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Price 5s THE COSMOPOLITAN TRAVELLERS’ SELF-SPEAKING POLYGLOT, in Eight Languages. Price 5s. AN ALMANACK FOR ALL NATIONS, with their Coins, Flags, and Crests. (In course of preparation.) A G E N T S FOR THE SALE OF AMSTERDAM, C. G. Wander Post. ANTWERP (Anvers), Max Cornicker. CAIRO, Hammerschmidt. CONSTANTINOPLE (Stamboul), Koehler and Weiss. COPENHAGEN (Kióbehavn), Hagerup. LEGHORN (Livorno), La Croix. LISBON (Lisbóa), Pareira. HAMBURG, Perthes, Besser, and Mauke. THE W 0 R. K. A. B. R O A D : MALAGA, De Moya. MARSEILLES, Camoin. Martin. ODESSA, Deubner. RIO DE JANEIRo, Laemmert. ST. PETERSBURG, Gebr. Wolff. STOCKHOLM, Fritze. TRIESTE, (Oestreich); Schimpff. Entered at Stationers' Hall, London, September, 1865. T H E M E R C H A N T'S F R I, E N D L A WY E R'S A S S I S T A N T, TECHNICAL VOCABULARY OF FIVE HUNDRED MERCANTILE AND LEGAL EXPRESSIONS, IN TEN LANGUAGES ; WITH AN EXPLANATORY KEY TO THE PRONUNCIATION OF EACH LANGUAGE ; ALSO A T A B L E SHEWING THE RELATIVE VALUE AND PROPORTION WHICH THE COINS, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES, OF ONE COUNTRY BEAR TO THOSE OF OTHER COUNTRIES. BY DR. KAREL PIETER TER REEHORST, INTERPRETER AT THE COMMON LAW COURTs, AUTHOR OF “THE MARINER's FRIEND.” sEco ND EDITION, IMPROVED AND E IN L, A R G E D. PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR BY - F. PITMAN, 20 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. 1865. GENESIS XI. 9. 1 CORINTHIANs XIV, 11. Ynsm-52 new minº ºn Dw-5 ºn: Fºwſ x-p 12-by 'Eav oſſu uń eiða, Tºv ºvapuu tºs (povºs, égouai tº Aaaoºvt. ynxm-55 "Yº-y Tim DºET Dwip" 8áp8apos : kal 6 Aaxov čv époi 340,3apos. y” l ‘. . . . . *\t c is . . . . . . . . ) # * * '. >, * * Že, (4.x. *. ". . s . . . . |, . !. | A S . ; , ; } P. R. E. F. A C E . WHEN compiling the first edition of this work I was residing in Holland, enjoying all the privileges, heaven bestowed upon a full-blooded Dutchman, and being well aware of the serious disadvantages under which the heroic and so-called self-created people of that commercial petty kingdom, once the dread of Spain under Mynheer Van Tromp, and the fear of England under Mynheer Van de Ruyter, now laboured;—conscious that the ovations once intoned to Hugh Grotius, Erasmus, Jacob Cats, and others, knowing that the adoration once spontaneously offered to William III., Prince of Orange and King of England, were now unremittingly committed to oblivion, and that the language of that nation, who once, carrying the broom at the top of their mainmasts, induced old Neptune himself to come and submittingly offer the trident to Mynheer Van Galen and Piet Hein, as a tribute of honour; that the language of the Hollanders, once the inductive speech to all mariners, was now sadly ignored by almost all aliens,—the English especially going so far as to bastardise 9 “ de lievelyke Hollandsche taal” into the hateful appellation of the “ Dutch language;” sympathetically coerced by an inward behest, I arranged the first publication of this work, more especially for the benefit of that petty and courageous nation, whose little country, although fortified by a mass of dykes, dams, and Aquarius himself, has so unjustly received her fatal blow in 1830, from the very hands whom her sovereign once came to redeem from the grasp of James, the British fugitive king. Residing in England fourteen years since, however, experience has increased, and the powers of the mind having become more expanded, I have, in gratitude to the nation in whose West-Indian Dominions it pleased the Almighty to let me see light first,-revised, improved, and enlarged this second edition, principally for the assistance of Englishmen, in order to enable them to compete with the immense number of foreigners, chiefly Germans, who, since 1851, have completely overrun the whole of the United Kingdom, superseding the natives, English, Scotch, and Irish, in many lucrative situations, through having a better knowledge of modern languages, and offering to take smaller remunerations for mental and menial exertions which demand higher compensations. Men, whose minds are bent upon money-making and the accumula- tion of wealth only, and are anxious to avail of such invading cheap bargains, although inducive to robbery, forgery, and dishonesty, eagerly seized the unprofitable opportunity, throwing many an Englishman out of employ throughout the length and the breadth of the country, and caused a reduction generally, to able and faithful clerks and others. This work, if carefully studied, will be found to impart a 2. - PREFA CE. knowledge of foreign languages, which will, in most cases, be efficient for mercantile purposes, enabling all British-born subjects successfully to cope with aliens or foreigners, and qualify them, with the assistance of a few lessons in grammar, to outshine the invaders in their onerous duties, for which, at present, through no knowledge of foreign languages, they are considered incompetent. I harbour no partiality nor prejudice, I aspire at justice only. Besides the mercantile expressions herein contained, I have added a few legal terms, which, although in daily use in the British Courts of law, are imperfectly understood, even by many an Englishman himself; but I avowedly acknowledge to have embodied them more for the foreigners abroad, than for the illiterate man at home. England, I mean Great Britain and her colonies, have imbibed many foreign customs, but their officers of justice are entirely uncontaminated by bribery and corruption, which vices I can substantiate by legal docu- ments, to abound in many countries elsewhere. And if I were called before the most solemn tribunal upon earth, I would declare most unhesitatingly that justice is generally meted in England with that greatest equity, and that strictest impartiality, which understanding can command, and conscience can dictate. The courts of law in Holland fervently demand a sweeping reformation, and the jury system of England to be introduced. This I say from personal experience. I would earnestly advise persons abroad, having legal proceedings in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and in the British Colonies, to apply direct to British lawyers, and not to squander their brain-sucked earnings with foreign advocates or procurators, who, generally speaking, are but imperfectly acquainted with the manner in which legal proceedings are conducted in the Britannic realm. Some few letters I still possess from a certain so-called very clever (perhaps in self-conceit and impudence) high-standing Amsterdam advocate, of a diminutive appearance, can bear me out. Multum in Parvo. DR. K. P. TER REEHORST, Professor, Translator, Interpreter. 12, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, September, 1865. AD UTILITATEM OMNIUM, FOR DR. REEHORST'S MERCHANT'S FRIEND (IN TEN LANGUAGES). No. 1. On the Pronunciation of living or modern languages in general. IT is not an easy matter to acquire a foreign language in such perfection as to pass for a native both in writing and in speaking it; still there are instances in which such a proficiency has been attained. To give the exact pronunciation of such language by means of characters, types, or letters in books, is altogether impossible; the pronunciation in this work will, however, be given as nearly as possible. The Compiler has no intention of expatiating upon the dead or ancient languages, but he thinks it well to observe that the ancient languages, such as Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Sanscrit, Celtic, &c., &c., having lost their proper national character, have also lost, to a considerable extent, the vital and quickening part of their existence; so that now they can only be studied theoretically, as there is no indisputable key, or standing rule, for their respective pronunciation. Therefore, these languages are studied chiefly with regard to their grammatical principles, and to their prosody, as far as this latter can be understood. There are two methods of acquiring living or modern languages: the one is the common, the mechanical, or irrational way, only fit for the uneducated; the other is the philosophical or rational manner, adapted to the learned: the former being the work of memory, the latter of understanding. The former affords only practice whereby to attain its object, the latter theory and practice combined. Those who merely study the theory or grammatical part of these tongues, and neglect their quickening spirit, which is practice and pronunciation, do not act in accordance with the rules of nature. The Compiler, a native of the English colony of Berbice, in British Guiana, was, in his earliest years, sent to Europe for his education, and, experiencing a strong inclination to become acquainted with modern languages, he commenced the study of Dutch under his most esteemed master G. van Sandwyk, at Purmerend, finishing that study in Amsterdam. After this he went to London, where he acquired English. He then resolved, as far as his means would permit him, to devote ten years to the study of as many languages as possible. He always made it his aim not to be too sparing in remunerating his teachers, and never engaged any master for a language who was not an educated native. b In this way he sought to …ii AD UTILITATEM OMNIUM. [MERCHANT’s FRIEND. If obtain, in each, a pure national style of utterance; how far he has been successful he humbly leaves to the judgment of others. Finding his means nearly exhausted, he was obliged to give up studying for awhile; and having nothing but his talents to rely upon, he, in 1835, passed an examination at Haarlem, and was appointed public teacher of foreign languages at Amsterdam. In 1836 he was admitted Sworn Translator and Interpreter at the Bar, and in 1847 appointed Professor or Lecturer to the unfortunate Collegiate School of Kampen. The Compiler would advise persons intending to study modern languages always to look for well-educated professors, and rarely to employ a teacher for a language which is not his own, unless the student be thoroughly convinced of his theoretical and practical proficiency. No people can so easily learn modern languages as the Scotch and Russians. As this book is not intended to be a grammar, no grammatical rules are given. The Compiler has strictly confined himself to the principles of | pronunciation. No. 2. i Pronunciation of the Dutch language (Hollandsche taal). A, aa. Sounds long, as in the English words: arm, psalm, balm, calf, laugh, draught; therefore not English a in : hate, date; but more the Scotch a, as in: A', wa', wadna'. In like manner pronounce the Dutch words: laten, maken, laat, maak, zaken, zaak, draalt, dralen. N.B. All single vowels are thus pronounced long, when at the end of a syllable, and short when not, or followed by consonants. A, a. Is short, as in the English words: hat, fat, pat, man, for instance Dutch : man, bakken, han, tak, takken. N.B. By doubling the ensuing consonant after a single vowel when the word is lengthened, it preserves its short sound. Alauw, auw, au. Sound as English ou in : bound, out, loud, in Dutch : gaauw, lauwer, laurier. Aai, aay. Sound invariably as English I or eye. B. Sounds at the beginning and in the body of a word completely as in English ; but it sounds at the end like p, for instance as b in : boek, boer, hebben, nebben, as p in : heb, web, neb, krib. w C. Has the identical variation as in English of k and s. Ch. Like g in original Dutch words, completely and always pure guttural. In words derived from the French, the sound there observed prevails.— See at the G. D. Sounds at the beginning and in the body of a word as in English; but is always pronounced as t at the end. E, ee. Sounds long, as English ai or ay in : way, daily, pay, fair, or as English a in: hate, date, fate, take, See A. N.B. E. Short when not final, as in English: met, let, wet. See A. N.B. - ? \ MERCHANT'S FRIEND.] AID UTILITATEM OMNIUM. iii Eeuw. Completely like: aioo or a-00 in English, as in: leeuw, spreeuw, pronounce : lai-00, sprai-00. Ei, ey. Somewhat like: I or eye; there is no exact equivalent in English. See at the Y. • Eu. Something like u short in English: incur, occur, or ea in heard, or completely as the French eu and oeu, or as the German, Danish, and Swedish 6. F. Quite Englishlike. G. Has, like the ch in original Dutch words, always a pure genuine guttural sound. In words borrowed from the French, they generally preserve the sound there observed. A lowland Scotchman will find the very same Dutch, German, Spanish and Russian guttural sound in his words: Murdoch, McCulloCH, abeigH, Enburg.H. An Englishman, in endeavouring to bring forth this sound, must first do as if he were going to expel spittle out of the thorax or jugular vein by a rattling noise of breath in his inner throat. JH. Always as English h in : home, high-Spiritus asper, never sink it, as the ill-bred cockney does in : head, etc. I, ie. Long, and sounds as English ee in : beer, meet, seek. See A. N.B. I. Short when not final, and sounds as in English: pin, thin. Ieuw. Sounds nearly as English : e-00 or eeoo or eeu, such as in: Nieuwediep, kieuw, pronounce: Nee-oo-deep. J. Sounds like y in English, when employed as consonant, such as in : year, yes, yoke. R, L, M, N. Completely as in English. O, oo. Long of sound as in English: grove, store, bold, door, floor, more, told, wore, toe, low, go. See A. N. B. O. Short when not final, as in English: hot, pot, lot. Oe. Quite as English oo in : book, look, took, or u in bull, full, pull. Oei, oey. Sounds as in English 007 or 00) or uy. Ooi. Broader and longer than English oil; somewhat 0-i, oai or oei; pure o long open and pure e as in English combined. Ouw. As English ou in : found, bound. P, Q, R, S. All equal to the English sounds. Sch. Has the pure s and ch guttural, a distinct though combined sound. - - T. As in English, but pure t as in : tone, boat, take; in words derived from the French as in : natie, publicatie, the t has the sound of s; but never as in English nation, or tune. - U, ww, uw. The English language has no sound nor equivalent to represent this Dutch sound; it must be taught and acquired by verbal tuition; therefore every description of this sound would only tend to entangle, intricate, to puzzle and lead astray. Those that know French, German, Danish, or Swedish, will there find the pure sound of the French iſ, German ilh, Danish and Swedish y, answering in all respects to the Dutch u long, or wu, or uw. . The Scottish sound of ui comes very near to it. An Englishman must in imitation, by perfect want of verbal instruction, do as if he were going to blow fire, first by pressing his lips gently together, then blow, and in that very position he must try to pronounce English ee or u or oo; further descriptions are totally deceitful. iy [MERCHANT’s FRIEND. AD UTILITATEM OMNIU M. / - U. Short when not final, as in English: but, cut, nut. Uy, Ui. No sound in English equal to these; therefore completely indescribable. <& short, as in cut, and add ee to that sound. Every other description or imitation is erroneous. It sounds like German eu in Leute. Endeavour to pronounce w V. Nearly as in English, but not so hard, a little sharper, almost like f. In fact, some Dutchmen make no difference in sounding the v and f. W. Somewhat like English v, or rather between v and w. Y. Something like I or eye in English. Z. Equal to English. -- The Germans cannot acquire Dutch properly, on P.S. The pronunciation of the well-educated Amsterdammer is the best Hollands. account of their pride. - - No. 3. Pronunciation of the German language (Deutsche Sprache). 21, 91%, aa. Sound long, as in the English words: Harm, arm, bar, tar, as in Scottish : Wa’, a”, wadna', or French : áge, dºme. N.B. All single vowels are thus pronounced long when at the end of a syllable, and short when not, or followed by consonants. 2ſ. Short when not final, as in : hat, fat, paddy, lad. 2ſet), d5. Long, sounds as English ai or ay, or a in : hate, date, pain, way. 2ſe, d. Short when not final, as : ea in bread, a in bad, or e in bed. 2ſi, aly, Gi, ey. Sound all alike, as I or eye in English. 