LD 2101 .H8lg 1883 ISTORANT In) Sefar a Keef A 58519 7 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE ALUMNI OF HANOVER COLLEGE 1833-1883. The Courier Co., Madison, Ind., Printers and Binders. ↑ 2 * ARTES 1837 VERITAS LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN & L PLURIBUS UNUMI THEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENING CIRCUMSTICE RODE VADNI KUNG GA --BEST-IL-|||-||-|HI………. SCIENTIA OF THE M-AMCNAM ETUVOJE.. АНІЧНІ miyyahsumstritla TARIKIWA SEVER POTSITY JATIA : '', ***** A* 1. пунов прет GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE ALUMNI OF 1833-1883. HANOVER COLLEGE. EDITED BY A. H. YOUNG AND JOHN F. BAIRD. SCIENTIA PIETATI ANCILLANS. 24 PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. HANOVER, INDIANA. 1883. LD 2101 •H8F 1883 1 } TO THE ALUMNI OF HANOVER COLLEGE. An attempt has been made in this catalogue to present, in the his- tory of each graduate, a brief record of facts, which might be of inter- est to the Alumni. The material contained herein has been obtained after much delay, and mainly by direct correspondence. Owing to the brief time given for its preparation, and the difficulty of obtaining a full record, especially of deceased Alumni, the information secured in many cases is incomplete. It is hoped, however, that, notwith- standing the omissions and errors unavoidable in a first issue, this catalogue will prove acceptable to the Alumni, and of practical value in promoting the interests of the college, and strengthening the bond of union among her graduates. Each graduate is now earnestly requested to identify himself active- ly with the Alumni Association, and aid in making the general cata- logue complete. Any omissions or inaccuracies, however slight, we will be glad to have reported by any one, whether graduate, or not. We desire to keep on record the changes of address, as made, of all the Alumni, as well as all memorabilia bearing upon their history. Our thanks are due to those friends who have kindly assisted us in the preparation of this catalogue; of these we would especially mention Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D. D, LL. D., Cincinnati, Ohio; Hon. Wm. McKee Dunn, LL. D., Washington City, D. C; Rev. Geo. J. Reed, D.D., Columbia, Ky.; Rev. Geo. C. Heckman, D.D., Cincinnati, Ohio, from whose semi-centennial address the Historical sketch of the college is compiled; and Rev. Willis G. Craig, D. D., Chicago, Ill., for facts rela- ting to the history of the Theological Department. We would also acknowledge our indebtedness to the catalogues of Princeton and Lane Theological Seminaries. Hanover College, June 14th, 1883. A. HARVEY YOUNG. JOHN F. BAIRD. Hr ☺ FACULTY OF HANOVER COLLEGE. D. W. FISHER, D. D., PRESIDENT, HOLLIDAY PROFESSOR OF LOGIC AND MENTAL PHILOSOPHY, AND CROWE MEMORIAL PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL INSTRUCTION. REV. JOSHUA B. GARRITT, A. M., PH. D., KING PROFESSOR OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, AND INSTRUCTOR IN FRENCH. FRANK LYFORD MORSE, A. M., SILAS C. DAY PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. A. HARVEY YOUNG, A. M.. AYERS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL SCIENCES. JOHN F. BAIRD, A. M., PROFESSOR OF LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, INSTRUCTOR IN GERMAN, AND SECRETARY OF THE FACULTY. HUGH H. YOUNG, A. M., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. MISS CALLA JAMES HARRISON, TUTOR IN MATHEMATICS. MISS MADGE E. GARRITT, LIBRARIAN. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Hanover College was the outgrowth of a desire on the part of the Presbyterian Church in Indiana to provide herself with an educated ministry. The church in the East could not supply the ministry need- ed for the widely scattered but constantly growing population of the West. Animated with this desire the Presbytery of Salem, embracing Indiana and Illinois, and connected with the Synod of Kentucky, in 1826, requested the pastor of the church at Hanover, Rev. John Finley Crowe, D. D., to open and conduct an Academy until further provis- ion could be made. This school was opened, January 1st, 1827, with six pupils, in a log cabin, near where the Presbyterian church of Hanover now stands. This was the humble beginning of Hanover College, and of the North- Western Theological Seminary, at Chicago, Illinois. In May, 1826, the Synod of Indiana was constituted, consisting of the Presbyteries of Salem, Madison, Wabash, and Missouri. The school at Hanover was committed temporarily to the Presbytery of Madison. This Presbytery applied to the Legislature of the State for a charter, and that body on the 30th of December, 1828, passed an act incorporating HANOVER ACADEMY. The Academy was taken under the care of the Synod of Indiana in 1829. The following resolution was adopted by that body: "Resolved, That this Synod adopt Hanover Academy as a synodical school, provided the Trustees of the same will permit the Synod to establish a Theological Department, and appoint Theological Professors.” The condition was readily granted, and the Synod at once unani- mously elected the Rev. John Matthews, D. D., of Shepherdstown, Virginia, to the chair of Theology. Dr. Matthews accepted, and with characteristic zeal gave his whole time and talents to the interests of the institution. The Theological Department was continued at Han- over for ten years, when it was removed to New Albany, Indiana, in 1840. The Academy which was chartered in 1828, had been steadily grow- ing; regular college classes had been formed; and in 1833, by act of Legislature, the institution was incorporated as HANOVER College. By active agencies in the East and West funds had been collected and the necessary buildings had been erected for the Preparatory, Col- GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 5 legiate and Theological Departments. The Rev. James Blythe, D. D., of Lexington, Kentucky, of the Presbytery of West Lexington, and ex-. tensively known throughout the Church, was in 1832, secured as the first President of the College. The first catalogue issued after the change in the charter presents for all departments a Faculty of seven Profes- sors and four assistants, and one hundred and eighty-three students: Theological 7; Collegiate 63; Preparatory 113. The Board of Trustees consisted of eighteen members, among whom were these pioneers of Church and State: Rev. John M. Dickey, President; Rev. James H. Johnston, Secretary; Hon. Williamson Dunn, Treasurer; Victor King; William Reed; Hon. Jeremiah Sullivan; and the Rev. Samuel G. Low- ry. The only survivor of the Faculty of 1834, is Hon. Wm. McKee Dunn, LL. D., Washington, D. C. The location of the College in that day was within the corporate limits of the village of Hanover. All that remains of the old build- ings is so much of the principal edifice as is embraced in the present. Presbyterian Church, and one of the shops now occupied as a private residence. None of the real estate or property now forms any part of the present property of the College. The farm lay north of the Spear property and west of Prof. Garritt's place. The Presbyterian Church includes the chapel, two recitation rooms and part of the second story. So remarkable was the success of this pioneer institution of our Church in the West, that the catalogue of 1834-5, shows an attendance of 236 students: Theological 10; Collegiate 77; Irregular and Prepara- tory 149. These students were gathered from a wide territory, em- bracing every State from Pennsylvania to Texas and Missouri. This is explained by its location on the Ohio River. But this prosperity was followed by a period of darkness and trial. The Manual Labor Sys- tem, for aiding poor students, attempted by many institutions of that day, was tried at Hanover. It failed and involved the institution in debt for every day of its continuance. It had to be abandoned, the expense of education was largely increased, and a necessary conse- quence was the withdrawal of a large number of students. While em- barrassed by debt and this partial withdrawal of support, a fearful tornado swept over the place in 1837, and left the principal college edifice in ruins. From these misfortunes, the College rallied, repaired its buildings, and canceled its debts, but without endowment, was left in a feeble condition. President Blythe's connection with the College closed in 1836. For two years Dr. Matthews, of the Theological Department acted as Pres- ident, and in 1838, the Rev. E. D. McMaster, D. D., LL. D., was elected to 2 6 GENERAL CATALOGUE CF HANOVER COLLEGE. that post, where he remained five years, terminating his presidency by a memorable epoch in the history of the College. The Board of Trustees was a small body, a close corporation, but indirectly influenced by the Synod, and liable to the control of a powerful mind and local influences. Under the leadership of this eminent and able man, a part of the Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to surrender their charter to the Leg- islature in return for the charter of a University at Madison. Thus the College was divided right down through Board, Faculty and Stu- dents, part going with President McMaster to Madison, and part re- maining with Vice-President Crowe at Hanover. The Synod retained all its early convictions of the importance of Christian education by the Church, and it was a day of great men. A struggle followed in which "Greek met Greek." In the Synod of 1844, Madison University was offered to it as a Synodical College. The offer was declined, and the Synod ordered the continuance of its College at Hanover. A new charter was obtained, said to be the most favorable in the state, con- ferring the powers of a University, and placing the Institution fully un- der the control of the Synod of Indiana. This it does by giving to that body the right to elect one half of the trustees and through them a voice in the election of the other half. The rights and franchises of the original Synod have descended to the present Synod of Indiana. On account of the changes in the Synods since the reunion of the two former branches of the Presbyterian Church some alterations have been made in the mode of chosing the members of the Board, but only such as are consistent with the Charter. For instance, the Alumni Associ- ation now annually nominates a member. But the college still re- mains, as it ever has been, firmly bound to the Presbyterian Church. Through the trials and sufferings which have almost every where marked the history of higher education in America, Hanover College has at a comparatively small cost done an immense work for Christian Education in Indiana and the Republic. Upwards of four thousand students have been educated in whole or in part within its walls, many of whom have attained high distinction and usefulness in the ministry, law, medicine and science. It has graduated 544 students in the De- partments of Science and Arts and Theology, and a much larger num- ber have completed the Preparatory course, and gone out from the low- er classes. These students are scattered throughout the Republic and in many foreign lands. Space permits the mention of but few of the Christian men and women who are identified forever with this early scheme of education by the Church in our State. In this later day it is an honor to be : GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 7 numbered among their successors. To no man, perhaps, do the citizens and Presbyterians of Indiana owe a larger debt of gratitude than to that eminent man of God, Dr. John Finley Crowe, who for thirty years with heroic benevolence, self-denial and fortitude, identified his time, talents and interests with the cause of education in our Church. Judge Williamson Dunn is another name illustrious in our early history, among the founders of Hanover and Wabash Colleges, giving first to Hanover and afterwards to Wabash the grounds upon which they were severally built. Another pioneer, Mrs. Mary T. Lapsley, of New Al- bany, has been the most munificent benefactor to this early effort, giving over $30,000—standing steadfastly by the College in its dark- est days, and securing an imperishable name among the Christian ed- ucators of the West. Another earnest, modest, learned pioneer, the Rev. Wm. A. Holliday, of Indianapolis, left one-third of his estate now constituting twenty thousand dollars of the permanent endowment of the College. Still another pioneer, John King, Esq., of Madison, after a life of prayerful devotion and generous gifts to Hanover College, left by will $13,000 more. Others of smaller means, whose names will not be forgotten by God or man in the early annals of Presbyterianism in Indiana, have added from time to time to the resources of the College. + The most recent considerable addition to the means of the College has been for the purpose of erecting a suitable building as a home for students. The College is now out of debt and is living within its means. But it greatly needs additional funds, both to afford a proper support to the men engaged in its work, and also to enlarge its equipment to the scale which the times and the opportunity demand. * THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. (This Department was established in 1830; removed to New Albany, Ind., in 1840, and to Chicago, Ill., in 1859. The names alone of those connected with this Department are given here; the proper source to secure the facts in regard to them is the catalogue of the North Western Theological Seminary, Chicago, Ill. The deceased are denoted by the asterisk.) FACULTY. *REV. JOHN MATTHEWS, D. D., President and Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1831-1848. *REV. JOHN W. CUNNINGHAM, D. D., Professor of Biblical Criticism and Oriental Literature, 1832-1835. *REV. GEORGE B. BISHOP, A. M., Professor of Biblical Criticism and Oriental Literature, 1835-1837. *REV. OSWALD HUNTER, A. M., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, Biblical Criticism and Oriental Literature, 1835-1838. *REV. LEWIS WARNER GREEN, D. D., Professor of Biblical Literature, 1838-1839. *REV. JAMES WOOD, D. D., Professor of Biblical Literature and Church History, 1839-1851. : : } 3 GRADUATES. CLASS OF 1832. *JOSEPH J. GRAY. *JAMES HUMMER. *DANIEL LATTIMORE, A. M. *DAVID V. SMOCK. CLASS OF 1834. *WILLIAM HAMILTON BRUNER, A. M. GEORGE W. COONS, Falmouth, Ky. JOHN MCAULEY, Sligo, Pa. *JOHN MASON MCCHORD, A. M. JOHN LYLE MARTYN, A. M., Oxford, Iowa. JOSEPH G. MONFORT, D. D., Cincinnati, Ohio. *CHARLES KILGORE THOMPSON, A. M. CLASS OF 1835. R. C. F. BREES. *ROBERT C. MCCOMB. SAMUEL C. MCCUNE, Fairfield, Iowa. *W. J. PATTERSON. *DAVID B. REED. *ROBERT SIMPSON, A. M. THOMAS WHALLON, A. M., Oak Park, Ill. JOSIAH G. WILSON, Terre Haute, Ind. I 3 * 10 : GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. CLASS OF 1836. JOSIAH CRAWFORD, A. M., Solon, Ind. THOMAS WOODRUFF HYNES, A. M., Old Ripley, Ill. *WILLIAM W. MCLAIN. *SAMUEL NEWELL, D. D. *DAVID E. Y. RICE. CLASS OF 1837. THOMAS H. ALDERDICE, Waveland, Ind. FRANKLIN BERRYHILL, Bellbrook, Ohio. *JAMES BLACK. JOHN MCCARTNEY HOGE, Shedds, Oregon. EPHRAIM K. LYNN, A. M., Carlyle, Kas. *R. G. McCUTCHEN. *JAMES Y. MCGINNES. JAMES A. MCKEE, A. M., Bainbridge, Ga. *ASAHEL MUNSON, A. M. *AMOS H. ROGERS. *JOSIAH D. SMITH, D. D. CLASS OF 1838. *GEORGE B. ARMSTRONG. R. B. BARRETT, Mo. > *ABRAM T. HENDRICKS, A. M. Total Deceased CLASS OF 1839. *SAMUEL N. EVANS, A. M. *MOSES RUSSELL. 薯 ​40 24 1 : ! 1 1832-1860. 1 f COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. PRESIDENTS. 1832-1836. *REV. JAMES BLYTHE, D. D. 1838-1838. *REV. DUNCAN MCCAULEY, D. D. 1838-1843. *REV. ERASMUS DARWIN MCMASTER, D.D., LL.D. 1846-1849. *REV. SYLVESTER SCOVEL, D. D. 1849-1854. *REV. THOMAS E. THOMAS, D. D. 1855-1857. REV. JONATHAN EDWARDS, D. D., LL. D. 1859-1866. *REV. JAMES WOOD, D. D. 1868-1870. REV. GEORGE D. ARCHIBALD, D. D. 1870-1879. REV. GEORGE C. HECKMAN, D. D. REV. DANIEL W. FISHER, D. D. 1879- 1843-1844. PROFESSORS. 1832-1836. *REV. MARK A. H. NILES, A. M., Prof. of Lang. 1832-1838. *JOHN H. HARNEY, A., M., Prof. of Math., and Nat. Sci. WM. MCKEE DUNN, LL. D., Prof. of Math. 1835-1837. 7 *REV. JOHN FINLEY CROWE, D. D., Vice President, Prof. of Rhet., Log., Pol. Econ., and Hist.; and Emeritus Professor. 1836-1839. *NOBLE BUTLER, LL. D., Prof. of Lang. 1838-1843. REV. THOMAS W. HYNES, A. M., Prof. of Mathematics. and Natural Science. 1839-1840. *SAMUEL GALLOWAY, LL. D., Prof. of Lang. 1840-1852. *MINARD STURGUS, A. M., Prof. of Lang. 1843-1843. *REV. WM. C. ANDERSON, D. D., Prof. of Rhet., Log., Pol. Econ., and Hist. *FREDERICK ECKSTEIN, A. M., Prof. of French and German. „ : 3 . 12 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1844-1877. REV. S. HARRISON THOMSON, Ph.D., LL.D., Prof. of Natural Science, Math. and Mech. Phil.; and Emeritus Prof. of Astronomy. 1844-1852. ABSALOM C. Knox, A. M., Adj. Prof. of Lang. 1850-1856. 1852-1857. 1852-1854. *REV. JARED M. STONE, D. D., Prof. of Natural Science. REV. WILLIAM BISHOP, D. D., Prof. of Greek. REV. WILLIAM HAMILTON, D. D., Prof. of Latin. 1854-1855. HENRY R. LOTT, M. D., Prof. of Latin. 1856.- 1857-1859. REV. JOSHUA B. GARRITT, Ph. D., Prof. of Greek. AUGUSTUS W. KING, A. M., Prof. of Natural Science. *MINARD STURGUS, A. M., Prof. of Latin. 1858-1862. 1860-1868. REV. J. W. Scott, D. D., Prof. of Natural Science. 1864-1866. *REV. WM. A. HOLLIDAY, A. M., Prof. of Latin and Mod- ern Languages. 1868-1879. REV. E. J. HAMILTON, D.D., Prof. of Log. and Ment. Phil. 1869-1870. *FRANK H. BRADLEY, A. M., Prof. of Natural Science. 1870-1872. E. THOMSON NELSON, Ph. D., Prof. of Natural Science. REV. JOHN HUSSEY, Ph. D., Prof. of Natural Science. REV. H. H. YOUNG, A. M., Adj. Prof. of Languages. REV. MANUEL J. DRENNAN, A. M., Prof. of Nat. Science. REV. W. NEVIN GEDDES, A. M., Prof. of Latin and Math. JOHN M. COULTER, A. M., Prof. of Natural Science. 1872-1873. 1870.- 1873-1874. 1872-1876. 1874-1879. 1876.- FRANK LYFORD MORSE, A. M., Prof. of Math. and Mech. Philosophy. 1879.- 1880.- A. HARVEY YOUNG, A. M., Prof. of Natural Science. JOHN FARIS BAIRD, A. M., Prof. of Latin. PRINCIPALS OF PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. WM. MCKEE DUNN, LL. D. *CHARLES K. THOMPSON, A. M. *MINARD STURGUS, A. M. ZEBULON B. STURGUS, A. M. ABSALOM C. KNOX, A. M. JOHN Q. MCKEEHAN, A. M. 1833-1835. 1835-1838. 1840-1841. 1841-1843. 1844–1852. 1856-1857. 1871-1872. *J. H. THOMSON, A. M. 1872-1873. 1873-1874. 1874-1876. A. HARVEY YOUNG, A. M. NATHAN B. Coy, A. B. FRANK LYFORD MORSE, A. M. F V PRESIDENTS. *JAMES BLYTHE, D. D.-b. Rowan JONATHAN EDWARDS, D. D., LL. D.-- Vide Cat., Class 35. Co., N. C., Oct. 28, 1765; A. B., Hampden Sid- ney, Coll., Va., 1789; licensed Pres. Orange, N. ., 1791; ordained Pres. Transylvania, 1793; *JAMES WOOD, D. D.--b. Green- pastor Pisgah Church, 1793-1832; founder of Kentucky Academy, Pisgah, Ky., 1794, which with Lexington Acad. became Transylvania University, Ky., 1794; prof. Math. Trans. Univ. Ky., 1794-1804; pres. Trans. Univ., Ky., 1804-17; prof. Chem. Med. Dept. Trans. Univ., 1822-30; pres. Han. Coll., 1832-35; pres. Soc. Al. Han. Coll., 1835; s. s. Lexington, Ind., 1836- 42; died, Hanover, Ind.. May 20, 1842. D. D. Prin. Coll., N. J., 1805. Mod. Gen. Assemb. Pres. Ch. 1816. **DUNCAN MCCAULEY, D. D.--Presi- dent Hanover College Jan. 25, 1838, to Aug., 1838. field, N. Y., July 12, 1799; A. B., Union Col- lege, N. Y., 1822; Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., 1823-25; licensed Pres. Albany, N. Y., Aug., 1825; s. s., Wilkesbarre and Kingston, Pa., 1825-26; ordained, Pres. Albany, Sept. 5, 1826; pastor, Amsterdam and Veddersburg, N. Y., 1826-34; agent Bd. of Ed., 1834-39; prof. New Albany Theol. Sem., New Albany, Ind,, 1839- 51; agent Bd. of Ed., 1851-54; Assoc. Sec. Bd. of Ed., 1851-1859; pres. Han. Coll., 1859-66; pres. Van Rensselaer Inst., Hightstown, N. J., 1866-67; died, Hightstown, N. J., April 7, 1867. D. D., Marion Coll., Mo., 1841; Mod. Gen. Assemb. Pres. Ch., 1864. *ERASMUS DARWIN MCMASTER, D.D., GEORGE D. ARCHIBALD, D. D.-b. LL. D.-b. Mercer Village, Mercer Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1806; A. B. Union College, N. Y., 1827; A. M. Union Coll., 1830; licensed by the North- ern Presbytery Ref. Pres. Church, June 16, 1829; ordained by Pres. of Albany, N. Y., 1831; pastor, Ballston, N. Y., 1831-38; pres. Han. Coll., 1838-43; pres. Soc. Al. Han. Coll., 1839; pres. Madison Univ., Ind., 184-44; pres. Miami Univ., Oxford, O., 1845-49; prof. Sys- tematic Theology, Theol. Sem, New Al- bany, Ind., 1849-57; prof. Sys. Theol., North- Western Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., June 2, 1866, to Dec. 10, 1866; died, Chicago, Ill., Dec. 10, 1866. D. D., LL. D. Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1820; A. B., Jef- ferson College, Pa., 1847; Associate Ref. Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1847-49; licensed, Pres. Monongahela (Associate Reformed), March 28, 1849; ordained Pres. Monongahela, June 25, 1850; pastor, Manchester, Allegheny City, Pa., 1850-55; pastor, Assoc. Ref. Pres. Church, Cincinnati, O., 1855-60; pastor, First Pres. Church, Madison, Ind., 1861-66; pastor, Westminster Church, New York City, 1866-68; pres. Han. Coll., 1868-70; prof. Homiletics, Polity and Pastoral Theology, Danville Theol. Sem., Danville, Ky., 1870-82; pres. Wilson Female Sem., Chambersburg, Pa., one year while Danville Sem. was suspended, 1873-74; prof. Mental and Moral Sciences, Wooster Univ. Wooster, O., 1882. D. D., Han. Coll., 1865. *SYLVESTER SCOVEL, D. D.-b. Peru, Mass., March 3, 1796; A. B., Williams College, Mass., 1822; Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., 1822-24; Miss. on Delaware River, 1824-25; ordained Pres. Albany, Aug. 19, 1825; pastor, Wood- ´bury, N. J., 1825-28; s. s., Norristown, Pa., GEORGE C. HECKMAN, D. D.--b. 1828-29; pastor, Lawrenceburg, Ind., 1829-32; s. S., Elizabeth, Berea. Providence and Harri- son Churches, O., 1832-33; pastor, Harrison and Providence Churches, 1833-36; agt. Bd. Dom. Miss., 1836-46: pres. Han. Coll., 1846-49; died, Hanover, Ind., July 4, 1849; D. D., Han. Coll., 1846. Easton, Pa., Jan. 26, 1825; A. B., Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., 1845; graduated Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., 1848; ordained, Pres. Steubenville, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1849; pastor, Port Byron, N. Y., 1848-56; pastor, Portage, Wis., 1857-60; pastor, Jonesville, Wis., 1860-61; pas- tor, 3d Pres. Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 1861- 67; pastor, State St. Pres. Ch., Albany, N. Y., 1867-70; pres. Han. Coll., 1870-79; pastor, Av- ondale Pres. Ch., Cincinnati, O,, 1879. D. D., Han. Coll., 1868. *THOMAS EBENEZER THOMAS, D. D.-- b. Chelmsford, England, Dec., 23, 1812; A. B., Miami Univ., 0., 1834; teacher, Rising Sun, Ind., 1834-35; teacher, Franklin, O., 1835-36; licensed Pres. Oxford, O., Oct., 1836; ordained Pres. Cincinnati, July, 1837; pastor, Harrison, DANIEL WEBSTER FISHER, D. D.--b. O., 1837-38; pastor, Hamilton, O., 1838-49; pres. Han. Coll., 1849-54; prof. Bib. Lit. and Exeg., Theol. Sem., New Albany, Ind., 1854- 1857; s. s., 1st Pres. Ch. New Albany, Ind., 1856-58; pastor, 1st Ch. Dayton, O., 1858-71; prof. N. Test., Gr. and Exeg., Lane Theol. Sem., Cincinnati, O., 1871-75; died, Cincinna- ti, O., Feb. 3, 1875; D. D., Wabash Coll., Ind., 1850. Arch Spring, Huntingdon Co., Pa., Jan. 17, 1839; A. B., Jefferson College, Pa., 1857; West- ern Theol. Sem., Allegheny, Pa.,1860; licensed, Pres. Huntingdon, April, 1859; ordained, Pres. Huntingdon, 1860; s. s., Thalia St. Pres. Ch., New Orleans, La., 1860-61; pastor 1st Pres. Ch., Wheeling, W. Va., 1861-76; pastor, 2nd Pres. Ch., Madison, Ind., 1877-79; pres. Han. Coll., 1879-. D. D.,Muskingum College, O., 1874. 14 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. PROFESSORS. *JOHN FINLEY CROWE, D. D.--b., *SAMUEL GALLOWAY, LL. D.—b. į Greene Co., Tenn., June 16, 1787; A. B., Tran- sylvania Univ., Ky.; Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., one year; ordained, pres. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 5, 1817; s. s. and teacher, Shelbyville, Ky., 1815-23; pastor, Hanover, Ind., 1823-34; s. s.. Hanover, Ind., 1838-47; principal Hanover Academy, 1827-32; founder of Han. Coll. and Indiana Theol. Sem; vice pres., and Prof. Rhet., Log., Pol. Econ., and Hist., Han. Coll., 1832-60; died, Hanover, Ind., Jan. 17, 1860. A. M., Han. Coll., 1833; D. D., Miami Univ., O., 1836. Gettysburg, Adams Co., Pa., March 22, 1812; A. B., Miami Univ., 1833; A. M., Miami, Univ., 1839; student, Theol. Prin., N. J., 1835- 36; teacher, Hamilton, O., 1836-37; tutor, Mi- ami Univ., 1837-38; prof. An. Lang. Han. Coll., 1839-40; lawyer, Hillsborough, O., 1843-44; Sec. of State, O., 1844-; Commissioner of Schools, O., 18—; member of 35th Congress, 1856-58; resident, Columbus, O.; died, Columbus, O., April 7, 1872. LL. D., Indiana Asbury Univ. 1860. *MINARD STURGUS, A. M.-Vide *MARK A. HASKELL NILES, A. M.——b. Mass., Aug. 18, 1806; A. B., Amherst College, WILLIAM C. ANDERSON, D. D.—b. Cat., Class '36. Mass., 1830; A. M., Hanover College, 1833; Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., one year; ordained, Pres. Madison, 1836; Prof. An. Lang. Han. Coll., 1832-37; orator first Anniversary Soc. Al., 1836; pastor, Cong. Ch., Marblehead, Mass., 1837; died, 1847. *JOHN HOPKINS HARNEY, A. M.--b. Bourbon, Co., Ky., Feb. 20, 1806; A. B., Miami Univ., O., 1827; A. M., Miami Univ.,1831; prof. Math. and Nat. Sciences, State Univ., Bloom- ington, Ind., 1827-32; prof. Math. and Astron., Han. Coll., 1832-36; Prof. Nat. Phil., Chem. and Geol., Han. Coll., 1836-38; orator 2d An- niversary Soc. Al., 1837; prof. Math. and Civil Engineering, Coll. Inst., Louisville, Ky., 1837- 44; editor, Louisville Democrat, 1844-68; died, Louisville, Ky., Jan. 26, 1868. Western Pa., -; A. B., Washington Coll., Pa., 1824; A. M., Washington Coll., 1827; grad- uated Allegheny Theol. Sem., 1827; licensed, Pres. Washington, Pa., Dec. 13, 1827; Home Miss., Washington Pres., 1828-29; ordained as an Evangelist Oct. 3, 1830; pastor Pigeon Creek Church, Pres. Ohio, 1831-36; agt. For. Miss. Society in the West, 1838-; minister Pres. Church, Madison, Ind.; prof. Rhet., Log., Pol. Econ., and Hist.. Han. Coll., 1843-43; pres. Miami. Univ., O., -; pastor, San Francisco, Cal., 18-; pastor, 1st Pres. Church, New Albany, Ind., -; died, Junction City, Kan., Aug. 28, 1870; D. D., Mimia Univ., O. *FREDERICK JOHN ECKSTEIN, A. M.- b. Berlin, Prussia, 1774; educated in Berlin; prin. Female Sem., Harmony, Pa., 1818-24; prin. Female Sem., Cincinnati, O.; 1824-28; artist, and teacher of art, Cin., O.; prof. French and German, Han. Coll., 1843-44; res- ident Madison, Ind., and Cin., O.; died, Cin- cinnati, O., Feb. 5, 1852. WILLIAM MCKEE DUNN, LL. D.