B 429208 LORGE NO.. E. D. CAMPBELL ANN ARBOR, MICH. AY ARTES LIBRARY 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | ER E.PLURIOUS UNUM TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM › CIRCUMSPICE THE GIFT OF Estate of Prof. E.D]. Campbell. ( 1 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON METALLURGY. TN 665 .K39 15 ₤ 5 1868 V, 2 : 1 LONDON PRINTED BY WILLIAM crookes, CHEMICAL NEWS office, BOY COURT, Ludgate Hill, E.C. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON METALLURGY, ADAPTED FROM THE LAST GERMAN EDITION OF 7: PROFESSOR KERL'S METALLURGY, BY WILLIAM CROOKES, AND F.R.S.. &c., ERNST RÖHRIG, Ph.D., M.E. IN THREE VOLUMES-VOL. II. COPPER, IRON. ILLUSTRATED WITH 273 WOOD ENGRAVINGS. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1869. i ! * From the istitu Flu & W PREFACE. IN the preface to the first volume of our Treatise on Metallurgy we referred to the importance of the two metals Copper and Iron, which we proposed to make the chief subjects of our second volume; but as we proceeded with our work, the great importance of these two metals, particularly of Iron, which, in Ure's "Dictionary of Arts and Mines," is justly called "the truly precious metal," and the impossibility of doing adequate justice to the subject within the compass we had originally intended, have de- cided us to extend our Treatise to three volumes. This third volume will contain an account of Steel and Fuel, a chapter on the Construction of Furnaces, some Supple- mentary remarks on Iron, Tables of Weights, &c., and a Glossary of Technical Terms. Iron is not only more useful than the other metals, but there is also a great difference in the mode of its production. Whilst other metals are met with in commerce nearly chemically pure, Iron is metallurgically produced in a combined state, forming three distinct varieties—indeed, we might almost say three metals-so widely do their properties differ. Each variety of Iron may be produced in various ways, and although more study has been devoted to Iron and its production than to any other metal, there is still great scope for improvement. There is also a great difference between the smelting of Iron and the smelting of other metals. In vi PREFACE. most smelting operations the crude metal only is usually produced, whilst in the smelting of Iron the producer is almost always a manufacturer as well; he fabricates rails, tyres, plates, even tinned plates, &c., &c.; and, in fact, production and manufacture are so closely allied as to be inseparable. The manufacture of the three varieties of Iron must be conducted with reference to the purpose for which the product is intended, and this we may call the chemical section of the Iron Manufacture, or Metallurgy proper; whilst the further treatment of the Iron, such as rolling rails, &c., forms the mechanical part. An elaborate de- scription of the mechanical part is not in our province; moreover, its full elucidation would require large working drawings, which obviously could not be given with the present Treatise. On the other hand, the production of the different kinds of Cast- and Wrought-Iron has been described in extenso, and we also propose to describe elaborately the various processes for the production of Steel. Our treatment of Iron is thus conformable to that of the other metals. We feel sure that when the importance and vast field of the production of Iron is considered, we shall be excused for having exceeded our original plan of two volumes. In describing the processes for the production of Copper we have bestowed due consideration to the important question of the Copper Smoke Nuisance. The third volume will shortly appear, and we trust that the reception of the present and the third volume will be as encouraging as that given to the first volume both here and in America. LONDON, March, 1869. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. CHAPTER I. COPPER. PAGE Principal Ores of Copper Native Copper, 3. Sulphides of Copper 4. Copper Ores containing Antimony and Arsenic, 5. Oxidised Copper Ores, 6. Copper Salts, 6. The English Copper Veins, 8. Synopsis of Processes for the Extraction of Copper from its Ores The different ways of extracting Copper, 10. I ΙΟ Conditions on which Classification of the choice between the Processes depends, II. the Processes, 13. Treatment of Copper Ores and Products in the Dry Way 16 Sulphuretted Ores and Products. 16 Treatment of Sulphuretted Substances in Cupola Furnaces. 16 Usual Treatment, 16. Operations required to work Copper Ores free from Silver and Gold, 17. Roasting the Ores 18 The purpose of this Operation, 18. Theory, 19. Kernel Roasting, 21. Roasting in Heaps, 24. Roasting in Mounds, 26. Roasting in Cupola Furnaces, 27. Roasting in Reverberatory Furnaces, 27. Roasting Products, 28. viii CONTENTS. Smelting the Roasted Ores. Object of this Process, 28. Chemical Reactions, 28. Requirements of a Normal Process, 31. A Suitable Temperature, 31. A pro- perly Reducing Reaction, 31. The Degree of Roasting, 31. The Composition of the Ore Mixture, 32. The Construction of the Furnaces, 38. Fuel, 42. Indications of the Process, 42. Smelting Products, 43. Roasting the Raw Matt Object, 46. Concentration of the Matt, 46. Methods of Roasting, 48. Roasting Products, 49. Concentration Smelting of the Roasted Raw Matt Roasting the Concentrated Matt. 28 46 Object, 50. Smelting Mixture, 50. Products, 50. 50 Object, 52. Modes, 52. Products, 52. 52 duction of Black Copper. Smelting the Roasted Concentrated Matt for the Pro- Chemical Reactions, 52. Smelting Mixture, 53. The Conditions influencing the Process, 54. Products, 55. 52 Refining the Black Copper . Theory, 56. Oxidising Smelting of Black Copper, 57. Reducing Smelting of Rosette Copper, 57. 56 Refining of Black Copper in Small Hearths Hearth, 58. Operation, 59. Chemical Reactions, 61. 58 Modifica- tions for accelerating the Process, 63. Fuel, 64. Indications of the completion of the Process, 64. Products, 65. Purifying Black Copper in Blast Reverberatory Fur- naces Perm, Furnace, 67. Process and Manipulation, 68. Tajova, 68. 69. Treatment of Plumbiferous Copper, 70. Schmöllnitz, 71. Second Refining (Toughening) of Rosette Copper in Small Hearths Manipulation, 72. Hot Blast, 73. Rising of the Copper, 73. Refining of Black Copper by Poling Products of the Toughening Process, 77. Influence of Foreign Substances in Copper, 78. Illustrations of the German Method Employed in Smelt- ing Copper Ores free from Lead, Silver, and Gold. 1. Smelting in Sump Furnaces, 84. Atvidaberg, 84. Fahlun, 95. Röraas, 98. Szaszka, 100. Altgebirg, 101. Schmöllnitz, IOI. Agordo, 103. 2. Smelting in Channel Furnaces with two open eyes, 107. Sterne and St. Josephsberg near Linz, on the Rhine, 107. Smelting Copper Pyrites at the Upper Hartz, 108. Kupferberg in Upper Silesia, 109. Isabellenhütte at Dillenburg in Nassau, 110. 67 71 76 84 CONTENTS. ix Smelting of Copper Slate at Riechelsdorf and Friedrichshütte, III. Thalitter in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, 116. Nischnetagilsk, 116. 3. Smelting in Crucible Furnaces, 116. Illustrations of Smelting Argentiferous and Auriferous. Copper Ores by the German Method 117 1. Extraction of Copper in the Desilverisation of Ores and Matts 117 Nagybanya, 117. Fahlun, 119. Müsen, 119. 2. Extraction of Copper at the Desilverisation of Matt 124 Oeblarn in Upper Styria, 124. 3. Extraction of Copper at the Desilverisation of Black Copper 124 Oker, 124. Treatment of the Cupriferous Intermediate Products. and Residues 129 Upper Hartz, 130. Csiklowa, 131. Process of Treating Sulphuretted Ores, &c., in Rever- beratory Furnaces 132 Different Operations of this Process, 132. The Operations required by the English Copper Smelting Process. 133. Gurlt's suggestion with regard to the number of operations required, 134. Calcining the Sulphuretted Ores. 135 Furnaces, 136. Chemical Reactions, 138. Vivian's Experiments of Condensing the Roasting Smoke, 139. Improvements of the Roast- ing Process, 140. 143 The Copper Smoke Question Gurlt's Methods of Roasting, 144. Mr. Thomas Bell's Method, 147. Gerstenhöffer's Furnace, 148. Mr. Peter Spence's Furnace, 152. Production of Raw Matt (Regulus) from Roasted and Raw Ores Purpose of the Process, 160. tions of the Process, 163. Roasting the Raw Matt Production of Blue Metal 160 Theory, 160. Furnaces, 161. Opera- Products, 165. 168 169 Production of White Metal. 170 Production of Pimple Metal 171 Smelting of the Slags with Pyritic Ores for the Pro- duction of White and Red Matt 171 Roasting Concentrated Matt for the Production of Black Copper 172 + The Production of the best selected Copper, 173. Refining Copper Bottoms, 174. VOL. II. b X CONTENTS. Refining the Black Copper Furnaces, 174. Process, 174. The Loss of Copper in the Reverbera- 174 tory Process, 177. Illustrations of the Reverberatory Process Smelting Process as described by Le Play. Calcining the Copper Pyrites, 178. Raw Smelting, 178. Roasting of the Raw Matt (Bronze Matt), 178. Production of White Con- centrated Matt, 179. Production of the Blue Metal, 180. Smelt- ing the Slags, 180. Production of White Extra Metal, 181. Pro- duction of the Concentrated Matt (Regulus) 181. Black Copper Smelting, 182. Refining the Black Copper, 182. Smelting Processes according to Percy, Napier, and Hyde Clark Smelting of partially Oxidised Ores, 183. Smelting Ores with 7 or 8 per cent of Copper, 184. Treatment of Ores containing 9 per cent of Copper, 185. Smelting Modifications in the case of Ores containing 9 per cent of Copper, 185. Copper Works at Steinwerder near Hamburg Copper Works at Duisburg. 177 177 183 187 189 Extraction of Copper by combined Processes in Cupola and Reverberatory Furnaces 192 Comparison of the Processes in Cupola Furnaces with those in Reverberatory Furnaces, 192. Illustrations of the Combined Processes 193 Mansfeld, 193. Schmöllnitz, 211. Lower Hungary (Schemnitz, Kremnitz, Neusohl, Zsarnowitz, Tajova), 213. Freiberg, 214. Boston, 215. Copper Works on the Rhone, 217. Bogos- lowsk's Works at Siberia, 219. The Total Production of Copper in Russia, 220. Processes Employed when Smelting Oxidised Ores. 220 Different Methods in Cupola and Reverberatory Furnaces, 221. Illustrations of Smelting Oxidised Copper Ores. Chessy, 221. Bouc, 222. Perm, 222. 221 Smelting of Native Copper 226 • Different Methods, 226. Detroit, 226. French Copper Works, 229. Extraction of Copper in the Wet Way 229 Ores best fitted for the Process, 230. The Chief Operations of the Hydro-Metallurgical Ex- traction of Copper 231 A. The Transformation of the Copper into a Soluble State 231 Agents Water, 231. Dilute Muriatic Acid or Sulphuric Acid, 233. Sulphurous and Muriatic Acid Gas together with Steam, 235. Acid Fluids containing Sulphate of Iron, 236. Chlorination CONTENTS. xi without employing Dilute Muriatic Acid, 236. Chlorination in the Wet Way by Chloride and Subchloride of Iron, 237. By a Solution of Common Salt, 238. Chlorination in the Dry Way by Roasting with Common Salt, 238. Chlorination in the Dry and Wet Way, 241. Agents for Chlorination : Concentrated Muriatic Acid, 241. Lixiviums containing Chloride and Subchloride of Iron, 241. Chloride of Magnesium and Lixiviation, 242. Am- monia, 242. A Solution of Sulphite and Hyposulphite of Soda, 242. B. The Lixiviation of the Copper Salts 243 C. Purification of the Lixiviums before Precipitating from Iron 243 D. Precipitation of the Copper (Cementation) E. Treatment of the Products of Precipitation 244 248 Cement Copper, 248. Copper Vitriol, 248. Metallic Copper, 248. Sulphide of Copper, 249. Oxychloride of Copper and Hydrated Oxide, 249. Liquids, 249. Extraction of Cement Copper from Native Solutions. Schmöllnitz, 250. Amlwch in the Isle of Anglesea, 252. Hydro-Metallurgical Extraction of Copper from Oxi- dised Ores Illustrations of this Process Sternerhütte, near Linz on the Rhine, 252. Stadtbergen, 253. Alderley Edge, 255. Hydro-Metallurgical Extraction of Copper from Sul- phuretted Ores and Products The Method of Forming Sulphates, 258. 250 252 252 256 Illustration of this Process of Extraction Riotinto, 256. Agordo, 257. Foldal in Norway, 259. Sinding's Method of Producing Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas, 260. and Haupt's Process, 262. Bischof's Method, 262. The Annual Production of Copper, 263. 256 Becchi CHAPTER II. Classification of Iron • IRON. Pure Iron, 264. Cast-Iron or Pig-Iron, 264. Wrought or Malleable Iron, 264. Steel, 265. Classification of the Metallurgy of Iron, 265. Estimation of the Annual Production of Pig-Iron in the whole World, 265. The Consumption of Iron for each Inhabitant of different Countries, 266. Statistics on the Quantity of Pig-Iron produced in Great Britain, 266. Production of Pig-Iron 264 267 xii CONTENTS. Different kinds of Pig-Iron; its Properties and Forma- tion. White Pig-Iron, 267. Spiegeleisen, 269. Flowery and Cellular Pig-Iron, 276. White Pig-Iron produced by the Regular Process, 279. White Pig-Iron produced by an Irregular Process, 280. Chilled White Iron, 281. Grey Iron, 282, Light Grey and Mottled Fine Granular Pig-Iron, 286. Dark Grey Pig-Iron, 287. The.Properties of Grey Pig-Iron. 267 287 Texture and Strength, 287. Specific Gravity, 289. Melting Tem- perature, 290. The Application of Grey Pig-Iron, 294. Influence of Foreign Substances on Pig-Iron 296 Silicon, 296. Sulphur, 301. Phosphorus, 306. Nitrogen, 310. Manganese, 311. Copper, 314. Arsenic, 314. Tin, 315. Zinc, 315. Lead, 315. Vanadium, Molybdenum, Chromium, Tungsten, Titanium, 316. Nickel and Cobalt, 318. Aluminium, Calcium, and Magnesium, 318. Alkali Metals, 319. Chemical Constitution of Pig-Iron Limit between Pig-Iron, Wrought-Iron, and Steel, 322. 1. Production of Pig-Iron from Iron Ores. Smelting Materials A. Iron Ores and their Preparation. Oxides of Iron-Magnetic Iron Ores, 324. Chrome Iron Ore, 327. Titaniferous Iron Ore, 327. Franklinite, 327. Hæmatite, 328. Specular Iron Ore, 328. Red Hæmatite, 328. (Kidney Ore, Red Ochre, Puddler's Ore). Hydrates of Oxides of Iron-Brown Iron Ores, 331. Yellow Iron Ore, 333. Aluminous Yellow Iron Ore, 334. Bog Iron Ore, Limonite, Lake Ore, 334. Carbonate of Iron:-Spathic Ore, 336. Clay Ironstone, 338. Black- band, 341. Cleveland Iron Ores, 343. Siliceous Iron Ores :-Chamoisite, 344. Iron Garnet, 344. Non- tronite, 344. Yellow Earth, 344. Slags, 345. Scrap Iron, 347. 320 323 323 323 The Adaptability of Iron Ores to the Smelting Process 347 With regard to their Percentage of Iron, 347. The State of Aggre- gation of the Ore, and the State of the Iron contained in it, 348. The Foreign Associates, 349. The Dressing of the Ores. 352 Purpose of the Dressing, 352. Sorting by Hand, 352. Weathering, 353. Crushing and Washing the Ores, 353. Roasting or Calcining Iron Ores. 355 The Purpose of Roasting, 355. Roasting Methods, 358. Roasting in Open Heaps, 358. Roasting in Mounds, 363. Roasting in Furnaces or Kilns, 363. Furnaces without a Grate, 365. Fur- naces with a Plane Grate, 365. Furnaces with a Grate of Conical Shape, 372. Furnaces with Step Grate, 372. Furnaces Heated by Flame, 375. Furnaces Heated with Gas, 377. CONTENTS. xiii Weathering of the Roasted Iron Ores. 380 Breaking-up the Iron Ores. 382 Mixing the Iron Ores. 383 Purpose, 383. Behaviour of too Rich and too Poor Mixtures, 384. The Mixture with regard to the Formation of Slag 385 The Composition of Blast Furnace Slags, 389. The Mixing of the Iron Ores with regard to the Quality of Fuel employed 396 Charcoal, 396. Coke, 397. Mineral Coal, 401. The Ore Mixture with regard to Temperature and Pressure of the Blast 401 The Ore Mixture with regard to the Quality of the Pig- Iron 403 Fluxes 405 Basic Fluxes, 406. Acid Fluxes, 407. Neutral Fluxes, 407. Fuel Action of the Fuel, 409. Circumstances Regulating the Consump- tion of Fuel, 409. Kirchweger's Conclusions, 409. Carbonised Fuel . 408 411 Advantages, 418. Disadvantages, 418. Wood, 419. Charcoal, 411. Coke, 412. Chief Differences in Smelting with Coke and with Charcoal, 414. Composition of the Waste Gases, 416. Temperature of the different parts of Furnaces for Hot and Cold Blast, 417. Turf Coal, 417. Fuel in a Raw State Mineral Coal, 420. Anthracite, 422. 418 Turf, 419. The Blast Furnace and its Accessories 424 Lifts 424 Vertical Lifts by means of Steam Power, 424. The Inclined Planes, 425. The Jacob's Ladder or Endless Chain System, 426. The Water Balance, 426. Pneumatic Lifts, 429. Blast Furnaces 432 Requirements of Furnaces for the Production of Pig-Iron from Ores, 432. Different kinds of Furnaces, 432. 433 The Older Fur- Construction of the Furnaces Chief Requirements in the Construction, 433. naces, 433. The more Modern Construction of the Blast Fur- naces, 439. A Combination of both kinds, 441. General Rules concerning the Erection of Blast Furnaces, 441. Foundation, 441. Corner Pillars, 441. Rough Walling, 442. Chimney or Tunnel Head, 442. The Inner Shaft Linings, 442. Furnace Hearth, 443. Furnaces provided with a Second Fore Hearth, 444. Furnaces with a Closed Front Wall (Blauöfen), 444. Hearth Casing formed of Clay and Sand, +++. xiv CONTENTS. Collecting the Waste Gases Apparatus formed of a Cylinder suspended in the Furnace Shaft, 448. Apparatus in Siegen, 449. Cup and Cone Charger, 450. Langen's Apparatus, 451. Relations between the Different Parts of Iron Blast Furnaces and the circumstances influencing these. Relations. The Interior Form of Blast Furnaces, 452. The Shape of the Fur- nace Shaft for easily fusible Ore Mixtures, 453. The Form of Furnaces for Ore Mixtures difficult to fuse, 454. The Section of Blast Furnaces, 456. Rachette's Furnace, 458. Truran's Fur- nace, 460. Dilla's Furnace, 463. The absolute Size of the In- terior of Blast Furnaces, 463. Theoretical Rules for Fixing the Proportion of Blast Furnaces. The Furnace Belly, 464. Lindauer's Formula, 466. The Position of the Belly, 469. The Height of the Furnaces, 470. The Width of the Furnace Mouth, 472. The Boshes, 474. The Shape of Furnaces which have been blown out, 475. The Hearth, 476. The Lower Hearth or Crucible, 478. The Tymp, 478. The Dam, 479. The Tuyeres, 479. The Number of the Tuyeres, 479. The Quantity of Blast which a Furnace requires, 480. The Distribution of the Tuyeres, 480. Buschbeck's Determina- tion of the Quantities of Blast, 481. The Quantity of Moisture introduced along with the Blast, 484. The usual Tuyeres for Charcoal Furnaces, 485. The Tuyeres and Blast Pipes for Coke Furnaces, 485. The Pressure of the Blast, 486. The Position of the Tuyeres, 487. Example of the Projection of a Coke Blast Furnace. according to Lindauer's Formula Blowing Machines Cylinder Blast Engines, 491. Manometers, 492. Influences on the Velocity of the Blast, 494. Calculation of the Quantity of Blast, 496. Karsten's Formula, 496. Scheerer's Formula, 497. Schwind's Contrivance, 498. Weisbach's New Formula, 499. Bornemann's Graphic Tabula, 500. Examples explaining the Application of the Graphic Table, 500. Other Formulæ by Weisbach, 502. Table of Blast calculated from one of those Formulæ, 503. Blast Regulators Blast Heating Apparatus 447 452 464 488 491 505 Wasseralfingen Apparatus, 512. Advantages of Hot Blast, 506. Disadvantages of Hot Blast, 508. 506 Pipe, 514. Cowper's Apparatus, 516. Calder Apparatus, 513. Pistol Iron Blast Furnace Process Theory of the Process. 518 518 CONTENTS. XV Different Zones of the Furnace, 519. The Preparatory Heating Zone, 519. Zone of Reduction, 521. Zone of Carbonisation, 523. Smelting Zone, 524. Zone of Combustion or Oxida- tion, 526. The Lower Hearth, 529. The Reasons of the Fluc- tuation of the Temperature in Blast Furnaces, 530. Time occu- pied by the Charges in passing through the Furnace, 531. The Manipulations in the Blast Furnace Process Drying and Warming the Furnace, 532. Blowing In, 534. Charging Ore and Fuel, 537. Manipulation in the Hearth, 541. The Removal of the Slag, 541. The Removal of the Pig-Iron, 542. The Cleansing of the Hearth, 545. Repairs of the Hearth 546. Stopping the Furnace, 547. Blowing Out, 547. The Length of Operations, 548. Conduct of the Blast Furnace Process and the Indica- tions of the Working Condition of the Furnace The Nature of the Pig-Iron, 549. Grey Iron, 551. Scheerer's Classification of Differences in the Regular Process, 551. The Normal Process, 552. Examples for the Production of Mottled and Grey Iron, 555. White Pig-Iron, 559. White Pig-Iron, 559. Spiegeleisen, 559. Flowery and Cellular White Iron, 561. White Pig produced at a Regular Process, 562. White Pig produced at an Irregular Process, 563. The Nature of the Slags, 565. Slags resulting from the Regular Process, 566. Slags resulting at the Irregular Process, 567. Behaviour of the Smelting Mass before the Tuyere, 568. Behaviour of the Flame from the Furnace Mouth and from below the Tymp, 569. Analyses of Deposited Smoke, 570. The Products of Iron Blast Furnaces. Pig-Iron, 571. Slags, 572. Deposits in the Furnaces and Segre- gations in the Lower Part of the Furnace, 573. Ferruginous Bears, 574. Cyanide of Potassium, 574. Cyano-nitride of Titanium, 575. Waste Gases, 576. The Examination of a Blast Furnace Establishment Tables giving Details of some of the mentioned Points in different Blast Furnaces Founding and Moulding The Adaptability of Pig-Iron for Castings, 578. Circumstances making advisable to Re-melt Pig-Iron, 579. Re-melting of Pig-Iron Different Methods, 580. Literature, 580. 532 548 57I • 576 578 578 580 581 582 583 Re-melting Pig-Iron in Crucibles Applicability, 581. Manipulation, 581. Re-melting Pig-Iron in Cupola Furnaces. Applicability, 582. Smelting Materials Pig-Iron, 583. Scraps of Cast- and Wrought-Iron, 583. Fluxes, 584. Fuel, 585. .. xvi CONTENTS. Smelting Apparatus 586 Charcoal Cupola Hot Blast Appa- Blowing Machines, Furnaces, 586, 588. Portable Furnaces, 588. Furnaces, 592. Coke Cupola Furnaces, 593. ratus, 599. Advantages of Hot Blast, 599. 601. Fans, 601. Quantity of Blast which a Cupola Furnace requires, 603. Determination of the Amount of Blast, 604. The Cupola Furnace Process Charcoal Cupola Furnaces, 604. Blowing-in, 604. Regular Process, 605. Irregularities of the Process, 606. Tapping or Ladling the Iron, 607. Coke Cupola Furnaces, 608. Products, 608. Illus- trations of the Cupola Furnace Process, 609. 604 Re-melting of the Pig-Iron in Reverberatory Furnaces 614 Smelting Materials Pig-Iron, 615. Fluxes, 616. Fuel, 616. Smelting Furnaces 615 616 Furnaces having a Hearth inclined towards the Flue, 617. Furnaces with the Hearth inclined towards the Fire-bridge, 617. Employing Blast under the Grate. Corbin-Desboissières' Parabolic Furnace, 619. Staffordshire Furnaces, 620. The Process in Reverberatory Furnaces 621 Manipulation, 621. Examples of Melting in Reverberatory Fur- naces, 622. Gas Reverberatory Furnaces 623 Moulding and Casting. 625 Operation, 625. Materials used in Moulding. 625 Properties of the Materials, 625. Green Sand, 625. Analyses of some varieties of Green Sand, 627. The Sand of the London Basin, 627. Dry Sand, 628. Clay, 628. Metallic Mould, 629. Blacking and Coal Dust, 629. Patterns and Cores 630 Apparatus, Contrivances, Tools, and Implements used in Moulding 632 Pits, 632. Drying Chambers, 634. Cranes, 634. Cases or Boxes for containing the Sand Moulds, 635. Methods of Moulding 635 Moulding in Green Sand 635 Moulding without the use of Boxes, 635. The Moulding in Boxes, 636, Moulding in Baked or Used Sand 639 Dr. Mallet's Views on the Constitution of Cast-Iron, and the Influence of Shape and Size of the Castings upon the Physical Properties of the Iron 640 Moulding in Loam 660 Casting in Metal Moulds or Chills 667 CONTENTS. xvii Improvements in Moulding. Machine Moulding, 668. Plate Casting, 668. Shell Casting, 669. Finishing the Castings Grinding, Polishing, Boring, &c., 670. Blackening, 670. Coating with Oxide, 670. Welding of Cast-Iron, 671. Tempering, 671. Bronzing, 672. Gilding, 672. Silvering, 673. Coppering, 675. Tinning, 674. Enamelling, 675. Coating Iron with a Glass-like Material, 684. Production of Wrought-Iron General Characters of Wrought-Iron, 685. The Properties of Wrought-Iron. 668 669 685 686 Colour, 686. Texture, 686. Specific Gravity, 688. Tenacity, 688. Hardness, 689. Behaviour of Wrought-Iron upon Heating, 689. Behaviour of Wrought-Iron towards other Substances 690 Oxygen, 690. Nitrogen, 691. Sulphur, 691. Phosphorus, 691. Silicon, 692. Aluminium, Calcium, &c., 692. Tin, Antimony, Arsenic, 692. Nickel and Cobalt, 692. Manganese, 692. Copper, 693. Ascertaining the Quality of Wrought-Iron . 693 Mechanical Tests, 693. Classification of Wrought-Iron according to certain Characteristics. 694 Fine-grained Iron, 694. Fibrous Iron, 695. Red-Short Iron, 695. Raw-Short Iron, 695. Cold-Short Iron, 695. Burnt Iron, 696. Applicability of the Process, 697. Methods of Making Wrought-Iron directly from the Ores 697 The German Process in Bloomeries Catalan or French Process . The Trompe, 699. The Catalan Forge in America, 700. The Method used in Corsica and Italy The Method used in East India and Finland Newer Methods • Production of Wrought-Iron from Pig-Iron. 697 697 702 702 703 704 The Process, 704. The Chief Methods of Producing Wrought-Iron from Pig-Iron. The Production of Wrought-Iron at a Glowing Heat. Analyses of Malleable Cast-Iron, 705. The Bessemer Process, 706. The Production of Malleable Iron in Fineries, 707. The Pro- duction of Malleable Iron in Reverberatory Furnaces, 707. Com- bined Reverberatory and Finery Process, 707. Comparison of the Finery with the Puddling Process, 707. Combinations of the Finery and Puddling Processes with different Re-heating Operations. 1. Production of Wrought-Iron in Hearth Fineries or Open Fires 705 705 710 xviii CONTENTS. Materials used in the Finery Process. Cast-Iron, 710. White Cellular Iron, 711. Flowery or Radiated White Pig, 711. Spiegeleisen, 712. White Iron of the Regular White Iron of the Irregular Process, 712. White Chilled Iron of Radiated Texture, 712. The Varieties of Grey Iron, 713. Process, 712. Preparation of the Pig-Iron Preparation of the Iron in Blast Furnaces, 714. Raising the Pig- Iron to a Glowing Heat, 715. Refining the Iron by Treating it in the Liquid State in Hearths or Finery Fires, 715. Various Plans for the Employment of Fluxes, 716. Mr. George Parry of the Ebbw Vale Works, Purification of Iron by means of highly Heated Steam, 718. The Refineries, 720. Analyses of Refinery Slags, 723. The Refinery Process, 723. Modification of the Refinery Process, 724. Refining in Reverberatory Furnaces, 726. Eck's Furnace, 726. Fuel Fluxes and Agents 710 714 735 736 Sand and Clay, 739. Slags, 737. Analyses of Finery Cinders, 737. Water, 739. Carbonate of Lime, 739. Schafhäutl's Powder, 740. Apparatus used in the Fining Process. The Finery Fires or Hearths, 740. The Construction of a Finery Hearth, 743. The Tuyeres, 744. The Dimensions of Finery Hearths, 745. The Blowing Machines, 746. The Quantities of Blast required, 746. Hot Blast, 746. The Application of Steam, The Lancashire Forge, 747- 747. Apparatus for Re-heating the Balls or Blooms. 740 747 Open Fires, 748. Hollow Fires, 748. Re-heating Furnaces, 748. Apparatus for Forging the Iron. 749 Lift Hammers, 750. Tilt Hammers, 752. Forge Hammers, 752. The Methods of the Finery Process 754 Differences between the Methods, 754. Extremes and Varieties of 756 the Process, 755. The German or Breaking-up Process. Second Period: First Period: Melting-Down of the Pig-Iron, 756. the Fining Proper, 757- The Lump Fining, 758. The Breaking- up Process, 758. A Combination of the Lump Fining and the Breaking-up Process, 758. The Bohemian Process, 759. The Rhonitz Process, 760. The French Process, 760. The Sulu Process, 760. Half Walloon Process, 760. Third Period: Ham- mering the Loupe, 760. Walloon Process-Twice Melting-Down Process. Eifel Walloon Process, 762. Swedish Walloon Process, 762. Eng- lish Walloon Process: a. Lancashire Process, 763. b. South Wales Process, 764. Styrian Walloon Process, 764. 761 CONTENTS. xix The Once Melting-Down Process Modifications of this Process :-Austrian Slag Process, 765. Styrian Process, 765. The Siegen Process, 766. Methods requiring a Preparation of the Pig-Iron. 765 The 766 Different Modifications, 766. Products of the Finery Process 767 The Puddling Process. 768 Advantages of the Process, 768. Its History, 768. Literature, 768. Puddling Materials 769 Different Sorts of Pig-iron, 769. Fettling, 771. Treatment of Manganiferous Pig-iron, 771. Preservation of the Hearth Fuel • 771 I. In the Refining of Pig-Iron, 771. Gas, Coal, Coke, Charcoal, 771. 2. In the Puddling of Iron :-Coal, 772. Brown Coal, 772. Turf, 773. Wood, 773. Gases Produced with Wood, 775. Gases Produced from Turf, 775. Brown Coal Gases, 776. Gases Pro- duced from Coal, 777. 3. In the Re-heating of the Puddled Iron, 777. Coal, 777. Brown Coal, 778. Turf, 778. Wood, 778. Wood Gases, 779. Char- coal Gases, 779. Turf Gases, 779. Fluxes. a. In the Refining of Pig-Iron :-Refinery Slags, Fluor Spar, Lime, 779. b. In the Puddling Process :-Slags, Hammer Slag, Rich and Pure Iron Ores, &c., 780. Wrought-Iron Scraps, 780. Schafhäutl's Powder, 780. Steam, 781. c. In the Re-heating Process :-Sand, Water-Glass, 781. Puddling Apparatus The Plant of Puddling Works, 781. Puddling Furnaces Different Constructions, 782. Principal Parts of Puddling Fur- naces :-Fire-Place, 782. Plane Grates more or less Inclined, 782. Clinker Grates, 783. Puddling Furnace at Königshütte in the Hartz, 783. Puddling Furnace for the Production of Fine- grained Iron, 787. Puddling Furnace for the Common Puddling Process, 788. Puddling Furnaces with Brown Coal Firing, 788. Step Grates, 789. Siemens's Regenerative Gas Furnace, 789. The Advantages of Siemens's Furnace, 790. Faraday's Descrip- tion of the Furnace, 790. The Ash-pit, Soo. The Furnace Hearth, 800. The Side Walls of the Hearth, Soo. The Fire-bridge, So1. The Flue-bridge, 802. The Furnace Roof, 802. Double Fur- naces, 802. Chimney, 805. Dimensions of Puddling Furnaces, 806. 'Tools used in the Puddling Process, S07. Apparatus for Re-heating the Iron Re-heating Furnaces, 807. 779 781 782 S07 XX CONTENTS. Machines for Forging and Condensing Iron. Hammers, 813. Steam Hammer, 813. Stamp Hammer, 815. Hydraulic Hammers, 815. Friction Hammer, 815. Brown's Patent Bloom Squeezer, 815. Squeezers, 817. Rotary Squeezer, 818. 813 Rolls or Cylinders 818 Compound or Universal Rolling Mill, 824. Finishing Rolls for Rails, 826. Rolls for Slitting Sheets of Metal, 826. Shears 827 The Production of Wrought-iron in Puddling Furnaces: The Puddling Process 828 Different Methods of the Puddling Process, 828. The Preparatory Refining of the Pig-Iron, 828. Dry Puddling in Furnaces with a Sole of Sand or of Iron Plates 830 The Boiling or Wet Puddling Process. Modifications of the Process, 832. Analyses Showing the Gradual Modifications of the Pig-Iron during its Transformation into Wrought-Iron, 833. The Puddling Process aiming at the Production of Fibrous Iron Pig-Iron Employed, 833. Operations comprising the Process: 1. The Formation of the Hearth, 834. 2. Charging the Puddling Furnace, 834. 3. Melting-Down the Pig-Iron, 835. Chemical Reactions at the Melting-Down, 836. Siemens's Experiments concerning the Behaviour of Silicon and Carbon, 837- 4. Boiling and Stirring the Fused Mass, 842. Chemical Reactions, 842. Mechanical Appliances Substituting the Manual Puddling, 843. 5. Consolidation of the Iron into Masses or Balls fit for Hammer- ing and Further Decarbonisation, 844. Different Manipulations of this Part of the Process, 845. 6. Shingling the Balls, 847. Irregularities of the Normal Process, 848. The Results of Different Puddling Works • a. Puddling Works using Mineral Coal as Fuel:-Staffordshire, 848. Scotland, 849. Cleveland and Durham, 849. Belgium, 849. Phoenixhütte in Ruhrort, 850. Königshütte in the Hartz, 850. b. Puddling Works using Brown Coal as Fuel:-Leoben, 850. Franzenshütte, 851. c. The Puddling Process when Turf is used as Fuel :-Maximilians- hütte, 851. d. The Puddling Process when Wood is used as Fuel:-Suraham- mer and Nyby in Sweden, 851. 832 833 848 CONTENTS. xxi e. The Puddling Process with Gases Produced with Brown Coal:- Prävali, 851. Kerms, 852. f. The Puddling Process with Turf Gases:-Nothburgahütte near Freudenberg, 852. Buchscheiden near Klagenfurt, 852. g. The Puddling Process with Wood Gases :-Zorge in the Hartz, 853. Lippitzbach, 853. Neuberg, 853. h. The Puddling Process in Siemens's Regenerative Gas Furnace. The Puddling Process for the Production of Fine- grained Iron Illustrations of Its Differences from the Preceding Process, 858. the Process:-Alvenslebenhütte in Silesia, 860. Upper Silesia, 861. Low Moor, 861. Vierzon, 862. Analyses of Puddling Cinder Re-heating the Blooms, &c. 858 Pielahütte in 862 862 Iron No. 1, No. 2, &c., 863. The Piling, 863. Notice concerning Rails, 863. Beattie's System of Piling, 864. Piling the Bars crosswise, 864. Formation of Heavy Piles, 864. Re-heating in Hollow Fires Upper Hartz, 865. Re-heating in Reverberatory Furnaces Manipulation, S66. The Loss of Iron in the Operation of Re-heat- ing, 867. Analyses of the Re-heating Cinder, S67. Illustrations of the Process:-England, S6S. Karolihütte near Dernoe (Hun- gary, 868. Manufacture of Finished Wrought-Iron of Different Kinds Manufacture of Bar-Iron, S69. Manufacture of Plates and Sheets, 870. Manufacture of Tin Plate, 871. Manufacture of Wire, 874. S65 866 869 LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. COPPER. FIGS. I-3 7-9 Small Hearth for Refining Black Copper Bredberg's Smelting Furnace 10-12 Carlberg's Smelting Furnace 13, 14 15, 16 17, 18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28, 29 30, 31 32, 33 34 35, 36 Bredberg's Furnace for Smelting Roasted Matt Hearth for Refining Black Copper Copper Smelting Furnace at Röraas Mound for Roasting Copper Ores Copper Smelting Furnace at Riechelsdorf Furnaces at Oker Refining Furnace at Oker Reverberatory Furnace for Roasting Copper Ores The Hearth of such a Furnace • Parkes's Double Roasting Furnaces 37-40 Calcining Furnace at Swansea 41, 42 Gerstenhöffer's Calcining Furnace 43-45 Spence's Calcining Furnace. 46, 47 Copper Smelting Furnace in England. Combined Calcining and Smelting Furnace. 49-52 Copper Smelting Furnace at Mansfeld 48 ► • • PAGES. 58,59 86, 87 87-89 91 97 98 104 II2 • 125, 126 127, 128 137 138 138 140 142 150, 151 153, 154 162 163 196 53-55 Reverberatory Furnace at Mansfeld for the Concentration 56, 57 58, 59 60, 61 of Matt Gas Reverberatory Furnace at Hettstädt for Refining Black Copper • Copper Refining Furnace at Perm Apparatus at Schmöllnitz for Precipitating Copper 62-64 Sinding's Apparatus for Producing Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas 198, 199 • 201, 202 224 250, 251 260 65 மம்ம் 66 67, 68 69 70, 71 IRON. Open Heap for Roasting Iron Ores Roasting Furnace without a Grate at Lerbach. Roasting Furnace with a Plane Grate at Upper Silesia Vordernberg Siegen • 359 365 368 • 369 • 370, 371 LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. xxiii FIGS. 72 73 74 75, 76 77,78 79-81 82 83, 84 356 85 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞¤· 86 87 88-96 98, 99 100 IOI, 102 103, 104 Roasting Furnace with a Grate of Conical Shape Step Grate at Gollrath Norway and Sweden, &c. . Gas Roasting Furnace at Dannemora Hof An Inclined Plane (Lift) • Jacob's Ladder, or Endless Chain System Water Balance . Hydraulic Lift at Derby Pneumatic Lift in Upper Silesia Iron Blast Furnace • of Newer Construction Section of a Charcoal Blast Furnace with a Second Fore Hearth. Construction of Blauöfen. Hearth Casing of a Mixture of Sand and Clay • PAGES. 372 373 374 376 • 378, 379 380-382 425 426 427 428 430 434-439 440 444 448 446 448 449 450 • 450, 454, 455 455 · 455, 456 457 457 457,458 105 тоб, 107 108 109-117 118 119-122 123 124 Apparatus for Collecting the Waste Gases from Iron Blast Furnaces Similar Apparatus at Siegen and in the Hartz Cup and Cone Charger Furnace Shafts for Easily Fusible Ores Treating somewhat less Fusible Ores Furnaces for Ores Difficult to Fuse Furnace in Belgium France • 125-128 Furnaces in Germany and Sweden 129-131 Employed chiefly since the Application of Hot • 458, 459 Blast 132 Alger and Abt's Furnace 460 133-138 139 Rachette's Furnace Truran's Furnace • • 460-462 • 463 140-144 145 Shape of Blast Furnaces which have been Blown Out Tuyeres for Charcoal Furnaces • 475, 476 484 146, 147 485 148, 149 • 150-152 Calder Tuyere for Coke Furnaces Wasseralfingen Hot Blast Apparatus 153-155 Cowper's Blast Furnace Showing the Ideal Zones 157-159 Charcoal Cupola Furnace at Lerbach Coke Cupola Furnace at Berlin. Königshütte. Wasseralfingen Gleiwitz in England. Maillard's Cupola Furnace Movable Furnace 156 160 161, 162 163 164 165-167 168, 169 170 171 Boccard's Furnace • 172-174 Hot Blast Apparatus. 175, 176 Schwarzkopf's Fan • 177 178, 179 180, 181 182-192 • • • · • • • • 513,514 • • 515,516 517,518 520 593 594 594 595 595 596 597 598 598 • боо бол 602 619 620 193-202 203, 204 205, 206 207, 208 209, 210 Braithwaite and Ericson's Excentric Fan. Corbin Desboissières Parabolic Reverberatory Furnace for Re-melting Cast-Iron Reverberatory Furnace at Berlin Sections Showing the Crystalline Arrangement of Cast- Iron • Drawings Explaining the Moulding in Loam Blowing Machine (Trompe) used in Navarre Catalan Forge • Refinery Fire in England, &c. at Mariazell 642-645, 647, 656. 661, 662, 664 665 699 • 700, 701 721, 272 724, 725 xxiv LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. FIGS. 211-213 214-224 225, 226 227, 228 Double Refinery Fire at Mariazell Eck's Gas Reverberatory Furnace Finery Hearth Hollow Fire • Puddling Furnace at Königshütte • Alvenslebenshütte for Fine-Grained Iron. Fibrous Iron for the Application of Turf as Fuel Siemens's Regenerative Gas Furnace Re-heating Furnace at Creuzot Dernoe 229, 230 Lift Hammer 231 Tilt Hammer 232 Forge Hammer. 233-238 239-241 242, 243 244 245-248 249-251 252-254 255, 256 257,258 259 260 261, 262 263 264 265, 266 267 268 269 270, 271 272, 273 Groebe's Re-heating Furnace Steam Hammer. Brown's Patent Bloom Squeezer Squeezers • Rotary Squeezer Rolls Compound or Universal Rolling Mili Rolls for Birkenshaw's Rails Slitting Sheets Shear. • Apparatus for Tinning Iron Plates Drawing Wire. · PAGES. 726, 727 727, 729-733 • 741, 742 749 750 752 753 • 783-785 • 785, 786 • 787, 788 788 • 794, 796, 797 809 810, 811 811, 812 812 814 816 • 816, 817 818 822 825 2 567 2 2 2 826 827 827 872 • 874, 875 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON METALLURGY. CHAPTER I. COPPER. PRINCIPAL ORES OF COPPER. THE ores* containing this metal are found in different geological formations; chiefly in crystalline slates and in more modern rocks, up to the new red sandstone; in rare cases in still more recent formations, as, for instance, in Hungary, where copper ores occur in the triassic for- mation, or on Lake Superior in North America, where native copper is found in the alluvium. They are found in veins, in beds, and as impregnations, associated with quartz, heavy spar, fluor spar, chlorite, amphibole, pyroxene, &c. Frequently they occur in admixture with other ores, chiefly with lead, zinc, and silver ores; also with iron pyrites, cobalt, nickel, and tin ores. The copper slates at Mansfeld form an interesting cupreous formation in a geological point of view. These curious strata of bituminous schist are among the most ancient, containing the exuviæ of organised bodies not Testaceæ. From among their tabular slabs is extracted the vast multitude of fossil fish which have rendered the * COTTA'S Erzlagerstätten, i., 20, 49; ii., 600. LAMBORN, Metallurgy of Copper, 1860. p. 44. Rivor, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 23. Dr. URE'S Dictionary of Arts, 1867, i., p. 870. VOL. II. B 2 COPPER. cantons of Mansfeld, Eisleben, Ilmenau and other places in Thuringia and Voigtland so celebrated; many of the fish are transformed into copper pyrites. Here, also, have been found the fossil remains of the lizard family, called monitors. A judicious administration is so necessary for the pros- perity of these mines, that the study of a thin layer of slate in this formation, of which one hundred pounds commonly contain but one pound and a half of copper, occasionally argentiferous, led to the establishment of smelting works, worked now for several centuries, of the greatest importance to the adjoining country. The frequent derangements of this deposit soon led skilful directors of the underground operations to study the order of the super-position of the accompanying rocks. From these observations a system of facts resulted which has served to guide, not only the miners of Mansfeld, but of great part of Germany, and of other countries where the same series of rocks, forming the envelope of the cupreous schists, occur in the same order of super-position. Copper ores occur in many varieties. Scheerer of Freiberg has arranged them as follows:- 1. Copper Glance (Kupferglaserz), Cu,S, containing 79.7 per cent of copper. 2. Copper Pyrites, Cu₂S, Fe,S,, containing 34.8 per cent. of copper. 3. Variegated Copper Ore, 3Cu₂S, Fe,S,, containing 55'7 per cent of copper. 4. Fahlerz, 4(Cu₂S, FeS, ZnS, AgS), (SbS,,AsS,), containing 14-41 per cent of copper. 5. Red Copper Ore, Cu₂O, containing 88.5 per cent of copper. 6. Malachite 2CuO,CO₂+HO, containing 57'4 per cent of copper. 7. Azurite 2(CuO,CO₂)+CuO,HO, containing 55'3 per cent of copper. The ordinary copper ores are sulphides and oxides, the sulphides predominating. Copper is also found combined with arsenic, selenium, antimony, iron, silver, and various PRINCIPAL ORES OF COPPER. 3 acids. The minerals containing copper may be classified according to their state of combination as follows:- 1. Native Copper, which in a few localities only occurs in large quantities. It is found in Peru and Chili in small grains, together with other copper ores and earths, containing about 70, at the highest 90, per cent of copper; it is called Copper Sand or Copper Barilla, and is smelted chiefly in England and France. A sample of native Corocoro copper contained- Cu SiO3 Fe₂03. MgO,CO, and CaO,CO, S 73.81 20'94 136 2:48 trace A sample of native copper from Brazils contained— Cu Ag Au Fe 99'56 0°30 0*08 ΟΙΟ The most remarkable masses of native copper hitherto discovered are those found in the mines of Lake Superior,* some of which exceeded 150 tons in weight; copper occurs here in trap rock, in the form of injected veins, and is associated with quartz, chlorite, calc spar, epidote, prehnite, &c. In 1854, a mass of native copper weighing about 500 tons was found in Minnesota; its division occupied forty men for twelve months. It consisted, according to Haute- feuille,t of- Cu Ag Hg. Gangue 69 280 5'453 0'019 25'248 Crystals of native silver sometimes occur in native copper otherwise free from silver, so intimately mixed that neither a dressing operation nor a smelting process will effect their P. 2. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 261; 1858, p. 47; 1861, p. 305. BERGGEIST, 1858, RIVOT, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 24. Bulletin de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale, vi. + BERGGEIST, 1857, p. 160. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, P. 447. R 2 4 COPPER. separation, which must be performed by a treatment in the wet way. Native copper sometimes occurs at Lake Superior, finely disseminated through quartz; it then requires dressing.* Native copper is also found in New England, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina. It occurs abundantly in the mines of Siberia, Tourinski, Hungary, Fundo-Moldavia in Gallicia, Fahlun in Sweden, and Cornwall. The copper produced from native copper ranks among the best in the market. 2. Sulphides of Copper.-These frequently contain suffi- cient silver and gold to be profitably extracted, and they yield copper varying in purity according to the foreign im- purities of the ores. Fieldt found bismuth in almost all ores containing sulphide of copper, and in all such Cornish ores. The dressing of these ores increases in difficulty the greater the specific gravity of the foreign associates. Sella‡ has used a magnet with advantage to extract magnetic iron from ores containing copper pyrites. The following are the ores belonging to this class. a. Copper Pyrites, Cu,S,Fe,S,, containing 344 per cent of copper. This is the most common sulphide used in smelting works; it occurs in large masses and in extended veins in primitive and transition districts, and is commonly accom- panied by grey copper, sulphide of iron, sparry iron, sul- phides of lead and zinc. It yields a copper varying in purity according to the quantity and quality of the associates. The copper produced in Norway, Sweden, and Dillenburg, &c., from pyrites, is of excellent quality. The pyrites occurring in Sibenbürgen and Fahlun is sometimes auriferous, and in rare cases argentiferous. Copper pyrites is the principal ore of the English smelting works and of the North American works along the Atlantic. coast. The largest amount of copper is manufactured from this ore. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 306. + Polyt. Centr., 1862, p. 410. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 101. COPPER ORES CONTAINING ANTIMONY, ETC. 5 b. Copper Glance, Cu₂S, containing 79'7 per cent of copper, and usually silver and iron. This is one of the varieties. frequently met with in copper ore veins; it is often found in masses. It is profitably mined in Cornwall, where it occurs together with red iron ore, and sometimes with copper pyrites; also in Tuscany, Chili, South Australia, Cape of Good Hope, and in Connecticut, New York, Virginia, Mary- land, and other of the United States. c. Variegated Copper Ore (Buntkupfererz), 3Cu₂S,Fe₂S¸, containing 55'7 per cent of copper. It seldom occurs in masses, and is usually associated with copper glance, and also with copper pyrites, as in Cornwall, Tuscany, &c. d. Indigo Copper (Kupferindig), CuS, containing 66'5 per cent of copper. It is found in large quantities in Chili only. e. Silver-Copper Glance, Cu,S,AgS, containing 53 per cent. of silver, 31 per cent of copper, and sometimes a little iron. It is found associated with iron pyrites in Siberia, Chili, Peru, and in the silver mines of Arizona. 3. Copper Ores containing Antimony and Arsenic.— These ores mostly require complicated smelting operations. in order effectually to separate the antimony and arsenic, which constitute the worst impurities, rendering it scarcely possible to produce a very good copper from these ores. Arsenic is more easily separated than antimony; these ores sometimes contain an amount of silver which increases their value, but they then require very complicated smelting pro- cesses for the extraction of the silver. As some of these ores have a low specific gravity, and often contain a considerable amount of silver, they must be dressed with the utmost care. a. Fallow Ores, 4(Cu₂S, FeS, ZnS, AgS, HgS), (SbS¸, AsS₂). -Some varieties contain both antimony and arsenic, others one only of these substances. Their average amount of copper is from 30 to 48 per cent. Those which are very rich in silver (31 per cent) contain only 15 per cent of copper, whilst ores free from silver contain the highest amount of copper. Some of these ores occurring in Hungary, Tyrol, and Tuscany contain from 0'52 to 17:27 per cent of mercury, which is sometimes extracted. 6 COPPER. b. Bournonite, зCu₂S, SbS¸ + 3(PbS, SbS₂), containing 12.7 per cent of copper, 41'7 per cent of lead, and sometimes. a little iron. It is free from silver, and only occurs in small quantities together with other copper ores, as in Cornwall, Devonshire, on the Hartz, Chili, &c. c. Enargite, 3Cu₂S,AsS,, containing 48.3 per cent of copper, and sometimes also ZnS, FeS, and SbS,. It is found in large quantities in the Cordillera mountains in Peru at a height of 15,000 feet. 4. Oxidised Copper Ores.-When found in sufficiently large masses, which very seldom occurs, these require very simple metallurgical processes, and yield an excellent copper. a. Red Copper Ore, Cu,O, containing 88.8 per cent of copper. It is found in large masses in South Australia (the celebrated Burra-Burra mine), in Spain, Peru,* &c. It also occurs in Tuscany, New Jersey, and at Lake Superior. b. Black Oxide of Copper, CuO, containing 79.8 per cent of copper, and generally also a certain amount of oxide of iron and manganese. It occurs in large quantities at Copper Harbour on Lake Superior, and at the Burra-Burra mine. Besides these oxides, an admixture of oxide of copper with hydrated oxide of iron is frequently associated with copper ores, but in small quantities only. 5. Copper Salts. These ores are mostly a secondary formation of other copper ores, and usually occur only on the head of lodes. The quality of the copper produced from them depends on the foreign substances with which the original ores were associated. Sometimes they contain silver and gold, as the green and blue malachites of Algeria,† or only silver, as the blue malachite of Spain.‡ 2 a. Green Malachite, 2CuO, CO₂+ HO, containing 57'3 per cent of copper, is found in large masses in Ural, South America, South Australia, in the Portuguese colonies on the coast of Africa, &c. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 242. + Ibid., 1859, p. 242. Ibid., 1859, P. 242. COPPER SALTS. 7 2 b. Blue Malachite (Azurite), 2CuO, CO₂ + CuO, HO, with 55'1 per cent of copper, is only occasionally found in large quantities, as at Chessy, near Lyon, in Bohemia, and at Kanmantoo in South Australia. At the latter place it con- tains an injurious amount of antimony and bismuth. A brown anhydrous carbonate of copper, associated with some malachite and red iron ore, is imported into Europe from India. 3 c. Sulphate of Copper, Blue Vitriol, CuO, SO, + 5HO, containing 25 per cent of copper; it is imported into South Wales from Mexico and South America; it is also frequently formed artificially in copper ore mines, as in Anglesea, Wicklow, Hungary, and Rammelsberg on the Hartz. 39 d. Silicate of Copper, Dioptase, 3CuO, 2SiO3 + 3HO, con- taining 399 per cent of copper, and sometimes also small quantities of Fe₂O,, Al₂O, CaO, and MgO. Some varieties are Kupferblau, CuO, SiO3, + HO, containing 36.3 per cent of copper, and Kupfergrün, 3CuO, 2SiO3 + 6HO, containing 35'7 per cent of copper. They are well adapted to the smelting process, rendered easily fluid, and occur in large quantities on the Ural, and in South and North America. e. Chloride of Copper (Atacamite), CuCl+3CuO+3HO, con- taining 59'4 per cent of copper, and 2(CuCl + 3CuO) + 9HO, containing 56 per cent of copper. This is imported in con- siderable quantities from Chili and other parts of the west. coast of South America into South Wales, where it is worked, yielding an excellent copper. f. Phosphate of Copper, containing a variable amount of hydrated oxide of copper, and from 50 to 56 per cent of copper. It occurs in Chili, Bolivia, Hungary, &c. The phosphorus it contains, like antimony and arsenic, is hurtful to the resulting copper. g. Arseniate of Copper, also containing a variable amount of hydrated oxide of copper, and from 30 to 35 per cent of copper. This is imported from Chili to South Wales. The usual impurities are,-oxide of iron, quartz, heavy spar, and calc spar, and sometimes oxide of zinc. 8 COPPER. The most various copper ores, of both foreign and home production, are smelted in the copper works of South Wales,* in the South of France,t at Boston, &c. + The following account of the English copper veins is given in Dr. Ure's "Dictionary of Arts," i., p. 872- "The deposits of copper in Cornwall occur as veins in granite, or in the schistose rocks which surround and cover it; and hence, the Cornish miners work mostly in the granite and clay slate, the former of which, when metalliferous, is usually in a coarse and often a disintegrated state; this they call growan, the latter killas. (C Copper veins are abundant in killas and more rare in granite, but most numerous near the line of junction of the two rocks. The different kinds of mineral veins in Cornwall may be classed as follows: 1. Veins of elvan, elvan courses, or elvan channels. 2. Tin veins, or tin lodes. 3. Copper veins, generally running east and west. 4. Second system of copper veins, or contra lodes. 5. Crossing veins; cross courses. 6. Clay veins, called cross flookans or slides. "The width of these veins does not often exceed 6 feet, though occasional enlargements to the extent of 12 and more feet sometimes take place. Their length is unknown, but one explored in the United Mines has been traced over an extent of seven miles. The gangue of these veins is generally quartz, either pure or mixed with green particles analogous to chlorite. They contain iron pyrites, blende, sulphide, and several other compounds of copper, such as the car- bonate, phosphate, arseniate, chloride, &c. Most of the copper lodes are accompanied by small argillaceous veins, called by the miners flookans of the lode. These are often found on both sides of the vein, so as to form cheeks or walls. "When two veins intersect each other, the direction of the one thrown out becomes an object of interest to the miner. * PERCY'S Metallurgy, i., 322. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, No. 40. ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 242. Ibid, 1859, p. 309. THE ENGLISH COPPER VEINS. 9 "The copper mines of Anglesea, those of North Wales, of Westmoreland, the adjacent parts of Lancashire and Cumber- land, of the south-west of Scotland, of the Isle of Man, and of the south-east of Ireland, also occur in primitive or transi- tion rocks. The ores lie sometimes in masses, but more frequently in veins. The mine of Ecton in Staffordshire, and that of Cross-gill-burn near Alston-moor in Cumberland, occur in transition or mountain limestone. "The copper ores extracted both from the granitic and schistose localities, as well as from the calcareous, are uni- formly copper pyrites more or less mixed with mundic; the red oxide, carbonate, arseniate, phosphate, and chloride of copper, are very rare in these districts. The working of copper mines in the Isle of Anglesea may be traced to a very remote era. It appears that the Romans were acquainted with the Amlwch mine near Holyhead; but it was worked with little activity till about seventy years since. This deposit lies in a greenish clay slate, passing into talc slate; a rock associated with serpentine and eupho- tide. The veins of copper are from one to two yards thick, and converge towards a point where their union forms a considerable mass of ore. On this the mine was first commenced by an open excavation, which is now upwards of 300 feet deep, and appears from above like a vast funnel. Galleries are formed at different levels upon the flanks of the excavation to follow the several smaller veins, which run in all directions and diverge from a common centre like so many radii. The ore receives in these galleries a kind of sorting, and is raised by means of hand-windlasses to the summit of a hill, where it is cleaned by breaking and jigging. "The water is so scanty in this mine that it is pumped up by a small steam engine. A great proportion of it is charged with sulphate of copper. It is conveyed into reservoirs containing pieces of old iron; the sulphate is thus decom- posed into copper of cementation. The Anglesea ore is poor, yielding only two or three per cent of copper; a portion of its sulphur is collected in roasting the ore. ΙΟ COPPER. "The copper mines, now so important, were so little worked until a recent period, that in 1799 we are told, in a report on the Cornish mines, 'it was not until the beginning of the last century that copper was discovered in Britain.' This is incorrect, for in 1250 a copper mine was worked near Keswick, in Cumberland. Edward III. granted an indenture to John Ballanter and Walter Bolbolter for working all mines of gold, silver, and copper;' but that the quantity found was very small is proved from the fact that Acts of Parliament were passed in the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. to prevent the exportation of brass and copper, lest there should not be metal enough left in the kingdom fit for making guns and other engines of war, and for household utensils; and in 1665, the Calamine works were encouraged by the government as the continuing these works in England will occasion plenty of rough copper to be brought in.' "At the end of the seventeenth century, some gentlemen. from Bristol made it their business to inspect the Cornish mines, and bought the copper ore principally for £2 10s. per ton, seldom giving more than £4 a ton. "In 1700, one Mr. John Costor introduced an hydraulic engine into Cornwall, by which he succeeded in draining the mines, and he taught the people of Cornwall also a better way of assaying and dressing the ore.' 6 "The value and importance of copper mines since that period has been regularly increasing." SYNOPSIS OF PROCESSES FOR THE EXTRACTION OF COPPER FROM ITS ORES. The extraction is mostly effected in the dry way, either by a smelting process in cupola furnaces (German process), or by treating the ores in reverberatory furnaces (English process). The wet way is employed when the ores are too poor for pro- fitable smelting, Whether the German or English process is to be employed depends chiefly on the following conditions:- PROCESSES FOR THE EXTRACTION OF COPPER. II a. The price of the Smelting Materials, chiefly the fuel. -The process in reverberatory furnaces consumes much fuel, (from 16 to 18 parts of coal to I part of copper), and can therefore be applied only where good and cheap coal is attainable. Cupola furnaces require good and cheap char- coal and coke, but they concentrate the heat better, and thus economise the fuel. The wet way is applicable when fuel is too expensive, as in Riotinto aud Huelva in Southern Spain. The English process does not invariably give good results, for instance in France, at Boston,† in Isabellenhütte, in Nassau, &c., owing to the very great consumption of fuel, which is at least three times as large as in the German pro- The advantages afforded by the process in England are founded less on a cheaper production than on the greater ability and facility of buying ores and selling the produced copper which the English copper smelters possess. cess. * b. The Quality of the Ores.-Rich and pure ores may be worked in either smelting apparatus with equal facility. The cupola furnace is preferable for treating poorer ores, as it permits of a more complete extraction of the copper, and is also preferable for the treatment of very rich pure ores, as it effects a quicker extraction; the richer the ores are, the less fuel is used in proportion to the copper produced. In England, from 16 to 18 tons of coal are used for the production of I ton of copper, therefore the English process cannot be introduced into the south of France, where the price of coal is three or four times as high, and the ores under treatment only half as rich as those worked in England. The reverberatory furnace is preferable, if the ores are of a variable composition, embracing sulphides and oxides with different gangues and impurities, as the intelligent smelter is able to regulate the more open process if variations in the quality of the ore require it. If the ores are of a constant. quality they allow of a regular and continuous process in cupola furnaces. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 251. + Ibid. 1859. P. 365. I2 COPPER. When treating pure ores in cupola furnaces, a quicker and better yield of copper results, and wages and fuel are better economised than when treating these ores in reverberatory furnaces. The presence of lead, antimony, arsenic, and tin in the ores makes the production of good commercial copper difficult in both kind of smelting apparatus, and necessitates more expensive operations. A smaller amount of antimony and arsenic is more completely removed by the roasting and reduction processes required for treatment in cupola fur- naces than by working such ores in reverberatory furnaces, where only the roasting processes act in volatilising the arsenic and antimony. A larger amount of these substances makes the production of a copper of middling quality in cupola furnaces possible only with a great loss of copper. But this may be done by the reverberatory furnace process, though requiring more operations. Arsenic is less injurious than antimony, as the arseniates formed by the roasting process are easier to decompose, and as the arsenic combined with copper may be more easily extracted from it by volatilisation. Gold and silver may sometimes be profitably extracted. c. The Time required for the Extraction of the Copper. The more quickly the copper is produced and sold the higher will be the profit on the working capital. A quicker extraction also allows the smelter better to avail himself of the favourable turns of the market. We have before men- tioned that cupola furnaces effect the extraction. quickly in proportion to the purity of the ores. more d. The Extent of the Production.-Reverberatory fur- naces are preferable for larger, and cupola furnaces for smaller, productions. According to Percy, copper works carried on with reverberatory furnaces must produce at least 1,100 tons of copper a year to be profitable. The process in reverberatory furnaces, therefore, is chiefly adapted to sufficiently cheap ores, varying in quality, con- taining a medium amount of copper, and when coals are very cheap, the building materials for the furnace are refractory, and a large production intended; smelting copper ores in rever- beratory furnaces requires less skill than smelting lead ores. REDUCTION IN THE DRY WAY. 13 The chief modes at present adopted for extracting copper from its ores may be classified under the two following divisions: I. REDUCTION IN THE DRY WAY. 1. Sulphuretted Ores and Products. These may be treated— a. In Cupola Furnaces.-In this case the ores and pro- ducts are repeatedly roasted in heaps or mounds, and after- wards submitted to a reducing and purifying smelting in cupola furnaces for the production of black copper. At this smelting coal is the chief reducing agent. The resulting black copper is refined in small hearths or in blast rever- beratory furnaces. If the ores are free from silver and gold they are smelted either in sump furnaces, as in Atvidaberg, Fahlun, Röraas, Szaska, and Agordo, or in cupola furnaces with two open eyes, which are adopted in Sternerhütte, Dillenburg, Upper Hartz, Kupferberg, and Riechelsdorf; in India and Japan these ores are smelted in crucible furnaces. If silver and gold are contained in the ores they are extracted either direct from the ores and the matt, as in Nagybanya, Fahlun, and Müsen, or from the matt only, as in Oeblarn ; or this extrac- tion is effected from the black copper; the latter method is. adopted in the Hartz and at Sziklowa. b. In Reverberatory Furnaces.-The ores and matt are roasted either in mounds or in reverberatory furnaces, and smelted in reverberatory furnaces for the production of black copper, the sulphur serving in the latter process to reduce the oxides formed in the roasting process; the black copper is then refined in air reverberatory furnaces. The ores treated are mostly free from gold and silver. This process is used in South Wales, Dillenburg, Elbkupferwerk, Duis- burg, Freiberg, Bendorf, and Kaafjord. c. By a combined Smelting in Cupola and Reverbera- tory Furnaces.-The manner in which this is effected varies in different localities. At Mansfeld the copper slate is smelted in cupola furnaces, the resulting matts are con- centrated in cupola and reverberatory furnaces, the black 14 COPPER. copper is smelted in cupola furnaces, then the first refining is effected in small hearths, and the final refining in rever- beratory furnaces. At Schmöllnitz and Altwasser, in Upper Hungary, the production of black copper from fallow ores is effected in cupola furnaces; the residues of the amalgamation of the black copper are smelted in reverberatory furnaces, and the resulting black copper is refined in blast reverberatory fur- naces. At Schemnitz, Kremnitz, Neusohl, and Tajova, in Lower Hungary, the copper-lead matts are concentrated in cupola furnaces. The resulting concentrated matt, after being treated by Augustin's process, is converted into black copper by treatment in a reverberatory furnace; the black copper is refined in a blast reverberatory furnace. At Freiberg and Grünthal, copper-lead matt is concentrated in cupola and reverberatory furnaces; the desilverised matt is worked in reverberatory furnaces, and the black copper is refined also in reverberatory furnaces. At Boston and the copper works on the Rhone, the ore, matt, and black copper are smelted in cupola furnaces, and the black copper is refined in reverberatory furnaces. At Bogoslowsk, ore and matt are smelted in cupola furnaces, black copper in blast reverberatory furnaces, and the refining is effected in reverberatory furnaces. 2. Oxidised Ores and Products. These are treated either in cupola furnaces, as in Chessy and Perm, or in reverberatory furnaces. 3. Native Copper. At Grünthal this is smelted in cupola furnaces, and at Detroit, in France, in reverberatory furnaces. II. REDUCTION IN THE WET WAY. This treatment embraces first the decomposition of cupreous solutions by iron, as in Anglesea, Schmöllnitz, Rammelsberg, Wicklow, Maidenpek, and Riotinto. REDUCTION IN THE WET WAY. 15 Oxidised Ores are treated- a. By decomposing a solution of chloride of copper by means of iron. This may be effected, as in Alderley Edge, Linz, and Stadtbergen, by dissolving the substance in liquid muriatic acid, or by treating it with a liquid containing chloride of iron, or lastly, by heating the ores with con- centrated muriatic acid, chloride of iron, or chloride of magnesium. b. By decomposing a solution of sulphate of copper by means of iron. For this purpose the ore is treated either with sulphuric acid or with a solution of sulphate of iron. c. By decomposing an ammoniacal solution containing copper. d. By decomposing a solution of sulphite or hyposulphite of copper by means of sulphide of sodium. Sulphuretted Ores are treated— a. By decomposing a solution of chloride of copper by iron, sulphide of calcium, or lime. For this purpose the roasted ores are treated either with liquid muriatic acid at the common temperature (seldom at the roasting temperature), or with muriatic acid in the form of gas. In some cases raw pyrites is roasted with common salt, or the pyrites is first subjected to an oxidising roasting and afterwards chlorinated. b. By decomposing a solution of sulphate of copper by iron or sulphuretted hydrogen. At Schmöllnitz and Riotinto the disintegrated pyrites is lixiviated with water to obtain a solution of sulphate of copper. At other places the ores are roasted in heaps, or in cupola or reverberatory furnaces, and afterwards lixiviated with water. According to Dähne's method, the roasted ores are heated with sulphate of iron and then lixiviated. Levis and Robert treat the roasted ores or matt with liquid sulphuric acid; this has also been used in the form of gas. Black Copper is treated by dilute sulphuric acid in the presence of atmospheric air, as the ores treated in Mansfeld are nickeliferous, and those at the Lower Hartz auriferous and argentiferous. 16 COPPER, DIVISION I. REDUCTION OF COPPER ORES AND PRODUCTS IN THE DRY WAY. I. Sulphuretted Ores and Products. The smelting processes for sulphuretted ores are based upon the chemical behaviour of copper with regard to its affinity to sulphur and oxygen; its affinity to sulphur being greater than that of its associated metals, except gold and silver, and its affinity to oxygen being less. These processes are performed either in cupola or in reverberatory furnaces, and they must be repeated more or less often according to the amount of foreign substances present; if the ores contain enough gold, silver, or lead to be worth extracting, some special processes are introduced for that purpose. Gold and silver are extracted either direct from the ores or from the intermediate products, such as matt, black copper, and speiss, and by either the wet or the dry way, whilst plumbiferous copper ores are always first treated for the extraction of the lead, and the resulting copper matt is passed on to the copper smelting process. Mercury in fallow ores is some- times extracted during the roasting process. a. Reduction of Sulphuretted Substances in Cupola Furnaces. This is usually effected by first roasting the ores, thus volatilising part of the sulphur, antimony, arsenic, &c., and transforming part of the contained metals into oxides, sulphates, antimoniates, and arseniates, whilst some of the ore remains undecomposed. The roasted mass is then submitted to a reduction smelting in cupola furnaces (raw smelting), with an addition of suitable fluxes when they are not contained in the ores. This smelting first reduces the oxide of copper to metallic copper; it then transforms the greater part of the metallic sulphates into sulphides, sulphurous acid being volatilised; these sulphides combine with the metallic copper formed, and also with any sulphides not decomposed by the roasting process, forming raw matt. The metallic antimoniates and arseniates are reduced to TREATMENT OF SULPHURETTED SUBSTANCES. 17 antimonides and arsenides (speiss), while part of the anti- mony and arsenic is volatilised. The foreign oxides (chiefly oxide of iron) after being reduced to protoxides, combine with the earths which are contained in the ores, or added as fluxes, forming slags. The greater part of the foreign substances, antimony, arsenic, and (chiefly) sulphur, are then extracted by repeated roasting and reducing smeltings (concentration smeltings), by which they are either volatilised or scorified; and at the last of these concentration smeltings metallic copper results, called blister, coarse, or black copper, from the dark colour which is produced by a coating of oxide; besides this copper, a small quantity of matt is produced. The coarse copper still contains more or less of foreign substances, iron, lead, zinc, antimony, arsenic, &c., from which it is separated by an oxidising smelting; the foreign substances having a greater affinity to oxygen than copper are oxidised at this smelting, and are then either scorified or volatilised. If this oxidising process is carried on sufficiently far to extract all the foreign substances, a great deal of sub-oxide of copper is also formed, which is partly scorified and partly absorbed by the resulting copper, impairing its ductility. A quick reducing smelting converts the sub-oxide of copper into metallic copper, and renders the copper ductile. Both smelting processes may be combined by refining black copper in reverberatory furnaces. It has been before mentioned that the processes become much more complicated if the copper ores contain enough silver and gold to be worth extracting; moreover, the copper resulting from such ores is of inferior quality. The following operations may be required in smelting copper ores free from silver and gold in cupola furnaces :- 1. Roasting the ores. 2. Smelting the roasted ores for the production of raw matt. 3. Roasting the raw matt. 4. Smelting the roasted raw matt for concentration: 5. Roasting the concentrated matt. VOL. II. C 18 COPPER. 6. Smelting the latter, when roasted, for the production of black copper. 7. Oxidising smelting of the black copper. 8. Reduction smelting of the black copper. 9. Refining the black copper. 10. Working up the cupriferous residues of the pre- ceding processes. Roasting the Ores.-This process partly effects the re- moval of all volatile substances, such as sulphur, antimony, arsenic, bitumen, water, &c., either by the application of a high temperature alone, or by an admission of atmospheric air at the same time, and on the other hand it aims at an oxidation of the metals contained in the ore, to fit them for scorification at the raw smelting process; also, small particles of ore are caked together by the roasting process, and this is mostly advantageous at the subsequent smelting. The purity of the ore, and chiefly its amount of sulphur, indicate how far the roasting may be carried on for pro- ducing a metal of good quality with as small a loss of copper as possible. The quality of copper produced from ores con- taining arsenic and antimony is better, the less the first roasting is carried on and the oftener the roasting and reduction smelting of the matt is repeated, as the foreign substances then have more opportunity of volatilising and scorifying; but this repetition of the processes is limited by their great expense. It is, therefore, bad policy to roast impure ores until, owing to a want of sulphur at the raw smelting, black copper results instead of matt, as in this case the black copper contains a great part of the foreign impurities; and, at the same time, a loss of copper by scorification will take place. Such an impure copper can be refined only with great difficulty and loss, and will never yield a product of good quality. The roasting of pure ores may be carried on farther without fear of injuring the quality, but it also causes a loss of copper by scorification. When working copper ores containing much antimony and arsenic, the formation of a cupriferous speiss at the raw smelting is unavoidable, even when they are roasted but ROASTING THE ORES. 19 slightly, as antimony and arsenic behave like sulphur. The extraction of these substances, and also the decomposition of zinc blende, may be facilitated by mixing some small coal with the roasting mass, the coal decomposing the formed antimoniates, sulphates, and arseniates.* It is also advisable to mix such ores intimately with iron pyrites, as this causes the antimony and arsenic to vola- tilise as sulphides. The suitable amount of roasting must be ascertained by the smelting results, as no judgment can be formed from the appearance of the roasted mass. The chemical reactions at the roasting process vary according to the state in which the ores are roasted, whether pulverulent or in fragments, and also according to the quantity of foreign substances contained in the ores. If the ore consists of copper glance (Cu,S), sulphurous acid and sub-oxide of copper will be formed at the com- mencement of the roasting, and afterwards sulphate of copper; the oxidation of sub-oxide of copper may be effected either by the oxygen of the atmosphere or by the sulphuric acid formed. As long as sulphurous acid is developed, the whole of the sub-oxide of copper cannot be transformed into oxide, as the oxide is again reduced to sub-oxide by the acid. At a higher temperature, sulphate of copper is decomposed into sulphuric acid and oxide of copper, and the sulphate of copper, together with the oxygen of the air, transform the sub-oxide of copper present into oxide. Oxide of copper is therefore the product, if the roasting process is well carried on. If the temperature is raised too quickly, a smelting and an incomplete oxidation of the sulphide of copper will take place, by which a mixture of Cu₂O, CuOSO,, Cu₂S, and Cu results from the reaction of oxidised substances upon the sulphides. An admixture of sulphide of iron facilitates the roasting of the sulphide of copper, forming sulphuric acid more abundantly. A mixture of sulphide of iron and copper may be so roasted as to produce a mixture of oxide of iron, oxide of copper, and sulphate of copper, as the sulphate * Bgwkfd., xiii., 401. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, P. 70. 2 C 20 COPPER. of copper decomposes at a higher temperature than sulphate of iron. Copper pyrites, (Cu₂S, Fe₂S₂) at a dull red heat, when repeatedly stirred, is transformed into a powder, consisting of peroxide of iron, sulphate of iron, and sulphate of copper, which is friable and dark red-coloured when cold; sulphurous acid is evolved at the same time. At a little lower red heat the proto-sulphate of iron is transformed into per- sulphate of iron, which then loses the greater part of its sulphuric acid, and a mixture results consisting of free oxides. of iron and copper, a great deal of sulphate of copper, and a little sulphate of iron. If the temperature is still increased, oxides of iron and copper only will remain. Copper ores, chiefly containing copper pyrites, (Cu₂S,Fe₂S₂) and iron pyrites, (FeS2), form sulphurous acid and protoxide of iron at the beginning of the roasting process, owing to an oxidation of the sulphide of iron on the admission of atmo- spheric air; part of the sulphurous acid escapes, and part is transformed by oxidation into sulphuric acid, which then combines with a part of the protoxide of iron; the rest of the protoxide of iron is converted into proto- and per-oxide of iron. The sulphate of iron and the magnetic oxide are gradually converted into per-oxide of iron, which forms a porous coating over the fragments of the roasting mass, allowing the oxygen of the air and the sulphuric acid gas formed again to decompose the sulphide of iron in the manner described, until at last the whole is trans- formed into oxide of iron with a little sulphate of iron. The reaction of the sulphuric acid increases, and that of the atmospheric oxygen decreases, the thicker the coating of the oxide of iron becomes. If the sulphuric acid is at last pre- vented from reacting upon the roasting mass, or combining with the free oxides, it then escapes as sulphurous and sul- phuric acids; the sulphuric acid, absorbing water from the atmosphere, forms white vapours. When the air has not had free admission to a part of the roasting mass, the sul- phurous acid enclosed in the pores of the hot peroxide of iron may transform part of the peroxide into magnetic oxide, and the sulphurous acid in contact with sulphide of iron ROASTING THE ORES. 21 may be decomposed into sulphuric acid and sulphur; the sulphur vapour, combining with the sulphide of iron, pro- duces magnetic pyrites. When most of the iron is to be scorified by the subsequent smelting of the roasted ore, it must be converted into per- oxide; on coming into contact with coal, this peroxide is reduced to protoxide, and scorified as such. If at the commencement iron is present as a protoxide, part of it will be reduced to metallic iron, which is not usually de- sirable. When oxidising sulphide of iron and sulphide of copper, the silver, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, manganese, &c., which may be present are transformed into free oxides and neutral or basic sulphates, and they can then be partly ex- tracted with water. If the ores contain some antimony, a combination of teroxide of antimony, antimonious acid, and metallic antimoniates will be formed, whilst part of the antimony is volatilised. Arsenic is partly volatilised, and some of it deposited upon the surface of the roasting mass as crystalline arsenious acid; this acid is frequently coloured orange yellow or red by an admixture of sul- phide of arsenic. Part of the sulphur always escapes from the iron pyrites in the form of gas at the beginning of the roasting, when the low temperature of the roasting mass prevents its complete oxidation, and it condenses upon the surface of the roasting mass, and may be collected. If the roasting mass contains arsenic, this sulphur always contains some sulphide of arsenic. Copper ores containing but little sulphide of copper in proportion to their sulphide of iron have the following peculiar behaviour in the roasting process. Upon properly roasting these ores, the copper concentrates in the core of the fragments, showing the appearance of copper pyrites or variegated copper ore, while the porous crust of peroxide of iron contains little or no copper. The core or kernel contains most copper at its points of contact with the peroxide of iron; the core does not always form the centre of the roasted piece, but is contained sometimes in its lower, and now and then even in its upper part. If the roasting is carried on 22 COPPER. until no sulphide of iron (Fe,S,) remains, or no sulphur is volatilised in the form of gas, some sub-oxide of copper will be formed besides peroxide of iron, and the core will have the composition of a rich copper matt, from which metallic copper may be extracted by a further continuation of the roasting. This mode of roasting is still in use at Agordo in the Venetian Àlps, for enriching poor copper ores. The crust is easily separated and then thrown away, or used for the production of vitriol. Karsten,* Werther,t and Von Lürzer I have published theories of this peculiar roasting (core-roasting, kernel roasting), and Plattner § explains the process as follows: Sulphurous acid and protoxide of iron are formed by the reaction of the atmospheric air upon fragments of ore which have been heated until a small part of their sulphur has escaped in form of vapour. The greater part of the sul- phurous acid escapes, but part of it is transformed into sulphuric acid, forming magnetic oxide of iron and sulphate of iron; the sulphate of iron and the magnetic oxide of iron are then converted into oxide of iron by a continued reaction of the air and sulphuric acid. The sulphide of copper being less oxi- disable, and also protected from oxidation by sulphur vapour, which escapes from the interior of the ore fragments, fuses and combines with the sulphides with which it comes into contact. As the porous crust allows a continued admission of air to the sulphide of iron, causing the above-mentioned transformations, the crust of peroxide of iron grows thicker and thicker, while the sulphide of copper becomes more and more concentrated in the core. The thicker the crust grows, the less air will be admitted, and the oxidation is at last chiefly effected by the sulphuric acid formed in the crust. After the roasting has been carried on for some time the undecomposed inner part of the ore will be found sur- rounded by a small strip having the appearance of copper pyrites (Cu,S, Fe,S,); a combination similar in appearance * KARSTEN, System der Metallurgie, iii., 433. + ERDMANN, J. f. pr. Ch., tom. 58, p. 321. B. u. h. Ztg, 1853, P. 439. TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1853, p. 339; 1854, p. 242. B. u. h. Ztg., 1853, P. 440. § PLATTNER'S Röstprocesse, p. 195. KERNEL ROASTING. 23 to variegated copper ore, (3Cu₂S, Fe₂S,), is formed later; and a further concentration of the copper up to the compo- sition of copper matt (Cu₂S, FeS) may take place as long as sulphur vapour escapes. Some pieces are found with cores consisting of masses similar to copper pyrites; these cores are surrounded by a mass like variegated copper ore, and this again by a mass of the composition of copper matt, and the whole is enclosed in the crust of peroxide of iron. An equal division of the sulphide of copper in the sulphide of iron takes place at a high temperature when the develop- ment of sulphur ceases, and the oxidation of the sulphide may be carried on without attacking the sulphide of copper until a combination of the composition of copper matt results; if the roasting is carried on still further, sub-oxide. of copper, protoxide of iron and sulphurous acid will be formed. Sub-oxide of copper cannot be transformed into oxide so long as sulphurous acid escapes, which would again reduce the oxide; metallic copper and sulphurous acid may be formed by the reaction of sub-oxide of copper upon sulphides of copper and iron. The greater part of the sub-oxide of copper and metallic copper remains with the oxide of iron, and is transformed later into free oxide and sulphate of copper by the reaction of sulphuric acid. A well-roasted piece of copper ore may contain, therefore, per- oxide of iron, magnetic oxide of iron, oxide of copper, sulphate of copper, sub-oxide of copper, and metallic copper. The more sub-oxide of copper there is present, the more metallic copper is separated. If the ores contain sulphide of lead, a formation of sulphate and oxide of lead will take place; both substances remain with the oxide of iron, and as they cake easily, they facilitate the formation of magnetic oxide of iron. Sulphide of zinc is transformed into free oxide and sulphate of zinc. If sulphide of silver is present, a great deal of metallic silver may be extracted by concen- tration into the cupriferous core. From this it is obvious that the core-roasting must not be carried on too far. If, in consequence of mechanical impe- diments, such as an admixture of gangue, or in consequence of too low a temperature, particles of sulphide of copper 24 COPPER. remain in the crust of peroxide of iron, they will be trans- formed into sulphate of copper by a surplus of sulphurous and sulphuric acid present, or metallic copper is formed by the reaction of sub-oxide of copper upon sulphide of copper, and a gradual increase of copper takes place in the crust. from the outside to its inner part. As the concentrated sulphide of copper fuses, it may permeate the porous crust, thus explaining a fact often observed, namely, that the cupriferous portion is sometimes contained in the lower part of the lumps of ore and sometimes even in the upper part of the lower layers of ore. Copper slate, a combination of silicates, carbonates, and bitumen, with some disseminated copper ore, and containing only a few per cents of copper, loses its bitumen at the begin- ning of the roasting, provided there is an ample admission of air; by combustion this bitumen forms carbonic acid and steam. At the same time the oxidising reaction of the air upon the sulphides begins to form sulphates, and the car- bonates of calcium and magnesium are also transformed into sulphates. The gypsum formed is liable to cake if the tem- perature is too high. Regnault and A. Dick* have found by experiments that Cu₂S may be partially decomposed at a higher temperature by the action of steam and by the exclusion of atmospheric air, forming HS and CuO, which then reacts decomposingly upon Cu₂S, whilst metallic copper is separated; the result is, therefore, Cu₂S in fused globules and metallic copper. The roasting of copper ores is performed- 1. In Heaps, chiefly when roasting ores rich in sulphur in fragments, and when a perfect roasting is not required. If the ores are in the form of powder (schlich) they are either put on the sole of the heaps or upon them as a cover. They are also sometimes moulded into bricks in admixture with lime or with a solution of sulphate of iron. More or less wood is used as foundation of the heaps according to the amount of sulphur the ore contains. Fuel is never put into the heaps themselves unless the decomposition of antimony, * PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 256. ROASTING ORES IN HEAPS. 25 arsenic, or zinc compounds is intended. The fuel not only reduces the antimoniates and arseniates, but it also increases the temperature, thus evolving them as sublimates. The formation of these heaps is described in Vol. I., Chapter I. If If a kernel-roasting in heaps is intended, the heap must be most carefully covered so as to prolong the process to three or four months. According to Forbes,* when thus roasting argentiferous, and perhaps also auriferous ores, the outside of the lumps of ore is the richer, so that part of the silver remaining in the crusts is lost when smelting the cores. a roasting heap suffers by the cooling influence of the atmo- sphere, owing to too small an amount of sulphur in the ores, and if a lixiviation of vitriols, causing a loss of copper, is to be prevented, the heaps must be covered by a shed. Ores sometimes require to be roasted more than once, according to the sulphur, &c., they contain. Copper ores containing antimony and arsenic, and enough silver to be worth ex- tracting, must be roasted in sufficiently high and steep heaps covered with a finely divided substance, and the ore must be in pieces not larger than the size of the fist; these modifications will somewhat lessen the loss of silver by volatilisation. A comparison of the results of roasting in heaps with roasting in reverberatory furnaces shows that the first mode is well adapted for ores rich in sulphur and not requiring a complete roasting, as it economises fuel and labour, sometimes being only one-fourth as expensive as roasting in furnaces. Other advantages are that the ores may be roasted in heaps. in fragments, and no expensive apparatus is required. However, the superiority of this process depends on the degree to which the roasting is to be carried, and on the facility of the roasting. In places where coal is dear a roasting in heaps with two fires will not cost more than one roasting in reverberatory furnaces. The reverberatory fur- naces again have the advantage of yielding a more uniform product, and the roasting process may be regulated according to requirement. On the other hand, roasting in heaps has * PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 447. 26 COPPER. the great disadvantage of requiring a longer time for roasting, sometimes nine or ten months, requiring, therefore, a con- siderable store of material and a large space of ground; good wood fuel also is necessary. This led in the Lower Hartz to experiments on roasting in mounds, but without satisfactory results. If previously mixed with small coal ores containing zinc blende* may be roasted in heaps almost as perfectly as in mounds, and less of deposits and skumnas (a sort of matt containing oxysulphide) results in the sub- sequent smelting. 2. In Mounds, or in a Walled Area. The mode of surrounding the area on which the roasting takes place with three or four little walls, leaving a door in the one in front, has been adopted in order to get more control over the fire and to save fuel. It is used for ores in the form of schlich, as well as for ores in lumps. Ores are used in lumps chiefly when they are rich in copper and silver, to prevent mechanical loss as much as possible. These mounds are of different form, sometimes rectangular, oval, horse-shoe-like, &c. The rectangular form is most usual, and several such mounds are frequently erected, connected with each other by their lateral walls, and all terminated by a common wall which forms the posterior part. Sometimes they are covered by a shed partly supported by the back wall, and built sufficiently high for this purpose; the dimensions of the mounds vary. The more heat the roasting mass can sustain without caking, the larger may be the mounds employed. The mounds for roasting sul- phuretted ores and matt must be smaller than those for roasting iron ore, as the roasting process can be regulated better in smaller mounds. The smaller mounds of the capacity of 2 to 50 tons of matt or sulphuretted ores are from 3 to 8 feet broad, 8 to 20 feet long, and 3 to 6 feet high. While, for instance, copper matt cannot be roasted in larger quantities than 5 tons on account of its easy fusibility, the more refractory raw matt may be roasted in quantities of 50 tons and more. An area of 8 feet long, 4 feet broad, and 3 feet high, is sufficient for roasting 5 tons of matt. Large Bgwkfd., xiii., 404. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 70. ROASTING ORES IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 27 mounds, as used for roasting iron ores, are sometimes 20 feet high, 25 feet long, and 15 feet broad, and occasionally even larger. Sometimes the mounds are provided with condensation flues for collecting the escaping sulphur,* and in Hungary they have flues for condensing the escaping mercury; kernel roasting is carried on in mounds at Wicklow.t 3. In Cupola Furnaces.-The construction and size of these furnaces, formerly used on the Continent, has been modified according to the English kilns, and satisfactory results have been obtained. These furnaces consume con- siderably less fuel than either heaps or mounds, and they are employed chiefly when the collection of most of the escaping sulphur is intended. The sulphur escaping in the form of sulphurous acid is mostly used for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Nordenskjöld tried to employ steam for the roasting pro- cess, and Brunfaut|| describes a method of completely desulphurising sulphuretted ores by mixing them with coal and by an alternate treatment with hot blast and steam. Richardson applied the galvanic current to the roasting process; but all these modifications have no practical appli- cation. 4. In Reverberatory Furnaces.-This method is the most expensive with regard to labour and the consumption of fuel, and is only employed when pure and easily fusible ores are to be roasted as completely as possible. The reverberatory furnace affords one of the best means. of roasting where it is necessary to employ the simultaneous action of heat and atmospheric air to destroy certain com- binations, or to decompose sulphides, arsenides, &c. is also evident that the facilities thus offered for stirring the matters spread out on the sole, for renewing the surface, for * It WEHRLE, Hüttenkunde, i., 226, 346; ii., 193, 307. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, No. 5, &c. RITTINGER'S Erfahrungen, 1853. B. u. h. Ztg., 1S59, p. 91. ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 25. + Ibid., 1856, p. 138. + || Ibid., 1861, p. 446. § Ibid., 1852, p. 302; 1854, p. 187. 28 COPPER. observing their appearances, for augmenting or diminishing the degree of heat, &c., promise surer results and better executed roasting than any other process. We know also that flame mingled with much unburnt air issuing from the furnace is highly oxidising, and very fit for burning the sul- phur and oxidising the metals. Finally, this is almost the only method suitable for roasting finely powdered ores. The ore, whether roasted by one or more fires, is usually a mixture of oxides, sulphates, some undecomposed sulphides, or sulphides reduced to a lower state of sulphuration, and some earths more or less transformed (for instance, CaO,CO₂ will be CaO after roasting). If the ores contain antimony and arsenic, antimoniates and arseniates will also be present. Well roasted ore is porous, earthy, and of a reddish brown colour. When black it contains magnetic oxide of iron, owing to an insufficient admission of air, and this is liable to cause a caking. The core of many pieces is proportionally rich in copper. 2 Besides the roasted ore there may result from the roasting process- Raw Sulphur, containing more or less arsenic and sele- nium; this must be refined; and Sulphurous Acid, which is in some places used for the production of sulphuric acid. Smelting the Roasted Ores. This process aims at the scorification or volatilisation of the foreign oxides and earths contained in the roasted ore and the concentration of the copper in a matt. Upon submitting well roasted and suitably mixed ores to a purifying and reducing smelting at an appropriate tempera- ture, in cupola furnaces, the following reactions take place :- Ore mixture and fuel are not charged alternately in layers, but the ore mixture is constantly put in the front of the furnace while the fuel is put at the back wall. When the blast enters the furnace by the nose (which is kept 6 or 8 inches long) and comes in contact with the fuel, carbonic oxide and carbonic acid are formed; the greater part of the carbonic SMELTING THE ROASTED ORes. 29 acid is converted into carbonic oxide by passing through the glowing coals. The carbonic oxide reduces the ore more or less according to the size of the fuel and ore, and according to the construction of the furnace. The ore being heated in the upper part of the furnace gradually enters the hot lower parts, and the rising carbonic oxide reacts upon those oxides and salts which are easier to reduce; these are copper and lead in preference to iron, manganese, and zinc. The oxide of copper is first reduced to suboxide and then to metal, and the oxide of lead to metal, which partly volatises. Peroxide of iron is mostly converted into protoxide, and in less quantity into metal, except when the temperature is too high; if present, oxide of tin is partly reduced to metal. Metallic copper may also be produced in the lower parts of the furnace by the mutual reaction of Cu₂S, Cu₂O, and CuO,SO,, upon each other. Sulphates, antimoniates, and arseniates are transformed partly into oxides and partly into sulphides, antimonides, and arsenides, while sulphurous, antimonious, arsenious acid volatilise; and the volatilisation of these substances is more complete the slower the reduction takes place at a very gradually rising temperature; it is, therefore, best performed in high and wide furnaces. The undecomposed sulphides contained in the ore either remain unchanged or they lose part of their sulphur, and then again sulphurise any metallic copper and iron which may be reduced. If the smelting mass comes near the zone of fusion, which begins somewhat above the tuyere, any oxide of zinc present is also reduced to metallic zinc; this partly escapes from the fur- nace mouth in the form of gas, and partly forms deposits on the front wall of the furnace. Part of the oxide of zinc is scorified later on. The masses now entering the zone of fusion begin to soften, the silica begins to combine with the unreduced metallic oxides and with the earthy substances, forming a slag. This slag melts before the tuyere and more or less covers the metals, sulphides, antimonides, and arsenides which drop down at the same time before the tuyere, but it does not entirely protect them from the influ- ence of the blast; part of the antimony, arsenic, sulphur, lead, and zinc is therefore volatilised. Any sulphates, 30 COPPER. antimoniates and arseniates still present, are likewise decom- posed by silica. The fused slags then form in the hearth a suitable medium for the collection and separation of the me- tallic masses according to their specific gravity. The crude copper settles on the sole of the hearth; upon this the speiss, (metallic antimonides and arsenides), then the sulphides (matt), and finally the slag. As before mentioned (page 18) the formation of crude copper and speiss in this process must be avoided as much as possible. The formation of black copper may be prevented by a well conducted roasting; a sufficient quantity of sulphides will then remain in the ore; this readily combines with the copper, forming a matt rich in copper, on account of its great affinity to sulphur. As long as the ore mixture contains more sulphur than the copper requires to become Cu₂S, the copper present will combine with the matt. Scorified sub-oxide of copper is transformed, by the reaction of the fused matt upon the slag, into mono-silicate of iron and sulphide of copper, the latter then combines with the matt ;- 3Cu₂O+SiO3+3FeS=3FeO,SiO3+3Cu₂S. A certain amount of copper in the slags originates, there- fore, less from scorified copper than from matt mechanically enclosed in them. Sulphide of calcium reduced from sulphate of calcium, and sulphide of barium* reduced from sulphate of barium react like sulphide of iron. If iron from the ore mixture is carbonised above and fused before the tuyere, permeating the liquid slag in the hearth, it causes the separation of metallic copper if any has been scorified, with formation of silicate of iron. Tin reacts less energetically upon proto-silicate of copper than iron. The extraction of the copper contained in the black copper and refined copper slags added to the ore smelting mixture is based upon these reactions. A reduction of suboxide of copper contained in the slags still takes place by keeping coal below and behind the fore stone, as the fused masses, chiefly the slags, have to pass through them before flowing out of the furnace. There- fore, when carrying on the process normally, slags and raw *B. u. h. Ztg., 1860. p. 184. SMELTING THE ROASTED ORES. 31 matt only will result; but if the ores contain a larger quantity of antimony and arsenic, a formation of some spciss is almost unavoidable. A normal process chiefly requires— I. A suitable Temperature at the Smelting.-If too high other oxides beside the oxide of copper will be reduced abundantly, causing irregularities of the process; for instance iron will cause the formation of iron deposits and of matt richer in iron and poorer in copper; zinc gives rise to the formation of much deposit on the front wall,* and both injures the process and shortens the operations; zinc is the most injurious, as zinc deposits will absorb valuable metals, such as gold, silver, and copper, which can only be extracted from them with great loss and expense. If the temperature is too low a partial scorification will take place, owing to the more incomplete reduction of the oxidised copper. Although it is impossible to regulate perfectly the temperature of these furnaces, still the operators must do what they can to regu- late it. The temperature is usually too high; the height and width of the furnaces, the proportion of the charges of ore and fuel, &c., influence the temperature. 2. A Properly Reducing Reaction.-If this reaction is too strong, a great deal of the foreign metals will be reduced, and either form deposits of iron or produce a very impure copper; if too feeble, a scorification of oxidised copper will take place. The greater the amount of foreign oxides present, the more the reducing reaction must be limited by the suitable height of the furnace, &c. 3. The Degree of Roasting. The external appearance of the roasting mass does not always indicate the proper degree of roasting, but it must be ascertained from the smelting process. If the roasting has been properly con- ducted, a poor slag easily separating from the matt, and a matt containing 25 or 35 per cent and not more than 40 per cent of copper, will result from the smelting process, but no black copper. If the roasting has been carried on too * P. 74. KERL, Rammelsberger Hüttenpr., 1861, pp. 42, 185. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, 32 COPPER. far, copper becomes scorified, and a great deal of impure black copper is produced, which cannot be well purified so as to give an excellent refined copper without great loss, if the ore contains much antimony and arsenic. If, on the other hand, the roasting has not been carried on far enough, a matt poor in copper and containing much sulphur and iron will result; this matt is difficult to separate from the slags owing to its low specific gravity, thus causing a considerable mechanical loss of copper. Antimonial and arsenical ores must be only slightly roasted, in order to avoid the extraction of copper rich in these metals. The antimony and arsenic not volatised by the roasting and reduction smelting process collect in the matt, and may be removed from it by repeated roasting and smelting. Ores containing zinc blende require a careful roasting and mixing with coal in the roasting mass in order to decompose the sulphate of zinc formed; other- wise the sulphate of zinc will be reduced at the reduction smelting to sulphide of zinc. This, together with the zinc blende which has remained undecomposed, will not enter the matt, but will sulphurise part of the protoxide of iron con- tained in the slag; the sulphide of iron formed then enters the matt. This causes the slag to become less fluid, and the matt of less specific gravity, scarcely separable from the tough slag. 4. The Composition of the Ore Mixture. The reduction smelting requires the formation of slags which are either bi- silicates containing protoxide of iron and up to 45 per cent of silica, or silicates standing between bi- and mono-silicates. If the nature of the ore will allow it, it is mixed so as to form these slags they are sufficiently liquid and of a sufficiently low specific gravity to allow a separation of the raw matt, they do not chill too quickly, and they form small deposits in the hearth, and they attack the furnace walls but slightly. To prevent the scorification of copper caused by the larger amount of silica in the slags, the roasting must not be carried on too far and some sulphur must be left in the roasting mass which will then combine with the copper. Thus the formation of deposits of iron is also avoided, and a grey, green, or blackish slag, with an COMPOSITION OF COPPER SLAGS. 33 inclination to the vitreous state, and poor in copper results. The following analyses show the composition of copper 1 slags:- I. II. III. IV. V. VI. SiO 3 Al₂03 CaO MgO 38.77 33'95 34'67 3'33 10'16 4.38 4.87 4°32 353 0*22 23.50 2162 39'75 3'50 5'15 6.65 334 2:57 3'00 2.00 FeO 45*32 49*38 48 25 66.85 65.62 40*98 Cu₂O 0'19 1.69 2:26 0'02 ZnO 2.23 2.89 3.65 РЬО 1.88 I'07 MnO 2'0 FeS 3'70 Cu,S o'91 ZnS 3.81 S 1.85 3'60 2.08 Nos. 1 to 3 are raw slags obtained in smelting copper pyrites at the Upper Hartz; they are of an iron black colour, and according to Plattner, of the formula- m(FeO,CaO,PbO)3,2SiO3+n(FeO,ZnO);,SiO3+Al2O3,SiO3. No. I is a slag from Lautenthal analysed by Bodemann, and according to him consisting of- 7(FeO,CaO,PbO)3,2SiO3+(FeO,ZnO,,SiO3+Al₂O₂SiO¸. No. 2 slag from Altenau, by Hampe. No. 3 from the same place by Streng. No. 4 and 5 are slags from the Lower Hartz, mixtures from mono- and sub-silicates. No. 4, slag from Oker smelting works, by Breymann- 7(FeO,CaO),SiO3+Al₂O3SiO3. No. 5, slag from the same works, by Kerl- 4(FeO,CaO),SiO3+Al₂O3SiO¸. No. 6, slag from Gilsaa smelting works in Lapland, by Stro- meyer. Slags still more silicated so as to stand between bi- and trisilicates are seldom formed, and only when the earthy components of the sulphuretted ores are nearly of the same composition as such slags, as, for instance, the Mansfeld copper slate slags. They are more difficult to fuse, and still more inclined to scorify copper, but they allow long VOL. II. D 34 COPPER. smelting operations. They are mostly of a light colour, vitreous, and tough when semi-liquid. The slags of Mansfeld are, usually, trisilicates; the alumina is calculated as united with the silica. Their com- position is shown by the following analyses :- IV. V. VI. 54 13 53.83 57°43 I. II. III. SiO3 Al2O3 49*80 48*22 5000 12:20 16:35 15.67 10*53 4°43 783 CaO 19*20 19:29 20:29 19:41 33*10 23'40 MgO 2'40 3°23 4:37 I'79 I'67 0.87 FeO 13°20 10*75 8.73 10.83 4'37 7°47 Cu₂0. ZnO 0*75 0.67 2°03 0*25 I.26 I'II 0'30 Fe I'IO 2°09 I'97 If the ores contain much iron pyrites, forming peroxide of iron during roasting, the formation of mono-silicate slags, or of mixtures of mono- and sub-silicates must be attempted, in order to scorify the excess of iron. In such cases it is advisable to form at the same time monosilicate slags containing earthy and metallic oxides as bases. Slags poor in earthy bases and too rich in protoxide of iron are thin when fused, of a dark colour, and of more or less metallic lustre; they crack when cooling, and give rise to frequent deposits, owing to their inclination to chill; they strongly corrode the furnace walls, and therefore allow only short smelting operations. The raw matt only separates with difficulty from them, as they chill easily and as their specific gravity is rendered high by the protoxide of iron they contain; a surplus of iron, on the other hand, prevents scorification of copper. If these disadvantages are avoided by an abundant addition of silicious substances, other dis- advantages, such as the formation of iron deposits, and scori- fication of copper, will ensue. By limiting the formation of peroxide of iron by a less roasting, matts poor in copper will be formed, the concentration of which is more expensive. The formation of a suitable admixture requires a thorough mineralogical and chemical knowledge of the ores, and the observation of the following general rules. FORMATION OF COPPER SLAGS. 35 a. Well-roasted ores with a considerable amount of copper are mixed either with roasted copper ores rich in oxide of iron, or with basic fluxes, such as slags of the matt smelting, or the smelting of black copper, and also of the refining of copper; they are seldom mixed with iron ore. These fluxes are added in such quantities that either bisilicates or an ad- mixture of bi- and mono-silicates will result; fluor spar is usually a very appropriate flux. Observations of the copper smelting in reverberatory furnaces show that fluor spar assists the removal of arsenic by forming fluoride of arsenic, and also causes a loss of copper, probably by forming volatile fluoride of copper. If the ores contain silica in quantity suffi- cient for the formation of slags, they are smelted without any addition, or with neutral flux, to facilitate the fusibility of the mass, or to protect the matt. But an excess of this addition augments the smelting mass, and increases the consumption of fuel and the loss of copper by the slags. According to Le Play,† some copper slags always contain more sulphur for certain quantities of copper than the matt produced at the same time, and it is supposed that the excess of sulphur is contained in the FeS dissolved in the slag owing to the tendency of the protosilicate of iron to form a chemical combination (sulphosilicate), which is said to prevent the presence of oxidised copper in the slag, as it becomes sulphurised by the sulphide of iron. Le Play has not proved the existence of the sulpho-silicate of iron, and as the sulphurising of oxidised copper in the slags may be effected by sulphide of iron, it is probable that Percy's ‡ theory is right, which supposes the amount of sulphur in the slags to originate from intermixed matt. It may also be the case that the sulphur contained in some iron slags is derived from mechanically mixed sulphides, though it seems that sulpho-silicate is contained in some natural minerals, for instance, helvin. b. If the ores contain a considerable amount of oxide of iron, they are mixed either with silicious ores or similar PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 371, 496. ↑ LE PLAY, Beschreibung der Waleser Kupferhüttenprocesse. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 344. +- D 2 36 COPPER. fluxes in sufficient quantity. It is reported that the natives of South America, at Viquintipa, use tinkal as a flux.* c. Ores too strongly roasted, so that separation of black copper is to be apprehended, require to be mixed with raw ores or even with raw iron pyrites. Oxidised ores if present, or residues of the desilverising processes, require the same flux. d. If ores are not sufficiently roasted, they must be either roasted again or mixed with strongly roasted ores or oxidised products, such as copper refinery slags. e. Arsenical and antimonial ores, if too strongly roasted, are mixed with raw ores or with iron pyrites, in order to prevent the formation of speiss, and to combine with the raw matt the portion of antimony and arsenic which has not been volatilised by the smelting process. It is usually possible, by a repeated roasting and smelting, to extract these substances sufficiently to produce a saleable copper. If the ores contain a considerable amount of antimony and arsenic, the formation of speiss cannot always be avoided by a slight roasting; and if the amount of those substances is so large as to require too extensive a roasting and smelting process to extract them sufficiently, the formation of speiss even may be resorted to by giving suitable fluxes. Beudant and Benoit have proposed a method for ex- tracting antimony and arsenic from copper ores by means of iron and lead. The reactions of the components of the mixture which may take place upon sulphuretted and oxidised copper are clearly explained by the following results of experiments made by Berthier, Percy,|| Smith,§ Dick, T and others :- a. Sulphide of copper has a great tendency to combine. with all metallic sulphides. b. Sulphide of copper forms with suboxide, oxide, and * V. LEONHARD, Hüttenerzeugnisse, p. 76. + BERGGEIST, 1856, p. 237. + BERTHIER, Handb. d. Metallurg., Analyt. Chemie, 1835. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 243. § Ibid. Ibid. REACTIONS OF THE COMPONENTS OF ORE MIXTURE. 37 sulphate of copper, according to the proportions employed, either metallic, oxidised, or sulphuretted copper, as shown by the following formulæ :- Cu₂S + 2Cu₂O Cu₂S+2CuO Cu₂S + зCuO Cu₂S + 6CuO 6Cu + SO₂ 4Cu + SO₂ = 3Cu + Cu₂O + SO₂ = 4Cu₂O + SO₂ Cu₂S + CuO,SO3 = 3Cu +2SO, Cu₂S+2CuO,SO, = 2Cu₂O + 3SO₂ Cu₂S + 4CuO,SO, = 6CuO + 5SO₂ 2 c. Metallic copper forms with oxide of lead a more or less cupriferous lead, besides fused slag; if the litharge employed amounts to twenty-one times the quantity of copper, only one-sixth of the copper will remain unoxidised; when copper is treated with protoxide of iron it becomes oxidised on the surface. d. Oxide of copper with sulphide of lead form slag and regulus; the amount of copper in the regulus increases. according to the increase of oxide of copper. e. This reaction, 3Cu₂O+3FeS+SiO3=3Cu₂S+3FeO,SiO3, is the chief basis for the raw smelting. f. If sulphide of copper is heated to a high temperature with coal a little metallic copper will be formed, while sulphide of carbon is evolved. g. If sulphide of copper is heated with iron, the copper is partially extracted, as sulphur salts of iron and copper will be formed, upon which the iron no longer reacts. Sulphide of copper and zinc form a cupriferous matt, and an alloy of copper and zinc containing up to So per cent of copper; part of the zinc is volatilised. If sulphide of copper is heated with tin a regulus containing one-fifth or one-sixth of the copper and some matt will be formed. 2Cu₂S+2Sn = CuSn + [Cu₂S + (Cu,Sn)S]. Sulphide of copper with antimony forms a matt and a com- bination of copper and antimony. Sulphide of antimony may also be decomposed by copper, forming matt and anti- monial copper. The amount of metals in the products varies 38 COPPER. according to the quantities of sulphide of antimony and copper employed; for instance- Mixture. Matt. Cu Sb S Cu Regulus. Sb S 3Cu + SbS3 47'53 29°32 23 15 3.86 95'97 017 6Cu + SbS, 66°44 16'91 16.65 42'54 57'06 0'40 75°90 22.80 I'30 12Cu + SbS. 18Cu + SbS3 66.72 32.98 0*30 I'33 75'90 24'03 0'07 77.36 2131 Sulphide of copper may be desulphurised by employing twenty times the quantity of oxide of lead; cupriferous lead and some slag then result. If less oxide of lead is taken some matt will also be formed. Four parts of oxide of lead transform one part of sulphide of copper into oxide of copper and sulphurous acid, but in practice more oxide of lead is required. 5. The Construction of the Furnaces.-The form of the interior of the furnace exerts essential influence upon its reducing powers. This reaction may be increased by providing the furnaces with more or less distinct boshes,* or with perpendicular walls. Both these modifications cause the reducing gases to be longer in contact with the smelting mass. By giving the front and back wall a backward inclination this reaction will decrease. The height of the furnaces is also important, as the re- ducing reaction increases in proportion to the height of the furnace; therefore mixtures containing much oxide of iron. require low furnaces to avoid the formation of iron deposits. If the mixture contains less iron pyrites and not too much earthy matters, higher furnaces may be employed; and mix- tures with a little iron and much earthy matter being difficult to fuse, high furnaces, similar in construction to the iron blast furnaces, are suitable. Sulphates, antimoniates, and arseniates are more com- pletely reduced in high furnaces, owing to the longer contact with carbonic oxide gas, unless the process in low furnaces is carried on much slower; it is therefore advisable to smelt ores poor in iron, and containing much antimony and arsenic, Bgwkfd., ii., 257. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACE. 39 in high furnaces at a low pressure of blast. If ores con- taining those substances are smelted rapidly at a high tem perature, much iron will be reduced, and deposits of iron be formed, besides speiss and matt rich in iron. For this reason a quick smelting may be recommended only for ores poor in iron and rich in earths. A rapid smelting of pure ores saves. fuel, but not of impure ores, as then the greater part of the antimony and arsenic enters the matt, and the working up of this requires more elaborate processes. In rare cases hearth furnaces are used, as in India* and Japan.† With the increase of the width of the furnaces to a certain extent, the production, the saving of fuel, and the length of the operations also increase, provided the required uniform temperature is sustained in the hearth by employing sufficient tuyeres; cupola furnaces in Sweden‡ have three, and the furnaces at Bogoslowsk|| four tuyeres. The more difficult the ore employed is to fuse, the narrower is the hearth. If the furnaces are too wide, the saving of fuel decreases; but this may be partially avoided by dividing the furnace by an inner wall (Sweden)§; Rachette's furnace T has 24 tuyeres. Ores containing zinc require wide furnaces, which also facilitate the decomposition of antimoniates, arseniates, and sulphates by carbonic oxide gas, owing to the slower sinking of the charges. The Swedish cupola furnaces, by virtue of their spacious hearths, allow the accumulation of larger quantities of matt during a longer time, thus offering the following advantages:- The matt and slag separate more completely; the copper in the slag combines better with the sulphide of iron of the matt by the reaction of the slag and blast upon the matt; the matt becomes richer in copper, whilst the iron scorifies; and as the sump is always kept filled with fused matt, a de- posit of iron is prevented, thus again lengthening the smelting operations. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 117. + Ibid., p. 118. Ibid., 1859, pp. 89, 71. || Bgwkfd., Bd. 20, p. 482. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 69. ¶ Ibid., 1862, p. 265. DINGL., Polyt. Journ., Bd. 165, Hft. 5. 40 COPPER. The construction of the furnace hearth greatly influences the consumption of fuel, the reducing reaction, the formation of iron deposits, and the more or less sulphuration of the impure metallic copper which has been separated by the smelting process, when in contact with the fused matt. Furnaces constructed as crucible furnaces give good results as regards economy in fuel and the extent of the production. They also prevent a separation of copper, as it is kept longer in contact with the fused matt at a sufficiently high tempera- ture. But as the reducing reaction is rather strong in these furnaces, and as most copper ores contain iron, the formation. of iron deposits on the hearth cannot be avoided. These deposits cannot be removed when large, and therefore such furnaces are seldom employed. Sump furnaces, though not offering the same advantage with regard to fuel as crucible furnaces of equal height, allow the removal of deposits which may be formed, and also the re-absorption of the metallic copper separated; they are, therefore, chiefly fitted for smelting ores rich in iron. Channel furnaces with two open eyes possess the same disadvantage of not allowing the removal of iron deposits in the hearth, and as their reducing action is greater than that of sump furnaces they are not adapted for ores rich in iron. The fused mass running out of the furnace all at once is allowed to separate outside the furnace at a lower temperature, and this causes the separation to be less perfect than in sump and crucible furnaces. The slags being in contact with the matt in the outside basin are so much mixed with matt as to require re-smelting. Silicious slags which chill gradually allow a better separation than basic slags which chill quickly. These furnaces also facilitate the formation of coarse copper, as the extracted copper is not kept sufficiently long at the suitable temperature in contact with the fused matt outside the furnace. But when smelting suitable ores, these furnaces possess some advantages which the sump furnaces have not. They are cheaper, not requiring the formation and warming of a fore hearth; the working is easier, not requiring the cumbrous tapping off; and they allow a larger production, as the fused THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 41 masses continually flow off, whilst the slag in the sump furnaces, when its hearth is filled, becomes forced through beneath the front wall, so prolonging the process. They allow longer operations and yield a better product, as in- jurious substances (antimony, arsenic, zinc) may be oxidised and volatilised by the reaction of the atmosphere upon the fused products when running from the furnace. It is therefore advisable to employ low sump furnaces for ores containing much iron pyrites, especially if they also contain antimony and arsenic and are liable to form black copper. Ores poor in iron (copper slate) are, however, best smelted in high channel furnaces with two open eyes. These latter furnaces, more or less high, have some advantage over sump furnaces for smelting ores somewhat richer in iron. On comparing the process in cupola furnaces with that in reverberatory furnaces, we find that less deposits of iron and less black copper are formed in reverberatory furnaces, but less antimony and arsenic is expelled, as in cupola furnaces carbonic oxide gas forms the chief reducing agent, whilst in reverberatory furnaces, sulphur acts as the reducing agent. Since any black copper which may be formed in reverberatory furnaces is kept a longer time in contact with the matt, its absorption by the latter is facilitated. Zinc is volatilised less in reverberatory furnaces, than in cupola furnaces, and the resulting matt is therefore richer in zinc and more diffi- cult to roast. The slags resulting in reverberatory furnaces are also somewhat richer in copper than those produced in cupola furnaces. Blast cupola furnaces are usually employed, and some- times air* cupola furnaces, as for instance at Bouc in France. The blast cupola furnaces are usually furnished with one tuyere, but sometimes they have more. Hot blast facilitates the reduction of oxide of iron and the scorification of copper,† and its use is therefore only advisable when smelting earthy ores poor in iron and difficult to fuse; it economises fuel * Bulletin de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale, ii., 415; iii., 541. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 242; 1862, p. 63. MERBACH, Anwend., d. erhitzten Gebläseluft, 1840, p. 191. 42 COPPER. and allows a quicker and better process. Nordenskjöld* states that he produced a rich copper matt and poor slags and obtained a quicker production by blowingt steam into the furnaces somewhat above the tuyeres. But this result was not obtained elsewhere, and does not exactly conform with the theory, though an increase of the production was once observed when employing steam in an iron blast furnace. Charcoal and coke are mostly used as fuel, and wood but seldom.‡ Coke allows a quicker and purer smelting on account of the higher temperature produced, and the deposits of iron are smaller as the smelting masses pass the reducing zone more rapidly, and as coke produces less carbonic oxide than charcoal does. Charcoal, again, is preferred to coke at the subsequent matt smelting processes, as the higher temperature produced by coke reduces more foreign metals and renders the copper impure. The smelting of copper ores rich in iron and poor in antimony and arsenic is there- fore best effected with coke in low sump furnaces, and that of ores poorer in iron in channel furnaces with two open eyes more or less high. At the smelting works in Boston|| Anthracite is used for smelting pure ores in low sump furnaces. The normal state of the process and the nature of the mixture is indicated- 1, By the amount of copper in the matt. 2, By the nature of the slag. 3, By the behaviour of the tuyere ; a nose from 4 to 8 inches long is usually employed, and the furnace mouth is kept light. The suggestions§ of Johns, Duclos, Bell, Davy, Newton, and others, for improving the roasting and smelting in cupola furnaces have been proved to be of no practical value. * SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 32. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 138. ERDMANN: Journ. f. ök. u. techn. Chem., xvii., 471. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, pp. 310, 325. § Bgwkfd., vi., 300, 302, 315; xii., 623. DINGL., Bd. 80, p. 227; Bd. 97, P. 285. PRODUCTS OF THE RAW SMELTING PROCESS. 43 The following products may be formed in the raw smelting process:- 1. Black Copper.-This is produced intentionally when smelting very pure ores; but when smelting impure ores its formation indicates a deficient mixture, or a wrong construction of the furnace. 2. Raw Matt.-Its composition is shown by the following analyses - I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Cu. 23.58 43.62 8:32 42'95 43.81 Fe. 38 42 23 35 62 26 3'10 61.66 27.08 2496 58.50 1189 Zn 1*23 2°30 Ni 3'45 0'57 I*14 116 Co 5.67 Mn 2°33 Pb I'21 0'87 9'20 I'37 Ag 0'09 0'20 S 32.00 28.70 26 35 28 29 26.57 17.00 23.98 SiO 3 0'51 0°44 o'96 Sb . 1'40 As . 5'30 These crude matts have all been produced in cupola fur- naces. Nos. 1 and 2 at Mansfeld. According to Ram- melsberg- No. I corresponds to the formula 4(FeS,ZnS, NiS), Cu₂S 2 ,, "" FeS,Cu₂S. The matts from Mansfeld are always of cystalline structure, sometimes showing regular octahedrons. No. 3 is raw matt from Fahlun, corresponding, according to Rammelsberg, to the formula 5(FeS, Cu,S,ZnS, PbS) 4Fe,S. Nos. 4 and 5 are from Riechelsdorf. No. 4 contains for every three equivalents FeS about two equivalents Cu₂S, and perhaps some Fe,S,. No. 5 contains by calculation- 39.09 FeS, 51°06 Cu₂S, and 3'08 metallic copper. No. 6 raw matt from Freiberg. No. 7 from the Lower Hartz. These correspond to the formula FeS,2Cu₂S or (FeS, NiS,AgS) 2Cu₂S. 44 COPPER. At Mansfeld, artificial copper glance* was found in the form of octohedrons in the cavities of the copper matt of the fore hearth, and also in forms derived from the octohedron and cube. At Antonshütte in Saxony, red copper oret was found in copper matt. The raw matt is roasted and subsequently treated in various ways which we shall presently explain. 3. Speiss. This is either desilverised direct or after an oxidising smelting. At Oker it is roasted and smelted to- gether with roasted raw matt. It is sometimes concentrated for the production of cobalt and nickel speiss, and occa- sionally also worked for the production of black copper. The following analyses of speiss produced from Fahlerz show their general composition: I. II. III. IV. Cu 12.99 13°52 41*18 48.10 Pb 0'09 0.69 20.69 Fe 12.63 75'74 35'41 I'20 Ni I'40 0'09 0°32 Co 0°09 0'04 Bi I'26 2.04 Ag 0*360043 0*026364 0'030143 trace. Au 0*056883 Sb 60'00 7.36 10'79 21'56 As 7°42 2.66 6'10 0'78 S 2.04 trace 2.60 1.88 Speiss Nos. I to 3 are from Hungary, and have been analysed by Hauch. No. 4 is from Oeblarn, and has been analysed by Schenzl. According to Ferjentsik,‡ speiss poor in noble metals and rich in antimony may be concentrated by an oxidising smelting until it contains about 95 per cent of copper. The volatilised oxide of antimony may be collected in con- densers. 4. Iron Deposits in the Furnace Hearth.-These are tecnichally termed ferriferous bears, and in Germany Eisensauen, and are either thrown aside or worked up for the extraction of LEONHARDT, Hüttenerzeugnisse, p. 366. + LEONHARDT, Jahrbuch, 1861., Hft. i., p. 80. Oesterr. Zeitschr., 1859, pp. 293, 325. FERRIFEROUS BEARS. 45 their copper, as at Atvidaberg* and Schmöllnitz.† In Siberia‡ they are treated, when hot, with sulphur to convert them into matt, from which the valuable metals are extracted. In Szaszka || they are roasted and smelted with iron pyrites for the production of matt, and at Schemnitz they are used as reagents for precipitation in the lead smelting process. Their composition is shown by the following analyses :- I. II. III. IV. C. S 0'38 0'73 2.06 I'20 1°24 trace. P. I'25 As I'40 Si 0*35 9'03 0.83 Mo 9'97 Fe 76'77 64.82 88.51 76.30 Ni I'15 Co 3*25 Cu 3'40 32.88 19'90 Mn 0'02 Zn 0'02 Bi 0.85 Vd 0'12 A120₁ 3 SiO3 Slag 0'72 1'58 0'43. T 3°33 No. I is an iron deposit from the Mansfeld copper slate furnaces, analysed by Stromeyer. § No. 2 from Fahlun, analysed by Sefström. No. 3 is an iron deposit resulting at Freiberg from the smelting of old slags, analysed by Plattner.** No. 4 is produced in Perm, by Coubine. Besides these ferriferous bears, other deposits are formed in the furnaces, such as sulphide and oxide of zinc, sul- phides of lead and copper. These deposits, together with other furnace residues, are B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 84. + Oesterr. Zeitschr. 1859. No. 42. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1853, p. 486. || Ann. d. min., 4. sér., x., 555. § POGGEND., Annalen, xxviii., 551. ERDM. Journ. f. pr. Ch., ix, 177. ROSE, Analyt. Chem., 1851, p. 359. ¶ ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch. iii., 300. ** Kalender für d. sächs. B. u. Hüttenm., 1839, 104. 46 COPPER. roasted and washed, and then added to the raw smelting. The resulting smoke is treated either similarly, after being mixed with lime, or it is extracted by means of acids. 5. Raw Slags.-These are either thrown away or added at the matt smeltings. Markus* recommends the oxidation. of the sulphide of copper contained in the slags, and its ex- traction as sulphate of copper. 6. Furnace Gases.-These are used at Riechelsdorf for heating the blast; they are sometimes employed for refining the copper, &c. Roasting the Raw Matt. The raw matt forming the chief product of the smelting of the roasted ores is roasted previous to its being submitted to further treatment. The chemical reactions which take place during this roasting are similar to those at the ore roasting. The object of this roasting and the manner of its accomplishment vary in different cases, and depend on the purity of the matt. Matts free from antimony and arsenic are roasted from five to eight times, according to the amount of copper and sulphur present, till so much sulphur is expelled that the remainder is insufficient to keep all the copper in combination at the subsequent reducing and purifying smelting; the greater part of the copper will then be extracted as coarse copper. As it is impossible to perform the roasting quite perfectly on a large scale, a small quantity of rich matt will always be formed besides black copper, and this formation acts favourably by converting scorified copper into sulphide. Impure ores roasted in this way yield black copper rich in antimony and arsenic; for this reason their roasting is only carried on until a sufficient amount of sulphur remains. in the ores to form by the subsequent smelting a new matt containing all the copper in a concentrated form. This matt will then also contain unvolatilised antimony and arsenic, and it is again more or less roasted according to its purity, forming either only matt or black copper at the subsequent smelting. Some black copper is likewise always formed at Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 323. ROASTING THE RAW MATT. 47 the smelting process for the production of concentrated matt, owing to the imperfections of the roasting process; and this is more or less impure according to the period in which it results.* The oftener these processes of roasting and smelting are repeated, the purer, but also the more expensive, will be the resulting copper; and it is a matter of calculation how often these intermediate processes can be carried on profitably. According to Heine,† the advantages of concentrating the matt are outbalanced by the disadvantages. Though it is difficult sufficiently to desulphurise by roasting antimonial and arsenical copper matt containing no more than about 20 per cent of copper, still it is possible to smelt them at once without concentrating with an advantage for the production of black copper, if suitable mounds are em- ployed for roasting, and if the copper matt during the later roastings is mixed with concentrated matt resulting from the black copper smelting. Poor matts can usually be roasted sufficiently in eight fires, the first four being inexpensive, as a sufficient amount of sulphur is present. If at the fifth firing concentrated matt is added, it will serve as fuel. The temperature at the last fires must be increased, by a larger foundation of wood and by an admixture of coal, until the roasting mass cakes. The matt from the first roasting fires is more apt to form deposits of iron at the concentration smelting than matt from the later fires, for the reason that at the former fire much peroxide of iron is chiefly formed by desulphurising the sulphide of iron, owing to a deficiency of coal and the presence of sufficient air. This peroxide of iron is very apt to be reduced to metallic iron in the cupola furnace. At the later firings a great part of the peroxide of iron is transformed into protoxide by the action of the coal and absence of much air; protoxide of iron, being a strong base, is more easily scorified than reduced. Bäntch has confuted Heine's opinion. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 243. ↑ Bgwkfd., i., 49. + Ibid., i., 81. 48 COPPER. The roasting of the raw matt is sometimes effected in heaps, covered by a shed. The heaps, and the size of the fragments of matt vary according to the amount of sulphur which the matt contains; this amount is not sufficient to admit of a roasting in the open air. The heaps at Schmöllnitz are 18 feet broad, 70 feet long, and 1 feet high, capable of containing about 1,700 cubic feet of matt. The fragments of matt weigh about ½ lb. each. I This roasting is usually carried out in mounds (Mans- feld, Freiberg, Sweden, &c). The form and dimensions. of the mounds greatly influence the uniformity of the roasting. Heinet recommends mounds 6 feet broad, 6 feet long, and 5 feet high, and a roasting of 10 tons at the first two firings, but not more than 5 or 6 tons at the later firings. A larger quantity may be employed in the first roastings, as the matt then contains sufficient sulphur, and the fragments are large enough to lie loosely, and allow a free permeation of the atmospheric air. At the first roasting a foundation of wood is used with a layer of small coal upon it; at the two following roastings a larger quantity of small coal is added, and at the fourth and following firings the matt is charged with alternate layers of coal. This addition of coal raises the temperature and decomposes the anti- moniates and arseniates which may be formed. Heine says that the following conditions are necessary to obtain a good roasting :- The matt is broken into uniform and not too small pieces, the finely divided matt is separated, the pieces which have been roasted to a different degree are judiciously distri- buted at the new firing, and pieces which are finished roasting picked out. The concentrated matt of the black copper smelting is distributed over the roasting mass, which is pro- vided with a covering. The addition of coal is sufficient to raise the temperature so high that the roasting mass cakes strongly but does not melt. At Boston, mounds provided with a grate and arched roof are employed, allowing a quick and uniform roasting. * Bgwkfd., i., 51. † Oesterr. Ztg., 1859, p. 292. ROASTING THE RAW MATT. 49 The roasting of copper matt in cupola furnaces has occa- sionally been attempted,* but with unsatisfactory results, on account of the easy fusibility of the matt. At some Swedish smelting workst this method of roasting is said to be carried on advantageously. Copper matt poor in copper may bc roasted in kilns if sulphurous acid is intended to be used for the production of sulphuric acid; care must then be taken that the admission of air is limited, otherwise the furnace will cool too much; this roasting is not applicable to rich matt. + + Bredberg recommended roasting the matt in a finely divided state in reverberatory furnaces to save the several firings. His plan was tried in Freiberg, but was more ex- pensive, and yielded an insufficiently roasted matt. Rever- beratory furnaces, as a rule, are only employed when the subsequent desilverising necessitates full control of the roasting process, as in Ziervogel's process. They are used at the smelting works on the Rhone§, and the volatilisation of the antimony is facilitated by an alternate lowering and raising of the temperature. T As sulphur is the chief reducing agent when smelting copper matt in reverberatory furnaces for the production of black copper, the roasting process can only be carried on to a certain degree; consequently antimony and arsenic can only be imperfectly expelled; this may be done by repeated firings, admixture of coal, &c., when smelting in cupola fur- naces is intended, as in this process carbonic oxide gas has a reducing action. The chief product is roasted matt, consisting of metallic oxides, salts, and more or less undecomposed sulphides, according to whether it is to be smelted for the production of concentrated matt, or for black copper. Well roasted matt is * ERDMANN'S Journal f. ök. u. techn. Chem. xvi., 58. † Bgwkfd., i., 97. + ERDMANN'S Journal f. ök. u. techn. Chem. i., 56. || Jahrbuch f. d. Sächs. Berg. u. Hüttenm., 1838, p. 48. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, P. 243. VOL. II. Ibid., 1859, P. 251. E 50 COPPER. of a dull, bluish-black appearance, caked, soft, and easily divisible. Concentration Smelting of the Roasted Raw Matt.- This process, like the raw smelting, aims at the scorification of the foreign oxides (chiefly of the protoxide of iron), and the reduction of the oxide of copper and of the sulphates to sulphides, which then form a new matt by combining with the sulphides undecomposed by the roasting process; the matt also receives into combination any metallic copper present. Antimoniates and arseniates are decomposed in the same manner as at the ore smelting. If they are present in a larger quantity they give rise to the formation of speiss. When the roasting has been carried on too far, an impure black copper results from the smelting, and if such a formation is to be entirely avoided, as at Mansfeld and Freiberg, where the raw matt is concentrated for de- silverisation, a smelting in reverberatory furnaces is prefer- able to one in cupola furnaces. As the roasted matt is rich in oxides it requires for its smelting an addition of siliceous fluxes, such as ore slags rich in silica, and if they are unobtainable, clay, clay-slate, &c., are substituted. The mixture is made more basic than that of the ore smelting in order to avoid a scorification of copper by excess of silica. An excess of protoxide of iron also pro- tects the copper from scorification. On the other hand, the basic slags chill more easily and enclose particles of matt, which are, however, regained by using the slags as a flux in the ore smelting; though this causes a greater consumption of fuel, the expense is outweighed by a larger yield of copper. Slags of the later smelting processes, rich in copper, are also added to the mixture to extract the copper they contain, according to the rule of adding the purer fluxes to the later smeltings, and the impure fluxes to the raw smeltings. In other respects the smelting process is carried out like the ore smelting process, and yields the following products:-- 1. Black Copper. This is only produced in small quan- tities. 2. Concentrated Copper Matt.-According to its im- purities this is either roasted and re-concentrated, thus CONCENTRATION SMELTING OF THE ROASTED MATT. 51 yielding more black copper, or it is roasted and smelted for the production of black copper, as in the Lower Hartz and Schmöllnitz; at Mansfeld and Freiberg it is added to the desilverisation process. Sometimes capillary copper* occurs in the matt. According to Le Play, such a copper from blue copper matt of Wales contained- Cu Fe Ni Sand and coal 98.2 0'4 0.6 0°2 The composition of the concentrated matt is shown by the following analyses :— I. II. III. Cu 57 27 61.26 72.743 Fe 16.32 13'70 8.638 Co 4'II Sb 1'012 S 22.17 22.51 17.666 Pb 0*641 No. I is matt from Mansfeld. No. 2, matt from Riechels- dorf, according to Genth, consists of 3Cu₂S, FeS, and according to Rammelsberg, of 4(Cu₂S, FeS) Fe₂S. No. 3, matt from Altenau, analysed by Hahn.t 3. Basic Slags, containing intermixed particles of matt. These are composed as follows:- I. II. III. SiO 33.18 29.25 29*099 A1203 II'I2 I'24 4'275 FeO 32°03 63°32 60°513 CaO 17°14 I'475 MgO 2.96 I'30 0'588 Cu₂O I'90 2.64 2.067 MnO 1*46 ΚΟ O'18 SbO3 0 245 РЬО 0°431 No. I is from Mansfeld, and is a mono-silicate, analysed by Wornum. No. 2, from Lautenthal (Upper Hartz), analysed * 1 Jahrb. des Nass, Ver. f. Naturkunde, 1851, p. 13. BERGGEIST, 1861, p. 12. PLATTNER'S Röstprocesse, p. 110. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 62. E 2 52 COPPER. by Walchner; this slag often crystallises in the shape of chrysolite (3FeO,SiO3). No. 3, slag from Altenau, analysed by Fritz Werlisch and Dr. Hahn. Besides speiss, deposits of iron, &c., may result from this smelting. The Roasting of the Concentrated Matt is to effect the complete volatilisation of sulphur, antimony, and arsenic, and the oxidation of the copper and the foreign metals. The scorification of the foreign metals must be effected at the subsequent reducing and purifying smelting, whilst the oxidised copper and part of the foreign metals are reduced, forming black copper. As the roasting process cannot be carried out quite perfectly, some undecomposed sulphides will always remain, consequently some matt is formed at the smelting process. This 'matt is very pure, yielding an excellent copper, as most of the impurities combine with the black copper; such a formation of matt prevents the scori- fication of much copper, as sulphide of iron reacts upon scorified copper, forming sulphide of copper and silicate of iron. If the matt contains much antimony and arsenic it may be roasted less, so as to produce a greater quantity of pure matt as well as the impure black copper. The roasting is effected like that of the raw matt, mostly in sheltered heaps or in mounds, but a greater number of firings are used (from 8 to 16), and more fuel is required as the quantity of sulphur in the matt decreases. The greater amount of fuel employed facilitates the volatilisation of anti- mony and arsenic. The roasted matt appears in clustered, porous masses of a dull dark colour, and frequently contains metallic copper and sub-oxide of copper by the reaction of the oxidised upon the sulphuretted copper. It is sometimes lixiviated previous to its smelting, with water or diluted sulphuric acid to extract sulphate of copper. The Smelting of the Roasted Concentrated Matt for the Production of Black Copper.-The chemical reactions of this process may be explained as follows:-If the matt, together with a sufficient quantity of siliceous substances, is SMELTING THE ROASTED CONCENTRATED MATT. 53 submitted to a reducing smelting at a suitable temperature, the oxide of copper will gradually be reduced to metallic copper by the carbonic oxide gas in the upper parts of the furnace, metallic copper will be formed somewhat lower down in the furnace by the reaction of oxidised copper upon sul- phuretted compounds, the peroxide of iron reduced to protoxide, and the small quantity of sulphates to sulphides. The admixed siliceous substances combine with the protoxide of iron in the zone of smelting, and the new slag thus formed melts into the hearth together with the metallic copper and the sulphides. Black copper, matt, and slag here separate according to their respective specific gravities. As it is im- possible completely to control the reducing action, part of the foreign oxides is also reduced, and the liberated metals partially combine with the copper, and some of them, chiefly the iron, separate and form deposits on the sole of the hearth. Some unreduced sub-oxide of copper enters the slag, but is partially extracted by the liquid carbonised iron, and partly by the sulphide of iron of the new matt. In order to avoid scorification of copper as much as pos- sible, the addition of siliceous fluxes is made in such propor- tions that either basic or mono-silicated slags result, and the copper is then protected from scorification by protoxide of iron. This basic slag has, on the other hand, the disadvan- tages of rapidly corroding the furnace, of shortening the smelting operations, and of quickly chilling and enclosing larger quantities of particles of copper and matt; these slags must therefore be smelted as an addition to former smeltings. Pure slags rich in copper, such as copper refining slags, are usually added to the black copper smelting; and at Boston oxidised and siliceous ores and furnace ends are also added for extracting their contained copper, and to make use of their earths in the formation of slags. If they are added in too large quantities, slags rich in sub-oxide of copper will result, unless the roasted matt contains a sufficient quantity of sulphur. At Atvidaberg part of the gases are made to escape somewhat beneath the furnace mouth, in order to limit the reduction of peroxide of iron. 54 COPPER. The conditions which chiefly influence the process are- 1. The Composition of the Mixture. If the slag is too siliceous much sub-oxide of copper becomes scorified, and a too basic slag facilitates the formation of deposits of iron; it also corrodes the interior of the furnace quicker, and the separation of the smelted products is less perfect. 2. The Construction of the Furnace.-Channel furnaces with two open eyes allow a greater production than sump furnaces; for reasons already stated they also facilitate the formation of black copper. On the other hand, sump fur- naces produce purer slags, but they have sometimes the disadvantage of allowing the black copper to chill in the tapping hole when the process is carried on too carelessly, or if the quantity of matt present is not large enough to keep the copper sufficiently hot. If deposits of iron are formed in larger quantities, channel furnaces cannot be employed; their formation is prevented best by a rapid smelting in low furnaces. In rare cases, as, for instance, at Perm, a particular construction of the furnace is adopted in order to facilitate the reducing reaction for the production of a cupriferous iron. Sometimes (Kupferberg) the ore smelting and the black copper smelting are carried on alternately in the same channel furnace. True crucible furnaces are scarcely used, as they do not allow the removal of larger deposits of iron, but furnaces are used at Atvidaberg and Fahlun constructed like crucible furnaces. Black copper may be smelted with less loss of metal in cupola furnaces than in reverberatory furnaces, on account of the oxidability of the copper, but cupola furnaces allow a larger production, as the smelting is carried on almost without an addition of slag, and they also produce a purer copper and little matt. The waste of copper may be lessened by intermixing and by covering the smelting mass with fuel. At Schmöllnitz* the smelting of black copper is now effected in reverberatory furnaces instead of in cupola furnaces, which were formerly used. * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, pp. 277, 299. PRODUCTS OF THE BLACK COPPER SMELTING. 55 3. The Nature of the Fuel.-It has been before mentioned that charcoal produces a tougher black copper than coke; if black copper is to be desilverised by the wet way, coke may be used. At Boston anthracite is used, and causes a very quick smelting. The following are the products of the black copper smelting:- 1. Black Copper.-This is either refined at once or pre- viously desilverised. Its composition is shown by the fol- lowing analysis:- I. II. III. IV. V. 32205284 Cu. Fe . 92.83 710 69'5 99'400 138 ΙΙΟ 6.7 0°044 2.79 6'0 6.843 0*26 0'5 Ο ΙΟΟ 2.0 I'05 ΙΟ Ο 8.3 o'988 1'3 0'043 3°5 0'449 0'416 Ca 0°093 Mg S 1'07 7'0 trace 0°3140 Mn. Bi. ΙΟ Au . 0*1440 0.0008 No. I is black copper from Mansfeld, analysed by Ebbing- haus. No. 2, from Riechelsdorf, analysed by Willie. No. 3, black copper from Freiberg, analysed by Lampadius. No. 4, black copper from South Australia, analysed by Levol. No. 5, black copper from Altenau (Upper Hartz), produced from lead matt, after being desilverised by liquation, analysed by Hahn. * 2. Matt (Dünnstein).—This is either roasted together with the raw and concentrated matt, or worked by itself for the production of black copper. It is sometimes roasted and lixiviated for the extraction of sulphate of copper, and occasionally it is added in small quantities at the refining of the black copper, after being roasted dead. Experience has * B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, Nos. 7 and S. 56 COPPER. shown copper produced direct from the ores to be almost unser- viceable; copper from smelting raw matt, of middling quality; copper from smelting concentrated matt, of good quality; and copper produced from the black copper matt (Dünnstein), excellent, as the matt has been exposed to most firings. 3. Deposits of Iron.-These are worked up as before described. The richer they are in copper the more easily they are fused. 4. Black Copper Slags.-These are given back to the smeltings. 5. Other Deposits, Furnace Ends, and Smoke.-These are worked up in previous smelting processes. Refining Black Copper. As the smallest quantity of foreign admixtures injures the ductility of the copper, or makes it porous, black copper, usually containing from 70 to 98 per cent of copper, and alloyed with iron, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, antimony, arsenic, wolfram, molybdenum, bismuth, sulphur, &c., requires a most carefully executed purifying process. The refined copper produced in most German copper works is delivered to manufacturers in two forms-as,rosette copper (rohgaar), or in thin round discs adapted for casting and the making of alloys, but not sufficiently malleable for hammering and rolling; and as refined or poled copper, which is sold in the form of ingots or bars, and possesses, like the best classes of English copper, the property of malle- ability in a high degree at all temperatures. This latter copper is technically said to be "at tough pitch" by English smelters, and "hammergaar" by German smelters. Rosette copper is produced by a powerful oxidising smelting (first refining) which causes the separation of those foreign substances having affinity for oxygen, partly by volatilisation and partly by scorification, whilst other foreign substances with less affinity to oxygen, such as gold and silver, remain with the copper. This copper is more or less contaminated with suboxide of copper, requiring for its complete purifica- tion, so as to render it malleable or toughened, a quick reducing smelting (second refining). REFINING THE BLACK COPPER. 57 These two refining operations may be carried out with the following modifications :— 1. First Refining (Oxidising Smelting) of Black Copper. a. In a small open hearth heated by means of coked fuel. This process being a sustained contest between oxidation and reduction, and consuming much fuel, is used chiefly when working small quantities and tolerably pure black copper alloyed principally with iron, as it is very simple and may be interrupted at any time. Other substances, such as antimony, arsenic, lead, &c., would, if extracted by oxidation, be partly reduced at the unavoidable contact with coal, and so again alloy the copper and make the process almost interminable. b. In a blast reverberatory furnace (Spleissöfen). This apparatus allows the purification of impure copper in larger quantities, and with the use of raw fuel, as the fuel does not come into contact with the copper; but the resulting slags are richer in copper than those of the small hearth, in which the scorified copper is again partly reduced by contact with fuel. Most of the copper contained in the former slags is extracted by a separate process. At Perm some of the copper in the slags is extracted at the refining process by an addition of pyritic ores. Very impure black copper is refined by dividing the process into two parts, as a continued process would injure the furnace and cause more copper to be scorified. c. At Kongsberg the refining process is effected on the movable hearth of a reverberatory furnace, using gas for firing. The test is formed of pulverised slag, and constructed like those used for refining silver. By lowering the hearth its contents may be poured into moulds. This fuel-saving arrangement allows a quick and effective operation, as the fuel does not come into contact with the copper. The resulting copper contains suboxide of copper. 2. Second Refining (Reducing Smelting) of Rosette Copper.—a. This process is conducted in most of the German copper works with rosette copper on the small hearth. b. Refining black copper in air reverberatory furnaces. -The copper is first submitted to an oxidising smelting, pro- ducing copper containing suboxide of copper, and afterwards 58 COPPER. rendered malleable by stirring it with wooden poles. This process, which forms part of the English copper smelting process, is also used in some German copper works, Mansfeld, Freiberg, Stadtbergen, &c., for refining black copper produced in cupola furnaces; the production is larger, the expenses for wages and fuel are less, and the copper is purer than that resulting from the process on the hearth; though the yield of copper is somewhat smaller the advan- tages of the two are about equal. Blast reverberatory furnaces (Spleissöfen) are less adapted to the refining process than air reverberatory furnaces, as the admission of air, and the temperature required for stirring with wood, cannot be sufficiently controlled, and they do not allow a quick removal of the copper, which is indispensable for preserving it in its pure state. This process will be furthur explained when describing the English copper smelting processes. Refining the Black Copper on Small Hearths. The construction of these apparatus is shown by Figs. 1, 2, 3;* Fig. 1 being the section lengthwise, Fig. 2, FIG. I. 9 α b the section across, and Fig. 3 the ground plan; in which a is the hollow of the hearth; b, a massive wall; c, the mass of which the hearth is formed; d, d, cast-iron plates FIG. 2. h a W 100% www. * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., i., 884. REFINING BLACK COPPER ON SMALL HEARTHS. 59 covering the hearth; e, the opening for running off the liquid slag; f, a small wall; g, an iron curb for keeping the coals together. The mass, c, consists of a mixture of 7 or FIG. 3. 9 1, Ι S volumes of clay and I volume of small coal with some sand; the sand is added in order to make the mass porous, to prevent its cracking, and to facilitate drying. The quantity of copper to be treated fixes the dimensions of the hollow in the hearth, which is usually from 8 to 12 inches deep and from 18 to 24 inches in diameter. The charges of copper are usually from 3 to 8 cwts., but in Sweden they are from 18 to 30 cwts. The hearth is first filled with coal, and some burning coal is thrown before the tuyere; pieces of black copper are now placed upon the coal about 7 inches distant from the back wall, the smaller pieces lying on the top of the larger pieces, and the thickest part being turned towards the tuyere. The smooth side of the pieces is also turned lowest, so that they may be readily shifted. If small pieces are too near the tuyere they are liable to fall into the fused metal and cool it. After having filled up the space between the copper and the back wall with coal the blast is put on, and the black copper is carefully shifted towards the tuyere as it melts off. The coals before the tuyere are carefully stirred and replaced by fresh coal when required to prevent the formation of any hollow spaces. Care must also be taken not to add coal too 60 COPPER. often or too much at once, or the mass will cool. Channels are formed in the coal by means of an iron bar in order to conduct the flame to the black copper. Coke is seldom used in this process. The more impure the copper is, the slower must be the melting, thus exposing the dropping copper longer to the blast; foreign substances will be oxidised and the refining of the copper facilitated. Zinc, antimony, arsenic, and lead become volatilised and give rise to the formation of deposits on the back wall above the tuyere. Generally, impure copper melts quicker than pure copper, and rugged pieces quicker than smooth ones. As the hearth is not filled by the first charge, an after- charging is required, otherwise the blast does not sufficiently react on the metal, and the process is retarded; this after- charging is varied according to the degree of the fusibility of the slag. If the slag is easily fusible, containing, for instance, lead, which flows off by itself with little assistance, coal and copper are charged alternately, until the hearth is filled with metal. If the slag is difficult to fuse, containing more iron than lead, and having the coal of the first charge and the slag sticking to it, the tuyere, the border of the hearth, and the slag covering the metal-bath are all to be removed. For this purpose the latter slag is sometimes cooled with water, as at Atvidaberg, and some quartz is added to it. The nose is broken off the tuyere and thrown into the fused metal; coal is again added, and the blast put in motion, whilst the upper three or four metal discs of the last refining process are put on the top of the coals, so keeping coal and heat together. The slags are thus removed once or twice. more during the smelting, which lessens the reduction of oxidised substances, and offers a metallic surface to the blast; the colour, brightness, and undulation of this surface indicate the nature fo the copper. A dull surface shows too low a temperature, and coal must be added, and the blast continued; but if the metal is bright, green, boiling, and sparkling, the temperature is too high, and time must be allowed for cooling before adding more coal; the metal must be kept covered with coal till the refining is finished, and the blast blowing through the coal reacts on the metal. CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF THE REFINING PROCESS. 61 In Kongsberg and Müsen they attempt to hasten the process by an addition of washed concentrated matt. The chemical reactions of this process are as follows:- Part of the impurities, chiefly those metals with a strong affinity to oxygen, such as antimony, sulphur, arsenic, lead, and zinc, are volatilised, and the zinc, lead, iron, &c., are scorified. According to the quality of the black copper, the slags or hearth ends consist of a fused mass when silicates from the hearth have entered into the combination, or if oxide of lead is present in larger quantity, otherwise the hearth ends consist of a mixture of half fused oxides, chiefly of iron, nickel, and cobalt. According to its nature, the slag either runs off by itself or must be removed. By the reaction of the blast upon the surface of copper, a small quantity of foreign metals becomes oxidised together with copper,* though the affinity of copper for oxygen is less than that of these foreign metals. The suboxide of copper formed at the surface gradually mixes with the fused copper, and, by giving up its oxygen to those metals which have affinity for it, lessens their specific gravity, and they rise to the surface and there become scorified. In this manner iron and lead are most readily removed. Cobalt and nickel,t having nearly the same affinity for oxygen as copper, can only be extracted from the copper if a considerable surplus of suboxide of copper is present. This, however, causes a scorification of much copper, and the production of copper rich in suboxide (übergaar), the upper rosettes of which are frequently so rich in nickel that in Mansfeld they require to be submitted to a further treatment, as nickel injures the quality of the copper, and is in itself valuable. The upper rosettes of copper sometimes contain crystals of oxide of nickel. Slags containing nickel are difficult to fuse, often forming a loose, sandy, and but slightly caked mass. Antimony and arsenic possessing great affinity for copper can scarcely be completely separated from it, even if the copper contains a very considerable surplus of sub- B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 442. LAMPAD., Fortschr., 1839, p. 139. 1861, p. 133. Bgwkfd., x., 331. Oesterr. Ztschr., 62 COPPER. oxide. arsenic. Antimony is still more difficult to separate than These substances give rise to the following complications. in the process, chiefly at the commencement. The surface of the metal bath remains bright, continually emitting vapours, and scorification cannot take place before this volatilisation of metals has ceased, as the vapours prevent oxidation of the impurities of the copper. As soon as the scorification commences, the metal bath becomes covered with a hard gritty crust, which renders further oxidation difficult, and prolongs the process. It is, therefore, advisable to extract antimony and arsenic at the preceding roasting and smelting processes, especially as the smallest quantity of these substances injures the ductility of the copper. If black copper contains nickel as well as antimony, a chemical compound, (CuO,NiO)SbO,, called copper mica, is frequently formed. This then reacts like suboxide of copper upon the quality of the refined copper, with which it completely mixes; it forms hexangular laminæ, about one- twelfth of an inch across, of a golden yellow or copper red colour, transparent and bright. The following analyses of copper mica from the Upper Hartz show its composition. IV. I. II. III. CuO. Nio. 46*32 43.38 43°72 67.648 28.26 29*23 39°50 16.101 SbO3 PbO. 24'53 26.57 17.99 18.018 I'69 No. I is copper mica from Lautenthal, analysed by Pfann- kuch. No. 2, from Andreasberg, by Rammelsberg. No. 3, from Altenau, by Ramdohr. No. 4, from Lautenthal, by Hahn. The presence of sulphur in black copper gives rise to the following singular and important behaviour. When smelting and refining copper, part of the sulphur goes off as sulphurous acid, but part remains in the copper, owing to the great affinity of these substances for each other, even if copper contains suboxide of copper. If the copper, containing sulphide and suboxide in a suitable proportion, is now cooled to a certain degree, the contents react upon each other, producing sulphurous acid, which is rapidly evolved, carrying away some copper MODIFICATIONS OF THE REFINING PROcess. 63 in the form of more or less fine globules. Upon smelting pure black copper this phenomenon generally occurs at the end of the refining process, when the copper contains only a small amount of suboxide, and in such cases condensing flues are useful. Impure copper, requiring a stronger refining (thus rendering it rich in suboxide of copper) shows this phenomenon in a less degree, and occasionally it is absent. According to Karsten it occurs when the copper contains about 0.8 per cent of suboxide of copper, but not if it con- tains 125 per cent. Sulphide and suboxide of copper in certain proportions seem to form sulphurous acid when reacting upon each other at a particular low temperature,- CuS + 2Cu₂O = SO₂+5Cu, or the reaction may take place at a high temperature, in which case the sulphurous acid is absorbed by or kept in chemical combination with the copper, and is liberated at a lower temperature, in the same manner as fused silver and litharge absorb oxygen; part of the sulphurous acid appears to remain combined with copper, which is rich in suboxide, rendering the copper porous. Explosions occurring whilst granulating copper are probably caused by the emission of sulphurous acid and the development of steam. The following modifications are recommended for accelerating the refining process:- An addition of about 1 per cent of lead, when treating copper containing nickel, arsenic, antimony, and much sub-oxide of copper. The lead acts either by combining with antimony and arsenic on sinking to the bottom, or by becoming oxi- dised. Part of the oxide of lead then gives its oxygen to foreign substances, while another part scorifies together with other oxides, chiefly copper mica. In many cases lead has a purifying action upon copper, but it never produces a per- fect product, as some lead remains with the copper, and copper containing only o'r per cent is unfit for fine manu- factures. Stirring the copper with wooden poles* is effective chiefly in the case of copper rich in sub-oxide, but it is seldom resorted * Bgwkfd., xix., 88. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1856, No. 3. 64 COPPER. to as it requires much time and causes a great consumption of fuel. Bredberg* suggested an addition of quartz to shorten the process and facilitate the scorification of lead, but the results of experimentst made at the Lower Hartz were unsatis- factory. Fluxes containing potash and lime‡ react very little, but it seems that at the copper smelting process in India|| these substances contained in the ash of the fuel, are made to react through the oxygen they contain. Fluxes containing chlorine are recommended for the ex- traction of sulphur, antimony, and arsenic.§ The nature of the fuel essentially influences the process; coke and hard charcoal, by producing a higher temperature, facilitate the smelting and retard the refining. The use of hot blast ¶ also facilitates the smelting, and aids the reduction of scorified oxides. The completion, or the approach of the completion, of the process, is observed- I. By the Nature of the Flame, which at the com- mencement of the process is green with a red point at the end. 2. By the Appearance of the Surface.-The copper is considered refined if its surface is bright, sea-green, and has few white spots. It is over refined, containing much sub-oxide of copper, if the surface is very undulating, bluish, or sea-green, and with many white spots. It is considered too raw, i.e., still alloyed with foreign substances, if it has many dark spots. It 3. By the Nature of the Slag.-According to the im- purities of the copper it is more or less fusible, and at the commencement of the process dark or green coloured. then takes a brown colour, turning red as the process ap- proaches completion. Bgwkfd., v., 321; xiii., 457. ↑ KERL, Rammelsberger Hüttenpr., 1861, p. 125. LAMPAD., Fortschr., 1839, p. 140. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 117. $ Bgwkfd., i., 129. [ Ibid., i., 185. MERBACH, Anwend. d. erhitzten Gebläseluft, 1840, pp. 231, 245. KERL, Rammelsberger, Hüttenpr., 1861, p. 123. PRODUCTS OF THE REFINING PROCESS. 65 The fineness is tested by means of a proof rod of iron thrust through the tuyere into the melted copper, then drawn out and plunged into cold water. The refining is finished as soon as the copper scale appears brownish-red on the outside, and copper-red within, thin as net-work, and so deficient in tenacity as to break when strongly bent. The blast is now stopped, and after being left to cool, the coals and cinders covering the surface are raked off the copper. The surface is further cooled by sprinkling water upon it, and the cakes of congealed metal (discs or rosettes) are lifted off with tongs, a process called slicing (schleissen), or shaving (scheibenreissen); this is continued until the with- drawal of the last convex cake at the bottom of the furnace, styled the kingpiece. These discs are immediately immersed in cold water to prevent oxidation of the copper, and the metal then becomes of a cochineal-red colour, and covered with a thin film of sub-oxide. Its under surface is studded over with points and hooks, the result of raising the con- gealed disc from the liquid metal; these cakes are called rosette copper. When the metal is pure and free from oxide these cakes may be obtained very thin, 1-24th of an inch for example. Thick yellow coloured cakes indicate too raw a copper, and deep red cakes a copper rich in oxide. The latter copper is in some cases of greater value than thin cakes if it con- tains small amounts of antimony, arsenic, &c. Sometimes in order to obtain thin cakes lead is fraudulently added to the copper after the slag has been removed. Thick cakes are also obtained if too much water is em- ployed for cooling, and if too little water is used the resulting cakes are not sufficiently convex, and separate with difficulty from the metal bath. Explosions are likely to occur if the cooling with water is not effected very carefully; therefore in some copper works in Sweden* the copper is ladled out into moulds. This purifying process yields the following products :- 1. Purified Copper (Rosette copper).-Owing to a small VOL. II. Bgwkfd., v., 325; xiii., 458. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859. p. 83. F 66 COPPER. amount of foreign substances, chiefly sub-oxide of copper, it is brittle and unfit both for rolling and for hammering. A reducing smelting will toughen it. The greater part of nickel present* will be found in the first cakes, and at Dillenburg+ one of these cakes was found to contain octohedral, ruby-red crystals of pure oxide of nickel. The composition of these different kinds of copper is shown by the following analyses :- I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Cu. 98*48 99*45 98.25 83.90 98 97 98*97 Pb trace 0'14 I'09 0.60 0'07 99*480 0*362 Fe 0*75 0'02 0*13 0'23 Ni 0*26 0*24 ΙΙΟ 0'27 Ag 0'04 0'14 trace 0'13 Ο ΙΟΟ Sb 0.60 0'19 As trace K 0°32 0'07 Ca Mg Al Si S Zn 11 1 1 1 1 Ο'ΙΙ ΟΙΟ 0'04 0'05 O'12 trace trace 0'02 Au Bi. NiO trace trace 0'0008 0*0480 13.86 No. 1, rosette copper from Andreasberg, analysed by Bode- mann. No. 2, from the Lower Hartz, by Biewend. No. 3, from Mansfeld, by Kobell. No. 4, from Riechelsdorf, first cake, by Genth. No. 5, the same, last cake. No. 6, from South Australia, by Levol, brittle owing to the presence of bismuth.t 2. Slags. They are either added to former smeltings or worked by themselves for the production of an inferior copper. If they contain a larger amount of nickel, they are worked with an addition of arsenical pyrites and heavy spar Bgwkfd., x., 321; xii., 223. † Ann. d. Chem., Bd. 53, p. 139. GURLT., pyrog. Minèr., p. 46. Berzelius, Jahresber, 1857, Hft., i. RAMMELSBERG'S Métallurgie, pp. 210, 248. + DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., cxxxi., 268. PURIFYING COPPER IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 67 for the production of nickel speiss, and copper matt, or of black copper. 3. Hearth, containing much copper. Purifying of Black Copper in Blast Reverberatory Furnaces. The furnaces generally employed in the Hartz, in the district of Mansfeld, Saxony, Hungary, &c., are represented by Figs. 4, 5, and 6.* Fig 4. represents the elevation of the FIG. 4. furnace across the line I K of the plan, Fig. 5, which is taken at the level of the tuyere, n, of Fig. 6; Fig. 6 is a vertical section on the line L, M, Fig 5. K represents one of two Y FIG. 5. I 下 ​reception basins, brasqued with clay and charcoal; n, n, two tuyeres through which the blast enters; q, door by which * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, vol. i. p., 886. F 2 68 COPPER. the metal to be melted is laid upon the sole of the furnace ; v, v, two points where the sole is perforated to run off the melted copper into either of the basins when necessary; x, door through which the slags of cinders floating upon the surface of the melted metal are raked out; y, door of the fire place. The fuel is laid upon a grate above an ash pit, and below the arch which is contiguous to the dome or cap of the furnace properly so called. In the section, Fig. 6, the FIG. 6. k Ղ ་་་་ n following parts may be observed:-1, 2, 3, the masonry of the foundation; 4, vapour channels or conduits for the escape of moisture; 5, bed of clay; 6, brasque composed of clay and charcoal, which forms the concavity of the hearth. At Tajova,* the arched roof is less convex, causing a saving of fuel and a shortening of the process. The furnace is charged with from 20 to 70 cwts. of black copper, and the cakes are so arranged in the furnace as to The copper leave a suitable space between for the flame. becomes red hot after a firing of from 3 to 6 hours, and then the blast is put in motion; pieces of wood are from time to time placed between the copper and the tuyeres. The copper is melted in about 10 hours, and the caked crust formed upon it, consisting of oxides difficult to fuse, is removed, and a new slag is formed by the reaction of the blast, whilst less fire is given. This slag is again removed, and these operations are repeated till at last the slag, which in the beginning is easily fusible and dark coloured, becomes pasty and red from the scorified suboxide of copper. * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 130. PURIFYING COPPER IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 69 A red slag indicates the completion of the process and the fineness of the copper, and is now tested by a proof rod of iron as before described. If the copper is sufficiently pure it is allowed to run out of the furnace into two outside basins, where it is formed into cakes, as in the small hearth. Besides the refined copper a great quantity of slags rich in copper results from this process, and they are either treated as the slags resulting from the process in the small hearth, or they are purified from copper in the refining process itself. At Perm, this is effected in the following manner:-After having melted 3 tons 4 cwts. of copper for 12 hours the slags are allowed to remain, and 8 cwts. of pure pyritic ores, con- taining about 5 per cent of copper, are spread out upon the slag whilst the blast is interrupted, and they are mixed with the slags as soon as they have become pasty from cooling. The working door is now closed, and a stronger heat is given for about three hours. The slag is then removed and a new slag formed by directing the blast upon the bath of metal. This slag is removed until its colour indicates approaching fine- ness of the copper, when the blast is stopped, and a very strong heat given, causing the development of sulphurous acid together with a strong bubbling of the fused mass. soon as this ceases, a sample of copper is taken out by means of a ladle coated with loam, and the fineness of the copper is ascertained from the colour of its surface and of the fracture. The resulting copper contains some suboxide, and is poured into an outside basin, from which it is rapidly ladled into cast-iron moulds. As The sulphide of iron contained in the added pyritic ores sulphurises the copper in the slags, and the siliceous gangue combines with the oxides produced by the smelting, forming easily fusible slags. The formed sulphide of copper mixes with the copper, and most of its contained sulphur is ex- tracted towards the end of the process when an excess of sub-oxide of copper is present, forming sulphurous acid with the oxygen of the sub-oxide. It is important that the pyrites should react upon the slag for a sufficiently long time. RIVOT, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 102. 70 COPPER. Very impure black copper is purified in two operations, otherwise the furnaces would suffer too much, and the loss of copper by scorification would be too great. The first opera- tion, by which the copper is brought only to a certain degree of purity, is usually carried on in the reverberatory furnaces. The copper is then tapped off into an outside basin and formed into cakes by cooling with water in the usual manner. The loss of copper is smallest when impure copper is sub- mitted to an oxidising smelting in reverberatory furnaces till larger quantities of copper begin to scorify, and when the purifying is finished in the smaller hearth. The first opera- tion is considerably shortened by conducting the blast under the grate. Plumbiferous copper resulting from the liquation process. may be treated in various ways. It may be melted on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace and exposed to the oxi- dising action of the blast; or it may be heated without under- going fusion with the admission of atmospheric air, when only an oxidation of lead and copper on the surface will take place. The oxidised copper is again reduced by the particles of lead with which it is in contact, thus interfering with the equilibrium, to recover which the lead moves from the in- terior of the mass towards the surface, until it is all oxidised, forming a slag. The smelting of the copper effects a stronger oxidation, but the greater part of the silver in the black copper remains with the copper, a small amount only entering the slags. The operation of merely heating the copper allows a partial extraction of the silver, as it follows the lead, concen- trating in the crust which is formed by suddenly cooling the black copper. Copper containing much antimony and arsenic is treated in Hungary so as to form a considerable amount of sub-oxide of copper; the blast is then stopped, and a certain quantity of charcoal thrown upon the surface of the copper to react upon it until all the suboxide is reduced; the remaining coal is now removed, and the operations of forming sub-oxide and reducing it are repeated in proportion to the impurity of the black copper. * Jahrbuch, d. K. K. Reichsanstalt, 1853, No. 4, p. 626. REFINING OF THE COPPER IN SMALL HEARTHS. 71 This method, somewhat modified, is adopted at Schmöll- nitz* for the treatment of antimony copper speiss. This speiss is converted in a reverberatory furnace at a slow firing, into a pasty state, the fire is then increased and the oxidising blast applied, and oxide of antimony is volatilised in thick vapour, which may be conducted into a flue and collected for the production of antimony. When vapour ceases to be evolved the blast is stopped, the slags (chiefly consisting of antimoniates of copper, iron, and antimony, and some antimonial iron) are removed, and the blast is re- applied without raising the temperature, by which operation a strong volatilisation of antimony will again take place; when this ceases, the metal bath is covered with a crust of antimoniate of antimony, which may be decomposed by mixing and stirring it with saw- or coal-dust, while a stronger fire is given, and the blast removed. These operations are repeated until the copper is sufficiently fine. In order to eliminate the antimony as quickly as possible, the speiss must be treated at a low temperature, as at too high a temperature the antimoniate of antimony melts, forming a fused covering upon the metal bath, and preventing further extraction of antimony. Second Refining of Copper in a Small Hearth. Copper resulting from the first refining always contains suboxide of copper, and is consequently brittle, and cracks when treated with a hammer or roller. Karsten states that copper containing 1'1 per cent of suboxide cracks at the edges when worked at the common temperature (cold short- ness) and when containing 1'5 per cent it cracks if worked at a higher temperature (red shortness); suboxide of copper may be reduced by a quick reducing smelting, yielding a ductile copper. If in this process the copper is kept too long in contact with the reducing agent, the copper is supposed to combine with carbon, and become more brittle. than before. Other foreign substances, chiefly antimony, arsenic, and sulphur, if not removed by the first refining, * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, p. 325, 329. 72 COPPER. cannot be extracted by the second refining, except with peculiar reagents, which lessen the yield of copper. Copper is one of the most sensitive metals with regard to impurities, as the smallest quantity often impairs its ductility. In rare cases only are both refining processes combined in one. The hearth employed for the first refining process is used for the second, with the difference that the tuyere is put several inches above the edge of the hearth, and is directed at an inclination of from 6° to 10°; by these means the blast blows mostly into the coals, producing a reducing atmosphere of carbonic oxide. At the first refining the tuyere has an inclination of 20° and more, and is put close above the surface of the metal bath. The diameter of the hearth varies according to the charge which, at the Lower Hartz, for instance, amounts to about 5 cwts., and at Grün- thal to 20 cwts. After having warmed the hearth and filled it high up with charcoal, the copper is added opposite the tuyere, and against the border of the hearth, where it is not touched by the blast; it is covered with coal and the blast put in slow motion, which is gradually increased until all the coal is burning. Care must be taken that there is plenty of coal. before the tuyere for producing carbonic oxide gas; that the pieces of copper are kept upon coals, in the combustion zone; and that, melting uniformly, they flow through the coal; the solid masses of copper must also be kept covered with coal. As soon as the copper is melted, a sample is taken either by a proof rod of iron or by a ladle. If the proof rod of iron has been used the scale of copper is quickly removed, and it is ascertained whether it may be bent or beaten together at the ordinary and at higher temperatures without the edges cracking. If this is the case with several samples quickly tested, the blast is stopped, the coals are removed, and the liquid copper is poured into cast iron moulds coated with loam. If the scale of copper is yellow coloured, showing a granular texture, the copper has been too long in contact with coal THE RISING OF COPPER. 73 and has become red-short; the coals are then partially removed, and the blast is conducted into the hearth with a somewhat greater inclination of the tuyere, till a new sample shows the copper to be ductile; fresh copper is sometimes added. After having removed coal and scum from the copper a sample is taken by means of a ladle. When cooled it is broken, and the appearance of the fracture* shows the state of the process. Fine copper shows an uneven fibrous fracture, a silky lustre, and rose-red colour, and is very ductile. Carboniferous copper has a coarse granular crystal- line fracture, and a yellow colour. At the Lower Hartz and Grünthal, hot blast is used, and has the advantage of helping the smelting and economising fuel. Some sorts of copper rise after having been poured into the moulds, the ingots thus become more or less porous with a convex surface, whilst good copper has a solid fracture, and chills with a smooth surface. This vesi- cular copper may be quite as ductile as solid copper, but the products manufactured from it have flaws; it is, there- fore, re-melted and again submitted to the refining process. A blistered ingot breaks more easily than a solid one, and has not the silky lustre, but the blisters show a fine red colour‡ when light falls into them reflecting towards the observer. The phenomenon of the rising of copper is explained in several ways, but almost all agree that it is a purely mechani- cal effect, and depends on the rapidity of the chilling of the copper. The interior of the ingot is supposed to contract from the chilling of the surface, forming blisters; this may be avoided by casting the copper at a certain moderate temperature in quickly chilling moulds of metal, and not in moulds of loam.|| Copper has the suitable temperature if a drop of water * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, p. 5. Bgwkfd., xix., p. 773. + KERL, Rammelsberger Hüttenprocesse, 1861, p. 114. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 3, 4, 5. || Bgwkfd., xii., 537. DINGL., Polyt., Journ., Bd., 154, p. 193. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 320. 74 COPPER. put upon its surface remains in the middle of it in the form of a globule; the suitability of the temperature may also be judged by the colour, movement, &c., of the copper. According to Stölzel* this phenomenon of the rising of copper is not to be confounded with spitting, which is caused by an absorption of oxygen, and may be avoided when re-melting pure copper by preventing the admission of atmospheric air at the smelting process as well as at the casting of the copper; it must, therefore, be melted under a cover of coal, and poured into closed oiled moulds. Coverings containing oxygen, such as borax, carbonate of soda, and glass, are said to render pure copper porous; common salt does not produce this effect, but renders it brittle. The formation of sulphurous acid appears to be the chief cause of the spitting as well as the rising of the copper, when we take into consideration the behaviour of black copper when being refined in reverberatory furnaces, and the action of carbon as observed by Russell and Matthiessen. The spitting takes place before the rising, and happens if at the period of oxidation a certain quantity of suboxide of copper has been formed in comparison to the sulphide of copper present. The last particles of sulphur are pertinaciously retained by the copper, and only con- verted into sulphurous acid by a great excess of suboxide; the sulphurous acid is then absorbed by the copper con- taining suboxide, and the rising (formation of blisters) commences together with this absorption. Sulphurous acid is not absorbed by pure copper, but by that which contains some suboxide of copper. In the reverberatory furnace pro- cess the suboxide is reduced by stirring the copper with wooden poles, whereby the copper loses its capability of absorbing sulphurous acid, which is consequently evolved, being facilitated by the boiling of the copper, caused by the stirring; the resulting copper is not porous. The escape of sulphurous acid may be observed by the smell. The rising of the copper in the moulds also seems to ori- ginate either from the formation or retention of sulphurous. * B, u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 320. REMEDIES AGAINST THE RISING OF COPPER. 75 acid, if at the same time sub-oxide of copper is present, and it may be facilitated by ladling the copper at too high a tem- perature, as has been proved by experiments made in several copper works. Sulphur may be contained either in the copper or in the fuel. This supposition is confirmed by the advantageous results of the application of the following remedies: 1. Stirring the Copper with Wooden Poles. 2. An Addition of Lead.-This is oxidised; the oxide of lead formed combines with the sub-oxide of copper, and liberates the absorbed sulphurous acid. I 3. An Addition of Chloride of Mercury.-At Perm* this reagent is added to the refined copper before it is ladled out, chiefly to copper intended for the manufacture of copper plates for percussion caps, and is said to render the copper more solid and ductile. The sublimate (about 1 lb. to 80 lbs. of copper) is either thrown upon the surface, when it vola- tilises, or it is stirred into the copper by a wooden pole. The purification of the copper which takes place may be caused either by the chlorine of the sublimate combining with anti- mony, arsenic, and sulphur, or by a mechanical expulsion of absorbed sulphurous acid, as on sinking to the bottom the sublimate takes the form of gas agitating the mass. 4. Casting the Copper with Atmospheric Air Excluded as much as possible.-According to the investigations of A. Dick, copper containing sulphur forms a porous ingot when poured in the usual manner into open moulds, but the same copper forms perfectly solid ingots if the covered mould is filled with coal gas, by throwing some finely pulverised coal into it, and if the mould is filled as quickly as possible. If air is admitted, sub-oxide of copper will be formed, which, according to Dick, comes into contact with sulphide of copper during the movement of the metal whilst chilling, and at this moment sulphurous acid is formed, causing the rising of the copper. Chemically pure electrotype copper does not rise even when air is admitted, unless, indeed, sulphur is added in the Bgwkfd., xix., 573. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, p. 5. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 345. PERCY'S Metallurgy, 1861, i., p. 275. 76 COPPER. fuel. When required very solid, rolls are produced by casting under pressure in iron moulds; or a minute proportion of phosphorus is added to the metal (Parkes's process). Refining Black Copper by Poling. This refining by means of stirring with wooden poles cannot be effected as advantageously in small hearths as in air rever- beratory furnaces, as the metallic mass is too large in propor- tion to its surface, and not sufficiently under control. The combinations formed of hydrogen with arsenic, antimony, and sulphur also partially decompose when passing the glowing coals, which is less the case in reverberatory furnaces. Although requiring more time and consuming more fuel, this method is adopted in Hungary,* Ural, Mansfeld,† Brix- legg, and Achenrain. + + According to Rössner, the fused and descorified metal is covered with coal and exposed for several minutes to the blast, which reacts through the coal forming sub-oxide of copper. Sufficient of the sub-oxide of copper is present when a sample of the copper is very brittle, and shows a darkish brick-red colour, a dull fracture and blisters. The copper bencath the cover of coal is now stirred with a pole of birch wood, or some other wood containing resin, until the copper has the appearance of being overpoled. The blast is then made. to react until a sample shows the copper to be fine. The coals are removed and the copper quickly ladled out; the stirring with poles must be repeated oftener (three or four times) if the copper is more impure. The black copper of Mansfeld is nearly pure, and is there- fore treated with blast for 10 or 12 minutes, after a sample taken by means of the proof rod of iron has shown the fineness required for the first refining process. The slag is skimmed off once or twice, and the copper is afterwards stirred with wooden poles under a cover of fresh coal until quite fine. The resulting ingots are hammered to make them more solid and to remove the scale. * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, p. 377. B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 385. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 468. Bgwkfd., xix., 88. REFINED (TOUGH) COPPER. 77 The following products result from the refining or tough- ening process: Refined Copper, Tough Copper.-It is rarely crystallised. Its composition is as follows:- 522 I. II. III. IV. V. 99'61 99*944 99'60-99'70 99*85 99*60-99*70 0*10- O'15 trace 0'02 Ag Sn trace 0*27 trace 0*056 O'10- O'15 ΟΙΟ 0*10- O'15 Sb Ο ΟΙ 0'04- 0.06 No. I from Norway, analysed by Genth. No. 2 from Dil- lenburg, by Genth. No. 3, English best selected copper. No.4, selected copper, but not sold as best, owing to its amount of antimony. No. 5, English best cake copper. According to Percy,* the appearance of the fracture does not always decide the quality of the copper, as impure copper may have a good appearance; the same copper may have different fractures according to the manner of its being cast. The fracture of copper poured into the moulds when very hot shows a collection of large and small more or less per- fect crystals; this is not the case if the copper is cooled previous to casting. These differences can only be observed in large ingots. Copper ladled at too high a temperature has also the disadvantage that when poured into pots for the formation of several pieces or cakes, the under surface of the pieces will be melted and stick to the upper portions. Too high a temperature also facilitates the rising of the copper, which remains liquid for a long time when containing the smallest amount of sulphur, and gives rise to the formation on its surface of sub-oxide, which may sink and come more easily into contact with the sulphide of copper than would be the case with a copper of lower temperature. The move- ment from the surface towards the interior decreases as the copper becomes colder; the materials used for the moulds (copper or iron) is not likely to influence the appearance of the fracture. The colour of the surface depends on the temperature of * PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 368. 