Timid. Agn. canth. laur. Trembling. Ars. canth. Variable, at one time strong, and at another time weak. Ars. lach. Weak, low. Ang. ant. canth. carb-v. caus. daph. hep. ign. lach. lam. laur. lyc. n-vom. op. par. phos. prun. puls. spong. VOICE (Loss of), Aphonia. Ant. bar-c. bell. cann. carb-an. caus. lach. merc. kal. phos. plumb. (Compare Loss of SPEECH, Chap. XII.) Cold and damp weather (in). Carb-v. sulph. Night (at). Carb-an. Over-heated (from being). Ant. WEAKNESS Canth. caus. (Sensation of). Speaking and taking an in- spiration (when). Canth. SECTION 3.-COUGH ACCORDING TO ITS NATURE. Barking. Bell. dros. hep. nitr- ac. phos. spong. Day and night. Spong. Evening (in the). Nitr-ac. BLOOD expectorated by the cough. Acon. am-m. anac. arn. ars, bell. bry. calc. carb- v. chin. con. cupr. daph. dig. dros. dulc. fer. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. mang. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sa- SECT. 3. COUGH-SYMPTOMS. 541 bad. sel. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. (Compare Chap. XXII, HEMOPTYSIS.) BLOOD: Black. Dros. nitr-ac. puls. zinc. Clotted. Arn. dros. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. -Red (bright). Arn. dros. dulc. led. nitr. rhus. sabad. CACHETIC. N-vom. puls. stann. COUGH (Want to), felt in the : Abdomen. Verat. -Stomach. Bell. bry. puls. sep. m. pit of the. Guaj. natr- Throat, larynx, chest. See Sect. 3, CONDITIONS and SENSATIONS which excite the cough. -Throat-pit (in the). Bell. cham. chin. sil. COUGHING (Constant). Arg. chin, cin. colch. coloc. cupr. hell. laur. n-vom. ol-an. ran- sc. (Compare SHORT.) CROAKING. Acon. lach. ruta. DEEP, profound. Ang. ars. hep. lach. samb. sil. verat. verb. DRY cough. Acon. alum. am-c. am-m. arg. ars. bar-c. bell. berb. bor. bov. bry. calc. cann. caps. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. cin. coff. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. eu- phorb. fer-mg. grat. guaj. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-h. kreos. lact. lach. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. mang. merc. merc-c. mez. natr. natr- m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n- mos. n-vom. ol-an. op. petr. phell. phos. plat. plumb. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. teuc. verat. verb. zinc. DRY cough: Air (from cold). Phos. Air (in the open). Mgs- arc. Chill (after a). N-mos. Day and night. Bell. eu- phorb. ign. lyc. spong. Drinking (after). Ars. phos. Evening (in the). Ars. bar- c. calc. hep. magn-m. merc. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. tab. Expectoration (with), in the morning. Euphorb. kal. n- vom. phos-ac. Lying down (when). Cinn. hyos. sulph. Meal (after a). Fer-mg. Morning (in the). Alum. am-m. ant. chin. grat. lyc. magn-s. rhod. stann. sulph- ac. tab. verat. Night (at). Acon. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. cham. chin. grat. kal. magn. magn-m. merc. mez. n-vom. ol-an. op、 petr. rhod. rhus. sabad. stront. sulph. verat, verb. zinc. mgs. Noon (in the after-). Am- m. Noon (in the fore-). Alum. Reading in a loud voice (when). Phos. Speaking (from). Mang. DULL. Calad. EXPECTORATION (With). Amb. am-c. ang. arg. ars. asar. bell. bis. bor. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. con. cupr. dros. dulc. euphr. iod. kal. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. 542 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. meph. merc. natr. natr-m. | EXPECTORATION, according to natr-s. op. par. phos. phos- ac. puls. rhod. ruta. sabad. sabin. sen. sep. sil. spong. squill. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. verat. zinc. mgs. EXPECTORATION (With) : Air (in the open). N-vom. Day (by). Arg. euphr. Day and night. Bis. Evening (in the). Phos. rut. sep. staph. Meal (after a). Bell. Morning (in the). Calc. carb-an. cham. cupr. dros. euphorb. euphr. kal. led. magn. magn-s. mang. meph. n-vom. phell. phos. phos-ac. sep. Night (at). Calc. staph. tart. Noon (in the after-). Am-m. thuy. EXPECTORATION, according to its nature: Abundant, profuse. See Fre- quent. Bitter. Ars. cham. dros. puls. Blackish grains (With). Chin. Blood (of pure). Acon. am- m. anac. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. con. cupr. daph. dig. dros. dulc. fer. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. mang. merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. puls. rhús. sabad. sel. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Blood (with streaks of). Arn. bor. bry. chin, fer. laur. sabin. (Compare Mucus mixed with blood.) its nature: Difficult. Ars. chin. euphr. kal. lach. sep. stann. sulph. zinc. with inability to expec- torate what the cough has detached. Arn. caus. Asar. Disgusting. Dros. Easy. Arg. kreos. verat. Frequent, profuse. cin. daph. euphorb. euphr. hep. iod. laur. lyc. puls. ruta. samb. sen. sep. sil. stann. sulph. verat. Frothy. Ars. daph. lach. op. Gelatinous. Laur. Globules, lumps (in). Agar. mang. thuy. Glue (like). Dig. Grayish. Dros. lyc. thuy. Greenish. Cann. carb-an. carb-v. dros. fer. hyos. led. lyc. mang. natr. par. phos. sep. stann. sulph. thuy. mgs- aus. Herbaceous taste (with) Phos-ac. Mouldy taste (with). Bor. Mucus (of). Acon. amb am-c. ang. ars. asar. bell. bis. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. dulc. eug. hep. iod. kreos. lach. mang. merc. natr-m. op. phell. phos. plumb. puls. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sel. sen. sep. sil. squill. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. zinc. mgs-aus. mixed with blood. Acon. am-c. arn. ars. bor. bor. bry. daph. eug. euphr. fer. iod. lach. natr-m. op. phos. sabin. zinc. (Compare with streaks of BLOOD.) SECT. 3. COUGH-SYMPTOMS. 543 EXPECTORATION, according to its nature; Offensive. Ars. calc. guaj. led. natr. stann. sulph. Purulent. Anac. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. chin, con. cor. dros. dulc. fer. graph. guaj. kal. led. lyc. magn. natr. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. plumb. ruta. sec. sil. stann. staph. sulph. (Compare Pulmonary PнTHISIS. Chap. XXII, Sect. 1.) HECTIC. Bor. n-vom. phos. puls. sil. stann. HOARSE, scraping. Acon. asa. carb-an. carb-v. cham. cin. hep. kreos. merc. natr. natr- m. n-vom. rhod. samb. verat. verb. Chill (from a). Natr. HOLLOW. Caus. euphorb. kreos. led. merc-c. op. phos. samb. sil. spig. spong. staph. tart. verat. verb. HOOPING-COUGH. See Sect. 1. OFFENSIVE. Caps. mgs-aus. PANTING. Putrid taste (of a). Carb-v. Mur-ac. cupr. fer. puls. sep. con. stann. Reddish. Bry. squill. Salt taste (of a). Amb. lyc. magn. natr. phos. samb. sep. stann. sulph. Sour. Lach. ас. sulph- SHAKING. Anac. ant. ars. bell. caus. chin. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. led. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. oleand. puls. rhus. sen. sil. sulph. mgs-arc. Sweetish. Calc. kreos. phos. SHORT. Acon. alum. anac. arg. stann. samb. sulph. Tenacious. See Viscous. Thick. Acon. am-m. arg. bell. calc. kreos. op. phos. puls. ruta. stann. sulph. Transparent. Ars. fer. lar. sen. sil. Viscous, tenacious. Ars. cann. cham. chin. fer. lach. n-vom. par. phos. puls. sen. spong. stann. staph. zinc. Watery, serous. Arg. daph. magn. stann. Whitish. Acon. amb. am-m. arg. chin. cupr. kreos. phos- ac. puls. sulph. Yellowish. Ang. ars. bry. calc. carb-v. con. cor. daph. dros. eug. kreos. lyc. magn. mang. nitr-ac. phos-ac. puls. rut. sen. sep. spong. stann. staph. sulph. thuy. verat. FATIGUING Cough. See V10- LENT. asa. bell. berb. coff. ign. lach. laur. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. plat. sabad. squill. sulph-ac. SIBILANT, wheezing. rhus. Cupr. kreos. prun. spong. SPASMODIC. Acon. amb. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. cin. con. cupr. dig. dros. hep. hyos. fer. ign. ipec. iod. kal. kreos. lact. led. magn. magn- m. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. plumb. puls. sil. sulph. mgs. mgs-arc. (Compare SUFFOCATING.) Children (in). Bry. Day and night. Sulph. Eating and drinking (after). Bry. Evening (in the). Carb-v. natr-m. in bed. Mgs-arc. Morning (in the). Kal. sulph. 544 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. SPASMODIC: Night (at). Bell. bry. hyos. magn. mgs. mgs-arc. Noon (in the after-). Bell. bry. - Speaking (from). Dig. SUFFOCATING Cough. Acon. bry. carb-an. cham. chin. con. dros. hep. ind. ipec. lach. led. natr-m. op. petr. phell. samb. sil. spig. sulph. tab. tart. mgs-arc. Eating and drinking (after). Bry. Suffocating cough : Evening (in the). Carb-an. ind. natr-m. Night (at). Bry. cham. chin. sil. TYPICAL. Cocc. VIOLENT, fatiguing. Ang. ars. bell. calc. cann. chin. cocc. croc. daph. kal-ch. led. lach. merc. merc-c. mez. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. op. phos. rhod. sel. spig. squill. stann. sulph. tax. SECTION 4.-CONDITIONS AND SENSATIONS, By which the cough is excited or provoked. AIR (In the cold). Ars. lach. CHEST: phos. AIR (In the open). Ars. lach. nitr. sen. spig. sulph-ac. mgs- arc. BED (In). See MORNING, NIGHT, EVENING. CHEST (From burning in the). Euphorb. phos. (From congestion in the). Bell. (From dryness of the). Lach. merc. puls. (From general irritation). Bell. dros. euphorb. merc. petr. phos. spong. stann. mgs-arc. (From itching in the). Puls. (From a quantity of mucus in the). Ars. stann. (From oppression at the). Cocc. (From roughness and scrap- ing in the). Grat. nitr. phos- ac. puls. (From tickling in the). Bov. cham.euphorb. iod.lach. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sep. stann. verat. CHILL (From a). Cham. natr. n-mos. hep. sep. COFFEE (From). Caps. COLD air (From). See AIR. COLD (From drinking anything). See DRINKS. COLD in any part (From taking) Hep. COLD weather (From). Caus. CRIES and TEARS, in children (From). Arn. cham. tart. DAY (By). Am-c. arg. euphr. calc. nitr. phos. stann. Noon (In the fore-). Alum. rhus. Noon (In the after-). Am- m. bell. bry. n-vom. sulph. thuy. DAY and NIGHT, Bell. bis. dulc. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 545 euphorb. ign. lyc. natr-m. sil. spong. stann. sulph. DEGLUTITION (From). Op. Down in the throat (From a sensation of). Am-c. calc. ign. DRINKS in general (From). Acon. ars. bry. dros. hep. lach. lyc. phos. Cold. Am-m. carb-v. sil. squill. Dust (As if from). Bell. fer- mg. teuc. EATING (After). Anac. bell. bry. cham. chin. dig. n-mos. op. tart. (Compare MEAL.) EMOTIONS Dros. EVENING (In the). Amb. am-m. ars. bar-c. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cham. cin. con. eug. graph. hep. ind. lach. magn- (From moral). m. merc. mez. natr-m. nitr- ac. n-vom. petr. phos. phos- ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. spong. squill. stann. staph. sulph. tab. verat. verb. Bed (in). Agn. am-c. anac. bell. calc. carb-v. dros. graph. hep. ind. kreos. lach. merc. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos. rhus. ruta. staph. verb. mgs- arc. EXCITING things (From). Stann. EXERTION (After any). Ipec. Expiration (During). Lach. GOING UP stairs (When). Nitr. HAIR on the tongue (From a sensation as if there were a). Sil. INSPIRATION (On taking an). Cin. men. op. squill. sulph. a deep. Am-m. chin. cin. con. cupr. dulc. graph. lyc. natr-m. squill. LARYNX (From a sensation as if there were a foreign body in the). Bell. LARYNX : (From contraction in the). Lach. (From irritation of the). Acon. asar. bry. calad. cocc. coloc. dros. hep. kal-h. merc. par. (From pain in the). Ang. bry. calad. euphorb. grat. hep. spong. (From tickling in the). Acon. agn. arn. bor. colch. dros. euphorb. fer. ipec. lach. laur. oleand. phos-ac. prun. rhus. sen. sep. squill. stann. staph. sulph. teuc. (Compare THROAT and CHEST.) LAUGHING (When). Chin. dros. "phos. stann. LYING-DOWN (When). Ars. cinn. con. hep. hyos. magn- s. merc. mez. n-vom. petr. puls. sabad. sulph. (Compare NIGHT and BED.) Back (on the). N-vom. phos. Head low (with the). Am- m. - Side (On the left). Ipec. par. Side (On the right). Am-m. stann. MEAL (After a). Am-m. anac. bell. bry. cham. chin. dig. fer. n-mos. n-vom. op. sulph. tart. Cessation of the cough. Fer. MEDITATION (From). N-vom. mgs. MORNING (In the). Alum. ant. arn. ars. aur. bry. calc. carb- an. caus. cham. chin. cupr. dros. euphorb. euphr. fer. A 546 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. grat. iod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. meph. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. phell. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhod. rhus. sel. sep. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. thuy. verat. MORNING: PRESSING the hand upon the chest (When). Amelioration. Croc. dros. READING ALOUD (From). Mang. meph. phos. RESPIRATION (From structed). Euphorb. hep. nitr. In bed. Am-c. merc. nitr. RISING UP (On). Lach. rhus. MOVEMENT (From physical). Ars. bell. chin. fer. lach. n- vom. sil. Mucus (From an accumulation of). Kreos. NIGHT (At). Acon. amb. am-c. ob- guaj. ROOM (On coming into a). Verat. SALT things (From). Con. SINGING (When). Dros. stann. SITTING UP (On). Amelioration. Hyos. natr-s. am-m. anac. arn. ars. bar-c. SLEEP (During). | bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. caps. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. cocc. con. dros. eug. fer. graph. grat. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. mez. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. op. par. petr. phell. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. spig. squill. staph. stront. sulph. tart. verb. zinc. mgs. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. verat. Midnight (towards). Bell. mgs-arc. (before). Rhus. stann. (after). Acon. bell. bry. cham. hyos. magn. merc. n- vom. tart. mgs. Sleeping (When). Arn. bell. calc. cham. lach. merc. verb. mgs-aus. NOON (See DAY.) OVER-HEATED (From being). N-mos. thuy. PERIODICALLY. Ars. lach. n- vom. PIANO (When playing on the). Calc. Arn. bell. calc. cham. lach. merc. verb. mgs-aus. After. Lach. SMOKING tobacco (When). caus. Acon. coloc. dros. SPEAKING (From). Anac. cham. chin, dig. lach. mang. meph. merc. phos. sil. stann. sulph. STOMACH (When pressing on the pit of the). Calad. SULPHUR (As if from vapour of). Ars. bry. chin. ign. kal-ch. lach. lyc. par. puls. the TEARS (From shedding). Arn. cham. dros. THROAT, larynx (From con- traction, constriction in the). Ars. lach. (From a sensation of down in the). Am-c. calc. ign. (From dryness of the). Carb-an. lach. mang. petr. puls. (On feeling the). Lach. (From irritation in the). Acon. amb. asar. bry. calad. SECT. 5. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 547 carb-v. cocc. coloc. dros. hep. kal-h. merc. par. stront. THROAT: (From itching in the). N- vom. puls. (From pain, soreness in the). Ang. arg. bry. calad. euphorb. grat. hep. spong. (From roughness aud scrap- ing in the). Caus. con. graph. kal-h. laur. mang. puls. rhod. sabad. sass. stront. (From scraping, roughness in the). N-vom. puls. (From tickling in the). Acon. amb. am-m. anac. ang. arn. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. colch. con. dros. euphorb. fer. ipec. kal. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. prun. puls. | 5, Cough with TICKLING in the throat or chest.) THROAT pit (From tickling in the). Bell. cham. sil. (From constriction in the). Ign. TICKLING in the throat or chest (From). See THROAT and CHEST. TOBACCO (When smoking). Acon. coloc. TONGUE (From a sensation, as if there were a hair on the). Sil. TUBERCLES on the lungs (As if from). Phos. VIOLIN (When playing the). Kal. WALKING (From). Fer. lach. natr-m. WARM in bed (On becoming). N-mos. WARM place (On coming into a). Natr. (Amelioration washing with cold). Bor. rhus. sass. sen. sep. sil. squill. | WATER stann. staph. sulph. tab. tart. teuc. thuy. (Compare Sect. | WINE (From). Bor. from SECTION 5.-CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS, Of the Cough. ABDOMEN (Pain in the), when coughing. Ars. bell. coloc. con. phos. stann. sulph. verat. Shaking. Kreos. -Shootings. Bell. AGITATION. See INQUIETude. ANGUISH, anxiety. Acon. cinn. coff. hep. iod. rhus. Nocturnal. Acon. ARMS (Pain in the). Dig. ASTHMATIC affections, dyspnæa, choking, &c. Acon. alum. am- c. anac. arn. ars. bell. calad. calc. cin. con. cupr. euphr. fer. ipec. kreos. lyc. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. op. phell. spig. squill. tart. mgs- aus. (Compare SPASMODIC and SUFFOCATING cough. Sect. 3.) BACK (Shootings in the). Merc. puls. sep. BLEEDING at the mouth. Dros. ipec. n-vom. (Compare EPIS- TAXIS.) 548 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. BREATH (Offensive). Caps. dros. mgs-aus. Short. See ASTHMATIC affec- tions, &c. CHEST (Pains in general in the). Amb. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. chin. dros. iod. natr-m. nitr. phos-ac. rhus. sulph. verat. zinc. Beaten or bruised (Sensa- tion as if). Arn. fer. verat. zinc. (Burning in the). Ant. carb- v. caus. iod. magn-m. spong. zinc. Coldness after the cough. Zinc. Congestion. Bell. Contraction, constriction. Ars. lach. sulph. Dryness. Kal-ch. if Excoriation (Pain as from). Ars. calc. carb-v. caus. lach. magn-m. magn-s. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. vom. phos. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. sulph. zinc. zinc. n- after the cough. Stann. Gurgling after the cough. Mur-ac. Heaviness. Am-c. calad. Incisive pains. Nitr. Obstruction. Ars. bar-c. natr-m. cor. cor. Oppression. Am-c. coce. con. graph. grat. rhod. rhus. Pressure. Bor. chin. iod. sil. sulph. Rattling of mucus. Arg. bell. caus. ipec. natr. natr-m. n-vom. puls. sep. tart. Scraping. Kreos. ruta. Shootings. Acon. am-m. ars. bell. bor. bry. carb-an. chin. con. dros. fer. iod. kal. lach. merc. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sabad. sen. sep. squill. sulph. zinc. CHEST (Shootings) : in the sides. Acon. bry. phos. puls. squill. Smarting. Dig. lyc. phos. Snoring. Natr-m. n-vom. sep. tart. Softness Rhus. (Sensation of). Spasms. Kal. Split, burst (Sensation as if the chest would). Bry. merc. zinc. Ulceration. (Pains as if from). Rat. staph. Weakness. Sep. CONGESTION in the head. See HEAD. In the chest. See CHEST. CONSCIOUSNESS (Loss of). Cin. CONSTIPATION. N-vom. sep. CONVULSIONS. Hyos. CORYZA. Alum. amb. bar-c. bell. canth. euphr. ign. kal. lach. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. phos- ac. spong. sulph. thuy. CRIES. Chin. samb. sep. DISGUST. Ipec. EBULLITION of blood. Arn. EMACIATION. Hep. iod. lyc. EPISTAXIS. Dros. ipec. merc. n- vom. puls. ERUCTATIONS. Amb. verat. ERUCTATIONS and regurgitation of food, after the cough. Sulph-ac. EYES (Pains in the), when coughing. Lach. ACE (Blueness of the). Dros. ipec. op. verat. (Compare SUFFOCATING COUGH, Sect. 3.) Paleness. Cin. SECT. 5. CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS. 549 FACE: Redness. Bell. con. FEVER. Con. hep. iod. kreos. lyc. sulph. FRIGHTENED (Disposition to be). Acon. HANDS (Heat and moisture of the). Tart. HEAD (Congestion in the). Anac. (Blows, shocks in the). Ars. calc. ipec. lach. natr-m. rhus. (Pain in the). Alum. ambr. | anac. arn. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. con. ipec. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. squill. sulph. (Perspiration on the). Tart. (Sensation as if the head would split). Bry. caps. natr-m. n-vom. phos. sulph. HEARING (Diminished sense of). | Chel. HEART (Palpitation of the). Arn. calc. puls. HEAT. Ars. kreos. lach. HICCOUGH. Tab. HIPS (Pains in the). Bell. caus. sulph. HOARSENESS. Amb. am-c. bry. dros. dulc. mang. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sen. spong. thuy. HYPOCHONDRIA (Pains in the). Amb. am-m. arn. ars. bry. dros. hell. lach. lyc. INGUINA (Pains in the). Bor. INQUIETUDE. Acon. coff. samb. LOINS (Pains in the). Am-c. merc. nitr-ac. sulph. MOUTH (Disagreeable taste in the). Caps. (Offensive smell from the). Caps. mgs-aus. MOUTH : (Pain in the). Magn-s. (Water in the). Lach. MUSCLES of the chest (Pains in the). Hyos. NAPE OF THE NECK (Pain in the). Alum. bell. NAUSEA. Sep. Desire to vomit (with). Ve- rat. OCCIPUT (Pain in the). Fer. merc. OTALGIA. Caps. PAIN which forces one to cry out. Chin. samb. PALPITATIONS. See HEART. PANTING respiration. Mur-ac. sulph-ac. PERSPIRATION. Ars. Nocturnal. Lyc. RATTLING, Snoring. Arg. bell. caus. natr. ipec. natr-m. n- vom. puls. sep. tart. RESPIRATION (Obstructed). choking dyspnæa, &c. Acon. alum. am-c. anac. ars. bry. calad. calc. caus. cin. cupr. euphr. ipec. lach. led. merc. nitr-ac. n-mos. op. puls. sep. squill. spig tart. (Compare SPASMODIC and SUFFOCATING cough, Sect. 3.) RIGIDITY of the body. Ipec. RING, while coughing (Pains in the INGUINAL). Verat. mgs- aus. SALIVATION, Verat. SHIVERINGS. Grat. kreos. SHOOTINGS in the side (Stitches in the side). Acon. bry. phos. squill. Chest (in the). See CHEST. SHOULDER (Pains in the). Chin. dig. puls. SIGHT (Cloudiness of the). Sulph. 550 CHAP. XXI. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. SLEEP. Kreos. SLEEPLESSNESS. Ars. nitr. mgs- arc. SNEEZING. Bell. SNORING. See RATTLING. STARTS during sleep. Cin. hep. STITCHES IN THE SIDE. See SHOOTINGS. STOMACH (Cough, commencing with pain in the). Bell. kreos. rat. spong. (Compare Cough from tickling in the THROAT, Sect. 4.) TREMBLING. Phos. URINE (Unnoticed emission of). Ant. caus. kreos. natr-m. puls. staph. squill. sulph. zinc. VOMIT (Desire to). Dros. hep. ipec. merc. phos-ac. puls. STOMACH (Blows, shocks in VOMITINGS. Anac. bry. calc. the). Ipec. (Pain in the). Bell. ipec. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sa- bad. (Weakness in the). Lyc. STOMACH (Pains in the pit of the). Am-c. ars. bry. lach. phos. thuy. SUFFOCATION. See SUFFOCATING cough. TASTE (Disagreeable). MOUTH. carb-v. daph. dig. dros. fer. ind. ipec. kal. lach. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. tart. verat. Evening (in the). Ind. mez. rhus. Meal (after a). Anac. bry. dig. tart. Morning (in the). Kal. See sulph. TEARS. Arn. bell. cin. hẹp. samb. tart. After the cough. Hep. TESTES (Pain in the). Zinc. THIRST. Samb. THROAT (Dryness of the). Kal- ch. merc. Pains. Caps. carb-an. chin. hep. magn-s. n-vom. phos. (Roughness, scraping in the), or rather in the LA- RYNX. Kreos. natr-s. Shootings. Kal. nitr-ac. merc. n-vom. Tickling. Amb. anac. bor. Night (at). Ipec. mez. VOMITINGS (BILIOUS). Chin. Bitter. Sep. Food (of). Anac. bry. dig. dros. fer. ipec. phos-ac. rhus. stann. tart. Mucus (of). Sil. VOMITURITION. Bell. carb-v. chin. dros. hep. ipec. kal. kreos. merc. mez. natr-m. n- vom. puls. sep. squill. stann. sulph. (Compare VOMITINGS.) WATER-BRASH. Bry. WEAKNESS. Verat. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 551 CHAPTER XXII. AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST And Heart. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. or ANGINA OF THE CHEST, CARDIAC OR SYNCOPTIC ASTHMA, Stenocardia.-The medicines that have been principally recom- mended against this kind of asthma, which often accompanies organic injuries of the heart, such as aneurism, hyperthropia, &c. are: Ars. dig. samb. APOPLEXY (PULMONARY). See PARALYTIC ORTHOPNÆA. ASTHMA (CARDIAC).—See Angina of the CHEST. ASTHMA (CATARRHAL), or SUFFOCATING PARALYTIC ORTHOPNEA. or CATARRH.-See ASTHMA OF MILLAR AND WIGAND. For the asthma of MILLAR, samb. will be found, in most cases, almost a specific.- When this medicine is insufficient, recourse may be had, ac- cording to the circumstances, to: Acon. ars. ipec. lach. mosch. For the FICTITIOUS (Simulé) asthma of MILLAR, or asthma of WIGAND, the most eligible medicines are: Bell. ipec. samb. or perhaps again: Ars. bar-c. cham. chin. coff. cupr. lach. n- vom. op. See for details, NERVOUS ASTHMA. ASTHMA (NERVOUS or SPASMODIC).-The best medicines are in general: Acon. ars. bell. bry. cupr. fer. ipec. n-vom. phos. puls. samb. sulph. Or else: Ambr. am-c. aur. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. dulc. lach. mosch. op. tart. verat. zinc. Or else again: Ant. caus. coff. hyos. ign. kal. lyc. merc. nitr- ac. n-mos. sep. sil. stann. stram. The best medicines to afford IMMEDIATE relief in an attack of asthma, are, according to the circumstances: Acon. ars. cham. ipec. mosch. op. samb. tart. or again: Bell. bry, chin. n-mos. n- vom. puls. In order to eradicate the DISPOSITION to a return of these attacks, a preference ought to be given to: Ant. ars, calc. n- vom. sulph. or again: Am-c. carb-v. caus. cupr. fer. graph. kal. lach, lyc. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. stann. zinc. With respect to the OCCASIONAL CAUSES of asthma, if it arises from CONGESTION OF BLOOD in the chest, a preference 552 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. may be given to: Acon. aur. bell. merc. n-vom. phos. spong. sulph. or again: Am-c. calc. carb-v cupr. fer. puls. If it is connected with derangement of the CATAMENIA: Bell. cocc. cupr. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. or again: Acon. phos. sep. If it is produced by FLATUS, accumulated or incarcerated in the abdomen (Flatulent asthma): Carb-v. cham. chin. n-vom. op. phos. sulph. zinc. or again: Ars. caps. hep. natr. verat. If there is an accumulation of Mucus in the bronchia or lungs (Moist, mucous, or pituitous asthma): Ars. bry. calc. chin. cupr. dulc. fer. graph. lach, phos. puls. sen. sep. stann. sulph. or again: Bar-c. bell. camph. con. hep. ipec. merc. n-vom. sil. tart. zinc. If there is mere pulmonary SPASM (Spasmodic asthma, pro- perly so called, Cramps in the chest, &c.): Bell. cocc. cupr. hyos. lach. n-mosch. n-vom. samb. stram. sulph. tart. zinc. or again : Ant. ars. bry. caus. fer. kal. lyc. op. sep. stann. Moreover, for asthma caused by inspiring Dust, and es- pecially STONE-DUST, as happens in the case of sculptors, per- sons who labour in a quarry, &c. a preference may be given to: Calc. hep. sil. sulph. or perhaps again: Ars. bell. chin. ipec. n- vom. phos. For asthma produced by SULPHUR-VAPOUR: Puls.—By the vapour of COPPER or ARSENIC : Merc. hep. ipec. or else: Ars. camph. or cupr. For that which is the result of a CHILL: Acon. bell. bry. dulc. ipec. or again: Ars. cham. chin. If it manifests itself in consequence of any MORAL EMOTION: Acon. cham. coff. ign. n-vom. puls. verat. In consequence of SUPPRESSED CATARRH: Árs. ipec. n-vom. or again: Camph. carb-v. chin. lach. puls. samb. tart. Also, for asthmatic affections in CHILDREN, the most useful medicines are: Acon. ars. bell. cham. coff. ipec. mosch, n-mos. n-vom. op. samb. tart. or again: Camph. chin. cupr. hep. ign. lach. lyc. phos. puls. stram. sulph. In HYSTERICAL women: Acon. bell. cham. coff. ign. mosch. n- vom. puls. stram. or again: Asa. aur. caus. con. cupr. ipec. lach. phos. stann. sulph. &c. Lastly, by whatever name any of the various asthmatic affec- tions may be designated, we may, while guided by the TOTALITY OF THE SYMPTOMS, select : ACONITUM, principally in sensitive persons, young girls of ple- thoric habit, who lead a sedentary life, especially if the pa- roxysms occur after the slightest moral emotion, and if there are: Dyspnea, with inability to take a deep inspiration; in- quietude, agitation, heat and perspiration; or else, in children; suffocating cough at night, with shrill and hoarse voice; spas- SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 553 modic constriction of the larynx and chest; anxious, short, and difficult respiration, with open mouth; great anguish, with inability to utter a single word distinctly; or again, if in adults, the asthma is accompanied by congestion in the head, with ver- tigo, full and frequent pulse; cough, with expectoration of blood. ARSENICUM, in most cases of chronic or acute asthma, with obstructed respiration, cough and accumulation of thick mucus in the chest; short respiration, especially after a meal; oppression at the chest and want of breath when walking quickly, when going up stairs, or a hill, at every movement, and also when laughing; con- striction in the chest and larynx, and painful pressure on the lungs and at the pit of the stomach, with anxiety and fits of choking, increased by the warmth of a room; choking fits, es- pecially at night, or in the evening in bed, with panting or whistl- ing respiration, with open mouth, great anguish, as if at the point of death, and cold perspiration; remission of the paroxysms on the appearance of a cough with expectoration of mu- cus or of viscous saliva, in the form of small vesicles; renewal of the attacks during rough weather, from fresh and cold air, and also from a change of temperature, and from warm and tight clothing; appearance of great weakness with the attacks; pains and burning in the chest from time to time. (During the paroxysms of acute asthma, ars. is often suitable after ipec. if it is not indicated from the commencement.) BELLADONNA, principally in children, and women of an irri- table constitution, disposed to spasms; with oppressed respira- tion and want of breath, accompanied by tension in the chest and shootings under the sternum; attack of dry cough at night, with catarrh, or moist cough, with expectoration of mucus after a meal; anxious and moaning respiration, which is at one time deep, at another time short and rapid, with open mouth and much exertion of the chest; constriction of the larynx, with danger of suffocation, when feeling the gullet and turning the neck; agita- tion and pulsation in the chest with palpitation of the heart asthmatic paroxysms with loss of consciousness, relaxation of all the muscles, and unnoticed emission of urine, and evacu- ation of fæces. ; BRYONIA, especially when there is: obstructed respiration and want of breath, especially at night or towards the morning with shooting colic, desire to evacuate, inability to lie long on the right side, pressure and tension over the whole chest, and a sensation as if it were contracted in the cold air; frequent cough, and pains in the hypochondria, titillation in the gullet, vomiting and expectoration, which is at first frothy, then thick and vis- cous; aggravation of the obstructed respiration when speaking, VOL. II. B B 554 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. and from every movement; mitigation on rising from a recum- bent position, and also from expectoration; palpitation of the heart, with anguish, and pulsation in the temples, sometimes in bed in the evening; difficult, moaning and anxious respiration, with effort of the abdominal muscles, and intermixed with deep inspirations; slow and deep respiration after every physical exertion; shootings in the chest frequently, especially when taking an inspiration, and coughing, and also after every movement. (Bry. is often suitable after ipec. in acute asthma.) CUPRUM, especially in children or hysterical persons, and principally after a fright, or an emotion of anger, after a chill and before the catamenia; with spasmodic constriction in the chest, hiccough, difficulty in taking an inspiration and in speak- ing; rapid, snoring and moaning respiration, with convulsive efforts of the abdominal muscles; obstructed respiration, espe- cially when walking and going up stairs or a hill, with want to take a deep inspiration; short spasmodic cough, with choking, paroxysm of suffocation and whistling inspiration when trying to take a deep inspiration; rattling in the chest, as if from mucus, expectoration of white and watery mucus, sensation of empti- ness and fatigue in the pit of the stomach, and painful tender- ness of that part when touched: ebullition of blood, with palpi- tation of the heart, redness of the face, which is covered with hot perspiration; aggravation at the period of the catamenia. FERRUM, if there are: violent erethismus of the sanguineous system, oppression at the chest, with almost imperceptible move- ment of the thorax when taking an inspiration, and the nostrils strongly dilated during expiration; obstructed respiration, espe- cially at night, or in the evening in bed, when lying on the back with the head low, and also generally during repose and when the chest is uncovered in the least; amelioration from uncovering oneself and elevating the thorax, and also from all physical and intellectual exertion; fit of suffocation in bed in the evening, with heat in the throat and thorax, while the extremities are cold; spasmodic constriction of the chest, increased by move- ment and walking; paroxysm of spasmodic cough, with expec- toration of viscous and transparent mucus, hæmoptysis. IPECACUANHA, if in children or adults there are: Want of breath, nocturnal paroxysms of suffocation, spasmodic constriction of the larynx, rattling in the chest from an accumulation of mucus ; short, dry cough, great anguish and fear of death, cries and agitation; redness and heat, or paleness, coldness and ghastliness of the face alternately; anxious expression; nausea, with cold perspiration on the forehead, anxious, rapid and moaning respi- ration, or short respiration, which is obstructed, as it were, by dust, tetanic rigidity of the body, with bluish redness of the face.