STREAM POLLUTION IN ··· TD 224 W6 A4 : WISCONSIN B 429423 SPECIAL REPORT A Joint Report of the Conservation Com- mission and State Board of Health of Wis- consin Concerning Activities in the Con- trol of Stream Pollution, From July 1, 1925, to December 31, 1926. Prepared by Bureau of Sanitary Engineering WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Madison, Wisconsin January, 1927 esta. #MW!! ARTES LIBRARY 18 17 VERITAS CONS URU UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLUSION: TIEBOR SCIENTIA OF THE CIRCUMSPICE QUERIS PENINSULAM-AMⱭNAM 3/3/3UAUGI SAANJA I JAS RA THE GIFT OF Wisconsin Board of Health TŸNÍ JI Ultr HEALTHIERй ranged maple to an SELLE 5 51 TD 22 .W6 Ач HIV. 30% OHD S LR ST CROIX Z 2 DOUGLAS M [WASHBURN ~BURNETTL BARRON DUNN N BUFFALO LEGEND DOMESTIC SEWAGE PAPER PULP MILLS CANNING PLANTS CONDENSERIES BUTTER CHEESE FACTORIES INVESTIGATED COAL TAR & GAS PLANTS PACKING RENDERING PLANTS, TANNERIES MISCELLANEOUS PLANT 3 INVESTIGATED BAYFIELD RUSK [CHIPPEWA TAIRE REMPE AL A * SBR LA CROSSE VERNON TAVLOR AND IRON MONROE ARK CRANFORD UPERI PRICE WOOD DRICHLAND SAUK WISCON GRANT IOWA MARATHON EIN LA FAYE M (VILAS LINCOLN L MAJOR SOURCES OF STREAM POLLUTION. JUNEAU ADAMS WAUSHARA ONEIDA PORTAGES R O DANE GREEN COLUMBIA 1. ILANGLADE с MARQUETTEGBEE 1 [FOREST, FLORENCE, SHAWA WAJPOCA MAP OF WISCONSIN N H JEFFER OCONTO Ou WINNEBAGO MARINETTE FOND DU LAC 0 SHOWING I [BROWNI MET C MANITOWOC SHEBOYGAN \SHING|02/ KEWARITE FRACINE [XENOS A 'S, N K F DOOR !) NICH, Z STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN SPECIAL REPORT A Joint Report of the Conservation Com- mission and State Board of Health of Wis- consin Concerning Activities in the Con- trol of Stream Pollution, From July 1,. 1925, to December 31, 1926. ORWARD Prepared by Bureau of Sanitary Engineering WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Madison, Wisconsin January, 1927 CONTAC▼ KALAH. D. TALÀ L **!!! F ELMER S. HALL__. C. A. HARPER_. PERSONNEL C. M. BAKER L. F. WARRICK_ E. J. TULLY O. J. MUEGGE__ J. P. SMITH_ C. L. TURNER BUREAU OF SANITARY ENGINEERING' WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ARE TD _Conservation Commissioner _State Health Officer 224 W6 A+ Assistant Sanitary Engineer (Temporary) Biologist (Temporary) State Sanitary Engineer Assistant Sanitary Engineer Chemical Engineer Assistant Sanitary Engineer Gift wise Ps. Hint! Is 3/4/32 GENERAL SUMMARY PART I.-GENERAL INFORMATION : TABLE OF CONTENTS Policy Basic Principles Personnel and Equipment Pollution and the Public Health Pollution and Fish Life Pollution and Plant Life Climatic Conditions Natural Purification of Streams Sources of Pollution Value of Fishing Summary Improvements in Waste Treatment Financial Statement PART II.-COMPLAINTS REGARDING POLLUTION General Ripon Waupun PART III.-WASTE TREATMENT INVESTIGATIONS Introduction Section 1 Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes Summary (results and recommendations) Introduction Character of Pea Cannery Wastes Past Investigations Preliminary Laboratory Studies Cannery selected for Experimental Work Construction of Experimental Plant Operation of Treatment Plant Character of Sludge Analytical Control Tests Operating Results Effect of Treated Waste on Stream Proposed Designs for Treatment Plants Cost Estimates t 1 Page 1 4 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 18 25. 25 26 26 27 28 31 32 33 35 44 47 50 51 58 61 65.i vi TABLE OF CONTENTS } Conclusions and Recommendations Bibliography Appendix A—Analytical Results Appendix B-Analytical Results Design-Continuous Flow Plan Design-Fill and Draw Plan Section 2 Treatment of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes Introduction Nature of Sulphite Waste Liquor Past Investigations Sulphite Waste Liquor Aeration Experiments Experiments at Park Falls Results of Treatment Improvement in Stream Conditions Experiments at Rothschild Results of Aeration Conclusions and Recommendations Bibliography Wisconsin Introduction Pea Cannery Waste Treatment at Ripon Results of Preliminary Treatment Treatment of Knitting Mill Wastes Preliminary Treatment Experiments Results of Experiments Conclusions and Recommendations PART IV.-STREAM POLLUTION SURVEYS Introduction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 | Section 3 Preliminary Treatment of Industrial Wastes at Ripon, J J 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Page 68 68 69 70 71 73 J 1 I Section 4 Waupun Sewage and Industrial Waste Treatment Investiga- tion Introduction Quantity and Character of Wastes Preliminary Laboratory Tests Field Experimental Work Results of Field Experiments Conclusions 1 1 I 1 1 1 74 74 74 75 75 76 77 80 81 82 83 84 86 86 86 88 88 88 89 91 93 93 93 95 96 97 98 99 99 } 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Survey Procedure General Data Chemical Analyses Biological Observations Bacteriological Analyses Section 1 Stream Flow Data Waste Causing Pollution Wisconsin River Flambeau River Sheboygan River Recommendations Lower Fox River Survey General Information Past Investigations Preliminary Survey Section 2 General and Chemical Data-Fox, Wisconsin, Flambeau and Sheboygan Rivers Summary and Conclusions Lower Fox River Established Sampling Stations Dissolved Oxygen Data Other Chemical Analyses Stream Flow Data East River (Tributary) Survey * Wisconsin River Survey General Information Past Investigations Preliminary Survey Established Sampling Stations Dissolved Oxygen Data Other Chemical Analyses Stream Flow Data Flambeau River Survey General Information Past Investigations Preliminary Survey Established Sampling Stations Dissolved Oxygen Data Other Chemical Analyses Stream Flow Data Sheboygan River Survey vii Page 101 101 101 107 107 108 112 127 127 127 129 130 131 131 132 132 136 140 146 152 165 165 173 176 176 179 183 185 195 215 217 223 225 230 230 231 233 236 236 238 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS : i : Section 3 Biological Survey of Fox, Wisconsin, and Flambeau Rivers With Special Reference to Pollution Object Summary of Findings Fox and East Rivers Wisconsin River Flambeau River Scope of Biological Survey Principle of Using Plants and Animals as Indicators of Pollution Discussion of Data __ Fox and East Rivers Wisconsin River Flambeau River Results Obtained from the Use of Live Boxes Bibliography Section 4 Page Mississippi River Survey Introduction Preliminary Report (General and Chemical Data)----- Location of Sampling Points Summary of Chemical and Bacteriological Exami- Bibliography nations Description of the Watershed Sources of Pollution Stream Flow Data Results of Chemical and Bacteriological Examina- tions Alkalinity Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Biochemical Oxygen Demand Bacteria Discussion of Oxygen Determinations Summary and Conclusions Preliminary Report (Biological Observations) Introduction Scope and Significance of Biological Survey Location of Sampling Points Summary and Conclusions 242 242 242 242 244 245 245 248 256 256 266 272 272 275 277 277 282 283 291 293 293 296 304 304 305 305 309 311 313 318 322 322 322 322 323 324 LIST OF FIGURES THE Page i Frontispiece, Major Sources of Stream Pollution in Wisconsin__ No. 1. Flow Sheet-Pea Canning Process, Poynette Canning Co., Poynette, Wis. 2. Flow Sheet for Experimental Plant Used in Chemical Treat- ment of Pea Cannery Wastes 3. Sketch Showing Layout of Experimental Plant for Chemical Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes, Poynette Canning Co., Poynette, Wis. 4. General View of Pea Canning Waste Treatment Plant, Poy- nette, Wis. 5. Chemical Feed Equipment and Screen Unit, Poynette, Wis..- 6. Weir Boxes under Blancher, Used for Measuring the Flow from the Blancher and Rewasher during the Pea Cannery Waste Disposal Investigation, Poynette, Wis. 7. Flow-Recording Gauge and Weir Used in Measuring the Total Volume of Canning Plant Wastes Receiving Treat- ment, Poynette, Wis. 8. Influent Trough Installed during the Investigation to Secure a More Uniform Flow Through the Settling Tank, Poy- nette, Wis. 9. Sludge-Drying Beds and Original Sludge Pumping Equip- ment at Poynette, Wisconsin. The Field Laboratory is Shown in the Background 10. The Gasoline-Driven Diaphram Pump Finally Adopted for Pumping Sludge, Poynette, Wis. 11. The Appearance of the Sludge Produced in the Chemical Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes after Drying Two Days is Shown in the First Sludge Drying Bed, Poynette, Wis- consin 12. Appearance of the Same Sludge After Drying One Week, Poynette, Wis. 13. Removal by the Plant Operator of the Dried Canning Waste Sludge at Poynette, Wis. (This sludge has a Fertilizer Value of from $3.00 to $3.50 per Ton on the Basis of Anal- yses made at the University of Wisconsin) 14-15. Cylinders of Pea Cannery Wastes Showing (Cylinders 1 to 5) the Results of Ineffective Treatment, Due to the Lack of Sufficient Lime and an Excess of Ferrous Sulphate. Cylinders 6 to 13 Illustrate Effective Treatment, Poynette, Wis. 36 37 38 39 39 40 40 43 43 44 48 49 49 52 $ 1 X LIST OF FIGURES No. 16. Tubes of Chemically Treated Pea Cannery Wastes Collected at Minute Intervals to Show the Rate of Coagulation and Sedimentation, Poynette, Wis. Page 17. Tubes of Treated Pea Cannery Wastes to Show the Effect of Sludge Going into Solution. This was Partially Respon- sible for Unsatisfactory Results Obtained During the Early Part of the Investigation, at Poynette, Wis. 18. Disposal of Treated Pea Cannery Wastes, Poynette, Wis.___ 19. Proposed Plant for the Chemical Treatment of Pea Cannery Waste on the Continuous Flow Plan 20. Proposed Plant for the Chemical Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes on the Fill and Draw Plan___ 21. Design of Cannery Waste Disposal Plant for Continuous Flow 21-A. Dorr Sewage Clarifier 22. Design of Cannery Waste Disposal Plant Fill and Draw Process 23. Sulphite Waste Liquor Settling Pond and Cascade Dam Built at Park Falls, Wis., to Bring About a Reduction in the Oxygen Demand of This Very Objectionable Industrial Waste 24. Spray Device Used in the Aeration of Sulphite Waste Liquor, Rothschild, Wis. 25. Chemical Treatment for Pea Cannery Wastes. Silver Creek Canning Company, Ripon, Wis. 26. Apparatus Used in Experimental Treatment of Textile Mill Wastes at Ripon, Wis., August, 1926 27. Cylinders of Chemically Treated Knitting Mill Wastes, Ripon, Wis. 28. Portable Laboratory, Designed by the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, Used for Making Field Analyses During Stream Surveys 29. Equipment Adopted as Standard for the Collection of all Samples for Dissolved Oxygen Determinations in Stream Surveys 30. Variation in Unit Run-off for Wisconsin River Stations__ 31. A Weir and Continuous Flow Recording Device Used to Measure Total Daily Volumes of Various Wastes Dis- charged into Streams. Composite Samples of Waste Were Collected for Chemical Analysis to Determine Their Pollu- tional Characteristics 53 34. Drainage Area of Fox and Wolf Rivers 35. Dissolved Oxygen Results of Past Surveys Showing Effect of Pollution in the Fox River 3995 55 60 62 64 71 72 73 77 81 87 89 90 102 102 110 113 32. Rates of Deoxygenation for Pulp Mill Wastes and Sewage___ 119 33. Construction of a "Save-all" System and Discharge Flume for Pulp Mill Wastes, Which Will Partially Reduce the Pollu- tion of the Fox River by Fibrous Material 121 133 137. LIST OF FIGURES. xi No. 36. Profile of the Lower Fox as Improved 37. Municipal Sewer Outlets at Upper End of Little Lake Butte des Morts, a Wide, Shallow Portion of the Fox River Just below Neenah-Menasha. Raw Sewage Wastes are Dis- charged Here, Forming a Large Delta of Decomposing Organic Matter. Untreated Sewage Constitutes One Source of Objectionable Stream Pollution 38. The Neenah Channel of the Fox River Just Below the Outlet of Lake Winnebago. Sampling Station No. 1 is located above all sources of Pollution in the Headrace of the Pulp and Paper Mills Shown in Background 39. Sampling Station 3 at the Upper End of Little Lake Butte des Morts, Fox River Survey. Note Settling Basin for Paper Mill Wastes in the Foreground 40. General View of Fox River at Kaukauna Showing the Dams and Rapids, which are Material Factors in the Reaeration of the River Water Page 140 43. Fox River Survey, 1926. Monthly Summary Dissolved Oxy- gen Data-% Saturation 44. Fox River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart- Neenah-Menasha Section 45. Fox River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart- Appleton-Kimberly Section 46. Fox River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart—` Little Chute-Kaukauna Section 47. Fox River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart- Wrightstown-De Pere Section 48. Fox River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart- Green Bay Section 49. Map of Drainage Area of Wisconsin River, Showing Extent of Pollution Survey 50. Results of Dissolved Oxygen Tests Showing Effect of Pollu- tion in Wisconsin River-Past Investigations-October, 1923 Gra 51. Sampling Stations 1 and 2 of the Wisconsin River Survey. Sewage from the City and Wastes from the Paper Mill Shown in Background Constitute the Sources of Stream Pollution at Rhinelander 52. View of Tomahawk Lake Taken During the Wisconsin River Survey. The Large Area of Water Exposed to the Atmos- phere, Wave Action and Oxygen-Producing Aquatic Vege- 142 41. Sampling Station 9 of the Fox River Survey. Note the Sludge Deposit (Indicated by Arrow) at the Outlet of the Sewer from the Pulp Mill Shown in Background. Effort is Be- ing Made, through the Installation of Lime Recovery and Save-all Systems, to Prevent Pollution From this Source__ 149 42. Fox River Survey, 1926. Monthly Summary Dissolved Oxy- gen Data-P.P.M. 147 147 149 151 153 158 160 162 164 166 178 182 187 } A xii LIST OF FIGURES 1 No. Page tation are Responsible for Keeping the Dissolved Oxygen Content of the River Water Above that Critical for Fish Life During Hot Summer Months --188 53. The Lake Formed by a Dam Across the Wisconsin River Just Below Tomahawk. In Winter the Ice Covering Prevents Atmospheric Reaeration of the Water. The Picture Was Taken at Sampling Station 4, Showing Station 5 in the Background 54. The Grandfather Falls Dam and Hydro-electric Plant, Sam- pling Station No. 7 of the Wisconsin River Survey Being Located Above the Dam in Front of the Intake Racks. Note the Excellent Aeration Afforded by the Spillways of the Dam 190 55. Rapids Below Grandfather Falls Power Dam Which Assist Materially in Reaeration, or Recovery of the Wisconsin River From the Effects of Pollution at Tomahawk 56. Sampling Station 9 Above Power Plant Racks of the Paper and Pulp Mill at Brokaw is Indicated by the Cross in the Above Picture. Stations 10 and 11 are Located in the Tailrace and at the Bend of the River Below the Mill, re- spectively 57. Wisconsin River at Mosinee During the Latter Part of July, 1926, When No Dissolved Oxygen was Found in the Stream. Sampling Station 14 was Located at the Upper End of the Power Plant Headrace, Since Practically the Entire Stream Flow was Passing Through the Water Wheels 58. Mouth of the Plover River and Sampling Station 17, of the Wisconsin River Survey. The Foam Observed is Partially Due to the Wastes From a Sulphate Pulp Mill a Short Dis- tance Above the Mouth 59. Wisconsin River Below Nekoosa Where Critical Conditions Were Found During the Latter Part of July, 1926. A Sludge, Typical of Septic Conditions, Covered the Bed of the Stream at this Point. Sampling Station 23 Was Lo- cated Above the Dam Near the Mill Shown in the Back- ground 60. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Monthly Summary of Dis- solved Oxygen Data-P.P.M. 61. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Monthly Summary of Dis- solved Oxygen Data-% Saturation 62. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart Rhinelander Section 63. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. 188 Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart-Tomahawk-Grandmother Falls Section 64. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart Grandfather Falls-Merrill Section 190 192 192 194 194 197 199 201 202 204 LIST OF FIGURES xiii 1. No. 65. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart-Brokaw Section 66. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart-Wausau-Rothschild-Mosinee Section Page 67. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart-Knowlton-Stevens Point Section 68. Wisconsin River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart-Wisconsin Rapids Section 69. Sulphate Pulp Mill Wastes Lagooned to Prevent Objection- able Stream Pollution. This Waste Material is Used to Advantage on Nearby Farms as a Substitute for Agricul- tural Lime 70. The Sulphite Pulp and Paper Mills at Park Falls Viewed from Sampling Station 3. Sampling Station 1 is Located in the Headrace to the Mill and Station 2 is Located Under the Wagon Bridge as Shown. The Sewer Outlet for the City of Park Falls is Several Feet Under Water at the Point Indicated by the Arrow 71. Dead Fish in the Flambeau River Below Park Falls, Wiscon- sin, as a Result of Low Stream Flow, Adverse Weather Conditions and Serious Stream Pollution 72. Fibrous Sludge Brought to the Surface of the Flambeau River above the Middle Dam Near Park Falls, at the Time the Fish Were Dying Below the Dam 73. Flambeau River Survey, 1926. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Chart-Park Falls Section 74. The Last Biological Observation and Sampling Point of the Wisconsin River Survey at Petenwell Rock near Necedah. Definite Recovery From Critical Conditions Below Nekoosa Was Observed at this Point 75. Resistant Forms-Animals and Plants Resistant to Oxygen Deficient Conditions 76. Tolerant Forms-Animals and Plants Tolerant to Some Oxy- gen Depletion 77. Sensitive Forms-Animals and Plants Typical of Clean Wa- ter Conditions ·· 206 208 210 211 215 224 225 227 232 247 250 252 254 78A & 78B. Collection Points, Biological Survey of the Lower Fox River _258-259 79. Collection Points, Biological Survey of the Wisconsin River…. 267 80. One of the "Live Boxes" for Fish Used in the Stream Sur- veys Along the Fox, Wisconsin and Flambeau Rivers_____ 273 i 45 t LIST OF DIAGRAMS . No. 1. Mississippi River Investigation. Portion of the Mississippi River Between Minneapolis and Winona. Location of Sampling Points 284. Page 2. Average Dissolved Oxygen, Mississippi River and Tribu- taries 3. Average Bacteria per C. C. at 37°C. Mississippi River and Tributaries 4. Average B. Coli per Cubic Centimeter, Mississippi River Tributaries 串 ​2 307 310 312 Table LIST OF TABLES Part III I. Analyses of Peas-Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes, Poynette, Wis. II. Results Showing Need of Frequent Sludge Re- moval-Treatment of Pea Canning Wastes, Poynette, Wis. III. Results of Aeration Experiments, Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes, Poynette, Wis. IV. Dissolved Oxygen Surveys During Chemical Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes V. Chemical Treatment Plant for Pea Cannery Waste Cost Estimates, Two Line Plant Va. Results of Cylinder Control Tests, Chemical Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes, Poynette, Wis. Vb. Results of Experiments, Treatment of Pea Can- nery Wastes, Poynette, Wis. VI. Oxygen Demand Reductions Effected by Ponding and Aerating Sulphite Waste Liquor From the Sulphite Pulp Mill at Park Falls, Wis. VII. Chemical Analyses of Sulphite Waste Liquor to Show Effect of Ponding and Aeration VIII. Results of Sulphite Waste Liquor Aeration Ex- periments at Rothschild, Wis. IX. Analyses to Show Decrease During the Canning Season In the Efficiency of Sewage Treatment at Ripon, Wis. X. Sewage Analyses, Waupun, Wisconsin Part IV XI. Chemical Analyses of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Emptied Into the Lower Fox River Classified as to Their Source XII. Population Equivalents of Major Industrial Wastes Analyzed During the Wisconsin Stream Pollution Surveys XIII. Data Regarding Dams Located on the Lower Fox River XIV. Population of Cities and Villages Bordering the Lower Fox River • XV. Past Investigations-Chemical Analyses, Lower Fox River Page 30 53 57 59 67 69 70 78 79 82 86 95 _115-117 126 134 135 138 xvi LIST OF TABLES Table XVI. Results of Field Analyses-Preliminary Survey of the Lower Fox River XVII. Results of Chemical Analyses-Preliminary Sur- vey of the Lower Fox River XVIII. Stream Pollution Survey-Lower Fox River- Monthly Summary of Dissolved Oxygen Data__156-157 XIX. Stream Pollution Survey of Lower Fox River- Chemical Analyses of River Water XX. Stream Pollution Survey-Lower Fox River. Monthly Summary-Stream Flow Data for Sampling Stations XXI. Previous Stream Flows for Same Period Covered by Survey of Lower Fox River XXII. Days of Deficiencies in Flow-Lower Fox River XXIII. Stream Flow Data for Ten Year Period Previous to the Pollution Survey of the Lower Fox River, Showing Months of Minimum Flows XXIV. East River (Tributary to Lower Fox River) Pol- lution Survey. Monthly Summary-Dissolved Oxygen Data ._168-169 XXV. East River Survey-Chemical Analyses XXVI. Monthly Summary of Stream Flow Data-East River Survey XXVII. Principal Tributaries of Upper Wisconsin River XXVIII. Data Regarding Dams Located on Wisconsin River XXIX. Population of Cities and Villages Bordering the Wisconsin River XXX. Past Investigation-Chemical Analyses Showing Results of Pollution of the Wisconsin River, October, 1923 XXXI. Results of Dissolved Oxygen Determinations Dur- ing the Preliminary Survey of the Wisconsin River, July, 1926 XXXII. Pollution Survey of Wisconsin River-Monthly Summary of Dissolved Oxygen Data XXXIII. Wisconsin River Survey-Chemical Analyses_-_- XXXIV. Monthly Summary of Stream Flow Data for Sampling Stations of the Wisconsin River Pol- lution Survey July-November, 1926 XXXV. Previous Stream Flows for Period Covered by Survey of Wisconsin River XXXVI. Days of Deficiencies in Flow-Wisconsin River_- XXXVII. Pollution Survey of Flambeau River-Analytical Results of Past Investigation XXXVIII. Stream Survey-Flambeau River. Monthly Sum- mary-Dissolved Oxygen Data XXXIX. Flambeau River Survey-Results of Chemical Analyses MEN Page 144 145 170-171 多 ​172 172 173 174 175 175 176 177 179 181 186 212-214 216 _218-220 221 222 228 234 235 LIST OF TABLES xvii Table XL. Stream Pollution Survey-Monthly Summary of Stream Flow Data for Sampling Stations of the Flambeau River XLI. Previous Stream Flows for Period Covered by the Pollution Survey of Flambeau River XLII. Investigation of Pollution of Sheboygan River and Tributaries. Results of Dissolved Oxygen Sur- vey XLIII. Summary of Biological Data-Lower Fox River Survey, 1926 XLIV. Summary of Biological Data-Wisconsin River Survey, 1926 LI. Page 237 237 _240-241 _260-263 _268-271 XLV. Location of Sampling Points on the Mississippi River and Tributaries between Camden Ave., Bridge, Minneapolis and Winona, Minnesota___ XLVI. Mississippi River Survey-Summary of Chemical Examinations. Station Averages by Months__285-287 XLVII. Mississippi River Survey-Summary of Bacterio- logical Results-Station Averages by Months__288-290 XLVIII. Mississippi River Survey-Summary of Chemical and Bacteriological Examinations. Monthly Averages Station Summary by Months XLIX. Showing the Estimated Population as of Jan. 1, 1927, of the Larger Sewered Communities on the Mississippi River above Minneapolis L. Population of Communities Comprising the Met- ropolitan District in the Vicinity of Minneapolis and St. Paul for the Years 1910 and 1920, To- gether With the Estimated Population for Jan. 1, 1927 Table Showing Population of Communities on the Mississippi River Below South St. Paul for the years 1910 and 1920 and the Estimated Popu- lation for Jan. 1, 1927 LII. Average Monthly Flow, Cubic Feet Per Second, of the Mississippi River at St. Anthony Falls, Minneapolis, Watershed Area, 19,000 Square Miles LIII. Showing the Number of Months During the Period January, 1900-October, 1926, When the Average Monthly Flows of the Mississippi River at St. Anthony Falls Were Less than Certain Designated Amounts LIV. Showing the Average Monthly Flow, Cubic Feet per Second, of the Mississippi River at St. An- thony Falls for the Months of June, July and August During the Years 1900-1926 Inclusive, Arranged in the Order of Increasing Magnitude 283 291-292 3 294 295 296 _297-298 _298-299 299 xviii LIST OF TABLES ¿ C Table ..!!?? LV. Average Monthly Flow, Cubic Feet Per Second, of the Minnesota River at Mankato, Minnesota. Drainage Area 14,600 Square Miles LVI. Showing the Percentage of the Time, By Months, When the Average Monthly Flow of the Minne- sota River at Mankato was Less Than Certain Designated Amounts Page 300-301 LVII. Average Monthly Flow, Cubic Feet Per Second, of the Mississippi River at St. Paul, Minn. Drainage Area 35,700 Square Miles LVIII. Show the Average Dissolved Oxygen, Average Temperature and the Oxygen Saturation at Sampling Stations of the Mississippi River and Tributaries for the Period June-November, 1926 LIX. Showing the Number of Samples During July and August, 1926, in Which the Dissolved Oxygen at Stations in the Metropolitan Area Was Less than the Amounts Designated LX. Indicating Oxygen Requirements in the Missis- sippi River Between Stations 1 and 3 as Indi- cated by the Dissolved Oxygen-Biochemical Oxygen Demand Determinations 301 _302-304 306 -308-309 314 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN The 1925 Legislature appropriated $10,000 annually from the Con- servation fund to enforce the provision of subsection (3) of Section 29.29 of the Statutes in regard to stream pollution. This fund was "to be expended in cooperation with the State Board of Health in a manner agreed upon by the Conservation Commissioner and the State Health Officer" Section 20.20 (18). Because of the unusual character of the work and since it is probable that the 1927 Legislature will be called upon to consider further legislation in regard to stream pollution, it seems advisable to prepare this special report covering these activities since July 1, 1925, in order that complete and concise data may be available for the members of the Legislature and others interested. Because of the magnitude and diversity of the work and the rather limited funds and personnel available, it was decided to concentrate upon certain, definite, and specific problems, rather than to endeavor to cover all phases of stream pollution. In general, therefore, the work done consisted of investigations following specific complaints, experiments in regard to treatment of paper mill and pea cannery wastes, stream surveys of the Fox, Wisconsin, and Flambeau Rivers and a stream survey of the Mississippi River under the direction of the United States Public Health Service. This survey of the Missis- sippi River was organized under the direction of the Interim Commit- tee provided for in joint resolution Number 69A of the 1925 Legisla- ture, but the funds for Wisconsin's portion of conducting the work were provided from the $10,000 appropriation from the conservation fund. GENERAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The following is presented as a general summary and conclusions. More detailed summaries and complete data in regard to the work will be found under the various headings of the complete report that follows. (1) A total of 56 complaints in regard to stream pollution have been investigated. In each instance certain definite improvements were required, which, although not entirely eliminating objectionable conditions in all cases, have materially improved matters. (2) Experiments and collection of data in regard to the treatment of industrial wastes indicate that: (a) The application of 34 pounds of ferrous sulphate and 7% pounds of lime per thousand gallons of waste followed by sat- isfactory sedimentation will reduce the oxygen demand of pea 1 2 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH cannery wastes approximately 75%. The initial cost of install- ing the necessary equipment for this treatment ranges from $2,000 to $2,800 for a two line cannery and the cost of opera- tion from $13.00 to $15.00 per day. For detailed summary see page 26. (b) The installation of suitable saveall equipment will economi- cally reduce the waste of paper making material to approxi- mately one-half pounds per 1,000 gallons of waste. Aeration and impounding of sulphite liquor from sulphite mills will re- duce the oxygen demand 50 to 75%. See page 83 for detailed summary. (c) Experiments in the chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes preliminary to entering the sewer system at Ripon, Wisconsin, demonstrated that the removal of the coagulated solids at the cannery is essential to prevent overloading of the local sewage disposal plant during the canning season. (d) Investigations in the preliminary treatment of knitting mill wastes at Ripon, Wisconsin, indicated that lint and greasy constituents, which interfere with the normal operation of the sewage disposal plant, can be removed by fine mechanical screening and ferrous sulphate and lime treatment. (e) Sewage and industrial waste treatment experiments at Wau- pun, Wisconsin, indicated that preliminary sedimentation, chemical treatment and aeration at the sewage disposal plant would yield a satisfactory effluent. (3) Stream surveys based upon both chemical and biological data collected during the more critical periods indicate (For detailed sum- mary see pages 127-131). (a) Fox River-Fairly tolerable conditions for sensitive organisms including fishes and fish food from Lake Winnebago to Apple- ton and for more resistant organisms from Appleton to below Wrightstown. Intolerable conditions for even resistant organ- isms were indicated during the critical summer period from below Wrightstown to Green Bay. (b) Wisconsin River-Natural conditions favorable to very sensi- tive organisms above Rhinelander, and in the Plover River above sources of pollution in the vicinity of Stevens Point. Unfavorable conditions to more sensitive organisms were found just below Rhinelander and below sources of pollution in the Plover at Stevens Point. Favorable conditions for fairly sensitive organisms were found below Rhinelander to a point below Merrill also below Stevens Point to Wisconsin Rapids. Conditions favorable for only the most resistant or- ganisms were found from Rothschild to below Knowlton, and from Wisconsin Rapids to below Nekoosa. Rather complete recovery from pollution above was indicated at Tomahawk, also partial recovery from badly polluted conditions in the STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 3 stretch of the river from Stevens Point to Wisconsin Rapids and from about 12 miles below Nekoosa, to Peten Well Rock 25 miles below. (c) Flambeau River—A normal clear water fauna above Park Falls but practically no animal life below to the Pixley dam, 6 miles distant. (4) The survey of the Mississippi River under the direction of the United States Public Health Service indicates: (a) Above Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn.-The stream is in a reasonably unpolluted condition and favorable to aquatic life. Game fish and other relatively sensitive fishes were found in this section. (b) In the Metropolitan Area-Gross pollution of the river is occa- sioned by untreated sewage from an estimated population of 400,000. The presence of accumulations of sewage sludge be- hind the so-called High Dam created offensive conditions dur- ing periods of low stream flow and high water temperature. Conditions are adverse to aquatic life of all kinds. (c) From the Metropolitan Area to Hastings, Minn.-The dis- solved oxygen is almost entirely depleted during the summer months with conditions unsatisfactory for fish and all other aquatic life. (d) From Hastings to Red Wing, Minn.-Where little additional pollution enters, there is some recovery due to natural purifi- cation and oxygen furnished by the tributaries, notably the St. Croix river. Conditions are still critical for fish and aquatic life during hot weather and low stream flow. (e) From Red Wing Through Lake Pepin to Winona, Minn.—There is a marked recovery in the stream. The turbidity decreases, the oxygen increases and conditions at the lower end of the lake are fairly satisfactory for fish and other aquatic flora and fauna. Based upon this survey it was concluded that immediate considera- tion be given to treatment of the sewage from the Metropolitan Area prior to its discharge into the Mississippi River. : J. X 4 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH PART I-GENERAL INFORMATION In Part I are assembled data and information of general applica- tion regarding policies, personnel, basic principles, and improvements brought about in waste treatment. POLICY In the development and execution of the work first consideration has been given to specific complaints in regard to objectionable stream pollution. It seemed impractical to attempt general con- structive work on all classes of waste and all streams of the state. It was, therefore, decided to concentrate upon two types of industrial waste, namely, Pea Cannery Wastes and Paper Mill Wastes, which constitute two of the major sources of pollution in Wisconsin streams. The question of sewage treatment is definitely a function of the State Board of Health, and although much has been done to con- trol this type of pollution the subject will be discussed in the biennial report of this Board and, therefore, is only incidentally covered in this report. Serious conditions existed in the Flambeau River below Park Falls during the late summer of 1925, which were made the subject of a special investigation and hearing called by the Railroad Com- mission on October 1, 1925. The details of this investigation, in which the Conservation Commission and the State Board of Health cooperated, were published in a special report. This investigation indicated that wastes from a paper mill had been the principal fac- tor in the death of 25 to 30 tons of fish. Although the pollution was a definite violation of Section 29.29 (3) of the Statutes, it was brought out that there was no other known economical and practical method of disposing of these paper mill wastes than then in use. The com- mission, therefore, recommended "that the pulp and paper industry organize the various units of the industry for the purpose of in- augurating and maintaining a sustained, systematic, and scientific search for the solution of the problem of the disposal of the waste materials from the pulp and paper mills, in cooperation with such state and federal agencies as may be available." Definite orders were delayed and jurisdiction reserved for a period of one year. In conference with Mr. W. L. Stevenson, Secretary of the Sanitary Water Board and Chief Engineer of the State Department of Health of Pennsylvania, and representatives of the United States Forest Products Laboratory, in December, 1925, a national movement to study the problem of reducing stream pollution by pulp and paper mill wastes was suggested. This suggestion was presented to and endorsed by a meeting of representatives of the pulp and paper in- dustry of Pennsylvania, at which were present officials of the national organization of the industry, on December 19, 1925. Formal reso- lutions were adopted at this meeting requesting the appointment of STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 5 a committee and the raising of necessary funds for a comprehensive study by the national organization of the pulp and paper industry in cooperation with the United States Forest Products Laboratory. On February 10, 1926, a conference was called in Milwaukee at which all pulp and paper mills in the state of Wisconsin were re- quested to send representatives. At this conference it was pointed out that paper mill wastes constitute one of the principal sources of stream pollution, but that no practical and economical method of treating or recovering these wastes had yet been developed. The cooperation of this industry was requested and a committee of seven, representing the industry, was appointed to cooperate with state of- ficials in inaugurating and carrying out a definite program.: The national movement outlined above was formally endorsed by suit- able resolutions. Several meetings have since been held with the Wisconsin committee, but details regarding the results of these meet- ings and the work accomplished will be discussed later in this re- port. ". The national movement was adopted at the national convention of the paper industry at New York City the latter part of February, 1926, and a definite program initiated to raise the necessary funds. The executive committee of the American Pulp and Paper Associa- tion later provided for an assessment of $15,000 a year for a period of three years upon the industry to employ a Sanitary Engineer to coordinate the work being done throughout the country on the paper mill waste disposal problem, and to cooperate with state and federal agencies in the development of methods to so dispose of paper mill wastes as not to cause objectionable stream pollution. On October 28, 1925, a paper was presented before the Convention of the Wisconsin Canners' Association at Milwaukee, in which diffi- culties encountered in disposing of pea cannery wastes were dis- cussed. It was pointed out that no satisfactory method of treating such wastes had yet been developed, and that, while this was the problem of the industry, the state would cooperate in reducing ob- jectionable stream pollution. A definite appropriation of $500 by the industry was suggested to assist in conducting experimental work during the following summer, in order to develop, if possible, prac- tical and economical means of treating these wastes. The appro- priation was made, and the results of this investigation are in- cluded in Part III of this report, page 26. In the disposal of municipal wastes cities and villages should as- sume responsibilities for the maintenance of proper sanitary condi- tions within the areas of their jurisdiction. In order to secure effect- ive results, therefore, they should provide the necessary sewage treatment plants and furnish general supervision over the opera- tion and maintenance of all installations for disposal or treatment of sewage and industrial wastes. All industrial wastes of a pollutional nature, regardless of whether they receive preliminary treatment, should be discharged into the public sewerage system, except where their volume is excessive. Fi i 6 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Many industrial wastes interfere with the normal operation of municipal sewage disposal plants so that preliminary treatment is necessary in order that these wastes may be satisfactorily dis- posed of with the municipal sewage. The industry and the munici- pality are mutually concerned in the satisfactory disposal of wastes. Industries have been induced to locate in municipalities by the offer of sewerage and similar facilities. The success of the industry is frequently vital to the development of the municipality. The prob- lem, therefore, becomes one requiring cooperation on the part of both the municipality and the industry. As a future program, it is believed that the policy initiated should be continued. Cooperative investigation regarding the treatment of industrial wastes commenced with certain industries should be com- pleted and similar investigations started to develop satisfactory methods of waste disposal for other industries. Follow-up inspec- tions should be made to see that suitable waste recovery or treat- ment processes are installed and effectively operated. Further and more complete stream surveys should be made to determine the ex- tent of pollution in other streams, also whether corrective measures applied are producing such results that satisfactory control of the pollution is being secured. Furthermore, adequate pollution surveys of streams can be used to advantage in stocking them with fish of such species and under such conditions that the best results will be secured. Personnel and Equipment: The problem of stream pollution involves sanitary engineering, chemistry and biology. While it may not be feasible to secure per- sonnel with extensive training in all branches of this work, it is es- sential that certain of the personnel be trained in both sanitary en- gineering and chemistry, since the treatment of industrial waste is more closely associated with these two sciences. There was con- siderable delay in locating suitable personnel. A sanitary engineer formerly employed by the West Virginia State Department of Health, was secured to specialize in stream pollution work. He is a gradu- ate of West Virginia University in chemical engineering and later graduated from Cornell University in Sanitary Engineering. His experience and training exceptionally qualify him for the work. A professor of Beloit College, who has had several years experience in the biological survey of streams, was secured to conduct similar surveys of certain Wisconsin streams, and a recent graduate from the Engineering School of the University of Wisconsin was en- gaged to assist with certain experimental work. In addition to the above an engineer was transferred from the regular personnel of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering to the stream pollution work a part of the time. The State Sanitary Engineer spent considerable time in the planning and general direction of the work, and other members of this Bureau rendered assistance from time to time. The success of the river surveys, discussed later in this report, may be attributed largely to the cooperation of the paper industry STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 7 in lending their laboratories, personnel, and equipment in the col- lection and analyses of samples of water from the rivers. Fourteen laboratories cooperated in this work, and it is estimated that during the summer months they furnished the equivalent of seven men per day in personnel. It is thus apparent that the industry was actually furnishing more than the state in personnel and laboratory facili- ties during the summer months. Many of the analyses necessary in connection with stream pollu- tion surveys must be made in the field due to changes that take place in the samples if there is delay in making the analyses. For this reason it was necessary to develop special field laboratory kits in which compactness and durability were essential. A photograph of one of these is shown in Fig. 28, page 102. The equipment includes re-agent bottles, pipettes, burettes, sampling devices, and other equipment, all of which are enclosed in a box about the size of a suitcase, the front or door of which drops down and forms a work table. The re-agents are readily available on shelves within the box. With field analyses deterioration of the samples in transit is pre- vented. For those results not affected by short delays, samples were collected and sent to the State Laboratory of Hygiene at Madison for more complete chemical determination. This work, however, will be discussed more in detail in Part IV, "Stream Pollution Sur- veys." Due to delay in developing personnel and equipment very little spe- cific work was done during the summer of 1925, in fact, definite work was commenced October 1 of that year. Practically all of the work accomplished, therefore, was done during the summer of 1926. The extensive program carried on during this period was made pos- sible because of the fund accumulated from the preceding year due to delay in commencing the work. The regular appropriation of $10,000 annually will not continue as extensive a program as was carried out during the summer of 1926. BASIC PRINCIPLES Pollution and the Public Health: Stream pollution may or may not affect the public health. The greatest danger to the public health is from domestic sewage be- cause of the disease germs that this waste carries. Such pollution, however, is significant in regard to health only where the stream is used as a public water supply or for bathing purposes. Pollution from industrial wastes, therefore, does not, as a rule, constitute a serious menace to public health unless it is such as to interfere with the normal process of purification where the water is used as a pub- lic supply. Exceptions to this include a few industrial wastes which may carry disease germs, such as anthrax from tannery wastes. Only 31 of the 274 of water supplies of the state are secured from surface sources. Nine of the surface supplies are from streams and twenty-two from lakes, fourteen of the latter being from Lake 8 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Michigan. Fourteen supplies have complete purification including fil- tration and chlorination, fourteen chlorination only, and three no treatment. Stream pollution in Wisconsin, therefore, is not primarily a public health problem. Gross pollution such as to produce objectionable odors may affect the comfort, however, and thus come under the pres- ent jurisdiction of the State Board of Health, since this depart- ment legally has control over the waters of the state insofar as they affect the "health or comfort." Only in rare cases does such in- tense pollution occur. Pollution and Fish Life: Pollution may affect fish life in any or all of three ways: (1) Direct killing of fish; (2) Changes of natural conditions so that the fish seek other habitat either because of the condition of the water or the effect the wastes have upon plants or lower-animal life con- stituting fish food; (3) Influence upon fish larvae and young fish; that is, upon reproduction of the species. ous. Like all water-breathing animals, fish must have oxygen. The source of this oxygen is that dissolved in the water from the at- mosphere much in the manner that salt or sugar will dissolve in water. Although water is composed of two atoms of oxygen to one of hydrogen, this oxygen is chemically combined and not available to fish. The direct effect of wastes upon fish may, therefore, be due to either reduction of the dissolved oxygen of the stream to such an extent that fish suffocate or the wastes may be directly toxic, or poisonous. The former, however, is probably the most common cause of the death of large numbers of fish since relatively few wastes are present in our streams in sufficient quantities to become poison- The wastes may use up the dissolved oxygen of the stream by direct chemical reaction, or oxidation through biological agencies. Domestic sewage and practically all industrial wastes have an oxygen demand so that their discharge into the stream either di- rectly or indirectly causes a reduction in the dissolved oxygen nor- mally present. The oxygen resources of a stream consist of the oxygen present in solution, that which may be taken up by the stream from the atmosphere, either directly or through the agency of grow- ing plants, and that which is available in the form of nitrates and nitrites. The latter however are available only when the oxygen of the stream is entirely depleted. If the oxygen demand of a waste discharged into a stream exceeds, or even approaches, the amount of oxygen available from the stream the resulting depletion will cause the death or migration of fish. Investigations in the Illinois River, which receives the untreated sewage and wastes from the city of Chicago, and data presented by the Bureau of Fisheries, U. S. Department of Commerce, indicate that if the dissolved oxygen content of the water drops below two parts per million, fish will probably suffocate or migrate. The discussion above in regard to dissolved oxygen refers spe- cifically to the effect upon adult fish. The indirect effect due to STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 9 changes of natural conditions appears to be somewhat indeterminate but is probably a material factor. Fiber and other sludge settling over the spawning beds of fish cause them to seek other spawn- ing grounds or prevent natural development of the spawn. Further- more, the most susceptible period of fish life is that just after the food sac is absorbed, because the fish is sustained by this food sac from the time of hatching until the sac is used up. The fish must then depend upon natural aquatic life for its sustenance. Eggs taken from pike in the polluted water of the Fox river could not be successfully hatched in this same water, but had to be trans- ferred into more pure water. It is thus evident that the pollution has a much more deleterious effect upon the eggs and young fish than upon the adult fish. The actual interference of pollution in fish propagation, therefore, may be much greater than is indicated by reduction of the dissolved oxygen of the stream to two parts per million or less. There are also many other factors indirectly affecting fish life, such as deforestation which, because of the elimination of shade and drying up of springs, causes the water of the streams to become much warmer during the summer period. Many an excellent trout stream has been ruined in this manner. Furthermore, deforestation results in rapid precipitous run-offs at times of storms, with a lower water level during the summer period. These conditions undoubtedly materially influence all aquatic life of a stream.. Pollution and Plant Life: In the natural processes of breaking down, or decomposition, of nitrogenous organic matter there is first a reduction of the vegetable or animal material by certain classes of bacteria which may operate in the absence of air. The first reduction is to ammonia compounds, indicated in chemical analyses as free and albuminoid ammonias. Then another class of bacteria known as nitrifying bacteria, which require air to function property, oxidize the organic matter to the nitrate state. The nitrates then become plant food or fertilizer for vegetation and are again taken up by the plants, which in turn may be consumed by animals, thus completing the cycle. When nitrog- enous organic wastes are discharged into a stream this decomposi- tion takes place with the resultant formation of nitrates or plant fertilizer. If the decomposition is so rapid as to completely consume the oxygen of the stream, anaerobic or septic conditions of decompo- sition and putrefaction prevail. Under such conditions the plant life in the stream changes entirely, green plants and other classes of aerobic life die and anaerobic organisms, such as worms and lower animal life prevail, particularly in the bottom sediment of the stream. As the water of the stream dissolves more oxygen from the atmosphere, during its flow, nitrification becomes more complete, a surplus of dissolved oxygen may ultimately be available, and be- cause of the fertilizer value of the nitrates, plant life further down the stream may become very luxuriant, even more so than normally. Under such conditions fish life will be extinct in the anaerobic section 10 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH of the stream but may be more abundant than normally some dis- tance below in the section where the luxuriant plant life prevails. This phenomenon was observed in surveys of the Illinois river below the immediate effect of pollution from the city of Chicago. It will be observed that two phenomena are discussed in the preced- ing paragraph, namely, reduction in the dissolved oxygen of the stream and nitrification of the organic matter. Such organic matter contains both carbonaceous and nitrogenous substances both of which are subject to oxidation, but only the latter will form nitrates, or plant fertilizer. If the ratio of carbonaceous to nitrogenous material exceeds 14 to 1, oxidation through biological processes will not take place. While this ratio may be exceeded in the waste itself it will always be much less in the stream. The mixture of the wastes with the water of the stream together with sewage and other nitrogenous matter, will always reduce this ratio so that oxidation or nitrifica- tion of the wastes will actually take place in the stream, with the resultant reduction of dissolved oxygen and formation of nitrates. Wastes from paper mills, coal-tar or gas plants, and other sim- ilar industries, are material factors in reducing the dissolved oxygen of a stream, but, because of the lack of sufficient nitrogenous mat- ter are not material factors in increasing the nitrates or plant fertilizer and, therefore, will not cause the luxuriant plant growth referred to above. A luxuriant growth of vegetation may have a very material effect upon the condition of a stream and the resultant aquatic life. Growing plants give off oxygen and furnish material food for fish and other animal aquatic life. On the other hand, dead plants con- sume oxygen during decay. In the summer or growing period, therefore, plant life may be beneficial, but in the late fall or winter during decay they are detrimental to fish life. This is probably an im- portant factor in the cause of dead fish during the winter months when lakes are covered with a sheet of ice, since it is during this period that decomposition of the vegetation uses up the oxygen and the ice sheet prevents re-aeration of the water to meet this demand. Although, as stated, under conditions of decomposition plant life may result in using up oxygen, vegetation or plant life is absolutely neces- sary for fish life. In fact, it may be stated that no plankton or vegetation, no fish. Climatic Conditions: Climatic conditions have a very material effect on the ability of a stream to support aquatic life. During warm weather, decomposi- tion of the organic matter is very rapid and the oxygen of the stream is used up more quickly. On the other hand the amount of oxygen that the water will actually retain in solution is less in warm than in cold weather, being about 14 parts per million at 0° C., the freezing point, and 9 at 20° C., ordinary room temperature, so that in warm weather when a greater supply of oxygen is required by the waste, less is actually available in the stream. Furthermore, the tolerance of fish is greater in a cold than a warm water, and a STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 11 greater amount of oxygen is required by the fish when the water is warm. Warm weather, therefore, is apparently deleterious to fish life in many ways. Natural Purification of Streams: The natural process of reduction or oxidation of organic matter has been pointed out above. This reaction takes place gradually in streams so that there is a certain natural purifying effect. The capacity of a stream to receive and oxidize wastes depends upon its oxygen resources which consist of the dissolved oxygen normally present in the water, the oxygen taken up by the water in re-aeration, and that supplied by the plant life present in the stream. If the oxygen of a stream is depleted to a low stage by any wastes, the tendency of a stream to draw oxygen from the atmosphere is greater because of what may be termed the difference in potential or pressure. DISSOLVED OXYGEN PARTS PER MILLION Investigation by the United States Public Health Service indi- cates that there is a very rapid decrease in the bacterial pollution for a period of one hundred hours when the actual reduction is about 90 per cent, after which the decrease is much slower. Where there are several sources of pollution tributary to a stream the responsibility for objectionable conditions may be very difficult to establish. In fact, in some instances it is almost indeterminate. This fact is illustrated by the following oxygen profile or diagram. Assume A с + Ι B H FI E DISTANCE K M GIO Y that an industrial plant “A” discharges wastes into a stream, and that its effect upon the oxygen content of the water is indicated by the curve "ADE." This curve remains well above what may be con- sidered the critical line "XY" below which the oxygen content may be considered so low that fish life will be affected. The reduction in dissolved oxygen from another plant "B," located further down stream, alone is indicated by the curve "BFG," but because the stream has 12 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH not entirely recovered from the pollution of "A," when that from "B" enters, the actual accumulative effect of the pollution is repre- sented by the reduction at "H," near the critical line “XY” but not below. Furthermore, this effect extends further down stream to "I." Plant "C" may be later installed. The actual reduction in oxygen by "C" is indicated by the curve "CJK," but because of the pollution from "A" the actual reduction below "C" is indicated at point "L," below the critical line "XY" and extends down stream to "M." Also, because of the accumulated pollution from all three plants, the condition below "B" is indicated by the reduction at point "N" far below the critical line "XY," and this combined pollu- tion extends still further down stream to point "O." There is thus an accumulative effect. Conditions along the stream may have been satisfactory with only plants A and B operating, but when C was installed the conditions became critical. The natural tendency of the public under such conditions is to lay the whole trouble to plant "C," especially in view of the fact that critical con- ditions actually existed just below this plant after its installation and not before. In reality, however, "C" may be no more a con- tributing factor to pollution than either "A" or "B." If there were sufficient distance between the points of pollution the actual effect of the wastes from the three plants would not be deleterious to fish life insofar as oxygen depletion is concerned. Sources of Pollution: Potential sources of stream pollution in Wisconsin are indicated in the following tabulation: Public sewerage systems Industrial waste: Canning plants Coal-tar or gas plants Milk products: Cheese factories Creameries Condenseries Receiving stations Miscellaneous Packing and rendering plants, tanneries Paper and pulp mills } [ 1 1 J I I 212 169 40 2,779 599 89 1,097 200 62 59 NOTE: The tabulation above is substantially correct for sewerage sys- tems, milk products and canning plants, but the remainder of the data, which was compiled from the Wisconsin Gazeteer, is only approximate. As previously pointed out, sewage from municipalities constitutes the greatest danger to public health. Industries, however, are prob- ably the greatest factor affecting fish life because their wastes are usually many times stronger than domestic sewage in oxygen-con- suming power. Value of Fishing: The value of commercial fish in Wisconsin is about $750,000 an- nually. In considering the value of game fish, however, the actual value to the state is probably more in the "fishing" than in the STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 13 actual value of fish caught. The Highway Commission by careful estimates over several years concludes that tourists entering both by autos and other means of travel, spend nearly one hundred mil- lion dollars annually in the state of Wisconsin. Based on 676 re- plies to questionnaires received in 1923 by this Commission, 8.7 per cent came to Wisconsin to fish. In 1925, 6.4 per cent came for the same purpose. In addition to this, 24.3 per cent came for vacation in 1923, and 23.8 per cent in 1925. It is probable that a large num- ber of those who came for vacation selected Wisconsin because they expected to find good fishing. It seems conservative, therefore, to assume that at least 10% of the tourists come to Wisconsin because of fishing facilities. On this basis the value of fishing would be $10,000,000 annually. Summary: The general or basic data may be briefly summarized as fol- lows: (1) The discharge of industrial waste into certain streams is the only practical method of ultimate disposal in many cases, and con- stitutes a necessary and proper use of the stream, provided the dilu- tion is so great that there is no menace to public health nor ma- terial interference with the natural aquatic life of the stream. (2) Factors affecting fish include: (a) Reduction of the dissolved oxygen in the water of a stream to less than 2 parts per million for a material length of time re- sults in death or migration of practically all fish. (b) Some wastes, such as gas-plant wastes, mine drainage, and certain chemical wastes are toxic or poisonous to fish. (c) Plant growth is necessary for fish life, and fish may seek other habitat due to changes in the plant or aquatic life of a stream. (d) Pollution is more deleterious to young fish, particularly just after absorption of the food sac, than to adult fish. (e) The discharge of large quantities of suspended matter forms sludge beds in the stream and interferes with spawning and the spawn. (3) Nearly all wastes, either through chemical or biological re- action, cause reduction of the dissolved oxygen of the stream, in- dustrial wastes generally having a greater oxygen demand than do- mestic sewage. (4) During warm weather biological oxidation is more rapid than in cold, so that the oxygen demand of the waste is greater although the actual amount of oxygen available is less because warm water retains less oxygen in solution. Furthermore, the tolerance of fish is less in warm than in cold water and their oxygen requirements are greater. (5) When the dissolved oxygen of a stream is depleted green plants and other classes of aerobic life die and anaerobic organisms, such as worms and lower animal life, prevail. 