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WHITTAKER, AVE-MARIA LANE, LONDON. 1823 : Proz, Alex. Ziwet gt. 2-26-1923 PREFACE. THE following pages are intended to convey the ma- thematical doctrine of the Motion of Bodies, presented with the symmetry and generality which the science has now attained, satisfactorily established, and illustrated by its application to a variety of instances. Our language could scarcely be said to possess a scientific treatise on Dynamics, till Mr. Cresswell published his translation of Venturoli; and it is still presumed that the appearance of that elegant compendium of the subject may not have at all superseded the utility of a work like the present, in which the demon- strations are fully developed, and elucidated by a consider- able collection of mechanical problems, selected from the works of the best mathematicians, and arranged with their solutions under the different divisions of the science. From the time when Mechanics began to be cultivated as a branch of mathematics, but more particularly while the great Geometers of the last century were employed upon it, and before they had succeeded in compressing the whole science into a few short formulæ, the solution of particular mechanical problems, interesting from their nature or ap- plication, was a favorite employment of those who gave their attention to mathematical pursuits. An immense 418545 iv PREFACE. number of such investigations is to be found in the different Academical Collections of Europe, the work of various hands, but above all of Euler, whose love for the specula- tions of the science of quantity, and long life of uninter- rupted application to them, led him in succession to almost. every possible question of this kind. Even for a great number of years after his death, the transactions of the Imperial Academy of Petersburg were enriched by the materials of this description which he left accumulated for it. Among more recent mathematicians however, less attention has naturally been directed to this kind of re- searches. They became less attractive as the labours of those who went first gradually exhausted the problems which were obvious without being too difficult; and as the improvement of general methods, and the reduction of difficulties to classes, made the questions less interesting by making them less particular, and by diminishing the un- certainty of success. Perhaps it cannot now be considered as the most profitable or advisable employment of mathe- matical talent to exercise it upon particular problems, distinguished only by the simplicity of their conditions or the elegance of their results; especially while so many general methods remain to be cultivated and perfected, and so many practical questions to be subjected to calculation. Still, at a certain period of the mathematician's progress, this employment is instructive, and is generally found to be interesting. The object of the present work is therefore to present such a selection of problems as may sufficiently shew the application of the general formulæ, and may at the same time satisfy the curiosity which the student may feel with PREFACE. regard to the labours of those to whom the science owes so much. It seems no more than a proper respect for the Maclaurins, Bernoullis, Eulers, and Simpsons of the last age, to preserve in our treatises some specimens of the questions which occupied so much of their attention, and which probably, if they had not cleared the way for us, might have occupied much of ours at present. If a mathe- matician should now give up his mind to such subjects, without looking to what has been done by his predecessors, he might easily, in following a favourite path of research, spend too much of his time in inventing, solving and gene- ralizing particular problems. Instead of this, a proper se- lection, such as is here attempted, may shew him what questions have been undertaken with success, and by sparing him all fruitless endeavours may leave him at liberty to employ his powers on those parts of mathematics where their exertion may really be of service. The in- vestigations relating to the system of the universe, much as has been done, still offer an ample field for the display of the talents, however great, of this and future gene- rations. Even without an extraordinary degree of the inventive faculty, much may be executed. The student who feels a proper admiration for the system of the Principia, ought to look forwards to the complete de- velopement of it in the Mecanique Celeste, as the ulterior subject of his labours; and those who shall simplify the different parts of that work and reduce them to the level of ordinary readers, as far as they admit of it, will deserve to be considered as real benefactors to the commonwealth of science. vi PREFACE. Perhaps it is not too much to hope that the succession of mathematical ability which the system of this University calls out, might, if directed to such objects, enable us to add much of what is most valuable in modern writers to the present subjects of our studies. It is undoubtedly desirable to give a sound knowledge of several branches of mathematical science, and of the Newtonian System, to a greater number of persons than we can expect to form into profound analysts; but if we could save the time which is now often lost in searching and selecting through a variety of books, and in unprofitable and unsystematic reading, we might make the extent of our encyclopedia less inconvenient than it is sometimes found to be at present. Instead of balancing the simplicity and evidence of the mathematics of a century ago against the generality and rapidity of modern analysis, it might be better to attempt. to combine them; and if our University were provided with a course of elementary works written with this view, and if the higher branches of the science were simplified and made to correspond with these introductory steps, we might include in the circle of our studies a larger portion of the modern additions to mathematical know- ledge than is now in most cases practicable. The present Work is in some measure an attempt to facilitate some of the higher problems of the science, though the mathematician will find in it little except what he will consider as elementary. Its object is the mathematical developement of the doctrine of motion, beginning with the application of the differential calculus; and hence the fun- PREFACE. vii damental laws and principles from which the science is derived are only briefly stated at the outset. Some proofs and illustrations of them are however added in Appendix (A), and it is presumed that the three laws of motion are there given in the form which is most distinct and simple, and which makes them a satisfactory foundation for the principles to be established on them. The common doctrine of projectiles and of bodies falling by gravity is omitted, as naturally belonging to a more elementary treatise. In the third Book, which treats of the motion of a solid body, a principle equivalent to D'Alembert's principle in its simplest form, viz. the equilibrium of impressed and effective forces, is made the foundation of each pro- position. The examples given, will, it is hoped, suffi- ciently familiarize the student with the meaning and application of this important and extensive law. With respect to the evidence which is in general offered for the truth of the principle, it is in fact the extension of a statical law to a system in motion; and an attempt. is here made to render this proof more clear and satis- factory. After mature deliberation, the plan has been adopted of dividing the work into short Propositions, and enun- ciating each at the beginning of its Article. Though this method interrupts the succession of truths as they grow out of each other in course of our analytical reasoning, and so far may be considered as a blemish by the practised analyst, in an elementary work on such a subject its advantages seem to preponderate, and especially for the purposes of viii PREFACE. academical instruction. The propositions are a sort of perpetual recapitulation of what has been done; and the reader generally attends to the successive portions of the reasoning more clearly and steadily, from having each of them separated, circumscribed, and its object pointed out beforehand besides which, if he meet with any difficulties, it is easily seen, in a work of such a form, exactly where and what they are. Thus, though it is not to be imagined that this work has any claim to be called synthetical from thus imitating the division of treatises of that description, it may perhaps, while its demonstrations are in general entirely analytical, possess some of the advantages of the synthetical form as a means of conveying information. Among other matter, the work contains propositions corresponding to nearly all those in the two first books of the Principia; and references to these are given where the propositions occur. Partly also with the object of making our arrangement correspond with that of Newton, the motion of bodies in fluids is separated from their free motion, and forms a second book; an order which pos- sesses some advantages, though it is different from that of most analytical treatises. The doctrine of central forces is deduced for all the cases from the same diffe- rential equation* which is employed by writers who treat of the perturbations in Physical Astronomy; and which, besides its claim to notice on that account, * The equation do² 2 d² u +11- P = 0. h² u 2 ix PREFACE. gives all the required results with remarkable simplicity and uniformity; applying also immediately to the cases of orbits where the line of apsides is in motion, as in the cases of orbits Newton's ninth section; and to which have an asymptotic circle, first considered by Maclaurin. The problem of three bodies, as treated in Physical Astronomy, could not be introduced without leading to a mass of calculations which would of itself form a treatise; and the reader is therefore referred to works professedly on that subject. The problems of the motions of bodies on surfaces of revolution, of the motions of various systems of connected points, of curves of equal pressure, tractories, synchronous curves, &c. in Chapters V, VI, VII, will be found useful as specimens of the various problems which have been solved, and of the artifices which have been employed. The third Book, on the motion of any system of rigid bodies, is the one where the work of simplification was at the same time most difficult and most neces- sary. The treatise of Atwood, unscientific and cumbrous in the highest degree, and in some respects erroneous, was till lately the principal English treatise on this subject. The more analytical modes of investigation. presented to many readers great difficulties in this depart- ment in consequence of their conciseness and generality, and of the want of examples in which the results of the formulæ might be followed into detail. By breaking up the reasoning into distinct and short propositions, as is here done, it is hoped that the subject is b Χ PREFACE. rendered more easily accessible; and the examples in Chap. VII and VIII, besides illustrating the formulæ, are themselves very curious. Among other exemplifica- tions are introduced those which are suggested by Captain Kater's method of determining the length of a seconds' pendulum, (Arts. 91, 92,) and the proof of the pro- perty established successively by Euler, Laplace, and Dr. Young, that in this method the time of vibration is independent of the bluntness of the axes, if their radii be the same. (Art. 131, Prob. VII.) The demon- stration of the existence of three principal axes, (Art. 112,) differs from the one generally given, and is borrowed from Lagrange: it is recommended, like most of the processes of that great mathematician, by its remarkable analytical symmetry. The Appendix contains several investigations not absolutely essential to the treatise, but worth notice on various accounts, and most of them new to the English reader. Besides the direct advantages of introducing into the following treatise many problems not usually found in elementary works, this collateral purpose is answered. Several of these investigations shew very remarkably the application and utility of some of those particular cases and branches of analysis, which might otherwise be considered as merely subjects of mathematical curiosity. Thus in finding the time of a body's descent to a centre of force varying inversely as the distance, we have to obtain the definite integral of ex² dæ. (p. 15). In considering the motion of a complex pendulum, (p. 136,) PREFACE. xi we employ the simultaneous integration of n differential equations, and are led to Daniel Bernoulli's important principle of co-existent vibrations. We are naturally introduced to the calculus of variations in solving the different cases of brachystochronous curves, (p. 161,) and in proving the principle of least action. (p. 401). In determining the perturbation of elliptical motion, arising from the resistance of a medium, (p. 201,) we use the method of the variation of parameters. In investigating the motion of a body about two centres of force, (p. 353,) we have occasion to refer to the criterion of the differ- ence between particular solutions and particular integrals. In finding the attractions of spheres by Laplace's method, (p. 365,) we have to differentiate under the sign of in- tegration; and in solving the problems of the vibrations of strings, and of elastic rods, (p. 378, 386,) we have to use and integrate partial differential equations. The student will be induced to consider the different branches of analysis more closely, when he thus sees instances of their use and necessity, and he may learn at the same time, that no portion of pure science is to be rejected as barren and useless; it is impossible to say what value and what results the extension of applied mathe- matics may sometime give to it. From the nature of the work, it must be in a great measure borrowed from many preceding writers; and it is neither very easy nor very necessary to point out all who have been of service. Besides Euler, however, who is a never-failing guide and assistant, I may mention xii PREFACE. my obligations to the excellent Treatise on Mechanics. of Mr. Poisson. A considerable portion of the Trans- actions of learned Societies has been examined, but without any pretensions to the merit of having made a complete abstract of the problems on this subject contained in the different Academical Collections. many In going through the detail of so many cases, properties and methods have occurred, as was to be ex- pected, which so far as the author is aware, have been hitherto unnoticed by mathematicians. But in such cases there is always a strong probability that a more extended examination of what has been previously written, would overthrow most of the claims to origi- nality which, in this late period of the history of science, can be advanced. In the present instance, the author would willingly abandon all such pretensions. for the praise of having written a useful and per- spicuous treatise on the subject on which he has laboured. The Syndics of the University Press have, from the funds at their disposal, contributed liberally to the expense of the work; and the author gladly takes this opportunity of acknowledging his obligations to them. CONTENTS. xiii CONTENTS. DIVISION of the work... Definitions and Principles BOOK I. Page 1 3 Co CHAP. II. The free curvilinear Motion of a Point . THE MOTION OF A POINT IN A NON-RESISTING SPACE.. CHAP. I. The rectilinear Motion of a Point. CHAP. III. Central Forces . . . 5 ib. 16 24 CHAP. IV. The Motion of several Points. 66 Sect. I. Problem of two Bodies 68 Sect. II. Problem of three or more Bodies. 74 CHAP. V. The constrained Motion of a Point on a given Line or Surface.. 79 Sect. I. The Motion of a Point on a plane Curve.. 81 Sect. II. The Motion of a Point on a Surface of Revolution 95 Sect. III. The Motion of a Point upon any Surface.. 109 CHAP. VI. The constrained Motion of several Points .. Sect. I. The Motion of a Rod on Planes Sect. II. Tractories. Sect. III. Complex Pendulums CHAP. VII. Inverse Problems respecting the Motion of Points on Curves. 112 113 127 130 152 xiv CONTENTS. 1 Sect. I. Curve of equal Pressure . Sect. II. Synchronous Curves.... Sect. III. Tautochronous Curves.. Sect. IV. Brachystochronous Curves BOOK II. Page ib. 154 157 . 161 THE MOTION OF A POINT IN A RESISTING MEDIUM .. 171 CHAP. I. The Rectilinear Motion of a Point in a resisting Medium.. Sect. I. No Forces but the Resistance.... Sect. II. The Body acted on by a constant Force besides Resistance. Sect. III. The Body acted on by a variable Force . . . . CHAP. II. The free curvilinear Motion of a Body in a resist- ing Medium.... 172 173 176 . 181 183 Sect. I. The Force acting in parallel Lines and con- stant 184 Sect. II. Any Force acting in parallel Lines • 191 Sect. III. Central Forces. · 195 CHAP. III. The constrained Motion of a Point on a given Curve in a resisting Medium 204 CHAP. IV. Inverse Problems respecting the Motions of Points on Curves in resisting Media.... 216 BOOK III. THE MOTION OF A RIGID BODY OR SYSTEM.. 221 CHAP. I. Definitions and Principles . ib. CHAP. II. Rotation about a fixed Axis 226 CHAP. III. Moment of Inertia 233 CONTENTS. XV Sect. I. General Properties. Page ib. Sect. II. Moment of Inertia of a Line revolving in its own Plane. Sect. III. Moment of Inertia of a Line revolving per- pendicularly to its own Plane. Sect. IV. Moment of Inertia of a Plane revolving in its own Plane. Sect. V. Sect. VI. • 236 238 239 Moment of Inertia of a Plane revolving about an Axis in or parallel to the Plane. 244 Moment of Inertia of a symmetrical Solid about its Axis Sect. VII. Moment of Inertia of a Solid not symme- 246 trical.. Sect. VIII. Centre of Oscillation 247 248 CHAP. IV. Motion of Machines 257 Sect. I. Motion about a fixed Axis.. .. ib. Sect. II. Motion of Bodies unrolling. Sect. III. Motion of Pullies.. Sect. IV. Maximum effect of Machines 266 269 274 CHAP. V. Pressure on a fixed Axis... 277 Sect. I. A Body revolving, acted on by no Forces.... ib. The three principal Axes of Rotation. 292 Sect. II. A Body revolving, acted on by any Forces .. 283 CHAP. VI. CHAP. VII. Motion of any rigid Body about its Centre of Gravity CHAP. VIII. Motion of a rigid Body acted upon by any . 304 Forces. 322 xvi CONTENTS. Page Sect. I. When the Motions of all the Particles are in Parallel Planes. Sect. II. When the Body moves in any manner what- ever APPENDIX (A). On the Definitions and Principles (B). On the Motion of a Body about two Centres of Force. (C). On the Attractions of Bodies. ib. 334 343 346 364 (D). On some particular Cases of the Motions of three Bodies.. 372 (E). On the Vibrations of Strings. 377 (F). On the Vibrations of Springs 384 (G). On the Descent of small Bodies in Fluids.—On the Ascent of an Air-Bubble. 388 · (H). General Mechanical Principles . 394 I. Principle of the Conservation of the Mo- tion of the Centre of Gravity ib. II. Principle of the Conservation of Areas.. 395 III. Principle of the Conservation of Vis Viva... IV Principle of least Action.. 397 400 A TREATISE ON DYNAMICS. DIVISION OF THE WORK. 1. THE object of the present Volume is to determine, for any body or system of bodies, the motion which corresponds to any forces; and conversely, to determine the forces which corres- pond to any motion. That is, we have to investigate the relation of the time, space, velocity, and force, when bodies are in motion under given circumstances. The subdivision of the Work will be as follows: 2. It will consist of THREE BOOKS; the two first treating of the motion of a point, and the third, of that of a body of finite magnitude. Thus, the former books apply to the motion of a particle of matter which is conceived to be indefinitely small, so that the path of every part of it may be considered as the same line: they include also the case of a finite body which moves so that all the points of it describe lines parallel and equal to each other. In these cases there is only a progressive motion, or motion of translation. The third book extends our reasonings to masses of determinate magnitude and figure, moving into various positions while their parts still remain at the same distance from each other in consequence of the rigidity of the bodies. In this case we may have, besides a motion of progression, a motion of rotation about an axis either fixed or variable; and we thus comprehend any motion. which can exist in a body. A 2 3. The first and second Books consider the motion of a point as it moves in a non-resisting space, or in a resisting medium. In the FIRST BOOK we conceive a body to move freely but if, instead of this, we suppose it to be retarded by moving through a medium, as air or water, which does not allow it to pass without affecting its motion; the mathematical difficulties of the question. will be somewhat modified: and this case will form the subject of the SECOND Book. In the THIRD BOOK, which treats of the motion of finite bodies, we shall not consider them as moving in a resisting medium. 4. Also, a point or body may either move freely in space, or may be constrained to move upon a given line or surface: and these different conditions will give rise to various problems relating to motions both in resisting and in non-resisting media. Again, instead of considering a single point only, we may sup- pose that several points, connected either by invariable straight lines, or by laws of mutual attraction and repulsion, influence each other's motions: and in the first. Book we shall, after investigating the motion of one point, proceed to the case of several. The problems which we shall have to solve may differ also by the different suppositions which we make with respect to the force. They will vary, accordingly as we suppose the force to act in paral- lel lines, or in lines tending to a centre, &c. and likewise according to the power or other function of the distance from the centre, &c. which we suppose to express the force. We may also consider the motions of bodies when attracted to two or more centres of force. The centres of force which we assume, are points from which attraction or repulsion emanates in every direction: that is, to or from which bodies tend to every side. The intensity of the force is supposed to be the same at the same distance from the centre, in every direction, and to vary according to some function of the dis- tance. There are not, strictly speaking, such fixed centres of force actually existing in nature; because, though attractions and repul- sions do appear, they take place to and from bodies, and not mathematical points; and these attractive and repulsive bodies are themselves attracted and repelled, and generally are themselves moving while they influence other motions. Still the introduction of 3 such imaginary centres of force, besides being easily and distinctly conceived, and containing the most natural mathematical simplifi- cation of the conditions which actually exist, does, in most cases, offer an approximate solution of the problem in nature, and leads to others yet more exact. The law of attraction which appears to prevail in nature, or rather the universal law of one of the kinds of attraction which particles of matter exert, is that the force increases in the pro- portion in which the square of the distance decreases. All the attempts to prove this general fact to be a necessary truth, seem to be completely unsatisfactory. At all events innumerable other laws are mathematically possible, and will be supposed in the problems which will occur; aud more especially those laws in which the force varies according to some other power of the distance, direct or inverse. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. 5. Velocity is the degree in which a body moves quickly or slowly. When constant, it is measured by the space described in a unit of time. This is the same as measuring it by the ratio of the space to the time. When variable, it is measured by the limit of this ratio. Force is that which produces or tends to produce motion. Accelerating Force is force considered with respect only to the velocity produced, without regard to the magnitude of the body moved. It is measured, when constant, by the velocity generated in a unit of time; or by the ratio of the velocity generated, to the time. When variable, it is measured by the limit of this ratio. If t be the time, s the space described, v the velocity, f the accelerating force acting in the direction of the motion, 2 = ds dť dv f dt ….(a). Moving Force is the product of the accelerating force into the quantity of matter moved. 4 Momentum is the product of the velocity into the quantity of matter of the moving body. Hence, moving force is, when con- stant, proportional to the momentum generated in a given time, as accelerating force is to the velocity generated in a given time. 6. The following are the Laws of Motion. LAW 1. A body in motion, not acted upon by any force, will move on in a straight line and with a uniform velocity. LAW 2. When any force acts upon a body in motion, the change of motion which it produces is the same, in magnitude and direction, as the effect of the force upon a body at rest. LAW 3. When pressure communicates motion, the moving force is as the pressure. Hence, the accelerating force is as the pressure directly and as the quantity of matter moved inversely. The Inertia of a body is its resistance to the communication of motion; and since the velocity communicated by a given pressure is inversely as the quantity of matter; the inertia is directly as the quantity of matter. When bodies in motion press each other, Reaction is equal and opposite to Action; that is, the pressures on each other are equal and in opposite directions. Hence, the moving forces are equal, and the momenta com- municated in opposite directions also equal. Impact is a very short and violent pressure. And hence it appears, that in impact the momenta gained and lost are equal. When a force acts to turn a body round an axis, its Moment is the product of the force into the perpendicular upon it from the axis. When the moments of forces are equal, their effects are equal. BOOK I. THE MOTION OF A POINT IN A NON-RESISTING SPACE. 7. THE laws and equations of motion are here immediately applicable, putting for the force ƒ, the value of the extraneous ac- celerating forces which act upon the point in motion. We shall first consider the motion in a straight line, and afterwards in a curve. For the first case we shall require no principles, except the nature of our ideas of force and velocity: for the second, it is necessary to introduce also the second law of motion. CHAP. I. THE RECTILINEAR MOTION OF A POINT. 8. WHEN a point moves in a straight line, this will be the line in which the force acts, and we can immediately apply the equations, V = ds dt' d v f dt •.(a). Where t, s, v, are the time of motion, space described, and velocity of a body, which is acted on by an accelerating force ƒ in the direc- tion of its motion. * It is here assumed that the forces and attractions in this case are independent of the mass of the body acted on, 6 These equations would enable us to obtain finite relations among the quantities in question, in several cases. For instance, if the velocity were given in terms of the time, we could find the space described by integrating the first equation, and if the force were known in terms of the time, we might in the same manner obtain the velocity from the second. In general, however, the force de- pends upon the position of a body, and in this case, therefore, is a function of s. 9. PROPOSITION. When the force is a function of the space, to find the velocity and time. Take the equations ds d v v= f ; d t dt multiply them crossways to eliminate d t, and we have ds do v. dt f. or vd v = fds... dt' ··(b). If we put for f its value in terms of s we can integrate equation (b), and shall thus obtain ffds: whence v is known. 2 After this, t is determined by the equation v= ds dt' ds or dt = ; V where a value of v being obtained in terms of s, we can integrate, and find t = jds V and thus the relation of the quantities in question is completely determined. 10. We may now proceed to the calculation for different sup- positions of force. One of the most common and useful suppositions is, that the force tends to a certain point or centre, and varies according to Let some direct or inverse power of the distance from this centre. S, fig. 1, be the centre of force; SP= r; and when a point is at P m let it be urged towards S by a force or ma”, m being a con- xn, stant quantity. The quantity m depends upon the attractive power 7 residing in S, and is called the absolute force. It is measured by the accelerating force at distance 1, for inaking r 1, we have the force = m. m xn It is supposed that or mx expresses the accelerating force on a particle P, whatever be the magnitude of the particle: the moving force or pressure produced by the attraction of S is greater as the mass acted on is greater. PROBLEM I. A body P falls from rest from a given point A, fig. 1, towards a centre of force S, varying as some power of the distance SP: to determine the motion*. Let SA = a, AP = s; x = α → s; and take the force to m be as some inverse power of the distance and == xn 1st, To find the velocity m v dv = ƒds = X dx; .. 2vd v = 2 m d x xn 2m (n − 1) xn−1 1) arī + C, C being an arbitrary constant quantity, to be determined. شوح 2 m When r = a, v = 0; .. v² = N- an- ( 124 v = (2 m) t (n − 1)} a²-1 x²-1 This gives the velocity when n> 1. * This is Prop. 39, Book I, of the Principia. 'To determine the motion,'" definire motum," implies the problems of obtaining the relation of the space, velocity, and time in finite terms, that is, freed from differentials. It will be recollected that the bodies spoken of in this PART are always to be considered as physical points. 8 If n = 1 this integration fails, and recurring to the differential ex- a pression, we have v² = 2 m hyp. log. x + C=2m hyp. log. x 2 m If n < 1, v² = (a¹—n — x¹—”). · 1 N If the force vary as some direct power of the distance, let ƒ=mr, and we have 2² = 2 m n+ 1 (an+1 — x²+1). In cases where the force varies as some inverse power n, greater than 1, when x=0, v = inf. or the velocity of falling to the cen-- tre is infinite. In the same case; when a = inf. v remains finite, and v² = 2 m 1 (n − 1) an~ ; or the velocity of falling from an infinite distance to the distance r is finite. If the force vary inversely as the distance, both these velocities are infinite. In all other cases, the velocity from an infinite distance to a finite one, is infinite; and the velocity from a finite distance to the centre, is finite. If the body, instead of falling from rest at the distance a, be projected upwards or downwards with a velocity V, we have, when x = a, v = V, if the body be projected in the direction of the force, and v = V, if it be projected in the opposite direction. 2 In this case, v² = √² + 2d, To find the time; ds dt = v 1 2 m 1 n a"- (2 m)ì (n − 1) ½ an d x - 1 x² - xn $ 9 n ( n − 1 ) . a = ¹ (2 m) 2-1 x= xz dx (a” 1 x n − 1 ) ½ 3 which can be integrated only in particular cases: see Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 169. 1st, We can integrate if ก 1 m be a whole number where m' 1 n and n'′ = n − 1; that is, calling r a whole number, if n 1 +1 2 + 1 2 N r, or n + 1 = 2rn 2r; .. n = Qr 1 3 5 this comprehends the cases = ~ 1, &c. - 5' 5' 7' also n = I' 3 color 5 7 &c. 5' m' 1 2d, We can integrate if be a whole number; suppose n 1+ 1 2 (n − 1) 1 1 · r; n 1 r+1 .. 11 = n r 3 4 this comprehends the cases n = 2. 51 &c. 3 also n = 0 Q' 3 01/09 S 4 &c. 4' 5 Hence the only laws of force expressed by integral powers, for which we can find the time, are 1 1 force oc const., force o dist., force o force x (dist.)' (dist.)³· The most simple fractional powers are 1 1 1 force ∞ force∞ force ∞ (dist.)½' (list.' (dist.)* B 10 If the force be repulsive, the process of finding the velocity and time will be the same as above, except that the signs will be different. m In that case if force = s = x a; xn v d v = m dx xn dx dt = 7 In many of the integrable cases, it is better to employ par- ticular methods, than the general substitution for making the differ- ential expressions rational. Ex. 1. The force varies directly as the distance: f = mx; v² = C - v = m³ (a² ds dt ง :. vd v = mxds = .vdr mx² = m (a² — xº), x²); dx m² (a² — x²)², mxdx, t = 1 m s and if t begin when x = a, 1 .arc (cos. = 2) + C; arc (cos. x COS. = a COR. If with radius SA and PQ be perpendicular to a, fig. 2, a quadrant be described, SA; and if SP = x: AQ arc (cos. = x, r, rad. = a) = a arc (co Cos. = X a rad. = 1); rad. .. velocity at P = m³. PQ, time in AP = arc AQ arc AQ = mr a vel. at S Ex. 2. The force is constant: Principia, Book I. Prop. 38. 11 vdv=fds; ..v² = 2fs; the motion beginning when 8=0. ds dt = · . t = √(2ƒs)' √ 2 s t being O when s is 0. f If the constant force be gravity, represented by g, ance, v² = 2gs, and t = 1 or s=½gť². g Ex. 3. The force varies inversely as the square of the dist- t= m mdx ƒ ===, odv = = "dz, v² = 2m (--); f vdv= dt= 益 ar¹ dr (2m) (ax) 2 x² α a 2 m x dx (a x − x²) * • (~~) * {(ax—19)³ — — arc (ver. sin. = {(ax-x®* 2x a Ꮖ )}+C; == and, t being supposed to begin when ra, since ver. sin. 2, a 2x α 13/14 ³ 1 = (-) {(ax~ 1²) + [~~ are (ver. ver. sin. - a =2=-=-) ] } • • t= 2m COR. On AS-a, fig. S, let a semi-circle be described, with centre C; and let PQ be drawn perpendicular to AS meeting it, PQ= √(SP. PA)= √(ax-r²). AQS= па 10 2 SP SC arc SQ=SC× ang. SCQ= SC ang. (ver. sin. = a = arc (ver. sin. = *When the force is as the distance, we have for the whole time of falling to the centre, making r = 0; t t = π 2 ms 24 When the force is inversely as the square of the distance we have for the whole time of falling to the centre, making «=0, πα 2 (2 m) 12 Hence, time in AP= 124 (~~)*(PQ+arc AQS – are SQ) 1/4 (4) * (PQ+ are AQ). a Hence, also time = ( 2 ) * (PQ.; SC+arc AQ. ‡ 40 2 m. 2√2 AC 2.44C) AC = area ASQ*. (am) If SQ be produced to meet in R a tangent to the semi-circle at A; ARSA. PQ PS a V (a x − x²) až χ ( - ) * ; a (2 m)+ • AR. α Ex. 4. The force varies inversely as the cube of the distance; √(a² — x²) v = V m √m. ; t = a. ax √ (a²x²) Vm COR. If with centre S and radius SA, fig. 4, we describe a circle, and make PQ, AR perpendicular to SA, and draw SQR; v= √ m a² e a AR; t t = PQ. Vm α Ex. 5. The force varies inversely as the square of the dis- tance, and is repulsive: v = √(2m) { / X : dt = Cam } α x dx 2 √(x² — ax) COR. If with focus S, fig. 5, and vertex A, the point from which the body begins to move, we describe a parabola, and take SQ=SP; SY being the perpendicular upon the tangent QY, we have SQ SQ.d. SQ d. arc AQ .d. SQ QY √(SQ² — SY2) SQ. d. SQ x d x √ (SQ² — SQ . SA) 2 √(x² — ax)' Principia, Book I. Prop. 32. 13 .. dt = Ex. 6. distance: 2m H a d. arc AQ, and t = AQ. • 2 m The force varies inversely as the square root of the až v = 2m³ . { a¹ — x¹}}; 2 {a}} t = {x¹ +2a¹}. {a} − x§}}. 3 m² • PROB. II. A body acted upon by a force varying as any power of the distance, falls to the centre from a given distance (a): to find the whole time of falling to the centre. By Prob. I, we have, if force = (n − d t --1)*. a (2m) (n − 1)³ x (2m) ½ (n − 1) 3 1)½ x (2 m) n-1 n -1 2 Ꮖ I d x 72. {an - I Z dx I d x · {1 - m xn an-1) 一 {1+ 1 x² - 1 1.3 an 2 x + 2 an- 1 2.4 a2n- Multiplying and integrating, we shall have 1 + &c.}. 3π-1 t = (n − 1) (2m) {c - 2 2 x . X 2 + 1 3n I a² - 1 an 5 n-3 1.3 2 X 2.4 ɔ̃n — 3 a²n - 2 &c.} : and this, taken from xa, to a = 0, gives for the whole time t = (n - 1) ½ (2m) n+1 1 1 2 2 a + in + 1 23n- - 1 1.3 1 + + &c.}. 2.4 5n 3 4 14 COR. 1. From different distances the times of falling to the same centre are as 2+1 2 a Hence if force oc dist. time ∞ 1, or is constant, if force ≈ 1, or is constant, time ∞ √(dist.) 1 if force ∞ time o dist. (dist.)' 1 if force ∞ time (dist.), (dist.), 1 if force ∞ (dist.)³ › time ∞(dist.)², 1 if force ∞ time ∞ (dist.). (dist.)³ ³ COR. 2. In all these cases the time is greater as the distance is greater; but if the force vary in a higher direct ratio than the simple power of the distance, the contrary will be the case. Thus if force (dist.)², time ∞ if force ∞ (dist.)³, time ∞ x 1 (dist.) 1 (dist.) COR. 3. The integration for finding the time when the force is inversely as the distance, is not properly included in this case, and is considered in the following problem. . PROB. III. When the force varies inversely as the distance, to find the whole time of the descent to the centre. Let any distance SP, fig. 1, = r; hence, J' و v² = 2m hyp. log. — mdr m ƒ v dv = d r dr 1 dt = V (2 m) s √hy hyp. log. ↑ a 15 1 And our object must now be to integrate this expression from r = a, to r = 0. Let a a .. hyp. log. x², r r > a e.z.2; a r ex29 dr= 2axdx :. dt = 1 2adx ez2 ; (2m) ezi ; and time to centre 2 a (2m)‡ Se Se-a² dx, 2 from x = 0 to x = x Now let there be a curve BQ, fig. 6, of which the ordinates are CO = u = u, OQ = z: and let its equation be ≈ = e e-112. Let this curve revolve round the axis CB, parallel to z, through a quad- rant, so as to generate the surface BQQ'. We may find the solid content thus generated by supposing the plane CBQO to revolve through an angle de NCn. If CN = u, we shall have Nn = ude, and if we take a portion of the triangle whose breadth along CN is du, and conceive standing upon it a prism whose height is NP or z, the solid content of this prism will be .ude.du: and the solid content of the wedge BCPn will be the integral of this from C to N=fzudude=fe-² udu.de=d0fe¬"udu. And the solid content of the figure when the plane has revolved through a quadrant, will manifestly be fe~*² udu = { C—e="² }, π - Π 4 and if this be taken from C, when u=0, integral =0; π 4 2 .. content {1-e-«²}. And if we suppose the solid to be extended to infinity, so as to comprehend the whole space between the planes BCX, BCY, and the curve surface, we must make u infinite, and we have the content = π 4 But we may find this solid content in another manner, by re- ferring the surface to their rectangular co-ordinates, CM = x, MN=y, NP =:: and it will then be equal to ffzdxdy (Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 247.) Now u² = ('N° = x² + y², and ≈= =e е e-lx² + y²). 1 16 Hence, content =ƒƒe-x³-ÿ² dx dy =SS 2 =SS'e¯x²dx. e-y²dy 2 fe-x² dx.ƒe-dy; because in integrating with respect to y, x may be considered as constant. .2.2 And for the whole content we must take the integrals from x=0 to x=x, and from y=0 to y=x; and in this case, Se-2² dx and Se-ydy will manifestly be equal. Hence, whole content= Se-xdx) from x=0 to x=¤; П 4 π = (Se~x²d x)², from x=0 to x=×, √ = ƒe-*² dx, from x =0 to r=». 2 And time to centre = απ √2m CHAP. II. THE CURVILINEAR MOTION OF A POINT. 1 11. WHEN a point in motion is acted on by a force which is not in the direction of its motion, it will be perpetually deflected from its path, so as to describe a curve line. The quantity of this deflection will be regulated by the second law of motion, in the manner which we shall explain. By that law it is asserted that if a point at P be moving with a velocity which would in a given time carry it through the space PR, fig. 7; and if, during its motion it be acted on by a constant force always parallel to itself, which would in the same time make it move through a space Pp 17 from rest, it will be found, at the end of that time, in a point r, determined by completing the parallelogram Rp. If the force which acts upon the body, be variable in magnitude, or direction, or both, we can no longer in the same manner find the place of the body at the end of a finite time from P. The second law of motion is then applicable ultimately only; that is, to the motion of the body during an indefinitely small time *. This may be stated also thus. Let PR be the space which would be de- scribed in any time in consequence of the velocity; PQ the path which is actually described in the same time in consequence of the action of a variable deflecting force; Pp the space through which the force, retaining the magnitude and direction which it has at P, would cause a body to move from rest in the same time; Rr equal and parallel to Pp: then will RQ be ultimately equal to Rr, and coincident with it in direction. 12. PROP. To find the equations of motion of a body, moving in a plane and acted upon by any forces in that plane. Fig. 7. Let t be the time from a given epoch, till the body arrives at P, and th till it arrives at Q, so that h is the time of motion in PQ. Also let AM, MP be rectangular co-ordinates to the point. P, and be called x and y: similarly, let AN, NQ and AO, OR, be co-ordinates, parallel to these: PIand RK parallel to AN. Let the force at P be called P, and the angle which it makes with x, be called a. Also let the velocity at P be called V, and the angle which it makes with r, be called 0. We shall then have by supposition PR=Vh: and Pp=Ph²; because Pp is described by a constant force. (Ch. I. Ex. 2.) Hence, PH=Vh cos. 0; RH= Vh sin. 0. Also if Rs, sr be parallel to AM, MP, Rs = Ph² cos. a; sr=Ph² sin. a. * The second law of motion is proved by experiment in the case of a constant force; and it is manifest that the effect of a variable finite force for an indefinitely small time may be considered to be the same as if it were constaut. C 18 But by Taylor's Theorem, considering x and y as functions of t, and dt constant, dx d² x h² AN=x+ h + + &c. dt dt² 1.9 dy d- 4 d² y h² NQ = y + •h+ + &c. dt dt² 1.2 dx d² x h² = Hence, RK MN- PH= .h + + &c. - Vh cos. 0. dt dt² 1.2 dy day h² KQ= IQ — RH=· .h + + &c. Vh sin. 0. 2 dt dt² 1.2 Now since Rr ultimately coincides with RQ, we have ultimately Rs, RK equal, and also sr, KQ. Hence, ultimately d x V dt cos. 0) h + d²x h² d t² 1.2 + &c. = ĘPh*. có Cos. a. dy V sin. 0 d t 0) 1 d² y h² h+ +&c. = Ph². sin. a. dt² 1.2 Whence we must necessarily have, equating coefficients of h, d x dy V cos. 0=0, V sin. 0=0, dt dt d² x ď² y - P cos. a = P sin, a. dt d t dy dx Hence, = velocity in r, velocity in y, d t d t d² x d² y = force in r, = force in y. d t² d t² 2 If we represent by X and Y, the whole forces which act on the point in the direction of x and of y, we have d² x ď² y = X, and = Y;..........(c) •(c) d t² 2 d t² 24 where dt is constant, and X and Y positive, when they tend to increase x and y. r A 19 COR. 1. It is clear that if we had referred the path of the body to three rectangular co-ordinates, x, y, z, and if we had made X, Y, Z, represent the whole forces in the directions of these co-ordinates, we should have had, by reasoning exactly similar, d² x dt = X, dy=y, dz ར. =Z.........(c') d t² t² 2 13. These equations enable us to solve various problems re- specting the motions of bodies acted on by any forces. If the motion be known, we can, from them, find the forces in the direc- tions of the co-ordinates, and by compounding these, the whole force which acts upon the body. If on the other hand, the force de- pends, in a known manner, on the position of the body, we can, by resolving it in the proper directions, find X, Y, Z, in terms of x, y, and z; and we shall then, by integrating the equations, have the motion of the body determined. If we can eliminate t, we obtain a relation among the co-ordinates which defines the curve described by the body. We shall have instances of these various applications in what follows. Ex. 1. To find the forces which must act upon a point, so that it may describe the arc of a parabola with a uniform motion. If x, y, s, represent the abscissa, ordinate, and curve of the parabola, we shall have, since the velocity is constant, ds dt = c, a constant quantity; ds2 ¿² = dt² dx² + d y² dť² Now if 4 a be the principal parameter of the parabola, we have y = 2 √ ax; :. dy = dx dx² dx dr² Hence, c²= d ť² ( 1 + c ), a and dt a + a 2 20 Differentiating, 2 dxd2x d t² 2 d² x c² a dx x² 2 (1 + - ) ² (1+ 2 c˜ a 2 dt2 2 (a + x)² 9 which gives the force parallel to the abscissa. y² y dy Again, x= ; .. dx = 4 a 2 a dy2 y 2 •*. c.² dy² dt² 2 dy d² y 2 d to d t² 4 a² 4 a² 2 2 c 4a² + y² 2 +1 1): ; ; and differentiating, 8a2 c2 ydy C (4 a² + y²)² 2 27 d² У 4 a* c* y 4 a² c² y d t² (4 a² + y²²)² (4 a² + 4 ax)² c² y 4 (a + x)²' which gives the force parallel to the ordinate, the negative sign shew- ing that it tends towards the axis. If S, fig. 8, be the focus, and SA the axis of the parabola; AD AS-a, and DN perpendicular to AD, so that DN is the directrix; we shall have DM or NP = a + x. Hence, the forces in NP and PM are respectively as 2 AS and PM PN² › NP²; or as MK PN²⁹ PN² PM and Hence, the PK being the normal, and therefore MK=2AS. whole force on P, which is compounded of these two, is in the direction PK*, and proportional to PK PN² * * It may easily be shewn that if a body move uniformly in any curve, the force which retains it is perpendicular to the curve. 7 21 Ex. 2. A body is acted upon at every point of its path, by a force which is proportional to its distance from a given centre towards which it tends to find its path. Let the centre of force C, fig. 9. be made the origin of rectangular co-ordinates CM, MP: the force in the direction PC is every where proportional to PC. Resolve it in the directions PM, MC; and these lines will be proportional to the resolved parts. Hence, we shall have force in direction of r= mx, force in direction of y = my: m being some constant quantity, and the negative signs indicating the direction of the forces. ď² x Hence, mx, dtⓇ d'y dt2 my; 2 d x d² x d t² dy Q d y d² y 2 m x dx, = − 2 mydy; dť integrating, dx² d t dyⓇ C ma mx²; = D − my² : d t² We may where C, D are arbitrary quantities depending on the velocity and direction of the body's motion at some given point. evidently, without restricting their values, put for C and D, mh³ and m k²; and thus we have dy d x √(C-mx²) = dt dt = V (D- my²); dr or √(h² — x²) dy √(k² — y³)' Integrating, we have a=ẞ+y; where a is the arc whose sine is ẞ is the arc whose sine is Y , and yan arbitrary arc. There- h' k' fore, we have sin. asin. ẞ cos. y + sin. y cos. ß: or if n be the cosine of y, and consequently √(1 — n²) its sine, ľ ny + √(1 − ‚‚²) . = h k »²). √ (1- 22 transposing and squaring, we get x² 2 n² y² 2 + h² k2 2 n xy h k (1 − 2²). (1 y ༧° k² =1~n² 2 y² n² y² + k² k² 2 x2 y2 Whence + Q n x y = 1 − n² : 112 k² hk which is the equation to an ellipse referred to rectangular co-ordi- nates measured froin the centre. (Wood's Alg. Part IV.) Hence, the curve described is an ellipse, of which the centre is C. The axes of the ellipse may be thus found: let the tangent at P, fig. 9. be parallel to Cr, whence CP and CD will be conjugate diameters, and hence CP² + CD² = a²+b², PM. CD = a.b, where a and b are the semi-axes. Now, since dy √ 2 dx 'k² — y² h² = x²; 2 it is manifest that when the tangent is parallel to Cx, we have y=k: hence to find x = CM, we have x² 2 2n x +1- h 2 = 1 − n² ; h X h --n=0, x=nh = CM; .. CP2 = CM²+MP² = n² h²+k². Also, to find CD, put y=0, and we have x² 12=1—n²; .. x=h √(1 — n²) = CD. Hence a²+b²=h² + k², ab=kh √(1−n²), whence a, b are known. To find the position of the major axis CA, or the angle ACx=0, we may proceed thus. Differentiating the equation to the curve, we find で NY dy h hk dx Y N X / k² h k 23 Now at the point A, the curve is perpendicular to CA; and hence at that point the normal passes through the centre; there- fore (Lacroix. Art. 65.) ny y dy dx r² 2 h k 18 Ꮖ ; x; ༤ N X hk y k2 x y ny xy nx² ; whence we find h² hk k² h k y³, h² h² - k² y 22 +- 1=0; and hence nhk x S 2nhk r h² - k² У 1 X 2 tan. 8 = tan. 20; L 1 tan.20 hence is known. To find the time of describing any portion, we have d x dt = d x √(C — mx³) √ m √ (h² — x²) ' I '. t = arc √ m (sin. x sin. = + const. the constant being determined by the place of the body at a given time. 1 For a whole revolution, we have time = 2π. Hence, √AZ it is independent in the size of the orbit. CHAP. III. CENTRAL FORCES. 14. THE equations of the preceding Chapter would enable us to determine the motions of bodies acted on by any forces whatever, and of course, among the rest, in the case where the force is supposed always to tend to a centre, and to be represented by some function of the distance from that point, of which we had an instance in the last example. But problems respecting the action of central forces as these are called, are of such importance, and lead to such simplifications of our general formula, that it is convenient to con- sider separately this application of our reasonings. 15. PROP. A body acted upon by a central force will describe a curve lying in one plane. If we consider a body, moving in any direction, to be acted on by a force tending to a given centre, it is clear that the body will be deflected from its rectilinear path, and will describe a curve. And this curve will be in one plane, namely, the plane passing through the centre of force and the original direction of its motion. For the body, by the combination of its original velocity with the action of the force, will, in a small time, describe a path by the second law of motion, (see p. 17.) which will be in the plane in which both the motion and the line drawn to the centre are. And at the end of this small time it will tend to move on in the same plane; but being deflected as before by the central force, which is still in the same plane, its actual motion will still be in the same plane. And similarly, after the lapse of any number of such intervals, that is, of any finite time, its motion will be still in the plane in which it originally was. Hence, it is only necessary to consider the two equations, Art. 12, which belong to the motion of a body in a plane. 25 16. PROP. A body being acted on by a central force, the sectorial areas described are proportional to the times. Let the centre of force S, fig. 10, be the centre of rect- angular co-ordinates SM=x, MP=y; let SP=r; and let the whole force at P, in the direction PS, be called P, P being a func- tion of r. Also let the angle ASP =v; then, P being resolved into its components X and Y parallel to SM and PM respectively, we have X=- P cos. v, Y= − P sin. v. Hence, equations (c) become fx Px dy Py dť r dt gu multiply by y and r respectively, and subtract; hence integrating, - x d² y — y d² x dt² x d y-y d x dt = 0 =h, a constant quantity. Now sector ASP = ASNP~ SNP, MN, being a parallelogram; .. diff. of sector ASP = diff¹. of ASNP - diff¹. of SNP xy =xdy-d. 2 x dy — y d x Q hdt ht Hence sector ASP the time and the area beginning at A. 2 And any portion of this sector is proportional to the time of de- scribing that portion*. COR. 1. Also since we have ht=2 area described in t, if we make t = 1, (the unit of time, for instance 1",) we have h = 2.area described in time 1. COR. 2. If SP =r, and angle ASP=v, we shall have diff¹. of sector ASP =rdv; (Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 111.); hence rdv = hdt. Principia, Book I, Prop.1 D 26 17. PROP. A body being acted on by a central force, to find the velocity at any distance from the centre. Take the equations ď² x Px d'y Py ; dte 2 dt² r Multiply by 2dx, 2dy, and add ; 2 d x d²x+2dy d²y 2 dt2 = 2P (rdr+ydy) - 2 Pdr, r because x² + y² = r², and xdx + ydy = rdr : or d. dx² + dy² dt² 2 2P dr. If s be the length of the curve dx² + dy² dt 2 ds² = (velocity)². dt2 Hence the velocity will be known by integrating the expression ds² d. dt² 2 Pdr, which may be done when P is a function of r; and we shall have ds2 dr² = C 2f Pdr. If C be the (velocity) at any distance a, the integral SP dr must be taken between the limits a and r. COR. 1. If the velocity at the distance a be given, the velocity at the distance r will be the same, whatever be the path which the body describes. For the integral depends only on the force P, and not on the path. = 2 COR. 2. If angle ASP v, as before; ds² = dr² + r² dv²; (Lacroix, Art. 110.). 27 dr² + r² dv² .d. 2 Pdr. dt² 18. PROP. A body being acted on by a central force, to find the polar equation to the curve described. r² dv By Cor. 2. to Art. 16, dt = h dr²+redv² dt² 2 h² dr² r4 dv² .. by Cor. 2. to Art. 17. + h² 2 الله h² dra h 2 d. + 2 P dr. r4 dv² 22 1 d r Now make =u, and, .'. du, dr = du 2 ጥ น :. d h² du² dv² 2 P du + h² u² u² 2 h² dud² u 2 P du or supposing dv constant, dv² or ď² u + u dv² - ..(d). h² u² + 2h²udu = P 2 2 दर = 0:. = which is the equation of which we shall make use most commonly in the consideration of orbits described about a centre. It may be employed either in determining the law of force, when we know the curve, and consequently the relation of u and v, which is called the direct problem of central forces; or if P be known in function of r, and therefore of u, we may, by integrating, find the relation of u and v, which gives us the nature of the orbit; this is called the inverse problem of central forces. 19. PROP. The orbit being given, to find the time of de- scribing any part of it, and the velocity at any point. dv r² d v The expression for the time is dt = - : h hu² and having expressed dv in terms of u, or u in terms of v, we can find ↑ by integrating. 28 เ } With respect to the velocity, we may thus obtain an expression for it. We have ds = dr² + r²dv³, where ds is the differential of the curve; 4 r² dv² and dt² = ; h² ds² ... (velocity)² h2 dr² h² dr + dt² p4 do or, since 2 du, 2 = h² (du² + u²) COR. 1. Multiply the equation d2 u P + u = 0, dv² h² u² by 2h du, and we have. 2 dud² u h². 2 P du +h². Qudu dv² = u² .. h² dv2 (du² + u²) +r) - Pdu Q = C С 2 u³ h² (du +u" u²) = рез 2 0; = = = C + 2 2f Pdu = C - 2f Pdr, which agrees with Art. 17. COR. 2. If we draw SY a perpendicular upon the tangent, and suppose p =SY, it will be easy to see that we have p rdv r² dv or p = ds ds hdt ds h and ; ds d t P Hence by what precedes, p = therefore the velocity is inversely as the perpendicular on the tangent*. Principia, Book I. Prop. 1. Cor. 1. It has been usual among English Mathematicians to define a spiral by the equation between the radius vector r, and the perpendicular on the tangent p. This is virtually only a differential equation to the curve, but its use is sometimes convenient. PROP. 29 20. PROP. When bodies revolve in circles, having the centre of force in the centre, to determine the periodic times †. In this case r is constant, and x = r cos. v. rdv constant, by Art. 17, > dt dt being constant, d²v = 0. Also, since r is the velocity, is constant; and therefore, Hence xr cos. v, dx= — r sin. v.dv, d²x — — r cos. v r cos. v.dv²; which substituted in the equation ď² x Px dt2 - r PROP. To obtain the central force in terms of and p. By Cor. 2, Art. 19, we have p = h d t ds ; and differentiating, h² d s² 2 h² d p p3 2 p² dt- ds² = d. 2 Pdr, by Art. 19. ; dt .. P h² dp p³ dr COR. The velocity in the curve at any point is equal to that generated by the force Pat that point, continued constant, and acting ou a body while it moves through one-fourth the chord of curvature drawn at that point through the centre of force. h2 P.pdr For (velocity)² = 2 P. chord of curvature, p² dp 2pdr (for chord = dp Lacroix, Note H.) = (velocity)² by force P through chord, because for constant forces, (velocity)² = 2ƒs. + Principia, Book. I. Prop. 6. 30 rdv² d v² P give P, and dt2 dť² p dv The fraction is the angular velocity, and if 2π be four dt right angles, and T the time of a revolution, dv 2 π Απ' 2 P dt T T2 r 2 π V r T= VP rdv velocity √(Pr). dt COR. J. If Por, Tis constant, velocity ∞ r, velocity ∞ Vr, velocity ∞ Vr velocity ∞ - " P∞1, Tx Vr, Рос Po 1, Tor, Рос 22 γ P× 1, Tar², γ COR. 2. Similarly if the variation of T were given, that of P would be known. 21. We shall now proceed to determine the paths and motions of a point acted on by any central force whatever, beginning with the cases in which it is proportional to some power of the distance from the centre. PROB. I. Let the force be directly as the distance, or P m mr = m being a constant quantity. , = u In this case the equation (d) becomes ď² u +u dv² h² u³ m 2 3 =0 = 0 ; which might be integrated: but we have already solved this case 31 by a different method, and found the orbit to be an ellipse, the centre of which is the centre of force*. See Chap. II. Ex. 2. If the force be repulsive, and as the distance, the process is nearly the same, and a hyperbola is described, the centre of which is the centre of force. PROB. II. Let the force be inversely as the square of the m mu². =m distance, or P = r Hence, by (d); ď u dv² m h² = 0. m To integrate this, let u- = w; h² d2 w + w = 0; dv (Lacroix, Art. 280, 281.) k v and if €*º represent a particular value of w, we have k² + 1 = 0, k = ± √ − 1. Hence, the general value is w= Ce°√ =¯ + C'e¯°N=T (C+C) C C (c°1/- 9 C₂ - C'= (making − making C + C' = C₁, C − c′ C₁ cos. v + C₂ sin. v. Hence, u= and du dv 2 - C₁ cos. + C₂ sin. v + C₁ sin. v + C₂ cos. v. Principia, Book I. Prop. 10. ་ m 1 32 du Now when v = 0, C2, dv du when vπ, = C₂ i dv hence, between v=0, and v=π, there must be a value of v which du makes = 0: let this value of v be a; d v - C₁ sin. a + C₂ cos. a = 0; C₂ cos. a = C₁ sin. a; 1 m + h2 r cos. a m h² C₁ cos. a cos. v+ C₂ cos. a sin. v C₁ cos. a (cos. a cos. v+sin. a sin. v) + C₁ cos. (v - a) cos. a m + h² Let r' and r'" be the values of r, for v=a, and v=π+α; both being supposed positive; hence, 2 h², 1 C₁ m + r cos. a C₁ F ՊՆ h² cos. a + m h² ; and, adding and subtracting, C₁ + J' cos. a 2' Hence, the equation becomes 1 ↑ cos. (v − a) + ½ a) + { // 1 + " 2rr .. r " " r'tr'' + (r" -r') cos. (v − a) Now r', rare opposite parts of the same line : let r'"+r'=2a, r"-r'=2ae; .. r'r" a² - a² e², and グ a (1-e²) 1+e cos. (v - a) the equation to an ellipse, v-a being measured from the vertex nearest to S*.· * Principia, Book I, Prop. 11. 33 If r" be less than r', e will be negative, and the angle v- a will be measured from the larger portion of the axis. The curve may assume different forms by the alteration of the arbitrary quantities C1, C2. If u ever become 0, or negative, the form of the curve is no longer an ellipse. Now the two values corresponding to v=a, and v=π+a, being those for which du d v Hence, if any value of u be negative, one of these will be so. And hence the curve will no longer be an ellipse, if either =0, are manifestly the greatest and least values of u. C₁ cos. a M C₁ m + or h2 + be negative. cos. a h2, If for instance, the latter be negative, we may suppose 1 C₁ M where 7" is positive, whence, as before, cos. a h2 7' 27"r (?'"' + r') cos. (v − a)+r"— r'" and making 7" — r' = 2 a, r'" + r′ =2ae, (supposing 7" >r') we have r = a (e² – 1) ecos.(v-a) + 1 the equation to an hyperbola. If we have C₁ cos. a h² m M C₁ + O, we get, putting for h2 cos. a 1 m {cos. } h 7= cos. (v− a) + 1}; and if Σα 1+cos. (va) the equation to a parabola. h² =2a, m And similarly if C₁ m + cos. a h O, the curve will be a parabola, but in a different position. Hence, in all cases the curve will be a conic section: and sup- posing C₁ positive, it will be E 34 h² m an ellipse if C₁ m + cos. a C₁ a parabola if cos. a C₁ an hyperbola if - cos. a h² be positive, or + = 0, or h² m m C₁ h² C₁ cos, a m : h² cos. a m C₁ h2 cos. a + be negative, or < PROB. III. A body being projected from a given point, with a given velocity, in a given direction; and acted on by a given force varying inversely as the square of the distance; to find the trajectory described *. This problem might be solved by the preceding formulæ, but more simply as follows. In fig. 11, let a body be projected from a distance SPD, in a direction PY making the angle SPY-8, and let the velocity at m P=V; force; Sp=r. 2m By Art. 17, velocity² = C—2ƒP dr = C - 2 mdr = C + 2m r Sm 2 { -하 D and when r=D, velocity = V; ... velocity² = V² + 2 m But by Art. 19, Cor .2, velocity= on the tangent. h p , p being the perpendicular Hence, at P, 2 h² V²; because perp'. = D sin. ♪ D² sin.² d h2 at p, p = V² + 2m {-}} ; Ꭰ D2 sin.28 2 m .. dividing, =1+ 2 Vs D P * Principia, Book I, Prop. 17. 35 11 1 2 D² sin.² 8 Ρ now in the ellipse in the hyperbola and the expression for 12 2 m V2 D³ sin.2 8 Ρ + Ρ b² 1 + 2 a b2 2 a 1 b² p भ + 2 m V² D² sin.2 1 in the trajectory may manifestly be made. to agree with one or the other of these, as the part of it independent of r is positive or negative. Hence, the trajectory will be an ellipse 1 2 m if D2 sin.2 8 V² D³ sin.² 28 be negative; 2 m 2 m that is, if 1 < V² Di or if V² < D Similarly, if V² > 2 m D If V² = 2 m D > the curve will be an hyperbola. the curve will be a parabola. In the case of the ellipse, we must have 1 2 m 1 b2 V² D³ sin.² 8 D² sin.2 S 2 m V2 D² sin. & D {-2} 2 m); 2 a 2 m 62 1 2 a V² D² sin.² d D Ve 2 m * For p² and p² b² r 2a-r b² r 2a+r in the ellipse, in the hyperbola, by Conic Sections. 36 Hence, a and b, the semi-axes of the ellipse, are known: and a² - b⁹ hence, e² = is known. a² To find the position of the major axis we have also. * We may D = a (1 − e²) 1+e cos. (v− a)’ find the position of the major axis in the following manner If PV, fig. 11, be the chord of curvature at P, by Note, p. 29, √2 = 2 m 1 PV ; .. PV D² 4 2 D² V2 is known. ጎ 2 CD2 4 SP.PH AC SP+PH' Also, by the property of the ellipse, PV= .. PH= SP.PV 4 SP — VP ; whence PH is known: aud it must make with PY an angle equal to SPY, and hence the point H is known. Hence C is known, and AC (SP+PH): from which data the dimensions and position of the ellipse are easily found. = From the same principles we may solve other problems where the ve- locity in the conic section is concerned. PROP. To compare the velocity in the ellipse with the velocity in a circle about the same centre of force and at the same distance. Let PV be the chord of curvature at P. 2 m PV In ellipse, velocity2- 4 2 CD2 PV= AC m.PV 2 p² 2 SP. PH 2r (2a-r) AC a .. velocity² = m(2a-r) ar m. m And in the circle velocity.r by Art. 20. a 24-1 1 Hence, velocity in ellipse: velocity² in circle :: - 2a-r: a. ar r This agrees with Newton Book I, Prop. 16, Cor. 3, 4, 6, 7. And 37 where v is the angle which determines the position of P, and is therefore known. Hence, cos. (v — a) is known, and hence a, which determines the position of the major axis. COR. 1. It appears by Art. 10, that the velocity2 from an in- 2 m D finite distance = ; hence, the trajectory will be an ellipse, a And in the same manner may the velocities in the other conic sections be compared. PROP. A body is revolving in an ellipse, and the force is suddenly altered in the ration: 1; to find the alteration which takes place in the orbit, fig. 12. If m be the force before the alteration, n m will be the force after. Let a be the semi-axis major before, and a' after; and let r be the radius vector where the alteration takes place. Then since the velocity at this point may be considered as belonging to both the first and the last orbit, we have m (2 a− r) nm (2 a' - r) velocity2 ; ar a'r .. 2 aa-ran (2 a a'r a); nar :.a'= 2(n-1)a+r (2 a − r) r Hence, 2 a-r= 2 (n−1) a+r This is the value of PH', S and H' being the foci of the new orbit, and PH' will be in the same line with PH; hence the new orbit is known. If PH' be infinite, the new orbit will be a parabola with its axis parallel to PH. This will be the case if 2 (n−1) a+r=0; if n= 2a-r 2 a PH SP+PH® If n be less than this, the new orbit will be an hyperbola, and PH' must be measured in the opposite direction. In nearly the same manner we may find the alteration produced in the orbit, if the velocity be suddenly altered in any ratio. 38 parabola, or an hyperbola, as the velocity is less than, equal to, or greater than that acquired from infinity. Cor. 2. In the first case 1 1 V2 .. V2 ; = 2m 2 a D 2 m { : D 2 a therefore V is the velocity acquired by falling from a distance 2 a to a distance D, (see p. 11.). Hence 2 a is the distance from the centre at which a body must begin to fall, so that when it reaches the curve, it may have the velocity of the body in the curve; and this distance is the same for every point of the curve. COR. 3. Let the velocity=n times the velocity from infinity, or V² = n². 2 m D 1 (1 − n²) — ; .. by last Cor. 2 a D D 1 1-n² 2 n² D² sin.² 8 2a: b² = 2 1 n b2 1 - n² b2 2 2 1- α Hence e² = 1 n² D² sin.² d' = 1 − 4 n² (1—n³) sin. d. By means of these formulæ, we may, under given circumstances, find the magnitude and position of the trajectory. COR. 4. It appears from the preceding investigation that the major axis is independent of the direction of projection. And that, if n be given, the excentricity is independent of the distance of pro- jection. EXAMPLE: A body is projected at an angle of 30° with the distance, and with a velocity which is to the velocity from infinity as 4 to 5: to determine the ellipse described. 4 In this case n == sin. d 5 22 62 b² = D 1 - ก 28 n² D² sin.2 8 1 n² 2 9 4 D2 9 25 D 39 b 12 b² = .48; e = 1 N a 25 a :.7696 e=.877. And at the point of projection D = a (1 − e²) 1+e.cos. (v − a) 25 D 18 = × .2304 1+.877 cos. (v — a) ' 25 × .2304 - 1 18 680 ... cos. (v-a) .877 877 .7753, &c. = cos. 39º. 10'. Hence, va= 140° 50' = ASP, fig. 11. PROB. IV. To find the elliptical orbit*. time of describing any portion of the r² dv fr³dv We have the equation dt = (Art.19.); .. t=" ; h h m 1 2 a and since + 플. 2 h² 2 a² — a²e² ; -ae .. h = √(am). V (1 − e²). Instead of substituting for r, its value in terms of v, which would produce for dt an expression not readily integrable; we shall express the time in terms of another angle u, as follows. On the major axis of the ellipse Aa, fig. 13, let a semi-circle be described, and MPQ drawn perpendicular to the axis, and SQ, CQ joined: and let ACQ = u. The expression fr du, beginning from A, is twice the area ASP. Now it is easily seen that 1 area ASP MP BC area ASQ MQ AC' Principia, Book I, Prop. 31. 40 b .. area ASP. a b a > area ASQ = b (area ACQ-SCQ) a († AC . AQ – { SC . MQ) b (a.au ae. a sin. u); 2 a .. fr³dv = 2 area ASP = ab (u - e sin. u), and putting for b, a √(1 − e²), and for h its value, fridv αξ t h (u-e sin. u)..........(1), mž the time being supposed to begin from A. We have now to find the relation between u and v; HP2 - HM² = PM2 SP2 - SM²; PM² = SP² – .. HP2 - SP² = HM2 - SM²; (HP+SP)(HP – SP) = (HM+SM) (HM – SM); 2 AC. (2 AC-2 SP) 2 CM.2 CS; or, dividing by 2.2 and putting a cos. u for CM, a (a− r) = a cos. u. ae .. SP = r = a - ae cos. u, CM-CS SP and cos. v= SM SP Cos.u -e .*. cos. v = 1 COS. V Hence 1 + cos. v .. tan. 2 and tan. 2012 2107 li || a cos. u. ---- ae a-ae cos. u 1 — e cos. U 1 − e cos. u + e COS. U 1 — e cos. U e + cos. u (1+e) (1 cos. u) (1 − e) (1 + cos. u) 1+e 1- e • tan. и 2 101 1+ e .tan. · e ; И ..(2). 