--b. Hanover, Ind., Dec. 12, 1814; A. B., B., State Univ., Bloomington, Ind., 1832; A. M., Yale, Bloomington and Hanover Colleges, 1835; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1833-35; s. p. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Yale Coll. 1835; post-grad- *SAMUEL HARRISON THOMSON, Ph.D., LL. D.-Vide Cat., Class 87. uate studies in Science, Yale College, 1835- 36; prof. Math. Han. Coll., 1835-37; member State Legislature, 1837-38; admitted to the Bar, Lexington, Ind., 1839; lawyer New Al- bany, Ind., 1839-42; mem. Const. Convention ABSALOM C. KNOX, A. M.-Vide Cat., Class '40. of 1850; mem. of 36th Congress, 1858 and *JARED M. STONE, D. D.-b. New 1860; Judge Adv. Gen. Dept. of the Mo., 1863: Asst. Judge Adv. Gen. U. S. Army, 1864; Judge Adv. Gen. U. S. Army, 1876 retired, 1881; resident Washington City, D. C. LL. D. Han. Coll., 1877. *NOBLE BUTLER, LL. D.--Vide Cat.. Class '36. THOMAS WOODRUFF HYNES, A. M.- Vide, Cat. Class '36. Milford, Conn., Oct. 4, 1808; A. B., Miami Univ., O., 1834; A. M., Miami Univ., 1837; li- censed, Pres. Oxford, O., April, 1836; ordain- ed, Pres. Oxford, Oct., 1837; s. s., Connersville, Ind., 1837-41; pastor, Springdale, O., 1842-50; prof. Lang. Anderson's Coll. Inst., New Al- bany, Ind., 1850-51; prof. Nat. Sci. Han. Coll., 1851-56; prof. and acting pres. Iowa State Univ., 1856-58; s. s., Pres. Church, Princeville, Ill., 1858-63; principal Acad., Princeville, Ill., 7 & ! 15 1858-63; pastor, Old Du Quoin, Ill., 1871-76; | EDWARD JOHN HAMILTON, D. D.— ´died, Oct. 10, 1876. D. D., Iowa State Univ. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Vide Cat., Class '53. WILLIAM BISHOP, D. D.-b. Whit-*FRANK HOWE BRADLEY, A. M.-b. burn, Scotland, Dec. 9, 1824; A. B., Illinois Coll., Ill., 1847; Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., 1817- 50; tutor, Ill. Coll, 1850-52; licensed, Pres. N. Y., 1850; ordained, Pres. Madison, Dec. 20, 1853; prof. Greek Han. Coll., 1852-57; s. S., Hanover, Ind., 1856-57; s. s., Lawrence, Kan., 1859-60; s. s., Salina, Kan., 1861-64; pastor, Highland, Kan, 1834-69; pres. Highland Univ., Kan., 1834-66; s. s., Independence, Kan., 1875-77; superintendent county schools, Sali- na, Kan., 1878-83; resident, Salina, Kan. A. M., Illinois Coll., 1850; D. D., Highland Univ., Kan., 1872. WILLIAM HAMILTON, D. D.-b. Gar- vagh, County Londonderry, Ireland, Feb. 18, 1807; graduated Royal Belfast Academical Institution, Belfast, Ireland; teacher private school, Belfast; master English Dept. Bel- fast Academical Institution; Miss. Free Church of Scotland in Canada, 18H-47; prof. Latin, Han. Coll., 1852-54; pastor, New Pros- pect Ref. Dutch Church, Ulster Co., N. Y.; resident, Toronto, Canada. D. D., Han. Coll., 1864. HENRY R. LOTT, M. D.-(History unknown.) JOSHUA BOLLES GARRITT, Ph. D.- Vide Cat., Class '53. AUGUSTUS W. KING, A. M.-(His- tory unknown.) JOHN W. SCOTT, D. D.-b. Beaver Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 180; A. B., Washington Coll., Pa., 1823; post-graduate studies in Sci., Yale Coll., 1823-24; prof. Washington Coll., 1824-28; A. M., Yale Coll., 1826; prof. Miami Univ., 1828-45; licensed, Pres. Oxford, April, 1830; ordained, Pres. Oxford, Sept., 1830; prof. Farmer's Coll., 185-19; pres, Oxford Female Inst., 1819-59; prof. Nat. Sci., Han. Coll., 1860-68; teacher, Springfield, Ill., 1868-70; res- ident, Indianapolis, Ind., 1870-74; prof. Mo- nongahela Coll., Pa., 1874-81; resident, Wash- ington, D. C. D. D., Augusta Coll., Ky., 180. *WILLIAM ADAIR HOLLIDAY, A.M.- New Haven, Conn., 1838; A. B., Yale Coll., 1863; post-graduate course, Sheffield Sci. School, New Haven, 1863-65; asst. prof. Yale Coll.; geol. collector for Yale Coll., in South America, 1866-67; asst. geol. Illinois Geograph- ical Survey, 1867-68; prof. Nat. Sci. Han. Coll., 1868-69; prof. Nat. Sci., Univ. Tenn., 1870- 72; chief Geologist Drake River Division U. S. Territorial Survey, 1872-73; asst. State Ge- ologist, Ga., 1875-76; superintendent Nacoo- chee Gold Mining Co., 1876-76; killed by cav- ing in of the mine, 1876; A. M., Yale Coll., 1866. EDWARD THOMSON NELSON, Ph. D.- b. Worthington, Franklin Co., O., Oct. 14, 1845; A. B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., 1866; post-graduate studies in Science, Yale Coll., 1866-69; A.M., Ohio Wesleyan Univ.,1869; asst. in Mineralogy, Yale Coll., 1867-69; prof. Nat. Sci., Han. Coll., 1869-71; Alumni prof. of Nat. Hist., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., 1871-. Ph. D., Yale Coll., 1569. JOHN HUSSEY, A. M.-b. Highland Co., O., Aug. 1831; A. B., Miami Univ., 1854; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1856-59; ordained, Pres. Hamilton, O., June 17, 1859; pastor, Lockland, O., 1859-60; prof. Nat. Sci., Han. Coll. 1871-72; prof. Nat. Sci., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind.; resident, Lafayette, Ind. HUGH H. YOUNG, A. M.-b. Lanark- shire Co., Scotland, May 1, 1808; entered Univ. Glasgow, 1823: A. B., Univ. Glasgow, Scot- land, 1831; licensed, Pres. Oxford, O., 1833; s. s. and teacher in the regions of Cincinnati, (., Louisville, Ky., and Hanover, Ind., 1833-1883; adj. prof. Han. Coll., 1870-83; sec. Bd. Trustees Han. Coll., 1879-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883. MANUEL J. DRENNAN, A. M.-b. Plymouth, O., Sept. 25, 1835; A. B., Oberlin Coll., O., 1857; A. M., Oberlin Coll., 1860; Union Theol. Sem., N. Y., 1858-59; Univ. of Halle, Germany, 1860-61; licensed, Hartford 4th Cong. Assoc., 1862; s. s., Windham, Conn., and Shel- bourne Falls, Mass., 1862-64; editor, N. Y. City, 1864-66; ordained, Pres. Madison, 1866; pastor 2d Pres. Church, Madison, Ind., 1866-71; prof. Nat. Sci. Han. Coll., 1872-74; teacher and edi- tor, N. Y. City, 1874-80; instructor, Harvard College, 1880-83; asst. prof. Rhet. and Belles Letters, Har. Coll., 1883; resident, Cambridge, Mass. b. Harrison Co., Ky., July 16, 1803; student, Indiana State Univ.; A. B., Miami Univ., O., 1829; Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., 1829-32; 11- censed, Pres. New Brunswick, N. J., 1831; ordained, Pres. Indianapolis, 1834; s. s., 1st Pres. Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 1832-34; Home Miss., Indianapolis, 1834-10; s. s. and teacher, Crawfordsville, Rising Sun, Indian- WILLIAMSON NEVIN GEDDES, A. M.– apolis, Ind., and Paris, Ky., 1810-64; prof. Lat- in, Han. Coll., 1864-66; endowed the Chair of Logic and Ment. Phil., Han. Coll.; died, In- dianapolis, Ind., Dec. 16, 1866. b. Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 1836; A. B., Jefferson Coll., Pa., 1854; teacher four years; Prin. Theol. Sem., N. J., 1858-61: licensed, Pres. Carlisle, Pa., June, 1861; or- 遵 ​16 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE, dained, Pres. Carlisle, May 5, 1861-71; s. S., JOHN FARIS BAIRD, A. M.-Vide Charleston, W. Va., 1869-70; pastor, Waynes- boro, Pa., 1871-72; prof. Latin and Math Cat., Class '78 Han. Coll., 1872-76; resident, Williamsport, Pa. JOHN MERLE COULTER, A. M.-Vide Cat., Class '70. *CHARLES KILGORE THOMPSON, A.M. -Vide Cat., Class 34. ZEBULON BARTON STURGUS, A. M.- Vide Cat., Class '42. FRANK LYFORD MORSE, A. M.-b. JOHN QUINCY MCKEEHAN, A. M.- Vide Cat., Class '55. Fayette, Kennebec, Co.. Me., Sept. 5, 1829; A. B.,Waterville Coll.,Me, 1857; prin. Male Sem., Glasgow, Ky., 1858-65; prin. High School, New *J. HARRISON THOMSON, A. M.— Vide Cat, Class '69. Albany, Ind., 1865-67; prin. Morse's Acade- my, New Albany, Ind., 1867-74; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1874-76; prof. Math. and NATHAN B. Coy, A. B.-b. Ithaca, Mech. Phil., Han. Coll., 1876— A M, Wa- terville, Coll., 1865. ANDREW HARVEY YOUNG, A. M.- Vide Cat, Class '71 ****. N. Y, 1847; A. B., Yale Coll, 1870; teacher New York City, 1870-71; prof Hasbrouck Inst, Jersey City, 1871-73; prin. Prep. Dept., Han Coll 1873-74; teacher, High School, Denver, Col., 1870-: resident, Denver, Col. ! ! } 1 . 24 } THE ALUMNI, (The date of receiving A B is not given, for the reason that, unless otherwise stated, and In the case of those who received B. S., the date of the degree of A. B. is identical with the time of graduation. It is thought that this catalogue fully explains itself, so that there is no necessity for a key to abbreviations The deceased are denoted by the asterisk.) CLASS OF 1834. *WILLIAM HAMILTON BRUNER, A.M. -b. Vincennes, Ind., March 7, 1813; gradua- ISAAC NEWTON SHEPHerd, A. M.- ted, Theol. Dept. Han. Coll; licensed, Pres. | Madison, 1836; A. M., Han Coll, 1837; foun- der, and prin Natchez Female Sein, Natch- ez, Miss., 1836-40; pastor, Pres. Ch, Natchez, 1836-38; died, near Natchez, Miss., March 27, 1840, aged 27 years. *SELBY HARNEY, A. B.-b. Nicholas Co., Ky., ,—; prof. Math, Bedford Acad Bedford, Pa., 1834-37; died, Bedford, Pa, Jan, 1837. ? er, Ind., 1344-45; teacher, Illinois, 1845-76; died, Marion, III., Feb. 15, 1882, aged 73 years ? *ISAAC McCoy, A. M.-b. Clarke Co., Ind., Feb. 12, 1809; spent three years in Indiana State Univ.; A. M., Han. Coll., 1837; principal Clarke Co. Sem., Charlestown, Ind., 1836-39; prin. Classical School, Jeffersonville, Ind., 1841-42; teacher, Conn, 1842-44; teach- b. Ripley, Brown Co., O., May 29, 1809; spent two years at Miami Univ., (.; A. M., Han. Coll, 1837; prof. Mississippi Coll., Clinton, Miss., 1836-38; licensed, Pres. Clinton, May, 1836; ordained, Pres. Richwood, June, 1840; pastor, Marion, O., 1840-62; resident, Mem- phis, Tenn JOHN LYLE MARTYN, A. M.-b. Cyn- thiana, Harrison Co, Ky., June 21, 1812; A. M., Han. Coll., 1837; graduated, Theol Dept. Han. Coll, 1837; licensed, Pres. Salem, Ind April, 1837; ordained, Pres Salem, Nov., 1837; | s. s., Paoli, and Orleans, Ind, 1837-38; pastor, Corydon, Ind., 1838-42; pastor, Salem, Ind 1842-52; s. s., Middletown, Ky., 1852-53; pastor, Shiloh, Ind., 1853-55; pastor, Washington, Ind., 1855-57; pastor, Upper Indiana Church, Knox Co., Ind, 1857-66; Home Miss, Cen- tral Iowa, 1866—; resident, Oxford, Iowa. CLASS OF 1835, *JOHN MASON MCCHORD, A. M.-b. ROBERT SHERRARD BELL, A. M.-b. Fayette Co., Ky., Nov 14, 1810; A. M., Han. Coll, 1837; graduated Theol. Dept Han Coll; licensed, Pres. Vincennes, Ind, 1835; s. s., Jefferson, Ind., 1835-37; pastor, Prince- ton, Ind., 1837-41; pastor, Bruceville, Knox Co., Ind., 1841-47; pastor, Shawneetown, Ill 1847-51; pastor, Greencastle, Ind, 1851-54; Home Miss. Texas, 1854-56; pastor, Bruceville, Ind., 1856-60; Home Miss. Texas, 1860-67; died, Cotton Gin, Texas, 1867, aged 57 years. - *CHARLES KILGORE THOMPSON, A.M. -b. Knox Co., Ind, Jan 23, 1811; A. M, Han. Coll, 1837; prin Prep. Dept. Han. Coll, 1835-38; graduate Theol. Dept. Han Coll; licensed, Pres. Madison, 1837; ordained, Pres. Vincennes, Sept, 1839; pastor, Carlyle, Ind, 1839-47; pastor, Covington, Ind., 1847-51; pastor, Crawfordsville, Ind., 1851-54; pastor, Darlington and Bethel Churches, Ind., 1854- 59; pastor, Thorntown and Lebanon Church- es, Ind., 1859-64: pastor, Donaldson and Scip- io Churches, Ind., 1864-72; died, Carlylė, Ind., Feb. 8, 1872, aged 61 years. 7 *5. Winchester, Va., Nov. 23, 1813; A M., Han Coll, 1846; graduated, Union Theol. Sem Va, 1839; licensed, Pres Winchester, Va, Aug. 31, 1839; ordained, July 18, 1841; pastor, Pres. Church, Washington, Va, 1841-83; res- ident, Washington, Va JAMES BROWN, A. M., D. D.-b. Alyth, Perthshire, Scotland, Oct. 13, 1812; A M., Han Coll, 1839; graduated at the Asso- ciate Pres. Theol Sem, Canonsburgh, Pa., 1839; licensed, Assoc. Pres. of Ind., June 26, 1839; ordained, Assoc. Pres. Pa, Sept. 10, 1840; pastor, Assoc Pres. Church, Peter's Creek, Washington Co., Pa., 1840-43; pastor, Assoc. Pres. Church, Madison, Ind., 1844-55: : : 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. pastor, U. P. Church, Keokuk, Iowa, 1855-75; *NOBLE BUTLER, A. M., LL. D.-b. pastor, U.. P. Church, Columbus City, Iowa, 1876-83; resident, Carlisle, Pa., 1883. D. D., Han. Coll., 1857; Mod. Associate Pres. Syn- od, 1852, and of the Gen. Assemb. U. P. Ch., 1876. JONATHAN EDWARDS, A. M., D. D., LL. D.-b. Cincinnati, O., July 19, 1817; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; teacher, Ky., 1838-42; li- censed, Salem, Pres., 1843; ordained, Pres. JOSIAH CRAWFORD, A. M.—b. Brooke Cincinnati. April 17, 184; pastor, Montgom- ery, O., 1844-47; prin. Springfield Female Sem., 1849-51; pastor, 1st Church Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1851-55; pres. Han. Coll., 1855-57; pastor, West Arch St. Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1857-66; president Washington and Jefferson College, Pa., 1866-69; pastor 2d Pres, church, Balti- more, Md., 1869-71; pastor 1st Pres. church, Peoria, Ill., 1871-77; prof. Theol., Danville, Ky., 1877-81; pastor 7th Pres. church, Cincin- nati, O., 1881—; resident, Cincinnati, O.; D. D., Washington Coll., Pa., and Prin. Coll., N. J., *DAVID HAYS CUMMINS, A. M.-b. 1856; LL. D., La Fayette Coll., Pa., 1866. *ROBERT SIMPSON, A. M.-b. Vin- cennes, Ind., Oct. 15, 1805; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; graduated, Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1838; licensed, Pres. Madison, 1838; ordained, 1838; pastor, Scaffold Prairie, Greene Co., Ill., 1838- 41; pastor, Crawford Co., Ill., 1841—; pastor, Newton, Ill., -; died, Palestine, Ill., March 1877, aged 71 years. MIDDLETON GOLDSMITH, A. M., M. D. _b. , Aug. 5, 1818; A. M., Han. Coll., 1841; M. D., Coll. Phys., N. Y., 18-2; prof. Surg., Coll. Surg. and Phys., N. Y., 1843- 45; prof. Surg. Med. Coll., Castleton, Vt., 1845- 55; prof. Surg., Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville, Ky., 1855-61; Brigade Surg., U. S. A., 1861-65; resident, Rutland, Vt. *JAMES ALLEN WATSON, A. B.—b. Shelby Co., Ky., June 20, 1810; teacher, Som- ersville, Alabama, 1835-38; student Theol., Nashville University, Tenn., 1838; prof Geol. Nashville Univ., 1838; died, Nashville, Tenn, Aug. 16, 1838, aged 28 years. Washington Co., Pa., July 17, 1811; A. M., Han. Coll., 1837; prof. Lang. Han. Coll., 1836-39; prof. Lang. Louisville Coll. Inst., Louisville, Ky., 1839-44; student Theol., Har- vard Univ., 1844-; minister, Louisville, Ky.; prin. Female Sem., Louisville, Ky., 184-; died, Louisville, Ky., Feb. 13, 1882, aged 70 years. LL. D., Han. Coll., 1875. 6. *2. - Co., Va., March 23, 1809; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; graduate Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1839; li- censed, Pres. Salem, Ind., April, 1839; or- dained, Nov., 1839; s. s., Paoli, Orleans and Bedford, Ind., 1839-11; s. s., Owen Creek Church, Ind., 1841-45; s. s., Smyrna and Lan- caster Churches, Ind., 1845-49; s. S., Owen Creek, New Philadelphia, Henryville, New Market and New Washington Churches, Ind., 1849-; post-office, Solon. Ind. Franklin Co., Pa., March 11, 1813; graduated, Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany, Pa., 1838; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; licensed, Miami Pres., O., 1837; ordained, Pres. Webster District, (now Memphis Pres.) Tenn., May, 1841; pas- tor, Mount Carmel Church, Tenn., 1841-60; pastor, Covington, Tenn., and doing mission work in the neighboring region, 1860-73; died, Covington, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1873, aged 60 years. *ANDREW FULTON, A. M., M. D.-b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Sept. 10, 1818; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; M. D., Med. Coll., Cincinnati, O., 1839; physician, Reynoldsburg, O., 1839-41; physician, West Liberty, O., 1841-49; physi- cian, Kansas City. Mo., 1849-50; died, Kansas City, Mo., July 4, 1850, aged 32 years. THOMAS WOODRUFF HYNES., A. M.- b. Bardstown, Ky., Oct. 5, 1815; student Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1836-37; prof. Han. Coll, 1838- B; A. M., Han. Col., 1839; student Theol., New Albany Sem., 1844-45; licensed, Pres. Madison, 1845; ordained, Pres. Kaskaskia, Ill., Oct. 4, 1846; pastor, Hillsboro, Ill., 1846-51; pastor, Greenville, Ill., 1852-67; County Supt. Schools, Bond Co., Ill., 1854-74; pastor, Old Ripley, Ill., 1868-83; resident, Old Ripley, Ill. ་ *WILLIAM WYLIE MCLAIN, A. M. CLASS OF 1836. *SAMUEL JAMES PIERCE ANDERSON, A. M., D. D.-b. Mount Hybla, Prince Ed- ward Co., Va., Dec. 25, 1814; graduate Union Theol. Sem., Va.; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; pastor, North Carolina, 1839-41; pastor, Dan- ville, Va., 1841-46; pastor, Norfolk, Va., 1846- b. Brown, O., 1815; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany, Pa., 1836-39; licensed, Pres. Redstone, 1840; ordained, Pres. Redstone, Nov., 1840; Hom. Miss., Fayette Co., Pa., and Preston Co., Va., 1840-52; pastor, Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 1852-55; died, Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Nov. 10, 1855. aged 40 years. 51; pastor Central Pres. Church, St. Louis, SAMUEL FRAME MORROW, A. M., D.D. Mo., 1851-69; prin. Washington Fem. Sem., Richview, Ill., 1870-72; died, Jennings Station, Mo., Sept. 10, 1873, aged 68 years. D. D., Cen- tre Coll., Ky., 1854. -b. Xenia, O., Jan. 29, 1819; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; teacher, Carmi, Ill., 1836-38; editor, Spar- ta, Ill., 1839-40; editor, Xenia, O., 1840-42; ¿ • - i E 7 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. graduated, Associate Pres. Theol. Sem., Can- onsburgh, Pa., 1845; licensed, Pres. Miami, O., June, 1845; ordained, Pres. Albany, N. Y., July, 1846; pastor U. P. Church, Albany, N. Y., 1846-; resident, Albany, N. Y. D. D., Han, Coll., 1872. -b. Salem, Ky., Aug. 19, 1813; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; s. s., and prin. Acad., Cape Girar- deau, Mo., ; died, Cape Girardeau, Mo., July, 1854, aged 40 years. *AMOS HYNES ROGERS, A. M.-b. : *SAMUEL NEWELL, A. M., D. D.-b. Cincinnati, O., April 23, 1811; A. M., Han. Coll., 1839; prin. Acad. Paoli, Ind., 1836-37; li- censed, Pres. Salem, 1838; s. s., Salem Ridge FRANKLIN BERRYHILL, A. B.—b. Au- and New Philadelpha churches, Ind., 1838-40; co-pastor 1st Pres. Church, Cincinnati, O., 1840-40; pastor, Lebanon, O., 1840-52; pastor, Paris, Ill., 1855-71; died, Paris, Ill., June 22, 1879, aged 68 years. D. D., *DAVID EDWARD YOUNG RICE, A. M. JAMES BLACK, A. M.-5. Baltimore, Elizabethtown, N. J., June 3, 1810; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; s. s., Waynesville, Ill.; died 1864. (?) -b. Cincinnati, O., June 4, 1818; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; licensed, Pres. New Brunswick, Aug. 5, 1810; ordained, Pres. Cincinnati, April こ ​19 11. *10. Armagh, Ireland, Jan. 1, 1810; graduated Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1840; licensed, Pres. Madison, June. 1840; s. S., Cambridge City, Ind., 1841-45; ordained, Pres. Crawfordsville, 1845; s. S., Union, Brownsburgh and James- town churches, Ind., 1845-50; s. s., Bruceville, West Salem. Scaffold Prairie and Cleybourn churches, 1850-59; resident, Waveland, Ind., 1866-. CLASS OF 1837. THOMAS H. ALDERDICE, A. B.-b. NATH'L S. ARMSTRONG SCHILLINGER, A. B.-b. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 9, 1810; prin. High School, East Feliciana, La., 1837-40; pas- tor, Baptist Church, East Feliciana, La., 1839- *SAMUEL NEWELL EVANS, A. M.—b. 40; died, East Feliciana, La., Sept. 23, 1840, aged 30 years. *MINARD STURGUS, A. M.-b. Lex- ington, Ky., Aug. 5, 1818; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; tutor, Han. Coll., 1836-37; civil engineer, 1837-38; teacher, Bedford, Ind., 1838-39; teach- er, Madison, Ind., 1839-40; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1840-41; prof. An. Lang. Han. Coll., 1841-52; teacher classical school, Louisville, Ky., 1852-54; prin. Presbyterial Acad., Mon- roe, O., 1854-57; prof. Greek Han. Coll., 1858-59; prof. Latin Han. Coll., 1859-62; died, Hanover College, April 26, 1862, aged 42 years. SAMUEL RAMSEY WILSON, A.M., D.D. gusta Co., Va., March 1, 1811; graduated Theol. Dept. Han. Coll.. 1839; licensed, Pres. Miami, Ö., April. 1840; Home Miss., Pres. Miami, 1840- 41; s. s., Preble Co., O., 1841-52; resident, Bell- brook, O., 1852—. - Md.. June 25, 1810; student Miami Univ.; graduated Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1840; li- censed, Pres. Madison, June 17, 1840; ordain- ed, Pres. Cincinnati, April, 1841; pastor, Mon- roe and Mt. Carmel churches, O., 1841-46; pas- tor 4th Pres. Church, Cincinnati, 1846-54; s. s., Dick's Creek, O., 1854-55; pastor 9th Pres. Church, Cincinnati, 1855-59; pastor, Feesburg, and Felicity, O., 1859-61; miss., Cincinnati, 1861-70; pastor, 1870-79; resident, Cincinnati, O.. 1879-81; died, Cincinnati, June 29, 1881, aged 71 years. Pulaski Co., Ky., Nov. 12, 1812; student Indi- ana Univ.; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1839-42; licensed, Pres. Salem, 1842; Home Miss., Mo., Ala., and Miss., 1842-45; pastor, Bedford, Ind., 1845-47; s. s., Lebanon, Darlington and Pisgah churches, Ind., 1847-53; pastor, Waveland, Ind., 1853-55; s. s., Stillwater, Minn., 1855-56; pastor, Lane, Ill., 1856-58; killed by lightning, Lane, Ill., Sept. 30, 1858, aged 45 years. EDMUND WALLER HAWKINS, A. M.— 26, 1842; co-pastor 1st Pres. Church, Cincin- nati, O., 1842-46; pastor 1st Pres. Church, Cin.. JOHN MCCARTNEY HOGE, A. B.—b. O., 1846-61; pastor Grand st. ch., New York City, 1862-63; pastor, Mulberry church, Ky., 1864-65; pastor 1st Pres. church, Louisville, Ky., 1865-80; pastor 2d Pros. church, Madison, Ind., 1880-82; pastor, East Scranton, Pa., 1883; resident, Scranton, Pa. D. D., Miami Univ., O., 1856. b. Spottsylvania Co., Va., March 9, 1815; grad- uated, Law Dept. Transylvania Univ., Lex- ington, Ky., 1840; admitted to the Bar, Galla- tin, Ky., 1839; lawyer, Gallatin, Ky., 1839-54; A. M.. Han. Coll., 1842; lawyer, Newport, Ky., 1854-; Mayor, Newport, 1858-62; Com. Bd. Enrollment for 6th Dist. Ky., 1864; resi- dent, Newport, Ky. Marysville, Tenn., June 23, 1809; teacher and s. s., Washington, Ark., 18—; teacher and s. s., Mt. Holly, Ark., 18-; teacher and s. s., Arka- delphia, Ark., 18-; pastor, Brush Creek, Iowa, 18-; resident, Shedds, Oregon, 1880-. *BRAXTON D. HUNTER, A. B.—h. N. C., 1810; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1836-38. *SYLVANUS JEWETT, A. B.--b. Ohio, 1809; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany, Pa., 1837-39; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1839-40; ordained, Pres. Chillicothe, 1853; pastor, Bainbridge, O., 20 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1852-53; s. s., Roscoe, Ill., 1854-55; w. c., Tay- | *SAMUEL HARRISON THOMSON, A. M., lorsville, Ia.. 1855-56; teacher, S. Charleston, O., 1852-53; s. s., Farley, Ia., 1856-57; w. c., Ep- worth. Ia., 1857-59; pastor, Rock Creek, Ia., 1871-72; died, Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 12, 1872, aged 62 years. *JOHN WRIGHT MCCORMICK, A. M.- Magdal b. Perry Co., Ohio, Sept. 8, 1813; A. M., Han. Coll., 1842; licensed, Pres. Chillicothe, pastor, Greenland, O., —; pastor, Felicity, O., 1844-45; died, Felicity, O., Sept. 25, 1845, aged 32 years. JAMES A. MCKEE, A. M.-b. Adams Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1812; tutor, Han. Coll., 1837- 38; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; graduated, Theol. Dept., Han. Coll., 1840; licensed, Pres. Madi- son, Sept. 4, 1839; ordained, Pres. Madi- son, April, 1840; pastor, N. Washington and Lexington, Ind., 1840-50; pastor, Franklin, Ind., 1850-60; pastor, Minneapolis, Minn., 1860- 65; s. s., Cambridge City, 1865-66; pastor, Pleasant Ridge, O., 1866-70; pastor, Vernon, Ind., 1870-72; s. s., Bainbridge, Ga., 1872—; res- ident, Bainbridge, Ga. *ASAHEL MUNSON, A. M.-b. Wil- mington, Vt., Aug. 14, 1812; student, Union Coll., N. Y.; graduated Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1840; licensed, Pres. Madison, June 22. 1840; ordained, Pres. St. Louis, April 15, 1841; pastor 1st Pres. Church, St. Charles, Mo., 1840- 44; pastor Apple Creek and Brazeau churches, Mo., 1844-66; s. s., Newport, Mo., 1866-70; s. s., Potosi and Irondale churches, Mo., 1870-76; died, Potosi, Mo., March 17, 1876, aged 64 years. *WILLIAM COWPER SCOTT, A. M. M.- b. Martinsburg, Va., Jan. 7, 1817; Union Theol. Sem. Va., 1837-40; A. M, Han. Coll., 1842; licensed, Pres. Winchester, Va., April 1840; ordained, Pres. Winchester, 1842; s. s., Providence, Cub Creek and Bethesda church- es. Va., 1840-42; pastor Providence and Be- thesda churches, 1842-46; pastor. Farmville, Va., 1846-49; resident, Providence, Va., 1849- 51; pastor, Bethesda church, Va., 1851-54; died, Bethesda, Va., Oct. 23, 1854, aged 37 years. *JOSIAH DICKEY SMITH, A. M., D. D. -b. Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 20, 1814; graduated Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1839; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; tutor Han. Coll., 1837-39; licensed, Pres. Madison, June 24, 1840; ordained, Pres. Columbus, Oct. 20, 1841; 8. s., Truro and Hamilton Churches, O., 1840-41 ; pastor, Truro and Hamilton churches, O., 1841-50; pastor, Truro, O., 1850- 51; pastor 1st Pres. church, Columbus. O., 1851- 54; pastor Westminster Pres. church, Colum- bus, O., 1854-63; died, Columbus, O., May 29, 1863, aged 47 years. D. D., Han. Coll., 1858. 襪 ​- Ph. D., LL. D.-b. Nicholas Co., Ky., Aug. 26, 1813; A. M., Han. Coll., 1840; prin. Fem. Acad. Crawfordsville, Ind., 1837-41; editor, Charles- town, 1841; teacher Jefferson St.Gram. School, Louisville, Ky., 1841; prin. Sem., Newcastle, Ky.. 1842-43; prof. Nat. Hist. Madison Univ., 1844; prof. Math. and Nat. Sci. Han. Coll., 1844- 49; prof. Math. and Mech. Phil. Han. Coll., 1849-59; licensed, Pres. Madison, 1854; ordain- ed, Pres. Madison, 1857; prof. Math.. Mech. Phil. and Astron., Han. Coll., 1859-74; Emeri- tus prof. Astronomy, Han. Coll., 1874-82; died, Pasadena, Cal.. Sept. 2, 1882, aged 70 years. Ph. D., Center College, Ky., 1870; LL. D., Lafayette College, Pa., 1871. JAMES F. WOOD, A. B.-b. Union Co., O., June 21, 1812; lawyer, Greensburgh, Pa. 15. *9. CLASS OF 1838. *GEORGE B. ARMSTRONG, A. B.-b. -; graduated Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1841; licensed, Pres. Madison, Oct. 1841; ordained, Pres. Ebenezer, Ky., Sept. 28, 1842; s. s., Richwood, Crittenden and Independence churches, Ky.; pastor, Lebanon, Ky., 1842-65; died, Lebanon, Ky., May 18, 1865. *WILLIAM BLAIR, A. B.-b. Wash- ington Co., E. Tenn., April 14, 1810; Baptist minister, Ky. *JAMES E. BLYTHE, A. M.-b. Lex- ington, Ky., Nov. 8, 1819; A. M., Han. Coll., 1841; teacher Woodbury Acad., N. J., 1838-40; admitted to the Bar, Madison, Ind., 1840; law - yer, Evansville, Ind., 1840-64; member of In- diana Const. Convention, 1850; died, Evans- ville, Ind., July 4, 1864; aged 44 years. *WILLIAM KIRKPATRICK BRICE, A.M. -b. Dauphin Co., Pa., Nov. 12, 1812; tutor Han. Coll., 1837-38; A. M., Han. Coll., 1841; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1838-41; s. S., Washington and Muddy Run churches, O., 1842-43; ordained» Pres. Marion, O., 1843; pastor, Canaan, O., 1843- 49; s. s., Truro, O., 1849-50; pastor, Truro, O., 1850-69; died, Columbus Grove, O., July 10, 1870, aged 57 years. *ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY BROWN, A. M.