TK ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LECTURE OUTLINES HARRIS J. RYAN, Editor CF17 1918 146 iN86 B 429372 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A Course of Lectures Adapted to the Needs of Non-Electrical Engineers BY HENRY H. NORRIS Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, N. Y. THE STEPHENS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1903 Copyright by Henry H. Norris ነ : 1 1 11 3 47 & OCT 1 7 1918 TK है 146 N86 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LECTURE OUTLINES HARRIS J. RYAN, Editor B 429372 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A Course of Lectures Adapted to the Needs. of Non-Electrical Engineers BY HENRY H. NORRIS Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, N. Y. THE STEPHENS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1903 Copyright by Henry H. Norris + * J * ג ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LECTURE OUTLINES HARRIS J. RYAN, Editor ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A Course of Lectures Adapted to the Needs of Non-Electric Engineers BY HENRY H. NORRIS Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, N. Y. THE STEPHENS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1903 Copyrighted by Henry H. Norris. All rights reserved TH 146 N86 Reclass 11-15-39 явив TABLE OF IMPORTANT SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS. B. . . . . . density of magnetic flux or induction. B... C. . . . . . electrostatic capacity. e. m. f. . .electromotive force in volts. E... e. .e. m. f., effective value. .e. m. f., instantaneous value. F. . . . . . mechanical force. f. . . . . . .frequency in cycles per second. H... .magnetomotive force in gilberts per cm. I... . . . current in amperes, effective value. i.. j. . . .current, instantaneous value. -I. L. . . . . . inductance in henrys. m. m. f. . magnetomotive force. μ. magnetic permeability. P. . . . . . electric power. Φ. .total magnetic induction or flux. Q. . . . . .quantity of electricity. r, R.... electric resistance. R. t.. .. • 0 .. W….. x. Z. magnetic reluctance. time in seconds. angle of phase difference. electric energy or work. reactance. . . impedance. 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. INTRODUCTORY. This outline gives roughly the form and order of a lecture course planned to cover the essential features of electrical engineering for the purposes of the mechanical or the civil engineer. The subject is one which cannot, at present, be covered by a text book on account of the rapid development along all lines of the application of electrical machinery for engineering purposes. All engineers must meet electrical problems and they must be able to apply to these a judicial skill, in order to select properly the electrical machinery or apparatus which is needed and to apply it in such a manner as to bring about the most satisfactory results. For this reason the course consists in the study of electrical problems from the operating standpoint, including only such introductory matter as is essential to a proper understanding of the subject as a whole. This pamphlet is intended as a general outline upon which a complete set of notes can be based. Its purpose is also to empha- size certain fundamental points which must be correctly understood and which should be committed to memory. It is advised that note books of letter-sized paper be used and that the notes be systematic and concise. A general index made up by the stu- dent and placed at the end of the book is profitable in the mak- ing, and, at the same time, renders the material of the book immediately available. It is also advised that these note-books be kept up-to-date by revision, as practice changes and fresh infor- mation appears. No bibliography is printed in the syllabus as books on this subject are, as à rule, of a transitory nature. A number of very excellent books will be referred to from time to time. 3. The Electric Current. In order of importance the uses of the electric current may be roughly grouped as follows: I. Transmission of mechanical power. 2. Production of light. 3. Electrolysis. 4. Transmission of intelligence. 5. Production of heat. For these purposes current is available in three forms: 1. Alternating current. 2. Uniform continuous current. 3. Pulsating continuous current. (Rectified alternating current.) Fields of Application of Alternating and Continuous Current Although many classes of work can be performed equally well by either alternating or continuous current, each is peculiarly adapted ´to certain ones. This division of the fields of application, while not rigid, can be seen by a study of the following table. Alternating Current. 1. Power transmission over large or small areas. 2. Incandescent lighting over large areas. Transmitted at high pressure and transformed to low pressure by means of constant potential static trans- formers. 3. Arc lighting. In many locations there is not enough arc lighting business to warrant the use of continuous current arc generators. In others the a. c. lamp is preferred for its economy and convenience. For these cases alternating current arc lamps, operated in series on a constant potential circuit and with current regulat- ing devices in series, are very satisfactory. The lamps may also be operated in parallel in which case, a lamp adjusted for operation on constant potential would be employed. 4 4. Constant speed motors and in a few cases variable speed motors. 5. Electrical furnaces. Such as are used for the manufacture of carborundum, graphite, etc. Continuous Current. 1. Incandescent lighting. Over small areas, especially in the crowded districts of large cities, in which the pressure neccessary for the lamps can be used economically in the transmis- sion. 2. Arc lighting. On The continuous current is well adapted to arc light- ing, pulsating current being generally used. account of the superiority of the alternating current from the transmission standpoint, the continuous cur- rent arc lamp is being gradually driven from the field. 3. Variable speed motors. Practically all of this line of work, which includes electric traction, cranes, etc. is best served by the constant potential series, continuous current motor. 4. Constant speed motors. Such as would be used in factories for the driving of tools and of line shafts and for general power pur- poses in the crowded districts of large cities. While called constant speed these motors may be varied in speed by means of various devices, but when the speed has been set thus, it is maintained regardless of the load. In the previous class of motors mentioned, the speed varies with the load. 5. Electrolysis. The continuous current finds an excellent field in the reduction of metals and the production of many chemical compounds very cheaply. In the storage battery a very useful adjunct to lighting and power stations is found. Historically the application of the continuous current to these various uses was first, but in importance it may be said that now the alternating current is first. The latter is more easily produced as the generator is simpler. It owes its superiority, however, to the fact that it may be transformed in pressure in station- ary apparatus, with practically no loss. This important point makes possible the transmission of elec- tric power over long distances and it has forced the manufacturing companies to develop lines of ap- paratus, in all directions possible, which can be used on alternating current circuits. 5 Classification on the Basis of Pressures Employed. Alternating Current. I. 1,000 to 3,000 volts, constant potential, usually single phase. Applicable to arc and incandescent lighting. For the former a constant current is maintained by a constant current transformer or a constant current regulator. Or, either arc or incandescent lamps can be operated in parallel on from 100 to 250 volts, constant poten- tial, reduced from the line pressure in constant poten- tial transformers. 2. 2,000 to 7,000 (or more) volts, constant potential, usually three-phase. This is used for power transmission purposes under ten miles, particularly for power distribution for rail- ways in large cities. For this purpose the alternating current is transformed to continuous current in rotary convertors located in sub-stations from which the power can be economically transmitted at 500 volts pressure. 3. 6,000 to 80,000 volts, constant potential, generated two-phase or three-phase, but transmitted on a three-phase line. Transformation from two-phase to three-phase is easily accomplished in static transformers. These high pressures are used for power transmission pur- poses up to several hundred miles, the power being generated at a moderate pressure of about 10,000 volts which is raised to the pressure desired for the line by means of constant potential transformers. 4. Miscellaneous pressures used for electro-chemical and elec- tro-metallurgical purposes. This is usually generated at a fairly high pressure and is then stepped down to any pressure desired and transformed to continuous current for electrolysis. This depends upon the process used and the num- ber of tanks connected in series. Continuous Current. 1. 6 to 350 volts, constant potential for electrolysis. This includes the reduction of metals and the forma- tion of various chemical compounds. 6 2. 50 to 550 volts, constant potential used for incandescent lamps and constant potential arc lamps. The standard pressures are from 104 to 250 volts for the two-wire and from 208 to 500 for the three-wire system. 3. 110 to 550 volts, constant potential used for motors of both constant and variable speed. In addition to this classification upon a pressure basis there should be mentioned the constant current system, both alternating and continuous current. This is popular for arc lighting especially for out-of-door purposes. From three to ten amperes are used for this purpose. Occasionally constant current motors are used on the continuous current circuit, but they are not satisfactory and their use is to be disparaged except where no other source of cur- rent is available. 