YOU LAH XA B 448361 TA ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E-PLURIBUS-UNI TULBU SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE '': ФА 871 A. Freeman. R87 9.12.77 Fr. Mass. ་ A TREATISE ON THE STABILITY OF MOTION. A TREATISE 罚 ​ON THE STABILITY OF A GIVEN STATE OF MOTION, PARTICULARLY STEADY MOTION. BEING THE ESSAY TO WHICH THE ADAMS PRIZE WAS ADJUDGED IN 1877, IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. 7 BY E. J. ROUTH, M.A., F.R.S., &c. LATE FELLOW OF ST PETER'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND LATE EXAMINER IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. London: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1877 [All Rights reserved.] F Cambridge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. ¡ PREFACE. A IN March, 1875, the usual biennial notice was issued, giving the subjects for the Adams Prize to be adjudged in 1877. The following is the chief portion of the notice: The University having accepted a Fund raised by several members of St John's College for the purpose of founding a Prize to be called the Adams Prize, for the best essay on some subject of Pure Mathematics, Astronomy or other branch of Natural Philosophy, the Prize to be given once in two years, and to be open to the competition of all persons who have at any time been admitted to a degree in this University- The Examiners give notice that the following is the subject of the Prize to be adjudged in 1877: The Criterion of Dynamical Stability. To illustrate the meaning of the question imagine a particle to slide down inside a smooth inclined cylinder along the lowest generating line, or to slide down outside along the highest generating line. In the former case a slight derangement of the motion would merely cause the particle to oscillate about the generating line, while in the latter case the particle would depart from the generating line altogether. The motion in the former case would be, in the sense of the question, stable, in the latter unstable. The criterion of the stability of the equilibrium of a system is, that its potential energy should be a minimum; what is desired is, a R. A. 135440 b - vi PREFACE, corresponding condition enabling us to decide when a dynamically pos- sible motion of a system is such, that if slightly deranged the motion shall continue to be only slightly departed from. The essays must be sent in to the Vice-Chancellor on or before the 16th December 1876, &c., &c. S. G. PHEAR, Vice-Chancellor. J. CHALLIS. G. G. STOKES. J. CLERK MAXWELL. · The pressure of other engagements for some time prevented me from giving my attention to the subject. This essay was therefore almost entirely composed during the year 1876. It is now printed as it was sent in to the Examiners, the changes being merely verbal. Some few additions have been made where ex- planation appeared to be necessary, but all these have been marked by square brackets, so that they can be at once dis- tinguished from the original parts of the essay. In order to shorten the essay as much as possible many merely algebraic processes have been omitted and the results only are stated. It is hoped that this will add clearness as well as brevity to the reasoning, as the attention of the reader will not be called from the argument to follow a manipulation of symbols which may not present any novelty. The line of argument taken may be indicated in a general way as follows. Chapter 1. begins with some definitions of the terms stable and steady motions. It is then pointed out that whether the forces which act on the system admit of a force-function or not, the stability of the motion, if steady, is indicated by the nature of the roots of a certain determinantal equation. The boundary between stability and instability being generally indicated by the presence of equal roots, a criterion is investigated to determine beforehand whether equal roots do or do not imply instability. This case being disposed of, the consideration of the determinantal equation is resumed. Two general methods are given by which, without solving the equation, it may be ascertained whether the 7 .. PREFACE. vii character of the roots imply stability or instability. These occupy Chapters II. and III. In the first method a derived equation is made use of, and it is shown that a simple inspection of the signs of the coefficients of the several powers in these two equations will decide the question of stability. In the second method a certain easy process is found which if performed on the determinantal equation will lead to the criteria of stability. At the end of the third Chapter a geometrical interpretation is given to the argu- ment. In the fourth Chapter the forces which act on the system are supposed to have a force-function. The determinantal equa- tion is then much simplified. Several points are considered in this Chapter which are necessary to the argument, such as the proper method of choosing the steady co-ordinates (if there be any), the distinction between harmonic oscillation about steady motion and that about equilibrium, and the changes which must be made in the determinantal equation when the equations of Lagrange become inapplicable. A method of modifying the Lagrangian function is also given by which, in certain cases, the fundamental determinant may be reduced to one of fewer rows and columns. In the fifth Chapter a series of subsidiary determinants is formed, and it is shown that at least as many of the conditions of stability are satisfied as there are variations of signs lost in the series in passing from one given state to another. It is also shown that this is equivalent to a maximum condition of the Lagrangian function. In the sixth Chapter the energy test of stability is considered. It is also shown that, when the motion is steady, this reduces to the same criterion as that indicated in Chap. V. In the seventh Chapter the question considered is whether the stability of a state of motion can really be determined by an examination of the terms of the first order only. In some cases these are certainly sufficient, and an attempt is made to discrimi- nate between these cases and those in which the terms of the higher order ultimately alter the character of the motion. If the Hamiltonian characteristic and principal functions be given, the conditions of stability as regards space only, or both דיי 1 viii PREFACE. space and time may be deduced. But if these be not known as expressed in the Hamiltonian form, we may yet sometimes dis- tinguish between stability and instability if we can determine whether a certain integral ceases to be a minimum at some instant of the motion. This is the subject of the eighth chapter. As part of the third edition of my treatise on the Dynamics of Rigid Bodies was written at the same time as this essay, there are necessarily points of contact between the two works. Thus the subjects of the first part of the seventh chapter and of a portion of the sixth will be found discussed in the treatise on Dynamics. But as the objects of the two books are not the same, it will be found that in all these cases there are considerable differences in the modes of demonstration. PETERHOUSE, August 14, 1877. EDWARD J. ROUTH. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. ART. PAGE 1-2. Definitions of the terms small quantity, stable motion, steady motion .1, 2 3. 4-7. A system of bodies in steady motion is stable if the roots of a certain determinantal equation are such that their real parts are all negative Effect of equal roots, and a test to determine whether equal roots do or do not introduce terms which contain the time as a factor 8. Object of Chapters II. and III. • CHAPTER II. 3 4-10 10 • 1—3. 4. 5, 6. Statement of the theory by which the necessary and sufficient tests of stability are found. Objections to this theory. These tests shown to be integral functions of the coefficients Method of finding these tests when the coefficients of the equa- tion are numerical, or when several terms are absent 1 11, 12 12 13, 14 7, 8. All these tests shown to be derivable from one called the funda- mental term • 14-16 9. The fundamental term found as an eliminant 16 10. A method of finding the fundamental term by derivation from the fundamental term of one degree lower 17 11-13. Another and better method of doing the same by means of a differential equation • 19-21 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. ART. 1-4. 5-8. 9, 10. 11, 12. Statement of the theory by which the conditions of stability of a dynamical system with n co-ordinates are made to depend on 2n conditions A rule by which these conditions may be derived one from another, together with certain other true but not independent conditions A rule by which, when the coefficients of the dynamical equation are letters, the 2n conditions of stability may be inferred, one from another, without writing down any other conditions A method by which certain extraneous factors may be discovered and omitted • 13-18. Consideration of the reserved case in which the dynamical equa- tion has equal and opposite roots • 19-25. A few geometrical illustrations not necessary to the argument 26. Application to a Dynamical Problem PAGE 23-26 27, 28 28, 29 29-32 32-37 • 37-40 42 CHAPTER IV. 1--5. Formation of the equations of steady motion and of small oscil- lation where Lagrange's method may be used 45-48 6. The equations being all linear the conditions of stability are expressed by the character of the roots of a determinantal equation of an even order 49 7. Mode of expanding the determinant 49 8-10. A method of finding the proper co-ordinates to make the co- efficients of the Lagrangian function constant 50-53 11-19. How the Harmonic oscillations about steady motion differ from those about a position of equilibrium. The forces which cause the difference are of the nature of centrifugal forces produced by an imaginary rotation about a fixed straight line 53-60 20-23. Reduction of the fundamental determinant to one of fewer rows by the elimination of all co-ordinates which do not appear except as differential coefficients in the Lagrangian function; with an example • 24-27. Formation of the equations of Motion and of the determinant when the geometrical equations contain differential co- efficients, so that Lagrange's method cannot be used; with an example • 60-66 · 68-71 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER V. ART. 1-5, and 9. Certain subsidiary determinants are formed from the dy- namical determinant, and it is shown that there must be at least as many roots indicating stability as there are varia- tions of sign lost in these subsidiary determinants, and must exceed the number lost by an even number 6-8. 10, 11. 12. PAGE 74-76, 78 This is equivalent to a maximum and minimum criterion of stability with similar limitations Effect of equal roots on this test of the stability of the system . Example • • 76-78 79; 80 81 ་} 1-3. 4. 5, 6. 3 CHAPTER VI. If the energy of the system be a maximum or minimum under certain conditions, the motion whether steady or not is stable 82-84 When the motion is steady, it will be also stable if a certain function of the co-ordinates called V+ W is a minimum If there be only one co-ordinate which enters into the Lagran- gian function, except as a differential coefficient, this condi- tion is necessary and sufficient 84-85 85-87 7-8. Additional conditions when there are two co-ordinates CHAPTER VII. 1. 2-3. 4. 5-7. 8-9. 10. 87-89 Any small term of a high order, if its period is nearly the same as that of an oscillation of the system, may produce impor- tant effects on the magnitude of the oscillation Origin of such terms, with an example Supposing the roots of the determinantal equation to satisfy the conditions of stability to a first approximation, yet if a com- mensurable relation hold between these roots it is necessary to examine certain terms of the higher orders to determine whether they will ultimately destroy the stability of the system If a certain relation hold among the coefficients of these terms, they will not affect the stability of the system, but only slightly alter the periods of oscillation Examples, the first taken from Lagrange's method of finding the oscillations about a position of equilibrium If the coefficients of the equations of motion should not be strictly constant, but only nearly so, the stability will not be affected, unless the reciprocals of their periods have com- mensurable relations with the reciprocals of the periods of oscillation of the system 90-91 91-92 92 • 92-94 94-96 96-97 xii CONTENTS, ART. 1-3. CHAPTER VIII. The Hamiltonian Characteristic or Principal functions when found determine at once the motion of the system from one given position to another, and whether the motion is stable or unstable PAGE • 98-100 4-7. Examples with a mode of effecting the integration S= Ldt in small oscillations 100-102 8. 9-14. The Characteristic function supplies the condition that the motion is stable as to space only, while the Principal func- . tion gives the conditions that it is stable both as to space and time In what sense the motion is unstable if either of the two Hamil- tonian functions is a minimum 102, 103 103-108 if CHAPTER I. Definitions of the terms small quantity, stable motion, steady motion. Arts. 1, 2. A system of bodies in steady motion is stable if the roots of a certain determinantal equation are such that their real parts are all negative. Art. 3. Effect of equal roots, and a test to determine whether equal roots do or do not introduce terms which contain the time as a factor. Arts. 4—7. Object of Chapters II. and III. Art. 8. 1. Let us suppose a dynamical system to be set in motion under any forces and to move in some known manner. If any small disturbance be given to the system, it may deviate only slightly from its known motion, or it may diverge further and further from it. Let 0, 4, &c. be the independent variables or co-ordinates which determine the position of the system, and let the known motion be given by 0=0,, = 4, &c. where 0, 4, &c. are known functions of the time t. To discover the disturbance of the system we put 0=0,+x, p=0,+y, &c. These quantities x, y, &c. are in the first instance very small because the disturb- ance is small. The quantities x, y, z, &c. are said to be small when it is possible to choose some quantity numerically greater than all of them, which is such that its square can be neglected. This quantity may be called the standard of reference for small quantities. If, after the disturbance, the co-ordinates x, y, z, &c. remain always small, the undisturbed motion is said to be stable; if, on the other hand, any one of the co-ordinates become large, the motion is called unstable. It is clear that the same motion may be stable for one kind of disturbance and unstable for another. But it is usual to suppose the disturbance general, so that if the motion can be made un- stable by any kind of disturbance (provided it be small) it is said to be unstable. On the other hand, it will be called stable only when it is stable for all kinds of small disturbances. R. A. 1 › 2 DEFINITIONS. Y, [CHAP. 2. To determine whether x, y, z, &c. remain small, we must substitute for 0, 4, &c. in the equations of motion their values 0+x, &。 +y, &c. Assuming that x, y, &c. remain small, we may neglect their squares, and thus the resulting equations will be dx d²x dy day linear in x, y, z, &c. The coefficients of X, &c. dt' dt², dt' dť²' in these equations may be either constants or functions of the time. In the former case the undisturbed motion is said to be steady for these co-ordinates, in the latter unsteady. In the case of a steady motion x, y, z, &c. are all functions of the time which has elapsed since the disturbance and of certain constants of integration which are determined by the initial values of dx dy X, , Y, dt &c. We may therefore define a steady motion to be such that the same change of motion follows from the same initial disturbance at whatever instant the disturbance is communicated to the system. dt' If all the coefficients in the equations to find x, y, z are con- stant, they may be made to contain t by a change of co-ordinates. Thus we may write for x, y, z, &c. x = a§.+ Bn + ... y = a'§ + ß'n + ... z = &c. 2 where a, ß, &c. are any functions of t we please. Conversely, when the coefficients are functions of t, we may sometimes make the coefficients constant by a proper change of co-ordinates. But this cannot always be done. If there are n co-ordinates, we have n arbitrary functions a, ß, &c. at our disposal. In each of the n linear equations of motion we may have three terms for each co-ordinate, and thus we have (3n-1) n coefficients to make con- stants. We have therefore in general too many equations to satisfy. The proper method of choosing the co-ordinates of refer- ence will be considered in a future chapter. 3. Let us suppose a dynamical system to be making small oscillations under the action of any forces which may, or may not, possess a force function and to be subject to any resistances which vary as the velocities of the parts resisted. The general equations of motion will then be of the form d d2 d (4,2 + 4, & + 4.) x + (B, & + B, & + B₂) y + &c. = 0 at dť² at A dt² d2 d d2 A 2 dť² + A. 1 dt + Ab) x + (B₂ d 이 ​de² + B',' at + B') y + &c. = 0 +B 2 dt اه &c. = 0 I.] 3 THE DETERMINANTAL EQUATION. To solve these equations we write x= Memt, y=M'emt, &c. Substituting we obtain a determinantal equation to find m. If we put A = A‚m² + A¸m + A。, B=B₂m² +B¸m+ B。, &c. A' = A¸m² + A¸m + A'', this equation may be written in the simple form A, B, C...... | 0. A', B', C'...... = We may also write the equation in the form ƒ (m) = 0. The coefficients M, M', &c. are not independent, but if we represent the minors of A, B, C, &c. by a, b, c, &c. we may easily show that M M' M" = &c. b C We also have M M' M" &=&c. ď b It may be shown by properties of determinants that these equations all give the same ratios. If A, be the second minor obtained from the determinant f(m) by omitting the first and second rows and columns, we know that ▲ƒ (m) = ab' — a’b. Hence if f(m) = 0 we have α b a In the same way we may show that a C and so on. This α property of Determinants is given in Dr Salmon's Higher Algebra, Lesson IV. Ex. 1. The general solution of the equation may therefore be written in the form x = L₁₁em₁t + Lam₂t + y = L₂b₁em₁t + L₂bem + 2 &c. where L₁, L... are arbitrary constants, a, a, &c. the values of the minor a when m,, m,... are substituted for m; b,, b,... the 2 2 + 1-2 فة PI"SPTE™ - 1 1 $ 4 NATURE OF THE STABILITY [CHAP. values of the minor b when similar substitutions are made, and so on. 4. We see that the whole character of the motion will de- pend on the signs of the quantities m,, m,... If any one be real and positive, x, y, &c. or some of them will ultimately become large, and the steady motion about which the system is oscillating will be unstable. If all the roots are real, negative or zero and unequal, the motion will be stable. If two of the roots be imaginary we have a pair of imaginary exponentials. If these imaginary roots be a + B-1, the terms can be rationalized into eat (N₁ cos ẞt + N₂sin ßt). 1 The motion will be stable if a be negative or zero; and unstable if a be positive. If two roots be equal, the form of the solution is changed. Let m₁ = m₁+h where h will be ultimately zero, we then have x = L¸à¸m² + L₂ (a a₁emit + day hemt +a¸htemit). 2 dm If we now make L, and L, infinite in the usual manner, we find = {Mat+ M₂da + Ma} et, Ꮳ X = y= {M,b,c + M {M¸b,t+ &c. = &c., 2 dm db, 2 dm + Mb, } cm², emit, where M₁, M, are two arbitrary constants which replace L₁, L 2 In the same way if three roots are equal we have Ma 1 α M. == [M. (a! + da, t + + dra;) + M, (at + da) + M,a,] om, 2 12 [M, (5,₁ + y=M.b 3 1 1 11 t + 1 db;) + M, (b,t + db) + Mb, ]em". db ₁ 12+ dm dm 2 This rule will be found convenient in practice to supply the defect in the number of arbitrary constants produced by equal roots. At present we are only concerned with their effect on the stability of the system. The terms which contain t as a factor will at first increase with t, but if m be negative, the term themt can never be numerically greater than n em n If m be very small 1.] 5 IS INDICATED BY THE ROOTS. 100 the initial increase of the terms may make the values of x and y become large, and the motion cannot be regarded as a small oscillation. But if the system be not so much disturbed that N em M. is large, the terms will ultimately disappear and the motion may be regarded as stable. If, however, the real parts of the equal roots are positive or zero, the terms will become large and the motion will be unstable. 5. In some cases, however, the relations which exist between the coefficients are such that the terms which contain t as a factor are all zero. It is of some importance to discriminate these cases, for the stability of the system is then unaffected by the presence of equal roots. Let us suppose first that the determinantal equation has two roots only equal to m₁, and let the terms depending on these be x = (N₁+ N¸t) emit, y = (N₁' + N¸'t) emit, &c. = &c. Substituting in the equations of Art. (3) we have, following the same notation as before, AN₂+BN +CN" + ... = 0 A'N₂+B'N'' + C″N," + 2 2 2 …….I. &c. = 1 AN₁ + BN,' + ... — — dA dB N N dm 2 dm dA' 1 dm N₂ dB' 2 dm N'- 2 ......II. A'N₂+ B'N' + ... =- &c. = &c. To avoid entering more minutely than is necessary into the properties of linear equations, we shall assume that these equations for the given value of m lead to but one solution with two of the N's arbitrary, unless the determinantal equation has more than two roots equal to m₁. If in this unique solution the N's are all zero we must have 1 AN₁+BN₁'+ ... = 0 A'N₁ + B'N' + ... = = 0 &c. =0 ..III. 6 [CHAP. EFFECT OF EQUAL ROOTS - I Since two of the constants N, N, &c. are to be arbitrary, let them be N₁, N', then since N N 1 we must have the minors a and b each equal to zero. α b Also since 1 N_N", -, we shall have N," α C infinite unless c = 0. In the same way we may prove that all the other first minors are zero. And if the first minors are zero, we may show that two of the equations may be deduced from the others. Let the symbol AB A'B' represent the second minor, with the usual sign, formed by omitting the rows and columns in which AB A'B' occur. Then since the minors a, b, c, &c. are zero, we have A' АВТ Α' Β' +A" AB A"B" +... = ( 0 B [AB] + B" [AB] ...IV. +... = 0 A"B" &c. = 0. : i " ; Omitting the first line of III. let us multiply the others by АВТ AB A'B' A"B" an identity. Hence the second equation may be deduced from the others which follow it. In the same way, the first equation may be deduced from the others. &c., respectively. Adding the results, we have 1 Rejecting the first two equations, let us transpose the arbitrary constants N and N' to the right-hand sides of the remaining equations. If there are to be only two arbitrary constants, these remaining equations must be independent; solving, we have АВ [AB] N'" -- N. [BC] A'B' 1 1 [BG] + N [40], A'C" with similar equations for the others. Hence the constants N₁, N, &c., are connected by equations of the form N. [BC]-N: [AC] + N." [AB]-0, 1 1 A'C' 1 A'B' so that when any two are chosen as the arbitrary ones, the others be deduced from them. may If the determinantal equation has three roots equal to m₁, and if the terms which contain t as a factor are all zero, the equa- tions III. must admit of a solution with three of the constants i. Next since N 1 B'D' 1.]. ON STABILITY. 1 7 N₁, N', &c. arbitrary. If these be N₁, N, N'", we see that the вс AC AB second minors [BC] [40] [42] Ꭴ A'C' Α' Β' must be zero. [BD] - N: [AD] + N'" [AB 1 1 A'B' = = 0, BD1 we must have and B'D' AD A'D' both zero or N,"" infinite. Hence all the second minors are zero. minors are all zero, we have And if the second A" ABC +A"" ABC + ... = 0, Α' Β' Γ' A'B'C' A"B"C" A""B" C"" and by similar reasoning three equations may be deduced from the remaining ones. We have then N 1 BCD 1-N, ACD ]+N,″[ ABD ]-N,”[ ABC ABC =0, 1 B'C'D' B"C"D". A'C'D' A" C"D" A'B'D' A'B'C' A"B"D" A"B" C" with similar equations. Since f(m) is the determinant formed by eliminating N₁, N', &c. from III. we have df (m) __ df (m) dA, df (m) dB dm + dA dm dB dm + &c. + df (m) dA' dA' dm + &c. dA dB +b dm dm dΑ' + &c. + a' + &c. dm This vanishes when a, b, &c., a', &c. are all zero. If therefore the first minors of ƒ (m) all vanish when m=m₁, the equation ƒ (m) = 0 da has two roots equal to m₁. In the same way vanishes if all its first minors are zero. But dm d³f (m) dm² d2A =α + dm²' dm dm da dA + &c. da vanishes if a, &c. are all zero. If therefore the first and dm' second minors of f(m) all vanish when m=m,, the equation i 8 [CHAP. EFFECT OF EQUAL ROOTS f(m) = 0 has three roots equal to m₁. It is evident the proposi- tion may be extended to any number of roots. The test that, when equal roots occur in the determinantal equa- tion, the terms in the values of x, y, &c. which contain t as a factor should be absent may be stated thus. If there are two equal roots all the first minors must vanish. If three equal roots, all the first and second minors must vanish, and so on. In these cases the equal roots introduce merely a corresponding indeterminateness into the coefficients. When there are more equal roots than there are rows in the determinantal equation, it is easy to see that there must be some terms in the integrals which contain t as a factor. [The following simple example will illustrate the application of this test. A particle is in equilibrium at the origin of co-ordinates under the action of forces whose force function U is given by U = ½ Ax² + ½ By² + ½ Cz² + Dyz + Ezx + Fxy. If the level surfaces are ellipsoids and the force acts inwards, it is clear that the equilibrium of the particle must always be stable. If then any equal roots occur in the determinantal equation, the test should show that the terms which contain t as a factor are absent. If T be the semi vis viva of the particle and if its mass be taken as unity, we have 12 12 T = { x²² + ½ y²² + 1 z²². Omitting accents and forming the discriminant of — m²T+ U we have the following determinantal equation : A - m² F E = 0. F B-m² D E D C-m² This is the "discriminating cubic" which determines the axes of the quadric U= c, where c is a constant. The conditions that two of its roots should be equal, i.e. that the quadric should be a spheroid, are well known to be A EF Ꭰ FD DE = - B - C m¸², 2 E F where m,² is equal to either root. These are just the conditions obtained by equating any first minor of the determinant to zero. I.] . ON STABILITY. 