2ſu. Is completely the English ou in : out, found, our. 5. At the beginning and in the body of a word, when pronounced properly, quite as in English, but at the end as p ; some Germans, however, do always confound the B with the P, and the D with the T, even when speaking other languages; and instead of, “Give me some bread and butter to breakfast and to dinner,” they will say : “hiff me zom do tinner.” The Bavarians, Wurtemburgers and Swabians are bad teachers and speakers. Ç. When soft, pronounce as ts before : e, i, y, d, 6, and when hard as k. Q9. Has always a pure guttural sound, equal to the Spanish j in : juan, jefe, or to the Scottish ch, Dutch ch and g; see the Dutch part at G. Only chs behind vowels is pronounced ks. prett and putter do prickfast and gh, in : Enburgh, eight, abeigh, or to the MERCHANT'S FRIEND.] AD UTILITATEM OMINIU M. v 3). At the beginning and in the body of a word, when pronounced properly, quite as in English, but when final it then sounds as t. — Some Germans, but very spuriously, confound the d with t and b with p. See at B. It indicates want of education. ©, ee, eb. Sound long, just as Qſet or āb described, or as English ai or ay. - G. Short when not final, and at the end of a full word it is half mute or gently sounded; when short it sounds as English e in : let, set, debt. Çi, ey. Completely as English I or eye. - . Gu, äu, aeu. Sound as Dutch ui; the English possessing no sound to represent these genuine German and Dutch sounds. See Dutch part at wi or uy. 3. Equal to English F. G. Has generally a guttural sound before : e, i, y; but hard, as in English, before a, o, u, and the consonants. -- $). Always aspired at the beginning of a word, but mute in the body or at the end; and only tends to lengthen the vowel sound occurring in such a word. Ş, i9, ie, ieb. Sound long, as English ee in : meet, see, thee, free. Ş. Short when not final, as in ; pin, thin, stick. j. Is equal to English y in : yes, year, yoke. Never imitate the uneducated Berliner in pronouncing: “Ein gute gebratener Gans ist eine gute Gabe Gottes.” $, $, ºt, St. All equal to the English sounds thereof. - p, ob, oo. Sound long, as in English : grove, stove, door, floor, road, boat, bold, toe, 90, four, coat, bore. £). Short when not final. - £e, §5, §. Sound long, like Dutch and French eu, Danish and Swedish 6, or somewhat as the short u in : occur, incur, or as ea in heard. £i. Is the English oi. - - 1 %), O, St, *, *. All equal to the pure English sounds assigned to each individually, when properly sounded. Some Austrians, Bohemians, Bavarians, and Wurtemburgers confound B with P, D with T, G with K, and those of Berlin often confound G with J.; but there is no worse German pronunciation than that of Hamburg and of Cologn, which may be called Kauderwälsch, signifying, gibberish. T followed by ion sounds like C, and Z as ts—The so-called Platt Deutsch, or Low German, is spoken in Westphalia. - ©d). Completely represents the English sh or French ch. 11, u%. Quite as English 00 in : book, look, or u in bull. ll, àb. No words in English nor description to represent this sound. The proper sound is completely like the French it, the Dutch uv, the Danish and Swedish y, and nearly Scottish wi. See the Dutch part at the U, or uv long. i - lli, ut). Is English ooi, ooy or 00ee. - 3, Sounds between English v and f. In the pronunciation, both Germans and Dutch do not make any distinction between F and W. §3. Sounds somewhat like English V. . . * \ vi - AD UTILITATEM OMNIUM. [MERCHANT’s FRIEND. . | Q). Is the English sound of I or eye. - 3. Always sounds as ts, which sound also the C obtains before e, i, y, ti, 6. P.S. The pronunciation of the well-educated Hanoverian is the best German. No. 4. Pronunciation of the Danish language (Danske Sprog). A. Has the same sound as ah in German, aa in Dutch, a in French, a in Scottish wha', or English a in : arm, bar, far. Aa. Sounds like English a in : wall, tall, war, or as ough in : ought, brought. Ae, ab, d. Sound as in English ea in : head, bread, or e in : wed, bed, fed. Ai, ay, aj. Are English I or eye. Av. Is the English ou as heard in : our, bound, sour. B, C, D. Equal to the English utterance. Sometimes the final d is completely sunk or mute; but whenever heard at the end of words, it is then sounded completely as English th hard; — a sound which is only existing in English for th; Castilian, for Z, or for C, when before e, i or y; in Greek for 6), 0; and in Danish for final D, when sounded. E, ee. Sounds long, as English ai or ay, or a in : hate, pay, pain. IE. Short when not final, and sounds as e in : let, set. Fi, ej. Nearly sounding as English I or eye. Ev. Is the Dutch eeuw, English aioow or ayo0. f } * in Spanish, or rather F, G, H, All as in English. The G is hard, as in English, before a, o, u, and the consonants, but before à, Ö, e, i, y, it has a sound something like the mixed sound of hy or ki, wherein the sound of i or y is scarcely perceptible, just as is sounded everywhere except before V. — Spiritus lenis. I, ii, ie. Sound long, as English ee in : meet, knee, three. I. Short when not final, as in : pin, thin. J. Is sounded as English yin : yes, yon, yellow. JK, L, M, N. All just as in English. O. Sounds long, as in English: more, bore, door, toe. in Swedish. The H MERCHANT’s FRIEND.] AD UTILITATEM OMNIU M. vii Q. Short when not final, as in English: pot, lot, dot. º - \ O, £). Sounds as the French and Dutch eu, German 6, or nearly as short u in : occur, incur, or ea in heard. - Ov. Is completely English ow as in : down, bow, how. Oi, off. Is English oi or oy. P, Q, R, S, T. Equal to the English sounds. T before ion sounds also just as in English nation, or as sh English. U, wu. Sound long, as English oo in : book, loom, or u in : full, bull. Ui, uj. Is English ooi or ooee. - \ V. Answers exactly to the English W. Y. Is the French &, Dutch wu, German ilh, nearly Scottish wi. See the Dutch part at wu. 2. Exactly as in English.-P.S. The pronunciation of the Copenhagen man of education is the best Danish. No. 5. Pronunciation of the Swedish language (Svenska Språk). 4. Is equal to the German ah, French d, Dutch aa, Scottish a in a’, or English a in : arm, bar. A., á. Is the pure unaffected English o, or oa, as heard in: more, told, toe, or in : boat, goat, road; being the Swedish á, just as the - English oa, composed of 0 and a. - 4, ii. Is the English e or ea as heard in : bed, wed, bread, dead. Ai, aj. Sound as English I or eye. | Av. Is the English ou as heard in : our, foul, doubt. \ | B, C, D., All sound as in English. - E. Sounds as English long ai or ay, or a in : hate, date, pain, day. : ' E. Sometimes short when not final, as in : let, set, bet. - \ * - * Ev. Sounds aioo or ayoon). - | Ei, ej. Sounds nearly as I or eye. - F. At the beginning and in the body of a word, when not followed by v, it then sounds as in English; but when final, or when imme- diately followed by v, it then sounds as w in English. - - w - viii AD UTILITATEM ownIUM. [MERCHANT’s FRIEND. : A, @. Sounds long, as English a in: arm, far, bar, tar, or Scottish a' as heard in : - i or y were preceding those vowels; touching the i or y sound very slightly. ! II. Always sounding as in: house, home; except when standing before v (which often occurs in Danish and Swedish), it then is entirely sunk or made mute. - - - - I, ie. Equal to english long ee in : teeth, meek, tree. & J. Is English y in : year, yore, yankee. F, L, M, N. All as in English, except K, when standing before e, à, Ö, y, i, it acquires nearly the similar peculiarity as explained at the G. O. Is the English sound of au, aw, or ough, as in : naughty, applaud, saw, dawn, bought, fought. O. No sound in English to imitate. It is the Dutch and French eu, German and Danish 6, or nearly English ea or u short, as in : heard and occur, incur. Oi, o]. Is English of or oy. P, Q, R, S, T. All as in English, but quite pure; — t, followed by ion, Sounds s. p Sk. Before à, 6, e, i, y, sounds as English sh or French ch, but before all the rest as sk in English. St. Often sounds as English sh or sht, and ch before à, 6, e, i, y, but as pure st before all the rest. Is the English 00 or u as heard in : loom, book, bull, pull. - Is English w. No sound in English to represent it. It is the French it, the Dutch wu, the German uh, the Danish y, or nearly Scottish wi. See the Dutch part at ww. Completely º in English.—P.S. The pronunciation of the well-educated Stockholmers and Upsala men is said to be the best Swedish. G. Is hard before a, o, u, ä, and all the consonants. When followed however by ii, 6, e, y, i, it always sounds as if a slight i i | No. 6. - Pronunciation of the French language (Langue Française). “Wha' for Scotland's king and law Freedom's sword will strongly draw, Freeman stand, or freeman fa’.” MERCHANT’s FRIEND.] * AD UTILITATEM OMNIUM. - ix A. Short a, as in : “Caledonians / on wi' me !” in English, pat, has, Scottish, “We'll tak’ a cup of friendship yet.” Ai, ay. Is sometimes sounded as English ai or ay, and sometimes ea, as in : bread. Au. Sounds completely as English o in : told, more, toe. B, C, D. The same value as in English; only sound the final b and d as p and t. — Q is always sounded ss. Ch. , Is generally sounded as English sh, and very seldom as k, in Greek derivations. , é. Is English ai, ay, or a, as heard in : daily, fair, day, way, late, fate. Fau. Is completely English o as in : more, door, toe, no, grow. E, 8. Is English e or a as heard in : met, set, bat, pat. }}, 6. Is English ea or e as heard in : bread, lead, head, dead, wed, bed, led. E, e. Unaccented, final or at the end, is nearly mute. Eu. Cannot be signified in English. It is German 6, Dutch eu, and nearly English u or ea in : occur and heard. Eui. No sound in English to represent this peculiar French sound. It is Dutch ui and German eu. Em, en. Always as English ang, through the nose, or nasal, except in very few words where enne at the beginning, and en at the end, sounds as in English. F. The same value as in English. Gn. Is pronounced through the nose combined nearly hºni. G. Sounds harder than sh and softer than j before : e, i, y; otherwise always hard, as in English, before the rest. Ji. Generally mute, but when sounded, scarcely audible. — Spiritus lenis. I, i. Is English long ee in : see, three, fee, yankee. I, i. Rather short as in : pin, sin. J. Equal to French g soft, or in English between sh and j. - e K, L, M, N. All as in English. Double ll is sometimes called mouillé or liquidé, sounding nearly hli lisping, touching the i very slightly. N. At the end is produced through the nose, and called nasal. . O, 6. Sounds as in : more, toe, fold, door. O. Sometimes short as in : pot, lot, when not final. Qe. Sounds mostly 0-6, and again as: wa or ua. Oeu, Eu. Have the same sound. No sound in English to imitate or represent it. It is the Dutch eu, the German, Danish, and Swedish o, or nearly English u short, as heard in : incur, occur, or ea in : heard. Oi, oy. Is pronounced as wa’, ua’, in : what and squat. Ou. Is completely oo or u in : book, soot, pull, full. P, Q, R, S, T. All as in English, but always pure. T standing before ion is sounded as ss. ! : .s: i X AD UTILITATIEM OMNIUM. º [MERCHANT's FRIEND. U, #. No sound in English to represent this French sound. . It is a genuine continental sound. It is the Dutch uu, the German wh, the Danish y, or nearly Scottish ui. See its description in the Dutch part at uu. - Ua, Ue, Preceded by g or q, the u therein is sunk or mute; with a few exceptions. Ui, uy. Is nearly uwee or eewee when not preceded by g or q, in which case the u therein is sunk. | | Y, X. As in English. : Y. Is English ee as in : meet, see. f | Z. Just as in English. — P.S. The well educated Parisian pronunciation is considered the most sweet and flattering, and that of the Swiss Cantons the most oratorial. - No. 7. Pronunciation of the Italian language (Lingua Italiana). “LA LINGUA ROMANA D'UNA BocCA TOSCANA.” A. Is long French d, or English a as in : arm, far, bar, balm, when not followed by two immediate consonants, in which case short a as in : bat, lath. - Ai, aj. Is English I or eye. * f Au. As English ou or ow in : out, now. - P. As in English, when properly sounded. C, cc. Is pronounced before e, i, y, as English ch; but before a, o, u, and the consonants as k. Ch. Is always sounded k. D. As in English. . E. Is when long sounded ai or ay, and when short e as in: let. Fi, ej. Is nearly English I or eye. IEu. Sounds aſyo0. F. Quite as in English. G. When before e, i, y, is sounded completely as English j or g; consequently dja: ; but before all the rest hard as in English glass. Gl. Is French double ll mouillé, nearly English hli lisping. MERCHANT’s FRIEND.] AID UTILITATEM OMINIUM. xi + Gn. Is French gn, nearly English hni. Gh. Is always hard g as in : gloom, go, glass. - - Gua, gue, gui, guo, sounded: gua, gway, gwee, guro. In fact, every letter in every word is sounded quite distinctly, except occasionally the g, before land n, when liquid. We ought to pronounce the Latin as the Italians do. See my lecture on languages. H. Seldom used, and never sounded. — Spiritus lenis. I. Is English ee in : meet, see, thee. J. Is English y in: yes, yoke, you. JC, L, M, N. Quite as in English. O. As English o in : more, told, door, toe. Oi, off. English oi or oy. P, Q, R, S, T. Completely as in English. — Qua, que, qui, sounded, Kwa, kway, kwee. Sce. Is sounded : Shay or shai. Sci. Sounds: Shee or she. - U. Quite the same as English oo or u in : book, loom, foot, pull, bull, full. Ui, uj. English ooi or ooee. V. As in English. Z. Is pronounced ts or tz. — P.S. The Tuscan dialect is undoubtedly the best Italian. No. 8. Pronunciation of the Spanish or Castilian language (Lengua Española). “; HABLA V" LA LENGUA ESPANoLA 6 EL IDIOMA CASTELLANo 7” 4. Is sounded as in English: arm, barn, bar, psalm, balm, long; but shortened only by consonants ensuing. Ai, ay. Sounds I or eye. - Au. Sounds as ou or ow in : bound, our, now, how. B. As in English. Sometimes confounded with v. See at this letter or character. - . C. When before e, i, y, it has in Castilian and among the civilized classes the permanent sound of z, which is quite the same sound the English th represents: but sounds k before all the rest. | | xii - - AD UTILITATEM OMINIU M. [MERCHANT’s FRIEND. ' Ch. Completely as in English ch. D. As in English. E. Generally as English ai or ay; but when immediately succeeded by two consonants, it sounds as e in : set, let. IEi, ey. Sound aiee or ayee. - Iºu. Is aioo or ayoo. F. As in English. G. Before e, i, y, it then has a pure guttural sound, which the j always preserves. This guttural sound is represented by the German d, and Dutch ch, Russian x, and the Scottish ch and gh. See the Dutch part at G. Before all other characters it sounds as in English : glass, go. Gua, guo. Sounds gwa, gwo. • Gue, gui. In these sounds the u is mute, and the g sounds hard as in : go, glass. H. Never sounded in Spanish. — Spiritus lenis. I. Is English ee in : See, three. J. Is always sounded guttural, as German d) and Dutch ch, Scottish ch and gh, Russian x. See the Dutch part at G. L. As in English. Ll. Is equal to the French double ll mouillé, and sounds nearly hli. M, N. As in English. - . N. Is the French and Italian gn, nearly sounded hni. O, P, Q, R, S, T. As in English. The o sounds as o in : more, told, toe; but is shortened by succeeding consonants. Qua, quo, is pronounced, kwa, kwo. Que, qui, quy, make the u mute. - V. When properly sounded is completely as in English ; but the generality of the Spaniards commonly confound this sound with that of the B; so, instead of vaca they often say: baca to a cow, instead of valor, Vasconsellos, they say, balor, Basconsellos. X. Sometimes eks, sometimes simples; but very seldom indeed, and now a days erroneous, to give this character its former predominant guttural sound. Instead of old Spanish: Don Quiacote, spell now, Don Quijote, pronouncing the j guttural. Y. At the beginning as in English : yes, year, you ; but at the middle and when final sound it as English ee. Z. When properly pronounced, as the Castilians do, it must always be sounded as th sharp in English; but common people and country gentlemen sound it as s or ss. – Only the English th, the Danish final d, the Greek 6) or 0, and the Castilian z and c before e, i, and y, are able to produce this stumblingblock to all other foreigners. — Tell a Dutchman, Frenchman, German, Portuguese, Swede, or Italian to say: Thirty three thousand, three thick and thin thorns in thy thin