41 Hence, we can find u in terms of v by (2), and then t in terms of u by (1); and conversely. The angle u, or ACQ, is called in Astronomy the eccentric anomaly, ASP being called the true anomaly*. COR. To find the time of a half revolution from A to a, it is evident that we must take u from 0 to 7: which will give t = at m 3 π. Hence, the time of a revolution is 2 atπ m² If the trajectory be an hyperbola, the calculations will be nearly the same as in the case of the ellipse. If the force be repulsive, an hyperbola will be described having the centre of force in its exterior focus: and its properties will be analogous to those in the other cases. PROB. V. In the case when the orbit is a parabola; to find the expression for the time†. As before, dt = And r = a = 0. 2 a r² dv h ; measuring angles from the vertex, so that 1 + cos. v Also h√(2 ma); see p. 33. 4 ad v √(2ma). (1+cos. v)² Hence, dt = að (2 m)³ dv 4 COS. * See Woodhouse's Astron. p. 190, edit. 1. For expansions of and r, see Laplace, Mec. Cel. Part. I, Liv. 2. p. 180, &c. + Principia, Book I, Prop. 30. F 42 * ať (2 m)+ * • dv do cos. 2 + sin. 2 2 ข cos. 4 ------- 212 (2 m) dv 1+tan. 2 2 2 COS. we can integrate; and find and since d. tan. V 2 COS. 2 αν t = = tan. 2 mt 216 +tan.³ t being supposed to begin at the vertex, where v= = 0. PROB. VI. Let the force be inversely as the cube of the m distance, or P = = mu³*. The equation in this case becomes ď² u + u dv2 M U h² = 0. liv To integrate this equation, let u= € ek be a particular solution. (See Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 280.) * Newton considered the curves described when the force is inversely as the cube of the distance, and besides the logarithmic spiral, noticed the curves, Species I, V, and VI; but omitted the examination of the others, by supposing the body to move from an apse. Principia, Book. I, Prop. 9, and Prop. 41, Cor. 3. The complete analysis of this case was given by Cotes in his Logometria; Phil. Trans. 1715; from which circumstance these curves are sometimes called Cotes's Spirals. From certain ana- logies observed by Newton, Species I, and V, are called the Hyperbolic and Elliptic Spiral, respectively. It may be remarked, however, that the Reciprocal Spiral is sometimes, by foreign writers, called the Hyperbolic Spiral. 43 and if y, Thence, k²+ I integral will be m h2 = 0; be the two values of k in this equation, the general Yo u = Cer⁰ + C'εro; C, C' being any two arbitrary constants. The curves described will be different, as the values of y are possible or impossible, and as the arbitrary constants are positive or negative. We shall consider the different species thus produced. m SPECIES I. Let > 1, and C, C' both the same sign. h² Hence, k± √ (m − 1) = ± 7. જ Suppose therefore u Ce+ C'e¯Y°; du dv hence, = y {Ce?" — C'e˜Y"}. du dv Now when = 0, Cer = C'e-y, or €27v = Ε و C' which C can always be fulfilled by a possible value of v: let this value be a, so that γα -γα = c;.. C = ce˜ya, C' = cεya. Cεya = C'e ·{EY (v—α). €˜Y (v−a)z. Hence, u = c { When o = a, u 2c; and since at that point = du = 0, the d v As v curve is perpendicular to the radius, or there is an apse increases, u increases, and therefore r diminishes, and when v be- comes infinite, r becomes O. Hence, the curve is such as is repre- sented in fig. 14. * An apse is a point where the curve is perpendicular to the radius vector, and where, consequently, in general, the radius vector will be either a maxi- mum or minimum. 44 If C, C' be both negative, the curve will be the same. The sign can only indicate that the angle v is to be measured in the opposite direction. m 2 SPECIES II. Let > 1; and C' = 0. h² a Therefore u=Ce¹º; yv=hyp. log.hyp. log., if a = · Hence, the curve is the logarithmic spiral, fig. 15. r dr dr m Differentiating, ydv= ; =~= "' rd v h² √(-1): : hence, √(m − 1) is the co-tangent of the constant angle SPY, h² 2 which the tangent makes with the radius vector: and therefore √m h h is the co-secant, and the sine of SPY. √·m h Let sin. ß; .. h = sin. ß √m. V m If C = 0, the curve will be the same. m SPECIES III. Let > 1, and C' negative. h2 Therefore u = CεY' Cert C'e уч Now when u=0, CeY = C'e-y and e2yv = C' for which C there is always a possible value of v let this value be a; and let Cera = C'e <= c, γα γα ..C=ce¯¥ª; C'=ce: and hence u = c γα = c {e {EY (v− a) - E − y(x − a)}. When va, since u=0, r is infinite. As v increases, u in- creases, and r decreases; and when v is infinite, u is also infinite, andr vanishes. Hence, the form of the curve is that in fig. 16, va being the angle ASP. 45 If p be the perpendicular from S upon the tangent, we have, (p. 28,) 1 p 2 = ds2 r * d v² do 2 =c² {e? (v− a) r² dv²+dr² r² dv² = u² + du² dv² € v (v − a)} 2 + c² y² {EY (v− a) + €¯v (v − a) z z − 2 =c² (1+ y²) {e²r (v—a) and when = a, v = -€− 2 y (t − a)} + 2 c² (y² — 1), 1 2 c² (1+ y²). 2+2 c² (y² − 1) p 2 2 4 c²²; and p = I 207 And, hence there is an asymptote BZ to the curve, parallel to SA, at a distance SB = 1 207 Similarly, if C′ be positive and C negative. SPECIES IV. Let ጎቢ 1. h² In this case we must return to the original equation, which here gives us 12 d2 u = 0; .. 1 a = C, u = C (v — a): r= C (v—a) î - a du d v² d v it being supposed that when u = 0, v=a. For this position r is infinite: any other is reciprocally as the angle v-a, or ASP. a, or ASP. this case is the Reciprocal Spiral, fig. 17. value of r, as SP, Hence, the curve in If a circular arc PQ be described with centre S, PQ = r (v− a) = a; and hence, is at every point the same. It is manifest that the curve will have an asymptote BZ, such, that SB=a. SPECIES V. Let < 1. ጎ h2 m In this case the values of k in the equation + 1 = 0, h² 46 1 are impossible. Let them bey. Therefore for the general integral of the equation we have u = Cε rv √ = 1 √ = 1 = { (C + C' ) (ε Ÿ³ √ = ¹ +6¯yo√ = 1) 1 + } (C− C′) (e¥© √ = ¹ _ 6—YON—1) = C₁ cos. yv + C₂ sin. yv, 1 2 making C₁ = C + C', and C₂ = √ — 1 (C— C'). du Hence, = y C₁ sin. yv + y C₂ cos. yv; dv Co du and when <= 0, tan. yv = : for which there is always a d v C₁ value of v, whether C₁ and C₂ be of the same or of different signs. Let a be this value :. Ca 2 = ; sin. ya C₁ 2 .. u. = cos.ya C₁ cos. ya {cos. yv cos. ya+sin. yv sin. ya} cos. y (v − a), C₁ cos. ya C₁ 1 cos. y (v− a) U= and r= , a a or, making cos. ya α when v = a, r = a, and there is an apse. π 2' cos. y (v-a) When y (v-a) = r is infinite, and, therefore, may be parallel to, an asymptote; to find the position of the asymptote, we have 1 du² 2 = u² + cos.²y (v—a) 2 y² sin.² y (v - a) p dv² a² 2 + a² and when y (v — a) = 2014 -12 The form of the curve is given in fig. 18. 2 2 a 2 2 ? = SB2. a m 1 h 47 PROB. VII. To determine in what cases each of these curves will be described. We may observe, that in the case where the body describes a ď² u circle, and consequently where =0, we have, in a circle, mu น h m dv² =0, and = 1, or h= √m, the area in time 1. h² m Now the species varies as in the curve is greater than, equal to, or h² less than 1: that is, as h, the area in time 1 in the curve, is less than, equal to, or greater than Vm, its value in the circle. So that if the area in a given time be less than that in a circle with the same force, we shall have Species I, II, or III; if the areas be equal, we have Species IV; if the area in the curve be greater, we have Species V. In these two latter cases it is clear, that since the area is not less than it is in the circle when the radii vectors are the same, the velocity will be greater than it is in a circle. In the three first cases we may thus compare those velocities. In the circle whose radius is r, since r. velocity = h² = m, we have velocity m - 2 = mu²*. In the curve, velocity² = hº (u² + du³). v dv2 But u = CεY + C'e¯Y", 2 (du)² = v = {yC€¹® — yÑ€˜Y ° } ? = y² u² - 4y² CC'. Hence, velocity² = h² (1 + y²) u° − 4y°CC' = mu² — 4y²CC'; since h²(1+y³)=m. If the velocity be less than that in a circle, we have CC' negative, *This is also the velocity from an infinite distance. 48 and therefore the curve is Species I. that in a circle, we have Species II. be greater, we have Species III. If the velocity be equal to If the velocity in the curve If the force be repulsive, the equation will resemble the one for Species V, and the curve, which we may call Species VI, will be as in fig. 19. PROB. VIII. To find the time of describing any portion of the curves in Prob. VI. In Species I, if we suppose the angle v to be measured from the apse, and consequently a=0, we shall have dv d v 1 hdt = r² dv = = 2 и c² { ε Y " + ε ~ Y " } ² 200 1 € d v 11 ال +1} 2 1 .. ht = = C 2c² 7 2 γυ होक may suppose the time to begin when v=0: on this supposition We we have 1 1 a² € 27v 1 1 t = ; if a = SA= 2 c² yh (2 27 v € + 27r yh e +1 2c Similarly, we should find a² in Species II, t 27h a 2 2 cot. BVm { 1 − e−2yt'}, v and t being measured from the point where the radius vector = a. 2 a² 2 I In Species III, t = yh e V h ε 2 r v if a = ; V = ASP, 1 2c being measured from SA, and t being the time from P to the centre. In Species IV, t = a² 2 a² = hv ; being measured from SA, √m.v and t being the time to the centre. 49 In Species V, t = the apse. y h tan. yv; v and t being measured from T COR. 1. In order to find the time of describing a given angle 8, we must take the value of t between the values v and v+d; we shall thus have in Species I, hr = 11 1 22 20 Y 1 2 む € +1 € 1 2 y (v + d) +1 જ €2 r (0 +8) — € 270 y v ૪ Y (ε ² Y³ + 1) (ε ² 1 Ć² 22² 7 (E 1 2 + 2 y (x +ô) +1) € € Qc²y {e7°+e¯Y°} { €? (©+8) +€˜~ (?+d) } Υ 8 € • 7125 2γ r and r being the radii at the beginning and end of the given angle. Similarly, in Species II, hr = in Species III, hr = Cerd € 7172, γ - E rire, (erò 27 in Species IV, hr = d . 1' 1 12, in Species V, hr = sin. yd COR. 2. In all the cases, the times of successive revolutions in the same spiral are as the extreme radii. Let a straight line SRQP, fig. 14, drawn from S, cut the spiral successively in R, Q, P: thence, since in this case 82 is constant, we have time from P to Q: time from Q to R :: SP.SQ : SQ.SR :: SP : SR. G 50 Let the force be inversely as the 5th power of the PROB. IX. m distance, or P = =mù. 5 ď² u тиз Therefore, by (d), do + u 0; h2 and multiplying by 2du and integrating, du² тия dv² 2 +u = C; 2h2 C being an arbitrary constant; hence, du² d v² тия C − u² + 2/2 This equation cannot be integrated generally by the common methods. When the right hand member is a square, it becomes simple; that is, if 4 times the product of the extreme terms be equal to the square of the middle term; 2 Cm h2 if = 1; if C = h2 2m On this supposition, 2 du 1 h u² V m V m 2 2 = ± = ± + dv √2 √ m h h V 2 m u² }; and we shall have two different Species as we take the + or the sign. 2h du In the first case, h² m h √ m 2 + u u = dv V2; = √2.(va); √ m ... hyp, log. h √ m a being the value of v, when u=0. 51 When v=a, r is infinite; as u increases and r decreases, V m h v increases, and when u = Vm' or r = h v is infinite. Hence, the curve, fig. 20, has what may be called an asymptotic √ m circle with radius SA = to which circle it perpetually h 1 p du² d v² approximates, but which it never actually reaches. We have =u² + and when r is infinite, or u = 0, p= distance of the asymptote BZ from SA. In the second case, we have h2 тия = u²+ u² + h2 тия + 2 m Qh² છુ 2m 2h2 ૐ √(2m) ; which is SB, the h chdu V m น u² ท h h2 = dv √2; .. hyp. log. И √ m h u + √m = √2. (va), a being the value of v when u is infinite. α Hence, hyp. log. h u+ √ m h = √2.(a-v). и √ m When va, u is infinite, and 7=0; as u decreases, or r increases, h √ m or r = a-vis V m h See v also increases; and when u = infinite. Hence, the curve has, in this case also, an asymptotic circle, and is situated within it, as it was before without it. fig. 21. SQ comes to SA when v = 0; and ASP = a COR. 1. We shall now compare the velocity with that in a circle. v. 52 In a circle with radius = r, velocity2 m = тия. 2.4 = Pr, (see Art. 20.) == In the curve, velocity2 = h² (u² + du² dv² ht 4 тия + 2m 2 h² тия Now when r = SA, or u² , = velocity in curve + m тич = mu² = 2 2 velocity in circle; which it manifestly should be, because as the radius approximates to SA, the motion approxi- mates to circular motion. In the first case u is always less than velocity is always less than that in a circle. h and hence the Vm > In the second case u is always greater than this value, and the velocity is greater than that in a circle at the same distance. COR. 2. To find the velocity, so that one of these curves may be described. 2 Let, at any point P, the angle SPY = ß, SY being a per- pendicular on the tangent. Therefore h² = velocity. SY2-velocity r² sin.2 B. ? Now let the velocity be e times that in a circle at the distance SP: that is, velocity2 = emu: hence, 9 h4 тия &² mu² = 2 m + ; .'. (2e² — 1) m² u¹ = h* ; u4 2 but h² = e²mu¹ sin.2 B h2 √(2€² − 1) 2 U ; ... sin.² ß 2 €² mu² 2 € ดู Hence, if e be given, we can find sin. ß; and hence, the direction in which the body must be projected to describe the curve. It will belong to the first or second Species, as e is less or greater than 1. 53 2 2 Also e² sin.²ß= √(2e² — 1); e* sin.* ß − 2e²+ 1 1 sin.* ß sin.* ß 1 2 Ε .*. €² sin.² ß- + sin." B V(1-sin.4 B) sin.² ß 2 1 ± √(1 − sin.¹ (ß) € sin.4 B and the first or second curve will be described, as lower or the upper sign. we take the COR. 3. By equating the values of ASP in the two species, we should find for the same angle ASP, fig. 20, SP'. SP = SA². PROB. X. Let the force vary inversely as any power of the distance, or P=mu". Therefore ď² u dv² mu” + u h² multiplying by 2du, and integrating, 2 0 ; (n − 1) h² du² 2 mun 1 + u² C ; dv du whence, dv; √{c- u² + 2 mun (n - 1) h²) and if the expression on the first side be integrable, we can find the relation between u and v. To find the time, we have d v dt = hu² du hu² √ {c-v² + 2 m u" (n − 1) h²) The quantity C will depend upon the velocity, and will be known, if we know the velocity for a given point; which may be called the velocity of projection, if we consider this point as the beginning of the motion. For we have velocity2 = h² h² (u² du2 u² + 2 m un I dv² +h²C, (n-1) = V, and if, when u=a, we have velocity 2 ma" 1 V √² = (n − 1) +h'C; whence C is kuown. 54 It may be convenient to compare the velocity with that ac- quired by falling from an infinite distance. Let q be the velocity acquired by falling through any space towards the centre. Therefore mdr q d q - 2m qⓇ (n − 1) p² I + const.; and if q be the velocity acquired from infinity, const. = 0, q² 2m (n − 1) p² - 1 2 mun- N - 1 Hence, if at the point of projection, when u = a, the velocity be e times that from infinity, we have 2man-1 €2 2 man - - 1 + h² C. N 1 2 ma' N 1 ... h² C = (e² - 1). du COR. At the apsides we have = 0; d v 2 mu" ¿. C − u² + = 0, (n − 1) k² 2 or, putting for C its value, (n − 1) h² 2 (e² − 1) a"-1 • u²+u"-¹ = 0. I 2m This may have four roots possible, {for instance, if n = 5, and (n − 1)² h4 4m² > 4(e² — 1) a¹,} but only two give apsidal distances; in fact the other two are always negative. PROB. XI. In the particular case where the velocity is equal to that from infinity*, to find the curves. * If the velocity be at one point that from infinity, it will be so at all points. For, by Art. 17, Cor. 2, if the velocity at the distance a be that from infinity, it will, at the distance r, be the same as if the body had con- tinued to descend in a straight line. 55 V have du dv= Here in the last Prob. C=0, and we can integrate. For we du 3 $2 mu" 2 m un 2 и u (n − 1) h² ((n − 1).h² }} 3 2 mu" Let (n − 1)h² = y²; .'. (n − 3) du 2 dy ; ... cos. d v = (v − a) = n 3 И 2 dy N 2' y 3` y√ (y² — 1) ' n − 3 1 (∞ — (2) У arc (sec. = y); hV(n−1) - √(2m). u z -3 Hence, if n>S; h₂ (n − 1) √(2m) n N· 3 2 r = COS. (v − a). V h√(n-1) 1 3 - n Similarly, if n < 3; = COS. (a — v'). √(2 m) 3-λ ↑ 2 C1 In the first case, it is manifest that when the first side is = 1, -3 ✓ (2 m) or † 2 h √(n − 1) ' the figure has an apse. It is symmetrical on the two sides of this apse, and diminishes as v' 7 increases. — a= ASP, fig. 22, When N 3 2 π T (v − a) or v α we have Q n — z ' r=0, and the curve passes through the centre, as in fig. 22. In the second case, r increases as a v=ASP, fig. 23, increases, 1 du² Q m un when 3 - n 2 π (α — v) or a 3 - 11 curve is parallel to it. To find the nature of the infinite branch we have 1 π r is infinite, and the 2 u + p d v 9 ; (n − 1) h² infinite; hence, the branch AZ has no asymptote. and when r is infinite u = 0, and p is 56 PROB. XII. Let the force vary inversely as any power of the distance; it is required to find the conditions requisite that the orbit may have an asymptotic circle. See Prob. IX. 1 P=mu", and as before in Prob. X. d v = v= du 2 √{c-u² + √ d u 2 mun (n − 1)h²Š 2 mun /{c- u² + - (n − 1) h²) Now if the orbit have an asymptotic circle, of which the radius is it is manifest that the value of v, taken from any value of u up C to u=c, will be infinite. That is, the integral on the right hand side must be infinite when u=c. Also u―c is necessarily a factor of du the denominator, because when u=c, O, and therefore C – u² d v 1 2 mun + =0. But if the denominator has two factors u- -C, (n − 1)h² For in that case √ {(u — c)². Q} > the integral will be infinite for u=c. v=S du Q involving u"-3, and inferior powers of u. And if we put u=c+z, it is manifest that Q will become A+ Bz+ &c. and ย d z =√ √ {z². (A + Bz + &c.) } =S the other terms involving z=0, v becomes infinite. dz 2 Z√ A 2 { Bz 1 + &c.} 2 A Bz 2AVA + &c.; hyp. log. z VA direct powers of z. Hence, when u≈c, 57 We shall therefore have an asymptotic circle if there be the factor uc twice in the denominator of dv; that is, if the equation. have two roots c, c. 2 mun - 1 (n − 1) h² — u² + C =0 2 But in this case the equation. 2 mu" h2 2 mcn 2 - Ad 1 (n-1)h 2 and 2 mc" h 2 u=0, has one of these roots; therefore c²+ C = 0, or C=c² - 2 2 c0, or h² = m c²-³. Now, in the curve, velocity=h2 2 mcn 1 (n − 1) h²' = h² (du² (du² + "') = h² il (putting for C its value,) = น 2 m u² - 1 c) 1)ke + C); (n − 1)h² 2 mu" η - 1 Q mun 1 (putting for hits value,) = N - 1 1. + c² h² - +mcn-1 2 m c²· - (n − 1) 2 mcn n- 1 - 1 M N- 1 1 {2 un−¹ + (n−3) c²−¹}. Let at any point the value of u be b, and the angle SPY, which the tangent makes with the radius vector, ß; and suppose that at this point the velocity is e times that in a circle. velocity2 force × radius (Art. 20.) = mu² . 1 U Now, in a circle = mun−1. mu²-1. And Hence, when u = c, velocity² = m c²−1 manifestly should be. H velocity in a circle; as it 58 when u=b, velocity in circle = mb-1, and velocity in curve 1 2 = ε² mbn-¹. Hence, e² mb" ~ : 2 m 1 1 {2 b²-¹ + (n − 3) c²−1} ; n-l 1 and {(n − 1) e² — 2} b^− ¹ — (n − 3) c²−1; 1 1 2 - 2) = = (n − 1) e². :. c=b Also h² = 2.velocity sin.² h' b² But h² = mc2-3; 3 2 3 = € 2 n-3 1 β B = {z. c^mb"- ¹.sin.° ß 3 b2 = ε². m bn - ³ sin.2 ß. 2 2 ... c²-³ — e² bn-³.sin.' ß; and c=b.(e. sin. B)s. 2 (n 3 2 Therefore (e sin. (3)² = {("— 1) e² — 9 n—3 77-3 − 2)2n-2 And sin. B = !. {(n = 1)² - 27 € n-3 1 n-1 which gives the relation between the velocity and the direction of projection, in order that the curve may have an asymptotic circle. The radius ( = -), (= } 1 of the circle, is easily found by the pre- 1 ceding formulæ. If is greater than , the circle is an interior one as in fig. 20: that is, C (n-1) e² - 2 2 if > 1, - 22 3 if (n-1) e-2 > n−3, 2 if e> 1, or if € > 1. If on the contrary e be less than 1, the circle is exterior to the curve, as in fig. 21. It is clear that we must have > 3. N 59 In nearly the same way we may find the conditions requisite for the description of an orbit, with an asymptotic circle, when the force is represented by any function whatever of u. PROB. XIII. Let the force consist of two parts, one of which varies inversely as the square, and the other inversely as the cube, P = mu² + m'u³; of the distance. ď² u m m'u + u = 0; d v² hⓇ h² ďu or d'u+ dv² +(1 To integrate, let (1) d² w dv² И - m²) u - or u = w + m h² m h² — 1 M m h2 = 0. (1) 2 w, m' h² +(1) w = 0; or if 1 – = y', m) dv² ď w + y²w=0: of which, by nearly the same process as in Prob. II, we shall find the integral to be W = C₁ cos. yv + C₂ sin. yo; m ..u = C₁ cos. yv + C₂ sin. yʊ + h²-m may be transformed in exactly the same manner as in Prob. II; This du that is, let a be the value of v, which makes = 0, then the d v value which gives yoπ + ya will also make du = 0; and if d v 1 1 goll // be the values of u, corresponding to these values of v, we shall have 60 U u = p 17 } cos. y (v− a) + 1/2 ? + }; which is the equation to the curve described, if r′ and r" be positive. This manifestly agrees with the equation to an ellipse, of which the focus is in the centre of forces, except in having y (v-a) instead of v α. Hence, the curve may be thus described: if, in fig. 24, and 25, Ap be an ellipse of which the focus is S; and Sp being any radius, if we take ASP = ASP Y ; so that ASP being v- v-a we may have ASpy (va); then SP=Sp may ber, and the equation just found for r will be satisfied; there- fore the curve APB thus described will be the path. APB will be without the ellipse Ap, fig. 24, if y be less than m' unity; that is, if 1 - <1, or if m' be positive. If n′ be h² negative, or the force be P=mu² - m'u³, the path described will be within the ellipse, as in fig. 25. In both cases we shall have an apse B, corresponding to an apse b in the ellipse; at which point ASb=y. ASB, and SB = Sb. Hence, since ASb, we have ASB = ASB is the angle between the apsides. ASI π Y √(1± m' h2 After describing an angle BSA' ASB, the body will come again to an apse at A', and so go on perpetually revolving about S; and approaching to it, and receding from it alternately. The line of apsides SA retains always the same position, when a body describes an ellipse as in Prob. II. In the case of the present problem, this line, which is at first in the position SA, fig. 26, 27, would after one revolution come into the position SA', after a second, into the position SA", and so on; the angles ASA', A'SA", &c. being equal. Hence, this line is said to revolve round S. If it revolve in the direction of the body's motion, as in fig. 26, 61 it is said to move in consequentia, or to progress; if it move in the opposite direction, as in fig. 27, it is said to move in antecedentia, or to regress. It appears by what has preceded, that the first or the second of these cases will occur, as the part of the force m'u³ which varies inversely as the cube of the distance, is additive, or subtractive*. 3 If P=mu² + m'u³ so that we have ASB = π /(1- m' * h² m' it is manifest that we must have 1; and therefore h² > m'. h² When h² m', the body will fall into the centre without coming to a second apse, as might be shewn by integrating the equation de u m' dv2 (−1) m И = 0. h² d2u m du m When h²=m', dv² h² છું = 0; (v − a); dv h² m (v — a)² u - h² +c; supposing that u=c when v=a. In this case the body approaches the centre by an indefinite number of revolutions. PROB. XIV. Let the force be represented by any function of the distance; it is required to find what value the angle between the apsides approximates to, when the orbit becomes very nearly a circlet. It is manifest, that if we project a body perpendicularly to the radius vector, with a velocity very little greater or less than the velocity in a circle for the same distance and force, the path of the body will not differ much from a circle. With many laws of force, the body will revolve perpetually between its greatest and least apsidal distances, as in last Prob. fig. 26, 27: and the angle between the This corresponds with Principia, Book I, Prop. 43, 44. † Principiu, Book I, Prop. 45. 62 apsides will depend both upon the velocity and the law of force. As, however, the velocity approaches more nearly to that in a circle, the angle between the apsides will tend nearer and nearer to a cer- tain limit. This limit it can never reach, because when the velocity becomes accurately that in a circle, the apsidal distances are equal, a circle is the curve described, and there is no longer, properly speaking, an angle between the apsides, as every point is an apse. But if we find this limiting angle, it may serve to indicate what is the angle between the apsides, when the difference of the higher and lower apsidal distances is small, but finite. Let P = u²pu; when u is a function of u; so that P may be any function whatever of u; .. by (d), d² u dv² фи + u = = 0. h² 2 Now at the point where the body is projected perpendicularly to the radius, let u=c; and for any other point let u=c+z, z being small. Then pu=c+ q'c.z + g″c 2 z² 1.2 + &c. Also if 1:1+d were the ratio of the velocity to the velocity² in a circle at the point of projection, we should have in the circle, velocity force × radius (Art. 20) = c² pc .. in the curve, velocity = 2 c & c 1+8 ; velocity ... •. in curve h² Фо 2 c² c ( 1 + s ) ; 1 [ =cpc. C d2 z (1 + d) c +c+z- dv² 2 фс therefore, substituting in the original equation, we have {pc+p'c.z+p″c. z² +&c.} = 0; 1.2 d² z or dr² 2 + (1 - сф cp"c z² Z &c. Фо фо 1.2 0. сб c p' c S &c. фо And when the orbit becomes indefinitely near a circle, & be- 63 comes indefinitely small, as does z; and hence, z2, zd, &c. may be omitted in comparison of z: сф'с ď z hence, dv² + (1 - ) z — cd = 0. фс c o'c If we make 1 =y², we shall have, as in Prob. XIII, фо сб for the integral of this equation, z = C₁ cos. yʊ + C₂ sin. yo+ 22 and u =c+z = С₁ cos. yv + C₂ sin. yv +c+ сб જ which indicates the same kind of orbit as is described in the last problem. And here, as there, we shall have π A = the angle between the apsides Y Π сф'с V{1_cpc фо Ex. 1. Let the force vary as any power of the distance, P=mu”=u² .mu”-2; .. pu=mu”—2; p'u= (n − 2) mun−³ ; фи= (n − 2) mc² mcn - 2 2 = = 3 — N ; .. the angle between the apsides = π √(3 — n) * =, which agrees with Prob. I, of this When n = −1, A = Chapter; π when n = 0, | A = √3 π when n = 1, 'n A = when n = 2, Vai A, which agrees with Prob. II; when n = 3, A is infinite; 64 and when n> 3, the expression is impossible. In fact, in this case, if the body leave one apse, it will never reach another, but will go off to infinity, if the velocity be greater than that in a circle, and fall to the centre if the velocity be less *. I If n be a little greater than 2, the apsides progress slowly: thus the apse will advance about 3° in one revolution, or 10 in a semi-revolution, if n = 2 4 243 Ex. 2. Let the force consist of two parts, each varying as any power of the distance; 2 P = mu" + m'un' = u² (mu"-² + m'un² − 2); ..фи=mu" - 2 фи=ти +m'un' - 2 (mu” 3 p'u = (n − 2) mu² –—³ + (n′ — 2) m'u¹¹ −3; + (n' − 2) m'cn' 2 (n − 2) mc' 2 = 1 mcn 2 C + m'cn' 2 2 N 2 (3-n) mc' + (3 — n') m' c². mc" 2 + m'cn' 2 T whence A > is known. V 2 Ex. 3. Let the force vary as the sine of the distance from the centre: the distance being considered as an arc. Let 9 be the distance, which, in this variation is considered as a quadrant; and m the force at that distance: then, sin. r sin. q: sin. :: m : m. force at distance r: the r sin. q sines being taken to such a radius that q is a quadrant. But, if the sines of the corresponding angles be taken to radius * This is also true if the velocity be not nearly equal to that in a circle, as might be shewn. The Student will find an investigation of the angle between the apsides, in some cases, when the orbit is not nearly circular, in the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. I, Part I, p. 179. • 1 65 1, they will be in the same ratio: and q : r ; :: 014 29 the angle corresponding to r π πη .. force = P=m. sin. =m. = m. sin. 2q 2 qu m П = u² sin. 2 ม Qqu m π ...фи sin. 2 И 2m p'u= 3 น Q qu sin. 2qu π m π π COS. u² * Q qu² 2qu Hence, y² = 1 сфс фо π π = 3 + cotan. ; 2gc 2qc 1. where - C is the radius of the circle to which the orbit approximates. 1 If we make C =a, we have z² = 3 + If a = 0, па 2q y² 2 - cotan. па 29 4, y = 2. I, Y = 3 + π If a = 1/1/19, 7° If a = q, y² = 3. π π The angle between the apsides varies from to according Q √3 to the different magnitudes of the circle described. + I R CHAP. IV. THE MOTION OF SEVERAL POINTS. 22. IN the last chapter we have supposed a single body to be acted on by forces tending to fixed mathematical points, and on that supposition have calculated its motion. But we may suppose those points, from which the force enianates, to be themselves move- able bodies, acted upon by their mutual forces, or by any others, and we may then have to calculate the motions of each of these bodies. This is in fact the problem which occurs in nature; for we do not there find forces tending to mathematical points, but re- siding in physical bodies, and connected with their material pro- perties; and, with respect to those forces which we have most frequently to consider, depending entirely on the quantity of matter. By considering the motions of the planets, and other bodies of which the universe is composed, it was discovered by Newton, that each of them exerts upon all the others a force which is at different distances inversely as the square of the distance; and that at the same distance from each, the forces with which a point would be impelled towards them, are directly as their quantities of matter. It further appeared, that this force or attraction exerted by each mass, is the result of an attraction exerted by each particle of which it is composed; so that we may conceive every physical point in the universe to exert a force varying inversely as the square of the distance. We shall consider more particularly bodies exerting forces of this kind; but it is manifest, that any other hypothesis of the variation of the force is equally possible, speaking mathematically, and may occasionally be introduced in our problems. 67 ་ 23. The forces which are exerted by these bodies, are of the kind which we have called accelerating forces; that is, they are measured solely by the velocity produced in a given time, and are entirely independent of the mass moved. Thus, if a body M exert upon a particle P, a certain accelerating force, which is represented by f, it will, under the same circumstances, exert upon 2 P or 3P the same accelerating force; though it is manifest, that for this purpose the pressure or moving force exerted, or the weight pro- duced in the particle 2 P or 3P, must be two or three times as great, respectively, as it was in P. At a given distance ƒ is pro- portional to M. By the third law of motion, the accelerating force ƒ is pro- portional to the pressure exerted on P directly, and to the mass of P inversely. Hence, by what has been said, we have Mxfx pressure on P P and hence, pressure on P∞ MP, and =µ MP, suppose: µ being the same for all bodies. Hence, if a body M act upon any particle at a distance r, the accelerating force which it exerts may be represented by, where m m is proportional to the body itself. By properly assuming the unit, m may be considered equal to the body. And to this force acting upon the particle, estimated in the proper direction, we may apply the equations of motion in the same manner as if it tended to a fixed point. We shall now proceed to the different cases of the problems to which we are led by these consider- ations. We have taken both the bodies M and P as points. If they be spheres of finite magnitude, the effect will (in the case in which the force varies inversely as the square of the distance) be the same as if they were collected at the centre; if they be of any other form, an irregularity will be introduced into the variation of the force this will be shewn in treating of the attractions of bodies. 68 SECT. I. Problem of two Bodies. 24. PROP. When two bodies are acted on by no forces except their mutual attractions, their centre of gravity will either remain at rest, or move uniformly in a straight line. The motion will evidently be in the same plane. Ꮖ referred to rectangular and let their masses be Also let (r) represent Let P, Q, fig. 28, be the two bodies, co-ordinates x', y' for P, and x", y" for Q; m', m', respectively, and their distance r. the function of r, according to which their force varies; so that m'o (r) is P's action on Q, and m" (r) is Q's action on P. Resolving these forces parallel to x' and y', respectively, we have by equations (c), Ꮖ dex' x″ – x′ x ďý y m" (r) = dt2 r dt² 2 m”p (r) Y″ — y′.. y' •(1), ↑ " d²x" Ꮖ -x d³y" - m'p (r) m' & (1) - · .(2). dt ጥ dt2 Now, multiplying equations (1) by m', and equations (2) by m", and adding those which stand under each other, we have m'dx'+m"d²x" m'd²y′+m'd³y' : dt 2 = 0, <= 0; dt2 integrating these, we have dx' dx" ní + m" A, m' dy + m" dy" = B. dt dt dt dt " If x and y be the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of m', m", we have by the formula for the centre of gravity m'x' + m″x m'y' +m"y" x = m' " , y " m² + m m² + m² dx A du B Hence, = dt 'm' + m² dt m² + m dx dy But manifestly represent the resolved parts of the velocity dt dt 69 of the centre of gravity, in directions parallel to the co-ordinates x and y, respectively; and it here appears, that these parts are Hence, the motion of the centre of gravity is uniform in these directions, and consequently, uniform and rectilinear in its constant. own. If A=0, and B=0, the centre is at rest. This proposition was first stated by Newton; and, as we shall see afterwards, is true of any number of bodies*. 25. PROP. The motion of each body about the centre of gravity, is the same as if that point was a centre of force, the law of which was the same as the law of the attraction of the bodies t. Let us suppose x' =x+x₁ y' =ÿ+Y₁, x"=x+x2 y″ =y+Y2 ; so that x1, Y1, x2, y2, indicate the co-ordinates of the points P, Q, measured from the centre of gravity. Then since, as appears above, d²r Ꮖ = 0, dt2 d²y d t = 0, d²x² Ꮖ we have ď² x 1 &c.; dt and equations (2) become dt λ y z 2 d² x 2 X2 — X 1 тф ·mp (r) dt² ተ dť² 2 ·m p (r) Y 2 — Y₁ Y½—Y1; but it follows from the property of the centre of gravity, that if we make GQ=r2, we have r = m'+m" m' Te X2-X1 PO GK X2 . - Also, P Q GQ 12 ↑ Principia, Cor. 4. to the Laws of Motion. + Ibid. Book I, Prop. 61. 70 Hence, our equations become, for the body Q, 'm' + m" X2 d² ď x 2 m' φ Te 2.) m' 12 dť d² y ď²y 2 m'q (m 'm' + m' m" Y 2 Te m' r2 dt2 Now these are the equations we shall have, if we suppose the centre of gravity a fixed point, to which a force tends, represented m" m² + m² by m'p (m² - m' T2 2); therefore the motion of the body Q about the centre of gravity, will be the same as if such a force resided in that point. It might in the same manner be shewn, that the body P will move about G as if there were in G a force = m"p 'm' + m² my :). And it is evident, that if (r) represent any power of r, 'm'+m" m Φ Hence, the law of the force about G will be the same as that of the attraction to P or Q supposed fixed. ) will vary according to the same power of r¸. COR. 1. The angular velocities of P and Q round G will always be equal, and PG, QG will always be in a given ratio. Hence, the figures described by P, Q are every way similar*. COR. 2. The velocities of P and Q relatively to G, will always be parallel, in opposite directions, and proportional to GP and GQ. PROB. I. Let the force vary inversely as the square of the distance, and P, Q hàve no angular motion originally : it is required to determine their motions+. It is manifest, that since P has no angular motion round G, it will descend in a straight line to G. Similarly, Q will descend to G in a straight line. And QG, PG, will be described in equal *Principia, Book I, Prop. 57. + Ibid. Book. I, Prop. 62. 71 times, so that the bodies will meet in G. For, since the accelerating forces on P and Q are inversely as P and Q, that is, directly as GP and GQ, the velocities will be in the same proportion, and cor- responding portions of GP, GQ, will be described in equal times, so that the whole will be described in the same time. Hence, also, after these bodies meet, they will go on together with the same velocity and direction with which the centre of gravity moved before they met. By last Article, since (7) is here r-2, the body P will move towards G as if there were in G a force =m" 'm' + 'm' m " " :) 113 772 (m' + m")" 1 2 Hence, if a be the original distance of P from G, and P be supposed to have no original velocity towards G, we have, by Chap. I, Ex. 3, time of P falling to G a² 2 m #13 (m' + m″)² π (m' + m″) a m"" π 2√2 Similarly, if b be the original distance of Q from G, time of Q falling to G = (m² + m") b³ π m' 2 Vo a b And since = these are equal, agreeably to what has just m ท been said. In the same manner, by Chap. I, Ex. 3, we might find the velocity at any point, and the time of falling through any portion of the distance. PROB. II. Let the force vary inversely as the square of the distance, and let the bodies P, Q have any velocities whatever originally; it is required to determine their motions*. *Principia, Book I, Prop. 63. 72 It has already been proved, (Art. 24.) that the centre of gravity G will move uniformly in a right line; and that (Art. 25.) P and Q will describe about G similar figures; P moving as if it were acted on by a force force m': 13 #13 m 1 (m' + m")*° r₁ 2 1 (m' + m″)² ' r₂ 29 and Q as if it were acted on by a placed in G. Hence, the curves described about G by P and Q will be similar ellipses, with G in the focus; and if we knew the original velocity of P and Q about G, we might determine the ellipse, as in Chap. III, Prob. III. The velocities of P and Q at any moment, and consequently at the beginning, will be compounded of two velocities; viz., that which the whole system has in consequence of the motion of the centre of gravity, and the velocity of each point P and Q about this centre. Now these last velocities are, by what has already been said, (Art. 25, Cor. 2.) parallel to each other, in opposite direc- tions, and proportional to GP, GQ, or to m" and m'. The whole original velocities being known, we may thus find the separate parts of them. Let P and Q have the original velocities p and q, making with QP angles = a, ẞ, respectively. Let the velocity of the centre G resulting from them be c, and y the angle which this velocity makes with GP: let also v and v" be the velocities of P and Q about G, and let be the angle which this motion makes with GP or SQ; which will be the same for both bodies. ; Now the component of the velocity of P resolved parallel to PQ is p cos. a: but since p is compounded of the motion c of the centre of gravity, and v' about the centre of gravity, its component will be c cos. y+v' cos. p. And thus equating the expressions for the components of the velocities of P and Q, parallel and per- pendicular to PQ, we have =c cos. y—v″ cos. &; p cos. a=c cos. y+v′ cos. P; q cos. ß=c c p sin. a=c sin. y+v'sim. Q; q sin. ß=c sin. y—v″ sin. 9. Multiply the two upper equations by m' and m", and add them, observing that m'v'=m"v"; .. (m'p, cos. a+m'q cos. B) = (m+m") c. cos. y. F 73 In the same way, the two lower equations give us m'p sin. a+m"q sin. ẞ=(m'+m") c. sin. y. By adding the squares of these two equations, we have 2 m² ² p² +m" ² - q²+2m'm" pq cos. (a − ẞ) = (m' +m")°c². √ {m²² p² +m"²q²+2m'm"pq cos. (a — ß)} whence, c = m'+m" — By taking the quotient of the same two equations, we have m'p sin. a+m'y siu. B α Again, subtracting the upper equations, and also the lower, we get tan. y = m'p cos. a+m"q cos. B p cos. a-q cos. B=(v+v") cos. =v' α p sin. ß=(v' $=v′ m'+m" m" m' + m² cos. ; sin. P. a− q sin. ß=(v′ + v″) sin. $=v′ Adding the squares of these equations, we have 2 p² + q² - 2pq cos. (a — ß) = v · (a− v'² ( whence v = " m" m² + m² m' m' + m' // m 'm'+m' m" ) 2 : √ {p²+q² −2pq cos. (a−ẞ)}; √ {p²+q² - 2pq cos. (a-B)}; and dividing the same two equations tan. - p sin. a q sin. B p cos. a q cos. B Hence, we know the velocity and direction of projection of P round G, and we can therefore, by Chap. III, Prob. 3, find the conic section described. And, combining the motion in this, with the motion of the centre of gravity, which we have also found, we have the motion of P. COR. 1. By Art. 25, Cor. 1, it appears that the curve de- scribed by P relatively to Q, will be similar to the curve which P describes about G. If a, be the semi-axis of the ellipse which P describes round G, and a the semi-axis of the ellipse which P describes relatively to Q, which is also in motion; we shall have ar: a : a :: m" : m² + m". K 74 1 a force = 2. COR. 2. Since an ellipse with semi-axis = a,, is described by 113 m"3 (m² + m²) 2 ⋅ r₁ we shall have the periodic time T by 113 Chap. III, Prob. 4, Cor.; putting a, for a, and m (m' + m')² for m; 2 a π 2 π α, * (m' +m") 2πα ..T= - 113 m m" 11 3/2 (m' +m") ½ (m' +m")² 2 by last corollary. COR. 3. If the body Q were at rest, and P were to revolve about it, at the same distance from it as in last Cor.; the ellipse would have its semi-axis majora, and we should have for the periodic time T', T' = Ωπα 3 m'2 Hence, T T' :: m'" : (m' + m″)} *. COR. 4. If P were to revolve round Q at rest, in an ellipse of which the semi-axis major was A, we should have for the periodic time T", T" 2 π A ‡ ΩΠΑ m" ½ And we may find A, such that T", about Q at rest, may be equal to T, about Q in motion. For this purpose, ΩΠΑ m" } A* Σπα (m' +m″) ½ :'. a : A :: (m'+m″)* : m″³ †. SECT. II. Problem of three or more Bodies. 26. If we suppose three bodies to act upon each other, we shall no longer be able generally to find the paths described as in the former case. Any two of them would describe regular orbits as in the preceding Section, but these will be changed by the action Principia, Book I, Prop. 59. + Principia, Book I, Prop. 60. 75 of the third; and, in consequence of this change, an orbit will be described completely different in kind from the former one. In particular cases, however, the third body will only slightly alter the regular orbit described by the two others, and in these instances, this slight deviation from the regular orbit may be approximated to by particular methods. As this is the problem which nature actually presents to us in the case of the Earth, Moon, and Sun; the great importance, joined to the great difficulties of it, have made the problem of three bodies very celebrated; and since it was first suggested, it has employed a large portion of the attention of the best mathematicians, down to the present day. It does not, how- ever, fall within the plan of the present Treatise: the student will find the different steps of the solution in Professor Woodhouse's Physical Astronomy. 27. PROP. If any number of bodies be acted on only by their mutual attraction, their centre of gravity will either be at rest, or will move uniformly in a straight line. Let P, Q, R, &c. be any number of bodies distributed in space, of which the masses are m', m", m", &c. And let them be referred to co-ordinates parallel to three rectangular axes, viz. x', y', z'; x″, y″, z″; x", y'", z z″, &c. Also, let 1,2 be the distance of m' and m' m", 71, 3•• T2, 3° &c. ...of m' and m " ..of m" and m /// And let the law of attraction between P and Q be p (r,, 2), between P and R, (1, 3); between Q and R, † (r2,3), &c. Hence, since each body attracts all the rest, by resolving the forces, and applying equations (c'), we have d² x' x′ — x″ x' - x'" m" ("'1, 2) +m" (1193) + &c. dt dex" 1'1, 2 x' - x' T193 " m' (1'1, 2) dt² dex"" dt² m' p (r1, 3) 7193 7192 x' - x"" +m" (1293) m" (r2, 3) で - X 1293 x 7293 + &c. + &c. x" &c. = &c. 76 Multiply the first equation by m', the second by m", the third by m", &c. and add; and we have m' d²x' + m" d²x" +m" d² x"" + &c. 1 d t² Similarly, we find = 0. m'd²y' +m" d³y" +m"d³y" +&c. dt2 m' d² z +m" d² z″ + m" d² z" + &c. Integrating, we have וי dt2 dx" + m² + m dt = 0; = 0. dx"" + &c. = A, : dt dy" dx' m' dt m' dy dy" + m dt dt dz dz" dz" m' + m + m + &c. = C. dt dt dt +m"" + &c. = B, dt Now, if x, y, z, be the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity, we have m' x' + m"x" +m""x" + &c. 30 m' + m'"+m"" + &c. Y m'y' +m"y"+m"y"+&c. /// m² + m" + m" + &c. m' z' +m" z″ +m" z"" +&c. " m' + m'' +m" +&c. Hence, if for the sake of abbreviation we make m'+m" +m" + &c. = M, we shall have dx A dy B dz C dt M' dt M' dt M' and therefore the resolved parts of the velocity of the centre of gravity are uniform; and hence, this centre moves with a uniform velocity, and in a straight line. 77 28. PROP. Let any number of bodies, whose magnitudes are m', m", m" &c., act upon each other with forces which are directly as the distances: it is required to determine their motions*. The distance of any two bodies m', m', being r, the force of m" on m' may be represented by m'r, and the part of it parallel to Ꮖ X x' x, will be m'r 7' = m″ (x′ — x"); similarly, the force of m' m" on m', parallel to x, will be m" (x − x"); and similarly for the other bodies, and also for the other co-ordinates y, z. Hence, by (c'), ď² x' dt m" (x'′ — x″) + m" (x′ − x″) + &c. d²x" m (x' — x″)+m"″ (x" − x″)+ &c. dt² d2x" m' (x' — x″) dt2 m” (x" — x″") + &c. &c. &c. d²x' dt² which may be put in this form, = (m' +m" +m" + &c.) x' — m'x' — m"x" —m"x", &c. dx = (m'+m"+m”"+&c.) x" — m'x' — m'"'x' -M X &c. dt2 dx" dt2 (m'+m"+m" +&c.) x″ — m'x' — m'x' Ꮖ m x &c. > &c. &c. or, (observing that if we make m+m'+m" + &c. = M and x, y, z, the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity, we have m'x' + m″x" +m"x""+&c. = Mx,) d²x dt2 = M (x − x) ; d²x" 1 dt2 = M (x" − x); Principia, Book I, Prop. 64. 78 ! d² x" dt2 = M (x""-x), &c. &c. Similarly, we should have d² y dť = M (ý – y), &c. d² z = M (z — z), &c. dt2 Now '-x, &c. are the co-ordinates of m', &c. measured from the centre of gravity; and it has already been seen that d² (x' — x) dt2 d² x' &c.: 27 dt2 hence it appears by comparing these equations with Chap. II, Ex. 2, that the motion about the centre of gravity is the same as if there were no force but one residing in the centre of gravity, and equal to M× distance. Hence, the bodies will all describe ellipses about the centre of gravity, as a centre. And the periodic times in these ellipses will all be the same. Their magnitude, eccentricity, the positions of the planes of the orbits, and of the major axes, may differ in any manner. Also, the motion of any one body relative to any other, will be governed by the same laws as the motion of a body relative to a centre of force, varying as the distance; for if we take the equations d² x' d² x" = M' (x' — x), = M' (x" — x), dť² dt2 and subtract them, we have d² (x' — x") = M (x′ — x″); dt² and similarly for the ys and zs, from which it appears that the motion of m' about m" is of the kind described. CHAP. V. THE CONSTRAINED MOTION OF A POINT ON A GIVEN LINE OR SURFACE. 29. Ir we suppose a body to slide along a surface, as the in- side of a bowl which is perfectly smooth, it is evident that we cannot apply immediately the reasonings of the preceding Chapters; for by the impenetrability of the surface, the body is perpetually deflected from the path in which it would move in consequence of the action of the forces alone. Since the surface is supposed perfectly smooth, the force which it exerts upon the body must be, at each point, perpendicular to it. For there is no reason why the direction of the action of the surface should be inclined on one side rather than the other, to this perpendicular; if any lateral force do exist, it is attributed to the defect from absolute smooth- ness, and called friction. This perpendicular force exerted by the surface, varies per- petually during the motion of the body: it is always such as exactly to keep the body in the given surface, that is, to resist the tendency to move through the surface. Now, if we were to suppose the body to move freely, and a force of the same magnitude and direc- tion as this reaction, but not arising from the contact of the body with a surface, always to act upon it, its motion would be exactly the same. But in this case, we may calculate the motion by the formulæ of the preceding Chapters, introducing among the forces this new one, and making it such as always to keep the body in the surface. 30. PROP. The reaction of the surface does not increase or diminish the velocity of the body. This will be seen when we come to deduce the formula for the motion. But it appears to be nearly evident from this consideration; 80 that the force of reaction is entirely employed in deflecting the body. If it were not perpendicular to the direction of the motion, we might resolve it into two, one perpendicular to this direction which deflects the body from its path; and one in the direction of the motion, which alone would affect the velocity. We may, as the simplest case, consider the body to move on a curve line, lying in one plane. This will happen when the original motion and the forces are all in one plane, and that plane also every where perpendicular to the given surface. For then the reaction will be in the same plane, and there will be nothing to deflect the body from it. It will therefore be sufficient to consider the motion ason a plane curve. The next simplest case will be when the surface is one of revolution, and all the forces act in planes passing through the axis. We shall afterwards consider any surface what- ever, with any forces. Instead of supposing the body retained by the reaction of an impenetrable surface, we may suppose any other means. For in- stance, if a body be fastened by an inextensible string to a given point, it can move in the surface of a sphere: and the conditions of its motion will be the same as if it moved on a smooth spherical surface: the tension of the string supplying the place of the reaction of the surface. And by supposing the string during its motion to wrap round other curves and surfaces, the surface to which the body is confined may become any whatever. We may also, instead of supposing the body to move on a curve, conceive it to move in a curvilinear tube, indefinitely narrow, the body being considered as a point. The difference between this case and the former one, will be, that in this, the reaction can operate in any direction, whereas before it could only act on one side of the body. So that in the tube, if the reaction were to become first nothing and then negative, (or opposite to its former side) the body would still be retained; while, in the other case, it would, on this supposition, fly off from the curve and describe a path in free space. In this manner also we may suppose a body to be compelled to move in a curve of double curvature. 81 ་ SECT. I. The Motion of a Point on a plane Curve. 31. PROP. When a body moves on a curve, acted on by given forces, to determine its velocity. Let a body move on the curve PA, fig. 29, referred to the co- ordinates AM, MP, which are represented by x, y. And let the forces which act upon it be resolved into X, Y, parallel, respectively, to these co-ordinates. Besides these forces we have to consider the reaction of the curve, which is in the direction PK, perpendi- cular to the curve, and which being represented by PK, may be re- solved into PL, PH. If we call the reaction R, we shall have the resolved parts in PL, and in PH parallel to AM, PL Ꭱ . and R. PK PH PK' respectively; or, (since the triangles PLK and TMP are manifestly similar, PT being a tangent), Ꭱ . MT PT' and R. MP PT dx ; that is, R ds and R dy d s supposing ds = √(dx²+dy³) = the differential of the curve AP. Hence, collecting the whole forces in the directions PH and MP, we have, by equations (c), ď x dy = X + R d t² ds d² ਨੰ: ਪ dr =Y Y - R d t d s Now, to eliminate R, multiply by 2 dr and 2 dy, respectively, and add; and we have d t° 2 d x d² x + 2 dy d² y = 9Xdr+.Ydu, and 2f(Xdx+Ydy). dx² + dyⓇ d t² This expression is the same as when the body moves freely. Hence, it appears that when a body, acted on by given forces, moves from one given point to another, as from B to P, the velocity L 1 ๆ 82 is the same, whatever be the path it takes, and whether it moves freely or be constrained to move along a given curve. If we suppose the body to be acted on by a force in parallel lines, we may suppose the axis of r to be parallel to these lines; and we have then Y=0. If the force be also supposed to be constant, as for instance, gravity, and to be measured upwards, we have X-g; and 2fXdx=C-2gx. Or, if we put C=2gh, h being an arbitrary quantity, we have velocity2 = dx² + dy² dt² = 2g (h-x). Here, when x=h, the velocity is =0; therefore h is the height from which the body begins to fall. Also since the velocity depends on x alone, it appears that it is the same, whether the body fall down the perpendicular DM, or down any curve BP of the same vertical height. If we suppose the force to tend to a centre, and to vary as some function of the distance from it; the centre of force may be made the origin of co-ordinates A, fig. 30. Let AP=r, and the force in PA=P, a function of r. Hence, we have X = − P ², Y= - P²/, - 7' S(Xdx+ Ydy) = -fP x d x + y d y -fPdr; r dx² + dy² dt² C-2fP dr. Or if _PAM = v, dr² + r² dv² 2 velocity2 dt2 =C-2/Pdr. Since the velocity depends on r alone, it is the same whether the body fall down the curve BP, or down the line BQ (making AQ = AP) acted on by the same force. And if the velocity in : ; ! 83 the curve and in the straight line AB, be equal at any correspond- ing equal distances from the centre, they will be equal at any other equal distances*. 32. Having found the velocity in terms of the co-ordinates, or of the radius vector: and knowing moreover the nature of the curve, we can find the time of the motion, as will be seen in the following examples. ds Since dt= when the force acts parallel to x, we have v ds dt = √ {2g (h− x)} ds And when the force acts to a centre, dt = = √(C – 2ƒPdr) PROB. I. Let AP, fig. 29, be a cycloid with its axis vertical: to determine the motion upon it when the body is acted on by gravity. We have here dy=dx/2a-; (Lacroix, Art. 102.), where T a is the radius of the generating circle; 2 a .. ds=dx x ds dt= Va dx √2g √(h− x) g √ (hx — x²) ' a ..t=C C- √². are (ver. sin. = 25) g g { П • h arc (ver. sin. = 2)}; for when x=h, t=0, and arc≈π. h And for the whole time of descent to A, t=π Principia, Book I, Prop. 40. zion 84 COR. 1. Hence, the time of descent is the same whatever be the arc BA. COR. 2. If the cycloid be completed, fig. 31, the body, after descending from B to A, will ascend by the velocity acquired, to b, in the same horizontal line with B: for the height up which the body must ascend to lose the velocity, will be the same as that down which it descended to gain it. And the time up A b, will equal the time down BA. When the body comes to b, it will have lost all its velocity: it will then descend to A, and rise again to B, and so go on oscillating for ever on the supposition that the surface is perfectly smooth. COR. 3. By Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 103, the evolute to the cycloid EPA e, consists of two semi-cycloids, CE, Ce. Hence, if a body be suspended by a string of proper length, which wraps round the curves CE, Ce, and oscillates, the conditions of the motion of the point P will be the same as those of a body upon a cycloidal surface, just investigated. Ifl be the length of the pendulum curve EOC; 1=4a, and time in BA π مة .. time of an oscillation from B to b = π g COR. 4. The time which a body would employ in falling down the vertical length l is 1. .. time of oscillation: time down pendulum The semi-cubical parabola, with its axis vertical, is another case in which we can integrate the expression for the time. PROB. II. Let AQ, fig. 31, be a circle whose radius is c: the body being acted on by gravity. y= √(2cx − x²); ds= ds c d x dx √(2cx − x²) dt 2g. V (hV −x) C − √2 g´´√ {(h—x) (2cx — x²) } ' Veg A 85 C dr √2g' √ {(hx − x²) (2c—x)}' e might integrate by expanding (2 c - x). But we may do We it better thus. Let arc dr X (sin. in. = ; ...de= 2 √ (h x − x²)° Also since √ 18 sin. 0, x = h sin.20, 2c-x=2c-h sin.* 0 x= =2c (1-d² sin.² ): putting d² = dt C √(4gc) h Hence, 2 de 20 √ (4gc)˚ √(1 − ♪² sin.² d Ꮎ g√(1-d² sin.20) Ꮎ) The integral of this is an elliptic transcendent, and may be found by the methods of approximation, or the tables, given by Legendre for such functions. The integral must be taken from x=h, that is, from 0 π - and for the whole arc 4P, it must be 2 taken to x=0, and therefore ◊ =0. If the oscillations be small, h is small; and therefore d. this case, we may approximate by expanding. In We have thus d Ꮎ S 1.3 S√(1—8° sin.²0) =ƒdo {1+ sin.20 + S4 sin.40+&c.}. 2 2.4 Now, to find sin." Ode, where m is an even number, we have (Lacroix, Elem. Treat. 205.) 1 ƒ de sin."0= m 1 cos. sin.m- Ө + 1 fde sin.m-20; m m and taking the integral from 0 to 0 = and π Ela the first term vanishes; 86 · 1 === fde sin.m-20 də m S de sin.™ 0 = m Similarly, do sin.m²- 20 0 = =0 π m 3 (e=0) -40 π m e= 2do sin.m-4 São and so on to ƒ'de sin.² 0 =¦ƒ ao = 1. T and Hence, do sin." 0 = √(1 Ꮷ Ꮎ d Ꮎ S² sin. d0 2 2 (m − 1) (m − 3)…………..1 π m. (m 2). · from 0=0 to 0 Ø)' from 0 Svo S-√(1-d' √ : {¹ + () + t = √ (1 − d² sin.³0)' 1 1 2014 ; 2 П is the same as 2 to 0=0. Hence, we have 2 2 П (1.3.d²)² + ( ) + &c.}. T. 2.4 2.4.6 If we neglect all the terms after the first, we have t =π 2 4g which is the time of descent down a cycloidal arc of which the radius C is Hence, if AF AC be the axis of a cycloid AP, the 4 times in PA, and QA are equal. In fact, C is the centre of curvature of both, and they may, for small arcs, be supposed to coincide. If we take two terms, we have, since d' = h 2c' π t 2 {1+ π 4 {1+ But if AB, the chord of the whole descent=k, we have h= k- 2 c π k2 :. .. t = + 16 c 2 87 Hence, if a pendulum oscillate on each side of the vertical 1 through an arc, the chord of which is of the length, 10 kc 1 C 10 1 and the oscillation is longer by of the whole. 1600 PROB. III. Let the curve be the hypocycloid, and the force tend to the centre of the globe, and be as the distance. A hypocycloid is a curve, APD, fig. 32, generated by a point P, in the circumference of a circle GPe, which rolls along the inside of the circumference EFD of another circle. The circle EFD is called a circle of the globe, and the rolling circle FPG the wheel or generating circle. Suppose, that when the describing point P was at A, the diameter Pe of the generating circle was in the position EA, co- inciding with CE. And suppose that when A comes to P, E comes to e, so that FE = Fe. Now when the point is at P, the circle is turning on the point F; hence, the motion of P at that point will be perpendicular to FP; and hence, a tangent at P will be at right angles to FP, and will therefore pass through the point G. Let CY be a perpendicular on PG. And let CF-a, OF=b; CPr, CY = p. PY GY2 Now by similar triangles, CF CG or - — — r² = p² - (a — 2b)² = p² — e² = p²; a putting ea- 2b = CA. (a ~ 2b)² e² (a² — 7.²) Hence, p² a² - e² (See Mr. Peacock's Collection of Examples, p. 195.) Also, ² - p² = a² (1.² - e²) a² 88 Now, we have in spirals, ds = √(a² — e²) r dr a V (r² — e²) - rdr 2 √(n² — p²) - in this case. mr2 And, Pmr; f Pdr = ; C− 2ƒ Pdr=m (h² — r²), 2 making C=mh; where h is the height CB, when the body begins to move. √(a² - e²) rdr Hence, dt = a V m √ {(n² – e²) (h² — p²)} rdr 2 to integrate this, let (r²-e²) = u; :. √ (r² — e²) h² — r² = h² — e² — u², du; and V (a²-e²) dt = a V m du √ (h² — e² — u³) ³ √ (a² — e²) t: t = arc a v m (co น √(r² — e²) COS. = = √ (h² — e²) √(h²-e²)) which is = 0, when r = h, as it should be. Hence, the time of falling to A, found by making r=e, is t = √ (a² — e²). π a v m COR. 1. Since h does not appear in this result, the time of descending to A is the same, whatever be the arc; that is, the descents are isochronous*. Since e-a-2b, a²-e²=4ab-4b2; . . t = π b b2 2 ✓ Com am m *Principia, Book I, Prop. 51. 89 COR. 2. If am force at E, be put = g, and if we suppose b a large compared with b, so that a may be rejected, we have t = π g which coincides with the time in a common cycloid (see Prob. I.), as it manifestly should; for if a be very large, ED will be nearly a straight line; and the force in DA constant and parallel to EC. COR. 3. Hence, also the oscillations in such a curve are iso- chronous, and the time is found as above. The time of an oscillation π V (a² — e²) a v m If we suppose the Earth spherical and homogeneous, the force, in proceeding from the surface to the centre, varies as the distance from the centre. Hence, if we were to suppose a body to move on a hypocycloid, generated by the rolling of a circle on the interior of the circumference of a circle within the Earth, and concentric. with it, the descents and oscillations in such a curve would be isochronous. COR. 4. Instead of supposing the body to move on a curve, we may suppose it to be suspended by a string, which, during its oscillations, wraps round the curves SD, Sd, the evolutes to the portions AD, Ad of the hypocycloid. The motions will then be the same as before, and the oscillations of such a pendulum will therefore be isochronous. The evolutes SD, Sd are also hypocycloids*. Let PO be the radius of curvature, CZ a perpendicular upon it, CO=r', CZ = p', (Lacroix, Elem. Treatise, Note H, p. 668.) rdr PO= dp e √ (a² — r²) erdr Ρ :.dp = √ (a² — e²) √ {(a* — e²) (a* — r²) } ' *Principia, Book I, Prop. 51. M 90 PO= √ {(a° — e³) (a² — 2.²)} e Also, 02=OP+CY= CZ = √(»º − p²) = V — a² V (a² — r²) e V (a² — e²)' 2 a V (r² — e²) √ (a² – e²) • at (a² — r²) Hence, squaring, e² (a² — e²) p¹² — p¹², 12 a² (r² — e²) p'². (a² — e²) Multiply the first by e², and the second by a², and add, and we have a² = e² r²² — e² p¹² + a²p'²; Let p a² e 12 a² - e² 2'2 er a² - e² a' a/2 that ===== = a so that a 12 12 a a 2 a e² 2.12 γ 2 12 a² (a a 1 12 a² a 212) 2 which is the same as the equation which we had to the hypocycloid, only putting a for e, Hence, take CS and a' for a. a² e > a third proportional to CA and CE; and describing a circle with radius CE, suppose a wheel, whose diameter is ES, to roll on this circle, so as to describe the hypo- cycloids SD, S'd; these will be the evolutes of AD, Ad. And a pendulum oscillating between them will always have its extremity in the hypocycloid DAd. The length of the hypocycloid is thus found*, ds= √(a² — e²).rdr it V (r² — e²) * Principia, Book I, Props. 48, 49. 91 .. s √ {(a^—e*) (»² — e²)}, measuring from A. a And for the whole AD, s = Similarly, SD=Sd= a a² — e² for r=a. 12 24 a a a' a4 - a² e² a²e a² - e² COR. 5. If the length of the pendulum = 1, whence, a² - e² = le = la² a a² - e² e = 1, e And time of oscillation = π √(a² - e³) a Vm = πνι √(ma')' COR. 6. By Chap. I, Ex. 1, the time of falling to the centre П C will be π Vď • 2 Vm Hence, time of an oscillation: 2 V (ma') time to centre: Vl: Va: VSA: VSC*. If the curve be an Epicycloid, and the body be acted upon by a repulsive force, varying as the distance from the centre of the globe, we shall obtain similar results: and the oscillations will be isochronoust. * Principia, Book I, Prop. 52. + If we resolve the force in these isochronous cases, so as to obtain the portion which acts along the curve, we shall find, that this portion is as the length of the curve from the lowest point; consequently, the force which accelerates the body, is as the space to be described; and, therefore, the time to the lowest point is independent of the original distance by Chap. I, p. 14. Conversely, in any curve the descents to a given point will be isochronous, if the force be such, that the resolved part of it along the curve is as the arc dx from that point. If the force be P, and act parallel to r, P will be the ds ལ resolved part. Ex. 92 33. PROP. When a body moves upon a curve, to find the magnitude of the reaction R, which is also equal to the pressure upon the curve, we resume the equations ď²x = X + R dy ; dt ds dy dx = Y — R d t ds dť 2 Hence, R = Multiplying the first by dy, and the second by dx, and subtracting, we have dy d²x-dx dy = Xdy-Ydx+Rds. Xdy - Ydx dyd²x - dxd y 2 + ds 2 d t² ds ds³ 3 If P be the radius of curvature, we have P - dy d² x — dx ď³y hence, R = + ds pdť Ydr - Xdy ds² Of the two parts of which this expression consists, the first is what we obtain by supposing X and Y resolved perpendicular to a tangent to the curve. The second, force which would retain the a circle whose radius is p. d s² pdť or 129 velocity2 P و is the body in the curve if it were moving in This latter is called the centrifugal force, and arises entirely from the tendency of the body to go in a Ex. To find the force which must act in parallel lines, that the descents in a circle may be isochronous. If c be the radius, and 0 the angle which the radius CQ, fig. 31, makes with the vertical, x will be = c ver. sin. 0, and s = c0; .. dx ds sin. 0. 0 Hence, P sin. 0 must vary as ce, and P must vary as the circle may be isochronous. in order that sin. ' This problem is in the Principia, Book I, Prop. 53. 93 straight line, instead of the curvilinear path in which it is com- pelled to move it is greater as the curvature is greater. If the body be acted on by no force, R = ds2 pdt2 velocity* p. In the case where the body is acted on by gravity only, R = ds gdy ds² + 2 pdť² In the case where the force P tends to a centre at the origin of co-ordinates, xdy-y d x Ydx Xdy = P = Prdv; Т for xdy - ydx = r² dv, (see Art. 16.). 2 R = Prdv ds² + ds pdť PROB. IV. A body oscillates in a cycloid acted on by gravity: to find the tension of the string. Fig. 31. dy g. R = g⋅ ds ds + 29 pdt2 x we have dy=dr√/2a-7, ds=dra, dy = 2a-x x Ꮖ dx p = 2 √ {2a (2 a− x)}, (Lacroix, Art. 103), Hence, R = g√2a 2 a x + 2a+h-2x √(4a² - 2 ax) x ds ds² dt g (h-x) √{2a. (2a-x)} 2 a = 2g (h — x). =g. 2 a h √(2a − h) When x = h, R = g go √(4a² — 2ah) √(2a) 2a+h h When x = 0, R= g θα = g (1 + ; 94 the part g arises from gravity, the other part force. g h from centrifugal 2 a If h=2a, or the body fall from the highest point; pressure at A=2g. PROB. V. A body oscillates in a circular arc acted on by gravity: to find the tension of the string. (c-x) dx √(2cx − x²)' Ꮖ dy C-X ds= cdx √(2cx − x²)³ ds = 2g (h− x); = C dy = ds² 2 p = c, d t² dt² c-x . . R = g · 2g (h-x) c+2h-3x + g. • C C C c+2h When x = 0, this gives R = g If hc, or the body C fall through the whole quadrant, R = 3g; and the tension at the lowest point is three times the weight. If the body fall through the whole semi-circle from the highest point of the circle, h=2c, R=5g, and the tension at the lowest point is five times the weight. This tension, by the increase of x, may become 0, and after- wards negative, or opposite to its former direction: the body will then tend to approach the centre of suspension. It will=0, when c + 2h - 3 x = 0, or x = c + 2 h 3 If a body move on the upper convex surface of a circle, it will only remain upon it while its pressure is towards the centre. It will fly off and describe a parabola, when the pressure becomes = 0; c + q h that is, when x= ; x and h being measured from the lowest 3 point of the circle. 95 The parabola which the body describes, will be one which has a common tangent with the circle at the point where the body leaves it, and the velocity at that point = √ {2g. (h− x)} = √ {2g. h- 3 Sincer is less than 2 c, we have c + 2h < 6c, or h< C If h be greater than this, the body will not move along the circle at all, but will leave it at the highest point. By a similar application of our formulæ we might easily find the tension, when a body oscillates in a hypocycloid. SECT. II. The Motion of a Body on a Surface of Revo- lution. 