78 COPPER. the water employed for cooling the copper. When cold water is used the colour is orange red; warm water gives rise to a rose-red tint similar to that of Japanese copper, which is cast in moulds coated with canvas, and standing in warm water.* Whether copper sheathing is more or less strongly attacked by sea-water depends partly on its chemical composition, but chiefly on its physical properties; for instance, on the tem- perature at which it was cast, its porosity, &c.t Marchand and Scherert found the specific gravity of the copper to vary according to whether it was cast under a cover of fluor spar, borax, glass, or common salt common salt; whilst, ac- cording to Percy,|| the average specific gravity was 8.899 for all pure coppers whichever flux had been employed. The specific gravity of copper subjected to hydraulic pressure amounted to 8'931, and that of copper wire to 8'9488. The porosity of every kind of copper almost precludes a correct determination of its specific gravity. O'Neill§ states that it decreases upon hammering the copper, owing to the heat thereby engendered. Impurities in copper exert a considerable influence upon the electric conducting power of copper wire, as shown by the following observations of Holymann and Matthiessen T (silver wire cold drawn = 100). Pure copper wire HARD DRAWN. Copper containing sub-oxide of copper Conducting Observed Power. Tempera- ture. 93'08 18.9°C. • 73°32 19'5 2.50 per cent of phosphorus 7°24 17'5 ,, 0'95 23°24 22'I 0'13 67.67 20'0 , 5'40 arsenic. 6.18 16.8 2.80 "" 13°14 19'1 trace "" 19 57.80 19'7 3'20 zinc "" 56'98 10'3 *B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 118, 347. ↑ PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 505. ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., 1842, p. 193. || PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 288. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 304. ¶ PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 288. REFINED (TOUGH) COPPER. 79 HARD DRAWN. Copper containing 1'60 per cent of zinc. trace وو "" Conducting Observed Power. Tempera- ture. 76.35 15.8 85°05 19°0 I'06 iron. 毋 ​"" "" 26'95 13'1 ,, 0*48 34'56 II.2 "" 4'90 tin . 19'47 14'4 2.52 "" 32.64 17'1 "" 1'33 48.52 16.8 2'45 silver 79°38 19'7 I'22 86'91 20'7 3'50 "" gold. 65*36 18.1 0'31 antimony >> 0°29 lead sle 64'5 12'0 Australian Burra-burra, heated 88.86 14'0 Russian Demidoff copper, heated • 59'34 12.7 Best English copper, heated 81.35 14'2 American copper from the Lake Superior, heated 92'57 15'0 According to Abel and Field, most commercial copper contains arsenic and silver, often bismuth, less frequently tin and antimony, and very rarely lead, except when inten- tionally added in the process. Riley states that phosphorus may be found in it; Delarne, Müller, and Abel found sulphur and gold; and Müller, Genth, and Maximilian, Duke of Leuchtenberg, found nickel. As small amounts of arsenic and tin in copper are very likely to be overlooked in the usual analytical methods, Abel and Field* have endeavoured to find more exact ana- lytical methods for the determination. of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, lead, and iron. Copper usually loses in compactness, ductility, and appearance of fracture, by a small admixture of foreign substances. Lead, antimony, arsenic, and iron are said to render copper red- and cold-short; zinc, tin, bismuth, carbon, and sulphur, red-short; copper mica and suboxide of copper, cold-short. Copper is usually classified into three sorts, with regard to its purity and its applicability. The first quality, sometimes called crown copper, is required for the Quar. Journ. Chem. Soc., xiv., p. 290. 80 COPPER. manufacture of brass plate and brass wire; the second quality even may be rolled, but the third sort is only employed for brass castings and other alloys. The following observations, which seem partly to contradict each other, have been made concerning the influence of foreign substances upon the qualities of copper :— Suboxide of Copper.-Copper containing suboxide shows a scaly granular, and sometimes radiating fracture, a brick- red or dark-red colour and dull lustre ; when forged it shows isolated fibres, and often cracks at the edges; it fuses more easily than pure copper, but is somewhat pasty; it expands less, and at the common temperature it is less hard and ductile. Karsten states that copper containing only II per cent of suboxide cracks in the cold, and rolled hot when con- taining 12 per cent. In "dry" refined copper Dick* found Impure copper as much as 17'74 per cent of suboxide. containing lead, zinc, antimony, and arsenic, &c., is red-, or cold-short, or both at the same time, and has an inferior colour, a scaly granular texture, and a dull appearance. If it contains these substances, together with a little suboxide. of copper, even 2 per cent, its ductility is increased. It is still doubtful whether these impurities are contained in the copper in the metallic or the oxidised state; if oxidised they are probably combined with the suboxide of copper, as in copper mica. According to Dick,† the best kinds of copper in the market contain some suboxide of copper and other metals in small quantities, thus:-Russian Demidoff copper contains traces of arsenic, iron, nickel, and antimony; Australian Burra-Burra copper, traces of iron; copper from Lake Superior, traces of iron and silver; best English copper, traces of iron, nickel, and antimony; Spanish Riotinto copper, about 2 per cent of arsenic, with traces of lead, iron, and nickel. Carbon. It is generally supposed that copper free from suboxide absorbs some carbon in combination when in con- tact with coal for a longer time, and, according to Karsten, so small an amount as o‘05 per cent of carbon renders copper * Phil. Mag., June, 1856, (containing also the method of analysis). PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 269, 289. IMPURITIES CONTAINED IN COPPER. 81 red-short. Carboniferous copper is malleable at the common temperature, but very brittle when heated; it has a coarse granular fracture, a yellow colour, and a strong but not silky lustre. When forged it becomes uniformly fibrous, and shows in its interior many channel-like or kidney-shaped holes with a light yellow colour; it flows almost like pure copper, except that it has a brighter surface. A. Dick* takes a different view; he has not ascertained with certainty the presence of carbon in over-poled copper, but as he always found small quantities of other metals, such as lead, antimony, &c., contained in the best tough copper, as well as an amount of suboxide of copper up to 3°37 per cent, he attributes the brittleness of over-refined copper to those impurities, and presumes that carbon did not enter into combination with copper, but had only an indirect reaction, by reducing the suboxide of copper, which is always present; thus neutralising the disadvantageous influence of the other impurities, which are perhaps reduced from oxides, and allowed to combine with the copper, injuring its ductility. This is further confirmed by the observations which have shown that the best refined copper produced in copper-works, if heated with reducing agents, such as hydrogen, carbonic oxide, carbon, or fused with common salt, loses some of its weight by the reduction of the suboxide, which is not the case with copper produced by the galvano-plastic process. The latter also remains perfectly ductile when kept longer in contact with coal whilst in a liquid state. Further experi- ments, most carefully made on account of the difficulty of determining very small amounts of carbon occurring together with other impurities, are required before a satis- factory explanation can be given. Specimens of the kind of copper experimented on are shown in the Museum of Practical Geology, London.† Lead. The presence of o'r to o°3 per cent of this metal renders copper cold- and red-short, and if containing o'r per cent it is no longer fit for the manufacture of fine brass plate and wire; on the other hand, a small amount of lead * B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, pp. 330, 337, 338. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 269. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 54. VOL. II. G 82 COPPER. seems to increase its facility for rolling, and is therefore sometimes added to copper of good quality. Iron. In small quantity this metal is not so deleterious. as lead, but larger quantities render the copper hard and brittle. The best copper may contain o'10 to 0.15 per cent of iron, and as much as 5 per cent is sometimes found in ancient copper coin.* Antimony. A trace of antimony is injurious to copper. Experiments made in England show that the presence of one-thousandth only of antimony renders copper unfit for the production of brass plates and wire, though not for rolling purposes. Copper containing 30 ounces per ton appears ragged at the edges when rolled.† Arsenic. This metal behaves like antimony, but is more easily extracted. + + Bismuth. According to Levol, one-thousandth of this metal injures the quality of the copper, chiefly by lessening its ductility. Field|| discovered bismuth in many sulphu- retted copper ores, chiefly in those of Cornwall. Nickel. According to Genth,§ copper containing o'2 or 0.3 per cent of nickel is less adapted for the manufacture of brass than for German silver. Copper containing protoxide of nickel is somewhat brittle. V. Leithner has determined the amount of cobalt and nickel contained in the copper ores and smelting products of Tergove. Aluminium.-According to Tissier,** 1 per cent in copper prevents the oxidation of the fluid copper. Sulphurtt renders copper red-short; o'6 per cent of zinc and 0.25 per cent of tin produce the same effect. Silicon forms combinations with copper which are more or less brittle and fusible, according to the amount of PERCY, Metallurgy, 1861, p. 504. + Ibid, p. 504. LEVOL, Répertoire de Chim., appliq., tom. i., p. 256. Bgwkfd., xvii., 641. Polyt. Centr., 1862, p. 410. DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., Bd. 163, p. 356. ERDMANN, J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 42, p. 189. § Bgwkfd., x., 331; xii.. 223; Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, p. 133. ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 384. tt ERDMANN, J. f. pr. Ch., x., 237. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 338. Polyt. Centr., 1858, p. 1512. PERCY, Metal- lurgy, i., 282. ++ IMPURITIES CONTAINED IN COPPER. 83 silicon, and are sometimes white. Copper with 1.82 per cent of silicon has the colour of bronze, and may be rolled and hammered when cold, but becomes brittle when hot. If con- taining 52 per cent the alloy is yellowish white, and very brittle. Upon heating coal, silica, and copper, CuSi is formed, and it may thus result in the refining process; yet no trace of silicon is found in copper that has been over-refined. Phosphorus* increases the fusibility and hardness of the copper; if containing 1 per cent, copper may still be rolled at the common but not at a high temperature. A larger amount of phosphorus renders copper brittle in a cold state also. The colour of the combination varies according to the amount of phosphorus, 1 per cent renders it bronze-coloured, and II per cent steel-grey. Ruolzt produced alloys of silver, copper, zinc, and nickel with to 2 per cent of phosphorus: The latter increases the fusibility, whiteness, and homogeneity, but not the ductility. If intending to roll such an alloy it must previously be heated to redness for several hours in a closed crucible, together with charcoal, thus extracting the phosphorus. Sodium has a purifying action upon copper, according to Tissier. It combines directly with sulphur, phos- phorus, and arsenic; it produces, with antimony, bismuth, and other analogous metals, very oxidisable alloys, and reduces suboxide of copper, the soda oxidising carbon and silicon. Upon this is perhaps based the behaviour observed by D'Arcet and Berthier, that fluxes containing potash have a purifying reaction upon copper in the refining process. Copper does not affect the health of the workmen, or only very slightly.§ Slags and Copper-scale also result from the refining PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 280. + Mining Journ., 1862, p. 164. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 118. || KERL, Rammelsberg. Hüttenpr., 1861, p. 125. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1848, p. 777. BROCKMANN, Metallurg. Krankheiten des Oberharzes. G 2 84 COPPER. process. The slags are usually washed and added to the refining process or at some other stage of the smelting process. The copper-scale, consisting of oxidised copper, is either worked up in copper smelting processes or used for the manu- facture of blue vitriol. Thomson* recommends the purification of copper con- taining iron, antimony, arsenic, &c., by smelting one hundred parts with ten parts of copper scale and ten parts of powdered bottle glass. This method was tried at Altenau for purifying copper mica, but as several smeltings were required to produce a good copper the process was very expensive. Illustrations of the German Method employed for Smelting Copper Ores free from Lead, Silver, and Gold. I. Smelting in Sump Furnaces. a. Atvidaberg's Copper Works, near Linköping, in Sweden.† -The orest employed here are classified into soft ores (Blötmalm), and hard ores (Hardmalm). The soft ores occur in the Bersbo mine; they consist of a mixture of zinc. blende, copper pyrites, iron pyrites, magnetic pyrites, magnetic iron ore, mica, quartz, and a little granite; occasionally also some calc spar, and, very rarely, some traces of galena. Zinc blende forms on an average one-third of the whole mass. Hard ores also occurring in the Bersbo mine contain more quartz and silicates than sulphides; these ores are mixtures of copper pyrites, blende, a little iron pyrites, and much quartz, mica, felspar, ehrenbergite, and granite. Hard ores occurring in the Mormor, Hagen, and Malmvik mines, are a mixture of copper pyrites with a little iron pyrites, and sometimes magnetic pyrites, with a great deal of quartz or silicates, but almost without zinc blende; at Hagen, variegated copper ore, and at Malmvik, cobalt ore, Bgwkfd., ii., 31. DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., Bd. 73, p. 283. + Bgwkfd., xiii., 401. B. u. h. Ztg., 1850, p. 193; 1859, p. 69. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 395, 502. 忄 ​V. COTTA, Erzlagerstätten, ii., 325. TURLEY, Schweden's Erzlagerstätten, in. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 382. THE RAW SMELTING PROCESS. 85 in a crystallised state are sometimes found disseminated in copper pyrites. The ore contains on an average 5 per cent of copper. The smelting process at Atvidaberg comprises the fol- lowing operations:- 1. Roasting the Ores.-Soft ores are twice roasted; hard ores from the Bersbo mine once, on account of the blende they contain; skumnas (page 32) are also once roasted, but hard ores from the other mines are not roasted at all. They are usually roasted in open heaps; a level area of about 30 square feet is covered about 10 inches high with wood; upon this are put, to about 11 feet in vertical height, alternate layers of ore and small coal, and the top as well as the sides are covered with a layer of ore dust about 5 inches thick. After the heap has burned for about five weeks it is roasted in a second fire, the large pieces being previously broken to the size of the fist. Skumnas are more difficult to fuse, and are roasted in larger heaps in order better to keep up the temperature. A stronger wood foundation and more coal are used; these heaps burn four weeks. Ι Mounds 28 feet long, 10 feet high, and 14 feet broad, are sometimes used for roasting. A foundation of wood I foot high is laid; upon this 4 feet of soft ores in pieces weighing about 25 lbs. each, then 4 inches of small coal, again about 4 feet of ore, and so on, till the charged mound contains four layers of ore and three layers of small coal; the surface and front are covered 2 inches thick with small ore. A mound con- taining 100 tons of ore burns about six weeks, and consumes about 224 cubic feet of wood and about 200 cubic feet of small coal. At the second firing the wood foundation is 1 feet thick and the layers of coal 6 inches thick. second roasting requires about four weeks, and the ore is considered well roasted if a raw matt containing from 20 to 30 per cent of copper is produced from it by the raw smelting. In 1859, 85 heaps were roasted at the first firing and 59 heaps at the second, consuming 1,568 tons of charcoal and 157,000 cubic feet of wood. This 2. The Raw Smelting.-Ores containing an excess of 86 COPPER. silica are mixed with basic substances, such as roasted skumnas, black copper slags, and sometimes also lime, in such proportions as to yield a bi-silicate slag with about 45 per cent of silica. In 1859, one charge consisted on an average. of o⚫6 cwt. of twice roasted soft ores, o‘6 cwt. of once roasted hard ores, 0*2 cwt. of rich ore, 0'4 cwt. of impure slags, and about 03 cwt. of black copper slags (total, 2 to 2°1 cwts of mixture), which is smelted with o'3 cwt. of coke or o'6 cwt. of charcoal. One part of English coke is as effective as 2 parts of charcoal; 4 parts of ore mixture may be smelted by means of I part of charcoal, but 5 parts of ore mixture are smelted with one part of fuel consisting of a mixture of coke and charcoal. The smelting furnaces employed are of three different constructions. a. Bredberg's furnaces, provided with four tuyeres, repre- sented by Figs. 7, 8, and 9. a is the sump formed of clay FIG. 7. α Lexa h FIG. 8. α 10 15 20 FT and coal dust; b, front wall; c, tuyeres; d, foundation, with channels for the escape of the moisture; e, tapping hole; ƒ, rough walling; g, space between inside and rough walling; SMELTING FURNACES. 87 FIG. 9. h, inside walling. The furnaces used at present are some- what different in their dimensions from those given in the drawings. B. Carlberg's furnaces, represented by Figs. 10, 11, and 12, are built to economise fuel. a shows refractory talc FIG. 10. Oc α e slate; b, bricks; c, iron; d, copper; e, tymp of iron; f, leather; g, granite. The dotted parts indicate a filling of sand. y. Furnaces with four tuyeres constructed by Carlberg are provided with a division wall I foot thick and commencing 10 feet above the bottom of the furnace. They are intended to facilitate a uniform sinking of the charges. According to Ahrend, Carlberg's furnaces allow a saving of fuel compared with Bredberg's furnaces, but Malmquist thinks the re- verse to be the case. The process is quicker in Bredberg's PERCY, Metallurgy, i., p. 398. * 88 COPPER. FIG. II. དྲ་བ་ C α furnaces, and they yield most favourable results at Kongsberg.* The dimensions of Bredberg's furnace, with division wall, and of Carlberg's furnaces are as follows :— Carlberg's Furnace. Bredberg's Furnace. Feet. Inch. Feet. Inch. Height from the hearth sole to the furnace mouth Width of the hearth sole 24 O 18 3 8 3 8 at the level of the tuyeres 4 3 10 of the furnace mouth 6 0 3 6 ?? Depth of the hearth sole 5 6 5 4 of the furnace mouth I >> 9 I IO B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 257. THE RAW SMELTING PROCESS. 89 FIG. 12. d C a The nozzles have a slight inclination, and are formed of an iron plate 6 feet long, 8 or 9 inches wide, and 3 of an inch. thick. The copper tuyeres of in. diameter are connected with the blast tube by a leather pipe. The smelting process is carried on with a pressure of blast of o°8 inch of mercury, and a nose from 4 to 6 inches long. If the nose gets dark, holes are pierced in it; if it grows too much, an inter- mediate charge of fuel is given. A furnace with three tuyeres smelts in 24 hours from 80 to 90 charges, and a furnace with four tuyeres, at first from 90 to 100 charges, and later from 100 to IIO. About 60 per cent of slag, containing or per cent of copper, is made to run into a sand bed at the side of the fore-hearth and is thrown away. The slag taken out of 90 COPPER. the hearth, and containing from to 1 per cent of copper, is returned to the smelting. As soon as the hearth is filled with matt containing from 20 to 30 per cent of copper, which will take place every 48 to 72 hours, it is tapped off into sand moulds, and broken into pieces of the size of the fist, after cooling for two days. The hearth and fore-hearth are then cleared, and the tapping hole is closed with a wooden plug. From about 2 to 4 tons of raw matt result, amounting to from 17 to 20 per cent of the weight of the charge. The character of the slag facilitates the separation of the matt. When the process has lasted two months, the zinciferous deposits are removed every month, for which purpose the furnace charge is allowed to sink 6 or 7 feet, and the blast is interrupted; the smelting operations last 8 or 10 months. The following products are obtained :- Raw Matt, containing from 25 to 30 per cent of copper; it is roasted. Raw Slag, bi-silicate, grey or yellowish grey, vitreous, containing on an average per cent of copper. 114 Ferriferous Bears, which may be easily divided, especially if they are exposed for a longer time to the air. They con- tain much sulphide of iron and zinc and very little sulphur, and from 6 to 12 per cent of copper. They are added to the raw smeltings frequently in pieces weighing several cwts. Furnace Ends.-If coarse, they are added direct to the raw smelting; if finer, they are previously washed. Zinciferous Deposits are thrown away. In 1859 were smelted about 7,463 tons of twice roasted soft ores, 8,824 tons of hard ores, 2,201 tons of rich ores, 5,997 tons of impure slags, and 3,769 tons of black copper slags, giving a total of 28,255 tons, at a consump- tion of about 3,959 tons of coke and 1,611 tons of charcoal, and producing 5,954 tons of raw matt, or in 24 hours 69 cwts., equal to 24°32 per cent of the charge. o665 cwt. of coke and 0'270 cwt. of charcoal were consumed for the production of I cwt. of raw matt, and I cwt. of ore mixture required for smelting o*140 cwt. of coke and o'056 cwt. of charcoal. One furnace is worked by two smelters and two assistant THE BLACK COPPER SMELTING PROCESS. 91 workmen, and they are paid about 4d. and 3d. respectively for every 10 cwts. of produced raw matt. 3. Roasting the Raw Matt.-This is effected in mounds II feet long, 4 or 5 feet broad, 5 feet high, and with a capacity of 5 tons. At the first roasting a foundation of wood is laid 8 inches high, and the matt charged upon it without any addition of fuel. At the second roasting 15 cubic feet of coal are added to the wood foundation; at the third roasting 50 cubic feet of coal; at the fourth 80 cubic feet; at the fifth 100 cubic feet are given in addition to the wood: at the sixth roasting 100 cubic feet are spread out upon the wood founda- tion, and 20 cubic feet in two layers between the matt. The whole roasting is finished in seven or eight weeks by twelve workmen, receiving altogether Is. Id. for every 380 lbs. of refined copper. In 1859, 6,020 tons of raw matt were roasted at a consumption of 1,612 tons of charcoal and 182,000 cubic feet of wood. 4. Black Copper Smelting Process.-The roasted raw matt being rich in bases requires siliceous fluxes in sufficient quantity, chiefly 10 to 20 per cent of pure ore slag, in order to form a mono-silicate slag. One charge consists, for instance, of 2 cwts. of roasted raw matt, o°2 to 0'4 of cupriferous residues, o'2 to 0'4 of ore slags, o'r cwt. of quartz, and o'6 cwt. of charcoal. Bredberg's furnace, represented by Figs. 13 and 14, is frequently used for smelting the roasted matt. a, is the FIG. 13. FIG. 14. 92 COPPER. hearth; b, fore wall; c, tuyeres; d, channels in the foundation. Carlberg's furnaces are also used, and in 1859, a furnace with three tuyeres and a division wall was erected; it con- sumes less fuel by 19 per cent, and the production is increased by 23 per cent, while the gases are caught 8 feet above the hearth and conducted to the boilers for heating purposes; the reduction of oxide of iron is thus diminished. The dimensions of the furnace are as follows :— Height from sole to furnace mouth >> ft. in. ft. in. 17 3 division wall . the tuyeres 6 6 O 4 Dimensions of the hearth sole. "" at the level of the tuyeres 6 feet above the tuyeres at the furnace mouth. Thickness of the division wall. • 2 2 2 IO ~ ~ ~ +2 ХХ 222 6 4 6 x 6 6 x I 6 O 6 The sole stone is coated with a layer of gestübbe (a mixture of small coal and loam) and loam; the breast is walled with brick-work up to 6 inches above the wall stone, and the remaining opening is almost closed with sand. The smelting is done with a nose 4 or 6 inches long, and the slag is tapped off by means of a channel formed in the sand, when the smelting mass reaches nearly to the tuyeres. The slag runs off into a gutter provided with trough-like hollows formed in the sand. Matt and slag are tapped off later together, to allow the pure black copper to run out. The matt collects chiefly in the first two hollows, and flows out of the solidified but still red-hot slag pieces when turned round and broken. The black copper is tapped off every two or three days, and is made to run into a gutter 36 feet long and provided with nine division walls, each lying 2 inches higher than the following one. The copper is kept covered with coal that it may run into all the divisions; in order to divide the single cubes, the division walls are broken. out while the copper is still red hot. Each operation in the furnaces lasts from six to eight months. The smelting products are-- Black Copper, about 20 or 30 per cent of the weight of THE BLACK COPPER SMELTING PROCESS. 93 the mixture; it is refined. An analysis made at the Mining School at Fahlun, showed this black copper contained- Cu Fe Zn Co and Ni. Ni. Sn Pb 94'39 2.04 I'55 0'63 0'07 0'19 ΟΙΙ 0.80 Ag S Matt (Dünnstein), with from 55 to 72 per cent of copper. When containing a lower amount of copper it is reddish blue, and steel grey when containing a higher; it is added in the third firing of the raw matt roasting. Slag, bisilicate, added to the ore smelting. Ferriferous Bears.-They are red in colour, being chiefly iron with a large amount of copper, and are very difficult to divide. They are often worked in large pieces in a hearth similar to those used for refining copper for the production of black copper. The hearth is furnished with two tuyeres, 1 inch wide on the mouth, lying 1 foot from each other, and having an inclination of 26°; they reach 8 inches into the hearth, and lie 6 inches above the hearth on the back wall. From 90 to 100 cwts. are worked in 60 hours, at a consumption of 514 cubic feet of coal. The resulting black copper is refined, the formed matt roasted together with raw matt, and the slags are added to the ore smelting operation. In 1859 were worked nearly 6,020 tons of roasted raw matt, 730 tons of cupriferous residues of other processes, and 733 tons of ore slags; total, 7,483 tons, at a consumption of 2,546 tons of charcoal; the result was 1,344 tons of black copper, or in 24 hours 34°47 cwts., amounting to 19°19 per cent of the roasted raw matt and residues. I cwt. of black copper consumed 189 cwt. of coal, and I cwt. of mixture was melted at a consumption of 0.32 cwt. of coal. I Each furnace is attended to by two smelters and two assistant workmen in shifts of eight hours, each of them receiving 4d. and 3d. respectively for every 10 cwts of refined copper produced in the works. 94 COPPER. 5. Refining the Black Copper.-The purity of the black copper allows it to be refined in larger quantities in large hearths; they are from 2 to 2 feet in diameter and from 15 to 18 inches deep, and constructed of sand and clay; the copper tuyere is 1 inch wide, with an inclination of 45°, and reaches 4 inches into the hearth. The blast has a pressure of 30 or 40 lines of mercury. On beginning the process, the hearth is filled with coal; pieces of black copper are put on the sides of the hearth and upon these three blocks of copper, one above the other. They are then covered with coal and smelted. The ferrugi- nous slag, which is blue in colour at the beginning, is several times removed whilst adding quartz, and as soon as a sample taken by means of the proof rod of iron shows a still some- what impure copper of a brass-yellow colour, it is ladled out into moulds by a ladle which is suspended by a chain, whilst the copper in the hearth is kept covered with small coal. About 28 cwts. of black copper are refined in 4 or 4 hours, causing a loss of about 10 per cent, and a yield of about 25 cwts. of refined copper. The results are- Refined Copper of good quality, but inferior to the Russian copper. An analysis made at the Mining School at Fahlun gave the following result :- Cu Fe 99*460 Ο ΟΙΙ Co and Ni Sn and Pb • Ag Au S. ΟΙΙΟ trace 0*065 0'0015 O'017 Hearth Ends, which are returned to the smeltings. In 1859, 26885 2 cwts. of black copper were refined, pro- ducing 22984 27 cwts. of refined copper, and consuming 11088 cwts. of coal; I cwt of refined copper being produced at a consumption of 0.48 cwt. of coal. On an average 4'64 per cent of refined copper results from the ores and slags, 5'82 per cent from the ore, 19'09 per cent from the raw matt, and 85°5 per cent from the black copper. THE FAHLUN SMELTING PROCESS. 95 The loss of copper amounts to about a quarter per cent of the weight of the raw materials. In 1861 an English reverberatory furnace, provided with charcoal gas firing, was erected for refining copper. The workmen receive a little more wages than the smelters of black copper. The smelting expenses for 4 cwts. refined copper are as as follows: Materials to produce 4 cwts. of Refined Copper. For ore mining and transport. roasting residues, slags, re-melting, &c., "" " matt, transport, division, &c., black copper, melting, refining, matt roasting. coke. charcoal for smelting and refining. wood for ore roasting £ s. 25*36 0'94 2.79 -6.25 3.73 I 8.60 I 4'75 I'21 ,, wood for matt roasting I'44 £5 15°11 The total cost, inclusive of superintendence, &c., amounts to £9 9*72s. per 4 cwts. b. The Fahlun Smelting Process.*—This process differs little from that adopted at Atvidaberg, and similar ores are em- ployed. Soft ores containing 1 or 2 per cent of copper are richer in iron pyrites, poorer in zinc blende, and oftener con- tain galena, which is then carefully separated; besides iron and copper pyrites, chiefly quartz, talc, slate, and other silicates, the hard ores with 3 or 4 per cent of copper some- times contain magnetic iron ore and calcspar, and rarely zinc blende and galena. Hard ores are not roasted, and soft ores are roasted in mounds for three or four weeks, in quantities of about 60 tons, at a consumption of about 175 cubic feet of wood. The smelting is effected in furnaces with three tuyeres, ERDM., J. f. ök. u. techn. Chem., iii., 285; iv., 310; xii., 207, 318. Ann. d. min., 3 sér., xvi., 643. 96 COPPER. constructed like those used in Atvidaberg; the ore mixture is composed of one part of hard ore, two parts roasted soft ore, from 10 to 30 per cent of black copper slag, with some raw pure copper pyrites which is spread over the mixture. Every two days about 3 tons 5 cwts. of raw matt containing from 10 to 16 per cent of copper, are tapped off. This matt is roasted four or five times, in quantities of about 7 tons, con- suming about 95 cubic feet of wood and 220 cubic feet of coal. The resulting bisilicate slag is generally composed as follows:- Sio, FeO 44 per cent 46 4 Al2O3 MgO Cao. I'2-7 3 -4 The mixture being more easily fusible than that of Atvida- berg, allows a saving of fuel in the smelting process; the smelting operations last eight or ten weeks. The roasted raw matt is mixed with quartz or sula slag, and smelted in furnaces similar to those used in Atvidaberg. The matt and black copper are tapped off and run into a cast-iron mould 8 feet long, I foot high, 12 inches wide at the bottom, and 15 inches wide at the top; the matt and slag which stick to it are removed from the surface of the copper, and the copper is divided into three parts by pressing into it an iron cutter. In 1844, 85 tons 5 cwts. of black copper were produced from 755 tons of raw matt. The consumption of coal per 374 lbs. of produced black copper amounted- At the ore roasting to "" ore smelting. matt roasting I'90 cubic feet of coal 669*04 57.82 black copper smelting 154'45 "" "" "" The black copper slags are returned to the raw melting; the black copper containing from 70 to 90 per cent of copper is, at Avesta, refined in similar hearths to those represented by Figs. 15 and 16. The space, a, formed by the side walls, b, is filled with beaten down brasque in which the hearth, c, is cut out; d are flues for the escape of moisture; e is an iron plate. The massive wall, f, contains the tuyere, h, and the THE FAHLUN SMELTING PROCESS. 97 vault, g, leading to the tuyere. A chimney piece is fixed some distance above the hearth, c. Ъ FIG. 15. У € e FIG. 16. C E Z onc F: When using the hearth for toughening rosette copper the tuyere is placed somewhat higher and less inclined. Dr. Molin has of late considerably modified the Fahlun process, and remodelled it on the basis of that adopted in Oker, in order to extract the silver and gold contained in the ores. The latter are roasted once and smelted for the pro- duction of raw matt, which then is roasted and smelted for the production of auriferous and argentiferous black copper and copper matt or regulus. This regulus upon roasting "dead" yields an excellent black copper, well fit for the manufacture of brass. The black copper containing o‘1 per cent of silver and gold is treated with dilute sulphuric acid, and the resulting copper vitriol is mixed with coal and added to the roasting of copper matt. The residue resulted from the treatment with sulphuric acid containing gold, silver, copper, and lead is roasted and then treated first with dilute sulphuric acid and hereafter with concentrated acid at higher temperature, thus extracting silver and copper, which form sulphates. The silver contained in the sulphate may be pre- cipitated either by copper or common salt. The auriferous residue of the last treatment with concentrated acid is treated with aqua regia, and the insoluble parts returned to the black copper melting; the gold contained in the solution is precipitated by iron vitriol. The processes at Garpenberg and Näfvequarn* in Sweden are similar to the Fahlun process. WINKLER, Erfahrungen über die Bildung der Schlacken, 1827, p. 40. VOL. II. H 98 COPPER. In 1857, the production of copper* in Sweden amounted to about 1,703 tons. c. Smelting Process at Röraas in Norway.t-Copper pyrites‡ associated with iron pyrites and a little zinc blende occurs in chlorite slates. It contains on an average 5 per cent of copper, and is treated by the following operations :- 1. Ore Roasting. The roasting is effected in heaps con- taining about 240 tons of ore; the ore schlich is charged at the top, and the sulphur collected in the same manner as in the Lower Hartz. 300 cwts. of ore consume about 100 cubic feet of wood, and cost 6s. 6d. for wages. The duration of the roasting varies between seven and twelve weeks. 2. Ore Smelting.-The ore is mixed with copper slags in FIG. 17. FIG. 18. 8 12 16 FT * SCHWEDEN'S Metall-production: B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 8. + RUSSEGGER'S Reisen, iv., 571. DUCHANOY, in Ann. d. min., 2 livr., de 1854, p. 214. (Oesterr. Ztschr., 1856, p. 212). HERTER, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 256. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 411. EGGERTZ, in Jernkontoretz Ann. for 1849, p. 275. ‡ DUROCHER, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 29. DUCHANOY, in Oesterr. Ztschr., 1856, p. 212. HERTER, in Bgwkfd., xix., No. 9. COTTA'S Erzlagerstätten, ii., 522. SMELTING PROCESS AT RÖRAAS. 99 such proportions as to form mono-silicate slags at the sub- sequent smelting, which is effected in sump furnaces, as represented by Figs. 17 and 18; crucible furnaces are also sometimes employed. About 100 cwts. of mixture are smelted in 24 hours; the matt is tapped off twice during this time and made to run into sand moulds. 320 cwts. of roasted ore yield about 100 cwts. of raw matt, and consume on an average 977'5 cubic feet of coal, costing £I IS. for wages. The smelting operations last six days. The resulting products are— Raw Matt, with 16 to 18 per cent of copper. According to Eggertz, it is composed of Cu. Fe. S Residue 22.03 52°14 25°15 3'00 This matt is roasted in lots of about 450 cwts. in mounds with six to seven firings, so that 300 cwts. of matt consume 888 cubic feet of wood, costing £1 14s. for wages. Slags, composed, according to Eggertz and Stalsberg, as follows:- SiO 3 A1203 CaO MgO FeO Cu I. II. 28.48 29.17 9'58 8.89 1*18 2'95 II°55 5'06 50°99 52.78 0'38 trace 3. Black Copper Smelting.-The roasted raw matt mixed with rather more than 10 per cent of slags, is smelted in crucible furnaces having a section at the level of the tuyere of 2 feet by 3. The black copper produced contains scarcely 90 per cent of copper, and the formation of matt is avoided as much as possible; but this causes a scorification of more copper and the formation of iron deposits. According to Eggertz, the resulting slag is composed of― SiO3 Al₂O FeO CaO 3 Cu 30.85 4'00 66*25 0'47 0.63 H 2 100 COPPER. The slag is partly thrown away or, when containing. globules of copper, is added to the raw smelting. 300 cwts. of raw matt, including mixture, require about 1,580 cubic feet of coal, and cost £2 2s. for labour. 4. Refining the Black Copper.-Six or seven cwts. are charged, and the refining is carried to a high degree, so that thick cakes result, which are sold under the name of Dront- heim copper. To produce 320 cwts. of black copper 2,418 cubic feet of coal are consumed, and £4 3s. expended for labour; the yield of copper amounts to from 3'5 to 6'4 per cent. For instance, I cwt. of ore yields— 31 lbs. of matt, 6'25 5.61 "" black copper, and refined copper, costing 10d. for wood, coal, and labour. Duchanoy calculates the expenses of the production of 100 kilos. at from 123 to 175 francs. About 106 cubic feet of coal are consumed in the production of 1 cwt. of refined copper, and the annual production amounts to from 5,800 to 6,500 cwts. d. At Szaszka* in Banat, a mixture of sulphuretted and ochreous copper ores, containing on an average 19 per cent of copper, is smelted with an addition of iron pyrites, black copper slags, and calcareous mica and poor copper ores with 0*75 per cent of copper; charcoal is used as fuel. At the raw smelting about 18 per cent of raw matt, containing from 8 to 14 per cent of copper, results, which is then roasted in open heaps in quantities of 300 cwts., and smelted in low furnaces with an addition of quartz, raw slag, and furnace ends for the production of concentrated matt containing from 25 to 40 per cent of copper. After being roasted, the concen- trated matt is again smelted in cupola furnaces, yielding black copper and some matt; the black copper is refined in small hearths. The cupriferous iron deposits resulting from the concen- tration smelting are removed from the furnace whilst still hot, and roasted four times in open heaps in crushed quantities of from 800 to 1,200 cwts; from 12 to 20 per cent * Ann. d. min., livr. 6, de 1846, p. 55. COTTA'S Erzlagerstätten, ii., 287. SMELTING PROCESS AT SCHMÖLLNITZ. ΙΟΙ of iron pyrites is added at each roasting. When smelting the roasted iron deposits, a matt (klosslech) results, which is roasted and added at the concentrating smelting. Somewhat different are the processes employed at Csik- lowa, Dognarka, and Moldawa, in the Banat* mountains, and at the Buckowina.t e. Rohhütte, at Altgebirg in Hungary. The ores consist of copper pyrites with a little malachite, occurring in Greywacke, and are mixed with limestone up to 80 per cent, yielding a mixture difficult to fuse; their composition is as follows:- Sio, Cu Fe Sb, As S 50*64 13'00 12.12 0*76 A1,03 CaO MgO 16.19 2·67 178 0'63 This mixture allows only the small production of 1 ton in 12 hours, 5 tons of the mixture consuming about 1,170 cubic feet of coal. The limestone employed contains about 40 per cent of carbonate of magnesia; if pure limestone is used instead, a very pasty slag, consisting of bi- and tri-silicates, will be formed. The usual raw slags do not contain more than 8 or 10 per cent of protoxide of iron, besides a con- siderable amount of silica, lime, and magnesia. An addition of a large quantity of mono-silicate slags of peroxide of iron allows the limestone to be reduced to 20 per cent, and pro- duces from 30 to 35 cwts. in 24 hours, at a consumption of less than 170 per cent of coal. Black copper, matt, and speiss are sent to the copper works at Tajova.|| f. Process at Schmöllnitz in Upper Hungary.—About 50,000 cwts. of copper pyrites§ occurring in clay slate (gelf, * Jahrb. d. k. k. Geolog. Reichsanstalt, 1853, No. 4, p. SOS. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, p. 277. † Jahrb., &c., 1854, No. 1, p. 222. + ‡ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, p. 132. V. COTTA's Erzlagerstätten, ii., 303. V. COTTA's Gangstudien, iv., I. || Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, p. 121. § V. COTTA's Erzlagerstätten, ii., 306. V. COTTA's Gangstudien, iv., 1. 102 COPPER. or schiefer-erze), containing about 4 per cent of copper, are worked annually. About 7,500 cwts. of copper ores, con- taining about 8 per cent of copper, are bought from private copper works, and about 11,000 cwts. of cement copper schlich, containing about 60 per cent of copper. Ores from the Royal mines containing less than 2 per cent of copper, and ores from private mines containing less than 4 per cent, are not accepted. The rich ores are smelted in a raw state, but the poor ores are previously roasted in lots of from 2,000 to 4,000 cwts., with a wood foundation of 0.25 cubic feet of wood per cwt., and an addition of o‘04 cubic feet of coal per cwt. About 80 per cent of roasted ores and schlich, with about 4 per cent of copper, and 20 per cent of raw ores, containing about 9 per cent of copper, are mixed with about 16 per cent of raw slags and 3 per cent of quartz. About 135 cwts. of this mixture are smelted in 12 hours, yielding about 37 per cent of raw matt containing 20 per cent of copper, at a con- sumption of 29 per cent of fuel. The matt is roasted with four or five fires, which occupies about four weeks, at a consumption of o˚46 cubic foot of coal and 0.64 cubic foot of wood per cwt. The smelting furnaces have the following dimensions:- total height, 20 feet; height from the furnace mouth to the tuyeres, 14 feet; thence to the bottom, 6 feet. The round furnace shaft is 48 inches in diameter from the bottom to the tuyeres, and is contracted gradually up to the furnace mouth, where it measures 30 inches. The tuyeres have an incli- nation of about 8° when melting roasted ores, and of 4° when melting raw ores. 100 per cent of the raw matt is first roasted and then smelted in admixture with about 20 per cent of quartz, pro- ducing about 50 per cent of concentrated matt with 30 or 40 per cent of copper, and consuming about 30 per cent of coal. The concentrated matt requires nine or ten firings for the roasting, which is effected in eight weeks; I cwt. of roasting mass consumes about 2.75 cubic feet of wood and 2.10 cubic feet of coal. SMELTING PROCESS AT AGORDO. 103 This smelting is performed in cupola furnaces, similar to those employed at the raw smelting, their tuyeres having an inclination of 10°. The mixture for the black copper smelting is composed as follows: 70 to 75 per cent of concentrated matt, containing 30 to 40 per cent of copper. 9 to 10 per cent of raw matt, from the copper smelting, containing 60 to 65 per cent of copper. 12 to 16 per cent of cement schlich, containing 59 to 65 per cent of copper. 0'5 to 1 per cent of residues, containing 17 to 20 per cent of copper. 15 to 18 per cent of quartz. About 130 cwts. are smelted in 12 hours, producing from 30 to 35 per cent of black copper, containing from 93.5 to 95 per cent of copper; and from 10 to 13 per cent of matt, with from 60 to 65 per cent of copper, at a consumption of from 33 to 35 per cent of coal. g. Smelting Process at Agordo in the Venetian Alps.*-The ores, whicht consist chiefly of iron pyrites more or less mixed with copper pyrites, arsenical pyrites, zinc blende, and galena, contain on an average 2 per cent of copper, also some cobalt and tin, and about 2.5 per cent of antimony and arsenic. According to Lürzer, the ore contains on an average 2 per cent of copper, 43 per cent of iron, 50 per cent of sulphur, and 5 per cent of earths; according to Rivot, 160 of copper, 42'00 of zinc and iron, 50 of sulphur, 1'50 of arsenic, and I of silica. The ores are divided into poor ores with less than 2 per cent, good ores containing from 2 to 4 per cent, and rich ores with from 4 to 8 per cent or more of copper. They are worked in the proportion of 5163: 46'16: 2:22. The first two sorts of ore are submitted to a kernel roasting in open heaps, and sometimes in mounds, when the sulphur is col- lected. The crust is separated from the kernels and lixiviated, KRAUS'S Jahrb., 1848, p. 40; 1852, pp. 223, 231. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 440. LURZER, in TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1853, p. 340; 1854, p. 242. HATON, in Ann. d. min., 1855, viii., 407. RIVOT, Metallurg. de cuivre, 1859, p. 332. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 385. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 439. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1856, p. 338; 1860, pp. 328, 336, 350, 356, 389; 1861, p. 324. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 223. † COTTA, Erzlagerstätten, ii., 334. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, No. 20. 104 COPPER. the cement copper precipitated and smelted together with the rich ores and kernels for the production of matt. Roasting in mounds gives a better yield of sulphur, and economises fuel and time. The mounds employed are repre- sented by Figs. 19, 20, and 21. The bottom of the mound FIG. 19. > • 100 50 0 3 • L • ㅁ ​do 2 d 12 MET is formed of a number of inclined planes, b, b. These planes in the newer mounds are provided with a number of gutters, FIG. 20. f J J £ 12 MET 100 50 0 UM DA 9 which communicate at their deepest points with the chief gutter, and serve to conduct the fused sulphur. d, d are FIG. 21. e ooo gro > O O n O O men channels for running the sulphur into the basins, e, c. The channels, c, c, admit air into the mound; the apertures, g, g, emit the sulphur vapour into the chambers, f, f. Both roasting processes yield about 14 per cent of kernels, SMELTING PROCESS AT AGORDO. 105 with about 45 per cent of copper and 76 per cent of crusts, containing on an average 1325 per cent of copper; the yield of sulphur amounts to o'2 and 1°4 per cent respectively, and the expense for roasting one ton of ore to 3'914d. and 4*398d. respectively. The greater expense of roasting in mounds is caused by the outlay for apparatus, and for re- building the front wall after charging the mounds, but this is balanced by the increased yield of sulphur. The sulphur is refined by a re-melting in iron boilers. The oxidised crust is separated from the kernel by a hammer in such manner that it contains not more than 7 or 8 per cent of copper, while the kernel sometimes contains from 20 to 40 per cent of copper. The expense of separating is Is. 4'15d. per ton. According to Forbes, the silver concentrates in the crust, and causes loss. The mixture for raw smelting is composed as follows:- 0*120 tons of rich ores, containing 6·053 per cent of copper. 0'753 O'127 0*065 0°200 O'190 ") kernels 4'50 cement copper,, 40'26 smoke and furnace ends. rich slags. red sandstone. "" وو "" I'455 tons. The cement schlich is dressed on percussion tables, so as to form three sorts, containing respectively from 60 to 70, from 7 to 9, and from 2 to 4 per cent of copper, and to extract as much as possible of the arseniate of iron present. Higher and lower cupola furnaces are used for smelting the ores; the lower furnace being 43 metres high. The smelting is effected with a nose about o'17 metres long; the slags are made to run into an outside basin, and after their removal from this basin the matt is run into it and formed into cakes. If, owing to the presence of sulphide of zinc, the matt is very compact, it is made to run in thin layers on the floor of the smelting house. The pure slag, containing not more than 04 per cent of copper, is thrown PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 447. 106 COPPER. away, and impure slags are added to the black copper smelting. I ton of ore yields about 0'073 ton of matt, containing about 25 per cent of copper and from 26 to 28 per cent of sulphur. 17 tons of ore mixture are smelted in 24 hours, while the smelting operations last about 20 days. I ton of rich ore, kernels and cement copper, consumes 0'313 tons of charcoal, at a cost of 17s. 3d. For raw matt roasting, the crushed matt is roasted in mounds five times; in the last firings the roasting mass is provided with a layer of fuel. I ton of matt consumes o'085 ton of coal, o'019 ton of turf, and o'195 ton of wood, costing IOS. 6d. Black Copper Smelting.-A smelting mixture con- sists of:- Raw matt Concentrated matt Smoke and residues Rich slags Ore slags. Sandstone I'000 tons 0'230 0'045 0*065 0°225 0*220 1'785 Half cupola furnaces are used for smelting black copper, thus preventing a reduction of iron and the formation of a ferruginous black copper, which can only with difficulty be refined; on the other hand, the consumption of fuel is larger; the operations last ten or twelve days, and 9 or 10 tons of mixture are smelted in 24 hours, consuming about 4 tons of charcoal and producing about 25 per cent of black copper matt (Dünnstein), and 26 per cent of black copper, calculated upon the raw matt charged. The slag containing about 40 per cent of silica is added to the matt smelting process; the black copper containing about 93 per cent of copper is refined; the black copper matt, containing about. 63 per cent of copper, is three times roasted in mounds. I ton of roasted raw matt consumes o‘695 ton of coal, and costs £1 18s. for smelting. o'51 part of coal is consumed in the production of I part of matt, and 0.284 part in smelting one part of mixture. The first refining (roasting of the black copper) is effected SMELTING IN CHANNEL FURNACES. 107 in hearths consisting of 3 parts sandstone and I char- coal. One hearth is capable of holding about 8 cwts. of black copper, which are refined in 12 hours; at the commencement the inclination of the tuyere is about 14°, and is increased later on. 100 parts of black copper yield 78 parts of refined copper, and about 55 parts of hearth ends and rich slags, which are given to the matt smelting. I ton of black copper consumes o*632 ton of coal, and costs £1 15s. for labour. The second refining (toughening of the refined copper) is performed with charges of about 8 cwts., yielding 94°7 per cent of tough copper. The hearth ends are added to the black copper smelting. I ton of tough copper consumes 0˚516 ton of coal, and the expenses are £1 9s. 3d. The total cost of I ton of rosette copper amounts to £99 15s. Other reports state the smelting cost of copper, sulphur, and vitriol per cwt. to be, respectively, £2 10s. 7d., 9'7d., and 2*3d., while the market prices are, respectively, £5 14s. 8d., 12s. 4'5d., and 2s. 9d. The average annual production during the last 30 years is 3,681 cwts. of copper, 767 cwts. of sulphur, and 11,163 cwts. of iron vitriol. The loss of copper amounts to 7 or 8, or at the highest 10, per cent; this result may be considered most satisfactory, as the ores contain on an average only 1 per cent. At Riotinto the loss amounts to 50 per cent, whilst the ores worked there contain 3 per cent.* Smelting in Channel Furnaces with Two Open Eyes. a. Process at Sterne and St. Josephsberg, near Linz, on the Rhine.t-The following orest are worked at the Sterne copper works:-Poor oxidised copper ores containing to 3 per cent, and poor sulphuretted ores containing up to 12 per cent, and similar ores containing upwards of 12 per cent, also copper matt from different lead works on the Rhine. The roasting of the ores is effected in double reverberatory * B.u.h. Ztg., 1862, p. 301. † FETIS, in Revue Univers., iv., 158, 433. BERGGEIST, 1858, No. 45. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, pp. 107, 223, 438; 1860, pp. 27, 191. + ‡ COTTA, Erzlagerstätten, ii., 148. 108 COPPER. furnaces. The very pure and well-roasted ores are smelted in channel furnaces 4 feet high above the tuyere, together with iron refinery cinders and limestone, sometimes in the proportion of 30: 8: 8; now and then 20 per cent only of limestone is added with a variable quantity of Dünnstein, furnace ends, and (formerly) cement copper. About 30 cwts. of roasted ore are smelted in 24 hours, producing 35˚5 per cent of black copper, and consuming 16 or 17 cwts, or on an average 82.09 per cent, of coke. The refining is effected in charges of 2 cwts. of black copper, yielding 70 per cent of refined copper. b. Smelting Copper Pyrites at the Upper Hartz.*-The copper pyrites associated with quartz, calcspar, iron pyrites, some blende, and a little galena, contains on an average 18 per cent of copper. The pyrites in small pieces is roasted in sheltered heaps, containing about 11 tons, for at twelve weeks, at a consump- tion of about 250 cubic feet of wood. Pyrites in the form. of schlich is roasted in quantities of 4 tons for about nine days, after being previously mixed with lime and pressed into moulds. For the purpose of smelting, the roasted ore is mixed with about an equal quantity of slags resulting from the matt smelting, and the smelting process is carried on in channel furnaces, 11 feet high and I foot 5 inches by 3 feet 6 inches wide at the level of the tuyere, and 2 feet 7 inches at the furnace mouth. 72 cwts. of mixture are smelted in 12 hours, and 100 cwts. of pyrites, containing 18 per cent of copper, produce 53 cwts. of raw matt containing about 36 per cent of copper, and slags containing from to 1 per cent, consuming 47'5 cwts. of coke and 108 lbs. of charcoal; the process is carried on for 24 days without interruption. Owing to the great amount of antimony contained in the ores the matt requires to be smelted five times, each time after being previously roasted, before its final conversion into black copper. At the commencement the matt is KERL, Oberharzer. Hüttenprocesse, 1860, pp. 311, 636. SMELTING PROCESS AT KUPFERBERG. 109 roasted six or eight times, and at last from nine to twelve times. The matt smelting is also effected in channel furnaces with two open eyes, and about 40 cwts. of matt mixed with about 36 cwts. of ore slags, are smelted in 24 hours. 100 cwts. of raw matt yield 33 cwts. of black copper containing from 94 to 98 per cent of copper, and I cwt. of matt containing about 75 per cent of copper, besides slags with 1 or 2 per cent of copper. The black copper is purified in charges of 3 or 4 cwts. in about 3 hours, yielding about 90 per cent of rosette copper, and consuming 10 cubic feet of charcoal to I cwt. of rosette. copper. The refinery slags, with an addition of 120 cwts. of matt slags, are melted for the production of black copper, which is roasted in reverberatory furnaces and then purified in small hearths. The total loss of copper in the preceding processes amounts to about 10 per cent, 6.88 per cent of which takes place in the ore smelting, 178 per cent in the matt smeltings, and 134 per cent in the roasting and purifying process. About 840 cwts. of copper are produced annually from copper pyrites, and 550 cwts. of copper from cupriferous matt derived from the lead smelting. c. Smelting Process at Kupferberg in Upper Silesia.-The ores* worked are partly copper, iron, and arsenical pyrites, and variegated copper ore, with a little copper glance, fahlerz, cobalt and nickel ores, and associated with amian- thus, chlorite, serpentine, magnetic iron ore, calc spar, fluor spar, brown spar, and zinc blende, containing from 4 to 20 per cent of copper (on an average 5 per cent) after having been dressed. Partially oxidised ores are worked, such as malachite, azurite, red copper ore, &c., which have the same gangue as the sulphuretted ores; the amount of their con- tained copper is very variable; cupriferous and argentiferous residues from arsenic and vitriol manufactories are also here submitted to the smelting process. When smelted by themselves, sulphuretted ores are previously roasted, the schlich being first mixed with lime and formed into bricks; if oxidised ores are worked at the * COTTA, Erglagerstätten, ii.. 218. IIO COPPER. same time, then both sorts of ore are mixed together. A smelting mixture in common use consists of 75 cwts. of oxidised ores and 25 cwts. of sulphuretted ores, containing on an average 5 per cent of copper, 10 cwts. of fluor spar, and 50 cwts. of black copper slags. At the raw smelting, 2 cwts, of mixture are smelted with 1'42 cubic feet of coke, and in 24 hours 48 cwts. of mixture, containing 30 cwts. of ore, are worked; the resulting raw matt (about 5 cwts., containing from 30 to 35 per cent of copper), is tapped off two or three times; a very siliceous vitreous black slag is also produced. The matt is sometimes. so rich in silver that it is sold to establishments where silver is extracted. The raw matt is roasted in lots of 40 cwts. eight or nine separate times, and 100 cwts. of mixture, containing 35 cwts. of raw matt slags, are smelted in charges of 4 cwts. (or of 5'4 cwts. of slags and fluxes), each charge requiring 1°42 cubic feet of coke. The effect of coke at the matt smelting is 2.7 greater than at the ore smelting, other circumstances being the same; the slag resulting from the ore smelting is siliceous, and that from the matt smelting is neutral. From 80 to 85 cwts. of mixture are melted in one day; during that time it is tapped off eight times, and from 15 to 31 cwts. of black copper result, besides from 4 to 10 cwts. of matt, which is returned to the smelting. The resulting slags contain from 1 to 2 per cent of copper, and are added to the ore smelting. Black copper is purified in small hearths in charges of 3 or 4 cwts., and 18 cwts. of black copper yield 16 cwts of rosette copper and slags, which are worked up in the ore smelting. The copper contains auriferous silver. d. At Dillenburg in Nassau (Isabellenhütte), copper pyrites* containing from 20 to 25 per cent of copper is roasted once, consuming 42 cubic feet of wood and 128 cubic feet of charcoal to every 5 tons of ore. The roasting mass is smelted in channel furnaces, 50 or 60 cwts. of ore consuming in 24 hours * BURAT, in Ann. d. min., 4 sér., xiii., 351. COTTA, Erzlagerstätten ii., 151. Bgwkfd., xiii., 33. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 158. SMELTING COPPER SLATE. III 48 cubic feet of coke, and producing 43°3 per cent of raw matt, which is roasted three times and concentrated in a similar furnace. At the concentrating process 29 per cent of black copper and 37 per cent of concentrated matt results. This matt is again roasted three times and then smelted for the production of black copper, about 77 per cent of which is produced together with some matt. 100 cwts. of ore and intermediate products require for smelting 28 cubic feet of coke and 5'31 cubic feet of charcoal. At the purifying of black copper in small hearths, about 12 cwts. of rosette copper result in 12 hours, consuming 132 cubic feet of charcoal. The total yield of copper from the ores is 24 per cent. e. Smelting of Copper Slate at Riechelsdorf and Friedrichs- hütte.*—The smelting process is carried on with copper slatet containing from 2 to 6 per cent of copper, and poorer sand ores which, besides lime and clay in the proportion fit for the formation of slag, contain chiefly variegated copper ore, iron pyrites, red copper ore, copper glance, malachite, azurite, native copper, fallow ore, molybdenum glance, zinc, blende, galena, cobalt and nickel ores, and other minerals. The copper slate, containing on an average from 3 to 4 per cent of copper, is roasted for three or four weeks in open heaps containing about 3700 cwts. ; the heaps are provided with a foundation of brush-wood. The outside ores. are removed and re-roasted in small heaps with an addition of small charcoal, either by themselves or together with fresh ores. The sand ores are roasted in separate heaps. Both sorts of ore are smelted together with an addition of fluor spar, in channel furnaces, 18 feet high, as repre- sented by Figs. 22, 23, and 24. The blast produced by the bellows either enters from the reservoir, a, by the tuyere, b, 1½ inch in width, direct into the furnace, or it is previously heated to 100° or 150° C. by being conducted by means of the tube, c, into the lenticular iron reservoir, d, which is heated * GENTH, in ERDM. J. f. pr. Chem., Nos. 3 and 4, de 1846; xl., ii., 189. Bgwkfd., x., 305, 321, 337; xii., 223. B. u. h. Ztg., 1846, p. 617. RAMMELSBERrg, Metallurgie, p. 236. + COTTA, Erzlagerstätten, ii., 77, 679. Berggeist, 1859, No. 74. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 190. II2 COPPER. by the furnace gases, and then back by the tube, e, into f, whence it enters the furnace by the tuyere under a pressure FIG. 22. FIG. 23. d P P Г g h d о on m k of about 20 inches of water; during this manipulation, ƒ, is closed against the reservoir, a, by a slide. The furnace mouth FIG. 24. d a SMELTING COPPER SLATE. 113 is closed by a lid, g, and the furnace gases are collected at h, conducted by two tubes, k, which run down the front wall and terminate at m, where they heat the reservoir, d, the flame escaping through the opening, n. The plates, p, serve to protect the workmen from the heat; they move on hinges at q, and may be turned upside down by counterweights, r. The fused masses flow from the sole stone alternately out of the eyes, n, into two outside basins one foot in diameter, which are formed of two-thirds coal dust and one-third sifted loam. 10 tons of ore are melted in 24 hours, producing 8 cwts. of raw matt, charging every hour two parts in weight of mixture to one part of light coke. The resulting product is similar to those obtained at Mansfeld, namely raw matt (see analyses on page 43). According to Genth, the following is the composition of raw slags :- SiO 3 A1,0, CaO MgO FeO Cu,O ZnO KO NaO MOO FeS Cu₂S MOS₂ I. II. 4447 51'44 12'96 19'32 21'20 17.80 7.00 I'40 7.85 5.88 I*23 0*30 0*89 2*90 1'78 0·87 0.65 0°38 I'04 0*67 0'20 The slags are amorphous, mostly black, sometimes full of blisters; their specific gravity is from 2.683 to 2.834, and they are mixtures of mono- and bi-silicates. The cavities are frequently lined with augite.* Besides deposits of iron, zinciferous deposits and smoke result from this smelting. Bunsen investigated the furnace gases obtained when working with coke and hot blast, and the gases resulting when employing hot blast and coke with 1-5th of charcoal, VOL. II. LEONHARDT, Hüttenerzeugnisse, p. 42. I 114 COPPER. also those resulting when using charcoal alone and hot blast, and finally charcoal and cold blast. 1. Gases from the Upper part of the Furnace. II. Gases from the Lower part of the Furnace. II. I. II. I. Pressure of blast. 18" 19″" 19″″ 19"" Temperature of the same 135. 10° 1432 ΙΟ Temperature of the gases 300 285° Collected below the furnace mouths 6' 5' 12' 12' Nitrogen Carbonic oxide. 68.45 67'97 70'52 64.66 13.62 19'07 2'79 II 05 Carbonic acid 11.81 7°41 21°03 20'II Carburetted hydrogen 2.63 3'77 I'47 0'53 Hydrogen I'94 0'92 3'17 3'44 Sulphurous acid I'55 0.86 1'04 0'21 The gases from the upper parts represent the medium composition, containing the proportion of oxygen to nitrogen nearly resembling that existing in atmospheric air, whilst the gases from the lower parts of the furnace do not contain them in the same proportion, as the fuel there becomes de- composed with the evolution of volatile products by the heat. The weight of the fuel (1, 2), burned in the same time with equal quantities of air, and under the same circum- stances, is respectively 100 and 109 parts. When using charcoal and hot blast in iron blast furnaces it amounts to 147 parts. The loss of fuel caused by the escape of gases amounts to 39°2 and 43.8 per cent respectively of carbon. In iron blast furnaces this loss amounts to 75 per cent, on account of the larger formation of carbonic oxide gas, caused by the greater height of the furnace. 4 To this loss of temperature must be added that which is absorbed by the gases themselves, and which amounts at Friedrichshütte, where a mixture of coke and of char- coal is employed, to 8.8 per cent; this causes a total loss of 50 per cent of fuel, which is increased to 58 per cent when using charcoal and cold blast. The gases from the raw smelting border on the limit of combustibility, as they contain from 20 to 24 per cent of combustible gases (CO, H, CH2). When using charcoal and SMELTING OF COPPER SLATE. 115 hot blast in iron blast furnaces they amount to 30 per cent. The heating power of the furnace gases stands in an inverse proportion to the quantity of fuel consumed, as coal exerts the greatest effect if converted at the moment of combustion into carbonic acid; the reverse is the case with regard to carbonic oxide gas. The gases produced by employing a mixture of one-fifth of charcoal and four-fifths of coke and hot blast produce when burned a temperature of about 912° C; the gases formed by char- coal and cold blast, a temperature of 1,c97° C. Their appli- cability is similar to that of the gases of iron blast furnaces. The raw matt is roasted nine times in nine months, in mounds 16 feet long, 9 feet broad, and 7 feet high, and in the following manner:-Wood in lumps and in the form of brushwood, and small coal, forms the foundation, upon which are laid 100 cwts. of raw matt, then a layer of coal, and again 100 cwts. of raw matt; the last fires require more fuel than the first; the matt resulting from the black copper smelting is added at the fifth firing; 100 cwts. of raw matt consume 162 cubic feet of wood, 120 bundles of brushwood, and 496 cubic feet of charcoal. The roasted raw matt is smelted in admixture with ore slags with good charcoal and cold blast in a small sump furnace; 36 cwts. of matt are smelted in 24 hours, yielding black copper, matt, and slag. Two or three cwts. of black copper are purified in two or two and a-half hours with charcoal and coke, in a hearth about 9 inches deep and 26 inches wide, the tuyere having an inclination of 30°. The resulting purified copper contains nickel, and its thinner upper cakes are employed for the manufacture of brass, and the thicker lower ones are tough- ened. The hearth ends, rich in nickel, are smelted for the production of a nickeliferous copper, the composition of which is shown in the following analyses :- Cu Ni I. II. III. 76.8 83.25 96*98 Fe S ค 13.6 12.82 2'99 4'0 3°40 0'20 5°I I'19 ΟΙΟ I 2 116 COPPER. No. I is copper produced from refinery slags of Riechels- dorf, by Wille. No. 2, the same from Friedrichshütte, uppermost cake, by Wille. No. 3, the same, lower cake. At Thalitter, in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, copper slate containing from 1 to 3 per cent is smelted direct in charcoal furnaces for the production of black copper, which is purified in small hearths; the annual production is about 230 cwts. f. At Nischnetagilsk the usual mixture is about 30 cwts. of copper ore,† containing from 25 to 60 per cent of copper ; 27 cwts. of copper schlich, containing from 1 to 25 per cent of copper; 9 cwts. of copper pyrites, containing from 1 to 25 per cent of copper; and 21 cwts. of raw slag. It is smelted in channel furnaces 12 feet high, receiving from 300 to 400 cubic feet of air per minute. About 4 tons of mixture are smelted in 24 hours, consuming 250 cubic feet of wood, and producing about 13 cwts. of raw matt, containing 48 per cent of copper. The raw matt is roasted in three fires, then mixed with one-half of its weight of raw slag, and smelted for the produc- tion of black copper and matt; 90 cwts. of mixture consume about 250 cubic feet of charcoal; the charcoal is advanta- geously replaced by wood. The black copper is refined in rever- beratory furnaces. The use of superheated steam in the copper ore smelting, and the employment of Rachette's furnace (page 39) yielded favourable results. Smelting in Crucible Furnaces. Low furnaces of this kind are only used in rare cases for copper smelting in India, Japan, &c.|| The resulting matt is then taken out of the furnace hearths either in cakes or in one piece, when it is broken, roasted, and smelted for the production of black copper; the black copper is refined in peculiar hearths. The Japanese method of casting copper has been explained on page 78. * ERDMANN'S Journ. f. ök. u. tech. Chem., xvii., 471. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 265, 384. + COTTA's Erzlagerstätten, ii., 543. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 117. || Ibid., p. 118. Bgwkfd., vi., 371; xvi., 17. COPPER EXTRACTION AT THE DESILVERISATION OF ORES. 117 Illustrations of Smelting Argentiferous and Auriferous Copper Ores by the German Method. 1. Extraction of Copper at the Desilverisation of Ores and Matts. a. At the district of Naygbanya, in Hungary.*-The gold, silver, copper, and lead orest of this district, associated with gangues, such as quartz, heavy spar, calc spar, felspar, and occasionally gypsum, blende, and manganese, are desilverised (by means of lead) at the smelting works of Fernezely, Kapnik, Laposbanya, Olahlaposbanya, and Sztrimbul; copper matt results as the final product of these processes; it is treated, at Felsöbanya particularly, by the following operations for the extraction of its copper. 1. The copper matt, containing from 35 to 40 per cent of copper and o˚34 to 0°42 ounces of silver in 100 lbs., besides lead, iron, sulphur, arsenic, and antimony in variable quan- tities, is first roasted in quantities of 500 cwts. in alternate layers with wood, for about a fortnight; more wood is added at the following eight or nine firings. 75 cubic feet of wood and 5 cubic feet of coal are required for roasting 1,000 lbs. of matt in ten fires. The roasted matt is smelted in cupola furnaces 6 feet high, in admixture with refinery slags in the proportion of 160 to 18; from 54 to 62 cwts. of mixture are smelted in 24 hours, 1,000 lbs. of matt consuming 48'64 cubic feet of coal. The resulting concentrated matt contains from 60 to 65 per cent of copper, and is roasted in nine fires and added to the black copper smelting. Besides the concentrated matt, black copper, containing from So to 85 per cent of copper, results (about 40 or 50 per cent of the quantity of matt 1 KERSTEN, in ERDM. J. f. pr. Chem., i., 193, (1834.) AUDIBERT, in Ann. d. min., I livr. de 1845. Bgwkfd., x., 209. RIvor and DUCHANOY, in Ann. d. min., 5 ser., 1 livr. de 1853, p. 63. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geolog. Reichsanst., 1853, No. 3, p. 568. B. u. h. Ztg., 1853, p. 591; 1854, p. 25. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1854, P. 81. ↑ Corra, Erzlagerstätten, ii., 291. ť Jahrb. d. k. k. Geolog. Reichsanst., 1851, No. 3, p. 157. 1852, p. 145. B. u. h. Ztg., 118 COPPER. smelted), and poor slags with per cent of copper, which are thrown away. The first refining (roasting or purifying) of the black copper is effected in reverberatory furnaces; the hearth is formed of loam well beaten down and covered with a layer of quartz sand. 13 cwts. of copper are charged, resting upon a foundation of straw, and the copper is slowly melted in 48 hours, in order to avoid cracks in the furnace hearth; next, 16, 18, and 20 cwts. of copper are charged in succession. As soon as the copper is melted, the blast is put on and made to react intermittently upon the surface of the metallic bath, thus causing the formation, at the com- mencement of the process, of a great deal of half-fused oxidised substances; as as soon as these substances cease to be formed, and the surface of the metal bath appears clear and bright, indicating the fineness of the copper, the copper is tapped off into three moulds, and there formed into. cakes, after having previously reduced the suboxide of copper formed, by covering the surface of the copper with charcoal. If the copper contains a considerable amount of antimony and arsenic, charcoal is several times spread over it previous to the tapping off, and the blast is made to react upon it for a time after removing the charcoal; the tapping off and forming into cakes (rosettes) takes about three or four hours. From 78 to 80 per cent of cake copper is pro- duced by this process, besides slag containing at least 20 per cent of copper and 15 per cent of lead, causing a consumption of 216 cubic feet of wood to every 1,000 lbs. of black copper. Rosette copper is refined in a small hearth, in quan- tities of 537 lbs., in three hours, causing a loss of 3 per cent of copper, and consuming 72 cubic feet of charcoal to 1,000 lbs. of rosette copper. The fused copper is ladled out and cast in cast iron moulds. The loss of copper at the working of the cupriferous matt does not exceed 6 per cent. The slag formed in the reverberatory furnace* is smelted in admixture with from 35 to 45 per cent of raw pyrites not con- taining gold; about 45 cwts. of mixture in 24 hours con- suming 43 cubic feet of coal to 1,000 lbs. of slag. Some KRAUS, Jahrb., 1854, p. 85. · SMELTING PROCESS AT MÜSEN. 119 argentiferous lead results from this process (about 40 per cent of that contained in the scum), and matt containing from 35 to 45 per cent of copper, which is smelted for the pro- duction of black copper after having been ten or twelve times roasted. The copper works at Felsöbanya treat annually 2,000 cwts. of matt, and produce from 800 to 820 cwts of copper, partly in cakes or in ingots, and partly forged into bars. The annual production of metal in the royal works at Nagybanya amounts to about 300 lbs. of gold, 7,700 lbs. of silver, 1,450 cwts. of copper, 40 cwts. of lead, 4,200 cwts. of litharge, and 30 cwts. of sulphur; the private works pro- duce 180 lbs. of gold and 100 lbs. of silver. b. At the Gustav-Adolph Silver Works at Fahlun.*—The copper lead matt resulting from the lead smelting, and con- taining from 12 to 16 per cent of copper, and 13 ounces of silver in 100 lbs. is roasted three times and smelted in The resulting admixture with quartz, litharge, and hearth. alloy is submitted in a reverberatory furnace to a combined process of liquation and oxidation for the extraction of its lead and silver; the remaining impure copper is refined in a small hearth. c. At Müsen† copper matt which has been desilverised by means of lead, is submitted to the following processes: 2 I. Concentration of the Matt.-The matt is twice roasted, consuming 46 cubic feet of wood and 9 cwts. of charcoal, at a total cost of £1 9s. per cwt. IO Cwts. of the roasted matt are mixed either with 5 or 6 cwts. of once roasted copper ores poor in silver and 15 cwts. of lead slags, or with from to I cwt. of refinery scum and 12 cwts. of lead slags, and smelted in more or less low cupola furnaces. In the very low furnaces from 40 to 50 cwts. are smelted in 24 hours, and in furnaces somewhat higher from 70 to So cwts. of matt, ore, and scum, exclusive of the addition of slag, consuming respectively from 42 to 50 or from 50 to 60 cubic feet of coke, so that in the lower furnaces 7 lbs. of mixture (including * Bgwkfd., xi., 601. Preuss. Ztschr., 1862, Bd. 10. Lief. 3, p. 203, 120 COPPER. fluxes) are smelted by 1 lb. of coke, and in the somewhat higher furnaces 9 lbs. The resulting products are— a. Crude Lead, containing about two ounces of silver in the cwt., or plumbiferous black copper at the end of the process in the lower cupola furnace, when the roasting has been too strong; therefore, the hearth sole of the lower cupola furnace is constructed with an inclination of 15°, thick pieces of wood are placed upon it, and upon them several pieces of the impure copper. Upon burning the wood, lead containing about 2 ounces of silver in the cwt. will melt out, while the remaining metal, termed kiehnstöcke, containing about 65 per cent of copper, 5 per cent of lead, and an ounce of silver, is added to the black copper smelting. b. Concentrated Matt, containing about 55 per cent of copper, 5 per cent of lead, and 3 of an ounce of silver. c. Slag, containing about I per cent of copper. 2. Black Copper Smelting. The concentrated matt is roasted about nine times, with respectively 27'5, 30, 32'5, 35, 37*5, 40, 42*5, 45, and 50, making together 340 cubic feet of charcoal and coke. The kiehnstöcke are roasted by themselves in the first fire, being placed in one corner of the heap. 100 cwts. of matt consume 144 cubic feet of wood, 117 cubic feet of charcoal, and 106 cubic feet of coke, costing nearly £5 8s. The roasted matt is smelted in a lower cupola furnace constructed with two open eyes, with an addition at the commencement of the process of slags from the concentration smelting, and afterwards of slags from the same process. Either from 40 to 50, or from 60 to 70 cwts. of matt are smelted in 24 hours, consuming 44 cubic feet of charcoal and about 90 cubic feet of coke; 1 lb. of coke smelts 5 lbs. of mixture, allowing 7 cwts. of slag to 10 cwts. of matt. Black copper and black copper matt are formed into cakes; the black copper contains about 70 per cent of copper and of an ounce of silver, and the black copper matt 60 per cent of copper and an ounce of silver; the slag contains I per cent of copper. The black copper matt (Dünnstein), is either returned to the furnace, or is roasted dead and added at the refinery process. SMELTING PROCESS AT MUSEN. 121 3. Refining the Black Copper. When new, the hearths are 10 inches in diameter and 5 inches deep, and are capable of containing 60 or 70 lbs. of copper, whilst a hearth which has been several times used will contain from 150 to 180 lbs. The copper tuyere has an inclination of 6°; it is 12 inches long and its mouth is 1 inch in diameter. The hearth is formed of three parts of 12 refractory sand and one part gestübbe. Part of the copper and a small addition of roasted black copper matt are smelted with coke; the slag formed is then removed together with the coke, and in order to evolve sulphur and to oxidise foreign metals, a low blast is made to react upon the copper so long as it remains sufficiently fluid. Fresh copper and coke are next charged, and the process repeated until the hearth is filled, and a sample shows its fineness; from 150 or 180 lbs. are refined in about four hours. The copper is ladled into separate hearths prepared for the purpose. From 5 to 6 cwts. of black copper, besides some matt, are refined on an average on one hearth in 24 hours, consuming about 29 cubic feet of coke and about 3 cubic feet of charcoal for warming the hearth. The rosette copper contains about one ounce of silver. One hearth lasts 35 hours without repairs, and produces about 17 cwts. of rosette copper. These processes, adopted at Müsen and Rothenbach, have, since 1859, been considerably improved at the Loher Smelting Works. Part of the ore is now roasted in reverberatory furnaces instead of in heaps, with the following advantages:- reduction of the roasting period to 19-20ths of its former length, thus saving a considerable amount of interest of capital, and metal; independence of the weather; the more uniform and perfect roasting without evolving noxious vapours. The smelting process comprises the following operations :— 1. Ore Roasting.-The ores, consisting of grains of 2 millimetres, and of schlich, are mixed with some cinders and roasted in a Ramsbecker furnace, 64 feet long out- side, 14 feet broad, and 6 feet high. The hearth lies. 3 feet above the floor of the smelting house, and is provided near the fire-bridge with a flat excavation 5 feet long, I feet 122 COPPER. high, which is beaten out with refractory sand. The exca- vation and the grate are separated into two parts by a vertical division wall. The flat arched roof is raised 1 foot 8 inches above the hearth sole, and each long side of the furnace has cighteen working doors. The flames of both grates unite upon the hearth, pass across it long-ways, the hot gases and vapour are conducted for 18 feet to and fro beneath the hearth for depositing contained ore and escaping dust, and then enter a condensation channel 130 feet long, which communicates with a chimney 50 feet high. This channel is intended to receive the smoke of all the smelting and cupelling furnaces. About 6 tons of lead ores are roasted in 24 hours, consuming 35 cubic feet of coal. The ores are charged every hour in small lots by the last working doors, and are spread out upon the hearth 4 or 5 inches deep; they are gradually moved towards the fire bridge, and every six hours the somewhat caked masses are removed from the deepening of the hearth out of the furnace; therefore the ores remain in the furnace from 18 to 24 hours. When roasting ores at a higher tem- perature so that they become scorified, a considerable loss of metal, chiefly of copper, takes place. The fire is stirred. every 10 or 15 minutes, and an equal temperature sustained during the whole process. One furnace is attended by five smelters and one assistant workman; each smelter receives. Is. 6d. for one shift of twelve hours, and the assistant Is. 3d. The loss at the roasting amounts to 8 or 9 per cent; some of this loss is caused by the moisture of the ores, and o'275 per cent by the ore dust, containing 10 per cent of lead, and 3-10ths of an ounce in the cwt. This method of roasting costs 3'3d. per cwt. of ore, whilst roasting in heaps costs 3'1d. 2. Smelting Lead Ores.-Mixtures of 10 cwts. of lead ores 2 cwts. of copper ores (poor in copper and argentiferous), o'5 cwt. of fallow ores, 15 cwts. of iron refinery cinders, o'5 cwt. of old iron, and 12 cwts. of lead slags, are smelted in cupola furnaces, 6 feet high above the tuyeres, and having each 3 tuyeres. 54 cwts. of ore exclusive of fluxes and furnace ends of the former smelting are smelted daily, yielding 1 cwt. of matt to every 3 cwts. of resulting crude SMELTING PROCESS AT LOHE. 123 lead. From 10 to 11 lbs. of mixture are smelted with 1 lb. of coke, formerly, only 9 lbs. of ore could be smelted when roasting in heaps. 3. Lead Matt Smelting.-Owing to the more perfect roasting of the ore the matt only requires to be roasted and smelted once, or at most twice. The smelting operation is performed in the ore furnaces, and about 45 cwts. of mixture are smelted with 31 cubic feet of coke in 24 hours. If the resulting matt is still too rich in lead and poor in copper, it is re-smelted in admixture with roasted ores rich in silver, after having been previously twice roasted. 4. Desilverisation of the Copper Matt.-For its desilver- isation, copper matt containing 1 or 1 ounces of silver requires to be twice melted, so that it may contain not more than about an ounce. A mixture consists of 10 cwts. of copper matt, containing 137 ounce of silver and 20'6 per cent of lead, o˚5 cwt. of ores rich in copper, 4 cwts, of hearth and litharge, and 10'5 cwts. of lead slags. 46 cwts. of mixture are smelted in 24 hours, at a consumption of 31 cubic feet of coke at the first desilverisation, and at the second, 4172 cwts. of mixture with 28 cubic feet of coke. 5. Concentration of the Desilverised Copper Matt.- This matt is first roasted moderately in open heaps, and then smelted without any addition of copper ores, which always contain silver, but simply with an admixture of lead slags. If the resulting slags are too basic in their nature some scum of the refining process is added. This smelting may also be effected in the furnaces used for the ore smelting, in which 54'05 cwts. of matt are smelted in 24 hours, at a consumption of 31 cubic feet of coke. 6. Black Copper Smelting.-The concentrated matt is finely divided and is roasted as perfectly as possible in the same manner as the lead ores in reverberatory furnaces, from 90 to 100 cwts. being treated in 24 hours at a consumption of 39 cubic feet of coal. The roasted matt is smelted in channel furnaces with two open eyes, 77°29 cwts. in 24 hours producing black copper and matt, and consuming 67 cubic feet of coke. The black copper is refined in the usual way, and the matt is roasted five or six times in open heaps and smelted 124 COPPER. in the same kind of furnaces, producing a very pure black copper. II. Extraction of Copper at the Desilverisation of Matt. At Oeblarn,* in Upper Styria, a mixture of copper pyrites, fallow ore, and red silver ore, containing 1 per cent of copper, from o'006 to 0'007 of silver, and some gold, is roasted in open heaps, and the resulting sulphur, realgar, and sulphate of copper are collected. The roasted ores are then smelted with an addition of clay slate and slags in cupola furnaces 8 or 9 feet high, producing raw matt and furnace ends. The raw matt is smelted for its desilverisation in admixture with litharge, hearth, Villacher lead, and some furnace ends, yielding a lead or copper matt, speiss, and lead containing sufficient silver to be worth cupelling. An analysis of the resulting speiss is given on page 44. The lead or copper matt is roasted and smelted with an addition of clay slate and slags, producing copper matt and a caked mass difficult to fuse, which is called hartwerk, and is rich in silver. The matt is ten or twelve times roasted and smelted for the pro- duction of black copper, which is finally refined in blast reverberatory furnaces. III. Extraction of Copper at the Desilverisation of Black Copper. a. Smelting Works of Oker in the Lower Hartz.-The ores and products treated here for the extraction of copper are the pure copper ores of the Rammelsberg, the copper-lead matts. of the lead smeltings, and the cupriferous residues. 1. Treatment of the Copper Ores.-These consist of an intimate admixture of copper pyrites, iron pyrites, zinc blende, arsenical pyrites, antimonial ores, &c., and some small quantities of earths; they contain from 1-16th to th ounce of silver per cwt., and 1-7,300,000 of gold. They are roasted in kilns, and the sulphurous acid thus formed is used for the production of sulphuric acid. In this TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1847, p. 74; 1853, P. 348. Jahrb., d. k. k. Geolog. Reichsanstalt, 1850, No. 2, p. 343. COTTA, Erzlagerstätten, ii., 313. + KNOCKE, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 362. KERL, Rammelsberger Hütten- processe, 186r, Anh. pp. I7, 25. SMELTING PROCESS AT OKER (LOWER HARTZ). 125 manner 15 per cent of the sulphur is made profitable, whilst, when roasting in open heaps, which was formerly practised, only from to I per cent of sulphur was gained. After the roasting in kilns, the ores are roasted twice in sheltered heaps. The roasted ores contain from 6 to 8 per cent of copper, and are smelted in cupola furnaces, mixed in the following proportions:- 329 cwts. of roasted ores, about 4'25 cwts. of clay slate. containing small veins of copper ore; 2.18 cwts. of burned clay slate, about 4'84 cwts. of slags of the matt smeltings; besides furnace ends and ore slags, according to require- ment. The furnaces are represented by Figs. 25, 26, and 27. FIG. 25. (? C a W 77 foundation; b, flues for the escape of moisture; c, sole stone; d, back wall; e, pillar; f, counters; h, chimney; i, funnel; k, layer for the tuyere; 1, tuyere; m, tuyere arch; n, fore- hearth; o, outside basin for receiving metal and matt ; þ, sole 126 COPPER. FIG. 26. if ན C α Ъ α FIG. 27. G of the furnace, formed of a mixture of small coal and loam ; r, front wall; t, sump for collecting the slag. The smelting is effected by keeping a nose 5 or 6 inches long, and giving 250 cubic feet of blast per minute. The mixture is smelted SMELTING PROCESS AT OKER (LOWER HARTZ). 127 in three hours, consuming 2'933 cubic feet of charcoal and 114 cubic feet of coke, and producing as chief product a sort of speiss called königskupfer, containing 89 per cent of copper and from 2 to 3 ounces of silver. Its formation is caused chiefly by the presence of arsenic and antimony in the ores. An analysis by Bodemann shows its composition to be as follows:- Cu. Pb . Fe Ni Co Ag Sb 81.87 10.26 2.75 traces traces 0°22 As S 2.55 Ι'ΟΙ o'60 It is submitted in quantities of 60 cwts. to an oxidising smelting, and then granulated, which process yields 42 or 43 cwts. of granulated copper. The furnaces used are repre- sented by Figs. 28 and 29; their construction is thus:- a, foundation; b, flues for the escape of moisture; c, rough walling; d, opening for the slags; e, working opening ; ƒ, iron FIG. 28. 10 ان 7~ T n Z go og ga h B Ъ Ъ t,、,。 S 10 gutter; g, tuyeres; h, fire-place on which bundles of wood are burned; k, fire-bridge; m, opening in the arched roof for 128 COPPER. Ꮴ F y f FIG. 29. ՂԱՆ -D 0 cooling the furnace; n, cover to it; o, iron pillar founded in the sole of smelting house, and to which the grappling irons are fixed; p, slag hearth; q, hearth formed of bricks ; r, smelting sole formed of loam and a mixture of small coal and loam; s, interior walling; t, grate; u, blast tube; v, granulating tub with an iron cover and an opening (y) for admitting the copper from the gutter, z; x, water reservoir; w, gutter for conducting the water to the tub. The granulated copper is treated with dilute sulphuric acid, as explained in chapter ii., Silver (vol. i., p. 399). The resulting copper vitriol* is a commercial product; the argentiferous and auriferous residues are smelted together with litharge for the production of crude lead. This mode of desilverisation gives a larger yield of silver and gold, and is simpler in its manipulations, and cheaper than the former desilverisation of black copper by means of lead. One disad- vantage of this method is that the copper is obtained in the state of blue vitriol, which does not always find a good market. In such cases the vitriol may be smelted after being heated KERL, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 66. TREATMENT OF INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS. 129 with coal, or better, with saw dust, or it is added to the ore roasting with an addition of coal, as at Fahlun. Rochel* decomposes the copper vitriol by heat, for the extraction of its sulphuric acid. The following products also result:- 3 From 24 to 24 cwts. of raw matt, containing 48 to 52 per cent of copper and to 1 ounce of silver. It is roasted from two to four times; its working we will describe later on; 4 24 cubic feet of raw slags, containing from to 3 per cent of copper, which are thrown away if pure; and Some smoke, containing 2 or 3 per cent of copper, which is roasted in reverberatory furnaces, and treated with dilute sulphuric acid for the production of copper vitriol. The roasted raw matt is smelted in admixture with 1-12th of clay slate in the ore smelting furnace, producing- Black copper containing 92 per cent of copper; Copper matt containing 60 per cent of copper. The purification of the black copper is effected in small hearths in quantities of from 3 to 3 cwts., which takes about three hours; from 10 to 15 cubic feet of charcoal are consumed for I cwt. of copper. The copper is made dry and again reduced to fineness by an addition of lead, 2 lbs. to I cwt. of copper. IV. Treatment of the Cupriferous Intermediate Products and Residues. a. The Copper Lead Matt (vol. i., p. 123) from the lead smelting, containing about 60 per cent of copper and from I to 1 of an ounce of silver per cwt., is treated as the copper raw matt for the production of black copper. The black copper is submitted to an oxidising smelting, and refined in small hearths, together with the black copper of the copper smelting; or it is treated with sulphuric acid. b. Copper Lead Matt (vol. i., p. 185).—It is oxidised in a reverberatory furnace and granulated; if the resulting copper contains 5 or 6 ounces of silver, the silver is extracted by VOL. II. * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p 283. K 130 COPPER. means of sulphuric acid. The slags resulting from the oxi- dising smelting are re-smelted for the production of lead and speiss; the speiss is then submitted to an oxidising smelting and treated with sulphuric acid. c. Refinery Slags resulting from the refinery process in small hearths; they are smelted for the production of black copper and matt. The black copper is submitted to an oxidising smelting and afterwards to a refining in air rever- beratory furnaces; the roasted matt is smelted to produce black copper, which is then treated in reverberatory furnaces. in the same manner. In 1861, 4599 cwts. of refined (tough) copper were produced at Oker.* Treatment of Copper Lead Matt at the Upper Hartz.*--- Such a matt from Altenau, Lautenthal, and Andreasberg, containing from 22 to 25 per cent of copper, 6 to 14 per cent of lead, and 0‘03 to 0‘'05 per cent of silver, is roasted from six to nine times, in the same manner as the raw matt resulting from the smelting of copper pyrites. When roasted it is smelted, and yields black copper containing o'08 to 0‘30 per cent of silver and 70 to 98 per cent of copper, and some matt (Dünnstein) containing o'03 per cent of silver and 70 to 75 per cent of copper. 100 cwts. of matt produce about 15 cwts. of black copper and o‘6 cwt. of matt. The copper lead matt at Andreasberg is rich in antimony and arsenic, and is submitted, in quantities of 40 cwts., to an oxidising smelting in blast reverberatory furnaces, the first time for eight or ten hours, and the second for twelve or sixteen hours, in quantities of 50 cwts. The resulting copper matt, containing from 20 to 25 per cent of copper and o‘06 to o'09 per cent of silver, is smelted for the production of black copper containing about o'16 per cent of silver, after having been roasted from fifteen to eighteen times. The black copper is desilverised by means of lead and the liquation process, the remaining copper (Kiehnstöcke) is submitted, in quantities of about 43 cwts., to an oxidising smelting in reverberatory furnaces. At this process from three to four hours' firing is given without employing the KERL, Oberharzer, Hüttenprocess, 1860, pp. 519, 640, 674, 698. SMELTING PROCESS AT CSIKLOVA. CESS IZI blast, which is then put in operation and made to react upon the fused copper for six or eight hours, whilst the formed slag is skimmed off. 5 tons of Kiehnstöcke produce about 55 cwts. of metal and 45 cwts. of slag. The metal is refined in a small hearth, and the slag is treated, together with copper refinery slags, for the production of copper mica. The annual production of this copper at the Upper Hartz is about 500 or 550 cwts. At Csiklova* in Banat, copper ores, consisting of copper pyrites, fallow ore, iron pyrites, arsenical pyrites, blende, calc spar, quartz, and containing from 3 to 4 per cent of copper and a small amount of silver and gold, are smelted together with basic rich slags, producing raw matt. This raw matt is twice roasted in mounds and afterwards smelted in low cupola furnaces with an addition of siliceous slags, when it yields a concentration matt containing 35 or 36 per cent of copper. This latter matt is three times roasted and re-smelted in low cupola furnaces with an addition of slags from the former process, yielding an arsenical and antimonial black copper containing about 70 per cent of copper, and some black copper matt (Dünnstein) containing from 60 to 65 per cent of copper. This matt is twice roasted and then added to the black copper smelting. The black copper, yielding o'68 ton of rosette copper, and 1741 kilos. of silver to the ton, is desilverised by the amalgamation process. The roasting at this process is effected with common salt, causing an evolution of antimony and arsenic. Whilst still in a humid state, the cupriferous residues of the amalgamation process are mixed with 25 per cent of pulverised iron pyrites and 6 per cent of powdered charcoal and formed into bricks, which are then smelted in high narrow cupola furnaces, in admixture with some siliceous slags. The resulting products are black copper containing about 85 per cent of copper, and matt with about 64 per cent of copper. The matt is roasted in mounds twelve times, and smelted in admixture with * CHANCOURTOIS, in Ann. des mines, 4 sér., tom. x., livre 6, de 1846, p. 577- RIVOT and DUCHANOY in Jahrb., d. K. K. Geolog. Reichsanstalt, 1853, No. 4. p. 807. RUSSEGGER, in KARSTEN'S Archiv. 1, R. ix,, 405. KRAUS, Jahrbuch, 1852, p. 128. RIVOT, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 513. 2 K 132 COPPER. pyrites, slags, and residues of the refinery process. The resulting black copper, which is somewhat purer, is purified in small hearths; a little matt also results, which is worked up if collected in sufficient quantity. The former black copper is purified first in blast reverberatory furnaces, and afterwards in small hearths, yielding a tough copper of medium quality. I ton of ore, containing o'033 ton of copper and o'0835 kilo. of silver, yields 0.0305 ton of copper and 0.077 kilo. of auri- ferous silver, consuming 1*33 tons of fuel, at a total cost for labour, smelting materials, and tools, of 19s. TREATMENT OF SULPHURETTED ORES, &c., IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. The process of extracting copper in reverberatory furnaces has been largely developed in England, and its chief points are based upon the principles forming the basis of the extraction of copper in cupola furnaces. It comprises the following operations :-roasting the ores; reducing and purifying smelting the roasted ore for the production of matt; roasting and concentrating the matt several times, according to whether more or less foreign substances, chiefly antimony and arsenic, are present; treatment of the roasted concentrated matt for the production of black copper; and finally, refining the black copper. At the reducing and purifying smeltings of the roasted ores and matt in cupola furnaces, the reducing agents are chiefly coal and carbonic oxide gas from the reducing re-agents; but in smelting in reverberatory furnaces it is the sulphur of the sulphides, which have remained undecomposed in the roasting processes, that chiefly reduces, by decomposing the oxides and salts, becoming itself converted into sulphurous acid. There is also a difference in the refining, as by conducting this process in reverberatory furnaces the copper becomes at once toughened. When smelting copper ores in reverberatory furnaces, the resulting slags, which are thrown away, are usually richer in copper than those resulting in cupola furnaces, and the ENGLISH COPPER SMELTING PROCESS. 133 concentration of copper in the matt in reverberatory furnaces aiso takes place in a considerably less degree; this is caused by the more imperfect roasting of large quantities in a limited time, wherefore more concentration smeltings are required. Slight differences in the form and size of the apparatus, chiefly of the roasting furnaces, exist in the different copper works, and also in the processes themselves, according to the quality of the ore, with regard to its contained metal, its purity, its oxidised or sulphuretted state, the quality of the products, &c. The English copper smelting process comprises at least six operations, viz. :- 1. Calcination of the Ores. 2. Fusion of the Calcined Ore for the production of coarse metal. 3. Calcining the Raw Matt (coarse metal). 4. Fusing the Roasted Raw Matt for producing fine metal. 5. Roasting the Fine Metal for the production of black blister copper (pimpled metal). 6. Refining or Toughening the Copper. Impure ores may render necessary a repetition of the matt concentration smeltings, and more operations may be re- quired in producing copper of the first quality, in separate smeltings of slags, &c. These circumstances, according to Le Play,* necessitate the following ten operations :— 1. Calcination of the Sulphuretted Ores. 2. Production of Raw Matt from the Roasted Ores. 3. Calcination of the Raw Matt. 4. Production of the Common White, or the Concen- trated Matt, by fusing the roasted raw matt with rich ores. 5. Production of Blue Concentrated Matt (blue metal) by fusing roasted raw matt with roasted ores containing a medium amount of copper. 6. Production of White and Red Matt (or metal) from slags Nos. 4, 7, and 8. * LE PLAY, Description des Procédés Métallurgiques Employés dans le pays de Galles pour la fabrication du Cuivre, Paris, 1848. (Deutch, von Hartmann, 1851. 134 COPPER. 7. Roasting Smelting the Blue Matt No. 5, and produc- tion of white extra matt. 8. Roasting Smelting the White Extra Matt and pro- ducing concentration matt. 9. Roasting Smelting the Common White Matt, the Concentrated Matt, and the Cupriferous Hearth Bottoms for the production of black copper. 10. Refining the Black Copper. The copper smelting processes in reverberatory furnaces are performed on the Continent much more simply than in England, comprising only a roasting and raw smelting of the ores, one or two concentrations of the raw matt, a roasting and smelting of the concentrated matt for the pro- duction of black copper, and the refining of the black copper. In the English copper works, an addition of copper ores of different purity, and containing unequal amounts of metal, is made to the roasted raw matt, and thus a copper of different quality is the result. This is also the case at the separate smelting of slags. During a number of years suggestions have been made for the improvement and simplification of the complicated English copper smelting process. These gave a partially good result, but did not wholly admit of a practical application. The pro- posals were with a view to improve the roasting processes, and to cause a better yield in the smelting processes by using very different fluxes. Gurlt* has studied these proposals, and carefully superintended the execution of them in the copper works. He has stated his conviction that all the operations required for working copper ores in reverberatory furnaces may be reduced to not more than two roasting pro- cesses at the highest, and three smelting processes, viz. :- 1. Calcining the Ores in a Pulverised State in Parkes's double roasting furnace, provided with an apparatus for turning the roasting mass, and with an addition of a chloride, such as common salt or chloride of calcium, for the formation of volatile chlorides. * GURLT, Bemerkungen über die Fortschritte des Kupferhüttenprocesses in England. B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 265, No. 16. CALCINING THE SULPHURETTED ORES. 135 2. Smelting the Roasted Ores for the production of raw matt, forming at the same time a siliceous slag. 3. Roasting Smelting the Raw Matt with or without the addition of a chloride, by hot blast for the production of black copper. 4. Refining the Black Copper. In cases when it is intended to extract a pure copper from stanniferous ores, a separation smelting of the raw matt will be required. This is usually combined with the smelting of rich slags, and is similar to a process we shall describe later on. These propositions have not, however, been adopted here; the processes in use retain their original complexity, and the roasting apparatus only has been somewhat modified. The chief reason appears to be that these modifications would interfere with the necessary connection between the quality of the produced copper and the quality of the ores standing for sale. In the following pages it is proposed to give a statement of the theory of the English roasting and smelting processes, a description of the apparatus, and the newest improvements. It will perhaps be as well here to enumerate the names of the most recent authors who have written on the English copper smelting process, in addition to Le Play and Gurlt, whose writings we have already mentioned. These are- Warington Smyth, in his lectures at the Royal School of Mines, London, J. Arthur Phillips,* Hyde Clark, Napier,: Percy, and Rivot.§ Calcining the Sulphuretted Ores. This process is required for the reasons stated on page 18, and is performed either in special reverberatory furnaces or in furnaces used at the same time for smelting. These * A Manual of Metallurgy, by J. A. PHILLIPS: London, 1852, p. 350. + Mining Journal, 1858, No. 1215. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, pp. 6, 11, 49, 179, 229. Philosophical Magazine, 1852, vol. 4, p. 45; vol. 5, p. 30. Metallurgy, by JOHN PERCY: London, 1851, vol. 1, pp. 289–382, 454, 494. B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, pp. 316, 346. § RIVOT, Metallurgie du Cuivre Paris, 1859, pp. 117, 194. HARTMANN: Leipzig, 1860, pp. 73, 116. Deutch von C. 136 COPPER. furnaces are usually provided with a direct firing, as in Eng- land, Freiberg, Dillenburg; at Freiberg gas reverberatory furnaces are also used; and in Wales they are provided with clinker grates,* which are chiefly adapted for the use of dusty fuel. Clinker grates are formed artificially by means of the ash of the fuel which rests about o'6 metre high upon iron bars, and upon this the fuel is placed o'6 to 0.7 metre high. The air enters by channels formed in the ash, where it is warmed, and then comes into contact with the fuel, which evolves combustible gases, which are richer in carbonic oxide gas, the more quickly the air is admitted. The coal used at the Hafod smelting works, near Swansea, consists of a mixture of equal parts of caking coal of Mynydd-Newydd (a), and of anthracite coal of Tyrcenol (b), and Pentrefelin (c). They form a caking ash, and, according to Percy, are composed as follows:- a. b. C. Carbon. 73.87 76.81 78.49 Hydrogen. 3'73 3°42 3'73 Oxygen and nitrogen 8.02 5.65 4'15 Silica 5'05 4.68 4.24 Alumina 3'75 3'74 3°29 Peroxide of iron. 0.88 ΟΙΟ • Lime 0.83 0.60 0'27 Magnesia 0*28 0*28 0°19 Potash. 0'36 0*39 0.16 Soda. 0'09 0'12 0'07 Sulphuric Acid 0'23 0'54 0.69 Iron pyrites (iron (sulphur. • 1*36 1'71 2.16 I'55 I'99 2:56 The air required for burning the coal gases enters the furnace by the separate openings. Having a greater specific gravity than the hot gases it fills the space above the roasting mass, exerting a strongly oxidising action upon it, whilst the hot combustible gases above come into contact with the atmospheric air at their lower part and burn, thus creating the uniform and moderate temperature required for the roasting process. The roasting furnaces vary chiefly in the dimensions of Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 50. CALCINING THE SUPHURETTED ORES. 137 the hearth; these dimensions are fixed chiefly by the propor- tion of the roasting to the other processes. The smaller furnaces are capable of containing 3 or 4 tons of ore, and the larger ones, described by Percy, 7 tons. FIG. 30. G HAMM α a JJANGKRUDTESTA DYLJ| 2 4 • Met. Figs. 30 and 31 represent one of the smaller furnaces; the drawings are sufficiently explicit to be understood without further description. FIG. 31. α 1 3 5 6 Met. Figs. 32 and 33 show certain modifications of this kind of furnace ;* a is the stoke-hole; b, the grate; c, the fire-bridge; d, the chimney; e, e, working openings; ƒ, f, iron hoppers; g, g, openings in the roof; h, the hearth sole with the holes i, i. The hearth has a suitable oval shape, and is covered with a flat arch. Its length is 16 feet, breadth 133, mean height 2 feet. Fig. 34 shows a different shape of the hearth. * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. i., p. 881. 138 COPPER. The following statements may be made with regard to the chemical reactions which take place in the roasting process. The sulphur must not be expelled completely by the roasting, FIG. 32. but as much must remain as is required at the subsequent raw smelting for the formation of sulphide of copper, and of sufficient sulphide of iron for the amount of iron in the FIG. 33. f d f B k 9 Te h α b latter to be about equal in weight to the copper present. Antimonial and arsenical ores require a strong roasting with an addition of pure pyrites, if it is possible to add a sufficient FIG. 34. quantity of pyrites to the mixture for the raw smelting. When this is not possible the roasting must not be carried CALCINING THE SULPHURETTED ORES. 139 en so far. The sulphides are converted by the roasting pro- cess partly into oxides, sulphates, antimoniates, and ar- seniates, and partly into lower sulphides, while anhydrous sulphuric acid is evolved, which, by absorption of the water contained in the atmosphere, forms a visible white vapour. The roasting process is to be judged by the more or less caking of the ores after raking, the temperature of the fur- nace, the nature of the escaping flame, the time, &c. Le Play and Napier* have investigated the roasting process by analyses of the roasting products. Vivian's older experiments of condensing the roasting smoke by conducting it through long moist channels, gave unfavourable results, and when using that smoke for the production of sulphuric acid, the draught of the furnace was impeded; this would not have been the case if some blast had been conducted under the grate. The smoke has hitherto been conducted into high chimneys, injuriously affecting the neighbouring vegetation, but it is now for the most part con- densed and used in the formation of sulphuric acid. According to J. Cameron, ore of the composition- Cu. Fe. S SiO3 8 24 23 45 100 is modified by the roasting process as follows:- 18 parts Cu 2 "" S (8Cu {SCu) Cu₂S 2S Sulphide of copper IOS lost or replaced by Sulphide of iron 21S (24Fe 34 protoxide of iron II S Silica 45 12 Fe sulphide of iron 45 If besides the sulphuretted ores a sufficient quantity of oxidised ores are available, the sulphuretted ores need not be roasted; this is the case at the copper works on the Elbe. * Phil. Mag., 1852, vol. 4, p. 45; vol. 5, p. 20. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 333. 140 COPPER. The following proposals or experiments have been made for the improvement of the present roasting process:- I. Parkes's method.-Gurlt* has proved that when roasting large charges of 7 tons in common reverberatory furnaces only one-fifth of the charge becomes modified by the roasting, consequently the copper can only be slightly concentrated at the subsequent raw smelting. The roasting is much more perfect when the ores are calcined in a pulverised state in Parkes's double furnaces,† which are provided with an apparatus for raking the ore, and when the ore is mixed with 5 per cent of substances containing chlorine (chloride of sodium, calcium, barium, or muriatic acid and small coal), so as to effect the volatilisation of chlorides of antimony and arsenic. These furnaces were formerly employed at the Pembrey copper works in Carmarthenshire; one is repre- sented by Figs. 35 and 36. FIG. 35. FIG. 36. T で ​9 Z q k. Ъ Ъ f P k h d d ୯ n C a is the lower circular hearth; b, the upper hearth; c, vault upon which the hearth rests; d, vaults connected with the lower hearth; e, openings communicating with the lower hearth; f, arched roof of the lower hearth; g, arched roof of the upper hearth; h, square openings between the upper and lower hearths; k, working doors; l, openings for charging * B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 267. + Ibid., 1852, p. 304. DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., cxx., 190. IMPROVEMENTS IN ROASTING COPPER ORES. 141 the ore; m, a hollow, vertical, movable iron axis with two arms to which rakes are fixed; n, fire-place; o, fire-bridge; p, opening for communication between upper and lower hearth; q, flue; r, chimney. 2. Longmaid carefully roasts pyritic copper ores with an addition of common salt, at the same time admitting air which has been dried by conducting it through burned lime. The chlorine hereby evolved is used for the production of chloride of lime. 3. Mitchell, Alderson, and Warrinert propose to carry on the roasting process as carefully as possible. They control the process by repeatedly testing samples by means of lixiviation. 4. Sussex aims at the extraction of part of the sulphur as sulphide of carbon, by an addition of coal, and partly by an addition of alkaline salts. Hill endeavours to facilitate the roasting by an admission of oxygen which has been evolved from manganese, and so to burn the smoke more completely. These methods, as well as the proposed appli- cation of a galvanic current, are not likely to succeed. 5. Budd and Morgan§ recommend the use of hot air at the roasting and smelting, and for this end they propose the use of particularly constructed furnaces. Davy had before re- commended the use of heated air in the roasting of copper ⚫ores. However, according to Gurlt,¶ there are great diffi- culties in the way of this plan. Cumenge** employed steam successfully when roasting antimonial and arsenical ores. At Messrs. Vivians' smelting works the calcining++ furnace represented by Figs. 37, 38, 39, and 40, is in use. The furnace rests upon a vault, c, into which the ore is raked down after being calcined; it is built of bricks, and ** TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1852, p. 157. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 286. Bgwkfd., xii., 525. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 287. § Bgwkfd., x., 115. ¶ B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, pp. 289, 301. Ibid., 1853, p. 33. Jahrbuch der k. k. Geol. Reichenstalt, 1854, p. 421. †† Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, vol. i. p., 874. 142 COPPER. B FIG. 37. I E F E B A C FIG. 38. bound by iron bars, as shown in the elevation, Fig. 37. The hearth, B, B, Figs 38 and 39, is placed upon a level with the lower horizontal binding bar, and has nearly the form of an ellipse truncated at the two extremities of its greater axis. FIG. 40. If FIG. 39. B В He A The hearth is horizontal, bedded with fire bricks set edge ways, so that it may be removed and repaired without disturbing the arch upon which it reposes. Holes are left in the sole before each door, c, c, through which the roasted ore is allowed to fall into the subjacent vault. The hearth, B, B, varies from 17 to 19 feet in length, and from 14 to 16 feet in breadth; the fire place, A, Fig. 39, is from 4 to 5 feet long, and 3 feet wide. The bridge or low wall, b, Fig. 40, which separates the fire-place from the hearth, is 2 feet thick; it is hollow, as shown in the figure, and communi- cates with the atmosphere at both ends, in order to conduct a supply of fresh air to the hearth of the furnace. This judicious contrivance is for the purpose of introducing a IMPROVEMENTS IN ROASTING COPPER ORES. 143 continuous current of air upon the metal, in order to facilitate its oxidation, and was originally invented by Mr. Sheffield, who disposed of his patent right to Messrs. Vivian. Of late years great attention has been paid to the roasting of copper ores, as this operation is the chief cause of the formation of injurious fumes, commonly called “ copper smoke," emitted by copper works. The parts of the smoke which are chiefly injurious to animal and vegetable life consist, according to analysis, principally of sulphurous acid, and only to a very small degree of sulphuric acid. By the experiments of Mr. Turner it has been ascertained that an amount of sulphurous acid, even as small as 1-10,000th part of the atmosphere, proves fatal to vegetable life. Now copper smoke is charged with about 1-10th of this substance, and the neighbourhood of copper works in this country, (chiefly in South Wales and Lancashire) show the highly injurious effects which it produces. But besides being injurious to the property which adjoins the works, the copper smoke causes, at the same time, a considerable waste of a valuable substance. About 20 years ago the actual loss of sulphur, arising from the copper works in the immediate neighbourhood of Swansea only, was estimated by the French metallurgist, M. Le Play, at £200,000 a year at least. Dr. Gurlt estimates this loss connected with British copper smelting at £400,000 a year, as since Le Play's statement the annual production of copper in Great Britain has vastly increased. Mr. Peter Spence has put forth, however, a still higher estimate of the sulphur in the copper smoke. The quantity of copper ores smelted at Swansea is about 5,000 tons, and the proportion of sulphur in them averages from 24 to 28 per cent. "This," says Mr. Spence, "is equivalent to 3,300 tons. of brown oil of vitriol, and this weight I would undertake to to produce therefrom. The present value. (October, 1865,) of this weekly quantity is £9,900, which is at the rate of £514,800, or more than half-a-million sterling, per annum. Mr. Spence proceeds: "This quantity of acid would meet the requirements of our staple chemical manu- facturers, or nearly so." The obnoxious parts of the smoke are generated in the 144 COPPER. calcining and roasting furnaces, whilst the smoke derived from the smelting and refining furnaces is comparatively innocuous. It would, therefore, suffice for every practical purpose if the smoke of the first-named furnaces were subjected to a suitable process of condensation and utilisa- tion. This fact has long ago been acknowledged, and to the late Mr. Vivian, of Swansea, we are indebted for a series of ingenious, though unsuccessful, experiments, which he pub- lished in the " Philosophical Magazine." Dr. Gurlt reduces the methods by which the separation of the sulphur can be effected to three principles :—1. By condensing the sulphurous acid as such. 2. By reducing it to free sulphur. 3. By oxidising it to sulphuric acid. Upon the first principle many experiments were based. The sulphurous acid gas has been condensed by bringing it into close contact with cold water in so-called rain chambers, or other suitable apparatus. However perfect the absorp- tion of the gas at these trials might have been, they laboured under the serious inconvenience that the acidulated water thus obtained cannot be utilised, and, if allowed to run away, it poisons the streams and water-courses into which it passes; whilst this method, on the other hand, does not pre- vent a portion of the sulphurous acid from evaporating, and thus reproducing the evil. Concerning the second principle, Dr. Gurlt states the following:-The second principle embraces the reduction of the sulphurous acid to free sulphur, which is not only an easily saleable substance but would always be manufactured in preference to sulphuric acid, as it combines a far greater value with a greater facility of transport, which, á priori, are recommendations in themselves. The reduction of sulphurous acid can be effected either through the agency of sulphuretted hydrogen or of carbon. The first agent decomposes, under favourable circumstances, the sulphurous. acid in such a manner that SO₂+2HS form 3S+2HO, i.c., sulphur and water; while, through the second agent, SO₂+C are formed into S and CO2, i.e., sulphur and carbonic acid. In both instances sulphur in its native, although very finely divided, state, known as flowers of 2 M. GURLT'S METHOD OF ROASTING ORES. 145 sulphur, is separated, the first requiring only a temperature slightly above the boiling point of water, the second a good red heat. For this reason reduction by means of sulphu- retted hydrogen would be preferable, supposing this gas could be produced at a very cheap cost and on a large scale. Up to the present, however, all known methods for its produc- tion are so expensive, including the cheapest mode by decomposing carburetted hydrogen with vapours of sulphur at a red heat, that the use of this agent for the separation of sulphur from copper smoke must be abandoned for the present. There still remains the use of carbon, which being the cheapest and most easily applied agent, promises by far the best results, as it is only necessary to bring the vapours of this acid in close contact with carbon, by passing it through a layer of carbonaceous substances at a red heat, such as anthracite, coal, or coke, and to condense and collect the reduced vapours of sulphur in suitable apparatus. As the copper smoke which is derived from the calcining and roasting furnaces always contains free atmospheric oxygen, which was found by Messrs. Faraday and Phillips, at the Hafod Copper Works, to vary from 9 to 9 per cent (a quantity sufficient to keep up combustion of fuel in a pro- perly constructed fire-grate), this smoke carries in itself the element for the production of the required red heat. The con- ditions for the reduction will be fulfilled if the copper-smoke is only made to pass through a sloping or step grate, which is continuously provided with fuel of even inferior quality, such as coke, coal, or anthracite slack, or even the waste fuel from the smelting furnaces, the ashes being removed in any convenient way. The gases, which after passing the fire-grate, carry with them the vapours of the reduced sulphur, will then have to be cooled by passing through a system of iron pipes, which are conveniently arranged and cooled with water, in order to condense the sulphur to its solid state. Finally, these cooled gases have to be forced by mechanical means, such as a fan, through a so-called air filter, which may be a system of horizontal and vertical bags or sacks made of permeable cloth, in which VOL. II. L 146 COPPER. the flowers of sulphur are deposited, whilst the cool perma- nent gases, freed from all injurious substances, escape in a perfectly harmless state into the air. The flowers of sulphur are from time to time removed from the collecting air filter, and at once form a marketable product. From this sketch of the process it will be seen that it operates upon the copper smoke as it comes at present from the calcining and roasting furnaces, without interfering in any way with the existing arrangements of the works, and that it can entirely dispense with tall chimneys, for the required draught may be easily produced by mechanical means. If compared with the process of sulphuric acid making, it will further prove far less expensive in its first introduction and its permanent working, as it only requires waste fuel to feed the grate with." Dr. Gurlt has constructed and patented (1855) an apparatus, which he expects will secure successful appli- cation in any existing copper works. These apparatus, the consumer, the cooler, and the collector, are of so simple and inexpensive, but at the same time efficient, a construction, that the adoption of the smoke reducing process promises to secure a large benefit through the utilisation of the sulphur; whilst the working expenses are limited to the consumption of almost valueless fuel. Mr. Peter Spençe tried for many months a process similar in principle to that of Dr. Gurlt, and patented it January 25th, 1855. In the specification he proposes bringing sulphurous acid gas into contact with carbonaceous matters, such as coke, charcoal, peat charcoal, or other deoxidising substances, kept at a red heat, but not subjected to com- bustion by admission of air, &c. As the result of many trials, continued for a considerable period, Mr. Spence found great practical difficulties in the conversion of the sulphurous acid into sulphur by means of carbon; and in addition to this, the sulphur produced was so inferior in purity and appearance that it could never be brought into the market in competition with Sicilian sulphur, but could only have. been introduced in competition with pyrites for the use of vitriol makers. Mr. Spence succeeded, indeed, in con- verting about 20 per cent of the sulphurous acid, on which MR. BELL'S METHOD OF ROASTING ORES. 147 he operated, into sulphur, but the colour was similar to that of a compound of two parts lamp-black and one yellow ochre. We are not aware whether Dr. Gurlt's process avoids all the practical difficulties experienced by Mr. Spence, or whether his process has been practically applied in any copper works, but it appears to be most ingenious and applicable to other manufactures in which sulphurous acid is evolved. The third principle, namely the oxidisation of the sulphur- ous acid is carried out on a large scale with great success by the methods of M. Gerstenhöffer and Mr. Spence. Before proceeding to them we will describe a method patented by Messrs. Thomas Bell and Thomas L. G. Bell, on the 14th of September, 1865. Mr. Thomas Bell describes this method as follows: The greatest part of the sulphurous acid gas is given off from the calcining furnaces, that from the melting, roasting, and refining furnaces being small compared with it. We propose to deal with these separately, so as to obtain the greater part of the sulphurous acid in as concentrated a form as possible, and in the best state for condensation as sul- phuric acid; for this purpose we use our calcining furnace. This furnace consists of a drum or cylinder of cast-iron lined with thin fire-bricks. Two of these are set under a brick arch, and heated by one small fire below (after the manner of gas retorts). These drums rest upon friction- wheels, so as to be higher at one end than the other. At the upper end is fixed a hopper with spindle to regulate the feed of ore, and also the pipe for exit of the sulphurous acid. The lower end passes through out of the fire arch into a small brick chamber, into which the calcined ore falls. These drums are made to revolve slowly (say) once in three minutes. The ore is thus continually turned over, and travels to the lower ends; allowing it to be twelve hours calcining, one of these furnaces will do 100 tons per week. The power required is equal to about 3-horse power. With regard to the wear of the tubes or drums by heat, furnaces of some- what similar description for re-burning animal charcoal are L 2 148 COPPER. worked at a higher temperature than is required for calcining copper ores, and yet frequently last six years without repairs. The advantages of this furnace are- 1. That it completely separates the sulphurous acid from the coal smoke. 2. That from there being no opening of doors to rake or stir, the sulphurous acid is given off uniformly, and mixed with no more air than necessary. 3. That it is less expensive than the ordinary mode of cal- cination, both in the first cost of the furnace and the working expenses for coal and labour; the quantity of coal being only something like one-third of what is consumed by other calciners, and labour being dispensed with altogether. 4. That it is more effective, inasmuch as it will calcine. every description of ore, no matter how large or how small the quantity of sulphur in it, and the degree of calcination can be exactly regulated. In consequence of the continuous exposure of fresh surface to the action of the air and heat, the ore may easily be cal- cined perfectly "sweet," were it so required. But by regu- lating the feed of fresh ore and the speed of revolution, it may be brought out calcined exactly as much as required. The sulphurous acid from this process would then be con- ducted into sulphuric acid chambers, and condensed in the ordinary way. An important invention for the utilisation of the copper smoke is the calcining furnace of M. Gerstenhöffer.* The application of the sulphur disengaged in the calcina- tion of copper ores, to the production of liquid sulphuric acid, has long been an important object to copper smelters. In the case of a small proportion of copper ores, in hard lumps free from earthy matter, containing a comparatively large proportion of sulphur, this is affected in the ordinary pyrites burner of the sulphuric acid works. But for the most part copper ores are small, poor in sulphur, and with much earthy matter; they are therefore calcined in reverberatory furnaces with fire-grates. The gases from these calciners do * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., i., 488. M. GERSTENHOFFER'S CALCINING FURNACE. 149 not consist of more than o˚5 per cent by volume of sul- phurous acid, and are, moreover, largely mixed with the products of combustion from the fire-place; they are there- fore unfit for the vitriol chamber, and are allowed to escape. Gerstenhöffer's furnace consists of a rectangular chamber, filled with rows of bars, having one of their faces parallel with the top of the furnace, and so arranged that no two bars in succeeding rows shall be directly one over the other. The ore is introduced from above, in a finely divided state, and the supply is regulated by rotating feed-rollers fixed in the roof of the furnace. These feed-rollers are placed over the first row of bars, and as the ore falls through it piles up on them, until it at last flows over and falls then on the row of bars below, and the supply being thus kept evenly flowing from above, gradually fills the whole furnace. Between the feed-rollers and the bars are channels in the side of the furnace, by which the products of the calcination may escape, and besides these, there are other apertures which may be opened as necessity requires for cleaning the bars. Below the tiers of bars-and here it may be mentioned that the higher the furnace the more perfect will be the calcination- there is an open space into which, at the commencement of the calcination, a grate with some ignited fuel (say) wood or charcoal, is introduced; and this fire is well fed with fuel, until the charge is thoroughly ignited, when the grate is withdrawn, and the charge burns by means of the ignition of the sulphur evolved. This combination is kept up by a current of air forced from beneath up through the furnace, and the products of combustion are thus carried over through the set of channels in the top of the furnace away into the sulphuric acid chambers. The channels by which the gases are here conducted are so arranged as to heat the current of cold air forced into the bottom of the furnace. The calcined ore having passed through the furnace, falls into a space below, from which it can be drawn off into waggons, and so transferred to the next operation. Figures 41 and 42 represent perpendicular transverse sections of Gerstenhöffer's furnace. Fig. 41 is a cross sec- tion parallel with the front. Fig. 42 represents a section 150 COPPER. from front to back. The length of the earthen bars is about 2 feet 6 inches; twenty rows occupy about 12 feet in height. FIG. 41. α a is an iron box or hopper for containing a supply of ground ore, having at the bottom two or more cast-iron grooved rollers, which are worked without interruption at a speed adapted to supply ore equal to a discharge of about 10 cwts. of sulphur per 24 hours. As the ore sometimes has a ten- dency to form a cake on the bars, it is necessary to scrape them occasionally by an iron rod with a curved end. This rod is introduced through the plug holes in cast-iron boxes, shown in Fig. 42. The calcined ore collects in the cavity, b, M. GERSTENHOFFER'S CALCINING FUrnace. 151 at the bottom, and is raked out when convenient. The necessary amount of air is admitted partly at the back α C FIG. 42. e e e through the flue, c, and regulated by means of a screw valve, and partly through the plug holes in front. After passing upwards through the calciner, the air, now charged with sulphurous acid to the extent of 6 or 8 per cent in volume, passes over the bridge and through the flue, e, in the direc- tion of the arrows, Fig. 42. Provision is made at the bottom of these flues for collecting and removing particles of roasted ore carried away by the current. f is a brick chamber for a 152 COPPER. similar purpose. From its back the gas passes through the flue, g, to the vitriol chambers. The principles advantages gained by the use of this inven- tion, says M. Gerstenhöffer, are the following:-" First, the ores are operated upon in a very divided state, so as to expose a large surface to the action of the air, and this surface is always being renewed; second, the air which must be admitted is forced to come perfectly into contact with the ores; third, the ores are brought into the furnace by mechanical means, continuously in such quantities as may be required, so as to maintain a continual roasting process; fourth, the air or draught is also brought into the furnace by mechanical means, in order to be able to regulate the draft according to the quantities of ore, and also to prevent the influence of storms, which are sometimes very troublesome in working with grate furnaces; fifth, the heat produced by the ores is not led away uselessly by the gases, but is employed to heat the new ores and the air.” The Gerstenhöffer furnace is applicable to all varieties of sulphuretted copper ores, although varying in proportion of sulphur from 16 to 40 per cent; it is also adapted to the crude metal or regulus obtained as the result of the first reducing operations. For roasting these substances Gerstenhöffer's furnace has advantageously been applied both on the Continent and in this country-in the works of Messrs. Vivian and Sons, near Swansea-though the process has the disadvantage of re- quiring ores in a finely divided state, and the necessity for a blast apparatus, the current from which must be carefully regulated, besides involving constant attention to the ma- chinery used. Mr. Peter Spence's furnace stands pre-eminently forward amongst other furnaces for accomplishing the same ends as that of M. Gerstenhöffer. Mr. Spence,* in his patent of the 3rd of July, 1861, thus describes his arrangements :— The essential feature of this invention consists in submitting Dr. URE'S Dictionary of Arts, &c., i., p. 889. MR. SPENCE'S CALCINING FURNACE. 153 such ores to the action of a roasting heat as they are passed from one end of a furnace to the other, during which trans- ference a current of air is caused to travel over them in an opposite direction. To accomplish this a furnace of con- siderable length, having several doors for the purpose of introducing apparatus by which the transference may be effected, is used. It will be obvious that by this arrangement the ores may be submitted to heat in a thin stratum, that the amount of roasting may be modified by a quicker or slower transference, and that the heat communicated may be greater towards the termination of the operation than at the commencement thereof. This invention will be fully understood by the accom- panying drawings of apparatus. Fig. 43 is a side view of the furnace, and Fig. 44 is a longitudinal section. In both draw- ings the two ends are shown, the whole being of considerable FIG. 43. d C b هم FIG. 44. d g d C C E b રી length. One now in operation is 50 feet long, with twelve doors for the transfer of the ores; but these dimensions may be varied, and we merely mention them for the purpose of 154 COPPER. showing that the furnace should be of considerable length. Fig. 45 represents a cross section, and in describing the FIG. 45. d apparatus, in the first instance, we suppose that the manu- facture of sulphuric acid is the object in view. At a are the fire-bars of the furnace, and at b is the fire- chamber, formed by channels, as seen in Fig. 45, extending under a partition, c, of fire-brick, which partition forms the bottom of another and distinct chamber, d, furnished at one or both sides with a number of doors, c₁, e₂, &c. At ƒ is an aper- ture formed through the brick-work, and constituting a com- munication from the external atmosphere to the chamber, d. The ores from which the sulphuric acid is to be obtained are passed through the door, e,, into the chamber, d, in sufficient. quantity to lie about 2 or 3 inches in thickness upon the bed, c, and to extend, say halfway towards the door, c. This batch having been submitted to heat, passing from the fire- chamber, b, for the required time, is pushed forward by any convenient instrument so as to be brought opposite the door, e,, and another batch is introduced through the door, c,. The first charge is then removed from e₂ to c3, and the second from e̟, to e̟2, and it is then pushed through the aperture, f, into any receptacle placed to receive it. During this transfer the material has gradually become heated, a current of air entering at ƒ has been passing over it, and the operation has caused the sulphur to be driven off from the ore and con- veyed through the channel, g, to the ordinary sulphuric acid apparatus. The end of the fire-chamber, d, leads into a flue at i. The degree of roasting, and the way to secure the best results, can only be ascertained by experience, but when working with a furnace 50 feet long with twelve doors, the first charge is allowed to remain for one I 2 MR. SPENCE'S ROASTING AND SMELTting process. 155 hour, then transferred to the second position, and a fresh charge put into the first, and so on, waiting an hour between each charge. In this patent Mr. Spence specified, as one of the pecu- liarities of his furnace, that the current of air forced over the material under calcination should travel in a different direction to that in which the ore is moved; but towards. the close of the same year he took out another patent, in which he claimed, as a special improvement, the use of a current of air passing in the same direction as the material under operation. On the 14th of June, 1864, Mr. Peter Spence and Mr. J. B. Spence obtained another patent "for calcining and smelting copper ores," which will be fully understood by the follow- ing description:- "Our invention consists in applying the heat used in smelting copper ores to the purpose of calcining such materials, and in transferring the calcined ores direct to the smelting furnace. To accomplish these objects we place the two furnaces in connection with each other and cause a suitable flue to convey the heat used in smelting to the material to be calcined; and when this operation is com- plete, and the smelted ore is removed, we rake the calcined ore direct on to the bed of the smelting furnace. The calcining furnace we at present prefer to use is of that con- struction for which Letters Patent were granted to Peter Spence, bearing date July 3rd, 1861, No. 1695." Mr. Peter Spence gives (1863) the following particulars concerning his roasting process:- "The furnaces, in full operation, have now been open to the inspection of copper smelters for over three years; 20,000 tons of ore, Irish, Cornish, and Spanish, have been calcined in them; and 95 per cent of the sulphur evolved converted into sulphuric acid. The furnaces present no difficulty, are simple in construction and operation, require less labour than the present mode of calcining, the ores are all calcined as they come from the mines, and some of the furnaces have acted for two years without repair. The adaptation to all kinds of ores is one advantage. We calcine 156 COPPER. stamped ores in fine powder, crushed ores (the general form of Cornish ores), and rough ores in sizes up to that of an egg-all receive similar treatment. We so attach the calciner to the ordinary smelter that the draught, or waste heat, after leaving the smelter at the ordinary orifice over the rabbling-door, instead of going direct to the chimney, is passed along under the bed of the calciner, and without in the least affecting the draught of the smelter, yields ample heat for calcining in the ore furnace. So arranged, 25 to 30 tons of ore per week are all that the attached smelter can work. Now, in the ordinary calciner not only is fuel largely required for calcination, but the ore has to be drawn out and drenched with water before removing from the calciner to the smelter; and in Gerstenhöffer's furnace, although fuel is chiefly dispensed with, yet the ore must fall down in a red-hot state, and will have to be removed and drenched before using. All this we have made a thing of the past. From our combined calciner the ore is at once transferred by the workman with his slice down an easy inclination, in a red-hot state, right into the middle of the bed of the smelter, and is, of course, melted in one- fourth the time taken by a drenched charge of ore. Gerstenhöffer's furnace does not provide for this. But, again, while copper ores pure in sulphur can at once be safely heated to a high red-heat, such rich ores as the Cobre, Spanish, or Portuguese would, if suddenly heated, inevitably flux. Regulus, which ought all to be calcined, and its fumes condensed, is of a similar character. Any sudden heating of these would result in clotting. Now, our furnace gradually heats the ores for some hours before reaching the highest temperature, and clotting never takes place either with rich ores or regulus. Thus, the ore charged into the calciner is calcined without the expenditure of an atom of fuel, one furnace calcining all required by one smelter, and the raw ore never coming out till it comes out as regulus and slag. This arrangement has been twelve months in successful operation." The cost of calcination by his furnace Mr. Spence states to be only 2s. 1½d. per statute ton of ore, which is less than REPORT ON MR. SPENCE'S PATENT CALCINER. 157 the cost of calcination by the furnaces at present in use, whilst for every 5 tons of ore calcined in Mr. Spence's furnace £9 worth of sulphuric acid is obtained, at a cost of not more than £1, from constituents of the ore which the ordinary furnaces turn to no account whatever. Whether Mr. Gerstenhöffer's furnace will prove capable of yielding better results than Mr. Spence has thus for the last three years obtained from his, may fairly be doubted. Be that as it may, we really seem at last to have reached the beginning of the end of the enormous waste which has so long been going on at Swansea of a substance which is quite as important to the chemical arts as iron is to the mechanical ones. The advantages anticipated by Dr. Percy and Dr. Angus Smith from this patent copper ore calciner may be seen from the following report which they have made to Mr. Spence:- "In the copper works of Swansea and other parts of South Wales, the ores chiefly used contain a large amount of sulphur, and are obtained either as dust or in small fragments. Before smelting them, a large portion of this sulphur is burnt off in reverberatory furnaces, called calciners, the smoke of which must have an exit into the atmosphere, and as the sulphurous fumes are mixed with it, both escape together. "The ores of copper used are, in fact, ores of sulphur also. In cases such as these-viz., when the pounded copper ore is deprived of its superfluous sulphur by roasting in a reverberatory furnace-there is no manufacture of sul- phuric acid. "It has been estimated that £200,000 worth of sulphur is sent yearly into the atmosphere, in the state of sulphurous acid, in South Wales. "This sulphur it is now proposed to use for the manufac- ture of sulphuric acid; it may be considered, therefore, as obtained free of cost, whilst the expense of manufacture remains the same. "The copper ore is bought at a price which is regulated by the price of copper. As a large proportion of the sulphur 158 COPPER. is burned off in the process of calcination, this amount can only be viewed as a source of trouble and expense. "The process of burning the sulphur for sulphuric acid. will stand in the place of the preliminary process of calci- nation adopted by copper smelters; one, therefore, of the numerous operations of the copper works which has hitherto been a source of loss becomes a source of profit. "We find that Mr. Spence is able to reduce the sulphur of the ore to any required extent by regulating the speed of passage through the furnace; for his present purpose the sulphur is reduced to five per cent. "There can be no doubt of the ready combustion of sulphur ores by this method, Mr. Spence employing no other kind of furnaces for his large works at Manchester and at Goole, nor can we imagine a reason for allowing the loss of so much sulphur as now escapes into the atmosphere, when it can be so readily collected in the form of a product so valuable as sulphuric acid. "The copper smelter dissipates in the atmosphere, at considerable cost to himself, that which the soda maker incurs considerable expense to obtain, namely, sulphurous acid. It is therefore a very important question whether the sulphurous acid evolved in the process of copper smelting may not be in a great measure collected and profitably. applied to the manufacture of sulphuric acid. "We have during many years maturely considered the subject, and from our own observations in various copper works, from the opinions which some copper smelters of great experience have expressed to us, and from our recent examination of the working of the furnaces at Mr. Spence's Alum Works for the production of sulphuric acid by the calcination or roasting of cupriferous iron pyrites, we believe ourselves justified in answering this question in the affirma- tive. We believe that not only may a large proportion of the sulphurous acid of the copper smelter be collected and applied to the manufacture of sulphuric acid, without in any way interfering with the usual system of copper smelting at Swansea and elsewhere in this country, but that such REPORT ON MR. SPENCE'S PATENT CALCINER. 159 collection and application would be a source of considerable gain. All that is required to effect this important object is to replace the ordinary copper calcining furnaces by furnaces similar to those which we have inspected at Mr. Spence's works. "We have watched the operation of Mr. Spence's furnaces with great care, and in our judgment nothing could be more satisfactory or better adapted to copper works. Furnaces of this construction have not to our knowledge been previously employed for the production of sulphurous acid by the roasting of sulphuretted ores, either of iron or copper. They appear to us to have a decided advantage over the ordinary copper calciners, irrespective even of the collection of the sulphurous acid. Their action is unintermittent, and the ore, as it passes down from one end to the other, is exposed to a gradually increasing temperature, whereby clotting is entirely prevented, and the condition most favourable to calcination is realised. "The advantages, therefore, which may reasonably be anticipated from the combination of copper smelting and soda making in suitable localities are :— 1. A large proportion of that which costs the copper smelter money to throw away may become a source of profit. "2. That which it costs the soda maker money to produce may virtually be obtained for nothing. 3. In addition to the usual profits from copper smelting and soda making, a considerable increase may be fairly expected. "4. The nuisance of copper smelting chiefly arises from sulphurous acid evolved during the process of calcination, especially of the ore, and the whole of this may be sup- pressed. "5. The outlay required does not exceed what would be necessary for the erection of ordinary copper smelting and soda works independently. "6. By the utilisation of the sulphurous acid of the copper smoke no change is necessitated either in the usual system of copper smelting or soda making." 160 COPPER. Production of Raw Matt (Regulus, Coarse Metal) from Roasted and Raw Ores.-This operation purposes to separate the copper from the earthy gangue, and to extract part of the oxides of foreign metals contained in the roasted ores, by a purifying and reducing smelting. In this the sulphur acts the principal part, as the sulphides which remain unaffected by the roasting process decompose oxides and sulphates when fused at very high temperatures. At a certain high temperature peroxide and sulphide of iron next react upon each other, forming sulphurous acid and protoxide of iron, which becomes scorified. At a still higher temperature the oxide of copper contained in the roasting mass is acted upon by the sulphides of iron and copper, forming peroxide of iron and metallic copper. Part of the metallic copper is dissolved in the formed matt, and part converted into sub- oxide of copper by the peroxide of iron. The suboxide of copper and protoxide of iron then combine at the highest heat of the furnace with silica, which is either contained in the ore or added to it. As, however, the matt permeates the slags in the form of very small beads, if the smelting hearth is constructed nearly horizontal, the suboxide of copper in the slag becomes decomposed by the sulphide of iron in the matt, forming sulphide of copper and silicate of iron; there- fore but little copper will be scorified so long as sulphide of iron is present in a well fused mass :— 3Cu₂0 + 3FeS + SiO3 3FeO, SiO3 + 3Cu₂S. Hence it is obvious that a sufficient amount of sulphur must remain in the roasting mass. If the roasting process is carried on too far, raw ores may be added to the raw smelting. If the roasting is not carried on enough a matt poor in copper is produced. The formation of deposits of iron and of black copper at the raw smelting is prevented by the pre- sence of sulphur. If the mixture is siliceous or aluminous, and difficult to fuse, additions of fluor spar and rich copper slags may be made. The chief aim of this smelting is, as we have before men- tioned, to collect in a matt all the copper contained in the ore, and to produce slags so poor in copper that they may be thrown aside. As regards this point the process is not PRODUCTION OF RAW MATT (REGULUS). 161 quite successful, as the resulting slags are usually richer in copper than those from the smelting in cupola furnaces; great care must therefore be taken to counteract the defi- ciencies of the process by carrying it out in as perfect a manner as possible. Le Play infers from his investigations that the copper contained in the slag is only mechanically mixed up matt, and not a silicate in an oxidised state, as the sulphosilicate of iron which is always present in the slags, immediately sulphurises the oxidised copper present. Percy is of opinion that the supposition of a sulpho-silicate of iron is not necessary to an explanation of the chemical reactions at the raw smelting, but such a combination does exist, for instance in Helvin, and some iron slags. Antimony and arsenic are partly volatilised by the roasting process and partly by the smelting process, as the anti- moniates and arseniates which have been formed in the roasting are decomposed by silica. A great part of these substances always enters the matt. The fluor spar, when acted upon by sulphuric acid, seems to form volatile fluoride of arsenic, and also volatile fluoride of copper, thus causing a loss of copper. Tin contained in the ores partly enters the matt and partly the slags. In order to prevent loss of copper, the production of black copper in the ore smelting must be avoided, except when the ores are very impure and a purification of the matt is in- tended. The presence of zinc blende in the ore gives rise to the formation of matt and slag, both very difficult to fuse. Galena assists the purification of the copper from antimony and arsenic. The furnaces used for the smelting process differ from those employed for roasting the ores chiefly by having a smaller hearth and a larger fire-place. The hearth is usually oval, seldom oblong or square, like that shown in Figs. 46 and 47, in which the furnace is supposed to have the following dimensions:-Length of the hearth, Dr. URE'S Dictionary of Arts, vol. i., 875. VOL. II. * M 162 COPPER. Ι II or II feet; breadth, 8 or 9 feet; fire-place from 3 to 4 feet long, and 3 to 3 feet broad. FIGS. 46 and 47. G. A B B C IM According to Percy, the hearths of the new furnace are 13 feet long and 9 feet broad at their widest part; they are oval and truncated on both sides, so that they are 5 feet 6 inches broad on the fire-bridge, and about I foot on the opposite side. The grate of these new furnaces measures 3 feet by 4. The smelting furnaces usually have three openings; one to the fire-place at D, a second one, o, in the side, generally kept shut, and used only when incrustations are scraped off the hearth, or when the furnace is entered for repairs, and the third or working door, G, placed at the front of the fur- nace beneath the chimney; through it the slags are raked out, the melted matters stirred, puddled, &c. The hearth is bedded with infusible sand, and slopes slightly towards the side door to facilitate the discharge of the metal. Above the door is a hole in the wall of the chim- ney (Fig. 47) for letting the metal escape. An iron gutter leads into a pit, K, with an iron receiving pot at the bottom, which may be lifted out by a crane. The pit, M, is filled with water, and the metal becomes granulated as it falls into the receiver. These melting furnaces are surmounted by a hopper, L, as shown in Fig. 46. Melting furnaces are also sometimes used for calcination; PRODUCTION OF RAW MATT (REGULUS). 163 some of the furnaces near Swansea serve this double purpose. They are composed of three floors (Fig. 48). The floor, a, FIG. 48. C B d a is for melting the calcined ore; the other two, B, C, serve for the calcination. The heat being less powerful in the upper sole, c, the ore dries upon it, and begins to be calcined-a process which is completed on the next floor. The square holes, d, which are left in the hearths, B and C, put them in communication with each other and with the lower one. Those perforations are shut during the operation by a move- able plate of iron. The hearths, B and c, are made of bricks; the bricks are horizontal on the top and slightly vaulted beneath. They are two bricks thick, and are larger than the inferior hearth, as they extend above the fire-place. On the floors destined. for calcination the furnace has two doors on one of its sides. On the lower story there are also two, but they are differently placed. The first, being in the front of the fur- nace, is used for drawing off the scoriæ, working the metal, &c., and the second, at the side, admits the workmen to make repairs. Below this door is placed the discharge or tap-hole, which communicates by a cast-iron gutter with a pit filled with water. The length and breadth of this fur- nace are nearly the same as those of the melting furnaces above described. It is charged by either one or two hoppers. The inner walling is formed of refractory bricks, the arched roof usually of quartz bricks or dinas bricks.* The smelting process comprises the following operations:- The formation of the hearth, by smelting, either of refractory * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 116. M 2 164 COPPER. sand, or an artificial mixture of sand and very siliceous. slag. For this purpose a layer of sand 1 foot thick is placed on the hearth, beaten down, and strongly heated, then some matt slag is spread over it and fused. Upon this is placed a second layer of sand some few inches thick and some slag is spread over it. A third layer is sometimes added in the same manner, so that the thickness of the hearth after fritting is frequently as much as 20 inches. The durability of the hearth depends chiefly on the state of aggregation of the smelting mass, whether it is treated in the form of fragments or of schlich. When heating ores in fragments the easily fusible sulphides drop out first upon the sole of the hearth, coating it without exciting a destructive action. When treating ores in a pulverised form the fused sulphides cannot drop upon the sole, which is exposed to the corroding influence of the oxides, metallic copper, &c., with which it comes into contact. At the treatment of the latter the superficial smelting proceeds but slowly, as the air enclosed between the particles of schlich is a bad conductor of heat, preventing it from entering the lower portion of the ore.* When this is the case some fuel may usually be saved by employing a gradually increasing temperature instead of a sudden high temperature. The furnace hearths often last for 12 months, frequently absorb- ing a considerable quantity of copper. Their removal is. often very difficult.t The ores and fluxes are now charged by the funnel; they are spread uniformly upon the hearth, slags being thrown in as required by the working door, which is afterwards closed, whilst, by a continued firing, the masses are fused. The raking of the mass commences when the first reaction of the components of the mixture takes place; this reaction may be observed by the cessation of the frothing and of caked substances swimming on the surface of the bath. This raking is intended to separate the fritted quartz particles and to dissolve them in the slag, and also to * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859. p. 309. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, No. 11. PRODUCTS OF THE RAW SMELTING PROCESS. 165 liberate the matt grains that they may sink to the bottom. After the raking the working door is again closed and the temperature raised to the highest degree. In a short time the matt is tapped off and conducted in a thin jet into a reservoir with a stream of water passing through it. The matt is thus converted into grains of the size of a lentil, and suitable for roasting. In some copper works in Wales the matt is first made to run into iron moulds and granulated, after re-melting the blocks, which yield a better copper (Hafod), or the matt flows into a mould of sand and is stamped. Previous to this tapping off the slag is removed by iron rakes on layers of sand through the working door, and separated according to the quantity of particles of matt. The matt is usually tapped off after two smeltings, as the quantity obtained by one smelting is too small. The chief products are- 1. Raw Matt (regulus, coarse metal), brittle, crystalline in its fracture, uneven, more or less granular, frequently blistered and bronze-coloured. It must not contain more than 35 per cent of copper at the most or the resulting slags will be too rich and the grains obtained too coarse. Matt in coarse grains roasts badly either in reverberating furnaces or in kilns. When using kilns very little air must be admitted, or the cooling will be too strong. Matt must have about the composition of copper pyrites. Its highest and lowest per centage of metal was found by Napier to be:- I. II. Cu. Fe. S 21'I 39'5 33°2 36'4 45'5 25'0 According to Percy, the formula of raw matt as given by Le Play,- 3Cu₂S + Fe₂S¸ + 4FeS, is not always correct. Matt containing 337 per cent of copper has a specific gravity af 4'56. 2. Raw Slag* (ore furnace slag); it is brittle, compact, * V. LEONHARDT, Hüttenerzeugnisse, 1858, p. 12. 166 COPPER. dark, and frequently like porphyry, containing angular frag- ments of quartz. Intermixed particles of matt are found chiefly on the lower side of the pieces of slag, which are therefore broken, and the matt separated as much as possible. Pure slag must not contain more than per cent 2 of copper. The nature of the slag (chiefly mixtures of bi- and mono-silicates) exerts an essential influence upon the process; if the slag is too fluid it mixes easily with matt during its removal, and also leaves deposits on the hearth, particularly if the mixture is zinciferous; if too pasty the separation of the slag from the matt will be more imperfect. Generally the formation of a pasty slag is preferred as causing less loss of copper. The following modifications of this process have been proposed and partially tested. Schneider, at Swansea, adds sulphate of soda and powdered coal to the smelting mass just before the matt is tapped off, thus forming double sulpho-salts of arsenic, antimony, and sodium, which dissolve when the matt is made to run into water; in that way arsenic and antimony are removed. At the Spitty copper works, in Loughor, near Swansea, and other English works, Napier'st process for treating antimonial, arsenical, and stanniferous ores, has been adopted. The sulphuretted ores are roasted for 9 hours, and afterwards melted in admixture with 120 lbs. of sulphate of soda, 40 lbs. of slaked lime, and 60 lbs. of coal, in order to form soluble sulphides of antimony, arsenic, tin; and sodium. After extracting these salts by means of water, the remaining matt is smelted for the production of black. copper; Percy states the effect of these fluxes to be imperfect. The slags resulting from the ore smelting, after Napier's addition of lime and common salt, are composed as follows:- * TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1852, p. 157. + Bgwkfd., xi., 584; xii., 270. B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 285. + PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 382. Mining and Smelting Magazine, 1862, No. 2, p. 124. DIFFERENT METHODS OF RAW SMELTING. 167 I. II. III. IV. SiO. NaO CaO 49°26 49*60 42°20 35.60 7'93 0'70 3'44 7.84 I'23 643 448 MgO 2.62 O'II 2*14 0*16 A1,0₁ 12.37 14'00 10.80 6.85 FeO 18.60 3100 50 46 Fe₂O₁ 32'94 CuO 0'70 I'06 0'45 2*32 NaCl • 0*48 0°43 0'34 MnO trace trace S trace 1'43 Loss 0'20 0'21 0'13 Residue 1'56 Nos. 1-3 are slags produced in the copper smelting furnaces of the South American and Mexican Company in Chili, analysed by Field. Nos. 1 and 2 are pellucid and uniform, being produced by an admixture of 20 per cent of common salt; on cooling, they form two distinct schists; the upper being amorphous (1), and the lower one of crystalline structure (2). No. 3 is produced by an addition of 10 per cent of common salt. No. 4 is a slag from Coquimbo, by Field. Oxidised ores are treated more easily by Napier's method than sulphuretted ores. Rivot and Phillips have tried to produce pure copper direct from roasted ores by means of the electric current in one operation. This method may perhaps be practicable when treating very rich ores. Beudant and Benoit'st patent aims at the extraction of antimony and arsenic from raw matt by an addition of galena and iron. Low adds to the smelting a mixture of brownstone, graphite, saltpetre, and carbon, with the object of shortening the process and lessening the scorification of copper. This method is employed at Low's copper works in Penclawdd; Ann. d. min., 4 sér., tom. xiii., 251; livr. i. de 1848. Bgwkfd., xi., 696; xii., 406; i., 266, 539. B. u. h. Ztg., 1850, p. 593; 1852, pp. 268, 303. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 385. DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., xv., 192; lxix., 265. † PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 372. + † Bgwkfd., xii., 669. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 62. 168 COPPER. according to Tunner* the ores are previously submitted to a treatment with mineral waters. The Roasting of the Raw Matt is effected in the same way as the roasting of the ores, excepting that a higher temperature is employed towards the end of the process. After the matt has been pounded or rolled it is roasted either in a granulated form or by Trueman's method ;† if the roasting process is well conducted the material keeps its original form. The degree of roasting depends on the quantity of pure ores which are to be mixed in the subsequent smelting. According to Napier, the composition of the matt before (a) and after (b) roasting was as follows:- Cu. Fe S O Insoluble. a. b. 32 32 36 36 25 13 II 7 7 The Roasted Matt for the production of different con- centrated matts is effected in an ore smelting furnace with a hearth consisting of two layers of sand, the lower one 9 inches, and the upper one 3 or 4 inches thick; the lower layer seldom requires repairing. Concentrated matt may be produced, varying in compo- sition (blue matt, white matt, pimple metal) according to whether more or less oxidised ores and products (rich slags) are available, the purity of the ores thus allowing a quicker or slower production of metallic copper; this yield of matt of different composition may then be obtained by an addition of the named oxidised substances, or by a more or less strong roasting of the raw matt. The matt may then be purified by a repeated concentration, at which more or less copper will be extracted. According to Field,‡ raw matt consists chiefly of— 3Cu₂S+Fe₂S3+ FeS+2Fe₂S (analysis a), TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1852, p. 157. † Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 180. Mining and Smelting Magazine, 1862, vol. i., p. 324. B. u. h. Ztg., 1Ɛ62. P. 343. PRODUCTION OF BLUE METAL. 169 and may be gradually converted by a further concentration into- 6Cu₂S+Fe₂S₂+ FeS+2Fe₂S (analysis b), and 12Cu₂S+Fe₂S₂+FeS+2Fe₂S (analysis c); afterwards into Cu₂S, and finally into metallic copper— 2CuO+Cu₂S=4Cu+SO2. The richer the matts are in Cu₂S, the less they are attacked by muriatic acid. The following analyses confirm the compositions stated by Field :- Cu. a. b. C. 36.12 49'71 61*34 Fe. S 36.78 25°35 15.61 27.08 24.85 22'90 Production of Blue Metal, Cu₂S+yFeS+Cu.—When treating impure ores which require a repeated concentration of matt, or if the best selected copper is to be produced from pure ores, no addition of oxidised flux is made to the smelting of the impure raw matt, or only a moderately rich addition of the sulphuretted ores which have not been strongly roasted. When treating very pure ores the roasting of the raw matt must not be carried on too far, or the sulphide of iron in the matt cannot be completely decomposed on account of the absence of oxidised com- pounds. The resulting matt is poor in copper, and contains in its numerous blisters metallic copper, the formation of which is explained by Plattner and by Le Play, but in a more pro- bable way by the former; experiments made by Percy have also confirmed Plattner's views. Plattner's explanation† is as follows:- Rich copper matt consists of Moderately rich matt consists of. Poor matt consists of or of PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 352. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 303. "Cu,S,FeS, Cu,S,FeS, and n(Cu₂S, Fe₂S) FeS, (Cu₂S, FeS) FeS. PLATTNER'S Röstprocesse, p. 210. 170 COPPER. On slowly cooling, the bluish black copper matt, µCu₂S,FeS, liberates a small portion of its copper, probably because during the smelting of the copper matt the sulphide of iron gives part of its sulphur to the copper, transforming it into Cu₂S, while the FeS itself is converted into Fe₂S, and thus a combination of Cu₂S, Fe₂S results, which does not become modified when in a fused state at a certain temperature, or when rapidly cooled. If, however, a gradual cooling takes place, the Fe₂S is re-transformed into FeS, at the expense of the Cu₂S, owing to the respective affinity of the Cu₂S and FeS. The reconstituted combination, Cu,S,FeS goes to the outside, while in the cavities the liberated copper deposits in a capillary form. According to Le Play, this copper from a blue copper matt (blue metal) of Wales, contained- Cu. 98.2 Fe. 0'4 Ni. Sand and Carbon. 0'6 0°2 As the raw matt is more impure, the production of a blue metal poor in copper should be attempted. After being more or less perfectly roasted the blue metal yields by the roasting smelting, or when smelted with an addition of oxidised products, a more or less pure white metal with or without any separation of metallic copper, and when re-smelted yields a regulus matt. The blue metal (xCu₂S+yFeS+zCu) may thus be trans- formed into white metal (Cu₂S), while noxious admixtures are gradually extracted :— (xCu₂S+2FeS+2Cu) +2CuO+xSiO, = xCu₂S+2Cu₂S+ 2 FeO,SiO2, or 3 (xCu₂S+3FeS)+3Cu₂O,xSiO¸=xCu₂S+3Cu₂S+3FeO,xSiO¸ The silica required for the scorification of the iron is taken from the sand adhering to the pieces of matt and to the bricks and the hearths of the furnace. The blue metal slags are poorer in oxidised copper if the matt is richer in iron. They are added either to the ore or to the matt smelting. Production of White Metal.—CuS, containing upwards of 75 per cent of copper, and usually containing from 65 to 70 per cent of copper and 21 or 22 per cent of sulphur. SMELTING THE SLAGS WITH PYRITIC ORES. 171 It consists chiefly of Cu₂S, without a large amount of FeS; it is compact, brittle, uneven in fracture, of granular or crystalline structure; it is bluish-grey in colour, and has little metallic lustre. It may be produced direct in larger quantities from purer ores with an addition of oxidised ore or products, if common sorts of copper only are to be produced. When heating this carefully formed admixture, the unde- composed sulphides contained in raw matt smelt next, and run to the furnace sole, protecting it from the reaction of the oxides. At an increased temperature, the copper of the oxidised ores and products becomes sulphuretted by the re- action of the sulphide of iron and the silica present, whilst the oxidised iron becomes scorified: Cu₂S+ FeS+xSiO3 = Cu₂S+ FeO,SiO3 2CuO+2FeS+xSiO¸=Cu₂S+S+2FeO,xSiO3. The white metal slag is similar to that of the blue metal, and contains about 1.83 per cent of oxidised copper; it is added to the ore and matt smeltings. Production of Pimple Metal.—In order to produce copper as quickly as possible from very pure raw matt, the matt is melted with a surplus of oxidised ores and products; the consequence is the formation of a matt similar to the white metal in composition, colour, and fracture, with many cavities and blebby knobs, containing greater quantities of separated metallic copper, frequently in crystals an inch long; hence the white metal stands between the blue and pimple metal. If the matt is very rich in separated copper it is called close regulus. The pimple metal may be smelted either direct for the production of black copper, or be con- centrated to a second pimple metal. Smelting the Slags with Pyritic Ores for the Pro- duction of White and Red Matt, which are produced in the production of blue metal slags poor in copper; black copper slags containing 10 or 12 per cent of suboxide of copper, are sometimes submitted to a smelting with pyritic ores for the production of white or red matt. The process is carried out by putting, first non-caking coal upon the furnace hearth, then pure pyritic ores, and upon these the slags. The mass is then fused while keeping the 172 COPPER. furnace doors closed, and the fused mass is made to run into sand moulds. By the reaction of the suboxide of copper upon the pyrites. a cupriferous matt is formed, and with it combines the matt which had been mixed with the slags. A considerable portion of metallic tin and copper is reduced by the contact of the suboxide of copper with coal. These reduced metals flow down to the hearth sole, combining on the way with the impurities (arsenic, nickel, cobalt, &c.) of the matt; a very pure white metal is consequently formed, from which, by further treatment, the best selected copper is produced. If the mixture contains much sulphur, a red matt results similar to the blue metal, and usually differing from it only by the absence of metallic copper, a more compact fracture, and a larger amount of copper. Beneath the red matt two distinct layers are found; the lower one consists of a very impure coarse copper (bottoms), and the upper one (hard matt) of a brittle alloy of copper and tin, which is sold as it is. The matt attains its good quality chiefly by the extraction of the tin. Plattner has suggested a method of extracting silver and copper from such products in the wet way. Roasting Concentrated Matt for the Production of Black Copper (Coarse Copper, Blister Copper).-The concentrated matts obtained by the preceding operations are heated without fluxes in an ore smelting furnace with a fire- bridge furnished, like the roasting furnaces, with channels for admitting air. The charging is not effected through a funnel but by a side door. This process aims at the evolution of the sulphur as sulphurous acid, and the separation of the foreign substances by volatilisation or by scorification. In the first period of the slow drop-like melting at the admission of air, a slag is formed of the foreign metallic oxides; this slag is several times removed, and the suboxide of copper formed reacts already to a certain degree upon the sulphide of copper present. The temperature is then lowered in the second period, while air is also admitted, and a solidified crust rich in * B. u. h. Ztg., 1853, p. 614. PRODUCTION OF COARSE COPPER. 173 suboxide of copper is formed superficially. When re-heating the mass in the third period the oxides react energetically upon the sulphides, thus yielding a blistered, coarse, or black copper, while sulphurous acid is evolved. This copper still contains sulphur even if the preceding operations of cooling and re-heating have been several times repeated, and the sulphur is only completely separated by the refining. Before finishing the process, the air channels are closed, a strong heat is given, and the copper is tapped off into sand moulds after the removal of the slags. According to Parkes and Keatest, the hot blast accele- rates the process and facilitates the formation of purer pro- ducts. It is very necessary to the success of the process that the smelting of the matt should be effected gradually, otherwise the desulphuration by the atmospheric air will be but slight. When blue and white metal are treated they are next gra- dually converted into pimple metal, and afterwards into coarse copper. The black copper slag (roaster slag) is blebby, without metallic lustre, reddish brown, or greyish black, with grains of metallic copper. According to Le Play, it contains 20 per cent, and according to Percy, 44 per cent, of copper as sub- oxide, and o'85 per cent in a metallic state. As it is either unfused or only partially fused it may contain larger quan- tities of sulphides as well as the oxides. If the production of the best selected coppert is intended, the purest ores are employed, and the roasting process, which in this case is called the selecting process, is conducted in such a manner that from the white metal a portion of coarse copper becomes reduced as bottoms, which then absorbs a great part of the foreign impurities. A pure matt called best regulus, spongy metal, then results; if necessary, this matt is submitted a second time to the selecting process. The best regulus is then converted into coarse copper. The reason the greater part of the foreign metals concentrate in * B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 340. Berggeist, 1857. p. 632. + PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 36.4. 174 COPPER. the bottoms is that the separated copper decomposes the sulphides of tin, antimony, arsenic, &c., contained in the white metal, and these substances then combine with the surplus copper, rendering it very impure, whilst the matt resulting at the same time is purer. When refining these copper bottoms an addition of lead- or copper scale is made. When refining gun metal* the tin is extracted by an addition of common salt. According to Le Play (a) and Napier (b) these copper bot- toms have the following composition :- Cu. Sn. Sb. As. Pb. S. Fe. Ni. Mn. a. 92.5 0'2 0'4 1.6 b. 740 13.8 45 4.8 0.8 3.9 2.5 Vivian, Herrmann, and Morgant have suggested a method of extracting copper, silver, and gold from these bottoms. Refining the Coarse Copper.‡ This process is performed in reverberatory furnaces, dif- fering from the furnaces used for ore and matt smelting in the following points chiefly :-They are usually smaller, having no opening in the arched roof, and no tapping hole, as the charging of the copper is effected by a side door, and as the working on the hearth, particularly the ladling of the copper, is effected by the working door situated opposite to the fire-place. The hearth close to the working door is furnished with a sump towards which all other parts of the hearth are inclined. The sole of the furnace is carefully prepared of quartz sand, upon which the coarse copper is melted with the ad- mission of air. The more slowly this melting is effected the more impure will be the copper; hot blast accelerates the process. The foreign admixtures are then scorified as much as possible by increased blast, and removed as slag. As soon as the slag has obtained a certain fusibility and a reddish * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 261. † Ibid., 1857, p. 180. + Grützner die Augustin sehe Silberextraction, 1851, p. 99. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 356. REFINING THE COARSE COPPER. 175 colour from the presence of suboxide of copper, nearly all the iron and zinc will be scorified, and the greater part of the lead extracted, whilst part of the antimony, nickel, cobalt, and sulphur remain in the copper. In order to remove these substances a slag rich in sub- oxide of copper is formed upon the metal-bath by an admis- sion of air, and at a certain temperature the oxygen of the slag reacts upon those substances. Cobalt, nickel, and tin are thus scorified, whilst the greater part of the antimony and sulphur is volatilised. In some copper works the copper is allowed to solidify at the end of this period, and it is then rapidly fused by raising the temperature to a white heat; in this manner the suboxide. of copper extracts the last traces of impurities. The copper then has the qualities of the rosette copper as produced in small hearths or in reverberatory furnaces. To toughen it the metal is stirred with green wooden poles. The dry copper, as the metal containing a large quantity of suboxide in solution is called, is first covered with a layer of anthracite or charcoal for the purpose of preventing the absorption of more oxygen. The suboxide that remains dissolved is now reduced by thrusting into the liquid mass a large pole of green birch or oak, which is decomposed by the great heat. Carbonaceous gases are evolved, which escape through the metal and act strongly reducing themselves, and by the commotion pro- duced cause every part to be brought rapidly and thoroughly in contact with the anthracite or charcoal on the surface; in this way all the suboxide is reduced to metallic copper, whilst its gaseous portion escapes in combination with the carbon into the air. This action is continued for from a quarter to half an hour, during which time samples are taken at short intervals and tried under a hammer or in a vice to de- termine their malleability. When the metal has reached what is termed the proper pitch the assay bends readily without showing any cracks at the edges, and its fracture should have a fibrous silky lustre, and be of a light colour. When this pitch is attained, the pole is withdrawn and a large sample termed a test is taken out. This test is cast 176 COPPER. in a small mould, and beaten with sledge hammers into a plate. If the copper is good this plate does not crack at the edges, and the surface is smooth and free from scales. It occasionally happens that the poling is continued too long (over-poling), in which case all the suboxide is reduced, and the metal assumes a light colour, loses its toughness, and becomes hard. These defects are variously ascribed to the absorption of carbon from the pole and coals, and to the action of impurities in the metal, which are neutralised by the presence of a small quantity of the suboxide of copper; to remedy them, the air is again allowed to play over the surface, in order to oxidise the carbon or produce some sub- oxide, and the operation of poling repeated. When the assay or trial shows the copper to be neither insufficiently deoxidised (under-poled or dry) nor over-poled, but of a good colour, soft, malleable, and tenacious (tough pitch), it is ladled from the furnace into iron moulds, where it is formed into ingots, tiles, or wire bars, according to demand. When intended for the manufacture of brass the copper is tapped off into vats of water and granulated. During the ladling out of the copper the fire is kept up, and samples continually taken. As soon as the samples show the copper to be again somewhat oxidised, it must be treated with wooden poles. The mould for receiving the copper consists of a sole plate upon which stands a case somewhat smaller above. In order to obtain several thinner plates by the same mould, instead of a large a large copper ingot, the mould is partially filled with copper by means of heated wrought iron ladles coated with lime; the copper is allowed to cool, it thus becomes coated with oxide, and copper is again poured upon it; this is repeated until the mould is filled, when the moulding case is removed and the single copper-plates are broken asunder. The cases are also previously warmed, and then brushed judiciously with bone dust and burned clay in order to remove the rough spots. Details of the refining process will be given subsequently in the illustrations of the reverberatory process. SMELTING PROCESSES IN SOUTH WALES. 177 The loss of copper in this process is caused— 1. By the roasting process, chemically and mechanically; the extent of this loss is not known, and is estimated by Le Play and Percy as not inconsiderable; but Vivian judges it to be slight. 2. By the smelting, chiefly in the slags which are thrown away and which usually contain not less than per cent of copper. According to Le Play the loss at the ore smelting amounts to 25 per cent of the total amount of copper con- tained in the ores. Fluor spar if present in the ore increases the loss. 3. By the sand hearths of the furnaces. When charging 24 cwts. the hearth of a furnace absorbs annually from 4 to 5 tons at the ore smelting, and 7 or 8 tons at the matt smelting; a black copper furnace about 10 tons, and a refining furnace about 5 tons of copper; but the greater part of this copper is regained by breaking up the hearth and working it up. Illustrations of the Reverberatory Process. A. Different Methods in South Wales.*-The methods as here described are partly of historical interest only, as they have recently undergone important modifications, chiefly in the operations of calcining the ores and regulus. Gersten- höffer's furnace before described has been recently introduced in South Wales with great success. The Smelting Process* as described by Le Play, comprises all possible operations. This process, which is also adopted by Rivot, includes the following manipulations: Ann. d. min., 1 sér., ix., 827; X., 331, 401; xi., 207; 2 sér., vi., 3; 3 sér., v., 657 ; 4 sèr., xiii., 3. KARSTEN'S Archiv., 1 R., viii., 160; xiii., 60, 144; 2 R., XXV., 578. HARTMANN'S Repertoire, ii., 506. RUSSEGGER'S Reisen, iv., 428, 467. B. u. h. Ztg., 1848, pp. 757, 780; 1849, pp. 241, 305; 1851, p. 463; 1852, pp. 265, 352; 1853, p. 909; 1862, p. 345. TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1852, p. 27. Bgwkfd., vi., 369. DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., xii., 124; lxxi., 50; lxxiii., 435; lxxvi., 193; lxxxii., 275. LAMBORN'S Metallurgy of Copper, 1860, p. 121. Description des Procédés Metallurgiques Employés dans les pays des Galles pour la Fabrication du Cuivre, par M. F. LE PLAY; Paris, 1848. Deutch von HARTMANN, unter d. Titel. Beschreibung der Hüttenprocesse, welche in Wales zur Darstellung des Kupfers angewendet werden, 1851. + Métallurgie du Cuivre, par M. L. E. RIvor: Paris, 1859, PP, 117, 194. Deutch von HARTMANN : Leipzig, 1860, pp. 73, 116. VOL. II. N 178 COPPER. 1. The Calcination of Copper Pyrites* associated with much iron pyrites and quartz, and containing 35 per cent of copper, is effected in reverberatory furnaces in charges of 3°45 tons, and finished in 12 hours, during which time two charges are given, yielding 6'4 tons of roasted ores, and consuming about 6 cwts. of anthracite and 2 cwts. of coal. When roasting in Parkes's double furnaces 4 tons of ore are charged upon each hearth and raked for 4 hours. The ore of the upper hearth is then removed to the lower hearth, and after being raked there for 4 hours it is removed from the furnace; 24 tons of ore are therefore roasted in 24 hours, consuming 1 tons of fuel. I 2. Raw Smelting.-A charge consists of— 0.896 tons of roasted ores. O'104 وو 0'051 0'071 0.106 0*063 0'009 "" وو I'300 tons. raw oxidised siliceous ores, containing little iron pyrites, and 12 to 20 per cent of copper. fluor spar. slags from the same process. poor slags from the raw melting. poor slags from the matt smelting. poor slags from the process for producing blue metal. This is melted in reverberatory furnaces in about 4 hours. 100 cwts. of mixture yield about 27.5 of raw matt, containing 33 or 34 per cent of copper, and 65 per cent of slags con- taining 0.8 per cent of copper. In 12 hours, or for melting 3 charges, 1677 tons of fuel is consumed, consisting of 68 per cent of small anthracite, and 32 per cent of small coal. 3. Roasting the Raw Matt (bronze matt).-The raw matt is first granulated, and then roasted for 36 hours at a gradually rising temperature in furnaces similar to those used for the ore roasting. Charges of 4'5 tons of matt are given, consuming 1'543 tons of fuel, consisting of 77 per cent of anthracite and 23 per cent of coal. 100 parts of raw matt yield 94°4 roasted matt, 66'6 of which are used for the * Erzvorkommen in Cornwall. COTTA, Erglagerstätten, ii., 464. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 144, 345. SMELTING PROCESSES IN SOUTH WALES. 179 production of the common white concentrated matt, and 30.8 for that of blue metal. 4. Production of White Concentrated Matt.-Charges consisting of— I'ο01 tons of roasted raw matt. oxidised copper ores, containing 25 to 45 per cent of copper. 0.435 0.108 وو black copper slags. 0'043 "" O'012 0'107 0'075 refinery slags. cupriferous products. furnace ends. hearth sand. "" O'SII bricks of the furnace walls. I'739 tons are melted in about 6 hours time. 100 parts of mixture yield 40°2 per cent of white metal, the composition of which is shown in the following analyses. by Le Play. 1 Cu Fe Ni Co Mn Sn, As S Residue. I. II. 77'4 64.8 0*7 9'0 traces traces 0°5 traces O'I 0*7 21'0 22.6 1.8 0°3 No. I resulted from melting the roasted matt with rich ores. No. 2 the same, somewhat bluish. There are besides 26.1 per cent of poor slags and 28'1 per cent of rich slags, composed as follows:- SiO3 II. 1. 33.8 33'0 FeO 56'0 55'0 Cu₂O 0'9 2.7 Other oxides 2.I 2.0 Al2O3 CaO MgO Cu 1'5 1.6 1 1'4 I'4 0°3 0°3 2'9 2.9 Fe 0°3 0'3 S 0.8 0.8 N 2 180 COPPER. The fuel consists of 74 per cent of anthracite and 26 per cent of coal, of which 3'524 tons are consumed in 24 hours. 5. Production of the Blue Metal.-In 5 hours a charge is smelted composed of 1*592 tons of roasted raw matt. وو roasted ores, containing from 15 to 35 per cent of copper. 0*408 0*185 0.018 "" bricks. "" hearth sand. 2*203 tons. 100 parts of mixture yield 49°5 per cent of blue metal, composed as follows:- Cu. Fe. Ni. Sn. S. Residue. 23°0 0'5 65'7 16:3 16 12 and 43'4 per cent of slags of the following composition :- Other SiO3. FeO. Cu2O. Oxides. Al2O3. CaO. MgO. Cu. Fe. S. 54'4 0'7 2.5 0.8 I'2 0°2 4.2 36'0 6. Melting the Slags.-This is effected in mixtures of the following composition :- 1'718 tons of slags resulting from the production of the common white metal, the white extra metal, and the last concentration matt. siliceous pyrites. وو 0'166 0*116 0'099 "" 0'076 0'020 2*195 tons. scale from the rolling mills. coal. hearth sole. bricks. This charge is melted in about six hours, and 100 parts of mixture yield about 5'7 per cent of white metal composed as follows: Cu. Fe. Ni. Co. Sn. S. Residue. I'I 1.6 per cent of red metal of the following composition:- 74.6 3.1 trace o°3 20'2 Fe. 62°1 11'9 0°2 1.8 Ni. Co. Sn. As. trace 22.8 0.7 S. Residue. Cu. SMELTING PROCESSES IN SOUTH WALES. 181 0.5 per cent of hard metal, with 66 per cent of copper, and 28 per cent of tin. 90 per cent of poor slags, composed as follows:- Other SiO 3. FeO. Oxides. Al2O3. CaO. MgO. Cu. S. 40'0 52'9 I'5 1.8 2.4 0°3 0'4 0'35 and o 8 per cent of copper bottoms, containing- Cu Fe, Mn, Ni. As Sn S. 86'5 3°2 1.8 0'7 6'9 7. Production of White Extra Metal.-Two tons of blue metal are smelted without any addition of fluxes for about twelve hours, producing, by the reaction of the hearth sand and the furnace bricks, 59 per cent of white extra metal, consisting of— Cu. Fe. S Ni, Co, As 77'5 2'2 20'I traces This method also yields 10'3 per cent of poor slags, which are given to the raw smelting, and 18 per cent of rich slags, which are given to the slag smelting. 8. Production of the Concentrated Matt (Regulus).— The white extra metal and the white and red metal of the slag melting are smelted in about four hours in charges of 1*482 tons without any addition of fluxes. The smelting is assisted by about 5 per cent of hearth and bricks of the fur- nace, which facilitate the scorification. 100 parts of mixture. yield 64 per cent of concentrated matt, composed as follows:- Cu. Fe. SI.I S Ni, Co, Mn, Sn, As 0.2 18.5 traces 10 per cent of cupriferous bottoms containing 93 per cent of copper, 14 per cent of slags, composed thus:- SiO 3 FeO Cu,O A1203 CaO 34°0 52°0 12'0 ΙΟ ΙΟ 182 COPPER. 9. Black Copper Smelting.-Charges of from 275 to 3'75 tons of common white metal, concentration metal, and cupriferous bottoms are smelted in 24 hours with an admixture of very pure, rich, sulphuretted and oxidised ores containing from 60 to 80 per cent of copper. About 60 per cent of black copper is thus obtained from 100 parts of smelting materials, and 8 per cent of slags containing 20 per cent of copper, which are added to the smelting of the white con- centrated matt. 10. Refining the Black Copper.-Seven tons are treated in 24 hours, yielding 90 or 91 per cent of fine copper varying in quality, and 5 per cent of refining slags composed as follows: 0'4 SiO 3. Cu2O. FeO. NiO. MnO. SnO. Al2O3. CaO. MgO. Cu. 47'4 36.2 3'I 0°2 2.0 ΙΟ 0°2 9'0 Three sorts of copper of different purity are usually pro- duced (vide analyses on page 77). The first kind is the best selected copper, perfectly free from antimony, and principally adapted for the manufacture of brass plates and wire. The second is used for rolling purposes; and the third for casting brass and other alloys. o'001 of antimony renders copper unfit for the first-named use, but not for rolling purposes. The best selected copper results from the purest ores and from the slags. The common purer ores yield chiefly two sorts of copper called tough copper, whilst that resulting from im- pure ores is called tile copper. English copper is also sold in the form of Japanese copper* in small bars, but it is less pure than the real Japanese. For the convenience of brass manufacturers the copper is sometimes granulated by pouring the fused metal into cold water; this copper is called feathered shot copper. If it is poured into hot water the re- sulting grains are more or less round, and are called bean shot copper. According to Le Play and Rivot the smelting cost of common pure and impure ores amounts respectively to 17s. 4d. and £1 2s. per ton of ore, and to £13 14s. and £21 12s. per ton of copper. * Bgwkfd., vi., 379. SMELTING PROCESSES IN SOUTH WALES. 183 The production of copper amounted in 1859 to 32,715 tons.* * B. Smelting Processes according to Percy,+ Napier, and Hyde Clark.