7 PART I. FUNDAMENTAL FEATURES OF ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS. The Electric Circuit. The electric circuit is a molecular kinematic connection between the power generator and the receiver. Mechanical power can be transmitted by this means over long distances, much greater than would be practicable by any other means of connection. The electric circuit is analagous to a belt transmitting power, the velocity of the belt corresponding roughly to the current and the tension to the pressure. For the transfer of power the circuit must be complete, which it may be in one or more of the following ways. 1. Through a conductor. In this case the energy of the current is all dissipated in heat unless some part of the conductor is the seat of an electric pressure, when it will come under case 3. 2. Through an electrolyte and a conductor. Here all of the energy of the current produces chem- ical dissociation in the electrolyte, except that portion lost as heat in the conductor. The dissociation is accompanied by the presence of a counter-pressure in the electrolyte. 3. Through a motor and a conductor. In a motor the transformation of electrical into me- chanical power is accompanied by the production of a counter-pressure. 4. Through a dielectric and a conductor. If a dielectric forms part of an electric circuit a cur- rent will flow through the circuit until the dielec- tric produces a counter-pressure exactly equal to the line pressure. In order to maintain a continuous flow 8 of current through such a circuit either an alternat- ing pressure must be used or the direction of connec- tion of the dielectric in the circuit must be period- ically reversed. It will be noted from the preceding statements that, except in the production of heat, the transformation from electrical into some other form of energy is accompanied by the presence of a counter- pressure which is the evidence of a resistance to the change of form. In the case of heat there is no such resistance, as heat is the lowest form of energy and the more highly organized forms tend to reduce to this one. Conditions and Properties of the Electric Circuit. Electric circuits, which are composed of materials having certain mechanical properties, and existing under definite conditions of tem- perature, strain, etc., may also exhibit manifestations entirely dis- tinct from these. For example, under certain conditions such a cir- cuit will be urged from a space known as a magnetic field. Differ- ently arranged the conditions of this circuit may be such as to pro- duce chemical dissociation or it may become very hot from some in- ternal source of energy. Evidently we must have some system for defining and relating these conditions. The relations of these con- ditions are the measures of the properties of the circuit. Each con- dition must be studied from the peculiar results produced. While several different kinds of results may be produced from the same set of electrical conditions, we shall here treat the mechanical effects as fundamental and others as secondary. For this pur- pose it is necessary to base the proposed system upon a con- dition of space known as the magnetic field of flux. The Magnetic Field. For all practical purposes the magnetic field is a space in which a mechanical tension exists. While this tension is not in itself the field it has a definite relation thereto. From other considerations the unit of magnetic flux has been selected as that condition of a space in which a tension of 1÷8″ dynes exists over each square centimeter of cross-section. This tension may be measured between its terminal surfaces known as poles where the flux disappears in magnetic material and is known 9 therein as magnetic induction. The unit thus defined is known as the Maxwell. By virtue of the form of other electrical defi- nitions the pulling strength of the field is proportional to the square of the density of the flux and to the cross-sectional area of the field. That is, F = B2 × A 8 π Where F is the tensile force in dynes B is the flux density in maxwells per sq. cm. A is the area of the flux in square centimeters. A useful form of this expression is obtained by dividing by 445,000 the number of dynes in a pound, when B2 × A F' (in pounds) 8 π X 445,000 Conditions of the Electric Circuit. Electro-motive force (e. m. f.) When a conductor is moved across a magnetic field there is produced in it a tendency to set up an electric current. This condition is found to be proportional to the density of flux and to the velocity of cutting. The e. m. f. produced by the cutting of a field of flux density of one maxwell per sq. cm., at a velocity of one cm. per second (in a direction normal to the field and to the conductor) by one cm. of conductor, is the unit of e. m. f. in the c. g. s. (centimeter-gram-second) system. 100,000,000 times this is the Volt. Electric Current. When a conductor is urged from a magnetic field, the con- dition of the conductor under which this occurs is known as the presence in it of an electric current. In the c. g. s. system the unit of current exists when each centi- meter of a conductor (located in a plane normal to the field) is urged from a field of one maxwell per sq. cm. flux density with a force of one dyne. One-tenth of this unit is the Ampere. Quantity of Electricity. When a current flows for a length of time a definite amount of effect is produced. This effect is proportional to current and IO time and this product is therefore known as the quantity of electricity. The ampere-second is the Coulomb. A more practical unit for engineering purposes is the ampere- hour. Electric Power. When current and e. m. f. are present in a circuit at the same time it is found that a transformation of energy is taking place, the value of which is proportional to the product of these quantities. In fact, since (in a magnetic field) e. m. f. is pro- portional to velocity, and current to force, this is already evi- dent from the definitions of those quantities. The volt-ampere is the Watt of which 746 are equivalent to one mechanical horse-power. The more usual form of the unit is the kilo-watt. Electric energy. The duration of electric power gives rise to electric ener- gy, this being equal to the product of power and time. The watt-second is the Joule. The commercial unit is the kilo-watt-hour (K. W.-hr.), an older form being the electrical horse-power-hour. (E. H. P.-hr.) and in the use of very large quantities of energy the E. H. P. -year is sometimes adopted. Properties of the Electric Circuit. Electrical properties are discovered and defined by certain relations of conditions. There are three electrical properties as follows: 1. That, by virtue of which a uniform current in a circuit produces a proportionate loss in electric pressure. This is known as Resistance. The volts lost per ampere are the Ohms of resistance. E R = I Other commercial units-milli-ohm, megohm. This property is analagous to mechanical resistance. + II 2. That, by virtue of which a changing current produces an e. m. f. which is proportional to its rate of change. This is called Inductance and the volts per ampere per second are the Henrys of inductance. E L = di dt Another commercial unit is the milli-henry. Inductance is closely analagous to mechanical inertia. 3. That, by virtue of which a changing e. m. f. produces a current which is proportional to its rate of change. This is the Capacity and the amperes per volt per second are numerically equal to the Farads of capacity. C I de dt The micro-farad is the only commercial unit as the farad is entirely too large for practical purposes. Capacity is almost exactly analagous to mechanical elasticity. Electric Current Control. The flow of current through a circuit is determined only by the resistance and the counter e. m. f. present. All circuits possess resistance which consumes e. m. f. in proportion to the current. I E* R The e. m. f. consumed in overcoming a counter-e. m. f. is exactly equal and opposite to it. Such counter-e. m. f. may be produced in several ways and as resistance is always present the total consumed e. m. f. in these cases is as follows: In a motor (transformation to mechanical energy), EE' IR In an electrolyte (transformation to chemical energy, E = E' + IR *See equation under definition of resistance. 12 In a circuit containing inductance (transformation to and from potential energy in the magnetic field), E = L + IR di dt In a circuit containing capacity (transformation to and from potential energy in the dielectric), E = Sidt + IR C In a circuit containing inductance and capacity. E = L di _ Sidt + IR dt C Note that the e. m. f.s produced in inductance and capac- ity are opposed to each other. It will be evident from the above that with the continuous current we are not concerned to any extent with the e. m. f.s produced by change of current. In alternating current work these are of the greatest importance. Alternating Current Control. An alternating quantity is one which periodically reverses its direction, reaching equal positive and negative maximum values. By adapting the apparatus to the nature of these alternating quantities, continuous effects may be produced. A familiar ex- ample of this is found in the steam engine where the alternat- ing pressure on the piston is made to produce continuous rota- tion of the main shaft. The series of values of an alternating quantity between positive to negative maxima constitute an Alternation and two successive alternations, a Cycle. The time of a cycle is a Period and the number of cycles or alternations in a given time is the Freq uency. The two common forms of frequency are cycles per second (often written p. p. s. as an abbreviation for periods per second) and alternations per minute. Commercial fre- quencies range from 15 to 133 cycles per second in engineer- ing practice. Effective Values of Alternating Quantities. As it is essential that alternating e. m. f. and current be 13 measured it is necessary to select some value of these quanti- ties which shall be suited to this purpose. Naturally such values of these quantities have been chosen that an alternating