34. PROP. To find the motion of a body upon a surface of revo- lution, and acted on by forces in a plane passing through the axis. Let CP, fig. 33, be the curve by the revolution of which the surface is described, AC its axis, and let AMN, be a fixed plane perpendicular to this axis, AM, MN, NP three rectangular co- ordinates to the point P; represented by x, y, z, respectively. Also let OLP be a plane parallel to AMN; and let OP = r. Then since AO = NP = z, and OP ≈r, knowing the nature of the curve CP, we know the relation of r and z. The forces which act upon the body when at P are the reaction and the extraneous force: let this latter, which is by supposition in the plane POA, be resolved into two, P in the direction PO, and Z in the direction PN. Also the reaction is manifestly perpen- dicular to the curve CP, and in the plane AOP; and if we resolve it, as in the case of a plane curve, we shall have its component dz in direction PO = R ds dr in direction NP = R. supposing ds = √(dz² + dr²). ; ds dz Hence, the whole force in PO = P + R and if we resolve ds 96 this parallel to x and y, we shall have, since OL, LP, OP are x, y, r, respectively, component in x = (P + R d z X R ds r in y = (P + R dz Y ds r dr 2+ R ds Also force in z = Hence, by the equations (c') we have d² x dt2 ระบ dt2 2 ď² z dt² Hence, we find (P + R (P + R dz dr ds ) dz) ds Z + R as ' ds Ꮖ y .(1). r x ď² y − y d² x = 0; or d dt (rdy-9dr) = 0....(2), dt dx d² x + dy d² y + dz dz dt2 Zdz r ´dx² + dy² + dz dy²+ dt2 x dx + y dy which since d. (dx² 2 Now d t² 2 dr²'dť² dz is known in terms of r. dr 2 dz² dz² dr² ² x d x + y dy P R. ds 2' (dz xdx + y dy drdz) r dr, becomes, multiplying by 2, 2 Pdr 2 Zdz....(3). - ds and from the nature of the curve CP, dz Let =p, p representing the tangent dr of the angle which the surface at P makes with the horizon. dr² Therefore d t² Ρ 2 · dr.2 dt² 2 ? 97 Also let the angle LOP=v, and we shall have, (as in Art. 16, 17,) xdy ydx = r²dv; dx² + dy² = dr² + r² dv². Hence, the equations (2) and (3) become 2 r² dv d. = 0, dt (dre γ r² dv² dr² d. + di" dt² + p² - 2 Pdr – 2 Z dz. d t² If we integrate the first of these, we obtain r² dv = hdt; h being a constant quantity, or dt = 2 r² do h If The second of the two equations just found, might be integrated, if we could integrate the right-hand side - 2 Pdr 2 Zdz. we put for P, Z, and z, their values in terms of r, this expression will become a function of r, and its integral will be a function of r. Let f (Pdr + Zdz) = Q: hence dr² 2 r² dv² + +p². dr² dtⓇ C — 2Q. dt2 dt 2 To find the path of the body, put for dt its value 1.2 dv h and we have (1 + p²). h² dr² h² + C − 2 Q ; p4 dv 2 .. dv= √(1 + p²). hdr r V {(C − 2Q) 12 (e). h² Hence, dt = (ƒ). √(1 + p²).rdr 2 √ {(C − 2 Q) r² — k² } If equation (e) be integrable, we have v in terms of r, whence the locus of N is known. And r being known, we know z; for dz = pdr. If the force be always parallel to the axis, we have P=0; and if also Z be a constant force, as gravity, and = g, Q = f Zdz =g, and is to be expressed in terms of r. N 98 If the force tend to a fixed point in the axis, we may make this the origin A. Let AP, and the force in PA fore PP' 2 2 ช = P'; and Q =ƒ(Pdr + Zdz) =ƒP' γ r dr + zdz r =SP'dr'; P'; there- because r² + z² = r². And if P' be a function of r' we find Q by integrating. dr There will be apsides when = 0, and therefore when dv (C - 2Q) 1.2 h² = 0. 35. PROP. To find under what circumstances a body will de- scribe a circle on a surface of revolution. For this purpose it must always move in a plane perpendicular to the axis of revolution; r and z will be constant; and as in Art. 20, r cos. v=r; therefore d² x dť r cos. v.dv² d t2 ; rdv d2 x and if V be the velocity, V = dt dt 7' 172 cos. v Hence, the first and third of equations (1) in last Article become V2 dz P+R ds r dr 0 = Z+ R ds' V2 dz P + Z ..(g). dr If the force be gravity acting in the direction of the axis OA, so that P=0, 2=g; V2 dz g · r dr Since ǹ = 2 area in time 1 = Vr, h² = gr³ dz h dr gr³p. PROB. VI. To determine the time of a pendulum performing a conical revolution. 99 A body suspended by a string SP from a point S, fig. 34, will be retained in a spherical surface whose centre is S, and may, by properly adjusting the velocity, revolve in a circle, SP describing a conical surface, which is the motion here spoken of. In a spherical surface of which the radius is c, z = AS -- √(c² — ‚¹²); dz = dr √(c² — r²)' 172 g r p² √ (c² — p²) · If we draw PT a tangent at P, OT= እ? √ (c² — p²) V² = 2g. 1OT'; hence, the velocity of P is that acquired by falling down half OT. The circle described by P has its circumference we have the time of a revolution = Ωπη V 2π (c² - r²) 2πr; hence, 2TVSO Vg √ g COR. 1. By Prob. I, Cor. 3, the time of a double oscillation of a pendulum whose length is 1, would be 2 π g Hence, in order that this oscillation may employ the same time as the revolution, we must have = SO. COR. 2. The last corollary is true for any surface, PS being a normal. COR. 3. If a body were to revolve in a parabolical surface, the times of all circular revolutions would be the same. For in this case, SO the subnormal is constant. PROB. VII. A body moves in a spherical surface acted on by gravity, and so as not to describe a circle, to determine its motion. Let c be the radius of the sphere. We have Q=gz, and C − 2 Q = 2 g (k − z), k being an arbitrary quantity. au Also r²=2c-22, z being measured from the surface: 2 2 rdr=(c−z) dz; 1+p²=1+ (c — = (c — :) * ° Upp 100 Hence, by equation (f) dt = dz In order that d t √(1+p²)rdr √ {(C − 2 Q) r² — h² } cdz V{2g(k-2)(2cz— z²) — h² } * may= 0, the denominator of the right-hane member of this equation must=0; that is 2g (k—z) (2 cz - 2º) — h²=0; h² 3 or z³-(k+2c) z² + 2k cz - 0; 2 g which equation will necessarily have two possible roots; because, as the body moves, it will necessarily reach one highest and one lowes. point, and, therefore two places when has also a third possible root. dz dt 0. Hence, the equation Suppose it to be identical with (z − a) (z – B) (≈ − y) = 0: where a is the greatest value of z, and ẞ the least, which occur during the body's motion. c d z √(2 g). √ {(a — z) (≈ — B) (y − z)} ´ Hence, dt = To integrate this, let 0=arc (sin. = √ B); G α d z .. do d Ꮎ - ช Թ a B. Also sin² = 2 √ {(z — B) (a− ß)}. \/\/ {1 dz 2✓ {(a−z)(x − ẞ)}' z - B β a - B; · · ≈ = ß + ( a − ß) sin² 0. And y-z=y- {ß+(a−ß) sin. 0} = (y − ß) { 1 − d²sin.20}; if d = √ a - B γ-β MU 101 2 cd0 .. dt = √ {2g(y-ß)} • √ { 1—8° sin.² 0} to be integrated from zß to za; that is, from 0=0, to 0 this expanded in the same manner as in Prob. II, gives 2 1.3.82 2.4 2 c t = √28 (7-B) { 1+ + (1.8 1.3.583 2 π +&c. 2 π : 2 +( 2.4.6 which is the time of a whole oscillation from the least to the greatest distance. hdt Also dv 2 hd t 2cz-z and is hence known in terms of z. 36. PROP. A body acted on by gravity moves on a surface of revolution, whose axis is vertical: when its path is nearly circular, it is required to find the angle between the apsides of N's path, fig. 33. In this case, fd z = gz=Q. And if at an apse r=a, z=k, we have h² (C — 2g k) a³ — h²=0; .. C=2+2gk. Hence, equation (e) becomes dv = }} Let = 1 + 1; p √(1+p²). hdr a z) r² __ h². (a² — r²) - a² "√ {2g(k − 2); √(1+p²). hdr √ { 2 g (k − c ) → h² (= − 4 ) } · 2) — dr // = dw, 10% 102 d v = 1 √(1+p²). hd w (k (k z) z) h² ( - )}* 4 √ {eg (-2) - h² G ( — z) h² dr² _ 2 g (k − 2) — 4" dw2 d v² h² (1 + p²) 1 2 1 - ) a a 2 ; It is requisite to express the right-hand side of this equation in terms of w. Now since at an apse we have w≈0, z=k, r=a, d z we have generally z = k + w + dw d² z we dw² 1 1.2 2 + &c. the values of the differential coefficients being taken for w=0. And dz=pdr-pr²dw, d² z=-2 pr dr dw-rdwdp; or, making dp = qdr =-(2p+qr) r d r d w = (2p+qr) r³ dw². And if P1 and 91 be the values which p and q assume when w=0, and ra, we have for that case, ď² z dw² z = k—p₁ a² w + (2 p₁+q₁ a) a³ Also = (+10) a a a 1 Ωω + +w². 2 a 2 = (2 p₁ + q₁ a) a³, • w2 &c. 19 qi Hence, 2g (k − 2) — h² 2 (3) becomes a 2 w² 2 g (p, a² w−(2p, +q, a) a ³ . 20 + &c.) - h² (22 - + 3 το Q a w² 2012). But when a body moves in a circle of radius=a, we have hª =gr³p=ga³p, in this case, (Art. 35.). And when the body moves nearly in a circle, h will have nearly this value. If we put h²=(1+d) gap, we shall finally have to put =0, in order to get the 3 103 ultimate angle when the orbit becomes indefinitely near a circle. Hence, we may put hg a p₁, and 2 3 2 g (k − z ) − h² ( ; — — — ) becomes {3ga³p₁+ga* q₁} w² + &c. 2 a 2 Ρι in which the higher powers of w may be neglected in comparison of w²; d w² 3 ga³ {Sp₁+q₁a} w² (3 p₁ + q₁a) w³ dv² h² (1+p²) P₁ (1+p³) 1 (3 p₁ + g₁ a) w² P₁ (1 +- p₂²) again omitting powers above w²: for p=p₁+Aw+ &c. Differentiate and divide by 2d w, and we have d² w d v² 3 p₁ + q₁ a P1 W= ΤΟ Nw, suppose. ១ P₁ (1 + p₁²) Of which the integral, taken so that v=0 when w=0, is w= C sin. v√✅ N. で And w passes from 0 to its greatest value, and consequently r passes from the value a, to another maximum or minimum, while the arc v ✅N passes from 0 to π. Hence, for the angle A between the apsides we have AVN=T; A = π .. where N 3 p₁ + q₁ a I P₁ (1 + p₁²) PROB. VIII. Let the surface be a sphere; and let the path described be nearly a circle: to find the horizontal angle between the apsides. Supposing the origin to be at the lowest point of the surface, we have ď z 2' dp 2 z = c − √(c² — r²); p — = q 2 dr dr 104 a c² 2 2 .. Pi √ (c² — a³) 91= (c² – a²) 1+Pi 2 C 2 - a C 2 .. N= 4 c² - 3a² 2 C c² Hence, the angle between the apsides = пс √(4 c² - 3a²) The motion of a point on a spherical surface, is manifestly the same as the motion of a simple pendulum or heavy body,,sus- pended by an inextensible string from a fixed point; the body being considered as a point, and the string without weight. If the pendulum begin to move in a vertical plane, it will go on oscillating in the same plane, in the manner already considered in Sect. I, of this Chapter. But, if the pendulum have any lateral motion, it will go on revolving about the lowest point, and generally alternately approaching to it, and receding from it. By a proper adjustment of the velocity and direction, it may describe, by Art. 35, a circle; and if the velocity, when it is moving parallel to the horizon, be nearly equal to the velocity in a circle, it will describe a curve little differing from a circle. In this case, we can find the angle be- tween the greatest and least distances, by the formula just deduced. Пс Since A √ (4c — Sa³) ; If a=0, A = П Է — ; the apsides are 90° from each other, which also appears by observing, that when the amplitude of the pen- dulum's revolutions is very small, the force is nearly as the distance; and the body describes ellipses nearly; of which the lowest point is the centre. If a = c, A = π = 180°; this is when the pendulum string is horizontal; and requires an infinite velocity. C If a = 1/1; so that the string is inclined 30° to the vertical; Ωπ A = = 99º 50'. √13 105 If a² = ર ; so that the string is inclined 45° to the vertical; A = π ==113º. 56′. 3 c² If a = - 4 so that the string is inclined 60° to the vertical; Ωπ A =136°, nearly. PROB. IX. Let the surface be an inverted cone, with its axis vertical: to find the horizontal angle between the apsides when the orbit is nearly a circle. Let a be the radius of the circle, and y the angle which the slant side makes with the horizon. Hence, z=r tan. Y, p=tan.y, q=0; 3 tan. Y = cos.2 2 tan. y. sec.y 3 cos. y: .. N= π and the angle between the apsides = cos. Y√√√3 2 T If y=60°, angle = = 120°. حت PROB. X. parameter is c. Let the surface be an inverted paraboloid whose r² = c z ; Р d z 2 r p = q= dr C 2710 C 6 a + C .. N= If a = 2, ordinate, 2 C sa (1+ C 2 a C 4 a c² 4 c² c²+4a² or the body revolve at the extremity of the focal N=2; angle between apsides = π 106 PROB. XI. Let in fig. 35, OP vary inversely as CO§. Let AC = h, h − z C4 dz 3c4 12 c z = 73; p = = dr ; 9 до в 2015 9c¹ 12c4 4 4 :. N = a a 3c4 (1+ + 9c²) α .8 a8 8 28 a³ + 9c8 · This is negative, and hence the angle is impossible, and the body will never come to a second apse. If the velocity be at all less than that in a circle, the body will go on descending continually down the funnel PA. 37. PROP. When a body moves on a conical surface, acted on by a force tending to the vertex; its motion in the surface will be the same, as if the surface were unwrapped, and made plane, the force remaining at the vertex. Let A, fig. 33, be at the vertex, AP r', force P', and the angle which the slant side makes with the base = y; •'. z = r tan. Y, p = tan. y, 1 + p² = sec. y. 2 Also Q = f(Pdr + Zdz) = f P'dr'. Hence, by equation (e), Art. 34, sec. Y .hdr d v = rv{(C- of P'dr') r² — h²} ' or putting h' cos. y for h, dv'. sec. y for dv, and for r its equal r' cos Y? dv' = h'dr' 12 r' V {(C — 2ƒ'P'dr') r'² — h²} Now do is the differential of the angle described along the eonical surface, and it appears that the relation between v' and ' will be the same as in a plane, where a body is acted upon by a central force P'. For we have in that case, (see page 27,) d and integrating, 12 12 Sh² dr² h²) !* dv 12 \ r 4 d v¹² + 2 P'dr'; 12 107 h² dr² r'+dv h12 + = C - 2fP'dr', 12 which agrees with the equation just found. 38. PROP. When a body moves on a surface of revolution, to find the reaction R. Take the three original equations, (1) p. 96, and multiply them respectively by rdz, ydz, and rdr; and the two first become xd xdz dt² Pr²dz dz² x² R r ds y d² y d z Pydz dz² y R dt 2 Ꭲ ds ľ Add these, observing that x² + y² = r², and we have (xd²x + yd²y) dz +yd'y) dz² dt² Prdz Rr ; ds and the third is rdrdz dt² dr² Z r d r + R r ds Subtract this, observing that dz² + dr² = ds², and we have (x d²x + yd³y) dz — rdrdz dt2 = r (Zdr Pdz) - Rrds. But x² + y² = r², xdx + ydy = rår, x ď² x + y d² y + dx²+ dy² = rd²r + dr³. Hence the equation becomes (dr² — dx² — dy³) dz¸rd zdr— rdr d² z =r (Zdr- Pdz) - Rrds, + dt2 dt2 and dr² = ds² - dz². Zdr - Pdz drd²z - dzd²r Hence, R= + ds dt² ds (dx² + dy² + dz° ds²) dz + rdt²ds Now if p be the radius of curvature of CP at P, 108 ds³ P drd2z dzd²r (Lacroix, Traité du Cal. Diff. Art. 351.) and dr² + dy² + dz² = do², do², σ being the arc described, Pdz ds² 2 (do² - ds²) dz + + pdt2 Zdr therefore R= ds ds² Here it is manifest that dt2 rdt ds is the square of the velocity resolved in the curve PC, fig. 33, and that do² 2 J di2 is the square of the velocity resolved perpendicular to OP in the plane OLP. The two last terms, which involve these quantities, together form that part of the resistance which is due to the centrifugal force; the first term is that which arises from the resolved part of the forces. From this expression we know the value of R; for we have, as before, do² dt2 = C − 2ƒ (Pdr + Zdz); do² - ds² r² dv² h2 also vel.2 in PU = dt² 2 dt² ds² h² Hence, = C dt2 C − 2f (Pdr + Zdz) - 2 PROB. XI. To find the tension of a pendulum moving in a spherical surface. Retaining the denominations of the Prop. p = 0; C − 2 (fP dr + Zdz) = 2g (k − z), dr C ช ds C r = √(2cz – z²); dz V(2cz - 2) dr C 2 ds C C dz √(2cz z²) Τ h2 2 g (k Z) Hence, R = g (c 2) 2.2 + + с C C g. (c + 2 k 32) C 109 and hence it is the same as that of the pendulm oscillating in a vertical plane with the same velocity at the same distances: see Prob. V. SECT. III. The Motion of a Point upon any Surface. 39. PROP. To find the velocity, reaction, and motion of a body upon any surface whatever. Let R be the reaction of the surface, which is of course in the direction of a normal to it at each point. And let e, e', e", be the angles which this normal makes with the axes of x, y, and z re- spectively; we shall then have, considering the resolved parts of R among the forces which act on the point, by the formulæ (é), ď² x = X + R cos. €, dt² ď y · · (1) = Y + R cos. € é', dt² d² 2 = 2 + R cos. e €". dt Now the nature of the surface is expressed by an equation between x, y, z and if we suppose that we have, deduced from this equation, d z = pdx + qdy, so that p = d z dx' q = dz dy' P, q, being the partial differential coefficients of z; (Lacroix, 125); we have for the equations to the normal of the point whose co-ordi- nates are x, y, z, (Lacroix, Elem. Treat. No. 143); x', y', z', being co-ordinates to any point in the normal; x² x + p (z′ z) = 0, y = y + q (z′ — z) = 0. Hence, it appears that if PK, fig. 36, be the normal, PG, PH its projections on planes parallel to rz and yz respectively; the equation of PG is x' − x +p (z' — z) = 0; and hence GN+p.PN=0, and GN= p.PN, similarly the equation of PH is y-y +q (2-2)=0, whence HN+q. PN=0, and HN=-q. PN. 110 Ph And hence, cos. ecos. KPh= PK Ρ GN ✔(PN²+NG+HN²) √(1+p² + q²) HN √(PN²+NG² + HN²) P g cos. e'=cos. KP g PK 9 √(1+p²+q²) 1 Whence, cos.e" √(1 − cos.² e — cos.² cos.² e')= 4 √(1 + p² + q²) Substituting these values; multiplying by dx, dy, and d z*, respectively, in the three equations; and observing that dz-pdx -qdy=0, we have dx d²x + dy d'y + d z d² z dt2 =Xdx+Ydy+3d.. Hence, dx²+dy²+dz² 2 d t² =f(Xdr+Ydy+~dz), and if this can be integrated, we have the velocity. If we take the three original equations (1), and multiply them respectively by-p, -q, and 1, and then add, we obtain d2 x 2 d² z dť d t² d t2 = −pX−qY+Z+ R √ (1 + p² + g³). - p. • d t² -9· 2 day + But d z pdx+qdy; d² z ď² x ď²y d p d x + d q dy hence, 2 d t² d t.2 P +q d t² + ; d t² substituting this on the first side of the above equation, and taking the value of R, we find P X+qY-Z R= √(1+p² + q²) + dp d x + dqdy 2 dť² √(1+p²+q²) * Here dzindicates the differential of z considered as a function of both the quantities x and y. It is what Lacroix, Elem. Treat. 126, indicates by d(z). 111 and p, q, If in the three original equations we eliminate R, we find two second differential equations, involving the known forces X, Y, Z, which are also known when the surface is known, com- bining with these the equation to the surface, by which z is known in x and y, we have equations from which we can find the relation between the time and the three co-ordinates. Ꮖ 40. PROP. To find the path which a body will describe upon a given surface, when acted on by no force. In this case, we must make X, Y, Z each≈0. Then, if we multiply the three equations (1) of last Art. respectively by −(qdz+dy), pdz + dx, qdx − pdy, and add them, we find, << − (qd z+dy) d²x + (pdz+dx) d² y+(qdx − pdy) ď² Z = Rdt² (q dz+dy) cos. e + (pdz+dx) cos. e' + (qdx − pdy) cos. e "/ or, putting for cos. e, cos. é', cos. e", their values, Rdt2 √(1+p²+q²) {p(qdz+dy)-q(pdz+dx)+qdx-pdy}=0. Hence, for the curve described in this case, we have (pdz+dx) dy = (pdy− qd x) d² s + (q dz+dy) d² x*. *If we make ds constant, in this we have dr dx+dy ď²y+dz d² z=0, and eliminating d²r we obtain {p d z+dx) d x +(qd z+dy) dy} d² y={(p d y − q d x) d x −(qdz+dy) dz } d² z. But the first side=d² y { (pdx+q dy) dz+dx²+dy²} = d²y { dz²+dx²+dy² }=d s² d²y. And the second side=d² ≈ { (p d x-dz) dy — q (dx² + d z²) } = d² z { — qd y² − q d x² — q dz² } = − q d s² d² z. Hence, the equation becomes, omitting d s², ‹l² y+q d² c=0. 112 This equation expresses a relation x, y, z, without any regard to the time. among the differentials of Hence, we may suppose r the independent variable, and dr=0; whence we have (pd z+dx) d² y=(pdy-qdx) d² z. This equation, combined with dz=pdx+qdy, gives the curve described, where the body is left to itself, and moves along the surface. The curve thus described is the shortest line which can be drawn from one of its points to another, upon the surface. The velocity is constant, as appears from the equation velocity²=2f(X dx + Ydy + Z dz). By methods somewhat similar we might determine the motion of a point upon a given curve of double curvature when acted upon by given forces. CHAP. VI. THE CONSTRAINED MOTION OF SEVERAL POINTS. 41. IN the present Chapter it is intended to consider some problems in which several material points are connected with each other by means of cords or rods, not possessing inertia or weight, and generally inflexible and inextensible, while one or more of the points are compelled to move on given lines or surfaces. Some of these problems will approach in their nature to those in which we consider the motion of a finite body. For two material points connected by a rigid rod may be considered as a finite body, and accordingly, the formula will be the same as those for a rigid body in some cases. But by considering the tension of the rod 113 or string, which connects two points, as one of the forces which acts upon them, we can reduce these problems under the formulæ for the motion of points. And as this tension will always be the same for both the bodies which the rod or cord connects, we shall be able to eliminate it, and to obtain the motions of the points. The tensions here spoken of are of the nature of those which we have called moving forces, or pressures. Consequently, the acceler- ating forces which they produce upon the bodies are, by the third law of motion, as the pressures or tensions directly, and as the mass of the bodies inversely. If the tension of a string which acts upon a body m be equal to the weight of a mass p, and if g be the accelerating force of gravity, we have P g m = accelerating force produced by tension. SECT. I. The Motion of The Motion of a Rod on Planes*. PROB. I. Fig. 37. P, Q, are two material points, connected by an inflexible rod PQ; PQ falls by gravity in a vertical plane, while P moves along a horizontal plane: to define the motion of Q. N.B. If PQ have at first no motion, except in a vertical plane, it will continue to move in a vertical plane, because all the forces are in the same plane. Let APN be the horizontal line, G the centre of gravity of P, Q'; GH, QN vertical; let A be a fixed point, AP=x, AN=x', NQ=y'. And let p = the tension of the rod PQ; (that is, the force with which it presses P in the direction QP, and Q in the direction PQ;) also, let O be the angle NPQ; then the resolved parts of the tension will be p. cos. O parallel to AN, and p. sin. parallel to NQ. And, if m, m', be the masses of O P, Q, respectively, the accelerating forces will be pg cos. O on P ; m pg cos. O Ꮎ 'm and Pg sin. O on Q. m' * The motion of a rod without weight connecting two heavy bodies, will be the same as the motion of a heavy rod: this will appear hereafter. P 114 Hence, we have, by equations (c), d² x pg cos. O dt2 d² x' dte m pg cos. O d²y mi dt2 pg sin. O m' = 0. md² x + m'd²x dt² Let x = AH = mx+m'x' ; ... d² x = 0. m+m' an ……….(1); Hence, the point H will either remain at rest, or move uni- formly along AN. If we make PG=b, QG=c, x=APAH-PH-x-b cos. 0; .. dx bd cos. 0, x' = AN = AH+HN=x+c cos. 0; QP PG Ꮎ Also, y = QN= .GH = - Ꮎ . dx= cd² cos. 0. m + m² b sin. 0. 278 Hence, the first and last of equations (1) give, substituting these values, and multiplying by m, m', mb d² cos. O dt² =pg pg cos. ; d² sin. 0 Ꮎ (m+m')b. dt² =pg pg sin. 0-gm'. Multiply the first of these equations by 2 d. cos. 0=-2 sin. 0d0, and the second by 2 d. sin. 02 cos. O de, and add them, and we have m b 2d cos. 0.d² cos. 0 dt² 2 d sin. O d² sin. O + (m+m) b dt2 2 gm' cos. Ode. 115 This integrated gives d.cos.0\2 mb. ( dt + (m+m²) b ( (d sin.s) sin. 0) * = C − 2 gm' sin. 9 : =C-2 gm' sin. 0: dt or, {m sin.20+(m+m) cos.° 0} b. which reduced, gives d02 b. == dt2 ᏧᎾ dt² C-2 gm' sin. O m + m² cos.* 0 To determine C, suppose that when PQ reaches the line AN, C do or when =0, the angular velocity is a: hence, dt ba² = dee dt b (m+m' cos.² () m + m ba² (m+m') — 2 gm' sin. 0 ….(2). There may be a position when the angular velocity is 0; sup- pose that there is 0₁; then, we shall have ba² (m+m') — 2 gm sin. 0₁ = 0... 0,0........(3); d02 dt² 2 gm sin. 0₁ b 01 sin. 0 m+m' cos.20 1 : If the rod fall from rest in a given position, ₁ is known and hence, the angular velocity at any point. To determine the position at any time, we must obtain t in terms of 8, by integrating again; and hence in terms of t. π Q If the line fall from a vertical position ₁ ; hence, to find the angular velocity a, acquired when it becomes horizontal, we have, by (3), a² = 2 g m b (m +m'); ::. b² a² = Q bgm m+m' Now ba is the linear velocity of the point G at H, and. it appears 116 from this, that the space through which a body must fall freely to acquire this velocity, is GP. bm' m+ m² 7, a third proportional to QP and If it were supposed that P were constrained to move in a ho- rizontal groove AP, while PQ were so connected with it, that PQ could descend below the horizontal position, so as to revolve en- tirely round P; the mechanical conditions would be the same, and the expression obtained above for the angular velocity is true in this case also. Since Ꮷ Ꮎ dt √ba² 'ba² (m+m') — 2 m'g sin. 0 b(m +m' cos.2 0) the motion is possible, so long as the numerator of the fraction is positive. The negative part is greatest, when numerator is always positive, if π ◊ hence, the 2 Q m g ba² (m+m') > 2 mg, or if a² > α (m+m') b In this case, if H be at rest at first, the line PQ will go on revolving about the point H; the centre of gravity G ascending and descending in a vertical line. If H be at rest, the path described by Q will be an ellipse, whose semi-axes are GQ and PQ, C x² y2 For (GO) 2 +- (RN)²° c² = 1, ΟΙ + C (b+c)² =1: Q the equation to an ellipse, of which the semi-axes are b+c and c. The velocity of P = bd.cos. O dt d Ꮎ - b sin. 0. dt 2 m'g sin. 0 ··(4). 'ba² (m + m') √//ba² = - b sin. 01/ ba b (m + m' cos." ) If H be in motion, and move uniformly so as to carry the whole line PQ in the direction AX, the relative motion of the points P, Q will not be altered. The system will have the motion of rotation 117 already investigated, combined with the uniform motion of translation in the direction AX; and the point Q by the mixture of its elliptical motion with this rectilinear one, will describe a kind of trochoidal curve. Suppose Q to hang vertically from P, and a given velocity V to be communicated to P: to determine the motion of P and Q. d² d2x The velocity of G parallel to AX is constant, because. 0, d t² and = constant. Hence, G will retain the velocity parallel to AX, d x d t which it has at first. But at first, when Q is at rest, and P moves V.QG QP with the velocity V, the velocity of G parallel to AX will be And at first the angular velocity of Q round P will be V c b+c V π b+c ; hence, by (2), putting for 0, Q Va (b+c)' m+m' 2gm m mb whence, a is known; and hence the motion of the system is completely determined. The quantity g which represents the vertical force may be of any value. If we make it = 0, we have the motion of a rod moving freely, for instance, on a horizontal plane, while one end moves in a rectilinear groove. In this case ᏧᎾ d t² a² (m + m') m+m'cos."0" This velocity is a, when the rod coincides with the groove, and increases to a V 'm+m' m when it is perpendicular to it. If we make m=0, we have, by (2), d 02 ba² - 2 g sin.* 0 d t b cos. O 118 Here H coincides with N; we might find 8 by integrating. It is easily seen that the curve described is a parabola. PROB. II. The same things being supposed, except that the plane AX is inclined to the horizon; to determine the motion. The rod is still supposed to move in a vertical plane. If we resolve the forces parallel and perpendicular to the plane AX, we shall find that the point I will descend down the inclined plane in the same manner as a heavy point would do: that is, acted upon by a constant force g sin. , being the inclination. And that the angular motion will be obtained in the same manner as in the last problem, except that instead of g we shall have g cos. 1, the force perpendicular to the plane. If the line AX be vertical, the motion of PQ, with respect to AX, will be the same as in the last problem when we made g=0. PROB. III. A rod PQ, connecting two material points P, Q, acted on by gravity, moves so that one of them slides along a horizon- tal plane: to define the motion. This differs from Prob. I, in not supposing the motion to be in a vertical plane. Let AL, LP, fig. 38, be rectangular co-ordinates of P in the horizontal plane, AM, MN, NQ co-ordinates of Q, AL=x, LP=y, AM=x', MP=y', NQ=z', PQ=b. Also let NOM=0, and QPN=0; hence, z′ = b sin. 0, x′-x=b cos. 0 cos. P, y' —y=b cos. O sin. P. Ρ be the tension of PQ, m, m' the masses of P, Q. Let And resolving the forces, we have pg cos. O sin. O, os. O sin. Φ, . . . .(1). ď² y ď² x pg cos. ◊ cos. ¿, d ť² m d t² d'x' 2 d t² pg m os. O cos. O, COS d² z d t = d'y' p g 2 d t² pg m' m sin. 0-g. m 119 md²x+m'd²x' Hence, we have md²y+m'd²y' =0; =0. d t² d t2 From which it appears that the projection of the centre of gravity of P, Q, on the plane of xy moves in a straight line with a uniform velocity. Also d² x' - d² x d t² m + m Pg cos. Ө cos. P, d²y' - d²y d t² ..(2). ( + - ) m pg cos. O sin. Ø Ꮎ And y'-y=b cos. O sin. p, x-x=b cos. O cos. ; Ꮖ (x' — x) (d² y' — d²y) — (y′ − y) (d² x′ Ꮖ – d²x) dt² =0. Whence it appears that N describes about P areas proportional to the times; (see Art. 16,) and therefore b² cos." 0 do hdt: h being a constant quantity. . . .(3). аф Again, equations (2) may be put in this form + d². cos. cos. O dt² = G m m 1) PE pg cos. cos. O cos. &; b ď. pg cos. O sin. p. dt d. cos. @ sin. 4 = ( — + - ) P5 And multiplying by cos. Ø, cos. & ď³. cos. O cos. • m + m m b sin. 4, and adding + sin. Ø ď³ cos. Ø sin. O pg cos. O dt. m b But d. cos. cos. &=cos. pd . cos. § – cos. O sin. pdo, d². cos. O cos. P d. cos. O sin. d². cos. ◊ sin. : =cos. pď² cos. 0 – 2 sin. pdø d. cos. 0 - cos. O cos. odp³ — cos. 0 sin. pďp, = sin. pd. cos. + cos. O cos. odo, =sin. pď² cos. 0+2 cos. pdp.d. cos. ◊ cos. O sin. pd¤²+cos. O cos. Pď³p. 120 Hence, cos.pd². cos. O cos. + siu. Od² cos. O sin. O 2 becomes d² cos. 0 — cos. Odp²; h²d t² or since, by (3), dp³ 2 it becomes 4 6ª cos.* 0 2 1 had t 2 6$ cos.³ Ø And the above equation is equivalent to 2 ď² cos. Ô " d² cos. 0 - hⓇ dt2 b4 cos.³ Ø G + ๓. m 1) PE cos. Odť²....(4). b Also the equation in z' may be written thus, d² sin. 0 = (.sin. 0 – :) ·5) at² đt.... .(5). Eliminate p by multiplying these by m sin. 0, and (m+m') cos. 9. and subtracting mh² sin. Odt² (m +m') cos. O ď² sin. 0 cos. ◊ ď² sin. ◊ — m sin. Od² cos. Ø - 64 cos.³ 0 3 (m + m² ) & cos. Odť². Multiply by 2de, and we may put the equation in this form, 2 (m+m') d sin. O d² sin. 0 + 2md cos. Od² cos. O + 2 2mh²d cos. Odť² 4 3 b₁ cos.³ 0 2 (m + m) d. sin. Od t². b Integrating, (m+m') (d sin. 0)²+m (d cos. 0)² -- mh² d t² 2 b4 cos. Ꮎ = Cdt² 2 (m+m') m') g b sin. 0.dt; d02 dt2 = {c⋅ - {(m+m') cos.² 0 + m sin.º 0} 2 (m+m') g sin. Ø b 'm h² 2 + b cos. 2 121 ᏧᎾ dt 2 {m+m' cos.² 0} = C- 2(m+m'). g sin. ✪ m h² 2 + (6). b b4 cos.20 d02 dt² When = 0, (m+m') = C + mh2 64° π ᏧᎾ . We can never have 0 = ; for then is infinite. dt d Ꮎ To find when =0, we have a cubic equation. But it is dt manifest´that if ✪ be will also satisfy it. Having found a value which satisfies this equation, T Ꮎ in terms of t by (6), we find & by equation (3). If in equation (3) we eliminate dt by (6), we have do=d0 × a function of 0. And if we put b cos. 0 = PN=r, d0 = = whence do dr x a function of r, orbit of N about P. If m = 0, we have dr 2 √(6² —²) which is the equation to the doe dte. 2 m' . cos.² 0 = C. 2 m'g sin. 0. b And when = 0, d02 C dt² m' In this case we might integrate. The body Q will describe a parabola. PROB. IV. Two points P, Q, fig. 39, are connected by a rod, and one of them P, slides along a vertical line AZ: to define the motion. Let AP≈; and let AM = x', MN = y', NQ = ', three rectangular co-ordinates of the point Q from a fixed point A. Let QPZ=0, MAN=4, PQ=b ; ... x′ = b sin. 0 . cos. O, y=b sin. 0 sin. 4, z'—z=b cos. 0. Q 122 And if p be the tension of PQ, the equations of motion will be d²x' pg = sin. O sin. dť² m pg d²y' sin. 0 cos. 0, 2 dt2 m d² z pg dt2 =8+ Po, cos. 0, ď² z pg m dt² g cos. A m •(1). Hence, as in last problem, we find - x'd³y' — y'd²x' d t² 2 = 0, and b² sin.² Od¶ = hdt d²x' dt2 Also, cos. $ + sin. • (2). dt2 d'y pg PE sin. 0, which, transformed as in last problem, gives m 2 d² sin. 0 — sin. Odp² = sin. Odť²; 2 pg m'b • h2dt2 .`. by (2), d² sin. ◊ pg 64 sin.3 0 m'b sin. Ꮎ dt ... 2 · (3). And bď² cos. 0 = d²z' — d²z; hence, by equations (1), pg d² cos. O • = ( = + = 1 ) PR m m cos. 0... Eliminating p, as in last problem, we obtain ·(4). Ꮎd Ꮎ 2. (m+m') d. sin. Od sin. 0+2.md. cos. Od cos. O 9 2h² (m+m') dť² . d sin. 0 64 sin.3 0 Integrating, (m+m) (d sin. 0)²+(d. cos. 0)² = 0. d02 dt • 2 h² (m + m') dť² + = Cdt², 64 sin.² 0 h² (m+m') 4 b¹ sin.² 0 (m+m' cos.² 0) = C (5). Hence, the angular velocity of PQ in a vertical direction is known. And hence, by (2), we may, as in last problem, find the differential equation to the orbit described by N round A. AN describes areas proportional to the times by (2). The relation between t and may be expressed by means of an elliptical arc. Equation (5) may be put in this form, m+m' cos.² 0 dt = sin.20 də². h² (m+m') C 64 C cos.² 0 123 m + m' cos.² = sin.² Od 0² D-C cos.20 Making D=C - h² (m+m') 64 Now, if 1 and a be the semi-axis minor and major of an ellipse, ☛ the arc measured from the extremity of the semi-axis, and its abscissa from the centre along the axis-minor; we shall have σ 2 do² = d§² . 1 + (a² − 1) §³ If, in the value of dť² we make C cos. 0 = 2 d} Ꭰ dť² = de · C 1 - 2 cos.² = D², we have §; — sin. Odo · Ꮎ = - Dm' m + हु C Ꭰ-ᎠᏑ = with ~.do³, if we make √2.đ§; and hence, m dr². Dm' 1+ हु Cm m which agrees with Dm' a² - 1 = whence a is known. Cm t 0 ; 1+C=√m × elliptical arc .*. cos. V When 0 = π 2' C D (abscissa=cos. =abscissa of elliptical arc (t+C). √ m =0, and the arc=0, and if at that time t is t₁, C=-t₁. Also, when = 3 п 2 =0, and the arc = a semi-ellipse; hence, T V c - semi-ellipse, gives the interval between two horizontal m positions of the rod. When 0=0, the angular velocity is infinite; hence, the rod will never coincide with the vertical line. 124 This is true only if the body have some angular motion hori- zontally, for if it move at first in a vertical plane, it will continue to do so, and its motion may be calculated by Prob. III. PROB. V. Two points P, Q, connected by a rod, slide along two given inclined planes, acted on by gravity; to determine the motion. The motion is supposed to take place in a vertical plane. ทุ Let AX, AY, fig. 40, be the two planes, making with the horizon angles ẞ, y. Let PQ make an angle ✪ with AX, and ʼn with AY. AP=x, AQ=y, PQ=b; tension of PQ=p, masses of P, Q=m, m'. Resolving the forces in the lines AX, AY, we have d2x 2 d t² pg m cos. — g sin. ß d²y . (1). pg dt2 n m' cos. ŋ — g sin. y Now x Hence, m' cos. nd³x — m' cos. Oď³y d t² g (m' sin. y cos. O — m sin. ß cos. n). . . .(2). У b sin. 0 sin. (B+y) b sin. n , y sin. (B+y) Substituting these values in (2), multiplying some of the terms by 2d0, and others by - 2dn, (since de = — dŋ) and integrating, we have b - 2 sin. (B+y) {m (° d. sin. dt ")² + m² m' ( (d-sin. 6)"} = dt C-2g (m' sin. y sin. 0+m sin. ß sin. n); b γ ᏧᎾ sin. (ẞ+y)˚ dť² · (m cos.² n+m' cos.20) = C-2g (m' sin. y sin 0+m sin. ẞ siu. ŋ). . . .(3). Hence, the angular velocity is known. This may be reduced as follows. Let the angle which PQ 125 makes with the horizon be y. Then, 0 = ß+4, n = y−4. Also, let C2gn; then the right-hand side of equation (3) becomes 2g {n-m' sin. y. sin. (B+)—m sin. ß. sin. (y)} : expanding, the part in brackets becomes n (m' + m) sin. ẞ sin. y cos. V (m' sin. y cos. ẞ + m sin. ß cos. y) sin. ¥. Suppose (m+m) sin. ẞ sin. y=r cos. &r m' sin. y cos. ẞ – m sin. ß cos. y=r sin. d) .(4) which always give possible values of r and d; and our expression becomes n—r cos. d cos. 4-r sin. § sin. y, or n − r cos. († –d). Hence, equation (3) gives d02 dt2 2g sin. (B+y) b By equations (4), tan. d n—r cos. (↓ -8) 2 m cos.² (y-4)+m' cos. (B+y)' m' cot. B-m cot. y m+m' ; and hence, by Statics, (Chap. VII, Prob. 13.) & is the value of ↓ in the position of equilibrium of PQ. When y=d, the angular velocity is greatest. About this position PQ oscillates both ways; (except its velocity be too great). We shall find the limit of the oscillations by making d Ꮎ dt N =0; :. n—r cos. († —♪)=0; cos. († — d) = 2. ጥ And is the cosine of a positive arc, and of a negative arc of ጥ equal magnitude. Hence, the limiting positions PQ, P'Q', make equal angles with p the position of equilibrium. If we know the velocity at any point, we know C, and con- sequently n, by equation (3); r is known by equation (4). If the velocity be so great that n exceeds r, there will no longer be a limit to the angular motion of the rod. If we suppose XA, YA to be grooves in which P, Q, slide, instead of planes; and to be 126 produced beyond A, which will not alter the mathematical con- ditions; the rod PQ will perform complete revolutions, and the limits to its positions will be curves XYX'Y', fig. 41. The end P will oscillate backwards and forwards through XX', and Q through YY'. If we suppose P, Q to move in two grooves, not affected by gravity, we must in equation (3), make g=0. Hence, b ᏧᎾ? sin. (B+y) dt² 2 (m cos.²n+m' cos.² 0) = C. If the grooves cross each other at right angles, and m=m', PQ will revolve with a uniform angular velocity. PROP. VI. The rod PQ descends, one end sliding along a horizontal and another along a vertical plane: to determine its motion. The rod is supposed to move in a vertical plane. This is a particular case of last problem. fied by beginning with the equations (1) properly modified; but it will be sufficient to apply our equation (3). It might be simpli- Making, in that, B = 0, y = right angle, n = comp. 0; we have d02 b. (m sin.2+m' cos.2 0) = C-2gm' sin. 0. dt2 If we suppose a to be the angular velocity when the rod is horizontal, or when 0=0; ba²m' = C. If we suppose that when the angular velocity is 0, 0 is 0,, 0=C—2gm' sin. 0₁; .. ba² = 2g sin. 0¸. 1 Hence, the angular velocity a acquired by falling from rest through an angle 0, to a horizontal position, is independent of m, m'. When Q comes to the horizontal plane velocity² of Q = b²a² = 2gb sin. 0₁; hence, the velocity is the same as if Q had fallen freely through the space b sin. 0, which is its actual descent. If ba² > 2g, there is no position where the velocity=0, and the rod will revolve in the manner described in the last problem. 127 SECT. II. Tractories. 42. When one end of a string or rod is drawn with a given velocity along a given straight line or curve, which is called the Directrix, so that a body fastened to the other end is dragged along by it, and made to describe a certain path, this path is called a Tractory. The motion of the body at any instant will depend upon its pre- ceding motion, and upon the tension of the string. The body is considered as a material point. PROB. VII. A point P, fig. 42, moves uniformly along a straight line AX, drawing along with it, in the same plane, a body Q, by means of a string PQ: to find the tractory described by Q*. *This problem is sometimes solved without taking account of the ten- dency which the angular motion, generated in PQ, has to continue itself. This mode of considering it would be true, if we were to consider Q to move upon a plane, and the friction to be such, as instantly to destroy any motion. communicated to the body. In that case, Q, fig. 43, would always move in the direction QP, in which the string draws it; QP would be a tangent; and the curve would be determined by the condition, that the tangent QP, intercepted by the abscissa, is a constant quantity. Hence, if AN=x, NQ=y, rectangular co-ordinates; QP = a; we have NP =- y d x dx dy dx2 •·. QP = a = y √(1+1+); d y² √(a² — y²) .. dx dy Y dx = and by integrating we get the relation of x and y. (See Mr. Peacock's Ex- amples, p. 174, for the properties of this curve.) This curve has an asymptote, as represented in fig. 43. We may reserve for it the name of Tractrix, by which it is frequently designated; giving to the curves, which really solve the problem in the text, the name of Tractory, which is analogous to the names of other curves which occur in Mechanics. If the directrix be a circle, and the friction be such as immediately to destroy the motion of the body, it will move in a curve, the tangent of which, intercepted by a circle, is a constant quantity. This curve is sometimes called the Complicated Tractrix. See Cotes, Harm. Mens. For · 128 A ་ We might solve this by the equations of motion: but we may find the curve more simply by the following reasoning. If, when any system is in motion, we suppose the space in which it is, to move uniformly, so as to carry all the parts of the system in parallel directions, and with equal velocities; the relative motion of the parts, and their action upon one another will remain the same as before, by the second law of motion. While P is moving with a uniform velocity along the line AX, let this line and the space containing PQ move in the opposite direction XA, with an equal uniform velocity. Therefore, by what has been said, the angular motion of PQ will remain the same as before. And P, having two equal and opposite velocities, will be at rest. Now, if a body fastened to a string, revolve round a fixed point P, it will revolve uniformly. Hence, the angular motion of PQ round P when fixed, will be uniform; and therefore it will be uniform when P moves uniformly along AX. Hence, the motion of Q arises from a uniform angular motion round P while P moves uniformly in a straight line: and hence its path will be a cycloid, or a trochoid, within or without the cycloid, (see Mr. Peacock's Examples, p. 186.). Take a point R in the radius PQ, produced if necessary, such that the velocity of R round P at rest, may be the same as the velocity of P along AX. Let a circle be described with radius PR, and let NO, parallel to AX, be a tangent to it. Then, if the circle RO roll uniformly along the line NO, the point Q will trace out a trochoid, which will be the tractory in question. For, in this case it is ma- nifest that P the centre of the circle moves uniformly along the line AX, and that PQ revolves uniformly round P; which are the conditions requisite. For the tractory, when the directrix is any given curve, see Euler, in the Nova Acta Acad. Petrop. 1784. He has there also considered the problem, taking a finite friction into their account: and likewise, what he calls Compound Tractories, where there are more points than one attached to the string. 129 ! The curve will be a cycloid if R coincide with Q; a trochoid or prolate cycloid if R be without Q; and a curtate cycloid if R be within Q. If BC be the original position of PQ, when Q is at rest, and if the point P begin to move along AX, BC will be a tangent to the tractory. The curve will be a trochoid of the first kind, and C will be its point of contrary flexure. If BC be perpendicular to AB, the curve will be a cycloid. PROB. VII. Supposing the same things, and that PQ does not move in the plane APQ; to find the tractory. By reasoning similar to that of last problem, it will appear that the motion of Q will be determined by supposing P to move uni- formly along the directrix, and PQ to revolve uniformly round P: its motion relatively to P, being always parallel to a certain fixed plane. Hence, the path of Q will be an oblique helix, which may be supposed to be described on the surface of an elliptical cylinder, of which the axis is AX. PROB. VIII. The point P, fig. 44, moves uniformly in the circumference of a circle BP, drawing the point Q: to find the tractory described by Q. The motion is supposed to be in the plane of the circle BP. Let AX be any fixed line; AM, MPx, y, and AN, NQ=x', y', rectangular co-ordinates to P and Q. The tension of PQ=p, and the mass of Q=m. Also, lett be the time; and BP, pro- portional to the time, nt, QPO= 4, PO being parallel to AX, AP=a, PQ=b. Hence, by resolving the forces, d²x' pg d²y' pg d t² cos. P, sin., m d t² m x = a cos. nt, y = a sin. nt; d² x d² Q an' cos. nt, = an sin. nt; d t d t² R 130 bd² cos. O d t2 d²x' - d²x pg cos.+an² cos. nt, d t² m bd² sin. d t² 2 d²y' - d²y d t² pg 2 sin. +an² sin. nt; m b sin.pd³cos.¿—b cos.pdªsin. — an² (sin. cos.nt-cos.& sin.nt); dt2 bd2 d t² = = 2 an² sin. (§— nt). Let (p-nt)=&; then d²=ď³; and substituting and mul- tiplying by 2d, and integrating, we have The angle = dx² 2an2 (C + cos. Y). - b d ť -nt is QPO-RPO=QPR. The angular velocity of PQ will be greatest when -nt, or when PQ coincides with PA in direction, as at P' Q'. If C be less than unity, PQ will oscillate about PA, while P moves uniformly in the circle. If C be greater than unity, Q will revolve about P with a variable velocity, while P revolves about A uniformly. The Least velocity will be when -nt=0, or when AP, PQ are in a straight line, as at Q". PROB. IX. Let P move uniformly along a given straight line, while Q is drawn along, and also acted on by gravity: to find the motion of Q. By reasoning, as in Prob. VI, it will appear that the motion of Q with respect to P, will be the same as if P were fixed. Con- sequently, if PQ move in the same plane, it will be the motion of a circular pendulum, and if not, it will be the turbinatory motion of a point in a sphere. This, combined with the rectilinear motion of the point P, will give the actual motion of Q. SECT. III. Complex Pendulums. PROB. X. P, Q, fig. 45, are two bodies, of which the first hangs from a fixed point, and the second from the first, by means of inextensible strings AP, PQ: it is required to determine the small oscillations. 131 Let AM=x, MP=y, AN=x₁, NQ=y₁, AP=a, PQ=aj⋅ Mass of Pm, of Q = m₁; tension of AP=p, of PQ=P₁. two Hence, resolving the forces p, P₁, we have ď y d t² d² y dt = Pig Yi-y m 1 pg y а1 m a ..(1). Pig Yi-y m1 а 1 By combining these with the equations in x, x₁, and with the x²+y²=a², (x,- x)² + (yı—y)² = a₁²; 1 we should, by eliminating p, p, find the motion. But when the oscillations are small, we may approximate in a more simple manner. Let ß, B₁ be the initial values of y, y₁. Then manifestly, P, P₁ will depend on the initial position of the bodies, and on their position at the time t: and hence we may suppose p=M+Pß+Qß₁ + Ry+Sy₁+&c.: and similarly for P1. Now, in the equations of motion above, p, P₁, are multiplied by y, y₁-y, which, since the oscillations are very small, are also very small quantities (viz. of the order ẞ). Hence, their products with B will be of the order 62, and may be neglected, and we may suppose p reduced to its first term M. 1 M is the tension of AP, when ß, ß₁, &c. are all = 0. Hence, it is the tension when P, Q hang at rest from A, and consequently, M=m+m₁; similarly, the first term of P1, which may be put for it, is m₁. Substituting these values, and dividing by g, equations (1) become d²y m1 = gdt2 + .mai m a m + m₁ y + mi Yı 1 ma та1 (2). d°y, Y Yı &dta a1 a1 Multiply the second of these equations by X, and add it to the first, and we have 132 d²y +λd'y, g dt² 1 ༢ ma1 (m² + m+m, _ =) y- · ma a₁ 1 a 1 m₁ ½) y₁: ma 1 and manifestly this can be solved, if the second side can be put in the form―k (y+λy₁); that is, if m1 k = + m + m₁ λ ; mai m a α1 λ ՊՈՆ, kλ = ; α, та1 m1 α m₁a₁ 1 1 or a,k + + 1 m a m₁ = (a₁ M Eliminating X, we have m₁ 1 m a (a¸ k − 1) λ k − 1) ( (a,k−1)a, k- = (a, (a, k — m 1 m₁ + M 1 “ a Hence, (a, k)º — (1 + 2) (1+ª) a¸k= − 1 2 •. (3). 1 + ma₁). Mi a 1 (4). a m a From this equation we obtain two values of k. Let these be denoted by ¹k, k; and let the corresponding values of λ be 'X, X. Hence, we have these equations d² y +¹λ d³y, gd t2 d² y + ²λ d³ y, gd t ¹k (y +¹λy), · ²k (y +²λy,). And it is easily seen, as in Prob. II, Chap. III, that the integrals of these equations are 1 y+¹λy₁ =¹C cos. t V(kg)+¹D sin. t √('kg), 1 y+²λy₁ =²C cos. t √(kg)+2D sin. t √(kg). 1 1 2 ˚C 2 €, ¹C, ¹D, ²C, 2D being arbitrary constants. But we may suppose 'C' =¹E cos. 'e, 'D⇒NE sin. ¹e, 'C=*E cos. ²e, 'DE sin. 2 where ¹E, 'E, ¹e, "e, are other arbitrary constants. By introducing these values, we find 133 y+¹λy₁ =¹E cos. {t √('kg)+'e}{ ་ 2 y+λy, = 'E cos. {t V(kg)+'e}) From these we easily find 1 2x ¹E •.(5). .cos. {t V(kg)+'e} + 1E ¹²E λ - 2 E cos. {t V(kg)+e} (6). Y₁ = 1 — 2 • cos. {t V (kg)+'e} + 1—2 cos. {t V(®kg)+e} } 1 1 • 1 The arbitrary quantities ¹E, 'e, &c. depend on the initial position and velocity of the points. If the velocities of P, Q=0, when t=0, we shall have ¹e, 'e each=0, as appears by taking the differ- entials of y, Y₁• 2 If either of the two ¹E, E, be=0, we shall have, (supposing the latter case, and omitting ¹e) 1 ¹E Y 2x - x cos. t vkg, 1 ¹E yi cos. t¹kg. Hence, it appears that the oscillations in this case are symmetri- cal: that is, the bodies P, Q come to the vertical line at the same time, have similar and equal motions on the two sides of it, and reach their greatest distances from it at the same time. It is easy to see that in this case, the motion has the same law of time and velocity as in a cycloidal pendulum; and the time of an oscillation, in this case, extends from when t=0 to when t √('k g) = π, t = π √(kg) or Also if ẞ, B, be the greatest horizontal deviation of P, Q, we shall have y=ẞ cos. t V(kg), y₁=ẞ, cos. t √('kg). In order to find the original relation of ß, ß, *, that the oscil- *The oscillations will be symmetrical if the forces which urge P and Q to the vertical, be as PM, QN, as is easily seen. Hence, the conditions for symmetrical oscillation might be determined by finding the position of P, Q, that this might originally be the relation of the forces. 134 lations may be of this kind (the original velocities being 0), we must have, by equation (5), since 2E=0, B+λß₁ =0. Similarly, if we had ß+¹λß₁=0, we should have ¹E=0, and the oscillations would be symmetrical, and would employ a time π √(kg) * When neither of these relations obtains, the oscillations may be considered as compounded of two, in the following manner. pose that we put y=H cos.tv (kg)+K cos. t V(kg)....(7), 1 = Sup- omitting ¹e, 2e, and altering the constants in equations (6); and sup- pose that in fig. 45, we take Mp H cos. t V(kg). Then p will oscillate about M, according to the law of a cycloidal pendulum (neglecting the vertical motion). Also p P will=K cos. t √(²k g). Hence, P oscillates about p according to a similar law, while p oscillates about M. And in the same way, we may have a point q so moved, that Q shall oscillate about q in a time q oscillates about N in a time π V(kg) π √(kg), while And hence, the motion of the pendulum APQ is compounded of the motion of Apq oscillat- ing symmetrically about the vertical line, and of APQ oscillating symmetrically about Apq, as if that were a fixed vertical line. When a pendulum oscillates in this manner, it will never return exactly to its original position, if √¹k and Vk are incommen- surable. If 'k and V2k are commensurable, so that we have m√¹k=n√/²k, m and n being whole numbers, the pendulum will at certain intervals, return to its original position. For let t√(kg)=2n; then t (kg) will = 2 mm; and by (7), y=H cos. 2nπ + K cos. 2mπ=H+K, which is the same as when t=0. And similarly, after an interval 135 such that t√('kg)=4nπ, 6nπ, &c. the pendulum will return to its original position, having described in the intermediate times, similar cycles of oscillations. Ex. Let m₁ =m, and a₁=a, to determine the oscillations. Here equation (4) becomes, a² k² — 4a k=-2, ak=2± √2. Also, by equation (3), a k=3-λ; .. 'λ=1+ √2; λ=1— √2. Hence, in order that the oscillations may be symmetrical, we must either have B+(1+ √2) B₁=0; whence ß₁ = −(√2—1) B: or ẞ-(2-1) B₁ = 0; whence B₁ = ( √2+1) B. The two arrangements indicated by these equations are represent- ed, fig. 46, and fig. 47. The first corresponds to ẞ₁ =( √ 2 + 1) ß, or QN=( √2+1) PM. In this case, the pendulum will oscillate into the position AP'Q', similarly situated on the other side of the line; and the time of this complete oscillation will be π √ {{(2-12)} a sion π √(2- √2) g In the other case, corresponding to B₁ = −(√2—1) ẞ, Q is on the other side of the vertical line, and QN=( √2—1) PM. The pendulum oscillates into the position AP'Q', the point O re- maining always in the vertical line; and the time of an oscillation is π √(2+ √2) ✓ g The lengths of simple pendulums which would oscillate re- spectively in these times, would be a 2- √2' a and 2+ √2 > or 1.707 a and .293 a. 136 19 If neither of these arrangements exist originally, let ß, ß₁, be the original values of y, y₁, when t is 0. Then making t=0 in equations (5), we have 2 ¹E = B + (√2 + 1) ẞ₁, ²E=ẞ−( √2 — 1) ẞ₁. 19 And these being known, we have the motion by equations (6). 1 3. PROB. XI. Any number of material points P, P2 P .Q, fig. 48, hang, by means of a string without weight, from a point A: it is required to determine their small oscillations in a vertical plane. Let AN be a vertical abscissa, and P¸M₁, P₂M₂, &c. horizontal ordinates; so that 1 2 AM₁=x₁, AM₂=x2, AM₂=x3, &c. 1 AM½ P₁M₁=y₁, P₂M₂ =Y2, P3M =Y3, &c. 2 2 AP₁=σ₁, P¸Ð½=ɑë, P₂P¸=a3, &c. 1 2 tension of AP₁=P₁, of P₁P½=ν‚ of P2P3=P3, =P2, &c. mass of P₁m,, of P₂m, of P3=m3, &c. Hence, we have these equations, by resolving the forces parallel to the horizon, Pig Y₁ 1 P2g Y2 - Yı J² Y 1 + d t² 1 m₁ ai m₁ A2 ď² y 2 Pag Y2 - Y1 P3g Y3 - Y2 + d t2 M2 a2 m2 аз .(1). ď² y 3 P3g Y3-Y2 P4g Y4-Y3 + d t² 2 m3 ძვ M3 a4 ď² y n Png Yn Yn-1 d t² mn an And, as in the last problem, it will appear that P1, P2, &c. may, for these small oscillations, be considered as constant, and the same as in the state of rest. Hence, if m₁ + m₂+ m3...+m₁₂ = M, 1 P₁ = M, P₂ = M - m₁, P3M-m¸-m₂, &c. 1 Also dividing by g, and arranging the above equations, may be put in this form 137 d2 ď² yı g d t P1 P2 (P₁₂+ Pa) P 2Y 2 1 Y₂+ m₁ az ď² y z Y 2 P2Y 1 P2 P3 + Y2+ P3Y3 gd ť² mą aq mz az m2a3 m2 az ..(2). ď Y 3 P3 Y 2 Pa P4 + gd t² mz az mz az M3 m3 a4 :). P4 Y 4 Y3 + mz as ď² y n Pn Yn - 1 Pn Yn mn an mn Un gdť The first and last equations become symmetrical with the rest if we observe that Yo = 0, and P₂+1 n = 0. Now, if we multiply these equations respectively by 1, λ X', X”, &c. and add them, we have d'yı +λdy + X'dys + &c. 1 3 2 g dť² ={- P1 m₁ a₁ Pe λpg + Y₁ m₁ az + { P + m₁ ac Pa λ λP3 P3 λ то аз (P² + P) + XP² } y a Mz Az + P4 m3 a4 -) + + Y3 m4a4 P3 Yo mz az + (n-3) Pn λ' mn - 1 an / (n-2) Pn 2) Pal Mn an Syn⋅ And this will be integrable, if the right hand side of the equation be reducible to this form k (y₁+λ y₂+λ y3+&c.). S 138 That is, if h= Pi P2 XP2 + m₁ai m₁a2 m2 a 2 P2 Κλ kλ = m1a2 +>( P2 + P3) XP3 m2 a2 m2 a 3 mz az ⚫(3). kλ= Xp3 m2 a 3 +x'( P3 P4 + + mz az Mza4 та m4a4 (n-3) Pn λ'(n-2) Pn + mn-1 an mn an kλ(n-2)= 3 If we now eliminate X, X, X", &c. from these n equations, it is easily seen that we shall have an equation of n dimensions in k. Let¹k, 2k, ³k. ."k be the n values of k; then, for each of these there is a value of X', X", X"" easily deduced from equations (3), which we may represent by ¹λ, ¹x', ¹x", ¹\"", &c., ²X′, X", "X""', &c. Hence, we have these equations, by taking corresponding values of λ and k, ď³y₂+¹λ ď² y₂+¹X'ď³y%+&c. 2 2 gdt 2 3 d³y₁+²λď³y½ '2+ ²X"d² y z + &c. 1 gdt and so on, making n equations. = ¹k. (Y₁+¹λy₂+¹X'y₂+&c.) 3 - ²k (y₂+²λY₂+²X′y3+&c.) Integrating each of these equations we get, as in last problem Y₁ +¹λY₂+'\'Yç +&c. =¹E cos. {t√('kg)+' 1 3 2 € Y₁+λy₂+X'¥3+&c. = E cos. {t V(kg)+²e} { • • • •(5). 2 &c. 1 2 &c. ¹E, 'E, &c. ¹e, e, &c. being arbitrary constants. From these n simple equations, we can, without difficulty, obtain the n quantities y₁, y2, &c. And it is manifest that the results will be of this form y₁=¹H₁ cos. {t√('kg)+'e} +°H¸ cos. {t √(kg)+³e} +&c. 1 y₂='H₂ cos. {t √('kg)+'e} +²H₂ cos. {t √(kg)+'e}+&c. 2 2 &c. &c. 2 (6), 139 1 where 'H₁, ¹H₂, &c. must be deduced from B1, B2, &c. the original values of y₁, y2, &c. If the points have no initial velocities, (i. e. when t=0) we shall have 'e=0,e=0, &c. 1 2 2 3 We may have symmetrical oscillations in the following manner. If, of the quantities ¹E, E, ³E, &c. all vanish except one, for instance, "E; we have Y₁ + ¹λY ½ + ¹λ'Yç +&c. =0, 1 Y ₁ + ² λ Y ½ + ² X Y 3 +&c. =0, 1 Y₁ +³ λ Y½ + ³ X' Yç 2 +&c. =0, (8). Y ₁ + "λ Y½ +” X Y ç+&c.="E cos. t V(kg), omitting 2 1 2 n 3 From the first n-1 of these equations, it appears that y₂, ya' Y2, Y3' &c. are in a given ratio to y; and hence, y₁+"y₂ + "Xys + &c. is a given multiple of y, and=my, suppose. Hence, we have my₁ = "E cos. V("kg); or, omitting the index n, which is now unnecessary, my₁ = E cos. t V(kg). Also, if y2 = €2Y1, my₂ = Ee, cos. t √(kg), and similarly for y, &c. Hence, it appears that in this case the oscillations are symmetrical. All the points come into the vertical line at the same time, and move similarly and contemporaneously on the two sides of it. The relation among the original ordinates ẞ₁, ß, ß, &c. which must subsist in order that the oscillations may be of this kind, is given by the n-1 equations (8), ẞ₁ + ¹λß₂ +¹λ'ßg + &c. =0, ẞ₁ + ²λ ß₂+ ²X² ß;+&c.=0, B₁ + ³λ ß₂ + ³ X² ß₂+&c. =0, 19 &c. &c. These give the proportion of ẞ₁, B, &c.; the arbitrary constant "E, in the remaining equation, gives the actual quantity of the original displacement. 140 2 3 Also, we may take any one of the quantities 'E, E, E, &c. for that which does not vanish; and hence obtain, in a different way, such a system of n-1 equations as has just been described. Hence, there are n different relations among B₁, ẞ₂, &c., or n different modes of arrangement, in which the points may be placed, so as to oscillate symmetrically*. 19 The time of oscillation in each of these arrangements is easily known; the equation my₁ = "E cos. t √("kg), shews that an oscillation employs a time t = π √("kg) And hence, if all the roots ¹k, 2k, 3k, &c. be different, the time is different for each different arrangement. If the initial arrangement of the points be different from all those thus obtained, the oscillations of the pendulum may always be con- sidered as compounded of n symmetrical oscillations. That is, if an imaginary pendulum oscillate symmetrically about the vertical π line in a time (kg); and a second imaginary pendulum oscillate √(kg) about the place of the first, considered as a fixed line, in the time π and a third about the second, in the same manner, in the √ ´(kg) ' time П √ (³kg)' ; and so on; the nth pendulum may always be made to coincide perpetually with the real pendulum, by properly adjust- ing the amplitudes of the imaginary oscillations. This appears by considering the equations (6), *We might here also find these positions, which give symmetrical oscil- lations, by requiring the force in each of the ordinates P,M,, P,M,, to be as the distance; in which case the points P₁, P₂, &c. would all come to the vertical at the same time. If the quantities ✔'k, √²k, &c. have one common measure, there will be a time after which the pendulum will come into its original position. And it will describe similar successive cycles of vibrations. If these quantities be not commensurable, no portion of its motion will be similar to any pre- ceding portion. 141 y₁ = 'H₁ cos. t √(kg) + ºH, cos. t√(kg) + &c. &c. = &c. 1 This principle of the co-existence of vibrations is applicable in all cases where the vibrations are indefinitely small. In all such cases each set of symmetrical vibrations takes place, and affects the system as if that were the only motion which it experienced. A familiar instance of this principle is seen in the manner in which the circular vibrations, produced by dropping stones into still water, spread from their respective centres, and cross without disfiguring each other. If the oscillations be not all made in one vertical plane, we may take a horizontal ordinate z perpendicular to y. The oscilla- tions in the direction of y will be the same as before, and there will be similar results obtained with respect to the oscillations in the direction of z. We have supposed that the motion in the direction of x, the vertical axis, may be neglected, which is true when the oscillations are very small. Ex. Let there be three bodies all equal; (each=m,) and also their distances a₁, a2, aз, all equal; (each = a). Here p₁ = 3m, p2 = 2m, p3=m, and equations (3) become 5 — 2λ, ak αλλ akλ = 2 + 3λ λ', αλλ' = - - λ. λ + . Eliminating k, we have 50 2)፡ 5λ — 2λ² = 2 + 3λ − x', 50' - 2λλ' = - λ + λ, or, λ = 2x² - 2λ - 2, λ - - - ร 20 - 4 4λ' αλλ' = - λ, λ' = …. (እº Ωλ — 2) (2λ-4) = λ, or, λ³-3x² 3)። + λ + 2 = 0, which may be solved by Trigonometrical Tables. We shall find three values of λ. 142 Hence, we have a value of X' corresponding to each value of X; and then by equations (8), ΟΙ B₁ + ¹λß₂ + ¹λ' ß3 = or B₁ + ²λß₂ + ²X² ß₁ = 0) Whence we find ẞ₂ and ẞ, in terms of ß₁. We shall thus find* 3 B₂ = 2.295 B₁, 2 or B₂ = 1.348 B₁, or B₂ .643 B1, according as we take the different values of X. •.(8′). And the times of oscillation in each case will be found by taking the value of ak 5 2λ; that value of A being taken which is not used in equation (8′). For the time of oscillation will be given by making t √(kg) = π. 19 If the values of B1, B2, B3 have not this initial relation, the oscillations will be compounded in a manner similar to that de- scribed, p. 135, in the Example for two bodies only. PROB. XII. A flexible chain, of uniform thickness, hangs from a fixed point: to find its initial form, that its small oscilla- tions may be symmetrical. Let, in fig. 49, AM, the vertical abscissa = x; MP, the hori- zontal ordinate = y; APs, and the whole length AC = a; .. AP—a— s. s. And, in the same way as in Prob. XI, the tension at P will, when the oscillations are small, be the weight of PC, and may be represented by a-s. This tension will act in the direction of a tangent at P, and hence, the part of it in the direction PM will be tension x dy ds > or (a − s) dy ds Now, if we take any portion PQ=h, we shall find the hori- zontal force at Q in the same manner. For the point Q, supposing d's constant, 2 3 dy dy d² y h ď³ y h² becomes + + + &c. d s ds d s² 1 d s³ 1.2 *Euler, Com. Petrop. tom. VIII, p. 37. 143 Also, the tension will be (a-s-h). Hence, the horizontal force in direction NQ, is (a-s-h) (dy d² y h d³ y h² + + d s² 2 ds 1 ds³ 1.2 Mia, &c.) Subtracting from this the force in PM, we have the force on PQ horizontally 3 dy h = (a− s) + d³ y h2 ds² 1 d s3 1.2 +&c.) h - h d s (dy + d²y 4+ &c.) ds And the mass of PQ being represented by h, the accelerating force (= pressure.g mass is found. But since the different points of PQ is found. move with different velocities, this expression is only applicable when his indefinitely small. Hence, supposing Q to approach to, and coincide with P, we have, when h vanishes, d² y dy accelerating force on P = (a− s) ds2 ds But, since the oscillations are indefinitely small, a coincides with s, and we have ď² Y dy accelerating force on P (a- x) dx2 dx Now, in order that the oscillations may be symmetrical, this force must be in the direction PM, and proportional to PM, in which case all the points of AC will come to the vertical AB at once. Hence, we must have ď y dy (a-x) dx² dx ky........(1), k being some constant quantity to be determined. This equation cannot be integrated in finite terms. a series, let To obtain 144 y = A + B (a − x) + C (a − x)² + D (a− x)³ + &c. dy d x B − 2 C (a − x) — 3 D (a − x)² + &c. 1.2C+2.3 D (a-x) + &c. ď y dx² 2 ď y dy Hence, O=(a− x) +ky; gives dx2 dx 0 = 1.2 C (a−x) + 2.3 D (a− x)² + &c. +B+2C (ax) + 3D (ax)² + &c. +kA+kB (a-x)+kC (a− x)² + &c. Equating coefficients, we have B=-kA, 22. C kB, 3D = kC, &c. = - 2 C=*A - 3 k² A k³ A .. B = − k A, D = &c. 24.32, k² and y = A {1−k (a−x) + ₂ē (a-x)2 3 kc³ 2°32 (a−x)³ +&c.}..(2). Here A is BC, the value of y when xa. k² a² ka k³ a³ 3 3 When x=0, y=0;.'. 1-ka + +&c.=0..(3). 22 22 32 From this equation k is to be found. The equation has an infinite number of dimensions, and hence k will have an infinite number of values, which we may call 'k, 2k, 3k... "k,... ; and these give an infinite number of initial forms, for which the chain may perform symmetrical oscillations. The time of oscillation for each of these forms will be found thus. At the distance y, the force is kgy; hence, by Chap. I, Ex. 1. π time to the vertical = 2 √ (kg) ; and time of oscillation 7 √(kg) * The greatest value of ka is about 1.44, (Euler, Com. Acad. Petrop. tom. VIII, p. 43.). And the time of oscillation for this value, is the same as that of a simple pendulum, whose length is a, nearly. 145 The points where the curve cuts the axis will be found by putting y=0. Hence, taking the value "k of k, we have n k² (a - x)² nk³ (a-x)² 0 = 1-"k (a− x) + + &c. 22 22.32 which will manifestly be verified, if 1 nk = "k (a− x) =¹ka, or "k (a− x) = 2ka, or "k (ax) — ³ka, &c. 2 because ¹ka, ka, &c. are roots of equation (3). That is, if x = u (1 - 1 1/2), 1 k or = a (1) or = a (1 - 2/42) 3 k "k. &c. > 1 n k าย Suppose ¹k, 2k, 3k, &c. to be the roots in the order of their magnitude, ¹k being the least. 1 1 Then, if for "k we take 'k, all these values of r will be ne- gative, and the curve will never cut the vertical axis below A. If If for "k we take 2k, all the values of x will be negative except the first; therefore, the curve will cut AB in one point. we take ³k, all the values will be negative except the two first, and the curve cuts AB in two points; and so on. 3 Hence, the forms for which the oscillations will be symmetrical, are of the kind represented in fig. 50. And there are an infinite number of them, each cutting the axis in a different number of points. If we represent equation (2) in this manner, y=Ap (k, x); it is evident that y=¹Ap (¹k, x), y=² A¢ (² k, x), &c. will each satisfy equation (1). Hence, as in Prob. XI, if we put 1 a y = ¹Ap ('k, x) + ² A $ (² k, x) + &c. and if ¹A, A, &c. can be so assumed, that this shall represent a given initial form of the chain, its oscillations will be compounded of as many co-existing symmetrical ones, as there are terms ¹A, A, &c. T 1 146 SECT. IV. The Motion of Bodies connected by Strings. PROB. XIII. Two bodies, connected by a string passing over a fixed pully, move on two given curves: to determine their motions. The motions are supposed to take place in a vertical plane. Let A, fig. 51, be the pully, AM a vertical line, BP, CQ, the given curves, and MP, NQ horizontal ordinates to the places of the bodies. AM=x, MP=y, AN = x', NQ=y'; AP=r, AQ=r', curve BP=s, CQ=s': mass of P=m, of Q = m'; re-action of surface BP=n, of CQ = n'; tension of the string PAQ = p. Then, by resolving the forces which act upon each of the bodies, we shall easily find the equations d² x d to = g pg x ng du đ y pg y ng dx ; + m r m ds' d t² m m ds ·(1). d² x' dt2 p'g x' n'g dy' d'y' p'g y' n'g dx' g + m r m ds'' dt² 2 m r m' `ds' Multiply by 2 mdx, 2mdy, 2 m'dx', 2 m'dy', and add the two upper ones, and the two lower ones; and we have 2 m (dx d²x + dy d³y) d t² x dx + y dy = 2mgdx 2pg. T - d t² 2 m' (dx'd²x' + dyd³y') 2 2mg dx' - 2pg 2 2 Add these equations, observing that ²= x²+y², whence x'dx' + y'dy' x x d x + y dy x'd x' + y'dy' dr = ; similarly, dr' = gol γ and rr a constant length APC; .. dr + dr'=0. Thus we have = dx d² x + d y d³ y 2m. +2m'. dt2 dx'd²x' + dy' d³y' dt² =2g (mdx+m'dx'). 