14 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH (6) A stream tends to purify itself by natural processes and will ultimately return practically to normal if the concentration of the wastes is not too great and sufficient time elapses before there is additional pollution. (7) Based upon the tourist trade the value of good fishing to Wis- consin is estimated at about $10,000,000 annually. IMPROVEMENTS IN WASTE TREATMENT Although a large portion of the work during the past year has been general in nature, such as making stream surveys and studying methods of waste treatment, certain definite improvements have been made to reduce objectionable pollution. A careful survey of the situation in the paper industry indicates that $570,589 has been spent in improved equipment to prevent objectionable wastes from discharging into the stream, and approximately $22,900 in research work to develop recovery processes or more satisfactory methods of waste treatment. These improvements include saveall equipment and re-use of "white water" to reduce fibrous wastes, and ponding, aeration and recovery processes to reduce pollution by chemical wastes. In addition to the above the personnel furnished to sample and analyze water from certain streams involved an expenditure of at least $5,000. Improvements already planned for next year involve expenditures totaling $69,314. Other industries have spent a total of about $10,000 in the installation of waste treatment plants. In other words, there has been spent a total of $608,489 by the in- dustries of Wisconsin for equipment or research to recover or treat wastes causing objectionable stream pollution. STREAM POLLUTION 15 · IN WISCONSIN ferent July August September.. October November. December. January February. March. April... May. June C …… FINANCIAL STATEMENT Below is a tabulated statement of the expenditures from the con- servation fund Sec. 20.20 (18), from July 1, 1925, tổ December 31, to 1926, inclusive. July 1, 1925, to June 30, 1926 July August September. October ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Appropriation Total Expended…. November December. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 111 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ !!!!!!!!!!! …………………………! 1▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Balance-July 1, 1926 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬L AT E 11 10 Balance July 1, 1926 – – Appropriation………. !! 1 11▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Total funds available.. Total expenditures... Balance January 1, 1927 –– ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ …… !!! │ ………… Salaries $ 24.19 150.00 150.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 250.00 293.01 717.29 $3,984.49 July 1, 1926, to December 31, 1926 Salaries $1,074.99 1,174.02 1,071.87 774.99 795.82 795.82 $5,687.51 Expenses CA $ 45.52 143.20 160.48 337.12 229.49 154.61 108.60 112.52 128.32 36.56 88.22 $ 246.61 $1,791.25 $ Expenses Supplies $ 573.49 609.00 524.44 269.56 39.46 73.47 $2,089.42 160- ……… -39 30.37 45.22 75.59 I Supplies 60.57 54.69 12.21. 19.00 47.50 $ 193.97 $ Total 69.71 293.20 310.48 737.12 629.49 554.61 i 508.60] 512.52 528.32 286.56 411.60 1,009.12 j Total $5,851.33 $10,000.00 5,851.33 $4,148.67 $1,709.05 1,837.71 1,608.52 1,063.55 882.78 869.29 $7,970.90 $ 4,148.67 10,000.00 $14,148.67 7,970.90 $6,177.77 1 16 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ! • PART II-COMPLAINTS REGARDING POLLUTION In Part II is recorded data regarding investigations and recom- mendations made subsequent to complaints, together with a more complete discussion of conditions at Ripon and Waupun where more extensive surveys were made. General. In the table, pages 20-24, are recorded the investigations made subsequent to complaints regarding stream pollution. This table disposal of wastes from canning plants. Investigations in regard to the disposal of domestic sewage are not included because they are a regular function of the State Board of Health, and are covered in detail in the biennial report of that department, to which reference is made. It will be noted that in all instances improvements either have been required or are to be made before the next season in order that conditions with reference to stream pollution may be improved. While, as previously stated, the problem of domestic sewage is not covered in detail in this report, certain outstanding conditions will be discussed, where industrial wastes have interfered with the nor- mal operation of the sewage treatment plant, and resulted in ob- jectionable stream pollution. Ripon. Complaints have frequently been made in regard to objection- able pollution of Silver Creek by sewage and industrial waste from the city of Ripon. The first municipal sewage treatment plant in the state was installed at Ripon in 1895. It consisted of screens and intermittent sand filters. An Imhoff tank was added in 1916. This plant was reasonably effective for a time but soon became over- taxed due to the increased load, largely from the industries of the municipality. In 1922 the municipality installed a modern trickling filter at a cost of about $20,000, which materially improved condi- tions but still there were complaints during the summer months of low stream flow. The disposal of sewage at Ripon is complicated by the discharge of wastes from industries. The wastes from the Ripon Knitting Mill, producing hosiery and gloves, discharge into the sanitary sewers. These wastes amount to 10,000 to 15,000 gallons per day, and include the soapy wash water, sodium bicarbonate, dyes, and sulphuric acid used in the industry. The only treatment consists of a rough strain- er to remove a portion of the lint. The Silver Creek Canning Com- pany discharges approximately 100,000 gallons of pea canning wastes per day into the sanitary sewer system during the canning season. The only treatment consisted of fine screens until 1926 when chemical treatment was added. The Ripon Produce Company dis- charges about 9,000 gallons of milk washings daily into the sanitary sewers. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 17 In addition to the above the Ripon Canning Company discharges wastes into an adjacent slough which ultimately finds its way into the stream. Definite complaint in regard to wastes from this in- dustry, however, has not yet been made. Surveys of the stream from time to time have indicated objection- able conditions below the sewer outlet. At the time of the survey in the summer of 1926, the stream appeared to be in a satisfactory con- dition above the sewer outlet, but where the sewer enters it the water was very turbid. The bed of the creek down stream from the sewer outlet contained considerable black deposit, evidently due in part to putrefaction of the liquid wastes, and in part to the discharge of solids from the trickling filters at times of unloading. At Arcade, a few miles down stream, the water was very offensive due to clog- ging of the creek by debris and stagnation resulting in putrefaction. Very offensive conditions existed in the pond about one-fourth of an acre in area at Arcade. Local officials removed a large portion of the debris and in cooperation with the Railroad Commission the local miller opened the gates so as to flush out the stream with fresh water. While this temporarily bettered conditions definite improve- ments will be necessary in order to prevent recurrence during the coming season. A report upon an investigation of the municipal sewage treatment plant in 1925 recommended that the city employ a competent en- gineer familiar with industrial waste disposal to study Ripon's sew- age treatment problem and prepare plans and estimates by January 1, 1926, for all needed alterations and structures to properly treat the sewage. These plans were to include any needed preliminary treatment plants for the industrial wastes. In compliance with this recommendation an engineer was em- ployed but a preliminary study of the problem indicated that suf- ficient data were not available on which to base a permanent design. Arrangements, therefore, were made for careful operation of the sewage treatment plant during the summer of 1926, for chemical treatment of certain of the industrial wastes and for a careful study of the whole problem during the season. At the Silver Creek Company devices were installed for the ap- plication of lime and ferrous sulphate to the wastes from this plant. The consulting engineer believed that it might be practical to add the chemicals and permit the wastes to flow to the sewage treatment plant without coagulation and sedimentation with the hope that the chemicals would so break down the organic matter that the wastes would not interfere with the normal operation of the municipal sew- age treatment plant. A careful study of the operation of this chem- ical treatment plant and the results secured indicate, very definitely however, that it will be necessary to remove the coagulated material by sedimentation at the industrial plant prior to discharging the wastes into the sanitary sewers. 1 18 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH A special investigation was made in regard to preliminary treat- ment of the knitting mill wastes. This, however, is covered in detail in Part III of this report. See page The following improvements, which it is believed will eliminate the objectionable conditions that have prevailed in the past, will be carried out early next season at Ripon: (1) Extensive improvements will be made in the municipal sewage treatment plant. (2) A water softener is to be installed at the knitting mill which will reduce the soapy wastes so that their interference at the sewage treatment plant will probably be eliminated. (3) Chemical treatment and sedimentation will be provided at the Silver Creek Canning Plant to remove the objectionable material be- fore the effluent discharges into the sanitary sewers. (4) The Ripon Produce Company will install a tank for prelimi- nary treatment of their wastes before discharge into the public sew- ers. Waupun Very similar conditions to those just described for Ripon have prevailed for some time at Waupun. Improvements have been made from time to time, but complaints continue in regard to objectionable stream pollution. In 1913 Waupun installed an Imhoff tank for the treatment of sewage from the municipality. Later, however, the wastes from the state prison were diverted from a sew- er discharging directly into the river, into the sanitary sewer system, and the development of a large canning plant added still more to the load of the treatment plant. These industrial wastes together with the normal increase of domestic sewage soon overloaded the Im- hoff tank. In 1921 a septic tank was installed to relieve the load upon the Imhoff tank, but conditions continued to be critical, particu- larly during the summer months. The conditions with reference to industrial wastes at Waupun are substantially the same as at Ripon, since the wastes from the Hosiery Company at the state prison discharge into the sanitary sewers as do the wastes from one of the two canning plants operated by the Waupun Canning Company. The wastes from the other canning plant are discharged directly into the stream. A report upon an investigation of the municipal sewage treatment plant in 1925 recommended, as at Ripon, that the city employ a com- petent engineer familiar with industrial waste disposal to study Waupun's sewage treatment problem and prepare plans and esti- mates by January 1, 1926, such plans to include, in addition to the remodeling or rebuilding of the present disposal plant, all necessary preliminary treatment plants for industrial wastes. In compliance with this recommendation Waupun also employed an engineer, but a study of the situation indicated that more data and information would be necessary before developing a definite design. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 19 Arrangements were, therefore, made for chemical treatment of the effluent from the Imhoff and septic tanks prior to discharge into the stream, also for conducting an investigation during the summer to determine the most practical and effective method of treatment. The details of this investigation, also of preliminary tests made in regard to treatment of the prison wastes, are recorded in Part III of this report, pages 33-38. The following improvements, which it is believed will eliminate the objectionable conditions that have prevailed at Waupun in the past, will be carried out next season: (1) A new sewage treatment plant to consist of chemical treat- ment, aeration, and sedimentation is to be constructed at a new site about one-fourth of a mile further down stream. (2) Chemical treatment and sedimentation will be provided at the canning plants to remove the objectionable material and the effluent from both discharged into the sanitary sewers. (3) Preliminary treatment of the wastes from the prison are not to be required at the present time, since it is believed that the chem- ical treatment proposed for the municipal sewage will also satis- factorily handle these wastes. It is understood, however, that the prison is to cooperate with the municipality in the construction and operation of the new municipal disposal plant. ← 20 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Burnett Place and Nature of Pollution ! Columbus Canning Co.. Brillion INVESTIGATIONS AND COMPLAINTS REGARDING STREAM POLLUTION Calumet Canning Co.. Bruce Elder Creek Cheese Factory. Cobb Cedarburg Cedarburg Canning Co.. Cedarburg Canning Co. Cobb Canning Co.. Columbus Columbus Canning Co... Dry Milk Co... Fairwater Fairwater Canning Co. Date of Report 12-21-25 8-18-26 9-17-26 7-23-25 7-27-26 8-20-26 7-23-25 8- 4-25 7-22-25 Stream Affected Trib. to Rock River. Spring Creek, Trib. to Manitowoc River. Elder Creek, Trib. to Chippewa River Cedar Creek, Trib. to Milwaukee River Cedar Creek, Trib. to Milwaukee River Trib. to Pecatonica R. Crawfish River. Crawfish River. Grand River. I Conditions, Recommendations, Action Taken Lay three or four lateral open joint tile lines before next season. If above plan is not effective, provide chemical treatment or stack vines in country. Immediate improvements made in waste disposal. Further im- provements will be required before next canning season. Install treatment tank and dry well. Require owners to take whey daily. Clean tank regularly. Discontinue discharge of silage juice into stream. ygen 7 p.p.m. or 85% saturation at Hamilton mill. Dissolved ox- Dead fish; improvements made in treatment process. Arrange- ments made through Railroad Commission to let more water down from Big Cedar River. Further improvements to be required before next canning season. Improvements will be required prior to next canning season. Neutralize silage juice with lime. Construct galvanized iron pan to prevent discharge of concen- trated ammonia in case of accident. Discontinue discharge of silage juice into stream. Provide excava- tion in soil or cart away. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 21 Fairwater Canning Co Fredonia Fredonia Canning Co. Fredonia Food Products Friesland Friesland Canning Co. Glenbeulah Glenbeulah Canning Co.. Green Bay Larsen Canning Co. Larsen Canning Co.. Bellville Food Products Co. Acme Packing Co... Harrisville.. Hartland. Hillpoint Hillpoint Creamery Co Horicon Columbus Canning Co.. Van Brunt Mfg. Co.. Hortonville Fox Valley Canning 6-30-26 8-19-26 8-18-26 9-23-25 7-31-25 Duck Creek, Trib. to Wisconsin River 7-19-26 Grand River. 5-24-26 10- 1-26 Trib. to Milwaukee River. 12- 8-25 Trib. to Milwaukee River. 2-25-26 10- 8-26 10-12-26 10-14-25 12-9-25 Montello River. 8-18-25 Forest Lake…. Mullett River. Small stream. Small stream. Bear Creek. Bear Creek Narrows Creek, Trib. to Baraboo River Rock River Rock River. Black Otter Creek Trib. to Wolf R. Plug silage juice tank. Pump juice into gravel excavation. Place riser on outlet of treatment tank to raise elevation 5′ above flow line. Neutralize silage juice with lime. Further improvements will be required prior to next canning season. Improvements in disposal to be required prior to next canning season. More careful operation of treatment plant required. Dispose of silage juice by soil absorption or haul away. Operate treatment plant carefully and if objectionable conditions continue, provide chemical treatment. Haul silage juice away. Install rotary screen. Install treatment tank. Clean tank regularly. Reconstruct filter by May 1, 1927. Condition satisfactory at time of inspection. Dead fish; dissolved oxygen determinations and investigation to determine cause. No pollution. Clean tank regularly. Remove scum monthly and deposit every four to six months. Keep record of cleaning. Discharge no butter- milk into treatment tank. Disconnect all lines carrying sewage into disposal line or install septic tanks at residences where such disposal takes place. Dispose of silage juice by soil absorption. Oil pollution. Install tank to remove grease and oil. Discharge domestic sewage into municipal system. Method of treatment improved so that conditions satisfactory at time of inspection. 22 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Place and Nature of Pollution Hustisford Hustisford Canning Co. Janesville Rock County Sugar Co.... Rock County Sugar Co.. Rock County Sugar Co. Lake Mills Lake Mills Canning Co.. Wisconsin Milk Products Co.. Municipal Sewage Markesan Grand River Canning Co.. Markesan Canning Co.. River View Canning Co. Marshfield Klondike Coop. Cheese & Butter Co. Oakfield Stephens Canning Co.. Date of Report 12-8-25 9-29-25 1- 9-26 2-17-26 7-22-25 5-28-26 7-17-26 6-26-26 7-22-25 7-22-25 7-22-25 12-25-25 9-21-25 Stream Affected Rock River. Rock River. Rock River. Rock River_ Rock Creek. Trib. to Crawfish River Grand River. Grand River. Grand River Small stream. Trib. to Fond du Lac River. Conditions, Recommendations, Action Taken Install rotary screen before next canning season. If this does not produce satisfactory treatment, install tank. Dispose of vines by ground absorption. Preliminary memorandum regarding data. Operate equipment more effectively. Clean and enlarge lime sedi- mentation basin before next operating season. Memorandum regarding follow up inspection. Investigation regarding pollution of stream from sources recorded in column 1. Improvements in sewage treatment plant and methods of waste disposal have been made and further improvements in disposal of canning plant wastes will be required before next canning season. Preliminary report describing conditions causing death of fish due to pollution from the three plants indicated in the first column. Improvements will be required before next canning season. Install septic tank and filter by May 1, 1926. Require patrons to take whey daily. Clean tank regularly. Construct additional treatment tank. Carefully operate screen. Divert cooling water and dispose of silage juice either by soil ab- sorption or hauling away. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 23 Stephens Canning Co.. Lambrecht Creamery Co Oconomowoc. Phelps Ackley-Phelps Ponnell Co Poplar Lange Canning Co. Poskin Interridean Canning Co. Potter Calumet Packing Co.. Ripon Ripon Canning Co.. Silver Creek Canning Co... Stream Survey Seymour Seymour Creamery Co. Sheboygan.. ! Maple Grove Cheese Factory. Templeton Mammoth Springs Canning Co. Mammoth Spring Canning Co 8-18-26 8-4-26 9- 2-25 9-16-26 10- 4-26 9-20-26 2-25-26 8-18-26 8-18-26 8-28-26 8-12-25 12-30-26 8-25-26 10-7-25 8-19-26 Trib. to Fond du Lac River. Trib. to Fond du Lac River. Oconomowoc River. Trib. to Rock River North Twin Lake. Poplar River. Vermillion River. Manitowoc River. Silver Cr., Trib. to Green Lake. Silver Cr., Trib. to Green Lake. Trib. to Wolf River. Sheboygan River. Fox River Fox River. Preliminary follow-up report. Further improvements to be re- quired before next canning season. Install treatment tank not later than 10-1-26. Divert cooling water and require patrons to take whey daily. Improvements in sewage treatment plant and preliminary treat- ment of industrial wastes required. Collect still juice in sump and haul away. Install_rotary screen and treatment tank prior to next canning season. Stack vines in country or dispose of silage juice by soil ab- sorption. Dispose of silage juice by soil absorption. Collect silage juice in sump and haul away. These investigations involve sewage from the municipality and industrial wastes causing objectionable stream pollution. Improve- ments are to be made in the sewer system and in method of waste disposal next summer. For details of these investigations see page 86. Install treatment tank by Oct. 1, 1925. Divert cooling water. Require patrons to take whey daily and clean tank regularly. Previous order extended to Oct. 1, 1926. Preliminary stream survey. Sewage treatment recommended for Sheboygan and Sheboygan Falls; improvements atPlymouth. Install treatment tank and dry wells by 10-1-26. Clean tank regularly and require patrons to take whey daily. Operate treatment plant carefully. Pump clear water into small stream to increase dilution and if necessary provide more complete treatment. 24 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Place and Nature of Pollution Watertown Waupun.. Wittenberg Wittenberg Creamery. Date of Report 8-25-26 9- 8-25 8-25-26 Stream Affected Rock River. Rock River. Trib. to Embarrass River Conditions, Recommendations, Action Taken Investigation regarding condition of stream above dam, probably due to algae growth. Recommended that interested parties coop- erate in regulating stream flow. New sewage treatment plant and preliminary treatment of in- dustrial wastes required. See pages 93-98. Install treatment tank not later than 11-1-26. Divert cooling water and clean tank regularly. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 25 PART III—WASTE TREATMENT INVES- TIGATIONS INTRODUCTION The object of Part III of this report is to present in detail the cooperative waste treatment investigations conducted as an essential portion of the program to control stream pollution in Wisconsin. Wastes contributing to stream pollution vary considerably in their physical, chemical and biological characteristics, also in their volumes. Types of treatment effective with certain classes of wastes, therefore, may not be suitable to others. A general classification of Wisconsin industries that are factors in stream pollution is tabulated in Part I, page 12. Definite and established methods have been developed for the treat- ment of domestic sewage but the treatment of industrial wastes has received little attention in this country until recent years. Frequent- ly, however, industrial wastes tributary to a municipal sewerage sys- tem interfere with the normal process of sewage treatment so that special methods must be adopted or local treatment of the industrial wastes provided. Methods for satisfactory treatment of many in- dustrial wastes are not known, so that further investigation is neces- sary that suitable processes may be developed. Methods of waste treatment in general may be divided into me- chanical, biological and chemical processes, or any combination of these processes may be used. Mechanical processes primarily change the physical characteristics of a waste and include screening and sedimentation to remove coarse suspended solids. In most cases these processes may be considered a preliminary step to more complete treatment. Biological processes involve living organisms and are most sensi- tive to waste characteristics, temperature, and other variable factors. Furthermore, considerable time is required to develop biological ef- ficiency in a plant of this kind. Biological processes are unsatis- factory, therefore, for the treatment of many kinds of industrial wastes without modification, or preliminary treatment, but when ap- plicable they are relatively inexpensive in operation. Chemical processes are more particularly adapted to the treat- ment of industrial wastes, since the above mentioned difficulties can be more readily controlled through fairly close regulation of the chemicals applied. They offer the most promising starting point for experimental investigation in the treatment of certain kinds of in- dustrial wastes, and may be of value in combinations with biological processes to reduce treatment costs. The results of such experimental investigations in the treatment of wastes from pea canneries, sulphite pulp mills, textile mills and domestic sewage containing industrial wastes are included in the following reports. They are of value in providing essential data for the design of future treatment plants. Y 26 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Section 1 TREATMENT OF PEA CANNERY WASTES SUMMARY The following report presents the details of an experimental in- vestigation concerning the efficiency and practicability of chemical treatment in removing substances from pea cannery wastes that cause local nuisances and objectionable stream pollution. The in- vestigation was conducted under the direction of the Bureau of Sani- tary Engineering, Wisconsin State Board of Health, and was made possible by an appropriation by the Wisconsin Canners' Associa- tion to cover the cost of equipment and chemicals, and by a legislative appropriation from the conservation fund for the general control of stream pollution, which permitted employment of the necessary tech- nical personnel. A review of results of previous investigations in the treatment of cannery wastes was made and preliminary studies were conducted at the University of Wisconsin indicating the feasibility of chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes. An experimental plant for treat- ment of the canning wastes, consisting of floor and produce washings and blancher wastes, was constructed and operated at the pea can- nery of the Poynette Canning Company, Poynette, Wisconsin, during the summer of 1926. This plant consisted of a rotary screen unit, chemical feed devices, mixing facilities, a hopper bottom chemical precipitation tank, sludge pumping and drying equipment and ap- paratus for flow measurements. Conclusions The experiments definitely indicated that: (1) By careful operation and the application of about 3% pounds of ferrous sulphate and 74 pounds of lime per 1,000 gals. of waste, the oxygen demand can be reduced approximately 75%. (2) If the sludge is allowed to accumulate in the tank, the oxygen demand reduction averages only 34%, because the precipitated or- ganic matter partially goes into solution and is carried through the tank. (3) The sludge may be easily removed from the tank with a gasoline motor-driven diaphram pump. It will dry rapidly on sludge beds and has a fertilizer value estimated at $3.50 per ton. (4) Aeration of the tank effluent will effect a further reduction in the oxygen demand; approximately 50% being indicated by lab- oratory tests. (5) The chemical treatment will materially reduce stream pollu- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 27 tion and prevent local nuisances created by untreated pea cannery wastes. (6) The cost of a complete treatment plant for a two-line can- nery, discharging wastes at a maximum rate of 100,000 gallons per day, is estimated at $2,000.00 to $2,800.00, with a total daily cost of operation of $13.00 to $15.00. Recommendations Where unsatisfactory conditions occur as a result of present meth- ods of pea cannery waste disposal, it is recommended that chemical treatment plants following either of two proposed designs be in- stalled. It is further recommended that one person be made re- sponsible for the efficient operation of each of these plants. Although the investigation demonstrated, as has been pointed out, that the majority of the objectionable organic matter can be removed from pea cannery waste by screening and chemical treatment, the short duration of the canning season did not permit carrying to con- clusion certain other desirable work. Further investigations or re- search are suggested therefore, as follows: (1) A thorough study of operating technique in order to develop practical control tests and methods in operation of such treatment plants. (2) Full size plant studies to determine the efficiency and prac- ticability of aeration of the chemically treated wastes. (3) Studies in regard to utilization of the wastes, particularly the silage juice and blancher wastes because of the large amount of carbohydrate present and of the screenings with respect to drying and use as feed for chickens or other fowls and stock. INTRODUCTION Canning plant waste disposal has presented a baffling problem to canners, chemists and sanitary engineers for a number of years and is a problem which becomes more and more acute with increasing industrial development. Canners collectively have been unable to find means for utilizing to advantage the objectionable wastes from their plants, and prior to this year relatively little progress has been made in providing a satisfactory, economical method for treating these wastes to prevent local nuisances and minimize stream pollution. · At the present time, however, much effort is being concentrated on finding a practical solution for the canning plant waste disposal problem. Research work has been conducted in the treatment of the wastes in several different states during the past canning season, and it is the purpose of this report to present the details, results and recommendations of recent investigations carried out in Wis- consin. At the twenty-first annual meeting of the Wisconsin Canners' As- sociation, held in Milwaukee, October, 1925, Mr. C. M. Baker, State 2 28 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Sanitary Engineer, delivered a paper which emphasized the unsatis- factory status of pea cannery waste disposal. After briefly discuss- ing general conditions involved, characteristics of the various wastes and methods of treatment then in use, he pointed out that certain research work was necessary to develop means to render these wastes less objectionable. Since biological methods of waste disposal are relatively slow in becoming effective and the pea canning season is very short, he advocated further experimental study of chemical treatment for pea cannery wastes. • It was suggested that a co-operative program be inaugurated by the Wisconsin Canners' Association and interested state departments to conduct the necessary research work. The Association endorsed the co-operative program and appropriated $500 to cover the cost of equipment and chemicals. The 1925 Wisconsin Legislature appropriated $10,000 annually from the conservation fund to be used in the control of stream pol- lution and to "be expended in co-operation with the State Board of Health in a manner agreed upon by the Conservation Commissioner and the State Health Officer". This agreement provided that the technical phases of the work be directed by the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering of the State Board of Health and permitted the em- ployment of the necessary additional technical personnel. This fund and personnel were drawn upon for the direction and technical super- vision of the Poynette experiment. Because a large portion of the canning factories in Wisconsin pack peas only, and as the wastes produced are the most difficult to handle, it was decided to concentrate on the disposal problem pre- sented by them. Particularly is the problem rendered difficult by the additional fact that the hottest weather and periods of low stream flow occur during the pea canning season. It follows, therefore, that these wastes need most thorough treatment to prevent local nuisances and serious stream pollution. CHARACTER OF PEA CANNERY WASTES In order to give a clearer conception of the problem it is neces- sary first to discuss briefly the nature of pea cannery wastes. For convenience they may be separated into groups and classes, as follows: A. Wastes produced in the vining (threshing) of the peas. 1. Vines used for stock food. 2. Silage juice produced by fermentation of the vines. B. Wastes produced in canning of the green peas. 1. Blanching (cooking). 2. Produce washings before and after blanching. 3. Floor washings. 4. Water used to cool the canned peas. 5. Domestic sewage from toilets and lavatories. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 29 ~ Viner. Wastes: In group "A" the vines are utilized as stock food and, therefore, do not constitute a problem in waste disposal. The care of stacks to prevent odors and local nuisances, however, is a special problem involving cleanliness around the stack, free use of lime and spraying of the stack with disinfectants. The silage juice that seeps from the stacks of pea vines is heavily laden with organic matter and quickly decomposes with the production of very objectionable odors. Analysis of these wastes indicates an oxygen consumed value of 39,100 parts per million, approximately 260 times that for domestic sewage. Although in many instances the disposal of silage juice has constituted a serious problem, the present tendency to locate viner stations on farms in the vicinity of the cannery, to prevent long hauls of the vines by the farmer, has aided materially in a solution of this problem. With the location of viners in several localities, the volume of silage juice at any one point becomes relatively small and, therefore, usually may be satisfactorily disposed of by soil ab- sorption or by distribution and plowing under on adjacent land. 400 It is very probable that the silage juice contains appreciable quan- tities of carbohydrates in the form of starch and sugar and that the concentration is such that they can be economically recovered. In any such recovery process it will probably be essential to treat the fresh juice before it has a chance to sour. A process similar to the treatment of sugar cane in the manufacture of cane sugar might be applied. In the present study, however, no effort has been made toward either the utilization or treatment of the silage juice. Factory Wastes: In group “B” are included the wastes produced at the canning factory proper. The blancher waste, produce and floor washings constitute the objectionable wastes from the canning of the peas after they are brought in from the field. The cooling water is un- polluted and the disposal of domestic sewage is a separate problem. The total water consumption for an average two-line plant amounts to about 100,000 gallons per day, or one gallon of water for every can of peas (1). This water, however, is used in about twelve hours so that the rate of consumption is double this figure. For practical purposes the total quantity of all wastes in group "B" can be considered as equivalent to the water consumption. Blancher Wastes: The blancher wastes constitute the strongest produced in the canning of peas. They contain, in colloidal and true solution, the gummy coating from the surface of the peas together with organic matter removed from the peas during the blanching operation. The following table of analyses presenting the gain or loss in the con- stituents of peas during the canning process is of interest in this connection: 30 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Authority Abel Wiley Abel Wiley Abel Wiley TABLE I ANALYSES OF PEAS (2) Results expressed as percentage of total Analyses of Green Peas Fat .50 .49 Water Protein 74.60 7.00 79.93 3.87 Analyses of Canned Peas .20 .21 85.30 85.47 3.60 3.57 (Gain) 10.70 5.54 Starch 16.90 13.30 (Loss) .30 .28 9.80 7.79 Gain or Loss in Constituents in Canning Process Water Protein Fat (Loss) 3.40 .30 Starch (Loss) 7.10 5.51 Cellu. 1.63 1.18 Cellu. (Loss) .45 * Ash 1.00 .78 1.10 1.11 Ash (Gain) .10 .33 From these figures it will be observed that approximately 42% of the original carbohydrate (starch) content of the peas is lost in the canning process. The blancher waste undoubtedly contains the major portion of this loss, together with the other losses represented by the reduction in the protein, fat and cellulose contents. Most of this material is in solution, and must be removed, at least partially, in any effective treatment process. On the basis of analyses made by Peterson and Churchill, be- tween 54% and 60% of the pea is carbohydrate, of which about 80% is starch (3). The remaining 20% is ascribed to gelactans, pento- sans and other such carbohydrates. From this and the foregoing data it is believed that research directed toward the utilization of the pea constituents concentrated in the blancher waste would be of value. Studies conducted by Buswell and Shive, involving the production of 1.1% of alcohol by yeast fermentation of the blancher waste, con- firmed the presence of fermentable sugar (4). The high oxygen- consumed value reported for this waste, from 130 to 170 times higher than that for sewage, was accounted for by the presence of these fermentable sugars. The five-day oxygen demand of the same waste was 11,000 p. p. m. It is evident, therefore, that this waste is very objectionable from the stream pollution point of view, as during con- version of the proteins and carbohydrates to more stable compounds, it will reduce the dissolved oxygen in the stream necessary for fish and other aquatic life. Produce Washings: The wastes from the washing of the peas before blanching contain dirt, pieces of pods and vines, and other such material while the wastes from rewashing after blanching contain mostly light-weight split peas and loose skins. Most of these substances can be removed STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 31 by the screen unit of a treatment plant. Both of these wastes also contain some organic matter in solution, but not nearly so much as the blancher waste. They represent the major portion of the total daily waste flow. Floor Washings: Floor and machinery washings are relatively small in total vol- ume, and include dirt, waste peas, and other such substances but very little organic matter in true solution. These wastes are pro- duced principally during the clean-up period at the end of a day's operation. Cooling Water: The water from the cooling of canned peas after passing through the cooking, or sterilizing, process, has received no organic matter and needs no treatment. The piping system of the factory must be so arranged that the cooling water is kept separate from the pol- luted wastes in order to reduce the difficulty and cost of treatment. Furthermore, it may be utilized as boiler feed water, the cooling process effectively serving as a pre-heater to reduce fuel costs. Domestic Sewage: The domestic sewage from toilets and lavatories should also be kept separate from other polluted wastes, because the screenings of the produce wastes are usually used for hog feeding purposes. The sewage should be discharged into the local municipal system if such is available. Otherwise a local treatment plant for this specific purpose should be provided. Wastes treated in the Poynette experiments included only three classes listed above: blancher wastes, produce and floor washings. As pointed out, the wastes from viners are not a factor in the can- ning process proper. The cooling water needs no treatment and the domestic sewage constitutes a separate problem. PAST INVESTIGATIONS Before taking up the experimental investigation a rather com- plete survey was made of all available literature concerning the treatment of pea cannery and other canning plant wastes. It was ascertained that there is a diversity of opinion as to the possibility of satisfactorily and economically treating the wastes by chemical methods. 1 The New Jersey State Board of Health found, after an investiga- tion of the wastes from a tomato cannery, that fine screening or chemical precipitation with combinations of lime, ferrous sulphate, calcium sulphate, clay and alum would not give a clarified liquor which would remain stable for more than a few hours (5). A sedi- mentation tank was recommended for preliminary treatment, the effluent to discharge into a stream if sufficient dilution existed, other- wise onto a ploughed field. 32 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH The New York State Board of Health has recommended both set- tling tanks and screens for pea cannery wastes (6). It has been found, however, that this treatment is not entirely satisfactory and the effluent from the tank is not materially better than its influent. The A. & P. Products Company at their plant at Brockport, New York, use a chemical precipitation process with satisfactory results. The treatment consists of 50 lbs. of ferrous sulphate and 450 lbs. of lime per 35,000 gallons of waste (7). This is equivalent to 1.7 lbs. of ferrous sulphate and 12.9 lbs. of lime per 1,000 gallons of waste. Experiments conducted by the Water Survey of Illinois conclude that irrigation on a large field gives the best results (8). It was stated that laboratory experiments with chemical precipitation did not prove entirely satisfactory. Based upon experiments conducted by the United States Public Health Service with tomato canning wastes, it was concluded that tank treatment followed by double filtration, first through cinders and later through sand, would yield a clear stable effluent (9). Preliminary tests by the Wisconsin State Board of Health during the summer of 1925, using lime and ferrous sulphate, indicated that the application of 5 lbs. of ferrous sulphate and 7 lbs. of lime per 1,000 gallons of waste, would reduce the organic matter 60% to 70% (7). Other data of minor importance were obtained bearing directly upon the subject, but no record could be found of a detailed investi- gation concerning the chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes. PRELIMINARY LABORATORY STUDIES The lack of definite data in the literature regarding the chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes, indicated that further research should be conducted in this field. Biological processes would be dif- ficult to apply because of the time required for such processes to be- come effective and the short duration of the canning season. Cer- tain preliminary laboratory studies, therefore, were laid out and conducted in the laboratory of Sanitary Engineering at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin, through the courtesy of Prof. C. I. Corp. A large part of this work was performed by P. W. Bishop and C. P. Mickle, senior students of the College of Engineering, in the preparation of a thesis for graduation. Artificial pea cannery wastes were prepared by crushing peas and leaching out the soluble matter with water. The strengths of these prepared wastes were adjusted by dilution to approximate actual waste from a pea cannery as indicated by previous analyses. Vari- ous precipitants were added to find out which were most successful in producing effective coagulation and settling of the organic matter. As a result of this experimental work, it was concluded that: (1) Lime and ferrous sulphate will effect good clarification and accomplish a material reduction in the oxygen demand of the wastes. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 33 (2) Treatment with lime and alum also gives good results but requires much more careful control than the ferrous sulphate and lime. (3) The thorough mixing of the chemicals with the waste is es- sential. (4) Aeration of the supernatant liquid after precipitation will further reduce the oxygen demand. (5) The use of clay, Fuller's earth, or other such substances as aids to coagulation do not materially facilitate the coagulation and precipitation of the organic matter. (6) Hydrogen-ion concentration tests can be used to advantage in controlling the amount of chemicals required for effective treatment of the wastes. (7) Biochemical oxygen demand tests can be used in determining the effectiveness of the treatment. CANNERY SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL WORK Following the preliminary studies it was essential to select some cannery for the field investigation. After conferences with Mr. F. A. Stare, President, and Mr. W. E. Nicholoy, Secretary, of the Wisconsin Canners' Association, the Poynette Canning Company at Poynette, Wisconsin, was selected as being a plant conveniently located to Madison and providing the best facilities for conducting the work. This company had already constructed a screen unit and settling tank for its produce wastes and septic tank and dry well for its domestic sewage. Chemical treatment had been considered in the original design of this waste disposal plant, and with very little ex- tra construction it could be satisfactorily utilized for experimental purposes. All of the viner stations are located in the country where the silage juice is disposed of by soil absorption, thus leaving only the blancher waste, floor and produce washings to be treated in the experimental plant as previously pointed out. The Poynette plant is a thoroughly modern, two-line cannery with a capacity of 100,000 No. 2 cans daily. The peas from the viner stations are graded, cleaned and washed in the receiving shed. The water from this washing process constitutes a large portion of the wastes treated in the disposal plant, and represents the produce washings before blanching mentioned in the foregoing classification. Weir boxes, Nos. 1 and 2, were constructed under the washers to measure the flow, as indicated on the flow sheet for the canning process, Fig. 1, page 36. After washing, the peas are graded in a Sinclair-Scott pea grader and are then put into the blancher. In the blanching process a por- tion of the soluble material is extracted from the peas and the over- flow, therefore, somewhat resembling pea soup, constitutes the blancher waste referred to in the classification. Weirs 3 and 5 were installed to measure the volume of this waste, and 4 and 6, the wastes 3 34 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH · from the rewashers following the blanching process. One of these weir boxes is shown in Figure 6, page 40. After going through the rewasher the peas pass to picking tables where split peas and foreign matter are removed, then to storage hoppers, from which they flow by gravity into the can filler. A sugar brine solution is used to fill the voids between the peas in the can, but very little of it is wasted. The can is capped, sealed, cooked in an Anderson-Barngrover cooker, and immediately cooled. The cool- ing unit is an integral part of this cooker, a portion of the cooling water being used for boiler feed purposes, while the remainder is bypassed and discharged into a nearby gravel pit. Being clear water, it needs no treatment. After cooling, the cans are conveyed to the packing storage, and shipping room where they are packed, twenty-four to the case, labeled, repacked, and shipped. Reference to the flow sheet for the canning plant, Fig. 1, will be of assistance in bringing out the points where wastes are discharged in the canning process. Referring to the existing disposal plant, the screen unit to re- move the coarse suspended matter from the wastes, consists of a rotary Berlin screen, located in a concrete pit near the cannery. It is driven at 18 r. p. m. by a 60-cycle, 3-phase, 3-ampere, 220-volt Western Electric motor rated at one horse power, with a speed under full load of 1130 r. p. m. The motor, counter shaft and speed reduc- tion gears are located in a small house at one end of the screen pit. Liquid wastes enter at one end of the screen unit and discharge through the 20-mesh wire into the screen pit. The screen is in the shape of a truncated cone, the inlet end being 3' in diameter and the end where the screenings are discharged 4'. It is 3′ long, is covered with 20-mesh wire, and is provided with six angle iron ribs extending about 2" beyond the wire covering. The screenings are collected in a sump from which they are removed periodically and fed to pigs. Reference to Fig. 5, page 39, will give some idea as to the construction of this screen. The screened wastes pass through an 8″ pipe into a hopper bottom settling tank. The inside dimensions of this tank are 30' x 12' x 3' effective depth. The tank was built with two hoppers, the total depth to the shoulder being 8′ and to the center of the hoppers 8½'. Though the design of the tank called for a 1:2 slope for the hoppers, the sandy nature of the soil caused the contractor to change the speci- fications to a slope of 1:12. This modification prevented the sludge from sliding to the center of the hoppers and increased the difficulty of sludge removal. The tank is below the ground level and com- pletely covered to prevent filling with sand. Openings were pro- vided in the tank cover for the suction pipe of the sludge pump and for observation purposes. A small pitcher pump was originally used for sludge removal. The tank effluent is discharged through an 8″ tile into a ditch near the canning company property line. The ditch leads about 200' to STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 35 the edge of a swamp where the wastes mix with swamp water and flow in a winding course about 600' to a ditch along the tracks of the Madison-Portage Branch of the C. M. & St. P. Railroad, thence through this ditch about a half mile to Wilson Creek. The disposal of the plant effluent will be discussed more in detail under a separate heading. CONSTRUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL PLANT In the original preparation of the specifications for this waste disposal plant the State Board of Health had contemplated chemical treatment. Very little additional equipment was therefore necessary in altering the plant for the experimental work. The plan of treatment is shown in the waste disposal plant flow sheet, Fig. 2, and the sketch, Fig. 3. Alterations consisted in pro- viding chemical feed equipment for the lime and ferrous sulphate, chemical storage and handling facilities, certain modifications in the tank, and sludge handling and drying equipment. In addition, flow measuring devices were installed in the canning plant and in the ditch receiving the disposal plant effluent. A nearby tool shed was converted into a field laboratory and supplied with equipment ob- tained through the courtesy of the University of Wisconsin. Gen- eral and detailed views of the revised treatment plant are shown in Figs. 4 to 9 inclusive. + 36 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Waste Disposal Plant FLOW SHEET POYNETTE CANNING COMPANY POYNETTE, WIS. Peas from viners located on nearby farms. See separate flow sheet Weir Cans from Storage Room *I Floor drain Line No 1 Revolving Screen Type Weir *3 Perforated bucket clipper elevator Cleaner Pea Washer Screenk Type of Pea Grados Blanche Storage Hopper Closing Machine Weir 4 Y Recleaner Floor drain) Picking Table Rewasher ← Can Filler Figure 1 CONTACT gravity, Wash Water Bucket elevator gravity * Perforated bucket elevator PEA CANNING PROCESS Heated Water to Boilers Steam from boiler house Water Wash water Conveyor Caps for Cans Can Conveyor Condensate ← Sugar 23 + Scakes Scales · Pea -Grader 20 Boxer gravity Anderson Barngroe Cooker Cooler Storage Room Shipment lc Mesi Bul R ik •J. Well you Brine Sol'n Floor drain 3 Sugar Brine Storage Tanks Line No 2 Revolving cvolvi Screen Type *Clipper™ Pea Cleaned Rea Washer Weir #5 Weir #6 Screenk Type of Pea Groder Caps for Cans Can Conveyor Blancher Floor Water for drain, Picking Sugar Table Rewa wasther Recleaner Can Filler Steam from boiler house Water Wash Water Steam from Boiler House Cooling Water gravity Can Conveyor Manual Labor Wash water ·Bucket elevator Storage Hopper gravity Closing Machine Cans from Storage Room Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, (LE) STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 37 FLOW SHEET FOR THE EXPERIMENTAL PLANT USED IN THE CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF PEA CANNERY WASTES. JUNE JULY 1926 Screenings Collected, Weighed Carled away and Ted to Pigs Sludge Drying Beds Wastes from Cannery Blanche'r Wastes 2. Washer Rewasher Diaphram Pump Sludge Ygravity Figure 2 (Wastes 3. Floor Washings. See flow sheat for Cannery) sher Y flow ✓ gravity Revolving Screen Unit gravity Chemical Treatment and Mixing in Screen Pit. gravity Hopper Bottom Settling Tank for Chemically Treated Wastes 2. Hours Detention gravity Weir Box Y gravity Coke, Cinder, Crushed Stone or Gravel Filter Bed Y gravity. Secondary Settling in Trench gravity Disposal of Effluent in Swamp Laboratory and Chemical Storage House gaunt Dry Lime |Feader orifice Tank Feso Solution Tank TESOL Solution Tank Ferrous Sulphate STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Bureau of Sanitary Engineering W 1 38 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH + 01610 Mundaka 2 UHAMITATAPOLCAA tidu Figure 3 780 Motor house Screen M.A ka de feeder. ry. For imi - ل. "Settling tank for treated wastes TIMUUTA POYNETTE CANNING CO. POYNETTE, WIS < Solution tons Sulphat Sludge pump tank ferrous DC SKETCH SHOWING LAYOUT OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PLANT FOR THE CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF PEA CANNERY WASTES Sludge drying beds Welt #7 Gravel and lath filter + Laboratory STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Bureau of Sanitary Engineering STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 39 430 FIG. 4. General View of Pea Canning Waste Treatment Plant, Poynette, Wisconsin. C FIG. 5. Chemical Feed Equipment and Screen Unit, Poynette, Wisconsin. (a) Motor House. Screen Unit. (b) (c) Dry Feeder for Lime. (d) Discharge Pipes for Lime. (e) Ferrous Sulphate Solution Tanks. (f) Orifice Tank for Ferrous Sulphate. Chemical Precipitation Tank. (g) 40 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH FIG. 6. Weir Boxes under Blancher, Used for Measuring the Flow from the Blancher and Rewasher during the Pea Cannery Waste Disposal Investigation, Poynette, Wisconsin. FIG. 7. Flow-Recording Gauge and Weir Used in Measuring the Total Volume of Canning Plant Wastes Receiving Treatment, Poynette, Wisconsin. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 41 + The lime and ferrous sulphate were added to the screened wastes in the screen pit. In order to add the lime at a predetermined rate, a Guant type No. 3 dry feeder was rented for the canning season. This feeder was mounted over the pit and the lime was discharged into it through a tin spout equipped with a water spray to prevent the lime from blowing about, water having been piped from the cannery. The feeder was driven by a belt leading to a pulley on the portion of the screen drive-shaft extending through the side of the motor house. Fig. 5, page 39, clearly brings out these details. In order to minimize the experimental costs it was decided to add the ferrous sulphate to the waste in solution form. Two oil barrels were converted into solution tanks for this chemical. A small box with a perforated bottom, over which was laid copper fly screening, was placed in the top of each barrel to facilitate dissolving the fer- rous sulphate. A spray was provided in a ½" pipe over each barrel to assist in dissolving the chemical, as shown in Fig. 5. Forty-five pounds of ferrous sulphate were dissolved in each barrel and a scale was prepared showing the equivalent number of pounds per inch of depth of solution in the barrels. In order to control the amount of iron added to the waste, an orifice tank was provided. This tank was constructed of wood, measured 30″ x 12″ x 12″, and was equipped with a float valve obtained at a local plumbing shop. The purpose of the float valve was to provide a constant head of solution over a small adjustable orifice obtained from the Roberts Filter Manufacturing Company. A funnel at- tached to a rubber hose was placed immediately below the orifice to convey the ferrous sulphate solution into the screen pit. Mixing of the chemicals with the wastes was accomplished by the revolving screen, the six projecting angle iron ribs assisting mate- rially. This method of mixing, however, did not allow the lime to be added to the waste before the ferrous sulphate,. as is common in water purification practice. It was felt that necessity for this would be somewhat obviated by the fact that the lime and ferrous sulphate were in solution when they entered the waste. It was necessary to secure high calcium hydrated lime, low in magnesium content, since only this quality will produce effective re- sults. The lime for the experimental work was furnished in 50- pound sacks free of charge by the Western Lime and Cement Com- pany through the courtesy of the National Lime Association. It was stored in a dry place in the packing and shipping room, a short dis- tance from the waste disposal plant, from which it was carried and emptied into the hopper of the dry feeder. The iron sulphate used in the experimental work was donated by the American Steel & Wire Company. It was in granulated form and shipped to Poynette in barrels. Storage was provided in the ware- house with the lime, where it was weighed and then carried to the waste treatment plant. The treated wastes entered the hopper bottom settling tank near one corner, and discharged at the opposite corner on the same side 42 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH of the tank, the flow thus taking place along one side near the sur- face without proper distribution. Only a portion of the tank was thus effectively used for the coagulation and precipitation of the chemically treated waste. To equalize the rate of flow through all sections of the tank, a wooden baffle 2′ wide was built across the inlet end of the tank, ex- tending 6″ below the flow line. Another baffle was placed across the outlet end of the tank, both for the purpose of equalizing the flow and to prevent scum from discharging with the effluent. The baffle at the inlet end of the tank was replaced toward the end of the experiment by a galvanized iron trough, shown in Fig. 8. This change was made because a scouring action along the bottom, due to the direction of the flow downward at the inlet of this rela- tively shallow tank, was noticed. The trough was 12" wide by 12" deep and extended the width of the tank. It appeared effective in equalizing the flow and preventing the scouring action when the sludge was removed daily. During the early part of the work the chemically treated sludge which collected at the bottom of the settling tank was occasionally partially pumped onto sludge drying beds by means of a small pitcher pump. These sludge beds consisted of three wooden frames 10' square x 12" deep sunk into the sandy soil. No tile underdrains nor graded gravel and sand were necessary, as the porosity of the soil was sufficient to allow rapid drying of the sludge. (See Fig. 9). Toward the end of the work it was found that the accumulation of the sludge in the tank was detrimental to efficient operation of the treatment tank. It was, therefore, necessary to build two additional sludge dying beds to receive the large amount of material removed during the cleaning out process. These beds were constructed by simply throwing up dirt dykes and digging shallow trenches to the enclosed areas in which the sludge was to be lagooned. Removing the sludge with the pitcher pump was a laborious under- taking and required a large portion of the operators' time. Pri- marily for this reason the tank was never completely cleaned during the early part of the experimental work. Later when the necessity of more complete cleaning of the tank became apparent a 4″ dia- phram trench pump, driven by a gasoline engine, was effectively used for this purpose, as shown in Fig. 10, page 44. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 43 FIG. 8. Influent Trough Installed during the Investigation to Secure a More Uniform Flow Through the Settling Tank, Poynette, Wisconsin. FIG. 9. Sludge Drying Beds and Original Sludge Pumping Equipment at Poy- nette, Wisconsin. The Field Laboratory is Shown in the Background. 44 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH FIG. 10. The Gasoline-Driven Diaphram Pump Finally Adopted for Pumping Sludge, Poynette, Wisconsin. The total flow from the settling tank was measured by a 9" rec- tangular weir, and stilling box placed in the effluent ditch. Con- tinuous records were kept by a special flow-recording device, shown in Fig. 7, page 40. The six wier boxes located under each of the units in the cannery contributing waste to the disposal plant furnished in- formation as to the flow at any given time of the various classes of wastes. A lath and gravel filter about 3' wide, one foot deep, and 10' long, was built in the trench beyond the recording weir. Equal dis- tribution of the effluent over its entire area was effected by means of a trough 10" square in cross section and 10' long, with quarter-inch holes spaced 6" center to center in the sides of the trough. The ob- ject of this unit was to serve as a "catch-all" for any peas or other material which might pass through the tank. It was also felt that this unit might assist in detecting the presence of iron in the ef- fluent, by the appearance of a brown or rusty coating on the sur- face of the filter. The tool shed shown in the background of Fig. 9 was repaired and used as a laboratory. Equipment for sampling and carrying out the biochemical oxygen demand, turbidity and hydrogen-ion con- centration tests was obtained from the State Laboratory of Hygiene and the Department of Sanitary and Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Wisconsin. OPERATION OF TREATMENT PLANT Construction of the waste treatment plant was completed the week preceding opening of the canning season. Before the plant could be put into operation, however, it was necessary to calibrate the STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 45 chemical feed devices, that is, to determine the amount of lime and ferrous sulphate added to the waste at any given setting of the dry feeder, or of the orifice, respectively. This was accomplished in the case of the lime feeder by weighing the amount discharged during a given period of time, for various settings of the indicator or scale. The quantity of ferrous sulphate solution of a fixed strength dis- charged in a given length of time for each orifice setting from 0 to 25 was determined by measuring the solution in large graduated cylinders. Calibration tables and curves were prepared from the data collected. A few cans of peas were packed on June 25th and 26th, but the canning season officially started Monday, June 28th, with one line in operation. The waste disposal plant was started at the same time and continued throughout the canning season. Attention was centered first on regulating the treatment to secure the most effective results. The amounts of chemicals added were varied until good coagulation of the suspended matter in the waste was obtained. Lime and ferrous sulphate dosages of 70 and 35 grains per gallon of waste, respectively, were initially found to give the best results. This is equivalent to 10 pounds of lime and 5 pounds of ferrous sul- phate per 1,000 gals. of waste. The "floc" obtained with these dosages was brown in color, settled rapidly, and left a clear super- natant liquid. When the ferrous sulphate dosage was increased the "floc" changed to a deep blue green color and no better clarification was effected nor was the rate of settling materially changed. With an increase of the lime on the other hand, the "floc" remained light brown in color and settled rapidly, but gave slightly, if any, better clarification. It was evident from the above results that the treatment was effec- tive over a wide range in the chemical dosages applied to the wastes which made it possible to operate the plant at one predetermined setting for ordinary rates of flow. During the clean up period when the quantity of waste treated was two or three times that for the same period of normal operation, however, the settings of the dry feeder and orifice had to be increased accordingly. A large portion of the blancher waste, the most difficult to treat, was discharged dur- ing the latter part of the clean up period. Unlike the floor and pro- duce washings, this waste, as previously pointed out, consists largely of organic matter in true solution. As anticipated, therefore, effec- tive chemical treatment of it necessitated not only mechanical re- moval of the matter in colloidal suspension but also chemical break- ing down of the organic matter in true solution. For this reason it was made a part of the duties of the blancher attendant to notify the operator of the waste disposal plant when he emptied the blancher, and the lime and ferrous sulphate treatment were increased to handle these strong, hot wastes. Several days were spent in establishing a routine of operation, making minor adjustments in equipment and getting the field labo- 46 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ratory control tests started. Record sheets, previously prepared for the investigation, assisted materially in establishing this routine. Each day a flow chart was placed on the drum of the continuous recorder, Fig. 7, page 40, to obtain a complete graphic record of the daily flow, lime was weighed out and placed in the hopper of the dry feeder, ferrous sulphate was weighed and dissolved in the solution barrels, and a portion of the sludge was pumped from the tank. Containers for the collection of the raw, treated and settled wastes were placed in the screen pit, at the outlet end of the settling tank, and at the end of the tank effluent pipe. The laboratory equipment was put in readiness to perform the necessary daily tests. When the daily canning operations commenced, the treatment plant was started and the operator made a tour of the weirs in the cannery to obtain initial readings of their guages which were cali- brated in gallons per minute. The rate of flow of the wastes being received at the treatment plant was quickly obtained by adding to- gether the readings obtained. Thus determining the total rate of flow, the treatment was regulated to a known amount by the use of the calibration curves and tables. Test tube samples were then col- lected at the inlet end to the settling tank to observe the effect of the treatment being applied. If poor coagulation and clarification were noted the orifice and dry feeder settings were adjusted until good results were obtained. Such detailed measurements of flow as out- lined above would not be necessary in the normal operation of a treat- ment plant, but final adjustment to a satisfactory floc by the test tube method would be essential. Some difficulty was encountered in maintaining effective chemical dosages due to the fact that the orifice of the solution feed device for the ferrous sulphate occasionally clogged; also there were several occasions when the lime feeder ceased to operate, due to the feeder belt slipping off the pulley on the screen drive countershaft, and to a collection of material other than lime, which inadvertently got into the hopper of the feeder. Such stoppages were quickly de- tected, however, by the appearance of the treated wastes as they entered the settling tank. The collection of a composite sample of the raw, treated and set- tled waste was started about a half hour after the treatment had been satisfactorily regulated. Weir readings in the cannery were taken and recorded at half- hour intervals during the early part of the work. Since this pro- cedure consumed considerable time, readings were taken at hourly intervals during the latter part of the investigation. The totals for these readings were checked against the totals for the same period indicated by the chart of the flow recorder in arriving at the total quantities of each class of waste treated daily. Mr. J. P. Smith, a graduate sanitary engineer of the University of Wisconsin, was employed to operate the experimental waste treat- ment plant. Without assistance he soon found it impossible to run the plant and conduct the necessary field tests to control the experi- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 47 mental work. Accordingly one of the employees of the Canning Company was instructed in the operation procedure, and this was his sole duty for the remainder of the canning season. The ability of this man to maintain effective treatment by faithfully following directions demonstrated that technical knowledge is not essential to the successful operation of such a disposal plant. It is necessary, however, that one man devote his entire time to the treatment of the wastes, removal of the sludge and disposal of the screenings. CHARACTER OF SLUDGE A large quantity of sludge is produced in the chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes. During the early part of the work it was difficult to determine the quantity of sludge settling out in the tank during a day's operation because of its incomplete removal, as pre- viously mentioned. Samples of the waste collected immediately fol- lowing treatment and allowed to settle indicated, however, that the quantity of sludge produced varied between 10% and 15% by vol- ume during normal operation, and from 20% to 28% during the clean-up period, when it was necessary to increase the treatment to effectively handle the blancher wastes. The sludge ranged from light brown to dark blue-green in color. On being allowed to remain in the tank the sludge diminished somewhat in volume and changed to a dark brown, almost black color. This decrease in volume was un- doubtedly due to two primary reasons: (1) A portion of the precipitated organic material went back into solution, and (2) The tank was too shallow to allow the sludge to remain in a quiescent state in the bottom of the hoppers, as a result of which some was flushed out with the effluent. The sludge dried rapidly on the sand beds and produced no objec- tionable odors. Within a week it could be removed from the drying beds without difficulty. Fig. 11 shows the character of the sludge on the drying beds after 48 hours, and Figs. 12 and 13 after it had dried for a period of one week. Moisture Total nitrogen Total phosphoric acid · A composite sample of the sludge was submitted to the Division of Feed and Fertilizer Inspection, Wisconsin Department of Agri- culture, for analyses to determine its fertilizer value. The results of the analyses were as follows: Available phosphoric acid Potash 41.33% 0.50% 3.63% 3.31% 0.00% Neutralizing value expressed as per cent of calcium carbonate 32.8% In the tabulation the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potash and neutral- izing values are given on the dry basis. According to Prof. W. B. Griem, Director of the Feed and Fertilizer Division, the value of 48 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH the sludge containing 41% moisture, as a fertilizing material was approximated as follows: Nitrogen content Phosphoric acid content Neutralizing value about $1.50 1.25 .75 $3.50 Total The fertilizing ingredients of this material are conservatively val- ued at $3.00 per ton. Though the sludge does not compare favorably with ordinary commercial fertilizer, it has sufficient value to war- rant nearby farmers removing it from the sludge beds and hauling it to their farms. This would relieve canning companies, where chemical treatment plants are installed, of the burden of finding some place to dispose of the material removed from canning wastes. —— Samples of the sludge were also sent to research laboratories of the National Canners' Association at Washington, D. C., and the Plant Pathology Department, University of Wisconsin, for further experiments to determine whether plant disease can be transmitted by this sludge. It has since developed, however, that the National Canners' Association has no facilities for carrying out these grow- ing experiments. It was believed that the high lime content of the sludge would make disease transmission highly improbable, but as the question was raised it was felt that this point should be definitely determined. Results of these tests may be available before the be- ginning of the next canning season. FIG. 11. The Appearance of the Sludge Produced in the Chemical Treatment of Pea Cannery Wastes after Drying Two Days is Shown in the First Sludge Drying Bed, Poynette, Wisconsin. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 49 4 FIG. 12. Appearance of the Same Sludge After Drying One Week, Poynette, Wisconsin. FIG. 13. Removal by the Plant Operator of the Dried Canning Waste Sludge at Poynette, Wisconsin. This Sludge has a Fertilizer Value of from $3.00 to $3.50 per Ton on the Basis of Analyses Made at the University of Wis- consin. 50 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ANALYTICAL CONTROL In order to determine the efficiency of the chemical treatment for pea cannery wastes, composite samples were collected and analyses made of the raw, treated and settled wastes both in the field lab- oratory and the State Laboratory of Hygiene. The raw waste sam- ples were collected before the chemicals were applied, the treated waste just after, and the settled wastes from the tank effluent. Two hundred to 300 cc. portions of the waste were collected hourly and put in 22-liter bottles. Control samples were also collected at the same time for turbidity and hydrogen-ion concentration tests. Great care was taken to obtain as nearly representative samples as possible. The field tests used for determining the efficiency of the chemical treatment included: (1) Biochemical oxygen demand. (2) Oxygen consumed. (3) Turbidity. (4) Hydrogen-ion concentration. In all of these determinations standard methods of analysis for sewage and industrial wastes were used to make the results com- parable with those of other investigations (10). The biochemical oxygen demand test was used for the purpose of determining the oxygen requirements of the raw and treated waste. The reduction in the oxygen demand indicates directly the efficiency of the treatment in preventing objectionable stream pollution. The standard method for the biochemical oxygen demand involving in- cubation for five days at 20 degrees Centigrade of three dilutions of each sample, was used during the entire investigational work. The method was modified to include one-, three- and five-day incubation periods when it was desired to determine the rate of oxygen demand. The purpose of the oxygen consumed test was to measure the re- duction in the organic matter effected by the treatment. The stand- ard permanganate method with a thirty-minute digestion period at boiling temperature was used throughout the work. The turbidity tests made with a candle turbidimeter were used for the purpose of rapidly determining the amount of the suspended matter removed by the disposal plant. It should be noted here, however, that the major portion of the turbidity reduction was ac- complished by the chemical treatment, since only the coarser matter in suspension was removed by the screen unit. The hydrogen-ion concentration test was used to determine the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the raw, treated and settled wastes. Lamotte indicators, obtained at the beginning of the work, were used for all of these tests, comparisons being made with a color chart and also with Lamotte buffer solutions. The hydrogen-ion concentration determinations were made with the object of developing a simple control test to assist the plant operator in regulation of the chemical treatment. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 51 The composite samples were transported to the State Laboratory of Hygiene at Madison where determinations of total and suspended solids were made. The object of these tests was to determine the relative proportion of the matter in suspension as compared to that in true solution in both the raw and settled waste. In addition to total solids, loss on ignition was determined. This is a test to de- termine the proportion of solid material in the waste that is organic in nature. Tests for iron were also made to ascertain if an appre- ciable quantity of the ferrous sulphate used in the treatment process was carried through the settling tank. All analyses in the field were made by J. P. Smith and L. F. Warrick, while those in the State Laboratory of Hygiene were made under the direction of M. Starr Nichols, Chief Chemist. OPERATING RESULTS Control Tests: As stated previously, the early part of the investigation was de- voted to determining the most effective chemical dosages for treat- ment of the pea cannery wastes. These studies were conducted with the aid of graduated glass cylinders and the calibration curves and tables. With a constant feeder setting for the lime, the ferrous sulphate dosage was varied, and samples of the raw and treated wastes or tank influent were collected after sufficient time had elapsed to allow results to become apparent. Samples of the treated wastes were put in the cylinders where observations could be made as to the appearance and action of the floc in coagulating and precipitating the organic matter. The graduations furnished means for determin- ing the percent by volume of sludge formed. The difference between the effective and ineffective results is very clearly brought out in Figures 14 and 15 in which ferrous sulphate was applied to the wastes in amounts ranging from .5 to 2.1, and lime from 3.6 to 26.4 lbs. per 1,000 gallons. The first five cylinders in Figure 14 show the effect of insufficient lime and too much ferrous sulphate in the treatment applied. The remaining eight cylinders are representative of effective treatment of the wastes. The oxygen consumed values of the raw waste were reduced from 1.2% to 18.2% in the five cylinders representing ineffective treatment, and from 18.8% to 51% in those where the treatment was effective. The super- natant liquid with the effective treatment indicated from 22% to 67% reduction in the biochemical oxygen demand over that required for the untreated waste in the cylinder experiments. The tabulated an- alytical results of these experiments are shown in Appendix "A", page 69. The floc obtained with effective treatment has a light tan to a greenish brown flaky appearance during normal canning operations, but changes to a voluminous blue-green floculent mass during the clean-up period when the lime and ferrous sulphate dosages are in- creased to break down the organic matter in true solution in the blancher wastes. This change in color may be noted in Fig. 15, by 52 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH FIG. 14. 8 9 10 11 12 13 F FIG. 15. Cylinders of Pea Cannery Wastes Showing (Cylinders 1 to 5) the Re- sults of Ineffective Treatment, Due to the Lack of Sufficient Lime and an Excess of Ferrous-Sulphate. Cylinders 6 to 13 Illustrate Effective Treatment, Poynette, Wisconsin. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 53 FIG. 16. Tubes of Chemically Treated Pea Cannery Wastes Collected at Minute Intervals to Show the Rate of Coagulation and Sedimentation, Poynette, Wisconsin. comparing the appearance of the sludge in the first three cylinders with that in the last three. The large quantity of sludge shown in the bottoms of the last three cylinders was due to the fact that these samples were collected during the clean-up period. Date TABLE II-RESULTS SHOWING NEED OF FREQUENT SLUDGE REMOVAL Treatment of Pea Canning Wastes, Poynette, Wisconsin, July, 1926 July 9.. July 12..... July 19. Average.. July 26. July 28 July 30. Average.. Increased efficiency.. Lbs. per 1000 gal. Ferrous p. H. Treated Sulphate Lime Wastes B. O. D. O. Cons. Turb. Settling Tank Partly Filled with Sludge 9.8+ 34.0 9.8+ 3.97 16.14 6.10 24.71 1.38 3.81 2.08 3.77 3.68 3.18 7.86 12.24 9.8+ 9.8+ 34.0 4.48 9.11 8.17 7.25 Settling Tank Clean 9.8 10- 10 10 77.4 77.0 74.5 76.3 30.1 71.4 42.3 12.8 38.1 66.1 57.2 66.0 63.1 % Reduction 25.0 61.8 56.5 67.0 61.8 67.4 82.2 68.0 72.5 10.7 Solids Susp. Total (increase) +49.5 +31.0 +49.5 +31.0 39.9 39.9 89.4 39.0 39.0 70.0 54 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH The rapidity with which the objectionable matter is removed with a satisfactory floculation of the waste in the chemical treatment process is very clearly brought out in Fig. 16. These test tubes of waste were collected at the inlet to the settling tank at one-minute intervals. The tube on the reader's left had settled nine minutes, while that on the right had been collected just prior to the time when the picture was taken. The coagulation of material in suspension is very clearly shown in the two tubes on the right. Effect of Sludge: Although the first few days' results indicated effective treatment, this efficiency rapidly decreased. Efforts to secure better results by increasing the amount of the chemicals applied were unsuccessful. It was also observed that considerable suspended matter was being discharged with the tank effluent. These unsatisfactory results were due, apparently, to the accumulation of sludge in the settling tank. Arrangements were made, therefore, to completely clean the tank and remodel the inlet, as has been previously outlined. The decreased efficiency due to the accumulation of sludge in the tank is clearly brought out by the results in Table II; the first sec- tion of the table showing those when the tank was partly filled with sludge, and the second with the tank clean. These results indicate that cleaning the tank caused an increased efficiency of 25%, based on the oxygen consumed test, and of 42% based on the biochemical oxygen demand tests. The reduction in biochemical oxygen demand of the raw wastes, with the tank clean, averaged 76%, and the re- duction in oxygen consumed values amounted to 63%. These results indicate very definitely that stream pollution by pea cannery wastes can be considerably reduced by the installation of chemical treatment. The abatement of local nuisances in many in- stances where insufficient dilution exists to take care of the un- treated cannery wastes may also be accomplished by such treatment. In order to confirm these observations and results, test tube sam- ples of the treated waste were collected on successive days at the inlet end of the settling tank. These tubes were allowed to stand at laboratory temperatures until the samples collected covered a week's operation. The clarified supernatant liquid was allowed to remain in contact with the precipitated organic matter in each case, and observations were made daily to ascertain whether the sludge diminished in volume or changed in character. These test tube samples are shown in Fig. 17. Test tube No. 1 shows the character of the tank effluent when the sludge was al- lowed to accumulate, even though the treatment applied would clarify the waste, when collected in a test tube and allowed to settle, as shown in test tube No. 2. Test tube No. 3 shows the clarified waste which had remained in contact with the sludge for a period of 24 hours. Test tubes 8, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the treated wastes which had remained in contact with the sludge from two to six days respectively. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 55 11 LFI 2345678 FIG. 17. Tubes of Treated Pea Cannery Wastes to Show the Effect of the Sludge Going into Solution. This was Partially Responsible for Unsatisfactory Results Obtained During the Early Part of the Investigation, at Poy- nette, Wisconsin. It will be noted that in the samples representing the first two days, test tubes No. 3 and No. 8, the volume or character of the sludge did not materially change, although the turbidity of the supernatant liquid increased perceptibly. On the third and fourth days, test tubes No. 4 and No. 5, there was a marked decrease in the quantity of sludge in the bottom of the tubes with considerable increase in turbidity of the supernatant liquids. The picture was taken just as the sludge in the five-day sample, test tube No. 6, was being carried to the surface of the liquid by the gases of decomposition. The sludge had collected at the surface of the sample, test tube No. 7, representing six days' contact with the sludge, but had been removed for other purposes before the picture was taken. It was concluded from these observations that the sludge precipitated chemically from pea cannery wastes should be removed from the tank daily to pre- vent it from decomposing and going into solution. Under the modified method of operation, when the settling tank was cleaned daily, samples of the effluent could be kept for a number of days without visibly changing in character. The supernatant liquid when removed from contact with the sludge, or if rendered caustic by adding an excess of lime, could be kept for days without an in- crease in turbidity. This constituted further evidence that partial solution of the accumulated sludge was responsible for the poor re- sults originally obtained. Aeration Results: The values for oxygen consumed and biochemical oxygen demand obtained with the tank effluent even under satisfactory operating conditions were still appreciably in excess of that for ordinary do- 56 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH mestic sewage. Preliminary laboratory studies having indicated that aeration would effect further reduction in the oxygen demand of the wastes, experiments were conducted in aerating samples of the tank effluent and of the supernatant liquid from the treated wastes en- tering the tank. The aeration was accomplished by a small elec- trically driven compressor that forced air through the pores of a bass- wood plug located in the bottom of a galvanized iron cylinder, 7' high by 8" in diameter, which contained the samples. The air passed through the liquid in a very finely divided state and was well dis- tributed. No facilities were available for measuring the amount of air used. Composite samples of the tank effluent were placed in the cylinder until it was filled to a depth of approximately 6'. The wastes were then aerated for a period of two hours, test samples being collected at half-hour intervals. The results of the biochemical oxygen de- mand tests of the aerated samples are given in the following table III: STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 57 TABLE III.-RESULTS OF AERATION EXPERIMENTS, TREATMENT OF PEA CANNERY WASTES Poynette, Wisconsin, June-July, 1926 Sample No. 1 2 Co 3 4 10 5 Period of Aeration Hours 0 1/2 1 1½ 2 Tank Effluent % Red 3 day-20°c 2025 1050 1125 1025 750 0 48 45 50 63 BIO-CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND-P.P.M. Tank Effluent % Red 5 day-20°c % Red 2300 1300 1200 1150 1000 0 43 48 50 57 Tank Effluent 5 day-20°c 1435 973 947 823 723 0 32 34 43 50 Supernatant Liq. % Red 5 day-20°c 1575 1300 1250 1150 900 0 18 21 27 43 Remarks These results indicate a reduction in the biochemical oxygen demand of the tank effluent of approximately 50%, the majority of which was accomplished in the first half-hour of aeration. F 58 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH EFFECT OF TREATED WASTES ON STREAM Referring to Fig. 18, showing the location of collecting samples from the stream during the canning season, it will be noted that the wastes discharge into a ditch about 200' long leading to the edge of the swamp. No. 1 sample was collected at the end of this ditch where the wastes mix with the swamp water, No. 2 about 100' beyond along the edge of a swamp, and No. 3 in the ditch along the railroad where the wastes emerge from the edge of the swamp. A number of small streams flow from the swamp into the ditch, thus providing continual dilution of the wastes as they flowed toward Wilson Creek. Sample No. 4 was collected half way between Wilson Creek and sampling point 3, No. 5 from the ditch just above its junction with Wilson Creek, No. 6 from Wilson Creek just above its junction with the ditch, and No. 7 from Wilson Creek about 50′ down stream. The results of dissolved oxygen determinations of these samples are given in Table IV. No dissolved oxygen was obtained at Sta- tion 1, due to the fact that these samples consisted practically of undiluted wastes. At Station 2 the wastes had been diluted by swamp drainage and the oxygen content varied from 0 to 1.3 parts per million. The relatively high temperatures at Stations 1 and 2 on June 28 and July 1 were due to collection of samples following the clean-up period in order to obtain the effect of the hot blancher waste. At Station 3 the oxygen content varied from 5 to 5.5 parts per million. From this point to the junction of the ditch with Wilson Creek the waste received additional dilution by drainage from the swamp and was overgrown with weeds which somewhat obstructed the flow and allowed accumulation of the sludge carried through the tank during the early part of the work. The effect of this accumu- lated organic matter, both in the swamp and the ditch, is shown by the low dissolved oxygen content for Stations 4 and 5 on July 31, as compared with those in the two previous dates before sludge had ac- cumulated in the tank. It Wilson Creek, the stream into which the wastes are discharged, is a tributary of the Wisconsin River. Where the wastes enter, dilu- tion probably will not exceed fifty times the volume of the waste. will be noted, however, that in the surveys of June 28 and July 1 no reduction in dissolved oxygen was indicated by the analyses. The reduction of 0.7 parts per million on July 31 was due largely to the accumulation of sludge in the swamp and the ditch along the rail- road. Furthermore, a hot, dry period had just preceded the date of the survey, and the dilution afforded on July 31st was less than on the two previous dates. No objectionable odors resulted from the treatment of the pea can- nery wastes nor the method of sludge disposal. Although there was a slight sour odor at the edge of the swamp and in the ditch along the railroad during the hot weather, no local nuisance was created. Conditions were much improved over those existing during the pre- vious canning season when no chemical treatment was applied, ac- cording to employes of the canning company. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 50 Sample Sta. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TABLE IV.—DISSOLVED OXYGEN SURVEYS DURING CHEM- ICAL TREATMENT OF PEA CANNERY WASTES Location of Station End of ditch, edge of swamp. 100 below in swamp. Point where wastes emerge in R. R. ditch.. Half way between point 3 and Wilson Creek. Ditch just above junction with Wilson Creek. Wilson Creek above where wastes enter. Wilson Creek below where wastes enter. Note:-Dissolved oxygen results in parts per million by weight. Date Temp. D. O. 6-28-26 28°C 0.0 6-28-26 22°C 0.0 6-28-26 19° 5.0 6-28-26 18° 8.5 6-28-26 18° 7.4 7.4 6-28-26 18° 6-28-26 18° 7.4 Date 7-1-26 7-1-26 7-1-26 7-1-26 7-1-26 7-1-26 7-1-26 Temp. D. O. 25°C 22°C 20° 19° 18° 18° 18° 0.0 0.5 5.5 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.0 Date Temp. 7-31-26 20°C 7-31-26 20°C 7-31-26 20° 7-31-26 20° 7-31-26 20° 7-31-26 20° 7-31-26 20° D. O. 0.0 1.3 5.3 0.5 0.5 4.8 4.1 60 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH : Figure 18 mile DE Wilson Creek Swamp Outfall Ditch Waste Treatment Plant Poynette Canning Co. Factory 'DISPOSAL OF TREATED PEA CANNERY WASTES POYNETTE CANNING CO., POYNETT, WIS. Sampling points in stream surveys indicated by numbers WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Bureau of Sanitary Engineering Nov. 1926 w STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 61 PROPOSED DESIGNS FOR TREATMENT PLANT Since the investigation at Poynette demonstrated that 75% to 80% of the objectionable organic matter can be economically removed by chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes, the development of type plant designs, based upon the experience of the investigation, ap- peared desirable. Valuable information regarding basic principles of such designs was also furnished by Messrs. Arthur C. Brown and Frank Bachmann, representatives of the American Steel and Wire Company and the Dorr Company, respectively. Two general types of treatment plants are proposed, one to oper- ate on the continuous flow plan, and the other on the fill and draw, or batch, plan. Screening was deemed essential and should consti- tute a part of the treatment plant irrespective of the plan adopted. Chemical feed equipment, mixing facilities and methods of plant op- eration constitute the outstanding disparities in the two plans of treatment. These will be discussed under separate headings as follows: Design for Continuous Flow Plan: The plant proposed for chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes on the continuous flow plan is shown in perspective in Fig. 19 and the plans therefor, in Fig. 21, page 71. The blancher wastes, floor and produce washings from the pea cannery shown in the background of Fig. 19, are brought together in one sewer lead- ing to the treatment plant, as indicated by the parallel dotted lines. Other plant wastes are disposed of separately, as indicated in the foregoing discussion. This design is based upon a detention period of two hours in the settling tank for an average flow assumed as two-thirds of the maximum rate of flow, 140 gals. per minute, ob- tained in the Poynette experiments. The wastes receiving treatment are discharged from the sewer into the rotary screen unit "A", which removes peas, pieces of pod and other coarse material. The screen can be chain-driven by a small electric motor located in the chemical storage and motor house, “C”. The screened wastes next pass through a mixing channel, “B””, where lime is added to the wastes at the inlet and ferrous sulphate as the wastes pass around the second baffle. The two chemicals mix and react with the wastes and one another while flowing around the remaining two baffles. The chemical dosage is regulated by the use of two dry feeders, similar to that used for the lime in the Poynette experiment. These feeders are located in the chemical storage and pump house, "C". The chemically treated wastes next enter the settling tank, “B”, through a trough with slots cut in it, as indicated in the sketch and in section V-V of the plans, page 71. The purpose of the slots is to equalize the flow throughout the width of the tank. The settling tank is designed large enough to reduce the velocity of flow suffi- 62 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ciently to permit the settling out of the coagulated waste matter. The wastes flow around the center wall under a wooden baffle at the end of the second compartment, and then over a skimming trough into the sewer leading to the point of final disposal. The bottom of the tank slopes to a central trough to facilitate cleaning. Details are shown in the plans, Fig. 21, page 71. DE 13 LEGEND I Plant A. Screen Unit B. Settling Tank for Treated Wastes Mixing Channel C. Chemical Storage and Pump House D. Sludge Drying Beds. E Sludge Pile 田​日 ​с 日​国内​-- të thara Β΄ B MENGGUGI PUIKOTIES? FIGURE 19 SHOWING PROPOSED PLANT FOR THE CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF PEA CANNERY WASTE ON THE CONTINUOUS FLOW PLAN E STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Bureau of Sanitary Engineering The sludge, which accumulates in the hopper of the settling tank, "B", is removed daily with a gasoline motor-driven diaphram pump, onto one of the sludge drying beds, "D". A rubber suction hose for the diaphram pump and suitably shaped squee-gees will facilitate the removal of the sludge. The material from the tank is conveyed to any one of the sludge drying beds in movable wooden troughs. The sludge drying beds consist of 4″ drain tile, laid with open joints, under a filtering medium consisting of 6" of screened gravel, overlaid with 6″ of coarse sand. The tile underdraining is provided with vents at one end and has a gentle slope in the direction of the arrows on the sketch to the opposite end of the bed, where the un- derdrains join a common drain leading into the sewer from the can- nery to the treatment plant. Should the filtering material fail to function properly, the sludge bed effluent will always receive second- ary treatment. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 63 After drying, the sludge may be removed from the beds with shovels or forks and stored in the near vicinity without creating a nuisance, or it may be disposed of to nearby farmers to be used for fertilizing purposes. The plans, Fig. 21, page 71, give more details and contain tabu- lated settling tank dimensions for one to five line canneries. The Dorr clarifier is a combination of a sedimentation basin and a mechanism for the continuous collection and removal of the settle- able solids from the wastes in the form of a sludge. Its essential features are shown in Fig. 21A, page 72. This equipment may be substituted for the settling tank in the continuous flow plan just de- scribed. The wastes enter the clarifier at the side, inside a baffle extending below the liquid level. The incoming stream flows horizontally over the entire area of the tank and overflows a weir into a collecting channel at the opposite side whence it is discharged into the outlet. Four revolving radial arms, equipped with plows set at an angle, sweep the floor of the tank, collect and partially dewater the sludge which settles to the bottom, by compression, and carries it to the dis- charge point at the center where the sludge is withdrawn through the bottom of the tank. The clarifier mechanism operates continuously but the sludge may be withdrawn at intervals or continuously. The operating speed will vary from one revolution in five minutes to one in thirty to forty minutes, depending on size of clarifier and character of sludge. The power required to operate a clarifier is exceedingly small. Better results would probably be obtained with a Dorr clarifier than with plain sedimentation, because continuous and effective re- moval of the sludge would be provided, thus preventing it from go- ing back into solution. Furthermore, the automatic mechanism would materially facilitate operation. Details regarding cost, design and type of this equipment should be secured from the manufactur- ers, The Dorr Engineering Company, 247 Park Ave., New York City. The Fill and Draw Treatment Process: The proposed plant for the chemical treatment of pea cannery wastes on the fill and draw plan is shown in perspective in Fig. 20 and the plans in Fig. 22, page 73. It will be noted that up to the chemical treatment process the method of handling the waste is identical to that for the continuous flow plan. After passing through the screen unit “A”, the wastes are directed by means of wooden sluice gates into either of the two settling tanks "B" or "B"". A predetermined amount of lime is measured out and put into this tank by the plant operator before filling is com- menced. When the settling tank is almost filled to the level of the screen pit floor, sufficient ferrous sulphate to effectively coagulate the wastes is weighed out and added to the contents of the tank. The agitator, which consists of a motor-boat propeller mounted on a vertical shaft belt driven by the screen motor, is started to effect 64 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH thorough mixing of the chemicals with the wastes. When the tank is full, the flow of the screened wastes is diverted into the other hopper bottom settling tank by regulation of the wooden sluice gates where the procedure is repeated. For < C4 vitrified drain with ends spaced 3" apart Rotary Screen #20 Mesh Design for 2 line cannery Mixing Chonhei ·15-6 ·10=0° #20Mesh Rotary Screen Sump for lo Srtering. · 3=10% SCREEN PIT AND MIXING CHANNEL SECTION "Z-Z” W Effluent Pipe 2'x6'x1 Wood Baffle 25′ x 9′ x 1½″ Wood Baffle Sludge Drying Beds 15'-0" -51-6″ 9'-8" SETTLING TANK J ①< M · 9′-8′. flow line Foating Chatter 6-10" A "Wood partitions, between the sludge beds 15′-0″- 48 LING SREEN UNIT AND SETTLING TANK SECTION - "Y-Y" Figure 21 Vent T 5-0 og J 70-9 25-54 Inlet to-g- 2°x6" slots spaced i'apart IT Wood influent trough 4" drain SETTLING TANK SECTION "V-V" A B C Farm "Gravel SECTION "X-X* 8k#7 D No. Sludge Beds 3 SIRTS SLUDGE DRYING BEDS SECTION "W-W" -12-10° Slope 0.5% DESIGN DATA SYMBOL TANK DIMENSIONS FEET Cannery: Lines 23 4 5 Max. Flow.G.PM 70/40 210 280 350 30135 47 47 15 12 12 16 1620 4 4 4 4 4 2½ 2½ 3½ 3½ 4+ 91212 6 PLAN NO. I CANNERY WASTE DISPOSAL PLANT DESIGN FOR CONTINUOUS FLOW WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH DIVISION OF Sanitary Engineering. Scale 1-6' October, 1926. W 72 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ARTE FE EXTENSION ARM. DIRECTION OF ROTATION SLUDGE PLOWS INFLUENT K FLIRT WETGEVICH MOTOR AND SLUDGE PUMP HOUSE SETTLING SLUDGE FLOW EFFLUENT. PLAN Item IACC- SLUDGE DISCHARGE. LIFTING DEVICE *** W TANK WALKWAY SECTIONAL ELEVATION THE DORR SEWAGE CLARIFIER PATENTED Sedimentation of screened and unscreened wastes from industrial plants. Clarification of water by removal of silt or chemically precipitated solids. FIG. 21-A, STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 183 73 # 20 Mesh Rotary Screen Cannery. Sewer 4" or 6 vitrified drain pipe LHO Screen Tank and Sludge Beds Section "V-V” Sump!; for Screenings Design for 2 Line Cannery 150 FX T-B- Entrance Plut form Outline of Chemical Storage Molor and Pump 'House, indicated by dotted lines Agitator - Drive House batter to 101 Footlog Water level pipe connected to discharge of pump in house Effluent 44″ vitrified drain tile with ends spaced 3" oport O effluent pipe 18:6″ 0 que vent Sludge Drying Beds #Sandal ·6-01 F|GTtaདEP 6" Screened Gravel Figure 22 O SLUDGE DRYING BEDS SECTION "W-W” 15-0° 15-0 : • Slope 0.5% ·7-0% Agitator Support House for Motor, Pump, and Chemical Storage -7·0- Wood gate S -2' Motor Boat Propeller Inlet to tank SETTLING TANK Section "U-U" DESIGN DATA ITANK DIMENSIONS_ SYMBOL CANNERY LINEU Max Flow GPM 7/0 10 10 d3i 4. 15. 140 210280 280 1350 17 19 22 14 14. 17 #22. 431 [6 12. 5 عر PLAN 2. CANNERY WASTE DISPOSAL PLANT FILL AND DRAW PROCESS WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH DIVISION OF SANITARY ENGINEERING Scale 16' October, 1926. (1) 74 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Section 2 TREATMENT OF PULP AND PAPER MILL WASTES INTRODUCTION That some pulp and paper mill wastes, particularly sulphite waste liquor, are sources of serious stream pollution has been definitely established by previous investigations of sanitary engineers, chemists and biologists, both in this country and in Europe. These studies have shown that such wastes are detrimental to fish and other aqua- tic life, due principally to their high oxygen demand, but also to their fiber content. The need of adequate recovery or treatment processes for these wastes in the control of stream pollution is therefore ap- parent. The recent development of efficient save-all systems, having made possible the reduction of fibrous wastes to a minimum, research now is being directed toward both the utilization and treatment of objectionable chemical wastes from this industry. It is the object of this report to describe several experiments conducted in Wisconsin during the summer of 1926 in the treatment of the strongest of these wastes, sulphite waste liquor. NATURE OF SULPHITE WASTE LIQUOR In the sulphite process of pulping wood, calcium bisulphite is used as a cooking liquor to remove the non-cellulose substances, generally referred to as lignin, which are undesirable in the manufacture of high grade paper. The wood is chipped, screened, and placed in large, steel, cylindrical containers, called digesters. The cooking liquor is then allowed to come in contact with the chips in the di- gester, steam is applied, and the resultant cooking process is allowed to continue at suitable temperatures and pressures for sufficient time to allow nearly complete solution of the non-fibrous portion of the wood. The cellulose fibers, or the pulp, being relatively inert chemi- cally, are not appreciably decomposed by this cooking process. The non-cellulose substances and spent chemicals, in the cooking liquor at the end of the digestion period, are drained and washed out of the pulp. There is in solution in this waste liquor over 50% of the dry weight of the wood, including chemical compounds classified as sugar, alcohol, aldehyde, cymene, acetic and formic acids, and fur- fural. In addition the spent cooking liquor contains a small amount of free and loosely combined sulphur dioxide, even though a large part of the former is retained in the acid recovery system. These materials together with the pulp wash water constitute the sulphite waste liquor. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 715 PAST INVESTIGATIONS The fact that for every ton of sulphite pulp produced from 1 to 1.2 tons of wood constituents are wasted into streams, lakes and other such places of easy disposal, has not been unrecognized by chemists and engineers here and abroad. Large sums of money have been spent in research and experiments to develop recovery systems to obtain valuable by-products, from the sulphite waste liquor. It has been demonstrated that such by-products as sulphite alcohol, glue, core binder, road binder, briquetting material for coal dust, tanning extracts and many other similar articles of commerce can be obtained from waste liquor but a few mills can supply the entire present demand for some of these commodities. Recovery processes for other commodities fail in competition with industries using different sources of raw material and methods of production. Also the manu- facturing processes involved, in some instances, as in the preparation of sulphite alcohol, do not offer a solution to the stream pollution problem, since the wastes produced in distillation are almost as ob- jectionable as the sulphite waste liquor. Utilization of the fuel value of this waste, which amounts to ap- proximately 8000 B. T. U. per pound of the recovered concentrate, seems most promising for economically reducing stream pollution. Here again, however, recent experiments have shown that more effi- cient methods are needed for draining and washing the pulp and for the subsequent evaporation of the waste liquor to a consistency sat- isfactory for combustion under the power plant boilers. In brief, utilization of sulphite waste liquor on an economical basis involves two major problems, one of a chemical engineering nature, in the development of more efficient recovery systems, and the other of a commercial nature, in sales promotion to find new markets for commodities produced. Both are inter-related and demand the com- plete cooperation of industry for their successful solution. Until these problems can be overcome, it will be necessary to de- velop and apply methods of treating the sulphite waste liquor to re- duce its objectionable characteristics in the control of stream pollu- tion. Relatively little attention has been given to the matter of pro- viding such treatment processes for this waste until of late, in con- nection with the widespread effort being directed toward keeping streams in a reasonably clean condition. The following report gives in detail some experiments in the treatment of sulphite waste liquor conducted by the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering in cooperation with the Wisconsin Pulp and Paper Industry. SULPHITE WASTE LIQUOR AERATION EXPERIMENTS Stream surveys and chemical analyses of wastes from pulp and paper mills definitely show that sulphite waste liquor exerts a con- siderable oxygen demand when discharged into a stream. The rapid- 1 1 76 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ity with which waste sulphite liquor removes oxygen from a stream, as indicated by the results of the stream survey at Park Falls, page 223, suggested the possibility of reducing this oxygen demand by aeration. A preliminary investigation with samples of sulphite waste liquor sent to the State Laboratory of Hygiene, indicated that its oxygen demand could be reduced approximately 50% by forcing air into it through the pores of a bass wood block. This experiment seemed to confirm the opinion that a large part of the initial demand is direct chemical oxidation of the unstable constituents. This initial oxygen demand is followed by one of more gradual deoxygenation and probably two consecutive stages over an unde- termined period. The immediate oxygen demand of the waste is undoubtedly due to oxidation of the free and loosely combined sul- phur dioxide in the spent sulphite liquor. The oxygen requirement following the initial demand is quite probably due first, to the sta- bilization under aerobic conditions of the carbonaceous organic mat- ter in the waste, and, secondly, the oxidation of the relatively small amount of nitrogenous matter. It is yet to be ascertained whether the changes take place in distinct and strictly consecutive stages, in accordance with the view emphasized by Adeney and other British investigators in the case of sewage. Previous investigations conducted in Europe with the wastes from sulphite pulp mills, definitely proved that stream conditions could be materially improved by equalizing the discharge of the sulphite waste liquor. The results of these investigations were presented in a very interesting paper by Professor P. Klason entitled "Purifica- tion of Wastes Discharged from Sulphite Pulp Mills," delivered in a lecture at the First Meeting of Swedish Chemists in Stockholm, May 29-30, 1908. C EXPERIMENTS AT PARK FALLS Investigations regarding the effect of ponding and aeration on sul- phite waste liquor were started during the summer of 1926 and con- tinued throughout the fall at Park Falls. With no sources of pol- lution above the mill and only a relatively small amount of domestic sewage from the municipality discharged a short distance below, conditions are almost ideal for obtaining an accurate estimate of im- provements effected in stream conditions by any method of waste treatment applied. In addition the stream flow can be regulated by means of the power dams located along the Flambeau River in that vicinity. A sulphite waste liquor storage reservoir was formed by construct- ing a dam across the original channel of the Flambeau River, which had been abandoned following the construction of the power dam at Park Falls. A wooden pipe line was built to conduct the wastes from the sulphite mill to this reservoir. The dam shown in Fig. 23, page 77, is 4' high in the center and approximately 100' long, creating a pond with a surface area of 21,600 square feet. The down stream STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 77 face of the dam consists of several wooden steps over which the cooled and settled sulphite waste liquor cascades as it is discharged into the river. In order to regulate the flow and to allow the sul- phite waste liquor to come in contact with the air in a sufficiently thin film for effective aeration in passing over the cascade, a section of the crest of the dam 40' in length was made adjustable. This sec- tion of the dam is virtually a very wide sluice gate. The rate of waste discharge can be controlled readily by raising or lowering the FIG. 23 Sulphite waste liquor settling pond and cascade dam built at Park Falls to bring about a reduction in the oxygen demand of this very objectionable industrial waste. sluice boards, increasing or decreasing respectively the opening be- tween the bottom of the boards and the dam. When adjusted the flow remains practically constant, since fluctuations in flow of wastes from the sulphite mill are not sufficient to raise or lower the head over the opening to any great extent. Constancy of head is due to the large area to be flooded and the location of the waste inlet pipe so as to discharge away from the dam. With the average daily discharge of 73,000 gallons of concentrated sulphite waste liquor and 128,500 gallons of wash water, the settling period provided by the storage reservoir is slightly over two days. This provides ample time for the waste to settle and cool. In addition the liquor is in contact with the atmosphere and will have an opportunity to take up oxygen to supply the immediate oxygen demand. Results of Treatment: In order to obtain information concerning the reduction in oxygen requirement of the waste liquor effected by the treatment a series of oxygen demand tests were made by the sulphite mill chemist and personnel of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering. Composite 78 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH samples were collected at the outlet of the pipe from the blow pits, at the crest of the dam, and below the cascade spillway. The samp- ling was timed so as to take in one complete blow-off period, inclusive of the pulp wash water. Oxygen demand tests were made in the paper mill laboratory by the dilution method described in "Standard Methods of Water Analy- sis." Three dilutions of each sample were prepared and allowed to incubate at room temperature for 2, 1 and 5 days. City water aged for several days, was used in preparing the dilutions. The results of these analyses are given in the following table: TABLE VI Oxygen Demand Reductions Effected by Ponding and Aerating Sulphite Waste Liquor From the Sulphite Pulp Mill at Park Falls, Wisconsin, Sept.-Oct., 1926. Date 1926 Sept. 14 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 30 Hours of Collection Composite: 12 A. M. to 4 P. M. Composite: 2 P. M. to 6 P.M. Composite: 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. Composite: 8:30 to 12 A. M. Sample Raw Settled Aerated.. Raw Settled... Aerated Raw Settled Aerated Raw Settled Aerated C Ga 12 hour demand P.P.M. % Red 2,350 200 300 300 250 250 I II 11 1 Reductions in Oxygen Demand ││ │ I 1 92 T 11 1 1 day demand 5 day demand P.P.M. % Red. | P.P.M. % Red. I 3,200 700 | ! ! ! 