thumb, with a lath through their thimble and thy thick thigh. I recollect hearing a Dutch schoolmaster say: “I am dirty (thirty) and my wife is dirty too (thirty-two).” — In endeavouring to catch the English sound of th some foreigners make it sound like s, others like f, and others again like simple t; , but seldom or never do they lay hold of the proper English sound. Only the Russians, Hollanders, and the Scotch, experience no difficulty in making languages their own. P.S. The Castilian is the best pronunciation, called: Idioma Castellano. l t | MERCHANT'S FRIEND.] - AID UTILITATEM OMNIU M. xiii No. 9. Pronunciation of the Portuguese language (Lingoa Portugueza). A. Is equal to English a in : arm, bar, dart, start. \ B, C. As in English. Q. As French Q; always sounded as ss. Ch. Is the English sh, French ch, Italian c, or German sch. E. Sounds as ai or ay in English. F. As in English. G. Sounds as the French g before e, i, y or j in French, or between English sh and j. Before the rest it is hard. Gua, guo. Pronounced gwa, gwo. - Gue, gui, guy. Make the u therein mute and the g hard. B. Generally mute. — Spiritus lenis. - I. As English long ee in : meet, thee, he, she. J. Is always sounded as in French, between English sh and j. JK, L, M, N, O, P. As in English. The o as in : toe, more; and when short as in : hot, pot. Q, R, S, T. As in English. — Qua, quo, sound: kwa, kwo; but que, qui, quy, make the u mute. U. Always sounds as English oo or u in : book, bull. . X. Has generally the same sound as French ch or English sh; but is sometimes sounded eks, s, or ss. Y Is English ee in : meet, and sometimes y in : yes. - V. Z. Equal to the English sounds. Lh. Is French ll mouillé, Italian gl, Spanish ll, or nearly English hli. Nh. Is French and Italian gn, Spanish ſi, and nearly English hºni. A, O. Mean either this or the succeeding letter must be sounded nasal, or as if still n or m were standing behind. Lisbon (Lisboa) is the best Portuguese. - - P.S. The pronunciation of xiv AD UTILITATEM OMNIUM. [MERCHANT’s FRIEND. No. 10. Pronunciation of the Russian language (H3PIRE PyccRaro). N.B. The combination of these characters into syllables and words must unavoidably be taught by a well-bred Russian out of St. Petersburg ; or Archangel, from Moscow or Odessa less preferable. CAPITAL : MINOR ONES : CAL LED : PRONOUNCED : A. a, a ASS A. : as in French, Scottish, German. B. 6 Bookee B: as in all languages. B. B Veeaidee, or weeaydee V: and W : as in all languages. T. T Glagolh G: as heard in : great; sometimes H. : as in all languages. – Spiritus asper. : A. A, Dobbro D: as in all languages. i E. © Yaysth, or yaiste A : as in English: hate, date. — E: as in French : parl Er, aim Er. O: as in English: . go, foe. Eu as in French: feu, deua. – Yea : as in English: Øyear, ya, yate. ; H. }* Sheewiait Sh: as in English : ship, she. — ch: as in French : charm. . 3. 3 Zemla Z: as in English : zeal. i M, M ñ, M Eeshay Ee: as in English: meet, here. I. I, 1 Ee I:, as in French: image, ile. — English : me, be, see. - i H. Hº Rakko FC: as in all languages. . : Jl. Jl Lioodee L: as in all languages, but with the tip of the tongue bent or turned up against the upper- º part of the palate. º ; i M. M Muislate M: as in all languages. º H. H Nash N: , , , – ; ; 0. O On O. : , , , – sometimes a as in French. II. II Pokoy A : 22 22 22 T ; P. p Rtswee R: , , , – C. C Slowo S: , , , – ; T. T Twerdo T: , , , – | Y. y Oo, u Oo: as in English: book. Ó. dip Fert F: as in all languages. X. x nearly Ghiarr (guttural) Gh, ch: as in Scottish, Dutch, German; pure guttural. MERCHANT'S FRIEND.] | AD UTILITATEM om NIUM. xv. CAPITAL : MINOR - CALLED : PRONO UNCED : II. II, Tswee T's, t2: as in all languages. *I. *H Tcherff Ch, teh; as in English : chin, charm, Dutch. III. III Shaw Sh: as in English: sharp. ; : III. III, Shttchaw Shtch: as in English : she — charms, pronounced combined, as if one word, Shch. To. Tº Yerr Hſ: makes hard and shortens, that is, makes the final consonant double. BI. BI Yerri Ui, Oowée, hwee : as in English. B. He Yayre II: makes soft and lengthens, as h in : ghost, etc. "B. *H Yaite IE: as in French : étre. EA, as in English : bread. Ya, as : Yankee. 3. 3 Ay, a, a A. : as in English : hate, date. E. as in French: donnée. FO. FO You, u U: as in English: due, duly. Iow: as in French. H. H Ya, yai Ya : as in all languages. 6). {} Feeta - F': ,, 97 29 V". V" Eeshitsa. Y, W: Seldom used. Thus we see the Russians do not employ so many subsequent consonants, as many people, when imitating the Russian pronunciation with Latin characters, are apt to presume; but one single Russian consonant sometimes represents several of our Latin consonants combined. Bear in mind: living languages, that is, Vital speech, cannot be merely taught nor learned by books only. Engage an educated man as a teacher, and pay him fairly. P.S. May the English, Scotch and Irish youth, in studying my four works, be enabled to cope with the myriads of Germans who have, since 1851, completely invaded the United Kingdom, through their linguistic advantage, reducing labour, wages, and salaries, to a most fabulous low-water mark. See at the Preface. AUTHOR AND SOLE PROPRIETOR, 12, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, London, August 1865. DR. K. P. TER REEHORST, Professor, Translator, and Interpreter. # Of few Classical Works and other Books in the last nine foregoing languages, brought to the notice of the Reader. Hollandsch (Nederlandsch).--Dutch. t The poetical works of: Bilderdyk, Tollens, Rynois Feith, the inimitable Sermons of Van der Palm, D.D., the masterpieces of the immortal Oosterzee, - D.D., of Borger, D.D., the works of Van Lennep, of Des Amorie van der Hoeven, I. Da Costa, Miss Toussaint, and above all, “The IHistory of Church-Reformation in Sketches,” by the highly dignified Reverend B. ter Haar, D.D. — I strongly recommend this last work to the notice of those who love God, Christ the Lord, and Truth. — It is masterly got up. Never saw I any writer so faithful to sacred Truth, so happily combine that elegance and simplicity of style with all the fascinating tropes, to the facts occurring. — Well may this work deserve a worthy place in our library next to the Bible. Amateurs to the Dutchfriesian dialect may be referred to “De Lappehoer fen Gabe Scroar,” by the Revd. Halbertsma. - •. Français.-French g The works of: A. Delamartine, Boileau Despréaua, Jean Racine, Eugène Sue, Aleaxander Dumas, Victor Hugo, Thiers, Napoleon III. f . Øeutſd).--German. The works of: ©diſſer, Goethe, 3rummadyer, 3oſſicoffer, 3immermann, Biſmar, Seſſing, Geſſert, pom Glaubius, Sãrger, $ſopſtod, ćd legeſ, pom Qebeſ, won $erber, etc. ! Dansk–Danish. The works of: Rahbek, Kraft, Samsöe, Tode, Wessel, Brunn, Lund, Friman, Ingerman, Olsen, Zeltlitz. !, Svensk.—Swedish. - The works of: Tegner, Stagnelius, Franzen, Frederika, Bremer, Lenngren, Granberg, Valerius. Italiano.—Italian. The works of: Torquato Tasso, Bocaccio, Petrarca, Francesca Soave, Pascaglia, Cavour, Gavazzi, The Encyclical Letter of Pius IX. Español.–Spanish. : The works of: Miguel de Cervantes Saaverda, Martinez de la Rosa, Juan Bautista Alonso, Gregorio Bomero gy Larranga, Manuel Breton de los Herreros, Santos Lopez Pelegrin, Narvaez, etc. Portuguez-Portuguese. i The works of: Antonio Ferreira, Diogo Bernardes, Leonel da Costa, Luis Pereira, João de Lucena. Pycchiji.-Russian. HHR0.1ah IIanebaro, AnekeahApt, Byiliakobº. xvi. - - * w A L IS T ſ [MERCHANT’s FRIEND, . | DR. REEHorsts MERCHANT'S FRIEND, IN TEN LANGUAGES, SECOND EDITION. LONDON : AUGUST, 1865. l English Hollandsch Øeutſd; Dansk og Norsk 5. Account current. 6. Accountant, employed in bankruptcy. 7. Account sales, Sale Ac- COuntS. 8. Acquittal, discharge. 9. Actions. 10. Act, deed. 11. Acts of Parliament and Decisions are the only laws; no Code. 12. 13. 14. 15. Active debts. Administer an oath. Advance, to rise. , Advance money, bounty. 16. Admiralty Court is a pre- rogative Court, a judge and two elder brothers sitting. 17. Affidavit, manifest. 18. Aforesaid, mentioned. Rekening courant. Boelberedderaar. Verkoop-rekeningen. Acquitte en décharge, Ontslag, kwitantie. - Acties, aandeelen. Acte. Besluiten van de Staten gene- raal zyn de eenige wetten; geene Code. Werkelijke Schuld. Den eed afnemen. Stijgen, naar boven gaan. Voorschot, handgeld, Admiraliteits Geregtshof is eene bevoorregte Regtbank over zeezaken. Verklaring, manifest. Voorzegd, voormeld. Çomfo Gorrento, ſaufenbe fied): nung. Šted nungéfüşrer. 98erfaufºtednung, Çonfobento. ©ntſaſung, Gutfölag, Gmpfang- fdyein. 2[ctione, QIntbeiſe. 2ſuéfertigung, 98erfaſſung, $etti- gung. 2[cten beg Sparſementé ſins bic Çinsigen Geſeke &ngſambé; fein Geſe:;bud). 2[ctibum, 2Icticſóuſe. Øem Çib abforberm. ©teigen, ſid) etbeben. 2ſuélage, Spanbgelö. Qſbmiraſitäté Öeridºt, nut für &ce. 2Ingeſegenbeiten. Grflärung, ºanifeſt. Çrmášnt. Svensk | (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. A 1 º ship accord-Schip van de eerste klasse. ©diff Set &rſten $(affe. Skib afforste klasse. Skepp afförsta klasse. ing to Lloyd's. - 2. Abroad. Buitenlands, buiten 's lands. |Quéſans, Quéſànbiſd). Udlandet. Främmandeland. 3. Accept. Accepteren, aannemen. 2[cceptirem. Acceptere. Antaga, acceptera. 4. According to. Volgens, overeenkomstig. Gemäß, mad). Overeenstemmende. Enligt, efter. Regning kurant. Regnskabsförer. Salg-Regning, Contovento. Modtagelsesbeviis. Andeel, Actioner. Udfærdigelse. Acter, Torhandlinger. Activgjeld. Affordre ed. , Stige op. Forskud, haandpenge. Admiralitets-Dom, Admirali- tets-Ting. Forklaring. Omtaledes, navndes. Lópande Råkning, Rāk- ning kurant. Bākhällare. Försäljning Råkning. Qvitto. Audeler, actioner, hand- ling. Författning. Akter, Gerningar. | Aktifsäld, fordran. Pälägga ed. Stiga, uppstiga. Fórskott, handpengar. Amiralitets-Domstol. Förklarning. Förnämd. Francais PyccKiii º l Italiano Portuguez Español 6 Castellano (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Navire de la première classe, selon Véritas. 2. Etranger, aubain. 3. Accepter. 4. D'après, selon. 5. Compte courant, 6 7 8 9 . Compteur. . Comptes de vente. . Acquit et décharge. . Actions. l0. Acte. l1. Les Actes du Parlement font le seule Code d'angle- terre compris en 44 tomes en quarto. 12. Dettes actives. 13. Faire préter serment. 14. Monter, hausser. 15. Avance, déboursement. 16. Tribunal d'Amirauté, seulement pour des choses maritimes. 17. Declaration, manifeste, 18. Susdit. Bastimento della prima Ordine, Straniere. Accetare. Seconde. Conto corrente. Computista. Conto vento. Achitto e quitanza, Recevuto. Azioni. Atto. Gli Atti del Parlamento sono le leggi soltanti d'Inghil- terra. Debiti attivi. Fare prestare giuramento. Alzare, montare. Sbolso, sborso, anticipamento, Corte è Tribunale d'ammi- ragliato. Dichiarazione. Sopra detto. Navio de la primera classe, segun Veritas. Pais estrangero. Aceptar. A, segun. Cuenta corriente. Hacedor que compone los negocios. Cuenta de venta. Descargo y descarga, carta de pago y recibo. Acciones. Auto. Los Autos de Parlamento son solamente las leyes de Inglaterra. n Cobros. Hacer prestar juramento. Subir, alzar. Desembolso, pagamento de antemano. Tribunal de Almirantazgo. Manifiesto, declaracion. Consabido, sobredicho. Nao de primeira Classe. Paiz estranho. Aceitar. Conforme. Conta correnta. Contador. Conta de venda. Descarga, quitagão. Acgåos. Auto, acto. Decretos, Autos. Deveres activos. Fazer dar juramento. Encher, subir. Desembolso, antado. Tribunal do Almirantado. dinheiro adi- Declaração. Sobredicto. II babIfi Ropa6 MB. MHoeTpaHen E. IIpHHHTE. IIo. OTuéTE KypaHTE. CsieTvIHRTE. CuéTT oTE IIpoAaRts. RBHTaHIia. ARIEI. ARTEI. A, BAHie, V Ra3TBEI. AoMTBI. IIpMcHTaBaTE. Boex0AHTB. Ma Aep RHBaHie. AAMhpalcTo-CyA E. Alert MapaIia. BBIIIIepe Ieh HEIii. 5 e HI. H.I.E. 3)eutſd; D.E.N. Svensk Council, held by three or four passed Lord Chancellors. 11. Applications. 12. Apportionment, judicious allotment. 13. Appraisement, valuation. 14. Arrears, bad debts. 15. Articles, goods. 16. Arbiters, arbitraters, um- pires, judges. den Hoogen Raad. Verzoek, informatien, ver- zoekschriften. Verdeeling, Repartitie. Schatting, taxatie. Achterstallige Schulden. Goederen, artiekelen. Deskundigen, Arbiters, scheids- lieden. Şambeg. Geſud), šitte, 2Infrage, Şnforma- tionert. (£intbeilung, Stepartition. ©djašung, £ayitung. Štúdſteşembe Gºdjuſb. Saarem, @adjen, Qirfifeſ. ©dicSéridjfer, Čntſdjeiburgāmān- 110 !. Tilvendning. Indeelning, Repartition. Skatten, Wurdering. Varer. Afgjörelsemand, maend. kjendelse- (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Agency, agence. Agentschap. 2ſgenfur. Agentyr. Agentur, agentyr, agent- 2. Agreement, contract. Overeenkomst, contract, ver- |3ertrag, Çontract, ile6ereinſtima Contract. oºm. z 3. Alien duties. vº. regten. * 30ſ, $rembe Redfen. Udenlandske told. Utrikes Tullen. 4. Alibi, elsewhere. Absent, afwezig, ergens anders. Qſbmeſent, entfermt. Fravarende. Annorstädes. 5. Allowance, discount. Rabat, koring, toegift, kap- ºptimage, Şappſafen, 26;Ug. Prime, kaplaken. Skillnad, kaplaken. 6. Amount, sum. bº eener som, beloop, 25ettag, Øeſauf. Belöb, sum. Belopp. 7. Annexed. Nº. inliggend, bij- |$ntag, beigebenb. Indlag. Inneliggande. 8. Announced. Aºtº. aangeslagen. 2ngefünbigt. Forkyndet. Förkunnat, kungördes. 9. Apply to. Zich vervoegen tot. ©id perfügen äu, ſid member ºu. |Vende sig, forföie sig til. Förfoga sig till. 10. Appeal to , the Privy |Appel of Hooger beroep op |2|ppeſſation sum obergetidt beg|Indstavning for en höjere Ret.[Vădjande. Åberopare, tillfrégan, an- sökning. Jemndelning, Repartition. Vårdering, taxering. Äterstående. Köpmanskaper, godsen. Skiljesmän. varor, Français Italiano Español Ó Castellano Portuguez Pycekiä (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) JRussian.) 1. Agence. Agencia. Agencia. Agencia. ArehTcTbo. 2. Convénance, accord, con- |Accordo, Contratto. Avenencia, Contrato. Acordo. Akop A'B', corºlacie. trat. 3. Droits étrangers. 4. D'autre part, ailleur. 5. Rabais, chapeau. 6. Montant, somme. 7. Ci-joint. 8. Annoncé, publié. 9. s'Adresser a. 10. Appèl sur un Tribunal supérieur Définitif. 11. Informations, sollicita- tions, enquêtes. 12. Repartition, Division. 13. Evaluation. 14. Arrérages, arrières. 15. Articles, denrées, mar- chandises. 16. Arbitres, juges. Diritti stranieri. Altrove. Ribasso. Montante, somma, totale. Inchiusa. Annunziato. Indizzarsi. Appellazione Informazione. Partizione, Repartizione. Apprezzamento. Arretrati. Articuli, mercanzie, Arbitrj. Afueros. E. otra parte. Rebaja, capa y sombrero. Importe, total. Adjunta. Anunciado. Acudirse. Apelacion. Informes, peticiones. Prorateo. Aprecio. Atrasados. Renglones, generos, articulos. Arbitros. Direitos estranhos. Em outra parte, Rebato. Total, summa. Aqui-juncto, incluso. Annunciado. Dirigirse. Appellacão. Informe, petigäos. Prorata. Avaliacão. Juros, vencidos. Fazendas, generos, donas. Arbibitros. merca- *Iy?KAbiſi IIoIIIlhhhi. AſokasatelhetB0 CTBih. Cóabka. OTCyT- Roth'iecTB0, ctoika. IIpyºloſſehhbi. 06thBMBT. 06pathTE.ca Rt. IIepehoct. Mompóct. YA Bºlehie. On Bhka. He no#MkM. Tobapi, Toprei. …sº IIocpenhhk'º. 3 English Hollandsch Øeutſd) Dansk Og Norsk Svensk (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Armour-plated ships. Yzerenplaat schepen. Çifermeplatt-Gºd)iffe, Jernplaadskibe. Jernplatskeppar. 2. Assignees. Curators, syndics. 25epoſſmād)figten. Befuldma“gtigter. Fullmägtiger. 3. Assets and liabilities. Crédit en Debit, Passif en Gſäubiger umb &djuſbmer, paſſif Troende og skyldner, Passif|Egendom och Förplig- Actif. unt 2ſcfif. og Actif. tadheder. e is . * 4. Attorney, representative. Volmagtigde, gevolmagtigde, |2|moaſt, beboſſmādītigter. Fuldma“gtig. Ombudsman, fullmägtig. 5. At an average. Door elkander. 30urd}ſdymittépreið, miteimanber. Med hverandre. Medelpris, med en och andra. 6. At a discount. Onder pari. llnfet pati. Underpari. Under pari. 7. At par. Pari. Syari. Pari. Pari. 8. At a premium. Boven pari. Qbert pari. Ovenpari. Ofvan pari. 9. Attend, attendance. Nota nemen, letten. Söemerfen. Bemerke. Jakttaga, bli varse. 10. Average Statement. Reglement, opgave der Zee- |Steglement, 2ſufgabe bet &eeidjaz Reglement, Reglement. - Schaden. ben. * 11. Average adjuster, Average |Despacheur, iemand die de ||Oespaſtºr, ?ſufſteſſet bet 2(perie, Despaskjörer. Despaskiörer. Stater. zeeschaden opmaakt, 2[perie beſtätiger. g 12. Average, damage. Averij, Schade. 