current ampere is such as will heat a wire to the same extent as will an ampere of continuous current. Similarly an effective alternating volt is such an e. m. f. that, impressed upon the terminals of a circuit containing resistance only, that circuit would be heated to the same extent as it would have been by a continuous volt. An effective alternating volt will send an effective alternating ampere through one ohm of resist- ance. Alternating Power. The product of the effective alternating volts and am- peres in an alternating current circuit will not necessarily be the power of the circuit, for it is possible that the maximum values of current and e. m. f. may not occur at the same time. In fact, when the two have the same frequency, as is generally the case, it may happen that one will be always zero when the other is maximum and in general no power would then be produced. The quantity by which the effective e. m. f. and current in a cir- cuit must be multiplied in order to give the watts developed, is called the Power Factor. P. F. watts volts × amperes Here and hereafter whenever alternating volts and amperes are referred to, the effective values will be understood. Time Relations of Alternating Quantities. When alternating quantities have the same frequency they are said to be synchronous. When similar values of these quantities occur at the same time they are in phase, otherwise they are out of phase. When quantities are synchronous and in phase their relation is often referred to as one of exact synchron- ism. Geometric and Algebraic Conventions. For purposes of study, alternating quantities may be treated by one or more of the following plans: 1. Graphically, "point-by-point.” 14 2. Graphically, by use of vectors, assuming sine law con- necting variables. 3. Algebraically, by use of vectors, assuming as in (2). 4. Algebraically, by means of Fourier's Series. All of these are in use and all are good, but the particular plan to be used in any case must be selected with reference to the circumstances and to the degree of accuracy desired. 1. Point-by-point method. A simple and practically accurate handling of alternating current problems consists in plotting the variables in rectangu- lar co-ordinates, time being used for abscissæ. The laws of the electric circuit may be applied to enough ordinates to insure. reasonable acuracy. 2. Geometrical method. Frequently it is found that diagrams plotted as above, corre- spond closely with those of the forms resulting from the appli- cation of the equation, y= A sin x where A is the maximum value of the alternating quantity and where a value of x equal to 27 radians corresponds to one com- plete cycle of the alternating quantity. The equation may then be written 2T y = A sin t T Where T is the period of the alternating quantity. As I÷T if the frequency (f) we may write y = A sin 2″ ƒ t y may represent any variable electrical or magnetic quantity such as current, e. m. f., magnetic flux, etc. It is evident that this sine curve would be projected upon an axis of reference by a rotating radius revolving with a con- stant angular velocity of ƒ revolutions per second and with a length equal to A. Two or more such rotating radii of the same angular velocity would project sine curves of which similar values would differ in time by definite fractions of a period, which are known as phase differences. Phase differences may be referred to either 15 in terms of a fraction of a period or as the corresponding angle between the projecting radii. In applying the above to alternating current problems, which usually involve effective rather than maximum values we note that there is a fixed relation between effective and maximum values of any particular form of wave. For the sine curve this Effective values may be represented by lines I is the ratio√ having magnitude and direction, for while an effective value cannot have a definite direction in space it has a relative direc- tion as compared with some other effective value of a quantity of the same frequency. Hence for all practical purposes effec- tive values are considered as vectors. Then for the purpose of solving problems we may graphically represent effective values by lines drawn to scale and differing in direction by the angles which separate the generating radii of the curves. Upon such lines all ordinary geometrical operations may be performed. 3. Algebraic method. This is based upon the assumption made in method (2). The vectors are decomposed into two rectangular components by projecting upon reference axes. These may be arbitrarily chosen but one usually coincides with one of the vectors and this reference vector for convenience, is usually given a hori- zontal direction. A vector may be represented by the formula, a + jb 2 where its length is Va² + b² and the angle between the vector and the axis upon which a is projected is 0 = tani b a The symbolj indicates a quadrature relation of a and b. By convention, jor +j is prefixed to a quantity 90° ahead of another in an anti-clock-wise direction, while -j is prefixed to the reverse of this. The name complex quantity is given to one containing the symbol j. By means of these conventions all ordinary operations can be performed upon vectors in their algebraic form and this is the common practice at present. 1 16 4. Algebraic method with Fourier's Series. The reliability of methods (2) and (3) depends upon the accuracy of the assumption that sine curves may replace the al- ternating quantities. If exact accuracy is desirable it may be obtained by writing the equation of the alternating quantity in terms of a series based upon the discovery that alternating quanti- ties may be decomposed into component sine curves of different frequencies. Any alternating quantity may be written in the form + 1 3 y A₁ sin (x + α1) + A, sin (3x + a3) + A 5 sin (5x + az) + An sin (nx + αº) where the subscripts indicate the frequencies of the harmonics compared with that of the fundamental component, and the angles 21, α, etc., indicate the angular displacement of the components of the irregular curve when x is xero. For practical purposes but three terms are usually found neces- sary for substantial accuracy. Evidently the various components, being sine waves, may be treated by methods (2) and (3) and the results can be combined to give the complete result. It should be noted that while method (4) is the only absolutely correct one, it is tedious of application and for commercial pur- poses the preceding plans give good satisfaction. For purposes of exact analytic study the last plan must be used. Impedance and reactance. In an alternating current circuit e. m. f. may be consumed in other ways than in producing heat (in resistance) and in over- coming mechanically or molecularly-produced e. m. f. s. Aside from directly useful consumption of e. m. f., a certain. amount will also be necessary to send current through inductance and capacity. From the definitions of these properties it follows that di CL = L dt ic de C dt From the properties of the sine curves it follows that eL = 2π f Li i ec 2π ƒ С 17 The qualities 27 fl and I÷ 27 ƒ C are known as Reactance, which is therefore numerically equal to the number of volts con- sumed per ampere in inductance, in capacity or in both. From the nature of the mechanism of these properties they produce e. m. f. s. which oppose each other, hence they tend to neutralize the effect of each other in a circuit. Impedance is the combination of resistance and reactance. With sine-form currents and e. m. f. s. reactance and resistance con- sume e. m. f. s. a quarter period apart in phase position. Hence Where Z 2 √x² + x z-impedance r=resistance x=reactance 2 In the solution of alternating current problems, impedances may be combined in series, in parallel or in series-parallel. In the solution of such problems care must be taken to include the effect of phase relations upon the results, as these greatly affect the magnitude of the absolute values. A large number of such problems should be solved by a student of this subject and it is recommended that both the geometric and the algebraic methods be used, as one forms a check upon the other. It is also very difficult to perform division of complex quantities algebraically, but by obtaining the absolute values of the complex quantities and dividing these, much labor is. saved and the quotient may be readily decomposed into its com- ponents, forming the corresponding complex quantity. Polyphase Circuits. In engineering, for power purposes it is found most satisfactory to use two, three or even more alternating currents which differ in phase position. By this plan it is possible to employ self-starting motors and at the same time copper in the line may be saved. Any desired number of phases may be employed and these may differ in phase position by any fraction of a cycle, but certain values are found to be most useful commercially. No. of wires used. Number of phases 2* 3* 4 6 12 Phase displacement 1-4 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-12 *These are the currents used for power transmission purposes. 4 or 3 3 4 6 12 18 In this table the first current would be a "2-phase, quarter- phased current," the second a "3-phase, third-phased current" etc. Fortunately transformation from one number of phases to another is accomplished easily and at high efficiency as will be de- scribed in connection with transformers. The copper economy of a transmission circuit varies with the variety of current selected, the comparison being based upon equal maximum pressures between wires. Three phases are almost in- variably employed for long distance transmission. The Magnetic Circuit. A magnetic circuit is the path of the magnetic flux and induc- tion. The direction of this path is controlled by the disposition of the magnetomotive force (the name given to the cause of the magnetic field) and to the nature and arrangement of the materials composing it. Sources of M. m. f. There are two commercial sources of m. m. f.: 1. Certain substances known as magnetic materials. The m. m. f. is an inherent property of the molecules of these sub- stances. Ordinarily this m. m. f. is not externally apparent as it usually neutralized within the mass of the material except when controlled by a force externally produced. 