9 The conditions that three of the roots of the cubic should be equal, i.e. that the quadric should be a sphere, are A =B=C, D=0, E=0, F=0. These are the conditions that every second minor should vanish. In this example we have taken the case of a single particle. Similar remarks however apply when any system of bodies is disturbed from a state of stable equilibrium. The oscillations may be found by the method of Lagrange. The final determi- nantal equation may be conveniently formed by equating to zero the discriminant of - m²T+ U, where Tis the semi vis viva with the accents denoting differentiations with regard to the time omitted, and U is the force function. It is a known theorem that the existence of finite equal roots does not affect the stability of the equilibrium. Hence the conditions for equal roots must be such as to make all the minors equal to zero. Conversely, this theorem will often conveniently give the conditions that Lagrange's determinant has equal roots.] 2 2 6. That there should be a difference in the modes in which equal roots affect the motion is no more than we should expect a priori. Suppose the coefficients of the equation ƒ (m) = 0 to be functions of some quantity n, and that as n passes through the value n, two roots become equal to each other. Let the quadratic factor containing these roots be m² + 2am + ß, and let us consider only the case in which a and B are real. We have a²-ẞ = 0 when n=n. If a B change sign as n passes through the value no, the roots will change from a trigonometrical to a purely ex- ponential form, which would indicate a change from oscillatory to non-oscillatory motion. The passage from one kind of motion to the other may be effected through a motion represented by expres- sions having the time as a factor. But if a²-B does not change sign, for example, if it be a perfect square for all values of n, there will be no change from one kind of motion to the other, and in this case we should expect that the motion when the roots are equal will be represented by terms of the same character as before. Briefly, we may expect equal roots to introduce terms with t as a factor at the boundary between stability and instability; and to introduce merely an indeterminateness into the coefficients when the motion is stable on both sides. 2 2 It is easy to show that in the first of these two cases the minors could not contain either of the factors of m² + 2am + B. For since a² -ẞ changes sign, these factors are in one case ima- ginary; and therefore if one factor occur in any minor the other must also be present. The minors would not only vanish, but must have equal roots also. But as in Art. (3), ▲, ƒ (m) = ab' — a′b. 10 [CHAP. I. SUMMARY. Hence if all the first minors have equal roots it is clear that either f(m) has more than two equal roots, or all the second minors must vanish. The latter is impossible unless f(m) has more than two equal roots. These general considerations are not meant to replace the proofs given in the last article, but merely to explain how a difference in the effects of the equal roots might arise. 7. Summing up what precedes, we see that if a dynamical system have n co-ordinates its stability depends on the nature of the roots of a certain equation of the 2nth degree. If the roots of this equation are all unequal, the motion will be stable if the real roots and the real parts of the imaginary roots are all negative or zero, and unstable if any one is positive. If several roots are equal the motion will be stable if the real parts of those roots are negative and not very small, and unstable if they are negative and small, zero, or any positive quantity. But if, as often happens in dynamical problems, the terms which con- tain t as a factor are absent from the solution, the condition of stability is that the real roots and the real parts of the imaginary roots of the subsidiary equation should be negative or zero. When the equation ƒ (D) = 0 is of low dimensions we may solve it or otherwise determine the nature of its roots; the stability or instability of the system will then become known. But if the degree of the equation be considerable this is not a very easy problem. We shall devote the two next Chapters to the consideration of two methods by either of which, without solving the equation, we can determine the conditions that the real roots. and the real parts of the imaginary roots should be all negative. The determination of these conditions has, it appears, never before been accomplished.* The consideration of the equations of motion will then be resumed, and the form of the determinantal equation f(D) = 0 when the forces admit of a force function will be more particularly investigated. * [These conditions for the cases of a biquadratic and a quintic had been found by the Author in 1873, and read before the London Mathematical Society in June, 1874. See also the third edition of the Author's Rigid Dynamics, Art. 436.] CHAPTER II. Statement of the theory by which the necessary and sufficient tests of stability are found. Objections to this theory. Arts. 1-3. These tests shown to be integral functions of the coefficients. Art. 4. Method of finding these tests when the coefficients of the equation are numerical, or when several terms are absent. Arts. 5, 6. All these tests shown to be derivable from one called the fundamental term. Arts. 7, 8. The fundamental term found as an eliminant. Art. 9. A method of finding the fundamental term by derivation from the funda- mental term of one degree lower. Art. 10. Another and better method of doing the same by means of a differential equation. Arts. 11—13, 1. The object of this Chapter has been explained at the end of Chapter I. Briefly, the criterion that the motion of a system of bodies should be stable is that the roots of a certain equation should have all their real parts negative. We propose to investi- gate these conditions. Let the equation to be considered be ƒ (x) = P₂x” +P₁xn−1 + ... + P₁₂ x + P₂ = 0. Pn Let the real roots be a, a,... and the imaginary roots be α₁ ±ẞ₁√ −1, α, ± ß, √ − 1, &c. Then 2 ƒ (x)=P。 (x − α¸) (x − α₂) ……. (x² — 2ׂx + α¸² +߸²), &c. ... If then a₁, a₂, &c. a₁, a₂, &c. are all negative, every term in each factor, and therefore in the product, must be positive. It is therefore necessary that every term in the equation f(x)=0 should have the same sign. It will be convenient to suppose this sign to be positive. 12 [CHAP. THE DERIVED EQUATION . ! It is also clear on the same suppositions that none of the coefficients p。, P₁, ... P, can be zero, except when the roots of the equation are all of the form ±ẞB-1, or when some of the roots are zero. 2. Let us now form the equation whose roots are the sums of the roots of f(x) taken two and two. Let this be m F' (x) = P。∞™ +P₁x™-¹ + ... + Pm-1∞ +P„ = 0, where m = n 1 1 27 1 1 n-1 32 2 The real roots of this equation will be а₁+α₂, α₁+α₂, &c. 21, 2α₂, &c. and the imaginary roots will be a₁ + a₁ ± ẞ₁ √ − 1, &c. It is clear from the same reasoning as before that if a,,a,, &c. a,, a,, &c. are all negative, the coefficients P₁, P,, &c. must all have the same sign. 19 1 m Conversely, if po, P... have all the same sign, the equation f(x) can have no real positive root, and if P₁, P... P have all the same sign the equation F(x) can have no positive root, and therefore f(x) can have no imaginary root with its real part positive. 3. Our first test of the stability of a dynamical system is that all the coefficients of the dynamical equation f (D) = 0 and all the coefficients of its derived equation F (D)=0 should have the same sign. It should be noticed that though these conditions are all necessary and sufficient, they are not all independent. We obtain too many conditions. In many cases, however, we can at once reduce them to the proper number of independent conditions, and when this is difficult we can have recourse to the second method, to be given in the next Chapter, which is free from this objection. In order to apply this method with success, it is necessary to have some convenient methods of calculating the coefficients P。, P₁... Pm² 4. The first method which suggests itself is one similar to that usually given to determine the coefficients of the equation whose roots are the squares of the differences of the roots of any given equation. If S₁, S... be the sums of the first, second powers, &c. of the roots of the equation fx = 0, we have by Newton's theorem 0 Sn + P₁ Sn−1 + P₂ Sn-2 + ... = 0, = where p has been put equal to unity. If,, ... be the sums of the powers of the equation F(x) = 0, we have in the same way Σn + P₁Σn-1 + P₂Σn-₂ + ... = 0 ; 12-1 11-2 : II.] 13 HAS POSITIVE COEFFICIENTS. we may also prove Σ₁ = (n-1) S₁, 19 2 2 Σ₂ = (n-2) S₂+S₁², 19 Σ3 = (n − 4) S¸+3S₁S₂, Σ₁ = (n − 8) S₁ +4§¸§¸+38¸³‚ 4 Σ= (n−16) S₂+5§¸§¸+10§¸§¸; and the general relation can be found without difficulty. In this way we find P₁ = (n − 1)P₁, 1 P₂ (n − 1) (n − 2) 2 1.2 1 p₁² + (n − 2) P₂, P¸ P₁₂= 1.2.3 P₁ (n − 1) (n − 2) (n − 3) (n − 1) (n − 2) (n − 3) (n — 4) -p¸³ + (n − 2)² θÎ₂ + (n − 4) P3, p*+ 1.2 (n − 2)² (n − 3) p¸²p₂ 2 +(n−3)² P₁P3+ (n − 2) (n − 3) 1.2 P2 P₂² + (n − 8) P₁· But the process becomes longer and longer at every stage. We shall therefore proceed to point out some other methods of obtaining the coefficients. 0 = This method of proceeding has indeed been stated only because it proves in a convenient way that when p. 1, all the coefficients P₁, P₂, P¸... of the derived equation are integral rational func- tions of the coefficients po, Pi... Pr 3 5. The equation f(x) = 0 being given, to calculate the coefficients of F (x) = 0. Put xyz and equate separately to zero the sums of the even and odd powers of z, we have 22 24 fly)+f" (y) 12 +fiv (y) + ... = 0 4 +. 13 f (y) ~ +f'' (y) = [ + Rejecting the root z = 0, let us eliminate z. Then the roots of the resulting equation in y are the arithmetic means of the roots of ƒ (x) = 0. : i 14 THE COEFFICIENTS DEDUCED = [CHAP. If, on the other hand, we eliminate y we have an equation of an even degree to find z. This, putting 4z², is the equation whose roots are the squares of the differences of the roots of the given equation. It may be thought that this elimination may prove tedious, but it will be presently shown that only the first and last terms of the result are really wanted. All the others may be omitted in the process of elimination, and thus the labour will be greatly lessened. The method is however most useful when the given equation has several of its terms absent. 6. Example. To determine the condition that the roots of the biquadratic x²+px³ + qx² + rx + s = 0 should indicate a stable motion. Applying the rule we have F' (x) = x²+3px³ + (3p² +2q) x* + (4pq + p³) x³ — +(2p³q + pr+q² — 4s) x² + (pq² +p²r − 4ps) x+pqr — r² — p²s. The first four coefficients contain only positive terms, and need not be considered. If the last three coefficients be called P₁, P½, P., we have p²P₁- 4P¸= (pq − 2r)² + 2p³q +p³r, 4 6 pP-4P(pq— 2r)² + p³r. If then P is positive, all the other coefficients are positive. 5) The necessary and sufficient conditions of stability are there- fore that p, q, r, s should be finite and positive, and positive or zero. P₁ = pqr — r² — p³s 6 7. In forming the derived equation F(x) the only difficulty is to form the last term P For when this is known the other terms can be at once derived from it by an easy process. mⓇ Let a, b, c... be the roots of f(x) = 0 with their signs changed, and let f(x)=Рox”+P₁x¹¹ + ... + Pπ Let A stand for the operation d d d + + + ... da'db' dc II.] 15 FROM THE FUNDAMENTAL TERM. Then since P=abc... we have obviously Pn Po Δ Pn Pn-1 Po Po In the same way we have A = Pn-1 — 2 Pn-2. Po Po And generally Δ Pn-K+1 PR- K Po Po and so on up to AP₁ = n. Po Let us now operate with A on any expression $ (Po› P1 ••• Pn)› ... which has the same number of factors in every term. Let r be the number of factors, then & may be written P₁ Pn 1 = Po d .. Aq=p. dp₁ -+ (n-1) P₁ dp₂ d +. Φι 1 = {mpo d d npodp +(n − 1)p₁ 1 dp₂ + ... + Pn-1 P. dp про m d Let Po, P... P be the coefficients of the derived equation F(x), and let P. I. Then since the roots of F(x) are the sums of the roots of ƒ (x) taken two and two, it is easy to see that Pm-1 = +4Pm 2P m-2=APm-1 ΔΡ ΔΡ 3P =▲Pm-2' m-3 &c. = &c. Thus when P is known, the other terms may be calculated without difficulty. The term P will be called the fundamental term of the equation. m Example. Given in the case of a biquadratic 2 P₁=P₁P2P3 — PoP3² — P₁²P4 41 to calculate P₁· + 1 16 [CHAP. THE FUNDAMENTAL TERM. 2 ! Performing the operation d d d d Ps 8 P₁ dp. +2p₂ +2p2 dps + 3p₁ 1 dp₂ + 4p。 dp₁ on P, we find after division by 2, в = 5 2 which is the result already given. 3 49 8. It should be noticed that in the equation ƒ(x) =Рox² +P₁x²-¹ +...+P₂ = 0, 1 n if we regard x as a number, pop, ... P are all of equal dimensions. It follows from the theory of dimensions, that if any subject of operation be the sum of a number of terms of the form pappy,... there must be the same number of factors in every term. For example, in every term of the expression for Pm we have a+B+y &c. the same. 1 On the other hand, we may regard x as a quantity of one dimension, and in this case PoP₁... P have their dimensions in- dicated by their suffixes. We must therefore have ẞ+2y+38+... as well as a +B+y+... the same in every term. These two tests of the correctness of our processes will be found convenient. 9. The whole derived equation being known when the funda- mental term is known, it is required to find the fundamental term. [First Method.] If we write - x for x in any equation, we have a second equation whose roots are equal and opposite to those of the first equation. If we eliminate x between these two, we shall get a result which must be zero when the two equations have a common root. The eliminant must therefore contain as a factor the product of the sums of the roots of the given equation taken two and two. m It will afterwards be shown that the last term P. of the derived equation (when p, is put equal to unity) always contains the term P1 P2 P3... with a coefficient which is positive and equal to unity. II.] 17 THE SECOND METHOD. Hence we have this rule, to find P, eliminate a between m x² + ޸沬² +޸支 + ... = 0) n-1 +P3 + ... = 0), and divide the result by the coefficient of P.P₂P...·P-1' It is obvious that the result may be written down as a determinant. On trial, however, it will be found more convenient to make the elimination by the method of eliminating the highest and lowest terms than to expand the determinant. 10. Given the fundamental term of the equation derived from n-1 1-2 ƒ(x) =Рox¹¹ +P₁x² + ... + P₂-10...... to find the fundamental term of the equation derived from n n-1 Рox² +P₁x-¹ + ... + Pn-1x+Pn=0 [Second Method.] .(1), (2). Let Qn be the product of the sums, two and two, of the roots of the equation (2) taken with their signs changed, so that Q, is the same as the fundamental term of the derived equation and differs from P only in having a suffix more convenient for our present purpose. m Let Q, be expanded in a series of powers of p: thus 2 Qn = Po + &₁Pn +$₂Pn² + Pœ P1› where ₁, ₁₂, &c., are all functions of po p₁, &c., which functions 41, 42, have to be found. Let the roots of f(x)=0 with their signs changed be a, b, c..., then Qn-1 = (a + b) (a+c)….. Let us introduce a new root, which, when its sign is changed, we shall call r. Then Q₂ = (a + b) (a+c) ... (r + a) (r + b)... Qn-1 Po (Porn-1 +P₂2-2 + ... + Pn_1) • This value of Q must be the same as that given by the series when we write 2 Po P₁+rpo P₂+rp₁, &c., respectively, for po› P1, P2, &c., Pn-1 P₂ of the terms independent of r we have Pn-1+rP#-2 rPn=19 · Equating the coefficients R. A. $o = Qn_1 Pn−1. Po 2 WorM 18 [CHAP. THE FUNDAMENTAL TERM. Equating the terms containing the first power of r we have d d Paste + (P₁ 2, + P. & (p (Podp P₁ dp₂ d +...+Pn-2 dpn-1 ) Po = Qn P₂-2. Po Substituting for 4, we have, by a known theorem in the Differential d d) Qn-1 Calculus, d Φι (Podp + P₁ dp₂ + ... + Pm-2 +Pm-2 dpn-1 Po 2 1 1 Equating the terms containing the second power of r we have 2 1 2 Po + 2 pop₁ dp, +(po +(P₁ dp₁ (Pod 1 2 d 1 + P₁dp₂ +P₂P³n-1 = Qn-1 Thus we have and so on. Qn = Qn-1 Pn-1 Po - d 2 d2 dp,dp₂ +...}$ + ...) $₂ · Pm-s Pn-3 Po • d d Qn-1 + &c. Pn Po (Po 1 dp₁ +Pidp2 + ... + Pn-2 +Pm-2 dpm-1 Po Pn n 2 If we examine this process, we see that when Q,_, is known, we may at once write down the terms independent of p, and the coefficient of Pn• The process to find the coefficient of p is longer, but it may be much shortened by the consideration that when p₁ = 1 the result must be an integral function of the coeffi- Po == cients. We may therefore omit all terms as soon as they make their appearance, which do not contain the factor p³n-1' for we know that such terms must disappear from the result. This method is not so convenient as the one which will be presently given to find the coefficients of the higher powers of P. But it is useful as showing that Q contains the term n P₁P₂· · ·Pn-1 Po n-1 with a positive integral coefficient equal to unity. This will be clear from the consideration that the term independent of P₁ in Pn Q₁ is obtained from Q₁, by multiplying by P-1. If therefore Q n Po contains PPP-2, Q, must contain the term Po • P₁P2 P-1 No Po n-1 other term can be formed which is equal to this with an opposite sign, for the terms which enter by the other processes to be per- Macu II.] 19 THE THIRD METHOD. formed on Q all contain p, as a factor. Now Q₂ P₁ ; therefore Po Q, contains the term PP, Q. contains PiPaps, and so on. Po 2 P2 P3 Po n-1 n It has been shown that every term in pQ, has the same number of factors (Art. 8). It follows from this reasoning that this number of factors is n - 1. 11. To find the fundamental term of the derived equation by means of a differential equation. [Third Method.] The fundamental term required is a factor of the eliminant of n P₁·x² + P₂x²-²+...'= -1 n-3 +P₂x²-³ + ... = of Let x²=y, then we have n n 1 2 2 2 Poy²+P₂Y +P₁Y² + ... n 2 P₁y +P₂Y´ n-1 2 2-3 11-2 +... +.. n-3 2 +.. 2 Poy+P₂y + P₂Y ² + n-1 P₁y* +P¸y² + n even, n odd. If we write y+dy for y the result of the elimination must be the same. dp dy 3 Hence if we make dp s 5 In 2 − 1) p₁, &c. -(-2), &c. n even, dp2 n dy 2 Po, dy -(-1), dp₁ dy n - 1 Po dy dp₂ = "=1p 1. 2 P dy dy 2 dp¸_n - 3 2 P₂, &C. n odd, dp 2 d="p dy 2 3 n n - 3 dp._ n Pupp, &c. and if E be the eliminant, we have dE = 0. dy It follows that whether n be even or odd, E must satisfy the equation 2-2 • 1 20 [CHAP. THE FUNDAMENTAL TERM. Pn-² dpn dE dE + Pn-³ JP n-1 +2 2 (Par dE dE + Pn5 dp. = 0. n-3 dE dE + Pn-1 dpn-5 dpn-s + 2 Pn dpn-2 +3 Pne JPns + We may make the elimination by multiplying the two equa- tions by y, y²..., until we have as many equations as we have powers to eliminate. If in the determinant thus formed, we multiply out the terms in the diagonal joining the right-hand top corner to the left bottom corner, we get when n is even p n-1 n-1 2 n 2-1 +1 2 Pi 2 p. Now Q, must contain n-1 factors and when n is odd p₁² Po n-1 2 and be of the n 2 th degree. Hence when n is even E=cp,Q, and when n is odd EcQn, where c is some constant. d Now does not occur in the above differential equation. dp₁ 1 Hence treating p₁ as a constant, we see that Q must satisfy the differential equation 1 n d Qn d Qa) + 2 P₂ + dpm 2 (PR-2 d Qn + P n + Pn-s dp Pr-2 dpn n-1 n (P₂ n-6 dpn-2 d Qn + Pn-5 dpn-3 d Qn + Pn-1 dpn-s dQn Pn² +3 Pnε dpns n-1 n + &c. = 0. 12. We may show that p¹Q, is a symmetrical function of the coefficients P., P,..., P, and the same coefficients read backwards. Let a, b, c... be the roots of f(x) = 0 with their signs changed, then Q₁ = (a+b) (a + c).... If now we read the coefficients in the opposite order, the roots of the equation thus formed will, when their signs are changed, be 1 1 If be the fundamental term of the equation derived n from this, we have 1 Q' n = + + 1) ... Since Pn Po Pr – abc... we see that n-1 ~~¹ Q₁ = Pn*~¹ Q'n• II.] 21 THE THIRD METHOD. n-1 We may therefore infer that p."Q, also satisfies the differential equation dE P2 dpo 13. ་ dE + P³ dp 3 +2( dE dE P₁ 4 dp₂ +Ps dp 5 +3(1 dE dE Po dp + P₁ dps + &c. = 0. We may use either of these differential equations to find Qn when Qn-1 is given. Let the first differential equation be represented by and let where A, A, 19 ▾ Qn=0, Qn = A + A₁Pn+ A₂Pn² + 0 are functions of P., P₁, &c. The value of A¸ has been proved in Art. 10 to be A = Qn_1 Pn−1 -1 Po To find the other coefficients of the powers of p, substitute this value of Q in the differential equation; we have n 0 =▼A+P„▼¸+Pn−2ª¸ 0 1 1 +Pn² ▼A₂+2Pn−2PnA₂ + &c. Equating the several powers of p, to zero, we find A₁ = 1 VA。, Pn-2 1 24, VA₁, Pn-2 1 3A3 VA Pn-s &c. = &c. Thus by one regular and easy process each term may be derived from the other. In performing this process we may omit every term in the subject of operation which does not contain d For Pn-2° Pn-z can be introduced only by performing and since p₁ is absent from the dpn , coefficients, this operation yields nothing. ་ 22 THE FUNDAMENTAL TERM. [CHAP. II. In this way we find PoQ₂ = P₁₂ 2 po¸² Q3=P₁P₂-PoP3, Po³ Q₁ = P₁ P₂P3-P.P² - Pi² P₁› PoPs 1 2 4 4 - Ps (— PoP 2P 3+ P₁₂² — 2p。P、P) 5 Ps 2 +1.2 (-2p³). 5 To illustrate this process, consider how Q, is obtained from Q.. The first line is formed by multiplying the line above by P., this is A. To find the coefficient of -p, we operate with d d 5 d d (P. 2 + P. 1) + 2 (p. 2 + P. 1) dp 2 dp 4 1 dp3 2 on such of the terms in the line above as contain p and then divide by på. Performing the same operation on the coefficient of PÅ 2 P5 (-p) we obviously obtain the coefficient of 1.2° In M. Serret's Cours d'Algèbre Supérieure, Note III., there will be found a method of forming the last term of the equation to the squares of the differences, which suggested the method used in Art. 13, of substituting in a differential equation, if only a differ- ential equation could be found. [See also Dr Salmon's Higher Algebra, Arts. 60, 64, and 72.] CHAPTER III. Statement of the theory by which the conditions of stability of a dynamical system with n co-ordinates are made to depend on 2º conditions. Arts. 1-4. A rule by which these conditions may be derived one from another, to- gether with certain other true but not independent conditions. Arts. 5-8. A rule by which, when the coefficients of the dynamical equation are letters, the 2n conditions of stability may be inferred, one from another, without writing down any other conditions. Arts. 9, 10. A method by which certain extraneous factors may be discovered and omitted. Arts. 11, 12. Consideration of the reserved case in which the dynamical equation has equal and opposite roots. Arts. 13-18. A few geometrical illustrations not necessary to the argument. Arts. 19-25. Application to a Dynamical Problem. Art. 26. 1. It has been shown in the first Chapter that the stability of a dynamical system with n co-ordinates oscillating about a state of steady motion depends on the nature of the roots of a certain equation of the 2nth degree which we may call f (z)=0. The system is stable if the real roots and the real parts of the imaginary roots are all negative. Now Cauchy has given the fol- lowing theorem of which we shall make some use. Let z=x+y√1 be any root, and let us regard x and y as co-ordinates of a point referred to rectangular axes. Substitute for z and let f(z) = P+Q√−1. Let any point whose co-ordinates are such that P and Q both vanish be called a radical point. Describe any contour, and let 24 [CHAP. CAUCHY'S THEOREM. a point move round this contour in the positive direction and P Q notice how often passes through the value zero and changes its sign. Suppose it changes a times from + to and 6 times from to +. Then Cauchy asserts that the number of radical points within the contour is (a–B). It is however necessary that no radical point should lie on the contour. 2. Let us choose as our contour the infinite semicircle which bounds space on the positive side of the axis of y. Let us first travel from y=- ∞ to y=+∞ along the circumference. If 2-1 ƒ (z) = P¸²² + P₁~~~² + ... + P₂ we have changing to polar co-ordinates Hence ƒ (z) = P¸r* (cos no + sin no √− 1) + ... Pi 2-1 P=p¸r² cos n0 + p¸r”-¹ cos (n − 1) 0 + Q = p¸r" sin no + p₁?”-1 sin (n − 1) 0 + r In the limit, since r is infinite, P Q P cot no ; Q vanishes when n0 = (2x+1), i.e. 1π 0 = ± n 2 3 п +1 n 2 +1 n 2 5 π (A); P. Q is infinite when no = 2K 0=0, ± SIN NY 7 i.e. 2 π 4 π 6 π n 2 + ± n 2 n 2 (B). The values of in series (B) it will be noticed separate those in series (A). When is small and very little greater than zero, P. Q is posi- tive, and therefore changes sign from+to at every one of the values of in series (A). If n be even there will be n changes ✔ of sign. If n be odd there will be n-1 changes excluding π =+, in this case is positive when is a little less than 0 = ± 2 P. Q and negative when O is a little greater than π 2 π 2' J ! il ? III.] CAUCHY'S THEOREM. 