147 Integrating, we have m dx² + dy² d t² dx² + dy" 12 + m' = 2g (mx + m'x') + C. dt2 If we suppose a, a', to be the values of x, x', when the velo- cities are 0, we shall have ds² m dt² + m' ds'2 d t² . − . = m.2 g (x − a) — m' . 2 g (a′ — x'). . . . (2). The quantities x-a, a'x' are the spaces through which P has descended and Q ascended: 2 g (x − a), 2 g (a′ — x′) are the squares of the velocities which would have been generated in falling freely through these spaces. The product of the mass and square of the velocity is some- times called the vis viva of a body: hence the equation just found, shews that in our problem. The sum of the vis viva of the bodies in constrained motion, is the sum or difference of the vis viva which they would have had, if they had descended freely through the same vertical spaces *. The sum if both descend the difference if one ascend. By introducing into equation (2), the relations among x, x', s, s', given by the nature of the curve, and by the condition r + r' = a constant quantity, we have the equations which determine the motion. Ex. Let Q, hanging freely, draw P along a horizontal plane, fig. 52. Let the original position of Q, when the bodies begin to move, be D; AD=a, AB= c; length of string PAQ=1: AP=r, AQ=1-r. dr Velocity of Q - ; and BP = √(r² — c²) ; dt dr .. velocity of P= ተ – √(r² - c²) ・ dt * This is the principle of the conservation of vis viva, which applies not only to this problem but to all cases whatever of mechanical action. 148 P neither ascends nor descends: hence, the equation (2) gives 22 dr² dr² m. p² + m'. d t² d t² 2 = 2 m' g (l — r — a), dr² d t² 2 m' g (l — a − r) (p² — c²) (m + m') r² – m'c² which gives the relation between r and t. PROB. XIV. A body P, fig. 53, is fastened to two equal weights Q, Q', by strings passing over pullies A, A', equidistant from it, and in the same horizontal line: to determine its motion. The vertical line PE will bisect AA', and the body being acted upon by equal forces on the two sides of the vertical line, will not be drawn from it, and we shall only have the vertical motion to consider. Let AE= EA'=a, EP=x; mass of P=m, of Q = Q′ =m': tension of PA, or PA'=p; AP=AP'=r: hence, the accele- rating force which each string exerts vertically upon P will be pg x m d² x dr² =g- dt 2 ; therefore 2pg Ꮖ from the motion of P m . (1); d²r d t2 pg =g from the motion of Q m 2 mdx d²x+4 m' dr d²r x²=a², (for since r² — x² = a², rdr-xdx=0.) Integrating, d t² 2 = 2 mg dx — 4 m'g dr: 1 dx dr² dr2 m +2m' d t² dt2 =2mg (x-b) - 4 mg (r−c)....(2). Supposing that when the velocities are 0, x=b=EB, r=c=AB. Hence, c² a² + b². 149 But, since r√(a²+x²), dr= {m m + dx² = 2 m²x²) dx² a² + x²) dť² 2 2 dt 2 x² a² + x d t² ma² + (m + 2 m') x x d x Va²+x); this becomes √(a² 2 = 2 mg (x − b) — 4 m'g (r−c), 2 · 2 g {m (x − b) — 2 m′ (r — c)} . - To find when the velocity again becomes 0, we must have m(x-b) — 2 m' (r−c) = 0; or, putting for r its value √(a²+x²), transposing and squaring, (4 m′² — m³) x³ — 2 m (2 m' c — mb) x + 4 m² a² - (2 m'c — mb)² = 0, — the two values of x in this equation give the points where the ve- locity is 0; hence, b is one of them; and if b' be the other, we shall have b+b' = 2m (2 m'c - mb) 4 m² m² 4 mm'c — (4 m²² +m²) b b = 4 m²² m² 2 If 2 m'>m, make EB'b', and P will go on oscillating between B and B'. If 2 m' <m, b' will be negative, and P will never come to a second point where its velocity is 0; The velocity of P will be greatest when it is in the position in which there would be an equilibrium: for then the force is 0, and therefore ď² x = 0. d t° m a That is, when x = √ (4m²² — m²) > see Statics, Chap. IV, Prob. II. PROB. XV. A weight Q draws a weight P over a fixed pully A, fig. 54, P in the mean time making small oscillations: to de- termine the motion. 150 When the oscillations are very small, we may here, as in Prob. XI, suppose the tension to be the same as if P did not oscillate and it will thus be found. Let m, m' be the masses of P, Q; then m―m is the mass em- ployed in producing motion; and m+m the mass moved: hence, the accelerating force on Q is m' m g m' + m But the force on Q downwards is manifestly the excess of its weight downwards, above the tension which acts upwards. Hence, if p be the tension, pg g M m' — m m' + m 2m' m g; p= m² + m Let AM vertical=x, MP horizontal=y, AP=r, AQ=l—r; ď² y pg y 2 m' m g y .(1). m² + m r d t m CASE 1. When m'=m, accelerating force on Q=0; is constant. dr Let dt - b, P being supposed to ascend; .. dt = and equation (1) becomes b² d² y dr² y ky or " k being constant. r dr² r .. dr dt d r b d² y Let the integral of this be y = Ar+Br²+Cr³+&c. = 1.2.B+2.3 Cr+ &c. dr² = 0; ky + kA+kBr+&c. Τ k A k² A whence B: D= 2 22.3 k Ꭺ 22.32.4 &c. kr² k² 3 2 r³ 3 k³ 24 ..y = A { r· y=A {r• + 2 223 22 32 4 + &c.}. J 151 By making y=0, we have an equation of an infinite number of dimensions; shewing that the curve described by P cuts the axis in an infinite number of points. In order to determine the points where y is a maximum, we must have k2 2.2 3 k³ 4.3 dy 0; or 1-kr + +&c.=0, 22 22 32 d r (agreeing with equation (3), Prob. XII,) which gives the points of extreme deviation of the pendulum from the vertical. The times of successive oscillations will be as the differences of the successive values of r, because r diminishes uniformly *. CASE 2. When m, m' are unequal. d² r m m dr m' m Here g; gt; velocity being d t² m² + m d t m' + m O when t is 0, m' — m m gt2 m' - r=a - m' +m =a-ngt²; making m² + m m = n; 2 m²' whence =1+1. m' + m And equation (1) becomes ď y (1 + n) gy ; d t² a ng whence y may be found by series in terms of t. * This problem has been differently and erroneously solved by some authors. No solution but an approximate one is attainable. Euler, Com. Petrop. tom. VIII, p. 137, &c. obtains an equation not integrable, and then observes, “Ita ut determinationem hujus motus oscillatorii, quo corpora A et B cientur, dum filum super trochleam uniformiter promovetur, pro casu desparato declarare simus coacti." The equation in Case 2, is integrable for some particular values of P and Q: for instance, if Q=3 P. 1 CHAP. VII. INVERSE PROBLEMS RESPECTING THE MOTION OF POINTS ON CURVES. IN the fifth Chapter we supposed a body to move on a curve, the curve being given, and the motion being the thing to be deter- mined. In the present one we shall collect several questions which have occupied the attention of mathematicians, in which some property or consequence of the body's motion is given, and the curve is required. SECT. I. Curve of equal Pressure. 43. PROP. To find the curve on which a body, descending by the force of gravity, presses equally at all points. Let AM, fig. 55, be the vertical abscissa =x, MP the hori- zontal ordinatey; the arc of the curve s, the time t, and the radius of curvature at P = p, p being positive when the curve is concave to the axis; then, R being the re-action at P, we have by Art. 33, page 93, R = gdy + ds pdt ds² 2 .(1). But if HM be the height due to the velocity at P, AH = h, we have, by Art. 31, ds2 2g (h-x). dť² dsdx Also, if we suppose ds constant, we have p ; and if day the constant value of R be k, equation (1) becomes 153 ค k dx gdy _ 2g (h− x) dy k dsdx ds 7 ď y ; dx ds 2 (a) = √(h-x). -dy. -1) g 2 √(h− x) ds - x) The right hand side is obviously the differential of √(h − x) . ~.√(h− x) = √(h− x). hence, integrating, k g dy k C √(h-x) dy + C, ds .(2). dy ; ds == ds g If C = 0, the curve becomes a straight line inclined to the horizon, which obviously answers the condition. The sine of inclination is k g In other cases the curve is found by equation (2), putting √(dr²+dy²) for ds, and integrating. If we differentiate equation (2), ds being constant, we have d²y ds Cdx 2 (h− x) ; p dsdr 2 (h-x) ď²y C .(3). And if C be positive, p is positive, and the curve is concave to the axis. dy ds We have the curve parallel to the axis, as at C, when = 0, k that is, when = g C ; when x = h √(h− x) C² g² k dy When x increases beyond this, the curve approaches the axis, and is negative; it can never become < −1; hence, the limit of ds k C as B, is found by making - 1; g √(h-x) C² g² or, x = h (k + g) U 154 If kg, as the curve descends towards 2, it approximates per- petually to the inclination, the sine of which is k If k >g, g fig. 56, there will be a point when the curve becomes horizontal as at D, after which it will ascend in a form similar to the descending branch. C is known from equation (2) or (3), if we know the pressure or the radius of curvature at a given point. If C be negative, the curve is convex to the axis. In this case the part of the pressure arising from centrifugal force diminishes the part arising from gravity, and k must be less than g, fig, 57. SECT. II. Synchronous Curves. 44. In fig. 58, let AP, AP', AP", &c. be curves of the same kind, referred to a common base AD, and differing only in their parameters*: a curve P, P', P', &c. cutting them, so that the arcs AP, AP', AP", &c. may all be described in the same time, by a body descending from A by gravity, is said to make them synchronous. PROP. To find the curve which cuts a given assemblage of curves, so as to make them synchronous. Let AM vertical = x, MP horizontal=y; y and x being con- nected by an equation involving a. The time down AP is S dx √(2gx)' the integral being taken from x=0 to x=AM; and this must be the same for all curves whatever be a. Hence, we may put ds = k......(1), √(2gx) k being a constant quantity, and in differentiating, we must suppose * Any constant line is called a parameter, which occurs in the equation to a curve, and by its different values gives different magnitudes to corre- sponding portions of the curve. Thus the radius of a circle, and the semi- axis of a cycloid are parameters. 155 a variable as well as r and s. Let ds = pdx, p being a function of x and a, which will be of O dimensions, because dr and ds are pdx Hence, S√(2g) quantities of the same dimensions. Hence, k, and differentiating pdx V(2gx) +qda = 0... (2), q being the differential coefficient of f√(2x)' pdx > with respect to a. S pdx √(2gx) Now, since p is of O dimensions in x and a, it is easily seen that is a function whose dimensions in r and a are, because the dimensions of an expression are increased by 1 in integrating. Hence, by a known property of homogeneous functions, (see Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 266,) we have Ρ √(2gx) q = x + q. a = 1½ k; k p V x a V(2g)' 2 a substituting this in equation (2), it becomes pdx kda pd a V x + V(2gx) 2 a a √(2g) = 0.... (3), in which, if we put for a its value in x and y, we have an equation to the curve PP'P". If the given time k be the time of falling down a vertical height h, we have k = p (adx V g > and hence, equation (3) becomes xda) + da V(h x) = 0........(4). Ex. Let the curves AP, AP', AP" be all cycloids of which the bases coincide with AD. Let CD be the axis of any one of these cycloids 2a, a being the radius of the generating circle. If CN=x', we shall have as before 156 - 2a ds = dx' √² ds dx = ✓ Hence, p = ✓ 2 a ; 2 a and since x′ = 2a 2a. X 2a-x √(2a). (adx — xda) √(2 a−x) I Let a stituting, Ꮖ X, ; and equation (4) becomes + da V(hx) = 0........(5). =u, so that adx - xda a²du, x = au; and sub- = a² du V2 √(2—u) + da V(hau) = 0; du V 2 da Vh + √(2u — u²) a* = 0; 2 Vh = C. Va 12. arc (ver. sin. u) When a is infinite, the portion AP of the cycloid becomes a ver- tical line, and x = h; .'. u = 0; .'. C=0. Hence, 2 2h = a ver. sin. V a ..(7). From this equation a should be eliminated by the equation to the cycloid, which is y = a a. arc. (ver ver. sin. = - -) - √(2ax − x³).. √(2ax − x³). . . . . ...(8), a and we should have the equation to the curve required. Substituting in (8) from (7), we have y = √(2ah) - √(2ax — x²), da Vh dy = √(2a) xda+adx-xdx √(2ax-x²) ; 157 ! and eliminating da by (5), dy dx 2α-x √(2ax − x²) √(2a - x) √x But differentiating (8) supposing a constant, we have in the cycloid dy dx √x V(2a-x) And hence the curve P, P', P", cuts all the cycloids at right angles *. The curve PP'P" will meet AD in the point B, such that the given time is that of describing the whole cycloid AB. It will meet the vertical line in E, so that the body falls through AE in the given time. COR. If instead of supposing all the cycloids to meet in the point A, we suppose them all to pass through any point C, fig. 65, their bases still being in the same line AD; a curve PP' drawn so that the times down PC, P'C, &c. are all equal, will cut all the cycloids at right angles. This may easily be collected from the preceding reasoning. SECT. III. Tautochronous Curves. point be the same, We shall consider 45. If a body move upon a curve, the curve is said to be tautochronous, if the time of descent to a given from whatever point the body begin to descend. the body as descending to the lowest point. PROP. When a body is acted upon by a constant force in parallel lines, to find the tautochronous curve. Let A, fig. 59, be the lowest point, D the point from which the body falls, AB vertical, BD, MP horizontal. AM=x, AP =s, AB=h, the constant force = g. Hence, the velocity at P= √{2g (h—x)}, ds dt = √ {2g (h — x)} ' * For the subnormal of the former coincides with the subtangent of the latter, each being y (2a-x) √x 158 and the whole time of descent will be found by integrating this from x=h, to x = 0. Now, since the time is to be the same, from whatever point D the body falls, that is, whatever be h, the integral just mentioned, taken between the limits, must be independent of h. That is, if we take the integral so as to vanish when x=0, and then put h for x, h will disappear altogether from the result. This must manifestly arise from its being possible to put the result in a form involving Ꮖ X 2 only, and functions of as &c.; that is, from its being h of O dimensions in r and h. h2 Let ds=pdx, where p depends only upon the curve, and does not involve h. Then, we have t = t= =-√ 1 pdx ✓ {2g (h− x)} Spdx 1 pxdx dx + + 2 ht 2.4 h& 1.3 pa'da + &c. }; √(2g). ht and from what has been said, it is evident, that each of the quanti- pdx p x x ties fd, fd, and generally, must be of the 2n+1 h 2 h 2 2n+1 2 2n+1 сх form ; that is, Spa" dx must = cx 2 ; hence, pxdx 2n+1 c 2n+1 cx ds=dx Va Ꮖ or, if c = a*, p = Q ક 2 n + 1 2 2n-1 2 x dx; p= which is the property of a cycloid*. * Without expanding, we may reason thus. If p be a function of m Ρ dimensions in æ, √(h—x) is of m−1 dimensions; and as the dimensions of pdx an expression are increased by 1 in integrating,h-x) sions in a, and when his put for x, of m+ to be independent of h, or of O dimensions. Therefore p = a² X as before. is of m+dimen- dimensions in h. But it ought Hence, m + 4 = 0, m = 159 46. PROP. When the body is acted upon by a force tending to a centre, and varying as any function of the distance, to find the tautochronous curve. Let Let S, fig. 60, be the centre of force, A the point to which the body must descend; D the point from which it descends. SA=e, SD=ƒ, SP=r, P being any point, AP=s. = Now we have velocity2 C 2f Pdr, (Art. 31. p. 82.), or, if 2f Pdr = $(r), velocity² = $ (ƒ) velocity² =0, when r=f. t = =S · ds • (ƒ) − $ (r); because the Hence, the time of describing DA is " taken from r = ƒ, to r = e. And whatever is D, the integral so Let p (r) —$ (e) =z, $ (ƒ)~ √ {p (ƒ)~$ (r)} since the time must be the same taken must be independent of f. (e)=h, ds=pdz, p depending only on the nature of the curve, and not involving f. Then t = -S pdz √(ḥ − z)' pdz taken from z = h, to z = 0 S√(h-2)' '(h — z) ' from z=0, to z=h. And this must be independent of f, and therefore of (f), and of h. Hence, after taking the integral, the result must be 0, when z=0, and when his put for z, must be independent of h. Therefore it must be of O dimensions in z and h. But if p be of n dimensions p √(hz) will be of n-dimensions, and in z, or if p = c z", pdz Sh V(h p = √ Z 2) whence the curve is known. If v be the angle ASP, we have of n + Hence, n = 0, n = + ½ - ½, and Therefore ds=dz √ ÷ =ørar√ C Z $(r) − $ (e) ds² - dr² ds² = dr²+r²dv², dv² = 2 whence we may find a polar equation to the curve. 160 Ex. 1. Let the force vary as the distance, and be attractive. Here P = mr, (r) = mr² ; & = $(r) — $ (e) = m (r² — e²); dz = 2mrdr, 2 = ds=dz אן. =2 mr dr ✓ C =rdr 2 ช m (p² — e²) √ 4cm p² - e² ds When re, is infinite, or the curve is perpendicular to SA at A. dr If SY, perpendicular upon the tangent PY, be called p, we have 2 ds² - dr² dr² p² e : 1 1 ds2 ds² 27 4 cm r p² e² − (1 − 4cm) p² 4cm If e = 0, or the body descend to the centre, this gives the logarithmic spiral. In other cases let 14cm = e² (a 2 2 (a² — r²) e2 ; a a² — e² ..4cm = 2 a a² 2 the equation to a hypocycloid, see p. 87. If 4 cm = 1, the curve becomes a straight line, to which SA is perpendicular at A. If 4 cm> 1, the curve will be concave to the centre, and will go off to infinity. Ex. 2. Let the force vary inversely as the square of the dis- tance. 27 m P = p² = 1,2 and as before, we shall find 2.5 (7 — e) (r 2 m ce 161 SECT. IV. Brachystochronous Curves. 47. The brachystochron is the curve, down which a body must descend from one point to another, so that the time of descent may be less than that down any other curve, under the same cir- cumstances. PROP. A body being acted upon by a force in parallel lines, in its descent from one point to another; to find the brachys- tochron. Let A, B, fig. 61, be the given points, and AOPQB the required curve. Since the time down AOPQB is less than down any other curve, if we take another curve AOpQB, which coincides with the former, except for the arc OPQ, we shall have time down 40+time down OPQ+time down QB, less than time down AO+ time down Op Q+ time down QB: and if the times down QB be the same on the two suppositions, we shall have time down OPQ less than time down any other arc Op Q. The times down QB will be the same in the two cases, if the velocity at Q be the same. But it has been seen, (Art. 31,) that the velocity acquired at Q is the same, whether the body descend down AOPQ, or AOpQ*. Hence, it appears that if the time down AOPQB be a minimum, the time down any portion OPQ is also a minimum. Let a vertical line of abscissas be taken in the direction of the force, and perpendicular ordinates OL, PM, QN be drawn, it being supposed that LM = MN. Then, if LM, MN be taken indefinitely small, we may consider them as representing the dif- ferential of r: on this supposition, OP, PQ, will represent the differentials of the curve, and the velocity may be supposed constant in OP, and in PQ. Let AL=x, LO=y, AO=s; and let dx, dy, ds represent the differentials of the abscissa, ordinate and curve at Q, and v the velocity there; and dx', dy', ds', v', be the corres- * This is true, whenever the body descends in a non-resisting space, or when the forces are necessarily the same in the same points. X 162 ponding quantities at P. Hence, the time of describing OPQ will be d s ds' + ; O' บ which is a minimum; and consequently, its differential is equal 0. This differential is that which arises from supposing P to assume any position, as p, out of the curve OPQ; and, as the differentials indicated by d arise from supposing P to vary its position along the curve OPQ, we shall use & to indicate the differentiation, on hy- pothesis of passing from one curve to another, or the variations of the quantities to which it is prefixed. We shall also suppose p to be in the line MP, so that dr is not supposed to vary. considerations being introduced, we may proceed thus, S jds ช S ds' + v =0........(1). These And v, are the same whether we take OPQ or OpQ; for the velocity at p = velocity at P. Hence, dv=0, do=0: and dv′=0: dds dds + = 0. ช Now, ds2dx²+dy²; .. ds. dds=dy.ddy, because ddx=0. Similarly, ds'.Sds' =dy'. Sdy'. Substituting the values of 8ds, & ds' which these equations give, we have dy.ddy dy ddy' + ds.v ds.v = 0. And since the points O, Q, remain fixed during the variation of P's position, we have dy+dy' = const. ddy' Substituting, and omitting &dy, dy dy ds.v ds.v = 0. Sdy. Or, since the two terms belong to the successive points O, P, their difference will be the differential indicated by d; hence, 163 dy dy = constant.. d. = = 0; ds.v ds.v ..(2), which is the property of the curve; and v being known in terms of x, we may determine its nature. COR. 1. Let the force be gravity: then = √(2 g x); dy d s V (2 g x) dy 1 = constant, d s V x Vai Va being a constant quantity; dy ds a which is a property of the cycloid, of which the axis is parallel to x, and of which the base passes through the point from which the body falls. COR. 2. If the body fall from a given point to another given point, setting off with the velocity acquired down a given height: the curve of quickest descent is a cycloid, of which the base co- incides with the horizontal line, from which the body acquires its velocity. 48. PROP. If a body be acted on by gravity, the curve of its quickest descent from a given point to a given curve, cuts the latter at right angles. Let A, fig. 63, be the given point, and BM the given curve; AB the curve of quickest descent cuts BM at right angles. It is manifest the curve AB must be a cycloid, for otherwise a cycloid might be drawn from A to B, in which the descent would be shorter. If possible, let AQ be the cycloid of quickest descent, the angle AQB being acute. Draw another cycloid AP, and let PP' be the curve which cuts AP, AQ, so as to make the arcs AP, AP' synchronous. Then, by Art. 44, PP' is perpendicular to AQ, and therefore manifestly P' is between A and Q, and the time down AP is less than the time down AQ; therefore, this latter is not the curve of quickest descent. Hence, if AQ be not per- pendicular to BM, it is not the curve of quickest descent*. * The cycloid which is perpendicular to BM may be the cycloid of longest descent from A to BM. 164 7 49. PROP. If a body be acted on by gravity, and if AB, fig. 64, be the curve of quickest descent from the curve AL to the point B; AT, the tangent of AL at A, is parallel to BV, a perpen- dicular to the curve AB at B. If BV be not parallel to AT, draw BX parallel to AT, and falling between BV and A. In the curve AL take a point a near to A. Let a B be the cycloid of quickest descent from the point a to the point B; and Bb being taken equal and parallel to a A, let Ab be a cycloid equal and similar to a B. Since ABV is a right angle, the curve BP, which cuts off AP synchronous to AB, has BV for a tangent, (Art. 44.). Also, ultimately a coincides with AT, and therefore Bb with BX. Hence, b is between A and P. Hence, the time down Ab is less than the time down AP, and therefore, than that down AB. And hence the time down a B (which is the same as that down Ab,) is less than that down AB. Hence, if BV be not parallel to AT, AB is not the line of quickest descent from AL to B. 50. PROP. If a body acted on by gravity descend to a given point C, fig. 65, setting off from a curve BM, with a velocity ac- quired in falling from a given horizontal line AD, the curve of quickest descent cuts the curve BM at right angles. As before, BC the curve of quickest descent, will be a cycloid, by Cor. 2 to Art. 47. If possible, let QC be the cycloid of quickest descent, making CQB an acute angle. By Cor. 2 to Art. 47, the base of this cycloid will be in the horizontal line AD. Let OPC be another cycloid, of which the base is in AD. And by Cor. to Art. 44, if PP' cut off synchronous arcs PC, P'C, PP' will be perpendicular to the curves PC, QC. Hence, P' will fall between Q and C, and the time down PC, being equal to that down P'C, will be less than that down QC. Hence, if QC be not perpendicular to QB, it cannot be the curve of shortest descent. From this it appears in what manner a cycloid must be drawn, so that it may be the curve of quickest descent from one given curve to another. 165 If the body descend from rest, from the curve BM, fig. 66, to the curve CN, by the action of gravity, the curve of quickest de- scent will be a cycloid, of which the base is the horizontal line BE, which cuts CN at right angles, and which is so situated, that the tangents to BM at B, and CN at C, are parallel. If the body descend from the curve BM to the curve CN, the velocity being that acquired in falling from the horizontal line AD, the curve of quickest descent will be a cycloid, of which the base is the horizontal line AD, and which cuts both the curves BM, CN, at right angles. For the brachystochron, when the length of the curve is given, see Mr. Woodhouse's Isoperimetrical Problems, p. 122. 51. PROP. Supposing a body to be acted on by any forces whatever, to determine the brachystochron. Making the same notations and suppositions as before, AL, LO, fig. 61, being any rectangular co-ordinates; since as before, the time down OPQ is a minimum; we have, by equation (1) of last Article, б {d S ds' + =0. = 0.... ..(1), dds Sds' d s & v ds' d v' + = 0. V V Now we have as before dds = 21/2 で dy. Sdy > supposing & dr=0, ds dy'. Sdy dy'. Sdy Sds' = ds ds' dv=0, for v is the velocity at O, and does not vary by altering the curve. v = v + d v ; . . S v = d v + & dv=ddv. dv; v′ dy.ddy Hence, ds. v dy.Sdy ds.v ds'. d d v = 0. が 12 1 1 d v Also v + d v บ V 22 ; for dv, &c. must be omitted. 166 Substituting this in the second term, we have dy. Sdy dy ddy dy.dv.ddy ds'.Sdv + 0, ds.v ds.v ds.v² 12 ข or (dy - dy) dy'.dv ds & dv 0. + ds.v² 12 V Sdy dý dy dy Now as before is d. dy And in the other terms we ds' d s d s may, since O, P, are indefinitely near, put ds, dy, v, for ds', dy, and multiply by -v, we have dy.dv ds & dv v': if we do this, dy d. + d s ds ช ช • v Sdy = 0........(2), which will give the nature of the curve. If the forces which act on the body at O, be equivalent to X in the direction of x, and Y in the direction of y, we have vdo = Xd +Ydy, (Art. 31); :. dv = ddv = Ꮖ Xdr+Ydy v Yddy V because Sv=0, 8dx=0; also X and Y are functions of AL and LO, and therefore not affected by d. Substituting these values in the equation to the curve, we have dy dy Xdx + Ydy ds Y + 0; d. ds ds 2 ข v dy dx Xdy-Ydx = 0, or d. ds ds v2 which will give the nature of the curve. COR. 1. Ifp be the radius of curvature, and ds constant, we have ds dx dεy :p being positive when the curve is convex to AM; 167 The quantity d. dy ds 22 P 22 P 11 dx P ; and hence, Xdu– Ydr dy ds is the centrifugal force, and therefore that part of the pressure which arises from it. And Xdy – Ydr d s is the pressure which arises from resolving the forces perpendicular to the axis. Hence, it appears then in the brachystochron for any given forces, the parts of the pressure which arise from the given forces, and from the centrifugal force, must be equal. COR. 2. If we suppose the force to tend to a centre S, fig. 62, which may be assumed to be in the line AM, and P to be the whole force; also SA = a, SP=r, SY, perpendicular on the tangent PY=p; we have Xdy – Yd x ds = force in PS, resolved parallel to YS = P v² = C− 2ƒP dr, (Art. 31); C-2fPdr _ Pp P = P r rdr Also p= ; dp Ppdr .. C-2f Pdr = dp 2dp -2 Pdr and integrating, Ρ C-2/Pdr' C' p²=C′ { C− 2 ƒ Pdr}; whence the relation of p and r is known. If the body begin to descend from A, C-2ƒPdr must = 0 when ra. Ex. 1. Let the force vary directly as the distance. 168 P=mr, C−2f Pdr = velocity² = m (a² — r²), p² = C′ m (a² — p²), which agrees with the equation to the hypocycloid, p. 87. Ex. 2. Let the force vary inversely as the square of the dis- tance, m C-2f Pdr = 2. ՊՆ 2 m P = 2 J ጥ a 2m C a- p a r 2 m C p² = = c². 2 putting c² = a r r a r² — p² 3 + c² r - c² c² a ጥ Ꮎ de = pdr r √ (2.² — p²) c dr 3 c √ (a− r). dr 2 √ (r³ + c³r− c² a) "' 2 When ra, de=0: when r³ +c²r− c²a=0, de is infinite, and the curve is perpendicular to the radius as at B. This equation has only one root. a If we have c = - 2, SB = a B being an apse, if c = 10: α a SB= a a if c= SB= > > 30 10 a a if c = SB 3 2 n° + n n² + 1° 52. PROP. When a body moves on a given surface, to deter- mine the brachystochron. Let x, y, z be rectangular co-ordinates, x being vertical; and as before, let ds, ds' be two successive elements of the curve: and let dx, dy, dz; dx', dy', dz' be the corresponding elements of x, y, z; then, since the minimum property will be true of the indefinitely small portion of the curve, we have, as before, sup- posing v, v the velocities, X, 169 ds V + d s' V min. Jd s d s + = 0 0.. ·(1). V The variations indicated by & are those which arise, supposing dx, dr' to be equal and constant, and dy, dz, dy' and dź to vary. Now, ds² = dx² + dy²+dz²; .. ds dds =dy ddy +dz 8dz, similarly, Also, the extremities of the dy+ dy' = const. :. Sdy + Sdy' = 0; ds' Eds' = dy ddy'+dz'ddz. arc ds+ds being fixed, we have dz + dz'const. Sdz + 8d z = 0. Hence, Sds = ds dy ddy + dz 8dz ds Sds' dyddy - 18d= dz' Sd z ds (2). And the surface is defined by an equation between x, y, z, which we may call L=0. Let this, differentiated, give dz = pdx + qdy Hence, since dx, p, q are not affected by d, S d z = q Sd y q8dy. ··(3). ..(4). For the sake of simplicity, we will suppose the body to be acted on only by a force in the direction of x, so that v, v' will depend on a alone, and will not be affected by the variation of dy, dz. Hence, we have by (1), dds V + I dy v'ds' dds 70 = 0; which, by substituting from (2), becomes, dyl vds. dz' Sdy + v'ds' dz vds S d z = 0. Therefore we shall have, as before, vds dy d. Sdy + d. d z S d z = 0 ; vd s Y 170 and by equation (4), this becomes dy dz d. +q.d = 0... vds vds whence the equation to the curve is known. · (5), If we suppose the body not to be acted on by any force, v will be constant, (Art. 39;) and the path described will manifestly be the shortest line which can be drawn on the given surface, and will be determined by the equation dy dz ds d. +qd. =0... ds • .(6). If we suppose, as in Note, p. 111, ds to be constant, we have d² y + qd* z z = 0; which agrees with the equation there deduced, for the path when the body is acted on by no forces. Hence, it appears, that when a body moves along a surface undisturbed, it will describe the shortest line which can be drawn on that surface, between any points of its path. For a more general investigation of the nature of the Brachy- stochron, see Poisson, Traite de Mec. No. 288, &c. 1 BOOK II. THE MOTION OF A POINT IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 53. THE preceding reasonings go upon the supposition, that a body in motion, and left to itself, would move on for ever with a uni- form velocity. This would be true, if the body moved in a perfect vacuum; but when the motion takes place in any fluid or medium, whose density is finite; then will be a retardation, arising from the resistance which the medium offers to the motion of the body: and if the body be acted on by any extraneous forces, the effects of the resistance will be combined with those of the forces, and the curves, &c., described by the body, as calculated in the preceding Book, will be modified in a manner which we shall consider in this. The resistance arises, in part, from the friction and tenacity of the fluid, but principally from its inertia, that is, from the force which the body, moving through the medium, necessarily exerts in putting the fluid particles in motion. Hence, it will be in a di- rection opposite to the body's motion: and if, cæteris paribus, the velocity be increased, the resistance will also be increased; for the body will strike more particles, and with greater violence. The law, according to which the resistance varies with respect to the velocity, is to be deduced from experiment: in most fluids, and for a moderate velocity, it appears to be nearly, but not accurately, as the square of the velocity. In the following problems we shall suppose various laws of resistance. The resistance is of the nature of a pressure, or moving force, and may be represented by a weight. Hence, its effect on the body, that is, the accelerating force (or, as it may here be called, the retarding force,) is to be found by dividing this resisting force by the mass of the body. 172 The quantity of the resistance, (considered as accelerating or retarding force,) will of course depend upon the law, and upon a constant coefficient. Thus, if the resistance vary as the square of the velocity (v), it may be supposed equal to kv². The quantity k will vary with the density, and other circumstances of the fluid, and also with the mass, magnitude, and form of the body. We may also represent the absolute quantity of the resistance thus. Since it assumes different values as the velocity varies, we may suppose a velocity such, that with it, the resistance shall be equal to gravity (g). Suppose to be this velocity, and let the resistance vary as v", v being any velocity. We have then Vn: v :: g: gvn V n = resistance to velocity v. V is such, that if a body were moving downwards with that velocity, it would move on for ever uniformly, for the action of gravity downwards, and of the resistance upwards, would exactly counteract each other; and the motion would be the same as if the body were acted on by no force at all. If we suppose the resistance = ko", we have k = g 76 CHAP. I. RECTILINEAR MOTION OF A POINT IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 54. THE formulæ dv=fdt, ds=vdt, vdv=fds, are applicable to all cases of this kind, (v being the velocity, f the force in the direction of the motion, and s the space described,) provided we put for f the whole force arising from the attractions, &c., and diminished by that arising from the resistance. The forces in this Chapter are supposed to act in the line of the bodies' motion. 173 SECT. I. No Forces but the Resistance. As an example of this case, we may suppose a body to move on a horizontal plane perfectly smooth. PROP. The resistance varying as any power of the velocity, to determine the motion. Let the resistance=kv": hence, in this case f= -kv", where the negative sign is used, because the force tends to diminish the velocity. First, for the space, vd v = konds, d v kds VN − 1 › 1 ks (n − 2) vn — 2 + C. And if v, be the velocity of the body when s=0, 1 (n-2) ks= 2 (2n) ks = v₁², 1 V1 »−2, if n > 2, v²-n, if n < 2. If n=2, this integral fails, and we must return to the original equation. Second, for the time, dv=fdt = kv"dt, d v kdt = ht= and if t = 0, when v=v1, (n-1)lt= 1 (n − 1) vn−1 + C; v² ) 1 1 1 vn - 1 " if n > 1; - (1 − n) kt = v, 1 N vl. v¹-", if n < 1. 174 If n=1, the integral fails, and must be obtained differently. Ex. 1. Let n=1; our expression will be k s = v₁ — v ; or, the velocity lost is as the space". And in this case, kdt = dv .. kt hyp. log. = จ 1 ; ข therefore, if times increase uniformly, velocities decrease in geome- trical progression †. When v=0, s = V₁ k t = ∞, that is, in losing its whole velocity, a body will employ an infinite term, but will describe only a finite space. Ex. 2. Let n= =2. In this case, dv ข kds = .. ks hyp. log. Again, kt= VI ย 1 ; ข v 201 ... 1 + k v₁ t = or, if T ข kvi k (T+t)= ข Hence, if the times (T+t) increase in geometrical progression, the reciprocals of the velocities increase, or the velocities decrease, in the same progression +. *Principia, Book II, Prop. 1. Ibid. Prop. 5. † Ibid. Prop. 2. 1 If tx S is constant, and v₁-v∞ Ibid. Prop. 6. 175 21 Also हा V = e*' ; 1 ks :. kt = € {e** — 1}, V1 ks € 1 + kv₁t = e**, or kv₁ (T+t) = €**. Hence, if the times (T+t) increase in geometrical progression, the spaces increase in arithmetical progression, and the spaces in the successive intervals are all equal. When = 0, we have s and t both infinite, or the body will describe an infinite space, and move for an infinite time before it loses all its velocity. Ex. 3. Let n = 4. In this case, 1 1 2ks= 12 21 V1 1 3kt= اس 3 3 V SCHOLIUM. It is manifest, that if we suppose the body to move till all its velocity be destroyed, if n<1, both space and time are finite, if n = 1, or > 1 and 2, space is finite, and time infinite, if n=2, or > 2, both space and time are infinite. 55. PROP. The resistance being = hv + kv², to determine the motion*. v dv d v ; Here ds = f h + k v 1 h + k vi .. S= hyp. log. h+k v d v dv dt = f h v + k v² *Principia, Book II, Prop. 11, 12. 176 11 t = || 1 sd v h k d v h + kv) v ย {hyp.log. 21 byp. log. +hyp. log. v (h + k v₂) When v=0, s= h+kvil h + k v S vi (h+kv) hyp. log. (1+1), t = inf. k SECT. II. The Body acted on by a constant Force besides Resistance. 56. The constant force may be supposed to be gravity (=g), and the body to move in a vertical line, upwards or downwards. In the former case, the force which acts upon it is the sum of gravity and the resistance; in the latter, it is the difference. Hence, the motions in ascent and descent are not similar, and cannot be obtain- ed from the same equation, as in the case of a vacuum. They may however easily be obtained separately, as in the following examples. PROP. A body is acted on by gravity, and also by a resistance varying as the velocity; to determine the motion*. For the descent, f=g-kv; v d v ds= cd v f g - k v g d v k g k v - dv} *Principia, Book II, Prop. 3. It may be observed, that the constant force of gravity, urging a body to descend in a resisting medium, is not the same as the whole force of gravity g in a vacuum. It is only the relative gravity of the body, with respect to the fluid; that is, its weight, diminished by the weight of an equal bulk of the fluid. 177 ... s = S= hyp. log. g - kv₂ v k² g-kv k supposing g ko positive, and v₁ being the velocity when s = 0. It is manifest that the greatest value which v can assume, is that which makes g— kv=0, or v = k g = V suppose; so that k This velocity V is called the terminal velocity; it is the limit to which the velocity perpetually approximates as the body descends, but which it never actually attains in a finite time. g If we put for k, we have v2 V ~ V 1 V S= hyp. log. (v — v1). g V-v go d v d v Again, dt = = ƒ g-kv .. t = hyp. log. g-kv₁ g-kv V V - v hyp. log. g From this we should easily obtain the relation between s and t. Supposing kv-g positive, we have κυ kv₁-g V2 S= hyp. log. 21 Ú + v₁ V V VV hyp.log. +- (v₂-v). k kv - g k g บ V g Hence, if v be at one point greater than V, it will always con- tinue so. This belongs to the case when the body is projected downwards with a velocity greater than the terminal velocity. The velocity will, in this case, decrease and approach to the terminal velocity as its limit. The ascent may be obtained in nearly the same manner by making f= ·(g + k v). 57. PROP. A body is acted upon by gravity, and by a resis- tance varying as the square of the velocity: to determine the ascent and descent *. * Principia, Book II. Prop. 8, 9. 2 178 For the ascent: ƒ = −(g + k v²), ds= v d v v d v g 8 + kv 2 3 1 S = hyp. log. 2k When v=0, s = whole height ascended, hyp. log. (1 + When is small, or the density small, 1 8 + k » ₁ 2 g + k v k v 1 2 which gives the 2k g whole height 1 Skv₁ 2k 2 1 k²v, 4 g 2 gé 1 2 K v, 4 2 g 4 g neglecting terms beyond k The first term is the ascent in a vacuum, (Book I. Chap. I. Ex. 3.) and therefore the second is the defect of height produced by a medium of small density. It appears from the expression that this defect is as the square of the height ascended. Again, dt = 1 t: - d v j d v g + k v √eg) · {are (tun. = r; №2130 When v = 0, time of whole ascent = If v be infinite, t = height ascended is infinite. T 2V (kg) - arc (tan.=v√)} √ (k g) are (tan.=v,√!:). and is therefore finite, but the When k is small, expanding the arc by the formula, tan.3 arc tan. +&c. 3 1 we have time= √(kg) 2100 ¤ tp neglecting higher powers gg 3 3 k v, ³ 3.g.2 179 f v dv 8- kv² 1 g- kv,2 of which expression the first term is the whole time of ascent in a vacuum, and the second the diminution of the time by the resist- ance. For the descent: ƒ = g ds= v dv - kv2, ; and if g-kv² be positive, g S hyp. log. ; 2 k g- k v² or if k = 1, V = √ V2 S = 2g hyp. log. V² 2 V₁ V² -² But if g-ko² be negative, 1 s= hyp. log. 2 k V72 kv, ² - kv-g k v² 1 2 2 g hyp. log. 2g v² - 17 2 V is the terminal velocity as before; and the former expression is for the case when the body is projected with a less, and the latter, when with a greater velocity than V. તેજ d v dt = t = 11 1 { dv v k ƒ¯¯g — k v´ ¯¯ 2,√(kg) 1 - 2√(kg) {hyp. hyp. log. + dv Vk V g + v Vk Vg - v V k V g + v v k V g + v₂ V k V g − v₁ Vk +hyp. log. / } (0, < V) √KS (U₁<V) V g − v V k + hyp. log. V-1 V( V+で hyp. log. 2g V + V₁ V Ꮴ - i - v, V+c) 1 hyp. log. 2g Ꮴ V V + 21 When o₁> V, the expression is similarly integrated. 01 If the body fall from rest, v₁ = (), V2 S= Qg 172 hyp. log. 7: V+v V t = 2g hyp. log. 7-v で 180 The last equation gives } V-0 V+o 2 g t V € When t becomes considerable, the right hand side of this equation is very small, and very nearly V. Hence, though the body v = never acquires the terminal velocity, after the lapse of a certain finite time, it comes very near it, and the velocity afterwards may be considered constant. 58. PROP. The resistance varying partly as the velocity, and partly as the square of the velocity: to determine the ascent of a body by gravity*. - Resistance = hv+kv²; f= −g− hv − k v²; ds= v dv 1 f v dv g+ hv + kv² · h hv h² Let v + = u, v² + + = w 2k k 4k² 2 2 h² g+hv + kv² = g = + ku². 4k and we shall have two different cases, In the former case, h² as is less or greater than g. 4k h udu du 2k ds= h2 g an + ku² 4k + S= + 4 kudu 4 kg — h²+4k² u² 1 2 k h 2hdu 4 kg → h² + 4 k² u² › hyp. log, (4kg-h² +4k² u²) arc. k (tan. 2 ku tan. = +c. V(4kg-h). * Principia, Book II. Prop. 13, 14. 1 181 + (tan tan. = 1 h k 1 2 k arc. hyp. log. 4k (g+hv+kv²) 2kv + h - √(4kg - h³) g + h v₁ + k v₁² 2 + C hyp. log. 2 k g + h v + k v 2 h + 1/2 · { {arc. 2kv+h arc. tan. = arc. tan. = √ (4 kg − h²) - 2 k v₁+ h √(4kg - h²)S, h² In the latter case, when is greater than g, we have 4 k 4 kudu 2 h du ds= 2 + 4k² u² - (h² - 4 kg) 4 k² u² — (h² — 4 kg) and both the terms may be integrated by logarithms. do dv Also dt = f g + hv + k v²' which may be integrated in the same manner. In this case the terminal velocity is found by solving the equation g-h V-k V² 0. One of the roots of this will be negative, and the other gives the velocity. = SECT. III. The Body being acted on by a variable Force. 59. In this case, to make the problem more general, we may suppose that the density of the medium, or its power of producing resistance, is different in different places. On this supposition k will be variable. PROP. A body is acted on by a force P in the line of its motion, and by a resistance which is as the square of the velocity: to determine its motion. Lets be the body's distance from a given point towards which the force tends. In the descent towards the given point ƒ = − P + kv², vdv=-Pds+kr'ds, 182 1 or, vdv-kv³ds Pds......(1). - ds s Now d.v³e-f2kds = Qvdve-12k dı – Q kv²ds e-ƒ½kdı; hence, the first side of equation (1), multiplied by 2€ comes integrable. Multiplying and integrating, we have k v² € - S 2 k d s - 2/ Pdse-2ds+C, S s s v² = 2 e² kd ¹ƒ Pdse - 25 kds + Ce² kds -ƒ 2 kd s be- ..(2). If the integrals on the right hand side of equation (2) can be taken, the velocity is found. And this being known, the time may be found. as s. 2 Ex. Let the force be inversely as s², and the density inversely h Here k h being constant· ƒkds=hfds = h hyp. log. s S S €2ƒkds = s-2h; and the force being = 2 / +2 •*. v² = Cs²h SPdse -²/d¹ = S mds -2fkds And if v=0, when s= =α, C = 2m 2 2 m m (2 h + 1) s2 h +1 2 m (h + 1) s 2 m (2h+1) a² + 1; (2h+1) a D 2 E-3 ds For the time, dt = ; and putting for v its value, the possi- V bility of the integration will depend on the value of h. In the same manner, if the force vary as any power of the distance, the velocity may be found. If the density vary inversely as the square of the distance, and the force as any inverse power of it, the integration is possible. 183 If the density vary inversely as the cube of the distance, and the force as any inverse odd power, the integration is possible. And generally, if the density vary as any inverse power r, of the distance, the integration is possible, if the force vary as any inverse power of the distance, whose index is contained in the series, r, 2r-1, 3r-2, &c. CHAP. II. THE FREE CURVILINEAR MOTION OF A BODY IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 60. THE second law of motion, and the results deduced from it, are true when the body moves in a resisting medium, provided we comprehend the resistance among the forces which operate to change the motion. Hence, we may apply to this case also, the equations (c), Art. 12, (the motion being in the same plane,) viz. ď² x ďy = X, dť Y, d t² taking care to include in X, Y the resolved parts of the resistance in the directions of x, y. Let R be the resistance in the direction of the curve, and opposite to the body's motion. Then it is clear, that the resolved parts of this in the direction of x and y are dx R ds dy R ; ds where the negative sign is used, because when x and y are in- creasing, the resistance tends to diminish them. Adding these to 184 the other forces which act on the body, we have the whole values of X and Y, and may proceed to determine the motion nearly in the same manner as in the former book. If the motion of the body be not all in the same plane, we shall have, besides the two equations already mentioned, a third and 2 will involve a term dz ds d² z d t Ꭱ . arising from the resistance. و SECT. I. The Force acting in parallel Lines and constant. 2; 61. PROP. Let a body, acted on by a constant force, as gravity, (=g), be projected in a uniform medium, of which the resistance is as the velocity: it is required to find the curve*, fig. 67. Let x, measured from the point of projection A, be horizontal, y vertical, s the curve, t the time. our equations become ds In this case R=k. ; hence, dt d² x dt - k. 2 dx d²y dt' dť² 2 Integrating, 1 dy g- – k ..(1). dt dx hyp. log. dt - = C − kt; hyp. log. ( g + k) = C' — kt, and when t = 0, if a be the velocity of the body, and a the angle which its direction makes with the horizon, we have at that time. dx = a cos. a, dt dy = a sin. a. dt Hence, obtaining the values of C, C', and reducing, dx dy a cos, a ɛ αε € g+k. =(g+ka sin. a) e •.(2). dt dt Now integrate the first of these, and substitute in the second ; Principia, Book II, Prop. 4. 185 kt x a cos. а ε k a cos. a (1—€˜kt) ‚'. •. 1 — € kt k — kt=hyp. log. (1 k x a cos. a kx , + constant for x=0, when t=0; k x ki ; € = 1 - a cos. a a) ; :. dt a cos. a .. = dx - kr kx a cos. a Putting the values of dt and of e¯** in the second of equations (2), € dy g+k (a cos. a—kx). dx = (g+ka sin. a) ( a cos. a—k x kx); a cos. a dy dx 213 10% - g+ka sin. a ka cos. a 1 k´a cos. a- kx (3). Multiplying by dr and integrating, y being=0, when x=0, g g y = (tan. a+ ka cos. a) * - .hyp. log. a cos. a a cos. a―k x .(4), Ꮖ k² the equation to the path of the projectile. COR. 1. Expanding the logarithm, this becomes y=tan.a.x + gx gx kacos.a kacos.a gx² 2 1 g k x³ 3 2 2'a cos.*a 3 a³cos.³a + &c. 3 where, omitting the terms which destroy each other, the two first terms represent a parabola, the curve described in a vacuum ; and the remaining ones the alteration introduced by resistance. COR. 2. It is manifest, that r cannot become greater than a cos. ɑ for if it were so, a cos. a-kx would be negative, and k its logarithm impossible. Hence, if we take AB= a cos. a k a vertical line BD will be an asymptote to the descending branch. COR. 3. If we suppose the curve to be continued backwards beyond A, it will not have an asymptote to the branch AO, but Ал 186 it will perpetually approximate to a certain angle of inclination with To find this angle, make, in equation (3), x infinite the horizon. and negative: we have thus, g dy tan. a + dx ka cos. a for the ultimate position of the tangent at 0. COR. 4. If we draw AE parallel to this tangent, we have, since AB = a cos. a ; k dy BE = AB. a sin. a g + dx k k2 a sin. a Also BC AB. tan. a a= Hence, CE = g k a Also AC AB sec. a = k Hence, AC CE ka g: initial resistance: gravity. : COR. 5. To find when the body is highest, we must have dy = 0; hence, by (S), dx X = a² sin. a cos. a g+ka sin. a 62. PROP. Let a body, acted on by gravity, be projected in a uniform medium, in which the resistance is as the square of the velocity it is required to find the curve, fig. 68. The co-ordinates are measured from the point of projection A, as before. ds2 We have here Rk. 29 and our equations become dt * We shall have PQ CE hyp. log. AB MB' 187 dsdx d2x dt = k. 2 d t …….(1). ď² y d s d y dy - k g d t² d-t² The first gives d2 x dx 11 kds. d t d t d x = C.eks .. (2). dt C being a constant quantity, which is to be so taken that when J x s = 0, may be the velocity of projection in a horizontal di- d t rection. Hence, if a be the velocity, and a the angle of projection BAC, we have a cos, a = C; ks €** dx dx a cos, aɛ -ks, dt dt= a cos.a d t Let at any point dy = pdx, whence p will be the trigonometrical tangent of the angle TPN, which the curve at P, or its tangent PT, makes with the horizontal line PN. Hence, we have d² y = dpdx + pd²x, which values, substituted in the second of our equations (1), give d²x dp d x pds dr dt2 + P d t² 2 g-k. d t² and by the first, d2x pds dx P k d t² d t2 .. dpdx = - gdť².. gd ť........(S), and putting for d t its value already found, and omitting da, g eks d x dp a“. cos.“ a ...(4). 188 This equation expresses the nature of the curve. It may be made integrable, by multiplying it by the equation dx √(1+p²) = ds, which gives dp √(1+p³) geeks d s 2 a 2 cos. a .(5). Integrating this equation, we have p√(1+p²)+hyp. log. {p + √(1+p²)} = C — g€ 2ks ka² cos.² a sin. a When C is to be such, that when s=0, p=tan. a = cos. a ...(6). Hence, sin. a sin. a + 1 2 cos. a + hyp. log. = C C· cos. a g ka² cos." a 2ks € We may eliminate between equations (4) and (6), and thus obtain dr in terms of p and dp; and, by integrating, x in terms of p: we have also dy=pdx, and hence, y in terms of p. we have d t² = 2 dp d x g Finally, and for dx we may substitute its value, and thus by integrating, obtain t in p. If these integrations could be performed, and p eliminated, we should have a complete solution of the problem. COR. 1. If we make k0 in the value of dp V(1+p²), we have an equation which belongs to a projectile in a non-resisting medium; the original velocity and direction of projection being the same as in this problem. Let AP be the curve in a resisting, Ap in a non-resisting medium; and let these be taken, so that the tangents PT, pt are always parallel; therefore the values of p are the same in the two cases; APs, Ap=S. Then by (5), gds aks ds 2 a² cos.2 ɑ And a² cos.* in both, a t dp √(1+p²), making k=0; = dp V(1+p²). Hence, p being the same = 189 2ks 2 kd Se²**.2 kds; 2kS = supposing S and s to begin together. And hence, 2ks= hyp. log. (1+ 2 k S). 2ks € – 1, COR. 2. The quantity p will be positive, and a will increase, to a point which is found by making p=0. After that, p will be negative, and will become numerically greater and greater without limit, as the curve becomes more nearly vertical. COR. 3. The curve has a vertical asymptote BD, to the de- scending branch Pz. To prove this, eliminate es in (6) by means of (4), and we have pV(1+p²) + hyp. log. {p+ V(1+p²)} = C + Dividing by på, + 1) + hyp, log. {p+ (1+p²)} C p 2 dp k d x dp - + P kp¨dx Now, when p becomes very large and negative, all the terms on the first side become very small, except 1*. Hence, this must ultimately be equal to the term on the other side; and we have, taking the value of 1, because p decreases as a increases, - 1 1 = dp kp dx: and dx = dp k p² This, which is nearly true when p is very large, may be used in finding the value of x, in the interval between p≈ a large quantity, and pinfinity. And, as the value of r corresponding to the former quantity is not infinite, if the value in this interval be finite, the whole value of the abscissa will be finite, and the curve will have a vertical asymptote. Now by integrating, we have * Hyp. log. ✓(1+p²)-p is infinitely small compared with r when p is infinite; and a fortiori compared with p². 190 1 x = const. + ; kP the constant being known by giving p and x, known finite values. And when p becomes infinite and negative, we have x = constant, which is finite, and there is therefore a vertical asymptote. COR. 4. The curve has an oblique asymptote EH, to AO the ascending branch continued backwards. 1 Put, in the equation 2 ks = hyp. log. (1+2 k S), S = — 2 k and we shall have s infinite. Hence, if we take, in the parabola described in a non-resisting medium, an arc Ao= 1 2 k and draw a tangent oe, the curve AO becomes ultimately parallel to oe. To shew that there is an asymptote parallel to this line, we must prove that AH is always finite, H being the intersection of the tangent with the axis. y AH = -Ydx dx ydp - x; d. AH = yd. dy dy p² Also, if the ultimate value of p be called n, we shall have ulti- mately, the abscissa being -x, y = nx, s = − x √(1+n²); and by (4), 2 geeks dr a² € x a cos. a dp 2 will be finite, if the integral be finite for P =-Sydp H=- .. AH= the portion, when p becomes n, and when x and y become in- finite. That is, if S g x dx - 2 k x √ (1+n²) € 2 a² cos.² a.n be finite when x is infinite; which it will be seen to be by inte- grating. COR. 5. Hence, it appears that the ascending and descend- 191 ing branches are not similar. The body rises more obliquely, and descends more vertically than it would do in a vacuum*. SECT. II. Any Force acting in parallel Lines. 63. PROP. Let the force act parallel to the ordinate y, and be equal to P; to find the equations of motion †. We shall here have 2 d x d² x + 2 dy d2x dx d² y = R - d t² 2 ds' d t² 2 ď² Y # Hence, d t² 2 ds2 or, d. d t² Also, by (1), dy P - R ...... (1). ds 2 Pdy - 2 Rds; 2 Pdy-2 Rds..........(2). dx d²y - dy d² x d t² - Pdx; or, 2 dx² dy d. d t² d x - Pdx. We may in this suppose dr constant; and differentiating on this supposition, we have ď² y dy - P... d t² (3). * For the determination of other circumstances in the curve, and for me- thods of constructing the curve approximately, see Journal de l'Ec. Polyt. tom. IV, p. 204. This part of Mechanics has been called Ballistics. When the angle of elevation is small, we may modify our formulæ and obtain an approximation for that case. For the path of the projectile when the resistance varies as (velocity)", see John Bernoulli's works, tom. II, p. 293. This is the problem which Keil proposed to foreign Mathematicians as a challenge, and of which he was unable to produce a solution when Bernoulli called upon him to compare it with his own. + Principia, Book II. Prop. 10. This problem, which was erroneously solved in the first Edition of the Principia, gave rise to some of the most angry disputes in the controversy between the English and Foreign Mathe- maticians of that period. 192 d. Putting in (2) the value of dt from (3), we have Pds2 2 Pdy + 2 Rds.. .. .. .. . . · ·(4). ď y This is an equation to the curve, if the resistance be known, and conversely. COR. 1. If P be constant and=g, since d.ds² = 2 dyd²y, we have 2 gdy gd s² dy (d*y)² 2 gdy + 2 Rds; gd s ď³ y :. R = - ..(A). 2(d² y)² COR. 2. In this case, if R be as the square of the velocity, ds let R = Q Q. gd s ² 2 d t² 2 ď² y by (3); d³ y •. Q ·(B), 2 ds d² y which gives the density. Ex. 1. A body moves in a semi-circle, acted on by a constant force in parallel lines, the resistance varying as the density and square of the velocity; it is required to find the variation of the resistance and density, fig. 69. If we measure r from C the centre, and call the radius a, we̱. have y = √(a² — x²), x d x dy = d² y 2 2 Ꮖ √(a² 2 a² d x² x²) (a² - 2²), 3 a²x dx³ a d x ds= √(a² — x²) > 3 d³ y 5 (a² — x²) ž Hence, by (A), R = Q (d² y)² gd s d³ y 3g a³r 3 3x = , 2 at . g. o a 193 1 gd s² Also velocity ď y R Hence, density velocity g (a² — x²) * a 2 Зах 2 (a² — x²)³ Hence, the density =0 at B, when x=0; and is infinite at A. Between B and a the expression will be negative; and in order that the body may describe the arc a B, it must be propelled by the medium, which physically speaking, is absurd. Ex. 2. Let the body, acted on by a constant and parallel force, move in a parabola of any order; it is required to find the resistance and density. Let BN, fig. 69, be a tangent at the highest point; and let NP vary as any power of BN. Then if CM=x, MP=y, CB=b, we shall have y=b-cx"; and differentiating 1 dy=— nc x²-¹ dx, ds=dx √(1+n² c² x² n −²), d² y = — n(n − 1) c x²-² dx², d³y= − n (n − 1) (n − 2) c an-³ dr³. Then by (4), R = 3 n(n − 1) (n − 2) cx” − ³ √(1+n³c²x²n−²)g 2n² (n − 1)² c²x²n=2 (n − 2) √(1 + n² c²x²n-2) g 2n (n - 1) cx² + 1 If n be greater than 1, this value of R will manifestly become infinite, when x=0, and negative, when x is negative. Also if NP do not generally vary as some power of BN, yet if the curve be symmetrical with respect to a line BC, it is manifest that ultimately, when BN is small, NP may be considered as proportional to some power of it. Hence, any symmetrical curve will require an infinite resistance at the vertex B; and hence, conversely, the curve described in a medium, the density of which is every where finite, cannot be symmetrical with respect to its ascending and descending branches. Let us now take an example of a curve not symmetrical. Ex. 3. Let the curve OPQ, fig. 70, be an hyperbola of any order, of which one of the asymptotes CB is vertical; it is re- quired to find the resistance and density at any point *. Principia, Book II, Prop. 10. Ex. 3. B B f 194 [ Let AB = a, BC=b, AM=x, MP=y. And suppose NP 1 to be as CNn Also let MB=z, so that a z=X. b x bz MN = = b a α 1 1 NP which varies as varies as CNn MB" с Let NP zn - y = b-bz - C α Z" c dy = (-) dz, − i) a zn+ ds. = - dz√ {1 + d z = = = √ {~ Y ď y ช + ( − b nc a zn+ b z 1 )} ( = + 2 ) } . a n. (n + 1) c d z² N + 2 zn a(n+1)(n+9) cả Zn + 3 ช 78 Making these substitutions in the expression for the density, we have by (B) d³y Q = 2 ds d² y n(n + 1) (n + 2) z² + 2 2n (n + 1) zn+3 n + 2 b Z 2 b 2 √ { ²² + ( 01/2 NC a nc "V+C-21 √ { ²² + ( ²/z a zn Now this does not vanish for any value of z, except z=0. 195 Hence, if the density be every where finite, the curve will approach more nearly to this form than to the symmetrical curves before- mentioned. SECT. III. Central Forces. upon 64. PROP. A body moves in any resisting medium acted by any force tending to a centre; it is required to find the curve. described. Let, in fig. 71, SM=x, MP = y, be rectangular co-ordinates to the place P of the body. SP=r; and P the force, any function of r, and tending to the point S. Also let R be the resistance which acts in the direction of the curve, and depends upon the velocity, and on the density of the medium. And let s be the curve described. The resolved parts of the force P are P and P in directions force R be resolved, x T Pm parallel to MS, and PM. Also if the d x dy R and R ds d s the components in the same directions are hence, we have (the body moving in the direction AP), d2x dt 2 Rdx dy P x ds d t² - 2 P. Py 2 x d x + y dy Rdy ds (1); Ꭱ − 2 R. dx² + dy² ds r 2 d x d x + 2 d y dy dt2 2 or since dx²+dy² = ds², 2dxdx+2dyd² y=d.ds², ở tỷ ở, các+yd!=rdr, =r ds2 d. di 2 P dr - 2 Rds. .(2). dt2 Again, the original equations give us y d² x - xd³ y y d x - x d y R. dť ds 196 4 But if we call ASP=v, we have y dx − x dy = r²dv, yd² x − xd²y=d. r²d v; d.r² dv d t² r2 dv - Ꭱ . .......(3). ds ds R is a function of the velocity, and of r, if the density vary d t ds Hence, putting for R its value, we may eliminate be- dt with r. tween the equations (2), (3), and obtain an equation in r and v, which by integration will give the curve. 65. PROP. Under the same circumstances, it is required to find the relation between the radius vector (r), and the perpendicular upon the tangent (p), r'dv=pds, and equation (3) gives d.pds= Rpdť², or pd²s+dp ds = — Rpdť². And equation (2) gives dsds Pdrdt2 - Rdsdt. Eliminating R, we have 2 2 ds² Ppdr ds²dp= Ppdrdt; dt³ dp (C). Let q be one-fourth the chord of curvature through S: then pdr 2q, dp d s² 2 = 2Pq*. dte * Hence, the velocity in the curve is equal to that acquired by falling down one-fourth the chord of curvature by the action of the constant force P; the same property which obtains in a vacuum. 197 And substituting in equation (2) of last Article, d. Pq = - Pdr Rds; d. Pq+Pdr .. R = ds ·(D). When the relation between p and r is given, this formula enables us to find the resistance, and conversely. COR. 1. If R = Q dse dt² 2 =Q.2Pq; we shall have Q = d. Pq+Pdr, ·(E). 2 Pq ds Ex. 1. To find the resistance in the circle, the centre of force being in the circumference, and the force as any power of the distance. The body moving towards the centre. dp Ρ = Here m p = a P = доть 2 dr ; q = 12 m Pq= pdr 2 dp = dr ds S = 4 4p-1; dPq+Pdr = .. by (D), R = m (5—n) 4 pr O being the angle which √6-2 m (n-1) dr 4 pn m (n − 5) 4pn V(-5) a 2 ; a mdr + n m (5—n) sin. ◊ = 4pn makes with a line through the centre. ds² m ds2 Also = 2Pq = ; .'. if R=Q Q dt2 n 2 r dt² (5-n) sin. O 2 r Principia, Book II, Prop. 17, 18. 198 Ex. 2. To find the resistance in the logarithmic spiral; the force as any power. Here, p = ar; ds² 事 pdr 2 dp = = 2 Pq = Pr; dt d. Pr+Pdr dr .. R=- :. ; or since ds = ds √(1 - a²)' 2 α the negative sign indicating that the body is moving towards the centre; d. Pr R = 2 dr + P) . V (1 − a²³). m m And if P- Pr= -->> доде R={- n — 1 m + R = { - " == ¹ . == + =} √(1−a®)= m (3 - n) m √(1 − a²); - 2 2 zin R = (3 — n) 2 m √(1 − a²), = and, if R = Q. velocity Q. Pr = Q = (3 — n) √(1 — a²) 2 r Qm Jin - 19 Hence, the density is inversely as the distance from the centre *. If n>3, R and Q will become negative, and it will no longer be possible for a body to move in this spiral towards the centre; but if the motion be from the centre, we shall find in the same manner Q = (n − 3) √(1 − a²) 2 r * Principia, Book II, Prop. 15, 16. 199 From the expression for R, it appears that (fig. 72,) 3 - n R: force to centre :: Py: Sy. 2 If n=2, this gives R: force to centre :: Py: 2 Sy. Hence, when the force varies inversely as the square of the dis- tance, and the density inversely as the distance, the resistance being small, a body may, as in fig. 72, approach the centre in a logarithmic spiral not much differing from a circle. This motion requires a particular relation of the velocity and direction. If the velocity be not that which the direction requires, the path described will no longer be a logarithmic spiral. But if the resistance be small, the curve will still be a spiral, approaching the centre in successive oblong revolutions, as in fig. 73. And if the density, instead of being inversely as the distance, follow any other law, the orbit will still be of a similar form. We shall in a future Article consider the effect of resistance in altering an elliptical orbit. 66. PROP. The resistance varying as the square of the ve- locity and the density and the force being given; it is required to find the polar equation to the trajectory. Taking the equations of Art. 64. ds² d. 2 Pdr-2 Rds·· (2), d t d. r² dv d t² r² dv R • (3). ds ds² Let R=Q; dt being constant, (3) becomes 2 d t .. d.r² dv = Qds. rdv; integrating, dv=hdte /Qds (F), h being a constant quantity. ds hdse jods ds² ; dt r² dv dt h²ds²-21Qds p4 dv² う 200 ! ds2 d. 2 Qds. dt² 2 r² dv² h² ds²e-esQ as d And by (2), ds² + h² €¬?! Qds sods.d. r*do² ds 2 h² ds² e- 2 - 2 S Q d s d. 2 Pdr - 2 Qds. dt2 4 r² dv² ds² ds2 putting for R, Q and for its value. dt2 2 J dt² 2 Hence, equating, ds² 2 h² €-es Qds d d. =-2 Pdr, r4 dv² ds2 2 PdreQds d. + = 0. + r* dv² h² dr But if we make = u; whence 2 — du, T d s2 dr² + r² dv² du² r¹ dv² p4 d v² 2 dv2 + u³ ; and substituting, differentiating, and reducing, ď² u + u dv² Pe²SQds h² u² 2 = 0........ (G). This differs from the equation (d), Art. 18. for motion in a vacuum, only in having the last term multiplied by €²Qds If Q be small, the equation (G) will enable us to approximate to the effect of resistance in altering the orbit, as will appear the following Article. in 67. PROP. A body acted upon by a central force, varying inversely as the square of the distance, moves in a medium of small density (Q); to find what alteration will be produced in the eccen- tricity, and in the place of the major axis. 2 -ƒ By (F), r² dv=hdte Qds; or, if h' be the area in time 1 at the end of time t, "dv = h'dt, h′ = he¯ h' so as (1). 201 Also by (G), since P=mu², ME 2 f Q d s ďu do 2 + u h² ďu m or + u = 0. dv² h'2 =0... .(2); If h' were constant, we should find the integral as in Book I, Chap. III, Prob. 2, and it would be u = C cos. v + C' sin. v + m h'² (3); but since h' varies a little, u will differ a little from this form. We may suppose u to be still expressed by the preceding formula, C and C' being now taken variable, and determined so as to satisfy equation (2). Differentiating (3), we have du C sin. v+C' cos. v + cos. v d v d C dv d C' m + sin. v + d. d v h's dv But since we have yet only one condition to determine C, C', may assume another: let therefore we d C dc' m cos. v + sin. v +d. dv dv h' = 0... .(4). dv Hence, will be reduced to its two first terms; and differ- du d v entiating again, ď u dv² - Сс C cos. v- C' sin. v substituting in (2), it becomes dC sin. v dv dC' + cos. v dvi dC d C' sin. v + cos. v =0.. • (5). dv d C C c : 202 Hence, by (4) and (5), we have m d C - cos. v. d. v.d. Since by (1) and if Q and m 12 equal to unity; d 2 Mc²S Q d s Ε d h2 m h' , dC - sin. v.d. = M Q Qd se² Qd s h m Qds be small, so that e2ds may be considered m 'm • 2 Qds. h' 2 Hence, we have d C m h² 2 Q cos. v.ds, d C'=- Now, if in equation (3), C, C', to the beginning of a revolution, C'e sin. a, and we shall have じ m h² .2 Q sin. v. ds.... (6). and h be supposed to belong we may make C = c cos. a, m m ch² U u = h² +c cos. (v - α) = {1+ h² cos. (v~a)}, m which agrees with the equation to an ellipse. a 2 = {1 + e cos (v− a)}, if b2 m α ch² and hⓇ 62 29 e. m And we shall find the variation of a and of e in the course of a revolution in the following manner. Make C=cos. a', C'c' sin. a', supposing c', a', variable; and we have cos. a'd C' sin. ad C c'dá', sin. ad C+ cos. a'dC = dc. Hence, putting for dC, dC′ the values from (6), M ¿'da' 2Q sin. (va) ds h2 m (7). dc' 2Q cos. (v – a').d's h 203 For a first approximation we may suppose the expression for r and for ds to be the same as in an ellipse; and Q being any function of the distance, it will easily be seen, that, supposing e small, and neglecting powers of it, we have Qds = {A+eB cos. (v-a')} dv, A, B being constant quantities. Hence, by (7), c'da': dc m h² m h2 {2A sin. (v -- a')+eB sin. 2 (v – a')} dv {2A cos. (v-a')+eB [1+cos. 2(v-a')]} dv •(8). In order to find the effect in a whole revolution we must inte- grate these expressions through 2π. And the values when v = B let them when v=2+ß be a+Da, c+ac, m being a, c, e, 29 h² M m Δ e+ Ae, 72 + A2, then we shall have from the first of equations h2 h2 (8) making cand a constant in the integration on the right hand side, Hence, Aα=0, and the after a whole revolution. c' ▲ a = 0. A position of the major axis is not altered From the second of equations (8), making a constant in the integration, m Δε 2пе В. h me m▲ e M But since c = we have Ac = h², h² +e, neglecting } powers of Ae, &c.; m ከ m also, h'2 h h 2 f Q d s 2 m h ƒ {A÷cВ cos. (v—a')} dv. 204 Hence, the integral being taken through 27, we have Δ 'm h² 2 m • 2 пA; h2 m 2 m m Aete 2TA= h² 2 h2 h² 2 2 пе B, 2Tе Ae= 2πе (2A+B). Hence, it appears that by the effect of the resistance of a medium of small density the eccentricity diminishes perpetually, while the major axis contains the same position, see fig. 73. Also, if we consider the remaining terms in Qds, which will be of the form, E cos. 2 (va), F cos. 3 (va), &c. the ex- pressions in (8) arising from these, will, when integrated through 2π, become=0; hence, the truth of our result does not depend on supposing e small. CHAP. III. THE CONSTRAINED MOTION OF A POINT ON A GIVEN CURVE IN A RESISTING MEDIUM. 