2. The electric current. This produces m. m. f. in circu- lar paths about the conductor, in planes normal to it. This m. m. f. is proportional to the current. It is conveniently produced by this means, which is the only practicable one for utilizing the inherent m. m. f. of magnetic materials. Varieties of Magnetic Circuit. A magnetic circuit may be composed as follows: a. Magnetic materials only, e. g., a transformer core. b. Non-magnetic material only, e. g., a lightning arrestor choke coil. 3. Magnetic and non-magnetic materials, e. g., generator armature and field cores. 19 Conditions and Properties of the Magnetic Circuit. As in the case of the electric circuit, so in the magnetic circuit there are certain phenomena which are peculiar to itself. The fundamental one is that condition known as the magnetic flux. The space known as a magnetic field exerts mechanical tension upon its terminals or poles. This same field has the ability to produce e. m. f. in circuits which move through it. It remains to define these conditions and the properties by which the relations of the conditions are known. Conditions of Magnetic Circuits. Magnetic Flux and Induction. While the phenomena of the electric and the magnetic cir- cuits are closely connected it is possible to consider the flux apart from the current only by means of the definition previously given. T That space in air in which exists a mechanical tension of 1÷8π dyne per square centimeter of normal cross-section is said to con- tain a unit of magnetic flux per square centimeter, in the c. g. s. system. The c. g. s. and practical units in this case are the same. The unit density of flux thus defined is called the Gauss and the unit of flux the Maxwell. No distinction is made between the flux in the air and the induction in the magnetic materials, the same units being used for both. Magnetomotive Force. That condition by virtue of which a unit magnetic flux dens- ity is produced in a unit length of path in air is the unit of mag- netomotive force. The c. g. s. unit, which is also in practical use, is the Gilbert. One ampere flowing in one turn of wire sur- rounding a magnetic circuit produce a m. m. f. of 4-10 gilberts (1.257 gilberts). Properties of the Magnetic Circuit. π The only property of a magnetic circuit as a whole is the ratio of the total m. m. f. consumed in the circuit to the total resulting flux. This ratio is known as the Reluctance and there is no name for its unit. 20 There are, however, certain properties of the materials mak- ing up the circuit which will be considered under the subject of Magnetic Materials. Laws of the Magnetic Circuit. The B-H Curve. The magnetic circuit is very similar to the electric circuit in that there is a relation between cause and effect, called resistance or impedance in one case and reluctance in the other. The im- portant difference is that the reluctance is not constant nor does it obey any simple law. Hence it is necessary to have for each circuit or for each part of that circuit in which the same material is used, the relation of the m. m. f. to the flux produced. This relation is usually plotted in the form of a curve with maxwells per unit area for ordinates and either gilberts per centimeter or ampere-turns per inch for abscissæ. One of these "B-H" curves is needed for each kind of material employed. Composition of Reluctance. The reluctance of that part of a circuit in which the same material is used is 1 × H R AX B Where I is the length along the magnetic circuit in centi- meters. H is the gilberts per centimeter along the circuit. A is the area of circuit cross-section in square centi- meters. B is the flux density in maxwells per sq. cm. For any particular value of H or B the corresponding value of Bor H is found from the B -H curve. The ratio, H÷B is called Specific Reluctance, that is, this ratio is the reluctance when I and A are unity. Its reciprocal is the Permeability. Relation of M. m. f. and flux. From the definition of reluctance it follows that Φ m. m. f. R 21 Where total flux. Writing in a different order M. m. f. = § × R As stated before the m. m. f. produced by a conductor carry- ing one ampere is 1.257, (.47), gilberts. It makes no difference whether this conductor is straight or forms a loop around the magnetic circuit. If however, it loops the circuit several times the m. m. f. proportionately increased. Hence the m. m. f. of a solenoid or coil is m. m. f. = .4 π I n where n is the number of loops of the electric around the mag- netic circuit. 22 PART II. MATERIALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING These may be classified as follows: 1. Those used for mechanical support of electric and magnetic circuits. The general principles of mechanics and machine design apply to the support of electrical conductors. Whether these form parts of electrical machines or of transmission circuits. These applications involve the use of all of the materials of engineering as will be brought out in connection with the particular cases. 2. Conducting materials of electric circuits. (1.) Those used for conducting current economically, copper, aluminum and iron or steel. (2.) Those used for controlling flow of current (resist- ance materials), iron or steel, german silver, manganin, etc. 3. Magnetic materials. Iron and steel are the only materials commercially available for the construction of magnetic circuits. 4. Dielectric or insulating materials. Conducting Materials. Properties of Conducting Materials. Specific resistance. This is the resistance between two opposite faces of a centi- meter cube of the material. For practical purposes resistances are compared by reference to wires of the materials one foot long and of circular section one one-thousandth inch in diameter. The area of such a wire is called a circular mil and the dimensions of the wire are covered by the term circular mil-foot or simply mil-foot. 23 The resistance of any wire is 1 x Rst R = A Where I is length in feet Rsp is the resistance of a mil-foot A is the area in circular mils (square of the diameter is mils.) The reciprocal of the resistance is the Conductivity. Temperature Co-efficient. The resistance of all metals varies with temperature to a con- siderable extent, the variation for pure metals being a rise of about four-tenths per cent per degree C. The temperature coefficient, or proportional (not per cent) rise in resistance per degree, may be reduced by combining different metals. These facts are sum- marized in the following table. TABLE OF SPECIFIC RESISTANCES AND TEMPERATURE Material. Copper (soft, pure) Aluminm (soft, pure) Iron (soft, pure) German Silver Manganin COEFFICIENTS. Resistance of round wire I ft long, .001 in. diameter at oo C. 9.612 16.02 60.00 127.00 291.00 Temperature Coefficients. .004284 .0039 .00453 .00044 10000* Copper. Best conductivity, smallest surface, can be hard drawn without great loss of conductivity. Used for indoor and outdoor work where insulation is needed and where space must be econo- mized, and for conductors in electrical machinery. Aluminum. Light weight; used for transmission lines which are not insulated. Iron. Used sometimes in the form of steel as feeders and prac- tically always as street railway return circuits on account of dura- bility and large surface exposed. As street railways must have the rails these are used for return as a matter of course. As a resistance material iron is very satisfactory as it exposes a considerable surface for radiation and is cheap. 24 German Silver. High specific resistance. Fairly low tempera- ture coefficient. Used in resistance boxes to some extent. Manganin. High specific resistance, low temperature coeffi- cient. Used for resistances and shunts for measuringinstruments. Carbon. High resistance. Used for resistances, and for brushes for electrical machines. Magnetic Materials. Properties of Magnetic Materials. 1. Permeability. This is numerically the number of maxwells per square centi- meter produced per gilbert per centimeter. It is an abstract num- ber for the above ratio may be stated as the proportionate in- crease in the flux due to displacing air with magnetic material, as by definition the permeability of air is unity. Permeability is not constant and its values must be obtained by experiment for each sample of material and for each flux density. Commercially, values of µ range from upwards of 5,000 to 100 or even less. An average range would be from 500 to 1,000 for steels and wrought iron and one-half this for cast iron. A large number of considerations enter, sometimes dictating a high and sometimes a low value of μ. 2. Hysteresis coefficient. As a magnetic material is subjected to alternating magnetic flux a certain amount of energy is lost per cycle in addition to that dissipated in the electric currents set up within it. This loss varies with the density of magnetic flux, increasing with the one and six-tenths power of the increase of B. (Steinmetz's law.) The coefficient is the energy loss per cycle per gauss or per maxwell per square inch per unit volume, usually a cubic inch. Only the best magnetic materials are available for alternating flux circuits and for these the coefficient ranges between .001 and .002 or more ergs per cubic inch, per cycle, per maxwell per square inch. 3. Retentiveness. When the m. m. f. is removed from the magnetic circuit there is always a certain amount of remnant flux which requires a de- 25 magnetizing or coercive force to remove, although jarring will en- tirely remove it in some cases and partly in others. This feature is made use of in the production of permanent magnets but it is objectionable in most other cases. Variations in Magnetic Properties. 