‡ These processes are carried out in the English copper works with the following modifications:- 1. Smelting Partially Oxidised Ores of good quality, containing from 8 to 10 per cent of copper. a. Calcining of 3 or 3 tons of ore for from 12 to 24 hours in furnaces of the older form. b. Raw smelting of the ores with slags of d in the newer melting furnaces, which are described on page 162. One charge requires five hours' firing to fuse it; it is then raked. The slags are removed, and a new charge given and treated in the same way. The matt resulting from both charges is then tapped off either into a reservoir containing water or into iron moulds. c. Calcining the raw matt for 24 hours. d. Melting the roasted raw matt with slags of e and ƒ and rich oxidised ores producing white metal. e. Roasting smelting of the white metal for the production of black copper, without an addition of fluxes. The matt is melted with an admission of air in six or eight hours; the resulting slags are twice removed, then the temperature is lowered whilst air is admitted, and afterwards a strong heat. is given with the doors closed. The mass is now raked, the slags removed, and the black copper tapped off into sand moulds. f. Refining black copper. From 6 to 8 tons of black copper are melted with an admission of air in fifteen hours, and converted into the form of dry copper, whilst the slags are repeatedly removed; they are next stirred with wooden poles until of tough pitch, and then ladled out. Copper intended for rolling is treated with a small addition of lead, thus causing a dense casting with a smooth surface. This addition B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 4; 1858, p. 87; 1859, p. 360 ; 1861, pp. 170, 448. † Ibid., 1862, p. 345. Ante, page 135. 184 COPPER. varies in quantity according to the purity of the copper; it amounts in some instances to 80 lbs. for 6 tons of copper, while in other works only from 14 to 30 lbs. 2. Smelting Ores with 7 or 8 per cent of Copper. a. Ore calcining for twelve hours. b. Ore smelting in charges of 21 cwts. with from 2 to 5 cwts. of slags of d, in four hours for the production of raw matt. c. Calcining the raw matt in from 24 to 30 hours. d. Smelting roasted raw matt in quantities of 20 cwts. with 4 cwts. of slags of e and f, and 3 cwts. of native car- bonates, in six hours, for the production of concentrated matt. e. Smelting the concentrated matt in charges of 24 cwts. with 2 cwts. of refinery slags of g, in six hours, for the pro- duction of fine metal. f. Roasting smelting the fine metal. A charge yielding 2 tons of copper is melted in twelve hours, the slags are removed and the resulting matt and regulus cooled and re- heated until fused, so that pimple or blister copper is produced; the whole process is finished in 24 hours. If the production of best selected copper is desired, the 2 tons of fine metal are submitted to a roasting smelting and tapped off into sand moulds, in which case then the first five moulds will contain bottoms, while the remaining moulds contain regulus (matt). The regulus is then re-submitted to a smelting as before, and the resulting regulus is treated for the production of black copper, which is refined and yields the best selected copper. g. Refining the black copper. From 5 to 7 tons of coarse copper are melted with an admission of air, blisters rise to the surface of the metal and burst; the slag is removed and the metal stirred with wooden poles. If instead of black copper pimple metal is under treatment, the stirring with wooden poles is effected after melting; the mass is then cooled and fused again, the slags are now removed and the mass again stirred with poles till the copper is tough. If a sample shows that it is required, from 16 to 20 lbs. of lead are mixed into the fused copper, the slags are SMELTING PROCESS IN SOUTH WALES. 185 removed, and the metal bath is covered with charcoal or anthracite; the copper is ladled out in the usual manner when a sample shows that it is sufficiently fine. The whole process takes from 70 to 96 hours, and from 13 to 18 tons of coal are consumed per 1 ton of copper produced. 3. Treatment of Ores with 9 per cent of Copper. a. Calcining 7 tons of ores in from 12 to 24 hours. b. Ore smelting in charges of 22 cwts. with 6 cwts. of slags of d, f, and h, for the production of raw matt. c. Calcining the raw matt in from 15 to 18 hours. d. Smelting roasted raw matt in charges of 45 cwts. with from 6 to 12 cwts of slags of ƒ and g, or with native car- bonates, for the production of fine metal. e. Roasting the granulated fine metal for 18 hours. f. Smelting the fine metal for the production of blue or pimple metal, charging 50 cwts. of matt with from 3 to 6 cwts. of slags of h. g. Roasting the blue or pimple metal for the production of black copper. 2 tons of metal of ƒ are melted in 4 hours, descorified, and kept in a fused state for 18 hours with the side doors open; during this time the slag is twice removed. Towards the end, the heat must be increased, as the more purified mass chills easily; the black copper is now tapped off. If the production of the best sort of copper is intended, the roasting is only carried on so far that about half the result is metallic copper, and the matt (best regulus, spongy metal) resulting at the same time is smelted for the production of black copper. h. Refining the black copper. 6 or 7 tons are melted in 18 hours, then descorified three times, and afterwards stirred with wooden poles in the usual manner. 4. Smelting Modification in the case of Ores containing 9 per cent of Copper. a. Ore smelting. 22 cwts. of ore are melted with 4 cwts. of matt slags, for the production 'of raw matt containing 38 per cent of inatt. The matt is granulated and rolled. b. Roasting the raw matt in charges of 5 tons for 24 hours. c. Smelting the roasted raw matt for the production of 186 COPPER. blue metal in charges of 36 cwts. mixed either with 3 cwts. of slags from e and f, or with native carbonates. d. Roasting smelting the blue metal for the production of pimple metal, in charges of 4 tons. In order to produce the best selected copper eight or ten of the blocks situated nearest to the tapping hole are set apart and used for the production of common copper. The remaining fourteen blocks are then submitted in the following manner to the selecting process (page 173):-5 tons of the latter blocks are heated in the furnaces until red hot, the furnace doors being kept closed; air is then admitted by the air channels of the fire- bridge, and the temperature is raised so that the charge may melt in 6 hours. The air channels are now closed, the slag removed, and air is now again admitted. After removing the newly formed slag the black copper is tapped off and refined. e. Roasting smelting of the pimple metal in charges of 4 cwts. for the production of pimple copper. f. Refining black copper in charges of 8 tons; if the refined copper is intended for rolling mills, 35 lbs. of lead are added. According to Schwarz, a black copper newly imported into England in large quantities from Australia, contains- Cu. 99'17 Bi. 0*280 S. Pb. Sn. Sb. As. 0*123 0'002 0*244 Copper matt and black copper are also imported into England from Chili.* The smelting cost varies according to the prices of the fuel, fire-bricks, and labour, the quality of the ores, &c. In the last six months of the year 1859 the mines were paid £90 per ton of copper contained in the ores, whilst the market price of copper amounted to £112 10s. I The smelting cost. per ton of ore amounted to £1 3s. 3d., whilst the cost for producing I ton of copper was not more than £10. Copper works must produce annually at least 1,100 tons of copper in order to be profitable, and therefore require 6 roasting furnaces, each costing £240 12 smelting 22 B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 260. £200 COPPER WORKS AT STEINWERDER. 187 and a total amount of £9,500 to £10,000, besides a floating capital of £35,000. If such works are erected with a view to enlargement, their capacity may be doubled with a saving of half of the original capital. Works of this description consume annually 20,000 tons of coal, or 18 tons of coal to every ton of copper produced from ores containing 10 per cent of copper; the expenses for labour, refractory materials, &c., per ton of copper amount to £8 15s., to which various sundries, such as freight, interest of capital, &c., must be added. As the profit depends chiefly on the judicious buying of the ores, and as the price of copper is so very variable, the profit sometimes amounts to 13 percent. interest on the original capital, whilst at other times losses occur. If the market is brisk the capital employed may be turned annually 2 times, and at a moderate market 24 times. Copper Works at Steinwerder near Hamburg.*—These works smelt copper ores of different countries and varieties, namely:-Almost pure copper pyrites of Norway, containing 27 per cent, and 6 or 8 per cent of copper if in the form of schlich; siliceous copper ore of the Rhine, containing 2 per cent; pyritic ore with magnesian gangue of Tuscany, con- taining 12 or 14 per cent; argentiferous copper ore of Peru, containing 10 per cent; oxidised copper ore of Copiapo, con- taining 15 per cent; and argentiferous copper matt of Chili. All the sulphuretted and most of the oxidised ores are worked in reverberatory furnaces, and part of the oxidised siliceous pure ores in cupola furnaces, for the production of matt con- taining 30 per cent of copper and slag containing per cent. The matt is then further treated in reverberatory furnaces. Very pure and rich oxidised ores are exceptionally treated in cupola furnaces for the direct production of black copper. The extraction of copper is generally effected by simpler processes than those used in England, because antimonial and arsenical ores are avoided as far as possible. If they now and then occur they are worked by themselves. The pyritic ores are pounded to the size of a nut, and mixed in a Schles. Wochenschrift, 1859, No. 6. B. u. h. Zig., 1859, p. 100. LEON- HARDT'S Hüttenerzeugnisse, 1858, p. 59. 188 COPPER. raw state with such a quantity of oxidised ores that the mix- ture, containing on an average 10 per cent, possesses the ingredients for forming a nearly neutral slag, and the sulphur required for the total amount of copper. The process comprises the following operations : 1. Raw Smelting.-The ore is mixed with matt slags, chiefly with refining slags, and more rarely with oyster shells. It is then smelted in a reducing flame in order to avoid the formation of black copper by the oxidation of the pyrites, in reverberatory furnaces about 20 feet long and 15 feet broad. The hearth is composed of a quartz sand layer from 1 to 3 feet thick. The arched roof, 8 inches thick, is formed of Ramsay stones, and is said to stand for five years, but if it is thicker, or covered with ash, it will only last one year. The inner walling of the furnace is formed of the same material, and separated from the outside walling by a hollow space. In order to produce combustible gases, i.e., a reducing reaction, the grate is laid about 3 feet beneath the fire-bridge. If an oxidising reaction is desired, two air channels attached to the fire-bridge are opened. A furnace holds 5 tons of mixture, and yields 30 cwts. of matt containing 30 per cent, and slag containing per cent of copper. For producing equal quantities of matt in reverberatory and in cupola furnaces, 100 and 75 parts in weight of fuel are respectively required; three smelters attend two furnaces. 2. Matt Smelting. The pure matt is roasted and smelted direct in reverberatory furnaces, but matt containing anti- mony and arsenic is previously treated by a separate roasting. Argentiferous matt is treated by Ziervogel's mode of extrac- tion (vide vol. i., page 378), and the resulting residues are given, according to their amount of copper, either to the concentration or the black copper smelting. The concentration smelting is effected in the same kind of furnaces. Raw, roasted, and desilverised matts are either smelted each by itself or together in admixture with siliceous oxidised ores of Chili, as well as with residues of the re- fining process and of the smeltings in cupola furnaces. A furnace is charged with 5 tons of mixture, which yield a COPPER WORKS AT DUISBURG. 189 copper glance-like matt containing 60 per cent of copper, and containing metallic copper separated in a capillary form, besides slags containing from 6 to 8 per cent of copper. The matt is either worked for the production of black copper, or previously desilverised by Ziervogel's method. 3. Black Copper Smelting.-The furnaces are somewhat smaller than the ore furnaces. The matt is usually smelted by itself, in rare cases with an addition of residues of the refining process. Black copper results containing 96 per cent, and slag with from 12 to 15 per cent of copper; the last is given to the ore or matt smelting. 4. Refining the Black Copper.-Five tons of black copper are refined in 24 hours in from six to eight charges, con- suming 10 tons of coal, and yielding 90 cwts. of fine copper and 25 cwts. of slags. Copper Works at Duisburg (Aggerthal).-The following ores are here smelted :- a. Barilla copper sand (page 3), containing from 75 to 80 per cent of copper; it is refined direct, yielding copper of the first quality or crown copper. The refinery slags are added to the pimple smelting. b. Pure oxidised ores of Chili containing from 17 to 22 per cent of copper, and Norwegian pyrites containing 4 or 5 per cent of copper. They are mixed together and melted in charges of 34 cwts. for 7 or 8 hours, producing a raw matt containing 33 per cent of copper, and slags with from 5 to 1 per cent, which are thrown away, consuming about 36 cubic feet of coal. The raw matt is smelted in ad- mixture with oxidised ores for the production of white metal containing 75 or 80 per cent of copper, and slags containing 4 or 5 per cent, which are given to the raw smelting. The white metal is treated in a smaller furnace for the production of black copper, 60 cwts. consuming about 34 cubic feet of coal. The black copper is refined in quantities of 70 or 80 cwts. in 24 hours, with a consumption of 53 cubic feet of coal, yielding the second quality of copper. c. Impure pyrites, containing arsenic, antimony, and lead, of Siegen, is smelted for the production of a matt with 30 per cent of copper. Part of it is roasted and smelted in 靠 ​190 COPPER. admixture with the unroasted matt, producing pimple metal, which is converted into black copper. The black copper is then refined, yielding the third quality of copper. d. Rich oxidised ores. These are smelted direct in admix- ture with some pyrites and equal parts of reverberatory con- centration slags, producing black copper. The smelting is effected in cupola furnaces with two open eyes, 6 feet high, and from 150 to 160 cwts. of mixture (80 cwts. of ore), are smelted in 24 hours, producing black copper containing about 85 per cent, and matt containing from 50 to 56 per cent of copper; thus I lb. of coke is consumed for every 6 or 7 lbs. of mixture, the black copper is refined, and the matt smelted for the production of black copper. The refining is performed in the following manner :- After charging from 50 to 60 cwts. of black copper the furnace doors and air channels are hermetically closed, and the air channels re-opened as soon as the copper becomes red hot. It is now allowed to melt at a moderate tempe- rature, air being admitted, when the greater part of the copper is fused, and sulphurous acid is evolved; the air channels are now closed and all the copper is fused at an increased temperature, and if the hearth is free from deposits the tough reddish slag is removed and the oxidising begins. The more fusible slag thus formed must be removed by spreading coke cinders upon it, while extra firing is always given before such removal; after the first removal of slag the metal is perfectly quiet, a ladle sample rises but without breaking on its surface, and the fracture shows a large blister on the upper part, while the lower part is interwoven with small golden yellow cavities. The scale sticking to the under part of the ladle is nearly smooth. At this period the temperature of the furnace is very high and the metal will remain quiet as long as that temperature is sustained, but as soon as it is lowered so far as to allow observations of the fire-place by the working door, a movement or sort of ebullition of the fused mass at once takes place, as at a certain temperature sulphide and sub-oxide of copper react upon each other, evolving sulphurous acid. During this ebul- lition but little slag is formed, but more is formed later on, and COPPER WORKS AT DUISBURG. 191 the copper during this oxidising action is modified in the following manner :-The appearance of the ladle sample remains as before, except that the lower scale becomes porous. Later on, the samples rise more and more vehe- mently, so that the surface becomes broken and copper runs out; afterwards the whole sample becomes blistered, the cavities appear no longer yellow but a dirty red, and the lower scale is smooth. At Mansfeld, the stirring with wooden poles now begins; the oxidation is thus carried on still further, the samples rise less freely and become more dense, and the cavities again appear of a golden yellow. If the sample shows a decidedly crystalline texture-a characteristic sign that the copper contains suboxide of copper-the porous. parts of the sample appear a bright white. The stirring with wooden poles begins when the samples have become very crystalline and show only a stripe of small cavities in their upper parts, the cavities being violet in colour. Some pounds of lead are now usually added to the copper before commencing the stirring with poles, the air channels are closed, and charcoal is thrown upon the metal bath. Often the copper loses its oxygen very slowly by the stir- ring; the fracture becomes purer and the crystalline appear- ance cubic, and the porous parts are first bright whitish, and later bright yellowish. If the sample is rose-red in colour, perfectly dense, and shows a radiated texture, the stirring is continued uninter- ruptedly; but if golden yellow cavities again appear on the fracture the stirring is discontinued, and it is instead again. somewhat oxidised, but without opening the air channels. If the stirring with poles is continued the samples show golden points, become fibrous, compact, and of a silky lustre. The surface of the ladle sample is also characteristic in appearance, showing concentric rings extending more and more towards the middle and having an appearance similar to the fine silver assay. If the copper is considered tough, judging from the sample, two bars of it are cast; one bar is bent whilst hot, the other when cold; no breakage should take place. If the latter bar breaks the fracture will indicate whether suboxide is still 192 COPPER. present, if some coal has combined with the copper, if the copper has been stirred too much, or if it is not yet. quite dense enough; if red-short it is best to somewhat oxidise again and afterwards to stir with the wooden pole. The differences between this mode of refining and the mode in use at Mansfeld will be pointed out in a later chapter. EXTRACTION OF COPPER BY COMBINED PROCESSES IN CUPOLA AND REVERBERATORY FURNACES. When comparing the two processes the English process. appears to have advantages-first, in roasting ores and matt, though the higher prices of fuel may make roasting matts in mounds preferable, and secondly, in the refining of black copper, as large quantities are toughened at once. On the other hand, the process in cupola furnaces also has its advantages, especially at the ore and matt smeltings, as they produce purer slags and therefore a better yield; arsenic and antimony are more perfectly volatilised, and the copper is obtained quicker and concentrated in fewer operations, as shown by the following:-- English Reverberatory Process. Mansfeld Process in Cupola Furnace. 2'75 per cent Roasted ore 20-25 per cent Raw matt. 33 "" 47 "" Roasted raw matt 34 51 White metal . 77 "" "? Blue metal 56 Slag matt. 62-74 "" Extra metal • 77'5 "" Regulus Black copper . Refined copper If it is desirable to purify matt from admixtures, such as lead, zinc, antimony, arsenic, &c., previous to its being desilverised by Augustin's or Ziervogel's method, the 81.5 "" "" 92 "" 97-99'5 88-95 98.5-99'5 "" SMELTING THE MANSFELD COPPER SCHIST. 193 concentrating of the matt may be advantageously effected in reverberatory furnaces. We have before stated that matt may be concentrated to a higher degree, without the forma- tion of black copper, in reverberatory furnaces than in cupola furnaces. The loss of copper is less when performing the black copper smelting in cupola furnaces, chiefly when treating desilverised residues containing common salt, and the anti- mony and arsenic are more completely extracted; whilst in the reverberatory process a great deal of copper enters the hearth, and is only extracted with difficulty. As, however, the reverberatory process allows a larger production and produces a richer black copper and little matt, it is still sometimes preferred to the smelting in cupola furnaces. Illustrations of the Combined Smelting Processes. Smelting the Mansfeld Copper Schist, or Bituminous Kup- ferschiefer. The ore here treated is Copper Slate,† a mixture of lime, alumina, bitumen, and different metallic substances, chiefly copper glance, copper pyrites, variegated copper ore, native copper and silver, red copper ore, malachite, azurite, cobalt and nickel ores, galena, blende, molybdenum and vanadium combinations, &c. The top of the copper schist is formed of a cupriferous, calcareous layer (Noberge und Dach), and the sole of a sandstone, impregnated a few inches deep with ores (sand ores). The copper schist is not usually more than 20 inches thick, and contains from 18 to 3.7 per cent of copper, and I cwt. of produced copper con- tains from 0'53 to 0.58 lb. of silver. The ores are separated by hand picking, and divided into those worth smelting and those to be thrown away, the Lan, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, No. 25; 1856, p. 162; 1859, PP. 371, 412; 1860, p. 501; 1861, pp. 67, 449; 1862, p. 140. Bgwkfd., xxii., 229. BEZARD, in Bulletin de la Société de l'Industrie Minér., Tom. i., livr. 4, de 1856, p. 606. RIVOT, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 405. LAMBORN'S Metallurgy of Copper, 1850, p. 146. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 413. + VELTHEIM, in Karsten's Archiv. 1 R., xv. 89. COTTA, Erzlagerstätten ii., тоб. VOL. II. 194 COPPER. appearance of the fracture being the leading point. They contain about- Sio, CaO and MgO • Al2O3 Fe2O3 or, according to Berthier:- SiO3 ALO 3 Fe₂03 CaO, CO, MgO, CO₂ ко Copper pyrites . Water & Bitumen 40 to 50 13 to 22 IO to 18 3 to 5 40 10'7 5 19'5 தம் 6'5 26 10'3 The sand ores are classified into rich ores containing from 7 to 75 per cent of copper, and poor ores containing 25 per cent. They only contain o'18 lb. of silver per cwt. of copper. The ores of the top of the copper schist are very poor, containing on an average 100 lbs. of copper in 60 cwts. of ore, and are considered worth smelting if containing 85 lbs. in 60 cwts. The sand ores and the ores of the top are not roasted. The smelting of the bitumenous copper slate comprises the following operations :- 1. Roasting, which is less for the purpose of oxidising the metallic sulphides than to remove the bitumen and water contained in the slate, as both substances injure the smelting process and increase the consumption of fuel. The roasting is effected in large heaps containing 100 tons. interstratified with brush wood, and with some slate rich in bituminous matter mixed with the mass. These heaps are about 6 feet high, and burn 15 weeks in fair weather and 20 weeks in rainy weather. The bitumen is decomposed, the sulphur is dissipated chiefly in the form of sulphurous acid, the metal becomes partially oxidised, particularly the iron, which is a very desirable circumstance for the production of good smelting slag. The calcined ore is diminished 1-10th SMELTING THE MANSFELD COPPER SCHIST. 195 in bulk and 1-8th in weight, becoming of a friable texture and a dirty yellow colour. About 10 lbs. of wood are used per ton of ore. The calcined slate has the following composition -- III. IV. V. VI. VII. 52.72 50*6 43°8 49′00 17°2 590 46.2 55'60 15°31 180 16'0 13.85 15.67 4'65 I. II. SiO,. Al₂03 MgO J 23°4 Fe₂O, CuO. 3 9'0 7.2 2.8 2.5 Cao. S. Loss. 4°14 3°3 4'5 3'74 8.00 8.0 8.0 8.00 8.00 7.8 18.0 18.10 13°2 15'6 10′97 9'99 4'0 2.4 0.8 6'0 2. Raw Melting.—An operation for scorifying the earthy substances of the ore, and combining the sulphides into a matt. If the roasting is carried on too far a loss of copper takes place by scorification, and deposits of iron are formed owing to a want of sulphur; in such cases raw ores are added to the mixture. The cupreous slate is sorted according to its composition into lime, clay, iron, slate, &c., and the smelting is facilitated by a proper admixture. For example, one part or charge may consist of 20 cwts. of ferruginous slate, 14 calcareous, 6 argillaceous, with of 3 fluor spar, 3 of rich copper slags, and other refuse matters. The smelting furnaces are cupolas 14 or 18 feet high, represented by Figs. 49, 50, 51, 52. Fig. 49 is a vertical section through the tuyere in the dotted line, A, B, of Fig. 51. Fig. 50 is a vertical section through the dotted line, C, D, of Fig. 52. a is the shaft of the furnace; b, the boshes; c, c, the tuyeres ; d, the sole or hearth stone, which slopes 3 inches towards the front wall; e, c, casing walls of fire bricks; f, f, &c., filling up walls, built of stone rubbish; g, g, a mass through which the heat is slowly conducted; h, h, the two holes through which the product of the smelting process is alternately run off into the fore- hearth. Beneath the hearth sole is a solid body of loam ; and the fore-hearth is formed of a mixture of coal dust and Dr. URE'S Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. i., SS5. 0 2 196 COPPER. FIG. 49. H C 不 ​α b D C B F k 576 FIG. 50. a b C G E A h FIG. 52. FIG. 51. clay; k is the escape for moisture. Fig. 51 is a horizontal section of the furnace through the hole or eye on the dotted line, E, F, of Fig. 49. Fig. 52, a horizontal section of the shaft of the furnace through the form along the dotted line, G, H, of Figs. 49 and 50. The height of the shaft from the line, E, F, to the top is 14 feet; from E to G, 25 inches; from c to the line below b, 2 feet; from that line to the line oppo- site g, g, 2 feet. The width of the line, g, g, is 2 feet 3 inches, and at e, 26 inches. The basins, i, i (Fig. 51), are 3 feet in diameter and 20 inches deep. These furnaces have two tuyeres. The smaller furnaces of this kind furnished with one tuyere are now being super- seded by the larger ones. In some of the Mansfeld copper works hot blast is advan- tageously employed. Coke is now used exclusively for fuel instead of charcoal. The large furnaces last one year, some- times even two or three, in continual operation. The smelting products are SMELTING THE MANSFELD COPPER SCHIST. 197 a. Raw Matt.-(vide analysis on page 43).-60 cwts. of copper slate yields at the Cu. lbs. Ag. lb. 4*50 containing 35°33 and o*195 Raw Matt. cwts. Eisleben Smelting Works. Friedeberg 5'00 "" Mansfeld >> 5°25 "" Kupferhammerhütte "" 5'50 Sangerhäuse 6.10 "" "" 22.00 33'00", 0*125 0*190 26.36,, O*109 4800,, 0097 The rich copper matt is submitted to Ziervogel's method for the extraction of silver; poor matt containing less than 40 per cent of copper is previously concentrated in a rever- beratory furnace. b. Raw Slags, part of which are used as a flux for later smelting processes, besides some deposits of iron, smoke, furnace ends, &c. The furnace gases have been investigated by Heine; they were produced in a cupola furnace furnished with two tuyeres, coke being used. The pressure of the cold blast was 10 lines of mercury, and that of the hot blast (212° C.) from 11 to 13 lines of mercury. The following are Heine's results:- Charcoal. Feet. HOT BLAST. Coke. Feet. Feet. Feet. Beneath the furnace top 3'00 6.00 3°00 6.00 Nitrogen 67.85 69 10 6098 6127 Carbonic oxide . 10'04 11'95 28*90 30'77 Carbonic acid 20.80 18.67 6°34 4'14 • Carburetted hydrogen Hydrogen Sulphurous acid 0°30 0'22 2.68 I'94 1'31 o'99 o So 1.66 COLD BLAST. Beneath the furnace top Nitrogen 3'00 46.41 66.09 6'00 3'00 6'00 33.38 6102 Carbonic oxide. 22*47 23.04 35.80 32 48 Carbonic acid Hydrogen • Carburetted hydrogen Sulphurous acid 0'95 These results correspond with those obtained by Bunsen (page 114), and prove that coke yields more carbonic acid, and is therefore more profitable than charcoal; that the quantity of carbonic oxide gas produced is largest when 25*25 8.00 4'92 I'97 198 COPPER. employing charcoal and cold blast, and smallest when using coke and hot blast, and that the loss of fuel is very con- siderable. 3. Roasting the Raw Matt.-This is sometimes performed in mounds, but usually in muffle furnaces combined with leaden chambers for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. The matt is taken from the fore-hearth of the furnace when still hot and broken, and water is poured over it, which makes it divide into fine powder; it is then roasted in quantities of Io cwts. for about 11 hours at a red heat, while it is con- tinually raked. 5 tons of matt consume 18 tons of lignite and coal, 75 lbs. of saltpetre, and 75 lbs. of sulphuric acid of 60° B., yielding 18 cwts. of sulphuric acid of 66° B. The dust collected in the chambers is very rich in selenium. 4. Concentration of the Raw Matt in Reverberatory Furnaces. These furnaces are employed in preference to cupola furnaces in order to avoid the formation of black. copper, which is required for the subsequent desilverisation of the matt by Ziervogel's method. Lead, when present, FIG. 53. а С α d- 1k b Ъ is also more perfectly extracted in these furnaces. Those of later construction are represented by Figs. 53, 54, 55. For the formation of the hearth, raw slags 6 or 7 inches high are laid upon the foundation, next 6 inches of sand, SMELTING THE MANSFELD COPPER SCHIST. 199 which is then heated for drying, then an admixture of quartz sand and pounded raw slag (56 cwts. of quartz and 8 cwts. of slag) 2 inches high, is spread repeatedly upon the sand FIG. 54. f_ 7721 d ་་ until the mixture is 8 inches high in all; a strong fire is given, after each charging of the mixture, for about two hours. When the hearth is pasty from the last heating it is made. smooth and beaten down into the suitable form by deepening it towards the middle and giving it a slope towards the FIG. 55. aka aka d tapping hole. The hearth is now closed and heated for 16 or 18 hours till it frits; it is afterwards gradually cooled and charged with matt. The matt roasted in the muffle furnaces is charged in quantities of 50 cwts. with an addition of 4 cwts. of sand and 2'6 cwts. of raw slag. The resulting concentrated matt is made to run into a current of water and is thus granulated. 100 cwts. of raw 200 COPPER. matt yield the following amount of concentrated matt in the different copper works of the Mansfeld district :— وو Eisleben Works Kupferhammer Friedeberg Mansfeld Sangerhäuse وو cwts. Cu. per cent. Ag. per cent. 50'6 containing 696 and 0*384 65°25 0'345 64'70 "" ,, 0*368 50.6 "" 48.7 65'0 >> 67.61 0'390 68.00 "" O'135 This concentrated matt, or spurstein, is desilverised by Ziervogel's method, and the remaining residues treated for the production of black copper. Slags and cupriferous hearth are also yielded at the con- centration smelting. The slags contain- SiO3 · Cu₂O. FeO. CaO. A1,03 · 33.6 3°0 · 37°0 5'0 5'6 5. Treatment of the Desilverised Residues for the Production of Black Copper.-The residues are mixed with from 3 to 6 per cent of pounded Dünnstein in order to lessen the scorification of copper, and then intimately com- bined with moistened clay and formed into lumps; they are next dried and then melted, with an addition of 10 per cent of raw slag, in cupola furnaces with open eyes, and furnished with one tuyere, the hearth sole of which is formed of quartz. From 60 to 8o cwts. of mixture are smelted with coke fuel in 24 hours. The products are black copper, thin matt, and slags. According to Gerhardt, the black copper is composed as follows: Cu. Pb. Fe. Ni and Co Zn. Ag. S. • 92.677 1*870 I'931 0.626 1*721 Ο ΙΙΟ O'993 SMELTING THE MANSFELD COPPER SCHIST. 201 The thin matt containing 65 per cent of copper and o‘o11 per cent of silver is collected in sufficient quantity and roasted and treated for the production of black copper. The residual slag, containing first I per cent and afterwards only o°2 or 0'3 per cent of copper, is thrown away. 6. Roasting or Oxidising Smelting (Purifying) the Black Copper in Small Hearths* (vide page 58).—6 or 7 cwts. of black copper are charged at a time; 100 cwts. yield 89 cwts. of copper in rosettes or blocks, and 16 cwts. of hearth ends. According to Nauwerk, the rosette copper contains- Cu. Ag. Pb. Fe. Ni . S ) a ن C · 97°17 0°02 0'40 0'07 0°34 FIG. 56. 0004 (= 0.019 Cu,S) 1*755 (=15⋅643 Cu₂O) Ch 2 * B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 465. 72 770 202 COPPER. This large amount of Cu₂S is derived from the coating of the very thin rosettes or shavings, as 100 or more are formed in one hearth. The possibility of forming so many cakes also indicates the good quality of the copper. Refining Black Copper in Reverberatory Furnaces. -At the copper works at Hettstädt, gas reverberatory fur- naces, represented by Figs. 56, 57, are in use. a is the shaft of the gas generating furnace; b, grate; c, shaft for charging the gas generating furnace; d, cover, to be made tight by sand; e, channels to conduct the air for combustion; f, fire- bridge provided with an opening, g, for cooling; h, openings for admitting the air for combustion, if the channels do not conduct it in sufficient quantity; i, channels for conducting the air for oxidation; k, hearth walling; l, door for charging the furnace, opposite to which a tapping hole is made that the hearth may be quickly emptied of the liquid copper when necessary; m, working door; n, flue communicating with a chimney, o, 60 feet high; the chimney stands at some FIG. 57. IN 12 6 ހ ހ E In K 2 Z 0 3 6 9 12 FI REFINING BLACK COPPER AT MANSFELD. 203 distance from the furnace and so lasts longer; flue walls 5 inches thick last longer than thicker ones; p, refractory admixture of three parts quartz and one part loam ; q, out- side walling. The hearth is formed like the hearth of the concentration furnace (page 198), of 10 or 12 parts of quartz and I part slate slags in six or seven layers, each 1 or 2 inches thick, sloping 1 or 2 inches towards the working door, m, and 1 inch towards the tapping hole. The hearth rests upon the hearth walling, k. The same refractory mass projects 3 inches high round the side walls and the fire-bridge. The refining process comprises the following operations:- a. Charging (3h.).*-5 tons of black copper are charged into the red hot furnace by four workmen, and so divided over the hearth that the copper lies highest on the fire-bridge. b. Smelting (4h.)—The generator is charged with char- coal about every 2 or 3 hours during the whole process, the doors and channels for the oxidising air are hermetically closed, and the channels for admitting air for combustion are opened 10 inches; the chimney lid is also somewhat opened. A strong fire is now given, and the copper becomes red hot in about 4h. 30m., and melted at about Ioh. As soon as the copper begins to flow the oxidation air channels are opened for some time, and re-closed when the copper is so far melted as to show no more hollow spaces between the single pieces. The melted copper is now stirred with a rake in order to remove pieces of copper which have remained unfused on the fire-bridge or the side walls, and a thick un- fused crisp crust of metallic oxides appears on the surface of the metal. In order to liberate this crust from the mechanically enclosed copper a short but strong heat is again given. At 10h. 35m. quartz sand is sprinkled before the working door, a screen of iron plate put upon the floor for protecting the workmen, and the crisp black slag is carefully removed, whilst small coal is thrown into the fur- nace. The coal rubbish is strewn over it to prevent its * 3h. means 3 o'clock, the beginning of the charging; figures behind the h denote the minutes. 204 COPPER. caking; it is cooled with water and broken with a pointed iron. The working door is cleaned from deposits, which are thrown back on the hearth, as they contain mechanically enclosed copper. The metallic bath is sea-green in colour, and evolves zinc in the form of gas. According to Gerhardt, the first scum is composed as follows:- Cu₂O FeO PbQ Coo ZnO SiO MgO CaO Al₂03 50*16 27'70 2.23 4'05 10°37 3'70 O'14 I'06 0'34 If the alumina is considered as an acid, the oxygen of the acids stands in proportion to the oxygen of the bases as I: 7'5. According to this analysis Fe, Co, and Zn are scorified first, but no Ni. (At Duisburg (page 190) the smelting of the purer copper containing 97 per cent, and richer in oxygen and poorer in sulphur, is effected with an admission of air and in two hours' longer time, which facilitates the subsequent purification. Owing to the greater purity of the copper, easily fusible red coloured slags result at once, and the smaller amount of sulphur causes less sparkling, as the greater part of the sulphur is already removed at the smelting). If the more impure Mansfeld copper, containing 92 or 94 per cent of copper, little oxygen, and about 1 per cent of sulphur, were smelted with an admission of air, the loss of time would perhaps outbalance the gain by oxidation. c. Oxidising (11h.) The oxidation channels are entirely opened, and the working and charging doors partly so if the temperature allows it. The formation of slag now begins, and is indicated by a rotating movement of the metal bath and a peculiar faint noise. The slag is then moved back- wards and forwards by a wooden pole in order to bring it into contact with the air; two or three poles are sometimes thrown upon it, as their movement causes the surface of the REFINING BLACK COPPER AT MANSFELD. 205 metal bath to be partially freed from slag. If much fusible slag is formed, coke cinders are thrown upon it, and it is removed. In order to render the slag more pasty small charcoal is spread upon it; small coke has the reverse effect. The oxi- dation air is turned off during the removal of the slag, which contains, according to Nauwerk,- Cu₂O РЬО FeO NiO ZnO AgO SiO3 75'61 5'09 3'06 I'15 2.16 0*06 II 18 proving that at this period chiefly Fe and Pb and some Ni become scorified by the Cu₂O which is formed in great quan- tity, whilst at the same time much zinc volatilises. As the re-opened air channels give rise to the formation of a tough slag mixed with copper, the temperature is raised to keep the slag sufficiently liquid. After the second removal of the slag the copper attains an undulating movement, and as soon as the metal has combined with more Cu₂O the oxidation of the Cu₂S still present begins, which at a certain proportion of both and at a moderate temperature causes a sparkling, whilst sulphurous acid is briskly evolved (12h.) Cu₂O and Cu₂S react less upon each other at a high temperature than at a certain low temperature, which is employed at Duisburg, for instance, at the commencement of the oxidation period. Through this low temperature the copper is ren- dered dense and tough by stirring it once with wooden poles. About one hour after the commencement of the oxidation the copper often sparkles suddenly and with great in- tensity, without the usual hissing noise and formation of bubbles, this phenomenon extending all over the surface of the copper. An immense number of small globules are vio- lently thrown against the arched roof, the whole metal bath is in movement as though caused by rain; the slag is thus moved back and roundish pieces of it frequently rotate, whilst its formation is diminished. As the black copper contains on an average 1 per cent of 206 COPPER. sulphur, the total quantity in the charge amounts to 100 lbs., yielding 200 lbs. of sulphurous acid, or 118,174 cubic metres = 3,746 cubic feet at 1000° C. If this phenomenon continues for two hours 31°21 cubic feet of sulphurous acid are evolved every minute. But as the sparkling with great intensity only lasts a short time, it may be supposed that at the last, four times that amount of sulphurous acid, equal to 120 cubic feet, escape. If the surface of the metal bath measures 40 square feet it would follow that I square foot evolves 3 cubic feet of gas every minute, or I square inch o‘6 cubic foot every second, and as the evolu- tion of gas takes place at short intervals, 12 cubic feet per square inch escapes every second. The intensity of the sparkling may be thus explained:-It lasts for half or three- quarters of an hour and gradually ceases; larger bubbles appear, and the hissing noise changes into a boiling bubbling noise. The slag is thinner, and flows from the working door, beginning at the period of the boiling (Braten) (1h.) The metal bath undulates excessively where the air has freest access; when copper stripes resulting from the ingots. are added to the fused metal they cause around them a foaming until they are fused. After about two hours (3h.) the metal bath becomes quieter and attains an even surface, but the last particles of sulphur are still retained with great pertinacity. If Cu₂O is present in excess, sulphurous acid will still be formed, but it becomes absorbed, and escapes only at the cooling of the metal, then causing the rising of the copper. Over refined or dry copper appears to possess the quality of keeping sulphurous acid absorbed ; a very thin liquid slag is thus formed; it is removed, whilst coal dust is thrown upon it. At this period the slag must be removed as quickly as possible, shutting out the oxidation air, in order to prevent the evolution of gas. A sample now taken with a ladle sparkles on cooling; it then rises, ejecting small glo- bules, and after its surface chills crater-like risings are formed upon it. The more nearly the copper approaches fineness the more it rises; this must be observed by frequent samples. When judging the samples the surface of the metal in the ladle and the crust sticking to the lower part of the ladle REFINING BLACK COPPER AT MANSFELD. 207 must be noticed. The surface is first black, and reddish yellow spots appear later. At the rising of the copper crater-like elevations are formed, and remain isolated, some copper flows out of them later, and runs down on to the ladle, forming worm-like concretions upon the surface of the sample, and wire-like deposits below. The crust on the lower outside part of the ladle is first covered with large holes which are arranged net-like. The finer the copper the smaller these holes are, and they gradually diminish until at last only feathery designs remain. This indicates the fineness, and (5h.) for the purpose of rendering the copper compact, which operation is termed "dichtpolen,' d. The Stirring with Wooden Poles now begins. The mechanical expulsion of the sulphurous acid and the reduc- tion of the Cu₂O are aimed at. By the reduction of sub- oxide of copper the copper loses the capacity of absorbing sulphurous acid. While the air channels are kept open one end of a green birch pole, from 18 to 20 feet long, and 4 or 5 inches thick, is dipped into the metal bath through the working door, the thinner end being supported by a fork. A strong ebullition and a continuous formation of slag are thus caused; this slag is removed whilst cinders are thrown upon it. At this reaction Ni, Zn, and Pb chiefly are scori- fied, as the slag of this period is composed as follows:- Cu₂O NiO, COO, MnO ZnO PbO FeO A1,03 CaO MgO Sio 60*64 11.83 10 16 9°36 2.45 0'21 I'03 0'97 3°52 : The amount of oxygen in the acid stands in proportion to that of the bases as I 67. This slag contains less Cu₂O than the former, as this oxide is partly reduced by the wooden pole. After some time a sample taken still shows some rising by the formation of a convex surface, and, when cooling, by 208 COPPER. a black spot (5h. 10m.) Later samples do not show the rising superficially, and they must then be judged by the nature of their fracture. For this purpose the sample is cooled in water, put into a vice, cut with a small chisel, and broken. Samples taken at this period are not homogeneous in their fracture, the upper part of the fracture being even, while the lower part is trough-like, and the limit between both parts lies deeper the more Cu₂O the copper contains ; as the process proceeds the limit appears higher until at last it disappears. After employing the pole for a quarter of an hour (5h. 15m.) the limit is seen very distinctly; the fracture is fine grained on the upper part, with violet coloured spots, and on the lower part more radiated. From the limit upwards to the surface small holes are seen of the size of a pin's head with a bright lustre, and sometimes filled with a network; they decrease in size as the process proceeds. 5h. 20m.), and finally disappear. As soon as no more holes are observed by means of a lens (5h. 30m.) the wooden pole. is taken out. Though the sample now appears dense the copper still contains some traces of sulphur and Cu₂O, as the absorbed sulphurous acid seems to prevent a decom- position of Cu₂S by Cu,O. It is therefore necessary to oxidise twice more, stirring with wooden poles after each time. Whilst at Mansfeld the wooden poles are first employed when the copper rises most, at Duisburg they are used when the rising has almost ceased; but this seems to prolong the process, as at Mansfeld 5 tons of black copper are refined in the time required at Duisburg for refining 50 cwts. of purer black copper. At Mansfeld a difference is made between toughening the copper and rendering it merely compact. The latter operation is performed by poling the copper with an admission of air. At Duisburg a tough copper is produced at once, air being excluded; this method does not allow a strict control of the process, and a porous copper is easily produced; a copper may be porous and yet moderately tough. The above-mentioned limit at Mansfeld, after the first oxi- dising and poling, is not observable in the examples at Duis- burg, where the poling commences later when the copper is REFINING BLACK COPPER AT MANSFEld. 209 already very pure. show this limit. The Mansfeld samples also cease to e. Oxidising (6h).-At this period the limit sinks very low and is sometimes hardly visible, owing to the fresh formation of Cu₂O; the fracture appears crystalline with a violet colour; if the limit re-appears the part beneath it is of a radiated structure. f. Second Stirring with Poles (Dichtpolen) (6h. 15m.)— After some time the copper is stirred again, the limit rises and is clearly to be seen, the upper part is crystalline and violet-coloured; upon the limit appears small bright holes, and the texture beneath it is interwoven and radiated. The limit rises more and more (6h. 20m.), the fracture above it becomes more finely crystallised, the violet colour gradually disappears, and the porous parts are observable only by means of a lens. Later on (6h. 40m.) the limit comes near the top, the upper part is composed of very fine crystals without violet spots, but with bright points instead, the lower part becomes lighter, and the limit finally disappears (6h. 48m.), whilst the greater part of the fracture is very finely crystal- lised, intermixed with bright, gold-like points, but with a bluish shade on both sides. At 6h. 53m., the texture becomes finely granular, showing a silky aspect. Sometimes the sample now shows larger or smaller segregations of a brilliant golden yellow colour and of a pin-like interwoven texture, appearing distinctly upon the rose-coloured copper, which is also dense; this appearance is said to be caused by traces of nickel and sulphur. g. Second Oxidisation (7h.).-These segregations are quite as injurious as the brilliant cavities, and must be destroyed by a renewed oxidising and a subsequent poling. The metal is raked and oxidised, thus combining with sub- oxide, but slowly, owing to its greater purity; the sample shows no modification in the first quarter of an hour (7h. 15m.), but the segregations soon reappear, and later on the copper combines with Cu₂O, the segregations become scarcer, but the limit characteristic of a greater amount of Cu₂O does not appear. VOL II. P 210 COPPER. h. Third Poling (Dichtpolen) (7h. 25m.)—At the begin- ning of this manipulation the samples are slightly modified (7h. 35.); as soon as they show a finely granular texture, many golden spots of a silky lustre, and a fine rose colour, the pole is removed, the air-channels are closed, the metal bath is covered with soft charcoal; the working-door is also closed, and the metal bath is allowed to remain quiet for an hour in order to raise it to a high temperature. i. The Tough Poling is now commenced (8h. 35m.) in order to remove the last particles of Cu₂O. The samples are taken in this period with a ladle 1 inch wide, and are more difficult to estimate than those of the former polings. They are tough, difficult to break, and only in rare cases show a limit; as a rule their texture is homogeneous, the colour becomes lighter, the texture fine and fibrous, and the silky lustre increases. If the poling is carried on too long the copper combines with coal (for Dick's views on this point see page 81) and a border re-appears, above which the mass is finely fibrous, of a rich silky lustre, which turns grey when a greater amount of carbon is taken into combi- nation; when this is the case the air channel and charging door are opened. 3 k. The Ladling of the Copper.-As soon as the copper is tough (8h. 55m.), containing no more Cu₂O, four workmen wearing linen sleeves coated with loam-water ladle out the copper, by means of ladles 6 or 8 inches wide and 4 inches deep, made of wrought iron plates of an inch thick. During the operation, experiments of forging the copper are made by hammering one part of a sample to a thin plate, and the other to a square rod, which, when bent, must show no cracks. As the copper oxidises easily during the ladling, samples are taken from time to time, and, if necessary, it is stirred with wooden poles till it has again become normal. Samples containing a larger amount of carbon are said to become hard, brittle, and slaty. As finally (11h. 30m.), a little copper remains on the hearth which cannot be treated with the poles, it is kept separate and employed for the manufacture of brass. The furnace is now cooled by opening the doors and air channels, and after PROCESS AT SCHMOLLNITZCH 2II . the necessary repairs have been made (3h.) a new charge is given. 5 tons of black copper, containing 94 per cent of copper, yield about 85.8 per cent of fine copper, and 1975 cwts. of residues containing from 35 to 65 per cent of copper, con- suming about 1,220 cubic feet of hard and 85 cubic feet of soft charcoal. Tough copper, of the following composition (Raffinad), is of excellent quality, and is suitable for the manufacture of sheets for percussion caps; according to Nauwerk, it con- tains,- Cu Pb 99*64 0'13 Ni Ag Ο ΙΟ 0'02 The resulting furnace ends are heated together with the smoke until they cake, and afterwards mixed with 50 per cent of slate slag, from 1 to 3 per cent of fluor spar, per cent of iron turnings, and 2 or 3 per cent of furnace hearth, and melted in a cupola furnace with an open eye. The resulting black copper is refined, but with some modifications of the method of refining good black copper. Process at the Schmöllnitz Copper Works in Upper Hungary. The ores here treated consist of slate ores free from silver, fallow ores containing about 10 per cent of copper and of an ounce of silver, and roasted copper pyrites. 1. Raw Smelting.-48 per cent of raw fallow ores, 42 per cent of roasted slate ores, and 10 per cent of argentiferous furnace ends were melted in 1860; the mixture contained on an average 9 per cent of copper, and o'055 per cent of silver. The melting was effected with an addition of 2.8 per cent of limestone and 52 per cent of argentiferous copper slag, yielding 37 per cent of raw matt containing about 25 per cent of copper and 1 ounce of silver, besides 7 per cent of raw speiss containing 29 lbs. of copper and 3 ounces of silver. 5 tons of cupriferous substances (without copper slags) were melted in 12 hours, at a consumption of 42 per cent of coal. P 2 212 COPPER. The smelting furnace has nearly the same dimensions as the furnace used for melting the Gelf ores. (Page 102). 2. Roasting the New Matt.-This matt is roasted differently, according to whether it is to be submitted to a precipitating smelting or to a black smelting. For a pre- cipitating smelting it is roasted in four or five fires for 36 days, consuming o‘65 cubic feet of wood and o˚44 cubic feet of coal per cwt. of roasting mass; for the black copper smelting it is roasted in 12 or 15 fires for 80 or 90 days, consuming 2.60 cubic feet of wood and 15 cubic foot of coal per cwt. of roasting mass. 3. Concentration Smelting.-94 per cent of roasted raw matt, containing 15 per cent of copper and of an ounce of silver, with 6 per cent of siliceous ore, were smelted in 1859, together with fallow ores, containing 10 lbs. of copper and 5-8ths. of an ounce of silver, and with an addition of 13 per cent of quartz. 155 cwts. of cupriferous substances were melted in 12 hours at a consumption of 30 per cent of coal, yielding 58 per cent of concentrated (rich) matt, containing from 24 to 30 lbs. of copper and I or 1 ounce of silver, besides o˚58 per cent of rich speiss, containing 39 lbs. of copper and 5 or 6 ounces of silver. The rich matt is roasted in 12 fires for 70 days, consuming 2'16 cubic feet of wood, and 2.20 cubic feet of coal per cwt. of roasting mass. Raw and rich speiss are both desilverised by Augustin's method. 4. Black Copper Smelting.- a. With raw matt.-In 1860 were melted 85 per cent of raw matt, containing 23 lbs. of Cu and 1 ounces of Ag; 10 per cent of rich matt, containing 65 lbs. of Cu and 1 ounces of Ag; 5 per cent of furnace ends, containing 10 lbs. of Cu and ounce of Ag; and 16 per cent of quartz. 115 cwts. of cupriferous substances were smelted in 12 hours at a consumption of 45 per cent of coal, yielding 25 per cent of black copper, containing from 78 to 82 per cent of copper and about 44 ounces of silver, and 11 per cent of rich SMELTING PROCESSES IN LOWER HUNGARY. 213 matt, containing 65 or 70 lbs. of copper and 2 ounces of silver. b. With Rich Matt.-In 1859 were melted- 83 per cent of concentrated matt, containing 28 lbs. of copper and 13 ounces of Ag; 8 17 per cent of black copper matt, containing 65 lbs. of copper, and 1 ounces of Ag; and 12 per cent of quartz. 127 cwts. of cupriferous substances were smelted in 12 hours, at a consumption of 37 per cent of coal, yielding— 30 per cent of black copper, containing 84 lbs. of copper, and 33 ounces of silver; 9 per cent of matt, containing 65 lbs. of copper, and 13 ounces of silver. Formerly the black copper was desilverised by amalgama- tion, but Augustin's method is now used. The residues are treated for the extraction of their con- tained copper. In 1860 were smelted in a blast reverberatory furnace- 65 per cent of residues, containing 58 per cent of copper (resulting from Augustin's process); 24 per cent of matt, containing 42 per cent of copper; II per cent of concentrated matt, containing 68 per cent of copper; and 5 per cent of quartz ; producing- 38 per cent of black copper with 95 to 97 per cent of copper; and 43 per cent of slag with 30 to 40 per cent of copper; at a consumption per cwt. of smelting mass of 5'6 cubic feet of wood, equal to 28 per cent of charcoal. The last resulting slags and furnace ends are worked up by separate processes for the production of refined copper. Smelting Works in Lower Hungary (Schemnitz, Kremnitz, Neusohl, Zsarnoviz, Tajova ).—Copper matt obtained in the smelting works at Schemnitz, Kremnitz, and Neusohl, from the desilverising of ores (page 117) by means of lead, con- tains from 40 to 50 per cent of copper, from 5 to 8 per cent 214 COPPER. of lead, and from about o'150 to 0*260 per cent of silver; it is worked up in the smelting works at Tajova. The matt is roasted ten or twelve times and smelted in a moderately high cupola furnace for the production of plumbiferous black copper and a pure matt rich in copper. Both products are desilverised by Augustin's method. The residues of the extraction of silver are treated in reverberatory furnaces for the production of black copper in the same manner as in Upper Hungary (page 212). The black copper is refined in reverberatory furnaces. In 1860 the average loss of copper in smelting black copper and matt amounted to o˚4 per cent, and to o°46 per cent in the refining process. Freiberg Smelting Works.-Copper matt resulting from the lead smelting process (vol. i., p. 136), and containing 30 per cent of lead, is smelted in cupola furnaces after being roasted. The smelting products are:- 1. Plumbiferous Black Copper, which is smelted in cupola furnaces together with roasted copper ores, thus yielding- a. Raw lead. b. Copper matt, which is concentrated in reverberatory furnaces. c. Speiss, yielding when refined saleable speiss, copper matt for concentration, and slags for the lead smelting pro- cess. 2. Slags, which are given to the lead smelting. 3. Matt, which is concentrated with a view to its desil- verisation in an English reverberatory furnace with an oval hearth 13 feet long and 8 feet broad. A charge, consisting of 1 ton of matt four or six times roasted, from 2 to 6 cwts. of rich copper slags, and from 2 to 4 per cent of quartz or siliceous copper ores, or raw slags and heavy spar, is smelted in four or five hours, then raked, and the slag removed as soon as the matt has settled to the bottom. Leaving this matt in the furnace, a second charge is given and the process repeated; the matt of both charges SMELTING PROCESS AT BOSTON. 215 is now tapped off into sand moulds, after having previously removed the slags. Four or five smelting operations may be effected in 24 hours, two smeltings yielding from 30 to 34 cwts. of concentrated matt containing from 60 to 70 per cent of copper. Part of the concentrated matt is submitted to an oxidising roasting, and lixiviated with dilute sulphuric acid. The lixivium is boiled down for the production of mixed copper and iron vitriol, and the argentiferous residue is given to the lead smeltings. Another part of the concentrated matt is submitted to Augustin's process, the resulting residues of which are smelted in reverberatory furnaces, together with matt produced from black copper slags and quartz, or with cement copper free from silver, with iron pyrites, or with roasted ores rich in copper and free from silver; one charge, for instance, may consist of 12 cwts. of residues and 7 or 8 cwts. of copper matt, or of 15 cwts. of residues and 3 or 4 cwts. of iron pyrites. Six or seven of these charges are smelted in 24 hours, and during this time the raw copper is usually tapped off three times, yielding each time 15 or 16 cwts. The resulting slags, containing from 8 to II per cent of copper, are smelted with 35 or 40 per cent of iron pyrites, producing matt and slag containing 3 per cent of copper, which is used as a flux in the lead smelting. The raw copper produced contains from 94 to 97 per cent of copper; this is refined in Grünthal. Augustin's process has of late been abandoned here. Copper Works at Boston in America.-These works treat chiefly the less oxidised sulphuretted ores of North and South America, containing on an average 20 per cent of copper. The smelting is effected in cupola furnaces, as the price of fuel (anthracite) is rather high. The purest and richest pyrites are roasted by themselves and smelted for the production of a copper of good quality, being mixed at the black copper smelting with very pure oxi- dised ores. Ores containing antimony and arsenic are mixed with much iron pyrites and roasted in heaps of 100 or 150 tons for two months, 100 tons of ore consuming about 77 cubic metres of wood, at a cost of £4 13s. per ton. 216 COPPER. The roasted ore is melted in the following proportions: Roasted ore. Impure raw ore Roasting bottoms and furnace soot Black copper and refining slag Oyster shells I'000 ton. 0'033 "" 0'050 0*330 "" Ο ΙΟΟ 1*513 tons. Cupola furnaces 1.65 metres high above the tuyere, o 65 metre wide, and 0.78 metre deep, constructed as sump furnaces, are used for smelting; anthracite is used as fuel. The smelting is rapidly effected, thus economising fuel, but preventing a perfect removal of antimony and arsenic. If the operation is in a normal state more than 10 tons of mix- ture are smelted in 24 hours; the matt is tapped off three or four times in 12 hours, the blast being removed. The opera- tions of a furnace last from 14 to 16 days. 6'2 tons of ore or 17 tons of mixture are on an average smelted in 24 hours, consuming 12 tons of anthracite, and 0.3 tons of coal for producing the blast. In 15 days 90 tons of roasted ore and 3 tons of raw ore are smelted, producing 52 tons of matt containing 34 or 35 per cent of copper, at an expense of about 14s, per ton of ore. The slags contain 52 per cent of silica and only 035 per cent of copper; they are richer when working richer and purer ores, in which case also some black copper will be produced as well as the raw matt. The raw matt produced from pure ores is roasted twice, and that from impure ores three times, consuming o‘08 ton of wood per ton of ore, and costing 1s. 94d. per ton. A charge of mixture for smelting black copper consists of- Roasted matt Ore slags. Roasted concentrated matt . Black copper slags Oxidised ores Furnace deposits I'00 ton. 0'45 0.06 "" 0'14 ,, 0°05 1'78 tons. About 120 charges or 120 tons of roasted matt are smelted in the ore furnace in 15 days, producing 56 or 57 tons of PROCESS AT THE COPPER WORKS ON THE RHONE. 217 black copper containing 90 or 92 per cent of copper, and from 7 to 8 tons of matt, at an expense of about 8s. 6d. per ton of roasted matt, and at a consumption of 17.5 tons of anthracite. The black copper is refined in reverberatory furnaces in charges of 8 tons. The purer sorts require 10 hours for smelting; the impure sorts from 15 to 16 hours. They are subjected to an oxidising treatment for six hours and then poled in the English manner, so that an operation is finished in from 24 to 30 hours. From 2.85 to 3 tons of coal are consumed in 24 hours, and from 78 to 83 per cent of fine copper is produced from the black copper, or 20 per cent from the ores. The cost of refining is about 20s. per ton of black copper, and about 4s. 9d. per ton of ore. The cost of working 1 ton of ore by the German method amounts to £1 6s., and to £3 1S. when following the English method. Whilst the cost for labour is nearly the same in both processes, the reverberatory furnace requires three times the quantity of fuel, producing richer slags, and removing anti- mony and arsenic less completely. Copper Works on the Rhone.-These works smelt pyritic and oxidised ores from Spain, Asia Minor, North and West Africa, Peru, Corsica, &c.; they treat pyritic ores separate from oxidised ores, and also cupriferous smelting and arti- ficial products by themselves. I. Pyritic Ores.-These are ground and roasted in charges of I ton or I ton 4 cwts., in reverberatory furnaces with a hearth 45 metres long and 3'5 metres broad; one charge is roasted in twelve hours, at a consumption of 6 cwts. of coal. The roasting mass, mixed so as to contain 15 or 17 per cent of copper, is smelted for the production of raw matt, in sump furnaces 4 or 6 metres high, o'6 metre wide and o'8 metre deep. 2 or 3 tons of admixture are smelted in 24 hours, consuming from 35 to 40 per cent of coke, calculated on the weight of the smelted ore. The raw matt is roasted in charges of 1 ton in 12 hours, at a consumption of 4 cwts. of coal and 4 cwts. of brown coal, and the roasting mass, containing from 25 to 30 per cent of copper, is smelted in the ore furnace with an addition of rich slags, furnace bottoms, smoke, &c. ; 3 tons of this mixture are smelted in 218 COPPER. 24 hours, consuming 28 or 30 lbs. of coal per 100 lbs. of mixture. The resulting concentrated matt, containing from 45 to 50 per cent of copper, is roasted, and smelted for the production of black copper containing 60 or 65 per cent of copper, which is then submitted to an oxidising smelting (purifying or first refining) in reverberatory furnaces in charges of 2 or 3 tons for from 24 to 36 hours. The black copper is alternately heated and cooled by opening the working doors, thus oxidising the foreign substances; the whole mass. is now fused, the slag removed, and the copper cast into bars. The fuel consumed is nearly equal in weight to the black copper treated. The bars of copper (rosette copper) are refined in the same furnace by quickly melting 2 or 2 tons of them, then covering the surface with small coal, poling, and skimming off. A strong heat is now given, and the copper is cast into moulds if a sample taken shows a flesh red colour, a fibrous silky fracture, and a sufficient degree of malleability. An operation takes from 8 to 12 hours, and I ton of rosette copper consumes a ton of charcoal and 50 or 60 lbs. of pine wood. The hearth of the refining furnace is 3 metres long, 17 metres broad, and has an in- clination of 0'2 metre from the fire-bridge to its deepest point. 2. Fallow Ores are submitted to the following operations: -Raw smelting and roasting; smelting in cupola furnaces; roasting and smelting in reverberatory furnaces for the pro- duction of black copper; refining of the black copper. 3. Copper Lead Matt, containing from 25 to 30 per cent of lead and antimony and from 11 to 14 per cent of copper, is smelted in reverberatory furnaces in quantities of 1 ton together with slags and metallic iron; the mass is strongly stirred and tapped off after 12 hours. It yields some lead and copper matt, which is roasted in reverberatory furnaces. in quantities of 2 tons whilst alternately raising and lowering the temperature, thus facilitating the volatilisaton of anti- mony. The roasting mass, containing from 25 to 40 per cent of copper, is smelted in reverberatory furnaces; the slag is frequently removed, and towards the end of the process. 5 per cent of coal and 6 or 7 per cent of lime are added. The PROCESS AT THE COPPER WORKS ON THE RHONE. 219 resulting black copper is refined. Io cwts. of roasting mass are charged every 6 hours, and the black copper is tapped off every 24 hours. 4. Old Copper, Black Copper (purchased), and Rosette Copper are refined at once, 2 tons in 8 or 10 hours consuming 6 cwts. of coal. 5. Cannon Bronze containing 90 per cent of copper and 10 per cent of tin, is smelted in reverberatory furnaces, and continually stirred, thus extracting the tin as an oxide, which is skimmed off. The copper is ladled out when suffi- ciently pure. An addition of common salt facilitates the separation, volatilising a great deal of tin as chloride. Owing to the high price of coal the treatment of ores by the English process would be more expensive than the appli- cation of the English and German methods combined. Bogoslowsk's Copper Works in Siberia.-The ores treated consist of calcareous pyrites and siliceous oxidised ores, usually containing from 1 to 7 per cent, seldom as much as 20 per cent of copper. I I 36 parts of sulphuretted ores and 34 parts of oxidised ores, mixed with So parts of diorite, 20 parts of limestone, 14 parts of raw slag, 11 parts of black copper slag, and I of furnace deposits, are smelted in cupola furnaces, 14 feet high, provided with 4 tuyeres. (The new furnaces of Von Rachette, with 24 tuyeres, possess great advantages with regard to the consumption of fuel, the extent of production, &c.). 144 cwts. of mixture are smelted in 24 hours, producing 20 cwts. 80 lbs. of raw matt containing from 30 to 40 per cent of copper, and from 35 to 50 per cent of iron. The raw matt is roasted with wood in quantities of 50 tons for two or three days; it is then smelted in blast reverberatory furnaces in 6 or 8 hours. The blast is now put in motion whilst the mass is stirred with moist wooden poles; the slag containing 67.3 per cent of silicates and 23 per cent of sul- phides, is skimmed off and given to the raw smelting. A further quantity of matt is now charged till the hearth con- tains 5 tons, which are treated as before described whilst adding rich slags from former operations. The mass is kept in a fused state for three or four days, when solidified copper 220 COPPER. matt will appear on its surface; the slag is now skimmed off and an evolution of sulphurous acid will take place, causing a boiling and spirting of the mass. The furnace is now allowed to cool, and 10 cwts. of copper matt and 2 cwts of rich slag are added. The temperature is again raised and the pro- cess repeated until the hearth contains 184 cwts. of matt. After having removed the slag a strong firing is given; after some time the furnace is cooled and afterwards again heated, and if the new slag forms a red crust a sample is taken out with an iron ladle. The black copper produced is tapped off, if the sample taken does not stick to the iron ladle after immersion in water, and if its surface is convex and not concave. The poorer slags, containing from 2 to 10 per cent of copper, are given to the raw smelting, the richer ones to the black copper smelting. The black copper is refined in the same furnace. The total production of copper in Russia amounts to about 5,000 tons per annum. PROCESSES EMPLOYED IN SMELTING OXIDISED ORES. Oxidised copper ores are occasionally smelted by themselves, but more usually given in admixture when treating sulphur- etted ores and intermediate products. When treating them by themselves for the production of black copper a small addition of iron pyrites is made, sometimes, also, strong bases, such as protoxide of iron or lime, are added to prevent the scorification of too much copper. By this means, on the other hand, the formation of iron deposits is facilitated. Rich ores may be smelted in reverberatory furnaces if coal is to be had cheap; poor ores must be treated in cupola furnaces (page 11) in order to save fuel. If the cupola treatment is not profitable, the wet way is sometimes advantageously resorted to, particularly when treating ores with a siliceous gangue. Oxidised ores are at once reduced to black copper when intended for treatment in reverberatory furnaces. The SMELTING OXIDISED ORES. 221 ores, in admixture with suitable fluxes and some charcoal (or preferably with non-caking coal), and with slags rich in copper, and residues, &c., are gradually smelted with a reducing flame, then stirred, and again heated for the proper separation of the different products. The slag is then removed from the black copper. If the mixture contains a sufficient quantity of oxide of iron and the process is carried on long enough most of the iron enters the slags, whilst part of the reduced metallic iron extracts scorified copper, forming silicate of iron. Iron is more effective for this extraction than the intermixed coal, which rises too easily to the surface of the fused mass, whilst iron remains more intimately mixed with it. A greater excess of oxide of iron and too long a reducing action give rise to the formation of a ferruginous black copper, which is difficult to refine, whilst too little oxide of iron causes the formation of rich slags and of a purer black copper; the black copper is re- fined in the usual manner. The slags are either added to the ore smelting, or, if obtained in larger quantity from poor ores, they are smelted in cupola furnaces. As cupola furnaces possess a stronger and more con- tinuous reducing action than reverberatory furnaces, the latter seem to be chiefly adapted for smelting copper ores rich in iron, although, on the other hand, they cause more expense for fuel, labour, &c. The cupola furnaces employed for smelting oxidised ores are modified in their dimensions and construction, according to the amount of copper and iron which the ores contain. As the fuel employed also has a reducing action, more is consumed for smelting oxidised ores than when treating sulphuretted ores. Illustrations of Smelting Oxidised Copper Ores. Former Process at Chessy* for Smelting Rich Ores,† such as malachite, red copper ore, &c., associated with calamine, MARGERIN, in Ann. de min., 2 sér., vii., 293. GUENIVAU und TRIBAUT, in KARSTEN'S Archiv. 1, R. vi., 310, 375; xviii., 183. LAMPAD., Fortschr., 1839, P. 137. BERTHEIR'S anal. met. Chemie, deutch v. KERSTEN, ii., 404. RIVOT, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 75. * ↑ Erzvorkommen: COTTA's Erzlagerstätten, ii., 421. 222 COPPER. hydrated peroxide of iron, and silicate of alumina; they are smelted with coke in a small sump furnace 5 feet high, in admixture with 20 per cent of lime and 50 per cent of slags. The mixture, containing from 27 to 30 per cent of copper, produces in 24 hours 14 cwts. of black copper, con- taining about 90 per cent of copper, and some little matt caused by the sulphur contained in the coke. The black copper is refined in oval blast reverberatory furnaces, in quantities of 60 cwts., in 16 or 17 hours, at a consumption of 36 cwts. of coal, and yielding about 50 cwts. of refined copper. At Bouc,* on the Rhone, a similar process is carried on for smelting oxidised ores from Spain, Asia Minor, and Africa. Treatment of Poor Ores at Permt.-These orest are mala- chite, vanadiate of copper, oxide of copper, hydrated silicate of copper, sometimes native copper, and seldom copper pyrites, disseminated in sandstone, and containing on an average 3 per cent of copper. As they are chiefly associated with ferruginous loam and quartz, they are smelted in ad- mixture with 30 per cent of dolomite, rich refinery slags, and 20 or 25 per cent of slags of the same process. The smelting is effected in cupola furnaces of medium height. From 3.684 to 4°502 tons of ore are smelted in 24 hours, and 1 ton of ore with 0.3 ton of dolomite, consumes o‘7 ton of coal, and yields o'032 ton of black copper, containing o'024 ton of fine copper. The cost per ton of ore for smelting and materials is only IIS. 4d., owing to the low state of wages and the cheapness of fuel.|| As the greater part of the iron reduced by the process becomes carbonised it separates from the copper as cast iron, while iron free from carbon alloys with the copper. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 243. CHOUBINE, Ann. de min., 1843. Bgwkfd., vii., 431; ix., 159; xiv. 605 xix., 773. Rivor, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 86. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 443. LEONHARDT, Hüttenerzeugnisse, 1858, p. 108. + COTTA, Erzlagerstätten, ii., 548. || Oesterr. Ztschr., 1858, No. 51. TREATMENT OF POOR ORES AT PERM. 223 The metallic products are tapped off every 24 hours, while most of the slag, being a bi-silicate containing 54 or 56 per cent of silica, and poor in copper, runs out of the fore hearth. The slag remaining in the hearth being impure is removed in one piece, and the cupriferous raw iron is wetted with water, and formed into cakes, which are removed and broken. The black copper is ladled into moulds. By increasing the dimensions of the furnaces a larger produc- tion is obtained and less fuel consumed. The cupriferous raw iron contains 3 per cent of copper during the regular process, but is richer at the end of the operation; according to Choubine it contains- Fe. Cu. Vd. Al . Mg. Si C 75'97 12 64 I'99 0.89 0.78 2'51 3°03 It is submitted to an oxidising smelting on a small hearth, yielding black copper and a slag which consists chiefly of 6FeO,SiO,, containing per cent of copper; 992 lbs. of cupriferous iron yield in 24 hours 147 lbs. of black copper and II cwts. of slags. The slags are smelted in the ore fur- naces together with impure ore and refinery slags, for the production of cupriferous iron deposits containing less than 30 per cent of copper and slags of the composition of 3RO,SiO3. The iron deposits are treated as cupriferous raw iron, and, according to Choubine, they are composed as follows:- Fe. Cu. Vd. Al . Si C Slag 76.30 19'90 0'12 0'43 0.83 0'73 3'33 According to Rivot, the cupriferous raw iron is re-melted in cupola furnaces two metres high; the fused mass produced 224 COPPER. in 24 hours from 1 ton of raw iron at a consumption of Io cwts. of coal, is kept quiet for an hour, and then the separated black copper is tapped off into an outside basin, whilst the raw iron is made to run into foundry pans. The black copper contains about 80 per cent of copper, and is ferruginous; the raw iron is employed for foundry purposes. The cost of smelting I ton of cupriferous raw iron is 7s. 6d. The annual production, from 155 tons of cupri- ferous raw iron, is about 9 tons of black copper and 145 tons of foundry iron. The purifying of the black copper is effected in the furnaces represented by Figs. 58 and 59. a is the tuyere; b, tapping FIG. 58. A g FIG. 59. е d www. a. Ъ ་་་ C -D C B C TREATMENT OF POOR ORES AT PERM. 225 holes; c, outside basins; d, working door; e, opening for charging the fuel; f, grate; g, hearth formed of a mixture of clay and coal dust, provided with a slight sloping towards b. 64 cwts. of black copper are heated for about six hours, when the melting begins, and on continued firing they are melted in about six hours more, the blast being put on as soon as the copper becomes red-hot. After all the copper is melted, the blast is put off, and 8 cwts. of pyritic ores with a siliceous flux are mixed with the slag on the sur- face of the metal, and strongly heated for about three hours, till they fuse. Thus the oxidised copper contained in the slags becomes sulphurised, and the sulphide of copper combines with the copper, while the sulphide of iron enters into combination with the slags. The slags are removed from the metal bath; the blast is conducted upon the copper, and the slag again removed; the colour and nature of the slag, as well as the escape of sulphurous acid, indicate the approaching fineness of the copper, which is determined by samples taken. About six hours after putting on the blast again the refined copper is tapped off into the outside basins and ladled from them into cast-iron moulds. One ton of black copper, consuming 1937 tons of wood and o*125 ton of pyrites, yields o'840 ton of refined copper, at a cost of 6s. 5d. The toughening of the refined copper is performed in small hearths; about 7 cwts. are refined in three or four hours. A little chloride of mercury is occasionally added to render the copper more dense. One ton of refined copper yields o'92 ton of tough copper, at a consumption of o'685 ton of charcoal, and at a cost of 9s. 2d. One ton of ore yields o'0262 ton of tough copper and 0*023 ton of foundry iron, consuming 0*7315 ton of charcoal and o'066 ton of wood, at a total cost of 12s. Though the consumption of fuel and flux is considerable, and much labour is required, the cost is very low, as materials and labour are cheap.* Metallproduction am Ural in 1859. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 157, 362. VOL. II. Q 226 COPPER. SMELTING NATIVE COPPER. Of all copper ores native copper is the most seldom smelted by itself. If a large production is possible, and good coal cheap, the employment of reverberatory furnaces is advisable, as they yield tough copper at once; in other cases cupola furnaces may be more profitable. When smelting in rever- beratory furnaces, the copper contained in the slags swim- ming on the metal bath, may be partly extracted by mixing the slags with coal; but in this way a great deal of iron is also likely to be reduced and alloy the copper. The most effec- tive plan is to place some iron bars horizontally into the slags without allowing them to come into contact with the copper, thus causing a reduction of the scorified suboxide of copper by means of the iron, without letting the iron enter the copper. The copper works in Detroit** smelt the native copper which is found on the southern shore of Lake Superior in the United States. In extracting the native copper from the huge veins of that region a formidable obstacle is to be encountered in the size and solidity of the masses in which the metal occurs. A hundred tons are not unfrequently found in a single piece, and this must of course be divided into manageable blocks before it can be raised, transported to the shore, and shipped. These blocks are much larger than formerly, and are some- times 8,000 or 9,000 lbs. in weight. The usual plan adopted is to dislodge the mass from the wall by heavy charges of powder, but this agent is inadequate to a further division, since the tamping, however excellent, is blown from the hole in the same manner as a ball is driven from a cannon. Long slender steel chisels, having a cutting edge about a quarter of an inch in length, are managed by two men, one to direct the tool while the other strikes with a heavy hammer. By this means narrow channels are cut, chip after chip, through the mass, a process requiring much skill, and at best ex- ceedingly slow, thirty months of constant work being some- times required to cut a single mass. * Rivor, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859, p. 48. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 341 ; 1859, p. 455. LAMBORN, Metallurgy of Copper, 1860, p. 172. SMELTING NATIVE COPPER. 227 The product, in its various forms of massive copper, barrel work, or stamp work, is transported by lake, river, and rail- way to Detroit, Cleaveland, and Pittsburg, to be smelted. The advantage secured by this transport is found in the cir- cumstance that it can be reduced in the immediate vicinity of the vast coal deposits of Ohio and Pennsylvania, and fuel can thus be obtained at the works in large quantities at a low price. Some years ago, however, a smelting works was started in the copper region, on the site of an old furnace near the Bruce mine; it is supplied with fuel brought as a return load by vessels which carry ore and metal into the coal regions near Lake Erie. Beside these there are three furnaces in the Union, located respectively at Balti- more, Boston, and New Haven, which smelt the produce of Lake Superior as well as of other home mines, and also import ores from South America, the Pacific islands, &c. At Detroit, the larger pieces of ore are smelted in charges of from 4 to 5 tons, employing reverberatory furnaces and a reducing flame. After about 16 hours the liquid slag formed, containing about 4 per cent of copper as suboxide, and from 3 to 6 per cent in the form of grains, is removed, and air is admitted in the furnace in order to form a sufficient quantity of suboxide in the copper. The suboxide of copper soon oxidises the carbon contained in the copper; it is formed in excess, and must be reduced in the usual manner by means of wooden poles. One charge is finished in 24 hours and yields 20 per cent of slags and 76 per cent of copper; or 5 tons of ore yield 3'5 tons of copper, at a consumption of 2 tons of coal. I ton of ore, yielding o‘76 ton of copper, and o‘2 ton of slags, costs £I IS. Id. for smelting. Smaller fragments of native copper nearly liberated from the gangue by means of pounding stamps are either smelted together with the large pieces or by themselves, and in the same manner as the former. The smelting takes a little more time, the copper combines with more carbon, less slag results, and the refining and toughening of a charge of 8 tons take 2 days longer and consume about 5 tons of coal. I ton yields o'g ton of tough copper and o'11 ton of Q 2 228 COPPER. slags, costing £1 9s. 10d. As the small fragments frequently contain a large amount of silver which may be profitably extracted, it is advisable to smelt them separately. The very small dressing products are smelted in charges of 3 tons in 7 hours, the slags are removed, and a new charge smelted again and separated from the formed slags. The copper of both charges is then refined and toughened. The process is finished in 24 hours, and I ton of ore yields o˚5 ton of copper and o˚5 ton of slags, consuming o'5 ton of coal, at a smelting cost of £1 2s. 4d. The smelting cost of the preceding three sorts of ore per ton of refined copper amounts respectively to £1 16s. Id., £1 13s. 3d., and £2 4s. 9d. The slags resulting from the former processes in reverbe- ratory furnaces are smelted with anthracite, without any addition of fluxes, in cylindrical cupola furnaces, 3 metres high and I metre wide, for the production of black copper. The furnace has three tuyeres, and a pressure of blast is em- ployed corresponding to the density of the fuel. IO tons of slags are smelted in 24 hours, producing 1 ton of black copper, containing from 5 to 8 per cent of iron at a con- sumption of 275 tons of anthracite and o'4 ton of charcoal, causing an expense of £8. The resulting slags are thrown away. The black copper is refined in charges of 4 tons in 24 hours, yielding 75 per cent of tough copper and 30 per cent of slags, which are added to the smelting in cupola furnaces. The smelting cost of 1 ton of slag, producing o'085 ton of tough copper, amounts to 18s. 4d., whilst o*282 ton of anthra- cite, 0*042 ton of charcoal, and o*112 ton of coal are con- sumed. Including the yield of the slags of the reverberatory furnaces I ton of native copper yields o'77 ton of tough copper, at a consumption of 0'522 ton of coal, o'025 ton of wood and charcoal, and o'056 ton of anthracite, and at a cost of £1 4s. 7d. I ton of schlich yields o˚55 ton of tough copper, consuming o‘556 ton of coal, o‘051 ton of wood and charcoal, and o'141 ton of anthracite, and causing an expense of £1 IIS. 6d. To these sums the general cost must be added, which is frequently considerable. EXTRACTION OF COPPER IN THE WET WAY. 229 At the French copper works,* Corro-Corro ores from South America are smelted and treated similarly. At Grünthal in Saxony, native copper is worked in cupola furnaces. The ores consist of Corro-Corro ores (page 3) and of cuprobarillas which are sold in canvas bags holding 75 lbs. weight, under the name of sand ores. These ores seem to be the product of dressing operations, and consist of native copper containing a little malachite, red copper ore, azurite, and atacamite, associated with quartz and felspar, and con- taining from 73 to 75 per cent of copper. 50 cwts. of these ores are smelted, for the production of black copper, in ad- mixture with 15 cwts. of very siliceous old slags of Katharinen- berg in Bohemia, which are rich in earths but poor in copper (per cent), o'85 cwts. of fluor spar, and 6 cwts. of slags of the same process. The slags thus resulting are so pasty that they must be removed from the slag-gutter; this pasti- ness is probably owing to the great amount of silica in the old slags. The smelting is effected in sump furnaces, 6 feet high. The resulting black copper is tapped off every 1 hours into cast-iron moulds, forming ingots 18 inches in diameter, from I to 2 inches thick, and from 1 to 1 cwts. in weight. 41*25 cwts. of sand ores are smelted in 24 hours in 253 charges each of 23 lbs. and 12 lbs. of charcoal. The ore yields 70 per cent of black copper containing 95 per cent of fine copper, and slags containing 6 or 8 per cent of copper, which is chiefly inclosed mechanically. The slags are partly returned to the ore smelting, and partly kept for a separate smelting. The black copper is refined in reverberatory furnaces, yielding 90 per cent of fine copper, including that resulting from the slags. The refinery furnace has the capacity of 45 or 50 cwts. and is heated by lignite or coal of inferior quality. EXTRACTION OF COPPER IN THE WET WAY. This mode of extraction is chosen, if the dry way is less economical and profitable, owing to the poorness of the ores Rivor, Métallurgie du Cuivre, 1859. p. 36. 230 COPPER. and to other unfavourable circumstances with regard to foreign intermixtures. The ores best fitted for the process in the wet way are poor oxidised ores, associated with siliceous. substances, which can only be smelted at a considerable con- sumption of fuel, and which would also cause, mechanically, great loss of metal in the dressing and in the smelting by scorification. Sometimes, also, poor sulphuretted ores may be treated advantageously in the wet way, if they are either intimately admixed with other sulphides, or so finely dis- seminated in the gangue, as to be impossible to dress and unprofitable to smelt, owing to the enormous consumption of fuel and the loss by scorification to which the required compli- cated processes in the dry way would give rise. These poor ores may yet be smelted advantageously, provided fuel is cheap, if the admixed earths are present in such proportions as to give a good slag without any further addition (Mansfeld copper slate), or if they contain quartz and iron pyrites (Fahlun, Röraas), as the pyrites when roasted yields the base for the silica. If these ores contain an excess of quartz they are only profitable when treated in the wet way. It is of essential influence for the ores not to contain much sub- stance soluble in acids, such as lime or sparry iron ore, and therefore oxidised ores with insoluble gangue, and containing per cent of copper, may be treated with greater advantage than ores containing 2 per cent of copper and a small per centage of lime, as for instance cupriferous sand stone of the Eifel* and at Twistet in Waldeck. The problem of extracting copper by means of acids from calcareous ores is not yet perfectly solved; experiments made for this purpose aim at the employment of cheap re- agents for its extraction, such as sulphate and chloride of iron, &c., or the removal of the lime by means of acids previous to the treatment of the ores. Bischoff and Porth|| have made suggestions on this point. worthy of notice. Sometimes the wet way is employed for * + JUNG, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 229. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 412; 1860, p. 27; 1862, p. 191, Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, No. 5. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 419. || STANM, neuste Erfindungen, 1862, No. 1. HYDRO-METALLURGICAL EXTRACTION OF COPPER. 231 treating rich ores and products, mostly if silver is to be extracted at the same time. The following are the chief operations of the hydro- metallurgical extraction of copper:- The Transformation of the Copper into a Soluble State. The materials employed for this purpose are- 1. Water, if the ores contain sulphate of copper, which is formed, for instance, by allowing iron pyrites containing These ores will copper pyrites to become weather worn.* become the more easily decayed the more sulphide of iron they contain and the less compact they are. Copper pyrites is decomposed with more difficulty. This decaying takes place chiefly in the mines at Schmöll- nitz,† Wicklow,‡ Maidenpek,|| Riotinto,§ Isle of Anglesea,¶ Rammelsberg,** &c., by the natural action of warmth, humidity, and air; sometimes they are allowed to decay in the open air, as at Schmöllnitz,++ Riotinto,‡‡ and Rammelsberg. When decaying, an admixture is formed of iron pyrites, copper pyrites, arsenio-sulphide of cobalt and nickel (cobalt ores of Siegen), the sulphide of iron is next decomposed :— FeS₂+70 FeO,SO, + SO,; and 2 Fe₂S₂ + 110 = 2FeO,SO3 + SO3• 3 An admission of air transforms the protoxide of iron into a basic salt of the peroxide, and affects the chloride of iron more easily than protosulphate of iron. Chloride of calcium is therefore sometimes added to the decaying ore :— 2FeO,SO₂+0= Fe₂O¸‚SO₂+SO3. * HAUCH, in Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 590. STROMEYER, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 219. JUNG, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 394. + HAUCH, in Oesterr. Ztschr., 1853, p. 119; 1860, p. 273. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 326. ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 25. || Ibid., 1857, P. 3. Ibid., 1861, pp. 287, 302. DUMAS, Angew. Chemie, iv., 230. KERL, der Commun., Unterharz, 1853, p. 21. ++ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 274. ++ B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 303. Ibid., 1861, p. 394. 232 COPPER. The formation of sulphate of copper is then facilitated by the free SO, :— Cu₂S+50+SO3=2CuO,SO3. Finally, CoS2, NiS2, CoAs₂, and NiAs, become oxidised also by the action of the free sulphuric acid, forming sulphates and arseniates:- (Co,Ni)S₂+70=(Co,Ni)O,SO3+SO3. (Co,Ni)As₂+11O=(Ni,Co)O,AsO5+AsO5. The latter salts are transformed by basic sulphate of iron thus:- (Co, Ni)O,AsO5+2Fe2O3,SO3 = (Co,Ni)O,SO3+ Fe₂O3,AsO5+ Fe₂O3. Upon these reactions W. Jung has based a mode of ex- tracting in the wet way copper, cobalt, and nickel from the cobalt ores of Siegen. If it is important to extract the copper more perfectly and quickly, the ores are roasted and afterwards lixiviated. Ores and matts are roasted either in a pulverised state in reverberatory furnaces (Bankart's and Bischof's method*), in mounds at Schmöllnitzt and Mühlbach,‡ in open heaps. at Schmöllnitz || and Riotinto, § sometimes at a kernel roasting. (Argodo¶ and Wicklow**); cupola furnaces, as employed at Linz by Gossage's method,++ are seldom used. Markus‡‡ recommends that copper slags containing sulphide of copper should be roasted and lixiviated. Guerngross treated copper- lead matt of the Smjeffssky's smelting works;|||| Newton§§ suggested a similar mode for auriferous and argentiferous ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1852. p. 354; 1856, p. 219; 1862, p. 328. PERCY, Metallurgy, Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, 310. i., 447. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, pp. 41, 57. Ibid., 1861, pp. 41, 51. || Ibid., 1860, p. 327. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 289. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 334. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, pp. 210, 227; 1860, p. 439; 1862, p. 129. Bgwkfd., xix., Nos. 12, ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 25. tt Ibid., 1860, p. 256. ㅏㅏ ​Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 323. B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 503. AS Ibid., 1845, p. 1972. 17. i HYDRO-METALLURGICAL EXTRACTION OF COPPER. 233 copper matt. In Cornwall* copper is extracted by means of iron from the water used for washing roasted pyritic tin ores. Daehnet transforms the oxide of copper contained in roasted pyrites into sulphates by heating it with sulphate of iron. As it is very difficult to produce by the roasting process sulphates only, and as a great deal of oxide of copper inso- luble in water will be formed if the ores do not contain sufficient iron pyrites, or if the temperature has been some- what too high, it is in most cases better to roast the sul- phuretted ores as perfectly as possible, and to treat the formed oxide of copper with acids or other solvents which usually but slightly attack the sulphides still present. The use of one or the other acid chiefly depends on the local price. 2. Dilute Muriatic Acid or Sulphuric Acid.-Sulphuric acid is seldom employed in a concentrated state, as it may then form insoluble basic sulphates of iron, which will con- taminate the cement copper. Dilute sulphuric acid has the advantage of easily dissolving the oxide of copper con- tained in roasted sulphuretted ores, but it dissolves with difficulty the peroxide of iron, and this again is more readily dissolved in muriatic acid; also a saleable by-product, iron-vitriol, results from this treatment. According to Mit- scherlich, an excess of concentrated sulphuric acid also strongly attacks peroxide of iron. Muriatic acid is more generally employed than sulphuric acid, as it is usually cheaper, and even frequently a troublesome by-product of the soda manufacture. a. Oxidised Ores are treated with sulphuric acid (for instance, in Marseilles ||) for the conversion of pure malachite into copper vitriol. Muriatic acid is employed at the copper works at Linz on the Rhine, at Stadtbergen¶ in Westphalia, * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 207; 1862, p. 145. + Polyt. Centr., 1861, p. 1020. B. u. h. Ztg., 1961, p. 364. || Ibid., 1859, p. 243. RIVOT'S § Berggeist, 1858, pp. 566, 662. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 191. Kupferhüttenkunde, Deutch v. HARTMANN, 1860, pp. 275, 280, 284, 301. ¶ Bgwkfd., xix., 232, 262. 234 COPPER. at Twiste in Waldeck, at Friedrich-Wilhelms-Hüttet near Commern, and at Alderley Edge,*‡ for the treatment of arseniate, phosphate, carbonate, and pure oxide of copper. Calcareous ores containing o'9 per cent of copper and 4 per cent of lime cannot be profitably treated by this process. Red copper ore is best exposed for some time to the atmo- spheric air after being soaked with acid, by which treatment a readily soluble salt of oxide of copper will be formed. Siliceous malachite and phosphate of copper are with more difficulty attacked by dilute sulphuric and muriatic acids than other copper salts, and ores containing these combina- tions yield residues rich in copper. When employing muri- atic acid the solubility of the oxide of copper is facilitated by an addition of common salt, thus forming easily soluble double soda salts. b. Roasted Ores and Products are more frequently treated with sulphuric acid, in order to retain the greater part of the formed peroxide of iron in the residues. For instance, the treatment of the residues of the black copper amal- gamation with sulphuric acid by Lewis and Roberts's || method at Schmöllnitz§ leaves oxide of iron, antimonial oxides, and noble metals in the residue; a similar treatment of roasted argentiferous copper concentration matt is adopted in Freiberg. Ores are treated with muriatic acid at Linz, where they are roasted by Escalle's process,** which consists in roasting them first by themselves, and afterwards with an addition of muriatic acid.tt By treating the ores roasted in this manner, chloride of copper is formed, and chlorides of antimony and * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 412; 1860, p. 37, 111; 1862, p. 191. Berggeist, 1859, No. 48; 1861, No. 55. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 140, 229. Schles. Wochenschrift, 1861, No. 2. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 30. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 18. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 217. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1858, p. 248. Berggeist, 1858, No. II. § Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, p. 331; 1860, p. 351. ¶ LORENZ, Stammbaum zu den Freiberger Hüttenprocessen, 1861. LAM- BORN, Metallurgy of Copper, 1860, p. 197. ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 243. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 450. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 341. HYDRO-METALLURGICAL EXTRACTION OF COPPER. 235 arsenic volatilised. The extracted copper is then precipitated by sulphide of calcium. Triplier's method,* i. e., roasting of the fallow ore with or without the presence of steam, extraction of the copper by means of muriatic acid, &c., is sometimes used, also Spence's method,* i. e., roasting the ore in a reverberatory furnace,† and treatment of the roasting mass with muriatic acid in which soda-saltpetre is dissolved. Undecomposed sulphides in the roasting mass are not acted upon by dilute acids, but if they are moistened in a finely pulverised state with concentrated muriatic acid, and exposed for some weeks to the atmospheric air, the sulphide becomes perfectly oxidised. Sulphuric acid reacts much more slowly.|| At Schemnitz§ the copper is extracted by dilute sulphuric acid at the same time when desilverising raw matt by Ziervogel's method. c. Black and Refined Copper.-Granulated copper is treated with dilute sulphuric acid with an admission of air at Mansfeld¶T for the extraction of nickel, and at Oker,** Fahlun, and Moldova for the extraction of gold and silver. Sometimes also old copper is converted into copper vitriol by this method,tt and sometimes the copper is roasted with 2 or 3 per cent of common salt‡‡ previous to its solution in sulphuric acid. 3. Sulphurous and Muriatic Acid Gas together with Steam.—According to Clement's method, || || the muriatic acid gas produced, when employing cupriferous iron pyrites in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, and using the sulphuric acid from the same manufactory for the production of soda, is * B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, P. 544. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 148. + Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 279. DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., Bd. 164, p. 449. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 175. § Bericht uber d. zweite Versammlung v. Berg. u. Hüttenmännern in Wien., 1862, p. 90. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 371; 1861, pp. 67, 471. Ibid., 1859, p. 165. ++ Ibid., 1860, p. 39. tt Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, pp. 282, 289. ++ Berggeist, 1858, p. 203. Polyt. Centr., 1857, No. 15. 236 COPPER. made to react upon the roasted pyrites together with steam. More often oxidised ores, as in Stadtbergen,* or roasted pyritic ores, as formerly in Linz,t are acted upon direct by sulphurous acid gas and steam. Birkmeyer‡ makes sul- phurous acid gas obtained by roasting iron pyrites react upon finely ground raw copper pyrites. At Stadtbergen|| and Linz muriatic acid is at present em- ployed instead of sulphurous acid gas, and with the following advantages:-Simpler and cheaper apparatus, independence of working poor copper ores without the simultaneous working of other sulphuretted ores, and the possibility of carrying out all required operations at an ordinary temperature. On the other hand, roasted ores are more perfectly decomposed by sulphuric acid gas than by muriatic acid at a common tem- perature, and the resulting lixiviums contain iron vitriol as a saleable by-product. 4. Acid Fluids containing Sulphate of Iron.-According to Stromeyer, § sulphate of iron transforms metallic, oxidised, and sulphuretted copper into sulphate: Fe₂O3,3SO3+Cu=2FeO,SO,+CuO,SO¸. Fe₂O3,3SO₂+Cu₂O=2CuO,SO3+Fe₂O3,SO3. Fe₂O3,3SO₂+CuO=CuO,SO₂+Fe₂O3,2SO3. 2(Fe₂O3,3SO3)+Cu₂S=4FeO,SO3+2CuO,SO3+S. Sulphates of iron and alumina also have a solvent action upon oxide of copper :- 2FeO,SO¸+CuO+0=CuO,SO3+Fe2O3,SO3. Al₂O3,3SO3+3CuO+3HO=3CuO,SO3+Al2O3,3HO. 5. Chlorination without employing Dilute Muriatic Acid. Although muriatic acid is the cheapest, its transport is very inconvenient; experiments have therefore been made to replace it by other substances, dry or liquid, which contain * Ann. d. min., 1842, livr. i., p. 1842. Bgwkfd., vi., 417. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 218. Berggeist, 1858, p. 566; 1859, No. 4. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, pp. 107, 223, 438; 1860, pp. 27, 191. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 277; 1860, p. 351. Bgwkfd., xii., 669. Ibid., xix., 232, 262. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 226. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, 293. CHLORINATION IN THE WET WAY. 237 chlorine in a more concentrated form. These substances are common salt, chloride and perchloride of iron, which also allow the extraction of calcareous ores and of ores con- taining iron spar. H. Meyer* determined the reaction of chloride and per- chloride of iron upon the basic substances with which oxi- dised copper ores are usually associated, as well as the cir- cumstances which take place at the per-oxidation of the chloride of iron in the presence of air, and either with or without chloride of copper, and the loss of soluble muriatic acid by the separation of basic salts. Perchloride of iron reacting upon carbonate of lime forms chloride of calcium and hydrated peroxide of iron containing some muriatic acid, and it decomposes carbonate of copper, air being excluded, as follows:- 4FeCl+3(2CuO,CO₂)=2Cu₂C1+2CuCl+2Fe₂O3+3CO₂. When oxidating chloride of iron by the action of the air, 6FeC1+30 will be transformed into 2Fe,Cl,+Fe₂O¸• 3 One equivalent of perchloride of iron decomposes three equivalents of carbonate of lime :- Fe,Cl,+3CaO,CO₂ = 3CaCl + Fe₂O₂+3CO₂, and it is transformed with carbonate of copper thus:— 3(2CuO,CO₂)+aq.+2Fe₂Cl¸=6CuCl+2Fe₂O3+3CO₂+aq. Chlorination in the Wet Way. a. By Chloride and Perchloride of Iron. Muehlhent thoroughly roasts pyritic copper ores con- taining iron spar, and from 1 to 4 per cent of copper, in reverberatory furnaces. At the end of the process he adds some small coal, charcoal, or saw-dust, to reduce the oxide of copper to metallic copper, and he extracts the copper by means of chloride of iron obtained by precipitating the copper by means of iron, after having separated basic iron salts from the lixivium. Gossage treats roasted copper pyrites poor in copper first with water and afterwards with chloride of iron and muriatic acid. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 182. † Berggeist, 1860, No. 3. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, F. 439. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 256. 238 COPPER. b. By a Solution of Common Salt. Richardson* moistens finely ground pyrites with 10 per cent of common salt in solution or with sea-water, spreads out the mass, and frequently turns it over without allowing the temperature to fall below 27°, and also preventing its rising too high. After the mass has become dry, salt solu- tion is again added, and finally the mass is lixiviated. Sal-ammoniact reacts like common salt. Chlorination in the Dry Way by Roasting with Common Salt. Common salt was formerly used, for instance, by Orschall, for the extraction of copper from its ores. Longmaid! roasted Cornish pyrites with common salt, and with this solution extracted copper and silver. Maumené roasts. argentiferous and cupriferous pyrites with rock salt, extracts the soluble copper salts by means of water, and the chloride of silver in the residue by means of salt solution. Both the silver and copper are precipitated from their solutions by iron; the precipitate is then calcined, and the oxide of copper extracted by sulphuric acid. The chlorination method is patented in England and North America by Haehners, and it has been recently introduced chiefly by Becchi and Haupt T into the copper works of Capanne Vecchia, near Massa Mari- tima, in Tuscany. Copper pyrites containing about 2 per cent of copper and siliceous gangue is roasted in heaps, afterwards ground and roasted in a reverberatory furnace for about three hours, and then from 2 to 8 per cent of common salt is added, according to the amount of copper, and roasted for about twelve minutes more. The oxide of copper is thus supposed, without being decomposed by the salt, to be converted in the presence of * B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 8. † DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., Bd. 164, p. 185. TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1852, p. 157. || Bgwkfd., xv., 688. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 89. ¶ Ibid., 1857, pp. 34, 88, 182. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 451. CHLORINATION IN THE DRY WAY. 239 steam chiefly into oxychloride, which is extracted by dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid. Petitgaud* denies this theory, and supposes a direct trans- formation of oxide of copper and common salt into chloride of copper and soda, the soda combining with quartz. Grunert suggests that only a small amount of chlorides and chiefly sulphates are formed by this process; the sulphates may be formed by a well conducted roasting without the addition of salt. Bischoff entertains almost the same opinion, and recommends Bankart's method (page 232) which he had fol- lowed at Toplice,|| near Laak, in Upper Krain, with an addi- tion of iron pyrites. Gurlts advocates Becchi's method in opposition to Bischof's, but for the formation of chloride of copper he does not consider it necessary to carry on the roasting very far, as otherwise a prevailing amount of inso- luble subchloride of copper is formed. Plattner has shown that at an imperfect roasting Cu₂S and Fe₂S are formed, which, with an addition of common salt and admission of air, are transformed into metallic chlorides as, first, sul- phurous acid, and then sulphuric acid are formed. The sulphuric acid decomposes the common salt, liberating the chlorine which transforms the remaining sulphides into chlorides. If, however, the roasting is carried on as far as Gruner's method requires, so as to form as much sulphates as possible, then, according to Gurlt, so much chloride of copper will be volatilised at the subsequent chlorination that but little insoluble subchloride of copper will remain. Hen- derson has proposed to volatilise all the copper as chloride, and to condense the chloride. Schaffner's experiments made at Eppichnellen in Thuringia concerning the chlorination of copper ores have thrown some light on these partly opposite theories, and have nearly upset Gurlt's views of the formation of subchloride of copper *B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 90. † Ibid., p. 325. Berggeist, 1858, No. 35. ++ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, Nos. 14, 15. Berggeist, 1860, No. 40. || Berggeist, 1860, No. 40. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 39; 1862, p. 129. Berggeist, Nos. 3, 31, 47, 48. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 438; 1861, p. 39. PERCY, Metallurgy, i., 451. 240 COPPER. and the volatilisation of much chloride of copper if too many sulphates are formed. If, according to Becchi's method, the ore was roasted so far that on lixiviation it showed no more sulphates, and common salt was then added, 3 lbs. to every 1lb. of copper contained in the ore, and roasted for a short time longer, the copper might without any particular difficulty be lixiviated so perfectly that the residues only contained o'2 per cent of copper. A considerable improvement seemed to be the formation of as much sulphates as possible by the first roasting at a low temperature, and afterwards an addi- tion of common salt, causing the chlorination to be per- formed in a much shorter time than in the former instance. In order to ascertain the proper time for the addition of salt, samples were taken from time to time and lixiviated with an addition of ammonia. As soon as the ammonia did not produce a precipitate of iron, proving that the sulphate of iron was decomposed, and a blue solution of copper was pro- duced instead, the moment for adding salt was considered to have arrived. In this way a slight volatilisation of chloride of copper took place, but not nearly to the degree that Gurlt suggests, and this chloride of copper could be readily trans- formed into copper vitriol and muriatic acid by conducting air, sulphurous acid, and steam into the condensers. The loss of copper only amounted to from 2 to 472 per cent of the copper contained in the ore, to which also the me- chanical loss of the pulverised ore by the draught contributed. If the roasted ore was removed in a dry state from the furnace into the lixiviation vessels, a basic copper salt appeared upon its surface as a green coating, soluble only in a great excess of acid; but if the roasting mass was previously moistened with hydrochloric acid the copper was readily dissolved, and more readily the longer the ore remained in the moistened state. The basic salt contained— Cu. Cl HO. O 58 12.49 15 11.82 corresponding to CuCl + 4CuO + 5aq, and appeared in AGENTS USED FOR CHLORINATION. 241 small quantity when the chlorination had been judiciously conducted; it increased at too high a roasting temperature. On the other hand the experiments did not produce sul- phates only without an addition of salt, even if 50 per cent of iron pyrites was added. At best, only half the copper contained in the ore was extracted. According to Phillips, iron pyrites from Wicklow is roasted by itself at St. Helen's, the chloride of copper formed by common salt is extracted by muriatic acid, and chloride of silver is afterwards ex- tracted by a solution of common salt. Gold is separated from the precipitated silver. Chlorination in the Dry and Wet Way. This mode lately adopted by Schaffner and Meyer's suggestion with ores of Starkenbach proves that it allows a more perfect extraction of copper than Becchi's method. The following agents for chlorination are used:- a. Concentrated Muriatic Acid.-Ground oxidised ores are moistened with concentrated muriatic acid and exposed to the atmosphere for about a fortnight, being fre- quently turned. Thus a great part of the copper chlorinates and the copper glance present chiefly oxidises, rendering the copper extractable. The decomposed mass is now heated and continually raked, until the neutral and basic chlorides of aluminium and iron have become nearly decomposed. The hydrochloric acid and chlorine gases thus evolved react whilst permeating the roasting mass, energetically chlorin- ating the remaining oxidised and sulphuretted copper, and the jelly-like basic iron salts, preventing the subsequent extraction, become decomposed. If the temperature is too high, the chloride of copper becomes transformed into subchloride insoluble in water, and oxychloride of copper. B. Lixiviums containing Chloride and Perchloride of Iron. The suitably divided oxidised ore, or cupriferous resi- due of the extraction, is moistened with a lixivium composed. of 3 parts of chloride of iron to 1 of copper, and exposed to the atmosphere for two or three weeks, thus causing a partial chlorination of the copper. The greater part of the oxide of copper is transformed into chloride, but another part which remains insoluble is not extracted even by a considerable VOL. II. R 242 COPPER. excess of chloride of iron; it may, however, be extracted by dilute muriatic acid. But before employing muriatic acid the ore is heated until the basic iron salts lose their water and the greater part of their acid, and are thus rendered insoluble in dilute muriatic acid, when the result is a solution of copper poor in iron. If the temperature is too high the chloride of copper is also decomposed. y. Chloride of Magnesium, and Lixiviation.—According to Cobley* the ore is formed into a paste with a solution of salt, dried and roasted at a red heat, thus forming soluble chloride of copper, from which the copper is then extracted by magnesite, or by magnesia produced by heating chloride of magnesium. 8. Ammonia.-It has been tried for dissolving carbonate of copper contained in calcareous ores by Barruel,† Von Hauer,‡ at the Friedrichs-Wilhelms-Hütte|| near Commern, &c. Attempts have been made to regain the ammonia by distil- ling the cupriferous solution. This method has given no favourable results, as the powdered ore absorbs much am- monia and the distillation causes great loss.§ e. A Solution of Sulphite and Hyposulphite of Soda for calcareous ores was proposed by Stromeyer as a substitute for ammonia. Upon heating carbonate of copper with one of these reagents the oxide is supposed to become transformed into suboxide by the reaction of the sulphurous acid, thus forming a soluble double salt of hyposulphite of copper and soda, from which the copper may be precipitated by sulphide of sodium. According to Bischof,** this method is deficient in several points; the reagent for extraction is not a cheap one and soon loses its solvent power by decomposition; a cupriferous precipitate, probably of subsulphite of copper, is formed, Polyt. Centr., 1861, p. 1306. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 799. Bgwkfd., xviii., 463. + ‡ Jahrb. der. K. K. geolog. Reichsanstalt, 1852, No. 4, p. 98. Minister. Preuss. Ztschr., 1861, Lief 2. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 140, 230. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 111, 419. ¶ Bgwkfd., xxii., No. 30. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 111. ** Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, No. 5. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 419. PURIFICATION OF LIXIVIUMS. 243 and is not available at the extraction; the solution proceeds slowly if much lime is present, the conclusion of the reaction can only be guessed at, and the final product is only sulphide of copper. The Lixiviation of the Copper Salts.-The extraction of the copper salts formed is effected by solvents in wooden vessels, either by stirring the cupriferous substance for some time with the reagent, and after allowing the mass to settle, separating the liquid by drawing off with a syphon, or by filtra- tion.* In order to obtain sufficiently saturated lixiviums a process of continuous extraction is used, thus making the same liquid react several times upon the substance to be extracted. Whether the lixivium is more or less saturated may be observed by an experienced eye by putting a drop of solution upon a clean bright iron plate, when an unsaturated solution will give a lighter coloured precipitate than a saturated solution. The greener the lixiviums are the more acid they contain, and the browner the less acid. In the former case more iron is consumed. If the ores contain lead it will be dissolved or enter the lixivium mechanically as an insoluble salt, and will be obtained later as plum- biferous copper. The cupriferous lixiviums are heated sometimes, as at Oker, for the production of copper-vitriol; at Freiberg, for producing mixed vitriol; or at Mansfeld, for copper nickel vitriol; but they are usually cemented, and occasionally previously purified. Purification of the Lixiviums before Precipitating from Iron, &c.—If solutions containing iron vitriolt are kept a longer time in contact with atmospheric air, soluble neutral, and insoluble basic salts of hydrated peroxide of iron are formed, of a different composition and colour according to the degree of dilution of the solution :— 10FeO,SO3+50=3(Fe₂O3,3SO3)+2(Fe₂O3)SO3 6FeO, SO3+30=2Fe2O3,3SO3+ Fe₂03. * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, p. 332; 1860, p. 342. Heeren über die Operation des Auslaugens, in Mittheil. des Gewerbe-Ver. f. d. Königr. Hannover, 1862, Hft. 1, u. 2. † Oester. Ztschr., 1860, p. 292. R 2 244 COPPER. As the solution is more diluted, more basic salts are separated, and at a lower temperature. Heating the solution facilitates the oxidation of the iron vitriol. The more neutral the per-sulphate of iron the lixivium contains, the more iron will be consumed in the precipitating operation. In order to lessen this consumption the following remedies are used :— 1. An Addition of thin Milk of Lime for precipitating iron in such quantity that the solution still remains some- what acid, otherwise copper will also be precipitated. The same result may be obtained by slowly conducting the lixivium over limestone. 2. Organic Substances* (turf, saw-dust) for converting the proto-salts into sub-salts; according to Stromeyer, the effect is very slow, and but little iron for precipitating is saved, as the quantity of sulphuric acid is not lessened. When treating ores containing arseniate of copper, arsenic acid enters the solution and is precipitated by iron together with the copper; to avoid this, the ferruginous copper solutions are heated with iron solutions obtained by the precipitating operation, and thus arseniate of iron is separated, whilst free hydrochloric acid is formed (Alderley Edge, page 255). According to Tripliert antimony may be separated, when treating fallow ore with muriatic acid, by heating the solution. until dry and again dissolving it in water; the antimony will thus remain behind. An addition of lime also precipi- tates iron and antimony. Precipitation of the Copper (Cementation).—Iron, sul- phuretted hydrogen gas, and milk of lime are chiefly used as reagents for precipitation of the copper. Copper may be precipitated by iron from its solutions in muriatic acid and sulphurous acid, but not from nitric acid, owing to its slight affinity to oxygen, and the further extrac- tion of copper is caused by a galvanic action, to which the contact of iron with copper gives rise. The most effective * DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., cvii., 446; cxi., 271. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 210. PRECIPITATION OF THE COPPER. 245 reagent is wrought iron, yielding chiefly a coarse granular precipitate, but economical considerations frequently necessi- tate the employment of pig iron, and the grey reacts more quickly than the white pig iron. The adhesion of copper to the separated graphite causes a greater mechanical loss at the washing of the cement copper than when using wrought iron. The copper precipitates upon grey pig iron more in the form of schlich, and upon white iron as coherent plates. The precipitation is facilitated by employing a higher tem- perature, a large surface of the precipitating iron, by letting the liquid fall upon the iron in thin streams, by frequently cleaning the iron from precipitated copper, &c. Cement water flowing quietly over large pieces of iron is only slightly decopperised, but much more powerfully decopperised if it falls in drops from one piece of iron to another. Aast recommends spongy iron as a very powerful agent for precipitating copper; it is also employed by Bronac and Deherrypon for decomposing metallic sulphides in the dry way.' At Moldavia|| iron deposits from the copper furnaces are used as the precipitating agent, and at Kronstadt§ in Siebenbürgen cupriferous pig iron produced by smelting ferru- ginous copper slags with lime and coal powder is used. At Alderley Edge iron chips, the residues of the tin-plate manufacture, and old tin-plates previously freed from lead and tin by a treatment with caustic soda, &c., are used for precipitating the copper. To determine whether a solution still contains copper, a piece of clean, bright iron is dipped into it, or better, some drops of the liquid are put upon a platinum plate, and into them a piece of zinc, which will separate the smallest amount of copper, appearing as a fine red coloured layer on the platinum. If the solution has been too concentrated (above 30° B.) Bericht über die 2te Versammlung von 1862, p. 92. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 285. Berg- und Hüttenmännern in Wien, -+- B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 24. Ibid., 1861, p. 292. LAMPAD. Fortschr., 1839, p. 137. STUNNER'S Bericht über d. Londoner Industrie-Austellung in 1862. Wien, 1863, p. 114. 246 COPPER. it will with difficulty become clear after the precipitating operation. According to theory, 100 parts of copper may be precipi- tated by 88 parts of iron, but in practice from 200 to 300 parts or more are used. This is occasioned by the free acid present, as well as the neutral sulphate of iron, both of which dissolve iron :— 2(Fe₂O3,3SO3)+5Fe+5HO=5FeO,SO3+2Fe₂O,,SO3+5H. The cement copper thus becomes contaminated by the precipitated basic iron salt. It is therefore important to de- compose the oxide of iron by lime previous to the precipi- tating with iron, and to counteract its formation by an oxi- dation of the protosulphate of iron during the precipitating operation, by excluding atmospheric air as much as possible during the precipitating. Owing to the higher temperature, the precipitation is performed more quickly in summer than in winter, some iron is therefore saved in the summer, as the action of the air then takes place in a shorter time. Dechaud,* Sola, Becquerel,‡ Kessler, || Fitzgerald,§ and others have suggested the employment of galvanic electricity for keeping the copper free from iron. Experiments at Agordo¶ prove that much of the iron is wasted during the operation of precipitating copper, and the basic salt when precipitated from a hot concentrated solution is composed thus:- (Fe₂O₂+Al₂O3+3ZnO),SO, +aq. while that from a cold diluted solution consists of- 3(3Fe₂O3,3Al2O3),SO3+(2Fe₂O3+2Al2O3),SO3+aq. Sulphuretted hydrogen is employed by Sinding,** at Foldal in Norway, for the working of poor ores which could not be profitably treated by means of iron. The pyrites is submitted to a kernel roasting; the ore crust is extracted + * Bgwkfd., X., 140. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 205. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1853, p. 729. ‡ Ibid., 1856, p. 204. ERDMANN'S Journ. f. pr. Chemie, Bd. 62, p. 369. || Oesterr. Ztschr., 1858, p. 413. § DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., Bd. 164, p. 185. ¶ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, No. 24. ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, pp. 210, 217; 1860, pp. 439, 487; 1862, p. 129. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 364. PRECIPITATION OF THE COPPER. 247 with water, and the clear cupriferous solution obtained put into a pierced vessel standing above the precipitating chamber. The solution drops into the chamber like fine rain, whilst the sulphuretted hydrogen gas is also conducted into it, thus precipitating sulphide of copper. The sulphuretted hydrogen gas is produced most cheaply in the following manner. Gases produced in a gas generator from raw fuel are con- ducted from below, through a layer of glowing fuel, across Whilst a fire-bridge into a vessel containing iron pyrites. the burning carbonic oxide heats the pyrites to the re- quired temperature, the sulphur combines partly with the hydrogen that had been liberated from steam, and chiefly with the hydrogen of the carburetted hydrogen, forming sul- phuretted hydrogen, while carbon is separated. This method not only yields a very pure copper, but it also allows the extraction of a greater amount of copper. One disadvantage of the method is that the sulphuretted hydrogen gas may injure the health of the workmen.* Lime water or lixivium of ashes (chiefly carbonate of potash) yields ferruginous precipitates poor in copper and containing gypsum; their smelting for the production of copper is expensive.† Other reagents for precipitation, such as sulphide of sodium,‡ hydrated sulphide of iron,|| hyposulphite of iron,§ carbonic oxide,¶ sulphide of calcium,** &c., have no practical value. Carbon also sometimes separates iron from solutions, and a separation of copper occasionally takes place without the employment of a reagent, probably in consequence of the presence of suboxide of copper, which becomes transformed into oxide and metallic copper.tt DÖBEREINER, die Lehre von den giftigen und explosiven Stoffen, Dessau, 1858, p. 64. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 232. † Ibid., 1856, p. 218; 1860, pp. 111, 419. || Ibid., 1856, p. 217; 1860, p. 256. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 365. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 218. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 365. ** ¶ WAGNER'S Jahrbuch, 1858, p. 73. Polyt. Centr., 1862, p. 1026. ++ DINGLER'S Polyt. Journ., xvi., 261. POGGENDORF's Ann., iii., 195. SCHWEIGGER'S neues Journ., xvi., 372; xvii., 325; xxviii., 40. 248 COPPER. Treatment of the Products of Precipitation.-These are either cement copper or sulphide, oxychloride of copper, &c. The cement copper is a mixture of metallic copper con- taining basic iron salts, ore particles, particles of raw iron, graphite, silica, sometimes antimony, arsenic, arseniate of iron, &c., and the amount of copper is in consequence very variable. The cement water of native solutions is usually purer than that of artificial solutions; it deposits less basic salts owing to the presence of free sulphuric acid, and such deposits are carried away by the flowing of the liquid. The cement copper is usually washed and sifted to separate it from iron and basic salts, thus yielding chiefly three sorts. of finely divided copper, namely, sand containing 90 per cent or more of copper, slime containing from 50 to 70 per cent, and slime containing 20 or 25 per cent. As a mechanical loss is unavoidable at this dressing, it is often preferable to smelt a more impure and somewhat poorer cement copper without washing it, together with sulphuretted ores or matt. The cement copper is converted into— a. Copper Vitriol, by calcining and treating with dilute sulphuric acid, when the greater part of the peroxide of iron remains in the residue; sometimes no calcination is employed. Persulphate of iron which has entered the solution does not crystallise together with the sulphate of copper; the sulphate of copper may be separated from iron in various ways.* b. Metallic Copper.-A mere re-melting or a direct re- fining of the cement copper does not yield a sufficiently pure product, owing to the amount of basic sulphates and some- times of antimony and arsenic present; also some matt will always result. For this reason the purest cement copper only is refined direct, or it is previously melted for the pro- duction of black copper, which is then refined,t as, for in- stance, in Schmöllnitz, in air reverberatory furnaces. Impure cement schlich, which by itself would yield a very impure black copper, is given in admixture to the matt smeltings, and the more impure sorts to the ore smelting. ** † Oesterr., Ztschr., 1860, p. 397. Ibid., 1860, p. 413. RIVOT, Kupferhüttenkunde, Deutch v. HARTMANN, 1860., p. 299. Oesterr. Ztg., 1860, p. 390. PRECIPITATION OF THE COPPER. 249 In Riotinto* it has been found advantageous to roast the cement copper after having formed it into lumps. c. Sulphide of Copper, obtained by Sinding's method (page 246), containing free sulphur, is filtered, pressed, and afterwards smelted in cupola furnaces for the production of rich copper matt. Weltzt advises that the free sulphur should be obtained by distillation, and the residue used after roasting, either for the production of copper vitriol, or melted in reverberatory furnaces for the production of black copper. d. Oxychloride of Copper and Hydrated Oxide, forming the precipitate obtained by Becchi's process by means of lime. According to Petitgand it is composed of- CuO CuCl CaO,SO, Fe₂O, and Al2O3 ZnO 3 Sand and silica 26.8 4'4 38.8 4.6 2.6 6'0 and is smelted in low cupola furnaces for the production of black copper and matt; the employment of reverberatory furnaces would be more advisable. The remaining liquid from which the copper has been pre- cipitated, containing muriatic acid (and, when exposed for a longer time to the atmospheric air, much chloride of iron), is used for the extraction of oxidised copper ores, as well as the sulphate solution, after having extracted its iron vitriol. The liquids rich in basic salts of sulphate of iron are fre- quently made to circulate in sumps in order to make the salts profitable as ochre, or when heated, as English red (colcothar). At Alderley Edge (page 255) a liquid containing chloride and perchloride of iron, a small amount of chloride of cobalt, and a large amount of chloride of manganese, is concentrated in iron pans until it has a specific gravity of 14, and is then poured in the form of a fine rain into a reverberatory furnace * B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 302. † Ibid., 1862, p. 133. + Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 365. 250 COPPER. having a red-hot sole covered with sand. The chloride of iron is thus transformed into oxide of iron, steam, and hydro- chloric acid, which is condensed in a chamber filled with moistened coke; this acid is used for the lixiviation of ores. EXTRACTION OF CEMENT COPPER FROM NATIVE SOLUTIONS. According to the quantity of solution available, the cemen- tation is performed either at once in the mines (Rammels- berg), or the liquid is raised to the surface (Schmöllnitz). At Schmöllnitz* the solution is raised from the mines by means of pumps; according to Lill von Lilienthal it con- tains per 1 cubic foot- Vienna lb, 0333) containing 0.264 Fe. FeO,SO3 Fe2O3,3ŠO, CuO,SO, 0*081} 3 다 ​ZnO,SO, 0'049 Al2O3,3SO3 0'4.97 CaO,SO3 0*063 MgO,SO, 0*303 3 1.785 0°032 Cu = 0'55 per cent Cu. The solution, containing on an average o*25 ounce of copper per cubic foot, is conducted into precipitating vessels, a, (Figs. 60, 61) 12 feet long, 12 inches broad, and 10 inches FIG. 60. I deep, connected with each other and arranged in terraces. The precipitating iron consists of pieces of cast iron, b, each 10 inches long, 2 inches broad, and inch thick, which are put into the vessels and arranged lattice-like. 936 of these horizontal vessels are employed. The solution loses most of its copper when it has passed the first 45 or 50 vessels, HAUCH, in Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, pp. 276, 382. EXTRACTION OF CEMENT COPPER. 251 and during its passage the solution also becomes muddy and deposits basic salts. It is then conducted by a gutter into FIG. 61. a a a ს vertical vessels furnished with iron plates, and the precipita- tion of the remaining copper is thus facilitated by the impact of the solution upon the precipitating iron; 30 of these vertical vessels are provided. The iron plates are cleaned daily, and the cement copper is removed every fortnight from the first vessels and every 4 weeks from the lowest. The resulting schlich is washed on a fine sieve and the residue sorted by hand. The precipitating vessels contain about 20,000 cwts. of iron, having a surface of 131,250 square feet, and about 21,444,480 cubic feet of solution pass through them annually, yielding schlich with 57 per cent of copper on an average, from which about 2,500 cwts. of tough copper are produced. In 1859, 3838.69 cwts. of cement schlich, containing 215330 fine copper, consumed 5598'5 cwts. of wrought and cast iron. The two workmen employed receive Is. 4'Sd. per cwt. of fine copper obtained from the schlich. The remaining liquid contains, per cubic foot,— FeO,SO3 Fe2O3,3SO3 CuO,SO3 lbs. I'025 Ο ΟΙΙ 0*005 5} containing 0 382 Fe. "" 0'002 Cu = 0*003 per cent Cu. ZnO,SO, A1,03,3 SO 0'045 0'448 3 CaO,SO3 ообо MgO,SO3 0*288 1.882 252 COPPER. Therefore the amount of iron has increased 7 per cent and the amount of copper decreased 94 per cent, causing a loss of 6 per cent. The poor schlich, containing about 25 per cent of copper, is melted together with gelf ores (page 101), and the rich schlich, containing from 40 to 72 per cent, with quartz in a reverberatory furnace. In 1859, 100 cwts. of schlich, con- taining 68.8 per cent of copper, yielded about 64°2 per cent of black copper containing 95'2 per cent of copper, and 32.8 of residues containing 17.1 per cent of copper; the loss of copper amounted to 3'14 per cent. At the mine of Mona, at Amlwch, in the Isle of Anglesea, the cement solution is raised into a large basin in which the iron ochre becomes deposited, and it is then conducted into a system of 500 sumps filled with old iron. The ferruginous copper slime, containing on an average 15 per cent of copper, is added to the matt smelting. The annual production amounts to from 12,000 to 15,000 cwts. of slime, yielding from 1,600 to 2,000 cwts. of cement copper. This method causes a great loss of iron, as the acid solu- tion dissolves more iron than the precipitation of the copper requires; the iron dissolved as protoxide in iron vitriol is but imperfectly regained, and all the copper is not precipi- tated. EXTRACTION OF COPPER FROM OXIDISED ORES. When treating oxidised ores with insoluble gangue, muri- atic acid is usually employed, as in Linz, Stadtbergen, Alderley Edge; sulphuric acid is seldom used, and sometimes, as in Linz and Starkenbach, mother lye containing chloride of iron or sulphate of iron when treating somewhat calcareous Yet the choice between the reagents depends on the price of materials and other local circumstances. ores. Illustrations of this Method of Extraction. Sterner Smelting Works at Linz on the Rhine.-The ores of Josephsberg, near Rheinbreitenbach, consisting of copper glance, variegated copper ore, copper pyrites, malachite, EXTRACTION OF COPPER FROM OXIDISED ORES. 253 azurite, and native copper in a siliceous gangue, are sub- mitted to a sorting by hand, thus yielding ores (Scheideerze), containing 28 or 30 per cent of copper, and poor ores (Laug- erze), the better sorts containing from 5 to 7 per cent and the very poorest from 1 to 3 per cent of copper, and consisting wholly of oxidised ores, the waste ore and the poor ore being disseminated in quartz. The poor ores are now roasted in double reverberatory furnaces, 100 cwts. in 24 hours, consuming 18 cubic feet of coal; one charge remains 16 hours in the furnace. The roasting mass is now put in quantities of 240 cwts. into wooden cases with two bottoms, and which are surrounded with beaten down clay, for extracting the copper by means of dilute muriatic acid of 2° or 3° B. The acid is allowed to remain upon it for a longer or shorter time according to the weather and the amount of copper contained in the ore. The time for ores containing from 5 to 7 per cent is about 8 days, and for ores containing from 1 to 3 per cent is about 4 days. The consumption of acid varies accordingly. When the acid is saturated it is tapped off, and fresh acid is added, which is poured upon fresh ore for the purpose of its perfect saturation; finally, the ore is washed with water. residues of ores containing from 1 to 3 per cent of copper, are thrown away if they contain from o°2 to 0.3 per cent; and the residues of ores containing from 5 to 7 per cent of copper are thrown away if containing o'4 or o'5 per cent. If they contain above o˚5 per cent, owing to an imperfect roasting, they are collected in a heap and allowed to remain for three months, whilst mother lye containing perchloride of iron is poured over it from time to time. Thus the perchloride is transformed into protochloride, causing a solution of the copper, which is then extracted in a separate vessel by means of acidified water. The Experiments on performing the lixiviation whilst con- ducting a blast of air under the double bottom of the vessel gave a favourable result, in so far that the lixiviation became accelerated and the residues poorer, chiefly when treating raw ores containing carbonic acid. The cementation of the copper is performed by means of 254 COPPER. old iron plates, 100 cwts. of cement copper consuming 120 cwts. of iron. The resulting mother lye containing chloride of iron is employed for extracting rich residues and for diluting muriatic acid, but is thrown aside, if of the density of 30° B., after having again passed over iron. The cement copper, in a dry state, containing 92 per cent of copper, and contaminated by iron, per- and protoxide of iron, ore slime, &c., is put in a wet state on a small hearth for refining. To prevent the refining taking place at the smelting of the copper, cupriferous iron deposits are added by smelting them first in the hearth; in this way the metal is also kept at a higher temperature. To one charge of 400 lbs. of cement copper 20 lbs of iron are added, and the charge is refined in about three hours, consuming 200 lbs. of coke. The monthly production of the Sterner Smelting Works amounts to 150 cwts. of rosette copper of very good quality, three-quarters of which is produced from cement copper. The production of 100 lbs. of rosette copper requires about 11,500 lbs. of ore, 837 lbs. of muriatic acid, 3s. per cwt., and 64 lbs. of iron, causing an expense of £3 12s.; when treating oxidised ores this expense amounts to £2 148. At Stadtbergen in Westphalia, and at Linz, similar processes are performed. Rich ores containing 40 per cent of copper are melted direct; acidified ores (5,000 tons), with 1 or 2 per cent, are treated by the sulphurous acid gas resulting from the roasting of zinc blende and iron pyrites; and about 60,000 tons of acidified ores containing per cent of copper are treated with muriatic acid and mother lye containing sulphate of iron. 2 The vessels for cementation are divided by a lattice into two vertical compartments, the interiors of which are pro- vided with stirring machinery for keeping the solution in continual motion. In the outside partition, between the lattice and sides of the vessel, iron plates for precipitating the copper are placed upon a grate. The cement copper is washed, yielding purified copper and slime; the copper is refined in reverberatory furnaces. The refinery slags are smelted together with the slime for the production of black copper, which is then refined. The copper resulting from EXTRACTION OF COPPER FROM OXIDISED ORES. 255 the lixiviation with muriatic acid is refined apart from that treated with sulphuric acid; the refined copper of the former operation being somewhat finer than the latter. Ores con- taining o'75 per cent of copper yield 0.63 per cent, and con- sume from 420 to 500 lbs. of muriatic acid of 18°B, and 120 lbs. of iron plate waste per 5 tons of fine copper produced. The annual production amounts to 500 tons of copper, 450 tons of vitriol, 1000 tons of roasted blende, 150 tons of litharge, and 300 lbs. of silver. At Alderley Edge.-The ores consist of mixtures of ar- seniate, carbonate, phosphate, and pure oxide of copper, with baryta, disseminated in sandstone. The ore is pounded to the size of half a cubic inch and put into vessels of wood, sandstone, or slate, 11 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 4 feet deep, with a loose bottom upon which brush-wood and straw are spread out. A vessel contains about 9 tons of ore, and crude muriatic acid is poured over it until at first it is completely covered by it. As soon as the acid has disappeared the surface below the vessel is again filled with the washing water of other vessels till within two inches from the top, and the lixivium between the loose and chief bottom is pumped upon the ore until its specific gravity no longer increases. The ore from which the copper is not yet completely extracted is again treated with fresh muriatic acid and washing water; the resulting lixivium which is not saturated is poured into fresh ore. The extracted ore is now washed several times with water, removing each time about six inches of the ore until all is removed. This extraction takes about three days, and about 1000 tons of ores may be treated in 16 vessels in one month. The solution of copper containing arsenic is then treated with a solution of iron in the propor- tion of 2 parts of the solution of copper to I part of the solu- tion of iron, in order to purify it from arsenic. The solution thus rendered acid is again poured upon fresh ore together with the precipitate of arseniate of iron, and its copper is afterwards precipitated by old iron plates. The ore is com- pletely extracted by fresh acid, and the resulting solution freed from arsenic and put upon fresh ore. The mother lyes resulting from precipitating the copper 256 COPPER. are employed for the production of muriatic acid (page 249), and the cement copper, containing 75 per cent of copper, is washed and dried, and added to the smelting. EXTRACTION OF COPPER FROM SULPHURETTED ORES AND PRODUCTS. The most simple of these processes consist in exposing ores to the atmosphere and extracting the sulphates formed. Where economy in fuel is not so much an object as a quick and more perfect extraction of copper, the ores are roasted in heaps, and occasionally in cupola and reverberatory furnaces, and the copper afterwards extracted by means of water, liquid, or gaseous acids; sometimes the ores are chlorinated previous to their extraction. Iron, sulphuretted hydrogen gas, or lime is used for precipitating the copper. Illustrations of this Process of Extraction. At Riotinto* in Spain both native and artificial solutions are treated. Iron pyrites, associated with copper pyrites, variegated copper ore, and chiefly Cu₂S, and containing on an average 3 per cent of copper, is roasted in open heaps for six or eight months on a foundation of brush-wood 1 metre high. The roasted ore is then immersed in water in sumps or vessels; after 24 hours the water is tapped off, and the ore is treated with fresh water eight or ten times until the copper is completely extracted. The residues are exposed to the air to decay and again treated. After being allowed two or three hours for settling, the solution is put into sumps for cementation, in which the copper is precipitated by means of cast-iron, 100 parts of copper consuming 300 parts of iron. After the solution is freed from its copper fresh solu- tions are added from three to five times without removing the cement copper. The mother lye afterwards passes. several sumps for precipitating copper, thus yielding preci- pitates containing from 8 to 10 per cent of copper, while the * B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 289; 1862, p. 301. EXTRACTION OF COPPER FROM SULPHURETTED ORES. 257 cement copper containing 50 per cent is formed into lumps, dried in the open air, and heated on the grate of a small cupola furnace (page 249). The roasted product is sub- mitted to an oxidising smelting in a small hearth and refined in a blast reverberatory furnace. The yield of copper amounts to from 15 to 17 per cent, and therefore the loss of copper is 50 per cent or more; at Agordo only 10 per cent is lost. At Agordo the crusts of roasted ore waste and schlich (page 103) are lixiviated three times, and afterwards used as bottoms and covers in the kernel roasting; they are then lixiviated three times more, and afterwards given back to the roasting, and the copper again extracted. The residue is sifted and the coarse powder roasted anew and washed. The first lixiviation yields a rich solution, but the solutions of the second and third lixiviations are poor, To obtain rich solutions wooden vessels with a capacity of about 400 cubic feet are charged with 285 cwts. of fresh ore. crusts, and water is added until it covers the ore by several inches. After 24 hours the lixivium is tapped off into the puri- fying basins; this contact of the ore with water is twice repeated. The residues are given to the roasting, and the second and third lixiviums of 14° or 15° B. are employed instead of water for lixiviating fresh ore. Previous to the precipitation the rich solution of from 31 to 40° B. is diluted with the solution of the third lixiviation in order to facilitate its purification after precipitating. The roasted residues are treated as the original ore crusts; after sifting, the resulting residue is again roasted, and the roasting mass submitted to a continued washing; for this purpose four vessels stand close to each other. The roasted mass is put for 24 hours together with water into vessel No. 1, the solution is tapped off into the purifying basin, and the roasted mass is removed from No. 1 to No. 2, fresh water being added. After 24 hours, the solution of No. 2 is pumped upon fresh ore in No. 1, while the ore of No. 2 is removed into No. 3, with fresh water. After 24 hours the solution of No. 3 is added to No. 2, that in No. I is tapped off, and the ore of No. 1 is removed into No. 2, and that of No. 3 VOL. II. S Ι 258 COPPER. into No. 4, fresh water being added. The ore of No. 4 is then put upon an inclined sieve to separate the coarser parts, while the solution of No. 1 is always tapped off into the purifying basins. The solutions of the different vessels mark respectively 16°, 12°, 8°, and 4° B. According to Rivot, the annual production from 11,400 tons of ore crusts is 7,000 cubic metres of rich solution of 29° B., con- taining 98 tons of copper; 4,000 cubic metres of solution of the second lixiviation of from 23° to 24° B., containing 30 tons of copper; and finally, 1,000 cubic metres of the last lixiviation of 18° or 19° B., containing 8 tons of copper; altogether 12,000 cubic metres, containing 136 tons of copper, whilst the assay determined an amount of 151 tons; the loss amounts therefore to 10 per cent. The slime, which is thrown away, does not contain more than 0.0017 or o'о018 of copper. The precipitation of the copper is effected chiefly in wooden vessels 13 feet long, 11 feet broad, and 5 feet deep, with a capacity of 650 cubic feet, and containing about 160 cwts. of cast-iron which are distributed on benches standing on the inside of the vessel. In the middle a leaden bell is suspended. above a grate by means of an iron frame, the upper part of which is connected with a tube for charging fuel (turf char- coal), and it has a tube on one of its sides which enters a leaden vessel provided with three horizontal partition walls. for equalising the temperature. Out of this leaden vessel the cooled products of combustion enter a wooden chimney by means of a leaden tube. That chimney also received the vapours of the water, as the vessels are kept covered for excluding air. The decomposition of 500 cubic feet of warm solution of 60° by means of iron is finished in 20 hours; 48 hours are allowed for cooling, and then the clear solution, which has a temperature of 35° C., is tapped off into crystallisation vessels, in which the iron vitriol crystallises; 2°5 parts of iron are consumed to I part of fine copper. In rare cases only are reverberatory furnaces employed for precipitating the copper. According to Rivot, for each ton of ore o*027 tons of cast- iron, 0*014 tons of wood, o'030 tons of charcoal, o'027 tons of turf are consumed, at a cost of 8.674 francs; in the EXTRACTION OF COPPER FROM SULPHURETTED ORES. 259 production of 0.1336 ton of kernels, containing o'006 ton of copper, and o‘0225 ton of cement copper, containing o'009 ton of copper. The poor and rich cement schlichs are smelted together with the sulphuretted ores.* Of late the pyrites schlich is treated in the following manner :- It is mixed with mother lye of 25° B., containing sulphate of iron, and formed into a pasty mass, which is then beaten down in semi-circular brass moulds. By turning the moulds the pieces of schlich are made to fall upon a wooden board, and are dried for 3 or 4 weeks on roasting heaps, and afterwards roasted in heaps without forming kernels. They are then lixiviated with cold water in vessels provided with three pierced intermediate bottoms. The first strong solution of 30° B. is cemented; the succeeding weaker solutions are employed for the subsequent lixiviations; pyrites containing 135 per cent of copper yields residues containing o'2 per cent, which are thrown away; the loss of copper amounts to 14 per cent.† Mrazek and Eschka have further investigated this process, which may be of importance to establishments using expen- sive fuel, particularly if it should succeed in transforming the sulphide of copper contained in richer pyrites into sul- phate. In Freiberg the ore pieces formed showed no con- sistance, probably owing to deficiency of lime. At Foldal in Norway, cupriferous solutions, containing 2 or 3 per cent of copper, are obtained by allowing the crusts obtained from the kernel roasting of rich pyrites to decay in the open air; or solutions containing o'5 to 15 per cent of copper after roasting raw pyrites for 5 or 6 months. For the purpose of roasting the pyrites is divided into pieces of the size of the fist, which are then roasted in open heaps of from 3,000 to 4,000 cubic feet, and afterwards exposed to the air to form sulphates. The solutions obtained by watering the heaps are allowed to settle in large sumps and then con- ducted into reservoirs standing above chambers, which are filled with wooden sticks. The solution drops down between Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 389. † Ibid., 1861, Nos. 41, 50. S 2 260 COPPER. these sticks, whilst sulphuretted hydrogen gas enters the lower part of the chambers and circulates through them several times, thus precipitating the copper as sulphide. Sinding's method of producing sulphuretted hydrogen gas is as follows:-The gas generator, A (vide Figs. 62, 63, 64), is provided with a grate, a, a lid, b, and two tuyeres, c; burning coal is put upon the grate, which is then filled with raw fuel such as wood or turf, and sometimes coal; the blast is put in motion as soon as the fire comes up to the tuyeres on FIG. 62. FIG. 63. N B h h A C α A d n B g 2 account of the natural draught caused by the ash pit and the channel, d, with which the furnace is provided for purifi- cation. The lid is now hermetically closed, and the produced g FIG. 64. g B 7 A B g 9 gases, together with steam which is then decomposed by the burning coal, pass through the grate, a, into the gas channel, h, on to the fire-bridge, f; here air for combustion is supplied PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. 261 by means of the channel, i, from which it passes through various openings, k. On passing a red-hot iron into the furnace, B, by the opening, e, the carbonic oxide will chiefly burn, the iron pyrites in в becoming heated will volatilise sulphur, which then combines with the free hydrogen and that contained in the carburetted hydrogen, forming sulphur- etted hydrogen; this, as well as the products of combustion, passes beneath 1, through the channels m and n, into the precipitating chambers. From time to time the roasted pyrites is removed by g, and fresh pyrites is charged by e. This roasted pyrites decays easily, forming a coppery solution. The precipitated sulphide of copper is conducted, together with the decuprified solution, into a zigzag channel in which the sulphide of copper deposits, while the decuprified solu- tion is made to run off or once more added to the precipita- tion apparatus. The residue from the channel is put into a vessel for settling, the mother lye is decanted, and the sulphide of copper, as a thick paste, put upon large wooden sieves which are covered with cloth; it is there somewhat washed, and the liquid passing through the sieve is made to pass over pieces of iron. The residue is then dried; it contains from 15 to 20 per cent of copper, besides free sulphur, water, powdered pyrites and soot, and is liable to spontaneous combustion if kept in large quantities, but this may be avoided by firmly pressing it. The product has been treated experimentally in different ways. It has been tried to lessen its volume by pressing, but without good result; roasting proved difficult and en- tailed loss. Smelting in cupola and reverberatory furnaces also gave unfavourable results. At present it is smelted in cupola furnaces for the production of matt, after being first distilled to extract the free sulphur. As this product is diffi- cult to roast, dead roasted raw matt of the ore smelting is added when smelting it, thus facilitating the process and pre- venting great loss of copper. A partial smelting in rever- beratory furnaces would certainly be of some advantage. According to Rivot, the cost of producing 1 ton (1000 kilos.) of copper at Agordo is £37 18s.; at Foldal the cost is only £20 15s. 8d. 262 COPPER. Becchi and Haupt's Process at Capannevecchie, near Massa Maritima.-Copper pyrites disseminated in a quartz vein in Purassic limestone, associated with a little blende and iron pyrites, and containing about 2 per cent of copper, is roasted for about a fortnight in open heaps containing 250 tons. The roasting mass is then divided by pounding and grinding, sifted, and re-roasted in charges of about 2 tons in double reverberatory furnaces at a strong fire for about three hours, whilst it is frequently raked. When no more sulphurous acid is evolved the temperature is lowered to a dark red heat, and from 2 to 8 per cent of common salt is added, according to the amount of copper in the ore. It is raked with this addition for about ten minutes, and afterwards. lixiviated. The roasting mass is moistened in wooden lixiviation vessels provided with a filtering apparatus, then lixiviated with acidified water, and the copper precipitated with lime. The precipitate is smelted in a low cupola furnace together with poor copper slags for the production of matt; the matt is roasted and treated for black copper, which is then refined. One cwt. of fine copper is produced from about 27 cwts. of ore, at a cost of £4 16s. Bischof's Method.-Calcareous ores are burned in a lime furnace, and washed to extract the caustic lime formed. They are afterwards smelted with iron pyrites for the production of raw matt. The raw matt is pulverised and roasted in a muffle furnace at a dull red heat; the sulphates formed are extracted by means of water, and the residue is treated with dilute sulphuric acid in order to extract all the copper and silver, provided too much antimony and arsenic are not pre- sent. If antimony and arsenic are present in larger quantity the residue must be re-roasted with coal and iron pyrites, or with raw matt, and the copper extracted by means of the solution obtained before. A second roasting is not required if silver is present. The copper is precipitated by means of iron, the cement copper then washed with a solution of copper vitriol, in order to remove metallic iron; it is next treated with water, and finally with an alkaline solution in order to extract basic ANNUAL PRODUCTION OF COPPER. 263 sulphates of iron. The product so purified is roasted again to volatilise antimony and arsenic, and is afterwards smelted. The annual production of copper is about as follows:- Great Britain Russia. Austria. Prussia. Sweden. Spain Belgium Saxony. • Tons. 15,000 5,500 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 $35 CHAPTER II. IRON. WHILST the commercial value of metals generally increases, pari passu, with their purity, pure iron may be said to have no commercial existence. On the other hand, this metal forms several combinations with carbon which are most ex- tensively applied for technical purposes. Regarding their chemical composition, there is no exact line of demarcation between those combinations, and their diversity is merely to be found in the peculiar nature of each of the combinations, as well as in the different ways of producing them. According to these variable properties iron is classified into :- I. Cast-iron or Pig-iron, the combination richest in carbon. It is not ductile and cannot be welded; it is more or less hard, and melts at a high temperature (1400° to 1600° C.) According as the metal is most adapted for the use of founders or forge-masters, it is called forge or foundry pig. 2. Wrought or Malleable Iron.-This is soft, malleable, and capable of being welded when at a white heat. It melts only at the very highest temperatures (above 2000° C.), and when heated and suddenly cooled it retains its softness. Its carbon never exceeds o°25 per cent. It is usually produced by the conversion of pig-iron, and in rare cases is obtained direct ANNUAL PRODUCTION OF PIG-IRON. 265 from the ores. The varieties of malleable iron are distin- guished by different names, having reference rather to form and destination than to differences in composition. 3. Steel. This variety of iron contains more carbon than malleable iron, and less than pig-iron. It is both fusible (1850° C.) and malleable, and may be welded at a lower tem- perature than wrought iron, and therefore requires greater compressing power. Its distinguishing property is its power of being hardened or softened at pleasure by the process termed tempering. Steel is produced from either cast or wrought-iron, and seldom direct from ores. According to the varieties of iron its metallurgy may be classified as follows:-The production of cast-iron; the pro- duction of wrought-iron; and the production of steel. Its great importance will be obvious when we review the annual production of iron, the value of which exceeds that of all other metals together.* The manifold uses of iron prove its necessity, and the in- dustrial development of a nation seems to stand in direct proportion to its consumption of iron; and the prosperity of a nation to a certain degree depends on the sufficiency, cheapness, and quality of the iron it produces. In December, 1855, Mr. Blackwell estimated the annual production of pig-iron in the whole world to be as follows:- Great Britain France. United States in America Prussia. Austria. Belgium Russia. Sweden Various German States Other countries . Tons. 3,000,000 750,000 750,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 300,000 6,000,000 A cube formed of this quantity of iron would measure 393 feet in its sides, and a cylinder with a diameter of B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 181. 266 IRON. 600 feet would be 100 feet high, and transformed into rails, there would be sufficient to pass twice round the earth. Hewitt calculated the consumption of iron in 1855 for each inhabitant of the following countries to be- Consumption. England United States in America Belgium France. Germany Sweden and Norway Switzerland Austria. Russia . : Spain lbs. 144 117 70 60 50 30 22 15 ΙΟ 5 Mr. Hunt,† in his very valuable "Mineral Statistics," gives the total quantity of pig-iron produced in Great Britain in the year 1864,—4,767,951 tons, and in 1865,—4,819,254 tons -to be as follows: 1864. 1865. Tons. Tons. Northumberland 55,467 49,290 Durham. 466,980 476,767 Yorkshire, North Riding West Riding 409,106 486,421 II2,093 123,233 Derbyshire 174,743 189,364 Lancashire. Cumberland • 195,460 204,925 141,033 107,430 Shropshire. 130,666 117,343 North Staffordshire • 217,996 206,268 South Staffordshire and Worcestershire 628,793 692,627 Northamptonshire and Lincolnshire 22,823 25,728 Gloucestershire, Wilts, and Somerset 65,312 65,471 North Wales 51,108 51,874 South Wales 988,729 916,909 Scotland. 1,158,750 1,163,478 4,767,951 4,819,254 * Preuss. Handelsarchiv., 1857, Bd. i., 433. 1861, p. 39. † Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., ii., p. 695. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 260; DIFFERENT KINDS OF PIG IRON. 267 In 1865, the number of furnaces in blast used to furnish this astonishing quantity were, in England, 376, distributed over 176 iron works; in Wales, 135, distributed over 49 works; and in Scotland, 141, over 32. To supply these furnaces there were raised 9,910,045 tons of ore, the estimated value of which, at the place of production, was £3,324,804; that of the pig-iron, at the mean average cost at the place of pro- duction being £12,048,133. Of the iron stone, 1,384,500 tons were argillaceous carbonate from the coal measures of Staffordshire and Worcestershire; nearly 1,500,000 tons from the coal measures of North and South Wales, and 1,500,000 tons of argillaceous carbonate from Scotland. PRODUCTION OF PIG-IRON. Different Kinds of Pig-Iron, its Properties and Formation. Iron ores consist chiefly of oxidised iron and slag-forming components. Upon exposing them in a blast furnace at a gradually rising temperature to reducing and carbonising agents, the oxidised iron will be reduced to the metallic state. At a certain temperature this iron becomes saturated with carbon, thus forming different sorts of pig-iron of the most varying physical and chemical behaviour; this partly depends on the more or less high temperature of the furnace hearth where, on passing before the tuyere, the carbonised iron melts together with the slags that have been formed. Certain substances, such as sulphur, phosphorus, silica, arsenic, manganese, copper, &c., contained either in the ore. flux, or fuel, will likewise influence the nature of the pig-iron, as they become more or less reduced according to the temperature of the hearth, and the state of their original combination; these substances then combine with the pig- iron. According to external appearances, the pig-iron may be divided into the following kinds :- 1. White Pig-Iron.-It is usually obtained by smelting ores rich in manganese which are easy both to reduce and to fuse. Upon smelting very pure ores almost free from 268 IRON. sulphur and phosphorus and rich in manganese, and employing a temperature just high enough to completely saturate the reduced iron with carbon (the temperature for smelting and for reducing must be nearly the same), a distinct variety of pig- iron termed spiegeleisen is formed. Upon keeping the tempera- ture of the furnace so low as to prevent the iron from becoming saturated with carbon, different kinds of white iron are formed, containing less carbon than spiegeleisen. Their structure is radiated crystalline, granular crystalline, &c., according to their degree of carbonisation, which depends on the temperature employed. The common white iron from the ordinary process. is pro- duced from less pure ores than those used for the production of spiegeleisen, and at a somewhat higher temperature. Other kinds of white iron are intentionally produced in some smelting works by either suddenly chilling grey iron, or by partially decarbonising it in the hearth by means of oxidising agents (protoxide of iron, carbonic acid); in some cases these kinds are produced from ores rich in sulphur and phosphorus. The varieties of white iron are more easily fused (1400° or 1500° C.) than grey iron, but they chill sooner; some kinds. when melted are thinly liquid, others thickly liquid; they dissolve in concentrated muriatic acid, emitting an odour of carburetted hydrogen, usually leaving a brown residue, and sometimes even some graphitic carbon. When suddenly cooled, they have a clear sound, and though very hard may be easily broken; when suddenly chilled they cannot be attacked by the hardest file, and the lighter their colour the harder they are. These qualities generally render white iron unfit for casting purposes, while some of its varieties are in great request for conversion into malleable iron. White iron produced from pure ores at a comparatively low temperature is only slightly contaminated by foreign substances, and contains carbon in chemical combination, which easily oxidises. Some kinds of white iron pass before melting through various statés of a pasty or semi-liquid condition, in which they remain for a longer or shorter time, thus facilitating the decarbonisation, whilst other sorts, SPIEGELEISEN. 269 spiegeleisen, &c., become first perfectly liquid, and then quickly assume a pasty condition. The former sorts are more easily converted into malleable iron, but at a greater loss of iron by oxidation; they are therefore usually treated in hearths, whilst the latter sorts are treated in hearths and also in puddling furnaces for the production of wrought- iron and steel. The decarbonisation takes place quicker in puddling furnaces than in hearths, owing to the greater con- tact with oxidising agents. Those sorts attaining different states of semi-fluid condition immediately upon melting do not pass through a state which would allow of welding. Light grey iron containing phosphorus is usually unfitted for the production of malleable iron, but it is suitable to certain castings, as it becomes very thinly liquid when melted. The white iron obtained by chilling grey iron con- tains all the impurities of the grey iron, and in most cases is unfit both for castings and for conversion into wrought-iron. Spiegeleisen is probably the only iron forming with carbon a chemical combination corresponding to the formula Fe̟C, and it is undecided whether another combination of iron with carbon in the proportion of equivalents exists, but its existence is assumed by V. Mayerhofer* and Gurlt;† and though their suppositions are of no practical value, they may assist in explaining the theory of blast furnaces. The kinds of white iron of which we have spoken possess the following properties: a. Spiegeleisen, the so-called specular pig, contains from 45 to 55 per cent of carbon in chemical combination, and up to per cent of silicon. It is silver white in colour, of a bright metallic lustre, and very hard and brittle, so that it may be pulverised. It scratches glass, and cannot be attacked by a file, and forms lamellar crystals frequently several inches in size, but the form of these crystals is not yet distinctly defined. Whilst Rammelsberg|| states the plates to be mono-klino- * LEOBENER and PRZIBRAMER, Jahrb., 1861, Bd. 10, p. 432. ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 400. + Ibid., 1852, p. 274. LEONHARD, Hüttenerzeugnisse, 1858, p. 247. || LEONHARD, Chem. Metallurgie, 1850 p. 63. 270 IRON. metrical prisms with angles of 112°, 116, and 130-131°; these angles measure 120°, according to Mitcherlich, and from 128° to 129°, according to Gurlt. Karsten,* Fuchs,† and Hausmann‡ have suggested that the plates do not belong to the isometric system, but are merely rudiments of crystals which intersect each other at the most various and perfectly irregular angles. The composition of spiegeleisen is shown by the following analyses :- Fe. I. 82.860 II. III. IV. V. 93'364 88.30 89.72 89.80 Mn 10*707 3°204 4'50 4'50 4°24 Ni 0.016 Co trace Zn 0*30 Cu 0'066 0.18 Al 0'077 Ti 0*006 Mg 0'045 Ca 0'091 K 0.063 Na trace Li trace As 0'007 Sb 0'004 Р 0*059 S 0'014 N 0*014 Si 0'15 0*08 0*08 trace 0'002 trace 0'20 0*56 0'37 5°14 5'41 C O o'997 0*640 4*323 2*250 5'48 0*665 No. I is spiegeleisen produced from the spathic ore of Stahlberg, near Müsen, worked by the Müsen and Cologne Mining Company, analysed by Fresenius in 1862. 0'475 O is combined in SiO2 of the intermingled slag, and o'190 O is com- bined in the bases of that slag. The spathic ore contained— FeO,CO₂ MnO, CO₂ CaO,CO, 2 MgO,CO₂ Sandy residue Moisture 74 47 17 08 I'34 5'75 I'08 0°09 * LEONHARD, Eisenhüttenkunde, 3, Aufl. i., 181. †DINGL., Bd. 164, p. 348. + + Beiträge zur met. Krystallkunde, 1850, p. 7. SPIEGELEISEN. 271 No. 2 is spiegeleisen from New Jersey* produced with charcoal from Franklinite, containing 0'240 per cent of Al₂O, and 0*170 per cent of CaO. 3 No. 3 the same smelted with anthracite. No. 4 spiegeleisen from Hammhütte (Sayn-Altenkirchen), analysed by Karsten, and, according to Gurlt, consisting of— (Fe+Mn),C+Mn,Si+ Mn¸P+MngS. No. 5 spiegeleisen from Lohhütte, analysed by Karsten; according to Gurlt, it consists of- Fe₁C+ FeSi. Karsten,† Gurlt,‡ Von Mayrhofer, and others have sug- gested that the composition of spiegeleisen is Fe,C, containing 94916 Fe and 5'084 C; their suggestion is probably correct, as it is indicated by many analyses as well as other known combinations of iron with electro-negative substances in the proportion of 4 equivalents to 1. A higher amount of carbon sometimes contained in spiegeleisen may be derived from manganese, which is mostly found in it and replaces the iron, but combines with a larger quantity of carbon than an equal weight of iron, owing to its lower equivalent. Spiegeleisen may therefore be the richer in carbon the more manganese it contains, but it never exceeds the limit of 5'93 per cent. Spiegeleisen with the largest amount of carbon represents, according to Rammelsberg, the formula- Fe¸C + FeC, which would be equal to 5'77 per cent of carbon. Buchner considers spiegeleisen to be a combination of pure iron with some carburetted iron of unknown compo- sition, and thinks the suggestion of a chemical formula unjustified by the facts. Spiegeleisen has a specific gravity of from 7·6 to 7·66, and melts at about 1,500 or 1,600° C., becoming perfectly fluid; it solidifies without previously attaining a pasty or semi-fluid * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 465. † KARSTEN, Eisenhüttenkunde, 3. Aufl., i., 181. B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 400. Bgwkfd., xviii., 325. Berggeist, 1860, No. 19. GURLT, pyrogenet. Mineral., p. 38. LEOB. Jahrb., 1861, Bd. x., pp. 350, 432. § Bgwkfd., Bd. 21, No. 5. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, No. S. 272 IRON. condition and without graphite separating from it. Whether chilled slowly or suddenly it still retains its texture, colour, hardness, and brittleness. If, on the other hand, spiegeleisen is heated above its melting point (1600° C.), and made to cool slowly, graphite will separate, converting the speigeleisen into grey iron, and lessening its specific gravity. When suddenly cooled this over-heated spiegeleisen retains its white colour, as the graphite is most finely distributed in the whole mass of iron, so that it cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, but its presence must be ascertained by a chemical analysis. Grey iron slowly cooled after melting remains grey; it becomes white and decreases in density when cooled suddenly. The conversion of spiegeleisen into grey iron by means of a high temperature and slow cooling is explained by Gurlt. He supposes that the tetracarbide was transformed by the influence of the high temperature into a lower carbide and free carbon-- as sulphide of iron and free sulphur- 2 Fe C may be FeS₂ = FesC + C, converted into a lower sulphide FeS + S. The condition of the separated carbon in liquid grey iron is not exactly known. Karsten, Mayrhofer, Schafhäutl and others suggest that carbon was chemically combined with the liquid iron and separated from it upon chilling, as solidi- fied iron cannot dissolve so much carbon as liquid iron; in explanation of this it is stated that grey cast-iron rendered white by suddenly chilling contains all its carbon in chemical combination. Caron* has proved by analyses that hardened steel upon dissolving in acids yields less graphitic residue than steel of the same kind before it is hardened, from which we may conclude that, upon hardening, steel combines chemically with some carbon. Grey iron intended for conversion into malleable iron is sometimes intentionally converted into white iron by a sudden chilling, in order to convert the carbon into a combined *DINGL., Bd. 168, p. 36. SPIEGELEISEN. 273 state, thus avoiding the presence of graphitic carbon, which is difficult to burn. Kuhlmann has analysed samples of grey iron taken from the same ladle; the first sample was taken whilst the iron was liquid, and when dissolved in acid it yielded a consider- able residue of graphite; the second sample was taken after having suddenly chilled the iron, and yielded only a small quantity of graphite. Gurlt* and others do not consider graphite to be in che- mical combination in the liquid iron, but contained in chilled white iron in a very fine state of distribution, which may be proved by analysis. Eyfertht concludes from experiments and from various phenomena of the process in iron blast furnaces that graphite is already contained in the liquid grey iron. More exact chemical analyses of chilled white iron will be required to decide this point, as some of the analyses at present known show a small amount of graphite, whilst others do not show any. It is probable that the conversion of white iron into grey iron is analogous to phenomena observed in other cases, in which a chemical combination is partially decomposed and one of its components is separated from the liquid combination owing to a tendency to crystal- lisation. This separation of graphite may be facilitated or prevented by the presence of other foreign substances, such as sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, &c. Karsten states that the combined carbon in liquid spiegeleisen may be converted into graphite not only by variation of temperature but also by adding to spiegeleisen sulphur, phosphorus, or silicon; these substances then form chemical combinations with the iron, thus separating part of the combined carbon. Spiegeleisen is produced when smelting porous iron ores, chiefly spathic ores free from sulphur and phosphorus, and containing a sufficient amount of manganese to render the ores easy to fuse, and when employing a temperature just VOL. II. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 403. † Ibid., 1861, p. 142. KARSTEN, Eishenhüttenkunde, 3 Aufl., i., 427. T 274 IRON. high enough completely to saturate the iron with carbon and prevent the formation of grey iron; grey iron will be formed if the carbonised iron passes into the hearth at too high a temperature. Fuel free from sulphur, usually charcoal, is employed. The charges of ore must be large enough to cause a smelting of the ore a little above the tuyere, otherwise the spiegeleisen would be exposed for a longer time to the decarbonising action of carbonic acid. Ores containing sulphur and phosphorus, as we have before mentioned, prevent the perfect carbonisation of the iron and give rise to the formation of white iron, poorer in carbon, not usually having the texture of spiegeleisen, but radiated or even granular in texture and bluish white in colour. These modifications of white iron may also be formed by dissolving iron free from carbon in liquid spiegeleisen. The temperature required for the formation of spiegeleisen is sufficiently high to reduce some of the silica contained in the ore mixture, causing the iron to become somewhat siliceous. Though the mixture frequently contains a large amount of oxidised manganese, a proportionally small quan- tity only becomes reduced by the fuel or the carbon of the pig-iron which has already been formed, as the oxide of manganese, being more difficult to reduce than oxide of iron, chiefly enters the slag, rendering it easy to fuse. If the mixture contains a considerable excess of oxide of manganese, white iron poorer in carbon, less hard, and more difficult to fuse, but without an increase of manganese, is formed, owing probably to a readier formation of slag and a more energetic reaction of the oxide of manganese upon the carbonised iron in the hearth of the furnace. The amount of manganese in spiegeleisen does not usually exceed 7 per cent, and only increases up to 22 per cent under peculiar circumstances, such as a higher temperature in the hearth, stronger pressure of carbonising gases and vapours, basic slags from which protoxide of manganese is more easily reduced, &c. The value of spiegeleisen for certain applications is fixed by its per centage of manganese. Spiegeleisen is fit for conversion into malleable iron and steel, in hearth fineries as well as in puddling furnaces; but SPIEGELEISEN. 275 as it becomes very liquid upon melting, it takes more time to fine than the porous variety of white cast-iron, termed "luckige floss," a circumstance which is favourable when working for the production of steel, as it facilitates the inter- ruption of the oxidation at the proper time. As spiegeleisen is expensive and difficult to treat it is not usually worked by itself, but is used as an addition to improve the qualities of other sorts of cast-iron, chiefly in the production of superior sorts of wrought-iron. It is principally the manganese* of the spiegeleisen that has a purifying action upon the inferior sorts of cast-iron, as it combines with the impurities (sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, &c.), and separates with them on the surface of the liquid iron; an addition of Prussian spiegeleisen rich in manganese acts in this manner when producing Bessemer steel from English cast-iron, which always contains a certain amount of sulphur. Caront has proved by direct experiments that an addition of metallic manganese (93 Mn, 1'0 Fe, 5′5 C, 0'5 Si) removes sulphur and silicon from cast-iron when re-melting it, and also when converting cast-iron into wrought-iron and steel. An addition of o'005 of manganese to steel combines with the free carbon of the steel and improves its quality; a larger addition renders the steel brittle and hard. When converting cast-iron containing phosphorus into wrought-iron in open fires or hearth fineries—an operation which is termed by Dr. Percy the finery process—and giving an addition of spiegeleisen, phosphate of manganese is said to be formed, which cannot be reduced even at the highest temperature, whilst phosphate of iron is converted into phosphide of iron. When refining cast-iron containing man- ganese, part of the manganese oxidises before the carbon is separated, and the protoxide of manganese formed also causes the oxidation of silicon; silicate of manganese will then result, having the property of combining with the sulphides present, such as sulphides of iron, manganèse, &c., and these com- LEOBEN., Jahrb., 1862, xi., pp. 291, 295. 1862, p. 320. Preuss. Ztschr., 1856, iii., 268. †DINGL., Bd. 168, p. 380. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 159; Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, p. 374. T 2 276 IRON. pounds then enter the slag. Sulphide of manganese also combines direct with protoxide of manganese; therefore the favourable influence of manganese does not consist in its combination with iron, as was formerly supposed, for this combination has, on the contrary, an injurious effect. Certain kinds of white iron, also of a crystalline lamellar texture, but containing certain compounds which interfere with its conversion into malleable iron, must not be con- founded with spiegeleisen of good quality. According to Scheerer,* some spiegeleisen contains a certain amount of silicide of arsenic, tersulphide of arsenic, and sesquisulphide of aluminium; this does not prevent the formation of Fe,C. Huenet and Karsten state that spiegeleisen containing sulphur may be produced by fusing grey iron with sulphur, thus forming sulphide of iron, and separating carbon at the same time, the carbon serving to saturate the undecomposed carbide of iron, and the spiegeleisen results when the mixture is quickly cooled. It is obvious that the formation of the latter spiegeleisen is influenced by circumstances other than those which lead to the formation of the real spiegeleisen, and this is proved by the behaviour of grey iron fused with sulphur when slowly cooled, when a grey iron rich in graphite results. Varieties of spiegeleisen are sometimes produced from impure iron refinery|| and puddling slags. b. Fine Grained, Flowery Pig-Iron (Blumige Floss) and Porous White Pig-Iron (Luckige Floss).-The former contains 4 or 5 per cent, and the latter 3 or 4 per cent, of carbon in chemical combination, and up to o'5 per cent of silicon; their specific gravity is from 75 to 76. These varieties of iron are usually silver white. The fracture of flowery pig-iron shows either small indistinct crystals or a bluish colour, and a radiated, fibrous, or flowery texture. * SCHEERER's Métallurgie, ii., 54. + DINGL., Bd., 85, p. 374. KARSTEN'S Eisenhüttenkunde, 3 Aufl., i., 427. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, p. 37. FLOWERY AND POROUS WHITE PIG-IRON. 277 Their composition is shown by the following analysis :- I. II. III. Fe 94.68 92.II 95'715 Graphite C, combined 0'770 3·83 5'05 I'750 S 0'02 trace 0.261 P 0'04 0°429 Si 0'41 0.83 O'939 Mn 0*98 2'00 0*166 Cu 0'020 Mg Ca Ο ΟΙ 0°07 No. I is porous white iron from Eisenerz, analysed by Wildtermann. No. 2, radiated white iron from Vordernberg, analysed by Mayrhofer. No. 3, radiated white pig-iron from Gittelde (Hartz), analysed by Fr. Werlisch. These kinds of white pig-iron are produced from pure ores which are easy to fuse and to reduce, when not employing a temperature high enough completely to saturate the reduced iron. The produced pig-iron is poorer in carbon and more difficult to fuse the lower the temperature employed in its production; but it is also more difficult to conduct-the pro- cess is so difficult, indeed, that usually the porous white iron can only be produced with interruptions, as otherwise the blast furnace would become disarranged. The lowering of the temperature is effected by more or less high charges and by a less strength of blast. This iron is less hard than spiegeleisen, and the blisters contained in the porous white are of different sizes. If the temperature is still further lowered the resulting product usually contains up to 3 per cent of carbon, has a lamellar grain, showing iridescent colours inside the blisters, and is almost malleable and capable of being welded. Flowery and porous white iron form thick liquids upon fusing, the latter more so than the former, so that the silicide of manganese, gases, &c., formed cannot be 278 IRON. completely separated on the surface, and the gases then give rise to the formation of blisters. These gases, passing through the rather pasty surface of the thick liquid iron, carry iron along with them, which burns in the atmospheric air with scintillation. These kinds of white iron consume for their production from 10 to 15 per cent less fuel than white iron from the regular process (gaares Eisen), and are more quickly converted into malleable iron, owing to their small amount of carbon and their property of forming a thick liquid upon melting. On the other hand, their nature makes it more difficult to fix the limit of decarbonisation for the purpose of producing steel, which may be easily done when working spiegeleisen. They cause a greater loss of iron when treated in puddling furnaces than when treated in hearth furnaces. When heating these kinds of iron with substances containing oxygen, such as peroxides of iron, manganese, &c., they are easily transformed into malleable cast-iron. Two modifications standing between spiegeleisen and the flowery white pig-iron, namely, a radiated crystalline white iron and a granular crystalline iron, may be produced from the same admixture of iron ore at suitable temperatures. The former modification resembles spiegeleisen as regards. its contents of carbon, and the latter is more like flowery pig-iron in that respect. Both sorts are very hard, and, upon melting, form sufficiently thin liquids to allow a profitable treatment for the production of wrought-iron and steel, both in puddling furnaces and in open fires or hearth furnaces. Mayrhofer represents the composition of the different sorts of white iron by the following formulæ ; however, the amount of carbon appears to be somewhat too low. Spiegeleisen Radiated crystalline Fe4 C containing 5*10-5°33 per cent of C. white pig-iron . Fe, C "" Grained Fes C "" 3*45-3'62 2.61-2'74 "" وو Flowery Porous Fe, C Fe,₂C 2*10-2*20 "" "" 1'75-1.84 WHITE PIG-IRON OF THE REGULAR PROCESS. 279 c. White Pig-Iron Produced by the Regular Process.— We give some analyses showing the composition of this sort of iron :— Carbon, graphitic` I. II. III. IV. V. 0°583 0.887 combined 2'90 I'91 2.217 2'451 3°50 Sulphur I'II 0'015 2.516 trace Phosphorus. O'II o'913 0*27 Silicon. 0'77 I'OI 0.951 I'124 0.62 Manganese I'73 2.715 Aluminium 0'27 0*06 Calcium Magnesium 0'51 0'48 Nitrogen. • Sand Iron 0'72 0'502 • 93'90 89.863 95*32 No. 1 is white iron produced from magnetic iron ore. No. 2, white iron from Creusot, analysed by Schafhäutl. No. 3, white iron from Lancashire, produced from red hæma- tite, analysed by Miller. No. 4, white iron from Gartsherrie, analysed by Gurlt. No. 5, white iron produced from puddling cinders by Lang and Frey's method. White iron containing a small quantity of sulphur and phosphorus (from traces up to 2 per cent), and consequently a smaller amount of carbon (from 1 to 4 per cent, usually from 2.5 to 3.5 per cent), is produced, from pure iron ores when using as fuel coke containing sulphur; from iron ores containing some little sulphur and phosphorus ; or from ores which are more difficult to reduce when keeping a moderate temperature in the furnace hearth, as when producing spie- geleisen. The resulting slags are poor in iron, as nearly all the oxide of iron is reduced. The amount of manganese which the ore mixture always contains renders the mixture easier to fuse, and has a purifying reaction upon the pig-iron, fitting it for the production of a wrought-iron of good quality. The amount of silicon in this pig-iron is not much larger than that in spiegeleisen, and, at all events, is smaller than that contained in the mottled and grey sorts of pig-iron, 280 IRON. seldom exceeding o'5 per cent, and I per cent at the very highest. White iron poor in carbon and containing phosphorus and sulphur and a considerable amount of silicon, is produced when smelting ores with a larger amount of sulphur and phosphorus, even at a higher temperature in the furnace hearth; the appearance of the slag is the same as in the regular process. Such a white iron produced with coke, at Firmy, contained 4'1 per cent of silicon, o 3 per cent of sulphur, 1°4 per cent of carbon, and 2.3 per cent of phosphorus. White iron produced from puddling cinders* is either fit or unfit for the production of wrought-iron according to the purity of the cinders. Pig-iron containing silicon and phosphorus assumes a light bluish colour, and a dirty dark yellow or brown tint when containing sulphur. It assumes a steel grey colour if its amount of carbon is smaller, when the crystalline or flowery texture will also become granular. The lustre of the white iron decreases as it grows darker. Similar tints may be formed by variable quantitative combinations of those sub- stances, so that even an experienced eye cannot judge the nature of a white iron by its external appearance; moreover, it requires a knowledge of the mode in which the iron was produced. The common white ron sometimes has a con- choidal, and rarely a granular fracture, whilst the flowery iron has a splintery fracture. d. White Iron Produced by an Irregular Process (Grelles Roheisen).-An irregular process of an iron blast furnace, which in German is termed Rohgang, and consists in an imperfect reduction of the oxide of iron, may be brought about by different circumstances, and is indicated by a ferruginous, thinly liquid slag. This oxidised iron in the slag renders the ore mixture easy to fuse, thus facilitating the formation of white iron, and also has an oxidising re- action upon the carbonised iron, causing the formation of white iron poor in carbon, and more or less thickly liquid. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 320. CHILLED WHITE PIG-IRON. 281 When produced from pure iron ore, this iron may be fit for the production of wrought-iron, but this process cannot be carried on for any length of time without corroding the furnace walling and seriously disarranging the process. Though pro- duced at a proportionally low temperature, this iron usually has a larger amount of silicon than the kinds of white iron produced by a regular process, because less carbonised iron combines more readily with silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus than iron with a larger amount of carbon. This is proved by the following analyses of iron from Königshütte on the Hartz, by Kuhlmann :- Foundry iron produced by the regular process The same from the same ore mixture produced by the ir- regular process Forge iron produced by the regular process Forge iron produced from the same ore mixture by the ir- regular process C. Graphite. Si. S. P. 0.98 1.87 3'44 0048 0*163 2*02 077 3.82 0.081 0'213 0'55 244 315 0'009 0'067 I'97 0'93 4'09 0'019 0'093 When treating iron ores rich in sulphur and phosphorus under such circumstances, a very inferior iron, unfit for forging, is produced; it sometimes remains liquid, owing to its amount of sulphur and phosphorus, and not on account of its con- tained carbon.. e. Chilled White Iron.