B 429315 WINTON !! ENGINEERING TJ 275 W79 ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN { PLURIBUS UNUM TULBUR SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAMI CIRCUMSPICE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Tram he GENERAL LIBRARY. 7 b ► ! i 30489 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE AND ENGINEERING: A GUIDE TO APPROVED METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND THE PRINCIPLES RELATING THERETO. WITH EXAMPLES, PRACTICAL RULES, AND FORMULÆ. BY JOHN G. WINTON, Engineer, 11 AUTHOR OF MODERN WORKSHOP PRACTICE." ASSISTED BY W. J. MILLAR, C.E., Secretary of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland; Author of "Principles of Mechanics," &c. ILLUSTRATED BY ABOUT 800 ENGRAVINGS IN THE TEXT AND A SERIES OF SEPARATE PLATES. LONDON: BLACKIE & SON, OLD BAILEY, E.C.; GLASGOW, EDINBURGH, AND DUBLIN. 1883. GLASGOW: W. G. BLACKIE AND CO., PRINTERS, VILLAFIELD. жо 13-00 fillle Rec 9-12--39 PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. · THE object of the present Work on MODERN STEAM PRACTICE AND ENGINEERING is to furnish a reliable guide to the Practical Engineer, a book to assist the draughtsman, the foreman, or the workman in the engine shop and the building yard, to turn out, each in his own department, well-designed, substantial, and thoroughly finished work. In order that this may be satisfactorily accom- plished some measure of acquaintance with the principles on which the various operations rest is required, and formulæ and demonstrations have therefore been introduced where necessary. As a branch of Engineering Science the construction and working of machinery must of necessity rest upon established laws, and no engineer will seek to divorce the practice from the theory of his profession; but the disastrous consequences occasionally arising from inefficient material and workmanship in an engine, a ship, or a bridge clearly point to the importance of attention to minute practical details, and therefore attention to such details has been steadily kept in view throughout the book. An examination of the Table of Contents will give an idea of the scope and arrangement of the Work. After a brief notice of Coal and Coal-mining, the Boiler and the Treatment of Steam are discussed. The Land or Stationary Engine in its many forms and applications follows. The Marine Engine of the present day is then treated of; followed by the Locomotive Engine British and American, with details and specifications of various forms of engine. The principles and constructive details of Shipbuilding are considered, examples being given of some of our most suc- cessful ocean liners and war ships. The larger part of the remaining section is occupied with examples of Engineering works executed within recent years. Numerous tables and rules will be found iv PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. throughout the book; and a copious Index has been added, by which ready reference can be made to the multifarious details in its pages. In a Work dealing mainly with actual practice, it was not thought desirable to introduce any of the untried inventions or improvements which are often brought under the eye of the profes- sional engineer; and notice has therefore been taken only of such recent appliances as have been proved by actual work to be of permanent value. Among these may be mentioned, rivetting by hydraulic machinery, the manufacture of mild steel for boilers and ships' plates, the continuous automatic brake on railways, double bottoms and water-ballast tanks in shipbuilding, gas and hot-air engines, and the compound arrangement of cylinder for the loco- motive. Much care has been bestowed on the preparation of the engrav- ings placed in the text, as well as on the separate series of engraved plates. These illustrations were felt to be an important part of the book, elucidating as they do the text, and in many cases conveying through the eye the information which it is difficult to convey by words. The Work now completed is the outcome of many years of prac- tical experience by the author Mr. John G. Winton. The super- intendence through the press has been carried out by Mr. W. J. Millar, C.E., who has also contributed to the descriptive and theo- retical treatment of parts of the Work. Thanks are due to the gentlemen who, by their pen or the use of valuable drawings, kindly contributed details of the most recent practice; to the Trănsactions of various Engineering Societies; and also to our ably conducted professional journals, especially The Engineer and Engineering, for the information frequently derived from their pages. GLASGOW, February, 1883. CONTENTS. THE BOILER AND STEAM. COAL AND COAL-MINING. The Coal-beds of Britain-Boring for Coal-"Troubles" in Working-Position and Form of the Shaft-Dangerous Gases-Ventilation and Lighting of Mines-The Guibal and other Fans-Methods of working Coal-Machines for Cutting-Utilization of Coal, ... ... ... BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES: Distinctive Forms of Boilers-Common Cylindrical-Cornish-Tubular—Self- contained Flue—Vertical-Pot Boiler-With Suspended Annular Tubes— Annular-Water-tube Boilers-Perkins System, ... ... ... ... ... ... Shape and Rivetting of Boilers-Strength of Plates and Joints-Professor Ran- kine's Rule-Prof. W. R. Johnson on the Strength of Cylindrical Boilers-Illus- trations of their Bursting Pressure-Internal Flues-Table of Working and Bursting Pressures-Strength of Rectangular Forms or Flat Surfaces-Factors of Safety, Strength of Round Boilers with different Qualities of Plates-Use of Steel- Tables of Strength and Weight of Plates, Angle Irons, Bars, and Tubes, Proportions for Parts of Land Boilers-Relative Value of Heating Surface, Boiler Foundations-Form and Position of Boiler House-Construction of Flues, Area and Dimensions of Chimney, Arrangements for Smoke Prevention, Systems of Tubing, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Page I IO 19 30 34 36 ... 41 42 45 ... 46 48 Dry Steam-Use of the Separator-Plans for taking Low-pressure Steam from High-pressure Boiler, Deterioration of Land Boilers-Experiments on, by testing them to destruction, BOILERS FOR MARINE PURPOSES: ... Flue and Tubular Boilers for Dredgers-Multitubular and Double Boilers-Over- head Flues-Boilers for Royal Navy-Arrangement of Furnaces-High-pres- sure Boilers-Boiler for Torpedo Boats-The Haystack Boiler, Proportions for Marine Boilers-Fire Grate and Heating Surface for indicated Horse-power--Staying-Fire Bars-Tube Area-Furnaces, &c.-Thickness. of Plates-Strength versus Weight of Boiler-Funnel, Damper, &c.-Recent Improvements-Boilers of the Steam Ship Parisian-Plates for Coal Boxes, Prevention of Priming, ... TREATMENT OF STEAM FROM THE BOILER TO THE CYLINDER. ... ... ... 51 62 78 Forms of Super- 79 heater-Covering of Steam Pipes, MANUFACTURE OF BOILERS. Preparation and Fitting of the Plates-Punching and Drilling Machines-Plate and Tube Stays-Report of the National Boiler Insurance Co.-Safety Valves and Pressure Gauges-Setting of Boilers- Cleaning-Use of Steel Plates, 85 vi CONTENTS. REGULATION OF STEAM BY THE SLIDE VALVE, as applied to Land, Locomotive, and Marine Engines: ... Form of older Valve without Lap-Valve with Lap-Proportioning the Slide Valve-Lead-Back Pressure-Position of the Valve-Means of imparting Reciprocating Motion-The Eccentric and Cam Arrangements—Link Motion applied to the Land and to the Locomotive Engine-Slide Valves for various forms of Engine-Starting Gear-Expansion Valve and Gear, Geometry of the Steam Engine-Connecting Rod and Crank-Crank and Eccen- tric Paths-Crank and Eccentric Paths delineated as regards the Cover, Lead, and Cut-off-Double Eccentrics and Link Motion-Lap of the Valve varies as the Cut-off and Length of Connecting Rod-Opening of Port by Valve -Setting out the Valve Faces, Relieving the Cylinder from Internal Pressure-Relieving the Slide Valve from Back Pressure, THE INDICATOR DIAGRAM. M'Naught's Indicator-Diagram from Eccentric Valve Motion-Diagram from Corliss' Valve Gear-Examples of Compound Engine Diagrams-Theoretical Diagram-Mechanism for actuating the Roller of Indicator, THE EXPANSION OF STEAM: ... Tables of Hyperbolic Logarithms, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Page 94 II7 126 ... ... 130 Properties of Steam and other Gases-Constituent Heat of Saturated Steam- Relations of Pressure, Volume, Temperature, and Weight-Motion of Steam— Velocities of Saturated Steam-Differences of Pressure in the Boiler and Cylinder-Friction of a Fluid through a Pipe, ... ... Table of Properties of Saturated Steam at different Pressures, ... ... 141 ... 143 147 STATIONARY ENGINES. { PUMPING ENGINES FOR MINES: Details of the Cornish Engine-Details of the Pumping Gear-Valve Gear—The Cataract Condenser and Air Pump-The Ejector Condenser, Horizontal, Overhead-beam, Side-lever, and Direct-acting Pumping Engine, Pumping Gear for Direct-acting Engine-Examples of Pit Work, Direct-action Compound Pumping Engine, ... ... ... 150 180 192 ... ... ... 198 PUMPING ENGINES FOR WATER Works: Single-acting Engine with Stand-pipe Tower-Engines at Wolverhampton Water Works-Valve Regulator a substitute for Stand Pipe-Arrangement of the Pump Valves-Gutta-percha Ball Valves on Metal Seatings-Berwick-on- Tweed Water Works-Arrangement of Tanks, Engine and Boiler Houses- Cost of raising Water, ... ... ... Stand Pipes and Towers-Air Vessels-Stop, Relief, and Pressure Valves, PUMPING ENGINES FOR DRAINAGE WORKS AND GENERAL PURPOSES: The London Drainage System-Pumping Engines at Abbey Mills, Deptford, and Crossness-Arrangement of the Pumps-Discharge of the Sewage into Reservoir-Construction of the Pumping Station at Crossness, High-pressure Geared Pumping Engines for emptying Docks, &c., The Centrifugal Pump-Gwynne & Co.'s Machinery-The Pulsometer, WINDING ENGINES. Details of Construction, BLOWING Engines: 202 221 226 235 236 ... 239 : Overhead-beam Blowing Engine-Details of Construction-Examples of Blowing Engines erected at Dowlais Iron Works, ... ... 250 CONTENTS. vii Side-lever Combined Blowing Engines, ... ... ... : Vertical Blowing Engines-Vertical Table Engine, Horizontal High-pressure Blowing Engines, ROLLING-MILL ENGINES. Examples at Dowlais Iron Works-Arrangement of Rolls for working in two directions, COMPOUND Reversing Rail-MILL ENGINES. Examples at Hallside Steel Works, near Glasgow, ... ... ... ... Page 274 277 280 285 291 295 299 THE CORLISS ENGINE. Characteristic Features of this Engine-Diagrams from Beam Condensing Corliss Engine, HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE COMBINED BEAM ENGINE, RULES FOR PUMPING ENGINES. Horse-power-Pumping of Water out of Docks— Area of Cylinder-Valves-Duty of an Engine-To overcome Friction of Water through Pipes-Delivery of Water in Pipes-Thickness of Pipes for conveying Water-Standard Pipes for Water Supply-Weight of Cast-iron Pipes-Pipes for Pit Pumps-Horse-power of an Engine-Diameter of Cylinder and Length of Stroke-Speed of Piston-Opening of Port by Valve, 301 RULES FOR THE BEAM ENGINE. The Beam-Wrought-iron Tubular Beams— Air Pump and Condenser-Cold-water Pump and Injection Water-Feed Pump-Piston and Connecting Rods-Cranks and Crank Shaft-Fly Wheel -Governor-Formulæ for Safety-valve Levers, WATER-PRESSURE ENGINES. Early Hydraulic Cranes-Hastie's Variable Water- power, Engine, The Accumulator, ... ... ... Pumping Engine for charging the Accumulator, ... ... ... ... ... : 310 314 315 316 317 318 ... 322 325 327 Water Wheels: Undershot, Overshot, and Breast-The Turbine, The Hydraulic Crane-General Arrangement of Machinery-Details of Valves, Water-pressure Cylinder for opening and closing Dock Gates, Water-pressure Engines for working Dock Gates, Swing Bridges, &c., Water Power from Natural Falls-Engines at Lead Mines in Northumberland and at Portland Harbour,... Hydraulic Machinery for Warehousing Grain at the Liverpool Docks—Plan of Warehouse Throwing-off Apparatus—Distributing Fan-Hoisting Gear, 329 HYDRAULIC MACHINE TOOLS-for Rivetting, Punching, Flanging, Bending or Straightening-Hydraulic Machines at Arsenal, Toulon, ... ... 345 MARINE ENGINES. THE OSCILLATING ENGINE: Details of Construction, Details of Slide-valve Gear-Starting Gear, The Link Motion, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 347 365 ... 374 Specific Examples of Marine Engines-Steamers with Oscillating Engines-The Steeple Engine-Side-lever Engine-Penn's Trunk Engine-Diagonal Direct- acting Engine-Details of the Engine and Hull of the Comet, The Paddle Wheel-Constructive Details-Disconnecting the Paddle Wheel— Experiments with Ruthven's Hydraulic Propeller-Professor Rankine's Rule for the Thrust of a Propeller, HORIZONTAL DIRECT-ACTING AND RETURN CONNECTING-ROD ENGINES: Details of Construction-Cylinder-Valves-Link Motion, &c., ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 377 378 ... ... 385 viii CONTENTS, ... ... ... Piston for Horizontal Marine Engines-Mr. Howden on Packing and Friction- Mr. Rowan's form of Piston-Piston Rod-Crosshead and Guides-Con- necting Rod-Cranked Shaft-Built Crank Shaft-Main Framing-Condenser and Air Pumps, Arrangements for Direct-acting Single Piston-rod and Double Trunk Engines,... Surface System of Condensation-Construction and Arrangement of Surface Con- densers-Making and Fitting of the Tubes-Arrangement of the Refrigerating Surface-Pumps-Valves, Hand Gear-Lubricators-Turning Gear, Boiler Fittings-Valves-Steam Pipes-Separator-Lagging-Gauge Glass— Scum Taps-Steam Whistles, ... Page 424 450 454 Safety-valve Openings-Experiments and Formula-Loading of Safety Valves by Direct Springs-Conclusions of Investigation Committee on Safety Valves, 462 THE SCREW PROPELLER: ... Shafting for the Propeller-Repairing Couplings-Pillow Blocks-Stern Tube- Hollow Propeller Steel Shafts, Construction and Forms of the Propeller-Number and Configuration of the Blades-Plan for lowering the Propeller below the Keel, Raising the Screw Propeller and Shaft, THE COMPOUND ENGINE: ... ... General Adoption of the Compound Arrangement-Professor Rankine's Defin- ition of a Compound Engine, Arrangement of Cylinders, Engines of the Parisian, &c.,... ... Engines of the Screw Steamer Itata,... ... ... ... Details of the Machinery of the Servia, Itata, and Sir Bevis, Engines of the Arizona, Governors for Marine Engines-Dunlop's Pneumatic Governor, Three-cylinder Compound Steeple Engine for the Paddle Wheel, : : : 47I 477 488 491 494 ... ... 496 498 500 505 505 506 508 : : : Table of Average Consumption of Coal, per indicated Horse-power per hour, by Compound Engines on long Sea Voyages, ... RULES FOR THE HORIZONTAL DIRECT-ACTION MARINE ENGINE, &c. Nominal Horse-power-Proportion of Power to Tonnage-Rule for Tonnage-Per- formance of Screw Vessels-Diameter of Cylinder-Stroke of Piston—Valves -Eccentrics and Link Motion-Connecting Rod-Main Cranked Shaft- Crosshead and Guides-Main Frame-Piston-Air Pump and Condenser- Surface Condensation-Feed Pump-Screw Propeller-Proportions of Grif- fith's Screw Propeller-Screw Aperture and Shafting-Hand and Turning Gear-Safety Valve and Waste-steam Pipe-Copper Steam Pipes-Number and Diameter of Kingston Valves and Blow-off and Injection Cocks-Flanges for Copper Pipes, ... • ... ... ... 510 ... LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. COMBUSTION IN THE LOCOMOTIVE. The Steam Blast-Its Mechanical Action- Steam Jets-Arrangement of the Fire Box-Utilization of Smoke and Gases, THE BRITISH LOCOMOTIVE: 531 547 ... 554 Construction of the Boiler and Boiler Mountings-Fire Box-Stays-Dampers, Shell of the Boiler-Steam Chest and Dome-Tubes-Smoke Box-Chimney— Ash Pan-Fire Bars-Steam Pipes-Blast Pipe, ... CONTENTS. Safety Valves-Gauges-Whistles-Taps-Hand Rail-Stud for Lamp, Construction of the Engine-Cylinders-Valves—Link Motion, : ix Page 567 578 596 626 ... 644 ... 651 Piston-Piston Rod, Crosshead, and Motion Bars-Connecting and Coupling Rods Cranked Axle-Axles and Wheels-Outside Cranks, Framing and Axle Boxes-Springs and Harness-Compensating Levers, Bogie Carriage-Buffers, Couplings, Rail Guards, Sand Boxes-Foot Plates and Steps-Splashers, ... Feed Pumps and Feed-water Apparatus-Connection Pipe between Engine and Tender-Auxiliary Feed Pump-Injector, THE AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE: ... ... ... Constructive Details of Boiler, Fire Box, Tubes, Smoke Box, Chimney, Steam Pipe, Safety Valves, Gauges, Whistle, Bell, Sand Box, Cylinder and Slide Valve-Valve Motion, Piston-Piston Rod, Crosshead, and Motion Bars-Connecting and Coupling Rods-Wheels and Axles and Crank Pins, ... ... Framing and Axle Boxes-Bogie Frame-Cowcatcher-Cab-Springs, Feed Pumps-Hose between Engine and Tender, ... THE LOCOMOTIVE TENDER: ... 663 671 675 679 683 : Construction of the British Tender-Brake Gear-Couplings with Engine-Water Tanks and Feed Pipes, Construction of the American Tender, ... ... 684 688 ... CONTINUOUS BRAKES: Requirements of the Board of Trade-Varieties of Continuous Brake—Westing- house Automatic Brake-Vacuum Automatic Brake, Brake Resistances, ... COMPOUND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. M. Malet's System-Mr. Webb's new Com- pound Locomotive, DESCRIPTION OF SPECIAL LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES: Four-wheel Coupled Bogie Passenger Engine for the Caledonian Railway, Express Engine for Great Northern Railway, ... ... Passenger Engine for London and North-Western Railway, Four-coupled Bogie Passenger Tank Engine on North British Railway, Passenger Engines for Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland, Goods Engine for Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland, Goods Engine on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, Furness Railway Tank Engine, ... ... : : Narrow-gauge Engines for Steep Inclines-Festiniog Railway-Righi Railway in Switzerland-Vesuvius Railway-Railroad in Canada, Engines for Narrow-gauge Mineral Lines having Steep Gradients-Small Engines coupled together-Details of small Tank Engines, ... ... 689 692 ... 693 698 700 703 705 ... 710 ... ... 712 715 ... 717 ... 720 Express Engine for the Pennsylvania Railroad, Haulage Power of Locomotives, 721 727 ... 727 SPECIFICATION FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE AND TENDER for London, Chatham, and Dover Railway: ... Leading Dimensions-Quality of Materials-Boiler-Fire Box-Workmanship- Tubes-Smoke Box-Chimney-Safety Valves, &c., Frames-Buffers and Draw Gear-Cylinders-Pistons-Piston Rod and Cross- head-Connecting and Coupling Rods-Valve Motion, Bogie-Springs and Connections-Axles and Axle Boxes-Wheels-Tyres-Cab and Splashers-Brake-Injectors-Boiler Mountings-Bolts and Nuts, ... ... 728 733 737 CONTENTS. Page Tender for Engine-Tank-Frames-Buffers and Draw Gear-Springs-Axles and Axle Boxes-Wheels and Tyres-Brake-Painting Engine and Tender, 742 RULES FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE: Effective Pressure of Steam in Cylinder-Tractive Power of Engines-Resistance of Trains due to Gravity on an Incline-Resistance of Trains at different Speeds-Load of Engine on a given Incline-Adhesive Power of Locomotives -Distribution of Load-To find Centre of Gravity horizontally-Loads on the Axles, • ... 746 Tables of the Diameter of Cylinders, Stroke of Piston, Diameter of Wheels, and Wheel Base-Tables of Weight of six-wheeled Engines, 750 Diameter of Cylinder-Length of Steam and Exhaust Ports-Thickness of Cylinder-Area of Piston Rod and Depth of Piston-Area of Slide-valve Rod -Maximum Speed of Piston-Ratio of Diameter of Cylinder to Stroke of Piston-Ratio of Stroke of Piston to Diameter of Driving Wheels-Water and Steam required for a given Speed per hour, ... ... The Boiler-Area of Fire Grate-Heating Surface-Strength of Boiler-Working Steam Pressure-Screwed Stays-Pitch of Stays in Fire Box-Pressure on Roof Stays-Weight and Stowage of Fuel-Area for Safety Valves—Diameter of Feed Pump-Giffard Injector, Area of Axles and Boxes-Dimensions of Wheels-Dimensions of Springs and Harness-Dimensions of Framing-Area of Crosshead, Motion Bars, &c.— Area of Connecting Rod-Outside Cranks and Side Rods, ROAD LOCOMOTIVE OR TRACTION ENGINE. Thomson's India-rubber Tyres- Mr. Crompton on improved Road Haulage-Dimensions of his Engines, PORTABLE ENGINES. Description of Engine by the Reading Ironworks Co., STEAM ROAD ROLLER. Description of Road Roller by Aveling and Porter, ... 752 754 758 762 764 ... 765 IRON SHIPBUILDING. PRINCIPLES OF MARINE DESIGNING: Classes of Steam Vessels-River Passenger Steamer-Ocean Passenger Steam Ship Ocean Steam Ship for large Cargo-The Screw Collier, Laying down the Lines of Vessels-Forms of Water Line-The Wave-line Prin- ciple of Construction-Buttock Lines-The Decks, Construction and Use of Models, ... ... 766 770 ... 778 Full-sized Lines in the Moulding Loft-Practice on the Clyde-Lines of a Screw Steam Ship, ... ... ... 780 Experimental Models and Speed Trials—Mr. Froude's Experiments-The Law of Comparison-Ship Resistance-Professor Rankine's Formula-Mr. Wm. Denny's Speed Trials—Mr. Mansel's Investigations-The Shah and Merkara, 782 BUILDING OF IRON VESSELS: ... ... ... 785 The HULL-Quality and Strength of Material, Framing, &c.-Keels and Keelsons- Stern Posts of Screw Vessels-Connections of Plate Keel and Keelsons to Forgings-Arrangement of Framing--Floor Plates-Watercourses-Transom Plates-Reverse Angle Irons-Middle-line Keelson-Box Keelson-Middle-line Intercostal Keelson-Bilge, Side, or Sister Keelsons-Hold Stringers-Flat Plate Keels-Bilge Keels-Deck Beams-Pillars-Stringers and Tie Plates on Beams-Bilge Keels and Double Bottom of the Parisian-Midship Section of Paddle Steamer Lord of the Isles, 786 t CONTENTS. xi ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Page 807 814 821 831 834 842 Plating, &c.-Thickness of Plates-Butt Straps-Lining Pieces—Rivetting and Rivets-Top Sides-Transverse Bulkheads-Longitudinal Water-tight Divi- sions, The DECK, &c.-Wood Decks-Iron Deck-Framing of Hatchways-Engine and Boiler Framing-Rudder-Riding Bitts—Bollard Heads-Cat Heads, The MASTS, &c.