-b. Bourbon Co., Ky., Dec. 11, 1818; A. M., Han. Coll.. 1841; admitted to the Bar, Indian- apolis, Ind., 1840; lawyer, Indianapolis, 1840- 44; lawyer, Paris, Ky., 1844-61; editor, Paris, 1853-61; Judge County Court, Pulaski Co., Ill., 1862-69; died, Villa Ridge, Ill., June 27, 1879, aged 60 years. *WILLIAM MAXEN CHEEVER, A. M., GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. D. D.-b. North Vernon, Ind., Sept. 23, 1818; Lane Theol. Sem. 1840-43; A. M., Han. Coll., 1841; ordained, 1843; pastor, Monticello, Ind., 1843-47; pastor, Rockville, Ind., 1847-50; pastor, Terre Haute, Ind., 1850-56; pastor, Troy, O., 1856-66; Sec'y A. B. C. F.. M., 1866-70; pastor Kansas City, Mo., 1871-78; died, Kansas City, Mo., June 2, 1878, aged 59 years. D. D. JAMES BLYTHE CROWE, A. M.-b. Shelbyville, Ky., Nov. 30, 1820; A. M,. Han. Coll., 1841; graduated Theol. Sem., New Alba- ny, Ind., 1843; licensed, Pres. Madison, June, 1843; ordained, Pres. Madison, Oct., 1844; pas- tor, Carrollton, Ky., 1843-51; pastor, Craw- fordsville, Ind., 1854-68; pastor, Bedford, Ind., 1868-73; pastor, Ellington and Barton church- es, Ill., 1873-75; pastor, Remington, Ind., 1875—; resident, Remington, Ind. *THOMAS SEARLE CROWE, A.M., D.D. -b. Shelbyville, Ky., Jan. 24, 1822; A. M., Han. Col., 1841; teacher, Shelbyville, Ky., 1838-39; graduated. New Albany Theol. Sem., 1843; li- censed, Pres. Madison, June, 1843; ordained, Pres. Logansport, 1844; s. s., Logansport, Ind., 1844-46; teacher, Carrollton, Ky., 1846-47; pas- tor, Hanover, Ind., 1847-59; pastor 1st Pres. Church, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O., 1859-62; pastor, Jeffersonville, Ind., 1862-71; died, Jef- fersonville, Ind.. Jan. 3, 1871, aged 49 years. D. D., Han. Coll., 1865. -b. Jefferson Co., Va., June 11, 1814; A. M.. Han. Coll, 1841; teacher, Jeffersonville, Ind,, 1840-42; prin. Acad., Jackson, Mo., 1842-48; prin. Fem. Acad., Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1853- 58; resident, Oakland, Cal. 21 *JAMES W. MATTHEWS, A. M.—b. Shepherdstown, Va., Aug. 14, 1819; A. M., Han. Coll., 1841; admitted to the Bar County Clerk, Macomb, Ill., 1861-; died, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 23, 1866, aged 47 years. GEORGE FREDERICK WHITWORTH, A,M.-b. Boston, England, March 15,1816; A.M., Han. Coll., 1847; prin. High School, Lancaster, O., 1838-39; admitted to the Bar, Charlestown, Ind., 1842; lawyer, Charlestown, Ind., 1842-44; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1844-47; licensed, Pres. New Albany, 1846; ordained, Pres. New Albany, 1847; s. s., Corydon, Ind., 1848-49; s. s., Cannelton, Ind.,and Hawesville, Ky., 1849-53; Home Miss., Washington Terr., 1853; s. s., 1st Pres. Church, Portland, Oregon, 1853-54; s. s., Olympia, W. T., 1351-60; Supt. Common Schools, Thurston Co., W. T., 1855-60; teacher and s.s., Whidby Island, 1860-62; Sec'y Indian Dept., W. T., 1863-65; Deputy Col. of Customs, Dist. of Puget Sound, 1865; Pres. Terr. Univ., Seattle, W. T., 1866-67; Supt. Common Schools, King Co., W. T., 1867-73; s. s., Seattle, W. T., 1867-72; Clerk Indian Dept., W. T., 1873- 74; Pres. Tǝrr. Univ., Seattle, W. T., 1873-75; s. s., Newcastle, Tacoma, Puyallup and White River Churches, W. T., 1872-77; s. S., White River and Puyallup Churches, W. T., 1881-; resident, Seattle, W. T. 15. *9. CLASS OF 1839. JOSEPH F. FENTON, A. M.-b. Fred- erick Co., Va., June 23, 1812; A. M., Han. Coll., *SAMUEL STANHOPE Crowe, A. M.— 1841; graduated, Theol. Sem. New Albany, 1841; licensed, Pres. New Albany, Sept., 1841; ordained, Pres. St, Louis, Sept., 1842; pastor, Union, Mo., 1842-81; Home Miss., Franklin, St. Louis, Gasconade, Osage and Crawford counties, Mo., 1842-; resident, Union, Mo. JAMES JEFFERSON GARDINER, A. M b. Shelbyville, Ky., July 23, 1819; A. M., Han. Coll., 1842; teacher, Carlisle, Ind., 1839-41; teacher, New Washington, Ind., 1841-43; sur- veyor, Scott Co., Ind., 1843-44; mem. Ind. Leg., 1857 and 67; lawyer, Lexington, Ind., 1848-55; Surveyor Gen., Nebraska, 1855-58; clerk Int. Dept., Washington, D. C., 1858-61; Capt. 93d Reg. Ind. Vol., 1862-63; Lieut. Col. 93d Ind. Vols., 1863-65; lawyer, Lexington, Ind.,1865-73; lawyer, Scottsburg, Ind., 1873-80; lawyer, Pal- estine, Texas, 1880-82; died, Palestine, Texas, May 25, 1882, aged 62 years. ROBERT A. GIBSON, A. M.-b. Green DAVID MAXWELL DUNn, A. M.—b. Co., O., Nov. 6, 1815; A. M., Han. Coll., 1842; *ABRAM T. HENDRICKS, A. M.-b. Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 27, 1814; A. M., Han. Coll., 1841; student, Oxford, O.; gradu- ated, Theol. Sem., New Albany, Ind., 1841; li- censed, Pres. Indianapolis, 1841; s. s., Carroll- ton, Ky., 1841-43; ordained, 1843; pastor, Shel- byville, Ind., 1843-47; pastor, Princeton, Ind., 1847-53; pastor, Petersburg, Ind., 1853-62; chap- lain 4th Ind. Cav. Vol., 1862-64; died, Peters- burg, Ind., Jan. 19, 1866, aged 51 years. Hanover, Ind., Nov. 18, 1818; Dept. Clerk, Cass Co., Ind.; A. M., Han. Coll., 1842; admit- ted to the Bar, Logansport, Ind., 1844; Pros. Atty, 8th Judicial Dist., Ind., 1845- 47; Lieut. 1st Reg. Ind. Vol., Mexican War; Supt. Wabash & Erie Canal Land Office, Lo- gansport, Ind., 1852-57; member Ind. Legisla- lature, 1854-56; Lieut. Col. 9th Ind. Inft. Vols., 1861; Lieut. Col. 29th Ind. Inft. Vols., 1861-65; lawyer, Logansport, Ind., 1865-74; U. S. Con- sul, Prince Edward Island, 1874-; resident, Charlottestown, Prince Edward Island. JOHN JONES, A. B.-b. Perry Co., WILLIAM W. GILLILAND, A. M.-b. Pa., April 8, 1817; Brown Co., O., Nov. 22, 1814; student, Ohio 3 22 *PHILANDER HAMILTON, A. M.—b. Nicholas Co., Ky., Sept. 20, 1819; A. M., Han. Coll., 1842; teacher, Bloomfield, Ky., 1839-40; admitted to the Bar, Greensburg, Ind., 1843; lawyer, Greensburg, Ind., 1843-49; mem. Ind. Leg., 1846-48; died, Greensburg, Ind., March 5, 1849, aged 29 years. EPHRAIM K. LYNN, A. M.-b. Jeffer GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Univ.; A. M., Han. Coll., 1842; prin. Sem. | ABSALOM C. KNOX, A. M.-b. Row- Charlestown, Ind.. 1839-42; admitted to the Bar, Charlestown, Ind., 1842; editor, Charles- town, Ind., 1812-43; agent, New Albany Theol. Sem., 1843-45; lawyer, Charlestown, Ind., 1846- 66; Judge 4th Common Pleas Dist., Ind., 1864- 66; lawyer, Ripley, O., 1866-80; resident, Rip- ley, Ohio. > ¿ son Co., Ky., May 3, 1814; A. M., Han. Coll., 1812; student, Theol. Dept. Han. Coll., 1837- 39; teacher, Frankfort, Ky., 1839-40; licensed, ROBERT SMITH SYMINGTON, Pres. West Lexington, Ky, April, 1840; s. s., Upper and Lower Benson Churches, Ky., 1810-11; ordained, Pres. Louisville, Ky., April, Lower Benson 1811; pastor. Upper and Churches, 1811-43; pastor, Georgetown, Ky., 1814-47; pastor, New Philadelphia, Ind., 1847- 54; pastor, Hopewell, Ind., 1854-56; pastor, Ur- bana, Ill., 1856-59; s. s., Mercer Co., Ill., 1859-63; s. s., Allen Co., Kas., 1833-69; Pres. Miss., Al- len Co., Kas., 1869-72; s. s., New Washington and Bethlehem Churches, Ind., 1872-73; s. s., Mahomet, Ill., 1873-75; s. s., Irish Grove, Ill., 1875-78; s. s., Carlyle, Kas., 1878 81; resident, Carlyle, Kas. *Fielding GREEN STRAHAN, A. M.— an Co., N. C., April 17, 1820; A. M., Han. Coll., 1845; teacher, Paris, Ill., 1811-42; teacher, Franklin Co., Ky., 1842-43; student, Theol. Sem., New Albany, Ind., 1844; Adj.´ prof. Lang., Han. Col., 1844-52; business, San Fran- cisco, Cal., 18-; editor, Virginia City, Neva- da; agent Mining Co., Virginia City, Nevada, 18-; resident, San Francisco, Cal. *ROBERT CLEYTON MATTHEWS, A. M., D. D.-b. Shepherdstown, Va., April 2, 1822; A. M., Han. Coll., 1845; admitted to the Bar, Fairfield, Iowa, 1841; lawyer, Fairfield, Iowa, 1841-43; teacher, Miss., 1843-49; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1849-51; licensed, 1851; ordained, 1852; pastor, Monmouth,Ill.,1851-81; died, Mon- mouth, Ill., Nov, 12, 1881, aged 59 years. D. D., Han. Coll., 1863. 6. *3. A. M.- 4 b. Hanover, Ind., June 29, 1820; A. M., Han. Coll., 1845; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1843; li- censed, Pres. Madison, 1843; s. s., Anxvarse, Mo., 1843-47; ordained, Pres. Mo., 1846; s. s., Independence, Mo., 1848-5l; evan., Prəs. Mo., 1851-52; fin. agt. Westminster Coll., 1852-54; s. s., 1st Pres. Church, Pleasant Hill, Mo.,1854-55; prin. Fem. Sem., Pleasant Hill, Mo., 1851-55; pastor 1st Pres. Church, Kansas City, Mo., 1855-62; s. s., Mexico, Mo., 1862-67; pastor 1st Pres. Church, Pleasant Hill, Mo., 1867-74; pastor, Danville, Cal., 1875-; resident, Dan- ville, Cal. 5. **2. b. Fleming Co., Ky., Feb. 14, 1812; student, Center College, Ky., 1835-36; graduated, Theol. CLASS OF 1841. Sem., New Albany, 1843; licensed, 1813; or- *CHARLES M. HAYS, A. B.-b. Car- dained, Pres. West Lexington, Ky., 1845; A. M., Han. Coll., 1842; pastor, Cherry Springs and Providence Churches, Ky., 18-; pastor, Hopkinsville, Ky., 18—; pastor, Danville, Ky.; THOMAS ANDREWS HENDRICKS, LL.D. 18-; pastor, Georgetown, Ky., 18-; s. s., Cher- ry Springs and Providence Churches, Ky., 1870-74; died, Sept. 12, 1874, aged 59 years. lisle, Pa., July 24, 1814; lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa.; died, Pittsburg, Pa. -b. Muskingum Co., O., Sept. 7, 1819; law stu- dent, Chambersburg, Pa., 1841-43; admitted to the Bar, Shelbyville, Ind., 1843; lawyer, Shel- by ville. Ind., 1843-48; mem. Ind. Leg., 1848-50; mem. Ind. Const. Conv., 1850; mem. Cong., 1851-55; Com'n'r Gen. Land Office, 1855-59; law- yer, Indianapolis, Ind., 1859-63; U. S. Senator, 1863-69; lawyer, Indianapolis, 1863-70; Gov. In- diana.1873-77; nominee Democratic Nat.Conv. for Vice Pres., 1876; lawyer, Indianapolis, 1877-; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. LL. D. CLASS OF 1840. HARLEIGH BLACKWELL, A. M.-b. Richmond, Ky., Nov. 3, 1814; A. M., Han. Coll., 1843; graduated, Theol. Sem., New Al- hany, 1843; licensed, Pres. New Albany, April, すな ​183; ordained, Pres. St. Louis, April, 1844; JOHN LYLE KING, A. M.--b. Mad- St. pastor, Olivet, Mo., 1844-61; farmer, Charles Co., Mo., 1831—; P. O., Foristelle, Mo. ison, Ind., Jan. 20, 1823; admitted to the Bar, Madison, Ind., 1843; lawyer, Madison, Ind., 1843-56; member Ind. Legislature, 1852; law- yer, Chicago, Ill., 1856-; attorney for city, Chi- cago, Ill., 1860; resident, Chicago, Ill. *SAMUEL G. HAAS, A. B.-b. Lynch- burg, Va., May 21, 1821; farmer, Laporte, Ind., 1840-49; business, Valparaiso, Ind., 1849-59; died, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Nov. 14, 1859; aged 38 *GEORGE CARDWELL LYEN, A. B., years. M. D.-b. Mercer Co., Ky., June 12, 1822; med. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. New Washington, Ind., July 28, 1823; county San surveyor, Clarke Co., Ind., 184-; lawyer, Francisco, Cal., 18-; resident, San Francisco, Cal. CLASS OF 1842. ALEXANDER M. JOHNSTON, A.M.,M.D. b. Cincinnati, O., June 7, 1824; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; M. D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., O., 1847; physician, Cincinnati, Cummingsville and College Hill, O.; resident, College Hill, O. *JAMES G. HOPKINS, A. M.-b. Brown Co., O., Aug. 16, 1820; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; Lane Theol. Sem., 1843-45; licensed, Pres. Pres. ordained, Chillicothe, April, 1845; Chillicothe, April, 1846; pastor, Washington O., 1815-59; s. s., Georgetown, O., 1850-51; died, Red Oak, Brown Co., O., June 29, 1851, aged 30 years. *THOMAS C. MCCUTCHEN, A. M.--b. GEORGE A. IRWIN, A. M.-b. Jef- student, Louisville, Ky., 1847-48; physician, Liberty, Miss., 1848-52; died, Liberty, Miss., 1852, aged 30 years. 4. *2. Indian Town, S. C., March 28, 1821; A.M., Han. Coll., 1815; farmer, Bond Co., Ill., 1843-49; died, Bond Co., Ill., March 12, 1849, aged 28 years. 23 1 ALEXANDER MCHATTON, A. M.-b. Scott Co., Ky., Feb. 12, 1817; graduated, Assoc. Pres. Theol. Sem., Canonsburgh, Pa., 1846; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; licensed, Assoc. Pres. Mi- ami, July 10, 1846; ordained, Assoc. Pres. Nor- SAMUEL BARR KEYS, A. M.-b. Cin- thern Indiana, 1850; pastor, Laporte, 1850-54; pastor, U. P. Church, Morea, Ill., 1862-78; res- ident, Morea, Ill. *GEORGE MCMILLAN, A. M.-b. Jef ferson Co., Ind., March 25, 1820; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; teacher, New Castle, Ky., 1843-44; teacher, Hanover, Ind., 18-; teacher, Paris, Ky., 18-; teacher, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 18-; li- censed, Pres. Ft. Wayne, April, 1856; pastor, Ft. Scott, Kansas, 18-; pastor, Council Grove, Kan., 18-; resident, Council Grove. Kan. 7. *3. ferson Co., Ind., June 12, 1816; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; graduated, Assoc. Theol. Sem., JOSEPH CHAMBERS MCKIBBIN, A. M. Canonsburgh, Pa., 1846; licensed, Assoc. Pres. Indiana, 1846; died, Dec. 29, 1846, aged 30 years. JAMES NEWTON SAUNDERS, A. M.-- b. Nicholas Co., Ky., April 29, 1818; graduated, New Albany Theol. Sem., 1845; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; licensed, Pres. Salem, May 6, 1846; ordained, Pres. Louisville, May 7, 1847; pastor, Goshen and Middletown Churches, Ky., 1847- 52; pastor, Bloomfield, Ky., 1852-77; resident, Bloomfield, Ky. *WILLIAM WATSON SIMONSON, A. M. -b. Charlestown, Ind., March 27, 1821; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; graduated, New Albany Theol. Sem., 1846; licensed, Pres. Louisville, 1846; ordained, Pres. Louisville, 1847; pastor, JOHN FRANKLIN READ, A. B.—b. Cloverport, Ky., 1847-18; died, Cloverport, Ky., Sept. 21, 1848, aged 27 years. Davies Co., Ind., Oct. 4, 1822; lawyer, Jeffer- sonville, Ind., 18-; resident, Jeffersonville, Ind. ZEBULON BARTON STURGUS, A. M.—— b. Richmond, Ky., Feb. 13, 1821; A. M., Han. JOHN FRANKLIN TRENCHARD, A. M., Coll., 1845; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1841- 43; prin. Acad., Salem, Ind., 18-; prin. Acad., Vincennes, Ind., 18-; prin. Barnett Acad., Charlestown, Ind., 18-; chief clerk of R. R. Land Div., Int. Dept., Washington, D. C., 1864—; resident, Washington, D. C. cinnati, O., Aug. 15, 1823; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; graduated, Cincinnati Law School, 1848; admitted to the Bar, Cincinnati, O., May, 1848; lawyer, Cincinnati, O., 1848-; resident, Cin- cinnati, O. -b. Big Spring, Cumberland Co., Pa., May 14, 1824; admitted to the Bar, Pittsburg, Pa., 1846; lawyer, Pittsburg, Pa., St. Louis, Mo., and Donnisville, Cal.; mem. California Senate, 1853-54; mem. 35th Cong. from Cal., 1857-58; Col. Cavalry, U. S. A., 1861-64; aid-de-camp to Gens. Halleck, Rosecrans and Thomas; resident, Washington, D. C. FRANCIS PETERSON MONfort, A. M. -b. Carlysle Station, O., May 27, 1816; gradu- ated, New Albany Theol. Sem, 1848; A. M., Han. Coll., 1848; pastor, Richmond, Ind., 1848- 53; pastor, Rock Island, Ill., 1853-57; assoc. ed. Presbyterian of the West, Cincinnati, O., 1857- 59; resident, Kansas, 1859—. M. D.-b. Fairton, Cumberland Co., N. J., Dec. 8, 1820; A. M., Han. Coll., 1846; M. D., Jef- ferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., 1847; physican, Philadelphia, Pa., 1847-; port phys. for the City of Philadelphia, 1860-66; resident, Philadelphia, Pa. S. *1. CLASS OF 1843. CLASS OF 1844. DANIEL LAMBERT FOUTS, A. B.--b. *JOHN C. GREER, A. M.-b. Jackson, نه 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Madison Co., Tenn., June 9, 1822; admitted to the Bar, Jackson, Tenn., 1846; mem. Tenn. Leg. two terms; Col., C. S. A.; farmer, Dal- las, Texas; died, Dallas, Texas, Oct. 9, 1869, SAMUEL CROTHERS LOGAN, A. M., aged 47 years. GEORGE JOSEPH REED, A. M.,. D. D. -b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 23, 1822; A. B., Madison Univ., Ind., 1844; A.B., Miami. Univ., O., 1845; A. M., Miami Univ. and Han. Coll., 1847; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1844-45; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1846-47; licensed, Pres. Madison, April 9, 1847; ordained, Pres. New Albany, Sept. 7, 1819; s. s., Connersville, Ind., 1847-48; prin. Fem. Inst., Charlestown, Ind., 1848-54; prin. Fem. Coll., Shelbyville, Ky., 1854-63; chaplain, Ky. Vols.; s. s., Columbia, Ky., 1864-72; pastor, Columbia, 1872—; resident, Col- umbia, Ky. D. D., Centre College, Ky., 1875. *MASON DEANE P. WILLIAMS, A. M. : 3. -b. Shelby Co., Ind., Oct. 7, 1821; A. B., Mad- ison Univ., Ind., 1844; A. B., Miami Univ., CLASS OF 1847. O., 1845; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1841-45; SAMUEL EMMETT BARR, A. M.-b. Prin. Theol. Sem., 1845-47; A. M., Han. Coll., 1847; ordained, Pres. Louisville, Jan. 14, 1848; pastor, 4th Pres. Church, Louisville, Ky., 1848-52; died, Louisville, Ky., April 28, 1852, aged 30 years. *2. CLASS OF 1845. *WILLIAM THOMPSON ROBINSON, A.M. -b. Amite Co., Miss., Nov. 17, 1823; A. M., Han. Coll, 1848; graduated, Law School, Lou- isville, Ky., 1847; admitted to the Bar, Lib- erty, Miss., May 29, 1847; lawyer, Liberty, Miss., 1847-54; farmer, Amite Co., Miss., 1854- 65; died, Amite Co., Miss., Nov. 15, 1865, aged 42 years. *DAVID RANKIN THOMPSON, A. M.- -b. Franklin Co., Miss., July 16, 1823; Med. Coll., New Orleans, La., 1845-46; graduated, Law School, Louisville, Ky., 1849; A. M., Han. Coll., 1849; lawyer, Vernon, La., 1850-65; mem. Louisiana Leg., 1851-53; died, Vernon, La., Nov. 1, 1865, aged 42 years. 2. *2. CLASS OF 1846. *WILLIAM HOPKINS GREGG BUTLER, A. M.-b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 3, 1823; A. M., Han. Coll., 1819; teacher, Louisville, Ky., 1846-50; studied one year in Germany, 1850-51; teacher, Louisville, Ky., 1851-53; foully mur- dered in his school-room, Louisville, Ky., Nov. 2, 1853, aged 30 years. lawyer, California, 1850-53; prof. Greek, Bap- tist Coll., Oregon, 1854-; died, Oregon. *JOHN AGAN FRAZER, A. M.-b. Woodford Co., Ky., Dec. 8, 1828; A. M., Han. Coll., 1858; admitted to the Bar, Versailles, Ky., 1848; lawyer, Versailles, Ky., 1848-50; D. D.-b. Hanover, Ind., Dec. 21, 1823; teach- er, Illinois, 1846-47; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1847- 50; A. M., Han. Coll., 1850; licensed, Pres. N. Y., Nov., 1849; ordained, Pres. of Lake, April 11, 1851; Home Miss., Southern Mich., 1851-54; pastor, Constantine, Mich., 1854-57; pastor, 5th Church, Cincinnati, O., 1857-60; pastor, Valparaiso, Ind., 1860-65; prin. Valparaiso Coll. Inst., 1860-61; chaplain, U. S. A., 1863-64; Sec'y West. Freedmen Com., 1864-65; Sec'y Assemb. Freed. Com., 1865-69; founder Bid- dle Univ. and Wallingford Acad.; s. s., 1st Pres. Church, Scranton, Pa., 1868-69; pastor, 1st Pres. Church, Seranton, Pa., 1869-; resi- dent, Scranton, Pa. D. D., Han. Coll.. 1870. 3. *2. I h Wooster, O., March 1, 1824; A. M., Han. Coll., 1850; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1847-48; prin. Acad., Salem, Ind., 1848-50; licensed, Pres. New Albany, April, 1851; ordained, Pres. New Albany, April, 1852; pastor, Livonia, Ind., 1852-64; chaplain, 66th Reg. Ind. Vols., Corinth, Miss., 1863; pastor, Hopewell, Ind., 1864-72; pastor, Elkhart, Ind., 1872-74; s. s., Li- vonia and Paoli Churches, Ind., 1874-76; pas- tor, Charlestown, Ind., 1876-80; pastor, Pewee Valley, Ky., 1880-83; pastor, Vernon and Graham Churches, Ind., 1883-; resident, Ver- non, Ind. FAUNT LEROY SENOUR, A. M.-b. Madison, Ind., Nov. 5, 1824; A. M., Han. Coll., 1850; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1847-49; li- censed, Pres. New Albany, April, 1849; Prin. Theol. Sem. 1849-50; o. s., Theol. Sem., Cin- cinnati, O., 1850-51; ordained, Pres. Muhlen- burgh, Nov., 1851; pastor, Paducah, Ky., 1851- 55; prin. Fem. Sem., Paducah, Ky., 1854-55; pastor, 4th Pres. Church, Louisville, Ky., 1855- 62; pastor, 2d Pres. Church, Rockford, Ill., 1862-66; prin. Centerville Coll. Inst., Center- ville, Ill., 1866-68; s. s., Eaton, O., 1868-70; pas- tor, 2d Pres. Church, Newport, Ky., 1870-74: pastor, 7th Pres. Church, Pittsburg, Pa., 1874- 77; pastor, Central Pres. Church, Pittsburg, Pa., 1877-79; pastor, New Alexandria, Pa., 1879-; resident, New Alexandria, Pa. 2. *0. ; CLASS OF 1848. ADDISON W. BARE, A. M., M. D.— '´¡ b. New Washington, Clarke Co., Ind., Feb. 17, 1826; tutor, Han. Coll., 1848-49; A. M., Han. Coll., 1852; med. stu., Louisville Med. Univ., 1851-52; physician, Columbus, Ind., ? ; 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1852-52; physician, Brownstown, Ind., 1852- 53; physician, Bryantsville, Ind., 1853—; med. stu., Louisville Med. Univ., 1850-60; Act. Sur- geon, U. S. A. Hospital, Jeffersonville, Ind., and Taylor's Barracks, Louisville, Ky., 1864- 65; resident, Bryantsville, Ind. lawyer, Frankfort, Ind., 18—; mem. Ind. Leg., 18-; Col., U. S. A, 18-; lawyer, Indianapo- lis, Ind.; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN CALVIN CALDWELL, A. M.-b. b. Brooke Co., Va,, May 30, 1824; A. M., Han. Coll., 1851; For. Miss., Pres. Bd. For. Miss., Ningpo, China, 1849-52; Supt. Pres. Printing Press, Ningpo, China; died, Ningpo, China, Dec. 12, 1852, aged 28 years. CLASS OF 1849. JOHN WESLEY BLAKE, A. M.-b.-; SAMUEL C. BALDRIDGE, A. M.-b. Eugene, Vermillion Co., Ind., Aug. 6, 1829; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1849-52; A. M., Han. Coll., 1852; licensed, Pres. Madison, 1853; or- dained, Pres. Palestine, Oct. 15, 1854; s. s., Wa- bash Church, Ill., 1853-57; pastor, Friends- ville, Ill.. 1857-82; prin. Friendsville Acad., Friendsville, Ill., 1860-82; Chaplain 11th Reg. Mo. Vol., 1862-63; pastor, Cobden, Ill., 1882—; resident, Cobden, Ill. *ROBERT G. JACKSON, A. M.-b. Amite Co., Miss., Dec. 22, 1823; A. M., Han. Coll., 1851; teacher, Franklin, Miss., 1819-50; teacher, Goshen, Ky., 1850-52; farmer, Amite Co., Miss., 1852-54; died, Amite Co., Miss., Feb. 8, 1854, aged 31 years. ROBERT S. SHANNON, A. M., M. D.—| www 25 tor, Goshen, Ind., 1853-; resident, Goshen, Ind. D. D., Wabash College, Ind., 1881. 8. *2. Nicholas Co., Ky., July 15, 1822; A. M., Han. Coll. 1851; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1813-50; licensed, Pres. Crawfordsville, July 3, 1850; ordained, Pres. Indianapolis, July, 1851; s. s., Shelby- ville, Ind., 1850-51; pastor, Shelbyville, Ind., *JESSE Y. HIGBEE, A. M., M. D.— 1851-56; s. s., Stillwater, Minn., 1856-59; Pres. Miss., Pres. St. Paul, 1859-60; s. s., 2d Pres. Church, Stillwater, Minn., and Pres. Church, Hudson, Wis., 1860-62; s. s., Stillwater, Minn., 1862-69; s. s., Black River Falls, Wis., 1869-70; pastor, Neshonoc, Wis., 1870-81; pastor, North La Crosse, Wis., 1881-; resident, North La- *NATHAN S. PALMER, A. M.-b. Crosse, Wis. *MOSES STANLEY COULTER, A. M.- -b. Shelby Co., Ky., Nov. 3, 1829; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1848-52; A. M., Han. Coll., 1851; li- censed, Pres. Indianapolis, Ind., June 11, 1851; ordained, Pres. Lake, June 16, 1853; pas- b. Gloucester Co., N. J., Dec. 28, 1825; A. M., Han. Coll., 1852; M. D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin- cinnati, O., 1851; M. D., St. Louis Med. Coll., 1856; physician, Dodgeville, Ia., 1852-57; died, Jefferson Co., Ind., Aug. 5, 1857, aged 32 years. Highland Co., O., May 15, 1821; Theol. Sem., New Albany, Ind., and Cincinnati, O.; 11- censed, Pres. Madison; ordained, Pres. Craw- fordsville, 1852; s. s., N. Salem and Carpen- tersville, Ind., 1850-53; s. s., New Washington, Ind., 1853-56; s. s., Grandview, Ill., 1856-59; s. s., Brazil, Ind., 1859-64; s. s., Franklin, Ind., and Agt. Am. Tr. Soc., 1864-73; died, Franklin, Ind., Nov. 25, 1873, aged 51 years. XENOPHON BOONE SAUNDERS, A. M. -b. Columbia, Tenn., 18-; admitted to the Bar, Memphis, Tenn., 1854; A. M., Han. Coll., 1852; admitted to the Bar, Sup. and Fed. Courts of Texas, 1855; mem. Const. Conv., Tex., 1866; Judge 14th Dist. Tex., 1976; resi- dent, Belton, Texas. b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Sept. 11, 1823; A. M., Han. Coll., 1852; prin. High School, Salem, Miss., 1848-53; M. D., Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1855; physician, LaGrange, Tex., 1855-53; physician, Oso, Tex., 1858-66; physician, Columbus, Tex., 1886-69; physician, Oso, Tex., 1869-71; physician, Lockhart, Tex., 1871-72; physician, Georgetown, Tex., 1872-74; physician, Fiskville, Tex., 1874-; resident, Fiskville, Texas. SAMUEL CHILDS TAGGART, A.M., M.D. -b. Winchester, Clark Co., Ky., Sept. 14, 1828; A. M., Han. Coll., 1851; M. D., Med. Univ., *JOHN WHITE TAYLOR, A. M.--b. Louisville, Ky., 1851; physiclan, Charlestown, Ind., 1851-80; Clerk of Circuit Court, Clarke Co., Ind., 1880-; resident, Jeffersonville, Ind. ; lawyer, Palestine, Tex., 18-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1852; Capt. C. S. A., ; killed în battle “Arkansas Post," Feb., 1863. *WILLIAMSON DUNN SYMINGTON, A. M.-b. Hanover, Ind., Jan. 1, 1829; prin. Acad. Independence, Mo., 1849-52; prin. Acad. Ridgely, Mo., 1852-57; Theol. Sem. Danville, Ky., 1857-59; licensed, Pres. Transylvania, 1859; ordained, Pres. La- fayette, Mo., 1859; s. s., Savannah, Mo., 1859- 62; prin. Prep. Dept. Center Coll., 1862-64; s. s, Bethell and Ebenezer Churches, Ky., 1864-70; died, Pleasant Hill, Mo., Jan. 19, 1871, aged 42 years. HERVEY LOGAN VANNUYS, A.M.,D.D. HENRY E. THOMAS, A. M.-b. ; A. M., Han. Coll., 1852; pastor, Georgetown, Ky., 18—; pastor, Charlestown, Ind., 18-; pastor, Augusta, Ky., 18-; pas- tor, Olney, Ill., 18-; pastor, Greensburg, N. • 4#*~ 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Y., 18-; pastor, Greenwich, N. J., 18-; resi- dent, Greenwich, N. J. 7. *1. CLASS OF 1850. WILLIAM MAXWELL BLACKBURN, Ill. A. M., D. D.-b. Carlisle, Ind., Dec. 30, 1828; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1850-53; A. M., Han. Coll., SAMUEL CLARKE MERCER, A. M.-b. 1854; licensed, Pres. New Brunswick, April, 1853; ordained, Pres. Lake, Sept. 28, 1854; s. S., Three Rivers, Mich., 1854-56; pastor, Park Church, Erie, Pa., 1856-63; pastor, 4th Pres. Church, Trenton, N. J., 1863-68; prof. Bib. and Eccl. Hist., North Western Theol. Sem., Chi- ROBERT SYMINGTON REESE, A. M.