-Ipec. is often indicated at first in attacks of acute asthma; SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 555 when its action is exhausted, it frequently requires to be followed by: Ars. bry. or n-vom. NUX-VOMICA: Short or slow and wheezing respiration ; anxious oppression at the chest, especially at night, in the morning, and after a meal; spasmodic constriction, especially of the lower part of the chest, with want of breath when walking and speak- ing in the cold air, and after every movement; orthopnaa and nocturnal fits of choking, especially after midnight, preceded by anxious dreams; short cough, with difficult expectoration; hæ- moptysis; the clothes seem tight over the chest and hypochondria ; distension, pressive pains, and anxiety in the præcordial and hypochondriacal regions; tension and pressure in the chest ; con- gestion towards the chest, with ebullition of blood, heat, burning and palpitation of the heart; great anguish and unpleasant sensation in the body; mitigation of the asthmatic state when lying on the back or turning to the other side, on sitting up, or on lying down. PHOSPHORUS, if there are: Loud and panting respiration, dyspnea, obstructed respiration and oppression at the chest, espe- cially in the evening or morning, and also during movement, or when seated; great anguish in the chest; wheezing respiration when going to sleep in the evening; nocturnal attack of suffo- cation as if from paralysis of the lungs; spasmodic constriction of the chest; short cough, with expectoration, which is at one time salt, at another sweetish, or else sanguinolent; shootings or pressure, heaviness, fulness and tension in the chest; congestion of blood in the chest, with sensation of heat that mounts to the throat, and palpitation of the heart; phthisical constitution. PULSATILLA, especially in children, after the suppression of a miliary eruption, and also in hysterical persons, after the ces- sation of the catamenia, or in consequence of taking cold; with rapid, short and superficial or rattling respiration; choking, as if from the vapour of sulphur; oppression at the chest, want of breath, and paroxysm of suffocation, with deadly anguish, palpita- tion of the heart, and spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest, especially at night, or in the evening when lying in a hori- zontal position; aggravation of the asthmatic affections from movement, and also from going up stairs or a hill, and when walking in the open air; short, panting cough, with suffocation, or with expectoration of much mucus, or with hæmoptysis; spas- modic tension, sensation of fulness and pressure at the chest, with internal heat and ebullition of blood; shootings in the chest and sides. SAMBUCUS, especially in children, and principally if there are: Wheezing and rapid respiration; oppression at the chest, with pressure in the stomach and nausea; pressure on the chest, as B B 2 556 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND THROAT. if from a load, with anguish and danger of suffocation; choking when lying down; nocturnal paroxysms of suffocation, with spas- modic constriction of the chest, waking with a start and cries ; great anguish, trembling of the body, swelling and blueness of the hands and face, with heat of the whole body, rattling of mucus in the chest, and inability to speak loud; unhealthy sleep, with the mouth and eyes half open; paroxysm of suffo- cating cough, with cries. SULPHUR, especially against chronic asthmatic affections, with dyspnea from painless oppression at the chest; frequent choking by day, also when speaking; short respiration when exercising in the open air; wheezing, rattling of mucus, snoring in the chest; obstructed respiration and paroxysms of suffocation, principally at night; fulness and sensation of fatigue in the chest ; pressure on the chest, as if from a weight, after eating ever so little; burning in the chest; with congestion of blood and palpi- tation of the heart; suffocating cough, with spasmodic constric- tion of the chest and vomiturition; expectoration of mucus, which is white and detached with difficulty, or profuse and yellowish ; hæmoptysis; spasms in the chest; with constriction and pain in the sternum, bluish redness of the face, short respiration and inability to speak. Among the other medicines cited, recourse may be afterwards had to: AMBRA, especially in children and scrofulous persons, with short and obstructed respiration; paroxysms of spasmodic cough, with expectoration of mucus, whistling in the respiratory or- gans, pressure at the chest, &c. AMMONIUM, against chronic asthmatic affections, especially when they are complicated with dropsical state of the chest, with short respiration, especially when going up stairs or a hill, obstructed respiration, with palpitation of the heart after the slightest physical exertion, congestion at the chest, and sensa- tion of heaviness in the thorax. AURUM, if there are : Congestion in the chest, with respiration very much oppressed, and want to take a deep inspiration, espe- cially at night and when walking in the open air; paroxysm of suffocation, with spasmodic constriction of the chest, violent palpi- tation of the heart, bluish redness of the face, and syncope with loss of consciousness. CALCAREA, especially against chronic asthmatic affections, with obstructed respiration and tension in the chest, as if from congestion of blood, mitigated by throwing back the shoulders: necessity for taking a deep inspiration, and sensation as if the breath were stopped between the shoulder-blades; sensation as if over-heated when stooping, frequent dry cough, which mani. fests itself especially at night. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 557 CARBO VEGET. principally against spasmodic, flatulent asthma, and also in chronic asthmatic affections, arising from a dropsical state of the chest, with oppression and obstructed respiration ; fulness, obstruction, and anxious compression of the chest, difficult and short respiration, especially when walking; pressure and sensation of fatigue in the chest; frequent paroxysms of spasmodic cough, &c. CHAMOMILLA, especially in children, or if there are: Pa- roxysm of suffocation, short and anxious respiration; swelling at the pit of the stomach and hypochondriacal region, with agitation, cries, and drawing of the thighs; attack of asthma after being in a passion or after taking cold. CHINA, against: Dyspnea and oppression, with inability to breathe when lying with the head low; wheezing in the chest on taking an inspiration; spasmodic cough and nocturnal_paroxysm of suffocation, as if from accumulation of mucus in the larynx, with difficult expectoration of clear and thick mucus; pressure at the chest, as if from congestion of blood, and violent palpita- tion of the heart; rapid failure of strength; hæmoptysis. COCCULUS, especially in hysterical women, or if there is: Con- gestion of blood in the chest, with dyspnea as if from constric- tion of the larynx; cough which is fatiguing from oppression at the chest, especially at night; spasmodic constriction of the chest, principally on one side only; pressure in the chest, and ebulli- tion of blood, with anxiety and palpitation of the heart; sensa- tion of fatigue and emptiness in the chest. DULCAMARA is one of the principal remedies in moist asthma, and also in an acute asthmatic attack, brought on by taking cold. LACHESIS, especially in persons afflicted with hydrothorax, or if there is: Short respiration after eating, when walking, and after using the arms; obstructed respiration, dyspnea and oppression at the chest, increased after a meal; paroxysms of suffocation when lying down, and also on touching the gullet ; spasmodic constriction of the chest, which forces one to quit the bed and to remain seated, with the body inclined forwards; slow and wheezing respiration; want to take a deep inspiration, especially when seated. Moschus, especially in hysterical persons and children; or if there are: Oppression at the chest and paroxysms of suffocation, as if from sulphur-vapour, which commence with occasion to cough, and are afterwards aggravated to such an extent as to drive to exasperation, spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest, especially on taking cold: OPIUM, if there is: Congestion in the chest, or pulmonary spasms, with deep snoring, rattling respiration; obstructed respi- ration and choking, with great anguish, tension and spasmodic 558 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. constriction in the chest; paroxysms of suffocation during sleep, like attacks of incubus; suffocating cough, with bluish redness of the face. SPONGIA, if there is: Oppression as if from a plug in the larynx; wheezing or slow and deep respiration, as if from weak- ness; rattling of mucus; want of breath and paroxysm of suffo- cation after every movement, with fatigue, congestion of blood in the chest and head, anguish and heat in the face; attack of asthma in consequence of goitre. STANNUM, if there are: Obstructed respiration and choking, especially in the evening or at night, when lying down, and also by day on every movement, and often with anguish and want to loosen one's clothes; oppression and rattling of mucus in the chest; cough with profuse expectoration of mucus, which is usually viscous or grumous, or clear and watery, or yellowish and salt, or sweetish. TARTARUS, especially in old men, and also in children, or if there are: Anxious oppression, dyspnæa, and short respiration, with occasion to sit up; choking and paroxysms of suffocation, especially in the evening, or in bed in the morning; much mu- cus, with rattling in the chest; suffocating cough or congestion of blood in the chest and palpitation of the heart. VERATRUM, frequently after the action of: Chin. ars. ipec. especially if there is: Paroxysm of suffocation, when rising up, and during movement; pain in the side; hollow cough; cold perspiration, or coldness of the face and extremities. ZINCUM, against: Obstructed respiration and pressive oppres- sion at the chest, especially in the evening; short respiration after a meal, from accumulation of flatus; increase of asthmatic sufferings when the expectoration ceases; amelioration when it returns. For the remainder of the medicines cited, See the SYMPTOMS, Sect. 2, 3, 4, 5; and consult the pathogenesy of the medicines. Compare also CONGESTION of blood in the chest, and Bronchial CATARRII, PHTHISIS, &c. ASTHMA (THYMIC), or KOPP.-The medicines recommended against this disease are generally: Acon. bell. con. hep. ipec. merc. sen. spong, tart. verat. or again: Am-c. lach. phos. zinc. Against the PRECURSORS in particular: Acon. hep. ipec. sen. spong. tart. Against the COUGH: Bell. con. hẹp. merc. CARDITIS AND OTHER AFFECTIONS OF THE HEART. -The bestme- dicines against affections of the heart are, in general: Acon. urs. aur. cann, caus. dig. lach. phos. puls. spig. spong. sulph. Or again: Amb. asa. bell. con. hyos, kreos. natr. natr-m. n-mos. n-vom. rhus. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 559 For CARDITIS, a preference may be often given to: Acon. bry. cann. caus. lach. puls. or again: Ars. cocc. spig. For acute RHEUMATISM of the heart: Acon. caus. lach. or perhaps again: Ars. bry. puls. spig. For ANEURISM: Carb-v. lach. lyc. or else: Calc. caus. graph. guaj. puls. rhus. spig. or else again: Ambr. arn. ars. fer. natr- m. zinc. For HYPERTROPHY: Ars.? iod.? phos.? spong. ? For POLYPUS: Lach. or else: Calc.? staph.? For PALPITATION OF THE HEART, the most suitable medi- cines are: Acon. ars. asa. aur. bell. cham. chin. cocc. coff. fer. lach.n-vom. op. phos. puls. sulph. verat. For palpitation arising from CONGESTION OF BLOOD, OR PLETHORA, they are principally: Acon. aur. bell. coff. fer. lach. n-vom. op. phos. sulph. In NERVOUS persons, HYSTERICAL females, &c. Asa. cham. cocc. coff. lach. n-vom. puls. verat. After MORAL EMOTIONS: Acon. cham. coff. ign. n-vom. op. verat.-After a CONTRADICTION: Acon. cham. ign. n-vom. After a FRIGHT: Op. or coff.-After sudden Joy: Coff- After excessive FEAR OF ANGUISH: Verat. After DEBILITATING LOSSES: Chin. or again: N-vom. phos- ac. sulph. After REPERCUSSION of an ERUPTION, inveterate ULCERS, &c. Ars. caus. lach. sulph. For more ample information, See Sect. 3, PALPITATIONS, and compare CONGESTION in the chest. CATARRH (BRONCHIAL and pulmonary). See Chap. XXI. CATARRH (SUFFOCATING). See Bronchial CATARRH, Nervous ASTHMA, and PARALYTIC ORTHOPNEA. CONGESTION IN THE CHEST.-The best medicines are in general: Acon. aur. bell, chin. merc. n-vom. phos. spong. sulph. ACONITUM is especially indicated if there are: Violent oppres- sion, with palpitation of the heart, short respiration, anguish, short, dry cough, which disturbs the sleep; excessive heat and thirst. AURUM, if there is: Great anguish, with palpitation of the heart, oppression, and also paroxysms of suffocation, with sen- sation of constriction in the chest, falling (chute), loss of con- sciousness, and bluish colour of the face. BELLADONNA, if there are: Great inquietude, with pulsation in the chest, palpitation of the heart, which extends into the head; oppression, dyspnea and short breath; short cough, which disturbs sleep, internal heat and thirst. CHINA, especially in consequence of debilitating losses, with palpitation of the heart; dyspnea and violent oppression, with 560 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND THROAT. great anguish; or else inability to breathe when lying with the head low. MERCURIUS, if there are: Anxious oppression and dyspnæa, with desire to take a deep inspiration; heat and burning in the chest, palpitation of the heart, and cough, with expectora- tion of blood. NUX-VOM. if there are: Heat and burning in the chest, especially at night, with agitation, anxiety and sleeplessness; or tensive pressure, as if from a weight, especially in the open air, with dyspnea and sensation as if the clothes were tight round the hypochondria. PHOSPHORUS, if there is: Violent oppression, with heaviness, fulness and tension in the chest; palpitation of the heart, anguish and sensation of heat, which mounts to the throat. SPONGIA, if there is: Ebullition of blood in the chest after the least exertion and the slightest movement, with choking, anguish, nausea and weakness, proceeding even to syncope. SULPHUR: Ebullition of blood in the chest, with uneasiness, fainting, trembling of the arms, palpitation of the heart, heavi- ness, fulness and pressure in the chest, as if from a weight, especially when coughing; obstructed respiration and oppression, especially at night, when lying down. Compare also ASTHMA. CRAMPS IN THE CHEST.-See Nervous and Spasmodic ASTHMA, CYANOSIS. In the clinical annals of homoeopathy, there is a report of only one case of cyanosis, cured by dig.-Lach. has also been recommended. But the kind of cyanosis in which recourse may be had to either of these medicines has not been satisfactorily stated in either of these cases. HÆMORRHAGE (PULMONARY), AND HEMOPTYSIS.—The best medicines against the different kinds of Hæmoptysis, are in general: Acon. arn. ars. bell. carb-v. chin. dulc. fer. hyos. ign. ipec. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sulph. Or else again: Am-c. bry, cocc. coff. con. croc. cupr. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. mill. nitr-ac. sep. sulph-ac. If the blood is expectorated only in small quantities, when coughing (HEMOPTYSIS), the most efficacious medicines are: Arn. bell. bry. carb-v. çhin. dulc. lach. merc. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. or again: Am-c. ars. bry, con, cupr. kal. led, lyc. nitr-ac. sep. sulph-ac. But if, on the contrary, the blood comes away profusely (Pul- monary HÆMORRHAGE), the most proper medicines are: Acon. arn, bell, carb-v. chin. dulc. fer. hyos. ipec. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. or else again: Ars. croc. ign. led. mill. sulph. sulph-ac. In more serious cases, and in imminent danger: Acon. chin. ipec. op. will be found most efficacious. SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 561 Against the affections which remain after pulmonary hæmorr- hage, the most suitable medicines are: Carb-v. chin. or else: Ars. coff. ign. sulph. To prevent a relapse, recourse must be had to: Ars. n-vom. sulph. administered alternately in single doses, and at long in- tervals. In general, recourse may be had to: ACONITUM, when there is before the hæmorrhage: Ebul- lition of blood in the chest, with sensation of fulness and burning pain; palpitation of the heart, anguish and agitation, which are aggravated when lying down; paleness of the face, with features expressive of anguish; profuse expectoration of blood at intervals, excited not by a violent, but by a very slight cough. (Ars. or ipec. is sometimes suitable after acon.) ARNICA, if the pulmonary hæmorrhage is caused by a me- chanical injury, a fall, a blow on the chest or back, &c. or if there is: Easy expectoration of black and coagulated blood, with dyspnea, shootings, burning and contraction in the chest, palpitation of the heart, violent heat over the whole body, and syncope; or else: Expectoration of a clear, frothy blood, mixed with clots and lumps of mucus, with cough and tussicu- lation; tickling under the sternum; shootings in the head when coughing, and pain in all the limbs, as if they had been beaten. (In cases of traumatic hæmorrhage, it will be often ad- viseable that arn. should be preceded by a dose of acon. or else that it should be administered alternately with that medicine, according to the circumstances.) ARSENICUM, frequently in cases in which acon. appears to be indicated, without, however, being sufficient, and especially if there is: Great anguish, with palpitation of the heart, sleep- lessness, dry, burning heat, and an obligation to leave the bed; -or else, after the action of Chin. arn. fer. in cases of violent hæmorrhage ;—or again, after hyos. in hæmoptysis of drunk- ards. (Ipec. n-vom. or sulph. is sometimes suitable after arsen. especially in chronic hæmoptysis.) BELLADONNA, if there is: Continued tickling in the throat, with want to cough, and aggravation of the hæmorrhage from the cough; sensation as if the chest were filled with blood, with pressive or shooting pains, aggravated by movement. CARBO VEG. if there is: Violent burning pain in the chest, which continues, after the hæmorrhage, especially in per- sons who are susceptible to every change of weather, or who have been subjected to abuse of mercury. CHINA, if the expectoration of blood takes place in conse- quence of a violent cough, which was at first hollow, dry and painful, with taste of blood in the mouth; especially if there is, } BB 3 562 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. at the same time, shivering alternately with flushes of heat; great weakness, with continued desire to remain lying down, transient perspiration, trembling, cloudiness of sight or bewil- derment of the head;-or else, if the patient has lost much blood already, and has become pale and cold, with fainting fits, and convulsive twitchings of the hands and muscles of the face. (Fer. or arn. or else, ars. is often suitable, especially in this last case, after chin.) DULCAMARA, if there is: Continued tickling in the larynx, with want to cough; expectoration of bright red blood, with aggravation during repose; especially if the hæmorrhage is caused by taking cold, or if a loose cough has existed for a long time. FERRUM, if the expectoration takes place from a slight tussicu- lation, while the blood is scanty, bright-red and perfectly pure, with pain between the shoulder-blades, dyspnæa, especially at night, inability to remain seated, amelioration from movement, but, however, with frequent desire to lie down, and great fa- tigue, especially after talking. (It is particularly suitable in lean persons, with a yellowish complexion, and when the sleep is disturbed at night; or else after chin. in severe cases.) HYOSCYAMUS, if the expectoration of blood is preceded by a dry cough, which manifests itself especially at night, and does not permit one to remain lying down; with frequent waking with a start; or else in drunkards, especially if op. or n-vom. is insufficient in this case. (In the same case, ars. will sometimes also be suitable after hyos. IGNATIA, especially if after the cure of the hæmorrhage itself, the patient still continues weak, with irascibility and pee- vishness. IPECACUANHA, often after acon. if after the salutary action of this medicine there still remain: Taste of blood in the mouth, frequent tussiculation, with expectoration of mucus streaked with blood, nausea and weakness; or else after ars. if the salu- tary action of this medicine is not permanent, and if there is renewed aggravation. Nux VOм. often after ipec. or ars. or else (especially in drunk- ards), after op. and in general if there is: Excessive tickling in the chest, with cough, which fatigues the head principally; ag- gravation of the state towards the morning, especially in per- sons of a lively and choleric temperament, or if the hæmorrhage manifests itself in consequence of the suppression of a hæmorr- hoidal discharge, a fit of passion, or taking cold. (In this last case, sulf. will often be suitable after n-vom. In drunkards, on the contrary, the proper medicine will be hyos. or ars. OPIUM, often in the most important cases, especially in per- s.) SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 563 sons addicted to spirituous liquors, or if there are: Expectoration of thick and frothy blood; aggravation of the cough after swal- lowing; choking or dyspnea and anguish, burning in the heart, trembling of the arms, and sometimes also weakness of the voice; sleepiness and anxious starts; coldness, especially of the extremities, or heat, especially in the chest and trunk. (N-vom. is often suitable after op.) PULSATILLA, especially in obstinate cases, with expectoration of black and coagulated blood; anxiety and shivering, especially in the evening, or at night; sensation of great weakness, pain in the lower part of the chest; sensation of insipidity or soft- ness in the stomach, especially in timid and phlegmatic per- sons, who are disposed to shed tears; or else, if the hæmorr- hage manifests itself in consequence of suppression of the catamenia. (In this last case, cocc. will be also sometimes found very beneficial.) RHUS, if the blood is bright-red, with aggravation of the hæ- morrhage from every contradiction or the least moral emotion; irascibility, restlessness, timidity; decided tickling or crawling in the chest. SULPHUR, often after n-vom. especially in persons subject to hæmorrhoids, or after ars. to prevent a relapse. HEART (Diseases of the). See CARDITIS. HYDROTHORAX.-The most eligible medicines are: Am-c. ars. bry. carb-v. dig. hell. kal. lach. merc. spig. or again: Aur. colch. dulc. lyc. sen. squill. stann. ORTHOPNEA (PARALYTIC), Suffocating CATARRH, or PARA- LYSIS of the lungs.-The best medicines are: Ars. carb-v. chin. ipec. lach. op. or again: Bar-c. camph. graph. puls. samb. tart. If the affection depends on a CATARRHAL cause (Catarrhal asthma), with accumulation of mucus in the bronchia, the fol- lowing medicines may be administered with the greatest success: Ars. camph. chin. ipec. or again: Carb-v. graph. puls. samb. If, on the contrary, it depends on a PARALYTIC state of the nerves of the chest, the most eligible are: Bar-c. graph. lach. orb. or again: Ars. aur. carb-v. chin. In CHILDREN, the most suitable are: Ipec. samb. tart. In AGED persons: Bar-c. lach, op. or again: Ars. aur. bar- c. carb-v. chin, con. Compare also: ASTHMA. PHTHISIS (PULMONARY).-The best medicines are in general: Ars. calc. carb-v. chin. dulc. fer. hep. kal. lach. lyc. merc. nitr- ac. phos. samb, sep. sil. stann. sulph. 564 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. Or else again: Am-c. arn. bell. bry. dros. guaj. hyos. iod. krcos. laur. led. natr-m. nitr. n-mos. puls. sen. zinc. For ACUTE phthisis, such as sometimes manifests itself in consequence of violent and badly cured pneumonia, or in con- sequence of profuse pulmonary hemorrhage, the most efficacious medicines are: Chin. fer. hep. lach. lyc. merc. sulph. or again perhaps Dros. dulc. laur. led. puls. Purulent phthisis which sometimes succeeds an ABUSE OF MERCURY, requires in preference: Carb-v. guaj. hep. lach. nitr- ac. sulph. or again: Calc.? chin.? dulc.? lyc.? sil.? That of SCULPTORS: Calc. hep. lyc. sil. or again: Lach.? sulph.? For TUBERCULAR phthisis, or PHTHISIS, properly so called, the best medicines are in general: Ars. calc. carb-v. hep. kal. lach. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos. samb. sulph. or again: Am-c. arn. bell. bry. dulc. hyos. natr. natr-m. nitr. n-mos. stann. Against the symptoms of the FIRST STAGE, when the tu- bercles are still in a crude state, or when they begin to be in- flamed and soft, great benefit will be often derived from: Am-c. calc. carb-v. lyc. phos. nitr-ac. sulph. or else again: Acon. arn. ars. bell. dulc. fer. hyos. kal. merc. nitr. stann. sulph-ac. In the SECOND stage of tubercular phthisis, that of PURU- LENT expectoration, the most serviceable medicines are: Calc. carb-v. hep. kal. lach. lyc. phos. samb. sulph. or again: Chin. con. dulc. fer. merc. nitr-ac. zinc. With regard to the phthisis, which is called Mucous or PI- TUITOUS, or BLENORRHEA OF THE LUNGS, the most beneficial medicines are: Dulc. hep. lach. merc. sen. sep. stann. sulph. or again: Ars. calc. carb-v. chin. lyc. phos. puls. sil. zinc. (Compare also pituitous Asthma). As to the particular indications by which the choice of the medicines is to be regulated, a preference may be given to: ACONITUM, often at the commencement of the treatment of incipient phthisis, and especially if there is frequent congestion in the chest, with short cough, hæmoptysis, and disposition to pulmonary inflammation. AMMONIUM, if the expectoration is slimy and sanguinolent, and if there is excessive oppression at the chest, with shortness of breath. BELLADONNA, especially in scrofulous children, with noc- turnal cough, short breath and rattling of mucus; or in young girls at the critical age. (Hep. lach. phos. or sil. is often suit- able after bell.) CALCAREA is one of the principal medicines in the stage of purulent expectoration, especially after the action of sulph. or of SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 565 nitr-ac. or else in the first stage, especially in young plethoric persons, subject to sanguineous congestion, to bleeding at the nose, &c. and also in young girls who have the catamenia too profusely and too frequently. (Lyc. or sil. or nitr-ac. is sometimes suitable after calc.) CARBO-VEG. especially if the cough is violent, spasmodic, at one time dry and painful, at another with expectoration of puriform mucus, mixed, or not, with tubercular matter. CHINA, especially if the patient has had frequent attacks of pulmonary hæmorrhage, or if there is debility from sanguineous evacuations. (In this case, fer. is often suitable after chin.) DULCAMARA, especially if there is a strong tendency to take cold, or if frequent colds have contributed to develop the com- plaint in too rapid a manner. FERRUM, often if the complaint has exhibited itself in con- sequence of pneumonia, or neglected catarrh, and especially if there is, besides the phthisical symptoms, dyspnæa, with vo- miting of food, or lienteria. (In this latter case, chin. will be often also of great benefit). HEPAR, especially in children and scrofulous young people, in the first stage of the disease, frequently after bell. or alter- nately with merc. or sil. KALI CARB. a medicine no less important than calc. against both incipient phthisis and confirmed phthisis, especially after the action of nitr-ac. or sil. LACHESIS, especially after: Bell. hep. sil. or alternately with these medicines. LYCOPODIUM, is one of the most powerful medicines, if in consequence of violent or neglected pneumonia, there appears a hectic cough, with purulent expectoration; or else against the symptoms of tubercular phthisis, with hæmoptysis. (It is often suitable after Calc. sil. phos. or alternately with these medicines). NITRI ACIDUM, especially at the commencement of the com- plaint, before kal. has been administered, and principally in dark persons, who have a slight tinge of yellow in their com- plexion, and frequent relaxation of the abdomen. PHOSPHORUS is a medicine no less important than Calc. kal. sil. both against incipient phthisis and confirmed phthisis, espe- cially in meagre and fair persons of tall stature and strongly disposed to coition, and also in children, and especially in young girls of a delicate constitution, with dry, short cough, short breath, decided emaciation, disposition to diarrhea or perspiration, &c. (It is particularly suitable after bell. or alter- nately with lyc. sil. 566 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. SAMBUCUS, especially if the disease is accompanied by pro- fuse, colliquative perspiration. SILICEA, under almost the same conditions as phos. and in most cases of incipient or confirmed phthisis, especially after: Lyc. phos. hep. or calc. STANNUM is by no means suitable when the expectoration is evidently purulent; but if, in the first stage of phthisis, there is a profuse expectoration of mucus, or if neglected catarrhs threaten to turn to phthisis, this medicine should be adminis- tered in the first place. SULPHUR, not only in many cases of purulent phthisis, brought on by violent pneumonia, but often also against tubercular phthisis, during the period of purulent expectoration, and also against the symptoms of incipient phthisis, provided that, in this latter case, only one dose is administered for several weeks. N.B. The attention of practitioners ought to be most care- fully directed to the mode of administering the medicines in cases of incipient phthisis. The surest means of avoiding the bad consequences that may result from too large a dose, is to administer invariably no more than a single dose for several days, or even for several weeks. For the same dose of one globule, which when taken at once, whether dry or in a spoon- ful of liquid, may frequently exercise and exhibit only an ordi nary effect, acquires from the mere circumstance of repetition, an action infinitely more strong and decided, when it is diluted in water, and one spoonful is taken every day. PLEURISY. The principal medicine against this complaint is acon. and in most cases, this remedy alone will be sufficient to accomplish a complete cure, especially if some globules (18th, 24th, 30th) are dissolved in eight ounces of water, and a spoonful of this dilution is taken every three hours, until there is an evident diminution of the febrile symptoms, especially of the thirst and heat, and until the cough becomes a little moist. If, after the diminution of the febrile symptoms, there still remain sharp pains in the side, and if the cure makes no progress, bry. should be administered in a dose of three globules (12th or 30th) in a spoonful of coffee (café d'eau), and this dose should be allowed to act, unless a new aggravation re- quires a new dose at the end of 36, 48, or 72 hours. Lastly, when the pain has entirely disappeared under the influence of bry. if the side still continues sensitive to the im- pression of the air and to movement, though the patient may have resumed his usual occupations, sulph. will, in most cases, remove the last traces of the complaint. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 567 In some more complicated cases, in which: Acon. bry. and sulph. are insufficient, recourse may be had to: Chin. kal. lach. n-vom. squill. and perhaps also: Arn. gran.? See also PNEUMONIA and PLEURODYNIA. PLEURODYNIA.-The principal medicine against this rheumatic affection is arn. and in the majority of cases, it will be sufficient to administer a single dose in order to obtain a complete cure. If, however, cases should occur in which arn. proves insuf- ficient bry. n-vom. or puls. should be then preferred.-And perhaps, sabad. also may be sometimes of great service. See, moreover, also RHEUMATISM, Chap. 1. PNEUMONIA.—The best medicines are in general: Acon. bry. cann. chin. phos. rhus. squill. sulph. Or else Bell. lach. merc. puls. sen. sulph. : Or else again: Ars. bell. canth. nitr. n-vom. op. phos-ac. sabad. sep. tart. verat. In the first STAGE of pneumonia, that of SPLENIZATION, the principal medicine is acon. which must be administered as di- rected in the article PLEURISY, until the feverish symptoms, and especially the thirst and heat are perceptibly diminished. When the fever has abated under the influence of acon. the best medicine to employ is bry. and in most cases, this medicine may be also administered in a solution of water, by continuing to give it till the respiration becomes more free, and the expec- toration more healthy. Lastly, if, after the patient has recovered under the influence of bry. so far as to be able to attend to his usual occupations, there still remains dulness on percussion, with oppres- sion and cough, the most eligible medicines are: Phos. sulph. or again: Chin. lach. lyc. sil. In cases in which the pneumonia has already reached the SECOND stage, the red HEPATIZATION, before it was possible to enter on a course of treatment, acon. and bry. will often be of great service; but the principal medicine at this period is sulph. administered in a dose of from 3 to 6 globules (alcoholic tincture), dissolved in eight ounces of water, and of this so- lution a spoonful is to be taken every three hours. At this period: Lach. lyc. phos. will be often found very beneficial; and in several cases, it will be adviseable, after the action of sulph. to have recourse to one or other of these medi- cines, administered in one dose of 3 or 4 globules in a spoonful of coffee (café d'eau), and allowed to exhaust its action without being repeated. For the pneumonia which is called ADYNAMIC (Pneumonia notha), such as sometimes occurs in aged persons, with a ten- dency to degenerate to paralysis of the lungs, the medicine that 568 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. ought to be first employed is acon. but as soon as a new aggra- vation follows the administration of this medicine, recourse must be had to merc. If merc. does good, without however being sufficient, bell. will frequently be the most suitable medicine, if there remains spasmodic constriction in the chest, with dry tussiculation; or else cham. if the respiration continues to be wheezing. N-vom. is often suitable after cham. In cases in which merc. produces no change, the most suit- able medicine is ipec. especially if the respiration is anxious and rapid; or else verat. if the extremities become cold, with con- striction of the chest and great anguish; or again, ars. if the patient becomes weaker every day, with paroxysms of suffoca- tion. For TYPHOID pneumonia, the medicine to be employed in the first place, is op. after which, arn. is sometimes suitable. If, after the use of these two medicines, there is still no change, verat. (from 2 to 3 doses) will be often of great utility, or else ars. especially if the weakness and rattling increase. Benefit will often be also derived from: Bry. and rhus. or else: Ipec. and ars. or veratr. and ars. administered alter- nately. If the amelioration takes place without being permanent, sulph, may be then beneficially administered, after which it will be proper to return to whichever of the medicines has previously proved most efficacious. If there is Decubitus, or excoriation from constantly lying down, and if the wounds become gangrened, chin. or ars. should be employed. If cloudiness of sight manifests itself, a preference must be given to Bell. and if the strength diminishes daily, natr-m. will sometimes be very beneficial. Lastly, with respect to the SEQUELE of pneumonia, if symp- toms of incipient phthisis show themselves, or if the pneumonia threatens to become chronic, especially when there is reason to suspect the existence of tubercles, the best medicines are : Sulph, or else: Am-c. lach. lyc. phos. or again: Ars. calc. hep. kal. nitr.? nitr-ac. stann. sulph-ac. If there is purulent expectoration in consequence of pneu- monia: Chin. fer. hep. lach. lyc. merc. sulph. or else: Dros. dulc. laur. led. puls. or else again: Bell.? hyos.? phos-ac.? Besides the medicines that have been just cited against the different kinds of pneumonia, a preference may sometimes be given to: ARNICA, if the pneumonia is the consequence of a mechanical injury. SECT. 2. RESPIRATION.. 569 ARSENICUM, if offensive expectoration of a dirty colour, ex- cites apprehension of gangrene in the lungs, and if chin. or lach. is insufficient against that state. CANNABIS, if the pneumonia is complicated with diseases of the heart and large blood-vessels, or if there are, besides the symptoms of pneumonia, greenish vomiting and delirium. CAPSICUM, if there is bronchitis at the same time, especially in phlegmatic, dull persons, of a susceptible character. CHINA, if the patient has previously lost much blood, either by sanguinolent evacuations, or by violent pulmonary hæmor- rhage; or if there are bilious symptoms, or else precursors of gangrene in the lungs. MERCURIUS is one of the principal medicines if the pneu- monia is complicated with bronchitis, especially in persons disposed to mucous discharges, or if there is profuse expecto- ration of viscous and sanguinolent mucus. NUX-VOM. if there is at the same time bronchial catarrh, if the pneumonia manifests itself in drunkards, or in persons subject to hæmorrhoids. PHOSPHORUS, frequently after n-vom. in cases in which the pneumonia is accompanied by bronchial catarrh, with dry cough, or else in pneumonia which manifests itself during the progress of tubercular phthisis. (In this latter case, kal. and lyc. will often also be very useful). PULSATILLA, if the pneumonia shows itself during the pro- gress of morbilli, or in consequence of obstinate bronchial ca- tarrh, or else again from suppressed catamenia. SQUILLA, if the pneumonia is accompanied by gastric symp- toms, or if it has been treated by sanguineous evacuations, and if, in this latter case, chin. has not been sufficient; or else if there is, from the commencement a profuse expectoration of mucus. SPASMS (PULMONARY).-See Nervous and spasmodic Asthma. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS OF THE RESPIRATION. ASTHMA, See Sect. 1. BREATH (Cold). Cor. mgs-aus. Hot. Mang. natr-m. Offensive. Acon. aur. aus. carb-v. cist. crocc. daph. lach. merc. natr-m. n-vom. sass. sulph. zinc. (Com- pare Chap. XII, OFFENSIVE- NESS of the mouth.) BREATH: Putrid smell (of a). Arn. ars. aur. nitr-ac. Short. See SHORT breath. Sour smell (of a). N-vom. 570 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. CATARRH (Suffocating). Sect. 1. See CHOKING. Acon. ars. bis. bor. bry. calc. canth. caps. carb- v. caus. cocc. croc. grat. ign. laur. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. op. plumb. puls. ran-sc. ruta. sabad. samb. sel. sil. spong. stann. stram. sulph. tart. val. verat. verb. DYSPNEA, difficult, obstructed respiration. Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-c. anac. arn. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. chin. cic. cin. cist. cocc. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cyc. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. fer. graph. grat. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. op. par. petr. phos. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. ran-sc. rat. rhab. rhod. rhus. ruta, sabad. samb. sass. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. terb. thuy. val. verat. viol- od. viol-tric. OPPRESSION at the chest. Acon. amb. anac. ang. ant. ars. asa. bar-m. bell. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-v. cham. chin. cin. cinn. colch. croc. cyc. dros. dulc. evon. gran. graph. grat. hæm. hep. ign. ipec. lach. lact. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. val. verat. verb. viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. mgs- aus. RATTLING. See Rattling RES- PIRATION. RESPIRATION: Anxious. Acon. æth. arn. ars. bell. bry. hep. ipec. kreos. laur. plat. plumb. puls. sec. spong. squill. Convulsive. Cupr. lach. (Compare SPASMS.) Croaking. Cham. lach. Deep, want to take a deep inspiration. Agar. ant. arn. aur. bell. bor. bry. calc. calc- ph. camph. caps. carb-v. cast. cham. croc. cupr. dig. evon. hell. hep. kreos. lach. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. plat. ran. ran-sc. rhus. sass. sel. sil. spong. ther. thuy. mgs-aus. Difficult. See DYSPNEA. Failing. See WANT BREATH. Frequent. Lach. OF Intermittent. Ang. bell. cin. cocc. op. Irregular. Ang. bell. cin. op. n-vom. Moaning, Acon. ars. bell. cupr. lach. mur-ac. squill. (Compare Sighing.) Mouth open (with the). Acon. squill. Noisy. Acon. merc. op. phos. Painful. Led. viol-od. Panting. Arn. carb-an. cin. ipec. nitr-ac. phos. plumb. prun. Possible, only when keep- ing the body upright. Cann. SECT. 3. SYMPTOMS OF THE ORGANS. 571 RESPIRATION: only when holding the head high. Chin. Rapid. Acon. asa. bell. bry. cast. chin. cupr. hell. hep. ipec. puls. samb. squill. sulph. Rattling, rattles, rattling of mucus. Anac. arn. bell. bry. cann. carb-an. cham. cupr. hep. hyos. ipec. laur. lyc. op. petr. puls. spong. stann. tart. Short. Acon. æth. arn. bell. bry. cann. cast. cham. chin. cin. cocc. hep. lach. merc. plat. prun. puls. sulph. (Com- pare SHORTNESS of breath.) Sighing. Ant. bry. calc-ph. ign. ipec. lach. ran-sc. sec. sil. stram. ther. mgs-aus. (Compare Moaning.) Slow. Acon. arn. bell. bry. camph. cast. con. hell. laur. n-vom. oleand. op. spong. when sleeping. Acon. Snoring. Arn. cham. hep. lach. laur. lyc. natr-m. op. petr. stann. sulph. Sobbing. Æth. ang. asa. led. sec. Stopped at the pit of the stomach (which is). Prun. Superficial. Acon. puls. RESPIRATION : Tremulous. Mgs-aus. Weak, low. Laur. phos. viol-od. Wheezing. Amb. ars. calad. calc. cann. cham. chin. graph. hep. kal. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. sabad. samb. spong. stann. sulph. SHORTNESS of breath. Agar. amb. am-c. anac. ars. asar. bell. bor. bov. calc. cann. carb-v. cast. caus. cin. con. cyc. euphorb. ipec. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. n- mos. n-vom. phell. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. puls. ran. rhus. ruta. sabad. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. tart verat. viol-od. zinc. (Compare short RESPI- RATION.) SUFFOCATION (Paroxysms of). Acon. ant. ars. aur. bell. camph. carb-an. cham. chin. coff. con. cupr. cyc. dig, fer. graph. hep. ipec. lach. led. merc. mosch. n-vom. op. phos. plat. puls. samb. sec. spig. spong. stram. sulph. tart. verat. (Compare CHOKING, Suffocating CATARRH.) SECTION 3.-CHEST AND HEART. ADHERENCE in the pleura (Sen-¡ ALIVE in the chest (Sensation sation of). Euphorb. mez. nitr. ran. sen. thuy. AGITATION, inquietude in the chest. Bell. petr. sen. staph. thuy. Heart (in the). Anac. as if there were something). Croc. led. ANGUISH, anxiety in the chest. Acon. anac. bry. calc. carb-v. coce. gran, hyos. lam. nitr ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. 572 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. sen. spig. spong. stann. teuc. | CLUCKING, when taking an in- viol-od. ANGUISH: Heart (in the). Ars. bell. calc. cann. caus. cham. coff. croc. dig. evon. lyc. merc. mosch. n-vom. plat. plumb. puls. spong. verat, viol-tric. mgs-aus. (Compare Chap. V, ANGUISH of conscience.) BEATEN, or as if from a bruise (Pain as if). Acon. am-m. evon. kreos. lyc. merc, n-vom. ol-an. ran-sc. sil. stann. Sides (in the). Acon. Sternum (in the). Acon. BLOOD (Congestion of). See CONGESTION. (Extravasation of). Lach. (Sensation of stagnation in the). Sabad. sen. BLOWS, shocks in the chest. Ang. calc. clem. croc、 con. dulc. magn. mur-ac. plat. Heart (in the). Alum. ang. cann. con. mang. n-vom. tart. zinc. BORING in the chest. Bis. cin. mur-ac. sen. Region of the heart (In the). Sen. BURNING in the chest. Am-c. ars. bis. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. cast. cham. colch. euphorb. hæm. kal. kreos. lach. lam. laur. lyc. magn-m. n-vom. ol-an. mang. merc. op. phos. ran. rat. sabad. sen. spig. spong. sulph. tab. tart. tong. zinc. Region of the heart (In the). Carb-v. op. puls. CLAWING, Squeezing as if from a claw in the chest. Samb. stront. spiration. Ind. COLDNESS in the chest (Sensa- tion of). Ars. carb-an. lach. ruta. sulph. zinc. COMPRESSION in the chest. Acon. agar. arn. ars. carb-v. caus. coloc.evon. men. oleand. ruta. at night. Ruta. Heart (in the). Arn. CONGESTION in the chest. Acon. am-c. aur. bell. carb-v. chin. cocc. dig. fer. iod. merc. nitr- n-vom. phos. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sen. sep. spong. squill. sulph. thuy. (Compare Sect. 1, same word). Heart (in the). Lyc. puls. ac. sulph. night (at). Puls. CONSTRICTION, contraction (Sensation of), in the chest. Acon. agar. alum. arn. ars. aur. asa. bis. bov. camph. canth. caps. carb-a. carb-v. caus, cham. coce. cupr. dig. dros. fer. hell. ign. ipec. laur. led. magn. magn-m. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. tab. verat. (Compare SPASMS.) CONTRACTION in the heart. Ang. calc. kal. CORRODING in the chest. Ran- SC. CRACKING in the sternum. Calc- ph. CRACKLING in the chest. Sabin. CRAMPS. See SPASMS and Spas- modic SQUEEzing. CRAWLING in the chest. Acon. ars. colch. rhus. sen. stann. SECT 3. SYMPTOMS OF THE ORGANS. 573 DETACHED (Sensation as if the viscera were). Bry. DIGGING in the chest. Cin, dulc. DISTENSION in the chest (Sen- sation of). Thuy. DRAWINGS in the chest. Camph. con. evon. oleand. sen. mgs- aus. Region of the heart (in the). Bell. n-mos. rhus. EBULLITION. Cocc. n-vom. ol- an. plumb. rhod. sen. sep. thuy. EMPTINESS (Sensation of). Calad. cocc. fer-mg. oleand. stann. Expectorating Calad. stann. (After). Heart (in the). Sulph. EXCORIATION (Sensation of), in the chest. Amb. berb. calc. carb-v. colch. evon. ipec. lach. | lyc. magn. meph. merc. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sen. sep. stann. staph. tab. tart. -Coughing (when). Nitr-ac. (Compare Chap. XXI. Sect. 4.) Movement (during). Colch. Respiration (during). Calc. nitr-ac. Speaking (when). Lyc. Touched (when). colch. Calc. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), in the heart. Magn. Sternum (in the). Led. mez. sabin. EXTENSION (Sensation of), in the chest. Oleand. FALLING in the chest (Sensa- tion as if something were). Sulph. FULNESS (Sensation of), in the chest. Agar. bar-c. calc. carb- v. cist. n-mos. phos. puls. ruta. sep. spong. sulph. terb. verat. FULNESS: Morning (In the). Sulph. GANGRENE of the lungs. Lach. GURGLING. Cocc. HAMMERING. See THROBBING. HEART (Pain in the). See the different pains of that sec- tion. HEART (Palpitation of the). See PALPITATION and PULSA- TION. HEART were on the right side or would be crushed (Sensa- tion as if the). Bor. HEAT in the chest. Ars. bar-m. bis. bry. cast. cic. mang. n- vom. op. puls. rat. rut. Heart (in the). Op. HEAT which mounts into the chest. Ol-an. phos. plat. thuy. HEAT (Sensation of), in the chest. Hell. mang. n-vom. ol-an. rhod. Heart (in the). Croc. rhod. HEAVINESS, a load, or weight (Sensation of), in the chest. Acon. am-C. am-m. bar-c. bor. cast. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. n-mos. n- vom. oleand. petr. phos. plat. prun. rhab. squill. sulph. Heart (at the). Croc. puls. HYDROTHORAX. See Sect. 1. INCISIVE pains in the chest. Ang. arg. aur. kal. magn. mur-ac. ol-an. phos-ac. puls. spig. verat. INFLAMMATION of the heart. See CARDITIS, Sect. 1. Lungs (of the). See Sect. 1, PNEUMONIA. 574 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. INFLAMMATION: Pleura (of the). See Sect. 1, PLEURISY. JERKING in the chest. Cin. squill. val. Heart (in the). Natr-m. LIGHTNESS (Sensation of), on taking an inspiration. Stann. MASS or lump (Sensation of a), in the chest. chest. Amb. Amb. cic. sulph. MOVEMENTS in the chest. Lach. PALPITATION of the heart : Irregular. Ars. Reverberates in the head (which). Bell. Shaking. Sen. Sorts (of almost all). Phos. Strong, violent. Ang. aur. bell. bry. natr. natr-m. nitr. oleand. phos. puls. rhus. sec. sen. sep. spig. sulph. thuy. verat. viol-od. mgs-aus. Visible. Spig. sulph. tart. verat. OBSTRUCTION in the chest. PALPITATION of the Sen. sulph. OPPRESSION at the chest. See Sect. 2. Heart (at the). Cann. caus. magn-m. spig. viol-tric. with melancholy. Caus. PAINS in general, in the chest. Coloc. dulc. phos. sep. Region of the heart. (In the). Laur. lach. spong. thuy. natr-m. PALPITATION of the heart. Acon. alum. amb. am-c. ang. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. bis. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. cop. cupr. cyc. daph. dig. fer. gran. graph. grat. hell. ign. iod. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. lyc. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n- mos. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. op. phos. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. sass. sec. sen. sep. spig. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. thuy. verat. viol-od. zinc. mgs-aus. PALPITATION of the heart : -Ear. (Perceptible to the). Bell. camph. dig. spig. thuy. heart, which manifests itself: Drawing back the right arm (when). Fer-mg. Drawing up the chest (when). Lach. fer-mg. Drinking (after). Con. Emotions Phos. puls. (after moral). Evacuating (after). Caus. tart. Evening (in the). Ang. carb- an. n-vom. phos. -in bed. Ang. lyc. Exertion (after corporal). Am-c. Fatigue (aggravated by). Iod. Going up a hill (when). Bell. sulph. thuy. stairs. Natr. nitr-ac. Labour (during intellectual). Ign. staph. Lying on the back (when). Ars. side (on the). Ang.' bar- c. daph. natr. natr-m. n-vom. puls. tab. viol-tric. Meal (after a). Calc. camph. ign. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. puls. thuy. n-vom. Morning (in the). Carb-an. n-vom. phos. SECT. 3. SYMPTOMS OF THE ORGANS. 575 PALPITATION of the heart : bed (in). Ign. kal. Movement (During). Gran. graph. natr-m. nitr-ac. par. staph. Music staph. amelioration. Magn-m. (from). Carb-an. Night (at). Agar. ars. bar-c. calc. dulc. ign. lyc. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. Pain in the chest (from). Lach. Repose rhus. (during). Phos. - Seated (when). Magn-m. phos. rhus. spig. bent double. Ang. dig. Siesta (after a). Sulph. Singing in church. Carb- an. - Speaking (after). Puls. - Stooping forwards (aggrava- tion from). Spig. Walk (during a). Nitr-ac. PALPITATION of the heart, AT- TENDED WITH : Anguish, anxiety. Ars. aur. calc. dig. hæm. kal. lach. lyc. | mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phos. plat. plumb. puls. rut. spig. sulph. tart. verat. viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. Asthmatic affections, dys- pnæa, choking, &c. Acon. bry. puls. verat. - Blood (ebullition of). Kal. sabad. Cephalalgia. Bov. - Cough and choking. Lach. - Epigastrium, (retraction of the). Am-c. Face (heat in the). Acon. (paleness of the). Amb. PALPITATION of the heart, AT- TENDED WITH : Fainting. N-vom. Hands (burning in the). Hæm. Heat. Acon. nitr-ac. Lassitude. Acon. Nausea. Bov. n-vom. thuy. Oppression. Aur. Pain in the chest. N-vom. heart (in the). Hæm. ign. Perspiration on the feet (diminished). Hæm. Pulse (small). Hæm. Shivering. Hæm. Sight (cloudiness of the). Puls. Stomach (weakness of the pit of the). Amb-c. Vertigo and agitation. Bov. PARALYSIS of the lungs. Lach. (Compare Sect. 1, Paralytic ORTHOPNEA.) PHTHISIS, See Sect. 1. PINCHING in the chest. Ran- SC. PLUG (Sensation of a), in the chest. Anac. aur. PRESSURE in the chest. Alum. amb. am-m. anac. arg. asa. asar. bar-c. bell. bis. bis. bry. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. chin. cic. cist. cocc. colch. con. cupr. dig. graph. gran. grat. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lam. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. ol- an. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. ran. ran-sc. rat. rhod rut. sabad. sabin. samb. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. thuy. verat. viol-od. zinc. mgs-aus. 576 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. PRESSURE : Chest (in the lower part of the). Bis. teuc. val. Region of the heart (in the). Amb. bell. calc. con. cyc. ol-an. puls. sen. Sides (in the). Arg. aur. par. sulph-ac. Sternum (in the). Arg. ars. asa. bry. con. gran. sulph. PULSATION. See THROBBINGs. PULSATION of the heart : Accelerated Bar-m. Death (which takes place even after). Bar-m. Intermittent. Natr-m. sep. Irregular. Æth. ars. aur. laur, natr-m. zinc. Isochronous, with the pulse. Spig. - Jerking. Arn. daph. Low (which appears to be too). Cann. Slow. Laur. Strong (too). Ars. bar-c. dig. dulc. mur-ac. sabin. Trembling. Calc. natr-m. staph. RHEUMATIC pains. Arn. n-vom. ran. tart. SENSIBILITY, tenderness of the chest. Ang. sen. Inspiration (when taking an). Calc. Pressing upon it (when). Ang. Touched SHOCKS in sen. (when). Colc. in the chest. See BLOWS. SHOOTINGS, Stitches, extending into the back. Fer. merc. sil. sulph. Chest (in the). Acon. agar. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. cinn. clem. colch. con. croc. cyc. dulc. evon. fer. fer-mg. gran, graph. guaj. hep. ign. kal. krcos. laur. led. lyc. magn. mang. merc. merc- c. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr- ac. n-vom. oleand. pæon. par. phos. plat. plumb. puls. ran. ran-sc. rat. rhab. rhus. rhus- v. rut. sen. sep. sil. spig, squill. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. ther. thuy. tong. val. verat. verb. viol-od. zinc. SHOOTINGS: Expansive. Asa. Heart and region of the heart (in the). Acon. am-c. anac. arn. berb. calc. caus. cham. chin. ign. kreos. magn. magn- m. mur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. pæon, ran-sc. rhus.spig. sulph. sulph-ac. val. verb. viol-tric. zinc. Knives (as if from). Bell. merc. Muscles (in the intercostal). Bor. kreos. Side (in the). Acon. am-c. ang. arg. bry. calc. canth. chin. clem. con. croc, dulc. grat. hyos. ign. kreos. lach. merc. men. mosch. natr. natr- m. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. par. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. sabad. samb. sass. sep. sil. squill. sulph. tab. tar. left. Am-c. berb. clem. euphorb. fer-mg. ign. iod. lyc. magn. phos. sep. stann sulph. val. zinc. SECT. 3. SYMPTOMS OF THE ORGANS. 577 SHOOTINGS in the right side. Bor. evon. merc. ran. Sternum (in the). Ang. arg. ars. aur. caus. chin. chin. con. euphorb. mang. oleand. sabin. sulph. SKIPPING in the chest (Sen- bell. sation of). Croc. SMARTING in the chest. Carb-v. dig. hæm. SPASMS, Spasmodic sensations or pains. Ang. ars. camph. caus. cocc. colch. cupr. fer. graph. hyos. ipec. kal. lach. led. merc. mosch. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sass. sec. sep. spig. stram. sulph. verat. zinc. (Compare CONSTRICTION and Sect. 1, ASTHMA.) Heart (in the). Lach. hæm. Muscles of the chest. Cic. stram. SPLIT or burst (Pain as if some- thing would). Cin. sulph. SQUEEZING in the chest. Bis. cin. dros. graph. hæm. merc. phos-ac. plat. sen. teuc. verat. Heart (in the). Berb. STAGNATION of the blood (Sen- sation of). Sabad. sen. STITCH IN THE SIDE. See Sect. 1, and compare SHOOTINGS. STRAIN in the heart (Pain, as if from a). Tart. SWELLING (Sensation of), in the chest. Merc. · TEARING in the chest. Colch. cyc. phos. puls. spig. zinc. -Right side (in the). Fer- mg. TENSION in the chest. Ars. bell. cocc. colch. dig. euphorb. fer. lyc. magn-m. merc. natr-m. VOL. II. nitr. n-vom. oleand. op. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. spig. stann. verb. TENSION : Region of the heart (In the). Cann. Sides (In the). Gran. THROBBINGS, pulsations. Am- m. asa. calad. caps. cinn. ign. mang. n-vom. pæon. sen. sulph. Heart (in the region of the). Graph. mgs-aus. Sides (in the). N-vom. Sternum (in the). Sil. sulph. TREMBLING in the chest. Amb. sabin. spig. Heart (in the). Spig. TURNING ABOUT, in the chest (Sensation as if something were). Stram. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the chest. Bry. carb-an. merc. puls, ran. spig. staph. Sternum (in the). Dros. UNDULATING pains. Dulc. spig. UNDULATION in the heart (Sen- sation of). Spig. WEAKNESS, fatigue (Sensation of), in the chest. Bor. carb-v. dig. iod. lam. phos. phos-ac. plat. rhus. stann. sulph. sulph- ac. SC. evening (in the). Ran- expectorating (after). Stann. life would become ex- tinct (as if). Merc. reading aloud (when). Coce. singing (from). Carb-v. sulph. speaking (after). Calc. phos-ac. rhus. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. CC 578 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. WEAKNESS (Sensation of) walking in the open air (after). Rhus. Heart (in the). Rhus. WEIGHT. See HEAVINESS. WHEEL (Noise, similar to that made by a SPINNING-), in the chest and heart. Spig. SECTION 4.-CONDITIONS, Under which obstructed respiration and pains in the chest manifest themselves. AIR (In the open), obstructed respiration. Ars. aur. graph. lyc. puls. sel. sen. sulph. Amelioration. Bell. Pain in the chest. N-vom. AIR (In the COLD), Obstructed respiration. Ars. petr. puls. ameliorated. Cist. Pain in the chest. Bry. carb- v. petr. ANGRY (On becoming), Ob- structed respiration. Ars. staph. ARMS (On lifting the), Pain in the chest. Ant. led. spig. sulph. Obstructed Spig. respiration. ARMS (On moving the), Pain in the chest. Ang. camph. led. spig. BACK (Pains which do not permit one to lye except on the). Bry. BED (When moving in), Ob- structed respiration. Spig. Pain in the chest. Sulph. BENDING towards the side af- fected (When). Pain in the chest. Calc. BENT FORWARDS (When seated with the body), Obstructed respiration. Dig. rhus. CHANGE of position (Amelio- rated respiration from a). Ol-an. CHILL (After a), Obstructed respiration. Ipec. CLOTHES (From the pressure of the). See PREssure. COFFEE (After drinking), Ob- structed respiration. Bell. COLD air (From the), Obstructed respiration. Ars. petr. puls. Pain in the chest. Bry. carb-v. petr. COLD (When drinking any- thing), Pain in the chest. Thuy. CONGESTION (As if from), Obstructed respiration. Agar. calc. puls. terb. COUGHING (When), Obstructed respiration. Cupr. Pain in the chest. Acon. ars. bell. bor. bry. chin. dros. lyc. magn-m. meph. merc. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. sabad. sen. sep. sil. squill. sulph. (Compare Chap. XXI, Sect. 5.) DEGLUTITION (During), Ob- structed respiration. Bell. DRINKING (After), Obstructed respiration. Bell. n-vom. DRINKING (When), Pain in the chest. Arn. cupr. thuy. verat. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 579 DRINKING: -Cold (when drinking any- thing). Thuy. DUST (Respiration obstructed, as if from). Cyc. EATING (When). See MEAL. ERUCTATIONS (From), Pain in the chest ameliorated. Bar- C. EVACUATION (During), Ob- structed respiration. Rhus. EVENING (In the), Obstructed respiration. Ars. chin. con. cyc. fer. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. stann. sulph. tart. zinc. bed (in). Ars. bell. carb- an. carb-v. con. chin. cist. fer. graph. lach. merc. natr- m. n-vom. sep. tart. (Com- pare NIGHT.) GOING UP stairs (When), Ob- structed respiration. Am-c. ars. ang. bor. led. hyos. merc. nitr-ac. rat. ruta. sen. Pain in the chest. Rat. ruta. HEAD (From labouring with the). See Intellectual LA- BOUR. HEAT (From external), Pain in the chest ameliorated. Bar- C. HICCOUGH (During), Pain in the chest. Am-m. HOLDING BACK the body (When), Obstructed respira- tion. Cupr. HORSE-BACK (From taking ex- ercise on), Pain in the chest. Graph. Pain in the chest. Ran-sc. LABOUR (During), Obstructed stann. bed (in). Sep. verb. EXERTION (From corporal), Obstructed respiration. Am-c. ars. Pain in the chest. Bor. rat. EXPECTORATION (From too fre- quent), Obstructed respira- tion. Sep. EXPECTORATION (Obstructed re- spiration from suppressed). Sep. FATIGUE (Corporal). See EXER- TION and LABOUR. FLATUS (From), Obstructed re- spiration. Carb-v. ol-an. zinc. GOING UP a hill (When), Ob- structed respiration. Ars. aur. calc. canth. cast. cupr. grat. iod. merc. nitr. n-vom. ol-an. sep. stann. zinc. Pain in the chest. Bar-c. graph. n-vom. respiration. Bov. lyc. sil. Manual. Am-m. bor. natr- m. nitr-ac. sil. LABOUR (During Pains in the chest. Caus. Intellectual. Sep. corporal), LAUGHING (When). Obstructed respiration. Ars. pucr. Pain in the chest. Lyc. nic. plumb. LEANING forwards (When), Obstructed respiration. Sen. Pain in the chest. Arg. dig. LOINS (From pains in the), Ob- structed respiration. Sel. LOINS (After a strain in the), Pain in the chest. Sulph. LYING DOWN (When), Ob- structed respiration. Ars. asa. calc. dig. hep. lach. n-vom. oleand. phell. phos. puls. samb. sep. sulph. tart. Back (On the). Ol-an. phos. sil. c c 2 580 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. LYING DOWN: Head low (with the). Chin. colc. hep. nitr. puls. Seated (almost). Ameliora- tion. Spig. Side (on the). Carb-an. puls. meph. mur-ac. n-vom. (rhus.) sen. sep. MOVEMENT: - ameliorated. Euphorb. Mucus (From accumulation of), Obstructed respiration. Chin. sen. sep. mgs. Side (on the right). Ame- NECK. See THRoat. lioration. Spig. LYING DOWN (When), Pain in the chest. Asa. nitr. Back (on the). Amelioration. Bor. Side (on the). Plat. sabad. sen. sulph. affected. Bor. calc. lyc. sabad. sulph. sound. Stann. MEAL (During a). Obstructed respiration. Magn-m. Pain in the chest. Pæon. MEAL (After a) Obstructed re- spiration. Ars. asa. carb-an. cham. chin. lach. merc. n- mos. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. viol-tric. zinc. Pain in the chest. Arn. chin. evon. lach. lam. phos. thuy. verat. MORNING (In the), Obstructed respiration. Amb. bell. carb- an. con. dig. kal. n-vom. phos. tart. bed (in), Carb-an. con. magn-s. tart. Pains in the chest. Phell. phos. sen. squill. sulph. MOUTH (When any thing is placed before the). Lach. MOVEMENT (During), Ob- structed respiration. Ars. con. ipec. led. phos. puls. spig. stann. verat. Pain in the chest. Arn. ars. bor. bry. calc. cann, caps. colch. fer. graph. lyc. NIGHT (At), Pain in the chest. Alum. am-c. am-m. kreos. lach. magn-m. magn-s. merc- c. n-vom. puls. ran-sc. rut. sabad. sel. sen. Obstructed respiration. Acon. alum. am-m. ars. aur. berb. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. coloc. cupr. daph. dig. fer. graph. ign. kal. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn-s. merc. n-vom. op. petr. phos. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. samb. sel. sen. sep. stann. sulph. mgs. OVER-HEATED when dressing (From being). Obstructed respiration. Ars. PAIN (During), Obstructed re- spiration. Ars. puls. sil. PAIN in the chest (From), Ob- structed respiration. Sel. POSITION (From a change of). Ameliorated respiration. Ol- an. PRESSING upon it (Pain in the chest when). Dros. meph. sen. PRESSURE of the clothes (From). Obstructed respiration. Caus. sass. REPOSE (During), Obstructed respiration. Fer. sil. Pain in the chest. Euphorb. rhus. sen. tab. RESPIRATION (During), Pain in the chest. Acon. am-c. ant. bry. cann. caps. chin. colch. fer-mg. hep. iod. kal. kreos. SECT. 4. CONDITIONS. 581 lach. led. lyc. merc. mur-ac. | SPEAKING (When), Obstructed natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. plat. puls. sabad. sep. spig. squill. stann. sulph. tab. RESPIRATION (Pain in the chest during): Deep inspiration (when taking a). Agn. berb. bor. bry. calc. cast. caus. meph. natr-m. nitr. plumb. rhus. sabin. sulph. Expiration (During an). Colch. dulc. oleand. Inspiration (when taking an). Acon. arg. asar. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-an. chel. clem. guaj. kal. mez. op. plat. sen. squill. val. RESTING upon it (Pain in the chest when). Sen. Amelioration. Bor. ROOM (In the warmth of a), Obstructed respiration. Ars. RUNNING (When), Obstructed respiration. Ign. Obstructed Pain in the chest. Bor. RUNNING (After), respiration. Sil. SEATED (When), Obstructed respiration. Alum. euphr. dig. dros. lach. phos. samb. verat. Pain in the chest. Staph. SHOULDERS (When throwing back the). Obstructed respira- tion. Am-c. ars. Pain in the chest. Bor. rat. SINGING (When). Pain in the chest. Am-c. SINGING (After), Pain in the chest. Sulph. SLEEP (During), Obstructed respiration. Lach. sulph. SNEEZING (When), Pain in the chest. Dros. meph. merc. sec. sil. sulph. respiration. Caus. dros. lam. spig. sulph. Pain in the chest. Bor. cann. kal. lyc. rhus. stram. sulph. STANDING upright (When), Obstructed respiration. Phell. sep. STOMACH (Obstructed respira- tion, which proceeds from the). Caps. rhus. STOOPING (When), Obstructed respiration. Calc. sil. Pain the chest. Alum. am-c. oleand. STRAIN in the loins (After suf- fering a), Pain in the chest. Sulph. SULPHUR (As if from vapour of). Obstructed respiration. Camph. croc. puls. THROAT (When touching the), Obstructed respiration. Bell. lach. (When turning the). Bell. THROWING BACK the shoulders (When), Obstructed respira- tion. Calc. TOUCHED (When), Pain in the chest. Am-m. arn. calc. colch. graph. hæm. meph. phos. sabin. TURNING in the bed (When), Pain in the chest. Sulph. WALKING (When), Obstructed respiration. Agar. ars. bell. carb-v. con. gran. led. lyc. natr-s. n-vom. phell. puls. rhus. sel. sen. sep. stann. stront. Pain in the chest. Am-c. bry. cinn. fer. hep. led. n- vom. (rhus.) amelioration. Staph. quickly (When), WALKING 582 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. Obstructed respiration. Ang. | WINDY weather (From), Ob- aur. caus. puls. WEAKNESS (As if from), Ob- structed respiration. Cyc. WEIGHT on the chest (As if from a), Obstructed respira- tion. Cann. ign. rhab. sabad. structed respiration. Ars. calc. YAWNING (When), Pain in the chest. Bell. bor. graph. sulph. ABDOMEN SECTION 5.-CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS Of respiration and pain in the chest. Pain in the chest. Berb. con. lach. mosch. puls. DISCOURAGEMENT (With), pains in the heart. Daph. DIZZINESS (With), Pain in the chest. Cham. DRYNESS of the tongue (With), Pain in the chest. Mosch. (With distension | COUGH: of the), pain in the chest. Prun. ANGUISH (With), obstructed respiration. Acon. anac. arn. ars. bell. calc. cann. cham. cin. cist. kal. lach. merc. n- vom. op. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. samb. spig. stann. staph. tab. tart. thuy. val. verat. Pain in the chest. Ars. cham. lach. spig. sulph. BLOOD (With ebullition of), pain in the chest. Puls. BODY and coldness in the ex- tremities (With burning in the), paroxysms of suffocation. Fer. BURNING in the face (With), Dyspnæa. Stront. Obstructed respiration. Puls. CHEST (With tension in the), Obstructed respiration. Rhus. COLDNESS (With), Obstructed respiration. Ars. COLIC (With), Dyspnæa. Bry. CORYZA (With), Asthmatic suf- ferings. Berb. COUGH (With), Obstructed res- piration. Con. puls. (Compare Chap. XXI, Sect. 5). Of the nose (with), Ob- structed respiration. Canth. EARS (With humming in the), Obstructed respiration. N- vom. EMPTINESS in the pit of the stomach (With), Obstructed respiration. Stann. EPIGASTRIUM (with pain in the), Obstructed respiration. N-vom. EVACUATE (With desire to), Obstructed respiration. Bry. EXPECTORATION (With too fre- quent), Obstructed respira- tion. Sep. EXPECTORATION (With sup- pressed), Obstructed respira- tion. Sep. FACE (With burning heat in the), Obstructed respiration. Stront. Pain in the chest. Kreos. SECT. 6. CHEST. 583 FACE (With redness of the), Obstructed respiration. Spig. Pain in the chest. Mosch. FLATUS (With), Obstructed respiration. Carb-v. ol-an. zinc. HEAT (With), Oppression at the chest. Anac. plat. tart. Pain in the chest. Puls. HICCOUGH (With), Obstructed respiration. Puls. INQUIETUDE (With), Obstructed respiration. Viol-od. LASSITUDE (With), Pain in the chest. Gran. LIPS (With redness of the), Ob- structed respiration. Spig. LOOK (With fixed), Pain in the chest. Chin. LYING on the side affected (With inability to remain), Pain in the chest. Sulph. MELANCHOLY (With), Obstruct- ed respiration. Caus. NAUSEA (With), Obstructed re- spiration. Canth. lach. NOSE (With dryness of the), Ob- structed respiration. Canth. PALENESS. See FACE. PERSPIRATION (With), Ob- structed respiration. Ars. lach. n-vom. PRESSURE at the pit of the sto- mach (With), Obstructed re- spiration. Ars. PULSE (With quick), Obstructed respiration. N-vom. PUPILS (With dilated), Pain in the chest, Mosch. SADNESS (With), Obstructed re- spiration. Lach. SIGHS (With), Pain in the chest. Cocc. SLEEPLESSNESS (With), Pain in the chest. N-vom. SPEAK (With inability to), Pain in the chest. Ars. STOMACH (With pain in the pit of the), Dyspnea. Ars. Emptiness (With), Dyspnea. Stann. SWOONING (With), Pain in the chest. Lach. SYNCOPE (With), Pain in the chest. Ars. TEARS (With), Obstructed respi- ration. Ran. samb. TENSION in the chest (With), Obstructed respiration. Rhus. THIRST (With), Obstructed re- spiration. Lach. TONGUE (With dryness and red- ness of the), Pain in the chest. Mosch. VERTIGO (With), Obstructed re- spiration. Puls. VOMITINGS (With), Obstructed respirations. Lach. Pain in the chest. Cann. Spasms of the muscles of the chest (alternately with). Cic. WEAKNESS, faintness, syncope (with), Obstructed respiration. Ars. lach. SECTION 6.-EXTERIOR OF THE CHEST. BEATEN (Pain as if). Amb. ang. | BLUENESS of the skin at the arn. calad. rhod. collar-bones. Thuy. 584 CHAP. XXII. CHEST AND HEART. BROWN spots. Carb-v. sep. BURNING. Bell. calc. iod. led. sel. mgs. CARIES of the bones. Con. CONTRACTIONS. Gran. verat. CRACKS, rhagades. Graph. sulph. CRAMPS of the muscles. Cic. stram. verat. CRAWLING. Colch. ran-sc. DRAWINGS. Carb-v. stront. ERUPTIONS. Grat. hep. hep. lyc. staph. tab. val. Burning after being scratch- ed. Grat. Excoriation, when touched, (With pain as if from). Hep. Hard. Val. Itching. Staph. tab. warmth in the. Staph. Miliary. Led. staph. tart. Painful. Lyc. when touched. Hep. phos-ac. Pimples, nodosities (of). Grat. tab. val. Pustules (of). Evon. hep. Red. Staph. Rot in sheep (like the). Led. Running. Lyc. Shooting. Hep. Vesicles (of). Graph. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from). Cic. FURUNCULI. Hep. HEAT on the chest. Mang. HEPATIC spots. Lyc. HERPES. Ārs. petr. staph. ITCHING. Led. mez. MILIARY eruption. Led. staph. tart. MUSCLES (Twitching of the). Asar. tar. NUMBNESS. Graph. PAINS in general. Ran. ran-sc. Morning (in the). Calad. Movement (during). Ang. ran. arms (of the). Ang. ant. Pressing upon the the part (when). Ant. Repose (aggravated during). Rhus. Stretching (while). Ran. Touched (when). Ran. PERSPIRATION. Arn. bov. calc. lyc. nitr. Morning (in the). Bov. nitr. Night (at). Agar. calç. lyc. Reddish. Arn. PRESSURE. Amb. carb-v. eu- phorb. sulph. PRICKING. Calc. ran-sc. RED points, specks. Sabad. Spots. Cocc. led. sabad. RHAGADES. See CRACKS. RHEUMATIC pains. Amb. arn. carb-v. n-vom. ran. tart. SENSIBILITY (Painful). Mosch. ran-sc. Sternum (of the). Ruta. Touched, or to pressure (when). Mosch. SHIVERING. Par. SHOOTINGS. Am-c. calc. iod. oleand. sabin. mgs. SMARTING. Led. SPASMODIC pains. Arg. gran. SPOTS (Brown). Carb-v. sep. Hepatic. Lyc. Red. Cocc. led. sabad. Yellow. Phos. TEARING. Am-c. am-m. carb. V. TENSION. Euphorb. iod. lyc mez. oleand. rhus. sass. Contraction of the tendon: SECT. I. CLINICAL REMARKS. 585 on rising up (as if from). | WRENCHING pains. Arn. Sass. YELLOW spots. Phos. CHAPTER XXIII. AFFECTIONS OF THE BACK, LOINS, NAPE OF THE NECK AND NECK. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. GOITRE.-The medicines which have hitherto been employed with most success are: Am-c. calc. caus. iod. lyc. natr. natr-m. spong. staph. LOINS, SMALL OF THE BACK (Pains in the).-See NOTALGIA. LUMBAGO.—The best medicines are: Bry. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph.-See RHEUMATISM, Chap. I. MARASMUS DORSALIS, TABES DORSALIS.-We do not as yet possess any certain and authentic information to regulate the cure of this disease; but we have every reason to believe that when the complaint is not too far advanced, great benefit will be frequently derived from: Calc. cocc. n-vom. sulph. MYELETIS, or inflammation of the spinal marrow. In the ma- jority of cases, recourse may be had to: Acon. bell. bry. cocc. dulc. or again to: Ars. dig. ign. puls. verat. If the fever is intense, with excessive heat, agitation and thirst, Acon. is to be preferred, wherever the seat of the inflam- mation may be. If the inflammation occupies particularly the LowER part of the vertebræ : Bry, cocc. n-vom. are most suitable: or perhaps also: Rhus. If on the contrary, the CHEST is particularly attacked, with paroxysms of anguish, palpitation of the heart, &c. the best medicines will be: Ars. dig. puls. If the ABDOMEN is principally affected, with coldness and spasms in the abdomen, the most suitable medicines are: Cocc. ign. n-vom. verat. In cases in which the UPPER part of the spinal marrow is the chief seat of the disease, bellad. should be preferred, or perhaps again: Dulc. One case of myelitis, which was a sequela of measles, with cc3 586 CHAP. XXIII. BACK, LOINS, &c. excessive disposition of the parts affected to exudation, was per- ceptibly ameliorated by dulc. NOTALGIA, PAIN IN THE BACK, PAIN IN THE LOINS, Rigidity of the nape of the neck, &c. See and Compare: RHEUMATISM, HÆMORRHOIDS, LUMBAGO, MYELITIS, NEURALGIA, &c. in their respective chapters. PSOITIS.-The most eligible medicines are: Acon. bry. n-vom. puls. rhus. staph. &c. (See Chap. I, RHEUMATISM.) RACHITIS.-See Chap. I, same word. SCIATICA.-A preference may be given to: Acon. ars. bry. cham. ign. (coff. coloc.) n-vom. puls. rhus. staph. &c. See Chap. I, NEURALGIA, and Compare RHEUMATISM. TABES DORSALIS.-See MARASMUS DORSALIS. SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS. (In the following articles, the word Loins signifies the Region of the loins, and not the Loins, properly so called). ABSCESS staph. ACHING pains, as if the flesh were detached from the bones. Acon. in the back. Sil. Nape of the neck (in the). Bar-c. lad. chin. cin. dig. graph. gran. hep. mgn. men. merc. natr-m. natr-s. n-mos. n-vom. phell. phos. plat. puls. ran. ran-sc. rat. rhod. rhus. rut. sabad. sass. staph. stront. sulph. thuy. verat. zinc. AGITATION in the nape of the BEATEN : neck and neck. Thuy. BALL in the back (Pain as if from a). Arn. BAR in the back (Pain as if from a). Lach. BEATEN (Pain as if from a bruise, contusion, or being), in the back. Acon. agar. alum. arn. asar. chin. dros. kal. mgn. mgn-s. merc. n-mos. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. ran. rat. rhod. rut. sabad. spig. stram. stront. sulph. thuy. verat. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. Loins. Acon. agar. alum. am-m. ang. arg. arn. bry. ca- Nape of the neck. Acon. agar. n-vom. sabin. thuy. Neck. Sabin. Shoulder-blades. Gran. hell. merc. ran. sil. BLISTERS on the back. Calc. BORING in the back. Acon. thuy. Loins. Acon. Shoulders. Acon. men. BRUISE (Pain as if from a). See BEATEN. BURNING pains in the back. Ars. bor. bry. carb-a. lach. mgn-m. merc. n-vom. ole- and. sel. sen. sep. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 587 BURNING pains in the back: as if from a hot iron. Alum. Loins. Bor. phos. sep. mgs- aus. Nape of the neck. Bar-c. merc. Shoulder-blades. Sil, sulph. CHILL (Pain in the back as if from a). Dig. val. COLDNESS (Sensation of), in the back. Laur. sec. Loins. Laur. Nape of the neck. Calc. COMMOTIONs in the neck. Mez. COMPRESSION in the back. Con. CONSTRICTION in the back. Canth. n-vom. sabad. CONTRACTED or shortened (Sen- sation in the loins, as if they were). Lach. Muscles. Con. n-vom. CONTRACTION (Pain as if from), in the back. Bry.graph. guaj. mez. viol-tric. Neck. Am-m. asar. CONTUSION. See BEATEN. CONVULSIONS in the back. Cham. iod. lach. when stooping. Canth. ipec. with opisthotonos. Ang. bell. canth. cham. cic. ign. ipec. op. rhus. stann. stram. Neck (in the). Asar. spong. - after drinking. Am-m. CORRODING pain in the back. Hell. natr-s. Vertebræ. Bell. CRACKING in the loins from movement. Sulph. Shoulder-blades. Puls. Vertebræ of the neck. Cocc. nic. puls. stann. mgs-arc. CRAWLING in the back. Acon. anac. arn. caus. evon. graph. natr. phos-ac. ran-sc. sass. sec. CRAWLING in the : Loins. Bor. phos-ac. sass. Sacrum. Bor. DEVIATION of the spine. Calc. lyc. plumb. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. Vertebræ of the neck. Calc. DIGGING in the back. Acon. dulc. sep. DRAWING in the back. Amb. am-c. ars. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. cham. chin. caps. COCC. con. cyc. cyc. dig. hep. kal. lyc. merc. mosch. nitr. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sen. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. teuc. thuy. val. verat. Loins. Am-c. arg. chin. cocc. croc. dig. dulc. ign. kal. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. sabin. samb. sil. spong. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. terb. thuy. val. ve- rat. Nape of the neck. Amb. am-c. ant. berb. carb-v. cast. chin. lyc. merc. mosch. natr. nitr. n-mos. n-vom. puls. rat. rhod. rut. staph. sulph. terb. Neck. Ant. carb-v. cyc. hep. phos-ac. puls. rhod. squill. Shoulder-blades. Ars. bor. calc. camph. caus. chin. hep. rhod. rut. sen. sil. Shoulder-blades the). Bell. bor. (between Vertebræ. Berb. daph. DRAWINGS (Shooting), in the loins. Dulc. (Compare DRAW- ING.) EMACIATION of the back. Tab. ENLARGEMENT of the neck. Con. iod. phos. 588 CHAP. XXIII. BACK, LOINS, &c. ENLARGEMENT of the neck when | EXCORIATION (Pain as if from) : speaking. Iod. ERUPTIONS on the back. Bell. berb. carb-v. caus. cist. evon. lach. phos-ac. sep. squill. tab. Nape of the neck. Ant. bell. berb. caus. petr. sec. sil. staph. tart. Neck. Bry. clem. lyc. phos- ac. puls. spig. squill. verb. Shoulder-blades. Ant. caus. lach. phos-ac. ERUPTIONS, according to their nature: Burning. Cist. Erysipelatous. Calc-ph. Excoriation (with pain as if from). Spig. Excoriation after scratching (with). Clem. Groups (in). Berb. Herpetic. Lach. Itching. Bry. carb-v. caus. clem. puls. sep. squill. staph. tab. Miliary. Ant. bry. caus. phos-ac. sec. tart. Nodosities (of). Verb. Painful. Lyc. spig. Cist. when touched. hep. phos-ac. spig. squill. verb. Papulæ (of). Lach. Pimples (of). Bell. carb-v. lach. puls. sil. spig. squill. staph. Pustules (of). Bell. berb. clem. Red. Bell. Running. Clem. natr-m. Smarting. Bry. Vesicular. Lach. EXCORIATION under the axillæ. Carb-v. Axilla (under the). Mez. Back, Cast. sulph-ac. Loins. Cast. colch. natr. sulph-ac. Nape of the neck. Cyc. Neck. Cic. Vertebræ of the neck. Con. EXERTION (Pain as if from over-), in the back. Mur-ac. oleand. rhus. valer. Loins. Rhus. staph. Nape of the neck. Rhus. EXOSTOSIS in the sacrum (Pain- ful). Rhus. FURUNCULI under the axillæ. Bor. lyc. GLANDS (Affections of the ax- illary) : Heaviness (Sensation of). Cupr. Induration. Carb-an. iod. kal. Pains. Am-c. bar-c. prun. rhus. sulph-ac. Shootings. Lyc. Suppuration. Calc. coloc. hep. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. sil. sulph. Swelling. Am-c. clem. co- loc. hep. iod. kal. lyc. natr- m. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. GLANDS of the nape of the neck (Affections of the): Induration. Bar-c. dulc. Inflammation. Sulph. Swelling. Bar-c. dulc. iod. petr. sil. staph. sulph. GLANDS of the neck (Affections of the). (Compare GLANDS, Chap. X.) Drawing. Bov. Induration. Bar-c. carb-an. dulc. kal. spig. Inflammation. Bar-c. cham. kal. merc. nitr-ac. sulph. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 589 GLANDS of the neck (Affections, INCISIVE pains in the neck. of the): Samb. Obstruction, enlargement. ITCHING under the axillæ. Carb- See Swelling. Pain. Alum. am-c. arn. bell. calc. caus. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. spig. Pressure. Bell. ign. merc. Shootings. Bell. carb-an. lyc. merc. Suppuration. Bell. cist. sil. Swelling. Am-c. arn. bar-c. bell. bov. calc. carb-an. caus. cham. cist. cupr. dulc. fer. graph. hell. iod. kal. lyc. magn-m. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thuy. viol-tric. Tearing. Graph. Tension. Bov. graph. GOITROUS Swelling, goitre. Calc. carb-an. canth. iod. kal. lyc. natr. natr-m. spong. staph. Constrictive. Iod. Crawling and shooting. Spong. Hard. Iod. natr. spong. Large. Iod. natr-m. spong. Pressive. Spong. HEAT in the loins. Berb. | v. phos. Back. Caus. daph. sen. burning. Daph. Sacrum. Bor. boy. JERKING pains in the back. Chin, cin. mgs. Loins. Chin. Nape of the neck. Æth. chin. tar. Neck. Tart. LABOUR-PAINS (Pains in the loins, like). Croc. cinn. kal. kal-h. kreos. puls. LUMPS in the neck. Graph. hep. Hep. painful when touched. MILIARY. See ERUPTIONS. MOISTURE under the axillæ. Carb-an. carb-v. MOVEMENT of the back (Pains which hinder the). Petr. Loins. Caust. phos. MUSCLES (Twitching of the), in the back. Sol-m. Neck. Ang. NUMBNESS. See TORPOR. HEAVINESS (Sensation of), in PAINS IN GENERAL in the back. the back. Amb. par. Loins. Berb. mgn-s. Nape of the neck. Men. n- vom. par. samb. Neck. Men. HERPES under the axillæ. Carb- an. lyc. natr-m. Back. Ars. lach. zinc. Nape of the neck. Caus. clem. lyc. nitr. sep. sulph. Shoulder-blades. Lach. INCISIVE pains in the back. Graph. natr-s. sen. Loins. Natr-m. samb. Nape of the neck. Graph. Ars. asa. aur. bar-m. bov. calc. caus. cham. hyos. led. lyc. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. rhod. sep. tart. zinc. Semi-lateral. Guaj. Hips (region of the). Asa. calc. con. cyc. dulc, hyos. led. natr-m. puls. sil. stront. val. Loins. Bar-c. bor. bry, calc. calc-ph. caus. cham. chin. con. graph. kal. lach. lyc. merc. mez. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tong. zinc. mgs. 590 CHAP. XXIII. BACK, LOINS, &c. PAINS IN GENERAL : PRESSURE : Nape of the neck. Am-c. daph. graph. Neck. Bell. hell. Sacrum, when touched. Carb-an. - after urinating. Graph. Shoulder-blades. Bell. cist. graph. PARALYSIS of the back. Sil. Loins. Natr-m. Neck. Lyc. PARALYTIC pains in the back. Agar. asar, sil. zinc. Loins. Acon. cocc. natr-m. ran-sc. sel. sil. zinc. Loins. Berb. bor. caus. gran. men. sabin. samb. spong.tar. verat. mgs-aus. expansive. Cann. Nape of the neck. Amb. bar- c. cupr. laur. natr-m. ol-an. samb. sass. staph. tar. Neck. Calc. cyc. fer. guaj. tar. Sacrum (on the). Cann. Shoulder-blades. Anac. calc. chin. cor. gran. sen. PRESSURE as if from a stone be- tween the shoulder-blades. Chin. Nape of the neck. Sil. ve- PRICKING in the back. Acon. rat. Neck. Cyc. PERSPIRATION under the axillæ. Bov. bry. kal. natr-m. sel. sep. squill. sulph. thuy. sulph. offensive. Hep. phos. onion (which smells like an). Bov. Back. Chin. lyc. sep. Chin. movement (on the least). night (at). Lyc. Neck. Bell. clem. euphorb. night (at). Mang. sour. Bell. PIMPLES in the neck, which are painful when touched. Hep. PIMPLES between the shoulder- blades. Calc. PINCHING in the back. Pæon. sil. sulph. viol-tric. PRESSURE under the axillæ. Agn. Back. Amb. anar. anac. chel. aur. con. cyc dulc. euphr. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. sabin. samō, sass. sen. sep. tar. thuy. verat. ran-sc. PROTUBERANCES. See PIMPLES. PULSATIONS in the back. Bar-c. thuy. Carotids. Oleand. Loins. Natr-m. RESPIRATION (Pains which ob- struct): Back. Cann. led. rut. sulph. tar. Loins. Rut. sulph. tar. Shoulder-blades. Calc. cann. nitr. sulph. RHEUMATIC pains in the back. Amb. bell. cham. cyc. n-vom. ran. rhod. sulph. tart. teuc. zinc. Loins. Sulph. Nape of the neck. Acon. amb. ant. berb. bry. merc. puls. rhod. rhus. staph. sulph. verat. Neck. Bry. cyc. merc. puls. rhod. rhus. squill. Shoulder-blades. Ran. rhod. rhus. val. between the. Bell. RIGIDITY: Back. Ang. caust. kal. led. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 591 ol-an. petr. prun. puls. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. RIGIDITY of the back: morning (in the). Ang. sulph-ac. semi-lateral. Cinn. guaj. sitting awhile (after). Caust. led. stooping (after). Bov. strain in the loins (as if from a). Prun. Loins. Acon. am-m. bar-c. berb. bry. lach. petr. prun. puls. rhab. rhus. sil. sulph. thuy. evening (aggravated in the). Bar-c. Amb. morning (in the). Thuy. sitting awhile (after). Nape of the neck. Acon. am-m. anac. ang. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-v. caus. cor. dig. dros. dulc. graph. guaj. hell. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mgn. mang. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. phos. plat. rat. rhod. rhus. sec. sel. sep. sil. spong. squill. staph. sulph. thuy. verat. zinc. morning (in the). Ang. painful. Acon. rheumatic. Lach, merc. strain in the loins (after a). Calc. lyc. strain in the loins (as if from a). Prun. Neck. Am-m. bell. bry. croc. dig. fer. hell. lach. merc. mez. rhus. sel. spong. squill. tab. zinc. rheumatic. Lach. merc. semi-lateral. Lyc. Vertebræ. Carb-v. RISING (Pain in the loins, which hinders one from). Phos. sil. SCABS under the axillæ. Natr- m. SEIZING, catching pains in the loins. Ign. SENSIBILITY (PAINFUL) in the nape of the neck and neck. Lach. SHIVERING in the back. Bell. bov. caps. guaj. ign. sep. spong. stann. staph. SHOOTINGS under SHOOTINGS under the axillæ. Arn. natr-s. phos. staph. Back. Acon. alum. anac. asa. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. cyc. dulc. evon. guaj. hell. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. magn. mez. nitr-ac. oleand. pæon. par. plumb. puls. rhus. sabin. sass. sil. spig. staph. sulph. tar. verb. semi-lateral. Guaj. Loins. Amb. berb. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cocc. dulc. ign. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. plumb. puls. ruta. sulph. on making a false step. Carb-v. sulph. tar. Nape of the neck. Eth. bar-c. bry. carb-v. magn-s. sass. stann. tar. zinc. Neck. Carb-v. hep. merc. samb. sass. tar. zinc. Shoulder-blades. Am-m. a- nac. berb. bry. calc. camph. cann. cocc. colch. fer. guaj. hep. hyos. kreos. lach. men. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. phos. plumb. puls. samb. sass. sill. stann. sulph. verb. zinc. Vertebræ. Bell. SHUDDERING in the back. Bell. bov. senn. zinc. 592 CHAP. XXIII. BACK, LOINS, &c. SMARTING in the back. Graph. Nape of the neck. Cyc. graph. SOLIDITY (Want of). See WEAK- NESS. SPASMODIC pains in the back. Bry. con. euphorb. euphr. natr. sep. viol-tric. Loins. Bell. gran. magn-m. plat. sil. Nape of the neck. Ant. arn. asar. natr. con. croc. iod. lyc. merc. n- vom. phos. puls. SWELLING in the neck: sass. semi-lateral. Lyc. natr. throat-pit (of the). Ipec. vertebræ (of the). Calc. SWELLING of the neck (Ede- matous). Bell. SWELLING in the nape of the neck (Rheumatic). Con. merc. Neck. Ant. arn. asar. phos- TEARING in the loins (Sensation ac. squill. mgs-arc. SPASMS. See CONVULIONS. SPEAKING (Pains which hinder). Cann. SPOTS: Brown, under the axillæ. Thuy. back. Sep. Hepatic, in the nape of the neck. Lyc. Herpetic, in the back. Sep. nape of the neck. Hy- OS. neck. Sep. Red, on the neck. Bry. cocc. iod. lach. sep. under the shoulder- blades. Cist. Yellow, on the neck. Iod. SQUEEZING in the loins. Æth. graph. Nape of the neck. Lyc. Shoulder-blades the). Verat. (between STAND long (Pains which do not permit one to). Petr. STEATOMA in the nape of the neck. Bar-c. SUPPURATION in the throat-pit. Ipec. SWELLING: Nape of the neck. Bell. merc. puls. Neck. Ars. bell. caus. cic. I of). Berb. TEARING under the axillæ. Bell. Back. Anac. ars. aur. canth. caps. carb-v. chel. chin. cin. cocc. colch. led. lyc. mgn-m. mgn-s. mang. natr-s. n-vom. plumb. rhod. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. semi-lateral. Guaj. Loins. Berb. calc-ph. chin. led. lyc. plumb. sep. spong. stram. sulph. Nape of the neck. Æth. berb. carb-v. chin. magn. oleand. rat. sulph. zinc. Neck. Am-m, carb-v. mez. natr-s. zinc. Shoulder-blades. Anac. arg. ars. bor. caus. chin. fer. guaj. phos. plumb. rhod. rhus. sil. Vertebræ. Berb. TENSION in the back. Am-c. coloc. hep. mez. mos. natr. natr-m. oleand. ol-an. puls. sass. sulph. tar. teuc. Loins. Am-c. bar-c. berb. puls. sass. sulph. tar. Nape of the neck. Bar-c. bry. camph. caus. chin. con. dig. magn-s. mosch. natr. ol- an. par. plat. plumb. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sass. spong. sulph. zinc. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 593 TENSION: Neck. Bar-c. bry. chin. cic. coloc. dig. iod. natr-s. par. phos-ac. puls. rhod. rhus. spong. thuy. viol-od. zinc. Shoulder-blades. Bar-c. cic. colch. coloc. sil. zinc. TETANUS. See CONVULSIONS with Opisthotonos. THROBBING in the back. Bar. chin. Loins. Sep. TORPOR in the loins (Sensation of). Berb. spong. Nape of the neck and sa- crum. Plat. TUMOUR under the axilla (en- cysted). Bar-c. TUMOUR in the vertebræ (Small). Lach. ULCER in the nape of the neck. Sil. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the back. Cic. kreos. Loins. Natr-s. prun. Nape of the neck. Puls. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the neck. Puls. VEINS of the neck. (Swelling of the). Op. thuy. WALK ABOUT (Pain in the back, which forces one to). Mgn-s. WALKING (Pain in the back, which hinders). Phos. WEAKNESS in the back. Agar. lach. n-vom. petr. sil. zinc. Loins. Merc. n-vom. petr. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. Muscles of the neck. Arn. cocc. lyc. kal. par. staph. sulph. tart. verat. Nape of the neck. Acon. kal. par. plat. WRENCHING pains : Back. Agar. bell. calc. n- vom. rhod. sulph. mgs-aus. Nape of the neck. Agar. calc. cinn. nic. Neck. Cinn. Shoulder-blades the). Bell. n-vom. (between SECTION. 3.-CONDITIONS Of the pains in the back, loins, &c. ARMS (Pain in the back on mov- | COLD air (Pains aggravated by). ing the). Camph. fer. (Pain in the neck and back on lifting the). Graph. BENDING oneself (Pain in the back on). Chel. BLOWING THE NOSE (Pain in the loins on). Dig. CARRIAGE (Pain in the back from riding in a). Calc. n- vom. CHILL (Pains in the back and loins after a). Nitr-ac. Rhus. sabad. (Pains in the nape of the neck, back and loins in the). Bar-c. COUGHING (Pains in the back when). Bell. bry. cocc. nitr. CRY OUT (Pain in the loins which forces one to). Calc-ph. DAMP weather (Pains in the back and nape of the neck in). N-mos. rhod. DYSPNEA (With). Sulph. 594 CHAP. XXIII. BACK, LOINS, &c. EMOTIONS (Pain in the back af- ter MORAL). Bar-c. EVACUATE (Pain in the loins, with desire to). Kreos. EVACUATION (Pain in the loins after). Tab. Amelioration. Berb. EVENING (Pains in the): Back. Cist. led. n-vom. terb. Loins. Led. terb. Nape of the neck. Ole- and. EXERTION (Pain after any), in the neck, nape of the neck, back and loins. Calc. calc-ph. sulph. FALL (Pain in the loins, in consequence of a). Kal. FALSE STEP (On making a), shootings in the loins. Carb- V. FLATUS (From the emission of). Amelioration. Berb. HEAD (Pain in the nape of the neck on bowing the). Graph. (Pain in the nape of the neck on raising the). Senn. (Pain in the neck on turning back the). Cic. HEAT (Pains mitigated by): Back. Cinn. Nape of the neck. Rhus. HOLDING BACK the body (Pains when) : Back. Chel. plat. mgs-aus. Loins. Con. plat. Nape of the neck. Con. INSPIRATION (Pains when taking an). Berb. Back. Acon. am-m. sass. spig. sulph. Loins. N-vom. staph. LABOUR (Pains in the back from manual). Sulph. LIFTING any thing (When). Lyc. LYING down (Pains when in the act of) : Back. Ars. Loins. Sil. LYING down (Pains when) : Back. Agar. euphorb. nitr. sil. tar. when lying on the back. Euphorb. nitr. Loins. Agar. berb. chin. tar. Nape of the neck. Agar. LYING on the side (Pains miti- gated by). Nitr. MORNING in bed (Pains in the). Ang. berb. euphorb. magn-s. nitr. mgs. MORNING (Pains in the) : Back. thuy. Euphorb. magn-s. Loins. Ang. berb. calad. natr-m. nitr. sel. staph. thuy. mgs. Nape of the neck. Thuy. MOVEMENT (Pains during). Cham. caus. Back. Chin. cin. mang. petr. samb. sass. stram. Loins. Chin. sass. mgs- aus. Nape of the neck. Acon, am-m. camph. chin. dros. hell. plumb. puls. rhus. sass. Neck. Fer. hell. phos-ac. puls. rhus. thuy. NIGHT (Pains at) : Back. Calc. carb-an. cham. cinn. dulc. fer. hell. kreos. lyc. magn. magn-s. natr-m. nitr. Loins. Am-m. ang. cham. chin. lach. lyc. magn. magn- s. natr-s. nitr. n-vom. staph. SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 595 PRESSURE (From) Pains in the | SNEEZING (Pains in the neck nape of the neck and neck. Lach. REPOSE (Pains during): Back. Dulc. kal. kreos. mang. nitr. samb. spig. Loins. Alum. bry. rhus. staph. mgs. mgs-aus. RIGIDITY of the body (With te- tanic). Cham. RISING from the bed (Pains when). Back. Led. sulph. Loins. Staph. sulph. RISING up, after stooping (Pains when) : Back. Verat. Loins. Lyc. sass. veratr. Nape of the neck. Nic. SEATED (Pains when) : Back. Agar. lyc. rhus. sa- bad. sil. tart. terb. thuy. with dyspnea. Lyc. Loins. Agar. bar-c. bor. caust. lyc. men. natr. natr-s. ol-an. phel. ruta. sabad. tart. terb. thuy. with dyspnea. Lyc. SITTING DOWN (Pains after): Back. Led. Loins. Berb. phos. SITTING DOWN (Pains in the loins and back when in the act of). Zinc. and nape of the neck when). Arn. aggravated SPEAKING (Pains in the back when). Cocc. STANDING (Pains by). Agar. STOOP (Inability to). Bor. STOOPING (Pains when) : Back. Con. lyc. nitr. par. rhus. verat. Loins. Bor. lyc. men. ol-an. ruta. sass. verat. mgs. Nape of the neck. Par. Vertebræ. Daph. TOUCHED (Pains when): Back. Ars. Loins. Am-m. colch. rhus. sil. tong. Nape of the neck. Lach. puls. Neck. Lach. puls. sass. TURNING in the bed (Pains when): Back. Hep. Loins. N-vom. staph. URINATE (With desire to), pain in the loins. Kreos. WALKING (Pains when) : Back. Agar. cocc. sulph. Loins. Ruta. sulph. zinc. CHAPTER XXIV. AFFECTIONS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. SECT. 