§§§ zºº tº: ... tº: *- *** * * * Aiº-ºxº *:::: ; §: “ſº * ** * .* §§ ; & ...º.º. ºxlº'º. 3 s ***, * - 4 * # w 3. ". - | - * * - ---E-TV-2 -- - *... - <º ~ ----- - * : - *** * * * w 13 W. “, •' ºyſ | # * Lºs A C*-* .. Zºº, Zºº; ; * . ** 4. - t - * !, - y F=~" -- . . 4%; sº. Fr. - - . t -, *, * ! s *. ... ,” ºr - *- * * * - . . . * * ... < ** - t A * - º . . . . •- . . . . , , . . .” *. - --- ‘... v . . . * , ; * * ... - .." # ** -: '. : *. -- * ', ". Y ; : }"> $ * * º R BOSSANGE E. º 3:33. . . s *...*. * *: - ~4. • ** *::: *** *:::::: sº ** “. . . . •.5 tº *.*, * ~ * • * * - • *... -- * * * * * -** º: *** . ** - . - : c. **-rk -2. - *- .g. * * > -º-, * * * * ~ * * t # %: ...§ t *: : * *... **: - : ..#~!3. - t* * : º** . º. º: ** ſ . º s Libraiſes et Commissionmaires pour l'Exportation * 3: 3 k *. --- - * - t; - ? . . . . º?... . * r *, * - # w “. . * * 3. * * -4, * - §" - • +. ... : : + ** ...* §3. "... . “A :* *-i -- --- . *r ; -º h*. # #A.% : : * § º, - - $ - - - . . 7. - f * & • - . . . . CôLORED MODELS IN PASTE (RELIEF) COLORED MODELS IN WAX (RELIEF) º * : Şw . *** ; - - ...” -* *- 3.- * * * **. .# ºš 2. OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, : i + indhudING THE COMPLETE collection | MoRBID ANATOMY, OBSTETRICS, ovology * . "Az" ... ** - º: * ~ *. * - * > ºn * º, $º *X, Y f : 5. % ** * § r- y * \. r * (NEARLY 2000 PIECES) . . * 'i. A OSTE OL O G Y OF THIBERT's MUSEUM * CoNTINUED BY Dr E. v. LEGER COMPARATIVE ANATOMY s; • * : .. : &- : * * ... " - .. • S. * - *- - *. sº * t ‘. . . . . } ". *:: ; —-º-Qº-ºs--- # ; - w * º : “ $ * - - r * - ; Y ~ * l º - * r - ºn r * : ()| EME SUPI'ſ E\||NT § A l A \ -, ... / ; A t * - } * - P - p º ; \ All (MTML)||||} (ENERAI r- * IUI) U. Tº J :- - - i * * s . . 4 * -. § - - % * - , , - * Prº- & - ; *A.A.A. º Aº an e- %: *. *Twº ºr ºr ºf - :*.*. 3. º & ‘. F. ; 4 * w 4. PA R S * 25, QUAI VOLTAIRE M 859. T H E LIBER A. ERY OF THE 24. 32.3 , 87% In Assow aprº commºn assrow - * j .” * , N. e-G 1 * , - ; : `... ... Y., - - - - * - \ HECTOR POSSANGE ETFIIs Libraiſes et Commissionnaires pour l'exportation CATAL 0 GUE COLORED MODELS IN PASTE (RELIEF) COLORED MODELS IN WAX (RELIEF) OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE COLLECTION | MORBID ANATOMY, OBSTETRICS, OVOLOGY (NEARLY 2000 PIECES) OSTE OL O G Y OF THIBERT'S MUSEUMI CONTINUED BY Dil E. W. LÉGER COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CINQUIEME SUPPLEMENT Aſ (MMOBIE ARML \ | . P A TU I, B O S S A. N. G. E., 20 BEEKMAN STREET, i - NEW-YOl{.{S . L -- - PARIS 25, QUAI VOLTAIRE THIBERT'S MUSEUM. or PATHologic AL ANATOMY. *mºmºsº ºmºmºmºsºm-º-º-º: CATALOG UE INDICATING THE FIGURED SPECIMENS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY FORMING THE COMPLETE COLLECTION (WP:W ºſ IIS 77, AER&#} WeſtLISE&JWH TOGETHER WITH THE PRICES. The collection of the great Museum of Pathological Anatomy established by Doc- tor Felix Thibert, is composed of nearly two thousand pieces representing the ma- terial of a complete course of medical and surgical pathology. The reports of the Academy of Sciences, of the Academy of Medicine, and of various other learned Societies both in France and abroad, have long since enabled the medical public to appreciate the merit of this invention. Every thing has been said by the learned reporters with regard to the fidelity of reproduction, the truth- fulness of coloring, the unchanging durability, the extreme utility in imparting instruction, of the pieces of pathological anatomy by Doctor Thibert. The form, the colour and the thousand varieties of aspect of pathological altera- tions, are here reproduced with the greatest ſidelity by painted casts, executed by skilful artists educated by the inventor himself. No other means of representation could be so exact; the identity cannot be greater, since it is nature itself. Each piece, enveloped in a white drapery, and placed alone in a frame, enabling it to be suspended and examined, is by its execution so entirely truthful, that it places before the least practised eye the patient himself, showing only the diseased part, the body being hidden by the drapery. The extreme solidity of the pieces of Thibert's Museum and their resistance to the action of the physical agents, Water, heat, exposure to changes of the atmosphere, (1) Adoption by the Council of Public Instruction, the 24th of October 1838. - Réport to the Academy of Medicine, the 22d of October 1839; M. Cruveilhier, reporter. Report to the Academy of Sciences, July 1840; M. Double, reporter. - Medals: 1. from the Central Jury of Exposition for French Industry, July 1839. 2. from the Exposition of Toulouse, 1840. 3. from the Society of Encouragement for National industry, Sept. 1838. Institute, Academy of Sciences. Prize Montyon, Feb. 26th 1844; M. Andral, reporter. Ministerial order (M. Willemain) which prescribes the use of Thibert's pieces in medical instruction. l Hector Bossange, a Paris. 1493 COILOPºlº IMOYO, ER,S OF PATE [OILCGIC Ali, ANATO ºr . and even to inhumation, give them a resemblance to the hardest stone and assure for them an almost unlimited endurance. In addition to these precious physical qualities of the paste of which these pieces are formed, it is capable of so fine a modelling, that the minutest anatomical details are shown with distinctness. It is not without surprise, that we have discovered upon nearly all the pieces, upon exa- mining them with a magnifying power of li or 5 diameters, a number of micro- scopical details which are ordinarily neglected in examinations upon nature, because they cannot be studied with the naked eye. The areoles and the viliosities of the intestine; hyperemie of the brain; the capillary network of the pia mater; the papilla. Öf the tongue and of the skin; the granulations of the spleen and the liver; the division of the lobules of the lung even to the prominences of the air capilla- ries; are distinctly visible upon these preparations : in a Word all the organs are shown with sufficient precision, and in the different shades of alteration caused by their pathological conditions, all the alterations also of their intimate structure which it is possible to exhibit as depressions or elevations either upon their natural surface or on Sections. The same observation may be made with regard to purely morbid details; ulce- rations of all kinds exhibit the irregular rings of the destroyed capillaries, which characterise them ; morbid deposits, altered blood, pus, black, tuberculous, can- cerous matters, etc., are presented in all their degrees, from the large masses even to commencing inſiltrations in the midst of tissues as yet almost intact. The combinations of the unlooked for mixture, of these details of normal and patholo- gical histology with the general aspect, and all the accidents of volume, of form and of color of diseased tissues, render these artificial pieces of pathology authentic spe- cimens, so instructive that it is only necessary to have seen them once, in order to detect upon nature at a glance the alterations which they represent. But already, long before this perfection of detail had been attained, the medical public was everywhere unanimous with regard to the merits of paintings in relief which reproduce with so great fidelity all the diseases of the human body, and which, so to speak, preserve them to eternity in their most varied forms and aspects, as well as in their most fugitive colours. In the instruction of students the value and utility of these pieces, methodically arranged in a museum of permanent expo- sition, has been felt by all the faculties and schools of medicine. They have thus before their eyes positive proofs in Support of the oral assertions of the professor. Experience has demonstrated the inestimable advantages which collections furnish- ing constantly the most precise elements of a course of pathological anatomy, offer in instruction. Thus, in all the establishments which are provided with these pieces, we see the professor make use of them as well as of pieces taken from nature, invoking diseases at his will, so to Speak, for the instruction of his hearers, with his patients as it were in the amphitheatre. In order to facilitate their study, we have divided the great Museum of patho- logical anatomy into nine Series, composed of an unequal number of pieces which are detailed in the following pages. 1498 Nector Bossange, a Paris. GRAND MUSEUM O F . COLORED MODELS IN RELIER OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. FºERST SERIES: DISEASES OF THE SECIN. F ſt. C. 3 | 737. Rubeola, on the face of an infant. 40 m 31738. Roseola aestiva, on the face of an adult. 40 ) 3.1739. Roseola annulata, on the fore-arm and hand. A () ) 31740. Scarlatina simplex, on the neck and face. 40 ) 3 74 I. Scarlatina anginosa, on the sides of the face and neck. 40 ) 31742. Scarlatina maligna, on the thigh; a gangrenous eschar on the trochanter - major. A () ) 31743. Erysipelas simplex, on the face of an adult. 40 ) 3| 74%. id. phlegmonous on the thigh and knee. 40 ) 3 || 7 M5. td. of a new-born, on the head and face of an infant. 40 ) 3: 746. & d. gangrenous, on the face and scalp of an adult. 40 m 31747. Erythema fugax, on the leg of an adult. A () ) 34 748. id. papulatum, on the fore-arm and wrist. A () )) 3 || 749. £d. nodosum, on the leg and knee of a Woman after delivery. 40 m 34 750. jul. #d. after eight days of treatment. A () ) 3 754. Urticaria febrilis, on the back of the hand. 40 ) 34.752. id. subcutanea, on the Wrist and fore-arm. 40 m 3 753. Miliary vesicules, on the chest, neck and axillary region. 4.0 m 34.734. Sudamina, on the neck and clavicular region. 4ſ) ) 3 755. Eczema simplex, in the palm of the hand. 40 0 3 756. id. rubrum, acute, on the leg. r 4 () ) 3 757. §d. id. td. on the leg after the application of a blister. 45 ) 3 1758. Eczema acutum nummularium, with Lichen agrius on the fore-arm. M () ) 34759. Eczema impetiginodes, on the face. 40 m 34 7.60. id. chronic, on the leg. - 40 ) 34 7.6 |. Čd. on the thigh of a patient with the itch. 40 y 34 7.62. fid. Varicose, forming an ulcer of the same nature on the leg. 50 0 3 763. Eczema lichenoides or impetiginous on the fingers. 30 )) 3.1764. Eczema of the breast of a female, with cracks. 40 0 Hector #3ossange, a Paris. 1497 color:ER Monºrs of PATHozogroAL ANATONIY. FR. 34765. Eczema of the breast of a young boy with Lichen agrius. 33; 3.1766. Eczema chronic, on the ear of an adult. 35 34 767. id. on the scalp of an old man. 40 3H768. Herpes eczematus on the thigh. A5 34.769. Herpes labialis, herpes auricularis, herpes palpebralis. 40 34770. Herpes Zoster, or zona, on the breast and shoulder; different periods of -: the disease. 40 34.774. Herpes phlyctenodes on the arm. A () 3.1772. - id. on the hand. 4() 34 773. Žd. on the face, with pustules of pemphigus. 35 34.774. Herpes circinnatus, on the back of the fore-arm. 40 34 775. id. lupiformis in rings on the cheeks. A () 3.1776. Herpes phlyctenodes on the arm and axillary region. 35 34 777. Herpes iris, on the hand and ſingers. 