-This iron results from grey iron when suddenly chilled; it has a radiated texture, and is whitish grey or silver white in colour. According as the grey iron has been produced at a more or less high tempera- ture, the chilled iron differs from the varieties of original white iron in its great hardness, which exceeds that of the hardest steel, its lower specific gravity, its property of liberating some graphite when dissolved in acids, and its resumption of the grey colour when re-melted and allowed to cool slowly. The chilled white iron also has a lower specific gravity than the original grey iron, probably owing to the circumstance that the grey iron expanded by the high 282 IRON. temperature is not able to contract perfectly upon chilling, and its volume therefore remains permanently enlarged. This artificial expansion of the white iron causes a great molecular tension, which is rendered sensible in its consider- able hardness; tempering the iron destroys that tension and causes the iron to lose its hardness. A molecular change* takes place in the grey iron on sudden chilling, as is the case in the hardening of steel, and according to Caron,t part of the graphitic carbon becomes transformed into combined carbon. According to Deville, grey iron contains crystallised carbon, and chilled white iron amorphous carbon. If the presence of silicon is disregarded, chilled white iron produced from pure iron ores is better fitted for conversion into wrought- iron than the original grey iron, which, owing to the graphite it contains, can only be converted with great difficulty. But if the grey iron contains much sulphur and phosphorus, it is better to work it direct without chilling it, as the longer time required for its conversion into malleable iron affords more opportunity for the removal of the foreign substances; the resulting malleable iron will be of a better quality than when operating with white iron, which is quickly converted into wrought-iron. When casting grey or mottled iron in damp sand moulds or in iron moulds (chills), the castings become superficially hard and white, and for some purposes (hard rollers, railway wheels) this is desirable. Upon re-heating these castings to a strong red heat, and slowly cooling them (tempering), they become softer, owing to a re-arrangement of the molecules, and possibly to a partial separation of carbon. All kinds of pig-iron become white when suddenly chilled, and iron poor in carbon most readily so. Phosphorus, sul- phur, and manganese, if contained in larger quantity in the grey iron, facilitate its conversion into white iron; manganese renders the ore mixture more fusible, and sulphur and phosphorus lower the melting point of pig-iron. Grey Iron. The following analyses show the composition of some sorts of grey and mottled pig-iron : **DINGL., Bd. 168, p. 36. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 304. GREY PIG-IRON. 283 A. Iron with a large amount of Carbon. Fe Graphite I. II. III. IV. V. 92*22 88.983 2.II I'99 2 45 3156 3574 C, combined 2.17 2.78 2'00 I'347 0.858 trace o'18 1267 0002 I'23 0.25 0.842 0*602 0'09 0'71 2°23 2°721 2.23 2.721 2.301 S. P. Si. Mn Al. trace 0'21 2°401 0*066 trace 0°40 No. 1 is mottled iron from Liezen, analysed by Buchner. No. 2 is mottled iron from Königshütte (Hartz), produced with charcoal and cold blast; according to Gurlt its formula is Fe,C+FesC+ FeSi+Fe,P. No. 3, Scotch pig-iron pro- duced with hot blast, analysed by Schaffhäutl. No. 4, dark grey iron from Gartsherrie; according to Gurlt, FesC. No. 5, grey iron from Rothehütte (Hartz), produced with charcoal. B. Grey and mottled Pig-Iron with less Carbon. I. II. III. IV. V. Fe Graphite C, combined S. P. Si Mn Ca Na K. 96*484 96*44 94°10 95°23 89°314 1634 078 1'92 0'49 2.110 0.561 0.83 1'87 1'77 1793 0113 0°27 trace trace 1*480 0*156 0*16 1*052 1'52 0'21 O'12 I'171 1°30 1°30 0°31 2.165 I'12 0'34 1'596 0°05 ΟΙΟ 0.16 019 trace No. 1, grey iron from Hasslinghausen (Westphalia), pro- duced with coke, analysed by Lürmann. No. 2, mottled iron from the same place and analysed by the same. Nos. 3 and 4, pig-iron from South Staffordshire, (No. 3 produced with cold blast, No. 4 with hot blast), analysed by Wrightson. No. 5, mottled iron from Gartsherrie; according to Gurlt it is an admixture of Fe§C and Fe,C. Grey iron is generally produced if the iron, reduced from the ore in the furnace shaft (and after being perfectly carbonised, so as to have the composition of spiegeleisen), is exposed in 284 IRON. the hearth to a higher temperature than was required for its reduction. According to Gurlt, part of the chemically com- bined carbon will then separate as graphite,* and mix with the lower carbonised white iron when slowly cooling, thus forming grey iron. The higher the temperature to which the liquid pig-iron is exposed in the hearth, the more graphite will be separated, and the darker will be the re- sulting iron; and the nearer this temperature approaches the fusion point of pig-iron, the lighter will be its colour, as less graphite will separate. Upon keeping this grey graphitic iron, after fusion, for a longer time in a liquid state at a tem- perature not much exceeding the melting point of grey iron (1700-1750° C.), the graphite will gradually dissolve and the iron assume its original constitution. The graphite has an essential influence upon the state of aggregation and the texture of the iron, chiefly by its form and state of division in the mass. The chemical composition of the varieties of grey iron does not, therefore, always correspond to the physical properties of the iron. Owing to the higher temperature required in the furnace hearth for the formation of grey iron, other components of the ore mixture, such as calcium, magnesium, aluminium, and chiefly silicon, will also be reduced in larger quantities; the grey iron is therefore richer in them than white iron, which is produced at a lower temperature. This larger amount of foreign substances seems to facilitate the separa- tion of graphite previous to the solidification of the iron, and some of them, as, for instance, silicon, seem to combine chemically with the graphite. When producing white iron instead of grey from a mixture difficult to fuse and employing a high temperature, this phenomenon may be attributed to different circumstances. A sudden lowering of temperature may have taken place, causing a chilling of the pig-iron, or the unreduced iron may have come into contact with the carbonised iron in the hearth and reacted upon it, or the admixture may be too rich in sulphur, phosphorus, or manganese. A small amount of * KARSTEN'S Archiv., 1 R., viii., 43 ; xii., 91; xiii., 232; xv., 177; xvii., 118. GREY PIG-IRON. 285 sulphur may be kept more perfectly from combining with grey iron, than with white iron, owing to the higher tempera- ture, and an amount of sulphur in grey pig-iron may be better extracted by converting the pig-iron into malleable iron, than such an amount in white iron, as the white iron is converted too rapidly into malleable iron. It may there- fore be advisable to produce a purer grey iron from ores which are not sufficiently pure, regardless of the greater consumption of fuel, instead of producing a more impure white or mottled iron at a small consumption of fuel. Gurlt considers (page 272) the normal, granular, grey iron to be an octocarbide with intermingled graphite, FesC+C, which results by heating spiegeleisen, Fe,C, to a certain temperature above its melting point, and cooling it slowly- 2Fe,C=FesC+C. Gurlt also presumes that the crystals sometimes formed in cavities of castings are octocarbide. Tunner considers these crystals to be pure iron, and his theory has been con- firmed by an analysis made by Richter, in so far as to prove that the crystals are not octocarbide; the crystals contained— Si . Al . S. As. P. C, combined Graphite Mn Fe. 0*972 0*565 0*008 0'005 0'021 o'967 2'122 Ι'ΟΙΟ • 94'330 If the temperature is not sufficiently high to convert the tetracarbide into octocarbide, less graphite will be separated and a mixture of both carbides formed, as exists in the varieties of mottled iron (3Fe,C=Fe,C+ FesC+C). The mottled iron may have a darker or lighter shade, and shows grey or black points of different size on a white or whitish grey ground.* *B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 366. 286 IRON. Mayrhofer considers the different sorts of pig-iron to be composed as follows :- P.C. of Combined Carbon. 2.61-2'74 2°10-2˚20 Mottled granular pig-iron. Fe, C+C containing 3'45-3*62 Mottled radiated pig-iron. Granular grey iron. Darkish grey iron Feg C+nC Fe₁C+nC Fe₁₂C+nC 175-184 Though his suppositions are partly hypothetical they nevertheless furnish a more probable explanation of the pro- duction of the different sorts of pig-iron than any formerly entertained. White iron always contains more carbon than the grey iron resulting from the same tapping of the hearth of a fur- nace, for the reason that grey iron upon slowly cooling liberates some graphite on its surface, whilst the carbon is uniformly disseminated throughout the whole mass of the white iron. The varieties of light grey, and mottled fine granular pig- iron, produced from purer iron ore at a lower temperature, contain from 1 to 1 per cent of chemically combined carbon, from 1 to 2 per cent of graphite, from to 1 per cent of silicon, and traces of sulphur only, supposing that the iron is not of too light a colour and too dull a lustre. Iron of a similar appearance results, at a higher temperature from ores containing sulphur and phosphorus; this iron is sometimes poorer in carbon, and may contain from 1 to 3 per cent of silicon, and as much as 2 per cent, or even more, of sulphur and phosphorus; phosphorus renders the iron brittle if pre- sent in larger quantity. 1 The common grey granular pig-iron produced from a purer ore mixture at the regular process, and at a somewhat higher temperature than that applied to the production of light grey iron, contains from 2 to 3 per cent of graphite, from o'5 to to 24 per cent of combined carbon, from o˚5 to 2 per cent of silicon, and only small amounts of sulphur and phosphorus. If produced from ores containing sulphur and phosphorus, and at a still higher temperature, it contains nearly the same amount of combined carbon and graphite, but is richer in silicon (1 to 3 per cent), sulphur, and phosphorus. It contains THE PROPERTIES OF GREY IRON. 287 less sulphur than the light grey iron produced from the same ore mixture, if other circumstances do not interfere. Dark (blackish) grey pig-iron, produced from purer ores at a very high temperature, gives up upon cooling a considerable amount of graphite (3 or 4 per cent), whilst it retains from I to 1 per cent of carbon in chemical combination. Its amount of silicon is from 1 to 2 per cent; if this amount increases the carbon will decrease (Scotch pig-iron).* Blackish-grey iron, produced from an ore mixture containing sulphur and phosphorus, contains less of these substances than common grey iron produced from the same mixture; a larger amount of sulphur and phosphorus limits the amount of carbon in the iron. The more or less dark colour of this iron is derived not only from the absolute amount of graphite but also from the size and arrangement of the laminæ of graphite. Grey and white iron sometimes occur distinctly separated in the same piece. The Properties of Grey Pig-Iron. Texture and Strength.-Grey iron may vary in colour from lightish grey to blackish grey, and the darker it is the more lustre it possesses. Dark, dull, and hard iron, without lustre, is usually produced from an ore mixture too poor in silica and therefore rich in earthy bases (calcium, magnesium, aluminium); whilst grey iron of a light colour and little lustre yields friable castings and inferior wrought-iron, owing to the presence of phosphorus and silicon. The texture of grey iron varies between coarse grained iron and compact iron; the lighter varieties have the finest grains if containing an excess of graphite the grains are coarse and irregular. The pig-iron is better, the darker, brighter, and more serrated its fracture; a slight lustre, an ashey grey colour, and a scaly texture indicate an inferior iron. If the surface of the iron is artificially crystallised the crystals which the different sorts of grey iron form exactly correspond to the interior aggregation of the iron-which may be observed by means of a microscope-and the aggregation * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 323. 288 IRON. again corresponds to a certain strength. At Ilsenburg (Hartz), Schott* applies these observations practically to judging the varieties of pig-iron produced from different ore mixtures. Crystals in cavities of pig-iron are hard and difficult to fuse; their composition is shown on page 285. The purer sorts of iron are less hard the more grey the iron is; these varieties may be drilled, filed, and sawn. Impure light grey iron, especially if containing much phosphorus, sulphur, and earthy bases, is usually hard, but if con- taining a large amount of silicon it is sometimes soft and friable. The tensile strength of grey pig-iron is greater than that of white pig-iron in good qualities by about one-third, the transverse strength is twice as great as that of wrought-iron, and the crushing strength is less than that of white pig-iron and greater than that of wrought-iron. According to Guettier* the following appearances are to be noted on the fractures of different classes of foundry iron :- A moderately large grain of slight lustre, mottled with fine patches and with a tendency to whiteness, indicates the highest degree of resistance. A smaller grain, but likewise dull, and with a mottled grey base, marks the quality of metal best suited to resist tensile strain. A somewhat fibrous grain, terminating in fine, jagged, pyramidal points on the fractured surface, with a close, regular base, indicates great transverse strength. A fine-grained grey iron, bordering upon mottled iron when the fracture is small-grained and even, and not in flat broad plates, is the best for resisting compression. The varieties presenting least resistance are those that are full of graphite, of a blackish grey colour, and large brilliant grain, or of an irregular grain upon a shining base, and the mottled white kinds in which there is no granular structure. apparent. * Bauerman's Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron; London, 1868; p. 236. THE PROPERTIES OF GREY IRON. 289 Repeatedly re-melting pig-iron causes a chemical change in its composition and in its texture, and greatly influences its transverse strength and resistance to crushing. Guettier found that No. 1 Scotch pig reached its maximum strength after the eighth melting. Fairbairn* found that the same point was reached with No. 3 pig (Eglinton) after twelve meltings. Besides the carbon, an amount of foreign substances in iron, such as sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, &c., influences the strength of the iron; the latter substances usually lessen its. strength, therefore pig-iron produced with hot blast being richer in silicon is less strong than iron produced with cold. blast; whilst, on the other hand, a small amount of sulphur may increase the strength of iron, rendering it poorer in graphite and denser in the castings, as, for instance, in the Swedish gun iron. The Specific Gravity of the pig-iron depends on the quality and quantity of the carbon and of the other foreign substances present. The specific gravity of the grey iron (7.1) is less than that of the white iron (76). Charcoal pig- iron has a greater specific gravity than coke pig-iron of equal texture and colour, and the specific gravity increases upon re-melting the iron. Grey iron containing phosphorus has the lowest specific gravity. A small amount of sulphur and mechanical pressure seem to increase the specific gravity. The blackish grey iron possesses a low specific gravity, the mottled iron the highest specific gravity. When tempered, grey iron becomes softer, just as white iron (page 282), but also friable. If repeatedly tempered the increased volume of the iron becomes permanent (about 1-24th of the original length of the iron), and, according to Erman and Herter,† the degree of this expansion seems to increase as the amount of graphite in the iron increases, and to decrease the more combined carbon the iron contains. This behaviour of iron is practically applied to castings, * Report of the British Association for the year 1853. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 152. Bgwkfd., xix., 205. DINGL., XXxiii., 76, Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, p. 211. pp. 57, 189. VOL. II. U B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, 290 IRON. such as cannon-balls which have been cast too small. The required volume is obtained by repeatedly heating the castings. Chilled white iron becomes soft and grey upon tempering, and resembles the grained light grey iron. The Melting Temperature of the grey pig-iron is usually between 1600° and 1700° C. Before reaching this tempera- ture the grey iron, for a short time, is in the state required for welding, and this circumstance is sometimes made use of to correct defects in casting. The liquid mottled iron shows a silver-white colour, and if the iron is very hot, hues are formed on its surface by more or less distinct and evanescent figures; these figures are fre- quently seen until the iron solidifies; the iron afterwards shows larger or smaller dark points on its surface, and the founder judges the iron from this appearance. The mottled iron is very thinly liquid, fills the moulds well, and upon slow solidification it forms dense and compact castings which are superficially even, fine grained, of a more or less uniform texture, light in colour, and sufficiently soft to allow a further mechanical treatment, such as boring, &c. The liquid grey iron produced by the normal process varies, according to the degree of its temperature, between milk white and silver white, and is more thickly liquid the more graphite it contains. It solidifies without showing hues and figures as observed in the mottled iron, or they are very slight, and upon slowly cooling it has a uniformly even surface, with occasionally some graphite upon it which has separated from the iron. This iron is grey in colour, has a coarse, brilliant grain, and is softer than the mottled iron. The blackish-grey sorts of pig-iron form very thick liquids, and, upon solidifying, usually show parallel striæ on their surface, and the borders of the pig rise over the centre; their fracture is blackish grey, of a peculiar coarse grain, and very brilliant, with pre-eminently brilliant grains. Mottled iron, very light in colour, so as to approach white iron, shows, when fused, a reddish colour; it is pasty and forms a thick liquid, and the spots on its surface become larger when cooling. In white iron resulting from an irregular process these spots are formed by blisters; even THE PROPERTIES OF GREY IRON. 291 larger laminæ of silicide of iron and oxides of iron are fre- quently separated. The surface of the solidified light grey iron with a fine grained fracture without lustre is convex. The hues and spots on the surface of liquid iron are formed by the separation of foreign substances which are partly oxidised and set in motion as the superficially cooled parts of the pig-iron sink to the bottom, to make room for hotter iron which rises. These segregations also form the larger or smaller spots and blisters on the solidifying iron, and they are formed in larger quantity if the iron is very impure or produced by an irregular process, in which case the iron is unfit for castings. Pig-iron containing sulphur usually shows beautiful hues (Altenau Iron Works, Hartz), and the design of the figures seems to stand in intimate connexion with the nature of the iron, so as to allow certain qualities of the iron to be ascertained by those figures.* I The pig-iron occupies a smaller space after cooling than when in a liquid state; it contracts in such a manner that at the commencement of its solidification it first expands so' as to be capable of filling up the smallest cavities and depressions of a mould, but after solidifying it contracts. Grey pig-iron contracts by about 1 per cent, and white pig- iron from 2 to 2 per cent; white, thickly liquid pig-iron resulting from an irregular process expands instead of con- tracting. When making models for castings we must take into consideration the contractiont of the iron, and make the models correspondingly larger. In the iron foundries of the Hartz the contraction of grey and mottled iron is considered to be inch to a foot, and as strongly mottled iron contracts somewhat more than grey iron, an extra allowance of about inch to 12 feet is given for contraction when making long castings. To prevent the castings from cracking in conse- quence of the contraction, they must be uniformly cooled on their thicker and thinner points. Large castings sometimes burst suddenly without any visible cause, frequently with a * Bgwkfd., vi., 241. † Bgwkfd., xii., 447. DINGL., Bd. 132, p. 392. B. u. h. Ztg., 1854, p. 101. Mittheil. d. Hannov. Gew.-Ver., 1853., Hft. 4; 1854., Hft. 1. U 2 292 IRON. detonation, after they have been in use for some time, or when lying without being used; this bursting is, perhaps, due to a quick or non-uniform cooling, which causes a tension in the casting. The grey pig-iron oxidises more easily, and is more readily attacked by acids than is white iron; its solubility in acids stands in inverse proportion to its amount of carbon. At a common temperature dilute muriatic and sulphuric acids will hardly attack spiegeleisen, and grey iron only slowly, whilst dilute nitric acid has a somewhat stronger action; the dilute acids react violently at boiling heat. Concentrated muriatic and sulphuric acids dissolve iron in a shorter time, chiefly at a higher temperature, whilst concentrated nitric acid scarcely acts upon white pig-iron; but it completely attacks the grey iron. Hydrogen gas is evolved when using dilute sulphuric and muriatic acids, and combines with the chemically-combined carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, &c., thus causing the peculiar odour. Hahn's investigations showed that, upon dissolving pig-iron, several combinations of car- buretted hydrogen of distinct composition (chiefly Can H2n), both liquid and in the form of gas, are produced. The residue contains all the graphite and part of the chemically- combined carbon, as well as the other various impurities of the iron. The analyses by Schafhäutl* of the residues obtained by dissolving white and grey iron in muriatic acid will explain the nature of the different sorts of pig-iron better than its physical properties. Upon dissolving white pig-iron, a brown residue remains; this residue is a distinct chemical combination of iron, silicon, carbon, hydrogen, and occasionally nitrogen, and has the form of brilliant scales when seen by means of a micro- scope. Boiling caustic potash reacts upon it but slightly, only extracting some silica. Carbon can only be separated as carburetted hydrogen by a longer treatment with muri- atic acid, and iron can be extracted by a repeated heating and subsequent treatment with muriatic acid, thus forming ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., xix., 159; xx., 465; xxi., 129; lxvii., 257. DINGL., cliii., 349. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 38. THE PROPERTIES OF GREY PIG-IRON. 293 silica; this behaviour shows that the residue contains an intimate combination of SiC and FeSi. Neither caustic potash nor caustic ammonia evolve hydrogen from the residue. After removing all soluble parts, a small amount of graphite sometimes remains. The residue of grey iron behaves differently; it is of a grey colour, and evolves hydrogen when treated with the above- named reagents. Through a microscope it is seen to be a mixture of graphite and gelatinous silica and oxide of silicon, and these latter substances may be completely extracted by means of caustic potash; graphite will then remain. As the residue from dissolving grey iron contains all the silica free from carbon and iron, we may conclude that the silicon has been in direct combination with the iron. Schafhäutl supposes the evolution of hydrogen to be caused by a certain amount of aluminium which is always contained in the residue of grey iron, but it is more probable that the presence of oxide of silicon*, which, according to Wöhler, is always formed upon dissolving pig-iron in muriatic acid, is the real cause. According to Calvert,† when dissolving grey iron, all acids except aqua regia form SiH(?), which is otherwise only observed when dissolving silicide of alu- minium. The manner in which other bodies contained in the iron influence the solution of iron by acids has not been sufficiently investigated. Calvert has analysed the graphitic residue (a) obtained from a cube of pig-iron (b) upon which acetic acid had reacted for two years: C N Si. Fe. S P. Loss a. b. II 020 2'900 2'590 0*790 6'070 0*478 79'960 95'413 0096 0*179 0*059 0'132 0'205 O'IOS Schafhäutl supposes that graphite does not exist as such in pig-iron, and is formed when separated in the same * Ann d. Chem. u. Pharm., liv., 374. + Polyt. Centr., 1861, p. 1071. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 255. 294 IRON. manner as the residue of white iron, and that it contains SiC; this is also the opinion of Wehrle. Karsten considers the graphite to be pure carbon. Struve* has investigated the residues of pig-iron containing phosphorus, and found that phosphorus is contained in iron in different combinations. The Applications of Grey Pig-Iron.-Its properties of becoming thinly liquid and of expanding just before solidifying make it particularly fit for foundry purposes; its softness also contributes to its utility. The varieties of mottled iron produced from pure ores yield the strongest, densest, and most distinct castings, owing to the absence of separated graphite. If a great softness of the castings is required, or, if impure iron ores which are difficult to fuse are to be applied, it is better to produce a purer good grey iron at a higher temperature, which is then made use of for castings, either direct or after being re-melted in a cupola or reverbe- ratory furnace, in order to lessen its amount of graphite. Blackish grey, thickly liquid pig-iron always requires a re- melting and mixing with cheaper sorts of iron poor in graphite. The varieties of grey iron are generally less adapted for the production of wrought iron and steel, as they require a longer time for conversion, owing to their amount of graphite, which is difficult to oxidise, and to their melting in a thinly liquid state; as they contain a larger amount of silicon the loss of iron also increases. Circumstances may, however, necessitate the use of grey iron in the production of wrought- iron; for instance, if the same blast furnace has to furnish the material for foundry and forge purposes at the same time, or if impure ores or pure iron ores which are difficult to reduce (magnetic iron ore) are to be smelted, and so require a higher temperature. In order better to adapt graphitic pig-iron for conversion into malleable iron, it is sometimes chilled by being run into cast-iron moulds. It is sometimes previously treated by an oxidation (refinery) process partly to free it from impurities. * ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 79, p. 321. Polyt. Centr., 1860, p. 891. CLASSIFICATION OF PIG-IRON. 295 Though the foreign substances contained in an impure. grey pig-iron may be more completely separated than from equally impure white pig-iron at a larger consumption of fuel, and at a greater loss of iron (caused by the longer time re- quired for the conversion into the malleable state), grey iron. may, on the other hand, be so impure as to be unfit for the purpose. But the impure grey iron may nevertheless be well fitted for foundry purposes, its chemical combination being of less importance for castings than its density and softness. The different sorts of grey pig-iron are classified according to their amount of graphite, and also according to their adaptability to foundry or forge purposes. The gradations in the scale are mainly dependent upon the colour, the degree of greyness, the texture or size of the crystalline plates, and their uniformity and lustre. The largest grained brilliant and graphitic dark grey iron is known as No. I pig, while the smaller-grained varieties with diminishing lustre and colour are distinguished by succeeding numbers up to No. 4• Beyond this point, when the metal ceases to be grey, the numerical scale is not used, the remaining qualities being known as mottled, with, in some instances, a further division into weak and strong mottled and white, the last being the lowest. This classification is subjected to slight variations in different districts, as in the following examples of scales used in different parts of England :— Cleveland. . . Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, forge, mottled, white. Lancashire hæmatite,, I, 2, 3, 4, 5 mottled, white. The grey numbers, as far as No. 3, are also called foundry or melting pigs; the lower qualities, which are only fit for conversion into malleable iron, come into the class of forge pigs. In Lancashire and Cumberland two extra classes are made, known as Bessemer iron Nos. I and 2. These command higher prices than the same numbers in the ordinary scale.* As the white pig-iron may also be the product of an irre- gular process, grey iron, which can only be produced by a regular process, is frequently bought in preference to it. It has been already mentioned, that certain impurities contained in pig-iron, either isolated or in combination with * BAUERMAN, Treatise on Metallurgy, &c., p. 231. 296 IRON. each other, sometimes have a favourable influence, and that now and then these impurities are deleterious to the iron when applied to foundry and forge purposes; the external properties of the iron do not always allow the extent of this influence to be detected, but the operator must be assisted by experience and chemical analyses. The qualities of pig-iron are modified by the following substances, which may have been derived from the ores, the fluxes, or the fuel :- 1. Silicon. Nearly all varieties of pig-iron contain silicon, which is reduced chiefly in the hearth of blast furnaces, from the silica of the mixture, or from the ash of the fuel, by the action of coal and particularly of iron; and more silicon is reduced the more siliceous the mixture is, the more inti- mately the silica is mixed with the ore, and the higher the temperature of smelting. It has been observed in some iron. works that the amount of silicon in pig-iron does not increase with the increase of silica in the ore mixture. This behaviour seems to depend on the amount of alumina present in the mixture; and this has also been remarked by Abel. The ore mixture in some iron works of the Upper Hartz has lately been richer in lime and poorer in alumina, and the pig-iron contains more silicon than that which was formerly produced. The sorts of white pig-iron seldom contain more than per cent, but the grey sorts may contain as much as 3 per cent of silicon and more. Carbon and silicon seem to replace each other in the pig-iron, causing grey iron con- taining a large amount of carbon to be poorer in silicon than the same iron containing a less amount of carbon, whilst the silicon and carbon in the iron may amount to from 4 to 8 per cent and more,* according to the tempera- ture of the furnaces and other circumstances. The varieties of pig-iron, rich in carbon and silicon, are chiefly pro- duced when employing a strongly heated blast, and coke, or anthracite, and they will be richer in silicon the more siliceous the ore mixture is.† According to Abel,‡ 2 + * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 323. Ibid., 1856, p. 306. ‡ Ibid., 1863, p. 296. WAGNER'S Jahrsber., 1860, p. 37. SILICON IN PIG-IRON. 297 silica is more readily reduced if alumina is not present in sufficient quantity to neutralise it; this has been before mentioned. Coke pig-iron is usually richer in silicon than charcoal iron, and pig-iron produced with hot blast contains. fromto per cent more silicon than iron produced with cold blast, supposing the other conditions to be the same. Grey pig-iron produced at Lerbach (Hartz) with coke and a proportionally low temperature of hot blast, contained 5°5 per cent of silicon; iron from Vorwärtshütte in Lower Silesia, produced from a mixture difficult to fuse, contained 7 per cent; and some sorts of Scotch iron contain as much as 13 per cent of silicon, whilst the carbon present diminishes. to I per cent. Upon dissolving the pig-iron from Lerbach, gelatinous silica was separated in a considerable quantity; and it would seem that this great amount of silicon in the iron originated from the deficiency of alumina and the long continued reducing action, owing to the very slow progress of the opera- tion. The presence in the hearth of partially carbonised iron seems to facilitate the combination with silicon, and for this reason pig-iron produced by an irregular process poor in carbon is richer in silicon. If iron, containing the highest amount of carbon in the furnace hearth, comes into contact with silica, more or less of this body will be reduced by the carbon and the iron according to the temperature in the hearth; the silicide of iron which is formed enters into combination with the pig-iron which has lost part of its carbon, and it facilitates the separation of graphite upon cooling the pig-iron. If the temperature is sufficiently high, the liquid iron rich in silicon may still combine with a great deal of carbon, but, upon cooling, the separation of graphite will be larger. According to Mayrhofer, six equivalents of carbon replace one equivalent of silicon. An abundance of slag in the furnace hearth covering the iron, chiefly if siliceous, may extract some carbon from the iron, at the same time replacing it by silicon; a more basic slag is therefore produced when an abundance of slag is required. 298 IRON. According to the investigations of Schafhäutl, silicon seems to be contained in pig-iron in different states of combination, viz., as carburetted silicon, carbide and silicide of nitrogen, silicide of iron, and sulphide of silicon, and the influence of silicon upon pig-iron is different according to whether it is present in one or the other of the states of combination; these combinations are also found in the separated graphite. The frequent occurrence of silicon in ferriferous bears* of the copper smelting furnaces also indicates the affinity of silicon to iron. According to Schafhäutl, silicon exists in pig-iron likewise in an elementary form, perhaps combined with a little carbon and sulphur, and it may be retained for some time, even in malleable and rolled iron until it burns with formation of silica. Richtert has lately found crystallised silicon in pig- iron, and it may be that the separated silica found in the hearth of blast furnaces originates also from free silicon con- tained in iron. Dr. Hahn states that FeSi2, containing about 50 per cent of silicon, is insoluble in all acids, even in hydrofluoric acid, but it may easily be, decomposed by carbonate of soda; the substance investigated by Richter was doubtless a similar combination, as a small amount of iron was found in it. Silicide of iron, containing 31 per cent of silicon, when in a finely pulverised state is soluble in boiling muriatic acid, and most readily in hydrofluoric acid; this silicide is more soluble the less silicon it contains. When casting pig-iron in cast-iron moulds (chills), it will be found that the least silicon is contained in the lower part of the pig-on the other hand, most of the combined carbon— whilst the upper part of the pig is richer in silicon and other substances which may separate; in such cases most of the manganese will also be found in the upper part. Upon casting pig-iron in moist sand the lower part of the pig is less modified; it is therefore advisable to cast good forge pigs in cast-iron moulds forming thin plates. * ERDMANN'S J. f. pr. Ch., xvi., 196. † LEOB., Jahrb., 1862, xi., 289. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 320. SILICON IN PIG-IRON. 299 The following plans may be adopted for producing pig-iron poor in silicon :-Employing low smelting temperatures and carbonising the iron as perfectly as possible; or if a higher temperature is required, employing admixtures of lime to render basic the sufficiently aluminous mixtures from which silicon is reduced with more difficulty than from siliceous mix- tures poor in alumina; and, finally, adding manganiferous fluxes. The latter fluxes partly render the mixture easier to fuse, and the manganese combines with the silicon and separates on the surface of the liquid iron.* According to Lohage,+ manganese as well as aluminium also facilitates the separation of silicon at the smelting of cast-steel. Good grey foundry pig-iron may contain as much as 2 per cent of silicon; if containing a larger amount it is harder and less strong, but it may be improved by re-melting, when part of the silicon will be separated; such iron containing an excess of silicon is fine-grained, of light colour, has but little lustre and solidifies quickly. Forge pig-iron suffers more loss of iron by scorification. the more silicon it contains; it may, nevertheless, be more advantageous to produce pig-iron rich in silicon and poor in sulphur when treating impure ores at a high temperature, than by employing a low temperature to produce iron poorer in silicon and richer in sulphur, as silicon may be more per- fectly separated than sulphur. The state of combination of the silicon essentially influences the behaviour of the iron at its conversion into malleable iron.‡ Lohage|| suggests that grey forge iron should contain at least 2 per cent of silicon in order to form a slag which shall thus preserve the iron from further oxidation; and as the silicon first oxidises, time is allowed for the separation of sul- phur and phosphorus; forge iron containing above 1'5 per cent of silicon is not usually desirable. Bessemer considers a certain amount of silicon necessary B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 320. LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, X., 327. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 160. Ibid., 1861, p. 38; 1862, p. 320. || Berggeist, 1860, No. 50. 300 IRON. in the steel produced by his process in order to obtain solid castings, but Tunner* thinks this unlikely. Schafhäutlt suggests that a certain quantity of silicon is. required for the formation of steel. Carbide of silicon will be formed, which mixes with the fused carbide of iron and separates more or less according to whether the mass solidi- fies more or less quickly. Silicide of carbon being less soluble in acids than carbide of iron, gives rise to the formation of the silver white designs of Damaskeened steel upon treating its surface with acids. Breant attributes these designs to different carbides of iron which are soluble in various degrees. Jullien considers the least amount of silicon to be detrimental to the quality of steel. These contradictory views necessitate further investigation. According to Karsten, all good wrought-iron contains at least 0.05 per cent of silicon, which amount may rise even to O'I per cent without much prejudice to the strength of the iron; this, however, will not be the case if the iron contains 0*37 per cent of silicon. Wrought-iron containing a larger amount of silicon has not a uniform texture, being either partly fibrous and partly grained, or in grains of different sizes; a larger amount of silicon renders steel red-short. According to Schafhäutl, a certain amount of manganese facilitates the formation of steel in the following manner :- When converting manganiferous pig-iron into the malleable state, the carbide of manganese is first oxidised and after- wards leaves in the residue so much silicon and carbon com- bined with iron that the mass may be used as steel. If manganese is absent too much silicon is at first oxidised, and the steel is thus deprived of an essential component. Buchner, Richter,|| and Eggertz have proposed newer and apparently good methods for the quantitative determina- tion of silicon in pig-iron. * TUNNER'S Bericht über d. Londoner Industrie-Austellung, 1862; Wien, 1863, p. 77. + PRECHTL, techn. Encykl., xv., 366, 371, 385, 402. Bgwkfd., vi., 357. KARST., Archiv., 1 R., v., 158. DINGL., Bd. 36, p. 245. +- Bgwkfd., xxi., 77. LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, X., 503. SULPHUR IN PIG-IRON. 301 2. Sulphur.-Smaller or larger amounts of sulphur, either as sulphides or sulphates, are frequently contained in the iron ores, fluxes, or fuel. The higher sulphides lose in the upper parts of the furnace part of their sulphur, which com- bines with iron if iron is present in a reduced state, and if the temperature is sufficiently high. If mono-sulphides produced either from polysulphides or from sulphates come into contact with iron at the time of its reduction and car- bonisation they will be decomposed, forming sulphide of iron. The carbonisation of iron containing sulphur is rendered difficult, partly on account of its being easily fusible, and partly by its property of counteracting the absorption of carbon even at a higher temperature (silicide and phosphide of iron do not possess this property), therefore no carbonisation takes place when the iron has passed into the hearth, and a white iron poor in carbon and more or less rich in sulphur is produced. Janoyer states that the formation of white iron is facilitated by the circumstance that sulphide of carbon is formed from the carbon and sulphur contained in the iron owing to the higher temperature in the hearth, thus depriving the pig-iron of carbon and making some of the heat latent through the volatilisation of the sulphide of carbon. If sulphide of carbon and sulphide of iron in the hearth come into contact with the blast in the presence of moisture, sulphuretted hydrogen gas will be produced, which partly sulphurises the metallic iron and oxide of iron present in the furnace above the hearth, and partly decomposes the com- ponents of the slag, forming chiefly sulphide of calcium. The sulphur in pig-iron does not seem to be always com- bined with iron, but sometimes with silicon. Schafhäutlt mentions an instance, that at the tapping of pig-iron in the Tividale Iron Works, near Dudley, sulphide of silicon of the composition Si₂S,, analogous to the oxide of silicon, was sepa- rated in the form of a whitish yellow, spongy, earthy sub- stance. According to Mayrhofer;‡ sulphide of silicon sepa- rates like silicide of manganese at the solidification of iron, Bgwkfd., xv., 361. B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, No. 20. † ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 67, p. 257. DINGL., Bd. 153, p. 349. + LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, X., 325. 302 IRON. causing the iron to be poor in silicon and proportionally rich in combined carbon. The sulphur is frequently not divided uniformly in the pig- iron, and in the common pigs collects more in the upper part than in the lower part. As an amount of sulphur is more or less prejudicial to the applicability of iron to almost any purpose, the sulphur must be removed as much as possible. The remedies to be applied depend partly on the state of combination in which the sul- phur is present, and partly on whether the sulphur occurs. chiefly in the ore, the gangue, the fuel, or the fluxes. a. Sulphur occurring as sulphide. a'. In the iron ore (iron pyrites, magnetic pyrites, zinc blende, copper pyrites, galena). The removal of this sulphur in a mechanical way (dressing by hand sorting) is first aimed at, and afterwards by chemical operations (roasting, weather- ing, and lixiviation). But as these remedies are not suffi- ciently effective, other methods must be applied at the smelting process; these are chiefly as follows:— a. Additions of lime* whilst applying higher tempera- tures, thus forming sulphide of calcium, which has the property of dissolving other metallic sulphides (sulphides of iron, manganese, &c.), and of sending them into the slag. This reagent is more effective if the sulphur is contained less in the ore than in the gangue, fuel, and fluxes, as in the latter case sulphide of iron is not at first formed, but sul- phide of calcium, which directly enters the slag. Slags produced at Hattingen from iron pyrites of the coal measure contained from 4 to 6 per cent of sulphide of calcium. B. Manganiferous Fluxes.-As we have before mentioned manganese combines with sulphur, and the sulphide of man- ganese formed partly separates from the liquid pig-iron and partly enters the slag together with other metallic sulphides (Scotch slags of the coal measure iron-stones contain as much as 8 per cent of sulphide of manganese). Part of the sulphide of manganese also enters the ferriferous bears, KARST., Archiv., 1 R., xvi., 180. SULPHUR IN PIG-IRON. 303 sometimes in a crystallised state. These fluxes at the same time facilitate the formation of white iron. * y. Blast mixed with Superheated Steam.-Though this remedy has proved effectual in some cases, it has, on the other hand, the disadvantage of cooling the furnace. According to Bunsen,† steam conducted over glowing coals. forms a mixture of gases of constant combination, namely- 56.52 per cent 28.71 H CO CO₂ = 14'77 4 vols. 2 " I Langloist found such an admixture of gases to be com- posed of— H CO. CO₂. CH. 54'52 per cent. 31.86 12'00 1.62 Tilghman || recommends the introduction of common salt along with the blast in order to form volatile chloride of sulphur, but this reagent is too volatile and too expensive. d. Electrolysis has been proposed by Winkler.§ Upon conducting the electric current into the liquid iron in the hearth of a blast furnace, iron and manganese will form the positive, and pure carbon the negative electrode, and sulphur, phosphorus, and silicon will be separated. The practical application of this method is involved in many difficulties, and consequently it does not give the expected results. b'. A certain amount of sulphur in the fuel (usually iron. pyrites in mineral coal) must be removed by washing the coal and by carefully coking it, whilst employing several reagents to volatilise the sulphur. The different methods. will be explained in the chapter on fuel. If it is necessary to employ coal containing sulphur, a greater addition of lime must be given to the smelting pro- cess and a higher temperature must be applied. Charcoal * Polyt. Centr., 1857, p. 513. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 130. + SCHEERER, Met. 1, 524. Bgwkfd., vi., 142; vii., 239. + Polyt. Centr., 1855, p. 1185; 1858, p. 119. || Bgwkfd., xx., 45. LEOB. Jahrb., 1861, x., p. 328. § DINGL., Bd. 161, p. 303. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 240. 304 IRON. pig-iron is always purer than coke or coal pig-iron when produced from pure iron ores; white pig-iron produced with raw pyritic coal is usually the richest in sulphur. b. Ores containing sulphur in the form of sulphates (heavy spar, gypsum) may now and then be dressed chiefly by hand. sorting; still the effect is doubtful, particularly if the asso- ciates are intimately mixed with the ore. It is best to smelt these ores, with fluxes of lime or manganese, at a higher temperature. Basic sulphate of alumina, which is sometimes formed in iron ores (some sorts of magnetic iron ore) and in the coal ash, is only completely decomposed by a high temperature, and the greater part of the sulphur liberated from the sul- phuric acid seems to enter the iron. Basic sulphate of iron is more readily decomposed at a high temperature. The properties of pig-iron containing sulphur are the following:- A small amount of sulphur (0°4 per cent) renders grey iron thinly liquid, light grey or mottled, and more compact, sul- phurous iron ores are sometimes therefore intentionally em- ployed when aiming at the production of solid castings; on the other hand, the presence of phosphorus is injurious. The mottled state of this cast-iron could also be induced by an addition of manganiferous flux or by employing a lower tempe- rature at the smelting; but in the first case a hard, brittle iron would result, and in the latter case a thickly liquid and porous iron. An increase of the sulphur in pig-iron prejudices the carbonisation and gives rise to the formation of a thickly liquid white iron which easily solidifies and has cavities on its surface and in its body. These cavities or blisters are probably formed by the reaction of the moisture upon the sulphide of iron, and these and its property of expanding when chilled render it unfit for foundry purposes. When tapped off this white iron flows in a sluggish stream, showing a yellowish colour; it throws out brilliant sparks, and at the moment of solidifying it frequently separates into small globules of the size of a pea, at the same time evolving a gas. These globules rotate on the iron when still liquid, and are very SULPHUR IN PIG-IRON. 305 hard after cooling, white, and rich in sulphur. Light grey grained iron sometimes shows the same behaviour. The amount of sulphur in grey foundry pig seldom exceeds 0*5 per cent, and is usually somewhat higher when the iron is reduced with coke than it is in charcoal iron. Schafhäutl found in English and French varieties of good foundry pig from 0'177 to 1'105 per cent of sulphur. According to Eggertz,* the Swedish cannon iron contains from 0'07 to o‘I per cent of sulphur, and sometimes more; the Swedish forge pig contains from o'02 to o'04 per cent. Pig-iron with an amount of sulphur above o'4 per cent causes the production of red-short wrought-iron. All better sorts of forge iron from Styria mostly contain only o'02 per cent, and o°04 per cent at the highest. As the smallest amounts of sulphur render wrought-iron and steel red-short, both good wrought-iron and steel must be produced from pig-iron as free from sulphur as possible. White iron rich in sulphur cannot be converted into a fair wrought-iron, as its conversion takes a shorter time than is required for the removal of the sulphur; on the other hand, grey iron with a smaller amount of sulphur may be applied, although it never yields so good a wrought-iron as pig-iron free from sulphur. Pig-iron rich in silicon at its conversion into wrought-iron allows the removal of more sulphur than iron poor in silicon. According to Karsten, even 1-10,000th part of sulphur renders wrought-iron somewhat red-short, but several thousandths are required to impair its applicability. Wrought-iron containing o‘02 per cent of sulphur is no longer fit for punching. The superior sorts of steel may contain as much as o'oi per cent of sulphur. Whilst a certain amount of phosphorus renders wrought- iron cold-short, injuring the quality of wrought-iron in a similar way as sulphur, it has been suggested that sulphur and phosphorus present in wrought-iron at the same time might neutralise each other. Janoyert believes that the VOL. II. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 96. + Bgwkfd., xviii., 501. X B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 194. 306 IRON. phosphorus removes part of the sulphur, forming sulphide of phosphorus, and Jullien* supposes that the phosphorus tends to reconstitute the cohesion of the iron, which at a higher tem- perature was impaired by the presence of sulphur; but such iron is never as strong as iron free from sulphur and phos- phorus, and the wrought-iron produced from it shows cold- and red-shortness in a less degree, for the reason that upon mixing pig-iron containing sulphur with pig-iron containing phosphorus, the injurious substances are distributed through- out a larger mass. Eggertz has suggested a method of judging the applica- bility of a pig-iron to the manufacture of wrought-iron and steel with regard to its contents of sulphur. He judges from the shade which sulphuretted hydrogen gas produced from the pig- iron in question imparts to a silver plate. This method might also be used to ascertain the amount of sulphur contained in iron ores and fluxes; but a correct determination of sulphur can only be obtained by quantitative chemical analysis.‡ 3. Phosphorus.-Pig-iron usually contains more or less phosphorus, as the iron ores, fluxes, or fuel are frequently contaminated with phosphates, and as the phosphoric acid upon the reduction and carbonisation of the iron is reduced by carbon, as well as by metallic iron, at a higher temperature than sulphuric acid, forming phosphide of iron. Owing to its easy fusibility, iron containing a larger amount of phos- phorus cakes together, and thus renders its carbonisation difficult, and it enters the furnace hearth as white pig-iron containing phosphorus and poor in carbon if the temperature of the furnace is low. If the temperature is very high at the smelting zone of the furnace, the phosphatic iron-like sili- ceous iron, but not like sulphurous iron-still combines with carbon, forming a phosphatic light grey iron; as one part of the phosphorus, like silicon, to a certain extent replaces the chemically combined carbon, so facilitating the separation * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 49; 1862, p. 97. TUNNER, das Eisenhüttenwesen Schwedens, 1858, p. 31. LEOB., Jahrb., 1863, xii., 150. LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 496. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 89; 1863, p. 121. DINGL., Bd. 166, p. 279. PHOSPHORUS IN PIG-IRON. 307 of graphite. An amount of phosphorus much exceeding 15 per cent almost prevents the iron from combining with carbon; upon solidifying no graphite will be separated, and the resulting white pig-iron is rich in phosphorus and silicon. In some instances silicon and phosphorus do not prevent the carbonisation of iron; a white iron produced at Meppen from bog ores contains- C Si 6'00 per cent. P As . S 2.79 1.82 0'15 0'50 Struve supposes the phosphorus to be contained in pig- iron in different states of combination, as upon dissolving the iron in acids sometimes phosphoric acid only is formed, and sometimes phosphuretted hydrogen at the same time; and also as the residue is of variable nature. The amount of phosphorus in pig-iron depends on whether it is contained in the ores, in the flux, or in the ash of the fuel. According to Caron, the ash of the fuel contains from o'008 to o'i per cent of phosphoric acid; ores and lime used as fluxes sometimes contain petrifactions of phosphate of lime. According to Karsten's investigations all the phos- phoric acid combined with oxide of iron becomes reduced and enters the iron, whilst phosphoric acid present in other combinations partly enters the slag, and afterwards is con- ducted more or less into the iron according to circumstances. More phosphorus contained in the slag will enter the iron the longer the liquid slag is kept in contact with the pig-iron, the higher the temperature, and the more siliceous the slag happens to be. According to Wrightsont and Abel,‡ hot blast conducts more phosphorus into the iron than cold blast, and Nicholson and Price state that such an influence does not exist when producing grey iron, as all the phosphorus of the ore would then enter the pig-iron. Von der Mark§ ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 79, p. 321. Polyt. Centr., 1860, p. 890. + DINGL., Bd. 114, p. 319; Bd. 116, p. 207. B. u. h. Ztg., 1850. + WAGNER'S Jahresber, 1860, p. 37. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 296. || DINGL., Bd. 138, p. 124. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 73. § HARTMANN, Fortschr., V., 126. X 2 308 IRON. found that some phosphorus also volatilises, and is contained in the deposits of the furnace mouth. Pig-iron produced from bog ores sometimes contains above 6 per cent of phos- phorus. If a mechanical dressing does not avail to separate the phosphatic substances, the amount of phosphorus must be lessened by forming basic slags rich in lime, by employing fuel poor in phosphorus, and by producing grey iron at as low a temperature as possible. Pig-iron produced by these means may be fit for foundry purposes, and sometimes for forge purposes, but it will be totally unfit if white iron results, owing either to a too considerable amount of phosphorus in the mixture, or to too low a temperature. At Kertch* in the Crimea this white and very brittle iron resulted from brown iron ore associated with petrifactions and vivianite when employing lime as a flux and anthracite as fuel; it was composed as follows:- • Fe. P. Si. 94'49 2.65 I'09 I'90 C. Some sorts of grey pig-iron produced from bog ores showed the following composition :- Fe. C, combined. Graphite. P. Si . S Mn. I. II. III. 91'54 89*13 94.72 0*56 2.82 3'02 2°51 3.26 0'41 0.82 2°13 4'64 I'44 trace 3'00 trace No. I is grey iron from Nalibok, produced from bog ores con- taining 62.91 per cent of protoxide of iron and 3°19 per cent of phosphoric acid, with an addition of lime and charcoal. Upon puddling this pig-iron with an addition of lime, and at as low a temperature as possible at the commencement, but at a higher temperature at the end of the operation, wrought- iron of the following composition was produced :— * ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 169, p. 321. Polyt. Centr., 1860, p. 891. PHOSPHORUS IN PIG-IRON. 309 Fe. P. Si . C. 98.55 0.68 0'13 0.64 Upon piling and welding this wrought iron, the following wrought-iron was obtained :- Fe. P. C . 99*27 0'55 0.06 No. 2 is grey fine grained pig-iron produced from bog ores in Finland, containing from 40 to 50 per cent of iron when employing an addition of lime, charcoal, and wood as fuel, and hot blast of 180° C., analysed by Arppe. No. 3 is grey pig-iron from St. Annä in the district of Snojärvi. Different sorts of grey iron produced from bog ores in Meppen, containing from 2 to 3 per cent of phosphoric acid, showed as much as 18117 per cent of phosphorus; we will give an analysis of this iron later on. English oolitic iron ores with 15 or 2 per cent of phos- phorus yielded grey iron containing from 0.71 to 1 per cent. The following are the properties of phosphatic pig-iron:— Phosphorus renders grey pig-iron harder and less strong than silicon, but only if the amount of phosphorus exceeds o˚5 per cent; such an iron containing a larger amount of phosphorus is more thinly liquid than iron free from phosphorus; it is well adapted to castings, giving very sharp outlines not requiring a further mechanical treatment, which would be rendered difficult by the greater hardness of the iron. The different sorts of grey iron contain from traces up to 1'5 per cent of phosphorus and more; if containing 5.6 per cent the iron is still fit for castings; it is light in colour and has a fine grain and a compact texture. Grey iron poor in phosphorus is more or less fit for conversion into wrought-iron and steel, and very slight differences in the amount of phosphorus seem essentially to influence the quality of the iron, and particularly of the steel. A certain amount of manganese in the pig-iron seems to assist the removal of phosphorus, as, according to Struve*, at the * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 448. 310 IRON. puddling process phosphate of manganese is formed, which enters the slag, and is very difficult to reduce. Caron* did not find that manganese facilitated the removal of phos- phorus. According to Karsten, o'3 per cent of phosphorus does not impair the quality of wrought-iron, iron containing o'5 per cent stands the blowing test (schlagprobe), and iron containing from o'75 to o'80 per cent shows cold-shortness. Wrought-iron containing 1 per cent of phosphorus can be applied to but few purposes. White pig-iron rich in phosphorus always yields inferior wrought-iron for reasons before mentioned, and is never, therefore, intentionally produced. Good white forge-iron produced from purer ores usually contains but little phos- phorus, and spiegeleisen scarcely contains even traces of it; such traces are even found in iron produced from ores per- fectly free from phosphorus ; they are introduced by the ash of the fuel. Most varieties of steel of high repute contain from o‘o1 to o‘02 per cent, and though showing some cold- shortness, wrought-iron containing from 0'25 to 0'30 per cent of phosphorus is still fit for various fine forge purposes, such as the manufacture of nails, wire, &c. Eggertz and Nicklès‡ have suggested an easy and accurate method of determining phosphorus in iron by means of molybdate of ammonia. 4. Nitrogen. This substance has lately been found in iron by different investigators, and it also seems to combine with other substances contained in iron, such as silicon, titanium, carbon, &c., which appear to influence the carbides of iron chiefly at the formation of steel; but there are various theories touching this point, and fresh investigations are required to settle it. Whilst Frémy and Boussingault consider nitrogen as an essential component of pig-iron, Caron and Gruner believe it to be an accidental component, as, when undergoing analysis, iron in a pulverised state combines easily with ammonia. DINGL., Bd. 168, p. 380. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 415. Ibid., 1863, p. 124. DINGL., Bd. 166, p. 279. || Erdm. J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 84, pp. 82-100. DINGL., Bd. 158, p. 209. WAGNER'S Jahresber. über d. Fortschr. d. chem. Technol., 1861, p, 60. MANGANESE IN PIG-IRON. 311 Buff* found o*26 per cent of nitrogen in pig-iron produced from bog ores. Schafhäutlt ascertained that nitrogen is an essential component of all sorts of English white iron; he also found in grey cast-iron from Creuzot, France, 07202 per cent; in English cast-steel, o'1831 per cent; and in spiegel- eisen 1°20 per cent, but he only discovered mere traces in some varieties of German iron. Rammelsberg‡ found lately or.ly o'002 per cent of nitrogen in spiegeleisen, which, though again proving that nitrogen combines with iron, leaves it doubtful whether its presence is essential to the physical properties of the iron.|| 5. Manganese.-As before mentioned, manganese con- tained in the iron ores or fluxes is reduced with much more difficulty than protoxide of iron; it produces slags easier to fuse, and consequently white pig-iron which may become spiegeleisen if the iron ores employed are pure; moreover, it purifies the iron by forming chemical combinations with silicon, sulphur, &c., which separate on the surface of the liquid iron. Spiegeleisen then contains a proportionally small part of the manganese (usually only 7 per cent) reduced in the furnace, which, however, under certain circumstances (page 274) may increase to 22 per cent and more. The favourable influence of the manganese contained in white iron upon the removal of silicon in the puddling process has been stated on page 299, and we have spoken of its influence upon the removal of sulphur. We also suggested on page 309, the influence which manganese may perhaps have upon the removal of phosphorus, and we now proceed to give an extract from the interesting report on the subject in Dr. Ure's "Dictionary of Arts, &c.," vol ii., p. 726- The presence of manganese in pig-iron does not appear to exert much influence, either for good or for bad, on the quality of the metal, and even when it exists in quantity, amounting to 4 or 5 per cent in the crude iron, it disappears almost entirely during the conversion of the cast-iron into * Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Neue Reihe, vii., 375. † ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 67, p. 257. DINGL., Bd. 153, p. 349. + DINGL., Bd. 168, p. 127. || BAKER and G. STUART dispute the statement of nitrogen being contained in steel. Chem. Soc. Journ., 1864, p. 395. 312 IRON. malleable or wrought. The cinder from iron smelted from manganiferous ores contains, generally speaking, more sulphur than slags or cinders from iron ores containing no manganese. We have had numerous opportunities of con- firming this, and have, therefore, on this account alone, attached more importance to the existence of manganese in iron ores; but our attention has more recently been directed to another point which we think especially worthy of the notice of iron manufacturers, namely, to the almost perfect removal of phosphorus from pig-iron containing a very large proportion of that element, and, at the same time, a high per- centage of manganese. As our experiments on this import- ant point are still in progress we shall merely here quote a few in illustration of the purifying action we have alluded to. "] Iron made from a highly phosphorised ore containing no manganese- Pig. Puddled bar Rough down bar Phosphorus per cent. 3'030 0838 0'572 "The finished bar was cold-short in the highest degree; it was, in fact, nearly worthless. “Iron made from highly phosphorised iron containing a large per centage of manganese- Pig. Puddled bar . "" Finished bar. Phosphorus. Manganese. 2.60 7.20 0°301 0.20) 0°30 ΟΙΙ "The iron was carefully watched during the puddling pro- cess. It melted very thin, and took rather more work than usual; as soon as the boiling commenced it was very violent, the metal forcing itself out of the door hole until it was checked. When it "came to nature," as the workmen term it, it worked beautifully, and stood any amount of heat; in fact, the heat could with difficulty be raised to the requisite degree. The yield was 22 cwts. 2 qrs. 24 lbs. of pig, to pro- duce 1 ton (20 cwts.) of puddled bars; this is about the yield of good mine iron when properly puddled. The finished bar exhibited none of the cold-short quality; it was MANGANESE IN PIG-IRON. 313 exceedingly ductile; indeed, excellent horseshoes were made from it. The puddling cinder had the following composi- tion : Silica. 8.240 Protoxide of iron. 70*480 Oxide of manganese . Phosphoric acid 12.800 7.660 Sulphur . O'535 99*715 "Other observations have shown that highly manganiferous pig (without phosphorus) is puddled with difficulty and some- times with considerable waste, so that the advantages of an alloy of manganese would seem to be confined to those varieties of crude iron into the composition of which phos- phorus largely enters." As grey iron results from ore mixtures which are more difficult to fuse than similar mixtures for white iron, the former mixture must not contain any perceptible amount of manganese, or it must be melted with an admixture of lime containing magnesia if the production of grey iron is intended. A certain amount of manganese renders such grey iron harder (probably owing to the formation of silicide of manganese), mottled, and less fit for some sorts of casting than pig-iron containing sulphur. When converting this pig-iron into malleable iron, its amount of manganese will exert the same favourable influence which it has on white iron. Pig-iron produced from Franklinite* (FeO + MnO)+(Fe2O3 + Mn₂O3), (page 270), containing from 3 to 11.5 per cent of manganese, has nearly the properties of spiegeleisen. Such pig-iron is exceedingly hard, has large crystalline plates in the middle, and is grained at the edges; its fracture is silver white and of metallic lustre, and it contains on an average one-eighth of the manganese which was contained in the ores, the other seven-eighths having been scorified. The wrought-iron pro- duced from these pigs is exceedingly strong. According to Karsten, 1'85 per cent is the highest amount * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 37, 465. TUNNER, Ber. über. d. London, Auss- tellung, 1862, p. 42. 314 IRON. of manganese which wrought iron may contain without deterioration in quality. 6. Copper. An admixture of copper pyrites with iron ore introduces copper into the pig-iron. The amount of copper is usually under o'2 per cent, which does not prejudice the quality of foundry pig (1 per cent of copper renders pig-iron harder and more difficult to dissolve in acids), but the pig- iron does not lose its copper upon conversion into malleable iron, as it probably remains in combination with sulphur and is concentrated. According to Eggertz,* some tenths per cent render iron red-short, and steel is more sensitive to the effect of copper, therefore the Swedish iron ores being free from copper pyrites are particularly fit for the production of pig-iron for steel manufacture.t Wrought-iron containing 0'5 per cent of copper shows traces of red-shortness, whilst steel produced from such iron was useless. According to Stengel an amount of o˚44 per cent of copper renders wrought- iron red-short. Jullient states that o˚4 per cent of sulphur and 0°4 per cent of copper cause the formation of cracks in steel and bar-iron, and also injure the property of welding of pig-iron when puddled. Schafhäutl! is of opinion that the noxious influence at the puddling process which has been attributed to copper does not exist; moreover, that it is chiefly the state of aggregation and also the metalloids mixed with the carbide of iron which exert the greatest influence. 7. Arsenic.—The investigations of Walchner,§ Stein,¶ Schafhäutl,** and others have shown that this element is frequently present in iron ores, and sometimes in the fuel, and, like phosphorus, it renders pig-iron hard, brittle, and of great fusibility, and wrought-iron cold-short and difficult to weld.tt Schafhäutl states that a certain small amount of arsenic-perhaps present in the form of arseniuretted carbon- * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 218. † TUNNER, das Eisenhüttenwesen Schwedens, 1858, p. 12. JULLIEN'S Eisenhüttenkunde, 1861. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 39. DinGL., Bd. 103, p. 227. ¶ ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., li., 302; liii., 37. Ibid., xxi., 247. B. u. h. Ztg., 1847, p. 364. tt B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 408. ZINC IN PIG-IRON. 315 renders steel fine-grained and of greater strength; a greater amount of arsenic causes red-shortness. As arsenic occurs in the iron ore sometimes as arsenical pyrites, and now and then in combination with iron pyrites, it is advisable for the removal of the arsenic to submit the ores to a good, partly reducing, roasting; an addition of lime is sometimes advantageous. The decomposition is more difficult if the iron ores (of younger formations) contain arseniates, chiefly arseniate of iron. Berthier, Wöhler, Schafhäutl, Mrazek, and others found* in pig-iron from Alais 4'08 per cent of arsenic, in wrought- iron from Dannemora o'017 per cent, and in cold-short iron from Hungary, which was difficult to weld, 0°375 per cent of arsenic and o‘29 per cent of phosphorus. Antimony and bismuth behave like arsenic; an amount of 03 per cent of antimony renders wrought-iron cold-short. Antimony, arsenic, and bismuth volatilise at the welding heat of wrought-iron. 8. Tin.-Pig-iron containing tin has a fine-grained steel- like texture, a clear sound, and great hardness without being brittle in excess, and it is easy to fuse. A cold-short wrought- iron containing about o'19 per cent of tin is produced from pig-iron containing 1 per cent of tin; upon heating it is easy to forge, and emits a white vapour. Iron containing a larger amount of tin is difficult to weld during the puddling pro- cess; it causes a great loss of iron, and yields wrought-iron so cold-short that it breaks like glass merely on falling; this wrought-iron also welds badly; its fracture is fine-grained, white, and dull. 9. Zinc.-Calaminet or zinc blende in the iron ores intro- duces but little zinc into the iron. Most of the zinc vola- tilises and forms zinciferous deposits in the furnace, and is also found in the flame escaping from the furnace mouth and the tymp, characteristically colouring it. A considerable volatilisation of zinc may carry off so much heat as to cause PRECHTL, Techn. Encykl., xv., 367, 377; Bd. 15, p. 376. Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Bd. 31, p. 95. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 355. 316 IRON. the formation of white iron; zinc also requires a considerable quantity of fuel for its reduction and volatilisation. The experiments for the production of both pig-iron and zinc from zinciferous iron ores have not been successful (vol. i., page 459). Pig-iron produced from Franklinite (page 313) is well adapted for the manufacture of wrought-iron, owing to the presence of manganese. Whilst pig-iron produced from ores associated with cala- mine does not usually contain zinc, a whitish grey iron of little strength is formed when removing the zinciferous deposits which then fall partly into the hearth. When tapped off, this iron emits smoke and a bluish green flame, and yields a fairly malleable iron, though with a greater loss of iron, ast it requires a more frequent heating. 10. Lead.-Galena associated with iron ores, which is frequently the case, has no influence on the pig-iron; part of it volatilises and part is found in a metallic state beneath the sole stone of the blast furnaces, its contents of silver being concentrated in it. II. Vanadium, Molybdenum, Chromium, Tungsten, and Titanium are found only in small quantities in pig-iron, and seem to influence its quality but slightly. When smelting titaniferous iron ores (titaniferous iron sand of New Zealand),* or upon adding titanitet to the iron ore mixture, grey titaniferous pig-iron is produced (not white iron, as at this production most of the titanium enters the slag), which is said to yield an excellent wrought-iron and steel; but it is still doubtful whether any portion of the titanium is retained in the wrought-iron or steel made from such pig-iron, so that the improvement attributed to the use of titaniferous ore is probably due to some indirect action rather than to the actual presence of titanium in the finished product. Mr. Robert Mushet has taken out no fewer than thirteen patents for alleged improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel, and titanium plays the chief part in all. Berggeist, 1861, No. 54. Polyt. Centr., 1854, No. 3. pp. 118, 412. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, ↑ Berggeist, 1862, No. 75. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 143; 1863, pp. 16, 51. TITANIUM IN PIG-IRON. 317 A larger amount of titanium renders the ore mixture more difficult to fuse, owing to the impeded carbonisation of iron, as the titanium combined with iron unites with carbon and nitrogen and separates in the form of copper-red cubical crystals, which consist of cyano-nitride of titanium. An addition of fluxes containing potash renders a titaniferous mixture easier to fuse; a certain amount of lime and silica serves the same purpose, forming a combination of silicate and titanate of lime which is easier to fuse. About I per cent of titanium may be present in pig-iron; it increases the strength of the metal, at the same time giving it a peculiar mottled character, the fractured surface showing a series of dull dark grey patches apparently set in white network. Mayrhofer supposes that the good effect of the above. named and also of some other substances is less the result of the combination of those substances with the iron, than of their capacity for combining with noxious associates of the iron, such as sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, &c., and sepa- rating them in the same way as by manganese. Schafhäutl+ and others suggest that steel takes into combination small quantities of chromium, nickel, silver, platinum, iridium, rhodium, titanium, aluminium, &c., thus becoming harder and more tenacious; tungsten has chiefly the property of rendering cast-steel very hard and tenacious. According to Bernoulli, when an intimate mixture of finely divided grey cast-iron and tungstic acid is heated to a very high tempe- rature, the graphitic carbon is burned by the oxygen of the tungstic acid, and steel is formed, which alloys with the reduced tungsten. No diminution in the amount of carbon was, however, perceived when the experiment was repeated with spiegeleisen or ordinary white iron, carbon in the com- bined form being apparently unable to effect the reduction of tungsten. Siewert examined six samples of so-called tungsten steel; four of them contained from 1 to 3 per cent of tungsten, whilst none was found in the other two. + Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, p. 37+. PRECHTL, Techn.. Encykl. xv., 367. BAUERMAN's Treatise on Metallurgy, p. 47. 318 IRON. According to Guen,* cast-iron containing tungsten is stronger than iron without tungsten. Chevreult suggests that the above-named substances may totally replace the carbon. Steel containing 12 per cent of chromium gives a beau- tiful damask surface when etched by sulphuric acid. 12. Nickel and Cobalt.-These metals seldom occur in iron. Rubacht found in one variety of wrought-iron 153 per cent of nickel and o'63 per cent of cobalt, and Mrazek || 0°021 and 0'017 per cent respectively. Streng found o˚003 per cent of nickel in pig-iron from Königshütte (Hartz). Nickel alloys readily with iron without affecting its malleability; this is exemplified in meteoric iron, which contains a considerable quantity of the nickel, and has occasionally been used by savages for the manufacture of knives. A horse-shoe made from the great Australian meteorite was exhibited at South Kensington in 1862, and is now in the Museum of Practical Geology. The mass from which it was taken, weighing 3 tons, has been presented to the British Museum. Cobalt is said to increase the whiteness and brilliancy of iron, but has no marked effect upon its physical properties. 13. Aluminium, Calcium, and Magnesium are reduced in small quantities by the influence of the temperature of iron blast furnaces, if the slag present is basic; they then enter the pig-iron. Larger amounts of these metals. injure the quality of the pig-iron as well as that of the wrought-iron produced from the pig-iron ;¶ on the other hand, they are said to improve the quality of steel** (Indian wootz steel). Whilst Faraday and Stoddart found from 0'013 to 0.69 of aluminum in this steel other investigators did not detect traces of that metal in Indian wootz steel. Oesterr., Ztschr., 1863, p. 286. ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 108. + DINGL., Bd. 117, p. 395. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 408. BAUERMAN'S Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron, 1868, p. 46. ¶KARST. Archiv., 1 R., ix., 417. ** Ibid., 1 R., viii., 193. DINGL., Bd. 134, p. 157. ALKALI METALS IN PIG-IRON. 319 According to Gruner and Lau,* a larger addition of lime to the ore mixture impedes the reduction of silicon, but it in- creases, at the same time, the reduction of aluminium, magnesium, and calcium, which injure the tenacity of pig- iron to a greater degree than is generally supposed. Some sorts of English pig-iron are found to contain from o'5 to I per cent of aluminium, the Swedish varieties as much as 15 per cent of calcium and magnesium, and o'75 per cent of aluminium. Pig-iron from Königshütte (Hartz) contains 0*258 per cent of calcium, and the spiegeleisen from Müsen all the above-named metals. Lohaget states that an addition of alumina at the manu- facture of cast-steel has a great influence on the grain and lustre of the steel, silicates of manganese and aluminium being formed at the same time and separating on the surface of the liquid steel. + According to Dumas, the apparently pure commercial aluminium contains o˚47 to 0.7 per cent of silicon, and from 3*37 to 6.8 per cent of iron; this shows the affinity between those substances. Schafhäutl, upon dissolving grey iron, found, together with the graphite, bright white scales containing aluminium, whilst the iron did not contain more than 1'01 per cent of aluminium at the highest. He considers silicide of iron and aluminide of iron as characteristic components of grey iron, and carbides of silicon, copper, and arsenic as components of steel. 14. Alkali Metals, sometimes contained in the ash of the fuel, or in the flux, and also in some iron ores (carbonaceous ores), are reduced and alloy with the pig-iron. According to Tissier,¶ they have a favourable influence during the con- version of the pig-iron into wrought-iron, as they combine directly with sulphur, phosphorus, and arsenic, thus separating B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 254. † Ibid., 1861, p. 160. + WAGNER'S Jahrsber., 1859, p. 3. || ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 67, p. 257. FRESENIUS, Ztschr. f. analyt. Chem., 2 Jahrg., p. 39. ¶ DINGL., Bd. 160, p. 122. Bgwkfd.. xx., 740. 320 IRON. these substances, and as they oxidise silicon and carbon if present in the oxidised state. The better quality of malleable iron produced from charcoal, in comparison to that made from coke pig-iron, is said to be partly caused by the presence of an alkali metal. At Witkowitz* trials were made to add some chloride of sodium to the iron, but without success, owing to the vola- tility of the salt. Tapping the pig-iron into moulds coated with common salt, soda, or potash, was also unsuccessful. Fresenius has ascertained the amount of alkalies contained in spiegeleisen from Siegen (page 270). Chemical Constitution of Pig-Iron. Analyses of white and grey pig-iron have proved that the amount of carbon may be the same in both kinds, the physical properties of pig-iron do not therefore depend on the quantity of carbon present but on the different allotropic state in which carbon is contained in pig-iron. This allotropic state of carbon is indicated by the behaviour of different sorts of grey pig-iron to acids (page 292), and also by the reaction of liquid tin and tungstic acid on pig-iron. Eyferth observed that upon stirring the liquid grey pig- iron with 25 per cent of tin, a great deal of graphite and silica separated, forming a carboniferous alloy of tin and iron, whilst white pig-iron, when treated in the same way, gave up no graphite, though forming some little alloy. Bernoulli states that white pig-iron does not reduce tungstic acid, but when heated with grey iron a raw cast- steel is formed, the graphite serving as an agent to reduce the tungstic acid, and tungsten enters the steel. * LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 331. KARST., Arch., 2 R., XXV., 235. ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 61, p. 30. B. u. h. Ztg., 1854, p. 107, DINGL., Polyt., Journ., Bd. 145, p. 155; Bd. 141, p. 432; Bd. 166, p. 279; Bd. 167, p. 291. Ztschr., d. ver. Deutch. Ingen., 114, p. 507; Bd. 124, p. 59. Ztschr., 2 Jahrg., p. 39. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 142. DINGL., Bd. 159, p. 359. 1861, p. 224. LEOB., Jahrb., Polyt. Centralb., 1858, p. 59. Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Bd. 1861, x., 496. FRESENIUS, CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF PIG-IRON. 321 The carbon in pig-iron may therefore be divided into chemically combined carbon, and into mechanically com- bined carbon or graphite. White pig-iron only contains the former carbon, usually in quantities of from 3 to 5'93 per cent (page 267), whilst grey pig-iron contains both modifi- cations, altogether from 3'15 to 4'65 per cent, 2'57 to 3'75 of which are graphite. It was formerly supposed that the carbon in white iron was combined with the whole mass of iron, but not in definite pro- portion, and Karsten, Berthier, and others suggested that a proportionally small part of the iron in grey pig was combined as polycarbide,* which was then dissolved in the remainder of the iron, supposed to be in a ductile state. Karstent has lately modified this view, and Schafhäutl‡ has suggested that polycarbide may be a graphite alloyed with other substances, such as iron, sulphur, silicon, arsenic, &c. Spiegeleisen may fairly be considered as tetracarbide, Fe,C, which, according to Gurlt, changes upon heating into octocarbide, FegC (?), and graphite, corresponding to the composition of grey iron. Upon heating spiegeleisen to a lower temperature less graphite is separated, and the resulting mixtures of carbides of iron with a smaller amount of graphite are represented by the mottled pig-iron. Such mixtures, but without graphite, are also found in the porous and flowery white pig (page 276) which is not satu- rated with carbon owing to an insufficient temperature, and owing to the iron passing too quickly through the smelting and carbonising zone. Besides the carbon, the other foreign substances in pig- iron (sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, &c.,) were formerly considered as accidental admixtures, but they are now supposed to form distinct chemical combinations, re- placing either the electro-positive iron (manganese, alkaline or earthy metals); or the electro-negative carbon (silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, &c.); more investigations, however, * KARST., Arch., 1 R., viii., 3. † Ibid., 2 R., xxi., 500. + VOL. II. ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., xix., 159, 404; xx., 465 ; xxi., 129. Y 322 IRON. are required to elucidate the properties of these combinations and their influence upon the nature of the pig-iron. Gurlt has calculated the following formulæ from a number of the most trustworthy analyses of pig-iron :— 4(Fe, Mn)C, FegC, 4(FeMn)Si, 4(FeMn)P, 8(FeMn)S, &c. But it appears also that these foreign admixtures combine with each other and modify the properties of iron according to their state of combination; therefore the differences. between pig-iron and steel are not caused by the different amount of carbon only; this also requires further investi- gation. * Limit between Pig-iron, Wrought-iron, and Steel.- With regard to their chemical composition no distinct limits. exist between these varieties of iron, and the carbides only differ in the mode of their production and in the peculiar properties of each product. Karsten terms carbide of iron, pig-iron which is not mal- leable or ductile at the common temperature, and which liberates graphite when slowly cooled; this takes place when the iron is combined with at least from 2.25 to 2.3 per cent of carbon, both chemically and as graphite; this amount therefore constitutes the limit between pig-iron and steel. But the separation of graphite may be prevented if sulphur, phosphorus, and other substances which facilitate the for- mation of white iron, are present, and then the separation only takes place if the product is exposed, without being melted, to a red heat for about 48 hours. Steel is characterised by its fusibility, its property of welding, and of hardening upon sudden cooling. It welds but slightly if containing 1'75 per cent of carbon, is difficult to forge if containing 1'9 per cent of carbon, and when ham- mered breaks into pieces if containing 2 per cent, then approaching in properties to pig-iron. Steel containing from 14 to 15 per cent of carbon seems to be strongest and hardest, and though it increases somewhat in hardness if the amount of carbon increases, on the other hand, its pro- perty of welding and its tenacity then decrease. Steel retains *DINGL., Polyt. Journ., Bd. 158, p. 209. IRON ORES AND THEIR PROPERTIES. 323 • its property of welding if its amount of carbon decreases, but is then more difficult to fuse, and becomes less hard after sudden cooling. It passes into malleable iron if containing less than o'5 per cent of carbon. Wrought-iron is charac- terised by a property of welding, by its infusibility and its softness after sudden cooling. Iron containing from 0'5 to 0.65 per cent of carbon is very soft steel. Malleable iron is softer the less carbon (about o'08 per cent) it contains. As before mentioned, these limits may be modified by ad- mixtures of foreign substances, frequently even by small quantities of them. DIVISION I. PRODUCTION OF PIG-IRON FROM IRON ORES. 1. Smelting Materials. The smelting materials comprise iron ores and different ferruginous substances (refinery and puddling cinders, &c.) which are either smelted by themselves or in admixture with iron ores; also the fluxes and fuel. A. Iron Ores and their Preparation. Minerals are termed iron stones or iron ores when they are ferruginous in so high a degree, and, at the same time, so free from injurious admixtures, as to allow the profitable production of a useful product. Whilst the noble metals occur mostly near the equator, iron is found chiefly in the North and in the temperate zones. Some iron ores improve in quality as they occur nearer the surface of the earth. Where ores and fuel do not occur together the question will arise as to whether it is more advantageous to carry the coals to the iron ore or the iron ore to the coals; this ques- tion depends on local circumstances, chiefly on the price of the freight, the value of labour, &c. Y 2 324 IRON. The ferruginous minerals may be chemically classified as follows:- I. Oxides of Iron. a. Magnetic Iron Ores, (FeO, Fe2O3), containing 31 percent of peroxide of iron, 69 per cent of protoxide, and 72'4 per cent of metallic iron, are generally more difficult to smelt as they are less inclined to reduction and carbonisation, owing to their great compactness; furthermore, they cake easily upon roasting, and also melt easily in the blast furnaces before being reduced; this imperfect reduction causes the formation of fusible ferruginous slags, and this formation is facilitated by the protoxide of iron contained in the iron ore. The smelting* of magnetic iron ores requires a careful and fre- quently repeated roasting at a low temperature (Altenau in the Hartz), a finer division, a considerable addition of lime, and a prolongation of the upper part of the furnace hearth. The higher furnace hearth keeps the iron in contact with glowing coal for a longer time, thus carburising it more per- fectly. The larger addition of lime prevents the formation of siliceous slags, renders the mixture more difficult to fuse, and consequently impedes the sinking of the charges, thus causing a longer reaction of the reducing and carbonising agents. Owing to the difficult fusibility of the ore mixtures from magnetic iron ores, a grey or mottled pig-iron is chiefly pro- duced, which is well adapted for foundry purposes (Swedish cannon iron) and also for conversion into malleable iron (Dannemora iron) supposing that the ores are also pure. Admixtures of foreign earthy and metallic substances in magnetic ores either increase or lessen the difficulty of smelting these ores. The most advantageous are those ores. of uniformly grained texture, free from sulphur and phos- phorus compounds (iron, magnetic, copper, and arsenical pyrites, zinc blende, galena, apatite, &c.) when in admixture with silicates, &c. (chlorite, hornblende, garnet, tourmaline, quartz, manganiferous minerals, gneiss, calc spar, &c.), as they contain the components required for a desirable slag, * HARTMANN, Fortschr., iii., 147. OXIDES OF IRON. 325 rare cases besides some manganese; they melt at low temperature with cold blast, combine with a less amount of earthy bases, chiefly silicon, and yield an iron of a strongly mottled, fre- quently radiated, and almost specular appearance, and in cases a slightly mottled or grey iron, which is in the highest degree adapted for conversion into malleable iron (Swedish Dannemora iron*). Magnesian admixtures, such as those occurring in iron mica slate, itabirite and catawbarite in North Carolina,† render the ore difficult to fuse. Magnetic iron ore containing a prevailing amount of quartz in coarse grains also renders the mixture difficult to fuse, but the scorification of oxidised iron and its reaction upon carbide of iron, which cannot be prevented at the commencement of the operation, may be avoided later on by smelting at a higher temperature. For instance, the Swedish Ferola ores (magnetic iron ores with coarse grains of quartz, besides some oligoclase, amphibole, and iron pyrites) yield at Finspong a mottled iron‡ well fitted for the manufacture of cannons, in which the silicium is limited by the presence of manganese. A little sulphur retained in the ore, owing to an imperfect roasting, renders the pig-iron more tenacious. The smelting of magnetic iron ores is much more difficult, as they contain finely disseminated quartz which cannot be observed by the naked eye, and converts the ore into siliceous magnetic iron ore (Altenau in the Hartz). This sort of quartz has the greatest inclination to scorification at the roasting as well as in the smelting; these ores are therefore roasted twice at a low temperature and are added to other ore mixtures in small proportions. The quality of the resulting pig-iron is lower the larger the amount of these sulphurous and phosphatic minerals contained in the ore. These impurities are frequently so predominant as to render the ore unfit for smelting (Schwarzenberg in Saxony; Traversella in Piedmont, where an electro-magnetic dressing of the ores has been introduced). *PRECHTL, techn. Encykl. Eisenhüttenwesen, 1858, p. 12. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 242; ‡ Ibid., 1857, pp. 262, 269. xv., 378, 418. TUNNER, das Schwedische B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 361. 1860, p. 9. 326 IRON. The magnetic ores are not usually manganiferous, but when they are they yield, supposing them to be pure, an excel- lent pig-iron, admirably fitted for conversion into malleable iron. Magnetic iron ore occurs particularly in igneous and metamorphic rocks, either in distinct crystals or, as in many basalts, disseminated through the mass, when it frequently imparts magnetic properties to the rocks, especially to green- stone, serpentine, or basalt. It also forms beds in gneiss, in chlorite, mica, hornblende, and clay-slates, in marble, greenstone, and other rocks, but seldom appears in veins. The largest known formations occur in the northern parts of the globe, in Scandinavia, Lapland, Siberia, and North America. Less extensive deposits occur in the Hartz, in Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia, and Styria; and in Southern Europe, in Elba, and Spain. Magnetite is the most im- portant iron ore of Norway, Sweden, and Russia. The Dannemora mines in Sweden, excavated in an open quarry 150 feet broad and 500 feet deep, furnish the fine Ocregrund iron, largely imported into England for the manufacture of steel. Some highly magnetic varieties, especially from Siberia and the Hartz, form natural magnets, possessing distinct polarity. Others become polar only after contact with magnets of sufficient power. Magnetic ores sometimes occur in admixture with specular iron ore. They are also found in some parts of England. Two specimens of magnetic ore from Cornwall were of the following composition (Dr. Noad)* :- Water 2'50 3°20 Protoxide of iron 20'00 13'00 Peroxide of iron. 44'40 66'50 Oxide of manganese 0*16 0*56 Alumina. 5.20 3'60 Lime 0.60 0'56 Magnesia I'00 I'52 Sulphuric acid 0'04 0'04 Phosphoric acid 0'50 0'57 Insoluble residue 24°20 9'40 * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., ii., p. 682. FRANKLINITE. 327 Chrome Iron Ore* is sometimes met with in a similar state of minute octohedral crystals, and may readily be mistaken for magnetic iron sand, but being non-magnetic, may be instantly distinguished from it. The following iron ores are similar to the magnetic iron ore, and are now and then used for the production of iron: a. Titaniferous Iron Ore, a chemical combination of mFe₂O3+nTi₂03, in different proportions, and associated with small quantities of other substances, such as silica and oxides of manganese, calcium and magnesium. At Avellino (Naples) this sandy iron ore is worked in open hearths, and titaniferous iron sand occurs in large masses on the coast of New Ply- mouth (province Taranaki), in New Zealand. According to Freytag, it contains- FeO. Fe₂O₁ Ti₂03 27°53 per cent. 66.12 6.17 "" and, according to other investigators, 88 45 per cent of protoxide of iron and 11:43 per cent of protoxide of titanium, besides silica and a trace of manganese, and yields 61 per cent of iron of the best quality. The titaniferous iron sand from Egersund, in Southern Norway, contains as much as per cent of oxide of tin. B. Franklinite, 3(FeO, ZnO, MnO) + (Fe₂O3, Mn2O3), usually in admixture with red zinc ore and oxide of iron. When composed of- + 7-12ths 3FeO) (Fe₂O, 5-12ths 3ZnO)†13 Mn₂¤¸ it contains- Fe Mn Zn 44'73 per cent. 9°33 21.07 The average of several analyses by Rammelsberg gives the following composition :- Iron. Manganese. Zinc. Oxygen 45'16 9°38 20°30 25'16 100'00 PERCY, Metallurgy, p. 198. 328 IRON. This mineral is only found in two or three places in New Jersey* (North America) where it occurs in metamorphic silurian limestone, as a bed from 20 to 30 feet thick, overlaid by 6 or 8 feet of red zinc ore. Both minerals are first treated for zinc, and the residues are then smelted for white pig-iron or spiegeleisen. b. Hæmatite, Fe₂O,, containing 69:34 per cent of iron. It occurs in the crystalline form, constituting specular iron ore, or micaceous iron ore, according to the dimensions and character of the crystals; and it is massive or earthy, gener- ally in reniform or botryoidal nodules of a more or less fibrous and radiating structure. a. Specular Iron Ore is compact, of metallic lustre, steel grey, and gives a red streak. It is usually purer than mag- netic iron ore, and yields a grey, soft, tenacious pig-iron, owing to its great compactness, which makes it more difficult to reduce, and to its want of manganese. This pig-iron when produced with charcoal is especially adapted for the manufacture of steel and wrought-iron (Isle of Elba). If aiming at the production of white pig manganiferous fluxes must be added (Fellonica in the Isle of Elba). The specular ore occurs chiefly in the older crystalline rocks in large beds or veins. The mines of the Isle of Elba, celebrated from antiquity, still furnish the finest crystals, which occur in the massive variety, along with pyrites and quartz. This ore is also associated with some psilomelan; it is rich and easy to reduce and to smelt; it is also found elsewhere, chiefly in Sweden, Lapland, and the Ural. It also occurs in volcanic rocks, as in Auvergne, on Vesu- vius, Etna, and the Lipari Islands, especially Stromboli, where some fine crystals, 3 inches broad and 4 inches long, have been procured. The micaceous variety occurs at Tincroft in Cornwall, at Tavistock in Devonshire, and in Wales, Cumberland, and Perthshire. B. Red Hæmatite is less compact than the specular ore. It varies in colour from steel-grey to brown-red, and always B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 463. RED HEMATITE. 329 produces a characteristic red streak when drawn across a piece of unglazed pottery. It occurs in fibrous, columnar, botryoidal, granular, pisolitic, and compact forms. Special names are given to the different varieties; for instance— Kidney Ore, or Rother Glaskopf, includes the hard botry- oidal forms, such as those of Cumberland, which are devoid of metallic lustre ; Red Ochre, or Iron Minium, are compact earthy varieties, often containing clay, which are ground and used as colours. Puddler's Ore is a peculiar, unctuous, compact form from Cumberland, which is largely used for lining the hearths of puddling furnaces. The red hæmatite usually yields a soft tenacious grey iron, fit for foundry and forge purposes owing to its compactness, and to its seldom containing manganese, whilst the protoxide of iron of the magnetic iron ore facilitates the formation of a slag which combines with part of the protoxide, and has a decarbonising reaction upon the pig-iron. In a few cases manganiferous red hæmatite also occurs; as, for instance, at Ulverstone, where red hæmatite containing 50 per cent of oxide of manganese is smelted. The earthy associates are usually quartz, calc spar, chlorite, siliceous iron (eisenkiesel), chalcedony, hornblende, felspar, heavy spar, &c.; the metallic associates are titaniferous minerals, iron pyrites, &c. Red hæmatite as a rule contains more noxious foreign associates than specular iron ore, and less than magnetic iron ores; it is more or less difficult to fuse according to its earthy associates. Whilst the presence of quartz renders it more difficult to fuse, silicates, fluor spar, calc spar, marl, and brown spar increase its fusibility. Lime renders the ores less compact upon roasting, and consequently facilitates their reduction in the furnace, as is the case with magnetic iron ores. Red hæmatite is the chief ore for the production of iron.t It occurs in many parts of the Continent, and in great abun- dance in the United States, in immense masses at Lake Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863., p. 194. This observation does not apply to England; for in this country by far the largest quantity of iron is reduced from clay ironstone. 330 IRON. 7 Superior, and in the States of Missouri, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Arkansas, &c. In this country* these ores are found in the greatest abundance in the mountain limestone formations. The most abundant deposits are those of Lancashire and Cumberland. . The hæmatite of Whitehaven occurs in the carboniferous limestones near the outcrop or surface edge of the clay-slate rocks upon which the formation rests. Most of the excava- tions from which it is extracted are subterraneous, and the masses of iron ore in which the workings are carried on are often so extensive that it is difficult in such situations to obtain a clear idea of the nature of this important deposit. (Warington Smyth). 214,433 tons of the hæmatite of the Whitehaven district are smelted on the spot, at the Cleator Moor and other iron works, and 579,642 tons are sent into the iron working districts. In the year 1865, 607,439 tons were raised in the Ulverstone district, and no less than 937,386 tons of hæmatite were exported during 1865 (Hunt) for the supply of Staffordshire, South Wales, and other districts, from these two localities. Considering its quality, it fetches a low price, viz., from 11s. 6d. to 13s. 6d. per ton. The following analyses of some carefully selected samples of the hæmatite of the carboniferous limestone are by Messrs. Dick and Spiller ("Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain;" The Iron Ores of Great Britain, Part I.) :— Lindale Moor, Ulverstone.† Ulverstone. 86*50 Cleator Cleator Moor. Moor. Peroxide of iron . 95*16 90*36 94°23 Protoxide of manganese. 024 Ο ΙΟ ΟΣΙ 0*23 Alumina. 0°37 0'51 Lime. 0'07 0'71 2.77 0'05 Magnesia 0.06 I 1*46 trace Phosphoric acid trace trace trace trace Sulphuric acid. trace trace ΟΙΙ 0°09 Bisulphide of iron Water, hygroscopic "" combined. Insoluble residue. trace 0*06 0°03 • 0°39 0*17 5.68 8.54 6.55 5'18 Carbonic acid. 2.96 * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. ii., p. 682. This column represents an unctuous variety of hæmatite (Gill brow ore) used for lining puddling furnaces. BROWN IRON ore. 331 The carboniferous limestones of Derbyshire and Somerset- shire also contain veins and deposits of hæmatite, though not equal in quality to those of Lancashire. The same ore is also met with in the Devonian series of Devonshire, West Somersetshire, and Cornwall. In the Whitehaven district* two distinct varieties of hæma- tite are recognised, the hard and the soft. The former generally contains free silica in great excess, while the latter contains silica, which, although it may to a great extent be free, is associated with earthy bases diffused throughout it. The siliceous red ores from Ulverstone contain on an average from 41 to 57 per cent of iron, those from Somerset- shire 59 per cent, from Cornwall and Devonshire from 39 to 60 per cent, and from North Wales from 43 to 49 per cent. The calcareous red ore from the Forest of Dean, Lancashire, and Cumberland contains from 40 to 47 per cent of iron; the iron ores of Ulverstone sometimes contain a little arsenic. 2. Hydrates of Oxide of Iron. The amount of water contained in these ores varies, and influences the physical properties, chiefly the colour of the ores; they are accordingly classified as follows:- a. Brown Iron Ores; these have usually a brown streak, seldom brownish yellow. The common brown hæmatite, hydrated peroxide of iron, 2Fe₂03,3HO, when pure, contains 59.89 per cent of iron and 1444 per cent of water. It occurs in different varieties, either finely fibrous (hæmatite), of slag-like appearance, or earthy and ochreous. Brown iron ore is a product of the decomposition of iron pyrites, and occurs either separate or together with still younger iron ores; it is frequently associated with mangani- ferous ores, from which it derives its darkish brown and black colour. Amongst the metallic associates of the brown. iron ore are frequently iron and copper pyrites, galena, cala- mine, malachite, &c.; amongst its earthy associates are calc spar, heavy spar, brown spar, fluor spar, quartz, and very fre- quently clay, constituting the aluminous brown iron ore, which PERCY, Metallurgy, p. 200. 332 IRON. sometimes occurs in a stalactitic form, or spheroidal, and very abundantly in small globules and grains (oolitic brown iron ores). The Greywacke iron ore also belongs to the brown iron ores. Upon roasting, the brown iron ores lose their water and thus become porous; they are easily reduced and carbonised, and form mixtures more or less difficult to fuse according to whether manganese is present or not, and in consequence, they either yield a grey pig-iron, or white pig well adapted. for the production of steel. A little alumina renders them more difficult to fuse, but well fitted for the production of good iron if properly mixed. The siliceous brown iron ores are the most difficult to fuse and to reduce (English hard ores in contrast to the soft ores). Lime in the ore besides the clay (Stahlberg in Siegen, Schmalkalden, Styria, Carinthia) is very desirable, as such ores then contain all the components. necessary for the formation of a good slag. Purer manganiferous brown iron ores in the Pyrenees (Northern Spain) are treated in open hearths for the direct production of malleable iron and steel. Very rich pure brown iron ores containing 65 per cent of iron in Biscaya* are reduced, by Gurlt's method, in a cupola furnace by means of carbonic oxide, to spongy iron, which is then heated in Catalonian hearths and forged. In many countries this is one of the most abundant and valuable iron ores. It occurs in its different varieties in many parts of Germany, and in the oolitic form it supplies. by far the greater number of the French iron works, and almost exclusively the Belgian iron works; it also occurs in Spain, Russia, &c. Brown iron ore is the chief ore of the United States of America; it is found in this country in great abundance in the Forest of Dean, where it was worked most extensively at a very early date, and though as a class these ores are not rich, yet from the great masses in which they are found, the cost of raising them is very low, about 2s. or 3s. per ton (Blackwell). These ores are associated with lead and zinc ores, and are, therefore, liable to produce за * Berggeist, 1863, No. 64. YELLOW IRON ORE. 333 a cold-short wrought-iron; for this reason they are mostly used for the production of foundry pig. The brown iron ores from Wales, Cumberland, &c. are of better quality. The varying quality of the Forest of Dean ores is shown in the following analyses (Dr. Noad) :— Water. Carbonate of Lime. Carbonate of Magnesia Oxide of Manganese Peroxide of Iron Alumina Sulphuric Acid Phosphoric Acid Insoluble Residue • I. 3*16 27'00 25*50 39'60 II. III. IV. 5'80 2'90 2.II 14*10 15:00 18:30 2500 17 10 40*80 38 10 29'00 59'70 6'00 3*60 trace trace trace I'89 trace trace trace trace 0°20 8.84 8.70 3°50 5'10 100*80 100'00 100'00 100*20 Some of the brown hæmatites contain a large percentage of manganese. Their general composition is illustrated by the following analyses (Dr. Noad) :— Water Oxide of Manganese Lime. Magnesia Alumina. Peroxide of Iron . Sulphuric Acid Phosphoric Acid Insoluble Residue. • I. II. 12.85 12.80 3*08 9'60 I'72 ΙΙΟ I'20 0'92 68.57 68.45 ΟΙΙ ΟΙΙ ΙΟΙ I'02 12'00 9'50 100'54 IOI 20 b. Yellow Iron Ore.-These are mostly of more recent origin, and contain more water than brown iron ores, having a brownish yellow streak. They occur either together with brown iron ore, or as isolated masses in younger formations, as the result of the decomposition of pyrites, carbonates, or other compounds of iron. They are also deposited by water containing iron vitriol (Rammelsberg), and they are even formed under our eyes in the following manner :-Organic acids produced from decaying vegetables, together with water containing carbonic acid, extract iron from ferruginous rocks, forming soluble iron salts. An admission of air precipitates 334 IRON. these salts as insoluble basic salts and hydrated oxides (limonite), whilst combining with certain components of the vegetables-with phosphoric acid, for instance. Pure yellow iron ores are seldom found in larger masses, but chiefly in the following admixtures. a. Aluminous Yellow Iron Ore, hydrated oxide of iron in admixture with clay and sand, sometimes associated with siliceous iron, hydrated oxide of manganese, and calc spar; it also occurs grained in loose pieces, or cemented by clay, massive or earthy. The aitites, or eagle stones, are also a variety of this ore. On breaking the balls so named, they are observed to be composed of concentric coats, the outside ones very hard, but the interior becoming gradually softer towards the centre, which is usually earthy and of a bright yellow colour; sometimes, however, the centre is quite empty, or contains only a few drops of water. Aitites occur in abundance, often in continuous beds, in secondary moun- tains, and in certain argillaceous strata. The associates of this ore are metallic sulphides (iron pyrites, galena, zinc blende), manganiferous minerals, calc spar, brown spar, iron spar, quartz, heavy spar, gypsum, cœlestine, &c. When derived from pyrites, it frequently contains basic sulphate and arseniate of iron, sometimes also phosphate of iron. The quality of the iron produced from this ore depends on the amount of foreign associates. These yellow ores are found on the Rhine, in Bohemia, Silesia, Saxony, where they occur in the coal measures, and on the Weser, and in the Hartz, Baden, Bavaria, Würtem- burg, Hesse, France, Switzerland, and England, in the oolitic group, or brown Jurassic formation. B. Bog Iron Ore, Limonite, Lake Ore, &c., is formed in the same way as the yellow iron ore, and is usually hydrated oxide of iron with phosphate of iron and hydrated oxide of manganese. Sometimes it is admixed with sand, clay, organic substances, and siliceous iron, and now and then with lime, magnesia, oxide of chromium, and sulphate and arseniate of iron; in some cases it contains pure hydrated phosphate of iron. According to Ehrenberg, the formation. of bog ores is in part due to infusoria (diatomacea), which BOG IRON ORE. 325 have the power of separating iron from water, and depositing -it as hydrated peroxide in their siliceous coverings. The ores either occur on the spot of their original forma- tion, or they are carried into lakes by flowing water (Sweden, Norway, Finland). In these countries large quantities of this sort of bog ore, known as lake ore (sjomalmer), are obtained by dredging the bottoms of the numerous lakes. It occurs in granular concretionary forms, varying in size from grains of coarse gunpowder up to 6 inches in diameter. The task of collecting these ores is confined to the winter months; they are raised by a perforated iron shovel fixed at the end of a long pole, which is lowered through a hole about 3 feet in diameter cut in the ice. These ores are universally found in the neighbourhood of reed banks and on the slopes of the shallows in the larger and deeper lakes, in layers from 10 to 200 yards in length, from 5 to 15 yards in breadth, and from 8 to 30 inches in thickness; they never occur in strong currents of water. Within a short time lake ore is reproduced, and there are instances of lakes where the ore, after having been com- pletely exhausted, collected again in the course of 26 years to such an extent as to form beds several inches in thickness. Bog ores are not found in this country in sufficient quan- tity to be worth working; they are abundantly developed on the continent, chiefly on the great plain of North Germany. Owing to their large amount of manganese and phosphorus. these ores are easily fused, and are inclined to yield white pig-iron; wrought-iron produced from this pig is cold-short. These ores containing a larger amount of phosphorus are therefore usually smelted at a higher temperature for the production of grey thinly liquid foundry pig-iron. Ores with an excess of manganese and but little phos- phorus may be used for the production of white radiated or specular forge pig-iron, as, for instance, some Swedish lake ores, which contain as much as 20 per cent of manganese. One of the chief drawbacks in smelting bog ores is often the abundant intermixture of sand, which can only be separated by sifting the dry ores. At Alexishütte, near Lingen, Welkner has constructed a sifting apparatus connected with 336 IRON. a gas drying furnace. On sifting the ores at Tangerhütte they are reduced to 70 per cent of their original volume. The bog ore of Alexishütte, near Lingen, is composed as follows: Peroxide of iron Oxide of manganese Sand Phosphoric acid. Sulphuric acid • Water and organic matter 62.59 8°52 II.37 I'50 traces 16.02 100'00 3. Carbonate of Iron, either in a pure state as spathic ores, or in an admixture with clay (argillaceous carbonate of iron, clay ironstone); clay ironstone containing carbonaceous matter is termed blackband. a. Spathic Carbonate of Iron, FeO,CO₂, containing 48°2 per cent of iron, more or less carbonate of manganese (up to 20 per cent), and always combined with carbonate of lime and magnesia, so as to form (FeO, MnO,CaO,MgO) CO₂. When this ore has a fibrous structure it is called sphe- rosiderite; in some cases the ore is found in a pure state (Müsen,' Vordernberg), but it usually contains admixtures. of calc spar, fluor spar, heavy spar, quartz, red and brown iron ores, manganese ores, and of different metallic sulphides. (iron, copper, arsenical pyrites, galena, silver, cobalt, and nickel ores, &c.); sometimes the ore contains all the earths required for the formation of slag. In all cases, the higher part of the lode is changed into brown iron ore to a greater or smaller depth, by the action of atmospheric air and water. Sparry iron ore appears to range through nearly the same series of formations as the anhydrous hæmatites; it occurs. in beds and masses often of immense extent, especially in Styria and Carinthia. In the Erzberg, or ore mountain, near Eisenerz in Styria, it is worked in an open quarry. The Erzberg rises to a height of about 2500 feet, and apparently consists of a solid mass of carbonate of iron, but it is in reality only covered by a coping or arch of the mineral, which varies in total thickness from 200 to 600 feet, including SPATHIC CARBONATE OF IRON. 337 a few interstratified schistose partings. The deposit lies upon and apparently passes on either side into limestone, and is covered by a breccia of limestone fragments and clay slate. The associated minerals are iron and copper pyrites, quartz, carbonate of lime, and occasionally cinnabar. The deposits of spathic ore in Carinthia are smaller in extent, but of similar character. In the Devonian rocks large quantities of spathic ores are found in the district of Siegen, the Stahlberg or steel mountain, near Müsen, being the most important deposit, where a nearly vertical wedge-shaped lode in clay slate has been worked since 1313. In Anhalt and the Hartz, sparry iron ore forms large veins. in Greywacke or Devonian limestone. Other extensive deposits of this ore are found in the Pyrenees and the Basque provinces of Spain, as near Bilbao; and at Pacho near Bogota in New Granada. In England ft occurs at Weardale in Durham, in lodes in the carboniferous limestone associated with lead and zinc ores, at Perran in Cornwall, Exmoor in North Devonshire, and Brendon Hill in Somersetshire; between the two last mentioned localities the ore forms a chain of lodes in the middle Devonian rocks, which is said to be about 5 miles. long, and of a maximum thickness of 27 feet. Overmann states that in North America this ore is generally impure, and not worked to any extent. The variations in the composition of this important mineral are shown in the following analyses- I. II. III. IV. Protoxide of iron 53°50 43°59 52°56 43.84 Peroxide of iron O'SI Protoxide of manganese • 6.50 17.87 4.82 12.64 Magnesia. Lime Carbonic acid Metallic iron. manganese 0'70 0*08 2.41 3°63 0°24 I'25 0'28 39°20 38°22 38.65 38.86 99'90 100'00 99*69 100'06 34.65 9'73 VOL. II. Z 338 IRON. No. 1, from the Pyrenees; No. 2, from Siegen; No. 3, from Somersetshire, analysed by Noad; No. 4, from Brendon Hill, Somersetshire, streaked with red hæmatite, analysed by Spiller. In the Permian rocks of Thuringia, a large irregular mass of spathic ores, has been worked in the Mommel and Stahl- berg mines, near Schmalkalden, for more than 700 years. Pure or calcareous sparry iron ore, such as that mined in Müsen, Thuringia, Styria, Carinthia, and lately in England also,* is used chiefly for the production of spiegeleisen and flowery pig, as it nearly always contains an amount of man- ganese sufficient to render the mixture of easy fusibility, and as the ores are easily reduced when roasted. In Westphaliat these ores are smelted in admixture with blackband ironstone for the production of grey pig-iron. A small amount of sulphur in the ore is neutralised by the manganese, and such ores yield an excellent white forge pig. Ores with a larger amount of sulphur are smelted with hot blast at a higher temperature and with an addition of lime for the production of grey iron. A larger amount of mag- nesia, sometimes amounting to one-third of the ore, renders it difficult to fuse, and facilitates the formation of grey iron. This ore seldom contains more than 5 per cent of carbonate of lime. Sparry iron ore in an undecomposed state is less easily reduced, and scorifies some protoxide of iron, owing to its easy fusibility, caused by the amount of manganese present; also it only loses its carbonic acid at so high a temperature that after its escape the ore begins to melt before being com- pletely reduced. When weathered, or better roasted, the ore reduces and carbonises easily, owing to its porosity, and the more highly oxidised iron is less inclined to scorify. Pig- iron produced from raw sparry ores is richer in manganese than pig from decayed or roasted ores. b. Argillaceous Carbonate of Iron, Clay Ironstone.- This ore is a compact carbonate of iron in admixture with * TUNNER'S Bericht über d. Londoner Industrie-Austellung, 1862, p. 13. Berggeist, 1863, p. 195. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 62, 354. ↑ Berggeist, 1857, No. 41; 1858, No. 5. 1858, No. 28. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, No. 36; CLAY IRONSTONE. 339 clay, quartz sand, marl, &c., and sometimes associated with calc spar, heavy spar, iron pyrites, galena, zinc blende, phos- phate of iron and lime, &c. When occurring in the lower schists of the coal formation it usually contains some bitumen, and also a certain amount of manganese, up to 7 per cent or more. When decayed these ores change into argilla- ceous brown and yellow iron ore, and the action of the heat transforms them into aluminous red iron ore. These ores occur in the coal formations of Westphalia, Saarbrücken, Silesia, &c., and very abundantly in the coal fields of Great Britain, furnishing nearly two-thirds of the total annual production of the United Kingdom. The earthy or lithoid carbonates occur in some regions in the upper limestone shales, and they extend upwards through the coal measures proper towards their higher limits; they like- wise occur in extensive beds in the Jurassic formation, particu- larly in North Yorkshire; near the upper limit of the lias or base of the oolite proper; and again, higher up, as nodules, and perhaps in beds, in the middle oolite or Oxford clays. They are also found extensively as courses of nodules in the Wealden series, and as beds in the green sand. When these grey car- bonates contain lime in abundance, and when clay is not largely present, they are sometimes changed by atmospheric influences into hydrated hæmatites; in Northamptonshire, for example, and extensively in France. The only great coal field in Great Britain in which these ores do not occur in sufficient abundance to form the basis of a large production of iron are those of Northumberland and Durham, and of Lancashire. In England, these ores contain on an average 30 or 33 per cent of iron, from 15 to 25 per cent of alumina, small amounts of sulphur (in blende, galena, iron and copper pyrites), and always from 0.5 to rather over 1 per cent of phosphoric acid. The iron produced from the argillaceous ironstone is of an extremely good quality, provided the coals used for smelting are good. The ore is always used in a calcined state, by which it loses in weight about one-third or one-fourth, the loss consisting of carbonic acid and water. The production of iron in South Wales and South Staffordshire rests almost entirely on the great beds of this mineral. Z 2 340 IRON. In France, the clay carbonates of the coal measures are only worth working in three localities:—in the coal fields of the Gard, of the Aveyron, and, to a very limited extent, in the coal field of the Loire, near St. Etienne (K. Blackwell). In America, they are largely distributed over Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina, and Kentucky, but here they are not in general use, owing to the expense of raising and working them. The varying proportions of iron, silica, and alumina which they contain, is shown in the subjoined analyses of the ore from different localities: Scotch Varieties, analysed by Dr. Colquhoun. I. II. Carbonic acid. 32'53 30.76 Protoxide of iron 35°22 38.80 Protoxide of manganese 0°07 Lime 8.62 5°30 Magnesia 5°19 6'70 Silica 9'56 10.87 Alumina 5'34 6.20 Peroxide of iron 1.16 0'33 Carbon . 2.13 1.87 Sulphur 0.62 0.16 100°37 ΙΟΙΟΟ Welsh Varieties, analysed by Dr. Noad. Red Vein. Red Vein Pin. Silica 8.31 15°40 Alumina (insoluble). 3'13 5'00 Carbonate of iron 73'79 57'99 Oxide of manganese 0*92 o'64 Carbonate of lime 2.95 3'45 Carbonate of magnesia 3.80 8.58 Alumina (soluble) 2.52 3'52 Phosphoric acid . 0'53 0*75 Sulphuric acid trace trace Bisulphide of iron 0'17 0*24 Potash. 0'48 0'45 Organic matter and water 2.36 2.34 98.96 98.36 Metallic iron. 35.62 28'00 BLACKBAND IRONSTONE. 341 c. Blackband Ironstone.-This ore is a clay ironstone containing carbonaceous matter, and occurs in layers in the upper strata of the coal formation. Its composition is nearly that of the clay ironstone, but it always contains less sandy clay and the carbonaceous matter already mentioned. When heated this ore loses half its weight, and sometimes contains enough intermixed lime for the formation of slag. The smaller amount of sandy clay causes the blackband ironstone to be more easily fusible, and its being less compact after As roasting renders it easier to reduce than clay iron ore. blackband usually contains a larger amount of metallic sul- phides, especially iron pyrites, and not less phosphorus than clay ironstone, an inferior pig-iron results, usually in the form of grey foundry pig, produced at a high temperature with hot blast and a large addition of lime. The treatment of black- band containing many impurities is very difficult, owing to the great fusibility of the ore. This great fusibility and the amount of bitumen in the ore occasion a considerable saving of fuel, whilst the richness of the ore allows a large produc- tion. The blackband may be calcined by burning it in heaps without any additional fuel, the residues yielding from 50 to 70 per cent of iron. This ore was discovered in Lanarkshire by Mushet in the year 1801, but only came into use at about 1830. In the western coal-field of Scotland* seven principal blackband measures are known, of the following average thicknesses respectively,—12, 16, 6, 8, 6, 15, and 8 inches. The yield of blackband is at the rate of 2000 tons of calcined ore, equal to 1000 tons of pig-iron per acre for each foot of thickness. Blackband also occurs in North Staffordshire and South Wales. In South Wales a carbonaceous spathic ore, termed coal brass, occasionally accompanies the coal. It differs from blackband in containing considerable quantities of carbonates of lime and magnesia. The Scotch blackband iron ores contain from 20 to 25 per cent of coal, from 10 to 15 per cent of alumina, and from * BAUERMAN'S Treatise on Metallurgy of Iron, 1868, p. 76. 342 IRON. 34 to 41 per cent of iron. Upon calcining the ores and thus evolving from 40 to 50 per cent of volatile substances, this amount is increased to from 55 to 60 per cent. In 1855 blackband was discovered in Westphalia in for- mations poor in coal, but in much less quantity than in Scotland and England. In a few instances only do black- band and coal occur together, whilst in this country this is always the case. When calcined, the Westphalian black- band loses 30 per cent of its weight; it contains 40 per cent of iron when raw, and 60 per cent after roasting, besides as much as 0.4 per cent of sulphur, and o'2 per cent of phos- phorus. Blackband also occurs at Gablau* in Lower Silesia, and thin layers of it have been discovered at Ostraut and at Steier- dorf in Banat. Analyses of Blackband. Dr. Noad found blackband from the neighbourhood of Pontypool, South Wales, to contain- Carbonaceous matter Carbonate of iron. magnesia lime. I. II. 15.00 13°42 61.00 64°44 10 90 13°54 13°20 8.60 ΙΟΟΙΟ 100'00 Metallic iron per cent. • 29.60 31°10 "" "" Analyses of Scotch Blackband. Scotch blackband ironstone, analysed by Dr. Colquhoun:- Ferric oxide • Ferrous oxide Lime Magnesia Silica Carbonic acid. Water, combined Carbonaceous matter I. II. 0*23 2.72 53.82 40'77 1'51 o'go 0.28 0'72 2.00 ΙΟ ΙΟ 34°39 26.41 I'00 7'70 17.38 The following analyses show the composition of blackband from Yorkshire and South Wales:- Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 97. † LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 284. CLEVELAND IRON ORES. 343 I. II. III. Ferric oxide I'45 Ferrous oxide 36.14 37°07 42.64 Manganous oxide 1*38 0*23 0'26 Alumina 6'74 Lime. 2.70 6.61 5°24 Magnesia 2.17 7°40 5°26 Potash 0*65 Clay 270 Silica 17°37 Carbonic acid 26'57 37°14 36.89 Phosphoric acid 0'34 0'23 0'17 Sulphuric acid trace Iron pyrites ΟΙΟ trace 0°22 Water (hygroscopic. 0.61 combined 1.16 Carbonaceous matter 2'40 9.80 8.87 99'78 100'18 99*55 No. I is blackband from Low Moor in Yorkshire, analysed by J. Spiller. Nos. 2 and 3 are blackband (coal brass) from Aberdare in South Wales, analysed by Price and Nicholson. Cleveland Iron Ores.-These important iron ores were only discovered in 1851 at the Cleveland Hills in Yorkshire; they occur in the middle lias; in its best development the bed of ore is about 20 feet thick; from 12 to 17 feet are workable, the bed being made up of various interstratified bands of ore, shale, and iron pyrites. The two seams of the stone bed are principally distinguished as the pecten and avicula seams, from the respective prevalence in them of fossil shells belonging to these genera. The average composition of these ores may be seen from the following analyses by Mr. Crowdar :— Silica Peroxide of iron Eastern Nab Hutton Low (Main Seam). Cross. II 95 15.65 6.73 1.80 Protoxide of iron . 39'05 35'75 Alumina 13.83 4'95 Lime 2°52 7.39 Magnesia 2.72 2.98 Sulphur. trace trace Phosphoric acid I'02 5'05 Carbonic acid. 16.38 23.47 Water 5.80 4.89 4 344 IRON. 4. Silicates of Iron. a. Siliceous Iron Ores are composed of silica with either peroxide or protoxide of iron, in some cases also with both oxides; also they are usually combined with other silicates, hydrates, &c. The following are some of these ores:- Chamoisite, 2(3FeO,SiO3)+6(FeO,Al2O3) + 12HO, con- taining 49 per cent of iron. Iron garnet, 3FeO,SiO3+Al₂O,,SiO3, containing from 18 to 31 per cent of iron. Nontronite, Fe2O3,2SiO3+6HO, containing from 21 to 26 per cent of iron. Yellow earth, Al2O3,SiO3+2(Fe2O3,SiO3)+6HO, containing 26.5 per cent of iron. Upon smelting these ores, the ready fusibility of the proto- silicate of iron, and the difficulty of its reduction, give rise to the formation of a ferruginous slag and the production of white pig-iron, i.e., to an irregular process, as the ores have an inclination to smelt before being reduced and carbonated. The reduction of the ores is also rendered still more difficult by their compactness. When roasting the ores in order to render them less compact and to transform the protoxide, which readily scorifies, into peroxide, a caking of the ores is likely to take place. It is advisable to throw the hot roasted mass into cold water; the larger pieces will break up so as to be easily crushed, when they will be more readily reduced. Owing to these properties, the silicates of iron are seldom smelted by themselves, as for instance, chamoisite at Arden, kieseleisen-glimmerschiefer* (a sort of mica slate containing silicate of iron) in North Carolina. Ferruginous silicates are therefore more used as fluxes, part of their iron being extracted in this way. In their behaviour these iron ores approach that of ores containing protoxide of iron and an intimate ad- * B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, P. 243. SLAGS OR CINDERS. 345 mixture of quartz, like the siliceous magnetic iron ores (page 325). Clay iron ores contain silica, not combined with protoxide of iron, but with other bases; they are, therefore, more readily reduced, although they are less fusible. Iron ores containing in admixture silicates suitable for the formation of slag (Swedish magnetic iron ores, Styrian spathic iron ores, some carbonaceous iron ores) are usually of appropriate reducibility and fusibility. b. Slags or Cinders produced in the operations of puddling and re-heating, containing 40 or 75 per cent of iron. These substances consist essentially of protosilicate of iron, intermixed with more or less peroxide of iron; they behave like siliceous iron ores with regard to reduction and fusion; but they contain part of the phosphorus and sulphur of the pig-iron from which they were produced, and require somewhat more fuel than the ores, as their power of conducting heat is greater. With regard to purity, fusi- bility, and power of conducting heat, those slags may be classified as follows:-re-heating slags, puddling slags; with regard to their reduction, they stand in inverse proportion; these slags are purer if resulting from pig-iron which has been previously refined. Roasting renders these slags somewhat less compact, the re-heating slags the least so; the puddling slags are somewhat more reacted upon and the influence is greatest upon slags resulting at the conversion. of pig-iron into wrought-iron in open hearths. The chief advantage of the roasting is, that an easily fusible silicate, 6FeO,SiO,, which is difficult to reduce, and contains the greater part of the phosphoric acid (Percy * found 13 per cent), will liquate, whilst a purer compound, 3FeO,SiO3, will remain; this purer compound is more difficult to fuse, but easier to reduce in the blast furnace. The coal con- sumed at this liquation processt amounts to about half the weight of the slags under treatment. Besides the expense of this process it causes a great loss of iron. * TUNNER'S Bericht über d. Londoner Industrie-Austellung, v., 1862, p. 36. † Revue Universelle, 1860, 4 année, 4 livr., p. 57. 346 IRON. This unfavourable behaviour of the slags has led to their being mostly added to the ore mixture in such a degree as the quality of the produced iron will allow. For example, in this country, white forge-iron of different quality is pro- duced by a variable addition of puddling and refinery slags to the ore mixture; and a mixture of refinery slags and clay slate is only used for the production of slag iron in- tended for ballast blocks for vessels; the amount of phos- phorus in pig-iron has not been observed to increase, pari passu, with the increased addition of slag. In Scotland, 29 per cent of slags is added to the ore mixture, and at Königs- hütte, in Silesia, as much as 42 per cent has sometimes been. added. In former times frequent attempts were made to smelt slags by themselves, and also to reduce them in open hearths and Stücköfen, or high bloomery furnaces; and Berthier, Reichenbach, Calvert, Hinde, and others have re- peatedly proposed that roasted and finely-divided slags should be smelted in intimate mixture with lime and coal. This method has, of late, been practically and successfully applied by Lang and Frey,* and has been introduced in many smelting works, professing to cause the production of a purer iron, chiefly poorer in silicon, than that resulting from smelting slags with an addition of iron ores. The produced pig-iron, of course, is of different quality, according to the purity of the slags. Even spiegeleisent has been produced by this method. The following is stated to be its composition:- Iron . Carbon Sulphur. Phosphorus Silicon 94'03 5°14 trace 0°32 0*40 But the smelting of slags is always more expensive than that of iron ores. Tunner 1861, p. 327. recommends smelting slags together with from * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 321; 1861, pp. 36, 43, 52, 60. TUNNER'S Leoben. Jahrb., 1861., X., 289, 415; † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, p. 326; 1861, p. 43. ‡ Ibid., 1860, No. 24. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 223. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, xi., 299. PERCENTAGE OF IRON IN ORES. 347 6 to 8 per cent of granulated pig-iron, and from 10 to 15 per cent of lime, when the pig-iron will introduce carbon into the slags, and thus exert a strong reducing action. 5. Scrap Iron. This is also used, in some cases, as smelting material, and given in addition to the ore mixture. a. Scraps of Cast-iron in fragments and other forms are sometimes added at the commencement of an operation of a blast furnace to rapidly increase the quantity of iron in the hearth; and if the re-melting in cupola furnaces is too expensive, or the material is not present in sufficient quan- tity for carrying on the smelting in the cupola furnace. These scraps may be added in large pieces at greater intervals, without impeding the process, if the quantity of fuel is charged accordingly; but one piece of scrap iron must not be heavier than one charge of ore mixture. Ferri- ferous bears may also be made useful in this manner. At Witkowitz, pieces of cast-iron weighing 40 cwts., and ferri- ferous bears, weighing 34 cwts. are re-melted in blast fur- naces. Cast-iron borings and turnings are best caked by a previous roasting, which may be facilitated by moistening them, either with salt water or with hot water and muriatic acid, when pressing the material into moulds.* b. Scraps of Wrought-iron, ends of rails, &c., are less often smelted in blast furnaces as an addition, than added at smeltings in cupola furnaces, and at the conversion of pig-iron into wrought-iron. At Ebbw Valet such scraps, chiefly rails-ends, are treated with coke and an addition of lime in a cupola furnace 15 feet high. The Adaptability of Iron Ores to the Smelting Process depends- 1. On their Percentage of Iron, which varies between 30 and 40 per cent; sometimes they contain even more than 70 per cent, and in some cases so little, owing to a great admixture of foreign substances, that the ore is not worth * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, Nos. 25, 26, 38. Polyt. Centr., 1857, p. 828. LEOB., Jahrb., 1862, xi., 47. + TUNNER'S Bericht über d. Londoner Industrie-Austellung, v., 1862, p. 28. 348 IRON. smelting by itself, but may perhaps be used as a flux, being often preferable to fluxes which contain no iron. Magnetic, red, specular, and carbonaceous iron ores are classed amongst the richer ores, whilst different brown and argillaceous ironstones form the poorer class. The amount of iron required in an ore to make it worth smelting de- pends on local circumstances, prices of materials, labour, &c.; at the Dannemora Iron Works, ore mixtures containing less than from 37 to 40 per cent of iron are considered too poor, and the usual mixture contains 50 per cent and more ; in most other places a profitable mixture contains only about 30 per cent and even less. Iron ores containing less than 15 or 20 per cent cannot be profitably smelted by them- selves; the foreign admixtures often cause a richer ore to be less valuable than a poorer ore. The production of pig- iron* in a certain time is limited by the amount of iron contained in the ore; whilst 25 cwts. of pig-iron and slags are produced weekly for every cubic yard of the con- tents of a blast furnace, if smelting clay ironstones con- taining 38 per cent of iron, the production amounts to 34 cwts. when treating carbonaceous iron ores containing 60 per cent. 2. On the State of Aggregation of the Ore, and the State of Oxidation of the Iron contained in it.-Protoxide of iron is more inclined to scorify than peroxide, and the inclination is increased the more compact the ore is. Iron ores containing peroxide of iron are also more difficult to reduce, and to carbonise, the more compact they are. In such cases the ores must be exposed for a longer time to the influence of the reducing and carbonising agents, and this may be effected by rendering the ore mixture difficult to fuse; otherwise, non-reduced protoxide of iron will partly decar- bonise, in the hearth, the pig-iron formed. With regard to this behaviour, brown, yellow, and sparry iron ores, which disintegrate when strongly roasted, are preferable to the compact magnetic, specular, and red iron ores, provided they do not contain disseminated carbonate of lime. * Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 230. Foreign } FOREIGN ASSOCIATES OF IRON ORES. 349 admixtures sometimes impede the reduction and carbonisa- tion of the ores (clay ironstone). Precautions are required if ores containing protoxide of iron are replaced in an ore mixture by ores containing peroxide. If protoxide of iron is scorified, owing to an imperfect reduction, the silicate of iron formed can only be reduced at a great consumption of fuel. The formation of silicate of iron is facilitated if the ore contains protoxide of iron or finely disseminated quartz, if the ore is rich and very compact or if the temperature is either too high or too low; too high a temperature causes a smelting of the ores before they are reduced; and a low temperature is not sufficient for reduction. 3. The Foreign Associates, with regard to quality and quantity, greatly influence the smelting process as well as the product. In very rare cases only do iron ores occur free from admixtures of earthy and metallic substances (magnetic, spathic, and specular ores); besides water and carbonic acid the ores usually contain silica, alumina, and lime, either one or more of these substances, if not all; sometimes they also contain sulphur, phosphorus, barium, manganese, copper, zinc, lead, and other metals. Some of the substances have a favourable influence and others are hurtful. Though to a certain extent it is possible to neutralise the influence of the injurious substances at the smelting process, it can seldom be done sufficiently, and usually causes economical disad- vantages; these substances must therefore be removed as much as possible by suitable chemical and mechanical preparations, previously to the smelting operations (sulphur, page 301; phosphorus, page 306; arsenic, page 314; copper, page 314; zinc, page 315), provided essential components of the mixture are not separated (silicon, page 296; earthy metals, page 318), or they are contained in the fuel (silicon in the ash of coke, sulphur in coal and coke, phosphorus in turf). Some iron ores also contain a little tin. A few substances only improve the quality of iron, chiefly manganese (page 311) in iron ore and fluxes, and titanium (page 316); in some particular cases the presence of 350 IRON. phosphorus (page 309) and sulphur (page 304) even may be desirable. The ores are classified, in respect to smelting, into refrac- tory and easily fusible ores, and one medium sort. And, as the ores are seldom pure, and usually contain some compo- nents required for the formation of slag, Sefström* classifies them into ores with, and ores without, such components. To smelt the purer ore without these components addi- tions must be given suitable for the formation of slag (mostly slag of the same process, if poor ores are not to be had), as otherwise the pig-iron formed will be again oxidised in the hearth by the reaction of the blast, and also as the hearth walling will be rapidly destroyed. The thickness of slag cover upon the pig-iron in the hearth is regulated chiefly according to the pressure of the blast, which depends on the compactness of the fuel, and also according to the intended quality of the pig-iron, as grey iron requires more preservation from the blast than white pig. The richness of the ore mixture varies accordingly. The ores containing components for the formation of slag may be subdivided into— a. Ores containing all the components required for the formation of a suitable slag. These are chiefly ores containing clay and lime at the same time, or certain minerals which are easily fusible (garnet, amphibole, augite, chlorite, felspar, &c.) Garnet, 3(CaO,MnO)SiO3+(Fe₂O,,Al2O3)SiO3, smelts well, yielding an excellent slag, and contains from 10 to 12 per cent of protoxide of iron. Augite, 3(CaO,MgO,FeO),2(SiO3,Al2O3), containing up to 12 per cent of protoxide of iron, behaves similarly. Hornblende, CaO(SiO3,Al2O3)+3(MgO,FeO),2(SiO3,Al2O3), is easily fusible if containing up to 15 per cent of FeO, and still more so if in admixture with felspar; it changes into greenstone with an amount of about 20 per cent of iron. * LEOB., Jahrb., 1843, p. 96; 1853, iii., 261. CALCAREOUS ORES. 351 Chlorite, 3(MgO,FeO)SiO, +Al2O3,SiO3+2MgO,HO, is a good easily fusible component owing to its iron (up to 15 per cent FeO). Felspar, (Al,O,,SiO,+KO,SiO3), is somewhat more refractory if smelted by itself, but is rendered of easier fusibility if other more basic minerals are present. The ores sometimes allow the production of white pig-iron and sometimes of grey pig, according to whether they con- tain more or less manganese, and whether they become more or less porous upon roasting. b. Ores containing all the components, but not in the appropriate quantitative proportion. These ores are those containing highly siliceous compo- ponents (talc, much felspar), or too basic components (ser- pentine, &c.); 2(3MgO,SiO3)+3HO+3(MgO,HO), or compo- nents too rich in magnesia (dolomite), which render the ores difficult to fuse. These ores then require additions of lime and quartz, or clayey marl, or clay slate and lime, &c. c. Ores not containing all the components required for the formation of slag, but some of them, viz. :— Siliceous Ores, which are fusible to a different degree, and also vary in their behaviour according to whether they contain quartz in coarse grains (page 325), or finely dissemi- nated (page 325), and whether the silica is combined with per- or protoxide of iron (page 344), or partly combined with other bases. Ores containing peroxide of iron and coarse. grained quartz or clay are the most difficult to smelt; the ores containing protoxide of iron are less difficult to smelt. as they are more inclined to form silicate of iron, chiefly if the ores contain the silica in intimate admixture, and pro- vided the ore does not already contain the iron as silicate (page 345). A certain amount of manganese increases the fusibility. These ores require different fluxes according to the state of the silica present, and the resulting pig-iron will be richer in silicon the more intimately the silica is mixed with the ore. Calcareous Ores.-Carbonate of lime alone renders the ores difficult to fuse, and more so if the lime contains mag- nesia (dolomite, brown spar), but less so if it contains alumina (marl) or manganese (some kinds of brown spar). Owing to 352 IRON. the presence of magnesia, the brown spar is usually sorted out when dressing the ores. Fluor spar facilitates the smelting, and its fluorine, besides the lime, assists the removal of silica, therefore one part of fluor spar may replace several parts of carbonate of lime. Gypsum and heavy spar, owing to their amount of sulphur, are not usually present in sufficient quantity to influence the smelting pro- cess. A small amount of these substances may be rendered innocuous by the presence of manganese; a larger amount gives rise to the formation of much sulphides of calcium and barium, thus rendering the slag difficult to fuse. The Dressing of the Iron Ores. The dressing or preparation of the ores aims at the sepa- ration of injurious components, and of such non-metallic associates as are not required for the formation of slag. The more carefully they are prepared, the better will be the quality of the produced iron, and the less fuel will be used (12 to 16 per cent) at the smelting process. The proportionally low prices of pig-iron limit the pre- paration of the ores to the most simple operations, and make it almost impossible to be done in this country, where the price of workable ores is low, and the supply sufficient; the high price of labour would also form an impediment. The dressing operations usually consist of hand sorting or washing, according to the nature of the ores. rare cases the ores are crushed and treated on racks. For dividing the ores, crushing mills are preferable to pounding mills, as they produce less ore dust, but Blake's stone-breaker gives still better results. In some In order to save carriage it is advisable to prepare the ores on the spot where they are raised. When sorting by hand, the larger pieces of ore are kept separate from the small ore, and broken with a ragging- hammer, whilst the non-metallic associates and injurious substances, such as iron pyrites, heavy spar, &c., are picked out. The mass is previously washed on an inclined plane in order more readily to recognise the pieces of ore; but ores THE DRESSING OF IRON ORES. 353 containing hæmatite in froth-like aggregations are sorted as soon as they come out of the pit, as a shower of rain will coat the ore pieces with the iron froth, thus rendering them indistinguishable. In some ores, magnetic iron ore, for example, when first raised, the ore cannot be discerned from the gangue. This is the case when the ores have been exposed for some time to the atmospheric air. When first raised, argillaceous ores of the coal measures, likewise occurring in nodules, are often difficult to separate from adherent fragments of shale. If, however, they are exposed to the air for some time, a super- ficial oxidation takes place, and the shale disintegrates, and can readily be removed. Instead of this tedious weathering process Harding employs steam to separate the clay from the English spherosiderite, thus completing the preparation in a few hours.* As before mentioned, iron ores are seldom crushed and washed either in settling pools or on racks. This is done at the Schreckendorfer smelting works, purifying an impure roasted magnetic iron ore so much that it may be given to the ore mixture in such quantity as to form two-thirds of the mixture. The cost of separating 1 ton of ore amounts to about 7d., the loss of ore to from 0.8 to 12 per cent, and about 100 cwts. of ore are dressed in 24 hours. At the smelting works in Hassel (Norway) an iron mica disseminated in gneiss, and containing 25 per cent of iron, is enriched by this dressing so as to contain 55 per cent. At Taberge in Smaland, magnetic iron ore disseminated in basalt is likewise enriched from about 28 per cent to 43 per cent. Sella has tried to prepare magnetic iron ores containing iron and copper pyrites from Traversella in Italy by means of a magnet, and Chenot has endeavoured to liberate iron ores from gangue after having made them magnetic by means of an electro-magnetic wheel. Iron ores intermixed with clay, sand, loam, &c., and the pisolitic ores of the oolitic formations, are frequently much enriched by a washing operation. Sandy bog-ores VOL. II. * Berggeist, 1858, p. 165. 2 A 354 IRON. may be separated from the adherent sand by dry sifting (page 335). The following is an account of the treatment of an argilla- ceous yellow ochrey ore at the Carolina mine, near Stolberg, in Rhenish Prussia: After a preliminary breaking and sorting by hand, the ore is placed in a cylindrical trough, in which revolves a hori- zontal shaft armed with projecting paddles, whilst a stream of water flows through it and removes the fine muddy par- ticles. The remaining ore is then thrown on to an iron riddle, and the small pieces falling through are washed in an inclined gutter in a stream of water. The slime, together with that from the trough, is carried into settling pools, de- positing a ferruginous mud, which is moulded into bricks and burnt, yielding a product containing from 40 to 43 per cent. of iron. The production from two washing apparatus, em- ploying seven men, is 500 cwts. in 12 hours, at a cost of 17S., or 7åd. per ton for washing. Extensive preparations are made in Belgium for washing loamy brown iron ores; this is effected on the pit by stirring the ores in wooden troughs through which a stream of water is kept flowing. This washing is repeated in the smelting works, where the ores are treated in inclined cylin- drical drums of cast-iron, 2 metres long and o°8 metre in diameter, armed internally with projecting spikes, which are made to rotate while the ore is fed in at the upper end, a stream of water passing through at the same time. The particles of ore and clay, loosened by the tearing action of the spikes, are discharged at the lower end into a trough, where they are separated by a current as in the preceding instance. The cost for I ton of enriched ore, containing from 35 to 40 per cent of iron, amounts to about 7s. In Würtemberg and Baden pisolitic brown iron ores, con- tained in a ferruginous and calcareous marly matrix, are cleaned by jigging. As we have before mentioned, iron ores are frequently exposed previous to smelting to the action of the air for a longer time, in order to disintegrate them, to separate clayey admixtures in a mechanical way, to oxidise certain CALCINING IRON ORES. 355 deleterious components, thus converting them into a soluble state, and to oxidise more highly the protoxide of iron; all these reactions will facilitate the smelting process. Man- ganiferous sparry iron ores, when first raised and added to the ore mixture, yield a pig-iron richer in manganese than that produced by similar ores which have been weathered. Very compact iron ores, particularly if they contain sul- phides, are submitted to a weathering after being roasted; we shall explain this process later on. Roasting or Calcining Iron Ores. The experience of many ages teaches that iron ores when first raised, upon smelting, give less favourable results with regard to reducibility, consumption of fuel, largeness and expense of the production, than ores which have been either weathered (page 334) or roasted. Dusty and friable ores or small ores, particularly if free from pyrites, are not roasted; when roasting pure ores the fuel employed must be of a kind unlikely to contaminate the ores. Spathic ores in a raw state are employed without being weathered, if the process is for the purpose of introducing a greater amount of manganese into the pig-iron, and an addi- tion of raw ores is given to roasted ores to facilitate the pro- duction of mottled iron. In this country all kinds of iron ores (clay ironstone, Cleveland ores, spathic and brown iron ores) are subjected to the process of roasting before smelting, with the exception of red iron ore. The process of roasting renders the iron ores easier to reduce, and they require a less refractory slag for smelting; it also saves fuel and lime flux, whilst the production is in- creased and the quality of the pig-iron improved. The process of roasting is intended to effect- 1. A disintegration of compact iron ores in order to divide and reduce them more easily, as by the effect of the fire the thick ore pieces split and crack, and are thus more easily divided and more perfectly permeated by carbonic oxide; magnetic iron ore splits more than red and specular iron ore. 2 A 2 356 IRON. For this purpose quartzose ores are best quenched in water when still hot. These ores have a finely grained fracture; magnesian ores are more coarse grained and feel soft to the touch; calcareous ores show a white dust upon their frac- tures; clayey ores show some lustre ; and manganiferous ores sometimes have an iridescent fracture. 2. The removal of volatile substances, such as water, from brown and yellow iron ores, carbonic acid from spathic iron ores and from ores having a calcareous gangue, and carbon from blackband. The ores thus become not only very porous, and consequently well adapted for the reduction and car- bonisation of the iron, but they may also be economically smelted with advantage. Raw ores in the upper parts of the blast furnace absorb part of the heat intended for the expul- sion of the volatile substances, and part of the carbonic acid is only evolved at temperatures sufficient for it to be de- composed by the fuel, thus causing a waste of fuel. 3. The decomposition of sulphides and arsenides, which are transformed, on the admission of atmospheric air, into oxides and salts; at higher temperatures the salts are mostly converted into oxides. For this purpose steam has been successfully employed. The decomposition will be most perfect if the ore becomes sufficiently disintegrated, if the admitted air is rich in oxygen, and if the ore pieces are of suitable size and have been exposed to a suitable tempera- ture for a sufficiently long time. Reducing gases evolved in the roasting process (from blackband or intermixed fuel) im- pede the oxidation of the sulphides, causing the formation of lower sulphides or basic sulphates. These lower sulphides are preferable, as they may be removed by a weathering and washing, whilst the basic sulphates are insoluble in water. On the other hand, a reducing reaction may facilitate the decomposition of arsenical pyrites. Carbonates present in the iron ore are transformed into sulphates, and some of them (sulphate of lime and magnesia) may be lixiviated out, On whilst heavy spar and phosphates are not reacted upon. throwing water upon roasted and still glowing ore it not only becomes disintegrated, but a formation of sulphuretted hydrogen gas also takes place. ROASTING IRON ORES. 357 4. The transformation of protoxide of iron into peroxide, which scorifies less readily, by the oxygen of the atmosphere or by the evolved carbonic acid. This transformation is effected whilst the above mentioned processes are going on (magnetic iron ores, spathic iron ores). It will be more per- fect the more porous the ores are and the greater the admis- sion of air. 100 parts of protoxide of iron yield 1114 of peroxide; and 100 of magnetic oxide about 103 of peroxide. The loss upon roasting the different varieties of ironstone are as follows: Magnetic iron ores lose from 3 to 6 per cent of hygroscopic water, but their weight is again somewhat increased by the higher oxidation of the protoxide; specular and red iron ore lose from 3 to 5 per cent, brown iron ores from 10 to 15 per cent, limonite from 8 to 20 per cent, and sparry iron ores up to 40 per cent, but their weight is again somewhat increased by taking oxygen into combination. Spherosiderites lose from 18 to 30 per cent, and blackband frequently above 40 per cent. Upon laying out the roasted ores in the air they again absorb water in different quantities, according to their state of aggregation; dusty and clayey ores absorb about 6 per cent; they are therefore preferably kept under shelter. Cal- careous ores when roasted contain caustic lime, which disintegrates by absorption of water, transforming the ore into a pulverised condition; therefore, they must also be kept under shelter. 100 parts of carbonate of lime yield 56 parts of caustic lime and 74 parts of hydrated lime. The proper regulation of the temperature and method of roasting are of essential influence in the roasting process. The temperature must not rise so high as to cake or melt the ores, as they would become more instead of less com- pact. Magnetic iron ores are particularly inclined to cake, especially if they contain silica intimately admixed; iron- stones, chiefly those containing protoxide, if they are asso- ciated with easily fusible silicates or substances facilitating the fusibility, such as manganiferous compounds, also have an inclination to cake. Ores capable of bearing only a dark red heat must not be roasted together with ores which may 358 IRON. C be heated up to light red heat without caking, and ores free from sulphur must not be roasted with sulphurous ores. Easily fusible ores containing sulphur and compact at the same time are twice slightly roasted (magnetic iron ores in Sweden and in the Hartz); they are sometimes weathered between the two roasting operations (Sweden). Besides the intensity of the temperature the length of the operation is important, that the single ore pieces may be thoroughly heated so that the oxygen may perfectly per- meate them. The size of the pieces must be judiciously chosen; pure ore may be roasted in pieces the size of one- quarter of a cubic foot, but the pieces of ore containing inju- rious substances must not be larger than from 30 or 40 cubic inches. Ores are generally roasted stronger, the more compact, tenacious, rich in iron, and refractory they are; friable and easily fusible ores require a slight roasting, whilst siliceous ores are in some cases refractory and in others easily fusible; calcareous ores require a higher temperature in order to expel the carbonic acid, and consequently they consume more fuel. Ores containing sulphides are more strongly roasted if intended for the production of forge iron, and less strongly if intended for the production of foundry pig. Dusty ores, preventing a free circulation of air in the roasting furnace, are more slowly roasted than ores in pieces, allowing a free passage of the fire, which must be frequently impeded by an admixture of small ore. Well roasted ore usually changes its original colour; it is friable, without any raw kernel, and not caked. The choice of the roasting method depends partly on the prices of fuel and labour, but chiefly on the purpose of the roasting, namely, whether the temperature only is to be used as a reagent, or the oxygen of the atmospheric air at the same time. Dependent on these conditions one or other of the following methods of roasting are used. 1. Roasting in Open Heaps. This method is the cheapest with regard to labour, and allows a favourable oxidation owing to the free admission of air, but the fuel ROASTING IN OPEN HEAPS. 359 has an imperfect effect, and a great deal of it is thus wasted. More time is also required for roasting, and the resulting ore is not uniformly roasted, as the interior of the heaps is usually heated to excess whilst the outer parts are sometimes under- heated. This method is still employed where fuel is very cheap, and it is applied to blackband iron ores which contain sufficient carbon to effect the roasting without an addition of fuel; these ores are also sometimes roasted in heaps, which do not require a high temperature. Open heaps containing iron ores with intermixed fuel are usually formed as shown by Fig. 65, in which d represents a layer of large ore pieces, preventing the fuel, a, from becoming CA FIG. 65. C moist. The layer of fuel, a, consists of wood, small coal, wood chips, fir cones, &c. Upon this a layer of iron ore, b, 2 or 3 feet high, is given; upon this a layer of fuel, c, from 3 to 6 inches thick, and so on, iron and fuel alternately. The upper layers of ore are thicker than the lower ones, as the heat rises to the top, causing a caking of the ore if the heap has not a pyramidal form, which prevents caking by cooling from the outer parts. Heaps, of a longish pyramidal shape, 3 or 4 feet high, 6 or 7 feet broad, and of a corresponding length, are employed if intending a speedy roasting of an easily roasted ore. The most suitable dimensions for conical heaps are usually from 15 to 20 feet in diameter and from 6 to 7 feet in height. Larger heaps may be employed when roasting ores in large pieces than when roasting small ores, which easily impede the draught; but the height of the heaps must not exceed 9 feet, otherwise it will be too difficult to pile the ores on the top of the heap. 360 IRON. At Königshütte (Hartz), calcareous iron ores are roasted in heaps in the shape of a truncated pyramid, 60 feet long on its basis and 9 feet high; they are roasted in from 8 to 14 days. The levelled sole for the heaps is formed of forge slags, upon which is laid a bed of ironstone 6 inches thick, next a layer of small coal also 6 inches thick, and then alter- nate layers of ore and coal in such a manner that the layers of ore increase in thickness up to 10 inches towards the top, whilst the layers of coal decrease to 3 inches. One cubic foot of small coal roasts 3 cubic feet of ore. At Altenau (Hartz) the heaps are 30 feet long, 15 feet broad and 8 feet high, containing alternate layers of iron ore I foot thick and layers of coal 6 inches thick. The heaps are covered with a layer of small coal 3 inches thick, to pre- vent too much draught from the outside; calcareous red iron ores are roasted in this manner in 8 or 10 days. At Witkowitz,* magnetic iron ores are roasted for 3 or 4 months in heaps about 120 feet long, 30 feet broad, and 6 feet high; 100 lbs. of ore, consuming oʻor cubic foot of wood in pieces, 0.72 per cent of coal of middling size, and 3*71 per cent of small coke; one-quarter more of small coal is used when roasting argillaceous spherosiderites. Blackband ores are usually roasted without any addition of fuel, as they contain organic combustible components in such quantity that when lighted they burn by themselves. Some sorts of blackband require a small addition of fuel. The roasting of these ores is facilitated by sifting out the small ore particles. The blackband ores in Hasslinghausen (Westphalia), con- taining from 15 to 30 per cent of carbon, are roasted, without an addition of fuel, in heaps 3 feet high and of any length and breadth. At Heinrichshütte (Westphalia) the blackband ores are roasted in heaps from 20 to 30 feet broad on the basis, from 10 to 15 feet high, and varying in breadth, for from one to three months, according to the nature of the ores and the size of the heaps. LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, x., 303. ROASTING IN OPEN HEAPS. 361 The ore pieces for roasting are chosen of a larger size the more carbon the ores contain. The roasting of these ores is not without drawbacks, as most of them scorify easily and always contain a certain amount of sulphur. When roasting ores rich in carbon, low heaps (2 or 2 feet high) are em- ployed in order to prevent a caking of the ores, whilst for roasting ores poor in carbon, heaps 8 or 9 feet high are made, containing about 10,000 cubic feet of ore. As a rule, the ores poor in carbon are also poor in sulphur. Well roasted ores retain their slaty structure and are more or less red-coloured according to their richness; caked ores are bluish black and of slag-like appearance, and ores which have been insufficiently roasted are friable, and disintegrate. As the presence of reducing gases prevents a complete oxidation of the sulphur, Grundmann* recommends that the heaps should be covered with a coating of small ore, and that this coating, rich in sublimed sulphur, should be removed after roasting; the heap must then be weathered, i.e., exposed to air for a long time, and occasionally watered. Grundmann also recommends piling the blocks of ore with their planes of stratification vertical to facilitate the escape of sulphur, as the pyrites contained in the ore is usually found inter- spersed between the divisional planes. In order to ignite the heaps they are either surrounded with a channel I foot broad and deep, filled with wood which is then lighted and covered with iron ore; or holes 3 feet deep, 3 feet broad, and 3 feet distant from each other, are made in the heap itself and filled with wood, or some- times with glowing iron ore. As the temperature and the draught in open heaps is diffi- cult to regulate, so that scorification of the ores sometimes. takes place, and at other times an imperfect roasting of the ore, in Westphalia heaps of the following construction are employed in order to obtain a more uniform roasting:—the heaps are 120 feet long, 30 feet broad, and 4 feet high, en- closed between walls built up of the larger ore pieces, small openings of I square foot being left at intervals of 12 feet GRUNDMANN, d. Entschwefl. der Eisenerze, &c., Hagen, 1855. 362 IRON. along the sides. These draught holes communicate with passages 3 feet deep in the interior of the heap, which are filled with wood. The larger blocks are placed in the middle, whilst small ore is heaped against the sides of those passages in order to conduct the flame as much as possible into the heart of the heap. After the heap is fully ignited, the wall is pulled down and thrown upon those places where the fire shows a tendency to come too quickly to the surface, in order to damp it. A heap of the above dimensions contains about 17,000 cubic feet of ore, and takes about a month to burn out. Blackband containing a large amount of pyrites and coaly matter will easily raise the temperature so high that the ores in the inside of the heaps cake, whilst the surface does not become sufficiently heated. In Westphalia these ores are therefore roasted in heaps only two feet high; after having burned out this heap, and before cooling, a second layer 2 feet in thickness is placed above the first, and in some cases a third after the second has burned out. The second and third layers of ore are ignited by the addition of some pieces of fire-wood, upon which red-hot masses of ore are shovelled. If the roasting does not proceed uniformly the hottest places are checked by damping with small ore, whilst those that are cold and black are started afresh by digging a hole in the pile and filling it with red hot ore. The loss of weight varies between 27 and 41 per cent, according to the amount of carbonaceous matter in the ore. In Scotland* and Staffordshiret blackband ores are roasted in heaps from 3 to 9 feet high, resting upon a foundation of coal, at an expense of 8d. per ton, namely, 4d. for labour and 4d. for coal. The roasting in heaps is also employed at Yniscedwin and Ystalifera in South Wales, but in England and Wales most. of the ores are roasted in kilns. At Yniscedwin 4 or 5 cwts. of coal are used for roasting 1 ton of ore; roasting in kilns costs 24d. per ton of ore, and is much cheaper than roasting in heaps, which causes an expense of 6d. per ton. Preuss. Ztschr., iii., Bd. 70. ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 211. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 21. ROASTING IN KILns. 363 2. Roasting in Mounds (Stadeln).-Mounds, or walled- in areas, although they allow the temperature and the air- draught to be better regulated, and therefore effect a more perfect roasting than the former method, are inferior to kilns with regard to expense of fuel and labour, and they also yield a less uniformly roasted product. The height of the walls varies between 6 and 12 feet, ac- cording to the nature of the ore, two ranges of draught holes about 4 inches square being pierced through them about 3 feet vertical distance apart, the lower series being close to the level of the ground. Larger mounds are provided with air shafts inside the walls and communicating with flues on the sole of the mound. The flues are sometimes replaced by a foundation of wood, thus giving the air access to the air shafts. The mounds used at Ilsenburg (Hartz) are 19 feet 7 inches. long, 12 feet broad, and 6 feet high. At Heinrichshütte (Westphalia) blackband ores are roasted in mounds from 12 to 15 feet wide and high, and 20 feet long, which are furnished with air holes in the walls and in the sole; if necessary a small addition of fuel is given. This method of roasting is not used in this country. 3. Roasting in Furnaces or Kilns. This method of roasting is generally preferred, as it allows the use of an inferior fuel and a more perfect control of the temperature, thus yielding a more uniform product; and though, on the other hand, the expenses for labour are greater, the total cost for roasting in kilns is lower than that of roasting in heaps. The furnaces are mostly so constructed as to allow con- tinuous operations; when roasted the ore is removed from the lower part of the furnace, whilst fresh ore is charged at the furnace mouth. Rich and easily fusible ores are best roasted in furnaces of cylindrical or prismatic shape, and furnaces intended for roasting compact and refractory ores are constructed tapering towards the top as well as towards the base. When roasting friable ores the furnace mouth is about two-thirds of the width of the largest diameter of the furnace shaft, thus causing the ore to lie in a loose condition. 364 IRON. Furnaces tapering a great deal towards the top cause an increase in the temperature at the furnace mouth, occasioning a waste of fuel, caking of the ore, and an irregular sinking of the charges; a contraction of the furnace towards its. base impedes a quick sinking of the charges. It is therefore advisable when roasting friable ores to have the furnace cylindrical in its upper part and tapering towards the base. Furnaces of larger dimensions (above 6 feet diameter) are frequently constructed in preference to circular furnaces; a rectangular shape with truncated corners causes a more uniform temperature and a more regular process, as in circular furnaces the charges sink more quickly in the middle than on the edge, where they are retained by the friction of the walls. The walls also exert a cooling action, so that easily fusible ores may cake in the centre of the furnace whilst they are insufficiently heated at the margin. The height of the furnaces depends chiefly on the size of the ore pieces and the fusibility of the ore; furnaces 20 feet high and more, are chosen for roasting ores in large pieces. Too narrow a furnace easily chokes, whilst too wide a fur- nace is not uniformly heated. It has proved advantageous to furnish the top of the furnace with an iron cone to dis- tribute the ores so that they may lie looser in the centre than towards the furnace walls. These roasting furnaces differ chiefly in the manner in which they are heated, which again causes the reaction to be more or less oxidising. These furnaces may therefore be classified into- A. Furnaces in which the fuel is charged in alternate layers with the ore. Ores and fuel are charged in alternate layers, and the tem- perature is regulated chiefly by the proportional quantity of fuel charged. These furnaces make a perfect use of the fuel charged, but they do not admit of a strongly oxidising reaction, as the carbonic oxide produced from the fuel prevents it. At the points where ore and fuel come into contact a caking of the ore easily takes place, even with ores containing peroxide of iron, which becomes reduced to magnetic oxide. The ash FURNACES WITHOUT A GRATE. 365 of the fuel may also contaminate the ore with noxious sub- stances. This mode of firing is therefore chiefly adapted for com- pact ores containing peroxide and free from sulphur, requiring only a disintegration. Steam may be less advantageously applied in these furnaces than in furnaces heated by flame, as the glowing fuel will decompose it, but steam may be still more effective than atmospheric air alone. According to the more or less easy combustibility of the fuel, the furnace is provided with a grate (of different con- struction) or is without a grate; fuel in the form of gas is also sometimes employed. Furnaces without a Grate are used for easily combustible fuel when roasting ore in large pieces; air is admitted by the discharging openings. A furnace of this kind used in Lerbach (Hartz) is repre- sented by Fig. 66. a is the shaft of the furnace, walled in with refractory bricks; b is the rough walling; c, the furnace mouth; d, the discharging openings. FIG. 66. ཅན་་་ ་་་་་ d α 20 When roasting siliceous red iron ores in this furnace 67 cubic feet of small charcoal and 133 bundles of brush- wood are used for 21 cubic feet, and 5 cubic feet of charcoal and 8 pieces of brush-wood for 21 cubic feet of calcareous ore. Two workmen roast daily about 285 cubic feet, and are paid 3d. per 21 cubic feet. When roasting brown and clay ironstones the production is increased three-eighths, and the expense of roasting 3d. per 21 cubic feet. 366 IRON. The kilns at Dowlais* in South Wales are of a flattened elliptical plan (rectangular with semicircular ends), being 9 feet wide at the top and contracting to 2 feet in width at the bottom; they are 20 feet long and 18 feet high. The floor is made of cast-iron plates 2 inches thick, and the inte- rior is lined with fire-bricks, with an exterior casing of rough masonry. Two arched passages slightly bowed outwards are left in the lower part of the masonry, on one side ex- tending back to the inner fire-brick lining; this is perforated, within the space covered by the arches, by four rectangular openings at the floor level for withdrawing the calcined ore, as well as by a numerous series of smaller holes above, which serve for the admission of air. The top edge of the kiln is covered by a flanged cast-iron ring which protects the brick- work from abrasion by the lumps of ore when filling. The method of working is as follows:-Two or three small coal fires having been lighted on the floor of the kiln, raw ironstone is placed on the top and around them until the whole is covered by a layer about 9 inches thick. When this has attained a dull red heat, a second layer is added with about 5 per cent by weight of small coal, and so on, fresh layers of stone being added as soon as the preceding charge has been heated to redness. When the kiln is completely filled the lowest portion will be sufficiently cold and fit for drawing. The capacity of a kiln of the above dimensions is about 70 tons, and will calcine 146 tons weekly, so that the average time of burning the charge is about three days and a-half. The consumption of small coal is at the rate of I cwt. per ton of ore, whereas in calcining in open heaps 2 cwts. of small and cwt. of large coal are required to do the same amount of work. The average loss of weight of Welsh argillaceous ores when calcined is 27 per cent; of blackband from 40 to 60 per cent; of red hæmatite about 6 per cent; and of Cornish, Devonian, and similar brown hæmatites from 12 to 14 per cent. Gjers's calcining furnace, largely employed in the Cleveland * BAUERMAN's Treatise on Metallurgy, p. 111. FURNACES WITH A PLANE GRATE. 367 The district, is constructed like the newer blast furnaces. body or shell of the furnace is of fire-brick, only 15 inches thick, cased with wrought-iron plates. The diameter at the top is 18 feet, at the boshes or wide part, which is the junction of two cones, 20 feet, and at the bottom 14 feet; the horizontal section is everywhere circular. The bottom of the brick-work rests upon a flat cast-iron plate 4 inches thick, which is supported by vertical cast-iron columns 27 inches high, leaving an open space all round between the bottom of the kiln and the floor. The floor is covered in with a cast-iron plate 20 feet in diameter and 2 inches thick, cast in segments, carrying in the centre an upright cone 8 feet in height and diameter. The total height from the foundation plate to the filling gallery at the top is 24 feet, and the capacity 5500 cubic feet. The ore remains in the furnace about 2 days, the fuel required being about 1 ton of coal slack for every 20 tons of ore. The admission of air from the exterior is regulated by a series of holes penetrating the brick-work near the bottom, and a further supply is intro- duced into the centre by means of a series of radiating flues in the brick-work of the foundation and the hollow in the overlapping part of the cone. The roasted ore is drawn through the openings between the pillars, being directed outwards by the slope of the interior cone. In larger kilns of similar construction, 34 feet high, the consumption of fuel is reduced to 1 ton per 25 tons of ore. Furnaces with a Grate permit a more uniform admission of air and combustion; they also allow the advantageous use of a more compact fuel, such as small coke. These furnaces may again be subdivided according to the construction of the grate, namely— a. Furnaces with a Plane Grate.-The grate, of 2 or 2 square feet, is usually constructed of wrought-iron bars 1½ inch broad and inch thick, in two halves, which are sup- ported in the middle where the halves join by a movable iron. cross beam, so that the grate bars may be partly or wholly removed in order to discharge the furnace; but the furnace is frequently provided with special openings for discharging, 368 IRON. as the removal of the grate bars is troublesome and inter- rupts the process. When starting a furnace, wood chips, coal, &c., are placed upon the grate and ignited, and the furnace is then filled with alternate layers of ore and fuel up to half its height. When the fire has risen so as to appear on the surface of the topmost layer, the other half of the furnace is filled in the same manner. The furnace used at Upper Silesia is represented by Figs. 67 and 68. FIG. 67. FIG. 68. ΑλΘ e யர் 10 20 FT a is the inner walling of the furnace of refractory bricks; b, the rough walling; c, a space between the two wallings filled with substances which are non-conductors of heat; d, the grate; e, the ash-pit; f, the discharging openings; g, vaults leading to the grate and the discharging openings. Before starting the furnace, bricks with intermediate spaces are placed loosely upon the grate to prevent too much draught. At Gleiwitz and Königshütte (Silesia) 100 lbs. of ore, causing a loss of 28 per cent, consume 013 cubic foot of small coal; one charge of ore consists of 75 cwts., and one charge of fuel of 10 cubic feet. At Vordernberg the furnace shown by Fig. 69 is used for roasting the spathic and brown iron ore from the Erzberg. a is the furnace shaft, 10 feet long and 4 feet broad on the top; b is a brick wall covered with iron plates, dividing the FURNACES WITH PLANE GRATES. 369 lower part of the furnace into two divisions, each provided with a grate, c, 4 feet 3 inches long and 4 feet broad, which rests upon three cross beams, d. ་་ • FIG. 69. 19 a € € C đ f f யர் 3 T 6. 9 12 FEET Two or three grate bars are removed when the well- roasted ore has cooled somewhat in the space, e, allowing it to fall into the cooling place, f, which is provided with a sole inclining 45°. Before removing the ore it is moistened with water in order to cool it still more and to prevent its dusting; g are levers for lifting the doors, h, with which the furnace mouth is closed. One charge of ore consists of 78 cwts. and a charge of fuel of from 31 to 34 cubic feet of charcoal. From three to six charges pass the furnace in fourteen hours according to the nature of the ore, whilst during this time the grate is three times opened. Besides these furnaces others are used in Styria* TUNNER'S Leob. Jahrb., 1842, p. 136. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, p. 126. VOL. II. 2 B 370 IRON. of the shape of a four-sided truncated pyramid, and from 8 to 12 feet high; they are 5 feet long at the top, and from 3 to 4 feet on the base. They consume 3 or 4 lbs. of small coal for roasting I cwt. of spathic iron ore, which loses in weight 19 or 20 per cent. The grate is placed 4 feet above the sole, and the grate rods are provided with handles. * In Siegen spathic iron ores are roasted in furnaces 17 feet high, 6 and 3 feet wide respectively at the top and at the bottom, and provided with two grates, the second one lying 2 feet below the upper one. The rods of the latter grate lie 3 inches apart, and are covered one hand high with large charcoal, upon which a layer of ironstone is placed. On this FIG. 70. a B A 7 4- 8 IF 12 layers of ore and cinders are alternately charged. A wood fire is sustained on the lower grate for three days, thus 粼 ​CARNALL, Preuss. Ztschr., iii., A. 186. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 28. FURNACES WITH PLANE GRATES. 371 igniting the fuel above the upper grate. The well-roasted ore is discharged by removing the rods of the upper grate, and FIG. 71. * * Ъ fresh ore is charged anew. Thus the roasting process is carried on for months without interruption, yielding daily about 100 cubic feet of well-roasted ore, and saving 5'4d. per 7 1-9th cubic feet of ore when compared with the former method of roasting in open heaps. The roasting furnaces used in Siegen are constructed by Jhnet so as to serve as steam roasting furnaces; their con- struction is shown in Figs. 70 and 71. Steam is admitted by the iron tube, b, which conducts it into a hollow iron cone, a, 18 or 20 inches high, and 18 or 20 inches in diameter on its base. This cone is pierced with numerous small holes which keep open owing to their small size and the power of the escaping steam. It is supported by three bars, c, which rest upon the castings, d, and is placed at such a height from the furnace that the steam will react most advantageously. ƒ are openings for admitting air. These furnaces are more effective for decom- posing sulphides, but flame cupola furnaces are preferable. · At Seraing (Belgium) 200 cwts. of ores are roasted in 24 hours, at a consumption of 72 cubic feet of coal and the same quantity of small coal. * Schles. Wochenschr., 1861, p. 276. HARTMANN, Fortschr., v., 90. 2 B 2 372 IRON. At some French iron works from 300 to 400 cwts. of ore are roasted in 24 hours, consuming from 4 to 5 lbs. of coal per cwt. b. Furnaces with a Grate of Conical Shape.-One of these furnaces, used at Neudeck*, in Bohemia, is represented by Fig. 72. a is the conical grate standing above an opening FIG. 72. Ъ d 10 15 J FEET of the furnace sole formed of iron plates; the rods forming the grate are held together by a sort of hood, which is sup- ported by a fixed iron rod. b is the furnace shaft ; c are dis- charging openings; d is a space through which the air enters. When putting this furnace into operation the grate is covered to within I foot above its point with 30 cubic feet of small coal; upon this 220 cubic feet of ore are charged, next 24 cubic feet of small coal, then 200 cubic feet of ore and 20 cubic feet of small coal, and, finally, 200 cubic feet of After lighting it, the discharging openings are closed, and the furnace is wholly emptied in 48 hours, when it is again filled. ore. c. Furnaces with Step Grates.-These furnaces have given favourable results at Mariazell; they are shown in * RITTINGER's Erfahr., 1860, p. 38. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 103; 1861, p. 56. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, No. 32. FURNACE WITH STEP GRATE. 373 Fig. 73. a is the cast-iron step-grate; b, the discharging openings; c, inclined plane on which the roasted ores are removed; d, rough walling; e, interior walling; f, space between the two wallings filled up with ash, &c. FIG. 73. .. d e a α e d The furnace is capable of containing Soo cwts. of spathic iron ore; the charges consist of 100 cwts. of ore and 23 cubic feet of small coal. From 80 to 100 cubic feet of ore are roasted in 24 hours, consuming about 2 cubic feet of small coal per cwt. of roasted ore. In roasting spathic ores containing iron pyrites it is neces- sary to provide as much as possible for the free access of air, in order to oxidise the sulphur, which is partly volatilised as sulphurous acid, the remainder forming sulphate of iron. At Mariazell in Styria, Wagner has constructed for this purpose an annular kiln, the exterior of which consists of a series of flat cast-iron rings, 1 inch thick and 9 feet in internal diameter, placed one above another, but kept apart by piers formed of bricks. In the centre of the enclosed space is placed a cylindrical brick chimney 2 feet in diameter, with six holes 3 inches square for regulating the draught. A 374 IRON. cast-iron water-pipe provided with numerous small jets sur- rounds the kiln at the level of the lowest ring. A less expensive construction, based upon the same prin- ciple, and employed at Gollrath (Mariazell), is shown by Fig. 74. A, A, are two spaces, each 63 feet long, separated from each other longitudinally by the partition wall, a, and divided in their lower parts into ten divisions, each 4 feet long, by the sloping walls, b. Each of these divisions is FIG. 74. 1 TH ་་མ Q h h A Ъ Ъ d m m d C 7 ཁང་བ་་ ་བ་ Z с .... N wi 5 10 15 FI provided on its sole with an inclined iron plate, c. The hot iron ore gliding down on this plate is wetted with water by means of the tube, d. e is a hollow space running along the longitudinal sides of the furnace, communicating with the atmosphere by the channels, f, and conducting the air into the furnace by the openings, g. h are air-holes on the : FURNACES WITH AN INTERIOR FIRE-PLACE. 375 smaller sides of the furnace. i are openings in the partition wall, communicating with the air by the channels, k and l. m are iron plates, and ʼn are water reservoirs. B. Furnaces Heated by Flame.-These furnaces have the following advantages over the preceding furnaces:-A stronger oxidation when roasting ores containing sulphur and protoxide of iron; the better regulation of the tempera- ture, whereby the ores are less easily scorified; the possibility of using a sulphurous fuel without contaminating the roasted On product; and a more effective application of steam. the other hand, these furnaces consume more fuel (from one-half to twice the quantity), which must burn with a long flame; they require a larger stock of castings and more frequent repairs, and are less adapted for roasting pulverulent ores, which impede the draught. This last disadvantage may be lessened by enlarging the lower parts of the furnaces. The size of the grate depends on the quality of the fuel; too large a grate wastes fuel, and too small a one does not produce sufficient flame. These furnaces vary in their construction according to whether the fire-place is placed on the sides of the furnace or in its inside, and whether or not steam is employed. a. Furnaces having the Fire-place on one side.-These furnaces are only in use in very few places, as the flame has a tendency to rise on the furnace walls, particularly if the furnaces are wide and the ore is small. b. Furnaces with an Interior Fire-place.-These fur- naces, which permit a uniform division of the heat, were first employed in Norway and Sweden. They are sometimes constructed so as to allow the admission of steam. This latter furnace was introduced into Finland and the Ural Mountains by Nordenskjöld, in 1845, for roasting iron ores containing sulphur. They are shown in Figs. 75 and 76. a is the furnace sole; b, the grate; c, dome formed of iron bars; d, ash pit; e, discharging openings; f, openings for admitting air; g, fire-place; h, iron tube, pierced with many holes for admitting steam into the furnace; i, dome pro- tecting the steam tube. 376 IRON. FIG. 75. பர் 10 5 JFT They were introduced later into Silesia* and Hördet (Westphalia) for roasting blackband ores rich in sulphur; one furnace roasts daily about 350 cubic feet of ore. FIG. 76. 9 d a f When roasting blackband either by itself (Hörde) or together with magnetic iron ore (Vorwärtshütte in Silesia) a grate firing does not take place, though Nordenskjöld's con- struction of the furnace has been adopted; the carbon contained in the ore serves as fuel. The grate of the fur- nace is then chiefly used to admit air. The furnace employed at Vorwärtshütte, near Hermsdorf in Silesia, is 25 feet high, 6 feet wide on the furnace mouth, Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 232. Schles. Wochenschr., 1859, No. 18. HARTMANN, Fortschr., v., 106. * † Berggeist, 1861, p. 536. ROASTING FURNACES HEATED WITH GAS. 377 increasing in width down to the lower cylindrical part of the furnace, 9 feet in diameter, and 6 feet high. When starting the furnace, a layer of blackband rich in carbon and 4 feet thick is first charged, next wood chips, coal, blackband, coal and wood chips, then magnetic iron ore, and afterwards alternate layers of blackband and wood chips. After filling the furnace it is ignited from below, and alternate layers of blackband and magnetic iron ore are afterwards added when the contents of the furnace have sunk to half of the height of the furnace. When the furnace is fully heated, superheated steam of about 36 lbs. pressure is admitted every half-hour for some minutes, and atmospheric air is admitted at the same time in order to decompose the sulphuretted hydrogen into water and sulphurous acid; the sulphuretted hydrogen would otherwise again form sulphide of iron in the upper part of the furnace. The raw ores contain from 1 to 3 per cent of sulphur, which is almost completely removed by this roasting. When roasting without the application of steam only half of the sulphur can be removed, the bisulphide of iron becoming transformed into sulphide only. 250 cubic feet of magnetic iron ore and 76 cubic feet of blackband are roasted daily. c. Roasting Furnaces Heated with Gas.-When applying the gas from iron blast furnaces to roasting iron ores no other fuel is required, and the roasting is more perfect and uniform. The low but uniform temperature required for roasting cannot be obtained either in furnaces with inter- mixed fuel or in furnaces heated by a common flame firing, as the draught and consequently the heat always follows the larger interstices formed by the ore, causing a caking. The roasting can only be rendered more perfect by applying more fuel and by retarding the process. The combustible gases, on the other hand, may be uniformly distributed in the furnace, and the temperature may be regulated by the admission of air. These gas roasting furnaces are differently constructed. Those at present used at Dannemora are represented by Figs. 77 and 78. The gases from the blast furnace are conducted by a tube 378 IRON. of iron plate 120 feet long and 10 inches wide into the tube surrounding the roasting furnace, by means of the adjoined tube, a. The tube surrounding the roasting furnace is pro- FIG. 77. ་ fd i e с C B e d e d d f Ch ་།་ར། པ་ཅ་ཐོག་་ས་ལྷས་ C Y 0 12 FT vided with openings, b, for cleaning it, and with 10 conduit tubes, c, from which the gases enter the cast-iron boxes, d, and then the furnace by means of the walled channels, e; ƒ are valves for regulating the current of gas; the doors, g, give access to the valves, and are provided with openings for the observation of the temperature of the furnace. The openings, h, serve the same purpose, as well as for intro- ducing iron rakes into the furnace, if the sinking of the iron. ore should necessitate such assistance; i are discharging openings; k are bearing irons. As this furnace has proportionally large dimensions, and the gases enter the furnace on its periphery, there is a danger that a great deal of the gases will burn on the inner wallings and not reach the heart of the furnace. ROASTING FURNACES HEATED WITH GAS. 379 This disadvantage is avoided at Vordernberg, where ten small roasting furnaces are laid one beside another, and also in the furnace which is used at Hof and represented by Figs. 79, 80, and 81. FIG. 78. D h d s h hh € h 0 -E I a is a gas tube provided with 16 nozzles, h; the eight middle ones are 1 inches wide, and the other eight from 1 to 1 inches. b is a lid for cleaning the tube, and serving at the same time as a safety valve; c are cast-iron bearings upon which the gas tube rests; the tube is also supported by the iron plates, d, standing inclined at an angle of 45°, and which are kept in proper position by the gutters, e, in which they rest; f is a channel for admitting air entering the furnace by the openings, g, of the iron plates, d; i, a cast-iron 380 IRON. dome protecting the gas tube and the nozzles; k, are dis- charging openings; I, bearers. Before starting the furnace it is warmed for some days by allowing the gases to pass through it whilst empty. The openings, k, are then closed by piling ironstone up to 1, when some wood chips, coal and ore, and some charges of small FIG. 79. Ci G h H h d ¡D 10 e k 15 1 20 JFT coke and ore are added. The wood chips are now ignited, and the gases are conducted into the furnace when the coal and coke are sufficiently burning. The furnace is then gradually filled with ore, and the admission of gas regulated by a sliding door. Weathering the Roasted Iron Ores.