-Iron Masts-Wedging Masts-Trusses for Lower Yards- Chain Plates-Screw Chain Plates-Bitts around the Mast, Water Ballast-Tanks for Colliers-Lloyd's Arrangement of Water-ballast Spaces, Strength of Iron Ships-Strains on a Vessel-Mr. Wm. John on Forces acting on a Ship at Sea-Mr. Wm. Denny on our future Sea-going Steam Vessels, Builders' Measurement and Register Tonnage, Theory of the Stability of a Vessel-Centre of Gravity-Centre of Effort—Table of Displacement of a River Steamer-To calculate the Displacement, Place of its Centre of Gravity, and the Metacentre, Graphic System of Investigation-Diagrams showing Curves of Stability, Weight, Buoyancy, &c., by Mr. W. H. White, Position of Paddle Wheels-Diagrams of Waves raised at maximum Trial Speeds by Mr. James Hamilton, Examples of recent large Steam Ships-The Orient―The Servia-The City of Rome The Alaska-The Stirling Castle—The Livadia, Structural Details-The Framework-Floor Plate-Keel Blocks-Sections for Deck Beams-Deck Fastenings-Bulkheads-Water-tight Keelsons, Plating and Rivetting-Diagonal System of Plating—Intermediate Break-bond System-Rivet and Countersink-Putting the Plates in Position-Rivetting, 878 The Longitudinal System of Framing-Comparison between the Longitudinal and Transverse Systems, ... Position of the Masts in a Sailing Ship, ... ... ... ... -Fore Mast and Yards-Mizen Mast and Yards, &c., ... ... ... ... 844 858 863 865 870 883 ... ... ... ... ... ... 887 Proportions of Masts, Yards, &c., for Merchant Service-Main Mast and Yards 889 Terms applied to the Hull of a Ship, Terms applied to the Masts, Rigging, &c., 894 Terms applied to the Sails, Launching of Large Vessels, ... ... : : 898 900 ... ... ... ... 901 Tables of Weight of Angle Iron, Length of Rivets, Wire Ropes for Rigging, Diameter and Weight of Chain Cables, ... : : 905 907 908 Steam-steering Gear, ... Refrigerating Machinery for Ships, ... ARMOURED AND UNARMOURED WAR SHIPS. Earliest French and British Ironclads -The Hercules-Devastation-Thunderer-Mr. Barnaby's Description of the Inflexible-Structural Details of her Hull and Appendages-Description of the Colossus-Sir William Armstrong on Unarmoured Cruisers-Structural Arrangements of the Iris-Unarmoured Corvettes-The Leander, Arethusa, and Phaeton-Belted Cruisers-Torpedo Boats-The Polyphemus, VESSELS FOR DREDGING: ... Dredger and Hopper Barge constructed by Messrs. Wingate & Co. of Glasgow— Dredger adapted to cut in front-Double Dredger of 45 horse-power-Dredger of 25 horse-power, Combined Hopper Dredger designed by Mr. Andrew Brown-Dredgers by Messrs. Simons & Co. of Renfrew, ... ... ... Dredgers on the river Clyde-Their Dimensions, Cost, and Work, 909 930 936 ... 937 xii CONTENTS. Į EXAMPLES OF SPECIFICATIONS: Requirements under Lloyd's Rules, ... ... 1. Specification of a Screw Steamer of 1767 tons, 2. Specification of a Screw Steamer of 2000 tons B.M., 3. Specification of a Screw Steamer of 790 tons B.M., 4. Specification of a Screw Collier of 1500 tons B.M., ... ... ::: ::: :: : Dimensions of Masts, Spars, &c., for a Vessel similar to No. 3 Specification, EXAMPLES OF SCANTLING: Scantling for a Clyde River Boat, 225 feet keel, Scantling for a Clyde River Boat, 154½ feet keel, Scantling for a small River Boat on the Thames, Scantling for a small Paddle Steam Vessel of Steel, Scantling for a Dredger, Scantling for Mud Barges, ... : : : :: Page ... 939 940 947 949 954 ... 956 957 : : : : : 958 958 959 959 960 STEEL for SHIPBUILDING. Constituents of Iron and Steel-Manufacture of Steel -The Siemens, Bessemer, and Thomas-Gilchrist Processes-Dr. Siemens on Iron and Steel Ships-Corrosion of Iron and Steel Plates-Tables of the Weight and Volumes of Iron, Steel, and other Metals-Tempering of Steel Tools-Admiralty Tests for Plate, Angle, Bulb, and Bar Steel-Lloyd's and Underwriters' Registry Tests for Steel used in Shipbuilding, ENGINEERING WORKS, ETC. CONSTRUCTION OF FLOATING DOCKS: Description of two Floating Docks, and Scantling, Navigable Floating Dock and Battery, designed by the Author, CONSTRUCTION OF IRON ROOFS: ... • 960 967 973 Strains on a Plain Truss-Covering for Iron Roofs-Roofing for Boiler Houses, 975 Strains on an Arched Truss-Arched Roofs-Roof of South-Eastern Railway Station, Cannon Street, London-Roof of St. Pancras Railway Station, London-Roof of the Great Northern Railway Station, London-Roof of the Joint Railway Passenger Station, New Street, Birmingham-Roof of St. Enoch Railway Station, Glasgow, Table of the Scantling of Iron Roofs, ... ... Tables of the Size and Weight of Iron Laths, and Weight of Roof Coverings, STRAINS ON WROUGHT-IRON GIRDERS, &c.: Strains on Girder of I Section, Cantilevers, ... ... Professor Rankine on Action upon Beams, CONSTRUCTION OF GIRDER BRIDGES: ... ► 981 994 ... ... ... 996 ... 996 ... 999 Examples of such Bridges with Roadways at top or bottom-Breaking Weight for Wrought-iron Box Girders-Strain on Top and Bottom Flanges-Crumlin Viaduct―Tubular Girders-Conway and Britannia Bridges in Wales and Victoria Bridge in Canada-Bowstring Girder-Bridge over the Elbe, Plating Girders, Drilling the Plates, ... ... ΙΟΟΙ ... 1002 1006 ... 1007 Scantling and Weight of Railway Bridges erected on the Plain-girder Principle, 1007 CONSTRUCTION OF LATTICE GIRDER BRIDGES: Principles of Construction, ... ... Details of Construction-Example of a Trellis Girder Bridge, IOII ... ... ... 1015 # CONTENTS. xiii Formula for Lattice Girder Bridge, ... Details of Lattice Girder Bridge over the Ohio, CONSTRUCTION OF SUSPENSION BRIDGES: ... Page 1032 ... ... 1033 Clifton Suspension Bridge at the Falls of Niagara-General Dimensions-Con- structive Details-Strength of the Bridge, Cables, and Stays-Effects of Tem- perature and of the Wind-Manufacture of the Cables, Stays, Suspenders, and Guys-The Towers, Details of East River Bridge, New York, 1036 ... ... Other Large-span Bridges-The Forth Bridge-Bridge over the Douro, Action of Wind on Bridges and Chimneys, Tabulated Statement of some Bridges of large Span, ... 1052 ... 1053 ... ... ... 1054 1055 MARINE AND SUBMARINE WORKS: Submarine Tunnels-The Mersey, Severn, and Hudson Tunnels, Lighthouses-Eddystone-Lighthouse in Iron and Concrete, Details of Swing Bridge at Leith Docks, CONSTRUCTION OF TUBULAR WROUGHT-IRON CRANES : Examples of Small-sized Cranes at Devonport Dockyards-Their Deflection, Details of Sixty-ton Crane erected at Devonport Dockyards, ... ... ... ... 1056 1058 тоб ... ... 1069 1071 Arrangement of a Forty-ton Crane, Portable Steam Crane at Glasgow Harbour, Cranes for Tipping Coal Waggons, Masting, &c., ... 1076 ... 1077 ... 1077 Seventy-ton Steam Crane erected at Dundee by Taylor & Co. of Birkenhead, Five-ton Steam Crane for Ships, Winches for Ships, STEAM FIRE ENGINE. Details of Engines by Merryweather and Sons, and Shand, Mason, & Co.-Engine for River and Harbour Work, 1080 ... 1081 ... ... 1083 1085 GAS ENGINE. Details of Otto's Engine-Clerk's Engine, CALORIC OR HOT-AIR ENGINE, ... ... ... 1087 1090 ELECTRIC MOTORS, ... 1091 1091 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. The Incandescent Lamp, THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS: Cohesive Strength of Bodies—of Timber-of Steel, &c.-Transverse Strength of Bodies-Strength of Rectangular Beams-Table of Lateral Strains-Safe Loads for Beams-Torsion or Twisting-Crushing and Bending-Table of Tensile Strength of Wrought-iron Plates-Tenacity of Stone, &c.-Compressive Strength of Wrought Iron-of Steel-of Wood-Stone, &c.-Factors of Safety, 1093 Specific Gravity of Materials-Iron-Seasoned Woods-Fluids and Gases- Metals-Stones-Artificial Substances, ... MECHANICAL MEANS FOR TRANSMITTING POWER, THE PARALLELOGRAM OF FORCES, FORMULA FOR WHEELS, SHAFTS, &c.: ... ... ... ... ... 1099 ΙΙΟΙ 1102 Teeth of Wheels-Strength of Round Shafting to resist Lateral Stress-Shaft Bearings-Couplings and Distance between Pillow-block Supports-Pulleys, 1104 Fittings for Line Shafts, INDEX, : : ... : ... 1107 IIII LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL TABLES IN THIS WORK. Page 905 28 25 1094 1055 854-857 ANGLE IRON, Weight of, ... BOILERS, Working and Bursting Pressures of, 11 Proportionate Strength of Cylindrical, BREAKING STRAIN, Lateral, ... ... BRIDGES OF LARGE SPAN, Tabulated Statement of, Centre of GRAVITY, &c., in Shipbuilding, CHAIN CABLES, with suitable Anchors, Diameter and Weight of, COAL, Average Consumption of, per indicated Horse-power per hour, COHESIVE STRENGTH of various Materials, ... ... COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH of Steel by various Manufacturers, 11 " COPPER PIPES, Flanges for, of Wood, Stone, &c., CRANES, Deflection of Tubular Wrought-iron, DISPLACEMENT of a River Steamer, FACTORS OF Safety, ... · Fluids and GASES, Specific Gravity, Weight, and Expansion of, FRAMING OF A SHIP, Longitudinal and Transverse Systems of, GRIFFITH'S SCREW PROPELLER, Proportions of, Hull of a SHIP, Terms applied to the, HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS, ... ... IRON, Weight of a lineal foot of Square and Round Bar, LATHS, Size and Weight of Iron, ... : : ... : : : : : ... ... ... : : : : ... ... ... : : LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, Diameter of Cylinder, Stroke of Piston, &c., Dimensions of Small Tank Narrow-gauge, : : : : 906 508 1093 1098 1098 529 1070 853 1098 1100 884 526 897 141 34 996 750 #1 11 724 11 Haulage Power of, at speed of 20 miles an hour, Heating Surface in, 728 755 Performances of, 711, 712, 714 11 751 ... 637 ... Weight of, of various classes, SPRINGS, Deflections of, under given Loads, MASTS, RIGGING, &c., Terms applied to the, METALS, Specific Gravity of, Weight and Volume of, ... ... PIPES FOR WATER SUPPLY, Proportions of Socket for Standard, PLATES, Mean Strength of, in direction of and across fibre, : : ... : : 11 Tensile Strength of Single and Double Rivetted, ... Weight of a square foot of Wrought-iron, from 1 to 1 inch thick, RIVET, Length of, allowed for various thicknesses of Plate, RIVETTED JOINTS, Strongest Form and Proportion of, ROOFS, Weight of different Coverings for, 2 ... ... 898 II00 964 : : : : 307 32 33 33 905 31 996 Sails of a SHIP, Terms applied to the, Saturated STEAM, Properties of, at different Pressures, SCANTLING for Iron Roofs, ... for Railway Bridges, ... 11 for various sizes of Vessels, SPECIFIC GRAVITY of various Materials, ... ... Tensile StrenGTH of Wrought-iron Plates at various temperatures, TUBES, Surface and Weight of Iron, Brass, and Copper, : : : : 901 147 994 1007 ... 957 1099, 1100 1097 34 WIRE ROPES, Iron and Steel, for Ships' Standing Rigging, Comparison of, 906 LIST OF PLATES. Page 250 TEMPERING OF STEEL TOOLS.-COLOURED PLATE SHOWING SCALE- USED FOR TEMPERING DIFFERENT CLASSES OF STEEL TOOLS. Devised by Messrs. Park Benjamin and Joshua Rose, United States, frontispiece 965 WINDING MACHINERY.-WINDING ENGINES, WITH DOUBLE ECCENTRICS, LINK MOTION, AND TAPPET VALVE GEAR. Erected in 1881 by Messrs. Gibb and Hogg, Airdrie, for the Benhar Coal Company, ROLLING MILL MACHINERY.-COMPOUND REVERSING ROLLING MILL ENGINES, Steel Company of Scotland's Works at Hallside, near Glasgow. Constructed by Messrs. Miller and Co., Coatbridge, HYDRAULIC MACHINE TOOLS.-HYDRAULIC MACHINES FOR RIVET- TING AND FLANGING PLATES, RIVETTING KEELS, AND ANGLE IRON OR BEAM STRAIGHTENER OR BENDER. Designed by Mr. R. H. Tweddell, London, MARINE ENGINE.-THREE-CYLINDER COMPOUND INVERTED ENGINES OF STEAM SHIP "PARISIAN." Constructed by Messrs. Robert Napier and Sons, Glasgow, MARINE ENGINE.-THREE-CYLINDER COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING ENGINES Constructed by Messrs. James and George OF STEAM SHIP "SERVIA." Thomson, Glasgow, 291 • 345 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SECTIONS OF BOGIE PASSENGER ENGINE. Built for the Caledonian Railway by Messrs. Neilson and Co., Glasgow, LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. -TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF BOGIE PASSENGER ENGINE. Built for the Caledonian Railway by Messrs. Neilson and Co., Glasgow, 496 • 500 698 698 PORTABLE ENGINE.-VERTICAL AND TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF EIGHT HORSE-POWER PORTABLE ENGINE. Constructed by the Reading Ironworks, Limited, 764 • IRON SHIPBUILDING. — LONGITUDINAL SECTION AND DECK PLANS OF THE SCREW STEAM SHIP "ORIENT." Built and engined by Messrs. John Elder and Co., Glasgow, DREDGING MACHINERY.-PATENT COMBINED HOPPER DREDGER, to dredge in 20 ft. depth of Water and carry 200 tons in its own Hopper. De- signed by Mr. Andrew Brown of Messrs. W. Simons and Co., Renfrew, . ENGINEERING WORKS.-LATTICE GIRDER RAILWAY BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER OHIO AT BEAVER, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. Length 1376 ft. with 1080 ft. of Viaduct Approach, • • • 865 936 1033 1080 HOISTING MACHINERY.-SEVENTY-TON Steam Crane, VICTORIA BASIN, DUNDEE. Constructed by Messrs. James Taylor and Co., Birkenhead, . STEAM FIRE ENGINE. - FRONT VIEW, PLAN, ELEVATION, SECTION THROUGH PUMP, CYLINDER, AND BOILER, OF A SINGLE-CYLINDER STEAM FIRE ENGINE. Constructed by Messrs. Merryweather and Sons, London, 1085 • WINDING ENGINES. WINDING ENGINES, WITH DOUBLE ECCENTRICS, LINK MOTION, AND TAPPET VALVE GEAR. ERECTED IN 1881 BY MESSRS. GIBB AND HOGG, AIRDRIE, FOR THE BENHAR COAL COMPANY. Diameter of Cylinders, 3 ft. 4 in. Length of Stroke of Pistons, 5 ft. 6 in. Diameter of Winding Drum, 18 ft. P LONGITUDINAL SECTION. F E E F X H L X V I K HOM Σ Y Z' 2 א AA Cylinders. BB Cylinder Covers and Stuffing-box Glands. cc Piston Rods DD Prolongation of the Piston Rods. EE Steam Valves. FF Exhaust Valves. GG Valve Casings. HH Double Eccentrics and Link Motion. 1 Suspension Link. K Weigh Shaft. L Lifting Rod in communication with the Starting Handle. L' Starting Handle. M Handle for Stop Valve. M' Shaft for Stop Valve. N Lever Handle for Brake. N' Shaft for Brake Gear. oo Brake Blocks (of wood). P Fly Wheel or Drum. QQ Turned Parts for Brake Blocks. RR Crossheads and Gudgeons. ss Connecting Rods. TT Wrought-iron Cranks. UU Wrought-iron Crank Shaft. vv Sole Plates. ww Pillow Blocks. xx Motion Bars. YY Stop Valve and Steam Pipe. z Exhaust Pipe. z' Foundation of Concrete. T Q W H V ន II R P N' U Q T z' PLAN. W H V © X I B C X X H Y A G E Υ Y 2 B HAD H E F R S B C X G A L' M N B H D ROLLING MILL ENGINES. Y Y A High-pressure Cylinder. B Low-pressure Cylinder. B' Steam Receiver. cc Piston Valves. DD Valve Chests. E Valve Spindles. FF Pistons and Rod. G Crosshead. H Connecting Rod. 1 Crank Shaft. K Crank Discs. L Double Eccentrics and Link Motion. M Weigh or Reversing Shaft. N Small Engine for Starting and Reversing. o Starting Handles. P Main Framing. Q Pillar Blocks with Steel Covers. R Slide Bars. s Side Framing. T Oval Boss with Steel Hoop for securing Side Framing. U Sole Plate. V Auxiliary Slide Valve. w Escape Valves. x Steam Pipe. Y Stop Valve. z Platform. W A X 12 8 4 0 W Π U 4 5 6 10 11 D B' C E D V D 12 feet. B A -F LONGITUDINAL SECTION. B R HALF PLAN SECTION. G P Р N M H Р I R M H R P Ο 曲​: T. א Ꮓ Q U T Ι Q Ο O K P Q D I Q COMPOUND REVERSING ROLLING MILL ENGINES, STEEL COMPANY OF SCOTLAND'S WORKS AT HALLSIDE, NEAR GLASGOW. CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. MILLER & CO., COATBRIDGE. P S HYDRAULIC MACHINE TOOLS. K N A K -D C र्ब B F L H- G H E M 1 Keel of Ship. M Handle and Screw for adjusting the Rivet. N Balance Weight. Fig. 4.-MACHINE FOR RIVETTING KEels. A Trolly. BB Post supporting Turntable. c Pair of Levers. D Carriage vertical adjustment. HH Flush-topped Cylinder. E Rivetter. F Parallel Motion, with Eccentric G, and Handles for K Bottom Plates of Ship. L Hand Wheel for moving the Trolly. D H H M B Fig. 1.-PORTABLE RIVEtter. A Cylinder. B Fulcrum. cc Rivetting Dies. D Gap, closing large Rivets. F Tension Rods which draw the Levers together and adjust the space G be- tween them. E Gap, closing small Rivets; нн The Hydraulic Ram carry- in this case Abutments ing the Moving Lever M. B are transposed with Dies c c. K Valve for admitting and exhausting the water. I' Ι A Stop Valve on Mains. BB Walking Pipes. c Swivel Joint. D Connecting Pipe to Swivel E. F Carriage. G Hydraulic Lift. н Pipe conveying pressure from the Lift to the Rivetter. 11 Pipe conveying water to the Swivel Q. 1'1' Walking Pipes conveying water to the Hydraulic Lift. K Rivetter, 4′6″ opening. 1. Arm of Frame. M Balance Weight. K G D B. B L K C B JAGANNADmnana A F G E H A M B Fig. 5.-ANGLE-IRON OR BEAM STRAIGHTENER OR BENDER, from 5 to 100 tons power. A A Right- and Left-handed Screws, carrying the Abutting Blocks BB, on which rests the Angle Iron to be bent c, by the Block D, controlled by Tappet Gear which regulates the supply of water. E Tappet Gear working Valve F, admitting pressure to the Cylinder G, in which works the Ram H, carrying the Block D. KK Elevating Screws to vary height of work being bent. M A H I L C T K AB Top and Bottom Castings. c Moving Table or Follower. E D Matrix. E Block. F Lower or holding-up Cylinder. G D G Vice-Table. H Plunger for Vice-Table. 1 Main Cylinder. K Valves. L Main Ram carry- ing the moving Table C. B H F Fig. 2.—TRAVELLLING CRANE FOR RIVETTER. Fig. 3.-HYDRAULIC PRESS FOR FLANGING Plates. HYDRAULIC MACHINES FOR RIVETTING AND FLANGING PLATES, RIVETTING KEELS, AND ANGLE-IRON OR BEAM STRAIGHTENER OR BENDER. DESIGNED BY MR. R. H. TWEDDELL, LONDON. ENGINES OF STEAM-SHIP "PARISIAN." Two Low-pressure Cylinders (each 85" diam.), with one High-pressure Cylin- der (60" diam.) between them. Stroke of each Piston 5 ft. Steam Pressure 70 lbs. Condensing Surface 9624 sq. ft. Indicated Horse-power 6019. O 1310 000 0 D O о O Stuffins RIMBAULT SC THREE-CYLINDER COMPOUND INVERTED ENGINES OF STEAM-SHIP "PARISIAN," 5359 TONS GROSS. CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. ROBERT NAPIER AND SONS, GLASGOW, FOR THE ALLAN LINE OF ROYAL MAIL ATLANTIC STEAMERS. 12 R2 Z+ N Q1 C D1 E T3 T Bl G 11 U V D B P B2; N Z5 E = H N. Kl W 1 2 3 4 L N Q1 Fl Fl C H Q1 H N M Z E ENGINES OF STEAM-SHIP D1 C B P E Q Z5 25 21 74 Q1 W 10 SERVIA." EXPLANATION OF LITERAL REFERENCES. A High-pressure Cylinder with Steam Jacket. A1 Steam Ports. A2 Exhaust Passage to the Low-pressure Cylinders. BB Low-pressure Cylinders with Steam Jackets. B¹ Steam Ports. B2 Exhaust Port into the Surface Con- denser. cc Cylinder Covers. DD Stuffing Boxes and Glands for Piston Rods. D1 D1 Stuffing Boxes and Glands for pro- longation of Piston Rod. EE Escape Valves. FF Piston Valves for the High-pressure Cylinder. F1 Piston for carrying up the weight of the Valves. G Slide Valve for the Low-pressure Cylinders. H Piston for carrying up the weight of the Valve. I Spring on the back of the Valve. K High-pressure Valve Spindles. Link and Lever in connection with the Double Eccentrics and Link Motion for the High-pressure Cylinder. K¹ High-pressure Piston Valve Rocking Shaft. L Double Eccentrics and Link Motion for the High-pressure Valves. M M Valve Spindles for the Low-pressure Cylinders. NN Double Eccentrics and Link Motion for the Low-pressure Cylinder Valves. o Steam and Hydraulic Starting Gear, with Shaft, Lever, and Rods, in connection with the Link Motion. P Auxiliary Starting Valve. pl Steam Pipe. Q Main Framing for supporting the Cylinders. QQ¹ Pillow Blocks for the Crank Shaft. R Piston for the High-pressure Cylinder: R1 Piston Rod. R2 Prolongation of the Piston Rod. R Nut for securing the Piston. s Crosshead and Gudgeon. T Piston for the Low-pressure Cylinder. T1 Piston Rod. T Prolongation of the Piston Rod. T Nut for securing the Piston. U Crosshead and Gudgeon. v v Connecting Rods. w Crank Pin and Shaft. x Surface Condenser. y Air Pump. yl Cover. y Bucket. y³ Head Valves. y4 Hot Well. y5 Air Pump Discharge Pipe. z Air Pump Rod. z¹ Prolongation of the Air Pump Rod. z² Guide for the top of the Air Pump Rod. z3 Links connecting the Air Pump Cross- head with the Rocking Levers. z¹ Rocking Levers. ză Links connecting the Rocking Levers with the Piston Rod Crosshead. z6 Throttle Valve and Steam Pipes from the Boiler. Hand Gear. 1, Starting Cylinder Valve. "" 2, Low-p. Auxiliary Starting Slide Valve. 3, High-p. >> "" 4, Low-p. "" "" "" 5, Conical Valve to admit Steam to Reser- voir. 6, Double-beat Valve to admit Steam to High-pressure Valve Casing. 7, Jacket Drain Plug Taps and Handles. 8, High-pressure Cylinder Drain Plug Taps and Handles. 9, Low-pressure Cylinders Drain Plug Taps and Handles. ro, Common Injection Valve. THREE-CYLINDER COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING ENGINES OF STEAM-SHIP "SERVIA," 7400 TONS GROSS. CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. JAMES AND GEORGE THOMSON, GLASGOW, FOR THE CUNARD GLASGOW, FOR THE CUNARD LINE OF ROYAL MAIL ATLANTIC STEAMERS. 0 C D R R1 L L R3 A ԱՄ Α1 Q F K F 10. X HZ6 24 One High-pressure Cylinder 72" diam., and two Low- pressure Cylinders each 100" diam. Stroke of Pis- ton 78". Two Surface Condensers, placed fore and aft. Seven Boilers of oval form, 14' 10" wide, 18′ high, and 18′ 3″ long; having thirty-nine Fur- naces 4′ 2″ diam. and 6′ 9″ long. Effective Grate Sur- face 1050 sq. ft.; total Heating Surface 27,000 sq. Diameter of Propeller 24 ft. Indicated Horse- ft. power 10,500. Y Υ Y2 ༔ 。。。 Z2 5 14 A Fire Box. B Tubes. c Stays. D Smoke Box. E Smoke Box Door. F Chimney. G Fire Bars. н Ash Pan. I Stays. K Fire Door. LL Sludge Plugs. M Steam Dome. N Safety Valves. oo Steam Whistles & Handles. P Cylinder. Q Slide Valve. R Regulator, Valve. s Handle for Regulating Valve. T Blast Pipe. u Grease Cup. v Eccentrics & Link Motion. w Weigh Shaft, with Levers and Rod connecting with Starting Handle wa. xa xb xc Piston, Rod, Cross- head. xd Guide Bars. y Connecting Rod. ii Buffer Beam, and Hook with Spring. k Buffer. / Guard. m Axle Box and Guides for Driving Axle. » Axle Box and Guides for Trailing Axle. oo Springs. Compensating Lever. 9 Cab. Frame for Platform. s Splasher. t Injector, with Feed Pipe t'. ❝ Check Valve on the body of Boiler. Blow-off Tap. Steam Pipe for Injector. x Socket for Lamp. y Covering for Steam Dome. Cleading. z Water Pipe to the Tender. Sand Box and Pipe. z Driving Axle. a Trailing Axle. bb Bogie Axles. cc Wheels. d Crank Pin. e Side Rod. f Main Frame. g End Beam. hh Drag and Safety Pins. 36... k 4.0" 75% · 6'. 9° 12'. 11" 胖 ​10. 1.3% с b 2.7 X 3'. 11' E D C -X- 6.0" T F 1.8...... PU χα P Xb 1.2% 4' 3... C LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. DIAMETER OF CYLINDERS, 18 INCHES. LENGTH OF Stroke, 24 INCHES. DIAMETER Of Coupled Wheels, DIAMETER OF BOGIE WHEELS, WHEEL BASE, 7 FEET 2 INCHES. R: 3 FEET 42 INCHES. 21 FEET 22 INCHES. HEATING SURFACE IN TUBES, HEATING SURFACE IN FIREBOX, AREA OF FIREGRATE, 905 SQ. FEET. 82 SQ. FEET. 14'6 SQ. FEET. 4'. 2.. 4 C 23 B co • χα V ก xd XC W 9' 72* נם W Y 4.3. C 0 27. 534 Z m 2012. J'. 