— cago, Ill., 1868-81; s. s., Fullerton Av. Church, Chicago, Ill., 1868-71; pastor, Central Pres. Church, Cin., O., 1881; resident, Cin., O. D. D., Princeton College, 1870. JOSHUA SELBY BRENGLE, A. M., M. D. -b. Washington Co., Ky., Jan. 26, 1825; A. M., Han. Coll., 1851; Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, Ill., 1855-56; physician, Sullivan Co., Ind., 1856-58; physician, Crawford Co., Ill., 1858-67; physician, Hanover, Ind., 1867—; resident, Hanover, Indiana. *AVERY WILLIAMS BULLOCK, A. M. -b. Jennings Co., Ind., Feb. 10, 1832; A. M., Han. Coll., 1854; admitted to the Bar, Vernon, Ind., 1852; lawyer, Vernon and Indianapolis, 1852-59; died, Vernon, Ind., April, 11, 1859, aged 27 years. Sem., Columbia, S. C.; licensed, Pres. Now Albany, 1855; ordained, Pres. New Albany, 1856; s. s., Corydon, Ind., 1855-60; pastor, Bed- ford, Ind., 1860-62; pastor, 1st Church Miami City, O., 1863-65; pastor, Evansville, Ind., 1866- 81; pastor, Danville, Ky., 1881-; resident, Danville, Ky. D. D., Monmouth College, -b. ; died, St., Louis, Mo., of chol- era, July 12, 1851. JOHN ALEXANDER KIMMONS, A. M. —b. North Carolina, April 14, 1824; New Al- bany Theol. Sem., 1850-53; licensed, Pres. New Albany, 1853; s. s. and pastor, bounds. of Chickasaw Pres. Miss., 1852-80; pastor, ist Pres. Church, Leesburg, Fla., 18-; resident, Leesburg, Fla. CLAUDIUS B. H. MARTIN, A. M., D. D. -b. Livonia, Ind., Aug. 5, 1829; A. M., Han. Coll., 1854; New Albany Theol. Sem; Theol. ; tutor, Han. Coll., 1849-50; A. M., Han. Coll., 1862; compositor, Courier-Jour- nal, Louisville, Ky.; resident, Louisville, Ky. b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Feb. 5, 1832; *WILLIAM HARVEY RICE, A. B.—b. Shelby Co., Ky., July 15, 1827; student, Wa- bash Coll; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1851-52; licensed, Pres. Vincennes, April, 1853; or- dained, Pres. Vincennes, Nov. 1853; s. S., Rockport, Ind., 1853-54; s. s., Palestine and Mound Prairie, Texas, 1854-58; s. s., Alabama, 1858-59; died, Ind., Sept. 27, 1859, aged 32 years. WILLIAM WALTON SICKLES, A. M.— b. Indianapolis, Ind., June 19, 1831; teacher, 1850-52; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1851-54; A. M., Han. Coll., 1854; licensed, Pres. New Brunswick, April, 1853; Home Miss., Ill., 1854-55; or- dained, Pres. New Albany, Jan. 30, 1855; s. s., Bedford, Ind., 1855-58; s. s., Knightstown and Greenfield, 1858-59; s. s., Shiloh, Ind., 1861-65; s. s., 7th Pres. Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 1865-66; s. s., 4th Pres. Church, Indian- apolis, 1870-71; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN SIMPSON FRIERSON, A. M.-b. Columbia, Tenn., July 22, 1825; Theol. Sem., Columbia, S. C., 1850-51; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1851-52; licensed, Pres. Chickasaw, ALEXANDER STUART WALKER, A. M. Miss., Sept. 30, 1853; ordained, Pres. Maury, Oct. 4, 1856; s. s., Fredonia and Bethesda Churches, Miss., 1854-55; Home Miss., Pres. Maury, 1855-63; pastor, Cathey Creek, Church, Miss., 1863-65; pastor, Laurel Hill Church, Miss., 1865-71; pastor, Livingston Church, Ala., 1871-76; evan., Pres. North Ala., 1876-78; s. S., Decatur, Hartsell, Somerville and Fairview Churches, Ala., 1881-; resident, Hartsell, AUSTIN WARNER, A. M.-b. Long Morgan Co., Ala. *SAMUEL DAVID HAWTHORNE, A. B. Island, N. Y., April 26, 1823; pastor, Ladoga, Ind., 18-; pastor, N. Bloomfield, Mo., 18— pastor, Moneka, Kas., 18-; pastor, Ösaga, Kas., 18-; pastor, Ft. Scott, Kas., 18—; pas- tor, Lincoln, Kas., 18-; pastor, Fulton, Kas. resident, Fulton, Kas. BENJAMIN RUSH WHITNEY, A. B.- b. Rockbridge Co., Va., Aug. 18, 1826; A. M., Han. Coll., 1854; admitted to the Bar, Hous- ton, Texas, Jan. 1, 1853; lawyer, Georgetown, Tex., 1853-65; Dist. Att'y, 1858-62; Dist. Judge, 1862-65; lawyer, Austin, Tex., 1865-; Com. Court of Appeals, 1880-81; Judge 16th Jud. Dist., Tex., 1881—; resident, Austin, Texas. • b. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MARtin Young, MARTIN A. B.-b. Washington Co., Ind., Dec., 17, 1829; surveyor, Jeff. Co., Ind., 1854-56; grad., Law' Dept. Asbury Univ., 1856; admitted to the Bar, Madison. Ind., 1857; lawyer, Madison, Ind., 1857-59; lawyer, Salem, Ind., 1859-61; U. S. A., 1861-65; lawyer, Twin Bridges, Mont., A ; GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1865-; judge, Dist. Courts, Mont.; resident, Twin Bridges, Mont. 15. *3. CLASS OF 1851. JAMES MADISON ALEXANDER, A. M. -b. ; A. M., Han. Coll., 1864; chap- lain, U. S. A., 1862-65; deposed from the min- istry, 1870, by Pres. Palestine, Ill.; resident, *HENRY MARTIN BAYLESS, A. B.-- b. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 28, 1831; banker, Cin., 9., Louisville, Ky., and Chicago, Ill., 1851—; merchant, Chicago, Ill., 18-; business, St. Louis, Mo., 18—; died, Geneva, Ill., July 30, 1873, aged 41 years. JOSEPH BOONE, A. B.-b. Tipton Co., JAMES BRUCE, A. M.-b. Lawrence Co., Pa., May 15, 1831; Theol. Sem., Canons- burg, Pa., 1852-55; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; li- censed, Assoc. Pres. O., Oct., 2, 1855; ordained, Assoc. Pres. Philadelphia, May 13, 1856; s. s., 1st Assoc. Church, Pittsburg, Pa., 1855-56; Home Miss., Western Pa., Eastern O., and Wash. Co., N. Y., 1856-58; pastor, Assoc. Pres. Churches, Mercersburg and Cove, Pa., 1858-63; pastor, U. P. Church, Andes, N. Y., 1864-; resident, Andes, N. Y. Tenn., Feb. 15, 1831; teacher, Acad. Fayette, Washington, Austin and Montgomery Coun- ties, Tex., 1853-72; admitted to the Bar, Texas, 1856; lawyer, Montgomery, Washington and HUGH MCHATTON, A. M.-b. Clark's Austin Counties, Tex., 1856; resident, Belle- ville, Texas. JAMES HUSTON BURNS, A. M.b. Ohio, 18—; Lane Theol. Sem., 1851-52; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1853-54; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; s. s., Lexington, O., 1854-54; ordained, Pres. Oxford, 1854; Miss., Indian Terr., 1854-56; pas- tor, Harmony, O., 1856-58; pastor, Monroe, O., 1858-60; s. s., Bethel, O., 1861-63; s. s., New Paris, O., 1863-66; s. s., Eaton, O., 1866-67; s. s., Park Ridge, Ill., 1870-75; evan., Chicago, Ill., 1876-79; business, Chicago, Ill., 1879-; resi- dent, Chicago, Ill. 27 Hopewell Acad., Miss., 1851-57; farmer, Miss., 1858-60; soldier, C. S. A., 1860-65; prin. Hope- well Acad., Miss., 1867-; resident, Oxford, Miss. THEOPHILUS WILSON GUY, A. M.-b. Cincinnati, O., March 31, 1831; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; resident, Kimswick, Mo. *JAMES SIMPSON JONES, A. B.-b. Bardstown, Ky., Jan. 2, 1831; admitted to the Bar, Madison, Ind.; lawyer, Indianola, Tex., -, 1854; died, Port Lavacca, Tex., Nov. 1854, aged 23 years. JAMES MCEWEN KIMMONS, A. M.—b. Cabarrus Co., N. C., April 27, 1828; stu., Jeff. Coll., Pa., 1848-49; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; prin. CORNELIUS MCCAIN, A. M.-b. Leb- anon, O., Sept. 24, 1824; A. M., Han. Coll., 1858; stu., Wabash Coll., 1846-50; prof. Lang. and Math., Grand River Coll., Mo., 1851-53; prin. High School, St. Joseph, Mo., 1853-54; prin. High School, Savannah, Mo., 1854-55; teacher under Pres. Bd. For. Miss., Indian Miss. School, Kas., 1855-56; licensed, Pres. Upper Mo., Oct., 1855; ordained, Pres. Platte, Mo., April, 1858; teacher, Oregon, Mo., 1856-57; Home Miss., Kas., 1857-61; s. s., Forest City and Oregon Churches, Mo., 1861-63; pastor, Washington, Ind., 1863-66; Home Miss., Mo., 1866-70; teacher, Hanover, Ind., 1870-71; pas- tor, Huntington, Ind., 1871-75; s. s., Kentland, Ind., 1875-82; s. s., Jonesborough and Liberty Churches, Ind., 1882-; resident, Jonesbor ough, Ind. Run, Greene Co., O., -, 1825; A. M., Han. Coll., 1850; Assoc. Theol. Sem., Canonsburgh, Pa., 1852-54; licensed, Assoc. Pres. Miami, 1855; ordained, Assoc. Pres. Miami,1858; Home Miss., Northwest, 1856-67; pastor, Massie's Creek, O., 1867-72; pastor, Duncansville, Ill., 1874—; Supt. Schools, Crawford Co., Ill., 1882- $3; resident, Duncansville, Ill. ARCHIBALD V. MCKEE, A. M.-b. ; resident, Troy, Mo. WILLIAM JAMES MCKNIGHT, A. M., D. D.-b. Mecklenburg Co., N. C., Dec. 24, 1829; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1852-53; A. M., Han. Coll., 1854; Theol. Sem., Columbia, S. C., 1853- 54; Danville Theol. Sem., 1854-55; licensed, Pres. Transylvania, April, 1855; ordained, Pres. Transylvania, April, 1860; prof. Lat. and Gr., Austin Coll., Tex., 1856-57; prin. Gram. Sch., Center Coll., 1857-60; prof. Belles Lettres and Pol. Econ., Center Coll., 1860-64; s. S., Harmony and Mt. Pleasant Churches, Ky., 1857-61; pastor, Danville, Ky., 1861-70; pastor, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1870-73; pastor, 1st Pres. Church, Springfield, O., 1873-79; pastor, 1st Pres. Church, New Brunswick, N. J., 1880—; resident, New Brunswick, N. J. D. D., Han. Coll., 1870. ALEXANDER MAYNE, A. M.-b. ; minister, U. P. Church; resident, White- hall, Ind. 2 *EDWARD ETHEL PORTER, A. M.—b. ; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; Union Theol. Sem., Va., 18-; pastor, 3d Pres. Church, Memphis, Tenn., 18-; Col., C. S. A., 18-; died, Memphis, Tenn. *BENJAMIN NILES SAWTELLE, A. M. 23 —b. Binghampton, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1830; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1852-53; Union Theol. Sem., Va., 1853-55; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; ordained, Pres Arkansas, 1856; pastor, Batesville, Ark., 1856- 61; s. s., Tuscumbia, Ala., 1861-70; pastor, Tus- cumbia, Ala., 1870-72; prin. State Nor. Sch., Tuscumbia, Ala.; died, Tuscumbia, Ala., Feb. 13, 1872, aged 41 years. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. JOSEPH GASTON SYMMES, A. M., D. D. -b. Hamilton, O., Jan. 24, 1826; A. M., Han. Coll., 1854; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1851-54; licensed, Pres. New Brunswick, Feb. 7, 1854; ordained, Pres. Madison, Nov. 3, 1854; pastor, 1st Pres. Church, Madison, Ind., 1854-57; pastor, Cran- bury, N. J., 1857-; resident, Cranbury, N. J. D. D., Han. Coll., 1879. *ROBERT FRANCIS TAYLOR, A. M.-b. کو 18. 5. CLASS OF 1852. JOSEPH MAYO BACHELDER, A. M.-b. Greenwood, Steuben Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1822; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1852-55; licensed, Pres. Pe- oria, April, 1855; ordained, Pres. Des Moines, April, 1856; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; pastor, Albia, Iowa, 1855-78; pastor, Osborne City, Kansas, 1878-; resident, Osborne City, Kan- sas. STEPHEN JAY BOVELL, A. M.-b. Jonesboro, Washington Co., Tenn., May 27, 1827; teacher, Acad. Pontotoc Co., Miss.; 1852- 53; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1854-55; li- censed, Pres. Palestine, April, 16, 1859; A. M., Han. Coll., 1862; prin. Acad. Palestine, Ill., 1857-65; ordained, Pres. Palestine, April 16, 1865; s. s., Carlise, Ind., 1861-61; s. s., Palestine, Ill., 1863-65; s. s., Hebron and Oakland Chs., Ill., 1865-79; s. s., Palestine and Robinson Churches, Ill., 1880-80; s. s., Pleasant Prairie Church, Ill., 1881-; resident, Ashmore, Illi- nois. Bourbon Co., Ky., Dec. 29, 1830; Theol. Sem., New Albany, 1851-52; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1852- 54; licensed, Pres. Vincennes, June. 1853; or- dained, Pres. Eastern Texas, Oct. 20, 1855; s. s., Batesville, Ark.. 1854-56; s. s., Dallas, Tex., 1856-57; s. s., Constantine, Mich., 1857-57; s. s., Vernon and Scipio Churches, Ind., 1857-60; s. s., Macomb, Ill., 1860-60; s. s., Rochester, Minn., 1860-62; Chaplain, U. S. A.. 1862-63; s. s., Colfax, Ind., 1861-66; díed, Vernon, Ind., Dec. 19, 1866, aged 36 years. JOSEPH GREEN WELLS, A. M.-b. Athens, O., Oct. 29, 1821; teacher, Paris, Ill., 1851-52; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1853-55; A. M., Han. Coll., 1854; licensed, Pres. Crawfords- ville, 1864; ordained, Pres. Potosi, May 13, 1855; teacher and evan., Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1855-61; teacher, St. Anthony, Minn., 1861-62; HENRY MICHAEL GILTNER, A. M.— Home Miss. and s. s., Sechlersville, Wis., 1862- 78; pastor, Sechlersville, Wis., 1878-; P. O., Sechlersville, Wis. JONATHAN TURNER CARTHEL, A. M. b. Trenton, Tenn., May 14, 1831; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; admitted to the Bar, Trenton, Tenn., 1853; lawyer, Trenton, Tenn., 1853—; mem. Tenn. Leg., 1861-63; private, C. S. A., 1864-65; Judge Com. Court, Tenn., 1877-78; Judge 13th Jud. Cir. Court, Tenn., 1878-; res- ident, Trenton, Tenn. JOHN MCCUTCHEN COYNER, A. M., PH. D.-b. Augusta Co., Va., Sept. 16, 1827; Á. M., Han. Coll., 1856; assoc. prin. and prof. of Math., Coll. Inst., Waveland, Ind., 1852-61; prin. Pres. Acad., Lebanon, Ind., 1861-65; pres. Coll. Inst., Centerville, Ind., 1865-67; supt. Public Schools, Knightstown, Ind., 1867- 69; supt. Pub. Sch., Cambridge City, Ind., 1869- 71; supt. Public Schools, Rushville, Ill., 1871- 73; prín. Gram. Schools, Nez Perces Indians, Lapwai, Idaho, 1873-75; supt. Salt Lake Coll. Inst., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1875—; resident, Salt Lake City, Utah. Ph. D., Han. Coll., 1873. *BENJAMIN PARKE DEWEY, A. M - - b. Charlestown, Ind., April 20, 1834; admitted to the Bar, Charlestown, Ind,, 1857; A. M., Han. Coll., 185; lawyer, Mankato, Minn., 1858-61; Judge Probate Court, Mankato, Minn., 1859-61; Lieut. and Capt., 38th Reg. Ind. Vol., 1861-65; Pros. Att'y Crim. Court for Clarke and Floyd Cos., Ind., 185)-70; died, Jef- fersonville, Ind., Feb. 17, 1870, aged 35 years. b. Clarke Co., Ind., Dec. 30. 1827; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1852-55; licensed, Pres. Madison, May 23, 1855; ordained evan., Pres. Madison, May 26, 1855; A. M., Han. Coll, 1856; s. s., Nebraska City, Neb., 1855-60; pastor, Nebraska City, Neb., 1830-64; Synod. Miss., Kan. and Neb., 1861-65; s. s., Pawnee City, Neb., 1865-69; pas- tor, Pawnee City, Neb., 1869-71; pastor, Sum- mit and Ebenezer Churches, Neb., 1871-75; pastor, Aurora, Neb., 1876-; resident, Auro- ra, Neb. THOMAS MAISE HOPKINS, A. M. b. Red Oak, O., Nov. 24, 1827; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1853-55; licensed, Pres. Chillicothe. June, 1855; ordained, Pres. Miami, June, 1856; A. M. Han. Coll., 1856; pastor, Pleasant Val- ley Church. O., 1855-59; pastor, Bloomington, Ind., 1859-69; pastor, Piqua, O., 1869-76; pastor, Xenia, O., 1876-80; resident, Xenia, O. *ALEXANDER MARTIN; A. M.-b. Lynchburg, Va., June 30, 1833; admitted to Bar, New Albany, Ind., 1855; lawyer, New Albany, Ind., 1855-58; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; teacher, New Albany, Ind., 1858-61; Lieut., Capt., Act. Col. and Assist. Paymaster, 38th A 1 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Ind. Vol., 1861-65; died, New Albany, Ind., April 6, 1865, aged 32 years. ROBERT LANGDON NEELY, A. M.-b. Mecklinburg Co., N. C., Oct. 26, 1829; Colum- bia Theol. Sem., S. C., 1853-55; Danville Theol. *JEREMIAH MEADE DRAKE, A. M. Sem., 1855-56; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; li- censed, Pres. Western District, Tenn., July 5, 1856; ordained, Pres. Western District, Tenn., May 13, 1877; s. s., Hopewell Church, Miss., 1855-58; resident, Denmark, Tenn. JAMES MATLACK SCOVEL, A. M.-b. *DANIEL PRICE YOUNG, A. M.-b. Nicholasville, Ky., Aug. 29, 1832; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; Danville Theol. Sem., 1853-56; li- censed, Pres. West Lexington, 1856; ordained, Pres. West Lexington, 1856; pastor, George- town, Ky., 1856-64; pastor, Providence, Ky., 1864-72; pastor, Nicholasville, Ky.,1872-78; pres- ident, Ky. Pres. Nor. Sch. and Pres. Orphan- age, Anchorage, Ky., 1878-78; died, Anchor- age, Ky., June 30, 1878, aged 45 years. 12. " Harrison, O., Jan. 16, 1833; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; admitted to the Bar, Trenton, N. J., 1856; lawyer, N. J., 1856-; mem. Leg. N. J., 1862; Capt. Eng. Co., U. S. A.; Senator, N. J., 1863; appointed Pres. Lincoln confidential JOSHUA BOLLES GARRITT, A. M., minister to Europe, 1863; Col. 6th Reg. N. J. State National Guard; special agt. U.S. Treas. Dept., 1882-; resident, Camden, N. J. FRANCIS MARION SYMMES, A. M.—b. Hamilton, O., Nov. 27, 1827; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1852-55; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; s. s., Pleasant and Jefferson Churches, Ind., 1855- 56; ordained, Pres. Madison, Nov. 11, 1856; pastor, Pleasant, Ind., 1856-62; pastor, Ver- non, Ind., 1862-64; s. s., Brazil, Ind., 1864-65; s. s., Bedford, Ind., 1865-67; s. s., Lebanon and Hopewell Churches, Ind., 1867-72; Home Miss., Crawfordsville, Ind., 1872-77; s. s., Pao- li and Orleans Churches, Ind., 1877-83; s. s., Pittsburg, Kas., 1383-; resident, Pittsburg, Kas. PH. D.-b. Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 23, 1832; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; teacher, Evansville, Ind., 1853-54; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1854- 55; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1855-56; licensed, Pres. Logansport, June 4, 1855; ordained, Pres. Madison, April 8, 1863; s. s., Rockfield, Ind., 1855-55; prof. Lat. and Greek, Han. Coll., 1856- 62; prof. Greek, Han. Coll., 1862-; s. s., Lan- caster, Ind., 1832-64; s. s.. Lexington, Ind., 1863-64; U. S. Chr. Com., 1864; s. s., Hanover, Ind., 1836-68; s. s., Hanover, Ind., 1873-75; s. S., Hanover, Ind., 1878--; resident, Hanover, Ind. Ph. D.. Wooster University, O., 1881. EDWARD JOHN HAMILTON, A. M., *3. 29 licensed, Pres. Cincinnati, April, 1855; or- dained, Pres. Sidney, Dec., 1855; pastor, West Liberty, O., 1855-; resident, West Liberty, O. D. D., Han. Coll., 1881. CLASS OF 1853. *LYMAN BEECHER ANDREWS, A. M.- b. Franklin, Portage Co., 0., 1827; prin. Acad. Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1853-60; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; died, Cape Girardeau, Mo., Oct. 24, 1859, aged 32 years. b. Butler Co., O., Feb. 5, 1830; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; licensed, Pres. Cincinnati, April, 1855; ordained, Pres. Cincinnati, July, 1855; pastor, Bethel, O., 1856-58; s. s., W. Rushville, O., 1858-62; s. s., Wapokaneta, O., 1862-65; chaplain 1st Ohio Cav. Vol., 18—; s. s., Brook- ville, Ind., 1865-67; pastor, Roanoke, Ind., 1867-70; s. s., Angola, Ind., 1870-71; s. s., Lima, Ind., 1871-73; died, Lima, Ind., Dec. 7, 1873, aged 43 years. D. D., S. T. D.-b. Belfast, Ireland, Nov. 29, 1834; Prin. Theol. Sem, 1853-54; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1854-55; Union Theol. Sem., N. Y., 1855-56; grad, Prin. Theol. Sem., 1858; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; licensed, 1st Pres., New York, 1858; ordained, Pres. Nassau, 1858; pas- tor, Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y., 1858-61; s. s., Dro- more, Ireland, 1862; chaplain, 7th N. J., Inft. Vols., 1863-65; pastor, Hamilton, O., 1866-68; prof. Ment. Sci., Han. Coll., 1868-79; supply- ing Chair of Logic, Eth. and Politics, Prin. Coll., 1883-; resident, Princeton, N. J. D. D., Monmouth Coll., Ill., 1877; S. T. D., Wabash College, Ind., 1877. HENRY SEYMOUR KRITZ, A.M., PH.D. -b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Feb. 14, 1825; tutor, Han. Coll., 1849-51; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; prin. Coll. Inst., Waveland, Ind., 1853-73; prin. High School, Crawfordsville, Ind., 1873- 75; supt. Pub. Schools, Crawfordsville, Ind., 1875-77; assoc. prin. Prep. Dept. and act. prof. Wabash Coll., 1877-; resident, Crawfordsville, Ind. Ph. D., Han. Coll., 1873. JAMES ANDREW CUNNINGHAM, A. B. —b. Springfield, Ky.. Sept. 5, 1834; business, *CHARLES LEE, A. M.-b. Flemings- Louisville, Ky., and Vincennes, Ind., 1853-80; manufacturer, Danville, Ill., 1880—; resident, Danville, Ill. LEWIS ISAAC DRAKE, A. M., D. D.— burg, Ky., May 12, 1818; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1854-55; li- censed, Pres. Madison, 1855; ordained, Pres. Madison, 1856; pastor, Graham Ch., 1855-59; s. s., Lancaster and Dupont, Ind., 1856-59; pas- tor, Scipio, Ind., 1859-61; s, s., New Philadel- -b. Hamilton Co., O., Aug. 7, 1826; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1853-55; | 30 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. phia and Henryville, 1861-63; died. Hanover, | *WILLIAM WHEAT, A. B.-b. Ind., May 27, 1863, aged 45 years. ; minister, -, Miss., 18—; *WILLIAM POPE LEMASTER, A. M.-JOHN M. STALKER, B. S.-b. Wash- b. Raleigh, Tenn., Sept. 16, 1833; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; Danville, Theol. Sem., 18—. *GIDEON BLACKBURN MCLEARY, A.M. -b. Jackson, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1834; A. M., Han. Coll.. 1856; lawyer, JAMES ALEXANDER MCREE, A. M.- b. Iredell Co., N. C., April 7, 1827; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; Danville Theol. Sem., 1853-55; li- censed, Pres. Transylvania, Sept. 30, 1855; or- dained, Pres. Lake, April 28, 1857; s. s., Ver- sailles and Dillsborough, 1855-57; s. s., Rolling Prairie, 1857-61; s. s., Dillsborough and Ver- salles, Ind., 1853-70; pastor, Vernon, Gra- ham, Monroe and Smyrna Churches, Ind., 1870-78; s. s., Salem and Livonia, Ind., 1878-82; resident, Salem, Ind. CLASS OF 1854, STEPHEN CROMWELL ADAIR, A. B — *JOSEPH WARREN MAHAN, A. M.-- b. Fulton, Cincinnati, O., June 25, 1825; teach- b. Harrodsburgh, Ky., July 18, 1831; lawyer, Morganfield, Ky., 18-; resident, Morganfield, Ky. er, Moscow, O., 1853-54; prin. High School, DAVID GILKERSON HERRON, A. M., Laurel, O., 1854-56; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; prin. Union Schools, New Richmond, O., 1856-63; died, New Richmond, O., Oct. 16, 1863, aged 38 years. HENRY THOMAS MORTON, A. M.-b. Farmville, Va., Nov. 5, 1832; A. M., Han. Coll., 1856; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1853-54; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1861-62; licensed, Pres. Vin- cennes, April 3, 1858; ordained, Pres. Pales- tine, Sept. 29, 1859; s. S., West Salem, Ind., ROBERT IRWIN, A. M., D. D.~-b. Ox- Newton, Ill., Bardstown, Ky., Fort Smith, Ark., Des Peres, Mo., Washington, Mo., Ma- ryville, Rockford and Lebanon, Tenn.; pres. St. Louis Institute, St. Louis, Mo.; supt. Schools, Knoxville, Tenn.; pres. State Nor. School, Greenville, S. C.; pres. E. Texas Univ., Tyler, Texas; supt. City Schs., Boon- ville, Mo.; resident, Boonville, Mo. *HENRY SPENCER SCOVEL, A. B.--b. ford, O., Jan. 1, 1833; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany City, Pa., 1851-57; A. M., Han. Coll., 1862; licensed, Pres. Muncie, April 5, 1856; or- dained, Pres. Logansport, April, 1857; pastor, West Union and Bethlehem Churches, Ind., 1856-64; Chaplain, U. S. A., 1861-62; pastor, Waveland, Ind., 1864-68; pastor, 1st Pres. Church, Kansas City, Mo., 1868-73; Dist. Supt. Bd. of Pub., 1873-80; pres. Lindenwood Fem. Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 1880-; resident, St. Charles, Mo. D. D., Highland Univ., Kan- ington Co., Ind., Feb. 17, 1828; B. S., Han. Coll., 1878; prin. Acad. Carroll Co., Ky., 1853- 51; prin. Acad. Lawrence Co., Ind., 18-; prin. Bedford Acad., Bedford, Ind., 18-; prin. Leesville Acad., 18-; prin. Lawrence High Sch., 18-; prin. Sem., Mitchell, Ind., 18—; li- censed, Baptist Min., 1830; ordained, 1863; Clerk Cir. Court, Lawrence Co., Ind., 1873-81; Com. Cir. Court, Lawrence Co., Ind., 1881-; pastor, Baptist Churches of Leesville, Bloom- ington, Heltonville, Livonia and Bedford, Ind., 1863-; resident, Bedford, Ind. 18. *y. admitted to the Bar, Louisville, Ky., 1855; lawyer, Taylorsville, Ky., 1855-57; lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1857-59; died, Cass Co., Mo., April 26, 1860. PH. D.-b. Rockingham Co., Va., 1825; tutor, Han. Coll., 1851-54; prin. select school Bards- town, Ky., 1854-56; prin. Acad. Madison Co., Miss, 1856-62; prin. Masonic Inst., Tannin, Miss., 1864-67; prin. Prep. Dept. Univ. of Ky., 1868-70; prof. Ag. and Mech. Coll. Univ. Ky., 1870-74; prof. Math. Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind., 1875—; resident, Lafayette, Ind. Ph. D., Han. Coll., 1873. Harrison, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1832; Prin. and New Albany Theol. Sems.; died New Albany, Ind., May 15, 1854, aged 21 years. sas. SYLVESTER FITHIAN SCOVEL, A. M., ROBERT ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, A. M. D. D.-b. Harrison, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1835; A. M., Ham. Coll., 1856; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1853-56; licensed, Pres. New Albany, April,1857; ordained, Pres. New Albany, Oct. 28, 1857; pas- tor, Jeffersonville, Ind., 1857-60; pastor, Springfield, O., 1860-66; pastor, 1st Pres. Ch., Pittsburg, Pa., 1866-; resident, Pittsburg, Pa. D. D., Han. Coll., 1870. *JACKSON JAY SMITH, A. M.-b. -b. Mt.Carmel, Clermont Co., O., Nov. 17, 1835; grad., Cincinnati Law School, 1857; admitted to the Bar, Cin., O., 1857; lawyer, Cin., Q., 1857-; mem. City Council, Cin., O., 1861-63; pri- vate 138th Reg. O. V. I., 1861-64; Mayor, Avon- dale, Cin., O., 1867-75; Judge Court Com. Pleas, Cin., O., 1876-; A. M., Han. Coll,, 1833; resident, Avondale, Cin., O. ; A. M., Han. Coll., 186; ISAAC BROWN MOORE, A. B.--b. Bristol, Morgan Co., O., Jan. 31, 1827; New Al- bany Theol. Sem., 1854-57; licensed, Pres. Lo- gansport, June, 1856; ordained, Pres. Craw- fordsville, April, 1865; s. s., Bushnell, Ill., C • GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1857-58; s. s., Gilman, Ill., 1858-62; pastor, West Lebanon, Ind., 1864-68; pastor, Pleasant, Ind., 1869-74; s. s., New Washington, Ind., 1874-77; s. s., Claiborn, Ind., 1877-80; s. s., Rehoboth, Ind., 1880-83; postoffice, Rehoboth, Ind. EDWARD H. RUTHERFORD, A.M., D.D. -b. Brownsville, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1831; Dan- ville, Theol. Sem., 1854-57; licensed, Pres. Western District Tenn., 1856; ordained, Pres. Cent. Miss.,1857; pastor, Vicksburg, Miss., 1857- 66; pastor, 1st Pres. Church, Petersburg, Va., 1866-72; pastor, Grand Ave. Pres. Church, St. Louis, Mo., 1872-81; pastor, Paris, Ky., 1881-; WILLIAM HALL HUSTON, A. B.-h. resident, Paris, Ky. D. D., Westminster Col- lege, Mo., 1873. EDWARD COOKE SICKLES, A. M.--b. Indianapolis, Ind., April 24, 1335; New Alba- ny Theol. Sem., 1851-55; Princeton Theol. Sem., 1855-58; stud., Berlin, Prussia, 1856-57; licensed, Pres. Indianapolis, May, 1858; s. s., Kirkwood, Mo., 1858-62; ordained, Pres. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 7, 1852; pastor, Dixon, Ill., 1862-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; resident, Dix- on, Ill. 31 Westminster Coll., Mo., 1857-70; ordained, Pres. Missouri, 1860; s. s., Fulton, Mo., 1856-70; pastor, Independence, Mo., 1870-74; president. Fem. Coll., Independence, Mo., 1871-74; prof. of Latin and chairman of the Faculty, West- minster Coll., 1874-77; prof. Latin Lang. and Lit., Missouri Univ., 1877—; resident, Cɔlum- bia Mo. D. D., Westminster Coll., 1868; LL.D., Han. Coll., 1882. JAMES HOLLISTER HUNTER, A. B.— b. Bethel, Sullivan Co., N. Y., May 12, 1830; minister; resident, Whitefield, Kansas. *WILLIAM RONDEAU SIM, A. B.--b. Golconda, Ill., Nov. 25, 1831; Danville Theol. Sem., 1854-57; licensed, Pres. Kaskaskia, Sept., 1857; ordained, Pres. Kaskaskia, 1858; pastor, Jordan Grove and Lively Prairie Chs., Ill., 1858-60; pastor, Golconda, Ill., 1860-64; died, ROBERT CLARKE MCGEE, A. B.