-It has before been mentioned that raw ores are sometimes exposed to the influence of the atmospheric air and water, but this process of weathering is more effective when applied to roasted ores, WEATHERING THE ROASTED IRON ORES. 381 and is therefore more frequently applied to them. For this purpose it is advisable to quench in water the red-hot ores when taken out of the furnace, and then to break them. FIG. 80. ၁၁၁၄ဝဝ၁၀၀၀၀၀၈၀၁၀ α JO g F f d This process aims chiefly at the decomposition of sulphide of iron, which has been reduced by the roasting to a lower sulphide and made less compact; the sulphide is converted into soluble sulphate by the reaction of air and water, and lixiviated. Arsenical pyrites is also more inclined to de- composition after roasting; it is transformed into soluble sulphate of iron and arsenious acid. Copper pyrites is like- wise easily decomposed after roasting. If lime is present at the same time with such sulphides, gypsum will be formed at the roasting process, thus facilitating the removal of sulphur. Roasted calcareous ores quickly disintegrate, and are therefore weathered for a short time only, but siliceous ores 382 IRON. containing sulphides sometimes require some years for weathering and lixiviation. Breaking up the Iron Ores.-The size of the ore pieces to be smelted depends chiefly on the reducibility of the ore. and the height of the furnace. A high furnace, smelting easily reducible ores, may therefore smelt the ore in large pieces up to 8 cubic inches, whilst the ore must be reduced to I cubic inch when smelting, in low furnaces, ores difficult to reduce; magnetic iron ore is usually still more broken up. Ι FIG. 81. 市​公 ​d B ០០០.០០០.០ -D A Charcoal blast furnaces usually smelt ore of the size of a nut; coke furnaces use a larger size. Hard coal lying loose in the furnace allows the use of smaller ore pieces than friable coal which impedes the rising of the hot gases. A uniform size of the ore pieces facilitates the regularity of the process. Easily fusible ores in too large pieces are liable to melt before they are reduced; puddling and other iron slags must therefore be used in a finely divided state. The ore must not be so much crushed that it takes the form of fine powder, as it then lies too compactly in the fur- nace, causing the rising gases to escape along the furnace BREAKING UP AND MIXING THE ORES. 383 walls and even through the tuyeres and below the tymp; they then corrode the tuyeres prematurely, and escape from the furnace mouth without having sufficiently reacted; the ores pass into the furnace hearth unprepared for it, as the different levels of the furnace have a lower and less uniform temperature; they cause the escape of ore dust from the furnace mouth, &c. The result will then be :-A large consumption of fuel, an irregular process, and a quick wasting of the inner furnace lining. If at the breaking up of the ore much ore results in the form of powder it is advisable to thoroughly moisten the ore mixture; puddling slags in form of powder are some- times formed into bricks, being mixed with lime. The disadvantages of finely divided ore may also be partly avoided by a suitable construction of the blast furnace; friable ores behave like powdered ore. The size of the ore pieces has also an essential influence on the amount of silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus in the resulting pig-iron. Finely divided ore is usually only imper- fectly reduced and carbonised, and it yields a pig-iron poor in carbon and more inclined to combine with the above sub- stances than iron saturated with carbon. The different methods of breaking up the iron ores have been mentioned on page 352. Mixing the Iron Ores.-In order to produce from iron ores, iron of a certain quality and at the lowest possible consumption of fuel, the earthy components of the ore must form a fusible slag at the smelting temperature of the pig-iron, and the quantity of resulting iron must stand in a certain proportion. to the produced slag, which has to protect the iron from the further influence of the blast. These conditions are seldom obtained from iron ores, which, therefore, require a suitable admixture, namely, a mixing of rich with poor iron ores, so that the mixture con- tains a certain average amount of iron which experience has proved to be most advantageous as regards the yield and the quality of the iron; at the same time the admixture of ores which contain different earths, and assist each other at the 384 IRON. smelting process, is aimed at. When smelting ores too rich in iron the quantity of slag resulting is not sufficient to pro- tect the iron before the tuyere and in the furnace hearth from the influence of the blast and the carbonic acid formed, the iron will be decarbonised and scorified; and more so the stronger the blast is. Therefore, a larger quantity of slag is usually required when smelting with coke a mixture diffi- cult to fuse, than when smelting an easily fusible mixture with charcoal; the production of grey iron also requires more slag than that of white iron. But as the smelting of rich mixtures is more economical as regards fuel, the mixtures smelted are always as rich as possible.* When smelting very poor ores too much slag will be pro- duced, causing a greater loss of iron, as the iron separates with difficulty from the great mass of slag, the consumption of fuel is increased, and an excess of siliceous slag may react upon the iron, extracting some of its carbon and re- placing it by silicon. It is therefore advisable to produce basic slag if the pressure of the blast requires the presence of a great quantity of slag. The average amount of iron to be aimed at by mixing different iron ores, depends chiefly on the amount of iron contained in the ores. The amount of iron in mixtures of ores difficult to fuse and reduce usually varies between 30 and 40 per cent, and it is increased to 50 per cent, and in rare cases even to more, when the ores are easily fused and reduced. This average amount also depends on the quality of the fuel and the fusibilty of the ores. Some few ores may be smelted by themselves, as they contain in sufficient quantity the components required for the formation of slag. In other cases, siliceous, argillaceous and calcareous ores must be used in sufficient quantity to be suitably admixed for the formation of slag. But in most cases the ore mixture contains an excess either of silica or lime, usually silica, and Bgwkfd., x., 187. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 390. MIXING THE IRON ORES. 385 rich ores do not contain the earths required for the formation of slag in nearly sufficient quantity. The components which are then wanting must be added to the ore mixture. The normal process of the blast furnace, and its advantages with regard to the consumption of fuel and yield of iron, depend on the judicious choice of the fluxes. The iron smelter ought, therefore, to have an exact knowledge of the composition of his iron ores, fluxes, and fuel, and of the pro- perties of the silicates which especially influence the process, and of the laws which regulate chemical combinations. When forming a mixture the following points are to be taken into consideration, viz. :-the fusibility of the intended slag, the quality of the fuel, the pressure and temperature of the blast, the reducibility of the iron ores, and the quality of the pig-iron to be produced. 1. Mixing the Iron Ores with regard to the Formation of Slag. The earths chosen must generally be of such a composition that the melting point of the slag formed is lower than the highest temperature of the furnace, and more or less. approaches the melting point of pig-iron (1400° to 1600°). In general, the formation of slag must take place at the same time that the carbonised iron is fused; otherwise, pro- toxide of iron enters the easily fusible slag, or imperfectly carbonised iron is produced. In some cases it may be necessary to form slags difficult to fuse, and, in others, slags, easy to fuse. The lower the melting point of the slag and pig- iron is below the highest temperature of the furnace, the larger ore charges may be given, and the smaller will be the relative consumption of fuel. The formation of white iron will be facilitated if the tem- perature above the tuyere is not much higher than that re- quired for melting the slag and pig-iron, and if these products pass quickly to the hottest point of the furnace; on the other hand, grey iron will be formed if the fusion point and the highest temperature of the furnace differ much, and if the melted products slowly pass into the furnace hearth. VOL. II. 2 C 386 IRON. The temperature of the blast furnace is increased, the more compact the fuel and the hotter the blast of the required pressure. Scheerer* has calculated the highest temperature (P) of a charcoal furnace at different temperatures of the blast (t): t. 0° C. 100° P. 2656° C. 2758 150° 39 2809° 200° 2860 "" 250° 2911° 300° "" 2962° 350° 3032° وو 400° وو 3064° ,, Lindauer,† supposing that the carbon at its combustion forms one-third carbonic acid and two-thirds carbonic oxide, calculated the highest temperature of a blast furnace as follows:- t. 0° C. 50° 100° P. 2346° C. 2395° 2445 "" 2494, 2543 150 "" 200° "" 2592 2642° 2740° "" 250 300° 350°,, Tunner‡ estimates the temperature before the tuyere of a charcoal blast furnace carried on with coal blast to be higher than 1900° C. and less than 2500° C. According to Aubel,|| platinum (2534° C.) may be fused at the hottest point of an iron blast furnace. (Carbide and silicide of platinum fuse at a lower temperature than pure platinum; the formation of these must therefore be avoided when ascertaining the temperature). When forming mixtures the formation of double silicates * SCHEERER'S Met., ii., 21. Bgwkfd., vii., 417. † LINDAUER, Hüttenchemie, 1861, p. 299. LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 295. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 208. || DINGL., Bd. 165, p. 278. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 392. MIXING THE IRON ORES. 387 of lime and alumina is aimed at; they constitute the slag either as mono- or bi-silicates. They are formed at a tem- perature of 1800° or 1900° C., and experience has shown their melting point to be below the highest temperature of the blast furnace. These silicates have the following composition:- Bi-silicate. Mono-silicate. 3CaO,2SiO3+Al2O3,2SiO3. 3CaO,SiO3+Al2O3,SiO3. Silica Lime Alumina 57°23 26.53 16.24 40°09 37°17 22.74 According to Bodemann, the following combination— 56 silica, containing 24°9 oxygen 30 lime, 14 alumina, „ 8.6 " 8.9 "" is of the greatest fusibility, and corresponds to the formula- 4(3CaO,2SiO3)+3(Al2O3,2SiO3). Each modification in the proportion of the different earths contained in Bodemann's silicate (whose fusion point corres- ponds to the temperature required for the formation of a mottled or light grey iron), renders it more difficult to fuse, increases the consumption of fuel, and causes the grey iron produced to be of darker shade. But certain circumstances, such as the presence of sulphur in the ores and fuel, hot blast, &c., may necessitate the formation of more basic slags, richer in lime, and therefore more difficult to fuse. An in- crease of silica or alumina also renders the slags less fusible, but in most cases this effect is obtained by an increased addi- tion of lime, as a greater amount of silica gives rise to the scorification of iron and to the formation of pig-iron rich in silicon and sulphur. As alumina reacts both as a base and as an acid, a small surplus of it may be advantageous, but if much exceeding 15 per cent, the slags are very difficult to fuse and dark grey iron is produced. 110 parts of alumina contain as much oxygen as 100 parts of silica, and the action of the alumina will be doubtful if present in nearly the same amount as the silica. In order to avoid the formation of the more doubtful alumina slags an increased addition of silica is frequently made, thus decreasing the proportional 2 C 2 388 IRON. amount of alumina, and forming a bi-silicate, if both silica and alumina are calculated as acids. When smelting blackbands* rich in alumina, the resulting slags are mostly rich in alumina, containing as much as 26 per cent; and their slight fusibility, which is the result of the large amount of alumina, is sometimes (Hattingen in Westphalia, Scotland) neutralised by an amount of man- ganese which the ores contain at the same time. The amount of alumina in slags of coke blast furnaces seldom exceeds 15 per cent. In rare cases only is lime wholly wanting in blast furnace slags, but when this is the case, the lime is replaced by other earthy or metallic bases, chiefly by oxide of manganese. If part of the lime in slag is replaced by magnesia the fusibility of the slag is decreased. When intending to produce white iron requiring a more easily fusible slag than those shown by the composition ascribed by Bodemann, some of the lime is replaced by oxide of manganese, without much altering the proportional amount of silica in the slag. Sometimes silica is decreased so as to form slags standing between mono- and bi-silicates (Vordern- berg, Gittelde in the Hartz); the slag obtained when smelting spiegeleisen is a mono-silicate. In rare cases only the oxide of manganese is intentionally replaced by protoxide of iron, as this would cause a loss of iron, and the protoxide of iron would decarbonise iron that had been already carbonised, and would also strongly attack the furnace lining. Slags obtained at the production of white forge iron usually contain more or less iron; and the green blackish slags resulting from an irregular process contain from 10 to 20 per cent of protoxide of iron; whilst slags of the regular process usually contain from 1 to 4 per cent of protoxide. This small loss of iron is not to be avoided, even by devoting the utmost care to the composition of the mixture, and it is increased by grains of iron sticking to the slags, causing a mechanical loss. The fusibility of the admixture is also increased by a larger * LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 391. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 231; 1862, p. 323. SLAGS FROM CHARCOAL FURNACES. 389 number of bases; and the presence of alkali contained either in the ash of the charcoal, in the slaty gangue of the mineral coal, or in some blackbands, reacts most favourably upon the smelting process. Important investigations concerning the nature of blast furnace slags have been made by Rammelsberg,* Haus- mann,† and Scheerer.‡ These slags differ greatly, owing to the great variety of iron ores and of the associated minerals. Some of the slags correspond, in point of chemical composition and crystalli- sation, with certain native minerals, such as pyroxene (Wollastonite, Diopside), Gehlenite, Humboldtite, felspar, peridote, emerald, chytostilbite, amphibole, &c. The state of aggregation of the blast furnace slags depends on their chemical composition, on the process, on the time of smelting, on the period of the operation at which the slag resulted, and on accidental circumstances, such as the rapidity of the cooling of the slags on their coming into con- tact with water and other substances, &c. The state of aggre- gation forms the following chief varieties of slags :- Crystalline slags; porcelain-like and stony slags; glass- like slag, porphyry-like slag; sometimes they are full of blisters and air-holes, and also asbestiform and capillary. The specific gravity of the slags is greater the more quickly they are cooled, but they are less hard. The chemical composition of some amorphous blast furnace slags is shown in the following analyses:- SiO 3 Al₂03 CaO MgO. FeO. MnO S. 1. Slags from Charcoal Blast Furnaces. I. II. III. IV. 70°23 70°12 600 60°44 6'37 6.25 7.4 3°27 20'41 19'71 20.6 19'73 0'70 7.2 7'01 0'15 I'45 3°0 4.89 2.70 I'40 3.6 4'28 0°36 * POGGEND., Ann., 1., xxiv., 95. Bgwkfd., xii., 545. ↑ Studien d. Götting. Ver., vi., 323 (1854). Nachrichten v. d. k. Gesellsch. der Wissensch. in Gottingen, 1856, No. 12. LEONH. Hüttenerzeugn., p. 55. + Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Bd. 94, p. 79 KOCH., Krystall. Hüttenproducte, p. 40. (1855). GURLT's Pyrog. Min., p. So. § RAMMELSBERG, Metallurgie, p. 89. KARSTEN'S Eisenhüttenkunde, iii., p. 218. 390 IRON. V. VI. VII. VIII. SiO3. 53'0 52.8 59°42 53'79 A1203 I'O 3'4 14'94 13.04 CaO 15'0 5'6 19'79 25.67 MgO 8.0 9°0 O'II 0'57 FeO ΙΟ Ο I'4 6.03 2.44 MnO ΙΟ Ο 26°2 trace 2.20 IX. X. XI. XII. SiO3. 49'57 49'0 46.371 49'70 Al2O3 9'00 21.8 4'301 9'10 CaO. 24'0 38.640 16.20 MgO 15°15 trace 7'400 10*30 FeO. 0*14 2'I 0*950 3970 MnO 25.84 0.6 1.860 10.80 KO 0*7 0*089 NaO 0°7 0*138 CuO trace POS S. trace 2.60 5 Loss SiO3 A120, CaO MgO FeO } trace 0°030 0°40 0°30 XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. 31'1 37.8 27.48 29°0 8.9 2'I 25'78 6.3 3 14'1 25'47 23°4 34°2 8.6 0'41 15'7 ΙΟ 21'5 o'91 23°7 MnO TiO2 PO5 S. 4.4 22 2'59 I'4 6.70 9.66 9'0 No. 1. A bluish white, enamel-like slag, resulting at the production of grey pig-iron from spherosiderites, analysed by Klasek. Formula of the slag: 11(3RO,5SiO3)+5(Al2O3,2SiO3). No. 2. Slag from Peitz, bluish white, vitreous, pellucid at the edges, produced from bog iron ore. According to Kar- sten:—11(3RO,,5SiO3)+5(Al2O3,2SiO3). No. 3. A vitreous bluish grey slag with blue stripes, from Framont, produced from red and brown iron ores; by Berthier:-3(RO,SiO3) + Al2O3,3SiO3. No. 4. A pellucid, bluish or greenish grey, enamel-like slag, from Finspang; it resulted at the production of pig- iron for cannons; proportion of oxygen, 31°27 : 11·82. SLAGS FROM CHARCOAL FURNACES. 391 No. 5. A blistered, black slag, from St. Helena in Savoy, produced from spathic iron ore at an irregular process; analysed by Berthier. No. 6. A well-fused slag, partly stony and partly vitreous; it resulted from spathic iron ore at the production of spiegel- eisen; by Berthier. Formula :- 7(3RO,2SiO3)+Al2O3,3SiO3. No. 7. Black slag from Steinrenne (Hartz), produced at an irregular process; analysed by Bodemann. No. 8. A vitreous, green slag, from Rübeland (Hartz); it was formed at the production of mottled iron; analysed by Rammelsberg :—3(3RO,2SiO3+2(Al2O3,2SiO3). No. 9. Slag from Hammhütte, produced at a regular pro- cess; by Karsten. Formula:-3(3RO,2SiO3)+Al2O3,SiO3). No. 10. A darkish green and violet blue vitreous slag, from Bley (Depart. Haut-Saône); it is difficult to fuse, has graphite separated on its surface, and it was formed at the production of grey pig; by Drouat. Formula : 3(3RO,2SiO3)+A₁₂O3SiO3. No. II. Slag obtained from Dannemora mixture in Sweden at the production of Bessemer pig-iron; proportion of oxygen, 24'077: 16'718. No. 12. Slag from Dalekarlien, produced from phosphatic ores.* No. 13. Yellow, blistered slag, difficult to fuse, from Ekers- holm in Smaland, produced from Taberg magnetic iron ore; analysed by Zachrisson. Formula : 3(9RO,2SiO3)+2(Al₂O3,SiO3). No. 14. Slag obtained from spathic and brown iron ore, from Siegen, at an irregular process, producing white pig poor in carbon. No. 15. Pumice-like slag, from Concordiahütte; by Hess. No. 16. Black, blistered slag, from Lietzen, in Styria, produced at an irregular process; analysed by Mayrhofer. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, pp. 262, 374. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, No. 47. 392 IRON. 2. Slags from Coke Blast Furnaces. I. II. III. IV. Sio,. 50'00 46.60 46.46 39'95 Al₂O 3 23°00 15.80 18.80 17.41 CaO. 27'00 10.80 25'60 29'64 MgO 2:28 3'50 6'47 FeO. 7:56 · 0*24 MnO 3°40 2.80 O'91 KO . 2'40 I'46 S. 0'70 CaS. 11'70 3*60 PO trace V. VI. VII. VIII. SiO3 · 40*20 41.64 42'94 45.64 A1₂O 3 16.45 13°20 16.29 10.84 CaO. 30'00 35'91 31 10 35'ΟΙ MgO 7.29 4'21 4°16 3°16 FeO. 0'57 ΟΙΙ 0°34 0'71 MnO 0*84 0'74 0'51 trace KO . I'30 I'70 1.87 0.82 S. CaS. 2'71 2.19 2.16 3°30 PO5 · trace trace trace trace IX. X. XI. XII. Sio, 4III 4I'II 37.84 38.80 A120 3 9'46 13'45 13°20 15'20 CaO. 37'90 29.82 20.68 37'00 MgO 2.II 4'75 2.93 3°20 FeO. 0'49 6.44 20.83 4'40 MnO 1.61 o'66 0.80 KO . 0'71 1.84 I'08 S. 0.80 CaS. 0'41 I'34 0'87 PO5 trace • 0'15 I'77 XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. Sio, A1203 34°25 34.90 28.80 20°02 16.70 5'80 12.30 30°00 CaO. 38.81 50*63 56°30 39'06 MgO I'53 0'93 0'55 4:38 FeO. 0.84 6'52 0'70 3.86 MnO 1'51 I'04 0'21 KO . I'21 trace S. 0'08 I'15 CaS 5'48 C. 0°50 I'43 PO₁ trace P. O'10 SLAGS FROM COKE BLAST FURNACES. 393 No. 1. Medium composition of slags resulting in England and Belgium at the production of foundry pig with hot blast; analysed by Mayrhofer. No. 2. Slag from Séraing, obtained at the production of forge pig-iron, analysed by Schmidt :- 6RO,9(SiO,,Al2O3)=9(3RO,2SiO3)+4(2Al2O3,3SiO3). No. 3. Normal slag from Gleiwitz. Nos. 4-11. Slags from Staffordshire, analysed by Wright- son, in order to investigate the influence of hot blast upon the phosphorus contained in pig-iron.* Nos. 4 and 5. Slags produced at the production of grey iron with cold blast. Nos. 6 and 7. Slags obtained at the production of grey iron with hot blast. No. 8. Slag obtained at the production of grey iron with hot blast from oolitic ore. No. 9. The same from puddling slags. No. 10. Slag, thin, liquid, and in appearance like black bottle glass, obtained at the production of white pig-iron. No. II. The same from oolitic ore at a very irregular pro- cess. No. 12. Dirty brown slag, glistening on its fracture, from Chanon St. Etienne, obtained at a regular process at the production of spiegeleisen; by Berthier:- 3RO,2(SiO,,Al₂O3)=9(3RO,SiO3)+5A1₂O,,SiO3. No. 13. Slag from Heinrichshütte, near Hattingen in Westphalia, obtained at the production of grey iron from blackband, the blast being heated to 300° C.; the slag approaches a bi-silicate if calculating the alumina as an acid; proportion of oxygen, 25°65 : 12°36. No. 14. Slag from Witkowitz, black when in thick pieces but pellucid and lightish green at the edges. No. 15. Slag from Königshütte (Silesia), obtained at the contemporaneous production of zinc and pig-iron by Schmidt's method; by Meyer; it disintegrates, forming dust :— 3 [2CaO(SiO,,Al2O3)] +3CaO(SiO,Al₂O₂). No. 16. Slag from Hoerde (Westphalia), by Mayrhofer., * B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 73. + Ibid., 1858, p. 231. 394 IRON. 3. Slag from Coal and Anthracite Blast Furnaces. Sio,. 3 Al2O3 CaO. CaS. MnS. 35'34 20°47 38.72 I'35 5°39 Slag from the Iron Works of Gartsherrie and Govan in Scotland, analysed by Schwarz :-* 6RO,5(SiO3,Al2O3)=3RO,SiO3+ Al2O3,SiO3. The fluxes to be used for mixing with iron ores depend on the nature of the ores. It has been before mentioned that in rare cases only are ores found containing all the components in the proportion required for the formation of a suitable slag. Most ores require for this purpose some addition of earthy substances, and may, in this respect, be classified as follows: 1. Rich Ores without Earthy Substances.—They are mixed either with poor ores, or with fluxes of blast furnace slags, neutral silicates, &c. 2. Siliceous Ores.-These are the most common; they are mixed with different fluxes according to the state in which the silica is associated with the ore, namely: a. Silica is mechanically admixed with the ore; ores gene- rally difficult to fuse, requiring aluminous and calcareous fluxes, best in the form of aluminous lime, if suitable iron ores are not obtainable. Fluor spar has some advantages over common lime, as its fluorine volatilises part of the silicon; it fuses easily with heavy spar, gypsum, and phosphate of lime, and is therefore a good flux for ores containing those substances. Ores at the same time containing quartz in a finely dis- seminated state and protoxide of iron are difficult to smelt. The siliceous ores without manganese produce grey or mottled iron. b. The silica is more or less saturated by other bases besides iron; the silica is sometimes saturated with bases in such a manner as to form a suitable slag without the addition * Polyt. Centr., 1856, p. 998. MIXING THE IRON ORES. 395 of other fluxes; or when contained in richer ores an addition of neutral fluxes is required only to produce the sufficient quantity of slag. In most cases, however, the silica is not sufficiently satu- rated, and it then requires an addition of basic minerals, calcareous ores or lime. In rare cases ores are smelted containing silicates so basic as to require an addition of silica or aluminous marl, &c. c. The silica is combined with per- or prot-oxide of iron, as in puddling, refinery slags, &c. These substance are difficult to smelt, and the best method is Lang and Frey's, according to which, 25 parts of well burned fresh lime are slaked, and mixed whilst still warm with 65 parts of pulverised slag and 10 parts of pulverised coal. The mixture is moulded into. forms, dried, and broken up to the size usual for smelting. 3. Calcareous Iron Ores being very refractory when smelted by themselves, are mixed with argillaceous iron ores or clayey substances. Pure quartz is seldom employed as an addition, for it requires a longer time for the formation of silicates and is liable to scorify protoxide of iron. 4. Iron Ores containing Magnesia are very refractory, and require an addition of argillaceous substances and lime. If these ores contain at the same time a certain amount of manganese the reaction of the magnesia will be partly neutralised. 5. Manganiferous Iron Ores sometimes smelt by them- selves, and are inclined to yield white pig-iron, but they usually require an addition of lime in order to produce a slag free from iron. An increased addition of lime or of magnesiferous substances is required, if the production of grey iron is intended from these easily fusible ores. Easily fusible ores poor in manganese, such as some sorts of blackband, also require a greater addition of calcareous fluxes. 6. Titaniferous Iron Ores, usually difficult to fuse, require fluxes of lime and quartz; alkaline fluxes are also very effective. 396 IRON. II. Mixing the Iron Ores with regard to the Quality of the Fuel Employed. The quality of the fuel essentially influences the slag with regard to its amount of silica. Wherever it is possible, the formation of slag is attempted in the proportion of the earths as proposed by Bodemann (page 387), as this proportion necessitates the smallest consumption of fuel when producing mottled iron. 1. Charcoal. This fuel, being free from injurious sub- stances and not producing so high a temperature as coke, (therefore reducing less silicon), allows the formation of a slag consisting of a bi-silicate of lime and alumina, and suitable for the production of mottled or lightish grey iron. According to Lindauer, a good silicate of the composition— 3CaO,2SiO3+Al2O3,SiO3 was formed at Horovic; it contained :- SiO 3 CaO A1203. 50'00 31.00 18.95 and likewise a silicate of the formula 3CaO,SiO3+Al¸O3,2SiO3. A scorification of iron takes place if the slag is composed as follows:- 3CaO,2SiO3+2(Al2O3,2SiO3), containing— Sio. CaO Al2O3 · 60 17 23 Janoyer states that in many cases a slag of sufficient fusibility is formed if the ore mixture contains equal parts of clay (containing on an average 75 per cent of silica and 25 per cent of alumina), and carbonate of lime (containing 50 per cent of lime); the slag formed will contain— SiO 3 Al2O3 CaO 50'00 16.65 33°35 Tri-silicates being more difficult to fuse, and at the same time scorifying iron, are intentionally formed in rare cases only. More basic slags, approaching mono-silicates, are formed by a larger addition of lime, if either the iron ores or the fluxes contain sulphur. MIXING THE IRON ORES. 397 If intending to produce white pig-iron, part of the lime is replaced by oxide of manganese, the resulting slag then being nearly- 3RO,2SiO3+Al2O3,2SiO3, or 3RO,2SiO3+R₂O3,SiO3. The ore mixture is not altered by replacing part of the char- coal by wood. The slags of charcoal blast furnaces are usually of viscid fluidity, vitreous, becoming crystalline upon slowly cooling; if containing a larger amount of manganese, they are thinly liquid, solidify rapidly, and are usually of a brown or yellow colour; they are light green when con- taining protoxide of iron at the same time, and of a violet or amethyst tint if in a high state of silication. 2. Coke.—As a general rule the slags of coke blast furnaces must be more basic and richer in lime than those of charcoal furnaces, and approach the mono-silicate of lime and alumina, containing— Silica. Lime. Alumina. 40 37 23 Owing to the larger amount of lime these slags are more difficult to fuse, but are less viscid; they solidify more rapidly than charcoal slags, and are strong and even earthy, but though difficult to fuse they melt to a thin liquid at the high temperature obtained by the coke. The greater amount of lime in an ore mixture for coke blast furnaces is necessitated by the following circumstances:- a. Upon combustion, coke yields a higher temperature than charcoal, thus facilitating the reduction of silicon, pro- ducing a less strong pig-iron, the more so the hotter the blast employed; an excess of lime impedes the reduction of silicon. A larger amount of alumina also counteracts the reduction of silicon, but cannot completely prevent it. Experience has proved that the production of strong grey iron by means of a hot blast of about 300° C., and of coke containing 10 per cent of ash, requires the formation of slags in which the silica and alumina together amount to very nearly the same quantity as the lime and other bases added together. 398 IRON. At Meppen* (Hanover), where chiefly bog iron ores, con- taining 20 per cent of silica and from 2 to 3 per cent of phosphoric acid, and clay ironstone were smelted with coke containing 10 per cent of ash, the resulting pig-iron was poorest in silicon if the ore mixture was composed according to rule before stated, and this is proved by the following analyses :- Analyses of Slags. Silica. Alumina. Lime. Magnesia Sulphur. I. II. III. 47*56 38°10 38 10 36.61 10°48 12.09 Ι2ΟΙ 40*73 47.85 49°35 0'63 0'97 Analyses of the Pig-iron obtained. I. II. III. Dark Light Grey. Mottled. White. Grey. Grey. Grey. Graphite 2'7750 1'7875 Carbon, combined) + 0*5045 6'0000 Sulphur. o*1238 0*1875 Silicon 3.8480 + • Phosphorus 1.8117 0'5012 2*7936 2°22 2°39 I'5 Arsenic 0*0650 ++ I'8200 0'72 0'55 • 0'1500 Temperature of the blast, from. Consumption of coke for I part of pig- iron. 125° to 150° C. 225-250° C. 300-360° C. 1.600 I'720 1.800 According to Mène,‡ the most regular process for the production of a good white iron by means of coke and hot blast takes place if a slag is formed which is composed of 4CaO,SiO3+Al₂O,,SiO3, containing Sio, Al2O3 · CaO 38 20 42 * Ztschr. der Deutschen Ingen., v., 7. HARTMANN, Fortschr., v., 115. † Not determined. + Polyt. Centr., 1862, p. 824. MIXING THE IRON ORES. 399 Janoyer* produced brittle pig-iron containing 3 per cent of silicon, when employing a very hot blast and forming a slag=7(3CaO,Al2O3),10SiO3, containing 48 per cent of silica, 16 per cent of alumina, and 36 per cent of lime. When forming a slag of the formula 8(3CaO,Al2O3),10SiO3, the produced iron was stronger, and contained only 1.8 per cent of silicon. In order to produce a very strong and fusible iron, Janoyer formed a slag of the formula 6(3CaO,Al2O3),7SiO3, containing- SiO 3 Al₂O CaO 3 41°5 ΙΟ Ο 48.5 whilst consuming from 135 to 137 lbs. of coke per 100 lbs. of grey iron. This consumption of coke increased to 143 lbs. when forming a slag of the formula 20(3CaO,Al₂O3),19SiO3. Gaulthier and Mayrhofer‡ have obtained similar results. If alumina is present in such quantity (in some blackbands) as to react as an acid, the mixture is to be formed in such a manner that the oxygen of the bases amounts to half the quantity contained in the silica and alumina together, viz. :— 20 containing 10'39 oxygen 26′26 Silica. Alumina . Lime. 34 46 15.87 I2*22 b. The coke ash, mostly from 5 to 10 per cent, approaches a bisilicate in its composition. The following analysis is of the ash of a coke from Westphalia :— SiO3 A1203 Fe₂03 Mn₂O 3 Cao. MgO . FeS Alkali and loss 54'78 30'92 7'79 0*64 1.26 0°51 0°19 3'91 The silica of the coke ash will be easily reduced at a high temperature, if not counteracted by'an excess of lime in the * B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 306; 1862, p. 234. † Ibid., 1858, p. 307. + LEOB. Jahrb., 1861, x., 371, 391. 400 IRON. mixture. But lime cannot fix the silica of the ash so com- pletely as the silica contained in the ore mixture, for the reason that the ash is not liberated from the coke before it passes the tuyere, where the other components of the slag have already combined and fused, and the time is too short. to combine all the ash in the slag. Mayrhofer states that the injurious action of a larger amount of ash may be neutralised by employing lime-coke (vide chapter on Fuel), and several different silicates, instead of silicates of alumina and lime only. Whilst coke ash necessitates a larger consumption of fuel and lime, charcoal ash reacts favourably. c. An addition of lime is necessitated by the amount of sulphur which coke always contains, and more lime must be added, the temperature of the blast being raised correspond- ingly, the freer the resulting pig-iron is intended to be from sulphur. When smelting pure ores with pure coke, requiring no large addition of lime, the resulting slags will be either wholly vitreous, or they will show a stony kernel when in thicker lumps; when hot this slag may be drawn into thread. Slag resulting at the production of forge pig has a smaller kernel than that from the production of foundry iron. Slags with an increasing amount of lime gradually devitrify, are less capable of being drawn into thread, are thinly liquid, solidify rapidly, and are nearly white and thoroughly stony if containing the largest amount of lime. On exposing them for a longer time to the atmospheric air, they disin- tegrate into dust, as the contained sulphide of calcium and the basic silicate of lime become decomposed. In order to produce pig-iron as free as possible from sul- phur, basic slags are formed at Hörde,|| Hattingen,§ Porta Westphalica,¶ Scotland,** &c. ** LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., pp. 358, 361. † Ibid., 1861, X., 324. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 357. TUNNER'S Bericht. über d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, v., 1862, p. 30. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 231. ¶ B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 156. ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 323. HARTMANN, Fortschr., ii., 225. Berggeist, 1859, p. 91. MIXING THE IRON ORES. 401 When intending to produce white forge iron, part of the lime is replaced by manganiferous fluxes. d. The higher temperature and the slower sinking of the charges in coke furnaces offer more opportunities than charcoal furnaces for the reduction of silica by carbon or iron, and therefore require a more basic mixture. The addition of lime in English iron works* varies between 0'4 and 1'1 part for each part of pig-iron produced. 3. Coke and Charcoal.t-When employing these kinds of fuel in admixture, the properties of both must be taken into consideration at the formation of the ore mixture. 4. Mineral Coal usually contains a larger amount of sul- phur, necessitating a larger addition of lime if the production. of good pig-iron is intended. III. Mixing the Iron Ores with regard to Temperature and Pressure of the Blast. The higher the temperature of the blast, either for the purpose of economising fuel or of increasing the production, the more basic and richer in lime must be the slag, in order to reduce as little silica as possible. Therefore, the slag (Königshütte in Upper Silesia) produced in a coke furnace. whilst employing blast of from 60° to 70° C. is a combination of mono- and bi-silicates, containing :- SiO Al2O3 CaO MgO MnO • 47'34 II 44 34'45 I'94 3'05 whilst slags formed when employing a blast of 300° C. are either mono-silicates or mixtures of mono- and sub-silicates. Iron ores difficult to reduce (some sorts of magnetic iron. ores) or easily fusible ores (some sorts of spathic and blackband ores) have a tendency to yield a white, imperfectly carbonised iron, sometimes rich in sulphur and silicon if produced by * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 253. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 170. † LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 376, 389. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, No. 2. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 227. VOL. II. 2 D 402 IRON. means of cold blast, even with a great consumption of fuel; they must be mixed with lime in order to render the ore more refractory, so that it may be exposed for a longer time to the reducing action of carbonic oxide gas, and be smelted with hot blast, thus producing the required temperature without an excessive consumption of fuel. If intending to retain the same quality of pig-iron, the peroxides in an ore mixture must not be replaced by prot- oxides, but by oxides only; the mixture of protoxides and peroxides necessitates a larger addition of lime to render the mixture more refractory. The pressure of the blast depends chiefly on the compact- ness of the fuel, and the fusibility of the ore mixture, and is of great importance when calculating the quantity of slag required. A certain amount of slag is required to pre- serve the reduced iron from the oxidising reaction of the blast and carbonic acid before the tuyere and in the furnace hearth, and that quantity of slag must be increased if the pressure of the blast is increased. Therefore the quantity of slags must be greater when employing coke than when using charcoal, and smaller when producing white pig from easily fusible ore than when producing grey iron. As a general rule, the quantity of slag to that of pig-iron stands in the proportion as 100 to 100 when smelting an ore mixture of moderate fusibility with coke and a pressure of 20 centimetres of mercury; this proportion may increase to 200 to 100 if the mixture is more difficult to fuse and a higher pressure of the blast employed. When smelting the rich blackband in Scotland, the quantity of slag sometimes decreases to 93; and, on the other hand, at Galicia we find the abnormal proportion of 100 of pig-iron to 450 of slag. The proportion of slag to pig-iron in charcoal furnaces is usually below I: I, and may be as low as 40: 100 when smelting an easily fusible ore mixture with a low pressure of blast. The loss of iron increases with the quantity of the slag, and as siliceous and aluminous ores require more fluxes than calcareous ores the latter give a better yield of iron. The least loss of iron takes place, for example, at the smelting MIXING THE IRON ORES. 403 of the rich easily fusible Scotch blackband ores, which con- tain nearly 60 per cent of iron. IV. Mixing the Iron Cres with regard to the Quality of the Pig-Iron. The production of some sorts of pig-iron requires a certain natural state of the ores, which cannot be obtained artificially, or only with great difficulty. For example, spiegeleisen can only be produced from easily fusible and reducible ores almost free from sulphur and phosphorus, and rich in manganese, and usually containing already a sufficient quantity of slag-forming components, or requiring a small addition of lime only; the production of these sorts of iron is therefore confined to certain localities. Again, other sorts of iron ore. allow the production of the most varying qualities of pig, if the ore mixture, fuel, construction of the furnace, process, and above all the smelting temperature, are suitably modi- fied. Sometimes the same furnace produces alternately grey and white pig, and sometimes always one certain variety. This distinction of different sorts of iron for foundry, wrought-iron, and the manufacture of steel, is not so strictly maintained in Germany as in Belgium and Great Britain; in this country the distinction is made not only in single furnaces but even in whole districts.* For example, in Scotland foundry iron is produced from blackband with raw coal; Yorkshire produces pig-iron for the manufacture of best fibrous iron and boiler plates from clay-iron ore with coke; Staffordshire with the same iron ores and coke or coal produces pig-iron for con- version into common wrought-iron; Wales produces iron for rails from clay, red and brown iron ores with coke and coal; Cumberland, steel-iron from red iron ore with coke. The following are the chief rules for mixing the ores with regard to the quality of the pig-iron :— The production of spiegeleisen and flowery iron requires a pure manganiferous iron ore, necessitating little or no fluxes. If upon giving large charges of this ore, and thus lowering Amt. Bericht über d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, v., 1862. Berlin, 1863, Hft. i., p. 27. 2 D 2 404 IRON. the temperature, the porous, flowery white pig-iron will result, upon charging less ore, spiegeleisen containing more or less of manganese is produced. The amount of manganese in the pig-iron increases with the quantity of raw spathic ores employed, and also if the mixture is more basic than acid, if hot blast is employed, if the gases in the furnace hearth are of higher pressure, and under other circumstances which have not been sufficiently investigated. An easily fusible slag, standing between a mono- and bi- silicate, in which the lime exceeds the alumina, counteracts the reduction of silica. As coke produces higher temperatures, flowery pig can only be produced with it with interruptions, whilst spiegeleisen may be reduced continually with coke, even when employing hot blast (Siegen employs charcoal, coke, and hot blast; Vordernberg, charcoal and hot blast; the Weardale Iron Company, at Ferryhill in Durham, coke and cold blast). If the production, at a regular process, of white pig-iron is intended from iron ore containing sulphur and phosphorus, a larger addition of lime is required, and also an addition of manganiferous flux if the ores do not contain manganese; sometimes the easy fusibility of the mixture is obtained by scorification of iron; as, for instance, in this country, where white forge iron is produced by means of an increased addition of puddling slags. If the ores contain a larger amount of sulphur, a mottled or grey forge iron must be produced by increasing the addition. of lime and using hot blast. If intending to produce a soft, tough, grey pig-iron fit both for foundry and forge purposes, ores containing phosphorus, sulphur, and manganese, and slags must not be employed, and circumstances sometimes also make it necessary to avoid the easily fusible fluor spar. Iron ores containing a great deal of phosphorus are unfit for the production of either white forge iron or grey forge iron, but they are well adapted for foundry iron owing to its thin fusibility. Mottled pig-iron is also produced to serve as a suitable mixture with other sorts of forge iron in the puddling furnace, or to be employed for certain kinds of FLUXES. 405 castings. The different methods of converting pig-iron into. wrought-iron performed in open hearths require different forge iron, some methods requiring white and others mottled. iron. Grey foundry iron requiring to be of great strength is pro- duced from basic ore mixtures, so that it may be richer in carbon and poorer in silicon and sulphur. The mixture for common foundry iron is more acid, and pig-iron intended for re-melting is produced from a still more acid mixture. Sulphurous ores are sometimes intentionally added to the ore mixture if a small amount of sulphur in the pig-iron is desirable—cannon iron for example. Grey forge iron, with an inclination to become white on chilling, must be produced from a mixture poor in silica and rich in lime, and not too refractory. Blackish grey pig-iron is only produced when the forma- tion of a mixture very difficult to fuse is required, owing to an excess of alumina or magnesia, or if both ore and fuel con- tain a larger amount of sulphur. In this country, where most of the iron ores are easy to fuse and reduce, and contain phosphorus with the exception of the red and spathic iron ores, a very high temperature is kept in the blast furnace in order to produce a grey pig-iron poor in phosphorus. In Scotland, where sulphurous coal and very basic mixtures are employed, the temperature of the furnaces is kept so high as to produce darkish grey iron, the slight tenacity of which is ascribed by Gruner and Lan to the presence of aluminium. The white grained forge iron used for the manufacture of common rails is produced at a less high temperature and with a large addition of slags. According to Mayrhofer, the amount of mixture required for the production of 100 lbs. of pig-iron is equal to lbs., p expressing the percentage of iron in the mix- I0,000 P. ture. B. Fluxes. Fluxes are added to the iron ore mixtures for the following purposes : - a. To supply the components required for the formation 406 IRON. of slag if they are absent in the iron ores. These fluxes may be 1. Basic Fluxes, namely- Calcareous substances, of which the following are applied according to requirement :-Pure limestone is added in ad- mixture to aluminous ores; aluminous limestone (marl) to siliceous ores; fluor spar to ores of difficult fusibility, chiefly if they are siliceous; magnesian limestone (brown spar, dolo- mite,† ankeritet) is added in admixture to easily fusible ores. Caustic lime is sometimes used instead of limestone, and produces a certain economy of fuel, as the local cooling, on account of the absorption of heat in the blast furnace, caused by expulsion and reduction of the carbonic acid, is dispensed with. Caustic lime also increases the production, as, owing to its smaller volume, more charges pass through the furnace in a given time. The advantages will be greater the poorer the ores are and the more flux they require. Comparative experiments on this point have been made at Ougrée in Belgium, and Königshütte in Silesia. In the former case, 26 per cent of lime replaced 40 of limestone, and the produc- tion of metal was increased by 2'3 per cent, with a saving of 1.6 per cent of coke. In Silesia the saving was 2.85 per cent, and the increase of production 3.1 per cent. Phosphate|| and sulphate of lime, and sulphate of alumina,§ sometimes present in limestone, are injurious. Limestone also contains now and then an undesirable amount of silica, T which makes it necessary to increase the addition of lime. The purest limestone usually contains 1 or 2 per cent of silica, and the poorer sorts from 5 to 10, and even up to 25 per cent. Basic silicates, such as greenstone, ** serpentine, &c., are in some cases employed. + * LEOB., Jahrh., 1861, x., 318. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 286. Jahrb. d. K. K. geolog. Reichsanst., 1853, p. 827; 1856, p. 806; 1859, pp. 26, 30. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 356. § LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 325, 370. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 171. ** LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 318. FLUXES. 407 Manganiferous substances (Franklinite, brownstone, &c.,) are used for the production of white pig-iron. 2. Acid Fluxes, mostly in the form of acid silicates (clay slate, basalt, porphyry,* &c.,) are in some cases required for mixing with strongly basic ores. 3. Neutral Fluxes, used for ores rich in iron; mixtures of native silicates (garnet,† augite, porphyry‡) with limestone and sometimes iron blast furnace slags are made use of. Some of the fluxes, as we have before mentioned, act upon the noxious substances in iron (sulphur, phosphorus, silicon). These absorbing fluxes are chiefly lime, manganiferous sub- stances, and perhaps alkalies, || besides fluor spar (page 394). Some kind of fluxes are given to the ore mixture in order to introduce certain substances into the pig-iron, thus in- creasing its tenacity, and to purify it, so that it may yield superior qualities of wrought-iron and steel. These fluxes are chiefly manganiferous and titaniferous minerals and tungsten. La Gren§ states that tungsteniferous pig-iron is stronger than iron without tungsten, and assumes the nature of steel, as tungsten becomes reduced by the carbon of the iron. Riley states that many sorts of English pig-iron contain titanium, which, he says, acts like manganese (page 316). Some fluxes have a solvent action, and are sometimes used for the removal of obstructions or scaffolds in the fur- nace, which may be caused by either too acid or too basic mixtures, by too wet fuel and friable ores, by zinc contained in the ore, &c. Such solvent fluxes are— Fluor Spar; this is used if the other fluxes do not answer, as it forms a thinly liquid slag, combining with silica and bases, and also as fluorine has great affinity to silicon; fluor spar reacts strongly upon scaffolds formed either by too basic or too acid mixtures. * LEOB. Jahrb., 1861, X., 317. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 103. LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, X., 323. || Ibid., 1861, x., 329. Berggeist, 1856, p. 207. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, p. 379. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, pp. 167, 356, 358. Schles. Wochenschr., 1860, No. 9. 408 IRON. At Königshütte in Upper Silesia, some not very large scaffolds were removed by 10 cwts. of fluor spar, I cwt. of which was added to each ore charge. Larger scaffolds were removed by introducing 30 lbs. of fluor spar through the tuyeres every four or six hours. But, according to V. Mayr- hofer,* it is less advisable to charge fluor spar through the tuyeres, as pig-iron richer in silicon will be formed; for the reason that fluor spar then attacks silica at the place where the liberated silicon comes into contact with the fused iron, whilst otherwise the decomposition would take place in the upper parts of the furnace where the iron is not yet in a liquid state. Iron blast furnace slagst of the regular process, of the size of a walnut, are sometimes employed as solvent fluxes in such a manner that the ore mixture is more or less de- creased in weight, and the wanting ore replaced by such slag in two or four charges. Slags from puddling and re-heating furnaces are mostly effective if the scaffolds originate from siliceous ores, but they must be carefully employed, as they easily attack the furnace lining. The size of the pieces of flux must be nearly the size of the ore pieces, but it is advisable in coke furnaces to use limestone in pieces not exceeding 1 lb. in weight, and a still greater division is advantageous if intending a more intimate contact with fuel and ore in order to remove noxious sub- stances from them by means of the lime. If the pieces of lime (from 5 to 20 lbs. in weight) are too large they cause a greater consumption of fuel, and form a slag difficult to fuse, enclosing caustic lime, and containing a large amount of iron if not perfectly fused. C. Fuel. The properties of the different kinds of fuel will be treated in a subsequent chapter, and the following account con- cerns only the applicability of fuel to the production of pig- iron. * LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 332. † Ibid. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 358. FUEL. 409 For reducing pig-iron the fuel produces the temperature required for smelting the iron and the slag by burning before the tuyere, thus becoming transformed into carbonic acid, which, after being partly reduced to carbonic oxide by glowing coal, reduces the oxidised iron and carbonises the reduced iron. Some consumption of coal may also take place by the reduction of carbonic acid liberated from ores or fluxes, by the reduction of oxide of manganese to protoxide, of sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, &c. The amount of fuel required for the production of a certain quantity of pig-iron depends on the following circumstances:- I. On the nature of the ore mixture (whether it is rich, easily fusible, &c). 2. On the quality of fuel (raw or carbonised, rich or poor in ash, &c.) 3. On the nature of the produced iron (white or grey). 4. On the quantity and nature of the fluxes. 5. On the construction of the blast furnace. 6. On the quantity, pressure, moisture, and chiefly tempe- rature of the blast; the consumption of fuel in English iron works is stated to be 13 per cent larger in summer than in winter, owing to the greater moisture in the air. 7. On the state of aggregation of the ore and fuel, as well as on the care devoted to the charging operation. 8. On the more or less perfect use of the furnace gases. In this country the consumption of fuel has been considerably lessened since hot blast, raw coal, enlarged furnace mouths, and the furnace gases have been made use of. Kirchwegert asserts that the chemical and physical pro- perties of the ores have no influence whatever upon the consumption of fuel, which, moreover, stands in direct pro- portion to the quantity of mixture (ore and fluxes) to be smelted; and that the perfection of a blast furnace smelting process may always be judged by the consumption of fuel. Kirchweger arrived at this conclusion from a number of * B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 205. † Berggeist, 1859, No. 103; 1860, Nos. 21, 32, 39, 58. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 284, 321, 503; 1861, pp. 78, 80, 271. 410 IRON. calculations he made of the consumption of fuel in different blast furnaces, some of which are the following:- Aplerbeck (Westphalia) Consumption of Coke. Nature of the Iron. per lb. of Mixture. grey iron. 0°423-0*387 grey iron. 0*369-0*332 mottled and white • 0°539 Georg Marienhütte (Hanover) Hof (Bavaria) Ougrée (Belgium) Porta Westphalica . Hörde (Westphalia) 0'332 0'394-0*360 • 0'411-0 424 Phönix (Rhine) . . 0°427 iron. white iron. according to the percentage of the ore added. according to the percentage of the ore added. Neustadt (Hanover) Consumption of Charcoal. Nature of the Iron. 0*356 Altenbecken (Paterborn). • 0'341 Dassel (Brunswick) .0'369 grey. grey, temperature of the blast 252°- 315° C., the mix- ture yielded 29°44 per cent of iron. grey. Lüneburg (Hanover) • 0*385 Consumption of Charcoal. Nature of the Iron. Beckerode (Hanover). 0358 Rothehütte 0*383 Königshütte 0 385 "" flowery white pig grey Percentage of the Ore Mixture. 35/1/1 32/ Steinrennerhütte Hartz o°384 Lerbacherhütte Altenauerhütte 0*381 0*362 mottled 27 301 32 Without admitting that the chemical composition of the ores and fluxes, their degree of porosity and fusibility, &c., had no influence on the consumption of fuel, we consider Kirchweger's calculations of value, as they call the attention to the great differences in the relative consumption of fuel, which to a certain degree might be avoided in so far as they FUEL. 411 are founded on the following circumstances:-Moisture, im- perfect mining or dressing, insufficient degree of division and unsuitable largeness of the charges of fuel, ore, and fluxes, moisture insufficiency or irregularity of the blast, moist foundation and wrong construction of the blast furnaces, irregular charging, ill-conducting off of the furnaces gases, &c. The amount of ash contained in the fuel considerably influences its consumption. 1. Carbonised Fuel.-Charcoal and coke are mostly used. a. Charcoal yields a superior pig-iron, owing to the more suitable composition of its ash, and to its property of pro- ducing a less high temperature than coke; therefore when smelting with charcoal a smaller production of superior pig- iron is attempted; whilst a larger production of inferior pig- iron results from smelting with coke, facilitated by a suitable construction of the blast furnace, and the application of a large amount of hot blast of high pressure. An increased production is obtained by using coke in a charcoal furnace without enlarging its dimensions. For example, a charcoal furnace of the capacity of 50 charges, each 33 cubic feet 1560 cubic feet of charcoal, is able to take 150 charges of II cubic feet 1650 cubic feet of coke. As the effect of I cubic foot of coke is equal to 2.75 cubic feet of charcoal, 1650 cubic feet of coke will correspond to about 4538 cubic feet of charcoal, from which it follows that the production will be two and a half times as large when using coke, supposing that the ore charges made in 24 hours are smelted in the same space of time as is used when employing charcoal. Only two charcoal blast furnaces are used in this country,* namely, in Lancashire (Newland and Backbarrow); and the same number in Belgium. In Germany and France also a great deal more coke iron than charcoal iron is at present produced. Owing to its being less compact, charcoal combines more. readily than coke with the oxygen of the blast before the TUNNER, Bericht. über d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, v., 1862, p. 28. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 169; 1863, p. 156. 412 IRON. tuyere, thus preventing a decarbonisation of the fused pig- iron which passes before the tuyere, and quickly reduces the carbonic acid formed to carbonic oxide, in sufficient quantity for the reduction of iron ore in the upper parts of the furnace. This reduction of carbonic acid to carbonic oxide causes a lowering of the temperature, and less pig-iron is oxidised by carbonic acid. The lower temperature also partially pre- vents the reduction of silica by iron, coal, or carbonic oxide. In consequence of these circumstances the resulting pig-iron is rich in carbon and poor in silicon, chiefly when employing cold blast and soft charcoal; hard charcoal, being less com- bustible, approaches coke in its behaviour. Statements concerning the consumption of charcoal for producing a certain quantity of pig-iron vary. Karsten cal- culates the consumption to be as follows:-From 16 to 3 parts of soft charcoal and o‘66 to 12 parts of hard charcoal to I part of pig-iron when smelting rich easily fusible ores in lumps; from 06 to 12 parts of coal when producing spiegeleisen; from o'91 to 2*21 parts, on an average 1'5 parts, of charcoal when producing grey iron. These statements differ from the experiments made in the iron works of the Upper Hartz, where at least the same quantitity, and gene- rally somewhat more, of hard charcoal is used, than soft charcoal, for the production of mottled and grey iron (109 to 1*2 parts), supposing the other circumstances to be the same. Lindauer states the consumption of charcoal, when using cold blast, to be 16, and 13 when using hot blast. For the production of porous white iron (luckige floss) in Styria the consumption of charcoal amounts to from o'6 to o'65, and for spiegeleisen in Siegen, from o'75 to o'9; for grey iron usually from 1 to 1'5, seldom to 2. b. Coke.—Its applicability to the production of pig-iron depends- 1. On the quantity and quality of the ash it contains; coke containing above 10 or 12 per cent is used with less. advantage. The washing of coal previous to coking is there- fore an important step in iron smelting, as the purer coke *B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 261. FUEL. 413 thus obtained facilitates the smelting process, lessens the consumption of fuel, and produces a superior iron. On em- ploying steam or lime in the operation of coking a further removal of sulphur takes place. Sulphur is also removed when mixing the ore with caustic lime instead of limestone. French coke contains from 10 to 12 per cent of ash; the coke of this country much less. 2. On the state of aggregation, whether caking, sinter, or sand-coke. The state of aggregation has an essential influence on the compactness, effect, and combustibility of the coke, and accordingly it behaves differently* in blast furnaces, chiefly in requiring a different height of the furnace.t Owing to its greater compactness, coke combines with more difficulty with oxygen than charcoal, and requires a hotter blast of greater pressure in order to transform the greater part to carbonic acid. The greater compactness of coke also causes the carbonic acid to be reduced by it to carbonic oxide with more difficulty, therefore a larger space above the tuyere is filled with carbonic acid at a higher tem- perature than in charcoal furnaces; consequently the pig-iron is more readily decarbonised by the carbonic acid, and silica is reduced; this is also facilitated by the slower combustion of the coke causing a slower passing of the charges. In order to preserve the pig-iron in the furnace hearth as much as possible from the oxidising reaction of the blast and car- bonic acid, the carbonic acid must be brought into contact with a larger surface of coke (this is also necessary for the reduction of the iron ores), thus reducing the acid to carbonic oxide; this end can only be obtained by an increased quantity of coke in proportion to the ore charges. This circumstance explains the fact that the production of a certain quantity of pig-iron requires more coke, sometimes from one and a-half to twice as much coke as charcoal.‡ * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 171; 1863, p. 282. † Ibid., 1850, p. 641; 1861, p. 169; 1862, p. 210. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, pp. 158, 190. Schles. Wochenschr., 1860, No. 9. ‡ Bgwkfd., viii., 456. KARST., Archiv., 1 R., xi., 119. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 208. LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 315; 1861, x., 352. 414 IRON. The more compact the fuel is and the more ash it contains the hotter the blast of higher pressure is required, and the more carbonic acid will be formed, which will again be more slowly transformed into carbonic oxide. At Heinrichshütte in Westphalia, the consumption of coke per I part of mottled and white pig-iron amounts to from I'I to 1*3 parts only when smelting rich spathic ores, which are easily reduced and carbonised, the temperature of the blast being from 280° to 300° C. Grey forge iron required 14, and grey foundry iron from 15 to 175 parts of coke. 17 parts of coke. are used in Belgium when smelting white pig from brown iron ores with a hot blast of from 70° to 100° C., and 2'0 parts. when smelting grey iron. The iron works on the Lower Rhine consume 17 parts of coke when smelting red iron ores; the iron works at Hasslinghausen from 1'9 to 2'3 parts, smelting blackband with hot blast. The English iron works consume on an average from 1'75 to 2'1 parts of coke to I part of iron produced. In many cases the consumption of coke is equal to the quantity of pig-iron and slag added together. The following are the chief differences in smelting with coke and with charcoal :- Owing to the greater height of the coke furnaces, ores and fluxes are charged in larger pieces, and frequently in a raw state, and the ore mixture is composed so as to form mono- silicate slags, whilst the mixture for charcoal furnaces forms bi-silicates. The pressure of the blast for coke furnaces (4 to 8 inches) being higher than that for charcoal furnaces (1 to 3 inches) requires a larger quantity of slags (page 402), and also the temperature of the blast for coke furnaces is higher than that of charcoal furnaces, and the consumption of fuel is larger in coke furnaces. Owing to the more difficult combustion, the charges in coke furnaces pass more slowly. When producing grey pig-iron with charcoal one ore charge requires 16 hours for passing through the furnaces, and 40 hours when employing coke ; the ore charges require about three quarters of that time. FUEL. 415 when producing white pig-iron.* The production of coke furnaces would therefore be smaller if they were not enlarged in their horizontal section, whilst employing at the same time a hot blast, thus producing a uniform temperature throughout the section of the furnace. The enlarged cross dimensions of coke furnaces which have lately been chiefly employed, whilst they mostly retain the former height of the furnaces, and without accelerating the passing of the charges, cause an increase of the production, and a saving of fuel, may be considered as an important improvement in iron smelting. This enlargement of the furnace has, of course, necessitated an increase of the blast, which is obtained either by a higher pressure by employing tuyeres of larger size, or by employing a greater number of tuyeres. The quantity of blast required depends on the quantity of fuel to be burned in a certain time to obtain the intended production. Under the same circumstances, the production of a blast furnace increases almost in direct proportion with its cross dimensions, and therefore nearly the same ratio will result upon dividing the number expressing the weekly production of pig-iron, by the cross section of the furnace hearth expressed in cubic feet. The coke furnaces on the Continent produce on an average from 140 to 200 tons per week, whilst in this country some of these furnaces produce as much as 600 tons and upwards.‡ The weekly production of charcoal furnaces. averages between 20 and 45 tons; yet some charcoal fur- naces produce even less, whilst others again a great deal more; for instance, some Swedish furnaces produce from 50 to 75 tons, Russian furnaces 100 tons, some Styrian furnaces from 150 to 175 tons, and the Rachette furnace 210 tons. We shall explain later on the variations in the construc- tion of the blast furnaces, which make them suitable for the different kinds of fuel. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, PP. 243, 261. + Ibid., 1857, p. 181; 1860, p. 332; 1862, pp. 208, 339. + Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, pp. 23, 95. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, pp. 335, 438; 1862, pp. 208, 413; 1863, pp. 156, 279. 416 IRON. Owing to the larger consumption of fuel, coke furnaces give off from the top a greater quantity of waste gases than charcoal furnaces; these gases contain more carbonic oxide, and are also hotter (228-330° C.) than the gases from charcoal furnaces (100-120° C.), as the higher temperature of the coke furnace causes some carbonic acid to be trans- formed into carbonic oxide in the higher parts of the furnace. The amount of hydrogen in the waste gases of coke furnaces is less than that in charcoal furnaces, as coke contains fewer hydrogen compounds (1—2 per cent) than charcoal (10—15 per cent.) Though consuming more fuel when producing grey iron than when producing white iron, thus causing a stronger heating of the former gases, they show no great dif- ference in temperature; this is owing to the circumstance that upon the production of white iron, some iron is generally burnt before the tuyere, which increases the temperature of the rising furnace gases. The waste gases are sometimes composed as follows, and may have the subjoined heating powers :- Gases from Coke. Mineral Coal. Charcoal. I. II. Nitrogen . 63'4 59'7 64°4 56.3 Carbonic oxide 29.6 20°2 34.6 21.5 Carbonic acid 5'9 19'4 0'9 15'2 Carburetted hydrogen (marsh gas) Ι'Ο 0'3 4°2 Carburetted hydrogen (olefiant gas) 1.8 Hydrogen O'I 0'4 O'I ΙΟ Total • 100'0 100'0 100'0 100'0 Specific Pyrometric 0*000105 "" 1255° C. Absolute heating power o‘081 When employing hot blast, the ores are reduced and smelted at a lower level of the furnace than when using cold blast; the gases have, therefore, to pass a longer distance Bgwkfd., viii., 450. † Ibid., viii., 456. 0*06 0'077 0*162 0.000078 0.0001 0˚000211 1075° C. 1265° C. 1480° C. FUEL. 417 before arriving at the top of the furnace, and are thus enabled to communicate their temperature to the ore more completely, and consequently they escape from the furnace. in a cooler state. Sefström states the relative temperatures of the different parts of the furnace for hot and cold blasts, to be as follows:- At the lower part of the furnace throat At of the height of the furnace shaft "" 3 4 4 وو In the furnace hearth "" وو Cold Blast. 800° C. Hot Blast. 500° C. 800° 1000° وو 1000° 1200° "" 1400° >> 1400° 1600 1700° "" When employing soft charcoal in blast furnaces the saving in fuel amounts to from 15 to 20 per cent, whilst 40 per cent of mineral coal is saved; according to Potter, this saving of coal amounts in Scotland to 72 per cent.* Blast furnaces which do not make use of the waste gases, lose about one-half the temperature produced by the fuel employed.t Charcoal is sometimes partly replaced by coke in order to reduce the cost of production.‡ In some cases (Ireland) || turf coal is also employed; at Underwiller,§ 1 part of turf coal replaces I part of charcoal whilst charging 580 kilos. of brown iron ore, 140 kilos. of turf coal, 140 kilos. of charcoal, and 75 kilos. of fluxes; I part of pig-iron consuming 15 parts of fuel. A small amount of lime which is contained in the ash of the turf coal allows a saving of limestone. At Tangerhütte T equal parts of turf coal and charcoal yielded a foundry pig-iron, as good as the iron produced with pure charcoal. * VALERIUS, Eisenhüttenkunde, i., p. 284. † Berggeist, 1858, pp. 135, 179. + KARST. Arch., 2 R., xii., 551. LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 426; 1863, xii., 155. Ailgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 461. TUNNER, Ber. über. d. Londoner In- dustrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 40. B. u. h.' Ztg., 1861, p. 335. Berggeist, 1863, No. II. || Oesterr. Ztschr., 1854, p. 330. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 264. ¶ Preuss. Ztschr., ii., 172. VOL. II. B. u. h. Ztg., 1963, pp. 139, 148. 2 E 418 IRON. Fuel in a Raw State is frequently employed with the following advantages :-When carbonising wood in the usual way in heaps only 18 or 19 per cent of the 40 per cent of carbon contained in the air-dried wood is made available, whilst from 29 to 30 per cent of charcoal is produced in the blast furnace. A calculation shows that in the Prussian iron works about 18 million cwts. of wood are lost in the usual way of carbonising. The iron works at Dowlais consume 45 cwts. of coal for the production of 1 ton of pig-iron, whilst formerly 50 cwts. were consumed when applying the coal in a coked state. The reducing gases evolved at the carbonising in the blast furnaces reduce some oxide of iron, thus saving fuel, as well as the apparatus for the carbonisation and the cost of the operation itself. The application of raw fuel has, on the other hand, the following disadvantages :— The carbonisation of wood or turf in the blast furnace is liable to cause an increase of the temperature of the upper part of the furnace, whilst it is lowered in the lower parts, thus giving rise to an imperfect reduction and carbonisation of the iron, as well as to an irregular process. Therefore wood and turf are only employed in admixture with charcoal and coke. The carriage of raw fuel is more expensive. Mineral coal contains more sulphur than coke. The carbonisation of raw fuel in blast furnaces sometimes gives rise to explosions,* and as wood must be applied in small pieces it causes a great deal of mechanical labour. In order to prevent too high a pressure of the gases which are abundantly evolved from the raw fuel in the upper part of the furnace, and in consequence of which the combustion before the tuyere is impeded, it is advisable to employ larger furnaces, chiefly those having a larger furnace mouth. The tension of the gasest exerts an influence upon the chemical In coal processes in the different parts of the furnace. * Bgwkfd., v., 193. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 812. Ann. d. min., 3 sér., xvi., 254; xix., 167. TUNNER, in LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 159, 287. FUEL. 419 furnaces an enlarged furnace mouth, nearly as wide as the upper part of the boshes, allows a more uniform sinking of the ore charges in the upper part of the furnace. As the coal is coked in the blast furnace under a high pressure, and thus reduced in volume, the coke will form too thin a layer if the furnace is much wider at the boshes than at the mouth; the enlargement of the mouth causes the charges to pass slowly, wherefore the carbonisation takes place more gradually, yielding a greater quantity of coke.* The furnaces of Truran* and Rachettet have their furnace mouths larger than their boshes, and give favourable results with regard to the carbonisation of raw fuel. A. Wood.‡-Air-dried wood was first applied at Soumboul in Russia, and later in some iron works of North America and other countries. As the carbonisation of wood takes place at the low temperature of 150° C., and is finished at from 400° to 500° C., at which the reduction of oxide of iron is scarcely commenced, the gases evolved by this carbonisation. only exert a slight reducing action, and the chief saving upon carbonisation in blast furnaces is caused by the greater yield of charcoal, particularly if the furnace is sufficiently high and wide. The slower process also causes the formation of a more compact charcoal retaining the volume of the wood. According to experience, from to of air-dried wood may be added to one charge of charcoal, and of artificially dried wood. When using the waste gases of such furnaces to heat the blast, roast the ore, &c., the saving of fuel amounts to from 20 to 25 per cent, from 5 to 10 per cent of which may be attributed to the slower carbonisation and the assistance in reducing the iron ore. B. Turf|| has the disadvantage of containing more or less ash and sulphur and phosphorus, besides losing much in + * TRURAN, The Manufacture of Iron, &c., London, 1862. Ibid., 1862, pp. 265, 392; 1863, p. 156. · TUNNER, in LEOB. Jahrb., iv., 210. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 409. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, No. 26. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1843., pp. 441, 832; 1845, p. 297; 1851, p. 427. iii., 189; iv., 412; vi., 285; viii., 263. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1854, p. 399. Jahrb., 1851, p. 128; 1854, p. 236; 1857, p. 129; 1861, xi., 45, 455· Bgwkfd., LEOB., 2 E 2 420 IRON. volume. The latter disadvantage may be lessened by com- pressing or artificially drying the turf. Turf is usually employed in admixture with charcoal. At Ransko in Bohemia, one charge consisted of 70 per cent of dried turf and 30 per cent of charcoal, this being the highest proportion of turf that has ever been employed. C. Mineral Coal.-Mineral coal was first experimentally applied to iron blast furnaces in 1619, by Dudley,* in some iron works in Worcestershire, but only successfully introduced after the year 1740. The employment of raw coal in blast furnaces has certain disadvantages, which cause coke to be more frequently used; they are the following:- 1. The iron pyrites contained in the coal. Part of the sulphur contained in the iron pyrites is evolved in the upper parts of the blast furnace without doing any damage; but another part is liberated in that part of the furnace where the iron is reduced, and it combines with the reduced iron. The remaining magnetic pyrites enters the slag, in which the sulphur may be retained by an abundant addition of lime- stone and the application of hot blast; the sulphide of calcium formed also combines with some sulphide of iron. The resulting pig-iron will be richer in sulphur the more iron pyrites the coal contains. Therefore, coke is employed for the production of the best quality of iron, an admixture of coke and coal for iron of medium quality; whilst pig-iron pro- duced exclusively with raw coal, as in Scotland, has little tenacity, and yields an inferior wrought-iron unless the pig- iron is previously refined. 2. The physical properties of the coal. Non-caking coal poor in ash which does not splinter is best suited for this Bituminous coal is unfit for direct use in blast process. furnaces, even if the furnace mouth is wider than the widest part of the furnace shaft. But non-caking coal also requires an enlarged furnace mouth to retard the carbonisation; otherwise caked lumps of coal will be formed which burn * Schles. Wochenschr., 1861. Beilage, p. 59. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, pp. 6, 448; 1862, pp. 169, 240, 255; 1863, p. 156. FUEL. 421 with more difficulty, causing scaffolds, explosions, &c. To prevent the upper part of the furnace from becoming too hot the furnace mouth is closed and the gases are made to escape. Truran states that I part of good coal is equal to 3 parts when converted into coke. 3. The slower passage of the charges required for the more perfect caking of the coal. Truran* states that a charge requires 35 hours for passing through a Scotch blast furnace, 45 hours in a Staffordshire furnace, and 63 hours in a furnace at Dowlais. The velocity per hour in the different parts of the furnace stand in the following proportions:- Scotch furnace Staffordshire Dowlais "" In the region of the furnace- For preparing the For Carbonising Ore for Reduction. the Reduced Iron. Inches. For Fusion. Inches. 28 48 Inches. 18 36 31 73 ΙΟ 41 The decrease of the production by the slower descent of the charges is fully compensated for by the enlarged dimen- sions of the furnace, which increase the pressure and quantity of blast. 4. The lowering of the temperature of the upper part of the furnace. The advantageous application of raw coal therefore requires the use of a non-caking coal as free from sulphur as possible, a basic ore mixture, hot blast of strong pressure, compact non-friable ores, and furnaces of wide dimensions. The ash of non-caking coal is liable to fill the hearth, and its removal is facilitated by constructing the furnace with an open front wall. As coke requires a different construction of the furnace and a different conduct of the process, an addition of coke to raw coal is rather injurious than otherwise, supposing the process be carefully conducted. It may be advantageous in cases where the process is conducted with less care. • In this country non-caking small coal unfit for coking is * Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 24. 422 IRON. frequently used in blast furnaces, which, however, is perhaps a disagreeable necessity rather than an advantage. Thirty years ago, when still using coke and cold blast in blast fur- naces, 10 tons of coal were consumed in this country for the production of I ton of wrought-iron (about 6'15 tons for the blast furnace, and 3'85 tons for the conversion into wrought- iron). Since applying hot blast and raw coal partially, from 5 to 6 tons only are consumed, and this consumption is further reduced to from 4 to 5 tons when making use of the waste gases. But in spite of this saving and of other improve- ments, such as an increase of the production, the use of superior blast engines, lifts, &c., and the ample application of puddling and other iron slags, the cost of production is at present no lower than it was thirty years ago, owing to the higher price of smelting materials and labour. In Wales from 2 to 2'5 parts of coal are used for the pro- duction of 1 of pig-iron when making use of the waste gases; in Staffordshire, 4; in Cleveland, from 2.8 to 3; in Scotland, from 24 to 2.6; in France, from 2 to 2'2 of good coal when. smelting ores containing 40 per cent of iron, and from 4 to 5 of inferior coal when smelting poor ores. In rare cases only less than 2 parts of coal are used for 1 part of pig-iron. D. Anthracite.-Owing to its greater purity, anthracite yields a better pig-iron than coke and raw coal; but as it is difficult to burn it requires a hot blast of high pressure. The difficult combustion causes a slower descent of the charges, and therefore a small production, which may be increased by enlarging the furnace and admitting a large quantity of blast uniformly divided by a great number (up to 15) of tuyeres. When applying cold blast the pressure required would be so great as to cool the furnace. The higher temperature and the application of an amount of blast nearly three times as great as that used in coke furnaces admits of a more perfect separation of the foreign sub- stances contained in the smelting materials, thus producing a superior quality of iron. The undesirable property which anthracite has of splintering upon sudden heating is a con- sequence of its stratification, and is peculiar to anthracite occurring in vertical layers. The anthracite from Wales, " FUEL. 423 which has a granular fracture, is a conglomerate of very pure anthracite and bituminous coal which does not splinter in the fire. Anthracite is used for the production of iron chiefly in Pennsylvania, Scotland,† and Wales. ‡ + In 1838 and 1839, Thomas made the first experiments on smelting iron with anthracite at Pittsville, in Pennsylvania, but he was unsuccessful, as the pressure of the blast was insufficient. The second trials, made in 1840, were more successful, and since that time anthracite has come into more general use. Some of the anthracite furnaces are 60 feet high, having a furnace mouth of from 8 to 9 feet in diameter; they have from 12 to 15 water tuyeres, and receive 10,000 cubic feet of blast per minute of 300° C. and upwards, and of 8 or 9 lbs. of pressure per square inch; the weekly production is 200 tons. The furnaces in Yniscedwin are only from 25 to 30 feet, as then the splintering of the anthracite into small pieces does less harm. Other anthracite furnaces in South Wales are from 36 to 40 feet high, and the charges are now and then allowed to descend low, when the small pieces of an- thracite are blown out of the furnace mouth by an increased blast. The usual pressure of the blast is from 4 to 6 lbs., its temperature from 320 to 550° C., and its quantity 6000 cubic feet per minute. The weekly production is So tons, and 2 parts of anthracite are consumed for every part of pig-iron produced. Below the tymp of the furnace an open space, from o'08 to o'10 metre high, is left, allowing the ash to be continually blown out. Unconsumed pieces of anthracite, intermixed with slag, which are discharged from the tapping hole are re-charged in the furnace. In English coke and coal furnaces the charges are distributed on the periphery of the furnace shaft, thus leaving in the middle an B. u. h. Ztg., 1849, p. 314; 1852, p. 755; 1853, p. 905; 1854, p. 149; 1862, P. 344. † Ibid., 1850, p. 673; 1862, p. 253. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 157. KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxv., 579, 601. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 429. HARTMANN, Fortschr., i., 213. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 156; 1862, pp. 237, 429. 424 IRON. open conical space in which the ore will collect. In anthra- cite furnaces the charges are made on the centre of the fur- nace, thus falling towards the periphery, and forming a thinner layer in the middle. This mode of charging some- what prevents the disadvantages caused by the decrepitation of the anthracite into small pieces. With the view of saving compact fuel, several attempts† have lately been made to introduce gases produced from in- ferior fuel (carbonic oxide, carburetted hydrogen) into the blast furnaces by means of the tuyeres, but no favourable results were obtained, as it proved impossible to sustain the high temperature required in the lower parts of the furnace, and as the reduced iron was not sufficiently carbonised. Gurlt's proposal‡ to reduce the ores in a cupola furnace by means of gases, and to fuse the carbonised iron in a rever- beratory furnace, has been successful only in Spain when treating pure rich iron ores. THE BLAST FURNACE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. Lifts. In hilly countries the blast furnaces are often placed below the general level of the ground supplying the ores and fuel, so that all the materials necessary for working, may be delivered at the furnace top without any special ap- pliances, whilst on flat ground mechanical lifts must be resorted to for raising the materials. The following are the lifts most generally employed: Vertical Lifts by means of Steam Power.||-The ap- paratus consists of a cage moving between vertical guides, similar to those used in colleries, and is connected with a small direct acting steam engine of high pressure, which is placed either on the platform surrounding the furnace top, *B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 429. Berggeist, 1856, p. 97. Oesterr. Ztg., 1856, pp. 137, 165, 195; 1858, pp. 245, 292, 310; 1859, p. 2. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, pp. 223, 235; 1859, pp. 196, 286, 319, 320, 415, 420; 1860, p. 504. Vordernberg Jahrb., ii., 153. LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 317; 1861, X., 356. Bericht üb. d. erste allgem. Versamm. v. B. u. Hüttenmännern in Wien., 1859, p. 54. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 229; ii., 160. ‡ GURLT, die Roheisenerzeugung mit Gas, &c., Freiberg, 1857. Berggeist, 1857, p. 606; 1859, p. 469. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 12; 1860, p. 27. HARTMANN'S Fortschr., v., 98. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 252. LIFTS. 425 or on the ground below. It is advisable to have no self- acting valve gear, but to work the engine entirely by hand, in order to prevent the chance of accidents from over-winding. These vertical lifts have to a great extent replaced The Inclined Planes which are mostly to be found in old works. An inclined plane is shown by Fig. 82. The two FIG. 82. P P M L W' B IT N L W t inclined lines of railway, s and s', carry platform waggons, w and w', which are connected with each other by means of a chain wound round a drum. The motive power is a steam engine placed on the ground. The inclination of these planes varies from 25 to 45°; the platform waggons are sufficiently large to carry four or more of the iron wheel-barrows used in charging, with their loads. At the Barrow Iron Works, in Lancashire, two inclined planes are used for the supply of seven furnaces. 426 IRON. The Jacob's Ladder, or Endless Chain System of Lifts, requires much attention, and necessitates many re- pairs, and is therefore but little used. Fig. 83 shows one FIG. 83. α g of these lifts. The chains, a, pass on the top and bottom over wheels, and are provided with hooks, b, by means of which they lift the barrows, g. The lift represented by Fig. 84 is provided with cages of FIG. 84. b a iron plate, b, which are fixed to the chains, a, at certain dis- tances, and which carry the barrows used in charging. The Water Balance is frequently used in this country as well as on the Continent, as being very simple and effective, LIFTS. 427 and requiring very little attendance; though, on the other hand, somewhat more power is required for pumping the water to the furnace top than would be necessitated by a direct lifting of the charges; also it is difficult to keep the water boxes tight, and the lift houses are generally damp and sloppy from leakage. Fig. 85 represents one of these lifts. a is a wooden box Ъ FIG. 85. F 3 a 5 FI which may be filled with water from the reservoir, b, placed on the platform of the furnace top by means of the tube, d, which is provided with the cock, c; e is a waggon used in charging, placed on rails which are fixed on the top of the box, a. As soon as the box, a, is filled with a certain quan- tity of water it will sink by its own weight together with the empty waggon, e, being guided by f. On the side of this apparatus is placed a second one of the same construction, moving vertically and guided, and both are united by a rope or chain, g', passing over a guide pulley. When the one box filled with water, and carrying an empty waggon, descends, the second without water and carrying a loaded waggon will be lifted up. The loaded waggon is discharged on the top of the furnace, and the empty box filled with 428 IRON. water, whilst the lower box, on reaching the ground, strikes against a catch with the projecting rod of the discharge valve, h, thus opening a passage for the water which runs. out, and the box is ready for another ascent when loaded. The speed of the apparatus is regulated by a brake on the guide pulley. The lift constructed by John Fernie, and employed in the Britannia foundry at Derby, is represented by Fig. 86. a is FIG. 86. g h I d 12 6 0 INS.Lulluluk 2- 3 FI a steam cylinder provided with the piston, b, of 3 feet stroke ; c is an iron tube admitting steam above the piston. The water in the cylinder, a, below the piston is emitted and conducted by means of the tube, d, in the cylinder, h, below the piston, e. To the bottom of the latter piston is screwed a piece of leather serving as packing. The piston rod, ƒ, is made of a wrought-iron tube of an inch thick in order that it may be light, and on the top it is provided with a platform consisting of the iron plate, g, for carrying the loaded vessels. The lid of the cylinder, a, is placed in the level of the sole LIFTS. 429 of the foundry; the cylinder, h, is placed in a shaft, and its upper point lies about I foot below the sole of the foundry. The plate, g, is guided by the rods, i, and furnished with cushions of caoutchouc for lessening the shocks. To set the apparatus in motion, the tube, d, is filled with water until the piston in the cylinder, a, is placed in its highest position. The vessel used in charging is now placed upon the iron plate, g, and steam is introduced upon the piston by the tube, c, thus causing the ascent of the piston, f, which takes 20 seconds; the piston is 10 feet long, and the weight upon it amounts to 9 cwts. The piston is made to descend in 30 seconds by allowing the steam to escape through a cock with which the tube, c, is furnished. At Johannishütte, near Duisburg, Westphalia, hydraulic lifts are employed, constructed upon Armstrong's system, in which the cage is connected to a water pressure engine by means of a chain passing over a system of compound pulleys. Pneumatic Lifts were first used in this country, and intro- duced later into Germany. One of these lifts used at Friedenshütte in Upper Silesia has the following construction, which is shown in Fig. 87. The blast is introduced upon the piston, b, by means of the tube, a, which piston then descends in the cast-iron cylinder, c. The piston rod, d, and the adjoined rod, e, move along with the piston; the latter rod sets two cog wheels in motion, thus causing the ascent of a platform upon which the vessels used in charging are placed. In order to lower the discharged vessels the valve, h, is opened by means of the rope, g, which is fixed to the windlass, f; the speed is regulated by the valve. This apparatus lifts altogether 643 kilos., the platform and empty vessel weighing 143 kilos. The ascent is completed in 2 minutes, and as much time is required for the descent, discharging and charging of the vessels. The simplest form of pneumatic lift is that used in England; it consists of a wrought-iron cylinder, open at the bottom and closed at the top, about 6 or 8 feet in diameter, BAUERMAN'S Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron, London, 1868, p. 150. 430 IRON. and somewhat longer than the height of the furnace; it is suspended in a tank by counter-balance weights passing over pulleys in exactly the same manner as an ordinary gasometer. FIG. 87. e с đ α A pipe for the admission of air at 3 or 4 lbs. per square inch above the atmospheric pressure is introduced through the tank. The waggon to be lifted is carried on the top of the LIFTS. 431 bell, and as the whole of the moving parts of the apparatus are balanced, sufficient power only is required to raise the additional load. For the return of the stroke, the air within. the bell is allowed to escape by opening a valve communicating with the atmosphere, the weight of the empty waggon being sufficient to lower the bell in the tank. Mr. Gjer's pneumatic lifts are much used in the newer Cleveland Iron Works.* The lifts used at Messrs. Lloyd's furnaces are constructed as follows:-The two lifts to the tops. of the four furnaces, 68 feet high, consist each of a column bored out to a diameter of 36 inches. Within this is a deep cast-iron piston, almost fitting the bore, and weighing nearly four tons. The platform surrounds the column, which is secured to the stage at the top and forms the sole framing of the hoist. The platform has a wire rope at each corner, which passes over an 8 ft. pulley at the top-there being four ropes and four pulleys-and thence down to the piston. When the platform is loaded it weighs about 5 tons, or a ton more than the piston; and when the empty barrows only are coming down it weighs about 3 tons, or a ton less than the piston. A pair of engines close by work a pair of air pumps, which may be made, by a reversing lever, to act as forcing or exhausting pumps. With 3 or 4 lbs. exhaustion per square inch, the piston is brought down and the load raised; with the same amount of pressure above the atmosphere forced in beneath the piston, it is sent up again, and the empty platform descends. The power is applied very gradually in raising the platform, as the engine has first to exhaust from a 3 feet column nearly 70 feet high, and, in any case, no sudden strain is brought upon the ropes. The platform rises and falls at the rate of 250 or 300 feet per minute; the motion is perfectly regular, so that, save for the unavoidable sensation of rising or sinking, any one upon the platform would be quite unconscious of the motion. The platform descends to fixed supports at the bottom and rests upon them. When the platform reaches the top, the piston reaches the bottom of the column upon which it rests, preventing any further Engineering, Nov. 30, 1866; Dec. 7, 1866. : 432 IRON. motion, and the piston is made to cushion in the air as it reaches the bottom, so as to avoid all shock in stopping. Blast Furnaces. A furnace for the production of pig-iron from iron ores must be able gradually to perform the following operations:- namely, a preparation and reduction of the oxide of iron at a temperature below the melting point; next, the carbonisa- tion of the reduced iron at an increased temperature but still without fusion; then the melting of the slag-forming com- ponents and the pig-iron; and, finally, the separation of slag and iron according to their specific gravities in a sufficiently hot space. These operations can only be performed in cupola furnaces, and not in reverberatory or hearth furnaces. The first treatment* of iron ores, chiefly pure spathic ores, for the production of iron was effected in small hearths similar to a common smith's forge, in which alternate layers of crushed iron ore and charcoal were smelted by the application of blast from bellows until a sufficiently large lump of iron had collected on the bottom of the hearth, but the resulting iron was so little carbonised as to be malleable. In order to save fuel and to obtain a better yield of iron, these hearths were transformed later into low cupola furnaces. (Stücköfen, Wolfsöfen), which produced a steel-like iron, containing more carbon, but not fusible. About the middle of the 16th century the furnaces were enlarged, so as to be upwards of 15 feet high, when they produced a more highly carbonised and fusible iron (pig-iron). The furnaces at present in common use are sometimes upwards of 60 feet high, and are constructed with an open front wall, from the opening of which the slag continually runs out. In a few places the present blast furnaces of the smaller size, and intended for a smaller production, are con- structed with a closed front wall, requiring the slag to be tapped off from time to time together with the iron. * Ann. d. min., Berggeist, 1860, No. 15. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 502. livr., de 1858, p. 564. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst., 1850, i., 199. CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 433 Construction of the Furnaces. One of the chief requirements in the construction of blast furnaces is the counteraction of the corroding effect of the high temperature, which both fuses and expands the furnace walling. The fusion of the furnace lining may be partly prevented by applying materials as refractory as possible; artificial stones are generally more refractory than native rocks. The outside of the lower parts of the furnace is usually furnished with cast-iron boxes or blocks having a serpentine wrought- iron pipe inside, through which a current of water is kept flowing in order to protect the brick-work from the intense heat to which it is exposed, and from the corrosive action of the molten slag which is constantly flowing through it. The expansion of the furnace walling may be limited by a suitable exterior form of the furnace, and by grappling irons. A suitable connection of the interior furnace lining with the exterior walling also greatly influences the expansion and destruction. Furnaces having the hearth and boshes without an inclosing walling have proved to be very durable, and it is advisable to fill the open space between the inside lining of the furnace shaft and the outside walling with a pumice-like slag, as it permits the expansion of the inside lining better than sand, and as slag, if used, will cake and close any opening. The construction of blast furnaces varies considerably with regard to size, shape, the proportion of the parts to each other, &c. 1. The oldest furnaces are shaped outside like a truncated four-sided pyramid; they are still in use to a great extent both in this country and on the Continent, where they are known as Belgian furnaces. Nearly all charcoal furnaces are of this construction. These furnaces are shown by Figs. 87 to 96. a is the foundation formed of concrete masonry of quarry stones; b is a channel formed of fire bricks, and serving to dry the foundation and the lower parts of the furnace; c, the VOL. II. 2 F 434 IRON. fire-place; d is a cross channel in the foundation, called Andreaskreuz, connected with the flues, f, f, by means of the channels, e, e, and is covered with the iron plates, g, upon which the brick walling, h, rests; i is the bottom stone (of pudding stone of Marchin), resting upon a layer of sand; k is FIG. 88. ШИ 2005 0 0 52002001a6a1doäämoäoco0 05020 1000 ORSO) 다 ​n' 11 * 1000000 ༡ 1 the lining of the furnace hearth (B, F), also formed of pudding stone, and containing the tuyere openings, r', r'; l are the boshes, the lower parts of which (G and H) are also formed of pudding stones and the upper part of fire bricks; m is an CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 435 open space between the furnace linings, and filled with pieces. of fire-brick; n is the lining of the furnace shaft, formed of fire bricks; o is the second lining placed outside the first, and formed of fire-bricks of second quality; this lining is sur- rounded inside and outside by the filling, m; p is the exterior FIG. 89. q P' G' F.-.- -T' Y E К --E D- -D' a casing formed of common bricks, except the facing bricks, 9, which are fire bricks; r are cast-iron bearings in the quadratic form resting upon the annular iron, u, to which they are joined; s are pillars of masonry; t are iron beams and alternate layers of fire-bricks; u, annular iron bearings 2 F 2 436 IRON. supporting the inner lining of the furnace shaft; the iron bearings, v, serve the same purpose; w are likewise iron bearings; x is the arch in the front of the furnace; y are the arches for the tuyeres; z, a lining of fire bricks. a' is the tymp stone, its upper part being pudding stone, and protected by the iron plate, b', which consists of two parts screwed together, and its lower part of large fire bricks protected by FIG. 90. น f 7 Ma M で ​V f the tymp-iron, c'; d' is a wall of pudding stone called the dam; it is provided with the tapping hole, ƒ', and its front part is protected by the dam plate, e'; g' is a cast-iron plate placed vertically towards the dam plate, and fixed to the masonry by means of the iron rods, h'; i' are openings in this plate for receiving an iron bar, serving as a support for the tools used for manipulating in the furnace hearth. The space between this plate and the furnace pillar is gently CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 437 b FIG. 91. GFEA B M f sloped, and is filled with small coal in admixture with some loam, which is called the cinder fall, as the slag is made to run off upon it. k' are cast-iron pilasters partly supporting FIG. 92. A * C だ ​во . a ធ 口 ​ם ם ~ D О f ㅁㅁ ​FIG. 93. 2 3 F FT lí Scale to Figs. 92 and 93. the bearings, and provided with several openings, l', for re- ceiving iron rods, which are used for supporting the tools 438 IRON. when working in the hearth, &c.; m' are flues in the rough walling for the escape of moisture. They commence in the arches, forming horizontal rows, one about 1 feet above the other, and are connected with the flues, f, without openings on the outside of the furnace. n' and o' are grappling irons. FIG. 94. ས་ ட்ட 5 10 15 20 25 Scale to Figs. 81 to 91 and 94 to 97. placed in channels of the furnace walling; p' is a cylindrical chimney, termed the tunnel head, the inside of which is lined with fire bricks, whilst the outside is formed of common bricks. It is furnished with grappling irons and provided FIG. 95. Y A. 歐 ​F Y A d. T $ 71 with rectangular openings, q', or filling holes. These holes have projecting parts in their corners to prevent the charging barrows from falling into the furnace. s' is the platform on the furnace head. CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 439 2. A more modern construction of the blast furnace is shown by Figs. 98 and 99, in which the rough walling is replaced by a wrought-iron casing, and the old stake pillars by cast-iron columns, thus exposing the hearth casing all round, whilst in the old furnaces it is accessible at the tuyeres only. The outer form of these furnaces is that of a cylinder or a truncated cone. FIG. 96. У น AX 4 it Y I Being of lighter construction, this furnace requires less foundation; it dries easily, is less modified by expansion, and is erected more speedily and cheaply. Also the hearth casing expands less owing to its free position, which allows a con- FIG. 97. 0'0 tinual cooling of its outside. It requires no grappling irons, and may be easily repaired during the operation; it also allows the application of many tuyeres, even at different 440 IRON. levels. By surrounding the hearth casing on its outside with hollow iron rods through which cold water passes, a still more perfect cooling is obtained. FIG. 98. જ S た ​17: ů a The furnace represented is erected in Hasslinghausen (Westphalia), and is of the following construction :- FIG. 99. M A ՊՆ C B 6 i...i 12 24 FI CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 441 a is the foundation; b, bottom stone of the furnace ; c, the dam; d, six openings for the tuyeres; e, the hearth casing; f, the boshes; g, the inner furnace lining; h, the filling; ¿, outside lining; k is the iron casing of iron plates; l, cast- iron pillars resting upon the foundation, m, and supporting the linings of the furnace shaft by means of the cast-iron rim, "; o, the platform on the furnace top resting upon the linings and the supports, p; r is the furnace chimney, fur- nished with the charging openings, s. The newer furnaces at Ulverstone* have no filling between the furnace linings, but an open space filled with sand is left between the lining and the iron casing. This class of furnace is known as the cupola furnace from their resemblance to ironfounder's furnaces. A third kindt of blast furnace is a combination of both the furnaces 1 and 2, the furnace shaft linings being inclosed in a large rough walling resting upon pillars of masonry, whilst the hearth casing stands unattached to the pillars, but free like the casing on the second kind of furnaces. Concerning the erection of blast furnaces, the following general rules may be given :- 1. The foundation is usually as broad as the furnace is high; two-thirds of this breadth are sufficient if the furnaces. are very high, and cupola furnaces require only half of the breadth. If possible, the foundation is made on rocky ground; soft ground necessitates the erection of a groined vault or of pile work, upon which the foundation of the furnace is placed. The foundation is always provided with channels for drying and for the escape of moisture, more or less like those shown in the furnace represented by Figs. 88 to 97. Upon the foundation are now erected- 2. The corner pillars, s, up to the height where the arches y and x are intended to commence. The tuyere niches or tuyere houses are usually connected with each other by passages through the pillars. The iron plates, u (Fig. 96), Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 185. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 379. TUNNER'S Bericht üb. d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 31. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 85. 442 IRON. are then placed upon the pillars, and connected with strong hollow iron beams, ; upon these, at t, three layers of fire- bricks are placed; next iron beams braced together; again three layers of bricks and iron beams on the top; and, finally, three layers of bricks, which are covered with the annular iron, v. The arches, x and y, are then formed either by the bearings, w, or of masonry without bearings. These arches must be high enough for the workmen to stand in them. They are generally 13 feet high, 15 feet wide on the outside, and from 9 to 9 feet wide inside; the arches are convex by 20 or 22 inches. Above the iron beams, v, the furnace is round instead of square. The layer of fire-bricks, t', is placed upon the lowest iron bearing; and now 3. The rough walling, or outside casing, þ, is walled up to the furnace top, care being taken in the construction of the different channels and flues, f and m, as well as of the grappling irons, n' and o'. From the point where the inner side of the rough walling takes a conical shape, a fixed templet, movable on its axis, is employed to obtain the proper form. 4. The chimney, or tunnel head serving as a protection against the wind, and about 9 or 10 feet high, is usually erected when the inner linings of the furnace are finished. The charging opening, q', of the tunnel head are usually provided with doors. The tunnel head is constructed either of iron plate lined with bricks or of masonry only. As the tops of coke blast furnaces are not usually large enough for the workmen to work upon, they are enlarged by projecting platforms. Furnaces lying beside each other are connected by bridges. After having thoroughly dried the rough walling of the furnace, which sometimes takes some months, the inner shaft linings are walled up. In some iron works, one lining separated from the rough walling by an open space is found sufficient; whilst in other works two linings are employed. Dry pieces of brick, pumice-like slag, &c., are preferable to sand and clay for filling the open space between the inner furnace walls or linings, as they allow for expansion, and thus prevent a cracking of the walls. These walls are CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 443 built up, whilst their shape is regulated by the templet, u', (Fig. 90). The lower part of the furnace is formed either of natural minerals or artificial fire bricks; it is sometimes composed of one mass of a mixture of clay and sand. A layer of sand or loam, 2 inches thick, is beaten down upon the brick walling of the foundation, or sometimes three layers of fire bricks and one layer of sand 1 inch thick; upon When employing this the bottom stone, i, is placed. natural minerals (pudding-stone, sandstone, &c.), the bottom stone is formed of one piece from 1 to 3 feet thick; when employing artificial stones, and of a roundish form, they are joined in concentric rings, and bound together with iron hoops. This artificial bottom stone is 10 feet in diameter and 3 feet thick, and prolonged towards the front of the furnace, so as also to support the dam. The bottom stone must be placed sufficiently high to allow the liquid iron to run out to the sole of the smelting works, even after it has been partly corroded. The bottom stone is sometimes surrounded by a wall of fire bricks, and separated from it by an open space, which is filled like those spaces of the furnace shaft, except the front part, which is kept open. Upon the back and sides of the bottom stone the hearth casing, k, is erected, forming either a circle or an oblong, whilst the lining z, is walled up outside, and the space between it and the hearth casing is filled up with non-conducting sub- stances. The joints between the stones forming the hearth casing are carefully filled with refractory mortar; upon this hearth casing the stones forming the boshes, l, are placed with the same care. Blast furnaces with an open front wall are now provided with the tymp stones, a' and a.* The iron plate placed in their front is sometimes hollow, and a stream of water passes through it; the other parts of the hearth casing are also cooled with water if they stand isolated from the furnace pillars. KARST., Arch., 2 R., iv., 419; v., 508; viii., 191. Karst. Eisenhüttenkunde, v., 86. 444 IRON. The Swedish furnaces have a hollow piece of iron casting or wrought-iron, instead of the lower tymp stone, which is cooled either with water or with air. The lower hearth is then closed by the dam, d', after having warmed the shaft linings and hearth casing. The dam is provided with the tapping hole, f', 3 inches broad and 4 inches high, and protected outside by a cast-iron plate. Dams which are flat at the top are also covered with an iron plate. Furnaces (chiefly charcoal furnaces) used for the produc- tion of foundry iron, which is ladled out for the purpose of casting, are sometimes provided with a second fore-hearth, as shown in Fig 100. a, is the dam; b, the fore-hearth, communicating with the second fore-hearth, d, by means of the channel, c; e is the tymp stone; f, the inner furnace hearth. FIG. 100. Ъ Ranch germany f a གཏམ་ཚགས་ 73 d Some of the smaller blast furnaces are constructed with a closed front wall (Blauöfen) as shown in Figs. 101 and 102, The stone, a, below the tymp, is provided with the tapping hole, b, and the two tapping holes, c, c; from the latter the slag will run out, whilst the iron is tapped off through b. The hole, d, is opened during night time to make use of the flame coming out of it. e is the tuyere. The hearth casing, formed of an admixture of clay, sand, &c., has several advantages, and is frequently used where good refractory stones are not easily obtained. This casing is not very liable to melt, decrepitate, contract, &c.; they CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 445 admit of any shape, which with stone is more expensive; and as they are more uniformly used up, the hearth may be constructed of wider dimensions from the very commence- FIG. IOI. f ཁག་ལས་ བ་ མ་ ། ** b ས་མ་ . ༤༥ཟར་ Li 5 FIG. 102. 10 FI CL 446 IRON. ment, thus economising fuel and more quickly admitting of the highest ore charges; this last circumstance outbalances the disadvantage of the formation of these casings, requiring a longer time for construction, which causes the furnaces to be out of blast for a longer time. Figs. 103 and 104 represent the hearth casing. The mass, a, for the inner parts of the furnace, consists of 4 volumes of quartz sand and I volume of clay; and for the outer parts, of 5 volumes of quartz to I volume of clay; b, is FIG. 103. - do k the rough walling; c, the foundation; d, the tuyere; e, the lower part of the hearth; f, the dam; g, the tymp iron, FIG. 104. C a CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 447 supporting the tymp plate, h; i, plates for the protection of the hearth opening; k, are iron bars supporting the mass behind the tymp iron; i, sandstone for fixing the tuyere. 3 4 When constructing a furnace hearth in this manner, the components of the mass* are mixed and moistened, so as just to form into balls when pressed; the mass is then mixed with some dry material, and a layer 5 inches high is placed on the foundation and stamped, first with the feet and afterwards with warmed iron stampers, until it forms a layer or I inch thick. The surface of this layer is roughened, and some fresh mass beaten on it till the bottom stone is sufficiently high. After planing, its centre is as- certained by means of a plummet, and a model consisting of single boards, and of the, shape of the interior of the hearth, is placed on the bottom stone, and the mass is beaten down round it, thus forming the hearth lining, boshes, and tymps. The mass for the bottom stone used at Königshütte (Silesia), is composed of two parts clay and one part ground fire bricks, and the mass forming the side parts of the hearth of one part clay and two parts fire bricks. The walling of the hearth may be preserved by employing very refractory building materials, by cooling it on the outer parts, and by smelting a suitable ore mixture. An acid mixture requires a siliceous material, and a basic mixture materials poor in silica. A refractory mixture smelted with cold blast preserves the hearth walling, whilst easily fusible ores smelted with hot blast attack it strongly. The bottom stone, dam, and tymp are the most easily corroded. Collecting the Waste Gases.-In most iron works these gases are now collected and used for various purposes. The apparatus for collecting the gases must be constructed so as to allow a perfect collection of the gases without impeding the process of the blast furnace, and also the LE BLANC, Eisenhüttenkunde, Deutsch v. Hartmann, 1839, i., 37. Preuss. Ztschr., ii., 126. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, 392; 1861, Taf. 12, Fig. 1 and 2. HARTM., Fortschr., v. 97. STUNKEL, Eisenbergwerke, u. Eisenhütten am Harz., 1803, p. 125. 448 IRON. apparatus must allow an appropriate mode of charging the furnace. The materials must be charged on the periphery of the furnace shaft, where the finer parts of the fuel and ore will then remain, whilst the coarse pieces fall towards the centre. It is furthermore necessary to collect the gases in the upper part of the furnace throat when they have passed the whole height of the furnace. Though these gases have less heating power than gases collected at a lower height of the furnace, it is more profitable to save as much fuel as possible in the blast furnaces than to impair them by extracting more effective gases, particularly as the objects for which waste gases are applied may be obtained by an inferior fuel, and, if required, inferior fuel and waste gases may be employed at the same time. The smaller charcoal furnaces yielding a large quantity of reducing and carbonising gases and working with an open throat, are provided with simple apparatus, almost all of which answer equally well. In a great many iron works the gases are collected as shown in Fig. 105. A cylinder, a, of cast- or wrought-iron and from 4 to 7 feet high is suspended in the furnace shaft, FIG. 105. f L Ap C Ъ a Ъ d leaving a space, b, from 4 to 9 inches wide, between it and the furnace walling, and in which the gases collect. The CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES. 449 tube, c, takes off the gases, and the surplus gases escape through the tube, d; e is a sliding valve for regulating the gases in the tube, c; f is a safety valve. A lid serves to close the furnace mouth. At the iron works in Siegen and in the Upper Hartz the gases are taken off the furnace by means of small channels in FIG. 106. Ъ α C Ъ the furnace walling, as is shown in Figs. 106 and 107. a is a cast-iron ring 8 inches broad, 4 inches high, and provided FIG. 107. - α C டம் 6 9 12 J FI with the projection, b, 8 inches broad, and 2 or 3 inches high, and furnished with the openings, c; d is the annular space for receiving the gases; e, gas pipe; f are cast-iron plates. This arrangement is simpler, more durable, and only half as costly as that with a suspended cylinder. Amongst the many apparatus which have been proposed and sometimes used for collecting the whole of waste gases, and which, therefore, necessitate a closing of the furnace throat, the following are those which have given good results:- VOL. II. 2 G 450 IRON. Fig. 108 shows the cup and cone charger first applied by Mr. Parry in Ebbw Vale, and is that most generally used. a is an inverted conical cast-iron funnel fixed to the top of the furnace. Below this funnel or cup an upright cast-iron cone, b, is placed in the furnace and suspended to a chain, c, FIG. 109. FIG. IIO. FIG. III. 1 t ! 1 3 } i2' 13- 3 11.6 79- FIG. 112. 20-1 2=60 8 8 20- FIG. 108. attached to its apex so that it may be raised and lowered at pleasure by means of a counter-weight or a lever. When in a raised position the cone bears against the bottom of the funnel and forms an air-tight stopper, thus preventing the gases from escaping through the furnace mouth, and making them pass through the adjoined pipe. The charges are made upon the cone, and they drop into the furnace towards its cir- cumference, whence the large lumps roll towards the centre. APPARATUS FOR COLLECTING THE WASTE GASES. 451 Von Hoff* has modified this apparatus by fixing the gas tube to the apex of the movable cone, and has provided the cone with lids, at the same time keeping the joints tight by means of water to prevent the escape of gases. At Siegburg on the Rhine, Langen has constructed the following apparatus:-The furnace mouth is closed with a lid in the form of a bell, which may be raised and lowered at pleasure for the purpose of charging the furnace. The gas pipe is joined to the lid in such a manner that the lid slides on the outside of the tube when being raised. This vertical gas pipe is connected with a horizontal pipe, and both are provided with safety valves. All the joints are made air- tight by water. At Hörde, Langen's apparatust has been improved as follows:- The furnace mouth, 9 feet wide, is closed with a flat lid, which cannot be raised but may be turned on rollers, and is kept tight by water; a gas pipe, 3 feet wide, is fixed to the lid and kept tight in the same way. The lid is also provided on its circumference with four openings, which are closed by valves and kept tight with water. The charging of the furnace is effected in quick succession by these four openings, and before re-charging, the furnace lid is turned round 45, thus uniformly dividing the materials on the circumference of the furnace. Whilst the waste gases of charcoal furnaces, when made use. of at the level of the furnace mouth, have always greatly economised fuel without impairing the smelting process, the use of the gases of coke furnaces has entailed great incon- venience, as they are mostly used at the level of the furnace sole, and must, therefore, be sucked down by means of a high chimney. This exhaustion of the gases is liable to raise the smelting zone of the furnace to a higher level; con- sequently, the ore charges pass the furnace without being sufficiently reduced and carbonised, and the regular process. ESCALLE, in Bullet. de la Soc. de l' ind. minér. ix., Sr. B. u. h. Ztg., 1864, P. 131. † DINGL., Bd. 165, p. 25. TUNNER'S Bericht über d. Londoner Industrie- Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 38. 2 G 2 452 IRON. can only be sustained by a larger consumption of coke; some atmospheric air is occasionally sucked along with the gases and causes explosions. Waste gases must be taken off the furnace with a certain pressure in order to be profitably used; they must not, therefore, be exhausted, but pressed. The required pressure cannot be obtained if the furnace mouth is too wide, therefore narrower throats have lately been employed. In order to deposit the dust escaping along with the gases, the pipe which takes them off should be vertical, or frequently cleared if it should be horizontal; it is also beneficial to conduct the gases over a long surface of water, thus con- densing the steam contained in the gases, and depositing the furnace smoke. Experience has proved that all apparatus* for collecting the waste gases are useful, whether they take the gases from the centre, the circumference, or the whole surface of the furnace throat; provided the apparatus are rationally constructed, the gases of a certain pressure and the charging of the furnace is done in such a manner that the larger lumps are placed in the centre, and the finer parts on the circum- ference of the furnace shaft. Relations between the Different Parts of Iron Blast Furnaces and the Circumstances Influencing these Relations. The Interior Form of Iron Blast Furnaces varies in different countries, and even in every iron district; it has no fixed rule, although the form undoubtedly influences the consumption of fuel and the quality of the resulting iron. Without taking into consideration the state of aggre- gation of the ore, two different forms of blast furnaces have been adopted, one for ores which are easy to fuse, and one * B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, pp. 37, 243; 1859, pp. 107, 400; 1860, pp. 298, 387; HARTM., Fortschr., ii., 1861, pp. 101, 404; 1862, pp. 245, 264; 1863, p. 211. 187; iv., 90; v., 160, 165. DINGL., Bd. 161, p. 355; Bd. 165, p. 25. Berggeist, 1861, p. 520. Bericht. üb. d. 1 Vers. d. Berg. u. Hüttenm. in Wien., 1859, p. 67. THE SHAPE OF THE FURNACE SHAFT. 453 for more refractory ores. These forms are founded on rational principles, whilst experience has led to the construction of newer blast furnaces without strongly projecting boshes, thus facilitating a more uniform descent of the smelting materials. 1. The shape of the furnace shaft for easily fusible ore mixtures, shown in Figs. 109 and 110, is described by Tunner* as having a proportionally wide hearth, narrow furnace mouth, and narrow belly (Kohlensack, i.e., the part just above the boshes). Easily fusible ores, when intended for the production of white pig-iron poor in silicon, require the application of a low temperature, and, therefore, a wider hearth. As the quick smelting of the easily fusible ore mixture renders much of the heat latent, and since, as we have stated, the temperature of the hearth is not very high, the temperature required for reduction and carbonisation in the upper parts of the furnace hearth is obtained by placing the narrow belly on a lower point of the furnace, and by making the furnace mouth proportionally narrow. The narrow fur- nace mouth also increases the pressure of the ascending gases and the disintegration of the smelting materials, thus facilitating the reduction and carbonisation which the quick descent of the charges renders necessary. On the other hand, the narrow furnace mouth causes a less uniform descent of the charges. When smelting easily fusible ores in fur- naces with a narrow hearth, a fusion of the ores takes place before they are sufficiently reduced and carbonised, and iron is scorified at the same time; if attempts are made to prevent this by charging ore and fuel in a suitable proportion, grey pig-iron is produced instead of white iron. The drawings 109 and 110 represent blast furnaces with closed front wall (Blauöfen) in Austria; this form is also given to furnaces in this country when producing grey forge iron from clay ironstone, which is easy to smelt and reduce; these furnaces, which at the same time have the advantage of wider throats, are represented by Figs. III to 117. Fur- naces treating somewhat less fusible iron ores have the belly LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, p. 151. 454 IRON. at a higher level and also a narrower hearth, as shown in some of the drawings. Blackbands for the production of 5:0- FIG. 113. -90- 15.2. 7 4 17.4. # FIG. 114. FIG. 115. FIG. 116. 6 9.6. 0165 16 6 -10 12.6 9 6 darkish grey iron with the application of very hot blast are also treated in furnaces of a similar shape, as shown in Fig. 118 and in Fig. 98 on page 440. The application of hot blast allows a wider hearth, and a proportionate enlarge- ment of the throat is admissible if treating ores of easy reducibility. In furnaces of equal capacity with hearths and boshes of the same height, and when smelting the same ore mixture, the temperature in similar levels will stand in about the same proportion as the furnace section of those levels. 2. The form of furnaces for ore mixtures difficult to fuse. The furnaces most used for treating these ore mixtures for the production of grey pig-iron have a narrow hearth, a wide belly, and a wide throat. The smelting of these mixtures requires a concentration of the heat in a narrow hearth, whence the formed gases may ascend with so high a tem- perature that the smelting mass in the space above the hearth THE SHAPE OF THE FURNACE SHAFT. 455 would cake before being perfectly carbonised, if the belly were not enlarged so as to distribute the heat more. As a mixture. difficult to fuse descends more slowly in the furnace than a mixture of easy fusibility, it has more time to be reduced FIG. 117. FIG. 118. FIG. 119. < 7.3 > TH 20 32.9 O and carbonised, and requires less pressure of the gases, which escape at a higher temperature, consequently the furnace throat may be wider. If the furnace mouth is too narrow the gases in the lower part of the furnace will become of too great a pressure and impede the combustion, whilst white pig-iron is produced instead of grey. Whilst half the fuel is consumed for fusion, and the other half for reduction and carbonisation when treating easily fusible ore mixtures, this proportion is as three-fourths to one-fourth when treating ore mixtures difficult to fuse. The furnaces used in this country for ore mixtures difficult to fuse are shown in Figs. 119 to 122. Fig. 123 is a furnace 28/ 456 IRON. in Belgium; Fig. 124 is a furnace in France, and Figs. 125 to 128 furnaces in Germany and Sweden. FIG. 120. --10---- -12- 1 V FIG. 121. +14:0 1 ·-16'- -15 22.5″. FIG. 122. 13 23 99 .-5'-0"- Furnaces with flat boshes and high narrow hearths, like that shown in Fig. 125, give rise to scaffolds, though they allow a more perfect carbonisation of the iron, and conse- quently the iron will combine with less silicon in the hearth; but a purer iron is also produced in furnaces with lower and broader hearths, and without the sharp angles of the boshes. These furnaces have lately been employed, chiefly since the application of hot blast. They are represented by Figs. 129 to 131, and by Figs. 114 and 115 on page 454. The section of most blast furnaces is round; the circular form, having the smallest circumference, offers the greatest surface for the production, consequently less heat is lost whilst it is uniformly distributed. Some smaller furnaces (charcoal THE SHAPE OF THE FURNACE SHAFT. 457 furnaces) are constructed of square, oblong, or polygonal section. Though circular furnaces may be proportionally wide (7 feet and more), allowing a large production when the blast is distributed by Sefström's principle, the blast will not enter the centre of the furnace when using a slightly FIG. 123. FIG. 124. FIG. 125. 14 136" 6 24'. -29. A 2.8" 45 combustible fuel (anthracite), or by enlarging the furnace hearth still more, even if the pressure of the blast is very high; and the gases will not ascend uniformly throughout the whole section of the furnace, as the charges sink more quickly in the centre than on the'circumference. Owing to this last circumstance, Alger* and Abt† constructed in 1850 blast furnaces of an elliptic section, Fig. 132, with * Polyt. Centr., 1858, p. 1137. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 156; 1860, pp. 143, 216. HARTM., Fortschr., ii., 206. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, No. 38. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 396. -6- 61.. ! 458 IRON. ་་ 1.80.27 .25' several tuyeres, a, on the long side of the hearth, and one, b, on each of the short sides. This construction has lately been improved upon and simplified by Von Rachette.* His furnace, shown in Figs. 133 to 138, has two fore-hearths, a, FIG. 126. FIG. 128. and an oblong section; the tuyeres, b, for the production of a uniform temperature, are either placed crosswise on the long sides, or the blast is introduced by a slide, c (Fig. 138). The proportionally small furnace walls are also furnished with a system of channels which are connected with the * C. AUBEL, d. Rachette'sche System der Patent- Normal- u. Universal- schachlöfen, Leipzig, 1863. TUNNER, Ber. üb. d. Lond. Industrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 34. DINGL., Bd. 165, p. 370. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1863, No. 14. Berggeist, 1863, Nos. 18, 25. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 265, 392; 1863, pp. 156, 270, 309, 349, 354. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 253. "1 35.. FIG. 127. THE SHAPE OF THE FURNACE SHAFT. 459 channels, f, in the foundation (Fig. 136) and a fire-place similar to that in the blast furnace on page 437. These channels allow the quick erection of a furnace in any season, by allowing warm air to circulate in them, and they serve to FIG. 129. FIG. 131. FIG. 130. 5027 32" ذا. 567 -12′ داد تار 51% ! 1 181 10. > 24. 4.. cool the hearth by the circulation of cold air; and, when closing the channels, they assist in the concentration of the temperature, and make the erection of the furnace cheaper by lessening the amount of masonry, Schinz attributes the large production of Rachette's fur- naces (30 tons of grey iron in 24 hours) to the suitable distri- bution of the blast, and especially to the smaller transmission. * DINGL., Bd. 169, p. 449. Berggeist, 1863, p. 331. 460 IRON. of temperature by the furnace walling, owing to the air chan- nels and to the general construction of the furnaces. They FIG. 132. ་་་ ་ -- b a a α LA י. are also economical as regards fuel (15 to 20 per cent of charcoal). FIG. 133. d α b Ъ a a 日 ​The enlarged furnace mouth which was before recom- mended by Truran (Fig. 139 represents Truran's furnace) allows a more uniform descent of the charges, and the fur- naces may be somewhat lower, and pressure of the blast RACHETTE'S FURNACE. 461 less, as the slowly ascending gases react upon the ores. as strongly as a stronger draught in higher furnaces with a narrow throat. According to the nature of the ores, their FIG. 134. E- F K FIG. 135. e A B C -D 462 IRON. contact with carbonic oxide must take place for a longer or shorter time, but this contact is independent of the section of the furnace mouth, i.e., of the velocity of the gases; the FIG. 136. .... f loss of temperature increases with the velocity of the gases without facilitating the reduction. The resistance of the FIG. 137. maren ascent of gases decreases with the velocity in quadratic pro- portion, thus saving in motive power, and causing a more uniform action of the blast, and fewer scaffolds. FIG. 138. ос The smaller height of the furnaces lessens the building cost, and the admissible lower pressure of the blast econo- mises so much steam power as to counterbalance the more perfect utilisation of the temperature which a higher furnace admits. TRURAN'S FURNACE. 463 Rachette's furnace has given satisfactory results in the iron works on the Ural when smelting magnetic iron ores difficult to reduce and fuse, for the production of grey pig- iron; and the theory shows no reason why it should not be applied for the production of white pig-iron from easily FIG. 139. -- fusible ores. The temperature in the smelting zone may be lowered by various means; a certain pressure of the gases is obtained by their slower ascent, whilst the smelting materials exert great pressure; the lower part of the furnace may be cooled by partly or wholly opening the flues in the foundation and in the rough walling, and the upper part of the furnace is preserved from cooling by the ascending gases required for the reduction and carbonisation. At Königshütte (Silesia) Dilla* has constructed blast fur- naces with shafts in the form of a staircase for the purpose of keeping the ascending gases longer in contact with the ores, and of conducting them from the furnace walling to the centre. These furnaces require less fuel, consuming 0'77 cubic foot of coke per cwt. of pig-iron less than the usual furnaces. The Absolute Size of the interior of a blast furnace de- pends on the nature of the smelting materials, and chiefly on the intended amount of the production, which is less influenced * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 7, 327, 395, 440. HARTM., Fortschr.. iv., 92. 464 IRON. by the height than by the width of the furnace. When in- creasing the volume of a furnace shaft by increasing its height, the pressure of the smelting mass will be greater and the ascent of the gases impeded. The volumes of the different parts of the furnace, chiefly those from the boshes to the upper part of the hearth, must stand in a certain propor- tion to each other, so that the different chemical reactions may take place regularly at the lowest possible consumption of fuel; for example, a large smelting zone requires a cor- respondingly large zone for carbonisation. Mistakes are more frequently made in this proportion than in the propor- tions of boshes and shafts. The shaft is usually more than sufficient for preparing and reducing the ores; this is only disadvantageous if the smelting mixture forms a mass so compact as to impede the ascent of the gases. Distinct theoretical rules for fixing these proportions cannot be given on account of the great number of influencing circumstances, and empirical rules can only be deduced from the comparison of the cubic contents of different blast fur- naces which allow a normal process. The different dimen- sions of the furnace are usually regulated by the diameter of the belly, which has the greatest influence upon the pro- duction. Meyer* has lately proposed a different system; he prefers several small furnaces to one large one, and deduces the dimensions of the furnace from the size of the smelting focus, which depends on the size of the tuyeres and the pres- sure of the blast. He supposes that the relative consumption of fuel depends on this circumstance only. But present ex- perience makes a larger furnace preferable to several smaller ones on account of the utilisation of temperature and the saving in masonry. The following rules, founded upon experience, may some- times be found useful in the construction of blast furnaces, although not applicable in every case :- 1. The Furnace Belly.-Its diameter and the height above the bottom stone are of chief consequence. * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, No. 4. THE FURNACE BELLY. 465 In order to fix the diameter of the belly, French metallur- gists* formerly stated the following facts as the result of their experience :- a. For Charcoal Furnaces.-160 kilos. of charcoal are consumed for 100 kilos. of pig-iron; 11:56 cubic metres of air of o° C. and o'76 metre pressure per minute and per square metre of the largest section; 90 kilos. of charcoal per hour and per square metre of the largest section. b. For Coke Furnaces.—235 kilos. of coke for 100 kilos. of pig-iron; 6'18 cubic metres of air per minute and per square metre of the largest section; 49 kilos. of coke per hour and per square metre of the largest section. = Now, in order to deduce the largest diameter D (in metres) of a blast furnace, the three following ratios are given, namely :-The absolute production of pig-iron (kilos.) in 24 hours = E; the consumption of fuel in weight for the production of 100 kilos. of pig-iron K; the quantity of fuelm, in weight, which may be consumed per hour and per square metre of the largest section. The equation of the section may therefore be expressed by π D₂ 4 2 × 24111 KE 100 or D=0'02302/ ΚΕ 112 Now replacing in this equation the above stated ratios for K and m, the result will be- For charcoal furnaces. . D = 0°03070 E "" coke . D 0*05045/E Example.-What diameter must a charcoal furnace have if it is intended to produce in 24 hours 4000 kilos. of pig-iron from ores of moderate fusibility, containing from 40 to 50 per cent of iron? Ores of this quality necessitate the consumption of 160 kilos. of charcoal for 100 kilos. of pig-iron, conse- quently the consumption in 24 hours will be 6400 kilos., or in 1 hour 266.6 kilos. As the consumption of charcoal *LE BLANC and WALTER, Eisenhüttenkunde, i., 59. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, P. 228. VOL. II. 2 H 466 IRON. } per hour and per square metre of the largest section amounts to 90 kilos., 2'96 square metres will be the section of the belly according to the proportion- 90: I:: 266·6 : x, and from this section we may calculate the diameter of the belly to be 1'94 metres. The same result will be obtained by placing 4000 instead of E in the former equation, namely— D 0'0307 4000 = 1′94 metres, 0*03074000 which undoubtedly is too small for the supposed production. Von Mayrhofer's formula denotes by M the quantity of blast which a blast furnace requires per minute, and conse- quently the smallest diameter of the belly may be calculated from the formula— D3 — 34D₂ and the largest diameter- D3 34D2 o'910 M, 1*287 M. Example. When carrying on a blast furnace with soft charcoal, hot blast of 250° C., at a pressure of 18 inches of water, and with two tuyeres, each 2 inches in diameter, the atmospheric air of o° temperature required per minute would be 420 cubic feet, wherefore the smallest diameter of a fur- nace in question would be D = 3 feet, and the largest, D = 4 feet, which is also too little. Lindauer's Formula*.-Finding that the two preceding modes of calculation do not give mathematically exact results, as in the first mode, the conditions influencing the dimensions of blast furnaces being too general, and the second mode taking into consideration nothing but the quantity of blast, Lindauer investigated those elements required for a more per- fect solution of the present question; he deduced the following formulæ : For charcoal furnaces- * 3 k D = 0·8448 08448+0+E y' 24 DINGL., Bd. 136, p. 227. B. u. h. Ztg., 2855, pp. 227, 242. THE FURNACE BELLY. 467 For coke furnaces- D = 0·8883 0.8883 For coal furnaces- 3 I -100 y' +100+ c ] 2 E 24 +] // Z q'y 3 100 y' q'y D = 09728 +100+2 24 In these formulæ the letters have the following value, and the figures give the average obtained in practice :- D - diameter of the belly in Austrian feet. E the production of pig-iron in 24 hours in Austrian pounds. = Z the time which one charge requires to pass the furnace. For charcoal 16, for coke 40, and for coal 48 hours when た ​producing grey pig-iron. Three quarters of the time are required when producing white pig-iron either with charcoal or with coke. consumption of fuel per 100 lbs. of pig-iron, namely— With Cold Blast. With Hot Blast. Charcoal . Coke Coal 160 280 330 130 210 250 C y y' the addition of limestone to 100 lbs. of ore mixture, 15 lbs. on an average when using charcoal, and 35 lbs. when using coke and coal. I weight of 1 cubic foot of mixture, on an average 90 lbs. with ores yielding from 20 to 40 per cent of iron. weight of 1 cubic foot of fuel, 7 lbs. for soft charcoal, 12 lbs. for hard charcoal, 20 lbs. for coke, and 40 lbs. Austrian for coal; the weight of the mixed fuel is ob- tained by calculation. average amount of iron contained in the mixed ores after deducting the loss in smelting. Upon transposing the average values of Z, c, k, y and y' in the above formula, the following diameters for the absolute productions and for the different kinds of fuel will result:- 2 H 2 468 IRON. 0*4500, For Cold Blast. For Hot Blast. 3 For soft charcoal D = 0'4766/E دو D = 0°4125 3 VE 3 hard E 3 coke . . D = 0*6054 0*6054/E 3 E 3 وو mineral coal . D 3 0*6249 E 0*3920 0*5657/E 3 0*5917/E Differences, which may be noticed by calculating the dia- meter of the belly of blast furnaces, may be caused by em- ploying an unusual quantity or pressure of the blast, thus altering the time in which a charge passes through the fur- "nace; or the ores smelted may be so good as to greatly facili- tate the production of grey pig. When employing mixed fuel a particular formula must be deduced. Example. The construction of a blast furnace for a weekly production of 500 cwts. of pig-iron is intended for the use of two-thirds of soft and one-third of hard charcoal, a cubic foot. of the soft coal weighing 7 lbs., and one of hard coal 10 lbs. The ores yielding 30 per cent of iron will probably require an addition of 12 per cent of limestone. One cubic foot of admixture weighs 86 lbs., and the relative consumption of fuel will amount to 120 lbs. when employing hot blast of 250° C. According to these statements, the average weight of one cubic foot of the mixed fuel will be— k 100 y' y' = } 27 + 10 = 8 lbs., and (the quantity of fuel required for the production of I lb. of iron) + 100+ (the number of cubic feet of mixture q'+y' C corresponding to 1 lb. of iron) = 120 800 + II2 86 × 30 and supposing Z = 16 hours, it follows that 3 D = 0·84480*1974. . 50000 7 0'1974; 8.256 feet. According to what follows, the capacity of the furnace will therefore amount to- J 8·2563 × 16702 = 940 cubic feet. THE POSITION OF THE BELLY. 469 The other dimensions of blast furnaces usually stand in a certain proportion to the diameter of the belly. Lindauer states the average ratios to be- Charcoal. Coke. Mineral Coal. D. D. D. Diameter of the furnace mouth 0'400 0'500 0*600 "" ,, upper hearth . 0350 0*250 O'250 between the tuyeres 0*250 0'210 0*250 Height of the hearth (boshes included 0'740 0.667 O'250 " upper hearth • 0'490 0*457 0*146 belly. 0°292 O'113 0*506 boshes "" "" 0'464 0·842 o'644 shaft وو 3'004 2.378 I'200 Total height of the furnace. 4'500 4'000 2.600 55° 65° 60° Angle of the boshes From these numbers of the ratio the capacity of the dif- ferent parts of the furnace may be calculated as follows :— Capacity of the shaft وو Charcoal. Coke. Mineral Coal. D3. D3. D3. I'2270 I'0890 0*6158 belly boshes 0*2293 o'0890 0*3972 0'1789 0*2298 0*0659 upper hearth. 0*0350 O'0190 0'0072 J 1*6702 1*4268 1*0861 Supposing the capacity of the whole furnace to be = 1, the result will be- Capacity of the shaft ", "" Charcoal. Coke. Mineral Coal. J. J. J. 0*7347 0*7633 0*5670 belly O'1373 0'0624 0*3658 boshes O'1071 O'IбII о обоб upper hearth. 00209 0'0132 0'0066 J = 1'0000 I'0000 I'0000 The Position of the Belly.-The lower the belly is the sooner will the temperature of the rising gases decrease; therefore ores easy to reduce and fuse require a lower position of the belly than more refractory ores, as they would otherwise melt too soon. But when smelting these ores in furnaces. 470 IRON. without real boshes the position of the belly is determined by the fusibility and reducibility of the ores. A high position. of the belly is not favourable to reduction. Therefore when smelting ores of difficult reducibility in furnaces with a wide shaft the belly should be placed lower, and a boshes-like pro- jection should be formed by connecting the hearth of the furnace with the belly by means of a double curve. As at equal levels the temperatures are higher in coke furnaces than in charcoal furnaces, the belly is placed higher in coke furnaees than in charcoal furnaces. In coke furnaces the height of the belly above the bottom stone amounts to 0.33 or 0'40 of the height of the shaft, sometimes even to o'64. In charcoal furnaces the usual proportions are a quarter, two-sevenths, and one-third; the former when an easily fusible mixture is smelted with soft coal, and the latter when treating more refractory ores with hard coal. When constructing the belly in a cylindrical form the cylinder may be 18 feet high (Sweden), but it is usually from 2 to 6 feet high; at Eisenerz it is 1 foot, and at St. Stephan* in Styria, 4 feet. The Height of the Furnace.-Though Rachette's furnace has proved that a furnace may be less high if it is otherwise suitably constructed, the older furnaces with a narrower throat require greater height in order more completely to utilise the enormous quantity of heat carried upwards by the gaseous products of combustion. As upon combustion coke produces a higher temperature than charcoal, and con- sequently the ascending gases are hotter, coke furnaces require a greater height than charcoal furnaces. The character of the ores and fuel, as regards their power of resisting crushing, considerably influences the height of the furnace. Soft fuel, such as charcoal or coal, or pulverulent ores, necessitate lower furnaces; lower furnaces are also required when using anthra- cite as fuel. Anthracite and charcoal furnaces are from 30 to 40 feet high; furnaces using coal for fuel are usually from 35 to 45 feet high; in Wales most of these furnaces are from LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, x., 285. THE HEIGHT OF THE FURNACES. 47I 42 to 46 feet high; in Scotland they are from 43 to 48, some- times 55 feet. Coke furnaces, on the other hand, are seldom less than 50 feet, and often above 60 feet. The newer fur- naces in and about Middlesboro' are from 68 to 80 feet high, and the furnaces of the Rosedale and Ferryhill Company even 102 feet high, owing to the extremely hard character of the coke employed. But the production of the furnaces is increased whilst consuming less fuel, not only by the greater height of the furnaces, but chiefly by increasing their width and by using larger quantities of blast of a higher temperature. Lower furnaces are less expensive, and require less pressure of the blast, particularly if they have an enlarged furnace mouth (Rachette's furnace), and allow a quicker removal of the irregularities of the process, as modifications of the mix- tures and the charges are quicker in their effect owing to their more rapid descent; the pressure and temperature of the blast also react more quickly. The greater height of the furnaces does not stand in proportion to the results obtained when smelting pulverulent ores. The greater width of the furnaces has been the chief cause of their increased volume; in Scotland from 90 to 200, in Staffordshire from 50 to 125, in Wales from 60 or 70 to 140 or 150 cubic metres. This increase has influenced the quality of the pig-iron produced.* In Scotland the production of 1 ton of grey or darkish grey iron in 24 hours requires a space of 7 or 8 cubic metres of the furnace shaft; grey forge iron in Staffordshire from 6.5 to 7; light grey or mottled iron in Cleveland, 6'5; white forge iron in Wales from 5 to 6; charcoal spiegeleisen in Styria and Carinthia from 2 to 3 cubic metres; and I cubic metre only is used in Tuscany when smelting iron ores from Elba; this, however, is at the expense both of fuel and the yield. About 12 cubic feet of space are used for the production of I cwt. of grey foundry iron in the Belgian coke furnaces. Charcoal furnaces 30 feet high and 8 feet in diameter in the belly have a capacity of from 700 to 800 cubic feet; coke * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 237. 472 IRON. furnaces 40 feet high and 11 feet in diameter in the belly from 1900 to 2000; and furnaces from 48 to 50 feet high and 13 or 14 feet in diameter from 3500 to 4000 cubic feet. Truran has given many examples showing the proportion of the size of blast furnaces to the quantity of the fused mass and the produced pig-iron, to the production of slag and iron, to the quantity of blast, to the relation between carbon and the production of slag and iron, and to the velocity and time occupied by the materials in their descent from the furnace mouth to the hearth. The Width of the Furnace Mouth.-A narrow mouth concentrates the heat, increases the pressure of the gases, and consequently the reducing and carbonising reaction; there- fore a narrow mouth is advantageous when smelting easily fusible ores in furnaces with a wide hearth (page 453), and when smelting pulverulent ores, or using friable fuel. In these furnaces, on the other hand, the descent* of the charge is not uniform; as they do not expand with the dimensions of the furnace shaft, the fuel is pressed by the ores towards the circumference, whilst the ores roll towards the centre into a funnel-like hollow. The gases then rise chiefly in the mantle of the circumference, but slightly heating the ore in the centre of the furnace, thus giving rise to an irregular process. When using furnaces with a narrow hearth emitting hotter gases their greater velocity is liable to raise the temperature in the throat so high as to cause too early a caking of the ores. These reasons have led to the adoption of wider furnace mouths,† approaching the belly in diameter (Fig. 118 on page 455), thus rendering the furnace shaft nearly cylin- drical. These wider throats have been applied to charcoal furnaces as well as to coke furnaces, chiefly when employing raw fuel and smelting refractory ores in furnaces with narrow hearths, or easily fusible ores at a higher temperature in furnaces with wide hearths, for the production of grey iron. The charges in these furnaces sink more uniformly, and are * B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, pp. 143, 396; 1858, p. 210; 1861, pp. 271, 400. LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 306. DINGL., Bd., 158, p. 413. Berggeist, 1860, No. 6. + HARTM., Fortschr., ii., 213. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 293; 1860, p. 386; 1862, p. 237. THE WIDTH OF THE FURNACE MOUTH. 473 more gradually heated; the gases ascend more slowly and uniformly, allowing a longer contact with the smelting mass and the reduction and carbonisation at a lower temperature. The cylindrical circumference also has a smaller surface than a conical one, supposing the furnaces to be of equal capacity, as it radiates less heat. As the column of the charges exerts a stronger pressure, causing a quicker descent of the charges, the production will be increased and fuel econo- mised. The diminished velocity of the gases lessens the escape of dust from the furnace mouth, and the larger capacity of the furnace somewhat increases the production. The very wide mouths of the furnaces have lately been again abandoned, as they increase the difficulty of charging the materials; they are liable to conduct the gases towards the circumference of the furnace; it is difficult to collect the gases from the whole surface of the charges, and it is also difficult to obtain the required pressure of the blast owing to the strong pressure of the smelting materials in the usually high furnaces. Whilst in the old furnaces, and in some of the newer ones, the diameter of the mouth is equal to one-fourth to one-third or one-half of that of the belly, in the furnaces of the Upper Hartz this diameter is judiciously increased to from one-half to three-fourths, in Neustadt to two-thirds, in England to five-sixths and more; but, for reasons we have stated, it is, in Wales, for example, decreased to one-half or two-thirds. Obtaining the highest production with the smallest con- sumption of fuel, Parry makes the furnace mouth half as wide as the belly, and places the belly as far below the mouth as it is wide. The height of the belly above the tuyeres must not be less than the diameter of the belly plus. half the diameter of the level of the tuyeres. Truran* recommended a greater width of the furnace mouth for raw fuel, chiefly anthracite (5-4ths to 5-3rds of the diameter of the belly) which has been applied, and Rachette has tried this alteration with the best results. The chief TRURAN, The Iron Manufacture of Great Britain, theoretically and practi- cally considered: 2nd edition, revised by J. Arthur Phillips and W. H. Dorman. London, 1862. 474 IRON. advantages of Rachette's furnace are-The charges descend uniformly, i.e., arrive successively before the tuyeres in a horizontal position, thus utilising the fuel more thoroughly; causing a quicker smelting, producing a smelting product of better quality, and allowing lower furnaces, as the rising gases distribute better in the smelting column. The ores do not roll to the wrong places, and do not come too near to the tuyeres if charged more in the centre. The older furnaces at Nischne-Tagilsk (Ural) of a capacity of 5420 cubic feet, in which one charge required 24 hours to pass through the furnace, produced 607 cwts. (Prussian) in 24 hours, whilst a Rachette furnace of 1950 cubic feet capacity produced 738 cwts. in 24 hours, one charge requiring seven hours to pass through the furnace. The Boshes.-The boshes are chiefly destined for the car- bonisation of the iron, and their inclination and height depends chiefly on the nature of the fuel, the ore, and the quality of the intended iron. Flat boshes retaining the smelting mass for a longer time in the zone of carbonisation cause a more perfect carbonisation, but they lessen the production, conse- quently the produced iron combines with less silicon in the hearth and fuses more easily, thus consuming less fuel. But as flat boshes give rise to an irregular descent of the charges and to a loss of gas and temperature, they have been mostly done away with since the introduction of the hot blast and wide hearth (chiefly in charcoal furnaces when treating re- fractory ores), and an increased production of iron not inferior in quality is obtained. When smelting easily fusible and reducible ores with charcoal for the production of white pig- iron, the boshes are also connected with the hearth by a curve. This curve is also used when smelting easily fusible ores with coke for the production of grey iron, as in coke furnaces flat boshes would soon melt away, particularly when using hot blast; but when smelting more refractory ores for the production of grey pig, the lower part of the furnace is constructed as shown in Fig. 123 on page 457. The steep boshes of 60° or 70°, which are frequently given to coke furnaces, easily conduct the smelting masses into the hearth, thus enlarging the production, as the THE BOSHES. 475 temperature between the boshes is higher; but, on the other hand, they impede the carbonisation, causing the iron in the hearth to combine with a larger amount of silicon, with separation of graphite, although the iron may still combine with carbon in the smelting zone. The greater height of coke furnaces in comparison with charcoal furnaces allows a sufficient preparation of the ores in the furnaces by gradually heating them, although these furnaces are provided with steep boshes. The shape of blast furnaces which have been blown out has frequently given the rule for constructing new furnaces, chiefly with regard to the angle of the boshes. Figs. 140, 141, 142, 143, and 144 show the shape of blast furnaces out of blast. FIG. 140. FIG. 141. α b 6 FT 1 d II The height of the boshes, i.c., their capacity, must stand in proportion to the smelting space, and must be larger the more difficult the ores are to carbonise, if, for instance, the mixture is too compact. When the most suitable proportion of the boshes to the hearth is ascertained, the production of the furnace will not be increased by enlarging the capacity 476 IRON. of the boshes. According to Scheerer,* the Belgian furnaces give the best result if the volume of the boshes is thirty times that of the upper hearth. FIG. 142. FIG. 143. C C- C d. d e. h d d d FIG. 144. 8 The Hearth.-The dimensions (round, oblong, elliptic, or polygonal) of the hearth greatly influence the amount of the production and the quality of the pig-iron, and depend chiefly on the nature of the intended pig-iron, on the fusibility of the ore mixture, on the fuel and the blast. Narrow and high upper hearths are employed when * SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 94, 127. THE HEARTH. 477 smelting refractory ores which are difficult to reduce, for the production of grey iron, as the ores have to pass as long as possible through glowing coals at a sufficiently high tem- perature. Narrow hearths raise the temperature in the smelting zone, as the smelting mass is kept for a certain time in contact with a larger quantity of hot gases. Wide and low hearths are suitable for easily reducible and fusible ores, whether they are treated for the production of white or of grey iron (pages 453 and 454) (blackband*), and coke allows the use of proportionally wider hearths than charcoal, chiefly if employing hot blast, as it produces higher tem- peratures upon combustion. Higher hearths may also be em- ployed when using coke as fuel, as owing to its greater compactness, it burns more slowly, and the carbonic acid formed is more slowly converted into carbonic oxide, conse- quently the lowering of the temperature required for carbon- isation takes place at a higher level. When treating easily fusible ores in furnaces with narrow and high hearths, the ores would melt in the zone of reduction and carbonisation, unreduced iron enter the hearth, and blackband ores, for example, would yield white iron instead of grey. Although to produce a certain temperature in the hearth, either for white or for grey iron, the quantity, pressure, and temperature of the blast, and the relative quantity of fuel, are essentially important; yet in order to obtain the best results with regard to production of iron and consumption of fuel, each ore mixture requires a certain width and height of the hearth, which must be ascertained by experiments. If furnaces intended for the production of grey iron have too wide a hearth, mottled or white iron is easily formed, some- times whilst the slag is like that of a regular process. When producing white iron too wide a hearth causes scaffoldings and an irregular process, owing to the imperfect reduction and carbonisation of the iron.* Hearths which are too narrow are more quickly attacked, and do not allow a large production, owing to the lower pressure of the blast, which is only admissible. HARTMANN., Fortschr., i., 191. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1856, p. 22. 478 IRON. The diameter of round hearths is limited by the difficulty of conducting the blast into the centre, even if the tuyeres are uniformly distributed on the circumference. This circum- stance has led to the construction of elliptical and oblong hearths. The great width of many English and Scotch hearths for smelting the rich and easily fusible blackband ores, and the application of high pressures of the blast has not been imitated in Belgium, France, and Westphalia, as these circumstances increase the difficulties of the smelting process (charging, collecting the gases, the manipulations in the hearth, &c.) The enlargement of the hearth upwards so as to give it the form of an inverse truncated pyramid, facilitates the descent of the smelting materials, protects the boshes from too strong a heat, and enlarges the smelting space, thus keeping the temperature somewhat lower; it also enables the hearth to retain a larger quantity of iron. Its adapt- ability depends on the nature of the ore and fuel and on the blast to be employed. 3 The height of the hearth depends on whether white or grey iron is to be produced, accordingly it is one-seventh to one-eighth of the total height of the furnace; namely, to 4 or 4 feet in charcoal furnaces of 22 or 25 feet in height, from 5 to 6 feet in charcoal furnaces from 35 to 38 feet high, and to 6 to 6 and 6 to 7 feet respectively in coke furnaces 41 to 44 and 48 to 51 feet high. The Lower Hearth or Crucible (that part of the hearth lying below the tuyeres) must be large enough to contain the iron produced between two tappings off, and it must be sufficiently preserved against cooling, therefore it should be as small as possible on the points most exposed to cooling. In the English furnaces with a large diameter of the hearth, the hearth walls are contracted towards the tymp and the fore hearth. The Tymp.-In small charcoal furnaces the bases of the tymps are from 12 to 15 inches thick, and in larger furnaces from 21 to 23 inches, and the lower bases are placed at the level of the tuyeres so as to allow the slag to run well off. The tymps of coke furnaces are from 23 to 30 inches thick, THE TUYERES. 479 and they are placed with their lower part from 1 to 4, usually 2, inches above the level of the tuyeres, thus facili- tating the running off of the slag and the manipulations in the hearth which coke furnaces require for preventing scaffolds. These tymps are also very liable to waste, owing to the frequent change of temperature to which their lower part is exposed. In very small furnaces and with thinly liquid slags only is the tymp placed somewhat below the tuyeres. In small charcoal furnaces the distance from the front of the tymp to the dam is from II to 13 inches, in larger furnaces from 15 to 16 inches, and in coke furnaces from 23 to 26 inches. The Dam.-The side of the dam lying in the furnace slopes about 60°, and in charcoal furnaces its upper part is placed from 1 to 3 inches below the level of the tuyeres so as to facilitate the running off of the slags. When producing thinly liquid slags, such as are usually produced in coke fur- naces, it is sometimes advisable to place the upper surface of the dam even as high as 10 inches above the level of the tuyeres, and to make the liquid slag run over the dam by the influence of the blast; the hearth is thus better preserved, the temperature kept together, and the pig-iron protected from the oxidising influence of the blast. In English fur- naces the dam is placed 5 or 6 inches above the tymp, chiefly when smelting a mixture with a large addition of puddling slags, &c.; the walls of the hearth are thus more protected, but usually the dam is placed only 2 inches above the level of the tuyeres. The Tuyeres.-We have to consider their number, con- struction, and position. The number of the tuyeres depends on the size of the furnace and the quantity of blast to be in- troduced. According to Tunner's investigations,* a separate area of combustion is formed before every tuyere, extending at the utmost 1 feet in the direction of the current, and containing in its interior the hottest part or focus, comprising about 6 inches. This space of combustion cannot be essen- tially enlarged either by a stronger pressure or by enlarging * LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 297. 480 IRON. the tuyere. In order to produce a uniform temperature at the level of the tuyeres, a greater or smaller number of tuyeres must be employed according to the blast required. Two tuyeres are used when requiring from 600 to 700 cubic feet of blast per minute; three tuyeres when requiring 2000 or 2400 cubic feet, and so on. In this manner from 4 to 10 or more tuyeres, yielding as much as 10,000 cubic feet of blast per minute, are employed in large furnaces with a large hearth. When employing one tuyere it is usually placed in one of the side walls a little nearer to the back than to the front, in order to prevent the formation of deposits on the back; these deposits may be removed with tools, but it is difficult (Fig. 104 on page 446). Two tuyeres are placed opposite each other, on two sides, but so far from each other that the blast does not meet (Fig. 100 on page 444), or one of the tuyeres is turned towards the back wall. If a third tuyere is employed at the same time, it is placed on the back wall, but at a dif- ferent level from the other two tuyeres; it is also narrower to prevent a too quick descent of the charges on the back wall, which would attack and corrode it. When employing four tuyeres, two are placed in the back wall and one in each of the side walls; sometimes a fifth tuyere is placed in the front wall of the furnace, introducing cold blast, whilst the other tuyeres carry hot blast (Dowlais).* When employing more tuyeres (but seldom more than five or seven) in furnaces with rectangular hearths, several tuyeres are placed in each of the long sides. In round furnace hearths the tuyeres are distributed on the circumference (Figs. 98 and 99 on page. 440), after Sefström's principle of conducting the blast towards the centre of the furnace, or somewhat more towards the front. This arrangement helps to preserve the hearth by cooling its walling on different points, but, on the other hand, the loss of blast increases with the number of tuyeres; it is more difficult to control, more repairs are re- quired, &c. In many places in England and Westphalia three or four tuyeres of larger dimensions are used, and with * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 428. THE TUYERES. 481 an increased pressure of blast. When the blast is too much divided and too thin, it will not sufficiently penetrate the centre of the furnace. As, according to the observations of Tunner, the focus of heat at each tuyere does not exceed a certain extent, a certain amount of coal in the heart. of the furnace may be excluded from combustion when Sef- ström's principle is applied to large hearths, and in such cases the construction of Rachette's furnace (page 460) would be preferable. Le Blanc and Walter, Karsten, Scheerer, and others have tried to find rules* for ascertaining the quantity of blast required by a blast furnace, but few of them agree with what are found best in practice. Of all these rules Scheerer's perhaps is nearest to the truth, which recommends the construction of the blowing engine sufficiently powerful to produce with a moderate pressure (2 or 3 inches mercury) and the usual width of the tuyere, as much blast of atmo- spheric density, per minute, as will equal the capacity of the furnace shaft. In many cases the production of grey iron. requires more blast. Tunner's practical rule of introducing as many cubic feet of blast in the furnace as the furnace produces cwts. of iron per week is frequently found useful. Buschbeckt has lately ascertained the quantities of blast effectively used in many different blast furnaces, at the same time taking into consideration all the circumstances (dimensions of the furnaces, nature of ores and fuel, tem- perature and pressure of the blast, the construction of the tuyeres, &c.), and from these data he deduces the require- ment of blast per square foot of the section of the belly, the blast being of atmospheric density, and of an average. temperature of 10°:- a. Charcoal Furnaces.-When producing spiegeleisen, from 17 to 23 cubic feet of blast, with a pressure from 1 to 2 inches mercury, and a temperature of from 160° to 250° C., are required per square foot of the section of the belly (Thuringia, Styria, Carinthia). B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 4. + Ibid. VOL. II. 2 I 482 IRON. When producing smaller quantities of white iron from a mixture of moderate fusibility in furnaces of an equal belly, from 8 to 13 cubic feet of blast (pressure, 1'5 to 3 inches; temperature, from 140° to 225° C.) are required (Schleiz, Concordiahütte, Mägdesprung). When producing daily from 60 to 80 cwts. of grey iron from a non-refractory mixture in furnaces of the most suitable height to correspond to the reducibility of the ores, from 5′25 to 6.75 cubic feet of blast (pressure, 5-6ths or inch; tempera- ture, 10° C.) are used (Jlsenburg, Sayn, St. Stephan); with a lower furnace (Spremberg) and a slower descent of the charges, though the ores may be easily fusible, 5'16 cubic feet; and with a larger production, according to the pres- sure, 6.58 cubic feet (Lauchhammer), and even 14 or 15 cubic feet (Rothehütte in the Hartz). When producing grey pig-iron from compact lying ores which are difficult to fuse and to reduce in suitably high fur- naces, and using a pressure of 2.5 inches, 15:25 cubic feet of blast are used (Malapane), and at a higher pressure 14'5 cubic feet (Wengers-Gorka in Austrian Silesia). In lower furnaces with a smaller production and a higher pressure 6.5 cubic feet (Berggieshübel in Saxony). The large con- sumption of blast is noteworthy at Königsbronn in Wurtem- berg (18.70 cubic feet), at Lünen in Westphalia (13.60 cubic feet), and at Katzhütte in Thuringia (11'11 cubic feet). b. Coke Furnaces.-When using a moderate pressure of 3 or 4 inches, not very refractory ores in pieces, with a daily production of from 73 to 215 cwts., from 13 to 17 cubic feet of blast are consumed (Schleiz, Sayn, Nivern); at lower pressures of 1.5 inches (Marienhütte, near Zwickau), up to 23.7 cubic feet-with a large production, owing to a greater height of the furnaces, the reducibility of the ores, and moderate pressure of 3.5 inches, up to 24 cubic feet; and at high pressure and large production, from 14 to 20 cubic feet (Espérance and Séraing in Belgium). Refractory ores which lie compactly in the furnace and do not admit of a quick descent of the charges, require, with a small belly of the furnace (Königshütte, Gleiwitz) from 15'5 BLAST REQUIRED FOR THE FURNACES. 483 to 18.04 cubic feet, and with a large belly, from 12:38 to 15 38 cubic feet only. The Styrian Blauöfen with one blast pipe 13 inches in dia- meter require from 250 to 300 cubic feet of blast per minute; the largest furnaces, having five blast pipes 3 inches in diameter and a pressure of 2 or 3 lbs., require about 7500 cubic feet. The large Scotch furnaces require per ton of pig-iron from 5000 to 5500, per minute 90, and per cubic metre of the fur- nace shaft 0'5 cubic metre of blast. The Welsh furnaces pro- ducing forge iron per ton of iron 5000 to 5800, per minute from 80 to 95 cubic metres of blast. Some furnaces at Dowlais (Figs. 112, 113, and 114 on pages 450, 454), having a capacity of 230 cubic metres, consume 180 cubic metres of blast. The furnaces in Staffordshire and Cleveland (Figs. 120 and 122 on page 456), smelting poorer ores than the Scotch furnaces require from 6000 to 7000 cubic metres of hot blast per ton of grey iron, or from 0'55 to o'60 cubic metre per 1 cubic metre of capacity, and 8000 and o'70 cubic metres respec- tively when using cold blast. In England, 25 tons of blast are estimated to be required per ton of pig-iron from clay ironstone, and 8 tons of blast per ton of pig-iron from black- band. In the latter case 34 cwts. of pig-iron and slag result per cubic yard of the furnace, and in the former 2.5 cwts. per week; hence, 8 tons of blast are required for the production. of 1 ton of iron and slag from clay ironstone, and 4 tons of blast for a similar production from blackband. Belgian coke furnaces receive from 2880 to 3640 cubic feet of blast per minute. Different modes of calculating the blast. will be given later on. The proportionally small production of some large furnaces in comparison with small furnaces is frequently caused by an insufficiency of blast, as the quantity of oxygen required for the charged fuel is then wanting, and injures the tem- perature, the consumption of fuel, and the quality of the re- sulting pig-iron.* At Ulverstonet the weekly production of 593 tons of pig-iron has been increased to 684 tons by Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 401; 1863, pp. 65, 190. † TUNNER, Ber. üb. d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 33. 2 I 2 484 IRON. increasing the blast from 9000 to 10,000 cubic feet per minute. The introduction of too much blast into a furnace increases the consumption of fuel without increasing the production, but sometimes lessening it.* The slags are cooled by the blast; the gases ascend with too great a velocity, injuring the reduction and carbonisation; and owing to the quicker process, the pig-iron produced will be less carbonised and more difficult to fuse. The same effect, caused by too large or too small a blast, is produced by an increase or decrease of the fuel whilst keeping the proper quantity of blast; the production will be lessened, and the consumption of fuel increased.‡ The quantity of moisture introduced into the blast furnace along with the blast depends on the quantity of blast, and on the hygroscopic state of the atmosphere, and influences the quality of the iron and the consumption of fuel owing to its cooling effect. With regard to this circumstance the yield of blast furnaces is more favourable in spring and winter than in summer and autumn. In this country, where the atmospheric air in common dry weather contains 142 per cent of moisture, and the weekly production of 128 tons of pig-iron requires 3000 tons of air (25 : 1), along with this quantity of blast nearly 43 tons of water are introduced in the furnace; this amount may be doubled in summer and autumn. At the Dowlais Iron Works the pig-iron produced in winter was shown by a comparison of several years to FIG. 145. E ་་་་ ს d a * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 391. † Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 190. + ‡ Ibid., 1863, pp. 229, 231. THE TUYERES. 485 be better by from 4 to 5 per cent than that produced in summer; the other circumstances were the same in both seasons. Tuyeres.-The usual tuyeres for charcoal furnaces are represented by Fig. 145, in which a, c, b represent the tuyere made either of iron or of copper. The blowpipe, d, is inserted loose in the tuyere. The tuyeres for coke furnaces are constructed with double walls, which are cooled by a current of water circulating through the intermediate space. Such tuyeres are shown by Figs. 146 and 147. b is the tuyere and a the blow-pipe, movable by means of the wheel, e, which turns the cog-wheel, f, on the rack, c. The open FIG. 146. a FIG. 147. C space between the blow-pipe and tuyere is closed by means of the ring, d. Sometimes the intermediate space between the tuyere and blow-pipe is stopped with clay. In some cases the tube connected with the blowpipe is provided with a ball- and-socket adjustment, by means of which the jet may be made horizontal or inclined upwards or downwards. The elbow-pipe connecting the blowpipe with the blast main is usually perforated by a small hole, which is closed with a 486 IRON. plate of glass or mica, and gives a view of the interior of the hearth, or at least of a small part of it. These water tuyeres are also made either of cast or wrought-iron, or a combination of both, and frequently of copper or bronze. The higher pressures used in coke furnaces always require the space between tuyere and blowpipe to be closed. The pressure of the gases in the hearth will be lower the greater the difference between the sections of the tuyere and the blowpipe, and the farther the blowpipe lies to the back of the tuyere. Leaky water tuyeres are not only productive of great waste of fuel but are also likely to cause explosions. The diameter of the blowpipe has a great influence upon the pressure of the blast. The temperature in the blast furnace and its production may be increased by an increase of the blast and of the pressure, and the same temperature may be better produced by a smaller quantity of blast of high pressure than by a large quantity of blast of low pressure. The former is preferable as regards economy of fuel, but it can only be used to a certain limit, as in consequence of the smaller consumption of fuel the reducing and carbonising gases are not produced in sufficient quantity. 1 4 The pressure in charcoal furnaces is usually from 3 to 21, sometimes 3, and in rare cases only 4 inches and more of mercury; that in coke furnaces usually from 3 to 6, seldom less than 2, and sometimes 7 or 8 inches; the anthracite fur- naces are from 6 to 8.25 inches. The width of the blowpipes of charcoal furnaces with one tuyere is from 1 to 23 inches; with two tuyeres, from 1 to 2 inches; that of coke furnaces with one tuyere 3 or 4 inches, with two or three tuyeres from 225 to 4 inches, and with more tuyeres at a smaller pro- duction 2, and at a greater production from 3 to 3 inches. The large Siberian charcoal furnaces have blowpipes 5 inches in diameter. In some cases the diameter of the different blow- pipes varies. An increase of the pressure of the blast may be required if the air is impregnated with much steam, and in rare cases only is steam intentionally introduced into the furnace along THE POSITION OF THE TUYERES. 487 with the blast. A small amount of moisture in the blast may facilitate the removal of sulphur from the smelting iron, but usually a little steam has no effect, and much steam has a cooling action. The pressure of the blast is proper when the combustion of the fuel takes place uniformly in the section at the level of the tuyeres; too low or too high a pressure will cause the ascent of undecomposed air in the hearth,when the tempera- ture before the tuyeres will decrease and increase in the upper part of the hearth, undesirably enlarging it. The pressure of the blast corresponds with the velocity and pressure of the escaping gases; this influences the re- duction and carbonisation of the iron, and may be modified by a suitable construction of the blast furnace, chiefly by the width of the furnace mouth. Tunner's experiments* have proved that measurements in the furnace throat by a manometer are as useful as those at the tuyere. Experiments with an intermittent blast, in order to keep the gases longer in contact with the smelting mass, have not been successful. With regard to the position of the tuyere we have to consider its height above the bottom stone, its inclination, and the distance of its mouth from the mouth of the blow- pipe. The tuyere may be placed higher above the bottom stone the more easily the smelting mass is kept hot in the hearth, the higher the temperature before the tuyere, and the greater the necessity of protecting the iron in the lower hearth from the influence of the blast; therefore the tuyeres are higher above the bottom stone when producing foundry iron than when producing forge iron. The tuyeres usually have a horizontal position, particularly when producing forge pig-iron, in which case they are often somewhat inclined downwards, causing a partial decarbon- isation of the pig-iron and the removal of injurious substances (sulphur, arsenic, phosphorus, silicon, earthy metals). When * LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 160, 286. 488 IRON. producing foundry iron the tuyeres sometimes have an up- ward inclination of 3° and 5° and even 14°, thus causing a quicker descent of the charges and an increase of the pro- duction, and protecting the pig-iron in the hearth from the reaction of the blast. But such an extension of the zone of smelting lessens its temperature and confines the other zones to a smaller compass; the ores are less gradually heated, and, together with other circumstances, this position of the tuyere easily gives rise to an irregular process. Well roasted and refractory ores remain sufficiently long in the furnace, and allow a greater upward inclination of the tuyere than easily fusible ores. The distance of the mouth of the blowpipe from that of the tuyere is of more or less influence upon the pressure of the gases in the furnace, on the preservation of the tuyeres, &c. Example of the Projection of a Coke Blast Furnace according to Lindauer's Formula (page 466). What dimensions must a coke blast furnace have which is intended to produce daily 200 cwts. of grey foundry pig- iron from the following iron ores ?- Red Iron Ore. Brown Iron Ore. Peroxide of iron. Silica Alumina Lime Magnesia. Oxide of maganese. Carbonic acid and water 60 40 30 25 20 6 4 5 ΙΟ 100 100 On page 387 we stated that when mixing the ores it was advisable to form a mono-silicate slag containing not more than 15 per cent of alumina, and this condition will in the present case be best obtained by mixing 58 per cent of the red iron ore with 42 per cent of the brown iron ore, when the following mixture will result:- EXAMPLE OF PROJECTING A BLAST FURNACE. 489 58 of Red Iron Ore, 100 of Mixture. 42 of Brown Iron Ore. Iron 24'4 11.8 36.2 Silica. 17'4 10'5 27.9 Alumina • 8.4 8.4 Lime. 3'5 3'5 Magnesia. 2.3 2.3 Oxide of manganese. 2'I 2.I Carbonic acid and water 4.2 4°2 Oxygen 10'4 5'0 15'4 58'0 42'0 100'0 Upon adding 32 lbs. of limestone, containing 17.9 lbs. of lime, to 100 lbs. of this mixture, the resulting 132 of mixture will contain 62°1 lbs. (or 100 lbs. of mixture, 47°1 per cent) of slag-forming components, and 27°4 per cent of iron. And supposing 1.5 per cent of the slag-forming components is lost by decomposition of silicate, &c., not more than 45.6 per cent of slag will be produced from the above mixture; the slag will have about the composition of a mono-silicate as follows:- Silica 43'0 containing 225 oxygen. Alumina. 14'0 Lime. Magnesia 35'5 4'0 Oxide of manganese 3'5 6.5 "" 43'0-13'5", As the smelting loss will be about 1.5 per cent of iron, and as, on the other hand, the iron will combine with up to 7 per cent of foreign substances, the 27.4 per cent of iron contained in the mixture will yield 29 per cent of grey pig-iron, and the proportion of pig-iron to slag will be as 100: 157, which is sufficient if the blast employed is not of too high a pressure. If the consumption of coke per 100 lbs. of pig-iron amounts to 200 lbs. k; the addition of limestone to 100 lbs. of mix- ture to 32 lbs. = c; the weight of 1 cubic foot of mixture equal to 85 lbs. = y; the weight of 1 cubic foot of coke, 25 lbs. = y'; the percentage of iron in the mixture, after having deducted the loss in smelting, to 35 = q'; the time occupied by the charges in passing through the furnace to 38 hours Z; and the intended production in 24 hours to E; then by Lindauer's formula- = 20,000 lbs. - = 3 k Z D=0·8883 (10+100+) 2, E. y' 24 490 IRON. Upon replacing in this the stated values, the diameter of the belly of the projected furnace must be 14'02 feet, which corresponds with blast furnaces of equal production. The width of the furnace mouth 0'5 D 0'5 x 14-7 feet, also corresponds to a frequently adopted proportion, but may be enlarged by some feet the better to obtain the advantages of wide furnace throats. The height of the furnace shaft, h = 2·378 D+0*113 D=2°5 × 14 = 35 feet, is too considerable in comparison to other furnaces, and also to the following calculation-In the Belgian and also many English furnaces it has been found by experience that 12 cubic feet of shaft capacity are required per cwt. of grey pig-iron, therefore a pro- duction of 200 cwts. would require 2400 cubic feet of capacity of the furnace shaft. The shaft has the shape of a truncated cone of 7 feet upper and 14 feet lower diameter, and the height of its side would measure 22.7 feet, supposing the cone to have a capacity of 2400 cubic feet. That height of 22'7 feet may be increased by a few feet when smelting raw ores, which require a longer preparatory heating. The height of the boshes is 0·84 D=11*8 feet, with an inclination of 65°, and is nearly correct, perhaps I foot too high. The height of the hearth =0·667 D=9 feet may, perhaps, be reduced to 8 feet to render it suitable for the production of grey pig-iron from iron ores which are chiefly siliceous; it would also be advisable to place the tuyeres 2 feet above the bottom stone. The upper diameter of the hearth = 0.25 D=3 feet 6 inches is correct; when intending the production of a very hot darkish grey foundry iron the hearth may be constructed of a conical form down to the tuyeres, where it measures 2 feet 6 inches; the adjacent lower hearth has vertical walls, and must have a capacity of 100 cwts. of pig-iron in 12 hours; and as I cubic foot of pig-iron weighs 4'4 cwts., the capacity of the lower hearth must amount to 23 cubic feet, or, according to the given dimensions of the upper hearth, it must be 2 feet high, 2.5 feet broad, and 4 feet 7 inches long. Therefore the total height of the furnace from the bottom stone to the mouth is 44 or 45 feet. BLOWING MACHINES. 491 Blowing Machines.-Cylinder blast engines are now almost exclusively used for producing the blast required by iron furnaces. These cylinder engines may be classified into two chief systems, namely, the horizontal and the vertical blast cylinders. In the horizontal system steam and blast cylinders are usually placed in one line, and the rod which carries the two pistons goes through both covers of the blast cylinder, and is guided on either side. The vertical cylinders are connected in various ways, usually by a beam, and fre- quently also by the piston rod, when one cylinder is placed above the other (overhead engines). Both systems of blowing engines work well when properly constructed and attended to. The vertical engines are the most popular in this country and in some parts of the Continent (Silesia), whilst the horizontal engines are almost exclusively used in West- phalia and on the Rhine, but they have also been in use for a long time in some works in this country, at the Plymouth Iron Works for example, and they have lately been adopted in different works of the Cleveland iron district. Engines with oscillating cylinders are also employed in some iron works (Styria) and they answer well. These engines vary much in size. According to Bauer- man* the largest hitherto constructed are those of Dowlais and of Ebbw Vale in South Wales; the former engine, erected by the late Mr. Truran, has a cylinder 144 inches in diameter, with the same length of stroke; the admission valves have an area of 56 square feet and discharging valves of 16 square feet. The steam cylinder is 55 inches in diameter, with a piston making a stroke of 13 feet and 20 strokes per minute. The volume of blast delivered is about 51,000 cubic feet, at a pressure of 3 lbs., sufficient for the supply of six large blast furnaces and four refineries. The quantity of blast delivered by a blast engine in a cer- tain time, usually in a minute, may be calculated† from the capacity of the blast cylinder (or apparatus) and from the Metallurgy of Iron, p. 158. ↑ KARST., Archiv., 1 R.. ix., 451. Bgwkfd., v. 214; and 19. HAUSMANN, Studien d. Götting. Ver., iv., 1. 745. TUNNER's Stabeisen u. Stahl-Bereitung, 1858, i., xi., 227; xvii., Nos. 18 B. u. h. Ztg., 1844, P. 243. 492 IRON. number expressing the discharges of the cylinder during that time; or it may be calculated from the section of the nozzle of the blowpipe by multiplying it by the velocity of the issuing blast and by 60. The former method states thè quantity of blast which the cylinder contains, and the latter the quantity which is really introduced in the furnace. A comparison of both methods shows that an unavoidable loss of blast always. takes place, caused by the imperfect junctions of the blast- conducting pipes, of the regulators and blast-heating stoves, and also by the imperfections of the valves, by the friction, &c. This loss in the best cylinder blast engines seldom amounts to less than 20 or 25 per cent, and to still more in engines of inferior construction. Whilst in practice the quantity of blast entering the furnace is usually ascertained from the section of the blowpipe nozzle and the velocity of the blast, it is also sometimes required to calculate the blast by the first method, in order to control the loss of blast and to remove the causes of the loss if it exceeds the allowable limit. The section of the nozzle is found by the direct measure- ment of its diameter and the calculations drawn from it. The velocity of the blast must be calculated from its pressure (pressure being the density of the blast in proportion to at- mospheric air). The higher this pressure the more blast will enter the furnace for equal sections of the nozzle, and the higher will be the temperature produced, as the blast enters more perfectly into the pores of the fuel, causing more fuel to burn in a given volume in the same time. The pressure of the blast is ascertained by means of a manometer, from the height to which the compressed air will raise a column of water or mercury in a glass tube. Manometers are either water or mercury manometers. The former is a hermetically closed vessel of wood or iron half filled with water; it communicates with a vertical glass tube about 3 feet long, on the side of which is fixed a scale. divided into inches and lines; the zero point of this scale * Literatur über Manometer in Schubarth, Repertor. d. techn. Literatur, 1856, p. 565. MANOMETERS. 493 indicates the level of the water in the vessel. A second iron tube passes through the bottom of the vessel and nearly reaches its roof. This tube is placed with its lower conical part in a corresponding opening of the blast main, as near as possible to the tuyere. The water originally standing at zero will then be pressed so as to rise in the tube, and the height of the water corresponds to the pressure of the blast. A high pressure would necessitate very long glass tubes, which are inconvenient and easily broken. As the irregular current of blast usually makes these manometers fluctuate considerably, the highest and lowest state of the water in the glass tube must be several times observed, the mean of each of these observations must be calculated, and, finally, the arithmetical mean must be taken of those calculations, which then represents the pressure. These fluctuations and the high pressures make mercury manometers preferable. Mercury manometers are constructed of a glass tube bent so as to form three legs, two of which are fixed on a board con- taining on both sides of the legs a scale divided into inches and lines. These tubes are half filled with mercury, and the zero point of the scale is placed at the level of the mercury. The third leg is then fixed in the blast main by means of a cork, and the pressure of the blast is measured by the differ- ence in the level of the mercury columns in the two legs. A scale of 3 inches above and below the zero point is suffi- cient. The manometer must stand perfectly perpendicular, or the column will rise too high. The fluctuations of the mercury level are less in degree than those of the water manometer. When observing the pressure of hot blast, which is liable to cause a volatilisation of mercury, the observations must be made quickly, and the admission of the blast must be regulated by a cock which is placed in the third tube-leg; or this leg, communicating with the main blast, may be cooled with water. * * KARSTEN'S Eisenhüttenkunde, 3 Aufl., tabula, ix., Figs. 17 to 20. 