22. M Y L VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SECTIONS OF BOGIE PASSENGER ENGINE. BUILT FOR THE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY BY MESSRS. NEILSON & CO., GLASGOW. P e 2401 2 8. 7'... 43/8 A N G v H C-. グ ​7. a W ·N S 2.4" 9 10% 1 '. 10....... 4. 514 7 2 2 h 1 1 4.0% h πα g 22 D Smoke Box. E Smoke-box Door. F Chimney. PP Cylinders. Q Slide Valve. R Cover for Valve Casing. s End Cover. T Blast Pipe. U Steam Pipe. v Branch for Steam Pipe. w Solid Ring. xx Rivets for securing the Solid Ring to Barrel of Boiler. y Bottom of the Smoke Box. z Hand Rail. a a Studs for Hand Rail. bb Clothing Plates for Cylinders. cc Bogie Wheels. dd Hinges and Handle for secur- ing Smoke-box Door. e Studs and Pin for Hinges. ff Main Framing. g Platform. h Bogie. ¿ Swivelling Centre. · · P 18 diám 1.4½ 10° α 3/22 = F SECTION OF Length 4. 3 inside diam 4° N° 8 W.G. t n X W น 186 tubes 16. 134 Let dighr Vapiter at fused En D W ENGINE. Z LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. 444. [Shackles. α 1.54 k Frame for carrying Central Plate on which Bogie swivels. 77 Bogie Frame. m Stays. nn Springs. oo Studs for taking Spring Bolt. g Volute Spring. ✓ Oil Cup. s Splasher. tt Blow-off Taps on the Cylinders and Valve Casings, with Levers and Rods passing along to Starting Platform. u Tube Plate in the Smoke Box. v Tubes. ww Stays. x Mud Plug. y Socket for Lamp. z Auxiliary Blower Pipe. 63 I SECTION THROUGH FIRE BOX. $36. ·1.04...... N I 1.1134 €2. 246 radiu +++ ++++ + +++ 1 .1.1/4... E d 7/½ Opening..... .3.9 of door d Y 7.378- 4′0'between frames. • flush +5/½ rivets 4 pich 44 rivets flush outside R Taper Lim 30 1/40 • 2.3' radius 1 b g + S 1′.10. S 6+3 " Centres -514 718- N 8 between frames # 3.1.47%" „7.216 P THE EASIER AMEven än anthems » HO 7%8 L .3′.43% B K A 4.034 between frames. 4/16 4. O'outside 12'36 Ꮐ 3438 " .2′.0%- -- 00310 IG Stay heads thus between frames. H 234 • 1 H ...S.6... C 5 6----- с 3.8 Centres 4.5% between tyres A Fire Box A' Crown of Fire Box. A” Sides of Fire Box. B Tubes. cc Stays. GG Palms for supporting Frame for Fire Bars, &c. H H Stays. II Stays. K Fire Door. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF BOGIE PASSENGER ENGINE.—BUILT FOR THE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY BY MESSRS. NEILSON & Co., GLASGOW. LL Holes for Plugs. M Hole for Blow-off Tap. N Seating for Safety Valves. o Body of the Boiler. ff Main Framing. F Ρ E ค S D PORTABLE ENGINE. H D T M H R N C K 1. L 1 ୦୦୦ E M S A Fire Box. B Tubes. c Smoke Box. D Funnel. E Ash Pan. F Cylinder and Valve Casing, &c. G Motion Bars, Crosshead, &c. H Connecting Rod. I Cranked Shaft. K Fly Wheel. LL Brackets for carrying the Cranked Shaft. м Feed Pump driven by an Eccentric. N Blast Pipe. o Regulator Handle. P Safety Valve. Q Governor. R Front Wheels with Swivelling Axle. s Back Wheels with Fixed Axle. T Stay Rod. VERTICAL AND TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF EIGHT HORSE-POWER PORTABLE ENGINE. CONSTRUCTED BY THE READING IRONWORKS, LIMITED. fool PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS. LENGTH BETWEEN PERPENDICULARS, Breadth of BEAM, DEPTH, Moulded, GROSS TONNAGE, E CUTTER ENGINES, COMPOUND. CYLINDERS, one 60 in. anD TWO 85 IN. 445 FT. 46 FT. Length of Stroke, 36 FT. 10 IN. INDICATED HORSE-POWER, 5385 TONS. DIAMETER OF Propeller, ன CUTTER Foo 26 20 26 25 28 26 28 28 28 28 28 28 BER 2 9 B PEETE 28 28 28 S A L D SKYLIGHT. 28 2B 28 28 N 28 28 28 28 2B 26 2** HATCH HATCH 5 FT. .. 5500. 22 FT. WINCH WINCH I A I C LIFE BOAT STEAM-SHIP "ORIENT.” A A Boilers. BB Funnels. D Shafting. GG Coal Bunkers. E Screw Propeller. c Engines. FFF Stoke Holes. H High-pressure Cylinder. II Low-pressure Cylinders. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. B B A G F F F UPPER DECK PLAN. 2 B FIREMEN 28 ZB 28 FIREMEN 26 28 26 HOSPITAL 2NO ENGINE CLASS FUNNEL CALLEY D. SKY LIGHT LIFE BOAT 28 28 28 • 28 28 28 2 B 28 28 28 2 SAL 0 O N 28 I I H |ENGINEERS 28 FUNNEL 28 WORKSHOP PASSENGER S 28 28 28 28 28 O 28 28 2.11 FIREMEN 28 G PRISON 28 2B 28 CLASE FUNNEL KGALLEY பப் SMOKING ROOM О SALOON ENTRANCE PIANO B 28 B 1001 MAIN DECK PLAN. IT SALOON GENTS OF -FUNNEL C28 B 28 患 ​bood 28 28 SAL O SALOON PANTRY FOUR DOUBLE-ENDED BOILERS. PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION. Length of EACH BOILER, DIAMETER 17 FT. 3 IN. FIRST CLASS, 120 " 15 FT. 6 IN. NUMBER OF FURNACES TO EACH Boiler, STEAM PRESSURE, 6. Second Class, THIRD CLASS, 140 300 75 LBS. MUSIC S ALOON 00 0000 OINING ORGAN HATCH WINCH WINCH SKY SKY LIGHT LICHT : Trolol WINCH ၁၀ Good ZB 28 28 28 28 26 28 26 28 2B 000000000000000 PASSENGERS S A L O N 28 28 I SALOON 28 28 28 28 28 0000 0000 0000 2 SALOON O LADIES SERVA 2828 LONGITUDINAL SECTION AND DECK PLANS OF THE SCREW STEAM-SHIP "ORIENT.” BUILT AND ENGINED BY MESSRS. JOHN ELDER & CO., GLASGOW, FOR THE ORIENT LINE OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO AUSTRALIA. HATCH- B 2 B 28 | ST SALOON 00 STEAM HATCH WINDLASS ood o ORIENT 010 2B 28 28 28 213 28 28 28 25 28 HATCH- 28 28 28 28 CREWS 28 28 28 28 SPACE PASSENGERS 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 2828 28 2 B 28 28 28 28 2B HOPPER DREDGER. 1000 H T Q LONGITUDINAL SECTION. G B H II H E E The Vessel steams to place of working and is moored by the Steam Winches A A at bow and stern to buoys, the Bucket Ladder B is then lowered by steam power, and thereafter Buckets set in motion by gearing cc. The depth of water at which the Bucket Ladder dredges is regulated by the Hoisting Shears and Chain Barrel DD, driven by shafting EE from the Engines. The Buckets discharge the material by the shoot F into the Hopper G. The dredged material is discharged by the doors of the Hopper being opened by the Lifting Chains H H. These doors are hinged on to the side of Vessel, and suspended at centre by the Lifting Chains, which are connected to geared Crab Winches 11. A C OF-O E HOPPER G DECK PLAN. B 1:00 E D HDDDDDDDDDD CAPTAIN & ENGINEER ROOM CABIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 4,0 45 50 feet. PATENT COMBINED HOPPER DREDGER, TO DREDGE 20 FEET DEPTH OF WATER, AND CARRY 200 TONS IN ITS OWN HOPPER. WELL D STORE ROOM LATTICE GIRDER RAILWAY BRIDGE. N R WITĀT M SIDE ELEVATION OF CHANNEL SPAN. EKORA HOST: Span centres of Piers, • ··446′ 0″. 21 Panels each of,..... 20′ 1″. END ELEVATION. ¿R PLAN OF UPPER CHORD, R B Y C m – DHE ME NIE WE WENSE M Height of truss centres of Chords, Distance apart centres of Trusses, Height from low water to base of Rail,. • · Z D **30.10. 180.10 446. 0° • • 42′ 2″. 18′ 0″. • .95′ 0″. K KIA RIVER BRINGE IV. 17/2 K K K C EIGHT א Z P HOP! CHOW RAOKE 162079 1:19:2 A PLAN OF LOWER CHORD, AT A. AT PIER. F F S G B Abutment. cc Piers. K 1303 日 ​K KK Oak Guards. L Upper Chord. DD Cutwaters. EE Stone Pedestals. F Floor Beams. G Stringer. H Oak Ties. 1 Oak Beams. M Lower Chord. NN End Posts. oo Intermediate Posts. P Strut. QQ Ties. RR Roller Frames. N EUZMENEMY !==! ENTE=NENTEMENTENE LES' s Braces. T Stiffening Archway. U Strut. v Swing Rods. w Trestles. x Diagonal Rods. Y Pratt Deck Truss. z Double Intersection Pratt through Truss. Y Y K X W C D AD D 260: 0° 230. 0° 230. O' dron, Kaduce 1080, 1o GENERAL ELEVATION. RAILWAY BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER OHIO, AT BEAVER, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. LENGTH 1376 FEET, WITH 1080 FEET OF VIADUCT APPROACH. STEAM CRANE. A The HEAD OF JIB A is 60 feet in height from the coping of the pedestal. The FULCRUM is a Ring of 60 rollers running on a cast-iron and steel Roller Race. The HOISTING ENGINES are a pair of Vertical Direct-acting Engines with cylinders 10" diameter and 16″ stroke. Turning round the Crane is effected by a pair of smaller independent Horizontal Engines. This Crane will deposit its load a clear dis- tance of 40 feet from the face of the quay wall. D D A A Jibs. B Trussing between Jibs. cc Fulcrum and Rollers. DD Back Stays. E Wrought-iron Framing. F Engine and Boiler House. GG Hoisting Chains. H Pedestal. #0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Q B E N FREEMANARIHAU KE SKIERO H ד C SEVENTY-TON STEAM STEAM CRANE, VICTORIA BASIN, DUNDEE. CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. JAMES TAYLOR AND CO., BIRKENHEAD. STEAM FIRE FIRE ENGINE. K U Z N' Y N' M TO X Y Y N L M M FRONT VIEW. Z LITERAL REFERENCES. A Boiler. BB Tubes. B'B' Outer ring of Tubes, forming Water Casing. c Fire Bars. c'c' Lining at the bottom of the Fire Box. D Chimney. EE Casing. E' Fire Door. F Hollow Baffle Piece forming Blast Pipe. G Exhaust Steam Pipe. H Blast Nozzle. I Steam Cylinder. I' Crosshead for Piston and Pump Rods. K Pump. K' Pump Bucket. L Suction Pipe. MM Discharge Pipes. N Air Vessel for Suction Pipe. N' Air Vessel for Discharge Pipes. o Twisted Rod for working the Slide Valve. o' Starting Gear. P Whistle. Q Safety Valve. R Bourdon Gauge. s Gauge Glass. T Foot Plate and Coal Bunkers. UU Wheels. u'u' Wheel Axles. vv Framing. v'v' Springs. U w Seat for Firemen. x Seat for Driver. y Foot Board. zz Lamps. I V D E G A E B SECTION THROUGH PUMP, CYLINDER, AND BOILER. II Β' C B Y X E' Y N N Z U V' U U W PLAN. ELEVATION. 400 V V' U U D P Q R U S FRONT VIEW, PLAN, ELEVATION, AND SECTION THROUGH PUMP, CYLINDER, AND BOILER, OF A SINGLE-CYLINDER STEAM FIRE ENGINE. CONSTRUCTED BY MESSRS. MERRYWEATHER AND SONS, LONDON. T સ T MODERN STEAM PRACTICE AND ENGINEERING. COAL AND COAL-MINING. COAL is the primary source of our commerce and manufactures, by enabling steam-power and machinery to be produced at the most economical rate. The economical importance of the coal deposits in England and Scotland is much enhanced by the rich beds of iron ore found in their associated shales, as well as in the contiguity of the carboniferous limestone which is required to assist in reducing the ore to a metallic state, not to speak of the lesser advantage of the proximity of the fire-clay, which furnishes the only material for building blast-furnaces capable of resisting the heat of the smelting process. The varieties of coal usually met with are anthracite, caking-coal, cherry-coal, splint-coal, and cannel-coal. For manufacturing purposes coals are generally considered to consist of two parts-a volatile or bituminous portion, and a sub- stance comparatively fixed, and usually known by the name of coke. This latter form of coal is extensively used in locomotive engines on railways, in consequence of its yielding no smoke, the volatile matter, or that which forms the smoke of coal, being removed by ignition. As the bituminous or volatile part of coal yields the gas used for lighting, it has been found that the heating power of the coal resides in the coke, and no heat is lost by first extracting the gas from coal by the usual methods of burning, or rather distilling coal. Coal is deposited in beds more or less horizontal, although some- times by movements of the earth's crust their position has become much inclined. The great coal-field of Britain, which is composed of numerous subordinate coal-fields, crosses the island in a diagonal direction, the south boundary line extending from near the mouth. of the river Humber, upon the east coast of England, to the south 1 2 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. part of the Bristol Channel on the west coast; and the north boun- dary line extending from the south side of the river Tay in Scot- land, westward by the south side of the Ochil Hills, to near Dumbarton upon the river Clyde; within these boundary lines North and South Wales are included. This area is about 260 miles in length, and on an average about 150 miles in breadth. Coal also occurs in other formations of later geological age; but none of these later deposits equal in economical importance the rich stores of the carboniferous system in our island. Beds of coal are found in most European countries, as also in China, India, Australia, Japan, and Borneo; but the coal-fields of the United States of America are by far the most extensive and richest in the world. Boring in search of coal is an important branch of mining. In ordinary practice the boring plant consists of shearlegs, windlass, brake, brace-head, bore-rods, cutting tools, &c. Steam - engines specially adapted for boring have also been devised. A very simple method with hollow rods combined with a force-pump was intro- duced by M. Fauvelle in 1846. (C The "troubles" met with in working coal are various:-for example, a "want" or "nip" is, as its name suggests, a part of the field where no coal exists, or only in a very thin streak; if this streak is followed, however, the coal seam will again be found. "Dykes" are generally of whin, projecting from below. It rarely happens that the coal is either elevated or depressed by this "trouble," but it is much burned and rendered useless for some yards on either side. A "step" or "fault" is a dislocation, some- times of considerable magnitude, by which the strata are elevated or depressed many fathoms. A "hitch" is of the same nature as a step," but on a smaller scale. A whin bed is perhaps the worst kind of "trouble" to be met with, as, when found near to and parallel with a coal-seam, it renders the entire bed useless. When a miner meets with a step" or a "hitch" he at once knows whether it is an "up throw" or a "down throw." If a "hitch" lies off at the top, by following the rise upwards he will find the coal; if off at the bottom, he must follow the dip downwards. Although it is both annoying and expensive to meet with these "troubles," they often serve useful purposes: "steps," for instance, sometimes elevate the coal from a depth that would be difficult to reach by ordinary means to a depth of comparatively easy working. Again, when a coal-seam is nearly cropping out, a "step" is met with (( COAL AND COAL-MINING. 3 that throws it down, in this way extending the field. Again, whin dykes serve the purpose of dams, and prevent water passing from one waste" or worked-out space to another. It is also of importance to fix on the best position and form for the pits. Where much water may be expected, the best form for the pit-shaft is circular, so that the water met with in sinking may be kept back by tubbing; that is, lining the shaft with suitable material, such as stone, timber, or cast-iron, the latter being pre- ferred. When the pressure of water is great, sometimes the tub- bing is formed of half rings, so as to fit the shaft; but where pumps and brattices interfere, segments of cast-iron are used, about 4 feet in length and 2 feet in height, and from 3% of an inch to I inch in thickness. The segments are made to form a smooth surface in the shaft, and they are fitted to each other by means of flanges, 3 to 4 inches at each end, and the spaces between the segments are filled up with thin deal. Stone tubbing is merely common walling, with the foundation made tight by means of grooves cut in the stone, the joints and backing being filed up with cement, which, if carefully executed, will answer for light purposes; but the success of this method of tubbing is of too precarious a nature to meet with general application for important works, and wood or iron is preferred. It sometimes happens in sinking pits that all the wells and springs in the neighbourhood are drained off, but this evil may be prevented by tubbing the shaft. Some pits are sunk at great expense, owing to the nature of the strata which have to be passed through, and other difficulties, as, for example, a heavy flow of water. Such instances occur in the north of England, as at Pemberton's Pit, Monkwearmouth, near Sunderland, and a pit at Seaham near Durham, which is 300 fathoms deep and cost the enormous sum of £100,000. Before the steam-engine was introduced, the coal-pits capable of drainage with hydraulic machinery or water-engines were comparatively few in number; and when drained by wind-mills, as was sometimes the case, the pits were drowned in calm weather. The driving of day levels was thus a primary object with the early miner; and this system of draining is the cheapest where circumstances allow of its adoption. The day levels were often of sufficient dimensions to admit of roads, and even in some cases of canals, being formed in them, so that machinery was not required. In modern times, how- ever, the water is pumped from great depths by steam power, the 4 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. single-acting Cornish pumping engine, having a beam with the steam cylinder at one end and plunger or force pumps at the other, being extensively used. Sometimes lift or bucket pumps are introduced, while in other cases both plunger and lift are combined in a single barrel. Some of these engines work direct, the pump rods being attached at once to the piston-rod over the pit. The deleterious air met with in mines is of two kinds, the one being heavier and the other lighter than atmospheric air;—the natural consequence of which is that the heavier gas rests in the lower parts of the mine, while the lighter ascends to the higher parts. The heavier is carbonic acid gas, known to the miners by the names of "choke-damp," "black-damp," and "stythe;" the lighter gas is carburetted hydrogen, commonly called "fire-damp,” or inflammable gas. Where the former gas has been allowed to accumulate there is great difficulty in getting it expelled. In coal mines it is seldom present except as "after-damp," and is the result of a preceding explosion. No light will burn in this gas. We have seen a fire-lamp, with about 3 cwt. of coal in full blaze, burning in a pit where choke-damp filled the bottom, as completely extinguished as if it had been plunged in water. At times, though seldom, the coal has been known to catch fire in mines, and burn for years; in such cases carbonic acid gas has been successfully applied in extinguishing these fires. Carburetted hydrogen or "fire-damp," the lighter gas, is not explosive until mixed with atmospheric air. According to experi- ment, the mixture most explosive is I of gas to 6 of atmospheric air; when it is 1 to 14 a candle burns in it, but with a flame much elongated. Many of the fearful explosions and attendant loss of life occasioned by this gas arise from carelessness. Some obstruction in the air course is allowed to take place, a door has been left open all night, or a miner enters his room with a safety- lamp in his hand, but has neglected to remove the open lamp from his cap; even some of the miners are so fool-hardy as to light their tobacco-pipes by drawing the flame through the wire gauze, thus igniting the gas. We need not impress upon all workmen the great danger arising from such carelessness. The electric light is being experimented with at present as an illuminating medium for coal workings. The great difficulty in fiery mines being the risk of explosion arising from lights, it becomes an important matter to devise methods to meet this danger. COAL AND COAL-MINING. 5 The Davy lamp does not emit a strong light; hence if it can be proved that the electric light will not set fire to the inflammable gases of the mines in the event of accidental breakage of the protecting glass globes, its intense light should prove very valuable to the miner. It has been found by experiment that the presence of coal dust in the workings contributes much to the risk of explosions; and it seems certain that if 3 per cent. of gas exists in the air of a mine which is thoroughly mixed with coal dust, an explosive mixture is formed. Mines should have at least two shafts, one of which serves to admit the pure air, while the foul gases escape by the other. The ascent of these gases is facilitated by creating a draught by means of a furnace at the bottom of one of the shafts or by fans driven at a high speed placed at top. This shaft is called the upcast shaft; the downcast shaft, which may be within a few yards of the other, allows the fresh air to pass down to the workings, to the faces of which it is directed by partitions of wood or canvas called "brattices." The air in its circuit below will travel several miles. The coal lies in parallel layers, between which the gas exists in a highly compressed state. In order to detach these layers with the least possible danger, it is usual to cut through them endways, by which means the gas is allowed to make its escape at once from a considerable portion of the coal. From observation of some mines it is seen that discharge of fire-damp, though governed by atmospheric pressure, takes place before being indicated by the barometer, so that, as an indicator, that instrument cannot be relied on. As before said, the explosion of "fire-damp" in a mine results in an accumulation of the dangerous "after-damp,"¹ and more lives are lost by it than by the explosion itself. It has the appearance of a dense misty vapour, and resists the application of ventilation in an extraordinary manner. It benumbs the faculties and deprives the miner of all presence of mind, so that, instead of rushing at once to the pit bottom, if he has escaped the fire, he gets bewild- ered, and a deadly lethargy comes over him, ending in sleep from which he never awakes. It is rare to find choke-damp and fire- damp in the same workings, or if they do occur it is only in small quantities. 1 ¹ A mixture of carbonic acid and other products of the combustion of the carburetted hydrogen. 6 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. The only effectual means of preventing accidents from these gases is a complete system of ventilation by air-courses through the mine. This ventilation is maintained either by the natural heat of the mine; by mechanical appliances, as pumps, fans, or pneu- matic screws—either forcing air into the downcast shaft or exhaust- ing it from the upcast shaft, by water falling constantly down the downcast, or by furnaces placed at the bottom of the upcast. For- merly furnace ventilation was considered to be the most efficient and reliable mode of ventilating very deep pits. The distance of the furnace from the bottom of the upcast shaft is a point of impor- tance, 30 to 40 yards being a common distance. The fans used for ventilation may be divided into two kinds, C A B A A Fig. 1.-Side Elevation of Guibal Fan. A A, Rotating Fan. B, Discharge Orifice. c, Outlet. viz. pump and centrifugal. In the first class are the Struvé, Nixon, Lemielle, and Roots; and in the second class the Guibal, Rammell, Waddle, and Schielé. Mechanical ventilators of the fan descrip- tion appear in some cases to effect a saving of about 50 per cent. COAL AND COAL-MINING. 