1. The presence of impurities. Some metals when added to iron produce increased μ and decreased hysteresis loss. Carbon and other such impurities as a rule increase hysteresis loss and retentiveness and decreases μ. 2. Physical treatment. Hardening decreases and increases hysteresis, while annealing has the reverse effect. At temperatures above 200 C, hysteresis loss is less and a greater up to 700 C. It is impor- tant that magnetic material be not subjected to temperatures above 60° to 80° C, for above these points hysteresis loss in- creases with time (Aging.) 3. Magnetic Flux Density. µ Both and hysteresis loss vary with B. is large at small μ values of B. reaches a maximum and finally decreases. It is sel- dom advisable to use material at maximum μ as the circuit is too bulky and expensive. As before stated hysteresis increases as the 1.6 power of B. Losses in Magnetic Materials. Hysteresis as described above. Wh nx B 1.6 x V xf 107 Eddy currents or eddies. (Foucault currents). These flow in all magnetic materials subjected to alternating flux in accordance with the laws of the electric circuit. They are reduced by making the structure of sheets, the lamination be- ing in planes parallel with the direction of the field. Where W. = b x B ² x V x fxt 107 W-watts lost in each case. B=maxwells per square inch. V volume in cubic inches. f=frequency. t=thickness of sheets in inches. n and b are coefficients. 26 Features of Various Materials. Cast iron. Cheap and easily moulded but bulky and me- chanically weak. Used only with steady flux as in dynamo fields. Cast steel. Expensive but has good magnetic properties and is mechanically excellent for steady flux as in motor and dynamo field frames, rotating field structures, etc. Electrical Steel. Only material now used for laminated structure such as armature cores, transformer cores, field poles, etc. Excellent magnetic properties, very ductile and mechani- cally strong enough for its purpose. It is practically pure iron. Wrought iron. Excellent mechanically and magnetically but not easily formed for magnetic circuits. Hence, little used ex- cept as electrical steel. Nickel steel. Fine in every way for steady flux but very expensive and only used where the great mechanical strength and reliability combined with good electrical properties are required and where forging is possible. Dielectric Materials. In order to prevent passage of current between wires which have e. m. f. between them, it is necessary to have the space filled with dielectric materials. The mechanical properties of these substances are of vital importance and will be treated under the head of construction of Electric Circuits. Electrical Properties of Dielectrics. 1. Specific resistance. A matter of very little importance as all dielectrics have such a high resistance that the leakage of current is negligible. 2. Specific Inductive Capacity. taken up by The ratio of the quantity of electricity taken a given volume of the dielectric to that taken up by air under the same pressure. A very important property for a. c. pur- poses. 3. The dielectric flux constant. The coulombs absorbed by an inch cube of the material with one volt pressure between opposite faces. As the con- stant for air is 2.244 x 10 −13 coulombs, that for any other ma- terial can be found if the specific inductive capacity is known. 27 4. Electric pressure rupturing gradient. The number of volts per inch of thickness necessary to rup- ture the material. This is the most important propertý of dielectric materials. The following tables show clearly the electrical properties of the various commercial dielectric materials. In addition the other physical properties must be given due weight. Each sub- stance must be selected for its particular purpose with the fol- lowing considerations taken into account: a. Mechanical fitness, including strength, fluidity (if fluid), ease of working, etc. b. Heat resisting properties. c. Durability under action of weather or of chemicals. TABLE OF RUPTURING PRES- SURE GRADIENTS TABLE OF SPECIFIC INDUC- TIVE CAPACITIES. Dielectric Kilovolts per Dielectric inch. Air, less than .05 inch. 250 Vacuum Air, .5 to 1 inch.. Specific inductive capacity .9996 28 Air....... Air, 1 to 2 inches 25 Glass, old hard 1.00 6.96 Air, 2 to 5 inches 18.8 Glass, new hard. 2.II Air, 5 to 10 inches.... 15 Glass, clear Glass, hard 13 m. 3.31 300 Glass, extra dense flint..... 9.9 Mica 800 Paraffined paper. Glass, lowest value.. 2.8 860 Potcelain Paraffin, melted. 4.4 200 Shellac 2.74 Linseed oil, boiled 200 Turpentine oil Sulphur 3.0 160 Copal varnish. Rubber, pure 2.12 76 Lubricating oil, crude Rubber, vulcanized 2.69 46 Rubber, hard 2.25 Vulcabeston 91 Paraffin.. Linseed oil paper 2.0 1000 Wax 1.86 Linseed oil cloth 500 Olive oil... Micanite cloth.. Micanite paper... 3.08 440 Turpentine 2.25 325 Sperm Oil 3.09 Petroleum, crude. 2.07 Petroleum, "headlight". 2.II Vaseline oil... 2.17 28 PART III. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS. Electric circuits may be classified as, 1. Outdoor transmission circuits. 2. Indoor distribution circuits. 3. Electrical machinery windings. The selection of conductors and methods of insulation for these classes are entirely different as this is largely settled by the environment. Of equal importance in a circuit are: a. The wires. b. The method of support. c. Switching and protective devices. The National Electric Code. All indoor wiring and to a certain extent outdoor work as well are regulated by the rules of the National Board of Fire Under- writers. These rules, known as the "National Electric Code" are modified annually at the suggestion of the National Electric Association. The National Board maintains in Chicago a lab- oratory for the testing of all kinds of electrical supplies and publishes from time to time a list of such as are approved and only such "approved" supplies are "passed" by local inspectors. The Bureau also collects and distributes information about elec- trical fires and in this way emphasizes the importance of a care- ful following of the rules of the code. The local inspectors are appointed by various associations of insurance companies. Wires. a. Rubber-covered, for use in all high pressure indoor cir cuits, in knob and tube work, in conduit work, for optional use on indoor exposed wiring. These have a single braid except in conduits where it is double. 29 b. Slow-burning weather-proof, consisting of a fire-proof and a weather-proof coating. These consist of braid impregnated with compounds having the qualities mentioned. Used for most interior work not requiring rubber-covered wire. c. Slow-burning, having a fire-resisting covering and not used except in special cases where the other insulation would not endure, or where the flames due to the combustion of the weather-proof coating would in case of fire cause great damage. d. Weather-proof, having three braids saturated with mois- ture-proof compound and with outer surface "slicked" smooth and hard. This wire is for outdoor use only. e. Flexible cord for lamps and portable apparatus is rub- ber-covered and braided and for special purposes is further pro- tected by additional outside rubber and braid. f. Armored cable. This is a convenient form of wire and conduit combined and is treated as such. When used in underground conduits the rubber-covered wires are frequently encased in lead, thus affording adequate protec- tion against moisture. This is essential when paper or yarn im- pregnated with insulating compound displaces the rubber. 1. Out-door transmission circuits. Matters of importance are: Material for conductors. Insulation of wire, if any. Support: pole line or conduit. Insulators and details. Switch boards at terminals and switches along line. Lightning protection. Outdoor lines must be erected for durability and reliability. Not only is the continuous working of the plant important but the danger to life and the disastrous result of crossing with other circuits must be considered. The Code emphasizes such points as: Insulation of wires and forms and materials for insulators. Location with reference to other wires and to buildings. Guard or protecting wires or screens. Joints. Grounding. Section switches. Method of entering buildings. Location and installation of transformers. $ 30 2. Indoor Distributing Circuits. Two general classes of wiring a. Open. b. Concealed. 1. Knob and tube. 2. Conduit, lined or unlined. 3. Molding. Open wiring is cheap, is accessible for inspection and repair, is easily modified to suit changing conditions. Concealed knob-and-tube wiring is cheap, is flexible, is invisible. Conduit wiring is safe, is permanent, requires least room, in common with "knob-and tube" work it is invisible. Conduit is not always concealed but is often used in exposed work on ac- count of safety and permanence. Molding work is cheap, is fairly well protected, is easily in- stalled in old buildings. It is rapidly going out of favor. Essential Features of Interior Wiring. The dimensions, material and construction of insulators, switches, fuse cut-outs and circuit-breakers are so specified that fire-risk may be permanently avoided and these devices are made in a substantial manner to maintain the "risk" a safe one. Conduits are made fire-tight so that the effects of any short-cir- cuit may be confined to the tube or fittings. These are also to a limited extent water-tight. Mechanical continuity is assured by the Code provision that the wires shall be drawn into conduits only after the installation of the latter is complete. Electrical continuity of the conduit system is essential as great reliance is placed on grounding to eliminate fire risk from leakage of current to ground through high resistance. Choice of size of wire is determined from one or more of these considerations: a. Allowable drop in pressure as dictated by the sensitive- ness of the apparatus to be used. b. Safe carrying capacity determined by the nature of the insulation. 31 c. Mechanical strength which debars wires smaller than No. 12 except for special cases, and which dictates the presence of a protecting strip under surface wires smaller than No. 6 to avoid injury. Joints in circuits, such as those in wires, between wires and fittings and between parts of switches and cut-outs are sources of most of the annoying electric light interruptions. 