1 1 78 ( II 2 day demand 1,450 275 225 ∞ ∞ 81 84 Man pat 1 ! 11 7,200 1,450 2,000 475 450 │ 80 76 78 The above results indicate that the oxygen demand of the sulphite waste liquor for periods from 12 hours to five days can be reduced from 76 to 92% by ponding and aeration. The relatively high re- sults for the five day oxygen demand on September 14th is accounted for by the method used in sampling. The composite samples on this date were collected in portions approximately proportional to the flow and, consequently, the samples contained a larger portion of the concentrated wastes discharged from the sulphite digester. It is believed, however, that the samples were more truly representative of the wastes actually emptied into the reservoirs. The remainder of the samples were composites collected irrespective of the volume of waste flowing to the settling pond. From the above results, it may be inferred that the cooling and settling of the wastes in the storage reservoir is of much greater effectiveness in the reduction of the oxygen demand than aeration over the cascade spillway of the reservoir dam. It is believed that the initial oxygen demand, or that responsible for the immediate de- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 79 pletion of oxygen in a stream just below a sulphite mill, is materially, if not completely, satisfied during the two to three days settling period. The somewhat slower oxidation in the second stage of stabil- ization previously referred to seems but slightly accelerated by cascad- ing over the reservoir dam. Data of interest in this connection should be obtained, however, during contemplated further experiments in blowing air through the wastes as they are discharged over the dam of the sulphite liquor storage reservoir. In order to obtain information as to other changes taking place in the sulphite waste liquor as a result of the ponding and aeration, the composite samples collected on September 14 and October 30 were sent to the State Laboratory of Hygiene for complete chemical analy- sis. The results obtained are listed in the following table: Source of Sample Date Collected Time- TABLE VII Chemical Analyses of Sulphite Waste Liquor to Show Effect of Ponding and Aeration. (Results in Parts Per Million by Weight) 4 Oxygen comsumed.. Total Solids. Suspended Solids. Solids in Solution___ Volatile Solids. Digester Prior to Blow-Off 9-14-26 12 A. M.- 4 P. M. ↓ 60,400 107,896 596 107,300 94,966 Influent to Storage Reservoir 9-14-26 12 A. M.- 4 P.M. 3,080 40,176 482 39,694 36,062✰ Aerated Reservoir Effluent 9-14-26 12 A. M. 4 P. M. 740 4,938 130 4,808 4,184 Influent to Storage Reservoir 10-30-26 8:30 12 A. M. 3,120 Unaerated Reservoir Effluent 10-30-26 8:30- 12 A. M. 11 240 Very marked reductions in oxygen consumed and solids content are indicated by these analyses, and are in accordance with the ob- servations and analyses made in the field. As previously pointed out the samples collected September 14 are believed to be more truly representative of existing conditions. The oxygen consumed values are taken as being roughly propor-, tional to the carbonaceous organic content of the waste, since it is carbon, not nitrogen, that is oxidized by the potassium permanganate used in the test. The organic matter cannot all be considered un- stable, as the test does not directly differentiate the carbon present in unstable organic matter from that present in fairly stable organic matter. Some error will be occasioned by the sulphides in the waste, as these also reduce the potassium permanganate. In brief, the de- termination is not considered as reliable a measure of the efficiency of the treatment in reducing the oxygen requirement of the waste as the biochemical oxygen demand test. From the decrease in solids content indicated by the above data, the question of what becomes of this matter immediately suggests 80 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH itself. Recent observations give additional information on this point. During November it was reported that stratification was taking place in the sulphite waste liquor reservoir. An increase in the in- tensity of the amber color from the surface to the bottom of the ponded liquor was observed. Accordingly containers were supplied for collecting samples at various depths. Oxygen consumed de- terminations were made with these samples to get data as to the increase in organic content with increasing depth below the reser- voir surface just above the dam. The results are listed as follows: Samples Collected (12-7-26) 2" below surface 12" below surface 24" below surface 36" below surface 1 I 1 1 I } 1 I Oxygen consumed (p.p.m.) 4,200 11,200 12,000 11,800 1 I These analyses partially substantiate the observation that strati- fication takes place, the liquid from the surface containing about 37% of the amount of organic matter at the lower depths. Dis- turbance in sampling may account for the last three results being almost identical in oxygen consumed values. Further determinations will be necessary before it will be possible to make any definite con- clusions. If this stratification is continuous a gradual decrease in efficiency will take place as the concentration of the waste liquor in the bot- tom of the reservoir builds up to a point where a fairly constant ratio between the strength of the pond influent and effluent is ob- tained. For this reason the early results in the reduction in oxygen consumed, biochemical oxygen demand and solids are probably higher than can be continuously maintained. The stratification would also tend to yield higher reductions in that any leakage under or around the dam would be the most concentrated liquor. The possible error from this source is regarded, however, as being relatively unimportant as the dam was apparently free from leaks of appreciable size. These matters should be further investigated. Improvements in Stream Conditions: The marked reduction in the initial oxygen demand of the cooled, settled and aerated sulphite waste liquor indicates that a material decrease in the rate of oxygen depletion in the stream should be ob- tained as a result of the treatment. To definitely ascertain whether this improvement was effected, frequent dissolved oxygen tests were made at selected points above and below the pulp and paper mill, both before the dam was completed, and after the storage reservoir was put into operation. The results obtained, given in detail in Part IV, page 223, under the heading, “Flambeau River Survey," indicate that there is a decrease in the rate of deoxygenation with the sulphite waste liquor reservoir in operation. The improvements observed in the river immediately below the mill and further down STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 81 stream must also be attributed in part to increased stream flow, and lower water temperatures, as well as to the ponding and aeration of the wastes. The slow increase in oxygen content of the river water between the middle dam and Pixley dam is undoubtedly due in a large part, to the accumulated sludge in the bed of the stream. Before a com- plete measurement of the effectiveness of the treatment can be ob- tained, removal or complete stabilization of this sludge must have taken place. Until this stabilization has taken place the condition of the stream will probably be critical during periods of high tempera- ture and low stream flow. Therefore, without data concerning the oxygen requirements of the sludge, it is impossible at the present time to determine the complete improvement effected by the impounding and aeration of the sulphite waste liquor by dissolved oxygen surveys in the vicinity of Park Falls. EXPERIMENTS AT ROTHSCHILD Further experiments in the aeration of sulphite waste liquor on a small scale were conducted at Rothschild, Wisconsin, in coopera- tion with the paper industry, during September, 1926. They dif- fered only in equipment for accomplishing the desired results. A miniature Bassler air and gas scrubber, a sectional view of which is shown in Figure 24, below, was used for aerating the waste. The spray device consisted of a horizontal brass disk with CHANNEL FOR SULPHITE WASTE LIQUOR WATER-JACKET AND BEARING HOUSING FIG. 24 Spray device used in the aeration of sulphite waste liquor. Rothschild, Wisconsin. WATER COOLED OIL GAUGE CONNECTION 6 82 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH radial projections of heavy wire, the overall diameter of which was about 4 inches, driven at high speed by a small electric motor located above the spray zone. The sulphite waste liquor was allowed to flow down to the center of the disk from a small tank above the motor. When the liquid came in contact with the rapidly rotating disk it was flung outward by centrifugal force and the wires beat it into a very fine spray, so finely divided that it resembled a mist. The spray was collected in a large improvised bag of glassine paper after falling about two feet through the air. This allowed the liquor to come in intimate contact with the air, and furnished good opportunity for satisfaction of the immediate oxygen demand. The sample of sulphite waste liquor used for the experimental work was collected from the test cock of a digester prior to the "blow off,” and diluted with water to approximate the strength of the wastes discharged into the river from the sulphite mill sewer. The paper mill chemists, having figured that the liquor was diluted with about 32 times its volume of wash water, a portion of the sample from the digester was mixed with diluting water in this ratio prior to aeration. Results of Aeration: In order to determine the efficiency of the treatment, oxygen de- mand tests were made with samples of the undiluted and diluted wastes before aeration, and of the diluted wastes after aeration. The dilution method outlined in "Standard Methods of Water Analysis" was followed, deep well water aged for one week being used for pre- paring all dilutions. Two dilutions of each sample were incubated at room temperature for periods of one, three and five days. In the following table are listed the summarized results of these tests: TABLE VIII Results of Sulphite Waste Liquor Aeration Experiments at Rothschild, Wisconsin, Sept. 17, 1926, Sample of Sulphite Waste Liquor Liquor from digester Diluted liquor before aeration. Diluted liquor after aeration.. Reductions in Oxygen Demand 1 day demand 3 day demand P.P.M. % Red. P.P.M. % Red. 8,200+ 16,300+ 1,250 2,150 800 36 1,012 53 5 day demand P.P.M. % Red. 16,300+ 2,975 1,175 61 The reduction in initial oxygen demand of the sulphite waste liquor, as indicated by the one day demand data in the above table, was not as great as expected on the basis of the preliminary tests at Park Falls. This can partially be accounted for, however, by the dilution of the waste prior to aeration, with 32 times its volume of water containing 8.2 ppm of dissolved oxygen, thus materially sat- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 83 isfying the initial demand, while at Park Falls the waste liquor was diluted with only about 14 times its volume of wash water. A sample of waste collected from the test cock of a digester prior to the blow-off period and then diluted with water proportional to the wash water added in the blow-pits, is considered to be fairly representative of the character of the waste as discharged into a stream. It has been suggested that such a prepared waste might still contain considerable of the volatile constituents which are liberated in the blowing-off process, but equal opportunity is afforded for their liberation during the collection of the samples, while the waste is discharging from the test cock of the digester. Conclusions and Recommendations: From the foregoing studies in the treatment of sulphite waste liquor from pulp and paper mills to reduce its oxygen demand in the control of stream pollution, the following conclusions are made: 1. Ponding and aeration of the waste will effect a very material reduction in its oxygen demand, preliminary tests indicating 76 to 92% reductions in one-half to five day demands. These reductions are believed to be higher than will be obtained with continued treatment. 2. Mechanical aeration such as provided by the Bassley-spray device, will also reduce the oxygen demand of sulphite waste liquor, tests indicating from 34 to 60% for one to five day demands. 3. The initial oxygen demand is probably due in a large part, if not entirely, to direct, rather than biological oxidation of the most unstable constituents of the wastes, such as free and loosely combined sulphur dioxide. 4. Ponding, particularly where large storage capacity is possible, avoids intense periodic stream pollution by the waste, and provides an opportunity for partial satisfaction of the oxygen demand. Where sufficient land is readily available, the cost is nominal. 5. The ultimate solution of the sulphite waste liquor problem lies in utilization as a fuel or in the manufacture of valuable by-products rather than in treatment. These first three conclusions, being based on limited observations and data, should be regarded as preliminary and serve principally as a guide in conducting more exhaustive tests. To obtain further information regarding the effectiveness of aeration, and to reduce stream pollution by this waste: 1. Ponding of the sulphite waste liquor should be practiced where feasible, prior to discharge into streams. 2. Further cooperative waste treatment experiments should be made at Park Falls, with more complete analytical control to determine chemical changes effected by the treatment. 3. Cooperative research should be conducted by the pulp and paper Industry to develop better methods of washing sulphite pulp, thus preventing excessive dilution of the spent liquor from the digesters, as an initial step in providing recovery systems for economical utilization of the waste liquor. 84 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH BIBLIOGRAPHY In presenting this bibliography concerning sulphite waste liquor under the headings (1) Utilization and (2) Stream Pollution, no at- tempt is made to list all publications concerning this subject; it is the purpose, rather to give references to published abstracts, which review the literature up to the present time. Utilization: 1. “Utilization of Waste Sulphite Liquor," by Bjarne Johnsen and R. W. Hovey; Department of Interior, Canada, Forestry Branch; Bulletin No. 66, 1919. A complete review of the literature up to 1919. 2. "Ubersicht über die neure in-und ausländische patent literatur, betreffend die verwertung und aufarbeitung der ablaugen und abgase der zellstoffindustrie: 1912–1925”, by A. Schrohe; Papier Fabrikant, Vol. 23, No. 3-19, pp. 30-33, 63–65, 89–92, 158–61, 251-53, 284-87, 293-96, 306-07, (Jan. 18-May 10, 1925). A total of 202 patented recovery processes are reviewed. 3. "Waste Liquor and Gases of the Paper Industry". (Trans. of above with supplements), by C. J. West; Paper Trade Journal; Vol. 81; No. 14, p. 62-64 No. 15, p. 54–56; No. 17, p. 56–58; No. 18, p. 106-08; No. 19, p. 57-59; No. 20, p. 54-56; No. 21, p. 57–58; No. 22, p. 55-56; No. 23, p. 61–63; No. 24, p. 50–52; No. 25, p. 47–50; No. 26, p. 50–52, (Oct. 1-Dec. 24, 1925). Also, Technical Association Papers, Ninth Series, No. 1, p. 146–181, (June 1926). A survey of the recent domestic and foreign literature on the utilization of waste liquors and gases of the pulp and paper in- dustry. Five-hundred and thirty-four patents on recovery processes are listed. 4. "Economical Use of Sulphite Liquor", by A. W. Allen, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineer: Vol. 32; No. 18, p. 928-31, (Dec. 1925). Describes experiments in the utilization of sulphite waste liquor as a fuel. 5. "Waste Problem at Newsprint Mills", by Vance P. Edwards; Paper Industry; Vol. 7; No. 3, p. 451-55, (June, 1925); also, Paper Mill and Wood Pulp News; Vol. 49; No. 23, p. 16, 18, 55–56, (June 6, 1925). 6. "Sulphite Waste Liquor", by A. P. Genberg: Paper Trade Jour- nal; Vol. 83, No. 15, p. 58–60, (Oct. 7, 1926). 7. “Profit from Sulphite Waste Liquor", by R. H. McKee: Paper; Vol. 23, No. 2, p. 5–7, 21 (Nov. 1, 1923). 8. "Multiple Effect Evaporation": Anon: Paper; Vol. 33, No. 11, p. 6-9, (Jan. 3, 1924). STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 85 The article presents basic information bearing on evaporator design and operation, also a study of the problem of evaporat- ing waste sulphite liquor. 9. "Waste Sulphite Liquor", Review of Literature, Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada; Vol. XXIV: No. 9, p. 260; No. 28, p. 821; No. 31, p. 910; No. 36, p. 1095, 1098; No. 43, p. 1298; No. 47, p. 1431, (Jan. 1-Dec. 30, 1926). Completing a review of the literature to date. Stream Pollution: 1. "Opinion and Decision of the Railroad Commission of Wisconsin Regarding Pollution of the Flambeau River at Park Falls", W. P. Report-234, (Feb. 20, 1926). A bibliography concerning stream pollution by pulp and paper mill wastes is appended. 2. "Stream Pollution Bibliography", Paper Trade Journal; Vol. 82, No. 12, p. 47-48, (Mar. 25, 1926). An abstract from the above reference. 3. "Waste and Stream Pollution", Papers of the Technical Associa- tion of the Pulp and Paper Industry; Series 9, No. 1, p. 234-- 240, (June, 1926). 4. "Pulp and Paper Mill Waste Problems", by L. F. Warrick; Eighteenth Annual Report, Engineering Society of Wisconsin; Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 96-110, (July, 1926). 5. "Progress of Waste Elimination in the Paper Industry", by G. D. Bearce; Industrial Management; Vol. 71, p. 112-114, (Feb., 1926). 6. "Purification of Wastes Discharged from Sulphite Pulp Mills", by Professor P. Klason, Proceedings of First Meeting of Swe- dish Chemists in Stockholm, May 29-30, 1908: also, Wochblatt fur Papierfabrikation; Vol. 40, p. 2668, (1909); "Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry", Vol. 28, p. 100, (1909), Pulp Paper Magazine Canada; Vol. 8, p. 185, (1910), Paper; Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 9, (1911). A review of improvements effected in several streams in Europe by ponding of Sulphite Wastes. 7. “Utilization of Waste Sulphite Liquor", by Bjarne Johnsen and R. W. Hovey; Department of Interior, Canada, Forestry Branch; Bulletin No. 66, 1919. A complete review of the literature up to 1919 regarding stream pollution, under the sub-heading 'Waste Sulphite Liquor Effluents.' 86 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 1 Section 3 PRELIMINARY TREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE AT RIPON, WISCONSIN Numerous complaints of stream pollution having been received by the State Board of Health because of the failure of the Ripon Sew- age Disposal Plant to satisfactorily handle the combined domestic and industrial wastes from the municipality, investigations were made by the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, and orders were issued for improvements. Preliminary treatment of several of the most ob- jectionable industrial wastes was recommended on the basis of these investigations. Methods were not designated, however, because of diversity of opinion as to how best to meet the situation. Certain specific information being necessary before the matter could be defi- nitely decided, several waste treatment experiments were advocated. It is the purpose of this report to present observations and results of these experiments conducted at Ripon during the summer of 1926, in cooperation with the consulting engineer retained by the city, in the preliminary treatment of pea cannery and knitting mill wastes. PEA CANNERY WASTE TREATMENT AT RIPON One of the two pea canneries at Ripon discharges all blancher wastes and floor and produce washings into the local sewerage sys- tem, imposing an excessive load on the municipal sewage treatment plant throughout the canning season. This seriously decreases the efficiency of the plant, as shown by the following tabulated data: TABLE IX Analyses to Show Decrease During the Canning Season In the Ef- ficiency of Sewage Treatment at Ripon, Wisconsin Analytical Determination Total Solids. Suspended Solids Oxygen consumed Biochemical Oxy- gen demand. INTRODUCTION Suspended Solids Oxygen consumed Nitrates Biochemical Oxy gen... 'Average analyses for 15 U. S. dis- posal plants U. S. P. H. S. data* 800 to 1,400 187 | 44 121 67 29 4.3 18 Ripon Plant-Analytical Results Normal operation Canning period operation P.P.M. % of Normal P.P.M. Raw Sewage 1,222 392 118 100 Tank Effluent 46 58 Filter Effluent 85 1,200 to 1,600 250 180 1,560 60 150 0.06 400 98 to 132 64 153 1,560 130 268 470 *Data taken from Public Health Bulletin No. 132, "Sewage Treatment in the United States. " STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 87 The very material increase during the canning period in the bio- chemical oxygen demands of both the raw sewage and plant efflu- ent observed in the analyses is particularly significant from the stream pollution point of view. With the minimum flow in the creek and warm weather occurring simultaneous with the canning period, the increased oxygen demand of the effluent is particularly undesir- able. Analyses of the stream below the disposal plant outlet revealed septic conditions, this situation giving rise to foul odors and making fish life impossible. All analytical results and observations show that the sewage plant is unable to take care of the untreated pea cannery wastes. The possibility of preliminary chemical treatment of the screened cannery wastes prior to discharge into the city sewer, with removal of the coagulated solids at the sewage disposal plant, was suggested by the consulting engineer employed at Ripon. Accordingly a plan of treatment was developed, and the plant shown below in Figure 25 was constructed and operated by the Silver Creek Canning Company during the summer of 1926. ve d a. Screen unit. b. Tek Sump for screenings. Dry feeder for lime. C FIG. 25 Chemical treatment for Pea Cannery Wastes. Company, Ripon, Wisconsin. O C. d. Mixing tank for chemicals and cannery wastes. e. Orifice tank for ferrous sulphate. f. Solution tanks for ferrous sulphate. Silver Creek Canning The treatment plant consists of a Berlin rotary screen unit, simi- lar to that used at Poynette, a Gaunt type, No. 3, dry feeder for application of lime, solution tanks and orifice box for adding ferrous sulphate, and a tank provided with baffles to effect thorough mixing of the chemicals with the waste prior to their discharge into the city sewers. The screen and feeder are driven from a pulley, on a line 88 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH shaft extending through the rear wall of the cannery. Screenings are collected in a concrete sump and periodically carted away for use as hog feed. Results of Preliminary Treatment: Though excellent coagulating and settling actions were obtained in samples of the treated wastes collected at the pea cannery, no mate- rial improvement in conditions at the sewage disposal plant was ob- served. It is believed that the floc obtained in the treatment was at least partially broken up in flowing through the sewers and mixing with other wastes, and part went into solution as in the Poynette ex- periments. This indicates the necessity of removing the coagulated organic matter in a settling tank, prior to discharge of the treated cannery wastes into the local sewer system. TREATMENT OF KNITTING MILL WASTES Just to what extent the wastes from the Knitting Mill at Ripon interfere with the normal operation of the sewage disposal plant is a matter of some uncertainty, due to variations in their physical and chemical characteristics and fluctuations in flow. Observations made by the plant operator and sanitary engineers during the sewage treatment investigations definitely brought out the fact that the lint in the Knitting Mill wastes is largely responsible for clogging the nozzles of the sprinkling filter. Without continual removal of this lint the efficiency of the filter is seriously impaired. The grease removed from the woolen material with the thick soapy wastes is also a material factor in producing scum troubles at the disposal plant. It is believed, however, that the acids and dyes from the mill are insufficient in quantity to cause appreciable interference with the sewage treatment. The preliminary treatment of the Knitting Mill wastes, therefore, resolved itself into two major problems: 1. Removal of the lint and other coarse suspended solids. 2. Reduction of soap and grease contents to a minimum. It was suggested by the consulting engineer that the same treat- ment applied to the cannery wastes might be applied to the Knitting Mill wastes. Due to dissimiliarity in the characteristics of the two types of waste, however, it was decided that certain experiments should be carried out before definite recommendations were made. [# Preliminary Treatment Experiments: Accordingly representatives of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineer- ing in cooperation with the Knitting Mill constructed and operated the experimental waste treatment plant shown in Figure 26, page 89, during the early part of August, 1926. A sump, approxi- mately 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet deep, receiving all of the wastes prior to their discharge into the city sewer, was used as a collecting and flow equalizing basin. The perforated metal basket, which was STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 89 previously used for screening out a portion of the lint, was removed from the sump. The outlet to the sewer was plugged with a galvan- ized iron pipe, which extended to the top of the sump, serving both as the sump overflow and an outlet for the treated wastes. A small electrically driven centrifugal pump was used for lifting the wastes from the sump to a small mixing box, where chemicals were applied. Ferrous sulphate, lime, alum and sulphuric acid were the chemicals used singly and in various combinations during the experiment, an orifice tank being used for regulation of the treatment. A barrel was utilized as a coagulation tank for the wastes prior to their discharge into the sewer. A skimming ladle was provided for removal of scum collecting at the top of the coagulation tank and sump. d e h 谢 ​g. Skimming ladle. h. Screen for lint and coarse solids. Sa FIG. 26 Apparatus used in the experimental treatment of textile mill wastes at Ripon, Wisconsin, during August, 1926. a. Sump receiving all of the textile mill wastes. b. Pump for lifting wastes to mixing box. C. Orifice tank used for regulating ferrous sulphate treatment. d. Mixing box for wastes and chemicals. e. Coagulation tank. f. Discharge pipe to city sewer. Results of Experiments: The chemical treatment of the wastes was found to require fre- quent regulation to meet the ever changing physical and chemical characteristics, due to use of "batch" processes in the washing and dyeing of the woolen yarn and fabrics. The storage capacity of the sump was insufficient to provide adequate mixing of the washer and dye vat wastes to minimize fluctuations in the nature of the waste leaving the Knitting Mill. The effluents from the dye vats are acid in reaction and highly colored, while those from the washers are strongly alkaline, greasy, and contain considerable lint. The need of sufficient retention in a tank to prevent these variations in character- istics, as well as in rates of flow, is thus apparent as an essential step in any practical chemical treatment process for these wastes. 90 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH In Figure 27, below, are shown cylinders of the chemically treated knitting mill wastes. With the mixed dye vat and washer wastes, or the washer wastes alone, dosages of ferrous sulphate vary- ing from 13 to as much as 250 grains per gallon were found effective in rapidly coagulating the lint and other suspended matter, and lib- erating the fats and oils in colloidal or true solution in the waste. Partial to complete decolorization of the dye-tinted liquids was also obtained in some cases. The congealed material quickly collected at the surface of the treated waste as a thick, curdy, slate-colored scum. This scum was removed with a ladle, leaving an opalescent liquid, practically free from lint and grease. 1 2 3 4 5 678 FIG. 27 Chemically Treated Knitting Mill Wastes, Ripon, Wisconsin. 1. Washer waste coagulated by ferrous sulphate and lime. (pH.-8.6) 2. Washer waste coagulated by alum and lime. (pH.-8.6) 3. Dye waste unchanged by ferrous sulphate. (pH.-5.0) 4. Dye waste coagulated by ferrous sulphate and lime. (pH.-7.4) 5. Soap and dye wastes, coagulated by ferrous sulphate. (pH.-7.2) 6. City sewage containing dye waste treated with ferrous sulphate. (pH.-8.0) 7. City sewage containing soap and dye waste treated with ferrous sulphate. (pH.-8.2) 8. Lint and greasy scum removed by treatment. Alum and sulphuric acid accomplished similar results with the above mentioned wastes, but, as in the case of ferrous sulphate, failed to have any effect on the wastes from the dye vats alone. Under such conditions, it was necessary to apply lime in combination with either ferrous sulphate or alum. A dense floc, such as shown in cylinder 4, Figure 27, above, too thick to settle in the cylinder without dilu- tion, was obtained. The same results were obtained in the lime and ferrous sulphate and lime and alum treatments of the washer wastes, as shown in cylinders 1 and 2, respectively. Good settling action, however, was observed in the coagulating tank with these treatments. In order to ascertain the effect of mixing the treated knitting mill effluent with the domestic sewage, samples of the combined wastes STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 91 were collected in a sewer manhole near the mill. In the case of the ferrous sulphate treatment of the dye waste alone, coagulation took place in the sewer as shown in cylinder 6, Figure 27, page 90. With the ferrous sulphate treatment of the washer and dye vat wastes, there was little difference in the appearance between the sewage and treated wastes, as brought out by comparison of cylinders 5 and 7. These results indicate that the grease and lint can be removed by preliminary chemical treatment of the combined knitting mill wastes prior to their discharge into the city sewer system. Screening follow- ed by tank treatment would be necessary, the fill and draw process probably being most efficient. Scum and sludge removing facilities would be necessary with the ferrous sulphate treatment when used alone or in combination with lime. Alum or sulphuric acid can be substituted for the ferrous sulphate in removal of the lint and fatty constituents of the waste as a scum, but both require more careful regulation. Because of the location of the knitting mill in the built up portion of Ripon, and consequent lack of space for providing such treatment without considerable expense and difficulty, the suggestion that the mill provide better screening facilities to remove the lint and install water softeners to reduce the soap content of the waste to a minimum should be carried out before any other action is taken. It is possible that the mill effluent can then satisfactorily be handled by the city sewage disposal plant, particularly in view of improvements to be made in the latter. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of the present and previous investigations of indus- trial waste and sewage treatment at Ripon, Wisconsin, the following conclusions are submitted: 1. The present sewage disposal plant is inadequate to satisfac- torily treat the domestic sewage and industrial wastes of the municipality, even with preliminary treatment of the latter, so as to prevent local nuisance and objectionable stream pollu- tion in Silver Creek. 2. Preliminary treatment of the pea cannery wastes to be ef- fective in reducing the load on the sewage disposal plant, must include the removal of the chemically precipitated solids at the cannery. 3. Preliminary treatment of the Knitting Mill wastes to prevent interference with the normal operation of the sewage dispos- al plant, necessitates the removal of the lint and greasy con- stituents. This can be accomplished by screening and chemi- cal treatment. Efficient screening and the installation of wa- ter softeners, may yield an effluent that can be satisfactorily treated at the improved sewage disposal plant. As the most logical and practical methods of effecting necessary improvements in sewage and industrial waste treatment at Ripon, the following recommendations are made: 92 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 1. Improvements in the sewage disposal plant, to include: a. Increase in tank capacity, involving either of two possi- ble procedures: First, the installation of a sludge diges- tor tank with a capacity of 2½ cubic feet per capita for separate sludge digestion, utilizing the existing tank for plain sedimentation, or, second, the construction of a Dorr clarifier unit of ample capacity to receive the full flow of sewage from the municipality, and the utilization of the existing tank for sludge digestion. b. A final sedimentation tank for the effluent of the sprink- ling filter should be provided to prevent the slough-off from entering the stream. 2. The chemically precipitated solids from the pea cannery wastes should be removed by a settling tank and dried on sludge beds as described under the continuous flow plan, page 61 of this report. 3. Decrease in the lint and soap contents of the knitting mill waste by installation of a finer mechanical screen and water softener. These recommendations have been accepted in most part and will be carried out during the coming year. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 93 Section 4 WAUPUN SEWAGE AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE TREATMENT INVESTIGATION INTRODUCTION In response to numerous complaints concerning local nuisances and gross pollution of the west branch of the Rock River caused by in- adequately treated sewage and industrial wastes at Waupun, repre- sentatives of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering made a thorough investigation of the situation and submitted definite recommendations to the city authorities. These recommendations included the employ- ment by the city of a competent engineer to develop some method for satisfactorily treating the sewage and industrial wastes, either com- bined or separately, prior to their discharge into the Rock River. Specific requirements to be met by any proposed system of treatment before final acceptance were stipulated by the sanitary engineers of the state. A consulting engineer was employed in compliance with the recom- mendations, who reported after a preliminary survey of local condi- tions. The State Sanitary Engineer, however, suggested that a series of experiments be conducted during the summer of 1926 to determine what manner of treatment was most effective in accomplishing the desired results. In conducting certain tests to serve as a guide in these experiments, technical assistance was requested of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering. In view of the exceptional conditions pre- sented, this assistance was extended. The following report describes the experimental work and gives the results obtained: QUANTITY AND CHARACTER OF WASTES The wastes treated by the sewage disposal plant at Waupun at the present time include spent liquids from the textile dyeing establish- ment and laundry at the prison, and the entire effluent from one cannery. These are combined with the domestic sewage from the city, prison and state hospital, for treatment before final disposal into the Rock River. The quantity of the various constituents mak- ing up the daily discharge of industrial wastes from the prison are listed as follows: Prison Hosiery: Room No. 1: 5,000 gal. water, containing (100 lbs. Sal Soda (200 lbs. Sulphonated Castor Oil 15,000 gal rinse water for above. 94 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 5,000 gal. water, containing 12 lbs. dyes in solution (200 lbs. Sodium Sulphate 5,000 gal. rinse water for above. 800 gal, water, containing (20 lbs. Sodium Peroxide (30 lbs. Sulphuric Acid (20 lbs. Silicate of Soda (8 lbs. Soap 3,600 gal. rinse water for above. 4,000 gal. water, containing (40 lbs. Soda Ash. 3,000 gal. water, containing about 40# Sodium Chloride, used in backwashing softener. Total amount of water used in Room No. 1-41,400 gals. Room No. 2: 3,000 gal. water, containing (20 lbs. Sulphonated Castor Oil 3,000 gal. rinse water for above. 3,000 gal. water, containing (50 lbs. dyes in solution (100 lbs. Sodium Sulphate 6,000 gal. rinse water for above 750 gal. rinse water of black dyed goods. 750 gal. water, containing (12 lbs. Sodium Nitrite (20 lbs. Sulphuric Acid 1,500 gal. rinse water for above. 750 gal. water, containing (4 lbs. Toluline Diamine (6 lbs. Soda Ash 1,500 gal. rinse water for above. 750 gal. water, containing (8 lbs. Soap 750 gal. rinse water for above 750 gal. water, containing (8 lbs. Formic Acid Total amount of water used in Room No. 2-22,500 gals. Total daily volume of hosiery wastes-63,900 gals. Prison Laundry: Daily volume of "suds” and rinse water 20,000 to 25,000 gallons. Cannery: The wastes from the cannery, operated during the pea and corn canning seasons, have the same characteristics as previously de- scribed on pages 28-30. The daily quantities of each class of waste entering the sanitary sewers are as follows: הדדי Blancher, floor and produce washings------150,000 to 200,000 gals. Cooling water 100,000 gals. 2,500 gals. --350,000 to 400,000 gals. Silage juice Total volume (pea canning) - The wastes during the corn canning season are much less, amount- ing to between 120,000 and 150,000 gallons daily. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 95 The daily quantities of sewage and industrial wastes receiving treatment at the disposal plant were determined with a weir and automatic recording gauge, as follows: Sewage Flows-1926: Month Conditions April Without cannery August Cannery on corn_ August Without cannery, Sundays or rain August Sundays August With average rain. The strong character of the sewage and the ineffectiveness of the present sewage disposal plant, are clearly brought out in the follow- ing tabulated analyses of samples collected August 27, 1925. TABLE X SEWAGE ANALYSES-WAUPUN, WISCONSIN Determination Total Solids. Soluble Solids. Suspended Solids p. p. m... % removal. Oxygen consumed Biochemical Oxygen demand……. Free Ammonia_ Alb. Ammonia. Nitrites Nitrates.. Dissolved Oxygen. Raw Sewage 1,280 1,156 74 174 540 17.1 7.2 2.0 .08 Imhoff Tank Effluent 1,324 1,302 22 70% 140 460 17.25 7.81 .01 .04 Average g. p. d. 543,300 643,000 520,000 283,000 729,000 Septic Stream Above Tank Effluent Plant 1,450 1,372 88 59 550 23.57 5.75 .01 .04 1411 | 1| 141 11 11 111 1 Stream ½ Mile below 170 0 It is evident from the above analyses that the Imhoff and septic tanks are entirely inadequate to handle the strong sewage and in- dustrial wastes of Waupun. Conditions have been such that as far as stream pollution is concerned, the disposal plant which was not designed to treat the industrial wastes previously listed, could have been by-passed without materially altering the situation. Lack of sufficient attention in the operation of the overloaded plant, was also partially responsible for poor results obtained. PRELIMINARY LABORATORY TESTS In order to obtain information concerning possible methods of treating these wastes a series of twenty-two experiments on a labora- tory scale were conducted at Waupun and in the sanitary engineer- ing laboratory of the University of Wisconsin. These experiments involved chemical precipitation of the solids in the sewage, laundry 96 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH effluent, and various wastes from the textile mill at the prison, con- sidered separately or mixed in proportion to the daily flow. Alum, ferrous sulphate, sulphuric acid and lime were used as precipitants with varying degrees of success. Different dosages of these chemicals, separately or in various com- binations, were applied to the wastes in graduated glass cylinders. The coagulating and settling actions occasioned were observed over periods of at least two hours. The pH value, or "shorthand" expres- sion for degree of acidity and alkalinity, was determined colorimet- rically for each waste both before and after treatment. Sulphuric acid treatment was found to be most satisfactory in the case of the silk "gum extractor" wastes alone or combined with the laundry effluent, the congealed material being removed as a thick scum. With pH values of 4.4 to 4.8 a curdy grayish white floc formed quickly, and began to rise to the top of the cylinder. The scum removed amounted to approximately 10% by volume. When the acid treatment was applied to the combined prison wastes, however, it was observed to have relatively little effect. Ferrous sulphate and lime treatment yielded best clarification results, but only slightly decolorized the wastes. The sludge precipitated amounted to from 8% to 16% by volume. These preliminary laboratory tests indicated that good results could be accomplished by the application of chemical treatment to the combined sewage and industrial wastes from the prison at Waupun. Lime and ferrous sulphate were found to be most satis- factory for clarification of the sewage. Very good results were ob- tained over a fairly wide range in pH value, from 7.4 to 8.8. The tests, however, did not include wastes from the cannery. It was, therefore, recommended that further experiments, involving chemical precipitation be conducted at the existing disposal plant during and immediately following the canning period. The use of other methods of sewage treatment besides chemical precipitation was also advo- cated for purposes of comparison. FIELD EXPERIMENTAL WORK At a joint meeting of the Common Council of Waupun, the con- sulting engineer retained by the city, and state representatives, held at Waupun May 4, 1926, the proposed experimental work was author- ized. The plans for the work submitted by the consulting engineer included three methods of treatment for the sewage after removal of the heavier settleable solids by a short detention period in the existing Imhoff tank, as follows: 1. Chemical precipitation, using lime and ferrous sulphate. 2. Aeration in a Manchester type of tank. 3. Sprinkling filter treatment. The chemical treatment was on a large scale, handling from 300,- 000 to 400,000 gallons of the sewage daily. The lime and ferrous STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 97 sulphate were added to the effluent from the Imhoff tank as it flowed through a wooden flume provided with baffles, which served as a mix- ing channel. The chemical dosages were regulated by two Gaunt type dry feeders. Precipitation of the solids took place in a large settling pond formed by building an earth dyke around a pasture lot ad- joining the sewage disposal plant. The effluent from the pond was discharged over a weir into the Rock River. The sewage aerated in the Manchester type tank was pumped into it at an average rate of 5 gallons per minute. With the tank capacity of approximately 1,200 gallons, the aeration period allowed was four hours. The volume of air furnished by a small electrically driven compressor averaged about 1.0 cubic feet per gallon of sewage. The sprinkling filter was 6 feet square and 6 feet deep, crushed rock being used as the filtering medium. It was provided with a wooden tip-trough for intermittent dosing at the rate of one gallon per minute, or 1,800,000 gallons per acre per day. Facilities were provided for collecting samples and making neces- sary chemical analyses. The biochemical oxygen demand test was used as the basis for determining the efficiency of the various meth- ods of treatment in reducing stream pollution. All results reported are for five day demands by the dilution method. RESULTS OF FIELD EXPERIMENTS Good clarification of the chemically treated sewage was effected within a 40 minute settling period using lime dosages from 15 to 25 grains per gallon and ferrous sulphate approximately 3 grains per gallon. A coarse slate-colored rapidly settling floc was obtained with these dosages. A good floc formed when a portion of the pre- cipitated sludge was returned to the inlet of the mixing channel. Better facilities for carrying out this operation would probably re- sult in a material reduction in the amounts of chemicals required by the process, also in the quantity of sludge produced. And Treatment of the sewage by aeration results in a marked reduc- tion in the colors caused by the dyes from the prison. The effluent was turbid, however the floc produced being so light that it would not settle in sufficient quantities to be returned as activated sludge. Dur- ing the three months of operation, the results could not be considered comparable with those normally secured by the activated sludge pro- cess. The sprinkling filter did not function satisfactorily after a short period of operation. It clogged badly, yielding a slightly turbid effluent. The clogging could probably have been prevented by a lower dosage rate during normal operating conditions, and particu- larly while the cannery was in operation. The results of the biochemical oxygen demand tests given in parts per million are summarized as follows: 7 98 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH CHEMICAL ANALYSES Biochemical Oxygen Demand Tests: Raw sewage during canning season. Raw sewage after canning season_- Chemical treatment with cannery. Chemical treatment without cannery. Aeration with cannery- Aeration without cannery. Filter with cannery Filter without cannery ¡ 1200 to 2600 p.p.m. 220 to 360 p.p.m. Raw sewage Chemical treatment-nearly all samples during canning season Aeration samples during canning season. Filter samples during canning season_- CONCLUSIONS 220 to 600 p.p.m. 40 to 120 p.p.m. 50 to 50 to Averages for Experimental Period: 40 to 160 p.p.m. 30 to 160 p.p.m. 1190 240 140 101 200 p.p.m. 240 p.p.m. It will be noted from the above analyses that the biochemical oxygen demand of the raw sewage during the canning season is from 5 to 10 times greater than that for other periods, according to the analytical results. The oxygen demand reductions accomplished by chemical treatment were less than with the aeration and sprinkling filter treatment, while the cannery was in operation, but it is felt that they do not offer as fair a comparison as desirable. The Man- chester tank and filter were not in operation until the latter part of the pea canning season and only a few samples were obtained as representative of this period. On the other hand, most of the deter- minations listed for chemical treatment were made while this maxi- mum load existed. • While it is believed that a sprinkling filter would successfully function with the strong sewage at a much reduced dosage rate, the large area required and the relatively large initial expenditure as compared with the other processes, make it impractical, under pres- ent conditions. Particularly is that true when it is considered that all of the sewage would need to be pumped. Treatment by the activated-sludge process, or by combined prelim- inary sedimentation, application of chemicals, and aeration, were considered the best possibilities for solution of the problem. The lat- ter method was recommended by the consulting engineer, and ap- proved by the state. The proposed plant was authorized by the city council, and construction will be started in the spring. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 99 PART IV-STREAM POLLUTION SURVEYS A report concerning stream surveys in Wisconsin conducted jointly by the State Conservation Commission and State Board of Health during 1925–26. The purpose of Part IV of this report is to present the objects sought, observations made, data collected and conclusions reached in recent stream pollution surveys in and bordering on the State of Wis- consin. It includes a brief discussion of the general survey procedure, followed by detailed descriptions of pollution conditions existing in the Lower Fox, Wisconsin, Flambeau, Sheboygan, and Upper Missis- sippi Rivers, each considered under separate headings. The general information together with a discussion of chemical analyses and stream flow data obtained in the surveys of the first three rivers are presented by L. F. Warrick, Assistant Sanitary Engineer, employed specifically for conducting stream pollution abatement activities in the joint program of the State Board of Health and Conservation Commission of Wisconsin; while the biological phases are presented by Professor C. L. Turner, of the Department of Zoology, Beloit Col- lege, temporarily engaged to assist with the stream surveys. The Sheboygan River survey is briefly reviewed by O. J. Muegge, Assist- ant Sanitary Engineer, State Board of Health. A preliminary report covering pollution of the Upper Mississippi River is presented by H. R. Crohurst, Sanitary Engineer, United States Public Health Service, and the biological data of this survey by A. H. Wiebe, tem- porary assistant, United States Bureau of Fisheries. A resumé of the information obtained in the surveys is found in the general sum- mary and in the summaries at the beginning of each section of this part of the report. INTRODUCTION Elimination of objectionable stream pollution in Wisconsin is the ultimate goal of the cooperative program inaugurated and jointly conducted by the Conservation Commission and the State Board of Health. This goal is not quickly and easily attained. Those who are sufficiently interested to have made even a superficial study of this vital problem will readily agree that there are many exceedingly im- portant phases to be considered in both the conception and develop- ment of any successful stream conservation program. They are legal, scientific, and economic in nature, and are so inter-related that none can safely be overlooked. The major public interests of the state- agriculture, industrial and the great outdoors-are all involved in the problem. Benefits derived by controlling the pollution of streams should be consistent with the general welfare of all of these interests. Accordingly, in the prosecution of the work, it has been the object of those in charge to ascertain necessary facts concerning cases of W 100 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH serious stream pollution, and possible methods of alleviating such sit- uations before taking definite action. Stream pollution surveys are an essential part of such a policy. Facts concerning prevailing con- ditions must be obtained to establish effective control, a control which will accomplish the desired results without detriment to major public interests. Any comprehensive program for controlling the pollution of an en- tire river system, with due regard to the protection of public health and aquatic life, fair distribution of the burden of control, and rea- sonable economy, necessitates the collection and careful consideration of certain fundamental data. A large portion of this data must be obtained by a thorough scientific investigation of stream conditions. This investigation, or stream survey, has as its objects: (1) Determination of the nature and extent of pollution. (2) To ascertain the effect of the pollution on the aquatic life and general stream conditions, particularly those bearing on use- fulness of the stream to man. (3) Determination of the extent of and agencies influencing natu- ral stream purification, or recovery from polluted conditions. (4) Development of standards of quality applicable to the stream in question for use as objectives in remedial measures taken. (5) To provide data for evaluating improvement in stream condi- tions effected by remedial measures. Conducting a stream survey to accomplish the above objects in- volves the acquirement of a rather wide variety of information, which for convenience in discussion may be classified as follows: (1) General Data, including the physical characteristics which have direct or indirect influence on stream conditions from a pollutional point of view. (2) Chemical Analyses, involving determinations, the results of which when compared with accepted standards of water purity or cleanliness will give an index to the intensity of pollution. (3) Biological Observations, involving the effect of pollution on the flora and fauna of a stream. (4) Bacteriological Analyses, showing the degree of bacterial pol- lution. (5) Stream Flow Data, which are essential in the correct interpre- tation of analytical results and observations, as well as in the development of plans for controlling stream pollution. (6) Wastes Causing Pollution, the volume and character of which must also be known in the intelligent interpretation of the chemical, biological, and bacteriological data, and in ascertain- ing treatment necessary as a remedial measure to prevent the existence of objectionable stream pollution. The methods used in accumulating the information included in the above classifications are described and discussed separately under their respective headings. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 101 Section 1 SURVEY PROCEDURE GENERAL DATA General data concerning the Lower Fox, Wisconsin, and Flambeau Rivers were for the most part obtained by the personnel conducting the work through preliminary surveys. These preliminary surveys in each case were started above the sources of major pollution and were continued down stream to the mouth of the river, or to a point where recovery from polluted conditions was indicated by the chemi- cal analyses and biological observations. The location of dams, rap- ids, sources of pollution, tributaries, and all other such data were carefully noted and used in the location of the sampling stations along the river. Additional data concerning the area and character of the watersheds, climatic conditions, the sewered population tributary to the stream, and other such data were obtained from reports on file in the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, the Wisconsin Blue Book for 1925, and other state and federal publications. Numerous observa- tions, made by persons living near the streams in question, were re- counted to the members of the survey party, but these were not al- lowed to influence the opinions derived from a careful study of stream conditions. Only such pertinent facts as obtained directly or observed by those conducting the field work are included in this detailed report. CHEMICAL ANALYSES In collecting necessary samples and performing chemical analyses of the water during the preliminary stream surveys, it was apparent that relatively little could be accomplished with the limited personnel and funds available. Accordingly cooperative arrangements were made with the assistance of the Advisory Committee on Waste Dis- posal for the Wisconsin Pulp and Paper Industry to have chemists from the mills bordering the streams conduct a portion of this work. Under these arrangements daily samples for dissolved oxygen deter- minations and weekly samples for complete chemical analyses were collected at sampling points designated by those in charge of the sur- vey. The dissolved oxygen determinations were made by the paper mill chemists, but the samples for complete chemical analyses were sent to the State Laboratory of Hygiene at Madison, where analyses were made under the direction of M. Starr Nichols, Chief Chemist. - As pointed out in Part I, it was necessary in making most of the field investigations to conduct certain important chemical analyses prior to submitting samples to the State Laboratory of Hygiene at Madison. Accordingly two portable laboratory kits were designed and built for the work. One of these kits is shown in Figure 28, 102 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH below, while being used in making a dissolved oxygen determina- tion. Re-agents and equipment for making biochemical oxygen de- mand, dissolved oxygen, oxygen consumed, relative stability, hydro- gen ion concentration, settleable solids and temperature determina- tions, are included in the outfits together with a special device for DON'T HUG 441 FIG. 28 The portable laboratory designed by the Bureau of Sanitary Engineer- ing used for making field analyses during the stream surveys. FIG. 29 Equipment adopted as standard for the collection of all samples for dissolved oxygen determinations in the stream surveys. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 103 the collection of dissolved oxygen samples at various depths below the surface of a stream. The cases are slightly larger than an ordinary suitcase, reasonably light in weight, and yet sturdy enough to with- stand unavoidable abuse in the field. The kits were found indis- pensable throughout the field work. Methods used in collecting samples during the stream surveys were made standard for all cooperating laboratories. In obtaining dis- solved oxygen samples care was taken to prevent atmospheric aera- tion. A small wire basket containing a siphon device, composed of two bottles suitably connected by rubber and glass tubing, was low- ered to a depth of three feet below the surface of a stream and the bottles allowed to fill by means of the siphoning action. The sampling equipment described is shown in Figure 29, page 102. All analyses of water, sewage and industrial wastes are preferably made in accordance with the standard methods of water analysis adopted by the American Public Health Association so the results will be comparable with those obtained in similar investigations con- ducted elsewhere. This policy was adhered to in all of the surveys conducted in Wisconsin. The analytical procedure followed in the dissolved oxygen deter- minations is the Rideal-Stewart modification of the Winkler method. The essential equipment for performing these tests, including sam- pling devices and re-agents, was supplied to the chemists making the tests. In order to obtain comparable results, the re-agents were pre- pared in large quantities in the State Laboratory of Hygiene, and all of the field laboratories were furnished with the same carefully standardized solutions. The analytical technique was demonstrated to each cooperating chemist, every effort being made to secure uni- formity of method. From observations during the course of the work, it was evident that the instructions were faithfully adhered to, and much credit for the excellent results obtained is due those chemists who made the necessary field analyses. All biochemical oxygen demand determinations were performed in the field by state representatives. Unless otherwise noted, the five- day demand, using the dilution method, was made standard for all industrial wastes and sewage collected during the surveys. All dilu- tions were made as far as consistently possible with water from one source, aged for at least one week in accordance with the recommen- dations in Bulletin No. 97 of the United States Public Health Service. These dilutions were incubated at 20° centigrade in a specially de- signed portable incubator. Dissolved oxygen determinations at the start and finish of the incubation periods were made with the same re-agents furnished the chemists assisting with the field work. Every possible precaution was taken to eliminate inaccuracy in the results. The analytical determinations made by the State Laboratory of Hygiene with samples submitted included turbidity, odors, color, free ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, chlorides, alkalinity, total and suspended solids, loss on ignition, and oxygen consumed, all being performed in accordance with standard laboratory methods. These analyses de- 104 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH manded the constant attention of one full-time chemist with frequent assistance by other laboratory personnel. During the latter part of the work it was necessary to curtail the analytical determinations somewhat in order that the laboratory could successfully perform regular routine duties. For the benefit of those who are not acquainted with the signifi- cance of the various analyses a brief discussion of the most impor- tant is herewith presented. Though no hard and fast rule regarding the value of the analytical determinations can be stated, the follow- ing list is presented in what may be considered, in general, the order of most importance in waste treatment and stream pollution investi- gations: ANALYSES IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE 1. Biochemical oxygen demand. 2. Dissolved oxygen. 3. Oxygen consumed. 4. Solids. a. Total. b. Suspended. c. Volatile, or loss on ignition. 5. Nitrogen, as a. Free ammonia b. Albuminoid Ammonia c. Nitrites d. Nitrates. 6. Alkalinity, or acidity. 7. Hydrogen-ion concentration, or "pH" value. 8. Physical conditions a. Color b. Odor c. Turbidity. 9. Special determinations-depending upon the nature of the pollu- tion. The biochemical oxygen demand is a test used to evaluate the pollu- tional character of the waste. A small portion of the sample to be tested is mixed in a bottle with a relatively large volume of water containing a known amount of dissolved oxygen. The bottle is sealed to prevent contact with the atmosphere and allowed to stand at a temperature of 20° C. or 70° F. for certain periods of time, after which the dissolved oxygen remaining in the mixture is determined. The difference between the initial and final oxygen content represents that used up by the measured quantity of waste. A correction is made by the similar treatment of a sample of water not containing the waste to make allowance for any oxygen demand the water itself may have. Thus the analyst approaches as nearly as possible the actual changes that take place in a stream when it is polluted by this waste. The dissolved oxygen test indicates the total amount of free oxygen available in a stream to take care of the oxygen demand of the waste and support fish or other aquatic life. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 105 * The oxygen consumed test consists in the oxidation of the un- stable organic matter by digesting a mixture of the sample, sulphuric acid and potassium permanganate for a period of thirty minutes at boiling temperature. The oxygen removed from the potassium per- manganate is used as a measure of the oxygen-consuming capacity of the waste. The test does not so nearly approach natural conditions and, therefore, is regarded as being less significant than the biochem- ical oxygen demand. It furnishes a measure of the unstable organic content of the samples. The total and suspended solids are determined by evaporation to dryness and weighing of measured quantities of a sample both before and after passing through a filter. The difference between the weights thus obtained represents the amount of suspended matter. The weight of the unfiltered portion represents the total solids. If the heating is continued to a dull red temperature, the organic matter is ignited and driven off. Only the mineral residue remains. The loss in weight occasioned by the removal of the organic matter is termed loss of ignition, or volatile matter. It thus becomes a measure of the total organic content of the sample. The tests for nitrogen are of particular importance in connection with stream pollution by sewage and certain classes of industrial wastes. The determinations of nitrogen as free ammonia, albuminoid am- monia, nitrites and nitrates, are complicated and will not be described in detail. It is sufficient to state that it is one of the most valuable indices of the strength of a sewage and the extent of sewage pollu- tion, also of the natural changes that may have taken place in such pollution. The larger the amount of free ammonia and nitrites in a stream the more recent the pollution. The presence of nitrates with little or no free ammonia and nitrites indicates that the nitrogenous content of the organic matter has been stabilized or is in a condition to be used as a fertilizer for aquatic vegetation. The determinations of alkalinity or acidity give an indication as to the effect of the waste on aquatic life. The hydrogen-ion concen- tration, often represented by the shortened expression "pH" value, is a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity. Certain fish and plant life in streams are known to be very susceptible to changes in the character and degree of acidity or alkalinity of the water. The "pH" of wastes themselves is useful in controlling treatment processes. The physical determinations such as color, odor, turbidity, etc., are of minor importance and are used only as aids in the inter- pretation of other results. Special determinations are made only in cases where wastes caus- ing pollution contain substances of an unusual nature, such as the determinations of sulphite in sulphite pulp mill wastes. The resist- ance of fishes to these unusual wastes in various concentrations is partially known through previous experiments, the results of which are included in a report of the New York State Conservation Com- mission. 106 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH In presenting the results of chemical analyses made during the stream pollution surveys, two methods have been used: (1) graphi- cally in combination with maps, and (2) tables, both referring to sampling stations along the Fox, Wisconsin, and Flambeau Rivers. Analyses of wastes contributing to pollution of the streams are given in tabular form, in most cases being grouped according to character or source. Summary charts, Figures 42-43, pages 151, 153, and Figures 60-61, pages 197, 199, showing graphically the dissolved oxygen con- ditions, have been prepared for those who are interested in the streams as a whole, and sectional charts, Figures 44-48, pages 158- 166, and Figures 62-68, pages 201-211, to show the conditions existing in various localities where sampling stations are located. The summary charts give the monthly averages and mean monthly minimums for the dissolved oxygen content at the various stations, the locations of which are indicated on the map at the top of each chart. The sectional charts present the daily oxygen determinations for each station over the entire period of the survey. In the graphic presentation of the dissolved oxygen data the critical values for fish life are indicated. For instance, in the dissolved oxygen profiles for the various sections of the stream studied, a line, corresponding to two parts per million dissolved oxygen, has been drawn through the curve. Those portions of the curve which extend below this line indi- cate critical periods for fish life. In any dissolved oxygen survey of a stream the periods of minimum oxygen content, when conditions are critical for fish and aquatic life, are of primary interest. The fact that the dissolved oxygen should drop below the critical value on one or two occasions during the ad- verse conditions of low stream flow and high water temperatures, does not in itself indicate that there will be a large migration or de- struction of fish life. If, however, the oxygen content remains below the critical value for any appreciable length of time serious condi- tions will result. It is for this reason that the average and mean monthly minimum values for oxygen content are used in the presen- tation of results. The mean monthly minimum is calculated by taking the average of all determinations yielding results below the monthly average. In other words, it is the median between the minimum and average oxy- gen conditions for a month: Thus, even though the average oxygen content is slightly above that critical for fish and aquatic life during any month, the mean monthly minimum may be appreciably below this value, with serious conditions prevailing in the stream during a portion of the time. The sectional dissolved oxygen survey charts referred to above give not only the daily dissolved oxygen content of the river water, but also percentages of saturation, water temperatures and stream flow throughout the period covered by the survey. As previously pointed cut, the per cent saturation of the water with oxygen is a function of the temperature. Water at freezing temperature contains approxi- mately twice the amount of oxygen which will be contained at ordi- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 107 nary summer temperatures, assuming one hundred per cent saturation in both instances. Thus, the critical saturation for fish and aquatic life will vary from 14 to 22 per cent, according to whether the stream temperature is 0° or 20° Centigrade, respectively. Though these limits are not indicated on the sectional charts the averages for the survey periods are shown on the monthly summary charts. Stream flow plotted in cubic feet per second is included on the sec- tional chart to assist in the interpretation of the dissolved oxygen data. Marked changes in the dissolved oxygen content of the stream may often be attributed to abrupt changes in stream flow occasioned by storms or by flow regulation. The sources and methods used in ob- taining this information will be discussed under a separate heading. The tables of chemical analyses, pages 168-169, 216, 235, of samples of water submitted to the State Laboratory of Hygiene give the monthly average of results obtained. These are of primary value in showing the degree of pollution at the various sampling stations. Par- ticularly is this true when these results are considered in connection with observations made in the field during the preliminary survey and at the time the samples were collected. The ability of natural re- sources in the purification of streams to handle the pollutional bur- dens is also indicated by these analyses. BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS The biological observations during the stream surveys were made by Professor C. L. Turner and A. H. Wiebe and are included as spe- cial sections of this report, pages 242–276, 322–323. The methods used in collecting the data presented are described in detail and the conclusions arrived at are briefly and concisely stated. Further in- formation regarding this portion of the work is, therefore, omitted in the present discussion. BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSES As previously pointed out, the primary consideration in Wisconsin which is behind the joint anti-pollutional activities of the State Con- servation Commission and State Board of Health, is the protection of fish and aquatic life, while for reasons already mentioned public health and comfort, recreation, navigation, and other such matters are regarded as being much less affected. Provision for the work was made on this basis. Consequently, a large portion of the obser- vations and results of the stream pollution surveys are discussed rel- ative to their effect on the reproduction, development, and general welfare of fish, as well as other aquatic animals, and plants, some of which constitute fish food. Features of the work pertaining to sanitation have not been neglected, but bacteriological studies, with the exception of the Upper Mississippi River, were not deemed suffi- ciently important in the surveys of the rivers selected to warrant the necessary additional personnel and equipment. 108 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH STREAM FLOW DATA As correct interpretation of the analyses necessitates knowledge concerning stream flow, a cooperative arrangement was made with the Water Resources Branch of the Railroad Commission of Wiscon- sin by means of which the daily flow records at each of the sampling stations were obtained. Through the courtesy of Mr. B. S. Soule, District Engineer, and Walter J. Parsons, Junior Engineer, U. S. Geological Survey, the following report concerning the methods used in compiling the stream flow data for the Fox, Wisconsin, Flambeau, Plover, and East Rivers is presented: Lower Fox River: From the original data of daily stream flow records at the Rapids Croche Dam Station, furnished by the United States Engineers' Office at Milwaukee, the stream flows at the 15 sampling stations of the Sanitary Survey were computed by direct comparison with the drain- age areas represented. It was assumed that the rainfall and runoff were uniform over the drainage area and the stream flow at any point on the river was a linear function of the drainage area represented. As an example: Drainage area Sta. #1 = 6040 sq. mi. Drainage area R. C. D. Sta. = 6150 sq. mi. Stream flow at R. C. D. Sta. Sept. 1 3296 sec. ft. 3296 x 6040 6150 =3240 sec. ft. The original data can be obtained from the files of the U. S. G. S. as noted under the study of the Wisconsin River. These original data are accurate within 5%. Wisconsin River: From the original data of daily stream flow records at Whirlpool Rapids, Merrill, Knowlton, and Nekoosa, daily stream flow records at 23 sampling stations of the Sanitary Survey were prepared by inter- polation. The ratio between the stream flow at a sampling station and the nearest gaging station was determined by two factors-the ratio be- tween the drainage areas represented by the two stations, and the ratio between the runoff per square mile from the respective drain- age areas. It is found by comparison of monthly mean runoff per square mile at the four gaging stations that there is a progressive change in the runoff down the valley. In the months of June and July there is a small uniform decrease in the runoff down the valley. This is caused both by the heavier precipitation in the northern end of the valley and the inflow into the river from the many storage reservoirs of the Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company, that have been filled durng the spring and are used to improve the summer flow. This inflow is in addition to the normal runoff of the northern end of the valley and STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 109 increases the runoff per square mile. During these months, a square mile of drainage area in the northern end of the valley contributes more to the stream flow than a square mile in the southern end. Hence the drainage areas in the north are given greater weight than those in the south in computing the ratios between the stream flows at two stations. As an example: Drainage area Sta. #6 = 2140 sq. m. =2140 sq. m. Drainage area Sta. M. = 2630 sq. m. Ratio between stream flow = 2140 x 0.66=1412 2630 x 0.62 1630 = 2000 sec. feet. Stream Flow Sta. M. July 1 Stream Flow Sta. #6 July 1 = 2000 x 1412 = 1730 sec. feet. 1630 Runoff Runoff Runoff 0.66 sec. ft. per sq. m. (monthly mean) 0.62 sec. ft. per sq. m. (monthly mean) The monthly mean runoffs per square mile for the four gaging stations were plotted on graph paper for convenience in comparison. When they are plotted with drainage areas represented as abcissa and runoff per square mile as ordinates, it is found that a smooth curve can be drawn through the points. In June and July, as stated above, the runoff gradually decreases down the valley. In August the runoff first increases from Whirlpool Rapids to Knowlton and then decreases. This can be explained by the distribution of rainfall dur- ing the month. There was a heavy storm centered over Wausau which caused the drainage area between Merrill and Knowlton to contribute more than the average runoff and caused the average run- off for the total area to be increased. Below Knowlton, the runoff per square mile again decreases, for the runoff from this portion of the drainage area is below the average for the area above Knowlton. In September, a similar distribution of the rainfall caused the runoff to increase from Whirlpool Rapids to Knowlton and then decrease. In October the runoff was practically uniform over the entire drainage area and there are only minor changes down the valley. In Novem- ber there were heavier rains in the north and the runoff decreases uniformly down the valley. By the use of these curves showing variation of runoff, the average runoff from the drainage area represented by each station can be quite accurately estimated. In Figure 30, page 110, are presented the runoff curves for the months of June, July, August, September, October, and November. A list of the interpolation ratios for the sampling stations for each month by means of which the stream flows at the intermediate sam- pling stations were computed from the adjacent gaging station rec- ords, as well as the original stream flow records at these gaging sta- tions can be obtained from files of the Water Resources Branch of the United States Geological Survey at its Madison offices. These stream flow records were all obtained from recording gages. These original data are accurate within 5%. 110 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Flambeau River: From the original data of daily stream flow records at the Butter- nut Station on the Flambeau River, a station at which the stage is determined by two readings a day of a chain gage, the stream flow • 2000 DRAINAGE ÁREAS IN 3000 So Mi 4000 15000 3000 7000 Whirlpool Repres Herril Knowlton Nekoosa F/6.30 tify TT RUNGER IN SEC-Fr/ Sqm. SQ Mi UHA 1007 Nave Fugust October 200 September + Variation in Unit Runoff for Wisconsin River Stations. -- · -- 1 records for the 4 sampling stations of the Stream Pollution Survey were computed by direct comparison with the drainage areas repre- sented. The same method of computation was used as with the Fox River Stations. The original data of the Butternut Station can be obtained from the files of the U. S. G. S. The original data are accurate within 5%. Plover River (Tributary of the Wisconsin River): There are no gaging stations on the Plover River and the stream flow was estimated by comparison with the flow of the Eau Claire STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 111 River whose drainage basin adjoins the Plover to the north. It is assumed that the rainfall and runoff were the same over the two drainage areas and the only difference in stream flow would result from the different sizes of the drainage areas. The flow of the Eau Claire River was taken from the Kelly Station. The drainage area of the Plover is approximately 60% of that of the Eau Claire and the comparison should be quite accurate. In view of the vagueness of the data, weekly mean stream flows were computed and no attempt made to estimate the daily flows. The original data of the Eau Claire can be obtained from the filés of U. S. G. S. The original data are accurate within 5%. East River (Tributary of the Lower Fox River): There is no gaging station on the East River and the weekly mean stream flow was estimated by comparison with the flow of the Mil- waukee River. This is the nearest comparable river upon which there are stream flow records. The drainage area of the East River is 22% of that of the Milwaukee. The geographical location of the two rivers with relation to Lake Michigan is similar and the underlying geological structures are roughly the same. The original data of the Milwaukee Station on the Milwaukee River can be obtained from the files of the U. S. G. S. The original data are accurate within 10%. No attempt is made to estimate daily stream flows. Daily and monthly flow records covering periods prior to the stream surveys for the gaging stations referred to in the foregoing discus- sion are not all included in this report, these being available in the Water Supply Papers published annually by the United States Geo- logical Survey. The references are listed, as follows: IT Lower Fox River Water Supply Paper No. 454 474 504 524 544 564 584 Years Covered by Records 1896-1917 1918 1919-1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919-1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Wisconsin and Flambeau Rivers. 385 405 435 455 475 505 525 545 565 585 Page Numbers 36-37 28 58 28 30 22 (not published 2/4/27) 165-170 and 135 122-127 and 96 120-125 and 93 109-114 and 84 74-79 and 57 135-144 and 104 83- 90 and 64 81-99 and 62 (not published 2/4/27) (not published 2/4/27) i 112 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH More recent records were obtained from the files of the Wisconsin Railroad Commission, and a compilation of the data in the U. S. G. S. Water Supply Papers referred to above was found in the "Second Report of the Railroad Commission of Wisconsin on Water Powers, 1914–23," pages 82-91, 158-184, and 400-414 for the Flambeau, Wis- consin and Lower Fox Rivers, respectively. The stream flow data for the Upper Mississippi River was largely obtained from the Water Supply Papers listed for the Wisconsin and Flambeau Rivers, but since they are all included in Mr. Crohurst's report, no references are given here. These records were used for comparing stream flow conditions existing during the surveys with those of previous years. They served as a basis for predicting future conditions, giving an idea of the extreme minimums of flow available to dilute the wastes entering the streams. The periods when stream flow regulation would be bene- ficial or necessary from the pollutional point of view are indicated by the data. In short, this information is an important factor in con- sidering the economics of measures for controlling stream pollution. WASTE CAUSING POLLUTION Data concerning the volume and character of the sewage and in- dustrial wastes constituting sources of stream pollution were obtained largely through direct investigations by the personnel of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering. Additional information was obtained from engineering reports, publications, and correspondence concerning the polluting substances and their effect upon the streams. In general the water consumption of the municipality has been taken as the vol- ume of domestic sewage, although in some instances actual measure- ments of the sewage flow were made. As will be pointed out later, however, the actual volume of flow is not relatively important in con- sidering pollution of the stream since the extent of the pollution is dependent upon the total population rather than upon the actual vol- ume of waste. In other words, if the flow is large the sewage is more dilute. In determining the volume of waste from industries, however, actual measurements of flow were made, unless rather definite data were available from other sources concerning the volume of wastes from that particular class of industry. Figure 31, page 113, shows a weir installation such as used in the flow measurements. Details regarding the volume and character of wastes at different locations on the individual streams are recorded in connection with discussion of conditions on the particular streams investigated. Population of municipalities were estimated for 1926 from the 1920 census, and it is believed that they are fairly representative of the present actual population. No effort has been made to estimate the actual population connected with sewerage systems since it is be- lieved that pollution from practically all of the inhabitants of cities and villages finds its way directly or indirectly into the streams. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 113 FIG. 31 A weir and continuous flow recording device used to measure the total daily volumes of various wastes discharged into streams. Composite samples of the waste were collected for chemical analysis to determine their pollutional characteristics. The major industrial wastes encountered in the stream surveys were those from pulp and paper mills, others being negligible in com- parison. There are thirty-four of these mills on the Lower Fox River between Neenah and Green Bay; seventeen between Rhinelander and Nekoosa on the Wisconsin, and one on the Flambeau at Park Falls. As previously pointed out, the wastes from these industries are large in volume and certain of them have oxygen demands far in excess of those of domestic sewage. In Table XI are presented the results of chemical analyses of vari- ous classes of wastes encountered in this survey. These results were obtained primarily from analyses of wastes discharging into the Fox lieved that pollution from practically all of the inhabitants of cities and villages finds its way directly or indirectly into the streams. Sulphite Pulp Mill Waste: From a study of the results obtained, it will be noted that the sul- phite waste liquor is the most objectionable of those considered. The average oxygen demand is 16,233 p.p.m., and the oxygen consumed value 112,700 p.p.m. This waste was obtained from the digesters in the various mills just prior to the blow-off period. The results, there- fore, represent the oxygen consuming power prior to dilution with wash water in the blow pits of the mills. The volume of this undi- 8 114 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH luted sulphite liquor averages about 2,000 gallons per ton of pulp produced. Although the total solids content of the sulphite waste liquor aver- aged 106,325 p.p.m., the suspended solids averaged only 1,565 p.p.m. In other words, 104,760 p.p.m., of the total solids are in true solution and can not be filtered out of the wastes. It is this unstable organic matter in true solution that is largely responsible for the high oxygen demand of these wastes. The loss on ignition was 93,640 p.p.m., indicating that the organic content amounts to about 81% of the total solids. This, however, would be anticipated from the nature of the manufacturing process in which the non-fibrous portion of the wood is dissolved. The high oxygen-consumed value indicates that most of this organic matter is carbonaceous rather than nitrogenous in character. Sulphite waste liquor is coffee brown in color and has a specific gravity of about 1.05. The 10% to 13% of solids which it contains, according to analyses made by Professor P. Klason, are made up of lignin, hydro-carbon, protein, resin, fat, sulphur dioxide combined with lignin and lime. One gallon of liquor was found to contain the fol- lowing amounts of these constituents: Lignin Hydro-carbon Protein Resin and fat Sulphur dioxide combined with lignin Lime (CaO) Total WE G ย I 1 1 1 I│ 1 1 1 1 } 1 I 0.5250 lbs. 0.2843 lbs. 0.0131 lbs. 0.0262 lbs. 0.1750 lbs. 0.0787 lbs. 1.1023 lbs. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 115 Sample Field No. *220* 9 32 42 59 64 231 14 970588 46 47 54 60 65 35 39 38 TABLE XI CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES EMPTIED INTO THE LOWER FOX RIVER CLASSIFIED AS TO THEIR SOURCE (Results in Parts Per Million) City Water-Menasha Fox River-Menasha Canal. Fox River-Water-Appleton. Fox River-Water-De Pere……… Fox and East River-Water-Green Bay. Average. Neenah. Neenah. Neenah. Sample Average. Sulphite waste liquor.. Sulphite waste liquor... Sulphite waste liquor... Sulphite waste liquor... Sulphite waste liquor.. Sulphite waste liquor. Average. Sulphate mill effluent... Sulphate mill effluent. Average.. Sulphate mill diffuser waste. ** !!! … …… !! !!!! 1 …… !!!! …… 4 I Date Col- lected 8-21-26 0.3 8-25-26 1.0 8-30-26 2.4 9- 2-26 9-4-26 17. 7.5 5.6 8-23-26 8-23-26 8-23-26 WATER USED IN INDUSTRIES 0.364 27 17 28 69 69 2 8-27-26 8-28-26 } Bio- chemi- Oxygen Free Alka- Oxygen Con- NH³ linity Demand sumed 8-28-26 185 350 357 297 42 | 0.364 SEWAGE 79 103 98 93 PULP MILLS II ! ! ! 800 3,100 500 900 650 1,400 2,000 3,600 11 } 151 1 151 223 262 90 192 [109,664 127,902 88,940 8-30-26| 22,000 207,800 8-31-26 18,200 142,700 9-1-26 11,600 64,400 9- 1-26 20,800 Bottle was broken enro [ute to Madison 9-4-26 10,000 73,800 9- 4-26 14,800 74,800 16,233 112,700 Total t 164 174 234 250 264 217 1,478 1,893 1,408 1,593 Solids Sus- pended 2,880 1,728 18 56 96 212 80 92 Sol- ution 118 138 38 184 119 392 1,066 352 1,541 316 353 1,304 Loss on Ign. 178 756 2,124 167 1,561 178 576 4,954 1104,710 99,354 424 |127,478 |117,202 782 88,158 80,060 576 96,494 1,032 95.464 77,946 108,622 632 107,990 106,325 1,565 104,760 93,640 2,880 756 2,124 1,560 1,560 1,072 Chlo- rides II. 1 t 6 8.6 8.4 8.0 · # 1 I PH 6 8.3 154 105 50 103 $1 8.6 8.2 8.0 8.3 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.7 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ " 116 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Sample Field No. 3 21 45 45A 4 6 20 41 ง 625002 10 11 15 100000 5 48 49 56 100100000000000 18 25 33 36 43 TABLE XI-Continued CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES EMPTIED INTO THE LOWER FOX RIVER CLASSIFIED AS TO THEIR SOURCE (Results in Parts Per Million) Sample Rag digester or rotary waste.. Rag digester or rotary waste.. Rag digester or rotary waste.. Rag digester or rotary waste. Average.. Rag washer wastes. Rag washer wastes... Rag washer wastes…. Rag washer wastes.. Average. 444 !!! II 1 ł Save-all Influents-White Water. Save-all Influents-White Water. Save-all Influents-White Water. Save-all Influents-White Water. Save-all Influents-White Water. Save-all Influents-White Water. Average. #! 1 #1! 1. 11 Total effluent mill using De-Inked Pulp. Comp. waste from washers-de-inked pulp. De-Inked pulp washer wastes. De-inked Pulp and paper mill effluent.. Total effluent, paper mill using de-inked pulp Average. Comp. from drainers for bleached rag pulp. Bleach sludge…. Bleached pulp washer waste Bleached liquor and washings from drainers.. Average. !!! 1 - $1 Date Col- lected 8-19-26 10,100 8-24-26 5,500 8-31-26| 6,140 8-31-26 8-19-26 8-20-26 8-24-26 8-30-26 Bio- chemi- Oxygen Free Oxygen Demand sumed 8-21-26 8-21-26 8-23-26 8-23-26 | 8-23-26 366 160 290 650 60 147 263 8-19-26 0 8-31-26 test failed 8-31-26 9- 1-26 0 8-19-26 8-24-26 8-25-26 8-26-26 8-27-26 8-30-26 7,247 680 250 170 25 18,700 21,900 59,400 31,667 124 206 138 125 68 33 440 166 155 336 326 76 216 221 25 1,800 690 198 728 # 42 47 186 468 Alka- NH³ linity 185 54.0 1 1.225 .544 PAPER MILLS 75 83 205 11 .884 .312 0.33 .321 .432 .432 .476 t .476 … !!!! 11 !! 51,326 44,238 51,778 60,952 54,574 566 508 268 1,840 148 795 208 1,570 453 3,584 10 226 171 47 103 202 181 1 181 11 113 11 Total 113 618 808 862 Solids 1,230 688 1,486 948 Sus- Sol- pended ution 292 1,280 1,880 1,150 47.960 420 256 88 216 245 1,056 2,328 6,044 4,916 8,776 3,016 1,122 724 3,619 1,156 29,444 3,254 984 8,709 2,408 406 29,080 212 64 743 404 618 608 788 152 384 492 51,024 50,526 42,958 42,096 49,898 42,936 49,660 45,189 310 306 226 894 434 784 1,666 2,802 146 252 180 1,824 600 414 1,256 1,128 760 398 791 750 364 3,042 920 1,269 214 190 Chlo Loss on rides Ign. 254 442 536 1,102 456 964 642 137 14,825 840 610 5,425 468 670 232 1,098 496 870 639 ……… #11 10 LO 5 11! tit 25 15 34 39 9 27 27 205 205 هد 5 10 5 pH 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 11 $ 8.2 8.4 8.3 10+ 10+ 10+ 7.0 8.4 7.6 7.8 8.2 8.2 7.9 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 117 Sample Field No. 2020 19 26 29 31 34 15485 37 44 50 61 0989985 16 17 30 23 27 40 63 JOHN MOON 24 28 51 52 53 55 58 62 TABLE XI-Continued CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES EMPTIED INTO THE LOWER FOX RIVER CLASSIFIED AS TO THEIR SOURCE (Results in Parts Per Million) Sample Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Save-all Effluents-White Water. Average. Suction Box-White Water. Suction Box-White Water. Suction Box-White Water. Average.. Felt Shower-White Water. Felt Shower-White Water. Felt Shower-White Water. Felt Shower-White Water. Average. 1## 111 ……… I 1 I #1 Waste from Experimental Paper Mill. Effluent from Paper Mill-White Water-. Overflow from wet machine-sulphite pulp- White Water from unbleached thickener- sulphite pulp.. White Water-sump overflow.. Overflow from White Water tank. White Water-Machine waste... White Water-Machine Waste.. 1 Date Col- lected 8-19-26 8-24-26 8-24-26 8-25-26 8-25-26 8-25-26 8-26-26 8-27-26| 8-30-26 8-31-26 9- 4-26 8-24-26 8-24-26 8-24-26 8-24-26 8-25-26 8-28-26 9-4-26 8-24-26 8-25-26 8-31-26 8-31-26 8-31-26 9-1-26 Bio- chemi- Oxygen Free NH8 Oxygen Con- Demand sumed 9- 2-26 9- 4-26 50 65 40 123 60 38 27 27 133 130 1 61 34 25 21 34 45 43 300 64 28 218 106 122 288 224 130 110 81 96 34 62 1.40 226 ▬▬▬▬▬▬│ ……… 728 592 280 364 262 .245 #!#$! 36 35 55 .245 380 (Bottle broken in transit) 290 73 248 33 31 4 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 DE Alka- linity !!!!!……… 11 … (11 30 116 487. MISCELLANEOUS PULP AND PAPER MILL WASTES 150 374 183 570 316 548 I Total 398 198 348 706 422 244 640 438 974 866 380 510 882 1,132 1,007 316 359 872 402 * 898 746 1,568 2,270 922 Solids Sus- pended 94 90 160 176 150 204 218 156 168 148 168 157 496 264 380 164 86 284 108 161 132 260 134 112 116 340 84 622 Sol- ution 304 108 188 530 272 40 422 282 806 718 212 353 386 868 627 152 253 588 294 322 242 310 414 786 630 1,228 2,186 710 Loss on Ign. 220 80 148 354 220 438 804 522 652 284 322 592 592 136 262 598 314 328 162 422 392 674 394 734 758 Chlo- rides ▬▬▬▬▬E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ # # …………!!!!!! …………1 6 1 I I #! • 1. I 1 7.6 9.4 7.8 8.4 9.2 8.2 8.2 7.2 7.9 8.2 5.6 6.2 7.4 6.4 9.0 9.2 7.6 8.6 8.2 8.6 8.0 7.6 7.8 118 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Since approximately 2,000 gallons of waste liquor are produced in the manufacture of one ton of sulphite pulp, it is evident that from 1 to 1.2 tons of extracted material of the above consistency are wasted into the streams. In brief, about 50% of the solids in the wood, com- bined with the sulphur and lime of the cooking solution, are discarded in the sulphite process. · As pointed out in Part III, this enormous waste of raw material has not been disregarded by the Pulp and Paper Industry. During the 15 years following 1874, the year when the sulphite process was first developed on a practical scale, the utilization of the sulphite waste liquor was regarded as a matter of secondary importance. As the process grew in importance the increased pollution of rivers by this waste, with attendant objectionable conditions, has resulted in considerable research toward obtaining a satisfactory method for re- covering the material extracted from the wood. It is sufficient to state that the researches have developed processes for the manufac- ture of a number of useful products, including dye-stuffs, impregnat- ing materials, tannin, starch, paper sizing, cement, alcohol, fuel and fertilizer, which can be manufactured from the sulphite waste liquor, but under present market conditions none are commercially practi- cable. Perhaps the most extensive utilization of the waste liquor has been in the production of the sulphite alcohol by fermentation, a process which has been used to a large extent in Europe. This process, how- ever, makes use only of about 20% of the solids in the waste, and therefore does not offer a remedy for the stream pollution problem. It has been pointed out that one of the most promising of these methods for keeping this waste out of the streams is by evaporation and utilization of the solids as a fuel. Since about 0.1% of sulphur dioxide is present in the liquor, the equipment required to remove approximately 7%½ pounds of water in obtaining one pound of dry substance must be made of acid resistant material. If an efficient evaporator can be devised that will resist the corrosive action of the free sulphur dioxide, it will be possible to recover the heating value of this material, or from 8,000 to 8,500 b.t.u. per pound of dry sub- stance, which is approximately 70% of that for coal. A large part of the problem of keeping the wastes out of the streams will have. been solved when the cost of evaporation is offset by the value of the fuel recovered. Sulphate Pulp Mill Wastes: In the sulphate wood pulping process, a recovery system for the cooking liquors is an integral part of the mill. Unlike the sulphite process, the cooking liquor used in the sulphate process is strongly alkaline. Mechanical equipment has been devised which will with- stand the chemical action, and most of the substances extracted from the wood in the process are concentrated in evaporators and burned in incinerators of the recovery plant. The small amount of these ex- tracted substances and an appreciable amount of alkali in the so- called "black liquor" lost in the process, leave the mill in the form STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 119 of washings from the diffusers. The amounts of such materials dis- charged with the washings are not so easily estimated, and it is prob- able that the losses at this point are considerably greater than is or- dinarily supposed. (at 20°C) As the major portion of the material extracted from the wood is incinerated in the recovery system of the sulphate process, and since the chemical recovery amounts to about 85% in well operated mills, the wastes from the sulphate process would be expected to exert a much less oxygen demand upon a stream than the sulphite waste Oxygen Demand in Parts Per Million -16,000j 14.000 -12,000 10,000 8000 6000 4000. 2000. O FIGURE 32. RATES OF DEOXYGENATION PULP MILL WASTES AND SEWAGE Undiluted Sulphite Waste Liquor (1) Sulphite Waste Liquor and wash water. (2) Sulphate Pulp Mill Effluent (3) (4) Strong Domestic Sewage 3 2 5 Period of Oxygen Demand - Days Bureau of Sanitary Engineering 120 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH liquor. Referring to Table XI, page 115, analyses of the effluent from a sulphate mill gave an average 5-day oxygen demand of 650 parts per million and an oxygen consumed value of 2,000. The oxidation of sulphides in the 15% of lost chemicals, about one-half of which is in the washings, would partially account for these results. Since one of five recovery units was out of service for experimental purposes and as the resulting excess black liquor could not be retained in the mill, the average value for the oxygen demand is probably high for normal operation. The result of 500 parts per million is therefore regarded as being more representative of usual conditions. This fig- ure applies to the total mill effluent, which averaged approximately 3,500,000 gallons per day, or 41,000 gallons per ton of pulp. The relative rates at which dissolved oxygen is removed from water at 20° C. by sulphite and sulphate pulp mill wastes and strong domestic sewage is shown in Figure 32, page 119. The curves repre- sent the average of 1-, 2-, 3- and 5-day oxygen demand determinations made with representative samples of these wastes. Curve (1) is for undiluted sulphite waste liquor obtained from the digesters just prior to the blow-off period, while Curve (2) is for composites of the waste liquor diluted by about twice its volume of wash water. The latter curve shows the character of the oxygen demand of the sulphite pulp mill effluent as it enters a stream. It is for comparison with Curve (3) showing the rate of deoxygenation occasioned by a sulphate pulp mill effluent. Curve (4) is for strong domestic sewage. It will be noted that the rate at which the oxygen is removed by the sulphite waste liquor is much greater than for the sulphate mill effluent, which in turn is greater than for the domestic sewage. These differences in rates of oxygen removal are responsible for the relatively greater decrease in oxygen content in a stream immediately below a sulphite mill as compared with that below a city having a sewered population equal to the "population equivalent" of the sulphite waste liquor. As will be noted later, the stream surveys further substantiated these analytical results. It should be stated here that the rates of deoxygenation presented in Figure 32 are based upon a limited number of analyses. These can not be taken as absolute until a greater number of oxygen de- mand determinations have been made with the wastes in question. Especially is this true in the case of the sulphate pulp mill effluent, since one-fifth of the "black liquor" recovery system was not in oper- ation at the time the wastes were studied. Streams receiving sulphate pulp mill effluent have been observed to have a characteristic sulfurous odor. This odor is particularly noticeable where the water is very turbulent, that is, at dams, rapids or falls. The odor is probably caused by small amounts of mercaptan, di-methyl sulphide, di-methyl di-sulphide, and other such chemical substances, which are produced in the sulphate process. The mer- captides causing atmospheric pollution in the vicinity of sulphite mills, however, are volatile at low temperatures and but slightly sol- uble in water. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 121 The amount of fibrous material discharged with the sulphate mill effluent is not shown by the analyses presented. When the wier shown in Figure 31, page 113 was installed, the level of the wastes in the ditch was raised sufficiently for the stringers of the small bridge in the background to extend below the surface. This resulted in a skim- ming off of the floating pulp which accumulated as a thick scum be- hind the bridge. Equipment is being installed, as shown in Figure 33, below, to recover the fibrous material before the waste enters the Fox River. BU FIG. 33 Construction of a "save-all" system and discharge flume for pulp mill wastes, which will partially reduce the pollution of the Fox River by fibrous material. Considerable lime sludge is produced in the sulphate process. Formerly this was discharged directly into streams, having a disas- trous effect on aquatic life and resulting in accumulations of the material at the sewer outlet. Such an accumulation of sludge is shown in the background of Figure 41, page 149. The sulphate mills in Wisconsin are now keeping most of this material out of the stream by one of three methods. One mill has installed a recovery system for the lime in order that it may be reused in the process. Another mill allows the waste to settle in a pond before the effluent is dis- charged into the nearby stream (see Figure 69, page 215), and the remainder have installed rotary filters to remove the lime sludge from the waste in the form of a partially dried cake. This is sold to nearby farmers as agricultural lime. 122 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Rag Pulp Mill Wastes: In the rag pulping process for the manufacture of high grade bond and writing paper, the raw material consists largely of old street rags and trimmings from garment factories. These rags are sorted into various grades as received and then subjected to prelim- inary treatment consisting of dusting, removal of buttons, and shred- ding. After shredding they are placed in rag boilers, or rotaries where they are boiled with solutions of caustic lime or lime and soda ash. The coffee colored strongly alkaline solution drained from the rags at the end of the boiling procedure is the so-called “rotary waste" in the list of analyses, Table XI, page 115. From all avail- able data the total volume of this strong liquor is approximately 500 gallons per ton of pulp. It will be noted from the analyses that the liquor has an average 5-day oxygen demand of 7,227 parts per million, and an oxygen con- sumed value of 31,667 parts per million. These relatively high values are largely accounted for by the considerable quantities of grease and dirt which have been boiled out of the rags. Some of the ex- tracted material is old dye stuff, but this should exert little effect on the oxygen requirements. Variations in the oxygen demands obtained with different samples are accounted for by the varying proportions of greasy and dirty street rags and relatively clean rag clippings be- ing treated. The high free ammonia content, 54 parts per million, is a further indication of the nitrogenous character of the substances removed in the waste. Though only about half of the strong liquor is drained from the pulp, the remainder is removed in the subsequent washing process. The character of the washings is shown by the analyses listed under "Rag Pulp Washer Wastes" in Table XI, page 115. The relatively high oxygen demand, 680 parts per million, obtained with the sample marked “Field No. 4” is due to a large portion of first washings. The average oxygen demand and oxygen-consumed values, 366 and 166 parts per million, respectively, are considered of less importance in estimating the oxygen reducing effect on streams than the similar results obtained with the rotary waste. The volumes of the washings per ton of pulp vary considerably, while the quantity of rotary wastes can be determined with a fair degree of accuracy. With river water being used for washing the residual boiler liquor from the rags, the total polluting strength of the pulp mill wastes can best be deter- mined from the volume and chemical characteristics of the rotary liquor. According to tests made in one large rag pulping mill, the fibrous material escaping with the washer wastes amounted to 1.5 pounds per 1,000 gallons, while the utilization of a screening device effects a reduction to only 1.25 pounds per 1,000 gallons. The use of such de- vices, however, is not general practice with rag washer wastes as the material retained is considered valueless. An average of these test results for total suspended solids obtained in the analyses of the washings is equivalent to 2.84 pounds per 1,000 gallons. A similar STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 123 average for rag pulp washer wastes from several mills presented in Table XI, page 115, was 245 parts per million, equivalent to 2.05 pounds per 1,000 gallons. Groundwood Pulp Mill Wastes: In the groundwood pulping process no chemicals in solution are used. The process is mainly for the reduction of non-resinous long fibred woods, such as spruce and balsam, by mechanically disinte- grating the barked wood, cut in two-foot lengths, on a grinding stone, the surface of which has been sharpened in a special way to produce cutting action. The yield of pulp is approximately 90 per cent based on the weight of the wood. The wastes produced consequently are largely fibrous in nature and have relatively little oxygen demand. De-Inked Pulp Mill Waste: In the pulping, or defibering, and de-inking of waste paper, a process is used which combines chemical and mechanical effects. Usu- ally alkaline material, such as soda-ash, is used to break up the oil of the printer's ink and free the carbon. It will also attack the rosin with which the paper is sized, thus helping in the removal of the ink. The paper is disintegrated in pulping machines, or "pulpers," and the color and ink, thrown into a solution or an emulsion, are discharged into nearby streams with the pulp wash water. In addition to the color and ink removed from the paper, the wastes from this process contain a considerable quantity of dirt, glue, rosin size, and paper clay or filler. According to information ob- tained from a de-inking mill using the soda process, the old paper stock contains from 5% to 50% clay, practically all of which is lost in the waste as a useless by-product. Tests made indicated that the average loss of all these substances is between 20% and 24% of the weight of the old paper, approximately 15% being clay. On the basis of these figures, the amount of material discharged from this mill, with a capacity of 60 tons of finished paper per day, was estimated to be about 1,000 tons per month. Low oxygen demand and oxygen-consumed values obtained in the analyses of de-inking mill wastes are accounted for by the relatively high amounts of inert matter. This conclusion is further substan- tiated by the analyses for solids, the suspended solids being in excess of the substances in solution, and the loss on ignition being fairly low. Mills have attempted to utilize the substance removed from the old paper stock, particularly the clay, but the removal of the carbon of the printer's ink has offered a serious difficulty which is yet to be satisfactorily and economically overcome. The only attempt to treat the waste has been by sedimentation in ponds such as shown in the foreground of Figure 39, page 147. Without sludge-removing facil- ities, these ponds soon fill and the effluent contains practically the same amount of solids as the influent. 124 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Bleach Plant Wastes: In pulp bleaching processes chlorinated lime or liquid chlorine in solution is allowed to remain in contact with the stock for a sufficient length of time to oxidize the coloring matter. The bleached pulp is then drained and washed prior to its use in the manufacture of paper. A portion of the drainings, the wash water and the lime sludge con- stitute the wastes from this process, and these are generally dis- charged directly into nearby streams. Analyses of these effluents in- dicate that they have little or no oxygen demand. Paper Mill Wastes: The paper mill effluents in general are classed as white water wastes. This term is applied because of the white appearance given the waste by the solids in suspension. This solid material is largely fibrous in nature, but also consists of varying proportions of the lesser ingredients of paper. These ingredients include small amounts of clay, alum, rosin and dyes. From all available information the average volume of these white water wastes is approximately 25,000 gallons per ton of finished product. As the material leaving the paper mill in the form of white water represents a loss to the industry, various types of pulp-saving equip- ment, called save-alls, have been developed to remove these solids from the wastes. They are either of the filtering type in which the solids in the white water are removed by some filtering medium such as a fine mesh wire screen, cloth, or mat of paper making material, or they are of the sedimentation type in which the solid material is allowed to settle to the bottom of a tank from which it is removed by scrapers and returned to the paper machines. Except in some few cases where mills are making a large variety of colors, it has been found possible with improved savealls now available to reduce the solids in the white water wastes to less than 0.5 pounds per thousand gallons. Analyses of the effluents from some of the various types of save- alls found in the Lower Fox River Valley paper mills, are given in Table XI, page 115. The relatively low oxygen demand and oxygen- consumed values obtained with this waste might be expected from the foregoing discussion. The average biochemical oxygen demand was 56 parts per million, while the average oxygen-consumed value was 130 parts per million. It is evident, therefore, with the large vol- umes discharged, that the effect of the white water waste upon a stream is to reduce the oxygen content somewhat, as well as to form sludge deposits. Determinations of the solids in the white water waste gave inter- esting information as to the efficiencies of various types of saveall equipment. Efficiencies ranging from 20 to 96% were shown by the analyses presented and those available in the mills. Formerly white water losses of as high as 4 to 7 pounds per 1,000 gallons were not unusual. With an average total solids content of 510 parts per mil- lion, equivalent to 2.4 pounds per 1,000 gallons after correcting for the solids in the river water, and an average suspended solids content STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 125 喜 ​• 4 of 157 parts per million, equivalent to 1.3 pounds per 1,000 gallons, it is apparent that much improvement has been accomplished in the reduction of white water wastes to a minimum. Water In finished paper Evaporated off The distribution of water in the manufacture of paper has been determined through white water surveys. While there is considerable variation according to the character of the product, the following data are of interest in this connection: Removed by second press Removed by first press From saveall to beaters Washing down beaters Overflow saveall to Sewer 1 1 % of Total Water* 0.04% 1.97% 0.43% 1.36% 11.85% 6.85% 77.50% * See: Technologic Paper of the Bureau of Standards, No. 262. Also: Paper Trade Jour. 53d year, Oct. 30, 1924, p. 119-122. The volumes of the white water wastes from different classes of paper mills show large variations, but 25,000 gallons per ton of prod- uct is considered a conservative average value. As the portion of white water wastes from the Couch roll and suc- tion box of the paper machine combined with the felt shower water is discharged directly into the stream in various mills, separate analy- ses were made with these particular wastes. The average oxygen demand of the suction box and Couch roll wastes was much higher than for the saveall effluent, but the volume of the first two wastes is only a small portion of the latter. The felt shower water on the other hand has an oxygen demand of 30 p.p.m., and an oxygen con- sumed value of 160 p.p.m., which in both cases is substantially less than the values obtained for the saveall effluent. It is felt that the modern tendency to reuse the white water will effect a still further reduction in the amount of pollution by these white water wastes. In order to compare industrial wastes with domestic sewage and arrive at a common basic figure, industrial wastes have been com- puted on the basis of population equivalent. Investigations by the United States Public Health Service and by the Sanitary District of Chicago, and other data indicate a five-day biochemical oxygen de- mand of domestic sewage equivalent to .167 pounds of oxygen per capita per day.* Analyses of domestic sewage from some of the Lower Fox River Valley cities confirm this figure. This is equivalent to .24 pounds per capita daily total oxygen demand as determined by twen- ty-day incubation. Since all of the analytical results presented in this report, however, are based upon the five-day oxygen demand, the former figure is used. This should make little difference in the popu- lation equivalents because all factors are computed from the five-day oxygen demand both for the sewage and the wastes under considera- tion. Through such a method of comparison, the effect of domestic sewage is indicated directly by the population. The effect of an in- dustrial waste is ascertained by analyzing the waste to determine the oxygen demand, by measuring its volume and by then computing from *See Jour. Ind. & Engineering Chem., Vol. 18, No. 10, p. 1076-1081. (1926) 126 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH this data its total daily oxygen requirement. Knowing the daily per capita oxygen requirements for sewage, the population equivalent for the particular class of wastes may readily be computed. The population equivalents per unit for wastes from various clas- ses of industry are shown in the following tabulation: TABLE XII. EQUIVALENTS OF MAJOR INDUSTRIAL WASTES USED IN WISCONSIN STREAM POLLUTION SURVEYS. POPULATION W Industrial Wastes Paper Mill Effluents Su phite pulp.. Sulphate pulp. Rag pulp.. De-Inked pulp --. Bleach... Paper Mill Effluents Machine whitewater---- Saveall effluent……. Suction box and rolls. Felt Showers…… Strawboard Mill Effluents* Mixed wastes.. Beater wastes.. Machine wastes__ Units Used Ton of pulp.. Ton of pulp-- Ton of pulp. Ton of pulp.. Ton of pulp.- ……│ Ton of paper. Ton of paper…. Ton of paper- Ton of paper. -- -- Ton of product. Ton of product. Ton of product. Ave. 5 day Est. Oxygen Population Oxygen de-Requirement Equivalent mand, p.p.m. lbs. per unit per unit 16,233 500 7,247 263 181808685 55 55 248 30 934 1,966 236 270.6 145.8 30.2 20.5 11.5 8.8 1.5 1.2 266.7 253.9 33. 3 (2) 1,630 870 180 123 4688 69 53 9 7 1,600 1,520 198 Note: (1) Value considered somewhat high. (2) Value considered somewhat low. *Calculated from data in U. S. P. H. Bulletin No. 97, pp 13 &16, (1918). In presenting the above population equivalents it should be men- tioned that the data on which they are based is limited, and that the factors may be subject to revision as a result of future analyses of the wastes in question or due to modifications in manufacturing pro- cesses which would appreciably change their values. They are con- sidered fairly representative of conditions during the period of the stream surveys. It is believed that all of the values are conservative and can be used in conjunction with the dissolved oxygen data in accounting for oxygen depletion and in roughly estimating the prob- able oxygen balance in sections of the stream under varying rates of flow and seasonal conditions. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 127 λ Section 2 GENERAL AND CHEMICAL DATA-FOX, WISCONSIN, FLAMBEAU AND SHEBOYGAN RIVERS SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS There are summarized herewith the observations made, the results of chemical analyses made and conclusions reached in pollution sur- veys of the Lower Fox, Wisconsin, Flambeau and Sheboygan Rivers. Detailed data from which the following information is based are pre- sented and discussed later under a separate heading. The biological observations are not included in this summary since they are stated briefly in Section 3, page Summary-Lower Fox River: The Lower Fox River is that portion of the Fox proper, about 38 miles in length, located in the northeast section of Wisconsin, drain- ing Lake Winnebago into Green Bay, Dams built for power and nav- igation purposes separate it into a series of pools. The sewage from six cities with a total population of 87,689 and the wastes from indus- tries, principally pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 744,500, enters this stream. (1) Lake Winnebago, the source of the Lower Fox River, receives. no pollution in the vicinity of its outlet. The natural purification taking place in this wide, shallow body of water, effectively obviates the results of pollution at Oshkosh and Fond du Lac bordering the lake. During the summer the lake abounds in aquatic vegetation and at its outlet is generally clear, though slightly colored. Follow- ing stormy periods, the water becomes somewhat turbid. The pres- ence of algae and other aquatic vegetation during the summer months increases this turbidity and is responsible for a portion of the appar- ent color. The water of the lake was almost saturated with oxygen even during the periods of low stream flow and high temperatures. Supersaturation occurred at times due to oxygen produced by vege- tation. All observations indicate conditions favorable to fish life at the out- let of Lake Winnebago. As typical summer conditions prevailed throughout the survey, it is probable that the situation will remain satisfactory for aquatic flora and fauna during all seasons. (2) At Neenah and Menasha, just below Lake Winnebago, sewage from a resident population of 15,942 and wastes from industries, prin- cipally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 40,000, enters the stream. Sedimentation and natural purification of these wastes, however, take place to a considerable extent in Little Lake Butte des Morts just below Neenah-Menasha. Nevertheless oxygen depletion takes place to a considerable extent 128 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH during the summer due largely to decomposition of organic matter in sludge deposits in the upper portion of the lake. This is partially offset by the oxygen produced by aquatic vegetation. Conditions favorable to fish life existed in Little Lake Butte des Morts and above Appleton. (3) From Appleton to Kaukauna, 6 to 14 miles below Lake Winne- bago, the sewage from a resident population of 25,026 and industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 444,000, enters the stream. Below these sources of pollution the stream is colored and turbid. Fibrous mate- rial and sewage sludge deposits were noted and characteristic odors were observed. Though the oxygen content of the water did not drop below 2 p.p.m., conditions were considered adverse to the more sensi- tive species of fishes and aquatic life. This is largely due to the un- stable organic wastes in the water and to the effect of fibrous mate- rial and sewage sludge accumulating in the bottom of the stream. (4) At Kaukauna sewage from a resident population of 6,689 and industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 81,000, enters the stream. Rela- tively little additional pollution is discharged into the stream between Kaukauna and DePere, 31 miles below Lake Winnebago. Below Kau- kauna the river is highly colored and has an odor characteristic of sulphate pulp mill effluents. Fibrous sludge deposits were observed. Marked oxygen depletion takes place in this section of the stream, the dissolved oxygen being below 2 p.p.m., throughout July and August when the stream flows were low and the water temperatures high. Conditions were adverse to fish life during this period. (5) At DePere sewage from a resident population of 5,573 and industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population of 4,500, enters the stream. There is a marked color and turbidity in this section of the stream and fibrous material covered its bed in various places. During the survey period condi- tions were intolerable for fishes and considerable numbers of dead suckers and other less resistant fishes were observed. There was a material recovery in dissolved oxygen below DePere due to reaeration over the spillway. This was largely offset, however, by the residual oxygen demand of the remaining unstable organic matter. Though the oxygen content was above 2 p.p.m. below the dam, conditions were favorable for only the most resistant fishes and other aquatic life. (6) At Green Bay, 37 miles below Lake Winnebago and near the mouth of the river, the sewage from a resident population of 34,455 and industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population of 175,000, enters the stream. The water is highly colored, turbid and evolution of gas was noted, thus indi- cating septic conditions. Thick sludge deposits were found below the junctions of the East and Fox Rivers. Dissolved oxygen was below 2 p.p.m., during the major portion of July and August. Other analy- tical findings indicated gross pollution. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 129 * No data were secured in regard to the effect of pollution beyond the mouth of the river but the death of fishes in the pots of commercial fishermen was reported in the vicinity of Green Bay. (7) East River-While the upper portion of the river was free from pollution as indicated by physical observations and analyses, the mouth was grossly polluted and unfit to sustain fish or sensitive aquatic life. Summary-Wisconsin River: The Wisconsin river rises in Lake Vieux Desert near the Michigan- Wisconsin boundary line and flows in southwesterly direction into the Mississippi river at Prairie du Chien, a distance of about 430 miles. Above Rhinelander the stream flows thru a series of lakes in a relatively uninhabited section of the state and is a typical un- polluted stream favorable for fish and other aquatic life. Dissolved oxygen determinations indicated about 75% saturation throughout the summer months. Other analyses indicated a water low in nitrog- enous matter, alkaline and relatively soft in character; also low in oxygen consumed value. The section of the river considered in this survey is from just above Rhinelander where the stream is practically unpolluted to Petenwell Rock, a distance of about 175 miles. In this section there is extensive power and industrial development resulting in formation of pools behind power dams. Domestic sewage from a population of 64,504 and industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated total population equivalent of 913,400, enters this section of the stream. (1) At Rhinelander the sewage from a resident population of 7,260 and the industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with a population equivalent of 94,000, enters the stream. Above this point the stream is practically unpolluted. The only pollution entering between Rhinelander and Tomahawk is from a groundwood pulp mill at Kings Dam which is relatively small. Below Rhinelander the stream is colored and slightly turbid and there is an immediate decrease in dissolved oxygen and an increase in the solids and oxygen consumed values. The dissolved oxygen continues to decrease to Tomahawk. (2) At Tomahawk the sewage from a resident population of 2,801 and the industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 54,400 enters the stream At Merrill the domestic sewage from an estimated population of 8,068 and industrial wastes equivalent to 2,200, enters the stream. Below Tomahawk there was a slight decrease in the dissolved oxygen of the stream and the water was colored and somewhat turbid. There is, however, a marked increase in the dissolved oxygen through the rap- ids between Grandmother Falls and Merrill, but recovery is retarded somewhat by sewage and wastes entering at Merrill. Conditions ap- pear to be satisfactory for fish life but during extremely low flow 9 130 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH there is a possibility that critical conditions will exist below Toma- hawk. (3) From Brokaw to Mosinee the stream receives pollution at Brokaw, Wausau, Schofield and Rothschild, the population contribut- ing domestic sewage being estimated at 21,876 and the population equivalent of the industrial wastes principally from pulp and paper mills is 262,800. The stream is colored and turbid during low flow and fibrous and sewage sludges were noted, particularly below Wau- sau, Rothschild and above the dam at Mosinee. The dissolved oxygen in the stream decreased to below that critical for fish life below Brokaw and was frequently zero above the dam at Mosinee, during low stream flow and high temperature. Even following flood condi- tions in the latter part of the investigation an appreciable decrease in the dissolved oxygen was noted. Other chemical determinations emphasized the polluted conditions of the river. Critical conditions for fish and other aquatic life existed in this portion of the stream during low stream flow and high temperatures. Frequent complaints have been made regarding dead fish in the vicinity of Mosinee. (4) At Mosinee the sewage from a resident population of 1,461 and the industrial wastes principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 80,900, enter the stream. At Stevens Point the sewage from a resident population of 12,927 and the industrial wastes, principally from pulp and paper mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 34,300 enters the stream. Between Mosinee and Stevens Point the oxygen is entirely depleted during extremely low flows. From Stevens Point to Biroǹ there is a marked increase in the oxygen content which is directly attributed to enter- ing tributaries and little additional pollution. Conditions in this sec- tion of the stream are critical to fish life during late summer and early fall. (5) In the Wisconsin Rapids-Nekoosa Section of the stream the sewage from a population of 10,111 and the industrial wastes, prin- cipally from paper and pulp mills, with an estimated population equivalent of 384,800 enter the river. In appearance the water is highly colored and turbid and sludge deposits consisting of fiber and sewage were noted. These, however, were largely removed by the flood of August 19th. During low stream flow and high temperature the oxygen content of the river water was below 2 parts per million, in the vicinity of Port Edwards and Nekoosa and zero immediately below Nekoosa. Conditions were adverse to fish and aquatic life dur- ing low stream flow. (6) From Nekoosa to Petenwell Rock near Necedah no pollution enters the river. The river was highly colored and turbid. Although septic conditions prevailed just below Nekoosa, there is a gradual recovery so that at Petenwell Rock the stream is so recovered that fish life may exist. Summary-Flambeau River: The Flambeau river rises in the north central part of the state in the Lac du Flambeau reservation and flows in a generally south- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 131 ་ . western direction to its junction with the Chippewa river, a distance of about 110 miles. Except at Park Falls the Flambeau river is practically an unpolluted stream. The sewage from a resident population of 3,096 and the industrial wastes from a pulp and paper mill, with a population equivalent of 52,400 enter the stream at Park Falls. Although no pollution en- ters above Park Falls the dissolved oxygen content of the water was relatively low, probably due to decomposition of organic matter on the flooded area of a new storage reservoir. Below Park Falls the dissolved oxygen content was frequently zero but conditions improved during October due to increased stream flow and lower temperatures. This survey, also the one made a year ago, shows conclusively that fish life cannot prevail immediately below Park Falls at least as far down as the Pixley dam six miles below. Sheboygan River: The preliminary survey of the Sheboygan river indicates objection- able pollution in the Mullett river, a tributary, just below the city of Plymouth and gross pollution near the mouth of the river where it receives the sewage from the City of Sheboygan. RECOMMENDATIONS (1) To improve conditions with reference to domèstic sewage, which is the greatest factor affecting public health, municipalities should- (a) Develop complete and comprehensive plans of sewerage to col- lect the sewage at a site or sites suitable for treatment. (b) Install preliminary treatment plants equivalent to tank treat-' ment, at the earliest possible date. (c) Provide complete treatment as soon thereafter as possible. (2) With reference to industrial wastes, primary consideration is given in this survey to those from pulp and paper mills. Pollution from the other industries is relatively immaterial and, in the main, such that they can be taken care of with the domestic sewage of the municipalities. With reference to the paper industry, the following program, where not already started, should be initiated without delay: (a) Equipment for the recovery of fiber wastes so that not more than 0.5 pound of paper making material per thousand gallons of effluent is wasted, should be installed. (b) Because the sulphite waste liquor is the greatest factor in re- ducing the dissolved oxygen of a stream, energetic and contin- uous research should be carried on to develop recovery proc- esses that will satisfactorily eliminate these wastes as a seri- ous factor in the pollution of streams. (c) Although not so high in oxygen demand as the sulphite waste liquor, the considerable volume of the sulphate waste liquor 132 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH + makes it necessary that attention be given to improved recov- ery processes or methods of operation that will eliminate these wastes as a material factor in stream pollution. (d) In all other branches of the paper industry every effort should be made to so revise equipment and methods that stream pol- lution will be reduced to a minimum. LOWER FOX RIVER SURVEY GENERAL INFORMATION The Fox river rises near Portage, Wisconsin, about sixty miles southwest of Lake Winnebago, into which it discharges after passing through several lakes. The river then continues as the outlet to Lake Winnebago, flowing in a northeasterly direction into Green Bay. At Portage the Wisconsin and Fox rivers are only about one-half mile apart. The Wisconsin at normal stage is about 12 feet higher in elevation than the Fox and its overflow into the Fox during high water is prevented only by dikes. A principal tributary of the Fox river, the Wolf, rises in the northern part of the state, flows in a southerly direction and joins the Fox just before it enters the western side of Lake Winnebago. These upper portions of the Fox river are practically unpolluted. Lake Winnebago is a relatively shallow in- land lake approximately thirty miles long by ten miles wide and re- ceives the untreated sewage and some industrial wastes from the cities of Fond du Lac and Oshkosh. The portion of the river con- sidered in this investigation includes the Lower Fox or that portion from Lake Winnebago to Green Bay, a distance of about thirty-eight miles. It is believed that the effect of the pollution from the cities of Fond du Lac and Oshkosh is practically eliminated in the lower end of Lake Winnebago. G The Fox River, the drainage area of which is shown in Figure 34, page 133, is one of the principal streams in the state. It is intimately connected with the pioneer history of the great northwest and con- stitutes one of the federal navigation developments from the Great Lakes by way of the Fox, Wisconsin, and Mississippi Rivers to the Gulf of Mexico. Practically all of the present navigation is confined to the Lower Fox and Lake Winnebago. Due partly to navigation facilities, but primarily to the fall avail- able, which is approximately 166 feet from Lake Winnebago to Green Bay, 134 feet of which has been utilized for power, this section of the Fox River constitutes the principal industrial center of the state, except possibly in the immediate vicinity of Milwaukee. Industrial waste, therefore, constitutes one of the major sources of pollution. There are two outlets of Lake Winnebago at Neenah-Menasha, which converge into a single channel below Little Lake Butte des Morts to the mouth of the river. Dams have been constructed in the stream as listed in the following tabulation: STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 133 1 1 { 1 1 1 SPORTAGE WOLF RASS OX WOLF DRAINAGE AREA OF FOX AND WOLF RIVERS WISCONSIN SHAWANO RIVER NEENAH OSHKOSH SCALE 15 10 15 20 ΑΝ COR KAU KAUNA LOWER RIVER APPLETON MENASHA GREEN BAY FOND DU LAC FIGURE 34 25 MILES LAKE WINNEBAGO CREEN BAY 134 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TABLE XIII DATA REGARDING DAMS LOCATED ON THE LOWER FOX RIVER No. 129 TL 6 1 ∞LLLL 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 9 Upper Dam.. 13 14 Name of Dam Neenah Menasha Upper Dam.. Middle Dam. Lower Dam. Cedars Little Chute. Combined Locks Middle Dam. Lower Dam…. Rapid Croche_ Little Rapids. De Pere Location Neenah Menasha Appleton Appleton. Appleton Kimberly 11 Little Chute. Combined Locks Kaukauna……. Kaukauna. Kaukauna Rapid Croche. Little Rapids. De Pere Owner Private U.S. U.S. Private U.S. U.S. U.S. Private U.S. Private Private U.S. U.S. U.S. Distance below Lake Winnebago Miles 6679 O 1/4 Joylor Joo 6% 912 102 11 14 1414 142 182 26 31 Average Head Feet 7.9 5.9 15.1 10.4 6.5 9.0 11.95 20.0 17.3 17.5 25.0 8.0 7.0 8.0 Note: Data Obtained from House of Representatives Document No. 146, 67th Congress, 2nd Session, entitled "Fox River, Wis.," pages 34-37, (1922). Eight of those listed above are United States dams, at seven of which power developments utilize a total head of about 75 feet. Three other dams are privately owned, with power installations developing a total head of 74 feet. The mean stream flow from a total drainage area of 6,150 square miles measured at the Rapid Croche dam was 4,100 cubic feet per second for the period of 1896 to 1915 inclusive, and 5,489 second feet, 1916 to 1926, inclusive. The maximum mean daily discharge recorded for the entire period was 20,100 second feet on April 23, 1922, the minimum mean daily discharge being 742 second feet on August 15, 1921. The minimum flowage consists only of leakage through the locks and dams. In fact, during extremely dry years the evaporation on Lake Winnebago, with its 215 square miles of surface area, ex- ceeds the inflow and the lake level falls even though no water is used for power or navigation purposes. With these wide variations in stream flow, the actual amount of power obtained varies from zero to the total installed wheeled capac- ity of approximately 45,000 horse power, the average having been computed at 37,000 horse power. About 80% of this power is utilized by pulp and paper mills, and the remainder for public service. No data as to the value of the water power could be found, but the fol- lowing quotation from the House of Representatives Document #146, 67th Congress, Second Session, p. 141, is of interest in this connec- tion: 17. "According to a large number of reports from the majority of the mills on the lower river, the average steam plant is about 800-horse power capacity, and consumes about 10 tons of coal per horse power for 24-hour power, 300 days per year. The estimated average cost of steam power is $80 per horse power STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 135 per year for coal at $6 per ton. The average capacity of water power installations is about 900 horse power. The esti- mated average cost of water power is $25 to $30 per year, about $50 less than the cost of steam power." or Water transportation facilities, water power improvements, and an abundant water supply of good character have been large factors in the extensive industrial development along the Lower Fox River. The most important industries include pulp and paper mills, wood products plants, woolen and knitting mills, packing and rendering plants, milk factories, canneries, gas plants, and a beet sugar factory. Of these industries the manufacture of pulp and paper is by far the largest and most important. Thirty-four pulp and paper mills operating at the present time in the Lower Fox River Valley have a total daily capacity of 1,034 tons of finished paper of all kinds. With but 59 mills in Wisconsin, it is apparent that a large portion of an industry capitalized at approximately $125,000,000 and employing some 18,000 men at a yearly payroll of about $20,000,000 is centered in this section. The importance of an abundant water supply is apparent when it is considered that the volume of water used for all purposes in mak- ing a ton of paper is seldom less than 50,000 gallons, and is some- times as much as 200,000 gallons. The economical manufacturing of good quality paper requires that the water be clean, colorless, and free from excessive hardness. Any pollution adversely affecting these characteristics of the water becomes detrimental to the pulp and paper industry. Cities have grown up around these industries. The population is centered in the upper portion of the river and near its mouth. The following table lists the most important cities and villages in the Lower Fox River Valley with census data to show their recent growth: Neenah_ Menasha Appleton Kimberly Little Chute. Kaukauna. De Pere Green Bay. Total TABLE XIV POPULATION OF CITIES AND VILLAGES BORDERING THE LOWER FOX RIVER Place [ ……L 111 !!!!!! 1111 EULU 1900 Census 5,954 5,589 15,085 944 5,115 4,038 18,684 55,409 1910 Census 5,734 6,081 16,733 1,354 4,717 4,477 25,236 64,332 1920 Census 7,171 7,214 19,561 1,382 2,017 5,951 5,165 31,017 79,478 1926 Estimates 8,049 7,893 21,229 1,382 2,415 6,689 5,573 34,455 87,685 All of these cities and villages, with the exception of Wrightstown, are located at sites of power development. Appleton is the only city which makes use of the river as a source of public water supply, but 136 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH practically all utilize it as a means of sewage and industrial waste disposal. The Lower Fox River in past years has been used rather exten- sively as a source of recreation. Boating, swimming, and fishing con- stituted the main pleasures the river afforded, but largely as a result of increased stream pollution of an objectionable character the recre- ational value has been lost. At times during the summer months, especially during periods of low stream flow, the river is often un- sightly and ill smelling in certain sections. These conditions offer little inducement for boating and swimming. The sewage pollution constitutes a continual menace of water-borne disease to those persons using the stream for bathing purposes. In the early development of the valley commercial fishing was rather extensively practiced, but with conditions becoming more and more adverse to fish life, practically all of these activities are now confined to Lake Winnebago and to a lesser extent to Little Lake Butte des Morts. Even the more resistant fishes, which inhabit the lower regions of the river, cannot withstand the combined effects of extensive pollution, low stream flow, and high water temperatures. which frequently exist during the latter part of the summer and early fall. The death of a large number of fish in the section of the river from Wrightstown to Green Bay has become almost an annual occur- rence. Past surveys and investigations regarding the death of the fish have definitely shown that in one case the causative agent was the poisonous wastes from a gas plant, but in most cases death was caused by the oxygen content of the water being depleted below the critical amount for fish life, resulting in suffocation of the fish. The results of past investigations are discussed more in detail under the following heading: PAST INVESTIGATIONS Stream investigations regarding pollution of the Fox River were made during the latter part of November and the first week of De- cember in 1924, by E. J. Tully, Chemical Engineer, State Board of Health, as a part of a general program to ascertain conditions exist- ing in the stream at different seasons of the year. Subsequent inves- tigations were conducted on May 7 and 8, 1925, by C. M. Baker, State Sanitary Engineer, and on September 10 to 12, 1925, by E. J. Tully, in response to complaints made to the State Board of Health and Conservation Commission that fish were dying in large numbers. In these investigations dissolved oxygen determinations were made of the river water from Neenah to Green Bay, and samples were col- lected for chemical analyses, these being sent to the State Laboratory of Hygiene at Madison. The results of both the determinations for dissolved oxygen and chemical analyses are given in Table XV, page 138. The dissolved oxygen results are also presented graphically in Figure 35, page 137. It will be noted that at the time of the survey during the winter of 1924 the dissolved oxygen at the outlet of Lake Winnebago showed 98% saturation. Below Neenah the oxygen con- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 137 tent dropped to 70% saturation but recovered somewhat in Little Lake Butte des Morts so that at Appleton the water was 90% satur- ated. The oxygen content fluctuated between 85 and 90% in that section of the river from Appleton to below Little Rapids, and de- % Saturation DISSOLVED OXYGEN RESULTS OF PAST SURVEYS SHOWING EFFECT OF POLLUTION IN THE FOX Dissolved Oxygen 100 90 180 70 160 50 4.0 30 10 RIVER Survey December 1924, May and September 1925. PP.M. Parts per Million by Weight : Above Neenah 11.7 P.RM. 10 \PPM 1924 7912.5″ this Dedember Septembe 7.7 P.P.M. Menasha Wad 49 1924 7925 December September 11.0PPM. Appleton 3.0 PPM. 1924 1925 December September 10.0 PRM. 1924. December Little Chute 1.8PRM Sept: 7935 | 110P.P.M. 124 २०७ De Kaukauna Little Rapids 4.5 RP.M. 1.7 P.P.M. ■MMED25 | MYDÄLYKT | 6.7 P.P.M. Below De Pere 4PPM 1924 #STGAMADW_ / P.P.M. NEOAK 9.6 P.RM. 1924 Decemb. Green Bay 0.57 P.R.M. 0.3 P.P.M. [Way #vas|| SOFT. FIG. 35 creased to 60% saturation above Green Bay but at the mouth was 78%, thus indicating generally satisfactory conditions at this time. The surveys made on May 7 and 8 extended from Rapid Croche dam to Green Bay in the section of the river where the greatest de- struction of fish occurred. It was found that the per cent saturation 138 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Sta. No. 123456789 1 ∞O 10 00 00 20 0 ( 13 14 15 20 Location Above Neenah-Menasha. Mile below Neenah-Menasha.. 8 miles below Appleton. ¼ mile below Little Chute. 8 miles below Kaukauna… 4 miles below Little Rapids.. 1 mile below Sugar Plant, Green Bay. Near mouth of river, Green Bay. Bairds Creek, Green Bay. 1 mile below De Pere. Above Dam De Pere. 1 mile below Little Rapids.. Wrightstown. East River near mouth. E. River St. George street. East River above packing plant.. Fox River at mouth_ Note: f.-fishy. TABLE NO. XV. PAST INVESTIGATIONS-CHEMICAL ANALYSES LOWER FOX RIVER (Results in Parts per Million) m.-moley. !!…… 11 …… p.-peaty. Odor ●●●●●● 0 0 0 4 4 5 4 3f 3m 4p Tur- Free Alb. Color bidity Amm. Amm. 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 50 55 50 40 80 100 65 50 Nov. 25-Dec. 3, 1924 40 40 0.528 0.818 0.238 50 0.282 40 0.062 50 0.150 50 0.108 40 0.048 40 0.032 40 1.162 May 7-8, 1925 5 .203 5 .081 5 .198 10 .022 .026 20 15 20 10 1.155 .66 .210 0.630 1.610 0.560 0.490 0.630 0.455 0.434 0.350 Ni- trites .840 .58 .434 0.006 0.01 0.015 0.004 0.003 0.003 0. 0.003 0.04 .272 .081 .350 0. .336 0. .216 0. 0 .003 .004 .006 Ni- Oxygen trates Con. 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.14 0.20 .10 10 10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 10.5 11.1 17.6 23.5 22.6 21.9 19.3 20.5 7.0 25.2 29.0 29.0 29.4 62.9 25.9 13.5 34.2 Total Solids 192 160 330 218 190 216 204 202 414 246 258 256 242 398 454 428 284 Hard- ness 136 130 130 130 130 130 163 156 3,00 190 169 196 163 202 357 176 Alka- linity 137 133 184 134 136 134 146 144 286 150 151 145 149 153 248 156 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 139 decreased from 39.6% saturation at Rapid Croche dam to 3.3% at the mouth of the river. Tests made at the mouth of the East river show total depletion of the oxygen content. Just above the dam at De Pere the saturation was 15.9%, this value being less than that critical for fish life. The recovery, an increase in oxygen content, noted below the locks at De Pere, was due to aeration as the water flowed over the dam. That the oxygen demand of the wastes in the stream had not been satisfied was indicated by the decrease in oxygen content from below the locks at De Pere to the mouth of the river at Green Bay. While most of the fish died in the section of the river below Kau- kauna in May, the complaint that led to the survey on September 10th to 12th, 1925, was due to fish dying in the section of the river be- tween Neenah-Menasha and Appleton. Dissolved oxygen results ob- tained at the time showed supersaturation in Lake Winnebago at its Menasha outlet. The oxygen content dropped steadily from 107% saturation in the latter point to 45% at Appleton, where an increase to 70% saturation was obtained due largely to aeration by the dams and rapids at this point. Below Appleton the oxygen decreased steadily to 6% above the bridge at Kaukauna. The results revealed that from below Kimberly to the mouth of the river there was in- sufficient oxygen for fish life. The low oxygen content below Kau- kauna and the relatively high content between Neenah-Menasha and Appleton at the time of the September investigation were due to the increased stream flow which improved conditions above and carried the concentration of pollution further down stream. It was evident from the two surveys made in 1925, that thousands of fish died in the Lower Fox river due to insufficient dissolved oxy- gen to sustain fish life. The condition was undoubtedly caused by the large concentration of industrial waste due to the extremely low stream flow, and to high water temperatures. The oxygen-consumed results indicate an increase in the oxidiz- able organic material in the river water. The results of December, 1924, show this increase to be practically 100% between Lake Winne- bago and Green Bay. The examinations show the river water as both colored and turbid from Neenah to its mouth, the color being 40 and the turbidity varying from 30 to 50 p. p. m. The results for the nitrogen content, as indicated by the determinations for free am- monia, albuminoid ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates, vary consider- ably from place to place, there being no progressive increase noted. The total solids vary considerably, but in general show an increase below the points of intensive pollution. The hardness and alkalinity remain fairly constant, averaging about 135 p. p. m. each. A slight increase in both was noted, however, at the lower end of the river. Samples collected at the East River, a tributary entering the Lower Fox River at Green Bay, show a high concentration of pollut- ing matter due to gas plant, packing plant, and sewage wastes. The oxygen content in this small stream rapidly decreased from 72.6% saturation above the packing plant to zero at its mouth. 140 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH PRELIMINARY SURVEY As the results of the foregoing investigations were only indicative of conditions prevailing during the period in which the samples were collected, it was decided that daily, or at least weekly, analyses of the river water should be made throughout the period when critical conditions were known to exist. In this way a true picture of the effect of pollution during such periods can be obtained. Accordingly a preliminary survey of the lower Fox River was made, July 8 and 9, 1926, by those conducting the field work for the purpose of locat- ing sampling stations, equipping field laboratories, and making all necessary cooperative arrangements for conducting the general sur- vey. In making the preliminary survey the Conservation Commission tug-boat, the Kingfisher, was utilized and with Game Wardens Smith, Egan, and Jeske, cooperating, the trip from Green Bay to Menasha and return was made in two days. This arrangement facilitated close observation of stream conditions and collection of water samples. The game wardens gave valuable assistance in conducting this part of the work. Oshkosh 750 700 3 650 GOO Lake Winnebago Menasha Lock Distance 51 mi. Drop 9.6' Appleton Locks "Drop 38.6′ Distance 4.5mi Little Chute Locks Drop 35.9 Distance 3.6 mi Kaukauna Locks Distance 3.7mi. Drop 50.5' Wrightstown Lock Distance 6mi. Drop 9.4′ 550 above Sea Level. O 888 + Drop 6.2′ Distance 5.9mi Little Rapids Lock W. Depere Lock Drop 5.4 Distance. 5.4 mi. Green Boy 10 20 30 Miles FIG.36 PROFILE OF THE LOWER FOX AS IMPROVED 750' 700' 650' 600' 550' Before presenting the observations made on this trip regarding the extent of pollution, it is felt that a brief description of the stream from Neenah-Menasha to Green Bay will be of assistance in obtain- ing a clear conception of the entire problem. As previously stated, except for about 2-mile of rapids below Kaukauna where there is 20 or 25 feet of undeveloped head, the streams consist essentially of a series of dams and pools. This is best shown by the profile of the improved Lower Fox River, as shown in Fig. 36, above. As previ- ously pointed out, there are two outlets to Lake Winnebago, the Neenah Channel and the Menasha Channel of the Lower Fox River. Dams STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 141 across the channel control the level of Lake Winnebago and provide water-power for nearby pulp and paper mills. Less than a mile be- low these dams the two channels merge into or form a wide, shallow portion of the river known as Little Lake Butte des Morts. The velocity of the stream flow is considerably reduced in this lake, thus permitting excellent opportunity for sedimentation of the wastes dis- charged into the river from the cities above. The lake is slightly less than a mile across at the widest portion. It is about four miles long and very shallow, containing an abundance of aquatic vegetation. The annual range of water temperature is substantially the same as for Lake Winnebago, the minimum being just above zero and the maximum 28 degrees Centigrade. Several miles below the outlet of Little Lake Butte des Morts is located the city of Appleton with its three power dams and large industrial development. With normal stream flow the section of the river between the upper and middle dam has a high velocity and is quite turbulent. This applies even more to that section between the middle and lower dams. These turbulent stretches of the river as- sist materially in re-aeration of the water. The sewage and industrial wastes of Appleton, most of which are discharged directly into the river without treatment, receive partial sedimentation in the pools between the lower dam and that at Kim- berly, three miles below. The stream is relatively narrow in this section and the velocity of flow is higher than in Little Lake Butte des Morts. Turbulent stretches below the dams at Kimberly and Little Chute afford further aeration of the river water. The stream widens out somewhat in this section, but is shallow and the flow is rapid. At Kaukauna the Fox has a descent of slightly over 50 feet in less than one mile and affords the largest source of water-power along the river, though only a portion is developed. Although three dams have been built at Kaukauna, there still remains a considerable stretch of rapids. As the stream widens here and is very shallow, the re-aeration afforded by the turbulent water with normal stream flow is probably greater than in all other localities along the river. The velocity of flow decreases below the rapids and is relatively slug- gish in the long pools between the Rapid Croche, Little Rapids, and De Pere dams. A large part of the solid material is carried along by the relatively swift current in the upper regions of the river and settles out as more or less unstable sludge in the lower sections. In places this spreads over the bottom of the stream like a mat. These sludge deposits are made up of the solids in the sewage and indus- trial wastes, discharging into the stream at the upper end of the valley, as well as decaying organic material from natural sources. Between Kaukauna and De Pere there are only two small villages bordering the stream-Wrightstown and Little Rapids. The only industrial development of importance is a groundwood pulp mill lo- cated at Little Rapids. This section of the river is practically free from pollution, other than the fibrous wastes from the pulp mill. The stream flow below De Pere becomes more and more sluggish as it nears the mouth of the river at Green Bay, where it has prac- 1 142 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH tically reached the level of Lake Michigan. The river widens below De Pere, but narrows down again at Green Bay where a tributary, the East River, enters it about one-half mile above its mouth. Superficial Evidences of Pollution: Having described the Lower Fox river, the physical observations during the preliminary survey that constitute superficial evidences of pollution are herewith presented. The entire stream from Neenah- Menasha down to Green Bay was dark colored with the exception of the lower end of Little Lake Butte des Morts. A mass of material, considerable of which was pulp and paper fibre, was brought to the surface whenever the bottom was stirred. The fibre was especially heavy in the following locations: One mile below Appleton; one mile above Kaukauna; two miles below Kaukauna; above Rapids Croche Dam; one-half mile below Little Rapids; one mile below De Pere at the junction of the East and Lower Fox rivers. In the city of Green Bay and especially in the vicinity of the mouth of the East river, there was a heavy oil waste, some of it floating and much of it ad- hering to the vegetation and debris along the bank. Floating masses of whole and broken peas along the shore near the Northwestern Railroad station were evidences of pollution by pea cannery wastes. Accumulations of decomposing sludge at city sewer outlets in various places along the river, such as exist at the outlet of Neenah's sewers at the head of Little Lake Butte des Morts, shown in Figure 37, below, constituted ample evidence of pollution by sewage. Just below Appleton and in the Little Chute locks there was evidence of FIG. 37 Municipal sewer outlets at the upper end of Little Lake Butte des Morts, a wide shallow portion of the Fox River just below Neenah- Menasha. Raw sewage wastes are discharged here, forming a large delta of decomposing organic matter. Untreated sewage constitutes one source of objectionable stream pollution. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 143 こ ​floating sewage. Sludge deposits below the outlet of sewers from the industrial plants indicated pollution of different kinds. Deltas of fiber and filler, or paper clay, were noted at the sewer outlets of sev- eral paper mills using the de-inking process. An accumulation of lime sludge, shown in the background of Figure 41, page 149, was found at the sewer outlet of a sulphate mill. Analytical Data: The analytical data obtained during this preliminary survey of the Lower Fox River include results of dissolved oxygen determinations and complete sanitary analyses made at various selected points along the river course. The dissolved oxygen data are presented in Table XVI, page 144, for both the up and down river trips, while the com- plete chemical analyses given in Table XVII, page 145, were those determined with samples collected during the down river trip. Referring to these tables, it will be noted that the data collected further substantiate observations made and results obtained during past investigations. The oxygen content of the river water above Kaukauna on July 8 and 9 was well above that considered critical for fish life. Fluctuations in the results obtained in the upper portion of the stream were due to opposing factors: Pollution, tending to decrease the oxygen content, and atmospheric aeration, particularly at dams and rapids tending to replenish the oxygen supplied. They were also due to the intermittent nature of pollution by some in- dustrial wastes and the resultant incomplete mixing with the entire stream flow. Below Kaukauna the oxygen decreased rapidly and re- mained near the critical point for fish life from Wrightstown to Green Bay. Appreciable re-oxygenation of the water occurred at the Little Rapids and De Pere dams, but its effect was quickly lost due to the residual oxygen demand of the wastes in the water and to oxygen requirement of the thick sludge deposits on the bed of the stream at various places along the lower portion of the river. An interesting feature of the field analyses is the general decrease in pH value of the river water from the outlet of Lake Winnebago to Green Bay. Decreases in the sections of the river between Apple- ton and Kaukauna are attributed to acid industrial wastes, and the appreciable increase below Kaukauna is accounted for by the strong- ly alkaline wastes entering the stream at this point. The increase was but temporary, however, the pH value again decreasing, prob- ably due to an increase in the carbon dioxide content of the water produced by the decomposition of organic material in sludge deposits and in the stream. The complete chemical analyses in Table XVII, page 145, yield information concerning changes in the character of the river water, substantiating conclusions drawn from observations during the pre- liminary survey. The odor was classed as vegetable in the upper por- tions of the river, changing to moldy in the samples collected in the vicinity of Green Bay. There is a general increase in intensity of the odor below sources of intense pollution, particularly noticeable in the sample obtained at point No. 4, which was influenced by the wastes 144 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH : TABLE XVI RESULTS OF FIELD ANALYSES-PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF THE LOWER FOX RIVER (p. p. m.-parts per million by weight). Location of Sampling Points Menasha Outlet Lake Winnebago Little Lake Butte des Morts—½ mile below lock…. Outlet Little Lake Butte des Morts Under Cherry St. Bridge-Ap- pleton.. 500' below Lower Dam-Ap- pleton.... 2 miles below Appleton. Under Kimberly Bridge. 300' above dam at Little Chute 1 mile below Combined Locks. Kaukauna Lift Bridge... • - G Ta *Influenced by industrial waste. Temp. C° (Stopped at Appleton) 1 mile below Kaukauna. 28 29 ¼ mile above Rapids Croche dam 29 Bridge at Wrightstown.. 1 mile below Wrightstown_. 500' above dam at Little Rapids 500' below dam at Little Rapids Opposite T. B. Sanit. below 29 29 Little Rapids. 300' above dam at De Pere. 500' below dam at De Pere- Opp. Sugar Beet Plant below De Pere C. M. & St. P. Bridge Green Bay Main St. Bridge Green Bay Mouth of River Green Bay. 2 *********222 222 *** 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 Up River Trip- July 8, 1926 Dis. Oxygen p.p.m. % Sat. pH 28 29 28 28 5.7 5.2 4.2* 2 CAN ****INE 8 70 63 51 5.0 62 6.5 80 4.5* 55 3.1 6.6 83 5.0 63 3.7 27 39 2.5 32 2.1 27 3.2. 41 2.6 33 2.4 31 4.0 51 3.8 49 3.5 44 2.0 25 8.2 8.2 8.0 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.2 8.2 Temp. C° 25 26 27 27 25 25 25 25 25 25 24 25 .24 24 24 25 24 Down River Trip- July 9, 1926 Dis. Oxygen p.p.m.% Sat. pH 25 25 24 6.4 77 6.5 80 6.0 74 5.4 67 4.2* 50 6.0 72 6.2 74 6.9 5.2 62 6.1 73 4.5 53 3.6 43 4.0 47 2.3 27 *N**NNU O 82 2.8 33 2.0 24 37 3.1 1.9 22 22 2.0 23 1.9 8.6 8.8 8.6 8.6 8.0 8.0 7.8 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.4 8.2 8.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 discharged from the nearby sulphite pulp mill. From field observa- tions the odor should probably be characterized as sulphurous. Progressive increases downstream were observed in the color and turbidity determinations, which further bear out the discussion un- der the heading, "Superficial Evidences of Pollution." The nitrogen determinations,-free ammonia, albuminoid ammonia, nitrites and nitrates for the first three sampling points covering the section of the river from Lake Winnebago to Appleton, show the normal recovery cycle. A marked increase in the free ammonia and the presence of nitrites in the sample collected at point 2 indicate a considerable recent pollution by the sewage and wastes of Neenah- Menasha. The decrease in free ammonia, the increase in the nitrites and the presence of nitrates between points 2 and 3 indicate that con- siderable nitrification of the organic matter is taking place in Little Lake Butte des Morts. Suda From Appleton to Green Bay the nitrogen results fluctuate some- what, the lowest being noted in the sample collected at point 4. It would appear that the sulphite waste liquor entering the stream just above this point exerts a reducing effect on these nitrogenous con- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 145 1 2 TABLE XVII RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSES ANALYSES PRELIMINARY SUR- VEY OF THE LOWER FOX RIVER Points of Location Collection Menasha Outlet-Lake Winnebago. Little Lake Butte des Morts-½ mile be- low Menasha Lock. 3 Below Cherry Street Bridge Appleton 4 500" below lower dam Appleton (+) 5 Mile Below Combined Locks.. 6 1 Mile Below Kaukauna. 7 A G Odor* 1v. 1v. 1v. 3v. 1v. 2v. 300′ Above De Pere. 2sw. 8 Below Main St. Bridge Green Bay. 1m. 9 High Tension Power Line Mouth of River 2m. July 9, 1926. (Results in Parts per Million) Color 20 20 20 30 30 35 35 35 35 Tur- Free Alb. bidity Amm. Amm. 10 5 99999 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 0.129 0.306 0.170 .088 0.199 0.122 0.189 0.307 0.3 Ni- Ni- trites trates 0 0.42 0 0.42 0 0.012 0.296 0.35 .008 0.012 0 0.272 0 0.792 0 0 0 0 0.375 0 0 0.378 0.014 0 0.416 0 0 Oxygen Con. 7.3 7.4 7.4 38.5 14.4 16.8 16.2 18.8 15.8 ww Total 176 184 180 278 206 264 210 204 208 Solids Susp. 16 14 22 30 20 22 14 * 00 00 18 16 Loss on Ignition 56 78 56 126 96 90 88 86 88 Alka- linity 132 132 132 132 132 132 133 133 136 *Note: The number under the column marked "odor" indicates the relative intensity, or strength, while the letter following indicates the character of the odor. v.-Vegetable. sw.-Sweetish. m.-Mouldy. (+) Influenced by sulphite pulp mill waste. 10 146 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH stituents. The marked increase in ammonia content below Kaukauna, on the other hand, is probably due to the sulphate pulp mill wastes, ammonia being liberated in the pulping process. High nitrogen re- sults in the samples from the Green Bay section are indicative of the heavy burden of pollution by sewage and industrial wastes locally. The results for oxygen consumed and solids show a marked in- crease in the unstable organic matter in the river from sampling points 1 to 9, particularly in the section from Appleton to Kaukauna. The oxygen consumed increase is approximately 100%; and the solids as much as 50% over the values obtained with the sample collected at the outlet of Lake Winnebago. The results for "loss on ignition" are further indicative of the increased organic content. ESTABLISHED SAMPLING STATIONS Location of Sampling Stations: As a result of a study of these data collected during the prelim- inary survey, sampling stations were located along the Lower Fox River, and cooperative arrangements were made with pulp and paper mill chemists for daily dissolved oxygen determinations. The loca- tions of the sampling stations are as follows: Station 1 is located above all sources of pollution in the Neenah outlet at Lake Winnebago. The samples collected at this station are considered as representative of the water in the lake. Collections were made from the center of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad bridge across the headrace to pulp and paper mills bordering the Neenah Channel. Figure 38, page 147, shows a section of the Neenah Channel with the pulp and paper mills in the background, and the picture, Figure 29, page 102, was taken at Station No. 1, during the collection of a sample for dissolved oxygen determina- tion. Station 2 is located at the head of Little Lake Butte des Morts, at the outlet of the Neenah Channel, about 2-mile below Lake Winnebago and situated at the end of a slightly turbulent, shallow portion of the channel below the Neenah Dam. Samples were collect- ed from the center of the Soo Line railroad bridge which crosses the channel at this point. The purpose of locating the station at this place was to ascertain the aerating effect of the dam and rapids as well as to ascertain whether or not an immediate oxygen depletion was occasioned by the large quantity of industrial waste entering the stream immediately above. Station 3 is situated about the center of the Chicago and North- western railroad bridge across Little Lake Butte des Morts. It is below Neenah and Menasha Channels and is approximately 1½ miles below Station No. 1. This sampling station is shown in the back- ground of Figure 39, page 147, a view taken from the upper end of the lake. The object in locating the station at this point was to de- termine the combined effect of the wastes discharged into both the Neenah and Menasha Channels as well as sewage entering at the STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 147 34 24 Sta.3 FIG. 38 The Neenah Channel of the Fox River just below the outlet of Lake Winnebago. Sampling Station No. 1 is located above all sources of pol- lution in the headrace of the pulp and paper mills shown in the back- ground. 101726 FIG. 39 Sampling Station No. 3 at the upper end of Little Lake Butte des Morts, Fox River Survey. Note the settling basin for paper mill wastes in the foreground. 148 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH head of the lake. The sewer outlets for the last mentioned are shown in Figure 37, page 142, particular attention being directed to the accumulation of decomposing sewage sludge and de-inked pulp mill wastes existing at this point. Station 4 is located above the upper dam at Appleton directly be- low the Cherry Street Bridge, about 6 miles below Station No. 1. It is situated above sources of local pollution and samples collected there are considered representative of the effluent from Little Lake Butte des Morts. The object in locating the sampling station at this point was twofold: First, to obtain information concerning the self- purification of the stream in passing through Little Lake Butte des Morts, after receiving the sewage and industrial wastes of Neenah- Menasha-the Twin Cities, and secondly, to ascertain the amount of reaeration afforded the stream in flowing over the dam and rapids at Appleton. Station 5 is in midstream at Lowe Street Bridge in Appleton ap- proximately 7 miles below Station No. 1. It is below the upper and middle dams and the turbulent section of the stream previously re- ferred to. The purpose in locating the station at this point was largely to evaluate the aerating effects of the dams and the rapids. The station is below most of the outlets for sewage and industrial wastes in Appleton, but is above the two sulphite pulp mills located in that city. Station 6 was established about two miles below Appleton at a short bend in the river. This station was primarily for the purpose of determining the effect of the polluting matter discharged into the stream at Appleton. No bridge crossed the river at this point and the samples had to be collected from a boat. This procedure requir- ing considerable time and effort on the part of those conducting the work, the station was discontinued and moved downstream to the center of the Highway Bridge at Kimberly. This point is approxi- mately 11 miles below Station No. 1. As no sources of additional pollution exist between these locations for Station No. 6, the results are considered satisfactory for the above mentioned purpose. Station 7 is located at the center of the highway bridge at Little Chute, about 12 miles below Station No. 1. This sampling point is below both the Kimberly and Little Chute dams. Samples collected at this station are influenced by the pulp and paper mill wastes and sewage discharged into the stream at Kimberly and the re-aeration effect of the two intervening dams. Station 8 is at the center of the lift bridge across the U. S. Canal at Kaukauna, about 14 miles below Station No. 1. Samples collected at this station are considered as representative of the character of the water prior to the fall of approximately 50' over the dam and rapids at this point. Station 9 is at the center of the river about one-quarter mile below the rapids at Kaukauna, shown in Figure 40, page 149, but is situ- ated above the sewer outlet of the sulphate pulp mill located at this STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 149 00 FIG. 40 General view of Fox River at Kaukauna showing the dams and rapids, which are material factors in the re-aeration of the river water. X-Sta.9 FIG. 41 Sampling station No. 9 of the Fox River Survey. Note the sludge de- posit (indicated by arrow) at the outlet of the sewer from the pulp mill shown in the background. Effort is being made, through the installa- tion of lime recovery and saveall systems, to prevent pollution from this source. 150 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH point. This sampling station is indicated by an arrow in Figure 41, page 149, all collections being made by boat. Its purpose was to obtain data concerning the effect of the excellent facilities for reaera- tion afforded by the dam and rapids in overcoming the heavy burden of pollution by both the sewage and industrial waste in the upper section of the river. Station 10 is located at the center of the highway bridge at Wrightstown, approximately 21 miles below Station No. 1. Samples collected here were for the purpose of showing the effects of the com- bined sewage and industrial wastes discharged into the upper end of the river in a section of the stream where little or no reaeration is afforded by dams or rapids. As previously pointed out, the fall of the stream between the foot of the rapids at Kaukauna and Green Bay averages approximately one foot per mile, and consequently during the summer months the flow is sluggish in the pools below the rapids at Kaukauna. The settling of suspended solids, therefore, takes place with the formation of sludge deposits, particularly in the pool above Rapid Croche Dam. The results show the deoxygenating effect caused by the slow decomposition of these sludge deposits, as well as that occasioned by the organic matter in solution in the river water. Station 11 is located immediately above the dam at De Pere 31 miles below Station No. 1. This is at the lower end of the section of the stream where most of the annual destruction of fish occurs. Accordingly the purpose of this station was to obtain a record of conditions existing during the critical period for comparison with the observations of the biological survey. Station 12 is in midstream a short distance below the dam at De Pere, and has as its object the determining of the extent of the re- aeration afforded by the dam when the oxygen content of the water is almost entirely depleted. Station 13 is located at the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul bridge across the Lower Fox River immediately above Green Bay. The pur- pose of samples collected at this point is to show the effect of the residual oxygen demand after the re-aeration provided by the dam at De Pere, as well as the oxygen depletion occasioned by the sewage and industrial wastes of the city. Station 14 is located at the center of the Main Street bridge at Green Bay just above the junction of the Fox River with its largest and most important tributary below Lake Winnebago, the East River. It is situated about 37 miles below Station No. 1. Samples collected at this station show the condition of the water in the main stream just before it mixes with the grossly polluted East River water. Station 15 is in midchannel under the Green Bay and Western rail- road bridge at Green Bay, approximately 37½ miles below Station No. 1. It is situated a short distance downstream from the junction of the Lower Fox and East Rivers, and is the last station of the river survey. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 151 July September August Aug. Mean Mo. Av. UN DISSOLVED OXYGEN PARTS PER MILLION Legend - Month - Curve Symbol Monthly Summary of Dissolved Oxygen Data FOX RIVER SURVEY 1926 FIGURE 42 August Monthly Av July Mean Mo. Min September Mean Mo Av July Monthly Av 2pp.m. Crit STAL M STA 2 £ Mi STA 3 1k MI ज STA 4 6 MI STAS 7 Mi STA 6 Septelaber Monthly Av } ST TA 7 12ML. STA 8 14Mİ. ISMI STA STA.ID 20 Mi 3/Mi STAN STA/2 3/Mi 8 STA 13 36 Mi STA 14 37½ Mi STA 15 38 Mi WRICH STOWN KAUKAUNI WINNEBAGO FOX NEENAH MENASHA ITTLE CHUTE PERE Fat 011 BAY GREEN 152 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Four sampling stations, shown in Figure 42, page 151, and desig- nated as E-1 to E-4, were established along the East River, start- ing above all sources of pollution and covering the portion of the stream within the city limits of Green Bay to its mouth, just below the Monroe Street bridge. These stations are described under a sep- arate heading in a discussion of the results of the "East River Sur- vey" and therefore will not be considered further here. No attempt was made to establish stations in the bay to ascertain the extent of pollution beyond the mouth of the river, as personnel and equipment were not available for obtaining this desirable in- formation. Fishermen state that the effects of pollution extend many miles up the bay and that it has caused considerable damage to the fishing interests in that locality. It is quite possible with existing conditions that the effects of the pollution can be detected several miles from the mouth of the river, but no data have yet been obtained to substantiate this conjecture. DISSOLVED OXYGEN DATA Monthly Summary Charts: Having described and given the reasons for the location of the various sampling stations along the Lower Fox River, dissolved oxy- gen data obtained during the survey are next presented as being the most significant of the analytical data in showing the effects of pollu- tion. Two charts are used in presenting these summarized data. Figure 42, page 151, gives the graphical presentation of the month- ly average and mean monthly minimum portions of the summarized dissolved oxygen data listed in Table XVIII, page 156. The dis- solved oxygen values presented for each sampling station in Fig. 42, are in parts per million by weight, while the same data in terms of per cent saturation are shown in Fig. 43, page 153. In both cases the critical dissolved oxygen limit for fish life is indicated by heavy horizontal lines, and all portions of the curve extending below these lines indicate on the included map where objectionable conditions pre- vailed during the survey. Referring to these charts it will be noted that during the months of July, August and September, there was an appreciable decrease in oxygen content between Stations 1 and 2. The oxygen content of the water from Lake Winnebago averaged 7.1 parts per million or 78% saturation. On several occasions the water was supersaturated as much as 112%, largely due to wave action and oxygen-producing aquatic vegetation. The latter includes green plants, which under the influence of sunlight, evolve considerable quantities of oxygen by a process called "photosynthesis." The decrease in oxygen content between Stations 1 and 3 is un- doubtedly due to the sewage from a population of 15,942, and indus- trial waste with a population equivalent of 40,000, which is dis- charged into the stream channel. It is apparent, therefore, that any effect of aeration over the dams across the Neenah and Menasha STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 153 July September August .... 30 10 50 DISSOLVED OXYGEN IN PER CENT SATURATION Aug. Mean Mex Legend:-Month -Curve Symbol - Monthly Summary of Dissolved Oxygen Data August Monthly Av. | | FOX RIVER SURVEY 1926 FIGURE 43 Mean MO MID. Sept Mean Mo Av Critical DO or Fish STA. 10 Mi. STA 2 Mi. STA 3 1½ Mi. STA 4 4 MI STA.5 5 Mi 1 // STA.6 Mi 12Mi STA.7 July Monthly Av 8 Sept Monthly 270 STA.8 14MI. STA.9 15 MI. STA.10 20MI STA.// 3/MI. STA.12 Blt Mi STA.13 36 Mi. STA 14 37½ Mi STA15 38 Mi 80 WRIGHT STOWN KAUKAUNA ´L WINNEBAGO FOX NEENAH MENASHA 13 ITTLE CHUTE PERE £2 E3 Little BAY GREEN 154 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Channels is entirely offset by the oxygen demand of the wastes from the two cities. The results obtained at Station No. 3 are also in- fluenced by the decomposing sludge deposits in the upper end of Little Lake Butte des Morts. A marked recovery is noted between Stations 3 and 4, due un- doubtedly to the self-purification taking place in Little Lake Buttes des Morts and in the section above Appleton. The increase continues between Stations 4 and 5, the effect of aeration over the dam evi- dently offsetting the oxygen demand of the wastes entering between these points. Below Station No. 5 at Appleton, however, a very marked decrease in the dissolved oxygen is observed, due to the oxy- gen demand of sewage from a population of 21,229 and industrial waste equivalent estimated at 214,600. The depletion continues through Stations 6 and 7 at Kimberly and Little Chute, respectively, to Station 8, at Kaukauna. At this station, during the low flow in August, the oxygen content was about the accepted critical value for fish life, or 2 parts per million. The effects of aeration and other factors in the natural purification of the stream were entirely obliter- ated by the intensity of pollution occurring between Stations 4 and 6. The magnitude of this pollutional burden expressed as total sew- ered population and population equivalents, is 469,026. Between Stations 8 and 9 are the dams and rapids at Kaukauna, which during normal flows materially assist in the reaeration of the river water. The decreases in the oxygen content shown on the charts, Figures 42 and 43, pages 151 and 153, for the months of July and August, were due to the stream flow being insufficient to more than supply the needs of power and navigation. The water in passing through the water wheels and canal locks receives practical- ly no reaeration, as compared to that afforded in its flow over the dams and rapids. Consequently the oxygen demand of the wastes in the river is not even partially offset by such reaeration during the critical periods of low stream flow. During the month of September, however, the recovery effect with increased stream flow is quite ap- preciable as indicated by the abrupt rise in the "oxygen profiles" (Figures 42 and 43) between Stations 8 and 9. The rapidity of deoxygenation in the section of the stream from Stations 5 to 9, is for the most part attributed to sulphite waste liquor. As will be noted from the rate curves, Figure 32, page 119, this waste exerts an immediate oxygen-reducing action considerably in excess of that for the other major wastes, particularly ordinary domestic sewage. The four large sulphite mills discharge daily a quantity of waste liquor with oxygen requirements estimated as equivalent to the sewage of a city with a population of 409,000. Although there is no added pollution at the foot of the rapids at Kaukauna and Station No. 10 at Wrightstown, the oxygen content rapidly decreased, and in a number of cases, particularly during August, the oxygen content was zero. All results were below that critical for fish life during the months of July and August. This decrease is the result of the intense industrial development and the STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 155 large population concentrated in that section of the river between Lake Winnebago and Kaukauna. The amount of pollution in that section, considering only major wastes, is equivalent to the sewage from a population of 612,657. A Between Stations 10 and 11 the oxygen content continues below or near the critical value for fish life. As indicated by the preliminary survey, there are slight recovery effects caused by reaeration during flow, by small tributaries and by passing over the Little Rapids Dam, but these are quickly overcome by the residual oxygen demand of the organic wastes in the stream as well as that of the decomposing sludge deposits. Consequently the oxygen was almost entirely de- pleted above the dam at De Pere throughout the entire month of August, when the lowest stream flows and the highest water tem- peratures were encountered. A considerable number of fish died in this vicinity during the early part of this period. All of the dead fish examined were found to be rough species resistant to adverse water conditions. The analytical results further substantiated the conclusions of past surveys that the death of the fish in this section of the stream was due primarily to the lack of sufficient oxygen to sustain fish life. Between Stations 11 and 12 there is a marked increase in the dis- solved oxygen content due to reaeration over the De Pere dam. The oxygenating effect is much more marked here than below the rapids at Kaukauna. According to the data presented in Reprint 1063 of the United States Public Health Service Reports, page 24, regarding the reaeration of water, the action follows the law for the solution of sparingly soluble gases in liquids. This law simply states that the greater the degree of unsaturation, the greater the rate of reaeration, or in other words, the lower the oxygen content the more rapidly will the water take up oxygen from the air. This accounts for the very rapid increase in oxygen content, indicated by the abrupt rise in the curve, Figures 42 and 43, pages 151 and 153, between Stations 11 and 12. Between Stations 12 and 13 the oxygen content again decreases showing that there is still a considerable residual oxygen demand due to unstable organic matter in the stream. Conditions at Station 13 were critical for fish life, during the month of August, though some- what above the critical during the months of July and September. In the portion of the river between Stations 13 and 14 there is a decided slump in the oxygen content. This slump is not only due to the residual oxygen demand in the stream, and the sewage from a population of 34,455 and industrial wastes, with an estimated popu- lation equivalent of 175,000, of Green Bay, but is also influenced by back water conditions. The water level at Station 14 is approximate- ly that of the Bay, and, when the wind is from the north, there is a tendency to back the water up in the mouth of the river. Float tests previously made near the mouth of the East River, in connection with the development of a water supply for one of the local paper mills, brought out this fact. 156 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Sta. No. 12 3 4 POLLUTION SURVEY-LOWER FOX RIVER MONTHLY SUMMARY OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN DATA 5678 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sta. No. 12 9 Below Rapids Kaukauna Bridge Wrightstown. Above dam De Pere Below dam De Pere C. M. & St. P. Br. Green Bay.. 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Location Outlet Lake Winnebago Neenah Inlet L. Lake B. des Morts.. C. & N. W. Ry. Br. L. Lake B. des M.. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Br. above Appleton__ Lowe St. Bridge Appleton Bridge at Kimberly. Bridge at Little Chute. Lift Bridge over Canal Kaukauna…. Main St. Bridge Green Bay G. B. & W. Ry. Bridge Green Bay. Location of Sampling Station C. & N. W. Ry. Br. L. Lake B. des M.. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Br. above Appleton.. Lowe St. Bridge Apple- ton_ Bridge at Kimberly. Bridge at Little Chute. Lift Bridge over Canal Kaukauna. Below Rapids Kaukauna Bridge Wrightstown Above Dam De Pere. TABLE XVIII Outlet Lake Winnebago 10.0 Neenah Inlet L. Lake B. des M.. 10.0 Below Dam De Pere C. M. & St. P. Br. Green Bay.. Main St. Bridge Green Bay.. G. B. & W. Ry Bridge Green Bay.. Mo. Max. Mo. Av. Mo. Min. Mean Mo. Mi. p.p.m. % Sat. p.p.m. % Sat. p.p.m. % Sat. p.p.m. % Sat. 8.2 8.4 7.9 8.0 7.8 7.0 6.2 6.6 6.0 4.05 6.5 7.2 5.2 4.5 2.0 JULY 91 95 88 91 88 78 69 83 69 47 58 80 - 59 1.8 0.3 4.6 1.3 0.3 0.5 51 23 7.45 84 7.46 83 6.8 76 6.87 78 7.0 80 5.92 71 5.12 AUGUST Mo. Max. Mo. Av. P.P. % P.P. % M. Sat. M. Sat. 7*2*3 59 53 15 3 5 2.20 1.9 4.14 48.3 4.17 46.7 23.4 0.12 37.6 2.0 56 3.1 2.01 3.13 4.76 3.63 43.3 1.9 2.64 30.8 1.5 1.6 18. 1.4 8 888 7.0 6.8 6.0 100 8.06 89 100 8.1 88 6.0 8.7 99 7.17 79.1 5.0 9.7 100 7.36 8.5 98 7.52 10.0 100 5.78 12.0 100 6 83.9 69 5.4 5.6 60 5.7 5.0 4.25 80.9 6.0 6.7 4.7 4.0 51 2.54 28.5 1.5 4.8 5.05 49 2.28 24.5 0.05 0.0 21 0.57 5.7 0.06 3 0.0 3.3 37.6 1.7 0.58 6.4 0.0 0.75 0.3 0.3 0.33 3 0.5 78 75 * 700 220 2 68 67 58 Mo. Min. P.P. % M. 21 47 4.63 53 1 25 3.4 39.5 24 36 7.11 80 7.11 79.8 6.42 69.5 6.23 72.4 6.7 77 5.4 68 65 56 22 2.85 22 17 16 & THE FOO00 8 66 60.8 Mean Mo. Min. P.P. % Sat. M. Sat. 3.03 0.93 2.2 3.55 44 17 34.2 12.5 27.5 7.67 81 7.61 80 5.94 69 6.86 76 73 7.01 78 1.7 19.6 1.4 16.3 44 4.7 51 5.36 62 51 20 1.7 0 0.2 0 0.3 2 1.96 1.11 ∙10 0.32 0.0 NONON 2.6 2 0 0.1 2 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 157 12 GO 3 4 LOA 5 678 123 14 15 9 Below Rapids Kaukauna Bridge Wrightstown. 11 Above Dam De Pere 10 Sta. No. 12 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 10 5 Outlet Lake Winnebago Neenah Inlet L. Lake B. des M.. 69 C. & N. W. Ry. Br. L. Lake B. des M. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Br. Above Appleton.. Lowe St. Bridge Apple- ton-- Bridge at Kimberly Bridge at Little Chute. Lift Bridge over Canal Kaukauna. Below Dam De Pere C. M. & St. P. Br. Green Bay Main St. Bridge Green Bay G. B. & W. Ry. Bridge Green Bay Location of Sampling Station Outlet Lake Winnebago. Neenah Inlet L. Lake B. des Morts. C. & N. W. Ry. Br. L. Lake B. des Morts.. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Br. Above Appleton. Lowe St. Bridge Apple- ton_. Bridge at Kimberly Bridge at Little Chute. Lift Bridge over Canal Kaukauna. Below Rapids Kaukauna Bridge Wrightstown. Above Dam De Pere Below Dam De Pere C. M. & St. P. Br. Green Bay. Main St. Bridge Green < Bay G. B. & W. Ry. Bridge Green Bay. ton. Bridge at Kimberly 7 Bridge at Little Chute_ - d Outlet Lake Winnebago Neenah Inlet L. Lake B. des Morts C. & N. W. Ry. Br. L. Lake B. des Morts. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Br. Above Appleton. Lowe St. Bridge Apple- 10.5 100 8.2 85.9 6.7 8.5 92 7.2 77.8 6.5 10.7 100 7.96 81.6 5.7 10 100 8.1 85 10 8.08 100 9.3 98 8.5 84 84.9 74 7.06 6.26 65.4 SEPTEMBER , 1 8.7 80 8.3 77 6.0 57 6.9 41 5.7 56 7.9 74 4.7 44 4.45 42 OCTOBER 9.4 9.0 1 1 + 1 I Mo. Av. Mo. Min. Mo. Max. P.P. % P.P. % P.P. % M. Sat. M. Sat. M. Sat. ↓ 86 9.35 83.5 9.3 | 888888 1 79 8.6 4.9 50.3 1.28 14 1.9 5.41 55.3 21 3.57 3.58 4.65 36 0.13 24.3 1.2 47 2.5 42.6 1.0 2.55 25.3 0.35 2.86 28.6 0.45 4.5 4.25 1 1 1 1 77.7 6.3 1 6.2 4.8 4.3 I I 1 1 8.3 10.85 83 8.94 76.8 7.0 10.0 80 7.72 10.15 80 7.7 62 8.05 6.1 5.8 6.9 67 68.4 6.1 68.2 5.8 55.3 4.3 61 5.0 5.3 56.5 4.3 9.22 82 7.7 7.95 71.2 7.0 6.3 60 11.5 92 9.05 80 NOVEMBER 12 10.8 87 11.5 83.5 11 78 10.8 78 11.2 79 11.2 79 12.0 89 12.0 89 12.4 92 12.4 92 11.6 11.6 88 11.45 84 11.5 73 71 61 2 ONE FRIEN I 70 66 52 47 1 13 27 10 3.5 81 76 80 10.8 78 11.2 79 12.0 89 12.4 92 11.6 11.4 2888888 80 7.25 78 6.8 72.6 6.36 68.4 6.8 74 6.9 74.5 5.3 4.4 48.7 55 3.26 34 3.95 39 1.78 300 000 2.4 13 3.1 39 2.86 30 1.05 11.25 1.45 15.25 Mean Mo. Min. 1 8.06 6.76 18.5 P.P. % M. Sat. 1 9.3 81 68 58 56 6.2 42 4.3 42 55 5.3 55 53 4.3 53 76 8.47 78.6 64 7.25 66.5 8.4 76 71 63.6 60.5 11 80 10.8 78 11.2 79 12.0 89 12.4 11.6 11.4 888 2888888 92 80 158 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 130) KERKKA TR NIN X POW N LAKE WINNEBAGO, NEENAH dom MENASHA Lower Sludge Deposits Deposits Little LOKK Butte des Morts FIG:44 11. Zinem C&NW KR STATION No 1 STATION No. 2. STATION No. 3. DAILY STREAM FLOWS FOX RIVER SURVEY-1926 AT NEENAH-MENASHA SECTION ABOVE Relation between Dissolved Oxygen, Temp and Stream Flow of each Sampling Station ~: Map Legend: - Sampling Station. ■ - Pulp and Paper Mills' City Sewer Outlets. -Industries with Private Sewers SAMPLING STATIONS Dissolved Oxygen in PPM Oxygen in % Saturation Dissolved Oxygen in P.P.M. Dissolved Oxygen in PPM. 10 5 40 in Stream Flow Second Feet 80+ 601 401 201 2 10 80 69 Oxygen in %Saturation 40 20 0 10 5 0 30 80+ 60% Oxygen in %% Saturation 40 201 e 8,000 4,000 ย July 15 20 22.p.m. 25 30 LA H3> ΣΤΙΣ ISTUTS PSHI August 10 15 20 KHA KAH 25 30 n September October 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 BA MA Critical D.0. God my 1% Sat. Temp. Do.. Critical D.Q Sat H Temp 0.0. T Critical D.O % Sat. Temp. Stream Flow T $ November 15 10 1 T T 20 25 30 + O • 30 20 Temperature in Degrees Centigrade 30 20 10 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 159 The oxygen slump continued between Stations 14 and 15 due to the confluence of the Lower Fox and the grossly polluted East River. Conditions at the mouth of the stream were critical for fish life dur- ing the entire months of July and August, with but little improve- ment during the month of September. The water was dark, turbid, and had a typical septic odor. There was a constant evolution of gas bubbles due to the decomposition of the thick sludge deposits at the mouth of the East River. Daily Dissolved Oxygen Charts: The dissolved oxygen conditions previously described and shown by the monthly summary sheets for the entire Lower Fox River are brought out much more in detail in the section charts, Figures 44 to 48, pages 158-166, which show the sampling stations, the dissolved oxygen content in parts per million and per cent saturation, the tem- perature of the water, and the stream flow in second feet, for each day in July, August, September and October that oxygen determina- tions were made. They bring out the fact very clearly that the periods of maximum oxygen depletion are coincident with high water temperatures and low stream flow. From a study of these charts the durations of the critical periods are brought out. The critical periods are indicated by those portions of the curves marked "D. O." which drop below the dotted line rep- resenting 2 parts per million dissolved oxygen and designated as "Critical D. O." The solid line marked "Percent Saturation" is the degree of saturation of the water with oxygen at the temperature in- dicated by the dotted line marked "Temperature." The periods of low stream flow are indicated by the lowest portions of the solid black line marked "Stream Flow" at the bottom of each chart. The stream flow is given in second feet, the engineering expression for cubic feet per second. This unit is quickly converted into gallons per minute by multiplying it by the factor 44.88 when calculating dilu- tion afforded the various quantities of sewage and industrial wastes which are usually expressed in gallons per minute, or per day. It is emphasized, however, that the dilution ratio is of little value unless considered on the basis of oxygen required by the waste and that available from the stream. Analysis of Figure 44, page 158, for the Neenah-Menasha section of the Lower Fox River shows that the dissolved oxygen contents at Stations 1, 2, and 3 did not at any time even approach the critical for fish life. It will be noted that the water was almost saturated during the period of lowest stream flow and highest water tempera- tures. From the 11th to the 15th of August the water at Station 1 was super-saturated with oxygen, probably due in most part to oxy- gen-producing aquatic life. On the 14th the supersaturation amounted to 112%. Very good conditions prevailed in this section of the stream throughout the entire summer. Relative to super-saturation at the outlet of Lake Winnebago, the results of a dissolved oxygen survey conducted August 12th at Fond du Lac by consulting engineers in studying sewage treatment needs 160 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH WISH 24 STI POL *wherever fox River N< APPLETON, VJI CLN いい ​R 155 2nd dam FLO ist dam FUR RIVET Fapids Lower 1, hila 91. St. dye Deposiła Sulphil Mill Word dem, Permis KIMBERLY Sulphite Mill STATION NO 4 STATION NO 5 STATION No. 6 DAILY STREAM FLOWS AT ABOVE FIG. 45 FOX RIVER SURVEY-1926: APPLETON-KIMBERLY SECTION Relation between Dissolved Oxygen, Temp. and Stream Flow of each Sampling Station SAMPLING -:Map Legend: X-Sampling Station ■-Pulp and Paper Mills •-City Sewer Outlets - Industries with Private Sewers STATIONS Dissolved Oxygen in PPM Oxygen in % Saturation Dissolved Oxygen in \PPM. Oxygen in % Saturation Dissolved Oxygen in P.PM 10 5 0 80 60 40 20 Oxygen in % Saturation 40 20 10 5 ZPRA 0 80 60 10 ގ 0 · 80 60 40 20 Q Stream 0,000 Flow in Second- Feet. 10 4,000 July 2 ppm 15 20 2PPM PRm 25 31 SHI THO THT REAL THEA 5 10 # KAY. August 15 20 B TAMA ΣΤΙΣ HR 25 31 ΤΣΙΠ کلو Septemt 10 15 20 25 30 1 RAZS .. NORTON KJWver I ♫ M TE از .... 1 1 HỈ A October 15 20 D.O. | 10 DO Critical DO. % Sat Temp. Skutical Do % Sat. דוּ Temp D.O. Critical Pie + % Sat I Temp NI Stream Flow #: ** November 15 70 10 9? 1 1 1 25 • 30 Temperature in Degrees Centigrade 20 130 120- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 161 of the city indicated that similar conditions existed at the south end of the lake. Super-saturation may be due to a rapid increase in tem- perature or to the presence of chlorophyl-bearing plants or organisms that produce oxygen through the action of sunlight. The latter is also considered by the consulting engineers as being the primary cause of the super-saturated condition. Referring to Figure 45, page 160, for the Appleton-Kimberly sec- tion, it will be noticed that the oxygen contents at Stations 4, 5 and 6 remain well above the critical throughout the entire survey period. The effect of pollution at Appleton, however, is apparent in the re- sults for Station 6. Throughout the survey conditions critical for fish life did not exist in this section of the river, even during the period of lowest stream flow in the month of August. The chart for the Little Chute-Kaukauna section, Figure 46, page 162, tells a somewhat different story. Though conditions remain above the critical at Station 7, it will be noticed that the results are all considerably lower than those for the upstream sampling stations. At Station 8 the oxygen content dropped to the critical point on July 30th, and after a slight increase dropped below the critical on August tenth, and remained below until the 21st when there was a slight in- crease to just above critical. The oxygen content again dropped be- low 2 parts per million on the third of September, but after that it increased steadily, due to increasing stream flow and decreasing water temperatures. The critical period for Station 9 occurred during the same period, complete depletion of the oxygen being noted on August 10th and 11th, with almost equally unsatisfactory conditions on the 19th and 27th of the same month. It is noteworthy that these condi- tions occurred when the stream flow was at its lowest and the major portion of the water was used for power purposes by local industries. The effect of reaeration by the rapids was negligible during this period. It is evident that under present conditions of unrestricted pollution in the upper portion of the river and power development, critical periods will occur immediately below Kaukauna during hot summer months when the stream flow drops below three thousand second feet. The unsatisfactory conditions existing during summer months in the Wrightstown-DePere section are clearly brought out in Figure 47, page 164. At Station 10 at Wrightstown the dissolved oxygen dropped to two parts per million on July 17, and remained either at or below this value until the first of September. During the periods of lowest stream flow in August (approximately 3000 second feet), there was complete depletion of the oxygen. Practically the same condition prevailed during the same period at Station 11 just above the dam at DePere. This resulted, as previously mentioned, in the death of a large number of fish during the first week in August, these collecting along the bank and on the dam, decomposing there and occasioning some local nuisance. This is but a repetition of what has happened in former years, and can always be expected as long as present pollution conditions exist. 11 162 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ## TR KIMBERLY dam Par C&NWRR Sulphite Mili >N KAUKAUNA Rapids- - < Sulphite Mill dam LITTLE CHUTE 8,100 1,700,000 21,500 850,000 290,000 1,400,000 15,000 34,000 17,000 17,500 11,500 42,000 17,000 Minimum 550 1,100 51,000 475 44,000 90,000 42,000 1,900 7,000 1,800 2,500 3,100 1,100 12,000 800 500 30,000 900 45,000 30,000 29,000 1,500 6,900 850 350 1,600 3,200 1,000 Per cubic Centimeter Average 4 165 1,565 5 2,964 755 2,750 245 147 17 2 21 9 156 7 11 1,210 25 1,640 1,040 520 1 48 22 B-coli 7 23 173 18 Maximum 10 1,000 10,000 10 10,000 1,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 100 10 100 100 1,000 10 100 10,000 100 10,000 10,000 1,000 100 100 100 100 100 1,000 100 Minimum 0.1 1.0 10. 0.1 100 100 10 1 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 00000000000 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 19 290 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Station 1. 2. 3. Station Number (a) 7 8. Station 1 2 3. 4 9 10. 11 12. 13 14. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. (b) 12 13. 14. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ { 11 Average 1,100 1,200 200,000 12,000 117,000 126,000 131,000 6,100 49,000 4,000 1,900 6,300 5,300 2,700 1,100 1,700 91,000 7,900 63,400 80,000 114,000 20° Centigrade 3,700a 81,000 1,300 720 1,400 3,100 2,000 Maximum Minimum 1,800 1,400 600,000 17,000 265,000 184,000 270,000 17,000 125,000 14,500 6,300 14,000 18,000 4,000 1,800 3,100 132,000 16,500 95,000 150,000 165,000 9,200a 190,000 2,000 1,300 Bacteria per cubic Centimeter on Agar 15,000 3,200 700 750 60,000 > 6,800 36,000 64,000 37,000 1,600 9,700 650 400 3,000 1,200 1,400 650 700 40,000 1,000 Average October 22,000 34,000 67,000 250a 30,000 500 300 550 1,200 1,000 1,100 229,000 11,500 123,000 104,000 104,000 November 5,000 28,000 3,800 2,800 7,300 6,400 2,500 650 900 93,000 5,700 57,000 73,000 62,500 3,400 34,900 600 340 900 1,700 1,100 37° Centigrade Maximum 1,900 2,300 600,000 23,000 280,000 190,000 280,000 20,000 79,000 15,500 11,500 18,500 23,500 6,200 1,600 2,200 185,000 19,000 135,000 112,000 120,000 14,000 140.000 2,000 720 1,200 12,000 1,600 Minimum 500 500 49,000 5,200 38,000 36,000 25,000 1,700 6,400 450 350 850 1,300 500 200 450 30,000 1,000 10,000 27,000 25,000 270 2,000 200 100 600 300 160 Two 20° counts only during month, (b) Two samples only during month from No. 12. Per cubic Centimeter Average 3000 10 10 1,510 20 1,590 1,250 640 11 75 14 0.8 19 14 7 19 7 737 7 2,200 515 345 13 16 10 1 6 B-coli 11 18 Maximum 100 100 10,000 100 10,000 10,000 1,000 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 100 10 1,000 10 10,000 1,000 1,000 10 1,000 100 10 10 100 100 Minimum ཡནྡྷུདྡྷདྡྷདྡྷཝཾཏ 0.1 0.01 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 1 100 100 100 0.1 1 0.1 0.01 1 0.1 0.1 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 291 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS Sampling from stations 1 to 6, inclusive, through the Metropolitan Area of Minneapolis and St. Paul was started on June 1, and on July 1, sampling was extended down stream to Winona. Results are therefore available for a period of six months on the river through the Twin Cities and for a period of five months on the entire stretch of the river under observation. The daily results of the examination of samples from each station, by months, are already in the files of the Secretary of the Joint Interim Committee. In Tables XLVI and XLVII, are summarized the chemical and bacteriological results of the daily examinations by months at each station; and Table XLVIII is a station summary by months. Month TABLE XLVIII SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMI- NATIONS—MONTHLY AVERAGES STATION SUMMARY BY MONTHS Chemical Results in Parts Per Million June July August September.. October November_ June_ July August September October November. June July August.. September October November.. June July August September. October November. June July August September October November_. Bacteria per C. C. 5-day on Agar Temper- Alkal- Turbid- Initial Oxygen ature inity ity Oxygen Demand at 20 C. at 37 C. 18.3 22.9 21.9 16.4 9.5 1.4 18.1 23.4 22.0 16.1 9.5 1.4 19.4 24.3 23.0 16.8 9.8 1.6 Station 1-Camden Avenue Bridge 169 154 142 139 142 143 19.3 23.5 22.1 16.5 9.9 1.4 169 155 141 137 142 142 O LOLOLO 42 174 161 148 140 146 143 9 5 244 244 218 182 219 244 5 5 Station 2-Plymouth Avenue Bridge 10 6 7 5 4 100 3 21 14 8 7 8.09 6.13 6.59 7.96 9.22 12.62 Station 3-High Dam (Government Dam) 5.84 3.95 3.31 |448,000 (299,000 750,000 640,000 320,000 380,000 330,000 400,000 4.38 200,000 229,000 6.90 91,000 93,500 2.90 89 81 70 28 7.24 5.42 6.08 7.65 9.21 12.59 26 19 14 10 12 9 0.74 0.43 0.67 5.27 7.92 11.57 1.49 1.09 1.03 1.22 1.47 1.96 6,700 2,500 1,400 10.56 12.92 1,700 1,100 1,100 Station 4-Minnesota River, Cedar Avenue 19.4 89 4.71 2.63 3,39 23.7 82 5.76 5,900 4,100 6,000 2,100 22.6 5.70 3,10 2,400 1,900 17.2 6.79 2.88 5,800 5,300 10.1 1.8 2.59 12,000 11,500 5.46 7,900 5,700 1.53 0.54 0.87 4.94 8.46 12.09 1.39 8,200 1.28 9,100 1.13 8,400 1.20 2,300 1.47 1,200 1.84 1,700 Station 5-Jackson Street Bridge 195 177 160 147 161 167 2,900 1,400 970 1,500 1,000 650 3,000 6,300 5,300 2,000 1,100 900 8.32 |167,000 94,000 5.25 530,000 350,000 3.67 170,000 160,000 3.55 199,000 193,000 4.03 117,000 123,000 5.07 63,400 57,000 B-coli per C. C. 2.0 3.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 19.0 11.0 33.0 165.0 11.0 10.0 7.0 2,200 1,650 1,565 1,210 1,510 737 5.0 3.0 5.0 25.0 20.0 7.0 1,180 2,100 2,964 1,640 1,590 2,200 292 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TABLE XLVIII-Continued SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMI- NATIONS-MONTHLY AVERAGES STATION SUMMARY BY MONTHS Chemical Results in Parts Per Million Month June July August.. September.. October_. November.. July.. August__ Spetember.. October November July August - September. October November. July. August September October November. July August.. September. October November July August September. October_. November. A d July August.. September October.. November. July. August. September October November. July August September October November... 5-day Temper- Alkal- Turbid- Initial Oxygen inity ity Oxygen ature 18.9 23.3 21.9 16.4 9.8 1.4 23.5 22.44 17.4 11.7 2.8 23.0 22.7 18.8 13.1 4.1 22.6 21.4 18.7 11.7 1.0 20.6 19.7 18.5 9.9 1.6 22.6 22.0 19.3 13.9 4.0 22.6 21.8 18.2 12.6 6.0 21.0 19.9 16.9 9.9 2.0 25.2 23.3 21.7 13.0 3.0 192 175 162 148 Station 6-Inver Grove 1.22 6.22 5.95 0.26 0.51 4.04 4.99 3.23 4.36 7.74 165 171 181 170 151 163 167 98 103 97 82 76 149 152 136 140 144 Station 12 195 196 196 198 204 152 128 121 132 118 29 24 22 13 Station 8-St. Croix River, Prescott 12 6 6 66 59 67 55 47 13 11 139 106 99 127 118 Station 7-Hastings 20 12 10 8 15 5 4 26 13 9 8.04 11.14 4 0.16 0.39 3.36 6.37 9.20 5 4 2 3 8.20 7.10 7.38 7.65 9.55 Station 9-Red Wing 15 2.13 2.90 1.68 13 2.25 4.27 1.89 6.51 10.11 Station 11-Reed's Landing 5.64 5.37 6.92 8.89 11.04 1 Demand at 20 C. at 37 C. Station 10-Cannon River, Red Wing 10 7.05 1.75 7.43 13,000 15,000 100 1.35 37 8.52 1.65 9.86 1.43 6 3 12.68 1.57 8.40 4.19 1,300,000 1,150,000 740,000 750,000 290,000 330,000 131,000 104,000 2.65 3.82 6.16 114,000 62,500 6.59 6.26 7.00 8.70 10.71 1.31 0.81 1.14 1.34 1.82 90,000 66,000 Į 18,000 11,500 7.24 8.08 8.71 9.85 12.39 2.74 3.71 Bacteria per C. C. on Agar |331,000 |101,000 500,000 375,000 430,000 310,000 132,000 132,000 126,000 104,000 80,000 73,000 0.87 1.18 2.57 1.57 1.60 6,100 5,200 5,000 6,100 3,700 3,400 72,000 53,000 44,000 33,000 17,000 15,000 49,000 28,000 81,000 34,900 0.99 22,000 0.87 8,400 5,400 1,900 720 Station 13-Zumbro River, Kellogg 222 52 219 82 181 289 41 196 210 14 Station 14-Winona 26 6.02 5.99 17 16 7.30 55 9.78 11.47 5 6,500 4,000 1,300 Chippewa River, Reed's Landing 2.78 27,000 25,400 41 10 1.68 12,800 6,500 9 1.20 12,400 5,200 5 6,300 7,300 3 1,400 900 1.80 22,000 2.41 2.05 1.14 1.01 11,000 11,500 5,700 3,800 600 18,000 6,100 5,400 2,800 340 16,900 4,900 17,000 15,400 7,100 5,300 6,400 3,100 1,700 3.51 |320,000 255,000 3.49 230,000 240,000 2.44 4,600 5,100 1.87 2,700 1.83 2,000 2,500 1,100 B-coli per C. C. 560 1,500 755 1,040 1,250 515 10,000 2,750 520 640 345 160 245 21 11 13 100 147 48 75 16 15 17 22 14 10 3.0 2.0 7.0 0.8 1.0 25 21 23 19 6 13 9 173 14 11 118 156 18 7 18 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 293 DESCRIPTION OF THE WATERSHED The Mississippi River above the Metropolitan Area of Minneapolis and St. Paul has a watershed area of approximately 19,000 square miles. The watershed consists of relatively flat and gently rolling land. At least one-half of the land is under cultivation and only a small portion heavily wooded. Within the City of Minneapolis the river is confined in a narrow gorge which has been taken advantage of to develop water power by the construction of dams in the vicinity of St. Anthony Falls and at a point above the mouth of the Minne- sota River, where the so-called High Dam, constructed about 1914 by the Government, is now leased by the Ford interests for water power. The pool formed by this dam extends nearly to the foot of St. Anthony Falls in the center of Minneapolis. The High Dam is approximately 30 feet in height and forms a back-water pool about four miles in length, the storage capacity of which is said to be about 500 million cubic feet. A short distance below the High Dam, the Minnesota River draining 16,500 square miles enters the Mississippi River from the west. Below the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers the main channel turns and the river flows northeasterly into St. Paul, near the center of which it again turns and flows southerly out of the city limits. At Prescott, Wisconsin, a short distance below Hastings, Minnesota, and 43 miles below the Camden avenue bridge, the St. Croix River with a watershed of 7,290 square miles enters from the east. About three miles above Red Wing, Minnesota, the Cannon River with a drainage area of 1,440 square miles enters the Mississippi River from the west. The river channel below the Twin Cities is well defined and maintained for purposes of navigation by the War Department. Wing dams have been constructed at numerous points to confine the flow in a definite channel. Between Red Wing and Reed's Landing, a distance of about 25 miles, the Mississippi River widens to form Lake Pepin, through which the velocity of flow is materially decreased. Below Lake Pepin, and in the vicinity of Reed's Landing the Chippewa River with a watershed of 9,570 square miles enters the Mississippi River from the east, and at Kellogg, Min- nesota, the Zumbro River draining 1,380 square miles enters from the west. From the mouth of the St. Croix River at Prescott, Wis- consin, to and below Winona, Minnesota, the Mississippi River forms the boundary line between the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. SOURCES OF POLLUTION On the watershed above the Metropolitan Area the centers of pop- ulation are scattered and such pollution as reaches the Mississippi River is discharged at widely separated points. In the following tabulation, Table XLIX, the larger communities having sewerage sys- tems are shown, together with the status of sewage disposal. 294 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH # TABLE XLIX SHOWING THE ESTIMATED POPULATION AS OF JANUARY 1, 1927, OF THE LARGER SEWERED COMMUNITIES ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ABOVE MINNEAPOLIS Aitkin Anoka Brainerd Crosby Elk River. Ironton.. Little Falls Monticello. St. Cloud Sauk Rapids Community 1 11111 Estimated Population Jan. 1, 1927 1,400 4,500-Sewage Treatment 10,400 3,500-Sewage Treatment 1,100 1,200-Sewage Treatment 5,100 1,100 19,700 2,800 In addition to the above communities the sewage from several insti- tutions reaches the river at various points and sewerage systems are being constructed or designed for several other of the communities on the upper watershed. At the present time, however, with Anoka, the nearest sewered community, about 15 miles above Minneapolis the Mississippi River enters the Metropolitan Area of the Twin Cities in a reasonably unpolluted condition. As the river flows through the Twin Cities it receives untreated sewage from the various systems of the district. The gorge of soft sandstone through which the river flows in this section has made pos- sible the construction of tunnels extending from the river back be- neath the city. These tunnels serve as trunk sewers which receive the sewage through deep shafts from the various parts of the sewer- age works constructed above the sandstone formation. Outlets are located at numerous points along the river through the cities. Sewers are mostly of the combined type. A considerable population, said to be about 15 per cent, is not now served by the sewerage system, but additional facilities are being provided by the extension of present works and by the construction of new ones. The U. S. Census reports state the populations of the communities comprising the Metropolitan Area of the Twin Cities for the years 1910 and 1920 as follows: STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 295 Minneapolis. St. Paul South St. Paul. West St. Paul. New Brighton.. West Minneapolis. Robbinsdale. Columbia Heights. Richfield Saint Louis Park. Mendota Edina__ POPULATION OF COMMUNITIES COMPRISING THE METRO- POLITAN DISTRICT IN THE VICINITY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL FOR THE YEARS 1910 AND 1920, TOGETHER WITH THE ESTIMATED POPULA- TION FOR JANUARY 1, 1927 Totals │ Community !!! !!!! !!! TABLE L 11111 U. S. Census population as of 1910 301,408 214,744 4,510 2.660 375 3,022 765 590 2,673 1,743 245 1,191 533,926 1920 380,582 234,698 6.860 2,962 368 3,055 1,369 2,968 2,411 2,281 193 1,833 639,580 Est. pop. as of Jan. 1, 1927 437,587 249,066 8,552 3,179 363 3,079 1,804 4,680 2,892 2,668 156 2,295 716,321 It is stated that the increase in population during the years since 1920 has been well above the average rate so that it is possible that the population of the Metropolitan Area is now approximately 750,000. The industries of the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are varied, milling being probably the largest, so that no unusual type of waste predominates. With the exception of the packing industries in South St. Paul, it is believed, with the data available at present, that the industrial waste problem in the Twin Cities is not of a serious nature. In South St. Paul the packing industry has grown rapidly during the past few years. In this locality are the plants of Armour, Swift and Cudahy. All wastes from these plants are discharged into the Mis- sissippi River a short distance above sampling station No. 6 without treatment. In the following tabulation, Table LI, is a summary of the larger communities located on the river below South St. Paul, together with the U. S. Census populations of 1910 and 1920 and the estimated pop- ulation as of January 1, 1927. 296 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TABLE LI TABLE SHOWING THE POPULATION OF COMMUNITIES ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER BELOW SOUTH ST. PAUL FOR THE YEARS 1910 AND 1920 AND THE ESTIMATED POPULATION FOR JANUARY 1, 1927 Community Hastings, Minn. Prescott, Wis.. Red Wing, Minn. Lake City, Minn.. Wabasha, Minn. Alma, Wis.– Fountain City, Wis. Population as of 1920 1910 3,980 936 9.048 3,142 2,622 1,011 1,031 4,571 832 8,637 2,846 2,249 970 880 STREAM FLOW DATA Est. pop. as of Jan. 1, 1927 4,994 760 8,341 2,633 1,980 940 779 It is not believed that the communities on the river below the Metropolitan Area contribute contamination in sufficient amounts to produce any serious effect generally on the character of the river water below them. The sewage of a community discharged into a stream without treatment may, however, result in local nuisances from the deposition of sewage solids immediately below the sewer outlets. It is very probable that such conditions existed during the past summer below the outlets of some of the communities due to the extremely low water conditions in the river. Mississippi River at St. Anthony Falls: Records of the run-off from the Mississippi River above St. An- thony Falls, from a watershed of about 19,000 square miles, repre- senting very nearly the volume of flow entering the Metropolitan Area, are available from January, 1900, to October, 1926, inclusive. These records are compiled by the St. Anthony Falls Water Power Company and have been supplied by the City Engineer of Minneapo- lis. A summary of the average monthly flows in cubic feet per sec- ond for the 27 years' records are presented in Table LII, together with the monthly average during the entire period. The months of maximum run-off as indicated by these records are usually April, May and June, as a result of rising temperatures on the upper watershed when the precipitation accumulated as ice and snow during the winter reaches the river. Approximately 50 per cent of the time for these three months, the records show an average monthly run-off in excess of 10,000 cubic feet per second. During July, August and September the run-off is usually less, following the spring high water. The average flow for September has been less than 3,000 cubic feet per second for about 30 per cent of the time of these records. During June, July and August of the present year (1926) the recorded average flows were 2,068, 1,922 and 1,898 cubic STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 297 feet per second, respectively. These are the lowest flows recorded during the summer months during a period of 27 years. Minimum flows from the watershed above St. Anthony Falls usu-· ally occur during December, January and February rather than in the summer as was the case during this past year. During Decem- ber, January and February the precipitation in the form of ice and snow on the upper watershed does not reach the river. During the period for which records are available the average run-off during TABLE LII AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. ANTHONY FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS: WATERSHED AREA 19,000 SQUARE MILES January February March Month April May June July. August September October November. December. March April May June July Month January February. August. September October November. December_ March April. May June July August Month January February September- October November- December_ 11 1900 3,350 2,500 2,750 5,850 4,900 3,150 3,900 6,200 9,150 9,100 4,500 2,500 1906 8,300 7,800 8,600 27,000 22,000 31,000 20,000 10,900 12,700 13,100 13,100 8,300 1912 1.960 1,856 2,334 7,015 15,901 6,577 5,147 4,985 4,760 4,740 3,852 2,965 1901 1,900 1,800 3,950 12,500 11,500 8,000 9,000 5,200 4,700 4,700 3,900 2,400 1907 7,400 7.400 12,800 23,600 12,500 17,600 8,200 8,400 8,000 7,500 6,500 4,500 1913 1,993 1,542 2,310 5,558 8,693 6,000 9,127 6,318 6,366 7,494 6,239 4,884 * 1902 2,325 2,400 3,025 3,250 6,550 10,900 4,550 3,150 3,100 2,950 5,350 3,150 1908 2,500 4,000 7,000 10,700 12,300 31,000 14,400 7,000 6,000 6,500 4,900 3,600 1914 3,369 2,587 3,800 6,564 10,564 16,075 14,785 6,860 8,513 7,830 5,087 3,320 *j 1903 2,300 1,875 4,700 12,700 14,600 6,800 8,450 7,900 9,200 13,700 5,600 3,275 1909 3,130 3,050 4,250 10,874 11,447 11,494 5,874 8,087 5,888 5,192 5,253 5,037 1915 3,266 3,340 5,658 9,636 11,675 12,539 16,467 7,125 5,861 8,932 9,668 5,714 " 1904 2,775 2,100 4,025 11,050 10,700 8,450 8,550 5,550 6,025 9,750 7,400 3,425 1910 4,009 3,846 9,171 8,195 5,616 3,980 3,096 3,082 3,352 3,452 2,744 2,029 1916 4,268 3,758 5,612 31.351 20,916 16,900 18,354 10,037 11,546 9,376 7,081 5,327 1905 3,700 3,300 5,300. 10,400 23,000 26,000 32,000 18,000 15,530 15,300 11,800 9,600 1911 1,808 1,861 2,650 3,427 4,463 4,415 3,596 3.274 3,729 4,314 2,764 2,496 1917 4,730 4,196 4,430 26,076 12,919 7,550 6,481 5,852 6,032 6.097 5,083 2,421 298 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TABLE LII-Continued AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. ANTHONY FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS: WATERSHED AREA 19,000 SQUARE MILES January February March April.. May June July August September. October November December_ January February March April. May. June. July. -- August... September October November. December Month Month Less 1,000.. 1,000-1,999. 2,000-2,999. 3,000-3,999. 4,000-4,999 5,000-5,999. 6,000-6,999. 7,000-7,999. 8,000-8,999. 9,000-9,999. Over 10,000. Flow Second Feet · Oct. 0 0 2 5 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 1918 2,111 1,842 ܐ 4,608 4,598 6,958 6,994 4,562 3,257 2,779 2,231 3,589 2,514 1923 1,998 1,667 2,237 5,652 6,785 3,972 4,509 2,728 3,130 3,029 2,144 1,426 Nov. 0 0 6 1919 2,240 2,139 8,513 16,041 4 4 8,298 8,116 6,108 4,711 4,934 5,390 4,704 3,435 5 2 2 0 1 2 1924 1,084 1,067 1,417 3,762 4,224 3,205 2,635 4,026 3,633 4,779 2,835 1,474 Dec. 0 3 9 7 2 3 0 0 1 1 0 1920 2,942 2,597 11,912 14,755 11,644 15,994 15,034 5 3 0 Jan. 1 8 1 1 0 0 5,814 5,826 3,926 4,887 3,311 these months has been less than 2,000 second feet for about 59 per cent of the time. The lowest recorded winter flows from the Missis- sippi River watershed at the Falls were in January and February, 1925, with 861 and 926 second feet respectively. Analysis of the average monthly flows from the watershed above St. Anthony Falls divided into winter and summer periods are shown in Table LIII. 1925 861 926 TABLE LIII SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MONTHS DURING THE PERIOD JANUARY, 1900-OCTOBER, 1926, WHEN THE AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. ANTHONY FALLS WERE LESS THAN CERTAIN DESIGNATED AMOUNTS 2,564 3,663 3,673 4,630 4,114 2,726 3,583 3,308 2,290 1,661 1921 2,551 2,798 4,089 9,373 5,786 10,493 5,713 3,729 3,870 3,349 2,682 2,275 Feb. 1 10 7 5 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1926 1,161 1,065 3,275 4,607 2,469 2,068 1,922 1,898 6,000 6,572 3,642 1922 1,599 1,597 5,719 22,249 9,846 5,312 Mar. 0 1 6 4 6 4 0 1 2 1 2 4,227 3,443 3,448 3,120 3,755 2,040 # Totals 2 22 38 30 21 15 5 9 5 6 7 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 299 TABLE LIII—Continued SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MONTHS DURING THE PERIOD JANUARY, 1900-OCTOBER, 1926, WHEN THE AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOWS OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. ANTHONY FALLS WERE LESS THAN CERTAIN DESIGNATED AMOUNTS Flow Second Feet Less 1,000. 1,000-1,999 2,000-2,999. 3,000—3,999. 4,000—4,999. 5,000—5,999. 6,000-6,999. 7,000-7,999_ 8,000-8,999. 9,000—9,999. Over 10,000- Average Monthly Flow 2,068 3,150 3,205 3,972 3,980 4,415 June 4,630 5,312 6.000 6,577 1111 6,800 6,994 7,550 #t 14444 8,000 8,116 8,450 10,493 10,900 11,494 12,539 15,994 16,075 16,900 17,600 26,000 31,000 31,000 Year 1926 1900 1924 1923 1910 1911 April 0 1925 1222 1913 1912 1903 1918 1917 1901 1919 1904 1921 1902 0909 1915 1920 1914 1916 1907 OOO 1905 1906 1908 0 0 4 2 3 1 1 1 2 13 May June July Aug. Sept. Totals 0 0 1 HIBQ3ON 1 2 0 2 1 14 Average Monthly Flow 1,922 2,635 3,096 3,596 3,900 4,114 4,227 4,509 4,550 4,562 5,147 5,713 5,874 6,108 6,481 8,200 8,450 8,550 9,000 9,127 14,400 14,785 15,034 16,467 18,354 20,000 32,000 OOT 0 July * 0 1 4 2 1 4 1 3 0 11 Year 1926 1924 1910 1911 1900 1925 1922 1923 1902 1918 1912 1921 TII LO 03 ON OS27 1126 CO E CO CO203 001∞∞ 0 LO — Q~~ 1909 1919 1917 1907 1903 1 It will be noted from the records of stream flow at the Falls that the present investigation covers a period when the summer flows through Minneapolis and St. Paul were the lowest recorded during a period covering 27 years. In the following tabulation, Table LIV, the average monthly flow of the Mississippi River at St. Anthony Falls has been arranged in the order of increasing magnitude for the months of June, July and August. 1904 1901 1913 1908 1914 1920 1915 1916 1906 1905 1 TABLE LIV SHOWING THE AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. ANTHONY FALLS FOR THE MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST DURING THE YEARS 1900-1926 INCLUSIVE, ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF INCREASING MAGNITUDE 1 3 2 0 3 3 4 3 Average Monthly Flow 1,898 2,726 2.728 3,082 3,150 3,257 3,274 3,729 3,443 4.026 4,711 4,985 5,200 5,550 5,814 5,852 6,200 8 August 6.,318 6,860 7,000 7,125 3 7,900 8,087 8,400 3 10,037 10,900 18,000 0 2 2 3 00000000 26 18 16 226 18 5 13 7 51 Year 1926 1925 1923 1910 1902 1918 1911 1921 1922 1924 1919 1912 1901 1904 1920 1917 1900 1913 1914 1908 1915 1903 1909 1907 1916 1906 1905 300 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH From the previous tabulation it will be noted that an average monthly flow of about 2,000 second feet or less has been recorded during three months out of a total of 81 months during June, July and August, or the flow was about 2,000 second feet or less for about 3.7 per cent of the time represented by these three months. Similarly a flow of 3,000 second feet or less was recorded during 7.4 per cent of these months, a flow of 4,000 second feet or less 23 per cent of the time, and a flow of 5,000 second feet or less 36 per cent of the time. Minnesota River at Mankato, Minnesota: The Minnesota River entering the Mississippi River about three. miles below the High Dam, has a drainage area of 16,500 square miles, with flat slopes and a clayey soil. Because a large portion of the drainage area lies along the western border of Minnesota where the average annual rainfall is from 8 to 10 inches lower than that on the eastern border, the watershed yields considerably less than the upper Mississippi River watershed although the difference in areas is not great. The Government gaging station on the Minnesota River is located at Mankato, Minnesota, above which there is a contributing watershed of 14,600 square miles. Records are available at present for the years 1903–1921 and for a part of 1926 showing the average monthly run-off from this watershed. In Table LV, there are shown the average monthly flows, in cubic feet per second, of the Minnesota River at Mankato, Minnesota, and in Table LVI, is a summary for the period of the records showing the percentage of the months when the flows were less than certain desig- nated amounts. TABLE LV AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, OF THE MINNESOTA RIVER AT MANKATO, MINNESOTA. DRAINAGE AREA 14,600 SQUARE MILES January February March April May June. July August September.. October November. December.. January February March April May June July. August September October November. December 4 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [141 I ……… ……! ………………▬▬▬▬▬▬ 141511!!! ………… I E 1903 18,800 6,980 5,110 3,430 10,200 9,430 2,000 1,210 1908 3,920 3,910 10,900 23,400 16,500 3,350 1,100 975 969 1904 687 500 5,130 2,740 2,120 1,310 751 591 101 733 460 1909 15,700 16,000 5,200 8,250 6,120 1,510 769 613 2,390 1905 300 .400 3,640 2,330 5,820 3,220 9,430 2,160 1,550 1,270 1,640 1,250 1910 800 575 7,760 2,650 1,880 1,040 462 246 218 231 285 220 1906 6,590 4,560 8,680 5,020 5,250 5,680 3,630 4,780 1911 175 190 723 746 524 502 227 241 184 1,790 1,070 740 1907 9,050 8,360 4,480 14,400 8,140 3,010 2,630 1,510 1,380 1912 300 250 1,400 4,270 4,290 1,410 878 563 379 310 270 245 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 301 " January- February March. TABLE LV-Continued AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, OF THE MINNESOTA RIVER AT MANKATO, MINNESOTA. DRAINAGE AREA 14,600 SQUARE MILES April May June July. August September October November. December. January February - March April. May. June- July August September- October November. December. January February March. April. May June July August... September. October ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 ! ! ! !!!!!!!! 14 1 11! November-- December. 11!!!!! ELE …………… ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 100- 199 200- 299 300- 399 400- 499 600- 500- 599 599__ 699_. 799_. 800- 899 900- 999 700- 6,000-6,999 7,000-7,999 1,000-1,999 2,000–2,999.- 3,000-3,999.. 4,000-4,999 5,000-5,999 8,000-8,999 9,000-9,999 _ _ Over 10,000. 1111 1 14 0 5 16 ▬▬▬▬▬▬│ 111 95 95 95 100 E !!!! E 11 ……… 14 1. ……… 1 34 II …………… 41 t ▬▬▬▬▬ 1913 4 148 131 785 3,100 3,250 1.810 ? 1,180 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 596 375 347 459 391 1918 8,230 2,250 2,580 3,410 1,650 6,120 2,430 1,170 0 0 11 17 11 25 21 28 33 21 28 42 26 28 42 28 42 33 42 58 100 58 47 44 58 84 72 92 90 89 100 95 89 100 95 95 4,530 2,380 1926 247 2,630 1,150 551 296 132 236 1,510 ! ! ! ! !!!!!! 5082288 1 44 41▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬112 TELE 1 11 !!! 02080 ▬▬▬▬1 30 50 1914 70 100 190 135 11 695 982 1,540 6,190 4,390 1,480 1,180 1,480 891 593 1919 19,600 19,400 5,720 15,600 12,200 DATA !!! 441 2,170 1,200 749 926 1,020 11 14 14 1 1915 0 310 2,200 9,090 10,900 4,040 6,270 8,840 6,260 2,980 2,690 2,780 1,310 0 1920 13,000 8,810 5,880 6,530 13,600 2,870 1,290 1,130 1,410 I 11 ………… 11: TABLE LVI SHOWING THE PERCENTAGE OF THE TIME, BY MONTHS, WHEN THE AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW OF THE MINNE- SOTA RIVER AT MANKATO WAS LESS THAN CERTAIN DESIGNATED AMOUNTS Flow Second Feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 90 6 90 90 19 19 6 19 11 90 5 16 90 31 11 37 39 32 32 50 50 37 50 56 56 61 56 42 56 58 42 79 42 79 63 62 61 79 68 69 72 84 79 75 72 84 79 100 100 100 100 !!!!! LO LO ! 1915 1921 ……………………!! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ It ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 4. 14▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬│ 11 i 0 0 0 509 346 10,800 18,400 10,900 DOOD 7,000 8,760 2,500 1,940 1,260 1.040 730 1,580 2,560 2,110 2,340 0 655 389 617 736 ELLE ………14111 ,,,,,,,,,, ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ oooo 1 0 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0 !!!!!! ………│ 68 84 100 1917 2,750 19,200 8,570 10,500 4,440 1925 ooo 0 0 0 32 16 21 32 26 32 26 37 26 37 47 0 11 0 0 390 285 918 478 470 450 462 I 1 1 345 305 315 00000722* 37 42 74 37 68 90 37 84 90 47 84 90 58 90 95 63 100 95 68 95 95 95 100 42 42 302 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH • Table LVI, indicates that the months of higher run-off occur dur- ing the period March to July. Months of minimum flow are Decem- ber, January and February, the flow for a considerable time being less than 300 second feet during the first two months. During the past summer (1926) the estimated flow of the Minnesota River at the mouth was: June, 334, July, 149, and August, 267 second feet; flows so low that they had little effect in improving conditions in the main stream. Mississippi River at Jackson Street, St. Paul: Flow records of the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Jackson Street, St. Paul, are available for the years 1892–1921 and for a part of the years 1925 and 1926. These measurements are taken in the vicinity of sampling station No. 5 and represent the combined flow of the upper Mississippi and Minnesota River watersheds from a drainage area of 35,700 square miles. The summary of the average monthly flow, in cubic feet per second, are tabulated in Table LVII. January February TABLE LVII AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. DRAINAGE AREA 35,700 SQUARE MILES March April. May June July August. September October. November December. January. February March. - April.- May June. July August September October November.. December. 44 + A ,··· 1892 6,940 9,350 24.300 29,000 13,700 10,000 7,350 5,930 4,360 1897 4,300 . 3,340 11,200 59,300 16,600 12,800 32,200 14, 100 9,910 8.180 6,700 1893 31,900 43,500 15,800 7,040 4,710 5,940 5,990 4,560 1898 6,980 7,670 7,740 19,800 11,200 6,680 6.340 8,020 6,680 1894 6,590 15,600 29,000 9,650 4,020 3,430 3,930 4,260 4,060 2,790 1899 19,500 15,200 30,100 14,500 12,500 12,600 14,600 13,100 8,260 1895 1,540 1,300 3,420 3,420 4,500 7,440 5,720 4,410 4,860 4,690 3,760 1900 3,950 3,100 3,500 8,900 6,670 4.630 5,160 7,060 11,400 11,800 6,950 3,500 1896 2,060 19,900 28,100 20,300 7,740 5,050 4,800 5,020 5,080 4,410 1901 2,250 2,200 6,550 15,500 15,400 10,200 14,100 6,100 5,490 5,940 5,100 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 303 January February March April May- June July August TABLE LVII—Continued oF AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, of THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. DRAINAGE AREA 35,700 SQUARE MILES September. October November. December. January February March. April. May June July August September. October. November. December. January. February March April May June- July. August.. September October - November. December. January February March April. May June July August... September October November. December. I │▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ………… J11 !!!! ………… 11 2 111 1902 2,950 2,950 4,430 4,530 10,200 13,600 7,690 5,060 5,340 4,900 7,710 4,000 1907 8,480 8,050 5,500 35,200 17,700 31,100 19,400 11,200 11,000 9,690 7,970 4,600 1912 2,800 2,700 3,800 11,600 21,200 8,960 5,920 5,280 5,120 4,910 3,870 3,170 1917 5,100 4,500 5,840 47,800 24,100 18,800 12,100 7,440 6,300 6,910 5,900 3,360 • 1903 2,850 2,300 13,200 21,300 26,500 19,000 15,100 11,800 24,900 34,800 12,200 4,550 1908 3,500 3,680 7,800 13,800 22,900 56,500 38,700 12,600 8,380 8,730 7,600 5,350 1913 2,770 2,350 3,770 8,550 11,500 7,610 9,910 6,670 6,660 7,660 6,080 4,690 1918 15,600 7,660 9,760 11,700 6,010 8,600 5,500 3,530 9,300 5,950 1904 3,520 2,730 4,600 24,200 18,400 15,600 9,540 7,250 8,550 14,900 10,400 3,980 1909 3,500 3,500 10,400 33,700 19,600 22,800 15,500 12,000 9,230 7,930 8,610 6,500 1914 3,800 3,300 4,340 7,260 12,200 22,200 23,300 9,350 11,100 10,500 6.990 4,620 1919 31,600 42,100 1905 3,090 2,510 8,920 12,100 26,000 27,300 43,300 19,800 15,500 13,000 12,200 8,700 1910 5,100 4,650 21,300 13,800 9,220 6,270 4,040 3,850 4,060 4,260 3,410 2,250 1915 4,200 5,370 13,200 23,900 16,700 20,300 26,200 14,600 9,460 12,100 13,000 8,210 1920 23,700 27,100 19,100 20,400 22,600 25,000 23,500 31,200 8,800 10,800 6,700 8.100 6,920 6,500 7,780 7,040 6,020 1906 7,100 6,350 8,000 34,500 27,400 40,500 24,200 17,200 19,500 16,100 17,900 9,900 1911 1,960 2,060 3,320 4,290 5,400 5,760 4,340 4,280 4,370 8,290 4,120 3,150 1916 6,250 5,900 13,900 59,700 40,700 29,100 29,800 14,300 14,300 11,600 8,630 6,050 1921 6,230 14,400 8,860 15,100 7,260 4,540 4,880 4,320 3,660 3,350 304 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 1 TABLE LVII-Continued AVERAGE MONTHLY FLOW, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. DRAINAGE AREA 35,700 SQUARE MILES January February March April May. June_ July. August. September October November. December. ▬▬▬▬▬ FUE ………….! 