25 Let us now travel along the axis of y still in the positive di- rection, viz. from y=+∞ to y= co. Since x=0 it will be more convenient to use Cartesian co-ordinates, we have, since and and n n-1 ƒ(2) = Po≈"+P₁≈"¹ + ... + Pn -1% + P₂, z = y √ — 1, 2 P=Pn-Pn_₂y²+ Pn-4Y* — ... Q = y (Pn_1 — Pn_3 Y² + ...), P _P„− P„_„Y² +Pn_4Y* 2 Q Y (Pn-1— Pn-3y² + …..) The condition that there should be no radical point within the contour is that this expression should change sign through zero from to + as often as it before changed sign from + to on travelling round the semicircle. If n be even the numerator has one more term than the denominator, and when p。 and P₁ have the same sign, begins when Y is very great by being negative. P Q In order that it should change sign through zero n times, it is necessary and sufficient that both the equations Pn - Pn-2y²+Pm-4Y* = 0, Pn-1Y — Pn-3y³ +Pn_5Y³ — 0, should have their roots real, and that the roots of the latter should separate the roots of the former. If n be odd, the numerator and denominator have the same. P number of terms, and when p, and p, have the same sign, begins Q Po when y is very great by being positive. In order that it should change sign through zero from to + n 1 times, it is necessary and sufficient that the same two equations as before should have their roots real, and that the roots of the former should separate the roots of the latter. In order then to express the necessary and sufficient conditions, that f(z) = 0 may have no radical point on the positive side of the axis of y, put z=y√-1 and equate to zero separately the real and imaginary parts. Of the two equations thus formed, the roots of the one of lower dimensions must separate the roots of the other. It is also necessary that the coefficients of the two highest powers of z in f (z) should have the same sign. 3. It has been stated that p, and p, the coefficients of the two highest powers in ƒ(z) must have the same sign. It is easy to see ་ . 26 EXTENSION OF STURM'S THEOREM. P Q [CHAP. that, if they had opposite signs, would change sign through zero 2n times as we travel round the contour. All the radical points of the equation would then lie on the positive instead of the negative side of the axis of y. It has also been assumed that no radical point lies on the contour. It has therefore been assumed that ƒ (z) = 0 has no root of the form z = y√-1. It will be more convenient to consider this exception a little further on. 4. It is required to express in an analytical form the conditions that the roots of an equation f (x) = 0 may be all real, and may separate the roots of another equation f (x) = 0 of one degree higher dimensions. To effect this, let us use Sturm's theorem reversed. Perform the process of finding the greatest common measure of f (x) and f(x), changing the sign of each remainder as it is obtained. Let the series of modified remainders thus obtained be f(x), f(x), &c. Then it may be shown that when any one of these functions vanishes, the two on each side have opposite signs. It is also clear that no two successive functions can vanish unless ƒ, (x) and ƒ₂ (x) have a common factor. This exception will be considered pre- sently. Hence in passing from x=- to +∞ no variation of sign can be lost except when f(x) vanishes. If a variation is lost it is regained when x has the next greatest value which makes f, (x) vanish unless f (x) = 0 has a root between these two successive roots of ƒ₁ (x) = 0. Hence this rule:- · The roots of the equations f(x) = 0, f¸(x) = 0, will be all real and the roots of the latter will separate those of the former, if in the series f(x), f¸(x), f。(x)……. as many variations of sign are lost in passing from x=-∞o to x=+∞ as there are units in the degree of the equation f₁ (x) = 0. We have supposed the variations of sign to be lost instead of gained in passing from x=-∞ to +∞. ∞ to +∞. That this may be the case the signs of the highest powers of f(x) and f(x) must be the same. These functions are alternately of an even and odd degree, the condition that the whole number of variations of sign may be lost in passing from x = ∞ to +∞ may be more conveniently ex- pressed thus:-The coefficients of the highest powers of x in the series f(x), f(x), f¸(x) ... must all have the same sign. $ III.] 27 CONDITIONS OF STABILITY. 5. The process of finding the greatest common measure of two algebraic expressions is usually rather long. We may in our case shorten it materially by omitting the quotients and perform- ing the division in the following manner. Let -2 ƒ₁ (x) =Р¸x” — р²x²-² + Þ²x²- n-1 ƒ₂ (x) = P₁x¹¹ — n-5 then, since p₁ is positive, it easily follows by division that where 2-2 n-4 ƒ, (x) = Ax”—² — A'œˆ¯¹ + A″x”— — ….. A = P₁P₂— PoP3› 2 A' = P₁P₁- PoPs' &c. = &c., 4 so that by remembering this simple cross-multiplication we may write down the value of f (x) without any other process than what may be performed by simple inspection. In the same way f(x), &c. may all be written down. 6. Ex. 1. Express the conditions that the real roots and real parts of the imaginary roots of the cubic may be all negative. 3 í³ + px² + qx+r=0 ƒ₁ (x) = x³-qx, ƒ₂ (x) = px² — r, ƒ¸ (x) = (pq − r) x, 3 f(x) = (pq-r) r. The necessary conditions are that must all be positive. P, pq —r and r Ex. 2. Express the corresponding conditions for the bi- quadratic x²+px³+qx²+rx + s = 0, f(x) = x* ƒ₂ (x) = px³ ƒ, (x) = (pq − r) x² · ƒ₁ (x) = {(pq − r) r — p²s} x, f(x)=(pq-r) r — p's} ps. - qx² + 8,. — rx, -ps, } 28 [CHAP. CONDITIONS OF STABILITY The conditions are that P, pq − r, (pq − r) r — p³s and s must be all positive. These are evidently equivalent to the five conditions that p, q, r, s, (pq − r) r — p²s, should be all positive. In both these examples all the numerical work has been exhibited. X P₁ should 7. Since the coefficients of the highest powers of x in f(x) and and f(x) are p, and p, we see that the condition that p. have the same sign is included in the general statement that all the coefficients of the highest powers should have the same sign. If the function f(x) be of n dimensions we thus obtain n necessary and sufficient conditions. On examining these conditions in the cases of the cubic and biquadratic it will be seen that they cannot be satisfied if any one of the coefficients of the given equation should be negative. 8. Although the theorem in its present form gives n conditions as the proper number for an equation of the nth degree, yet it is. important to notice that it gives other conditions also which are true and may be useful. It has been shown in the second Chapter that all the coefficients of the equation f(x) = 0 must be positive, hence the roots of f(x)=0 must all be positive. It may be shown also, that the roots of each of the functions f(x), ƒ₂(x), &c. are separated by the roots of the function next below it in order. Hence the roots of all these functions must be positive, and there- fore in every one of the functions the coefficients of all the must be alternately positive and negative and not one vanish. If however f(x) and f(x) have one or more common factors some of the functions f(x), f(x), &c. will wholly vanish. 2 powers can 9. When the degree of the equation is very considerable there is some labour in the application of the rule given in Art. 5. The objection is that we only want the terms in the first column, and to obtain these we have to write down all the other columns. We shall now investigate a method of obtaining each term in the first column from the one above it without the necessity of writing down any expression except the one required. We notice that each function is obtained from the one above it by the same process. Now n-2 ƒ₁(x) = Þ¸x” — P₂x¹−² + Þ¸xˆ¯¹ — ….. X = x”¯ f(x)=(P₁P₂-P3) x˜¯² — (P‚P、—PP3)x”−4+….. 2 • III.] DERIVED ONE FROM ANOTHER. 29 The first and second lines will be changed into the second and third lines by writing for Por the values P₁ P₁ P2 P3 &c. P₁P2-POP3' Py 4 P₁P₁- PP, &c. If then in any term of any function we make these changes, we obtain the corresponding term of the function next in order. 10. Example. Express the conditions of stability for the quintic We have ƒ₁(x) =Р¸x³ + ... ƒ₂(x) = P₁x² + ... ƒg(x) = (P₁P₂ — PoP3) x³, ƒ₁(x) = {(P₁P₂— PoP3)P 3 — P₁ (P₁₁ — PoPs)} x², 2 4 ƒ¿(x) = [{(P₁P₂— P¸P3)P¸ — P₁(P₁P₁— P¸Ps)} (P₁₁ — PPs) 2 - 4 - (P₁P₂-PoP3)2 · ps] x, f(x) = [{(P₁P₂ — PoPs) Ps — P₁ (P₁₁— PPs)} (P₁P₁ — PoPs) 4 − (P₁₂ — PoŸ³)² · Ps] (P₁₂ — PoP3)P¸• (P1P 2 # 11. On examining the conditions as given in the cases of a biquadratic and quintic it will be apparent that several contain the previous conditions as factors. Thus the analytical expressions are rendered much longer than is necessary. It is now proposed to investigate a method of discovering and omitting these extraneous factors as they occur, and thus obtaining the required conditions in their simplest forms. Let the coefficients of the several powers of x in the functions be when taken positively f(x)=Po P2 P₁ P6 Pε ... ƒ₂(x) = Pv P3 P59 Pr... ƒ¸(x) = A, A', A", A"... f₁(x) = B, B', B", B'".. B'" ... &c. &c. 1 .. 30 EXTRANEOUS FACTORS * .. [CHAP. Let us first find which of these terms contain p₁ as a factor. Putting p₁ = 0 and using the rule in Art. 5, the series become Po P2 P₁ Pε 0, P3, P5, Pr -Pops, -PoP5 - PoPr -PoPe 2 - PoP3², -PoPsPs - PoP3P - POP3P9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &c. : : : : : 2 P₁ as Hence the C's and D's all vanish and therefore contain a factor. By the rule in Art. 5, the E's contain p², the F's con- tain p³, the G's p₁5, the H's p, and so on. Pi, But since each line is formed from the preceding by a uniform. rule, it follows that the D's and E's contain A as a factor, the F's contain 42, the G's contain A³, the H's contain A5, and so on. The factor A in the D's and E's has its origin in the factor p、 which occurs in the C's and D's and would not appear if that factor had been omitted when the C's and D's were formed. The factor A in the D's and E's in the same way gives rise to the factor B in the E's and F's. So that if we take care each time we perform the process described in Art. 9 to omit the common factor P₁ whenever it occurs, all these subsequent factors will never make their appearance. We shall now show that if these factors are omitted, the dimensions of the nth function f(x) will be n n-1 2 First consider the actual dimensions of each function before the factors are omitted. If we examine the rule by which each function is derived from the preceding, it will become evident that, the dimensions of each letter being indicated by its suffix, the dimensions of any function are equal to the sum of the two pre- ceding +2. In the following table the first column indicates the function. In the second column will be found the dimensions of the leading coefficient of that function when calculated by the rule in Art. 5. In the third column will be found the dimensions as given by the formula n n 2 1 In the remaining columns are the dimensions of the extraneous factors p,, A, B, &c. introduced into each term. III.] 31 DISCOVERED. f(x) 0 0 f₂ (x) 1 1 3 fs (x) 3 3 fs (x) 6 6 f(x) 11 11 10 1 f(x) 19 15 1 3 f(x) 32 21 2 3 6 f(x) 53 - 28 3 6 6 6 10 f(x) 87 36 10 5 9 12 10 15 &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. Each term in the second column is the sum of the two terms just above it +2. The nth term in the third column is equal to the term just above it + (n − 1). In all the other columns each term is the sum of the two terms just above it. The last term in the nth row is equal to the (n-3)th term in the third column. We wish to show that any term in the second column is equal to the sum of all the terms in the same row to the right of that term. It is not difficult to show from the data just given that if this be true for any two adjacent rows, it is true for all the others, and hence we may assume it to be always true. It is clear that these extraneous factors may be omitted since by the conditions already expressed they are all positive. When omitted as they occur, the dimensions of the nth function has just been shown to be n n-1. It is easy to see that the conditions 2 thus reduced must contain the terms P1 PiP 2 P1P 2P 3 P1P 2P 3P 4 &c. P1P2P3 P4 P5 P6. (1), Now if we take any one of these as and operate by the rule in Art. 9, we have - (P₁P₂— PoP3)P3 (P₁₁— PoPs)Ps(P₁Pc6 — PoP1)Pr 2 which contains the term P₁P2P 3P1P4 P5 P1P6 P7··· .(2). Thus we have Ρι introduced as often as there is a factor in (1) with an odd suffix. But it should be introduced only once. These extra p,'s are the extraneous factors to be omitted. Each of these, if left, would appear as the factor p,P₂-Pop, in the next condition, and be still more complicated in the next after that. 2 3 י. 32. [CHAP. EXTRANEOUS FACTORS DISCOVERED. In order then to obtain the several conditions in their simplest form it is only necessary after performing the operation described in Art. 5 or Art. 9 to divide by p, where x is one less than the number of factors with odd suffixes in the condition operated on. K 12. Example. Express the conditions of stability for the sextic ƒ(x)=Р¸²x²+P₁x² +Р²x² +р²x²+Р4x² + рçx + P6 = 0. We have ƒ₁(x) = P₁x® + ... ƒ₂(x)=p₁x³+ ... 2 ƒ¸ (x) = (P₁P₂ — PoP3) x² + 3 · ….. 2 2 2 f(x) = (P₁P₂P3 — PP3² — P₁² P₁+PP、Ps) x² + ... 2 2 ƒs (x) = { P₁P₂ P3 P4 - Po P3 P₁ — P₁² 2 4 ²+2P P₁₁Ps - P₁P²² P s + P o P 2P 3P 5 P₁P²²P5+P0P₂P3P5 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 2 —Po³ P²²+P₁² P₂P¸—Р°P₁P¸P6} x² + ... 1 2 2 2 f(x) = [ P₁ P₂ P3 P4 P5 - Pop¸² P₁Ps - P₁² PÅ P₂+ 2р P₁P₁Pš² — P₁P²² P¸² 23. + PoP 2P 3P5 2 3 2 3 5 5 2 5 2 2 5 1 4 2 2 1 6 3 6 2 1 +PoP¸°P¸+P₁*P¿P₁P¸ − P₁³Î¸²] ≈ +&c. 3 6 1 6 ƒ, (x) = coefficient of x in ƒ x × by PË 6 3 13. In the preceding theory two reservations have been made. 1. In applying Cauchy's theorem it has been assumed that there were no radical points on the axis of y. 2. It has been assumed that P and Q have no common factor, so that none of the functions f₁, f, &c. vanish absolutely. 2 If any radical point lie on the axis of y, it is clear that f(z) = 0 must have a factor of the form (22+ a²)". Let f(z) = (x² + a²)" (z). In this case when we put z=y√ −1, we have f(z) = (a² — y²)" (P' + Q'√ − 1); .. P= (a² — y²)ˆ P'\ Q = (a² — y²)” Q'S Thus P and Q have a common factor, and we are warned of the possible existence of radical points on the contour by the total vanishing of some one of the functions f₁, f, fa, &c. The two reserved cases may therefore be included in one. If f(z) =0 be the equation furnished by dynamical considerations, we form the functions f₁, f₂, f₁, &c. If all these be finite, the question of the stability of the system has been answered. If any one vanish absolutely, f(x) and ƒ, (x) have a common measure, III.] 33 THE RESERVED CASES. and we must add some further considerations. It will be con- venient to examine separately the dynamical effect of the roots which do not and which do enter through the greatest common measure. Let us begin with the former. 14. Following the same notation as before, we have n-1 ƒ (z) = P₁₂" +P₁z"−1 + ... + Pn-1+Pn, P=±f₁(y)=Pn-Pn-23² + ......) Q = ±ƒ₂ (y) = Pn-1Y — Pn_3Y³ + If then ƒ (z) have two roots, viz. ±(h+k √ − 1), which are equal and opposite, then f(y) and f, (y) must have two common roots, viz. t h+k√ 1 √=1 The common measure therefore of ƒ (y) and f(y) contains all the roots of f(y√1) which are equal and opposite. Conversely the greatest common measure of P and Q is necessarily an even function of y, and if it be equated to zero, its roots are necessarily equal and opposite. These roots must also satisfy ƒ (y√ − 1) = 0. Let this greatest common measure be the highest power which enters into it. (y²) = 0, and let y² be Also let f ( ) = h ( - ) ¢ (z), then (2) is a function which, as has just been shown, has not got two roots equal and opposite, and to this function we may apply Cauchy's theorem without fear of failure. Putting z = y√ — 1, let $ (≈) = P' + Q' √ −1. P' Then we wish to express the condition that Q should change sign from N - and to through zero n2r times if n be even and + 2r 1 times if n be odd. But ƒ (y √ − 1) = P + Q √ − 1, ƒ (y√ − 1) = ↓ (y²) (P′ + Q' √ − 1); .. P=4 (y²) P Q = 4 (y²) Q'S • P' Thus the number of changes of sign in Q is exactly the same as that of P Q The factor (y²) will run through all the functions 2 ƒ₂ (y), fs (y), &c. obtained from f, (y) by a process which is equiva- lent to that of finding the greatest common measure of ƒ (y) and R. A. 3 34 [CHAP. EFFECT OF THE VANISHING f(y). The changes of sign of this factor will therefore not affect the number of variations of sign in the series f₁, f₂, ƒ3, &c. The last factor which is not zero is f₂+1-27 (y) if n be the dimen- sions of f₁ (y). Hence if we omit the considerations of the vanishing factors and apply the same rule as before to the n+1-2r remaining factors, we can express the condition that the proper number of changes of sign from - to + have been lost through zero in the function o (z), i.e. that the roots not given by the vanishing of f+1-2 are all of the character to ensure stability. 15. Let us next consider the effect on stability of the roots indicated by the absolute vanishing of one of the subsidiary func- tions. This function must be of the form n † (y²) = ¶¸y” — ¶₂yn−2+ where n is even. The corresponding factor of ƒ (z) is F' (z) = 9n +91-2²² +421 +..... The roots of this equation are two and two equal with opposite signs, it is therefore necessary for stability that no root should have any real part. To express this condition, draw a straight line parallel to the axis of y at an indefinitely short distance from it, viz. x = h. Let us apply, in the same manner as before, Cauchy's theorem to the contour formed by this straight line and the infinite semicircle on its positive side. Putting z=h+z′, we have 12 2 F(2) = qn + 29n_zhz' + In_qz¹² + 4qn_4hz'³ + ... The two functions are therefore, omitting the positive factor h, P = qn~ qn-2Y³ + În-¿Y* — &c., Q = 2qn-2Y — 4qn-4Y³ + &c. - Now f₁ (y) and f₂ (y) are what P and Q become when arranged in descending powers of y and the coefficients of their highest powers made to have the same sign. Hence ƒ₂ (y) = df (y) dy The rule described in Art. 4 will now become the same as that usually called Sturm's theorem. We are to seek the greatest common measure of ƒ (y) and its differential coefficient, and make the coefficients of the highest powers of y in these two and in the series of modified remainders all positive. * III.] OF A SUBSIDIARY FUNCTION. 35 That we should have been led to Sturm's theorem in this case is just what we might have expected. For to express the condi- tions that the roots of F (≈) = 9n+9n_2≈² + ¶n_12² + ... are all of the form tr√1 is the same thing as to express the conditions that the roots of are all real. In — In-23² + Ins²* — ... 0 16. There is however another mode of proceeding. Suppose we have calculated the functions f₁, f, &c. for the general equa- tion ƒ (z) = p₁₂"+p₁2"-1+... f and find when the values of p., P₁, &c. are substituted that some one function say f, of the series absolutely vanishes, and therefore also all the functions which follow it. Then operate on each of these vanishing functions with d Pn-1 d + 2pm-2 dpn n-2 dpn n-1 d + 3Pns dpm-2 +. repeating the operation until we obtain a result which is not zero. If we now replace these vanishing functions by these results we may apply the rule of Art. 4, just as if these were the functions supplied by the process of the greatest common measure. As this process is not so convenient as that already given it is unnecessary to consider it in detail*. of 17. As a numerical example, let us examine whether the roots f(x) = x²+ 2x² + 4x² + 4x³ + 6x* + 6x³ +7x² + 4x + 2 =0 satisfy the conditions of stability. In order to show the working of the method it will be necessary to exhibit all the numerical calculations. We have by Art. 5, - * The function ƒ, (x) vanishes because the equation ƒ (2)=0 has two roots equal and opposite. If we put z=2+h, where h is as small as we please, this peculiarity will disappear. Thus if the values of z are of the form ±(a±ẞ √√-1) the corre- sponding values of z' are h±a±ẞ√1. These values of z will indicate stability if a be zero and instability if a have any value positive or negative. If h be as small as we please and positive, the values of z' will indicate stability or instability under the same circumstances. We may therefore apply the rule of Art. 4 to the func- tion f (z+h) instead of ƒ (z), provided we retain only the lowest powers of h which occur. Hence all the functions f (x), ƒ₂ (x)…..ƒr-1(x) which do not vanish are unaltered. To find what function will replace fr (x) we must increase by h all the roots of ƒ (z)=0 when their signs have been changed. This may be effected by performing on ƒ (2) the operation represented by A in Art. 7. The rule in the text therefore follows from the one given in that article. R י ▸ · 1 3—2 36 [CHAP. EFFECT OF THE VANISHING ƒ₁(x) = x²-4x+6x* − 7x² + 2, ƒ₂(x) = 2x² - 4x³ + 6׳ — 4x, f(x)=4x-6x + 10x² - 4, f(x)=4x-4x³ +8x, ƒ¡ (x)=8x¹ — 8x²+16. Here we find f(x) to be absolutely zero, accordingly by Art. 15 we replace it by the differential coefficient of f (x), this being Sturm's rule. We have therefore f(x) = 8 (4x³ — 2x), ƒ, (x) = 8² (2x³ — 6), f(x)=-8³.20.x, f(x)=-85.120. We see that the two last of the coefficients of the highest powers are negative. The roots therefore do not satisfy the con- ditions of stability. As another example, take the equation Here ƒx = x² + x²+ 6x* + 5x³ + 11x² + 6x +6. ƒ₁ (x) = x® — 6x² + 11x² – 6, ƒ½ (x) = x* — 5x³ + 6x, f (x) = * _5 +6, ƒ₁ (x) = 0. - Replacing f (x) by the differential coefficient of f(x), we have f(x)=4x³-10x, ƒs (x) = 10x³ – 24x, f(x) = 4¹x, f(x) = 4.24. Here all the coefficients of the highest powers are positive, hence the roots satisfy the conditions of stability. It is clear that when the coefficients are numerical the rule given in Art. 5 is the most convenient, but when the coefficients are letters, the rule in Art. 9 will be found preferable. The process would be simplified by omitting the alternate posi- tive and negative signs of the terms in each line. { 1 III.] 37 OF A SUBSIDIARY FUNCTION. 18. It may be interesting to express the two subsidiary func- tions f¸ (x) and f (x) in terms of the roots of the given equation. Let a₁, α, α....a be the roots of the given equation f(x) = 0, so that n ƒ (x) = (x − α₁) (x − α) (x — α¸)……. n-1 = x²+P‚x”−¹+P₂x² + ... Then it is evident that ±ƒ₁ (∞ √ − 1) = x² +P₂²x²-² +P₁x²++ = † (x+α¸) (x+α₂) ... + ½ (x − α¸) (x − α) ….. It may be shown* that Σ · n-1 ±ƒ₂ (x√ = 1) = p,x−¹ + P¸x²-³ + ... 2 (α₁ + α₂) (α₁ +α¸) ……. (α₁ + αn) (α¸ — α½) (α¸ — α3) ……. (α1 — αn) 1 α₁ (x — α¸) ……. (x −ɑ„). 19. The following propositions are not necessary to the main argument, but as they illustrate geometrically the propositions in this chapter it has been considered proper to state them very briefly. The demonstrations will therefore be much curtailed. The equation being ƒ(z) =Pos” +P₂3”¯¹ + ... + Pm-1²+Pn = 0, we put as in Art. 1, z= x + y√—1, and thus obtain two curves, whose equations expressed in polar co-ordinates are P=p。r" cos ne+p¸¹ cos (n − 1) 0 + ... = 0) 1 Q=p¸r" sin n0+ p¸²-¹ sin (n − 1) 0 +... =0) These intersect in the radical points of the equation f(z) =0. 20. If we trace these curves we find that the curve P=0 has n asymptotes whose directions are given by cos n✪ = 0, i.e. Ө 17 N 2 3 п 5 π n2' n 2 * Let us assume -3 - 2 - P₁xn−1+Р²x²¬³+ &c. = A₁ (x − a₂)…….(x − αn) +A₂ (x — α₁)……. (x − αn) + &c., where A1, 4,, &c. are constants whose values have to be found. Putting x=a1, we have P₁ª¸”−¹+Р¸ªïñ−³+&c. =▲1 (α1− α₂)…….(α1 ~ an). x²+P₁x-1+... (x -α) (x -α₂)... (x — an), But since n-1 we have by putting xa, and x= −α₁ n n-1 a₁₂"+p₁₂"-¹+...=0, n n-1 a₁"—p₁a₁"-¹+...=2α₁ (α₁+α₂)... (α₂+am). 1 Subtracting the second of these results from the first we find A, to have the value given in the text. 38 [CHAP. GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATION. These asymptotes all pass through the same point on the axis of x, viz, x=- P₁. It is also clear that only one branch of the 1 про · curve can go to each end of an asymptote. Similar remarks apply to the curve Q= 0, the directions of its asymptotes being given by sin no = 0, i.e. 0=0, 2π 4 π 6 п n 2 ni 2 n 2' ** 21. From these simple propositions we might, if it were worth while, deduce that every equation must have a root. The asymptotes of the two curves P=0, Q=0 are alternate, and no two branches of the same curve can approach the same end of an asymptote. By sketching a figure, it may be easily shown that some branch of the P curve must cut some branch of the Q curve. 22. Let us next consider the intersections of the curves P=0, Q=0. If we transform the origin to h, k, we put x = h + §, y = k + n. This is the same as expanding ƒ (h + k √ − 1 + § +n√−1), and collecting into two parcels the real and imaginary terms. Let the expansion be A¸ + A¸ (§ + n √ − 1) + A¸ (§ + n √ − 1)² + ... 1 η where A,4,... are of the form c (cos a + sin a √-1). If we put § + n√− 1 = r (cos 0 + sin ✪ √—I), we have P=c¸cos α +c‚r cos (0 + a₁) + cr²³ cos (20 + a½) + Q=c, sin x + c₁r sin (0 +α¸) + c¸r² sin (20+a₂) + If the point (h, k) be a point of intersection c₁ = 0. If the inter- section be a double point on either curve, the terms of the first degree must be zero, therefore c=0, and the origin is therefore a double point on the other curve also. It is not difficult to show that if the intersection be a multiple point of any degree of multiplicity on one curve, it is a point of the same degree of multiplicity on the other curve. The tangents to these branches all make equal angles with each other, the tangents to the P and Q curves being alternate as we travel round the point of intersection. If the intersection be not a multiple point on either curve, the branches cut at right angles. Let us travel round a point of intersection along the circum- ference of a small circle whose centre is the point of intersection in the direction in which is measured. Then it may be shown that as we pass from a P curve to a Q curve, P and Q have . III.] 39 GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATION. N ་ 1 opposite signs, and as we pass from a Q curve to a P curve the same sign. This is in fact merely Cauchy's rule for the changes of sign of P Q when we travel round a radical point. 