7 over the furnace system, and the useful effect of a good fan seems to be from 40 to 60 per cent. of the power employed. The quan- tity of air discharged varies with the size of the fan and the speed of rotation. In some of the centrifugal fans of about 16 feet diameter, the quantity of air in cubic feet per minute passed amounts to from 40,000 to 50,000, and in larger fans of 30 to 50 feet diameter, 100,000 to 200,000 cubic feet per minute may be discharged. In the Schielé fan the speed is very high, 150 to 300 revolutions per minute, the diameter being smaller than some of the other forms, such as the Guibal, which is generally of a larger diameter with a less velocity of rotation, say about 90 revolutions per minute. An engraving of the Guibal fan, which is now largely used, is shown in Fig. 1. As a general rule no mine should have a ventilating power of less than 100 cubic feet per minute for each man and boy employed in the underground passages, and in mines making large quantities of fire-damp a ventilation equal to from 200 to 600 cubic feet per minute per man should be attained. The common methods of working coal in this country are "long- wall" and "stall and pillars," with a modification of the latter called "rances." By the "long-wall" system all the coal is excavated, and it is the most profitable way of working. Before starting any coal "long-wall," however, there are several circumstances to be considered, such as the nature of the roof, the property that might be injured by the subsidence of the superincumbent strata, and so on. In the “stall and pillar" system there is a great sacrifice of coal, generally about one-third, but often nearly one-half; this plan, therefore, should never be adopted if the coal can be worked "long- wall." Pillars are often left large or worked in "rances," with the intention of being afterwards removed; but this plan does not always succeed. Large as the pillars may be, they often sink into the pavement if it is soft, and cause a "creep," which shatters the coal, besides forcing the soft pavement up to the roof in the roads and rooms or stalls, and the contemplated removal of the pillars is thus frustrated. The edge seams of coal are worked "long-wall" in some cases, and "stall and pillar" in others. Instead of the pits being sunk straight down, inclined shafts are driven through the bed of coal, with rooms branching off from either side of the incline, and to work these the men stand on the coal as a floor, having the coal also as the roof. In the shaft, instead of a cage and slides, there is 8 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. a tramway, with trucks capable of holding two hutches or small waggons in each, the tramways being laid double in order to balance the engine, one truck ascending and the other descending, as in ordinary vertical shafts. These trucks have likewise boxes fitted for drawing the water, the mechanism for doing so being self-acting. The method now universally adopted for bringing the coal to the surface is by a steam-engine having a drum on which the wire ropes are wound, the drum being sheathed with wood; the cages or frames for holding the hutches or small waggons being attached to the other end of the wire ropes, which are so arranged that one cage is descending with an empty hutch, and the other ascending with a hutch full of coal, the men descending and ascending in like manner. The shaft has a central division all the way down, formed of timber, to which are attached balks of the same material; balks are also fixed to each side of the shaft, to form a guide for the cages, the cage or iron frame having guiding pieces fitted to it. Many ingeni- ous devices have been adopted to disconnect the cage from the rope in case of over-winding, or to prevent the cage from being dashed to the bottom should the rope snap. All these plans consist of mechanical contrivances, such as wedges, clips, eccentrics, serrated and arranged with springs and levers, so as instantly to grip the guides in the pit, and thus sustain the cage until the defects are made good. On the engine shaft is fitted a worm wheel and pinion, with an index, so that the engine tenter-who should always be on the look out, as this index is intended to point out the approach of the cage either way-knows when to stop the engine at the top or All modern engines are fitted with the link motion for actuating the slide valve; thus the man in charge of the engine can stop and reverse instantly, and so prevent accidents from over- winding. A variety of machines have been introduced for cutting and breaking down the coal, saving the practical miner much hard labour. These consist chiefly in an arrangement of a series of cutters, which are made to revolve by the action of compressed air or steam; and they answer in certain localities where the seams of coal are of great thickness, but in many cases the miner has to lie on his side and use the pick in that position. Machines do not answer well in thin seams, where, after the coal is broken down, the men have to push it out of their rooms with their feet. COAL AND COAL-MINING. 9 The utilization of coal for raising steam has now been adopted for many years, and the steam-engine may be called a machine. whereby the power stored in the coal may be rendered available for the performing of mechanical work. The history of the steam-engine, like that of other important inventions, shows a slow and gradual development from compara- tively simple and rude appliances to the highly finished and complex machine of the present day. The earliest notice which we have of the use of steam is in the writings of Hero of Alexandria (B.C. 120), where a rotatory steam- engine is mentioned. In 1663 the Marquis of Worcester devised a steam-engine for pumping water, and in 1697 Savery applied steam to pump water out of mines. Papin in 1690 improved the earlier rude machine, and introduced the cylinder and piston. Newcomen in 1705 introduced the separate boiler, and through the alternate pressure and condensation of the steam produced the atmospheric pumping engine. To James Watt, however, we must look as the inventor who brought the steam-engine to be a really serviceable machine for commercial purposes, and this mainly through his invention of the separate condenser, whereby the steam, instead of being condensed in the cylinder, as in Newcomen's engine, was conveyed to a separate vessel, where, by means of a jet of water, it became con- densed and afterwards pumped out to be used as feed-water to the boiler. Attempts were made from time to time to use the steam-engine as a propelling power for boats, and both in Europe and in America various experiments were made. To Fulton in America and Bell in this country, however, the credit of successfully introducing passenger steamers must be given. The application of steam to locomotives was attempted by vari- ous engineers, but the successful introduction of the railway loco- motive is mainly due to George Stephenson; the main elements of success being the adoption of the tubular boiler and forced blast. Steam has also been applied to road locomotive traction engines and agricultural machinery, and, of course, in the many forms of land engines it is still supreme. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. DISTINCTIVE FORMS OF BOILERS. The common cylindrical boiler with hemispherical ends is exten- sively used for colliery engines and other places where space is no object, and the consumption of fuel but little thought of. For such purposes it is the simplest, and, as no stays are required, the strongest of its kind. It rests on a structure of brickwork, having the furnace underneath, with a return flue all round; the parts ex- posed to the action of the flame are lined with fire-brick. As there are usually no internal flues, it is obvious that it is a very safe boiler, having always a good body of water over the furnace, or fire-grate; but still it is not free from the rapid corrosion that sets in with all boilers resting on a substructure of brickwork. Sometimes boilers of this form have the front end quite flat, for the conveni- ence of attaching the water gauge glass, steam-pressure gauge, &c. E A C B D Fig. 2.-Cornish Boiler with Single Furnace. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections. A, Shell. B, Furnace. c, Fire-brick bridge. D, Flue. E, Steam dome. The Cornish boiler differs materially from the plain cylindrical form: both the ends are quite flat, with one internal flue running through and through, and having the fire-grate at one end; or with one in- ternal flue, and having the furnace underneath the boiler, with return flues in the usual manner. Another form has two internal furnaces, meeting in a combustion chamber. This plan of construction is well suited for the prevention of smoke; but to attain this end the furnaces should be fired alternately, so that one fire is quite bright, while the other one is green, or in the act of firing. To assist com- bustion, small tubes are introduced from the front end, passing through the water space into the combustion chamber. Thus a BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. II current of heated air mixes with the flame and heated gases, and prevents smoke to a great extent. The simplicity of this arrange- ment cannot be excelled, as careful firing of itself will, in a great measure, prevent smoke, while the current of hot air, mixing with the heated gases in the furnace, largely contributes to the same result. The top parts of the ends are stayed with gusset pieces, con- nected to the top and ends of the boiler, and the combustion chamber is strengthened at the back of the furnace with one or more conical A E B D D D E B F Fig. 3.-Boiler with Double Furnaces. A, Shell. B B, Furnaces. c, Combustion chamber. Horizontal and Transverse Sections. DD, Stay tubes. EE, Flues. F, Steam dome. tubes, with the water freely passing through them. As large flues are weak, sometimes they are strengthened with conical tubes at intervals; the back flue, in some cases, is divided into two smaller ones, and the conical tubes omitted, thus leaving the flues quite clear, so that they can be easily cleaned out. Another kind of E 1) A B B F Fig. 4.—Combined Cornish and Multitubular Boiler. Horizontal and Transverse Sections. A, Shell. BB, Furnaces. c, Combustion chamber. D, Small tubes. E, Stay tube. F, Steam dome. cylindrical boiler has a number of small tubes set at the back of the combustion chamber, thus combining, in some respects, the Cornish with the multitubular arrangement. For low pressure steam, and where space is an object, and when deposits from the water are rapidly formed over the heating surface, a self-con- tained boiler, designed by the author, has done good service. It is fitted with one round furnace, carrying the flame and heated gases to the back, returning to the front end through large tubes, 8 inches in diameter, and then repassing to the back through other 12 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. tubes of the same diameter; then down at the back, and along the sides and bottom, through suitable flues of brickwork, so that, A, Shell. B, Furnace. DD, Tubes. E, Smoke-box. c, Combustion chamber. F, Flue. E A C F B internally and externally, a large amount of heating surface is ob- tained, and this great desideratum is secured that all the tubes are easily got at for repairs and scaling off the deposits. Thus we have noticed arrange- ments partly self-contained, but having external flues of brickwork, such as are in general use. Next comes that class which is wholly self-contained, the heated gases, after doing duty in the boiler, sim- ply going up the chimney. There are several arrangements having all the same object in view, namely, to economize space. By one of them an ordinary round shell has a square furnace fitted; the flame, after doing its best duty in the fire-box, passes through one or two large flues, crossed with a series of conical tube stays, and the flame interlacing, as it were, Fig. 5.-Return Tubular Boiler. Longi- tudinal Section. E A Во C תי F B Fig. 6. Self-contained Flue Boiler. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections. A, Shell. B, Fire-box. cc, Flues. D, Stay tubes. E, Steam dome. F, Fire-door. amongst them, makes a very effective arrangement, and in cases where the water, from its impure state, rapidly forms deposit, all the parts. can easily be reached. Instead of the large flues, small tubes are sometimes arranged, as in the locomotive boiler, so that the useful caloric is extracted by honeycombing the water, as it were, with hundreds of square feet of heated surface; but when very small tubes are used, they should be of a different material from the boiler— brass, or composition tubes, are to be preferred—thus the incrusta- tion is in a great measure prevented. Sometimes the fire-box is made cylindrical, having a hemispherical outside dome; by this D BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. A 13 plan very few stays are required; the tube-plate, however, must be made flat, with the back of the outside fire-box to correspond, or as it were part of the cylindri- cal portion of the fire-box, cut away in the plan, that part having screwed stays in the usual manner. This arrangement has now be- come obsolete. Another form exten- D Fig. 7.-Self-contained Tubular Boiler. A, Shell. B, Fire-box. c, Tubes. D, Smoke-box. E, Fire-door. B E ca GMPPY sively used for general purposes is the vertical type. Such boilers are made entirely cylindrical; some are constructed with an internal barrel, with the smoke-pipe passing through the steam space; while A, Shell. c, Smoke-pipe. B, Fire-box. D, Fire-door. A C A D Fig. 9. A, Shell. B, Fire-box. c, Tubes. D, Smoke-pipe. E, Fire-door. Fig. 10. A, Shell. B, Fire-box. cc, Flues. D, Fire-door. CURIAELIUMIS B D A B Pq E B ANTHONCHHAR HA SUURIMMISI C Fig. 8. Vertical Dome Boiler. Fig. 9. Vertical Tubular Boiler. Fig. 10. Vertical Return Boiler. some steam generators of this kind are made very lofty, fitted with an internal cone fire-box, and arranged in communication with the waste heat from puddling and other furnaces, &c., and others for general purposes have small tubes placed vertically, arranged with the smoke-box underneath the water, and the smoke-pipe passing through the steam space. Other arrangements have, the tubes passing to the top of the boiler, with a dry uptake; thus the tubes can easily be inspected without disturbing the steam-tight portions of the boiler; and the tubes are easily cleaned by simply taking off the dry uptake, or lower portion of the funnel. The boiler-tubes 14 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. of a steam carriage for common roads having become foul with soot, thus impeding the draught, gunpowder was wrapped up tightly in a piece of paper and thrown on the fire, and the fire-box door immediately shut; a slight explosion took place, sending a cloud of soot up the chimney, effectually clearing the tubes without stopping the machine. Of course, it would be somewhat dangerous to carry an explosive mixture about for such a purpose; but, in most cases, this means of clearing the tubes can be cheaply and most effectu- ally carried out, and there is no danger whatever, provided too much gunpowder is not used at once. All vertical self-contained boilers should have air tubes 34 inch in diameter, and spaced about 6 inches apart, all round the fire-box, dipping downwards, so that a current of air may mix with the flame and heated gases at about the level of the top of the fuel, thus tending to the prevention of smoke; these tubes are screwed into the outside shell and the inside fire-box, and then rivetted over. There is one objection common to all vertical boilers, namely, that a great portion of the heat passes directly up the chimney without doing duty; to obviate this defect the flame and heated gases are directed downwards with suitable flues; this plan must have separate flues of fire-brick, with a chimney, and is not so compact an arrange- ment as the multitubular one. The feed-water pipe passes through the bottom flues, thus heating the water in its passage to the boiler, and all the flues are easily reached for scaling and cleaning out. A F ID The pot boiler derives its name from the peculiar pot-like vessel, fitted to, and hanging from the top of the fire-box; this spherical generator is introduced so that the lower part, made of copper, receives the full benefit of the flame; the annular space between the pot and the fire-box is made narrow, thus the flame and heated gases impinge against the sides of the fire-box, and then pass through the small tubes into the chimney. The ebullition of the water in the pot is very violent, ejecting the sediment and preventing incrustation; the deposit finds its way to the bottom of the boiler, and is cleaned out by Fig. 11.—Pot Boiler. A, Shell. suitable sludge doors. The dry uptake can be E, Fire-door. F,Smoke-pipe. easily removed, and the inside of the boiler in- spected through the man-hole, placed exactly over the pot, in the B E B, Fire-box. c,Pot. D,Tubes. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 15 centre of the boiler, there being no tubes at the centre, but merely all round the opening in the top of the pot, which is bolted to the tube-plate by means of projecting flanges on the pot and tube- plate. E A In some cases, such as in the Fire-engine, it is a desideratum to have a rapid steam-producing boiler; a good example is simply an ordinary vertical boiler, having the tubes suspended inside of the fire-box, arranged with an internal tube in each, loosely sup- ported from the tube-plate, these small inside tubes leaving annular spaces between them and the larger tubes, so that only a thin film of water is exposed to the heating surface. By this means steam is raised rapidly; but it must be borne in mind that, as the evapora- tion of the water is very great, care must be taken that a sufficient quantity of water is kept up in the boiler, which would otherwise soon boil dry. The circulation is very rapid in the tubes. The bottoms of the tubes are hermeti- cally sealed; and as the steam is generated, it ascends, displacing the water in the annular space between the inner and outer tubes, and the water from the top circulates down the inner tubes and fills up the cavity. The smoke- pipe is connected to the top of the fire-box, passing through the steam space, and is rivetted to an angle-iron ring on the top of the boiler; and there is an open part left in the centre of the fire-box where there are no tubes, this opening being blocked up with a lump of fire- brick suspended by a rod from the top of the boiler, thus the flame is prevented from going directly up the chimney, as it impinges against the fire-clay lump, and by this means it is distributed beneficially amongst the small tubes. B F Fig. 12.-Boiler with Suspended Annular Tubes. A, Shell. B, Fire-box. c, Tubes. D, Fire- brick lump. E, Smoke-pipe. F, Fire-door Instead of a number of annular tubes, one large tube has been suc- cessfully adopted, the arrangement consisting of an internal fire-box, having an annular¹ water space all round. On the outside of this water space there is an annular flue, and the whole is contained in an ordinary vertical boiler, having a hemispherical top; the flame and the gases, after doing duty in the fire-box, find their way 1 ¹ The space between a small inner and large outer tube is called annular. 16 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. A through an opening into the annular flue, and then escape all round into a flue of brickwork; thus a large heating surface is obtained. As in the pot boiler, there is great ebullition in the annular space around the inside fire-box, the steam escaping into the boiler proper through a tube at the top, the circulation of the water being effected by a series of small tubes, connecting the inside and the outside water spaces at the bottom of the boiler. F E B G Fig. 13. Annular Boiler. A, Shell. B, Fire- flue. E, Flue. F, Fire-door. G, Ash-pit. What are termed "water-tube" boilers show examples consisting merely of large tubes, so connected as to form a series of boilers, the whole being encased in brickwork. This box. c, Annular water space. D, Annular species of steam generator is capable of sustaining great pressure, the whole of the steam pipes and the connections being tested to about 500 lbs. per square inch; and as they are constructed so that all the joints are protected from the action of the flame, they ought to be very durable. Where space is no object they are well suited for small powers, but for large power it is doubtful if they are so well adapted as the ordinary Cornish arrangements, fitted with conical water tubes in the flues. One arrangement of the water-tube boiler consists of a series of tubes 4 feet 6 inches long and 7 inches in diameter, closed at the upper ends, having plates ½ inch in thickness welded in, and round the bottom ends heavy cast-iron rings with lugs are fixed. The ends of the tubes are roughened, and the rings are cast on, thus the contraction of the cast-iron, as well as a partial uniting of the two metals, render this mode of fastening on the rings a very secure one; the tubes are arranged in transverse rows in an oven, between the furnace and the chimney. The lower ends of the tubes for each row are united to a pipe 10 inches in diameter, and of suitable thickness, which is strengthened by diaphragm plates cast in, and perforated with small holes. On this pipe short branch pieces are cast, which are turned and recessed, for the reception of the ends of the other tubes, to which they are strongly united by means of bolts and gun- metal nuts, recessed into the lugs, the rings on the tubes having BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 17 corresponding lugs. The joint is made with a composition ring, of lead and tin, dropped into the recess, and then the screws are tightened; this joint is capable of sustaining as great a pressure as the tubes, and can be made and re-made at any time without injury. H D B A G F C E Fig. 14.