2ſoarie, Gºdbaben, ſhaperie. Averi, Haveri. Afvari, Haveri. 13. Bail, guarantee. Borg, cautie. Şārge, Gaution. Borgen. Löfesman. 14, Bailiff, marshall at arms. Deurwaarder. Qāſdjer. Bysvend. l Byfogde. 15. Bale, bag, sack. Baal, zak. §aſſ, Gºadſ. Saek, balle. Säck. . 16. Balance. Balans, Saldo. Söaſan;, $5aſance, Çaſbo. Balance, Saldo. g Balans, Saldo. tº 17. Balance sheet. Saldo-Rekening, Rekening |&aſbo Rednung, Baſan;6(att, Saldo-Regning, Balanspapir. Saldera, Afslutnings- - en Verantwoording, balans- 20ted nungºpapier. papper. | blad. . 18. Ballast. Ballast. §aſſaſt. Baglast. g Barlast. tº º 19. Banker. Bankier, kassier. §anquiet, 3agſter. Wexeleer, Bankir. Bankir, kassóren. - Français PyccKiń 3 Italiano, Portuguez Español 6 Castellano (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Vaisseaux blindés. 2. Assignés, Substituts, Cura- teurS. 3. Passifs et Actifs, crédits et dettes. 4. Avoué, mandataire, chargé d'affaire. 5. En gros, l’un avec l'autre. . A l'escompte. . Au pair. . Au prime. . Prendre note, soin, soigner. 10. Réglement, Arrangement des pertes maritimes. 11. Despacheur. f : prendre I2. Avarie. 13. Garant, securité. 14. Huissier. 15. Balle, ballot, sac. 16. Balance. 17. Relevé, bilan. 18. Leste. 19. Banquier, caissier. Navigli di ferro, Bastimenti. ferrati. Assegnati. Passivi ed attivi, Credito e passivo. Mandatario, patrone. Alla grossa. Al disconto. Del pari. Alla prima. Prendere cura Ó nota, tenere in petto. Regolamento. Dispacciatore. Avaria. Delcredere, mallevadore. Usciere. Pallo. Bilancio. Ristretto d’un Conto, bilancio. Savora. Cambista, banchiere. Buques de hierro, Navios ferrados. Asignados. Fiado y deudos. Poderhabiendo, apoderado, mandatario. Ala gruesa. Abaja par, al descuento. Ala par. Al premio. Tomar nota, sequiar, cortejar. Regulamiento. Despachador. Avaria. Fiador, garante. Ujier. Saco, zurrone. Alcance. v Cuaderna de alcance, extracto de Cuentas. Lastre. Cambista, banquero. cuidar, obe- Naos ferreos. Assignados. Bens e Dividas. Apoderado, mandatario. Um com outro. Ao desconto, abaixa par. Ao par. Ao primo. Tomar nota. Regulamento. Despaxador. Avaria. Garante, fiador. Alcaide com Vara. Balla, Sacca. Balança. Balanço de Contas. Lastro. Banqueiro, cambista. YTIOTT, KopačMäbi. IIoBºbpehhbiſ. Octabliſeech MM'Bhie H /10.1th. - IIobbphhbiñ. OTIIoMt. HHRt Haphbiñ, HH-RE pab- HEIſ. IIaphEiji. Bepx'E IIaphbiń. 3aMBTHTE. BoapUIHHa-ByMara. Aechaniépt. Abapeñ. IIopy‘IHTele. McIIpabhākt. RHIIa, TroRT, Cakh. Ballahet. Bºbcbi-ByMara. BallacTE. Bahkhpº, Kagha'ien, Rac- chpº. 4 - English Svensk Hollandsch Dansk og Norsk Qeutſd; (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Bankruptcy Court is pre- sided over by a Commissio- ner, no jury. 2. Bargain. 3. Barrister, Counsel, Advo- Cate. 4. Bearer, holder. . Become due. . Bill of lading. : . Bill of exchange. . Bill of parcels, invoice. . Bill of fares. 10. Bill, account, statement. 11. Bills of accommodation. 12. Blotter, wastebook. T3. 14. Board of Directors. Bonddock. 15. Bond, contract. 16. Bookkeeping by double entry. 17. Bottomrybond. 18. Bounty, hand money. 19. Boxes, cases, chests. Bankroetiers Regtbanks reg- ter is een Commissaris. Koop, contract, inkoop. Advocaat, raadsman, pleiter. Toonder. Vervallen, verschijnen. Cognossement. Wissel, wisselbrief. Nota, afleveringsbriefje. Tarief. Rekening, wissel, voordragt. Onderhandsche Wissels, wis- selruitery. Kladboek, memoriaal. Vergadering van het bestuur, of der Administratie. |Entrepot dok. Contract, obligatie. Italiaansch boekhouden. Bodemerybrief. Handgeld. Kisten, dozen. 3Der &id)fer sum $5amfötudyā‘(522 rid)f iſt ein Çommiſſaire. ©infauf. Q[bbocat, maſter. Šmbabet, ºtăget, 3eiger. $82tfaſtem. Şted;tègeleſſºrter, @ady- §ed ſeſ, Şed ſeſbrief. SRotis, 3etteſ. 38er;eidjmiš. 2ſc.commobationé $3ed ſeſ, §ed): ſeſ. §[abbebud), 5) emoriaſ. $8ermaſtung6?atſ), ſungă îath. $teilager, Cºntrepotēod. 9&tſammez Çontract, 98erttag, Gºd}ein. 25udj9qltung. $50Semmericórief. %anègeſt. $iſtem, śaſten, Şüdſen. Connoſement,Sabungſöein, Čdyein. Sººnung, Bećieſ, 3etteſ, 2ntras. Bankerot-Ret. Kjöb, indkjöb. Advokat, Sagförer. Baerer, drager. Forfalde. ConnoSSement. Wexelbref. Factur. Fortegnelse. Seddel, regning, Forslag. Accommodations Wexel. Kladdebog. Forsamlings-Raad. Frioplag, entrepotdok. Contract. Bogholderi. Bodmeriebrew. Haandpenge. Kasse, kiste. Bankrutt-Domstolen. Köp, inköp. Advokat, Lagkarl. |Bäraren, innehafware. Förfalla. Connossementer. Växel, vexelbreſ, tratta. Factur. Tarif. - Råkning, växel, Lagför- slag. Bekvämligheds Växel. Kladdbok, memorial. Direktörer Sammantråde. Nederlag, Frilag, entre- cº, fordrag. Bokhälleri. Bottmeribref. Handpengar. Kistar, ládar. Français Italiano Español Ó Castellano Portuguez Pycckiii 4 17. (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Tribunal pour les Faillites, pour emprisonner ou passer la Homologation. . Achât, emplètte. . Avocat, plaideur. . Porteur, détenteur. . Etre échü, êchéance. . Connaissement. . Lettre de change. . Note, mémoires, billets de livrance. t 9. Tarif. 10. Compte, billet, note, pro- osition. 11. Billets de complaisance. 12. 13. 14, 15. I6. Brouillard, brouillon. Conseil d’Administration. Bassin d’Entrepot. Contrat, obligation. Tenue de livre. Bonmerie, lettre de grosse. 18. Avance, bonté. 19. Caisses, boites. MERCHANT’s FRIEND.] Tribunale soltanto per giudi- care ed acconciare i Falli- menti. Compra. Avvocato, patrocinante. Facchino, detentore. Scadere. Polizza di carico, conosci- mentO. Lettera di cambio. Viglietto. Tariffa. Conto, cambiale, proposizione. Wigletti di commodo. Stracciafoglio, carta sugante. Consiglio d’ammistrazione. Baccino franco, baccione di diposito. Contratto. Tenuta di libri. Documento di Bonmeria. Anticipamento. Scatole, casse. Tribunal solamente para arre- glar las bancarrotas. Compra. Abogado, letrado. Cartero, portador, tenedor. Estar vencida. Conocimiento. Letra de cambio. Cedula. Arancel, tarifa. Cuenta, letra de cambio, billete, proposicion. Letras de Comoda. Borrador, papel de estraza. Consejo de Administracion. Surgidero de deposo. Contrato. Tenido de libros. Buenmeria, contrata ala gruesa. Antemano, Antepago. Cajas. Tribunal de Bancarotas. Compra. Advogado, letrado. Portador, carteiro. Vencer. Conhecimento. Lettra de cambio. Factura. Tarifa. Conto, bilhete. Borrão, mataborrão. Conselho de Administracão. Tanque de emporio. Contracto, pacto. Ter de livros. Lettra de bommeria. Advanço. Caixas, cofres. C He coctoate.nehocte Cy, l'h. IIokyrika. AA,BokaTE. f TIOAaTenb. Cpok'h. Rohocame HTT. Bekcene. (pakTypa. Jlaphºb. B Hºlett. o © º *Hébihah Khara. CobbTE, OTL IIpabhtenéI. CRJian,0+hoe MºbcT0. Rohtpakth. IIHeath, couh HeHie. IIocMo Ha B0AeMph. B.naroct'h. HIII, hkhi, Rabha, cyhnykhi. 5 English Hollandsch Qeutſd; Danskog Norsk Svensk (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 11. Chancellor of the 1. Brisk, wanted. 2. Brief of a Solicitor for a Councillor. 3. Broker. 4. Brokerage. 5. Business. 6. Buyer, purchaser. 7. Capias, in civil cases, is equal to a Warrant in criminal cases, or habeas corpus. 8. Cargo, loading. 9. Carry correspondence. 10. Chairman, president. Ex- chequer, the Treasurer who makes out the Budget. 12. Charges, costs, outlay. 13. Charter party. 14. Cheap. 15. Check, cheque. Levendig, Zeer gevraagd. Schriftelyk Ontwerp, of grondslag, opgesteld door een procureur tot het plei- dooi van eenen advocaat. Makelaar, cargadoor. Makelaarsloon, courtage. - Zaken. Kooper, koopman. Regterlyk bevel tot in hech- tenis neming voor burger- lyke zaken, zoo als tegen Wreemde Schuldenaars, enz. Lading. Corresponderen. Voorzitter, praeses. Minister van Finantie, hoofd- persoon der Schatkamer, hoogste Ambtenaar der comptabiliteit. Onkosten, uitgaven. Charteparty, vrachtbrief. Goedkoop. Assignatie, kassiersbriefje. Stebbaft. ($ntmurf gum Sproceſ; pom cinem QInmaſt, für. ben Qſbpocaten aufgemad)t. Yläffer, @diffémifier. Çourtage, SRäfſetéſośn. (5eſdjäfte, Gºadben. Çimfäuſer, Štáufer. 38erbaftā6efebſ in Şürgetſide 2ngeſegeſbeiten com Štidºter abgegeben. Qabung. Çorreóponbirem. $otſiber, Syraeſes. S)\iniſter pen $imansien, ©djaš- meiſter. ©peſen, 2ſufmanb, Qūsgabem. Çbartepartie, 98tadtbrief. §oblfeil, billig. 2Inmeiſung, 218ſignation. Livelig. Plan og Udkast till proces eller Rets-Sag. Maegler. Maeglerlön. Forretninger. Kjöber. Faengselbud. Ladning. Correspondere. Praesident. Minister af Financien. Omkostninger. Charterparti. Godtkiöb. • Anviisning, assignation. Rörelse, liflig, efterfrāga- des. - Utdrag eller kort begrepp till rāttegång. Mäklare. Mäklare-arfode. Sysla, göramál. Kópare, afmāmare. Executions-utslag. Last, laddning. Korrespondera. President. Minister af Penningar väsende. Omkostningar. Charterparti, ningsbref. Godtköp. Anvisning, assignation. Befrakt- Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez PyccKiń 5 (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. En demande, cherché, Domandato, richiesto. Estimacion, pedido, querido. Carencia. Tpe60Bahie. demandé. a 2. Plaidoyer concis, couché |Piato breve, fatto da un |Informe breve hecho por un |Minuta. Cokpalli.ehie. par un Avoué pour son patrone per un avvocato. procurador para un Abo- Avocat. gado. 3. Courtier. Sensale, corretore. Corredor. Corretor. Maklept. 4. Courtage. Sensaria. Corretage. Corretagem. HypTajRt. 5. Affaires. Impegni, facendi, affari. Asuntos, negocios. Negocios. Toproblå, KynehecTBoba- Hie. 6. Acheteur, acquereur. Compratore. Comprador. Comprador. IIokyriatelb. 7. Arrêt, prise de corp. Arresto, presa. Prendimiento, arresto. Prisão. | e is Q 8. Chargement, cargaison, Carico. Carga, cargamiento. Carga, Cargamiento. TpyB'E. charge. 9. Tenir correspondance. Tenere cortegio, tenere cor- |Tener correspondencia. Ter correspondencia.. Cootbf{TcTBOBath. rispondenza. 10. Président. Presidente. Presidente. Presidente. [Ipesh Aehtt. 11. Ministre de Finances, Trésorier supérieur. 12. Dèpenses, frais. 13. Chartepartie. 14. A bon marché. 15. Assignation, marque de caissier. Ministro delle Finanze, 6 delle Regie. Spese, costi. | Contratta di nolo. Buon mercato. Viglietto, nota, assegnazione. Ministro dela Real hacienda. Gastos, costos. Contrato de fletamiento. Barato, equidad. Billete, assignado. Ministro de fazenda. Despensas, gastos. Contra de fretamento. Barato. Boleto, bilhete, asenha. Mhhhetpi, oth pHHaheb. , MiRAHBehie. Rohoct. Mehtt. Aéillebo. Kaghaheś-6H.let'E. 6 English Hollandsch ; Øeutſd) Dansk og Norsk Svensk 3. Civil Courts, or Courts of Law : Queen’s Bench (King's Bench), Exchequer, Court of Common Pleas, with petty juries only. 4. Clapped up, clap up a bargain. 5. Clerk. 6. Close books. 7. Cocket. 8. Code of haw in England consists of an increasing number of Acts of Parlia- ment in somewhat forty- four books and odd. 9 Come to an accommoda- tion. 10. Commerce, trade. 11. Committee. 12. Commission. 13. Committed for trial. Civiele Regtbanken en Ge- regtshoven, Burgerlyke Geregten, verdeeld in drie soorten van gelyken rang. Afgesloten, een koop slui- ten. Rlerk, schrijver, bediende. Boeken afsluiten. Konvooiceel, paspoort. kantoor- Code of Wetboek bestaat in Engeland niet. Het zyn alle Besluiten en De- créten in omstreeks 44 boekdeelen, die immer toe- Il62IIlêIle Accorderen, eene overeen- komst treffen. Handel, bedrijf, vertier. Comité, lasthebbers. Commissie, lastgeving. In hechtenis gevende tot verder werhoor door eene hoogere Regtbank. Çipiſe Geridºte ſimb piererſei an bet 3a5ſ, pom gſeidbem Gºtambe. Gingegangen, einen & auf eingeben ober anttagen. Söebiente, Çommić. QIbſdóſieſſen. 30(Iſtijein, 30ſ;effeſ. Çobe ober Geſegbud, gióf es in &ngſant midf. ºur QIcten unb Øecreten in etmoa 44 $5üdber, umb immer 3unebment am ber | 3abſ, madyen bie (5eſegem auð. tlebereinfommen, ſió pergſeidjem. $panbeſ, Gefreibe, Gemerbe. 26georbmetem, Gomité. Çommiſion. §eiſ perhaftet #um 96ergerid)f betnyieſen. (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Checkbook. Kassiersboekje, contraboek, lºſsſignationsbud), Gontrabud). Contrabog. Kontrabok. o rooster, register. 2. Circular. Circulair, rondgaande brief. |&treuſairſdreiben. Circulaire. Cirkulār. Civile Ret og Dom. Slutte, Samtykke. Betjent. Afslutte. Toldseddel. Code eller Lovbud er ikke i England; det ere kun Akter af Parlement eller Stor-Ting somere lov. Accordere, overeenskomme. Handel. Commission. Henviset till höjere Ret. Borgerlige Rätt. Samtyckades, samtycka, Betjente. Afslusa. Tullsedel, frisedel. Code eller Lagbokárikke || in England; det äro blott Akter och besluter till lager, som finnas i 44 Böker. Ofverenskomma. Handel. Kommitté. Kommission. Oſverlemmad till högre Domstolen. Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez PyccKiii (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Registre, livre de con- |Registro. Registro. Registro. CTonka. trôle. 2. Circulair. Circolare. Circular. Circular. II apkyläpt. 3. Les Tribunaux, ou Cours civils, sont quatre en appelation, sans distinction. 4. Conclä, conclure un marché. 5. Commis. 6. Corre. 7. Acquit de la douâne. 8. Code de lois, il n'y en a point en Angleterre. Ce sont des Actes du Parle- ment en 44 livres, toujours se multipliant, qui font les lois. 9. s'Accorder. 10. Commerce. 11. Comité. 12. Commission. 13. Renvoyé au Tribunal supérieur, ou aux Assises. Tribunali civili, son quatro in nome, ma eguali in Autoritá. Conchiuso, conchiudere. CommeSSo. Chiudere. Recevuto di dogana. Codice delle leggi non è in Inghilterra. Sono tutti Atti del Parlamento in 44 libri. Accordarsi. Commercio. Comito, delegazione. Commissione. Sentenza per cui le parti son rimandate al guidice supe- riore. Tribunales Civiles cuatro en nombre, pero son iguales. Conleuir. Dependiente. Cluir. Pago de aduana. Codigo no hay en Inglaterra, son todos Autos de los Cortes en 44 libros. Ajustarse. Commercio, trato. Comitre. Comision, Wendaje. Remitido alguien de un Tri- bunal a un otro quien es superior. Direito Civil. Concluir. Despachante, empregado. Cluir. Carta de alfandega. Codigo. Ajustarse. Commercio. Commissão. Commissão. Commettido. TparkA ahekoe IIpabo. IſpHKauſhk'h. cº q PacmHeka. Y.nożehie. Cormaliiatech HacTpohTT. Romepcº, Toprobia. CobbTE. IIopyhehie. *m. g - - =-º: severely punished. 12. Copartnership. 13. Copyhold Property, a remnant of the feudal lords. 14. Correspondency. 15. Correspondingclerk. 16. Counterchange. 17. County Court, small debts Court. zoo als schoftelyke uit drukkingen, bangmakery en Vrees-aanjagery, wordt zwaar gestrafd. Vennootschap, Schap. Leenregt-eigendom. compagnie- Correspondentie. Correspondent, corresponden- tiehouder. Tegenruiling. Kantongeregt. in bet Regeſ, 12 ºtomate-Ge= fängniff-Gºttafe. Geſelſöaft, Gefä5ttſdjaft, Qeißented)tā-ºbeſig. Çorregpombens, brief pedºſeſ. Çorreóponben;baſter, Correópom- bent. §ticambio, Gegentauſd). Gerid)f fit fleine Čdjuſtem. Selskab, compagnie. Laanretts-Eiendom. Brevvexling, correspondence. Correspondenceholder. Ricambio. Rett for lille Gield. 7 English Hollandsch 3)eutſd) Dansk og Norsk Svensk (British.) . (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Company, Association. Compagnie, vennootschap, Geſellſdjaft. Selskab. ||Sellskapp. - genootschap, maatschappij. e e - e. 2. Compound. Accorderen in faillissement. |2ſc.corbiren, ſid) bergſeidyen. Accordere. Förlikna, accordera. 3. Competitors. Concurenten. Çoncurrenten, 9), itbenoerber. Concurrenter. Medtäflarer, konkurenter. 4. Competition, opposition. Concurentie. Çoncurren$, SRitóemerbäng. Concurrens. Medtäflan, konkurence. 5. Connections. Relatien, betrekkingen. Štelationem, 98erbimbungen. Connexioner, forbindelser. Förbindelser. 6. Consign goods. Consigneren. Çonſigniren, llebermadyen, ediffen. Consignere. Afskicka, konsignera, sān- - da. ſ 7. Consignees, those who Geconsigneerden. Gjeſdjäftātrāger. Forretningsmænd. Emottagare. receive goods. 8. Constituents. Commitenten. Qſbenefimer, 3 unben. Sögender, kunder. Róparer, afnāmare. 9. Consumption. Verbruik. Şerbraud), - Forbrug. Förbrukning. : 10. Contractors. Aannemers, contractanten. Çontraßenten. Contractanter. Contrahenter. | 11. Contempt of , Court is Minachting voor het geregt, 93erad tung beg Gerióts, 6efömmt Rett-foragt. Rätt forakt. Bolag, sållskap. Lånrätt. Brefvexling. Korrespondenshällare, korrespondent. Ricambio, genbyte. Lilla Gäldenār Domsto- len. Français PyccKiii Italiano Portuguez Español Ó Castellano | (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Campagnie, Association, Société. 2. Accorder, convenir. 3. Concurrents. 4. Concurrence, opposition. 