23. Let us express the condition that there is no radical point on the positive side of the axis of y. This is the geometrical illustration of Art. 2. 2n Draw a circle of infinite radius, and let it cut the asymptotes of the P curve in P₁, P₂, P¸,...P and the asymptotes of the Q curve in Q1, Q2... Qn These points alternate with each other. Taking only those points which lie on the positive side of the axis of y, the P and Q curves may be said to begin at these points and are to intersect each other only on the negative side of the axis of y. The branches of the two curves must therefore remain alternate with each other throughout the space on the positive side of the axis of y. Their points of intersection with the axis of y must be also alternate, and hence if we put x=0, in the equations P=0, Q=0, and regard them as equations to find y the roots of each must separate the roots of the other. Conversely, we may show that if the intersections of the two branches are alternate on the axis of y, they cannot have intersected on that side of the axis of y on which the common intersection of all the asymptotes is not. This is the result arrived at in Art. 2. 24. The following diagrams exhibit the forms of the curve P=0, Q=0 for a biquadratic. The dotted lines represent the asymptotes. མ་་ Q3 1 1 ་ Q 6 PA~- P vë qit me the mat Q Pq Qy A biquadratic with four imaginary roots. P₁ вых 40 [CHAP. GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATION. PA Q5 P QUA ad R Q₂ Qs P PB Q1 Q & P A biquadratic with equal imaginary roots. 25. [If z=x+y=1, we have ƒ(z) = P+ Q√ −1. Differentiating with respect, firstly to x and secondly to y, we ƒ (2) = √x + di dPdQ=1 dx dx find dQ dP f'(x) = dy dy dP dQ d Q √-1 dP and ; so that both dy It easily follows that de dx dy dx the functions P and Q satisfy the equation d² V d² V + 2 dy² dx² = = 0. 2 + The equation f(z) = 0 gave us two curves which we have called P=0 and Q=0. In the same way the derived equation ƒ'(z) = 0 will give us two other curves, which we may represent by P and Q'=0. These we may call the derived P and Q curves. 0 If as in Art. 22 we transform the origin to the point (h, k) we have P' = c₁ cos α, +2c₂r cos (+α₂) + 3c,² cos (20+α) + ... 1 Q' =c₁ sin à +2c,r sin (0 + α₂) + 3c¸‚² sin (20 + α¸) + ….. If the origin be at a point of intersection of the curves P=0, P'=0 which is not a double point on the first of these curves, we III.] 41 GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATION. have c, cos α= 0 and cos a₁ == 0 and cos a₁ = 0. Hence the tangent to the curve P=0 at the point of intersection is parallel to the axis of x. Conversely if we move the origin to any point on the curve P=0 at which the tangent is parallel to the axis of x, we find that the curve P=0 passes through the origin. Hence the derived P curve passes through all those points on the curve P = 0 at which the tangent is parallel to the axis of x, and all those points on the curve Q=0 at which the tangent is parallel to the axis of y. In the same way the derived Q curve passes through those points on the curve Q = 0 at which the tangent is parallel to the axis of x, and those points on the curve P=0 at which the tangent is parallel to the axis of y. Ο 1. If c, cos α= 0, and c₁ =0, the origin is a double point on the curve P=0 and the origin also lies on both the curves P' =0, Q'=0. So that both the derived curves cut the curves P=0 and Q=0 in their double points. In other words, these double points are radical points for the derived equation f'(z) = 0. In the same way, any multiple point on either curve is a multiple point of one degree less multiplicity on both the derived curves. If a finite straight line AB be drawn parallel to the axis of x joining two points A, B on the same or on different branches of the curve P=0, this finite straight line must cut one or more branches of the derived P curve. For it is clear that if P vanishes dP dx at A and B, P' which is equal to cannot keep one sign between A and B, and must therefore vanish somewhere between A and B. If A and B be adjacent points, i.e. if there be no other points between A and B belonging to the curve P = 0, then the straight line AB must cut an odd number of branches of the derived P curve. In the same way if a straight line CD be drawn parallel to the axis of y joining two adjacent points on a derived curve, this straight line must also cut an odd number of branches of a derived P curve between C and D. By considering a tangent as the limit of secant, it again follows that if a tangent be drawn to the curve P=0 parallel to the axis of x, the derived P curve must pass through the point of contact. Let R be a radical point on the derived curve f(z) = 0, and let it not be a double point on either of the curves P=0, Q=0. Let a straight line be drawn from R in any direction cutting the branches of either of the curves P=0, Q=0 in the points A,, A2, Then we may show that &c. 1 RA, + 1 1 RA,+RA¸ 2 + &c. = 0, so that the polar line of R with regard to either of the curves P=0, Q=0 is at infinity. 42 [CHAP. DYNAMICAL ILLUSTRATION. The positions of the radical points of the derived equation ƒ (z) = 0 relatively to any branch or branches of the curves P=0, Q=0 may be found by the use of Cauchy's theorem. If the point spoken of in Art. I travel along a branch of the curve P=0, P' dy If it travel along a branch of the Q dx it is easy to see that P' curve Q=0 we have dx Q' dy If then any contour be partly. bounded by branches of these curves, the simplest inspection of the points at which the tangents are parallel to the axis will determine the changes of sign of as it passes through zero. P' Q If another part of the contour be an arc of a circle of infinite radius whose centre is the origin, the changes of sign through zero will be from + to — and their number will be indicated by the number of asymptotes of the derived P curve which cut the arc.] 26. The use of Watt's Governor in the steam engine is too well known to need description. It has however, as commonly used, a great defect. It is sometimes of importance that the engine should continue to work at the same rate notwithstanding great changes in the resistances. Suppose the load suddenly diminished, the engine works quicker, the balls diverging cut off the steam, and the engine, after a time, again works uniformly, but at a different rate from before. The balls as they open out or close in are usually made to describe circles. Let them now be constrained to describe some other curve which we may afterwards choose so as to correct the above defect. If this curve be a parabola and the balls be treated as particles, it is clear from very elemen- tary considerations that these will be in relative equilibrium only when the engine works at a given rate. This principle is due to Huyghens, see Astronomical Notices, December, 1875. It is now proposed to determine the condition of stable oscillation about a state of steady motion. Two equal rods AB, AB are attached at A by hinges to a small ring which can slide smoothly along a vertical axis. The ring is attached by a rod to the valve and can thus govern the amount of steam admitted. Two equal balls are attached at B and B', and the centre of gravity G of the rod AB and the ball B is constrained to describe some curve. To represent the inertia of the engine we shall suppose a horizontal fly-wheel attached to the vertical axis whose moment of inertia about the axis is I. Let the excess of the action of the steam over the resistance of the load be represented by some couple whose moment about the vertical axis is f(0), where is the inclination of the rod AG to the vertical, and f is a function which depends on the construction of III.] 43 WATT'S GOVERNOR. the engine. Since the steam is cut off when the balls open out, it is clear that df (0) do is negative. There may be also some resistances which vary with the velocity. Let these be represented by a couple B аф attending to retard the motion round the vertical axis and a couple round A in do dt' the plane BAB equal to mC where is the angle the vertical plane BAB' makes with a fixed vertical plane. Let m be the mass of either sphere and rod; k the radius of gyration about an axis through G perpendicular to the rod, and k that about the rod, let 7= AG. Then the equation of angular momentum gives d I аф dt (1 dp dt 2 2 12 – pḍp + 2m (le² + 1ª sin³0 + k³ cosº 0) de} = ƒ (0) — B dt dt аф =n, and let the dt do oscillations be represented by = a +∞, n+y. We have then dt Let the steady motion be given by 0 = a, ƒ(0) =ƒ(a) +ƒ' (a) x, f(a) = Bn. The equation then reduces to dy dx {I + 2m (k² + l³ sin² a + k²² cos² a)} 12 dt + 2m (1² + k² − k’²) sin 2an dt =ƒ' (a) x — By. This equation may be briefly written 2 A dt dy + By + E dx + Fx =0. dt Let z be the altitude of G above some fixed horizontal plane. Then if T be the semi vis viva 12 12 2T=Ip”² + 2m {(k² + l²) sin²0+k'² cos²0} p²² + 2mk²0'² cos"0} 2 dz + 2m {(de)" + 5 cos' 0} 0". If U be the force function, omitting the couple of resistance, we have U=-2mgz. The virtual moment of the couples of resistance being 2m C0'80, the Lagrangian equation of motion becomes ༣ d dT dT dU 2mC0. dt de do de : · 44 [СНАР. III. DYNAMICAL ILLUSTRATION. ī Substituting for T and U we have when the motion is steady n² dz (+kk sin cos 0 = 9 do' na 2g — (1² + k² — k²²) sin³ 0 = z. Since 7 sin is the distance of G from the vertical axis, we see that the path of G must be a parabola. The semi latus rectum is 2 gr n² (l² + k² − k'²) › which, we notice, is independent of the radius of the balls. The length of this latus rectum must of course be adjusted to suit the particular rate at which the engine is intended to work. When the system is oscillating about the state of steady motion we have, putting 2 a² = 1² + ¹¹²½ (1² + k² — k´²)² sin² a, n¹ g² and rejecting the squares of x and y, (k² + a² cos² a) d2x dx +C dt² dt · (1² + k² — k'²) sin 2any = 0. The term x, it will be noticed, has disappeared from the equation. This equation may be briefly written in the form d²x H dt хобс dt Ly = 0. Eliminating y from the equations of motion we have d³x dt³ AH +(AC+BH) d'x dt² dx +(BC+EL) + FLx=0. dt The coefficients are all positive, the necessary and sufficient condition of stability is therefore (AC+BH)(BC+ EL)> AFHL. In some clocks to which Watt's Governor is applied, there is a special arrangement which causes C to be much greater than B. See the Astronomical Notes, XI., 1851, and the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society, Vol. XX. Neglecting therefore B, we have CE> FH. :. 2Cmn (ľ² + k²³ – k²) sin 21 > F(k² + a³ cos³ a). ་י CHAPTER IV. Formation of the equations of steady motion and of small oscillation where Lagrange's method may be used. Arts. 1-5. The equations being all linear the conditions of stability are expressed by the character of the roots of a determinantal equation of an even order. Art. 6. Mode of expanding the determinant. Art. 7. A method of finding the proper co-ordinates to make the coefficients of the Lagrangian function constant. Arts. 8-10. How the Harmonic oscillations about steady motion differ from those about a position of equilibrium. The forces which cause the difference are of the nature of centrifugal forces produced by an imaginary rotation about a fixed straight line. Arts. 11-19. Reduction of the fundamental determinant to one of fewer rows by the elimination of all co-ordinates which do not appear except as differential coefficients in the Lagrangian function; with an example. Arts. 20-23. Formation of the equations of Motion and of the determinant when the geometrical equations contain differential coefficients, so that Lagrange's method cannot be used; with an example. Arts. 24—27. 1. Let the system be referred to any co-ordinates §, n, §, &c. The general expression for the kinetic energy is T = 1 P§¹² + Q&'n' + ... where P, Q, &c. are known functions of §, n, s, &c. and accents have their usual meaning. Let us suppose the system to have some motion represented by =ƒ(t), n= F(t), &c. and when disturbed, we wish to find the oscillations about this motion. To effect this, we put §=ƒ (t)+0, n = F(t) +¢, &c. 1 ་ 46 [СНАР. THE DETERMINANTAL EQUATION. ་ན } where 0, 4, &c. are all small quantities. Substituting and expand- ing T in powers of 0, 4, &c., we find T= T¸+ A¸0 + A₂O + ….. +B‚0′ +B„Ó' + ... 1 +† (A„ز +2A₁₂0¢ + …..) 11 12 + ½ (B„ع² + 2B¿¿Ø'&' + ...) 12 +С„ØØ′ +С₁ØÞ' + С₂0'¤ + ... + &c. 12 21 In the same way we may make an expansion for the Potential Energy of the forces, viz. V=E+E¸0+E₂$+ +1 (E„0² + 2E„„,00 + …..), 11 12 when these two functions are given the whole dynamical system and the forces are known; and we may form the equations of motion by Lagrange's method. 2. We shall here however limit the question by supposing that the motion about which the system is oscillating is what has been called in Chap. I. steady. The analytical peculiarity of such a motion is that when referred to proper co-ordinates, every coeffi- cient in each of these two series is constant, i.e. independent of t. As already explained the physical peculiarities are that the vis viva is constant throughout the steady motion and the same oscil- lations follow from the same disturbance at whatever instant it may be applied to the motion. A method of discovering the proper co-ordinates, if unknown, will be given a little further on. 3. In order to form the equations of motion we must now substitute in Lagrange's equations i d dT dt de dr dv dT dTdV + do do 0, &c. = 0, rejecting all the squares of small quantities. The steady motion being given by 0, 0, &c. all zero, each of these must be satisfied when we omit the terms containing 0, 4, &c. We thus obtain the equations of steady motion, viz. A₁ = E₁, A₂ = E₂, 2 21 &c. = &c. IV.] 47 THE DETERMINANTAL EQUATION. These equations may be simply formed in any case by the following rule. Putting LT-V, so that L is the difference between the kinetic and potential energies, expand L in powers of the co-ordinates 0, 4, &c. regarding e', ', &c. as zero. The required Ꮎ . relations are obtained by equating the coefficients of the first powers to zero. This rule may be also expressed thus. Let L be the general expression for the excess of the kinetic energy over the potential energy of a dynamical system in terms of its n co-ordinates E, n, &c. Let this system be moving in steady motion with constant dę dn &c.* Then substituting these constant values in values of dt' dt' the general expression for L, the relations between the constants of steady motion are given by dL dL 0, dé dn 0, &c. In this way we obtain in general as many equations as there are co-ordinates. Usually the coefficients in the expression for T are constant because some of the co-ordinates are constant in the state of steady motion, and the other co-ordinates appear in the expressions for T and V only as differential coefficients. In such cases we have clearly fewer equations than co-ordinates to con- nect the constants of steady motion. We have then a system of possible steady motions which we may conveniently term parallel steady motions. 4. To obtain the equations to the oscillatory motion, we retain the first powers of 0, p, &c. We thus obtain a series of equations of which the following is a specimen : (B+E) 0 + B {B №2 d 12 dt² + (C21—C12) dt A12+ E22 12 d2 d + B₁ 313 t² + (C31 - C'13) - A13+ E dt 13 зва +... = 0. To solve these we write 0 = Memt, = M₂emt, = Memt, &c. 1 2 3 Substituting we obtain on eliminating the ratios M, M₂: M, &c. a determinantal equation, viz. * Since we may in Art. 1 change the co-ordinates from έ, n, §, &c. to §1, N1, Š1, &c., where §=ƒ (§₁) n=F(n₁) &c., it is clear that the steady motion can be always expressed by constant values of the differential coefficients of the co-ordinates. 48 [CHAP. THE DETERMINANTAL EQUATION. ¡ 2 2 12 В₁m² - A₁₂+E₁₂ 11 11 B₁m²-A13+ E13 + (C31 — C13) m &c. B₁m² - A₁₂+ E22 -(C21-C12) m В₁m² — А13+Е18 | — (C91 — C13) m tion. 31 J &c. +(C21 − C12) m В„m³ − A„+E„ 2 -23 В¸m² - А„+E∞ — (C½½ — C₂) m 32 &c. 2 B₂m² - A2+E 23 +(C32 − C23) m 23 &c. =0. Вm² - A+E &c. 33 &c. &c. This equation will be referred to as the Determinantal equa- 5. If we refer to the equation formed by this determinant and read it in horizontal lines, we have of course the several equations of motion, each term being the coefficient of 0, p, r, &c. in order. In this form the equations may be reproduced by the following easy rule. Taking the expression for TV as given in Art. 1, let us consider only the terms of the second order, those of the first having been already used to determine the steady motion as ex- plained in Art. 3. Separate from the rest, the even powers of è, e', p, p', &c. and write for 0', 'p', &c. — D²0², — D³0p, &c., so - that D will stand either for or for the m in the determinant d dt 1 of Art. 4, when we write = Mem², = M₂em, &c. Let the sum of these terms be called P, so that 1 11 11 11 12 12 12 P = (A - E₁ - B₁D²) 0² + (A₁₂-E₁₂- B₁₂D²) 06 + &c. Let the remaining portion of the terms of T- V, viz. those con- taining both 0, 4, &c. and e', p', &c., be called Q, so that Q= С'„ØØ' + С'₁₂06′ + C₂80' + 11 12 21 Then the several equations may be formed from the rule dP dQ + do de dPdQ + аф аф D d Q do = 0 d Q D 0 do &c. = 0 In applying this rule no accented letters will occur except in the second term of each equation. If we wish D to stand for m IV.] 49 THE DETERMINANTAL EQUATION. in the determinant, we must regard 0, p', &c. as abbreviations for De, Do, &c. If we wish to use the equations themselves, we replace D0, D4, &c. by e', f', &c. [The determinant may also be found by another rule. Taking as before only the terms of the second order in the Lagrangian function L=T-V, let us separate the terms of the form Q = С'₁₂ØØ' + С'₁₂0$' + C₂0'$ + &c. 11 12 21 In the remaining terms put 'Om √ − 1, 6' = pm √−1, and so on, and write down the discriminant. If the system oscillates about a position of equilibrium the terms represented by Q are absent and the discriminant thus formed will be the determinantal equation giving the required values of m. But if the system oscillate about a state of steady motion we must modify the dis- criminant by adding some quantity derived from Q to each term. To find this, write above the columns e', ', &c. and before the rows 0, 4, &c. Consider any term, say the term in the column ' and row 0. We must add to that term (C12 - C21) m, where C C₁₁ is the excess of the coefficient of p'e above the coefficient 40' in the expression for Q. Since the determinant is un- changed by writing -m for m, we may, if preferred, add the excess of the coefficient of e' above the coefficient of Op' provided we adhere to one order throughout.] 12 of 21 6. If in the determinantal equation we write -m for m, the rows of the new determinant are the same as the columns of the old, so that the determinant is unaltered. When expanded, we shall have an equation which contains only even powers of m. The condition of dynamical stability is that the roots of this equation should be all of the form m = ±B√−1. If we write m²-p3, the roots of the transformed equation must be all real. In the case of equal roots of the form m=√1, it has been shown in Art. 5 of Chap. I. that it is necessary for stability that the proper number of minors in this determinant should vanish. If there be two equal roots, these roots must make all the first minors zero; if three equal roots, all the first and second minors must vanish, and so on. 7. When the system depends on many co-ordinates the labour of expanding this determinant is often considerable. Methods of evading this in certain cases will be given in the following chap- R. A. 4 1 50 [CHAP. EXPANSION OF THE DETERMINANT. } ters. But when the development is necessary we may proceed in the following manner. Let the determinant be written 12 2 2 11 B₁m² + α11 B₁₂m² +α19 + Fom 12 B₁₂m² +α12 + F₂m 22 B₂m² + α22 &c. and let 21 2 B₁₂m² +α13 13 Figm + F₁₂m B₂m² +α23 23 + Fm &c. 专 ​02 &c. B = B₁₂12 + B₁₂00 + ..., a 11 02 a = α11 2 F-F qp* + α₁₂0$+….., We know that the determinant when expanded is of an even order, hence all odd powers of m must finally vanish. Let us expand the determinant in powers of the F's. The first term is the discriminant of Bm²+a, this term is independent of the F's. The terms which contain the first powers of the F's are obtained by erasing any one line of this discriminant and replacing it by the corresponding F terms. But these terms all vanish and we need not describe them minutely. The terms containing the products and squares of the F's may be obtained by erasing every two lines of the discriminant and replacing them by the corre- sponding F terms. Thus if we erase the two first lines we have the determinant 12 12 F,m 0 0 - F₁₂m 13 23 23 33 &c. &c. Fm 13 118m &c. Fm 23 &c. &c. &c. and so on for all the other rows taken two and two. The terms which contain the cubes and all odd powers of the F's vanish, while the terms which contain the fourth powers may be obtained by erasing four lines of the discriminant and replacing them by the corresponding F's. When the determinant has been expanded, we have an equa- tion of an even order to find the values of m. We may therefore employ the short method of Art. 5, Chap. III., to obtain the Sturmian functions. 8. Necessary and sufficient tests of the stability of the motion of a system of bodies are given in the preceding pages. But it • IV.] 51 DETERMINATION OF STEADY CO-ORDINATES. is assumed, as explained in Art. 2, that the co-ordinates have been properly chosen. They are supposed to have been so chosen that the coefficients in the expanded Lagrangian function are all constants. When this is not the case we must discover the proper co-ordinates to which the system must be referred before we can apply the test of stability. But when the motion is steady this is not difficult. There are obviously many such systems of co-ordinates, and one set may generally be found by a simple examination of the steady motion. If there are any quantities which are constant during the steady motion, they will often serve for some of the co-ordinates. Others may be found by considering what quan- tities appear only as differential coefficients or velocities. Practi- cally these will be the most convenient methods of discovering proper co-ordinates, since no further change will then be necessary and we may at once form the determinant of stability. But if these methods fail we may adopt the following analytical method of transforming (where possible) the general Lagrangian function with variable coefficients into one with constant coefficients. 9. Let the Lagrangian function be L = L₂+ ø0 + A„$+ &c. + B₂0' + B„$' + &c. + ½ Äز + A₁₂0¤ + ... 11 + ½ B„ز + B₁₂¤ ¤' + ... 11 12 +С„ØØ′ +С'₁0¤' + С'₂¶0' + ... 11 12 21 where the coefficients are all functions of t and the co-ordinates 0, 4, &c. have been so chosen as to vanish along the steady motion. We have therefore for the steady motion d 1 B₁ — A₁ = 0, dt 1 &c. = 0. The oscillations about the steady motion are given by the terms of the second order. Our present object is to transform these to others with constant coefficients by the following substi- tutions: Ө 0 = p₁x+p₂y +p3²+ &c., $ = q₁x+Q₂Y +93% + &c., &c. = &c., where the p's, q's, &c. are functions of the time at our disposal. Substituting and equating the coefficients of x, y², &c. to unity, we have as many equations of the form 2 ½ B„Þ² + ½ В„q² + B₁₂pq + ... = 1 22 12 1.... (1) 4-2 + 1 52 [CHAP. DETERMINATION OF as there are co-ordinates. Equating the coefficients of the pro- n-1 2 ducts x'y', x'z', &c. to zero we get n equations of the form B₁1 P1 P2 + B 229 192 + B 12 (P192 + P₂91) + ... = 0......... (2), supposing that there are n co-ordinates. Equating to the constants a,, a,,... the coefficients of xx', yy', &c. having subtracted the differential coefficients of (1) we have n equations of the form (C₁₁ — — B₁₁') p² + (C22—1 B22) q² + (C12+ C21-B12) pq+...=α... (3). 11 11 Adding the coefficients of xy' and x'y and subtracting the differential coefficients of (2) we have n equations of the form 11 2 n-1 2 ૧૬.શે (2011 - B₁₁) P₁P₂+ (2022 — B22') 1192) + (C12+ C21-B12')(P192 +P₂91) + ... ) 0…………….. (4). =0.. Equations (1), (2) and (4) give n² equations to find the n quantities p₁₂, &c., 192, &c. P₁P27 purely geometrical problem. The solution of these equations is a If we construct the two quadrics 2 — ½ B₁0² + B¸²+B „0$ + ... = 1, 11 12 (С11 − †B′11) 0² + (C½ − 1 B′½½) þ² + (C12+ C₂1 − B 12) 0$ + 22 21 = 1, = and refer them to their common conjugate diameters, by writing 0 = р₁x + p₂y +... $=q₁x + q₂Y + ... &c. = &c., making the first quadric to become what we may call a sphere by projection; the values of p,p,, &c., 219, &c. thus found are the values required to make some of the coefficients in the Lagrangian function become constant. These values must of course make all the other coefficients of the second order in the Lagrangian function constants also, and thus we have n (n + 1) analytical conditions that the motion should be steady. It might be supposed that greater generality would be obtained by replacing the zero's of equations (2) and (4) or the unities of (1) by arbitrary constants. This may be convenient in practice, but as we know that by a subsequent real change with constant values of pip, &c., 419,, &c., we can render them zero or unity, it simplifies the argument to perform the two transformations at once. IV.] 53 STEADY CO-ORDINATES. 