32 PART IV. ELECTRIC GENERATORS. a. Essential Elements. The electric generator is a device for the transformation of mechanical into electrical power. Its essential elements are: 1. A magnetic circuit for maintaining magnetic flux through which electric conductors can be moved conveniently, with a source of magneto-motive force for the same. This "field magnet" may be stationary or it may revolve. 2. A set of electrical conductors suitably connected and mounted on a support, preferably part of the magnetic circuit. Provision must be made for maintaining relative motion of the 'armature" conductors and the magnetic flux. (C 3. Auxiliary devices for conveying current from or into the rotating part of the machine. The armature of the continuous-current 'machine invariably revolves, current being conducted from the winding through a 'commutator" as in all constant-potential and in a few constant- current generators, or through a "rectifier" as in most constant- current machines. In the alternator," either armature or field may revolve and the current is conducted through "collecting rings" to or from the moving member in either case. "Fly- wheel-effect" often makes motion of the field magnet desirable. b. Methods of Excitation. The source and nature of the magneto-motive force for the magnetic circuit of a generator determines to some extent the nature of the armature output. The possible sources of m. m. f. are as follows: 1. Separate Excitation from an auxiliary circuit as used in most alternators except such as are mentioned under class (4). The continuous current dynamo supplying the field current is known as the "exciter.' 2. Shunt Excitation, that is by connection of the field cir- cuit across the armature terminals. This plan is used in many constant potential, continuous current lighting generators. 33 3. Series Excitation, the line current passing through the field circuit and used on constant continuous current dynamos only. 4. Compound Excitation, a combination of series and shunt or of series and separate excitation. Compound excitation is used either in continuous or alternating current generators where either a perfectly uniform pressure is desired or where the pressure should rise with increase of load. The latter fre- quently receives the name, "over-compounding." In compounding alternators all or part of the line current is rectified and passed through the series field coils, such an arrange- ment being usually designated "composite wound." A compound- ing effect is also produced very successfully without the aid of a series winding by sending the alternating current through the arm- ature of the exciter, modifying its field flux and e. m. f. and in turn the field current of the alternator. This combination of ex- citer and alternator is called a "compensated" alternator and the method provides for variable power factor as well as variable load. c. Structural Features. These may be summarized under three heads: Armature, consisting of the support for the laminated structure, the magnetic circuit, the winding, the devices for con- necting to the line circuit, such as commutators, brush-holders, etc. Field Magnet, including mounting for the magnetic circuit, the field cores, the winding, the circuit connections. whole. Mechanical Mounting of armature and field magnet as a d. Generator Accessories. Accompanying each generator there are a number of "extras" necessary for the proper operation of the machine. These in- clude field rheostats, generator switchboard panels with all fittings, etc. e. Generator Characteristics. From the operating standpoint a most important feature is the relation of the various elements of the generator output. These relations are given the above name as they represent the inherent qualities of the machine from the electrical side. 34 PART V. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND THEIR APPLI- CATIONS. Motor Classification. Alternating Current types (constant potential.) Synchronous, rator. that is, with armature running at same polar speed as gene- Induction, or non-synchronous. Either of the above may be either single, or polyphase. Series, with armature and field in series. Has commutator. Continuous Current types (constant potential.) Series, with armature and field windings in series. Shunt, that is with field circuit taken directly from the brushes. Compound, combining the features of series and shunt, Only constant potential motors have been listed above as con- stant current motors are seldom used and they are not satisfac- tory. Classes of Motor Service. Traction. Series c. c. motors used almost exclusively. In- duction a. c. used somewhat and synchronous and series a. c. proposed. Manufactories. Shunt c. c. and induction a. c. motors used and both are in favor for machine drive. For cranes and elevators, series c. c., compound c. c. and specially wound induction a. c. motors are preferred. 35 Sub-stations. In sub-stations motors are used as secondary sources of power. A. c. motors, both synchronous and in- duction, are used for driving electric generators. The rotary convertor is a combined a. c. synchronous motor and c. c. generator in one machine. The other combinations are known as motor-generator sets. Miscellaneous. For general uses of electric power in small units the motor is always selected to suit the available power. Manufacturers of motors can now supply reasonably satis- factory motors to operate with any variety of current supply. Motor Characteristics. Synchronous, a .c., single-phase. Absolutely uniform speed, [adjustable power factor, not self-starting. Synchronous, a. c., polyphase. As above, except that it is self-starting when unloaded although it is not always desirable to utilize this property. Induction, a. c., single phase. Not inherently self-starting, but can be made to start un- der light load by special winding, rather low power factor, runs at fairly uniform speed. Induction, a. c., polyphase. Starts well under load, runs at practically uniform speed but by use of high resistance secondary speed may be made to vary with load, fair power factor, speed fairly independent of pres- sure changes. Series a. c., single-phase. Good starting torque, high power factor, commutator is main objectionable feature. Series c. c. Large starting torque, speed variable with load, pressure and field strength adapting it perfectly to traction conditions. Shunt c. c. Practically constant speed independent of load at a given pressure but speed may be changed by varying field strength and pressure thus adapting it to shop conditions. 36 Compound, c. c. A compromise between the large starting torque of the series and the steady running of the shunt types. Series coil can be cut out when motor has come to speed. Structural Features. Treated as under Generators. Auxiliaries. Field rheostats, starting rheostats, overload and underload circuit-breakers, series-parallel controllers, fuses, switch-board panels, etc. 37 1 PART VI. TRANSFORMERS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. A transformer is a device for changing the form of electric power. The requirements of engineering practice cover the fol- lowing varieties. Classes of Transformation. a. Transformation of constant alternating pressure at a fixed ratio, employing the constant potential transformer. b. Transformation of alternating current at a fixed ratio, em- ploying the series transformer. c. Transformation from constant alternating pressure to con- stant alternating current, employing the constant current trans- former. d. Transformation from constant alternating to constant continuous pressure, employing the rotary transformer or convertor. The word "constant" as used in this connection does not mean that the quantity so designated is absolutely constant as there is always some variation due to imperfections of the machinery. Features of the Various Transformers. Constant Potential and Series Types. 1. The coils must be so related to each other that no magnetic flux passes through one which does not also pass through the other. 2. The insulation of the coils must be such that no electrical· connection can exist between the coils or between a coil and the core. 3. The heat which is necessarily generated in the coils must be conveyed away without causing undue rise of temperature in any part of the transformer. 4. The losses of energy in coils and core must be kept low in order to insure high efficiency. This is especially true of the core which must be magnetized at all times whether the coils are carrying useful current or not. 38 Constant Current Type. 1. The coils must be so related that the magnetic leakage will vary in such a way as to prevent the rise of the current. 2, 3 and 3. As in constant potential type. Rotary Transformer or Convertor. Requirements are the same as for synchronous motors and continuous current generators. Structural Features. The methods adopted in order to meet the requirements out- lined may be summarized thus: 1. Magnetic Leakage. In order to insure the presence of the same flux in both coils, the latter are divided into sections and these sections are alternated in such a way that the turns are practically interlaced. In the constant current transformer the magnetic leakage is varied by allowing the coils to move under the action of the repulsve force between them. 2. Insulation. The insulation of the coils is made as perfect as possible as follows: The wires are individually insulated and the layers are separated from each other with proper material of great dielectric strength. Between primary and secondary coils are placed sheets of insulating material which will withstand the combined action of heat and electric pressure. In addition to all of this the transformer is usually immersed in oil which permeates all parts and greatly assists in improving the insulating properties of the other materials. 