494 IRON. Owing to the vis inertia of the mercury, the fluctuations of the mercury manometer are greater even than the irregu- larities of the blast, and, in order to measure these irregu- larities, Nordenskjöld* has narrowed the bent part of the tube which connects the two legs containing the mercury, either by a cock or otherwise, so that its section amounts to between one-third and one-fourth of the section of the tube. The exact proportion of the section must be ascertained by experience, and the fluctuations of the mercury will then correspond to those of the blast. The height of the pressure of water manometers is usually expressed in feet and inches, and that of mercury manometers. in inches and lines. A water column, W, ascertained in feet. may be reduced to inches of a mercury column, M, by the formula- M W. 12 13'596 0.882 W. In order to observe on a mercury manometer the height of a corresponding water column, each inch of the scale must be divided into 13'59 parts, one part of which, observed on the mercury column, will then correspond to one inch of the water column. The scales of mercury manometers are sometimes divided into inches, centimetres, &c., and are at the same time pro- vided with a second division indicating the pounds and ounces. The reduction of the weight into measurement may be effected by the formula- II I 9 32 P = 13.596. 2 Z. = 0'5193 Z P 0'5193 In this formula P expresses the pressure of blast per square inch in Prussian pounds, which is thus reduced to the height of a mercury column in Prussian inches, Z. Calculations from the height of the manometer columns. by means of the modified formula for the fall of bodies do not show the true velocity of the blast, as it is influenced DINGL., Ixviii., 437. Manometer: Aschauer in Polyt. Centr., 1853, p. 529. Polyt. Centr., 1858, p. 1191. Ueber verbesserte Dingl., lxxix., 187. Bgwkfd., xi., 62, 737; iii., 431. TUNNER, Stabeisen und Stahlber., 1858, i., 241. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BLAST. 495 by the temperature, by the state of the barometer and hygro- meter, and by the contraction of the blowpipe nozzles. The Temperature increases the velocity of the blast. The common temperatures are ascertained by the thermo- meter, but the higher temperatures of hot blast are ascer- tained- a. By a mercury thermometer showing temperatures up to 300° C. b. By a metal pyrometer for ascertaining moderately high temperatures. Oechsle's pyrometer is frequently used; it consists of a spiral spring formed of steel and brass; the exterior extremity of the spring is fixed to the brass casing of the apparatus, whilst the interior end sets a hand in motion by means of a vertical axle; this hand indicates the degrees on a dial. c. By means of metals or alloys having a known point of fusion, when the blast is heated to very high temperatures (vide chapter on Fuel). The state of the barometer influences the density of the blast, by Mariotte's law. The moisture in the air indicated by the state of the hygrometer is less influential, and may usually be left out of consideration when calculating the quantity of blast. This moisture is more important as regards the consump- tion of fuel and the smelting processt (page 484). Eckt has ascertained that in Königshütte in Silesia a blast furnace receives 150,000 cubic feet of blast per hour, and along with the blast 1.35 cubic feet of water, as the average amount of water in 1,000,000 cubic feet of air is 9 cubic feet. According to Weisse's and Eck's investigations, the Hygrometrishe Tabellen zur Anwendung bei Gebläsen u. Gradirwerken. KARST., Metallurgie, iii., 273. KARST., Eisenhüttenkunde, ii., 586. KARSt., Arch., xxi., 49. † KOHLER., Bergm. Journ., 2 Jahrg., ii., 93. Polyt. Centr., 1849., p. 1134. B. u. h. Ztg., 1849, pp. 497, 700. DINGL., lxvi., 316. ERDM., Journ. f. ök. u. techn. Chem., ii., 398, 409. LAMP., Fortschr., 1839, p. 43. B. u. h. Ztg., 1849, p. 497. || Ibid., 1849, pp. 498, 700. Polyt. Centr., 1849, p. 1134. DINGL., lxvi., 316. 496 IRON. months may be classified into the dry and moist months as follows :— January, December, February November, March, April October, May, June . September, August, July 5: 5: 6 6: 7: 8 8: IO: II II: 12: 13 The summer stands, therefore, in proportion to the winter as 37 : 65, or 4:7; and experiments have proved that the effect of the blast in summer and in winter is in the propor- tion of 5: 6. According to Rogers,* air of o° contains 1-600th of its own weight of water, air of 15° C. 1-80th, of 30° C. 1-40th; therefore in very hot weather the production of iron may be less by 20 per cent. In England 1 cubic metre of air is supposed to contain on an average 87 grammes of water. Balling estimates the quantity of water which is introduced in 24 hours into a blast furnace of medium size by means of the blast to be about 800 lbs. The contraction of the current of blast when emitted from the nozzles has some influence. As it is impossible to apply the manometer close to the mouth of the nozzle, the air has to overcome some resistance on its way from the manometer to the tuyere, owing to the contraction of the nozzle, which causes a decrease of the velocity of the issuing air. The extent of that decrease has been determined by d'Aubuisson, Schmidt, Koch, Buff, Weisbach, and others, and, according to the latter, the co-efficient of contraction for the lower states of the manometer of I centimetre amounts to 1'010, and for the higher states of the manometer of 20 centimetres to 0.928 or o°920 on an average. Taking all these circumstances into consideration, the quan- tity of blast emitted from the blowpipe nozzle at 28 inches barometric pressure, and o° temperature per minute, may easily be calculated from formulæ, the construction of which may be learned from the hand-books on applied mathematics. Karsten has suggested the following formula :— 0*079/h) Ah H+h M = 204'9 (1 - 0° * Bgwkfd., x., 148. H(1+0.0047(t+t') FORMULÆ FOR CALCULATING THE QUANTITY OF BLAST. 497 In this formula M expresses the quantity of blast in cubic feet; A, the section of the blowpipe nozzles in square feet; H, the state of the barometer in feet; h, the state of the water manometer in feet; t, the temperature of the blast before the blowpipe in degrees of Reaumur; ť, the tempera- ture of the atmospheric air. Scheerer has suggested the following formula :- 2481 (1 — 0*084/M) D (1+.0003665) DV M (B+M) w Q In this formula Q expresses the quantity of emitted blast in Prussian cubic feet, the blast being not compressed, re- duced to 28 Prussian inches barometer and o° hygrometer. M, the state of the mercury manometer expressed in Prussian inches. B, the state of the barometer in Prussian inches. D, the section of the blowpipe nozzle in Prussian square feet. t, the temperature of the blast in centigrade degrees. w, the co-efficient of expansion with regard to the humidity of the blast. This co-efficient can usually be omitted without causing much error. These formulæ prove that a smaller quantity of blast, when it is hot, enters the furnace than blast of common tempera- ture, supposing all other circumstances to be equal. When the same quantity of hot blast is to be introduced, the diameter of the nozzles must be enlarged; the amount of enlargement may be easily calculated from the formula. Herter* employs the following formula :- Q' = (b+m) m 16.787 (1 00084 m) I+at Q'expresses the quantity of blast in Rhenish cubic feet, reduced to a temperature of o° and the pressure of one atmo- sphere, which is emitted per minute, the mouth of the blow- pipe nozzle being 1 square inch. m is the state of the manometer in inches of mercury. b, the state of the barometer in inches. t, the temperature of the blast expressed in centigrade degrees. SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, i., 465. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 227. + Berggeist, 1860, p. 829. VOL. II. 2 K 498 IRON. < a is the co-efficient of expansion of the blast per centi- mesal degree = 0.003665. In the derivation of all these formulæ the rather consider- able resistance has not been taken into consideration to which the blast is exposed by the smelting materials in the furnace, thus causing a loss. Scaffolds before the tuyeres may reduce their section to a smaller size than that of the blowpipe nozzles, thus causing a higher pressure, and the formulae will show a greater quantity of blast than really enters the furnace. This loss is not easily estimated, and is perhaps small if the tuyeres are clear.* In order to avoid the frequent circumstantial calculation of the quantity of blast, tablest have been formed according to one of the formulæ, showing the quantity of blast for the various diameters of the blowpipe nozzles, at the various. pressures and temperatures of the blast, &c; but these tables are deficient, as all the influential circumstances (for instance, temperature of the air, state of the barometer) cannot be taken into consideration, and therefore the values resulting from the tables still require revision. V. Schwind‡ has invented a convenient contrivance similar to that by which arithmetical questions are mechanically solved, to calculate the quantity of blast for every diameter of the nozzles, for all pressures and temperatures and every state of the barometer. It is based upon a logarithmic cal- culation, and consists essentially of a rule 32 centimetres long and 3.2 centimetres broad, on which two scales are fixed, and which besides is provided with four movable scales. fixed on two sliding pieces. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 227. TUNNER, Stabeisen u. Stahlber., 1858, Bd. iii., p. 214. RITTINGER'S Centri- fugal-Ventilatoren, 1858, p. 64. KRAUS'S Jahrb., 1852, p. 96. Berggeist, 1860, No. 102. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1854, No. 48; 1856, No. 30; 1858, No. 37. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, No. 39; 1858, No. 13. KRAUS'S Oesterr. Jahrb., 1855, p. 1; 1852, p. 172. TUNNER'S Stabeisen u. Stahlber., 1858, Bd. 3, p. 245. This contrivance may be bought of the Mechaniker Redtenbacher in Jschl (Austria) for 5 gulden (about 10 shillings), together with a pamphlet explaining the application of the apparatus. V. Schwind. das Aichmaäss für Gebläseluft, Wien, 1856. || SELLA, Theorica e Pratica del Regolo Calcolatore, Torino, 1859. FORMULÆ FOR CALCULATING THE QUANTITY OF BLAST. 499 These formulæ for calculating the quantity of blast are based upon Mariotte's law. Weisbach* has lately applied Mariotte's law or Poisson's law to calculating the amount of blast, and proved its exactness by experiments. This law is based upon the fact that the condensation of gases produces warmth and their expansion cold; therefore the temperature is lowered on the emission of the compressed blast from the tuyeres; and this, on the other hand, influences the pressure. Whilst by Mariotte's law the tensions of gases. at the same temperature stand in the same proportion as their specific gravities, Poisson's law teaches that the elas- ticity decreases or increases in a quicker proportion than the specific gravity if the volume is modified by mechanical compression or expansion, thus causing a modification of the temperature. The following is Weisbach's new formula which takes this law into consideration :- b+h 0*2953 b Q=395μF.(~~) 3*3866(1+0*003677) (1 — [6] 0'2953). (1). (I +h. Q is the quantity of air per second in cubic metres, mea- sured as standing under the exterior pressure. F, section of the blowpipe nozzle in square metres. , co-efficient of contraction (0.910-0930). b, state of the barometer in metres. h, state of the manometer in metres. 7, temperature in centigrade degrees. This formula may be expressed in cubic feet as follows:— Q = b+ b+ 8.2 // 10 (6+4) 03 [(6+4) 0·3_1] cubic feet. 3 (II). Q expresses in Prussian cubic feet the quantity of blast emitted from I square inch of the section of the nozzles; its temperature supposed to be 10° C., and the state of the baro- meter 29 inches. h is the state of the manometer, and b the state of the barometer in inches. Bornemann upon Weisbach's formula (1) has founded a WEISBACH, Ingen. u. Maschinen-Mechanik, 3 Aufl., Bd., i., § 422, p. 821. PLATTNER'S Vorles., v. Richter herausgegeben, 1859, Bd. 1, p. 274. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 179. † Civil Ingenieur, N. F., Bd. v., Hft., I. + Ibid., Bd. vii., Hft. 2. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 178. 2 K 2 500 IRON. graphic table, which comprises the quantities of blast passing through nozzles from 15 to 200 millimetres wide at from 4 to 180 millimetres of mercury column. This is sufficiently exact for practice, and is preferable to the other numerous tables, as it admits of three entrances, whilst the others have only two. The graphic table therefore allows the direct solution of inverted problems, and may be made useful for every system of measurement by merely adding the desired scale. Fig. 1 on the following table represents a diagram covered with a network of horizontal, vertical, and oblique lines, and provided at the sides with different scales; namely, Prussian and Austrian inches (they coincide, owing to the smallness of the scale employed), English inches, and millimetres. The lower portion of the diagram contains the pressures of from o'005 to 0.25 atmospheres, and the upper portion a corresponding scale, stating the pressure in from 4 to 180 millimetres of mercury column; above these are scales stating the pressure of the blast measured by a water column in English, Prussian, and Austrian inches. The scale on the left border of the diagram gives the dia- meter of the blowpipe nozzles in millimetres from 15 to 200, also in English, Prussian, and Austrian lines. The scale on the right-hand border of the diagram corres- ponds to the oblique line of the figure, stating the quantity of blast emitted per second in cubic metres, and English, Prussian, and Austrian cubic feet, supposing a temperature of 10° C. and the state of the barometer to be o'76 metre. The following examples will explain the application of the graphic table :- A. On the Supposition that the Temperature of the Air is 10° C. and the Height of the Barometer o 76 Metres. Problem 1.-The quantity of blast in Prussian cubic feet is to be determined which issues per second from a nozzle 30 Prussian lines in diameter at a pressure of 7 Prussian inches water column. The pressure of the blast must be observed on the upper border of the figure, and the diameter of the nozzle on the -Endian Lines Millimeter 1,6 1,5 1,4 Fig. 3. 13 1,2 1,1 zoL 90 80 18bi 780 160 70 140 60 60 120 50 150 100 90 40 80 70 30 130 Diameter of the blowpipe-nozzles. 60 50 20 40 18 16 14 12 14 30 25 10 70 20 9 -29 178- 8 8 17 4 2 A 3 " Fig. 1. Pressure or the blast in inches water column of 10 2- Fig. 2. 160 Table 1. To face page 500. 154 4000 1.66 164 162 801 60 401 20 1,52 1,50 1,48 1,46 144 142 300 40 5 1 + 40 60 50 5 60 5 70 sot 80 90 100 inches Pr. or Austr 140 70 80 90 po" Engl. +80 90 100 120 140 180 180mm 300 эро 80 B. P. O. Cubic feet 138 150 150 150 60 1,36 6 3 5 20t 8 20 2 4 6 8 30 + 22 28 120 150 Pressure of the blast in millimeters me millimeters mercury ercury column. +50 60 R essure in Atmos Atmosphere. 0007 0.008 0.009 1001 0006 13.0007 0012 0014 0016 0018 0.00009 0103 004 -9001 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,2 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9- 0,3 2 4 6 8 0,05 -0,5 04 2 0,06 007 008 009 01 0,6 0,72 014 0002 0,7 4.8 4 6 8 0,5 04 4 05 6 8 0.6 5 CE 0.3 02 015- 16 16 00055 006 26 0.0056 2005 Lek English Cubic feet "Pr... Austrian- Quantity of blast per Second. London: Longmans & Co. про 018 02 5 08 ་ 0,7 Second. Cubic meter sto 0/2 Поро (4 022 0,003 09 08 910 2 15 to 10 200 200 100 90 +86 80 60 50 75 40 134 132 20 130 200 1.28 1,26 80 Quantity of blast per Second. ure of the blast in centesimal degrees. Temperature 124 Coefficients of Reduction. 60 122 120 40 118 20 116 114 100 112 80 210 60 50 30 20068 070 072 074 300 310 076 108 106 104 102 200 078 68 Met 350 355 Par Lin. 320 330 5 340 State of the Barometer. H.Adlard Sculp. ፡ ! APPLICATION OF BORNEMANN'S TAble. 501 left-hand border. From the first point a vertical line is drawn, and from the latter a horizontal, and from the point where these two lines meet a rule is laid parallel to the system of oblique lines, when the quantity of blast may be found in the scale on the right-hand side, marked P. In this case the quantity of blast will be 5'4 cubic feet. The deci- mal figures must be estimated. Problem 2.-What pressure of blast is required if a certain quantity-for example, o'2 cubic metre per second-is to issue from a blowpipe 60 millimetres in diameter? The point of the scale on the left-hand side, marked 60, must be observed, and the point o°2 on the right-hand border. From this point the oblique line upwards must be followed till it crosses the horizontal line commencing at the point 60, and from that junction, going vertically upwards, we shall find in the scale of the pressures that a mercury column of 28′2 millimetres is required. Problem 3.-The diameter of a blowpipe nozzle is to be found which emits 10 Austrian cubic feet of blast per second, the pressure being 6 inches of water. The quantity of blast, 10, must be looked for in the scale marked O, on the right-hand border, and the point 6 in the scale on the upper border; an oblique line is now drawn from 10 and a vertical line from 6, and a horizontal line drawn from the junction of the two former lines towards the scale on the left-hand, which will then show 43 lines as the required diameter of the nozzle. B. On the Supposition of Different Temperatures of the Blast and Different States of the Barometer. Problem 1.-When finding, the quantities of blast for other states of the barometer and thermometer (as o'76 metres and 10° C. respectively), the numbers resulting from Fig. I require to be corrected, and Fig. 2 contains the co-efficients of correction. The lower border of Fig. 2 forms a scale containing the height of the barometer from o‘68 to o‘S metres, and the left-hand border contains a scale of tem- peratures from 20° to 400° C. Supposing the thermometer and barometer to be respectively 300° C. and 0'72 metre, 502 IRON. these two numbers must be looked for in the two scales of the lower and left-hand border, and from the two respective points we must follow the horizontal and vertical lines till they cross each other; from this junction the oblique lines must be followed upwards to the scale containing the co- efficients of reduction on the right-hand side. The co- efficient in the present case will then be found to be 1'494. Problem 2.—What pressure of blast is required to emit 0'3 cubic metre through a nozzle 60 millimetres wide, the blast to be of 300° C., and the height of the barometer 0'72 metre? The co-efficient for a blast of 300° and 0.72 metre height of the barometer, according to Fig. 2, is 0'3 I'494 1'494; the quantity of blast o'3 must be divided by that co-efficient = 0.20 cubic metre, which reduced quantity must be looked for in Fig. 1, taking into consideration the before- stated suppositions, when a pressure of 28.2 millimetres will be given; therefore the next thing to be done is to reduce the quantity of blast to 10° C. and o'76 metre. Fig. 3 affords a comparison of the different quantities of blast which result when applying different formulæ, all other circumstances being the same. As Weisbach has proved, formula 1, expressed in the diagram by the curve. No. 1, yields smaller results than the older hydraulic formula (curve No. 3), and larger than the logarithmic formula (curve No. 4), whilst Weisbach's formula of ap- proximation stated in III. (curve No. 2) gives but slightly higher results. In the diagram the proportion of interior and exterior pressure is expressed on the left-hand side as abscissæ, and the corresponding quantities of blast as ordinates. If there is 1-20th more than the ordinary pres- sure of the atmosphere (abscissa 1'05) the differences become rather obvious. Weisbach* has lately suggested a very simple formula which gives, at low pressures, the same values of blast as the older formulæ, and as formula 11.; when applying higher pressures the results of this formula of approximation differ more from the values resulting from the older formulæ, but * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 201. WEISBACH'S FORMULE. 503 they are nearly equal to the results of formula II., therefore this formula of approximation yields results sufficiently exact for practice. The new formula is: Q = 363 F 363 F. ✓ (1 + 0·00367 7) ½ cubic metre, or = Q 1158 F✓ I T) ½ 0'00367 7) cubic feet. Substituting 10 instead of 7, it follows : Q = 369 F cubic metres, and b (III.) (IV.) (v.) (VI.) Q = 1179 F cubic feet b When employing hot blast, this expression must be multi- plied by- I⚫018 I + 0.00367. T' and Q then expresses the volume of blast in Prussian cubic feet, or in cubic metres per second, reduced to the mean temperature of 10° C., and to 29 inches of the barometer, whilst F, represents the section of the blowpipe nozzle in square feet or metres. h, the state of the manometer in inches or metres of mercury. b, the state of the barometer in inches or metres of mercury. т, the temperature of the hot blast (C). The formula (vI.) is reduced to the simplest form, when taking F equal to 1 square inch :— Q = 8.255 Q, expressing the quantity of blast, of 10° C. and 29 inches of barometer, in Prussian cubic feet, which issues per second through a nozzle of 1 square inch section. b, the state of the barometer in inches, and h, the state of the manometer in inches. From this formula the following table of blast may be calculated :- 504 IRON. h b Q. h b Q. Ο ΟΙ 0.82 0°30 4'49 0'02 I'16 0*35 4.85 0°05 1.83 0°40 5°19 ΟΙΟ 2*59 0'45 5'50 O'15 3*18 0'50 5'80 0'20 3.67 0'55 6'08 0*25 4'10 0*60 6'35 When applying hot blast these values require to be multi- plied by the above-stated co-efficient. The following table* contains the weight, G, of 1 cubic metre of air at the mean height of the barometer of o'76 metres, and at different temperatures centigrade :- Temperature. Centigrade Degrees. I Cubic Metre. Weight of Temperature. Weight of Centigrade Degrees. 1 Cubic Metre. Kilos. Kilos. 0° I'299 110° 0'919 I I'294 120 0.896 5 1*265 130 0*873 ΙΟ I'252 140 0*851 15 I*229 150 0.831 20 I.208 160 0*811 25 I'188 170 0*793 30 I'177 180 0'775 35 1*148 190 0*758 40 1'130 200 0'742 45 I'III 225 0°704 50 I'094 250 0.670 55 I'076 275 0*639 бо 1'060 300. 0.611 65 I'044 325 0'585 70 I'029 350 0'561 75 1'013 375 0*539 80 o'995 400 0'519 85 o'985 425 0'500 90 0'971 450 0.483 95 o'957 475 0'467 ΙΟΟ 0°944 500 0*451 The following formula is applied in order to find the weight G' of a cubic metre of air of different temperatures and of any pressure: G' = G+0*097. h. G. * RITTINGER'S Centrifugal-Ventilatoren, 1858, p. 30. BLAST REGULATORS. 505 in which G expresses the weight as stated in the preceding table, and h the height of a water manometer. The weight of 1 cubic metre of atmospheric air at 200° C. (G = 0.742) and the height of the water manometer being I metre, therefore- G' 0°742 + 0*097.1. 0°742 0.814 kilog. Blast Regulators. As the direct blast from the blowing engines is an irregular current which would exert an un- favourable influence upon the smelting process, it is necessary to use some means of equalising the pressure. The equal- isation is usually effected by conducting the blast into large closed reservoirs, which are usually constructed of iron plates in the form of a cylinder like a steam boiler; in some cases these reservoirs or regulators have the shape of a globe; regulators in masonry are seldom used. When employing sufficiently long blast mains a regulator is superfluous. If the mains from the engine to the regulator are short, the regulator must be from 20 to 50 times as great as the quantity of blast delivered per second, but it may be much smaller if those mains are long. The regulator must be provided with a safety valve and a man-hole, and is usually placed in the open air upon pillars, and sometimes underground. The sizes of some of the regulators in operation are as follows: At Hörde (Westphalia) the regulator is 230 feet long, 6 feet in diameter, of a capacity of 6500 cubic feet, and serving for four blast furnaces, therefore containing 3250 cubic feet for two blast furnaces. The blast cylinder for two blast furnaces has a capacity of 301.6 cubic feet. At Séraing the regulator is 90 feet long, 7 feet in diameter, and is constructed of iron plates 4 millimetres thick. In some rare cases, when a low pressure is used, so-called movable regulators are applied. This is effected by con- ducting the blast from the blast engine into a second cylinder provided with a loaded piston, thus exerting a compressive power. The same effect may be produced by a gasometer floating in a water tank, but the contact of the blast with 506 IRON. water is injurious, as water will be absorbed, which lessens the yield, and gives rise to the production of white pig-iron. Blast Heating Apparatus. According to present experience the following may be con- sidered as the advantages of hot blast.* 1. An Increase of the Temperature, as the blast entering the furnace in a hot state does not absorb heat, which would otherwise have a cooling effect; but the increase so effected is not considerable, and is only of consequence if the blast is heated by waste heat. The greater affinity to carbon and hydrogen possessed by the oxygen of hot blast, and the property which the hot blast has of permeating the fuel more perfectly on account of its diminished density, are of greater importance. For this reason in the smallest space more combustible substance burns at the same time than when employing cold blast, which increases the intensity of the heat. The effect of this is so advantageous that it is even profitable to heat the blast with separate fuel. According to Pfort's and Buff's experiments. cold air cannot be used for direct combustion; moreover, cold air requires to be previously raised to a higher temperature, which causes a greater contact with coal, and gives rise to the formation of more carbonic oxide, preventing the pro- duction of a very high temperature. According to Scheerer,† charcoal at o° C. burned in air of o produces a temperature of 2700° C., and coal of 400° C. a temperature of 2735° C.; but when heating the air to 400° C. the produced temperature will amount to 3065° upon burning coal of o°, and to 3100° C. upon burning coal of 400° C. Though the advantages are greater the hotter the blast is, v. * Theorien über die erhitzte Gebläseluft. Von BUFF and PFORT, in POGG. Ann., Bd. 34, p. 173. Bgwkfd., iv.. 102. Studien des Götting. Ver. Bergm. Freunde, iv., I. EBELMEN, in Valerius Roheisenerzeugung, Deutsch HARTM., 1851, p. 281. Bgwkfd., ii., 470; viii., 456. SCHEERER'S Theorie, in his Metallurgie, i., 479; ii, 140. B. u. h. Ztg., 1854, p. 244. Berggeist, 1858, p. 161. Ann. d. Min., 3 sér., T. 18, p. 183. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 494. BLAST HEATING APPARATUS. 507 there is also a certain limit in all cases caused by the difficulty of keeping the apparatus tight at higher tempera- tures, and also by its action upon the process, the furnace walling, and the produced iron. The blast is not usually heated above the melting point of lead (322° C.), but some- times temperatures of 400° C. and higher are employed. 2. A Saving of Fuel.*-If the melting point of pig-iron is accepted as 1200° C., and the blast be heated to 200° C., a direct saving will be effected of 1-6th of the fuel; but this saving is much larger owing to the higher temperature in the furnace, which admits of smaller coal charges and higher ore charges. The hotter the blast is the less fuel will be required for smelting; but here also is a fixed limit, as a certain quantity of fuel is required for the formation of the reducing and carbonising gases. The thinner and hotter blast enters more quickly and easily into the pores of the fuel, and when using a proper pressure the hot blast permeates the fuel in a horizontal direction at the level of the tuyeres, which forms another reason for the saving of fuel. The reaction of the hot blast at the level of the tuyeres also causes the reduction and smelting zones to be at a deeper point of the furnace than when employing cold blast; the hot gases have therefore to pass a longer way to the furnace mouth, are enabled to com- municate their temperature to the ore more perfectly, and escape from the furnace mouth at a lower temperature; besides, the ores are kept for a longer time in contact with the reducing gases (page 417). + 3. A Larger Production.t-If, under equal circum- stances, cold blast is replaced by hot blast, a lower pressure will be required, as the hot blast permeates the fuel more easily, and consequently less oxygen enters the furnace in the same time, less fuel is burned, and the charges descend more slowly. But in spite of the fewer charges an increase of the production will take place, as the higher temperature * KRAUS'S Jahrb., 1852. p. 117. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 244. .f P. 47 RITTINGER'S Centrifugal-Ventilatoren, 1858, p. 74. KRAUS's Jahrb., 1852, • 508 IRON. of the furnace allows heavier ore charges, which more than outbalance the smaller number. Whilst cold blast con- centrates the heat in the hearth in a small compass, the hot blast distributes the heat uniformly over the whole section of the enlarged hearth, and also induces an increase of the production, which sometimes amounts to as much as 50 per cent. Too strong and too low a pressure of the blast causes com- bustion above the tuyere, when much heat will be lost by the waste gases, and irregularities of the process may occur. 4. A More Regular Process,* as irregularities caused by accidental cooling may frequently be more quickly regulated by an increase of the temperature than by any other means. Hot blast also facilitates and accelerates the blowing in of blast furnaces, and the resulting slags are more thinly liquid. 5. The Frequent Advantageous Smelting of Sulphur- ous Ores, or Ores Difficult to Reduce and Easy to Fuse. In the case of sulphurous ores smelted at a high temperature, hot blast with an addition of limestone yield a much better pig-iron than when smelted with cold blast at a lower temperature. According to the experiments of Price and Nicholson,‡ hot blast does not separate phosphorus. Wrightson states that hot blast reduces more phosphoric acid. As the temperature of the upper parts of blast furnaces is lower with hot blast than with cold blast, the charges pass more slowly in the furnace, allowing a better prepara- tory heating of ores easily fusible and difficult to reduce (puddling slags). The hot blast may have the following disadvantages:- 1. Deterioration of the Pig-Iron.§-Pure iron ores smelted with cold blast yield a pig iron freer from silicon than when employing hot blast, as the higher temperature facilitates the reduction of silicon, calcium, &c. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 243. LEONHARDT, Hüttenerzeugnisse, 1858, p. 101. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 227. ‡ Ibid., 1856, p. 73. + Ibid., 1850, p. 480. § Bgwkfd., ix., 257. WACHLER, Eisenerzeugung Oberschlesiens, Hft. 3, p. 76. POGG., B. 55, p. 485. HOT BLAST APPARATUS. 509 * 2. Quicker Waste of the Furnace Walling, owing to the higher temperatures, chiefly when smelting easily fusible iron ores (blackbands) for a larger production. 3. An Increase of Zinciferous Deposits on the Furnace Walling. When smelting zinciferous iron ores with cold blast, most of the zinc volatilises, the furnace mouth gives a strong flame and very few deposits are formed in the throat, owing to the higher temperature there. And as, when using hot blast, the upper parts of the furnace cool, more deposits are formed even at the lower part of the furnace throat; the contrary is said to have taken place at Geis- lautern.‡ are The advantages of the hot blast have led to its introduc- tion into the iron works of all countries, and these advantages the greater chiefly on account of the increase of chemical affinity the higher the temperature required in the furnace hearth, i.e., the more difficult to fuse are the ore mixtures to be smelted. Cold blast is now only employed in furnaces for the production of a very excellent and strong foundry pig-iron (Swedish Dannemora iron) or a forge iron as free as possible from silicon (Low Moor,§ Bowling, Pontypool, Blaenavon, &c.), from very pure iron ores. Owing to the increase of temperature, the hot blast further facilitates the formation of pig-iron rich in silicon, the more siliceous the ore mixture employed, and, therefore, the temperature of the blast and the addition of lime must be increased in order to unite with the silica; higher ore charges are given, and the pressure of the blast is lessened in order to lower the temperature in the smelting zone. If those remedies are judiciously employed a pig-iron may be produced approaching in quality pig-iron produced under the same circumstances with cold blast; otherwise a pig-iron rich in silicon, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, &c., will * B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 243. KRAUS, Oesterr. Jahrb., 1848, pp. 27, 30; 1855, pp. 436, 439. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1854, p. 245. ماء LEONHARDT, Hüttenerzeugnisse, 1858, p. 103. TUNNER, das Eisenhüttenwesen Schwedens, 1858, pp. 14, 37. TUNNER'S Ber. üb. d. Lond. Ind. Aust., in 1862, p. 27. § Preuss., Ztschr., iv., 217. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 246. 510 IRON. result.* When using cold blast the combustion takes place in a larger space, but is less intense than hot blast, which produces a higher temperature in a smaller compass of the upper hearth, the reduction therefore commences later on. If the temperature is too high, it is somewhat lowered to avoid hindrance of the reduction, and for this purpose an enlargement of the hearth and lower pressure of the blast is preferable to too heavy ore charges. Therefore, whilst hot blast deteriorates the quality of pig-iron when produced from good iron ores and fuel, it improves the quality of pig-iron from impure (sulphurous) ores and fuel, if the ore mixture is of basic composition. Some iron ores yield, with cold blast, almost exclusively white pig-iron even at a large consumption of fuel, whilst the same ore produces a good grey foundry iron when using hot blast. Hot blast is also frequently employed for the production of white iron in order to save fuel, when the hearth is suit- ably enlarged to prevent the temperature from rising so high as to produce grey iron. An injurious enlargement of the furnace hearth is induced more by too hot a blast than by blast of too great a pressure. In blown-out furnaces which have been carried on with hot blast the hearth is chiefly enlarged, whilst in similar cold blast furnaces the shaft shows an enlargement. . The blast for charcoal furnaces is usually heated to from 100° to 250° C., and for coke furnaces to from 250° to 350°; in some of the iron works of this country hot blast of about 550 C. is used, whilst the coke furnaces in Upper Silesia and Belgium sometimes employ temperatures of 60° or 80° only. According to Mayrhofer, the percentage of fuel saved by hot blast is equal to o'03264 t; t, expressing the number of centigrade degrees to which the blast is heated. The apparatus chiefly used for heating the blast are known as hot blast ovens or stoves, and consist essentially of a series of tubes, arranged in a chamber of fire-bricks, and heated externally by a fire. In order to heat a given quantity of blast to a certain Berggeist, 1862, No. 26. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 254, 326. HOT BLAST APPARATUS. 5II temperature the surface of the tubes must be of appropriate dimensions. According to Weisbach's calculations, I square metre of heating surface can heat about I cubic metre of blast to 300° C., consuming about 1-15th kilo. of wood or 1-30th kilo. of coal. As air is a bad conductor of heat the air must be exposed to the heat in the thinnest possible currents, and the heating will, therefore, be more advantageous the greater the pro- portion of the circumference of the tubes to the contents of their section, and also the longer the tubes are; for this reason. the elliptical shape is preferred to the circular one for the tubes, and a system of tubing is preferable to one tube in the form of a spiral. As the resistance of friction increases with the enlargement of the surface and the length of the tubes, experience has taught a certain limit concerning the size and length of the tubes. It is not advisable that the velocity of the air in the tubes should exceed 10 or 12 metres per second, as otherwise loss will ensue. The hot blast ovens are heated either by a separate fire or, as is usually the case, by the waste gases of the blast. furnaces. When space permits, hot blast stoves are placed at the side of the furnace mouth, as is frequently done in char- coal furnaces; the cold blast is then forced upwards to the fur- nace top and the heated blast conducted down again. In order to prevent the temperature of the blast from falling too much (owing to the long conducting pipes) before entering the tuyeres, these are either placed inside the rough walling of the furnace or they are protected with bad conductors of heat; but still the great distance of the heating apparatus from the tuyere frequently causes a loss of temperature of from 40° to 70° and more. In cases where the platform of the furnace top is too small, or when too great a loss of temperature is to be appre- hended on account of the greater height of the furnaces, (necessitating very long conducting pipes), the hot blast MERBACH, Erläuterungen der vorzüglichsten Apparate zur Erwärmung der Gebläseluft, Freiberg, 1840, i., p. 80. WEISBACH, Ingenieur. u. Maschinen Mechan., i., p. 1082. 512 IRON. stoves on the sole of the blast furnaces are placed as close as possible to the tuyeres, whilst the waste gases are con- ducted down to the apparatus. * These apparatus are frequently provided with a spare fire-place in case the waste gases should not be sufficiently effective. Hot blast stoves heated with the waste gases are more durable than stoves with a direct coal firing, owing to the more uniform distribution of the heat. At the Ormsby Iron Works two hot blast stoves with gas firing are more effective than three hot blast stoves with coal firing. The advantages of both modes of firing depend on the price of coal and coke. The waste gases from a furnace with closed mouth (for collecting the gases) have a temperature of about 450° F., whilst a temperature of 1000 or 2000° F. is produced upon burning the gases at the open furnace mouth, consequently the smelting materials undergo a better pre- paratory heating when the furnace mouth is kept open; and, under the same circumstances, a furnace with a closed mouth requires 10 per cent more fuel for the production of the same quantity of iron. The advantages of the waste gases depend on the value of the 10 per cent of coke in comparison with the value of the coal required for heating the blast, &c. A furnace producing weekly 200 tons of iron at a consumption of 300 tons of coke yields a quantity of waste gas equivalent to 150 tons of coal. The hot blast stoves used chiefly on the Continent, and named after the works at Wasseralfingen,* in Würtem- temburg, where they were first introduced, are represented by Figs. 148 and 149, which represent the apparatus in use at Hasslinghausen (Westphalia). The 36 horizontal tubes, a, each 9 feet long, 3 inches inside wide, and 13 inches high, are arranged in the stove, and connected by the horse-shoe tubes, b, as shown in the drawing. The cold blast enters by c, and the hot blast issues by d; e are the fire-places; ƒ are partition walls; g, flues. The stove is 22 feet high, and has an area of only 8 feet by 10 = 80 square feet. LEOB., Jahrb., 1855, v., p. 282. † Ann. d. Min., 3 sér., iv., 77. HOT BLAST APPARATUS. 513 Similar apparatus, of smaller dimensions, are also used for most charcoal furnaces. d FIG. 148. g 9 α α α e e 6 1 1 12 FT The apparatus most common in this country are those originally adopted at Calder in Lanarkshire. They are shown by Figs. 150, 151, and 152. The cold blast enters in the middle of the main, A, by means of c, and passing through the horse-shoe tubes, B, issues at D' on the end of the second main, B. The waste gases conducted from the furnace mouth to the reservoir, D, enter the apparatus by f, and are burned by the atmospheric air which is introduced through the grate, g. The ash-pit is provided with two doors. After playing round, the tubes of the first partition, the flame passes over the partition wall, d, into the second compartment, and the burned gases pass into the chimney, F, through the channel, E. The dust slides down on the in- clined planes, e. m are openings for cleansing the apparatus. G is a slide door in the channel, E. 2 L VOL. II. 514 IRON. To increase the effect and to obviate various defects, this apparatus is modified in many ways in different iron works. The horse-shoe pipes are frequently made of an elliptical shape; in other cases the vertical pipes, instead of being arched at the top, are united by a short horizontal pipe, the limbs being close together. FIG. 149. g 000000 000000 f 000000 000000 000 1000000 W W W W W W e Another modification, known as the pistol pipe, is used in Scotland, Cleveland, and other districts in this country, and also in Germany and France. The two vertical pipes are replaced by a single one, divided by an internal partition reaching nearly to the top. It is closed at the upper end, and usually bent over into a semi-arch. One of the divisions is connected with the entrance, and the other with the exit. This hot blast apparatus has the disadvantage of causing a considerable loss of temperature, as the heat is first com- municated to the iron pipes, and from the iron to the blast, and as the escaping flame still retains a high temperature; the friction of the blast in the tubes also causes loss of pres- sure; the temperature frequently penetrates the tubes a few HOT BLAST APPARATUS. 515 inches only; the tubes are strongly attacked and with diffi- culty kept tight, &c. These disadvantages are avoided, and a more intense heating of the blast is obtained, by strongly heating by a flame a great number of uniformly arranged fire-bricks in a FIG. 150. D ..... h h F ރ O m B m m stove, then removing the flame and allowing the cold blast to pass between the hot bricks till they are no longer red hot. The flame is again applied, and at the same time the blast is heating by a second stove. Siemens first applied this principle to puddling furnaces, producing a temperature as high as 4000°. 2 L 2 516 IRON. Cowper has lately employed this so-called regenerative prin- ciple of Siemens to heat the blast to very high temperatures, FIG. 151. D m 9 འ ས ་ C :11 mu m ジ ​m A B D FIG. 152. D E LLA KURTI B B m D ི་ ་་་་་ མ་ m HOT BLAST APPARATUS. 517 when employing gases and also direct firing. An apparatus with direct firing is shown by Figs. 153, 154, and 155. A is FIG. 153. B the fire-place; B, the regenerator; c, valve of the chimney; D, door before the fire-place, filled inside with water; E, slide FIG. 154. F E B A valve in the tube for introducing the cold blast; F, a cast- iron hemispherical valve for the hot blast. Whilst heating 518 IRON. the furnace D and c are opened, and E and F closed. D and c are heated for two hours, then closed, and E and F opened. The original flame has a temperature of about 1750° C., and FIG. 155.. F from 70° to 120° only when passing into the chimney, whilst the hot blast has a temperature of 560° C. The loss of pressure in this apparatus is not greater than in other ap- paratus, and amounts to about 1-10th lb. per square inch. The utilisation of the temperature is more perfect on account of the great difference between the specific heat of the bricks and that of the atmospheric air, for which reason a small quantity of bricks are able to heat a great quantity of air. These regenerative heating stoves may perhaps offer some difficulties in practice, as the interstices between the bricks become filled up with tar and dust from the furnace, and on account of the number of valves, and the lowering of the tem- perature when changing the stoves. IRON BLAST FURNACE PRocess. Theory of the Process.*-The treatment of an iron ore mixture in blast furnaces aims at the reduction of the oxidised EBELMEN, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1851, p. 321; 1844, p. 113. Bgwkfd., ii., 464; ix., 55. SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 13. TUNNER'S Beitrage zur nähern Kenntniss des Eisenhohofenprocesses durch directe Bestimmungen. Leob., Jahrb., 1860, ix., 281; 1861, x., 491; 1862, xl., 300. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 207, 418; 1861, p. 315; 1862, p. 320. STAHLSCHMIDT, Untersuchungen über den Cokesofenbetrieb. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 54. Von MAYRHOFER, Studien des Hohöfners. LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 277. IRON BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 519 iron, the carbonisation of the reduced iron, and the separa- tion of the carbonised iron from the slag-forming components by smelting. As iron is very refractory, but easily trans- formed by an admission of oxygen, the ore mixture and the fuel are charged in alternate layers in the furnace. By this means a uniform reduction and smelting of the ore is ob- tained by its direct contact with the coal and the ascending reducing gases respectively, and also as small quantities only are gradually smelted. If ore and coal were mixed together the coal would prevent the combination of the slag-forming com- ponents. And if the ore and fuel were charged in separate vertical columns, as is done with lead, silver, copper, tin, and other ores, the reduction would not take place uniformly, the temperature in the smelting zone would be insufficient, and the pig-iron before the tuyeres not sufficiently protected against the blast. When charging in alternate layers, the lower charge of fuel produces the heat sufficient for smelting the ore charge lying above it. The reduction of oxide of iron does not require an intimate mixture of the iron ore with the fuel, as the reducing reaction in blast furnaces must be attributed chiefly to the carbonic oxide, which is formed partly direct by the combustion of fuel before the tuyere, and partly by the reduction of carbonic acid likewise produced by the combustion; some small quan- tities of hydrogen, carburetted hydrogen, and cyanogen, also exert a reducing reaction. The chemical reactions in the different parts of blast fur- naces have been chiefly elucidated by the analyses of Bunsen, Ebelmen, and Playfair, of the gas of blast furnaces, as well as by Tunner's direct investigations, and Stahlschmidt's cal- culations; Scheerer has divided them into certain zones, shown by Fig. 156. The capacity of these zones may be modified by a number of circumstances, and these modifica- tions influence the amount of the production and the quality of the pig-iron. 1. The Preparatory Heating Zone (Vorwärmzone) is formed by the upper part of the furnace. The smelting materials emit volatile substances (water, carbonic acid, sulphur, &c.,) which cause them to disintegrate and prepare 520 IRON. them for the subsequent reduction, &c., the longer and the more uniform is their contact with the ascending hot gases. (Influence of narrow and wide furnace mouths, page 460). FIG. 156. 1 400° ..C. 1000 1200° d α.. 1600° to 1700° e- 2000 to 2650 STUD ហា Preparatory heating zone. Zone of reduction. d. Zone of carbonisation. Smelting zone. Zone of combustion. The sulphur volatilised in this zone from the ore or fuel is transformed into sulphurous acid and sulphuretted hydrogen, and is here innocuous. In this zone coke furnaces, as through- out the furnace, are hotter than charcoal furnaces, but in both kinds of furnace the escaping gases from hot blast are of lower temperature than those from cold blast. IRON BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 521 Ebelmen* found the temperature at the mouth of cold blast charcoal furnaces to be 112°, and 200° when the charges sank somewhat lower; and in coke furnaces fully charged from 228° to 330°, and from 366 to 430° C. with somewhat descended charges. Le Blanc states that 2.5 metres below the furnace mouth the temperature is 250° C. Ebelingt states that if the temperature of the furnace mouth is too high, owing to some defect in the construction of the furnace and its accessory apparatus, or to an irregular conduct of the process, the ascending carbonic acid will be unprofitably reduced in the furnace mouth to carbonic oxide, and the mixture will cake too early. These disadvantages are most likely to occur if raw wood is employed instead of char- coal; therefore, in wood furnaces, it is even more advisable to collect the waste gases in order to cool the furnace mouth. 2. Zone of Reduction; this comprises the space from the former zone down to the top of the boshes. When the smelting mass enters the deeper and hotter parts of the furnace the reduction of the oxide of iron by carbonic oxide is begun; at first forming magnetic oxide, next protoxide of iron, and, finally, metallic iron, the carbonic oxide being converted into carbonic acid. If metallic iron is formed at once, part of it may be re-oxidised by the excess of carbonic acid, whilst the formation of metallic iron takes place by a gradual reduction at a level of the belly poor in carbonic acid. According to Gay-Lussac, the reduction of peroxide of iron by hydrogen and by pure carbonic oxide takes place at 400 C., but Tunner's direct investigations show that a temperature of from 650° to 700° or even above 900° is required for the reduction of peroxide of iron by furnace gases con- taining a smaller amount of carbonic oxide only. The temperature of the ascending gases is several hundred degrees higher than that of the descending mixture. In the reduction zone the limestone which was added to the ore mixture loses the greater part of its carbonic acid, and so also do raw spathic ores (at above 580° C.); the * Bgwkfd., viii., 440. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 307. 522 IRON. carbonic acid then uselessly consumes part of the fuel and absorbs heat. For this reason it is advisable to burn the limestone and to roast ores containing carbonate of iron; but a loss of fuel will always take place owing to the oxida- tion of carbon by the carbonic acid which is formed by the reduction of the oxide of iron, and at still higher levels in coke furnaces than in charcoal furnaces. Iron pyrites con- tained in the fuel loses part of its sulphur in this zone only, and the sulphur then combines with the reduced iron; the sulphates present (gypsum, heavy spar) are also trans- formed into sulphides, whilst phosphates require a higher temperature and are mostly reduced in the zone of carbon- isation. The reduction of zinciferous ores and the volatilisation of zinc also begin here, whilst the zinc, entering higher levels richer in carbonic acid, is re-oxidised and forms zinciferous. deposits. In order to facilitate the perfect reduction of the oxide of iron previous to the smelting of the ores in an ore mixture difficult to reduce, the mixture must be rendered sufficiently refractory, thus causing a slower descent of the charges; the ores must be suitably divided, and the furnaces constructed with higher and wider shafts and higher and narrower hearths; the use of hot blast is also advisable, but by these means grey iron will always result. When the production of white iron from an easily fusible ore mixture is intended, a wide hearth and narrow belly and mouth are required, in which case, according to Tunner's experiments, the reduction, requiring a temperature of over 900°, will extend to the boshes and even the upper part of the hearth, whilst at the production of grey iron the reduction is usually finished in the belly. By a suit- able mixture any desired degree of fusibility may be obtained, but the reducibility cannot be thus regulated. The mode of charging (page 450) and the dimensions of the furnace shaft, chiefly the mouth, which causes a more or less uniform descent of the charges, have most influence on the reduction. Ebelmen ascertained the temperature in a charcoal blast furnace 8.4 metres below the furnace mouth, or o'63 metres IRON BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 523 above the belly, to stand between the fusion point of silver and copper (1022° to 1170° C.) or above 1000 C., and the tem- perature of a coke furnace in the belly to be about 1170° C. 3. Zone of Carbonisation.-This zone comprises about the space between the boshes, when producing grey iron, but it extends far into the upper hearth when producing white pig-iron from easily fusible ores, as in that case in equal levels no such high temperatures are produced as at the production of grey pig-iron. According to Tunner, the carbonisation commences at 1000° C.; at 1170° C., the fusion point of copper, steel is produced (for instance when ce- menting wrought-iron); and at about 1400° C. the formation of pig-iron is finished. Tunner states the temperature in the belly to be from 500° to 800', in the lower part of the boshes from 1200° to 1500°, and in the upper hearth at 1500° to 2000°C. A more perfect carbonisation takes place if the well- prepared and fused masses descend slowly into the hearth, regardless whether the boshes are more or less steep and the fusibility more or less easy. If the reduced iron contains sulphur, arsenic, or phosphorus, an easily caking compound of these substances will be formed with iron, which impedes the carbonisation, and causes the formation of white pig-iron. An imperfect carbonisation also causes the iron in the hearth to combine afterwards with a larger quantity of silicon (page 281), sulphur, and phosphorus. The carbonisation renders the iron fusible, and protects it in the hearth from oxidation and scorification. The carbonising agents in the iron blast furnace process are carburetted hydrogen and carbonic oxide (Stammer*), solid carbon and gaseous carbon compounds (Laurent and Despretzt), and also chiefly cyanogen and cyanogen com- pounds, namely, cyanide of potassium in the form of gas; this last cyanogen compound is formed from the nitrogen of the atmosphere, the carbon of the fuel, and the potash of the ash of the fuel or the other smelting materials, in the lower part of the smelting zone. DINGL., Bd. 120, p. 430. † Polyt. Centr., 1849, p. 1343. 524 IRON. Lossen's experiments have confirmed the theory that the iron is first converted into steel and next into pig-iron. Liebermeistert has founded upon this circumstance the direct production of steel in cupola furnaces. 4. Smelting Zone. This zone reaches from the lower part of the boshes to the level above the tuyere, where the reduction of the originally formed carbonic acid into car- bonic oxide is completed. If the ore is suitably reduced and carbonised, grey or white pig-iron is produced according to the volume of the smelting zone, which is chiefly regulated by the proportion of the charges of ore and fuel. Although when producing white pig-iron the greater part of the upper hearth may be considered as belonging to the zone of carbonisation, yet an after carbonisation also takes place in this part of the furnace when producing grey iron, chiefly from ores difficult to reduce in furnaces with a high upper hearth, by the contact of the liquid iron with carbon (Mag- netic iron ores, page 327). As the upper hearth maintains a temperature of from 1600° to 1700° C., an ample amount of carbon may enter the iron, and, upon slowly cooling, a grey iron rich in graphite may be formed. Coke furnaces chiefly facilitate the subsequent carbonisa- tion in the smelting zone, on account of their high tem- perature, but this temperature, on the other hand, facilitates the formation of pig-iron rich in silicon and phosphorus. Upon the descent of the smelting masses into the hearth, and the continued carbonisation of the iron, the slag-forming components react upon each other; they gradually soften, until above and before the tuyere a perfect fusion takes place, and the fused pig-iron and slags fall down in drops. Smelting materials of low capacity for heat allow a more perfect preparatory heating in the upper parts of the fur- nace, consequently they smelt more readily later in the smelting zone. The following is the capacity for heat of different substances :-peroxide of iron, o'165; magnetic oxide, o*168; quartz, o*188; felspar, o'191; steel, o'118; * Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Bd. 47, p. 150. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, pp. 137, 243. IRON BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 525 iron, o*114; coke, o'201; charcoal, o'242; and the ash of fuel, 0'200; from this it follows that coke and charcoal, in order to attain a certain temperature, must absorb a greater quantity of heat from the ascending hot gases than the other substances, which therefore enter the smelting zone better prepared than coke and charcoal; coke again requires to absorb less heat than charcoal. The high temperature before and immediately above the tuyere causes part of the silica to be reduced by carbon to silicon; the silicon then enters the pig-iron and facilitates the separation of graphite from the solidifying iron (page 297), like phosphorus (page 273). Iron also has a reducing reaction upon the silica, and the more so the less perfect its carbonisation. According to H. Hahn's investigations iron seems to reduce silica more powerfully than carbon; the reduction of silica is facilitated by a siliceous admixture (page 296), a siliceous ash of the fuel (coke, mineral coal, page 399), high temperature (coke, hot blast), and the great extent of the space in which the originally formed carbonic acid is converted into carbonic oxide (coke furnaces); the larger this space the more carbon may be extracted from the pig-iron, chiefly if produced at a low temperature, by the reaction of the carbonic acid. A basic mixture rich in lime counteracts the reduction of silica, but, on the other hand, owing to its difficult fusibility it facilitates the reduction of the alkali and earthy metals (chiefly aluminium, calcium, and magnesium), which like- wise deteriorate the pig-iron. At a high temperature a certain amount of lime combines with the sulphur contained in the slag-forming components and the fuel, but reacts less upon the sulphur which has already combined with iron, and which is chiefly reacted upon by the manganese contained in the ore mixture; this manganese also facilitates the removal of silicon from the iron. Richter* states that upon roasting sulphurous and manganiferous iron ores protosulphate of iron and per- and prot-oxide of manganese are formed; and when the temperature is raised these are converted into peroxide of iron and sulphate of manganese. This LEOB., Jahrb., 1862, p. 291. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 320. 526 IRON. sulphate is transformed in the zone of reduction into sulphide and protoxide of manganese; the protoxide of manganese is reduced in the furnace hearth, and owing to its great affinity to silicon forms silicide of manganese, which combines with the sulphide of manganese and also with other metallic sulphides contained in the liquid iron. The greater part of the protoxide of manganese contained in the ore mixture is scorified, owing to its slight reducibility; part is reduced by the fuel, by the carbon of the pig-iron, and also by the iron itself.* Whilst, according to List, the manganese in iron amounts to 3.8 per cent only at the highest, it may be con- siderably increased under certain circumstances (page 404). Spiegeleisen from Siegen, for instance, contains from 8 to 14 per cent, and spiegeleisen from Theresienthal above 22 per cent. Limet acts but little towards the removal of phos- phorus from iron, and, according to Caron,‡ manganese does not act at all; but phosphorus contained in the additional limestone or in the gangue is transformed into phosphide of calcium, and partly enters the slag, which must not then be kept too long in contact with the liquid iron. Whilst higher temperatures lessen the amount of sulphur and increase the amount of silicon in iron, no such fixed rules exist for the behaviour of manganese and phosphorus. 5. Zone of Combustion or Oxidation. This zone com- prises the immediate space at the level of the tuyere, and as far upwards as carbonic acid is present (page 411). It was formerly supposed that in the level of the tuyere carbonic acid was chiefly formed owing to the excess of oxygen, thus causing a temperature of 2200° C. (Ebelmen), or even 2458° C. (Scheerer), and that this temperature was lessened to 1310° and 1670° C. respectively, when the carbonic acid was trans- formed into carbonic oxide by contact with glowing coal above the tuyeres in the upper part of the hearth. Tunner's direct experiments have proved that even before the tuyere much carbonic oxide is formed together with carbonic acid, and ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 52. HARTM., Fortschr., v., 125. † DINGL., Bd. 168, p. 380. || SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 21. Bgwkfd., vii., 417. IRON BLAST FURNACE PROcess. 527 therefore the temperature calculated by Scheerer may be con- sidered as too high. Tunner ascertained the temperature before the tuyere to be 2200° C., at the loop-hole of the fur- nace in St. Stephan in Styria 1750° C., and at the production of white pig-iron in Eisenerz, 1450° C. + + According to Ebelmen, an iron wire, 0'03 metre thick, fused before the tuyere in less than half an hour (the fusion point of wrought-iron is from 1900 to 2100 C.); porcelain fused almost immediately. Aubel* found that platinum melted in the focus of a Rachette's furnace (page 458), which corres- ponds to a temperature of from 2600° to 3000° C., and Aubel denies that easily fusible carbide and silicide of platinum were formed in his experiments, as Heraeus,† Richter, and others had suggested. Becquerel|| has lately ascertained, by means of a thermo-electric pyrometer, that the fusion point of silver is 960°, and that of gold barely 1092° C., and by photometric measurements he found the fusion point of plati- num to be 1600° C., and the temperature of burning coal 2070° C. Whilst in Germany the fusion point of pig-iron is considered to be between 1400° and 1600° C., this fusion point has been determined by Pouillet to be from 1050 to 1100° C., and that of steel to be from 1300° to 1400° C. These degrees are adopted by Schinz§ and Ziurek¶ (cast-iron, 1200°, steel from 1300° to 1400°, wrought-iron, 1600°). I Tunner observed that before each tuyere a separate space of combustion is formed, which extends in the direction of the air current to 1 feet only at the highest, the hottest part of the focus, about 6 inches in extent, being in the middle. The space of combustion extends upwards about I foot, whence it divides asunder. As an increased pressure of the blast only slightly modifies the horizontal extension of the space of combustion, the increase of temperature caused by narrowing the hearth, and the use of several tuyeres (page 480) in larger furnaces, will be obvious. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 392; † B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 256. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 195. + 1863, p. 272. DINGL., Bd. 165, p. 278. DINGL., Bd. 167, p. 132. LEOB., Jahrb., xii., 164. || Chem. Centr., 1863, No. 20. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 252. §DINGL., Bd. 169, p. 453. ZIUREK'S technol. Tabellen, 1863, p. 344. 528 IRON. As coke converts the originally formed carbonic acid into carbonic oxide less easily than charcoal of the same volume, owing to its compactness, a greater quantity of coke is required to produce a certain quantity of pig-iron in order to obtain a sufficient quantity of reducing and carbonising gases; though, on the other hand, coke gives a greater heat. Grey or white pig-iron will be formed according to whether the smelting temperature before the tuyere is higher or lower than the temperature required for the formation of the car- bonised iron. Whilst in charcoal furnaces carbonic oxide is only found a little distance above the tuyere, the carbonic acid in coke furnaces rises higher, and disappears at the top of higher hearths; but in the zone of reduction it increases again. The difference of the composition of charcoal and coke furnace gases and their influence upon the reduction of oxide of iron with regard to the pressure, and the transformation of car- bonic acid into carbonic oxide by glowing coals have been stated on page 416. An oxidation of the iron before the tuyere by the oxygen of the blast or carbonic acid exerts an influence upon the temperature and the composition of the gases. If that oxi- dation takes place by the oxygen of the blast, I litre of oxygen produces 6216 units of temperature, or a temperature of 2690° C., if calculated from the specific heat of the products of combustion; consequently the ascending gases attain a high temperature, whilst a corresponding decrease of temperature takes place in the hearth. This explains how the waste gases increase in temperature when iron before the tuyere oxidises and scorifies; in this case white pig-iron is usually formed, as the silicate of iron reacts upon the pig- iron. If on oxidising iron by carbonic acid 2 litres of this acid are required, they yield 1 litre of oxygen, and produce 6216 units of temperature; two litres of carbonic oxide are formed at the same time, which, upon combustion, produce 6260 units of temperature. These units must be absorbed by the de- composition of the carbonic acid, and become latent. As 6216 units of temperature are produced, and 6260 are IRON BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 529 absorbed, usually no absorption of temperature (cooling) takes place when decomposing carbonic acid by iron. The mixture of carbonic oxide and nitrogen formed by this reaction retains nearly the same temperature as the carbonic acid formed. On the other hand, when oxidising iron by means of carbonic acid, the proportion of carbonic oxide in the gases will de- crease the more iron is oxidised before the tuyere. The car- bonic acid decomposed by iron forms only an equal volume of carbonic oxide, whilst one volume of carbonic acid yields two volumes of carbonic oxide when decomposed by carbon. This explains the fact that in an irregular process, in which iron is oxidised at the expense of carbonic acid, the waste gases are wanting in combustible carbonic oxide, and are no longer fit to produce a certain temperature, which the gases of the regular process can produce. 6. The Lower Hearth; Crucible.-In the space below the tuyeres slag and pig-iron separate according to their specific gravities. As the iron enters the hearth in a super- heated state (in coke furnaces still more so than in charcoal furnaces), having a temperature of from 1800 to 2000° C., whilst its fusion point is from 1600 to 1700° C., and even less, it remains liquid for a longer time, and larger quantities may be kept in the crucible, if an extraordinary cooling (for in- stance, a too frequent ladling out) is avoided; otherwise the grey iron will turn to white. Foundry pig-iron must be more protected from the influence of the blast the stronger the pressure of the blast (page 402); on the other hand, a surplus of acid slag may introduce silicon into the iron if kept too long in contact with it. A certain loss of iron by scorification takes place even in a well conducted process with a judiciously formed mixture. At the best this loss amounts to from 1 to 2 per cent, and is frequently as much as 4 per cent, and in rare cases even over 14 per cent*-at the smelting of a mixture rich in iron slags for the production of white iron, for in- stance. Under equal circumstances the loss in poor mix- tures is larger than in rich mixtures, and the chief causes VOL. II. * Allgem. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, pp. 151, 156. 2 M 530 IRON. of it are the fusibility of the slags and their inclination to chill. The Reasons of the Fluctuation of the Temperature in Blast Furnaces. From the preceding explanations it will be obvious that the temperature of blast furnaces chiefly originates in the zone of combustion, and but little in the zone of reduction. The current of gas carries the temperature from the zone of com- bustion upwards, whilst the charges of ore and fuel move in the opposite direction, absorbing heat and cooling the current of gas; therefore every modification of the temperature in the zone of combustion reacts upwards to the furnace mouth, as every modification of temperature in other zones spreads in both directions, in some cases lowering, and in others raising, the temperature. Scheerert considers the following to be reasons of an in- crease of temperature:- a. Reaction from Below Upwards.-Fuel of high pyrometric effect; great relative quantity of fuel; highly condensed and heated blast; purity of the blast; narrowness and height of the furnaces. b. Reaction from Above Downwards.-Dry and roasted ore; dry fluxes and burned limestone; perfectly carbonised and dry fuel; suitable degree of division of ore mixture and fuel, as well as the density of the fuel; a perfect condition of the furnace walling, and no collection of waste gases. A decrease of the temperature takes place under other cir- cumstances. A modification of the temperature in zones of similar description by the action of the above-named circum- stances causes a variable extension of the zones, and both together exert an essential influence upon the amount of the production and the quality of the pig-iron; this influence has been clearly explained by Scheerer. The size of the smelting zone chiefly affects the largeness of the production, and the remedies for increasing the zone, within certain limits, are the relative quantity of fuel, the temperature, pressure, and quantity of blast, and the construction of the furnace. SCHEERER, Metallurgie, ii., 42. IRON BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 531 When treating ores poor in sulphur and phosphorus, a grey pig-iron rich in graphite and silicon is produced, if, owing to the coincidence of circumstances mentioned under a and b, the zones of combustion and smelting are very large, the zone for preparatory heating very small, whilst the zone of reduction retains a certain volume. If a decrease of tem- perature takes place from opposite reasons, the zones will stand in inverse proportion, and a white pig-iron poor in silicon and carbon, with an amount of sulphur and phos- phorus, large or small, according to the purity of the ores, will be formed. If the circumstances stated under a for an increase of temperature act together with the opposite cir- cumstances which would occasion a decrease of temperature, stated under b, the zones of combustion, smelting, and pre- paratory heating will be increased, the zone of carbonisation will be decreased, and the zone of reduction will remain stationary; a grey pig-iron will then be formed poorer in graphite and silicon than in the former case, and containing more phosphorus but less sulphur than the former white iron. And, finally, if the reasons enumerated under b for in- creasing the temperature act together with the opposite reasons of a for lowering the temperature, the zone of car- bonisation will attain its largest extent, and all the other zones, except the zone of reduction, which remains as before, will be reduced to their smallest compass. Pure, easily fusible ores will then yield spiegeleisen; if they are less pure, a white or mottled pig-iron results somewhat poorer in carbon and richer in silicon, but its contents of sulphur will be smaller than in the second case, and also its phosphorus if the phosphorus is not contained in the ore itself. Ores diffi- cult to reduce, which impede the zone of reduction, yield white pig-iron richer in carbon than in the second case. The time occupied by the charges in passing through the furnace essentially influences the quality of the pig- iron, as the reduction and carbonisation of the iron depend on it. The velocity of the charges increases with the easy fusibility of the mixture and the temperature in the furnace hearth, and also if less compact and quickly burning fuel is 2 M 2 532 IRON. employed. When smelting easily fusible ores with charcoal (Styria) the charges are in the furnace 3-6-12 hours, and up to 24 hours when smelting ores of slight fusibility. The charges are kept in coke and coal furnaces as long as 63 hours (page 421). THE MANIPULATIONS IN THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 1. Drying and Warming the Furnace. For long opera- tions the furnace walling must be very carefully dried and previously warmed; the fuel expended is amply paid for by the subsequent good action of the furnace. The interior of the furnace is next to be kept about the same temperature as a well heated dwelling-room for a longer time (from one to several months, according to the size of the furnace). For this end a fire-place is sometimes placed in the foundation of the furnace below the sole of the erection, and is kept going, whilst the moisture is expelled through horizontal and vertical channels, which are connected and lead into the open air. When warming Rachette's furnaces the temperature is gradually raised until coals thrown upon the bottom stone will light by themselves. Furnaces, such as those represented by Figs. 88 to 97 on pages 434 to 439, are dried for about three months, but the length of the warming operation depends entirely on circumstances. For the purpose of drying, a sort of air furnace is some- times erected before the front of the furnace at the height of the dam, and from this air furnace the products of combus- tion are conducted into the blast furnace, whilst the tuyeres are closed and the furnace mouth loosely covered. Where there is opportunity, the hot gases of other furnaces. (reverberatory furnaces) are conducted into newly-erected blast furnaces to warm them.* Sometimes, also, a small fire is kept up in the fore-hearth of the blast furnace itself, upon a temporary grate. In order to protect the hearth walling from immediate *LE BLANC, Eisenhüttenkunde, i., 102. MANIPULATIONS IN THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 533 contact with strong heat, it is lined with common bricks, and sometimes with iron plates, which prevent the flying of the stone work. In charcoal furnaces, as soon as steam ceases to escape from the furnace mouth, and the furnace walls have become per- ceptibly warm to the hand, the furnace is filled with charcoal, partly through the hearth and partly through the furnace mouth, until nearly full. The fuel is then lighted from below, and the tuyeres, fore-hearth, and furnace mouth are closed; the furnace mouth is opened from time to time for the escape of moisture. Sometimes the furnace is gradually filled with fuel, and new charges are given when the fire has risen to the surface. To the later charges of charcoal are added some finely divided blast furnace slag for the purpose of glazing the furnace hearth walling. After about two days an air- hole about half an inch in diameter is made in the lid of the furnace mouth and above the dam ; on the following day the hole in the lid is enlarged. One day later a tube half an inch in diameter is thrust through the tuyere reaching to the middle of the hearth, and the day following it is removed, leaving an opening in the tuyere, and the furnace lid is at the same time somewhat opened. The ash formed is removed from the fore-hearth about every 12 hours, whilst the charges which have descended are again replaced; and when on the fifth or sixth day fire appears on the surface, the first ore charges are given, often about five or five and a half weeks from the commencement of the warming. Coke furnaces usually require still greater care, a longer warming, and a more frequent removal of the ash than char- coal furnaces. The fuel in the furnace is sometimes lighted by means of a channel which communicates with the fore- hearth, whilst the tuyeres are closed and the furnace mouth covered (Belgium). The temperature and the exit of the vapours are regulated by a damper with which the furnace lid is provided, and in such a manner that in a few days the fire from the channel reaches the fore-hearth, and four or five days later the surface of the fuel. The ash and cinders are now removed from the hearth, for which purpose a grating of bars, carried by an external bearer laid across the rack 534 IRON. plates of the hearth, is placed within the furnace a little below the level of the tymp. The column of fuel is thus supported, and the air passing through the grate bars revives the com- bustion above. As soon as the lower part of the fuel is glowing, the bars are withdrawn and the ignited fuel allowed to fall into the hearth. For the first week this arrangement of grates is repeated every 24 hours, afterwards every 12 hours, and at last every 8 or 6 hours, till the hearth and bottom stone are of an orange-red colour without dark spots. The first ore charge is then made. 2. Blowing in.-This is the period when the warmed fur- nace requires to obtain the highest charge of ore and the maximum of blast. This operation also demands much care and time, and many expedients to shorten it have led to damage to the furnace and a decrease of the production; otherwise the time required for blowing in a furnace is de- termined by the size and the materials of which it is built, the fusibility of the ores, the quality of the fuel, &c. At the commencement small quantities of easily fusible slags or ore mixtures* are charged, or about a quarter of the normal mixture, which is gradually increased to about half till the first slag appears before the tuyere. Sometimes limestone is given as the first charge, in order to indi- cate the approaching ore charges, and also to scorify ash and stones which may have separated from the hearth lining. In charcoal furnaces the blast is not put in action during this time, and the air required is introduced through the hole for the tuyere and the fore-hearth. The charges therefore descend slowly, and the first ore charge enters the hearth in about eight days. The hearth is now perfectly cleaned, the bottom stone covered with small coal, the tuyeres and dam are put in their place, cold blast is put on with low pressure (about four lines), and the coals are drawn in the fore hearth and covered with a layer of clay. The tuyeres and fore-hearth are then cleaned every two or three hours from deposits and crusts. When the crusts become more * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 234. MANIPULATIONS IN THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 535 liquid the coals are drawn from the hearth, and the sufficiently hot slag is allowed to drop on the bottom stone and to collect in the hearth. The first iron, which is usually white, may then be tapped off in 12 or 16 hours. From this point the ore charges, and the temperature, quantity, and pressure of the blast, are gradually increased, the pig-iron is tapped off every 8 or 12 hours, whilst the slags are run off, until after some weeks the furnace has attained its normal ore charges. At Königshütte on the Hartz, for instance, the warming of the charcoal furnace occupies about four weeks. Three days after filling the furnace with coal a slow descent of the coal column takes place, and after five days the first ore charge of 5 cubic feet is made. In ten days, during which time 28 ore charges of 5 cubic feet each are given, slags appear in the hearth, which is then cleaned several times daily, frequently five times. The blast is next put on with a pressure of four lines, and the pressure and the ore charges are gradually increased in such a manner as to attain the normal charge of 83 cubic feet in ten days more. The blowing in of coke furnaces is effected in a similar manner, with a more frequent application of temporary grates. The larger furnaces require from eight to fourteen days for the descent of the first charges down to the tuyeres; and at the commencement blowpipe nozzles of from 1 to 13 inches, and at last of 3 inches or more in width, are employed, at the same time the pressure and the number of tuyeres are increased. When using too low a pressure (chiefly when the tuyeres are extra wide at the commencement), the smelting point becomes placed too near to the hearth walling. The blowing in of furnaces in this country is described in Ure's "Dictionary" as follows:- "A fire of wood is first lighted on the hearth; upon this is placed a quantity of coke, and when the whole is well ignited, the furnace is filled to the throat with regular charges of calcined ore, limestone, and coke, and the blast, which at first is moderate, is turned on. At the works round Merthyr * URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., ii., p. 700. 536 IRON. Tydvil the first charges generally consist of 5 cwts. of calcined argillaceous ore and 1 cwts. of limestone to 4 cwts. of rich coke. This burden is kept on for about ten days; it is then increased to 6 cwts. of calcined ore and 2 cwts. of limestone (Truran). The cinders usually make their appearance in about 12 hours after blowing; the metal flows in about 10 hours after, collecting in the hearth to the amount of 3 or 3 tons in 60 hours after blowing. If all goes on well, about 22 tons of metal will be produced in the first week, 38 tons in the second, 55 in the third, and nearly 80 in the fourth; after ten or twelve weeks the produce will average 110 tons. By forcing the furnace in its infancy a much greater produce of iron may be obtained, but to the injury of the subsequent working. Mr. Truran relates the following case in point: 'A furnace was blown in at the Abersychan Works with such volumes of blast and rich burden of materials that a cast of several tons was obtained within 14 hours after applying the blast. The first week's blowing produced 200 tons, at which rate it continued for two or three weeks, when it rapidly diminished, falling as low as 19 tons for one week's make. From this deplorable state it was made to produce 26 tons, and after a considerable time 100 tons, but with a large increase in the charge of materials over that of the other furnaces.' The latter instance clearly proves that the greatest care is necessary in blowing in furnaces. Upon applying first cold and afterwards hot blast the ore charges may be increased in a shorter time. It is best when blowing in to form easily fusible bisilicate slags (page 387), which, in coke furnaces, must be afterwards changed to basic slags. Upon increasing the ore charges too quickly, a lowering of the temperature takes place, and slags rich in protoxide of iron are formed, which attack the fur- nace lining; the introduction of a great volume of blast of high pressure at the commencement of the blowing in raises. the temperature too quickly; consequently, the hearth and shaft wallings are injured. MANIPULATIONS IN THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 537 Dufournet* hastens the blowing in, and effects a consider- able economy in fuel and time, by introducing the blast two inches above the bottom stone by means of tuyeres, after having sufficiently dried the furnace. When the furnace hearth attains a white heat the tuyeres on the bottom are closed with clay and the blast is introduced by the common tuyeres situated higher. 3. Charging Ore and Fuel.-A constant supply of fuel is usually added, whilst the charge of ore mixture is increased or decreased according to the requirements of the process, the quality of the fuel, &c. Only when charging by weight is it possible to keep up a constant proportion between ore and fuel, supposing the fuel to be uniform in quality; when employing wet coal, the charging may also be done by the volume, as the atmospheric influences modify the volume less than the weight. With charcoal furnaces the fuel is usually charged by weight and the ore mixture by measure- ment, after having ascertained the weight of one cubic foot of mixture. # in Concerning the quantity to be taken for a charge of fuel the rule is that the fuel charge must be sufficient to smelt the ore charge lying immediately above, and to form a sufficiently high layer in the furnace mouth, so that when it spreads out in the belly the layer of charcoal will be from 3 to 5 inches thick, and the layer of coke 4 inches. Von Mayrhofer expresses the smallest quantity of coal or coke required for a charge, by the formula '157 D2 (µ + 6) which D expresses the diameter of the belly in feet, and ʼn the weight of one cubic foot of fuel in lbs. Generally, the size of the fuel charges depends on the dimensions of the furnace and the quality of fuel and ore; for instance, re- fractory ores in large lumps require larger charges than easily fusible small ore; coke, owing to its difficult combusti- bility, requires smaller charges than charcoal, hard charcoal smaller charges than soft charcoal, &c. Excessive charges of fuel require a deeper descent in order to make room for the next charge, which thus cools the furnace throat too * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 342. 538 IRON. much. If the charges are too small, ore and fuel mix. together, causing a deficient smelting; but in coke furnaces this is not always the case, as, for instance, at Meppen* where the charge of coke is reduced from 3000 to 1000 lbs. = 60 cubic feet, with the best result; though, owing to the size of the single pieces of coke, the charge of coke scarcely forms a sufficient substratum for the ore in the furnace mouth, 12 feet wide and having an area of 104 square feet. According to Le Blanc, the French blast furnaces, working with a strong blast, use charges of from 20 to 40, or, at the highest, 60 cubic feet of fuel in charcoal furnaces from 25 to 40 feet high, and charges of from 20 to 35 cubic feet of fuel. in coke furnaces from 40 to 50 feet high. Karsten states the volume of these charges to be from 15 to 30, and 12 to 20 cubic feet respectively; but in practice. these numbers become modified in various ways. The size of the ore charges varies according to the actual process, which depends on the circumstances influencing the raising or lowering of the temperature, which we have given on page 530, and also on the intended nature of the pig-iron. Grey iron requires lighter ore charges than white iron. If, during the operation, the production of grey foundry iron is to be changed to that of white forge iron, the ore charges are gradually increased; at Malapanet when mottled iron is to be produced for casting rolls they first form grey pig in the hearth and then white pig by an increase of the ore charges, decrease of fuel, and stronger pressure. For the conversion of thickly liquid pig-iron rich in graphite, produced by a continued regular process, into a good grey iron, a few heavy ore charges are also given. The operation of charging requires great care, as it materially influences the regularity of the blast furnace process. The charging must be effected quickly, and therefore heavy burdens ought to be made at once, thus preventing the charges of coal from descending and changing their position. * HARTM., Fortschr., v., 129. † Berggeist, 1860, No. 99. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 438. MANIPULATIONS IN THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 539 before the ore charges are finished. Therefore, for the operation of charging, large vessels are preferable to small ones. The fuel must be suitably distributed; charcoal is charged with the smaller pieces placed upon the larger ones, in order to prevent the lumps of ore from rolling over, to which they have a tendency. Even with the most careful charging this rolling cannot always be avoided as, upon the descent of the smelting column, the heavier lumps of ore push the coal out of its place, so that it rolls and arrives before the tuyere when only one-third or one-fifth of the time required for its descent has elapsed. This rolling over of the ore is least liable to take place when the lumps of ore and fuel are of nearly equal size, and most liable to occur when smelting finely divided heavy ore (oolitic and pulverulent brown iron ore) with coal in large pieces; when not kept within certain limits this rolling may give rise to dangerous irregularities. of the process. With fine ore (oolitic ore at Thiergarten*) the rolling is sometimes lessened by introducing the coal charge in a convex form, and the ore charge in a corresponding concave manner, and also by employing the cup and cone charger (page 450) in the furnace mouth, thus distributing the iron ores over the circumference of the throat. For the same purpose four-wheeled cars are sometimes employed; these cars have a movable bottom of conical shape, which serves as a distributor, as the conical bottom is lowered after placing the car on rails above the furnace mouth. The ore seems to roll chiefly in the upper part of the furnace, where the difference between the specific gravity of ore and fuel is not yet outbalanced by the weight of the superin- cumbent column of smelting materials. Usually the mixture must be so charged that the small ore is distributed over the circumference of the furnace, whilst the larger pieces of ore fall in the centre (page 448). In smaller charcoal furnaces this purpose is gained by suit- ably raking the ores, when the ore on the circumference is beaten down. In furnaces with a wide mouth the charging * Preuss. Ztschr., iii., A., 190. 540 IRON. is effected in the manner stated on page 451, the most simple of which is the charging on different points of the circumference. At Ulverstone, in order to keep the furnace lining clearer, the ore and fuel are distributed irregularly on the different charging places. The mouth of the furnace used at Ulverstone is shown by Fig. 118, on page 455. About 8 feet below the furnace mouth a skeleton of six simple arches, a, of brickwork is erected, the centre of which is supported by a cylinder of iron plate, b, 4 feet wide, and sur- rounded with a refractory mantle. This cylinder communi- cates above the furnace mouth with the tube, c, which is made of iron plate 4 feet wide, and supported by the chimney,ƒ; it is provided with a slide valve for regulating the current of gas. The charging is effected by means of wooden barrows. through the six openings, d, in the chimney, and through the interstices of the arches. In Rachette's furnace the ore is charged more in the centre of the furnace, leaving the border freer in order to prevent the mixture from coming too near to the tuyeres when descending in the furnace. When leveling the charges of charcoal furnaces part of the charge is sometimes taken from the side of the tuyere and placed on the side of the tymp, to cause the slag to pass very hot before the tuyere, and thus prevent the formation of deposits; on the other hand, the blast will then blow less easily below the tymp out of the furnace, as the smelting mass there is less thinly liquid. Deficient places in the furnace shaft or hearth are sometimes repaired by placing more of the ore mixture, and sometimes even quartz, on that side of the furnace. The regularity of the charging is of most importance with lower furnaces and pulverulent iron ore. If the charges sink too deep in the furnace, the new charges cool the fur- nace, and the gases will burn too strongly, wasting the fuel; whilst the ores have not a sufficient preparatory heating, and when falling from a considerable height are so compressed as to impede the ascent of the furnace gases. In some iron works the depth to which the charges are allowed to sink is controlled by means of an iron rod bent MANIPULATIONS IN THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 541 at a right angle, or an apparatus is applied which gives notice as soon as the charges have descended to the necessary depth. We have already given the time required by the charges for passing through the furnace, and we have also seen that the charges descend more quickly in the centre of the fur- nace than at the sides, which causes the ore mixture and fuel at a certain depth below the furnace mouth to be more or less mixed. The different ores and appropriate fluxes for charcoal furnaces are placed, in suitable proportions, in alternate layers one above another, and from this heap the charges required for the furnace are taken in a vertical direction. In coke furnaces, ore and limestone are usually charged separately, or the limestone is placed on the bottom of the charging vessels, and upon it the different ores in alternate layers (Vorwärtshütte). 4. Manipulations in the Hearth.-These are chiefly :- a, the removal of the slag. The viscous bi-silicate slag in charcoal furnaces with an open front wall is raked out if the hearth is filled with it, and if it does not flow by itself over the dam on the floor round the furnace; water is poured over it and it is removed, whilst small coal is thrown in the fore-hearth. Thinly liquid slag, such as that usually pro- duced in Blauöfen furnaces with closed front walls, is either tapped off together with the pig-iron, then cooled with water and removed from the iron with iron rakes, or it is tapped off separately by the slag-hole into a trough-shaped hearth of small coal mixed with loam. An iron rod with a ring is then put into the liquid slag, which is lifted, after cooling, by means of a crane and chain upon an iron waggon and carried away* (Styria). The slag of some coke furnaces (Concordiahütte, Dudley, &c.), is treated in the same manner; some hours after the tapping off, when the slag has again collected in the hearth until it rises close to the tuyeres, an opening is made in the covering of the fore hearth through which the slag is allowed to run off, filling alternately two *KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxv., 609. 542 IRON. pits made for the purpose. In most cases the slag runs over the dam direct into iron slag waggons, the sides of which are loose; these boards are removed when the slag in them has cooled, forming blocks of from 15 to 20 cwts. The waggons with the slag are carried on railways by horses to where the slags are collected in large heaps. Owing to the very great quantity of slags which are daily formed, ample space for stowing the slags is of great importance to iron works, and where space is deficient artificial means are sometimes employed by piling the slag in very high heaps; at Séraing, for example, the slag is carried to the top of the heaps on spiral railways with an inclination of from 4 to 42 in a hundred. The slag of charcoal furnaces is usually submitted to a dressing for the separation of the mechanically enclosed iron. 1 Coke furnace slags are sometimes devitrified by allowing them to cool slowly under cover, when they assume a basaltic appearance, become at the same time very hard and tenacious, and form a good material for paving roads;* various other applications of blast furnace slags have been proposed. Elsnert employs slags which gelatinise upon treatment with acids for the manufacture of hydraulic lime; and Guettiert uses them for making manure and refractory bricks; Kumy,|| for cement and roof-tiles; Cunynghame,§ for the production of alum, mortar, cement, and manure, and for the purification of pyro-ligneous acid. In this country§ a company has been formed to employ blast furnace slags for tiles, paving, &c. At Gartsherrie, valleys which were filled with slags have been covered with mould and successfully cultivated. b, the removal of the pig-iron. Foundry pig-iron from charcoal furnaces is usually ladled out with warmed ladles coated with loam. When much iron (12 cwts.) is to be Von CARNALL, Preuss. Ztschr., 1861, p. 44. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 324. †DINGL., cvi., 321. Bgwkfd., xii., 273. Polyt. Centr., 1839, p. 1309. B. u. h. Ztg., 1846, p. 222. Ibid., 1853, p. 538. ¶ Bgwkfd., xviii., 516. MANIPULATIONS IN THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 543 ladled out at once the blast is removed, and the hearth is afterwards cleansed from deposits. Otherwise the iron is tapped off and conducted into large pans, or into separate hearths when intended for direct foundry purposes; or the iron is conducted into water if it is to be granulated ; when tapping off forge iron or foundry iron for a later re- melting, the iron is conducted into sand or cast-iron moulds placed in front of the furnace, whilst the blast is removed. The tap hole is opened by driving into it a wrought-iron bar, with a sledge hammer if necessary; the iron then runs into a gutter, which is connected with the moulds by means of cross gutters. The moulds are arranged in parallel series on the side of the chief gutter or feeder, and the transverse feeding gutters are known as sows. Beginning nearest to the furnace the moulds are filled with iron, one series after another, by suit- ably shutting up the chief feeder with a sort of spade. An iron spade is also placed in the chief feeder above the trans- verse feeders, so as to allow the liquid metal to pass below, whilst the slag is retained by it. The pieces of iron filling the moulds are called pigs, and they usually have a D-shaped section. The chief feeder immediately before the tapping hole is beaten down 8 or 10 inches deep with refractory sand; otherwise the iron will make its way into the sand and easily damage the dam. Towards the end of the tapping the blast is set in motion for some time, in order to empty the hearth from iron and slag as much as possible; the less often the furnace is tapped off the less the hearth will be cooled. Iron moulds are usually used for forge iron to chill the pigs and keep them free from sand, which adheres to them when casting in sand moulds, and exerts an influ- ence in the puddling process. The iron may be perfectly whitened by throwing water upon it. Foundry pig-iron, on the other hand, is cast in sand moulds, in order to prevent chilling. When tapping white pig-iron from Blauöfen the slag is tapped off once or twice by itself, and the iron is run on to the sand hearth immediately in front of the furnace, where it forms plates 2 or 3 inches thick; grey pig-iron is made to run 544 IRON. together with the slag into sand moulds, or in a pit 30 inches in diameter formed in loose sand to prevent the iron from boiling; the solidified crust of slag is then removed from the liquid iron, which is formed into thin plates by throwing water upon it, each time removing the solidified iron; the larger the number of plates formed (usually 30 or 40 from 10 cwts. of iron) the more advantageous it is. Von Mayr- hofer* states that iron covered with slag is freer from silicon, and it is also supposed that pig-iron cast in thick iron moulds, so as to form thin pigs, contains most of the silicon on the surface, probably combined with manganese. Upon throwing scraps of wrought-iron into the cast-iron moulds silicon will be separated; the resulting pig-iron when re-melted in cupola furnaces yields a more tenacious product than when smelting a mixture of wrought and common pig- iron in these furnaces. When the pig-iron is to have a bright surface, it is tapped off together with a small quantity of slag. When the surface of the iron is not to be bright, the slag is tapped off previous to the tapping of the iron; its quality indicates the nature of the pig-iron, and more of the latter can be kept in the hearth and be partly decarbonised by the influence of the blast. To granulate pig-iron it must be conducted by means of a sand gutter on to a concave pierced iron plate, which is placed above a reservoir of water, and the iron run in thin jets into the current of water; the iron in the reservoir is con- tinually raked to prevent the formation of coarse grains. When tapped, the pig-iron throws off a great number of sparks, owing to an evolution of gas which is not quite ex- plained, and to the oxidation of the particles thrown off; and the larger the number of sparks thrown off the less. carbonised the iron is. White iron solidifies quickly; grey iron remains liquid for a longer time, and throws off fewer sparks than white iron. After the tapping, the hearth is carefully cleaned whilst the blast is not in motion; the tapping hole is then closed, sometimes first with a plug of hot slag and then a plug of * LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 327, 328, 330. MANIPULATIONS OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 545 sand. The fore hearth is filled with small coal and the blast re-applied. When the ores contain lead, part of it volatilises in the hearth, but some of the metal finds its way through the joints of the stones, and collects below the bottom stone, where it condenses and is tapped off from time to time in one of the channels of the furnace foundation; as, for example, at Königshütte in Upper Silesia, and at Jchenberg, near Eschweiler, where upwards of 600 cwts. of lead and about 1000 cwts. of zinciferous deposits are produced annually. c. The cleaning of the hearth is effected by means of straight and crooked iron bars, which in this country are suitably supported by a movable crane suspended by a chain. More deposits are formed in coke furnaces than in charcoal furnaces. In charcoal furnaces, when the temperature rises too high; the descent of the charges is accelerated by ladling the furnace hearth empty, and by removing from the tuyere and the back wall all deposits which may impede the sinking of the smelting column; when there is an irregular process. caused by the cooling of the hearth and the presence of ores in it which have not been sufficiently prepared, the smelted mass is kept in the hearth as long as possible, but without allowing it to enter the tuyeres; and the quantity of blast is also sometimes lessened. When deposits of forge iron are formed, and the slag chills before the tuyere, the tem- perature and pressure of the blast are increased, the de- posits are removed, and the slag is taken from the tuyere to prevent its becoming thoroughly cold on in contact with the current of blast. Deposits of slag before the tuyere which are easily removed indicate a regular process, as they are poorer in iron and more refractory; deposits of forge iron indicate an irregular process, and impede the free access of the blast. A nose is only admissible if the hearth is very much burned out. If the smelted mass is hard and thickly liquid the forma- tion of deposits renders the manipulations in the hearth difficult, particularly the ladling of the iron. The formation of forge iron frequently narrows a hearth which has been over- widened, thus admitting of a normal process for a longer time. VOL. II. 2 N 546 IRON. Owing to the strong flame from below the tymp, coal and anthracite furnaces require less manipulation in the hearth. The manipulations are confined to shifting the smelting mass with long thin iron rods, shovelling out the burned small coal and slag by means of a supported shovel, partially closing the hearth with coarsely grained slag, and cooling the hearth with water if the flame becomes too lively; ash and fuel which have been broken up by the manipulations are also removed from the hearth by the blast escaping from below the tymp. An overcharging of the furnace may cause dangerous irre- gularities, which can only with difficulty be remedied.* Zinciferous deposits in the upper parts of the furnace must sometimes be removed with iron rods after having allowed. the charges to descend sufficiently deep, and whilst putting off the blast and closing the front wall and tuyeres. d. Feeding the furnace through the tuyeres, with sub- stances which either increase the temperature (coal), dis- solve the deposits (puddling slags, fluor spar, iron blast fur- nace slags), or partly decarbonise thickly liquid pig-iron rich in graphite (iron ore, puddling slags). In such cases it is advisable previously to remove all the old slag from the fur- nace. As the introduction of cold substances is liable to waste the hearth, they are usually charged by the furnace mouth, or the ore charges are increased or decreased, but the effects of this are only felt at a later time. e. Repairs of the hearth (replacing the dam, tymp, tuyeres, &c.) These operations are to be executed imme- diately after the tapping off, which must be in a regular pro- cess; and when the charges of fuel (some of which are made without any addition of ore) enter the hearth, the blast is removed and the furnace mouth closed. The red-hot stone is cooled from the outside by means of blast, and new stones which have been warmed are put in its place. In this manner the whole of the hearth wallings may be replaced. When replacing a tuyere, the corroded part of the tuyere stone is filled up with clay, and the new tuyere is first made to project further in the hearth; afterwards it is drawn back, B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 400. BLOWING OUT. 547 which widens the hearth towards the opposite side. The bottom stone* is likewise repaired by being beaten down with a mixture of clay and sand; the boshes are also repaired in like manner. Water tuyerest require repairs when they become leaky, as they may give rise to violent explosions. Pig-iron will also cause explosions if, owing to a wasting of the bottom stone, it enters the lower channels for carrying off moisture. The application of wood as fuel is also apt to cause explosions. 5. Stopping the Furnace.-Certain circumstances, de- ficiency of materials, for instance, may render it advisable to stop a furnace. This is done by allowing the ore charges to descend whilst re-filling the furnace with fuel only; the iron is tapped off, the blast put off, and the furnace her- metically closed after having removed the dam. The hearth is cleaned from ash from time to time, and ore charges are given in rapid succession when putting the furnace in blast again. 6. Blowing out. When it is necessary to blow out a fur- nace, which is usually caused by the modified dimensions of the furnace rendering the process irregular, and influencing disadvantageously the quality of the pig-iron and the con- sumption of fuel, the last ore charges are reduced and mixed so as to fuse more easily, and the final ore charge is covered with fuel. The smelting is then effected at the highest possible temperature in the hearth, and at an increased pres- sure of the blast. As soon as coal appears before the tuyeres the pig-iron is tapped off, the blast is removed, the tuyeres closed, the tymp removed, and the coal and remaining liquid mass taken out of the furnace. When there is no great hurry, the furnace is closed again and allowed to cool slowly, and, after cooling, the portions of the furnace requiring repairs are removed and replaced. This method of blowing out causes the upper parts of the furnace to be strongly attacked, as the heat increases with the descent of the smelting column. The iron cylinders placed in the furnace mouth for collecting the gases, and other metallic fittings and gas tubes, are liable to melt, and B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 400. + Ibid., 1860, p. 38. Schles. Wochenschr., 1859. No. 22. 2 N 2 548 IRON. must be removed as far as possible before the blowing out. Tunner* has therefore modified this operation by keeping the furnace full of coal until the last iron is tapped off, then all openings leading to the furnace shaft are closed, and after a sufficient cooling, the coals are removed by the front wall, which is broken open for this purpose. The length of an operationt varies according to the nature of the furnace materials, &c., and is seldom less than one or two years. Charcoal furnaces admit of operations of one, two, or three, and some of them occasionally eight years; those in Styria five or six years; blast furnaces in Belgium from eight to ten years; and blast furnaces in this country usually from seven to eight years, but frequently twenty or even twenty-five and fifty years. The furnaces in Sweden only admit of operations of three or six months, owing to peculiar local circumstances; an iron-master, for instance, will carry on different blast furnaces in different localities, in order to avoid much carriage of charcoal, or on account of deficient water power.‡ The shape of blown-out furnaces is shown by Figs. 140 to 144 on pages 475 and 476. Figs. 140 and 141 represent a Blauofen furnace with closed front walls at Eisenerz after an operation of five and one-third years. a is the first and b the last position of the tuyeres; c the first and d the last tap- ping-hole. Figs. 142 to 144 show a furnace of Königshütte in the Hartz which had been in operation for three and a half years. The lower part of the furnaces is usually more enlarged when hot blast is used, and cold blast enlarges the upper part most. CONDUCT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS, AND THE INDICATIONS OF THE WORKING CONDITION OF THE FURNACE. * Owing to the many different circumstances involved in the Bgwkfd., viii., 14. KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxi., 504. Bgwkfd., ix., 91; xi., 232. B. u. h. Ztg., ví., 129, 307; viii., 453; 1862, p. 414. Oesterr., Ztschr., 1853, pp. 249, 283, 367; 1856, p. 9; 1857, p. 279. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 221. CONDUCT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 549 blast furnace process, its conduct is not without difficulty. If the process is regular, nearly all the iron is reduced, and a perfectly liquid slag almost free from iron is formed. When at the same time there is a correct proportion between fuel and ore mixture so as to produce the intended pig-iron, the regular process is called normal, and according to the nature of the resulting iron, several modifications of the regular process may be distinguished. Opposite to the regular process stands the irregular process, in which part of the iron remains unreduced, and becomes scorified, and from which a white pig-iron of inferior quality results. An abnormal process is caused either by an excess of fuel or by a deficiency of slag. Indications of the working condition of the furnace are afforded by the nature of the pig-iron, the slag, the tuyeres, and by the flame of the furnace mouth and of the tymp, regardless of whether grey or white pig-iron is produced. 1. The Nature of the Pig-Iron as regards its colour in a liquid and a cold state, its degree of fusibility, the appearance of its fracture, the rapidity with which it solidifies, the aggre- gations on the surface of the liquid pig-iron, the appearance of the surface, the scintillations upon tapping, &c. The nature of the iron may be ascertained by the appearance of the metal in its liquid state (page 291), which serves as a rule for the iron-founders. The liquid iron is poured into a hole made in sand, and the hues which appear on the surface of the metal are observed. Very hot iron shows a very light colour, much movement of its surface, and remains liquid for a long time. According to Schott,* the different forms of the figures (aggregations and products of oxidation) caused by different crystalline forms of the iron indicate its nature. He states that iron of the regular process containing the highest amount of carbon shows only figures with parallel lines; iron containing less carbon, figures with lateral branches; mottled iron produced with charcoal crosses, mottled coke iron triangles; and thinly liquid iron containing the smallest amount of carbon, small figures in the form of stars. Bgwkfd., vi., 241. 550 IRON. These figures are particularly distinct in iron containing a small amount of sulphur. For instance, at Altenau on the Hartz, the white surface of the iron immediately after ladling is perfectly clear and mirror-like; the surface then undulates, moving a small ring of graphite towards the edges; in a few moments there appears a somewhat deepened mirror, and afterwards the surface becomes covered with a grey coating, in which the figures are formed till the iron solidifies. According to the impurity of the iron more or less scum appears on the solidifying surface of the iron, either in the form of small black points or in large spots with blisters lying underneath. Iron (uebergaares) produced with an excess of fuel shows no points at all, grey iron of the regular process some few small points, mottled and whitish iron a great number of black points, and white iron from an irregular process shows large spots. These large spots move to and fro on the liquid iron with great velocity, leaving impressions on the convex surface of the solidifying iron; these impressions have more or less sharp borders according to the temperature at which the iron is produced. After solidi- fying, iron produced with an excess of fuel shows a wrinkled surface, owing to aggregations of graphite, and the borders are higher than the centre; grey iron of the regular process and mottled iron solidify with a more even surface; the surface of mottled iron is somewhat concave, and dense castings result from it. Upon pouring off the liquid iron from below the chilled surface of the sample, the inside of the solidified iron shows different crystalline formations according to the quality of the iron, which depends chiefly on the ore mixture; and the same crystalline formations may be recognised on the fracture of the iron by means of a microscope; these crystals essen- tially influence the strength of the pig-iron. According to Schott's* experiments, grey iron of the regular process, containing the highest amount of carbon, shows a crystalline formation of slight compactness intermingled * B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, pp. 130, 334. CONDUCT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PRocess. 551 with plates of graphite; the same iron, with less carbon, shows a more regular crystalline composition, the crystals appear more distinctly, intersecting each other, and containing but little intermingled graphite; mottled iron is formed by still more perfect crystals, with branches of a pine-like appear- ance; thinly liquid iron with the smallest amount of carbon shows the most perfect formation of small ramified crystals with a scarcely perceptible intermingled graphite. Grey Pig-Iron (page 282) is usually produced from refractory ore mixtures in furnaces with a high, narrow hearth (easily fusible ores require a wide hearth (page 454); Rachette's furnace (page 461) with a proportionally wide hearth also admits of the production of grey iron) if the ores are first well heated and are not too rich in sulphur and phos- phorus, if the fuel is dry and compact, if the hot blast is employed, and other circumstances do not counteract the production of a high temperature. These circumstances and the large volume of the smelting zone, produced by an ample proportion of fuel to ore and by a sufficient quantity and pressure of the blast, are the chief conditions for the produc- tion of grey iron, if, at the same time, the better and more compact sorts of charcoal, or purer coke and coal poor in sulphur and ash, are employed. As the temperature rises (very hot blast of high pressure and compact coke, coal, or anthracite) the impurities of the pig-iron increase, the more siliceous the mixture employed. Scheerer classifies as follows the differences in the regular process which are caused by the joint reaction of the fuel and the temperature of the blast :— a. A lightish grey and somewhat bright iron poor in silicon and not too rich in graphite is produced, by employing at the smelting process plenty of fuel, chiefly soft charcoal, a cold blast of not too high a pressure, and pure iron ores also the smelting process must not be disturbed by ladling out the iron. The soft charcoal employed soon becomes red hot in the upper parts of the furnaces, facilitates reduction and prevents the decarbonisation of the iron before the tuyere, as it combines more easily with oxygen; it does not tend to reduce the silicon as the temperature produced is not 552 IRON. sufficiently high. Scheerer calls the process carried on under the above-named conditions a "kaltgaaren gang." The resulting iron is very strong and well fitted for forge purposes. This process can only be carried out in countries where. charcoal is cheap, and when quality is of more importance than quantity. These circumstances also allow the produc- tion of a good iron with the application of pure coke (page 509). 6. In order to save fuel a strongly heated blast is employed, producing a cheaper pig-iron; this is, however, almost black, rich in graphite and silicon, and requires re-melting in cupola or reverberatory furnaces to make it fit for castings; it is little used for forge purposes. The lessened quantity of fuel decreases the reducing gases, and the resulting iron is therefore less carbonised and combines with more silicon, owing to the high temperature of the furnace. This is the case with the production of the Scotch dark grey pig-iron with very hot blast and basic slags (page 341). If the blast is not strongly heated white pig-iron will result. This pro- cess is termed "heissgaarer gang." * The darkish grey Scotch pig-iron contains from 2 to 4 per cent of graphite, 0'4 to 0.8 per cent of chemically com- bined carbon, from 2 to 3 per cent of silicon (the siliceous ores contained 8 to 13 per cent) 0'03 to 0'07 per cent of sulphur, and o'07 to 0'21 per cent of phosphorus. The slags produced at the same time contain from 31 to 35 per cent of lime, from 20 to 26 per cent of alumina, from 30 to 36 per cent of silica, and from 2.5 to 8 per cent of sulphide of manganese. The Normal Process stands between the two before- mentioned. By employing a sufficient volume of blast not too strongly heated, and with a rather larger consumption of fuel (charcoal, coal, or coke), a moderately light grey pig-iron containing from 3°5 to 4°5 per cent of carbon (2 or 3 per cent of which are graphite) is produced; this iron may be used at once for castings, and it is also fit for forge purposes, either directly or after a previous refining when produced * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 323. CONDUCT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 553 from purer ores and fuel. The grey pig-iron most commonly produced belongs to this variety (England, Belgium, Upper Silesia, Westphalia, Hartz, &c.). If the purity of the iron ores admits of it, a mottled iron better adapted for forge and some foundry purposes may be obtained by lowering the temperature in the zone of smelting; for instance, by using a less hot blast or by increasing the ore charges. Mottled iron may also be produced by smelting roasted ores together with raw ores or iron forge slags (it is less advantageous to feed the furnace with slags through the tuyeres), or by producing grey and white iron alter- nately, which are then mixed in the crucible; in Malapane* both sorts of iron are produced separately and mixed in the required proportion. The iron produced in the normal process at a high tempe- rature is usually very hot, but it may become thickly liquid if it is exposed to cooling in an enlarged furnace hearth, &c. If at a regular process (chiefly when smelting a too refrac- tory ore mixture at a lower temperature), obstructions are formed in the hearth, whilst, at the same time, a white grained pig-iron results, and if refractory deposits accumu- late before the tuyeres, the temperature must be raised by a stronger heating of the blast, by a decrease of the ore charges, and sometimes even by charging coal without ore. If these remedies do not prove successful the furnace is fed through the tuyeres with coal, forge cinders (page 546), or, better, with fluor spar (page 546). If the temperature of the furnace rises too high, owing to excessive charges of fuel-for instance, if easily fusible ores suddenly have to be treated instead of the refractory ores which have been used before, by ill management of the process, or by the employment of too great a volume of hot blast of high pressure—a darkish grey, thickly liquid, coarse-grained pig-iron, rich in graphite (page 287) will be produced at an unnecessarily large consumption of fuel. This iron is unfit either for foundry or for forge purposes and the process which produces it is termed in German "übergaar,” i.e., the normal process in excess. The iron Berggeist, 1860, No. 99. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 438. 554 IRON. may be freed from a part of its graphite by plunging burnt iron into the furnace hearth, or by feeding the furnace through the tuyeres with ironstone, fluor spar, or forge cinders, or by giving a few heavier ore burdens (page 538), and the further formation of such graphitic iron may be pre- vented by a frequent removal of the slag, increasing the ore charges, or by lowering the temperature of the blast. Upon enlarging the quantity of blast and its pressure, and at the same time lowering its temperature, a quicker descent of the charges takes place, lowering the temperature in the hearth; the same result may be obtained by ladling the crucible as empty as possible, and removing all obstructions on the front of the back wall, which retard the descent of the charges. The separation of graphite is facilitated by stirring this pig- iron with wooden poles. Upon smelting an easily fusible ore mixture at a high temperature in the hearth (blackband ironstone in a fur- nace with narrow hearth, page 454), a ferruginous thinly liquid slag is formed, owing to the imperfect reduction. This slag strongly attacks the hearth lining, and decarbonises. the formed pig-iron, thus causing the formation of a white impure iron poor in carbon. The remedies for these disadvantages are, lowering the pressure and temperature of the blast, enlarging the hearth, or employing an ore mixture more difficult to fuse. A deficiency of slags in a furnace of high temperature causes a decarbonisation of the pig-iron, as it is not sufficiently protected against the blast, and deposits of forge iron are formed on the tuyeres and the hearth walling. These deposits are difficult to remove, and cause the charges to slip, thus further increasing the obstructions. This may be observed by the appearance of the tuyeres, and the flame escaping from the furnace mouth and below the tymp. To remedy this irregularity the blast and ore charges are first lowered, the hearth and tuyeres cleaned, and the fur- nace is fed through the tuyeres with forge cinders or fluor spar, and easily fusible ores are added to the ore mixture. If these expedients are of no effect, and too many obstruc- tions are formed, the tymp is removed, and blast introduced. THE PRODUCTION OF GREY AND MOTTLED IRON. 555 into the chilled masses through openings purposely made in the furnace walling. The following iron works are given as examples for the production of mottled and grey iron. The subjoined refer- ences show where the descriptions are to be found: 1. Charcoal in- a. Blauöfen (page 444).-Mariazell,* St. Stephan,† and Miesling in Styria, Witkowitz.|| I b. Blast Furnaces with Open Front Walls.-Iron works in the Upper Hartz,§ Ilsenburg,¶ Lauchhammer,*, Ludwigs- hüttet, in Hesse, Eiserfeyt, on the Eifel, Wiesbaden, ||. Veckerhagen,§, Gravenhorst, T, Theissholz,*, Thiergarten,†₂ Tangerhütte,‡₂ Upper Silesia,||2 Belgium, §, England, T₂ Sweden,*, Finland,t, Norway,‡, Polonia, Russia, §, &c. 2. Charcoal and Wood.-Iron works on the Bruns- I LEOB., Jahrb., 1842, p. 146; 1843, p. 96. † Ibid., 1860, ix., 285, 301. Oesterr. Ztschr.. 1856, p. 183. + Ibid., 1858, p. 193. 3 § B. u. h. Ztg., 1851, p. 684; 1858, p. 129; 1861, p. 44; duction, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 113; 1860, pp. 44, 135; pp. 44, 106; 1863, p. 13. ¶ SCHEEKER'S Metallurgie, ii., 104. Bgwkfd., vi., 241. p. 129. * SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 103. I tı Bgwkfd., ix., 198. 2 2 Pro- 1862, p. 77. 1861, p. 30; 1862, B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, +1 KARST., Arch., 1 R., vii., 9. SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 112. I I SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., III. Ι §1 KARST., Arch., 2 R., Bd. 25, p. 235. I T 1 B. u. h. Ztg., 1853, p. 50. KARST., Arch., 1 R., xvii., 128. I *2 RITTINGER'S Erfahrungen, 1855. t2 Preuss. Ztschr., iii., A., 190. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 166. + 2 Preuss. Ztschr., iii., A. 179. ||2 WACHLER, die Eisenerzeugung Oberschlesiens, Hft. 3, pp. 16, 41; Hft. 6, pp. 86, 88. §2 TUNNER'S Ber. über d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 36. VALERIUS, Roheisenfabrication, Deutch v. HARTMANN, 1851, pp. 100, 544. ¶½ B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 169; 1863, p. 156. 2 +3 3 TUNNER, das Eisenhüttenwesen in Schweden, p. 1858. †3 B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 409. + +3 3 SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 117. ||3 Ann. d. Min., 1858, livr. 1, p. 89. §3 SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 118. Bgwkfd., xx., No. 22. 556 IRON. wickian Hartz, namely,-Zorge,* Rübeland,† Gittelde;‡ Schreckendorf|| in Glatz, Champigneulles§ near Nancy, Witkowitz,¶ Hieflau,*, Russia,t,. Ι 3. Charcoal and Turf.-Neustadt, I, Hieflau,, Tanger- hutte,§, Thiergarten, T, Pillersee,*, Achthal,t, Irland,t, &c. 4. Charcoal and Coke.-Heinrichshütte, 2 near Loben- stein, Upper Silesia, §, Siegen, T, Gaya*, in Moravia, &c. 2 2 5. Turf Coal.-Underwillert, in Switzerland, Tanger- hütte,‡, &c. 6. Charcoal and Mineral Coal.-Wengerska Gorka||3 in Moravia. 3 7. Coke.-Upper Silesia,§, Königshütte, T, Malapane,*, Vorwärtshütte, Hubertshütte,‡, Hohenlohehütte, Glei- 4 B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 441. † Ibid., 1853, No. 1. KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxv. Preuss. Ztschr., i., B. 198. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 282. ¶ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, p. 202. *1 Ibid., 1861, p. 113. ti Ibid. I + + I 1 B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 331. 1 Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, No. 41. §1 Preuss. Ztschr., ii., 172. I ¶ Ibid., iii., A., 190. * 2 LEOB., Jahrb., 1854, p. 236. t2 Ibid., xi., 45. 4 2 B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, pp. 139, 148. +2 ||2 Ibid., 1857, P. 325. §2 Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 180. ¶½ TUNNER' SBericht. über d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 37. 2 * B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 149; 1860, p. 145. 3 tз Ibid., 1862, p. 264. 3 ++ Preuss. Ztschr., ii., 172. +3 ||3 Oesterr. Ztschr,, 1857, p. 274. §3 WACHLER, Eisenhohofenbetrieb in Oberschlesien: Oppeln, 1857. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 193; 1859, pp. 204, 328; 1861, p. 169. ¶3 B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 244, 389, 399; 1861, p. 337. * 4 WACHLER, Geschichte d. ersten. Jahrh. der Eisenhüttenwerke zu Mala- pane: Glogau, 1857. 14 HARTM., Fortschr.. iii., 145; iv., 119; v., 105. ‡4 Ibid., v., 95, III. ||4 Ibid., iv., 115. THE PRODUCTION OF GREY AND MOTTLED IRON. 557 witz,* Laurahütte,† Tarnowitz, Hasslinghausen,|| Hörde,§ Johannishütte, ¶ near Duisburg, Henrichshütte*, near Hat- tingen, Porta Westphalica,†, Georg Marienhütte,‡, Mep- pen, Mühlhofen,§, Kladno, T, Hof*, in Bavaria, Belgium,†₂ England, 12 Ulverstone, 2 Low Moor,§, Ystalyfera, T₂ Aber- dare,*, &c. France, t, Creuzot, t, Decazeville, |, Maubeuge, §, Fourchambault,¶¸ &c. + +2 3 3 8. Coal Alone, or in Mixture with Coke.-England, Dow- lais, Aberdare,t, &c. Upper Silesia (experiments with * coal). 4 4 * HARTM., Fortschr., i., 187; iii., 144 ; vi., 139. † Ibid., iii., 145; vi., 136. † Ibid., iii., 145. + || B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 73; 1860, pp. 54, 284, 427. § HARTM., Fortschr., i., 188; iii., 149. ¶ Schönfelder, c., i., 1 Jahrg., 2 Lief., 1861. * HARTM., Fortschr., i., 188; ii., 214. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, pp. 106, 218. I I †ı B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 156. Berggeist, 1859, No. 61, + + I 1 HARTM., Fortschr., ii., 241. 1 Ibid., v. 103, 115. §1 Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 59. 1 Ibid., 1863, p. 88. I 2 Ibid., 1860, p. 293. 12 VALERIUS, Roheisenfabrikation, Deutch. v. HARTMANN, 1851, pp. 473, 498. KARST., Arch., 1 R., vii., 318; 2 R., xxi., 584; xxiii., 661. + 2 VALERIUS, Roheisenfabrikation, Deutch. v. HARTMANN, 1857, p. 523. ECK and CHUCHUL, in KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxv., 589. STENTZ, in Preuss. Ztschr., iii., 81. B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 278. TRURAN, in B. u. Ztg., 1856, P. 335. Allgem. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 21. GRUNER and LAN, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 42. HARTMANN, Fortschr., vi., 140. JORDAN, in Allgem. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 13. ROLLIN, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 413. ||2 TUNNER, Ber. üb. d. Londoner Industrie-Austellung, in 1862, p. 32. $2 Preuss. Ztschr., iv., B. 217. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 206. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 142. T2 B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 429. *3 Ibid., 1862, p. 413. †3 Ibid., 1842, p. 80, 1860, p. 450. 3 KARST., Arch., 1 R., vii., 303. 3 B. u. h. Ztg., 1844, p. 417; 1845, p. ISI. §3 SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 134. 93 B. u. h. Ztg., 1845, p. 154. 4 KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxv., 589. B. u. h. Ztg., 1845, PP. 481, 977; 1846, pp. 226, 987; 1848, p. 5; 1862, p. 428. Preuss. Ztschr., iii., B. 86. TUNNER, Ber. üb. d. Londoner Industrie-Austellung, in 1862, p. 52. KLOCHE, Dowlais Works, Stettin, 1850. †4 B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 413. +4 Berggeist, 1862, Nos. 18 to 25. 558 IRON. 9. Anthracite.-Scotland (Gartsherrie, Govan, Mock- land, Dundyvan, Calder), South Wales,† (Yniscedwin,‡ Ystalyfera||), Pennsylvania.§ 10. Anthracite and Coke.-Ystalyfera.¶ Similar examples are also to be found in the following treatises on the metallurgy of iron, which may be recom- mended for the study of the iron smelting process:- JOHN PERCY, M.D., F.R.S., Metallurgy: the Art of Extract- ing Metals from their Ores, and Adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufacture. London: 1864. W. FAIRBAIRN. Iron its History, Properties, and Pro- cesses of Manufacture. Edinburgh: 1861. TRURAN. The Iron Manufacture of Great Britain, Theo- retically and Practically considered, 2nd edition, revised by J. Arthur Phillips and William H. Dorman. London: 1862. G. WILKIE. The Manufacture of Iron in Great Britain. London and Edinburgh: 1857. KARSTEN. Handbuch der Eisenhüttenkunde. nebst Atlas. Berlin: 1841. 5 Bände LE BLANC UND WALTER. Practische Eisenhüttenkunde, Deutch Bearbeitet von C. HARTMANN, 2 Bde., und 3 Sup- plem. mit Atlas. Weimar: 1837-1841. Fortsetzung unter dem Titel; Practische Eisenhüttenkunde von C. HARTMANN. 3 u. 4 Band. Weimar: 1843—1846. OVERMAN'S Treatise on Iron. New York 1851. : SCHEERER'S Lehrbuch der Metallurgie. HARTMANN'S Grundriss der Eisenhüttenkunde. 1852. Berlin : * B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, p. 845; 1852, p. 99; 1854, pp. 144, 225; 1855, p. 278; 1862, p. 302. Preuss. Ztschr., ii., Bd. 96; iii., Bd. 81. KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxv., 601. Polyt. Centr., 1856, p. 998. SCHEERER'S Metallurgie, ii., 135. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 323, 413. + Ibid., 1862, p. 428. ** || Berggeist, 1858, p. 51. Preuss. Ztschr., iii., p. 81. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, P. 430. § Preuss. Ztschr., ii., p. xxii. Ann. d. Min., 5 sér., xix., ¶ B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 429. 490. CONDUCT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 559 HARTMANN. Fortschritte der Eisenhüttenkunde mit 17 Tafeln. Berlin: 1851. VALERIUS. Traité pratique de la Fabrication de la Fonte. 1851. JULLIEN. Theoretisch-practisches Handbuch der Eisen- Deutch von Hartmann. hüttenkunde, nebst Atlas. Brüssel und Leipzig. 1861. Die Fabrikation des Eisens. Von E. FLACHAT, D. BARRAULT, und J. PETITE. Lüttich und Leipzig: 1851. Als syste- matischer Text hierzu. HARTMANN: Practisches Hand- buch d. Roh., und Stabeisen bereitung. Leipzig: 1857. HARTMANN. Die Fortshritte des metallurgischen Hütten- gewerbes. I.-VI. Leipzig: 1858—1863. HARTMANN. Handb. d. Eisengewerbskunde. Leipzig: 1860. WENIGER. Practisher Schmelzmeister. Carlsbad: 1860. HARTMANN. Vademecum für den Practischen Eisenhütten- mann, 3 Aufl. Hamm.: 1863. White Pig-Iron (page 267).-This kind of iron is pro- duced at a moderate temperature from easily fusible ores. whilst employing either charcoal, coke, or mineral coal, and either cold or moderately heated blast; the furnaces employed have a more or less wide hearth, and a smelting zone reduced to a small volume. As coke and hot blast increase the temperature of the smelting zone, they neces- sitate an enlargement of the hearth. White coke iron is usually more impure than white charcoal iron, both being produced from the same kind of pure iron ores; but white charcoal iron produced from an impure ore mixture is usually more impure than white coke pig-iron produced from purer ores. The process in the furnace must be modified according to whether the production of one or the other sort of white iron is intended; and more white, iron generally enters the slag, even at a regular process, than grey iron. Spiegeliesen (page 269) is nearly free from silicon, sul- phur, and phosphorus, and is usually saturated with carbon. It is produced from roasted, manganiferous, brown, or spathic iron ores, free from sulphur and phosphorus, in 560 IRON. furnaces with a wide hearth (large zone of carbonisation and small smelting zone) and narrow mouth (page 453), usually employing charcoal and hot blast (Styria); some- times pure coke and cold or hot blast are used (Siegen, Hörde, Hochdahl). The manganese contained in the iron ores purifies the iron, facilitates its carbonisation, renders the spathic ores of easy fusibility, whilst the porosity of these ores facilitates the reduction and carbonisation, assisted by the construction of the furnace. The applica- tion of coke and hot blast probably causes the formation of a pig-iron containing manganese and silicon (Siegen), and Krupp prefers this iron for the manufacture of steel. A certain amount of sulphur and phosphorus in the iron prevents its saturation with carbon (page 301), and may give rise to the separation of graphite. The production of spiegeliesen from iron forge cinders and Franklinite has been mentioned on pages 270 and 327. Hohenegger* considers the formation of a mono-silicate slag, which is rendered of easy fusibility by a certain amount of protoxide of manganese, essential for the production of spiegeleisen. According to Rammelsberg's + latest investigations, the suggestions of Karsten (page 271), and Gurlt (page 271), concerning the constitution of the different kinds of pig- iron are erroneous. Rammelsberg states that spiegeleisen contains upwards of 15 per cent of graphite, and a variable amount of chemically combined carbon, sometimes as little as 3.1 per cent. He proves by analysis that neither Gurlt's tetracarbide nor octocarbide have any existence, and con- siders the pig-iron as an isomorphous mixture of its com- ponents, thus explaining the change in its composition; white and grey iron differ from each other, as iron and carbon are contained in them in heteromorphous states. The chief improvements in the production of spiegeliesen (Styria, Siegen, &c.) consist in enlarging the furnaces and the quantity of blast, in the employment of hot blast, in the * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1863, p. 307. † ERDM, J. f. pr. Chem., Bd. 89, p. 393. + LEOB., Jahrb., 1857, vi., 176. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 263. + CONDUCT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 561 improved methods of roasting, &c., and they have resulted in an increased production and a saving of fuel. * Spiegeleisen is produced in Blauöfen in Styria (Vordern- berg, Eisenerz, Hieflau, Turrach,|| Neuberg,§ Hütten- berg, ¶ &c.), in Carinthia,*, (Lölling,t, Lavantthal,;, &c.) Siegen,|| Thuringia.§, (Katzhütte,¶, &c.), Lombardy,*2 Tyrol, (Jenbach†₂). I At Gittelde‡2 on the Hartz, spiegeleisen is produced in furnaces with open front walls. B. Flowery and Porous White Iron (Blumige and Luckige Flossen) (page 276).-These kinds of pig-iron are produced under almost the same circumstances as spiegel- eisen; they are formed if the temperature is somewhat lowered by increased ore charges, &c., and if the very easily fusible mixture remains for a shorter time in the zones of carbon- isation and smelting, thus impeding the carbonisation. LEOB., Jahrb., 1842, pp. 125, 146; 1843, p. 96; 1861, pp. 281, 402, 403, 404, 407; 1862, p. 301. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1853, p. 789. LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, ix., p. 284. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, P. 374. B. u. h. Ztg., 1847, p. 753; 1853, pp. 223, 256; 1861, p. 5. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1853, pp. 85, 120, 249, 283; 1855 p. 374; 1856, p. 21; 1858, pp. 87, 121. LEOB., Jahrb., 1862, xi., 299. KRAUS, Jahrb., 1848, p. 30; 1849. p. 62; 1855, pp. 63, 445. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1849, p. 401. § Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, pp. 126, 241; 1858, p. 104. ¶ LEOB., Jahrb., 1841, p. 225; 1842, p. 77. I Preuss., Ztschr., 1857, v., Lief. 3. Bericht der K. K. Berghauptm., 1858, p. 88. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 105. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1859, No. 22. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 103. I tı LEOB., Jahrb., 1842, p. 220; 1843 and 1844, p. 82. MERBACH, Anwendung, der erhitzten Gebläseluft, 1840, p. 6. Ztg., 1861, p. 51. Oesterr. Ztschr., pp. 87, 121. B. u. h. + I + 1 B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 339. 1 Schles. Wochenschr., 1860, No. 18. I B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, p. 314; 1857, P. 408. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 166. JACOBI, das Berg- Hütten- und Gewerbe- wesen im Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg, 1857, p. 37. TUNNER, Ber. über d. Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, p. 37. Berggeist, 1863, No. 23. §ı Ann. d. Min., 4 sér., ii., 231. Berggeist, 1860, No. 60. T1 Berggeist, 1860, p. 432. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 5. 2 B. u. h. Ztg., 1844, p. 102. KARST. Arch., 2 R., xviii., 325. +2 Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, Nos. 47, 48; 1856, No. 2. + +2 KARST. Arch., 2 R., xxv., 261. KERL, Com. Unterharz. Freiberg, 1853, p. 91. Polyt. Centr., 1858, p. 107. Preuss. Ztschr., ii., 126. VOL. II. 2 0 562 IRON. These kinds of iron contain 4 and 3 per cent of carbon re- spectively. White and slightly porous iron (kleinluckiges) has the smallest amount of carbon and is the most difficult to fuse. Eggertz* found in such an iron 3.3 per cent of carbon. If the small pores are dull looking, owing to the oxidation (gekrauste Flossen) which usually takes place when the fur- nace contains scaffolds, the iron is still poorer in carbon and very difficult to fuse. As the formation of these varieties of iron requires a comparatively low temperature, the process for their production cannot be continued for any long time unless the ores are of very easy fusibility, and the alternate production of spiegeleisen is required. The production of slightly porous white pig-iron chiefly gives rise to many obstructions, and therefore charges of fuel are given from time to time without the additional ore charges; this, how- ever, is only effective in small furnaces. In higher fur- naces the ore charges are changed systematically in the following manner: the charges required for one tapping of the furnace are increased by, say, 10 or 20 lbs. above the normal charge, and the charges for the following tapping are lessened again by 30 or 40 lbs., thus dissolving the old obstructions and forming new ones. This sort of iron may also be produced by feeding the furnace through the tuyeres. In Blauöfen larger obstructions sometimes make it necessary to raise the tuyeres and tapping hole to a higher level. irregular process is remedied by frequently tapping the slags and lowering the blast, and also by suddenly strongly heating the blast. The slags formed in the production of white pig- iron with small pores are richer in iron than slags formed in the production of iron with large pores. An These kinds of iron are chiefly produced in Styria and Carinthia. White Pig-Iron Produced at a Regular Process (page 279). This kind of iron, used for conversion into wrought-iron, is produced from ores which are not perfectly pure, and contain sulphur and phosphorus; coke and hot * EGGERTZ, colorimetr. Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffs in B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 280. CONDUCT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS. 563 blast are generally employed, thus producing a somewhat higher temperature than is used for the production of spiegeleisen, and the resulting iron is poorer in carbon but richer in silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus. Iron containing a larger amount of phosphorus is no longer of any use even if a higher smelting temperature is employed; this also increases the amount of silicon. According to Berthier, an iron of this kind from Firmy contained- C. S. Ꮲ . Si. I' + t 0°30 2°30 410 The easy fusibility of the ore mixture required is induced either by manganese, which has a purifying action and causes the formation of good slags poor in iron, or by iron,* for instance, by adding a large quantity of iron forge cinders to the ore mixture (production in Wales of white iron of inferior quality intended for rails). In this case the slag may contain 20 per cent of oxidised iron, causing a great loss of iron (in Wales several thousand tons annually). An attempt to produce white iron from refractory ore mixtures by increasing the ore burdens would speedily give rise to obstructions in the furnace. Sometimes, in a new furnace, grey foundry iron is produced at the commencement and white iron later on, after the hearth has been sufficiently enlarged. This kind of iron is frequently produced in England, Belgium, Westphalia, &c. White Pig-Iron Produced at an Irregular Process (page 280). Its production is caused by an imperfect reduction and carbonisation, consequently oxidised iron enters the hearth, part remaining in the slag and part decarbonising carbide of iron which has been formed; the resulting iron is then poor in carbon, and also rich in sulphur and phosphorus if produced from impure ores. Eggertz found 2.7 per cent of carbon, in such an iron, which had been decarbonised by the thinly liquid ferruginous slag, and was even to a certain degree ductile. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 209. 254, 323, 413. 202 564 IRON. The insufficient preparatory heating of the ores, which in- duces the irregular process, may be caused by many circum- stances, such, for instance, as the following:-a lowering of the temperature by too heavy and too moist ore charges; the application of an inferior, moist, friable, and small fuel rich in ash; if the ore mixtures are either too rich or too poor, either too easy or too difficult to fuse, or if they are not of uniform fusibility and reducibility; if the ores are over or under roasted, if they are wet and friable with much loam, thus forming lumps, or if they contain silicates of iron, such as iron forge cinders, which accelerate the descent of the charges; an irregular ascent of the gases caused by too great a division of the ore or fuel; an imperfect reduction if the ore pieces are not sufficiently broken up; inappropriate dimensions of the furnace, chiefly if it is too wide, too narrow or too low, if it has too high or low a hearth, too straight or flat boshes, &c.; wrong proportions of the blast with regard to quantity, pressure, and temperature; irregular charging, &c. Von Mayrhofer* has given a comprehensive review of all the circumstances which may induce an irregular process, together with the expedients for restoring regularity. The consequences of an irregular process are, chiefly, an inferior white pig-iron (not to be confounded with the white. chilled pig-iron, page 281), a small production, loss of iron, the formation of a thinly liquid slag which strongly attacks the furnace lining and does not efficiently protect the iron in the hearth against the influence of the blast, a decrease of the waste gases, so as to render them insufficient for heating the blast (page 529), and, above all, the formation of obstruc- tions or scaffolds and deposits, chiefly of malleable iron, causing a slipping or retaining of the charges, sometimes even sufficient to completely choke the furnace (especially if the boshes are too flat, the ores and fuel too small, and the pressure of the blast too high, so as to cause the iron to cake). * Bgwkfd., ix. 67. B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, pp. 688, 720; 1845, p. 689. KRAUS, Jahrb., iii., I. HARTM., Vade-mecum, f. d. pr. Eisenhüttenm., 1863, p. 227. † Bgwkfd., viii., 455. THE NATURE OF THE SLAGS. 565 In order to find the best means of remedying an irregular process, the causes of the irregularity must be each time ascer- tained by noticing the accompanying appearances, and whether the irregular process be periodical or continued. If, for instance, the temperature in the hearth has decreased, the inferior iron and all deposits and obstructions must be quickly removed from the crucible; lighter ore charges must be given, the temperature of the blast increased, and its quantity decreased by employing smaller tuyere nozzles, and moderating the motion of the blast engine; sometimes the pressure must be diminished to retard the descent of the charges, the furnace is fed with coal through the tuyeres, much slag is kept in the hearth, the ladling of iron from the furnace is avoided, &c. During these manipulations care must be taken to prevent the iron from entering the tuyeres, as it will quickly solidify, and exclude the blast from the furnace. In such cases the pressure and temperature of the blast is increased, and it is passed through other tuyeres that have not been blocked up, and if this proves insufficient, the blocked-up tuyere is opened by force. If, owing to an over refractory ore mixture, the process is not benefited by these remedies, and continues irregular for a longer time without improvement, the pressure of the blast must be increased, the mixture rendered more fusible, or a too easily fusible mixture is rendered more refractory. If the ores are not of uniform reducibility, a smaller pressure of the blast is advisable, or the mixture must be rendered more refractory. If white iron is produced instead of grey, owing to too great an enlargement of the furnace hearth, the hearth may frequently be narrowed by charging quartz on the enlarged side of the furnace. When the charges are retained in their descent by obstructions, the blast is immediately shut off by closing the tuyeres, and sometimes extraordinary measures are required, such as raising the tuyeres, and introducing cast-iron pipes to conduct the gases.* 2. The Nature of the Slags with regard to their con- B. ur. h. Ztg., 1859, PP. 294. 399. 566 IRON. sistency in the hearth, and when running above the dam, as well as their appearance after cooling. a. Slags resulting from the regular process at the produc- tion of grey iron. These slags from charcoal furnaces are mostly bisilicates; when liquid they are viscous, they cool slowly, and are lighter in colour the more regularly the process is carried on. Some of these slags also are coloured, chiefly grey and blue, and the grey show a violet tint when drawn into thin threads (iron works on the Upper Hartz). Upon quickly cooling they remain vitreous with a conchoidal fracture, and are more or less transparent at the edges; when in contact with water they take a pumice-like appearance of a white, greyish or greenish white colour, whilst sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved. When slowly cooled, they have an opaque stony kernel, usually with a splintering fracture. At a regular pro- cess in excess, i.c., at a very high temperature of the furnace hearth, the slags formed are very viscid, and may be drawn into light threads; after cooling they are of a light colour, inclosing grains of iron and graphite, or graphite coats the slag; sometimes they are stony with a porous texture, and are easily cooled by the influence of the blast. This porosity always indicates too great a refractoriness of the ore mixture, easily causing the scorification of iron, and then forming a viscid green or dark slag. Owing to a lower state of silication, coke furnace slags are more thinly liquid than charcoal furnace slags, they chill more quickly, and after cooling they are opaque with a less conchoidal fracture, are thoroughly stony or crystalline, and sometimes stony in the middle and vitreous on the out- side; they are seldom vitreous throughout, even when most rapidly cooled. Their colours are light, frequently pale. yellow, leek or olive green (probably owing to the presence. of manganese) and blue. Protoxide of manganese gives a light green colour, peroxide of manganese a violet hue. b. Slags resulting from the regular process for the pro- duction of white iron. Owing to the presence of a larger amount of manganese they are very liquid and chill quickly, showing a light yellowish or yellowish green colour, THE NATURE OF THE SLAGS. 567 but they do not boil before the tuyere, and when solidified they vary from compact to very porous, and are vitreous or stony according to the rapidity of cooling. Upon causing the easy fusibility of the slags by a greater or smaller amount of protoxide of iron, they assume a colour varying from light to darkish green, and appear to boil up, owing to an oxida- tion of the carbon in the carbide of iron by protoxide of iron. Some iron will always be scorified, even at the most regular process. According to Klein* a normal slag from Vordernberg (very easily fusible, lightish green, from stony to vitreous, and forming but little thread) was composed as follows:- 3 SiO3 Al₂O₂ CaO MgO FeO. 45'7 5'6 MnO S.. 21.7 7.8 7'3 7'5 0° 113 It stands between mono- and bisilicate, its proportion of oxygen standing as 24: 15. A slag yielded at the production of spiegeleisen in Lohe, analysed by Tiemann, contained- 3 SiO, ALO CaO MgO FeO MnO KO. S 41'45 2.18 23'57 5'61 I'09 21'07 I'75 I'99 c. Slags resulting at an irregular process. Owing to the presence of iron they are more fusible and chill more quickly; charcoal furnace slags after cooling are green or black in colour and glass-like in appearance; they are more or less blistered owing to the formation of gas by the reaction of the ferri- ferous slag upon the carbon of the iron, which reaction also causes the slag to rise in the hearth. When the slag loses * LEOB., Jahrb., 1862, xi., 301. 568 IRON. its vitreous nature and becomes dull, thickly liquid, and earthy, showing a darkish green or black colour and inclosing many grains of iron and particles of the ore mixture, &c., the irregular process in charcoal furnaces has reached the highest point of irregularity. The commencement of an irregular process in coke blast furnaces is indicated when the green or blue colour of the slag changes to brown; upon an increase of the irregular process the colour becomes darker, duller, and lead-like, and the slags are similar in appearance to the rich (gaar) slags resulting at the conversion of pig-iron into wrought-iron in open hearths. Slags produced from a mixture containing silicates of iron are always richer in iron than if produced from a mixture without such silicates. 3. Behaviour of the Smelting Mass before the Tuyeres. -The appearance of the tuyeres, such as the intensity of their glowing, the regularity of the smelting, and the forma- tion of deposits are the chief means of judging the process. At a regular process the mouth of the tuyere is free from deposits, and so brilliant as to make it impossible at the first glance to discern anything in the hearth; the coal can only be clearly perceived after looking into the tuyere for some time, when we also see the regular, steady, quick falling of heavy, round drops of grey iron (spiegeleisen shows white hot pieces which quickly disperse; pig-iron poor in carbon shows darker and more compact pieces) and slowly flowing slag. The formation of a nose shows that the mixture has been too refractory, the blast too moist, the quantity of blast too large, &c., and the remedies mentioned on page 565 are to be applied. Unreduced pieces of ore entering the hearth are of a darker colour, and sometimes fly into pieces with an explosion. Too high a temperature of the hearth increases the brightness of the tuyeres and also the inclination to form deposits. A deficiency of slag-forming components (page 554) facilitates the formation of malleable iron. At an irregular process the brightness of the tuyeres decreases, and coal, pig-iron, and slag may at once be BEHAVIOUR OF THE FURNACE FLAME. 569 clearly observed through the tuyeres. Owing to an oxidation of the pig-iron the slag before the tuyere boils up, and by its easy chilling facilitates the formation of a nose and the formation of malleable iron; the disadvantages thus caused may be remedied as stated on page 565. In coke furnaces the brightness of the tuyeres is chiefly changeable in its intensity. 4. Behaviour of the Flame from the Furnace Mouth and from Below the Tymp.-The colour of the flame is partly formed by the combustion of certain gases (carbonic oxide, hydrogen, carburetted hydrogen) and partly by solid particles (oxides of lead, zinc, and antimony, silica, carbonate of potash, coal-dust, dust of ores and fluxes, ash of fuel, &c.) which are suspended in the flame. Oxide of zinc causes a white colouring of the flame, oxides of lead and antimony a yellowish white colouring, carbonate of potash, coal and ore dust, and fluxes reddish yellow and yellowish red colours. According to Müller* the carbonate of potash plays an im- portant part in the colouration of the flame of iron blast furnaces. At a regular process the potash contained in the ash of the fuel is reduced in the furnace hearth, the potas- sium ascends in the furnace, is then converted into carbonate of potash, and changes the colour of the furnace flame, originally blue from the carbonic oxide gas, to violet. If the process becomes irregular through a decrease of temperature, the reduction of potash will not take place, and the furnace flame appears more or less yellow coloured, causing an in- crease of temperature in the furnace mouth. The flue dust or smoket which accompanies the flame when the furnace is carried on at a regular process, and which deposits on the tymp and furnace lid with a yellowish white colour, consists chiefly of earthy and metallic oxides; it contains free silica (if volatilised sulphide, fluoride, or chloride of silicon, or silicide of nitrogen comes into contact with moist air) and alkaline salts (contained in the ash of the fuel, in limestone, and in iron ore). Sublimed sulphur is also sometimes contained in this smoke. * Bgwkfd., v., 283. EBERMEYER, über Gichtenrauch, in B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 394. 570 IRON. The smoke exerts an essential influence on the colouration of the furnace flame, and sometimes contains substances. which cannot be ascertained in the ore. The following are some analyses of deposited smoke :--- I. II. III. IV. V. Sio Al₂O¸ . 21°53 2.90 5'36 26.6 57°27 2:46 17'00 1'70 I'74 Fe₂03 IOI. 7'50 II.60 48.7 12°54 and earths. Mn₂O, 3 8°23 3°40 trace SnO₂. 0'02 РЬО 1°33 O'12 0*85 10'5 I'27 ZnO . 22.93 13.16 11.86 14.2 I'00 CuO 0'36 SbO. I'12 3 AgO trace CaO 6.14 0'31 I'96 17'73 MgO 0*40 0'34 0°30 0°79 NaO. 2.20 KO 10.90 }30 30*10 27.60 KC1 8.22 Loss by heating 2.50 24°32 Nos. 1 to 3 are furnace smoke from Heinrichshütte near Lobenstein, analysed by Ebermayer. No. 4, the same, from Altenau on the Hartz, by Bodemann. No. 5, the same, from Steinrennerhütte (Hartz), collected in the gas conducting tubes, by Bodemann. At Durham, a deposit in the tubes for conducting the gas from a coke blast furnace contained silica, alumina, lime, oxide of zinc and protoxide of iron, sulphuric acid, small amounts of oxides of manganese, potassium, iron, magnesium, and chloride of sodium; it fused at above 3000° F., emitting. vapours of zinc and forming a yellow slag. The intensity, colour, and temperature of the furnace flame, together with the smoke, indicate the regularity of the process. At a regular process the escaping flame is only slightly heated, and passes from the furnace with a certain regularity and vivacity, and of whitish yellow, reddish blue, or violet colour, containing a bluish smoke, which settles as a dirty white deposit; a still higher temperature of the furnace hearth renders the flame hotter and lighter, containing more PRODUCTS OF IRON BLAST FURNACES. 57I smoke. An irregular process also renders the flame hotter at first but afterwards less brisk, and the quantity of gases is then insufficient for heating the blast (page 529). The strong smoke which the flame gives off at the commencement of an irregular process decreases, and the flame shows a yellow or reddish yellow colour, derived from burned iron. The flame from the tymp behaves similarly. However, the indications of the flame differ in the different smelting works. THE PRODUCTS OF IRON BLAST FURNACEs. These products are partly used and partly thrown away. 1. Pig-iron of the most different qualities (page 267) and variable composition (page 267); it is produced in different forms, according to whether it is intended for foundry or forge purposes, or both. The expenses attending the production of pig-iron are influenced chiefly by the prices of the fuel and ore and of labour; the cost for labour increases with the poorness and the refractory character of the ores, current expenses, &c. The size of the production depends chiefly- a. On the richness, the state of aggregation, and the fusibility of the ores. Therefore, in Upper Silesia,* the production from pulverulent ores containing 29 per cent of iron, in furnaces of equal dimensions, is much less than in the iron works of Westphalia, Styria, Belgium, England, and Scotland. b. On the size of the furnaces, chiefly on the cross section of the hearth and the boshes (page 471). c. On the temperature in the smelting zone, which is influenced chiefly by the blast (page 480), the dimensions of the furnace, and the nature of the fuel (page 411). Smaller furnaces with 300 or 400 cubic feet of blast produce from 160 to 500 cwts. of pig-iron weekly; furnaces with from 700 to 1600 cubic feet, from 600 to 1900 cwts.; and larger furnaces with above 2000 cubic feet produce above 3000 cwts. of pig-iron weekly (page 415). *B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 164. Berggeist, 1861, No. 39. 572 IRON. d. On the nature of the limestone serving as flux, chiefly whether it is pure, or in a raw or burned state (page 406). e. On the season (page 496). 2. Slags.-Slags from coke furnaces are usually thrown aside; sometimes they are converted into a basaltic form and used for paving roads, as in Upper Silesia,* &c.; they are also mixed with small coal (Königin Marienhütte near Zwickau), or with sand (Königshütte in Upper Silesia), and transformed into a basaltic aggregation and used as building stones. The more viscid acid slags from charcoal furnaces are frequently used as building stones when cast into moulds, and sometimes for the preparation of sulphur vapour baths; but usually they are crushed and washed to recover the mechanically enclosed iron. The slag which runs off by itself, and the slag tapped off from Blauöfen con- tains less iron than the slag which is mechanically removed from the hearth. The slag is broken up either by pounding stamps with inclined soles (Hartz), more effectively by tilt hammers § of from 3 to 5 cwts. (at Vordernberg is a hammer 380 lbs. in weight, making 180 blows per minute), or by rollers which have a still greater power, and are more cheaply worked than the other machines, but yield less iron from the slags and wear out in a shorter time. It is advisable to conduct the muddy water through a grate into several gutters lying one below another; the deposit is then frequently stirred up, thus liberating the iron grains from the slags. At Vordernberg 3 or 4 per cent of wash iron is obtained, as the slag is never tapped off separately, but always removed mechanically pre- vious to tapping-off the iron. The wash iron resulting at Altenau in the Hartz amounts to about 3 per cent of the whole production of iron. The wash iron is either converted into wrought-iron or * B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 357. Preuss. Ztschr., xi., 192. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 388. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 31. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, pp. 159, 366. § WENIGER, pract. Schmelzmeister, p. 126. PRODUCTS OF IRON BLAST FURNACES. 573 charged again in the iron blast furnace by adding from 5 to 20 lbs to each ore charge; it is also used in the lead works at the precipitation process. The sand resulting at the slag pounding is used for building purposes, and some- times as foundry sand* (Mariazell). 3. Deposits in the Furnace and Aggregations in the Lower Part of the Furnace.-They are either useless (al- though frequently of geological and mineralogical interest), or they are used for different purposes-for example, zinc deposits, used for the production of zinc. The zinciferous deposits sometimes occur in regular six-sided crystals, similar to crystallized pyromorphite, consisting of oxide of zinc; but usually these deposits consist of an admixture of oxide of zinc with the oxides of iron and earthy components, form- ing a compact, scaly, yellowish or greyish green or black mass, sometimes with a laminar radiated structure. Haldat found amorphous globules or laminæ coated with honey-yellow rhomboidal crystals. The crystals of oxide of zinc seem most apt to deposit on the boshes and in the lower parts of the furnace, but they are sometimes found in the upper parts. The ore as well as the fuel and fluxes may contain zinc blende, thus contributing to the formation of zinciferous deposits; these deposits sometimes contain small Some of the quantities of chlorides of lead and copper. deposits are found to be composed as follows:- I. II. III. IV. V. VI. ZnO 78.78 749 78 78 80'10 700 9300 97'77 Fe,0, 3 13.9 12.68 РЬО 0.8 2.0 90'0 2'10 I'21 CaO I'7 A1203 I'25 SiO3 2.5 4'51 0'45 0*64 C 4'20 2'45 S trace ZnS 2.00 Earths 7.82 19.0 • Particles of ore * B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 304. KOCH, kryst. Hüttenpr., p. 24. 784. ERDM., J. f. pr. Chem., vii., HAUSMANN in KARST, Arch., 2. R., xvii., 341. Bgwkfd., xi., 615. HAUSMANN, Beiträge zur met., Krystallkde., p. 14. LEON., Hüttenerz., p. 377. Gurlt, Pyrog. Min., p. 42. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. IOI. 574 IRON. No. 1. Compact deposits, analysed by Anthon. No. 2. The same, from Hasselö, by Johnson. No. 3. The same, from Lauchhammer, by Lampadius. No. 4. The same, from Séraing, by Coste. No. 4. The same, from a furnace in Shropshire, by Calvert. No. 6. The same, from a blast furnace in Benton County in North America, by Mallet. Ferriferous Bears are used for the production of wrought- iron,* or are re-melted in blast furnaces when producing forge pig-iron. Cyanide of Potassium was first observed by Clarkt in a blast furnace at Clyde, near Aberdeen (Scotland), and has since been frequently found. It is formed at a high tempera- ture by the contact of carbon and nitrogen (air) with strong bases (alkalies, lime, baryta, &c.), conditions which the hearths of iron blast furnaces supply. The potassium salt is volatilised and evolved from the furnace mouth, or from below the tymp, and deposits on the front wall of the fur- nace, forming a white or grey powder mixed with more or less coal and ore dust. Owing to a partial decomposition in moist air, it usually forms a mixture of KCy, KOCyO, and KOCO₂; when carbonate of potash is present it usually contains a corresponding ammonia salt and an admixture of carbide of iron.|| Bromeis states that crystals of cyanide of potassium from the the blast furnace at Mägdesprung contained: Fe K Cy но 12:4 37°4 37°4 12.8 Zinken and Bromeis§ found this salt in the hearth of the above-named blast furnace in admixture with carbon and lead. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 264. † POGG., Ann., xl., 375. + + BERZELIUS, Jahrsber, 1846, p. 213. ERDM., J. f. pr. Chem., xli., 161; xlix., 191, 315; liv., 133. 61. DINGL., xcv., 93. || Bgwkfd., v., 285. § Bgwkfd., iv., 289. LIEBIG, Jahrsber, 1850, p. 350. Berggeist, 1861, No. 18. LEONH., Hüttenerz., p. 385. POLYT. Centr., 1852, p. PRODUCTS OF IRON BLAST FURNACES. 575 Bunsen and Playfair* found this salt in English blast furnaces; Eck,t in the blast furnaces at Königshütte (Upper Silesia). From the blast furnace at Mariazell in Styria is obtained commercial cyanide of potassium. Bunsen and Playfair state that the cyanide of potassium is contained in the space between the tuyere and belly, Müller|| found it above the belly, and Löwe and Redtenbacher found it in the tubes conducting the gas from the furnace mouth; Peters§ discovered it in the deposits on the furnace mouth and the tymp. Cyano-Nitride of Titanium is usually found in the ferriferous bears, or in cracks of the hearth lining, forming either a compact red mass, or copper red cubes, rarely oc- curring in the shape of octahedrons. Grignon found this product in the blast furnaces at Bayard, and called attention to it in 1757; in 1822 Wollaston found it in English blast furnaces, and it was afterwards observed in many German blast furnaces.** Laugier and Wollaston considered that the cubes consist of metallic titanium, and this opinion was generally accepted until Wöhler proved it to be a compound of TiCy+3Ti,N, of the following composition :- Experiment. Theory. Ti. N. C Graphite. 77'26 78'00 18.30 IS.II 3.64 3.89 0*92 According to Wöhler, the formation of these crystals stands in a certain relation to the formation of cyanide of potas- sium, and microscopical crystals were obtained by heating * ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., xi., 124; xxv., 246; xxxiii., 197; xlii., 392. KARST., Arch., xxiv., 286. Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., xlviii., 150. || Bgwkfd., v., 285. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 243. ¶ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1858, p. 367. ** I KARST., Arch., iv., 351; 1 R., ix., LEON. u. BRONN., Jahrb., 1837, GURLT, pyrog. Min., p. 57. LIEBIG SCHWEIGG., Journ., xli., 80; xliv., p. 47. 524. POGG., Ann., iii., 175; lxxxiii., 596. p. 582. ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., xvi., 212. Jahresber., i., 401; iv., 343, 751. 576 IRON. together of rutile and ferro-cyanide potassium to the fusion point of iron. According to later experiments by Wöhler and Deville,* nitrogen and titanium combine direct at a high temperature and in the nascent state. Scheerert suggests that the difficult fusibility of the titaniferous iron ore is caused by the titanium absorbing cyanogen, which is otherwise very effective for the carbonisation of the iron in the lower part of the furnace shaft, forming the above com- bination. As Zinkent has demonstrated the volatility of these cubes they must be considered as a product of sublimation, and their occurrence in the lower part of the hearth may be ex- plained by the pressure which is exerted in the hearth, forcing the vapours to descend. From the frequent occur- rence of the crystallised cyano-nitride of titanium along with silica we may suppose that silica and titanium combine. Wöhler|| produced a compound of aluminium, titanium, and silicon; the frequent separation of the titanium compound indicates that titanium has no great affinity for iron. 4. Waste Gases. Their composition, collection, and use have already been described (pages 416 and 528). THE EXAMINATION OF A BLAST FURNACE ESTABLISHMENT. When inspecting blast furnaces the following points have to be taken into consideration :-The situation, extent, and motive power of the establishment, and the nature of the ores (kind of ore, injurious or advantageous asso- ciates, analyses, behaviour in smelting, percentage of iron, cost); the assaying of the ores (the manner of selecting the samples, fluxes, furnaces, length of smelting, consump- tion of fuel); the weathering of the ores (time, effect, artificial watering); the roasting of the ores (roasted or not roasted, in kilns or otherwise, kind of fuel and consump- tion of fuel, quantity roasted in a certain time, number of * LIEBIG'S Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., 1857, Bd. 103, p. 230. + SCHEERER, Metallurgie, ii., 186. + POGG., Ann., Bd. 28, p. 160. || ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., Bd. 80, p. 255. THE EXAMINATION OF BLAST FURNACES. 577 workmen, wages, cost of roasting); the breaking-up of the ores (the method employed and its effect, size of the broken ores, quantity, number of workmen, wages, cost of breaking); the fluxes (quality, composition, application in raw or burned state, mode of dividing the fluxes, size of the broken pieces, weight per cubic foot, percentage of the quan- tity added, charging separately or in admixture with the ore, cost); the fuel (kinds of fuel, quality, amount of ash and moisture, injurious components of the ash, size of the pieces, weight of one cubic foot, volume of the delivered fuel, &c., vessels for measuring, if used, method of carbon- ising or coking, price); the ore mixture, including the fluxes (rules adopted, varieties of iron ores, fluxes, and the manner in which they are mixed with the ore, average per- centage of iron, lifts, size of the charging vessels, the size of the ore heaps when mixed with the fluxes [the ores for charcoal furnaces are mixed with the fluxes by placing ores and fluxes in alternate layers one above the other, the ore thus mixed forms heaps of the shape of a truncated pyramid and is termed in German" Möller"], the weight of one cubic foot dry and wet, working tools, number of workmen, working cost); the iron blast furnaces (construction of the furnace, material used for the different parts of the furnace, dimensions of the furnace, capacity of the hearth, construc- tion of the apparatus for collecting the waste gases, age of furnace since the blowing-in); the tuyeres (number and dimensions of the tuyeres, material of which they are made, open or closed, dry or cooled with water, the position of the tuyeres with regard to their deviation from the horizontal line, height of the tuyeres above the bottom stone, bright or dark tuyeres, with or without nose); the blast (blast engine and its motive power, regulators, blast heating stoves and the mode of firing, blast mains, construction position and diameter of the blowpipe, temperature, pressure and volume of blast per minute, the volume calculated from the blast engine and from the blowpipe, loss of blast, apparatus for measuring the temperature and pressure of the blast); the charging (size of one charge of fuel and ore with regard to volume. and to weight, charging vessels and other apparatus required, VOL. II. 2 r 578 IRON. mode of charging, number of charges descending the furnace in 24 hours, with consideration of the tappings when the blast is shut off, the depth to which the charges descend in a given time, time in which the charges enter before the tuyeres, and how many charges the furnace contains above the tuyeres, the descent of charges required for the regular pro- cess, mode of keeping account of the charges); the manipu- lations in and before the hearth (removal of the slag and the pig-iron, cleaning the hearth and the tuyeres, forma- tion of the slag drift and the gutters or feeders and moulds for receiving the liquid iron, length of the operation, mode of blowing-out, number of workmen, wages, tools, drawings of blown-out furnaces); the products, such as pig-iron (varieties, quality, application, the production in 24 hours or per week, the yield in comparison to the assay, consumption of fuel, ore and fluxes per cwt. of pig-iron, cost per cwt.); the slags (nature of the normal and abnormal slags, trans- port of the slags from the smelting works, further application of the slags for recovering wash iron, building purposes, &c.); lead (tapping off and further application); waste gases (quantity, temperature, colour, rapidity of the ascent, fuming, change at the different processes, methods of collecting and applying); the deposits and other products (cyanide of potassium, furnace cadmia or calamine) (Ofenbruch, Gicht- schwamm). The opposite tables, A and B, give details of some of the above-mentioned points in different blast furnaces. FOUNDING AND MOULDING. Castings are produced by running liquid iron into hollow moulds made for the purpose. The liquid iron is either taken direct from the blast furnaces or obtained by re-melting pig-iron. Pig-iron is generally well adapted for castings owing to its cheapness, its difficult fusibility, its strength, and its peculiar behaviour on solidifying (page 291); and the slightly mottled varieties (page 286) are most frequently used for castings, as they excel in compactness, strength, and perfect filling of the moulds, whilst they are sufficiently soft to allow a IRON WORKS. IRON ORES. Fluxes. I. Charcoal Furnaces. I. Furnaces with Closed Front Walls A. Spiegeleisen, Flowery Iron, &c. Carinthia, Lölling Styria, Fridau Sessler 15 Steirer "" Eisenerz.. 17 Thuringia, Katzhütte Siegen, Sieghütte Müsen B. Grey Pig-Iron. Styria, Mariazell St. Stephan : : : : 2. Furnaces with Open Front Walls A. White or Specular Iron. Gittelde (Hartz).. Mägdesprung (Hartz) Concordiahütte (Rhine) Sparry, Brown, and Red Iron Ore Sparry and Brown Iron Ore, Sphærosiderite Red, Brown, and Sparry Iron Ore II. Coke Furnaces. Belgian Iron Works.. Königshütte (Silesia) Henrichshütte near Hattingen Hasslinghausen. Brown and Red Iron Ore Pulverulent Brown and Clay Iron Ore.. Blackband and Sparry Iron Ore Blackband • 50 lime per cent. Percentage of Iron in Ore or Mixture. One Charge of CHARGES. Fuel Mixture consists of consists of Sparry and Clay Iron Ore 15 slate 40 1) " 15 lime 35-36 15'75 cubic feet 250-300 lbs. 310-320 80 1'68 "} 87 74 "} 0'95-I,, Number of Charges in 24 hours. Consumption of Fuel per cwt. of Iron. Production in 24 hours. TABLE A. Height of the Hearth. Height of thé Boshes. Total Height. Height of the Tuyeres. DIMENSIONS of the FURNACES. Width of the Upper Hearth. Width of the Lower Hearth. cwts. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. degrees. feet. Diameter ofthe Belly. • Sparry Iron Ore, Hæmatite 52'8 0'60-0'65 325-340 Sparry Iron Ore.. 5-8 siliceous clay 42 31 cubic feet 10-15 17 43-45 31 11 570 lbs. and 20 lbs.wash iron. 650 lbs. and 20 lbs.wash iron. 40' It' 33 3' 14' 3 2}" 0'9-1'1 160-175 1250 73 11'6 cub. ft. 500 42' I′ 10″ 6' 8' 4' 12' 5 " 11 : 2-3 45 13'5 "} 320 lbs. 100-120 78 100-118, "} I'16 cub. it. 300-360 140-145 No I”—2″ 3″″ 2″-2″ 3″ 37' I' 8" 8' 2′ 6″ 9′ 3″ 26' I′ 3″ 6′ 3″ 2' I' 42 2" 8" 2″ 3″”—2″′ 4″ 12" 5'5 slate.. 11 }) 50.8 19'5 }} 383 lbs. and 8 lbs.wash iron. 0'7 cwt. 280 Sparry and Clay Iron Ore fluor spar 45 300 lbs. 36' I' 8" 650 lbs. and 30 51 8' 21" IO викл 3 lbs.wash iron. 45 обод 4' 9" 3′ 44″ Little lime 35'-10" I' 91″ 2′ 5″ 環 ​I″′ 4″”—2″ 6*** I" 2"-2" 140-150 160 120 14-1600 1100 I" 6”—1″ 10""" 200 850-900 I' 8" 7' 4" 4' 5" 57 9′11″ N 71 " 13" (2lbs.) 160-200 200 "" 34 0.88 120 in in 28' 2'-2'4' S' 2′ 9″ 30 1′ 6″—1′ 9″ 9' 3′ 6″ 45 60 3 I}" I" 6" 150 I I" S" 225 35-40 20-40 (30 average) 38 40-43 3' 10" 36-37 (mixture) 210 lbs. 6'47-6'74 cb.ft. 32-34 27-30 (mixture) 133-136 cwts. 1*18 55-58 4' 3' 28 I' 3" 2′ 9″ I' 8" 7 62 4'7" IO" 30′ I'17 2°17′ I' S 50 0'94 " 103 35' 9' 5" Diameter of the Furnace Mouth Angle of the Boshes. Height of the Belly. Number of Tuyeres. B. Mottled or Grey Iron. Rothehütte (Hartz) Königshütte Altenau Red and Brown Iron Ore, Finery Slags 2 lime "" }} 35-36 (mixture) 30-33 (mixture) 250 lbs. 250 >> 660 lbs. 650-700 lbs. 52 28-34 I'092 cwts. 1*167 114-121 66 tin 3'6" 34' I' 3" 3' 2' 5' 2′ 9″ 35' I′ 3″ 2′ 6″ I' S" م 7' 8" S' to to 6' 56 ~ 45 2 I'′ 6″”—I'' 10"** I" II""”—2″ I''' 175-225 238-255 850 950—1030 "} Red, Brown, and Magnetic Iron Ore Lerbach Red and Brown Iron Ore II.2 1'4 11 31°5 (mixture) 230 "" 21 "1 30'5 (mixture) 230 }) 8-8 cub. ft. 7-78 28-30 I'202 }} 28-30 I'177 56-57 55 28′ 3″ I' 3' I' 6" 7'3' "} 31' I′ 3″ I' 9" 7′ 3″ int 6' 6" 7' I 24" I”—I"7" I" 240 150 520 600 Ilsenberg 19 Swedish Iron Works : Red, Brown, and Magnetic Iron Ore, Finery Slags.. Magnetic and Specular Iron Ore .. Norwegian Russian 37 11 "} "1 }} 34-37 (mixture) 37-58 (mixture) 25-42 25 cubic feet 7'I 42-44 I'2 85 2′ 10″ 4' " 38' 12-18 cub. ft. 1'3-2'08 cwts. 60-160 33-74 0-4-7′ 0-6' 28-42′ I′ 4″ '8"-2' I' 8" 3'5'-4'5' I' 4" 2-2.8' 3′ 9″ 6′ 9″ 21" 3-6 30-31′ 7 4-5' 11-14' 12' I-3 21-21" I!" 0'6"-1" 0*87—1″ 15″” 250-300 800 15-250 200-300 Magnetic and Brown Iron Ore 20-36 Pud. 30-59 Pud. 20-60 1'0-1'9", 165-400 7-8' 33-56' 3'5-4 2'3'-2'5' II-14' 7-S' 2 2*6-4'37" I'5-3'5" Diameter of the Tuyeres, Pressure of the Blast. [To face page 578. Temperature of the Blast. Quantity of Blast inches. inches water. C. cubic feet. 36" '6" ΙΟΥ 40" 2' 3' 45 IOʻ 3′ 6″ 9'6" 21″ 2' 8" ΙΟ 285 I" II""' I" 200 1 : I 21" 31 20 N 1*625" 108 12" 15 200-250 455-555 4' 5" 2 2" I'5" 140 600 582 1'5-2'4", 215-320 2-4 1*5—2'5″ 5'5-8.5" 75-100 8.39 cub. ft. 2880-3640 150 7' 12' 48. 2' 3' 15' 7 1*396 cwts. 485 19' 3 7'9" IO' 2*5-3″ 1600 lbs. 3200 lbs. 1'67 54' 2′ 5″ 17 450 51 2' 10" 45' 15' 3" 9′ 6″ 3- 43" 7' 16' 9' (n10 (24-24 lbs.) (1.8 lbs.) 50-60 ૩૦૦ 3600 3710 (3-4 lbs.) per Minute. IRON WORKS. To face page 579.] Capacity of the Furnaces. cubic tons. metres. Production in 24 hours. Number of Tuyeres. Diameter of the Blowpipes. ! Pressure of the Blast. Temperature of the Blast. Blast per ton of Pig-Iron calculated from the Fuel consumed. centimetres. metres. degrees. cubic metres. cubic metres. cubic metres. TABLE B. Blast per Minute. Blast per Minute and per cubic metre of the Furnace Shaft. Roasted Ore. Limestone. The usual Furnaces in Scotland Old Furnaces in Scotland (1833) 150-160 21 4-6 7'5-8'5 O'12-0 20 400 85-90 9 2-3 7'5 0'12-0'13 Blast Furnaces in Scotland 200 26 8-9 7'5 0'15 322 370 Blast Furnace in Bilston, No. 3 (Staffordshire) 175 24 5-7 (?) New Furnaces in Staffordshire .. Old Furnaces in Staffordshire (1840-1850) New Anthracite Furnaces in Yniscedwin and Ystalifera.. Blast Furnaces in Blaenavon (Wales) 120-130 70-75 16-20 5-7 ΤΟ 3 7'5 5-7 0'13—0'16 300-330 0'13-0*16 300-330 300 or 12 5*084 4*S07-5'798 5'575 6.690 6'244-6·690 6·690-8'028 74 30-36 0'50 1*750 0*400 2'10 0'50 0°40 2'120 0*330 2-24 0'95 100 0'50 I'940 0'400 2'30 0'50 I'14 1*08-13 125. Darkish Grey. 1-1*225 I III 70-93 ! 0·65-0'73 46-55 0'63 0·58-0·71 2'00-2.25 2*150 2.150 0'45—0'50 0*500 0'45-0'60 2'75-3 3-3'50 3 0'35 0'75-I 0'7-I 1'50 1'4-1'5 1'5-18 o'$$3 }" Grey Forge Iron. o'927-0.95 Grey Foundry and Forge Iron. 0'85-0'75 ་་ 흐흐 ​(a) (6) O'10-'12 80-85 10-12 6-7 3'2-4 IIO Blast Furnaces in Tees-Side in Middlesbro'.. 195-200 14-15 30 3 (?) 0'17-0'20 350-400 0'15 12 6*690 7·805 46-56 0'57-0.66 78 3 در ΙΟ 300-330 5'620 117 0'71 0'58-0·60 2:380 2'700 2'500 o'Soo 1'75 I I'5 1.82 (c) (d) 0°970 0'65-0'70 3'05 0'7 I'75 I'2 2.60 0'75 1.26 1'23 Grey Forge Iron. (e) 0'13-0'14 The usual Furnaces in Middlesbro', Erected in 1851-1855 Large Blast Furnace in Dowlais Blast Furnaces in Ebbw Vale Usual Furnaces in Dowlais Blast Furnaces in Victoria Blast Furnaces in Tredegare Blast Furnaces in Sir-Howy 135-140 200-235 160-170 140-150 115-120 120-125 20-22 105 20-25 45-50 25-30 25 24 3-5 ΤΟ 7 8.7 0'12—0'14 300-330 0'15—0'16 6°244 85-100 0·63-0'71 2'400 0'700 در 3 0*75 I'4 1'03 Grey Foundry and Forge Iron. ان 6 5-7 5-6 7'5-8.1 7'5 7'5-8'1 0'13-0*16 0'13-0*16 0'13-0'16 315-330 300-330 300-330 300-330 5'352 5.789 ISO 100-120 077 0'63-0'70 2'400 0.850 2 0'35 I'2 1.62 White, Laminated or Grained. (g) 2.630 1'000 2.40 0*25 I'3 I'SI White, Lamellar. (}) 4'964 $6 0'57-0.61 2'400 0.850 I'90 0'35 I'113 1'7 White, Grained. (i) 5'129 85 073 2.630 0'500 2'20 O'25 I'15 1'42 " () as in Victoria 5*709 SI 0'66 2'750 0'62 lime 2:35 0'25 1.28 1'43 21 *> (K) 20-21 3 of 8.1) I of 6.2 f 0'17 330 4'683 67 0*64 2'650 0'500 2 0.25 105 1'57 White. (?) tons. tons. tons. (a) The higher statements of coal and limestone concern the foundry iron. (b) The lower figures indicate cold blast. (c) The blast furnaces in Ystalifera have up to ten tuyeres, but they are usually not used at the same time. (d) Coke and cold blast is used. The consumption of coke is 195 tons. (e) The consumption of coke for forge iron is 140 tons, and 170 tons for foundry iron. The consumption of coke for foundry and forge iron is 160 tons. (g) Raw coal is used almost exclusively. (1) One-third of coal and two-thirds of coke. (i) Raw coal. Some furnaces consume only from 150 to 175 tons. () A great deal of puddling, &c., slags and siliceous ores are used. (k) A mixture of coal and coke is employed. (1) Half of coal and half of coke. น CONSUMPTION PER TON OF IRON. For the Blast Furnace. Coal. For Heating the Blast, for Engie, and the Blast for Roasting. tons. Burnt Carbon tons. in the Blast Furnace without Ash. Ore and Limestone per Ton of Coal. Quality of the Pig-Iron. Remarks. FOUNDING AND MOULDING. 579 mechanical treatment of the castings. For some purposes, hard rollers, &c., the grained white pig-iron poorer in carbon is well fitted. Whenever the quality of the pig-iron, &c., will allow it, the castings are made direct from the blast furnace, as they are then much cheaper. This is usually done in the case of charcoal furnaces where special precautions are employed for the formation of a suitable mottled iron. These are an addi- tion of raw ore (page 553), or of iron finery cinders (page 554) charging the furnace through the tuyeres (in the case of Blauöfen), or the fore-hearth, with roasted ores or iron finery cinders (page 546), charging heavy ore burdens (page 538), &c. The following circumstances may, however, make it ad- visable to re-melt pig-iron :- 1. When re-melted it may be done at any time, and an appropriate selection may be made of pig-iron suitable to the different castings; for instance, a thinly liquid iron rich in phosphorus is best for thin and fine castings; a very com- pact slightly mottled iron for steam and blowing cylinders; an easily chilling iron for rollers, &c. 2. Some sorts of pig-iron are improved by a re-melting, which modifies their chemical composition; for instance, the dark sorts of pig-iron rich in graphite and silicon (Scotch pig-iron) are improved by being re-melted in reverberatory furnaces. In other cases the iron increases in strength by a different arrangement of its molecules without chemical change. This may be observed in metal of more finely grained texture (re-melting in crucibles and cupola furnaces). Fair- bairn's investigations* have shown that pig-iron increases in strength up to the twelfth re-melting, and that a further re-melting decreases its strength. 3. Large and heavy castings require more pig-iron than can be contained by the hearth of one or even two blast furnaces. 4. The founding is not impeded by the blowing out of the blast furnaces. 5. Iron is re-melted where there is a favourable market Report of the British Association for the year 1853. 2 P 2 580 IRON. for castings, and where blast furnaces cannot be profitably carried on, owing to a want of ores, &c. I. RE-MELTING PIG-IRON. The re-melting of pig-iron is effected either in crucibles or in cupola or reverberatory furnaces, according to the quality of the iron, the size and the quality of the casting, and the It is always manner in which the foundry is carried on. necessary to melt as quickly as possible and with the smallest consumption of fuel. As we have before mentioned, a slightly mottled, finely grained pig-iron is suitable for most castings. The different kinds of grey iron have a tendency, when re-melted at a suit- able temperature, to become lighter, owing to a more inti- mate combination of the carbon, and therefore the slightly mottled iron is produced by re-melting grey pig-iron of the regular process, not too rich in graphite, in one of these appa- ratus, chiefly in crucibles or cupola furnaces. The varieties of dark grey iron rich in graphite (Scotch iron, for instance) when intended for the production of a sufficiently strong iron, require to be re-melted in reverberatory furnaces, in which a more or less strong chemical action of the atmospheric air may take place. A re-melting in cupola furnaces or crucibles causes less chemical modification of the iron, and the varieties of graphitic iron when re-melted in these apparatus require to be mixed with less grey pig-iron, or with scraps of wrought-iron. Mottled, chiefly strongly mottled, iron easily becomes white when re-melted, particularly in reverberatory furnaces, when it is no longer fit for most foundry purposes. However, the same kind of pig-iron may vary in its be- haviour, according to the different construction of the fur- naces and to the manner in which the smelting operations are carried on. The liquid iron must be hotter, and conse- quently more thinly liquid, the smaller and thinner the cast- ings are intended to be. The subject of founding and moulding is most elaborately treated in the following books:- KARSTEN'S Eisenhüttenkunde, 3 Aufl., Bd. iii. RE-MELTING PIG-IRON IN CRUCIBLES. 581 VALERIUS, Handbuch der Roheisenfabrikation, Deutch v. Hartmann, 1851. KARMARSCH, mechanische Technologie, 3 Aufl., Bd. 1, p. 74. WIEBE, die Maschinenbaumaterialien. Stuttgart, 1858. GUETTIER, de la fondrie, telle qu'elle existe aujourd'hui en France, &c.: Paris, 1858. GUETTIER, de l'emploi pratique et raisonné' de la fonte et de fer, &c.: Paris, 1861. HARTMANN, Handbuch der Eisengiesserei nebst Atlas: Weimar, 1863. A. Re-Melting Pig-Iron in Crucibles. This mode of re-melting is very simple, and requires but little apparatus; but, on the other hand, it is very expensive as regards consumption of fuel, labour, crucibles, and loss of iron, and is only adapted for the production of small castings which may be very expensive on account of the difficulty of their moulding; also the production can only be small, per- haps 2 cwts. at a time, which may be cast several times daily. As the pig-iron is fused at a moderate temperature, and protected from the influence of the atmosphere, it is but very slightly modified. Grey iron of the regular process which has been several times re-melted, and which is too rich either in carbon or silicon, is best adapted for the treat- ment in crucibles; different sorts of iron, either more or less. grey, are sometimes employed in admixture. The melting is effected in clay or in plumbago crucibles containing charges of at most 30 lbs. of pig-iron in order to facilitate their manipulation. The furnaces used are either common air furnaces with a chimney 30 or 40 feet high, or Sefström's furnaces, provided with apertures on the bottom for the introduction of blast, and which are more advan- tageously fed with coke than with charcoal. The consump- tion of fuel is smallest when using larger crucibles, coke and blast. Each furnace contains one or two crucibles, and is gradually heated at the commencement, and at last so strongly that the melted iron (after three or four hours) is sufficiently hot to remain liquid for some time after 582 IRON. the crucibles are removed from the furnace. The crucibles are provided with a lid or with a cover of coal dust or slag; the loss of iron by scorification may thus be reduced to from 2 to 4 per cent, but still the total loss caused by spilling and the excess in the ingots may rise to 25 per cent and more. The re-melting of 100 lbs. of pig-iron requires from 50 to 100 cubic feet of charcoal, or from 10 to 75 cubic feet of coke. once. } B. Re-Melting Pig-Iron in Cupola Furnaces. This mode of re-melting is that most in use; it allows the most perfect use of the fuel, at any time provides liquid iron of the quality required for foundry purposes, and excels in the facility and quickness of working; these advan- tages are not possessed by the process in reverberatory furnaces, as these furnaces melt larger quantities of iron at a time, and the charges must be cast into moulds all at Also the process in reverberatory furnaces is more expensive, chiefly on account of the larger consumption of fuel; reverberatory furnaces also yield a less homogeneous iron than cupola furnaces, in which the iron is melted under a greater pressure; therefore, in many foundries (Berlin,* Gleiwitz, &c.,) reverberatory furnaces are replaced by enlarged cupola furnaces, and are used only as an assistance, when making very large castings which do not require the iron to be very homogeneous, or when re-melting large and faulty castings unfit for cupola furnaces. Hoppet has con- structed a reverberatory furnace which is said to unite the advantages of the cupola and the reverberatory furnaces; admits of continual charging and tapping, with a flame-fire without blast. it Owing to the rapidity with which the iron passes through the cupola furnace, the varieties of iron richer in carbon do not receive any new carbon in combination; on the contrary, the iron is always somewhat decarbonised by the blast-by this means, and the more intimate combination of the carbon with it, the iron has a tendency to become white. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 23. ↑ HARTM., Fortschr., i., 238. -1- B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 33. RE-MELTING PIG-IRON IN CUPOLA FURnaces. 583 The smelting materials are :— 1. Pig-Iron. That best adapted is grey iron of the regular process, produced from a moderately fusible ore mixture; the resulting iron is thus slightly mottled. Easily fusible grey iron containing phosphorus is rendered white upon re-melting with coke, and can only be re-melted without being modified in high cupola furnaces with charcoal. The dark grey graphitic pig-iron, containing a larger amount of silicon (page 287), yields, when re-melted, a less strong grey iron, and must be improved by an admixture of lighter iron. For example, the dark grey Scotch iron is melted in the Berlin foundries, together with Silesian coke pig-iron, and with Silesian and Swedish charcoal iron. Old iron is usually mixed with the new iron, thus producing different sorts of metal according to the proportion of each kind present. It was stated on page 295 that the grey foundry iron comprises three numbers, No. I designating the darkest kind; the letters CB and HB indicate whether the iron is produced with cold blast or hot blast. The iron is broken into pieces of from 8 to 16 cubic inches in size-with large masses this is effected by means of a heavy iron ball, which falls upon them from a considerable height. 2. Scraps of Cast and Wrought Iron, mostly in the form of chips and borings. The scraps of wrought-iron absorb some carbon, lessen the loss of iron, and produce a very compact tough cast-iron; this mode of increasing the strength of cast-iron was formerly patented by Stirling.