10. The geometrical problem just alluded to admits of a real solution whenever one quadric can be projected by a real projection into a sphere. The problem then becomes that of finding the principal axes of the other. This is just our case, since the ex- pression 1B,0 + 8,,6 Ꮬ + 12 is necessarily positive for all values of 'p'. It is unnecessary to describe here the mode of solving this problem. It is sufficient to say that it may be reduced to the solution of the symmetrical determinantal equation 11 11, ВË-λDË B12-XD12 12 22 DË— λD12 D2-ND 22 -- |=0, where D1, D12, &c. are the coefficients of 02, 04, &c. in the second of the quadrics. The roots of this equation are known to be real when the suppositions just mentioned are satisfied. 11. In order to examine the fundamental determinant in Art. 4 a little more closely, let us suppose it reduced to depend on three co-ordinates. We may then have the advantage of a geo- metrical analogy. Let the co-ordinates be n,, and let the equations of motion be written d2 d2 B 12 dť² A12 d (B. & − 4,) € + (” '11 at² B₁₂ d² A '12 dt² d +G B₁s d² '13 at² - - F dt d dt A, A, 12 13 § - G d² dt ď² B. A₁ - 13 dt² 13 +( § + (BA) + & + B 22 d² 23 dt² d η 22 A 23 193 + E at +F d =0, = 0, dt d² B 23 at² A 28 3=0, d -Ea dt d² 5 | n + (B₂s - Ass) $ = 0. ")+( 33 dt² 33 Let a geometrical point P move in space so that its co-or- dinates referred to any axes are §, n, . Then the position and motion of the point exactly give us the position and motion of the system. 12. Looking at the equations of motion just written down we see that they are similar to those which give the oscillations of a 1 ་ 54 [CHAP. THE REPRESENTATIVE PARTICLE. system about a position of equilibrium, but that there are in addition terms E dn, Fd, &c. The general effect of these terms, dt, Ends dť as will appear from what follows in the subsequent chapter, is to increase the stability. If we transpose these terms to the other sides of the equations, we may regard them as impressed forces acting on the system, whose resolved parts in the directions of the axes §, n, S, are dn X= G F dt Y= E dt Z= F 2222 G de E ༤༤ལ ༤ལ dn We see at once that EX+ FY + GZ=0 dE dex + y + dn dr z=0 dt dt dt so that these forces are at once orthogonal to the path of the representative point P and also orthogonal to the straight line whose direction cosines are proportional to E, F, G. These forces are therefore of the nature of centrifugal forces, as if they were produced by the rotation of the system about this straight line. 13. We may show that the straight line (E, F, G) is fixed in space. To prove this, let us transform our co-ordinates from §, n, to x, y, z, where x, y, z are connected with §, n, by any linear relations, such as § = α₁x+by+c¸²` n = α₂x+b₂y +C₂² [=α¸x+by+Сg², Let the portion of the Lagrangian function under consideration (Art. 1) be + then C₁₁' + C₁₂n + C₂+... 11 12 21 G=C12C21) E=C23-C32) F=C31-C13" C, Substituting for §, n, their values in terms of x, y, z, we find that the difference between the coefficients of xy' and x'y is G' = G│a, a₂+ E α₂ α¸ + F a¸ α1 2 b₁ b₂ 1 bq bg 2 b. b י IV.] 55 THE REPRESENTATIVE PARTICLE. with similar equations for E' and F". But if μ be the determi- nant of transformation µz = §| α₁ α₂ | + § | α₂ α3│+ n| α¸ α, 2 2 b₁ b₂ b₂ b₂ 2 3 a b₂ b₁ > with similar equations for x and y. The ratios of E, F, G are therefore transformed as if they were co-ordinates. If the trans- formation be a real transformation of Cartesian co-ordinates, let lengths each equal to unity be measured from the origin along the axes O§, On, og, thus forming a tetrahedron whose volume is V. Let a similar construction be made for the new axes, forming a V tetrahedron of volume V'. Then* μ 7. Hence the quantities E F F G V may be transformed as if they were lengths measured E' F F' G' along the axes and become If both systems of co- ordinates are rectangular we have V=1, V' 10 E F G T' T , Let w be the resultant of T' then o may be regarded as a fixed length measured from the origin along a straight line fixed in space. Let v be the velocity of the representative particle, the angle between the direction of this velocity and the axis whose direction cosines are proportional to E, F, G. Then the resultant of the forces X, Y, Z is easily seen to be 2v Vw sin 0 acting perpendicular to the axis and to the direction of the motion. We might call the straight line (EFG) the axis of the centrifugal forces. [* Let (§1 71 Š1), (§2 N2 Š2), (§3 N3 (3) be the co-ordinates of three points A, B, C re- ferred to any oblique co-ordinates. Let us find the volume V' of the tetrahedron of which these and the origin are the angular points. Since the volume vanishes when any angular point as C lies in the plane containing the origin and the other two A, B, the expression for the volume must contain the factor = 1_ka_ 3 η1 72 73 $1 $2 $3 ૢ ×â The volume is evidently an integral rational function of the co-ordinates when the axes are rectangular and the plane AOB is taken as the plane of xy, it easily follows that this is true for all axes. Since this function cannot be of more than the third order, we have V'=Mu, where M is independent of the co-ordinates of A, B, C. When the points A, B, C are on the axes at unit distances from the origin, let v be the volume of the tetrahedron. In this case µ=1, and .'. M=V. We have therefore in all cases V'= Vμ. In the text, let the extremities of the unit lengths measured along the axes of x, y, z be called A, B, C. Then the (§ §) co-ordinates of A, B, C are (a1, a2, а z), (b1, b2, B3), (C1, C2, C3), respectively. Hence by what has just been said V=Vu.] p *[ 56 [CHAP. THE REPRESENTATIVE PARTICLE. + 1 14. The expressions for the co-ordinates in terms of the time will in general contain as many periodic functions as there are co-ordinates. If the initial conditions are such that each contains one and the same periodic function, the motion recurs after a con- stant interval and the system is said to be performing a simple or harmonic oscillation. If the system be oscillating about a position of equilibrium, with a Lagrangian function А„§² +2А„§ŋ+... 812 11S 129 +В„§'² + 2B„§'n' + ... we know that the harmonic oscillations are represented by rectili- near motions of the representative particle, and that these are along the common conjugate diameters of the two quadrics equations are 2 A₁₂+ A₁n + ... = a દુ 11 2 +Ben+ ... = b where a and b are two constants chosen to make the quadrics real. Let us consider what are the harmonic paths of the representative point when the system is oscillating about a state of steady motion. In any harmonic vibration we have similar equations for n and . Hence η L cos (t+a) with d² d²n dy dt2 ×Ë, - - x²³n, dt² dt =-x²8. Substitute these in the equations of Art. 11. Differentiate and substitute again. Multiply by έ, n, s, add and integrate, we obtain દુ (B5 -2 + Bun + ...) x² + ( Au¸² + Au§n + ...) = c, ++..)パ​+(4 11 2 where c is some constant. The harmonic path lies on this quadric, which has a common set of conjugate diameters with the two quadrics a and b. If we resume the result of the substitution of, &c. in the equations of Art. 11, and multiply by E, F, G respectively and add, we obtain 2 [(B„E+ B„F+B13G) § + &c.] λ² + [(A„E+ …..) § +&c.]=0, A short paragraph in Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, page 273, is the only notice of this which the author has discovered. IV.] 57 THE REPRESENTATIVE PARTICLE. which is a plane, and is diametral to the straight line (EFG) with regard to the quadric c. The harmonic paths are therefore ellipses. The three harmonic planes are diametral to the same straight line and this straight line is fixed in space, being the axis of the centrifugal forces. If we eliminate λ between the equations to the plane and the quadric c, we get a cubic surface on which the three harmonic conics lie. If E, F, G are zero, which is the case when the system oscillates about a position of equilibrium, the quadric c becomes a cylinder. This may be conveniently shown by referring the system to such co-ordinates that the coefficients B2, B3, B, A2, A3, A are all zero. In this case the diametral plane of every straight line passes through the axis of the cylinder. The harmonic oscillations are therefore rectilinear. 23 If R be the length of that semidiameter of the quadric (c) which is parallel to the fixed straight line (E, F, G), it may be shown that the Product of the axes of the quadric c } R E² + F² + G²° 2c If E, F, G are all zero, and their ratio is indeterminate, R is any diameter. Hence one of the axes of the quadric (c) must be infinite and the quadric will be a cylinder. [If the quadric (c) be a cylinder and E, F, G are not all zero, we must have either λ zero or R infinite. In the latter case the axis of the cylinder will coincide with the axis of the centrifugal forces.] The quadric (c) has also the following geometrical property. Let the lengths of semidiameters of the quadrics (a) and (b) drawn parallel to the axis of the centrifugal forces be p and p'. Through the intersection of these quadrics describe a quadric so that the (-) R 12 Product of its axes 2√ab √E² + F¹² + G² 12 Ꭱ ρ 2 1 1 1 R2 R2 1 This quadric is similar to the quadric (c). 15. The introduction of the representative point to exhibit the motion of a system may appear somewhat artificial. If how- ever we properly choose the co-ordinates the particle moves exactly as a free particle, and we might reduce the problem of finding the 58 [CHAP. THE REPRESENTATIVE PARTICLE. oscillations of a system to a problem in Dynamics of a particle. Refer the quadric Bu + Buen + ... = b 2 to its principal axes and let the equation thus changed be Є2 / S1 , mi 2 • + B22 +... = b. Bu 2 Since B, B., &c. are positive quantities, we may put √ B₁₁ = x, √ B₂ny, &c. 11 22 The quadric has thus been "projected" into a sphere. Let x, y, z be now chosen as the co-ordinates of the system and let the Lagrangian function be expressed in the form 12 L = x²² + y²² + z²² + ½ А„x² + А„xy+….. + C₁xx² + ... the terms of the first degree being omitted as not necessary to our present purpose. The three equations of motion at the beginning of Art. 11 take the form d² (~ − An) − 4„− )y 4, ▲¸) ∞ + ( − ▲ „ − G — 4 ) y + ( − A₂ + Fd) z = 0, dť² x 12 dt 13 &c. = 0, which are the three equations of motion of a free single particle whose co-ordinates are x, y, z under the action of forces whose force function is }А₁x² + А¸¤у+... and a force acting perpendicular to the path and also perpendicu- lar to a fixed straight line, the force being proportional to the velocity. 16. As an illustration of this theory, let us here make a short digression. However the particles of light may oscillate, whether in a rotatory or linear manner, we know the motion is related to a certain plane called the plane of polarization. It may be shown that any harmonic oscillation about a position of equilibrium may be represented by a rectilinear oscillation of the representative particle. Let us represent the motion at any point of the ether by a rectilinear oscillation in a direction perpendicular to the plane of polarization. This would be Fresnel's Vibration. The representative particle, as just shown, would not necessarily move as if it were a free single particle. But let us assume (and a proof is not necessary to our present purpose) that when the oscillation is drawn as above described the motion in the plane of the front IV.] 59 THE REPRESENTATIVE PARTICLE. is the same as that of a free particle, while that perpendicular is not free. On this assumption we see that Fresnel in his theory of double refraction is justified in taking actual instead of relative displacements, for it is the representative particle he is considering. He also neglects the force normal to the front, for the particle moves as a free particle only in the plane of the front. These general remarks are not meant to explain Fresnel's theory, but merely to show how the representative particle may be used to replace a complicated motion. 17. [When a system is performing a harmonic oscillation about a state of steady motion or about a position of equilibrium, the motion repeats itself continually at a constant period, that is to say, the values of the co-ordinates recur at this interval. This is the chief peculiarity of a harmonic oscillation. When the oscillation is about a position of equilibrium, the representative particle oscillates in a straight line whose middle point repre- sents the position of equilibrium. Thus the system passes through the position of equilibrium twice in each complete oscillation. When the oscillation is about a state of steady motion the path of the representative particle is an ellipse whose centre is at the point occupied by the system in steady motion at the same in- stant. Thus the system does not in general ever coincide with the simultaneous position of the system in the undisturbed or steady motion. When a system is disturbed by a small impulse from a state of steady motion, it will in general describe a com- pound oscillation made up of at least two harmonic oscillations, at the instant of disturbance these two neutralize each other so that in the disturbed and undisturbed motions two simultaneous positions are coincident. But it is clear that this cannot occur again unless either the periods of the two harmonics are com- mensurable or the period of one of them is infinite.] 18. [In some cases the ellipse degenerates into a straight line. Thus if the quadric (c) be a cylinder the diametral plane of the axis of the centrifugal forces will pass through the axis of the cylinder, and thus the harmonic oscillation corresponding to this particular value of λ will be rectilinear. In this case the system twice in each oscillation passes through the position it would have occupied at the same instant in the undisturbed motion. The quadric (c) has a common set of conjugate diameters with the quadrics (a) and (b). Hence if (c) be a cylinder, its axis must be parallel to one of the three common conjugate diameters of (a) and (b). If we refer the quadrics (a) and (b) to their common conjugate diameters, they take the form A₁₁' § ² + A¸¸´n² + A¸¸'5² = 2a) 11 22 33 B₁ '§² + B. 'n² + B₂'S² = 2b) 11 22 33 + . . . 1 60 [CHAP. THE MODIFIED 2 The cylinder which passes through their intersection and has its axis parallel to the diameter is found by eliminating 2 between these equations. We see therefore that B'x²+ A=0. If then the axis of the cylinder cut the quadrics (a) and (b) in D and D respectively, we find that for this oscillation 2 λ²= λε OD'2 a OD² b 33 39 It has already been shown that when this value is finite, the direction of ODD' is along the axis of the centrifugal forces.] 19. [In some cases two or more of the values of λ are zero. In these cases the co-ordinates will have terms of the form nt + e, where n and e are two small constants. When, as explained in Art. 3 of this Chapter, there are several parallel states of steady motion, these terms imply that the motion is stable about a state of steady motion very nearly the same as the undisturbed motion but not coincident with it. The actual undisturbed motion, unless n is zero, is unstable in the sense that if a proper disturbance be given to the system, the system will depart widely from the positions it would have simultaneously occupied in the undisturbed motion.] , 20. In many cases of small oscillations it will be found that the Lagrangian function T-V is not a function of some of the co-ordinates as 0, 4, &c. though it is a function of their differential coefficients 0', ', &c. In such cases the steady motion will be usually given by constant values of these differential coefficients, while the other co-ordinates as §, n, &c. are also constant. It is evident that the determinantal equation of Art. 4 is needlessly complicated. It is clear that there will be as many pairs of roots equal to zero as there are co-ordinates 0, p, &c. It will be an advantage to eliminate e', ', &c. altogether from the Lagrangian function, and to find the remaining roots by operating only with the co-ordinates &, n, &c. We shall thus obtain a determinant with just as many rows as there are co-ordinates of the kind , n, &c. 2 Let L, be the Lagrangian function expressed as a function of O'p', &c. En, &'n', &c. Let L, be its value when 'p' are elimi- nated, so that L, is a function of En, έ'n', &c. only. To effect this elimination we have the integrals d T de C₁ dT &c. C2 do where c₁, c₂, &c. are constants. Then 2 dL,_dL, dL, de'dL, do' dédé + + de do'' d§ ・ do'' d§' dL, dơ C dé + c₁ de do + Cz de +... + &c. IV.] 61 LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION. 2 dL₂_dL, αξ 2 αξ d dL, dL. 1 + C₁ do + C₂ do de + ... d do do αξ d dL, dL, + C₁₂ dt de de dt de' dé dt (at DE - DE + &c. d dLdL, But dt de 1 0. αξ Hence if we take L'=L—e̟¸¤' — c„p′ — &c. dT dT and eliminate O', ' by help of the integrals do C2, dỡ we may treat L' just as we do the Lagrangian function L. The equations giving the small oscillations about the steady motion will be d dL' dL' dt de de dé 0, &c. = 0. The function L' may be called the modified Lagrangian function. [It should be noticed that this is equivalent to a partial use of Hamilton's transformation of Lagrange's equations. Sir W. R. Hamilton eliminates all the differential coefficients´ l', d', &c. by dT dT the help of equations of the form = U, v, &c. where u, v, dľ do' &c. are made to be new variables*. In our transformation only * The Hamiltonian transformation of Lagrange's equations bears a remarkable analogy to the transformation of Reciprocation in Geometry. This may be shown in the following manner. When the system has three co-ordinates 0, o, y, we may regard e', ', ' as the Cartesian co-ordinates of a representative point P. The position and path of P will exhibit to the eye and will determine the motion of the system. Let u, v, w be the Hamiltonian variables, so that 1 dT1 dTi v = u = do' dø' W = dT₁ dy 1 where T, is the semi vis viva expressed as a function of 0, 4, 4, 0', 6', 4'. Then u, v, w may be regarded as the co-ordinates of another point Q whose position and path will also determine the motion of the system. If the semi vis viya be given by the general expression T₁ = 41102+ A120'' + ... it is clear that the point P always lies on the quadric T₁ = U where U is the force function and the co-ordinates 0, p, have their instantaneous values. The point Q must therefore lie on another quadric which is the polar reciprocal of the first with regard to a sphere whose centre is at the origin and whose radius is equal to √20. The equation to the reciprocal quadric is therefore T₂= 1 0 น v 2A พ u 41 412 413 v 412 422 423 w A13 A23 A33 = U, • 62 [CHAP. THE MODIFIED F*| those new variables are introduced which would be constants in Sir W. R. Hamilton's transformation. This remark suggests an extension of the process. If L be a function of 0, 4, &c. as well as of e', p', &c. the quantities c₁, c₂, &c. will not be constants. We express this by writing u, v, &c. instead of c₁, c,, &c. Suppose we wish to eliminate some of the differential coefficients, viz. O', p', &c. and to retain the remaining ones, viz. E', n', &c. If we put L'=L-uα-vp - &c. we may easily show as in the preceding page that d dĽ dt de dĽ 0, &c. = 0. αξ where ▲ is the determinant, called the discriminant, which may be formed from the determinant just written down by omitting the first row and the first column. This is a general expression for the Hamiltonian function and agrees with that which may be deduced from the result in Art. 21, when all the variables are trans- formed by the Hamiltonian process. Since the polar reciprocal of the polar reciprocal is the original quadric, it follows that 1 0' = dT, du 2 φ' dT dv dᎢ . 2 : 2 = which are three of the six Hamiltonian equations. dw We may also show geometrically that if the coefficients of T be functions of any quantity 0, then dT1 do dT2 de To prove this we notice that if x, y, z be the co-ordinates of a point P, situated on a radius vector OP' of a quadric • (x, y, z)=1 referred to its centre 0, then 4 (x, y, z) = (OP). # The quadrics T₁ = 1 and T₂=1 may be regarded as polar reciprocals of each other with regard to a sphere whose radius is √2 and whose centre is the common centre of the two quadrics. Let P be any point on the quadric T₁=1, and let the radius vector be produced to Z so that OP. OZ=2, then the quadric T₂=1 touches a plane drawn through Z perpendicular to OP and Q is the point of contact. Let these quadrics be slightly altered in consequence of a variation of 0, so that their equations are now T₁+dT₁=1 and T₂+dT₂=1. Let OP and OQ produced cut these quadrics respectively in P' and Q. Then 2 2 2 2= OQ12 Now if Z' be a point on OP produced so that OP′ . OZ'=OP . OZ, the quadric T₂+dT₂ will touch the plane drawn through Z' in some point q near Q. The point Q will therefore lie very nearly in the tangent plane, so that by similar triangles 2 OQ OZ OP' OQ OZ OP' Since each of these ratios is indefinitely nearly equal to unity, it follows that dT₁= dT2 If we put L=T₁+U and H=T₂- U, Lagrange's equations may be written in the forms u' = dL do dL v' = w' = ἀφ' dL dy' Hence we have dH ан -u' - v' = do' do' dH - - w' = dy' which are the remaining three of the Hamiltonian equations. Iv.] 63 LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION. We have thus as many equations of the Lagrangian form as there are variables §, n, &c. Also since u= dL de &c. we have by differentiation dL' /dL น du de 1) dre do Ø' + &c.= − 0', . du with similar equations for p', &c. By Lagrange's equations we obtain dL' u', &c. do Thus we have as many sets of equations of the Hamiltonian form as there are variables 0, 4, &c.] 21. We may effect this elimination once for all and find a definite expression for L'. Let the kinetic energy be 0'2 T = Tee 2 + Top O'p' + ... Then the integrals used will be = = - Tée0'+Top+... c₁₂- Tot - Tonn — To¿0'+T¿¿☀' + Ꭲ - Τφηή = C₂ — T¿¿§' — Tonn' - &c. &c. For the sake of brevity let us call the right-hand members of these equations c₁- X, c₂- Y, &c. Since T is a homogeneous function, we have 2 2 T = TEE ³ 2 + Ten5 n + ... + 10′ (ç₂ + X) + ½ $'(c₂+ Y) + &c. ૐ 12 Ꭲ +Tần % + &c. — V :. L' = T§§ 2 - - 10 (c₁ - X) — 1 p' (c, - Y) - &c.) If we substitute in the second line the values of e', p', &c. found by solving the integrals just written down, we have '2 L' = T&² 2, + T&&'n' + &c. – V 2. 1 c₁₂-X c₂- Y + 2Ac₁₂- X C₂- Y Tee Тоф Teb Ꭲ Top : : ↓ 64 [CHAP. THE MODIFIED 3 where A is the discriminant of the terms in T, which contain only e', ', &c., and may be derived from the determinant just written down by omitting the first row and the first column. We may expand this determinant and write it in the form દુ 2 + Tên§'n' +&c.— V L' TE = 1 0 X Y 1 G Ca + + 2A C1 Tee Tep Тоф C₂ Tes 2A X Tee Top Y У Төр Тфф :. 10 X Y A G₁₂ Тоо Тор པ་ where X, Y, &c. stand for C₂ Тор Тоф X=Teε&' + Tenn' + ´ Y = T¿¿§' + Tonn' +... &c. = &c. } The first of these three determinants will contain only the constants c₁, C., &c., and the co-ordinates §, n, &c. The second will not contain c₁, c₁, &c. but will be a quadratic function of §', n', &c. The last determinant will contain terms of the form ', n' with variable coefficients which may also be functions of c₁, C... Since ', nn', &c. are all small quantities, it is clear that this expression for L' when expanded will take a form precisely similar to that given in Art. 2, only that we have fewer variables to deal with. 22. As an example, let us consider the following problem. A body has a point O which is in one of the principal axes at the centre of gravity G fixed in space. The body is in steady motion rotating with angular velocity n about OG which is vertical. Find the conditions that the motion may be stable. η Let OA, OB, OC be the principal axes at O and let OC co- incide with the vertical OZ in steady motion. Let §, ʼn be the direction cosines of the vertical OZ referred to OA, OB. Let @₁, w₂, w, be the angular velocities about the principal axes at 0. Then to the first order 19 3 @₁ = @1 @₂ = − &' + w¸n) W2 IV.] 65 LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION. Let be the angle ZOC, the angle the plane ZOC makes with a plane ZOX fixed in space and ☀ the angle it makes with the plane AOC fixed in the body. Then = − sin 0 cos $) n= sin o sin o' ηπ @₁ = &' + y'cos = $' + (x' − ☀') (1 - − p) (1 - 4), putting x=4+. We easily find 2 w¸ = x − x' §¸² + ¹² — ↓ (§n' − e̱'n). 3 2 * – If then A, B, C be the principal moments of inertia at O, the Lagrangian function is C n² * L = {x (1 - " + " ") - ↓ (Ev - E~)}" A + 2 B (n² + x § )² + — — ( − §' + x'n)³ n² - Mgh (1-5 +), 2 where M is the mass of the body, and h= OG. Since xi which gives Hence 2 is absent from the equation we have the integral dL dx Сто x = n + terms of second order. A 2 = const += n²+ L' = L- Cnx' B 2 + {(A − C) n² + Mgh} % + {(B — C)n² + Mgh} 2 + (1 - 2) - (B-) năm ne̱'n. n Using this as the Lagrangian function we easily find (A − C)n² + Mgh – Bm², – -(A+B-C) nm, R. A. (A+B-C) nm (B − C)n² + Mgh – Am² = 0. = 5 сл 1 66 [CHAP. THE MODIFIED The roots of this the form + BV-1. equation to find m must for stability be of Putting m²=-λ we have a quadratic to find λ². The roots of this quadratic must be real and positive. If A =B, as in the case of a top spinning with its axis vertical, we have λ= ± (2A-C 2A C²n² - 4 AMgh) n ± 2A 2 The motion is stable or unstable according as C'n² is greater or less than 44 Mgh. If Cn² = 4AMgh, the equation has equal roots and as the first minors are not zero the motion is unstable. 