3. Ventilation. The oil, by circulation, carries heat from coils and core to case, which has walls as thin and of as large surface as is consistent with mechanical strength. This is sufficient venti- lation in small size transformers. The radiating surface per pound is evidently less as the transformer is larger. Hence, in large sizes it is necessary to immerse in the oil, coiled pipes carrying. cold water. In some cases the oil is dispensed with and air is forcibly circulated about the coils and core. 4. The core and copper losses are kept down as in the arma- tures of generators and motors by proper selection and applica- tion of magnetic and conducting materials. Installation of Transformers. Transformers are treated as a considerable fire risk and for 39 this reason are placed preferably out-of-doors. When necessarily installed in-doors they are preferably mounted in a brick or other fire-proof chamber with ventilation to the out-door air. An ex- cellent plan is the placing of the transformers in out-door man- holes with underground service connections. Polyphase Transformatoon. Transformation from one number of phases to another be- comes readily possible by means of constant potential transform- ers, largely through the possibility of shifting the phase position of any one of the component pressures through an angle of 180° simply by reversing the terminals of the secondary coils. The most useful phase transformations are: Two phases to three, requiring two transformers. (Scott system). Three phases to two, the above reversed. Two phases to one, requiring two transformers. Three phases to six, requiring three transformers. Six phases to three, above reversed- Two phases to two, requiring two transformers. Three phases to three, requiring either three or two trans- formers, etc. 40 PART VII. ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND POWER STATIONS AND SUB-STATIONS. The present development of alternating current electric pow- er generation and transmission allows the placing of the station at a point most convenient from the standpoint of power supply. Sub-stations are then necessary to transform the current to the varieties needed for the local service. Two general forms of practice in stations may be noted: 1. The use of separate generators for the different varieties of current needed. 2. The present tendency to generate a standard form of pow- er which is afterward transformed to the different varieties re- quired. Elements of Central Stations and Sub-stations. The elements of all stations are: I. The Source of Power. This may be boiler and engine, water-wheel, gas or oil engine, synchronous motor or induction motor. The proper one to use is that which, in the end, will de- liver energy most cheaply at the receiving apparatus. The Electric Generators. The different varieties have been discussed. The particular one for a given purpose is that which gives satisfaction most economically. The apparatus to be sup- plied with current dictates the generators to be selected. 3. The Power Auxiliaries. The matter of utilizing the various devices which are upon the market for increasing station economy is one requiring experience and judgment. Economiz- ers, feed heaters, etc., etc., are used or omitted as fuel is expen- sive or cheap. 4. The Switch-boards and Fittings. These are most essen- tial features of a station, and the arrangement of generator, feeder and transfer switches, ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters, cir- cuit breakers, fuses, etc. must be carefully determined. As a 4I general consideration it may be said that the switch-board must be designed to protect the machinery, to provide for transfer of feeder and generator circuits, both to avoid shut-down and to properly distribute the load. It should also be provided with such measuring instruments as will enable machines te be econ- omically operated and to give a measurement of the daily output. 5. Battery Auxiliary. In modern stations the installation of a battery is always considered, and frequently a battery is in- stalled for one or more of the objects laid down under accumu- lators. A battery properly installed may have a marked influence upon the economy and reliability of a station. Station Records. In a well-managed station such records are kept as will enable the superintendent to determine at least the following items: a. Total daily energy output, b. Average daily power output, c. Maximum daily power output, d. Minimum daily power output, e. Total daily water consumption, f. Total daily fuel consumption, g. Hours during which each machine is in operation. From these data may be deduced:- a. Pounds of coal per K. W.-hour, b. Pounds of water evaporated per pound of coal. By familiarity with the standard values of these quantities for his style of station the superintendent can know the rating of his plant as a power producer. 42 PART VIII. ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND HEATING. Electric Lighting. The production of light by means of the electric current con- sists in rendering certain substances incandescent or phosphor- escent. The commercial sources of electric light at present may be summarized as follows: The Arc Lamp a. Open form. b. Enclosed form. The Incandescent Lamp with incandescent filament in vacuum. The Nernst Lamp with incandescent filament in air. The Vapor Lamp with phosphorescent vapor at low pressure. The Arc Lamp General features include a pair of carbon rods separated by a short space, with mechanism for first placing them in contact and then separating them a short distance. The arrangement of coils gives rise to two general types of lamp: differential and shunt. The former uses series coils for raising, a ndshunt coils for lowering the carbons. In the shunt type the shunt coils only are employed, the separation of the carbon points being effected by means of a spring. Series arc lamps are provided with an automatic device, or cut-out, for short-circuiting them in case of failure of the regulating mechanism. By special adjustment of the coils and the insertion of a "ballast" in series with the arc, arc lamps may run successfully in parallel. Open arc lamp has short arc with shadows, high efficiency, irregular distribution, great luminous intensity, short life of carbons. Enclosed arc lamp has long arc, less efficiency on account of en- closing globe, good illumination, long life of carbon with saving in carbons and trimming. 43 The Incandescent Lamp. A complete lamp consists of the following parts :-bulb, filament, base (including support for filament), wires connecting base and fila- ment (of platium). A good vacuum is maintained in the bulb. The manufacture of incandescent lamps consists of these processes : (1.) Forming the filament. (2.) Carbonizing the filament. (3.) Flashing the filament. (4.) Blowing the bulb. (5.) Mounting the filament in the bulb. (6.) Exhausting the air from the bulb. (7.) Testing and rating the lamp. Operating features of the incandescent lamp. Useful life is the length of time in which the lamp can be used economically, usually the time required for it to lose about 25 per cent. of its candle-power. The gradual deposit of carbon on the bulb is the cause of this loss, in addition to the increased resistance of the carbon filament as it loses size by evaporation. Candle-power. The mean spherical candle-power is the average in all directions. The candle power in any one direction is effected by the form of the filament. the Efficiency. The candle-power produced per watt, or more usually watts per candle-power, is the quantity used for comparing lamps. Standard values of the latter are from 2.5 to 5 watts per c. p., higher values being used with circuits with poor pressure regulation and in lamps of low c. p. or high voltage. Smashing point. It is most profitable to discard lamps when the total cost of operation including energy and renewal is minimum. This often dictates a comparatively short useful life for a lamp. Incandescent lamps are usually run in parallel but are sometimes connected in series for street lights. They require good pressure or current regulation in the two cases respectively. The Nernst Lamp. By the use of a highly refractory filament which is a non-conductor when cold, the necessity of employing a vacuum is avoided. essential parts are : (1.) Glower or filament. The (2.) Heater, in circuit only until the filament becomes a conductor. 44 (3.) Heater cut-out. (4.) Ballast, of iron wire, which controls the flow of current. The Nernst lamp has a high efficiency with an excellent quality of light in which pigments exhibit their natural colors. The Vapor Lamp. (Cooper-Hewitt.) A most efficient lamp is obtained by passing current through mer- cury vapor. The essential parts are : (1.) Tube for vapor with electrodes. (2.) Vessel of mercury to maintain supply of vapor. (3.) Transformer for producing a very high starting pressure. The main objection made to the lamp is the quality of the light, which has a green color. Its actinic properties are excellent. The luminous intensity is low so that a large surface must be used. Other Lamps. Experiments are constantly being made to obtain greater luminous efficiency than is now possible. The directions of progress are: the addition of substances to the carbons of arc lamps to give color to the flame; the employment of more refractory substances for the filaments of incandescent lamps so that higher temperatures can be used; and the use of phosphorescence of vapors. Electric Heating. Heat is produced for engineering purposes from the passage of a current through a resistance. This process has an efficiency of unity. Viewed from the financial standpoint alone it is very inefficient when the electric current is generated from coal, therefore electric heat is usually used only when considerations other than economy prevail. These may be; convenience, cleanliness, safety, etc. As examples of application we may cite the following: a. Electric heaters, as in street railway cars. b. Electric furnaces, as in the production of carborundum and graphite. C. Electric laundry irons, etc. d. Electric ovens, as used at Niagara Falls. e. Electric cautery knives, used by surgeons. 45 PART IX. ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS. The engineering requirements in this line may be divided into two classes: I. The operator's requirements. 