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. CHILBLAINS.-See Chap. II. GOUT IN THE HANDS.-Chiragra. ·Chiragra.-The best medicines are: 596 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Agn. ant. bry. caus. cocc. graph. led. lyc. n-vom. rhod. sulph. or again: Aur. calc. carb-v. dig. lach. phos. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. zinc.-See also Sect. 2, ARTHRITIC pains, nodosities, &c. and Chap. I, ARTHRITIS. PANÁRITIUM.-See Chap. II. PARALYSIS OF THE HANDS.-Fer. ruta. and sil. appear to pos- sess particular efficacy against that kind of paralysis which. principally affects the wrist.-See also: PARALYSIS, Chap. I. RHAGADES in the hands.-See Chap. II. TREMBLING OF THE HANDS in drunkards.-The most eligible medicines are: Ars. lach. and sulph.-See also Chap. I, DRUNKENNESS. WARTS on the hands.-See Chap. II. SECTION 2. SYMPTOMS Of the Upper Extremities. (N.B.-Whenever, in the following article, the part affected is not indicated, the upper extremities in general are to be under- stood.) ACHING pains. Asa. dros. lach. phos-ac. staph. Night (at). Dros. AGILITY, nimbleness (Want of), in the fingers. Graph. natr-m. plumb. sil. Hands (in the). Sep. AGITATION, inquietude in the arms. Fer. ARTHRITIC pains. Bry. hep. lach. lyc. merc. petr. rhod. rhus. sabin. sass. spig. Fingers and joints of the fingers. Ant. bry. carb-an. clem. hep. lach. lyc. petr. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. spig. ARTHRITIC nodosities in the joints of the fingers. Agn. calc. dig. graph. led. lyc. rhod. staph. ARTHRITIC rigidity of the joints of the fingers. Carb-an. graph. lyc. ATROPHY of the arms. Chin. AWKWARDNESS of the fingers. Calc. (Compare want of AGI- LITY, &c.) BEATEN (Pain as if). Acon. ang. arn. berb. cann. crocc. natr- m. verat. Arms. Cocc. hep. kreos. nitr- ас. Fore-arms. Croc. rut. Hands. rut. Arn. natr-m. Joints of the arms. Dros. Shoulders. Acon. cann. co- loc. natr-m. verat. Wrists. Dros. rut. BENDING of the fingers (Easy). Bell. hep. n-vom. BLISTERS. See ERUPTIONS. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 597 BLOOD (Ebullition of), in the upper extremities. N-vom. BLOOD (Stagnation of), in the upper extremities. Rhod. Fingers. Croc. BLOWS. See SHOCKS. BLUE colour of the hands. Am- c. bar-c. (Compare SKIN, SPOTS). Washing in cold water (af- ter). Am-c. BONES (Swelling of the). Dulc. mez. rhus. sil. sulph. BORING in the bones of the arms. Mang. Arms (joints of the). Rhod. Fingers (joints of the). Daph. hell. Fingers (tips of the). Sulph. Fore-arms. Ran-sc. Hands (bones of the). Daph. natr. ran-sc. Wrists. Hell. BRUISE (Pain as if from a), in the upper extremities. Acon. arn. dulc. oleand. plat. ruta. Arms. Acon. cyc. kreos. Elbows (joints of the). Ruta. Fore-arm. Cic. oleand. Hands and fingers. Bis. oleand. Shoulders. Acon. cic. BURNING hands. Lach. (Com- pare HEAT). BURNING. Alum. bry. phos. plat. puls. Arms. Agar. bor. bones of the. Rhus. Elbows. Alum. Fingers. Agar. alum. bor. croc. kal. mosch. mosch. mur-ac. natr. oleand. plat. sil. Fore-arms. Agar. berb. sulph. Hands. Bry. laur. natr-s. | phos. plat. rhus. sec. sep. stann. BURNING: Palms of the hands. Lyc petr. phos. sep. stann. Shoulders. Carb-v. rhus. tab. Wrists. Natr. CALLOSITIES Graph. CARPOLOGIA. See Chap. I. CHILBLAINS. Agar. carb-an. croc. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phos. puls. rhus. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. mgs- on the hands. aus. CHILBLAINS (As if from). N- vom. CLENCHED fists. Hyos. stram. COBWEB. See SPIDER. COLDNESS in the upper extre- mities. Bell. cic. dulc. ipec. kal. kal-ch. led. op. plumb. rhus. sec. sep. thuy. verat. Fingers. Ang. chel. mosch. par. sulph. tar. tart. thuy. Hands. Acon. amb. bar-c. bell. cham. cocc. dig. ipec. iod. kal. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. ran. squill. sulph. tart. thuy. alternately with heat. Coce. par. evening, in bed (in the). Carb-an. night (at). Phos. thuy. CONTRACTION (Spasmodic), of the arms. Lyc. sec. stram. sulph. (Compare CONVUL- SIONS, CRAMPS.) Fingers. Amb. arg. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. cocc. coff. colch. cyc, graph. kal-h. lyc. magn-s. men. merc. natr. n-vom. phos. plat. rhus. ruta. 598 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. sabad. sabin. sel. spig. stann. tart. CONTRACTION of the tendons of the hands and fingers. Caus. sulph. CONTRACTION of the tendons (Sensation of), in the upper extremities. Æth. lach. sep. when bending them. Æth. Elbows (joints of the). Caus. lach. mang. sep. when stretching them. Caus. Fingers. th. carb-an. croc. lach. n-vom. sep. spong. Hands. N-vom. Shoulders. Bov. Wrists. Carb-v. ign. lach. CONTUSION (Pain as if from). See BRUISE. CONVULSIONS of the arms. Bell. bry. camph. caus. cham. cocc. ign. iod. op. plumb. sabad. squill. (Compare JERKINGS). Fingers. Cham. cupr. ign. iod. mosch. staph. Hands. Bell. iod. mosch. plumb. CORRODING (or gnawing) in the upper extremities. Lyc. plat. Hands and fingers. Bar-c. plat. ran-sc. under the nails. Alum. Wrist. Cist. CRACKING in the joints of the arms. Merc. tart. thuy. when pressing on the arm. Thuy. Hands. Merc. CRACKS. See RHAGADES. CRAMPS in the arms. Bell. bry. lyc. men. sec. sil. sulph. (Com- pare CONVULSIONS and spas- modic CONTRACTION.) Fingers. Am-c. arn. ars. calc. cann. cocc. coff. dros. fer. hell. lyc. nitr. n-vom. phos. sec. stann. staph. sulph. tab. verat. CRAMPS in the: Hands. Amb. bell. calc. cann. coloc. graph. pæon. sec. stram. sulph-ac. CRAMPS in the upper in general: extremities Laying hold of an object (when). Amb. dros. Night (at). N-vom. sulph. CRAWLING in the upper extre- mities. Arn. bell. cann. caps. ign. magn. nitr. ol-an. pæon. rhod. sabad. sec. sulph. mgs. mgs-aus. Fingers. Acon. am-m. calc. colch. croc. lam. magn. natr- m. ol-an. pæon. rat. rhod. sec. sil. spig. sulph. tab. thuy. verat. mgs-aus. Hands. Arn. bar-c. lam. mur-ac. nitr. ruta. stram. verat. DEAD (Paleness and torpor of the parts as if they were :) Fingers. Am-c. am-m. calc. caus. chel. cic. hep. kreos. lyc. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. par. phos. phos-ac. sec. sulph. tart. thuy. verat. on one side of the finger only. Phos-ac. Hands. Acon. calc. con. lyc. thuy. zinc. Upper extremities. Am-c. thuy. DEADNESS of the parts in gene- ral: Laying hold of an object (when). Am-c. calc. Morning (in the). Am-c. Night (at). Am-c. mur-ac. Warmth (in the). Calc. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 599 DESQUAMMATION of the skin on the arms. Agar. staph. sulph. teuc. verat. zinc. Fingers. Agar. bar-c. merc. DRAWINGS in the Fingers: sulph. Hands. Alum. am-c. am-m. bar-c. fer. laur. sulph. Nails (round the). Eug. merc. sabad. DETACHED from the bones (Sen- sation as if the flesh were). Bry. ign. rhus. sulph. thuy. DIGGING in the upper extremi- ties. Croc. diad. natr-m. rhod. rhus. ruta. Arms (bones of the). Carb- an. diad. mang. rhus. thuy. Hand (back of the). Berb. DISLOCATION of the wrist. Am- c. ruta. DRAWING in the upper extremi- ties. Acon. arg. bell. bry. calc. caus. cin. cinn. clem. coloc. cyc. fer. fer-mg. gran. ind. kal. lam. lyc. magn. mang. men. merc. mez. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ol-an. par. petr. phos-ac. plat. | plumb. puls. rhod. sec. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tab. thuy. zinc. mgs. Arms. Acon. ars. dulc. mosch. mur-ac. oleand. plumb. puls. staph. terb. val. (bones of the). Rhod. terb. teuc. thuy. val. (joints of the). Clem. kal. puls. rhod. sulph. teuc. mgs. Elbow-joints. Amb. mur-ac. natr. phos-ac. sulph. viol-od. zinc. Fingers. Amb. ang. ant. asar. carb-v. coloc. kal. lam. mang. oleand. ol-an. petr. (joints of the). Anac. ant. caus. kal. phos-ac. sep. sulph. teuc. mgs-aus. Fore-arm. Amb. ang. ant. carb-v. croc. cyc. fer-mg. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. rhod. ruta. sen. spong. staph. sulph. tar. Hands. Amb. ang. arg. caus. clem. euphorb. fer-mg. kal. magn. mang. men. natr. nitr-ac. ol-an. puls. rhod. ruta. sil. staph. sulph. viol-od. zinc. zing. (bones of the). Anac. sabin. samb. spig. teuc. Shoulders. Amb. dulc. kal. mang. natr. sep. staph. sulph. zinc. Wrists. Anac. ars. asar. bov. carb-v. caus. cist. cyc. kal. mosch. phos-ac. spong. sulph. tar. teuc. zinc. DRAWINGS by shocks or jerks in the fore-arms and hands. Fer-mg. DRAWINGS (Shootings), in the arms. Dulc. Shoulders. Dulc. DRYNESS (Sensation of), in the fingers. Puls. Skin. See SKIN, &c. EBULLITION of blood. See BLOOD. EFFLORESCENCE on the arms. Lach. After scratching. Lach. EMACIATION of the arms and hands. Chin. graph. sel. ENLARGEMENT of the hands and arms at night (Sensation of). Diad. nitr. phos-ac. puls. ruta. sil. sol-n. | ENLARGEMENT. See SWELLING. 6.00 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. ERUPTION on the upper extre- mities. Agar. ant. caus. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. sulph. tart. val. Arms. Led. merc. n-vom. sep. tart. Elbows. Sep. sulph. Fingers. Bor. graph. hep. lach. mur-ac. natr. ran. rhus. sass. sep. sil. spig. sulph. tab. tar. (between the). Puls. sulph-ac. (joints of the). Cyc. Fore-arm. Alum. bry. sel. spong. Hands. Am-m. carb-v. hep. kreos. lach. merc. mur-ac. rhus. rhus-v. sel. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. mgs. (back of the). Berb. kal- ch. Wrists. Am-m. hep. led. rhus. ERUPTIONS according to their nature : Blotches (red). Lach. Burning. Natr. rhus. spig. Excrescences. Lach. Granulated. Carb-v. graph. hep. Grouped. Rhus. Itching. Ant. carb-v. caus. kal-ch. kreos. lach. led. merc. n-vom. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. tab. tart. Miliary. Bry. led. merc. n- | vom. sel. sulph. tart. Nodosities (of). See PIM- PLES. Pemphigus (like). Sep. Pimples, nodosities (of). Agar. kal-ch. kreos. phos-ac. spig. sulph. tab. tar. tart. val. Pricking. Puls. ERUPTIONS according to their nature : Pustules (of). Ars. bor. rhus. sass. sec. sep. sil. spig. sulph. (of black). Ars. sec. Red. Ant. cyc. sulph. Rot in sheep (like the). Led. Scabious. Lach. merc. sel, sep. Scabs (of). Alum. am-m. mur-ac. sep. (itching). Sep. (moist). Alum. Scaly. Agar. Shooting. Puls. Tubercles (of hard). Rhus. Urticariar. Berb. hep. natr. (natr-s.) Vesicular, of vesicles. Am- m. ant. cyc. kal-ch. lach. natr. puls. ran. rhus. rhus-v. sep. spong, sulph. mgs. Warts (of). Lach. sulph, White. Agar. ERYSIPELAS in the upper ex- tremities. Petr. rhus. Arms. Bell. Fingers. Rhus. Fore-arms. Ant. lyc. merc, Hands. Graph. hep. rhus. EXCORIATION between the fin- gers. Ars. graph. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), in the fore-arm. Cic. Shoulder. Cic. con. EXCRESCENCES in the hands and fingers. Lach. EXERTION (Pains which hinder), in the elbows. Tab. EXOSTOSIS. Dulc. mez. rhus. sil. sulph. EXTENSION of the arms (Spas- modic). Chin. FATIGUE in the arm (Pain as if from). N-vom. verat. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 601 FLAWS round the nails. Natr- | HEAVINESS, unwieldiness of the: m. rhus. stann. sulph. Inflamed. Sulph. FULNESS (Sensation of), in the upper extremities. Verat. Hands. Caus. natr-s. laying hold of an object (when). Caus. Palm of the hand at night. Ars. FURUNCULI in the arms. Sil. Fingers. Calc. lach. Fore-arms. Calc. petr. Hands. Calc. lach. Shoulders. Bell. GANGLIA on the back of the hand. Am-c. phos-ac. plumb. sil. GANGRENE in the fingers. Sec. GURGLING in the arms and their vessels. Mgs-aus. HARDNESS of the skin of the hands. Am-c. sulph. HEAT of the fingers. Bor. magn. par. Hands. Acon. carb-v. cast. cocc. fer. lach. led. lyc. n- vom. phos. rhab. rhod. stann. staph. alternately with cold- ness. Cocc. coldness in the feet (with). Acon. evening (in the). Led. night (at). Staph. Palms of the hands. N-vom. sep. zinc. HEAVINESS, unwieldiness of the upper extremities. Acon. alum. am-m. ang. bell. berb. cic. fer. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. n-vom. par. plat. puls. rhod. sil. spig. stann. sulph- ac. tart. teuc. mgs-arc. mgs- aus. repose (during). Rhod. VOL. II. Arms. Acon. n-vom. teuc. Elbow-joint. Samb. Fingers. Par. mgs-arc. Fore-arm. Anac. croc. mur- ac. spong. teuc. Hands. Bry. nitr. puls. mgs- arc. night (at). Nitr. Hands (backs of the). Berb. Shoulders. Puls. sulph. thuy. HEPATIC spots on the arms. Lyc. HERPES in the arms. Bov. con. graph. mang. merc. natr-m. phos. sil. Elbows. Cupr. kreos. Fingers. Caus. kreos. ran. (between the). graph. nitr-ac. Amb. Fore-arm. Alum. con. mang. merc. Hands. Bov. dulc. kreos. natr. ran. sass. staph. verat. back of the (on the). Sep. Wrists. Merc. HERPES of the upper extremities in general : Burning. Con. merc. Dry. Verat. Furfuraceous. Merc. phos. Itching. Caus. mang. Moist. Bov. con. Scabby. Con. Scaly. Merc. HERPETIC spots on the arms and hands. Natr-m. Elbows. Sep. IMMOBILITY of the arm. N-vom. INCISIVE pains in the upper ex- tremities. Anac. Fore-arm and fingers. Mur- ac. Hands. Mur-ac. natr. D D 602 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. INCISIVE pains in the: Joints of the elbow, fingers and hands. Phos-ac. INCURVATION of the arms. Ant. INDOLENCE, inactivity of the arms. N-vom. INDURATION of the cellular tis- sue of the fore-arm. Sil. Tendons of the fingers. Caus. INFLAMMATION of the upper ex- tremities. Cupr. petr. rhus. sep. Elbow (of the). Ant. lach. Fingers. Con. kal. lyc.magn. mang. natr-m. nitr-ac. puls. INFLAMMATION (Erysipelatous), in the elbow. Lach. INSENSIBILITY. See TORPor. ITCHING in the upper extremi- ties. Caus. lyc. plat. sel. Fingers. Agar. con. lach. natr. n-vom. plat. prun. puls. ran. sel. sulph. Prun. as if from chilblains. Hands. Anac. berb. gran. lach. mur-ac. plat. ran. sel. sulph. corroding. Gran. JERKING of the upper extremi- ties. Bell. bry. caus. cic. cin. ign. kal. lyc. magn-s. merc. natr. op. rhab. squill. thuy. verat. during a siesta. Lyc. Fingers. Bry. cham. cic. cin. ign. kal. lyc. merc. natr. phos. rhus. sulph. movement (during). Bry. sewing (when). Kal. Hands. Bell. cupr. natr. rhab. stann. sulph. laying hold of an object (when). Natr. morning (in the). Cupr. JERKING of the: Shoulders. Lyc. sulph. JERKING of the muscles in the upper extremities. Asa. mez. oleand. sil. tar. tart. teuc. Arms. Cocc. hell. nitr-ac. spig. Fore-arms. Spig. Hands. Asa. tart. Shoulders. Spong. JERKING pains in the upper ex- tremities. Arn. chin. ind. men. mez. natr. phos-ac. puls. ran. rhab. mgs. m-aus. Arms. Puls. rhus. val. (bones of the). Chin. Elbow-joint. Rhus. tar. Fingers. Am-c. chin. men. mez. natr. phos-ac. puls. ran- sc. rhab. staph. (joints of the). Anac. natr. rhus. Hands. Chin. mez. natr. puls. (bones of the). Anac. chin. Scapulary joint. Puls. Shoulders. Mez. puls. tar. Wrists. Anac. rhus. JOINT (Fingers easily put out of). Hep. JOINT (Sensation in the shoul- der as if it were put out of). Croc. mez. LASSITUDE in the upper extre- mities. Anac. ang. berb. bry. calc. lach. natr. natr-m. phos. sass. sen. sil. mgs-aus. (Com- pare WEAKNESS, FATIGUE). morning, in bed (in the). Iod. movement Berb. (during). Hands. Phos. Shoulders and elbows. Natr. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 603 LAY HOLD Of Something (Invo- | NUMBNESS in general : luntary movement of the hands, as if to). Sulph. MILIARY. See ERUPTIONS. MUSCLES. See CONTRACTION, RELAXATION, Jerking, &c. NAILS (Affections of the): Blueness. Chel. chin. dig. Deformity. Graph. sep. Discolouration. Ars. Exfoliation. Merc. Flaws (round the nails). Natr-m. rhus. stann. sulph. Growth (arrested). Ant. Painfulness. Ant. Spots (with white). Nitr-ac. Suppuration round the nails. Eug. Thickness. Graph. Ulceration (pain as if from). Natr-s. Ulcers. See PANARITIUM. NODOSITIES. See ARTHRITIC and ERUPTIONS. NUMBNESS of the upper extre- mities. Amb. bar-c. cham. croc. euphr. graph. kal. led. lyc. magn-m. n-vom. petr. phos. sep. sil. spig. sulph. thuy. verat. Fingers. Acon. am-c. bar-c. calc. carb-an. cham. dig. iod. kal. kreos. lam. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. puls. sass. stram. verat. zinc. points of the. Lach. Fore-arms. N-vom. Hands. Amb. carb-an. cocc. croc. euphr. lam. lyc. n-vom. phos. sil. spig. NUMBNESS in general: Carrying any thing (when). Amb. Cold weather (in). Kal. - Laying hold of an object. (when). Cham. Lying on the part (when). Ambr. bar-c. sil. Morning (in the). N-vom. puls. zinc. (in bed). Magn-m. Movement (after). Kal. Night (at). Amb. croc. lyc. n-vom. puls. sil. Resting on the part. Sil. - Torpor (with). N-vom. PAINS (Simple), in the upper extremities. Bar-c. calc. Arms (bones of the). Diad. ign. lyc. (joints of the). Am-c. cist. ign. plumb. Fingers (joints of the) Calc- ph. Hands. Cist. Thumb. Calc-ph. Ruta. when lifting a weight. Wrists. Am-c. calc-ph. lach. plumb. ruta. PANARITIUM. Alum. bar-c. bov. caus. con. fer-mg. hep. iod. lach. merc. natr-m. puls. sep. sil. sulph. mgs-arc. mgs-aus. PANARITIUM (Pain as if from). Puls. PARALYSIS of the upper extre- mities. Bell. calc. chel. cocc. dulc. lyc. n-vom. op. plumb. rhus. sec. sil. stann. verat. Arms. Agar. calc-ph. chel. n-vom. Fingers. phos. Calc. calc-ph. Fore-arms. Sil. Hands. Arg. cann. cupr. kal. lach. plumb. sil. zinc. Wrists. Calc-ph. PARALYSIS (Sensation of), para- lytic pains in the upper ex- tremities. Acon. alum. am-m. DD 2 604 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. ang. bell. berb. calc. cham. | chin. cin. colch. cyc. dig. dulc. fer. fer-mg. gran, lach. men. mez. natr-m. par. plat. prun. sep. sil. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. verat. zinc. (Compare WEAKNESS). PARALYSIS (Sensation of) in the: Arms (joints of the). Bov. puls. Elbow-joints. samb. val. Amb. ang. Fingers. Acon. asar. aur. carb-v. chin. cyc. dig. evon. kreos. men. staph. verb. (joints of the). Aur. par. Fore-arms. Acon. amb. bis. bov. fer-mg. kreos. prun. sen. staph. stront. Hands. Acon. amb. ang. chin. fer-mg. men. merc. n-vom. prun. staph. stront. sulph. tab. Shoulders. Amb. euphorb. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. staph. val. verat. sep. Wrists. Asar. bis. bov. carb- v. cyc. kal. merc. PRESSURE in the upper extremi- ties. Anac. arg. bell. clem. coloc. cyc. dulc. led. puls. sass. sulph. Arms. Aur. camph. mur-ac. phos-ac. sabin. sass. stann. staph. (bones of the). Anac. coloc. kal. staph. Elbows. Camph. led. Fingers. Arg. oleand. phos- ac. plat. ruta. sabin. stann. staph. verb. (joints of the). Arg. sass. stann. Fore-arms. Aur. bis. camph. oleand. phos-ac. plat. rut. sabin. sass. staph. verb. Hands. Arg. clem. phos-ac. puls. ruta. stann. staph. verb. (backs of the). Berb. (bones of the). Arg. bell. cupr. oleand. plat. puls. PRESSURE (Expansive), in the shoulder-joint. Cor. PRICKING in the arms, hands and fingers. Fer-mg. plat. mez. PARALYTIC rigidity. See RIGI- At the points of the fingers. DITY. Lach. PERSPIRATION between the fin- PULSATIONS gers. Sulph. Hands. Acon. calc. merc. natr-m. n-vom. petr. sass. sep. sulph. tab. thuy. clammy. Anac. cold. Acon. cin. ipec. iod. n-vom. rhab. sass. tab. hot. Ign. itching (with). Sulph. night (at). Coloc. Palms of the hands. Acon. anac. con. dulc. led. merc. n-vom. rhab. mgs-arc. PIMPLES. See ERUPTIONS. in the fingers. Sulph. teuc. Shoulders and arms. (Com- pare THROBBINGS). Thumb. Fer-mg. PUSTULES. See ERUPTIONS. RED spots. See SPOTS, &c. REDNESS of the arm. Ant. Fingers. Agar. bor. lyc. n- vom. Hands. Bar-c. berb. natr-s. phos. RELAXATION of the arms. "Guaj. plat. RELAXATION of the muscles of SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 605 the arms when laughing. Carb-v. RETRACTION of the thumbs. Æth. bell. cham. cocc. hyos. ign. stann. stram. viol-tric. RHAGADES in the upper extre- mities. Sil. Fingers. Merc. petr. sass. (between the). Zinc. (joints of the). Mang. phos. Hands. Alum. graph. hep. kal. magn. merc. natr. natr- m. nitr-ac. petr. rhus. sil. sulph. zinc. deep and bleeding. Merc. petr. sass. in winter. Petr. Nails. Natr-m. RHEUMATIC pains. Ant. bell. bry. calc-ph. dulc. gran. ign. lach. merc. mez. n-vom. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. squill. sulph. tart. thuy. val. verat. Elbows. Prun. Fingers (joints of the). Gran. lach. Fore-arms. Gran. Hands. Lach. zinc. Shoulder. N-vom. prun. Wrist. Gran. lach. RIGIDITY of the upper extremi- ties. Am-c. am-m. canth. caps. cham. kal. lyc. men. natr. n-vom. petr. plat. rhus. sass. sep. laying hold of an object (when). Cham. movement and in the cold air (after). Kal. night (at). N-vom. Elbow-joints. Ang. kal. puls. sep. Fingers. Am-c. carb-an. chin. dig. dros. graph. gran. hell. lyc. natr-m. nitr. oleand. petr. puls. rhus. sil. spong. sulph. RIGIDITY of the fingers : labouring (when). Lyc. laying hold of an object (when). Dros. Hands. Asa. cham. hyos. kreos. merc. Shoulders in the morning. Staph. Wrists. Bell. kal. lyc. merc. natr-s. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. staph. sulph. Carb-an. RIGIDITY (Arthritic), in the elbow. Lyc. Finger-joints. graph. lyc. petr. Wrist. Lyc. RIGIDITY (Paralytic), of the fingers. Gran. Hands. Cham. Wrists. Ruta. ROUGHNESS. See SKIN, &c. SCABS. See ERUPTIONS. SCARLET Colour of the fore-arms. Euphorb. Hands. Bell. SENSIBILITY (Painful), in the arms. Calc-ph. points of the fingers. Lach. SENSIBILITY of the skin round the nails. Ant. Fingers, in the cold weather. Agar. SHIVERING in the upper extre- mities. Bell. ign. Fingers. Men. SHOCKS in the upper extremi- ties. Cic. n-vom. op. Arms. Ruta. Elbow-joints. Natr-m. verat. Hands. Sulph-ac. val. SHOOTINGS in the upper extre- mities. Cinn. cocc. dros. dulc. guaj. ind. ol-an. phos. puls. 606 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. ran. rhab. sabin. sass. sep. sulph.tar.thuy. viol-tric. zinc. SHOOTINGS in the: Arms (bones of the). Dros. (joints of the). Bry. fer. graph. laur. led. lyc. phos. puls. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. viol-tric. zinc. Elbow-joint. Bry. lyc. nitr. spig. tab. tar. viol-tric. zinc. Fingers. Am-m. bry. carb- an. daph. kal. magn-s. natr- m. natr-s. nitr-ac. par. phos- ac. ran-sc. sabin. stann. SKIN: Red. See REDNESS. Rough on the hands. Hep. graph. kal. laur. natr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. fingers. Phos-ac. Sensitive, tender, sore round the nails. Ant. Wrinkled on the fingers. Amb. cupr. phos-ac. Yellow. See YELLOW. SMARTING pains in the fore- arms. Berb. Hands and fingers. Lam. staph. sulph. thuy. verb. viol-SOLIDITY (Want of), in the tric. zinc. (joint of the). Hell. natr- m. nitr. nitr-ac. pæon. phos- ac. sass. sep. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. Fore-arms. Anac. ant. caus. guaj. ran-sc. sabad. sabin. sass. staph. stram. viol-tric. Hands. Magn-s. mur-ac. natr-m. natr-s. ol-an. phos. staph. sulph. verb. zinc. (bones of the). Lach. Nails (under the). Natr-s. Shoulders. Dulc. sulph. SHUDDERING in the arms. Bell. SKIN (blue). See BLUE. Cracked, on the hands. Kreos. Dry, on the hands. Anac. bar-c. bell. fer-mg. hep. lach. lyc. natr. natr-m. phos-ac. sabad. sulph. thuy. zinc. puls. fingers. Anac. phos-ac. night (at). Puls. Hard on the hands. Am-c. sulph. Livid on the thumb. Gran. Parched on the hands. Bar- C. bell. lyc. natr. natr-m. sabad. (Compare DRYNESS). shoulder. Croc. SPASMODIC pains. Arg. cin. men. ran. sulph-ac. Arms (in the). Mosch. oleand. valer. Elbow-joint. Kreos. rat. Fingers. Agar. ang. calc. euphr. men. mur-ac. oleand. phos-ac. plat. rat. rut. sil. verb. (joints of the). Anac. magn. nitr. Fore-arms. Ang. berb. calc. fer-mg. kreos. mosch. mur- ac. phos-ac. plat. rut. verb. Hands. Ang. arg. calc. cin. coloc. euphorb. euphr. fer- mg. mang. men. merc. phos- ac. plat. ruta. sil. verb. (bones of the). Anac. aur. spig. Wrist. Anac. aur. bov. SPIDER's web over the hands (Sensation as if there were a). Bor. SPOTS (BLUE), as if from ecchy- mosis in the fore-arm. Sulph- ac. BROWN on the elbow. Sep. back of the hand. Natr. wrist. Petr. SECT. 2. Symptoms. SYMPTOMS. 607 SPOTS: COPPER-COLOURED on the hands. Nitr-ac. HEPATIC on the arms. Lyc. HERPETIC on the arms and hands. Natr-m. zinc. elbows. Sep. Ephelides (like), on the hands and fingers. Fer-mg. RED on the upper extremi- ties: tab. Berb. burning. Berb. sulph. burning pain (after). itching, when touched. Berb. euphorb. zinc. marbled. Berb, thuy. puffed, swollen. Plumb. vesicles (with). Lach. washing (after). Sulph. RED on the arms. Rhus. sabad. sulph. fingers. Lach. plumb. fore-arms. phorb. thuy. Berb. eu- hands. Cor. lach. natr. sabad. stann. tab. mgs. shoulders. Tab. YELLOW, on the arms. Petr. fingers. Con. sabad. tart. Itching, on the hands. Berb. zinc. Petechiæ (like), in the fore- arms. Berb. back of the hand. Berb. Rough on the hands. Zinc. STAGNATION of the blood. See BLOOD, &c. STARTING of the tendons, fingers. Iod. STRETCHING THE ARMS (Ne- cessity for). Am-c. bell. sa- bad. tab. verb. (Pains which hinder). Tab. SUPPLENESS (Want of), in the fingers. Graph. natr-m. plumb. Hands. Sep. SUPPURATION in the fingers. Bor. mang. Fore-arm. Lyc. Nails. Eug. SWELLING of the upper extre- mities. Acon. alum. ars. bar- c. bell. bry. dulc. lyc. merc. mez. rhus. sil. sulph. Arms. Acon. bry. calc-ph. sep. sulph. - (bones of the). Aur. bry. dig. dulc. mez. rhus. sil. sulph. Elbow-joints. Acon. bry. merc. Fingers. Alum. ars. bor. clem. dig. graph. hep. lach. lyc. magn. merc. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ran-sc. rhus. spong. sulph. tab. thuy. (on permitting the arms to hang down). Am-c. phos. (joints of the). Am-c. bry. chin. euphr. hep. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. spong. Fore-arms. Ant. berb. lach. merc. n-vom. sulph. Hands. Acon. bar-m. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. clem. COCC. cupr. dig. fer. hep. hyosc. lach. lyc. mez. mosch. n-vom. phos. rhus. sec. spong. stann. sulph. (veins of the). See Swel- ling of the VEINS). Shoulders. Acon. bry. calc- ph. kal. Thumbs. Gran. n-vom. (joints of the). N-vom. sulph. 608 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. SWELLING of the : Wrists. Am-m. euphr. merc. sabin. sec. SWELLING in general : Blackish blue. Lach. Burn (with pain as if from a). N-vom. Burning. Mur-ac. oleand. sulph. Cold. Lach. Heat (with feverish). Calc- ph. Hot. Ant. bry. cocc. hep. rhus. merc. mez. n-vom. sulph. Indolent. Lyc. Inflammatory. Acon. Large. Sulph. Livid. Gran. Lymphatic. Berb. Marbled. Gran. Moving the parts Euphr. (on). Night (at). Dig. nitr. phos. Edematous. Sec. Painful. Ant. chin. hep. kal. lach. n-vom. sep. sulph. thuy. Pale. Bry. n-vom. Red. Ant. bry. hep. lyc. magn. merc. sep. spong. thuy. Rigidity (with). Sulph. Scarlet. Bell. Shining. Bry. sulph. Shooting. Mosch. sulph. Suppuration (which changes to). N-vom. -Tensive. Sulph. SWELLING (Sensation of), in the arms. Verat. Hands, on entering a room. Æth. Ars. (palms of the), at night. Shoulders. Kal-h. TEARING. Amb. am-m. arg. ars. natr. bell. berb. calc. canth. caus chin. cin. cinn. cocc. colch. dig. ign. iod. led. magn-m. magn-s. mang. men. natr-s. nitr. ol-an. par. phell. phos. phos-ac. puls. ran. sass. sil. stront. sulph. tart. thuy. zinc. mgs. TEARING in the: Arms. Ars. bry. camph. cast. fer. laur. merc. mur-ac. natr-s. oleand. plumb. puls. rat. rhab. rhus. sabin. stann. staph. val. (bones of the). Berb. chin. hell. natr-s. rhod. rut. teuc. (joints of the). Am-c. kal. nitr. puls. stront. sulph. teuc. Elbow-joint. Amb. lyc. natr. rhus. ruta. verb. zinc. Fingers. Agar amb. am-m. arg. aur. carb-v. chin. colch. daph. hell. iod. kal. lam. led. magn-s. mang. men. mur- ac. natr-s. oleand. ol-an. phos- ac. plumb. puls. rut. sabin. sil. stann. staph. stront. sulph. teuc. verb. zinc. (joints of the). Am-c. arg. aur. berb. dig. hell. kal. lyc. nitr. rhab. rhus. samb. sass. stann. stront. sulph. teuc. Fore-arms. Amb. berb. bis. calc. camph. carb-v. guaj. ind. kal-ch. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-ac. rat. rhab. rhod. ruta. sabin. sass. staph. tar. verb. Hands. Amb. arg. ars. berb. caus. chin. cin. colch. graph. kal. led. magn-s. mang. men. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. phos. puls. rhod. rut. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 609 sel. sil. stann. staph. stront. | THROBBINGS, pulsation in the : Hands (back of the). Mg s- sulph. verb. zinc. TEARING in the Hands: (bones of the). Arg. aur. bell. chin. cupr. natr. sabin. spig. teuc. Nails (under the). Bis. Shoulders. Alum. amb. am- m. bell. bry. carb-v. cast. evon. fer. graph. kal. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang, merc. natr. nitr. phell. phos. puls. rat. rhus. stann. staph. sulph. thuy. verb. zinc. Wrist. Am-c. am-m. arg. ars. aur. bell. berb. bis. carb- v. kal. kal-ch. nitr. rat. rhus. sabin. sass. stann. stront. sulph. tar. teuc. zinc. TENDONS. See INDURATION, CONTRACTION, STARTING of the tendons. TENSION in the upper extremi- ties. Anac. arg. chin. kal. lach. mang. mez.n-vom.prun. rhus. sep. tab. Arms. Bry. prun. (joints of the). Kal. mang. sep. Elbow-joints. Lach. mur-ac. puls. sep. sulph-ac. tab. Fingers. Eth. kal. lach. (joints of the). Croc. kal. magn. nitr-ac. phos. sep. spong. Fore-arms. Ant. lach. natr. Hands. Arg. chin. fer-mg. kal. lach. natr. prun. Shoulders. Bry. euphorb. kal. kal-h. Wrists. Carb-v. kal. lach. mang. phos. puls. verb. THROBBINGS, pulsations in the fingers. Am-m, bor. plat, teuc. mgs-aus. arc. Shoulders and arms. Tar. sil. thuy. Thumb. Bor. fer-mg. TREMBLING of the upper extre- mities. Amb. anac. bry. hyos. iod. nitr-ac. op. phos. phos- ac. rhus. sabad. sil. spig. spong. thuy. verat. Fingers. Bry. iod. oleand. rhus. Hands. Agar. am-c. anac. bell. bis. calc. caus. COCC. coff. colch. hyos. iod. kal. lach. laur. led. natr. natr-s. nitr-ac. op. par. phos. rhus. sabad. samb. sass. spig. stann. stram. sulph. tab. tart. thuy. val. zinc. TREMBLING of the upper extre- mities: Evening (in the). Hyos. Exertion (after the least). Rhus. sil. Holding any thing (when). Coff. phos. Laying hold of any thing (on). Led. verat. Meal (after a). Bis. Movement (after). Hyos. (during). Led. Work (while employed about fine). Sulph. Writing (when). Bar-c. kal. oleand. samb. thuy. val. zinc. ULCERATION in the nails. Merc. (Compare PANARIS). (sub-cutaneous), in the fingers. Sulph. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the arms and shoulders. Berb. thuy. DD 3 610 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the : Fingers. Am-c. berb. sass. sulph. Nails. Natr-s. ULCERS in the arms. Lach. rhus. malignant. Lach. Fingers. Ars. carb-v. plat. ran. sil. sep. (joints of the). Sep. Hands. Ars. sep. sil. Nails. See PANARIS. VEINS (Swelling of the), in the hands. Am-c. arn. bar-c. calc. cast. chel. gran. iod. laur. n-vom. op. oleand. phos. puls. rhab. rut. thuy. Washing in cold water (af- ter). Am-c. VESICLES (Corroding), in the hands and fingers. Clem. graph. kal. magn. nitr-ac. sil. Pain (with shooting). Magn. Water (with pain, aggra- vated by washing in cold). Clem. Itching in the arms and hands. Daph. Suppurating, in the elbow. Sulph. WARTS on the arms. Ars. calc. caus. dulc. natr. nitr-ac. sep. sil. sulph. Fingers. Berb. lach. lyc. petr. rhus. sulph. flat. Berb. Hands. Berb. bor. calc. dulc. fer-mg. lach. lyc. natr. natr- m. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. thuy. (backs of the). Fer-mg. Wrist. Fer-mg. WEAKNESS of the upper extre- mities. Acon. agar. anac.berb. calc. cham. chin. cic. guaj. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. ol-an. par. petr. phos-ac. plat. plumb. rhod. sec. sep. sulph. tab. WEAKNESS of the: Elbow-joints. Ang. sulph. Fingers. Amb. carb-v. nitr. par. rhus. sil. Fore-arms. Nitr-ac. rhus. Hands. Acon. ang. arn. bov. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. cupr. hell. kal. merc. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n- vom. plumb. rhus. sabin. sil. stann. sulph. tab. zinc. Shoulders. Acon. n-vom. WEAKNESS in general : Laying hold of an object (on). Arn. carb-v. cin. sil. Morning (in the). N-vom. sulph. in bed. Kal. Night (at). Amb. Repose (during). Acon. rhod. Swelling (with). Acon. Writing (when). Acon. agar. sabin. WITHERING of the skin of the hands. Bis. WRENCHING pain in the upper extremities. Amb. arn. bov. ign. lach. oleand. prun. thuy. terb. Elbow-joints. Amb. puls. Fingers. Graph. natr-m. nitr. phos. puls. sulph. Hands. Amb. am-c. arn. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. caus. hep. nitr. phos. prun. puls. rhod. ruta. sabin. sen. sulph. verb-mgs. Shoulders. Amb.asar. magn. mur-ac. natr-m. ruta. sabin. terb. thuy. mgs. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 611 WRENCHING pain in the : Thumb. Kreos. WRINKLED fingers. Amb. cupr. phos-ac. YELLOW colour of the fingers. Chel. phos-ac. Hands. Spig. YELLOW spots. See SPOTS. SECTION 3. CONDITIONS OF THE SYMPTOMS Of the Upper Extremities. (N.B.-Compare with this Section the General conditions, Chap. I, Sect. 3, in order to complete the following articles, as occasion may require). AIR (From cold). Ign. nitr-ac. | EXERTION (When using). Rhus. rhod. AIR (From walking in the open). Croc. ANGER. See After being in a PASSION. AUTUMN (In). Rhus. BED, in the evening (In). Carb- v. magn-m. kreos. sep. sil. (Pains which hinder one from using). Tab. (After using). Ruta. FRICTION (From). Berb. HOLDING any thing in the hand (When). Coff. guaj. phos. sep. sil. Morning (in the). Iod. kal. Hor weather (During). Calc. magn-m. natr. -Night (at). Ign. BENDING the arms(When). Æth. CARRYING any thing (When). Ambr. CHILL (From a). Calc-ph. COLD air (From). Ign. nitr-ac. rhod. COLD weather (In). Agar. kal. mgs. COLDNESS of the feet and hands (With). Acon. CONTUSION (After a). Sulph. DAMP, rainy weather (From). Rhod. DAY and night. Bor. EVENING (In the). Hyosc. led. puls. rhus. stann. Hands. Natr. sulph. thuy. Amelioration. Cinn. LABOURING (When), hands. Alum. iod. merc. sulph. LAUGHING (When). Carb-v. LAYING HOLD of any thing (When). Amb. am-c. arn. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. dros. led. plat. verat. Wrists. Bov. LEANING UPON the part (When). Sil. LIFTING the arms (When), pains in the upper extremities. Oleand. Arms. Bar-c. Scapulary joint. Puls. Shoulders. Led. puls. sulph- ac. 612 CHAP. XXIV. UPPER EXTREMITIES. LIFTING a load (When). Ruta., NIGHT (At): sep. LYING on the part (When). Amb. bar-c. iod. sil. MEAL (After a). Bis. MIDNIGHT (After). N-vom. MORNING (In the). Am-c. cupr. iod. kal. magn-m. natr. n- vom. puls. staph. sulph. zinc. In bed. Iod. kal. magn-m. natr. MOVEMENT of the part (From), Pain in the upper extremities. Berb. bry. cann. chel. hyos. kal. led. magn-m. n-vom. staph. Arms. Cocc. merc. Fingers. Hep. kal. lam. Fore-arms. Croc. Hands. Lam. puls. sep. Scapulary joint. Puls. Shoulders. Asar. staph. bell. cann. led. magn. merc. puls. Wrists. Bry. hep. kal. merc. MOVEMENT (From), Ameliora- tion. Thuy. MOVEMENT(Pains which hinder). Magn. natr-m. MOVING (When). See MOVE- MENT. NIGHT (At), Upper extremities. Am-m. amb. bry. calc. caus. cham. coloc. croc. diad. dig. dros. dulc. ign. iod. lyc. magn. merc. mur-ac. nitr. n-vom. phos. puls. sil. staph. sulph. Arms. Ars. cast. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. lyc. (bones of the). Am-m. Elbow-joint. Nitr. | Hands. Phos. sel. sulph. Shoulders. Bell. cast. magn. merc. nitr. phos. sulph. Wrists. Nitr. sil. sulph. NIGHT in bed (At). Ign. sulph. Shoulders. Ruta. Thumbs. Bor. NOON (In the after-). N-vom. PASSION (After being in a). Co- loc. PERSPIRATION (After general). amelioration. Thuy. PRESSING UPON the part (When). Berb. sil. RAINY weather (From). Rhod. REPOSE (During), Pains in the upper extremities. Acon. dulc. rhod. Arms. Cocc. Shoulders. Cocc. euphorb. rhus. RESTING the part (When). Ruta. sil. thuy. Rooм (On entering a). Æth. SCRATCHING (From). Berb. lach. SEWING (When). Kal. SHIVERINGS (During the), Hands and fingers. N-vom. SIESTA (During a). Lyc. SLEEP (Hindering). Bor. STRETCH the arm (Want to). Am-c. bell. STRETCHING the arms (When). Caus. TOUCHED (When), Pains in the upper extremities. Agar. chin. euphorb. lam. Arms. Agar. Elbow. Amb. Fingers. Bor. magn-s. puls. WALKING (From). Croc. val. sulph. sulph. Shoulders. Acon. Wrist. Merc. Amelioration. Euphorb. (From). Croc. (joints of the). Nitr. WALKING IN THE OPEN AIR SECT. 1. CLINICAL REMARKS. 613 WARM weather. See Hor. WARMTH of the bed (In the). Rhus. Amelioration. Am-c. WASHING (After). sulph. Am-c. With COLD water (after). Am-c. WATER (From cold). Clem. WINTER (In). Petr. WRITING (When), Pain in the upper extremities in general. Acon. agar. bar-c. cinn. kal. sabin. samb. thuy. val. zinc. Fingers. Acon. bry. cist. mur-ac. Fore-arms. Acon. Hands. Acon. euphorb. sulph-ac. YAWNING (When). N-vom. CHAPTER XXV. AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. SECTION 1.-CLINICAL REMARKS. CALLOSITIES AND CORNS on the feet.-Against callosities on the feet, which are caused only by a tight boot or shoe, it is frequently sufficient to cut them out first, and then to apply the tincture of arnica externally. In other cases, ant. taken internally has been found beneficial.-See also Sect. 2, CORNS. CHILBLAÏNS. See Chap. II, same word. COXALGIA.—The most eligible medicines are, in general: Bell. bry, calc, coloc. hep. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. or else again: Arg. ars. asa. aur. canth. cham. dig. graph. kreos. lach. n-vom. sep. staph. For the details, See Chap. I, ARTHRITIS, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, &c. and Compare COXARTHROCACE, in this Chapter. COXARTHROCACE (Morbus Coxarius).-The principal medi- cine is Coloc. but perhaps benefit may be also derived from: Bell. calc. hep. lach. merc. phos-ac. rhus. sil. sulph. ERYSIPELAS IN THE FEET.-The best medicines against inflam- matory erysipelatous swelling of the instep are: Arn. bry. puls. rhus GONITIS, or inflammation of the knee.-LYMPHATIC or scrofu- lous enlargement of the knee requires in preference: Calc. and sulph. or again: Arn. ars. iod. lyc. sil. For ARTHRITIC inflammation, the principal medicines are: Arn. bry. chin. cocc. lyc. n-vom. sulph. 614 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. If there is SUPPURATION, a preference may be given to: Merc. sil. or again: Bell. hep. sulph. If there is SEROUS infiltration (hydarthra): Sulph. or again : Calc. iod. merc. sil. GOUT IN THE FEET.-The most eligible medicines are: Arn. ars. bry. calc. sabin. sulph.-And sometimes also, perhaps: Ambr. am-c. am-m. cocc. led. may be found to be indicated.-See also, Chap. I, ARTHRITIS. LAMÈNESS (Spontaneous).—At the commencement of the com- plaint, Merc. is frequently the most suitable medicine, or else Bella. or these two medicines may be administered alternately. If these fail, a preference may be given to Rhus. or to: Calc. coloc. lyc. puls. sulph. zinc. See also COXALGIA and COXARTHROCACE. CEDEMA OF THE FEET.-If this affection occurs without any other perceptible injury in the rest of the organism, the most suitable medicines are: Ars. chin. fer. kal. lyc. merc. phos. puls. rhus. sulph. If it manifests itself after considerable loss of blood, the best medicine is chin. or else ars. or fer. After ABUSE OF CINCHONA, principally Fer. or ars. or also : Puls. sulph. PARALYSIS of the lower extremities.-A preference may be given to Bry. cocc. natr-m. n-vom. oleand. op. sep. sil, stann. sulph.-See also Sect. 2, same word. PODAGRA.-See GOUT IN THE FEET. PSOITIS.—See Chap. XXIII. SCIATICA. See Chap. XXIII. ULCERS IN THE LEGS.-The chronic ulcers which are fre- quently found in the legs of cachetic, dirty, or unhealthy subjects, require in preference: Ars. lach. sil sulph. or again: Calc. carb-v. graph. ipec. lyc. mur-ac. natr. phos-ac. ruta. VARICES.-See Chap. II. WHITE SWELLING.-As authors are by no means agreed respecting the precise meaning of the expression white swelling, we think it adviseable to state that it is here employed to desig- nate painful leucophlegmasia, or lymphatic enlargement of the thighs (or of the knees only).-The most eligible medicines against this affection are: Arn. bell. rhus. or again: Acon. ars. calc. iod. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. sil. sulph. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 615 SECTION 2.-SYMPTOMS Of the lower extremities. ABSCESS in the buttocks. Sulph. Calf of the leg. Chin. Heel. Lach. ARTHRITIS (gout), in the lower extremities. Amb. arn. led. puls. rhod. rhus. sabin. See also Chap. I, ARTHRITIS. Feet. Amb. bry. graph. ve- rat. 1. Hips. See COXALGIA, Sect. Knees. Chin.con. (Compare Sect. 1, GONITIS.) Toes. Amb. arn. con. graph. led. sabin. sulph. verat. ATROPHY of the legs. Chin. BAND, ligature round the knees (Sensation of a). Anac. aur. Leg. Anac. BEATEN, or from a bruise or contusion (Pain as if from being), in the lower extremi- ties. Ang. arn. berb. carb-v. cupr. merc. phos. sil. spig. spong. tart. val. verat. mgs- arc. Buttocks. Puls. Hips. Acon. am-c. phos-ac. ruta. sulph. mgs. Knees. Ars. berb. camph. led. phos. plat. staph. verat. Legs. Ang. caus. croc. merc. puls. val. ruta. (bones of the). Led. puls. (joints of the). Arg. Thighs. Acon. am-c. ang. camph. caus. cocc. guaj. hep. kreos. led. men. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. plat. puls. spig. staph. viol-tric. BEATEN (Pain as if from be- ing): Tibia. Puls. Toes. Daph. BENDING of the feet (Easy). Bell. carb-an. chin. cic. nitr- ac. sulph. Hips. Chin. Knees. Acon. arn. bry. cann. chin. lach. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. ruta. stann. stram. sulph. viol-tr. mgs-aus. stairs or a hill (on going up). Cann. ruta. walk (during a). Stram. viol-tr. Toes. Carb-an. lyc. BLISTERS On the thighs and legs. Lach. after scratching. Lach. BLOOD (Sensation as if there were a stagnation of the), in the knees. Phell. Legs. Zinc. BLUE colour of the feet. Arn. BORING in the lower extremi- ties. Canth. merc. ran. ran- SC. Feet and toes. Ran-sc. Heels. Puls. Knees and joints of the feet. Hell. Thighs. Ran. BRUISE. See BEATEN. BURNING in the lower extremi- ties. Kal. led. lyc. phos. prun. Calf of the leg. Dig. Feet. Am-c. ars. berb. bor. calc. cham. cocc. dulc. graph. hep. kal. lyc. natr-m. phos. 616 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. phos-ac. sec. sep. sil. squill. COLDNESS of the lower extremi- stann. zinc. zing. BURNING in the feet: (bones of the). Ruta. (joints of the), instep. Euphorb. natr. puls. (soles of the). Amb. a- nac. berb. calc. croc. cupr. kreos. lyc. magn-m. mang. petr. phos-ac. puls. sil. squill. sulph. tab. Heels. Ign. mgs. (when bringing them to- gether at night). Ign. Hips. Bell. carb-v. hell. rhus. val. Knees. Lyc. tab. tar. Legs. Agar. anac. bor. lyc. prun. tar. (bones of the). Euphorb. Thighs. Bor. bov. euphorb. rat. rhus. Tibia. Phos-ac. Toes. Agar. alum. ant. arn. berb. bor. carb-an. dulc. kal. mur-ac. n-vom. pæon. phos- ac. sabin. staph. tar. BURNING places in the lower extremities. Lyc. magn. phos- ac. BUZZING in the legs. Puls. CALLOSITIES On the soles of the feet. Sil. -Toes. Graph. ties. Bell. cic. ipec. led. nitr- ac. n-vom. op. plumb. rhod. sec. sep. Coxo-femoral joint. Merc. Feet. Acon. alum. amb. a- nac. bell. colc. carb-an. caus. cocc. con. daph. dig. dros. graph. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. merc. merc-c. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. plat. plumb. rhod, sass. sep. sil. squill. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. verat. zinc. sulph. evening (in the). Calc. evening, in bed (in the). Carb-an. graph. kal. n-vom. evening, when lying down (in the). Sass. morning (in the). A- perspiration (after check- nac. night (at). Phos. ed). Šil. walking (when). Anac. Knees. Daph. merc. Legs. Amb. n-vom. sil. Thighs. Merc. n-vom. Toes. Acon. sulph. COLDNESS (Sensation of), in the lower extremities. Berb. merc. rhod. CALLOUS skin on the soles of COMPRESSION (Pain as if from), the feet. Ant. sil. Toes. Graph. CHILBLAINS. Agar. am-c. carb- an. carb-veg. croc. nitr-ac. n- vom. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. stann. staph. sulph. thuy. zinc. mgs-aus. CHILBLAINS (Pain as if from). Berb. bor. cham. n-vom. COLD easily (Tendency of the feet to become). Con. sil. in the toes. Fer-mg. CONGESTION in the feet when standing. Graph. CONTRACTION (SPASMODIC), of the lower extremities. Carb-an. hyosc. merc. sec. sil. stram. tan. mgs-aus. walking and going up stairs or a hill (when). Hyos. movement (during). Mgs. aus. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 617 CONTRACTION (Spasmodic) : Feet. Anac. bis. carb-an. chel. sol-n. stram. tan. Tendo-Achillis. Calc. Toes. Anac. calc. euphorb. graph. hyosc. lyc. magn-s. nitř. n-vom. pæon. plumb. rhus. sec. sulph. CONTUSION. See BEATEN. CONVULSIONS in the lower ex- tremities. Cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. mosch. n-vom. op. plumb. sec. spong. squill. Toes. Cupr. CORNS on the feet. Am-c. ant. bar-c. bov. bry. calc. caus. gran. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr- ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Boring pains (with). Bor. natr. natr-m. - Burning pains (with). Am- c. bar-c. bry. calc. ign. phos- ac. ran-sc. rhus. mgs. Drawings (with). Natr. Excoriation (with pain as if from). Amb. bry. calc. lyc. rhus. verat. mgs-arc. Inflammation (with). Sep. Painful in general. Bry. calc. caus. gran. kal. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. kal. touched (when). Bry. Pinching (with). Bar-c. -Pressive pain (with). Ant. bry. sulph. -Shootings (with). Am-c. bar-c. bor. bov. bry. hep. lyc. natr. natr-m. phos-ac. ran-sc. rhod. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. mgs. Tearing pains (with). Am-c. sulph-ac. CORRODING (GNAWING) Vesi- | cles. Caus. graph. sep. sil. sulph. CORROSION (as from), or GNAW- ING. Lyc. plat. ran-sc. ruta. COXALGIA. See Sect. 1. CRACKING in the joints of the knees and feet. Bry. camph. cocc. led. n-vom. petr. puls. ran. sel. sulph. tab. thuy. mgs-aus. Bending the part (when). Sel. Movement (during). Cocc. n-vom. m-aus. Stretching the part (when). Thuy. Walk (during a). Led. tab. CRACKS. See RHAGAdes. CRAMPS in the lower extremi- ties. Amb. ars. calc. graph. hyos. phos. plumb. sec. sep. sil. Buttocks. Graph. Calves of the legs. Alum. am-c. anac. arg. ars. bar-c. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. carb-an. carb-v. cham. coff. coloc. con. cupr. fer. fer-mg. graph. hep. hyos. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. rhus. sass. sec. sep. sil. sol-n. staph. sulph. tart. mgs. Feet. Am-c. berb. caus. graph. iod. lyc. natr. n-vom. ran. rhus-v. sec. stram. sulph. (soles of the). Am-c. calc. carb-v. chel. coff. eug. fer. hep. petr. plumb. sec. sil. staph. sulph. Hams. Calc. cann. pæon. phos. Hips. Coloc. phos-ac. 618 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. CRAMPS in the : Legs. Carb-an. carb-v. co- loc. iat. sass. tab. Thighs. Asar. cann. hyos. ipec. merc. petr. rhus. sep. Tibia. Am-c. Toes. Bar-c. bar-m. calc. carb-an. fer. hep. lyc. merc. nic. n-vom. sulph. mgs. CRAMPS in the lower extremi- ties, in general: Bending the foot (when). Coff. Boots (when putting on one's). Calc. Colic (with). Coloc. CRAMP-LIKE pains in the : Feet. Ang. arn. camph. ole- and. phos-ac. plat. verb. Heels. Eug. led. Hips. Ang. carb-v. coloc. ruta. Knees. Arg. bry. carb-v. led. ol-an. Legs. Anac. bry. camph. caus. natr. oleand. phos-ac. berb. Thighs. Carb-v. cyc. mang. mur-ac. ol-an. phos-ac. plat. ran. ruta. sabin. val. verb. Tibia. Eug. Toes. Phos-ac. plat. Crossing the legs (on). A- CRAWLING in the lower extremi- lum. Evening (in the). Sil. Going down stairs (when). Arg. Lifting the leg (when). Coff. Morning in bed (in the). Bov. bry. nitr-ac. mgs. Night (at). Amb. bry. carb- v. cham. eug. iod. ipec. lyc. magn. magn-m. nitr-ac. n- vom. rhus. sec. sep. staph. sulph. Seated (when). Oleand. pæ- on. rhus. Sitting for some time (after). Nitr-ac. -Stepping (when). Alum. Stretching the part (when). Bar-c. calc. Walking (on sitting down after). Rhus. - Walking (while). Lyc. nitr- ac. sep. CRAMP-LIKE pains in the lower extremities. Cin. iod. phos- ac. Calves of the legs. Anac. caus. euphr. led. lyc. ties. Bov. caps. ol-an. plat. rhod. sabad. sec. sulph. Calves of the legs. Sulph. zinc. Feet. Arn. bell. caps. caus. croc. dulc. nitr. par. sep. tax. zing. Heels. Fer-mg. Legs. Kal. sec. sulph. tab. tax. (bones of the). Guaj. Thighs. Guaj. Toes. Am-m. colch. ran-sc. sec. sulph. DEAD (Paleness and torpor of the extremities, as if they were): Graph. Feet. Calc. n-vom. rhus. evening (in the). Calc. Legs. Am-m. Toes. Chel. cyc. sec. walking (after). Cyc. DESICCATION of the soles of the feet. Bis. DESQUAMMATION of the feet (Erysipelatous). Dulc. DIGGING. Diad. rhod. DISLOCATION of the coxo-femo- ral joint. Coloc. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 619 DISLOCATION of the: Foot, instep. N-vom. ruta. sulph. DRAWINGS in the lower extremi- ties. Acon. am-m. ang. ant. bar-c. berb. bry. carb-v. cham. | chel. cin. con. dulc. graph. iod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. merc. natr-m. n-vom. par. puls. sep. sil. stann. stront. sulph. thuy. verat. zinc. Calves of the legs. Puls. Feet. Bor. cann. caus. cham. cocc. fer. magn. mez. ole- and. ol-an. puls. rat. rhod. spong. stront. verat. zinc. (bones of the). Cupr. rhod. staph. (joints of the). Cann. stront. val. zinc. mgs-aus. Heels. Sep. Hips. Ant. calc. carb-v. cham. chel. con. evon. natr- m. par. plumb. rhus. ruta. stann. terb. Knees. Alum. anac. asar. bry. caus. cham. cocc. cupr. gran. iod. magn-m. natr-m. phos. puls. rat. sabin. sep. stann. staph. zinc. Legs. Acon. agar. am-c. anac. bor. bry. calc. carb-an. caus. cham. fer. kal. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. oleand. ol-an. phos. puls. rat. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. spong. squill. staph. viol-tric. zinc. (bones of the). Chin. con. kal. rhod. val. (joints of the). Rhod stront. Tendo-Achillis. natr-s. Mur-ac. Thighs. Anac. arn. caus. bar-m. cham. colch. cupr. dulc. iod. kreos. mang. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. ol- an. puls. ran. rat. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. squill. stram. terb. val. zinc. DRAWINGS in the : Toes. Aur. berb. cocc. mez. ol-an. rat. sep. sil. stront. (great.) Sep. DRYNESS of the feet. Phos. sep. sil. Knee joint. N-vom. ECCHYMOSIS (Pain as if from), in the soles of the feet. Led. EMACIATION of the legs. Berb. chin. sel. ERUPTIONS on the lower ex- tremities. Ant. clem. dulc. merc. sulph. Buttocks. Ant. n-vom. sel. thuy. Calves of the legs. Petr. sil. thuy. Feet. Con. lach. rhus. sep. Knees. Anac. ant. lach. merc. n-vom. phos-ac. thuy. Legs. Bov. daph. lach. merc. phos-ac. sep. sulph. Thighs. Merc. n-vom. petr. thuy. sel. (between the). Petr. Toes. Natr. sulph. ERUPTIONS of the lower extremi- ties in general: Areola (with red). Ant. Blisters. Ant. lach. sulph. Burning. N-vom. Confluent. Phos-ac. Corroding. N-vom. sulph. Furunculi. See FURUNCULIi. Itching. Anac. daph. dulc. lach. merc. n-vom. petr. rhus. sel. sep. sil. sulph. thuy. 620 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. ERUPTIONS of the lower extremi-¡ FALL easily (Liability to). Caus. ties in general : Miliary. Bov. daph. merc. n-vom. sil. sulph. Nodosities (of). Petr. ther. thuy. Papulæ. Lach. Pimples. Merc. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. sel. sep. thuy. Pustules. Clem. dulc. rhus. thuy. black. Ars. sec. Red areola (with). Ant. Scabby. Lach. Spots, like a burn. Lach. Suppurating. Con. thuy. Ulcerated. Phos-ac. Vesicles. Hyosc. natr. sulph. corroding. Bor. caus. graph. sep. sil. sulph. White. Thuy. ERYSIPELAS in the feet. Arn. bor. bry. puls. rhus. sulph. Legs. Calc. bor. natr. sulph. zinc. (Compare INFLAMMA- TION, and Sect. 1, same word.) EXCORIATION in the hams, in the evening, (Painful). Amb. Legs. Lach. Thighs (between the). Bar- c. caus. chin. graph. hep. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. rhod. sep. sulph. Toes (between the). Graph. lyc. mang. natr. phos-ac. EXCORIATION (Pain as if from), in the heels. Bor. ran. Hips. Puls. Knees. Carb-an. led. Legs (bones of the). Led. Malleoli. Plat. magn. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. Children (in). Caus. vom. n- False step (on making a). Phos-ac. FATIGUE (Pain from), in the lower extremities. Mosch. puls. sulph. Feet. Alum. cann. Hips. Kreos. Knees. Anac. puls. sulph. Legs. Kreos. puls. ruta. (after walking). Ruta. FATIGUE (Pain, as if from). See BEATEN. in th FUNGUS ARTICULARIS, knee. Ant. sil. sulph. FURUNCULI in the buttocks. Hep. phos-ac. Calves of the legs. Sil. Feet. Calc. Hams. Sep. Knees. N-vom. Legs. Calc. magn. nitr-ac. petr. Metatarsus. Merc. GANGLION in the feet. Fer- mg. GANGRENE of the toes. Sec. GOUT. See ARTHRITIS. HEAT in the feet. Acon. led. petr. phos. puls. stann. staph. evening (in the). Led. night (at). Staph. Hips. Phos. Knees. Ign. phos. Legs. Acon. natr-s. evening and morning. Natr-s. Toes. Bor. zinc. Toes. Ars. berb. cyc. natr. HEAVINESS of the lower extremi- ran. mgs-aus. EXTENSION, stretching of the legs (Spasmodic). Cin. ties. Agar. alum. ɑmb. ang. bell. berb. calc. carb-v. graph. ign. iod. kreos. magn-m. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 621 merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. | HERPES of the lower extremi- n-vom. op. phos. puls. rhus. sec. sep. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuy. verb. HEAVINESS of the lower extremi- ties: air (in the open). Graph. going up stairs (when). Thuy. night (at). Sulph. walking (when). Thuy. Calves of the legs. Euphr. rhus. Feet. Acon. agn. bell. herb. lach. ign. natr. natr-m. natr- s. nitr-ac. op. plumb. puls. sabad. tart. verat. verb. Hips. Magn-s. tart. Knees. Gran. lach. puls. rhus. ruta. stann. verat. Legs. Ang. coloc. fer. merc. natr-m. puls. ruta. verat. Thighs. Agar. ant. lach. merc. n-vom. thuy. HERPES on the lower extremi- ties. Bov. graph. lyc. merc. petr. staph. zinc. Buttocks. Natr. Calves of the legs. Cyc. lyc. Hams. Ars. graph. natr. natr-m. petr. phos. sulph. Hips. Nic. Knees. Carb-v. dulc. phos. Legs. Merc. Malleoli. Cyc. kreos. natr. natr-m. petr. sulph. Thighs. Clem. graph. merc. natr-m. petr. staph. zinc. (between the). Natr-m. petr. Toes (between the). Alum. graph. HERPES of the lower extremi- ties in general : Itching. staph. ties in general : Scaly. Clem. Squamous. Clem. HERPETIC spots on the calves of the legs. Sass. Hams. Kreos. Thighs. Mur-ac. INCISIVE pains in the lower ex- tremities. Dros. graph. ign. natr. Feet. Amb. natr. (joints of the). Arg. Heels. Puls. Hips. Calc. Knees. Arg. Thighs. Dig. Toes. Led. pæon. phos-ac. INFLAMMATION of the feet. A- con. arn. bor. carb-an. zinc. (joints of the), instep. Mang. puls. thuy. Knees. Cocc. puls. Legs. Acon. bor. calc. natr. Tendo-Achillis. Zinc. Thighs. Natr. sil. Toes. Carb-an. phos. puls. thuy. zinc. INQUIETUDE in the legs and feet. Anac. ars. bar-c. carb-v. caus. chin. con. croc. fer. graph. kal. lyc. magn. magn- m. merc. mosch. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. plat. sep. sil. sulph. Evening (in the). Kal. lyc. nitr-ac. sep. - Night (at). Lyc. INSENSIBILITY. See TORPOR. ITCHING in the lower extremi- ties. Lyc. Buttocks. Magn. ther. Calves of the legs. Ipec. Feet. Bis. calc. cham. dulc, Mur-ac. nitr. lach. sel. evening (in the). Sel. 622 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. ITCHING in the feet: sil. (soles of the). Amb. Knees. Lyc. Legs. Bis. calc. caus. lach. Malleoli. Bor. sel. Thighs. Bar-c. calc. nitr-ac. petr. ran. thuy. (between the). Carb-v. kal. natr-m. petr. Toes. Agar. natr-s. n-vom. pæon. staph. zinc. when undressing in the evening. Natr-s. JERKING pains in the feet. Nitr. rat. Hips. magn-m. mez. puls. Knees. Am-c. anac. chin. mgs-aus. Legs. Am-c. anac. cinn. mez. nitr-ac. phos. rat. rhus. Thighs. Ang. cinn. mang. mez. natr. puls. rat. rhus. val. Toes. Am-m. mez. par. ran- SC. JERKING of the lower extremi- ties. Amb. am-c. bar-c. berb. carb-v. cic. ign. ipec. kal. lyc. natr. natr-m. op. puls. plat. sep. sil. squill. stram. stront. sulph. hep. bell. berb. bry. cast. con. ind. magn-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n- mos. phos. plat. sec. sen. stann. sulph. thuy. verb. mgs- arc. LASSITUDE in the : Feet. Bell. croc. lyc. merc. natr-s. nitr-ac. plumb. sass. verb. Knees. Anac. asar. berb. cann. con. hyos. merc. natr- m. nitr-ac. n-mos. puls. sass. staph. sulph. Legs. Ang. asar. bry. fer. natr-m. nitr. plat. puls. val. Thighs. Agar. ang. arn. ars. bry. croc. rhab. sass. LASSITUDE in the lower extremi- ties in general: Air (in the open). Graph. Evening in bed (in the). Iod. Going up stairs (when). Bry, thuy. verb. Seated (when). Croc. magn- m. plat. Standing for some time (Af- ter). Bry. Walk (during a). Arn. bry. hep. mgs-arc. (after a). Nitr. Coxo-femoral joint. N-vom. | LIMP, walk lame (Pains which puls. Feet. Cic. ipec. lyc. sep. when sleeping. Sep. (soles of the). Fer-mg. JERKING of the muscles. Arg. asa. asar. berb. graph. kal. mang. natr-m. rhab. spong. teuc. viol-tric. - Movement (during). Mang. KNUCKLING of the knees. Lyc. sulph. LASSITUDE in the lower extremi- ties. Agar. am-c. am-m. ang. force one to). Bell. carb-an. dros. kal-h. nitr-ac. MARBLED skin on the legs. Caus. Mouse were running over the legs. (Sensation as if a). Sep. MURMUR, humming in the low- er extremities. Amb. NAILS (Affections of the) : Blue. Dig. Deformed. Graph. sep. Discoloured. Ars. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 623 NAILS (Affections of the): Excoriation (with pain as if from). Mgs-aus. Flesh (which grow into the). Mgs-aus. Painful. Teuc. mgs-aus. Thick. Graph. Ulcerated. See ULCERS. NODOSITIES. See ERUPTIONS. NUMBNESS of the lower extremi- ties. Alum. amb. ant. bov. calc. carb-v. chin. graph. kal. led. lyc. n-vom. oleand. petr. plat. plumb. rhab. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. ve- rat. Rhab. crossing the legs (when). evening (in the). Sil. meal (after a). Kal. night (at). Alum. seated (when). Ant. calc. chin. sil. tart. Feet. Cocc. kal. lach. laur. mill. n-vom. oleand. plumb. sep. sil. tart. sep. (soles of the). Oleand. Knees. Carb-v. lach. Thighs. Lach. EDEMA. See Sect. 1. OFFENSIVE smell of the feet. Sil. PAINS (Simple), in the lower extremities. Ant. ars. calc. lyc. nitr-ac. sec. sulph. Buttocks. Sulph. Calves of the legs. Lach. sulph. -Feet (joints of the). Acon. phos. ran. (soles of the). Ars. lyc. Heels. Agar. calc, diad. Hips. Acon. agar. ars. bar-c. bell. calc-ph. carb-an. coloc. kal-h. lyc. natr-s. phos. prun. rhus. PAINS (Simple), in the lower extremities: Joints (of the). Phos. sulph. Knees. Calc-ph. cann. kal- ch. nitr-ac. zinc. Legs. Acon. bell. mez. (bones of the). Diad. merc. mez. oleand. sulph. Thighs. Ars. merc. mez. nitr-ac. Toes. Calc. PAINFUL places in the tibia. Amb. PARALYSIS of the lower extremi- ties. Anac. ang. bell. bry. cocc. iod. lye. natr-m. n-vom. oleand. op. plumb. rhus. sec. sil. stann. stront. sulph. zinc. Feet. Ang. bell. chin. cocc. n-vom. oleand. plumb. rhus. sulph. zinc. Hips. Verat. Thighs and knees. Chel. PARALYSIS (Sensation of), in the lower extremities. Acon. Knees. Berb. lach. Thighs. Berb. lach. n- vom. PARALYTIC, paralyzing pains, in the lower extremities. Am- m. carb-v. cham. chel. chin. cin. dig. natr-m. sen. sep. sil. stann. stront. sulph. ve- rat. Angry (after being). Sep. Hips. Acon. arg. cham. chel. dros. evon. led. plumb. sol-m. chin. Knees. Anac. aur. evon. gran. magn-m. mosch. plumb. ruta. sulph. val. Legs. Cham. chin. eug. mosch. nitr. ruta. 624 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 1 PARAYTIC pains in the : Thighs. Ars. carb-v. cham. chin. colch. dros. fer. guaj. Toes. Aur. chin. PERSPIRATION in the lower ex- tremities. Phos. sep. terb. at night. Coloc. mang. Feet. Acon. am-c. bar-c. calc. carb-v. cocc. cupr. cyc. graph. iod. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. plumb. sabad. sep. sil. squill. sulph. staph. thuy. cold. Cocc. dros. ipec. lyc. merc. squill. staph. sulph. corrosive. Iod. lyc. nitr- ac. sil. zinc. diminished. Hæm. night (at). Coloc. offensive. Am-c. bar-c. cyc. graph. kal. nitr-ac. phos. plumb. sep. sil. zinc. suppressed. Cupr. kal. natr-m. Feet (soles of the). Acon. Legs. Rhod. Thighs. Amb. carb-an. n- vom. thuy. night or in the morning (at). Carb-an. walking (when). Amb. Toes (between the). Acon. cyc. fer. kal. sil. squill. tar. thuy. PETECHIE in the legs. Phos. PIMPLES. See ERUPTIONS. PRESSURE in the lower extremi- ties. Ang. cyc. led. natr-m. oleand. phos-uc. ruta. sass. stann. staph. verat. Calves of the legs. Anac. Oleand. phos-ac. Feet. verb. PRESSURE in the feet: (bones of the). Bis. cupr. sabin. staph. (joints of the). Agar. Hips. Arg. asar. fer-mg. hell. stann. Knees. Cupr. led. sass. mgs-aus. Legs. Anac. kal. natr. phos- ac. sass. verb. (bones of the). Guaj. Thighs. Agar. anac. asar. cupr. guaj. kal. led. oleand. phos-ac. sass. sil. verb. Tibia. Mez. staph. Toes. Oleand. phos-ac. PRICKING in the feet. Sep. zing. Heels. Fer-mg. PULSATION in the heel. Ran. (Compare THROBBINGS) Toes. Zinc. PUSTULES. See ERUPTIONS. RED spots. See SPOTS. REDNESS in the hams. Kreos. Toes. Agar. am-c. berb. bor. carb-v. natr-m. phos. RELAXATION of the legs, Am-c. guaj. RHAGADES. Alum. aur. calc. hep. lach. petr. sulph. zinc. RHEUMATIC pains. See Chap. 1, RHEUMATISM. RIGIDITY of the lower extre- mities. Acon. alum. anac. bell. calc. caps. cic. cupr. dig. lyc. mang. natr-m. n- vom. ol-an. rhus. sep. spong. terb. thuy. night (at). Alum. seated for some time (after being). Bell. dig. n- vom. sep. zinc. walking by). Dig. (ameliorated SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 625 RIGIDITY of the lower extremi- | SEPARATION and drawing to- ties : walking (while). Ol-an. Feet. Amb. caps. dros. graph. ign. kal. led. petr. ran. rhus. sep. sulph. sulph- ac. zinc. (joints of the), instep. Dros. ruta. sep. sulph. Hips. Acon. bar-c. rhab. rhus. staph. bell. (which hinders rising up). Bell. morning (in the). Staph. Knees. Am-m. ant. ars. bry. carb-v. coloc. fer-mg. graph. hell. hyos. ign. lach. led. lyc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. phos. rhab. rhus. sass. sep. spig. stann. sulph. (on drawing back the leg). Fer-mg. (which hinders squat- ting). Coloc. graph. (which hinders stretch- ing the part). Ant. Legs. Acon. bry. fer. rhus. sass. zinc. Thighs. Ars. graph. merc. natr-m. rhus. thuy. Toes. Graph. sil. sulph. RIGIDITY (Sensation of), in the lower extremities. Alum. arg. berb. plat rhod. Feet. Asa. Hips. Gran. RUNNING, Oozing, between the thighs. Bar-c. carb-v. hep. petr. sulph. SENSIBILITY of the heels, when resting upon them. Zing. Knees. Acon. Soles of the feet. Sabad. sass. sulph. Toes. Calc. VOL. II. gether of the legs (Spasmo- dic). Lyc. SHIVERING in the legs. Par. sep. SHOCKS, blows in the lower extremities. Op. phos. puls. Feet. Phos. spig. stann. Hips. Bell. Knees. Sulph-ac. verat. mgs-aus. Legs. Plat. sep. Thighs. Euphr. sep. SHOOTINGS in the lower extre- mities. Ars. bry. coloc. dros. euphr. grat. kal. kreos. led. merc. n-vom. sass sulph. thuy. Calves of the legs. Bry. tar. Coxo-femoral joint. Acon. merc. n-vom. sil. thuy. Feet. Agar. bry. grat. kal. natr-s. oleand. ol-an. phos. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. viol- tric. (bones of the). Aur. puls. (soles of the). Bor. bry. graph. ign. natr. puls. tar. Heels. Graph. nitr-ac. puls. ran. sep. sil. val. mgs. Hips. Acon. am-m. arg. ars. bell. calc. carb-an. coloc. evon. fer. hell. kal-h. merc. merc-c. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. sabin. sep, sil. sol-m. sil. sol-m. sulph. Instep. Arn. asar. bov. hell. kal. mang. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. Knees. Acon. ant. bar-c. bov. bry. calc. fer-mg. gran. hell. kal-ch. laur. merc. nitr- ac. n-vom. ol-an. petr. plumb. puls. rhab. rhus. sabad. sass. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. E E 626 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. sulph-ac. tab. tar. verb. viol- | SHORTENING of the tendons tric. SHOOTINGS in the : Legs. Ant. bry. carb-an. chin. coloc. rhab. rhus. sass. sep. (bones of the). Merc. Tendo-Achillis. Mur-ac. Thighs. Acon. arg. bry. calc. fer. kreos. mang. merc. n-vom. oleand. plumb. rhus. sabad. samb. sass. sep. sil. spig. tar. Tibia. Ant. samb. tric. sep. viol- Toes. Agar. am-m. aur. bry. carb-v. cist. kal. kal. magn-s. natr-m. oleand. par. phos. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhus. sabin. sil. tart. verat. verb. zinc. SHORTENING of the tendons in the lower extremities. Mez. sulph. Hams. Am-m. ars. graph. lach. natr. natr-m. sulph. Instep. Caus. SHORTENING of the tendons (Sensation of), in the lower extremities. Amb. am-m. bar-c. caus. natr. phos. puls. sil. zinc. Calves of the legs. berb. bov. caps. led. natr-m. puls. sil. Arg. natr. Feet. Carb-an. caus. natr. plat. sep. Heels. Led. sep. Hips. Am-m. carb-v. coloc. Inguina. Carb-an. Knees. Am-m. bell. berb. carb-an. carb-v. caus. con. euphr. graph. kreos. lach. led. merc. mez. natr-m. n- vom. ol-an. natr. petr. phos. rhus. ruta. samb. sulph. verat. | (Sensation of) in the : Legs. Puls. Tendo - Achillis. graph. Euphr. Thighs. Berb. carb-v. magn- m. ol-an. plat. puls. sabin. (when sitting down). Sabin. Toes. Plat. SHUDDERING in the legs. Kal. men. SKIN (Blueness of the). See BLUE. Cracked. Alum. aur. calc. hep. petr. sulph. zinc. (Com- pare RHAGADES.) Hard, in the soles of the feet. Sil. toes. Graph. Marbled Thuy. on the instep. legs. Caus. Red. See REDNESS. Rough, like a tetter, in the ham. Kreos. Wrinkled. Rhod. SMARTING pains in the instep. Plat. Between the toes. Natr. SMELL of the feet (Offensive). Sil. SOFTENING of the femur. Sil. SOLIDITY, or firmness (Want of), in the knees, which hinders squatting. Coloc. graph. SPASMODIC extension of the legs. Cin. SPASMODIC pains. See CRAMP- LIKE. SPOTS on the legs (Black and painful). N-vom. Bluish. Kreos. sulph. Burn, on the legs and feet (as if from a). Lach. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 627 SPOTS: Gangrened, on the legs. Hyos. Greenish and yellowish, as if from a bruise. Con. Herpetic, on the thighs. Mur-ac. calves of the legs. Sass. Petechiae (as if from), in the legs. Phos. Red, in the lower extremi- ties. Sulph. buttocks. Magn. legs. Calc. con. lyc. sass. instep. Thuy. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thighs. Cyc. sulph. Red, in the lower extremi- ties in general : : burn (like a). Cyc. burning. Lyc. phos- ac. itching Sulph-ac. marbled. Thuy. painful. Lyc. sulph. scratching running, oozing. Sulph. Magn. (after). smarting. Sil. SPRAIN (Tendency in the feet to suffer from a). Agn. natr. natr-m. phos. mgs-aus. Walking on the pavement. (when). Agn. STAGNATION. See BLOOD. STARTING of the tendons in the feet. Iod. SUPPLENESS (Want of), in the knees, which hinders squat- ting. Coloc. graph. SWELLING of the lower extremi- ties. Ars. calc. carb-v. con. dulc. iod. lach. led. lyc. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. Buttocks. Phos-ac. sulph. SWELLING of the : Calves of the legs. Bry. chin. mez. Feet. Acon. amb. am-c. arn. ars. bar-m. bell. berb. bov. bry. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. cocc. con. dig. fer-ch. graph. hyos. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. op. petr. phos. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sass. sec. sep. sil. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. zinc. staph. (bones of the). Merc. (joints of the). Arn. asa. calc. fer. lyc. sulph. (soles of the). Calc. cham. lyc. natr. petr. puls. Ham. Mgn. Heels. Ant. berb. merc. petr. Instep. Bry. calc. merc. puls. rhus. staph. thuy. Knees. Acon. Acon. bry. calc. chin. cocc. dig. fer-mgs. iod. led. lyc. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. sass. sep. sil. sulph. Legs. Acon. arn. bor. bry. calc. colch. dulc. graph. kal. lach. led. lyc. merc. natr. n- vom. puls. rhod. ruta. sil. sulph. Malleoli (round the). Arn. asa. calc. hep. lyc. mang. phos. stann. sulph. Tendo-Achillis. Berb. zinc. Thighs. Chin. led. merc. Tibia. Phos. Toes. Am-c. arn. bar-c. carb-an. carb-v. daph. graph. led.merc. mur-ac. natr. pæon. phos-ac. plat. sabin. sulph. thuy. zinc. EE 2 628 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. SWELLING of the lower extremi- ties, in general : Bluish. Lach. Cold. Asa. Day (only during the). Dig. Dropsical. Iod. merc. (Com- pare DROPSY, Chap. 1.) Erysipelatous. Rhus. Evening (in the). Am-c. cocc. phos. puls. rhus. stann. Hard. Ars. chin. graph. led. mez. Hot. Acon. am-c. arn. bry. carb-an. chin. cocc. colch. led. petr. puls. sass. Inflammatory. Acon. calc. iod. puls. rhus. sil. Large. Sulph. Lymphatic. Bar-c. berb. Morning (In the). Sil. Night (At). Hep. sil. Oedematous. Kreos. led. merc. puls. ruta. sulph. (Com- pare DROPSY, Chap. 1.) Painful. Acon. ant. arn. carb-an. chin. con. daph. lach. magn. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. burning. Ant. ars. mur- ac. petr. phos-ac. puls. drawing. Arn. led. puls. incisive. Phos-ac. pressive. Led. pulsative. Phos-ac. plat. shooting. Acon. ant. arn. bry. carb-v. cocc. graph. led. lyc. merc. petr. puls. sass. tearing. Colch. led. merc. plat. puls. tensive. Bry. chin. led. sass. thuy. touched (when). Sil. Red. Acon. am-c. ant. arn. bry. carb-v. chin. hep. lach. natr. n-vom. petr. puls. sabin. sass. sil. stann. thuy. SWELLING of the lower extremi- ties in general: Red spots (with). Acon. chin. Rheumatic. Hep. Shining. Acon. arn. ars. bry. merc. sabin. sulph. Steatodal. Dig. Transparent. Sulph. Walking in the open air (after). Phos. White. Ars. bell. calc. graph. iod. lyc. merc. n-vom. rhus. sulph. TEARING in the lower extremi- ties. Agar. alum, amb. ars. bar-c. bell. canth. cham. chin. cin. colch. dulc. ign. ind. kal. lach. lyc. magn-s. merc. nitr. par. phos-ac. rhod. sass. sil. stann. stront, sulph. teuc. verat. zinc. Calves of the legs. Bry. natr-s, sabad. val. Feet. Agn. camph, caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. fer- mg. graph. kal. lyc. mez. natr. ol-an. phos. rat. rhod. sil. spong. stront. sulph. verat. zinc. (bones of the). Arg. bis. chin. kal. sabin. staph. teuc. (joints of the), instep. Agar. alum. am-c. arg. arn. dros. kal. samb. stann, stront. teuc. zinc. (soles of the feet). Coloc. nitr. val. Heels. Am-m. arn. sep. sil. Hips. Am-m. ars. calc. carb-v. fer. graph. kal. magn- m. merc. par. phos-ac. rhus. sep. stann. tab. Knees. Arg. arn. bell, bry calc. caus. chin. cocc, con SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 629 Feet. Bor. cann. mez. rhus. gran. iod. laur. led. lyc. | TENSION in the: mang. merc. mill. phos. plumb. rat. sass. sep. sil. stann. sulph. zinc. mgs-aus. TEARING in the : Legs. Alum. am-m. bry. camph. chin. colch. croc. kal. lyc. mez. mill. natr-s. ol-an. phos. rat. rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sep. spong. staph. verb. zinc. (bones of the). Agar. am-c. aur. bar-c. chin. kal. lyc. magn-s. merc. nitr, rhod. teuc. (joints of the). Merc. kal. stront. teuc. - Nails (under the). Camph. Tendo-Achillis. Natr-s. Thighs. Alum. aur. camph. caus. cham. chin, cist. clem. dulc. euphorb. fer. kal. magn- s. merc. mez. mur-ac. n-vom. ol-an. plumb. rat. rhus. sabin. sass. sep. sil. terb. zinc. Tibia. Phos-ac. sep. staph. Toes. Agn. am-m. arg. aur. berb. camph. chin, cocc. colch. graph. ind. kal. magn-s. mez. natr. natr-m. ol-an. par. plat. rat. sil. stront. teuc. val. of the). Arg. (joints of aur. kal. stront. teuc. TENDONS (Shortening of the). See SHORTENING. (Starts of the). See START- INGS. TENSION in the lower extremi- ties. Ang. bar-c. berb. coloc. hep. mang. n-vom. plat. puls. rhus. sulph. Calves of the legs. Alum. anac. bar-c. berb. bry. caus. cupr. ign. kreos. mur-ac. n- vom. puls. sabad. val. zinc. sass. Heels. Led. Hips. Coloc. con. fer-mg. rhus. Instep. Bry. caus. tart. thuy. Knees. Arn. berb. bry. calc. caps. con. dig. euphr. hell. led. merc. n-vom. ol-an. petr. puls. rhus. stann. sulph. tart. zinc. · Legs. Am-m. bar-c. bor. bry. caus. cham. ign. mez. puls. rhus. tab. Tendo-Achillis. Mur-ac. Thighs. Arn. berb. cham. guaj. hell. mez. ol-an. puls. rhus. sabin. spig. sulph. Toes. Mez. THROBBINGS, pulsations in the lower extremities. Sep. Feet. Arg. cann. aus. Heels. Ran. Hips. Hep. mgs- Toes. Am-m. asa. phos-ac. plat. zinc. TICKLING, after scratching, in the soles of the feet. Sil. TORPOR of the lower extremi- ties. Alum. carb-v. cocc. graph. kal. led. kal. led. merc. n vom. op. rhus. sec. sil. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. at night. Alum. Feet. Arn. asa. carb-v. con. nitr. n-vom. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. obstinate. Carb-v. painful. Puls. seated (when). Plat. Heels. Arg. Legs. Am-m. arg. puls sil. 630 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. TORPOR of the: Thighs. Euphr. fer. graph. merc. n-vom. plat. TOTTERING, staggering, knuckl- ing of the legs and knees. Agar. asar. aur. bry. cann. guaj. hell. mur-ac. n-vom. plat. puls. (Compare BENDING and want of SOLIDITY.) TREMBLING of the lower ex- tremities. Calc. canth. carb- v. cic. iod. lyc. natr. n-vom. oleand. puls. sen. evening and at night (in the). Lyc. standing for any time (when). Oleand. Feet. Bar-c. bov. coff. lyc. ol-an. plat. sass. stram. tab. verat. zinc. Knees. Anac. bell. lach. laur. led. mang. n-vom. puls. ruta. verb. walking and seated (when). Led. Legs. Bar-c. cic. coloc. plat. puls. ruta. Thighs. Anac. lach. ULCERATION (Sub-cutaneous), in the buttocks. Bor. ULCERATION Merc. in the nails. ULCERATION (Pain as if from), in the buttocks. Phos. puls. Coxo-femoral joint. Puls. Feet. Bry. natr-m. natr-s. (soles of the). Amb. graph. ign. kreos. phos. puls. Heels. Am-c. am-m. graph. Legs. Puls. ULCERS in the buttocks. Sabin. sulph. Feet. Bar-c. sulph. Heels. Caus. natr. sep. Instep. Sep. sulph. Legs. Ars. calc. carb-v. graph. ipec. lach. lyc. mur- ac. natr. phos-ac. ruta. sel. sil. sulph. ULCERS in the: Malleoli. Sil. sulph. Nails. Caus. sep. sil. Thighs. Sil. thuy. Tibia. Sabin. Toes. Ars. carb-v. graph. petr. plat. sep. sil. sulph. (joints of the). Sep. ULCERS of the lower extremi- ties, in general : Black bottom (with). Ipec. Bleed easily (which). Carb- v. phos-ac. Burning. Ars. lyc. sulph. Dirty bottom (with a). Lach. Fistulous. Ruta. Inveterate. Sulph. Itching. Lyc. phos-ac. sil. Margins (with elevated). Petr. Night (Painful at). Lyc. Obstinate. Petr. Offensive. Carb-veg. Painful (not). Sep. Putrid. Mur-ac. Red bottom (with). Petr. Running, oozing. Petr. Sanies (with serous). Sulph. Shootings. Ars. sabin. sil. Smooth. Sel. Suety. Sabin. Superficial. Lach. petr. Tearing. Lyc. Vesicles (in consequence of corroding). Natr. sep. VARICES. Ars. calc. carb-v. fer. graph. lyc. puls. sulph. zinc. mgs-aus. Tearing pains (with). Sulph- ac. Tensive. Graph. VESICLES (Corroding, gnawing). Caus. graph. sep. sil. sulph. SECT. 2. SYMPTOMS. 631 VESICLES (Corroding, gnawing), *. in the : Buttocks. Bor. Soles of the feet and toes. Ars. sulph. VESSELS (Swelling of the veins, blood-), in the legs. Puls. sulph. VIBRATION in the lower ex- tremities. Mosch. oleand. Calves of the legs. Phell. Soles of the feet. Oleand. VOLUPTUOUS tickling in the soles of the feet, after scratch- ing. Sil. WARTS on the toes. Spig. WEAKNESS of the lower extre- chin. dig. merc. n-vom. oleand. plat. puls. ruta. staph. WEAKNESS of the lower extre- mities, in general : Faise steps (on making a). Phos-ac. Going up stairs (when). Thuy. Morning (in the). Tart. Rising from one's seat (on). Ruta. Standing for (when). Agar. some time Walk, and when seated (During a). Led. Walk (After a). Mosch. nitr. mities. Am-m. anac. berb. anac. berb. | WHITE n-vom. oleand. ol-an. op. phos. phos- ac. puls. rhod. sec. sulph. thuy. Feet. Chin. oleand. ol-an. puls. tab. zinc. Hips. Chin. Knees. Anac. arn. aur. chin. fer. lach. led. mosch. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. petr. plat. puls. ruta. sabad. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. Legs. Agar. euphorb. merc. nitr. puls. oleand. ruta. staph. val. (bones of the). Puls. Thighs. Acon. ars. chin. croc. guaj. merc. mur-ac. SWELLING, &c. See Sect. 1. WRENCHING pains in the lower extremities. Arn. berb. carb- v. caus. natr-m. oleand. puls. rhus. mgs. on sitting down. Ipec. Feet. Ang. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cyc. dros. gran. kreos. merc. natr-m. phos. prun. rhus. sulph. val. zinc. Hips. Am-m. arg. bar-c. calc. caus. euphorb. ipec. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. sen. sulph. Knees. Calc. caus. kreos. natr-m. phos. prun. rhod. Toes. Am-c. berb. zinc. WRINKLES in the skin. Rhod. 632 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTRMITIES. SECTION 3.-CONDITIONS OF THE SYMPTOMS of the lower extremities. N.B. Compare with this section the general conditions, Chap. I, Sect. 3, in order to complete the following articles, as may be required. AIR (In the open). Graph. AIR (After walking in the open). Phos. ALTERNATELY with sufferings of the eyes. Kreos. ANGER. See PASSION. BED (In the warmth of the). Sulph. Amelioration. Am-c. Evening (in the). Carb-an. fer-mg. ind. phos. sulph. Morning (in the). Bov. bry. nitr-ac. tart. mgs. Night (at). Sulph. BENDING the foot (when). Coff. sel. -Knee (the). Spig. EVENING (In the): Calves of the legs. N-vom. lyc. phos. Feet. Fer-mg. puls. sil. sulph. (joints of the). Natr. (soles of the). Berb. magn-m. sil. Hips. Fer. val. Legs. Cinn. lyc. Knees. Lyc. Thighs. Aur. fer. Toes. Cist. EXERCISE. See WALKING. EXERTION (After making an). Ign. EYES (Alternately with pain in the). Kreos. BOOTS (When putting on one's). FALSE STEP (On making a). Calc. COLIC. Am-c. coloc. CONSTIPATION (With), Paraly- sis. Lyc. CROSSING the legs (When). Alum. rhab. Calves of the legs. Dig. val. Thighs. Dig. CRY OUT (Pains which force one to). Acon. sep. DANCING (After). Bor. DAY (By). Phos. DRAWING BACK the leg (When), Coxo-femoral mg. joint. Fer- Knees. Fer-mg. EVENING (In the). Amb. calc. fer-mg. kal. led. lyc. natr-s. nitr-ac. sel. sep. Phos-ac. GOING DOWN stairs (When). Arg. ruta. verat. Calves of the legs. Arg. Knees. Cann. verat. GOING UP a hill (When). Hyos. GOING UP stairs (When). Bry. thuy. verb. Hips. Plumb. rhus. Joints of the foot. Plumb. Knees. Alum. cann. plumb. LIFTING UP the leg (When). Coff. Feet. Fer-mg. Knees. Ber. LYING DOWN (When). Coloc. plumb. On the part affected, ame- lioration. Fer-mg. LYING DOWN (After). Acon. SECT. 3. CONDITIONS. 633 MEAL (During a). Phos-ac. FEET: (After a). Kal. MIDNIGHT (Before). Hips. sulph. Prun. (After). N-vom. MORNING (In the). Anac. caus. sil. Hips. Am-c. fer-mg. staph. Knees. Tart. Thighs. Am-c. aur. caus. viol-tric. MORNING IN BED (In the). Bov. bry. nitr-ac. n-vom. mgs. tart. MOVEMENT (From). Berb. calc- ph. kreos. bry. mang, n-vom. puls. sulph. Amelioration. Agar. MOVEMENT of the part. See when MOVING. MOVING the part (When). Acon. coce. merc. n-vom. mgs-aus. (Compare Move- MENT.) Coxo-femoral joint. Merc. Feet. Acon. bry. puls. thuy. (joints of the). Arn. (soles of the). Puls. Hips. Merc. natr-s. n-vom. sulph. Knees. Merc. rhab. Legs. Acon. colch. (bones of the). Merc. Thighs. Cocc. merc. spig. Toes. Am-c. thuy. NIGHT. Alum. amb. bry. carb- an. carb-v. cham. coloc. eug. graph. hep. iod. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. terb. Calves of the legs. Anac. cham. lyc. n-vom. sabad. sulph. Feet. Cham. kal. lyc. phos. sil. spong. (soles of the). of the). Sil. Hips. Bell. cham. fer. fer- mg. kal. lach. merc. natr-s. prun. Knees. Lach. lyc. merc. zinc. Legs. Am-m. cham. croc. lyc. spong. merc. (bones of the). Kal. Tendo-Achillis. Mur-ac. Thighs. Cham. euphorb. fer. lach. merc. n-vom. Tibia. Phos-ac. Toes. Am-c. kal. led. natr. plat. (From), PAIN lameness. Carb-an. dros. kal-h. nitr- ac. PASSION (After being in a). Sep. PERIODICAL pains. Lyc. Perspiration (After CHECKED). | Sil. POSITION (When changing one's) : Coxo-femoral joint. Fer- mg. RAINY weather (From). Bor. RAISING UP the leg (When). Coff. REPOSE (During). Cupr. euphr. puls. rhod. Calves of the legs. Am-c. cupr. Feet (soles of the). Coloc. Hips. Fer. puls. rhus. Legs. Coloc. Thighs. Fer. puls. RISING from one's seat (When). N-vom. rut. Heels and soles of the feet. Graph. Hips. Natr-s. phos-ac. rhus. EE 3 634 CHAP. XXV. LOWER EXTREMITIES. RISING from one's seat (When): | STEPPING (When), Pains in the Knees. Berb. n-vom. Thighs. Nitr-ac. phos- ac. knees. Con. Thighs. Asar. Toes. Bry. led. thuy. RISING (Pains which hinder.) | STEPPING (Pains which hinder). Bell. berb. SCRATCHING (After). Lach. sil. SEATED (When), in the lower extremities. Agar. ant. calc. cham. chin. croc. iod. led. magn-m. oleand. pæon. phos- ac. plat. sulph. Buttocks. Hep. phos. sep. sulph. Feet. Alum. natr. val. Heels. Val. Hips. Phos-ac. sulph. Knees. Calc. cist. Legs. Am-c. Thighs. Cist. guaj. sep. SEATED for some time (After being). Bell. berb. con. dig. n-vom. nitr-ac. sep. zinc. SITTING DOWN (On). Sabin. SLEEPING (While). Led. SLEEPING (After). Acon. SQUATTING (When). Calc. co- loc. graph. SQUATTING (Rigidity which hin- ders). Coloc. graph. STANDING for sometime (When). Agar. bry. graph. puls. Calves of the legs. Euphr. Heels. Zing. Knees. Calc. n-vom. Toes. Natr-m. STEPPING (When). Pains in the feet. Bry. caus. thuy. (Compare when WALKING). Feet (joints of the). Bry. natr-m. rhus. sil. sulph. (soles of the). Bry. natr. Heels. Nitr-ac. Hips. Asar. kal-h. rhus. sa- bin. Alum. plumb. Feet (bones of the). Ruta. Knees. Nitr-ac. Legs. Lyc. STOOPING (When), Pains in the hips. Natr-s. STRETCHING the part (When). Ant. bar-c. calc. thuy. Hips. Ruta. -Instep. Bry. STRETCHING the part (Pains which hinder). Ant. STRETCH the part (Desire to), Sulph-ac. TOUCHED (When). Bell. bry. chin. n-vom. plat. puls. ruta. sulph. Feet. Acon. bor. bry. chin. fer-mg. Hips. Ruta. sulph. Instep and soles of the feet. Puls. Knees. Acon. Legs. Acon. bor. puls. Malleoli. Natr-m. Thighs. N-vom. Toes. Chin. phos-ac. UNDRESSING in the evening (When). Natr-s. WALK (Inability to). N-vom. WALKING (When). Amb. anac. - ant. arn. berb. bry. calc-ph. fer. fer-mg. hep. hyos. led. lyc. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. phos. sep. stann. stram. tab. thuy. viol-tric. mgs-arc. Amelioration. Am-c. dig. Calves of the legs. Am-c. anac. caps. ign. mur-ac. n- vom. sulph. zinc. Feet. Agn. caus. fer. natr. puls. sulph. tart. SECT. 1. ANTIDOTES. 635 WALKING (When), Feet: (joints of the). Dros. (soles of the). Amb. bar-c. caus. ign. led. lyc. phos. puls. sulph. Hips. Agar. arg. asar. calc- ph. coloc. dros. phos-ac. sol- m. Knees. Berb. bry. calc-ph. caps. cist. euphr. tart. Legs. Ign. puls. tab. Nails (under the). Camph. Tendo-Achillis. mur-ac. Euphorb. Thighs. Asar. calc-ph. cist. dros. guaj. phos-ac. spig. staph. WALKING (When) : Toes. Agn. ars. camph. caus. cyc. natr-m. WALKING on the pavement (When). Agn. ant. WALKING (After). Cyc. mosch. nitr. rhus. Calves of the legs. Am-m. Feet. Mgs-aus. Knees. Berb. val. WARMTH of the bed (In the). Sulph. Amelioration. Am-c. WEATHER (From a change of). Lach. WINDY Lach. weather (From). CHAPTER XXVI. POISONS AND MEDICINAL MALADIES. NOTE. In all cases of poisoning, two objects ought to be especially pursued, namely; 1.—To eradicate from the system that substance, the inges- tion of, or contact with which has produced the injury, or to neutralize immediately the pathogenic action. 2. To remedy the consecutive effects of the poison, or to cure the morbid affections which it engendered by its admission into the system. With respect to the latter of these objects, the removal of the consecutive affections may be always accomplished by homœopathic agency. In several cases of slight or slow poi- soning, from weak doses of a very powerful substance, homœo- pathic medicines will frequently succeed better than any other means, both in repelling the sequela and in neutralizing the pathogenic action of the deleterious drug. But in cases in which the injury is occasioned by strong doses, which must be ejected from the system as speedily as possible, or paralyzed in 636 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. their effects, it will be necessary to have recourse to suitable means for the attainment of this essential end. This necessity for resorting in this case to other means be- sides homœopathic remedies, is not to be regarded as a proof of the insufficiency of this science for the cure of diseases, since in the cases cited, none of these means are employed for the treat- ment of the disease itself, but merely to remove the occasional cause; in the same way, for instance, that a foreign body is ex- tracted from the eye before the treatment is directed against the inflammation which that body has produced. The homoeo- pathic practitioner should never lose sight of this truth, and while he neglects nothing which the circumstances may require, he must carefully select the simplest means, and those that are least likely to interfere with the homoeopathic treatment by which they are to be succeeded. Taking advantage of the admirable observations of Dr. He- ring, of Philadelphia, on the treatment of injuries arising from poisons, we present, in the first section of this chapter, a cur- sory view of the most infallible antidotes in the case of powerful poisons; and in the second section, we set forth the particular treatment required in various cases, according to the different substances by which the mischief may have been occasioned. We have also introduced medicinal maladies among these cases, a proceeding which need, in our opinion, excite no surprise, as these diseases are in their effects, perfectly similar to the other cases that arise from the operation of slow poisons. SECTION 1.-CURSORY SKETCH OF THE ANTIDOTES Which are most indispensable against the injurious effects pro- duced by powerful poisons. ACID (CITRIC), and other ACIDS. See VINegar. ALMONDS, OIL OF SWEET ALMONDS.-See Sect. 2, ACIDS. COFFEE.—Strong black coffee, the grains of which have been very slightly roasted, and which should be taken as hot as pos- sible, is one of the most powerful remedies against a great num- ber of poisons. It is, at all times, particularly suitable, if there are: Drowsiness, intoxication and loss of consciousness, or demen- tia, delirium, &c. in a word, against narcotic substances, such as opium, nux-vomica, stramonium, narcotic mushrooms, sumach venenosa, bitter almonds, hydrocyanic acid, and all substances which contain belladonna, colocynth, valerian, hemlock, and cha- SECT. 1. ANTIDOTES. 637 momile. In cases of poisoning by antimony, phosphorus, and phosphoric acid, coffee is equally effectual. CAMPHOR.-Camphor is the principal remedy in all cases of poisoning by vegetable substances, especially those whose action is corrosive, and also whenever the patient exhibits vomit- ing, with diarrhæa, pale face, coldness in the extremities, and loss of consciousness. In accidents arising from venomous insects, especially can- tharides, camphor is almost a specific, whether the insects have been swallowed, or have introduced their venom through the pores of the skin. Against injuries caused by vermifuges, such as tobacco, bitter almonds, and others which contain hydrocyanic acid, camphor is no less efficacious. It is equally beneficial against the consecutive affections which result from poisoning by acids, salts, metals, phosphorus, mushrooms, &c. and which remain after these substances have been ejected by vomiting. (See VOMITING). CHARCOAL.-See Sect. 2, MUSHROOMS. IRON.-See Sect. 2, ARSENIC. MAGNESIA.-See Sect. 2, ACIDS. MILK.-Milk possesses the same qualities as oil and all oleagi- nous substances; it is suitable, as an antidote, far less fre- quently than is supposed, and mucilaginous substances are always preferable to it, when the object is to envelop the poison. Rich milk or cream is suitable, in general, in all cases in which oil is proper, and is injurious where oil would be hurtful. Clotted (sour) milk, on the contrary, is applicable or preju- dicial in the same cases as vinegar. MUCILAGE.—Mucilaginous potions, or else clysters prepared from them, are preferable against alkaline substances, especially when they are administered alternately with vinegar. NITRE (SPIRIT OF).-See Sect. 2, ALKALIES and ANIMAL sub- stances. OIL OF OLIVES.-This remedy is suitable in far fewer cases than is generally supposed. It is ordinarily useless against metallic poisons, and when administered as an antidote to arsenic, it is even injurious. Against the bad effects produced by cantharides, oil is the most pernicious substance that can be employed. It is equally so against dead venomous insects, or if their venom is introduced into the eye. But when living insects have entered the ear, oil may be used to facilitate their extraction. Oil is most suitable in case of accidents occasioned by corro- 638 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. sive acids, such as nitric, sulphuric, &c. acid. It may be often also administered alternately with vinegar against alkaline sub- stances, and it will sometimes be no less serviceable against the bad effects of mushrooms. POTASS.-See Sect. 2, ACIDS. SALT (KITCHEN-).-See Nitrate of silver (Nitras argenti, Lunar caustic), and ENVENOMEd wounds. SOAP.—White household soap, dissolved in four times as much boiling water, and taken internally, is one of the best remedies in many cases of poisoning. A coffee-cup of this preparation may be administered every two, three, or four minutes, accord- ing to circumstances, and in all cases in which white of egg is indicated without being sufficient. Soap-water is suitable principally in cases of poisoning by metallic substances, and especially against arsenic, lead, &c. It is equally efficacious against corrosive acids, such as sulphuric acid, nitric acid, &c. alum, plants with corrosive sap, castor oil (Oleum ricini), &c. Soap-water is injurious in case of poisoning by alkaline sub- stances, such as lixivium, lapis infernalis (Caustic potassa), potassa, soda, sub-carbonate of potass, oil of tartar, muriate of am- monia, sub-carbonate of ammonia, slack lime, or quick lime, barytu, &c. SODA.-See Sect. 2, ACIDS. STARCH.-See Sect. 2, IODINE. SUGAR.—L'eau sucré (sugar and water), is one of the most efficacious remedies in most cases; but when injury is sus- tained from mineral acids or alkaline substances it is more adviseable to administer the direct antidotes first, although sugar can at no time be injurious. In case of poisoning by metallic substances, several sorts of colours, verdigris, copper, sulphate of copper, alum, &c. sugar is preferable to any other means, and it is only when the patient has been relieved by sugar, that white of egg, or soap-water can be administered alternately with it. Sugar is often also one of the most efficacious antidotes against the poisonous effects of arsenic and vegetables with corrosive juice. SULPHATE OF SODA.-See Sect. 2, ALKALIES. TEA OF CHINA.-Sect. 2, SEBACIC ACID and HONEY. VINEGAR.-Vinegar is suitable especially against alkaline sub- stances; but it is injurious in cases of poisoning by mineral acids, vegetables with corrosive sap, arsenic, and a great num- ber of salts. In many cases, it may be also successfully administered against the bad consequences that result from aconitum, opium, SECT. 2. TREATMENT. 639 1 narcotic substances, poisonous mushrooms, stramonium, carbonic gas, hepar sulphuris, muscles, and venomous poisons, and also sebacic acid. Vinegar may be administered in the form of a potion, or else, if necessary, as a clyster, and may be used alternately with mu- cilaginous substances. It is important to observe that the vinegar which is employed must be made from wine or beer, and must be as pure as pos- sible. The vinegar which is made from wood (pyroligneous acid) is itself a poison. VOMITING. — The homœopathic physician should by no means overlook the necessity which exists for ejecting, as speedily as possible, the poisonous substances, which by re- maining in the stomach, may endanger or destroy life; but instead of employing for this purpose, the substances called emetics in the old school, he must strive to accomplish his object by means which exercise no action on the system, except that of exciting the nerves of the stomach, &c. so as to pro- duce rapid vomiting. These means are: 1.—To administer tepid water in as large quantities and as often as possible. 2.-To tickle the throat with the end of a feather, or some- thing similar; or else, if that fails: 3.—To place snuff or mustard, mixed with salt, on the tongue ; or again, if none of these means succeed : 4.—To administer injections of tobacco-smoke, introducing the smoke into the anus, by means of a tobacco-pipe. WHITE OF EGG.-White of egg, dissolved in a suitable quan- tity of water, and taken in the form of a potion, is one of the most efficacious remedies against poisoning by metallic sub- stances, and principally against corrosive sublimate, mercury, verdigris, tin, lead, sulphuric acid, especially if the patient ex- periences violent pains in the stomach or abdomen, with urgent and violent desire to evacuate, or diarrhea, with pain in the anus. SECTION 2.