23. [As another example of the use of the modified Lagrangian function, let us consider a case discussed by Prof. Ball in the Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society for March, 1877. In a problem in Physical Astronomy, we want the relative co-ordinates of the system, while its absolute motion in space does not concern us. Lagrange's equations involve both the relative and absolute co-ordinates, and are therefore not particularly well adapted for such problems. By using the modified Lagrangian function, we may eliminate the absolute co-ordinates. Let the system have n co-ordinates, let us choose as three of them the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of the whole system, viz. 0, p, . There will then remain n-3 co-ordinates which are independent of these. Let T" be the kinetic energy of the system relative to its centre of gravity, V the potential energy, M the whole mass. Then the Lagrangian function is 1 2 12 L = M (0² + " + y'²) + T″ − V. In problems in Physical Astronomy the potential energy is a function only of the relative positions of the bodies, and is there- fore independent of 0, 4, and their differential coefficients. We have therefore dL dL dL dľ C₂ do = Cg. dy' Hence the modified Lagrangian function is L' = T - V-a constant. It is independently clear that we might take this as the Lagrangian function, for the first three terms of L do not enter into any one of the Lagrangian equations, except the three formed by differentiating with regard to ', &', y'. The function T' is made up of two parts, (1) the kinetic energies of the rotations of the bodies about their centres of gravity, which IV.] 67 LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION. we may call T, and (2) the relative kinetic energies of the several bodies, each collected at its centre of gravity, which we may call T. Let m₁, m„, &c. be these masses; x, x, &c. the abscissæ of their centres of gravity referred to the centre of gravity of the whole as origin. Then, accents denoting differential coefficients with regard to the time, we have is 2 m₁x₂' + m₂x₂' + &c. = 0. Let us square this and write 2x₁'x' = x² + x² - (x,' — x„')². 2 12 If we examine the coefficient of any power as x2 we see that it 2 m² + m²(m₂+m₂+ &c.) = m₁Σm. Hence the square becomes 12 Σm Σmx²² – Σm¸m¸(x − x¸')² = 0. — 2 Similar expressions hold for the y and z co-ordinates. Hence on the whole we see that the relative kinetic energies of the several bodies collected at their respective centres of gravity is T Σm,m,v² 2ΣΜ where v is the relative velocity of the centres of gravity of the masses m₁, m₂. If we express this in any kind of co-ordinates, we may use the Lagrangian function L' to find the relative motion. The expression for T' agrees with that given by Prof. Ball, but his demonstration is quite different. Prof. Cayley has given another demonstration in the same number of the Astronomical Notices. The Lagrangian function thus found may be still further "modified." To avoid symbols of summation, let us consider the case of three particles moving in one plane under their mutual attractions. Let the separate masses be my, m„ m², and let μ be their sum. Referring the system to m, as a central mass, let the distances of m2, m, from my be respectively r and p, and let the opposite side of the triangle be R. Let the interior angle_be- tween r and P be and the exterior angle between r and R be X. Let O be the angle r makes with some fixed straight line in space. We easily find where 1 µT',' = 1; A0¹² + Be' + C, 2 2 3 A=m¸m‚r² +m¸m¸p² + m³m¸R²¾‚ B = m₂ (m₂p³p' + m₂R²x'′), 1 C= Σmm'v², 2μ 5—2 68 [CHAP. INDETERMINATE MULTIPLIERS. and v is the relative velocity of the masses m, m' calculated on the supposition that m₁ is fixed, and that the straight line r has no rotation round m₁. Thus A, B, C´are all functions of r, p, & and their differential coefficients with regard to the time. If we only want the changes in the form and magnitude of the triangle joining the three particles, we may eliminate Ø by means of the equation A0 +B= Cr We then find as our modified Lagrangian function L' μ 1 {o – 1 (C₁ — B)²) 2 A - V, which contains only the three co-ordinates r, p and 4]. 24. When the geometrical equations contain differential coefficients of the co-ordinates &, n,, &c. of the system with regard to the time, we cannot express the co-ordinates x, y, z of any element of a body in terms of §, n, S, &c. by means of equations of the form x=ƒ₁(§, n, (, &c., t), y =ƒ½(§, n, 5, &c., t), z =ƒ, (§, n, }, &c., t). It follows, as is pointed out in our books on Rigid Dynamics, that Lagrange's equations cannot be employed in the form d dT dT d V dt de dé αξ In many of the most interesting problems in Rigid Dynamics, it so happens that the geometrical equations do contain dt dn dt αξ &c. For example, let a sphere be set rotating about a vertical diameter and be on the summit of a perfectly rough surface of any form. If a small disturbance be now given to it, the sphere may roll round and round the summit. During this motion the velocity of the point of contact is zero, and our mode of re- presenting this analytically in terms of the co-ordinates will give us two equations of the form A§ + Bn' + C§' + ... = 0. CG To include such cases the equations of motion must be modi- fied. If L be the difference between the kinetic and potential energies, all the Lagrangian equations may be written in the form d dL dL δξ + dt de de αξ ( d dL L dt dŋ' d1) Sn + &c. = 0, dy IV.] 69 INDETERMINATE MULTIPLIERS. where §§, dn, &c. are any small arbitrary displacements consistent with the geometrical equations. But if these geometrical equa- tions be given in the form G=G, &' + G₂n' + H = H‚§' + H₂m' + • 07 =0 &c. = 0. these arbitrary displacements must satisfy α, δξ + α,δη + ... = 0) &c. = 0) If this were not the case, the geometrical displacement of the body given in applying Virtual Velocities would not be such as to cause the unknown frictional forces, &c. to disappear. Using the principle of Indeterminate Multipliers, we get d dL dL dt de de d dL dL dt dn = +λG₁ + µH₁ + ... 0 1 dn + λG ₂ + µ H₂+... = 0. 2 &c. =0] These joined to the geometrical equations Ģ₁§ + G₂n' + ... = 0} &c. = 0 are sufficient to determine the unknown co-ordinates E, n, &c. and the multipliers λ, μ, &c. It will be more convenient to write these equations in the form dt αξ' d dL dL d G − +λ ан αξ dt dğ +... 0, dH dn' + μ +... = 0, dé &c. = 0, d dL dL dG dt dn dn +λ the geometrical equations being G=0, H=0, &c. It is of course obvious that these indeterminate coefficients λ, μ, &c. are merely the frictions or other resistances introduced into the equations in a convenient form. 25. In order to apply these equations to the oscillations of a system about a state of steady motion, it will be convenient to 70 [CHAP. INDETERMINATE MULTIPLIERS. 1 change the co-ordinates §, n, &c. into others 0, 6, &c. which vanish in the steady motion. Let L be thus expanded in powers of 0, 0, &c. as explained in Art. 1, and let P and Q have the meaning given to them in Art. 5. Let us then put &' = a+ 0, n = B+$', &c. λ=λ + λ₁, µ = μ₂+μ₁, &c. Mys where a, ß, λ。, H., &c. are the values of §', n', λ, µ, &c. in steady motion. The geometrical equations will then take the form G = G₂ (a + 0) + Œ₂ (B+ $') + &c. = 0} 1 2 &c. = 0) of and the equations connecting 80, dp, &c. will be G₂80+ G₂dø+ &c. =0) &c. = 0)* In these equations G₁, G₂, &c. are functions of 0, 4, &c. Let a square bracket indicate that the value of the inscribed quantity in steady motion is to be taken. Thus [G] means the value of G₁ when 0, 0, &c. have all been put zero. The equations of steady motion may then, exactly as in Art. 3, be written гаст G - [20] +x [do on + ан + &c. = 0 do -[] dG ан +入​。 + &c. = 0 do do' &c. = 0 From these the relations which exist between a, ß, &c., λs Hos &c. may be found. The equations of the oscillatory motion may be written d (P+Q) do do D - λG₂ d Q — λ G₁₂ - λ, dG dě — µÃ¸ [ dH - &c. = 0, do with similar equations for 4, y, &c. 26. The final determinant written for two variables 0, 4, and two geometrical equations G and H in the notation of Art. 19, will be IV.] 71 INDETERMINATE MULTIPLIERS. B₁₁m² - A+ E 11 AG +入​。 de B₁₂m² - A₁₂+ E₁₂ 1 12 12 +(C21 − C 12) m dG. аф 12 dG ¿H +μlo dᎻ . do' do аф dН do +入​。 12 22 B₁₂m² - A₁₂+E, 12 — (C21 — С12) m do² ] +1 dG +λ₂ G G [do] + [dbo] dH 2 do 2 [2] G dH dø = 0. 2 22 22 Вm² - A+ E dG dH₂ 2 +λo d& +。 аф аф dG m + m 0 0 аф dø dH аH + dH дH m do de + do do m 0 0 It will be noticed how very much this determinant is simplified if the values of λ, u in steady motion are zero. 27. Let us apply these equations to the solution of the follow- ing problem. A heavy sphere rotating about a vertical diameter rests in equi- librium on the summit of a perfectly rough surface and being slightly disturbed makes small oscillations, find the periods. As the sphere moves about, its centre always lies on a surface which may be called parallel to the given surface. Let the high- est point of this surface be taken as the origin and let the axes of x and Y be the tangents to its lines of curvature at 0, so that the equation to the surface in the neighbourhood of O is x², y² 124 + P1 P2 Let P be the centre of the sphere, PC that diameter which is vertical when the sphere is in equilibrium. on the summit. Let PA, PB be two other diameters forming with PC a system of rectangular axes fixed in the sphere. Let the inclination of PC to the axis of Z, which is vertical, be 0, and let the vertical plane through PC make with the plane xz an angle y, and with the plane CPA an angle . The vis viva 27 of the sphere will then be given by 2 T= } (x² + y²²) + ½ k² {(☀′ + y' cos 0)² + 0′² + sin²0¥ˆ}. 72 [CHAP. INDETERMINATE MULTIPLIERS. Let sin cos, sin 0 sinn, sin sinn, then we have to the necessary degree of approximation O² 4'' = {n' — ne 12 0'² + sin² 0¥²² = §² + n 12 } Also let +=x. These transformations of co-ordinates are all permissible, because they do not involve any differential coeffi- cients with regard to the time. We thus find if Z be the differ- ence between the kinetic and potential energies k² 12 g y² L = }} (x² + y´¹³) + ¹² {'x'² − x′ (§n' − n§') + §² + n'} { − − (~ ² + 2). — ย If w wy, w, are the angular velocities of the parallels to the axes, the geometrical conditions are W 2) P2/ =0 y' + a(∞ w x W ∞ =) = 0 P₁ + 2 P1 sphere about where a is the radius of the sphere. These equations by well- known rules reduce to x' α y a +p'sin sin 0 + 0′ cos y − (y' + ' cos 0) 'cos sin + sin y + (y' + ' cos 0) Y = 0 P₂ XC 0 P₁ expressing these in terms of our new co-ordinates we have x' G a y' + x n + § - x² ² = 0 P2 x H = - 2 − x E + n + x 2 - a P₁ 0 The position of the system has now been expressed in terms of such co-ordinates, that the coefficients in the governing func- tions L, G, H are all constant. See Art. 2. The steady motion is given by x, y, §, n all zero, and x = n. To find λ, we may use the equations of steady motion [6] + [8] ан [2/2] = 0, where q stands for any one of the co-ordinates. Taking q=x and q=y, we see that λ= 0 and Мо 0. To find the oscillation we may substitute in the determinant and thus form the equation which gives the periods. As most of IV]. 73 DYNAMICAL EXAMPLE. the constituents of the determinants are zero, it will be more con- venient to form each equation directly from the standard formula d (P + Q) - Dadd dq dQ dG dq dq ан = 0, dq where q stands for any one of the co-ordinates. Taking q in turn to be x, y, x, §, ʼn we find X. λ x' — g = 0 07 P1 α y" - g y P2 α =0 T³X" k² (§'' + x'n') + λ₁=0 k² (n" — x'n') + μ₁₂ = 0 Putting xn these with the two geometrical equations are all linear and ready for elimination. Eliminating λ, μ₁ we have 19 {"+nn' + n" − n§' + α ga x k? Te² P₁ ga y 2 y" T² P₂ = 0 a k? Substituting for E, n from the two geometrical equations, we have k² + a² a² k² + a² a² X x" - g P1 y"—gY + 7.2 nk² 2 2 nk2 2 P2 αρι y To solve these put x = Xcos (pt + q) y = Ysin (pt + q) so that p is the quantity required. We obviously have a² α g g a² 2 a² k² 4 2 a²n² (x² + + 1 ) ( v ² + a + k p ) = ( ~ + k)* PP. (200+ a² + k² which is a quadratic to find p². k²)² P1P2 p², If P₁, P₂ have opposite signs the roots cannot be real, and the steady motion must be unstable. If p₁, P₂ are both positive, so that the sphere is on the summit, the motion is stable only if n²> a² + k² g (√p₂+ √p₂)². ht : * ། : CHAPTER V. Certain subsidiary determinants are formed from the dynamical de- terminant, and it is shown that there must be at least as many roots indicating stability as there are variations of sign lost in these subsidiary determinants, and must exceed the number lost by an even number. Arts. 1-5, and 9. This is equivalent to a maximum and minimum criterion of stability with similar limitations. Arts. 6-8. Effect of equal roots on this test of the stability of the system. Arts. 10, 11. Example. Art. 12. 1. In order to test the nature of the roots of the determi- nantal equation, let us apply a method analogous to that by which Dr Salmon in his Higher Algebra proves the reality of the roots of the equation which occurs in the determination of the secular inequalities of the planets. pq 2. Let A be the determinant which forms the left-hand side of the fundamental equation, let A be the determinant formed by omitting the pth row and qth column. Let A, be the determi- nant formed by omitting the first r rows and r columns. Thus A₁ = A₁₁. We then have by a known theorem in determinants ▲▲₂ = 411422-412421 1 11° ΔΔ, AA22 A12421⋅ It has already been noticed that if we change m into – m, the determinant A is changed into another determinant whose columns and rows are the same as the rows and columns of the first de- terminant. It easily follows that the minor - A₁, is changed into the minor - A by changing m into – m. then 21 A ▲ 12 = 4 (m²) + m¥ (m²) A₂ = $ (m²) – m¥ (m³). 12 Hence if CHAP. V.] ་ THE SUBSIDIARY DETERMINANTS. 75 Hence the product A,,A,, is necessarily positive for all negative values of m². 12 21 12 It also follows that if A,, vanishes for any negative value of m² then ▲, also vanishes for the same value of m². 21 3. When the determinant ▲, vanishes, we have 2 1 ▲▲₂ = — A12^21› ΔΔ, so that ▲ and ▲, must have opposite signs, or one of them must be zero. Consider then the series of determinants 12 21 each one being formed from the preceding by erasing the first row and the first column. We thus have a series of functions of m² whose degrees regularly diminish from the nth to the first. As we may suppose the determinant A to have a row and a column of zeros added on at the bottom and right-hand side, but with any positive constant in the right-hand bottom corner, we may add to this series of determinants any positive constant. We have just proved that if any determinant of this series vanish for a nega- tive value of m², the two determinants on each side have opposite signs. The case in which two successive determinants vanish for the same value of m² will be considered afterwards. 2 ∞ to We may then use these determinants in a manner somewhat similar to that in which we use Sturm's functions, provided no two successive functions vanish for the same negative value of m². No variation of sign can be lost as we pass from m² = m²=0 except by the vanishing of the determinant A at the head of the series. And when a variation of sign is lost, it will be regained again at the next root, unless a root of the determinant A, separates the two roots of the determinant A. If therefore in this passage from ∞ to zero, as many variations of sign are lost as is indicated by the highest power of m², the values of m² found from the determinantal equation must be all real and negative. It will also follow that the roots of each of the series of determi- nants are all real and negative, and that the roots of each separate the roots of the determinant next above it. If, however, the proper number of variations of signs be not lost in the passage from m² ∞ to m² = 0, it does not follow that the values of m² are not real and negative. 2 2 2 2 4. If the proper number of variations of sign has not been lost in this passage from m²=-∞o to m² = 0, this proposition does not leave us without information as to the nature of the roots. We infer that the number of real negative values of m² is equal to or exceeds the number of variations of sign lost by an even number and unless the number of variations be even the system is unstable. 1 76 THE SUBSIDIARY DETERMINANTS. 2 [CHAP. If we do not object to the labour of expanding the determi- nants, we might extend this theorem to determine the positions of the negative values of m² as well as their number. The number of real negative values of m² between m² =—a and m² - Bis equal to, or exceeds by an even number, the number of variations of sign lost in the series of determinants. In this form the theorem resembles Fourier's theorem in the Theory of Equations. 5. The converse of this proposition has not been proved. If in the passage from m³ ∞ to m² = 0, the number of varia- tions of signs is unaltered, it is not true that the values of m² cannot be real and negative. Thus in the simple case 119 22 2 - m² - α11 а 12m а12m m² - A 22 2 0, where a₁₁, α12 α are all positive, no variations are lost, yet if a₁₂> √a₁₁ + √a the values of m² are real and negative. And if √a₁+√a₂ the roots are equal and negative. It will be noticed that the minors in this last case are not zero. 12 a12 α11 11 11 22 22 6. In order to discover the meaning of these losses or gains. of changes of sign, it will be convenient to make such changes of the co-ordinates as will simplify the dynamical determinant as much as possible. Let us write 02. 2 A12) V₁ = (E₁- A₁₁) + (E12 - A₁₂) 0$+... 11 If we now change our co-ordinates by writing for 0, p, &c. linear expressions of some new co-ordinates, we know that we can clear this expression of all the terms containing the products. We know also that this can be done in an infinite number of ways. We thus have 0.2 Ꮎ Φι V₁ = a₁₁₂² + a l₁² + ... 1 011 2 1 +α22 2 where the symbols e₁, 4,, &c. represent the new co-ordinates. Again, let us consider the expression 0/2 W₁ = B₁ = B11 7 + B₁₂0'&' + ..... 2 the coefficients are here the values of P, Q, &c. in the general expression for T, Art. 1, Chap. IV. when 0, 4, &c. are all put zero. But since T is necessarily positive for all values of §, n'..., n,... it follows that W, is positive for all values of ', ' Hence by a well-known theorem, we may by a real linear transform- ation of the variables clear the expression W, also of the terms v.] 77 MAXIMUM CRITERION OF STABILITY. containing the products ', d', &c. and can make the coefficients of the squares any positive constants we may please. We thus have 12 Ꮎ & 12 W 1 1 + +.... 0 2 2 12 21 It may be shown that we cannot in general clear the expres- sion for Tof all the terms containing Op', 'p, &c. unless C₁₂-C=0, &c. by substituting for e, p, &c., any linear functions of other variables. As this is only a negative result of which no further use will here be made, it is unnecessary to supply the demon- stration. 7. Using these simplifications the determinant ▲ will now take the simpler form, - '12' A: m² + aμ 117 a12m, m² + α92' -am, = 0, 18' asm, 23 m² + α33' ... where a 21 α - a₁m, C-C₁₂, &c. 12, If we form from ▲ the series of subsidiary determinants A, A₁, A,..., terminating with any positive constant, we see that when m² -∞o, these subsidiary determinants are alternately positive and negative, and when m² = 0, they become 2 A11 а 22 A 33, A23 A 33..., а33а4, &c., 1122 22 22 3344•••, which are all positive if a, a... are all positive. Hence if an, a... are all positive, the proper number of changes of sign has been lost, and therefore the roots of the dynamical equation ▲ = 0 satisfy the condition of stability. 0 If a, a, &c. are all positive, we see that V, is a minimum for all variations of ₁, ₁, &c. and therefore for all variations of the original co-ordinates. If a, a, &c. are not all positive, there will be as many variations of sign lost as there are positive quantities in the series a, a, &c. In this case V, is a minimum for some variations of 0, 4, &c. and not for others. It is shown in the appendix to Williamson's Differential Calculus, that n independent conditions are necessary that a quadratic expression of n variables should be always positive. These are given in the form of deter- minants and may be briefly summed up, in the statement that X 11 1 2 12 2 78 MAXIMUM CRITERION OF STABILITY. [CHAP. L # is always positive if the roots of A₁ + λ, A 12' A2 + λ, A 23' &c. 11 A12' A13, 13' &c. are all real and negative. A 137 231 &c. | = 0, &c. A33 +λ, &c. &c. &c. 8. We may now put the proposition of Art. 3 into another form. Let L be the general expression for the excess of the kinetic energy over the potential energy of a dynamical system in terms of its n co-ordinates x, y, &c. Let this system be moving in steady motion with constant values of &c. Then if L be a maxi- dx dy dt' dt > dx dy dt' dt mum for all variations of x, y, &c. keeping at It' then that steady motion is stable. &c. unchanged, If however only r of the n conditions necessary to make L a maximum be satisfied, then the number of roots of the dynamical equation which satisfy the conditions of stability is equal to r or exceeds r by an even number. There cannot be stability unless n-r is an even number. dx dy If the system be oscillating about a position of equilibrium, &c. are all zero, and this leads at once to the condition, dt' dt that the equilibrium is stable if the potential energy is a minimum. > 19 2 9. In this reasoning, we have for convenience excepted the case in which two successive determinants in the series ▲, ▲₁, ▲„……. vanish for the same value of m². But this exception is of no real importance, for we may change these determinants into others whose constituents are very slightly different from those of the given determinants but which are such that no successive two of the series have a common root. In the limit, therefore, when these arbitrary changes of the constituents are indefinitely small, the roots of the series of determinants will still be real under the same circumstances as before, and the roots of each will separate, or coincide with, the roots of the next above it in the series. ann• To show that these changes are possible, let us consider the row of determinants beginning at the last. The determinant A„ is a positive constant, the next An-1 is m² + a Proceeding thus, suppose we arrive at two determinants which we may call ▲, and ▲ which have a common root. If we now change the constituents a11, α12, α13, &c. into a + Sα, a₁₂+ da₁₂, &c. we do not alter ▲,, but, except for the root m² = 0, we do alter ▲ in an arbitrary manner. a 11 2 11' 12 127 1 v.] 79 EFFECT OF EQUAL ROOTS. 13 When for example a,, is altered, we alter a constituent both in the first row and in the first column. Since 13' 31 33 13' 13 where A' is the determinant formed from ▲ by omitting the first and third rows and columns, we see that when ▲ and ▲, both vanish, the product ▲▲ and therefore by Art. 2 both A and A must vanish. The determinant A is therefore altered by ▲₂ (Sa₁)³ which does not vanish, since A, is by hypothesis finite for the particular value of m² under consideration. 31 2 13. 2 If any determinant of the series vanishes when m² = 0, it is clear that one of the quantities a, a... must be zero. If we replace this by any small positive quantity, the argument will apply as before. 10. It is important to consider the effect of equal roots on the test of stability given in Art. 8 of this chapter. 11 In this case we know that the roots of the minor A,, separate the roots of A. If therefore ▲ have two negative equal roots, it is clear that ▲„ must have one of them. In the same way ▲22, A3, &c. must also all vanish for this value of m. Since 11 ΔΔ' ▲▲' = Apр ^qq — AµA pp pq pq gp it follows as in Art. 2 if ▲ and ▲ both vanish, that ▲, and ▲ also vanish. Hence all the first minors of the determinant ▲ vanish. This is the case considered in Art. 5 of Chap. I. The equal roots instead of introducing into the expressions for the co- ordinates terms which contain t as a factor merely render two of the coefficients, instead of one, indeterminate. In the same way if the equation A=0 is satisfied by three values of m² equal to the same negative quantity, the equation App =0 must have two of them, and its principal minor must have one of them. Reasoning as before we see that all the second minors of ▲ must be zero. This is again the test that there should be no terms which contain t as a factor. The presence therefore of equal roots does not in the theorem of Art. 8 affect the stability of the motion. When a system is disturbed from a position of equilibrium whether stable or unstable, the roots of the fundamental determi- nant are separated by its minors in the manner described in Art. 8 of this Chapter. By what has just been proved, we see that if the fundamental determinant have equal roots, whether positive or negative, these do not introduce into the integrals terms which contain t as a factor. 80 [CHAP. EFFECT OF EQUAL ROOTS. " 2 11.. The proposition in the last article may be made more general. If the fundamental determinant be reduced to the form indicated in Art. 7, we shall show that if A vanish for two equal negative values of m³ which are numerically greater than the greatest negative quantity in the series a, a, a, &c., then these equal roots will not introduce any terms into the solution with t as a factor. If a, a, &c. are all positive, this reduces to the proposition proved in the last article. Following the same notation as before, we have 11 AA': ▲▲´= A₁₁492-A12^21° A₁1^22 — ^12^21′ If neither ▲₁, nor ▲ are zero, they must have the same sign when ▲ vanishes for a negative value of m². For their product A is equal to ▲₁₂ which has been proved in Art. 2 to be positive. Hence all the leading first minors, viz. A1, A2, &c. must have the same sign for any negative value of m² which makes ▲ vanish. 12 21 By differentiation we have dA dm 2 119 2m^11 +α12^12 + ….. – α¿½ª½ + 2mA22 +……. — +... - &c. But we have also 12 ▲ = (m³ + α₁) ▲₁1 + α12m ▲ 12 + A = 11 ▲ = − a₁₂m ▲ 21 + (m² + α¸¸) ≤2 + ... &c. = &c. 12' 22 Hence if n be the highest power of m occurring in ▲, we have m dA dm · = n▲ + (m² — a₁) 411 + (m² - α22) ≤ 22 - &c. d▲ dm ▲22 If then ▲ and both vanish for any negative value of m² We greater than the greatest negative quantity in the series a₁₁, 22, &c., we have the sum of a number of quantities all of the same sign equal to zero. This requires that each should be zero. have therefore A„=0, ▲„=0, &c. The rest of the proof is the same as before. 