40 34 778. id. on the knee and tibia. 40 3.1779. Herpes praeputialis, an adult. 40 34780. id. Vulgaris, on the vulva of an adult female. 40 34784. Itch, an infant; acute state of the Vesicules on the hand and between the fingers. : * 40 34782. Itch, an adult; sub-acute inflammation on the hand and fore-arm. 40 34783. id. commencement on the hand and fore-arm. 35 34784. id. With complication of Eczema on the fore-arm. A {} 34785. id. with complication of Ecthyma and erosions on the hand. 50 3.1786. id. With pustules of Ecthyma and impetigo, on the hand. 4() 34787. Pemphigus, acute, on the thigh and knee. - 40 34788. Pemphigus, confluent pustules, on the thigh, after the pustules have broken. 40 34789. Pémphigus, chronic, of the entire leg. 2, () 34790. Rupia simplex on the arm of a young girl. A () 31794. Rupia proeminens on the arm of an old man. A () 34792. Rupia escharotica on the thigh and leg of an infant. 40 3 793. Scroſulous ulcer of the arm and hand resembling Rupia. 40 3 1794. Warioloide on the arm of an adult. 40 3 1795. Small pox, confluent on the fore-arm. 4() 3.1796. Warioloide on the arm, fore-arm, and hand. l,0 31797. Varicella, small vesicules, on the fore-arm and hand. 40 31798. id. large vesicules, on the arm and fore-arm. 40 34799. Vaccine on the arm of a child, vaccine of a good nature and well de- veloped. *. 40 34.800. Vaccine, primitive, taken from the teat of a cow : cowpox. 40 3480 I. Vaccinelle, false vaccine, on the arm of a young man. 40 3.1802. Ecthyma vulgaris, large scabs on the arm and fore-arm. A () 34 803. Ecthyma of children, on the knee and leg. A () 34 804. Ecthyma cachectic on the knee and leg. A. () 3 1805. Impetigo figurata at the commissure of the lips; melitagre. 40 1498 Hector JBossange, a Paris. COMORE O RIOIDER,S OF PATBIOLOGICAL, ANATORMY. - FR. (, - 3.1806. Impetigo sparsa on the face, acute meliſagre. 40 y 33807. Impetigo sparsa of the right arm and fore-arm. 40 ) 34 808. Impetigo Scabida on the thigh, chronic melitagre. 40 m 3.1809. Impetigo rodens, alae nasi. 40 ) 34 810. 7d. Erysipelatodes, on the knee and thigh of an infant. Acute meli- tagre. 40 m 34844, Impetigo larvalis, of the entire face. 4 () ) 3.1842. id. Granulata, acute and chronic of the scalp. / / 0 ) 31813. Acne simplex indurata, Varus disseminated on the back. A 0 ) 34844. Acme Sebacea, Varus comedo on the face of an old man. 40 m 34845. Acne rosacea, on the face. 40 ) 34816. Sycosis menti, inferior portion of the chin. 40 m 31847. Porrigo lupinosa disseminata, Vulgar favus of the scalp. 40 ) 34 848. Porrigo favosa, lupinosa agglomerata, Vulgar favus amiantaceus of the Scalp. * 40 p. 31819. Porrigo lupinosa, Vulgar favus, on tire back part of the head. 40 p. 3.1820. Porrigo scutulata, Scutiform favus on the external surface of the leg and thigh. 40 p. 3.1824. Porrigo scutulata, sculiform favus on the left leg. 40 ). 3.1822. Lichen simplex, acute and chronic on the left thigh and leg. 40 ) 3 1823. Lichen agrius, prurigo lichenoides on the left thigh. s 40 ). 34824. Lichen agrius on the cheek. 40 0 31825. Lichen agrius eczematus, with simple ecthyma, on the thigh. 45 ). 3.1826. Lichen agrius, an inſant, prurigo mitis, on the arm. 20 ) 3.1827. Lichen agrius with scratches, on the leg; prurigo formicans. - 40 m 3.1828. Lichen urticatus, prurigo lichenoides on the thigh. 40 ), 34829. Lichen lividus, prurigo lichenoides on the arm. 40 y 34830. Lichen circumscriptus acute and chronic on the neck. 40 ). 34834. Strophulus on the arm and fore-arm of an inſant. 40 0 34832. Prurigo mitis, on the fore-arm and wrist. 40 ). 34833. Prurigo, general, with scabs and scratches on the leg and thigh. 50 ). 34834. Prurigo formicans on the shoulder. ,- 40 ). 34835. Prurigo Senilis on the scrotum and penis of an old man. 40 ). 34836. Leprosy vulgar, herpes ſurfureus circinatus, commencing, on the leg. 40 ) 34837. Leprosy vulgar, herpes furfureus circinatus, on the fore-arm and Wrist. 40 ). 34838. Leprosy vulgar, with psoriasis on the leg. 40 ) 34839. Žd. With Sundry developments of rings on the chest. 50 p 34840. Psoriasis diffusa, herpes squamosa lichenoides, on the back. 40 0 34844. PSOriasis palmaria, herpes squamosa centrifuga, on the hand. 40 ), 34.842. Psoriasis inveterata, herpes squamosa lichenoides on the knee. 40 ) 34 843. Psoriasis nummularia at its commencement, on the chest and abdomen. 45 ) 3 1844. Psoriasis chronic on the surface of a blister on the arm. 45 ). 34845. Psoriasis inveterata general taken from the arm and fore-arm. A 5 p. 3.1846. Psoriasis inveterata general, taken from the arm and fore-arm. 45 p. Hector Bossange, a Paris. 1499 colorRED MODELS or PATHoFog IcAL ANATomy. Flt. 34.847. Psoriasis general of the back. 50 3 1848. Psoriasis girata on the abdomen. 50 )) 3 1849. Psoriasis complicated with impetigo, or Ecthyma according to M. Caze- Ilê WC. M 0 ) 3.1850. Pityriasis simplex rubra, herpes furfureus on the chest. 40 m 31854. Pityriasis versicolor, hepatic spots on the chest. 40 y 31852. Icthyosis congenital general, ichthyose nacrée, on the superior ex- tremily. - 4 () ) 3 1853. Icthyosis, gray furfuraceous, on the inferior extremity. 50 m 34854. Icthyosis accidental and partial, icthyosis gray Serpentine on the arm. 2, () ) 34.855. Pellagre, erythema endemium on the foot. 4{} ) 34.856. Mycosis on the shoulder. 40 m 34 857. Molluscum, mycosis fungoid on the forehead. 40 m 3H 858. Scrofulous ulcer With a fistula on the hand. 35 ) 3- S59. £d. with fungosities on the hand. 35 ) 31860. Lupus exedens, lupus Vorax on the nose. 40 ) 34 861. Lupus non exedens, lupus with hypertrophy of the tissues of the cheek. 40 m 31862. Lupus exederis Serpiginous on the face, lupus with destruction of the tissues. 40 ) 3.1863. Elephantiasis of the Greeks, Elephantiasis tuberculosa on the leg. 40 ) 34.864. Elephantiasis of the right arm. 60 ) 31865. Elephantiasis of the Arabs, Elephantiasis tuberosa on the leg. 4 {} )) 34 866. fid. skin irregular and cracked. 60 ) 3.1867. Elephantiasis of the face. (;{} 0. 34 868. Pannus hepaticus on the face and neck. A () ) 34 869. Naevus on the cheek. - 40 y) 3.1870. Purpura urticans on the arm, purpura simplex, peliosis. A () ) 34874. Purpura haemorrhagica on the thigh, purpura Senilis, peliosis hemor- rhagica. 40 ) 31872. Purpura haemorrhagica in large spots on the cheek. 35 ) 3|873. tal. after the death of the subject. 35 ) 3.1874. Vitiligo, achrome vitiligue et congeniale, of the skin of the abdomen. 40 ) Total price of the first series 5,610 ) SPEC®NED STEHRHEES. SYPHILITIC DISEASES. Syphilitic pelves. • FIR C. 34875. Urethritis blenmorrhagic, chronic blennorrhagia. 45 ) 34 876. td. intense blennorrhagia. 45 m 3 | S77. td. with balamitis and paraphimosis. 45 1500 Hector Bossange, a Paris. COLORED MOYO, ERS OF PATHIOILOGICAL ANATOMY. 3|878. 34 S.79. 3 88 (). 3- 88 . 34882. 3|883. 3|884. 3|885. 3. 886. 34.887. 3 888. 34 SS9. 3 | 890. 3|89 |. 3 | 892. 3 1893. 34 S94. 3|895. 3 | 896. 3: 897. 3. 898. 3. 899. 3- 900. 3490 |. 34902. 3-1903. 3: 90%. 34905. 3: 906. 3: 9 ()7. 34908. 34909. 3 94 (). 3494 |. 349 2. 34 ()- 3. 3494 4. 3494 5. 349. 6. 34 947, 3||9- 8. * *ºssºss-º ºr Blenmorrhagia and phimosis complete. Balamitis with mucous tuberches. Ulceration in the interior of the urethra. phimosis. Ulcerations (several) on the prepuce. Ulceration under the prepuce with phimosis. Ulcer syphilitic simple, bubo in suppuration. Žd. Ulcer phagadenic, diphtheritic. Ulcer of the meatus of the urethra, adenitis. Ulceration, indolent swellings, skin. Bubo With a considerable tumefaction. Vegetations of the gland and prepuce. td. puce. td. Glans penis with syphilitic vegetations. groin. *** * *m-sº-º-º-ºsmºm *-mºs FR. A 5 /5 Ulceration syphilitic, chancre near the frenum of the prepuce. 45 Ulcerations syphilitic, (several) at the base of the gland. A 5 45 Ulcerations (several) at the base of the gland, with phimosis and para- Aš A 5 Ulcerations, fungous, on the internal surface of the prepuce. A 5 45 Ulceration phagadenic serpiginous at the entrance of the vulva. 45 Bubo syphilitic, adenitis suppurated, large subsequent cavity. 45 Bubo indolent not suppurated. # A 5 Ulcer Syphilitic pustulous, commencement, phimosis. A 5 / 5 Ulcers syphilitic of the gland, tumefaction of the skin of the penis. 45 ) acute inflammation with gangrene of the tissues. 45 ) Ulceration syphilitic with gangrene of the tissues. 45 m Ulceration syphilitic in the meatus urinaire with perforation. 45 ), 45 0 45 Urethritis blennorrhagic, lymphitis and adenitis Suppurated. 45 eruption on the skin. 45 ) Ulceration primitive diphtheritic, not indurated, syphilitic disease of the 45 0 Ulceration venereal secondary, syphilitic disease of the skin. M5 Ulceration secondary covered with crusts, roseola syphilitica. 45 m Tubercles mucous, moist herpes on the arms. 45 Chancre on the prepuce, syphilis constitutional. 45 45 Tubercles mucous, pustules, constitutional syphilis. 2.5 A 5 forming a prominence and perforating the pre- 45 Chancres (several) follicular with Eczema of the gland. 45 Paraphimosis forming a crown around the gland. M5 Ulceration syphilitic gangrenous with destruction of the gland. M5 of the prepuce. 45 45 Ulceration phagadenic serpiginous on the glans penis with balanitis. 45 Balanitis partial, forming a syphilitic roseola on the glans penis. 45 Ulceration plagadenic serpiginous on the glans. 45 Ulcer serpiginous (very large) at the base of the glans. 45 ) Ulceration in the meaſus of the urethra, bubo in the fold of the left 45 ) iſſector Iºossange, a Paris. 15 O1 COLORED NIODELS OF PATHORIOGICAR, A NATOMY. 31949. Sarcocele syphilitic. 3.1920. Tumours gommeuses on the scrotum with diſſormity of the penis and partial induration. 31924. Tumours gommeuses on the scrotum with ulceration; large tubercles. 34922. Cancer of the penis with ulceration of syphilitic aspect. Syphilitic accidents. 3.1923. Large syphilitic ulceration on the leg. 3.1924. Cicatrisation of this large ulceration. 34.92%. Exostosis syphilitic of the clavicle. 3| 926. #d. cured. 3.1927. Exostosis syphilitic of the bones of the face. 31928. Osteitis syphilitic of the tibia with suppuration. 3.1929. Periostosis Syphiliſic with suppuration. 34930. Ulceration (deep) with destruction of the bones of the palatine arch. 3.1931. Syphilitic vegetations and condylomas on the tongue. 34932. Ulceration and condylomas on the tongue and the palatine arch. 34933. Ulceration in the pharynx. 3.1934. Tubercles Syphilitic on the palatine arch. 3.1935. Ulceration serpiginous in the mouth. 3.1936. Profound alterations of the larynx and of the palatine arch. 34.937. Onyxis syphilitic. 34.938. Blennorrhagic ophthalmia. Syphilitic inoculations. 34939. First day of the inoculation. 34940. Second day ãd. 34 944. Third day id. 3.1942. Fourth day £d. 34943. Pusſules dried. 34944. Bulle syphilitic. 3.1945. Simple syphilitic ulceration. 34946. Ulceration syphilitic with fringed edges. 349 47. td. phagadenic, edges pointed. 3 948. ãd. Serpiginous loothed edges prominent. 3- 9 M9. Žd. gangrenous. - 34.950. Ulceration (fungous) following the inoculation. 