68. THIS case might be treated in the same manner as those in the last Chapter, by considering in addition to other forces, the re-action of the curve in the direction of its normal, and resolving this in the direction of the co-ordinates. It will, however, generally be more simple to consider only the forces along the curve. It has already been seen, that the alteration of velocity in the curve is entirely due to the resolved parts of the forces in the direction of the curve; and the same is true in a resisting medium, if we con- 205 sider the resistance, which is wholly in the same direction. Hence, we may apply the formulæ for rectilinear motion to the motion along the curve, as will be seen in the following examples. PROB. I. A body moves on an inverted cycloid, with a vertical axis, in a medium, the resistance of which is as the velocity; to determine the motion, fig. 74. Let s be the arc AP from the lowest point A. of gravity in the direction of the curve is as AP; force at P = gs 1 , g being gravity; call this fs. Then the force and if AC=l, Also, v being the velocity, let the resistance be 2kv, when 2k is used rather than k, to avoid fractions, as will be seen. Then, by the formulæ, dv force.dt, we shall have, when the body descends, d v =(fs — 2k v) dt; and the same expression is true for the ascent for s becomes negative, and the term which arises from gravity changes its sign as the force changes its direction. Now we have v = decreases as t increases. ds dt ; for s Hence, making dt constant, we have d's dt (fs + 2k15) ds dt; dt d² s ds + 2k. +fs = 0. dt" dt We shall obtain a particular integral of this by making se being constant ; m= ... m² + 2km + f = 0, k± √(− 1). √(ƒ− k³); or if ƒ — k² = hˆ, m = − k ±h V (− 1). Hence, particular integrals are — [k − h √( − 1 )] t ~[h+h √(−1)] † S=E $ = € S ; m t ', m 206 and the complete integral s=C¸€¯[k—h√/(−1)]† +C₂€¯[k+h√(−1)] t = € kt E - k t ht√(-1) {C₁e ht√(− 1)} + C₂€˜ht √(− 1) z {C₁[cos.ht+(-1).sin. ht]+C₂[cos. ht — √(−1)sin. ht]}. པ་ And if C₁+C₂ = C, (C₁ — C₂) √( − 1) = C', - kt S = € (C cos. ht+C' sin. ht). C and C' must be determined by considering, that at the beginning of the motion, when we shall suppose t=0, we have s = a ds dt the arc AD; and the velocity = 0. k t Now =Є ds dt Hence, when t=0, {(C'h- Ck) cos. ht - (Ch+C'k) sin. ht}. a = C, · J 0 = C'h-Ck; .. C' = = £ '.' kt kC h ka = h (h cos. ht+k sin. ht), ає h ds dt a (h² + k²) h kt af kt € sin. ht = sin. ht. h If the body descend, and then ascend till its whole velocity is destroyed, it will have performed one oscillation. This will be when ds dt = 0, or sin. ht = 0, which will first be the case when Hence, if T be the time of an oscillation ht=π. π π π T= h √(ƒ − k²) g k³) 207 This is independent of a, and hence the oscillations occupy the same time whatever be the length of the arc. The cycloid, which is the tautochronous curve in vacuo, also possesses that property in a medium whose resistance is proportional to the velocity*. COR. 1. To find where the velocity is the greatest. This will be the case when the accelerating force is 0; that is, when fs+2k. ds dt = 0. Or, f(h cos. ht+k sin. ht) - 2 kf sin. ht=0; h .. tan. ht = k COR. 2. To find the decrement of the arc, that is, the difference of the arcs of descent and ascent. At the extremity of the arc of ds ascent we shall have dt •.ht. = 0, and .. ht=π. If we suppose the arc of ascent to be numerically represented by b, we shall have, putting П b for s, aud for t, h b = a ε κπ h ; К п h }, .. (a−b) = a {1- € and if k be small, neglecting its powers μπ a − b = a h Tha ggo k2 √ (§ - k²) COR. 3. The body, after reaching the extremity of the arc of ascent, will again descend and ascend on the first side. Let the arc through which it ascends be a₁; we have then μπ 2κπ h h a₁ = bε be = α € Principia, Book II. Prop. 26. 1 208 If the body make 2 (n + 1) oscillations, and return to distance an on the first side, we shall have 2 k π 4k π T 2 nk w h h h anan - 1 = An-2 € =αЄ ає k Hence, if a and an be observed, we may find h ་ག་ and thence k. PROB. II. A body moves in a cycloid as before, the resistance being as the square of the velocity; to determine the motion*. g's Let the force of gravity in the curve = =fs; resistance kv²; and in descent, by the formulæ vdv v dv - -f's kv²) ds, which is also true in the ascent as in last Problem. 2 · Let v² = 2%; . vdv = dz; V - dz = − (fs — 2kz) ds; force. ds, 2ks dz-z.2kds = fsds. Multiply by e-2**; .. dze 2ks Integrating both sides ΖΕ 2 ks - k s -ze 2ks.2k ds = - fe²*³ sds. € 2 k s s d s = C-ƒƒ ƒs €¯îks - 2 k fse 2 k s + £ aff 2k € 2 ks =C+ =C+ 2k z=Cc2ks + 4k2 $ (Qk s + 1). 4k² - 2 ks d s 'ds $ Now at the beginning of the motion, let sa, and v=0, and z=0; ..0 = Ce²ka + 2 f (2ka + 1); 4k2 Principia, Book II. Prop. 29. 209 f 4/ .. C = fe a ka 4/2 {2ka+1}, — - {2ks+1 − (2 ka+ 1) €− 2 k (e − ³) } . Let the body perform a whole numerical value of the arc of ascent. and O for v, and therefore for z; 0 = 2 kb + 1 G kb e oscillation, and let b be the Therefore putting -b for s, (ka + 1) e — Ik (a + b) Ωκα whence (1−2kb) e² *¹ = (1+2 ka) e˜ºka ; from which may be found from a. COR. 1. To find the decrement of the arc of ascent. The equation last found may be put in this form, 1-2 kb 1+2 ka =-2k (a+b); and expanding, € 1 - 2 ka + 4k² a² — 8 k³ a³ + &c. -2kb+4k²ab-8k³ a²b+ &c.) 8 k³ a b + &c.} 1- 2k (a + b) + = 4k² (a+b)² 8k³ (a+b)3 1.2 1.2.3 + &c. which gives, omitting the identical terms, and dividing by 4k, a (a + b) — 2k a² (a+b)+&c. = (a + b) 2 2k (a+b)s 1.2 1.2.3 Dividing by (a+b), &c. we have, omitting k², &c. + &c. 2 k b=a (5 a²-2ab-b²). 3 Hence, the decrement of the arc = (5a2ab - b³); or, 3 4 kaⓇ (since ba nearly,) > 3 nearly. COR. 2. To find where the velocity is the greatest. dv d z We must have O, and therefore = 0; ds ds I k − k (ka + 1 ) € ~ ? k (a− s) 2k .. = 0; 2 k (a~s) € =1+2ka, 2ka - 2ks=hyp, log. (1+2ka). D D 210 If we expand, and neglect powers of k, we shall find s=ka². PROB. III. A body oscillates in a circle, the resistance being as the square of the velocity; to find the velocity at any point. If, in fig. 75, the radius CP=1, arc AP=s, ACP=0, we shall have the force of gravity along the curveg sin. 0, and the resistance = k. ds² dt2 = force in direction of the curve, we have Hence, since d² s d tº d's d t² d s² 2 − g sin. 0 + k d to Or because s=10, d Ꮎ d02 i g sin. 0+kl. dt² d t² Which is true both for ascent and descent. This may be thus integrated. Multiply by 2d0 and integrate, and we have d02 2 g cos. 0 + 2 kl d t² 2 if od 02 de do. dt² S d 02 Let fa do=x; d t² dᎾ dz d ť d Ꮎ - d z 2 g cos. 0 Ꮎ + 2klz. d Ꮎ l Which is a linear equation of the first order, and may be in- tegrated. Transpose, and multiply by d0e-2k10, and we have dze-2k10-ze — 2 klo 2 kl do Ꮎ = 2g 7 -2k 10 cos. 0.de. Where both sides are integrable. Therefore 2g ≈ 6 − 2k10 = 25 Se2k 10 cos. 0d0+C. 211 .. Se Now feme cos.0d0 = - € тө cos. A m 1 m (1+ (1 + - ) Se− mo M kl € {- mu Ꮎ € COS. m m0 sin. 0 m Od = Se-me cos. O do :. Sε-2k10 cos. O d0 = And hence our equation becomes ર € 2k 10 € 1+47 2g sin. 0-2kicos. O L 1+ 4k² (= d z 2g cos. 0 + 2k l sin. O 1+4kc Hence, d Ꮎ m And hence, the angular velocity is known. os.✔ + тв 1 m. m Se-mo.sin.Ode ƒ€¬mo cos.0d0} {sin. 0 — m cos. 0 }; {sin. 0-2 kl cos. }. + Cε 2 klo + Qkl C € 2 kl 0 __ dee dt2 If a be the value of 0 at the beginning of the motion, we have de d t 11 2g cos. a +2 k l sin. a 1+ 4k 2222 + 2kl C € 2 k la =0; 2g (cos.0+2 klsin.0-(cos. a+2 klsin. a) -2 kl (a—0) l 2 1+ 4k² ² COR. 1. If we make 2k1=tan. ß, we shall have do² 2 g cos. B d t² - • {cos. (0-ẞ) - cos. (a− ß) €—(a—0) tau. ß}. k. 2gl Here tan. B g resistance to velocity acquired down / gravity П COR. 2. If we make a kla + ẞ, this becomes d 0° 2 g cos. B d t² cos. (0 — ß). Hence, we have this curious property. If in fig. 76, we take AT horizontal, such that AC: AT:: gravity: resistance to velocity acquired down AC, and make DE a quadrant, the body, setting off from D, will move as if it were acted on only by a uniform force g cos. ẞ in a direction parallel to AT. 212 In this case, the angular velocity is greatest at E, when 0=6, and vanishes again when Gog β π ™, or 0 = − ( − ß). The whole arc described DA d is a semi-circle, and the decrement of the arc of ascent is 2ß. COR. 3. Generally, to find when the angular velocity is great- de dr² est; the expression for must be a maximum. Therefore — sin. (0 — ß) — cos. (a — ß) tan. ẞe~(a−0) tan. ß=0. - And if the resistance, and therefore tan. ß, be very small, sin. (0 — ß) = cos. (a – ẞ) tan. ß. Or, putting 0 - ẞ, and ß, for sin. (0 – ẞ), and tan. ß, 0 =ẞ {1 - cos. (a — ß)} = 2ß. sin.' a = 2ß. sin.2 nearly. α 2 -ß PROB. IV. To find the time of oscillation in a cycloidal arc, in a medium, the resistance of which is as the square of the velocity. We have, (see Prob. II,) 2k2 {2ks+1−(2k a+ 1) e − 2 k (a − s) } . v²=2x= v² = 2 z Put n for 2k, and y for a―s, whence, s s = a -y, y, and z? ef {1 + n s − (1 + na) ɛ−ny}. Expanding the exponential, we have of 22 n" 心 2 (Qay — y²) (3uy-y³) n 1.2.3 + 2 124 n (4ay' —y') - &c.} N = ƒ {2ay — y³. — "/ (3 ay³ — y³) + (4 a y³ — y¹) - &c.} 3 - 2 3.4 = ƒ {A - Bn+C &c.} suppose; 213 * 1 ย B { A − Bn + Cu² − &c.} −} VC + " + "² ( . . - 1) + &c.} +n. ds And dt = v 2A4 = 1.3. B2 C 2.4.A 2 dy ; whence, t will be found by integrating V each term of the above series multiplied by dy. To find the time of descending to the lowest point, (down DA, fig. 74), we must take the integrals from y=0, to y=a. Now Say =S A dy √(2ay — y²) π And to the lowest point = 7. (3 2 =arc (v ver. sin. sin. = 24). Also ƒ Bdy = f (Say³-y³)dy 2 A3 6(2ay-y3) a and to the lowest point ==. Again, ƒ (1.3 B² S 5 12.4.1 / / =S A 4 6 C QA a² y* dy 5 24(2 ay — y²) — + and, to the lowest point: a² 24 = arc a 24 dy 2 y² a 6 (2 ay — y³)½ › 3 B²-4AC =√s B² 3 8AŽ a² Q y³ — 3 a y² 18 (2ay-y) sin. = 2), (ver er. sin. π a² 18 Hence, omitting terms involving, &c., we have time down DA げに na n² a² • dy J + + ( - )}· 6 24 The expression for the time up AD would be the same, except that the resistance acts in the opposite direction, and consequently it will be had by making negative. Hence, if AE be b, we shall have 214 π n b n² b² time up AE AE = π + fl2 6 24 2 1)} And the time of an oscillation through DAE 1 n (a - b) n² (a³ + b²) π Vf π + + 6 24 And it has already been seen that 4ka2 2na b = a = a 3 3 hence, the time of an oscillation = 1 Vf π Vf { π + {1+ 2 n² a² na + 9 2 a n² 2 2 n² a 12 (-3)} √f {1 + Ka² } . π = 24 Vf 6 The quantity ƒ is, I being the length of the pendulum; and π is the time of an oscillation in a vacuum. Hence it appears, that when the arc described (a) is small, the time of oscillation is the same as in a vacuum very nearly. COR. 1. The arcs described become smaller and smaller, in consequence of the resistance, and the times of the smaller oscil- lations are somewhat shorter. The excess of the time in the medium above that in the va- cuum, is as the square of the arc described *. COR. 2. The same things are true for small circular oscil- lations +. * Hence, Cor. 2, to Prop. 27, Book II, of the Principia, is erroneous. It is there asserted, that the excesses of the times above those in a vacuum, are as the arcs themselves. For the direct proof of this Proposition in the case of circular arcs, see Poisson, Traité de Mec. Art. 273. 215 PROB. V. A body oscillates in a cycloidal arc: the resistance being small, and varying as any power of the velocity; it is re- quired to find the decrement of the arc of ascent. It will be shewn, that if the resistance vary as the th power of the velocity, the decremental arc will be as the nth power of the arc of descent * Let resistance=kv"; the other denominations as before; …. vdo 02 2 07 (fs-kv") ds, · = ƒ (a² — s²) + k ƒ v² ds. And v² = 2ƒ (a² — s²) nearly, since k is small; · · ƒ v²ds = (2ƒ)ễ ƒ (a² — s²)¶ds, nearly. n 2.2 = (eƒ}ƒ {a" — "a"-'s² + (2f = (2ƒ)* {a*s= 2 an na"-283 + 2.3 n(n-2) 2.4 an-484- s¹ - &c. }ds &c.}ds • − &c. } + C; n (n-2) a"-455 2.4.5 nan-283 .. v° = 2ƒ (a²—s") + 2k (2ƒ')* {a"s — """" +&c.} +&c.} + C. 2.3 Now v=0, when s=a. And when v becomes O again, suppose · s = −a+d, and neglecting powers of 8, and products kd, we have d 0 = 2ƒ. 2ad + 4k (2 ƒ)* .. 8 = 2ka" (2ƒ)*~' { 1. — And hence, is as a”. {- a²+1 n na" +1 + - &c.}; 2.3 23+ (-3)-&c.}. 2.4.5 COR. If & be known, k may be found †. Principia, Book II, Prop. 31. Cor. † Ibid. Prop. 30. Cor. CHAP. IV. INVERSE PROBLEMS RESPECTING THE MOTION OF POINTS ON CURVES IN RESISTING MEDIA. 69. HERE, as in the corresponding Chapter in the first Book, the curve is to be determined from some property of it which is given. Most of the problems, however, which occur, present considerable difficulties, and lead to very complicated calculations. We shall therefore take only one of the most remarkable and celebrated of the questions of this kind. The solution is nearly that given by Laplace, Mecanique Celeste, Prem. Par. Liv. 1, No. 12. PROP. To find the tautochronous curve in a medium, of which the resistance varies partly as the velocity, and partly as the square of the velocity; the body being acted on by gravity. In fig. 74, let the vertical abscissa from the lowest point. AM=x, AP=s; the velocity=v, and the resistance = 2 hv + kvª. The resolved part of gravity in the curve will be g. making dt constant, for the descent dr ds and hence, d² s d t² dx = g.as + (2 h v + k v²); ds or since v dt ď's di d x + S⋅ d s +ch. ds ds? k 0........ (1). dt d t² 217 Similarly, in ascent, d² s dt dx + g ds +2h + k dt ds ds ...(2), dt2 s being positive. 1 To integrate equation (1). Let s = - hyp. log. (1-z) ; k ds = 1 dz dt k 1 - 2 dt d² s 1 dz2 1 1 d² z = dť² k (1 − z)² ' dť Substituting these values, we have + T dt² 1 1 d² z π ī — z dť² + gk (1-2) dx 2 h + 1 dz = 0; dz k l-z dt d² z .. dt2 dz dt dx +2h + k²g (1 − z)². · = 0.... .... (3). dz Now, suppose the last term of this equation to be expanded in a series of powers of z. It will not involve any power of z below for at A, where s = 0, and therefore z = 0, we must have x∞ ·´`· 2 × s², and .. x œ z²; dx xz. dz · Let therefore dx k² g (1 − z). = Az+Bzẞ+&c. where ß> 1….. ·(4); dz d² z dz .. d t² +2h + A z + Bzß +&c.=0. dt Let T be the time of descending to the lowest point, and put Then our equation becomes T-t=t'. d² z dť½ 2 h dz dť + A% + B÷B + &c. = 0.. ·(5). E E 218 If we omit the terms after Az, we can integrate this equation, and find a factor which will make the first part of the expression immediately integrable. This factor is € -t' (h— y √ − 1) for if we differentiate, we find €˜t' (h—y √ − 1) (dz where y= √(A — h²), dt (h+y V−1)z}, € 6-t' (h− y √ − 1) { d°z dz 2 h 2 dť dť {+ (1² + y²) z} dt. t' e Hence, multiplying equation (5), by "(h~~~−1), and integrating, we have - € − t (h− y √ − 1) (dz {πť ~ (h+y v-1) Idť + Bƒ z³ dť' €˜ť'(h−y√ − 1) € zB t' = } +&c. + C = 0. Putting for "-1 its value cos. t'y + V(−1). sin. t'y, and taking the impossible parts, we find e-th dz {(37) — hz) sin. t'y — yz cos. dt' - t'y} + C = - Bƒz³dt sin. t'ye¯th+&c. But when t=0, t=T', s=0; .'. z=0; and .. C'=0, the integral on the right-hand side being taken from t=0. Also when t'=T, d s = 0, 0, and d z = 0. dť d t Let at that point z=2; and we have €--Th{h {h sin. yT+y cos. yT} 2 = Bfz³dt' sin. yte the integral being taken from t'=0, to t' = T. - ht' +&c. Now, when the oscillation is indefinitely small, and therefore 219 z indefinitely small, the second side vanishes (for ẞ> 1). Hence, we have in this case, h sin. y T÷y cos. y T=0, tan. y T= Y · · (6). h But the time T is, by the supposition of tautochronism, inde- pendent of the arc, and we must therefore have the same equation for it, when z is not indefinitely small. Hence, we must have β 0 = Bƒ½³ dt' sin. y t'eht' + &c. between the limits t'=0, and t = T. But this cannot be the case except B=0. For the factor sin. yt'e-ht' is always positive between the limits; and when z is small, the first term may repre- sent the whole expression. Hence, the integral cannot be = 0; and therefore we must have B=0. Hence, we have from (4), k² g (1 − z)² dx dz = = A z A z ; or, since COR. 1. we have d z →ks € and (1 − z)² = ke**.ds, dx k g €¯k s -ks e = A (1 € (−ks), ds kg d x = Ads (e*s — 1). If we expand e**, divide by k, and then make k=0, If we expand e gdx A sds, which is the expression for the tautochron in a non-resisting me- dium. COR. 2. The expression for T in (6), coefficient of the square of the velocity. does not involve k, the Also, if the resistance involved terms mv³+nvª +&c. this expression would be the same. 220 COR. 3. For the arc of ascent we may proceed in the same manner, making 1 S= hyp. log. (1 + z); and we shall have kgdx = Ads (1 — €¯*³). For the brachystochron in a resisting medium, see Woodhouse's Isoperimetrical Problems, p. 141. BOOK III. THE MOTION OF A RIGID BODY OR SYSTEM. 70. THE Conclusions of the preceding part of the Work are true of the motion of a point: some of them are also true of a body of finite magnitude, if we suppose it, during its motion, always to retain the same position, so that any line drawn in the body may continue parallel to itself. But they are no longer necessarily true if the body have any rotatory or angular motion; that is, a motion such that a line drawn in the body, and retaining its position in it, revolves successively into different directions. principles and new formulæ are to be applied. In these cases new CHAP. I. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. 71. WHEN a solid body has any rotatory motion, its parts act upon one another, and thus modify the effects of the other forces by which they are acted on. Every body, under such circumstances, may be considered as a machine; and by means of its rigidity or other properties, the forces which are applied to one part pro- pagate their effect to another. So that each particle both presses with its own force, and serves to form levers and rods by which 229 the pressures of other particles are communicated. The laws according to which this connexion of different particles modifies the effect of the forces which move them, are to be the subject of our consideration in the present division of the Work. When a body revolves continually about the same fixed line, this is called a permanent axis. This axis may be merely a mathematical or imaginary line: the points where it meets the surface of the body are called poles. A body, while revolving, may change its axis of rotation, so as to revolve first about one line, and then about another. And we may suppose, that this change of the axis to be perpetually and gradually taking place; so that the body revolves about the same. axis only for an indivisible instant, and the next moment proceeds to revolve about an axis immediately contiguous to the former, and so on continually; the poles of the axis moving perpetually upon the surface of the body. In this case, the axis at any instant is called the momentary axis. A motion of translation is distinguished from a motion of rota- tion by the latter, the body merely changes its position about some point; in it (as for instance, its centre of gravity;) by the former, this point changes its place, and is transferred to some new point of space. By combining a motion of translation with a rotation round a variable axis, we may produce any motion whatever; conversely, the motion of a body in any manner whatever, may, at any instant, be resolved into a motion of translation of the centre of gravity, and a motion of rotation about an axis passing through that point*. * This may be thus proved. If the centre of gravity be in motion, let an equal velocity be communicated to the body in the opposite direction, so that that centre may be at rest. Then let the centre of gravity of the body be made the centre of a sphere, fig. 77, and let the points of the body be referred to the sphere's surface by lines drawn through them from the centre. Let P be one of these referred points, and in an indefinitely small time let P move to p. Draw a great circle PQ perpendicular to Pp, and in this small time 223 72. The principles upon which our reasonings must depend are the laws of motion, which have been already applied to points. The most important principles which will be requisite in applying them to the cases in question, are the two following. Principle I. Instead of the forces which act upon any body in motion, we may substitute those which are equivalent to them according to the principles of Statics. Thus a force P (Pp, fig. 78.) acting at a certain distance (CP) to turn a body round an axis (C), exerts the same effort as a force 2P (P'p') acting similarly at half the radius (CP'). Thus any force which acts to turn a body round an axis, acts effectively upon all the particles; the body itself transmitting the action after the manner, and according to the laws, of a lever. Principle II. If the particles of a system when unconnected, would move so as always to have the same relative situation, we may suppose them to be connected, and their motions will remain unaltered. Thus if the particles P and Q, fig. 78, which are moveable separately in the same plane about the centre C, be acted upon by such forces that their angular velocities round C would always be equal, we may suppose P, Q connected by a rigid rod PQ, and they will move in the same manner as before. For the bodies have no tendency to increase or diminish their distance from each other, and therefore exert no force in PQ, and cannot disturb each other's motions by means of the rod PQ. This principle is an extension of the one in Statics, that when a system is in equilibrium any two of its particles may be supposed to be connected. time suppose an arc PQ to come into the position pq; therefore pq=PQ, and Qq must be perpendicular to PQ. Let the arcs QP, qp produced meet in O; then O will have been at rest during this small time. And if we draw a line from the centre of gravity to O, all the points of the body in this line will have been at rest, and therefore the body during this instant has been revolving round this line as an axis, (Euler, Theor. Corp. Sol. Cap. II. Th. 9.) 224 These principles may be applied immediately to the motions of any bodies. We may also deduce from them a general theorem, equivalent to what is called D'Alembert's Principle, and reduce our mechanical conditions into equations by means of it. The forces which really act upon a system are called the im- pressed forces. The forces which must act upon each of the points of the system, (supposing them unconnected,) in order to produce the effect which really takes place, are called the effective forces. 73. PROP. If any forces whatever act upon any points of a body or system, the impressed forces, and the effective forces on all the points of the system, would produce an equilibrium by acting on the same system at rest; (according to its statical properties;) the latter forces being supposed to act in a direction opposite to that in which the forces are impressed. Let accelerating forces P, Q, R, &c. act upon a system; and let p, q, r, &c. be the masses of the particles on which they respectively act; also let m, m', m", &c. be the other particles of the system. Let the effect produced in an indefinitely small time be that which arises from compounding velocities a, ß, y, w, w', w', &c. with the original velocities of the points p, q, r, m, m', m", &c. And let P', Q', R', M, M', M", &c. be the accelerating forces which would produce this effect. Then Pp, Qq, Rr, &c. are the moving forces impressed; and P′p, Q'q, R'r, Mm, M'm, &c. the effective moving forces; and it is to be shewn, that the latter are statically equivalent to the former. If the forces impressed are not equivalent to P'p, Q'q, R'r, Mm, M'm', &c. let them be equivalent to kP'p, kQq, kR'r, kMm, k M'm', &c.*. And since P'p, &c. would produce in an indefinitely * This is always possible. For, from the nature of the system, the virtual velocities of the parts are given. Hence, in the equation of equi- librium given by the principle of virtual velocities, k P', k 2', &c. will alone be unknown. Also, since P', Q', &c. are known, k will be the only un- known quantity in the equation, and may be assumed so as to satisfy the equation. 225 small time velocities a, &c.; k P'p, &c. acting on the particles, supposing them unconnected, will produce velocities ka, &c. And since the system can have the velocities a, ß, &c. communicated to its parts without destroying their connexion, the velocities ka, kß, &c. can be communicated without affecting that connexion. Hence, by Principle II, the forces k P'p, &c. acting upon the system, sup- posing it rigid, will produce the same velocities ka, &c. And therefore by Principle I, the impressed forces Pp, &c. which are supposed equivalent to k P'p, &c. will produce in the system the velocities ka, &c. But they produce the velocities a, &c. There- fore k=1, and Pp, Qq, Rr, are equivalent to P'p, Q'q, R'r, Mm, M'm, &c. Therefore Pp, Qq, Rr, along with P'p, Q'q, R'r, Mm, M'm', &c. acting oppositely, will produce an equilibrium Q. E. D. COR. Each force may be effective force and the force lost. valent to P'p and Ap; Qq to Cr, &c.; the forces Ap, Bq, Cr, &c. are the forces lost. Mm, M'm', &c. are the forces gained". considered as equivalent to the Thus, if the force Pp be equi- Q'q and Bq; Rr to Rr and This being premised, the following proposition is true. Also When any forces act upon a system, and produce motion, the forces lost and gained would balance each other, acting upon the system in opposite directions. It has already been shewn, that – — ·P'p, Q'q, R'r, -Mm, M'm', &c. would balance Pp, Qq, Rr. That is, they would balance P'p, Ap, Q'q, Bq, Rr, Cr. Therefore Mm, M'm, &c. would balance Ap, Bq, Cr. Or Ap, Bq, Cr would balance Mm, M'm', &c. acting in the opposite direction. It is in this form that the principle was enunciated by D'Alembert. * It is evident that Mm, M'm', &c. may be classed with the forces Ap, Bq, &c. for the force which acts on m is 0.m; Mm, the effective force, and — Mm, the force lost. considered as the force gained. F F which is equivalent to Hence, Mm may be 226 1 CHAP. II. ROTATION ABOUT A FIXED AXIS. 74. WE proceed to determine the angular motion produced when forces act upon a body moveable about a fixed axis. We consider the effect in producing motion only. The other effects of pro- ducing pressure upon the axis, and affecting its motion when it is moveable, will be investigated afterwards. PROP. In a system consisting of any number of points m, 11, p, q, &c. fig. 79, in the same plane, moveable about an axis C, perpendicular to that plane, a force Facts to turn the system; to find the effective accelerating force on any point. Let F be a moving force which acts perpendicularly at an arm Cf. And let M, N, P, &c. be the effective accelerating forces on m, n, p, &c. Therefore Mm, Nn, Pp, &c. are the effective moving forces; and they are perpendicular to CM, CN, CP, &c. because the motion is so. Hence, we have Impressed force.... Facting perpendicularly at an arm CF, Effective forces ....Mm, Nn, Pp, &c. acting perpendicularly at arms Cm, Cn, Cp, &c. Hence, by Art. 73, and by the general proposition of the lever, F.Cf-M.m.Cm - N. n. Cn - P. p. Cp - &c.=0. But since m, n, p, &c. must all move with the same angular velocity round C, their linear velocities must always be as Cm, Cu, Cp, &c. and therefore all alterations of the velocities must be in this ratio, and the accelerating forces which produce them in the same ratio. Hence, we have M N :: Cm Cn; therefore 227 11 M.Cha M.Cp N = ; similarly P = &c. And substituting } Cm Cm Cn Cp² M.p. &c.=0. Cm Cm these values in the equation F.Cf-M.m.Cm-M.n. Whence M = Similarly N = F.Cf.Cm m. Cm² +n. Cn²+p. Cp²+&c. F. Cf. En m. Cm² + n . Cn²+p. Cp² + &c. F. Cf. Cp m. Cm²+n. Cn²+p. Cp²+ &c. P = and so on for any other point. F.Cƒ³ And the effective force on ƒ=- m. Cm² +n. Cn+p. Cp+ &c. 1 The effective force at a distance 1 from the axis F.Cf m. Cm² + n. Cu+p. Cp²+&c. * As this Proposition is the foundation of the whole doctrine of rotatory motion, we shall shew how it may be deduced from elementary laws, inde- pendently of D'Alembert's Principle. Let F be statically equivalent to a number of accelerating forces M at m, N at n, &c. which act perpendicularly to Cm, Cn, &c., and are as Cm, Cn, &c. Therefore Cn F.Cf-M.m. Cm-N.n.Cn, &c.=0; and N=M &c. &c.=0; and M= C'm' F. Cf.Cm m.Cm²+n. Cn Cn² .. F.Cƒ—M .m.Cm— M.n Cm &c. Now, by Principle I, Art. 72. M, N, &c. will produce the same effect as F. Also, if Cm, C'n be supposed unconnected and moveable independently about C, and if M, N, &c. act on m, n, the accelerations of m, n, will be propor- tional to Cm, Cn, and therefore the angular velocities of Cm, Cn will be equally increased, and they will retain the same position with respect to each other. Hence, by Principle II, Art. 72. we may suppose Cm, Cn, &c. to be connected, and the system to become rigid, and the effect will still be the same. Hence, when Facts, the effective force in m is M as before. A 228 If instead of the force F we have any forces acting in any manner, we must substitute instead of F. Cf the moment of these forces about the axis C; that is, the sum of each into the perpen- dicular upon it from C; those being taken negative which tend to turn it in the opposite direction. COR. 1. Since the effective accelerating force on f m · F 2 Cm Cn² Cp2 +n. Cf2 Cf² +p. It appears, that the resistance which m opposes to the com- munication of motion, is the same as that of a mass m. Cm² Cf² placed at f, and acted upon immediately; and similarly of the other par- ticles. COR. 2. It appears by the demonstration, that the effective forces on different points are as their distances from the axis C. COR. 3. If the force F, and the radius Cf be constant, the effective force on each point will be constant; the motions will be uniformly accelerated, and the formula for such motions may be applied. If F be variable, the formulæ for variable motions may be applied. COR. 4. If the force which acts be the weight of any body, this body must be included among the bodies m, n, p, &c. in the denominator. Thus if a system of material points in horizontal planes, m, n, p, fig. 80, be moved about a vertical axis AC, by a weight W acting perpendicularly at the radius Cf, by means of a string passing over a pully B; W moves with the same velocity as a body at the extremity of the area Cf; and therefore the same effective force is employed in moving W, as if it were at f. Hence, we have effective force on ƒ 1 weight of W. Cf² W.Cf+m. Cm²+n. Cn²+ &c. and the effective force on W is the same. COR. 5. The quantities W, m, n, &c. in the denominator in the last Corollary, are the masses of the bodies; the weight of W in the numerator is a moving force. If g represent the accelerating force of gravity, the weight of W is Wg. 229 COR. 6. If the lines m, n, p, &c. be not in the same plane perpendicular to the axis, if Cm, C'n, C'p, &c. be their perpen- dicular distances from the axis, the same formula will be true, putting these lines for Cm, Cn, Cp, &c. Or, if we take a plane Cmn, perpendicular to the axis, and refer the points of the system to this plane, by lines parallel to the axis; if m, n, p, &c. be the points thus referred, the same formulæ will be true. The denominator of the fractions which express the effective forces in the preceding formulæ, is the sum of each particle mul- tiplied into its distance from the axis. This sum is called the Moment of Inertia with respect to this axis*. It occurs perpe- tually in considering the subject of rotation. eng If the system, instead of consisting of distinct material points, be a continuous body of finite magnitude, the momentum of inertia will be the sum of each point into the square of its distance from the axis, and will consist of an indefinite number of terms. The sum of these terms may be found by the integral calculus, as will be shewn in the following Chapter. If the points be m, m1, M2, M3, &c. and their distances from the axis, Cm, Cm1, Cm2, Cm3, &c. the moment of inertia may be represented by (m. Cm²). And if F be a moving force which Σ : * The inertia of a body is its effect in resisting the communication of motion in a single point, it is as the mass simply; but in a body revolving about an axis, the effect of a particle in resisting motion depends on the distance from the axis, like the effect of the force acting on a lever. The effect on a lever is as the product of the force and distance, and this product is called the moment; the effect of the inertia of the mass in resisting rota- tory motion, appears from the above investigation to be as the product of the mass and square of the distance, and hence, this product is called the moment of inertia. And the sum of these products is called the moment of inertia of the system. 230 acts perpendicularly at a distance Cf, we shall have the accele- rating force at the point where the force acts = F.Cƒ² Σ (m. Cm²) * * If forces act upon every point of the system, the effect may be calculated by the same principle as before, as will be seen in the next Problem. 75. PROP. A system of material points, moveable about a horizontal axis, has all its parts acted on by gravity; it is required to determine the accelerating force. Let C, fig. 81, be the axis, aud m, n, p, the points. Draw a horizontal line through C, meeting vertical lines through m, n, p, in d, e, h. Then the moving forces impressed are the weights of m, n, p. Let M be the effective accelerating force upon m; therefore in the same way as befere, the effective accelerating forces on n, p, are M. Cn M.Cp Cm Cm And the effective moving forces are M.n.Cn M.m, Cm M.p.Cp Cm Now Cd, Ce, Ch are perpendicular to the directions of the former, and Cm, Cn, Cp to those of the latter; also, if m be the mass of one of the bodies, its weight or moving force is mg, and so for the rest. Hence, by the equilibrium between the impressed and the effective forces, we have, by Art. 73. m.g.Cd+n.g.Ce+p.g. Ch = M.m.Cm + :: M = M. n. Cn² C m M.p.Cp + C m (m.Cd+n.Ce+p. Ch) Cm.g m. Cm²+n. Cn² +p. Cp² COR. 1. If we had supposed more bodies, we should have had a corresponding number of terms, both in the numerator and denominator. 231 COR. 2. There will be negative terms in the numerator, when any of the bodies are on the other side of the vertical through C; the terms in the denominator will always be positive, because the bodies all move in the same direction round C; and therefore the effective accelerating forces are always in the same direction. COR. 3. The effective accelerating force ou any other point of the system, asn, will be N = (m. Cd+n. Ce+p. Ch) Cn.g m. Cm²+n. Cn² +p. Cp² COR. 4. If G be the centre of gravity of the system, and if a perpendicular from G meet Chin H, we have (m.Cd+n. Ce+p. Ch) = (m+n+p). CH. And if 0 be the angle which CG makes with the vertical, CH = CG. sin. 0. Hence, M= (m+n+p) CG. sin. 8. Cm.g. m.Cm²+n. Cn²+p.Cp² ; , or, denoting m+n+p by Σm, and the denominator by Em. Cm², whatever be the number of bodies, M= Cm.CG.g sin. 0. Em Σ (m. Cm³) 76. PROP. To find a point of the system which shall be accelerated exactly as much as a single point in the same position. If O be any point in CG, we shall have accelerating force on 0 = O CO.CG.g.sin. 0.2m Σ (m. Cm²) Now, if a single particle were placed in O, and all the rest removed, we should have accelerating force on particle in Og sin. 0. 1 1 232 And we have to find O, so that these accelerating forces may be equal. For this purpose, we must have CO.CG.Σm = Σ (m. Cm²); Σ. (m. Cm²) .. CO= .(a). CG.Em The point O is called the Centre of Oscillation; a single point placed in O, would, in any position of CG, be acted on by the same accelerating force as when O is a point in the system; and therefore, the oscillations of CO and of the system would be ex- actly the same as if we had but one particle O. COR. 1. The time of oscillation of the system, is the same as that of a simple pendulum, whose length is CO. Hence, if we make CO=1, we shall have the time of one of the small oscilla- tions = π COR. 2. When we know the moment of inertia, and the place of the centre of gravity, the centre of oscillation with respect to the axis C is found by the formula CO = Σ (m. Cm²) CG.Em And this is applicable, whether the system consist of distinct points, or of finite bodies. ! CHAP. III. MOMENT OF INERTIA. 77. In the present Chapter we shall find the moment of inertia of a variety of different bodies, and with respect to any axis. From this it will be easy to deduce the position of the centre of oscillation. We shall in the first place, prove a property of the moment of inertia, by means of which, knowing this moment with respect to any axis passing through the centre of gravity, we can find it with respect to any other axis parallel to the former. SECT. I. General Properties. PROP. The moment of inertia of any system, with respect to any given axis, is equal to the moment about an axis parallel to this, passing through the centre of gravity, plus the moment of the whole body, (collected in its centre of gravity,) about the given axis. Let fig. 82 represent any system, moveable about an axis C; and let m, n, p, q, be the particles of it, referred to a plane per- pendicular to the axis. Let G be the centre of gravity of m, n, p, q. Draw md perpendicular on CG. Now, Cm² = CG² + Gm² + 2 CG. Gd. Similarly, if ne, ph, qk, be perpendicular on CG, Cn² = CG² + Gn-2 CG. Ge, &c. &c.; G G 234 ... m . Cm² + n. Сn²+p. Cp²+&c. = m.CG²+n.CG²+p. CG² + &c. + m. Gm² +n. Gn²+p. Cp²+&c. + 2 CG (m. Gd-n. Ge+p. Gh- &c.) And, since by the property of the centre of gravity, m. Gd-n. Ge+p. Gh-&c. =0; we have m. Cm² + n. Cn²+p. Cp² + &c. = (m+n+p+&c.) CG² +m. Gm²+n. Gn+p. Gp²+&c. Or, moment of inertia round C-moment of (m+n+p+&c.) at Ground C+ moment round G. COR. 1. We may represent this theorem thus, whatever be the number of bodies; Σ (m. Cm²) = CG²Σm +Σ (m. Gm²). COR. 2. Knowing the moment of inertia round G, we may, from this expression, find the moment round C. COR. 3. The moment round G, the centre of gravity, is less than that round any other axis C, parallel to G. 78. Since the expression for the moment of inertia of a system, consisting of a finite number of points, is (m. Cm²), m being the portion of the mass which is at the distance Cm; when the number of points becomes indefinite, the expression will evidently become fd M. Cm², where d M is the differential of the mass at the distance Cm. For we approach the true value by dividing the mass into portions smaller and smaller indefinitely, and taking the sum of each into the square of its distance; but by the nature of the differential calculus, we thus approach the differential of the mass at each point, multiplied into the square of its distance, and the integral of this. Hence, if r be the distance of any point from the axis, and d M the differential of the mass corresponding to dr, moment of inertia = fr³d M*. 2 * This may be proved more distinctly thus. Let AB, fig. 83, be any body, and Cm=r, C'm' = r', be two distances from 235 This moment will be the same as that of the whole mass, col- lected at a certain distance. If we call this distance k, we have k² M = fr²dM*. We may con- We proceed to find kM in different bodies. sider bodies as being either physical lines, surfaces, or solids, and apply our formulæ to each. The moment itself will depend upon the thickness of the lines and surfaces, and the density of the sub- stance; but if the mass be homogeneous, the line k will depend only upon the geometrical form of the system. The other quan- tities will enter as multipliers on both sides of the equation 2 k² M=fr²d M. Hence, in finding k we may suppose the thickness of lines and surfaces, and the density of the mass, each to be unity. from the axis M the mass included in the distance r from the axis, M' that included in the distance r'. And let the moment of inertia of the former portion = R, and of the latter = R'. Therefore, the moment of the portion m n m', included between the two distances, will be R'- R. And the portion itself will be M'—- M. Now R'-R is evidently greater than (M'— M) r², and less than (M' — M) r'²; R' Ꭱ . is > r², and < r²². M M'. But, as M' and M become ultimately equal, r² and ² become ultimately equal, and therefore ultimately R' - R is ultimately equal to either of them. Also, M'- M R' R - M'— M is d R dM therefore, we have d R d M = r², dR= r²d M, R= r²d M. M‚_R=/ C * The centre of gyration is defined to be the point at which the whole mass must be collected, that the rotatory motion communicated by a given force may be the same as before.' It appears by the last Chapter, that any point, whose distance from the axis is k, possesses this property. We may call k the radius of gyration. 236 SECT. II. Moment of Inertia of a Line, revolving in its own Plane. 79. If any distance from the axis be r, and ds the differential of the length of the line, corresponding to ds, it appears by what has just been said, that we may suppose the thickness and density of the line each 1, and dMds. Then k² M = r²ds. 2 =ƒ We may take, for the centre of revolution, any point with respect to which the relation of ds and r is most simple; and then by Art. 77 find the moment of inertia about the centre of gravity, and from that, about any other point. Ex. 1. To find k for a straight line revolving about an axis perpendicular to it in its middle point, fig. 84. Call any distance Cm=r, CA 2ak² = ƒ r³dr= = CB=a, M=2a, and, the integral being taken from r = 2.3 + constant. 3 a to r = a, 2ak² = 3 2 a³ 3 a² k² = 3 a² M when M is the 3 Hence, momentum of inertia = k² M mass of the line, and its thickness and density may be any whatever. (The thickness must necessarily be small, that it may be considered as a line). Ex. 2. A straight line about an axis perpendicular to it through any point of it; (D, fig. 84.). Let mass M, AB = 2a, CD=b. By Art. 77, mom. ab. D=mom. ab. C+ mom. of M at dist. CD, a²M KM = 3 k² N a 2 +b2M, + b². 3 237 Ex. 3. A straight line about any axis perpendicular to the plane in which it is. AB fig. 85, about E, AB = 2a, CD = b, DE = c; EC² = b² + c². As before, k2M = mom. round C+ mom. of M at dist. EC. 2 = ... k² = a² M + (b²+c²) M; 3 2 a + b² + c². 3 Ex. 4. A circular arc about the centre of the circle. If a be the radius, r always = a, and mom. of inertia = .. k² = a². 2 a² M; Ex. 5. A circular arc about an axis perpendicular to its plane through its centre of gravity, fig. 86. Let C be the centre of the arc PAP, G its centre of gravity. Then by the rules for the centre of gravity, (Statics, Chap. VI, Ex. 29.) CG CA. chord Pp arc Pp aq = ; P a being the radius, p the arc, q its chord. Then, by Art. 77, mom. round C = mom. round G+CG². M ; .. mom. round G = mom. round C – CG². M, a k² Ma°M - M, 9 a² ( 2 p If PAP be a semi-circle, q=2a, p=πα, k² = a² (1-3) Ex. 6. A circular arc about an axis perpendicular to its plane through its vertex A, fig. 86. 238 By the two last examples we shall here easily find k² 2 = 2a² (1 - · (1 − 2). If the arc be a whole circumference, q=0, k²=2a². SECT. III. Moment of Inertia of a Line, revolving perpendicularly to its own Plane. 80. In such cases the figure revolves about a line in its own plane, or parallel to it. If this line divide the figure symmetrically, as shall have d M = 2 differential of arc AQ, of which NQ = r is the ordinate and if AQ = s, k² M = 2 ƒ r²ds. AC, fig. 87, we Ex. 7. A circular arc about a radius through its vertex A, fig. 37. Let CA = a, ds adr 2 √(a² — p²) 3 2ar dr — k². arc PAp = √ √ (a² ~ 7") S = C—ar V (a² — r²) + a³ arc (sin = :-) :). a And this, being taken to begin when r≈0, gives, putting p for the arc PAP, and c for PM, a² 2 k² p 2 2 1² = Q 19 — p. » — a c √ (a² — c²), ac V (a² — c²) Ρ If the arc be a semi-circle, c=a, k² = The same is true if the arc be a circle, and .'. c = 0. 239 SECT. IV. Moment of Inertia of a Surface, revolving in its own Plane. 81. If the mass be a surface revolving about an axis perpendicular to it, we shall have dM=fdr.rde, taken between proper limits of 0; k³M = ƒƒ r³drdě. The integrations may be performed in any order. If we in- tegrate first for r we shall have k² M= orde 4 ** the value of being taken which belongs to the boundary of the figure. The same expression might also be obtained by conceiving the figure divided into triangles of indefinitely small width by lines drawn in it from the axis. Ex. 8. To find the moment of inertia in any triangle, about an axis perpendicular to its plane, and through one of its angles. Let ACB, fig. 88, be the triangle, and C its axis; CD per- pendicular on AB=h. CB= a, CA = b, AB = c; DCM=0, CM=r, 0 = angle (cos. до COS. = 4); ; do = Ꮎ hdr r V (r² — h²) ³ hr² + 2h³ 3 12 √(r² - h')+constant, hr³dr k² M = √ 4 √ ( ² — h²) and for the triangle ADC, we must take the integral from r=h to b²+2h² rb, which gives h√ (b² — h³). 12 a² + ch² have 12 h V (a² — h²). Hence, for ACB we have Similarly for BDC we a² + 2h² b² + 2 h² k²M= hv (a² hV (a - h) + h √ (b² — h²). 12 12 a²+ch COR. 1. If the triangle be isosceles, k²M = M. 6 240 COR. 2. Let AB be bisected in E, and DE=q ; .. BD = √(a² — h²) √(a²—h³) == + q, AD= √ (b² — h²) = — — q⋅ And BC BD² = A‚C² — AD², 2 or a² - ( + q)² = b² − ( − 9)˚ ; Also a²+2A′ =a' + 2 ... a² — b² = 2cq. + 9) '} = 3a² − 2 α - ( + 9) ', + 4) . − q)'} = sb° − 9 ) } = 36° — 2 ( {a" 2 — ( b² + 2 h² = b² + 2 { b² − — ( ( ( − q) Hence, h k²M= 12 + 9 h · 1/2 {3a² († + 9 ) − 2 ( = {( − (a²+b²) c + 3 (a³ — b²) q 12 3 - )² + 3 6° ( − q ) − 2 ( − 9 ) ' } C³ — -6cg"}, 2 or, since 3 (a² – b²) q = 6cq², cq h 2 k²M= (a² + b²) c 12 ch 11 {3 (a²+b²) — c²} 24 M { 3 (a² + b²) − c² } ; 12 ... k² 3 (a² + b²) - c² 12 Ex. 9. A triangle about an axis through its centre of gravity. By the property of the centre of gravity, (Statics, Chap. VI, Ex. 3.) 2 (a² + b²) — c² CG2= 9 241 } M {3 (a² + b²) — c² } = M. 12 c²· 2 (a² + b²)—c 9 2 + kⓇM. [ { a² + b² + c } = M (k + k + f K²M M 36 12 h, k, l being the distances from G to the angles A, B, C. If the triangle be equilateral, a² 12 KM = M. = M 12 4 Ex. 10. A parallelogram about an axis perpendicular to it through its centre of gravity. ABDE, fig. 89, the parallelogram, AB = 2a, AD = 2b, BD=2c. Let G be the centre of gravity of ABD; .. by Statics, GC² = 2 (4a²+4b²)—4 c² 2 (x² + b²) — c² 36 9 And mom. of ABD round C = mom. round G+ABD.GC² 2 (a² + b²) — c² j4n² +4 b² + 4c² = ABD + 36 (a²+b²) = ABD S and doubling both sides, since 2 ABD = M, a² + b² a² + b ° KM = M. and k² 3 3 9 Hence, it is independent of the angles of the parallelogram. Ex. 11. Any regular polygon about an axis perpendicular to it through its centre. The polygon may be divided into isosceles triangles, and for each of these, mom. a²+ec² 6 A, a and c being the radius of the circumscribed and inscribed circle, and A one of the triangles ; .. RM = a² + 2 c² 6 Q a² n A = M 6 6 (1+2 cos.²), H 11 242 M 6 (2 + cos. 2=) M, π 1º 2 1 + 2 cos. or, if I be a side, k²M = N M. 24 75 sin.2 n Ex. 12. A circle revolving about an axis perpendicular to it through its centre. Here r is constant, and 12 M = a, the radius; =√ a* d Ꮎ do 2пал 4 , integrating for ; 4 4 πα a² M a k2 2 2 Ex. 13. An annulus whose external and internal radii are a, b, 4 k² M= π (a* — b¹) a² + b² 2 (π a² — π b²) a² + f ² M, 10 2 k² = a² + b² 2 Ex. 14. An ellipse revolving about the centre. If O be measured from the extremity of the major axis, 2 1 - e² cos. "0 - 2,2 Ꮎ .. k² M = b²S + = v+S d Ꮎ (2-2 e cos."0)3 d Ꮎ 2 (2 — e² — é² cos. 20)* do putting n for び (2-e²)² n cos. 20)²' e 2-e I 243 To integrate, let P = 2 cos. 20 de sin. 20 n cos. 20' and the integral = S, 2 n sin.220d0 d P = 1 n cos. 20 (1 − n cos. 20)² == 2 cos. 20 d0 – 2 nd 0 (1 − n cos. 20)² d0 2 (1-n²) do-(1-n cos. 20) de (1-n cos. 20)° N 2(1-n²) de 1 Q d Ꮎ N (1 − n cos. 20)² n 1 − n cos. 20' 2 (1-n²) ᏧᎾ :. P = . S n -n cos. 20 And this latter integral is (Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Note K), 1 arc √(1-n²) (co cos. 20 - n 1 COS. = 1 n cos. 20 √(1 − n²) - nº4: suppose, 1 1 .. S P+ A. 2(1-n²) 2 ( 1 − n²) ⇓ - = If we take the integrals from 0=0, to 0π, and then double them, in order to obtain the whole value of S, we have パ S= 1 arc (cos. = 1) = ... k² M = 12) (1 — 1 Ωπ n (1 — n 2 π b+ (2 — e²)² (1 − m²)³ ³ e and putting a √(1 − e³) for b, and √(2¿¹) for 11, k² M πα a¹ 4 4 — e²) (2 — e²) √(1 − e²). But the area M=πa² √(1—e²); :. k² a² (2—e³) a² + aˆ (1 − e') a² + b² 4 4 4 244 a² When e=0, k* as in a circle. a When e=1, b=0, だ 4 82. If the surface be bounded by rectangular co-ordinates, we may thus find its moment when revolving in its own plane. Let the centre of motion C, fig. 90, be the origin of co-ordinates CN=x, NQ=y. And we have moment of Qq about Cmoment of Qg about N+ CN². Qq, (by Ex. 1, Art. 79.), y² 2y+x². 2y. 3 And multiplying by da, and integrating, 2 3 k° M = 2ƒ ( + x²y) dx. S & 2 Ex. 15. A parabola revolving about its vertex. Here y¹², X 2aª 1º M = 2ƒ° (“²²² + @²x² ) d x = 2 (24²x² + 20¹³), K² 3 7 Q a²x²z a³ xî 15 7 3x² and M a x x²; • . k² y + 3 7 x and y being the extreme ordinates. SECT. V. Moment of Inertia of a Plane revolving about an Axis in or parallel to the Plane. 83. When any plane revolves about a line in it, we may call r the distance of any point from the axis; and if dz be the differential of the axis, fdzdr integrated with respect to z, will be the portion at distance r; and ffr²dzdr the moment of inertia. 2 3 r³ dz ; and is given in terms The integral JJ'r² dzdr is = f²; 3 of z. 245 Ex. 16. A circle revolving about a diameter. Let radius=a, z measured from the vertex; •. a—z= √(a² — p²), rdr d z = √(a² — r²) ; k² M== r4 dr √(a² — r³) which, integrated from z=0, to z=a, gives for a semi-circle, пая Co k² M = TA a² a² And since M = k² = 2 4 The same expression is true for a whole circle. Also for an ellipse revolving about either principal axis, 2a being the other. Ex. 17. A circle revolving about a line parallel to its plane, at a distance c from its centre; radius = a. A diameter being drawn parallel to the axis of rotation, we have, by last Example, moment round diameter = 2 M. 4 And therefore by Art. 77, 2 ll KM = M+ & M, 4 a k² = + c². 4 Ex. 18. An isosceles triangle about its perpendicular. Perpendiculara, base 26; z measured from vertex, 3 bc "' a k² M = 3 a³ 263 =Sz³dz = 6324 b³ a = 6a³ 3 6 bc But M=ba; .. k² = 6 246 SECT. VI. Moment of Inertia of a symmetrical Solid about its Axis. 84. When we have a solid of which all the sections perpen- dicular to the axis are similar, it may, by planes perpendicular to this axis, be divided into indefinitely thin slices, and the moment of inertia of the whole, will be the sum of the moments of these parts; and ultimately, it will be the integral of a portion of the moment which corresponds to dz the differential of the axis. This portion will be found by taking the moment of the plane, which is the section of the solid, (found by last Article), and multiplying it by dz. Ex. 19. A cone revolving about its axis. The momentum of a circle, radius = 1, is Tr 2 4 And in the The momentum of a differential slice 4 4.4 N² cone r is as z: let r=nz. 4 π. r¹ dz π n¹ z dz " 2 2 πη 25 k² M = and taken to z=α, 10 πηνας π b4 a 10 10 if nab, the radius of the base. Π π b² a 362 And M ; •. k² 3 10 Ex. 20. A sphere about a diameter, k² 2 a² 5 Ex. 21. A hollow sphere, of which the external and internal radii are a, b, a5 — b5 k² = 5 3 a b³ Ex. 22. An ellipsoid about its axis: the semi-axes of the largest section perpendicular to the axis of rotation being a, b. だ K² = 2 a² + b² 5 247 Ex. 23. A parallelepiped, k= a² Ex. 24. A cylinder, k a² + b² 3 Ex. 25. A hollow cylinder, k2= a² + b² 2 SECT. VII. Moment of Inertia of a Solid not symmetrical. 85. When the solid comes under this description, different methods may be used, as in the following Examples. Ex. 26. A cylinder about an axis perpendicular to its own, through its middle. Let its radius=b, its length =2a. A circle perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, and at a distance from the axis of rotation, has its moment, (Ex. 17.) X == b² (x²+²), 3 + •., & M = S = :. k² b² V { x + } d z = = b² ( 3 = = b² { 2 { a² 3 3 a² + b² a } = 2 = b²a x " - } 4 2° b2 + 1}. and since M=2π b²a, k² = be + 3 4 Ex. 27. A cone about an axis perpendicular to its axis at its vertex. Fig. 91. AB the base, CD the axis of rotation, MP any section parallel to the base, CM=x, MP=nx, CA=a, AB=b=na. By Ex. 17, moment of circle MP round CD = circle . (2² n² x x² + 4 11 TIE (1+ TN a¹; 248 k² 4 n° x² TN X 5 2. }^ M=ww² (1 + ") ƒ x^dx = (1 + ") = 2 N 2 πn² a5 2 S 4 'α² (1 + 5 and M = ! = = n² ¹² · a ; 3 2), 3 2 N 2 5 b . . k² = ³ a² ( 1 + 1 ) = (~² + ²). 5 3 5 4. Ex. 28. A cone about an axis perpendicular to its axis through its centre of gravity. The distance of the centre of gravity from the vertex is hence, by Art. 77, moment round CD= moment round GH+CG2. M, 3 160 b2. (a² + =) M = k² M + 9 a² M, 16 За ; 4 4 3 (a²+4b²) k2 80 And similarly for other figures of revolution*. SECT. VIII. Centre of Oscillation. 86. PROP. To find the momentum of inertia of a given body, by a practical method. Let the body AB, fig. 92, be suspended from an horizontal axis C; and let a vertical line be drawn from the axis, which will give * The expressions in this Chapter may also be found by using the following formulæ in rectangular co-ordinates. The body revolves about the axis of z. For planes,ƒƒ(x²+y²) dx dy. Where, after the first integration, in a for instance, limits are to be put in terms of y. X For solids, f(x²+y²) d x d y d z =ƒ ƒ (x²+y²) z dx dy. Where must be put in terms of x and y, formed, and the limits introduced as before. No. 348, 349. and then the integrations per- See Poisson, Traitè de Mec. 249 the plane Cb, in which the centre of gravity is. Let the body be moved, so that Cb may be exactly horizontal (CB), and let the weight Q be ascertained, which, acting vertically at B, will sup- port in this position. If W be the weight of the mass, we shall have Q. CB W = CG Now let the body hang from C, and make small oscillations, and let it make n oscillations in a time t. oscillation is, by Cor. 1, Art. 76. t n π ◇ being the centre of oscillation ; CO g Then the time of one g t² .. CO = And by Art. 76. 2 π² n² Σ (m. Cm²) = CG. CO.Σm = M being the mass of the system ; Q W CB.g.f. M, 2 π N Q tⓇ . .. k²= W 2 2 π² n² CB .g. 37. PROP. The centres of suspension and oscillation are re- ciprocal. That is, if the centre of oscillation be made the point of sus- pension, the former point of suspension will become the centre of oscillation. In fig. 81, CO = But by Art. 77. Σ (m. Cm²) CG.Σm Σ (m.Cm²) = Σ (m.Gm²) + CG². Em ; or, putting M for Σm the mass, and k² M for ZΣ (m. Gm²), k² CO = + CG, and GO = CG k² CG' 2 and CG = GOʻ I 1 250 If therefore, we suspend the body from O, C will be its centre of oscillation. COR. 1. CO depends on CG alone, and will be the same, so long as CG is the same. Hence, if with centre G, (fig. 93,) and radius GC, we describe a circle; (in the plane of oscillation, that is, a plane perpendicular to the axis of suspension ;) CO is the same from whatever point of this circumference we suspend the body. And therefore, the time of oscillation is the same. COR. 2. Also, if we describe a circle with radius GO, the time of oscillation will be the same, whether the body is suspended from any point in the circumference 00', or CC'. 88. PROP. To find from what axis a body must be suspended, that it may oscillate in the least time possible. That is, amongst all the axes which are parallel to one anothér. The time of oscillation is that of a simple pendulum, whose length is CO, fig. 93, C being the axis of suspension, O the centre of oscillation. Therefore, the time will be least, when CO is least. .. by last Art. CG + and taking the differential coefficient, k² = min. CG k² ] - =0 = 0; .. k=CG. CG2 Hence, the time will be the least when CG=k. 2 k² CG In that case, GO= = k also. Hence, the least time of oscillation will take place when the body is suspended from K, so that L being the centre of oscilla- tion, KG = GL. COR. 1. The least time of oscillation is equal to that of a simple pendulum, whose length is 2k. 251 COR. 2. If we describe a circle with radius GK, the time. will be the same when the body is suspended from any point in this circumference KK'. COR. 3. It has been seen in last Art., that the times of oscil- lation (t), are the same when the point of suspension is in any point of the circumferences CC', 00'; for a point between these circumferences, the time is less than t; and least for a point in the circumference KK. For points within OO', or without CC', the time is greater than t, and becomes infinite as the point of suspension approaches the centre, or goes off to an infinite dis- tance. 89. PROP. To find the centre of oscillation in given figures. We have, (Art. 87.) moment of inertia about axis CO = mass. CG k2 Also, GO= CG ..(a). .(a'); k² M being the moment of inertia about an axis through the centre of gravity, and parallel to the axis of suspension. And either of these formulæ, by the assistance of the preceding part of this Chapter, will enable us to find O. Ex. 1. To find the centre of oscillation of a straight line, sus- pended from its extremity. 1 By Ex. 1, Art. 79, k² = α a 3 2 a being the length of the line; .. by (a'), GO = for CG = a. And CO = a + 3 Ex. 2. A line AB, fig. 94, oscillating in its plane. G the middle point, CG=1, AB=2a; a 8 100 k2 a² GO = 31 .. it is independent of the angle COA. 252 Ex. 3. A circle AB, fig. 95, oscillating in its own plane. CG=1, radius = a; and by Ex. 12, Art, 81, k² = 2 a² 2 k2 a² .. GO= 21 If C be in the circumference, GO = 1/2 a За CO = 2 axis. The same is true for a cylinder, about a line parallel to its Ex. 4. A circle oscillating about an axis in its own plane; (about CD, fig. 95.) By Ex. 16, Art. 83, 2 a 2 a k² = 2 ; GO= 4 47° If the axis be a tangent to the circumference, a l=a, GO = CO= > 4 5 a 4 Ex. 5. A globe about any axis. Distance to the centre of the globe=l, radius = a. By Ex. 20, Art. 84, k² 2 2 2 a² 5 GO: = 2a2 51 Σα 2 a² CO=1+ 5 1 Ex. 6. A cone about its vertex. Axisa, radius of base = b. By Ex. 27, Art. 85, 3 moment of inertia = 5 (a² + b²) 3 a M. Also CG = 4 .. CO = (a+ b2 4 a 4 a + 5 b2 5 a 253 That the centre of oscillation may be in the centre of the base, we must have CO=a; whence b=a, and the cone is a right angled one. Ex. 7. Let a solid, composed of two equal cones set base to base, oscillate in the direction of its axis. Let G, fig. 96, be the common centre of the bases, GB a horizontal radius, and therefore parallel to CD the axis of rotation. We must find the moment of inertia of the figure about GB. Now for the cone GA, we have, if F be its centre of gravity, and FK parallel to GB, moment about GB = moment about FK + GF². cone, 3 (a² + 4b²) a² by Ex. 28, cone + • cone 16 80 2 a²+3b2 cone. 20 And hence the whole moment, or 2a²+3b² 2 k² M = .2.cone; 20 2a²+362 :. k² = And if CG=1, 20 k² 2a+3b³ CO = 1 + ī 1+ 20/ 90. PROP. Having a system composed of several separate bodies, whose centres of gravity and oscillation are known; to find the centre of oscillation of the whole. In fig. 97, let g, o, be the centres of gravity and oscillation of m; g', o', of m'; g", o", of m"; and so on. And let G be the centre of gravity, and O that of oscillation for the whole system. Also let gh, g'h', g"h", &c. be perpendiculars on CG. moment of inertia of m about C = m. Cg. Co, of m'...... = m'. Cg'. Co', &c. = &c. 254 .'. whole moment = m. Cg. Co+m. Cg'. Co'+&c. ; .. CO = m. Cg. Co+m' . Cg'. Co'+&c. (m+m² + &c.) CG m.Cg.Co+m' .Cg'. Co+&c. m. Ch+m'. Ch' +&c. 91. PROP. To find practically the length of a pendulum, which oscillates seconds. If we know the exact length of a simple pendulum which makes a given number of small oscillations in 24 hours, we can find the length of a pendulum which shall oscillate in any given time as 1 second. But it is impossible to form a pendulum which may, with sufficient regard for accuracy, be considered as a simple pen- dulum; that is, as a single point suspended by a string without weight. It is necessary, therefore, in our experiment, to find the distance between the centre of suspension, and of oscillation, of the oscillating body. And the difficulty of the case is to determine accurately this latter point; for the unavoidable irregularities of figure and density make its geometrical determination include errors which the delicacy of the inquiry renders important. To avoid these sources of inaccuracy, Captain Kater has in- geniously employed the property of a compound pendulum, proved in Art. 87; viz., that the centres of oscillation and suspension are reciprocal. It follows from that property, that if a pendulum have two centres of suspension, and oscillate on them, first with one end uppermost, and then with the other; so that the times of oscilla- tion in the two cases may be exactly equal; the distance of these two centres will be the length of the equivalent simple pendulum, what- ever be the irregularities of form or composition in the instrument. The manner in which this effect was produced, was as follows: A brass pendulum CD, fig. 98, was furnished with two axes, from which it could be suspended; one passing through C, and the other through O. Besides the principal weight D, it was provided with a smaller sliding weight F, which could be moved along the stem CD; and this weight was to be moved till the number of oscillations in a given time, (as 24 hours,) was the same, whether the pendulum was suspended from C or from 0. 255 } F was placed in such a position, that by moving it from O, as to f, the number of oscillations about C in twenty-four hours was increased; and by the same change, the number of oscillations about O in the same time was still more increased. We shall afterwards consider this position mathematically. The adjustment was thus made. Let the weight be at F, and let the number of oscillations in 10 about C be 606, and about O be 601. Now let F be moved to f; and let the oscillations in 10m be 607 about C, and 609 about O, (because the latter are more affected than the former). Then, the proper position of the slider is somewhere between Fand f. Let it be placed at f', bisecting Ff; and let the oscillations in this case be 606, and 606; then, the proper position is between ƒ and f'; and so on. Observing always, that if the number of vibrations about C be the greater, the slider must move toward C; and if the contrary, it must move towards O. By this means, continually halving the distance last moved, we may make the oscillations about C and O approach within any required degree of exactness. The distance of C and O being then measured, will give the length of a pendulum which makes a known number of oscillations in 10 minutes *. * There were, in Captain Kater's experiments, a number of contrivances which it would detain us too long to describe. Besides the slider F, he had another moveable weight E; and he made the numbers of oscillations nearly equal by means of this, before he attempted a more accurate adjustment by the slider. The axes through C and O, were made with knife edges, which resting on planes of agate, turned as nearly as possible on a mathematical line. It is however true, as has been proved by Laplace, and will be shewn here- after, that, if they had been cylinders, their distance would still have given exactly the length of the simple pendulum. The method of determining the number of vibrations in 24 hours was elegant; it was done by placing the pendulum in front of a clock pendulum, oscillating nearly in the same time; and observing the intervals at which the two pendulums coincided. Cor- rections were also to be made, for the magnitude of the arc vibrated; for the bouyancy of the atmosphere; for the temperature, &c. The reader will find Captain Kater's account of his method, and its results, in the Phil. Trans. for 1818, p. 33. 256 92. PROP. To determine the effect produced by the change of position of the moveable weight in last Article. We shall consider any pendulum, and a small weight moveable along the line passing through the centres of suspension and gravity. Let m be the mass of the pendulum, independent of the move- able weight; h the distance of its centre of gravity from the centre of suspension C, 7 the distance of its centre of oscillation. And let u be the moveable weight, λ the distance from C of its centre of gravity, or of oscillation, supposing them to coincide because it is small. And let L be the length of the corresponding simple pen- dulum; then, by Art. 90, 2 mhl + u x² L = mh + uλ 2 dL = ; and L and X being variable, µ ² λ² + 2 m µ hλ - muhl (mh+µλ)² μ² (^—a) (A+B) (mh + µ λ)² dλ; where ua = √(m² h² + mµh!) — mh ; μβ √(m² h² + mµhl)+mh. dλ Let Cxa; then, if F be below x, dL will be negative, when dλ is negative; and hence, if F be moved towards C, L will be shortened, and the number of oscillations about C in a given time will be increased. And this increase will be the slower, as F comes nearer to x. At x a small change in F's position would produce no effect, and, when F is between C and x, the effects would be contrary to the former ones. Let the distance CO of the two points of suspension be 2a; and M being the middle point of CO, let F be the position of the moveable weight, when the oscillations about C and about O are performed in the same time; therefore in this case L = CO2a. d. MF; therefore, when L = 2a, λ = a + 8. Hence, Let mhl + u (a +8)² 2a = mh + u (a + d) :.1 = 2a + u (aº — d²) mh 257 8'?) - 1}· Hence, μa mh {V( (1+ 2 Σμα μ² (a² - 8² + m² h² mh Expanding, and neglecting higher powers of бле mh ' a = a 2mh Hence, x is between M and C, and near to M. Similarly, if Y be the point where the weight F does not affect the oscillations about O, y is between M and O, and near to M. If F be between x and y, we shall, by sliding F towards O, lengthen the oscillations about C, and shorten those about 0, and vice versa. But, if F be in Cx, or in Oy, we shall, by sliding it towards the middle, shorten both sets of oscillations; and by sliding it from the middle lengthen both, though in different degrees. CHAP. IV. MOTION OF MACHINES. 