5. Liaisons, relations, liens. 6. Consigner, envoyer. 7. Consignés. 8. Comméttants, pratiques. 9. Consommation. 10. Entrepreneurs, tants. 11. Contumace, lèse majesté, mépris, insultes,épouvanter etfaire craindre, sontsevère- ment punis. 12. Compagnie, commandite. 13. Tenans-relëvable. - 14. Correspondance. 15. Correspondant, de correspondance. 16. Contre échange. teneur 17. Tribunal inférieur pour des petites dettes. \ - COntraC- Compagnia, Società. Accordare, indersi Concorrenti. Concorrenza. Connessione. |Consegnare, mandare. Consignati. Aventori, committenti. Consumazione. Appallatori. Contumacia. Società, commanditá. Bene riabilitabile Cortegio. Corrispondente. Contracambio. Tribunale per i debiti piccoli. Compañia, Sociedad. Ajustar acordarse. Concurrentes. * e Concurrencia. Winculos, enlaces. Consignar, enviar. Consignados. Comitentes, paroquianos. Consumacion. Destajeros. Contumacia, menos precio de Cortes. Sociedad, compañia. Bienes relevables. Correspondencia. Correspondiente, tenedor de Correspondencia. Contracambio, contra trueca. Tribunal para las deudas pe- queñas. Companhia. Ajustar. Concurrentes. Concurrencia. Connexão, intelligencias. Consignar. Consignados. Constituintes. Consummação. Contratadores. Desprezo. Companhia. Correspondencia. Guarda correspondencia, correspondente. Contra cambio. Tribunal Inferior. 06III,ectB0, BechAa. CM0.1BHTech. Conephrikt. ComephahecTB.o. CBH3b1. BhochTb. IIperiopyhh Telbi. Y IIoTpo6.lehie. IIoAaahík'h. IIpespºkhie. Co6pahie, 061DecTB0. Jieha. IIepenhcka. Hoppecnohneh TT, 06Mbh'b. F-Hºm Hollandsch Seutid, Dansk og Norsk Svensk (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Countinghouse. Rantoor. - Çomptoir, Gºd}reibſtube. Contor. Kontor, skrifstufvan. 2. Court of Chancery, Court of Equity, no jury. 3. Court of Probate, to prove Wills, no jury. 4. Court of Divorce and matrimonial causes, with or without jury as the case may be. 5. Court of Arches, Clerical Court, no jury. Credit. . Creditor. . Crop, harvest. . Customhouse. . Customhouse officers. . 11. Customs and duties. 12. Custom. 13. C.C. C. Central Criminal Court, or Old Bailey, with double jury. 14. Damage, loss. 15. Date. Geregtshof van Billykheid, alleen voor vaste-goederen. Geregtshof om testamenten geldiglyk te bewyzen. Geregtshof voor Echtschei- dingen, en scheiding van boedel, en schadevergoe- ding door verlating, enz. Regtbank voor Kerkelyke zaken, en kastyding van pre- dikanten der Eng. Episcop. kerk. Credit. |Crediteur. Inzameling, oogst. Tolkantoor, zeeregt. Tolbeambten, ambtenaren der comptabiliteit, kom- miezen. Regten en tolgelden, regten €1.1 UIS3,11C0S. Gebruik, usance, gewoonte. Centraal Crimineel Geregts hof, Hoogste Regtbank van Strafzaken. Schade, avery. Datum. 16. Debtor. Debiteur. ©etidºt mut für Sanb-ºbeſig. Geridºt sum ºbemeiſe Set Sešten Şiſſen. Geridºt für Góeſdjeibung unb ber Čbe 2ngelegenbeiten. §efförbe bet $ird ſigen QIngeſegenz beiten, unb für bie Gºttafung bet Spfartbert, u. f. m. Grebit. Gſäubiger, Grebitor. Çrn Ste. 30ſbaug, 3oſſcomptoir. 3oſſbedmter. 30ſ, Šted)tem. llſance, Gebraud). * Çentral Criminaſ Geridºt, bag £)ber=&ttaf-Gerid)f. $6eſdjäbigung, Qſperie. Qatum. - ©djuſbmer. Rett kun for Eiendom, Eien- doms-Rett. Rett at bevise siste villien. Domstol for Aegteskabs skilsmisse og mere. Domstol og Rett at revse praesterne, Engelske prae- Sterne, m. m. Credit. Creditor. Höst. Toldkammere. Toldbetjenter. Rett, toll, told. Usance. Straffedom. Averie. Datum. Debitor, skyldner. Domstolen som giör rätt blott i egendom Sakor. Domstolen at utgifva vidimerad afskrift afett ... testament bevisdom. Aktenskaps-skilnad dom- stol och rātt. N i Domstolen att bedóma Engelskapresterne som gióre Urātt, med flera. Kredit. Kreditór, troende. Skórd, gróda. Sjötullskammare. Sjötullsbetjenter. Tull, rätt. Usance. t Högste Criminal Dom- stolen. Averie, skada, mistmingal Dato. Gäldnār, skuldnăr Francais | PyccKiii Italiano Portuguez Español 6 Castellano i (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Comptoir, bureau. 2. Cour ou tribunal de Chancellerie pour des biens, des terres, &c. 3. Tribunal pour certifier les testaments. 4. Tribunal pour des choses concernant les divorces et les séparations. 5. Tribunal pour Corriger et punir le Clergé Anglican, &c. &c. 6. Credit. 7. Crediteur. 8. Récolte, moison. 9. Douàne. l0. Douaniers. 11. Droits de la douane. 12. Coutime. 13. Cour d'Assises supérieur. 14. Pertes, Avarie. 15. Date. l6, Débiteur. MERCHANT's FRIEND.] Banco, fattoria. Gran corte di cancelleria. Corte per l'ammissione ed il registro dei testamenti. Corte 6 tribunale per le cose di divorzie e le separazioni matrimoniale. Corte Eclesiastica. Credito. Creditore. Raccolta. Dogana. - Ufficiali di dogana. Diritti, ragioni. Costume. v Tribunale è Corte d'Assise superiore. Danni. Data. Debitore. Escritorio, mostrador. Tribunal supremo que juzga solamente sobre la posesion de bienes y de tierras. Tribunal para otorgary firmar Alos testamentos. Tribunal para arreglar las cosas de casamientos y de divorcios. Tribunal para Castigar los sacerdotes Anglicanos, &c. &c. v Crédito. Acreedor, acreeditor, abonador. Cosecha, consecha. Aduana. Resguardos. Derechos. Costumbre, uso. Tribunal 6 Cortes para juzgar los criminales. Dafios. Fecha. Deudor. Escriptorio. Tribunal de Chancelaria. Tribunal de Verificação. Tribunal de Divorcios. Tribunal Eclesiastico. Credito. Creditor, abonador. Apanbo, colmeita. Alfandega. Guarda de alfandega. Taxa, direitos. Costume, usanga. Tribunal Criminal. Perda. Data. Devedor. RoHTopa. CyATE oTTE IMMbhie. CyATE oTTE IIoBtpRa. CyA'E oTTE Pa3BoA E. CyAT oTE IIoIoB E. Ripe AATE. 3aiiMo AaBen E. ifiaTBa. TaMo;RHa. TaMo:Reh HEI O PHIept. IIoIII.MHHEI. 06EIuaii. IIpecTyIHEIf CyATE. X ponti. SIMc 10, Aehb, Aata. A 0.13 HHRT. 9 English Hollandsch Øeutſd; Svensk Dansk og Norsk (German.) (British.) (Dutch.) 1. Decline. Dalen, naar beneden gaan. 2. Deed, act. Acte. 3. Decrees, Acts, can only be made by Parliament or the Government. 4. Deed, document, may be made by any one. . Delivery, 5 6. Deliverer. 7. Demand. 8. Demurrage. 9. Departure. . Depressed. 11. Despatch, hurry. . Despatches. . Disbursement. . Discount. . Docks. * Down the River. . Drawback. . Draw a bill. . Drawee. . Drawer. Besluiten, Dadingen. Oorkunde, Acte, document. Aflevering. Afzender, verancier. Navraag. Legdagen. Vertrek, afwijking. Geene navraag, gespannen. Afzenden, haast. Depêches. expéditeur, le- gedrukt, Voorschot. Disconto, rabat, korting. Dokken, dok, entrepot. De rivier af. Restitutie, teruggave. Een wissel trekken. Betrokkene. Trekker. (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) Specabſeéem. Qſuéfertigung, $erfigung. - $8eroronungen, 2/cten, Şefā)(iffe, Qſbfaſſungen. Øocument, $36tbamblung. 26ſieferung. QIbſenber, (ºrpebiteur. ޺ad frag. Siegetage, Siege;eit. 910teiſe. $perabgeſegt. Qíðföiden, abſenben, Čiſe. 2[bfertigungen. 2ſuéſage. 2ſ65ug, Øišconto, ©conto. Øoden, Şteiſager. 3Oen Öfrom binab, &from nieber- márfá. Şütf;oſſ, Šteſtitution, 3urūdgabe. 3ieben, entneſſmen. 25eşogener. Čntneſſmer, 3ieber. Nedsa’tte. Udfærdigelse. Forordninger, Anordninger, Befalinger. Document. Affevering. Expeditor. Efterspörgsel. Liggedager. Afreise. Afsende. Affaerdigelse. Udlag. Sconto, rabat, afārag. Dok, frilag. Stromen ned af. Restitution. Traekke, drage. Dragedes. Traºkkere, dragere. Förringa, trycka. Författning. Befallningar, Besluter. Document. Aflemmande. Expeditór. Efterfrägan. Liggedagar. Afresa. Tryckad, trykt. Aftemna. Utfärdande. Förskott. Disconto, afârag. Däck, frilag. Ned pā floden. Restitution. Draga, träcka. Dragades. Dragare. Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez Pycckiii 9 (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Baisser. Abassare. Abaratar, abajar, bajar. |Diminuir, abaixar. II bloBarb. 2. Acte, Atto. Auto. - Auto, acto. ARTbi, Abla. 3. Décrés, Actes, lois. ſ Decreti, Atti, leggi. Decretos, Autos, leyes. Decretos, Autos, feitos. Y Rabbi. 4. Acte, document. T}ocumento. Döcumiento. Documento. Ahma. 5. Expedition, délivrance, Spedizione. Entrega, despacha. Despacho, expedigào, entrega. |9kcneannih. livraison. 6. Expéditeur. Speditore. Despachador. Expeditor, despachador. CiteAHTopt. 7. Récherche. Richiesta. Pedido, estimacion. Petigäo. 0Tuête. 8. Jour de planche, starie. Giorni di staglio. Estada. Estada. 3aMenºlehie cyāha. 9. Départ. Partenza. Partida. Partida. 0TTecTbie. 10. Baissé, oppressè. Abbassato. Abajado. Abaxaido. HHRHEIff. 11. Livrer, expédition. Spedire. | Entregar, despachar. Entregar, despachar. 0Tpabate, cnihthth. 12. Expéditions. Spedizione. Despachos. Expedigäo, despachos. 3kclien MIlia. 13. Déboursement. Sbolso. Desembolso. Desembolso. MeyepikHBahie. 14. Rabais, escompte, escomp- Disconto, sconto. Discuento. Desconto. A McRoht"b. tre. - 15. Bassin. Bacino. Bacin, surgidero. Caldeira. Aokt. 16. En aval de la rivière. 17. Restitution, escompte. 18. Tirer, valoir, évaluer. 19. Evalué, payeur. : 20. Tireur. L’Ingiu abbasso del fiume. Restituzione. Trarre. Valutato, pagatore. Tratore. Hacia abajo del rio. Resaca. Sacar. Sacado, pagando, pagador, tirado. Tirador, sacador. Abaixo do rio. Restituição. Sacar, tirar, puxar. Pagador, pagante. Sacador. Bhash II.0 phKºb. YA0p8.netBopehie. CTph.hāTE, Tahyte, Ta- III, MTTE. Ctph:10RT, CTphnene. 10 English Hollandsch Øeutſd; Dansk og Norsk Svensk (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Draft, bill. Traite, wissel, trekking. £ratte, 3iebung, Çntmeşmung. Wexel, traºkning. Wexel, tratta, dragning, 2 * , • växel, stråkning. 2. Due. Vervallen, verschemen, ver- |98erfaſſem, 98°rfaſſ;eit. Forfalde, forfaldstid. Förfallat, förfalldag. - wacht wordende. 3. Dues, customs. Regten, usances. 30ſ, Redfen, ©teuer. Toll, told. Tull. 4. Dull, flat, Slap, flaauw, stil. (5ering, obne Stad)frage, ſtilſ. Stille, ruhig. Tyst, lugn, stagnation. 5. Duty. Regten, belasting. 3oſſ, Šteditem. Told, toll. Tull, rätt. 6. Embezzlement. Ontvreemding, opligtery. llnterſdyſeif. Underslaeb, haeleri. Försnilling. © T e 7. Enact. Vaststellen, bepalen. Qſnorbmen, einorbmen. Anordne Fastställa, pābjuda. 8. Endorse. Endosseren, rugschrijven. &nbosſiren, túdióteiben. Endosere. EndoSera. 9. Endorsement. Endossement, aanwijzing. $nbogſement, @mbośſirung. Endosning, endosment. Endosning. 10. Endorser. Endosseur, aanwijzer. Symbogſent, @mbošíðr. Endosór, endossent. Endosór, indossent. 11. Entailed property, also a Leenregt by overgang, fidei- |llebergang&ºbeſić, Šibei-Commifi. Overgangs Eiendoms ret. Fidei-kommiss. system from the feudal lords. . 12. Envestment. 13. Equivalent, Consideration. 14. Estate. 15. Estimate, sketch. 16. Exchange, change. 17. Exchange. 18. Exchange operations. 19. Expenditure. calculation, 20. Expenses. 21. Exporters. 22. Exports. Commis. Geldbelegging, storting. Tegenwaarde. Inboedel, staat, goederen. Begrooting, bestek, overslag, omslag. Beurs, koopmansbeurs. Wisselen. Wisselruiterij. Uitgaven. Onkosten. Uitwoerders, zeehandelaars. Uitvoer, verzending. (5eſbauðſegung, ©tür;. (5egemmert). 98ermögen, Gröſöaft. lleberſdyſag, Gºdjašung. Söörſe. $3edyfeſm. §§edjieſ Operationen. Quéſegung, Quégaben, 2Iufnoamb. ©peſen. 2ſuéführer, &ceflintſer. 2ſuéfu%t. Gelbauðſet;ung, Belaegning. Formue, arv. Omslag, overslag. Börs. Wexele. Wexel operazioner. Udgift. Omkostninger. |Udfører. Udförsel. Penningar utläggning. Genbyte. Gård, formága. Kostnad-forslag. Börs. Växla, vexela. Växelryteri. Utgift, pākostnad. Omkostningar. Utförare. Utförsel. }. Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez Pyccriff l{} — (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Traite, lettre de change. 2. Echá, échéance. 3. Droits. 4. Tranquille, peu de négoce. 5. Droits. 6. Escroquerie. 7. Arrêter. 8. Endôsser. 9. Endossement. 10. Endosseur. 11. Biens mouvables, Fidei- Commis. 12. Placement, versement. 13. Equivalent, contre valeur. 14. Biens, état, possessions. 15. Devis, calcul. 16. Bourse. 17. Changer. 18. Opérations cambistes. 19. Consommation. 20. Dépenses, frais. 21. Expéditeurs, exporteurs. 22. Sortie, export. , Tratta, cambiale, cambio, giro, tira. Scadutto, scadenza. Diritti. Bonaccia. Ragioni, diritti. Truffa, baratteria. Appoggiare, decretare. Indorsare. Indorso. Indorsatore. Beni immobili vincolati per successione. Collocamento. Contra valore. Affari, cose. Criocchio, piano. Borsa. Cambiare. Operazione cambiste. Spese. Spese, costi. Asportatori. Sortita, uscita. Trato, tirado, Saca, giro, cam- bio. Estar vencida, vencimiento. Derechos. Parado. Derechos. Estafa. Adoptar. Endosar. Endoso. Endosador. Fidei comiso, Logro de dinero. Contra valor. Bienes, hacienda. Cuenta, por menor, plano, călculo. Lonja, bolsa. Cambiar. Operaciones cambistas. Gastos. | Gastos, costos. Despachadores, exportadores. Salida. Cambio. Vencida, Vencimento. Direitos. Quieto. Direitos. Extravio. Arrestar. Endossar. Endosso. Endossante. Bens Vinculados. Posto. Contra valor. Fazendas. Estimativa. Bolsa. Cambiar. Operaçãos cambistos. Gastos. Gastos. Despachadores. Saida. IIepeboah, Bekcent. Cpok'E. Aonikhoctº. T.nyxoſí. IIoIII.inher. Y rañbahie. Octahobhth, HaAIIM catt, HaAſhte. HaAri Hct, MHA, oceMehtº., HaAnheateJib, MHA,0cehtt. 0TAahahie. Pabholiſhhhhiii. WMBHie, MMyIII,ecTB.o. Onºbhita. Rolliemökt, Bypca. Pas Mºbhatt. Bekcent pyTeph. YIIoTpe6.nehie. Ma AepjRRM. Clien HTop'E. 0T nyck'E, 11 English Hollandsch Øeutſd; Dansk og Norsk Svensk nals, that is, to give them up. 3. Fail. 4. Failure. 5. False pretences. 6. Fees, salary paid to Barristers and others. 7. Final discharge. 8. Fine, forfeit. 9. File in a bill at chambers, or in chancery, 10. Firm. . 11. Fire-office. 12. First class certificate in bankruptcy. 13. Fittings and fixtures, furnitures, &c. &c. 14. Foreclose. 15. Floating Capital. 16. Freehold property, the greater part belongs to the nobility, called Estates. boosdoeners. Failleren, bankroetgaan. Faillissement, bankroet. Opligtery, liegen en bedrie- gen, zooals zekere advo- caten straffeloos doen. Honorarium, salaris. Finaal ontslag. Boete, bekeuring. Eene procedure aanteekenen, regts-ingang aanvragen, eene declaratie inleveren. Firma. Brandassurantiekantoor. Gehomologeerd en gereha- biliteerd. Huisraadgoederen, los-en spy- kervaste goederen. Afsluiten, opnemen. Werkend kapitaal. Vry Eigendom, onbezwaarde landeryen. §aiſſiren, abtreten, untergeşen. §aiſlite, Qlbtretung. §alſdje 30rmánbe. Gebaſt, Čaſaite. $inaſe ©ntſaſung, Quittung. $6uſe, Geſbſtrafe. Çine $ſage anſtrengen. Şirma. QIſecutan;=Qomptoit. Šteffabiliterungă Gertificat. Qauć-Gerät), 2ngeşör. 2ſ6d) (ieſſen. Saufenbaščapital. $rei-35eſić. Faillere, fallit gióre. Fallit, bankerot. Urigtige paaskud. Lön, sold, besoldning. Qvittering. Pengebod. Firma. ASsecurance contor. Rehabiliterings bevils. Huusgeraad, bohave. Afslutte. - Naervaerend kapital. Fri-eiendom. (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Expropriation, take away |Onteigening van eigendom. |&ntăuſerung, Qſbgabe ſeines be= |Aſholdese, Forsömmelse. Ofvergifvande. property for the good of the {{#e3. public. - 2. Extradition laws of crimi-Wetten van uitlevering tegen |2|usſieferung's Geſeke. Udleverings lov. Udlefveringslag. Faillera, göra bankrut. . Faillite, bankrut. Falska anspräk. Lön, sold, betalning. Finalentledigande, qvitto Plikt, běter. Indskrifva till rātts-ind- gāng. |Firma. Assecuranskontor. Rehabiliterings bevis. Husgeräd. Afsluta. Syssla-kapital. Frälsejord. , Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez *… PyccKiš Il i ! i | (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Expropriation, prendre les. Espropriazione. Espropriacion. Desfazer-se, Alienar. Jihiliate MMBhia. biens d'autrui. 2. Lois d'extradition, c'est à dire pour livrer les criminels aux autorités étrangères. 3. Fair faillite, manquer. 4. Faillite, faute. 5. Prétextes fausses, pré- tensions fauses, mensonges. 6. Honoraire, salaire, gāges, paiement. 7. Décharge finale. 8. Amende. 9. Enregistrer une citation. 10. Raison, maison. 11. Bureau d’assurance. 12. Homologué et Réhabilité. Leggi d’estradizione. Fallire. Fallimento. Preteste false. Salario, pagamento. Quitanza. Ammenda, multa. Atto iniziato avanti ad un tribunale primo passo per litigare. Ragione, casa. Uffizio di sicurezza. Omologato e riabilitato. 13. Aménagement et ameu- |Acconciamenti e suppellitili. blement. 14. Forclorre. 15. Capital mobilier. 