34954. Ulceration syphilitic with callous edges. 3.1952. id. With a tendency to cicatrisation. 34 953. id. in full cicatrisation. 3.1954. Cicatrix of a syphilitic ulceration. 5 50 §() A 5 50 50 50 35 A 5 . 5 &sº-sº**s**** 5 5. J. 5632 Hector Bossange, a Faris. COLORIE O. M.I.O DELS OF PATHorlogroAL ANAroMY. Syphilitic diseases of the skin. FR, C. 34.955. Syphilitic roseola (exanthematous). 45 ) 3.1956, Wesicular syphilide. 45 ) 34957. Syphilide large vesicules. 45 ) 34958. Syphilitic rupia, ulcerated on the leg. 45 m 3.1959. Syphilitic ecthyma ulcerated on the arm. 40 y) 34960. Syphilitic ecthyma on the abdomen. 60 ) 34964. Syphilitic rupia ulcerated on the leg, prominent ulcerations with callous edges. 40 y 31962. Syphilitic ecthyma (syphilide pustuleuse). 45 )) 34963. id. large pustules on infants. 45 m 3 |964. Čd. pustule pSydracis. 45 ) 31965. Syphilitic pustules disseminated on the forehead. 40 34966. Žd. agglomerated on the forehead (corona veneris). 40 ) 3 |967. £d. id. On the shoulder. Žd. 50 0 3 |96S. Žd. td. On the arm. 40 0 34969. Papular syphilide disseminata. 45 ) 3.1970. Syphilitic lichen, general, commencing on the thigh. 50 0 31974. Syphilitic eczema on the chest. 50 ) 34.972. Syphilitic herpes (syphilide pustuleuse). 50 0 3 1973. Eczema, papular syphilide, large dimensions, Squamous patches. 45 ) 31974. Pustular syphilide, brown impressions left upon the skin. 40 m 3.1975. Papulo-pustular syphilide on the arm. 40 )) 3.1976. Syphilide, lenticular pustules, disseminated, 50 p 34977. id. squamous, in the bend of the knee. 45 ) 3.1978. Syphilide on the inferior member. 45 y 3 i979. id. Squamous, on the face, Syphilitic psoriasis. 45 m 3 |980. id. pustulous chronic, discolorations left on the skin. 60 m 3| 98-|. id. tuberculous, mucous pustules. 45 ) 34982. id. £d. Serpiginous. 45 ) 3.4983. Čd. Čd. ulcerated at the angle of the mouth. 40 m 31984. id. Squamous, of the Scalp. 45 ) 34985. £d. td. after the detatchment of the crusts. 40 ) 3 |986. Żd. id. in rings upon the articulations. 45 p 3.1987. Čd. id. on the back of the neck and on the scalp. 45 ) 3| 988. Žd. tuberculous serpigimous. 45 b 34989. Čd. £d. On the face. 45 ), 3|990. Žd. Žd. on the Wings of the nose. A 0 ) 3 |994. id. td. on the lips; Syphilitic impetigo. 45 p 34992. ãd. Crust, on the face of a man attacked with syphilis. 35 y Total price of the second series 4,790 2 Hector Bossange, a Paris. 1503 COLORED MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. 3|993. 3|992. 3|995. 3 996. 3| 997. 3|998. 3 j999. 32000. 32004. / THEI REID SPEERIFES, DISEASEs of THE EYE. Cataract and affection of the lids (6 pieces) Amaurosis With diseases of the lids (6 pieces). Diseases of the iris and of the conjunctiva (6 pieces). Id. id. With specific ophthalmia (6 pieces). Diseases of the cornea, keratitis, etc. (6 pieces.) Id. ãd. and of the conjunctiva (6 pieces). Id. td. Žd. £d. Cancerous degeneration of the eye (6 pieces). Methods of operations for cataract and for lachrymal ſistula (6 pieces). Total price of the third series. i : F@UHèTH SEEBRIES. DISEASES AND WARIOUS STATES OF THE UTERUS AND ITS APPENDAGES. Anatomical lesions of the ulerus, the ovaries, the Fallopian tubes and of the wagºnſ. - FR. £. 32002. Pelvis of a female with the external and internal genital organs and their relations. • - 65 y 32003. Genital organs of a young girl, 43 years old, who had never mens- - truated 20 ) 32004. Interior of the neck of the uterus and of the organ itself of the same girl. - § 0 32005. Uterus deprived of its appendages, before the menstrual epoch. 6 32006. Uterus of an infant of 4 months, neck much developed. 4 0 ) 32007. Uterus with a very long comical neck, inferior orifice very much con- tracted. • 20 m 32008. Uterus of a woman who died during labour. 40 ) 32009. Uterus of a woman dead of a metro-peritonitis after delivery at full period. M0 ) 32010. Uterus of a woman dead of metro-peritonitis 24 hours after delivery at 8 months. 40 ) 32044. Uterus of the same, view of the interior, showing the condition of the walls and of the cavity. . . . 45 ) 32042. Uſerus of a Woman dead 2 days after labour at full time. - M0 ) 32043. Uterus of a woman, dead of metro-peritonitis 8 days after labour at full time. - 35 ) 32044. Interior of the same uterus; condition of the walls and of the cavity. 35 32045. Uterus presenting suppuration of the points of insertion of the pla– r Centa. 35 y 32046. Phlebitis of the uterus of a woman who died 45 days after labour. 3{) )) 1504 Hector Bossange, a Paris. coRIORED MODELS or PATHorlogroAL ANATOMY. FR. (, . 32047. Metritis with peritomitis, large abscess opening into the intestine. 45 ) 32048. Inflammation of the neck, mouth and cavity of the uterus. 20 )) 32049. Uſerus with adhesions of a portion of the walls of the cavity of the neck. 20 ) 32020. Uterus after the caesarian Operation, section made on the posterior Sur- face. - M0 () 32021. Rupture of the body of the uterus at 5th month of gestation. 50 0 32022. Rupture of the neck and a portion of the body during labour. 50 ) 32023. Uterus elongated, double cavity, unilocular cyst of the ovary. 20 y 32024. Interior of the same double uterus, the woman never having conceived. 25 32025. Double uterus, each cavity presenting a distinct neck and cavity. 40 ) 32026. Prolapsus uteri (3 pieces). & 50 0 32027. Anteversion, retroversion, retroflexion, etc. (A pièces). 50 ) 32028. Obliquity and deviations of the neck of the uterus (4 pieces). 50 ) 32029. Inversion, invagination and renversement of the uterus (3 pieces). 50 ) 32030. Neck of the uterus at different periods of life (8 pieces). 50 0 32034. Different conditions of the neck during gestation. 50 m 32032. Neck of the uterus still very distinct in the 7th month of pregnancy. A 5 ) 32033. Conditions of the neck and orifice showing different causes of sterility (8 pieces). } 50 0 32034. Two partial adhesions of the neck of the uterus, forming two cavities. 45 0 32035. Neck excessively elongated by the pressure of a tumor on this Organ - * and upon the uterus. 45 m 32036. Atrophied uterus, aged female. 40 0 32037. Polypus with long pedicule at the bottom of the uterus; cysts of the Ovaries. 35 ) 32038. Fil)rous polypus with a large base, inserted into the bottom of the uterus. - 20 )) 32039. Very large fibrous polypous developed in the neck of the uterus. 25 )) 32040. Polypi and ſibrous tumors of the neck and of the cavity of the uterus (6 pieces). 50 )) 32044. Small serous cysts in the substance of the body of the uterus. 35 ), 32042. Varicose tumor with a long pedicule floating in the lower part of the pelvis. - - 45 v 32043. Chronic inflammation, ulceration, degenerations of the neck of the ute- rus (6 pieces). 50 p 32044. Carcinomatous and scirrous degenerations of the neck of the uterus (6 pieces). 3, 1 32045. Large ſibrous tumor developed on the cavity of the uterus. 45 0 32046. Fibro-cartilaginous body developed on the external surface of the uterus. A 20 0 32047. Fibrous tumor, one half of which is ossified, developed in the substance of the body of the uterus. 25 p 32048. Carcinomatous tumor developed on the neck of the uterus. i5 m 32049. Granulations, ulcerations, scirrous state of the neck (6 pieces). 5() ) 32050. Abscess in the Fallopian tube, considerable dilatation, adhesion to the uterine orifice. 40 m Hector Bossange, à Faris. 1505 COLOIRED MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. File 32054. Partial apoplexy in an ovary, a clot of blood. 4 0 D 32052. Acute and chronic inflammation of the ovaries and tubes (8 pieces). 50 p 32053. Enormous encysted tumor, mamellated, of the right ovary. 400 y 32054. Section of the preceding piece; fungous and gelatiniform degenera- tlOn. 50 ) 32055. Another section of the same piece; walls and cellules of cysts with trans- . parent Serosity. . 50 y 32056. Serous cyst of the ovary and Fallopian tube, with the genital organs. 3; }) 32057. Wast tumor of the ovary formed by multiple areolar cysts. 40 y 32058. Fragment of a cyst with degeneration of the tissue of the Ovary. 40 0 32059. Cysts of the ovary and tubes (5 pieces). - f 50 9 32060. Hairy cyst of the right ovary, and a large sero-purulent cyst of the left (5 pieces). - 65 y 32064. Tubercles in the ovaries and in the surrounding tissues in an infant. A 0 \\ 32062. Graaſian vesicule turgid, at the moment of menstruation. — Leucorrhaea. 30 y 32063. Cicatricule after fecundation; degenerations of the ovaries (8 pièces). 50 y 32064. Ovary presenting the swelling of the yellow body with a cicatricule in the centre. 5 y 32065. Preceding ovary, view of the interior yellow body with blueish line and Cicatricule. 5 o 32066. Falling of the vagina, protrusion (3 pieces). 5() )) 32007. Inflammations, erosions of the vulva and of the vagina (3 pieces). 50 × 32068. Polypi of the vulva and vagina (3 pièces). 50 y 32069. Carcinomatous degenerations of the vagina (3 pieces). 30 A Anatomical lesions of the placenta; varieties of placenta. 32070. Ordinary placenta; insertion of the umbilical cord in the center. 35 y) 32074. Internal face of an ordinary placenta. 40 y) 32072. Placenta en raquette, or insertion of the cord on the edge of the placenta. 35 ° 32073. Placenta bilobe, or with two lobes for a single cord. 35 p 32074. Double placenta; each umbilical cord has its particular lobe. 50 % 32075. Placenta with a single lobe, double umbilical cord in a case of double pregnancy. 2,5 y 32076. Placenta en raquette; the vessels separated at their insertions unite afterward. 45 D 32077. Placenta of one lobe with two umbilical cords and two cavities with spe- cial membranes. - 50 ) 32078. Simple placenta with a considerable fungous tumor on the external edge. 50 p 32079. Interior of the preceding tumor; fungous and gelatiniform degeneration. 20 32080. Simple placenta with fibro-cartilaginous degeneration of its tissue. 35 y 32084. Interior of the preceding piece. º 30 ) 32082. Placenta with isolated cotyledons; face adherent to the uterus. 30 9 32083. The same placenta, face corresponding to the foetus. 30 y Total price of the fourth series. 2,966 9 1506 Hector Bossange, à Paris. color:ED MoDELs of PATHologIcAL ANATorry. EHF":"I H SEEBRIFES. EXTERNAL PATHOLOGY, OR SURGICAL DISEASES. FR, C. 32084. Burn of the right portion of the body, presenting the six degrees of a burn. 50 ) 32085. Very large lipoma attached by a pedicle to the chest. 25 ) 32086. Interior of the preceding tumor after its removal. A () ) 32087. Point of insertion of the preceding tumor upon the integuments of the chest. A 0 32088. Serous cyst, left eye. 30 y) 32089. Waricose arm, dorsale face. 60 0 3.2090. Id. palmar face. 60 ) 3.2094. Large loss of the skin of the chest by gangrene. 60 ) 32092. Gangrene of the cellular tissue of the back and of the deep muscles of this region. 50 ) 32093. Sphacelus of the tissues of the chest and axillary region; vessels and muscles entirely denuded. 60 ) 32094. Sphacelus of the cellular tissue of the fascial and muscles of the lum- bar region. - 50 ) 32095. Fungus hematodes of the dura mater with perforation of the hones. 