11 1922 2,850 3,050 12,500 34,100 15,300 7,420 5,020 4,200 4,030 I 1925 111 4,370 2,990 2,470 RESULTS OF CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS 1926 1,880 1,680 5,620 7,150 3,650 2,850 2,590 2,810 8,630 9,970 In discussing the results of the laboratory findings obtained during the period June to November, inclusive, the data have been divided into two periods: (A), (June, July and August), and (B), (Sep- tember, October and November.) The months of June to August inclusive represent a period of ex- tremely low flow in the Mississippi River, combined with relatively high water temperatures. As already stated, the stream flow during June, July and August of the present year (1926) averaged approxi- mately 2,000 second feet at St. Anthony Falls and was the lowest recorded flow during the 27 years for which records have been ob- tained at this station. The months September to November, inclu- sive, represent a period of about normal fall conditions, with lower water temperatures than for the previous three months. The aver- age monthly flows for September and October were 6,000 and 6,572 second feet respectively, representing normal conditions as indicated by the average flows for these months during the entire period of the record in Table LII. The average flow for November of the present year was 3,642 second feet, slightly lower than the average during the entire period of the records. Alkalinity: In general the alkalinities show slightly lower values with the higher water conditions of the latter three months than for the months of June to August. Above the High Dam the average alkalin- ity is approximately 150 p.p.m. (parts per million). The Minnesota River, with a higher average alkalinity (220 p.p.m.), increases the alkalinity in the main stream from its mouth to the mouth of the St. Croix River. At Red Wing the alkalinity is decreased to about 145 p.p.m. by the inflow of larger volumes of St. Croix River having an average alkalinity of 95 p.p.m. which overbalances, in the main STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 305 stream, the effect of the higher alkalinity of the Cannon River with 196 p.p.m. but with a smaller volume of flow. Through Lake Pepin there is a decrease in the average alkalinity of from 10 to 26 p.p.m. In the stretch of river between Reed's Landing and Winona the larger volume of Chippewa River water with a lower average alkalinity (62 p.p.m.) again overbalances the effect of the smaller volume of flow in the Zumbro River with a higher average alkalinity (204 p.p.m.), so that the decrease in the main river continues to Winona. Turbidity: As in the case of the alkalinities there appears to be a slight de- crease in turbidity during the periods of higher stream flow in the months of September-November. The St. Croix, Cannon, and Zum- bro Rivers have higher turbidities than the main stream. The tend- ency is therefore for the turbidities to increase at the down stream stations. Between Red Wing and Reed's Landing, however, sedimen- tation taking place in Lake Pepin reduces the turbidity temporarily but it again increases with the inflow of the Chippewa and Zumbro Rivers. Dissolved Oxygen: At any temperature and barometric pressure a certain quantity of atmospheric oxygen can be dissolved in water. When the greatest amount possible, at the temperature and barometric pressure, is found in a sample, the water is said to be saturated. When the quan- tity of dissolved oxygen of a sample is less than the saturation value, the amount found is usually expressed as a percentage of that at saturation. Dissolved oxygen is necessary in the biological purification of sew- age. In its presence, the action is aerobic, and putrefaction of the sewage does not take place and offensive odors are absent. In the absence of dissolved oxygen, anaerobic decomposition of sewage pro- ceeds with the production of offensive odors. Aerobic action also pre- vails in extensive deposits of sewage solids, which, when exposed either as mud banks or as floating masses, give off offensive odors, even though the water may contain dissolved oxygen. When sewage is discharged into a stream of low velocity or into the back-water behind dams, suspended solids settle, forming sludge banks, which in the absence of sufficient oxygen undergo putrefaction during the warmer months and tend to deplete the oxygen in the water overlying them, as certain of the products of decomposition have an immediate demand for the oxygen. A portion of the dis- solved oxygen used to satisfy the oxidizable material in a stream is replaced by reaeration, or the natural absorption of oxygen from the air. The lower the dissolved oxygen content of a stream the higher should be the rate of absorption from the air. The rate of absorp- tion of atmospheric oxygen is also increased by the passage of the water over dams and through turbulent sections which cause agitation of the water with the air. 20 306 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH In the following tabulation, Table LVIII, there are indicated the average temperature of the river water for the month, the average dissolved oxygen, expressed in parts per million, and the percentage of oxygen saturation, for stations on the main stream and the tribu- taries, during the period June to November inclusive. During the months of June, July and August the depleted oxygen conditions of the water of the Mississippi River through the Metropolitan Area are apparent when compared with the oxygen content of the tributaries and of the main stream above and below the area. TABLE LVIII SHOWING THE AVERAGE DISSOLVED OXYGEN, THE AVER- AGE TEMPERATURE AND THE OXYGEN SATURATION AT SAMPLING STATIONS ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES FOR THE PERIOD JUNE-NOVEMBER, 1926 1 2 3 5 6 7. 9 11 14. 4. 8 10. 12. 13 123 Cate 2. 3. 5 6 41 7. 9 11. Station Number 14- 4 8 10. 12.. 13. 1!1 1111111 Station Number June Temp- Initial % erature Oxygen Satur- ation Li 18.3 8.09 18.1 7.24 19.4 0.74 19.3 1.53 1.22 18.9 95 76 8 16 13 16.4 7.96 16.1 7.65 16.8 5.27 16.5 4.94 16.4 4.99 17.4 3.36 18.7. 4.27 19.3 6.92 21.7 7.30 17.2 6.79 18.8 7.38 18.5 8.52 18.2 7.00 16.9 7.30 81 78 July August Temp- Initial % Temp- Initial % erature Oxygen Satur- erature Oxygen Satur- ation ation 54 50 51 35 45. 74 82 70 79 90 74 75 September October Temp- Initial % Temp- Initial % erature Oxygen Satur-erature Oxygen Satur- ation ation 22.9 6.13 23.4 5.42 24.3 0.43 23.5 0.54 23.3 0.26 23.5 0.16 22.6 2.13 22.6 5.64 25.2 6.02 23.7 5.76 23.0 8.20 20.6 7.05 22.6 6.59 21.0 6.02 9.5 9.22 9.5 9.21 9.8 7.92 9.9 8.46 9.8 8.04 11.7 6.37 11.7 6.51 13.9 8.89 15.0 9.78 10.1 10.56 13.1 7.65 10.0 9.86 12.6 8.70 9.9 9.78 · 71 63 5 6 3 2 24 65 72 69 94 78 75 67 80 80 70 75 71 58 60 86 97 93 72 87 81 86 *Results of two analyses only during the first part of the month. 21.9 6.59 6.08 0.67 0.87 22.0 23.0 22.1 21.9 0.51 22.4 0.39 21.4 2.25 22.0 5.37 23.3 5.99 22.6 5.70 22.7 7.10 19.7 7.43 21.8 6.26 19.9 5.99 74 69 8 10 6 4 25 61 69 65 81 81 71 65 November Temp- Initial % erature Oxygen Satur- ation 1.4 12.62 1.4 12.59 1.6 11.57 1.4 12.09 11.14 1.4 2.8 9.20 1.0 10.10 3.0 4.0 11.04 11.47 12.92 1.8 4.1 9.55 1.6 12.68 6.0* 10.71* 2.0 12.39 90 89 83 86 79 68 71 86 87 93 73 91 86* 89 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 307 10 1 Sta. I Camden Bridge 8 뽕 ​October Sta.3 High Dam Sta's Jackson Bridge Sta 6 Inver Grove TIT Sta. 7 Hastings Sta.11 Sta 14 Sta.2 Plymouth Bridge Sta. 8 Red Wing July Reed's Winona 5 4 3 Dissolved Oxygen. Diagram No. 2. لی 2 Oxygen Contributed by tributaries 10 Minnesota River July 5.76 Oct. 10.56 ō 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 110 120 1 Miles below Sta↑ No. 1. Average Dissolved Dissolved Oxygen Mississippi River & Tributaries July and October 1926 90 Chippewa River July 6.59 Oct. 8.70 St. Croix River July 8.20 Oct. 7.20 Cannon River July 7.05 Oct. 286 1 Zumbro River July 7.24 Oct: 9.85 308 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH On Diagram 2, representative oxygen conditions of the main stream are shown graphically for the months of July and October, represent- ing the extremes of conditions between a month of low water condi- tions and one of about average fall run-off as indicated by the data assembled during the past summer and fall. Under low water conditions and higher water temperatures the oxygen contained in the water entering the Metropolitan Area is almost completely exhausted in the six miles of flow between the Plymouth avenue bridge and the High Dam, and remains practically depleted through St. Paul and as far down stream as Hastings. The small amount of oxygen contributed by the Minnesota River has very little effect in improving conditions in the main stream below its con- fluence with the Mississippi River. Below Hastings the oxygen con- tent of the Mississippi River increases, due to the absence of addi- tional large sources of pollution and to the oxygen contributed by the tributaries, until passing through Lake Pepin the water contains almost as much oxygen as upon its entrance into the Metropolitan Area. With the higher fall flows, the curve shows the same general characteristics, with lowest oxygen content at Hastings, but the deple- tion of oxygen is considerably less, the water containing an average from 3 to 9 parts per million at Hastings. Below Hastings recovery in the stream takes place so that after passing Lake Pepin the oxygen saturation is relatively high. A further analysis of the depleted oxygen conditions between the High Dam and Hastings is shown in the following tabulation, Table LIX, which indicates the number of samples collected during July and August, which contained less than certain designated amounts of dis- solved oxygen, also the percentage of the total number of samples collected, containing less than these designated amounts of dissolved oxygen. Station No. TABLE LIX SHOWING THE NUMBER OF SAMPLES DURING JULY AND AUGUST, 1926, IN WHICH THE DISSOLVED OXYGEN AT STATIONS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA WAS LESS THAN THE AMOUNTS DESIGNATED 3567 • 0 21 5 10 5 0.2 ~50000 2000 26 8 18 27 Amount of Dissolved Oxygen, parts per million 0.4 26 15 30 35 0.6 30 23 33 35 0.8 33 26 35 36 1.00 35 34 37 37 Over Total 1.00 Samples 8 9 5 3 43 43 42 40 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 309 Station No. PERCENTAGE OF THE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA DURING THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST, 1926, IN WHICH THE DISSOLVED OXYGEN WAS LESS THAN CERTAIN DESIGNATED AMOUNTS 3467 5 0.0 49 12 24 12 Amount of Dissolved Oxygen parts per million 0.2 0.4 0.8 2235 61 19 43 67 61 35 71 87 0.6 70 53 79 87 58883 77 60 90 1.0 81 79 88 92 In the pool formed by the High Dam, sedimentation of sewage solids and other suspended matter takes place. In excavating for the foundations for the Ford Bridge, now being completed over the river just above the dam, a depth of ten feet of sludge and silt is said to have been encountered. In the vicinity of the sewer outlets discharg- ing into the pool, considerable accumulations of sludge deposits have also occurred. During the months of June, July and August the pool above the dam was in a septic condition, with a vigorous ebullition of gas from the surface. The products of septic action in the sludge accumulations may have been a considerable factor in the depletion of the oxygen from the overlying water. Sludge deposits which had also accumulated in the river, at least as far as Hastings, may also have influenced the depletion of oxygen in this portion of the river. With the increasing volume of flow during the first part of Septem- ber, sludge deposits are believed to have been flushed out to a con- siderable extent in the section of the river below the High Dam as far as Hastings. This cleansing in conjunction with lower water temperatures and decreased biological activity in the sludge deposits above the dam appeared to increase the oxygen content remaining in the water through the Metropolitan Area. It seems probable that in the vicinity of the High Dam, septic conditions in the sludge accom- panied by depletion of the oxygen in the overlying water, may occur in the warmer months of the year with even considerably higher rates of stream flow than those encountered during the past summer. Sewage solids deposited in the colder months of the year, when bio- logical processes have reached a minimum, may remain to exert their influence in the summer months of higher water temperatures and increased biological activity. Biochemical Oxygen Demand: The biochemical oxygen demand, expressed in parts per million, is a measure of the oxidizable material added to the stream, but remain- ing unoxidized at the particular point under examination and consti- tuting a draft on the oxygen resources of the stream below that point. 310 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH | 200 000 | 100 000 1 000 000 Sta I Camden Bridge I Sta 2 Plymouth Bridge Sta. 3 High Dam Dam Sta 5 Jackson Bridge Sta.6 Inver Grove Sta. 7 Hastings Sta. 2 Red Wing Sta 11 Reed's Sta 14 Winong 700000 100 000) July 500 000 400000 300000 200 000 ៖ ៖ Bacteria per C.C. on agar at 37°C. Diagram No. 3. Average Bacteria per C.C. at 37°C Mississippi River & Tributaries July and October 1976. october 100 000 000 ៖ O g 20 30 A Sta. ↑ No. Miles below 86 60 Cannon R. July 11000 Oct. 3800 100 Bacteria in Tributaries 110 Minnesota R July 2100 Oct. 11500 120 St Croix R. July 66000 Oct. 5000 Chippewa R July 25000 Oct. 7300 -Zumbro R July 17.000 Oct. 6400 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 311 The water entering the Metropolitan Area has a five-day biochemi- cal oxygen demand varying between 1.0 and 1.5 p.p.m. The demand at station 2 is identical with that at station 1; between stations 2 and 3 there is an increase in the biochemical oxygen demand due prob- ably to the entrance of the sewage of Minneapolis and a portion of that of St. Paul, into the river above the High Dam. The increase in demand continues in smaller amounts at the downstream sampling points with the maximum demand at Hastings during the warmer months of the period under observation. Below Hastings recovery in the oxygen conditions in the river takes place, there being a notice- able change for the better between Hastings and Red Wing, so that after the water passes through Lake Pepin its oxygen requirements, as expressed by the biochemical oxygen demand determination, art below those of station No. 1 as it enters the Metropolitan Area. In the colder months of the period under observation, September to November, the increase in demand remains between stations 1 and 3 and continues to station 6 (Inver Grove), which has the maximum demand during these months, Hastings showing slightly lower values. Below Hastings there is the same improvement in conditions to Red Wing, and with additional improvement as the water passes through Lake Pepin the demand at the outlet of the lake is about 1.0 part per million. With the exception of the Minnesota River, which has an average five-day biochemical oxygen demand of about 3.0 p.p.m., the remain ing tributaries entering the Mississippi River in the stretch under observation have a demand between 1.27 and 1.85 parts per million. Bacteria: On Diagram 3, are shown the average conditions represented by the bacteria growing at 37 degrees Centigrade for the months of July and October, and on Diagram 4 the average B-coli results for the same months. A plot of the bacteria growing at 20 degrees Centigrade shows the same general characteristics as the 37-degree count but with slightly higher numbers of bacteria. The bacteriological picture represented by the data thus far obtained is very similar to that indicated by the oxygen results. Dur- ing the period of low flow the water entering the Metropolitan Area had an average bacteriological content at 37 degrees Centigrade be- tween 1,000 and 3,000 per cubic centimeter and an average B-coli content of about 4 per cubic centimeter. The average 37-degree count is increased in the stretch of the river to the High Dam, reaching between 300,000 and 650,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Below the High Dam the count decreases somewhat but the sewage of St. Paul, and possibly the wastes from the packing industries at South St. Paul, increase the count until a maximum is reached at Hastings, where the average for July was 1,150,000 and for August 750,000. Below Hastings the bacteria decrease in numbers to Red Wing and again in passing through Lake Pepin, so that at the outlet of the lake the count is only slightly higher than at station 1. In the vicin- 312 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 10.000 Sta. 1 Camden Bridge Sta 2 Plymouth Bridge Sta 3 High Dam Sta. 5 Jackson Bridge 1 Sta. 6' Inver Grove H Sta 7 Hastings July Sta 9 Red Wing TT Sta. 11 Reed's Sta 14 Winona October 1000 O 10 20 30 40 50 70 80 No. 1 Miles below ↑ Sta. १ 100 average B-Coli of tributaries 110. 120 B-coli per C.C. Diagram No. 4 Average B-coli per cubic centimeter Mississippi River & Tributaries July and October 1926 Minnesota R July 3 oct 20 St. Croix R July 160 Oct 11 Cannon R July 15 Oct. 14 Chippewa R July 25 Oct Zumbro R July 13 oct 14 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 313 ity of Winona there appears to be another increase in bacteriological content due possibly to the location of the sampling point, it not hav- ing been selected above all local sources of pollution. During the months of August, September and October there is a marked and regular decrease in the average 37-degree count at sta- tion 7 (Hastings), and a somewhat smaller decrease at the High Dam. In October the peak at Hastings had entirely disappeared, leaving the High Dam with the maximum average count for the month. In the months of higher flow there is the same improvement noted in the lower stretch of the river between Hastings and Red Wing and through Lake Pepin. The B-coli content shows the same maximum point at Hastings for the month of July with a secondary high point at the High Dam. A similar flattening of the curve at Hastings is noted for August and September, and in October the maximum B-coli content was at the High Dam with a decrease through St. Paul to Hastings and a more rapid decrease between Hastings and Red Wing. At Reed's Landing the number of B-coli per cubic centimeter in each month is as low or lower than in the water reaching the Metropolitan Area at station 1. DISCUSSION OF OXYGEN DETERMINATIONS The results of the dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand determinations between Station 1 and Station 3 indicate that in pass- ing from the Camden Avenue bridge to the High Dam there is a loss in the dissolved oxygen used to satisfy the immediate oxygen requirements in the water, and an increase in the biochemical oxygen demand due to the presence of additional oxidizable material, which remains in the water to exert its influence on the oxygen resources of the stream below. The immediate loss in dissolved oxygen and the increase in the total biochemical oxygen demand between Station 1 and Station 3, calcu- lated for the month of June, is presented in the following tabulation: June, 1926 Station No. 1. Station No. 3. Station No. 1.- Station No. 3. Dissolved Oxygen p. p. m. 8.09 0.74 Total Oxygen Demand p. p. m. 2.17 8.52 Loss between Stations p. p. m. 7.35 Increase between Stations p. p. m. 6.35 1 Average monthly flow Sec. Ft. 2,068 Average monthly flow Sec. Ft. 2,068 Equivalent loss in Oxygen Pounds per day 82,000 Pounds daily of Oxygen required for oxidizable material on hand 70,900 314 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH The total draft upon the oxygen resources of the river, between Station 1 and Station 3, consists, therefore, of 82,000 pounds used immediately by oxidizable material and 70,900 pounds additional oxy- gen required to satisfy the demand of other oxidizable material pres- ent in the water leaving station 3. Similar calculations for July to November inclusive indicate the following drafts upon the oxygen resources of the river between these two stations: TABLE LX INDICATING THE OXYGEN REQUIREMENTS IN THE MISSIS- SIPPI RIVER BETWEEN STATIONS NUMBER 1 AND 3 AS INDICATED BY THE DISSOLVED OXYGEN-BIOCHEM- ICAL OXYGEN DEMAND DETERMINATIONS Pounds per Day June_ July. August.. September October November Month Immediate loss due to decrease in dissolved oxygen 82,000 59,200 60,500 87,000 46,000 20,700 Oxygen required to satisfy total oxygen demand at station No. 3 70,900 43,500 34,200 79,500 151,000 142,000 Je Total oxygen requirements 152,900 102,700 94,700 166,500 197,000 162,700 The oxygen requirements of sewage have been estimated by various observers as between 0.17 pounds per capita and 0.24 pounds per capita per day. The lower figure is usually applied to sewage from separate systems where surface wash does not reach the system, and the higher figure for combined systems receiving surface run-off in addition to the sewage. With an estimated population of 400,000 con- tributing sewage to the river between Station 1 and Station 3, the oxygen required, per day, to care for the oxidizable material of the sewage, on the above basis, would be from 68,000 pounds daily during the dry weather period, June, July and August, when very little sur- face run-off reached the sewerage system, to 96,000 pounds during September, October and November, when the sewage flow was in- creased by surface wash due to the more normal rainfall. From the tabulation of the apparent oxygen draft between Sta- tion 1 and Station 3, calculated from the chemical results, indications are that this oxygen draft, expressed as pounds per day, is consider- ably in excess of that required by the sewage of 400,000 persons, varying from an excess of 26,700 pounds per day in August to 101,000 pounds per day in October. The increase in oxygen requirements from the chemical analyses, over those estimated for the sewered pop- ulation, may possibly be accounted for, in part at least, by the accu- mulations of sludge deposits behind the High Dam, which exert their influence on the oxygen of the overlying water during the process of decomposition. Sludge deposits in the river bed possibly act as an unbalanced load on the stream, accumulating during the colder months STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 315 of the year, when biological action is less vigorous, and remaining to exert their influence during the months of higher water temperatures, in the summer, when biological processes are accelerated. During the months of June, July and August of the past summer, the oxygen present at the Camden Avenue bridge was practically ex- hausted by the time the water reached the High Dam. During these months the flow in the Mississippi River averaged slightly less than 2,000 cubic feet per second. With greater amounts of dissolved oxy- gen present in the water entering the Metropolitan area during the past summer, additional amounts of dissolved oxygen might have been utilized in the section of the river under discussion, to supply the im- mediate demand. The above calculations do not take into considera- tion any oxygen that may have been supplied by reaeration between Stations 1 and 3. On the other hand, higher rates of flow than oc- curred during the past summer might have resulted in a decrease in the time of flow, between stations, with a consequent utilization of less oxygen in this section of the river. With flows of about 2,000 second feet during the past summer, the dissolved oxygen present at Station 1, did not supply the immediate requirements of the oxidizable material and septic conditions are known to have existed in the pool behind the High Dam. During Sep- tember, with slightly lower water temperaturės and increased run-off amounting to an average of 6,000 second feet, conditions in the river, not only behind the High Dam but at all points through the Metro- politan Area, improved. June July August Month Assuming that various amounts of dissolved. oxygen should be present in the water at the High Dam, after the immediate oxygen requirements only, as represented by the loss in dissolved oxygen be- tween stations 1 and 3, had been satisfied, rough calculations indicate that flows during the past summer should have been increased as follows: Actual Dis. ox. Sta. 3 p. p. m. 0.74 0.43 0.67 Actual Flow Sec. Ft. 2,068 1,922 1,898 3.0 Estimated Flow, Second Feet required to leave the indicated amounts of dissolved oxygen, parts per million, in the water at Station No. 3 2,650 2,730 2,570 3.5 2,770 2,890 2,710 4.0 2,900 3,000 2,860 - 4.5 3,000 3,100 3,000 Assuming that possibly an average of 3,000 second feet would be required to prevent conditions such as existed in the river above the High Dam during the past summer, the records of flow at St. Anthony Falls indicate that flows of 3,000 second feet or less, were recorded during June, July and August, 1926; August, 1925; July, 1924, and August, 1923. Flows only slightly in excess of 3,000 second feet were also recorded in July and August, 1910. Flows during which such 316 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH conditions as existed in the river during the past summer have oc- curred during at least one of the summer months in four years, and possibly five, in a total of 27 for which records are available. On the average the critical flow as estimated from the above data may occur once in from five to seven years. Increased sewage loads on the river above the Metropolitan Area, together with the increase in sewered population in Minneapolis or the introduction of certain types of industrial wastes will shorten the time between periods during which offensive conditions are liable to exist in the section of the river above the High Dam. The results obtained during the past summer are important and interesting because of the exceptionally low flows in the river during June, July and August. It would appear, however, that more valu- able information from the standpoint of sewage disposal and sewage load on the river might have been obtained had the flows been nearer to the normal for these months. It seems important that should the present investigation be terminated before the next period of summer flows that some provision be made to obtain additional chemical in- formation at frequent intervals, through the Metropolitan Area at least, during the months of June, July and August, with more nearly average summer flows, in order to determine more accurately the crit- ical flow in the river under the present sewage load. During the months of July and August the water passing the High Dam entered the stretch of river through St. Paul carrying less than one part per million of oxygen and continued as far as Hastings with little change in the dissolved oxygen content. As an indication of the oxygen conditions in the river below the High Dam, the following table indicates the change in dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand between successive stations on the main river during the low water flows of July and August. 3 5 6 7 9_ 11. 3. 5. 6. 7 9 11. │ ▬▬▬▬ 1 Station Number …… Dissolved Oxygen p. p. m. July 1926 0.43 0.54 0.26 0.16 2.13 5.64 Change between stations p. p. m. 0.67 0.87 0.51 0.39 2.25 5.37 +0.11 -0.28 -0.10 +1.97 +3.51 August 1926 +0.20 -0.36 -0.0 +1.86 +3.12 Oxygen Demand p. p. m. 3.95 5.25 5.95 8.40 2.90 0.99 3.31 3.67 4.04 4.19 1.68 0.87 Change between stations p. p. m. -1.30 +0.70 +3.15 -5.50 -1.99 +0.36 +0.37 +0.15 -2.51 -0.81 Below the High Dam to Station 5 (Jackson St. bridge, St. Paul) there was a very slight increase in dissolved oxygen, followed by a decrease between Station 5 and Station 6 (Inver Grove). Another slight decrease in the dissolved oxygen occurred between Station 6 STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 317 and Station 7 (Hastings). At the same time there was an increase in the biochemical oxygen demand, more marked during the month of July than in August, at successive stations between the High Dam and Hastings. The tabulation seems to indicate that with the low dissolved oxygen present to draw upon for the immediate demand, the oxidizable material added through St. Paul appears as an increased biological demand which remains to exert its influence down stream when oxygen is available from other sources. Below Hastings to the outlet of Lake Pepin (Station 11), the in- crease in dissolved oxygen and decrease in biological oxygen demand, indicate a marked improvement in the condition of the river. These improved conditions are a result of the influence of the tributaries on the main stream which carry relatively large amounts of dissolved oxygen, and of the absence of any considerable amounts of additional pollution. The condition of the tributaries as they enter the Mississippi River, as indicated by the oxygen determinations, is summarized in the following tabulation: Tributary Minnesota River. St. Croix River. Cannon River. Chippewa River…. Zumbro River.. LEL 11 !!! L 1 July 1926 Dissolved Oxygen p. p. m. 5.76 8.20 7.05 6.59 7.24 Biochemical Oxygen Demand p. p. m. 3.39 1.82 1.75 2.78 1.80 August 1926 Dissolved Biochemical Oxygen Oxygen Demand p. p. m. p. p. m. 5.70 7.00 7.43 6.26 8.08 3.10 1.31 1.35 1.68 2.40 From the oxygen determinations in the main stream it appears that although conditions are improved below Hastings due to the in- fluence of tributaries and the absence of additional pollution, the oxy- gen content at Red Wing was still comparatively low but possibly capable of supporting fish life. Any considerable addition to the sew- age load now present in the river which may be added from above, may under conditions of low flow as occurred during the past sum- mer in the river, result in extending the zone of unfavorable condi- tions below Hastings toward Red Wing so that fish life may be affected. An added complication to the disposal of sewage from the Twin Cities is foreseen in the proposed Government dam to be constructed three miles above Hastings, to back up the water for added channel depth in navigation through St. Paul. It is believed that conditions in a second pool at St. Paul, immediately below the present pool formed by the existing High Dam, would be very similar to conditions such as were observed in the pool at Minneapolis with the low water stages of the past summer. Comparing the run-off figures of the Mississippi River at the St. Paul gaging station with those at the St. Anthony Falls station dur- 318 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ing periods of low flows, the difference, a large part of which should be due to the run-off from the Minnesota River, is not great. In 1926 the increase in flow between these stations was: June, 782, July, 668, and August, 912 second feet. In 1910 similar differences were: July, 944, and August, 768 second feet. If it is assumed that most of the increase in flow in the river is due to the Minnesota River and that all of the dissolved oxygen, as determined by the monthly averages at the mouth of the river during the past summer, is available for the oxygen requirements of pollu- tion entering the stream through St. Paul, very rough estimates indi- cate that there would be sufficient oxygen for the sewage of a popula- tion of from 110,000 to 173,000 persons. With the new dam in operation, the interval of flow in the section of the river through St. Paul to the dam would undoubtedly be in- creased over the time of flow at present. Oxidizable material in the water leaving the High Dam and in the water of the Minnesota River might have sufficient time to exert its influence on the oxygen in the water of the pool needed for the sewage of St. Paul. With a reduc- tion in the velocity of flow in the river through St. Paul, sedimenta- tion of sewage solids is likely to occur, with the resulting formation of sludge banks, on the bottom of the pool, which might further draw upon the oxygen resources of the water in the pool. In addition to the oxygen requirements of the sewage and possibly sludge deposits, packing-house wastes entering the back water above the proposed dam would require oxygen to satisfy their immediate demands, and might also contribute to sludge deposits and cause a still further draft upon the oxygen resources of the pool. Under the circumstances it is believed that with low flows in the Mississippi River such as occurred during the past summer, condi- tions very similar to those that existed behind the present High Dam in Minneapolis would also exist through St. Paul behind the proposed new dam at Hastings. Fr SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The present preliminary report covers the six months period, June to November, 1926, inclusive. The conclusions herewith presented apply only to open water con- ditions in the stretch of river under observation. The results ob- tained during the period of ice cover on the surface of the water may modify the tentative conclusions presented in this preliminary report. The stretch of the river under observation, during this investiga- tion, extends from the north city limits of Minneapolis to a point above the City of Winona, Minnesota, a distance by river of about 122 miles. The Mississippi River enters the Metropolitan Area of the Twin Cities in a reasonably unpolluted condition. Between the Camden Avenue bridge and Inver Grove, near South St. Paul, the river re- ceives the sewage of Minneapolis, St. Paul and South St. Paul. With STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 319 the possible exception of the packing industries in South St. Paul, it is believed, with the data at present available, that the pollution of the river by industrial wastes is not of a serious nature. Below South St. Paul the communities located directly on the river have in- creased very little in population during the last census estimates, they are relatively small and it is believed that such pollution as may reach the river from them has in general no appreciable effect upon it. The sewage of the Twin Cities and possibly the industrial wastes from the packing plants would, therefore, appear to be responsible for a large part of the conditions existing in the river the past sum- mer. Within the Metropolitan Area the disposal of sewage by dilution in the river is complicated by the presence of the so-called High Dam, located on the Mississippi River a short distance above the mouth of the Minnesota River. Practically all of the sewage of Minneapolis and a part of that from St. Paul (from an estimated population of 400,000) reaches the river above this dam. In the pool formed behind the dam, sedimentation of sewage solids and other suspended matter in the water takes place and it is reported that a depth of about ten feet of sludge and silt has accumulated since the High Dam was con- structed in 1914. With the low flows of the past summer it is also believed that considerable sedimentation of suspended material from the sewage of St. Paul took place in the pools below the High Dam as far down stream as Hastings. During the months of June, July and August of the past summer (1926), the flow of the Mississippi River was the lowest recorded during a period of 27 years for which records have been kept at St. Anthony Falls. The flow during these months averaged slightly less than 2,000 second feet. In the months of September and October with flows of 6,000 and 6,572 second feet respectively, the flow was about normal for these months. November run-off with a monthly average of 3,642 second feet was below the normal. During the months of low flows recorded for June, July and August (1926), the pool above the High Dam was in a septic condition with the ebullition of large quantities of gas at the surface. On many occasions the surface of the pool was covered with sewage sleek, the oily floating substances contained in sewage, and was highly dis- colored for considerable distance below the sewer outlets. Odors were noticeable at times but usually in the vicinity of the larger sewer outlets. Below the High Dam septic conditions also prevailed in the back water pools during the summer. From the Washington Avenue bridge in Minneapolis to Hastings, the river during the past summer had the appearance of being heavily overloaded with sewage. The results of the laboratory findings also indicate that the river is heavily polluted by sewage from above the High Dam to Hastings. During the months of July and August the average bacterial count at 37 degrees Centigrade increased from 1,200 per cubic centimeter at the Camden Avenue bridge, Minneapolis, to about 500,000 at the High Dam, dropped slightly through St. Paul and increased again 320 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH to the maximum average count for the two months of 950,000 at Hastings. Accompanying the bacterial count the B-coli content in- creased from an average of about 3 per cubic centimeter at Camden Avenue to 1,600 at the High Dam, 2,500 at Jackson street with a slight decrease at Inver Grove, and then a maximum at Hastings of 6,300 per cubic centimeter. Below Hastings to Red Wing the bac- terial count decreased very markedly and after passing through Lake Pepin the average B-coli results indicate a water as good, if not bet- ter, than at Camden bridge, while the 37-degree count indicates one almost as good. During September and October the average 37- degree count was lower at all stations with the maximum count of about 300,000 at the High Dam, and a secondary high count at Hast- ings of 220,000 per cubic centimeter. The B-coli count during these months was in general lower with a maximum of 1,600 per cubic centimeter at Jackson Avenue, St. Paul. As in the case of the sum- mer months the water at the lower end of Lake Pepin was almost in the same condition again as when entering the Metropolitan Area. During the summer months the dissolved oxygen carried by the water above Minneapolis was practically depleted at the High Dam and remained depleted as far down stream as Hastings. Below Hast- ings the river recovered from the depleted condition so that at the outlet of Lake Pepin the saturation was again nearly as high as at the Camden bridge. With normal flows in the fall and lower water temperatures, having a higher percentage of oxygen saturation, the oxygen content decreased through the Metropolitan Area to Hastings where the minimum was again reached, but there still remained from 3 to 9 parts per million during September, October and November, which with the St. Croix River entering immediately below, was prob- ably sufficient to prevent a nuisance. A comparison of the oxygen losses, as determined by the chemical analyses in the portion of the river above the High Dam with the normal oxygen requirements of a population of 400,000 estimated to be discharging sewage into this portion of the river, seems to indicate that the sludge deposited on the bottom of the pool may have an important bearing upon the apparent excess oxygen losses in this section of the stream. It is believed that objectionable conditions, such as occurred during the past summer with an average stream flow of approximately 2,000 second feet during June, July and August through the pool formed by the Dam, may exist, with considerably higher rates of flow than those of the past summer. With constantly increasing sewage loads in this section of the river, as a result of normal increase in population and added sewerage facilities, it appears probable that objectionable conditions behind the High Dam may occur after relatively short periods, estimated at once in from five to seven years, rather than the widespread popular conception of once in from 25 to 30 years. During periods of low summer flow from the Mississippi River above the Minnesota River, practically all of the dissolved oxygen STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 321 entering the Metropolitan Area will be required for the immediate oxygen requirements of the sewage discharged into the pool behind the High Dam. With the depletion of the dissolved oxygen in the Mississippi River and the insignificant yield of the Minnesota River during periods of low summer rainfall, there appears to be insuffi- cient oxygen to meet the added requirements of the sewage of St. Paul and possibly the packing house wastes at South St. Paul dis- charged into the river between the High Dam and Hastings. Below Hastings conditions in the main stream improved during the low flows of the past summer due to the absence of additional gross pollution and to the effect of tributaries bringing in additional oxy- gen. While conditions between Hastings and Red Wing showed an improvement, still the dissolved oxygen at Red Wing was only slightly in excess of two parts per million, and any considerable additional increase in the load on the river above might extend the depleted oxygen conditions as far down stream as Red Wing. The construction of the proposed second Government dam to be located about three miles above Hastings will undoubtedly complicate still further the disposal of sewage by dilution from the Twin Cities, due to increased time of flow through the new pool and the probable deposition of sewage solids on the bottom, so that conditions, such as existed behind the present High Dam at Minneapolis, will be repeated behind the new dam at St. Paul. While conditions as they existed in the river during the past sum- mer were probably not detrimental to the public health, either in the Metropolitan Area or downstream, as no community below depends upon the river for its water supply, still the river flows through the center of both Minneapolis and St. Paul, through highly developed residential districts and areas set aside for recreational purposes. Highways entering the cities follow the river banks and railroads parallel the stream for considerable distances. Assuming no detri- ment to the public health, the river is unsightly in appearance, odors are noticeable at certain points, property values are affected and parks and playgrounds lose their attractiveness due to the condition of the river in their immediate vicinity. With increasing loads on the river, objectionable conditions will occur more frequently and be of longer duration. The river, as indicated by conditions during the past summer, has reached a point where artificial sewage treatment is necessary to re- lieve a portion of the load, at least, now being placed upon it. The institution of remedial measures necessitates intensive field surveys, the preparation of plans, the selection of possible sites, a study of the sewage to be treated and the design of proper treatment works, to- gether with the necessary arrangements for the financing of such an extensive program. The present is none too early to begin to plan in an orderly fashion for the solution of the increasing problem of proper sewage disposal which now confronts the Twin Cities. • 21 322 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH PRELIMINARY REPORT CONCERNING THE BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO POLLUTION By A. H. WIEBE, Temporary Biologist Bureau of Fisheries U. S. Department of Commerce INTRODUCTION This preliminary report deals with the results of a biological sur- vey of the Upper Mississippi River. The field work was done during the months of August and September, 1926. The part of the river covered by this survey extends from just above Minneapolis, Minnesota, to a point immediately above Winona, Minnesota, about 110 miles below St. Paul. The object of the survey was to determine the effect of the Minne- apolis and St. Paul sewage upon the fish life of the Mississippi River. On account of the short time devoted to the field work the results are not as complete as might be desired. Also, since most of the field work was done after the heavy rains of the last summer had started, the results reported in this paper do not represent conditions as they exist when the river is at its lowest stage and when conditions are most critical. SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE of the BIOLOGICAL SURVEY The scarcity of fishes in the Mississippi River may probably be accounted for by the following three factors: (1) overfishing by commercial fishermen, (2) the low waters that have prevailed during the last five years, and (3) the addition of large quantities of domes- tic sewage and industrial wastes by the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and the packing-houses at South St. Paul. Which one of these factors has played the most important role in depleting the fish life of the river, is difficult to determine. From Minneapolis to Red Wing, (2) and (3) might account for the absence or scarcity of fish. From Red Wing to Winona, (1) and (2) might be responsible. The aim of the biological survey was to ascertain how much of a factor pollution has been in destroying fish life in the Upper Missis- sippi River. The work was divided into three phases: (1) seining for game-fish, (2) a quantitative study of the plankton, and (3) a quantitative study of the microscopic animals of the bottom fauna. In some instances examinations for protozoa were also made. LOCATION OF SAMPLING STATIONS The stations selected for the taking of samples for the biological survey are the same as those that were selected for the sanitary sur- STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 323 vey by Mr. Crohurst. Most of the stations are, of course, on the Mississippi River, but in order to get some comparative data from un- polluted streams, some sampling stations were chosen on the princi- pal tributaries. The stations on the Mississippi River are so dis- tributed that data are obtained: (1) before any sewage has been added, (2) after all the Minneapolis sewage has been added, (3) again after all the St. Paul sewage has been added and one tributary has joined the river, (4) after the South St. Paul sewage has been added, (5) at various distances below these points where most of the sewage is added. In this way it has been possible to determine ap- proximately the extent of the effect of the sewage from the Twin Cities and from South St. Paul. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. The survey shows that during the month of August game fish were absent from the Mississippi River from St. Paul down to Pres- cott, a distance of about thirty-seven miles. 2. Game fish and other small fish were taken in the Mississippi River above Minneapolis and in the tributaries, the Minnesota and the St. Croix Rivers. 3. The determinations of dissolved oxygen made by Mr. Crohurst show that during the month of August the Mississippi River from be- low Minneapolis to Prescott did not have a sufficient supply of dis- solved oxygen to sustain fish life of any sort. That even at Red Wing, about 20 miles below Prescott, the oxygen supply was deficient for eleven days. 4. Sludge worms occur in large numbers in the bottom samples from the Metropolitan Area and down the river as far as Prescott. 5. Tolerant bivalves occur at several of the stations in consider- able numbers. 6. Red Wing marks a transition in the conditions of the Missis- sippi River. This is shown by the decrease in the number of sludge worms and the increase in Mollusca and leeches. Also by the pres- ence in large numbers of Hyalella and a few specimens of Asellus in August and a few dragonfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae in Septem- ber. 7. The phytoplankton on the whole is not abundant and is domi- nated by diatoms. The zooplankton is even less abundant and con- sists largely of copepods and rotifers. The scarcity of the plankton is probably due to seasonal changes. 8. The waters of the Mississippi are greatly improved upon pass- ing through Lake Pepin. The turbidity is reduced and the amount of dissolved oxygen is increased. 9. At Winona mayfly nymphs are again found along the shore. This may be taken as a sign that the river has been purified suffi- ciently to support the life of clean water-loving species. 10. The results of this survey seem to show that the sewage from Minneapolis, St. Paul, and South St. Paul affects life in the Missis- sippi River as far down as the head of Lake Pepin. 324 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography is from the Railroad Commission bulletin regard- ing the investigation of pollution of the Flambeau River at Park Falls. The following is a list of papers and publications offered in evidence in the instant case: 1. "Second Report on Water Powers," Railroad Commission of Wis- consin (1914-23). A review of the duties and activities of the Railroad Commission along with tabulated data regarding stream flow in the state of Wisconsin. (Exhibit 4) 2. "How to Measure White Water Losses." Vance P. Edwardes. Paper Trade Journal, Vol. 80, No. 18, pp. 46-49 (April 30, 1925). (Exhibit 5) 3. "The Waste Water Problem in News Print Mills." Vance P. Ed- wardes. Paper Trade Journal, Vol. 80, No. 24, pp. 58–60 (Jan. 11, 1925). (Exhibit 6) 4. "White Water Utilization." Vance P. Edwardes. Paper Trade Journal, Vol. 80, No. 14, pp. 94-96 (April 2, 1925). (Exhibit 7) 5. "Stream Pollution Studies and Studies in Oyster Culture." W. F. Wells. New York Conservation Commission Bulletin (1922). (Exhibit 26) 6. "Report on Investigation of the Pollution of Streams," New York Conservation Commission Bulletin (1923). (Exhibit 27) 7. "A Study of the Pollution and Natural Purification of the Ohio River," U. S. Public Health Service Bulletin No. 146 (1925). (Exhibit 28) 8. "A Study of the Pollution and Natural Purification of the Ohio River; Report on Surveys and Laboratory Studies." W. H. Frost and others. U. S. Public Health Service Bulletin No. 143 (1924). (Exhibit 29) 9. "Utilization of Waste Sulphite Liquor," Department of the Inte- rior, Forestry Branch, Canada. Bulletin No. 66 (1919). (Ex- hibit 30) 10. "Forest and Stream in Illinois." Stephen A. Forbes, Chicago Academy of Science, Paper (December 8, 1918). (Exhibit 31) 11. “Ways and Means of Measuring the Damages of Pollution to Fisheries." Victor E. Shelford, Illinois State Department of Registration and Education, Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 2 (Septem- ber, 1918). (Exhibit 32) 12. "Changes in the Bottom and Shore Fauna of the Middle Illinois River and its Connecting Lakes Since 1913-1915 as a Result of the Increase Southward of Sewage Pollution." Robert E. Rich- ardson, Illinois State Department of Registration and Educa- tion, Bulletin, Vol. XIV, No. 4 (December, 1921). (Exhibit 33) 13. "Some Recent Changes in Illinois River Biology." Stephen A. STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 325 Forbes and R. E. Richardson, Illinois State Department of Reg- istration and Education, Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 6 (April, 1919). (Exhibit 34) 14. "Studies on the Biology of the Upper Illinois River." Stephen A. Forbes and R. E. Richardson, Illinois State Laboratory of Nat- ural History, Bulletin, Vol. IX, No. 10 (June, 1913). (Exhibit 35) 15. "Stream Pollution, A Digest of Judicial Decisions and a Compila- tion of Legislation Relating to the Subject." Stanley D. Mont- gomery and Prof. Earle B. Phelps, U. S. Public Health Service Bulletin, No. 87 (November, 1917). (Exhibit 36) 16. "Technical Association Papers." Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Papers and Addresses, Series VII, No. 1 (June, 1924), pp. 48, 62, 105, and 174. (Exhibit 37) 17. "Is Stream Pollution Necessary?" C. M. Baker, Seventeenth An- nual Report of the Engineering Society of Wisconsin, pp. 77–86 (1925). (Exhibit 38) 18. "Water Supply and Stream Pollution in Wisconsin." C. M. Baker, Thirteenth Annual Report of the Engineering Society of Wisconsin, pp. 98-100 (1921). (Exhibit 39) 19. "The State vs. Industry or the State with Industry." W. L. Stevenson, Proceedings American Institute of Chemical Engi- neers, Vol. 17 (June 23-26, 1925). (Exhibit 42) 20. "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage.' American Public Health Association, Fifth Edition, 1923. (Exhibit 43) " NOTE.-Exhibit No. 40 was the same as Exhibit No. 7. In addition to the foregoing, we are including a list of papers which have a direct bearing on the problems in- volved in the present case. A. Relating to Fish Life 1. "Limits of Tolerance of Fish to Trade Wastes," Annual Report of the New York State Conservation Commission (1921). 2. “Octomitus Salmonis, A New Species of Intestinal Parasite in Trout." E. Moore, Trans. Am. Fisheries Society, Vol. LII, pp. 74-89 (1923). 3. "Pollution of Vermillion River at and below Streator." Paul Han- sen and Ralph Hilscher, University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 5; Water Survey Series No. 13, pp. 234-250 (1916). 4. "Investigation of the Destruction of Fish in Sangamon River be- low Springfield." Paul Hansen and Ralph Hilscher, University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 5; Water Survey Series No. 13, pp. 251–255 (1916). 5. "Sawdust and Fish Life.” A. P. Knight, Trans. Can. Inst., Vol. 7, pp. 425-466 (1903). 6. "The Effect of Some Industrial Wastes on Fishes." M. C. Marsh, U. S. Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper, No. 192, pp. 337– 348 (1907). 326 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 7. "The Battle for the Fishes." W. E. Meehan, Canadian Fisher- men, Vol. 4, pp. 275-279 (1917). 8. "On the Effects of Alkalies and Acids; and of Alkaline and Acid Salts, upon Growth and Cell Division in the Fertilized Eggs of Echinus Esculentus. A Study in Relationship to the Causation of Malignant Disease." B. Moore, H. E. Roaf and E. Whitley, Proc. Royal Society, London, Vol. 77 (Ser. B), pp. 102–136 (1905). 9. "The Resistance of Fishes to Definite Concentration and Combi- nations of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide." M. M. Wells, Biologi- cal Bulletin, No. 25, pp. 323–347 (1913). 10. "The Resistance and Reactions of Fishes to Temperature.” M. M. Wells, Trans. Ill. Academy of Science, Vol. 7, pp. 48-59 (1914). 11. "Reactions and Resistance of Fishes in Their Natural Environ- ment to Acidity, Alkalinity and Neutrality." M. M. Wells, Biol. Bull., 29, pp. 221–257 (1915). 12. "The Reaction and Resistance of Fishes in Their Natural Envir- onment to Salts." M. M. Wells, Jour. Exper. Zool. 19, pp. 243– 283 (1915). 13. "Starvation and the Resistance of Fishes to Lack of Oxygen and to KCN." M. M. Wells, Biol. Bull., 31, pp. 441–452 (1916). 14. "A Note on the Effect of Acid, Alkali, and Certain Indicators in Arresting or Otherwise Influencing the Development of the Eggs of Pleuronectes platessa and Echinus esculentus." Edward Whitley, Proc. Roy. Soc., London, Vol. 77 (Ser. B), pp. 137-149 (1905). 15. "Studies of Fish Life and Water Pollution." H. W. Clark and Geo. O. Adams. Forty-Fourth Annual Report, State Board of Health, Massachusetts. Public Document 34, p. 336 (1912). B. Relating to Paper Industry 1. "Pollution of Streams by Pulp Mill Wastes." Geo. C. Whipple, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers, Vol. 48, pp. 1385–1392 (August, 1922). 2. "Wastes from Pulp and Paper Mills Chemically Considered." H. W. Clarke, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Vol. 48, pp. 1393- 1396 (August, 1922). 3. "Studies on the Treatment and Disposal of Wastes: I-The Treatment and Disposal of Strawboard Waste." Harry B. Hommon. "II-The Determination of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand of Industrial Wastes and Sewage." Emery J. Theri- ault and H. B. Hommon, U. S. Public Health Service Bull. No. 97 (1918), 56 pages. 4. "Treatment and Disposal of Strawboard Wastes." H. B. Hom- mon, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engr., Vol. 48, pp. 1397–1402 (August, 1922). 5. "The Pollution of Streams by Sulphite Pulp Waste, A Study of Possible Remedies," by Earle B. Phelps, U. S. Geological Sur- vey, Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, No. 226 (1909). STREAM POLLUTION IN WISCONSIN 327 6. "White Water Losses as Affecting Paper Costs." Vance P. Ed- wardes, Pulp and Paper Profits, pp. 7-13 (June, 1925). 7. "The Waste Water Question in the Pulp, Paper and Board Indus- try from a Hygienic and Economical Standpoint." A. Pritzkow, Zellstoff v. Papier, Vol. 3, pp. 30-37 (February, 1923). 8. "New Process for Cooking Strawboard Would Simplify the Stream Pollution Problem." J. D. Rue and Francis G. Rawling, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 32, p. 927 (De- cember, 1925). C. Other References 1. "Stream Pollution in New York State." Henry B. Ward, New York State Conservation Commission Bull. (1919). 2. "Stream Pollution Studies." Russell Suter and Emaline Moore, New York State Conservation Commission Bull. 1922). 3. "Water Resources of the Kennebec River Basin, Maine." H. K. Barrows, U. S. Geol. Sur. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, No. 198 (1907). 4. "Studies on the Self-Purification of Streams." Earle B. Phelps, U. S. Public Health Service Report, No. 214 (August 14, 1914), 7 pages. 5. "Control of Pollution of Streams. The International Joint Com- mission and the Pollution of Boundary Waters.' Earle B. Phelps, U. S. Public Health Service Report, No. 384 (January 26, 1917), 8 pages. 6. "Pollution of Lake Champlain." M. O. Leighton, U. S. Geol. Sur. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, No. 121 (1905). 7. "Fifth Session of the Eighth Parliament of the Dominion of Can- ada." Sessional Paper 11-116, Vol. XXIV, No. 9 (1900). 8. “A Further Study of the Excess Oxygen Method for the Deter- mination of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand of Sewages and Industrial Wastes." E. J. Theriault, U. S. Public Health Service Report, No. 594 (May 7, 1920), 11 pages. 9. "Stream Pollution Measured in Terms of Sanitary Quality of Drinking Water." R. Suter, Jour. American Water Works Assn., Vol. X, pp. 220–229 (1923). 10. "Effective Dilution as a Pollution Unit." W. F. Wells, Jour. American Waterworks Assn., Vol. VIII, pp. 233–238 (1921). 11. "A Study of the Pollution and Natural Purification of the Ohio River. I-The Plankton and Related Organisms." W. C. Purdy, U. S. Public Health Service Bulletin, 131 (1923), 78 pages. 12. "Treatment of Industrial Wastes to Prevent Stream Pollution." Frank Bachmann and E. B. Besselievre, The Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Vol. XVI, pp. 203-209 (1925). 13. “The Rate of Deoxidation of Polluted Waters." E. J. Theriault, Proceedings American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 51, pp. 1819-1829 (November, 1925). 328 WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 14. "The Rate of Atmospheric Re-aeration of Sewage-Polluted Streams." H. W. Streeter, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engr., Vol. 51, pp. 1829-1843 (November, 1925). 15. "A Review of the Work of the United State Public Health Serv- ice in Investigation of Stream Pollution." Dr. W. H. Frost, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engr., Vol. 51, pp. 1810–1818 (November, 1925). 16. Application Bert G. Somers et al. to Take Marl from Lime Lake, Portage County, Wisconsin. A decision of the Railroad Com- mission of Wisconsin, containing a discussion of the test of navi- gability as applied to waters in Wisconsin and of the respective rights of riparian owners and the public in lakes and streams, dated November 5, 1924. Vol. 28, Wis. R. R. Com. Reports. 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