93. WE shall in the present Chapter apply the preceding principles to determine the motion of the mechanical powers, and other simple combinations. SECT. I. Motion about a fixed Axis. PROP. To determine the motion of weights on a wheel and axle, fig. 99. Let P draw up Q by means of strings wrapping round two cylinders A, B, which have a common horizontal axis. Let a, b, be the radii of the cylinders respectively; and Mk² the moment KK 258 of inertia of the machine AB, about its axis. We shall then have impressed forces, Pg at distance a, of which the moment is Pga-Qgb. - Hence, by Cor. 4. to Art. 74, we have Qg at distance b; (Pa-Qb) ga 2 છે 2 Pa²+Qb²+Mk² accelerating force on P = downwards; accelerating force on Q (Pa – Qb) g b Pa²+Qb²+Mk² upwards. And these being constant, the motion may be found by the formulæ for constant forces. COR. 1. If Qb> Pa, the force will be in the opposite direc- tion, and Q will descend. COR. 2. If Tg be the tension of the string by which P hangs, P is impelled downwards by its weight, and upwards by the tension. Hence, the moving force on P is Pg- Tg, and the accelerating (P − T) g ; force P ; (P-T) g P T= (Pa - Qb) ga Pa²+Qb²+M k² ’ P (Qb² + Qab + Mk²) Pa²+Qb²+Mk2 Similarly, if T' be the tension of the string by which Q hangs, T' = T= Q (Pa²+Pab + Mk²) 2 2 Pa²+Qb²+Mk² COR. 3. The pressure on the centre of motion arising from P, Q, will be the sum of these tensions, (see next Section) .*. pressure on the centre = PQ (a+b)²+(P + Q) Mk² g Pa²+Qb²+Mk 94. PROP. To determine the motion of weights acting on a combination of wheels and axles, fig. 100. 259 The wheels and axles may act on each other, either by means of teeth as at D, or by strings passing round both, and turning them by friction as at D'; or in other ways: the mechanical conditions of the problem are the same in all these cases. Let a, b be the radii of the first wheel, and of its axle; a', b' of the second, a", b" of the third, and so on. Then the impressed moving forces are Pg acting at A, and Qg in the opposite direction at B. By Statics, the latter would be counterbalanced by a force at P equal to Qg. valent to • b b'b" aa'a". Pg – Qg Hence, the moving force impressed is equi- bbb" a a'a" 112 at A, at distance a from C. Let Mk², M'k, Mk2 be the moments of inertia of the respective wheels M, M', M" about their centres, (including the axles). And let be the effective accelerating force on P or on A. Then, since the accelerating forces are as the velocities, the acce- lerating force at D or E will be ; that at D'or E' will be b x a b b'x a á ; and that at B or Q, b b' b″x aaa" Now, since the effective accelerating force at P is x, that at any distance r from C, in the wheel M, is ; and if m be a rx a particle at that distance, the effective moving force is this is equivalent in its moment round C, to a force mr x a mr²x aⓇ And acting at A. And hence, the whole effective moving forces in M are equivalent to a force valent to x Σm r² a² acting at A; that is, they are equi- x. Mk² at A. a² Similarly, the effective moving forces in M' are equivalent to 260 bx M'K² 12 a a at E; which is, by the property of the machine, equi- valent in its effect to turn the system round C, to a force b²x 2 a M'k'2 12 at A. a And the effective moving forces of M" are equivalent to M'k"2 112 at E'; which is, with respect to C, equivalent to b b'x a a' b² blz x 12 a²a' a M'k'2 at A. 112 a The effective accelerating force on Q is b b' b" x ; which gives a aa'a" moving force bb'b"x a a' a" b² b'² b'ex Q, equivalent to at A. a² a² a" Hence, we have the moment of the impressed forces about C =ga (P - Q bb'b"). a a'a" And the moment of all the effective forces about C k² 2 12 112 b² b2b″ 2 = Pax + Qax 12 112 + Max. + M'ax. a 2 a² a¹2 a b² k'2 b² b¹² k112 + M"ax. 12 a² a a² a² a 2 Equating these (by Art. 73,) and putting n, n', n" for we have Ꮖ x = (P − Qn n' n″) g k² P+Qn²n²n" + M + M'n a 2 b > a k/2 12 12 + M"nn' 11:2 a a b' b" a"a", The accelerating force on Q=nn'n'x. These forces are constant. 95. A machine was constructed by Atwood, to measure the spaces and velocities of bodies descending by gravity, in order to 261 compare them with theory. It is represented in fig. 101. Two equal weights P, Q, hang by a fine string over a fixed pully M. One of them is made to descend, by placing upon it a small weight D, and the times and spaces of the motion are observed. The weights at P and Q are inclosed in equal and cylindrical boxes; so that the effect of the resistance of the air will be the same upon both, and will not affect the motion. And the effect of friction is nearly removed by making the axis of M very slender, and causing each end of it as C to rest upon Friction Wheels, as M, M'*. The times are observed by means of a pendulum, and the spaces by a scale of inches BF, down which P descends. To determine the velocity, P is made to pass through an opening MN, in a stage fastened to the scale BF; and the weight D, which is too large to pass, is left resting on M, N. Therefore, after passing the point E, P will move uniformly with the velocity acquired. When it has passed through a given space EF, is stopped by striking the stage F, which is there fixed to the scale. The body P being allowed to descend from rest at a given point B, descends till D is heard to strike the stage M, N, and the time is noted; it then descends till P is heard to strike the stage F, and the time is noted: the space EF, divided by the interval of the *To shew that these wheels will diminish the effect of friction, we may consider friction as a force acting in a tangent to the axle. If the axle C rested on immoveable surfaces, and the friction were F, its effect at A Fb a would be But if the axle C rest upon friction wheels, their circum- ferences will turn with the circumference of the axle, and between them there will be no friction. The friction will take place at the axles C, C'; and if we b' suppose it to be F at the angle C', this will be equivalent to at the b b circumference of the axle C, and to F at A. And as there are four ends a a' bb' of the axles C' for one C, the friction with friction wheels is 4 F. a a Hence, by means of such a contrivance, it is diminished in the ratio of a: 4b′, supposing F to be the same in both. 262 latter times gives the velocity; and the space BF, and the time of describing it, being known, we can compare our results with theory. The velocities are small, both because D is small, and because the wheels F, M', M" are to be moved, and their moment of inertia enters the denominator of the accelerating force. Observing, that besides the friction wheels M', M", there are two others at the other end of the axis A; calling the moment of each of these M'k', and of M, Mk2, and the radii of the wheels and axles a, b, a', b', we have accelerating force on P = Dg 2 k2 2P+D+M+ 4 M' a b 12 k 12 a a The effect of the inertia of the wheels is the same as if a mass k2 M+4M' a² + 4M'. bk2 a a'² 12 were collected at the circumference of M. The reader will find in Atwood's Treatise on Rectilinear and Rotatory Motion, Sect. 7, an account of experiments made with this machine. They all agreed accurately with the formulæ for constant forces. 96. PROP. To determine the motion of weights on a lever, fig. 102. Let P, Q, be attached to the extremities of a lever whose arms are a, b; and let M be the mass of the lever, and h the distance of its centre of gravity. Let PQ be any position in which it makes an angle with the vertical. Then a cos. Then a cos. 0, b cos. 0, h cos. ◊ are the perpendiculars from the of the forces of P, Q, M. (Pa+Mh−Qb) g cos. 0, to be the moment of inertia of the lever itself, we have accelerating force on P= acting perpendicular to CP. centre upon the vertical directions. And the moment of the forces is make P descend. Hence, if Mk² (Pa+Mh-Qb) ga cos. O Pa²+Qb²+Mk² The space described by P in dt is-ad0; hence, by the formula v dv=fds, we have, v representing P's velocity, 263 1 vdv= Ꮎ dᎾ ; and integrating, (Pa+Mh-Qb) ga cos. Ode Pa²+Qb²+Mk² 2 2 (Pa+Mh− Qb) ga sin. O v² = C- Pa²+Qb²+Mk² If the lever descend from rest from a position AB, let AB make an angle 0, with the vertical, and we have 1 2 (Pa+Mh-Qb) ga Pa²+Qb²+Mk² રે ᏧᎾ - 1 (sin. 0₁ sin. 0)=v²=a² dt And hence, by integrating, we should find the relation of 0 and t. If P descend through a quadrant, we have, at the lowest point 0, 2 (Pa+Mh- Qb) ga v2 = Pa² + Qb² + Mk² 97. PROP. A body moveable about an axis C is struck at a given point by a given mass with a given velocity; to determine its motion, fig. 103. Impact is, properly speaking, a violent pressure continued for a short time. Now if any force act at a distance a from the axis of a body whose moment of inertia is Mk2, the effect produced at Mk2 a² any instant will be the same as if a mass were collected at the distance a. Hence, the whole effect produced will be the same as if such a mass were substituted for the body, whatever be the time which the charge employs. And hence, the effect of perpendicular impact at a distance a will be the same as if it took place upon a Mk2 placed there. mass a² In fig. 103, let a mass P impinge directly on a system CA, with a velocity ; and let CA be a perpendicular on P's direction. If CA=a, the effect will be the same as if P impinged on Mk2 2 a² Let the substances be supposed inelastic; and the bodies will both move with the same velocity after the impact; and since, by the third law of motion, the mass multiplied into the velocity will be the same before and after the blow, we shall have, if x be the velocity of A after the stroke, 264 x (P + MK²) = PV, x = a L PV a2 Pa+Mk If the body be acted upon by no force after the impact, it will revolve uniformly. If it move about a horizontal axis, and be acted on by gravity, it will ascend till all the velocity be destroyed, and then descend, and so oscillate. If the bodies be elastic, we must apply the rules for impact in that case. On this supposition, P and M will separate after the impact. And if the impact be not direct, we must, supposing the bodies perfectly smooth, take that part of it which is perpendicular to the surfaces at the point of contact. 98. An instrument depending upon these principles was con- structed by Robins for the purpose of measuring the velocities of musquet and cannon bullets, and called the Ballistic Pendulum. It consisted in an iron plate CA, fig. 104, suspended from a hori- zontal axis at C, and faced with a thick board DE. When this was at rest, a bullet was fired into it as at P, which caused it to move through an arc MN. The chord of this arc was known by means of a ribbon fastened to the pendulum, as at N, and sliding through a slit at M, so that when drawn to the length MN it did not return. The ball stuck in the wood, and was prevented from going through by the iron. Let O be the centre of oscillation of the pendulum, including the bullet. Then the motion of the pendulum will be the same when left to itself, as if all the matter were collected in O. And hence, the arc through which O will move will be that down which it would acquire the velocity which it has at the lowest point. If ✪ be this angle, the velocity acquired in describing it would be that acquired down the versed sine of ; or down a perpendicular height CO. ver. sin. 0. Let CO=1; .. velocity of O at lowest point = 2 sin. =V(2gl ver. sin. Ø) Ꮎ √(gl). 2 265 But since the velocity of P at the lowest point is by last Article PVa 2 2 Pa²+Mk²' the velocity of O, which is to this as CO to CP, will be PV al Pa²+Mk² Ꮎ = 2 sin. √(gl) by what has been said. If h be the distance from C of the centre of gravity of the pendulum, including the ball, Pa² + M k² 1 = Pa²+Mk² = (P + M) h l ; (P+M) h .. PV al = 2 sin. 2 IQI (P + M) h l √ (g l), 0 P+Mh V = 2 sin. √(gl). P a If the pendulum after being struck by the ball, makes n oscil- lations in a minute, we take time of oscillation = 60 N ;; ·. √(gl) = g 0 P+M 60g h And, 2 sin. = 2° P πNa 60g = ПП This agrees with Dr. Hutton's formula. dividing the chord MN by the radius CN. We have 2 sin. by Dr. Hutton himself however, in his own experiments, found the velocity of balls, by suspending the cannon which he used, and observing the arc through which it was driven by the recoil. The same formula is still applicable, M now representing the weight of the cannon and its appendages without the ball. For the effect will be the same, whether a velocity be communicated to the pendulous body by the impact of the ball, or its reaction. And the momentum communicated at the axis of the cannon will be PV, because the momentum communicated to the ball in one direction, and to the pendulum in the other, must be equal. LI 266 It is found by experiments of this kind, that the velocity of musquet and cannon bullets varies from 1600 to 2000 feet per second. SECT. II. Motion of Bodies unrolling. 99. PROP. A cylindrical body unrolls itself from a vertical string, the other end of which passes over a fixed pully, and supports a weight; to determine the motion, fig. 105. One end of the string is supposed to be fastened to the surface. of the body M, so that it cannot slide, but can only descend by unrolling. Let the tension of the string ABP be Tg; (if we neglect the inertia of B, it will be the same throughout). Let the moment of inertia of M be Mk2, and CA=a: and the effective accelerating force on C downwards=x. The effective moving force on P downwards is (P-T) g, and the accelerating force is ( T (1 - 27) 8 (1 - g. And this will be the effec- tive accelerating force upwards on any point of the string BA, as A. Now since C descends by an accelerating force x, and A ascends T by an accelerating force (1 − 1) g, the relative accelerating force of A round C is x + ( T ( P g=y suppose. And hence, the effective accelerating force round C, of a point at a distance r from Cis" a round C is : and the moment of all the effective accelerating forces yΣmr² Mk² y or The impressed forces on M a a are the weight Mg acting downwards at C, and Tg acting upwards at A. Hence, to establish an equilibrium between the impressed and effective forces, according to Art. 73, we must have the forces equal, = or Mx Mg-Tg; and their moments with respect to C equal, T Mk²y Mk ( or {x + (1 - 4) 8} = Tga. a a 267 Eliminating T, we have M Mk² {x + g P x= (g − x)} = Ma³(g — x), Pa²+(MP)k² Pa² + (M+P) k² • g⋅ COR. 1. Since Tg=M(g~x), we have 2 MP L2 2 T = Pa² + (M+P) k² The accelerating force on P, is COR. 2. (1 - 4) 8 T Pa'-(M-P) k² Pa²+(M+P) k² · 8 · g== g. COR. 3. It is not necessary that the whole body should be cylindrical, but only that the part of it from which the string unrolls should be a cylinder, of which the axis passes through the centre of gravity. The vertical plane of the string must be perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, and pass through the centre of gravity. COR. 4. If the figure be a cylindrical shell of small thickness, k=a, accelerating force on C = accelerating force on P = M g • 2 P+ M³ 2P - M 2 P+M g, tension = 2 MP 2P+M' COR. 5. If the figure be a solid homogeneous cylinder, k² accelerating force on C = accelerating force on P = tension = P+M 3P+M 8, 3P-M 3P+M•8, 2. MP 3P+M a² 268 100. PROP. A cylindrical body unrolls itself from a vertical string, the other end of which is fixed; to determine the motion, fig. 106. If we assume P, in last Article, to be such that it shall neither ascend nor descend, we may suppose the string AB to be fixed at the point B, and the motion will be the same as before. We must therefore in this case, have the accelerating force on P = 0; or, Pa² – (M – P) k² = 0, whence, P = Mk2 a² + k²· Hence also, T= Mk2 a² + h² • And accelerating force on C = (M − T) g M a² g = a² + k²· COR. 1. If the figure be a cylindrical shell, k=a; accelerating force on C = 5, T = 2' M COR. 2. If the figure be a solid cylinder, k² = a 2 2 g M accelerating force on C = T 3 3 2 a² COR. 3. If the figure be a globe, k² = ; 5 g accelerating force on C = 55, T = 2 M 7 7 COR. 4. If the string, instead of being vertical, be laid along an inclined plane as BA, fig. 107, the same conclusions are mani- festly true; putting for g the force of gravity down the plane, which is g • sin. inclination. The tension will also be T' g. sin. inclination. COR. 5. If M, instead of rolling by means of a string, roll down the plane in consequence of the friction entirely preventing its sliding, the results will be the same. The tension of the string is now replaced by the effort which the friction exercises to prevent 269 sliding. Hence, when a body rolls down an inclined plane, the accelerating force is if it be a hollow cylinder, if it be a solid 5 1 2 cylinder, and if it be a globe, of the force with which a body would slide down the plane, if friction were removed. SECT. III. Motion of Pullies. 101. PROP. One body draws another over a single fixed pully; to determine the motion, fig. 108. Let Mk2 be the moment of inertia of the pully, a its radius. And let r be the effective accelerating force on P downwards; which is therefore the accelerating force on the circumference of the pully M, and on Q upwards. Let Tg be the tension of the string AP, and T'g of BQ. Hence, the force impressed at the circumference of the pully is Tg- Tg', and therefore, x= (T – T') ga² Mk2 .(1). But the accelerating force on P = x = (P − T) g Р and the accelerating force on Q (T' — Q) g . = Q .. Px (PT) g, Qx= (T' — Q) g, (P + Q) x = (T' − T) g + (P-Q) g………. (2). Multiply (1) by Mk², and (2) by a², and add; .. Mk²x + (P+Q) a²x = (PQ) ga*, ľ (P − Q) g a Mk² + (P + Q) a² COR. 1. The tensions of AP, and BQ, are respectively (Mk² + 2 Qa²) Pg (Mk² + 2 Pa²) Q g 2 Mk² + (P+Q) a²' Mk+(P+Q) a² * COR. 2. Hence, when strings are in motion about pullies, the tension of each string is no longer the same throughout its length. 270 1 A part of the tension of PA is employed in turning M; and it is only the remainder which is continued along the cord, so as to act in BQ. The same results might have been obtained from Art. 93, by making the radii of the wheel and axle equal. 102. PROP. In the single moveable pully with the strings parallel; to determine the motion, fig. 109. f Let P, Q, be the weights; Mk2, M'k', the moments of the pullies; a, a' their diameters. And let the tension of AP-Tg, of BD=T'g, of EF=t'g. Then, if x be the accelerating force. x on P, will be the accelerating force on Q, because it moves with 2 half the velocity. Also, the accelerating force at the circumference of M will be x: and since, while E remains fixed, the centre of M' rises with half P's velocity, the relative motion of E round the centre, is half P's velocity, and therefore, the effective accelerating force at the circumference of M' round C' is Ꮖ And if we consider the forces which act upon M', we have Impressed forces, T'g, t'g upwards, Qg downwards; Q including the weight of M'. Effective forces, upwards for Q, and X 2 cumference, turning M' round C'. Hence, by Art. 73, we must have Ꮖ (T' + t') g − Qg = Q ₂; x M'k' 2 a 12 at the cir- and, considering the moments with respect to C', } (T' — t'′) a'g = M'k'½ Ꮖ a X M'k'2 .. 2 Tg = Qg + Q + 12 a 271 Also, we have, as before, P-T P¯¯¯g, or (P− T) g = Pr, х P x = (T-T') ga² Mk2 or (T- T') g = Mk2 a² Q2 x; add these, and the former one Q g Q x M'k'2 x T'g= + + Q 22 a'2 and we have Q g Pg= 2 + (P + 10:10 Mk M'k'2 + a² 2 + 22 a¹2 12 (P - 2) g .. x = Q Mk2 M'K2 P+ + a² + 12 22a/2 x; from this also the tensions might be found. 103. PROP. In the system of moveable pullies, where each hangs by a separate string; to determine the motion, fig. 110. The strings are supposed parallel. M, M', M", M" the pullies, Mk², M'k2, M"k", &c. their moments; a, a', a", &c. their radii. Let x be the effective accele- rating force on P; then will be the accelerating force on M'; x Ꮖ on M": 22 X on M""; and these will also be the effective ac- 23 celerating forces producing rotation at the circumferences of M, M', M", &c. Then, by reasoning with respect to each pully, as we have done for M' in last Article, we have Mk2 (P− T) g=Px, (T-T') g= X. a² 272 X 81% (T′ + t') g − M′ g − T″g = M' 2, (T′ − t') g = Ꮖ (T″ +t") g− M″ g−T" g = M" 2, (T″ −t") g = and so on. 25 M'k' a 72 M"k"2 all2 Eliminating t', t", &c. from each successive pair, we have Pg = Px + Tg, Mk2 Tg= x + T'g, a 2 M'k'2 M'x 30 T' g = 12 a T" g 112 a X 23 M" "2 22 22 + + M'g + Tg T" 2 2 + M" x + M" g + T"" g 23 2 2 and so on. Therefore, Mk2 Pg=Px+ x + + a 2 M'k'2 112 M" "2 a 1124 Ꮖ + 12 22 M'x 22 M" x + + &c. + M'g + 24 2 The law of continuation is manifest. the figure) is that which immediately the effective accelerating force on Q, X 24 M"g 22 + &c. Tig + &c. + 1,35 23 And the last tension (T" in raises Q. Hence, we have Q) g x (TIV Q = Q Ꮖ .. Tg = @g+ Qg + 23 Substituting this, and obtaining the value of x, we have (P - M' M" &c. 2 22 3) x= Mk2 M' M'2 M" M" "2 P+ a² + + 22 + 22 a'r 2/2 + 24 24 a 44 + &c. and similarly for any number of pullies. う 273 By similar reasoning, we shall have the accelerating force in the system of pullies, when each is attached to the weight. But more immediately in all such cases by the following Proposition. 104. PROP. To find the accelerating force on any machine whatever. Let P be one of the bodies of the machine, and let P' be the mass, which, placed at P, would preserve the equilibrium. Then the weight (P – P') g is the impressed force, which produces the motion. Let u be the velocity of P, and v, v', &c. the velocities of any 'other bodies m, m', &c. in the system. Then, if x be the effective V X U will be that on m, and M V X u the ef- accelerating force on P, fective moving force. Therefore, the forces which must balance each other by Årt. 73, are (P— P′) g in one direction, and m'v'x тих 26 , &c. in the opposite. и Now u, v, v', &c. may be considered as the virtual velocities of the points where these forces are applied. ciple of virtual velocities, Hence, by the prin- MVX m'v' x V (P-P')g.u- Px.u- . V U U (P — P¹). .v— &c. = 0; (P − P′) g :: x = m v² ጎ m'v'2 Σmv* P+ + + &c. P+ u² นี้ Let the motion of any mass, as M, be a moment taking place about a fixed axis. 2 UZ considered as for This is always pos- sible, (see Note, p. 222). Let a be the distance of the centre of gravity from this axis, and a its velocity; then, if m be'a particle at the distance r, m's velocity mr² a² α 2 να == And for the whole of M, a 2 α a² Σmv² =Σ mv² = 2 "r" a² = = = £ mr² = 2 M (a² + kº), a M M 274 using the same notation as before, = Ma² + M. k² a² 2 Q š Hence, in the denominator of the accelerating force x, we shall have, for each mass M, two terms in the denominator, such as we α have just found. It may be observed, that is the angular velocity of M about its centre. a It will be seen by comparison, that this includes all the pre- ceding propositions of this Chapter. SECT. IV. Maximum effect of Machines. 105. PROB. I. A weight P, acting at a wheel, produces rotation in a mass which moves about an axis passing through the centre of gravity; it is required to determine the distance at which P must act, that the angular velocity, generated in a given time, may be the greatest possible. Here the accelerating force on P is 29 f= Pa² g Pa² + Mk² P acting at a radius a. And the velocity generated in time t in the circumference at which P acts, is ft. And hence, angular velocity =£t a ; .. 2 f a = max., Pa² + MkⓇ a = max. છે Pa²+Mk2 min., a Mk2 Mk2 Pa+ = min. whence P - = 0, a a² M a = k p PROB. II. P raises Q by means of a wheel and axle, as in Art. 93; the axle being given, to find the wheel, that the time of Q's ascending through a given space, may be the least possible. 275 The accelerating force on Q is f= (Pa-Qb) gb Pa² + QU² + M k² And, as this is constant, we have t = which will mani- festly be least when ƒ is greatest. Therefore, we must have Pa-Qb Pa“ + Qb° + M k² = max. If we suppose a to vary, k will also vary in a manner depending on the form of the wheel; but if we suppose M to be small, we have, neglecting it, Pa-Qb =max. 2 Pa²+Qb² and differentiating, supposing a variable, P (Pa² + Qb²) — 2 Pa (Pa- Qb) Pa² - 2 Qab — Qb² = 0; = 0; Q b P {¹ + √/ (1 + })}· P If P be small compared with Q, this will give nearly a= 2 Q b P + 2 The weight P must act at a little more than twice the distance at which it would balance Q. PROB. III. The wheel and axle, and the weight P, being given; to find Q, so that the momentum communicated to it in a given time, may be the greatest possible. The accelerating force ƒ on Q, is the same as before, and the velocity acquired by it in a given time, is v=ft. Aud hence, we must have Qft a maximum, or Qf a maximum; 276 (Pa- Qb) Q Pa²+Qb² + Mk² max.; .. (Pa-2 Qb) (P a² + Qb² + Mk²) -- b² (PQa- Q° b) = 0. And hence, Q is found by the solution of a quadratic equation. If we neglect M, we have Pa² Q: b2 {√ (1 + - ) = 1} : a and if we suppose b small, compared with a, Pa P Q 26 8 Q is nearly half the weight which P would support. PROB. IV. A body revolving round an axis, strikes another given body P in a direction perpendicular to the radius; to find the distance at which the impact must take place that the velocity com- municated may be the greatest possible. Let be the distance of the striking point from the axis, and M² the moment of inertia with respect to the axis. Any pressure acting at the distance, will produce the same effect as if there were collected at that distance a mass Mk2 2.2 Hence, the impact, which is only a short and violent pressure, will produce the same effect, as if such a mass were to impinge on the given body P. Let a be the angular velocity, then ra is the velocity at the point of impact. And when a body A impinges with a velocity a on B at Λα rest, the velocity after impact is A ÷ B elastic, (Elem. Treat. on Mechanics, Art. 166.). Hence, the ve- locity communicated to P is ; supposing the bodies in- Mk2 a T MK Mk² ar Mk² + Pr² 2 + P 277 which is to be a maximum. Whence we find M r = k ✓ P If the body be in any degree elastic, the result will be the same, for the velocity of B in that case, is (1+e) Aa A+B' (Elem. Treat. on Mechanics, Art. 167.). CHAP. V. PRESSURE ON A FIXED AXIS. 106. WHEN a body revolves about a fixed axis, the axis in general suffers some pressure, depending upon the form and motion of the body, and on the forces which act upon it. The different parts of the system influence each other's motions by the intervention of this axis; and it supplies, as it were, the difference of the forces impressed, and the effective forces, so that they may balance each other. D'Alembert's Principle, Art. 73, being general for all the forces which act upon a system, will enable us to find the pressures in question. If a body, not acted upon by any forces, have a rotatory motion, it will retain it for ever, (neglecting friction, &c.) and go on with a uniform velocity. If it be acted upon by external forces, its velocity will be variable. We shall consider successively these two cases. SECT. I. A Body revolving, acted on by no Forces. PROP. A system acted on by no forces, revolves about a fixed axis with uniform velocity: to find the pressure on the axis. 1 278 Let z C, fig. 111, be the axis of rotation, a Cy a plane perpendi- cular to it, in which Cr and Cy are at right angles. The system may be referred to three rectangular co-ordinates, parallel to Cx, Cy, Cz, which we shall call x, y, z. And let M be any particle of the body, and MO perpendicular to the axis. M describes a circle about O, and for this purpose, it must be retained in a circle by a force in the direction MO, the magnitude of which force is known from Art. 20. If w be the angular velocity, and OM=r, the effective accelerating force in MO=rw³. Hence, if m be the mass of the particle at M, mrw² will be the effective moving force in мо. 2 The force in MO may be resolved in the directions MN, NO, parallel to Cx and Cy. And we shall have for the particle m, MN moving force parallel to rmrw² = mx w²; MO NO MO to y = mrw² = myw². And effective forces, analogous to these, act on each of the points of the system. Also, the moments of these forces will be about the axis Cx, about the axis Cy, 0, and my zw², mxzw, and 0. And if represent the sum of all the products corresponding to different points analogous to m, we shall have for the whole ef- fective forces, wΣmx, w² Emy, and for their moments about Cx, and Cy, w² Emyz, wmxz: these forces acting to diminish r and y. ω 2 ω 2 The impressed forces are none except the reaction of the axis, which is the pressures upon it inverted. We may reduce these pressures to two, acting at given points. * They cannot always be reduced to one, as will be seen. When forces are reducible to two equal ones, acting on a line in opposite directions, at different points, the effect produced is of a peculiar kind, and may be called Torsion. There is no tendency to a change of place, but only of position. The axis about which this torsion takes place, passes through the centre of gravity, as will be shewn. 279 If the axis be supported at two points A and B, we may sup- pose the forces to act at these points. Let U and V be the forces which act at those points, both being in plaues perpendicular to the axis; for it is evident that there will be no pressure in the di- rection of the axis. Let U make an angle with the plane xz, and Van angle with the same plane. And let CA = a, -CB=b. Then the pressures on the axis will be parallel to x, U cos. O at A, V cos. Y at B, to y, U sin. at A, V sin. Y at B. Hence, U cos. + V cos. Y = w²Σmx, U sin. & + V sin. y = w²Σmy; because the forces must be equal. And Ua cos. O Vb cos. Y 4 = w² Σmxz, Ua sin. Vb sin. ↓ = w²Σmyz; because the moments of the forces, with respect to Cr and Cy must be equal. From these four equations, a and b being known, we may find the four quantities U, V, P, Y, (or rather, U cos. p, V cos. Y, U sin. p, V sin. †.) And we shall 107. We may suppose C to be taken so that the plane r Cy, fig. 112, passes through the centre of gravity G. be able to reduce all the forces to (1) A force CR in the plane x Cy. (2) Two equal forces FS, F'S' at equal distances CF, CF', and acting in opposite directions. These latter forces will produce no effect, except a torsion round C. The tendency to a motion of the centre of gravity will entirely result from the force CR. PROP. It is required to find the force which acts at C, and the forces which tend to turn the system round C. 280 Let the former force be R, and make with the plane rz an angle p; let the forces at F and F' be each S, and make with xz an angle σ; and let CF = CF' = ƒ. impressed forces parallel to x, We shall then have S S R cos. p at C, cos. σ at F, cos. σ at F', 2 S S to y, R sin. p at C, sin. σ at F, sin. σ at F'. And considering the moments of the forces with respect to the areas Cr and Cy, we have, as before, by the conditions of equi- librium with the effective forces, R cos. p = w²Σmx, R sin. p = w²Σmy, Sf cos. σ = w²Σmxz, Sf sin. σ = w°Σmy z. The two former equations give tan. p Σmy Σmx • , R = w² V {(Σmx)² + (Σmy)²}. If x and y be the co-ordinates x and y for the centre of gravity, h its distance from the axis, and M the whole mass, we have y tan. p = R = w²M√(x² + y²) = w²Mh. Hence, the force R passes through the axis and the centre of gravity; and its magnitude is the same as if the whole mass were collected in the centre of gravity. If the axis pass through the centre of gravity, the force R is 0. The two latter equations give tan. σ = Σmyz Σmxz ; $f = w² V {(Σ m x z )² + (Σ my z )²}. It appears by this, that we cannot determine the force S, or the distance ƒ, but only their product, or the moment of the forces in SF and S'F' to turn the axis round C. + 281 S any value, and find the As we suppose ƒ larger COR. 1. Hence, we may assign to corresponding distance f, and vice versâ. and larger, S becomes smaller and smaller, and when ƒ is indefinitely large, S' is indefinitely small. Hence, in this case the force in SF would not affect the value of R, even if it were not neutralized by that in S'F'; and we may suppose the two portions S and S to act at the same point F. Thus it appears, that forces which tend at the same time to give a rotatory motion, and a motion of translation, to a system, may be resolved into two; a finite force, producing the motion of translation, and an indefinitely small force, acting at an indefinitely great distance, to produce the rotation. This latter force, being indefinitely small, would not affect the motion of translation, if it were transferred to the centre of rotation. This resolution is fre- quently used by Euler. COR. 2. The directions of the forces R, S, change as the position of the system changes, and in the case we are considering, these directions revolve uniformly round the axis. So that to keep the axis at rest during a whole revolution, it must oppose the tendency to motion in every direction with sufficient force. COR. 3. If the system, instead of consisting of separate particles, be a continuous body, we must put the differential of the mass instead of m, and the integral, instead of the sum : we shall then have tan. σ = Sy z d M fxzd M Sf = w² V {(fxz d M)²+(fy zd M)²}. COR. 4. S cannot =0, except fxzd M = 0, fyzd M = 0. PROB. I. A plane revolves about an axis perpendicular to it; to find the pressure on this axis, fig. 113. We may suppose C to be placed at the intersection of the plane and the axis; we shall then have =0, and consequently S=0. z= O, If G be the centre of gravity, plane, the force R acts in CG, and M represent the mass of the and is = w² Mh; CG being h. 2 The same is true for any body which is symmetrical with respect to the plane a Cy. NN 282 PROB. II. A uniform straight line revolves about an axis meeting it at any angle; to find the pressure on the axis ; fig. 114. Let AB be the line, G its centre of gravity; M any point, Dz the axis, GC, MO perpendiculars upon the axis. CO=%, OM=x, CG=h, and if the angle ODM = a, GMs, have x = h + s . sin. a, z = s. cos. a, y=0, d M = ds. GA=GB=a. Then fxzdM = f(h+s. sin. a). s. cos. a.ds = COS. a 3 hs² s³ sin. a + 17. 9). 3 a to sa, gives we shall And let and the integral taken from s = 2 a³ 3 Ma² 2 Cos. a. sin. a α. sin. a. cos. a. 3 3 Ma²wⓇ Ματω 2 Also, fyzdM=0; .'. Sƒ = sin. a. cos. ɑ. 3 And the effort to turn AB round G is the same as if we had a mass M 3 placed at A, and revolving round an axis GH parallel to CZ. 2 Besides this, we have R = Mhw² acting at G as before. PROB. III. A straight line revolves in any position not meeting the axis; to find the pressures; fig. 115. G the centre of gravity, GC a perpendicular on the axis. Let the axis of x be parallel to CG. And let the position of the line be such, that it makes an angle with the plane of xy, and that its projection GK in that plane makes an angle ʼn with x. η GM=s, CG = h, GA h, GA = GB = a. s sin. 0 = s cos. O . sin. ท MK = z; Also let We shall then have KL; s cos. O cos. n = GL; .'. s cos. ◊ sin ʼn = y, h+s cos. 0 cos. n = x, SxzdM = f(h+s cos. O cos. n) s sin. 0. ds hs' $3 sin. + cos. O sin. cos. + const. 2 3 283 which, taken from s=—a, to s=a, gives 2 a³ 3 cos. O sin. ◊ cos. n, Syzd M=f's cos. O sin. n. s. sin. 0. ds. 2a3 = 3 cos. . sin. . sin. n, tan. σ tan. n; 2 a³w² 3 2 Μάω MaⓇwⓇ Hence, Sf= sin. . cos. 0 = sin. O cós. 0. 3 3 If from C a perpendicular CT be drawn on KG; the axis will be drawn in the direction CG by the force R, and at the same time will have an effort to turn round the axis CT by the force S. SECT. II. A Body revolving acted on by any Forces. 108. PROP. Let any forces act upon a system moving round a fixed axis; to find the pressure on the axis. Let the forces at each point be resolved in the directions of the co-ordinates; 1, Y1, 21, X2, Y, Z, &c. the co-ordinates of their points of application; and suppose X, X2, &c. the parts parallel to r, Y₁, Y, &c. ► Z1, Z2, &c. to y, to z. The pressures, and the forces which support the axis, may still be reduced to two, acting at different points of the axis, but not in planes perpendicular to it. For the sake of simplicity, let one of these act at the origin C. We may resolve each of these forces in the directions of the axis, and perpendicular to it. Let U, V be the forces perpendicular to the axis, and T the sum of the forces in the axis. Let U pass through the origin, and make an angle with x; let V act at a distance b from the origin along the axis, and let it make an angle with the line of r; and let the symbol Σ be used to represent the sum of all the products with respect to X1, X2, &c. 284 We shall then have for the whole impressed forces, U, V, T, acting to diminish x, y, z, ΣX-U cos. -V cos. Y, parallel to x, EY− U sin. ¢ - V sin. Ý, ZZ-T..... And their moments to y, . to z. Vb sin. + (ZyYz) with respect to Cx, Vb cos. + (2x-Xz) with respect to Cy, Σ (Yr-Xy) with respect to Cz: these forces acting to turn the system in directions yz, xz, xy. The effective forces are the same as in the former section, adding the effective forces which accelerate the motion round the axis. These act upon each particle, and are as the distance from the axis; if F be the force at distance 1, in direction xy, Fr will be the force at a distance r; Fmr will be the moving force, and its resolved parts parallel to Cr and Cy will be Fmy and Fmx. And the moments about Cx, Cy, and Cz arising from this force will be - Fmxz, Fmyz, Fmr². Hence we have the whole effective forces - w²Σmx - FΣmy parallel to x, 2 - w²Σmy + FΣmx to y, to z; and their moments in directions ry, xz, yz, w² Σmy z - FΣmxz about Cr, w² Σm x z + FΣmy z...... Cy, FΣmr² z.C These effective forces inverted (that is, with their signs changed) must produce an equilibrium with the effective forces: (Art. 73.) hence, we have these six equations, 285 ΣΧ U cos. ΣΥ - U sin. - cos. ++w²Σmx +FΣmy V sin. + wmy - FΣmx - Y+w³Σmy = 0, = 0, Vb sin. + (Zy - Yz) — w²Σmy z+FΣmxz = 0, Vb cos. † + Σ (Zx - Xz) - w²Σmxz - FΣmyz = 0. ΣΤ Σ7 - Τ = 0, == Σ (Yx-Xy) - FΣmr² = 0. From the last, F is determined; and then the four first equations serve to determine U, 4, 4, and Vb. PROB. IV. Let a body which is symmetrical with respect to a plane passing through the centre of gravity, revolve about a hori- zontal axis, so that this plane may be vertical; the body being acted on by gravity only, to find the pressure on the axis. Let C be taken at the point where the plane of symmetry meets the axis. In this case Zmxz, Σmyz each=0, because every positive value of zm will have a corresponding equal negative value. Also if x and y be the co-ordinates x and y of the centre of gravity, and M the whole mass; Σmr= Mx, Σmy: Σmx=Mx, = My. Let r be vertical, and y horizontal; then ΣY=0, ΣZ=0, and ΣX= Mg. Also ZXy=Mgy. Hence, our equations give Mgy FΣmr² = 0, or, putting Mk for Emr², and h sin. O for y, h being the distance of the centre of gravity from the axis, and the angle which h makes with the vertical, = gh sin. 0 Fk2, F=- And the four equations become gh sin. O k2 Mg– U cos. –V cos. - U sin. − V sin. Vb sin. +w²Mx+FMy=0, + My – FM =0, W = 0, Vb cos. Y = 0. 286 + Hence, Vb = 0, and we may make V = 0, b remaining indeter- minate. This is also seen by considering that the whole pressure will obviously pass through the origin. Hence, putting for F its value, and for x, y, h cos. 0, h sin. 0, we have Mg− U cos. = − M (w³h cos. 0 h² k2 2 g sin. 0), 2 h2 k² g sin.²0+g), h² and U sin. = M (wh sin. 0 + k² g sin. ◊ cos. Ø). or U cos. = M (w²h cos. 0 Let the force U at the axis be resolved into two; R in the direction of the line passing through the centre of gravity, and S perpendicular to this line. Then taking the forces in the direction of x and y, we have h2 R cos. + S sin. 0 = M (w²h cos. O k2 g sin." 0+g), h² g sin. cos. ). k² R sin. - S cos. 0 = M (w²h sin. 0 + Multiply by cos. 0, sin. Ø, and add, and we have R = Mw²h+Mg cos. 0. Multiply by sin. 0, cos. 0, and subtract, and we have S = Mg Mg sin. 9 (1-1). 2 In the value of R, the first term, Moh, arises from the cen- trifugal force, and is the same as if the mass were collected at the centre of gravity. The second, Mg cos. 0, is the resolved portion of the weight in the direction of a line passing through the centre of gravity. The forces U and V, which support the axis, are sup- posed to act opposite to the pressures on it. R and S in this case will act upwards, if O be less than a right angle. If the body were a line, revolving in a vertical plane, about one of its extremities, its length being a, we should have h=-, a 287 1 a 2 k =ª². Hence, in this 3 I Hence, in this case, S = Mg sin. 0. And when the line is horizontal, S= Mg, or the pressure downwards is one fourth the weight of the body. PROB. V. A uniform straight line revolves about a horizontal axis meeting it in any position; to determine the pressure upon the axis. In fig. 114, let CG be considered as the direction of gravity; notation as in Prob. II. The forces will be more distinctly conceived by separating them in the following manner. We have the forces arising from the rotation, calculated in Prob. II, of this Chapter. 2 They are (1) A force Mhw acting in CG. (2) A force whose moment is Ma² w², sin. a. cos. a 3 to turn z C about C in the direction z Á. We have also the forces arising from gravity. The force of gravity on each point may be resolved parallel to CG, and per- pendicular to the plane zCG; and if be the angle which this plane makes with a vertical plane, we shall have, arising from the forces parallel to CG, ' (3) A force Mg cos. O acting in CG; and we have to find (4) The pressure arising from the forces perpendicular to the plane zCG. These pressures will be perpendicular to the plane zCG, and may be represented by Q and S acting in the axis at distances e and f from C. Hence, the impressed forces are Q, S, and Mg sin. 0, and the moment is Qe+ Sf about CG. · — — Now if F be the effective force at distance 1, acting to diminish. gh sin. O 0, we have F = k2 ; and at the point M, effective force gh sin. 0 gh sin. O Ꮎ ka xds, and its moment round CG = xzds. kⓇ 288 Observing that x=h+s sin. a, z=s cos. a, we have Lxds=hs + 201 sin. a = 2 ha = Mh, 2 3 fxzds=h cos. a S + sin. a. cos. a 3 203 2 a sin. · a cos. ɑ. 3 3 sin. a. cos. a= M.— Hence, the whole effective force is Mg. and its moment about CG is Mg. therefore, -Q-S+Mg sin. 0 Mg. h² sin. O k² ha² sin. O sin. a cos. a 3k2 h² sin. O K ha² sin. Ø. sin. a . cos. a Qe+ Sf= Mg • 3 k² 1 Whence the forces must be determined. If we suppose Q to be the force acting at the centre C, and Sf to be the moment of the force of torsion, represented by an infinitely small force at an infinite distance, we have S= 0, e = 0 ; whence Q = Mg sin. 0 ( 1 h² 2 k² Sƒ= Mg sin. 0. 2 ha sin. a cos. a 3k2 These two forces, with the three before-mentioned, give the whole. pressure on the axis. The last tends to turn z C about CG as an axis. Hence, on the whole, besides the pressure at C, there will be a tendency to turn Cz about a line inclined to the plane z CG. We may find k by the Chapter III. For Sf we may substitute two equal forces acting at equal finite distances from C in opposite directions. The forces will be SS and the distances f, Sf being of the proper value as above. 2 289 109. PROP. When a body revolving about an axis is acted on by a single force in a plane perpendicular to the axis, to find the pressure on the axis. This is a particular case of the general proposition, and might be so considered; but as it leads immediately to the centre of percussion, we shall consider it separately. Let P be the force, and let it act parallel to the axis of r, at a point of which the co-ordinates are y', z'. Let the body be sup- posed to be at rest. And let the reaction of the axis be resolved into a force S parallel to x at an ordinate z'", and a force T parallel to y at ordinate z". Let as before F be the effective force which produces rotation about the axis z, at distance 1. Then Frm is the effective moving force of m at distance r, -Fym, and Fxm, the parts parallel to x and y. And - Fxzm and Fyzm are the moments of these forces about the axes x and y respectively. Also, Fr2m is the moment about z. Hence, we have the whole effective forces - FΣym, FΣxm, 0; and their moments -FZxzm, FΣyzm, FΣr²m. The impressed forces are P, S and T; and therefore we have the whole impressed forces parallel to x, P—S, to y, -T; to z, O; and their moments about x, Tz""; about y, - Pz+Sz"; about z, -Py. Hence, P-S= − FΣym, T= - FΣxm, - Pz+Sz" = FΣyzm; Tz" - FΣx zm, = - Py' = FΣr³m, Hence, P-S= PΣym ·y'; Er² m S=P (1 − y Zym), - S2" = P (1 - 12yzm) Σrm If the body, instead of being at rest, have any angular velocity, this will produce a centrifugal force in the parts, the result of which will, by the first section of this Chapter, be a pressure on O o 290 the axis in the line passing through the centre of gravity. Hence, if we do not consider this force, S will be the same as before. COR. 1. If the centre of gravity be in the plane yz, we shall have Σrm=0, and T=0. And if the figure be symmetrical with respect to the plane y z, we shall have Σxzm=0, and Tz””=0. Zxzm will also = 0 in many other cases. COR. 2. To find at what point P must be applied, in order that the effect of S' upon the axis may be 0. We must have S = 0, and Sz" =0*; .. 0 =P (1 - 1 Zym) Στη ; 0 =P (2 y' Zyzm Σr²m Zyzm). Σr² m Hence, y' = ; = Lym y Σ y z m Σr² m Zyzm Zym 110. PROP. To find the Centre of Percussion of any system. If a body be struck, in a direction perpendicular to the plane passing through the axis and the centre of gravity, the centre of percussion is the point at which the impact must take place, that it may produce no pressure upon the axis. P, in the last Article, represents any pressure, and therefore, the conclusions will be true of a sudden and violent pressure, which is an impact. The impact is perpendicular on the plane y z, in which the centre of gravity is. And we have, by Cor. 2, to last Article, y' = Σ m² m Lym Σr²m Mh > if h be the distance of the centre of gravity from the axis. Hence, * It does not follow, that if S=0, Sz"=0; for Sz" expresses the force of torsion exerted by S, which may be represented by an indefinitely small force acting at an indefinitely great distance. The same is true of T and Tz"". See p. 281. 291 the distance of the centre of percussion from the axis is the same as that of the centre of oscillation Σ Ź Z y z m Lym Σy zm Mh If the system be symmetrical with respect to a plane perpen- dicular to the axis, and through the centre of gravity, and if c be the value of z corresponding to this plane, Zxzm=Mhc, and z=h. Therefore, the centre of percussion will be in the same plane; and of course, in the line passing through the centre of gravity. In other cases, we must find Erzm by integrating. If Exzm do not vanish, the whole force on the axis will not vanish. There will be a tendency to twist the system round the axis x. Ex. 1. A semi-parabola ABC, fig. 116, is moveable about its axis AB to find the point O, at which it must be struck perpen- dicularly to its plane, that there may be no stress on the axis. : If z be measured along the axis, and y perpendicular to it, we have and Y Σr°m=ff y°dzdy = ƒ y°dz, 3 is to be taken from 0 to V(az), a being the parameter ; · · Σ r² m = { ƒ a * 2 * d z = .. 3 And if b be the whole length AB, this = Σyzm=ffy z dydz=f2_zd z = 2 a 15 2 a b ÷ 15 = 2dr = = far" d= = zd z dz Sazd aze 6 6 3 a = = = ab³ b² 4 £ym=ffydyd:=f&d==ż fazd; = = = z 4 ab 292 5 Σr² m 2 a b 4 8 y Lym 15 af² at bì, 15 Σy zm a b³ 4 Ź = 11 Lym 6 ab² 213 b. 3 Hence, we find the point O by making 8 AL= AB, LO= BC. 3 15 Ex. 2. Let ABC be a right-angled triangle, AL = 2 AB, LO = ½ BC. CHAP. VI. 1 THE THREE PRINCIPAL AXES OF ROTATION. 111. THERE are in every body or system, three lines so situated, that if the body revolve about any one of them, the pressure upon the axis is 0. The same lines also have this property; that the moment of inertia about one of them is greater, and about another less, than it is about any other axis. These three lines are called the principal ares: they are all three at right angles to each other. The pro- perties, &c., of these axes will be the subject of the present Chap- ter. PROP. To find the moment of inertia of a system about an axis, passing through the origin of co-ordinates, and making with the axes of x, y, z, any angles a, ß, y*. * The equation cos.²a + cos.³ß + cos.3y = 1, connects a, ß, y. 293 Let Cx, Cy, Cz, fig. 117, be the axes of co-ordinates, and CI the axis of rotation. Let M be any point, and MO=r a perpen- dicular on CI. Also, let the co-ordinates of the point M be x, y, z, and CM= D. If the angles which CM makes with Cr, Cy, Cz respectively, be a', B', y': and & the angle which CM makes with CI, we shall have cos. d=cos. a. cos. a'+cos. ß. cos. ß' + cos. y . cos. y' *. Ꮖ But, cos. a &c.; D Ꮖ ... cos. d cos.a + a+ D Y D Z cos. B + cos. Y. D Also, r² = D² sin.² d= D² - D² cos.² 8; and D²=x²+y²+z²; •• r² = x² + y²+zz - x² cos.“ a — y² cos.² ß - z² cos.² y 2yz cos. ß cos. y − 2 x z cos. a 2 x z cos. a . cos. y — 2xy cos. a cos. ß. Putting 2 sin. a for x2-x2 cos.2 a, &c., multiplying by m, the particle at M, and taking the sum indicated by Σ; Σr²m = sin.² a Σx²m+sin.² ßΣy'm+sin.❜g Σz² m -2 cos.ẞcos. yZyzm-2 cos.a cos. yZxzm-2cos.acos. ẞZxym. * Let a sphere, fig. 118, described with centre C, meet Cr, Cy, Cz, CM, CI, in x, y, z, M, I. Then, arcs Ir, Iy, Iz, will be a, ß, y; Mx, My, Mz, will be a', ß', y'; MD will be d. And we shall have, since xzy is a right angle, and az a quadrant cos. ß COS. a cos. Izx= sin. Izx=cos. Izy = ; sin. sin. Y ช ૪ Cos. a' cos. B' cos. Mzx= sin. y sin. y' .. cos. Iz M = sin. Mzx=cos. Mzy= cos. a. cos. a′+cos. ß.cos. B α sin. a. sin. a' And, cos. cos. Iz M. sin. a . sin. a'+cos. a. cos. a' d = cos. a. cos. a+cos. ß. cos. B'+cos. y. cos. y'. 294 1 1 If we put Σ x²m = f, Σy³m = g, Σz²m = h, Σyzm = F, Σxzm = G, Exym = H, 2 Σr²m=f sin.² a + g sin.² ß+h sin.² y 2 F cos. ß cos. y −2 G cos, a cos. y~2 H cos, a cos. ß. is If the three quantities F, G, H, be each equal to 0, the ex- pression will be simplified. We shall shew hereafter, that always possible to place the axes of x, y, z, in such a position, that F, G, H, shall=0. In that case, Σr²m=f sin.* a +g sin.² ß+h sin.2 in. y. 112. PROP. To find the position of three axes of rectangular co-ordinates x, y, z, such that Σy'z'm=0, Σx'z'm=0, Ex'y' m = 0. Let x, y, z, be rectangular co-ordinates, having the same origin as x', y' z', and a known position with respect to the body. Let 'make with x, y, z, angles, whose cosines are a, b, c, y'. a', b', c', a", b", c". Hence, by note, p. 293, the cosine of the angle which x and y make, is aa+bb'+cc'; but this angle is a right angle; .. aa' + bb' + cc' =0 α Similarly, aa" + bb″ + cc″ =0 Also, a'a'' + b'b" + c'c" = 0. a² + b² + · . · (ß) *, c² = 1 =1 c²² = 1 112 a + b²² + c² 112 1 12 12 a²² + b²² + 12 by Note, p. 292. * We have also ab+a'b'+a″b″=0 ac+a'c'+a"c"=0 bc + b'c' + b"c"=0 a² ta²² ta'z 112 1 ..(7). 82 + 612 +6112 1 c² + c²² + c²² =1 295 These are six equations of condition. Now let the moment of inertia be found for any axis, making angles a, ẞ, y, with x, y, z. B, It will be 2 f sin.²a+g sin.2 ẞ+h sin.2 જ - 2 F cos. ß cos. y − 2 G cos. a. cos. y −2 H cos. a. cos. ß. 12 But, if this axis make angles a', B', y', with x', y', z', and if Σx²m = X, Σy" m = Y, Σz" m = 2; since by supposition, Σy'z'm=0, &c., the moment of inertia will be 2 X sin.2a + Y sin. ß' + % sin.² y' and these two expressions must be equal. The latter is equal to X+Y+Z-X cos.² a Y cos. B' - Z cos.²y', - and X+Y+2=Σ (x²²+y'² + z′²) m=Σ D°m, if D be the distance of m from the origin; and this is 1 = Σ (x² + y² + z²) m=f+g+h. Also, ƒ sin.² a=ƒ−ƒ cos.* a, &c.: hence, substituting, the ex- pressions to be made equal, are ƒ cos.2 a +&c. +2 F cos. ẞ cos. y +&c. and X cos. a+&c. By the Note, p. 293, we have cos. a′ = a cos. a+b cos.ẞ+c.co cos. ß′ =a' cos. a+b' cos. ß+c' cos. ولا ,لا cos. y' = a″ cos. a+b" cos. ß+c" cos. y. 2 Hence, X cos.² a' + Y cos.² ß' + 2 cos. y' becomes X (a² cos.² a+b² cos.* ß+c² cos.y cos. ẞ cos. y +2 ac cos, a cos. y +2 ab cos. a cos. ẞ) +2bc cos. 19 + Y (a²² cos.° a+b²² cos.² ß + c²² cos.² y α +2b'c' cos. ß cos. y+2 a'c' cos. a cos. y +2 a'b' cos. a cos. ß) 2 2 + % (a"² cos." a+b" cos. B+c" cos. y +2″bc" cos. ß cos, y +2 a″c" cos, a cos. y+2a"b" cos. a cos. ß); 296 which must be identical with f ƒ cos.² a+g cos.2 B+h cos.² y +2 F cos. ẞ cos. y + 2 G cos. a. cos. y+2 H cos. a. cos. B. Equating coefficients of cos.2 a, &c., we have 112 112 =ƒ••. Xa²+Ya²+Za"² = ƒ. . . . . . . .(1), Xb² + Yb'² + Z'b″² = g........ (2), Xc² + Yc²+Zc2h........(3), Xbc + Yb'c' + Zb"c" F... ... (4), = Xac + Ya'c' + Za"c" = G......(5), Xab+Ya'b'+Za"b" = H... ... (6), (1) a +(6) b + (5)c, gives Xa (a²+b²+c²)+Ya' (a a' + bb'+ cc') + Za″ (a.a"″ +bb" +cc″) =fa+Hb+Gc; or, by the equations of condition (ß), Xa=fa+Hb+ G c Similarly, (2)+(4) c + (6) a gives Xb=gb+Fc+ Ha....(7). (3)c+(5)a+(4)b.... Xc hc+Ga+Fb = From these three equations, and a+b²+c² = 1, we must find X, a, b, c. By the two first, we get Eliminate c, (X−ƒ) a − Hb - Gc=0, (X — g) b — Fc - Ha=0. .. {(X−ƒ)F+GH} a — {(X− g) G+ FH } b=0 ; Eliminate b, . b = (X−ƒ) F+GH (X − g) G+ FH • a. .. {(X−ƒ)(X−g) — H²} a — {(X − g) G+ FH} c=0; .'. c = (X −ƒ) (X − g) — H² α. (X-g) G+FH 297 Substitute these values in the third of equations (7), viz., (X-h) c-Ga - Fb=0, and we have (X-h). (X ~·ƒ) (X − g) — H² G-F. (X-g) G+FH (X−ƒ) F÷GH =0; (X − g) G+ FH - or, (X-f)(X-g) (X − h) — {(X−ƒ) F² +(X−g) G² + (X − h)H2} - 2 FGH=0; a cubic equation, from which X may be determined. X being known, we can find a, b, c, by the equations ་ (X−ƒ) F÷GH f= (X-g) G+FHa, C = (X −ƒ) (X − g) – H² (X-g) G+FH a² + b²+c² = 1. And hence the position of the axis x' is determined. а, If we make the same combinations as before, of equations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6); only using a', b', c', instead of a, b, c, we shall have the same final result, with the difference of Y instead of X. If we use a", b', c", instead of a, b, c, we shall have Z instead of X in the result. Hence, the same cubic equation will give X, Y, Z; and therefore, these must be its three roots. hence, there is only one system of three axes, possessing the pro- perty required; for the first root of the cubic giving one axis, the second and third roots give the two other axes of the same system. And This cubic has necessarily one root possible; and it may be shewn that the other roots are also possible. If they be impossible, suppose them to be of the form m +n √(− 1), and m n √(— 1). The quantities a, b, c, are possible when X is so; and for one of the impossible roots, the corresponding quantities a', b', c', will be of the form p+q V( − 1), p′ + q √(−1), p″ +q″ V(−1); and for the other root, a", b", c', they will be of the form p+q√(−1), p' — q' √( — 1), p" - q" V(-1). Now, a'a'"+bb" + c'c" =0; •· p²+p²²+p + q² + q'² + q″² = 0, 112 12 which cannot be, if p, q, &c., are possible. Therefore, the roots are not of the form supposed. P P 298 113. PROP. Given one principal axis, to find the other two. Let the given principal axis coincide with the axis of x. There- fore, a=1, b=0, c=0. And putting these values in the four equations in X, a, b, c, we find X=f, 0=H, 0=G; the first equation is equivalent to X-f=0: substituting the two latter values in the cubic, dividing out the factor X-f, and putting Y for X, we have (Y— g) (Y− h) — F² = 0. and the value of Y, obtained from this, must be substituted in the equations Yb' = gb' + Fc' +Ha', 12 a²² + b²² + c²² = 1. But H=0, and a' = 0, since y' must make a right angle with x; .'. (Y— g) b′ = Fc′ ; b'²+c'² = 1. = If O be the angle which y' makes with y, b' cos. 0, c' = sin. 0; c Y-g ... tan. 0= b F 2 F(Y-g) .´. tan. 20 = F² — (Y — g)² ' But Y² − (g+ h) Y+gh — F² = 0. Add (h-g) Y-(h-g) g = (Y—g) (h — g); .'. (Y— g)² — F² = ( Y − g) (h—g) ; ... tan. 20 2 F g-h (8); this gives two values of 0, differing by a right angle, which deter- mines the required positions of y' and z'. 114. PROP. To find the moment of inertia about any axis, in terms of the moments about the principal axes. 299 Let A be the moment about the axis of a: then, if r be the distance of a particle m from that axis, r² = x²+y², A =Σr² m = Σ (x² + y²) m = Σx²m+Σy³m=g+h. Similarly, if B be the moment about the axis of y, and C about the axis of z, we shall have B =ƒ+h, C=ƒ + g• Now, it is shewn at the end of Art. 111, that if f, g, h, belong to axes for which Σyzm = 0, &c., we shall have for the moment of inertia (µ), about any other axis, But, since Q 2 μ= ƒ sin. a + g sin. B+ h sin.2 µ 7. cos.² a + cos.² ß+cos.² y = 1, sin.² a = cos.² ß+cos.² similarly, sin.² ß = cos.²a+cos.²y, and sin.' y = cos.² a + cos.³ß; and substituting these values, 2 µ = (g+h) cos.³ a +(f+h) cos. B+(f+g) cos. y 2 = A cos.² a+ B cos. ß+C cos.2 7. 115. PROP. Of the moments A, B, C about the principal arcs, one is greater and another less than the moments about any other axes. Let A be the greatest of the three, and C the least, and μ the moment about any axis, and, putting 1 - cos. ß-cos. y for cos.*a, cos.* 2 9 µ = A (1 − cos. ẞ- cos. y) + B cos. B+C cos.² y = A-(AB) cos.2 B-(AC) cos. y, and A-B, A-C are positive; ..μ is less than A. Similarly, μ= A cos.' a +B cos. B+C (1—cos. =C+(AC) cos. a+(B-C) cos. ß; ..μ is greater than C. 2 If two of the moments as B, C, be equal 2 µ = A cos.² a + B (cos.² ß+ cos.² y) = A cos.² a+B sin. a. a cos. B) If all the three A, B, C arc equal, µ = A for every axis. 300 116. PROP. To find all the axes for which the moments are equal. If μ be the moment, all these axes are connected by the equation 2 A cos.² a + B cos. B+C cos. (A-C) cos.² a +(B-C) cos. 2 2 y=µ, a constant quantity, و ẞ= μ- C. radius is 1, to be described If we suppose a sphere whose with its centre at the origin; and suppose the axis to meet it in a point, which we may call the pole of rotation; the co-ordinates of this pole parallel to Cx and Cy are cos. a and cos. ß, and these determine the projection of the pole on the plane xy. Hence, the above equation is the equation to the projection, on the plane of xy, of the locus of all the poles for which μ is the same, or, as we may call them, the equi-momental poles. And it appears by that equation, that this projection is an ellipse with its centre C, and its semi-axes in the direction of x and y, equal to C A-C and μ C B-C' = and xy is the plane perpendicular to the axis of least moment. Similarly, (AB) cos.2 B+(AC) cos. y A- µ, and hence, the projections of the locus of the equi-momental poles on a plane yz perpendicular to the axis of the greatest moment are ellipses. Again, (A — B) cos.² a − (B− C) cos.³ y = µ— B. Hence, the projection on the plane perpendicular to the plane rz of the mean moment is a hyperbola. Thus, in fig. 119, PQ is the locus of equi-momental poles on the surface of a sphere. And the projection of PQ on the plane xy is the ellipse MN; on the plane yz it is the ellipse RQ, and on the plane az it is the hyperbola PO. In fig. 120, are represented the loci of equi-momental poles, on the surface of a sphere concentric with the body. If we make μ= B, we have the locus a quadrant of a great circle y B, and its projection BC on xz a straight line. When μ> B, we have curves PQ, P'Q, &c. approaching nearer to r as μ is larger. When «< B, we have curves pq, p'q', &c., approaching to C as µ is smaller. 301 117. We shall now find the principal axes in given figures. PROB. To find the principal axes of a given parallelogram. Let, in fig. 121, AB=2a, AD=26, angle A=(. And let the axis of x be perpendicular to the plane in its centre C; y parallel to BA, z perpendicular to BA. CP=y, PM=z. And let CHu, HM = v. X It is manifest, that the axis of x is a principal axis, and we have to find the other two by Art. 113. The figure being supposed to be divided into particles by lines parallel to AB and AD; one of these at M will be dudv sin. (. Also, we shall have y=v cos. (+u, z=v sin. (, g=fy'd M=ff (v cos. (+u)² dudv sin. (. And, integrating for u, = which taken from u = (u+v cos. ()³. dv sin. (, a to u = a, gives g= реа 2a³+6av cos.2 ९ dv sin. ( 3 2a³v sin. ( _ 2av³ sin. ( cos.³ ( 3 +. This taken from v= b to v = b gives, 3 g=4ab sin. ( a²+b² cos.² cos.² ( 3 3 Also⋅ h=fz'd M=ffv sin.³ (du dv=2a sin.³ (vdv 3 4 a b³ sin.³ ( 2 ૐ b² sin. C = 4 ab sin. b sin. 3 3 And F=fyzd M=ff (u+v cos () v sin. (dude, and integrating for u, =ƒ½ (v cos. (+u)². vdv sin.² (; which taken from u = a to u = a, gives F=f2av dv cos. sin. 4ab³ cos. (.sin.* * ફ્ =2a cos. (sin.² (v²dv= CO = 4ab sin. C. b³ sin. ( cos. ( > 1 302 2 F 26² sin. Hence, tan 20= cos. 5 g h a² + b² cos.² ( cos. - b b2 sin.2 b² sin. 2 2 a² + b² cos. 2)² which gives two values of 0, corresponding to the two principal axes in the plane of the parallelogram. To find the momentum with respect to one of these principal axes, we have by the formula, Art. 111, observing that fred M=0, a = 1, B = 0, y = " 0, 2 2 frad Mg sin.20+h cos.2 0-2 F sin. 0 cos. 0 2 a²+b² cos.² = 4ab sin ( ५ sin.20+ b² sin.* ( cos.20 3 3 cos. 0} 26² sin. (. cos. ( 3 4 ab sin. C 3 sin. cos. { a² sin.²0+b² (cos. (sin. cos. O sin. ()² } S 4ab sin. Ï {a² sin.² 0+b² sin.² ((—0)} 3 2 a b sin. ( { a² (1 − cos. 20)+b² [1 3 2 a² (1 − cos. 20)+b² [1 − cos. 2 (( − 0)]}. Now, a² cos. 20+b² cos. 2 (0) = a² cos. 20+b² cos. 2 (cos. 20+b² sin. 20. sin. 2 =cos. 20 {a²+b² cos. 2(+b² 2 = cos. 20 {a² + b² cos. 2(+ · {a² + =cos. 20 sin. 2( tan. 20} 64 sin.2 27 ( a² 2 + b² cos. 2( a*+2a²b² cos. 2(+64) a²+b² cos. 2( 1 2 (a² + b² cos. 2)² Also, cos.² 20 2 1+tan.² 20 a¹+2a²b² cos. 2(+64" · · fr²d M = 2 a b sin. C 3 {a² +b² ± √(a¹+2a²b² cos. 2}+b*)}, and the two values give B and C. 303 COR. The two moments B and C together are equal to a² + b² 4ab sin. C, 3 the moment A about the axis r. This proposition is general for plane figures. In any symmetrical plane figure, the principal axes are, the axes of symmetry, and the axis perpendicular to the plane. In a sphere, all the axes are principal axes. In a cube, the same is true. In a parallelepiped, the lines perpendicular to the surfaces are principal axes, and the moments are as b² + c², a² + c², a² + b². In any figure of revolution, the axis of revolution is a principal axis, and any other in a plane perpendicular to this through the centre of gravity, is a principal axis. 118. PROP. The principal axes are axes about which the body can revolve permanently. By Art. 107, Cor. 4, if the body revolve about an axis z, such that Exzm=0, Σyzm=0; the effort to turn the axis round the centre of gravity of the body will be 0; and therefore if the point of the axis, where the perpendicular from the centre of gravity meets it, be fixed, the axis will be fixed. And if, besides this con- dition, the axis of rotation pass through the centre of gravity, the pressure on this axis will=0. but the body left to itself, it will axis z for which Exzm = 0, manent axis of free rotation. Similarly, if faydm=0, y and x are also permanent axes of free rotation. Hence, if the axis be not fixed, still revolve about this axis; the Zyzm = 0, is therefore a per- CHAP. VII. · MOTION OF ANY RIGID BODY ABOUT ITS CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 119. OUR object at present is to obtain the equations for the motion of rotation of any body about its centre of gravity, supposing that point to be fixed. It has already been shewn, that when forces act upon any body, the centre of gravity is the centre about which the rotation, when separated from the motion of translation, does take place, and it will be seen hereafter, that the motion of the centre of gravity will be the same as if the same forces acted immediately on it. Let three rectangular axes, fixed in space, pass through the centre of gravity C, fig. 122, and let x, y, z, be co-ordinates parallel to these axes. Let three rectangular axes, fixed in the body, and moveable with it, likewise pass through the centre, and let x1, y1, 21, be co-ordinates parallel to these. We shall also for the sake of simplicity suppose these latter axes to be the principal axes of the body. Let, as in Art. 112, r make with x1, Y1, Z1, angles whose cosines a, b, C, Y • Z a', b', c', a", b″, c", we shall then have the same equations of condition (B), (y), as in p. 294. Also, if D be the distance from the origin C, of any point, by p. 293, or, Ꮖ D Z1 a +63 + c D D' c21) • • (€) ; x = a x₁ + by₁ + c z1 α similarly, yax₁ + b'y₁ + c'z₁ 1 1 z = a″x₁ + b″ y₁ + c″zı Yı 305 Ꮖ Also, 1/3 = a + tá D +a" D' 2 1 or x₁ = ax+ay+a'z Y₁ = bx+by+b″z (8). Z1 Z₁ = cx + cy+c″z. 120. PROP. Whatever be the motions of the different parts of the body, it may at any instant be considered as moving round some axis *. This axis is called the axis of instantaneous rotation. By differentiating equations (e) with respect to t, observing that for a given point, x₁, y₁, Z₁, are constant, we have dr da d b dc = x1 + Yı + %1 dt d t d t d t dy d a d b' dc' = x1 dt dt + y r d t +%₁ • •(n). dt d z da" db" dc" x1 + y +%1 dt dt dt dt Which give the motions of any point in consequence of the change of the angles whose cosines are a, b, c, a', &c. system for which the velocity = 0; that is, dx dy dz If we put d t 0, = 0, dt :0 0, we find the points of the dt ..(1), X1 yı 1 ..(2), 0………. ..(3). x₁ da + y₁ db + z₁ dc=0.. x₁ da' + y₁db' + z₁ dc' = 0.... x₁da" + y₁db" — z₁ dc" =0. And (1) c + (2) c' + (3) c" gives C x₁ (cda + c'da' + c"da") + y₁ (c db + c'db' + c'db″) + z₁ (cde + c'de' + c"de")=0. 12 Also c² + c'²+c"² = 1; .. cdc + c'de + c"de" = 0. C And we shall have similar equations by taking (1) b + (2) b′ + (3) b″, and (1) a + (2) a' + (3) a″. * See proof also in Chap. I. of this Book, Note, p. 222. Q Q 306 The differentials da, &c. are taken with respect to t: we will suppose* cdb + c'db' + c"db" = pdt, and since cb + c b′ + c"b" =0, bdc + b'dc' + b'dc"-cdbc'db'-c'db"--pdt. Similarly, we will suppose a dc + a' dc′ + a″dc"=qdt; whence, cda + c'da + c"da" = -q dt, and bda + b'da′ + b″da" =rdt; whence, adb + a'db' + a'db" - rdt. And our equations become PY₁ = q x₁ = 0, r₁x pz₁ =0, qz1 1 ry₁ = 0. And hence, the points for which the velocity is O, lie in a straight line, passing through the origin. Therefore, this line is, for an instant, immoveable, and the body revolves round it; and these are the equations to the axis of instantaneous rotation. 121. PROP. To find the angles, which the axis of instanta- neous rotation makes with x1, Y₁ Z₁. If IC, fig. 122, be the axis NM, MI, be x1, y1, 21, IN of instantaneous rotation, and if CN, will be perpendicular to Ca,, and CN X1 cos. ICx, CI √(x₁² + y₁² + 21²) 2 2 1 px1 2 √(p² x₁² + p²y₁² + p² z₁²) 2 px1 2 √(p² x₁² + q²x₁² +r²x₁²)' x1 by the equations just found. p cos. IC x₁: 2 √(p² + q²+ r³) q Similarly, cos. ICy₁: √(p² + q² + r cos. IC z1 √(p² + q² + 2.