45 ) 320.96. Id. id. td. id Žd. Of the external bones of the cranium. - 30 ) 32097. Fungus hematodes, interior face of bones of cranium. 3() } 32098. Id. td. nasal fossae. 30 ) 32099. Large cancerous tumor formed by a fungus hematodes of the body of femur. - 70 y 32400. Interior of this cancerous mass. 7 () ) 32101. Very large cancerous champignon ulcerated, occupying the bone of the fore—arm, without the hand. 40 ) 324 02. The same tumor a little less swollen with the hand. 45 0 324 03. The same cancerous tumor after several caustic applications. A () p 324 04. Id. id. getting Well. 40 m 324 05. Id. Žd. cicatrising. 40 ) 32406. Carcinomatous tumor of the eye of an infant. 20 ) 32407. Preceding tumor immediately after its removal. A 0 . ) 32108. Very large cancerous excrescence near the clavicle. 40 y 324 09. Cancerous degeneration of a lymphatic gland near the groin. 20 0 32440. Encephaloide and scirrous degeneration of the glands of the groin. 60 ) 32444. Melanic cancerous tumor upon the right side. 50 ) 324 + 2. Fracture of the olecranon with consolidation of the two fragments. A () ) 32443. Comminuted fracture of the anatomical and of the surgical neck of the humerus. A 0 }) 324 4. Head of the femur with an intra-capsular fracture of the neck. 5 0 32145. Flattening of the head of the femur by external violence. 20 y) Hector Bossange, a Paris. 1537 COLORED INTOTOTELS OF PATHorlogroAL ANATomy. 324 6. 324 + 7. 324 H S. 3.24 49. 324 20. 32424. 324 22. 32: 3: . 32 || 32. 32433. 32434. 32435. 32436. 32 || 37. 32. 38. 32439. 3.24 40. 32 44. 3.24 45. 3.24 46. 3.24 47. 3.24 48. 3.24 49. Cotyloide cavity much enlarged in consequence of the flattening of the head of the femur. Fracture of the inferior extremity of the fibula, deformity of the member. White swelling of the knee. - Grave alterations of the tibio-femoral articulation; white swelling. Inflammation of the femur and of the membrane of the marrow. Inflammation of the spongy portion of the femur. Inflammation of the inferior portion of the femur; purulent state of the • Iſla TI'OW. . Inflammation of the femur, destruction of the periosteum, caries and perforation of the neck of the bone. f . Inflammation of the parietal and periosteum; erosion of the bone. 5. Caries of the heads of the tibia and fibula. 1d. Of the trochanter major, large abscess, deep cavity. . Necrosis of the tibia in consequence of the sojourn of a bullet in the body of the bone. . Osteosarcoma of the bones of the hand presenting an extraordinary vo- lume. . Osteosarcoma three months before the amputation. . Interior of this Osteosarcoma immediately after the amputation of the hand. Osteosarcoma of the superior and posterior portions of the tibia and fibula. - Interior of the preceding piece, vertical section of the tumor. Osteosarcoma of the lower jaw with fistulae. Incision of this tumor after the resection of the bone, living subject. Osteosarcoma of the upper jaw; deformity of the mouth. . Id. td. enormous tumor, deformity of the face. Id. id. of the os iliac of the right side. Id. £d. Sacrum with degeneration of the lymphatic glands. Id id. Vertebral column ; immense tumor extending throughout the abdomen. Interior of the preceding tumor, emcephaloide hematodes degeneration. Surgical diseases and observations. 44. Process of cicatrisation of suppurating wounds (3 pieces). 42. Cicatrisation of Wounds (id.). 3. Complications of wounds, false membranes suppression of suppuration, hospital gangrene. Wounds by pointed instruments (3 pieces). Contusions, ecchymoses, bloody tumors, gangrene (3 pieces). Contused wounds (3 pièces). Wounds by ſirearms (3 pièces). - Wounds by the bite of Venomous animals (3 pieces). , Burns, first three degrees (id.). - 60 30 30 40 45 45 70 50 400 50 $ 560S Käector Bossange, a Paris. COLORED MODELS OF PATRICALOGICAL ANTATORMY." 324 50. 324 54. 324 52. 32 53. 32.4 52. 324 55. 324 56. 324 57. 324 58. 324 59. 324 60. 324 64. 324 62. 324 63. 324 64, 32-165. 324 66. 324 67. 32.68. 32 | 69. 32-17 0. 324 74. 324 7 2. 32473. 3247 / . 32 75. 324 6. 3 2 ; 7 3 : : 3 32 || 80. 324.84. 324 82. 324 83. 324 84. 32 85. Id. 4th 5th and 6th degrees (3 pieces). Inflammatory ulcers, Sordid, gamgrenous (id.). Chronic ulcers, callous, fungous (3 pieces). Scrofulous, scorbutic and dartrous ulcers (id.) Lesions of the various tissues in Scurvy. Abscesses of the cellular tissue. Phlegmonous abscesses, cold and by congestion (3 pieces). Furoncle or boil (3 pieces). Anthrax (id.) Malignant pustule (3 pieces). Bloody tumors, varices (id.). Aneurismes (3 pieces). Fungous tumors (id.). Lipoma, stealoma, atheroma and meliceris (4 pieces). Strangulated inguinal hernia (male). Operation for the same. Strangulated crural hernia (female). Operation for the same. Anatomical lesions of the mammary gland. Inflammation of the breast, milky engorgement. Abscess of the breast unopened; simple abscess, multiple abscess (2 pieces). Abscess of the breast opened (id.). Cancer of the breast (3 pieces). Scirrous degeneration of the breast. Interior of the same gland; lardy appearance. Cancerous degeneration of the gland With tubercles on the surface. Hypertrophy and encephaloide degeneration of the mammary gland. Cancer of the breast, with an immense ulceration of its posterior por— tion. . Portion of the mammary gland in a scirrous state. . Cancer of the breast with fungous, large cavity in the organ. * . Hypertrophy of the breasts of a young girl, without alteration of texture. Anatomical lesions of the bladder and urethra. Hematuria, hemorrhagia of the mucous membrane of the bladder; dis- seminated bloody clots. Induration with chronic inſlammation of the bladder and urethra. Double bladder with stricture and rupture of the canal of the urethra. Occlusion of the urethra, gangrenous abscess of the prostate. False passages in the prostate, caused by forcing the catheter. Stricture of the urethra, With urinary abscess and gangrene of the scro- tum. 5 . I t }) 5 )) 50 y 5 }) 50 0 50 p 50 m 50 0 §0 p 50 m 50 m 50 ) 50 ) 50 m 50 ) § 0 ) 50 0 50 0 50 0 30 m 3 }) 30 ) 40 ) 30 0 + 5 y 30 0 70 ) 30 0 2/5 D 45 ) A 5 p 45 ) 45 y) Hector Bossange, A Paris. COLOIRE D MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. 32486. Stricture of the false membranes and gangrene of the bladder. 324 87. Id. id. td. id. (4 pieces). 32488. Urinary abscesses (3 pieces). - 32489. Cancerous degeneration of the bladder, atrophy of the vesicular semi- males. 32.190. Tumor of the root of the penis formed by a stone in the urethra. 3219 1. Two mucous polypi at the entrance of the neck of the bladder, obstruct- ing the urethra. 32492. Extroversion (congenital) of the bladder, development of the penis arrested. 32493. Cancer of the penis, degeneration of the glans penis, and corpora caver- l] OSal. 32.194. Cancerous degeneration of the penis, interior of the preceding piece. Anatomical lesions of the scrotum and testicles. 32.195. Diseases of the scrotum. Hematocele, varicocele (2 pieces). 32496. Id. id. simple varicocele, varicocele with phlebitis (2 pieces). 32497. Hydrocele; ext. and int. of tumor (2 pieces). 32498. Diseases of the testicles. Cancer, sarcocele (4 pieces). 321.99. Id. id. sarcocele and tuberculous testicle (3 pieces). 32200. Fungus hematodes of the testicle, scirrous degen. of the tunica wa- - ginalis. . Scirrous degen. of the testicle, hard and rounded. Id. id. id. id. hard and bossy. . Tumor attached to the testicle containing the remnants of a foetus. . A small cyst in the preceding containing hair. . Cancerous degeneration of the testicle of an infant. j. Interior of the preceding, showing encephaloide disease. . Hypertrophy of the testicle of an adulte with cancerous degeneration. . Interior of preceding; different aspects of the cancer. . : : :2.| 3 2 : Ligatures of arteries. 3 2 i |1|| 0 9 Ligature of the pedic artery. Jal. Žd. and of the anterior tibial above the instep. . Ligature of the anterior tibial at the upper third of the leg. Id. of the posterior tibial under the internal malleolus. Ad. Żd. at the inferior and also at the superior thirds of the leg. {4 Ligature of the peroneal and of the popliteal arteries. 4 5 Id. of the femoral above the femoro-popliteal arch, and at the middle third of the thigh. - 32246. Ligature of the ſemoral at the superior portion of the thigh, and of the external iliac at the arch. 32247. Ligature of the radial at the external face of the Wrist. : : . 2 3 <) 322 322 25 4() 30 30 50 50 5 0 : : 151O. Hector Bossange, a Paris. CoLoRED MoDELs or PATHoLog ICAL ANATOMY. . Ligature of the radial at the two extremities, superior and inferior of the fore-arm. . Ligature of the ulnar at the two extremities, superior and inferior, of the fore-arm. . Ligature of the humeral artery at the middle of the arm and in the axilla. Id. of the axillary artery above the pectoralis minor. Id. Žd. below the sub-clavian and internal mam— mary arteries. . Ligature of the sub-clavian artery between the scaleni muscles. Id. Of the primitive carotid. Id. of the sub-lingual, and of the facial on the edge of the inferior maxillary bone. * . Ligature of the external carotid and of the temporal before the ear. Total price of the fifth series. FHe C. M() ) 40 ) 40 y 30 y 40 ) 30 ) 30 p. 40 ) 40 ) 5,680 * SIX'ſ "H SEREIHES, INTERNAL PATHOLOGY, OR INTERNAL DISEASES. Anatomical lesions of the nervous centers. — The brain and the spinal marrow. FR. C. 32227. Apoplexy of the base of the brain, effusion of blood and sero-sanguin inſiltration. 35 ) 32228. Sup, surface of the same brain of an uniform red color. 35 ) 32229. Capillary apoplexy with small ecchymoses and spots on the surface of the brain. 20 ) 32230. Capillary apoplexy with an enormous apoplectic clot. 20 y 32234. Injection in points on the surface of the brain and in the cortical and . medullary substance. 20 0 32232. Flattening of the convolutions of the brain with chronic inflammation. 20 ) 32233. Brain of an epileptic With flattened convolutions. 45 ) 32234. Agglomeration of tubercles in the brain of an infant. 25 ) 22235. Interior of the tuberculous mass. 8 u 32236. Tuberculous granulations in the arachnoide of an infant. 30 p. 32237. Encysted abscesses in the brain, chronic inflammation of the cerebral substance. & 35 p 32238. Purulent collection at the surface of the brain, thickening of the mem- branes. 30 ) 32239. Tubercles in the left hemisphere of the cerebellum. 30 ) 32240. The same tuberculous mass removed from the substance of the cere- bellum. 45 ) 32244. Apoplexy with a clot of blood in the cerebral nucleus. 35 (. 32242. Osseous concretions of the dura mater. 30 (ſ 32243. Different diseases of the spinal marrow (5 pieces). 50 ) 3 Hector Bossange, a Paris. 1511 COLOIRED MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL, ANATOMY. Anatomical lesions of the organs of respiration. F R. 32244. Tracheotomy for a very large abscess in the larynx with Gedema of the glottis. 20 y 322.45. OEdematous swelling of the mucous membrane of the glottis, gangre- mous abscess. 