† He states that grey Scotch iron, No. 1, may be mixed with from 24 to 40 per cent. of scraps, No. 2 with from 20 to 30, and No. 3 with from 15 to 20 per cent, and that hot blast iron admits of a larger addition than cold blast iron. Too much addition of wrought-iron renders the cast-iron hard; this circumstance is made use of when casting rollers (Berlin),† and Pattinson's pans. Burnt iron also takes graphite into combination, rendering the cast-iron more compact and harder. To prevent the iron chips from blocking up the * E. F. DURRE, die Eisengiessereien in Berlin in B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 3. +DINGL., Bd. 117, p. 307; Bd. 122, p. 212. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 236. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 22. 584 IRON. furnace, Stenson* says that the chips should be rammed into a cast-iron vessel and all melted together, or else charged in the centre of the furnace throat, surrounding. them with limestone, which then is surrounded with the fuel; also the flux should be charged upon the chips.t At Mariazell, Ruttner‡ rams the chips into moulds, moistens them with salt water and exposes the lumps for about eight days to the atmospheric air, when the chips will oxidise and harden. Keck employs hot water containing a little muriatic acid for oxidation instead of salt water, but, at the highest, he only gives 30 per cent of wrought-iron chips in admixture, as otherwise white iron is produced. As the quick smelting prevents the reduction of the scale formed by oxidation, an addition of pounded blast furnace slag and limestone is given for the formation of a slag. Chips which have been too strongly oxidised are more fit for the blast furnace than for smelting in cupola furnaces. Mayrhofer§ recommends the placing of wrought-iron chips in the moulds for receiving the iron from blast furnaces, as they cause the separation of silicon. 3. Fluxes, namely :- a. Limestone, oyster shells, or fluor-spar, which are added to scorify the ash of the fuel (chiefly of the coke), the sand sticking to the iron pigs, portions of the furnace lining which may come off, silica which may separate from the pig-iron before the tuyere by oxidation, &c. According to Wernecke,¶ an addition of from 40 to 60 lbs. of fluor-spar per 100 lbs of iron produces a slag more thinly liquid and poorer in iron than limestone, and also a purer cast-iron. When using coke as fuel the usual addition of limestone does not exceed 3 or 4 per cent. b. Sand, or iron blast furnace slags, chiefly when employ- ing oxidised iron chips. * Polyt. Centr., 1857, p. 828. HARTM., Fortschr., i. 242. + ++ ‡ Ibid., v., 172. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, No. 25. || Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, Nos. 36, 38. HARTM., Fortschr., v., 173. § LEOB., Jahrb., x., 328. ¶ B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 96. SMELTING MATERIALS FOR CUPOLA FURNACES. 585 4. Fuel.-Coke and charcoal are mostly used; when employing raw fuel, for instance brown coal,* the tempera- ture of the furnace is too much lowered,† as the formed products of carbonisation absorb part of the heat; however, at Ransko, kiln-dried turf has been successfully employed. Owing to its sulphur, pit-coal is not so suitable as anthracite, At St. which has been used in experiments with success. Stephan, in Styria, attempts were formerly made to collect the waste gases at some distance below the furnace mouth through pipes which were introduced for this purpose, and to conduct them into the tuyere together with air by means of a double nozzle, as in a oxy-hydrogen blowpipe. Differing from the blast furnace process (page 412), the re- melting of a certain quantity of pig-iron requires less coke than charcoal, owing to the fact that in cupola furnaces a smelting heat only is to be produced without a reducing action. Now, as the carbonic acid formed upon combustion is less easily reduced to carbonic oxide by coke than by char- coal, coke produces a greater heat and fuses the iron more quickly than charcoal; consequently, also, the waste gases are richer in carbonic oxide when employing charcoal than when using coke.|| Hard charcoal, chiefly good beech coal, is therefore more effective than soft coal, and more so the more uniform its quality and size. The use of hot blast leads to a considerable saving in fuel (from one-third to one-half), an increased production, a diminished loss of iron (from 4 to 5 per cent), and a quicker operation, without deterioration of the product if the tem- perature of the blast, particularly when employing coke, is not raised much above 250° C. According to Karsten, 100 lbs. of pig-iron require for re- melting with cold blast 2.75 cubic feet of charcoal, or o'66 cubic feet of coke, or 28 and 24 lbs. respectively. When using hot blast in coke cupola furnaces 5 feet high, and in * LEOB., Jahrb., 1857, vi., 186. KARST., Arch., 1 R., i., 1; ii., 165. B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, PP. 714, 964. LEOB., Jahrb., 1857, vi., 131. + || Bgwkfd., viii., 467. 586 IRON. charcoal cupola furnaces 15 feet high, 100 cubic feet of coke will replace 450 cubic feet of charcoal. The coke consumed in melting 100 lbs. of pig-iron may amount to from 10 to 50 lbs., according to the construction of the furnace, the quality of the pig-iron, &c., but on an average it amounts to from 20 to 24 lbs., and with charcoal to from 30 to 50 lbs. Von Mayr- hofer* states the average smelting temperature of cupola furnaces carried on with cold blast to be about 1600° C., and he has calculated by formulæ the quantity of fuel (charcoal) required at different temperatures of the hot blast:— Temperature of the blast Consumption of fuel per 100 lbs. of iron (lbs.) • do. blast (cubic feet) Quantity of iron to be smelted with 100 lbs. of fuel (lbs.). . 14° ´ 100° 200° 300° 24*7 230 21.8 20*2 1668 1578 1472 1367 4046 427·8 458*3 493*6 The employment of charcoal or coke renders necessary essential modifications in the construction of the furnaces and in the process. The furnaces differ- a. In their height, which is greater in charcoal furnaces than in coke furnaces, in order better to utilise the lower temperature produced before the tuyeres. If the coke furnaces are constructed of the same height, the temperature would be too much increased, wasting the furnace hearth still more quickly than is already the case. The furnace may be higher the more refractory its building material, and the higher the furnace the greater the effect to be obtained from the fuel. b. In their interior shape. Charcoal cupola furnaces in their interior form approach that of blast furnaces, in order better to utilise the temperature. They are narrower at the top and bottom than in the middle, and have usually more or less formed boshes, thus decreasing the number of charges, but, on the other hand, increasing the burden. Coke cupola. furnaces for a higher temperature usually have a cylindrical hearth, and taper somewhat towards the top; sometimes * LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 422. THE CONSTRUCTION OF CUPOLA FURNACES. 587 they are enlarged again above the contraction to facilitate the smelting and the uniform descent of the charges. In rare cases only are coke furnaces provided with boshes and with a contracted hearth in order to raise the temperature; this facilitates the smelting and gives a large production. c. In the construction of the furnace front. The charcoal furnaces usually have an open front wall in connection with a fore-hearth for ladling the iron. These fore-hearths are very convenient in many cases, as the smallest quantity of iron may be ladled out at any time without loss, and allowing, without disadvantage, the return to the fore-hearth of the liquid iron which may remain in the ladle. A fore-hearth also enables the furnace to contain larger quantities of iron, though it is less hot than iron in furnaces with a closed front. wall; it also facilitates the removal of obstructions in the furnace, thus allowing longer operations. Coke furnaces are usually tapped off only, and if provided with a fore-hearth for casting smaller pieces, it is so constructed that it may be closed with easily removable iron plates coated with loam. Charcoal furnaces with a fore-hearth are sometimes emptied by means of a tapping hole if no ladling is required. Concerning the process of re-melting, it is effected in coke furnaces more quickly with an increased admission of blast (500 or 600 cubic feet) and a larger production; but the operations are shorter, as the furnace is more strongly at- tacked by the higher temperature, and the formation of slag from the ash of the coke and the added limestone. The lower parts of the furnace must therefore be more frequently cleaned through the tapping-hole by means of a scraper. The pressure of the blast* is generally lower in cupola fur- naces than in blast furnaces, as the escaping gases offer less. resistance, and as a too rapid ascent of the blast would cause combustion in the upper part of the furnace and an oxidation of the iron. In coke cupola furnaces, the pressure (four to eight lines mercury) is lower than in charcoal furnaces (nine lines to two inches mercury), because, in order to pro- duce the required temperature, a much greater quantity of i Bgwkfd., iv., 414. 588 IRON. charcoal must be burnt in a given time, whilst the same tem- perature is produced at a lower pressure from a smaller quantity of coke (page 412). For this reason, and as large quantities of blast must be introduced in order to obtain a large production, wider tuyeres (up to 7 and 8 inches in diameter) are used in coke furnaces than in charcoal fur- naces, and fans are sufficient, whilst charcoal furnaces may require stronger blast engines. In order to save fuel, hot blast apparatus above the furnace mouth are more frequently used in charcoal furnaces than in coke furnaces, as the apparatus of coke furnaces, chiefly at the commencement of the operations, are only slightly effec- tive, and also as the operations are short, and the tempera- ture in the lower part of the furnace is easily raised too high. Generally the hot blast apparatus suffers more and begins to leak sooner by these short operations than in blast furnaces. The apparatus and plant required are chiefly the smelting furnaces, the hot blast apparatus, blast engines, and also the necessary tools. A. Smelting Furnaces.-Since abandoning the portable. furnaces, 2 feet high, and from 6 to 9 inches wide, and the furnaces which could be tilted over and which were until lately used in Sweden, cupola furnaces have been used for re-melting iron, and the waste iron produced in iron works is only occasionally added to the blast furnace mixture (page 347). The construction of the cupola furnaces depends chiefly on the nature of the fuel employed, and on the intended size of the production. As we have before mentioned, charcoal fur- naces are similar in shape to iron blast furnaces, whilst coke furnaces are more cylindrical, or are in shape a combination of a cylinder and a truncated cone. However, some of the coke furnaces are also constructed with boshes when adapted for a large production. Coke furnaces usually have a closed front wall, and charcoal furnaces an open front wall and at fore-hearth (page 587). As the ladling of the iron from the fore-hearth has the same disadvantages as the ladling from. iron blast furnaces, the iron is frequently tapped off into ladles (Königshütte in the Hartz), or in special pans. The tapping THE CONSTRUCTION OF CUPOLA FURNACES. 589 hole is sometimes placed on the side of the furnace opposite the fore hearth. The furnace lining is either walled up with fire-bricks, or formed partially or wholly of an admixture of refractory sand and clay, which is preferable, as bricks or stones are liable to crack and burst, owing to the frequent in- terruption of the process. The furnace lining is surrounded by an iron mantle, and the space between them is sometimes filled up. This light construction lessens the loss of tem- perature at the frequent blowing-in of the furnaces. The cast-iron mantle, from 3-4 to 5-4ths of an inch thick, consists either of one or more cylinders, or is formed of iron plates screwed together. It rests upon a bottom plate which covers the foundation; the foundation is provided with channels for the escape of moisture. The top of the mantle is covered with an iron plate, leaving an opening for the furnace mouth. The sole of a furnace with a closed front wall is from 6 to 8 inches thick, and formed of refractory sand and clay, with an inclination towards the tapping-hole, to which is fixed an iron gutter coated with sand. The tapping-hole is placed in an opening of the furnace 12 inches wide and 15 inches high, which is walled-up during the process with loam and coke, or closed with an iron plate coated with loam, which may be removed after the melting to clean the furnace hearth. Some of the furnaces with closed front walls are also pro- vided with openings for running off the slag. The furnaces stand below a chimney, and some distance above their mouth the hot blast apparatus is fixed, if one is used. When making very large castings, the furnaces are made movable by placing them upon cars running on rails (Gleiwitz).* The height of coke furnaces is from 6 to S, sometimes 10 or 12 feet, that of charcoal furnaces from 10 to 20 feet. The width at the level of the tuyere in smaller furnaces varies. between 12 and 24 inches, the tuyere being 12 or 15 inches above the bottom, and the capacity of the furnace from 6 to 20 cwts. Larger furnaces are up to 3 feet wide, whilst the tuyere is 20 inches high, and the capacity of the furnace NK HARTM., Fortschr., i., 239. 590 IRON. from 50 to 55 cwts. The cupola furnaces of the foundries of Berlin,* for example, vary in capacity; the furnace of Egells contain from 40 to 100 cwts.; those of Borsig, from 30 to 40 cwts.; of Freund, 40 cwts.; of Eckert, from 1 to 40 cwts.; of Beermann, 20 or 30 cwts. ; of Wedding, from 6 to 40 cwts.; at Gleiwitz the furnaces contain from 70 to 100 cwts.; the charcoal furnaces at the Hartz, 12, 15, or 20 cwts.; and those at Dirchau,† 100 cwts. A cupola furnace 9 feet high and 21 inches wide, and charged with burdens of 1 cubic feet of coke and 200 lbs. of pig-iron, produces 25 cwts. of iron per hour, and may contain at the highest 90 cwts. The number of the tuyeres and their height above the fur- nace sole depend on the amount of the production and the width of the furnaces. In small furnaces, with a capacity of about 10 cwts., one tuyere is sufficient; furnaces with a capacity of 20 or 25 cwts. require two tuyeres; and furnaces containing 30 cwts. and more are provided with one tuyere on the back wall and two tuyeres on the two sides respectively; or the tuyeres are divided according to Sefström's principle over the periphery of the furnace. In some cases they are placed round the furnace in a spiral form (Woolwich Arsenal, Gleiwitz), so that the blast enters the furnace at different heights. The charges are thus quickly heated at a rapidly increasing tem- perature, inducing a quick descent; and a greater quantity of very hot iron is produced in a given time, whilst the con- sumption of coke and the loss of iron are decreased. In order to accelerate the melting, and consequently to econo- mise the fuel, Hinton|| employs two rows of tuyeres after Sefström's principle, one above the other, whilst the furnace is enlarged both above and below the tuyeres. In the Las- witz establishment in Breslau, a furnace 9 feet high and of a capacity of 80 cwts. contains four tuyeres, two of which * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 6. Zeichnungen des Ver. Hütte, Jahrg., 1854, No. 4; 1855, No. 15. + Zeichnungen des Ver. Hütte, 1855, No. 21; 1856, No. 8 k. ‡ Polyt. Centr., 1861, p. 444. HARTM., Fortschr., v. 171. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, pp. 170, 187. Preuss. Ztschr., iii., A. 166. THE CONSTRUCTION OF CUPOLA FURNACES. 591 lie one above the other and opposite to the other two. Bocard's furnace (Fig. 171) has no tuyeres, and the blast enters the furnace through an opening round the movable hearth. In order to increase the capacity of the furnace two or more tuyeres are laid on above another (Figs. 163, 165, 166, 167). The lowest tuyere is then used first, whilst the upper ones are closed with clay. This tuyere is then closed as soon as the liquid iron reaches it, and the tuyere next above is opened, and so on. Supposing the lowest tuyere or row of tuyeres to be 15 inches above the furnace sole, the distance to the next is always less by or I inch, thus forming spaces for collecting the iron up to 30 and 60 inches high, capable of holding as much as 200 cwts. of iron. 3 Another mode of collecting more liquid iron is to tap the contents of the furnace into a large pan or a special receptacle, and after the furnace is re-filled, to use both lots of iron. together. But this mode can only be employed when the temperature is very high. The space between the tuyeres and the sole of the furnace must be sufficient to allow room for collecting iron in the hearth in such quantity that it will not become thickly liquid or come in contact with the current of blast. In charcoal furnaces the height is usually 10 or 15 inches, and in coke furnaces 20 or 24 inches and more. The tuyeres usually lie horizontally, and never have a downward inclina- tion, or the iron would be decarbonised; a slight upward inclination sometimes improves the quality of the iron. The width of the copper or cast-iron tuyeres and of the nozzles depends on the quantity of blast to be introduced, and on the pressure of the blast. The tuyeres of coke fur- naces requiring a great quantity of blast of low pressure (page 587), are from 3 to 8 inches in diameter, whilst charcoal furnaces, requiring less blast of a higher pressure, have nar- rower tuyeres (from 2 to 4 inches diameter) in which the movable blowpipe nozzles closely fit. In order to save fuel, the furnaces at Blansko in Moravia are provided with a separate tuyere close to the furnace sole. On blowing-in, charcoal and then coke are placed on the 592 IRON. furnace bottom, and the lower tuyere only is put in action for three or five minutes, thus quickly heating the furnace sole; the lower tuyere is then closed, blast is introduced through the higher tuyeres, and the full burden of iron is charged at once. As the furnace sole is already very hot, the melted iron will be grey from the commencement. A similar method has also been applied at the blowing-in of blast furnaces.* The furnaces only allow a certain number of smeltings (up to 30), according to whether the building materials are fire proof; and the faulty parts, chiefly the hearth and boshes, require repairing from time to time. In order to preserve the furnace shaft during these repairs, the upper part of the furnace is sometimes constructed so as to be independent of the lower part (Maillard's cupola furnaces*), and it may be raised on screws, thus allowing the lower part to be repaired; or the upper part is fixed, and the lower part is movable on rails (Boccard's furnace).† The following may be taken as illustrations of cupola furnaces. A. Charcoal Cupola Furnaces.-Figs. 157, 158, and 159 show a furnace used in Lerbach in the Hartz. a is the foundation of brickwork provided with a cross channel; b, the bottom plate; c, the cast-iron mantle; d is an iron plate covering the top of the furnace; e is the fore hearth resting upon a projection of the bottom plate and screwed to the mantle, c; f is the tapping hole; g, the opening for charging the furnace; h, the Wasseralfinger hot blast apparatus; i, the chimney. The tuyeres and blowpipes are 1 inches in diameter; the blowpipes are movable and may be pushed forward so as to reach into the mouth of the tuyeres, thus closing them. The two tuyeres in one furnace are placed opposite each other, 1 inches apart. k is sand beaten down round a hollow wooden mould, which is afterwards burnt in the furnace. The tymp of these furnaces is sometimes formed of sandstone. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 167. † Polyt. Centr., 1858, p. 1462. HARTM., Fortschr., ii., 260. THE CONSTRUCTION OF CUPOLA FURNACES. 593 Fig. 160 represents the charcoal cupola furnace used at Königshütte (Hartz). a is sand; b, sandstone; c, bricks ; FIG. 157. FIG. 158. 57 B f C K b D FIG. 159. 9 d, filling; c, rough walling; f, an iron mantle. The tuyere, 2 inches in diameter, is inclined upwards one-fourth of an inch. The diameter of the blast pipe is 23 inches. B. Coke Cupola Furnaces.-Figs. 161 and 162 show a coke cupola furnace in use at the Royal foundry at Berlin. a is the blast main; b, a cylindrical ring; c, the tuyeres; d is the sole plate; g, an iron plate inside which coke is placed; h is the tapping hole; i is an opening closed with a glass lid, giving a view of the furnace through the nozzles, and also. for cleaning the tuyeres; k are fire bricks; shows the filling-in material, and m, an iron mantle. VOL. II. 2 Q 594 IRON. Fig. 163 represents a coke cupola furnace used at Wasser- alfingen. a is the furnace shaft; b, the tuyeres ; c is an iron FIG. 160. FIG. 161. + V a 4 :a. نام m r m C plate on which the charges glide down; d, the opening for charging; e a Scotch hot blast apparatus; f, the chimney. FIG. 162. で ​The furnace used at Gleiwitz (Silesia) is shown in Fig. 164. The furnace is provided with six blast pipes 1 inches in diameter, which are placed in the blast channel, a, in a spiral form, so that the sixth blast pipe lies 2 inches higher than the first one. The outside of the channel, a, contains openings closed with glass lids and corresponding with the THE CONSTRUCTION OF CUPOLA FURNACES. 595 blowpipes; b is the fore hearth; c is an opening for cleaning the hearth, kept closed during the process; the tapping FIG. 163. } d 2- α b 3 4 S J FEET FIG. 164. نا α 2 4. 6 8 FI hole is also on this part of the furnace; dis an opening for charging the furnace. The iron used for casting cooking pots, &c., runs continually through the tapping hole into a ladle. Figs. 165, 166, and 167,* represent the plan, section, and elevation of a coke cupola furnace capable of founding 5 tons. of cast-iron at a time. It is 3 feet wide inside and 13 feet high. m, m is a solid body of masonry forming the basis to the furnace; b, b is an octagonal platform of cast-iron, with Dr. URE'S Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. ii., p. 394. 292 596 IRON. a ledge on which the plates a, a, a, a rest; a, a are eight plates of cast-iron, I inch thick, exactly alike; only one of them is notched at its lower part, at c, to allow the melted FIG. 165. FIG. 166. 880 ad Th d O a d d (IN d 이 ​Dd d ad (I) D a Id d ad Q T d та Ed I d Ad Dd I 万 ​N C ሪ Ъ metal to run out, and two of the others have six apertures, g, g, g, to admit the tuyeres; c is an orifice for allowing the metal to flow out. A kind of cast-iron gutter, e, lined with FIG. 167. Λ CA loam, is fitted into the orifice; d are hoops of hammered iron, 44 inches broad; the lower ones are half an inch thick, and the upper ones a quarter of an inch. The intermediate hoops decrease regularly in thickness between these limits. e is a cast-iron gutter or spout, lined with loam, for running off the metal; f, f, are cylindrical pieces of cast-iron for in- creasing the height and draught of the furnace; g, g, are side openings for receiving the tuyeres, of which there are six upon each side of the furnace. Either of them may be THE CONSTRUCTION OF CUPOLA FURNACES. 597 shut at pleasure by means of a small cast-iron plate, h, made to slide horizontally in grooves sunk in the main plate, pierced with the holes, g, g; k, k is the interior lining, made of somewhat argillaceous sand, in the following way after laying at the bottom of the furnace a bed of sand a few inches thick, slightly sloped towards the discharging orifice, there is set upright, in the axis of the cupola, a wooden FIG. 168. FIG. 169. } h C d C C b 1 ん ​O O O O O O O h d- Ъ a a m 2 3 4 b ઊં 5 SFI cylinder of the full height and of a diameter a little less than that of the vacant space at the top of the furnace. Sand is then rammed in so as to fill the whole of the furnace; after this the wooden cylinder is withdrawn, and the lining of the sand is cut or pared away until it has received the proper form. This lining generally lasts five or six weeks, when there are six meltings weekly. i, i is a cast-iron circular plate through 598 IRON. which the mouth of the furnace passes to protect the lining in k, during the introduction of the charges; N, N is the level of the floor of the foundry. The portion of it below the running-out orifice consists of sand, so that it may be readily sunk when the melted metal is to be received in ladles or pots of large dimensions. Maillard's cupola furnace,* with a movable upper part, is shown in Figs. 168 and 169. a is the hearth of fire-bricks or sand, surrounded up to the height of 1'1 metre with an iron FIG. 170. FIG. 171. о O---- O 711 e I a f K 2 3 LET mantle, b, which is provided with three apertures for the tuyeres, c, and two for discharging the slag, d; e is the upper B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 167. HOT BLAST APPARATUS. 599 part of the hearth, and ƒ, the boshes, likewise formed of fire- bricks or sand; this part of the furnace is not surrounded with an iron mantle, in order to facilitate repairs which may be required; g is the upper part of the furnace, the shaft, surrounded with the mantle, h, formed of iron plates, and the border of which rests upon the four pillars, i. The pillars rest on the projections, h, of the mantle, b, to which they are screwed by means of sockets. By loosening the sockets, the upper part of the furnace may be lifted some centimetres above the boshes, which then can easily be re- paired when cool. m is the tapping hole; ", a gutter in which the iron flows off. The tuyeres are o°145 metre in diameter, and the blast pipes o'140. A furnace of this kind contains from 900 to 1000 kilos. of iron. Maillard's movable furnace, represented by Fig. 170, has two tuyeres o'07 metre in diameter, and an aperture through which the slag runs off, o'06 metre wide, and resting upon the car, b; otherwise its construction is similar to that of the preceding furnace. This furnace only contains from 60 to 100 kilos. of iron. Fig. 171 shows Boccard's furnacet with a movable hearth or crucible. a is the cast-iron box for the furnace hearth lined with fire-bricks, resting upon the car, b, which runs on the rails, c. The hearth, a, is surrounded by the box, d, and this again by the second box, e. The blast enters into the space, ƒ, and thence. at g, into the furnace all round the cir- cumference of the hearth instead of by tuyeres, thus causing a very uniform smelting; k is the tapping hole; and h, the aperture for running off the slag. B. Hot Blast Apparatus.-The hot blast has also proved advantageous in the cupola furnace process with regard to the consumption of fuel, the production,, and the loss of iron in the smelting process, but these advantages are less obvious owing to the short operations of the furnaces. The saving in char- coal amounts to one-third, and that of coke even to one-half; the former loss of iron (9 or 10 per cent) has been reduced to * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 168. †DINGL., Bd. 150, p. 186. HARTM., Fortschr., ii., 260. 600 IRON. 5 per cent, and a hotter and denser iron is produced. Hot blast enables the re-melting of wash and scrap iron without danger, and more easy manipulations in the hearth; the resulting slag is hotter, the waste flame more lively, and the tuyeres brighter. The blast is seldom heated above 250° C., otherwise the furnace is too strongly attacked, and the iron will be too hot for foundry purposes. For these reasons, and for that stated on page 588, cold blast is frequently employed (Hartz) when re-melting grey foundry iron with coke, as in this case it produces a higher temperature. The usual apparatus for heating the blast are either the Wasseralfinger (vide Fig. 158 on page 593), or the Scotch (as shown in Fig. 163 on page 595). Sometimes, also, the apparatus represented by Figs. 172, 173, 174, are advan- tageously used. They are fixed above the furnace mouth FIG. 172. FIG. 174. FIG. 173. E f B Lu פוז B 22:010 2- D E 3 FT J FI A B g F and consist of two annular tubes or boxes, A and B, which lie parallel and horizontally one above the other. These boxes are divided by twelve partition plates into as many divisions, a, which communicate with each other by means of vertical tubes. The cold blast enters from the tube, d, through the adjoined tube, c, into the upper annular box, passing up and down in the vertical tubes until it issues fully heated from the tube, c, as the boxes and the vertical tubes are heated by BLOWING ENGINES. 601 the waste gases of the cupola furnace; ƒ is the top plate of the furnace, and g, g, are the supports of the apparatus. C. Blowing Engines.-As the smelting process in cupola furnaces only requires a large quantity of blast of a low pressure (page 587), fans are usually employed in preference to the more expensive cylinder blast engines, which for equal quantities of blast produce a high pressure, and can only produce the large quantity required by making many revolu- tions and having cylinders of large diameter. The cylinder engines also require expensive regulators. Figs. 175 and 176 represent a fan much used in Germany; it is constructed by Schwarzkopf* of Berlin, upon Schiele's FIG. 175. FIG. 176. 9 C d g d α ur Ꮕ 12. d TR principle, and makes less of that disagreeable noise peculiar to most of the other ventilators. g is a fixed iron casing; f is the fan-wheel carrying the air, entering by a, towards the circumference, k, whence it enters the compartment, d, which is provided with curves for conducting the air into the main tube, c. The wings, m, are cast with the wheel, f, in one piece; is the frame supporting the fan; r, the driving pulley; w, the driving shaft; p is a grease box from which grease is conducted to the axle by the pipe, i. * The fant represented by Fig. 177, is of the best excentric WEISBACH, Ingen. u. Maschinen-Mechanik, iii., 1154. ROMBERG, Ztschr. f. Baukunst, 1855. WIEBE'S Maschinenbaumaterialien. + URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. ii., p. 396. 602 IRON. ་ form, as constructed by Messrs. Braithwaite and Ericsson; D is the circular orifice round the axis (by this the air is FIG. 177. E B ?? admitted), and c, c, в is the excentric channel through which the air is wafted towards the main discharge pipe, E. The fan distributes the blast from the main pipe to three BLOWING ENGINES. 603 · principal points by three branch distributing tubes. A register, consisting of a cast-iron plate sliding stiffly in a frame, serves to intercept the blast at any moment when it is not desirable to stop the moving power. A large pipe of zinc or sheet iron is fitted into the orifice of the slide valve. It is square at the beginning, or only rounded at the angles, but at a little distance it becomes cylindrical, and conducts the blast to the point of divergence. There, each of the branches turns up vertically, and terminates at b, b, where there is a circular orifice 7 inches in diameter. Upon each of the upright pipes, b, one end of an elbow tube of zinc, c, c, is adjusted rather loosely, and the other end receives a tuyere of wrought-iron, d, d, through the intervention of a shifting hose or collar of leather, c, c, d, hooped with iron wire to both the tube and the tuyere. The part, c, c, may be raised or lowered by sliding upon the pipe, b, in order to bring the nozzle of the tuyere, d, d, to the requisite point in the furnace. The part, c, c, c, c, may also be made of wrought- iron. A 4-horse power is required for driving this fan to supply blast to three furnaces. Most of the fans used in the foundries at Berlin are 3 feet in diameter, and 15 inches broad; they are set in motion by a steam engine of 6-horse power; they make Soo revolutions per minute, and provide three large cupola furnaces with the required blast (about 2000 cubic feet) of or 1 lbs. pres- sure. 4 The quantity of blast required depends chiefly on the size of the production, which again is influenced by the dimen- sions and construction of the furnace, and also depends on the nature of the fuel and the iron to be melted. Coke cupola furnaces require from 400 to 700 cubic feet of blast per minute, according to the compactness of the coke, &c.; charcoal furnaces from 250 to 400 cubic feet. The pressure in coke furnaces amounts to from 4 to 8 lines, and with charcoal to from 9 lines to 2 inches, and seldom less than 6 lines of mercury. As each 100 lbs. of iron to be smelted per hour in a coke cupola furnace requires about 5000 cubic feet of blast, the 604 IRON. following important data concerning the blast to be intro- duced, the diameter of the blast pipes, &c., will be useful:- Pressure of the Blast. Quantity of Blast per square inch of the section of the Blast Pipe. Section of the Blast Pipe per 100 lbs. of iron per hour. Square Inches. Quantity of iron per hour and per I square inch of the section of the Blast Pipe. lbs. Water Inches. Cubic Feet. 2.91 0'70 4°19 0.84 5.67 0.98 7'36 I'12 9°28 I'26 2'00 1.66 1'43 1*25 I'II 50 60 70 80 90 The following are some illustrations for the determination of the amount of blast :- a. A cupola furnace has three tuyeres 6 inches in diameter; each is fed with blast of 7.36 inches of water pressure; how much iron can it fuse per hour? At the already stated pressure of the blast 80 lbs. of iron will result per hour per square inch of the blast pipe; three blast pipes, therefore, with 85 square inch section, will produce 80 × 85=68 cwts. of iron per hour. b. How many square inches must be contained in the section of 4 blast pipes; 40 cwts. of iron are to be produced. per hour with a pressure of 7.36 inches? As 100 lbs. of iron at the given pressure require 1*25 square inches in the section of the nozzles, 40 cwts. will require 40 × 1*25=50 square inches; therefore, each blast pipe must have a section of 125 square inches or about 4 inches diameter. The older coke cupola furnace at Lerbach (Hartz) having a blast pipe 5 inches in diameter, was worked with 600 cubic feet of cold blast per minute with a pressure of 2 or 3 ounces; the charcoal furnace (Figs. 157, 158, 159) with a blast pipe of 2 inches 9 lines diameter was fed with from 395 to 425 cubic feet of blast of from 170° to 200° C. The Cupola Furnace Process. When blowing in a new charcoal cupola furnace, glowing coal is kept in the furnace hearth for 8, 12, and even 24 hours; the hearth is then cleaned from deposits and the furnace is THE CUPOLA FURNACE PROCESS, 605 I gradually filled with charcoal, when the preceding layer will ignite the following one; blast of low pressure (4 to 6 lines mercury) is now introduced, and the first charge of 25 lbs. of pig-iron is made (at the later startings of the furnace higher charges of 50, 60, or 70 lbs. are commenced). As soon as the seventh or eighth charge enters the hearth, after 1 or 13 hours, the tapping hole will be sufficiently warm and is closed with a plug consisting of two-thirds loam and one- third horse-dung or sand; the opening below the tymp is closed with sand, pounded slag, or a mixture of small coal and loam, to prevent the blast from blowing through; the full pressure of from 9 to 36 lines of mercury is then given; the iron charges, according to the state of the process, are gradually increased by from 10 to 15 lbs. up to from 90 to 105, or 110 lbs. at the highest, at the same time charging constant burdens of charcoal (about 2 cubic feet of beech coal = from 19 to 22 lbs.). The quicker mode of blowing in which is used at Ransko has been explained on page 591. The smelting materials are raised to the furnace top by a lift, or on an inclined plane. The iron to be charged (by weight) is broken into pieces of about 8 cubic inches, and in coke furnaces into larger pieces; the fuel must be dry, as uniform as possible, and in moderate sized pieces, and it is charged by volume of a known weight; these measures of fuel being from time to time controlled by direct weighing. The size of the single charges depends on the quality of the fuel and the pig-iron, on the dimensions of the furnace, on the process, &c.; for example, coke is charged, according to the dimensions of the furnace, in burdens of from to I cubic foot (24 to 36 lbs.), or from 2 to 3 cubic feet (72 to 108 lbs.), and iron in burdens of from 100 to 500 lbs. and more; the charcoal burdens are from 1 to 2 cubic feet. Usually from 200 to 400 lbs. of iron are charged in pieces of 8 cubic inches, with from 25 to 50 lbs. of coke. At a regular process the iron in the hearth is hot and grey (gaar), the tuyeres are not too light, and the coal may be seen when looking through the tuyeres; the descending pieces of iron rapidly melt, the whitish yellow flame of the furnace mouth is lively and hotter than that of iron blast furnaces, 606 IRON. and the smoke issuing from the furnace mouth and from below the tymp is mostly blue. If there is too high a temperature in the furnace it pro- duces very hot and thinly liquid iron, which strongly attacks the hearth lining; the charges of iron must then be increased, and either the furnace is fed with burnt iron through the tuyeres, or the liquid iron is allowed somewhat to cool in the ladles, sometimes even a small quantity of pig-iron is added to it; otherwise the castings sink, and the moulds. are injured. If an increase of the iron burden causes the thinly liquid iron to be easily converted into thickly liquid iron it is a sign that the furnace is too wide. In the reverse case, if the temperature is too low the iron will be thickly liquid and inclined to chill, the slags stick to the tuyeres, forming a nose, and the flame of the furnace mouth is sluggish. The burdens of iron must then be decreased, or the temperature of the blast raised; the tuyeres and hearth are cleared of deposits, pounded flame is repeatedly forced below the tymp with a view to conducting the flame more to the front of the furnace, thus causing the iron in the fore hearth to be hotter; the iron must be always kept covered with glowing coal. If the iron is thickly liquid without chilling, either the blast is too weak, or the slag too pasty, and the production of thickly liquid iron at the commencement of the fusion indicates that the tuyeres lie too high. If the charges become suspended in the furnace, the blast pipes must be moved back- wards and the blast turned off. The slag is either removed from the fore hearth, or runs off by itself through apertures into boxes; in some cases it is tapped off from time to time or it runs off together with the iron, when it is removed from the founding ladles. After some hours (three or four), when a certain number of charges have been made, the hearth is filled with iron, the blast is put off, and the iron is either ladled out from the fore hearth or it is tapped off in larger pans; when casting large castings it is made to run direct into the moulds. If more iron is to be collected in the hearth, the lower THE CUPOLA FURNACE PROCESS. 607 tuyeres are closed with clay, and blast is introduced through the higher tuyeres. In order to ascertain the quantity of iron which a furnace hearth will contain, and which may be required in certain cases, the iron is tapped off when the hearth is filled, and its weight taken, observing, at the same time, the number and the weight of the charges which were required to fill the hearth. In order to ascertain the quantity of iron contained in the hearth at any moment, it will afterwards only be necessary to calculate that quantity from the charges which have passed through the furnace. After emptying the hearth, cleaning it from deposits, and closing the tapping hole, it is re-filled with coal, the space below the tymp is closed, and the smelting operation re- commenced. The tapping hole must be carefully preserved from injury, and brushed over with black lead. Smelting in charcoal furnaces is usually interrupted every evening after an operation of 14 or 15 hours. An hour pre- vious to the last tapping, and at the last charge, double the usual quantity of iron is charged, and the pieces of iron are larger, the better to utilise the coal; also from 8 to 10 lbs. of limestone are frequently added to the last charges on account of the scorified particles of the furnace lining. When all the melted iron is contained in the hearth, it is ladled out or completely tapped off, the fore hearth and tymp are cleansed of deposits and coal, the tapping hole is repaired and closed with a mixture of small coal and loam, or with an iron rod; the tuyeres are closed with loam, the hearth filled with fresh coal, and the fore hearth as well as the furnace mouth closed with a luted iron plate; the heat is thus re- tained in the furnace with a consumption of only about 2 cubic feet of charcoal. In the morning the fore hearth, furnace mouth, tuyeres, and tapping hole are reopened, the furnace filled with coal, and light burdens of iron of from 25 to 35 lbs. are charged at the commencement, whilst blowing with a pressure of 4 or 5 lines; the burdens and pressure are afterwards rapidly increased. According to the nature of the refractory material it is built with, the furnace admits of longer or shorter operations, 608 IRON. usually from four to six weeks; slight repairs may be done during the operations. The loss of iron upon re-melting varies according to the quality of the pig-iron, fuel, and the process, and usually amounts to from 5 to 7 per cent, in the most unfavourable case to 12 per cent, and upwards. The process in coke cupola furnaces is similar to that in charcoal cupola furnaces, with the modifications stated on page 585. At the commencement the coke is ignited with wood-shavings, wood, and glowing coal, and as much as 5 per cent of limestone may be added to each charge for the better scorification of the coke ash; the slag is either tapped off from time to time through an opening with which the furnace is provided for this purpose (Fig. 168), or it is allowed to flow off continually. Most of the furnaces have no fore hearth, and their operations last only four or five hours, when they require cleaning, as the formation of slag gives rise to many deposits in the furnace. According to Knop,* a saving of fuel is obtained if at the commencement the furnace is filled with coal to half its height only, thus warming the furnace, and charging the first burden of iron 1 or 1 hour previous to the introduction of the blast. The products of the cupola furnace process are:- 1. Cast-Iron, more compact and of finer grain than before re-melting, and from mottled to grey according to the process. 2. Slags formed of the slag of the fuel, the sand and slag sticking to the pig-iron, particles of the furnace lining, the limestone added, &c. ; they are blue, grey, brown, or yellow, vitreous, porcelain-like, stony or earthy, and frequently evolve sulphuretted hydrogen when water is thrown upon them. The slag of a cupola furnace in which cast-iron was melted with an addition of lime showed the following com- position:- Sio, A₁₂O₁ 3 FeO 45'59 11.88 I'II MnO. O'91 CaO. 38.20 CaS 1*76 *DINGL., Bd. 168, p. 157. THE CUPOLA FURNACE PROCESS. 609 Grey coke pig-iron from Rans* containing- Fe. Si. C. 94'50 I'95 3°09 yielded, when smelted with coke containing 12 per cent ash, in a cupola furnace at Casamène, a slag of the following composition :- SiO 3 Al₂O₂ FeO CaO MgO 3 31.8 24°2 22.4 21'0 0.6 The slags of charcoal cupola furnaces are pounded and washed to recover the contained iron. 3. Waste Gases.t-These are hotter and richer in carbonic acid than the waste gases of blast furnaces, and the waste gases of coke cupola furnaces more so than those of charcoal furnaces; often no use is made of them, or they are used to heat the hot blast apparatus. Sometimes they are used for a preparatory heating of the water for steam boilers (machine manufactory of Hoppé in Berlin), or for the direct produc- tion of steam (Bernburg).|| The following are examples of the process in charcoal cupola furnaces :- At Königshütte in the Hartz (Fig. 160 on page 594).-The pig-iron used for re-melting is cast so as to form cubes of from 2 to 4 cubic inches; this iron is mixed with deficient castings, waste of the foundry, and chips and borings of cast and wrought-iron in the proportion of two-thirds to one-third, and in charges of So lbs. The burden of fuel (beech-wood charcoal) consists of 2 cubic feet, or about 20 lbs. The dia- meter of the tuyere is 2 inches, and that of the blast pipe 23 inches; the pressure of the blast is 18 lines (15—24), and its temperature 156° to 312° C.; the quantity of blast introduced per minute is 350 cubic feet, and from 70 to So charges are B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 26. + Analyses: Bgwkfd., viii., 467. 125. Polyt. Centr., 1847, p. 917. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 33. Employment of the Gases: Bgwkfd., xi,, B. u. h. Ztg., 1852, p. 261; 1855, p. 177. || Ibid., 1855, p. 177 (with drawing). VOL. II. 2 R 610 IRON. made in 12 hours. The loss on melting 100 lbs. of pig-iron amounts to 2.66 per cent, and to 5'01 per cent per 100 lbs. of castings. At Lerbacherhütte in the Hartz (Figs. 157, 158, and 159 on page 593). The iron to be melted is of the same kind as that used at Königshütte. One charge consists of from = 22 lbs. of char- 90 to 100 lbs. of iron and 2 cubic feet coal; about five charges are melted in an hour. The tuyere and blast pipe are 14 cubic inches in diameter, the pressure of the blast is 30 lines, and its temperature 245° C. The loss on smelting is 3'14 lbs. per 100 lbs. fused iron, and 5*26 per 100 lbs. of resulting castings. The consumption of coal per 100 lbs. of castings is 45'4 lbs. The furnace hearth may contain from 12 to 15 cwts. of iron, or even 20 cwts. if a second tuyere is employed above the lower one. At Mariazell, one charge consists of 33 cubic feet of char- coal and from 100 to 110 lbs. of iron (at the commencement from 60 to 80 lbs.) The furnaces have two tuyeres 1 inch wide and 3 of an inch high; the blast pipe is 1 inch wide, and the pressure of blast from 11 to 13 lines mercury. From 60 to 100 cwts. of iron are melted in 12 hours at a loss of 5 per cent. 4 At Blansko, from 60 to 90 cwts. are melted in 12 hours at a loss of from 6 to 8 per cent, and 3 cubic feet of hard coal are consumed per 100 lbs. of iron. The diameter of the blast pipe is from 14 to 24 lines, and the pressure of the blast from 18 to 36 inches of water. At Lauchhammer, one charge consists of I cubic foot of charcoal and from 40 to 50 lbs. of iron (at the commencement 20 lbs). The blast pipes are 1 inches wide and 3 of an inch high, and the pressure of the blast amounts to 16 inches of water. From 40 to 50 cwts. of iron are melted in 12 hours at a loss of 4 or 5 per cent, and a consumption of from 2 to 3 cubic feet of coal per 1 cwt. of iron. The following are examples of smelting in coke cupola furnaces: Katzhütte in Thuringia.-The furnace is provided with a fore hearth, and is 8 feet high, and I foot 6 inches and I foot 9 inches wide at the top and bottom respectively. It THE CUPOLA FURNACE PROCESS. 611 is provided with five tuyeres, each 5 inches wide; the pres- sure of the blast is from 14 to 16 inches of water. One charge consists of 1 cubic feet of Westphalian coke and up to 4 cwts. of pig-iron (25 per cent Scotch pig-iron and 75 per cent pig-iron of own production). Some fluor spar is added to every second charge; the hearth may contain 50 cwts. of iron. An older furnace at Lerbach on the Hartz without a fore- hearth is 7 feet high, 2 feet wide on the bottom, and 2 feet 2 inches in the belly. The diameter of the blowpipe nozzles is 5 inches, the pressure of the blast 2 or 3 ounces, the tem- perature of it 19° C., and the quantity of blast amounts to 600 cubic feet per minute. At Saynerhütte, in 1861, 33°12 lbs. of coke were consumed per 100 lbs. of pig-iron, and the loss of iron in melting amounted to 8'91 per cent. I At Gleiwitz, from 110 to 120 cwts. of iron are melted in five hours, the pressure of the blast being 1 lbs. The fur- nace used is represented in Fig. 164. The foundry is ar- ranged so as to allow the production of castings of more than 70 cwts. In 1861, 46°5 lbs. of coke and 114°2 lbs. of pig-iron were consumed per cwt. of castings. Maillard's cupola furnace is shown in Figs. 168 and 169. When blowing in this furnace, wood shavings and glowing coal are placed upon the sole of the furnace, then from 150 to 250 kilos. of coke up to the shaft; an hour later 600 kilos. of pig-iron are charged, and then alternate burdens of 41 kilos. of coke and from 250 to 350 kilos. of iron, with an addition of 2 or 3 kilos. of limestone per 15 kilos. of pig-iron, which is charged between the fuel and the iron. The blast is next introduced by the two lower tuyeres, and the tapping-hole closed as soon as the liquid iron enters the hearth. When blowing through the higher row of tuyeres the lower row is closed with coke and foundry sand. The slag is tapped off from time to time through apertures left for the purpose. From 1200 to 1500 kilos. of very hot liquid iron are pro- duced per hour, the pressure of the blast being 15 or 18 centi- metres of water, and the consumption of coke 10:29 kilos. 2 R 2 612 IRON. per 100 kilos. of pig-iron; the loss of iron in melting is less than 4 per cent. In the locomotive furnace, represented by Fig. 170, burdens of 6 kilos. of coke, 50 kilos. of pig-iron, and 15 kilos. of flux are charged. In Boccard's cupola furnace (Fig. 171) from 1500 to 2000 kilos. of pig-iron are melted per hour. The slags continually run off through the slag-hole. The iron is tapped off when the hearth, a, is filled; the hearth in its box, a, is then re- moved in order to be cleaned, the smelting column being suspended with iron rods; a new hearth is sufficiently warmed and put in the place of the old hearth. The management of the furnace represented in Figs. 165, 166, and 167 is described in Dr. Ure's "Dictionary of Arts, Mines, &c.," ii., 394, as follows:- The furnace is kindled by laying a few chips of wood upon its bottom, leaving the orifice, c, open, and it is then filled up to the throat with coke. The fire is lit at c, and in a quarter or half an hour, when the body of the fuel is suffi- ciently kindled, the tuyere blast is set in action; the flame then issues by the mouth as well as by the orifice, c, which has been left open on purpose to consolidate it by the heat. Without this precaution, the sides, which are made up of argillaceous sand after each day's work, would not present the necessary resistance. A quarter of an hour afterwards the orifice, c, is closed with a lump of moist clay, and some- times when the furnace is to contain a great body of melted metal, the clay is supported by means of a small plate of cast-iron fixed against the furnace. Before the blowing machine is set going, the openings g, g, g, have been kept shut; those wanted for the tuyeres are opened in succession, beginning at the lowest, the tuyeres being raised according as the level of the fused iron stands higher in the furnace. The tuyere is either cylindrical or slightly conical, and its diameter varies between 3 and 5 inches. A few minutes after the tuyeres have begun to blow, when the coke sinks in the furnace, alternate charges of coke and pig-iron must be thrown in. The metal begins to melt in about twenty minutes after its introduction, and successive charges are THE CUPOLA FURNACE PROCESS. 613 then made nearly every ten minutes, each charge containing from 3 to 5 cwts. of iron and a quantity of coke in proportion to the estimate given below. The amount of the charges varies, of course, with the size of the furnace and the speed of the operation. The pigs must be previously broken into pieces weighing at most 14 or 16 lbs. The vanes of the blowing fan make from 625 to 650 revolutions per minute. In the course of a year, a foundry of some extent will con- sume about 300 tons of coke in melting 1240 tons of cast- iron, consisting of 940 tons of pigs of different qualities, and 300 tons of broken castings, runners, &c. Thus it appears that 24 lbs. of coke are consumed in melting I cwt. of metal. Somewhat less coke is consumed when the fusion is pushed more rapidly, to collect a great body of melted metal for casting heavy articles; and more is consumed when, as in making many small castings, the process of the founding has to be slackened from time to time; otherwise, the metal would remain too long in a state of fusion and probably become too cold to receive sharp impressions from the moulds. It sometimes happens that in the same day, with the same furnace, pieces have to be cast containing several proportions of different kinds of iron; in which case, to prevent an intermixture with the preceding or following charges, a con- siderable bed of coke is interposed. Though there is thus a little waste of fuel, it is compensated by the improved adapta- tion of the castings to their specific objects. The founding generally begins at 3 o'clock p.m., and goes on till 6 or 8 o'clock. One founder, aided by four labourers, for charging, &c., can manage two furnaces. The following is the work of a well-managed foundry in Derby:-200 lbs. of coke are required to melt or bring down (in the language of the founder) 1 ton of cast-iron, after the cupola has been brought to its proper heat, by the combustion in it of 9 baskets of coke each weighing 40 lbs. = 360 lbs. in all. The chief talent of the founder consists in discovering the most economical mixtures and so compounding them as to produce the desired properties in the castings. One piece, for example, may be required to have great strength and 614 IRON. tenacity to bear heavy weights or strains; another must yield readily to the file or the chisel; a third must resist sudden alternations of temperature; a fourth must be pretty hard, &c. The filling in of the melted metal is managed in two ways. For strong pieces whose moulds can be buried in the ground at 7 or 8 yards distance from the furnace, the metal may be run in gutters, formed in the sand of the floor, sustained by plates or stones. When all is ready the clay plug is pierced with an iron rod. When from the smaller size or greater distance of the moulds the melted metal cannot be run along the floor from the furnace, it is received in cast-iron pots or ladles, lined with a coat of loam. These are either carried by the hands Between of two or more men, or transported by the crane. the successive castings the discharge hole of the furnace is closed with a lump of clay, applied by means of an iron or wooden rod having a small disc of iron fixed at its end. After the metal is somewhat cooled the moulds are taken asunder and the excrescences upon the edges of the castings are broken off with a hammer; they are afterwards more carefully trimmed or chipped by a chisel when quite cold. The loss of weight in founding is about 6 per cent upon the pig-iron employed. Each casting always requires the melting of considerably more than its own weight of iron; this excess forms the runners, false seams, &c., the whole of which being deducted shows that I cwt. of coke is consumed for every 3 cwts. of iron put into the furnace; for every 138 cwts. of crude metal there will be 100 cwts. of castings, 32 of refuse pieces, and 6 of waste. C. Re-melting of the Pig-Iron in Reverberatory Furnaces. The advantages of cupola furnaces over reverberatory fur- naces have been mentioned on page 580, and the latter furnaces are now more and more often replaced by the cupolas, the dimensions being enlarged. Reverberatory fur- naces are principally used for casting very large pieces or for re-melting large faulty castings; these furnaces are also RE-MELTING IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 615 employed to remove certain components of the iron (silicon, phosphorus, earthy metals, &c.) by the influence of the atmospheric air, thus improving the quality of the iron and producing a stronger iron for the manufacture of cannons, rolls, &c. Sometimes the employment of reverberatory fur- naces is necessitated by the fuel at disposal, brown coal for example, or in cases when a foundry is to be carried on at a certain place for a short period only, &c. Unlike the cupola furnaces reverberatory. furnaces allow the iron to keep liquid for any length of time, and also to be modified from the darkest grey iron to all different tints of lighter grey up to white iron. On the other hand, reverberatory furnaces permit the advantageous re-melting of certain sorts of pig- iron only, they do not allow the formation of castings in uniform succession, and give rise to a greater loss of iron by oxidation; owing to this circumstance, and to the larger con- sumption of fuel, these furnaces are only admissible in large foundries where several large castings are to be made in succession. Smelting Materials. The iron used for re-melting in reverberatory furnaces is mostly chosen from the grey sorts produced from refractory ore mixtures in furnaces with high and narrow hearth; as grey pig-iron from easily fusible ore mixtures in furnaces. with low hearths, as well as mottled iron, are inclined to become too light, when they are no longer fit for all castings. Common grey iron of the regular process requires to be only once re-melted to render it sufficiently strong, whilst darkish grey or very impure iron requires a repeated re-melting for that purpose; very impure or darkish grey iron is liable to much scorification in the re-melting process, but less so than white pig-iron, which, upon fusion, becomes thickly liquid and more easily oxidises. The strongest iron is obtained by re-melting white pig-iron (chiefly grained iron poor in carbon) at a very high temperature, and slowly Behaviour of the English, Scotch, and Belgian sorts of pig-iron in the pro- cess of re-melting. LEOB., Jahrb., 1852, ii., 116, 160. 616 IRON. cooling it; the same result is obtained on quickly cool- ing a fused grey iron. Reverberatory furnaces enable the production of good, pure, grained white iron from grey pig. Different sorts of iron are frequently melted in ad- mixture. Fluxes are not usually employed at this melting, unless an addition of limestone, which is given when re- melting in blast reverberatory furnaces. At Mariazell,* attempts have been made to extract some of the sulphur from the iron by an addition of litharge, but without success; the litharge, on the other hand, caused the formation of a hotter iron, as it entered the froth-like slag and reduced it to a thin layer, through which the temperature reacted more effectively upon the iron. The best fuel for re-melting in reverberatory furnaces is a bituminous long flaming sinter coal; when this coal is not to be had, kiln-dried wood and turf,‡ and also good brown coal, can be advantageously used. Wood and turf, without being kiln-dried, do not give the required temperature, but they are applicable to puddling and re-heating furnaces. In some cases fuel in the form of gas has been applied. Karsten states that, according to the fusibility of the iron and the amount of ash contained in the fuel, 100 lbs. of iron require for re-melting from 40 to 80 lbs. of coal, or 6.5 cubic feet of 20 lbs. each 130 lbs. of pine wood, or 43 cubic feet = 185 lbs. of kiln-dried black turf. According to Tunner the materials used at Mariazell for re-melting 1 cwt. of pig-iron are from 6 to 8 cubic feet of kiln-dried wood, from 50 to 80 cubic feet of good coal, from 15 to 18 cubic feet of kiln-dried turf, or from 70 to 100 lbs. of brown coal. Smelting Furnaces.|| These furnaces must be constructed in such a manner as to produce iron of the required degree of liquidity in the LEOB., Jahrb., 1862, xi., 300. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 116. B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, p. 765. || Ibid., 1860, p. 15. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, pp. 115, 188. REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 617 shortest possible time, with the smallest consumption of fuel and loss of iron. The production of the required very high temperature is facilitated by a high chimney (fre- quently of 100 feet), or by the application of blast below the grate, by a fire place large in proportion to the furnace hearth, by a suitably constructed roof of the fur- nace, by forming the hearth of bad conductors of heat, by good fuel, by frequently charging the fuel in small portions, &c. Sometimes the furnace is placed in the open air in order to facilitate its draught. The above-named conditions. may be better obtained when it is intended to melt larger quantities of iron quickly without considerably modifying it, than when aiming also at a purification of the iron. Both these purposes have also led to different constructions of the furnaces, and we may clasify the furnaces into those having a hearth inclined towards the fluc, and into furnaces with a hearth inclined towards the fire-bridge. The former offer a larger surface to the flame which is partly oxidising, and the oxidation may be further facilitated by stirring the iron or introducing the blast. But this operation always causes great loss and the formation of much impure iron partly decarbonised and partly burnt, which sticks to the hearth and is termed slag by the founder; it is therefore usually preferable to melt at once, and as quickly as possible, the suit- able sorts of pig-iron of sufficient purity, in furnaces of the second class. The formation of slag is lessened by a higher fire-bridge, but, on the other hand, the temperature. on the hearth of the furnace decreases. In furnaces with the hearth inclined towards the flue, the hearth is formed either of refractory bricks or of quartz sand, and sometimes also of a mixture of quartz sand with fromto of pulverised coke (Mariazell); this composi- tion is a less powerful conductor of heat, but it is also less durable, and requires to be renewed after each melting, whilst the former constructions stand several opera- tions. Although a horizontal position of the hearth permits the production of a more uniform temperature in the furnace, it is less often employed (Eck's gas furnace), as it causes a greater consumption of fuel; too great an inclination of the 618 IRON, hearth gives rise to a more easy scorification of the iron, as it runs in thinner jets into the sump, and the iron charged on the fire-bridge does not come in contact with the iron which has become liquid before, thus its melting is impeded and the formation of slag facilitated. The hearth has either a uniform inclination, or a sump on its lower part, in which the iron is more protected from oxidation. The tapping hole is placed accordingly. The dimensions of the furnaces chiefly depend on the size of the charges of iron (20 to 200 cwts., mostly from 50 to 90 cwts.) on the quality of the fuel, &c. They are of the right proportion if as uniform a temperature as possible is produced in all parts of the furnace. When the iron melts more quickly on the flue than on the fire-bridge, the flue is too large, and if it is too small the quicker melting will take place on the fire-bridge. The following proportions are applicable to many cases :-Section of the hearth to the total fire-place, from 3 to 4: I; to the open grate, from 6 to 7: 1; the grate to the flue, from 6 to 8 : 1; the depth of the hearth to its length, 1 : 2 or 3, when using bituminous coal, and 2: 3 when using non-caking coal; height of the fire-bridge, from 4 to 12 inches (the higher if a slow melting and slight oxidation of the iron is intended); the height of the chimney from 30 to 100 feet, its width from 12 to 24 inches. The opening between fire-bridge and roof is about equal to the section of the mouth of the chimney at the top, and o'4 or 0'5 of the grate. The interstices between the grate are from to 1 inches. According to Weniger the section of the flue is 1-5th, 1-7th, and 1-9th, of the grate respectively, according to whether coal, brown coal, or turf is used. 4 A furnace for smelting 100 lbs of pig-iron per hour with coal must be of about the following dimensions:-The hearth sole, 432; total fire-place, 1'08; open grate, o'65; open- ing for the flame above the fire-bridge, from o‘26 to 0*325; the chimney mouth, from o°26 to 0°325; and the flue o‘I square foot. When employing a lower chimney the blast is sometimes in- troduced below the grate by means of a fan, or an exhauster is applied to the chimney. In the first case the waste flame may REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 619 be used for other purposes. The chimney is frequently pro- vided with a small hole for observing the temperature. Corbin-Desboissières* has constructed a parabolic furnace with an inclination towards the flue, blast being con- ducted below the grate. This furnace produced a most. uniform temperature. Its construction is shown in Figs. 178, 179. a is the grate; b are racks; c, the ash-pit, with FIG. 178. ~ 72 m P TL FIG. 179. ? 四 ​3 U ང་ མཀམ་ གོ་པ་ 16 t S 9 .... ..... て ​S FI the door, d; e are coal-rakes; f, a pipe conducting the blast into the ash-pit; g, sliding doors through which coal is thrown on the grate (the doors can be drawn up by means of the forked blocks, h); i, space between the doors and the grate; k and l are iron plates; m are draught holes connected with n, for cooling the furnace walling; o is a roller before the working door to support the working tools; p is the chief smelting furnace; q is the tapping-hole; r, door * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 15. 620 IRON. provided with a loop-hole before the furnace sump; s are doors leading to the space t, in which deficient castings of small size are placed; the castings then melt in such a time, running through the channels, u, that they unite with the chief mass of iron in the sump; v are flues. The furnaces with an inclination to the fire-bridge, which in Germany are called Staffordshire furnaces, are in frequent use in England as well as in Germany and France. The sump of these furnaces is made of a refractory mixture of clay and coal dust, and the hearth, or place on which the iron is charged, is constructed of a still more refractory mass. The door closing the charging opening of the furnace is provided with loop-holes 1 inches wide which are closed with glass, and the lower part of this door is also provided with an aperture allowing the introduction of a rake. The lowest point of the sump is provided with a tapping-hole, but the working opening of the furnace also allows a ladling out of the iron. I 1 A furnace of this construction,* as used in the Royal Foundry at Berlin, is shown in Figs. 180, 181, constructed by Wöhlert. a is the sump; b, the aperture closed with a FIG. 180. b FIG. 181. α * Zeichnungen des Ver. Hütte, Jahrg., 1855, No. 15; 1854, No. 4; 1859, No. 5; 1861, No. 15, r. THE PROCESS IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 621 clay plate, containing the tapping-hole on the lower part, and loop-hole on the upper part; c, the opening for charging the furnace; d, flue conducting into a chimney. The Process in Reverberatory Furnaces. When possible, the pig-iron is previously heated and placed in the red-hot furnace, especially when the furnace is new, thus saving fuel and lessening the loss of iron by the formation of slag. In order to effect a uniform melting, the smaller pieces of iron as well as iron of easy fusibility are placed lowest in the furnace, and the larger and more refractory pieces of iron on the top of them. In furnaces with hearths inclined towards the flue the pieces of iron must be placed in such a manner as to enable the flame to pass freely through. Larger pieces, which are less inclined to form slag than smaller pieces, are placed near the fire-bridge upon a founda- tion of fire bricks. When charging the iron into the cold furnace but little air is admitted at the commencement, in order to gradually warm the hearth, and by producing a smoky flame to avoid the oxidation of iron; the full heat is given after the contents of the furnace have become red hot. During the melting the working door is kept closed, and coals are thrown fre- quently upon the grate, a few at a time, whilst the sliding door before the grate is quickly closed again in order to limit the admission of air. An iron rod is now introduced into the furnace through an opening in the working door, by means of which the unfused pieces are moved so as to form a heap, or to bring them in contact with the fused iron so as to cause them to melt. When fusing rapidly it is possible also to fuse the iron scale which may have been formed in the operation. In order to enable the temperature thoroughly to permeate the fused mass, the slag formed must be thinly liquid and not frothy; an addition of litharge (page 616) will prevent frothiness. When all the iron is melted, and is sufficiently liquid and hot, it is tapped off, either into a sump and thence into the mould, or into a vessel coated with refractory slag, which is provided with either a spout or an opening at the 622 IRON. bottom which may be closed by means of a lever. In rare cases only is the iron ladled out whilst the chimney is closed. Sometimes the iron is kept liquid for some hours in order to purify it or to make it adapted for certain applications. (rollers for instance). In order to ascertain the quality of the iron, samples are ladled out and the quality ascertained from their colour and texture, usually after cooling; stirring renders the iron more uniform. When calculating the quantity of iron to be melted, the loss of iron, the formation of slag, the runners, &c., have to be taken into consideration. One operation usually lasts from 2 to 6 hours, and the loss of iron is from 6 to 9 per cent, and sometimes more, according to the size of the castings, the length of the operation, the quality of the iron and fuel, &c. Two furnaces are frequently built side by side, so as to form double furnaces, which are then put in operation at the same time. After having tapped the furnace, the iron sticking to the hearth (schaalen) is removed, and the furnace is re- charged whilst still hot, unless a renewal of the hearth be required, which is the case at Mariazell, for instance, after each operation. The following are some examples of smelting in reverbe- ratory furnaces with a sump on the flue :-— At Mariazell cannons are cast from the reverberatory furnace, and the furnace is charged with, on an average, 75 cwts. of suitable pig-iron in pieces weighing from 6 to 12 cwts. The melting is effected with fir-wood. The iron which is placed upon fire bricks before the fire-bridge, is melted in about 5 hours, and after taking samples it is tapped off and conducted, by means of iron gutters coated with loam, into cast-iron boxes, each with an aperture on the bottom; from these boxes the iron is made to run quickly into the vertical moulds. All the openings of the furnace are then used for cooling, the debris in the furnace is removed and the hearth renewed. The loss of iron is * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, pp. 116, 188; 1858, p. 245. GAS REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 623 8 per cent, and from 6 to 8 cubic feet of wood are consumed per cwt. of resulting castings. At Belgium* 490 kilos. of coal were consumed in melting 1000 kilos. of pig-iron when making several operations in succession; 3.8 per cent of scale was formed, and 6'93 per cent of slag. In 1861, the consumption in the foundry of Gleiwitz per 1 cwt. of castings amounted to 116.6 lbs. of pig-iron and 66'5 lbs. of coal; at Saynerhütte 88'97 lbs. of coal were consumed in melting 100 lbs. of iron, and the loss of iron amounted to 8:14 per cent. At St. Gertraud charges of from 60 to 85 cwts. are melted with brown coal; upon passing over the fire-bridge the gases. are burnt by means of blast, which is introduced through 13 tuyeres at a pressure of 2 lines. 75 lbs. of coal are con- sumed in melting 100 lbs. of iron. In furnaces with the hearth inclined towards the fire-bridge the charges of iron are uniformly distributed on the hearth and melted as quickly as possible at a high temperature ; the iron last remaining on the hearth in a solidified state will be partly decarbonised, and is transferred to the sump when all the iron is tapped off. This quick melting causes a loss of iron of from 5 to 7 per cent only, and a saving of 25 per cent of fuel com- pared with furnaces with hearths inclined towards the flue. At Creuzott 6000 kilos. of iron (of grey iron and of mottled iron) are melted in 5 hours with a consumption of 1050 kilos. of coal. At Wöhlert's foundry in Berlin, 50 cwts. of pig-iron are melted in 4½ hours, consuming from 27 to 36 lbs. of coal per 100 lbs. of iron. Sometimes 150 cwts. of iron are charged at once.‡ Gas Reverberatory Furnaces. These furnaces|| are employed when intending to produce castings of a certain degree of hardness and strength from * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 17. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857. p. 116. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 32. On the applicability to foundry purposes of iron refined in gas reverbera- tory furnaces:-KARST., Arch., 2 R., xvii., 195; xx., 475 ; xxi., 512. Bgwkfd., xii., No. 1. B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, p. 611; 1846, No. 39; 1847, PP. 359, 814. 624 IRON. grey coke pig-iron. The same kind of furnace provided with a firing of gas is also employed for refining grey iron for the puddling process, and one of these furnaces is shown in Figs. 214 to 224 of this volume. I The hearth of the furnace is formed of a layer of sand 6 inches thick placed upon an iron plate, and it has a slight inclination towards the tapping hole. A charge consists of from 30 to 40 cwts. of pig-iron and is melted in about 3 hours with a consumption of 33 cubic feet of coal per hour. The liquid mass is frequently stirred up with a hook, thus freeing the hearth from deposits; 5 lbs. of pounded limestone are then uniformly spread out on the metal bath, and blast is introduced by tuyeres at the long sides of the furnace. The blast repels the thinly liquid slag and has an oxidising re- action upon the iron. More limestone is added from time to time (about 1 per cent of the pig-iron), the iron being frequently stirred, and its quality ascertained by samples which are ladled out. As soon as the samples show a lightish grey or slightly mottled compact fracture, the blast pipe on the side of the furnace containing the tapping hole is removed, and the iron tapped off, when part of the slag runs out along with the iron. The iron is employed either direct for castings, or it is tapped off into sand moulds and re-melted in admixture with other kinds of iron of inferior quality (Price and Nicholson's method).* After the removal of the iron the tapping hole is closed, first with some small coal and then with sand, the hearth is repaired, the tuyeres are cleaned, and the furnace is re-charged. All the slags are thoroughly re- moved from the hearth when the furnace has been used a fortnight. When employing this furnace for the production of iron for the puddling process, the process is carried on until the samples show a pure white radiated fracture; this occurs in from 3 to 5 hours, and causes a loss of from 5 to 9 per cent of iron, and sometimes even more. The consumption of coal amount to 1 cwts. of coal per cwt. of refined iron. In 1861, the consumption at the foundry in Gleiwitz *DINGL., Bd. 141, p. 368. MOULDING AND CASTING. 625 amounted to 115'7 lbs. of pig-iron and 106 cubic feet = 33°4 lbs. of coal per 100 lbs. of refined iron, the loss of iron amounted to 13.6 per cent. At Königshütte the loss was 10'37 per cent, the consumption of coal 1'46 cubic feet, and that of limestone, 1'06 lbs. 2. MOULDING AND CASTING. The moulder's art consists in forming in suitable materials, which will be described later on, a hollow space (the mould) having the shape of the desired casting, and in then filling the mould with liquid iron. The latter opera- tion is effected either by running the liquid iron direct from the furnace into the moulds by means of slightly inclined gutters formed of sand or of iron coated with sand, or the iron is tapped into ladles of different construction, which are lifted by hand when their weight is moderate, but which are moved about by cranes if they are heavy. tance. Materials used in Moulding.-The materials applied to the formation of different castings must possess certain pro- perties, and a judicious selection is therefore of great impor- Good materials for mouldings must be infusible at the temperature of the liquid pig-iron, and must not evolve gaseous substances (carbonic acid, sulphur compounds, &c.) ; they must also be sufficiently fine and plastic, and sufficiently adhesive when rammed together, that the mould may retain its form in spite of the pressure of the melted iron. These materials are chiefly the following:- 1. Green Sand.-This is a quartz sand containing a small amount of clay, and in an undried state, capable of pre- serving the forms of the objects impressed upon it against the pressure of the melted iron. The sand must also be so porous as to allow the escape of the air and the gases formed. This sand is either found in native beds (decayed sandstone, for instance,) or it is artificially prepared by mixing sand rich in clay with sand very poor in clay. The excellent Berlin sands for moulding are found in the brown coal formation, or in the diluvial formation of the VOL. II. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 4. 2 S 626 IRON. Mark, in the coal measures of Wettin, &c., and they are partly imported from England. A small quantity of oxide of iron is not injurious to the quality of the sand, like a large amount of lime, which causes caking, and an evolution of gas. Karmarsch, Bennigsen-Förder, and Reinhardt† have lately ascertained that the quality of the sand for moulding depends less on its chemical composition than on its physical properties, namely, whether the grains are round, angular, scaly, &c., and whether they are of uniform size. Therefore the examination of sand for moulding requires a microscopic investigation, and an elutriation in order to ascertain the proportion of the coarse, moderately fine, and fine particles it contains, besides the determination of its chemical composition. According to Karmarsch's investi- gations, the amount of clay in sand alone does not constitute its adhesiveness; this being also increased by acute angled sand grains and by a mixture of smaller and larger grains never exceeding a pin's head in size. According to Reinhardt, a good sand for moulding must consist to the naked eye of uniform grains; when rubbed between the fingers it must feel sharp to the touch, yet without the character of the sand used by builders. When strewn upon dark paper it must be free from dust, and when moistened with from 10 to 20 per cent of water, it must be capable of being formed into balls without becoming pulpy, or being too easily crushed. At Mariazell, iron blast furnace slags of the regular process in a pulverised state, and mixed with clay, have been used as sand for moulding, and according to Gjers,|| puddling and finery slags also ; but these materials are too fusible. + The preparation of the sand for moulding consists in crushing the grains to the size required; this is effected by hand, by grinding,§ by pounding, or by rolling; the sand is then dried and sifted. * Mittheil. d. Hannov. Gew. Ver., 1862, Hft. 4. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 4. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1858, p. 236. Polyt. Centr., 1863, p. 619. § Ibid., 1858, p. 244. MOULDING AND CASTING. 627 The following is the composition of some varieties of this sand: Rothehütte (Hartz), by Streng.* Königshütte (Hartz), by Ilsenburg (Hartz), by Bierworth.+ Spiller. + Sheffield by Sauerwein.[] SiO3 I0'00 II'99 79'02 86.68 A120 2.II 3 2.78 13'72 9'23 Fe₂O₂ 2'53 3'77 2'40 3'42 CaO trace 0*73 o'96 MgO. 0'71 KO,NaO trace 4°58 но 2.68 1'73 Quartz 81.61 76'01 Birmingham, Lüneburg, Manchester, Naples, by Sauerwein. by by by Sauerwein. Kumpmann. § Jwanow. SiO3 87.6 90*25 92'913 77-83 Al₂0₁. 7.7 4'10 5.850 7.7—8.2 Fe₂O₁ 3 3.6 5'51 I'249 2.8-4.0 CaO. o'96 0°23 MgO. 0*38—0*73 KO,NaO 3*17—5°78 ΚΟ 2*40—3'40 CaOCO₂ 0*80—10*2 The following statements concerning the sand of this country are extracted from Mackenzie's "Imperial Journal of the Arts and Science," Division i., p. 63:- "The sand of the London basin is the finest in the country. It is universally employed in the manufacture of fine goods, such as grates, fenders, and the like. The sand in the neighbourhood of Falkirk is coarser and opener in the pores, which unfits it for such work. It is employed for casting hollow ware, pots and kettles for example, as the enclosed air escapes freely through the inside body of sand in the moulding of these articles. It affords a beautiful smooth skin to the castings from Scotch iron, so remarkable * B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 198. † Ibid., 1859, p. 60. PERCY'S Metallurgy, i., 239. || B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 138. § Ann. d. Min., 4 ser., viii., p. 689. ¶Oesterr. Ztschr., 1852, p. 403. 2 S 2 628 IRON. in the hollow goods of the Carron Iron Works in Stirling- shire, and of the Phoenix Iron Works at Glasgow. The Belfast sand is finer than that from Falkirk, and is principally used for fine machinery castings; it is sometimes used for facing the moulds of ornamental work to give a finer surface. It is also excellent for hollow moulding when mixed with the Falkirk sand, but it is too expensive for general adoption in that way. It is a mixture of a very fine adhesive sand and an opener kind. Rocks and, the débris of abraded rock, and free sand from the sea-shore, are employed for making cores. Rock sand by itself does very well for short cores, which open into the sand of the mouldings at both ends, as it contains a proportion of clay in its composition, which gives it cohesion; but it requires to be moderated with free sand to make it opener for the better escape of the air in its pores when used for cores of considerable length, which, of course, are surrounded on all sides by the iron, except at the small portions at the extremities through which alone the air can find exit. Free sand is also used alone for such cores, but as it is wanting in adhesiveness, it requires to be tempered with clay, water, barm, or the refuse of pease-meal. In the use of the last, accuracy is required in proportioning it; clay water is used in ordinary cases, and barm only in very particular cases. 2. Dry Sand (fetter sand, masse) is cither found in nature or it is composed artificially of clay or loam and fresh rock sand. It is firmer and better adapted than green sand for moulding pipes, columns, shafts, and other long bodies of a cylindrical form. It is named dry sand in contradistinction to green sand, because, after being moulded, it must be dried by heat to fit it for use, whereas green sand is employed as it comes from its native bed, new and damp. Sometimes even moulds formed of the dry sand are sharply burnt.* 3. Clay, when mixed with sand, is also much employed for loam moulding. The loam is dried, pounded, sifted, and moistened with water, and kneaded into a uniform paste. The loam is then mixed with cow-hair, horse-dung, DINGL., Bd. 131, p. 432. MOULDING AND FOUNDING. 629 saw-dust, or straw, to render the loam moulds porous, and also partly to give tenacity. 4. Metallic Moulds are employed for superficially hard- ening the castings by a quicker cooling. The castings will be harder the thicker the iron sides of the moulds (from 3 to 8 inches). The moulds are warmed previous to use, they are brushed inside with graphite or coal tar, and they must be protected against cracking by iron hoops. Bental* makes cold air or water circulate in the hollow side of the moulds. Holmest employs superheated steam for warming the moulds; and Passet‡ employs for chilling the castings superheated steam instead of the expensive iron moulds. 5. Blacking and Coal Dust|| are employed to resist the penetrating action of the iron on the sand. Blacking is simply charred oak wood ground to powder. For this pur- pose oak charcoal is superior to all other ordinary wood charcoals, as it is the heaviest. According to Mushet's experiments, oak produces 22.6 per cent, that is fully one-fifth of its weight of charcoal. Were the iron allowed to come into direct contact with the sand of the mould, it would enter its minute interstices, and thus yield but a rough surface. To avoid this, blacking is dusted over the surface of the mould, pressed down on it, and smoothed, in the case of green sand castings, but it is mixed with clay water for covering loam mouldings. Its inflam- mability is its essential property as a protector of the sand. All combustible solid substances peculiarly resist liquid iron; this may be exemplified by pouring it over a smooth surface of wood. It rolls about in as lively a manner as mercury on account of the continued effusion of gaseous matter by the combustion of the wood throwing off the iron from the sur- face. In cases of heavy castings in green sand, when the action becomes too powerful for the blacking, this is assisted by coal dust, which is mixed uniformly in the sand. It never forms more than one-tenth of the sand in bulk, and the best * DINGL., Bd. 131, p. 434. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 410. + Ibid., 1857, p. 50. || MACKENZIE's Imperial Journal of Arts, &c., Division i., p. 63. 630 IRON. kind of coal for the purpose is the rich hard splint coal. Rouy recommends potato starch instead of blacking for coating the mouldings. For this purpose the coal is comminuted either by grinding or pounding, or by rotation in an iron cask movable round its axis.t Patterns and Cores. When iron moulds are not employed, the hollow spaces or moulds are formed either by pressing the pattern into the moulding material and removing it afterwards, or the workman forms the mould without a pattern. Patterns are employed when many castings of the same kind are to be produced. When moulding without patterns, mechanical contrivances. are sometimes employed (for instance, De Louvrié's and Jackson's machine‡ for moulding large cog-wheels); machines are also employed for lifting larger patterns out of the sand (De Bergue's machine,|| Jobson's machine.§ Many castings have recesses or holes passing quite through them; these holes must be provided for in the moulds by suitable fillings or cores. The patterns must be so constructed as to allow their removal without damaging the mould; they must be dry and of a smooth surface, and of the proper dimensions so as to yield castings of the desired dimensions and weight. When constructing the patterns, the contraction of cast-iron (page 291) must be taken into consideration. According to Karmarsch,¶ the probable weight of an iron casting can be calculated from the weight of the pattern by multiplying its weight by 14 if it is made of pine-wood; patterns of oak must be multiplied by 9, patterns of beech by 9'7, patterns of birch by 13°4, patterns of alder-wood by 13.8, of brass by o'84, of zinc by 1, of tin by o'89, of lead by o'64, and of cast-iron by o'97. These ratios of multiplication * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, p. 119. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1847, p. 230. LEOB., Jahrb., 1857, vi., 302. Ibid., 1861, vi. 303. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 127. Mittheil. d. Hannov. Gew.-Ver., 1854, Hft. i., 38. PATTERNS AND CORES. 631 p. m n have also been determined at Veckerhagen and found to be somewhat larger than at Karmarsch. The weight of a casting may also be calculated by the formula ", in which m ex- presses the weight of the pattern, n the specific gravity of the substance from which the pattern is made, and p is the specific gravity of the substance of the casting. The patterns are usually made of wood; alder, pine, chestnut, plum tree, and maple being the kinds principally used, as they contract but slightly in their cross-section. Mahogany does excellently for small patterns, but its expense limits its application. To prevent their bending, the patterns are frequently formed of a number of pieces of wood in such a manner that the pieces are joined alternately, one piece with the fibre running lengthwise and the next piece crosswise. These patterns are either painted with a shellac and lamp-black varnish or soaked in oil to preserve them. These wooden patterns must be kept in dry and mode- rately warm places, and though cheap they do not admit of the formation of exact and thin castings. Of the metals, cast-iron is most used for patterns; brass, copper, zinc, and alloys of lead and tin are also used. These metallic patterns yield castings of accurate dimensions, and are employed when thin and sharply cut castings are required, or many from the same pattern. Patterns of gypsum are occasionally employed, but chiefly for reproducing wax patterns; when a direct use is made of the gypsum patterns they are previously soaked in a varnish of linseed oil. Wax patterns, covered with fine clay, are used in moulding complicated castings; they are formed either of one piece or of separate pieces, and are afterwards carefully melted out of the mould. Cores for forming the holes or recesses in castings are made either of sand (more or less argillaceous) or of loam, by hand or in different kinds of boxes.* Some of the smaller cores are made of loam over wooden bars wrapped round with straw; these bars are taken out when the cores are Polyt. Centr., 1859, No. 9. 632 IRON. blackened and dried. Larger cores are usually formed over hollow iron bars with vent holes distributed over their sur- face, and provided at the ends with pivots. These core-bars are next wrapped up in straw ropes; the inside of the cores is sometimes formed of bricks. A wire is placed in the loam. alongside the core bar, and afterwards removed, thus forming a channel for the escape of air. In order to hold the cores securely in their positions in the mould their ends project into corresponding holes in the sand, and are there fixed. These holes are formed by projections made in the pattern, named core-prints. The hollows in castings are sometimes formed by a suit- able construction of the patterns, without employing cores, in the casting of railway chairs for instance. Apparatus, Contrivances, Tools, and Implements used in Moulding. 1. Pits. A foundry should contain several cylindrical pits, usually from 5 to 7 yards deep, placed near the fur- naces. These are usually lined with brickwork and left full of moulding sand. They are emptied in order to receive large moulds, care being taken that the top is always below the orifice from which the melted metal is tapped. These pits are sometimes lined with iron plates instead of with brickwork; when brickwork is adopted the pit walls are sometimes provided with small fire-places. Very large pits are sometimes placed outside the foundry, and if the ground is marshy the brickwork lining is placed on an inverted cupola of brickwork. After having placed the moulds in the pit they are gene- rally rammed in on all sides with sand, and heavy weights are placed on the top to prevent their being lifted by the liquid iron. When the mould is thus arranged nothing of it is to be seen but the apertures for introducing the iron and the pipes for egress of the air and gases. The iron must be conducted through the channels in a continuous current with a certain * HARTM., Fortschr., iv., 177. + HARTM., Eisengiesserei, 1863, p. 180. PITS. 633 velocity, so that it shall neither chill nor injure the mould; care must be taken to prevent slag from entering the mould together with the iron. Upon casting, lighted straw is placed over the mouths of the air channels or wind pipes, in order to ignite the escaping gases, otherwise they accumu- late in the moulds. Larger castings are provided with several holes in order to fill all parts of the mould as quickly as possible. If the runners are too small, the iron is liable to chill too quickly, and if they are too large an excess of air is carried into the mould along with the iron; in the latter case the runners can only with difficulty be broken from the castings, and they sometimes require to be separated by turning. The iron is either introduced into the mould in such a manner that it fills the mould from above, or it is conducted into the mould from below by means of a tube on the side of the mould; the tube and mould communicate below by means of a channel. This mode of filling the moulds is employed principally when castings of great density are re- quired, and when it is feared that the iron running into the mould from above will break off parts of the mould and carry them away with it. with it. Also the runner must always be placed at a higher level than the mould; the liquid iron con- tained in the runner will then fill the hollow spaces which are formed in the mould by the solidification of the iron. The hydrostatic pressure produced by a high runner contributes. much to the soundness and solidity of the casting. Those parts of the casting requiring the greatest density (the chambers of cannons for instance) must be placed lowest when casting them, and if this should not be feasible, with large pans for instance, the moulds must be provided with a high runner or a feeding head. Cannons are occasionally cast direct from blast furnaces. (Sweden), but more frequently from reverberatory furnaces (Mariazell,+ Liège, &c.); their moulds are formed of argil- TUNNER, das Eisenhüttenwesen in Schweden, 1858, p. 36. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857. p. 269. + ‡ DINGL., Bd., 129, p. 313. KARST., Arch., 2 R., xxv., 682. 634 IRON. laceous sand (Mariazell) or of loam (Sweden). The iron employed must be particularly strong.* At Malapane† and Mariazellt rollers are cast in iron moulds, and in Belgium, || France, and Banat|| in loam moulds. The casting is effected direct from the blast furnaces at Malapane and Gmünd, the blast furnace process being so modified as to produce a suitable iron; or the casting is made from reverberatory and cupola furnaces. 2. Drying Chambers.-These are used for drying the moulds and cores, and are usually low vaulted chambers provided with sliding doors. Larger moulds are usually moved into the chambers by means of cars running on rails. These drying chambers are heated either by means of little stoves of iron or clay placed outside them, or by tubes cir- culating in them, and sometimes by open fires on grates inside the chambers; the waste heat of other furnaces** is occasionally employed for the purpose. These chambers must always be provided with small chimneys for the escape of the moisture; the chimney openings in the stoves are placed a little below the floor. Foundries for casting larger pieces must also be provided with travelling or stationary cranes, or, better still, with both. A stationary crane consists of an upright shaft, embraced at the top by a collar, and revolving below upon a pivot next a horizontal beam, stretching from nearly the top of the shaft and having an oblique stay running to the shaft. The horizontal beam supports a movable carriage to which is suspended the tackle for raising the weights. This carriage is made to slide backwards and forwards along the beam by means of a simple rack and pinion movement, the long handle of which descends within reach of the work- man's hand. * Polyt. Centr., 1857, p. 664. Berggeist, 1860, No. 99. † LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 490. || Ibid., 487. § Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, No. 36. ¶ Berggeist, 1860, No. 99. ** B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 313, 371. MOULDING IN GREEN SAND. 635 The chief requisites of the moulder are the cases or boxes for containing the sand moulds. These are of different sizes and shapes, and are made of wood or cast-iron, and recently also of rolled iron. Methods of Moulding. The methods of moulding may be classified into moulding in green sand, moulding in baked sand, and moulding in loam; the moulding of such articles as statues, ornaments, works of art, &c., forms a special branch, and, lastly, the casting in iron moulds may be considered as a separate department. 1. Moulding in Green Sand. This method is the easiest and cheapest, and is employed when the quality of the cast- iron and the appearance of the casting will allow it. As the green sand must always be somewhat damp that it may not be broken up by the liquid iron, the surface of the iron chills and becomes hard, so that the castings are difficult to treat with the drill or file. Grey pig-iron produced from a refractory ore mixture in furnaces with high narrow hearths is the least liable to chill. This method is applicable when moulds are not too large so that they resist the pressure of the liquid iron, and with moulds not containing too many cores or projecting ornaments liable to break off, and also to castings not requiring very great softness. Boxes are used or not according to the shape of the casting to be moulded, and in the latter case the patterns are simply impressed in the sand covering the floor of the foundry. The sand for this purpose must be moistened and mixed with powdered charcoal, coke, or coal, and the patterns must be simple, chiefly flat, provided with ornaments on one side only or perhaps with holes. The pattern must be placed perfectly horizontal in the sand by the assistance of rule and level; the runner for introducing the iron is then formed, the borders of sand are wetted with water, holes are pierced in the sand below the pattern, and the pattern is lifted out. The mould is then dusted over with charcoal powder, and 636 IRON. smoothed, and after placing the pattern once more in the mould, iron is run into it. To prevent the casting from warping, it is kept covered with coal dust and sand until sufficiently cool; sometimes it is weighted with iron plates to keep it straight. The casting of pigs, &c., is analogous to this method of moulding. When plates provided with ornaments on both sides are to be moulded the pattern is first moulded in the manner already described, but in an inclined position, a box with lattice-work sides filled with argillaceous sand, in which the ornaments of the upper side of the plate are moulded, is then placed on the mould on the floor, thus completing the mould for casting the plate in question. When moulding cog-wheels in this manner, baked cores are employed to form the teeth, as cores of loose sand are liable to be destroyed by the liquid iron when running in the mould. Some articles, such as anvils, hammers, &c., require to be hardened on their surface, which is effected by introducing into the desired portions of the mould pieces of iron blackened with coal. Moulding in boxes is employed for objects of very different shapes, which do not allow the mould to be simply lifted out as in the first method. In Ure's "Dictionary of Arts," &c., vol. ii., 390, the moulding in boxes is described as follows:- "A couple of iron frames form a case or box which serves as an envelope to the mould. Such boxes constitute an essential and very expensive part of the furniture of a foundry. It is a rectangular frame without bottom or lid, whose two largest sides are united by a series of cross bars, parallel to each other, and placed from 6 to 8 inches apart. "The two halves of the box carry ears corresponding exactly with one another, of which one set is pierced with holes, but the other has points which enter truly into these holes, and may be made fast in them by cross pins or wedges, so that the pair becomes one solid body. Within this frame there is abundance of room for containing the pattern of the piece MOULDING IN GREEN SAND. 637 to be moulded with its encasing sand, which being rammed into the frame is retained by friction against the lateral faces and cross bars of the mould. "When a mould is to be formed, a box of suitable dimensions. is taken asunder, and each half, No. I and No. 2, is laid upon the floor of the foundry. Green sand is thrown with a shovel into No. 1, so as to fill it, when it is gently pressed in with a rammer. The object of this operation is to form a plane surface upon which to lay in the pattern with a slight degree of pressure, varying with its shape. No. I being covered with sand, the frame No. 2 is laid upon it so as to form the box. No. 2 being now filled carefully with the green sand the box is inverted, so as to place No. 1 upper- most, which is then detached and lifted off in a truly vertical position, carrying with it the body of sand formed at the commencement of the operation. The pattern remains im- bedded in the sand of No. 2 which has been exactly moulded upon a great portion of its surface. The moulder condenses the sand in the parts nearest to the pattern by sprinkling a little water upon it and trimming the ill-shaped parts with small iron trowels of different kinds. He then dusts a little well-dried finely-sifted sand over all the visible surface of the pattern and of the sand surrounding it; this is done to prevent adhesion when he replaces the frame No. 1. 'He next destroys the preparatory smooth bed or area formed in the frame, covers the pattern with green sand, re- places the frame I upon 2 to reproduce the box, and proceeds. to fill and ram No. 1 as he has previously done No. 2. The object of this operation is to obtain very exactly a concavity in the frame No. 1 having the shape of the part of the model impressed coarsely upon the surface formed at the beginning, and which was meant merely to support the pattern and the sand sprinkled over it till it got imbedded in No. 2. "The two frames in their last position, along with their sand, may be compared to a box, of which No. I is the lid, and whose interior is adjusted exactly upon the enclosed pattern. "If we open this box, and after taking out the pattern close its two halves again, then pour upon it melted metal till it 638 IRON. fills every void space and becomes solid, we shall obviously attain the wished for end, and produce a piece of cast-iron similar to the pattern. But many precautions must still be taken before we can hit this point. We must first lead through the mass of sand in frame No. 1 one or more channels for the introduction of the melted metal, and though one may suffice for this purpose, another must be made for letting the air escape. The metal is run in by several orifices at once when the piece has a considerable surface but little thick- ness, so that it may reach the remotest points sufficiently hot and liquid. "The parts of the mould near the pattern must likewise be pierced with small holes by means of wires traversing the whole body of the sand, in order to render the mould more porous, and to facilitate the escape of the air and the gases; for this reason, also, the sand close to the pattern must not be rammed too hard. Then, before lifting off the frame No. 1, we must tap the pattern slightly, otherwise the sand enclosing it would stick to it in several points and the operation would not succeed. These gentle jolts are given by means of one or more pieces of iron wire which have been screwed vertically into the pattern before finally ramming the sand into the frame No. 1, or which enter merely into holes in the pattern. These pieces are sufficiently long to pass out through the sand when the box is filled, and the horizontal blows of the hammer are given upon their upper ends, their force being regulated by the weight and magnitude of the pattern. These rods are then removed by drawing them straight out, after which the frame No. I may be lifted off smoothly from the pattern. "The pattern itself is taken out by lifting it in all its parts at once, by means of screw pins adjusted at the moment. For large pieces this manoeuvre is almost always executed by several men, who, while they lift the pattern with one hand, strike it with the other with small repeated blows to detach the sand entirely, in which it is generally more engaged than it was in that of the frame, No. 1. But in spite of all these precautions there are always some degra- dations in one or other of the two parts of the mould, which MOULDING IN BAKED SAND. 639 are immediately repaired by the workman with damp sand, which he applies and presses gently with his trowel, so as to restore the injured forms. "Hitherto it has been supposed that all the sand rammed into the box is of one kind, but, from economy, the green sand is used only to form the portion of the mould next the pattern, in a stratum of about an inch thick; the rest of the surrounding space is filled with the sand of the floor, which has been used in former castings. In this case the interior layer round the pattern is called new sand. The pattern is sometimes too complex to be taken out without damaging the mould by two frames alone; then three or more are mutually adjusted to form the box. "When the mould, divided into two or more parts, has been properly repaired, its interior surface must be dusted over with finely powdered charcoal tied up in a small linen bag, which is shaken by hand. The charcoal is thus sifted at the moment of application, and sticks to the whole sur- face, which has been previously damped a little. It is after- wards smoothed with a fine trowel. Sometimes, in order to avoid using too much charcoal, the surfaces are finally dusted over with finely pulverised sand, from a bag like the charcoal was. The two frames are now replaced with great exactness, made fast together by the ears with wedged bolts laid truly level or at the requisite slope, and loaded with considerable weights. When the casting is large the charcoal and the fine sand dusting are suppressed. Everything is now ready for the introduction of the fused metal." 2. Moulding in Baked or Used Sand.-This method of moulding is employed for larger castings when green sand would not resist the pressure of the liquid iron, and also for small castings with ornaments, where a sharper copying of their outline is required. The mechanical part of this pro- cess is the same as that of the last process, with the difference that the sand is rammed perfectly hard into the iron frames. When the mould is finished it is transported to the drying stove, where it may remain from 12 to at most 24 hours, until it is perfectly dry. The sand is then said to be baked or annealed. The experienced moulder knows how to mix. 640 IRON. the different sands placed at his disposal, so that the mass of the mould as it comes out of the stove may preserve its form and be sufficiently porous. Such moulds allow the gases to pass through them much more readily than those made of green sand, and the castings they turn out are usually less vesi- cular and are smoother upon the surface. The dried moulds are brushed with a blacking consisting of pulverised coal, wheaten flour, and glue water boiled together; barm is some- times used instead of glue water. A mixture of clay water and pulverised coal is also now and then employed. This method of moulding is employed for large cylinders, long tubes, cannons, medals, ornaments, &c. Mr. Robert Mallet, F.R.S., has kindly allowed the following extracts to be made from his highly elaborate treatise "On the Physical Conditions involved in the Construction of Artillery."* His researches concerning the casting of guns are of general interest and involve important considerations on the constitution of cast-iron, and the influence of the shape and size of the castings upon the physical properties of the iron. Concerning the molecular constitution of crystalline bodies (cast-iron included), Mr. Mallet states: "It is a law of the molecular aggregation of crystalline solids that when their particles consolidate under the influence of heat in motion, their crystals arrange and group themselves with their principal axes in lines perpendicular to the cooling or heating surfaces of the solid; that is, in the lines of direction of the heat wave in motion, which is the direction of least pressure within the And this is true, whether in the case of heat passing from a previously fused solid in the act of cooling and crystal- lising on consolidation, or of a solid not having a crystalline structure but capable of assuming one upon its temperature being sufficiently raised, by heat applied to its external sur- faces, and so passing into it. mass. For example, if an ingot of sulphur, antimony, bismuth, zinc, hard white cast-iron, or other crystallisable metal or atomic alloy; or even any binary or other compound salt or * London: Longmans & Co., 1856. MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF CAST-IRON. 6.41 haloid body, as sulphide of antimony, calomel, sal ammoniac, various salts of baryta and lime, chloride of silver or of lead; or even certain organic compounds, such as camphor and spermaceti ;-provided only it be capable of aggregating in a crystalline form under the influence of change of tempera- ture, as from fusion or sublimation-if an ingot or mass of any such body be broken when cold, the principal axes of the crystals will always be found arranged in lines perpendicular to the bounding planes of the mass; that is to say, in the lines of direction in which the wave of heat has passed outwards from the mass in the act of consolidation. Now cast-iron is one of those crystallising bodies which in consolidating also obeys this law more or less perfectly, according to the conditions; so that generally it may be enunciated as a fact that in castings the planes of crystallisation group themselves perpendicularly to the surfaces of external contour; that is to say, in the directions in which the heat of the fluid cast-iron has passed outwards from the body in cooling and solidifying. Because the crystals of cast-iron are always small, and are never well pronounced, these directions are seldom very apparent to the eye, but they are not the less real. Their development depends :-- Ist. Upon the character of the cast-iron itself, whether or not it contains a large quantity of chemically uncombined. carbon (suspended graphite), which Karsten has shown to be the case with all cast-irons that present a coarse, large- grained, sub-crystalline, dark, and graphitic, or shining spangled fracture; such irons form in castings of equal size the largest crystals. 2nd. Upon the size or mass of the casting, the largest casting presenting, for any given variety of cast-iron, the largest and coarsest aggregation of crystals, but by no means the most regular arrangement of them, which depends chiefly upon- 3rd. The rate at which the mass of casting has been cooled, and the regularity with which heat has been carried off by conduction from its surface to those of the mould adjacent to them, and hence it is, that of all castings in iron VOL. II. 2 T 642 IRON. those called 'chilled,' that is to say, those in which the fluid iron is cast into a nearly cold and very thick mould of cast- iron whose high conducting power rapidly carries off the heat, present the most complete and perfect development of the crystalline structure perpendicular to the chilled surface of the casting. In such the crystals are often found pene- trating an inch and a half or more into the substance of the metal, clear and well-defined. These prevailing directions of crystalline arrangement may be made more clear to the eye by Figs. 182 to 191. Figs. 182 and 183 are sections of a round and a square bar FIG. 182. ዘረ . of any of the crystalline solids, or of cast-iron when the crystallisation is well developed (the circumstances affecting which we shall consider further on). In the round bar the crystals are all radiated from the centre; in the square bar they are arranged perpendicularly to the four sides, and FIG. 183. hence have four lines (in the diagonals of the square) in which the terminal planes of the crystals abut or interlock, and about which the crystallisation is always confused and irregular. In Fig. 184 a flat plate is shown in section. The direc- tions of the crystalline axes follow the law of Fig. 183, with an extension in one direction. MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF CAST-IRON. 643 In Fig. 185 a section is shown of a hollow cylinder, in which, as in the case of Fig. 183, the arrangement of the crystals is always towards the centre, or axis of the cylinder. This figure applies to every cast-iron hollow cylinder, whether water pipe, gun, mortar, &c. FIG. 184. V Fig. 186 represents a portion of the lower or closed end of the cylinder of the hydraulic press as first made for the pur- pose of raising the tubes of the Britannia bridge, and which broke in the attempt, the end of the cylinder having broken out from the sides in the form of a flat frustrum of a cone, FIG. 185. as in Fig. 187, under the severe water pressure to which it was exposed; that is to say, the fracture took place all round, along the plane of junction of the conterminous crystals formed perpendicular to the external and internal surfaces of the bottom and of the sides of the cylinder, proving that such planes of junction, where, as in Figs. 183 and 184, the crystals join and interlace confusedly, are planes of weakness- planes in which the cohesion of the metal is less and less, for this reason, than in any other parts of the mass. These lines of weakness extend from v to v throughout all the figures. The form of the bottom of this cylinder was changed by Mr. Stephenson from a distinct appreciation of the fact that the ! 2 T 2 644 IRON. fracture of the part was in some way connected with the sharp and sudden termination, square to the axis of the cylinder, though without apparently any clear conception of the crystalline laws upon which the fact depended, and a FIG. 186. V new cylinder with a sort of semiovoidal end was made, a section of a portion of which is represented in Fig. 188. This stood the strain uninjured. Here the principal axes of the crystals all are directed, as in Figs. 182 and 185, to the centre. They, therefore, gradually change their direction, and no planes of weakness are produced. FIG. 187. Concerning the fracture in the base of the cylinder of the Britannia bridge hydraulic press, Mr. Mallet states in a note that the direction of fracture indicated in the engraving is a little erroneous. The fracture, striking outwards from the neighbourhood of the internal angle, made by the base with the sides of the cylinder, passed outwards (as in the figure) at first nearly at 45° to the line of the sides, but gradually curved upwards, and cut through the outer surface of the MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF CAST-IRON. 645 cylinder in some places, round the circumference, rather above than through the external salient angle formed by the meeting of the exterior of the base with the sides, thus de- parting towards the outside more or less from the plane of FIG. 188. W weakness. At first sight this appears to militate against the views of the former statement as to the existence here of such a plane of weakness, as, wherever was the weakest plane, the fracture should have followed it quite through; but a more careful consideration of the question than was before given will show that the facts, thus corrected, point the opposite way, and perfectly sustain the views advanced. The fracture was a diagonal one, tending generally from the internal angle outwards; but if there were no plane of weak- ness here at all-if the metal were of the same cohesion per square inch throughout all its parts-the weakest place must have been that of the least section of metal in the direction exposed to pressure, and as this is in a plane at right angles to the axis of the cylinder, the sides of the latter would in such case have been torn directly across somewhere; the cross section of fracture then being less in total area than in case of a fracture from the internal to the external angle at the cylinder's base in the ratio of 1: 2 √2 The diagonal must therefore have been the weakest place. Why did it not break straight through it? The reason is obvious, when we come to consider the nature of the fluid forces to which it was exposed before fracture. 646 IRON. The normal or radial pressures against the interior of the curved sides of the cylinder and against the base at right angles of itself and to the former, commenced a rent at the interior angle, a certain amount of flexure, however small, being produced in the metals at both sides of it. This flexure, however slight and instantaneous, had necessarily the same effect as if the fracture took place by rotation round con- secutive points whose loci were in circles all round the outer edge of the progressive fracture, and as the greater motion was in the base which was projected off, so the fracture curved upwards, just as the fracture in burst guns turns off to one side, very near the outer surface. The irregularity of broken surfaces, and of the line of rup- ture, with reference to a plane parallel to the base, was, no doubt, due to irregularities in the casting itself or other acci- dental conditions. It is to be hoped that these illustrations have served to make clear the general law as applied to cast-iron artillery— that every abrupt change in the form of the exterior, every salient, and every re-entering angle, no matter how small, upon the exterior of the gun or mortar is attended with an equally sudden change in the arrangement of the crystals of the metal, and that every such change is accompanied with one or more planes of weakness in the mass. Figs. 189 and 190 are sections of portions of a large cast- iron gun. The former, part of the breech, through the 'vent- field' square to the axis of the bore; the latter, a section near a trunnion, also square to the axis. In Fig. 191, a section. of a reinforce ring in the plane of the axis. In all of these are shown, in an exaggerated form, the directions of crys- talline aggregations and the planes of weakness resulting from it. It will be remarked that the square projection of the 'vent- field' produces at each angle planes of weakness, which, in the case of the re-entering angles, penetrate deep into the thickness of the gun, and that these planes really do exist is evidenced by the lines of fracture in burst guns, which almost always follow along the angle at the sides of the vent-field;' so also in the case of the trunnions, Fig. 190. ( MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF CAST-IRON. 647 A gun, like every other body that fails under strain, must fail in the weakest place, and the places of fracture and positions of these planes of weakness most remarkably coin- cide. The conclusion, therefore, seems inevitable, that, FIG. 189. FIG. 190. V V V V however incapable the unaided eye may be to discern any difference in the crystalline arrangement of one part of the gun more than of another, such planes of weakness do exist. in the positions and from the causes here pointed out. FIG. 191. The external forms of cannon have been greatly modified and simplified in modern times from the complex forms of remoter periods; but even still, in the plainest forms of guns, 648 IRON. such as Sir William Congreve's and Monk's patterns, &c., mouldings, astragals, reinforces, &c., are still adhered to, and from the unwillingness to give up altogether antiquated forms, originally adopted and continued in ignorance, we have the folly still to cling to making numerous and useless sharp angles and corners, and sudden changes of form and of dimension on the exterior of all our ordnance, and so prolong in the most needless way one cause of their weak- ness. That gun, however plain externally, will look best to the really educated eye that most fully conforms to the laws. upon which its perfection as an instrument depends." Mr. Mallet has given the following passage concerning the physical conditions induced in moulding and casting: "It is known to every practical iron-founder upon a large scale that, generally, the larger the mass of the casting he makes with any given quality of cast-iron the coarser is the grain, that is, the larger are the crystals that develop them- selves in the mass. The same metal that shall produce a fracture, bright grey, mottled, and without a crystal visible even to a single lens, in a bar, cast, say two inches diameter, shall, if cast into a cylinder of two feet in diameter, produce a dark confusedly crystalline surface of fracture, as coarse as granite rock. To meet this, the practice is to prescribe for material for large castings a certain proportion or mixture of small close- grained scrap metal with the pig-iron of whatever best quality may be denoted. The remedy fails-as fail that always must which is founded upon a misconception of the laws of the phenomena; as well might small seeds be sown to produce small trees. The scrap is no sooner re-cast into the large mass than it resumes the large crystalline grain. The experiments of Mr. Fairbairn (Trans. Brit. Ass., 1853) on the repeated melting of the same cast-iron, by casting into inch square bars, are concluded by him to prove that the grain of the metal and the physical qualities of the casting improve by some function of the number of meltings, and he fixes on the thirteenth melting as that of the greatest strength. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS INDUCED IN CASTING. 649 Some most important conditions modifying, if not invali- dating, such a conclusion, and more especially the effects of the variable mass of the casting, seem, however, wholly to have escaped him. Indeed, these experiments, rightly con- sidered, only prove what was well known before. Experiments of the same character as those of Mr. Fair- bairn have been made in the United States upon the larger scale of casting guns at various periods. These experiments on the effects of re-melting, or of prolonged continuance of fusion, are of the same inconclusive character, and the few deductions made are sometimes anomalous and inconsistent. It is known that white cast-iron (No. 4 pig) has a far higher ultimate cohesion than any of the grey, mottled, or dark grey varieties (Nos. 1, 2, and 3 pig). It is known, also, that the latter may be converted more or less perfectly into the former by fusion in direct contact with fuel and blast, or in reverberatory furnaces. Now it follows as a matter of course from these well-known facts that, as perfectly white cast-iron has at once the highest cohesion and the greatest brittleness, while properties the reverse belong to the darkest grey graphitic cast-iron, some mixture of the two qualities must give the best material for gun-founding, or for any other mechanical purpose in which the highest product of tenacity and toughness is demanded, and in this consists the value of mottled iron for cannon. It is also obvious that a more or less perfect approach to such a mixture may be made by repeated melting and cooling up to a certain point of any grey iron; but the number of meltings and coolings necessary to effect this will differ, not only with the original grey iron tried, but with the conditions. of the cupola furnace in every consecutive melting, and with the conditions of cooling at every casting, so that probably no two series of experiments could possibly be made that should give co-ordinate results, or that would be applicable to any other make of iron, or to any other cupola, fuel, and blast. Moreover, the quantity of graphite eliminated at each cooling is greater in some proportion as the cooling is more rapid. The trial, therefore, that shall give the number of meltings producing the best result for castings of one 650 IRON. dimension cannot be true or applicable to castings of any greater or less scantling. Thus, if Mr. Fairbairn concludes the thirteenth melting gives the best metal for trial bars cast one inch square, with the original 'make' of pig-iron and mode of melting and casting he employed, it does not follow that for bars of two inches square it would be so; or that, with the one-inch bars, but a different original 'make' of pig-iron, or a different cupola, it would be so; or even with the same pig-iron and conditions of melting, but a different mode of moulding and casting the same one-inch bars, the result should be alike. If, with the very same pig-iron, cupola, and fuel, the meltings be performed with a surcharge of metal and flux in propor- tion to fuel, and an excess of blast, the one-inch square bars, when cast, would have been found to have arrived at their assumed best quality, perhaps at the fourth in place of the thirteenth melting. If the bars themselves had been cast in 'chills' in place of sand-moulds, so as to have been cooled as fast as possible, the point would have been still sooner reached, and if cast in dry sand-moulds' or in 'loam,' would have been reached later. < Upon sample bars so small as one inch square, even a little more or less wetting of the sand of the green-sand mould on the part of the moulder, would have made the most formid- able difference as to the rate of progress towards white iron. Finally, if, instead of bars of one inch square, the experi- ments had been made upon a sufficient scale to admit of casting bars of a foot square, these, when broken after the thirteenth melting, in place of presenting the same assumed improvement, would in the interior have presented very little change in fracture from the original pig-iron (unless, indeed, peculiar care had been taken so to work the cupola as to burn out of it the graphite), and in place of the thirteenth melting being the charmed one, it might not be reached at the 13 × 13th melting. Again, by some iron-founders, one 'make' or sort of pig- iron is presumed to give a closer grain than another, and he prefers it; and although this is to a certain extent true, i.e., that some cast-irons do under equal conditions produce PHYSICAL CONDITIONS INDUCED IN CASTING. 651 rather smaller crystals than others, still this view equally fails to attain the object of close-grained heavy castings. But, furthermore, it is a fact familiar to iron-founders that of several castings of the same form and mass, made at nearly the same time from the same mixture of metal, and melted in the same furnace, some will, when cold, have a much more coarsely crystalline grain developed in them than others. Now, while the regularity of development of the crystals in cast-iron depends, as we have already seen, upon the regu- larity with which the melted mass cools, and the wave of heat is transmitted from its interior to its surface, arranging the crystals in the lines of least pressure in its transit, the extent of development, or what is the same thing, the size of each individual crystal, depends upon the length of time during which the process of crystalline arrangement is going on, that is to say, upon the length of time that the casting takes to cool; hence, then, may be announced as a law that— The size of crystals or coarseness of grain in castings of iron depends for any given 'make' of iron and given mass of casting upon- Ist. The high temperature of the fluid iron above that just necessary to its fusion, which influences 2nd. The time that the molten mass takes to cool down and assume again the solid state. These laws have recently received the most striking con- firmation from some quite analogous researches "Upon the Molecular Properties of Zinc," made by P. W. Bolley, and published in the "Annalen der Chem. und Pharm.," xcv., p. 294. The lower the temperature at which the fluid cast-iron is poured into the mould, and the more rapidly the mass can be cooled down to solidification, the, closer will be the grain of the metal; the smaller its crystals, the fewer and least injurious the planes of weakness, and the greater the specific gravity of the casting, cæteris paribus. The very lowest temperature at which the iron remains liquid enough fully to fill every cavity of the mould without 652 IRON. risk of defect, is that at which a large casting, such as a heavy gun, ought to be 'poured.' A certain amount of contraction on becoming solid from the liquid state occurs in all castings. It is well known to iron-founders that for cast-iron this is variable, and depends on the the mass of casting, being greatest for small and least for large castings of the same 'make' of iron, but it is obvious, and it follows from M. Bolley's researches, that the contraction will also be greater in proportion as the metal is poured into the mould at a higher temperature, although from the expansion in the act of crystallising, the specific gravity of the solid mass may be less at the higher than at the lower temperature of 'pouring.' As, therefore, there are two conditions that principally affect the degree of contraction-the total change of volume between the liquid metal and its solid casting, namely, the extent to which the fluid metal as entering the mould has been expanded by elevation of temperature, and the state of final aggregation of the crystalline particles, which we have seen depends much upon the former-so there will be a deter- minate amount of contraction due to a determinate thick- ness or mass of casting, irrespective of, although related to, the co-efficient of contraction for any particular 'make' of iron, for there is no doubt that different makes, cæteris paribus, contract somewhat differently. From whence it follows, that different parts of the same casting if differing materially in scantling or mass, will have different amounts of final contraction, and hence- Sudden changes of form or of dimensions in the parts of cast-iron guns, besides the injury they do to the crystalline structure of the mass, introduce violent strains, due to the unequal contraction of the adjoining parts, whose final con- traction has been different. The amount of lineal contraction due to solidification of cast-iron appears to vary with metal and circumstances of casting, from 1-120th up to 1-90th of the dimensions of the cold mass. Its contraction in volume, therefore (more than three times this), and probably not equal in the directions of three rectangular axes, owing to the crystalline structure, is PHYSICAL CONDITIONS INDUCED IN CASTING. 653 so great, and the difference such between its measure for large and small parts of the same casting, that the latter should never be neglected. The effects of this difference are well known to founders by causing castings of certain forms to become distorted or spontaneously broken after they have solidified. To multiply instances would be tedious; but one instance requires. remark, as proving that these internal strains occurring in castings of variable bulk exist where little suspected, and that it is with extreme slowness that the molecules after consolidation appear gradually to assume minute changes of arrangement, and to adjust themselves within certain limits to a state of permanent equilibrium. It is a fact well known to working mechanics engaged in boring or turning or otherwise cutting into large castings of iron that have cooled safely and without crack or flaw, that when a part of the whole mass shall have been cut away, as, for example, when a large and thick-flanged cylinder, or a large toothed wheel, or other irregular discoid mass, is 'bored out,' the form of the exterior of the mass changes during the operation. The portion cut away destroys the temporary equilibrium that was established in the mass, and it again changes its form and perhaps its symmetry, and sometimes even its volume. For some most valuable illustrations of the singular forms or lines of direction which the curves of internal tension and compression take in solids of various forms thus under elastic constraint, Mr. Maxwell's paper in the "Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh," vol. xx., part 1, may be consulted. Sometimes a casting which has cooled safely will fly to pieces on receiving a sudden jar or blow of a trifling degree of force, a fact which is in analogy with that observed by Captain Parry in his earlier Arctic voyages, viz., that the astronomical instruments exposed to extremely low tempe- ratures for long periods and quite undisturbed did not con- tract to their extreme point until after they had been subjected to some slight jar or blow, when the metal of the instrument suddenly became reduced in volume and its dimensions again stationary. 654 IRON. The extreme slowness, continuing sometimes for months, with which these molecular changes take place, due to the gradual adjustment of such internal strains, has been beauti- fully shown in a memoir on the elastic properties of solids (Ann. de Chem., vol. xli., p. 61) by M. Savart, who found that plates of sulphur cast into flat discs continued to change their state of molecular arrangement for long periods after solidification. It follows from this that old guns that have been long bored and laid in store are likely to be more trustworthy than those hastily cast, bored out, and brought into service; and this seems to be supported in some degree by experience. In general extension and support of the views advanced as to castings in iron becoming endowed with variable power of resistance, depending upon external form and mode of casting, &c., the important memoir of M. Savart above alluded to should be consulted. By refined and delicate methods of investigation, founded upon sonorous vibrations elicited, he has shown that numerous bodies, such as zinc, lead, cast copper, glass, plaster of Paris, sealing wax, and others, though possessing apparently a perfectly homoge- neous structure, have it not; but, on the contrary, all possess lines and planes usually crossing each other at right angles, in which their resisting powers are enfeebled, and which he has called axes of greatest and of least elasticity, and which he attributes to the arrangement of their molecules assumed in the process of cooling. The relations of these phenomena to the conditions of cooling and external form of the body as affecting these, however, do not appear to have been per- ceived by M. Savart, but have been stated in a distinct form for the first time by Mr. Mallet. Besides the effects already referred to, due to the contrac- tion of cast-iron in becoming solid, another class of abnormal strains introduced by the consolidation of one portion of a casting before another, must not be passed over, as often producing results of the most important character in artillery. This will be more readily understood by immediate reference to example. When a large gun, or, still more, a large mortar, is cast solid, and the metal cools in the ordinary way, PHYSICAL CONDITIONS INDUCED IN CASTING. 655 the external portions solidify long before the interior has ceased to be liquid, and the process of solidification is propa- gated as it were in parallel'couches' from the outside to the centre of the mass. The lineal contraction of any one couche assumed of infinite thickness is in the direction of its circumference directly proportionate to that circumference; and so it would seem (at first) that the contraction of the whole assemblage should be at every point proportionate to its distance from the centre, and thus the solid, when all cold, should be left in a state of molecular equilibrium. This is not the case, however, for no sooner has the first couche or thickness of solid crust formed on the exterior than it forms a complete arch all round, so that the contraction between fluidity and solidification of each subsequent couche is accommodated (the continuity of the mass remaining un- broken throughout) by portions of matter withdrawn radi- ally from the interior towards the still cooling exterior: that is to say, from a smaller towards a larger circumference. The final effect of this, propagated to the centre of the mass, is twofold: Ist. To produce a violent state of internal tension in the molecules of the metal, in radial lines from the axis of the gun viewed as a cylinder, tending to tear away the external portions of the mass from the internal nucleus; a force which is zero at the axis and at the exterior, and a maximum between and probably at a point of the radius somewhere between R and from the exterior. R 2 2nd. To produce about the centre or along the axis a line of weakness, and one in which the texture of the metal is soft, porous, of extremely low specific gravity, with coarse and frequently distinctly separated crystals, and often, not- withstanding the precautions of the founder in 'feeding' the head of the casting, that is to say, in slowly adding fresh quantities of hot and fluid metal while it is yet possible to get it introduced into the centre of the solidifying mass, leaving actual cavities in the centre of the casting. In a casting 2 or 3 feet or more in diameter, it is not un- usual (with the founder's best care) to find a central portion of from 6 to 8 or more inches in diameter, consisting of a 636 IRON. spongy mass of scarcely coherent crystals of cast-iron, usually in arborescent masses made up of octahedral crystals, the whole so loose that upon a newly cut section dark cavities can be seen by the naked eye in all directions, out of which single or grouped crystals can often be picked with the hand, and so soft that a sharp pointed chisel of steel may be easily driven several inches into the mass, as if into lead or soft stone. It fortunately happens that in pieces of artillery a large portion of this defective core of spongy metal is re- FIG. 192. &A Kh V V V V V V V moved in the process of boring out; but where the hollow thus taken out does not extend very close back to the ex- terior of the breech-in other words, where the thickness of the breech in the line of the axis is considerable, a portion of THE EFFECTS OF BULK AND FLUID PRESSURE. 657 the spongy uncompact metal is left remaining, and forms the part of the gun at the bottom of the bore or chamber. This is most remarkably the fact in large mortars. Fig. 192 is a section in line of axis and plane of trunnions of a 13-inch sea-service mortar with the head of metal remaining attached, and the whole in the position in which the mortar is usually cast, with the parts to be cut off and to be bored out marked by a black line, exterior to which is the finished mortar. The shaded central portions represent the weak and porous parts of the metal about the axis, extending down, it will be observed, below the bottom of the chamber, where it leaves a soft spot, easily hammered and burnt away by the shock and blaze of the powder. From the conditions of in- ternal strain already explained, the exterior of the cylinder is in a state of compression, and the interior in a state of tension, a state precisely the reverse of that calculated to give the metal its greatest power of resistance to internal strains in the direction of the radius. The effects of bulk and fluid pressure are stated thus :— It is a remakable fact, though one not yet fully explained, that a small bar cast on to or projecting from a casting in iron of very large scantling, when afterwards broken off and tested, will not sustain by a good deal as great a transverse or longitudinal strain as the same sized bar or the same metal cast alone (i.e., in an isolated mould), and under the same "head" of metal. This circumstance, no doubt due to the conjoint influence of several molecular conditions that have been under discussion, appears to be in part due to the extreme slowness with which the small bar cools in close proximity to the large mass of which it forms an appendage. Slow cooling developes a coarse uneven grain with large but thoroughly irregular and confused crystallisation. Cast- iron with such a grain is never strong or cohesive, though perhaps soft and extensible. The more rapidly a casting once consolidated can be cooled without introducing injurious effects, the finer, closer, and more even will be its grain on fracture, and with any given metal the greater will be its strength. The rate of cooling cannot be accelerated beyond a moderate limit. If this limit be exceeded, as by casting VOL. II. 2 U 658 IRON. in a cold, thick, highly conducting metallic mould, the iron is 'chilled.' It cannot be so fast as to endanger unequal con- traction, nor must it be so fast in large castings, such as guns requiring to be 'fed' from a ‘feeding head' with fresh portions of fluid metal during consolidation to fill up the internal cavities or porosity due to contraction and crystallisation, as already explained, that this feeding cannot be accomplished. The prevalent notion, however, that the soundest and strongest castings are obtained by letting them cool slowly in the moulds, is founded on a radical error. The enormous time required by a large casting for cooling, especially if left to cool in the mould, and hence jacketted with its badly conducting material (clay and sand) is not generally known. The hydraulic press cylinders for raising the Britannia Bridge tubes, which were about 12 feet long and about 3 feet in diameter, and weighed in the mould, perhaps, 20 tons, were found red hot at the expiration of 72 hours after having been cast; they only became cold enough to handle 10 days after having been stripped from the loam, and required feeding for more than 6 hours after having been poured. During the greater part of this time molecular changes were going on, increasing the coarseness of the crystalline grain of the metal and reducing its tenacity. It would have been much better practice to have kept the exterior of the 'loam' wet, and thus inducing cooling by evaporation as soon as ever the setting' of the metal had rendered it safe to do so. The cooling must be uniform as far as uniformity is prac- ticable. Uniformity, strictly, is impossible, in any casting; the approach to it is most difficult in heavy solid castings, such as guns and mortars, and hence the great advantage which would result from a return to the ancient practice of casting them hollow upon suitably made "cores," as admitting of internal cooling by artificial means, such as a current of air at the same time that the outside is cooling. It is understood that the American Government requires its guns to be so cast, and cools them by a current of water passed into the interior-a practice of very doubtful advantage, as not under sufficient control to insure avoidance of an evil greater than THE EFFECTS OF FLUID PRESSURE. 659 that which it is proposed to remedy, namely, cooling the interior of the gun much faster than the exterior. Unequal cooling, especially if very rapid, involves all the injury that violent internal wrenching and straining can do to strength. Mr. Mallet has made extended and careful experiments to ascertain the relation between the head of fluid pressure and the specific gravity of the casting, showing the great value of increased head of metal in adding to the density and strength of the castings. These experiments were made upon cylindrical shafts of cast-iron, cast vertically in dry sand moulds, and under heads gradually increasing up to 14 feet in depth, and all poured from "gates" at the bottom. The increase of density in castings of large size, due to their solidification under a head of metal varying from 2 to 14 feet in depth is shown below:- No. of Depth of Casting Experiments. in Inches. First Specific Gravity. Difference. I. О 6'9551 2. 24 6.9633 0.0082 3. 48 7°0145 0'0512 4. 72 7°0506 0.0361 5. 96 7'0642 0.0136 6. 120 7'0776 0°0134 7. 144 7'0907 0.0131 8. 168 7'1035 0*0128 I. О 7'0479 2. 24 7*0576 0'0097 3. 48 7°0777 4. 72 7'0890 O'0201 0°0113 5. 96 7°1012 0˚0122 6. 120 7.1148 0.0136 7. 144 7*1288 0'0140 8. 168 7 1430 0'0142 I. O 7'0328 2. 24 7'0417 3. 48 7'0558 0*0089 Ο'ΟΙ4Ι 4. 72 7*0669 5. 96 7'0789 Ο ΟΙΙΙ O'0120 6. 120 7'0915 7. 144 71046 S. 168 71183 0.0126 O'0131 0*0137 Apedale, No. 2. Blaenavon, No. Hot Blast. Cold Blast. No. 1. Hot Blast. 1. Calder Cast-iron, 2 U 2 660 IRON. These experiments show an increase of density due to 14 feet head about equal to a pressure of 44.8 lbs. per square inch on the casting, from 6·9951 to 7∙1035 for Scotch cast- iron." In the following table the decrease of specific gravity fol- lowing increase of bulk is obtained; the iron castings are made from the same sort of cast-iron, and under similar circumstances :— Mark of Experiment. First Dimensions of Casting. Specific Gravity. Difference. A. 5 × 5 × 0*25 7'0560 B. 5 × 5 × 0*50 7*0261 0'0299 C. 5X5 XI 7.0627 0'0366 D. 5 × 5 × 2 6.9856 0°0771 E. 5 × 5 × 4 6.9588 0.0268 A. 5 × 5 × 0*25 7°1449 B. 5 × 5 × 0.50 7.1464 0'0015 C. 5 X5 XI 7.1423 0*0041 D. 5 × 5 × 2 7'1153 0'0270 E. 5x5x4 7'0942 0'02II A. 5×5X0*25 7.1876 B. 5 × 5 × '050 7°1735 0*0141 C. 5 × 5 × I 7.1164 0'0571 D. 5×5×2 7*0806 0'0358 E. 5 × 5 × 4 7'0483 0*0323 Apedale, No. 2. Hot Blast. Blaenavon, No. 1. Calder, No. 1 Cold Blast. Hot Blast. 3. Moulding in Loam.-The introduction of dry-sand moulding (moulding in baked sand) has to a great extent limited the application of moulding in loam. This mode of moulding differs from those before described in not using any patterns, but forming the moulds by the assistance of templets. The interior shape of the casting is always formed first. Loam moulding is chiefly employed to form cores for tubes and hollow castings, and in such cases when making a pattern would be too expensive, or when the size of the casting is of such magnitude as to render too difficult the MOULDING IN LOAM. 661 carriage of the moulding frames and cores, which is the case with large pans, bells, large guns, &c. In Ure's "Dictionary of Arts," ii., p. 391, the mode of fabricating loam moulds is illustrated by forming a sugar pan; it is described as follows: Fig. 193 is the pan. There is laid upon the floor of the foundry an annular platform of cast-iron, a, b, Fig. 194, and FIG. 193. FIG. 194. upon its centre, c, rests the lower extremity of a vertical shaft, adjusted so as to turn freely upon itself, whilst it makes a wooden pattern, e, f, Fig. 195, describe a surface of FIG. 195. FIG. 196. FIG. 197. U d m d P revolution identical with the reversed internal surface of the boiler intended to be made. The outline, e, g, of the pattern is fashioned so as to describe the surface of the edge of the vessel. Upon the part a, d, b, d, Fig. 195, of the flat cast-iron ring, there must next be constructed with bricks laid either flat or on their edges, and clay, a kind of dome, h, i, k, Fig. 195, from 2 to 4 inches thick, according to the size and weight of the piece to be moulded. The external surface of the brick dome ought to be everywhere at least 2 inches distant from the surface described' by the arc, e, f. Before building up the dome to the point, i, coals are to be placed. within it upon the floor, which may be afterwards kindled for drying the mould. The top is then formed, leaving at i, round the upright shaft of revolution, only a very small outlet. This aperture and some others left under the edges 662 IRON. of the iron ring enable the moulder to light the fire when it becomes necessary, and to graduate it so as to make it last without more fuel, until the mould is quite finished and dry. The combustion should always be extremely slow. Over the brick dome a pasty layer of loam is applied and rounded with the mould, e, g, f; this surface is then coated with a much smoother loam by means of the concave edge of the same mould. Upon the latter surface the inside of the sugar pan is cast, the line, e, g, having traced in its revolution the ledge, m. The fire is now kindled, and as the surface of the mould becomes dry, it is painted over by a brush with a mixture of water, charcoal powder, and a little clay, in order to prevent adhesion between the surface already dried and the coats of loam about to be applied to it. The board, g, e, f, is now removed and replaced by another, g', c', ƒ', Fig. 197, whose edge, e', f', describes the outer sur- face of the pan. Over the surface, e, f, a layer of loam is applied, which is turned and polished so as to produce the surface of the revolution, e', f', as was done for the surface, e, f, only in the latter case the line, e', g', of the board does not form a new shoulder, but rubs slightly against m. The layer of loam included between the two surfaces, e, f, c', f', is an exact representation of the sugar pan. When this layer is well dried by the heat of the interior fire it must be painted like the former. The upright shaft is now re- moved, leaving the small vent hole through which it passed FIG. 198. to promote the complete combustion of the coal. There must be now laid horizontally upon the ears of the plat- form, d, d, Fig. 196, another annular platform, p, q, like the former, but a little larger, and without any cross-bar. The MOULDING IN LOAM. 663 relative position of these two platforms is shown in Fig. 198. Upon the surface, e', f', Fig. 197, a new layer of loam is laid, 2 inches thick, and the surface is smoothed by hand. Then upon the platform, p, q, Fig. 198, a brick vault is constructed whose inner surface is applied to the layer of loam. This contracts a strong adherence with the bricks, which absorb a part of its moisture, whilst the coat of paint spread over the surface, e', f', prevents it from sticking to the preceding layer of loam. The brick dome ought to be built solidly. The whole mass is now to be thoroughly dried by the continuance of the fire, the draught of which is supported by a small vent left in the upper part of the new dome; and when all is properly dry the two iron platforms are adjusted to each other by pin points, and p, q, is lifted off, whilst care- fully kept in a horizontal position. Upon this platform are removed the last brick dome, and the layer of loam which had been applied next to it and representing exactly on its. inside the mould of the surface, e', f', that is, of the outside of the pan. The crust contained between c, ƒ and e', f' is broken away, an operation easily done without injury to the surface, e, f, which represents exactly by its inside the inner surface of the pan, or only to the shoulder, m, corresponding to the edge of the vessel. The top aperture through which the upright shaft passed must now be closed; only the one is kept open in the portion of the mould lifted off upon p, q ; because, through this opening the melted metal is to be poured in the process of casting. The two platforms being replaced very exactly one above the other, by means of the adjusting pin-points, the mould is completely formed and ready for the reception of the metal. When the object to be moulded presents more complicated forms than the one now chosen for the sake of illustration, the workman constructs his loam moulds by analogous processes, but the modes of effecting many things which at first sight appear scarcely possible must be left to his sagacity. Thus, when the forms of the interior and exterior do not permit the mould to be separated into two pieces, it is divided into several, which are nicely fitted with adjusting pins. More than two cast-iron rings or platforms are sometimes necessary. 664 IRON. When oval or angular surfaces are to be traced instead of those of revolution, no upright shaft is used, but wooden or cast-iron guides made on purpose, along which the cut- out pattern board is slid according to the drawing of the object. Iron wires and claws are often interspersed through the brickwork to give it cohesion. The core, kernel, or inner mould of a hollow casting is frequently fitted in when the outer shell is moulded. The case of a gas retort, Fig. 199, will illustrate this subject. FIG. 199. 17: d E The core of the retort ought to have the form e, e, e, e, and be very solid, since it cannot be fixed in the outer mould for the casting, except in the part standing out of the retort towards m, 111. It must be modelled in loam, upon a piece of cast-iron called a lantern, made expressly for the purpose. The lantern is a cylinder or a truncated hollow cone of cast- iron, about half an inch thick, and differently shaped for every different core. The surface is perforated with holes about half an inch in diameter. It is mounted by means of iron crossbars, upon an iron axis which traverses it in the direction of its length. Fig. 200 represents a horizontal section through the axis of the core; g, h is the axis of the FIG. 200. lantern, figured at i, k, k, i; o, i, i, o is a kind of disc or dish, perpendicular to the axis, open at i, i, forming one piece with the lantern, whose circumference, 0, 0, presents a curve similar to the section of the core, made at right angles to its MOULDING IN LOAM. 665 axis. We shall see presently the two uses for which this dish is intended. The axis, g, h, is laid upon two gudgeons, and handles are placed at each of its extremities to facilitate the operation of making the core. A hay band as thick as the finger is wound around the whole surface of the lantern, from the point h, to the collet formed by the dish. Even two or more coils may be applied, as occasion requires, over which loam is spread to the exact form of the core, by applying with the hand a board against the dish, o, o, with its edge cut out to the desired shape; and also against another dish, adjusted at the time towards h, while a rotatory movement is given by means of the handles to the whole apparatus. The hay interposed between the lantern and the loam, which represents the crust of the core, aids the adhesion of the clay to the cast-iron of the lantern and gives passage to the holes in its surface for the air to escape through in the casting. When the core is finished and has been put into the drying stove, the axis, g, h, is taken out; then the small opening which it leaves at the point, h, is plugged with clay. This is done by supporting the core by the edges of the dish, in a vertical position. It is now ready to be introduced into the hollow mould. The mould, executed in baked sand, consists of three pieces, two of which, absolutely similar, are represented (Fig. 201) at p, q, the third is shown at r, s. The two similar parts p, q, present each the longitudinal half of the nearly cylindrical portion of the outer surface of the gas retort; so that when they are brought together the cylinder is formed; r, s contains in its cavity the kind of hemisphere which forms the bottom of the retort. Hence, by adding this part of the mould to the end of the two others, the resulting apparatus represents, in its interior, the exact mould of the outside of the retort; an empty cylindrical portion, t, t, whose axis is the same as that of the cylinder, u, u, and whose sur- face, if prolonged, would be everywhere distant from the surface, u, u, by a quantity equal to the desired thickness of the retort. The diameter of the cylinder, t, t, is precisely equal to that of the core, which is slightly conical, in order 666 IRON. that it may enter easily into this aperture, t, t, and close it, exactly, when it is introduced into the collet or neck. The three parts of the mould and the core being prepared the two pieces, p, q, must first be united and supported in an upright position; then the core must be let down into the FIG. 201. FIG. 202. t u pe 14 9 17 S opening, t, t, Fig. 202. When the plate or disc, o, o, of the core is supported upon the mould it is evident that the end of the core is everywhere equidistant from the edge of the external surface, u, u, and that it does not go too far beyond the line q, q. Should there be an inaccuracy it must be cor- rected by slender iron slips placed under the edge of the disc, o, o; then, by means of a cast-iron cross and screw bolts, v, v, the core is fixed immovably. The whole apparatus is now set down upon r, s, and by means of screw bolts the plane surface, q, q, are fixed upon r, r, and the melted metal is introduced by an aperture, z, which has been left at the upper part of the mould. When, instead of the illustration now selected, the core of the piece to be cast has to project beyond the mould of the external surface, as in the case of a pipe open at each end, the process is more simple, because we may easily adjust and fix the core by its two ends. In casting a retort the metal is poured into the mould set upright. It is important to maintain this position in the two last examples of casting, for all the foreign matters which may soil the metal during its flow, such as sand, char- coal, gases, and scoriæ, being less dense, rise constantly to the surface. CASTING IN CHILLS. 667 Casting in Metal Moulds or Chills.*-These moulds being good conductors of heat quickly cool the iron which is poured into them and chill it on the surface; the moulds are usually brushed with black-lead, tar, or lime. Mottled pig-iron, and grey iron with an inclination to become white are best adapted for this method of casting, as they combine the qualities of hardness, toughness, and liquidity. thicker the metal moulds the harder will be the castings.t The Hard rollers or chilled rollers, the gudgeons of which are moulded in dry sand as they require to be soft, are cast in a vertical position, whilst the iron is introduced from below. Some sorts of cast-iron contract so much in metal moulds as to cause the castings to crack on their surface, owing to the expansion of the liquid iron which the casting contains in its centre, whilst the surface has already solidified. One attempt to avoid this disadvantage was made by casting the roller round an iron core and by employing moulds of more or less thickness. Cast-iron containing phosphorus contracts but very slightly and is thinly liquid, whilst iron containing sulphur is thickly liquid. In order to obtain a clean surface of the casting the iron must be introduced into the mould in a rotating movement, which may be produced by joining the runners to the mould in the direction of a tangent. To prevent the mould from bursting it must be warmed before the fluid iron. is introduced into it. The larger the roller to be cast the more mottled must be the iron used. In this country chilled castings have been brought to a great perfection by Messrs. Ransome, of Ipswich. Their chilled ploughshares and chilled railway chairs are cast in moulds of such a construction that the melted iron comes in contact with iron in those parts of the moulds where it is required to be chilled. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1848, p. 521; 1853, p. 860. Bgwkfd., xiii., 440. DINGL., Bd. 127, P. 47. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1848, No. 1; 1853, No. 8. KARST., Arch., 2 R., vii., 3; viii., 254. Bgwkfd., xviii., 549. Polyt. Centr., 1837, No. 5. TUNNER, Jahrb., 1854, p. 254. Berggeist, 1860, No. 99. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1855, p. 367; 1857, p. 188. 653 IRON. With regard to improvements in moulding the attention of founders has been turned- Ist. To the methods by which the labour of making moulds in sand may be reduced. 2nd. To the introduction of improvements in the mode of constructing patterns and moulds; and 3rd. To the manufacture of metallic moulds for those purposes for which they could be applied. A great progress has been made during the last 20 years in all these branches of the treatment of iron. Machine Moulding.-In large works devoted to the pro- duction of cast-iron pipes for the conveyance of water and gas, machinery has been applied, so that the operation of pipe moulding is performed almost without manual labour, with great rapidity and precision. The cost of pipes at the present time is only about £2 per ton above the value of pig-iron out of which they are made—a very small sum when it is considered that the iron has to be re-melted, an operation involving both the expense of fuel and a loss of from 5 to 20 per cent of the iron in the cupola. An ingenious machine for moulding in sand, spur and bevel wheels of any pitch or diameter has been employed in Lancashire, the advantage being that the machine moulding-tool acts directly upon the sand without the intervention of any pattern or mould. In any large foundry there is an enormous accumulation of costly wheel-patterns, taking up a great deal of space, and these can now be dis- pensed with by substituting the wheel moulding machine. Railway chairs are moulded in a machine, and ploughshares which, although only weighing a few pounds each, are sold at the low rate of £8 a ton, are moulded in the same manner. Plate Casting.-Under the next class of improvements the introduction of plate casting has been the most productive of good results. One great source of expense and trouble in a foundry is the injury done to patterns and to their impressions in the sand by the necessity under the ordinary system of moulding, of striking the pattern, or pushing it first in one direction and * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. ii., p. 386. FINISHING THE CASTINGS. 669 then in another in order to loosen it. Now the object of the machinist is to construct all his spindles, bearings, bolts, and wheels of specified sizes, and then to cast the framing of the machine so accurately that the working parts may fit into the frame without any manual labour. In order to effect this, every projection and every aperture in the casting must be at an exact distance, and this can only be obtained by employing such a system as plate casting, where the pattern is firmly attached to a plate, and it is impossible for the moulder to distort or injure the impression. Plate casting has been long known, but was practically confined for many years to the pro- duction of small articles, such as cast nails and rivets. Shell Casting.-A circular aperture is made in a horizontal planed plate of iron two inches thick. Through this a sphere. of iron of the same diameter as the aperture is pushed until an exact hemisphere appears above the plate. The lower flask is put on to the plate and sand filled in; the lever being relieved the sphere falls by its own weight, the lower flask is removed and the upper flask put on the plate; the sphere is pushed through the plate as before, and sand filled in with great rapidity and accuracy. The sand cores for filling up that part of the shell which is to be hollow are also carefully and quickly made at Woolwich. The halves of the core-mould open and shut with a lever, so that the bad plan of striking the core-mould is avoided as completely as that of striking the pattern is in the process of moulding shot and shell. Finishing the Castings. Some of the castings are ready for sale when taken from the mould and after the ragged edges have been trimmed with a hammer, and have been chipped by a chisel when quite cold; but a number of castings require a further treatment, either mechanical or chemical. The mechanical treatment* of castings may consist of the following manipulations:-- * KARMARSCH, mechanische Technologie, i., 420, 493, HARTMANN, Eisen- giesserei, 1863, p. 510. Mitthlgn. des Hannov. Gewerbe-Vereins, 1835, Lief. 3, P. 192. 670 IRON. 1. Some castings, such as smoothing irons, anvils, &c., are ground on grindstones, which are usually set in motion by water power. 2. Shot, &c., are polished by putting them in a rotating cask, in which they rub against each other. 3. Cannons, machine castings, &c., require to be bored, turned, planed, &c., 4. Many castings are blackened, which prevents their oxidation and improves their appearance. For this purpose large castings are heated to about 100° C. and brushed with tar, and then allowed to dry, or the castings are dipped into boiling tar, which is a quicker way. Small castings are coated with an admixture of linseed oil varnish, and lampblack; this coating is applied either at the common temperature or after having previously heated the castings. Sometimes the castings are repeatedly smoked with burning resinous wood and brushed, or they are brushed over with linseed oil, heated, and brushed after the flame has dis- appeared. Upon dissolving ½ lb. of asphalt and lb. of resin in 4 lbs. of linseed oil at a high temperature, a lac or varnish is ob- tained, also well fitted for coating larger kinds of castings. After cooling, the lac may be preserved in a bottle, and when required for use some linseed oil must be added to it. In this country, castings brushed with linseed oil are sus- pended 8 or 10 inches above a strongly smoking wood fire. After an hour the castings are lowered, but so that they do not come into contact with the glowing coals, and 15 minutes later they are dipped into cold oil of turpentine. The coating thus obtained is bright, resists oxidation, and even the action of weak acids. 5. In some cases the castings have* a coating of oxide arti- ficially formed on their surface, thus protecting them against the influence of the atmosphere. This process is effected DINGL., Bd. 96, p. 20. TEMPERING. 671 either by brushing the castings with dilute nitric acid and drying them in the open air, or by some other means (butter of antimony); but this process is more applied to articles made of wrought-iron and steel than to those of cast-iron. Many proposals have been made for the protection of iron against oxidation. A simple method consists of brushing articles of iron or steel with a solution of wax in benzol, and allowing the benzol to evaporate. The solution may be prepared by putting small pieces of wax into cold benzol till saturation. 6. Welding Cast-Iron.-This process is used to correct defects in castings. A hole is bored in the defective part of the casting, which is then strongly heated. A wall of sand is formed round the deficient part, and liquid iron gradually poured into the hollow formed by the sand wall; the liquid iron then dissolves the red-hot iron of the casting with which it comes into contact; gudgeons of large rollers, &c., have been thus welded.† The chemical treatment of castings comprises the following operations :- 1. Tempering.-This operation is sometimes applied to hard or brittle castings which are unfit for the mechanical treatment of turning, boring, &c., and is performed by heating the castings for from 12 to 20 hours in closed cast-iron vessels, which are filled either with sand or a mixture of coal dust and bone ash, thus rendering the iron softer (page 289). For the purpose of heating, the vessels containing the castings are placed on a railway running beside a grate in brick vaulted chambers. Upon heating castings for several days at a higher temperature and in contact with substances evolving oxygen (brown stone, red iron ore, oxide of zinc), they attain more or less malleability, like steel or wrought- iron (malleable cast-iron) (page 278). The heating may be effected in crucible furnaces|| or in reverberatory furnaces.§ * DINGL., Bd. 82, p. 75; Bd. 94, p. 46. Bericht. der 13, Versammlung deutschr. Archit., Hanover, 1863, p. 107. + Polyt. Centr., 1861, p. 1160. Bgwkfd., x., 14, 39. DINGL., Bd. 65, p. 155. || Bgwkfd., ii., 93, 510; ix., 43, 142; xi., 760; xiii., 77. DINGL., Bd. 26, p. 315; Bd. 29, p. 150; Bd. 62, p. 376. Polyt. Centr., 1849, pp. 13, 34; 1853 P. 951. § DINGL., Bd. 102, p. 220. 672 IRON. White pig-iron is better adapted for this purpose than grey iron. 2. Bronzing.*-The castings are scoured till they become bright; they are then brushed with a solution of copper- vitriol and polished after being dried. The copper precipi- tated by the iron gives it a bronze-like appearance. Sometimes the galvanic method is employed, and now and then the mechanical one of coating the castings with a var- nish and with a green colour, upon which thin finely pul- verised bronze colours are partially laid. 3. Coating Castings with other Metals.-a. Gilding+ cast-iron by means of gold amalgam is very difficult, as the amalgam does not stick to the iron. It is therefore neces- sary to brush the well cleaned surface of the iron with a concentrated solution of copper vitriol, and to apply the amalgam to the precipitated copper. As under certain cir- cumstances the coating of copper is injurious, Böttger coats the articles direct with mercury by means of the electro- positive zinc in the following manner:-The article to be gilded is well cleaned and boiled in a porcelain vessel together with 12 parts of mercury, I part of zinc, 2 parts of iron vitriol, I parts of muriatic acid of 1*2 specific gravity, and 12 parts of water; in a short time a layer of mercury will deposit upon the iron, and upon this the gold amalgam may be uni- formly distributed. The gilding may also be effected upon polished iron in the following manner :-If a nearly neutral solution of chloride of gold be mixed with sulphuric ether and agitated, the ether will take up the gold, and float above the denser liquid. When this auriferous ether is applied by a camel- hair pencil to brightly polished iron or steel, the ether evaporates and the gold adheres. It is fixed by polishing with a burnisher. This gilding is not very rich or durable; in fact, the affinity between gold and iron is feeble compared to that between gold and copper or silver. *DINGL., Bd. 47, p. 313; Bd. 52, p. 319. Bgwkfd., xiii., 559. †DINGL., Bd. 99, p. 158. BOTTGER'S Beiträge, &c., 1847, Hft. 3, p. 14. Polyt. Centr., viii., 384. COPPERING CAST-IRON. 673 Gilding of cast-iron by the galvanic way* is also difficult, and is successful only if the article is perfectly clean. It is advisable previously to coat the article with copper or silver. Polished iron may also be gilded with heat by gold leaf. b. Silveringt cast-iron. Iron to be silvered is first pro- vided with a coating of copper, upon which the silver is applied either by means of amalgam or silver leaf. Cast-iron can be well silvered by the galvanic way‡ without a previous coppering. c. Coppering.-Cast-iron is easily coppered by simply im- mersing it in a solution of copper vitriol, but the coating of copper thus produced does not adhere to the iron. The copper will adhere to the iron when employing the galvanic current, chiefly when the cast-iron has been previously coppered or im- mersed in a solution of cyanide of potassium and copper. The great advantages which would arise from the perfection of a plan by which iron could be coated with copper at a cheap rate induced Messrs. Elsner and Philip, of Berlin, to undertake a series of experiments to ascertain if the coppering could not be effected more economically than by employing cyanide of potassium, and in this they have been successful. To coat iron the article must be well cleaned in rain or soft water and rubbed before immersion in the solution, which may be either chloride of potassium or chloride of sodium con- taining a little caustic ammonia added, or tartrate of potash, with a small portion of carbonate of potash. At the ex- tremity of the wire, in connection with the copper or nega- tive pole of the battery, is fixed a thin flattened copper plate, and the article to be coated is attached to the wire from the zinc or positive pole, and both are then immersed in the solution, the copper plate only partially. The liquid should be kept at a temperature of from 15° to 20° C., and the suc- cess of the operation depends on the strength and uniformity of the galvanic current. When the chlorides are employed, the coating is of a dark, natural copper colour, and with * 1856. ELSNER, die galvanische Vergoldung und Versilberung, 3 Aufl., Leipzig, † KARMARSCH, mechan. Technol., i., 477- ERDM., J. f. pr. Chem., xxix., 264. + VOL. II. 2 X 674 IRON. tartrate of potash it assumes a red tinge, similar to the red oxide of copper. When sufficiently covered, the article is rubbed in saw-dust, and exposed in a current of warm air to dry, when the metal will take a fine polish and resist all atmospheric influence. d. Tinning.-A coating of tin is frequently applied to cer- tain kinds of castings, chiefly to cooking utensils, thus pre- venting them from rusting, and also preserving the food to be cooked from taking a black tinge. The tin applied must be free from lead, or the food is liable to become poisoned. The articles to be tinned are first tempered (method of Weinberger and Girardt), then turned in a lathe, or other- wise well cleaned, and washed with dilute muriatic acid of 8° or 10° B., or with sulphuric acid. Delesse and Thomas‡ mix the acid with some organic substances, and Sorel || mixes it with copper and tin salts. The iron pots are now dried,§ and heated up to the melting point of tin; the fluid tin is then rubbed either with a cork or a ball of cotton on the bright surface of the iron to be tinned. Too low a tempera- ture of the pots causes too thick a coating, and too high a temperature prevents the tin from adhering to the iron. Sal-ammoniac or chloride of zinc and ammonium¶ is em- ployed in the operation to keep the surface of the metal free from oxidation. The tinning of iron by Mr. Morris Stirling's patent process is described in Ure's "Dictionary," vol. iii., p. 925, thus:- "For this purpose the sheet, plate, or other form of iron pre- viously coated with zinc, either by dipping or by depositing from solutions of zinc, is taken, and after cleaning the sur- face by washing in acids or otherwise, so as to remove any oxide or foreign matter which would interfere with the per- fect and equal adhesion of the more fusible metal with which it is to be coated, it is dipped into melted tin, or any suitable alloy thereof, in a perfectly liquid state, the surface of which *B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 305. † Polyt. Centr., 1851, p. 1267. DINGL., Bd. 107, p. 446; Bd. 111, p. 271. | Ibid., Bd. 112, p. 121. Trockenvorrichtung, Bgwkfd., x., 118. DINGL., Bd. 106, p. 73. ENAMELLING CAST-IRON. 675 is covered with any suitable material, such as fatty or oily matters, or the chloride of zinc, so as to keep the surface of the metal free from oxidation, and such dipping is to be con- ducted in a like manner to the process of making tin plate or of coating iron with zinc." Iron may be tinned also by the galvanic current (method of Roseleur and Bouchy).* Tinned iron articles which are deficient in tin oxidise more rapidly than iron without any tin coating, owing to a galvanic reaction caused by the contact of tin and iron. A coating of zinc, on the other hand, more effectually protects the iron from oxidation, even if this coating is only partial, but as zinc is readily dissolved in acids, salt brine, &c., iron vessels coated with it cannot be used for cooking purposes. Iron may also be coated with zinc by the galvanic current.t 4. Enamelling for cast-iron hollow wares, for saucepans, &c. Cooking vessels are frequently enamelled to prevent them from oxidation and the action of weak acids; but the uniform and durable coating of such vessels with an enamel perfect in lustre, colour, hardness, &c., can only be performed with difficulty. This difficulty arises from the following circumstances :— a. The enamel sticks less to iron rich in graphite than to iron free from it, therefore strongly mottled or white iron produced from bog-ores is best fitted for enamelling; this white iron requires a mere preparatory scouring, whilst grey or mottled iron must be submitted to a corroding and scouring in order to remove the graphite from the surface of the vessels. b. As cast-iron has a different rate of expansion (0'0011445) when heated from o° to 100° C. to enamel (0'00080833), the enamel cracks and flies off when heating the enamelled vessels, if the enamel has been applied to the vessels as a single vitreous coating. For this reason iron vessels'are first coated with a ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., lxv., 250. † Polyt. Centr., 1861, p. 76. VOGELSANG, Lehrbuch der Eisenmaillerkunst, 1851. KARMARSCH und HEEREN, technisches Wörterbuch der Gewerbskunde, 1854, i., 719. KARMARSCH, mechan. Technologie, i., 483. DINGL., Bd., 133, p. 256. Berggeist, 1861, p. 460. 2 X 2 676 IRON. mass which frits upon heating and sticks to the iron, and upon this surface the enamel is melted. The first coating is somewhat porous, and contracts and expands along with the iron, and thus preserves the enamel from flying off. c. The proper temperature for fixing the first coating to the iron. The mass applied must neither melt nor remain in its original state; this operation is of the greatest impor- tance and can only be properly understood after long practice; in many places it is still considered a secret. d. The composition and preparation of the enamel, which is also mostly kept secret, and only to be ascertained by ex- periments. The mass for the first coating consists chiefly of silica, boracic acid, alumina, and alkalies; the enamel, or second coating, contains the same components but a larger amount of alkali, which renders the mass more easily fusible, and also some oxide of tin, rendering it opaque and white. Concerning their chemical composition both mixtures are variable within certain limits. Some enamel also contains lead; it then may be fixed to the iron at a lower temperature, and, therefore, more cheaply, and it is also more durable; but it is less white in appearance and it is liable to be injurious when used for cooking vessels. Eulenberg ascertained this enamel to contain- Silica. • Oxide of lead Phosphoric acid Phosphate of lime 43 38 39°12 3'51 2.61 The production of enamels free from lead has lately been aimed at. The following are the chief materials used in the prepara- tion of the enamel :- a. Silica, in the form of quartz, flint, or elutriated sand. The quartz or flint is ignited, quenched in water, broken, sifted, and ground. b. Felspar, containing on an average— • Silica Alumina Potash. 65'4 18.0 16.6 ENAMELLING CAST-IRON. 677 and is chiefly effective for the purpose on account of the amount of silica and alkali it contains. It is treated like the quartz, and sometimes digested with muriatic acid if con- taining peroxide of iron. c. Pieces of Glass, containing on an average— Silica. Alumina. Soda. Lime. 53 70 14 3 12 are sometimes used as substitutes for silica or felspar. d. Pieces of Porcelain, of the average composition- Silica. Alumina. Potash Lime. are used like pieces of glass. e. China Clay, containing on an average- 60 33 4 3 Silica. Alumina. Water 47 37 16 This must be elutriated, dried, and sifted. It is used as an admixture in the mills for grinding the mass for the first coating, thus rendering it more pasty and opaque after burning. When forming the second coating, China clay enters into the composition of the mass. f. Borax, containing- Soda. Boracic acid Water 16.37 36°53 47'10 The boracic acid is sometimes replaced by phosphoric acid, and lately also by the cheaper arsenious acid. g. Calcined Soda, containing 58.69 parts of soda and 41°31 parts of carbonic acid; it is usually used in the mass for the second coating only. h. Saltpetre, containing 46°59 parts of potash and 53°41 parts of nitric acid, used for the enamel only. i. Magnesia, as basic carbonate, obtained by decomposing sulphate of magnesia by means of carbonate of ammonia, 4MgO,CO₂+ MgO,HO, containing 50.85 parts of magnesia, 41°59 parts of carbonic 678 IRON. acid, and 456 parts of water. It is used in both coatings; in the first coating merely as a mechanical admixture, and in the second coating as a mechanical admixture and also as part of the composition of the melted mass. Magnesia occasions a better fixing of the masses to the iron. Sulphate of magnesia, whose sulphuric acid is expelled by the silica upon heating, is chiefly used in admixture when grinding the enamel, as it facilitates the fritting of the mass and its adhe- sion to the iron; it is not applied when melting the compo- sition for forming the mass. Chalk, fluor spar, and heavy spar are used in rare cases only. k. Carbonate of Ammonia is sometimes used as an admixture of the mass when grinding, to render it pasty and to prevent a cracking of the enamel. 1. Litharge and White Lead are used when producing plumbiferous enamels. m. Oxide of Tin is produced by heating pure tin in a clay vessel up to its melting point, and continually removing the oxide formed from the surface; a strong draught is liable to carry oxide away. The oxide of tin is a yellowish or greyish white powder, and must be heated several times with an admission of air, in order more highly to oxidise the dark suboxide of tin which may be present; if necessary, an addition of saltpetre is given. A little saltpetre contained in the enamel thus has a decolourising reaction. The pure, ground, and washed oxide of tin is a white or yellowish white powder, becoming yellow upon heating. When it is wished to produce a plumbiferous oxide of tin, an alloy, consisting of four parts of tin and one part of lead, is heated in an iron pan covered with a muffle, which is pro- vided with a draught hole; the formed crust of oxide is then continually removed into an iron box, allowing the metal which may have been removed along with the oxide to settle to the bottom. Oxide of zinc and bone-ash are sometimes used. The great number of recipes* given for the preparation * ERDM., J. f. pr. Chem., xiii., 12. DINGL., Bd. 78, p. 40; Bd. 79, p. 3. Bgwkfd., vii., 208. Polyt. Centr., 1840, p. 326; 1847, p. 488; 1854, p. 1378; 1855, p. 700. KARST., Eisenhüttenkunde, iii., § 846. ENAMELLING CAST-IRON. 679 of enamel do not differ from each other very essentially, and, according to them, the mass for the first coating contains from 65'92 to 77'05 per cent of silica; the enamel for the second coating from 25'59 to 43'71 per cent of silica. The following may be relied upon- Mixture for the First Coating.-No. I contains 50 parts of quartz, 30 parts of borax, and I part of magnesia as com- ponents to be melted; the melted mass is then ground with an admixture of 15 parts of quartz and 13 parts of clay; thus containing- Silica. Boracic acid Alumina. Potash Magnesia 77'05 11.87 5'21 5°44 0'55 For the preparation of the same mass, No. 2, 30 parts of quartz, 30 parts of felspar, and 25 parts of borax are melted and ground together with an addition of 6 parts of felspar, 1.25 parts of magnesia, and 10*75 parts of clay; thus containing— Silica. Boracic acid Alumina. Potash Soda. Magnesia 65'92 10*30 11*76 6.72 4'60 0'71 The enamel for the second coating is prepared in the following manner :— No. 1.—10˚5 parts of glass, 9 parts of porcelain, 13.5 parts of borax, 4°5 parts of saltpetre, 3 parts of magnesia, 1'5 parts of sulphate of magnesia, and 9 parts of oxide of tin are melted together, and ground with an addition of 11'85 parts of quartz, 178 parts of magnesia, and 3'95 parts of oxide of tin; thus containing- Silica. Boracic acid Alumina. 43'71 8.76 5'56 Potash Soda. 6'98 4'50 Lime. 2.72 Magnesia 4'76 Oxide of tin. 23'01 680 IRON. No. 2 is formed of 15 parts of quartz, 37°5 parts of felspar, 10 parts of clay, 40 parts of borax, 20 parts of soda, 15 parts of saltpetre, 7°5 parts of magnesia, and 25 parts of oxide of tin; thus containing— (6 Silica. Boracic acid Alumina. Potash Soda . Magnesia 25°59 12 75 9'12 II°53 15.95 3°33 21.81 Oxide of tin The following are recipes for enamels given in Ure's Dictionary of Arts, &c.," vol. ii., p. 211 :— Grey Mixture Enamel. lbs. Oz. Sand. ΙΟ O Red lead 33 O Boracic acid 20 Cullet 114 O Bicarbonate of soda 16 0 Nitre. I 2 Manganese. o 8.5 194 10'5 Another is- lbs. Ozs. Flint • 36 .0 Boracic acid. 24 Bicarbonate of soda 24 O Nitre 18 O 102 White Mixture Enamel. Cullet Boracic acid. lbs. Ozs. II O 7 Bicarbonate of soda Phosphate of lime . Oxide of antimony. O 3 4 8 О 2 21 14 ENAMELLING CAST-IRON. 681 of The Preparation of the Mass for the First Coating. The components being weighed and intimately mixed, are heated in a Hessian crucible provided with an aperture an inch wide at the bottom. The temperature must be so high that the mass melts and flows through a corresponding opening in the support of the crucible into a vessel filled with water, or an arrangement must be made allowing a tapping off the mass from time to time, whilst the upper crucible is charged anew. Sometimes the crucibles used for melting the enamel for the second coating are used for this operation without permitting the mass to run out; after cooling, the crucible is broken. The result will be reddish or yellowish in colour, and greenish yellow if containing any lead. The melted mass is then pounded, sifted, and ground either by itself or together, with the additions already men- tioned. The finely ground mass mixed with water is passed through a fine hair-sieve into a copper or enamelled iron vessel, and allowed to rest for a week or two to render it more homogeneous. Preparation of the Enamel for the Second Coating. This process is taken from the recipe followed in the pre- paration of the previous mass, except that the melting is repeated two or three times in order to obtain the enamel free from blisters. In order to mix the enamel intimately with the oxide of tin, it is made to run out through an opening 1-12th of an inch in diameter. The melted mass must be white, of a glassy, greasy lustre; it must have a conchoidal fracture, and be harder and more compact than common glass. The process of enamelling necessitates the following mani- pulations:- a. Cleaning the Vessels by exposing them to the action of dilute sulphuric acid (1 volume of sulphuric acid to 50 of water) for from 12 to 18 hours. b. Scouring with Sand and washing, first with cold water, and afterwards with boiling water, thus facilitating the drying of the vessels and preventing oxidation. 682 IRON. c. Fixing the First Coating.-The mass being brought to the consistence of cream by mixing with boiled luke-warm water and a little carbonate of ammonia, or sometimes caustic ammonia, is next brushed over the vessel, which must be heated to 50° C., some is then poured into the vessel, and the latter swung about in order to divide the mass uniformly. It is then reversed, whilst the flowing out of the mass is facilitated by slight blows from a wooden hammer; the edges of the vessel are then cleaned either with the finger or a stiff instrument of leather or wood. d. Drying the Vessels.-They are now suspended by wire a certain distance above an iron plate, which is heated from below. The vessels are next placed upon the plate itself, thus heating them to a temperature of from 200° to 300° C.; this operation of drying takes about one hour. e. Burning-in the First Coating. This manipulation is effected in 10 or 15 minutes at a full red heat (melting point of brass) in an iron muffle provided with a trap-door. In order to heat the vessels uniformly they must be several times turned. The mass for the first coating must adhere firmly to the iron in a uniform layer without being either pulverulent or fused. f. Fixing the Second (Glazing) Coating.-The vessels after having cooled and been cleaned outside from oxide, are dipped into water of about 50° C., and the prepared enamel is then uniformly distributed over the vessels by swinging them without any previous brushing. The drying is effected as after the first coating. g. Burning-in the Second Coating.-The vessels are now exposed to a red heat for about 12 minutes, being fre- quently moved and turned, and the cold air excluded as far as possible, thus melting the enamel and fixing it to the first coating. The proper vitrification is indicated when the enamel shows a lustre; if heated beyond this point the enamel. becomes full of bubbles. The exterior of the vessel before its complete cooling is then blackened by brushing it with tar or with an admixture of pine-oil and soot. In December, 1799, a patent* was obtained for the process * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. ii., p. 209. ENAMELLING CAST-IRON. 683 of enamelling iron by Dr. Samuel Sandy Hickling. His specification is subdivided into two parts:— 1. The coating or lining of iron vessels, &c, by fusion with a vitrifiable mixture, composed of 6 parts of calcined flints, 2 parts of composition or Cornish stone, 9 parts of litharge, 6 parts of borax, I part of argillaceous earth, I part of nitre, 6 parts of calx of tin, and I part of purified potash. Or, 2ndly, 8 parts of calcined flints, 8 red lead, 6 borax, 5 calx of tin, and I of nitre. Or, 3rdly, 12 of potters' composition, 8 borax, 10 white lead, 2 nitre, I white marble calcined, I argillaceous earth, 2 purified potash, and 5 calx of tin. Or, 4thly, 4 parts of calcined flints, I potters' composition, 2 nitre, 8 borax, I white marble calcined, argillaceous earth, and 2 calx of tin. Which ever of the above compositions is taken it must be finely powdered, mixed, and fused; the vitreous mass is to be ground when cold, then sifted and levigated with water. It is then made into a paste with water or gum-water. This paste is smeared or brushed over the interior of the vessel, dried, and fused in a muffle at a proper temperature. Calcined bones are also used as an ingredient of the flux. The fusibility of the vitreous compounds is varied according to the heat to be applied to the vessel, by using various pro- portions of the siliceous and fluxing materials. Colours and also gilding may be given. The second part or process in the specification describes certain alloys of iron and nickel, which he casts into vessels and lines or coats them with copper precipitated from its saline solutions. It also describes a mode of giving the precipitated copper an enamel surface by acting upon it with bone ashes and zinc with the aid of heat. A factory of these enamelled hollow wares was carried on for some time, but it was given up for want of due encourage- ment. A patent was granted to Thomas and Charles Clarke on the 25th of May, 1839, for a method of enamelling or coating the inner surfaces of iron pots and saucepans in such a way as to 684 IRON. prevent the enamel from cracking and splitting off from the effect of fire. This specification directs that the vessel shall first be cleaned by exposure to the action of very dilute sul- phuric acid (sensibly sour to the taste) for three or four hours, next boiled in pure water for a short time, and then the com- position is applied, consisting of 100 lbs. of calcined flints, 50 lbs. of borax calcined and finely ground with the above. This admixture is to be fused and gradually cooled. 40 lbs. weight of the above product is to be taken with 5 lbs. weight of potters' clay to be ground together in water until the mixture forms a pasty consistent mass, which will leave or form a coat on the interior surface of the vessel about one-sixth of an inch thick. When this coat is set by placing the vessel in a warm room, the second composition is to be applied. This consists of 125 lbs. of white glass (without lead), 25 lbs. of borax, 20 lbs. of soda (crystals) all pulverised together and vitrified by fusion, then ground, cooled in water and dried. To 45 lbs. of that mixture 1 lb. of soda is to be added, the whole mixed together in hot water, and when dry, pounded, then sifted finely and evenly over the inner surface of the vessel, previously covered with the first coating or composition whilst this one is still moist. This constitutes the glazing. The vessel thus prepared is to be put into a stove, and dried at the temperature of 212° Fahr. It is then heated in a kiln or muffle like that used for glazing china. The kiln being brought to its full heat, the vessel is placed first at its mouth to heat it gradually, and then moved into the interior to fuse the glaze. practice it has been found advantageous also to dust the glaze powder over the fused glaze and apply a second fluxing heat in the oven; by this double application the enamel becomes much smoother and sounder. In Messrs. Kenrick, of West Bromwich, produced in their factory some excellent specimens of enamelled saucepans of cast-iron. Dr. Ure exposed the finely enamelled saucepans of Messrs. Kenrick to very severe trials, having fused even chloride of calcium in them and found them to stand the fire very perfectly without chipping or cracking. 