-Water-tube Boiler. A, Furnace. B, Tubes. c, Flue. D, Division plate. E, Damper. F, Steam receiver. G, Stop valve. H, Safety valve. The upper ends of the tubes have short pieces of wrought-iron welded gas pipe, tapped into the end plates, for taking away the steam to the main pipe, which is placed horizontally. Upon the main steam pipe smaller pipes are fitted, and connected to the small gas pipes from each generator; thus the steam flows along them into the large pipe, to which is fixed the safety-valve and the pipe to the steam cylinder. All the parts are so arranged that they can. expand freely, without disturbing the joints. The oven has a division plate strongly ribbed; by this means the flame impinges. on the bottom halves of the generators, and passing along the top half goes to the chimney. Another arrangement of water-tube generators has simply wrought-iron tubes, with cast-iron ends, secured with long bolts inside of the tubes, having the feed pipes joining together at the bottom; similar pipes are situated at the top of the tubes for the steam, these lead into one main steam pipe, the whole being encased in suitable brickwork. All the parts in this arrangement are well protected, only the plain parts of the tubes being exposed 2 18 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE, to the action of the flame; the bottom joints are embedded in the brickwork, and each of the tubes exposes an area of 16 feet, A 14 F B E C G VALINMIMINIM C E F B WWHI ІНІМІМАМНИЦИ Fig. 15.-Water-tube Boiler. A, Furnace. B, Tubes. c, Flue. DD, Division plates. E, Damper. F, Stop valve. G, Chimney. G A, Shell. B, Fire-box. c, Smoke- pipe. D, Circulating water space. E, Conical tubes. F, Fire- door. G, Sludge cap こ ​equal to one horse-power. This arrange- ment is certainly very simple, and is to be commended, provided the expansion of the long bolts does not affect the caps. at the ends, causing steam to blow at the joints. These water-tube boilers must be so manufactured that no destructive ex- pansion may be allowed to take place, and all the joints should be metal to metal where practicable. Fig. 16.-Self-contained Water- tube Boiler. Water-tube boilers, sometimes called tubulous, may be of various forms. The water tubes can be arranged in a variety of ways, so that the furnaces, the tubes, and the shell are self-contained. Thus to an ordinary vertical boiler an inside fire-box is fitted, as likewise a pot-shaped vessel connected by circulating pipes with the shell, as shown by Figs. 15 and 16. A current of water is continually descending between the fire-box and the outside shell, and finds its way into the pot through the circulating pipes at the bottom. These boilers keep free from deposit, owing to the rapid circulation, and for some purposes are recommended to be arranged with conical or common tubes. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 19 In the Perkins system of boiler a large number of water tubes are enclosed in a double shell of plate iron, the space being filied with a non-conducting medium. The tubes are 24 inches inside diameter and 3% inch thick. About one half of the tubes are used for generat- ing steam, the other half being used for superheating. The boiler is supplied with distilled water, and the furnace is placed beneath the tubes which run vertically above. Tubulous boilers have been tried at sea in the Propontis and other vessels on Rowan's system, and again recently in the steam yacht Anthracite, which lately made a voyage across the Atlantic and back, carrying a pressure of from 300 to 500 lbs. of steam per square inch. This vessel was fitted with the Perkins boiler. ON BOILERS, BY FAIRBAIRN. We propose under this head to consider the steam-boiler in its construction, management, security, and economy. As regards the construction, it is absolutely necessary to study carefully the shapes which give maximum strength, and require minimum of material. In boilers this is most important, as any increase in the thickness of the plate obstructs the transmission of heat, and exposes them as well as the rivets to injury on the side exposed to the action of the flame. It has been generally supposed that the rolling of boiler plates gives to the sheets greater tenacity in the direction of their length than in that of their breadth. This is, however, not always the case, as experiments show that the tensile strain across the fibre of boiler plates is in some samples greater than their tensile strength when torn asunder in the direction of the fibre. We consider this may be owing to the way the iron is piled before putting it through the rolls; more recent experiments plainly show that the tensile strength of boiler plates is slightly greater in the direction of the fibre, and from this it would appear that although it is more convenient to construct circular boilers, with plates rolled in the direction of the fibre, still we think that boilers diagonally plated are the strongest. Next to the tenacity of the plates comes the question of rivet- ting. On this point we have been widely astray, and it required some skill, and no inconsiderable attention in conducting the ex- periments, to convince even some practical men that the rivetted joints were not stronger than the plate itself. In punching holes along the edge of a plate, it is obvious that the plates must be 20 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. weakened to the extent of the sectional area punched out; and it is found also that the metal between the holes is deteriorated by the process of punching.¹ This deteriorating result was clearly demonstrated by a series of experiments which took place some years ago, and in which the strength of almost every descrip- tion of rivetted joints was determined by tearing each directly asunder. The results obtained from these experiments were con- clusive as regards the relative strength of rivetted joints and the solid plates. In two different kinds of joints, double and single rivetted, the strength was found to be in the ratio of 100 for the solid plate, 70 was the strength of a double-rivetted joint after allowing for the adhesion of the surfaces of the plates, and 56 was the strength of a single-rivetted joint. These proportions of relative strength of plates and joints may therefore in practice be safely taken as the standard value in the construction of vessels required to be steam and water tight, and subjected to pressure varying from 10 lbs. to 100 lbs. on the square inch. The following is the rule for proportions as given by Professor Rankine:2___ "Let denote the radius of a thin hollow cylinder, such as the shell of a high-pressure boiler; t, the thickness of the shell; f, the tenacity of the material in lbs. per square inch; p, the intensity of the pressure in lbs. per square inch required to burst the shell. This ought to be taken at SIX TIMES the effective working pressure, then p, and the proper proportion of thickness to radius is given Р by the formula = t r "} "The following formula gives approximately the collapsing pressure p in lbs. on the square inch of a plate iron flue, whose length 1, diameter d, and thickness t, are all expressed in the same units of measure: p = 9,672,000" 12 "Tenacity of wrought-iron plates 51,000 lbs. per square inch. Tenacity of wrought-iron joints, double rivetted = 35,700 lbs. per square inch. Tenacity of wrought-iron joints, single rivetted = 28,600 lbs. per square inch." In the construction of boilers exposed to severe internal pressure, it is desirable to adopt such forms, and so to dispose the material, as to apply the greatest strength in the direction of the greatest ¹ In the best modern practice, therefore, all rivet holes are drilled where practicable. 2 See Manual of the Steam Engine. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 2I strain. Professor W. R. Johnson, of the Franklin Institute of America, whose inquiries into the strength of cylindrical boilers are of great value, may be quoted as an authority:— "Ist. To know the force which tends to burst a cylindrical boiler in the longitudinal direction, or, in other words, to separate the head from the curved sides, we have only to consider the actual area of the head, and to multiply the units of surface by the number of units of force, applied to each superficial unit, this will give the total divellent. To counteract this, we have, or may be conceived to have, the tenacity of as many longitudinal bars as there are units in the circumference of the cylinder. The united strength of these bars constitutes the total retaining or quiescent force, and at the moment when rupture is about to take place the divellent and quiescent forces must obviously be equal. "2d. To ascertain the amount of force which tends to rupture the cylinder along the curved side, or rather along the opposite sides, we may consider the pressure as applied through the whole breadth of the cylinder upon each lineal unit of diameter. Hence the total amount of force which would tend to divide the cylinder in halves, by sepa- rating it along two lines of opposite sides, would be represented by multiplying the diameter by the force exerted on each unit of surface, and this product by the length of the cylinder. But even without regarding the length, we may consider the force requisite to rupture a single band in the direction now supposed, and of one lineal foot in breadth, since it obviously makes no difference whether the cylinder be long or short, in respect to the ease or difficulty of separating the sides. When the diameter of a boiler is increased, it must be borne in mind that the area of the ends is also increased, not in the ratio of the diameter, but in the ratio of the square of the diameter; and it will be seen, that instead of the force being doubled, as in the case of the direction of the diameter and circumference, it is quadrupled upon the ends, or, what is the same thing, a cylinder double the diameter of another cylinder, has four times the pressure in the longitudinal direction. The retaining force, or the thickness of metal of a cylindrical boiler, does not, however, increase in the same ratio. as the area of the circle, but simply in the ratio of the diameter, consequently the thickness of the metal will require to be increased in the same ratio as the diameter is increased. From this it appears that the tendency to rupture, by blowing out the ends of a cylindri- cal boiler, will not be greater in this direction than it is in any other 22 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. direction; we may therefore safely conclude, since we have seen that the tendency to rupture increases in both directions in the ratio of the diameter, that any deviation from that law, as regards the thickness of the plates, would not increase the strength of the boiler." We have been led to the following inquiries from the circumstance that Mr. Johnson appears to reason on the supposition that there are no joints in the plates, and that the tenacity of the iron is equal to 60,000 lbs., rather more than 26 tons, to the square inch. Now the result of experiment has shown that ordinary boiler plates will not bear more than 23 tons to the square inch; and as nearly one-third of the material is punched out for the reception of the rivets, we must still further reduce the strength, and take 15 tons, or about 34,000 lbs., on the square inch, as the tenacity of the boiler plates, or the pres- sure at which the boiler would burst. By experiment it has been found that the strength of the single-rivetted joints of boilers is little more than half the strength of the plate itself; but taking into consideration the crossing of the joints, 34,000 lbs. may reasonably be taken as the tenacity of the rivetted plates, or the bursting pressure of a cylindrical boiler. It has been stated that the strength of cylindrical boilers, when taken in the direction of their circumference, is in the ratio of their diameters, and when taken in the direction of the ends, as the squares of the diameters; a proposition which it will be difficult to demonstrate as applicable to every description of boiler of the cylindrical form. It will be seen, however, that the strain is not exactly the same in every direction, and that there is actually less upon the material in the longitudinal direction than there is upon the circumference. For example, let us take two boilers, one 3 feet in diameter and the other 6 feet in diameter, and suppose each to be subjected to a pressure of 40 lbs. to the square inch. In this condition, it is evident that the area, or number of square inches, in the end of the 3 feet boiler is to that of the area of the 6 feet boiler as I to 4; and, by a common process of arithmetic, it is found that the edges of the plates forming the cylindrical part of the 3 feet boiler is subject, at 40 lbs. on the square inch, to a pressure of 40,714 lbs., or upwards of 18 tons; whereas the plates of a 6 feet boiler have to sustain a pressure of 162,856 lbs., or 72 tons, which is quadruple the force to which the boiler only one-half of the diameter is exposed; and the circumfer- ence being only as 2 to 1, there is necessarily double the strain upon BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 23 the cylindrical plates of the large boiler. Now this is not the case with the other parts of the boiler, as the circumference of a cylinder increases only in the ratio of the diameter, consequently the pressure instead of being increased in the ratio of the squares of the diameter, as shown in the ends, is only doubled, the circumference of the 6 feet boiler being twice that of the 3 feet boiler. Let us, for the sake of illustration, suppose the two cylindrical boilers such as we have described to be divided into a series of hoops of I inch width, and taking one of these hoops in the 3 feet boiler, we shall find it exposed at a pressure of 40 lbs. on the square inch to a force of 1440 acting on each side of a line drawn through the axis of a cylinder 36 inches diameter and I inch in depth, and which line forms the diameter of the circle. Now this force causes a strain tending to burst the hoops in the 3 feet circle of 720 lbs., and assuming the pres- sure to be increased until the force becomes equal to the tenacity or retaining power of the material, it is evident, in this state of the equi- librium of the two forces, that the preponderance on the side of the internal pressure would insure fracture; and supposing we take the plates of which the boiler is composed, of one quarter of an inch thick, and the ultimate strength at 34,000 lbs. on the square inch, we shall have 34000 = 472 lbs. per square inch, as the bursting pressure of the 36 × 2 boiler. Again, as the forces in this direction are not as the squares, but simply as the diameters, it is clear that at 40 lbs. on the square inch we have in a hoop an inch in depth, or that portion of a cylinder whose diameter is 6 feet, exactly double the force applied to rend the iron asunder, as in the 3 feet boiler. Now, assuming the plates to be quarter of an inch thick, as in the 3 feet boiler, it follows, if the forces at the same pressure be doubled in the large cylinder, that the thickness of the plates must also be doubled, in order to sustain the same pressure with equal security; or, what is the same thing, the 6 feet boiler must be worked at half the pressure, in order to secure the same degree of safety as attained in the 3 feet boiler at the given pressure. From these facts it may be useful to know that boilers having increased dimensions, should also have increased strength in the ratio of their diameters; or, in other words, the plates of a 6 feet boiler should be double the thickness of the plates of a 3 feet boiler, and so on as the diameter increases. The relative powers of force applied to cylinders of different dia- meters become more strikingly apparent when we reduce them to their equivalents of strain per square inch, as applied to the ends 24 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. and circumference of the boiler respectively. In the 3 feet boiler, working at 40 lbs. pressure, we have a force equal to 720 lbs. upon an inch width of plates, and one quarter of an inch thick, or 720 × 4= 2880 lbs., the force per square inch upon every point of the circum- ference of the boiler. Let us now compare this with the actual strength of the rivetted plates themselves, which, taken as before at 34,000 lbs. on the square inch, gives the ratio of the pressure as applied to the strength of the circumference as 2880 to 34,000, nearly as 1 to 12, or 472 lbs. per square inch as the ultimate strength of the rivetted plates. These deductions appear to be true in every case as regards the resisting powers of cylindrical boilers to a force radiating in every direction from its axis towards the circumference; but the same reasoning is, however, not maintained when applied to the ends, or, to speak technically, to the angle-iron, and rivetting, when the ends are attached to the circumference. Now, to prove this, let us take the 3 feet boiler, where we have 113 inches in the circumference, and upon this circular line of connection we have, at 40 lbs. to the square inch, to sustain a pressure of 18 tons, which is equal to a strain of 360 lbs. acting longitudinally upon every inch of the cir- cumference. Apply the same force to the 6 feet boiler, with a circumference or line of connection equal to 226 inches, and we shall find it exposed to exactly four times the force, or 72 tons; but in this case it must be borne in mind that the circumference is doubled, and consequently the strain, instead of being quadrupled, is only doubled on a force equal to 720 lbs., acting longitudinally as before upon every square inch of the circumference of the boiler. From these facts we come to the conclusion that the strength of cylindrical boilers is in the ratio of their diameters, if taken in the line of curvature, and as the squares of the diameters as applied to the ends or their sectional area; and that all descriptions of cylindrical tubes, to bear the same pressure, must be increased in strength in the direction of their circumferences, simply as their diameters, and in the direction of the ends as the squares of the diameters. Again, if we refer to the comparative merits of the plates com- posing cylindrical vessels, subjected to internal pressure, they will be found in the anomalous condition, that the strength in their longitudinal direction is twice that of the plates in the curvilinear direction. This appears by a comparison of the two forces, wherein BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 25 we have shown that the ends of the 3 feet boiler, at 40 lbs. internal pressure, sustain 360 lbs. of longitudinal strain upon each inch of a plate a quarter of an inch thick; whereas the same thickness of plates have to bear, in the curvilinear direction, a strain of 720 lbs. This difference of strain is a difficulty not easily overcome; and all that we can accomplish in this case will be to exercise a sound judgment in crossing the joints, in the quality of the workmanship, and in the distribution of the material. For the attainment of these objects, the following table, which exhibits the proportionate strength of cylindrical boilers from 3 to 8 feet, may be useful:— Diameters of Boilers. Feet. Inches. Bursting Pressure equivalent to the ultimate strength of the Rivetted Joints, as deduced from experiment. 34,000 lbs. to the square inch. Thickness of the Plates in decimal parts of an inch. 6 6 7 33++inio 7 D∞ O *250 6 *291 4 *333. 4 6 *376 о 6 450 lbs. *416 *458 *500 6 *541 *583 6 *625 8 о •666 Boilers of the simple form, and without internal flues, are subjected only to one species of strain; but those constructed with internal flues are exposed to the same tensile force which pervades the simple form; and farther, to the force of compression, which tends to collapse or crush the material of the internal flues. From the existing state of our knowledge we must rest satisfied that the flues of ordinary boilers can be materially strengthened by the introduction of iron hoops, but we are of opinion they should never be introduced where deposits rapidly form, such as in marine boilers, &c.; for it must be borne in mind that there are two thick- nesses of material at the parts hooped, and the incrustation that forms proves highly detrimental to the furnaces. In many cases where deposits have formed at the hoops the furnace-plates have bulged out very much. Fairbairn gives a table of internal flues fitted with T-iron or angle- iron hoops. The length of the flues must be measured between the rigid supports; in an unsupported flue, as ordinarily constructed, : 26 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. the length is measured between the end plates of the boiler. In the flues as proposed, between the T-iron ribs, the dimensions given are for a collapsing pressure of 450 lbs. per square inch; the safe working pressure should be 75 lbs. per square inch. THICKNESS of Plates. Diameter of Flues in inches. 10 Feet Long. 20 Feet Long. 30 Feet Long. 12 *291 $399 *480 18 *350 *480 *578 24 *399 *548 *659 30 450 lbs. 442 •607 36 *730 *480 •659 *794 42 *516 *707 48 .851 *548 *752 *905 The above are founded on the supposition that the 20-feet and 30-feet long flues have T-iron or angle-iron hoops at the necessary joints, the hoops to be placed 10 feet Fig. 17.-Rolled Hoop. apart. Some makers prefer placing the T-iron hoops at each joint, the plates butting on one another, and at the longitudinal joints likewise.¹ When the joints are planed, and the butt strips properly fitted, the strain is entirely taken off the rivets, the compressive strain being taken on the ends of the plates directly. In the cylindrical boiler, with round flues, the forces are diverging from the central axis as regards the outer shell, and converging as applied to every separate flue which the boiler contains. To show the amount of strain upon a high-pressure boiler 30 feet long and 6 feet in diameter, having two centre flues, each 2 feet 3 inches diameter, working at a pressure of 50 lbs. on the square inch, we have only to multiply the number of square feet of sur- face-1030 exposed to pressure-by 3.21, and we have the force of 3306 tons which a boiler of these dimensions has to sustain. We mention this to show that the statistics of pressure, when worked out, are not only curious in themselves, but instructive as regards a knowledge of the retaining powers of vessels so extensively used. ¹ These T-hoops are now almost superseded by rings shaped as above (Fig. 17), and rolled specially for the purpose. The latter answer admirably, and also allow of ex- pansion and contraction. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 27 To pursue the subject a little further, let us suppose the pressure to be 450 lbs. on the square inch, which a well-constructed boiler of this description will bear before it bursts, and we have the enormous force of 29,754 tons, or nearly 30,000 tons, compressed within a cylinder 30 feet long and 6 feet diameter. This is, however, inconsiderable when compared with the locomotive and some marine boilers, which, from the number of tubes they contain, present a much larger surface to pressure. Locomotive boiler engines are usually worked at 120 lbs. on the square inch; and taking one of the usual construction we shall find that it rushes forward on the rail with a pent-up force within its interior of nearly 60,000 tons, which is rather increased than diminished at an accelerated speed. In a station- ary boiler, charged with steam at a given pressure, it is evident that the forces are in equilibrium, and the strain being the same in all directions, there will be no tendency to motion. Supposing, however, this equilibrium to be destroyed, by accumulative pressure, till rupture ensues, it follows that the forces in one direction having ceased, the others in an opposite direction, being active, would project the boiler from its seat with a force equal to that which is discharged through the orifice of rupture. The direction of motion would depend upon the position of the ruptured part: if in the line of the centre of gravity, motion would ensue in that direc- tion; if out of that line, an oblique or rotatory motion round the centre of gravity would be the result. (An explosion of a plain vertical boiler may be taken as an example: it gave way at the bottom of the fire-box or bottom of the boiler, and by the reactive force of the steam it was lifted about 100 feet in the air like a sky-rocket, and when the force was spent, and the water and the steam expelled, it descended, landing on the identical spot where it had rested pre- vious to the explosion.) The momentum or quantity of motion pro- duced in one direction would be equal to the intensity or quantity lost; and the velocity with which the body would move would be in the ratio of the impulsive force, or the quantity lost. Therefore, the quantity of motion gained by an exploded boiler in one direction will be as the weight and quantity lost in that direction. These definitions, however, belong more to the province of the mathemati- cian, and may be easily computed from well-known formulæ on the laws of motion. The following table shows the bursting pressure of boilers, as likewise the safe working pressure, as deduced from experiment, 28 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. with a strain of 34,000 lbs. on the square inch as the ultimate strength of rivetted joints:— Diameter of Boiler. Working Pressure for 3/8-inch Plates. Bursting Pressure for Working Pressure for 8-inch Plates. 1½-inch Plates. Bursting Pressure for 1½-inch Plates. 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 9 77780 ∞ ∞ 7 3 7 6 8 ₤omo ao mo ao mo ao mo ao mo ao mo OLOLOLOO ft. in. 3 0 118 7084 1571/4 9444 3 3 109 65334 1454 87134 6 ΙΟΙ 607 134.34 8092 9 942 566½ 12534 7552 9812 531 118 7084 3 83/4 500 III 6662 6 7834 472 10434 6292 742 4472 992 5964 7034 425 944 5662 6734 40434 8334 515 6434 3864 82 49234 61/2 3692 7834 472 59 354 752 4534 562 340 72½ 43534 54.4 32634 6934 419% 52/2 31434 674 4042 50% 3032 65 39634 4834 293 6234 377/2 47 2834 6034 365/2 452 274 59 354 44 26534 57 3434 4234 257/2 552 33314 41/2 250 Rule for 3%-inch Plates.-Divide 4250 by the diameter of the boiler in inches; the quotient is the working pressure, being one- sixth of the strength of the joints. Rule for ½-inch Plates.-Divide 56666 by the diameter of the boiler, and the quotient will be the greatest pressure that the boiler should work to while new; that is, one-sixth of the punched plates. We now come to the rectangular forms, or flat surfaces, which are not so well calculated to resist pressure. Of these we have many instances: the fire-box of the locomotive boiler, the sides and flues of marine boilers, and the flat ends of cylindrical boilers, and other boilers of weaker construction. The locomotive boiler is generally worked up to a pressure of 120 lbs. on the square inch, and at times, when ascending steep inclines, we have known the steam nearly as high as 200 lbs. on the square inch. In a locomotive boiler subject to such enormous working pressure, it requires the utmost care and attention on the part of the engineer to satisfy himself that the flat surfaces of the fire-box are capable of resisting that pressure, and that every part of the boiler is so nearly balanced in its powers of BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 29 resistance, as that when one part is at the point of rupture, every other part is on the point of yielding to the same uniform force. This appears to be an important consideration in mechanical con- structions of every kind, as any material applied for the security of one part of a vessel subject to uniform pressure, whilst another part is left weak, is so much material thrown away; and in stationary boilers, or in moving bodies such as locomotive engines and steam vessels, they are absolutely injurious, at least so far as the parts are disproportionate to each other, because when maintained in motion. they become an expensive and unwieldy encumbrance. The greater portion of the fire-boxes in locomotive boilers have the rectangular form, and in order to economize heat, and give space for the furnace, it becomes necessary to have an exterior and interior shell. That which contains the furnace is generally made of copper, firmly united by rivets, and the exterior shell, which covers the fire-box, is made of iron, and united by rivets in the same way as the copper fire-box. Now these plates would of themselves, unless supported by rivetted stays, be totally inadequate to sustain the pressure. In fact, with one- tenth of the pressure, the copper fire-box would be forced inwards upon the furnace, and the external shell bulged outwards, and with every change of force these two flat surfaces would move backwards and forwards, like the sides of an inflated bladder, at the point of rupture. To prevent this, and give the large flat surfaces an approximate degree of strength with the other parts of the boiler, wrought-iron or copper stays, I inch in diameter, are introduced. They are first screwed into the iron and copper on both sides to prevent leakage, and then firmly rivetted to the exterior and interior plates. These stays are from 6 inches to 434 inches asunder, form- ing a series of squares, and each of these will resist a strain of about 15 tons before it breaks. Let us suppose the greatest pressure con- tained in the boiler to be 200 lbs. on the square inch, and we have 6×6×200=7200 lbs., or 34 tons, the force applied to a square containing 36 square inches. Now as these squares are supported by four stays, each capable of sustaining 15 tons, we have 4 × 15= 60 tons as the resisting powers of the stays; but the pressure is not divided amongst all the four, but each stay has to sustain that pres- sure, consequently the ratio of strength to the pressure will be 4½ to I nearly, which is a very fair proportion for the resisting power of that part. We have treated of the sides, but the top of the fire-box and 30 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. the ends have also to be protected, and there being no other part but the circular top of the boiler to which to attach stays, it has been found more convenient and equally advantageous to secure these parts with a series of wrought-iron bars, from which the roof of the fire-box is suspended, and which effectually prevents it being forced down upon the fire. It will not be necessary here to go into the calculation of those parts. They are, when rivetted to the dome or roof, of sufficient strength to resist a pressure of 300 to 400 lbs. on the square inch. This is, however, generally speaking, the weakest part of the boiler, with the exception probably of the flat ends above the tubes in the smoke-box, where they are carefully stayed. In the flat ends of cylindrical boilers, and those for marine purposes, the same rule applies as regards construction, and the due propor- tion of the parts, as in those of the locomotive boiler, must be closely adhered to. Every description of boiler used in manufactories, and also on board ship, should be constructed to stand at least six times the working pressure, or a pressure of about 500 lbs. on the square inch; and locomotive-engine boilers, which are subjected to a much severer duty, to about 800 lbs. per square inch. Internal flues, such as contain the furnaces in the interior of the boiler, should be kept as nearly as possible to the cylindrical form; and as wrought-iron will yield to a force tending to crush it of about one-half of what would tear it asunder, the flues should in no case exceed one-half of the diameter of the boiler; and, with the same thickness of plates, it may be considered equally safe to the other parts. In fact, we should advise the diameter of the internal flues to be in the ratio of I to 2½, instead of 1 to 2 of the diameter of the boiler. Corrugated flues as now made of iron or steel give increased strength. THE STRENGTH OF ROUND BOILERS WITH DIFFERENT QUALITIES OF PLATES. ас When the tensile stress of each boiler-plate is not known per square inch, or the strain that it will bear before breaking, to find the thickness for a certain diameter, multiply the diameter in inches by the steam pressure, dividing the product by one-sixth of the ultimate mean strength of the plate per square inch, and the quotient is the thickness. When the boiler rests on brickwork, add inch more. The tensile strain of the best boiler-plate is about BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 31 62,544 lbs., and the worst 34,000 lbs. per square inch. Taking one- sixth of the mean, or 8045 lbs.-(this is presuming the best plates are used; if the plates are of inferior quality, it is obvious the con- stant is too high proportionally, although it may answer in practice with a parcel of the best plates untested)-we have, for a boiler 6 feet 6 inches in diameter, and with 60 lbs. steam per square inch, the following result (the seams being single-rivetted):- 78 x 60 8045 9 58, say inch, as the thickness, or when set in brickwork say 5% of an inch. This is allowed on account of the corrosion that takes place with all boilers resting on a brickwork foundation. The ends should be at least % inch more than the calculated thickness. In another form it may be taken thus- P. Pressure per square inch. D. Diameter of boiler in inches. T. Thickness of plates in inches. C. Constants for varying qualities of plates. Double Rivetted. Single Rivetted. C=For Yorkshire plates of best quality,. C=For Staffordshire plates of best quality,... C=For ordinary plates,... 7800 6200 6200 5000 3700 3300 T= C=PD 2 It will be seen that this formula gives a thickness of the plates somewhat less than the previous rule, using the best quality, a result not at all to be desired; yet when the quality of the plates is tested by a strip cut off each plate, one-sixth of the strength of the rivetted joints, as per following table, may be safely taken as the constant. The Strongest Form and Proportion of Rivetted Foints, as deduced from Experiment and Practice. Thickness of Plates in Parts of an Inch. •18=18 Diameters of Rivets in Inches. Length of Rivets Distance of Rivets from Head from Centre to in Inches. Centre in Inches. Quantity of Lap in Single Joints in Inches. *38 .88 *25=1 *50 1*13 2 '31=16 •63 1.38 1.63 1.25 6 1.50 1.25 1.50 6 1.88 *37=3/ *75 163 45 1.75 2.00 5.5 '50= .81 2.25 2'00 2.25 •62: '94 1'5 2.75 *75= I'13 3.25 2'504 3.00 2.75 4'5 3.25 32 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. For double-rivetted joints, add two-thirds of the depth of the single lap. Where great strength is desirable this form of joint should always be adopted. It will be seen from the following table that the double-rivetted joints retain their resisting power, while the single-rivetted joints lose about one-fifth of the actual strength of the plates. The figures 2, 1*5, 4'5, 6, 5, &c., given in the preceding table are multipliers. These multipliers are considered as proportionals of the plates; thus, supposing we take 3% of an inch as the thickness of plates, we have simply to multiply the thickness by the number to find the proportionate quantities to form the strongest joint:— Inches. *375 × 2 = 750 diameter of rivet. *375×4'5=1'687 length of rivet. *375×5 =1.875 distance between rivets. *375 × 5'5=2'062 quantity of lap, single rivetted. *375×9*1=3'412 quantity of lap, double rivetted. It will be seen that the dimensions thus found nearly agree with the dimensions in the preceding table, which are practically correct. Boilers are now being made of steel: as made by the Siemens or Bessemer process, the tensile strength is about 29 tons per square inch, and the elastic strength appears to lie within II to 16 tons per square inch. Test pieces, 10 inches long, give an elongation of 28 per cent., with a contraction of area of about 49 per cent. Punching the rivet holes weakens the metal by about 30 per cent.; the strength can, however, be restored by annealing. Drilling the holes does not seem to affect the strength. By the use of steel the weight of boilers has been reduced about 10 per cent. For further reference to manufacture and strength of steel see article on Shipbuilding. Mean Strength of Plates in the direction of and across the Fibre (Fairbairn). Yorkshire Plates... Do. do. Breaking Weight in the direction of the Fibre, in tons per square inch. Breaking Weight across the Fibre, in tons per square inch. 27.490 25.720 22.760 26.037 Derbyshire do. 21.680 18.650 Shropshire do. 22.826 22'000 Staffordshire do. 19'563 21'010 Mean.. 22.509 23.037 BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 33 Tensile Strength of Single and Double Rivetted Plates. Cohesive Strength of Plates. Breaking Stress in Lbs. per Square Inch. Strength of Single Rivetted Joints, of equal Section to the Plates, taken through the Line of Rivets. Strength of Double Rivetted Joints, of equal Section to the Plates, taken through the Line of Rivets. 57,724 45,743 52,352 61,579 36,606 48,821 58,322 43, 141 58,286 50,983 43,515 54,594 51,130 40,249 53,879 49,281 44,715 53,869 43,805 37,161 47,062 Mean, 52,485 41,590 53,633 Ах t Area of boiler stays = AX, where A area of surface of plate held by one stay, and p and t being the pressure and tenacity re- spectively. The following value of plates may be fairly assumed with those of joints:- Plates.... Double Rivetting. Single Rivetting. 888 100 ... 70 56 In a series of experiments by Napier the tensile strength of iron plates averaged from 56,735 to 41,743 lbs. per square inch. Weight of a Square Foot of Wrought-iron Plate from 1 to 1 inch in Thickness. Thickness in inches. Weight in lbs. Thickness. 1 I'25 + 32 1 Weight. 21.25 2'5 18 16 22.5 9 18+ 32 3'75 16 14 5' ala + +3² 2 23'75 + 굽고 ​6'25 10100 + 32 25° 26.25 11 1 छ 10 18+37 114 7'5 16 8.75 27.5 28.75 IO' 30° 1 +37 11.25 31.25 13 12.5 5 1/8 +37 13'75 18+32 15' £100 융​+ 감 ​1 कुठ 16.25 215 + 32 15 1 32.5 33'75 35° 36.25 16 17.5 16 37'5 18+ 32 18.75 15 T6 + 3 2 38.75 20° I 40' Weight of Angle Iron, in Lbs. per Lineal Foot. Breadth in inches......... Weight per foot in lbs........ 14, 1½, 1¾, 2, 2¼ 2½, 2¾4, 3, 34, 32. 1·8, 2·7, 33, 3′9, 5, 6·5, 8′3, 10˚4, 11'7, 14. 35 34 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. Weight of a Lineal Foot of Square and Round Bar Iron, in Lbs. Size. Square Round Bar. Square Round Size. Size. Bar. Bar. Bar. Square Bar. Round Bar. براطوات *209 *164 14 5°25 4'09 3 30'07 23.60 *326 *256 13% 6.35 4.96 31/4 35°28 27.70 '470 *369 1½ 7'51 5'90 32 40'91 32'13 *640 *502 15% 8.82 6.92 334 46'97 36.89 ·835 *656 134 10'29 8:03 4 53'44 41'97 I'057 •831 I'305 I'025 I'579 I'241 122 17% II 74 9.22 44 60°32 47.38 13.36 10'49 42 67·63 53'12 28 15.08 11.84 434 75°35 59'18 3 1.879 I'476 214 16.91 13.27 83.51 65.58 TT 2'205 I'732 238 18.84. 14'79 2'556 2'0II 2 20.87 16.39 مد إسم ભગ 2.936 2.306 258 23.11 18.07 I 3'34 2.62 234 25'26 19.84 5556 54 92.46 72.30 5½ 101.63 79'35 114'43 86.73 120'24 94'43 180 4'22 3°32 278 27'61 21.68 Diameter Surface...... Surface of Tubes per Lineal Foot, in Square Feet. inch 5% 3/4 16361963 7/8 I 1% 14 13% 1½ 2291 2618 2945 3270 3599 3927 | | 2 3 Diameter inch 15% 134 1% 24 22 234 Surface...... 4253 45804906 5233 5890 6544 7199 7854 Weight per Foot in Lbs. and Decimal Parts of Iron, Brass, and Copper Tubes. Inches Inches Birming- Gauge. External ham Wire Iron. Brass. Copper. External ham Wire Iron. Brass. Copper. Diameter. 1½ 138 134 7/8 B B N w w J Birming- Gauge. Diameter. 13 I'402 1'529 | 1627 334 1528 1665 1772 4 13 1.653 1.801 1'917 44 12 2024 2 206 2347 4½ 2 12 2.168 2.363 2514 434 21/8 12 2.311 2.513 2.680 5 214 II 2.687 2.928 3116 54 2/2 II 234 ΙΟ 534 3 ΙΟ 4038 4401 6 34 32 9 4826 5 260 5.598 6 9 5215 5684 6.049 3002 3272 3482 3685 4016 4 274 4.684 52 10 10 56 7 ¯∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 777NOO 5.640 6.148 9.500 6.652 7.250 7.716 7.087 7.724 8.220 7497 8171 8.696 7953 8.668 9.225 9*120 9940 10'579 9'596 10:459 11131 10.089 10 997 11 603 10:539 11 487 12:225 12.371 13°484 14*350 14 168 15 444 16 435 PROPORTIONS FOR PLAIN LAND BOILERS. Shell-Having pointed out the principles to be observed in con- struction, we will proceed to give the proportions generally adopted in steam boilers. For each nominal horse-power make an allow- ance of I cubic yard, or 27 cubic feet capacity; this is simply the BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 35 cubical contents of the shell, with or without inside flues. Sup- posing, for the sake of illustration, a Cornish boiler of 40 nominal horse-power was required, multiply the horse-power by 27 cubic feet, and the result will be the cubical contents, thus- 40 × 27 = 1080 cubic feet. Length and Diameter.-The length of the boiler should be about three and one-half times the diameter for moderate power, or up to about 20 horse-power inclusive; above that size five times the diameter can be adopted—a little more or less can do no harm. To find the diameter, multiply 1080, the cubical contents required, by the constant 128, dividing the result by the proportion of the dia- meter to the length, say five times, and the cube root of the quotient will be the diameter, which, multiplied by 5, gives the length of the boiler nearly. 1080 x 1.28 5 =276'48 = say 6.5 × 5 = 32'5. The length of the boiler, in round numbers, is 32.5 feet, and 6.5 feet in diameter. To check the calculation, the area of 6.5 feet in diameter is 33·18 square feet × 32'5 = 1078.35 cubic feet, within a trifle of what is required. Heating Surface, Fire-grate, and Flue Area.-The heating surface should not be less than I square yard, or 9 square feet, per nominal horse-power; but in ordinary boilers it will be found that more than this can be conveniently got. The area of the fire-grate, when the fur- nace is underneath the boiler, should be I square foot, and when the furnace is in a flue, forming part of the boiler, 75 of a square foot will be sufficient, per nominal horse-power. The length of the fire-grate should never exceed 7 feet. When the furnaces are placed inside of the boiler, for small diameters, the inside flues should be 2 feet 6 inches in diameter, and certainly not less than 2 feet 3 inches. When smaller than this, the fires do not burn well, and they are troublesome to fire; for large diameters of boilers, the furnace flues can be 3 feet 3 inches in diameter. The area of the furnace flues should be about 28 square inches per nominal horse-power, a little more doing no harm; thus for 40 horse-power, we have for two furnaces- 40 × 28 = 1120 ÷ 2 = 560 square inches, equal say 2 feet 3 inches diameter for each flue in the boiler, and 4 feet 6 inches as the sum of the width for both; thus, for the 36 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. length of the grate, making an allowance of 75 of a square foot per nominal horse-power, we have— 40 x 75 6.6 feet in length. 4'5 = The area over the bridge is generally about 18 square inches per nominal horse-power. Water and Steam Room.-For boilers with hemispherical ends, the water should fill the boiler two-thirds of its diameter, thus leav- ing one-third as steam-room. For Cornish arrangement with two furnaces (otherwise known as the Butterly boiler) the water generally fills the boiler three-fourths of its diameter, the remainder being the steam-room. One foot height of water over the furnaces is allowed; when one furnace is adopted the steam-room in the boiler can be in- creased, and it is always advisable to have steam domes fitted to the top. RELATIVE VALUE OF HEATING SURFACE. Horizontal surface above the flame, Vertical =1'0 =0'5 Horizontal surface below the flame,. Tubes and flues.... Ο Ο 14 of their diameter. BOILER FOUNDATIONS. With the foregoing proportions we may now commence to lay out the boiler foundations. The boilers are generally ordered in dupli- cate, so that no stoppage may occur in the event of one of them requiring repairs; indeed, when deposits rapidly form from impurities in the water, frequent inspection is necessary, periodical scaling and cleaning out being required. After the ground is excavated, a bed of concrete is laid all over, on which is built the superstructure for carrying and bedding the boiler thereon. The Cornish or London boiler, with inside furnaces, rests on a mid wall, having cast-iron supports imbedded in the middle wall, and should be of sufficient height to leave about 3 feet 4 inches from the stoking-floor to the dead plates on the furnace front. The boiler is surrounded with what is technically termed a wheel-flue, that is to say, the flame and the heated gases pass through the internal furnaces and the back flues contained in the boiler, then wheel round at the end, and return to the front—along one side, and pass along the other side nearest the chimney, an opening being left in the mid wall at the bottom BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 37 for the flame and the gases to cross from one side of the boiler to the other side nearest the chimney, and they escape into a flue K H I E E E E O F H E E E A G D EXE E F D I E B DD, Boilers. E, Furnaces, Flues, and Chimney. F, Steam receiver. GG, Stop valves. H, Manhole. I 1, Dampers. K, Safety valve. Fig. 18.