-POISONS And Medicinal Maladies. N.B. In all aggravated cases of poisoning, the first care of the physician must be to provoke VOMITING (See this word, 640 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. Sect. 1), and afterwards to remedy the most alarming effects by means of suitable antidotes. In cases in which the poison has been unconsciously imbibed, recourse must be had to white of egg, if there are violent pains ; or to coffee if there are narcotic effects. In cases in which it is known that poison has been taken, though the precise substance cannot be ascertained; if the poison is a metal, an acid, or an alkali, &c. See in this section : ACIDS, ALKALIES, METALS, &c. ACID (HYDROCYANIC).-The best antidote is liquid ammonia, which should be inspired as soon as possible, but only at a distance, or else one drop should be dissolved in 12 oz. of water, and a tea-spoonful of this mixture should be taken every five minutes. Then, as soon as it can be prepared, black coffee should be administered in large quantities, both as a potion and as a clyster. The vapour of vinegar or camphor will be often also very beneficial. When the first alarming symptoms have dissappeared: Coff. or ipec. or else n-vom. may be employed against the remaining effects. ACIDS (MINERAL AND CORROSIVE).-The best antidotes in serious cases are:-1. Soap-water in large quantities; 2. Magnesia, a dessert-spoonful dissolved in a cup of water, and taken every time that the vomiting or pain is renewed ;- 3. Chalk, dissolved in water;-5. Potass or soda (du commerce), in a dose of from 10 to 15 centigrammes dissolved in from 12 to 16 oz. of water. When the patient has vomited sufficiently, mucilaginous drinks may be administered alternately with coff. or op. For the affections which remain after the first alarming symptoms have disappeared, puls. may be administered if the poisoning is the result of sulphuric acid;-bry. if it is caused by muriatic acid ;-hep. if by nitric acid;-coff. if by phos- phoric acid;-acon. against other acids, and especially vinegar (from wood). When corrosive acids have entered the eye, the best remedy is oil of sweet almonds, or fresh butter, without any mixture of salt. Whenever a burn is inflicted on the skin by acids, soap- water applied externally is the best of all remedies, or a solu- tion of caus. with water (tinc. fort.), which is also to be used externally. ACID (NITRIC).-See MINEral acids. ACID (PHOSPHORIC).-See MINERAL ACIDS. ACID (SEBACIC.)-The best remedy against this formidable poison, which sometimes develops itself in hogslard badly pre- SECT. 2. TREATMENT. 641 pared, is vinegar diluted with an equal quantity of water, and applied both internally as a potion, and externally as a lotion, or else used as a gargle. The juice of a lemon may be substituted for vinegar, and if the patient dislikes acids, it may be administered alternately with sugar, or else with coffee (café à l'eau), or in preference to either, with strong, black tea. If the dryness of the throat yields not to these remedies, and if even the injection of mucilaginous substances produces no alvine evacuation, a dose of bry. will be often of great service, and this medicine may be repeated every time that the bene- ficial effects which it has produced are succeeded by fresh ag- gravation. The affections which remain after bry. has been administered, often yield to phos-ac. and if there is paralysis or atrophy, ars. or kreos. ought to be preferred. ACID (SULPHURIC).-See MINERAL ACIDS. ALKALIES.-The best antidotes against alkaline substances are: -1. Vinegar, two dessert-spoonsful mixed with from 8 to 12 oz. of water, and a glassful taken every quarter of an hour; -2. Lemon juice, or other vegetable acids, but sufficiently attenuated; -3. Sour milk;-4. Mucilaginous drinks and clysters. In case of poisoning by baryta, pure vinegar is prejudicial, but sulphate of soda (Glauber's salts), dissolved in vinegar and diluted with water, will often be very beneficial. When the first alarming symptoms have disappeared, camph. or nitr-sp. may be inspired. In case of poisoning by potass, the sequelae often yield to coff. or to carb-v. and when the injury is caused by ammonia to hep. ALCOHOL and ETHER.-In most cases it will be sufficient to administer milk and mucilaginous drinks, or else some drops of ammonia dissolved in a glass of l'eau sucré, (sugar and water), and taken a tea-spoonful at a time. If the amelioration does not appear shortly after taking ammonia, n-vom. must be administered, and if that fails, black coffee. ALMONDS (BITTER), and other fruits which contain HYDRO- CYANIC ACID. The principal antidote is black coffee taken in large quantities, or else if the case is much aggravated, liquid ammonia, which must be inhaled by gentle olfaction, or some drops of it must be dissolved in a glass of water, and a tea- spoonful of the mixture must be taken every 10 or 15 minutes. ALUM.-Soap-water or l'eau sucré, so as to provoke vomiting : and afterwards, puls. or verat. 642 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. AMMONIA (Salt of), and NITRATE OF POTASS.-Tepid water, or water in which fresh butter (without salt), has been melted, taken internally till it produces copious vomiting; and then mucilaginous drinks swallowed in large quantities. ANIMAL substances.-For venomous INSECTS, CANTHARIDES, poisonous HONEY, MUSCLES, poisonous FISH, SEBACIC ACID, ANTHRAX, &c. (See these words). If the venom of Toads, or other animals of this kind is intro- duced into the eye, the principal medicine is acon. If this venom has entered the stomach, pulverized charcoal mixed with milk or oil must be taken; and if serious consequences exhibit themselves, the spirit of nitre must be inhaled by olfaction. At a later period, ars. will be often suitable. Against the bad effects caused by contact with the GLANDERS of horses, the best medicine is phos-ac. or else ars.-Afterwards, sulph. or calc. will sometimes be more suitable. ANTHRAX.-See Chap. II, Anthrax. ARSENIC.-The best medicines in serious cases are:-Soap- water;—2. White of egg, dissolved in water and taken as a drink ;—3. L'eau sucré ;-4. Milk. Vinegar is perfectly use- less; oil is even pernicious. The tritoxide of nitrate of iron diluted in sugar and water (l'eau sucré) will often be found very beneficial. If this pre- paration cannot be immediately procured, the rust may be sub- stituted for it. When the first alarming symptoms have disappeared, some doses of ipec. will often do much good. Chin. is some- times suitable after ipec. especially if the patient still retains great irritability, with agitated sleep and feverish movement at night; —or else n-vom. if he is worse during the day, espe- cially after sleeping, with constipation, or else with loose, slimy evacuations; or again: verat. if after the action of ipec. there still remain frequent attacks of nausea, with vomit- ing, and heat, or coldness in the body, with great weak- ness. If the felt of hats has been dressed in a preparation of arsenic, and if from not being sufficiently lined, they produce eruptions on the forehead, or opthalmia, hep. is an antidote against these affections. Against affections caused by ABUSE OF ARSENIC AS A ME- DICINE, the best remedies are: Chin. ipec. n-vom. verat. ASA FOETIDA.-Chin. and merc. are most efficacious against obstinate affections from the abuse of this medicine. Caus. or puls. may perhaps be sometimes suitable. BITES.-See ENVENOMED WOUNDS. SECT. 2. TREATMENT. 643 CAMPHOR.-Black coffee till it produces vomiting; afterwards op. one dose (12th, 3 globules) every hour, till an amelioration takes place. CANTHARIDES.-The principal medicine is camphor. It may be administered by causing an alcoholic solution to be inhaled by olfaction, or by rubbing the inside of the thighs or the loins with the spirit of camphor, if there are nephritic pains, or cys- titis,* &c. If the poison has been introduced into the eye, an application of white of egg, or of mucilaginous substances, will most readily allay the violent pains, and these remedies may be also taken internally as a potion, if the cantharides have been swallowed and have caused burning pains in the stomach. The patient must not neglect to inhale camphor by olfaction at the same time. The less violent effects, which sometimes follow the abuse of these insects as a blister, often yield to acon, or puls. CARBONIC gas.-See DELETErious gases. CATERPILLARS (VENOMOUS).—See INSECTS. DELETERIOUS CHAMOMILE.-The best medicines against the abuse of this medicine, in infusion, are: Acon. cocc. coff. ign. n-vom. puls. ACONITUM is especially suitable if there is: Fever, with heat and tearing or drawing pains, ameliorated by movement. COCCULUS, if, in women, chamomile has produced abdo- minal, hysterical spasms, or if it has aggravated these when they previously existed. CHLORINE.-(Chlore).-See MINERAL ACIDS (Muriatic acid), and DELETERIOUS GASES. CINCHONA.-Quinine.-The best medicines against affections caused by ABUSE OF CINCHONA, as a remedy, are: Arn. ars. bell. calc. fer. ipec. merc. puls, verat. or again: Caps. carb-v. cin. natr. natr-m. sep. sulph. ARNICA is especially indicated when there are: Rheumatic pains, heaviness, relaxation and pain in all the limbs as if they were beaten; drawings all over the bones; excessive sensi- tiveness of all the organs, aggravation of the pains from move- ment, speech and noise. ARSENICUM, if there are: Ulcers in the legs; dropsical af- fections, or œdema of the feet, short cough, and shortness of breath. BELLADONNA, if there is: Congestion in the head, with heat in the face, and frequent pains in the head, face and teeth;- or else if there is icterus, and if merc. fails. CALCAREA, if there are: Head-ache, otalgia, odontalgia and pains in the limbs, especially if these affections manifest them- 644 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. selves in consequence of intermittent fever stopped by enormous doses of cinchona, and if puls. has failed. FERRUM, if there is oedematous swelling of the feet. IPECACUANHA, in the majority of cases, at the commence- ment of a cure. This medicine, when administered (6 glob. 6th) in a solution of water, of which three dessert-spoonsful a day are given, will often remove the greater part of the affec- tions. MERCURIUS, if there is icterus, or other hepatic or bilious af- fections. PULSATILLA, if there is: Otalgia, odontalgia, cephalalgia or pain in the limbs, especially if these affections appear in consequence of intermittent fever, stopped by enormous doses of cinchona. VERATRUM, if there is: Coldness of the body or extremities, with cold perspiration, constipation, or diarrhea. In cases in which abuse of cinchona arises from a desire to STOP AN INTERMITTENT FEVER, the best medicines are: If the fever has been really stopped: Arn. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. cin. fer. ipec. merc. puls. sulph. If the fever still exists: Ipec. and afterwards: Ars. carb-v. or else, but rarely: Arn. cin. verat. or again: Calc. bell. merc. sulph. See also in their respective chapters, the articles: INTER- MITTENT FEVERS, HEPATITIS, SPLENITIS, and all the affections that may be produced by an abuse of cinchona. COLCHICUM.-The most efficacious medicines against affec- tions caused by an abuse of this medicine, are: Cocc. n-vom. and puls. COPPER, VERDIGRIS, or other PREPARATIONS OF COPPER: the best medicines are: 1. White of egg, or water mixed with al- bumen;-2. Sugar or l'eau sucré;--3. Milk;-4. Mucilaginous substances. Filings of iron dissolved in vinegar, and mixed with gum-water, have also been recommended as a very efficacious remedy. CORROSIVE substances. For Corrosive acids, See MINERAL and corrosive ACIDS. For the corrosive juices of some vege- tables, such as euphorbia, &c. the best remedies are, if the patient has swallowed them: Soap-water, milk, &c. taken as drink ; if these substances have produced injuries on the skin: Soap- water, and afterwards, brandy used as a lotion; if they have entered into the eye: Oil of sweet almonds, milk, or fresh butter (without salt). FISH (POISONOUS).—See MUSCLES and fish. GAROU.—See MEZEREON (Daphne). SECT. 2. TREATMENT. 645 GASES (DELETERIOUS).-With respect to the asphyxia produced by the respiration of SULPHURETTED Hydrogen gas, the treat- ment should commence by placing the patient in a proper position, and applying the necessary mechanical assistance, such as friction, &c. In the next place, the face should be wetted with vinegar mixed with twice as much water, while a sponge dipped in this water, or else in a solution of muriatic acid is applied to the nose. But when the asphyxia is so complete, that the patient does not respire at all, recourse must be had in the first place to mechanical aid, such as the inspiration of air, &c. taking care at the same time that this operation is performed by a person in the highest possible health. During the operation, the person who performs it may facilitate and forward its success by moistening the mouth of the patient from time to time with vinegar, and when he begins to revive, some drops of vinegar, or of muriatic acid diluted with a quantity of water may be admi- nistered to him. If the patient complains of cold after being resuscitated, and if the vinegar no longer does good, or becomes repugnant, half a cup of black coffee will often be very beneficial; but if the patient feels heat, with great weakness, some drops of generous wine will be more suitable. In affections caused by carbonic gas, the first remedy to be employed is also vinegar. When the patient has revived, one dose of op may be administered, or else several doses, in cases of necessity. If op. produces no good effect, or if, notwith- standing the repetition of the doses, no favourable result follows, it will be adviseable that a dose of bell. should be taken and allowed to act for several days. The exhalations of MUSHROOMS or FUNGI, which grow in the wainscots of houses, produce effects similar to those caused by carbonic gas, but usually less violent. The best remedy against the bad effects of these exhalations is sulph-ac. (3rd), diluted with 8 oz. of water and one spoonful taken every 3 or 4 hours, only one spoonful every day, according to circum- stances. Persons who are exposed to the vapour of MURIATIC ACID ought to smoke tobacco, or to take from time to time a piece of sugar saturated with brandy, rum, or spirits of wine. With respect to the VAPOUR OF SULPHUR, or HYDROCYANIC ACID, of ALKALINE substances, or MINERAL ACIDS, the same means may be employed as those which have been recom- mended against the substances themselves (vinegar, ammonia, &c.), but care must be taken not to allow the vapour to be inspired, except at a great distance, in order to avoid aggravating the state of the patient. A tea-spoonful of a mixture of one 646 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. drop of these antidotes with from 8 to 12 oz. of water, may be also administered from time to time. GLANDERS of horses.-See MORVE. HEPAR SULPHURIS.-Water mixed with a little vinegar, or lemon-juice, oily or mucilaginous drinks, or clysters of the same kind may be often administered with great success. If, not- withstanding these means and the titillations exercised at the same time on the gullet, there is no vomiting, a weak solution of tartar emetic may be given. When the patient has vomited sufficiently, a little vinegar may be administered, or else a dose of bell. if vinegar is insuf- ficient. HONEY (POISONOUS). The principal remedy is camphor, administered by olfaction and friction, at the same time that the patient takes black coffee or tea, as hot as possible. INSECTS (VENOMOUS).—The same treatment as that recom- mended for poisoning by CANTHARIDES. (See that word). Against inflammations which are occasioned by the hairs of certain caterpillars getting under the skin, and which are sometimes rather serious, the best remedy is the application of bandages saturated with spirit of camphor. For the STINGS of insects, See Chap. II, MECHANICAL IN- JURIES. IODINE.—The best remedies in serious cases of poisoning are : 1. Starch, mixed with water;-2. Starch-paste ;-3. Wheat flour;-4. Mucilaginous drinks. Against the sequelae, and also against affections occasioned by the abuse of this substance, as a medicine, the most suitable remedies are: Bell. followed by phos. or again: Ars. chin. coff. hep. spong. sulph. LEAD.-1. Sulphate of magnesia (Epsom salts), one dessert- spoonful dissolved in half a pound of water and taken as a potion-2. Sulphate of soda (Glauber's salts); -3. Soap- water;-4. White of eggs;-5. Milk;-6. Mucilaginous drinks or clysters. Against the affections which remain after the use of these remedies, the most suitable medicines are frequently: Alum. bell. n-vom. op. plat. and these same medicines ought also to be selected against the chronic affections which arise from the ABUSE OF PLUMBUM, as a remedy. LYCOPODIUM.-If by chance, the use of this substance as a desiccative, has produced affections, and if olfaction of camphor fails to remove them, puls. will often be suitable; or else n-vom. if obstinate constipation follows: cham. if there are spasms or convulsions; acon. if there is fever with heat and agitation. MAGNESIA: CARBONATE, MURIATE, SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. The best medicines against the affections, caused by abuse of SECT. 2. TREATMENT. 647 this substance as a remedy, are: Arn. cham. coff. coloc. n-vom. puls. rhab. ARSENICUM is especially indicated, if there follow violent burning pains, which are aggravated at night, and force the patient to quit the bed. CHAMOMILLA, if there is violent colic, with or without diarrhæa. COFFEA, if sleeplessness follows, with nervous excitability. COLOCYNTHIS, if there is: Colic, with insupportable spas- modic pain and constipation, or slow and rare evacuations. NUX-VOMICA, if there is obstinate constipation, without other sufferings; or if in the colic with constipation, coloc. fails to produce regular evacuations. PULSATILLA, if there is spasmodic colic, with leucorrhæa, or watery diarrhea with colic, especially if rhab. is insufficient in this last case. RHABARBARUM (Rheum), if there is watery, sour diarrhæa, with colic and tenesmus. MERCURY AND MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS. The best reme- dies in serious cases of poisoning, especially from CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE are:-1. White of egg, diluted in water and taken as a potion;-2. L'eau sucré ;-3. Milk;-4. Starch mixed with water, or paste prepared from this substance. The white of egg and l'eau sucré are the principal remedies, and had better be administered alternately. The CONSECUTIVE AFFECTIONS require no other medicines than mercurial affections, such as often appear after an abuse of these preparations as remedies. In this last case, the principal antidote, and that which is most frequently suitable, is hep. administered in a dose of from 3 to 6 globules (6th atten.), dissolved in eight ounces of water, and a table-spoonful of this preparation is to be taken every day. This medicine is also particularly indicated when there are: Nocturnal cephalalgia, and falling off of the hair; painful nodosities in the head; inflamed and red eyes, with painful sen- sibility of the nose when pressing it up; scabs round the mouth; salivation and ulceration of the gums; swelling of the amygdala and glands of the neck; swelling and ulceration of the inguinal or axillary glands; loose evacuations with tenes- mus; tendency of the skin to inflammation and suppuration, &c. (See the pathogenesy of hep. First part.) After the action of hep. bell., or else nitr-ac. is most frequently suitable. If after the action of nitr-ac. there still remain some affec- tions, a dose of sulph. will often do great good for several weeks; after this medicine, calc. also is sometimes suitable. 648 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. When the patient has been subjected to an abuse of mercury and sulph. at the same time, the most suitable medicines will be: Bell. puls. or else merc. In some particular cases, and especially in CHRONIC affec- tions from the abuse of mercury, recourse may be also had : Against affections of the MOUTH and GUMS, SALIVATION, &c. to: Carb-v. dulc. hep. natr-ac. staph. sulph. or again: Chin. iod. natr-m. Against ANGINE: Bell. carb-v. hep. lach. staph. sulph, or again: Arg. lyc. nitr-ac. Against NERVOUus and physical weakness: Chin. hep. lach. or again: Carb-v. nitr-ac. Against Nervous EXCITABILITY: Carb-v. cham. hep. nitr-ac. puls. Against too great a TENDENCY TO SUFFER from a change of weather, to cold, &c.: Carb-v. or chin. Against RHEUMATIC pains, NEURALGIA: Carb-v. chin. dulc. guaj. hep. lach. phos-ac. sass. puls. sulph. or again: Arn. bell. calc. cham. lyc. Against affections of the OSSEOUS system, ExosTOSIS, CARIES, &c.: Aur. phos-ac. or again: Asa. calc. dulc. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. Against affections of the GLANDS, BUBOES, &c. Aur. carb-v. dulc. nitr-ac. sil. Against ULCERATIONS: Aur. bell. carb-v. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sass. sil. sulph. thuy. Against DROPSICAL affections: Chin. dulc. hell. sulph. See also, in their respective chapters, the particular affections arising from abuse of mercury, such as CEPHALALGIA, OPTHALMIA, ODONTALGIA, COLIC, DIARRHEA, &c. METALS.-For poisoning by METALIC substances, See the particular metals, such as copper, arsenic, tin, mercury, lead, &c. In chronic affections, from the ABUSE OF METALIC SUB- STANCES, as remedies, sulph. is one of the most important medi- cines, and ought to be taken into consideration even where there exist more specific antidotes, if certain morbid affections still continue after the application of these antidotes. MEZEREON.—Garou.-Daphne, if morbid affections arise from the abuse of this remedy, which is employed in the old school of medicine to keep up issues; an alcoholic solution of cam- phor may be first inhaled by olfaction; and then if the mouth or bones are affected by it, merc. is most suitable; and if the joints: Bry. or rhus.-See Glanders. MUSCLES AND POISONOUS FISH.-The first remedy to be em- ployed against poisoning by MUSCLES, is charcoal mixed with SECT. 2. TREATMENT. 649 syrop of sugar, or with sugar and water; afterwards, camphor may be inhaled by olfaction, and black coffee, may be taken. Against poisonous FISH, it will be adviseable to administer charcoal mixed with brandy; but when this remedy fails, and black coffee no longer relieves, much sugar should be eaten, or water mixed with a great quantity of sugar should be drunk. If this remedy proves equally inefficacious, vinegar, diluted with twice the quantity of water will be often found very beneficial. If after poisoning by MUSCLES or poisoned FISH, there is an eruption or redness of the skin, like scarlatina, with swelled face, sore throat, &c. bell. will often be very serviceable, or else, according to the circumstances, Cop. MUSHROOMS (POISONOUS).-Poisonous fungi.-Copious vo- miting should be provoked in the first place; but it will be better to employ for this purpose, water, as cold as possible, and at the same time, to tickle the patient's throat, and to adminis- ter charcoal, mixed with oil of olives.-If these means fail, a slight olfaction of ammonia is frequently beneficial. NARCOTIC substances.-See VEGETABLES. NITRATE OF SILVER.-NITRAS ARGENTI.-Kitchen salt dis- solved in water and taken in large quantities; afterwards, mu- cilaginous drinks. NITRATE OF POTASS.-Nitras potassa.-See AMMONIA. OPIUM.-The principal antidote is black coffee, or else vinegar ; afterwards, some doses of ipec. will do good.-If after the use of ipec. there still remain morbid affections, recourse may be had to: Merc. n-vom. or bell. and these medicines ought also to be preferred in chronic affections from the ABUSE OF OPIUM, as a remedy. PHOSPHORUS.—Oil and all greasy substances are very per- nicious.-The principal object is to produce vomiting as speedily as possible, and this may be done by placing a pinch of snuff or a little mustard on the tongue, if the titillation of the throat fails. Black coffee may be afterwards taken, and at the end of some hours, a dessert-spoonful of magnesia. If morbid affections still remain after the use of magnesia, n-vom. will frequently be the most suitable medicine; and some drops of generous wine upon sugar may be administered if the patient manifests a desire for it. PLUMBUM.—See LEAD. RHUBARB.—The following medicines will be found beneficial. CHAMOMILLA, if there is: Violent colic, with loose, greenish evacuations. COLOCYNTHIS, if the colic with diarrhea yields not to the use of cham. VOL. II. F F 650 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. MERCURIUS, if there are: Loose, greenish evacuations, of a sour smell, or evacuation of sanguinolent substances. NUX-VOM. if there is: Flatulence, with loose, slimy evacua- tions. PULSATILLA, against vomiting of sour substances, and diarr- hæa of stercoral matter, or else slimy evacuations. SAFFRON.-Black coffee till it causes vomiting; afterwards op. one dose every hour till amelioration takes place. SARSAPARILLA.—Bell. and merc. will be generally found most serviceable against morbid affections caused by an abuse of this substance. SECALE CORNUTUM.-Solan-nigr. is a specific against poi- soning by this substance. SPIGELIA. - Against the first alarming symptoms:-1. Camphor by olfaction;-2. Black coffee. Against its consecutive affections: Merc. STRAMONIUM.-Black coffee, or vinegar (or citric acid) in large quantities, and if the vomiting is slow in manifesting itself, an injection of tobacco-smoke. (See Sect. 1, VOMITING.) Against the consecutive sufferings: N-vom. SUBLIMATE (CORROSIVE).-See MERCURY. SULPHATE OF COPPER, IRON and ZINC.-Tepid water, sweet- ened with sugar, or white of egg dissolved in water, till vomiting is produced; afterwards mucilaginous drinks. SULPHUR.—The best medicine against morbid effects caused by VAPOUR OF SULPHUR, is puls. Merc. puls. sil. or contact with this. Against chronic affections, from ABUSE OF SULPHUR, as a remedy, the most eligible medicines are: again: Chin. n-vom. sep. SUMACH (POISONOUS).-If imprudent vegetable has produced erysipelatous inflammations, or any other kind of eruption, nothing can be more pernicious than the application of external remedies. The medicines that ought to be administered internally are: Bry. or bell. TIN.-Against serious cases :-1. White of egg ;-2. Sugar ;- 3. Milk.-Against obstinate affections: Puls. may be often administered with success. TOADS (Venom of).-See ANIMAL substances. VALERIAN.-The most efficacious medicines against chronic affections, caused by an abuse of this plant as a remedy, are: Cham. coff. n-vom. or sulph. VEGETABLES.-In all cases of poisoning by vegetables, the olfaction of camphor is one of the principal remedies, and also the use of black coffee. NARCOTIC plants require particularly, black coffee and vinegar diluted with water. SECT. 2. TREATMENT. 651 CORROSIVE plants, or those which produce violent pains: Soap-water or milk. VERDIGRIS.-See COPPER. WOUNDS (POISONED).—ENVENOMED WOUNDS.-According to Dr. Hering, the best remedy against the BITES of venomous serpents, mad dogs, &c. is the application of dry heat at a dis- TANCE. Whatever is at hand at the moment, a red-hot iron or live coal, or even a lighted cigar, must be placed as near the wound as possible, without, however, burning the skin, or causing too sharp pain, but care must be taken to have another instrument ready in the fire, so as never to allow the heat to lose its intensity. It is essential, also, that the heat should not exercise its influence over too large a surface, but only on the wound and the parts adjacent. If oil or grease can be readily procured, it may be applied round the wound, and this operation should be repeated as often as the skin becomes dry; soap, or even saliva may be employed, where oil or grease can- not be obtained. Whatever is discharged in any way from the wound, ought to be carefully removed. The application of burning heat should be continued in this manner till the patient begins to shiver and to stretch himself; if this takes place at the end of a few minutes, it will be better to keep up the action of the heat upon the wound for an hour, or until the affections produced by the venom are observed to diminish. Internal medicines must be judiciously administered at the same time. In the case of a BITE FROM A SERPENT, it will be adviseable to take from time to time a gulp of salt and water, or a pinch of kitchen salt, or of gunpowder, or else some pieces of garlic. If, notwithstanding this, bad effects manifest themselves, a spoonful of wine or brandy, administered every two or three minutes, will be the most suitable remedy; and this should be continued till the sufferings are relieved, and repeated as often as they are renewed. If the shooting pains are aggravated, and proceed from the wound towards the heart, and if the wound becomes bluish, marbled and swollen, with vomiting, vertigo and fainting, the best medicine is ars. It should be administered in a dose of 3 globules (30th) in a spoonful of coffee; and if after this has been taken, the sufferings are still aggravated, the dose should be repeated at the end of half an hour; but if, on the contrary, the state remains the same, it should not be repeated till the end of two or three hours; if there is an amelioration, a new aggravation must be waited for, and the dose ought not to be repeated before its appearance. In cases in which ars. exercises no influence, though repeated 652 CHAP. XXVI. POISONS. $ several times, recourse must be had to: Bell. Sen. also fre- quently proves efficacious. Against chronic affections arising from the bite of a serpent, phos-ac. and merc. will generally be most beneficial. For the treatment of persons bitten by a mad dog, after the application of dry heat, as directed and described above, See Chap. V, HYDROPHOBIA. If morbid affections or ulcerations exhibit themselves in con- sequence of a bite from a RABID man or animal, hydrophobine, administered in homoeopathic doses, will often render essential service. For wounds that are envenomed by the introduction of animal substances in a state of putrefaction, or of pus from the ulcer of a diseased man or animal, ars. is generally the best medicine. Lastly, as a PREVENTIVE against bad effects, when obliged to touch morbid animal substances, envenomed wounds or ulcers of men and animals, under the influence of contagious diseases, the best method that can be pursued is the application of dry, burn- ing heat, at a distance, as before described. To effect this pur- pose, it will be sufficient to expose the hands for five or ten minutes to the greatest heat that can be borne; and after this, it will be proper to wash them with soap. The use of Chlorine and muriatic acid, in similar cases, is well known. THE END. UNIV. OF MICHIGAN, DEC 19 1912 LONDON PRINTED BY SCHULZE AND CO., 13, POLAND STREET. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06586 5456 Filmed by Preservation 1990 A 57648 6 !