20 o 32246. Caries of the larynx, large gangrenous abscess, Oedema of the glottis; - tracheotomy. 20 y 32247. Larynx denuded of its soft parts with caries of the cartilages. A 0 ) 32248. False membranes and adhesions of the pleura, areolar aspect. 45 p. 32249. Partial pleurisy with organised false membranes, injected. 35 (. 32250. Great thickening of the pleura ; effusion of pus by the rupture of a cavity. 40 ) 32254. Pleura presenting a fibrous and Osseous aspect. 40 m 32252. Emphysema of the lung, dilatation of the bronchial vesicules. 35 ) 32253. Engouement of the emphysematic lung of an old man. 30 0 32254. Partial hemorrhage of the Inucous membrane of the larynx and trachea. 45 ) 32255. Hemorrhage of a slatish colored tint of the mucous memb. of the larynx and trachea. A 5 & 32256. Pulmonary apoplexy ; lobular hemorrhage into the cellular tissue. 42 ) 32257. Id. case of an infant, lobular hemorrhage. 42 ) 32258. Id. with an infiltration of blood, without rupture or collection. 30 )) 32259. Pulmonary apoplexy, with rupture of the parenchyma and fungous col- - lection. 30 ) 32260. Pleuritic cavity filled with blood, consequence of a pulmonary apoplexy. 35 ) 32264. Portion of a lung showing anemia of the organ. 35 ) 32262. OEdema of the pulmonary parenchyma With SWelling. 35 ) 32263. Atrophy of the lung, hardening of the pleura and pulmonary paren- chyma. 30 y 32264. Atrophy of the lung in a case of pneumothorax. 20 ) 32265. Respiratory organs of an infant, with false membranes in the bronchia. 40 o' 3.2266. Id. of an adult, with bridles formed by old false mem- branes. 70 9 32267. Acute inflammation of the trachea and of the bronchia. ..] 5 ' ) 32268. Capillary bronchitis; muco-purulent effusion into the bronchia. 30 )) 32269. Compression of the bronchia by the development of the bronchial glands. 40 ) 32270. The same piece seen from behind. . . . 40 y 32274. Sanguine congestion in the lower portion of the lung of an old man. 35 ) 32272. Congestion of the pulmonary parenchyma presenting a grumulous aspect. 35. " 32273. Congestion of the muc. memb. of the small bronchia with partial dila- (ation. 30 )) 32274. Abscess in the lung resulting from a partial inflammation of this organ. 35 ) 32275. Metastatic abscess, or purulent resorption in the lung. ,35. 32276, Active hyperemia, inflammation, red hepatisation of the lung. 30. W H 512 Hector iBossange, a Paris. colorRED Moners of PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. -i. Fſt. C 32277. Hepatisation of the lung, with capillary bronchitis resembling tubercu- lous granulations 20 . ) 32278. Red hepat. induration, red softening of the lung pass. from 24 to 30 deg. of the pneum. 40 . ) 32279. Gray induration of the pul. parench. of the inf. lobe. 35 ) 32280. Splenization of the lung, wine color of lung and softening. 35 y 32284. Hepat. With tuberc. granul. at the surface of the organ. 30 ) 32282. Lobular pneumonia, an infant, hep. at 24 and 3° degrees. 42 y 32283. Gangrene of the lung presenting two eschars at the exterior. I 30 . ) 32284. Gangrene of the lung, pus mixed with blood. 25 y 32285. Wast gang. of the lung in a case of typhus. 45 ' ', 32286. Pleura with tubercles, from granulations to ulcerations. 3; , ) 32287. Tuberculous ulcerations disseminated in the larynx and trachea of a con- Sumptive patient. .45 % 32288. Pleura and portion of the lung with superficial miliary tubercles. 20 0 32289. Miliary tubercles in the entire pulmonary parenchyma; deposit of me– lanosis. - 40 W 32290. Tuberculous granulations disseminated in the pul. parench. . 42 ) 32294. Lung presenting the different states of the tubercles. - 40 0 32292. Tubercles, cavity with gray hepatisation of the pulm. paren. 6 ) 32293. Lung with tuberculous excoriation presenting a gangrenous aspect. 30 p. 32294. Lung with a melanic tint a cartilag. degen. - ‘20 ) 32295. Melanic tumors developed in the pulmon. parench. 40 m 32296. Cancer of the lung, encephaloid tumor in the parenchyma. 40 y Anatomical lesions of the thyroid gland. 32297. Encysted degen. of the thyr. gland; uneven surface. 35 m 32298. Hypertrophy of the thyr. gland, simple goitre integuments removed. 30 )) 32299. Extensive hypertrophy of the thyr. gland 50 centimetres in diameter. S() ) Anatomical lesions of the circulatory system. 32300. Fatty degenerat. of the heart, increase of size. s 35 0 32304. Heart of a girl aged 46, with persistence of the foramen ovale. 20 E. 32302. Heart of a girl aged 20, with communication of the four cavities. 20 0 32303. Hypertrophy and general dilatation of the heart and the large vessels. 60 0 32304. Concentric hypertrophy of the left wentricule and general diminution of - the Volume of the heart. - - 2 0 32305. The same, transverse section at the middle portion of the heart. -i () ) 32306. The same, transverse section at the inſerior portion of the heart. 8 y 32307. Hypertrophy of the heart with White spots on the surface. — Traces of pericarditis. - 30 p. 32308. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle, with vegetations of the aortic valves. , 45 0 32309. Id. Žd. with cartilaginous indurations of the valves. 35 y Hector Bossange, a Paris. 1513 cororilep MoDELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. FR. 32340. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle, with Ossification of the aortic valves. 45 3234 A. Hypertrophy of the right ventricle with false membranes and obliteration of the orifice of the pulmonary artery. 30 m 32312. Inflammation of the internal wall of the heart and of the large vessels, plastic exudation. - 35 ) 323+3. Abscess of the heart, purulent deposits between the muscular fibres. 30 32344. Polypous concretions on the aortic valves. 35 m 32345. Tubercles between the columns of the heart. 25 (, 323ſ 6. Ossiform degeneration of the left auriculo-ventricular orifice. 35 ) 323ſ 7. Points of Ossification of the valves of the aortic orifice. 35 ) 32348. Complete ossification of the aortic orifice and the semi-lunar valves. 35 o 32349. Ulcerations in the ventricle of the heart with softening of the texture of the organ. 35 p 32320. Apoplectiform softening (partial) of the left ventricle. 35 p 32324. Rupture of the heart in consequence of partial apoplectiform softening. 35 o 32322. Pericardium with capillary injection, spots of a deeper color and albu- minous exudation. - 30 ) 32323. Pericardium in which the two folds present a pseudo-membranous orga- g misation (areolar aspect). 35 y 32324. Pericardium covered with false membranes, organised and wavy. 35 ) 32325. Pericardium covered with pseudo-membranes in form of vegetations. 35 ) 32326. Id. id. united and superposed. 35 0 32327. Pericardium with tubercles on the pseudo-membranes and also ad— hesions. 30 ) 32328. Pericardium with Osseous and cartilaginous spots disseminated upon its surface. 30 l) 32329. Pericardium with tubercles between the fibrous fold and the pleura. 30 ) 32330. Id. with tubercles in the sub-serous cellular tissue. 30 ) 32334. Aneurism of the aorta with erosion of the posterior walls of the chest. 70 y 32332. The posterior portion of the chest in the case of the preceding aneurism at the moment of death. 40 D 32333. The posterior portion of the chest in the case of the preceding aneurism 3 months before death. 40 ) 32334. Portion of the vertebral column with erosion of the Vertebræ by an aneurism. 45 p. 32335. Double aneurism of the arch of the aorta and the descending aorta. 50 ) 32336. Id. of the arch of the aorta with rupture into the bronchia. 40 m 32337. Partial dilatation. of a vein of the leg without thickening of the mem- branes. +. 6 p 32338. Wein presenting the characters of phlebitis. 40 m 32339. Inflammation and thickening of the internal tunic of veins. 6 p. 32340. Inflammation of a vein with thickening of its membranes. 40 o 32341. Pus carried by the circulation into the interior of a vein. 6 ) 32342. Iliac vein with obliteration by clots and pus. 45 y 323.43. Pseudo-membrane adherent to the external membrane of a vein. A () ) 32344. Complete obliteration of a vein by an adherent fibrous clot. 4 0 m 1514 Hector Bossange, a Paris. colorRED MoDELS or PATHorlogroAL ANATorry. 32345. Wein with dilatation and fungous vegetation of the inner membrane. A 0 ) 32346. Partial Ossification of veins. 40 ) Anatomical lesions of the ingestive canal. 323.47. Partial hypertrophy of the tongue. 20 a 32348. Erectile tumor of the base of the tongue; Oedema of the glottis. 25 D 32349. Stomatitis (4 pieces). 50 ) 32350. Various anginae (4 pieces). 50 ) 32354. Inflammation, hypertrophy, scirrhus and cancer of the tongue (4 - pieces). 50 V) 32352. Diseases of the Oesophagus, inflammation, contraction, ulceration, can- cer (4 pieces). 50 y) Anatomical lesions of the stomach. 32353. Atrophy of the stomach without alteration of the organ. M5 X, 32354. Congestion in clots of the mucous membrane of the Stomach. 50 0 32355. Partial hemorrhage id. 45 ) 32356. Id. Žd. subject with Scurvy. 45 (t 32357. Stomach of a young girl in whom existed a communication between the auricles of the heart, exhibiting hemorrhages of the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane. - - 40 ) 32358. Subacute hyperemia in a case of poisoning by the cyanide of mercury. 50 ) 32359. Hypertrophy of the muc. memb. of the stomach; fungous excrescence. 40 D 32360. Chronic inflammation of the pyloric portion of the stomach. 40 p 32364. Softening of the muc. memb. of the stomach with rupture. 50 V) 32362. Ulceration of the stomach; free edges, perforation. 40 p 32363. Stomach with protuberances on the external surface denoting a degene- ration of the membranes. - - 45 p. 32364. Stomach; scirrhous disease of the pylorus, and fungosities. 45 ) 32365. Stomach with scirrhus of cardiac portion and cºsophagus. 40 ) 32366. Carcinoma of the cardia with contraction of this orifice. 50 ) 32367. Large cancer occupying the entire small curvature of the stomach. 45 ) 32368. Stomach cancerous throughout nearly its entire extent and to the epi- ploon. 50 p 32369. Gelatiniform cancer of the stomach, liver, and intestines. 60 32370. Fungus hematodes of the stomach in the pyloric region, extending as far as the liver. - - 50 y 32374. Scirrhous degeneration of the membranes of the stomach, encephaloid of the lymphatic ganglions. 60 m Anatomical lesions of the large and small intestines. 32372. Development of willosities in the small intestines after epidemic dy– Sentery. 25 m Hector Bossange, a Paris. 1515 COLORED MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL, ANATOMY. 32373. 32374. 3.2375. 3237 6. 323.77. 32378. 323.79. 32380. 32384. 32382. 32383. 32384. 32385. 32386. 32387. 32388, 32389. 32390. 32394. 32392. 32393. 32394. 32395. 32396. 32397. 32398. 32399. 32400. 32404. 32402. 32.403. 