- Foundations for Cornish or London Boilers. A, End view. B, Section showing direction of the Flues. C, Longitudinal section. common to both boilers, and thence find their way into the chimney placed at the end of this main terminal flue. The flues round the boiler should have the necessary area, and sufficient room left at 38 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. the bottom for the convenience of executing repairs and cleaning out the flues. To resist the action of the flame the flues are lined with fire-brick, and at the front of the building openings are left, which are fitted with cast-iron doors for the convenience of periodical inspection of the boiler. Damper-plates are fitted to each boiler. They are simply cast- iron plates, sliding in suitable frames of cast-iron imbedded in the building. The damper-plate has a "snug" cast on for attaching a chain provided with a back balance weight, the chain passing over a pulley, carried up by means of a cast-iron pedestal, securely fast- ened down to a large stone imbedded in the top courses of the brick- work. Sometimes the revolving pulley can be carried up from a plate and pin secured to the wall of the boiler-house. To protect the top of the boiler from radiation, it is arched over with fire-bricks, the space between the boiler and the brick arch being filled in with ashes, and sometimes sand is used. The walls of the boiler-house are covered over with a suitable wrought-iron roof, having a ventilator at the top for carrying away any waste steam that may blow off. The arrangement of the flues just described will suit all boilers having internal furnaces; but when the boiler is constructed with one internal small flue, it is preferable to form the furnace underneath. Now for cylindrical arrangements, having hemispherical ends, this class of steam-generators is usually longer in proportion to the dia- meter than the Cornish type; in some instances six and three-quarter times the diameter has been adopted. The buildings are very differ- ent from the foregoing example. The same height from the stoking- floor to the dead-plate is allowed, namely, 3 feet 4 inches. This plate is made long, so that the coal may cake before being pushed amongst the incandescent fuel, this effecting a considerable economy when properly attended to. A height of about 2 feet 4 inches is allowed in large boilers, from the top of the fire-bars to the under- side of the boiler; and the flues are arranged on the wheel principle, as in the Cornish type, with this difference, that the flame passes underneath the boiler, and then ascends at the back, all round, and thence up the chimney. There is a combustion chamber formed at the back of the bridge, at the end of the fire-bars furthest from the front, the flame as it were hanging at the hollow left in the bottom flue, thus making the bottom surface of the boiler very effective as heating surface. This recess likewise serves the purpose of collecting BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 39 both the ashes and the soot that may be drawn over by the draught, and which are raked out through a hole, fitted with a movable door, E E E А E K F E 0910 L H H M I I B C G F D D, Boilers. E, Furnace, Flues, and Chimney. F, Steam receiver. GG, Stop valves. H, Manhole. 11, Dampers. K, Safety valve. L, Float. м, Feed-pipe. N, Blow-off tap. Fig. 19.-Foundations for Cylindrical Boilers. A, End view. B, Section showing direction of the Flues. C, Longitudinal section. placed at the bottom of the bridge. The boiler is usually set with a dip towards the back of % inch to the foot, so that the sludge 40 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. may collect at the part farthest from the fire. A plug-valve is fitted to the underside of the boiler, to which is attached a pipe leading into a drain left in the building; by this means the water flows away when the boilers are blown off. The buildings are generally hollowed out to lighten the structure, and the boiler is fitted with brackets, bolted to the top, so as partly to take the weight; but the main support is at the sides of the furnace, the furnace walls being carried up from the bed; but at times when the sides of the furnace are undergoing repair, the top brackets take the weight. All the flues must have sufficient area, as likewise doors must be left in the brickwork for cleaning them out; the height from the top of the bridge to the under side of the boiler is gener- ally about 18 inches. The fittings are just the same as for the Cornish boiler, having a wrought-iron steam-chest connecting all the boilers, provided with a stop-valve to each boiler, with the addition of a stone float and back-balance for indicating the height of the water inside of the boiler. No float is required for the Cornish class, as the ordinary water-gauge is fitted to the front end; hemispherical-ended boilers, however, can have a gauge-glass in front, with suitable pipe connections passing through the brick- work. The safety-valve is placed on the top, at the fire-end, then the stop-valves, next the float of stone with weight, then the manhole, and the feed-pipes at the back of the boiler, all placed on the centre line. We will now notice the arrangements for one small internal flue. The furnace is placed underneath the boiler, the flame acting on the bottom, and then through the small tube, which carries it to the front, the flame splitting as it were at the front end, passing down each side, and meeting at the back in one central flue, in the same line as the centre of the boiler; this is required so that the draught may be equalized in the side flues, as the heated gases have always a tendency to take the shortest passage into the chimney. Some boilers of the cylindrical type, with hemispherical ends, are hung from the top with brackets, having no support underneath, the flame acting on the bottom and the sides, and then passing directly into the chimney; this is not so good an arrangement as the return flues, as the flame and the heated gases have no time to act on the surfaces, unless boilers of inconvenient length are adopted. The furnace bars should be made in suitable lengths, having a thick- ness of % inch at the top, and ½ inch at the bottom, with BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 41 projections at the ends, and the middle of the top, the open- ings between the bars varying from 3% to ½ inch, to suit soft E A E E Q I H H M E B F G D D, Boilers. E, Furnace, Flues, and Chimney. F, Steam receiver. GG, Stop valves. H, Manhole. II, Dampers. K, Safety valve. L, Float. м, Feed pipe. M, ## Fig. 20.-Foundations for Boilers with small Internal Flue. A, End view. B, Section showing direction of Flue. C, Longitudinal section. and hard coal, the depth of the bars at the middle being from 32 to 4 inches. AREA AND DIMENSIONS OF CHIMNEY. To determine the area of the top of the chimney for a given con- sumption of coal per hour, the average for Cornish boilers being 10 lbs. per nominal horse-power, multiply the number of lbs. con- sumed per hour by 12, and divide the product by the square root of the height of the chimney in feet (the usual height for factory 42 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. chimneys being 80 feet), and the quotient is the area at the top of the chimney, thus for 40 nominal horse-power- 40 X 10 X 12 √80 =539, say 26 inches diameter, or 23 inches square at the top. It is always preferable to make an allowance over and above this for the convenience of leading other flues into it. For a chimney 80 feet in height the brickwork should be divided into three courses: for 30 feet height from the bottom two bricks in thickness, the next course one and a half brick in thick- ness, and the remainder one brick thick. For each 25 feet added in height the brickwork at the bottom should be increased one- half brick in thickness. The batter or the slope of the side is usually 0.3 of an inch to the foot. Thus, with 26 inches inside diameter at the top, the bottom of the chimney would be 92 inches external diameter, while that of the top would be 44 inches. Should the internal diameter at the top require to be 54 inches and upwards, the top course should be one and a half brick in thickness, and the bottom courses in proportion. The inside at the bottom is lined with fire-bricks, leaving a space of one inch between the inner lining and the main building, and is carried up to a height of 15 feet from the bottom. For a chimney 80 feet in height the foundation should be at least 5 feet in depth, laid on a bed of concrete 2 feet in thick- ness, but this will depend on the soil; on sand or gravel this bed will be quite sufficient, but of course some soils require the foundation. to be carried down to a firm bed. In marsh land, and even for the Colonies, wrought-iron chimneys may be used with advantage, but brick chimneys are to be preferred. The best temperature for an efficient chimney draught is about 600° Fahr. SMOKE PREVENTION. Although the distance between the fire-bars varies from 3% to ½ inch, allowing a good volume of air underneath the grate, so essential for perfect combustion, other means must be taken to con- sume the gaseous constituents thrown off from coal when in the semi- incandescent state; the simplest and most effectual way of doing this is by admitting a current of air through a series of small holes. drilled through the furnace door, thus supplying the common oxygen contained in the atmosphere, and of which we have an unlimited command. Many schemes have been brought forward from time to time to consume the gases evolved before a dense mass of smoke BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 43 is formed in the flues, for if the gases are not consumed before reach- ing the flues, it is impossible to burn the smoke with the ordinary arrangements; but those who are under the impression that smoke, or at least what we term smoke, cannot be burned when once formed, labour under a sad mistake, for the densest volume passing through a regenerative furnace is effectually consumed. We will take the Butterly boiler, having two internal flues or fur- naces meeting in one combustion chamber at the back of the bridge: fire both of these furnaces at one and the same time, and dense volumes of smoke will be seen issuing from the top of the chimney; the smoke is formed in the furnace, and passes over the bridge. Now this arrangement, with careful firing, in a great measure prevents smoke issuing from the chimney. One fire should be bright while the other one is dull, or in the act of firing, and what is the conse- quence? the combustion chamber is in a perfect glow, from the bright fire; and the smoke evolved by the dull one is effectually consumed by the other. This simple fact is half of the battle; careful firing is the best and most economical means for the prevention of smoke; so by alternately firing little or no smoke is seen issuing from the top of the chimney. Such practice every good fireman is perfectly conversant with. As hydrogen is the main element in the gases evolved, and by the admixture of the oxygen of the atmosphere flame is produced; and as neither hydrogen nor oxygen can burn of itself, it remains for us to supply a current of air, so as to obtain the most economical result from the fuel. With the common blow-pipe an intense heat is obtained by simply blowing a current of air through a flame of gas, or rushes, as used by the gasfitter. And in the smelting fur- nace air is forcibly blown through a coil of pipes, surrounded and inclosed in a furnace, the air is thus intensely heated, and, indeed, will melt a bar of lead before it is admitted into the smelting fur- nace; this is termed the “hot blast," and is familiar to all metallur- gists. Were it not for the complication entailed, this method would be by far the best plan that could be adopted for steam boilers, but such an intense heat is not at all desirable, for should the water in the boiler fall below the working level, the plates would get intensely hot, and an explosion would be the inevitable result; so a moderate measure of heated air is all that is required. A very simple plan for introducing heated air is by arranging small pipes, fixed to the front plate of the boiler, as in the double 44 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. furnace Lancashire class, the pipes passing through the water space to the combustion chamber plate, through which they are securely rivetted, or clenched over. Thus a current of hot air passes through the tubes, mixing with the flame and gases in, the combustion chamber, so that when the fires are properly attended to, as with all arrangements introduced for the prevention of this nuisance they must be, little or no smoke will appear at the top of the chimney. The introduction of heated air into the combustion chamber after the smoke or gases have passed the bridge, seems mainly to keep up the temperature of the flues, by the admixture of the oxygen of the atmosphere with the flame in the combustion chamber; this plan, where it can be conveniently applied, should always be adopted. As before stated, vertical boilers are so fitted with a series of small air-tubes all round the fire-box, inclining downwards, thus the air freely mixes with the live coal. In former years some persons scouted the idea of consuming the smoke after passing the bridge; the fact of our now being able to do so speaks for itself. Some may term it gas before it has passed the bridge; but what we plainly see in the furnace we denominate smoke. For single furnaces a very different arrangement is adopted, the smoke being consumed in the furnace: the fire-door is perfor- ated with a number of small holes 3% inch in diameter, drilled closely together. It seems impossible to give the exact number of holes to suit all furnaces, as the same furnace, with different kinds of coal, requires more or less openings, as the case may be, and even the same furnace often requires more or less air with the same kind of coal; this may be owing to the temperature of the atmosphere, or which way the wind is blowing; if blowing in such a direction as to fan the fire, as in the forward boilers for marine purposes, less air will do at the furnace door. Thus it is imperative to have a great number of holes, say 5 to 6 square inches for every foot of fire-grate surface; they should be covered with a regulator, or movable disc- plate, with corresponding holes for regulating the supply; some adopt slits instead of round holes, but the latter, or jet system, is by far the best, as it distributes the air equally amongst the gases in the furnace. This plan necessitates regulation by the damper. Should no steam be required, or the engine not working, or even when the fireman is trimming the fire, the damper can be shut, check- ing the draught for a time; the smoke remains in the furnace, or is slowly consumed there, thus preventing it issuing at the chimney top. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 45 6 Another plan for consuming the smoke is attained by blowing superheated steam through a number of minute apertures placed at the front of the furnace; with high-pressure steam in the boilers; this plan works well, so long as the apparatus remains in good order. The steam requires to be dry before it is sprayed into the furnace in minute jets above the grate. The steam from the boiler is made to flow through a coil of pipes placed in the fire-brick bridge, and then passes through a pipe laid across the furnace front, fitted with nozzles having holes inch in diameter; the pipe is fitted with a plug-valve to regulate the supply to the nozzles, the furnace door being provided with a number of air holes, the superheated steam is turned on, causing a powerful current of air to pass through the fire door, and before mixing with the gases in the furnace is distributed with the steam jets into minute atoms, and we may say the mere forcing of the atoms driving the oxygen through and between the live coal, produces complete combustion, with great economy in fuel. This is much better than any plan we know of, from the fact that fuel will burn with this arrangement that would be entirely worthless in ordinary furnaces. By the use of the jets of superheated steam all the waste cinders from the smithy can be utilized, and dross or small coals effectually burned, without the smoke nuisance; but we unhesitatingly give as our opinion, that unless the attendant sees that the furnace is kept in proper trim, firing with the least quantity of coal, oft times replen- ished, that all the refinements for the prevention of smoke will not attain the desired object, for careful firing is the main secret to arrive at. SYSTEMS OF TUBING. The triangular and square systems of tubing have certain advan- tages as well as disadvantages. With the former, almost used exclusively for locomotive boilers, a greater number of tubes can be got into less space, the water being honey-combed as it were with a large amount of heating surface. The tubes for locomotive boilers are generally made of composition metal; this is absolutely required where deposits form from impurities in the water. When iron or steel tubes are used, the small water spaces, in some instances only half an inch, soon get choked up, and the steam does not rise freely; and as the arrangement will not allow of much scraping and clean- 46 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. ing, were deposits forming to any great extent, it would soon prove fatal to the boiler. To partially remedy this evil the boiler should Fig. 21.-Systems of Tubing. A be emptied every day, while for other boilers the water must be blown off frequently. With the triangular system of tubing the steam generated from the bottom row of tubes must take many a zigzag course before reaching the top, or the steam space. To obviate the difficulties at- tending the triangular system the square plan is adopted, more especially for marine boilers, so that when iron or steel tubes are used there is some possibility of scraping and cleaning them occasionally; and even where composi- tion tubes are adopted the square system finds favour, as the globules of steam generated from the tubes pass up in parallel rows be- tween the tubes, instead of following the zig- zag course as in the triangular system. B C A DRY STEAM. In order to provide as dry steam as pos- sible, without using a superheater, there should be steam-chests of ample capacity fitted to all land boilers, in fact we may say to every class of boiler where they can be convenient- ly applied; but as the steam still contains watery particles, a separator may be fitted to the steam-pipe. The action of this contrivance is very simple, and consists in abruptly Fig. 22.-Separator. A, Steam- pipe. B, Receiver. c, Tap. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 47 changing the flow or current of the steam. To a vertical chamber a right-angled pipe is suspended, passing down into the chamber a little below the exit pipe; the steam flowing through the pipe from the boiler impinges against the elbow, causing the moisture contained in the steam to trickle down the pipe, thus the water is collected at the bottom of the receiver, and is drawn off at pleasure with a tap; this plan is very simple, and it can be made self-acting by means of a float and valve. We consider these separators for drying the steam, or rather separating the moisture contained in the steam, should be fitted to all steam-pipes. D E A C Taking Low-pressure Steam from a High-pressure Boiler.-Some- times it is desirable to reduce the pressure of the steam, so as to work a low-pressure engine from a high-pressure boiler. There are a variety of plans for doing so; we have an equilibrium valve, actuated by the pressure of the steam acting on a piston open to the atmosphere, and regulated by a lever and spring-balance, similar to the safety- valve on the locomotive engine boiler. The valve is formed of five rings cast together, with four vertical arms, or ribs, having a boss for securing the valve-spindle; this annu- lar tube moves in a corresponding seat, cast together, with vertical pieces between the openings; there is an annular passage all round the seat, with a branch pipe communicating with the steam-boiler. On the lower part of the valve-chest a branch pipe is cast in communication with the cylinder of the valve-casing of the engine, and on the top of the chest a short cylin- der and piston are arranged, the piston Fig. 23-Steam-reducing Valve being connected to the valve by a screwed rod and nuts. The combined circumfer- ential openings in the valve are equal in area to that of the pipe from the boiler, and the pipe for the engine must be of sufficient area according to the usual rules for steam-pipes. By this contriv- ance the steam can be regulated to the greatest nicety. The action is as follows:-After being properly set with the nuts on the valve- spindle, and the thumb-screw on the balance at the end of the lever, should there be an accumulation of steam in the chest, after passing the valve, the steam acts on the piston in connection with the valve, and by its pressure lifts it partially, shutting the apertures until the A, Valve. B, Piston. c, Lever and spring-balar.ce. D, Branch from boiler. E, Branch to cylinder. 