—b. Golconda, Ill., July 7, 1864, aged 33 years. Clarke Co., Ind., Jan. 11, 1827; teacher, Car- roll Parish, La., 1856-58; Danville Theol. Sem., 1858-60; minister, Louisiana; teacher, Ky, and Ind., 18-; licensed, Pres. New Albany, 1859; ordained, Pres. Neosho, 1877; prof. Nat. Sci., Bellwood, Fem. Sem., 1866-71; prof. Nat. Sci., Forest Home Mil. Acad., Anchorage, Ky.; Miss., Ind. Terr. 1877--; resident, Eufaula, Ind. Terr. 11. *1. Butler Co., Ohio, Aug. 20, 1834; resident, Sid- ney, O. ROBERT JOHN LOUIS MATTHEWS, A.M. -b. Floyd Co., Ind., April 21; 1832; prof. Mi- nerva Coll., Ky.; supt. Schs., Covington, Ky.; A. M., Han. Coll., 1858; New Albany Theol. Sem., 18-; licensed, Pres. New Albany, April 14, 1860; ordained, Pres. New Albany, Nov. 15, 1860; pastor and s. s, Charlestown, Ind., Van- dalia, Jacksonville and Olney, Ill., Newport, Ky., Montague and St. Louis, Mich., 1860-83; chaplain, U. S. A., 1833; U. S. Consul, Naples, Italy, 1868-70; editor New Albany Ledger, 18-; editor Indianapolis Sentinel, 18—; resi- dent, St. Louis, Mich. THOMAS WALLACE, A. M., M. D.--b. New York, 18-; prin. Union School, Middletown, O., 1854-55; prin. High Sch., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1856-58; A. M., Han. Coll., 1858;. prin. Monroe Acad., Butler Co., O., 1858-61; li- censed, Pres. Miami, Sept., 1860; ordained, Pres. Marion, 1861; Home Miss., Pres. Marion, 1861-64; M. D., Univ. Nashville, Tenn., 1864; s. s., Bluffton and New Lancaster, Ind., 1865- JOHN QUINCY MCKEEHAN, A. M.— 70; evan., Dayton, O., 1870-; resident, Day- ton, O. JAMES EDGAR WILSON, A. B.-b. Lowdiana, N. India, April 22, 1836; resident, Concord, Tenn., (?) JARED RYKER WOODFILL, A. B.-b. CLASS OF 1855. JAMES ROBINSON EVANS, A. B.-b. Bloomingburg, O., March 18, 1828; teacher: resident, Memphis, Tenn. b. Vernon, Ind., Sept. 15, 1827; tutor, Han. Coll., 1854-56; A. M., Han. Coll., 1862; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1856-57; New Albany Theol. Sem., 1857-58; prin. Hopewell Acad., 1858-59; licensed, Pres. Madison, April, 1859; ordained, Pres. Madison, March, 1864; s. s., Edinburgh and Shiloh Churches, Ind., 1859- 60; s. s., 4th Pres. Church, Dayton,O., 1860-61; s. s.,Pleasant and Jefferson Churches, Ind., 1861- 62; s. s., Bethany, Shiloh and New Prospect Churches, Ind., 1862-65; teacher, Select Sch., Franklin, Ind., 1863-65; s. s., Vernon, Ind., 1867-68; s. S., Vernon and Graham Churches, Ind., 1868.69; supt. Com. Schs., Jennings Co., 1880-81; pastor elect, Whiteland, Ind., 1881-; resident, Whiteland, Ind. MICHAEL MONTGOMERY FISHER, A.M., D. D., LL. D.—b. Parke Co., Ind., Oct. 8, 1834; CHARLES HOPKINS PARK, A. M.—b. A. M., Han. Coll., 1858; licensed, Pres. Missouri, 1858; prof. An. Lang. Westminster Coll., Mo., 1856-57; prof. Latin Lang. and Lit., Jerseytown, Pa., July 16, 1830; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1855-57; A. M., Han. Coll., 1859; ordain- ed, Pres. Northumberland, Jan. 18, 1859; pas- 32 tor, Chilisquaque and Mooresburgh, Pa., 1859- 71; pastor, Circleville, N. J., 1871-; resident, Circleville, N. J. WILLIAM A. SAMPLE, A. M.-b. Charlotte, N. C., June 1830; Danville Theol. Sem., 1855-58; licensed, l'res. Memphis, Sept., 1858; ordained, Pres. Arkansas, April, 1859; pastor, Fort Smith, Ark., 1858-63; pastor, 3d Pres. Church, Memphis, Tenn., 1864-68; pas- tor, Fort Smith, Ark., 1868-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1865; resident, Fort Smith, Ark. WILLIAM BLOOMER TRUAX, A. M.- GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. b. Orange Co., Ind., March 7, 1829; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1858-59; Northwest Theol. Sem., 1859-61; licensed, Pres. New Albany, 1860; or- dained, Pres. Chicago, May 3, 1863; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; supt. Miss., Am. S. S. Union, Chi- cago, Ill., 1861-67; gen. agt, and fin. sec. North- West. Theol. Sem., 1867-72; U. S. Ind. Agt., New Mex. and Arizona, 1872-77; teacher, Pao- li,Ind.,1878-79; evan.,Chicago, Ill., 1879-81 ; s. s., Cherryvale and Neodesha, Kas., 1881-82; resi- dent, Cherryvale, Kas. sonville, Ind., Jan. 5, 1836; Danville Theol. Sem., 1857-59; Theol. Sem., Columbia, S. C., 1859-6); licensed, Pres. Louisville, April, 1859; ordained, Pres. S. Alabama, Sept., 1860; s. s., Cohoba, Ala., 1860-61; pastor, Indiana Ch., Ind., 1862-64; A. M., Han. Coll., 1864; pastor, Charlestown, Ind., 1961-66; pastor, Fulton, Ill., 1866-72; pastor, 2d Church, Madison, Ind., 1872-77; pastor, Harrodsburg, Ky., 1878-80; s. s., Louisville, Ky., 1880-81; s. s., Orlando, Fla., 1881-; resident, Orlando, Florida. HARVEY LAMB, A. B.-b. THOMAS MARION TUCKER, A. B., M. D. JAMES KENNEDY PATTERSON, A. M.. -b. New Philadelphia, Aug. 25, 1828; physi- cian, Salem, Ind.; resident, Salem, Ind. ARCHIBALD CAMERON VORIS, A. M. -b. Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind., June 16, 1829; A. M., Han. Coll., 1862; admitted to the Bar, Bedford, Ind., 1857; Dana Law School, Harvard Univ., 1857-58; lawyer, Bedford, Ind., 1858-; Capt. Ind. Vol. and on Staff of Gen. Hancock, 1832-65; resident, Bedford, Ind. 12. *0. CLASS OF 1856. * JAMES BAILIE ADAMS, A. M.-b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 25, 1832; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1856-59; licensed, Pres. Madison, June, 1858; ordained, Pres. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1865; s. s., Lancaster, Ind., 1860; s. s., May's Landing, N. J., 1860-62; s. s., Hubbard and Liberty, O., 1863-64; pastor, Guilderland, N. Y., 1865-68; pastor, 2d Church, Amwell, N. J., 1868-73; pastor, Georgetown, Del., 1873-80; pastor, Portland, Pa., 1880-; resident, Portland, Pa. JAMES WILLIAM ALLISON, A. M.- b. Augusta Co., Va., May 23, 1828; New Alba- ny Theol. Sem., 1856-57; licensed, Pres. Pales- tíne, April 12, 1857; Northwest Theol. Sem., 1857-58; ordained, Pres. Palestine, Oct., 1859; A. M., Han. Coll., 1862; Home Miss., Pres. Pal- estine, 18-; pastor, Areola, Ill., 18-; s. S., Grandview, Dudley, Redmore and Kansas, Ill., 18-; resident, Kansas, Ill. ROBERT BROWN HERRON, A. B.-b. Hillsboro, O., Oct. 15, 1831; Danville, Theol. ¢ Sem., 1831-62; licensed, Pres. Chillicother April, 1832; ordained, Pres. Chillicothe, Sept., 1863; s. s., Manchester and Westminster, O., 1862-64; Chaplain, 14th Reg. Ky. Vol., 1864-65; s. s., Pleasant Ridge, O., 1865-66; s. s., Millers- burg, O., 1866-70; pastor, Danville, Ind., 1870- 74; s. s., Whitefield, Shiloh and Brownsburg, Ind., 1874-76; s. s., Montezuma, Ia., 1876-82; s. s., Independence, Kas., 1882-; resident, Inde- pendence, Kas. HENRY KEIGWIN, A. M.-b. Jeffer- PH. D.-Glasgow, Scotland, March 26, 1833; tutor, Han. Coll., 1854-55; A. M., Han. Coll., 1859; prin. Pres. Acad. Greenville, Ky., 1856- 59; prin. Prep. Dept. Stewart Coll., Clarks- ville, Tenn., 1859-60; prof. An. Lang. Stewart Coll., 1860-61; prin. Trans. Univ., 1861-65; prof. Lat. Univ. of Ky., 1865-69; pres. Ag. and Mech. Coll. Univ. of Ky., 1869-; delegate Inter. Cong. Geog. Sci. Paris, 1875; resident, Lexington, Ky. Ph. D., Han. Coll., 1875. JAMES SANDERSON RANKIN, A. M.-- ¦ b. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 20, 1819; A. M., Han. Coll., 1865; teacher, Louisville, Ky., and Mad- ison, Ind., 18-; supt. Schools, Madison, Ind., 18; supt. Co. Sch., Minneapolis, Minn., 18-; resident, Minneapolis, Minn. RICHMOND KELLY SMOOT, D. D.--b. Huntingdon, Tenn., March 15, 1834; Danville Theol. Sem., 1856-59; pastor, Bowling Green, Ky., 18-; pastor, Austin, Tex. 18-; resident, Austin, Tex. D. D. Moderator Gen. As- sembly South. Pres. Ch., 1882. JAMES HARVEY TEDFORD, A. M.-b. Portland Mills, Putnam Co., Ind., March 4, 1832; U. P. Theol. Sem., Xenia, O., 1857-59; li- censed, Pres. June 8, 1859; ordained, U. P. Pres. Mercer, Pa., Apríl, 1860; pastor, U. P. Church, Michigan, Ind., 18-; pastor, U. P. Church, Petersburg, Ind., 18-; pastor, U. P. Church, Mt. Ayr, Iowa, 18; resident, Mt. Ayr, Iowa. " BENJAMIN DUBOIS WYCKOFF, A. M.- b. Franklin, O., May 18, 1834; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany City, Pa., 1856-59; licensed, : GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 33 Pres. Miami, 1859; ordained, Pres. Miami, *HIRAM FRANCIS BRAXTON, B. S.—— June, 1860; s. s., Granville and Gettysburg, O., 1859-60; For. Miss. to India, under care of Pres. Bd. of For. Miss., 1860-75; pastor, Arch- ibald Church, N. Y., 1876-79; Pres. Miss. for the Pres. of Columbia, N. Y., 1879-83; resi- dent, East Durham, N. Y. *CYRUS ALEXANDER JOHNSON, B. S. -b. Franklin, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1835; officer, C. S. A.; killed in battle. JAMES EDWIN RANKIN, B. S.-b. Henderson, Ky., March 15, 1839; business, Henderson, Ky., 1856—; resident, Henderson, Ky. 12. *1. b. Paisley, Scotland, Feb. 9, 1832; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1857-59; licensed, Pres. Madison, Feb. 16, 1859; ordained, 2d Pres. of N. Y., June 7, 1859; pastor, Scotch Pres. Church, Jersey City, N. J., 1859-62; A. M., Han. Coll., 1864; pastor, Zion Pres. Ch., Brantford, Ont., Can- ada, 1862-; pres. Fem. Coll., Brantford, Can.; resident, Brantford, Ont., Canada. D. D.. Han. Coll., 1875; Mod. Gen. Assem. Pres. Ch., Canada, 1882. b. Paoli, Orange Co., Ind., Oct. 1, 1836; resi- dent, Bedford, Ind., 1857-61; 2d Lieut., 24th Reg. Ind. Vol., 1861-63; Col., Militia, 1663; Capt., 117th Reg. Ind. Vol., 1863-64; business, Bedford, Ind., 1865; farmer, Elliottsville, Ind., 18-; died, Elliottsville, Ind., May 20, 1881, aged 44 years. DAVID TAYLOR, B. S.--b. Franklin Co., Ohio, March 20, 1837. *JOHN NEWTON VORIS, B. S.-b. CLASS OF 1857. LEONARD FISK ANDREWS, A. B.-b. Franklin, O., May 14, 1835; prof. Lang. Fem. Sem., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 18-; physician, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; resident, Sarasota, Fla. WILLIAM COCHRANE, A. M., D. D.-*JACOB REASONER GEYER, A. B.--5. Norwich, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1833; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1858-60; North West. Theol. Sem., Chi- cago, Ill., 1860-61; ordained, Pres. Logans- port, 1862; s. s., Peru, Ind., 1861-63; s. s., Rich- mond, Ind., 1863-63; Chaplain, 140th Reg. Ind. Vol., 1863-64; died, Kingston, N. C., April 3, 1864, aged 30 years. * *HORACE HOVEY HANNA, A. B.—b. Ft. Wayne, Ind., April 6, 1838. WILLIAM MEANS CROZIER, A. M.-JOHN D. MCCLINTOCK, A.M., D.D.— b. Millersburg, Ky., Feb. 24, 1836; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1859-62; s. s., Flemingsburg, Ky., 1862-63; ordained, evan Pres. Ebenezer, April 11, 1864; s. s., Hunting- ton, W. Va., 1863-73; pastor, Huntington, W. Va., 1873-76; s. s., Catlettsburg, Ky., 1876-77; pastor, Columbus, Miss., 1877-81; died, Columbus, Miss., Dec. 12, 1881, aged 15 years. Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind., July 27, 1831; U. S. Treas. Dept., Washington, D. C., 18-: died, Washington, D. C., Nov. 11, 1865, aged 34 years. 8. *3. - CLASS OF 1858. *WILLIAM PETER BAKER, A. B.-b. Dayton, Ohio, June 9, 1833; Soldier, C. S. A.; killed in battle. b. Paris, Ill., Dec. 1, 1829; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; minister; resident, Carlyle, Kansas. JOHN MCMURRAY, A. M.-b. New Concord, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1829; A. M., Han. Coll., 1867; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1857-60; licensed, Pres. New Brunswick, Apr. 17, 1850; ordained, Pres. Brazos, Apr. 5, 1861; s. s., Chapel Hill, Texas, 1860-61; s. s., San Antonio, 1861-63; s. s., Col- JAMES BAIRD MCCLURE, A. M.-b. umbus, Tex., 1863-65; s. s., Lockport, Texas, 1865-67; s. s., Georgetown, Tex., 1867-75; prin. Acad. Georgetown, Tex., 1867-75; prin. Par- son's Sem., 1875-78; prin. and proprietor Taylor Acad., Taylor, Tex.. 1878-; s. s., Tay- lor, Tex., 1881-82; resident, Taylor, Texas. A Vincennes, Ind., April 7, 1832; student, Wa- bash Coll., two years; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1858- 59; North West. Theol. Sem., 1858-61; li- censed, Pres. Vincennes, May, 1860; s. s., Ful- ton, Ill., 1861-65; A. M., Han. Coll., 1865; or- dained. Pres. Rock River, April, 1864; pastor, - 1st Pres. Church, Denver, Col., 1865-68; assoc. editor, "Northwestern Presbyterian," Chica- go, Ill., 1867; editor, "Interior," Chicago, Ill., 1869-71; editor, "Alliance," Chicago, Ill., 1871- 76; publisher, Chicago, Ill., 1876-; s. s., River Park, Chicago, Ill., 1876-82; resident, Chicago, * 111. *DAVID MCKNIGHT WILLIAMSON, A. M.-b. Troy, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1832; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1857-60; li- censed, Pres. Saline, Ill., 1859; ordained, Pres. Logansport, Oct. 3, 1861; s. s., Indian Creek and Mill Creek, Ind., 1860-65; s. s., Perrysburg, Ind., 1865-75; s. s., Duncan's Falls and Rural Dale, O., 1875-81; s. s., Chandlersville, O., 1875- THOMAS JOHNSON MCELRATH, A. B. 76; pastor, Chandlersville, O., 1876-81; died, Duncan's Falls, O., Aug. 24, 1881, aged 48 years. -b. Ayrshire, Scotland, Dec. 4, 1835; editor "Carrollton Democrat"; resident, Carrollton, Ky. 34 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. CLASS OF 1859. DAVID WILLIAM MOFFAT, A.M., D.D. -b. Morristown, N. J., Jan. 9, 1835; Prin. ROBERT LONG ADAMS, A. M.-b. 1859-61; ordained, Pres. Madison, April 17, 1863; A. M., Han. Coll., 1865; s. s., Jefferson, Ind., 1862-63; pastor, Jefferson, Ind., 1863-64; s. s., Vernon, Ind., 1864-66; pastor, 1st Church, Madison, Ind., 1836-70; pastor, Bridge Street Church, Georgetown, D. C., 1870-72; pastor, 1st Church, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1872-; resident, Ft. Wayne, Ind. D. D., Han. Coll. 1881. JAMES ALEXANDER PIPER, A. M. b. Palestine, Ill., March 1, 1833; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1858-61; ordained evan., Pres. Schuyler, April 6, 1862; A. M., Han. Coll., 1865; pastor, Westminster Church, Quincy, Ill., 1861-70; s. s., Clinton, Ill., 1870-71; pastor, Clinten, Ill., 1871-74; s. s., Charlestown, Ill., 1874-75; pastor, *HENRY ELLET CRAWFORD, A. M.- Charlestown, Ill., 1875-; resident, Charles- town, Ill. *JAMES HERVEY VANNUYS, A. B.— b. Hopewell, Ind., Dec. 18, 1833; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1858-61; s. s., Kingston, Ind., 1861-62; or- dained evan., Pres. Rock River, April, 1863; s. s., Andover, Ill.. 1862-66; s. s., Wilton, Junc- tion, Iowa, 1866-66; died, Franklinville, Iowa, -Nov. 25, 1866, aged 32 years. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1834; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1859-62; licensed, Pres. Madison, June, 1862; ordained evan., Madison, Sept. 28, 1863; s. s., Brown and Kingston, O., 1863- 65; s. s., Miffin, O., 1865-66; s. s., Summit and Long Grove, Ia., 1866-68; s. s., Andover and Osco, Ill., 1868-70; s. s., Audover and Lynn, Ill., 1870-70; pastor, Andover and Lynn, 1871- 74; s. s., Beulah and Coal Valley, Ill., 1873-74; s. s., Remington and Rensselaer, Ind., 1874- 75; s. s., Ref. Church, Raritan, Ill., 1875-78; s. s., Bethlehem and West Union, Ind., 1878-82; s. s., Bainbridge, Carpentersville and Put- namsville, Ind., 1882—; resident, Bainbridge, Ind. ROBERT GAINES Ross, A. M.-b. Warren Co., Ohio, Jan. 13, 1832; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1358-61; s. s., Union Grove, Ill., 1861-62; ordained evan., Pres. Bloomington, Oct. 18, 1863; s. s., Salem, Ill., 1862-66; s. s., Jersey, Ill., JOHN P. Fox, A. B.-b. Knox Co., , 1866-69; s. s., Moro and Bayless, Ill., 1869-70; s. s., Bridgeport, Pisgah and Union, Ill., 1870- 76; s. s., Pleasant Prairie, Ill., 1876-79; s. s., Baldwin, Ill., 1879-; resident, Baldwin, Ill. AUGUSTUS TAYLOR, A. M.-b. Col- umbus, Ohio, April 20, 1829; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany City, Pa., 1858-61; licensed, Pres. Madison, April, 1860; ordained, Pres. Sidney, O., Nov. 12, 1862; pastor, Pres. Ch., St. Mary's, O., 1862-65; pastor, Lawrenceburgh, Ind., 1865-66; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; pastor, Washington, Ind., 1866-69; Pres. Miss., Pres. Vincennes, 1869-70; pastor, Mt. Vernon, Ind., 1870-73; pastor, Plymouth, Ind., 1873-75; pas- tor, Manchester, O., 1875-80; s. s., Rensselaer and Meadore Lake Churches, Ind., 1880-81; Pres. Miss., Pres. Logansport, 1882-; resident, Rensselaer, Ind. *CORNELIUS PLEASANT VORIS, A. B. -b. Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind., March 14, 1827; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1858-60; North West. Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1860-61; licensed, Pres. Madison, April, 1860; s. s., Lexington, Ind., 1861-62; died, Lexington, Ind., Aug. 4, 1862, aged 35 years. 12. *6. b. Orange Co., N. C., Dec. 1. 1832; Prin. Theol. Sem. 1859-62; ordained Pres. Madison, Oct. 10, 1863; s. s., Pleasant and Jefferson, Ind., 1862-63; A. M., Han. Coll., 1865; pastor Pleasant and Jefferson, Ind., 1863-65; died Pleasant, Ind., Feb. 5, 1866, aged 33 years. Ind., Oct. 15, 1831; Western Theol. Sem., Alle- gheny City, Pa.. 1859-61; licensed Pres. Vin- cennes, April 13, 1861; ordained, Pres. Palestine, 1862; s. s., Newton and New- hope, Ill.. 1861-66; s. s., Plattsburg, Crooked River and Mirabile Churches, Mo., 1866-68; pastor Hamilton, Mo., 1868-69; s. s., Carlisle, Ind., 1870-74; s. s., Spencer, Ind., 1874-76; s. s., Indiana Church, Ind., 1876-79; s. s., Royal Oak and Smyrna Churches, Ind., 1879-80; s. s., Car- lisle and Ohio Churches, Ind.. 1881-; post office, Vincennes, Ind. *COLUMBUS - DEWITT HUSTON, A. B. -b. New Philadelphia, Ind,, Oct. 13, 1831; Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa. 1859-62; licensed, Pres. New Albany, 1861; or- dained, Pres. New Albany, 1876; s. s.,New Mid- dletown and Valley City, Ind., 1863-65; teach- er, ——, 1865-76; s. s., Rehoboth, Laconia, Val- ley City and New Middletown, Ind., 1876-79; died Rehoboth, Ind., Nov. 10, 1879, aged 48 years. - ROBERT LENINGTON, A. M.-b. Del- aware Co., Ind., Jan. 27, 1833; A. B. Jefferson College, Pa., 1859; A. B., Han. Coll., 1878; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1859-62; licensed, Pres. Logans- port, April 6, 1861; ordained, Pres. Sangamon, July 16, 1862; pastor 1st Portuguese Church' Springfield, Ill., and 2d Portuguese Church, Jacksonville, Ill., 1862-67; Miss. Pres. Bd. For. Miss., Brazil, S. A., supplying the churches of Brotas, Borda da Matta, Rio de Janeiro, Ba- hia, Cachoeira, Rio Claro, Sao Carlos, Araras- aquara, Cruzeiro and Petropolis, 1867-; resi- dent Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. S. FINLEY THOMPSON, A. B.-b. Car- lisle, Ind., March 12, 1810; soldier U. S. A,, 1861- 64; business, Philadelphia, Pa., 1864-, resident Philadelphia, Pa. JOHN BACON VAWTER, A. B.--b. Franklin, Ind., May 26, 1836; Western Theol. Sem., 1859-62; licensed, Pres. Indianapolis, April 13, 1831; ordained, Pres. Dubuque, 1863; pastor, Prairie and Buncombe Chs., Iowa, 1863-67; s. s., Minn., Mo. and Kas., 1867-77; s. S., Alexandria, Neb., 1877-81; Home Miss., Mo., 1881-; resident, Sedalia, Mo. CHARLES HENRY JOHNSON, B. S.--b. Ft. Wayne, Ind., March 1, 1839. OLIVER MULVEY, M. S., Ph. D.-b. 35 Dept. Georgetown Coll, 1860-61; Bapt. Min. and teacher, Ky., 18-; resident, Frankfort, Ky. *GEORGE MARTIN WHITELY, B. S.- b. Washington, D. C.. Aug. 4, 1839; business, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1860-64; died Brooklyn, N. Y., April 19, 1864; aged 21 years. 10. *3. WILLIAM GEORGE THOMAS, A. M. -b. Monroe Co., Va., Sept. 21, 1829; North West Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1860-62; li- censed Pres. Logansport, May, 1862; ordained Pres. Saline, Ill., Sept., 1863; s. s., Salem. Ill., 1862-64; s. s, Lexington, Ind., (Pres. Logans- port), 1864-65; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; Home Miss., Kansas, 1866-74; Home Miss., Missouri, 1874-76; Home Miss., Pres. Bloomington, Ill., 1876-80; s. s., Kansas City, Mo., 1880-; resident Kansas City, Mo. Madison, Ind., June 7, 1837; M. S., Han. Coll., 1866; photographer and manufacturer. Madi- son, Ind., 1859-71; Supt. Mines and Assayer, JAMES WILSON, A. M., M. D.-b. Wichita, Kas.; resident, Wichita, Kas.; Ph, D., Han. Coll., 1883. *SAMUEL D. VORIS, A. B.-b. Pleas- ant, Switzerland Co., Ind., Sept. 19, 1833; prin. Acad., Hopewell, Ind., 1860-61; died, Pleasant, Ind., Oct. 14, 1861; aged 28 years. Dundee, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1837; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; M. D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cincinnati, O., 1863; Surg. 11th Reg. Ind. Vol. Inf., 1863;64; Surg. N.Y. Inf. Vol. 1864-65; med. stu., Guelph, Canada, 1855-66; physician, Iowa, 1866-68; stu. Theol., Danville Theol. Sem., 1868-69; licensed Pres., Sioux City, 1869; teacher, Texas, 18—; resident, New Waverly, Texas. *WILLIAM ANDREW COLLINS, M. S., M. D.-b. Carrollton, Ky., March 5, 1842; assist, Surg. 6th Reg. Ind., Inft. Vol. 1861-64; act. assist. Surg. U. S. A., 1834-65; M. D. Med. Univ., Louisville, Ky., 1865; M. S., Han. Coll., 1868; Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1871-72; physician Madison, Ind., 1865-83; died, Madi- son, Ind., May 18, 1883; aged 41 years. CLASS OF 1860. JOHN MCKNIGHT BLOSS, A. M.-b. New Philadelphia, Ind., Jan. 21, 1839; tutor Han. Coll., 1858-59; prin. Schs., Livonia, Ind.. 1861-62; Lieut. and Capt. 27th Reg. Ind. Vol., 1862-64; Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., O., 1864-66; prin. Acad. Orleans, Ind., 1867-70; Co. Exam, Orange Co., 1868-70; prin. Fem. High Sch., GEORGE W. CUMMINGS, B. S.—b. Lo- gansport, Ind., Aug. 5, 1838. New Albany, Ind., 1870-75; Supt. Pub. Sch., Evansville, Ind., 1875-81; Supt. Pub. Instruc- tion, Indiana, 1881-83; prof. Math. Indiana State Normal Sch., 1883-; resident Indianap- olis, Ind. J. MARSHALL STORY, B. S.-b. Ver- non, Ind., Oct. 17, 1810. 10. ***2. JOHN WESLEY CRAWFORD, A. M.-b. Lawrence Co., Ind., Nov. 20, 1836; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1860-62; licensed Pres. Madison, April CLASS OF 1861, 2, 1862; ordained Pres. Dubuque, Oct. 8, 1863; SOLOMON FREDERICK DENTON, A. B. s. s., Franklinville, Ia., 1862-63; pastor Frank- linville, Ia., 1863-69; pastor Vinton, Ia., 1869-72; A. M., Han. Coll., 1879; pastor Woodhull, Ill., -b. Madison, Ind., June 30, 1832; business, Cincinnati, O., 1862-; resident, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. 1672-80; pastor Topeka, Kas., 1880—; resident SAMUEL HENRY HOWE, A. M., D. D. Topeka, Kas. WILLIAM STANLEY COULTER, A. B.- b. Fairview, Va.. Feb. 3, 1834; prin. Acad., Friendsville, Ill., 1860-62; teacher Fairview, W.Va., 1862.63; mechanic, Jeffersonville, Ind., 1864-68; mechanic, Wabash, Ind., 1868-72; me- chanic, Hanover, Ind., 1872; resident Han- over, Ind. -b. Fleming Co., Ky., Dec. 18, 1887; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1861-64; licensed, Pres. Madison, June, 1864; ordained, Pres. Vincennes, Oct. 10, 1865; pastor, Indiana Church, Ind., 1865-67; A. M., Han. Coll.. 1866; pastor, Independence, Mo., 1867-69; pastor, Cortland, N. Y., 1869-72; pastor, Georgetown, D. C., 1872-; resident, Georgetown, D. C. D. D., Han. Coll., 1877. REUBEN FRANKLIN MIDDLETON, A. B. SALATHIEL MILTON IRWIN, A. M.- -b. Woodford Co., Ky., March 2, 1836; Theol. b. South Salem, O., Nov. 23, 1836; prin. High . - 1 36 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Sch., Hanover, Ind., 1861-63; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1853-66; licensed, Chillicothe, 1865; or- dained evan., Pres. South West Missouri, Nov. 25, 1866; A. M., Han. Coll., 1866; s. s., Lit- tle Osage, Mo., 1866-67; s. s., Geneva, Kas., GEORGE MERRIWETHER MCCAMPBELL, 1867-73; prin Acad. Geneva, Kas., 1867-73; s. s., Geneva, Liberty and Carlyle Churches, Kas., 1873-; resident, Geneva, Kas. STEPHEN PAUL LEE, A. B.-b. Salu- da. Ind., June 21, 1835; soldier, 45th Reg. Ind. Vol. (3d Cavalry), 1861-65; farmer, Knox Co., Ind., 1865-68; U. S. Gov. Agt., Patoka and Ev- ansville, Ind., 1868-72; mem. Oregon Legisla- ture, 1874; purser, Oregon Rail & Navigation Co., 1880-; resident, Portland, Oregon. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH, A. B.-b. Knox Co., Ind., Sept. 10, 1840. EDWARD FORTESCUE REID, A. M.- b. Kinross, Scotland, Dec. 25, 1836; soldier, 3d Ind. Cav. Vol., 1861-64; president Ohio Cent. SAMUEL T. MCCLURE; A. B.—b. Vin- Coll., 18-; prof. Latin, Monmouth, Coll., 18-; resident, Monmouth, Ill. cennes, Ind., Sept. 9, 1836; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany City, Pa., 1862-65; licensed, Pres. Crawfordsville, 1865; ordained, Pres. *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SIMPSON, A. B. -b. Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1833; private, 6th Ind. Inft. Vol., 1862-62; killed, battle of Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862, aged 29 years. b. Louisville, Ky., March 29, 1842; M. D., Med. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa., 1865; med. stu., New York City, 1865-66; physician, Louisville, Ky., 1866—; Surg. Louisville Hospital and prof. of Surg., Louisville, Ky., 1876-77; resident, Lou- isville, Ky. *JOHN WOODBURN SHREWSBURY, B. S. -b. Madison, Ind., Sept. 30, 1840; soldier, C. S. A., 1861-65; died, Madison, Ind., Aug., 25, 1866, aged 25 years. JOHN B. RICHARDSON, B. S., M. D.-JAMES T. PATTERSON, A. M.-b. Pe- ru, Pa., April 28, 1833; A. M., Han. Coll., 1867; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany City, Pa., 1862-65; licensed, Pres. Logansport, Ind., April, 1864; ordained, Pres. Logansport, Sept. 1865; s. s., Monticello, Ind., 1861-64; s. s., Beth- lehem and West Union, Ind., 1865-67; A. M., Han. Coll., 186); s. s., Sugar Creek and Jeffer- son, Ind., 1868-70; pastor, Oxford, Ind., 1870- 74; pastor, Buffalo and Westminster, O., 1874- 80; s. s., New Salem, Pa., 1880-83; pastor, Two Ridges and Cross Creek Chs., O., 1883—; post- office, Wintersville, Ohio. *SOLON M. TILFORD, B. S.-b. Kent, Jefferson Co., Ind., May 16, 1837; soldier, 3d Ind. Cav. Vol., 1861-65; Aid-de-Camp, Gen. Mitchell; med. stu., Univ. of Mich., Ann Ar- bor, Mich., 18—; physician, Frankfort, Scott Co., Ind., 18-; died, Frankfort, Ind., aged 31 years. 1868, mitted to the Bar, New Albany, Ind., 1863; lawyer, New Albany, Ind., 1863-79; Ed., Rich Hill, Bates Co., Mo., 1879-80; postmaster, Rich Hill, Mo., 1881-; resident, Rich Hill, Mo. 10. *3. CLASS OF 1862. MOSES FELL DUNN, A. M.—b. Bed- 1 1842; post grad. studies, Har- ford, Ind., vard Univ., Paris, France, and Berlin, Ger- many; mem. Ind. Leg., 1867-69; A. M., Han. Coll., 1867; lawyer, Bedford, Ind., 1869-; resi- dent, Bedford, Ind. GEORGE PROFFITT HUCKEBY, A. B. -b. Rome, Perry Co., Ind., May 7, 1841; ad- 6 A. M.-b. Jeffersonville, Ind., Sept. 9, 1841; Lieut., U. S. A., 1862-63; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1863-66; licensed, Pres. New Albany, 1865; or- dained, Pres. Potomac, Sept. 13, 1866; A. M., Han. Coll., 1837; pastor, 1st Church Alexan- dria, Va., 1866-68; s. s., Brick Church Chapel, N. Y. City, 1869-69; pastor, Maysville, Ky., 1869-72; pastor, Spring St. Ch., N. Y. City, 1872- 76; s. s., Ref. Epis. Ch. Incarnation, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1876-78; pastor, South Salem, N. Y., 1879-82; pastor, Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y., 1882—; resident, Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y. -, 1868; s. s., Topeka, Kas., 1865-66; s. S., Junction City, Kas., 1866-68; s. s., Girard and Cherokee, Kas., 1868-77; s. s., Carlyle, Kas., 1877-78; s. s., Glenwood, Mo., 1878-80; s. s., Al- lerton, Iowa, 1880-81; s. s., Milan, Ill., 1881-82; s. s., Lyons, Iowa, 1882-; resident, Lyons, Iowa. WILLIAM H. SAWTELLE, A. M.