16. Franc fief, franc tenans. Escludere. Capitale flottante. Proprietà allodiale. Leyes de estradicion, para entregar los reos estrangeros a sus gobiernos. Quebrar, faltar. Quiebra, Bancorota. |Pretextos falsos. Salario, pago, pagamiento. Recibo, descargo, descarga. Multa. Registrar una queja. Razon, casa. *- Despacho deaseguracion. Ratificado y rehabilitado, quitado las deudas bancrotas Bienes raices y muebles. Excluir, Caudal de negocio. Feudo franco, tierras francas, bienes libres. Lei de Estradição. Fallir. Fallimento. Pretençãos falsos. Emolumentos. Descargo. Mulcta. Limar, enfiar. Firma, razāo. Estanque de Segurança. Fogoes e prateleiras. Excluir. Fundo. Fazenda livre. 06ahkpyThTch. BahkpytcTB0. J10:RhocTE. Harpaſſ:Aebie. Pacnheka, Rb HTahIIih. Mehekhah IIehā. ophpMa. Biopo oth CTPaxobahib. Chačkehie. Wickarouate. HeyTBeph;Aehhbiń Kalin- Ta.JITE. Besoſponhoe MMbhie. 12 English Hollandsch ! 3)eutſd) Dansk og Norsk Svensk : (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Foreign. Vreemd, buitenlandsch. Quáſámbiſd), fremb. Udlandsk. Frāmande, utrik. 2. Freight. Vracht, bevrachting. $vadt, Gebühr. Fragt. Frakt. 3. Funded property. Fondsen, effecten. $ombſe, Giffecten. Fonds, grundcapital. Fondser. 4. General average, all the Avery gros. Generate 2ſperie, Qſoetic Groff. General-haveri, haveri gros. |General haveri, haveri damages occurring to a grOS. ship, her cargo and crew. - 5. Granary, corn warehouses. Koornzolders, graanpakhuizen $ormboten, Getteibe ºadbäuſer. |Kornloft, kornbund. Kornhus. 6. Grand jury of 24 men, to |Grootejurievan:24beeedigden Groſſe Surie, ober 24 &ingeſd too. Stor-juri, eller 24 beedigte Stor-juri, eller 24 ed- find a true bill of indict- die, na de inhechtenis remem. maend. swurne-mân. ment, or to ignore it. neming envoor het hoogere tºº verhoor, eerst de aanklagt bekrachtigen of dezelve verwerpen. 7. Grossweight, grosspro- Bruto gewigt, bruto. $5ruto. Brutto. Bruto. ceeds. 2’ 8. Gunpowder tea. Joosjes thee. e e . . . . 9. Highrates. |Hooge prijzen. $obe Spreifen. Höie priis. Höga priser. 10. Holder. Houder. Snhabet, Gigent}imer. Indehaver. Innehafware. 11. Honour. Vereeren, honoreren. $pomoriren, beehren. Beatre. Honorera, āra, beara. 12. Importers. Invoerders, Zeehandelaars. &inführer, Geebämöſer. Indförer. Införer. 13. Importations, imports. |Invoer. Çinfuhr. Indförsel. Införsel. . 14. In case of need. Noodadres. Yºotbfaſſe, Sºotbabreſſe. Nödsfald, nédadres. Nödfall, nôdadress. 15. Indictment. Aanklagt, betichtiging. QInflage. Anklage, klage. Anklage. 16. Informations. Berigten, narigten. Stad}rid)fen. Efterretning. |Underråttelse, upplysnin- 3.I’. 17. Inform. Berigten, mededeelen. 25enadyrid)figen, ertheiſen. Underrette. Meddela. 18. Instalment, call. Termijn, betaaltijd. £ermin, Ştiſt. Termin. Termin. 19. Instant. Dezer, dezer maand. 3Dieſes ºtomathé, 30ieſes. HDennes. Dennes. 20. Insurance, assurance, Assurantie. 2ſecutan;, &erſiderung. AsSecurance. Försäkringen, assekurans, a SSUll'allS. Français PyccKičí 12 Italiano Portuguez Español o Castellano (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 24 prud’hommes Aubain, Étranger. Frêt, affrètement, nolis. Fonds, effets, papiers. Averie grosse. Granges, greniers. Grande jurie contenant jurés, pour affirmer ou rejeter l'accusation. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Brüt, en gros, gros. Prix éxorbitants. Détenteur, porteur. Honorer. Importeurs. Entrée, importation. En cas de besoin. Acte d’accusation. Avis, informations, ren- seignements. 17. 18. 19. 20. Mander, faire part. Terme, limite. Du courant. ASSurance. MERCHANT's FRIEND). Straniere, forestiere. Nolo, carica. Fondi, azioni. Averia grossa. Capanne, Granjo. 24 Uomini giuarti per essa- minare le cose criminale avanti mandate per essere giudicate. Brutto. Prezze esorbitante. Detentore. Onorare. Intratori. Intrata. In caso di besogno. Atto d’accusa. Avvisi. Avvissare, raggualiare. Termine, scopo. Del corrente. Sicurezza. Estraño. Flete, carga. Fondos, acciones. Avaria gruesa. Granjas. Junta de 24 hombres jurados para examinar las quejas, ante de estar juzgadas. Bruto. Muy caro. Tenedor, detentador. Acoger, hacer honra. Intradores, engresadores. Intrada, engresa. En necesitad. Auto de acusacion. Avisos, informe, pareceres. Mandar, interarse. Plazo, limite. Del corriente. Seguro, aseguracion. Estranho. Frete, carga. Fundos. Avaria grossa. Granel, Celeiro. Gran-jurado. Bruto. * { Caro. Possuidor. Honrar. Introduidores. Entrada. Em falta. Accusacão escripta perante um Tribunal. Avisos. Avisar. Limite, termo. Do corrente. Segurança. "Hyłoń. topaxTh. IIoMºbct he, kaſihtant. Abeph-I'poet. HMTHHIIa. Cyåt, ott, BenakW II pit- C5H2H H HIXTh. Bºbet, c’h Taporo, Bpyto. A6poro. Blaaſh.neiſh. IIoniſtate, HTMTs. IIoIII.inha. BBeaehie. Hy;RAa. 06babiehie. Mhibhie. 06AyMate, IſpHRa3ath. Rohen'E, IIpºh Ab.1%. MMTOM'b. - CTpaxobahie, BacTpaxaba- H16. - , ‘ º … ... ...ºss- : 13 English Hollandsch £eutſd). Dansk og Norsk Svensk i . (Swedish.) (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) 1. Insure. Assureren, verzekeren. Söerſiderm, aſſuriren, Forsikkre. 2. Insurer, Underwriter. Assuradeur, verzekeraar. 98ctſiderer, 2ſſureur. Assuradór. 3. In consideration of In tegen , waarde van, in Šir Gegenmertà. Motvaerd. - overweging van. 4. Interpleader, a third party Twee vechten om een been, |&treit mo ein ſpritte ciutritt. in litigation. een derde loopter mée heen. 5. Interlocutor, interference |Tusschen-spreker in het par- |llnferrebet, Śnterlocutor. Interlocutor. of another. 6. Interpreter. 7. Interrogation, not allowed to the prisoner. 8. Intimidation and threats, not allowed. 9. Inverse. 10. Investment. 11. Invoice. 12. Ironmongery. 13. Ironcladship. 14. Jobber, enterpriser. 15. Joint-stock Bank. 16. Journal, daybook. 17. Judges of the Supreme Courts, OP Queen's (King's) judges upon the Circuit. 18. Judges' Chambers. ket, alvorens regts-ingang. Tolk, vertaler. Ondervraging, vanden gevan- gene niet veroorloofd. Bangmakery en Vrees-aanjage- ry, niet toegestaan. Ommezijde, keerzijde. Geldbelegging, storting. Factuur. Yzerwaren. Yzerenplaat schip. Beunhaas, aannemer. Associatie kasse, belegbank. Journaal, dagboek. Regters der Hooge Geregts hoven, die het land, op ge- zette tyden, rondreizen, in de Geregtshoven te presi- deren en regt te doen, Parket. 3Doſmetſdjer, Dragoman. 1Interfragen su bem Gefängener iſt mid)f erlaubt. $n Šurd)t-ſetsung. Štúdiſcite. (5eſbbeſegung, Geſbauðſegung. $acfut. Çiferme-maarem. Çifermeč2&diff. SRarftbeſfer, Qinmeºmet, lintera mebmer. 2ſſociation& $50mf. Şournal, Kagbud). Ščid)fer beg Ober-Gjeridjtë, meſdje in bem $82;irf beg Sambeó be= griffen, berum reiſen umb &nt= ſdjeiben. Şarfet, Syrigatsimmer beg ºffid)feró. Tolk, oversetter. At spörge fangenen, det er ikke tilladet. At gióre frygt. Bagside. Belaegning. Factur. Jern-vare. Jern skibb. Entrepreneur, ophavsmand. Associations bank. Journal. Dommer til Overret. Parket. Försäkra, assurera. Assekuradór, assuradór. Motvärd. En som afgiör en twist emellan tvá partier. Interlocutorium. Tolk, of versättare. Spörsmål. Strâmning. Revers, baksida. Utläggning. Factura. Jernvaror. Jernskepp. Entrepreneur. Bolagsbank. Journal. . . Domare till Ofverrått. Parket, domsal. Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez PyccKičí 13 17. Juges Supérieurs qui quatre fois paran, voyagent le pays àla ronde pour pré- sider aux Tribunaux. 18. Parquet du juge. * Giudici Superiori chi vanno intorno del paese per giudi- care, quatro volte nell'anno. Stanza privata del giudice. Jueces principales que viajen cuatro veces al redondo del pais para juzgar a los hom- bres. Asiento privato. Juizes do Tribunal Superior. Camera do juiz. (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Assurer. Assicurare. |Asegurar. Assegurar. BacTpaxobath. 2. Assureur. Assicuratore. Asegurador. |Segurador. CTpaxobliſhk'º, CTpax0- III, HKT. 3. En contrevaleur de. In contra valore. En contra valor. Em Contra Valor. Hab pagey RAehie 0TT. 4. Interplaideur au parquet |Interlitigante. Interpleiteador. Litigante. * Q 5. Interlocutoire. Interlocutore. Interlocutorio. Interlocutor. Pagrobaphtene. 6. Interprète. Interprete. Interprete. Interprete. Tonkobatejle. 7. Interrogation. Interrogazione. Interrogacion. Interrogação. Bonpolilehie. 8. Intimidation. Impaurire. Miedo, temor. Ameação. IIphcTpain,hbahie. 9. Dos, inverse. Indorso. Espalda. Inverso. 060pothºliſ. 10. Placement, versement. Collocamento. Logro. Posto OTA anahie. 11. Facture. e Fattura. tº e Factura. Factura. q}akTypa. 12. Quincaillerie. Chincaglieria. Generos de hierro. Mercancia de ferro. Henbahbiñ Tobaph. 13. Vaisseau blindé. Bastimento di ferro. Buque ferreo, navio de hierro. |Nao de ferro, navio ferreo. |}|{enhahkiā-kopagal. 14. Entrepreneur. Appallatore. Emprendedor. Empreiteiro. II0ApHA'IHRT. 15. Banque du Crédit foncier | Società bancaria di Azioniste | Banco de credito fundado y | Banco de unido, banco de * o • et mobilier. anonimi. móvil. junta, banco engongo. 16. Journal. Diario. Diario. Diario. Hyphant. CyAbh, Bhatokº. 14 English Hollandsch Øeutid, Dansk og Norsk Svensk | *: (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Junior. . Jongste. Şüngſte. tº * • • e 2. Lastmonth. Verleden maand, jongstleden, |9&tſtrid met Ştonath, pergange= |Tilstrygd maaned. Förliden månad, sista mä- laastleden. met Ştomath. - nad. 3. Lawsuit, proceedings. Regtsgeding, proces. Šteditſade, projeff, 30tſabüng. Retssag, proces. Lagfart. 4. Ledger. Grootboek. jauptbud), Großbud). Hoved bog. Hufvud bok. 5. Leafy tobacco. Bladige tabak. - o ſº & tº ſº tº e º Q 6. Leasehold property. Eigendom by pacht. 98erpadjtung6-25eſiń. Forpagters-eiendom. Arrende gods. 7. Licence. Patent, octrooi, brevet. Syafent. Patent. Afgift, patent. 8. Limited liabilities. Persoonlyke Verantwoorde- ºperſönſide Serbinbſidfeit, &om= |Commandite. Inskränkade skuldighed. lykheden, vennootschap. manbite. g 9. Lloyd's, to classify ships |Zee tydingkantoor, om sche- |Öeſeſſibaft bie &diffe su flagſiſi. Lloyds og Veritas. Lloyds och Veritas. and to insure. pen te klassifiseren, en te ſiren unb şu perſidern. t verzekeren. - 10. Loafsugar. Broodsuiker. 3ucterbuf. Sukkertop. Sockertopp. 11. Loan. Leening. Seibung, Qinleiße. Laan. Län. 12. Local judges, or justices, Plaatselyke of ondergeschikte |Oertſide obet &áněſide Ščićter, Dommer. Domare. . . and magistrates. Regters. QImtémänner. * * * * * ; e 13. Logbook, ship's journal. Scheeps journaal, dagboek. ©chiffé-$ournaſ. Skibbsjournal. Skepps-journal. 14. Lord Chancellor. 15. * + 16. Low. 17. Man of business in co- partnership. Voorzitter der eerste kamer. Laag, bedrukt, gedrukt. Werkende compagnon, ven- In OOt. Syräſibent beg &eid)stat63. Stiebrig. Gjeſdjāftāfābret, Gjeſdáftsmann. Praesident til Storthing og Rigsraad. Nedrig. Forretningsmand. President till Storting, Låg. Sysselatsman. * Lord Mayor's Court can act as the three Supreme law courts, when the transaction of the debt took place within the limits of the City, or Old London. It is presided either by the Recorder or the Common Sergeant; never by the Lord Mayor, who only sits in the Mansion House. f Lord Chief Justice of England, presiding in the Queen's Bench, £10,000; of the Common Pleas, and Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, | Français Italiano Español Ó Castellano Portuguez Pycckiii 14 (French.) . Cadet, jeune. . Mois passé. I 2 3. Procès, procedures. 4. Grand’ livre. 6. Biens €Il bail. 7. Brèvet, patente. 8. Société en commandite, responsibilités personelles. 9. Véritas pour classifier et assurer les vaisseaux. 10. Pain de sûcre. 11. Emprünt. 12. Juges sédentaires, prefets et commissaires. 13. Journal maritime. 14. Président dansla Chambre des Sénateurs et des Pairs. 15. tº ſº 16. Bas, baissé. 17. Gérant. (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.” (Portuguese.) (Russian.) Cadetto, giovine. Joven, cadete. Cadete. Mehbºko;i. Passato. Proximo passado. Pasado. Mºbchiye Höclub. Processo. Demanda, proceso, pleito. Demanda, pleito. IIponecch. Gran’ libro. Possesso d’Affitto, podestà. Brevetto, patente. Società di commandita. Veritas in Parig Londra per classificare ed assicurare. Pano di zucchero. Imprunto. Giudici sedentarj. Giornale maritime. Presidente della Camera dei Pari e Senatori. Abbassato. Socio ammistratore. gie Lloyds in Gran libro. * Arrendamiento. Patente, despacho. Sociedad de comendita, deu- das limitadas. * Un concurso de hombres para- clasificar y asegurar los na- vios del mundo entero, se llama Lloyds y Veritas. Pilon de azucar. |Emprestito. Alcades. Journal de navio. Presidente de la cámara pri- mera de los Cortes Bajo. Consocio administrador. Gran livro. | Arrendamento. Despacho, patente. Dividas limitados, Lloyds de Londres e véritas de Paris. Forma de aqucar. Emprestimo. Magistrados e juizes menores. Journal de navio. Presidente do Corte primeiro. Baixo. Administrador. Bollinoiſ Countiehie. * > º & HopToMa. IIaTeht. Tpahmia. Lloyds, véritas. Toloba caxapy. BaeM'b. 3 Hatokh. IIIyphant, BelhkH-Rahi.e. lept. Hiiakiš. II pabhiriñ. \ each £7,000; the other thirteeen Queen's, or King's Judges, who go on the circuit, have each £5,000 per annum. There is hardly one minor, or local judge, or magistrate stipendiary, who has less than £1,000 throughout the kingdom; which, added to the open Courts, and the Réporters’ publicity in newspapers, have banished bribery, corruption, and partiality, from English courts away. The Mansion House has a Police Court. I. : I. . ... i. . ...} ; | || * . jº iſ: . . ; | ; : f t i • I ! ;: ; #" i. | 15 English Hollandsch Øcutſd; Dansk og Norsk Svensk (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Marketreports,... Intelli- |Marktberigten. ºarfiberidoten, Şadrid)ten ber |Marked underretninger. Handelsunderrättelser. gences. “ . . - S)?arff. º, ºr “E” . Meeting. …~~~~~ ºparisie Yºgºdºſing 3uſammetfunft. …", |Sammenkomst. Tº Sammankomst. Money. Geld. . . .” - |Gelb. . . . . … ... Penge. Pengar, penningar. . Mortgage. |Schepenkennis, Jºhypotheek, oweſt tº "...º-º-º- |Hypothek. Hypotek, underpant. Need. º' ||Noodadres, nood. . . . . . " *Rothfaſte, RAthabreſſe. |Nödfald. | Nödfall. : * Net proceeds..… . Net weight. . Nisi Prius, with jury (crown court, or civil). 9. 10. ll. 12. I3. 14. 15. I6. I7. 18. 19. 20. Nonsuited. Office, counting house. Openings. Orders. Own account. : Outfitter. " . Owners, proprietors. { Parcels. Parcel, lot. Part, share. ſ Particular average. the House; of Lords and House of Commons; members get no pay. |Reeders, eigenaren.” Parliament, composed of the :* * |Zuiver bedrág, netto beloop of uitkomst. . . . . Netto gewigt. + Regtbank met Regter en gezworenen. Het regt ontzegd. Bureau, kantoor. Inlichting, redenen. Orders. Eigen rekening. Uitruster, fournisseur. jºirº. 3 º' ...' . §: stukgoederen. Kaveling, partij, Aandeel, deel. Partiekuliere avery. Staten-Generaal, bestaat uit de Eerste Kainer en de tweede Kamer; de leden worden Yetto ºbetrag, ºftein 35éſauf, ºfteffy Çrtrag. Yetto Gemeidt. &eridºt mit Gingeſtimoremen, Júðts.éingang permeigett. §ureau, Çomptoit, Gºd}reibſtube. 2ſuffdyluff. Qſufträge, Orber. Çigene šted mung. Qingräſter. Gigentimer, Rebber. ©túcfgüter. paufe, partei, partie. 2ntbeiſ. d *... . . * * * ~~~~.- ... . . …a...as e < *- : ***** * *** Spartifuſiere 9ſbergi. 3Oief, Šteid)32&tly unb @timse, beſtebt auş 9berbaug unb linter- bauð. 4 - ~~~ *** * * * niet betaald. Netto belöb. Netto vagt. Domstol. Retholt afslaad. Contor. Underretning. Aerende, ordres. Eien regning. Udruster. Egnere. Stykegods. Hob, partie. Andeel, deel. … Partikuliir haveri. Storthing, og Rigsraad, Netto provenuet. Netto vigt. Domstol. Dom att icke fortsätta rättegången làngre. Kontor. Upplysningar. Updrager, ordres, ans- trykning. Egen rākning. Utrustare. Redare, agare. Stykgods. Samling. | Andel. Partikulir Averi, , Storting, och Riksråd, Français Italiano Español Ó Castellano Portuguez Pycckiii l 5 (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Avis du marché, Infor- |Avvisi di mercato. Avisos de mercado. Avisos de mercado, Y Bhào Mºlehie. mations du marché. *..., . 2. Assemblée. Adunanza. , º Junta, concurso. Concurso. Co6pahie. 3. Argent. Danaro. . . Dinero. Dinheiro. Alehºrn. ' 4. Hypothèque. Ipoteca. Hipoteca. Hypotheca. 3aklaaſh. \ 5. Besoin. Besogno. § * : |Necesitad, menester. Necessidade.” |Hytraa. 6. Provenſ, net, limpio. Somma netº. * Importe limpio. …” Summa limpa. Cºbth-HTori,. / . ..":*::A; i § & º dº --~~ • * * * 7. Net, poids net, limpio. Netto. . . . . . ` |Limpio, peso limpio.” Limpo. º Cºbth-Bºbct. 8. Tribunal composé d'un Tribunale composto d'un giu-|Tribunal compilesto de unjuez Tribunal composto de hum |Cyå'E. juge et des jurés, 9. Mis hors de cour, Périmé. 