48 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. balance is restored, thus keeping up constant low pressure, regu- lated at pleasure by the thumb-screw pressing down or releasing the piston and the valve. One of these valves can be fitted to the main steam-pipe, or a separate one for each cylinder when required. THE DETERIORATION OF LAND BOILERS. After a time the plates of all boilers deteriorate, the iron becomes brittle, and although the plates have a sound-looking exterior, with- out the slightest symptoms of corrosion, yet such a boiler should not be worked beyond a certain number of years, and certainly not at so high pressure as it was originally designed for; in fact, the steam pressure should decrease year by year, so as to work it with any degree of safety. It must be understood, however, that unless a new boiler is properly managed, it is quite as unsafe as a much older one well managed. To determine the number of years a boiler ought to last, with fair treatment, we must have recourse to experiment. When it is thought a boiler has done enough duty test it to destruction. Such experiments are very easily carried out, and it is the interest of steam users to do so, that correct data may be arrived at by a careful experimentalist. We place before our readers the results of a series of experiments, testing two boilers to destruction, instituted by Mr. Peter Carmichael,¹ and which forms a useful contribution on the subject of steam- boilers. The boilers were cylindrical, with double flues, and were used at the Dens Works, Dundee, for nineteen years. They were precisely alike, and of the following dimensions:-Length, 25 feet; diameter, 7 feet; diameter of furnaces and end flues, 2 feet 9 inches; diameter of back end of flues, 2 feet 6 inches. The shell was made of 3% inch "Glasgow best iron;" the flues of Glasgow best scrap iron, 3/8 inch thick, the end plates being inch in thickness. The boilers were kept in work until the beginning of November, 1869, when it was resolved to take one out, and test it to destruction by water pressure. In the case of the above boilers the pressure has never been so great as 60 lbs., and as reported they were not wasted, having always been kept in good repair, and have stood the peri- odical water test of 60 lbs.; therefore we may presume they could have been worked for a year or two longer. The fact of the iron getting hard and brittle after being in use for a length of time had 7 16 ¹ See Trans. Inst. Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, vol. xiii. BOILERS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES. 49 been often pointed out, and in consequence the pressure ought to be lowered, or new boilers introduced, after they have been working for sixteen or seventeen years. Before testing, all the brick flues were taken down, so that easy access could be got to all parts of the boiler, but it was left sitting on its natural seat. The boilers were filled with water of about 120° temperature, and a force-pump was then attached. To check off the pressure no fewer than five pressure-gauges were used, four of which nearly indicated the same pressure and tallied with the safety valves. At 80 lbs. pressure per square inch an examination was made, and all appeared to be right; but as soon as the pump was started again the joint of the safety valve was blown out, and this stopped proceedings for a time. After this joint had been made good the pressure was again brought up, and at 85 lbs. the joint of the feed-pump pipe, at the front end of the boiler, began to leak, owing to the bulging out of the end. At 100 lbs. a number of the longitudinal seams of the shell began to exude water badly. The pressure was then removed, and the ends gauged above and below the flues, and on the pressure being again put on the following was the result:-Front end blow flues. bulged out in centre inch at 35 lbs. pressure; 3% inch at 100 lbs. pressure; front end above flues bulged out in centre inch at 35 lbs. pressure, inch at 100 lbs. pressure; back and below flues bulged out at centre inch at 35 lbs. pressure, inch at 100 lbs. pressure. The pressure was then brought up to 105 lbs., when the ring seam at the back of the taper of the left-hand flue began to crack, and the pump became unable to keep up the pressure, owing to the great leakage. This joint or seam when gauged, before testing, measured 2 feet 334 inches horizontally, by 2 feet 5 inches vertically; and it gave way by crushing inwards on the flat or hori- zontal side, and remained flattened after the pressure was taken off. This boiler was then removed, and sent to the foundry for breaking up. 32 3 16 4 32 .5 32 4 32 Mr. Carmichael proceeded to clear away the brick flues from the sister boiler. On the 15th December, 1869, it was tested in the same way, having been in use for rather more than nineteen years. The flues were gauged, and were found, with one exception, similar to the other boiler. The exceptional one being 1½ inch oval, it was attempted to support this flat part by fixing a batten in the line of the shortest axis of the ellipse, but this was not found to be of any use, as the plate bulged, oozed out below at one end of 4 * 50 the batten and MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. 16 above at the other end, and loosened it when the strain came on. The pressure was noted as before; at 60 lbs. pres- sure the feed-pipe began to leak, the end bulging out inch. At 80 lbs. the feed valve joint leaked very much, and the longitudinal seams of the shell began to exude water; at 90 lbs. the south or right- hand flue began to crack, as if giving way; at 95 lbs. one of the joints of the shell, and the first rings on the crown of the boiler, commenced to spout water, and the pressure could not be kept up, the leakage being equal to the supply of the force-pump. The joints of the feed- valve were then tightened, and also some parts of the shell caulked, the right-hand flue being found to be very much flattened. The pressure was again put on, but it could not be got higher than 80 lbs., as the flues had given way so much as to allow the water to escape by the fracture as fast as it was pumped in; so that the highest pressure attained was 95 lbs., and this pressure had so injured the joints and flattened the flues as to render further experiment impossible. According to Fairbairn's rules the bursting pressure of these boilers was about 300 lbs. on the square inch, yet they failed with one-third of this pressure. When the boilers were broken up the plates were very brittle; indeed, so much so that it was a diffi- cult matter to get strips for testing. The rivets had likewise deteri- orated, and the heads flew off when the plates were struck with a hammer. The test strips gave the following results:-Shell in the direction of the fibre, 197 tons; across the fibre, 192 tons; while Glasgow best plates is 24'04 tons in the direction of the fibre, and 21.8 tons across the fibre. Furnace plates, direction of fibre, 17'1 tons; ditto across, 15.3 tons. It will thus be seen that the mean of the shell plates is 1945 tons, and that of the furnace 162 tons. Thus the furnace plates had deteriorated or weakened from 227 tons to 16-2 tons, while the shell had weakened from 22.92 tons to 19:45 tons. Now this is after the boilers had done duty for nineteen years; so we are of opinion that sixteen years is quite long enough for boilers similarly constructed to be in use: and we trust other firms will follow Mr. Carmichael, so that this all-important question. of the deterioration of boiler plates that have not shown the slightest symptom of corrosion, as in these boilers, may be finally deter- mined, with different qualities of plates. In recording the testing of another old steam boiler, Mr. Car- michael states,1 "The result of the test so nearly coincides with that ¹ See Trans. Inst. of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, vol. xxii. BOILERS FOR MARINE PURPOSES. 51 of the two former boilers-namely, 95, 105, and 112 lbs. pressure, that it may be accepted as the ultimate strain that boilers of this construction can bear after being twenty years in use. It is much less than that due to the formula usually given for a new boiler." This boiler was twenty-five years old. Some of the plates and rivets showed little or no change, but brittleness appeared in the angle-iron. BOILERS FOR MARINE PURPOSES. It is not our intention to treat upon the old flue-boiler, with its multitudinous arrangements, as that class has now become nearly obsolete, though there is still a demand for them in particular cases, such as for dredgers. The arrangement of this type of boiler should be as simple as possible, and all the flues ought to run in the same direction, and be of uniform width, commencing at the part where the flame and gases meet from the furnace. Fig. 25. A A, Furnaces. B, Combustion chamber. c, Tubes. D, Smoke-box. E, Uptake. Fig. 24. E A A, Furnaces. B, Flue. c, Uptake. When C D A B B HIG A Fig. 24.-Flue Boiler for Dredger. A Fig. 25.-Tubular Boiler for Dredger. Longitudinal and Horizontal Sections. more than one furnace is adopted all flues from the furnaces which join into one large flue should taper from the furnace farthest from the large main flue. This is obvious, as the flame and gases from that furnace mix with the next, and so on; care ought to be taken 52 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. that the main flue is large enough, and that the flame and heated gases do not meet in opposite directions. As dredgers generally work in harbours, where the water is very muddy, the mud being stirred up from the bottom by the action of the buckets, small tubular boilers should be avoided; the tubes should be at least 8 inches in diameter, with ample water space between them. The tubes in such cases are joined to the tube-plates, with a flange of angle-iron rivetted to the tube. In this example there are two fur- naces, one at each side of the boiler meeting in a back flue, with return tubes at the same level as the furnaces. By this means ample water above the tubes, and a large steam space, are obtained. As it is an object to keep the weights low down, and as dredging vessels are generally shallow, a low boiler should be adopted, placed well below the deck, to give free passage fore and aft for the moor- ing chains, &c. For ocean steam ships the multitubular boiler is decidedly the best, although some very good examples of flat flue overhead arrange- ments find favour. The tubes vary from 2½ inches to 4 inches in diameter; and in the merchant service they are placed over the furnaces on the return principle. When for moderate power, and E D C B A A Longitudinal Section. Front Elevation and Transverse Section. Fig. 26.-Ordinary Tubular Boiler. AA, Furnace. B, Combustion chamber. B, Combustion chamber. c, Tubes. D, Smoke-box. E, Uptake. arranged fore and aft, the boiler is generally made in one piece. Some of these boilers have no bottoms, but are simply fitted with a dry plate; while others, made in the usual manner, have dry plates laid on the bottom of the furnaces, thus preserving the rivet heads BOILERS FOR MARINE PURPOSES. 53 from getting rubbed away by the mere friction of the tools for raking out the ashes. Some boilers are constructed, as it were, back to back, in one large boiler. By this means two ends are saved, but the great weight of the mass deters many from adopting this plan; but where large power is required in small space, the arrangement has certain advantages. The stoke holes must be "fore and aft;" and in general the fore part of the boiler is the best steam producer, owing to the E E D D C B B C 上 ​↓ A A 888 Fig. 27.-Double Boilers. Longitudinal Section and Front Elevation. B B, Combustion chambers. A A, Furnaces. АА, cc, Tubes. DD, Smoke-boxes. EE, Uptakes. air getting better circulated in the stoke hole, but, with suitable air funnels from the deck, the aft furnaces of the boiler can be pro- vided with the plentiful supply of air so necessary for combustion, and for keeping the stoke hole cool. There is a passage left be- tween the two boilers, forming a communication between the fore and aft stoking-rooms; two funnels are fitted, and the general arrangement is best suited for paddle-wheel ships. Another modification differs materially from the former example, having one combustion chamber common to both sets of furnaces. This will tend, in a great measure, to effect complete combustion, and the prevention of smoke; that is to say, if the furnaces are properly constructed and fired-the fore and aft furnaces being fired alternately, so that one fire is bright while the other is receiv- ing fresh fuel. To assist combustion, air is admitted through the bridge, thus getting partially heated before mixing with the flame in the combustion chamber. These boilers are made high to insure ample steam room, while the large area of the uptakes inside of the boiler dries the steam. Indeed, some think this is by far the 54 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. best plan for superheating the steam; far before the complicated arrangements of separate superheating boxes, with the extra stop- valves, &c. In fact, dry superheaters soon get out of order, more especially when there is no steam in the boilers, as must be the case D E E C B C A A D J A INANANAMUAMMIRANIHAAR MAARANATH A A, Furnaces. Longitudinal Section. Front Elevation and Transverse Section. Fig. 28.-High Double Boiler. B. Combustion chamber. cc, Tubes. DD, Smoke-boxes. E E, Uptakes. for a considerable time when the fires are first kindled. Any one can fancy the flame acting on a thin tube, roasting, as it were, the steam, which subsequently dries up the lubricants, and soon plays havoc with the slide-valves, pistons, and cylinder faces of the engine. Steam is only partially dried in the best modern practice, and can be done in the boiler itself. It will be understood, in the boiler described, that two ends and two furnace backs are saved, the material being better disposed in the uptakes. As we are dealing at present with low-pressure steam-boilers suited for the merchant service, we will draw attention to overhead flue arrangements. All boilers of this class should be so designed that every part is easily accessible for repairs; and, when properly constructed, we do not see why the flues should not last as long as any other part, and certainly boilers can be designed so that the flame and heated gases will pass up and down over a greater length of surface than in the plain tubular boilers. The flues in this ex- ample are the entire width of the boiler, leaving 6 inches of water space at the sides; the flame passes to the top of the combustion chamber at the back of furnaces, then dips downwards, and so on, BOILERS FOR MARINE PURPOSES. 55 the flues being divided with suitable water spaces, and are strength- ened at the top and bottom with conical tube stays, through which the steam rises and the circulation is effected. The water in the boiler is thus freely circulated, with the advantage of having a mode- חתון E DURGANERINT Антинины» TUUH B A A 0 0 0 Fig. 29.-Overhead Flue Boilers. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections. A A, Furnaces. B, Combustion chamber. c, c, Flues. DD, Circulating tubes. Circulating tubes. E, Uptake. rate body of water, which, under certain circumstances, conduces to rapid evaporation. There are side doors at the bottoms of the flues for the convenience of cleaning them out, which can be done in some instances while the vessel is under way. Another form of flue E D Co A B A Fig. 30.-Overhead Flue Boilers. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections. AA, Furnaces. B, Combustion chamber. c, Flues. D, Smoke-box. E, Uptake. boiler in extensive use materially differs from the foregoing example. The flues are quite narrow, and are arranged overhead, similar to tubular arrangements. The flues are 3 feet 9 inches deep, 6 feet in 56 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. length, with 2 inches of space for the flame to pass through, and the pitch of the flues is 434 inches. They are formed of two parallel plates for the sides, with U-shaped pieces at the top and bottom; the side plates are flanged at the ends, as well as are the U-pieces at the top and bottom, for uniting them to the tube plates. The method of rivetting the top, bottom, and the sides together is as follows: the rivets are put through the holes, then wedging bars are placed in at the top and the bottom, and means taken to secure them in their places. Thus the rivets are firmly held in position, and are clenched quite cold; and when each section of the tubes are rivetted together they are placed between the tube plates, and firmly rivetted thereto. This kind of work requires to be carefully executed; for, should great leakage occur at sea, the tubes are not easily repaired. The flues are well stayed every 9 inches apart either way; these stays also act, to some extent, as heat conductors. When the work in this class of boiler is well executed it gives very little trouble at sea, which is essential in all marine steam generators. The arrangement of low-pressure boilers for ships of war differs F E A A, Furnaces. B, Combustion chamber. CC, Tubes. D, Smoke-box. E, Uptake. F, Chimney. D C C B 'I AS KES KARI KULELENINSU A 0000 Fig. 31.-High Boilers, as arranged for the Royal Navy. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections. There from the tubular class adapted for the merchant service. are two classes, namely, high and low, the former having the tubes BOILERS FOR MARINE PURPOSES. 57 over the furnaces on the return principle, while the latter have generally the furnaces fore and aft, with the tubes athwart ship, the tubes reaching no higher than the tops of the furnaces. The best arrangement for the high class are furnaces athwart ship, with the stoke-hole between the boilers on the centre line of the vessel- the distance apart from front to front of the boilers being 10 feet; this is considered ample room for the firemen. As the top of the boilers requires to be at least I foot below the water line, the ordinary steam-chest is dispensed with, sufficient height being left between the top and the water in the boiler. To give free circulation fore and aft, the uptake or dry smoke pipe is shaped thus, A, flat at the bottom sides, but rounded at the top, to take the main funnel. This is a very good plan. We have also seen many arrangements formed with the steam- chest over the firemen's heads; a plan that should never be attempted, as such require an artificial blast to keep free circulation in the stoke- hole, the usual plan being a fan driven by a separate engine; but in some classes of war ships, such as "Monitors," even this fan is necessary, the “free-board” in such ships being so low that in rough weather the hatches require battening down, and then ventilation. must be kept up by mechanical appliances. The low class boiler is admirably suited for fine. midship sections, firing fore and aft. They are placed closely together at the centre line of the ves- sel, leaving only a space of 2 inches between the lagging, or the wood cover- ing which is placed over the boilers to prevent ra- diation. The furnaces, say three in number, join in one "athwart-ship flue," widening from the furnace at the centre of the vessel to those at the sides, and A A B A C D E Fig. 32.-Low Boilers, as arranged for the Royal Navy. Lon- gitudinal and Horizontal Sections. A A, Furnaces. B, Com- bustion chamber. c, Tubes. D, Smoke-box. E, Uptake. then passing into the combustion chamber, which runs fore and aft, this chamber tapering from the furnaces to the extreme end. This 58 MODERN STEAM PRACTICE. is necessary, as the flame has always a natural tendency to take the nearest cut to the funnel: thus, when the combustion chamber is made wide at the furnaces and narrow at the extreme end the flame and gases are more equally distributed through the tubes. The tube plates are placed at an angle, for the convenience of getting out the tubes for repairs; and at the back, under the funnel, there is space left for cleaning out the tubes. When the boiler space is rather E B B C A A D C limited, as in narrow vessels such as despatch boats, the fur- naces are arranged fore and aft, with two furnaces at the centre of the ship, with separate com- bustion chambers for each fur- nace. This arrangement will suit best when the stoke-hole is forward, so that a current of air freely passes through, the air supply being greatly im- proved by the forward motion of the ship. The tubes are arranged at the sides on the return principle, but they are placed no higher than on a level with the top of the furnaces. The high and low pressure combined engines necessitate a stronger form of steam-generator, for which circular boilers are decidedly the strongest. One arrangement of double boiler has three furnaces at each end, the middle one being placed much lower than the two side ones; this is done to fill up the dead water space at the bottom. The furnaces are fore and aft, with one combustion chamber com- mon to both; they are provided with dry uptakes fitted to the fronts. When four uptakes are arranged for one funnel, each boiler has a separate tubular uptake with a flue running through it. All the uptakes converge to the centre of the vessel; these uptakes serve the purpose of superheaters, and the inner tube, or flue, is strength- ened with rings of angle-iron. For 300 horse-power nominal, the boilers being 13 feet 6 inches in diameter, the heating surface in each is as follows: 2308.88 square feet in tubes, 100 square feet in fire- box, 248.22 square feet in furnaces, making a total for two double boilers, 53142 square feet, or 1771 square feet per nominal horse- Fig. 33.--Low Boiler for Despatch Boats. Transverse and Horizontal Sections. A A, Furnaces. BB. Combus- tion chambers. CC, Tubes. DD, Smoke-boxes. E, Uptake. BOILERS FOR MARINE PURPOSES. 59 power. So it will be seen that circular arrangements can be placed in almost as little space as ordinary marine boilers. E F E $2 C D C B C D A A A A A Fig. 34.-High-pressure Double Boilers. Transverse and Longitudinal Sections. A A, Furnaces. B, Combustion chamber. cc, Tubes. DD, Smoke-boxes. EE, Uptakes. F, Separate uptake. Some are arranged for only two furnaces in each single boiler, with tubes overhead as in the previous example, and having one combustion chamber common to both furnaces; this chamber at C 4.off [