32404. Hypertrophy of the valvulæ commiventes of the small intestine, tumefac- tion of the mucous membrane. Discoloration with gray ashy tint of Peyer's patches. Cicatrices of old ulcerations of Peyer's patches. Congestion and swelling of Peyer's patches without ulcerations. Ulceration of Peyer's patches and of the glandules and villosities of the small intestine. Congestions and large ulcerations of Peyer's patches. Ulceration of Peyer’s patches with perforation of the small intestine. Ulcerations of the small intestine of an infant. Portion of an intestinal convolution, and ulceration. Id. with slight ulceration, swelling of the mucous membrane. Portion of an intestinal convolution, with extensive ulceration without congestion. & Gangrenous ulcerations of the small intestine with perforation. Tubercles in the small intestine; portion taken near the ileo-coecal valve. Contraction of the duodenum with scirrhous induration of the pyl. port. of the stomach. - - Cancerous degeneration of the small intestine, contraction near the ileo- coecal valve. Small intestine attacked with gangrene in a case of strangulated hernia. Alterations of the various tissues accompanying follicular enterilis; fuli- ginous coating of the tongue, Sudamina, petechiae, eschars and gangre— nous ulcerations. Hemorrhage in the large intestine in a case of Scurvy. Partial hemorrhage of the muc. memb. of the large intestine. Hypertrophy and congestion of the follicles in the large intestine. Hypertrophy of the muc, memb. with slight false membranes; dysen- tery not epidemic. Congestions of the muc. memb. of the large intestine with false mem- branes; epidemic dysentery. Almost entire destruction of the muc. memb. in several portions of the intestine. Large ulcerations of the muc. memb., cellular tissue gangrenous; epide- mic dysentery. Inflammation of the muc. memb. of the colon, deep ulcerations. Tuberculous ulcerations in the large intestime. Sundry ulcerations in the rectum, perforation of the intestine. Inflammation of the rectum, hypertrophy of the muc. memb. which is covered with ulcerations. Profound alteration and gangrene of the rectum of an infant. Gangrene of the rectum, with melanosis in an adult. Cancerous disease of the rectum; considerable thickening. Stoppage in the intestine caused by prune stones; contraction and me- Senteric abscess. - y 4 : FR. 35 35 O O A 0 6 30 . A 0 35 50 . 40 20 45 35 45 35 40 40 A 2 35. A 5 A0 40 .35. 1516 Hector Bossange, à Paris. COLORED MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY." 3 Anatomical lesions of the peritoneum, mesentery, and epiploon. Fſt. C 32405. Inflammation of the serous memb. of the small intestine of an infant. 6 ) 32406. Infl. of the peritoneum; rose colored injection, miliary granulations. 40 ) 32407. Serous inflammation of the small intest. With thin, irregular false mem- . branes. 25 ) 32407 bis. Miliary tubercles on the peritoneum with injection in points. 25 y 32408. Thick false membrane on a portion of the intestine, with peritonitis. 6 w 32409. Tuberculous granulations on the peritoneum , with patches in the . epiploon. - 35 o 324; 0. Large gangrenous eschar of the peritoneum in a case of strangulated hernia. 35 y 2444. Peritomitis, a case of chronic infl. With false membranes. 30 D 32442. Portion of the peritoneum with chron. infl., thickening and induration. 8 ) 324 13. Peritoneum with false membranes infiltrated with tuberculous matter. 35 ) 32444. Tuberculous ulcerations of the peritoneum with redness of the serous - membrane. 40 m 32445. Peritoneum covered with white spots resembling tubercles. . A 5 ) 32446. Tuberculous granulations in the epiploon with induration of the serous . membrane. A 5 9 32.447. Tubercles disseminated in the epiploon and the peritoneum. 20 32448. Tuberculous disease of the lymphatic ganglions of the mesentery. 40 ) 32449. Another case in which the tuberculous masses are larger. 40 y Anatomical lesions of the liver and gall bladder. 32420. Biliary calculi filling the entire gall bladder, the walls of which are indurated. 8 ) 32424. Partial hypertrophy of the liver, right lobe only. 55 p 32'22. General hypertrophy with sanguineous congestion of the liver. ~ 60 m 32423. Hypertrophy and alteration of the liver, dilatation and inflammation of the biliary ducts. 60 y 32424. Hypertrophy and dilatation of the gall bladder: cystic duct obstructed by a calculus. 30 ) 32425. Hypertrophy of the liver with crude and softened tubercles in the entire Organ. 60 y 32426. Atrophy of the liver, induration of the parenchyma of the organ. 35 ) 32427. Atrophy of the gall bladder with hypertrophy of the walls. . 5 9 32428 Liver with atrophy of the gall bladder, and biliary ducts filled with - calculi. g 40 32429. Portion of a liver with loss of color in a chlorotic young girl. A 5 y 32430. Abscess of the liver produced by congestion and inflammation of the Organ. 20 y 32434. Deep abscess of the liver with loss of substance of this organ. 30 y 32432. Congestion of the liver, purulent condition, large encysted abscess. 35 y Hector Bossange, à Paris. 1517 CoLoRED MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY, FIle 32433. Encysted abscess of the liver of an old woman. 40 32434. Apoplectic effusion with rupture of the parenchyma of the liver. 55 32435. Softening of the liver in consequence of congestion. 55 32436. Fatty degeneration of the liver with a yellow tint in a phthisical subject. - - 40 32437. Fatty degeneration with red points on the parenchyma of the liver. - 5 32438. Portion of the liver with yellowish granulations, in a state of cirrhosis. 20 32439. Tuberculous granulations in the parenchyma of the liver of an infant. 20 3.24 40. Portion of the liver of an adult With tuberculous granulations dissemi- nated upon the surface. 20 32444. Numerous serous cysts disseminated in the parenchyma of the liver. 55 32442. Hydatic cysts of the liver, prominences and remains of acephalocysts. 55 32443. Cyst of the liver containing meliceric and atheromatous matters. 55 32444. Steatomatous tumor (encysted) developped in the parenchyma of the liver. 20 32445. Encysted fatty tubercles, developped and disseminated in the parenchyma of the liver. 55 32446. Numerous melanic tumors disseminated in the parenchyma of the liver, 50 32447. Melanic and tuberculous degeneration of the parenchyma of the liver. 55 32448. Scirrhous disease of the liver, exterior. 20 32449. Interior of the preceding piece. 20 32450. Scirrhous disease of the parenchyma of the liver (isolated). . 20 32454. Hypertrophy of the liver with cancerous deposits on the concave surface. 60 32452. Considerable hypertrophy of the liver with cancerous disease of the parenchyma. 60 32453. Immense encephaloid tumors of the liver mixed with numerous vessels. 40 324.54. Cancerous degeneration of the liver, which resembles a mass of cerebral z substance. 30 32455. Cancerous degeneration of the liver, emcephaloid masses in various conditions. 35 32456. Cancerous degeneration of the liver, with atrophy of the organ. 30 Anatomical lesions of the pancreas. 32457. Inflammation of the pancreas with Small purulent collections. 25 32458. Serous cysts developed in the pancreas. 25 32459. Degeneration of the pancreas. 25 32460, Id. id. with hypertrophy of the organ. 40 32464. Fibro-cartilaginous alteration of the pancreas with atrophy of the Organ. s ~, 20 32462. Scirrhous disease of the pancreas without increase of volume. 25 Anatomical lesions of the spleen. 32463. Hypertrophy of the spleen, color normal. 25 32464. Id. Žd. with a small supernumerary spleen upon its surface. 30 1518 Hector Bossange, a Paris. COLOIREID MODELS OF PATBIOLOGICAL, ANATOMY. FIR. G. 32465. Hypertrophy with fibro-cartilaginous transformation of the tunic of the Organ. 30 ) 32466. Hypertrophy with metastatic abscess on the surface of the organ. 35 ) 324.67. Id. with encysted purulent collections, false membranes upon the surface. 35 ) 32468. Hypertrophy with a cyst occupying the entire parenchyma. 35 p 32469. Atrophy of the spleen with induration of the parenchyma of the organ. 40 ) 32470. Parenchyma of the spleen filled with hard tuberculous granulations. 20 ) 32474. Numerous serous cysts in the parenchyma of the spleen. 30 )) 32472. Tuberculous spleen. - - - 5 p. 32473. Encephaloid and melanic alteration of the spleen, disseminated tumor. 35 ), Anatomical lesions of the kidney. | 32474. Hemorrhage into the pelvis of the kidney. 45 ) 32475. Intense congestion of the pelvis of the kidney and of the urethra of an old man. s 20 ) 32476. General congestion, and acute of inflammation of the entire organ. 45 0 32477. Intense inflammation of the kidney, congestion of the entire cortical substance. 30 ) 32478. Numerous abscesses upon the surface of the kidney with inf. of the paren- chyma. 20 0 32479. Inf. of the cortical substance with purulent deposits. 20 0 32480. Phlegmonous abscess of the kidney With destruction of the texture of the - Organ. 42 ) 32484. Chronic infl. of the kidney, large purulent collections. 30 ) 32482. Inſlammation of the veins of the kidney with obliteration by purulent clots. 20 ) 32483. Gangrene of the kidney with ulceration and profound alteration of its texture. : 25 0 32484. Serous cyst in the Supra-renal capsule, many small cysts in the kidney. 20 ) 32485. Kidney with an agglomeration of cysts. 30 ) 32486. Interior of the preceding piece : the cysts are lined with a very fine mu- cous membrane. 30 p 32487. Kidney with agglomeration of hydatic cysts. 30 D 32488. Woluminous calcarious concretions on the surface of the kidney, in a case of gouty nephritis. 30 ) 32489. Urinary calculus in the kidney, having assumed the form of the pelvis of this Organ. 20 ) 32490. Calculus in the kidney; considerable dilatation et inflammation of the Organ. 30 p 32494. Mamellated kidney, with yellowish granulations in the tubulous and cortical portions. 20 0 32492. Deformed kidney with yellowish patches giving it a marbled appea— T811100. 20 ) 32493. Atrophy of the kidney with granular degeneration in the two layers. 45 y 4 Hector Bossange, a Paris. | 519 COLORERO MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. 3249. tº FR, Atrophy with granulation of the kidney; the two portions form a homo- geneous mass. - 5 O 32495. Hypertrophy of the kidney with discoloration of the organ. - : ) 32496. Hypertrophy of the kidney; yellowish alteration of the cortical sub- Stan Ce. 20 p 32497. Kidney at the commencement of Bright's disease, sanguineous congestion - (partial). - 20 0 32498. Hypertrophy of the kidney with a very fine granulous infiltration. 20 y 32499. Hypertrophy and yellowish alteration of the kidney : granulous condition. 20 y 32500. Hypertrophy and congestion of the kidney in a case of diabetes. 25 p 32504. Yellowish granulations of the kidney; anatomical alteration of Bright's disease. - f 20 y 32502. Hypertrophy and yellowish alteration of the kidney; Bright's disease. 20 ), 32503. Sanguineous congestion and tubercles of the kidney. 20 p 32504. Agglomeration of tubercles in the kidney of a diabetic. 30 m 32505. Hypertrophy of the kidney With formation of cerebriform substance, 3() ) 32506. Cholera : lesions of the face and trunk. A {} }) 32507. Id. id. of the arm and hand. 55 y Total price of the sixth series. 