—b. Binghampton, N. Y., June 17, 1834; prin. Acad. Spring Hill, 1862-63; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1863-66; A. M., Han. Coll., 1867; licensed, Pres. New Brunswick. April, 1855; ordained. Pres. Chenango, Nov. 13, 1866; pastor, Nineveh, N. Y., 1866-80; pastor, Athens, Pa., 1880-; resi- dent, Athens, Pa. LEVI M. SCHOFIELD, A. M.-b.- 2 -; Western Theol. Sem., 1862-65; A. M., Han. Coll., 1869; pastor, Lafayette, Ind., 18—; pastor, Stockton, Cal., 18-; pastor, Grand Rapids, Mich., 18-; resident, Grand Rapids, Mich. HENRY CLIFTON THOMSON, A. M-b. Hanover, Ind., Aug. 3, 1844; tutor, Han. Coll., 1862-64; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1864-67; A. M., Han· + GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Ccil., 1867; licensed, Pres. Madison, May 8, 1866; ordained, Pres. Crawfordsville, Sept. 9, 1868; s. s., Goshen, Ind., 1867-67; s. s., Bethel and Union Churches, Ind., 1867-69; pastor, Waveland, and s. s., Carpentersville Chs., Ind., 1869-72; Miss. Mexico, Pres. Bd. For. Miss., 1872—; editor "La Antorcha Evangel- ica," and teacher Theol. Miss. Schs.; resi- dent, Saltilo, Mexico. JOHN CYRUS YOUNGKEN, A. B.—h. Friendsville, Wabash Co., Ill.. Aug. 4, 1839; private, Serj. and 1st Lieut. 115th Reg. Ill. Vol. Inft., 1862-65; prin. Acad., Friendsville, Ill., 1865-70; prin. Pub. Schs., Mt. Carmel, Ill., 1870-73; prin. Pub. Schs., Fairfield, Ill., 1873-78; business, Fairfield, Ill., 1878-; resident, Fair- field, Ill. 9. *0. CLASS OF 1863. JOSIAH DAUGHERTY, A. B.-b. Xen- ia, Ohio, Sept. 30, 1836; manufacturer, Lado- ga, Ind.; resident, Ladoga, Ind. S. ADDISON DAY, A. M.-b. ; lawyer, Ft. Scott, Kas., 18-; mem. Kansas Leg., 18-; resident, Ft. Scott, Kas. " 37 vania, Sept. 4, 1866; s. s., Burkesville, Ky., 1866-67; For. Miss., Rio Janeiro, Brazil, S. A., 1867-68; For. Miss., Sao Paolo, Brazil, S. A., 188-70; s. s., 1st Portuguese Church, Jackson- ville, and 2d Portuguese Church, Springfield, Ill.. 1870-72; pastor, 1st Portugese Ch., Spring- field, Ill., 1872-77; died, Springfield, Ill., May 11, 1877, aged 36 years. AMOS WILLIAM PATTERSON, A. M., M. D.-b. Washington, Davies Co., Ind., Oct. 17, 1839; M. D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., O., 1866; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; physician, Indianap- olis, Ind., 1866-; staff City Hospital, Indian- apolis, Ind., 1871-74; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. Knightstown, Ind., Sept., 30, 1841; clerk, Indi- anapolis, Ind., 1863-65; teacher, Iowa, 1865-70; farmer, Iowa, 1870-; resident, Keota, Iowa. HENRY CLAY DONNELL, A. M.--b. EBERLE WILLIS THOMSON, A. M.- Bond Co., Ill., 1839; soldier, 6th Reg. Ind. Vol.; prin. Barnett Acad., Charles- town, Ind., 1864-67; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; Assoc. prin. Illinois Univ., Springfield, Ill., 1868-72; Supt. Mines and Assayer, Leadville, Col.; proprietor stock farm, Poncha Springs, Col.; resident. Poncha Springs, Col. b. Decatur, Ind., Jan. 25, 1839; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1863-66; licensed, Pres. White Water, April, 1865; ordained, Pres. Iowa, Oct. 1, 1867; s. s., Sharon, Iowa, 1866-67; pastor, Sharon, Iowa, 1867-68; s. s., Ottumwa, 1868-69; A. M., Han. Coll., 1869; pastor, Rushville, Ind., 1860- 74; pastor, Kirkwood, Ill., 1874; resident, Kirkwood, Illinois. GEORGE F. HIPPARD, A. M.-b. Eliz- WILLIAM TORRANCE, A. M-b Car- abethtown, Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 25, 1845; law student, Indianapolis, Ind., 1863-64; since engaged in literary work, N. Y. City; resi- dent, New York City. ADAM J. JOHNSON, A. M.--b Beaver Ja EMANUEL NATHANIEL PIRES, A. M. -b. Island of Madeira, Oct. 19, 1838; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1863-66; ordained evan., Pres. Sangamon, May 14, 1866; Miss., Brazil, S. A., 1866-69; A. M., Han. Coll., 1869; pastor, 2d Por- tuguese Church, Jacksonville, Ill.,1870-73; pas- tor, Central Portuguese Church, Jacksonville, Ill., 1873-; resident, Jacksonville, Ill. WILLIAM CALVIN SMOCK, A. B.-b. wath, Danarkshire, Scotland, Oct. 12, 1839; Western Theol. Sem., Alleghany City, Pa., 1863-66; licensed, Pres. Crawfordsville, 1865; ordained, Pres. New Albany, Nov., 1866; 8. s., Corydon, Ind., 1866-67; A. M., Han. Coll., 1867; pastor, Charlestown, Ind., 1867-71; pas- tor, Harrodsburg, Ky., 1871-77; pastor, Frank- lin, Ind., 1877-; resident, Franklin, Ind. Co., Pa., Sept. 14, 1836; County Sch. Exami- per, Hendricks Co., Ind., 1867-73; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; prin. Fem. Coll., Greencastle, Ind., 1874-76; Supt. Pub. Schs., Carthage, BENJAMIN W. TUCKER, A. B., M. D. Ind., 1878—; resident, Carthage Ind. AUGUSTUS ADOLPHUS JOSS, A. B.-b. Antwerp, Belgium, April 30, 1841; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1863-66; s. s.. Cambridge, Wis., 1866-67; s. s., Broadhead, Wis., 1867-69; ordained, Pres. Dane, May 10, 1869; s. s., Cong Ch., Ft. Atkin- son, Wis., 1866-71; infirm, 1872-73; s. s., Pres. Ch., Steven's Point, Wis., 1873-76; 8. s., Cong. Ch., Zumbrota, Minn., 1876-; resident, Zum- brota, Minn. -b. physician, Salem, Ind., 18-; resident, Salem, Ind. FELIX JENNERETTE BRANDT, B. S.- b. Hanover, Ind., March 27, 1844; grad., East- man's Business Coll., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 5, 1865; confectioner, Hanover, Ind., 1874; resident, Hanover, Ind. *HUGH WARE MCKEE, A. M.-b. Harrodsburg, Ky., Dec. 24, 1840; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1863-66; ordained evan., Pres. Transyl- 1 14. *1. CLASS OF 1864. SAMUEL BROWN, A. B.-b. ; lawyer, Shelbyville, Ky., 18-; resi- dent, Shelbyville, Ky. 38 '. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. WILLIAM BROWN CHAMBERLIN, A.M. -b. Hanover, Ind., Aug. 29, 1832; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1864-65; North Western Theol. Sem.. Chicago, Ill., 1865-67; licensed Pres. Madison, April,1869; ordained Pres. Indianapolis, April, 1867; A. M., Han. Coll,, 1879; Home Miss.. In- dianapolis, Ind., 1867-70; pastor 5th Pres. Ch., Indianapolis, Ind.. 1870-76; pastor 11th Pres. ARTHUR ROSE, A. M.-b. Belfast, Ch., Indianapolis, Ind.. 1877-81; pastor Hum- boldt, Kas.; resident, Humboldt, Kansas. • Ireland, April 17, 1836; Prin. Theol Sem., 1864- 67; s. s., Greenville, Ill,, 1867-68; ordained, Pres. Bloomington, June 23, 1869; A. M., Han. Coll., 1869; pastor, Union Grove, Ill., 1869-71; pastor, Princeville, Ill., 1872-77; s. 8., Oxford, Wis., 1877-79; s. s., Collaye Grove and Sun Prairie, Ill., 1879-81; s. s., Shelbyville, Ind., 1881-82; resident, Ireland. JOHN H. HARBOLT, A. B.-b. Clarke *ROBERT ANDERSON STURGUS, A. M. JAMES A. DEAN, A. B., Ph. D.-b. ; teacher, Charlestown, Ind., 18-; miner and assayer, Leadville Col., 18-; resi- dent, Leadville, Col.; Ph. D., Col. School of Mining. Co., Ind., Feb. 5, 1839; Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1864-67; licensed, Pres., Madison, Sept., 1867; s. s., Utica and Henry- ville, Ind., 18-; farmer, Clarke Co., Ind.; post office, Charlestown, Ind. s. s., Remington, Ind., 1866-68; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; s. s., Cambridge City, Ind., 1888-71; prin. Wallingford Acad. and s. 8., Walling- ford Pres. Church, Charleston, S. C., 1871-79; s. s., Brandt, Pa., 1879-81; agt. Pres. Bd. Pub. and s. s.. 6th Pres. church, Indianapolis, Ind., 1881-; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. -b. Hanover, Ind., July 12, 1840; soldier U. S. A., 1864-61; teacher, Indiana, 1865-76; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; prin. Barnett Acad., Charles- town, Ind., 1876-80; prin. Kittenhouse Acad., Kingston, Tenn., 1881-83; died, Kingston, Tenn., Dec. 9th, 1983, aged 18 years. J. D. HARRINGTON, A. M.-b. Shelby Co.. Ky., Oct. 13, 1843; grad. Law Dept. Univ. ROBERT M. WEBSTER, A. B.-b. of Louisville, Ky., 1865; admitted to the Bar Louisville, Ky.. 1865; lawyer. Louisville, Ky., 1865-74; A. M., Han. Coll., 1869; Southern Bap- JOHN WESTON, A. M.-b. Ruthery- tist Theol. Sem., 1881-81; Insane Asylum, Anchorage, Ky. Spruce Hill, Juniata Cɔ., Pa., Aug. 23, 1839; Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1861-66; licensed, Pres. Logansport, April, 1866; ordained, Pres. Logansport, Sept., 1867; ; Cong. minister; resident, Grand Rapids, Mich. JOHN HAMPDEN HOLLIDAY, A. M.- lin, Scotland, Dec. 8, 1838; North West Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1864-67; licensed, Pres. Rock River, 1867; ordained, Pres. Rock River, 1867; pastor, Calvary Pres. ch., Peoria., Ill., 1867—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, Peo- ria, Ill, b. Indianapolis, Ind., May 31, 1846; student North Western Christian Univ., Indianapo- lis, Ind., 1858-62; soldier, U. S. A., 1864-65; edi- tor and proprietor "Indianapolis Evening *JOHN R. ARMSTRONG, B. S.-b. Jef- News." 186)—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1863; resi- dent, Indianapolis, Ind. fersonville, Ind., Sept. 8, 1844; business, Jeffer- sonville, Ind., 1864-78; died, Jeffersonville, Ind., June 14, 1878, aged 33 years. PETER HATHAWAY KEMPER MCCOMB, A. M.-b. London, O., Nov. 29, 1842; teacher, GEORGE SCOGGAN, B. S.-b. Law- 1864-65; Pring Theol. Sem., 1865-68; licensed Pres. Miami, May 8, 1867; ordained Pres. Car- lisle, Dec. 16, 1869; pastor New Bloomfield, Pa., 1863-70; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; pastor Macomb, Ill., 1870-73; s. s., Louisiana, Mo., rence Co., Ind., March 20, 1836; U. S. A., 1864; teacher, Lawrence Co., Ind., 1864-65; teacher, Knox Co., Ind., 1865-66; business, Bedford, Ind., 1866-82; farmer, Lawrence Co., Ind., 1882-; post office, Bedford, Ind. 1873-77; pastor. Webster Groves, Mo., 1877-; SAMUEL MCHENRY STRADER, B. S.— resident, Webster Groves, Mo. ALVAN RUSH MATHES, A. M.-b. Salem, East Tenn., July 4, 1839; North Wes- tern Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1864-67; licon- sed Pres. Fairfield, April, 1866; ordained, Pres. Fairfield, June, 1867.; pastor, Hilton and Su- gar Creek, Ill., 1867-72; pastor. Shawneetown, Ill., 1872-75; s. s., Farmington, Ill., 1875-79; pas- b. Jefferson. Co., Ind., March 1, 1844; grad. Bartlett's Com. Coll., Cin., O., 1865; banker, Madison, Ind., 1865-67; Insurance business, Madison, Ind., 1867-; resident, Madison, Ind. 16. *2. CLASS OF 1865. tor, Canton, Ill,, 1880—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; JOHN GURLEY Blake, A. M.-b. In- resident, Canton, Ill. WILLIAM A. PATTON, A. M.-b. dianapolis, Ind., Aug. 15, 1846; Sec. Mer. Ex- change, Indianapolis, Ind., 1880-82; Sec. Bd. Trade, Indianapolis, Ind., 1882-; chaplain State Ref. School, Plainfield, Ind., 187—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. : ... GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. SAMUEL P. DALE, A. M.-b, Bed- ford, Ind., Feb. 3, 1842; admitted to the Bar Beardstown, Ill., 1868; lawyer, Illinois, 1898- 73; lawyer, Colorado, 1873-; Probate and County Judge, Fremont Co., Col., 1875-78; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, Canon City, Colorado. W. H. FULLENWIDER, A. B. —b. Waveland, Ind., May 23, 1840; farmer, Wave- land, Ind., 1865—; resident, Waveland, Ind. JOHN CALVIN EASTMAN, A. M.-b. Crawfordsville, Ind., July 8, 1845; soldier U. SAMUEL J. GILPIN, A. M.--b. Butler S. A., 1864; teacher, Rensselaer. Ind., 1865-66; prin. Union schools, Franklin, O., 1866-69; North West Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1869-71; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1871-72; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; licensed, Pres., New Albany, April 10, 1872; ordained, Pres., Dayton, Oct. JAMES M. JUSTICE, A. M.-b. Con- 10, 1872; pastor, Greenville, O., 1872-88; Home Miss.. Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1880-82; pas- tor, Larkin St. Pres, ch., San Erancisco, Cal., 1882-; resident, San Francisco, Cal. nersville, Ind., July 20, 1840; 1st Lieut. U. S. A. and staff of Gov. Morton, 1862-63; grad. Law Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1867; admitted to the Bar, Lafayette, Ind., 1867; Pros. Atty. 12th Jud. Cir., 1868; Pros. Atty. 29th Jud. Cir. Ind., 1873; lawyer, Logansport, Ind., 1868-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1880; resident, Logansport, Ind. ; lawyer, St. Louis, Mo., 18-; resident, St. Charles, Mo. ROBERT M. MILLER, A. B.--b. ; lawyer, Franklin, Ind., 18-; resident, Franklin, Ind. 39 CHARLES L. HOLSTEIN, A. M.-b. Madison, Ind., Jan. 26, 1843; Ky. Military Inst., 1858-61; Sergeant Maj. 6th Reg. Ind. Vol., 1861-61; 1st Lieut. Adj. Gen. and Capt. 22nd Reg. Ind. Vol., 1861-64; grad. Law. Dept. ANDREW D. WILSON, A. M —b. Dun- Harvard Univ., 1866; lawyer, Indianapolis, Ind., 1866-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; assist. U. S. Dist. Atty., 1871-80; U. S. Dist. Atty., 1880-; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN A. KELLAR, A. B.-b. Knox Co., Ind., May 12, 1841; North West Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1865-68; licensed, Pres. Vincennes, April, 1867; ordained, Pres. Salem, Nov. 26, 1869; s. s., Princeton, Ind., 1868-69; s. s., Seymour, Ind., 1869-70; s. s., Tam- aroa, Ill., 1870-71; pastor, Evansville, Ind., 1871-77; pastor, Green Valley, Ill., 1877-82; State Agt. Illinois Industrial Fem. Sch., 1882-; resident, Bloomington, Ill. 2 • Co., O., June 11, 1838; Serj. 3rd Ind. Cav., 1861- 65; admitted to the Bar, Wintersett, Iowa, 1869; lawyer, Wintersett, Iowa, 1869-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1873; resident, Wintersett, Iowa. THADDEUS S. ROLLINS, A. M.-b. — ; lawyer, Indianapolis, Ind., 18-; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. dee, Scotland, Aug. 2, 1840; admitted to the Bar, New Castle, Ind., 1866; Law Stu., Ports- mouth, N. H., 1868-69; admitted to the Bar Sup. Jud. Court., N. H., 1869; lawyer, Water- ville, Kas., 1870-71; lawyer, Scandia, Kas., 1871—; member Kas. Legislature, 1872; Mayor Scandia, Kas., 1879-81; A. M., Han. Coll.. 1883; resident, Scandia, Kas. 14. *0. CLASS OF 1866, ELIAS RIGGS MONFORT, A. M.-b. Greensburgh, Ind., March 2, 1842; private 6th GEORGE M. LODGE, A. M.—-b. Green- O. Vol. Inft., June 1861 to Oct. 1861; 2d Lieut. 75th O. V. I., Oct. 1861 to May 1862; 1st Lieut. 75th O. V. I., May, 1862 to Jan., 1863; Capt. 75th O. V. I., Jan., 1863 to July 1863; grad. Cincln- nati Law Sch., 1867; admitted to the Bar, Cin., O., 1867; Lawyer, Greensburgh, Ind., 1868-74; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; Dist. Atty. 22d Jud. Dist. Ind., 1870-72; Pros. Atty. 4th Jud. Cir. Ind., 1872-74; admitted to the Supreme Court of Ind., 1874; editor "Herald and Presbyter," Cin., O., 1874-; resident, Cincinnati, O. ville, Mercer Co., Pa., June 11, 1832; North West Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1866-68; li- censed, Pres. Mattoon, May 27, 1867; ordained, Pres. Mattoon, Nov., 1858; s. s., Preemption tion church, Ill., 1868-69; pastor, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 1869-71; s. s., Fairfax and Blairstown, Iowa, 1871-72; pastor, Blairstown, Iowa, 1871- 75: s. s., Memson, Ill., 1875-76; s. s., Wyoming, Ill., 1876-77; s. s., Walnut, Knox and Avoca churches, Iowa, 1877-80; s. s., Shelby and Ne- ola, Iowa, 1880-82; s. s., Wayne and Wake- field, Neb., 1882-; Supt. Pub. Inst. Wayne Co., Neb., 1882-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resi- ident, Wayne, Neb. THOMAS TRACY, A. M.-b. Jewett City, Conn., March 15, 1842; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1865-68; ordained Evan. Pres., Louisville, PRESTON MCKINNEY, A. M.—b. Li- - June 18, 1868; For. Miss. Futteghur, India, 1868-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1874; resident, Futte- ghur, India. M. V. B. VANARSDALE, A. B.~b. vonia, Ind., Sept. 7, 1841; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1871-72; or- dained, Pres. New Albany, July 9, 1872; pas- tor, Corydon, Ind., 1872-75; s. s., Beaufort, 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Ind., 1875-76; pastor, Albion, Ind., 1877-81; pas- tor, Girard, Kas., 1881-; resident, Girard, Kas. *GEORGE WETHERHOLD, A. B.-b. Hughesville, Lycoming Co., Pa., April- 1844; admitted to the Bar Macomb, Ill., 1870; lived in Texas 1870-71; died, Macomb, Ill., May 19, 1871; aged 27 years. *THOMAS J. HEADY, B. S., M. D.-b. Bennington, Switzerland Co., Ind., June 5, 1845; Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich. and Bellevue Hos. Med. Coll., 18—; physician, Mt. Sterling, Ind., 1869-72; physician, Sherman, Tex., 1872- 78; died Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1873; aged 33 years. 4. *•2. > 1874; prof. Physics Purdue Univ., 1876—; prof. Military Science, Purdue Univ., 1876-80; stu. Sci., Berlin, Germany, 1878; State Chem. Ind., 1881-; Major and A. D. C. Gov. Staff, 1881-; resident, Lafayette, Ind. Ph. D., Han¸ Coil., 1873. MARION AMICK, B. S., M. D.-b. ; prof. Med. Coll., Cin., O., 18—; res- ident, Cincinnati. JAMES H. MATTHEWS, B.S.,M.D.―b. Hanover, Ind., Aug. 14, 1844; Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1869-70; M. D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., O., 1872; Assist. Surg. Ind. State Prison, Jef- fersonville, Ind., 1871-73; physician, Madison, Ind., 1873-; Coroner, Jeff. Co., Ind, 1876-80; resident, Madison, Ind. GEORGE CAMPBELL MONROE, B. S.-b. Saluda, Jefferson Co., Ind., April 25, 1839; teacher, Ill., Ky., and Ind., 1867-73; Co. Supt. Jeff. Co., Ind., 1873-77; farmer and teacher Saluda, Ind., 1877-; resident, Saluda, Ind. CLASS OF 1867. WILLIAM N. BURT, A. M.-b. Ver- non, Ind., Jan. 27, 1846; prof. Ind. Inst. Deaf and Dumb, Indianapolis, Ind., 1867; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. ULRIC ZWINGLE WILEY, A. M.-b. JAMES CLARK BURT, A. M.-b. Kent, Ind., Nov. 14, 1847; grad. Law Dept. Butler Univ. 1873; admitted to the Bar, In- dianapolis, Ind., 1873; lawyer, Fowler, Ind., 1871; Co. Att'y Benton Co., 1875-77; mem. Ind. Leg., 1882-83; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resi- dent, Fowler, Ind. Queensville, Jennings Co., Ind., July 23, 1847; post grad. studies Prin. Coll., N. J., 1857-68; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1868-70; s. s., Kingston, Canada, 1869-70; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; s. s., Brookville, Ind., 1871-74; ordained, Pres. New Albany, Nov. 10, 1874; s. s., Vernon and Gra- ham chs., Ind', 1874-82; s. s., McPherson, Kas., 1882-; resident, McPherson, Kas. CLASS OF 1868. IRWIN LEWIS CATON, A. M.-b. JAMES SHANNON BLACKWELL, A. M., 10. *0. Wheeling, W.Va., ; Lane Theol. Sem., Cincinnati, O., 1867-70; ordained, Pres. Ports- mouth, June 16, 1870; pastor, Georgetown, O., 1870-74; pastor, Delhi, O., 1874-77; s. s., Brook- field, Mo.. 1877-78; pastor, Lima Centre, Wis., 1879; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, Chesa- peake City, Md. Ph. D.-b. Henderson Co., Ky., Nov. 30, 1844; pres. Ghent Coll., Ky., 1868-70; A. M., Han. Coll., 1871; assoc. pres. Forest Acad., Ky., 1870-72; prof. Ky. Military Inst., Frankfort, Ky., 1872-76; pres. Forest Acad., Ky., 1876-77; pres. Ghent Coll., Ky., 1877-79; prof. Hebrew and Mod. Lang. Univ. of Mo., Columbia, Mo., 1879; resident, Columbia, Mo. Ph. D., Han. College, Ky., 1876. WILLIAM L. MACK, A. B.-b. ; resident, Columbia, Tenn. ALEXANDER S. PECK, A. M.-b. WILLIAM W. EASTMAN, A. M.-b. Jamestown, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1835; North West. Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1867-70; ordained Pres. June, 1870; pastor, Wyoming church, Ill., 1870-77; s. s., Farmington church, Ill., 1877-80; pastor, Dallas Centre, Iowa, 1880-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, Dallas Centre, Iowa. Crawfordsville, Ind., Aug. 27, 1843; U. S. A., 1861-64; Danville Theol. Sem., 1869-71; licensed Pres. Madison, April, 1870; A. M., Han. Coll., 1874; s. S., Austin and Kasson, Minn., 1870-73; pastor, Union City, Ind., 1873-77; s. s., Hartford City, Ind., 1877-78; s. s.. Brown's Grove, Kas., 1878-79; s. s., Kinsley, Kas., 1880-; resident, Fordham, Kas. HARVEY WASHINGTON WILEY, A. M., *GEORGE W. FITCH, A. B.—b. Jef- M. D., Ph. D.-b. Kent, Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 18, 1844; M. D., Ind. Med. Coll., Indianap- olis, Ind., 1871; prof. Lat. Butler Univ., Indi- anapolis, Ind., 1868-71; A. M., Han. Coll., 1870; post grad. studies in science, Harvard Univ., Mass.. 1872-73; B. S., Har. Univ., 1873; prof. Chem., Butler Univ., 1873-74; prof. Chem., Ind. Med. Coll., 1873-76; prof. Chem. Purdue Univ, ferson Co., Ind., March 22, 1839; prin. Pub. Schs., Lexington, Ind., 1868-73; teacher, King- ston, O., 1873-74; prin. Pub. Schs., Browns- town, Ind.. 1874-77; died, Brownstown, Ind., Jan. 8.. 1877; aged 37 years. JEREMIAH LONG, A. B.—b. resident, Madison, Neb. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. EDWARD PAYSON WHALLON, A. M.-JOHN MERLE COULTER, A. M.-b. b. Putnamville, Ind., March 30, 1849; North West Theol. Sem., 1863–70; Union Theol. Sem., N. X. City, 1870-71; ordained, Pres. April 25, 1871; s. s., Kasson, Minn., 1871-72; A. M., Han. Coll., 1873; pastor, Liberty, Ind., 1872-78; pastor, Vincennes, Ind., 1878-; resident, Vin- cennes, Ind. Ningpo, China, Nov. 20, 1851; prin. Acad., Lo- gansport, Ind., 1870-72; Botanist, U. S. Geol. Sur. of the Territories, 1872-73; A. M., Han. Coll., 1873; prof. Nat. Sci. Han. Coll., 1874-79; Ed. "Bot. Gazette," 1875-; scientific studies Harvord Univ., summers of 1879-80; assist. Bot. Lab. Harvard Univ., summer of 1880; prof. Nat. Hist. Wabash Coll., 1879-; resident, Crawfordsville, Ind. WILLIAM EUGENE BRANDT, A. M., M. D.-b. Hanover, Ind., June 21, 1849; B. S., Han. Coll., 1878; M. D., Med. Dept., Louisville HENRY A. DODGE, A. B.—b.- * Univ., 1871; physician, Hanover, Ind., 1871-74; Surg. Med. Corps U. S. A., 1874-77; M. D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., N. Y. City; phy- sician Hanover, Ind., 1877-83; A. M,, Han. Coll. 1889; 3rd asst. phys. Ind. Hospt. Insane, 1883-; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. , CHARLES T. SHANNON, A. M.—b. -; lawyer, Marshall, Mo., 18-; resident, Marshall, Mo. 7. *1. 41 Saluda, Ind., Oct. 3, 185; teacher, Ind.. 18-; teacher, Fulton, N. Y., 18-; teacher, Port- land, Oregon, 18-; U. S. Geog. Surv., 18-; died, Saluda, Ind., Oct. 31, 1881; aged 36 years. CLASS OF 1869. JAMES MARSHALL THOMPSON, A. M. THOMAS R. PAXTON, A. M-b. Shel- by Co., Ky., Sept. 5, 1847; Law Dept. Harvard Univ., 1871-73; admitted to the Bar Prince- ton, Ind., 1874; A. M., Han. Coll., 1874; lawyer, Princeton, Ind., 1774-; resident, Princeton, Ind. -b. Carlisle, Ind., Aug. 29, 1845; Union Theol. Sem., N. Y. City, 1869-72; A. M., Han. Coll., 1872; licensed and ordained, Pres. N. Y., May, 1872; pastor, Hope Chapel, N. Y. City, 1872-75; JOHN W. TALBOT, A. B.-b. Cass pastor, Mantua Pres. Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., 1875-83; resident, Shady Side, Pittsburg, Pa. *J. HARRISON THOMSON, A. M.-b. JAMES WILLIAMSON, A. M.-b. On- tario, Canada, , 1842; Northwest Theol. Sem., 1869-71; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin. O., 1871- 72; ordained, Pres. Indianapolis, Oct., 1871; pastor, Acton, Ind., 1871-; resident, Acton, Ind. ; licensed, Pley. of Pittsburg, 1871; ordain- ed, Pley. -. 1873; s. s., Farmington, Minn.; Redwood Falls, Minn., 1873-80; Evang. Evans- ville, Ind., 1880-82; s. s., Mt. Vurnon, Ind., 1882-; resident, Mt. Vernon, Ind. *LAMBERT WILMER LEE, A. B.-b. 4. *1. Hanover, Ind., July 13, 1848; tutor, Han. Coll., 1868-69; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1869-70; Sheffield Sci. Sch. Yale Coll., 1870-71; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1871-72; A. M., Han. Coll., 1872; Med. Stu. Pulti Med. Coll., JAMES T. WALKER, A. B.-b. Ev- Co., Mo., Oct. 8, 1811; Danville Theol. Sem.. 1870-72; Union Theol. Sem., N. Y. City, 1872-73; licensed, Pres., April 10, 1873; ordained, Pres. May, 1878; s. s., Freeman and Aus- tin chs., Mo., 1873-74; s. s., Wadesburg, Mo., 1874-76; s. s., Dawn and Coloma chs.. Mo., 1876-77; Home Miss. Neosho Pres., Kas., 1876-; resident, Fulton, Kas. Cin., O., 1872-73; died Hanover, Ind., April 1, 1873, aged 25 years. THOMAS V. THORNTON, A. B.-b. Paoli, Ind., May 21, 1848; Law Dept. Ind. State THOMAS A. CRAVENS, A. M., M. D.—- ansville, Ind., Oct. 22, 1850; admitted to the Bar, Evansville, Ind., 1873; lawyer, Evans- ville, Ind., 1873-; resident, Evansville, Ind. Univ., 1870-72; admitted to the Bar, Bedford, Ind., 1872; lawyer, Parsons, Kas., 1872-73; banker, Evansville, Ind., 1873-75; business, Bedford, Ind., 1875—; resident, Bedford, Ind. b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 11, 1847; M. D., Long Island Hospital Med. Coll., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1874; A. M., Han. Coll., 1875; physician, Merid- ian, Tex., 1872-73; physician, Bloomfield, Ind., 1874-78; physician, Arlington, Tex., 1878-; res- ident, Arlington, Tex. THOMAS J. CHARLTON, A. M. A. M. — b. Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind., May 27, 1846; soldier 22d Reg. Ind. Vol.; Supt. Pub. Schs., North Vernon, Ind., 1870-73; A. M., Han.Coll., 1873; Supt. Pub. Schs., Vincennes, Ind., 1873-80; Supt. State Ref. Sch., Plainfield, Ind., 1830—; resident, Plainfield, Ind. CLASS OF 1870. SYLVESTER S. BERGEN, A. M.-b.-, E. G. HENRY, A. M.-b. Pleasant, ; Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1870-73; pastor, Laurel Hill, Pa., 1873—; resident, Laurel Hill, Pa. — Switzerland Co.,Ind., April 16, 1850; Law Dept. Ind. State Univ., 1870-72; admitted to the Bar, New Albany, Ind., 1872; lawyer, New Albany : : V 1 : 42 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Ind., 1872-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1875; resident, New Albany, Ind. Ind., 1875-82; business, Madison, Ind., 1882-; resident, Madison, Ind. EDWARD S. PHILLIPS, B. S.-b. Lex- ANDREW HARVEY YOUNG, A. M.—b. ington, Scott Co., Ind.. Feb. 6, 1849; business, Indianapolis, Ind., 1871-; resident, Indianap- olis, Ind. 11. *1. Avondale, Cincinnati, O., Feb. 2, 1852; prin. Prep. Dept. Han. Coll., 1872-73; A. M., Han. Coll., 1874; Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale Coll., 1873- 75; asst. Chem. Lab., Shef. Sci. Sch., Yale Coll., 1874-75; druggist, Madison, Ind., 1875-77; prof. Nat. Sci. High Sch., Lafayette, Ind., 1877-79; prof. Nat. Sci., Han. Coll., 1879—; resi- dent, Hanover, Ind. CLASS OF 1871. GEORGE WASHINGTON BEAN, A. M.- b. Oxford, O., ——; soldier 5th Reg. Ill. W. R. AMICK, B. S., M. D.