10. Bureau, comptoir. 11. Induction, informations, découverte. - 12. Commandes, ordres. 13. Prophe compte. ' 14. Fournisseur. ; 15. Armateurs, proprietaires.; - 16. Cueillette, ſ Hº / 18. Rart, portion. f 19. Averie particulière. 20, Corp Tegislatif composé teurs ou Pairs, et de la Chambré des Députés. * Cosa refiutata. Uffizio. "... “. Avvisi, circonstanze. digé e degli uomini giurati. * ... . . . \ : , . . Çommandi. . f - £ºntº propio. Provveditore. Armatori. Casse. |Particelle. Parte, porzione. Averia particolare. Assemblea nazionale composta \ \, della Camera dei Pari e dei Comuni. y de los hombres jurados. |Evidencia negada. Despacho, bureo, aduana. Avisos. . . . . ! . . . . # - Ordenes, pedidos. Cuenta propia. Abastecedor. Armadores, dueños. ||Farderia. Partecilla. Parte. Averia particular. Cortes compuestos dela Cáma- ra prima y dela Cámara Segunda. juiz e de jurados. Sentencia a revelia." Estanque, papeleira. Avisos. . Mandos. Conto proprio. Provedor. Donos. Fazendas. Parte. Parto. Averia particular. COrtes. YHWHToikate ſipollect. Błopo, Rohtopa. A,0IIpoebi. } e * IIopyhehie. ' Cboñ-cuéte. ChaćAbbate.nj. X03a.hht. Cónpahie. , IIaptin. Ui ; : Haett, Aoin, Bohuìnha-uacThbiń. IIap.nameHTTE. English Svensk # Hollandsch Dansk og Norsk 3)eutſch. :-> (British.) 1. Parties. 2. Partner. 3. Patent. 4. Payable. 5. Pay on sight. 6. Personal property. 7. Pigtails of tobacco. 8. Post the ledger. 9. Poster. 10. Power of attorney. 11. Premium, profit primage. 12. Prices. 13, Price current. 14. Prime costs. 15. Prima facie. I6. Prime, superior. 17. Principal, chief, governor. 18. Principal, money. 19. Premises. 20. Prisoner at the bar, you stand indicted for . . . . . are you guilty or not ? | Oppervlakkig genomen. (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) Partijen. Compagnon, Vennoot. Octrooi, brevet. Betaalbaar. Op zigt betalen. Roerende goederen. Pruimtabak. Het grootboek bijhouden. Boekhouder, grootboekhouder. Volmagt. Premie, winst, voordeel. Prijzen. Prijscourant. Inkoopsprijzen. Puik, best, bestgoed, puikgoed. Principaal, chef, hoofd, de oude. Kapitaal, hoofdsom. Percelen, erfen where. Gevangene nu voor de balie, gy Zyt aangeklaagd voor . Zytgy schuldig of ‘parteien, Spartien. Gefährte, Gompagnon. Syafemf. Šešabſbat, 3abſbar. 2ſuf (ºid}t be; abſen. Şerſönſideg-beſiń. Spfrogfen Stabaf, Sprumtabaf. 3Oaé Groß-Sud) beißaſtem. 25udbaſter, $oſſmadjt. Spremie, Gemium, $80rtheiſ. %reiſe. f Spreis-98er;eidymiń. Čintaufº-Syrciſe. 96erfäd}{id} betrad}tef. 980rtreff'id). Sprincipaſ, Qaupt, Çbef, Çapital, ſpauptſumme. Gjebäube unb Grumbſtätte. 3Du Gefängner, bu biſt angeflagſ morben für . . . biſt buſduſ- big obet midt 7 nietschuldigº Parti. |Deeltagare, compagnon. Patent. Betalbar. Betale paa sigt. Personlige eiendom. Prumtobak. Hovedbog biholde. Bogholder. Fuldmagt. Premie. Priis. Priiscourant. Indkjöbspriis. Prima facie. Fortraffelig. .. Principal, hoved, chef. Capital, howedsum. Ery. De fangenen, Deer anklagd for . . . er De skyldig eller ikke 7 º i Parti. Bolagsman, compagnon. Afgit, patent. Betalbar. Betala på sigt. Lösören. Prumtobak. Hufvudbok bilälla. - Bokhallaren. Fullmakt. Premie. Pris. Priskurant. Inköpspris. Brima facie, Principal, hufvudinan. Capital, hufvudsumma. Arf. De arrestant, De àr ankla- gedför skyldigeller icke. ār De : Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez Pycckiii. 16 (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Parties. Partiti. Partidos, partidas. Partes. IIapt BI. 2. Compagnon, commandi- |Socio, consoce. Socio, consocio. Socio, comSocio. ToBapHIII, M. taire. . . Patente, brèvet. Patente, brevetto. Patente. Patente. Ilarent. Pagabile. Pagadero. Pagavel. IIJuáTHMbiń. 3 4. Payable. 5. Payer a väe. 6. Biens meubles. . Tabac à mácher. 7 8. Tenir les livres. 9 . Teneur de livres. . Pouvoir. . Prime, profit, gain. . Prix. . Prix courant. . Prix d'achat. * • ‘A A première vue. Superbe, supérieur. 17. Chef, principal. 18. 19. Prémisses, lieux. 20. Prisonnier par devant le tribunal, vous étes accusé de . . . Štes vous coupable ounon 7 - MERCHANT'S FRIEND.] Capital, argent. Pagar a vista, pagare alla vista. Beni personali. Tabacco da masticare. Tenere i libri." Tenetore di libri. Potenza. Prima, profitto. Prezze. Prezze corrente. Prezzo di compra. A prima vista. Superbo. Capo, principale. Capitale, danaro. Premesse. Prigioniere in faccia del tri- bunale, sieteaccusatodi. . . siete colpawole à non colpa- vole 7 Pagar ala Vista, pagar a vista. Posesion ligera y movediza. Tabaco para mascar. Tener libros. Tenedor de libros, primo de- pendiente. Poder. Prima, provecho. Precio. Precio corriente. Precio de compra, a costos y COStaS. - A la vista primera. Soběrbio. Principal, primo, partidario, jefe. Primo, capital, dinero. Premisas. Prisionero delante del tribunal, Vmd está acusado de . . . i está Wmd reo 6 no reo 7 Pagar a vista. Propriedade pessoale. Ter livros. Theor de livros. Poder. Prima. Prego. Prego corrente. Prego de compra. A vista primeira. Superba. Principal. Capital. Premisas. Prisoneiro perante o tribunal, está accusado de . . . está deliquente 6 não 7 F II.MathTE, 3am.nathTE. MMyIII,ect bo-Jin Hhbiń. Taffaq.hā. ſlep;Rath Cohhhehie. ByxralıTepe. Moºie, B.1acTb. Harpaja. II, Bha. Hpeñct, Rypahtº. II Bha 0th IIokyIIka. IIepbwh-BMA'h, et, Hepbaro B3.J. H.A. a. IIpHHI, HIIan'E. T.labhan cyMMa, Aehr Ha IIHTajiT). * * IIochi.ikh. - Yahhk'º hat, cy.A.W.M.H.IIIe 06Bhhalil . . . Bahhbiń HMH hitt, 7 * 17 English Hollandsch 3)eutſd; Dansk og Norsk Svensk (Swedish.) (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) 1. Privy council. Hooge Raad, Geheime Raad, Qippeſſationé-Gjerićt. Appelations-Ret. Hof van Cassatie. 2. Profit and loss. Winst en verlies. (5emoinn umb 98erſuſt. Profit og forliis. 3. Promissory note. Promesse, obligatie. promeſe, &djuſt. Promesse. 4. Protest before a notary. |Protest voor een notaris. 30t cinem Sºotariuš proteſtitem. |Gióre prosten framfor een no- . tarius. 5. Purchaser, buyer. Kooper, aankooper. &infäufer, Štáufer. Kjöber, indkjöber. 6. Purchase money. Kooppenningen. Çinfaufsbetrag. Belöb. 7. Put on record. Registreren, aanteekenen. $5eurfunbigen, 3Regiſtriren. Registrere. 8. Ramship. Ramschip. §§§erfdiff. Waeder skibb, ramskibb. 9. Raw sugar. Ruwe suiker. §obe 31ſtfer. Raae sukker. 10. Real property. Onroerende goederen. Qanb-35eſig. Land-eiendom. 11. Receipt. Kwitantie, kwijting. Quittung, Gmpfangſöeim. Qvittering. 12. Recommend. Aanbevelen. Çmpfeffſen. Anbefale. 13. Record. Registratie, aanteekening. llrfumbe, Štegiſtratur. Registrering. 14. Recorder, keeper of the Greffier, die tevens ook als|{Regiſtrator. Registrator. Records, a minor judge. Regter somtyds zit. * 15. Recover debts. Uitstaande Schulden invorde- |&inforSerm. Indfordre. deren, Schulden innen. 16. Remanded. Uitgesteld in hechtenis tot |littbeiſs-2ſufſötebung. Opsaettelse af ret. verder verhoor. 17. Refined sugar. Geraffineerde suiker. Şaffinitte 3uder, Raffinerd sukker. 18. Refiners. Raffinadeurs, suikerbakkers. |&taffineur, 3uderbäder. . Raffinór. 19. Remit. Remiteren, overzenden. Jemitiren, äbermathem. o tº 20. Remittance. Remise, geldverzending. §emiſe, Štimeſe, llebermachung. Remise, remisse. 21. Reprieve, respite. Genade, koninklyk uitstel of Udsaettelse. 2ſufidub, &ntſaſung, Muñóiebung. |Betäckning, remiss. Vädjandes-Rätt. Winst och forlust. Promesse, gåld, fordran, skuld Gióra protesten framför notarius. Kópare, inköpare. Belopp. Registrera. Vădurskepp, rammskepp, Mascovader. Fast-egendom. Qvitto. Rekommendera. Registrering. Registrator. Infordra. Utställning. Pudersocker. Raffinór. Remittera. Uppskof. mutatie. } Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez PyccKičí 17 (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Cour Impériale d'appèl et de cassation. 2. Gain et perte, profit et perte. 3. Promesse. 4. Protester par devant un notaire. . Acheteur, acquereur. . Montant d'achat. . Enregistrer. . Vaisseau belier. . Säcre crá. . Biens immeubles. Reçã. } ;; . Recommander. 13. Registre. 14. Greffier, juge inférieur. 15. 16. Recouvrer, reparer. Renvoyé, ajourné. 17. l8. 19. 20. 21. Sücre raffiné. Raffineur. Remettre. Remise. * Répit, surséance, reläche Corte 6, tribunale d’appella- ZIOIlê. Guadagno e perditta, profitto e perditta. Promessa, mallevadoria. Fare prova di fortuna ante il notajo. Compratore. Montante di compra. Registrare. Bastimento con becco. Zucchero crudo. Beni stabili. Quitanza. Raccomandare. Registro. Cancelliere. Riscuotere. Rimandato. Zucchero raffinato. Affinatore. Rimettere. Rimessa. Dilazione. Tribunal mayor de apelacion. Provecho y perdida. Promesa, vale. Hacer protesta delante de un escribano publico. Comprador. Importe de compra. Registrar. Navio ariete. Azucar crudo. Bienes raices, tierras. Recibo, descarga. Encomendar, encargar. Registro. Escribano de justicia. Cobrar, recobrar. Rechazado, remiso. Azucar rafinado. Refinador. Remeter, entregar. Remesa. Plazo, suspension de senten- cia, mutacion. Tribunal de appellação. Ganhoe perda. Promessa. Fazer protesto perante hum tabellião. Comprador. Total de compra. Registrar. Navio ariete. Açucar crudo. Propriedades reales. Quitança, descarga. Recommandar. Registro. Registrador, Recobrar. Fazer voltar. Açucar refinado. Refinador. Repor, remeter. Remesa. Suspensão de sentença. AyMa. IIpHóbile H ypoht. 06:BIIIahie. IIpoba Ae 10ptyha, Ilpo- Te CTTB. IIoky II ate.mb. CT offita ott, II0kyſIKa. 3anhcath. Bapah'º-Kopač.1b. Cbipoſſi Caxapº. Co6ctBehhoctb. RBhtania. IſpH RabbiBaTb. Pečetp%. Banhchaten, Aſhenaeatene IIo.ſly inte. 0TabibaTE. Ouhinehhbiń Caxapt. IIepehnina Bajili,Mk+. CTabath. PeMM3b1, capań. OTcpoika, I8 English Hollandsch Øeutſcſ; Dansk og Norsk SVensk (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (T)anish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) . Retail. In het klein verkoopen. Şm fſcimen perfaufen. Ismaahandel giöre. Minuthandla. . Retailer. Kleinhandelaar. $[einbänbſer, Śērāmer. Smaahandler. Minuthandlaren. . Relations, connexions. Relatien, betrekkingen. 98erötnbungen, Ştelationé. Forbindelse. Förbindelse. I 2 3 4. Resign. 5. Return, statement. | 6. Rich tobacco. 7 8. 9 . Rider. Risk. Rolls’ e Equity Court. Court, 10. Rule in Banco for argu- ment, without jury. 11. Sale, auction. 12. Sale-account. 13. Salary, pay, remuneration, fees, reward. 14. 15. 16. I7. Salvage, salvor. Samples. Save expences. Scrip and coupons. I8. I9. 20. 21. 22. Scrubby tobacco. Secured. Seized goods. Seller. Senior. Afstand doen, bedanken. Opgaaf, staten. Lijvige tabak. Aanhangsel, alonge, talon. Waag, risico, kans. Een der Hooge Geregtshoven over bezittingen en Goede- I’éI]. Appèl of Hooger-beroep, over Zekere exceptien, Zonder gezworenen. Verkoop, veiling, auctie. Verkooprekening. Salaris, loon, beloning, huur, minerval, molument. Bergloon, strandvonder. Monters, proeven, stalen. Onkosten sparen. Talon met coupons. Brokkelige tabak. Bevestigd, gesloten, digt. Webeurd verklaarde goederen, aangehaalde goederen. Verkooper, afzetter. Oudste. 26Sanfen. 2ſufgabe, Gºfaaf, beſtätifung. 2nbang, £aſon, 21ſonge. §agnifi, Štuſico. Çim ber Obergerid)fe. Stidhterſide (ºntſóeibung offne bie Gingeſd mooremem. $8erſteigerung, Qiuction. 98erfauf-Éted nung, Çontopento. Gjebaſt, Qohn, ©aſaire. Söergſohn, $5erger. Syroben, 5)?uſter. ©peſen ſparen. 3.aſon mit Goupong. 988 rſdjloſſen, §ugemacht. 38erbaftete Güter ober ©aden. 3erfäufer, Q(6ſifier. 2ſeſt ſte. Opgivelse, opgave. Tillaeg. Risico. Een af de Overret. Dommerlige afgjörelse. Auction. Salgregning, conto vento. Lön, sold. Berglön, Bergere. Pröve. * Spare omkostninger. Talon og couponer. Slutted. Arresterd VarèI’. Saelger. Gamle. Forslag, uppgift. Bihang, alonge, talon. Vågspel, risico. Rolls domstol. Rättesnöre. Auktion, försäljning. Försäljning rākning. Lön, sold. Berglön, Bergare. Prof. Spara kostnad. Papperslapp och coupons. slutted. Säljare. Gamle. Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez Pycckiii. 18 16. Epargner des frais. 17. Talon et coupons. 18. 19. Serré, fermé. 20. Saisies, contrebandes sai- sies. - 21. Wendeur. 22. Ainé. Risparmiare spese. Tallone e polizza. Chiuso. Contrabande pigliate. Wenditore. Anciano. Ahorrar gastos. Talon y retales. Cerrado. Cogemientos, embargo. Wendedor. Anciano, primo. Poupar gastos. Cedula e retaes. Penhoras. Wendedor. Anciano, primeiro. (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. En détail. A ritaglio. Por menor. Per miudo. * IIopoghb. 2, Détailleur. Mercante a ritaglio. Mercante por menudo. Mercador per miudo. Memouhoi Jiabolihhit b. 3. Liaisons, rélations. Connessione. Vinculos, enlaces. Connexão. CBH3b, colobb. 4. Congédier, remercier. Resegnare. Resignar. Resignar. Clarath. * 5. Résumé, récit, compte. Conto. Resumen. Resumo. IIépenehe, mobbeth. 6. Tabac riche. tº ge O tº tº º º g 7. Alonge, talon. Giunta, tallone. Añadidura, talon. Talāo. Hakoheuhnke. 8. Risque. Rischio. Riesgo. Risco. CTpaxt. 9. Cour des greffes. Tribunale di cancelleria. Tribunal de injerto. Tribunal de registros. g 10, Décision sans des jurés, Decisione senza gli uomini |Decision judicial sin los hom- IIpablehie. décision secondaire et finale, giurati. bres jurados. | 11. Enchère, vente publique. Incanto, venditta. Venta. Venda. Iponaxa. . 12. Compte de vente. Conto vento, conto di vendit- |Cuenta de Venta. Conto de venda. IIpoAajka-chéTTE. $º * * & A to. * e te 13. Salaire, gāges. Salario, stipendo, soldo. Salario, stipendo. Salario. HalloBahie. 14. Sauvetage, sauveteur. Salvazzo, salvatore. Salvamiento, salvador. Salvamento, salvador. IIepečMt. 15. Echantillons. Mostre, scampoletti. Muestros. Amostras. II poébi. Chacate, HB6abiath. IIHeb Men, H Kynohct. 3anepeshei. IIo.10%tehie apecTa. Toprobenºb, IIpoAabenºb. |CTapilinha. 19 English Svensk PIollandsch Dansk og Norsk 3)eutd; (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) 1. Sentence is given by the judge after the verdict of the petty jury. Sequester, sequestrator. Settlement of accounts. Shag tobacco. . Share, part. Shareholders. Shipbroker. i . Shipping. Shipment. . Shipwrecked, lost. : . Shippers, freighters. I 2 . Sinking fund. 1. 3 . Sleeping partner. 14. Solicitors and counsels, or barristers; proctors and doctors are in Doctors’ Commons, 15. Speaker in the Commnos. 16. Spotted tobacco. 17. Stamp. 18. Statute of limitation. Vonnis wordt gegeven door den Regter, na de uitspraak der gezworemen. Syndic. Afrekening, wereffening. Kardoes tabak. Deel, aandeel. Actionaires, aandeelhouders. Cargadoor, scheepsmakelaar. Scheepvaart, Zeehandel. Afscheping, verzending. Schipbreuk geleden, verloren, gebleven. Afladers, bevrachters. Amortisatie Syndicaat, Reserf. fonds, achter deurtje. Stille compagnon, geldschie- ter, vennoot. Procureurs en Advocaten; die in de Prerogative Regtban- ken, heeten Proctors en Doctors. Woor zitter in de Tweede kamer der Staten Generaal. Verhagelde tabak. Zegel, keur, stempel. wa van Verjaring. llrtbeiſ mirb pon bem Rid)fer auš. geſprodjen, mad) bet baff bic Gingeſdºnooremen bie Qugſagung ertheiſt baben. ©9mbicus. 2[bredynung. *Intºſ, ºil. £beiſhabet, QIctionär. ©diffémátfier. ©difffahrt, Qambeſ. 216ſdiffung, Ginſibifung. ©diffbrud) geſitten. 2[6ſabet. §eſerf-Sumè3, Çommanbitair, Gjelbaušleger. 2Inmaſten unb Qſbeocaten; $3eſdje ſib in Sen Sprerogative Geridºten beſinben, beiffen Syroctors unb 3Ooctors. Sprleſtbent in bet $80tſammeſung ber ©tánbe. ©tempeſ, Gewis. ©eſe; ber 3crjabrungs Stift. (Danish and Norwegian.) Dom, omdömme. Sindic. Fraregning. Andeel, deel, actie. Actiehaver, deelhaver. Skibsmagler. Skibfart. Udskibning. Skibbrud. Aflaessere. Reserf funds. Commanditar. Sagförer og Advocater. President til Folksthing. Stempel. Ugyldighedstid. (Swedish.) Dom gifves genom domare efter utsage afjury. Sindicus. Slutning afrākning. Andel, del, aktie. Deltagare, delhafvare. Skeppsmäklare. Skeppfart. Inskeppning. Skeppsbrott. Skeppare. Amortissement fond. | Fórskottsman, bolagsman," kommanditór. Ombudsmån och advoca- ter. President till Folks-ting eller folksting. Stam pel. Fälle tredskodom. Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez PyccKiš 19 (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. Sentence est donnée par ||Sentenza e data doppo il giu- |Sentencia esta dada despues Sentença. IIphroBop'H. le juge, après le jugement dicio à parere degli uomini el parecer 6 dictámen de des hommes jurés. giurati. los hombres jurados. 2. Syndic, séquestre. Sindico. Sindico. Sindico. CekbecTpatopt. 