11 22 d▲ dm By differentiating the expression for and substituting for dd22 &c. their values in terms of their first leading minors, 11 dm dm we may extend this proposition to the case in which the funda- mental determinant has three equal roots, and so on. v.]. 81 DYNAMICAL EXAMPLE. 12. A sphere is suspended by a string OA from a fixed point O, and is set rotating about a vertical diameter which is in the same straight line as the string with an angular velocity n. A small disturbance is given, determine if the steady motion is stable Let O be the origin, and let the axis of z be vertically down- wards, let lx, ly, I be the co-ordinates of A, the point at which the string is attached. Let C be the centre, and let a§, an, a be the co-ordinates of C relative to A. Then, exactly as in Chap. IV. Art. 22, the Lagrangian function may be shown to be : k² Én' 2 2 2 2 L = エーロ ​{メー​+5+6+} x² y² − {l — + } (a5" + la')* + 4 (an' + ly')° − g {¿®++ a² + "}, the mass being taken unity. 2 2 Putting xn, &, n', x, y' all zero, we see that L is a maxi- mum when x, y, §, ʼn are zero, the steady motion is therefore stable for all values of n. If we put k² = a², and m² λ², so that x, y, &c. are all repre- sented by terms of the form ΣA cos (t+a), we may, by the methods of the last chapter, prove λ ηλ (x² — 4) (x² ± nλ − 5ひ ​5g 2 2a 21 This equation, whatever may be the sign of n, has two positive and two negative roots. All four give stable oscillations. R. A. 6 . ... 1 CHAPTER VI. If the energy of the system be a maximum or minimum under certain conditions, the motion whether steady or not is stable. Arts. 1-3. When the motion is steady, it will be also stable if a certain function of the co-ordinates called V + W is a minimum. Art. 4. If there be only one co-ordinate which enters into the Lagrangian function, except as a differential coefficient, this condition is necessary and sufficient. Arts. 5, 6. Additional conditions when there are two co-ordinates, Art. 8. 1. When a system is oscillating about a position of equilibrium, it is well known that we may determine the stability or insta- bility of the equilibrium by what we may call the "energy crite- rion." This criterion may also be sometimes used when the system is oscillating about a state of steady motion. Let E be the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the system. Then throughout any motion of the system we have E=h, where h is a constant depending on the initial conditions. If 0, Φ, &c. are the co-ordinates of the system, E is a known function of 0,0', o, p', &c. Suppose that some of the other first integrals of the equations of motion are known. Let these be F, (0, 0′, ò̟, p', &c.) = C₁ 1 F', (0, 0′, 4, $', &c.) = C₂ the time t being absent. For the purposes of this proposition let us suppose 0, 0, 4, d′, &c. to be separate variables unconnected with each other except by the equations just written down. If E be an absolute maximum or an absolute minimum for all variations of 0, 0, &c., those corresponding to the given motion making E constant, then that motion is stable for all displacements which do not alter the constants C₁, C₂, &c. " CHAP. VI.] 83 ENERGY TEST OF STABILITY. If this proposition be not evident, it may be proved by elimi- nating as many of the letters as possible. If 0,0', &c. be the re- maining co-ordinates we have E=ƒ(0, 0′, &c. C₁, C₂, ...). Let h be the value of E in the given motion, and let the system be started in some slightly different manner so that E=h+Sh. If Ę be a maximum along the given motion, then any change whatever in 0, 0', &c. decreases E. Hence 0, 0', &c. cannot deviate so much from their values along the given motion that the change in E becomes greater than Sh. 2. Let us apply this principle to a system of bodies which moves in steady motion with some co-ordinates 0, 0, &c. such that their differential coefficients 0', ', &c. are constant, and the re- maining co-ordinates &, n, &c. themselves constant. Let us further suppose that the energy is a function of e', ', &c., but not of 0,4. By Lagrange's Equations we have the integrals dT do = C₁ dT dø = C₂, &c. It is clear that the system can describe any one of a number of steady motions, which we have already called parallel motions, and which are determined by Ꮎ Ø = p, $' = q, &c. n = B, &c. where p, q, &c. a, B, &c. are constants which satisfy all Lagrange's equations. ... We have thus as many relations between these constants as there are co-ordinates, n, &c. Let the system be started with any initial conditions we please, then the constants C₁, C₂, are given. These being known we have as many relations between the constants of steady motion as there are co-ordinates 0, 0, &c. The steady motion is therefore determined. If the energy of this initial motion is nearly equal to that of this steady motion, and if it be a maximum or minimum as explained above, then the system will never deviate far from its corresponding position in the steady motion, and this steady motion may be called stable. 3. Example. A top is set spinning on its point on a perfectly rough horizontal ground, with its axis inclined to the vertical, find the condition of stability. Let be the inclination of the axis OC of the top to the vertical OZ; ↓ the inclination of the plane ZOC to a vertical • 6—2 84 [CHAP. ENERGY TEST OF STABILITY. plane fixed in space, and & the inclination to a plane through OC fixed in the body. Let O be the apex, G the centre of gravity which lies in OC, h= OG. Let A, A, C be the principal mo- ments of inertia at O, and M the mass of the top. We have then C A 2 E == (p' + y' cos 0)² + (0′² + sin²0¥”) + Mgh cos 0. By Lagrange's equations we have the integrals &' + ' cos 0 = n, C'n cos 0+ A sin²0y'′ = m, where n and m are two constants, the former representing the angular velocity of the top about its axis, and the latter the angular momentum about the vertical. If we now eliminate p' and 'we find that E is a minimum when 0 = a, if C²n² > 4Mgh A cos α, which is the result given by other methods. 4. The theorem of Art. 2 may be put into another form. Let the kinetic energy be 0/2 Ꮎ T = Tee 2 + Tes O'p' + ... Then since 0, 4, &c. are absent from the coefficients, we have the integrals Tée0' + Te¿p' + ... = C₁ - Toç§' — Tonn — &c. = Τφέξ Tø¿0' + T¿¿p'+... C₂-To-Tonn' - &c. &c. = &c. For the sake of brevity let us call the right-hand sides of these equations C₁-X, C-Y, &c. Since T is a homogeneous func- tion of e', ', &c., we have, as in Chap. IV. Art. 21, દુઃ 'દુ T=TE ²/2 + Tεne 'n' + ... + 1 0 (C₂ + X) + 1 ☀′ ( Œ₂ + Y) + ... 1 2 If we substitute in the second line the values of e', ', &c. found by solving the linear equations just written down, we have the determinant 1 0, C₁₂+X, C₁₂+ Y, &c. 2 2A C₁-X, Tee, Teş, &C. C₂- Y, Ted Т Top &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. VI.] 85 MINIMUM TEST OF STABILITY. where A is the discriminant of the terms in T which contain ', d' &c. This determinant is unaltered by changing the signs of X, Y, &c. and is a quadratic function of C₁, C, &c., X, Y, &c. Hence the terms CX, CY, &c. do not occur. If then we put W 1 0 C₂, &c. 24 C₁, Tee₂ Top, &c. 2 C₂, Top, Tpp, &c. we have T= &c. &c. &c. &c. و سچ કૃ BEE² + Ben & n' + &c. + W, 2 where B, &c. are independent of C₁, C₂, &c. Now Tis essentially positive for all values of the variables, and therefore for such as make C, C₂, &c. all zero. Hence the terms involving ', n', &c. are together a minimum when ', n', &c. are all zero. The coeffi- cients B, &c. may all be treated as constants since έ', n', &c. are all small quantities. If V be the potential energy, we have therefore the following rule. If W+V be a minimum for all variations of E, n, &c. then the steady motion is certainly stable. It should be noticed that W+V is a function only of E, n, &c. the co-ordinates which are constant in the steady motion. 5. If the energy be a function of one only of the co-ordinates, though the differential coefficients of all the others enter into its value, this condition is sufficient and necessary. Let & be this co-ordinate. Then by vis viva we have 2/2 BEE 2/2 + W + V = h. Differentiating we have d (W+V) = 0. BEEE+ αξ This equation must be satisfied by the steady motion repre- sented by =a. The second term = d(W+V) must therefore de vanish when έa, so that W+V is a maximum or minimum. To find the oscillation let us put §= a+x, we find X ď² (W+ V) /2 B + 2 de x = 0, . 86 [CHAP. MINIMUM TEST OF STABILITY. where the square bracket implies that is to be put equal to a after differentiation. By the same reasoning as before B is necessarily positive, and the motion will be stable or unstable ac- cording as (W + V) is a minimum or maximum. 6. If we refer to Art. 21 of Chap. IV. we see that this function W+V is the value of the modified Lagrangian function L' when ', n', &c. are all put zero, and the sign of the whole function changed. It therefore follows by Chap. v. that when W+V is a minimum the steady motion is stable. The "energy criterion of stability," as far as it applies to steady motion, may therefore be deduced from that given in Chap. v. Art. 8. But the mode of demonstration adopted in that chapter gives us more information as the nature of the motion, while the modes of application to examples of the two criteria are quite different. The energy criterion may also be sometimes applied to determine the stability of a motion which is not steady. [The relation between the theorem in this Chapter in which E=T+V is made a minimum to that given in Chapters IV. and V. in which L=T-V is made a maximum may be more distinctly perceived by the following statement. Let x, y, &c. be the co-ordinates of the system, and let Z be the Lagrangian function* so that LT- V, then by Art. 3 of Chap. IV. the co-ordinates in steady motion satisfy the equations dL dx dL 0, 0, &c. dy Here L is expressed as a function of x, y, &c. x', y', &c. .(1). Suppose some of the co-ordinates as 0, 4, &c. are absent from the expression for L, so that L is a function of e', ', &c., the re- maining co-ordinates, viz. §, n, &c. and their differential coefficients. Then if we form the modified Lagrangian function as in Art. 21 of Chap. IV. the equations (1) of steady motion become dL' αξ dL' = 0, = 0, &c.............. dn (2). Here, as in the Hamiltonian equations C₁, C₂, &c. are the 0, 4, &c. components of momentum, and L' is expressed as a function of C,, C₂, &c. §, n, &c. &', n', &c. 27 dT * Let u, v, &c. be the x, y, &c. components of momentum, so that u= &c. dx' and let Ħ be the Hamiltonian function. Then H=T+ V and we easily deduce from the Hamiltonian equations that, in steady motion, dH 0, dx dH =0, &c. dy Here H is expressed as a function of x, y, &c. u, v, &c. VI.] 87 APPLICATION TO TWO CO-ORDINATES. But L' —T— C¸ơ′ – С₂$′ − &c. – V dT dT T+ § + αξ dn' 'n' + &c. - V, by Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions. In steady motion §', n', &c. all vanish, hence the equations (2) become d(W+V) αξ d (W+V) dn ! = 0, &c... (3), where W is the value of T when έ, n', &c. are all put equal to zero. Here W is expressed as a function of C₁, C,, &c. §, n, &c. It is shown in Chap. v. that if the Lagrangian function ex- pressed as required in equations (1) be a maximum the motion is stable. It is shown in this Chapter that if the function W+V be a minimum the motion is stable.] 7. To find the condition of stability when the Lagrangian function is a function of two only of the co-ordinates, though the differential coefficients of all the others enter into its value. Let E, n be these two co-ordinates, then the modified Lagran- gian function as explained in Art. 20 of Chap. IV. will be a func- tion of E, n, &', n' only. Let the steady motion be given by = a, n = 6, with the corresponding values of the other co-ordinates e, o, &c. Then a and are constants. Let = a + x, n = ẞ+y, and let us expand the modified Lagrangian function in powers of x, y. Neglecting the terms of the first order, as they only give the steady motion, let 12 12 y I' = B₁₂ + B¸¹'y' + B₂ Bu 2 21 x² B₁xx'y' 22 2 + A₁₂+AY+Am A, + Apxy + Amy² 11 2 12 2 +С₁ïï' + C¿½ïу' + С₂yx' + С„Yy'. Also let E= C₁₂- C₁₂. Then the condition of stability is that the roots of the following equation should be of the form ẞ√-1. - If and 2 В₁m² — µ? В¿m³ — А „— Em, 12 B₁m² - A+ Em = 0. 12 12 В„m² — А„ A' = B₁₂B 11 22 - B₁₂² 2 2 = 22 12 ✪ = A„В₂+ A„В₁ – 2А1½В₁½ 11 11 2A1, 88 [CHAP. APPLICATION TO TWO CO-ORDINATES. be the two discriminants and the other invariant, this leads at once to the conclusion that the motion is stable only when If A x² 11 2 (1) A is positive, (2) E² - Ⓒ is positive and >2 √ÄÄ’. +Axy + A² is a maximum when a and y are zero, 22 2 the two conditions are obviously satisfied. This condition may be otherwise expressed; if L' be the modi- fied Lagrangian function, a steady motion is given by dL' = ·0, αξ dL' dn 0,⋅ §' = 0, n' = 0. This motion will be stable if for the values of E, n thus found, (1) d²L' d²L' ď²L' 2 de_dm dędn is positive, 2 ďL' d²L' (d²E' d²L' d²L' d²L' didn'de dn (2) (dědní is positive and greater than (d'L' d'L' 2 αξε {de² dn 12 + d'L' d²L' 2 {de² dn" + dn³ de" - dedn de'dn') } d² L' ) } d²L (d²L' dºL' dedn) · (de dn'" — de'dn' 8. The nature of the motion when thus reduced to depend on two co-ordinates may be illustrated by geometrical reasoning. Let the position be defined by two co-ordinates x, y which are zero along the steady motion. Let these be regarded as the co- ordinates of a point P referred to any axes. Then the motion of P exactly represents that of the system. Let us construct the conics 2 y² Aux² + Axу + Amy ² 11 2 ∙12′ 2 α, B₁ ½ + By + B₁₂ y² = b. Bu 2 22 2 Then, exactly as in Arts. 11-14 of Chap. IV., it will be found convenient to transform the co-ordinates by writing x = a₁p + b₁ql y = a₂p + b₂qf⋅ 12 If μ be the modulus of transformation we have µ = ab₂ — ab₁. It is easy to see by actual substitution, if E' be the difference of the coefficients of pq and p'q, that E' =µE. VI.] 89 APPLICATION TO TWO CO-ORDINATES. : If the transformation be from one set of oblique co-ordinates to another, let w, o' be the angles between the axes. We then have E' E sin o' sin w Transforming the axes to the common conjugate diameters, the conics become p² 2 An + A OF p² B' + B = b 11 2 the signs of a and b being such as to make these conics real. The equation to find m becomes 2 (Вm² — A„') (B„'m² — A„') + E”²m² = 0. 22 It is therefore necessary for stability that the conic a should be an ellipse as well as the conic b. It is also necessary that E' > √B,,'B 11 22 A B 11 + 11 A B 22 22 both roots having the same sign and the inequality being nu- merical. Let OP, OP; OQ, OQ be the common conjugates of the two conics, this condition then becomes E area of conic b > sin w π Nab O Q. O Q + OP OP ୦୯ When the system describes an oscillation with one period, i.e. an harmonic oscillation, the path of the representative particle is easily seen to be (B„"m² 2 (В‚‚”'m³ — ¸”) p² + (B„"m³ — A¸”) q' = constant. 11 11 22 22 The harmonic paths are therefore ellipses. It also appears that the two ellipses which represent the two harmonic vibrations and the two ellipses a and b have, all four, a common set of conjugate diameters. CHAPTER VII. Any small term of a high order, if its period is nearly the same as that of an oscillation of the system, may produce important effects on the magnitude of the oscillation. Art. 1. Origin of such terms, with an example. Arts. 2-3. Supposing the roots of the determinantal equation to satisfy the conditions of stability to a first approximation, yet if a commensurable relation hold between these roots it is necessary to examine certain terms of the higher orders to determine whether they will ultimately destroy the stability of the system. Art. 4. If a certain relation hold among the coefficients of these terms, they will not affect the stability of the system, but only slightly alter the periods of oscillation. Arts. 5—7. Examples, the first taken from Lagrange's method of finding the oscilla- tions about a position of equilibrium. Arts. 8-9. If the coefficients of the equations of motion should not be strictly con- stant, but only nearly so, the stability will not be affected, unless the reciprocals of their periods have commensurable relations with the reciprocals of the periods of oscillation of the system. Art. 10. 1. If we understand that a motion is called stable when any small disturbance does not cause the system to deviate far from its undisturbed motion, it is clear that we cannot be certain of the stability without examining the terms of the second order. It is possible that some of these may have their periods so timed that their effects may accumulate until the motion is changed. Returning to the equations of Art. 3, Chap. I. we shall have on the right hand, instead of zero, a series of small terms of orders higher than the first. To find a second approximation, we substi- tute the values of x, y, &c. given at the end of Art. 3, in these terms. They will therefore take the form Net and will produce in N' x, y, &c. terms of the form ent, where N' is of the same order f(n) at least as the term considered, and ƒ (m) has the same meaning as " CHAP.VII.] EFFECT OF SMALL TERMS ON THE ARC OF OSCILLATION. 91 in Chap. I. These will have to be expressed in trigonometrical real forms, but it is unnecessary to exhibit the process, for we see. at once that no small term or force (whatever it may be called) of a high order can affect the stability of the motion unless it makes f(n) very nearly or exactly equal to zero. In this case its period is very nearly or exactly equal to one of the periods of the motion given by taking terms of the first order only. A remarkable use of this principle was made by Captain Kater. in his experiments on the magnitude of gravity. It was important to determine if the support of his pendulum was perfectly firm. He tells us that he had recourse to a delicate and simple instru- ment the sensibility of which was so great that had the slightest motion taken place in the support it must have been instantly detected. The instrument consists of a steel wire the lower part of which, inserted in the piece of brass which serves as its support, is flattened so as to form a delicate spring. On the wire a small weight slides by means of which it may be made to vibrate in the same time as the pendulum to which it is to be applied as a test. When thus adjusted it is placed in the material to which the pendulum is attached, and should this not be perfectly firm its motion will be communicated to the wire, which in a little time will accompany the pendulum in its vibrations. This ingenious contrivance appeared fully adequate to the purpose for which it was employed, and afforded a satisfactory proof of the stability of the point of suspension. See Phil. Trans., 1818. · 2. Since the term Nent is obtained by compounding the different terms in the values of x, y, &c. it is clear that n = pm₂+qm 2 where p, q, &c. are positive integers whose sum is the order of the term. It is therefore only when the roots of the dynamical equa- tion ƒ (m) = 0 are such that a linear relation of the form pm₁ + qm₂ + ... m, very nearly 1 exists between them, that we may expect to find important terms among the higher orders. The order of the terms to be examined will be p+q+..., and unless this be also small, the terms will probably remain insignificant. If the root m, should occur twice in ƒ (m) = 0 it is clear that the divisor ƒ (n) will be a small quantity of the second order, and the term may be said (as in the Lunar Theory) to rise two orders. 3. To take an example, let us suppose a particle to be describ- ing an ellipse about a fixed centre of force in one focus. If dis- turbed it will describe a slightly different ellipse. r = a{1-ecos (nt + e − w) + ...}, Ө 0 = nt + € + 2e sin (nt + e − w) + ... Since 92 [CHAP. EFFECT OF SMALL TERMS 1 " we see that a slight change in the elements will cause variations in r and ◊ of the period an additional variation in 0 of the 2π N form ton+de and an additional variation in r of the form da. All these variations should by Art. 3 of Chap. I. be indicated by expressions of the form r=ΣMe 0=ZM'eme where the values of m are the roots of the equation f(m) = 0. The roots therefore of the equation ƒ(m) = 0 for dr are m 0 and ±n√-1, and for 80 are m=0, 0 and ±n-1. We there- fore infer that any small disturbing causes of the second order whose periods are nearly equal to that of the particle, will cause important inequalities in both dr and 80, and (since ƒ (m) = 0 has two roots equal to zero) any term of long period will rise two orders in 80. 4. If the roots of the subsidiary equation are such that the relation pm + qm₂ +... = m₁ holds accurately, the solution changes its character. We have now in the value of x a term of the form temit. Unless the real part of m, is negative, this indicates that the system will depart widely from the motion which we took as a first approximation. We must therefore modify our first approximation (as in the Lunar Theory) by including in it the terms which produced these im- portant effects. We may then enquire how far this modified first approximation indicates that the motion is stable or unstable. When these terms are included the equations to be solved are in general no longer linear, and it is sometimes impossible to find a solution sufficiently, accurate to serve as a first approximation throughout the whole motion. 5. In some cases, however, the oscillations may still be represented by expressions of the form 2 x= M₁e",* + M₂e";*+ y= Me"¹² + M₂'e”½¢ + &c., 2 n where the values of n₁, n... differ but slightly from the roots of the equation f(m) = 0. Let us investigate the condition that this should be true, and also determine whether the changes in the values of m₁, m…….. are sufficient to affect the stability. Suppose that we have completed our first approximation, and find on proceeding to a higher approximation that the terms N₁em₁t + Nemat + ... Ne + Ne" + ... VII.] 93 ON THE PERIOD OF OSCILLATION. present themselves on the right-hand side of the first set of equations in Art. 3, Chap. I. These terms are supposed to have arisen from several relations of the form 1 pm₁ +qm₂+... = m.. 1 If these terms can be included in the first approximation by writing n₁, n,, &c. for m,, m, &c. we have, by substitution in the differential equations, certain equations connecting n, M, M', &c., whose left-hand sides are the same as those used in Art. 3 with n, written for m,, but on the right-hand sides we have instead of zero the quantities N₁, N, &c. The test of the success of the process is that these modifications in the values of m must satisfy the same relations as before. Now N₁, N, &c. are all at least of the second order of small quantities, hence up to terms of the first order the ratios M₁, M₁, &c. will be the same as before, so that we may put M₁ = L₁α₁, M₁ =L₁b₁, &c., 1 19 following the same notation as in Art. 3, Chap. I. We also have M₁ƒ(n) = Ñ‚α₁ + Njaj' + ... Let n₁ = m₁ + Sm, we find N₁α₁₂+ N₁α₁ + Sm₁ ƒ' (mr) Lar Similarly N¸à¸+ N₂ ɑ'+ Sm₂ = 22 &c. = &c. 2 ƒ (m₂) L₂α₂ It is evident, by the theorem of determinants alluded to in Art. 3, that these are symmetrical expressions. 6. We may conveniently express these results in the form of a rule. Suppose we have to a first approximation x = M₁em, + M₂et +... Eliminate from the differential equations all the variables except x in the usual manner. This may be done by performing on the several equations the operations represented by the minors a, a', d &C., at being written for m. Let the equation thus found be f x = Pe" + P₂e"... • 94 [CHAP. EFFECT OF SMALL TERMS. Then all these terms can be included in the first approximation, provided Sm₁ = P₁ Mf (m) Sm₂ = P₂ Mf'(m.) &c. satisfy the relations pdm¸ + qồm„ + ... = dm,, 2 &c. = &c. which exist among the roots of the dynamical equation. 7. The general results we have arrived at may be summed up as follows. Though some of the terms of the higher orders may affect the magnitude of the oscillation, yet no term will arise to affect the stability of the motion unless there be some relations between the roots of the dynamical equation of the form pm₂+qm₂ + = m₁; where p, q, &c. are all integers. Even if such relations occur, the lowest order of the term is p+q+..., and if this be considerable the term will not produce any important effects until a con- siderable time has elapsed. If a certain relation, just found, hold among these terms, their only effect is slightly to modify the periods of oscillation, without altering the type of motion. 