―b. Cav. Vol., 1861-; commissary Dept. U. S. A., 18-; business in the South, 18-; U. S. Inter- nal Revenue Dept., 1865-66; Western Theol. ; physician, Cincinnati, O., 18-; resident, Cin., O. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1871-71; licensed S. PERRY DILLON, B. S.-b. Hamil- Pres. Allegheny, April; 1873; s. s., Mt. Pisgah ch., Pa., 1873-74; ordained Pres. Pittsburgh, 1874; pastor, Mt. Pisgah, Pa., 1874-77; pastor, Sunbury ch., Pa., 1877-; s. s., Pleasant Valley and New Hope chs., Pa., 1880-; prin. West Sunbury Acad., Pa., 1878-80-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; post office, Coultersville, Pa. MOSES STANLEY COULTER, A. M.-b. Ningpo, China, June 2, 1853; teacher, Johnson *JAMES ROWLAND; B. S.-b. Balla- Co., Ind., 1871-72; teacher, Decatur Co., Ind., 1872-73; prin. High Sch,, Logansport, Ind., 1873-80; A. M., Han. Coll., 1874; admitted to the Bar, Logansport, Ind., 1880; lawyer, Lo- gansport, Ind., 1830-; Master Com. Cir. Court, Cass Co., Ind., 1882-83; resident, Logansport, Ind. ton, O.. Oct. 31, 1847; soldier 35th Reg. O. V. I.; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1871-74; licensed, Pres. Dayton, April 15, 1874; ordained, Pres. Muncie, Sept., 1875; s. s., Tipton, Ind., 1874-75; pastor, Tipton, Ind., 1875-79; s, s., Liberty, Ind., 1879-80; s. s., Hot Springs, Ark., 1880-81; s. s., Homer and Arlington chs., Ind., 1881-; resident, Rushville, Ind. HENRY C. THORNTON, A. B.-b. Bed- ford, Ind., Nov. 8, 1851; business, Bedford, bay, Ireland, Oct. 3, 1847; teacher, Carrollton and Ghent, Ky., and Charlestown, Ind.; Dan- ville Theol. Sem., 1876-77; died, Hanover, Ind., April 2, 1879, aged 31 years. 10. *1. CHARLES PATTESON, A. B.-b.- CLASS OF 1872. ; lawyer, Campbellsville, Ky., 18—; resi- GEORGE WALTER BARR, A. B.-b. dent, Campbellsville, Ky. JOSEPH O. STILLSON, A. M., M. D.- b. Bedford, Ind., May 28, 1850; Univ. of Louis- ville, Ky., 1871-72; M. D., Miami Med. Coll., Cin., O., 1873; A. M., Han. Coll., 1874; M. D., Bellvue Hospital Med. Coll., 1875; physician, Bedford, Ind., 1873-77; med. stu. Paris, France, *EZRA DEWOLFF CLARK, A. B.-b. and Vienna, Austria, 1875-77; physician, St. Louis, Mo., 1877-79; physician, Evansville, Ind., 1879—; prof. Phys. and Diseases Eye and Ear, Med. Coll., Evansville, Ind., 1880-; resi- JAMES L. FLETCHER, A.B.—b. Frank- dent, Evansville, Ind. Orleans, Orange Co., Ind., March 5, 1852; teacher, Lexington, Oxford and Attica, Ind., 1872-80; prin. High Sch., Elkhart, Ind., 1880- 81; licensed Pres. Ft. Wayne, April 1881; or- dained Pres. Ft. Wayne, April 1882; pastor Albion, Ind., 1881--; resident, Albion, Ind. North Madison, Ind., Oct. 12, 1851; died Frank- lin, Ind., Dec. 4, 1872, aged 21 years, lin, Ind., Sept. 17, 1850; business, Franklin and Indianapolis, Ind., 1872-; resident, Indianap- olis, Ind. WILLIEL THOMSON, A. M.-b. Han- over, Ind., May 10, 1851; prin. High Sch. Ver- sailles, Ind., 1871-72; prin. High Sch., Canaan, MICHAEL C. GARBER, A. M.-b. Mad- Ind., 1872-73; prin. High Sch., Columbia, Ky., 1873-74; A. M., Han. Coll., 1874; Danville Theol. Sem., 1874-76; Theol. Sem., San Francisco, Cal., 1876-78; licensed, Pres. New Albany, ison, Ind., April 6, 1850; assoc. ed., and editor “Madison Daily Courier, 1872—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1875; resident, Madison, Ind. April, 1876; s. s., 2nd Pres. ch., Oakland, Cal., WILLIAM FERGUSON GILCHRIST, A.B. -b. 1877-78; s. s., Berkeley, Cal., 1879-80; ordained, Pres. San Francisco, Oct. 12, 1879; pastor, Berkeley, Cal., 1880-81; pastor, Santa Monica, HENRY JOHNSON, A. M.-b. Naples, Cal., 1882-; resident, Santa Monica, Cal. ; business, Greensburg, Ind., 18— resident, Greensburg, Ind. N. Y., June 13, 1848; North West. Theol. Sem., 1872-75; ordained, Pres. Logansport, April 18, 1875; pastor, Auburn, Ind., 1875-81; pastor, 1st : GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Pres. ch., Grand Haven, Mich, 1881—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, Grand Haven, Mich. NOBLE BUTLER P. MCKEE, A. M.-HENRY PETTIBONE, B. S., M. D.-b. ; physician, Crown Point, Ind.; resi- dent, Crown Point, Ind. land, June 8, 1843; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1872-73; died Chillicothe, O., April 19, 1874, aged 31 years. JOSEPH WILLIAM MANN, A. M.-b. 43 b. Fairfield, Ind., Sept. 21, 1852; teacher, Car- rollton, Ky.. 1872-73; teacher, Charlestown, Ind., 1873-74; law student, Charlottsville, Va., ALFRED NEWTON SKINNER, B. S.-b. ; resident, Hamilton, Ohio. 1875;76; prof. Ind. Inst. Deaf and Dumb, In- dianapolis, Ind., 1878-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1880; resident, Indianapolis, Ind, *FLORAH MAHANNAN, A. B.-b. Ire- : mem. Ind. Leg., 1881-82; resident, Madison, Ind. WILLIAM JAMES JOHNSON, B. S.—b. 17. *2. Bethany, Ind., May 10, 1848; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1872-75; ordained, evan., Pres. Crawfords- ville, Sept. 15, 1875; s. s., Covington and Veed- ersburg, Ind., 1875-76; Home Miss., N. Y. City, 1876-76; s. s., Sugar Creek and Prairie Centre, ALFRED Wright Dunkle, A. M.—b. Ind,, 1876-78; s. s., Newtown and Beulah, Ind., 1879—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, New- town, Ind. ELQUIST COLLIE MILLER, A. B.—b. Decatur Co., Ind., Sept. 8, 1851; banker, Frank- lin, Ind., 1872-; resident, Franklin, Ind. ALFRED HARRISON MOMENT, A. M. -b. Clark, Durham Co., Ontario, Can., Jan. 22, 1844; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1872-76; licensed, Pres. New Brunswick, April 28, 1876; ordain- ed, Pres. New York, July 9, 1876; pastor, Spring St. Pres. ch., N. Y. City, 1876—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; resident, New York City. SAMUEL NEWTON WILLSON, A. M.- b. Crawfordsville, Ind., Nov. 18, 1847; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1872-75; licensed, Pres. Whitewater, April 7, 1874; ordained, Pres. Whitewater, April, 1876; pastor, Lawrence- burg, Ind., 1875-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1879; resi- dent, Lawrenceburg, Ind. ORLANDO CLARK CHARLTON, B. S.- b. Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind., April 2, 1854; teacher, Switzerland Co., Ind., 1872-73; prin. High sch., Springville, Ind., 1873-74; *ETHEL PORTER SWAYNE, A. B.-b. teacher, Clarke Co., Ind., 1874-75; Sheffield sci. sch., Yale College, 1875-76; teacher, Graded ; died, Memphis, Tenn., 1873. sch., Jeffersonville and Logansport, Ind., HARVEY CULBERTSON, A. M. —b. 1876-77; prin. Pub. schs., Mooresville, Ind., 1877-78; prin. High sch., Center Tp., Evans- ville, Ind., 1878-80; supt. Pub. schs., Lebanon, Ind., 1880-81; prin. High sch., Lebanon, Ind., 1881-82; school Furniture Trade, Lebanon, Ind., 1882-83; resident, Lebanon, Ind. RUFUS PUTNAM HAMILTON, B. S.—b. ; teacher, Bryantsburg, Ind., 18-; resident, Bryantsburg, Ind. CLASS OF 1873. EDWARD JOHN BROWN, A. M.—b. b. Avondale, O., Dec. 22, 1849; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1873-76; licensed, Pres. Cincin- nati, April, 1875; ordained, Pres. Cincinnati, April 26, 1877; pastor, Harrison, O., 1876-82; A. M., Han. Coll., 1878; pastor 1st Pres. ch., New- ton, Kas., 1882-; resident, Newton, Kas. Delphi, Ind., April 28, 1849; prin. Pub. Schs., Vernon, Ind., 1873-77; prin. Pub. Schs., North Vernon, Ind., 1877-79; supt. Pub. Schs., Del- phi, Ind., 1879-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1881; resi- dent, Delphi, Ind. E. SMITH MILLER, A. M.-b. Ver- non, Jennings Co., Ind., March 15, 1846; Union Theol. Sem., N. Y. City, 1875-78: licensed, Pres., Indianapolis, May, 1878; ordained, Pres. Neosho, Oct., 1878; s. s., Iola, Kas., 1878-79; pastor, Iola, Kas., 1879-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident, Iola, Kas. *DAVID THADDEUS ROBISON, A. B.- b. ; Theol. Stu.; died 1876. JOHN CULBERTSON SCOTT, A. M.-b: Jefferson Co., Ind., Sept. 29, 1850; tutor, Han. Coll., 1872-73; U. P. Theol. Sem., Xenia, O., 1873-76; licensed, U. P. Pres. Indiana, April 8, 1875; ordained, U. P. Pres. N. Y., April 26, 1880; pastor, U. P. church, Hoboken, N. J., 1880-; assoc. Ed. "Christian Instructor," 1880-82; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resident Ho- boken, N. J. Moorefield, Ind., Dec. 24, 1850; act. prof. Agri- culture, Neb. State Univ., 1874-81; prof. Hor- ticulture, Neb. State Univ., 1881—; A. B., Neb. State Univ., 1876; A. M., Han. Coll., 1883; resi- dent, Lincoln, Neb. JOHN HENRY SHADDAY, B. S., M. D. -b. Switzerland Co., Ind., Dec. 30, 1852; M. D., Med. Dept. Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1875; physician, Manville, Ind., 1875-77; physician, Vevay. Ind., 1877-; resident, Vevay, Ind. ; business, Madison, Ind., 1873—; | DILLON BROOKE WILSON, B. S.-b. ... > 44 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Somerset, O., 1851; admitted to the Bar, Cin- cinnati, O., 1875; lawyer, Cincinnati, O., 1875—; resident, Cin., O. MANLY DELIGHT WILSON, B. S.-b. Bluffton, Wells Co., Ind., April 17, 1854; ad- mitted to the Bar, Cincinnati, O., 1875; law- ROBERT HENNING, A. B., M. D.—b. yer, Cin., O., 1875-81; lawyer, Madison, Ind., 1881-; resident, Madison, Ind. 10. *2. Sem., 1874-77; licensed, Pres. Transylvania, April 28, 1876; ordained, Pres. St. Paul, April 17, 1878; pastor, Anderson, Ind., 18-; s. s., Princeton, Kas., 1881-; resident, Princeton, Kas. New York City, Sept. 5, 1847; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1874-77; licensed, Pres. Cincin- nati, April, 1876; ordained, Pres. Neosho, April, 1878; pastor, Humboldt, Kas., 1878-81; pastor, Goshen, O., 1881-; resident, Goshen, 0. • Wooster, Scott Co., Ind., Dec. 28. 1847; M. D., Med. Dept. Louisville Univ., 1877; physician, Lexington, Ind., 1877-82; physician, Jefferson- ville, Ind., 1883-; resident, Jeffersonville, Ind. CLASS OF 1874, WILLIAM SMITH ACOMB, A. B.-b. ROBERT EMMETT JONES, A. B., M. D. B.—b. -b. Fayette Co., W. Va., April 5, 1847; M. D., Ind. Coll. Phys. and Surgs., 1878, and Ind. Med. Coll. Dept. Butler Univ,, 1879; physician, Zionsville, Ind., 1879-82; physician, Lebanon, Ind., 1882-; resident, Lebanon, Ind. SAMUEL WATSON LAGRANGE, A. B.- *WILLIAM KERR ARCHIBALD, A. B. -b. Allegheny City, Pa., May 20, 1853; Dan- ville Theol. Sem., 1874-77; licensed, Pres. Transylvania, April, 1876; ordained. Pres. Transylvania, April, 1873; s. s., Pewee Valley, Ky., 1873-78; died Pewee Valley, Ky., Dec. 8. 1878, aged 25 years. DANIEL BREWER BANTA, A. B.-b. WILLIAM HENRY MCCAUGHEY, A.B. b. Franklin Ind., Oct. 1, 1851; Danville Theol. Sem., 1874-77; licensed, Pres. Transylvania, April 28, 1876; ordained, Pres. Cedar Rapids, May, 1878; s. s. Garrison and Big Grove chs., Iowa, 1877-79; s. s., Robinson, Palestine, and Beckwith Prairie chs., Ill., 1880-82; s. s., Mon- tana, Kas., 1882-; resident, Montana, Kas. Franklin. Ind.. Nov. 24, 1847; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1874-77; licensed, Pres. Indianapolis, Sept. 12. 1878; ordained, Pres. Crawfordsville, April, 1881; s. s., Shiloh, Ind., 1880-82; s. s., Lebanon, Ind., 1880-;s. s., Dover, Ind., 1882-; resident, Lebanon, Ind. WILLIAM ANDREW CALDWELL, A. M. MADISON EBENEZER McKILLIP, A. M. -b. Hanover, Ind., July 16, 1853; teacher, Jef- fersonville, Ind., 1874-75; clerk auditor's office Louisville & Paducah R. R., 1875-77; prof. Deaf and Dumb Inst., Indianapolis, Ind.. 1877- 79; A. M., Han. Coll., 1878; prof. Inst. for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, Berkeley, Cal., 1879- 82; prof Deaf and Dumb Inst., Indianapolis, Ind., 1882-; resident, Indianapolis, Ind. -b. Rockingham Co., N. C., April 30, 1848; Danville Theol. Sem., 1874-75; licensed, Pres. Whitewater, April, 1875; s. s., Mt. Carmel, Ind., 1875-76; ordained. Pres. Whitewater, Oct., 1876; pastor, Mt. Carmel, Ind., 1876-80; A. M., Han. Coll, 1878; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1880-81- pastor, Charlestown, Ind., 1881-; resident, Charlestown. Ind. DAVID BOYLE DUNCAN, A. M.-b. THOMAS JEFFERSON MAY, A. B.-b. Londonderry, Ireland, Nov. 19, 1848; tutor, Han. Coll., 1873-74; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1874-77; licensed, Pres. Cairo, April 12, 1875; ordained, Pres. Cincinnati, Nov. 14, 1877; pas- tor, New Richmond, O., 1877-; A. M., Han. THOMAS CHALMERS POTTER, A. M.— Coll., 1883; resident, New Richmond, O. GEORGE ERNEST, A. B.-b. Ieven- stedt, Holstein, Germany, Sept. 19, 1845; Ger. Theol. sch., Dubuque, Iowa, 1874-76; licensed, Pres. Dubuque, 1876; ordained, Pres. New Al- bany, 1877; pastor, Jackson Co., Ind., 1876-; s. s., Walnut Ridge, Pleasant Hill, Mt. Ver- non, Otisco, and Mt. Lebanon, Ind., 1882-; post office Brownstown, Ind. WILLIAM THOMAS HALL, A. B,-b. Rush Co., Ind., Dec. 5, 1844; Danville Theol. -b. Bluegrass, Fulton Co., Ind., Aug. 4, 1849; Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1874-77; licensed, Pres. Logansport, 1876; or- dained, Pres. Washington, Oct. 31, 1877; pas- tor, Cross Creek, Pa., 1877—; resident, Cross Creek, Pa. -; Union Theol. Sem., N. Y. City, 1874- 77; Home Miss., N. Y. City, 1877-83; resident, Vancouver's Island. b. Dunlapsville, Ind., Sept. 16, 1854; post grad. studies, Princeton Coll., N. J., 1874-77; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1877-80; licensed, Pres. Brooklyn, May 1, 1880; ordained, evan. Pres. Brooklyn, May 1, 1880; A. M., Han. Coll., 1880; pastor, Denison, Iowa, 1881-82; left the pastorate on account of ill health; druggist, Vail, Iowa; resident, Vail, Iowa. ALBERT SARLE SHARPLESS, A. B.-b. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 12, 1849; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1882-; resident, Cin., O. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. SOLOMON NELSON VAIL, A. B.-b. ——————, ————; minister; resident, Missouri Valley, Iowa. SAMUEL DOUGLASS LUCKETT, A. M.- Add t JOHN NEAL Ross, B. S.-b. ; lawyer, Carlisle, Ky., resident, Carlisle, b. Laconia, Harrison Co., Ind., Nov. 21, 1852; tutor, Han. Coll., 1873-74; teacher, Harrison Co,, Ind., 1874-75; prin. High sch., Muncie, Ind., 1875-78; Supt. Com. Schs., Harrison Co., Ind., 1875; admitted to the Bar, Muncie, Ind., WILLIAM CAMERON HECKMAN, A. M. 1878; lawyer, Leavenworth, Ind., 1878-79; law- yer, Bedford, Ind., 1879-; A. M. Han. Coll. 1883; resident, Bedford, Ind. ROYAL ELLIS PURCELL, B. S.-b. Purcell Station, Knox Co., Ind., July 26, 1849; admitted to the Bar, Vincennes, Ind., 1875; lawyer, Vincennes, Ind., 1875-76; editor "Wes- tern Sun," Vincennes, Ind., 1876 —; resident, JOHN LINDSEY HENNING, A. B.—b. Vincennes, Ind. 21. *1. Rossville, Ind., July 27; 1848; tutor Han. Coll. 1874-75; Danville Theol. Sem. 1875-77; Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. City, 1877-78; licensed Pres. Madison 1877; s. s. Edington and Munfords- ville, Ky., 1878-73; died Munfordsville, Ky., 1878, aged 30 years. WILLIAM GALEN BOONE, A. M.--b. 45 Han. Coll. 1881; prin. Santa Fe Univ. Santa Fe, New Mex. 1832-; resident, Santa Fe, New Mexico. MARCUS IRENAEUS GARRISON, A. B. > teacher, Richmond, Ind., 18-; A. M. Han. Coll. 1878; farmer near Peru, Ind.; post office Peru, Ind. -b. Little Osage, Vernon Co. Mo., Sept. 7, 1847, Danville Theol. Sem. 1876-78; evan. Elizabeth- town, Ky., 1878-79; evan. Harrison Co. Ind., 1879-80; evan. New Albany Ind., 1880-; resi- dent, New Albany, Ind. Ky. ROBERT JOHN TRACEWELL, B. S.--b. Warren Co., Va., May 7, 1852; admitted to the bar, circuit court, 1874; supreme court, 1875; WILLIAM WESLEY KARR, A. B.-b. federal court, 1882, lawyer, Corydon, Ind., 1874 -; resident, Corydon, Ind. JOEL AMICK WILSON, B. S. M. D.-- b. . —; physician, Elizabethtown, Ind., 18-; resident, Elizabethtown, Ind. New Orleans, La., Feb. 19, 1853; asst. Inspec- tor Weights and Measures, Memphis, Tenn., 1875-76; asst. Naturalist, Hayden geol. and geog. surv. of the Territories, 1876-77; sec. and treas. Herald Pub. Co., Memphis, Tenn., 1877-79; clerk, U. S. National Museum, 1879- 1881; accountant, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., 1881-; resident, Wash- ington, D. C. CLASS OF 1875. *SILAS WRIGHT BLACK, A. B.-b. DAVID SERRIL MCCASLIN, A. B.--b. -b. Hanover, Ind., July 7, 1854; prin. Acad. Deckertown, Ind., 1875-76; M. D. Mo. Med. Coll. St. Louis, Mo., 1878; physician St. Louis Mo., 1879-80; physician, Spearville, Kas.,1880- 80; physician Hanover, Ind., 1830-82; A. M. -b. Port Byron, Cayugo Co., N. Y., Dec. 21, 1855; Law Dept. Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., 1875-76; admitted to the Bar of Supreme Court of Indiana, Indianapolis, 1877; A. M. Han. Coll. 1878; editor "Herald," Fort Scott, Kas., 1879-82; editor "Colorado Independent,” Alamosa, Col., 1833--; resident Alamosa, Col. Wooster, Scott Co. Ind., Sept. 18, 1849; Dan- ville Theol. Sem. 1876-79; licensed Pres. Tran- sylvania, April 1878; ordained Pres. Mon- tana, Aug. 17, 1879; Home Miss. Deer Lodge, Montana, 1879-80; s. s. North Vernon. Ind., 1881-; resident, North Vernon, Ind. WILLIAM ALONZO STANTON, A. B.-- WILLIAM A. CRAVENS, A. B.--b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Feb. 15, 1852; Danville Theol. Sem. 1875-78; licensed Pres. Transylva- nia, April 27, 1877; ordained Pres. Ozark, Aprli 5, 1879; s. s. Salem and Shiloh, chs. Mo., 1878-82; b. Lawrenceville, Pa. March 5, 1854; B. S. Han Coll. 1875; A. B. Han. Coll. 1878; Baptist Theol. Sem. Rochester, N. Y. 1875-78; licensed 1st Baptist ch. Madison, Ind, July 30 1875; ordain- ed 1st Baptist ch. Muncie. Ind., Nov. 14, 1878; pastor 1st Bapt. ch. Muncie, Ind., 1878-80; pas- tor Vermont St. Bapt. ch. Quincy, Ill., 1880– resident Quincy, Ill. s. s. Knob Noster and Salem Mo. 1882—; post JOSEPH CLARK THOMSON, A. M., M. D. office Knob Noster, Mo. JOSEPH STEELE EASTMAN, A.M.,M.D. Oskaloosa, Mahaska, Co. Iowa, May, 24, 1853; Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. City, 1875-78; licen- sed Pres. Indianapolis, May, 15, 1878; ordained Pres. Muncie, Nov. 13, 1873; pastor Muncie, Ind., 1878-83; asst state geol. Iud. 1882-83; pas- tor elect Pullman, Ill., 1883-; resident, Pull- man, Ill. -b. Cumminsville, Cincinnati, O., April 10, 1853; Danville, Theol. Sem., 1875-76; Union Theol. Sem., N. Y. City, 1876-78; licensed, Pres. Cincinnati, O., April, 1877; A. M., Han. Coll., 1880; M. D., Med. Dept. Univ., N. Y. City, 1881; ordained, Pres. Cincinnati, O., Sept., 1831; For. Miss., Lien Chow, China, .. 1 i 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. b. , Sept. 6, 1850; admitted to the Bar, Indianapolis, Ind., 1877; teacher, 1876-80; lawyer, Indianapolis, Ind., 1880—; " GEORGE BALLENTINE EVANS, A. M. Pros. Att'y for Marion Co., Ind., 1881-83; resi- dent, Indianapolis, Ind. M. D.,-b. Franklin, Warren Co., O., April 1. 1855; M. D. Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., O. 1878; HORACE RAWLINS SMITH, A.M., M.D. physician, Middletown, O., 1878-80; A. M. Han. Coll. 1880; asst. supt. and phys. Insane Asylum, Dayton, O. 1880-82; physician, Day- ton, O,, 1882-; resident, Dayton, O. THOMAS SCOTT YOUNG, B. S.—-b.▬▬ -; teacher Knox Co., Ind., 18-; farmer Kansas; post office, Howard City, Kas. Pres. Bd. For. Miss., 1881; resident, Canton, China. 13. *1. CLASS OF 1876. JOHN HENRY BRIGHT, A. B.-b Ea- ton, O., Nov. 15, 1850; tutor, Han. Coll., 1874- 76; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1876-79; ordained evan., Pres. Neosho, Nov. 17, 1879; pastor, Chanute, Kas., 1879-; resident, Chanute, Kas. CYRUS NEWTON CLAPP, A. B.-b. - —; teacher, Bartholomew Co.. Ind., JAMES E. BLYTHE, A. B.-b. Cran- 18-; resident, Scipio, Ind. Mt. Healthy, O., Jan. 19, 1855; teacher, Green- wood., Ky., 1877-78; A. M., Han. Coll., 1830; Miami Med. Coll., Cin., O., 1881-; post office, Cincinnati, O. • JAMES BLACK SWING, A. M.—b. ; admitted to the Bar, Batavia, O., 1878; lawyer, Batavia, O., 1878-; Judge Cir. Court, Clermont Co., O., 1880-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; resident, Batavia, 0. -b. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 9, 1855; teacher, Hamilton Co., O., 1876-78; M. D., Med. Dept. Univ. of N. Y. City, 1880; A. M.. Han. Coll., 1881; Med. Miss. Pres. Bd. For. Miss. China, 1881-; resident, Tungchow, China. CHARLES CONRAD HECKMAN, A. M. -b. Portage City, Wis., Jan. 21, 18:8; admitted to the Bar, Madison, Ind., 1879; lawyer, In- CHARLES PRESTON DONEY, A. M. dianapolis, Ind., 1879-; A. M., Han.Coll., 1883; resident, Indlanapolis, Ind. WILLIAM ANDREW HUNTER, A. M.- 10. *0. JAMES P. L. WEEMS, A. B.-b. Jef- fersonville, Ind., May 19, 1848; teacher, Knox Co., 1876-77; admitted to the Bar, Vincennes, Ind., 1877; lawyer, Vincennes, Ind., 1877-; resident, Vincennes, Ind. CLASS OF 1877. CHARLES REID BARNES, A. M.-b. Madison, Ind., Sept. 7, 1858; prin. High Sch., Hanover, Ind., 1877-78; prin. High Sch., Utica, Ind., 1878-79; Bot. Lab. Harvard Univ. sum- mers of 1879 and '80; prof. Nat. Sci. High Sch., Lafayette, Ind., 1879-80; prof. Nat. Hist. Pur- due Univ., 1880-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1880; assoc. Editor "Bot. Gazette," 1883-; resident, Lafayette, Ind. DANIEL BOONE CLAPP, B. S.-b. 9 ; teacher, Bartholomew Co., Ind., resident, Scipio, Ind. WILLIAM NEWTON HARDING, B. S.- b. Cincinnati, O., May 7, 1852; tutor, Han. Coll., 1875-76; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1876-79; li- censed Pres. Schuyler, May 9, 1878; ordained Pres. Schuyler, Dec. 9, 1879; pastor, Wythe JOSEPH JAMES GILCHRIST, A. B.—-b. Pres. Church, Warsaw, III., 1879—; A. M., Han. Coll., 1881; resident, Warsaw, Ill. ALLEN JACKSON MOORE, A. M.-b. berry, N. J., Jan. 20, 1855; admitted to the Bar, Mason City, Iowa. 1878; lawyer, Mason City, 1878-; resident, Mason City, Iowa. b. Seven Mile, Ohio, June 20, 1857; tutor, Han. Coll., 1876-77; prin. Grammar Sch. Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1877-78; prin. High Sch. Rock- port, Ind., 1878-80; prin. High Sch. Logans- port, Ind., 1880-; A. M.. Han. Coll., 1882; resi- dent, Logansport, Ind. - Dunlapsville, Ind,, May 11, 1853; business, Greenfield, Ind., 1877-78; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1878-81; licensed Pres. Indianapolis, April, 1880 ordained Pres. Indianapolis, Ind., April 7, 1881; Home Miss. Colorado, 1881-82; pastor, Alamosa, Col., 1882-; resident, Ala- mosa, Col. JOHN P. MOFFAT, A. B.-b. Bar- tholomew Co., April 28, 1853; Prin. Theol Sem., 1878-81; post grad. Prin. Theol. Sem., 1881-82; licensed, Pres. New Albany, April, 1882; s. s., Weatherly, Pa., 1882-; ordained, Pres. Lehigh, April, 1883; pastor, Weatherly, Pa., 1883-; resident, Weatherby, Pa. ALBERT SMITH STORY, A. B. —b. Bloomington, Ind., Aug. 5, 1855; admitted to the Bar, Pawnee City, Neb., 1880; lawyer, Pawnee City, Neb., 1880-; resident, Pawnee City, Neb. REGINALD HEBER THOMSON, A. B.- b. Hanover, Ind., March 20, 1856; prof. Alex- ander Acad. and Healdsburg Inst., Healds- burg, Cal., 1877-80; editor "Healdsburg Flag," .. 1 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Healdsburg, Cal., 1880; civ. eng., Seattle, W. T., 1881-; resident, Seattle, W. T. LAFAYETTE PENCE, B. S.-b. Colum bus, Ind., Dec. 23, 1857; admitted to the Bar, Columbus, Ind., 1878; lawyer, Columbus, Ind., 1878-79; lawyer, Winfield, Kas., 1879-80; law. *JAMES MAYNE SHANNON, A. B.—b. yer, Rico, Col., 1880--; resident, Rico, Col. HARRY MANSField Waggoner, B. S. Decatur Co., Ind., Dec. 10, 1853; teacher, Spring Hill, Decatur Co., Ind., 1878-80; business, Alexandria, Ind., 1881-82; died, Alexandria, Ind., Aug. 1, 1882. aged 28 years. -b. Lewistown, Fulton Co., Ill., Sept. 19, 1856; admitted to the Bar, Lewistown, Ill., 1879; lawyer, Lewistown. Ill., 1879—; resident, Lew- istown, Ill. 10. *0. CLASS OF 1878. ORLANDO ELLIOTT ARBUCKLE, A. M. CHARLES WALKER, B. S.-b. Madi- son, Ind., March 7, 1858; stu. civ. eng. Wis. WILLIAM CULLOP, B. S.-b. Knox State Univ., Madison, Wis., 1877; business, Madison, Ind., 1879-; resident, Madison, Ind. 47 fordsville, Ky., June 10, 1852; Danville Theol Sem., 1878-80; licensed, Pres. Transylvania, April 18, 1880; ordained, Pres. Ebenezer, April, 1882; s. s., Greenup, Ky., 1830-82; pastor.Green- up, Ky., 1882-; resident, Greenup, Ky. - FARIS FARIS BAIRD, A. M.-b. : CHARLES AUGUSTUS ALLEN, B. S.—b. Augustus Allen, b. Swanville, Jefferson Co., Ind,, Feb. 19, 1855; teacher, Saluda, Ind., 1878-80; teacher, Madi- son, Ind., 1880-81; Supt. Com. Schs., Jefferson CLASS OF 1879. Co., Ind., 1881; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; resi- GALEN LOUIS CLINE, A. M., M. D. dent, Madison, Ind. JOHN J Wyoming, O., Sept. 16, 1855; farmer, Wyo- ming, O., 1879-; resident, Wyoming, O. JOHN EDWIN HAYS, A. M., M. D.- b. Fairmount. Ky.. Sept. 11, 1856; M. D., Louis- ville Hos. Med. Coll., 1880; resident grad. City Hospital, Louisville, Ky., 1880-81; physician, Fairmount, Ky., 1881-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; resident, Fairmount, Ky. Co., Ind., March 23, 1853; prin. High sch., San- born, Ind., 1878-79; prof. Nat. Sci., and Math., Vincennes Univ., Vincennes, Ind., 1879-80; admitted to the Bar, Vincennes, Ind., 1880; lawyer, Vincennes, Ind., 1831-; pros. att'y Knox Co., Ind., 1882-; resident, Vincennes, Ind. 10. *1. Clarke Co., Ind., Dec. 5, 1854; B. S.. Han. Coll., 1878; A. B., Han. Coll., 1880; Lane Theol. Sem., Cincinnati, O., 1878-80; act, prof. Latin, CHARLES EUGENE EDWARDS, A. M.- Han. Coll., 1880-81; prof. Latin, Han. Coll., 1881—; A. M.. Han. Coll., 1881; resident, Han- over, Ind. DAVID GIBSON FENTON, A. B.-b. b. Perin's Mills, Clermont Co., O., Sept. 9, 1857; M. D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., O., 1832; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; Med. Staff U. S. A.; stationed Ft. Assinaboine, Montana. Ter. Kirkwood, St. Louis Co., Mo., July 8, 1855; teacher, Union, Mo., 1878-80; civ. eng., Mexi- co, 1880-81; teacher, Weatherford, Texas, 1881- $2; teacher, New Haven, Mo., 1882-83; resi- CHAUNCEY THEODORE EDWARDS, A.M. dent, Union, Mo. WILLIAM ALVIN FOSTER, A. B.—þ. Scipio, Jennings Co., Ind., Aug. 7, 1857; tutor, Han. Coll., 1876-78; teacher, Zionsville, Ind., 1878-79; teacher, Knox, Ind., 1881-83; Pros, Att'y 44th Jud. Cir. of Ind., 1883-; resident, Knox, Ind. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 1, 1860; A. B., Han. Coll., 1879; A. B., Centre College, Ky., 1879; Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1831-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; licensed, Pres. Pittsburgh, April 17, 1883; resident, Cincin- nati, O. HAMILTON STILLSON, A. M., M. D.— b. Bedford. Ind., Feb. 14, 1857; M. D.. Med. Dept. Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1882; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; physician, Bedford, Ind., 1832-; special course Eye and Ear diseases, Univ. of N. Y. City. winter of 1882-83; sec. Ind. Mic. Soc., 1882-; prof. Nat. Sci., S. I. N. Coll., Mitchell, Ind., 1883-; resident, Bedford, Ind. BEN FRANKLIN STRADER, A. B., M. D. ? ROBERT CALDWELL LAMBE, A. B.