8,660 ° SEWENTH SERHES. GLANDERS. Anatomical lesions of glanders, observed in man. FR. C. 32508. Half the face with pustules of glanders and gangrenous eschars. 30 & 32509. Interior of the nasal fossae and of the pharynx, ulcerations of the muc. memb. - M 0 ) 32540. Pustules and ulcerations disseminated upon the epiglottis and in the larynx, . 20 y 32544. Pustules and ulcerations agglomerated under the epiglottis and in the larynx. | 2 y 32542. Ulcerations of the pituitary membrane on the Separating wall of the nasal fossae. 8 D 32543. Cartilage separating the nasal fossae with profound alteration of the pituitary membrane. - 6 m 32544. Agglomeration of pustules on the skin of a man attacked with glanders. A 5 o 32545. Face with an eruption on the forehead and gangrenous patches. /5 0 32546. Interior of the nasal fossae with vesiculo-pustulous eruption and ulcerations. - s 20 0 325 17. Nasal fossie with ulceration and erosion of the pituitary membrane. 20. p. 32548. Metastalić abscess in the bend of the arm of an individual attacked wiſh glanders. A 5 § 152O Hector Bossange, a Paris. COLOIRED, IMO DELS OF PATHORLOGICAL ANATOMY. FR. 3 325 19. Portion of the liver with lobular abscesses and partial congestions. 45 ) 32520. Portion of the lung with lobular abscesses. - A § 0 32524. Portion of the kidney with lobular abscesses and partial congestions. 45 ) 32522. Portion of the spleen with lobular abscess and partial congestion. A 5 ) Anatomical lesions of glanders observed in the horse. 2523. Half of the head of a horse; pituitary memb. furrowed with ulcerations. 50 ) 32524. Id. Žd. inferior turbinated bone, deep ulcerations disseminated upon it. - 50 0 32525. Womer with complete destruction of the muc. memb. and erosion of the Cartilages. * ſº 35 ) 32526. Portion of the liver with lobular abscesses and partial congestions. 20 0 32527. Portion of the spleen with lobular abscesses and partial congestions. 20 D 32528. Portion of the lung with lobular abscesses and congestions. 20 ) 32529. Portion of the kidney With lobular abscesses and partial congestions. A 5 ) Total price of the seventh series. 504 ) E.IGHTTH SERE IFES. DEFORMED PELVES AND MONSTROSITIES. Female pelves affected with mal-formations which impede labor. FR. G. 32530. Normal female pelvis. 35 ) 32531. General excess of development. 35 ) 32532. Excess of development of the Superior cavity. 33 y 32533. Id. id. of the inferior id. 35 p 32534. General contraction. 35 ), 3.2535. Id. from thickening of the bones. 35 m 32536. Female pelvis of the form of a male ditto. 35 0 3.2537. Excess of prominence of the sacro-Vertebral-angle. 35 ) 32538. Flattening of the pubis. 35 ) 32539. Id. of the sacrum. 35 y 32540. Narrowness and deformity of the superior cavity. 35 x 325/4. Id. ãd. ăd. inferior id. 35 ) 32542. Flattening of the coxal bones. 35 ) 32543. Rickets, cordiform varieties. 35 m 323.44. Excess of curvature of sacrum. 35 ) 32545. Excessive prominence of sacro-vertebral-angle. 35 ) 2546. Leſt postero-lateral obliquity of Sacrum. 35 ) 32547. Ossification of cartilage of pubic parallelism. 35 y #Tector Bossange, a paris. 1523. cor.orien MoDELs of PATHorlogroAL ANAToMY. 32558. 32559. Monstruosities, or anomalies by eaccess or by lack of development of the foºtus. 32560. Double pregnancy : a single placenta for the two foetus separated by their 3.2564 32.563 3.2564 325.65 32566 . Double ovale obliquity, or double lateral flattening. . Left Čd. id. Žd. . Right Žd. id. id. . Rickets, general, simple. . Osteomalacia, general, simple. . Parallelism of the axes of the cavities. . Axis of the superior cavity, vertical. j. Deformed cal after fracture of the os coccyx. . Depression of the cotoloid cavity. . Fibrous tumors. Scirrhous tumors. Enormous exostosis. membranes. . Double pregnancy : one placenta for the two foºtus, one of which is atrophied. . Twins at the 8th month, the two bodies well formed and united at the thoracic portion. . Twins at the 7th month: one head, one trunk, four sup. and four inf. members. . Twins at 9 months, one of which, hardly developed, is attached to the mouth of the other. . Head of a well developed foetus from the palatine arch of which the Other was detached. . Rudiments of a foetus imperfectly developed, separated from a well formed foetus. Total price of the eighth series. 4,430 40 400 70 70 30 20 )) N INTH"HI SIERIFES. MICROSCOPICAL ANATOMY. . Cellular system, cellular tissue, bundles of fibres. FR, 32567 35 y 32.568. Id. development of cellular tissue. 3.5 m 32569. Nervous system, cerebral nerves, spinal ditto. 35 ) 32570. Id. nervous ganglions. 35 )) 32.574. Id. White substance of the brain. 35 o 32572. Id. cortical ãd. 35 m 1522 Hector Bossange, a Paris. CON,0UKREED & Orº BILS Cº IPATHOE,OGYCAF, ANATOWIY. - - FR. C. 32573. Nervous system, termination of the nerves. 35 ) 32574. . Id. amastomosis of the nerves. 35 ) 32575. Vascular system, intermediary capillary vessels in the membranes. 35 ) 32576. Id. id. . id. in the intestines. 35 y 32577. Id. td. td. in the muscles and ...” bones. 35 ) 32578. Id. blood globules of mammiferous animals (mam). 35 )) 32579. ld. blood globules of oviparous animals (the frog). 35 ) 32580. System of tegumentary appendices, hair bulbs (human). 35 )) 32584. Id. td. hair £d. 35 y) 32582. Adipose system, fatty tissue. 35 x 32583. Fibrous system, tendon. 35 y) 32584. Id. elastic tissue. 35 x 32585. Cartilaginous system, cartilage. 35 y) 32586. Osseous system, (mag. 100 diam.) 35 )) 32587. Id. (mag. 150 diam.) 35 y) 32888. Id. (mag. 600 diam.) 35 ) 32589, Teeth of man. 35 ) 32590. Muscular system, musc. fibres. 35 y 32594. Id. contraction of musc. fib. 35 y 32592. Glandular system, simple follicule. 35 y) 32593. ºld. comp. ditto. - 35 ) 32594. Id. lobulated conglomerate gland. 33 ) 32595. ld. kidney. 35 y) 32596. Id. liver. 35 y 32597. ld. lungs. 35 ) 32598. Id. l]]ll COUIS. - 35 )) 32599. Glandular system, secreted liquids; milk (mag. 500 diam.) 35 ) 32600. Id. id. milk (mag. 600 diam.) 35 y) 32601. ld. id. spermatic fluid. 35 ) 32602. ld. ºd. sediment of the urine, crystals of uric acid. 35 ) 32603. ld. td. sediment of urine, Crystals of double phosp. 35 )) 32604. Cutaneous system, epidermis, pavement epithelium. 35 ) 32605. Id. cylindric epithelium. 35 )) 32606. Id. vibratile epithelium. 35 y 32607. Id. human skin, 35 ) 32608. Id. reCtum. 35 ) 32609. Id. mucuous membranes. 35 ) 32610. Tissues of the eye. Nervous system, retina. 35 y) 32614. ld. Crystalline lens, choroid membrane. 35 )) g Total price of the ninth series. 1,575 ) Hector Bossange et fils, a Paris. 1523 COLOUIRE D MODELS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY . f 32619. 32613. 32614. 32615. 32616. 32647. 32648. 32619. 32620. 32694. 32622. 32623, 32624. TENTH SERIES. REGIONAL A NATO MY. Facial, temporal, sub-maxillary and Supra-clavian regions. The axilla. The bend of the elbow. The hand. f The groin ; anterior aspect of the abdominal fasciae; the inguinal canal. - Scarpa's triangular space : external femoral ring. Cribriform fascia; fossa ovalis; Saphenous vein. The perineum. Abdominal region; posterior aspect; femoral ring; infra pubic and inguinal regions. - - Popliteal space; external Saphenous vein. Deep-seated blood-vessels. The foot. Plantar region of the foot. Total of the tenth series. 400 )) 50 )) 35 )) 50 ) 55 ) 25 ) 600 ) 1524 Hector Bossange et fils, a Paris. ANATOMICAL MODELS IN WAX. ~ -> --> ---------. -------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~. -- ~~~~~~~~~ -- ~~- - - - - - --~~~~~~.” -- ~~~~ w - * *... rºs. 4% fº ºf £3. 33: 328.8 ºtº Aść 3. 32625. 32626. 32627. 32628. 32629. 32630. 32634. 32632. 39633. 32634. 32635. 32636. 32637. 32638. 32639. 32640. 32641. 32649. 32643. 32644. 32645. 39.646. 32647. 3.2648, 392649 º ºn vº 323:30, A NATOMICAL MODELS IN WAX. The brain and dura mater. Id. and pia mater. Left cerebral hemisphere. Anatomy of the brain; the different parts removable. The hemispheres of the brain connected by the corpus callosum. The cerebrum and spinal cord in their connection with the verte- bral column. Section of the dura mater and of the transparent arachnoid mem- brane, displaying the falx cerebri and its sinuses. The eye, ten times the matural size, the different parts movable. The eye, mesial section. - - - Anatomy of the eye, thirteen models of its component parts. The organ of hearing; the internal, middle and external ear, four times the natural size, the parts movable. The internal, middle and external ear, natural size, with nerves and blood-vessels. The head with the blood-vessels displayed on one side, and on the other, the seven first pairs of merves, the internal ear and the eye. The half of the head with the blood-vessels. Id. - with nerves. The trifacial nerve. Id. with the internal maxillary artery. The internal maxillary artery and its branches. Muscles of the face and neck with nerves and blood-vessels (a male subject). t Muscles of the arm with nerves and blood-vessels. Muscles of the leg with nerves and blood-vessels. The heart with a section displaying the wentricles. The larynx, trachea and bronchi. Miesial section of the head and neck, Anatomy of the organs of laste and smell, Superior cervical region, ***** --~~~...~-war rº' ---- ºr-. * * ~ * = - ","..:exº~ *.*** -...---------' ' §eates flesharge et #8, A §ariº, FR. C. 90 ) 90 ) 70 ) M20 y, 90 ) 85 ) 35 y 35 y) 450 )) A 50 ) 40 ) M80 )) 90 ); 90 ) 35 y) 45 ' ) 350 ) 300 ) 350 y) 70 y) 20 }) A {}{} ) S{} }) {{\} \, ; * * * * * *.sº-cy:ºx-ºx, rfs * R a & Ys 3 ANATOMICAY, ViðIDERS IN WAX. FR 32631. Deep-seated cervical region. 420 ) 32652. The axilla. 80 ) 32653. The inguinal region. 90 )) 32654. The male perimeum. 430 × 32655. The female perineum. A 30 ) 32636. The mammary gland. - '90 ) 32657. The pulmonary system in its connection with the heart. 160 ) 32658. Anatomy of various joints; each separate articulation. 30 to 50 ) 32639. The lacteals and principal receptacula chyli. * 200 ) 32660. Male pelvis, anatomy of the viscera. 320 j 32661, Female pelvis, anatomy of the gravid uterus. 320 32662. Section of the female pelvis, the kidney, urinary ducts and organs * of generation. - - 420 ) 32663. Male sexual and urinary apparatus. 40 ) 32664. The digestive organs, complete. & 400 ) 32665. The intestimal mass, with glands, lymphatics and blood-vessels. 200 ) 32666. Lymphatics of the liver and stomach. - - 400 ) 32667. The bust of a woman with the muscles, blood-vessels, super- ficial and deep nerves, and mammary gland. 350 )) 32668. The human body with the viscera completely exposed. 4,500 y 32669. The brain and spinal cord. w 400 ) 32670. The sympathetic system. 650 ) 32671. The sympathetic nerve, the vertebrae and heart transparent, so as to display the spinal cord and ventricles. 4,000 ) 32672. Figure divested of the skin; superficial muscles. 3,000 ) 32673. Figure divested of the skin : deep muscular layer. 3,000 ) 32674. Dissected Venus, 85 distinct parts. 3,000 y ..]IOrbid anát0my. 32675. 150 preparations from the “Musée Dupuytren”, 25 to 450 y 32676. 80 illustrations of diseases of the skin, from mature. 