²) • 2 * The quantities p, q, r, are the angular velocity resolved respectively parallel to the planes yz, xz, and x y. 307 122. PROP. The angular velocity about the axis IC is 2 √(p² + q² + r²). Take a point P in the axis Cz₁ at a distance 1 from C; so that for it ₁ =0, y₁ =0, %1=1. Therefore, by (e), x = c, y = c', z=c'. y=c', dy2 dz² dc² + d c² + dc"² dr² x And velocity of P = 2 + + d t2 d t² d t² d t² Now- pdt=bdc + b'de' +b"de", qdt = adc + adc +a"de'; 0=cdc + c'de + c'de". qdt=adc+a'dc'+a"dc'; Adding together the squares of these three equations, and taking account of the equations (B), we have (p² + g²) dť² = dc² + dc² + dc"2; .. velocity of P = √(p² + q³). Also if we draw PQ perpendicular on CI, 2 PQ= sin. IC z₁ = (1-cos. IC =₁) √(1 IC₁) √(p² + q²) √(p² + q² + r²) velocity of P ... angular velocity of P = PQ √(p² + q² + r²). And the angular velocity is necessarily the same for all the points, in consequence of the rigidity of the system. 123. PROP. To find the velocities parallel to ₁, Y₁, 21, in terms of p, q, r. The position of the axes parallel to ₁, y₁, 1, is perpetually varying, but taking their position at any moment, we may resolve the velocities and the forces in their directions. And we may trans- form the expressions for such quantities in the directions x, y, z, into corresponding expressions for the same quantities (velocities or forces), in the directions 1, y1, 21, by the formulæ for the trans- formation of co-ordinates; for a co-ordinate a will have the same relation to x, a co-ordinate to the same point, as a velocity or force in the direction of a, has to its resolved part in the direction of r. dx dy dz Now X, Y, Z. are the velocities in the directions of > dt d t dt 308 ? Hence, we have by (C), dx velocity parallel to x₁ =a. + a dy d z "} + a dt d t d t dx to y₁ = =b.· + b' dy ď z +b" d t d t d t d x dy dz to 21 = c. + c +c" dt dt dt But from equations (n) by the same reductions as in Art. 120. d x dy d z a + a. + a" q Z1 ry 1, dt d t dt d x dy dz b +b². + b" = rxı — pz1, dt d t dt d x C + c'. dy d z + c" = = Pyi qx1. dt d t d t Hence, it appears that the quantities qry1, rx₁ - pz1, py1 q x1, which are O where the velocity is 0, do at other points represent the velocities in the directions parallel to ₁ to yı and to Z1. 124. PROP. To find the effective forces parallel to x1, yı, Z1, in terms of p, q, r. For the sake of abbreviation, let qz1 And by the last ryiπ, rx 1 pz1X, PY1 qx1 p. dx a + a dy + a" d z d t d t dt dx dy d z b + ő + b" X, d t d t d t d x dy d z C + c + c p. d t d t d t Hence, eliminating, and taking account of equations (ß), d x dt dy dt = aπ + bx + cp, = a'π + bx + c'p, 309 And dz dt d² x d t d² y d t² d2z d t = a″π + b″ x + c'p; απ = adπ + bdx + cdp + πda + xdb + pdc, = á' dπ +b'dx + c'dp + n'da' + xdb' + pdc', a'dπ+b"dx + c"dp+rda" + xdb" + pdc". d X d² y 29 d² z 2 d t²' d t² d t² are the components of the effective ac- celerating forces in directions x, y, z; hence, if π', x', p', be the effective accelerating forces in directions x1, 1, 21, we shall have π = a + ά. d² x d t² d²y d² z +a". d t² d to, and by the values just found, this becomes, observing the equations of condition, π'dt = dπ - rx dt + q pdt; similarly, dt = dx + rædt - ppdt, p'dt = dp Or restoring the values of π, X, P, 1 qπ dt + pxdt. 'dt = z₁ dqyı dr + q (p yı — qx₁) dt — r (rx₁ — pz1) dt, x dt = x₁ d r — p' d t = y₁dp - 124. PROP. z₁ dp + r (qz1 - ry₁) d t − p (py₁-qx₁) dt, 1 x₁ dq + p (rx₁ − p z₁) d t − q(ry₁ — q z₁) d t. - A body being acted upon by given forces; to find the equations of its motion in p, q, r. By Dalembert's principle, Art. 73, the forces impressed must be equivalent to the effective forces. In expressing this equivalence by the equations of equilibrium, we may refer them to any axes; we shall refer them to the axes x1, y1, Z1, at any moment; for though these axes are not fixed, the statical properties of the system being true for any axes, are true for the position which the axes X1, Y1, Z1, have at any moment. The effective forces π', x', p', on a particle m, whose co-ordinates are 1, 1, Z1, have been found in the last Article: their moment with respect to the axis Oz1 is (xix-yi)m, and the whole moment with respect to this axis is Σ (x₁X' — y₁ π')m, Σχ' 1 310 and putting for π', X', their values from the last, this becomes d t + x₁r (q %1 − ry₁) − x₁p (pyı — 9x1) dr dp 2 X1 X1 Z1 d t Σ d q dr 2 -y1 21 + Yı d t d t x1 Yıq (pyı − q x1)+yır (rxı − p z1) 1 1 . m. Now, Ex₁y₁m = 0, Σx₁ z₁m = 0, Zy,zim = 0; and p, q, r, are constant in the integrals expressed by 2; whence this becomes 2 2 dr Σ(x₁² + yı²) m + Σ (x₁² — y₁²). m. p q. d t 2 2 But (x²+y12) m = C ; 2 Σ (x₁² — y₁²) m = Σ {(x1² + z₁²) − (y₁² + z₁²)} m = B− A ; · whence the moment of the effective forces with respect to the axis of ≈1, becomes dr C + (B − A) p q· dt dq B + (A - C) pr; dt Similarly, dp and A + (C − B) qr, dt are the moments of the effective forces with respect to the axes of y₁ and z₁ respectively. Y1 Now, let the moments of the forces impressed with respect to the axes T1, Y1, 1, be respectively N, N', N": hence, we shall have, by Dalembert's principle, dr N=C + (B− A) p q d t dq N' = B + (A − C) pr · .(0); dt dp N" = A. ¹²² + (C − B) qr dt which are the equations of motion. If the forces which act on any particle m, be resolved into X₁, Y₁, Z₁, in the directions of x, y₁, %1, respectively, we shall Y1, have their moment with respect to the axis Cz₁ = (x₁ Y₁ − y₁ X₁) m ; and the whole moment for this axis will be 1 311 similarly, Σ (x₁ Y₁ − y₁ X₁) m = N; 1 Σ (%1 X1 − x1 Z₁) m = N', Σ (y₁ Z₁ - z₁ Y₁) m = N". Z1 COR. If the motion take place parallel to a fixed plane, the expressions may be simplified. (The plane will be one of the principal planes.) Let the plane be that of xy, and of x1, y1; then, z and z1 are always in the same direction. Therefore, c" =1, c'=0, c=0, a"=0, b″=0, a² + a²² = 1, ab + a'b' = 0, a" b² + b²² = 1, p=0, q=0, rdt=bda+b'da'. If be the angle which r₁ makes with x, a=cos., a'=sin. &; b = sin. O, b'cos. & ; аф dt bda + b'da' = sin.2 dp+cos. &dp; r= ; and the first of the equations (0) becomes N=C. аф dt² which may be deduced independently. 125. PROP. The quantities p, q, r, being known, to determine the position of the body. Let the plane x Cy, fig. 123, cut x Cy, in the line NC, and let the angle CN=4, NCx=; and let the angle which the planes x Cy, x, Cy₁ make, be ; this angle will be the same as Z1 Cz. Let a sphere be described about the point C with radius 1, and let the points x, y, ~; x1, Y1, 1; N; be upon its surface; we shall then have x₁N=4, xN=Y, ₁=0; also angle N=0. And, N≈₁ Nz₁, quadrants. And joining every two of the points x, y, z, x1, Y1, 21, by arcs of great circles, we shall have the following equations by the properties of spherical triangles, a=cos.x1x=cos. O sin. Ø sin. +cos. O cos. Y by triangle x1 Nx, =cos. y1 x = cos. O cos. Ø sin. - sin. & cos. Y. Y y₁ Nx, 312 c=cos. %₁x=sin. . sin. ; for in triangle z₁ Nx, the angle z₁ Nx Z1 X ; is the complement of a=cos.x₁y=cos. O sin. b': =cos. y₁y=cos. O cos. c'cos. z₁ysin. O cos. is the complement of 0; a" =cos. x12= b" cos. - cos. sin. Y by triangle ri Ny, cos. + sin. Ø sin. Y .y₁ Ny, ; for in triangle z₁ Ny, the angle z₁ Ny sin.0.sin. by triangle r₁ Nz where x₁Nzis+0, =cos. y₁zsin. cos. O by triangle y₁ Nz, c" = cos. 21 z = cos. 0, Hence, z=cos. pdt=bdc+b'de +b"de" {cos. cos. sin. - sin. & cos. } π 2 . {cos. O sin. de + sin. O cos. d¥} +{cos. O cos. cos. + sin. o sin. } • {cos. O cos. < do sin. O sin. d} + sin. cos. . sin. 0 .dė =cos.²0.cos.p.de – sin. 0. sin. ¿dy + sin.²0 cos. odł =cos. desin. Ø sin. dy; .. pdtsin. O sin. pdf-cos. pd0. Similarly, qdt=ade+a' de'+a"de" = sin. O cos. dy+sin. p.do. And, rdt=bda+b'da'+b"da". 0 O Y Now, da=-sin. 0 sin. p sin. do .. bda= sin. - sin. cos. } do Y cos. Y cos. O sin. y} dy; sin. - sin. & cos. }. +{cos. O cos. +{cos. O sin. {cos. O cos. sin. 0. sin. . sin. Y do +{cos. cos. sin. Y sin. - sin. cos. ¥}˚do + {cos. O sin. & cos. Y cos. O sin. †} {cos. O cos. and we shall have b'da' by putting sin. - sin. π + for 2 cos. } dy, in this expression. 313 Hence, bda+b'da' sin. cos. sin. cos. o d0 + {cos.² 0 cos.² +sin.*p}dø 0 d¥. - {cos. O cos.²+cos. O sin.² p} dy. Also, b"da" =sin. O cos. . {cos. 0.sin. p.de+sin. 0 cos. pdp}. Hence, rdt=bda + b'da'+b"da" = do— cos. Ody. Hence, having found p, q, r, we must determine , Y, 0, by means of the equations pdt=sin. & sin. Ody- cos. odł qdt=cos. sin. Ody+sin. ode rdt=do-cos. Ody ...... • •(c). And ,, being known, the position of the body is completely determined. N, N', N", may be functions of p, . 9. Hence, the six P, †. 0. equations (0) and (1), will determine the quantities P, †, 0, p, q, r. 126. PROP. A body revolves about its centre of gravity acted upon by no forces; it is required to integrate the equations already found. Take the equations (0), Cdr + (B− 4) pqdt=0 Bdq + (A − C) prdt=0 Adp+(C−B) qrdt=0 (K). Multiply by r, q, p respectively, and add, and we have Crdr+Bqdq+ Apdp=0; .. Cr²+ Bq²+Ap² = h². h being a constant quantity. ..(^), Again, multiply equations (), by Cr, Bq, and Ap re- spectively, and we have C²rdr + B²qdq+A²pdp=0; ·· C²r²+B°q°+A²p=k, a constant quantity......(µ). RR 314 Again, multiply by c, b, a, and add C {cdr + (qa-pb)rdt}+ B {bdq+(pc−ra) qdt}+A {adp+(rb−qc)pdt} =0. But it may be proved *, that (qa-pb) dt=dc, (pc-ra) dt = db, (rb-qc) dt = da; .. C.d.rc + Bd.qb+A.d.pa=0, Crc +Bqb +Apa ι. Similarly, Cre' +Bqb' +Apa' = l' Crc"+Bqb" + Apa" =l″. If we add then three, we get · · . (v). C²r² + B²q²+A°p² = l² + l'² + l″ ² = k². 127. PROP. When a body revolves, acted on by no forces, there exists a plane, to which it may be referred, which plane is invariable in position. If we draw a line m C, making with x, y, z, angles of which the cosines are Apa✈ Bqb+Crc √(A²p² + B²q² + C²¾‚‚²) &c.: since these quantities are constant, this line will have the same position during the whole motion of the body, and a plane per- pendicular to it will be fixed. **Take the three equations a dc + adc' + a"de"=qdt, bdc+b'dc' + b'dc"--pdt, ede + c'de' + c"de"=0. Multiplying the first by a, the second by b, the third by c, and add them ; and we find, taking account of the equations of condition, de=(ag-bp) dt. And in the same manner we shall find db = (cp — a r) dt, da=(br-cp) dt. And so for the other similar quantities. 315 This plane is called the Principal Plane of Moments *. COR. 1. We may thus find the angles which the line mC makes X1 Y1 Z1. with x cos mСx₁ = a.cos. m Cx + a' cos. m Cy+a". cos. m Cz Bq Ар cos. m Cx₁ = similarly, cos. m Cy, k に Cr cos. m Cz₁ た COR. 2. If we take the plane perpendicular to mC for the plane of xy, we have a" Ар k AP, b" = - Bq k Cr C" k Ap Bq Cr or sin. O sin. sin. cos. cos. 0 = θα k に に PROB. I. All the three moments A, B, C being equal, and the body not being acted upon by any forces; to determine ils motion. In this case the equations (4) become dr dq =0, dt dt dp 0, =0. d t Hence, p, q, r are constant quantities. Hence, the position of the axis of instantaneous rotation is fixed with respect to the body, and the motion of the poles of instanta- neous rotation is therefore nothing, and hence this axis is fixed in space. All the axes of the body possess the properties of principal axes: therefore let the axis of instantaneous rotation coincide with * If we consider at any instant the momentum of each particle of the system; (that is, the product of its velocity and mass;) and if we resolve this momentum parallel to a given plane passing through C, aud multiply the resolved part by the perpendicular from C, so as to get its moment, we may obtain the sum of the moments of the particles referred to this plane. And the plane for which this sum is the greatest, is the plane found above, and hence denominated the Principal Plane of Moments. 316 Cz₁; hence, p=0, q=0, r≈constant; and equations (1) become sin. sin. Od-cos. pd0=0, cos. O sin. Od+sin. the two first give de=0, .. O and are constant. d0=0, do-cos. O dy =rdt. аф and sin. Od 0, whence dy =0; Hence, do=rdt, and аф d t =r, a constant quantity. Therefore the body will revolve about a fixed axis and with a constant velocity. If the motion have been produced by a single force, acting at a point of the system, (impact or pressure,) the axis of rotation will be perpendicular to the plane which passes through the direction of the force and the fixed centre of gravity. These conclusions are applicable to a sphere, a cube, &c. PROB. II. If two of the moments, A and B, be equal, and the body be not acted upon by any forces; to determine the motion. (This will be the case for all figures of revolution, the axis of revolution coinciding with the axis Cz₁). The equations («) here become Cdr =0, d q A + (AC) pr=0, d t dp A — (A–C) qr=0. d t From the first of these it appears that is a constant quantity, and the third being differentiated and divided by dt, gives ď p A (A — C) r dg • dť dt dy and substituting from this the value of in the second, we have d t d'p, (A-C) + • p = 0), A 317 whence we easily obtain p=a.sin. (nt +y); putting n for and supposing A > C; and we have from this q=a cos. (nt+y); (A-C) r A where a and y are two arbitrary quantities, to be determined from the circumstances of the motion at a given time. 2 Sincer is a constant quantity, and also p²+q a constant quantity, viz. a², it appears that if IC be the axis of instantaneous rotation, ICz₁ is a constant angle. Hence, the axis of instan- taneous rotation describes, with respect to the body, a conical surface about Cz₁. By substituting these values in equations (¿), we obtain adt.sin. (nt+y)=sin. . sin. Od-cos. pd0, $.sin. adt.cos. (nt+y)=cos. . sin. Ody+sin. de, rdt=dp-cos. Ody. Take the plane of ry to be the principal plane of moments; we then have, by Cor. 2 to Art. 127, Ap A a sin. sin. sin. (nt+y), に k Bq A a sin. cos. cos. (nt + y), k k Cr cos. 0 = > k .'. tan. &=tan. (nt+y); $=nt+y; аф dt =N. A a Cr A a sin. 0 = ; cos. 0 = ; tan. 0 = k に Cr and is constant. And by the third of equations (4) k (r-n) k dy 1 аф dt cos. 6 d t -:) Cr Α و 318 Hence, the body revolves uniformly about C21, while CN, the line of nodes, moves uniformly round C in the plane xy. 1 1 * Suppose, that at the first instant, when t=0, the instantaneous axis CI is in the plane z,Ca, and makes an angle & with Cz1; and that the angular velocity about it is e. Then, by the formulæ of Art. 121, since IC is perpendicular to Cy, we have cos. IC z₁ =cos. cos. d= √(p²+q²+r²) √(p²+q³+r²) cos. ICr₁ = sin. d Ρ cos. IC y₁=0= 2 9 √(p² + q² + r²) 2 Also, e = √(p²+q² + r²) Hence we have, since t=0, ..q=0. COS. б =2, sin. d= a sin. Y a cos. Y π 0: ; y= € € € A ... r = e cos. d, a≈e sin. d, tan. 0 = = tan. d. C And n= A-C A A - C · e cos. d. A 2 2 Hence, (see Art. 126,) k² = A²a²+ C²r² = Æ°e² sin.²d + C²e² cos.² § 2 = €³ { A² — (A² — C²) cos.* d}. 6 αψ A2 - C2 Hence, E 1 – cos. A 2 28). dt аф If CA, nearly, n is small; and since = ", and d t dy dt nearly, the motion of the body round the axis Cz, will be slow, and the motion of Cz₁ about Cz, comparatively quick. When e and d are positive, I is within the quadrantal space x₁ Y₁ z₁ fig. 123; and it appears that in this case is negative, 1 * Since any line in the plane r₁C, is a principal axis, we may take for C'x, the intersection of æ¡Cy, and ~¡CI. 319 • and Nx, y, which was in the preceding Articles supposed below Nry, is here above it. 1 π We have, when t=0, &=y=. Hence, N is the pole of z₁₁, and z, which is a quadrant distant from N, is in 1x1. Therefore in this case I is in the arc z₁z. And any moment may be considered as that when t=0. Therefore I, the pole of instantaneous rotation is always in 13. And since and p²+q* are constant, CI always makes the same angle with Cz. Since zz₁ =0, z₁I=d, 1 r we have z I=0+d, sin. zI= sin. O cos. d+cos. O sin. 8, sin. z I sin. z₁I = cos. 0 (tan. 8 +1)= Cr A k (-4 +1) (A-C) r k do nA аф (A − C) r Also, ; dy k k .'. sin. ≈₁I.dq=sin. zI.dy. If with centres z, z₁, we describe circles in fig. 124, on the surface of the sphere, since do is the angle described in dt by the body about ≈₁ and sin. z₁I the radius; sin. z₁I.do will be Im, the arc of the circle which a point would describe in dt. Similarly, dy Z₁₁₁, d is the angle which the surface 11 y1, describes about z; sin. z I is the radius: therefore sin. I.dy is the arc In de- scribed by a point about z in dt. And Im In. Hence, if the circle Qn be fixed, and Pm carried by the pole I of the body, roll on Qn; the angular motion will be exactly the same as when the body is left to itself; and this supposition re- presents the motion of the body in the Problem. The reasonings C- A will be the same if AC. In this case, we shall have n= The point A 7. will be between, and I, and the circle described about z will roll with its interior circumference on the outside of the circle described about z. 320 PROB. III. When all the moments are unequal, and the body is acted upon by no forces; to determine the motion. Equations (k) become in this case dr са +(B−A) pq=0, dt dq B + (AC) pr=0, dt dp A dt + (C− B) qr=0. Let pqr. dt = do, and we have Crdr + (B− A) do=0, Bqdq + (A−C) dq=0, Apdp + (CB) do=0; 2 (A-B) .'. 7.² = C $ + c², 2 (C-A) Q $+b², B 2 (B — C) $ + a², A a, b, c being the values of p, q, r, when is 0; :.dt аф pqr √{(2¢ B-C A + a²) (2¢ аф C- A B +b²) (2¢ A- B +c²)} And integrating, we have t in terms of , and hence And hence, we have p, q, r; and by Art. 125, the body. C in terms of t. position of the COR. By Art. 114, we have the moment of inertia at any time Σrm= B+C 7 A cos.² a + B cos.² ß + C cos². Y 321 = A p² + Bq² + Cr² p² + q² + r² 2 hº 2 p² + q² + r 2) by Art. 126. · · (p² +q²+r²) Σr'²m=h². Hence, the sum of each particle into the square of its velocity, con- tinues constant during the motion. PROB. IV. A solid body revolves about its centre of gravity, so that its axis of rotation coincides nearly with one of its principal axes; to find the motion. If IC be the instantaneous axis, always nearly coincide with Cz,, sin. IC z₁ = √(p²+q²) √(p² + q² + r³) .. p and q must both be small, Cdr=0, nearly, and is nearly constant, and the velocity of rotation = n; •.Bảq+(4-C)npdt=0, Adp+(C–B)nqdt=0; ... as before, p=a sin. (n't+y), q=ß cos. (n't+y), where n'=n√(A — C). (B– C) B=a\ ✓ AB (A - C). A (B-C). B' and knowing p and q, we might find 4, 4, 0. Now if IC and zС coincide, a = 0, and ß = 0. Hence, a and B are small when ICz, is small, and if n be real, p and q will always be small, but if n' be imaginary, p and q become exponentials, and increase beyond small values; and the solution is not applicable. In the first case, the axis will oscillate about Cz₁. In the second case, the axis IC will leave C₁, and oscillate about another of the principal axes. T The first case will happen, if (A — C). (B — C) be positive; .. if C be the greatest or least of the moments A, B, C. The second case, if C be the mean moment. Hence, if in the second case the body at first-oseillate accurately about Cz₁, and if that axis be disturbed ever so little, the axis will entirely leave its position. S s 322 COR. 1. We may prove that p and q cannot increase beyond a certain limit. 2 2 - A p²+ Bq² + Cr²=h²……..(\), A²p² -+- h²q² + Cr² = k² ....(u), (u) - (X) C gives A (A — C) p² + B (B - C) q² = k² — Ch². Hence, if p and q are small at first, and A-C and B-C of the same sign, p and q will always remain small. 2 COR. 2. The limits of p2 and q² are p* < k² - Ch² 2 A (A − C) k²- Ch² q² < B (B-C) CHAP. VIII. MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ACTED ON BY ANY FORCES. E 128. We shall consider, in the present Chapter, the motion of a body, whether it be in free space, or constrained to move upon a given plane. The same principles are applicable in both cases, if we include, among the forces which act upon the body, the reaction of the plane which it touches, and then eliminate this reaction. In a large class of problems of this kind, one of the principal axes moves parallel to itself, and consequently, all the particles move in planes perpendicular to it; for instance, if a body bounded by a cylindrical surface of any form roll upon a plane. We shall take this more simple case separately. SECT. 1. When the Motions of all the Particles are in Parallel Planes. 323 PROP. The body being acted upon by any forces, the motion of the centre of gravity will be the same as if all those forces acted at the centre. By Dalembert's principle, Art. 73, the impressed and effective forces must be equivalent, and their moments about any point also equivalent; the former consideration will determine the motion of translation of the centre of gravity, and the latter the motion of rotation about it. If x', y' be the co-ordinates of any particle, the velocity in the dx' direction of x' is dt and therefore the effective accelerating force. is d'x' d t² dex' 2, and the effective moving force m Thus we have dt² Emd²x' whole effective force parallel to x' ; to y dt อยู่ Σmdy' d t² Also, if X and Y be the impressed accelerating forces on any particle m, whole impressed forces are Σm X, Em Y. Hence we have Σ md°x' dt2 -Ση Χ, Σ m d'y' dt² = Σm Y. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of the co-ordinates of m from the centre y' = y + y; .2m2=0, Σmy=0; .. Emdr=0, Emdy=0; centre of gravity; and x, y the of gravity, so that x=x+x, m d²x' .. Σ Σ dt m d'x dt2 d2x = M. d' dt 2 (M being Σm the whole mass ;) because x is the same for all par- ticles. Similarly, Σ d²x dt2 md²y' = M d² y dt dts ; છે Em X dy ZmY M' dť² M .... … . (§), 324 Which are the equations that would result if all the forces were applied to the centre of gravity. COR. The forces m X, m Y, are here understood to be pres- sures; and as impact is only a short pressure, the results are true of impact. The forces m X, mY, are measured by the momenta generated in a time 1"; the force of impact may be measured by the whole momentum which it would generate. 129. PROP. The body being acted upon by any forces, the motion of rotation will be affected as if the centre of gravity were fixed, and the same forces were applied. The moment of the effective force with respect to C is Ση ´x' d² y' — y' d²x' d t2 And putting for x', x + x, and for y', y + y, it is x ď² Y x d² y + + dt2 d t2 diz 2 x d² y x d² y + d t² Σ.m y d² x y d² x d t² d t² , y d² x dt2 y d² x d t And observing that Em M, Em x=0, Emy=0, Σmd'x=0, Σm d² y = 0; and that x and y are not affected by ; it becomes x 2 M. x d² y - y d² x d t² + Σ.m mzdy = y dr Also the moment of the effective forces is 2 d t² Σ, m (Yx' — Xy')=Σ.m (Yx - Xy+ Y x − Xy) = M (Y x − Xy) + Σ . m (Y x − X y). Equating, we have, observing that the terms multiplied by M are equal by last Article, x d³y - y d³ x Σ.m Σ. m (Y x Xy).... d t ·(π). Which is the equation that would result if the centre of gravity were fixed. 325 1 COR. If in fig. 125, GA be a line always parallel to a line fixed in space, GM a line in the plane of ry, fixed with respect to the body, M any particle, of which the co-ordinates from G are x, y: it will be seen as in Art. 16, that (x d² y − y d²x) is the - second differential of the sector AGM; and hence, since GM is constant, if GM=r, AGM=0, we have x d'y -y dx = r² d² 0. Therefore Σ.mr². d² 0 d t = Σ.m (Yx - Xy). Or if as before, Σ. mr²= M k², d Ꮎ Σ.m (Yx-Xy) d t Mk2 (p) *. 130. PROP. To find the centre of spontaneous rotation. The centre of spontaneous rotation is the point which remains at rest for an instant when the body is put in motion by any force. Thus, if a body GC, fig. 126, be acted upon by a force PC, it will, for the first instant, revolve round some point 0, which may be thus determined. Let the force in PC be perpendicular to GC, and = P; and the mass of the body being M, the space Gg described by G in Pt2 a small time t, will be the force being supposed constant M' 2' for the time t. And by this motion of translation, any point, as O will be transferred to o, O o being equal to Gg. Let GO=1, CG=h; and by Art. 75, the accelerating force causing O to re- volve round C is t is Phl t² Mk² 2 Phl Mk² and the space generated by it in the time And if this be equal to Oo, the point O will be * These formulæ might be used in solving many of the problems in Chap. VI. So long as Mk2 is the same, the motion will be the same whatever be the form of the body. Thus if, in Prob. V, fig. 40, instead of a straight line PQ, we had a body of any form, of which one point slides along AX, and the other along AI, the motion would be the same as is investigated, p. 124. 326 1 carried backwards by the rotation, just as much as it is carried forwards by the translation, and will be absolutely at rest: that is, if P t2 M 2 Phl t2 2 Mk²' 2' k² h or Hence, by (a) C and O, are so situated that if one be the centre of suspension, the other is the centre of oscillation, or percussion. COR. If the force which acts at C be a force of impact, the point O will be the same, Gg and Oo being in this case described by the uniform velocities which the impact generates. PROB. I. To find at what distance from the Earth's centre a force must have acted, to generate at the same time its progressive and rotatory motion. This problem stated generally, is, having given the velocity of the centre of gravity and the angular velocity in a body revolving about a permanent axis; to find at what distance from the centre of gravity a single force would produce them. Ph P Let P be the force acting at a distance h; then and M M k* are the forces which accelerate the centre of gravity, and a point at distance 1 about the centre of gravity; and hence, the whole velocities generated in any times will be as these forces. If v be the velocity of the centre, and a the angular velocity, measured by the space described by a particle at distance 1, we have P Ph M' Mk2 k² a :: V: v: a; :. h = V In the case of the Earth, let its radius be taken = 1, and let the unit of time be 1 day: therefore, a=2π. And the radius of the Earth's orbit being r, the space described in 366.24 sidereal days is 2πr, and therefore v = And since the Earth is a sphere, Ωπη 366.24 327 12 11 Hence, h = 215 2 366.24 and r = 24266, nearly; ጥ 1 :. h = nearly. 165.6 Hence, we may find the centre of spontaneous rotation by the k2 formula /= h 66.25, which is a little greater than the Moon's distance from the Earth. In the same way for Mars we should have h = 1 of his 464 radius, nearly. And for Jupiter, h = of his radius, nearly. In 6 the latter planet, the centre of spontaneous rotation is only of the radius from the centre *. 5 131. The following problems refer to such motions as the rock- ing of a cradle, the oscillation, or as it has been called, titubation of a body on a curved base, and the rolling of a body not spherical. We shall solve some of them, first neglecting, and afterwards con- sidering, friction. PROB. II. An ellipse with its plane vertical, rolls upon an horizontal plane which is perfectly smooth; to determine the motion, fig. 127. Let P be the point of contact with the horizontal plane, CM=x, MP=y, CA=a, CB=b, the semi-axes; PN vertical, CN horizontal; and let the angle ACH be 0, b dy b x d x Y √(a² — r²); but at P, a d x a √(a² — x³) d x sin. 0 a V (a³ — x²) = tan. 0; .. dy cos. hence, r= a² cos.0 √(a³cos.³0+b²sin.20) ; and У = b x b² sin. 0 2 √(a*cos.¹0 + b²sin20) * John Bernoulli's Works, Vol. IV. p. 284. 328 '. Hence, if y be CH or NP, y = x cos. 0 + y sin. 0 = √(a cos.20+ b² sin.20). Also CN=x sin. 0 — y cos. ◊ = (a² b²) sin. ◊ cos. √(a²cos.² √(a cos.20+b² sin.20) 2 Now let R be the reaction upwards at the point P, and R. CN its moment; M the mass of the body, Mg its weight, Mk its moment of inertia; the centre of gravity being supposed to be at C. Then by Art. 128, and 129, ď² y R g, d t2 M d² 0 d t² R (ab²) sin. O cos. O Mk² V (a² cos.² 0 + b² sin.º 0) Ө But since Y √(a² cos.² 0 + b² sin.² 0); (a² b²) sin. O cos. O d 0 dy V(a cos. + b² sin.20) * And the second equation becomes, multiplying by dě, R dy; and eliminating R by the first, Ꮷ Ꮎ d Ꮎ dt2 2 • Mk2 d Ꮎ d Ꮎ dy d y d² y + + d t² k² dtv g dy k² 0. Multiply by 2k² and integrate, dt d t2 k² d02 dy dt 2 + +2gy C. Put for y and for dy their values, and this becomes {k k² + Q 4 2 Ꮎ a*e* sin. cos.20) d02 2 a cos.*0 + b sin. 0 dt + 2g V (a² cos.²0 + b² sin.²0) = C. d Ꮎ dt Hence the angular velocity is known. Cis to be deter- mined by knowing the value of this velocity for a given value of 0. 329 If when CA is C = k² a² + 2ga. vertical, the angular velocity be a, we have And when CA becomes horizontal, d02 4.2 d t² + 2 gb = k² a²+2ga; d Ꮎ? 2 g (a - b) a² + ; d t² k² therefore, a point at the distance k from C acquires as much velocity as if it had fallen vertically through the difference of the axes CA, CB. Since there is no lateral force, the centre of gravity C will as- cend and descend in a vertical line. The surface will slide along the horizontal line PQ. If there be so much friction as to prevent this sliding, it will roll; the centre of gravity will have a lateral motion, and the problem will no longer be the same. 2 The figure may be an elliptical cylinder with a horizontal axis. In that case, k² (a²+b²). Or it may be an elliptical spheroid, APB being one of its principal sections. In this case, k² (a+b²). It may be any figure in which the vertical ellipse is the part which touches the horizontal line, and the centre of gravity is at C. If the plane were inclined at an angle e, the rotatory motion would be the same, putting g cos. e for g. And the body would move along the plane, so that the motion parallel to the plane should be that of a point sliding down an inclined plane. For the part of gravity parallel to the plane could not affect the rotatory motion, since its result would pass through the centre of gravity. PROB. III. When the major axis of the ellipse, in last Problem, is nearly horizontal; to determine the small oscillations. Ф Let be the angle which CB makes with the vertical; .. П -0. And when is very small, sin.*0=cos.*p = 1 cos.³0 = sin.²=4³. And, by last Problem, neglecting 4*, (k² + a*e¹ س \ dز 2 b2 d t C − 2 g V (b² + a³é³¤²) еф = C-28 (b + ²²²). 26 - p³, − TT 330 (And if =ß when And neglecting ß³ ³ аф = dt = 0) a² e² g = = b (B² - $³). 2 do a² e² g (B² — p²); d t² k2 b keb .. if = 1, a² e² - dt; t = аф &g° V (B³ — p³) and for a whole oscillation, this must be taken from =ß to Ф =-ẞ. Hence, if time of an oscillation = T, . arc дв (sin. = ; g T = T It appears from this, that the length of the isochronous pen- dulum is 1= ι k2b 22 ae a² e² PROB. IV. Let the body roll on a horizontal plane, the part which comes in contact with the plane being a portion of a common cylinder with its axis horizontal; to determine the motion, fig 128. Let a line be drawn through the centre of the cylinder, and through the centre of gravity; let the latter point be at a distance c from the former; let O be the angle which this line makes with the vertical; then it will be found by proceeding as in Prob. II, that 2 do2 d t² 2 cg (cos. 0-cos. B) k²+c² sin.² 0 where Mk is the moment of inertia about the centre of gravity. If the body perform small oscillations, we shall have for the k length of the isochronous pendulum, 7 = с 331 In these cases, the centre of gravity ascends and descends ver- tically, and goes twice up and down while the body goes once back. and forwards. PROB. V. A cylindrical body is supported on a horizontal plane and oscillates; the friction being such as to prevent all sliding; to determine its motion, fig. 128. Let C be the centre of the circle AP, G the centre of gravity; P the point of contact with the horizontal plane; PC will be vertical; let GN be horizontal. Let a be the point in which A comes in contact with the plane: then, AP=aP. Let CA=a, CG=c, aH=x, HG=y; ACP=0, x=AP-PH-a0-c sin. 0, y=CP CN=a c cos. 0. Now, the forces which act upon the body are the force of gravity, and the force which arises from the pressure and the friction at P. Let these forces at P be composed of a horizontal force Q, and a vertical force R. And, by Art. 128, the effect on the motiou of the centre of gravity will be the same as if all the forces were applied immediately at that point. Hence, d²x Q ď y R g. dt" M' dt t² 2 M And, by putting for x and У their values, d (ade- ccos. O dė) d t2 Q M' d (c sin. O de) R dt² 2 +g M Also, by Art. 129, the effect of the forces in producing rotation about the centre of gravity, is the same as if it were fixed, and the forces Q, R, acted on the body; hence, d20 dt2 Q.GH+R.GN MK2 Q (ac cos. 0)+ Rc sin. 0 Mk² 332 Substituting for Q and R, &c. we find k². + 2d0d20 2 (a de c cos. Od☺) d (ad0 — c cos. O d☺) di d t² 2 2 c. sin. Oded (c sin. d☺) + d t² + 2 gc sin. Od0=0. Integrating, ᏧᎾ do k² +(a-c cos. 0)². d ᎾᎿ +c² sin.20 d ť - dť² 2 2 gc cos. 0C; dt or, (k²+a²+c² 2 ac cos. 0) B being the value of ✪ when the velocity is 0. If we make k² + (a − c)² = b², c)² = b², we have do² dt² =2gc (cos. O cos. ß), have b² + 4 ac. sin. a) d02 dt² = 4 gc (sin.² В sin.2 2). If we suppose ẞ and small, and neglect 04, ß²0², &c. we d02 gc (B² — 0²), 2 dt² b2 whence it appears, as in Prob. III, that the length of the isochro- nous pendulum is b² (a — c)² + k² a² + k² =c−2a+ C C C If the curve be not a circle, the results will still be true for small oscillations, if we take C the centre of curvature. G may be at any distance from C, and hence it may be beyond A, as when a body hangs by means of an axis passing through it, and supported on a plane PQ, fig. 129. PROB. VI. To find the correction due to the length of a pen- dulum, for the thickness of its axis. When it is requisite that a pendulum should oscillate very ac- curately about a horizontal line, it has an axis as B in the pendulum 333 M, fig. 129, of which the section is triangular; and this, with the edge O downwards, being placed with each end upon a hard plane, the pendulum will turn round the axis O. But, if the axis have a curvilinear section as CP, in the pen- dulum N, fig. 129; or, if the edge be blunt, the pendulum no longer oscillates about a mathematical line. In this case it is required to find from what point the pendulum must be suspended, that it may oscillate in the same time. Let the body oscillate about a fixed point S, C being the centre of curvature, and CS being 8, CG = c, and CP = a. Then, the length of the pendulum = SG + k² SG k2 c-d+ C +8=3 12 k² 8 + 2 C C omitting powers of 8, because CP, and therefore CS is small. Hence, that the time of this may be the same as the time of the pendulum with the axis CP, we must have, by last Problem, c-2a+ Hence, omitting C 1.2 k² S a² + k² = C c - d + + C C which is small, we have c² 2 ac² c² - k² If c >k, the point S will lie towards G, if c< k, it will be be- yond C. CS is always greater than CP. PROB. VII. The pendulum having two axes which are isochro- nous to each other, (as in Art. 91.), supposing them cylindrical, to find the corresponding length of the simple pendulum. In Captain Kater's experiments, mentioned Art. 91, the pen- dulum was supposed to turn about a mathematical line; if this supposition be not true, we shall find the consequence of the alteration. Let c, c', be the distances of the centres of curvature of the two blunt axes from the centre of gravity; a, a' their radii. Then, since 334 the pendulum oscillates in the same time about both, the length of the isochronous pendulum must be the same for both. by Prob. V, (c' — a')² + k² (c− a)²+k² ; .. k² C C (c — c') (c − a)² + (c— c′) k² =c+c· Hence, c' (c — a)² — c (c' — a′)² c-c' (c — a)² — (c' — a')² (c-c') c (c-c') 2 a² - a¹² 12 + C - c 2 (ca-c'a') c-c' If we suppose a and a to be equal, we have l=c+c-2a, the exact distance between the surfaces of the two axes. ; Hence, the method of finding the length of the pendulum is equally correct, whether the edges be sharp or not. If S, S', be the points from which the body would oscillate in the same time as about the surfaces P, P', we have SS' = PP'. SECT. II. When the Body moves in any manner whatever. 132. PROP. The body being acted upon by any forces, the motion of the centre of gravity will be the same as if all those forces acted at the centre. If x', y, z, be the co-ordinates of a particle m; X, Y, Z, the forces on it; we shall have, as in last Section, md²x' md²y' effective forces, Σ Σ Σ d t² 2 d t2 , md z dt2 Q • impressed forces, Σm X, ΣmY, ΣmZ. And as before, if x, y, z, be the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity, x'=x+x, &c. we have m d² x Σ = Σ dt2 m d² x dt2 d²x = M. &c.; dt² 29 d² x Zm X dy Σm Y d² z Σm Z ; d t2 M dt2 M d t² 2 M whence the proposition is true. 335 133. PROP. The body being acted on by any forces, the motion of rotation will be affected as if the centre of gravity were fixed, and the same forces were applied. This might be proved as in the corresponding proposition of last Section; but it appears also thus. Let the centre of gravity have a velocity V, and let the effect produced on it by the forces, be the same as if a single force P acted there. Let there be communicated to each point of the system a velocity equal and opposite to V. Then, the centre of gravity will be at rest; and the forces which communicated these velocities will not affect the rotation about that centre, because their resultant will pass through that point*. Let there also be communicated to each point of the system a force equal and op- posite to P. Then, the centre of gravity will have no tendency to move, and for the same reason as before, the rotation about that centre will not be affected. Hence, if we suppose the centre of gravity to be fixed, and the same forces as before to act upon the body; the effect on the motion of rotation will not be altered. COR. 1. If the system be at rest when a force acts upon it, the instantaneous axis, about which it begins to revolve, must be perpendicular to the plane in which the line of force and the centre of gravity are. For otherwise the effective forces could not be equivalent to the force impressed, since the former would all be in planes parallel to each other, and oblique to the latter. COR. 2. In this case, the velocity communicated in the first instant is the same as if this instantaneous axis were fixed, and may be found by Art. 74. COR. 3. To find the circumstances of the motion of a body of any form, acted on by any forces, we must find the motion of the * If equal and parallel forces be communicated to each point of a system, their resultant will pass through the centre of gravity; for the force of gravity acts in this manner, and the centre of gravity is the point through which the resultant passes in that case. 336 centre of gravity by the formulæ of Book I, and determine the motion of rotation by equations (0), Art. 124. PROB. I. A solid of revolution terminated by a point, (PAB, fig. 130.) moves so that the point (P) is always upon a given hori- zontal plane; to determine its motion. Let PO be the axis of revolution; G the centre of gravity; Gz₁ in the direction of PO, and Gx₁, Gy₁, perpendicular to it, moveable rectangular co-ordinates. And let Cx, Cy in the ho- rizontal plane, and Cz perpendicular to it, be fixed rectangular co-ordinates. The forces which act on the body, are gravity (g), downwards at G, and the reaction of the plane (R), upwards at the point P. Let a", and ", as in Art. 119, be the cosines of the angles which the vertical line PK, or Cz, makes with Gr₁ and Gy₁; then, the components of R at P, parallel respectively to Gr₁ and Gy₁, will be Ra" and Rb"; and if GP-1, the moments of this force, with respect to the axes Gy, and Ga₁ will be - Rld" and R1b" re- spectively. The moment, with respect to Gz₁, will manifestly be 0. If c" be the angle which PK or Cz makes with Pz,, as in Art. 119, we have GH=lc"; and for the motion of the centre of gravity, M being the mass, d².lc" R d t² 2 M g; d²c" or R= Mg + MI d t² . (1). And by equations (0) for the motion of rotation, observing that B=A, Cdr 0..... Adq+(AC) rpdt - Rla"dt. A dp — (A – C) qrdt=Rlb″dt. From (2) we have r=0, a constant quantity. ..(2), .(3), ..(4). 337 Also, taking (3) b" + (4) a", we have A {a"dp+(b″r−c″g) pdt+b"dq+(c″p− a″r) qdt} +C (a"q-b"p) rdt=0. Whence, reducing as in Note, p. 134, and integrating, 4 A (a″p+b″q)+Crc"=k .......(5). Again, (3) q +(4) p gives A (pdp+qdq)=Rl (pb″ — qa″) dt. Or, putting - dc" for (pb″ — qa″) dt, and for R its value from (1), A (pd p+qdq)+Ml²· dc"de" dt² +Mlgdc" = 0. Multiply by 2, and integrate; 2 2 A (p²+q²) + M i (dc" )² + 2 Mlge"=h. . . . . (6). l dt Ꮎ Ꮎ Now let be the angle GPK; then c" cos. 0, dc" = − sin. Ode. And by Art. 125, we find a" b″ = — sin. O sin. p, b'" sin. O cos. ; and hence, by equations (2), pa" +qb" = — sin.20 dy d t 2 ; p²+q² = sin.² 0 t (d)² + (²)². 2 dt Hence, equations (5) and (6) become d& A sin.2 0 +Cr cos. 0 = k d t ᏧᎾ (A+ M² sin.20) + A sin.² 0 dx² ..(7). + 2 M gl cos. 0=h d t d t² dy Eliminating we find dt (A sin.2 0+ AM12 sin.4 0) de² dt2 = A sin.² 0 (h—2 Mgl cos. 0) − (k − Cr cos. 0)³…………. O)².. ...(8). U U 5 4 4 338 If we deduce from this the value of dt, we shall find dt =F0.d0; F0 being a function of 0; and by integrating this, we have t in terms of 0, and in terms of t. And hence, by (7), we have in terms of t; and hence, by equations () we have . These integrations cannot be performed in finite terms. The quantities h and k are to be determined from the given initial circumstances of the motion, by equations (7). PROB. II. The body having at first no motion except a rotation about its axis PO; to determine its motion afterwards. Let the original velocity about PO=e, and the original incli- nation0₁. And since at first. dy ᏧᎾ 0, 0, we have dt dt аф d t r= =e; and by equations (7), Ce cos. 0₁=k, 2 Mgl cos. 0,=h. 1 Hence, equation (8) becomes. 2 (A² sin.² + AM 1² sin.^0) 1 d 02 dt 2 =2 AM g l sin.² 0 (cos. 01- cos. 0) — C²² (cos. 01~ cos. 0)². The expression on the right hand side consists of two factors; cos. 01 cos. Ø, and (putting 1 cos.20 for sin.² 2 AM gl-C²e² cos. 01+ C²e² cos. 0-2 AM gl cos.² 0. If we put C² 4 AM g l 2 =m, and 2 Ꮎ 0), a=me² - √(1-2 me² cos. 0, +m³e¹), 2 2 M E B=me² + √(1-2 m e² cos. O₁ + m²e³). the above expression becomes 1 2 AM gl (cos. ◊ — a) (ẞ — cos. Ø). Hence, we shall have d 02 d ť² 2 M g l (cos. §¸ ~ cos. 0) (cos. ◊ — a) (ẞ – cos. A) sin.20 (A+Ml sin. 0) It is easily seen that B is greater than cos. ₁, and that a is 339 less than 1; let a=cos. 02, and 02 and 01, will be the greatest and least values of 0. The axis will oscillate perpetually between these inclinations, and the rotation will continue for ever. If PO be inclined beyond a certain limit, the sides of the body POB will touch the horizontal plane, and the rotation can no longer continue in the same manner. If we suppose that PO is susceptible of all positions above a horizontal one, the rotation will not be stopped if 0, be less than a right angle. That is, if 2 2 cos. 0, 0, or if me²- V(1-2 me² cos. 01+m²e¹) > 0, > 1 2 if 2 m e² cos. 0¸ > 1; if Ε > or €² > S 2 2 AM gl 2m cos. 0, C² cos. 01 1 If e, the original velocity, be less than this, the body will fall. = If 0102, the axis will always retain the same inclination. This supposes cos. 0,=me - V(1-2 me² cos. 0₁+m²ε*), 1 1 and cannot be except e, the velocity of rotation, be infinite. PROB. III. The body and the axis having velocities commu- nicated to them; to determine the conditions that the axis PO may always retain the same inclination. In this case 0, and therefore c", is constant; and by equation will be constant ; (1) of Prob. I, R = Mg. Also, by (7), dy dt let it = d. Then, p= sin. O sin. = - a″d; dt q ; p .. a" = −}; similarly, b″ — — and equations (3), (4) become Adq+(Ar−Cr+Mg¹) pdt=0, Adp- (Ar-Cr+Mg¹) qdt=0. 340 Hence, we find as in p. 316, making (A−C)rd+Mgl A d = €, pa sin. (et + y), q = a cos. (et+y). Substituting in the first and second of equations (1), and dividing, we have tan. (et+y)= tan. ; et + y = 8, And by the third of equations (1), r = ε — But r= аф dt = €. cos. 0.8. Ade - Mgl (AC) 8 б Hence, Cde+(AC) cos. 0.82 = Mgl. Hence, & and O being known, e is known. If & =0, we have e infinite, agreeing with last Problem. The results in the preceding Problems are applicable to the motion of a spinning top, considering it as upon a perfectly smooth plane, and supported on a mathematical point. It has appeared, that under these circumstances the top will, if a sufficient velocity be communicated to it, go on revolving for ever; but, in consequence of the absence of friction, the motion will be a good deal different from that which we observe actually to take place in such cases. The centre of gravity in our Problem either remains at rest, or moves up and down in a vertical line, and cannot have any curvilinear motion. The axis can never become more vertical than it was at the beginning of the motion, though it will at intervals return to the incl ination which it then had. But in the experiment, the top, if inclined at first, will approach to a vertical position, which it will, as near as the senses can judge, attain and preserve for some time; and the centre of gravity will frequently describe a curve approach- ing to a circle, while the foot of the instrument remains stationary. These differences of theory and practice appear to be attributable to the effects of friction*. * Euler thus explains the effect of friction in causing a top to raise itself into a vertical position. "The friction will perpetually retard the motion of the 341 134. A Problem of great consequence, depending on the prin- ciples of this Chapter, is that of the Precession of the Equinoxes, or motion of the nodes of the Earth's equator on the ecliptic, and similar motions in the heavenly bodies. This motion in the Earth arises from the attraction of the Sun on the Earth, which, in con- sequence of the spheroidal form of the latter, produces a force tending to turn its poles, one towards, and one from, the Sun. And this combined with the Earth's rotation, produces a motion like that described in p. 319. If, in fig. 124, xy be the fixed plane of the ecliptic, x, y, the Earth's equator, and z, its north pole, N, the intersection of xy and x₁₁, moves along xz in a direction opposite to the diurnal rotation. The investigation of this subject. belongs to Physical Astronomy; but, in order to shew the nature of the action exercised, we shall take the inverse Problem, the motion being given to find the forces. 1 PROB. IV. A figure of revolution, turning uniformly on its aris, retains the same inclination, while the nodes of its equator move uniformly on a fixed plane; to find the forces by which it is acted on. The notation remaining as in Art. 133, fig. 124, let аф d dt dt =e, the velocity of rotation; 8, the velocity of the node; constant. ¿ If this happen the point P of the instrument, and at last reduce it to rest. before the top fall, it must then be spinning in such a position, that the point can remain stationary. But this cannot be if it be inclined. Hence, it must have a tendency to erect itself into a vertical position." Theor. Mot. Corp. Solid et Rigid, Suppl. Cap. 4. This property has been applied to obtain an artificial horizon. Since the axis tends to become vertical, a plane perpendicular to the axis tends to become horizontal; and for a considerable length of time may be considered as accurately so. See Phil Trans. 1752. Mr. Landen's solution of this Problem appears to contain several mistakes. See bis Math. Lucubr. 342 Hence, by equations (1), p=8 sin. sin. 0, q=8 cos: sin. 0, re- cos. 0, and B = A. Hence, since d, e are constant, we have, by equations (0), N =0, N'Ade sin. o sin. 0 +(A–C) de sin. & sin. 0-(A — C) S² sin. & sin. ◊ cos. {Ce+(A–C) & cos. } 8 sin. O sin. p, N" Ade cos. o sin. 0 = +(C− A) de cos. Ø sin. 0 − (C – A) d² cos. O sin. O cos. ◊ = {Ce+(A − C) & cos. } & sin. O cos. p. Hence, N'-F sin. 4, N" F cos. ; F being constant. = These forces N', N" will be supplied, if we suppose a force F to act any where in the circle z Z1, fig. 124, urging z₁ towards z. APPENDIX. APPENDIX (A) to the INTRODUCTION, p. 4. On the Definitions and Principles. ds dt and f= d v dt may be considered as the THE equations v = mathematical definitions of velocity and force. They express that the velocity is the limit of the ratio of the increment of the space, to the time in which it is described; and the force, the limit of the ratio of the increment of the velocity, to the time in which it is described. And though these definitions are perhaps not the simplest descriptions of the vague and popular meanings of the words velocity and force; they may be shewn to agree with those significations as far as they go; and to be the limitations to which we are naturally led in making those notions exact and measurable. The quantities are greater or less according to our definitions, when they are so according to the common ideas; and the definitions are capable of being applied to any portions of time however small, which is requisite for the purpose of considering velocities and forces perpetually variable. In fact, we may look upon space and time as the two variables, whose relations we have to investigate, and consider the general Problem of Dynamics to be this, "to find the place of a body at the end of a given time." The space being thus a function of the time t, it becomes convenient to give a name to the first differential ds d coefficient ; ds dt dt and to the second, ; we call the first, dt velocity, and the second, force. 344 We shall here briefly state the proofs of the laws of motion. LAW 1. A body in motion, not acted on by any force, will move on in a straight line, and with a uniform velocity. First, it will move in a straight line. For if it do not, it must move in some curve, and it must depend upon external circum- stances, towards which side the convexity must lie, and how great the curvature must be. But, when a body's motion is influenced by external bodies, those bodies are said to exert force upon it, which is contrary to the supposition. Hence, a body influenced by no force, cannot describe any path but a straight line. Next, it will move with a uniform velocity. As we remove the known causes which retard a body's motion, we find that we remove the retardation, and this without limit; so that it is evident, that if we could entirely remove the external causes of retardation, the body would not be retarded at all; there is no internal principle which tends to diminish the velocity. The common causes by which motions are retarded, and finally stopped, are friction and the resistance of the air. If a wheel turn on a very smooth axle, it will revolve for a long time; and the longer, as we remove more of the friction by making the axle smoother; and if we also diminish the resistance of the air by making the wheel revolve in an exhausted receiver, the motion will continue still longer. We can never quite remove the friction or the resistance; and it is on that account, that the rotation cannot be made to continue for ever without diminution. LAW 2. When any force acts upon a body in motion, the change of motion which it produces is the same, in magnitude and direction, as the effect of the force upon a body at rest. Both the original motion, and the change of motion com- municated, are retained in their own directions. Thus, in fig. 7, if the body be in motion with a velocity which would carry it through PR, and be acted on by a force which would carry it through Pp in the same time, it will at the end of that time be found at the point r, PRrp being a parallelograin. The proofs of this law are of the following nature. 345 A body let fall from the top of the mast of a vessel in motion, will fall down the mast, (if vertical ;) thus retaining the horizontal motion of the ship, as well as the motion communicated by gravity. A body thrown across the deck by a person on board, will in the same manner proceed in the direction in which it is thrown relatively to the vessel; thus both retaining the motion of the vessel, and obey- ing the force by which it is projected. The motions impressed on bodies by the same agent, are the same, whatever be their direction with respect to the direction of the Earth's motion. Thus a pendulum oscillates in the same time east and west, or north and south. The motions impressed on bodies in different parts of the Earth, are the same, relatively to the Earth, if the forces be the same; thus shewing, that besides the motions impressed, they retain the motions of the parts of the Earth where they are, which vary infinitely in velocity. LAW 3. When pressure communicates motion, the moving force is as the pressure. This is proved from experiment. The pressure is the weight which produces motion, and the moving force is measured by the momentum generated in a given time. Thus, in fig. 107, when two bodies P, Q are suspended over a pully, if P be the heavier, P-Q is the mass whose weight is the pressure producing motion; and if we neglect the pully, P+Q is the mass moved; and this, multiplied into the velocity generated in a given time, is proportional to P-Q. This is found to agree with experiments. Atwood's machine, fig. 101, is the one with which the greatest number of experiments were made. In this, the mass of the wheels over which the string passes must be allowed for. See Art. 95, and Atwood on Rect. and Rotatory Motion, Sect. 7. Also Mr. Smeaton's Experiments, Phil. Trans. Vol. LXVI. Action and Reaction signify the mutual pressures of two bodies which influence each other's motions. Action and Reaction are sometimes defined to be the momenta gained and lost; and in that case, in order to prove the equality of action and reaction, it is necessary to shew, that these momenta are as the pressures which produce them. This third law of motion is also proved by shewing, that in the Xx 346 case of impact, the momenta gained and lost by the mutual collision are equal. Newton, Scholium to the Laws of Motion, Principia, Book I. Impact is in some respects the simplest case of pressure, because in it the consideration of time does not enter. But pro- perly speaking, we cannot consider the proof of the third law of motion in this case, as sufficient to establish it in all others. The Inertia or resistance of different bodies to motion is, at the same place, proportional to the weight, but does not vary, as the weight does, according to the different action of gravity, &c. The Inertia of Rotation, or resistance to the communication of rotatory motion, does not depend on the mass only, but also on its distance from the axis, as is seen in Book III. The third Book supposes' the general property of the lever to be established; namely, that the effects of forces to turn a body round an axis, will be the same, when the sum of their moments, or products by their perpendiculars from the axis, is the same. See Statics, Art. 26. It supposes also the composition of forces to be demonstrated; which is, however, included in the general pro- perty of the lever. APPENDIX (B) to CHAP. III. Book I. On the Motion of a Body about two Centres of Force. THIS Problem is remarkable both for the elegance of the re- sults to which our investigations lead us, and for being almost the only addition which has been made since Newton's time to the exact solution of inverse problems of central forces. This acqui- sition we owe in the first place to Euler, who in the Transactions of the Academy of Petersburg, (Nov. Com. Petrop. 1764,) pub- lished about 1766, examined the question of the motion of a body acted on by two centres of force, when it is supposed to move always in one plane. His analysis of this case was complete, but he informs us, that in his first attempts he was led into a mistake by the method which he employed. This he detected, by the absurdities which resulted from supposing one of the forces to vanish, which of course 347 reduced it to a known problem; and in investigating the origin of the inconsistencies in his solution, he was led to the complete so- lution. So that he attributes his success to this most fortunate error," as he calls it. Nearly at the same time he published in the Berlin Memoirs, (Hist. de l'Acad. Royale des Sciences, Berlin 1760, published 1767;) an examination of the cases in which the curve described is an algebraical curve. At the end of his first paper, Euler had promised a solution of the problem, when the motion is not in the same plane. This he performs in the Nov. Com. Petrop. for 1765, (published 1767,): where he gives a new method of obtaining the differential equations: and it is this which, with some modifications, is adopted in the next. Before the publication of this last paper of Euler, Lagrange / had taken up the problem, and had written a Memoir, in which, with very great elegance and simplicity, he solves it for the motion in a curve of double curvature. This Memoir appears in the Me- langes de la Soc. de Turin for 1766—1769, (published some years afterwards). In the same Volume there is also another Memoir of Lagrange, containing a discussion of the laws of force for which the integration is possible; and an observation founded upon this, that it cannot be applied to the motion of the Moon, which the Student will find explained at the end of the problem as here given. Legendre has more recently examined the cases of this Problem, in his Exercices du Calc. Integ. (tom. II, p. 366.). The body will not necessarily perform its motion always in the same plane, but will in general describe a curve of double curvature. It is manifest, however, that if we suppose the direction to be origi- nally in the plane passing through the two centres, there will be nothing to deflect the body from this plane, and hence it will con- tinue in it during its whole motion. We shall first, therefore, con- sider this, the simple problem. PROB. I. A body, acted upon by forces tending to two fixed centres, and varying inversely as the square of the distances from their respective centres; moving so as to be always in the same plane ; to determine its motion, fig. 131. Let the motion be in the plane, passing through A, B, the centres of force. Let P be any point, AP=1, BP=r'; the 348 and exert upon P, forces which A and AB=2c; PM perpendicular to AB; and MP=y; hence, x+x=2 c. Also, r² = x² + y²; r¹² = x²² + y². m m m' 29 1일 respectively. r AM= x, BM=x'; Now, if we resolve the force, in direction PA, into two forces parallel respectively to y, and to x, as in Art. 12, we shall have the resolved parts m x m r ༡༢ m' x' m' of B's force will be 12 r T r y ཏྭཱ '༤ : similarly, the resolved parts Hence, observing the di- rections of the forces, we have mx force in r = 3 J' + m'x' ; 13 force in y my my 13 3 And hence, the equations of motion (c), Art. 12, are d² x dt². Sm X m' x 'x' 3 3 ጥ ď² y (my my + d to 13 r ..(1), . . (2). We shall indicate these equations by the figures which stand opposite to them, and operations performed upon these equations by the usual algebraical symbols; a mode of notation which will be easily understood. Thus, (1) dr + (2) × dy, gives dx d² x + dy d² y d t² (mrdr m'r'dr + 3 73 the right hand side being reduced by observing, that xdx + y dy = r dr; -x'dx+ydy = x'd x' + y dy = r'dr'. 349 Now this equation integrated and multiplied by 2, gives dx²+dy² 2 d t² m m' =2 + +.... p C (3). Here C is a constant quantity which depends upon the velocity at a given point; and the right hand side of the equation gives the velocity at any point. We shall now make another integrable combination of equations (1) and (2); observing that dr = d²x', - (2) × x' + (1) × y gives Y- x'd²y — y d'x'′ d t² 2mcy since +2c; 3 (2) x x -(1)xy gives xd²y - y d²x 2 m'cy 13 dts Multiplying by rdy-ydx, and by x'dy-ydx', respectively, we have {x'd²y - yd²x'} {xdy−ydx} d t² 2 m cy (xdy − y dx) - 3 r {xd'y — yd°z} {x'dy — ydz' } _ _ Q m'cy (x'dy - ydz') d t2 13 r Add these equations together, and the sum becomes integrable; for the numerator of the first side will be the differential of {x'dy—ydx'} {xdy-ydx}. Also r dx − x dr d. T 2 y' d x - x y dy 3 r2dx-xrdr 3 (x² dx (r° +y) dr - r (rdr+ydy) 3 ; whence one of the terms on the second side. X Similarly, d. — = 9'da'z'ydy 13 350 Hence, the integral of the sum just mentioned is {x'dy-ydx'} {xdy—ydx} X Ꮖ =2mc. : 2 mc. - +2 m² c dt² , + 2 Dc....(4), ጥ where D is a constant quantity, which depends upon the direction and velocity of the motion at a given point. If we eliminate t, we have the equation to the curve. We shall transform equations (3), and (4), by the following as- sumptions. Let r=c(u+v), r' = c (u — v). Now, by the triangle APM, 2 4 c² + r²-r²² 4 c² + 4 c² uv x= ; 4 c .4 c x' x = c(1+uv); hence also, r = c (1 − uv) ; and y² = r² — x² = c² (u² + v² — 1 — u² v²) = c² (u² — 1) ( 1 − v'); therefore, dx = c(udv+vdu), dx' = 2 c(udv+vdu); y = c√ (u² — 1) V (1 − v°), dy = cudu√)=0² Hence, we obtain 2 2 2 น u² - 1 c v d v √ / u² – 1 1-72 dx² = c² {v² du³+2 uvdu dv+u°dv²}, dy² 2 .. dx² + dy² = c² {u'aw. {du² Also, xdy-ydx z2 U 2 2 2 -Luvdudv+v²d v² u² V + dv² - 1 1 — 72 ૧ ገ 2 1 บ = c² {udu (1 + uv) √ - U S 2 1 U vdv (1+uv) √ √ ¹² — ! 2 1- V — c² { vd u V (u² — 1 ) √′ ( 1 − v²) + u dv √ (u² − 1) √ (1 − v²)} {du - v² 2 du (u + v) dv (u + v) 2 2 351 Similarly, x'dy—y dx' * น = c° {du (u−v) √ 13—2)² + dv (x − v) √² = }} ; hence, (xdy — yd x) (x'dy — y dx') 4 2 1 1 = c* (x² – v®) {du° != ** – dv² ²²-}}. u — 1 1-c 2 2 Substituting these values in equations (3) and (4) they become, (dividing by c² and c4), 2 (u² — v²) { du² 2 = m { " 1 dvⓇ 1 + 2 · dť² u² - 1 dt 1-v u + v + U m " (u² — v²) (du² 1 — v² {" · dtu d ť u² - 1 1 + uv +uv u + v V + c)} + c}. dv² u² dt (5), 1 1 - u v + - m²' + D}.. (6 IL ーで (6). Now to eliminate dɩ, we take (5) × (u³ — 1)+(6); which gives (u² - v²)² du² ი u² 1 dť ~~ {(m + m') u + C (u² — 1) + D}. . . . .(7). ୯୯ Similarly, to eliminate du, (5) × (1 − v²) — (6) gives (u² — v²)° dv² น 212.dt² 2 { − (m − m') v + C (1 − v²) — D }. . (8). If we now divide (7) by (8), we obtain 1- v² duⓇ --- (m+m') u + C (u² − 1) + D u²-1'd v² (m − m') v + C (1 − v°) — D' If we make D− C = E, we have du √ (u² − 1) { E + (m + m') u+Cu²} dv (v² − 1) { E + (m − m') v+Cv²} .(9), which gives us immediately an equation in which the variables are separated; viz. } 352 du √ {(u² — 1) [E+(m+m') u+Cu²]} dv √ {(v² − 1) [E ·+ (m − m')v + Cv³]} . (10). If we could integrate equation (10), we should have the equation to the curve described. The variable quantities are separated in this equation, but the integrals are what are called Elliptic Tran- scendants, and cannot be obtained in finite terms. There are, however, an infinite number of cases, in which (10) belongs to a remarkable class of equations, to which the researches of Euler and others have shewn how to find algebraical integrals; namely, when the quantities C, E, m, m' have such relations, that, making u=ap, v=by, it can be reduced to the form μαφ 2 3 4 √(a+ßp+y&²+ dp³ +€¢¹) v d¥ 2 √(a+BY+j¥²+d¥³+€¥³) µ, v, being any whole numbers whatever. See Lacroix, Traité du Calc. Diff. et du Calc. Integ. tom. II, No. 702. But the expressions thus obtained are of so complicated a form, that we shall not attempt to examine the solutions which they offer. There are two remarkable cases, in which we can more simply find the curve described. If we have u = a, a constant quantity, such that (a² − 1) { E+ (m +m') a + Ca² } = 0, it is manifest, that both sides of equation (9) vanish, and hence, a, satisfies the equation. Similarly, if we invert the equation, and suppose U (B² − 1) { E + (m − m') B + CB² } = 0, − it is clear, that v=ß will satisfy it. v= But though u= a, or vẞ satisfy equation (9), it does not necessarily follow, that they give the curve described in a particular They will not do this, except they be integrals derived from case. 353 the complete integral by giving particular values to the constants. If, instead of being such particular integrals, they be particular solutions, (Lacroix, Art. 293.) of the differential equation, they no longer solve the problem. is a Now we have this rule, by which we can determine whether an equation which satisfies a given differential equation in u, v, particular solution or a particular integral. (Lacroix, Art. 297, 298). Put du dv dp P, and take the value of ; every particular du dp solution will make infinite. du In this case, if we call VU and VV the numerator and deno- minator of the fraction in (10), we have du p = VU ᏤᏤ dv and if U', V' represent the differential coefficients of U and V; dp U' V' U dv du 2 VU. V V 2 V VV' du U' V' dv 2 V U V V 2 putting for its value; du U' V V — V' VU 2 V VU which will be infinite, when U=0, except U'0 at the same time, and when √ = 0, except V'=0 at the same time. Hence, if U=0, and U'≈0, we have not a particular solution, but a particular integral, and consequently a solution of the problem. Similarly, if V=0, and V'=0. Let us consider the equations u=a, U=0, U'=0, or u = a, =0] (u² — 1) { E+ (m+m) u+ Cu³} = Qu {E+(m+m')u+Cu²}+(u² − 1) { (m+m') + 2 Cu} = 0} Y Y (11). 354 Now the first equation u = a, whence r+r'2 cu=2ca, shews that the curve is an ellipse: the other equations determine the values of C and E. The second equation gives either E+(m+m) u+Cu²=0, or u²-1=0; but it is clear, that the latter cannot be an answer to the problem, since it gives y=0 for every point. Hence, the problem requires that E+(m+m') a + Ca²=0, (m+m)+2Ca=0. From the latter, m+m' C = 2 a (m +m') .:. E = a, by the former. 2 m+ m² a² + 1 2 α And therefore DE+ C = If we call 2a the major axis of the ellipse, we have 2a=r+r'=2ca; .. a = a 1 e being the eccentricity. C e Hence, C= m+m C ; 2 a and substituting in equation (3), we have Im m' m + m² velocity = 2 + "' 2a .(12). at the extremity D of the axis minor, rra; and here velocity²== m+m' a By Prob. II. of Chap. III. it appears, that this is the velocity which the body would have in the ellipse at D, if there were at A or at Ba single force equal to the sum of the forces at A and at B. Hence, conversely, if the body at the point D, equidistant from A and B, be projected parallel to AB with this velocity, it will describe an ellipse about the centres of force A, B, as foci. 355 If the body were projected in any other manner, if we know the velocity, we find a by equation (12); and hence, successively, e, a, C, D, and E; and knowing C, there we can find the direction of projection by equations (6), (7), or (8). Similarly, if we make v=ß, ß being subject to equations analogous to a in (11), we shall have r — r = 2CB = 2a suppose; therefore the curve is a hyperbola, B being its interior focus. C 1 a β The eccentricity e == Also, E+(m-m') ß + Cß² = 0, (m − m') + 2CB=0; m m' .. C = 23 (m (m − m') 2 C ; E= a (m-m') a 2 m' m— m' + ア 2 a velocity² = 2 If we had originally put x = c (u —v) r' = c (u + v), the expressions would have been every where the same, excepting that we should have -v, for v at each step. Hence, we should have in this case V =B, E − (m − m') ẞ+cß² = 0, − (m − m²) + 2 Cß = 0; therefore r'—r=uß=2a, and the curve is a hyperbola, of which A is the interior focus. m · m' m - m' C C= 23 2 α E= (m— m') ß m 2 velocity² = 2 + m' ; D=E+C= + m m M m' B²+1 2 β 2 a 356 In order to complete the determination of the motion, we ought to have the time. Now this is easily obtained from equations (7) and (8). Retaining the notation of p. 353, we have by the equations just mentioned, (u² — v²) dv ᏤᏤ V2dt u² dv v² dv u² du v² dv √2dt VV ᏤᏤ VU VV which reduces it to the integration of expressions of one variable. In the particular case which we have considered, (when u=a) equation (8) gives dt V2 C (a² — v²) dv v´ {(v² − 1) [E + (m− m′) v + Cv²] } (a² — v²) dv V(2 a) √ {(1 − v²) [(m+m′) a² + 2 (m −m') av + (m+m') v²]} ' PROB. II. When the body does not move in the same plane; to determine the motion, fig. 123. Let the path be referred to three rectangular co-ordinates x, y, z; the plane of xy passing through AB, so that AM=x, MN=y, NP=z; the plane PMN will be perpendicular to AM. Let also AB=2c, BM=x', AP=r, BP=r'. Hence, x+x′ = 2c, r² = x²+y²+z², r²² = x²² + y²+z², m m' and we shall then have the forces and in the directions PA 22 and PB; and the resolved parts of the NM, and to PN respectively, will be T 2/2 12 first parallel to MA, to m Ꮖ m y m ช 2 2 r 2 ༡༧༧ 2 ; 2' similarly of the other force; and hence, the equations of motion become d2r dt2 Ꮖ mx m'x' 3 13 ……..