- b. County Tyrone, Ireland, 1855; Miami Univ., O., 1874-76; teacher, Illinois, 1878-79; admitted to the Bar, Carlyle, Ill., 1882; law- yer, Carlyle, Ill.. 1882-; resident, Carlyle, Ill. -b. Madison, Ind., Jan. 24, 1861; M. D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., 0., 1881; physician, Madison, Ind., 1881—; resident, Madison, Ind. MONTGOMERY MAY, A. B.-b, Mun- UNION NOBLE BETHEL, B. S.-b. -b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 15, 1862; A. B., Han. Coll., 1879; A. B., Centre College, Ky., 1879; Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny City, Pa., 1881-; A. M., Han. Coll., 1882; licensed, Pres. Pittsburgh, Pa,, April 17, 1883; resident, Cincinnati, O. $ : 48 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Newburgh, Ind., Sept. 12, 1859; Dept. Auditor | HENRY SMITH SLAUGHTER, B. S.—b. Warrick Co., Ind., 1879-82; Bd. of Review Pen- sion Dept. U. S. Gov.; Law Dept. Columbia Univ., Washington, D. C., 1882-; resident, Washington, D. C. JAMES EDWARD TAGGART, B. S.-b. Charlestown, Clarke Co., Ind., July 1, 1858; Dept. Clerk Cir. Court Clarke Co., Ind., 1880—; resident, Jeffersonville, Ind. 7. *0. CLASS OF 1880. S. ELDERSLEY MONS COULTER, A. B. -b. Hanover, Ind., July 30, 1360; prin. Hope- well Acad., Franklin, Ind., 1880-81; prin, Pub. Schs., Patriot, Ind., 1881-82; supt. Pub. Schs. Greenup, Ky., 1882-83; resident, Hanover, Ind. # Newburgh, Ind., July 14, 1859; grad. Law. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1882; admitted to the Bar, Evansville, Ind., 1881; lawyer, Evans- ville,, Ind., 1881-; Dept. Pros. Att'y 1st. Jud. Cir. Ind., 1882-; resident, Evansville, Ind. JOHN JOHNSON STURGUS, B.S.,M.D.-- b. Charlestown, Ind., May 25, 1858; Homœop. Med. Dep., Univ. of Mich., 1880-82; M. D., Ha- neman Med. Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., 1883; physician, Connersville, Ind., 1883-; resident, Connersville, Ind. 11. *0. CLASS OF 1881, CLARENCE ESTELL BRANDT, A. B.— b, Hanover, Ind., July 29, 1861; North West Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ill., 1882-; resident, Hanover, Ind. WILLIAM HUSTON CRAIG, A. B.-b. Maryville, Blount Co., Tenn., March 23, 1857; JOHN ALBERT CARNAGEY, A. B.~b. teacher, High school, Noblesville, Ind., 1880- 82; admitted to the Bar, Noblesville. Ind., 1883; resident, Noblesville, Ind. JAMES CLELAND HUME, A. B.-b. Georgetown, Beaver, Co., Pa., April 28, 1856; tutor, Han. Coll., 1880-81; prin. High. Sch., Utica, Ind., 1881-83; resident, Utica, Ind. WILLIAM SMITH COOPER, A. B.-b. Cincinnati, O.. May 22, 1862; prin. Pub. Sch., Stamping Ground, Scott Co., Ky., 1880-81; prin. High Sch, Hanover, Ind., 1881-82; law New Castle, Henry Co., Ky., March 4, 1860; prin. Pub. Sch., Stamping Ground, Scott Co., Ky., 1881-83; resident, New Castle, Ky. stu., Paris, France. 1882-82; Law Sch., Cin., JOHN PETER ENGSTROM, A. B.-b. Ó,, 1882—; resident, Asbury Park, N. J. HENRY CLOSE MONTGOMERY, A. B.— b. Seymour, Ind., May 31, 1857; tutor, Han. Coll., 1879-80; prin. High Sch., Seymour, Ind., 1830—; resident, Seymour, Ind. Hoganas, Sweden.,-, 1855; Lane Theol. Sem., Cin., O., 1881-82; Prin. Theol. Sem., 1882-83; li- censed, Pres. New Albany, April 5, 1883; or- dained, Pres. New Albany, April 5, 1883; pas- tor, Reily, O., 1883—; resident, Reily, O. WALTER SCOTT MONTGOMERY, A. B. HARRY GARRITT GAYLORD, A. B.-b. -b. Kent, Ind., Nov. 1, 1858; teacher High Sch., Noblesville, Ind., 1880-82; law stu., No- blesville, Ind., 1881-; resident, Noblesville, Ind. Delphi, Ind., March 22, 1858; U. S. Survey of Upper Mo. River, 1881-82; Med. stu. Craw- fordsville, Ind., 1882-; resident, Crawfords- ville, Ind. HORACE BINNEY MORSE, A. B.-b. Clasgow, Ky., July 16, 1860; tutor, Han. Coll., 1879-80; prin. High Sch., Hanover, Ind., 1880- CHARLES ALBERT KEIGWIN, A. B.— b. Hanover, Ind., April 9, 1862; teacher, Cedar Keys, Fla., 1881-82; resident, Orlando, Fla. 81; prin. High Sch.. Edinburg, Ind., 1881-83; OSCAR HILTON MONTGOMERY, A. B. med. stu., Louisville, Ky., 1883-; resident, Louisville, Ky. -b. Seymour, Ind., April 27, 1859; tutor, Han. Coll', 1830-81; teacher, Reddington, Ind., 1881- 82; law. stu., Seymour, Ind. RALPH WALTER STORY, A. B.-b. Madison, Ind., March 31, 1861; admitted to the FRANK MORSE, A. B.-b. Glasgow, Bar, Madison, Ind., 1882; lawyer, Pawnee City, Neb., 1882-; resident, Pawnee City, Neb. Ky., Jan. 29, 1862; druggist, Madison, Ind., 1882-83; druggist, Dunkirk, Ind., 1883-; resi- dent, Dunkirk, Ind. JAMES BROWN, B. S.--b. Hanover, Ind., Dec. 30, 1859; farmer, Hanover, Ind., EDWARD EUGENE SILLIMAN, A. B.— 1880-; resident, Hanover, Ind. WILLIAM SEWARD CHRISTIAN, B. S. -b. Hamilton Co., Ind., July 16, 1857; admit- GABRIEL SAMUEL WYATT, A. B.-b. mitted to the Bar, Noblesville, Ind., 1881; law- yer, Noblesville, Ind., 1881-; resident, No- blesville, Ind. b. White Co., Ill., Dec. 31, 1857; Rochester Theol. Sem., Rochester, N. Y., 1881. " Carroll Co., Ky., 1845; prof., College Hill, Ky., 1881-; resident, College Hill, Ky. } 1 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 49 JOHN S. HUNT, B. S.-b. Madison, Jeff. Co., Ind., Nov. 17, 1860; tutor, Han Cóll., 1881-82; Drew Theol. Sem., Madison, N. J., 1882—; resident, Hanover, Ind. Ind., Sept. 18, 1859; Ohio Med. Coll., Cincin- nati, O., 1881-; resident, Madison, Ind. ROBERT BRUCE MILROY, B. S.-b. Rensselaer, Ind., Sept. 25, 1859; law stu., Olympia, W. T., 1881—; draughtsman, U. S. Land Office, Olympia, W. T.; resident, Olym- pia, W. T. 14. *0. CLASS OF 1883. WALTER JUDSON MILROY, B. S.-b. Delphi, Ind.; admitted to Bar, Olympia, W. T., 1882; lawyer, Olympia, W. T., 1882-; resi- dent, Olympia, W. T. WALTER LOWRIE FISHER, A. B.—b. Wheeling, W. Va., July 4, 1862; resident,, Hanover, Ind. ALBERT BASSETT WILSON, B. S.-b. JOSHUA CROWE GARRITT, A. B.-b. Swanville, Ind., Jeff. Co., Ind., March 12, 1861; business, Parsons, Kas.; resident, Parsons, Kas. Hanover, Ind., Nov. 11, 1865; resident, Hano- ver, Ind. CALLA JAMES HARRISON, A. B.-b. CLASS OF 1882. WILLIAM STAR GAYLORD, A. B.-b. Delphi, Ind., Jan. 19, 1861; B. S., Han. Coll., 1882; A. B.. Han. Coll., 1883; druggist, Madison, Ind., 1883-; resident. Madison, Ind. JOHN PAUL RAMSAY, B S.-b. Jef CYRUS ALLEN SMITH, B. S.-b. ; med. stu., Cincin- nati, O., 1883—; resident, Vincennes, Ind. ferson Co., Ind., Dec. 24, 1862; Sig. Service, U. S. A., 1832-; stationed, Cin., Ohio. JOHN NEWTON RYKER, A. B.-b. Ca- naan, Jeff. Co., Ind., April 8, 1862; tutor, Han. Coll., 1831-82; Sig. Service, U. S. A., 1882-; sta- tioned, Memphis, Tenn. RICHARD EDWIN SCHUH, A. B.-b. 5. *0. North Madison, Ind., Sept. 28. 1859; tutor, Han. Coll., 1832-83; resident, North Madison, Ind. CHARLES RUSHTON, A. B.-b. Madi son, Ind., Nov. 4, 1861; resident, Madison, Ind. WILLIAM SIBLEY TRUAX, A. B.-b. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 30, 1862; resident, Madi- son, Ind. WASHINGTON IRVING WEBB, A. B.-- b. New Castle, Ky., June 27, 1863; resident, New Castle, Ky. GEOrge WashingTON WYATT, A. B. --b. Carrollton, Ky., Feb. 6, 1859; resident, Carrollton, Ky. AN : } } 2 Business, Editors, Farmers, Foreign Missionaries, Lawyers, Ministers, Physicians, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Living Alumni, Deceased Alumni, Total Alumi, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Indian Territory, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, SUMMARY. Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana Territory, Nebraska, New Jersey, OCCUPATION. < < 38 Presidents of Colleges, 13 Professors of Colleges, 14 Professors of Medical Colleges, 10 Professors of Theological Seminaries, 88 Teachers, 224 U. S. Signal Service, 40 Miscellaneous, ·0- 1 PRESENT DISTRIBUTION. 1 New Mexico Territory, 1 New York, 7 Ohio, 6 Oregon, 4 Pennsylvania, 4 Tennessee, 1 Texas, 26 Utah Territory, 133 Vermont, 1 Virginia, 8 Washington Territory, 28 Wisconsin, 23 Brazil, 1 Canada, 4 China, 2 India, 1 Ireland, - 17 Mexico, 2 Prince Edward's Island, Vancouver's Island, B. C., 6 7 Unknown, 382 113 495 - 6 26 4 2 64 2 24 8 30 2 15 5 8 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 12 : ? 1 HONORARY DEGREES. LL. D. 1834. *Hon, ISAAC BLACKFord. 1838. *JOHN DELAFIELD. 1840. *Hon. CHARLES DEWEY. 1840. *Hon. JEREMIAH SULLIVAN. 1863. Hon. CHARLES D. DRAKE. 1865. *Rev. LEMUEL G. OLMSTEAD. 1867. Rev. JOHN W. STERLING. THEOPHILUS PARVIN. 1872. 1872. *Rev. CALEB MILLS. 1873. Rev. CYRUS NUTT. 1873. ROGER SHERMAN. 1875. *NOBLE BUTLER. 1877. Hon. Wм. MCKEE DUNN. 1879. ROBT. J. WRIGHT. 1882. Rev. M. M. FISHer. 1882. MISS MARIA MITCHELL. D. D. 1837. *Rev. DAVID MCGILL. 1837. Rev. ELIHU W. BALDWIN. * 1839. *Rev, STEWART BATES. 1841. *Rev. JAMES MURPHY. 1843. *Rev. WILLIAM L. RRECKINRIDGE. 1843. *Rev. THOMAS C. REED. 1845. *Rev. DAVID MONFORT. 1846. *Rev. SYLVESTER Scovel. t. : 2 52 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1847. Rev. EDWARD P. HUMPHREY. 1847. *Rev. ROBERT C. GRUNDY. 1848. Rev. J. L. YANTIS. 1848. Rev. JOHN C. BACKUS. 1853. Rev. LEROY J. HALSEY. 1853. Rev. ELIAS RIGGS. 1853. Rev. I. N. CANDee. 1854. Rev. JOHN M. STEVENSON. 1854. *Rev. THORNTON A. MILLS. 1858. *Rev. JOSIAH D. SMITH. 1859. Rev. JAMES BROWN. 1859. *Rev. J. C. BROWN. 1861. *Rev. N. C. BURT. 1861. *Rev. J. W. LowRIE: 1862. *Rev. E. W. WRIGHT. 1863. Rev. WILLIAM Brand. 1863. *Rev. ROBERT C. MATTHEWS. 1864. Rev. SAMUEL M. HAMILL. 1864. Rev. WILLIAM HAMILTON. 1864. Rev. W. C. CATTtell. 1865. Rev. G. D. ARCHIBALD. 1865. Rev. D. M. MALISE. 1866. Rev. J. L. McKEE. 1868. Rev. GEORGE C. HECKMAN. 1869. Rev. ARCHIBALD C. GISKIE. 1869. Rev. RICHARD H. ALLEN. 1870. Rev. SAMUEL C. LOGAN. 1870. Rev. W. J. McKNIGHT. 1871. *Rev. C. R. GREGORY. 1871. Rev. JOHN G. RIHELD AFFER. 1872. Rev. SAMUEL FRAME MORROW. 1872. Rev. GEORGE DILLON STEWART. 1872. Rev. L. D. POTTER. 1873. Rev. CHARLES HUTCHINSON. 1873. Rev. FRANCIS L. PATTON. 1874. Rev. HENRY B. THAYER. 1874. Rev. HANFORD A. EDSON. 1874. Rev. SHELDON JACKSON. 1875. Rev. WILLIAM COCHRANE. 1875. Rev. SAMUEL CONN. 1876. Rev. JAMES G. ROBB. " : GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1877. Rev. SAMUEL H. HOWE. 1877. Rev. J. B. McMICHAEL. 1878. Rev. WILLIAM Gregg. 1878. Rev. STUART MITchell. 1879. Rev. WILLIAM RITCHIE. 1879. Rev. JOSEPH GASTON SYMMES. 1880. Rev. WILLIAM H. SIMPSON. 1880. Rev. CALVIN W. MATEER. 1880. Rev. LEWIS I. DRAKE. 1881. Rev. DAVID W. MOFFAT. 1881. Rev. ROBERT SLoss. 1882. Rev. JAMES D. MOFFAT. 1882. Rev. ROBERT CHRISTIE, 1882. Rev. BENJ. W. CHIDLAW. 1883. Rev. WILLIAM R. BROWN. 1883. Rev. WILLIAM C. PORTER. 1883. Rev. W. T. CAMPBELL. 1883. Rev. I. N. Hughes. Ph. D. 1872. Rev. JOHN HUSSEY. 1872. HARVEY W. WILEY. 1873. JOHN M. COYNER. 1873. HENRY SEYMOUR KRITZ. 1873. DAVID G. HERRON. 1875. JAMES KENNEDY PATTERSON. 1875. Rev. CORNELIUS R. LANE. 1876. JAMES L. BLACKWELL. 1876. Rev. SELDEN J. COFFIN. 1883. OLIVER W. MULVEY. A. M. 1833. *Rev. JOHN FINLEY CROWE. 1833. *Rev. MARK A. H. NILES. 1834 *Rev. JOHN W. CUNNINGHAM. 1839. *Rev. DAVID MONFORT. 1840. *SAMUEL REID, M. D. ¿ 53 : . : S . j 1 54 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. 1846. *LEONARD BLISS. 1843. Rev. MONROE T. Allen. 1843. SAMUEL M. ELLIOTT. 1845. *JOHN L. SCOTT, Esq. 1845. JAMES P. HOLCOMBE. 1845. *Rev. DANIEL LATTIMORE. 1845. *Rev. DAVID V. SMOCK. 1845. Rev. JAMES BROWNLEE. 1846. *Rev. JAMES C. BURT, M. D. 1847. Rev. GEORGE J. REED. 1847. *Rev. MASON D. P. WILLIAMS. 1847. *Rev. ROBERT D. McCOMB. 1847. *Rev. JOHN C. EASTMAN. 1848. Rev. THOMAS BROWN. 1848. JOHN SHIELDS, Esq. 1848. THOMAS H. SHREVE, Esq. 1848. *BEN CASSEDY, Esq. 1849. *Bland BALLARD, Esq. 1850. E. S. COOPER, M. D. 1850. Rev. CHARLES AXTELL. 1850. JOHN ORR, Esq. 1852. ROBERT S. KNOX, Esq. 1853. WILLIAM A. CHURCHMAN, Esq. CHARLES W. KIMBALL. 1856. 1856. *JAMES M. LOGAN, M. D. 1857. PHILIP A. EMERY, Esq. 1858. JOHN H, TATE, M. D. 1859. ASHLEY PIERCE, Esq. 1862. EBENEZER NEAL, M. D. 1863. Rev. GEORGE W. HAYS. 1863. CHARLES D. PEARSON, M. D. 1865. JOHN W. BLACKBURN, Esq. 1865. Hon. JAMES Y. ALLISON. 1878. Rev. J. L. MURRAY. * 2 ADDENDA. (The following items were received too late for publication in their proper places :) CLASS OF 1834. MASON MCCHORD Southwestern Univ., Clarksville, Tenn., 1875; Correct Mod. Southern Pres. Gen. Assemb. 1882. JOHN date of death, March 22, 1876, aged 67 years. CLASS OF 1850. ROBERT SYMINGTON REESE, A. M.— b. Hanover, Ind., Feb. 5, 1832; s. s., Jackson Co., Mo., 1856-58; s. s., Warrensburg, Mo.. 1858- 61; s. s., Abingdon, Va., 1861-62; s. s., Ben Sa- lem, Va., 1862- 67; s. s., Clinton and Windsor, Mo., 1868-69; s. s., Knob Noster, Mo., 1869-70; teacher, Madison, Crawfordsville, Belleville, Ind., Westport, Mo., Ben Salem, Va., 18-; resident, Los Angeles, Cal. CLASS OF 1857. WILLIAM MEANS CROZIER, A. M.- b. Paris, Ill., Dec. 1, 1829; prin. Pres. Acad., Nashville, Tenn., 1857-59; prin. Pres. Acad., Edgar, Tenn., 1859-61; prin. Pub. Schs., Terre Haute, Ind., 1861-64; North Western Theol. Sem., 1865-66; licensed, Pres. Palestine, April 11, 1866; ordained, Pres. Topeka, Sept. 30, 1867; s. s.. Flora and Fairview, Ill., 1866-67; s. S., Burlingame and Auburn, Kansas, 1867-68; s. s., Carlyle, Kansas, 1870-; infirm, 1871-; res- ident, Fayetteville, Ark. CLASS OF 1855. JAMES ROBINSON EVANS, A. B.-b. DAVID TAYLOR, B. S-Farmer, Ohio and Kansas, 1857-; resident, Emporia, Kan- sas. gree of B. S. granted in 1883, and his name enrolled with his class. Bloomingburg, O., March 18, 1828; prof., Oak- achickama Inst., 1855-56; prof. Latin and Math., shelby Military Inst., Germantown, Tenn., 1856-58; business, Tuscola, Ill., 1859-; THOMAS JOHNSTONE MCELRATH, A. B. CLASS OF 1858. resident, Tuscola, Ill. ALFRED NEVIN SNODDY, B. S.—De- -b. Ayrshire, Scotland, Dec. 4, 1835; admitted to the Bar, Carrollton, Ky., 1862; soldier, C. S. A., 1862-65; lawyer, Carrollton, Ky., 1865-; County Attorney, Carroll Co., Ky, 1866-70; mem. Ky. Senate, 1877-81; editor, “Carrollton Democrat," 1868-78; resident, Carrollton, Ky. CLASS OF 1872. CLASS OF 1856, CYRUS ALEXANDER JOHNSON, B. S. -Business, Memphis, Tenn., and Holly Springs, Miss., 18-; lieutenant, C. S. A., WILLIAM JAMES JOHNSON, B. S.―b. 1861-64; killed in battle at Atlanta, Ga., July 28, 1864, aged 29 years. RICHMOND KELLY SMOOT, D. D.—b. Huntingdon, Tenn., March 15, 1836; Danville Theol. Sem., 1856-59; licensed, Pres. Western District, 1859; ordained, Pres. Muhlenburg, 1860; pastor, Bowling Green, Ky., 1860-76; pas- tor, Austin, Texas, 1876—; Chaplain, Texas THOMAS SCOTT YOUNG.-b. Knox Senate, 1881-83; resident, Austin, Tex. D. D., CLASS OF 1875. Co., Ind., Oct. 15, 1849. Madison, Ind., June 13, 1854; business, Madi- son, Ind., 1872-76; admitted to the Bar, Madi- son, Ind., 1876; grad. Law Dept. Columbia Coll., N. Y., 1878; admitted to the Courts of N. Y., 1878; mem. Ind. Leg., 1880-82; resident, Madison, Ind. : 74 " .. NAME. Acomb, William Smith, Adair, Stephen Cromwell, Adams, James Baillie,. Adams, Robert Long, Alderdice, Thomas H., Alexander, James Madison, - Allen, Charles A., Allison, James W., Amick, Marion, Amick, William R.,. Anderson, Samuel J. P., Andrews, Lyman Beecher,. Andrews, Leonard F., Arbuckle, Orlando E., Archibald, William K., Armstrong, Geo. B., Armstrong, John, Baird, John Faris, Baker, William Peter, Baldridge. Samuel C., Banta, Daniel B.,. Bare, Addison W.,. Barnes, Charles Reid,. Barr, George W., Barr, Samuel E., Batchelder, Joseph Mayo, Bayless, Henry M., Bean, George W.. Bell. Robert Sherrard, Bergen, Sylvester S., Berryhill, Franklin, Bethel, Union N., Black, James,. Black, Silas W., Blackburn, William M., Blackwell, Harleigh, Blackwell, James S.,. Blair, William, Blake, John Gurley, Blake, John Wesley, Bloss, John M., Blythe, James E., Blythe, James E., Boone, Joseph,. Boone, William G.,. Bovell, Stephen Jay, Brandt, Clarence E., Brandt, Felix J.,. Brandt, William E., Braxton, Hiram F., Brengle, Joshua S., Brice, William K., Bright, John H., Brown, Alexander M., Brown, Edward, J.,. Brown, James, INDEX. CLASS. '74 Brown, James, '54 Brown, Samuel,. '56 Bruce, James, '59 Bruner, William H., '37 Bullock, Avery W., '51 Burns, James H., '78 Butler, Noble,. 256 Butler, William H. G.,. '67 Burt, James C., '71 Burt, William N.,. '36 '53 Caldwell, John C.,. '57 | Caldwell, William A., '78 Carnagey. John A.,.. 174 Carthell, Jonathan T., I 38 Caton, Irwin L., '65 Chamberlin, William B., Charlton, Orlando C.,. '78 Charlton, Thomas J., '58 Cheever, William M., '49 Christian, William S., '74 Clapp, Cyrus N., '48 Clapp, D. B., NAME. ! 177 Clarke, Ezra D., '72 Cline. Galen L., '47 Cochrane, William,. '52 Collins, William A., '51 Cooper, William S.,. '71 Coulter, John M., '35 Coulter. Moses S., '70 Coulter, Moses S., '37 Coulter, S. E. Monds, '79 Coulter, William S., '37 Coyner, John M., '75 Craig, William H., '50 Crawford, Henry E., '40 Crawford, Josiah, '68 Crawford, John M., '38 Cravens, Thomas A., '65 Cravens, William A., '48 Crowe, James B.,. '69 Crowe. Samuel S., '57 1 '38 Crowe, Thomas S., "77 Crozier, William M., '51 Culbertson, Harvey. '75 Cullop, William. '52 Cunningham, James A '81 Cummings, George W. '63 Cummings, David H., 영명​의 ​{ Dale, Samuel P., '50 Daugherty, Josiah, '38 | Day, S. Addison . '76 Dean, James Albert '38 Denton, Solmon F '73 Dewey, Benjamin P. 35 Dillon, S. P., CLASS. '80 '64 '51 '34 '51 '51 '36 '46 '67 '67 - '48 '74 '81 '52 '67 '64 בדי טדי '38 '80 '76 176 פדי 779 '57 '60 '81 ודי '48 '71 '80 '60 '52 '80 '59 '36 '50 770 '75 '38 '39 '38 '57 '73 2 3 3 3 3 3 SUNT 1778 '53 '60 '36 '65 '63 '63 '64 '61 '52 ןדי 1 1 Camp : NAME. Dodge, Henry A., Doney, Charles P.,. Donnell Henry C., Drake, Jeremiah M., Drake, Lewis I.,. Duncan. David B., Dunkle, Alfred W., Dunn, David M., Dunn, Moses F.,. " Eastman, John C:, Eastman, Joseph S.,. Eastman, William W., Edwards, Charles E.,. Edwards, Chauncey T.,. Edwards, Jonathan, Engstrom, John P., Ernest, George,. Evans, George B.,. Evans James R.,. Evans. Samuel N.,.. Fenton, David G.,. Fenton, Joseph F., Fisher, Michael M.,. Fisher, Walter L.,. Fitch, Geo. W., . GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Fletcher, James L.,, Foster, William A., Fouts, Daniel L., Fox, John P., Frierson, John S.. Frazer, John A., Fullenwider, W. H., Fulton, Andrew, • Garber, Michael C., Gardner, James J., Garritt, Joshua B., Garritt, Joshua C., Garrison, Marcus I... Gaylord, Harry G., Gaylord, William S., Gilpin, Samuel J., Geyer, Jacob R., Gibson, Robert A., Gilchrist, Joseph J.,. Gilchrist, William F.,. Gilliland, William W., Giltner, Henry M.,. Goldsmith, Middleton, Greer, John C., Guy, Theophilus W., Haas, Samuel G., Hall, William T., Hamilton, Edward J.,. Hamilton, Philander,, Hamilton, Rufus P., Hanna, Horace H., Harbolt, John H., Harding, W. N.,. Harney, Selby, 4 CLASS. NAME. "70 Harrington, John D., 277 Harrison, Calla J., '63 Hawkins, Edmund W., '53 Hawthorne, Samuel D., '53 Hays, Charles M., '74 Heady, Thomas J., '73 Hays, John E., '39 Heckman, Charles C.,. '62 Heckman, William C., Hendricks, Abram T., '65 Hendricks, Thos. A., 75 Henning, John L., '68 Henning, Robert, '79 | Henry, Edward G., '79 Herron, David G.,. '35 Herron, Robert B., '81 Higbee, Jesse Y., '74 Hippard, George F., '75 Hoge, John M., '55 Holliday, John H., '37 Holstein, Charles L., Hopkins, James G.,. Hopkins, Thomas M., Huston, Columbus D., Howe, Samuel H., Huckeby, George P., Hunt, John S.,. '78 '38 $55 '83 '68 בדי '78 '43 '59 150 '46 '65 '36 Irwin, George A., Irwin, Robert,. 72 Irwin, Salathiel M... 2 X 8 X '38 '53 Jackson, Robert G... אי Hunter, Braxton D.. Hunter, James H., Hunter, William A., Hume, James C.,. Huston, William H., Hynes, Thomas W., 83 Jewett, Sylvanus. '75 Johnson, Adam J., '81 Johnson, Cyrus A., 82 Johnson, Charles H., Johnson, Henry, '65 '58 '38 Johnson, William J, "" פדי Johnston, Alexander M.,. Johnston, Robert A.,. 177 72 Jones, John,.. 39 Jones, James, S., '52 Jones, Robert E. 35 Joss, Augustus A., Justice, James M., '44 '51 Karr, William W.,.. 40 Keigwin, Charles A.,. 74 Keigwin, Henry, '53 Kellar, John A., '39 Keys, Samuel B., Kimmons, John A., '58 '64 Kimmons, James M., '76 King, John L.,.. '34 Knox, Absalom C,,. 57 CLASS' '64 '83 '37 '50 '41 '66 778 $76 '75 '38 '41 '75 4די '70 '54 $56 '49 '63 '37 1 53 52 '64 '65 43 '59 '61 '62 '81 '37 '55 '76 '80 '55 '36 '48 '54 761 '48 '37 '63 '56 '59 *72 ידי '42 '54 $38 '51 174 '63 *65 775 '81 $56 '65 $43 '50 '51 241 '40 : 58 NAME. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Kritz, Henry S……… Lamb, Harvey, Lambe, Robert C., Lagrange, Samuel W., Lee, Charles, Lee, Lindley W., Lee, Stephen P.,... LeMaster, William P., Lennington, Robert, Lodge, George M., Logan, Samuel C., Long. Jeremiah,. Luckett, Samuel D.,. Lyen, George C.. Lynn, Ephraim K., Mack, William L., Mahan, Joseph W., Mahannan, Florah, Mann, Joseph W, Martin, Alexander, Martin, Claudius B. H., Martyn, John L., Mathes, Alvin R., Matthews, James H., Matthews, James W., Matthews, Robert C., Matthews, Robert J. L., ► May, Montgomery, May, Thomas J., Mayne, Alexander, McCain, Cornelius, McCampbell, George M., McCaslin, David S., McCaughey, William H., McClintock, John D.,. McClure, James B,, McClure, Samuel T., McComb, Peter H. K,, McChord, John M., McCormick, John W McCoy, Isaac, McCutchen, Thomas C., McGee, Robart C., McHatton, Alexander, McHatton, Hugh,…. McElrath, Thomas J., McKee, Archibatd V., McKee, Hugh W,, McKee, James A., McKee, Noble B. P., McKeehan, John Q.,. McKibbin, Joseph C., McKillip, Madison E., McKinney, Preston, McKnight, William J., ► NAME. '53 McLain, William W., McLeary, Gideon B., '56 McMillan, George, 78 McMurray, John, '74 McRee, James M., '53 Mercer, Samuel C., 270 Middleton, Reuben F., '61 Miller, E. Collie, 53 Miller, E. Smith, '59 Miller, Robert M., '66 Milroy, Robert B., 246 Milroy, Walter J., '68 Moore, Allen J., '74 Moore, Isaac B., '41 Moffat, David W., '39 Moffat, John P.,……. CLASS. 67 '53 '55 '72 272 Montgomery, Henry C., 252 Montgomery, Oscar H., *50 Montgomery, Walter S., '34 Morrow, Samuel F., '64 Morse, Frank, '67 '38 '40 Morse, Horace B., Morton, Henry T., Mulvey, Oliver, Munson, Asahel, אדי Moment, Alfred H., Monfort, Elias R., Monfort, Francis P., Monroe. George C., '74 Neely, Robert L., '51 Newell, Samuel, 251 • '62 Palmer, Nathan S., '75 Park, Charles H., '74 Patterson, Amos W., '58 Patterson, James K., 158 Patterson James T., '62 Patteson, Charles, '63 '37 '64 Patton, William A., 234 Paxton, Thomas R., 37 Peck, Alexander S., '34 Pence, Lafayette, 242 Pettibone. Henry, '55 Phillips, Edward S., '4' Piper, James A., 51 Pires, Emanuel N., 258 Porter, Edward E., Potter Thomas C., 51 Purcell, Royal E.' '72 Rankin, James E., 55 Rankin, James S., 43 Ramsay, John P., '74 Read, John F., '66 Reid, Edward F., '51 Reed George J., • • EJ ► • CLASS. '36 '53 '42 '57 '53 50 '60 · * A פדי '73 '65 'SL 281 '76 254 '58 דדי 272 '65 243 '67 '80 '81 '80 '36 '81 '80 153 '59 '37 '52 '36 '49 '55 '63 '56 262 271 '64 '70 '67 277 '72 '70 '58 '63 '51 274 974 '56 '56 782 243 261 '44 1 : NAME. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. Reese, Robert S., Rice, David E. Y., Rice, William H., Richardson, J. B., Robinson, William T., Robison, David T., Rogers, Amos H.. Rollins, Thaddeus S., Rose, Arthur, Ross, John N.. Ross, Robert G., Rowland, James, Rushton. Charles, Rutherford, E. H., Ryker, John N., Sample, William A., Saunders, James N., Saunders, Xenophon B., Sawtelle, Benjamin N., Sawtelle, William H.,. Schillinger, Nathaniel T., Schofield, Levi M.. C: Schuh, Richard E., Scoggan, George, Scott, John C., Scott, William C., Scovel, Henry S., Scovel, James M., Scovel, Sylvester F., Senour, Faunt L., Shannon, Charles T.,. Shannon, James M., Shannon, Robert S., Shadday, John H., Sharpless, Albert S.,. Shepherd, Isaac N., Shrewsbury, J. W.、 Sickels, Edward C. Sickels, William W., Silliman, Edward E., Sim, William R., Simonson, William W., Simpson, Benjamin F., Simpson, Robert,. Skinner, Alfred N., Slaughter. Henry S., Smith, Cyrus A.. Smith, Horace R.. Smith, Jackson S., Smith, Josiah D., Smith, William H., Smock, William C.. Smoot, Richmond K., Snoddy, Alfred N., Stalker, J. M., NAME. 50 Stanton, William A., '36 Stillson, Hamilton, 250 Stillson, Joseph O., '61 Story, Albert S '45 | Story, J. Marshall,. 73 Story, Ralph W... '36 Strader, Ben F., 65 Strader, Samuel M., 64 Strahan, Fielding G., 274 Sturgus, John J., '58 Sturgus, Minard,. '71 Sturgus, Robert A.. CLASS. '83 Sturgus, Zebulon B., 54 Swayne, Ethel P.. ? '82 Swing, James B., Symington, Robert S., 55 Symington, Williamson D., '42 Symmes, Francis M., ་་ 249 Symmes, Joseph G., 51 '62 *36 '62 '82 '64 173 '37 '53 52 '53 47 *68! '78 *48 • Taggart, James E.,. Taggart, Samuel C., Talbot, John W., Taylor, Augustus, Taylor, David, Taylor, John W., Taylor, Robert F., Tedford, James H., Thomas, Henry E... Thomas, William G., Thompson, Charles K., Thompson, David R., *78! 174! Thompson, Joseph C., Thompson, James M., Thompson, S. Finley, Thomson, Eberle W., Thomson, Henry C., Thomson, James H., Thomson, R. Heber, 54 Thomson, S. Harrison, Thomson, Williell, '81 Thornton, Henry C., '34 '61 '50 '54 '42 Tilford, Solon M., '61 Thornton, Thomas V., Torrance, William, 235 Tracewell, Robert J., $72 Tracy, Thomas, 18! 80 Trenchard, Franklin, Truax, William B.,. Truax, William S.,. *76 $53 Tucker, Benjamin W. 37 Tucker, Thomas M., '61 '63 Vail, Solomon N., '56 Vanarsdale, Martin V *55 Vannuys, James H., 53 Vannuys, James H. L., ( ► 59 CLASS. 175 $79 '71 דדי '60 '80 $79 '61 $39 '80 $36 '64 $42 '73 976 40 '49 '52 251. '79 '48 '70 '58 257 '49 '51 *56 '49 '60 '34 '45 '75 '69 159 163 '62 '69 רדי '37 '71 ןדי $69 '61 '63 '74 $65 '43 '55 '83 28 18 18 '63 '55 '74 '65 38 148 : Un A 60 MU GENERAL CATALOGUE OF HANOVER COLLEGE. NAME. Vawter, John B.,. Voris, Archibald, C., Voris, Cornelius P., Voris, John N., Voris, Samuel D.,.. Waggoner, Harry M., Walker, Alexander S., Walker, Charles, Walker, James T., Wallace, Thomas, Warner, Austin, Watson. James A... Webb, Washington I., Webster, Robert M Weems, James P. L.,. Wells, Joseph G.,. . Weston, John, Wetherhold, George, Whallon, Edward P., Wheat, William, Whiteley, George M., Whitney, Benjamin R., Whitworth, George F... Wiley, Harvey W.,. 3 + + J I CLASS. NAME. '59 Wiley, Ulrich Z., '55 Williams, M. D. P.,.. '58 Williamson, David M.,. '57 Williamson, James, '60 Willson, Samuel N,, r Wilson, Albert B.,. 77 Wilson, Andrew D., '50 Wilson, Dillon B., '77 Wilson, Manly D., 70 Wilson, James, '54 Wilson, Joel A., 50 Wilson, James E.,. 35 Wilson, Samuel R.,. '83 Wood, James F., '64 Woodfill, Jared R.,. 276 Wyatt, Gabriel S.,. '51 Wyatt, George W.,. '64 Wyckoff, Benjamin D.,. '66 '68 '53 Young, Andrew H., 259 Young, Daniel P., '50 Young, Thomas S.,. 238 Young, William A. M., 67 Youngken, John C.,. 每 ​· CLASS. '67 '44 '57 '69 '72 '81 '65 '73 '73 '60 174.9 '54 '36 '37 '54 28 '83 256 + • '71 '52 כדי '50 '62 A seaty peak strada onakave i TYPE AUTHOR CO NX MS KA UNIV. OF MICH. MANI 2+ 1924 or not returned with the book GRADUATE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN GL *** BOOK CARD DO NOT REMOVE A Charge will be made if this card is mutilated 916 899909106 & NYSIHOIW 10 A1ISHΞΛΙΝΠ DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD M-811634 Fax : 1 ".