2. The manufacturer's requirements. Operating instruments may also be divided into permanent or switch-board instruments and instruments for standardization. Switch-board Instruments. Ammeters. For alternating currents either electro-dynamometer or soft-core instruments are used. In the former the current reverses in fixed and moveable coils at the same time. In the latter the induced flux in the core reverses with the current in the coil, which is fixed. These instruments may be also used for direct current, but those employing the D'Arsonval galvanometer are preferred. The amme- ter in common use is a milli-voltmeter, connected across the terminals of a shunt-block through which passes the current. The same milli- voltmeter may be used with a great variety of shunts. Voltmeters. Remarks about forms of ammeters also apply here. Some electro- static instruments are used but mainly as ground detectors. By the insertion of a series resistance or "6 multiplier," the same instrument may be used for a variety of voltages. Wattmeters. Indicating wattmeters are not used extensively as they would only be necessary in determining the instantaneous power factor. Inte- grating or recording wattmeters are essential. They are motors so arranged as to have a speed proportional to the power passing. Miscellaneous Instruments. Power factor indicators, phase indicators, ground detectors, etc., are employed in special cases. Where a station supplies power 46 through cables, it must also be provided with a set of cable testing instruments which will indicate the condition of the insulation of a cable quickly and accurately. Standardizing Instruments. Where the size of switchboard warrants the expense it is desirable for a station to be provided with a potentiometer and standard cells, standard resistant units and laboratory galvanometer for checking the calibration of ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters. Standard ammeters and voltmeters may be kept on hand in addition to or in place of the instruments mentioned. There are standardization bureaus where such instruments may be checked from time to time. Manufacturer's Instruments. Instrument makers have devised convenient and practical instru- ments for testing materials before and after making up into finished products. Among these may be mentioned the hysteresis tester, the conductivity bridge, cable testing sets and such devices. 47 PART X. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRO- CHEMISTRY. The engineer is practically interested in those results of electro- chemical development which bear directly upon his work, rather than those which result in the production of chemical compounds which he does not use. Hence it is here possible to treat only such topics as : The accumulator or storage battery, a. b. The reduction of metals, C. The electrolytic destruction of pipes and cable coverings, d. The primary battery. Essentials of Electrolytic Processes. All electro-chemical operations involve the following essential ele- ments: I. An Electrolyte, "a liquid which permits the current to flow only by means of the decomposition of the liquid, the 'decomposition that ensues being called electrolytic decomposition. (Houston.) The liquid may be a fused salt or a salt in solution. 2. ,, An Anode, through which the current enters the electrolyte and which is therefore connected to the negative terminal of the source of pressure. The anode attracts oxygen, chlorine, etc. 3. A Kathode, through which the current leaves the electrolyte and upon which hydrogen and metals are deposited. The Accumulator. Features of Accumulators. The chemical storage of energy is possible by producing cumula- tive changes in an electrolyte, in electrodes, or in both, by means of the electric current. This stored energy may be reclaimed by connecting the electrodes through an electric circuit. Various substances have been proposed as electrodes and as electrolytes, the cells in most general use having lead electrodes and sulphuric acid electrolyte. When charged, the positive "active material" is lead peroxide and the negative, spongy lead.. The Edison cell consists of nickel and iron electrodes and caustic potash electrolyte. positive 48 Storage cells give practically a constant e. m. f., the regulation varying with the current drawn and the charge remaining. Capacities are rated in discharge ampere-hours and these vary greatly with the rates of charge and discharge. Applications of Accumulators. I. Storage battery traction. This is of increasing importance, particularly for electric locomotive use. 2. Isolated work, such as in connection with small power units, launches, train lighting, etc. 3. In central stations a. To straighten the load curve. b. To keep up voltage on heavy load. C. ن To carry entire load at times. d. To improve engine and generator operation. e. f. 41 50 g. To regulate voltage fluctuations due to variation in engine speed. In sub-stations. For transformation and sub-division of voltage. Reduction of Metals. This is but one of the many important electro-chemical industries. The method is used both for the reduction of metals from their ores and for the refining of metals. The metal is deposited from the elec- trolyte upon the kathode in a practically pure state. Of greatest importance to engineers are the reduction of copper and of aluminum, although he also uses large quantities of lead. As examples of these processes we may cite the refining of copper, where purè copper is deposited upon a copper kathode from a copper sulphate solution; and aluminum reduction, employing carbon electrodes and a solution of alumina (prepared from bauxite) in fused cryolite. Electrolysis of Pipes. Stray current from the return circuits of electric railways (which are usually the rails) cause destruction of pipes when the latter is an anode and when the soil is an electrolyte. The former may be an anode when its electric potential is a volt or more above that of the rails, and the latter may be an electrolyte when it contains soluble salts and a liquid to dissolve them. The remedies consist in keeping 49 the current away from the pipes or in the pipes by making them part of the return circuit. The Primary Battery. This is a most useful device for certain purposes requiring little electrical energy storage capacity. In addition to the elements of the accumulator (also known as the secondary cell) the primary cell must also be supplied with a "depolarizer," to absorb the hydrogen depos- ited upon the kathode. Unless so absorbed this would form a non conducting layer, greatly increasing the resistance of the cell. At present for many purposes a "dry" cell is preferred, in which the electrolyte is suspended in a porous support. Naturally the capacity of such a cell is less than the wet cell but it is compact, light, cheap and convenient. 1 50 PART XI. TRANSMISSION OF INTELLIGENCE. Telegraphy and telephony have many points in common while differing in essentials. Each involves the following four elements. (1.) Sending apparatus. (2.) Switching and protective devices. (3.) Transmission system. (4.) Receivers. Telegraphy. The various systems of telegraphy may be classed in several ways as follows: (a.) With or without wires for transmission, (b.) Manually operated or automatic sending apparatus, (c.) Messages received by sound or by recording devices, (d.) One or more messages on the same wires at the same time. A simple telegraph outfit consists of keys, relays and batteries in series, with sounders on the local relay circuits. Multiplex teleg- raphy requires the use of different kinds of currents for the different operators using the same line, with selective devices for separating the messages. In wireless telegraphy, Hertzian waves are set up by the stream of sparks from a powerful Ruhmkorff coil, signals being made by varying the duration of these sparks. A coherer of finely divided metal in a small tube has its resistance varied by the electri- cal waves and thus reproduces the signals in a local circuit. Auto- matic telegraphy consists in the manual production of a sending tape which is fed into a machine for transmission. Such messages may be received by a syphon recorder, by a printing machine, or if not too rapid it may be taken by sound. Telephony. Telephony has now become a most important branch of engineering. At the present time only telephoning with wires is practicable, although wireless telephony is in the experimental stage. The essential feat- ures of a modern telephone system are as follows: SI The subscriber's outfit consists of (a) call circuit with condenser using alternating current; (b) talking circuit with microphone, and the magneto-telephone, employing continuous current, and (c) switch. In some systems the microphone current is provided by a dry bat- tery at each subscriber's station, while in others all energy is supplied from the central station. The calling current in all modern plants comes from the central station. The central station switchboard is a device for connecting together the different subscribers quickly and accurately. In the multiple board any operator can connect a subscriber to any other on the system. With other boards it is necessary to cross-connect the cir- cuits from panel to panel. The latter plan is cheaper; the former is quicker in operation. By means of the "supervisory" system, in which a lamp on the switchboard is extinguished when a subscriber is talking, the operator keeps track of the duration of conversations without the troublesome operation of "listening in." The transmission circuit consists of a metallic (two-wire) circuit of copper in cities and iron on toll line. This is mounted on standard pole line, the poles being spaced farther apart than an electric light and power work. At the station and at the subscribers' ends are lightning arrestors and fuses for preventing unduly large currents from entering buildings. These devices are arranged to discharge at 500 volts so that a dangerous power current as well as a lightning discharge will be kept out. The insurance code is very specific in this line of work. 52 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06708 7273 } ' + ! } } { ! + *