8. As an example, let us consider a system of bodies to be oscillating about a position of equilibrium. We know by Lagrange's general solution, that the equation f(m) = 0 is of an even order. Its roots are of the form α m. 3 m₁=a√—1, m¸=-a√-1, m¸=B√√−1, &c. Whatever the numerical values of these may be we have m₁ + m² + m₁ = m1 1 3 4 so that the small terms of the m₂ + m² + m₁₂ = m 2› 3 4 M2? &c. third, fifth, &c. orders might affect the stability of the oscillation. But we shall now show that they only affect the periods of oscillation, and not the stability of the system. Since both sides of Lagrange's equations must be of – 2 di- mensions in time and the impressed forces are also of -2 dimen- sions, it is clear that these terms must consist of powers of x, y, &c. d'x d'y &c. and products of an even number of factors of dt² dt2, dx dy &c. We know also, by Lagrange's solution, that the dt dt' co-ordinates take the form x= M₁ cos (xt +λ₁) +&c. y = M'' cos (zt +λ₁) + &c. .VII.] 95 CRITERION OF STABILITY. d The minors a, a, &c. are also all even functions of hence the equation found after elimination is of the form dt > $ ( d x= P cos (at +λ) + Q cos (ẞt + µ) + ... dt Replacing a√-1, -a√-1, &c. by m₁, m,, &c. we find by Art. 6, P Sm₁ Sm₁ = • 2M¸ƒ' (m¸)' P 2M₁ƒ'(m¸)' 2 Since f'(m) is of odd dimensions, and m=-m, we clearly have Sm₁=-&m,, and therefore the test is satisfied. δη 1 9. [As another example let us apply the rule of Art. 6 to some very simple case which will involve no algebraical substi- tutions of any length. The motion of a simple pendulum under the action of gravity may be made to depend on the equation d²x dt2 + a²x=Bx³ (1), where a and B are two constants and x is the inclination of the pendulum to the vertical which is supposed to be small. The first approximation to the motion is x = M₁emit +M₂emat (2), where m, and m, are the roots of the equation m² + a²=0. Our object is to ascertain by help of the rule given in Art. 6 whether the small force represented by Ba³ renders this first approximation unstable or merely slightly alters the numerical values of m, and m₂• The two roots are connected by the relation m₂+m₂ = 0..... 2 (3). Substituting the value of x on the right-hand side, we have (a+c²) M¸M, +a²) x=3ẞ M₁M₂ (M¸em+ Mem₂t) + &c. Hence by the rule in Art. 6 Sm 1 2 3ẞM, M 2m,M, 1 2 Sm₂ 38MM, 2m,M, These clearly satisfy the relation Sm, + Sm, = 0, 1 2 96 [CHAP. EFFECT OF SMALL TERMS. and therefore the first approximation taken above, so far as the disturbing force Ba³ is concerned, is stable. If the small force had been 8 (da) ß instead of ẞx³, it is easy dt to see in the same way that 3ẞM, M₂m²m, Sm₁ 2 2 Sm 1 3ẞM,M²mm 2 2m,M₁ 1 2 2m,M₂ so that the relation Sm+Sm₂ = 0 would not have been satisfied. The first approximation taken above is therefore not sufficiently accurate to serve as a first approximation throughout the motion. In this example we have considered the effect of a small force of the third order in disturbing the stability of the motion given by equation (1). The same equation will obviously occur in many other cases of motion. For example, let a particle describe a cir- cular orbit about a centre of force situated in the centre. If slightly disturbed the equation giving the disturbance ≈ in the radius vector takes the form d²x dt² +a³x=ẞx² + yx³ +. where a, ẞ and y are constants. Similar remarks will therefore apply to this case also.] 10. When the coefficients of the equation of motion are not strictly constant, but yet do not vary much, then we may transpose the small variable parts of these terms to the right-hand side of the equation, and treat their products by the differential coeffi- cients of the co-ordinates as small quantities of the second order. Suppose the variable part of one of these coefficients to be p sin nt, where p is small, and let ƒ(m) = 0 be the equation giving the periods of oscillation of the system when the coefficients are taken constant. Then it is clear that unless n is nearly equal to the sum or difference of two values of m, this term cannot rise into importance. On proceeding to higher orders we see that these terms cannot produce important effects unless some commen- surable relation between m and the roots of the equation ƒ (m) = 0 should be very nearly satisfied. 11. It should be remarked that when the coefficients are not constant it is not a sufficient test of stability that they should always satisfy the conditions of stability obtained by giving them their instantaneous constant values. Thus if the equation of motion were d2x + dť² 4t2 1 x = 0, VII.] 97 CRITERION OF STABILITY. R. A. the coefficient of x is always positive, yet as the equation is satis- fied by xat, x may become as great as we please. Even if the coefficients are nearly constant, we must yet ex- amine, by the rules just given, if their small changes are so timed as gradually to increase the oscillation until the divergence from the given motion is no longer small. [Suppose a system to be oscillating so that its motion is de- termined by the equation dx dt² +qx = 0, where q is a known function of t, which during the time under consideration always lies between 2 and B' the latter being the greater. Let the system be started with an initial co-ordinate x and an initial velocity x in a direction tending to increase x. It may be shown that the system will begin to return, i.e. x will 2 20% x² + 12 B2: If begin to decrease before x becomes as great as ±m, 7m' be two successive maximum values of x, we may also show that m' cannot be so great as m, and that the time from B π B B and 1. one maximum to the next lies between L ม 3 ་ 1 CHAPTER VIII. ¡ The Hamiltonian Characteristic or Principal functions when found deter- mine at once the motion of the system from one given position to another, and whether the motion is stable or unstable. Arts. 1—3. Examples with a mode of effecting the integration S = [Lat lations Arts. 4—7. in small oscil- The Characteristic function supplies the condition that the motion is stable as to space only, while the Principal function gives the conditions that it is stable both as to space and time. Art. 8. In what sense the motion is unstable if either of the two Hamiltonian functions is a minimum. Arts. 9-14. 1. If we had any convenient methods of finding the Hamil- tonian Characteristic or Principal function, we might determine without difficulty the conditions of stability of a dynamical system at the same time that we deduce the integrals of the equations of motion. But it is very difficult to discover either of these func- tions by an à priori method. We have indeed differential equa- tions which they must satisfy, and Jacobi has taught us what kind of solution will serve our purpose. But the difficulty of finding these solutions is as great as that of solving the equations of motion. For these reasons it does not seem necessary to dwell on the uses of these functions. Ꭴ 2. Suppose the Principal function S of a dynamical system to have been found in terms of the initial co-ordinates 0, 4, and the co-ordinates e, and the time t. Let the semi-vis viva be given by 0'2 2 T= PT + Q&&' + R ²², R。 where P, Q, R are known functions of 0, p. Let P., Q., R, be .3 + CHAP. VIII.] THE PRINCIPAL AND CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS. 99 the values of these when 6, 4, are written for 6, 6. The final integrals of the equations of motion are then given by ds do。 ds do。 = · PO' + Qoto' Q₂O!' + Roto Let the system receive any disturbance at the time t=0, so that while starting from the same initial position, its initial ve- locities are slightly altered. Let x, y be these initial changes of 0 and 6 and let 0+x, +y be the co-ordinates of the system at the time t. Then we have dod&y=Pox + Qoyo d2 S d2S X do do dS d² S x đẹp đó d‡¸d$Y = Q。x''+R¸y. Here x, y are small arbitrary quantities, hence x and y will be small if none of the ratios of to the determinant d² S d2S d28 do do do do do do ' or > d² S do do be large. des d² S độ d's do do do do d²S d² S do do do do¹ If the initial position as well as the initial motion be altered we may find, by a precisely similar process, the conditions that x and y should be small. If the system have more than two inde- pendent motions, we have more than two co-ordinates, but the conditions of stability are found in the same way. 3. If x and y be small throughout the whole motion from the one given position to the other, not only does the system not deviate far from its undisturbed course, but the system at any instant is also very nearly coincident with its undisturbed place at the same time. It is important to notice this, for the word "stability" is sometimes used in a different sense. This condition of stability may be put under a form in which no reference is made to S. Let u and v be the components of momentum of the system corresponding to the co-ordinates 0, p dT dT respectively, i. e. let u= v= and let these be expressed > do' do" > WorM 100 [CHAP. THE PRINCIPAL AND as functions of 0, 0, 0, 4 and t. Then the preceding equation may be written du dv de x + do y = a 0 du dv x + афо dd Y = B where a and B are small arbitrary quantities. The condition of stability is that the values of x and y thus found should be small. 4. As an example let us consider the case of a projectile. If be the horizontal, and the vertical co-ordinate of the par- ticle, we have S (0 − 0.)² + ($ − 6.)² 2t - 1 gt (4 + 0) — 24 9² t³ T = { (0²² + p'²) The equations to find x and y are evidently 1 = X = X X t 1 ty = y; Hence the system continually deviates more and more from its undisturbed place. 5. In order to calculate the form of S when a system is oscil- lating about a state of motion, it is convenient to choose as co- ordinates some small quantities x, y which vanish in the given state of motion. Let the Lagrangian function be written in the form L=L₁₂+L₁+L₂, where L is a homogeneous function of x, y, x', y'. Then by a theorem of Euler's n dL L = L₂+ Σ (dL₁ x + d +x') + + Σ 0 do 2 dL. dly or ), + + && (dl 2 x + dx where the 's imply summation for all co-ordinates. As in Art. 9 of Chap. IV. we have d dL₁ _ dL, dt dx' dx and the oscillations are given by 2 2 d dL₂_dL₂ dt da dx VIII.] 101 • CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS. Hence we find´ d dL₁ dt dx' dL d d L₂+ x 2 dL). dt L = L₁ + Σ (x & dl ; + x' d ) + + Σ (x at da Σα Integrating we have dx' dLi t 8 = √ Ldt + Σ [ = 24] + 0 + dL.Jt 2 X dx' 0 • Thus the integration has been effected, but in order to express S as a function of x, y, x, y and t, it will be necessary to find x', yo', x', y' in terms of these quantities. 6. As an example, let the position of the system depend on one co-ordinate x and let 12 L = L¸ + A¸x + В¸½ + ½ ø¸ï² + ½ В₁x²² + С₁жж'‚ 0 11 where the coefficients are all constants. We then find by the process just indicated that A₁ = 0 and 1 C. 2 11 x²) S = L¸t + B¸ (x − œ.) + − ¹¹ (x² — æº) − x) where m² A, B₁₁ 11 d's 11 mВ₁ (x²+x¸³) (emt +e-mt) — 4xx。 + 2 11 emt — e-mt > Applying the criterion of stability we find that will finally become small if m is real. The motion is there- dx dx 11 fore unstable or stable according as A, B₁ have the same or opposite signs. 7. If the position of the system depend on two co-ordinates x, y, let L = L₂+¸¤+øy+B¸x' +B₂y' 1 12 + ½ А„x² + А¸½ xy + ½ А„ÿ² + ½ В„x²² + B₁₂x'y' + ½ В„y” 12 + C₁xx' +С₁xy + С₂уx' + С₂ÿÿ'. We then find S=L₁t+B₁ (x-x) + B₂ (y — yo) 12 12 2 x² 2 + C₁, xo 12 11 2 C₁ + Co + 2 21 (xy − x。y。) + С₂ y² — Y ¿ 2 22 2 where B.. σ = B, 2 11 -B₁ (xx' — xx') + ¹²² (xy' + x'y−x.ÿ'! − x'y.) + B* (vy'−136). 12 22 2 K 102 [CHAP. THE CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION. If we now express x, y, x, y, in terms of x, y, x, y, and t, we find for σ a fraction whose numerator is a homogeneous quadratic function of x, y, x, y, the coefficients being linear functions of exponentials of t, and whose denominator is another linear function of the same exponentials. These exponentials become sines and cosines when the motion is stable. Thus when the given motion is steady the simplest inspection of the form of σ will determine whether the motion is stable or not. Referring the motion to principal co-ordinates for the sake of brevity, and writing 2G C-C, we find that a must satisfy the differential equation do 1 /do = 12 2 1 /do + + Gy) + 2B dy ↑ dt 2B₁ dx 11 22 2 * = Gx) = 14₁x² + 1 A „у². 22. This equation is obviously satisfied by such a function as that just described. The solution of this equation may be reduced to linear equations and thus o may be found. But it is unnecessary to dwell on this, for this would be equivalent to returning to the Hamiltonian equations. 8. If we wish to determine the condition that the general course of a dynamical system is stable without requiring it should be near its undisturbed place at any the same time, it is more convenient to use the Characteristic function. Suppose that the Characteristic function has in Jacobi's manner been expressed as a function of the co-ordinates 0, 4, the constant h of vis viva and two arbitrary constants a,, a. Then V=ƒ (0, 0, h, a₁) +ɑ2° The relation between 0 and p, which may be called the equa- tion to the path of the system, is given by 1 dv da₁ 19 where b, is another constant. Let the system be disturbed from the same initial position so that the whole energy is unaltered. The change in corresponding to any given value of ✪ is found from dad&&&=8b¸. d² V ď² V da, δα, + d² V Let A be the initial value of then da,2, 2) ď² V da 2 δφ= d² V A da,do δα, VIII.] 103 MINIMUM TEST OF STABILITY. The condition that the path should be stable is that the coeffi- cient of da, should not be large. We might also use the function called Q by Sir W. R. Ha- milton, but it seems unnecessary to dwell more on this subject. 9. The instability of a system may be deduced from the Hamiltonian Principal or Characteristic functions, expressed as a minimum. Suppose a dynamical system to move from one posi- tion A to another B in a time t, then the motion may be found by making the first variation of S= | Ldt equal to zero, the time of rt 0 transit being constant. The constants of integration are deter- mined by the conditions that the co-ordinates have given. values when t=0 and t=t. To determine whether S is a maximum or minimum or neither we must examine the second variation and here we have the assistance of Jacobi's rule. The determination of the constants will depend on the solution of equations and may lead to several different kinds of motion from A to B. One of these will be the actual motion. Let us move B along this until one of the other motions coincides or as we may say approaches indefinitely near to this actual motion. We have then reached a boundary beyond which the integration must not extend if S is to be a maximum or minimum. See Todhunter's History of the Calculus of Variations, page 251. Further if be a co- ordinate, is positive throughout the limits of integration, so that S will be a minimum and not a maximum. = d² L do¹², 10. When there are several co-ordinates 0, 4, &c. which are to be found as functions of the time, we may easily show that Jacobi's condition is a necessary one, and this is all that we require for the next proposition. If the system can move in two ways from A to B, then SS-0 along each, and therefore when these two are adjacent we have both SS-0 and 8(8+ SS) = 0. This shows that the second variation can be made to vanish by taking one variation through the other. This second variation will then be the same as the quadratic term of the series obtained by changing the co-ordinates , & into 0 + 80, & +84, because we can take 800 and 80. Hence as the sum of the terms of the third order does not, in general, vanish for this displacement, it is clear that S cannot be either a maximum or a minimum. Let the actual motion be from A to B, and let a neighbouring motion starting from A lead the system to a position C reached in the same time along the actual motion before reaching B. Then we can show that a variation of the actual motion from A to B can be found which makes 8'S of any sign. Let P be any position 1 104 [CHAP. THE PRINCIPAL FUNCTION. ► % : on the neighbouring motion before reaching C, and Q, one on the actual motion after passing C. Then considering P and Q as fixed and also the time of transit, the motion along PCQ cannot make SS=0; for this condition is known to lead to the ordinary dynamical equations, and it is clear that (impulsive forces being set aside) no actual motion can be discontinuous. But there is discontinuity at C, for otherwise when the system is started from B towards A, two courses would be open to the system on arriving at C. Hence the first variations of S for an imaginary motion along PCQ are not zero, and therefore may have any sign. But since the discontinuity at C is of the first order of small quantities, this first variation is of the second order. Now the value of S for the actual motion is equal to that along the neighbouring motion to C and then along the actual motion to B. Hence, P and Q being still fixed, variations of the actual motion from A to B can be found which make SS of any sign, 11. Let us apply this theory to determine the stability of a given state of motion. First let us suppose the given motion to be steady and to depend on only two variables. If we use the function S there will be one co-ordinate and the time, if V two co-ordinates. Let the system be disturbed at any moment by an alteration of the velocities of its several parts, so that the initial position of the disturbed motion is an undisturbed position. If the motion be stable the system will oscillate about the un- disturbed motion, the oscillation repeating itself at a constant interval. It follows therefore by Jacobi's rule that S or V cannot be a minimum for a period longer than the time of a half-oscilla- tion. If therefore S or V be a minimum for all variations, starting from A and ending at B, where B is a position on the steady motion reached by the system at an interval as long as we please, then the motion is unstable. If we give a meaning to the word "stable" somewhat different* from its usual signification, we may extend this proposition to 'determine a test of the stability of any motion, whether steady or not. All we have assumed is, that, if the motion be not altogether unstable, there are some disturbances which will cause the system periodically to assume the same positions as it would have done if it had been undisturbed, but the interval of these periods may any whatever provided the first be finite. If we use the Character- istic function, these disturbances must be such as not to alter the constant of vis viva, and if the Principal function, they must be such as to bring the system to an undisturbed position in the same time. be * This meaning does not always agree with the results of Art, 14, Chap. IV. [See also Arts. 17 and 18, Chap. iv.] VIII.] 105 MINIMUM TEST OF STABILITY. must have 12 12. Next let us suppose that as the system proceeds from the initial position A along the actual motion, S ceases to be a minimum at some position B. The conditions for a minimum are of two kinds. Suppose the system to depend on two co- ordinates 0, 4, and let L be the Lagrangian function, then (1) we d² L d²L d²L d'L and both positive, and (2) it de¹2 do¹² dp″ de'do' must be possible to choose three arbitrary constants which enter into a very complicated expression, so that this expression may never become infinite between the limits of integration. The first condition is clearly always satisfied since the vis viva of any system is necessarily positive for all values of ' and '. The second condition will fail if there are two neighbouring motions by which the system can proceed from A to any position between A and B. If this be the mode of failure, it is clear from the reasoning of Art. 2 that the conditions of stability are satisfied for one kind of disturbance, and that therefore some at least of the harmonic motions are stable or oscillatory, though the motion may be unstable for a different kind of disturbance. 13. [These conditions become much simpler when the position of the system is determined by one co-ordinate, or when the Lagrangian function can be reduced to depend on one co-ordinate. Let this co-ordinate be so chosen that it vanishes along the given motion, and let us also suppose that both it and its differential coefficient with regard to t, are small for all neighbouring con- strained motions. Let this co-ordinate be called and let the Lagrangian function be 1 B,0 ᏟᎾᎾ L = L¸ + Â¸Ø + B¸Ø + ½ ¹‚„ت + ½ „ب³ +С„ØØ”. A¸0 11 Then since the Lagrangian equation of motion is satisfied by hypothesis when 0=0, we have A₁ = B, where the accent, as usual, denotes differentiation with regard to t. If the system be now conducted from the initial position A to any other position B, both on the given motion, by any neighbour- ing mode of motion, we have 1 S= 1= [Ldt + √(√ B¸¸Ø¹² + C₂00 + ½ ½‚„غ) dt. 11 2 11 If 0 = u be any solution of the Lagrangian equation d dt (B.,0 + C.,0) = C.,0 + ᎪᎾ, 11 11 11 11 R. A. ∞ Uor M .J 106 [CHAP. THE PRINCIPAL FUNCTION. い ​་ ་ 4 we may write the function S in the form* d Ꮎ 2 S= [Lde + [B₂ (u 20)* dt. dt u 11 The second term is essentially positive, since B₁, must be positive. Hence S is a minimum along the given motion unless d Ꮎ we can so choose the arbitrary displacement ✪ as to make dt u 0. This gives = cu where c is some constant. But 0 must vanish 0=cu at the two limits A and B, hence this choice of 0 is excluded unless there is some neighbouring mode of motion by which the system could move freely from the given initial position A to the position B. The result is that S cannot cease to be a minimum before the first instant at which some neighbouring motion will bring the system (starting from A) into coincidence with some contemporaneous position on the given motion. If the given motion be steady, it follows that S cannot cease to be a minimum before a time which is half that of a complete oscillation. We thus have a test of stability. If the system depend on one co-ordinate and if S be a minimum when the limits of integration are from the initial position A to all positions on the actual motion, that motion is unstable. But if S cease to be a minimum at some point C, then the actual motion is stable from A to C.] * [Following Lagrange's rule we may write the second term of S in the form - λθ + + [ { } B₁10¹² + (C₁₂1 + 2) 00′ + 11 The quantity outside the integral sign is to be taken between the given limits and is zero, since 0 vanishes at each limit. Let us now put C11+2x B11 ú U It is clear that this value of λ cannot be infinite between the limits of integra- tion unless u vanishes. For by hypothesis u and u' are both finite and the co- efficients B₁₁ and C₁₁ in the Lagrangian function are also finite. It then easily follows from the equation that 11 11 d 11 (B₁u+С₁u)=С₁1ª +A₁µ‚ (C11+2X)²=B11 (411+2X'). Hence the second term of S becomes 2 B₂ ( 0 - 0 2) at, 11 which is the result in the text. This might also have been deduced from Jacobi's general transformation with one independent variable given in Prof. Jellett's Calculus of Variations or Prof. Price's Differential Calculus. If u=0 between the limits of integration this transformation fails, but, as is evident from the argument in the text, we choose 0=u to represent a neighbouring free motion such that u=0 just before the system reaches A; also B is so placed that the next instant at which u=0 is after the system has passed B.] Mчo VIII.] 107 MINIMUM TEST OF STABILITY. 14. [We shall conclude the chapter with the application of this criterion of stability to some simple case. A particle describes a circular orbit about a centre of force situated in the centre. It is required to deduce the conditions of stability as to space from the Characteristic function V. Let a be the radius of the circle, n the angular velocity of the particle about the centre O. Let (a) be the law of force. Let A and B be two points taken on the circular orbit, and let the particle be conducted from A to B by some neighbouring path with the same energy as in the circular orbit. Let r=a+p be the radius vector of this path, corresponding to any angle 0. If v be the velocity at any point of this path, we easily find v = an {1 –º. a 2 (ap´(a) $(a) + 1) 2a2 If s be the arc of the path, we have ds de = a+p+ 1 /dp)² 2a de (98) 2 If the angle A OB = ß, we therefore have dp 2 V = [ vds = a²ns + " [" {(de) - p°p"} do, where p² αφ'(α) +3. $(a) 2 0 If the neighbouring path be a free path described with the same energy, its equation is p = L sin p0, where is measured from the radius vector OA, and L is an arbitrary constant. This free path will cut the circle again in some point C. If the angle AOC=y, we have pɣ=π. If B coincide with C, we find by substituting this value of p in the expression for V, that the second term of Vis zero. If В be beyond C but such that the angle COB is less than y, draw two free paths one from A as before and the other backwards from B to meet the former in some point P. Then the angle AOP=18. If the particle be conducted from A to P along one path and from P to B along the other, we find that the excess of the action over the action in the circular arc AB is equal to np L² sin pß. 2 Since pß is greater than π and less than 2π, this excess is negative. The action along the circular arc is therefore not a 108 [CHAP. VIII. THE CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION. minimum if B be beyond the first intersection of a neighbouring free path. Lastly we may show that the action is a minimum if B lie between A and C. To prove this we write the integral in the expression for Vin the form B 2 dp [ -xp² ] " + " {(de)" do + (dd = p²) p°} do. 0 +21 do P The first of these two terms is zero since o vanishes at each limit. Following Lagrange's rule we make dr p² = x². de The integral then becomes dp de S° (do + xp)*"ão. This is always positive and the action along the circular arc is a minimum. The argument however requires that λ should not become infinite between the limits of integration. It is easy to see that p λ=p tan (p0+ E), where E is a constant to be chosen at our pleasure. But if ß exceed it is impossible to choose E so as to keep λ finite be- tween the limits of integration. Hence the action is a minimum only if the angle AOB subtended by the limiting positions at the centre is less than The circular orbit is therefore stable if p² be positive. π p If, however, p² be negative, the expression for λ changes its character. Writing — q² for p², we find q + λ 2-λ Ee-2q0 thus the value of λ can be chosen so as not to be infinite for all positive values of 0. In this case the function V is a minimum for all arcs AB however distant B may be from A. The circular motion is therefore unstable.] CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 4 1 : ཁཱ, ; 1 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Z 3 9015 06708 1649