35 to 80 ) 32677. Diseases of the eyes and palpebrae; 87 illustrations in 5 frames. 650 32678. Diseases of the cervix uteri; 12 models. 46() ) 32679. Syphilis; 80 models, at each 50 fr. (Each model may be separately purchased.) 4,000 ) Obstetrics. 32680. The nine monthly periods of pregnancy, fitting in one pelvis. 500 )) 32681. Section of the uterus displaying on one side the 'detachment of the ovulum from the ovary, and on the other, its descent into the womb. t - 50 ) 32682. Human ovum at two months with the vesicula umbilicalis. 1.0 ) 32683. The gravid uterus at six months with the membranes. 60 )) 32684. Id. at seven months. 60 0 32685. Id. at nine months. 90 ) 32686. Extra-uterine, tubar and ovarian pregnancy. 60 ) 152s Hector Bossange et fils, a Paris. ANATOMICAL, MODELS INT WAX. FR. C. 32687. The caesarean operation. 420 ) 32688. Division of the symphysis pubis. M00 ) 32689. Instrumental labour. 600 y) 32690. Foetal circulation; the heart with a section displaying the foramen ovale; the placenta. º 250 ) 32691. Model of accouchement, complete. 70 ) 32692. Female pelvis, with ligaments. M 5 to 25 ) 32693. Id. with diameters. 25 y) 32694. Distorted pelvis, artificial, with ligaments. 25 ) 32695. Collection of 20 models of deformed pelvis. 25 to 500 ) 32696. Head of completely developed foetus. 3 to l, o 32697. Id. with diameters. 6 y) Ovology. 32698. Dissection of the hen; displaying the pedunculated ovisacs and pro- gress of the ovum. º 70 ) 32699. Incubation of the chicken, 22 days. M50 )) —º-º-º-º-º-º-º- Hector Bossange et fils, A Paris, 1529 OSTEOLOGY. OSTEOLOGY. Osteology of man. FR. C. 32700. Human disarticulated skeletons. 35 to 70 ) 32704. Id. articulated. • - 60 to 440 ) 32702. 1d. prepared according to the Beauchêne method, i.e. disjointed and Set on wires, a small space left between the articular sur— faces, all the bones in their proper position. 500 ) 32703. The head, bones not separated. 40 to 20 )) 32704. Id. the bones separated. . 15 to 25 ) 32705. Id. id. on wires à la Beauchêne, with or without the middle and internal ear, the dental blood-vessels and nerves. 80 to 460 ) 32706. Section of the bones of the head, exposing the internal and middle ear, and sinuses 40 to 50 ) 32707. Sections of the head without preparations. 20 to 30 ) 32708. Heads with the natural dura mater. 48 to 25 ) 32709. Id. with diploë protected by glass. 35 to 40 ) 32740. The internal ear. A 0 to 45 )) 32744. The middle ear. - 5 to 10 ) 32742. Collection of ears, 44 models. 450 to 250 9 32743. Pelvis with ligaments. 45 to 25 y) 32744. Hands or feet, articulated. 3 to 5 o 32745. ld. the bones fixed with cat-gut. 3 to 5 ) 327:16. Id. on wires, & la Beauchêne. - 30 y 32717. Id. 'id. with stand. 50 )) 32748. Mesial section of the trunk revolving on the stand. 60 0 Growth of the embryo and development of bone. 32749. Skeleton with ligaments, 45 to 25 y 32720. A series of nine foetuses. M40 ) 32721. The foetal skeleton disjointed (at various periods of development), the bones placed in their relative position, in a frame. 30 ) 32722. Head of full-grown foetus. 3 to 4 » 32723. Id. disjointed and set on wires, & la Beau- chéné. 50 ) Hector Bossange et fils, a Paris. 1533 GSEEºce:Y. 32727. 32798. 32729. 32730. 3273A. 32732. 32733. 32734. 32735. 32736. 32737. 32738. 32739. 32740. 327/1. 32742. 32743. 32744. 32745. 32746. 327/47. rºse-re-seº -> <-- ~~v-e--~~~~~:- - - - -- - - - - - - -- . . . . . . . . §§§§ -- - - - - - - *-* * * * * * *- : * * * *- : * * * * * ** * * . Arm of a young subject, with epiphyses, disarticulation of the bones and epiphyses, set on wires, according to the Beauchéme system with stand and pedestal. 5. Leg of a child as above. . Hand and foot, the bones and epiphyses parted, either with or without stands. 30 to Vertebra with epiphyses. Series of vertebræ, atlas, axis, cervical, dorsal, lumbar. Demilition. A series of 25 models for the study of dentition in the human sub- ject, from the foetal state to old age, under glass. 450 to Maxilla of a child, carved, displaying the development of the deci- duous and permanent teeth. 45 to Head of a child, carved; first and second dentition. 30 to Maxilla of the adult, with the dental nerves and blood-vessels, the teeth, on one side, sawed through. 35 to Preparation of the mouth, 32 teeth on wires with a stand. 16 to Id. of a child, ſid. A2 to Germs of the teeth in the foetus. Fall of the teeth in the aged. The dental nerves, 5 pairs. The dental arteries, internal maxillary. The arteries and veins. Models of dentition in various animals. Natural teeth in sets, or isolated. Phrenology. The matural skull with the localized organs, after Gall and Spurz- heim. 20 to Plaster cast of the skull with localization of the faculties. A bust, matural size, with the localized organs. Id. with the brain exposed on One side. Id. middle size. ld. small size. • re -- - - . . . . . ~ * * * * * ~ * : * ~ * > . . . .” -“r . . *, * > *** -** *-* - “..." " -> f ** •4. º - - tº: - * sº $n-tra jeshanºë at £14, A 36:34, FR. ; 5 2 : : ; § : J) )) )) )) COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. S KELETONS OF MAMMALIA * ON WIRES. Quadrumâna. º - FR. C. 32748. Chimpanzee 200 to 800 ) 32749. Pouched monkey. 30 to 40 ) 32750. Semnopitheeus. 50 to 100 )) 32751. Macacus. 30 to 40 ) 32752. Baboon. 30 to 60 ) 32753. Sapajo. 30 o 32754. Striated monkey. 20 to 25 y 32755. Lori. 60 ) 32756. Lemur. 60 to 120 ) Carnivora. 32757. Bat. 12 to 45 ) 32758. Id. other genera. 45 to 80 )) 32759. Hedge-hog. 42 to 45 ) 32760. Shrew-mouse. 15 )) 32761. Pyrenean Desman. 25 ) 32762. Mole. 40 to 12 ) 32763. Tanrec. 70 ) 32764. Brown bear. 200 to 250 y) 32765. White bear. 200 to 300 ) 32766. Racoon 40 to 50 ) 32767. Badger. 40 to 60 0 32768. Martin : polecat. 20 ) 32769. Id. ferret. 20 ) 32770. Id. martlet. 25 32774. Dog. 25 to 45 32772. Fox. 25 to 30 32773. Genet. 40 to 80 ) . 32774. Ichneumon. 40 y) Hector Bossange et ſils, a Paris. 1537 COMPARATIVE ARTA'ſ ORMY. FR. 32775. Cat. 46 to 20 )) 32776. Lion. 450 to 300 , » 32777. Tiger. :60 to 300 y 32778. Seal. 60 to 120 ) Marsupialia. 32779. Opussum. 40 to 75 y) 32780. Dasyuris. 75 ) 32784. Phalanger. 60 to 80 y) 32782. Petaurus. 60 to 80 )) 32783. Kangaroo. 400 to 150 ) 32784. Phascolomys. 200 to 300 ) Rodentia. 32785. Squirrel. 42 ) 32786. Marmot. 16 to 25 9 32787. Rat. * 42 ) 32788. Jerboa. 35 y) 32789. Porcupine. 88 to 120 ) 32790. Hare, rabbit. 45 to 20 y 3279 i. Paca. 420 )) 32792. Agouti. 35 y) 32793. Cavidae. 450 to 300 ) 32794. Guinea pig. 12 ) 32795. Flying-Squirrel. 40 o 32796. Water-rat, 15 to 60 )) Edentala. 32797. Acheus ai. 450 to 200 ) 32798. Armadillo. 60 to 420 ) 32799. Ant-eater (black). 400 ) 32800. Id. tamandua. 80 to 150 )) 32801. Porcupine ornithorhynchus. 450 to 250 ) 32802. Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. A50 to 250 ) Pachydermata. 32803. Hog. 450 to 200 ) 32804. Horse. 250 to 300 o Ruſminantia. 32805. Lama. 200 to 300 y 32806, Stag. 120 to 300 ) 32807. Goat. 80 to 120 x 32808. He-goat. 420 ) 32809. Java chevrotain. 80 )) I538 Hector Bossange et fils, a Paris. COMPARATIVE ARIATOI&TY. Cetacea. FR. C. 32810. Porpoise. 60 to M20 ) 32811. Narwal. 500 ) 32812. Globiceps, 500 ) S K E L E TO NS OF BIRDS, Rapacious birds. 32843. Vulture. 90 ) 32814. Hobby. M2 ) 32815. Kestrel. 14 ) 32816. Royal eagle. 80 )) 32817. Sparrow-hawk. 12 ) 32818. Falcon. 25, 5) 32819. Buzzard. M8 ) 32820. Brown owl. M5 ) 32824. White Owl. 15 ) Sparrow tribe. 32822. Jay. 10 )) 32823. Marlin. 40 )) 32821. Swallow. M0 ) Climbers. 32825. Woodpecker. 45 ) 39826, Parrot. 45 ) Gallimacé0us tribe. 32827, Peacock. 25 ) 32828. Domestic cock. 20 y) 32829. Pheasant. 20 ) 32830. Turtle-dove, 15 ) Wading-birds. 32831. Ostrich. 250 ) 32832. Heron. 30 y) 32833. Stork. 30 )) 32834. Spoonbill. 25 ) 32835. Curlew. 20 )) 32836. Sand-piper. 10 )) 32837. Water-hen 16 y) 32838. Flamingo. M30 )) Hector Bossange et Éls, & Paris. i539 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 32839. 32840. 32844. 32842. 32843. 32844. 32845. 32846. 32847. 32848. 32849. 32850. 32851. 32852. 32853. 32854. 32855. 32856. 32857. 32858. 32859. 32860. 32861. 32862. 32863. 32864. 32865. 32866. ,32867. .32868. ,32869. 32870. 32871. 32872. 32873. Palmipeds. Grebe. Diver. Penguin. Puffin. Gull. Wild-duck. * Swan. 50 to Goose. .* Merganser. SK E LET ONS OF REPTILES. Chelomia. Land-tortoise. - 49 - to Id. 25 to Sternotherae. M8 to River-tortoise. Sea-tortoise. 25 to Sauria. Crocodile. 30 to Common lizard. ! Ameiva. Whip-tailed lizard. 40 to Iguanas. 20 to Waran. A 50 to Chameleon. Shink. Pseudope. Ophidia. Amphisbaenidae. Boa constrictor. 70 to Python. 70 to Adder. A8 to Rattle-Snake. 70ri,to: Viper. Cobrada capello (hooded-snake). Sea-serpent. Batrachia. European frog and toad. 5 to Exotics Id. 201:49. Salamander. 10, to 2 Proteus. A 6 50 20 46 'M50 250 15 30 60 35 300 18 30 70 “25 ) M50 A 50 25 {90 ) ) ) `) § 20: . ) {80";") 080- 6 ; 42. ; )) , 40 ..) ) )) ) 1540 a-wee ºx-º- ºr s -, 4- *-* * ~~ .* & ) Hector Bossange.et fils, a Paris. *.*.*.**** * *-* ºrw" “ -e- is ~~~~~ *-...--~ --~~~~zaas ----. --→ ~~~~~~~~~ ----> *-* ---------> *-* * * COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. SK E LETONS OF FIS HE S. Acanth0pterygii. l; it. C. 32874. Perch. 45 to 46 ) 32875. Barbel. 50 )) 32876. Gurnet. 46 )) 32877. Mackerel. 16 ) 32878. Dory. 45 o 32879. Cat-fish. 80 ) 32880. Carp. 46 to 20 y) 32884. Tench. 45 ) 32882. Pike. 25 to 50 ) 32883. Herring. 45 to M8 y Malacopterygii with Superior branchia. 32884. Codfish. 25 to 80 ) 32885. Whiting. 16 ) 32886. Plaice. 20 )) ... 32887. Turbot. 45 ) ... 32888. Sole. 46 ) Apodows Malacopterygii. a 32889. Eel. 20 )) 32890. Conger. 35 to 40 )) (i. Lophobranchii. 32891. Hippocampus. A 2 ) a 32892. Pegasus. 42 y {\ ; i Teleobranchii. : 32893. Diodon. “iš ) 32894. Tetradon. 35 ) 32895. Mole (sun-fish). 430 ) ,32896. Balistes. 20 )) Chrondropterygii with fæed branchia. 32897. Dog-fish. 25 to 30 ) 32898. Skate. 25 ) 32899. Lamprey. -- ~~ *-* * --- 25 )) Heštof Bössangeet fits, a Pakis. 1541 goMPARATIve-ANATomy. 32900. 32901. 32902. 32903. 32904. 32905. 32906. 32.907. 32908. 3.2909. 32940. 32944. 32912. 32913. 32944. 32945. 32916. 32947. 32948. 32949. 32990. 32924. 32992. 32923. 32924. 32925. D IS A R T I CU LATED H E A DS OF A NIMALS. All the bones are set in their proper relative position, at a little distance from each other. - Monkey. Dog. Cat. Panther. Rabbit. Paca. Hog. Horse. Lama. Roe-buck. Ostrich. Owl. ' Turkey. Tortoise. Crocodile. Boa. Codfish. Perch. Turbot. Conger. 400 to 100 to Feel of animals. Cat, retractile claws. Hog, A toes.’, Roe-buck, 2 id., rudimental. Ox, 2 id. Sheep, 2 id. Horse, d id. ~ ***** Q & 3 & © -ºº-- ~~~~ (# "Y" T , , " " . . *, * = .- 3i fi : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; # (; , , ; ***** *** * * ****-*- ..sºss- PAR:s. – PRINTED BY J. &LAYE, RUE SAINT-B.Noir, 7. FR, 70 70 50 M80 30 60 400 120 150 M00 450 50 50 450 300 120 300 200 200 200 ) )) 2– # §5. |||||||| ||||||||||| |||||| |||| 39015 06696 M | | | ICHIGAN. , ||| | | | i486"