3. Liquidation, réglement, Liquidare dei conti. Liquidacion, ajuste. Ajuste. PascuéTh. paiement des comptes. 4. © º º ge e ſº & gº Q © tº º © 5. Part. Parte, porzione. Parte, porcion. Parto. e ſº "HacTE, A.0.1.h. 6. Actionnaires, participants. Azionari, participianti. Accionistas, particpantes. Accionistas, paticpantes. Akiliohept. 7. Chargeur, courtier. Caricatore, sensale. Corredor, cargador. Corretor, carregador. Harpy&IIIHKT. 8. Embarcation. Sorta, imbarcazione. Embarco. Naviozinho. |ITepeboshbih. 9. Embarquement. Imbarcamento. Encargamiente. Empenho. | Harpy:Réhie. 10. Naufragé, perdu. Naufragato, perduto. Naufragado, perdido. Naufragado. Kopač.nekpyniehie. 11. Fréteurs, affrèteurs, char- ||Noleggiatori. Fletadores, cargadores. Carregador. Kapra,50pt. geurs. 12. Fonds de reserve. Fondo di Reserva. Fondo de Reserva. IIo.10%hth kanIITalib, Ha- ~ : ſº AepjRhBaTb-Aehbrm. 13. Bailleur de fonds, com- |Consocio, sbolsatore. Dador, desembolsador. Dador. ToBapHIII, E, OTAaTejle. manditaire. 14. Avoués ou procureurs et aVOCats. 15. Président dans la cham- bres des Députés. 16. Q º e 17. Timbre, empreinte. 18. Loi de périmé, statut de préscription. * Patroni Ö avvocati. procuratori ed Presidente nella cámera dei communi. Bolla. Legge Ö statuto di limitazione. d Procuradores y letrados. Presidente in la camera se- gunda de los Cortes. Sello, timbre. La instancia perecida, ley de perecer la instancia. Solicitadores e letrados. Presidente. Timbre. Lei de limitação. IIpoRypoph H aa Bokath. IIpechAeHTTE. RJieńMo, IIITeMirene. YcTaBT, OTT Tpahana -gº. : = 20 English Hollandsch £eutidy Dansk og Norsk | Svensk (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Statement, return. 2. Stocked, take stock. 3. Stockjobber. 4. Stocks, funded property. 5. Store, storehouse. 6. Strike a balance. 7. Strong tobacco. 8. Sue, pursue, summon. 9. Summons. 10. Summary account, epi- to Ime. 11. Survey; surveyors. I2. 13. 14. Suit, proceedings. Sweepings. Take charge of 15. I6. 17. Tare. Taxes. Taxing master, registrar. 18. Total loss. 19. Tenders. : . Opgaaf, staten, lijst. Wel voorzien, overladen met voorraad, voorzien. Effecten makelaar. Effecten, staatspapieren. Magazijn, pakhuis. Balans of Saldo uitbrengen. Wat broei in, sterke tabak. Dagwaarden. Dagwaarding, Citatie, reno- vatie. Kort verslag, kort begrip. Bezigtiging; Experts. Procès, regtsgeding. Weegsel, opveegsel. Bezorgen, inbeslagnemen. Tarra, tara. Belasting. Een regter die de Rekeningen of notas der advocaten en procureurs naziet om afzet- tery te voorkomen. Totaal verlics. Bod, inschrijving, aanbiedin- gen, aanbod. t 2ſufgabe, 35eſtätigung. Jºeid) an $80trat). 5)tādſet in 2ſctionen. $onbſe, Çffecten. Sager, 5) agašin. $5aſang obet (3.aſbo auššieben. $80rſaben, perfolgen. %30rſabung. £ut;e 26faſſung. 25eſid}tigung; beſid}tiger. Şrojeg, Gerid)ffadye. $ebrid\t. 98erbaftem, beloadjem. 3.are. &teuer, Seſaſtungen, 3oſſ Šted)tem. 3.arit śid)fet ber bi @peſen umb Štoſten ber 2|bbocaten mad) ſiebt. £otaſ $8ctſuſt, betunter gegangem. QIntráge, 2nbietungen. Opgivelse. Meget forraad. Maegler. Fonds. Oplagshuus. Udtraekke eet Saldo. Indstavne. Indstaevning. Affatning. Besigtelse; besigtelsmaend. Proces, retsag. Feieskarn. Saette fast Waage over. Tara. Skat. Taxer-dommer. Total tab, heelt forliis. Tilbud. Taga, gripa. Tillbud. Uppgift, forslag, Stor förrådet. Mäklaren. Fondser. Nederlag. Draga et Saldo ut. Stämma. Stämning. Kort begrepp. Besigtiga; besigtelsmån.] Rättegång. . Sopor. Tara. - Skatt, tull. Taxer-domare. Total forlust. Français *iºn, t Español 6 Castellano Portuguez Pycckiii 20 (French.) (Italian.) 1. Déclaration. Dechiarazione. 2. Rempli, pourvè, fourmi, comblé. 3. Agioteur, fond. 4. Actions, fonds, effets. 5. Magasin. de courtier 6. Tirer la balance. 8. Poursuive en justice. 9. Sommation, citation. 10. Aperçu. 11. Examin, visite; Experts, juges. 12. Procès, procedure. 13. Balayures. 14. Saisir, soigner. 15. Tare. 16. Impôts. 17. Un juge qui évalue les comptes et déclarations des aVO Cats. 18. Perte totale, encicliqué. 19. Inscriptions, offres, mise. enfoncé, MERCHANT's FRIEND.] Colmatto, pieno. Sensale di fondi, agente di cambio. Azioni, fondi. Magazzino, fondaco. Cavare il saldo. Proseguire, perseguitare. Citazione. Breve narrazione. Esame, visita; Piriti. Processo, lite. Spazzatura. Prendere, pigliare. Tara. Imposte. Giudice che guarda i conti viziosi degli avvocati. Perdita totale, enciclicato. Offerte, inscrizione, (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) Declaracion. Declaracão. Aekiapahin. Abastecido. Pleno. IIehb. Corredor in fondos, agiota- |Jogador nos fundos. BapbiThh Rt. dor. Acciones, fondos. Almacen. Sacar el Saldo. Entablar demanda. Emplazamiento. Narracion brewe. Exámen, visita; Piritos. Pleito, proceso. Barreduras. Coger, ampararse de, cuidar de. Tara. Impuestos. Juez weedor de las Cuentas de los letrados. Perdida total. hº ptiones, of rtas, inscrip- QS. Acciones, fundos. Armazem. Perseguir. Chamamento, citação. Summario. Exame, inspecção ; Peritos. Demanda, causa, pleito. Warreduras. Pegar, Cuidar. Tara. Imposto. Juiz vedor. Perda total. Inscripgāo. AKIIBI, IIOM'Bethe. AHóapt, Maraahht. XoAHTE, 3a A, B.10Mb. II pH3b1b b. IIepe'ieh'h. Halºsoph ; HaA8hpate.lb. Mckate.nf, etB0. BEIMeTb. Bepeubch, eMorphth. Tapa. Hanorb, I101II.inha. Okla, IHRt. IIoTeph HTort. HaA ſince, 06hlilahie. 2I English Hollandsch 3)eutſd; Danskog Norsk Svensk s (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Terms. Woorwaarden, conditien. $5ebingungen, Gonbitiong. Betingelser. Betinger, aftal. 2. Tickets. Billetten, lootjes, kaartjes. 3etteſ. Seddel. Sedel. 3. Transit. Doorvoer, transito. 3Ourdyfußr, tranſito. Transit. Transito. 4. Transfer, convey. Overdragen, overschrijven, |lleberttagen. Overdrage. Transportera. 5. Transactions. Transacties, verhandelingen. |3°rbanblungen, Geſääfte. Forretning. Syslande, göramāl. 6. Travellingclerk, traveller. Reiziger. &eiſenber. Reisende. Resare. . Translator. . Trial in a court of law by judge and jury. § 9. Trial trip of a ship. 10. Treaty. 11. Trustee. 12. True bill, and bill ignored by the grand jury. 13. 14. Underwriters. Value received. 15. 16. Up the river. Verdict given by the jury. 17. 18. 19. Value upon. Wested. Want, in want. Wertaler, Translateur. Procedure voor den Regter en de 12 gezworenen of des- kundigen. Proef-reis, proeftogt. Verdrag, tractaat. Gevolmagtigde. De aanklagt gepast of ongepast bevonden door 24 Gezwore- men, vöór de proceduren. Verzekeraars, assuradeurs. Waarde genoten. Op de rivier. Uitspraak wordt de 12 Ge- zworenen gegeven. Trekken op. Wastgesteld. Gebrek, behoefte. tle6erſeşer, ºranáſafeur. Şerbër ber ºffid)ffadyen. Sprobe 3ug ober Šteiſe. £ractat, QIbbanblung, Serfahren. 36epoſſmād)tigte. Øie QInf{age pom ben 24 Ginge- ſdymoremen rid)fig obet unridgtig befumben. 982rſiderer. - 38ertly entmommen, §ert) emp- fangen. ©from aufmátfö. Quéſprade, ober 9ſuéſagung pon ben 12 mämmern. Çntneſſmen, 3ieben. §eſtgeſteſt. SRangeſ, Geſud). Oversaettere, translatör. Forhör. Provereise. Tractat. Agent, befuldma“gtiget. Tillade eller afslaae Anklagen. Assuradór. Waerd modtagd. Stromen opad. Udsagn. Traekke, modtage. Feil, lyde Öfversättare, translatār. Laga Förhór. Försök-resa. Afhandling, tractat. Ombudsman. Rättmätige anklage. Assurador. Värd emot tagad. Upp stromen. Utsage, domslut. Draga. Brist. Français Italiano Español Ó Castellano Portuguez PyccKiſſi 21 (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) Tºussian.) . Conditions. Condizzione. Condiciones. Condigào. Coctoshie. . Billets. Viglietti. Billetas. Bilhetes. BH.let EI. . Transit, passavant. Polizza di tratta. Albalá, transito. Transito. Be3IIoIII. HHhbiſi IIpomyck's . Transférer, transporter. . Commis voyageur. . Traducteur. I 2 3 4 5. Opérations, transactions. .6 7 8. Procedures. 9. Tour d’essaie. 10. Traité, accord. 11. Avoué, mandataire. d'épreuve, tour 12. La plainte accordée ou non accordée. 13. Assureurs. 14. Valeur reçã. 15. En amont de la rivière. 16. Jugement des jurés. 17, Tirer, évaluer. 18. Fixe, arrété. . 19. Manque, demande, de- mandé. Trasferire. Facendi, operazione. Commesso viaggiatore. Tradutore. Processi, lite. Giro de prova. Trattato. Mandatario, patrone. Accusa fidanzata 6 non fidan- Zata. Assicuratori. Valuta avuta. L'insti del fiume. Parere degli uomini giurati. Valutare, trarre. Mancanza. Trasferir, trasportar. M Asuntos, operaciones. Dependiente viajador. Traductor. Pleito, proceso. Prueba viaje. Tratado. | Poderhabiendo. La queja 6 acusa concedida 6 no concedida. - Infrascriptos, aseguradores. Valor recibido. Arriba del rio. Parecer 6 dictāmen de los jurados. Sacar, girar. Falta. Öperação, transacgão. Empregado viajante, despa- chante viajador. Traductor. Processo. Prava de viagem. Tractado. Apoderado, mandatario. Infrascriptos, Seguradores. Valor recibido. Em Cima do rio. Declaração dosjurados. Sacar, tirar. Mingoa. ToBapoBT. IIepehochTE. Can Mekh, oliepania. IIpHKamlıhk'b. IIepehouhkT. II poiſect, cy:RAehie, eyāh. MckyIIIehie or Ropačnº. Tpaktate, Voroboph. CTpan KH, Hobbpeh HEliſ, Mahaatapiń. - Haxenon IIM cabiniſſ. Mºbhamphitheliah. BepxoMT, Ha Bepx"b. Pºblitehie. IIHHyTh. Yuyilehie. g English 3)cutſd; Hollandsch Dansk og Norsk SVenSk - (British.) (Dutch.) (German.) (Danish and Norwegian.) (Swedish.) 1. Wanted. In navraag, wordt gevraagd, 23ire gefragt ober geſudt. Spörgsmaal. Frāgas. 2. Warehouse and vaults. 3. Warrant, Capias, habeas corpus, arrest. 4. Warrant, dock warrant for goods. 5. Wastebook. 6. Waste. 7. Wholesale. 8. Wholesale dealer. 9. Will-office, Office. Depository 10. Wind up a business or an estate. , 11. Witness giving evidence. 12. Writ signed by the judge is an order of execution, to Seize. noodighebben. Pakhuizen en kelders. Bevel om in arrest te nemen voor criminele zaken. Entrepot-Certificaat, Afleve- rings Order. Kladboek, memoriaal Afval. In het groot. Grossier. Bewaarplats der Testamenten. Afsluiten, vereffenen, liquide- I’é11. Getuige getuigenis gevende. Geschrift door den regter ge- teekend, staat gelyk meteen arrest, parate executie. Sager unt Šteffer, $erbafts befel). Soſmadjt, Gemäßtſeiſiung. $ (abbebud). 2[bfaſſ. Şm Großen, en Groß. (5rogſiter, (5roßbámbler. $82rmabt ber 3 eſtamenten. Siquibiren. 3euge ber 3eugniff gibt. jted)tāşambeſ, Šefe9ſ. Oplagshuus og kielder. Faengsel bud og befallning. Fuldmagt til gods i docken. Kladbog. Affald. I stort, i gross. Grosserer. Testamenter-forwaring. Liquidere. Widne som giver vidnesbyrd. Heftesbefallning. Magasiner och källare. Befallning. Tillstädjelse. Kladbok, kladden. Affall. I gross. Grosshandlaren. Testamenters mederlag. Afsluta, liquidera. Vittne som gifver vittnes- bórd. Bref och beslut till arre- stera, eller att taga Egendom. |º * Français Italiano Español 6 Castellano Portuguez PyccKiń 22 5. (French.) (Italian.) (Spanish or Castillian.) (Portuguese.) (Russian.) 1. On demande. Se chiede. Esta preguntado. Preguntado. HaA06 hocte. Almacenes y bodegas. Almames e adegos. Płshie hie. 2. Magasins et caves. 3. Ordre d’arrêt. 4. Ordre d’entrepôt. 5. Brouillon. 6. Dégat, rebus, déchet. 7. En gros. 8. Grossier. 9. Repertoire de testaments. 10. Liquider une affaire. 11. Témoin donnant témoi- gnage. 12. Ordre par écrit, ordre exécutoire. Magazzini, fondachie cantine. Commando di prendre. Potenza 6 Permissione. Stracciafoglio, carta suganta. Ripulso. In grossa. Mercante in grossa. Repertorio dei testamenti. Liquidare. Testimonio dando la sua testi- monianza. Ordine giudiciario. Comendo, orden de encarcer. Orden 6 poder de tomar ge- neros de la aduana. Borrador, papel de estraza. Desecho, repulsa. En grueso. Comerciante por grueso, mer- cante en grueso. Repertorio de los testamentos. Liquidar. Testigo dando su testimonio. Orden judicial. Mandado. Autorização. Borrão, papel pardo. Refugo. Em grosso. Mercador em grosso. Cargo publico dos testamentos. Liquidar, desembaracar. Testem unho dando testimunha. Feito legal para prender. AM6aph H H cB0AB1. IIphicagº. MeMopiath. Pagopehie. 0IITOM'b. Hyment, Ouito Mt. CBHA'B'Ten E. uto Aath, cbh- AſhTemcTB0. Y Ra8+. APPENDIX IN EIGHT LANGUAGE S. º Italiano 3. -E.I.T 3Xeutſd; Français } (British.) (French.) (German.) (Italian.) I. GAME of CHESs. . Chessboard; to play. Bishop ; knight. Rook or castle. Pawn; gambit. First move. Drawn game. Checkmate. . Stalemate. To castle. i II. GAME OF DRAUGHTS. 1. Die, dice. 2. Draughtboard. 3. Crown the king. 4. Stone; take. 5. Lost; won. 6. English game. III. GAME OF WHIST. . King ; queen. To shuffle ; to cut. . Knave; to deal. Diamonds. Hearts; clubs. Spades. By tricks. By cards. . By honours. 10. Trumps. 11. Ace of cards. 12. Stake. . The king; the queen. . I shall huff that man. JEU D’ECHECs. Le roi; la reine. Echéquier; faire une partie. Fou ; cheval, cavalier. Tour. Pion; gambite. Première pose. Acquit, Égaux. Echec et mat. Pat. Roquer. Moi, je souffle ce pion lá. JEU DE DAMES. Dé, dés. Damier. Damez cette pièce. Pion; prenez, Perdu; gagné. *A l'anglaise. JEU DE WHISTE. Roi; dame. Méler; couper. Valet; donner. Carreaux. Coeurs; trèfles. Piques. Par mains. Parles couleurs. Par des figures. Atout. As de cartes. Enjeu, mise. © c5 acbſpieſ. 3Der Stönig ; bie & onigin. ©dyad) brett ; eine Spartie madjem. Şäufer ; ©pringer. £5urm. Söquet ; (5ambit. Çrſter 3Ug. Gºſeid). ©dyad) matt. Syatt. §todirem. Şd) blaſe jenen $5auer. 3) a men ſpie [. ©djeibe, Ødjeiben. 30amembrett. $roßmen &ie ben $5mig. ©tein ; Sºebmen &ie. §erſorem ; Gemommem. 2ſufé &ngliſd). $3 biſtſpieſ. Joerr ; Śrau. $ormiſden; abbeben. Söquer ; geben. ($dſteinen, ©djeſſen. $per;en ; Sidbelen. ©d}oppen. Söei 3ug ober ©tid). $6ei Gouſeurá. Söei Šiguren. £rumpf. Qſſ pom $arten. Qſuffaş. GIUOCO DEGLISCACCHI. Il re; la regina. Scacchiere; giuocare. Vescovo ; cavaliere. Rocco à torre. Pedona; gambito. Prima mossa. Eguale, Achitto. Scaccho matto. Patta. Roccare. Prenderö quella pedona. GIUOCO DI DAMA. Dado, dadi. Tavoliere. Addoppiate questo. Dado ; prendete. Perduto ; guadagnato. All’Inglese. GIUoco DI WHISTO. Re; dama, Mischiare; tagliare. Servo; dare. Quadri. Cuori; fiori, Picche. Colla mano. Colle carte. Colle figure. Trionfo. Asse delle carte. Offerta, posta. Español 6 Castellano Hollandsch Svensk Pycckiii 24 (Spanish or Castillian.) (Dutch.) (Swedish.) (Russian.) I. JUEGO DE AJEDREZ. SCHAAKSPEL. SCHACKSPB.L. III a x M at EI, III axt, El rey; la reina. Tablero; jugar. Bobo ; caballo. Roque 6 torre . Peon ; gambito. . Empezamiento. Igual. Jaque y mate. Pata. 10. Enrocar. 11. Soplo este peon. II. III I JUEGO DE DAMA. 1. Dado, dados. 2. Tablero. 3. Corona el rey 4. Peon ; coma. 5. Perdido; ganado. 6. Ala Inglesa. . JUEGo DE WHISTO. Rey; reina. Barajar; atravesar. Sota; dar. Oros. Copas; bastos. Espados. Por las bazas. . Por los palos. . Por los colores. 0. Triunfo. 11. As de naipes. 12. Posta, dote. MERCHANT’s FRIEND.] De koning; de koningin. Schaakbord; spelen. Raadsheer; paard. Kasteel of toren. Pion; gambit. De eerste zet. Gelyk. Schaakmat. Pat. Rokeren. Ik blaas dien pion. DAMSPEL. Schyſ, schyven. Dambord. Zet op dubbel schyf. Steen ; neem. Verloren ; gewonnen. Op zyn Engelsch. WHISTSPEL. Heer; Vrouw. Schudden : afnemen. Boer; geven. Ruiten. Harten; klaver. Schoppen. By trek. By kaarten. By kleuren. Troef. Aas van kaarten. Inleg. Den konung; drottningen. Schackbråde ; spela. Lópare; hast. Tornet. Bonde; gambit. Första rörelse Oafgjord spel. Schackmatt, Patt. Rockera. Jag skall taga denna bonde. DAMSPEL. Târning, tàrningar. Dambrāde. Gjór bricka. Târning; tar. Förlorad; vinnad. På Engelska. WHISTSPEL. Konung; drottning. Blanda; aftaga. Knekten ; gifva. Ruter. Hjerter; klöfver. Spader. Med stick. Med korter. Med mälare. Trumf. Ess i kortspel. Vad, sats. Ropolib ; Ropoleba. IIIaxMathah-A,0cka; Mrpath. EmPickofit, ; Rabalept. BaMokt. IIñoht, ; Tamónth. IIepbbia ABHKehie. . Pogbirpb.IIII'b. IIIaxMath. IIa T'E, Y kpb II.1#TE, 3amka MM. Taii e Hie. Rocte, RocTH. Tahieu HM IIa. Roctoºika ; ſiphbūMaete. IIpomaa IIIH. IIo Ahrºnifickii. B Me T-M r p a. Ropole ; /lama. Mºbiliath, ; Ph3ath. II.Myth, ; /labath. Cep Alle ; Hpectbi. IIHRH. IIITykoro. Haptoro, dºwryporo. Hogbipolo Ty3b. IIynā, OTBara. THE END OF DR. REEHORST's MERCHANTS FRIEND AND LAWYER's AsSISTANT, IN TEN LANGUAGES ; To WHICH IS ADDED A COMPARATIVE TABLE OF MON EYS, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES. LONDON, AUGUST, 1865. PRINTED BY W. M. WATTs, CRowN COURT, TEMPLE BAR, LONDON. tº - - - --~~~ - --> º º º -º-º-º: - º - º º º º º "- º - - - º º - **** --> - º º º .