(1), 357 dy={my + my}. dt2 ď z dt² Sm 3 m'z' ..... (2), mz + }....... .. (3). 3 Т 13 Then (1) 2dx+(2) . 2 dy + (3) 2dz gives, (observing that rdr=rdx+ydy+zd, r'dr' = x'dx' + ydy + zdz=-x'dx+ydy+zdz), 2dx d²x + 2 dy d²x+2dz d²z Ꮖ and integrating, 2 dt² m m' dr²+dy' + d² = 2 { " + = + dt2 Also, (3) y —(2) z gives (mdrm'dr + 2 2 12 ; Ca constant quantity.. (4). y d°z - zd³y dt2 =0; y dz―zdy dt =h, a constant quantity..(5). It is necessary to get another integrable combination of our equations; which we may thus perform; (2) x (1) y gives · d (xdy — y dx) dt² m'y (x+x') 13 " 2m'cy 13 ጥ (2) x'+(1) y gives, since — d'x'= d°x, - d² d (x'dy — y dx') dt² my (x+x') 203 2mcy 2,3 Multiplying these by (x'dy-y'dx), and (x dy - ydx) respectively, and adding, we have d. (xdy — y d x) (x'dy—y dx') dt² — 2m'cy (x'dy-ydx') 2mcy (rdy — yda) 13 I' 3 358 Similarly, by using (3) for (2), and z for y, we shall get d. (cdĩ –zdr) (dĩ − d ) (xdz d t² C 2/3 Ꮖ 2 mcz (dz – zdr) 3 d and d Now add these, observing that x ጥ Ꮖ 2 rdx-x dr ( tỷ tổ do (d+dy+z) and we have 2 y (dyyda) z (rdz – zdr) 23 3 y (x'dy — y dx') — z (x'dz — 2 dx′) 13 グ d. (ady − y dc) (cdy gyd)+d.(xdz – zdx) (xdz–zd) X d t² =2cmd+2cm'd Hence, integrating, (xảy − y dư) (dyyd)+(rdz− z d) ( dĩ - zac) d t² X x' =2cm - +2cm² + 2c D. . . . . .(6). ጥ r Equations (4), (5), and (6), contain the complete determination of the motion. We shall transform them by the following sub- stitutions. Let MP=p, and the angle NMP=0: hence, as in Arts. 16, 17, we have y²+z² = p²; dy²+dz² = dp²+p³dø², ydz-zdy = p²dp. So that the equations (4) and (5) become, removing the deno- minators, m m' dx²+dp²+p²dp² = 2 d t² { + m² + ... . . (7), 359 p❜dq=hdt.. To transform equation (6), we may observe that (xdy—ydx)(x'dy—ydx') ..(8). xx'dy² — xdx'.ydy-x'dx.ydy + y² dxdx', (xd Z zx)(c dĩ – zd) =xx'dz²-x dx'.zdz-xdx. zdz+z'dxdx'. And the sum xx′ (dp²+p³dµ³) — (xdx' + x'dx) pdp + p³dx dx' =(xdp-pdx) (x'dp-pdx') + xx'p² do². 2 Substituting in equation (6), and multiplying by dť², (x dp – pd x) (x'd p— pdx')+xx'p'dp² Sm x m'x' =2cdt² + r + D}. .(9). We shall now make the same substitution as at p. 350, in the former case, viz., r = c(u+v), r'=c (u-v). And we shall have the same values of x, r', &c., as we then had, p corresponding to y. Hence, du² dvⓇ dx²+dp²=c² (u'—v²) { _du" + due}, 2 1 - 2 v² u². 2 2 — du² (xd p = pd.x) (x'dp — pdx') = c² (w² — v°) {du? != "" — dv° ""— }} 1 Substituting these in (7), and (9), observing also that 2 x x′ = c² (1 — u² v²); and, dividing the latter by c², 1-v we shall have results analogous to (5) and (6), of the former case, viz., c² (u² —v²) { 2 dt² C m duⓇ dv² 2 + 2 1 V - u + v + U 1 m' 2 } +p²dø² +c}.... +c}……….(10), 360 c* (u° — v²) { dr 1-ve du². u² dv². + (1 − u³v²) p³dq² 2 2 u² — ] m' (1 — uv) + U-v +D}... · D} … … … … … … (11). 2dt² (m(1+uv) C u + v Now, (10) (u² -1)+(11) gives c² (u² — v²). du². 2 dt C Put for dť² its that (u' — 1) (1 — v²) 2 ༡z? — j? 2 u² 2 +u² (1—v²) p²dp² {(m+m') u+C (u² − 1)+D}. value from (8); multiply by (u²-1), observing 2 p² C 27 ; and transpose; and we have c² (u² — v²)² du² = 2 p¹d þ² (u² — 1) {(m+m') u + C (u² − 1) + D} ch² 2 Similarly, (10) (1 —v²) 2.4 И p¹dp². (12). афг — (11), gives u² - v² • ༧ c² (u² — v²) dv² 2 + v² (u² − 1) p² dø² 2 ρ C 2dt C { — (m ~ m') v + C (1 ~ v³) − D}. And, reducing this in the same way as the other, c² (u² — v²)² dv² 2 p¹dp2 4 ch² (1 — v²) { — (m — m'′) v + C ( 1 − v²) —– D} v² p*dq² c² 2 · (13). If we now divide (12) by (13), we have h² 2 c du² 2 d v² 2 c 2222 h² (u² — 1) {(m+m') u + C (u² − 1) + D } − u² (1 − v²) { — (m — m'′) v.+ C.( 1 — v²). — D } — v² 361 If we call =n, and D-C=E, we have h² du² d v 2 2 n (u² − 1) { E + (m+m') u + Cu² } — u° 2 2 n (v² − 1) { E + (m − m' ) v + C v² } - v³• • • . (14) suppose; - U V dv by integrating which equation, we have the and du VU curve described: the variables separated, but the expressions tran- scendant, as before. Knowing the relation between u and v, we have, from equation (12) or (13), the value of do; for c² (u² — v²)² du²: 4 P Udo² 2 =c° .( − 1) (1 −3)° Ud¢°; .. do= аф ( 2 2 − (u² - v²) du - 1) (1 − v³) VU du (u² - 1) VU 2 d u + d u (1 − v³) VŪ dv (1 − v³) √ √ ³ + √ (u² - 1) VU and for the time we have, since h= 2 − v²) v N — = p² d = c + √ n { ( 1 − v } d® + (u² = 1) du} dt = VV N h 3 1914 = c² √ n 12 du v² d v NU √ V value of u, as to make But it It is manifest, as in the former case, that the equation (14) is satisfied by supposing u = a, where a is such a the numerator on the right hand side vanish. as before, that a solution to the problem is except also U' = 0; that is, we have the path Z z But it may be shewn not given by U=0, in a particular case, if 362 นะC 2 n (a² − 1 ) { E+(m+m') a + Ca² } − a²=0 2na {E+(m+m') a+Ca³} + n (a² − 1) { (m+m')+2 Ca} α =0 .(15). Hence, r+r2 ca=2a suppose, and P is always situated in an ellipse which has for its foci A, B, and which revolves about its major axis AB with an angular velocity eccentricity = e =e= = a a² - 1 = a² — c² c² b2 2 C 1 α аф dt 2 To find C, multiply the second of equations (15) by a, and the third by a²-1, and subtract; we have thus, n (a² − 1)² {m+m'+2 Ca}+a=0, 1 2 2n (a² - 1)² m+ m² C= 2 a m+ m² c 2 ( 2n6± 4 ся and substituting this, we find E= (m+m') a + 2 n (a² — 1)² m+m' a² + 1 1 a² + 1 and D=C+E= + a 2n α a² 2 1 Hence, by (4), m 'm' velocity² = 2 L で 30 m + m² 1 2 a Q n And we have do and dt, by equations (13) and (7). If we make vß, we may find a solution in the same manner, which will give for the place of P a hyperboloid, of which A, B, are the foci. If we had supposed the force to vary according to any other law, the process of determining the motion would, to a certain ex- 363 tent, have been the same. besides that which we have and eliminate, and in these, the methods are of considerable com- plexity. The conditions of integrability are very complet ly dis- cussed by Lagrange in the Turin Memoirs for 1766-1769: p. 216, &c., and it there appears, that if P and Q represent the forces acting towards A and B respectively, we shall be able to reduce the problem to differential equations of the first order, in the following cases, There are, however, only a few cases, considered, in which we can integrate 1º if Par+ В 2º if Par+ Br³, 3 B' Q=ar' + Q=a'r' + B'r'³; 3° if Par+B,³ +yr³, Q=ar' + Br's tyr" The parts The first of these three cases is somewhat remarkable. ar, and ar, or, a. PA, and a. PB of the forces are equivalent to a force 2 a. PC, C being the bisection of A B, (by Statics). AB, Hence, P is acted on by three forces; one to C varying as the distance, and one to each of the points A, B varying inversely as the square. Now, by each of these three forces, the body might describe an ellipse, of which the foci are A and B, and it is a curious cir- cumstance, that it may be made to describe the same ellipse when acted on by all the three forces *. The proof of this is contained in the Memoir just referred to. It may be worth while to notice how far this problem bears upon those which the solar system offers to us. The Moon is acted upon by two forces, tending to the Earth and to the Sun, and each varying inversely as the square of the distance. If therefore we could suppose the Sun and the Earth to be fixed points, the path of the Moon would be that determined in the preceding problems. But this is not the case, for the Sun also acts upon the Earth, and though the Earth's distance from it remains nearly constant, and consequently the Sun's force nearly constant, the centrifugal force * It may also be observed, that ar+expresses the law of attraction, which particles must exert, that the attraction to a sphere may follow the same law as it does to one of the particles. Appendix (C). 364 by which the Sun's attraction is counteracted, operates also upon the Moon. We may, however, reduce this case to our problem by this consideration. If we suppose equal and parallel forces to act upon the Earth and the Moon, the motion of the Moon relatively to the Earth, will remain unaltered. Let, therefore such forces act, and let them be equal and opposite to that which the Sun exerts upon the Earth. Then, the Earth will be acted upon by forces which destroy each other, and will therefore be at rest: and the Moon (P, fig. 133,) will be acted on by the forces which tend to the Earth and the Sun, in the directions PS, PT, (suppose B B' and also by a force in PO parallel to ST, which may be considered as constant. Let ST represent this force; ST is equivalent to SP, PT; that is, if the force=a. ST, ar, ar', are the parts in SP, PT. Hence, P is acted on by a force - ar+ a force ar' + B' „z to T. 142 B to S, and to T. This does not come under the integrable cases of the problem; and hence, we cannot apply the method to determine the motions of the Moon. The proper mode of con- sidering the question of the motions of these bodies S, P, T, acted on by their mutual attractions, belongs to the subject of the suc- ceeding Chapter. APPENDIX (C) to CHAP. IV. p. 66. On the Attractions of Bodies. Ir is observed in Chapter IV, that the attractions of bodies are the collective effect of the attractions of all their particles. We shall here shew how, from the law of the attractive power of the elementary parts, we may find the attractions of finite bodies *. PROP. I. A spherical shell of indefinitely small thickness, being composed of particles attracting according to a given law; to find the attraction on any point. * Newton, Book I, Sect. 12. Laplace Mec. Cel. Liv. II. Art. 11. 365 Let S, fig. 134, be the centre of the spherical shell, SE, its radius = a; EF, its thicknessa; P the point attracted; PS=r, PF = ƒ, F being any particle. And let PSE = 0. Suppose two planes FSP, GSP, passing through SP, to make with each other an indefinitely small angle FDG = 8, FDG being a plane perpendicular to PD. Then, FG = DF. 8 a sin. 0. 8. And if we suppose ESe de, Ee ade, and the solid content of the small portion of the shell EFGe will be dado a sin. 0. 2 Now since this portion is indefinitely small, its attraction on P may be considered as that of a single particle at the distance f. Let (f) be the function of ƒ expressing the law of attraction; then the attraction of the elementary solid Ge on P will be dade. a² sin. 0p (ƒ). To reduce this to the direction PS, we must multiply it by PD PF • or slice AEB, towards S, is a cos. 7-a 2 ; hence, the attraction by the f Ꮎ fdade.a sin. $(f). the integral being taken from A to B. ↑ a cos. O f ; The attraction, by varying the angle &, manifestly varies in the same ratio; hence, for the whole shell we must put 2 for d, and we have for the whole attraction 2π а²a ƒ də sin, 0 † (ƒ) α 1-acOS. f · a cos. O A, suppose. Since ƒ²² = r² – 2ra cos. O + a³, (1/4) a cos. O = (1/2) dr df f dr indicating the differential coefficient where r alone is supposed to vary. Hence, A2πa afde sin. 0p (ƒ) dr (1/4). Now let fdf (f) = 1 (f), and we have, since (f) is the differential coefficient of P1 (ƒ), (do, (f)) £) = + 1). (²²), dr 366 Hence, if we take В = 2πa³aƒ do sin. 0₁ (ƒ), we shall have α d1 ره dB dr = 2 Ta'a fde sin. Ꮎ (dp₁ (f)) dr = 2 wa'a ƒ d0 sin. 04 (ƒ). (*) dr =A, for since the variations of and of r are independent, it makes no difference, whether we perform the differentiations before or after integration*. Now, since f² = r² — 2ra cos., 0+a², we have fdf = ra sin. Od0; fdf and sin. Ode =ƒdƒ¸ ra ; Ωπαα hence, B = ƒƒdƒ• $1 (ƒ). r The integral is to be taken from = 0, to 0; that is, from f=r-a, tof=r+a. lfffdf. $1 (ƒ) = ¥ (ƒ), we have for the whole figure, Ωπα B = {y (r+a) - &(r − a)}. r d B. And the attraction A = dr is thus known. For a point within the shell the process will be the same, except that the integral must be taken between the limits a +r, and a — r. Ex. 1. Let the force of each particle vary inversely as the square of the distance. * If F be a function of r and 8, and B=ƒ Fd8, d B df Fde dr dr d B d F d2B But do dr d & dr Hence, (Lacroix, Elem. Treat. 122.) ď²B d F dr drde d2 B d F d B dF and • de; .. de dr dr dr dr 367 $1 1 Here ¢ (ƒ) = }; $\(ƒ)=ƒdƒ-4 (J) = −'}; دشهر ¥ƒ=ƒƒdƒ¢、 (ƒ)= −ƒ, 2 ñ а а {(r− a)—(r+a)} · B- r dB 4π a²α παρα A = dr 2 4πα α T αα The surface of the shell is 4πa, and hence, its mass is 4πa'a, and the attraction is the same as if it were collected at the centre of the sphere. Ex. 2. Let the force of each particle vary as any power of the distance. Let ¢ (ƒ)=ƒ”, $1 (ƒ)=ƒ”+ fn 1 > n+1 &(f): f" + 3 (n + 1) (n + 3)' B = 2παα (n + 1)(n+3) r 3 {(r + a)² + ³ — (r − a)" +³ } 2 4πα α 2?? +1 + (n+2) (n + 1) p² - 1 .1 2 n+1 2.3 + (n+2) (n + 1)n. (n-1) r²-3a² 3_4 »-³ a² + &c.} . d B And A = Απαρα dr 4π a³ar" + {~ + (n + 2) (n − 1) 27-202 2.3 + 2,22-4a4+ α + &c.} (n + 2) n (n − 1) (n-3) This series terminates, if n be a whole positive number. = If n = 1, or n=2, that is, if the attraction varies directly as the distance, or inversely as the square of the distance, the terms after the first vanish, and the attraction is the same, as if the mass were collected at the centre of the sphere. m' Hence, if the particles exert a force which is as mr + the 29 whole force will be the same as if the mass were so collected; for we may suppose the shell to consist of particles which attract with forces mr, and of an equal number of others which attract with m' forces 368 √ If n=-1, or n=3, the integrations for (f) fail, and we must employ other methods. Ex. 3. Let the force vary inversely as the cube of the distance. 1 1 $ (f): фо $1 (ƒ)= & (f) hyp. log. f. " παα B = hyp. log. r r a r + a ΑΒ πα Qar p A = 2 2 2 - hyp. log. dr a r+al Ex. 4. Let the force vary inversely as the distance. 2a Α=παα r a +(1-2) hyp. log. "+a}. C r a Ex. 5. The force varying as any power of the distance; to find the attraction on a point within the shell. As in Ex. 2, (f) B = 2παα (n + 1)(n+3) r n+ 3 + fn + +3 (n + 1) (n + 3) ' (n + 2) (n + 1) 2.3 (n+2) (n + 1) n (n-1) 3 {(a + r) n + ³ — (a − r)n+3} a² + 1 pz an q²−1,^ + &c. }, an−1 ¹ pº+&c.} . • Απας n + 1 l {2" + d.B A = 4πα Su + 2 a²+1 p dr 3 + N - 2 (n+2) n (n − 1) 3.4.5 If n = 2, or the force be inversely as the square of the distance, we have A=0; the attractions in different directions counterbalance each other. PROP. II. To find the attraction of a sphere composed of particles attracting according to a given law. If in the last proposition we put u for a, and du for a, the thickness of the shell, and integrate from u=0, to u = a, we shall have the attraction of a solid sphere of radius a. 369 By this means, from the expression for A in Ex. 2, we find for the attraction of a sphere Απα 3 3 (n+2) (n - 1) 3pm-2a² 2.2 + + &c. 2.3 suc.}. 5 In the cases where the attraction of a shell is the same as if the matter were collected at the centre, the attraction of a sphere will also follow the same law. For the sphere may be supposed to be composed of concentric shells, each of which attracts as if it were collected at the centre, and therefore the whole will attract as if all its parts were there collected. PROP. III. To find the attraction of a circle on a point in a line perpendicular to its plane, and passing through its centre. Let BC, fig. 135, be the circle, P the attracted point, SP=r, SE=ƒ, SE any radius=u, and SF a radius indefinitely nearly equal to this, so that EF du. Let a small angle FSG=8, then the quadrilateral EG=u.8. du. And, .8.du. And, if the law of the attraction be represented by (ƒ), the attraction of EG is 8.udu.& (f); which resolved in the direction PS becomes 8.udu.¢ (ƒ) "' f And for the whole annulus, whose breadth is EF, we must put 2π for ♪; whence it becomes 2πudu. (f)... Hence, the attraction of the whole circle r √(r²+u²), =2xfudup (D)}; where ƒ= V{°+u), ད4 the integral being taken from u=0, to u = a, the radius of the circle. If $ (ƒ)=ƒ”, attraction = 2πrf u du (»² + u²) 儿+1 Απ' n+1 (x² + u²) 2 22 + 1 {(x² + a³) 24-1 72 1 S + constant — +1}. 20?? + } } . 3 A 370 Ex. 1. Let n= -2, or the force vary inversely as the square of the distance. Here, attraction=4π {1 2 2 √(x² + a² Ex. 2. Let the circle be infinite, and n < − 1. - n+1 In this case (2 +a²) 2 becomes 0, and we have, putting-m for n, attraction = Απ (m − 1) pm—2 If m=2, attraction = 4π, and is the same at all distances. PROP. IV. To find the attraction of a solid of revolution on a point in the axis. We must here multiply the attraction of the circle, found in the last Proposition, by the thickness dr, for the attraction of a differential slice; and if we then put for a its value in terms of r, and integrate, we have the attraction of the whole solid. Ex. 1. The attraction of a cylinder on a point in its axis; fig. 136. Απ attraction n+1 АП n+ 1 2 pn + 2 dr} S {rdr (r² + a²) & 4π ((2²+a²) ((n² + a²) n+1 n+3 n+ 3 Q 2N+3 n + 3 + constant B'S'C' be the two ends of the cylinder, and if PC=c, PC'=c', we have If BSC and PS=b, PS' = b', 4π 3 attraction = { c'n + ³ — c²+3 (b'n + 3 — b' n + ³)}. (n+1)(n+3) 21, If the force vary inversely as the square of the distance, n=- attraction 4 { b′ — b— (c' — c)}. Ex. 2. The attraction of an infinite solid bounded by planes. In last Prop. Ex. 2, multiply by dr, and we have attraction 4π S dr m-1 pm—2 ~ Απ 1 1 (m − 1) (m— 3) (bm 3 pm - 3 371 where b is the distance of the attracted point from the surface of the solid. If m = 2, attraction = 4π (r — b). ጥ If m = 3, attraction = 2π hyp.log.. If m> 3, the attraction is finite, when r is infinite, and we have attraction = 4π (m − 1) (m − 3) fm−3 Ex. 3. The attraction of a cone on a point at the vertex. In fig. 137, let PS=r, ST kr, and putting kr for a in last Prop. n + 1 2 -1} n+1Sr²+²dr {(1+k²)”ï— 1} 4π attraction = 4 π pN + 3 (n + 1)(n+3) PA the axis. Where r is to be made { √(1+k³)−1}. PROP. V. To find the attraction of a straight line upon a point. at any distance from it. Let BC, fig. 138, be the attracting line, P the point attracted, PS perpendicular on BC=r, SE=u, PE=ƒ, and let the force of each particle be as (f). We may suppose EF an indefinitely small portion, to be du; and its attraction on P will be $ (f)du, 2 r Ф and part resolved perpendicular to BC will be (f) du, where ƒ= √(x²+u²). This is to be integrated from u=0, to u=a=SB, for the attraction of SB; and the attraction of SC is to be found in the same manner, and added to the former. The attraction of du parallel to SB, will be U f (ƒ)du; which is to be integrated in the same manner as before; and the difference taken of the parts belonging to SB and to SC. Ex. Let the force vary inversely as the square of the distance. 4 1 Here (ƒ) = Fi 372 attraction in PS= Г rdu И (x²+u²)# r √ (2.² + u²) ' ' attraction perpendicular to PS= S 2 udu 1 1 2 (x² + u²)² √(x² + u - u³) 2 And this is to be taken for SB and for SC, and combined. APPENDIX (D) to CHAP. IV. p. 78. On some particular Cases of the Motions of three Bodies. THERE are one or two other particular cases in which the motions of bodies acting upon each other can be accurately obtained. These cases may be deduced from the following prin- ciples. PROP. If any number of bodies be acted upon every where by forces which are to each other as their distances from a given point, to which they tend, the bodies may be made to describe similar curves round this point in equal times. For if they be projected at equal angles to their distances, and with velocities proportional to them, they will manifestly in the first instant describe similar curves. And at the end of this first instant, the forces will still be proportional to their distances, their direc- tions will make equal angles with the distances, and their velocities will be proportional. Hence, they will in the second instant describe similar curves. And so on for any number of instants. And hence, the curves will be similar, when they are described con- tinuously. Hence, if any number of bodies acting upon each other, be so placed, that the resultant of all the actions on each tends to the centre of gravity of the whole, and is proportional to its distance from that point, they will, being projected with proportional velo- cities in similar directions, describe similar figures round this centre in the same times. We shall take two examples". Laplace, Mcc. Cel. Liv. X. Chap. VI. No. 17. Y 373 PROB. I. Three bodies in a straight line, m, m', m", fig. 139, attract each other with forces varying inversely as the nth power of the distance; it is required to find their positions, that they may describe similar figures round A the centre of gravity. We must have the whole force on m: whole force on m' :: Am: Am', and whole force on m: whole force on m" :: Am; Am". Hence, if Am=r, Am'=r', Am" =r", we must have : kr"; force on m=kr, force on m' = kr', force on m” k being any quantity. Hence, = m' m" + = kr (~+r)" (r+r)n m m" kr' .(1). (r+r)² (2'' — r'jn m m' + = kr" (x + plyn (r" - r'jn Eliminating k in the two first, we have (r+r")" r + r' \ n m'r' m"r + (~ + 7'')" or m'r'+m'r' C Let (+ 2)² r+r" r " r + r (x² + r²)n m r + m'r (p'' — p')" = 0, G ´r + r ก =0....(2). mr + m″r ; .. 1+z = rtr Also, mr-mr-m"r" =0, because A is the centre of gravity. "" — x' Hence, z= rtr m"r" m"r' mr-mr' - m'r' m" (r+r') m" (r + r') •. m″rz+m″rz= mr − (m'′+m") r'", (m— m'z) r and ' m' + m² (1 + z) Substituting these values in equation (2), it becomes (m-m'z) m'+m" (1 + z) ( m" {M(x + 1) + } m" m+ =0......(3); zn 4 374 whence z may be determined, and thence r'; and thence r"= mr — m'r' m "/ If we multiply the first and second of equations (1) by m, m', respectively, and subtract, observing that mr — m'r' r =m"r", n"r", v we have the third. Hence, the values of r', r" so found, will answer the conditions. And if, the bodies being at these distances, they be projected in similar directions with proportional velocities, they will describe similar figures. If the force vary inversely as the square of the distance, equation (3) becomes z²(m—m″z) { m′(1 + z)² + m" } - (mz² —m")(1 + 2)² { m'+m"(1+z)}=0, •. {mm' (1+x)² +mm″ — m'm″z (1 + z)° — m″²z} z 2 2 -- {m m'z² + mm" (1 + z) z² — m'm" —m”² (1 + z)} (1+z)² S or, dividing by m", and changing the signs, = 0; mz² {(1+z)³ — 1 } − m′ (1 + z)² (1 − z³) — m″ {(1 + z)³ — z³} = 0. − If m be the Sun, m' the Earth, and m" the Moon, m is large compared with m' and m". Hence, it appears that z will be small, and that m³ is of the order of m' and m". Neglecting therefore higher powers of z, we have 3 mz³ — m' — m" =0; 2= 1 3 V m m' + m² m'+m" 3 m ; which gives z= nearly. Hence, in fig. 139, m'm" 100 1 100 mm'. If therefore, the Earth and Moon had been placed in the same straight line, at distances respectively from the Sun, proportional to 1 and 1 1+ and if they had had velocities parallel to each other, and , 100 proportional to those distances, they would have moved about the Sun, the Moon being perpetually in opposition. Also at this dis- tance, which is about four times the Moon's actual distance, she would have been beyond the Earth's shadow. But then, instead of occupying an angle of half a degree, she would only have subtended 375 1 an angle of about 8', and, presenting only of the present full 16 Moon's surface, would have answered, in a very imperfect degree, the purposes of replacing the light of the Sun. PROB. II. Three bodies, m, m', m", fig. 140, attract each other according to any function, $ (s), of the distance s; to find their po- sitions, not in a straight line, that they may describe similar figures. Let the bodies be referred to rectangular co-ordinates in the plane of the three, and measured from the centre of gravity A. Let these co-ordinates be x, y, for m; x'y' for m'; x", y', for m". Also, let the distance mm' be s, mm" be s′, m'm" be s' Hence, we shall have, for the forces on m, parallel to x, m'p (s). x − x' S x +m″p (1') ==—=—=""; S to y, m'p (s) Y -y' +m″p (5') Y — y'"'; y-y ; $ S and similarly for the other bodies m', m". Now, in order that the three bodies may describe similar figures, the forces upon them must be proportional to their distances Am, &c. from the centre of gravity. Hence, the resolved part of the force on m, in direction of AM, will be proportional to the co- ordinate AM, or x; and similarly for the others; so that K being a constant quantity, we shall have m' m² Φ m $ (s) (x − x') + m″ $ (s') Φ S − -m" S $ (s) (2' — 2) + m" Þ (s') S $(s) m — x) (x" — x) + m' (x − x") = K x (x' — x') = K x' . (1); $ (s″) (x″ — x') = Kx" S " where, as before, the third equation is deducible from the other two, observing that mx+m'x'+m"x"=0. 376 find If we combine this equation with the first of equations (1), we $(s) х {အာ $(s) +(m+m”) P(") } +m'x′ {P() _DO (s) = Kx. S S $( $ (s) If we suppose s'=s, this gives K = (m+m' +m") S If we also suppose s"=s, the two last of equations (1) will give the same value of K, and all the three equations will be satisfied. In the same manner the three equations in y, y' y", will be satisfied by the same supposition. In this case, (that is, when s=s′=s″,) it is obvious that the forces tending to the centre of gravity are K √(x²+y³), &c.: or, if we call r, r', r", the distances from the centre, the forces towards that point are Kr, Kr', Kr". Hence, if the bodies be projected in similar directions, with ve- locities proportional to r, r', r'", they will describe similar curves. We shall now find the force tending to the centre of gravity. On this supposition, we have Similarly, - m'x' — m'x' MX = x; .. (m + m' + m'") x = m′ (x − x') +m" (x − x″). (m+m'+m") y=m' (y — y') + m" (y—y″). Squaring and adding, (m+m'+m″)² (x² +y³) = m²² (x − x')² + 2 m'm" (x — x') (x — x")+m"² (x − x″)² }……. +m³ (y—y')²+2m'm" (y — y')( y − y″)+m" ( y −y″)° - But, x²+y²=r²; also (x-x')²+(y — y'²)² = s² Again, since s′=s'″, S= (x − x″)² + (y — y″)° = s². (x − x′′)? — (x′ — x'')² + (y—y″)² — (y' — y″)² = 0. And (x − x′)²+(y—y')². .. . . . Adding = $2. 2x² — 2xx′ − 2 xx″ + 2 x'x″ + 2y² — 2yy′ —2yy″ +2y'y" = s° ; or, 2(x-x′) (x − x″)‡2 (y—y') (y—y″) = s². Ꮖ (2). 377 Hence, equation (2) becomes (m+m' +m")² r² = (m"² +m'm" +m"²) s³, S= (m+m+m") r √ (m²² + m'm'' + m² And putting this for s in Kr, where 112 K = (m+m'+m") $(s) S we have the force to A. If the force vary inversely as the square of the distance, we 1 have os=. Hence, K is (m+m'+m"). and the force = 112 (m" + m'm" + ni"²)} (m²+m' +m″)³r 3 (m'²+m'm" +m″²)} 3 2 (m + m² +m")³rs If the bodies be properly projected, they will move about the centre, so as to describe similar paths, (namely, conic sections,) and always forming an equilateral triangle by the lines that join them. If we do not suppose s=s', we shall find that the only way in which equations (1) can be satisfied, requires that x : y :: x' : y' ; whence the bodies are in a straight line. And therefore this case is reduced to the last problem. APPENDIX (E) to CHAP. VI. p. 142. On the Vibrations of Strings. THE vibrations of strings stretched between two points, such, for instance, as musical strings, were the subjects of long and 3 B 378 T various investigations and discussions among the mathematicians of the last century. We shall here as briefly as possible, give the statement and solution of the Problem, in its simplest form. PROB. I. A uniform string being stretched between two given points; to find the time of its small vibrations. Let a be the length of the string between the fixed points; Wg its weight, and Fg the force by which it is stretched. It is sup- posed, that the vibrations are exceedingly small, so that the length, and consequently the tension, may remain the same in all the forms which the curve assumes. Let APB, fig. 141, be the form at a time t, and let AM, MP, an abscissa and ordinate, be x and y, and AP=s. Let AN, NQ be another abscissa and ordinate, and PQ=h. The tension will be the same throughout, and = Fg; dy hence, at P the part of it resolved in the direction PM is Fg. ds dy dy d'y ds d s² h + 2 At Q, becomes + ds d³y h² 3 ds³ 1.2 +&c., supposing ds constant. Hence, the difference of the forces at P, Q, or the moving force by which PQ is drawn in the direction MP, is Jd²y Fg. h + d³y h 3 ds³ 1.2 + &c.}. ds 2 And since the weight of a length a is Wg, the weight of a length h Wgh is a ; hence, the mass of PQ is force on PQ is Fag (dy d³y h Wh > and the accelerating a + W ld s² ds 2 + &c.} . And when PQ is taken very small, every part of it moves with the same velocity, and this is the true expression for the accelerating force. That is, accelerating force on P in MP = Fag d'y W ds Since the vibrations are very small, we may suppose P to move always perpendicular to AM in MP; and hence, the accelerating 379 d²y force on P = Also, for the same reason, we may suppose s d t to be equal to x. Hence, we have d² Fagdy …. . . . (1). 122 2 W dx The quantities are put in brackets to indicate that they are partial differential coefficients; in the one y is differentiated, sup- posing t only to vary, and in the other, supposing a only to vary. The former differentiation refers to a change in the position of a given point of the curve; the latter, to a passage from one point of the curve to another at a given moment of time. The ordinate Y will be a function of r and t, which is to be determined by integrating the partial differential equation (1). Its integration is giveu, Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 319; and if = b², it is Fag W y=$(x+bt)+↓ (x − bt). .. . . .. . (2). It is evident from trial, that this satisfies equation (1), for if we differentiate twice with respect to x, we find (day 4″ (x+bt)+4″ (x — bt), dx² where "z indicates d² o z dz2 Φ Also, differentiating for t, we have = dt² b°q" (x+bt)+b²f” (x — bt). And it is manifest, that these values verify equation (1). And the form of the functions and is to be determined from the initial circumstances of the string. Differentiating equation (2), we have dy dt = b {p' (x+bt) — \' (x — bt)}· And if we suppose that the curve was at rest in any position when t=0, we must have p′(x) — y′(x)=0. Hence, y(x)=p′ (x), 380 and \ (x) =¢ (x). Let p (x)==ƒ (x), and equation (2) becomes y = 1IQ {ƒ (x+bt)+ f (x − b t)} • • . . (3), dy dt b {f (c+bt)—f ( x − bt)}....(4). 2 Equation (3) gives the position of the curve at any time, and equation (4) the velocity of any point; 6 is equal to Fag b √ If we make t=0, we have y =ƒ (x), which is the equation to the original form of the string, and hence, the form of ƒ is known. The original form may be any whatever, and ƒ any function what- ever, subject to the conditions that it must = 0, when x = 0, and when x = a. It appears from the theory of partial differential equations, that the function f, introduced in integration, may be discontinuous; that is, the initial form of the string APB, may be composed of different lines, not expressed by the same equation all the way from A to B. But, from the nature of the reasoning, we obtain other pro- perties of the function f. The points A, B, are fixed; hence, we must have y = 0, when x = 0, whatever be t. Therefore by equation (3), 0=ƒ(bt)+f(− bt). Or, if we make bt=u, ƒ ( − u) = −ƒ (u) (5). Also, if xa, y = 0, whatever be t; ·.0=ƒ (a+u)+ƒ (a − u), and ƒ (a +u) = − ƒ (a−u) ....(6). From equation (5) it appears, that the curve represented by y=f (x), is continued with similar forms on each side of A, the curve being on one side above, and on the other below the axis. Also, from equation (6) it appears, that the curve is continued with similar forms on each side of B, above the axis on one side, and below it on the other. Hence, the curve is continued inde- finitely on both directions, in the manner represented in fig. 142, } 381 and it is the ordinate of this curve which is to be considered as f(x) in finding y from equation (3). To find the position of a point P at the end of any time t, we must take MN=MN'=bt, and MQ=½ (NO+N'O′) will give Q, the position of P after a time t. And as the curve is continued indefinitely, the time may be supposed to increase indefinitely, and the same construction will always determine the position. The string will perform oscillations, assume a position similar to its original one on the opposite side of the string, return to its original position, and so on perpetually; as may thus be shewn : By (6), ƒ (a+u)=-ƒ (a-u). Let u-a=u'; .. u=a+u', ƒ (2a+u') = −ƒ(—u')=ƒ (u') by (5), or ƒ (2a+u)=ƒ (u): sim¹y. ƒ (4a+u)=ƒ (u), and generally, ƒ (2ma+u)=ƒ (u), m being any whole number. Hence, the ordinate for an abscissa 2 ma+x is the same as for x, as also appears from fig. 142. If, therefore, we assume bt=2a, bt=4a,....bt=2ma, at the times corresponding to each of these values, we shall have y= { {ƒ(x) +ƒ (x)} =ƒ(x), and every point of the curve is in its original position. The intervals between these times are the lengths of complete vibrations of the string, and we have for these intervals, bt = 2a, t = 2a b Wa 2 Fg If the thickness and material of the string be given, W is as a. Hence, for a given string, the time of vibration is as the length directly, and as the square root of the tension inversely. b If we make bt=a, or t = - 1 , we have α y = ¦ {ƒ(x+a) +ƒ (x− a)}. And ƒ (x − a) = −ƒ (a− x) by (5), =ƒ (a+x) by (6); f •'• y=ƒ (x+a). And hence, after this time, the form of the curve is ARB, in fig. 141, 382 identical with BDB' in fig. 142, and exactly similar to the original curve inverted; the greatest ordinate being now at the same distance from B, as it was from A at the beginning of the motion. Similarly, 3b 5b at the end of times ARB. a α &c., the figure will be the same as a If we make bt = we have the figure in the middle of the 2 time between the positions APB and ARB. Hence y = ± {ƒ ( x + 2 ) + f (x − )}· f a ) = − ƒ (¦ − x) by (5); − - But ƒ (x − .y · · 3y = ž { ƒ ( + x ) − ƒ ( − x ) }, − a + x, and a J Q - correspond to points at equal distances from the middle point C of AB. If in the original form of the curve, the ordinates for the portion CB be greater than for AB, the posi- tion of the portion AEC at the middle of the time of oscillation will be above the axis AC. In the same manner it may be shewn, that the position of the portion CFB at that time will be below the axis CB, and similar to the portion AEC inverted. The string never becomes a straight line. If the curve, instead of being at first in the position APB, have an original position APBDB', fig. 142, A and B' being the extreme points, and the curve consisting of two equal and similar portions APB, B'DB, it will oscillate so that the point B will remain fixed, and each half APB, BDB' will oscillate as if the string were fixed, at A, B, and at B, B', and the vibrations will employ half the time. Similarly, if the original form be APBDB'B', the points B and B' will remain fixed, and the oscillations will employ one-third of the time, and so on. The points B, B' which remain fixed, are sometimes called nodes. The musical tone, or note, produced by a vibrating string, depends upon the rapidity of the vibrations. If a string a vibrate 383 twice as fast as another A, the note produced by a is said to be an octave above that produced by A. If a string e vibrate three times, while a vibrates twice, the note of e is a fifth above that of a; and so on. And notes where numbers of vibrations are to each other in ratios so simple as these, are found when combined, to be agreeable to the ear. It appears from what has been said, that a string may vibrate so that no point of it is at rest, except its two extremities, and thus give the fundamental note; or it may vibrate so that its middle point is at rest, in which case it will produce the octave to the fundamental note. Or it may vibrate so as to have two points at rest, dividing it into three equal parts, and it will then give the fifth above the octave; and so on. It appears by experiment, that a wire which performs 240 vi- brations in a second, sounds the note called C in the middle of the scale of a harpsichord. It has been proposed however to con- sider 256, or 28 as the number of vibrations determining this note, in which case every other note C would also have a power of 2 for the number of its vibrations. Hence, we may find the note pro- duced by any string; by finding the number of its vibrations, and comparing them with the number just mentioned. PROB. II. To find the form of a string, that it may oscillate symmetrically, that is, that all its points may come to the axis at the same time. In this case, the force which accelerates each particle, must be as its distance from the axis; that is, as y. Hence, taking the expression for the force obtained in p. 378, we have Fag dy W dx² 2 or d² my, m being a constant quantity. Of this the integral is, if Wm y + y=0. dx² Fag W m k², Fag C sin. kx + C' cos. kx; y dy = kC cos. kx k C' sin. kx. dx 384 ་ dy And when x = 0, = 0; .'. C′ = 0, dx y = C sin. kx. The quantity C is arbitrary, and determines the magnitude of the original ordinate. It must necessarily be small, because the vibrations are supposed to be small. The time of a point coming to the axis will be hence, the time of an oscillation to the opposite side, is π and 2 V m > π and V m the time of a complete vibration, the string returning into the original position, is 2π V m The curve must meet the axis again when x = a, hence, 0 = C. sin. ka ; .'. ka=π, and k=7; a .. √ W m π Fag Fg and V m = π П 2 Иа a 2 T Wa Hence, the time of a vibration = before. = 2 √ m the same as 2 Fg APPENDIX (F) to CHAP. VI. p. 142. On the Vibrations of Springs. As another case of small oscillations, we shall obtain the equa- tions for the motion of an elastic rod. PROP. I. A uniform elastic rod BC, fig. 143, firmly fixed at B, and naturally straight, vibrates by its elasticity; to find the equations of its motion in small vibrations. We shall find first the forces which must act at every point to 385 } keep the rod at rest in the position BPC. Let AB be its position when left to itself, AN, NQ, an abscissa and ordinate; CQ=s. And suppose that a force F, acting at every point Q, would keep the rod BPQC in equilibrium. Since the whole is in equilibrium the part PQC must be so, and hence, the forces which act on PC must balance the tendency which the rod has to straight itself at P by its elasticity. Now the moment of the elasticity is directly as the curvature, and therefore inversely as the radius of the curvature at P. Let this radius be p; and let the effect of the elasticity to turn PC round P be that of a force K acting at any arm c. Hence, Ke∞. Let Ke= Kc сох р E P And, if AM=x', MP=ý, AN=x, NQ=y, the moment of any force F about P is F (x' — x); and, as the forces F act at every point of PC, the moment of the forces on ds is F(x-x) ds, or F(xx)dx, when the flexure is very small, so that dr and ds may be conceived to coincide. Hence, F(x-x) dx is the ƒ whole moment of the forces on PC, the integral being taken from x=0 to x = x'. Therefore, E : ƒ F(x′ − x) dx. ds's dx' Now, p d'x' ď² y' dy' And ƒ F(x' - x) dx=x'f Fdx-f Fxdx. If we suppose Fdx taken from r=0, to be = F₁, we shall have f Fxdx = fxd F₁ = F, x' -f F, dx. F₁dx. Hence, ƒ F(xx) dr becomes fFdx. And we have Ed²y' =fF₁dx dx 12 Edy = F₁. dx's = SC 386 1 for it is clear that fF, dr, from r=0 to x=x', will be a function of x', and that its differential with respect to r' will be F on the same account. Ed¹y' dx" 14 d F dx = F, Hence, F is known at every point. Now, if when the spring is kept at rest by these forces F acting at every point, we suppose at each point a force equal to F in the opposite direction, these forces will counterbalance each other, and the rod will be left to its own elasticity. But, in this case the points are manifestly each urged from rest by a force F. Hence, we shall have = F; or, using the same notation as before, ď² y d t² 2 - E dy dx¹ d²y 4 2 • • . . (1), d which is the equation to the motion. This cannot be integrated in finite terms, and though we might obtain integrals in series, we shall confine ourselves to the consideration of symmetrical oscillations. PROB. II. To find the form of an elastic rod, that it may vibrate symmetrically. For this purpose the force which urges each point towards the axis must be as the distance from the axis. Hence, we must have d4 E * Y d¹y my ky suppose. =my, or dx4 dx¹ E ..(2). This equation may be integrated, and gives y= A cos. kx + B sin. kx + Ce** + D€˜¯**......(3). A, B, C, D, being arbitrary quantities. To determine them, we may observe, that when r=0, we must have d³y dr d x 3 d³ y dx = F in last Prop. For the same reason, x=0. Hence, 0 = -B+C-D, 0=−A+C+D. .. A=C+D, B=C-D. 3 = 0, because ď² y =0, when dx² 387 Again, since the extremity B is fixed, we have, when x=a, the whole length, y=0. And, since that extremity is also fixed in dy direction, we have O, when x = a. Hence, we find dx 0=(C+D) cos. ka+ (C-D) sin. ka+Ce+De -ka ka 0 = −(C + D) sin. ka + (C–D) cos. ka+Ce*ª — De¯*ª ; whence C sin. ka― cos. ka — ɛ˜k² € D sin. ka+cos.ka+e** cos, ka + sin. ka+e cos.ka - sin. kate -ka ka ka Hence, we find 2+ cos. ka (e*ª +ɛ*ª) =0. . . . . .(4). € From this equation k is to be determined: k will have an in- finite number of different values; and to each of these will correspond a different form of the curve, determined by equation (3), in which the rod will oscillate symmetrically. The least positive value of ka is 1.8751, nearly. The other 3 п 5 π values of ka are very nearly &c. Q 2 2 π m The time of a vibration will be √ m Now k*, whence E m = Ek'. And hence, the time of vibration is 2 π k² VE Ωπα 2 2 Q k² a VE La For the same value of ka, that is, for the same form, in rods of different lengths, it appears that the time of the vibration is as the square of the length directly, and as the square root of the elasticity inversely. Hence, if a rod A' were twice as long as A, and of the same elasticity, the note produced by A' would be-four octaves below that produced by A. wo The different values of ka in equation (4), taken for the same rod, give a series of different forms, resembling those in fig. 50, and differing like them in the number of their nodes. The times of 388 vibration will be successively as the values of } k² a² and the num- 2 bers of vibrations in a given time, and consequently, the note, will be as ka². Hence, the note produced by the successive figures will be as 1, 6.2673, 17.549, 34.386, &c. Hence, the notes which an elastic rod can produce, besides the fundamental note, are, the fifth above the double octave, somewhat too sharp the half note above the fourth octave nearly the half note above the fifth octave nearly and so on. : If the rod be not fixed into a support at B, but be subject to other conditions, for instance, if both ends were fastened, or both free, we shall have to make some other supposition instead of dy dx putting y=0, and 0, when xa. will be nearly the same as before. The rest of the process We may find E by the equation E=Kcp, where a force K, acting at an arm c, produces a radius of curvature p. See Statics. For an examination of the different cases of this Problem, see Com. Acad. Petrop. for 1741-1743, p. 105, and Novi Com. Acad. Petrop. for 1772, p. 449. Dr. Young, Elem. of Nat. Phil. Art. 398. For experiments, see Chladni, Traité d'Aconstique, p. 92, Biot, Traité de Physique, tom. II, p. 74. APPENDIX (G) to Book II. CHAP. I. p. 180. On the Descent of small Bodies in Fluids.—On the Ascent of an Air-Bubble. THESE problems do not belong immediately to our subject, but they depend upon little in addition to the principles employed in the text and as the latter problem has been imperfectly solved by Atwood in treating of this subject, and the solution copied into other works, we shall introduce them here. 389 The resistance on a plane moving perpendicularly to itself in a fluid, is the weight of a column of fluid, whose altitude is the height due to the velocity. The base of the column is understood to be the surface resisted. It appears probable in the first place, that the resistance should be as the square of the velocity: for the momentum lost by a body moving in a fluid is, by the equality of action and reaction, the same as the momentum communicated to the fluid. ommunicated to the fluid. Now, the momentum communicated will be as the product of the quantity of fluid-matter moved, and the velocity communicated to it. But the quantity moved will be nearly as the space through which the velocity moves in a given time; and the velocity communicated will be nearly that of the body itself. Hence, the momentum, which is in the compound ratio of these, will be as the square of the velocity nearly. And this is confirmed by experiment. The height fallen through to acquire the velocity, is as the square of the velocity; hence, the resistance is as that height. Also, it is cæteris paribus as the surface resisted, and as the density of the fluid. Hence, it is as the surface, the height due to the velocity, and the density; and therefore it is as the column of fluid, whose base is the plane resisted, and its height that due to the velocity. Though this reasoning is far from being exact and conclusive, experiment confirms the result of it; and shews that the resistance or moving force retarding the body, is equal to the weight of a column of the fluid, whose base is the surface resisted, and its height the height due to the velocity. Let A be the area of the plane which moves perpendicularly to itself, V its velocity, D the density of the fluid; then the mass of the column spoken of is A. v2 2g .D; and the moving force of re- sistance, which is equal to the weight of this column, is AV D. If the moving body be a cylinder, in which bis the radius of the base, a the length, and ▲ the density; we shall have A Th², and D=the ☛ b² V¹ D≈ the moving force of resistance. Also, the mass 390 of the body is baA: and hence, the accelerating force, (or pro- perly the retarding force) of resistance, which corresponds to k in the text, is DV2 is ; and the quantity 2 Δα D 2 Δα The moving force of the resistance upon a globe is the resistance upon one of its great circles, moving perpendicularly to itself. This appears by resolving the force on each particle of the spherical sur- face, in a direction perpendicular to the surface, then resolving this part again in the direction of the motion, and taking the sum of all the forces so resolved. It appears by experiment, that the resistance on the globe is a little greater, in proportion to the resistance on a circle, than this theory gives it. I b² Taking for granted the truth of the theory, the moving force of resistance on a globe of radius b, is π62 V2 D. And the mass of the globe is b³ A. Hence, the accelerating force is 3 DV2 16 A b : and 3 D 16 Ab 3 corresponds to k in the text. The force by which a body descends in a fluid, is the excess of its weight above the weight of an equal bulk of fluid. This appears by the laws of Hydrostatics. If the body be a sphere, ‡ π b³▲g is its weight, and Dg the weight of an equal bulk of the fluid, and hence, the body descends with a moving force π b³ (▲ – D) g, (A or an accelerating force g. And if D be greater than A-D A ▲, the accelerating force with which the body ascends will be D-A A g. PROP. I. To find the descent of very small bodies in fluids. In p. 179, we have the equation where V² = go k V2 s= 2g V2 hyp. log. vv² 29 , V being the terminal velocity. ཡ ཨགོ i 391 .. 2ks= — hyp. log. (1 – – - V² →ęks _³ — [ = 3 Ds 8 Ab =1-€ Now, if b be small, and s considerable, D not being very small compared with A, the quantity ẹ 2,2 V2 3 Ds 10 Δ6 will be very small, and = 1, very nearly. Hence, after the body has descended through a certain space, it will have acquired very nearly the terminal ve- locity, and may after that be considered as going on with that uniform velocity. Thus, let A=2 D, s=32b, and we have v² V2 2 1 Now e-6 403 1 nearly. Hence, is within of V³, and v 1 400 , within of V. Therefore while a sphere of twice the density of 800 the fluid, descends through 16 diameters, it acquires a velocity within 1 800 of the terminal velocity, and may after that be considered as moving uniformly. The terminal velocity V= √ k √16A 16 A b g 3 D 8 Ab And the height due to it is 3 D Hence, if small spherical particles be dispersed in a fluid, they will, as to sense, descend with uniform velocities, for the space at first during which a sensible acceleration takes place, may be neg- lected. And if the particles be very small, the velocities will be 1 F 392 very small. Thus, if they be 1 1000 of an inch in diameter, and 1 A=2D, we shall have b = second. of a foot: V=.24 feet per 6000 PROB. II. To determine the ascent of an air-bubble. # D-A Δ go where In this case the body will ascend by a force A is exceedingly small, being the density of atmospheric air. Also, in consequence of the elasticity of the air, the spherule will vary its dimensions as it ascends, and as the pressure upon it diminishes. The density of air is directly as the pressure. Let AC, fig. 144, be the depth of water which is equivalent to the pressure of the at- mosphere on the surface of the fluid, CO the depth of the spherule below the surface of the water; then, the pressure on the spherule is equivalent to a column of fluid of the height AO. The density of the spherule is as AO, and therefore, as the quantity of air in it is given, its magnitude is inversely as AO. Let B be the original place of the spherule, and its radius at B=b; its radius at 0=Y, AB=a. Then, since the magnitude is as the cube of the radius, bat 3 y³ : b³ :: a : x, y = 7 3 Also, the density is as the pressure, and therefore, if c be the density at B, A = сх a Now, the force upwards is D-A Δ cra (Da-1) 8- s Dv² 16 Ду 3 Da 16bc x 2 .v2. ཀ॰ 3 C ૩. D Let =m, a very small quantity; and =n; then, we 166 shall have 393 vd v = - dv= 2 vdo a · (−1) gdx+ 2 n v² dx a nv² .dr; mx my = -2(-1) gdr: 2 x 3 of which the first side becomes integrable, when multiplied by 6ns € Integrating, we have v² € 6 nr m 1 бns 773 a = −2gƒ€ (-1) dr. If we make x=z, the integral on the right hand side be- comes 6 nx 3 a dz.e бn s fdz m ·3fdz.z'e m M The latter integral will evidently have each term multiplied by m, and may be rejected, because m is very small. gives 6ns M m dze The former term 6 ns 772 or 3 a m m 6 n a € 2n N бns m € + Z a 2n S 6 n° dze x² 6 ns m 2 And all the following terms in the integral will be multiplied by m, and may be rejected. v² € Hence B 6nx m =c+ 6ns ga e m n x+ v² ga 6 nxt + Cε 仇 16 bga 3 xf I + Се вот 3 D 394 When x= =a, v=0. Hence, O Се ga 8 bm 16b g + Cem, 0 = 3 v² 16bg (a ga (a 8 bm € 3 x + When x is very nearly equal to a, that is, when the bubble is near to the point B, the latter term is considerable. But when a — x* is not very small, this term becomes inconsiderable, because m is very small, and therefore the index a large negative quantity. Hence, after the early part of the motion, we have 16 b g 3 v² 16 bg a¹ a で 3 เ √16bg XT APPENDIX (H). General Mechanical Principles. THERE are several properties of the motion of a system of bodies, some of which Authors have attempted to establish by peculiar reasonings, and to found upon them different branches of Mechanics. Properly speaking, however, they are consequences of the elementary laws of motion; and as they are remarkable either in themselves, or for the facilities they offer in the solution of problems, we shall here give the most important of such properties. I. Principle of the conservation of the motion of the centre of gravity. The centre of gravity of a system of bodies moving freely, moves in the same manner as if all the masses were collected in the centre of gravity, and all the forces which act upon the system were transferred to that point, retaining their magnitude and direction. This is proved in the text, Art. 172, for the reasoning there will be the same, whether the particles m, &c. be connected or not. 395 Hence, if the particles of a system be acted upon only by their mutual forces, the centre of gravity will either remain at rest, or move uniformly in a straight line. For if mact on m', m' re-acts upon m with an equal force; and these two forces transferred to the centre of gravity, would destroy each other. Therefore the centre of gravity, acted upon only by such pairs of forces, would be affected as if it were not acted upon by any forces. Hence, it will either be at rest, or move uniformly in a straight line. It follows from this, that the momentum estimated in a given direction, is always the same in a system acted on only by the mutual forces of the parts. For if x, x, x", &c. be the distances of the particles m, m', m", &c. measured from a fixed plane in the given direction, x the distance of the centre of gravity, we have x = m'x' mx + m²x² + m″x" + &c. m+m+m" +&c. dx dx dx' dx" (m + m² +m" +&c.) =m + m² +m" + &c. dt dt dt dt dx And &c. are the velocities. dt' Hence, the sum of all the momenta estimated in the given direction is equal to the momentum of the whole system collected in the centre of gravity. And the latter momentum is constant; therefore the former sum is so. This may be called the Principle of the conservation of momentum. What is said of mutual actions, refers either to pres- sures, attractions, or impacts; and the latter, either supposing the bodies elastic or inelastic. II. Principle of the conservation of areas. If a system of bodies moving freely is acted upon only by their mutual forces, the sum of each particle multiplied into the pro- jections of the areas described about a fixed point is proportional to the time. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of a particle m, from the fixed point; and since the mutual action of the bodies will, in all cases, 396 produce equal and opposite moving forces, the moment of the impressed forces will be 0. And taking the moment of the effective forces as in Art. 129, we shall have x d'y - y d²x dt2 z d'x - x d²z Σ.m = 0; and similarly, Σ.m. = 0, dt² Σ.m.yd² z yďz – zdy dt2 = 0. If a be the projection of the area described by m on the plane of xy, we have da dt xdy-ydx 2dt d'a dt2 xd³y-y d²x 2dt2 And if a', a", &c. be the same quantity for m', m", &c., we have d2a dt2 da dt Ση = 0, Σm = c, a constant quantity; .. Σma=ct; or ma+m'a'+m"a" + &c. = ct. Similarly, if ß, ß', ß", &c. be the projections of the areas described by m, m', m", &c., on the planes of x z; Y, Y', y', &c. the projec- tions of the same areas on the plane of yz, mß+m′ß′+m"ß" + &c.=c't, my+my+m"y" + &c. = c″t. If, besides the mutual actions of the bodies, they be acted on by forces tending to the origin of co-ordinates, the same proposition will manifestly be true. In the same manner it would appear, that if instead of the fixed point, we take the centre of gravity, the same properties will be true. Let a line be drawn, making with the axis of z, of y, and of x, angles of which the cosines are C 2 c n C √(c²+c²²+c²²)³ √(c°²+c²+c″²)' √(c® √(c²+c²+c″²)3 397 and It may the position of this line will be the same at all points of time*; a plane perpendicular to it is called the Invariable Plane. always be found, when the motions of the particles are given; for we have da m + mi da + &c.=l, dt dt d ß dB' m + m² + &c. =c', dt dt dy dý m + m' + &c. =c". dt dt In the same manner we may find a plane of invariable position passing through the centre of gravity of the system. Thus a plane passing through the centre of gravity of the solar system, and determined by these formulæ, will, during all the motions which the different bodies undergo, retain the same position. III. Principle of the conservation of vis viva. The vis viva of a body is the product of its mass into the square of its velocity t. The sum of the vires vivæ in any system is * This plane will be that on which the sum of the projections of the areas multiplied respectively into the particles which describe them, is the greatest possible. Upon planes perpendicular to it, this sum is 0. Also, if A, A', A", &c. be these projections for m, m', m", &c., and m A+m'A' +m"A" +&c, =Σ.m A, we have (Σ.mA)²=(Σ.ma)² + (Σ . m ß)² +(E. my)². See Poisson, Traité de Mec. No. 84. Laplace, Mec. Cel. Liv. I. No. 21. It is the same plane which is called the Principal Plane of Moments in Art. 127. + The force or quantity of motion of a body is generally understood to mean the product of the mass into the velocity, and is the same as the momentum. The conservation of the quantity of force thus measured has been proved in proving the conservation of the motion of the centre of gravity. But if the force of a body in motion be measured by the whole effect which it will produce before the velocity is destroyed, or by the whole effort which has 398 the same as if its particles, being separate had been acted upon by the same forces through the same spaces. Let P be the force which acts on the particle m, p its distance dp from a fixed point in the direction of the force; therefore is m's dt velocity in the direction of the force. Also, if q be the distance of dq the body from a fixed point in the direction of its motion, is its dt ďa velocity, and the effective accelerating force. And if we make dt similar suppositions with respect to m', m", &c. we may consider the velocities of m, m', m", &c. as virtual velocities, since they are consistent with the connexion of the system; and we have impressed forces, Pm, P'm', P"m", &c. with virtual velocities dp dp dt' dt d t dp" &c. و effective forces md¾q._m'd°q′_m"d²q″ 2 &c. dt dť² dt² dq dq dq" with virtual velocities &c. dt dt d t Hence, since these forces must balance each other, we have by the principle of virtual velocities, (see Statics, Art. 105.), dp dp' mP. + m'P'. d q d³g 2 + &c. = m. + m² dt d t dt³ 3 dq'd°q' dt's + &c. 3 { has been exercised in generating it, without regard to the time, it must be measured by the mass into the square of the velocity. Thus balls of the same size projected into a resisting substance, as a bed of clay, will go to the same depth so long as their weights into the squares of their velocities are the same. Force thus measured is called vis viva, in oppo- sition to force measured by momentum, which is proportional to the pressure, or dead pull, producing it. And it appears from the text, that forces will always produce a certain quantity of vis riva by acting through a given space, whatever be the manner in which the bodies are constrained to move. 399 or, Σm. d q d'q dt2 - Σm Pdp... And multiplying by 2 and integrating, and putting v for Σ.mv² = C+ 22. mf Pdp ….(1). dq dt (2). Now 2fPdp is the square of the velocity which the force P would have generated in a point separated from the rest; hence, the integral being taken between the same limits, the vis viva is the same as it would have been in that case. Let x, y, z, be the co-ordinates of m, and we shall have the square of the velocity, or 212 dx² + dy² + d=2 dt Also, if X, Y, Z, be the resolved parts of P, parallel respectively to x, y, ≈, and if a, ß, y, be the co-ordinates of a fixed point O, in the direction in which this force acts, so that Omp, we shall have X α X = P. Y = P. p 7 - B p z = P. 2 p Hence, And p² = (x − a)² + ( y − ẞ)² + (= − y)²; .. pdp = (x − a) dx + (y-ẞ) dy + ( − y) dx. d?+Ydy+3d:=P. (x − a) d x + ( y − ẞ) dy + (: − y) d = = Pdp. Р By substituting these values, the equation before obtained becomes Σ.m. dx² + dy² + dz² dt² =C+92.mf(Xd +Ydy+^d≈). If the system be acted upon by no forces, we shall have Σ. mv² = C. the sum of each particle multiplied into the square of its velocity, will always be equal to a constant quantity. 400 If the system be acted on by gravity only, let x be vertical, and we shall have Σmv² = C — 2Σ.mgx=2Σ.mg (h—x), h being the height from which m must have fallen to acquire its velocity at any point. This Proposition may be employed for the solution of a variety of Problems respecting bodies acted on by gravity. For instance, the greater part of the Examples in Chap. VI. Book I, might have been readily solved by means of it. The mutual action of the parts of a system may increase or diminish its vis viva in any degree. Their attraction or repulsion may augment the velocities, and consequently, the vis viva. Their collision will generally diminish the vis viva, except they be per- fectly elastic, in which case, after the impact, the vis viva will be the same as before. As the vis viva varies, it may become a maximum or minimium. This happens when the system passes through a position of equi- librium. When the vis viva is a maximum, the body passes a position of stable equilibrium, when it is a minimum, it passes a position of unstable equilibrium. See Poisson, Traité de Mec. No. 472, &c. IV. Principle of least action. The action of a particle is here measured by the product of the If the momentum, and of the space through which the body moves. velocity be perpetually varying, the action will be the integral of this product taken for a differential of the space. If m be the mass, the velocity, and s the space, the whole action of the body is Smods, where the integral is to be taken between the beginning and end of the motion. And the principle to be proved is this: When a system moves in any manner, the actual motion is such, that the sum of the actions of each particle for the whole motion is less than if the particles had taken any other paths between the same points. 401 That is, mods is a minimum. To prove this, we must, according to the Calculus of Variations, prove that the variation of this integral, between the proper limits, is 0. See Lacroix, Elem. Treat. Art. 351. In the preceding proof of the principle of vis viva, we have dq dp taken the actual velocities &c., dt dt > &c. for the virtual velo- cities. But if Sp, &c., dq, &c., be any possible corresponding variations of p and q, they will be as the virtual velocities; and we shall have, instead of equation (1), this equation, Ση dt² &q=Σm Pdp..........(3). 8q=2mΡδρ... Also, as in p. 399, it will appear, that Pop = Xôn+Yông+2. 2 And since dq²= d x² + dy³ + dz², differentiating, &c. ď² q d2x dy dz .dq dx dy dt2 dt² d + May + = dz. dt² Hence, considering the first side as the differential of a function of q, and the second as the differential of a function of x, y, z, we shall have the variations in the same manner, or d2q Sq = dt dt d²x d²y 8x + dt d²z Sy + zdi. dť² 2 Hence, equation (3) becomes dx d2z Ση Sx бу dt dt dt2 {d8r+by+d=} = 2m Pôp. Now &fmvds=f2m dvds; and Σm dvds=Σmvdds+Emdsdv. dt And ds=vdt; ..ds&v=dt.v&v= d. v² ; d t . . E mds & v == Σmd.v². 2 3 E 402 2 But Σm v² = .. Emd. v² = 2Σ.m P&p C+2 Σ. mf Pdp; [d²x d²y = 2Σ.m 8x + бу d t² d ť² (dy + d z dz}, бъ dto 2 Also d s² = d x² + d y² + d z² ; d s x dds = dråd 8 d x + dy t dt x or vdds = Hence, transposing &d, and adding; d x d 8x + dy d t d t d Σ mv ds = Σ .m d²x Ꮖ 8x + dy sy d t dz 8 d x + dy ddy + d28 dr. d t d t Emds&v+Emvdds, or d d y + √ z d d z + 14 8dy + 178dz, dt dz d t бу d t d t d x = Σ.md dt x dy Sx + бу бх = dz.m (dz 8x + dt & dt + dt z S 2 бъ dy 8y + d=8= }} d t . . dƒ & mv ds = ƒd Σm vd s t dz dt d2z E d t d z = Σ.m S d dx dy d z бх x + dy+ δε d t d t d t Now the right hand side is to be taken for the limits of the motion of the points m, m', &c.; and these limits being fixed, dx, Sy, dz, are each 0. Hence, dfmvds=0, and fΣmvd s is a minimum. v² It follows from this, that the sum of the vis viva of a system in passing from one position to another, is a minimum. For fmvd s =f2mvdt. Hence, this sum of the vis viva with respect to the time is less than if the system had moved in any other manner to the same position. When the particles are not acted upon by any accelerating force, the vis viva is constant. Hence, the sum of the vis viva for any 403 time is proportional to the time. And hence, in passing from one position to another, the time actually employed is the least pos- sible. The principle of least action was announced by Maupertuis as a fundamental law of Mechanics, and attempted to be proved a priori. It appears from what has been said, that it is a conse- quence of the elementary laws of motion. ERRATA. Page 48. I. 18 in denominator, for cot. ß read 2 cos. ß. 125. 1. 6 from bottom, for pg read.pq. 130. 1. 7 for read +. 1. 9 for greatest read least. 1. 14 for least read greatest. 132. 1. 227. 1. 3 from bottom, for ¹E sin. ¹e read ¹E sin.'e, and for 2 E sin.² €. 2 E sin.² e read 1 in numerator, for M. Cm read M.Cn. 1. 9 from bottom, the + should be in the denominator. 229. 1. 11 for into its read into the square of its. 279. 1. 10 for U cos. ↓ read U cos. p. 303. 1. last but one, for fxy dm read Exym. 314. 1. 5 of note, for Multiplying read Multiply. 321. 1. 8 dele be. 1. 3 from bottom, for oscillate read revolve. 330. 11. 5 and 8 for √ read 347. 1. 12 for in the next read in the following pages. 377. 1. 9 in denominator, for m² read m. 387. 1. 5 from bottom, for four read two. 393. 1. 12 at the beginning, insert or. ! 1 $ F 1 P 1 d .9 M 18 1.4 P 70 3 R P. TI I M 13 P 10 R H N 16 Z Σ 20 B P 12 M Γ A M 21 い ་་ B 13 K 1 8 S M H Q PLATE I. P P M 33 25 24 22 A 23 28 X · M N 7 S 29 B M 30 31 F 26 32 27 PLATE N Y 36 h C 35 34 T 37 ୧ 39 38 A A N P M P 40 F N H א 43 B R I E 43 52 N B 58 B 59 P 65 50 45 40 47 48 10 44 MB 오 PUM P P P P 3 M M 54 56 53 53 57 52 E PM P B P P T 10 P M 66 D D 67 70 E 61 62 B Q -B M D 2 I 63 B 68 P 64 B PLATE (IE, B B N D M ས m M } P 72 73 74 B M P 75 80 P 76 77 78 m 7.9 n 81 m d C 82 n h m 83 O VX GATO 84 . A D D 85 B में B p' P' 86 1 9 8.9 88 B DE G 87 G G D от 98 DO E B DI P 92 Ģ QB 93 95 94 96 IC B D m ni h" D H E C (2 PLATE IV 99 103 100 M' M" E' M C" B M B C.D D' FO PO B 105 106 B P M M C ע F 17 M 112 Q 107 B 101 M P M' A B MO E ON 14 F I 113 R R G M .ľ 118 B 102 F 辰 109 B M E B B. 120 108 E 104 D A.. iP T n B I ^ Į :0 P 12) T T 10 T PLATE V. H 116 E 124 123 122 129 M N B P NX G P' .Ր. 4/ 137 T B 小 M N N B X 130 Р 142 D H ok B 138 B' {21 M 125 P 132 M 131 13.4 B D B B 130 B I 233 P 135 ཁ N 128 127 P I a F T B PLZ 140 14 143 "m* A M P B 126 136 1J3 PLATE VI . ......... * me of Brons as } I tre --- 418545 ISS'D RET'D 569 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06708 0831 Form 176(8-22-21)30M B 448346 DUPL }