5. Coating Iron with a Glass-like Mass.-The well- PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON. 685 cleaned articles are brushed with a solution of gum arabic, and then a powder prepared by melting 130 parts of glass free from lead, 20 parts of soda, and 12 parts of borax is strewn over them. The articles are then dried in a stove at a temperature of 100° C., and afterwards heated up to redness and gradually cooled. This method is used in France* (fer controxidé or inaltérable) and in America.t Wyatt‡ recommends a glass composed of 3 parts of white lead, 2 borax, and I flint. PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON. Wrought or malleable iron is seldom produced direct from the iron ores, but usually from pig-iron, and it is the purest of the different sorts of iron produced metallurgically. Carbon (from 0.1 to 0'5 per cent) forms an essential component, and deprives the iron of the undesirable softness possessed by pure iron. But wrought-iron may also be contaminated either by substances chemically combined, such as sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, earthy metals, manganese, antimony, arsenic, &c., or by mechanical intermixtures, as oxidised iron, slag, &c.; sometimes it possesses a higher amount of carbon, as we have before shown, or its carbon is unevenly distributed. All these circumstances modify the properties of the wrought-iron (strength, property of welding, hardness, &c.). Moreover, the influence of temperature, electricity, or sudden shocks may cause a molecular change and thus deteriorate the quality of the iron. The appearance of the fracture and the outside of the iron bars, their behaviour at higher tempera- tures, and their resistance to shocks usually show what in- fluences have caused the modification of the iron, and accordingly wrought-iron is called by different names (red- short, cold-short, burnt, &c.). Wrought-iron differs from pig-iron and steel chiefly in its behaviour, as explained on page 264. Bgwkfd., xiii., 653, 798. DINGL., Bd. 112, p. 391. Polyt. Centr., 1850, p. 818. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 51. . Polyt. Centr., 1851, p. 60. 686 IRON. The Properties of Wrought-Iron. The following are the chief properties of wrought-iron :— Colour. Wrought-iron varies in colour between silver- white and a lightish grey, with different.lustres; a light colour with little lustre, and a greyish colour with a dark lustre characterise a good iron; a bluish-white colour and a strong lustre indicate a burnt iron; a silver-white colour and a strong lustre a cold-short iron; a dark colour and little lustre. red-short iron; very little lustre indicates that the iron is brittle and soft. Texture. The original texture in every good wrought- iron which has only been hammered from a ball to a large bar is a jagged grain, the grains varying in size, and according to the amount of carbon present, the iron upon further forging becomes either uniformly fine-grained* or fibrous. The fibrous iron is softer and tougher than the grained iron, and its toughness increases with the length and fineness of the fibres. The finer the grains and the darker the colour of the iron, the richer in carbon, the more steel-like and the harder it is, and the coarser its grains the more easily will it become fibrous. According to Gurlt,† soft wrought-iron poor in carbon, when forged or rolled to a long bar, more easily attains the fibrous structure than the harder sort richer in carbon, because it is more inclined to crystallise, and because it consists of an aggregation of small cubes lying beside each other. These cubes are drawn out in length by the manipulation of forging, but they retain their tendency to reassume their original position when externally influenced by long-continued. vibration, hammering, high temperature, or the galvanic current. As these influences enlarge the volume of the iron. the resulting product is less strong than the original fibrous iron; fine-grained wrought-iron with a larger amount of carbon is therefore preferred for purposes where these in- fluences may affect it, as it is less inclined to form fibres. * TUNNER'S Leob. Jahrb., 1859, viii., 161. Berggeist, 1860, No. 19. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 502. THE PROPERTIES OF WROUGHT-IRON. 687 According to V. Mayrhofer and Gurltt the additionst (nickel) which have been given to the iron, to prevent the conversion of the fibres into crystals, merely deteriorate the quality of the iron. The modified structure of the fibrous iron is not an act of crystallisation which could be prevented by alloying the iron with nickel, but it is the result of the elasticity of the iron; the crystals of the iron distorted by hammering or rolling have a tendency to. reassume their original form, owing to the elasticity of the iron. According to Eggertz|| wrought-iron with o˚5 per cent of carbon is already somewhat hard and changes into steel (fine-grained iron); the smallest amount of carbon found in a variety of Bessemer iron was o'08 per cent. The manner in which wrought-iron is broken has a considerable influence on the appearance of the fracture;§ upon breaking an iron bar suddenly by a hard blow its fracture will appear grained or crystalline, whilst the same bar will show a more or less fibrous texture when broken slowly by gradually increasing force. Lüders dis- covered file-like markings on the fracture of broken bars. Rühmkorff states that soft iron when rendered magnetic is more difficult to be attacked by the file, i.e., harder, than when not in connection with a magnet. Wrought-iron in a soft weldable state is amorphous, but sometimes it occurs in cubes or in combinations of the octahedron, cube, and garnet octahedron, in the puddling process for instance, when pig-iron has been kept for a long time in the liquid slag. Fine-grained iron approaches steel on account of its uniformity, strength, and hardness. As its production re- quires a quicker process with a smaller admission of air than the fibrous iron, the employment of a better sort of pig-iron is at first required to remove the injurious substances; how- ever, some sorts of pig-iron are better adapted for the * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, No. 47. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 200. † Berggeist, 1861, No. 24. HARTM., Fortschr., v. 185. Polyt. Centr., 1863, p. 1172. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 374. Ibid., 1863, p. 140. LEOB., Jahrb., 1859. viii., 162. ¶DINGL., Bd. 155, p. 18. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 392. 688 IRON. Some sorts of pig- are also well adapted production of fine-grained iron than other sorts, but the reason is not thoroughly understood. At Low Moor,* iron workers use refined pig-iron which has been produced from very good ores with coke and cold blast. iron rich in carbon and manganese for the production of fine-grained iron. that the presence of sulphur induces a wrought-iron; pig-iron intended for conversion into fibrous wrought-iron is therefore produced from an ore mixture containing some sulphur, and grained iron from a mixture free from sulphur, with a larger addition of limestone. V. Mayrhofer‡ states fibrous texture of the Whilst good wrought-iron shows a uniform jagged grain moderate in size, the grains of cold-short iron (owing to the presence of phosphorus) are arranged in a somewhat strati- fied manner; wrought-iron rendered cold-short by a continued cold hammering (the aggregation of the iron being thus dis- arranged), shows a fine grain with a strong lustre. Burnt iron has coarse, uneven, angular grains of strong lustre ; iron containing particles of crude metal, uneven, coarse and fine grains; iron which is brittle owing to the presence of silicon, a mixture of grained and fibrous texture. The specific gravity of wrought-iron is from 7.6 to 77, and increases with the purity of the iron. The strength varies with the foreign admixtures and the mechanical treatment of the iron. Upon heating a strong good iron and cooling it slowly or quickly without submitting it to a mechanical treatment, its strength will be impaired, and the strength will increase the more finely the iron is drawn out. Whilst an iron rod of 1 square inch section bears from 500 to 600 cwts. this weight may be increased to from 1000 to 1100 cwts. per square inch upon drawing out the rod so as to form wire. According to V. Burgs the HARTM., Fortschr., vi. 223. † Ibid., iii., 262. LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, x., 388. ZIUREK'S technol. Tabellen, 1863, p. 142. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 165; 1861, p. 170. DINGL., Bd. 149, p. 394; Bd. 155, p. 394. Berggeist, 1861, • No. 22. B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 257. THE PROPERTIES OF WROUGHT-IRON, 689 strength of iron upon heating increases to a certain degree of temperature, but beyond that it decreases. Fine-grained iron is stronger than fibrous iron and becomes less easily crystalline and fragile (page 687). According to Clay the brittleness of fibrous iron is prevented by heating and slowly cooling it. The tensile and transverse strength is greater than that of pig-iron, but not its crushing strength. Steel is stronger than iron. Fine grained iron is harder than fibrous iron, and its hardness increases with the amount of carbon present, but it may also be increased by other substances (manganese, &c.); in the latter case the hardness remains the same whether the iron is cooled slowly or quickly, whilst iron that has been rendered hard by the presence of carbon approaches steel (when containing above 0'5 per cent of carbon) and becomes harder upon heating and quenching in water. Iron which is soft at the common temperature remains soft at higher temperatures; it welds easier, and when hot it can be more easily treated than hard iron. Wrought-iron made hard by a sudden cooling may, at the same time, be brittle, and this brittleness may be also induced by the presence of certain substances, chiefly earthy metals; but manganese effects this in a less degree. Upon heating bright wrought-iron at a gradually rising temperature, from 200° to 400° C, it shows a succession of characteristic colours (pale yellowish, pale straw yellowish, orange, violet, darkish violet, dark blue, light blue, green, pale green, and, at last, colourless); hard iron attains those colours sooner than soft iron. Next the glowing heats appear—namely, at 525° C. begins the red heat, at 700° the dark red heat, at 1000° the perfect cherry-red heat, at 1100° dark orange, at 1200° a light glowing heat, at 1300° C., the white heat, at 1400° a strong white heat, at from 1500° to 1600° a dazzling white heat, and at from 1900° to 2120° C. fusion. According to Clement and Desormes, wrought-iron fuses at 2118° C., and, according to Elsner,† in the highest heat of VOL. II. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 191. ↑ Polyt. Centr., 1859, p. 317. 2 Y 690 IRON. a porcelain furnace; the wrought-iron produced in Bessemer's furnace may be cast in moulds. Pouillet gives the fusion point of wrought-iron at 1600° C. only. Before melting, the iron becomes pasty and weldable. Hard iron welds sooner than soft iron. Behaviour of Wrought-Iron towards other Substances. Oxygen. When exposed to the influence of moist air iron oxidises, and red-short iron more quickly than cold- short iron; iron in a red-hot state oxidises on the admission of air and becomes coated with a dark oxide (iron scale) which, according to Berthier,* consists of 4FeO, Fe₂O,. This oxide causes loss of iron, and adheres less to the iron beneath, according as it has been formed quicker and at a higher temperature. The surface of wrought-iron treated at lower temperatures has a reddish appearance. ༢. The scale is more perfectly removed from iron by hammering than by rolling, and it renders iron unsound if it is allowed to remain with the iron during certain further treatments. Iron exposed to a continued high temperature with an admission of air loses its carbon, assumes an uneven coarse- grained texture of a white colour and strong lustre (burnt iron), and is friable either cold or hot. Wrought-iron may acquire a similar crystalline texture without essentially losing carbon when kept for a longer time at a higher temperature with atmospheric air excluded (page 688); wrought-iron made cold-short by too long a hammering when cold shows a uniform finer grain. All these modified varieties of iron may be improved if they are raised to a welding heat whilst under a coating excluding the atmospheric air, and when in this hot state they are condensed by a hammer or rolls. Wrought-iron, cold-short owing to the presence of phosphorus, cannot be improved in this manner. In order to protect the iron from burning, sand is strewn over it at the welding heat, thus forming a liquid cover of slag; chloride of sodium is * KARST., Arch., 1 R., xi., 433; ix., 508; xiii., 365. THE PROPERTIES OF WROUGHT-IRON. 691 sometimes added to the sand, or some glass, and, occasionally, even borax; Schwarz brushes the iron with a concentrated solution of water-glass. The fusing iron scale also forms a protection against burning. Nitrogen.-Iron combines with nitrogen in different. proportions. Wrought-iron produced on a large scale only contains a small amount of this substance. According to Boussingault, iron wire contains from o'oco075 to o'000086 of nitrogen. Jullien* states that burnt iron contains nitrogen, and, according to Fleury,† grained iron is produced by the liberation of nitrogen, which then combines with carbon. Sulphur is said by Karsten to render iron red-short if present in it to 1-10,000th part; this, however, is exag- gerated, as good varieties of wrought-iron may contain as much as 3-10,000ths; and some thousands of sulphur are required to render the iron decidedly red-short, and the more so the more imperfect its conversion into wrought-iron. A well and uniformly converted wrought-iron containing 0'04 per cent of sulphur was capable of being punched, whilst wrought-iron with such an amount of sulphur is usually inferior in quality. The different parts of one and the same iron bar some- times contain varying amounts of sulphur. Phosphorus lessens the strength of iron at the common temperature, and makes it cold-short, but it greatly in- creases its property of welding. Almost every kind of wrought-iron contains some phosphorus, which, according to Karsten, is harmless if it does not exceed o˚5 per cent. Eg- gertz‡ states that wrought-iron containing from 0.25 to 0'30 per cent of phosphorus shows cold-shortness, but can be applied to the manufacture of nails, wire, and other fine forge articles. The more phosphorus the iron contains, the softer it is when heated. Upon cooling, it takes a crystalline texture, and becomes brittle if not forged immediately after heating; and the crystalline texture and the cold-shortness will be lessened the longer it is under the hammer. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 148. † Ibid., 1861, p. 439. † Ibid., 1860, p. 418. 2 Y 2 692 IRON. Silicon, usually not less than o'05 per cent, renders the iron brittle at common and higher temperatures; the fracture of the iron shows black fibres and grains, and often cleavage planes. Aluminium, calcium, and other earthy metals* act like silicon. Tin, Antimony, and Arsenic render wrought-iron cold- short, and, according to Wehrlet and Mrazek,‡ arsenic especially lessens the property of welding (page 696). Mrazek found the composition of a cold-short wrought-iron which could only be welded with difficulty, to be as follows:- Silicon Carbon . Phosphorus Arsenic. Cobalt Nickel Sulphur Copper 0·630 0'055 0*290 0*375 0'017 0'021 trace trace 1 The English commission for investigating the quality of iron with regard to its applicability to railway purposes found that best Dundyvan wrought-iron in bars of I square inch broke when burdened with 24°33 tons; 4 cwts. of this iron containing 4 lbs. of zinc broke at a burden of 25.86 tons, and the same quantity, containing 1 lb. of tin, at a burden of 23°39 tons. Antimony renders wrought-iron hard and crystalline. Nickel and Cobalt.-Rubach|| found in a cold- and red- short wrought-iron 153 per cent of nickel, o'63 per cent of cobalt, and o*19 per cent of carbon, but no copper, arsenic, phosphorus, sulphur, or silicon, which is somewhat contra- dictory when compared to the statements made on page 318. Manganese purifies the iron on its conversion into wrought- iron, and but little of it enters the iron; in this case the iron is rendered harder. According to Tunner, o'5 per cent of manganese scarcely effects the properties of wrought-iron. *KARST., Arch., 1 R., ix., 417. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 408. + WEHRLE, Hüttenkunde, ii., 23. || DINGL., Bd., 117, p. 395. ASCERTAINING THE QUALITY OF WROUGHT-IRON. 693 Copper, when contained in wrought-iron to some tenths, renders it very red-short. A small amount of copper is more injurious in steel than in wrought-iron. List* states that copper forms an impediment when puddling the pig-iron, whilst Schafhäutlt asserts that the puddling process is not impeded even when a great deal of copper is added to the iron. Ascertaining the Quality of Wrought-Iron.‡ 1. For this purpose the iron bars are submitted to the fol- lowing tests :- a. The bars are thrown from a certain height upon a small faced anvil, when cold-short iron, burnt iron, or iron that has been hammered in a cold state will break; this breakage is facilitated when the bars are tested in cold weather. b. A weight is allowed to fall upon the bars, which are placed horizontally upon two supports about 3 feet apart. The weight and the height from which it falls vary with the size of the bars. c. The bars are bent to and fro so as to form angles of 90° or 180°, the angles varying with the thickness of the bars. The bars should bend to a definite amount without fracture; cold-short iron and iron that has been hammered in a cold state will often break at the first bending. Soft iron bends without making any noise, whilst hard iron on bending vibrates and crackles. 2. The exterior appearance of the bars to a certain degree indicates the quality of the iron. Good iron bars are sharp and clean at the corners and have a smooth surface. Bars of bluish tint and very bright appearance have been hammered when in a cold state. Some bars show on their surface spots of intermingled cinder or hammer slag. Burnt iron is blunt at the edges. Iron bars showing cracks cross- wise towards the edges are either red-short or are still * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 52. + Berggeist, 1860, Nos. 28, 29. f ERDM., J. f. ök. u. techn. Chem., 1833, No. 2. Freiberger Jahrbuch, 1841, p. 1. 694 IRON. partially in the state of crude iron; and cracks lengthwise indicate the iron to be very red-short or very crude. 3. The appearance of the fracture as regards texture and colour (page 685). To obtain a clean fracture the bar is notched some lines deep with a sharp chisel and broken. A fracture obtained by repeatedly bending the bar is almost invariably fibrous. 4. The behaviour at higher temperatures, namely:-The capability of welding and throwing out coruscations; beha- viour of the iron after being quenched in water, and at its mechanical treatment; drawing out the bars to smaller dimensions and bending them on their narrow side; punching; forging a horse-shoe; pointing the iron either cold or hot, &c. 5. Corroding the bars with dilute acids; when hard and polished iron will show a darker colour than cold-short iron, and a lighter colour than soft and red-short iron. A bar of varying hardness has a spotted appearance. Wrought-iron may be classified according to the following characteristics, and these characteristics are more obvious the smaller the dimensions of the iron bars :— 1. Fine-Grained, Hard Iron.-This iron is of a uniform. fine grain, between tin-white and lead-grey in colour; it is moderately bright; its exterior is smooth and has sharp edges; the iron is very hard, strong and very tough, and elastic. Upon welding it throws out fine red sparks, and only yields a little fine hammer slag. The welding is per- formed at a lower temperature than is required in the case of soft iron, but as it is forged with more difficulty, owing to its hardness and density, the welding operation must be con- ducted properly,* and great care must be bestowed upon the heating of the iron. With regard to its treatment in the fire and in forging this iron stands between raw steel and wrought-iron produced in fineries. Its amount of car- bon is but slightly lessened even after a repeated treatment at a higher temperature. Upon tempering the hot iron * WERLISCH, Verhalten des Rothehütter Puddeleisens, B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, pp. 19, 36. DIFFERENT SORTS OF WROUGHT-IRON. 695 in water it assumes a finer grain, a lighter colour, and On increases in hardness; it is also more inclined to warp. treating the iron with a file small filings result, and the file only attacks the iron very slightly. 2. Soft, Fibrous Iron.—It is tough, its exterior shape is easily changed, but it does not break easily; it is not very stiff, wears off easily, and, upon bending, it shows fine, long fibres of a lightish grey colour. Continued shocks, cold hammering, long heating, &c., render it crystalline and brittle. The bars are smooth and acute angled. It can only be welded at the highest temperatures, when it emits fine bright sparks; when tempered in water it remains soft and retains its texture. The file produces coarse filings from it, and cuts it deeper than the preceding iron. 3. Red-Short Iron (owing to the presence of sulphur and sometimes of copper) has a dark, rather dull fracture, and may be fibrous or granular; it may be bent several times without breaking. Very red-short iron has grey coarse fibres without lustre. The bars have cracks on the edges and cracks lengthwise if extremely red-short. At the common temperature the iron is strong and flexible, easily oxidising; at the welding heat it is very tractable and emits large sparks, but it cracks upon treatment at a red heat, especially if forged out into thin bars, or if bent or punched in a red-hot state. An increase of the red-shortness lessens the property of welding, the more so the harder the iron. Red-short iron cannot be improved by exposure to a welding heat like— 4. Raw-Short Iron, which is the result of an imper- fect conversion of the pig-iron into wrought-iron, when the foreign components are insufficiently or unequally extracted. This iron shows separate coarse and bright grains of finished wrought-iron and higher carbides (steel or pig-iron); it is hard, brittle, difficult to weld and to forge; it shows cracks on the edges, chiefly on the ends of the bars, and is both cold- and red-short. This sort of iron is oftener produced by the finery process. than in puddling furnaces. 5. Cold-Short Iron, comprising several kinds of hard iron 696 IRON. which weld easily, and behave well at a high temperature, but easily crack and break when bent, thrown down, &c., at the common temperature. They have a white grain varying in brightness. a. Wrought-Iron containing Phosphorus has bluish white, very bright schistose grains, which are arranged in strata. It has the properties stated on page 691, and is not improved by treatment at the welding heat. It is very fusible, slightly oxidisable, takes a bright polish, and upon filing yields short, rough, white filings. Antimony and arsenic have the same influence upon iron as phosphorus; iron containing those substances emits a greyish vapour when heated up to white heat. b. Iron Hammered when Cold. This hammering is sometimes performed with iron the temperature of which has been lowered too far below the glowing heat, whilst the faces of hammer and anvil are kept wet. The resulting iron is very bright, with a bluish tint on its surface; it has a small, compact, bright grey grain, and is hard and brittle at the common temperature, which distinguishes it from fine- grained iron, of which it only possesses the hardness; expo- sure to a moderately high temperature may transform it into soft iron. Iron which has been hammered when too cold shows a greater hardness and brittleness than its other qualities would appear to indicate. 6. Burnt Iron which has been exposed for a longer time. to a dry heat with an admission of air, and has thus been. rendered poor in carbon, has an irregular, very coarse-grained texture. The coarse and small angular grains show a strong lustre; they are irregular and loosely arranged, showing a yellowish white colour. This iron is cold and red-short, but may be improved by exposure to a strong welding heat. Fibrous iron, transformed by continued heating, vibrating motion, &c., behaves in the same manner. The influence of silicon upon wrought-iron has been mentioned on page 300. The resulting iron is termed in German faulbrüchig. It has short thick fibres of a dark colour, without lustre, and with intermixed grains. At a higher temperature it is flexible, but breaks at the common MAKING WROUGHT-IRON DIRECTLY FROM THE ORE. 697 temperature more or less easily according to its amount of silicon. Some iron bars are faulty, owing to bad welding, erroneous mechanical treatment, or to particles of slag and hammer scale which they contain in admixture. They may be improved by suitable exposure to welding heats. METHODS OF MAKING WROUGHT-IRON DIRECT FROM THE ORES. At present this process is seldom used on account of its numerous disadvantages. It requires pure, rich, and easily fusible ores, and is performed in interrupted operations; much iron is scorified. The consumption of fuel is very large, and lastly, the product is seldom uniform, and is mixed with slag, which can only be removed by repeated welding. The process is carried on either in hearths similar to the common forges (bloomeries), or in a small kind of furnace (Stücköfen). The process in hearths has been carried on differently in different countries, and although the differences are very slight, yet they are the cause of the following classification of the process: I. The German Process in Bloomeries.-The hearth is lined with charcoal dust or breeze and coated with a glaze of easily fusible ore mixture, and then filled with charcoal. Next the ore is charged with a shovel, and the ore charge repeated when the former charge has smelted and passed through the coal; the blast is introduced by a tuyere in a horizontal position. The resulting ball or lump of iron is then either re-melted or cut into pieces, and forged out at the smelting of a new ball, if found to be sufficiently malleable. Frequently only half the iron contained in the ore is ex- tracted, and 80 cubic feet of charcoal are consumed for the production of I cwt. of iron. 2. Catalan or French Process.-The ore is either roasted and reduced in one hearth and smelted in a second one, or both operations are performed in the same hearth; the hearths vary in dimensions in different countries. The smallest hearths are 20 inches long and broad, 16 inches 698 IRON. deep, and the tuyere is placed 9 inches above the bottom. The ore charge for this kind of hearth is 3 or 4 cwts. Other hearths used in Navarre and Guipuscoa are 30 inches long, 24 inches broad, and 24 inches deep, the tuyere lying 14 or 15 inches above the bottom; 5 or 6 cwts. of ore are charged. The largest hearths are those employed in Biscay and in Navarre; they are 40 inches long, 30 or 32 inches broad, and from 24 to 27 inches deep. The tuyere is placed 18 inches above the bottom, and 7 or 8 cwts. of ore are charged. The hearth is also lined with a coating of coal dust, and a wall of ore in large pieces is erected in the hearth on the side opposite to the tuyere. This wall is covered with a mixture of coal dust and small ore moistened with water, and the space between the side of the tuyere and the ore walling (amounting to about two-thirds of the hearth) is then filled up with charcoal. For the first one and a half or two hours blast of very low pressure is employed, and during this time the pieces of the ball, or result of the last operation, are heated in the hearth at the same time to draw them out. During this period the reducing gases penetrate the ore wall without smelting it. The blast is then turned full on, blowing against the lower part of the ore wall, and owing to the higher temperature produced, separates the liquid slag from the reduced iron. After tapping off the slags, the ore wall is moved by means of iron bars somewhat nearer to the tuyere; the softened foot of the wall is gradually broken off and brought before the tuyere, thus causing the wall gradually to sink. The resulting spongy masses of iron in the hearth are worked into a lump, which is lifted out and carried to the hammer to be forged and condensed; it is then cut up into several pieces and re-heated during the following operation. The character of the slag greatly influences the process; if it is pasty, the necessary fluidity is imparted by the addition of finely divided ore, which is allowed to dissolve in the slag, thus rendering it easily fusible, and facilitating its removal during the subsequent forging. The easily fusible slag containing much protoxide of iron, also reacts upon the reduced masses of spongy metal, and pre- vents the formation of cast-iron. MAKING WROUGHT-IRON DIRECT FROM THE ORE. 699 About 50 cubic feet of coal are consumed for the produc- tion of I cwt. of iron. One operation takes six hours, and from 70 to 80 cwts. of bar-iron are produced weekly when working ores yielding 33 per cent of iron. The blowing machine usually employed is the trompe, which is represented in Figs. 203 and 204. A is a water FIG. 203. F K T FIG. 204. T reservoir; B, B are rectangular throats or water pipes pro- vided with holes or aspirators, g, g, which incline inwards and downwards. These throats connect the reservoir, A, with the the wooden case or wind chest, G, provided with the opening, D, for the exit of the water, and the tube, F, receives the blast. F is connected with the blast-pipe, T, by means of a sheepskin tube, K. The vertical water-pipes, B, B, are provided on the top with conical adjoined tubes for 700 IRON. admitting the water, and which may be closed by the wedges, m. In some parts of America,* particularly in the States of Vermont and New Jersey, the Catalan forge is extensively employed for smelting the rich magnetic ores which abound there. The form of this forge is thus described by Overman :- The whole is a level hearth of stone work from 6 to 8 feet square, at the corner of which is the fire-place, from 24 to 30 inches square, and from 15 to 18, often 20, inches deep. Inside it is lined with cast-iron plates, the bottom plate being 2 or three inches thick. Fig. 205 represents a ground plan, and Fig. 206 a cross section through the fire-place and tuyere, FIG. 205. α commonly called tue-iron. d represents the fire-place, which, as before remarked, varies in its dimensions. The tuyere, b, is 7 or 8 inches above the bottom, and more or less inclined according to circumstances. The blast is produced by wooden bellows of the common form, or by square wooden cylinders, worked by water wheels. The crystallised magnetic ore is usually employed; this ore very readily falls to a coarse sand, and when roasted the grains vary in size from a pea to the finest grain; sometimes the ore is used without roasting. In the working of these fires much depends on the skill and experience of the workmen. The result is subject to con- siderable variation, according to whether economy in coal or in ore is the object. Thus modifications are required in the construction either of the whole apparatus or of parts. The manipulation varies in many respects. One workman, by inclining his tuyere to the bottom, saves coal at the *URE'S Dictionary of Arts and Mines, &c., vol. ii., 691. MAKING WROUGHT-IRON DIRECTLY FROM THE ORE. 701 expense of obtaining a poor yield. Another, by carrying his tuyere more horizontally at the commencement, obtains a larger amount of iron, though at the sacrifice of coal. A good workman will pay great attention to the tuyere, and alter its dip according to the state of the operation. The general manipulation is as follows:-The hearth is lined with a good coating of charcoal dust, and the fire-plate, or the plate opposite the blast, is lined with coarse ore, if any FIG. 206. ཚགས་ ར ་ས་ ་ ་ is at disposal. If no coarse ore is employed, the hearth is filled with coal, and the small ore piled against a dam of coal dust opposite the tuyere. The blast is at first gently urged and directed upon the ore, while the coal above the tuyere is kept cool. 400 lbs. of ore are the common charge, two-thirds of which are thus smelted, and the remaining third, generally the finest ore, is kept in reserve to be thrown on the charcoal when the fire becomes too brisk. The char- coal is piled to the height of two, sometimes even three and four feet, according to the amount of ore to be smelted. When the blast has been applied for an hour and a half or two hours, most of the iron is melted, and forms a pasty mass at the bottom of the hearth. The blast may now be urged 702 IRON. more strongly, and if any pasty or spongy mass yet remains, it may be brought within the range of the blast and melted down. In a short time the iron is revived, and the scoriæ are permitted to flow through the tapping-hole, so that only a small quantity of cinders remains at the bottom. By means of iron bars the lump of pasty iron is brought before. the tuyere. If the iron is too pasty to be lifted, the tuyere is made to dip into the hearth; in this way the iron is raised from the bottom, directly before the tuyeres or to a point above them, until it is welded into a coherent ball 12 or 15 inches in diameter. This ball is brought to the hammer or squeezer, and shingled into a bloom, which is either cut into pieces to be drawn out by a hammer, or sent to the rolling mill to be formed into marketable bar iron. An admixture. of fibrous iron, cast-iron, and steel is the result of the above process. The quality of the iron depends entirely on the quality of the ore, for there are no opportunities for the exer- cise of any skill to create improvements in the process. Poor ores cannot be smelted. In Vermont, where the rich magnetic ores are employed, a ton of blooms costs about 40 dollars; 4 tons of ore and 300 bushels of charcoal are required to produce 1 ton of blooms. The method used in Corsica and on the west coast of Italy requires more time and fuel than the Catalan process, as the reduction and melting are not performed in one opera- tion. According to this method enough ore for four meltings is roasted and reduced at a time. Very low Stücköfen are at present used in East India and Finland. Small cupola furnaces* were formerly used in Carinthia, &c., the interior in the form of a double crucible. They were usually from 10 to 16 feet high and 24 inches wide at the top and bottom, and measuring about 5 feet at their widest part. There are generally two tuyeres, both on the same side; the breast is open, but during the smelting operation it is closed by bricks. The furnace is heated previous to closing in the breast, after which charcoal and ore are thrown in; the blast is then turned on. * Dr. URE's Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. ii., 692. As MAKING WROUGHT-IRON DIRECT FROM THE ORE. 703 T soon as the ore passes the tuyere, iron is deposited at the bottom of the hearth; when the cinders rise to the tuyere a portion is suffered to escape through a hole in the dam; the tuyeres are generally kept low upon the surface of the melted iron, which thus becomes whitened; as the iron rises the tuyeres are raised. In about 24 hours one ton of iron is deposited at the bottom of the furnace, the blast is turned off, and the iron, which is in a solid mass, stück or wolf, as the Germans call it, is loosened from the bottom by crowbars, taken by a pair of strong tongs, which are fastened to chains suspended on a swing crane, and then removed to an anvil, where it is flattened by a tilt-hammer into slabs 4 inches thick, cut into blooms, and, finally, drawn out into bar iron by smaller hammers. Meanwhile the furnace is re-charged with ore and coal, and the same process is renewed. The following are newer methods for the production of wrought-iron direct from the ores :- V. Gersdorff* roasts sparry iron ore in reverberatory fur- naces, and heats the roasted ore together with coal in crucibles. Clayt heats ore and coal in a retort, and treats the reduced iron in a puddling furnace. Renton‡ reduces the iron ores in vertical slightly heated tubes by means of carbonic oxide gas, and forms the reduced iron into balls in a puddling furnace. Chenot|| submits the ores to a reducing roasting to transform them into magnetic oxide, which he finely crushes, and by means of an electro-magnetic appa- ratus extracts the magnetic components; he then reduces the ore with carbonic oxide gas, grinds the resulting spongy iron, mixes it with soda, presses it into a cylindrical shape, and at a suitable temperature draws it out into bars. Rogers heats the iron together with coal in a rotating cylinder, and forms the balls in a puddling furnace. None of these methods seem to have met with any practical success. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, PP. 320, 577. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 252. B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, pp. 133, 180. TUNNER'S Bericht über d. Pariser Industrie-Ausstellung, 1855, p. 46. B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 341. 704 IRON. Gurlt's method for the production of cast-iron by means of gases (page 424) has been advantageously applied in Biscay by Clark* for the direct production of wrought-iron in a cupola furnace (page 332). PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON FROM PIG-IRON. The conversion of pig-iron into wrought-iron mainly con- sists in the oxidation of most of the carbon contained in the pig-iron, and in order to render the resulting wrought-iron tractable both at low and high temperatures the foreign ad- mixtures (sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, arsenic, &c.,) must at the same time be separated by oxidation, forming the vola- tile substances, whilst the fixed substances may be scorified. The oxidising agents are chiefly the oxygen of the atmo- sphere and fluxes rich in oxygen (oxidised iron, iron cinders), steam is seldom used. The oxidation process may be performed either at a red heat (Tunner's method), or at the melting temperature (in fineries, reverberatory furnaces, or in the Bessemer cupola). The lumps or balls resulting when the melting heat is used are much mixed with slag; which must be forcibly pressed out by hammers or suitable apparatus, when the iron will be ready to be drawn out into bars; but in most cases these bars still contain slag and do not form a homogeneous mass of iron, and to make them marketable they must be heated at the welding heat and drawn out repeatedly; to allow these repetitions the bars are cut up and formed into a pile, which is then heated and drawn out. The process of converting cast-iron into wrought-iron seems to be very simple in its chemical reactions, but it is, nevertheless, very difficult in its performance, as it requires in the manipulator both mechanical skill and an experienced eye. The process itself requires to be suitably modified according to the nature of the fuel and pig-iron under treat- ment; the quality of the pig-iron and fuel also decides the details of this process. Allgem. b. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 294. PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON FROM PIG-IRON. 705 The following are the chief methods:- 1. The Production of Wrought-Iron at a Glowing Red Heat. In 1828, Karsten proposed for this purpose to submit thin pigs to a glowing heat in a continued current of air. Tunner in his method, published in 1846, proposes to produce malleable iron by exposing bars of cast-iron 7 or 9 lines thick for from 15 to 35 days to a glowing red heat in boxes filled with quartz sand, allowing a regular admission of air. Steel or malleable iron may be produced, according to the length of the operation, and the application of substances giving off more or less oxygen (peroxide of iron, oxide of zinc, brown stone); the resulting product is also known by the name of "malle- able cast-iron." This iron lends itself well to the drawing out, the piling, and the welding operations. The following analyses by Gottlieb and Richter prove that not only is the greater part of the carbon and sulphur removed as carbonic oxide and sulphurous acid respectively, but also great part of the silicon and manganese, as both become oxidised and form silicate of manganese, which liquates from the porous iron; or it is, perhaps, separated in the same manner as the segregations of manganiferous pig-iron. Analyses of Malleable Cast-Iron, &c. C (chemically combined). C (mechanically mixed) Si I. II. III. IV. 0446 2217 0.8552 3′3+0 0434 0'583 } 0*409 0.951 0*2562 Ι'ΟΙΟ trace trace P. Al trace S. 0'015 Mn 0'4470 Sand 0'502 V. VI. VII. VIII. C (chemically combined). C (mechanically mixed) :} 1-176 I'201 3'5700 3'420 Si 0'002 0'008 0*1300 ΟΙΙΟ P. trace trace Al S. Mn O'OOI 0.188 o'oogo o'008 O'210 0.6100 0*580 Vd trace VOL. II. 2 Z 706 IRON. No. I is malleable cast-iron from Lancashire, analysed by Miller; its specific gravity is 7'718. No. 2 is white cast-iron. from Lancashire, from which No. I has been produced; its specific gravity is 7.684. No. 3 is Tunner's steel produced by his method, analysed by Gottlieb; it is produced from white cast-iron, No. 4. Nos. 5 and 6 are also this steel, analysed by Richter, produced from radiated cast-iron, Nos. 7 and 8. · This method of producing malleable iron is only applicable to the purest kinds of cast-iron, and therefore is little used. 2. The Bessemer Process.-Grey iron is used which has already been purified for a longer time from part of its phos- phorus, sulphur, silicon, &c. (thus preparing it for the puddling process), either by making the blast react for a longer time upon the liquid iron in the crucibles of blast furnaces, or by treating the liquid iron in refineries. Bessemer, however, conducts the liquid iron from the blast furnaces into special apparatus in which he burns the carbon of the pig-iron by blast and without the application of fuel. The temperature thus produced, together with that of the burning and liquid iron, is sufficiently high to liquefy even malleable iron. It is very difficult to separate the carbon to the required limit, even when employing a pure pig-iron, on which account a friable burnt iron, poor in carbon, is likely to result; and this iron will be red- and cold-short at the same time when treating impure cast-iron, as phosphorus and sulphur cannot be sufficiently extracted, owing to the rapidity of the operation. This cir- cumstance and the great loss of iron are the reasons why this method has not been generally introduced; but it is applied most advantageously and extensively in the manu- facture of steel, when it is more easy to fix the point of decarbonisation. Oestlund* has tried to improve Bessemer's method of producing malleable iron by conducting the blast, together with carbonic oxide gas, over the surface of the fused pig- iron and by hammering the iron when in a pasty state. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 296; 1860, p. 206. PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON FROM PIG-IRON. 707 3. The Production of Malleable Iron in Hearths or Fineries, using charcoal and blast, which, together with ferruginous slags, serve as oxidising agents. The compres- sion and extension of the lumps or balls are effected with hammers. 4. The Production of Malleable Iron in Reverberatory Furnaces (puddling process) is effected with raw fuel or fuel in the form of gas; employing, at the same time, larger additions of cinders, chiefly with an oxidising reaction. The balls are compressed by various machines (hammers, squeezers, rolls, &c.), and usually drawn out by rolls, and, in very rare cases, under hammers. 5. Combined Reverberatory and Finery Process.- Sometimes the process in reverberatory furnaces is combined with the process in fineries, in this manner :-The pig-iron is first treated in puddling furnaces so as to be brought more or less to the state of malleability, and this product is completely converted into malleable iron by a subsequent treatment in fineries. The methods mentioned under 3 and 4 are those most commonly used, and we will therefore describe them more in extenso. A comparison of both methods gives the following results: 1. When working an impure iron a better product may be obtained by the puddling process than by treating the iron in fineries, supposing the puddling process to be suitably modified, as the latter lies open to the eye and its regulation. is not limited to the sense of touch; furthermore, added fluxes are more effective, and a reducing and oxidising reac- tion can more easily be employed when required. The process in fineries depends entirely on the diligence and skill of the workman, and his manipulations are less. under control than those of the puddler. 2. The puddling process combined with rolling mills admits of a larger and cheaper production, as pig-iron of inferior quality (coke-iron), raw fuel, or fuel in the form of gas may be employed, and also less fuel is required by this process, than charcoal for the finery process. Another advantage is that the process takes a shorter time than the 2 Z 2 708 IRON. finery process. In the finery process 100 lbs. of wrought-iron are produced from about 139 lbs. of cast-iron with a con- sumption of from 100 to 133 lbs. of charcoal. In the puddling process from 125 to 140 lbs. of cast-iron yield 100 lbs. of wrought-iron with a consumption of about 100 lbs. of mineral coal, and a puddling furnace treats about three times as much pig-iron as a finery hearth. 3. As the puddling process is carried on at a lower tem- perature but with a larger quantity of slag than the finery process, it requires stronger apparatus and a repeated heating to compress the balls, and hammers are more effective for this purpose than rolls or other contrivances. Corbin Des- boissières* attributes the superior quality of the iron produced in fineries to the higher temperature employed, as causing a more perfect welding of the particles of iron and thus yielding a more homogeneous metal. When employing hammers for compressing the balls, and rendering them homo- geneous, it is of no consequence whether the subsequent drawing out of the balls is effected by rolls or by hammers, as both contrivances then yield an equally good product ; rolls, however, turn out a much larger quantity, and their working requires less skill than that of hammers, and there- fore they are preferable. Tunner states that the working of hammers requires two or three times as many workmen, four or five times as much motive power, and two or three times as many repairs as rolls, supposing the production to be the same in quantity in both cases. 4. The finery process is sometimes preferred to the puddling process when a large and cheap production is not so desirable as the production of a superior wrought-iron, for the chief reason that the finery fires treat in the first instance a purer cast-iron and melt it gradually, so that it drops down before the tuyere; less cinders are also employed, and the iron is repeatedly brought before the tuyere and worked up whilst employing a higher temperature, thus more perfectly sepa- rating the foreign admixtures; the iron in puddling furnaces, * B. u. h. Ztg., 1859, p. 13. PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON FROM PIG-IRON. 709 on the other hand, is more porous, rich in cinder and slag, and the intermixed cinders can only be expelled by a re- peated heating and mechanical treatment. The iron resulting in fineries is more compact and homo- geneous, owing to its smaller amount of slag, and its drawing out by hammers admits of the observation and correction of the faulty places in the bars. Formerly the finery iron excelled the puddling iron by its granular texture and greater hardness, but fine-grained iron is now also produced in puddling fur- The wrought-iron from impure cast-iron containing phosphorus and sulphur is not so good when produced in fineries as in puddling furnaces, as the direct contact with coal facilitates the reduction of the scorified components. Local circumstances have led to the following combined contrivances for the production of wrought-iron. naces. 1. Finery Fires and Hammers, using the same fire for the conversion and the re-heating of the iron, thus saving charcoal (Oberhartz). 2. Finery Fires, Hollow Fires, and Hammers.-The conversion and re-heating of the iron is performed with charcoal in countries abounding in wood, in Polonia for ex- ample; in order to economise the charcoal, the re-heating operation is usually performed with coke (Pontypool, Ystali- fera, Neustadt-Eberswalde, Rybnik), or with coal in hollow fires (Upper Silesia, Thuringia, formerly also in Siegen and in the Mark). The better the quality of the pig-iron the better will be the resulting wrought-iron (Siegen, Thuringia), whilst an inferior cast-iron (Upper Silesia) is better adapted for the puddling process. Finery Fires, Re-heating Furnaces and Hammers (sel- dom rolls) for a larger production and a wrought-iron of a good quality. The re-heating furnace is heated with mineral coal (Rybnik in Silesia, Erlahammer in Saxony), with brown coal (Styria), with charcoal or gases from wood and turf (Eckmann's furnaces in Sweden), or with the waste gases of the fineries (Donnersbach in Styria). 4. Puddling Furnaces, Hollow Fires, and Hammers, chiefly employed in countries where the want of charcoal has led to the replacement of the fineries by puddling furnaces; 710 IRON. the comparatively low production necessitating the pre- servation of the hammers (Siegen, Nassau, Eifel, Thuringia, Königshuld, Ilsenburg, Upper Hartz). The puddling fur- naces are fed either with compact fuel or with fuel in the form of gas, the hollow fires either with coal or with coke. With regard to the quality of the wrought-iron, authorities. are divided as to whether it is preferable to convert the iron with charcoal in fineries and to re-heat the balls with coke in hollow fires, or to puddle the iron and re-heat it with charcoal (Blechhammer in Upper Silesia). 5. Puddling Furnaces, Re-heating Furnaces, and Rolling Mills, employed in establishments of large produc- tion, which are situated near the collieries, employing steam as the motive power and working a cheap coke pig-iron (England, Belgium, France, Westphalia, &c.). Brown coal (Prävali in Carinthia, Maximilianshütte near Regensburg, Hachenburg in Nassau) and turf (Kallich in Bohemia) are sometimes used instead of coal; when turf is used charcoal pig-iron is also employed. To save fuel or to make a superior quality of wrought- iron the finery and puddling processes are combined in different manners, especially in Upper Silesia, where the cast-iron, without refining it, is first puddled, the resulting balls are compressed under hammers and treated again in fineries to render them perfectly malleable. In this manner, at Rybnik for example, a superior iron at less loss was ob- tained, at a saving of 42 per cent of charcoal. I. PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON IN HEARTH FINERIES OR OPEN FIRES. The finery process is carried on with various modifications, according to the quality of the pig-iron, constituting so many different methods, which we will describe after reporting upon the materials and apparatus used in the process. Materials used in the Finery Process. a. Cast-Iron.-Those kinds of cast-iron which easily lose their carbon in the finery process are termed in German THE FINERY PROCESS. 711 gaarschmelzig, and the other kinds rohschmelzig. The amount of graphite in the iron has the greatest influence in this behaviour of the cast-iron, graphite being slightly com- bustible; and the iron becomes, when fused, more or less thinly liquid, and is thus exposed to the influence of the oxidising agents for a longer or shorter time. Certain pre- paratory processes, chiefly with the object of effecting a strong oxidation of the foreign components and the trans- formation of the graphite into chemically combined carbon, permit the improvement of impure rohschmelzige kinds of cast- iron so as to make it more fit for the finery process; the ob- jection to these processes is that they involve extra expense. But the gaarschmelzige iron, i.e., iron which comes quickly to nature, is not always the best. The more impure the iron the longer the finery process must be carried on for a thorough removal of the impurities. Other circumstances, such as a suitable construction of the finery hearth, the in- clination of the tuyeres, the application of suitable fluxes, &c., also tend to prolong the process. 1. White Cellular Iron (pages 276 and 561).—Owing to its small amount of chemically combined carbon and its pasty state when fused, it is quickly converted into wrought- iron; it is also very pure, and contains a little manganese, facilitating the process. The finery process takes place in the shortest time when working the "gekrausten flossen" (page 562), which are very poor in carbon, and may be added to the finery process at its first period, or when employing hot blast, supposing them to be very pure. This iron has a granular texture, great strength, and has many holes of a dull appearance; "kleinluckige flossen," also with a radiated texture and a larger amount of carbon, refine somewhat slower. Grossluckige flossen" have a still larger amount of carbon. The two latter kinds of cast-iron are the best ma- terial for the production of malleable iron, and grossluckige flossen are employed for the production of steel as they do not come too quickly to nature. Some kinds of iron from the preparatory process have the nature of the cellular iron. b. Flowery or Radiated White Iron (pages 276 and 561) is richer in carbon than the preceding kinds; it is less easily 712 IRON. fined, and is more used in the manufacture of steel than of malleable iron. c. Spiegeleisen (pages 269 and 569).—Owing to the larger amount of chemically combined carbon which it contains, and its thin liquidity when melted, spiegeleisen takes longer to refine than the preceding kinds, but it fines more quickly than grey graphitic pig-iron. It is very pure, containing manganese, and therefore yielding an excellent malleable iron. But as spiegeleisen is too expensive, it is generally used in the finery process together with cheaper sorts of iron, or it is worked into steel. Spiegeleisen is usually more impure the further it is in colour from silver-white. d. White Iron of the Regular Process (pages 279 and 562). It melts in a more or less pasty state according to its amount of carbon, but it is less pure than the iron we have already described, and therefore only applicable in admixture with grey cast-iron, or when the finery process is artificially prolonged. Owing to its amount of chemically combined carbon, this iron fines more quickly than grey iron. A cer- tain amount of manganese is desirable. e. White Cast-Iron of the Irregular Process (pages 280 and 563) is more impure than the preceding and than grey cast-iron. The rapidity of its fining depends on the amount of carbon present, and the more quickly it fines the less applicable it is, as then no time is allowed for the sepa- ration of impurities. This iron cannot always be sufficiently purified by a preparatory treatment, which also causes loss of time, iron, and increases the consumption of fuel. This inferior white iron is usually of a dirty greyish white colour, and a more granular or scaly texture, whilst the good kinds of white iron are silver-white in colour and of a radiated crystalline texture. f. White Chilled Iron of Radiated Texture produced by chilling grey iron, contains the whole of the carbon of the grey iron, but mostly in a chemically combined state. It therefore requires for fining a longer time than the radiated white cast-iron which has been produced direct in the blast furnace, and contains a smaller amount of carbon. Only the mottled and grey kinds of cast-iron produced from pure MATERIALS USED IN THE FINERY PROCESS. 713 easily fusible ores yield, when chilled, the artificial white radiated iron; whilst grey iron produced from ore mixtures difficult to fuse becomes lighter, and not radiated in texture when chilled. g. The Varieties of Grey Iron (pages 282 and 551).— Owing to the presence of graphite and their thin liquidity, these require more time for fining, and cause more loss of metal than the white. irons. This behaviour is desirable if the grey iron also contains other impurities, but it is not desirable if the iron is free from sulphur and phosphorus, and does not contain too much silicon (page 299). Pig-iron rich in silicon, chiefly the darkish grey kind produced with hot blast* from siliceous admixtures, requires a high tempera- ture for melting. It then becomes very thinly liquid, and takes a long time to fine, causing a great loss of fuel, time, and iron,† as one part of silicon scorifies about six times its weight of iron. The state of combination of the silicon seems to have con- siderable influence upon the finery process. Richtert has called attention to the difficult combustibility of the crystal- lised silicon contained in pig-iron, and Schafhäutl|| to that of carbide and of nitro-carbide of silicon. A larger amount of silicon may be desirable in iron con- taining much sulphur and phosphorus, as it prolongs the finery process, thus allowing the removal of those impurities; it may finally also be separated. In comparison with the varieties of white cast-iron rich in carbon the grey iron is softer and stronger. It is more difficult to break, as it consists of a white iron poor in carbon with an admixture of graphite. Usually grey iron is better the stronger it is, as its strength decreases when it combines with certain substances (silicon, earthy metals, &c.) Its darkish grey colour with strong lustre then assumes more of an ashen grey colour with an earthy dull texture. But this rule also has its exceptions, as, for example, a cast-iron with * Bgwkfd., iv., 145, 420. ↑ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1853, p. 376. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 320. || Ibid., 1861, p. 38. 714 IRON. a small amount of sulphur and copper, which do not impair its strength, will yield a red-short wrought-iron. Very grey iron with a considerable amount of graphite, which greatly weakens the iron, may be freer from other noxious substances than a stronger iron containing less graphite, as generally the quantity and the size of the graphite scales are larger the more easily fusible the ores, the higher the temperature in the blast furnace, and the more slowly the iron has been cooled. Preparation of the Pig-Iron. White cast-iron rich in carbon and impure grey iron (for instance, coke pig-iron) are frequently submitted to a prepara- tory process, if such an expensive operation cannot be avoided by a suitable modification of the finery or puddling process. The preparation of the cast-iron has for its object the oxi- dation of part of the carbon or foreign substances (silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, &c.,) and this may be effected in dif- ferent ways, either in the crucible of the iron blast furnace, or in special apparatus. 1. Preparation of the Cast-Iron in Blast Furnaces. a. By feeding* the furnace through the tuyeres with iron cinders or iron ores (page 546). b. By conducting the blast† upon the mottled or radiated iron in the crucible of the blast furnace, the crucible being filled with iron up to the tuyere, and the slag being tapped off. A boiling slag will then be produced, causing the for- mation of cellular (luckiges) iron, which is then tapped off. This operation wastes the furnace hearth considerably, and Kelly has improved upon it. c. By forming the cast-iron which has been tapped off into a pit into thin plates by throwing water upon it, each time removing the solidified iron on the surface (page 544). d. The process of granulating the iron is still more effec- tive, but it is seldom used. * KARST., Arch., 1 R., xiii., 207. † Ibid., 1 R., vii., 14. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 11I. PREPARATION OF THE PIG IRON. 715 2. Raising the Pig-Iron to a Glowing Heat.-The pig- iron being cast into discs or plates of an inch thick, and cooled with water, is raised to a glowing heat either in special apparatus or in a hearth joined to and forming the flue of a finery hearth, whilst introducing a little blast. The iron is placed between small coal; the temperature is regu- lated by the small coal with which the iron is covered, and the blast must be very limited, as otherwise too much iron scale will be formed. From 30 to 100 cwts. require from 12 to 36 hours for this operation. The heated pieces of iron consist essentially of three layers, namely, one of iron scale, one of more or less malleable white iron, and a core of grey iron; the lamellar texture has given place to a granular aggregation. In Carinthia, where they use this process, the carbon is transformed into carbonic oxide, sulphur into sulphurous acid, and manganese and silicon into an easily fusible silicate which liquates from the iron. Pure white or mottled iron is usually submitted to this process to lessen its amount of carbon. The layer of scale formed in the operation facilitates the removal of carbon in the finery process. 3. Refining the Iron by Treating it in the Liquid State in Hearths or Finery Fires.-These methods of purifying or refining the iron are more effective than the preceding methods. As, however, the iron is usually melted in the refineries whilst in contact with coal, a reduction of oxidised and scorified foreign substances (phosphorus and sulphur, but not silica) is likely to take place, and on this account reverberatory furnaces are preferable for this purpose. These furnaces also enable the process of oxidation to be carried on for a longer time. The refining process is sometimes carried out on hot fluid iron run direct from the hearth of the blast furnace; this method allows a considerable saving of time and fuel. Analyses have proved that upon re-melting (refining) the iron in hearths silicon is first oxidised, and afterwards man- ganese and phosphorus; the amount of sulphur in the iron decreases very little and may even be increased by the sulphur of the fuel, as it becomes but slightly oxidised. One 716 IRON. of the chief reactions of the refining process is the conversion of the graphite into chemically combined carbon; this, according to Drassdo,* is caused by the high temperature of the process, and by the separation of the silicon. It seems that chemically combined carbon and silicon exclude each other, as cast-iron is of a deeper grey (and therefore richer in graphite) the more silicon 'it contains, and, on the other hand, it is whiter the less silicon it contains. The separa- tion of the silicon in the refining process increases the affinity of the carbon to the iron chiefly at high temperatures, and the graphite becomes transformed into chemically com- bined carbon. A stronger reaction of the blast increases the purification of the iron, and a decarbonisation also takes place by an addition of slags rich in oxygen. The direct action of the air separates little or no carbon; any separa- tion is effected by substances containing oxygen, chiefly by oxide of iron, which is formed in large quantities by the prolonged action of the blast. Various plans have been patentedt for the employment of fluxes to assist the removal of the impurities of cast-iron, both in the refining and puddling furnaces. Thus, in 1855, Mr. Hampton patented a flux prepared by slaking quick-lime with the solution of an alkali or alkaline salt. In a patent secured in 1856, MM. du Motay and Fontaine propose to purify and decarbonise iron in the refining and puddling fur- nace by using fluxes prepared from the scoria of the puddling furnace, from oxides of iron and silicates or carbo- nates of alkalies or other bases. Mr. Pope (1856) proposes to add the residue obtained by the distillation of Boghead or Torbane mineral to such fuel as is employed in the refining of iron. Mr. Sanderson, of Sheffield (1855), em- ployed for the refining of iron such substances as sulphate of iron, capable of disengaging oxygen or other elements, which will act upon the silicon, aluminium, &c., con- tained in the metal. These and various other schemes. have been suggested with the object of lessening the enormous waste which pig-iron undergoes on its passage * Preuss. Ztschr., xi., 170. URE'S Dictionary of Arts, &c., vol. ii., 728. REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 717 through the refinery; for, as the process is at present conducted, the partial elimination of the carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, &c., is only effected at the expense of a large quantity of iron, which is oxidised by the blast and passes into the slag in the form of silicate; the desideratum is the discovery of some method of reducing the oxide of iron and substituting for it some other base, which will form with silica a sufficiently fusible silicate. Mr. Blackwell suggests that the decarburation of pig-iron may be effected by re-melting it in a cupola furnace, either alone or with minerals containing nearly pure oxides of iron; the oxide of iron would be reduced by the carbon of the pig- iron, while the silicate of the fuel, with the silica, alumina, and other easily oxidisable alloys eliminated from the cast- iron, would be separated in the form of a fusible earthy glass. The employment of steam as a purifying agent for cast- iron has been patented by several persons. In 1854, Mr. Nasmyth obtained a patent for the treatment of iron in the puddling furnace with a current of steam, which, being intro- duced into the lower part of the iron, passes upwards, and meeting with the highly heated metal undergoes decomposi- tion, both elements acting as purifying agents. The steam employed is at a pressure of about 5 lbs. per square inch, and passes into the metal through a species of hollow rabble, the workman moving this about in the fused metal until the mass begins to thicken, which occurs in from five to eight minutes after the introduction of the steam; the steam-pipe is then removed and the puddling finished as usual. The advantages are said to consist in the time saved at each. heating or puddling operation (from ten to fifteen minutes), the very effective purification of the metal, and the possibility of treating highly carbonised pig-iron at once in the puddling furnace, thus avoiding the preliminary refining. In October, 1855, Mr. Bessemer patented a somewhat similar process. for the conversion of iron into steel; highly heated steam, or a mixture of air and steam, being forced through the liquid iron run from the furnace into skittle pots; steam was used only at an early stage of the process, and the treatment finished with heated air. 718 IRON. In the early part of the same year Mr. Martien, of New Jersey, obtained a patent for a partial purification of cast- iron, by causing air or steam to pass up through the liquid metal as it flows along gutters from the tap-hole of the fur- nace or finery forge; and he subsequently proposed to include with the air or steam other purifying agents, such as chlorine, hydrogen, coal gas, oxides of manganese and zinc, &c. Other methods of treating cast-iron with air and steam were patented by Mr. Bessemer in December, 1855, and January, 1856. In October a patent for the employment of steam in admixture with cold blast in the smelting fur- nace and fining forge was taken out by Messrs. Armitage and Lee, of Leeds, and, in August, a patent was taken out by Mr. George Parry, of the Ebbw Vale Iron Works, for the purification of iron by means of highly heated steam. The fluid iron is allowed to run into a reverberatory furnace pre- viously heated, and the steam is made to impinge upon it from several tuyeres, or to pass through the metal. Steel is to be obtained by treating highly carburetted iron with the steam and then running it into water, and fusing it with an addition of purifying agents, or adding to it in the furnace a small quantity of clay and afterwards about 10 or 15 per cent of calcined spathose ore. Mr. Parry observed that when steam was sent through the molten iron, as in Mr. Nasmyth's process, the iron quickly solidified, and he conceived the idea of communicating a high degree of heat to the steam by raising the steam-pipe a couple of inches above the surface of the metal, so that it might be exposed to the intensely heated atmosphere of the furnace; he also inclined the jet at an angle of 45° so as to give the molten mass a motion round the furnace while the pipe was maintained in the same position at a little distance beyond the centre; in a few minutes the iron began to boil violently, the rotatory motion of the fluid bringing every part of it successively into contact with the highly heated mixture of steam and atmospheric air, and no solidification took place. Having thus ascertained the proper way of using steam as a refining agent, it occurred to Mr. Parry that, as the presence of silicon in the pigs for puddling affects to a REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 719 remarkable degree the yield of iron as well as the strength, the silicon should be removed as completely as possible pre- vious to the puddling operation; the steaming of the iron would probably therefore be more profitably applied in the refinery than in the puddling furnace. Pig-iron containing 3 per cent of silicon gives 6 per cent of silica, which would require from 10 to 12 per cent of iron to form a cinder suffi- ciently fluid to allow the balling up of the iron; and this can, of course, only be obtained by burning that amount of iron in the puddling furnace after the expulsion of the carbon and while the mass is in a porous state. The superheated steam is injected on the surface of the iron, in the refinery by water tuyeres, similar to those used for hot blast in smelting furnaces; they are inclined at an angle of about 45°; some are inserted at each side of the door of the fur- nace, and are pointed so as to cross each other and give the iron a circulating motion in the furnace. The tuyeres are from to an inch in diameter; a little oxide of iron or sili- cate in a state of fusion on the surface of the iron accelerates the action, as in common refineries, and increases the yield of metal, but to a much greater extent than when blast of air is used. The steam having been turned on, the mass of iron begins to circulate around the inclined tuyeres and soon boils, and the action is kept uniform by regulating the flow of the steam. The most impure oxides of iron may be used in this process, such as tap cinder or hammer slag from puddling furnaces, without injury to the quality of the refined metal; the large quantities of sulphur and phosphorus which they contain being effectually removed by the detergent action of the heated steam. When 4 cwts. of cinders are used to the ton of pig, I ton of metal may be drawn, the impurities in the pig being replaced by refined iron from the cinders. The following analyses of the cinders and metal fully bear out these statements :- Graphite Silicon Slag. • Pig-Iron. Refined Metal. 2'40 0°30 2.68 0°32 0'68 0'00 Sulphur 0'22 O'IS Phosphorus 0°13 0'09 Manganese. 0.86 0°24 720 IRON. Sulphur Phosphoric Acid . Forge Cinders thrown into the Refinery. I'34 2.06 Cinders run out of the Refinery. 0'16 O'129 A ton of grey iron may be refined in half an hour, using seven jets of steam of an inch in diameter, and with a pressure of from 30 to 40 lbs. ; the temperature of the steam is from 600° to 700° F., and the orifices of the tuyeres are 2 or 3 inches above the surface of the iron. As the fluidity of the metal depends upon the heat which it receives from the combustion of the fuel in the grate and not on the heat generated in it by the action of the steam, it is evident that the supply of steam must not exceed a certain limit in a given time, or the temperature of the fluid iron will become reduced below that of the furnace. This, however, regulates. itself and does not require much nicety in the manage- ment, for if too much steam is given the ebullition becomes so violent as to cause the cinders to flow over the bridges, warning the refiner to slacken his blast. The "forge cinders" used in the steam refinery contain 66 per cent of iron, the "run out cinder" contains only 26 per cent, therefore, about 40 per cent of iron is converted into refined metal, and the resulting cinder is as pure as the ordinary Welsh mine with its yield of 25 per cent of iron. The following is the result of one week's work of the steam refinery :— Pigs used. cwts. qrs. lbs. Metal made Loss Yield 396 0 15 393 3 I 2 I 14 20 14 The quantity of cinder (puddling) used was 3 cwts. per ton of pig. When 1 cwts. of cinders were used to 1 ton of pig the yield was invariably 20 cwts. over a make of about 100 tons. The refinery fire most frequently used is represented in Figs. 207 and 208, and consists of a rectangular hearth, the bottom, s, is formed of sand or slag resting upon the refractory brick-work, s. Three sides of the hearth are en- closed by cast-iron hollow troughs, E, through which a current REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 721 of cold water is made to pass. The front plate, F, closes the hearth and contains the tapping hole, o, conducting the refinery products into the gutters, x and y. f is the working plate, g is a side plate with notches bearing the iron bar, h, h', for supporting the iron tool used in opening the tapping FIG. 207. P L M TH HO hole. H are iron plates with openings for the tuyeres. The plates, L, enclose the uppermost part of the hearth, and are fixed to the pillars, M, which support the chimney. P are cast-iron bearings resting upon the pillars, M, and bearing the chimney. E' are cast-iron troughs filled with water for cooling the working tools. Tare the tuyeres cooled with water from the troughs, N. 9 is a wind box, distributing the blast in the tuyeres. The fires have generally four, sometimes only two tuyeres, 3 A VOL. II. 722 IRON. + and in rare cases but one. The semicircular tuyeres have an inclination of from 25° to 35°, according to the impurity of the iron, and project 5 or 6 inches into the fire; they are 1 or 2 inches wide and about 1 inch high, whilst the blast pipes are 1 or 1 inches in diameter. The refinery fires I I M FIG. 208. Q C ERBUR h E H H IN 12 6 0 لسيليسيا x 0 2 L M To У GO:00121 SIENT MEINDER 4 5 FT D are usually 4 feet long, 3*17 feet broad, and from 8 to 12 inches deep. Small fires with two or three tuyeres require 600 cubic feet of blast per minute, larger fires with from four to eight tuyeres, 800, 1000, or 1200 cubic feet. The pressure of the blast is from 1 to 2 lbs. per square inch. The refractory bottom of the refinery fire is next covered with a layer of quartz-sand 3 inches thick, and then with small coal. The refinery is filled with coke, upon which the pigs are placed above the tuyeres, with an addi- tion of cinders. The smelting is then commenced, and enough cast-iron is subsequently charged to fill the refinery with iron up to the tuyeres; the blast is made to react upon the surface of the fluid iron, the duration of the reaction varying. As the iron becomes more refractory as its amount of carbon diminishes,, the end of the process is seen by the REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 723 consistence of the metal, which, when tapped off, throws thick sparks without flame, and is either of a radiated texture or slightly cellular. The refined iron together with the slag is usually tapped into cast-iron moulds, which are brushed over with clay cr lime water, and sometimes direct into finery fires. The slag contains from 60 to 70 per cent of iron, is thinly liquid, light red in colour, and, towards the end of the process, adheres less to the iron tools with which the iron is sometimes stirred. The following analyses shows the com- position of some of these slags :- I. II. III. IV. SiO 3 27.6 32°2 13.69 22.76 FeO 61.2 66°5 73°12 61.28 MnO . 0°9 3'58 Al2O3 · 4°0 7°30 Fe₂03 13.09 PO, 7°2 I'7 Not determined. CaO MgO S. 3°41 0'76 0.46 No. 3, No. I is a slag from Dudley, near Birmingham, analysed by Berthier. No. 2, slag from Firmy, by the same. slag from Stourbridge, by Rammelsberg- 2(6FeO,SiO3)+FeO,Fe₂O₂ or 3FeO (SiO,,Fe₂O3)+6FeO(SiO3, Fe₂O3), an aggregation of regular octahedrons. No. 4, slag from Bromford, near Birmingham, by Percy. The usual charges of refineries are from 20 to 25 cwts. of iron, which require about 2 hours for melting, and for 1 or 1½ hour the blast is made to react upon the fluid iron; the loss of iron in the process is from 8 to 14 per cent. 100 lbs. of refined iron consume from 40 to 50 lbs. of coke which lies loosely, and from 60 to 65 of compact lying coke. Fuel is economised by running the liquid iron from the smelting furnaces direct into the refineries, or by heating the cast- iron by the waste gases of the refinery before charging it; this is more effective than the application of hot blast. Cassel's and Morton's method of previously melting the iron. with an addition of slag in cupola furnaces and then running 3 A 2 724 IRON. it into the refineries also economises fuel. Clay proposes to introduce the iron into the refineries in a very thin stream. A modification of this refinery process is that (Hartzer- rennen) used in Carinthia, chiefly for iron intended for the manufacture of steel. Grey or mottled pig-iron, with an addition of oxidising fluxes, is melted in a hearth lined with small coal (Lösch), charcoal being used as fuel. The slag is removed from the fluid iron, and, according to its nature, (liquidity, colour, &c.), oxidising fluxes, from the size of a nut to the size of the fist, are immersed in the iron by means of a wooden pole. Water is then thrown upon the metal, and the chilled crust stripped off. From six to eight thin plates or discs are thus obtained from a melting of 5 cwts. of iron. These plates are sometimes submitted to the process of 'braten' (page 714). 100 lbs. of refined iron consume from 4 to 6 cubic feet of charcoal. At Mariazell, a refinery fire with two tuyeres is used for the operation of "Hartzerrennen." It is provided with a hearth for the previous warming of the pig-iron, &c., and its construction is shown in Figs. 209 and 210. FIG. 209. D C B IN: 12 Eututului h Ρ A d Ъ 3 5 ப 0 J FI A is the refinery hearth; B, the hearth for heating the pig- iron; and the space, c, is used for heating wrought-iron balls of the finery forges for the purpose of hammering them; m REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 725 D is the chimney provided with a damper. a is the bottom formed of fire-bricks, upon which a layer of quartz sand, b, 3 inches thick, is beaten down; c, d, and e are cast-iron. troughs, through which a stream of cold water is made to circulate, to prevent their being fused by the heat. Together with the front stone, f, they form the enclosure of the hearth. The stone, ƒ, is provided with the tapping-hole, g; h is a FIG. 210. ૐ P Ъ q B. e } 0 cast-iron plate containing openings for receiving the tuyeres, u, o; i and k are iron plates similar to h, and enclosing the hearth above the tuyeres; is an iron plate suspended by a hook, m, in the front opening of the hearth; n is refractory brickwork; are cast-iron bearings supporting the brick- work, n; the plates, h, i, k, are screwed to them; q, q are side plates with grappling irons, enclosing the brickwork, n. The fire is 32 inches broad, 36 inches long, and 9 or 10 inches deep from the tuyere to the sand bottom. The tuyeres are 9 inches distant from each other, 1 inches wide, and 1 inches high, projecting 6 inches in the fire, with an incli- nation of 15°. The blast-pipe is 1 inch in diameter; the pressure of the blast is 18 inches of water. From 80 to 90 cwts. of refined iron are produced in 24 hours at a loss of from 3 to 9 per cent of iron, according to the quantity of cinders (of the finery process) added. The con- sumption of charcoal amounts to from 4 to 6 cubic feet per 100 lbs. refined iron. 726 IRON. The double refinery fire provided with a hot blast apparatus, and shown in Figs. 211, 212, 213, is also used at Mariazell. FIG. 211. α h. i a யாம் 2 4. 6 8 FT a is the hearth; b are the tuyeres cooled with water; c are the cast-iron troughs enclosing the hearth and cooled with water; d is the tapping-hole; e, the front or working side; f are flues leading into the channel, i; g, the hot blast appa- ratus; h, the chimney, 54 feet high. 4. Refining in Reverberatory Furnaces with raw fuel (coal, brown coal, turf, and wood) or gas. The refining by gas, which is most frequently used in Germany and first applied in Upper Silesia, is thus described in Ure's "Dic- tionary of Arts and Mines," vol. ii., 730 :— "The most simple form of gas reverberatory furnace is that known as Eck's furnace (Figs. 214 to 224) which is employed at the Government works of Gleiwitz and Königshütte (Upper Silesia) for refining iron made on the spot. The following description and plan of this furnace is extracted from a report to the Secretary of State for War from the REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 727 Superintendent of the Royal Gun Factories, Colonel Wilmot, R.A., and the Chemist of the War Department, Professor Abel :- FIG. 212. JOL FIG. 213. Ъ Z == C ď d The gas generator (which replaces the fire-place of the ordinary reverberatory furnace) is an oblong chamber 3 feet FIG. 216. FIG. 214. T FIG. 215. 728 IRON. 9 inches wide, and the height from the sole to the com- mencement of the sloping bridge is 6 feet 4 inches. It tapers slightly towards the top so as to facilitate the descent of the fuel, which is introduced through a lateral opening near the top of the generator. Its cubical contents are about 44 feet. The air necessary for the production of the gas is supplied by a feeble blast, and enters the generator from the two openings or tuyeres of a long air chest of iron plate (Figs. 214, 215, 216) fixed at the back of the chamber near the bottom. The space between the air chest and the sole of the chambers serves as a receptacle for the slag and ash of the fuel. There are openings on the other side of the chamber opposite the tuyeres, which are generally closed by iron plugs; they are required when the tuyeres have to be cleaned out. There is an opening below the air chest through which fire is introduced into the chamber when the furnace is set to work, and which is then bricked up, until at the expiration of about fourteen days it becomes necessary to let the fire die out, when the slag and ash which have accumulated on the sole of the chamber are removed through this opening. The hearth of the furnace is constructed of a somewhat loamy sand; its general thickness is about 6 inches; its form is that of a shallow dish, with a slight inclination towards the tap-hole. The iron is prevented from penetrating through the hearth by the rapid circulation of cold air below the fire-bridge and the plate of the hearth. Figs. 217 and 218 represent the upper oblong air chest provided with a series of tuyeres, which enter the top of the furnace just over the fire-bridge at an angle of 30°. The air forced into the furnace through these tuyeres serves to in- flame and burn the gases rushing out of the generator, and the direction of the blast throws the resulting flame down upon the metal on the hearth in front of the bridge. This air chest, like the other one, communicates by pipes with the air accumulator of the neighbouring blast furnace. The pressure employed is about 4 lbs., but the supply of air, both to the generator and the inflammable gases, REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 729 admits of accurate regulation by means of valves in the con- necting pipes. There is an opening in the arch at both sides of the furnace, not far from the bridge, into which, at a cer- FIG. 217. O FIG. 218. tain stage of the operations, tuyeres are introduced (being placed at an angle of 25°) also connected with the blast apparatus, and provided with regulating valves. FIG. 219. Gas Reverberatory Furnace.-Front View. The refining process is conducted as follows :-The hearth of the furnace having been constructed or repaired, a brisk coal-fire is kindled in the generator through the opening at the bottom, which is afterwards bricked up. About 730 IRON. 20 cubic feet of coal are then introduced from above, and the necessary supply of air admitted to the generator through the lower air chest. When these coals have been thoroughly FIG. 220. Longitudinal Section. ignited, the generator is filled with coals, and a very moderate supply of air admitted through the tuyeres below (for the generation of the gas) and those over the bridge (for its com- bustion) until the furnace is dried, when the supply of air at both places is increased, so as to raise the hearth to the temperature necessary for baking it thoroughly, upon which about 40 cwts. of iron are introduced, the metal being dis- tributed over the whole hearth as uniformly as possible, and the size of the pieces being selected with a view to exposing as much surface as possible to the flame. The fusion of the charge of metal is effected in about three hours, the coal REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 731 used amounting to about 33 cubic feet per hour. The gas generator is always kept filled with coal, and the supply of air admitted from below is diminished by a regulation of the valve whenever fresh coal is supplied, as the latter, at first, FIG. 221 Plan. C D A B always yields gas more freely. The arrangement of the upper row of tuyeres effects the combustion of the gases just as they pass from the generator on to the hearth. The hottest portion of the furnace is, of course, near the fire-bridge, i.e., where the blast first meets with the gases. During the melting process the iron is shifted occasionally, so that the cooler portion near the flue may in its turn be melted without loss of time. When the iron is ascertained to be thoroughly 732 IRON. fused, about 5 lbs. of crusted limestone are thrown over its surface for the purpose of converting the dross which has separated into a fusible slag. The two side tuyeres are now introduced into the furnace through the openings above FIG. 222. Cross Section at A, B on Plan. alluded to, the width of the nozzle employed depending upon the power of the blast used. The air rushing from these FIG. 223. Cross Section at E, D on Plan. REFINING THE PIG-IRON. 733 tuyeres impinges with violence upon the iron, and the two currents meeting, an eddying motion is imparted to the fused metal; in a short time the motion produced in the mass is considerable. The supernatant slag is blown aside by the FIG. 224. End View. of blast, and the surface of the iron thus exposed undergoes. refinement, while it changes continually, the temperature of the whole mass being raised to a full white heat by the action. of the air. The iron is stirred occasionally in order to insure a proper change in the metal exposed to the action of the blast. A shovelful of limestone is occasionally thrown in (the total quantity used being about 1 per cent of the crude iron employed). The slag produced is exceedingly fusible, and is allowed to remain in the furnace until the metal is tapped, and on cooling it separates completely from it. The duration of the treatment in this furnace after the 734 IRON. metal is fused varies from two hours and a half to five hours, according to the product to be obtained. For the prepara- tion of perfectly white iron the treatment is carried on for five hours. A sample is tapped to examine its appearance, when it is believed to be sufficiently treated. When the charge is to be withdrawn from the surface, the side tuyere nearest the tap-hole is withdrawn, so that the blast from the opposite tuyere may force the metal towards the hole. The fluid iron, as it flows from the tap- hole is fully white hot, and perfectly liquid; it chills, how- ever, very rapidly, and soon solidifies. A few pails of water are thrown upon those portions of the metal which are not covered with the slag which flows out of the furnace, the object being to cool it rapidly, and thus prevent the oxidation of any quantity of iron. The loss of metal during the treat- ment is said not to exceed 5 per cent. The purification the iron undergoes in the gas reverberatory furnace appears to be confined chiefly to the elimination of carbon and silicon, the proportion of sulphur and phosphorus. varying but slightly, as the following analysis shows (Abel):- • Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur. Pig-Iron. Refined Metal. 4.66 0.62 0*56 0'50 0'04 0'03 Nevertheless the iron thus refined is highly esteemed for all castings which require iron possessing unusual powers of resistance. Some experiments made to ascertain the com- parative strain borne by the refined metal, and by the same metal as obtained from the blast furnace, showed the strength of the former to be greater by one-half than that of the latter." When refining iron for the puddling process the operation is carried on until the metal assumes a radiated or cellular texture. The longer the fused iron is exposed to the oxi- dising blast the more perfect is the oxidation of, first, silicon and manganese together with iron, and afterwards more or less phosphorus and sulphur. The graphite is transformed as in refinery fires into chemically combined carbon, and partly oxidised by the oxide of iron of the slag if the process FUEL. 735 is continued long enough, thus allowing the fine metal to be obtained in either the flowery or cellular state. 100 lbs. of pig-iron yield about 90 lbs. of fine metal at a consumption of 14 cubic feet of coal in lumps, and 1 lb. of limestone per 100 lbs. of the fine metal. In the refinery fires the yield of fine metal was somewhat less, and the consumption of coke 2727 cubic feet per 100 lbs. of fine metal. b. Fuel. Charcoal is chiefly used in the finery process, and its quality greatly influences the result. Compact hard charcoal (of beech wood, for instance), produces a greater heat than soft charcoal, and is sometimes employed; it is then necessary to modify the process, to construct the fires suitably, and to increase the pressure of the blast. But the less compact soft charcoal (of pine and fir wood) is preferred, as, owing to its greater heating power, the hard charcoal induces a quicker melting of the pig-iron, thus prolonging the finery process. Hard charcoal also lies more compactly in the finery hearth, preventing a free passage of the blast, and decrepitates when quickly raised to a high temperature, &c. Hard char- coal is desirable when the pig-iron is to be quickly melted or converted into a thinly fluid state for the separation of foreign substances. Hard and soft charcoal is sometimes. applied to the finery process in a certain combination; for example, hard charcoal is used for welding the forge iron, whilst the pig-iron is melted with soft charcoal, when both operations are not carried on at the same time. In the German method, &c., the molten pig-iron is converted into malleable iron, and the lump formed by soft charcoal. Charcoal for the finery process must be dry, well charred, free from sand, in pieces the size of an egg or the fist, and kept in store for some time, as age heightens its effect. Fresh or newly charred coal burns more quickly, is liable to de- crepitate, produces a higher temperature and is liable to burn the iron, it must therefore be slightly moistened. Raw charcoal, i.e., charcoal which has not been well charred, burns with a flame, and impedes the observation of 736 IRON. the process, which is allowed by the passage of the flame through the coals. Coarse soft charcoal requires but little pressure of the blast, which also comes more easily into con- tact with the smelting mass, thus promoting the fining. Other fuel, such as wood*, turff, brown coal‡, mineral coal,|| peat charcoal,§ charred brown coal,¶ and coke** has been used with varying success; fuel in the form of gastt has been also proposed. In some French iron works‡‡ the application of air- and kiln-dried wood, either by itself or in admixture with char- coal, with hot blast of higher pressure has caused a saving of 15 or more per cent of fuel. Wood is less adapted for heating the lumps to draw them out than for smelting the pig-iron, and to convert it in the malleable state. Charred turf is used at Underwiller,|||| consuming 1100 parts of turf for the production of 1000 parts of wrought-iron. At Boo§§ in Nericia (Sweden) turf is used for heating the blooms for the purpose of forging; I cwt. of the latter con- sumes o'42 cwt. of turf containing 2.88 per cent of ash. A considerable saving of fuel is effected by employing hot blast and hearths for previously heating the pig-iron; these hearths are heated with the waste gases of the finery fires. c. Fluxes and Agents. These are required in the finery process chiefly for regu- lating the process, for extracting foreign substances from the iron, for lessening the loss of iron, and for the treatment of scrap-iron of different kinds. 1. Fluxes reacting upon the finery process. Bgwkfd., i., 356. B. u. h. Ztg., 1842, p. 424; 1843, P. 441. + LE BLANC, iv., 55. ‡ Bgwkfd., ii., 462. + || KRAUS, Jahrb., 1855. KARST., Arch., 1 R., iii., § Bgwkfd., i., 476. 107. B. u. h. Ztg., 1847, p. 422. ** Bgwkfd., viii., 523. tt DINGL., Bd. 120, p. 272. ‡‡ Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 497. ++ B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 264. §§ Ibid., 1863, p. 167. CINDERS PRODUCED IN THE FINERY PROCESS. 737 a. Slags or Cinders produced in Finery Processes.*— According to the relative proportions of oxide of iron which these contain they are divided into two classes, poor slags and rich slags. The poor slags are formed in the first opera- tion of smelting down the pig-iron, and the rich slags in the later operations. Rich slags consist essentially of mono-silicate of iron, 3FEO,SiO3, with a certain amount of intermixed magnetic oxide, and have an oxidising reaction upon the carbon, sul- phur, silicon, &c., contained in the pig-iron; the peroxide of the magnetic oxide then losing some of its oxygen, and becoming converted into protoxide or metallic iron, whilst the protoxide of the magnetic oxide enters the mono-silicate of iron, trans- forming it, for instance, into 6FeO,SiO,. The latter com- pound also has an oxidising reaction, becoming decomposed thus: 6FeO,SiO3 3FeO,SiO3 + 3Fe + 30. These slags have an iron-black colour, little lustre, a com- pact texture, high specific gravity, and are sometimes of crystalline structure. They are less thinly liquid, and are whiter in the fluid state than the poor slags of the same pro- cess; they also solidify more slowly, and when solidified have a less fused appearance. Their composition is shown by the following analyses :— I. II. III. IV. V. SiO3. 21'0 19*15 5.6 10*25 20.31 FeO. 75°5 65°12 85'5 77'00 71'10 MnO 3'75 3'00 CaO. 2'4 1'75 0'92 3°5 I 25 O'I 3'00 Fe₂03 10°03 2'01 PO, 4.7 I'75 4'11 C 0'75 No. I is a rich slag from Silbernaal near Clausthal, ana- lysed by Metzger; formula of the slag- 4(6FeO,SiO3) + 3(2FeO,SiO;) + 3(3 FeO,SiO3). VOL. II. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 449. 3 B 738 IRON. No. 2 is slag from Sollinger Iron Works (Hanover), analysed by Lampadius; formula- 3 5(6FeO,SiO3)+2 Fe₂O,,SiO₂ = 7(4FeO,SiO3)+2FeO‚Fe₂O3: 4(6FeO,SiO), + 3FeO,2SiO3 + FeO,SiO3 + 2FeO,Fe₂O3 6FeO(SiO3,Fe₂O3) + 8[3FeO(SiO3,Fe₂O3)]. No. 3 is slag from Torgelow resulting from phosphoric pig-iron, analysed by Berthier. Nos. 4 and 5 are slags from Lauchhammer, analysed by Lampadius. The average composition of rich slags from the finery pro- cess may be considered to be— 6FeO,SiO3, and 3(2FeO,SiO3)+8(6FeO,SiO3)+2FeO,Fe₂O3. The poor slags consist of pure mono-silicate of iron or of a mixture of mono- and bi-silicate; they have not an oxidising reaction. The composition of some of these slags is shown by the following analyses :- Sio, FeO MnO MgO . CaO A12₂O Fe₂03 KO PO5 C. • 2.4 I'O T I. II. III. IV. V. 32°4 32°35 28.0 17.2 40'15 60:2 62'04 70'0 61.3 49'21 2.65 0'5 O'25 I'41 O'I 0°4 2.7 0.8 0*2 0'45 I'04 0°29 trace 16.5 5°22 3°03 0'9 2'0 No. I is a poor crystallised slag from Silbernaal near Clausthal, analysed by Metzger. No. 2, a slag from the iron works at Gettelde (Hartz), beauti- fully crystallised like hyalosiderite, analysed by Walchner. No. 3 is a slag from Pissos in France, consisting of inter- woven large crystals in the form of peridote, analysed by Berthier. No. 4, a slag from Torgelow in Pomerania, resulting from a phosphoric pig-iron, analysed by Berthier. No. 5 is a slag from Lauchhammer, by Berthier. A comparison of these and other analyses of this kind of slag shows that these slags have a composition intermediate between- 3 FeO,SiO3, and 3FeO (SiO,,Fe₂O3) + 3(2FeO) (SiO3,Fe2O3) ; PURIFYING FLUXES. 739 the former compound is formed at the beginning of the melting of the pig-iron, and the latter at the end of the opera- tion. When treating easily fusible pig-iron rich in silicon even a poor slag of the composition— may be formed. 2(FeO,SiO3)+2FeO,SiO¸ The richer this slag becomes in oxide of iron, the more magnetic oxide will intermix with it, the less fusible it is and the stronger is its oxidising reaction. Iron scale or hammer slag, formed when annealing wrought-iron with an admission of air, in forging, &c., has an action similar to the rich finery slag. According to Berthier* hammer slag has the composition 4FeO,Fe₂O3• Numerous experiments on the formation of iron scale have been made by Mr. Smitht in Dr. Percy's laboratory. b. Sand and Clay are more frequently employed for fluxing when producing steel in finery fires than when pro- ducing wrought-iron. They facilitate the formation of a thinly liquid slag, similar to the poor slags of the finery process. c. Water thrown upon the coal prevents its burning on the outside, and has an oxidising action on the pig-iron; upon moistening the small coal at the bottom of the finery fire, the fining operation is also accelerated; and likewise when cooling the iron bottom plate by water, which is allowed to flow below it. 2. Purifying Fluxes. a. Carbonate of Lime (Limestone).-When working grey pig-iron, from 2 to 5 per cent of limestone is added, for the extraction of phosphorus and sulphur. The addition of limestone is made when the iron is broken up, when the imperfectly fined masses are raised from the bottom of the hearth to the tuyere in order to re-subject them to the influ- ence of the blast. Additions of limestone and repeated breaking-up of the iron are, at the same time prolonging the oxidating reaction, the best means of removing phosphorus.‡ KARST., Arch., I R., xi., 433; ix., 508; xiii., 36. † PERCY'S Metallurgy, on Iron and Steel, 1864, p. 21. DINGL., Bd. 65, p. 443. 3 B 2 740 IRON. Fuchs* suggests aluminous limestone as most effective for this purpose. Limestone also facilitates the fining process by forming a more thickly liquid slag, some of which is, however, liable to remain in the wrought-iron and to deteriorate it. b. Schafhautl's Powder,† consisting of 3 parts brown- stone, 6 parts common salt, and I part potters' clay. Upon heating this mixture a thinly liquid slag (silicate of manga- nese, alumina, and soda) is formed, which easily separates. from the iron; oxygen and chlorine are then liberated, and combine with sulphur, arsenic, silicon, and phosphorus if present. Manganese (page 311) also combines with sulphur and silicon, or even with phosphorus. This powder is more frequently used in puddling furnaces than in finery fires, as the blast of the fineries is apt to blow it out of the fire, and it is applied only when the iron is to be fined and broken up. Some other agents have the same reaction as Schafhäutl's powder; chloride of iron, for instance, according to Augustin||; Duclos§ uses chloride of manganese and lime; and Fontaine¶ recommends alkaline, earthy chlorides, and some slags of artificial composition. 3. Scraps of different kinds of wrought-iron in small quan- tities are in some cases added after the melting-down of the pig-iron, thus accelerating the fining process. Apparatus Used in the Finery Process. a. The finery fires or hearths are usually of a rectangular form and lined with iron plates 2 or 3 inches thick. In rare cases they are round and walled up with brickwork. The front of the hearth is often formed of brasque, which is covered with an iron plate. At the level of the hearth bottom the brasque has an aperture and a cast-iron gutter for tapping off the cinder. When closing the front of the hearth with an * KARST., Arch.. 1 R., xv., 3. + Bgwkfd., i., 129; ix., 166. DINGL., Bd. 65, p. 154. + ERDM., J. f. pr. Ch., 1860, No. 6, p. 344. || KARST., Eisenhüttenkunde, iv., 332. § Bgwkfd., i., 133. ¶ B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 98. APPARATUS USED IN THE FINERY PROCESS. 741 iron plate it must also be provided with one or several holes for running out the cinder. The bottom of the hearth is usually formed of an iron plate, sometimes of a stone plate, or of beaten down small coal (Lösch), and occasionally of rich cinders from the same process. In the latter case the natural humidity of the ground* affects the finery process, as the lowest parts of the fused iron are likely to be cooled too much and the regularity of the process disturbed. Bottom plates of stone, although they concentrate the heat more thoroughly, crack more easily than plates of iron. Some- times an iron plate is placed lowest, and a plate of stone upon it, or the bottom of the hearth is formed of a cast-iron box filled with ash. When it is required repeatedly to break up the iron, the bottom of the finery hearth is usually formed of an iron plate with the middle (where it is mostly exposed to high temperature) hollow, allowing it to be cooled from below either by water or cold air. The hearth is surrounded with brickwork from 6 to 10 feet long, 3 or 4 feet broad, and 12 or 16 inches high. This brickwork is covered with iron plates, and serves to keep the coals upon it, &c. FIG. 225. X The general construction of the finery hearths is to be seen in Figs. 225 and 226, which represent one of the hearths common in the Hartz. Bgwkfd., v., 366. 742 IRON. The illustration is taken from the Mandelholz Works, in the neighbourhood of Elbingerode. Fig. 226 is an elevation of this forge. D is the finery hearth, provided with two pairs FIG. 226. b D C of bellows. Fig. 225 is a vertical section, showing the con- struction of the hearth in the finery forge. c is an overshot water-wheel, which gives an alternate impulse to the two bellows, a, b, by means of the revolving shaft, c, and the cams or tappets, d, f, e, g. The hearth, D, is lined with iron plates. Through the pipe, l, cold water may be introduced under the bottom plate, m, in order, when necessary, to lower the temperature of the hearth and facilitate the solidification of the bloom. The orifice, n, Figs. 225 and 226, allows the melted cinders. or slag to flow off from the surface of the melted metal. A copper pipe or nose piece conducts the blast of both bellows into the hearth, as shown at b, x, Fig. 226. I With a view to economy in fuel, finery hearths covered with a vaulted roof were employed in France (Nivernais) at the commencement of the present century; this im- provement was not introduced into the Franche Comté and the Champagne until 1830. At Audincourt the waste heat of finery hearths has been used for heating iron plates since about 1825; and ten years later this source of heat was used for previously heating the pig-iron intended for the finery process, with the flue of finery hearth suitably constructed. The waste heat of the finery hearth was then also used for heating the blast. But these improvements have been in APPARATUS USED IN THE FINERY PROCESS. 743 general use only since 1834, and even at the present time they are neglected in many finery forges. The closed hearths have two disadvantages; they reflect the heat, which injures the workmen, and a mixture of slag and small coal (Lösch) sticks to the roof; these deposits, however, upon removal, must not fall into the hearth. The waste heat* of finery fires is also used in the puddling process (Karr'st method) to heat boilers, &c. When constructing a finery hearth the hole or pit intended for it is cleaned and its bottom levelled; the tuyere side plate and the opposite side plate are then put in their places and propped, until the back plate is placed between the two former plates and fixed to them with wedges. After removing this prop the hearth bottom of brasque is levelled, and as much of the brasque removed, about 1 inch high, as is necessary to form the hollow space below the bottom, plate. The brasque supporting the bottom plate, and the ground adjoining it, must be of a loose consistence in order to admit the water for cooling. The hole formed for admitting the cooling water is then also examined, and the iron bottom plate is slid into the hearth on two iron bars and placed on flat pieces of iron with its four corners levelled. All the joints are then filled up with pieces of iron and luted with loam, and after placing the tuyere in the right position with regard to inclination and projection into the hearth, the front wall of brasque is covered with an iron plate when the hearth is ready for operation. The iron hearth bottom is usually placed horizontally, except when treating grey pig-iron, when it is placed with an inclination towards the tuyere side plate, as the largest quantity of iron collects before the tuyere, and more rich decarbonising cinder will accumulate here. The tuyere side plate is usually in a slanting position, the upper part pro- jecting somewhat into the hearth, and is thus better able to support the tuyere and preserve the plate from being too quickly burnt. The opposite side plate and the back plate * GURLT, in Berggeist, 1860, p. 572. TUNNER, Stabeisen und Stahlbereitung, ii., 256. Allgem., B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 496. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1854, p. 12. 744 IRON. incline obliquely the other way, thus facilitating the removal of deposits and the raising of the fined iron out of the hearth. The tuyere is usually made of copper, and sometimes hollow, so as to allow a circulation of water, and its position. greatly affects the finery process. It projects 3 or 4, and in rare cases, 6 inches into the hearth, and its inclination varies from 5° to 16°, and in rare cases more, according to the nature of the pig-iron under treatment; the decarbonisation of the iron increases with the inclination of the tuyere. The less the tuyere projects into the hearth the nearer the focus will approach the tuyere side plate, causing a cooling of the hearth. By shortening one side of the tuyere nozzle the blast may be expanded partially, that is, carried more to one side of the hearth than to the other. I The tuyere nozzle is usually semicircular, and either of the same width as the blast-pipe nozzle or somewhat larger. The blast-pipe is from 1 to 1 inches wide, and its nozzle within is from 3 to 5 inches of the tuyere nozzle. When treating white pig-iron narrower tuyeres (13 inches broad and 1 inches high) are employed than when fining grey pig-iron; in the latter case the tuyeres are 2 inches broad and 1 inches high. The tuyeres are placed 8 or 10 inches. distant from the back plate, and the smaller this distance the more decarbonising will be the reaction of the blast, as most of the iron is accumulated before the back plate by the manipulations in the hearth. I Two or three tuyeres are occasionally employed in larger hearths to increase the production, but one is the usual. number. When two tuyeres are used, they are placed either opposite each other or side by side, but the anticipated advantages have been less realised than in the refining of the pig-iron. The size of the hearths, and therefore the quantity of blast required, depend chiefly on the amount of the production and the nature of the pig-iron to be treated. Upon charging from 2 to 3 cwts. of pig-iron, from 1 to 2 cwts. of wrought- iron are produced in from two and a half to five and a half hours, or 50 or 60 cwts. weekly, at a loss of from 25 to APPARATUS USED IN THE FINERY PROCESS. 745 28 per cent. When treating grey pig-iron, which requires a great deal of manual labour in the hearth, the hearth is made longer than it is broad, the breadth of the fire being the dis- tance from the tuyere side plate to the opposite side plate. Some of these hearths are 32 inches long and from 24 to 26 inches broad, and when working white, easily refined, pig-iron the hearth is made of less length and greater breadth. In some cases the hearth is square in form, 22 inches square on the bottom and 23 inches at its mouth. A narrow hearth concentrates the heat more perfectly. At Königshütte (Hartz) the finery hearths are constructed of the following dimensions. I. A hearth for the production of wrought-iron intended for the wire manufacture, from good grey pig-iron. 2. A hearth for the production of common wrought-iron from pig-iron containing some sulphur. Length from the front to the back. Breadth from the tuyere side to the opposite side on the top. Total depth on the bottom Depth from the bottom to the lowest edge of the tuyere Projection of the tuyere Inclination "" Width of the semicircular tuyere nozzle. Height of the tuyere · Distance of the tuyere from the back plate. Breadth of the blast-pipe I. II. 23 22 inches 243/3 231 2 2 H +3+ 14 23 3/1/2 ~ ~ H 22 I 2 ݂ܕ 10-101 91 4 15-17 4 12-13 degrees I H H со 831-8343 inches I " 8 3/31/1 nozzle Height of it color H I I I "" Section of it 1*3435 1*3435 square inches The depth of the fire has most influence upon the finery process, and usually varies between 6 and 10 inches, mea- suring from the hearth bottom to the lowest edge of the tuyere nozzle. The following circumstances regulate the depth :- 746 IRON. a. The quality of the pig-iron. White iron requires a deeper fire than grey pig-iron. b. The quality of the fuel. When using hard charcoal the hearth requires less depth than when using soft coal. c. The inclination of the tuyere, which must be in such proportion to the depth of the fire as to prevent too quick a melting of the partly decarbonised iron on the bottom of the hearth. The more inclined the tuyere and the shallower the hearth, the quicker will be the decarbonisation. The Blowing Machines are usually bellows or cylinder machines, and they must be so constructed as to deliver from 400 to 600 cubic feet of blast per minute. The pressure and quantity of the blast depend on various circumstances, such as the quality of the pig-iron and fuel, the largeness of the production, the method of fining, the construction of the hearth, &c. When, for instance, the melted iron keeps too long in a thinly fluid state, less blast is employed in order to lower the temperature, and consequently induce a more pasty consistence of the iron, in which it fines more quickly. A similar effect, that is, a decrease of blast, is pro- duced when employing a tuyere with a larger nozzle, and placing the blast-pipe farther back in the tuyere. As a general rule, a good grey-iron requires from 140 to 150 cubic feet of blast to melt it, and a white pig-iron from 160 to 180 cubic feet. These quantities of blast are at the commence- ment of fining operations increased to 200 or 210 cubic feet, and later on to 240 or 250 cubic feet. The following quantities of blast are required at Königs- hütte (Hartz) when employing the German method of fining, and a tuyere of 1°3435 square inches in section :— Common Wrought-Iron. Pressure of the Blast. Lines-Mercury. Wrought-Iron for the Manu- facture of Wire. Blast. Lines-Mercury. Quantity of Blast. Cubic Feet. Quantity of Blast. Cubic Feet. Pressure of Forging the blooms and melting the pig-iron Breaking up the iron. 15-17 140-156 16 II-13 119-133 10-12 144 119-133 Formation of the ball gradually increased 22-28 168-191 18 -24 156-174 ** Hot Blast* was first employed in France (page 742); it Bgwkfd. ii., 230; iv., 94, 104, 417; iii., 463; viii., 442. KARST. Arch. 2 R., x., 703; xi., I7I. APPARATUS FOR RE-HEATING THE BLOOMS. 747 gives a saving of 15 or 20 per cent of fuel. When combining the application of the hot blast with a preparatory heating of the pig-iron, a suitable regulation of the temperature and a proper construction of the hearth, it has been found successful in many iron works, and does not deterioriate the quality of the resulting wrought-iron. Less favourable results have been obtained in other establishments, as for instance in the Iron Works of the Upper Hartz, as the hot blast im- peded the fining, and yielded wrought-iron of inferior quality, though, on the other hand, there was a small saving of fuel. Upon changing from cold blast to hot blast, less pressure must be employed in proportion to the temperature of the blast, and the tuyeres and blast-pipes must be wider, requiring a quicker movement of the blast machine. The Hot Blast Apparatus* is usually heated by the waste heat of the finery-hearths. Steamt was tried in admixture with the blast for the re- moval of sulphur, &c., from the iron, but the expected result was not obtained. At the former finery forge at Silbernaal, near Clausthal, the promotion of the fining was attempted by mixing steam with the hot blast, which kept the iron too long in a thinly fluid state; the process was prolonged, and the consumption of fuel increased, whilst the yield of iron was larger and of better quality than when employing cold or hot blast without steam. The most perfect of all finery-hearths is the Lancashire forget with a closed hearth, provided with a hearth for a preparatory heating of the pig-iron, with water tuyeres, and a hollow bottom plate so as to allow of its cooling. This forge is combined with re-heating furnaces, and it yields from 5 to 10 per cent more iron than the common German method of fining, economises 33 per cent in fuel, and produces an excellent iron. Apparatus for Re-heating the Balls or Blooms. The blooms, after being hammered and thus greatly con- densed, mostly under heavy forge hammers, are re-heated for MERBACH, Anwendung der erhitzten Gebläseluft, 1840. + Bgwkfd. i., 130. B. u. h. Ztg., 1842, p. 326. Berggeist, 1858, p. 110. 748 IRON. forging into bars. According to the method of refining employed, the re-heating is performed either in the same fineries, during the melting of the pig-iron, or previous to this operation, or in special apparatus. The employment of special apparatus is preferable, as it allows a quicker re-heating and a better regulation of the operation, but the consumption of fuel is larger. When the refining and re-heating take place in the same hearth, the refining is facilitated by those parts of the blooms which melt and collect on the bottom of the hearth, and which. would otherwise have to be replaced by suitable fluxes. The special apparatus and re-heating fires are of the same construction as the finery-hearths; they are about 2 feet square, and are sometimes either wholly or partially formed of iron plates, and sometimes of fire bricks with a bottom of sand and small coal. In front they have a tapping hole. The tuyere is often placed horizontally, but now and then with an inclination. Since 1834 hot blast has been ad- vantageously used. These re-heating apparatus may be divided into— a, Open fires, in which charcoal, coke, or coal may be used as fuel. When coal is employed that of a caking nature is preferable, as it allows the formation of an artificial roof of caked coal, thus concentrating the heat. Such a roof of sufficient consistence cannot be formed when the coal is mixed with coke-cinder. b, Re-heating fires with a walled roof (hollow fires); they frequently have a hearth for a preparatory heating of the blooms. Figs. 227 and 228 represent a re-heating fire of this kind. A is the re-heating hearth; B, the hearth for the preparatory heating; c, the space for heating the blast. a is formed of sand, b of fire bricks, and d of cast-iron. These apparatus are either fed with coke or with a mix- ture of coal and coke cinder, and as their construction allows an entrance at the back, they admit of the heating of several blooms at the same time. One re-heating fire will usually heat the blooms produced in one finery hearth. Re-heating furnaces, heated with gas from wood or turf, have lately been introduced for this purpose into the larger APPARATUS FOR FORGING IRON. 749 A establishments in Sweden, Reichenau, and Rohnitz. description of them will be found in the chapter on fuel. FIG. 227. A 0 1 2 Z B 5FI One of these furnaces will heat the blooms of four finery hearths. These furnaces consume considerably less fuel than the re-heating hearths. * - - ** d FIG. 228. d b b し ​A d Ն 0 B مر b C 5FI Apparatus for Forging Iron. The apparatus used for forging blooms produced in finery fires are hammers of different construction, which are set in motion either by direct engines or more commonly by water wheels; or the motive power is communicated by means of connecting straps, as with the lighter kinds of hammers. 750 IRON. 1. Lift Hammers frequently used in Germany and at tin-plate works of this country, for converting blooms into mercantile bars. Such a hammer is represented by Figs. 229 and 230. FIG. 229. 20 F The hammer head varies in weight from 5 to 20 cwts. ; it is raised to the blows per minute. height of 2 feet, and gives about 100 According to the size, it is made either FIG. 230. e KOMMU S JЪ α al d 10 FI of wrought-iron or of cast-iron, and lately also of cast-steel ;* in order to render the cast-iron hammer heads more durable Zeitschr. d. Ver. deutscher Ingenieure, iii., 206. LIFT HAMMERS. 751 the eye is sometimes lined with a wrought-iron ring.* Brown has replaced the wood on hammer shafts by shafts of iron plates of an elliptic section, and Rittinger has capped the wooden shaft, as they suffer most on their heads. Instead of the faces of the hammer being smooth and convex, they are frequently made in the form of a cross, and they are fixed to the hammer in sockets, so as to be easily replaced. The frame is constructed either of wood with some parts of iron, or altogether of cast-iron, and consists essentially. of the following parts :- Two pillars, a, to which the hammer shaft is fixed by means of an iron ring, provided with trunnions which move in iron blocks with which the pillars are provided. Behind these pillars two other pairs of pillars, c and d, are erected containing two wooden beams, e, in a nearly horizontal position above the hammer shaft. By lifting the hammer its shaft is thrown against these beams, which act like springs, preventing the hammer from being thrown up too high, and accelerating its fall. When the whole frame is constructed of wood a heavy wooden beam is placed upon these three pairs of pillars and fixed to them, thus con- tributing to the stability of the frame. The hammer is raised by the four cams, g, g, g, g, on the shaft, f. The anvil, i, is a solid piece of white cast-iron, resting upon a wooden block composed of several pieces of timber well fitted together, with the fibre running vertically, and surrounded with a cast-iron casing, or firmly bound with wrought-iron hoops. This anvil block is 6 or 8 feet long and 3 or 4 feet in diameter; it is supported on a wooden foundation, and projects above the floor not more than I feet. Dawest cools the hammer and anvil by a continuous current of cold water, and Puttmannt has combined four hammers in such a manner that the blooms may be forged in a horizontal and a vertical direction at the same time. *DINGL., Bd. 129, p. 195. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1959, p. 464. + Berggeist, 1856, p. 217. 752- IRON. 2. Tilt Hammers.-A hammer of this kind is shown in * Fig. 231. To the left of I is the axis of the rotatory FIG. 231. u 13 h N a 1 cam, 2, 3 consisting of eight sides, each formed of a strong broad bar of cast-iron, joined together to make the octagon wheel. 4, 5, 6, are cast-iron binding rings or hoops. made fast by wooden wedges; b, b, are standards of the frame work, e, l, m, in which the helve of the forge hammer has its fulcrum near u; h, the sole of the frame. Another cast-iron base or sole is seen at m; n, is a strong stay to strengthen the frame work. At r, two parallel hammers. are placed, with cast-iron heads and wooden helves; s is the anvil, a very massive piece of cast-iron; t is the end of a vibrating beam for throwing back the hammer from it forcibly by the recoil; x, y, is the outline of the water wheel, which drives the whole. The cams or tappets are shown mounted upon the wheel, b, g, b. 3. Forge Hammers.-The largest forge hammerst (of the head lift form) are represented in Fig. 232. They are made entirely of cast-iron, nearly 10 feet long, and consist usually of two parts-the helve, c, and the head, d. The head is forced into the helve, and is retained in its place by wedges of iron or wood. The head consists of several faces or planes receding from each other, for the purpose of giving different forms to the blooms. A ring of cast-iron, a, called the cam-ring-bag, bearing movable cams, b, b, drives. * URE'S Dictionary of Arts, vol. ii., p. 742. † Ibid. FORGE HAMMER. 753 the hammer d, by alternately lifting it up round its fulcrum, f, and letting it fall. In one iron works, this ring was found to be 3 feet in diameter, 18 inches thick, and to weigh 4 tons. The weight of the helve (handle) of the corresponding hammer was 3 tons, and that of the head of the hammer, 8 cwts. FIG. 232. m a с 10% The anvil, e, also consists of two parts; the one called the pane of the anvil is the counterpart of the pane of the hammer; it likewise weighs 8 cwts. The second, g, named the stock of the anvi., weighs 4 tons. It is in form a parallelo- piped with the edges rounded. The blooms, or rough balls, from the puddle furnace, are laid and turned about upon it, by means of a rod of iron welded to each of them, called a porter. As the weight of these pieces is very great, and the shocks very considerable, the utmost precautions should be taken in setting the hammer and its anvil upon a sub- stantial mass of masonry, as shown in the figure, over which is laid a double, or even quadruple flooring of wood, formed of beams placed in transverse layers close to each other. These beams have an elastic force, and thereby partially destroy the injurious reaction of the shock. In some works a 6 feet cube of cast-iron is placed as a pedestal to the anvil. VOL. II. 3 C 754 IRON. The Methods of the Finery Process. The differences between the numerous methods of fining are principally based on the quality of the pig-iron, its purity, and the rapidity with which it is decarbonised. The pig-iron is sometimes previously prepared for the finery process (page 714), and in the finery process it is treated once or twice with oxidising agents, and the resulting blooms are re-heated either in combination with the finery process (page 748) or in special apparatus (page 748). There are also some modifications of the finery process with a view to economy in fuel, a larger production, or a decreased loss of iron. With regard to these circumstances the Lancashire forge is by far the most perfect (page 747). The methods of the finery process may be classified ac- cording as the metal is once melted down, twice melted down, or several times melted down, which is done in the German process. In each of these methods the process may run into the two following extremes, namely:-(1) the melted-down pig- iron congeals more or less quickly to a pasty mass of malle- able iron, whilst a rich cinder is formed; and (2) the pig-iron comes to nature—that is, it is converted into the malleable state-with difficulty, and the formed slag is more thinly liquid and poorer in iron. The finery process must be regu- lated according to the purity of the pig-iron under treatment, and according to the wrought-iron (richer or poorer in carbon) to be produced. A poor slag is chiefly formed when the fused iron in the hearth may be felt to be liquid by means of an iron rake, and when upon removing the rake, thinly liquid slag containing intermixed grains of iron adheres to it and on cooling easily flies off. A rich cinder is indicated if the fused iron when pierced with the rake appears as a pasty mass; and if the iron shows a more or less glaring white and not a yellowish colour, a thin crust of iron will then adhere to the rake. The construction of the finery hearth is the chief means of inducing a rich cinder; the hearth ought to be shallow (page 745), the hearth bottom to be inclined towards the tuyere side plate (page 743), the distance to be small from METHODS OF THE FINERY PROCESS. 755 the tuyere to the back plate (page 744), there should be a decided inclination of the tuyere (page 746), a wide tuyere, the upper part of the nozzle somewhat projecting, and a wide blast pipe (page 744), and the tuyere should project but slightly into the hearth (page 744). During the operation the formation of rich cinder may be facilitated by somewhat withdrawing the blast pipe (page 746), by decreasing the pressure of the blast (page 746), by employing blast of a lower temperature (page 747), by frequently tapping off the cinder, and slowly melting down the pig-iron, by employing decarbonising fluxes (page 736), and soft charcoal in large pieces (page 735), by a modification of the mani- pulations, &c. Very different modifications are introduced when aiming at the production of a poor slag. For example, when treating very pure white pig-iron by the German method the hearth is constructed 9 or 10 inches deep, whilst a slight inclina- tion is given to the tuyere, or a hearth of from 8 to 9 inches deep and a tuyere with a greater inclination are employed; when treating impure white iron the hearth is from 94 to 10 inches deep and the tuyere is placed in a strongly inclined position. Very pure grey pig-iron requires a hearth 7 inches deep and a nearly horizontal tuyere, and impure grey iron is treated in hearths from 73 to 8 inches deep with tuyeres of great inclination. When the metal is melted down once or twice the construction of the hearths for the treatment of certain kinds of pig-iron has been always the same, whilst in the German method the construction is modified according to the nature of the pig-iron under treatment. Besides these extremes of the process other varieties may occur. The process is called hot when the smelting mass becomes thinly liquid, owing to the very high temperature; the iron then comes more slowly to nature, the loss of iron is less, but the consumption of time and fuel is greater, and a good product results from less pure pig-iron. This variation of the process is very liable to occur when employing hot blast. or a shallower hearth, when the side plates project more than usual (2 or 4 inches) above the tuyere, &c. 302 756 IRON. Too low a temperature causes a modification which is called cold, as then pig-iron and cinder mix whilst in a pasty state and thus react more strongly upon each other; the iron comes more quickly to nature, but much of it is scorified. Lowering of the pressure of the blast may.give rise to this variety of the process. It may also happen that too much or too little slag is formed in the process, in which case the iron refines quickly but with greater loss. The loss of iron* in the process may amount to as much as 40 per cent, but it is usually not more than 26 or 28 per cent, and frequently even less; for instance, in hearths with an arched roof carried on with hot blast the loss may amount to 20 per cent only. The fining process is more perfect and the skill of the finer greater the less fuel is consumed, the less iron is lost, and the better the quality of the resulting wrought-iron. I. The German or Breaking-up Process, in which the iron is melted down several times. This is the most complicated of all the methods, and requires very skilful workmen. When the construction of the hearth is properly modified this process is suitable for working all kinds of pig-iron, but usually a moderately impure mottled or grey charcoal iron is treated by it. The process is divided into the following periods:- First Period.-Melting Down the Pig-Iron.-Pig-iron is on fusion melted together with rich or poor slags of the same process, according to its purity and how thinly liquid it is. For this purpose the pigs are placed on the side plate opposite the tuyere covered with coal and gradually moved towards the tuyere. For a better concentration of the heat in the hearth the side plates are covered with small coal, which must be frequently wetted with water or the blast will carry them away. At this melting down the blast plays round each liquid particle of iron, when, according to Oesterr. Ztschr., 1853, p. 378. THE GERMAN OR BREAKING-UP PROCESS. 757 the investigations of Calvert, Johnson,* Botischew,† and others, silicon and manganese with more or less iron will be first oxidised by the action of the blast and slag evolving oxygen, thus forming a cinder rich in silica, as in the puddling process; sulphur and phosphorus are partly oxidised (phos- phorus more than sulphur), and the graphite is converted into chemically combined carbon in proportion as silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus have been separated; this renders melted- down iron white, like that produced by the refining process (page 715). The resulting poor slag is tapped off and re- placed by an addition of rich cinder varying in amount according to the nature of the iron. Now begins the + Second Period. The Fining Proper. The pasty white iron is broken up by means of an iron rake or paddle into pieces, which are lifted above the tuyere and melted down again. This operation is repeated one or more times ac- cording to the nature of the iron, until after the last melting down the iron may be formed into a simple lump of malleable iron. If the lump still contains particles of raw iron, showing themselves by a less intense glare, it may be brought repeatedly before or above the tuyere. When melting down the pig-iron the blast blows red and blue star- like sparks of poor cinder out of the hearth; at the end of this period these sparks are of a glowing white, and consist of particles of rich cinder. At the melting down of the broken-up iron, the iron and manganese present are chiefly oxidised; the manganese also assists the removal of the sulphur and phosphorus (page 692); the poor cinder is thus converted into rich cinder (page 737); owing to its pasty consistence it mixes with the pasty iron and has a powerfully decarbonising re- action, and reduces metallic iron. At this period and with an increased quantity of blast the decarbonisation and puri- fication of the iron are finished, and the lump of iron mixed with very rich slag is lifted out of the hearth and formed by * B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 34. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, No. 29. HARTM., Fortschr., vi., 233. DE MOTAY'S and FONTAINE'S Theory: B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 99. 758 IRON. hammering into blooms. The rich slag is then partly tapped off. Slag containing a great amount of iron is very refrac- tory and adheres closely to the hearth. The purity of the pig-iron, its nature, and even local habits have led to different modifications of the second period, and we may distinguish the following varieties : a. The Lump Fining.-The melted-down pig-iron is again broken up and melted down to form a lump, which then is completely refined by a repeated treatment before the tuyere. The resulting wrought-iron is granular and richer in carbon, and upon rolling it is less inclined to assume a fibrous tex- ture. This variety was formerly in use in Sweden, and also at Königshütte (Hartz) for the production of wrought-iron intended for wire manufacture; the iron employed was a good grey pig-iron from Steinrenne; 100 lbs. yielded from 71.8 to 73.3 lbs. of wrought-iron, 100 lbs. of which consumed from 24.6 to 26.8 cubic feet of charcoal. b. The Breaking-up Process.-A very impure thinly liquid iron of almost any kind is broken into a larger number of pieces, and each piece is fined or brought to nature by itself, when all the pieces are melted to form one lump, which, if required, may be broken up again. This mode requires very skilful workmen and is apt to yield a hetero- geneous product. c. A Combination of the Lump Fining and the Breaking- up Process. By this mode a moderately pure grey or mottled pig-iron is treated. The melted down pasty iron is repeatedly broken up into pieces, which are moved towards the tuyere. The pieces are brought to nature separately, and then melted so as to form one lump, which is treated as in the lump fining process. It is advisable not to turn the lump, but merely to lift it and to melt it down in its original position after having cleared the hearth below the tuyere and filled it with fresh coal. Thus the lumps rest on a decarbon- ising base, and a better iron is produced, as sufficient time is allowed by the slower progress of the process at the latter period of the melting down to fine or bring to nature the more raw and upper part of the lump. This method is in use at the forges of the Upper Hartz; at Königshütte, for THE BOHEMIAN PROCESS. 759 instance, for the production of common wrought-iron as well as of wrought-iron intended for wire (page 745). When pro- ducing common wrought-iron the iron is broken up from three to five times, and 220 lbs. of pig-iron are fined in 5 hours, yielding 76 per cent of wrought-iron at a consumption of from 23 to 26 cubic feet of soft charcoal, or from 16 to 20 cubic feet of hard charcoal per 100 lbs. of wrought-iron. In 24 hours the production amounts to from 800 to 825 lbs. of wrought-iron. When producing malleable iron for the manufacture of wire from pig-iron of good quality, the iron is broken up two or three times into larger pieces, and great care is devoted to rendering the lump as uniform as possible. 210 lbs. of pig-iron are worked in about 5 hours, yielding 69.75 per cent, and at a consumption of 26.5 cubic feet of charcoal per 100 lbs of wrought-iron. In 24 hours the pro- duction amounts to from 710 to 750 lbs. The Swabian process (Schwabische Schmiede) is conducted in a similar manner. The hearths are closed with a roof, and constructed so as to allow the pig-iron and the blooms. to be heated in the flue. They seldom have hot blast apparatus (South Germany,* Silesia,† Mägdesprung, and Sweden). According to the quality of the pig-iron, from 17 to 24 cubic feet of charcoal are consumed per 100 lbs. of wrought-iron, and the yield amounts to from 75 to 82 per cent. d. The Bohemian Process (Böhmische Anlaufschmiede). -When melting down the broken iron an iron bar is intro- duced into the fining mass and revolved; the decarbonised iron will then adhere to the bar. As soon as the bar has accumulated from 10 to 20 lbs. of fined iron, this quantity is forged out and cut off from the bar. The fined iron pro- duced last in the hearth is inferior in quality to that which has been removed with the bar. 200 lbs. of wrought-iron are produced in one charge, and in from 5 to 8 hours, at a loss of from 19 to 21 per cent of iron, and a consumption of from Berggeist, 1857, P. 340. † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 285. B. u. h. Ztg., 1854, P. 377. 760 IRON. 14'7 to 16 cubic feet of charcoal per 100 lbs. This method is chiefly used in Silesia* and Bohemia.† The Rohnitz Process.‡-In this process 6 cwts. of pig-iron are melted down in a hearth with two tuyeres; the coals are then removed, and the metal-bath is stirred up with decarbon- ising fluxes. The mixture is now placed between two tuyeres lying opposite each other, blast is introduced, coals are placed upon the iron and after this fining period, an iron bar is in- troduced into the mass for the accumulation of wrought-iron. About 525 lbs. of wrought-iron are produced in six hours, at a loss of from 121 to 14 per cent of iron, and at a consump- tion of from 32 to 37 cubic feet of charcoal per 100 lbs. of wrought-iron. e. The French Process prevails in France and Belgium, and it is also used in Switzerland, Germany, and Sweden. The process is accelerated by frequent and quick manipula- tions, and the breaking-up often takes place when drawing out the blooms, thus deteriorating the latter operation. From 17 to 20 cubic feet of charcoal are consumed at the produc- tion of 100 lbs. of wrought-iron, and from 20 to 25 per cent of iron is lost. f. The Sulu Process, sometimes used in Sweden. By this process the broken up pieces are brought to nature and forged singly. g. Half Walloon Process, used in France, but not often now in Sweden. The pecularity of this process is simply that it heats the blooms in separate re-heating fires. Third Period.-Hammering the Loupe.-By means of a hook and tongs the loupes produced by one or the other method are taken out of the hearth and placed on the anvil of the hammer. At first the movement of the hammer is slow, but the speed is gradually increased; thus the slag is pressed out of the loupe, and the loupe is hammered to a prismatic shape, and divided into several pieces (blooms) by means of a cold chisel. To be drawn out to bars of certain * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, p. 284. B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 172; 1860, pp. 169, 279, 352, 371. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1846, p. 881; 1849, p. 714; 1855, p. 166. LEOB. Jahrb., 1855, p. 59. ‡ A modification of the Bohemian process. THE WALLOON PROCESS. 761 dimensions the blooms are re-heated either in the finery hearths or in separate fires, the time depending upon the rawness of the blooms. When intending a further oxidation of the carbon, which also embraces an oxidation of iron, a dry welding heat is applied, otherwise a wet (saftige) welding heat, produced by an addition of sand, &c., is preferred; in the latter case a slag is formed which coats the iron (page 690). 2. Walloon Process-Twice Melting-Down Process (Zweimalschmelzerei).-The iron treated by the Walloon process is a purer white or mottled charcoal iron poor in manganese, sulphur, and phosphorus; if necessary, the iron is previously refined (Eifel-Walloon process). Works adopting the English Walloon process refine coke pig-iron and re-heat the resulting blooms in hollow fires or re-heating furnaces, which contributes to the production of a superior kind of wrought-iron (Swedish cement and wire-iron, Styrian, Eifler, and English iron for wire). The pig-iron employed is usually as pure as the pig-iron of the German process, and is obtained by the first melting down; the first melting down of the Walloon process therefore corresponds to the second melting down of the German process, and the purer iron of the Walloon process allows the formation of lumps after having been only twice melted down (Eifler, Styrian, Swedish Walloon process). The employment of more impure pig- iron, or the production of the best quality of wrought-iron necessitates repeated meltings down (English Walloon pro- cess), when the process is similar to the German process, except that the blooms are re-heated in separate fires. The chemical reactions during this melting down of the pig-iron are like those of the second melting down in the German process (page 757), and the reactions at the last melting down are the same in both processes. The Walloon process and its modifications are mostly em- ployed, as the process yields wrought-iron so excellent in quality as to fully repay the high cost of production, com- pared with the cheaper puddling iron. The following modifications of the Walloon process have originated partly from mere local custom, and partly from the quality of the pig-iron to be treated and the quality of 762 IRON. the wrought-iron to be produced. That quality is likewise influenced by the mode of re-heating, and the fuel (charcoal, coke, coal) employed. a. Eifel-Walloon Process.-This process is still in use in the Eifel and Rhenish Prussia for treating charcoal pig-iron which has been refined in the hearth of the iron blast fur- nace (page 714). The hearth is lined with moist small coal, and its bottom formed of very rich cinder, old iron, and cinder separated from the lumps when hammering them. Before all the pig-iron is melted down the first melted iron that has collected on the bottom is broken up and some cinder of the hammered lump is added, when from 50 to 70 lbs. of pig-iron have been melted, whilst the blast is some- what decreased. The melting down and the fining proper are performed as quickly as possible. The finished lump or loupe is hammered and divided and re-heated for drawing out in open hearths 2 feet square; II cubic feet of hard char- coal are consumed for fining and re-heating 100 lbs. of wrought-iron, and 25 per cent of iron is lost. A similar process was formerly used in Styria, but owing to the large consumption of fuel and loss of iron, it was aban- doned in favour of the process in which the metal is only once melted down. b. Swedish Walloon Process, used for the production of the well-known Dannemora iron from very pure radiated white or strongly mottled pig-iron. In order to furnish the hearth with a decarbonising bottom, several shovelfuls of very rich cinder and hammer slag are melted down, and the last bloom of the former lump is held with tongs in the focus. of the finery hearth, thus causing part of the bloom to melt and drop down to the bottom. The melting down of the pig- iron is commenced at the same time. After melting the first. portion of the pig-iron the working with the iron bar com- mences, and is continued until the whole metal melted down on the tuyere side is brought above and before the tuyere, and so exposed to the action of the blast. When 70 lbs. of the iron have been melted down the mass has come so nearly to nature that it is only necessary to form it into a lump. THE LANCASHIRE PROCESS. 763 The re-heating of the blooms is effected in open hearths. The fining of 100 lbs. of wrought-iron requires 16 or 17 cubic feet of coal, and the re-heating from 13 to 15 cubic feet, at a loss of iron of from 4 to II and from 12 to 15 per cent respectively. c. English Walloon Process.-a. Lancashire Process. -This process was introduced into Sweden from South Wales in 1829, and nearly all the Swedish bar-iron, ex- cept the Dannemora or Oregrund iron, is made by it. The bottoms of the hearths are artificially cooled, water tuyeres are used, and there is a lateral stove for previously heating the pig-iron, which is heated by the waste heat of the finery hearth. The process is carried on with hot blast. The pig-iron in plates 2 or 3 inches thick, and in charges of 200 lbs., is previously heated. Upon melting down it is partly oxidised, and the oxide of iron thus formed, together with the rich cinder, consisting of basic silicate of protoxide of iron, which remained in the hearth from the last opera- tion, decarbonise the iron to a considerable extent, and con- sequently it becomes less fusible and more pasty. The metal is then repeatedly broken up with an iron bar, and the raw portions brought before the tuyere until all is sufficiently refined; this operation lasts about half an hour. Subse- quently all the metal is brought up to the top of the hearth and melted down again to form a ball. The ball is then taken out and hammered into a prismatic shape and cut into pieces. The whole process lasts from 1 to 1 hours. The blooms are drawn out into bars by one of the three following methods:- I. In a re-heating forge, with a hammer. 2. In a gas welding or re-heating furnace, heated by char- coal, and with two hammers. 3. In a gas welding furnace, and by rolling instead of hammering. The consumption of fuel and the loss of iron vary according to which of these methods is employed. This process has also been used advantageously in Nor- way, at Feistritz* in Carinthia, &c. PERCY, Metallurgy, ii., 595. 764 IRON. B. South Wales Process.*-Grey coke pig-iron is the material; it is previously fined in a coke refinery, from which it is run into the charcoal finery. Some decarbonising cinder is left in the finery hearth from the previous operation, and is then mixed with the fluid iron, whilst at the same time the blast is turned full on, after having removed the slag which has been run into the finery together with the metal. After the iron has become pasty it is broken up, mixed with charcoal, brought up above the tuyere, and melted down again; and this operation is repeated till the iron has suffi- ciently come to nature, when it is melted down for the for- mation of a lump. The charge for the refining process is from 200 to 250 lbs. The lump is then hammered out into a narrow rectangular slab, more or less rounded off at the ends, and about 2 inches thick, and while still hot it is nicked across to a considerable depth in seven or eight places at about equal distances. The nicked slab, still in a red-hot state, is plunged into cold water, whereby the superficial coat of oxide is more or less completely detached. The slab may then readily be broken into pieces, which are termed " stamps." A stamp weighs about 26 lbs., and the fractured edges are bright and crys- talline. The ends of the slab are worked apart, as the iron made from them is never so sound as that from the other portions, which are assorted according to their soundness or freedom from imperfectly converted metal. The stamps are then re-heated in hollow fires (page 748), and after a further treatment by hammers and rollers they yield an excellent material for tin plates and for the manu- facture of wire. d. Styrian Walloon Process.-The pig-iron in the form of pigs, plates, or scrap is quickly melted down and mixed. with decarbonising agents, when it is broken into pieces, which are removed from the hearth and re-melted separately, thus forming balls; or the iron is collected on a bar of iron. A similar process is adopted in some forges of Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia, Norway, and Sweden. * PERCY, Metallurgy, ii., 583. THE STYRIAN PROCESS. 765 In the Salzburg process, fused, annealed, and pounded pig- iron is mixed with hammer slag, &c. These processes yield a pure iron, but admit of only a small production, and cause a considerable consumption of fuel and great loss of iron. 3. The Once Melting-Down Process.-The kinds of pig- iron employed are pure, white, manganiferous iron, or pure, grey, and mottled sorts converted into cellular white iron by a preparatory process. An admixture of decarbonising fluxes causes the fining proper to take place at the melting down of the iron, and the blooms are re-heated in the same hearth either before or during the melting down of the pig-iron. The chemical reactions at the melting down are nearly the same as those of the fining proper of the German process (page 757). Attempts have been made to separate manganese and carbon by slowly melting them down with an abundant addition of decarbonising fluxes at a low pressure of the blast, and as these substances cannot thus be removed so efficiently as in the former processes, it is attempted by submitting the blooms several times to a full welding heat, and to the action of decarbonising agents. The good quality of the pig-iron allows this treatment. The following methods are modifications of this process:- A. Methods without previously preparing the pig-iron. a. Austrian Slag Process.-The finery hearth is provided with a preparatory heating furnace and a hot blast apparatus, and its bottom is formed of rich finery cinders broken up and stamped firmly down, from 8 to 9 inches thick. The metal employed is cellular white pig-iron, and during its melting down the blooms (eight of which are formed of one lump) are re-heated so as partly to fuse and drop down on to the hearth bottom. The charge is about 230 lbs., 14 or 15 per cent of which is lost. The consumption of charcoal amounts to from 15 to 18 cubic feet per 100 lbs. of finished iron. b. The Styrian Process.-The bottom of the hearth is composed of moistened coal (Lösch). Before melting down the pig-iron the blooms of the former operation are re-heated with an addition of rich cinder, and the re-heating being half finished, the pig-iron is merely previously heated and melted 766 IRON. down, after completing the re-heating. Portions of the iron which are not fully converted into the malleable state are again brought above the tuyere and melted down; one ball is formed; 27 cubic feet of charcoal are consumed per 100 lbs. of finished iron, produced at a loss of from 8 to 12 per cent of iron. c. The Siegen Process is almost now abandoned. The hearth is of the usual construction of cast-iron plates, and the bottom formed of cinder and hammer slag. The pig-iron (radiated white or mottled) is melted down when the blooms. of the previous operation are re-heated, and the fused metal, if required, is repeatedly broken up and melted down. The loss in making finished bars is 25 per cent on the pig-iron, and the consumption of coal 6 cubic feet per 100 lbs. of finished iron. Processes differing slightly from those we have described were formerly used in Westphalia* and Henneberg,† but they are now obsolete. B. Methods requiring a Preparation of the Pig-Iron.- Flowery white or grey iron is submitted to a preparatory process in order to decarburise it and convert it into cellular iron, thus coming to nature when melted down once, as in the Styrian process. The following are modifications:- Carinthian process.-Flowery white iron produced in "Blauöfen," or grey pig-iron, is formed into discs (page 543), and heated to redness for twelve or fifteen hours with a free access of atmospheric air, thus removing the carbon. The iron is then fined by the Styrian method. The loss of iron amounts to 20 per cent on the pig-iron, and from 25 to 30 cubic feet of charcoal are consumed per 100 lbs. of finished iron. Another method used in Carinthia, and termed in German "kartitschschmiede, " treats mottled or grey iron produced in "Blauöfen" in a separate hearth with an addition of decarburising fluxes, thus forming a lump (Kartitsch) which * KARST., Arch., 1 R., xiii., 198. ↑ Ann. d. Min., 4 sér., 4 livr., de 1842, p. 258. PRODUCTS OF THE FINERY PROCESS. 767 is taken out, broken up, and fined by the Styrian process. The loss is 20 per cent on the pig-iron, and the consumption of coal from 27 to 30 cubic feet per 100 lbs. of finished iron. Another method in Styria* (zerrennschmiede) refines the iron in a hearth with decarbonising fluxes (page 724), forms the resulting metal into discs, submits it to the oxidising process ("Braten "), and at last fines it by the Styrian process. Products of the Finery Processes. The chief product of these processes, namely, wrought or malleable iron, is either sent into the market as it is, or it is submitted to a further treatment, which in the iron works consists of the manufacture of rails, plates, wire, &c. As in the finery processes less oxidising slags are employed than in the puddling process, the resulting iron is richer in carbon, more compact and closer grained, harder and stronger, and therefore better fitted for the manufacture of cementation steel, wire, and plate, than the fibrous puddling iron, which frequently contains sulphur and a small amount of inter- mixed slag. However, the fine-grained puddling iron which has lately been produced in large quantities has extensively replaced the iron of the finery processes. The resulting faulty bars, rough ends, and other scraps, are either worked up as an addition to the pig-iron for the finery process, or formed into piles, and treated in the finery hearth by themselves with an addition of fluxes (Sweden).† In some cases they are welded and drawn out, then yielding an excellent product of great strength (Annahütte‡ at Königsberg, Rotherhithe|| near London, &c.) Rich cinders of the process are used as well as hammer slag as oxidising fluxes for the same process. The cinders are also melted direct for the production of pig-iron (method of Lang and Frey) (page 346). . The waste heat is used for different purposes (page 742). * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1858, p. 251. + TUNNER, Stabeisen und Stahlbereitung, ii., 219. Bgwkfd., xviii., 533. TUNNER, Ber. über d. Londoner Industrie Ausstellung, von 1862, p. 48. 768 IRON. THE PUDDLING PROCESS. The puddling process possesses the following advantages which the finery process has not:-It allows the appli- cation of raw fuel and of fuel in the form of gas, with a smaller absolute consumption; it gives a larger and cheaper production, and it is possible by this means to produce a useful wrought-iron from pig-iron of inferior quality (page 707). The puddling process was invented in 1784 by Henry Cort. From England it was carried in about 1820 to Sweden (Skebo) and France (Fourchambault), and into Rhenish Prussia at about 1830; the process was first used in Westphalia and Upper Silesia in about 1835, and in Siegen, from whence it was intro- duced to the Hartz, &c., about 1840. Until 1819 coal only was used in the process, when wood was introduced (Skebo, later in Carinthia, Styria, Bavaria, &c.); about ten years later turf was employed (Lauchhammer, later in Würtemberg, Styria, Bohemia, Hanover, &c.), and since 1832 brown coal has been in use (Bavaria, later in Styria, Carinthia, Nassau, &c.) In 1837 Fabre du Faur invented the application of the waste gases from blast furnaces, and since then they have been also applied to the puddling process (Wasseralfingen, Hartz, &c.) and also gases produced in generator furnaces from different kinds of fuel, namely from turf (Lauchhammer, Mägdesprung, Ilsenburg, Upper Hartz, Carinthia, Tyrol, &c.), from wood (Carinthia, Styria, Hungary, Thuringia, Zorge in the Hartz, &c.), from brown coal (Styria, Bavaria), and from mineral coal (Upper Silesia, Siegen, &c.) The following treatises will be found of value when studying the puddling process :- HARTMANN, der practische Puddel und Walzmeister, 1858. E. MAURER, Maass- und Gewichtsverhältnisse der Roh- und Zwischenproducte bei der Darstellung des Schmieedeisens nach der englischen Frischmethode oder durch den Puddlings- und Walzprocess. Stutt- gart, 1861. PUDDLING MATERIALS. 769 GRUNER et LAN, état présent de la métallurgie du fer en Angleterre. Paris: 1862, p. 401. ANSIAUX et MASION, Traité pratique de la fabrication du fer et de l'acier puddlé, &c. (Atlas). Liège: 1861. TRURAN, The Iron Manufacture of Great Britain, theo- retically and practically considered. 2nd edition, revised by J. Arthur Phillips and W. H. Dorman. London: 1862. In treating of the puddling process we propose to adopt the plan of classification we followed when speaking of the finery process, namely, to describe first the puddling materials, next the apparatus, and finally, the methods. Puddling Materials. A. Pig-Iron.-The different kinds of pig-iron behave in the puddling process in the same way as in the finery pro- cess (see ante). White iron of the regular process and flowery white pig-iron (blumige Flossen), containing about 4 per cent of carbon when fused, are more or less pasty, and, if pure, they admit of an acceleration of the process and a saving of fuel. Spiegeleisen upon fusion is more thinly liquid, and is too valuable to be puddled by itself; it is, therefore, chiefly used as an improving addition to impure sorts of pig-iron. The cellular sorts of pig-iron, chiefly the varieties having small pores, are seldom worked by them- selves, as they always require, for fusion, a very high temperature; owing to the small amount of carbon in them and to their becoming thickly liquid, they cause a greater loss of iron in puddling furnaces than when treated in the finery hearth, as in the puddling furnaces they come more in contact with oxidising substances. For this reason the cellular varieties of pig-iron are puddled only in admixture with other kinds of pig-iron, which become thinly liquid upon fusion. Strongly refined pig-iron behaves in the same way; in a fused state it is thickly liquid, it renders the puddling process very difficult, and causes a greater loss of iron; the refined metal is, therefore, usually puddled in ad- mixture with grey iron. Upon fusion, the varieties of grey 3 D VOL. II. 770 IRON. pig-iron are more or less thinly liquid according to their amount of silicon and graphite; those sorts which are not too dark, chiefly the mottled iron, are frequently employed in the puddling process, as a certain degree of thin liquidity is re- quired for a sufficient separation of the foreign substances con- tained in the pig-iron; the degree of liquidity may be regulated by the application of a more or less high temperature. The darkish grey varieties of pig-iron, rich in silicon and graphite, are seldom puddled by themselves, as they require too much time to come to nature, the loss of iron is also increased, and the formed slag is rich in silica and strongly attacks the furnace hearth. Pig-iron, containing a larger admixture of blast furnace slags, behaves in the same way, for which reason it is better to cast the pigs in cast-iron chills than in moulds of sand. Pig-iron, which can be puddled only with great difficulty is improved by the following remedies: a. Refining in refinery hearths or in reverberatory fur- naces. Pig-iron, rich in silicon and graphite, and otherwise impure, is submitted to the refining process, and thus con- verted into a radiated or cellular iron according to its purity and to the quality of the fuel employed. When using the older method of "dry puddling," the varieties of grey iron were almost invariably treated by this preparatory process, which is very effective, but expensive. Since the introduction of the more perfect mode of puddling ("wet puddling" or the boiling process) the varieties of grey iron, if they are not blackish grey, are now usually puddled direct, the puddling process being suitably modified; for example, after having puddled several charges of grey iron, some charges of white iron are treated whilst the furnace hearth is suitably formed and the iron is mixed in the following manner :— b. Grey iron is mixed with white or refined metal. Some- times (Hörde)* the different sorts of iron are melted together in a cupola furnace and run into the puddling furnace in a liquid state, thus obtaining a more uniform product which comes more quickly to nature; but according to Kuder- natscht this method causes a great waste of the furnace Berggeist, 1861, No. 18. * † Oesterr. Ztschr., 1861, No. 48. PUDDLING MATERIALS. 771 hearth; neither does it save anything, owing to the blast required. Now and then the different sorts of pig-iron are first mixed in the refining process (Low Moor).* c. A suitable formation of the furnace hearth, with a view to its preservation, is effected in different manners, for in- stance, by cooling the hearth from below and on the sides, by forming the hearth and lining its side plates with a mixture of peroxide of iron with silica, produced by roasting tap cinder, or with hæmatite, or magnetic iron ore, &c. According to Listt and Andreet manganiferous pig-iron, upon puddling, loses the whole of its manganese, and with the increase of this amount, the waste of iron, the length of the operation, and the consumption of fuel are increased. Oxide of manganese, on the other hand, produces a thinly liquid slag, from which the iron thoroughly separates, and facilitates the removal of sulphur (page 312), silicon (page 312), and perhaps also of phosphorus (page 312). As manganiferous slags have a less decarbonising reaction than ferriferous slags, a certain amount of manganese facilitates the formation of a steel-like fine-grained iron richer in carbon. The thinly liquid manganiferous slags also cover the iron more effectually, thus preserving it from contact with the atmospheric air. B. Fuel.-In the different operations connected with the puddling process, the following kinds of fuel are used: 1. In the refining of pig-iron. In reverberatory furnaces used for refining pig-iron, gas is usually employed, sometimes coal, chiefly coke in refinery hearths, and in rare cases charcoal. At the Dowlais Iron Works the employment of coal in refining hearths has been tried experimentally, but showed no advantage over coke; about I cwt. more of coal than coke was consumed per ton of refined metal as the refining required to be continued longer; the production decreased whilst the work increased. Anthracite has given good results when treated in the * Preuss. Ztschr., iv., 217. † B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 52. ‡ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1860, No. 16. 3 D 2 772 IRON. following manner :-In order to prevent its decrepitation it is partly carbonised and put into the refinery hearth whilst still hot (Ystalifera), or the anthracite is heated in a space situated 3 or 4 feet above the hearth, blast being introduced into the space. As soon as the anthracite is sufficiently heated, it is passed into the refinery hearth. 2. In the puddling of iron. a. Coal was first used in the puddling process, and owing to its cheapness and high pyrometric effect it is still most frequently employed. Slightly caking coal, burning with a long flame and as free as possible from sulphur, is best adapted to the process. When employing small non-caking coal* or slack, the fire-place must be suitably constructed (step-grates, conducting blast under the grate, Simencourt's furnace, &c.). In some iron works of Upper Silesia† caking small coal has been advantageously used by placing the grate deeper, and conducting the air for combustion to the upper layer of coal. Janoyer states that the sulphurous acid produced from sulphur contained in the coal does not essentially impair the iron of the puddling process, as the sulphide of iron formed upon the iron surface combines with oxidised iron, forming oxysulphide, which is scorified. From 80 to 100 lbs. of coal are consumed for the production of 100 lbs. of mill bars ;| from 3 to 5 cwts. of coal per hour in one puddling furnace. When employing anthracite a deeper grate is used, and fresh air conducted under the grate by means of a fan blast steam is sometimes admitted under the grate at the same time. In these cases the ash pit must be hermetically closed. b. Brown Coal.-Some varieties of this coal are air-dried before use (Maximilianshütte in Sauforst,§ Kaufing, T *KARST., Arch., 1 R., iii., 107. Bgwkfd., vi., 33. HARTM. Fortschr., I, 264; v., 204. Schles. Wochenschr., 1859, p. 395; 1860, p. 250. + Schles. Wochenschr., 1861, No. 48. HARTM. Fortschr. v., 188, 204. B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 195. || OVERMANN, a Treatise on Metallurgy. New York, 1865. § LEOB., Jahrb., 1842, p. 257.; 1858, viii., 121. iii., 225. ¶ Oesterr. Ztschr., 1857, No. 12. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 276; PUDDLING MATERIALS. 773 Westerwald),* and are burned either on large plane grates Older or on step grates with the assistance of hot blast. brown coal is used at Leoben,† Prävali,‡ and Krems with the application of step grates. The first experiments for the application of brown coal were made in 1832 at Bodenwöhr in Bavaria, and afterwards at Maximilianshütte, Hessen- brückhammer in Hesse, later on in Carinthia (Buchscheiden, Freudenberg, Prävali), in Styria (Leoben, Store, Judenburg), and at Hachenburg in Nassau. At Maximilianshütte the consumption of brown coal per 100 lbs of mill bars amounts to from 120 to 130 lbs. ; at Prävali to 122 lbs. when using blast for combustion, and to 141 lbs. without the assistance of blast; at Krems to 116 lbs. (with blast); and at Leoben to 150 lbs. At Kaufing 44 cwts. of undried brown coal were found to have the same heating power as 16 or 18 cwts. of good soft wood. c. Turf was first used at Lauchhammer about 1820, at Ichoux in France in 1830, and later on at Königsbronn and Itzelberg in Würtemberg, at Rottenmann in in Styria, Wasseralfingen, Kallich in Bohemia, and Maximilianshütte¶ near Trautstein. The turf employed is either air dried or kiln dried with the application of blast. At Hammern and Ebenau** in Bavaria the direct applica- tion of turf on plane grates with blast is considered more advantageous than puddling with turf gas, because the fuel was more perfectly utilised, the mode of using it entailed less expense, and the workmen were less inconvenienced by the heat. C d. Wood was first used in the puddling process in 1819 at Skebo in Sweden, later on at Frantschach in Carinthia, Neuberg in Styria, Wolfsberg in Carinthia, in Polonia, &c. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1854, No. 36. LEOB., Jahrb., 1852, ii., 246. ‡ ZERRENNER'S Gasfeuerung, 1856, p. 218. || Ibid., p. 221. B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, p. 736; 1845, p. 337; 1850, p. 145. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1853, p. 112. DINGL., Bd. 96, p. 202; Bd., 59, p. 470. ¶ Preuss. Ztschr., iv., B. 236. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 275; vi., 221. LEOb., Jahrb., 1861, xi., 56. ** LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, xi., 48. 774 IRON. The wood, either air dried or kiln dried, is usually burned on common plane grates, and sometimes on grates with the draught from above (Sweden, Bavaria). In a few cases the wood is also burnt in a fire place without any grate*. Wood sustains a high temperature better than turf; it is also easier to dry, depending less on the state of the weather and is more easily procured of uniform quality on the other hand it is more expensive than turf, and seldom procurable. in quantities sufficient for a large production. In Russia part of the pig-iron is converted into malleable iron in puddling furnaces with wood, but the greater part is still treated in finery hearths. This compact fuel is sometimes so inferior in quality as to be unfit for a direct application, but it may produce a tem- perature sufficient for the puddling process when converted into combustible gases in a generator carried on either by mere draught, or by cold blast introduced from below. These gases are then burnt with hot blast. The firing with gas is chiefly advantageous if the production of a very high degree of temperature is required. For the production. of lower degrees of temperature with pulverulent fuel, step grates, &c., are best. The gas firing also has the advantage of allowing a better regulation of the air for combustion and the avoidance of the formation of smoke. When heating the combustible gases as is effected by Siemens's regenerators, a very high temperature may be produced. We purpose giving a description of Siemens's furnaces later on. similar heating of the gases may be obtained by conducting them downwards through a layer of burning fuel, when the intermixed steam will also be decomposed. A Sometimes also better qualities of fuel are converted into gas, which is a more convenient form. The waste gases from iron blast furnaces have been ap- plied for the heating of puddling furnaces, but without success. The gases produced in generators were first employed in 1839. * B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, PP. 448, 463. PUDDLING MATERIALS. 775 A single gas puddling furnace requires 300 cubic feet of blast per minute, and a double furnace requires 500 cubic feet. The blast is usually heated up to 100 or 150° C., and has a pressure of from 1 to 6 lines mercury. The following are the different gases produced in the generators :- a. Gases Produced from Wood.*-In the puddling pro- cess these gases produced from air-dried or kiln-dried wood give most satisfactory results. At Lippitzbach, 4 Austrian cubic feet of kiln-dried wood were consumed for the pro- duction of I cwt. of mill-bars; at Neuberg, 5 Austrian cubic feet, at Neuhüten in Bohemia, a compact mass without inter- stices of 6 Austrian cubic feet of wood; at Thiergarten, 87 cubic feet of air-dried wood, including the interstices; at Brezowa, 7.39 cubic feet of green wood and 6.39 cubic feet of dried wood; at Nadrag, from 5 to 6 cubic feet; at Unter- kochen, 15 or 16 Wurtembergian cubic feet of dried wood, including the interstices; at Zorge in the Hartz, from 9 to 14 cubic feet. Wood gases are also employed at Villote, Erzherzogl, Karlshütte, &c. For the production of 100 lbs. of mill-bars the best finery process (the Lancashire process, page 763) consumes at least II cubic feet of charcoal, which is equal to 22 cubic feet of wood, supposing the yield of coal to be 50 per cent, whilst the average consumption of wood in the puddling process amounts to about 8 cubic feet, equal to a saving of 63 per cent.f Wood may be considered as the best material for the pro- duction of gas, as it permits of a ready storing and of great cleanliness. Turf requires larger store-houses and its amount of ash and water are inconvenient. 2. Gases Produced from Turf.‡-The amount of ash and water contained in turf is so large that the production of gas from this kind of fuel has been often abandoned (at the B. u. h. Ztg., 1846, p. 169; 1849, No. 6; 1851, p. 1; 1852, p. 610. Preuss. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1853, p. 3; 1854, p. 207; 1855, pp. 219, 251. Ztschr., 1856, iii., Lief. 4. + Berggeist, 1858, p. 147. B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, P. 93. + Bgwkfd., xiii., 39; xvi., 430. B. u. h. Ztg., 1849, p. 81; 1851, p. 1; 1855, PP. 139, 150. DINGL., Bd. 131, p. 153; Bd. 132, p. 272. 776 IRON. Upper Hartz and Ilsenburg, for instance), where for this reason the direct employment of mineral coal is preferred. The first experiments for the application of turf gases were made at Lauchhammer. The fire-place of the generator should be provided with an inclined perforated iron plate instead of a grate. Turf gases are used in the following iron works :—At Buchscheiden,* consuming from 10 to 12 cubic feet of air- dried turf per 100 lbs. of mill bars; at Freudenbergt (12 cubic feet; at Kessen‡ (12.71 cubic feet); at Ebenau|| (17 cubic feet); at Mandelholz,§ in the Hartz, 304 cubic feet of turf were formerly consumed per 100 lbs. of puddling iron when using the generator without blast, and 29'6 cubic feet when using blast. At present 2'75 cubic feet of mineral coal are consumed in producing the same quantity of iron, and 2:56 cubic feet (102.25 lbs.) of coal are consumed at Königshütte in the Hartz. Turf which has been well dried in kilns and does not con- tain above 6 per cent of ash when air-dried, produces tem- peratures as high as those produced by wood, and the con- sumption of fuel is about equal. At Lippitzbach, for instance, 33 cubic feet of wood (compact mass), equal to 115 lbs. when air-dried, were consumed per 100 lbs. of mill bars; whilst 12 cubic feet of turf, including the interstices, weighing 125 lbs., were required to produce the same quan- tity of iron. The ash contained in the turf necessitates more frequent stoking and cleaning of the fire, therefore, in comparison to wood, from 8 to 10 per cent more may be consumed in pro- ducing a certain quantity of iron, and the production of iron may be 10 per cent less. c. Brown Coal Gases** are used less often than turf gases, as the brown coals are frequently rich in ash and water, and * LEOB, Jahrb., vi., 148. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 106; 1859, p. 287; 1860, p. 208. Zerrenner's Gasfeuerung, i., p. 194. Ibid., p. 203. LEOB., Jahrb., xi., 21. HARTM., Fortschr., iii., 223. LEOB., Jahrb., 1857, vi., 129. Bgwkfd., vii., 26; xi., 249, 309; xvii., 661. 1845, p. 521; 1849, P. 437; 1851, p. 1. B. u. h. Ztg., 1844, p. 89; TUNNER'S Jahrb., 1842, P. 257. PUDDLING MATERIALS. 777 fall into too small pieces when dried. It is then advisable with an inclined perforated Most of the iron works we to burn them in a fire-place iron plate instead of a grate. mentioned under the heading Brown Coal on page 772 also make use of brown coal gases. d. Gases Produced from Coal.- Non-caking coal is best adapted for this purpose. The erection and repairs of the generators are more expensive than those for the production of the former gases. Coal gases are employed at Kirchhunden in Siegen for puddling steel, as they allow a better regulation of the temperature, thus saving from 35 to 40 per cent of coal, whilst the yield is increased from 5 to 10 per cent, and the process is performed in a shorter time. Gases have also been produced from charcoal and coke. Krause and Taylor recommend the application of hydrogen gas; they produce it by conducting steam over red-hot iron, and Levick suggests the application of an admixture of carbonic oxide and hydrogen, producing it by the decom- position of steam by glowing coals. 3. In the re-heating of the puddled iron. When re-heating the iron in hearths, coal, coke, or a mix- ture of both is most frequently used; charcoal only on rare occasions. At Rothehütte in the Hartz 1°54 cubic feet (61.6 lbs.) of coal and o˚2 or 0.3 of cinders are consumed per 100 lbs. of wrought-iron; at Königshütte (Hartz), o'93 cubic foot, and at Zorge (Hartz), from 50 to 60 lbs. per 100 lbs. of wrought- iron. When re-heating in reverberatory furnaces the same kinds. of fuel are used as in the puddling process, whilst the pyro- metric effect of the fuel is increased as much as possible by a suitable construction of the apparatus (Siemens's furnaces, the application of hot blast under the grate, &c.) a. Coal is most generally used; from 40 to 70 lbs. are required per 100 lbs. of wrought-iron, and 4 or 5 cwts. of coal are consumed hourly in one reverberatory furnace. The Berggeist, 1859, No. S5. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 235. 778 IRON. application of blast under the grate saves one-third of the coal, the process is accelerated, small coal rich in ash may be used, and the time required for cleaning the grate is con- siderably shortened. At Neustadt (Hanover) the blast under the grate caused a saving of 42 per cent of coal, the produc- tion of steam by the escaping flame was increased by 25 per cent, and the production of iron by from 16 to 20 per cent, whilst the waste or loss of iron was lessened by several per cents. Similar results have been obtained in Westphalia* (Hörde, &c.), where, besides the decreased waste of grate bars, the welding of the iron was more perfect, as less air is admitted through the working opening when the blast is applied under the grate. Surprisingly large productions have been obtained in Southern France by applying the blast below the grate. b. Brown Coal is used at Maximilianshütte (page 772); Prävali (page 773), consuming from 126 to 129 lbs. of brown coal per 100 lbs. of blooms; at Krems (page 773), consuming 170 lbs. of coal per 100 lbs. of finished iron; at Leoben (page 773), Lilienberg, Eibiswald, Meutern, Donawitz, and Neu- berg in Styria. Sometimes the consumption of coal decreases to 100 lbs. or even 70 lbs. c. Turf, used at Maximilianshütte, &c. (page 773). d. Wood is a good material when kiln-dried; at Feistritz in Carinthia 12 cubic feet of wood (compact mass) are con- sumed per 100 lbs. of rolled bars produced. Wood is also used at Neuberg in Styria, Wolfsberg and Lippitzbach in Carinthia, Lesjöfors in Sweden, Kallich and Reichenau in Bohemia, &c. Fuel in the form of Gas produces the highest effect in Siemens's regenerator furnaces; compared with common reverberatory furnaces, about 66 per cent of fuel is saved. The fuel employed may be of inferior quality, and, according to Scheerer, the temperature may rise to 4000° C. Waste gases of iron blast furnaces have been experiment- ** Berggeist, 1860, No. 69. HARTM., Fortschr., v. 209. PUDDLING MATERIALS. 779 ally employed at Ludwigshütte in Hesse, but without any good results. Wood Gases give good results; they were first employed in 1842 at Audincourt and Bourguignon in France, after- wards at Hammerau, and on a large scale at Lesjöfors and Surahammer in Sweden in Eckmann's reverberatory furnace. In this furnace 4 or 5 cubic feet of wood were consumed at Lesjöfors per 100 lbs. of wrought-iron, and from 5 to 7 cubic feet at Rhonitz. nace. Charcoal Gases* are also employed in Eckmann's fur- In Swedish iron works 3 cubic feet of charcoal were consumed per 100 lbs. of finished iron; 6.52 cubic feet at Hirschwang near Reichenau, and 6 or 7 cubic feet at Rhonitz. The furnaces are more easily conducted, and may be kept cleaner if heated with kiln-dried wood than if charcoal is used. Wood which has not been kiln-dried does not produce the required high temperature. Turf Gases are also often employed, at Andervillierst in Switzerland for example, where 0138 cubic metres or 85 kilos. of turf are consumed per 100 kilos. of finished iron. They are also used in Sweden for heating Eckmann's fur- nace, and at Buchscheiden (page 775), consuming 144 cubic feet of turf per 100 lbs. of hammered blooms. C. Fluxes. A. In the Refining of Pig-Iron.-When performing this operation in hearths, refinery slags, fluor-spar, or lime are sometimes added, and lime alone if refining in reverberatory furnaces. Calcareous fluxes facilitate the separation of sul- phur and phosphorus, but prolong the process, as they produce a thickly liquid slag, which impedes the influence of the blast; but the extra expense thus incurred is balanced by the superior quality of the refined metal. An addition of slag is advisable when treating pig-iron containing only a small amount of silicon and not producing a sufficient quantity of slag by itself, for an insufficient amount of slag * ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 104, No. 12. TUNNER, Jahrb., 1852, p. 233. Polyt. Centr., Bd. 143, p. 254. B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, p. 26. 780 IRON. impedes the process and causes the production of an inferior and non-uniform iron. B. In the Puddling Process.-a. Slags rich in oxygen, chiefly those of the re-heating furnaces, finery hearths, and rich puddling slags; it is best to use these slags or cinders in a roasted state, when they will react as in the finery process (page 736). Hammer slag, rich and pure iron ores, &c., also facilitate the puddling process and increase the yield. In English and Scotch iron works, for instance, the red iron. ore from Lancashire and Cumberland is generally employed. Wrought-Iron Scraps are sometimes added to the melted iron after having used the first paddle or ringer; they assist the iron in coming to nature, and, owing to their metallic iron, they are to be preferred to hammer slag, &c. Whilst more oxidising fluxes are given in addition at the production of fibrous iron, fewer basic slags are added when aiming at the production of fine-grained iron.* b. Schafhäutl's Powder is used principally when treating pig-iron containing sulphur, and oftener when producing. fine-grained iron.t The powder is added in several portions. enveloped in paper cornets; the first portion is usually added immediately after having melted down the iron. Some- times, instead of a mixture of brown stone and common salt, each component is employed by itself. Couailhac uses the following compositions at different periods of the process :-50 parts of iron ore, 50 of potters' clay, 20 of lime, and 10 of common salt when melting down; immediately after 10 parts of slag obtained from hammering the iron, 10 of rich slag from the rolls, 2 of common salt, 3 of lime; next 12 parts of ore, 3 of slag from the hammer; and after the iron comes to nature 2 parts of slags from the rolls, I of lime, and of common salt. c. According to Richter, litharge facilitates the oxida- tion of sulphur better than brown stone, as owing to its greater fusibility, it comes more intimately into contact with HARTM., Fortschr., v., 199. ↑ Ibid., 204. Berggeist., 1861, p. 76. || LEOB., Jahrb., 1860, x., 505. PUDDLING APPARATUS. 781 the iron; sometimes, also, brown stone contains a little copper. At Wolfsberg favourable results were obtained from the application of litharge, but at Zeltweg* the re- sults were less satisfactory. d. Steam in its usual state has a cooling reaction, but when superheated it is advantageously employed for the extraction of sulphur, at Dowlaist for instance; but the apparatus required is exceedingly expensive. Fleury suggests that an electric current employed in the puddling process has a purifying action upon the iron. C. In the Re-heating Process.-When re-heating in hearths and in reverberatory furnaces, sand is thrown on to the heated iron, thus dissolving the oxidised iron and pre- venting a further oxidation; the iron will then weld thoroughly together. Nasmyth suggests the possibility of expelling the oxidised iron by the influence of blows of the hammer, and obtaining a more intimate combination by making the ends of the iron to be welded together of a convex shape. It is said that better results are obtained by brushing the iron to be welded with a concentrated solution of water glass than by using sand. Puddling Apparatus. Puddling works should contain the following plant :—Ap- paratus for refining the pig-iron (refinery hearths or reverbera- tory furnaces); puddling furnaces for converting the crude iron into wrought-iron; hammers, rolls, and squeezers of different construction for blooming the puddled balls; re- heating hearths or reverberatory furnaces, hammers and rolls for drawing out the blooms into bars; besides tools of different kind. The apparatus for refining the pig-iron have been de- scribed on pages 721 and 729, and though they are more often * LEOB., Jahrb., 1861, xi., 300. † TRURAN, Manufacture of Iron. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 439. || Ibid., 1862, p. 343. 782 IRON. employed for the puddling process than for the finery pro- cess, their use has been limited to a great extent since the introduction of the boiling process. Puddling Furnaces.-Their construction depends chiefly on the nature of the fuel (furnaces with direct firing, or heated with gas), on the quality of the iron to be produced (whether the iron is to be fibrous or fine-grained), on the nature of the pig-iron, on the size of the production (single and doubles furnaces), on the consumption of fuel, on the utilisation of the waste heat, &c. Under all circumstances the furnaces must be constructed so as to produce a tem- perature as high as the welding heat of iron* (about 1600° C.). Plagget states that from 50 to 80 per cent of the tempera- ture produced in a puddling furnace escapes through the flue. A puddling furnace has the following principal parts :— 1. Fire Place.-Its construction and size vary chiefly with the nature of the fuel; this will be explained in the subsequent descriptions. Firing with Coal.-The following grates are employed. according to the tendency the coal has to cake :- Plane Grates, more or less inclined. The grate is often inclined upwards towards the fire bridge, in order to produce a more uniform fire. On perfectly level grates the fire is less lively on the back part, that at the side of the fire bridge ; when the grate is raised at the back a thinner layer of fuel will cover it, allowing a more perfect permeation of the atmo- spheric air. This arrangement also promotes a more inti- mate contact of the flame with hot air before entering the furnace hearth, thus more perfectly consuming the smoke. When the grate inclines the other way, the interstices between the grate rods are better kept open, but the fuel accumulates on the back part of the grate, and is more charred than burnt. This construction is sometimes adopted when large flaming coal is burned. * SCHEUCHENSTUEL, Entwickelung des theoret. Windbedarfs und der erreich- baren Hitzgrade bei den Braunkohlengas-Puddelöfen in Zerrenner's Gas- feuerung, 1856, p. 39. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 235. PUDDLING APPARATUS. 783 In puddling furnaces burning from 70 to 90 kilos. of coal per hour, the grate measures about o'7 or o‘9 square metre, the hearth three times as much, and the chimney is 12 or 14 metres high, its section measuring o'2 metre, or a quarter the size of the grate. The grate bars lie from 15 to 20 milli- metres apart, and the effective part of the grate is of the whole grate when burning good coal. The fire place of re- heating furnaces is somewhat larger. The stoking hole, which must be kept closed, is placed from 30 to 35 centimetres above the grate, and measures about 0'04 square metre. Clinker grates are occasionally employed, and sometimes two plate grates side by side. A puddling furnace used at Königshütte in the Hartz is re- presented by Figs. 233 to 238. A is the fire-place; B, the FIG. 233. } h D d C N d B- A k L 5 10F! 4 hearth; c, the flue; D, the chimney. a are 17 wrought-iron grate rods 1 inches square with interstices inch wide between them; b are cross bars supporting the grate bars; c is a cast-iron plate supporting the brickwork above the grate; d is an opening through which the fuel is thrown on the grate; e, an iron case fixed before that opening; f, furnace lining of fire-bricks; g, h, walling of common bricks; i, cast- iron plates surrounding the furnace walling provided with grappling irons; k, opening admitting air below the grate; 7, fire-bridge formed of fire-bricks; m, the furnace roof, also 784 IRON. formed of fire-bricks; ", cast-iron bottom plate consisting of two parts; o is a cast-iron hollow box surrounding the fur- nace hearth; it is closed at the ends, p, and covered with fire-bricks; q is a tube introducing cold water into the FIG. 234. C b b T S 0 I' 点 ​D 70 พ p 10 F* d C channel of the cast-iron sides; after circulating in the sides the water flows out at r into the trough, s, used for cooling the tools; t is a pipe connected with the cast-iron sides for FIG. 235. 5LLE. b J y p q نا i Vay i 5 10F evolving the steam formed; u is the working opening of the furnace, I foot 4 inches high and 1 foot 6 inches broad; it is furnished with the door, v, I foot 6 inches high, I foot 7 inches broad, and 4 inches thick. This door may be PUDDLING APPARATUS. 785 drawn up, and contains an aperture 4 inches square, which may be closed by means of a plate (Fig. 238). w is an iron plate I foot 10 inches long, 6 inches broad, and 2 inches thick, fixed before the working opening; x, the tapping-hole FIG. 236. 2 (Scale also for Figs. 237 and 238.) 3Ft for the slag in the level of the bottom plate, n; y are standards supporting the chimney; z is a damper movable by the damper rod, a'; b' is a vault to diminish the amount of brick- work and to cool the lower part of the chimney; c' is a cast- FIG. 238. FIG. 237. CC iron plate provided with a gutter inch deep for removing slag from the chimney; d', an opening conducting the slag into c'; e' is a funnel kept filled with burning coal to prevent a chilling of the flue slag; g' are iron plates covering the foundation; h' are iron plates in the chimney walling. FIG. 239. Section E, F, G. C. A D C b VOL. II. 3 E D B B 10 Ft 786 IRON. Larger grates with blast under them are sometimes used to produce higher temperatures in the furnaces. Step-Grates combined with plane grates are employed when burning dry coal; for instance, at Alvenslebenhütte* FIG. 240. y y h == C מ o . 30 ас у $ 10Ft in Upper Silesia, where they are used in puddling furnaces both for fibrous and for fine-grained iron. A furnace for the production of fine-grained iron has a deeper hearth, and the process is carried on with the addition of poorer cinder, i FIG. 241. Section A, B. y 40ft D E C/ LELA C 7. T B A ی 10 ს 1350 * Schles. Wochenschr., 1859, 398. HARTM., Fortschr., v., 200. Ztg., 1862, p. 185. с B. u. h. PUDDLING APPARATUS. 787 whilst richer slag is added when producing fibrous iron. Owing to the corroding nature of the poor slag the fire-bridge and the flue-bridge must be cooled either with air or water, whilst this is required less in the furnaces for dry puddling, in which the lower part of the side walls is bricked up with fire-bricks, which concentrate the heat better than cooled iron walls. The greater height of the fire-bridge in puddling furnaces for fine-grained iron causes the flame to act less upon the metal. The puddling furnace at Alvenslebenhütte for the produc- tion of fine-grained iron is shown in Figs. 239, 240, and 241. The cast-iron hearth lining, o, consists of six pieces; to facili- tate changing the two side pieces are cast hollow, jets of water are injected into them, and the pieces are provided with feet (Fig. 241), thus forming a channel for the circulation of air. Two of the pieces slightly curved form the back wall, two smaller three-cornered pieces form the combination D TT 2' FIG. 242. Section D, E. 1 C B R 77) 78 6 Et A with the working door. The cast-iron bottom plate consists. of three pieces, and is provided with projections on its sur- face indicating the position of the six cast-iron side pieces. The other letters of the figures have the same signification as those used in Figs. 233 to 235. 3 E 2 788 IRON. A puddling furnace at Alvenslebenhütte for the common puddling process is shown in Figs. 242 and 243. The side walls, o, of the furnace hearth are formed of fire-bricks, and rest upon the bottom plate, n, which consists of three plates, FIG. 243. Section B, C. D C d 1 C' f 77. и B 7 d น 5 G' e 20 Ft E 曰​: and is supported by a cast-iron frame. On the side of the working opening, u, the furnace is provided with a second opening, u', which may be closed with a door. The flue- bridge, f, has a hole, m', for conducting the slag to the opening, d', by means of the gutter, c'. This hole is kept closed with sand, coal, and slag, and is opened according to FIG. 244. α a 7 h k 5 10 Ft requirement. The other letters of the figures are the same as in Figs. 233 to 235. At Alvensleben the cost of erecting a furnace of this kind is 1330 thalers, or about £200. Puddling furnaces with Brown Coal Firing are of the same construction as the furnaces for mineral coal, and vary according to the quality of the brown coal. SIEMENS'S REGENERATIVE GAS FUrnace. 789 Furnaces with plane grates, and with or without the appli- cation of blast, are used. To heat the blast it is made to circulate in the fire-bridge and the flue-bridge, and also in a worm tube below the grate heated by the cinder falling from the grate. The blast is introduced into the furnace above the fire-bridge by means of seven blast pipes, each of an inch in diameter. 3 Step grates with and without the application of blast are likewise in use. The furnace represented by Fig. 244 is used at Maximilianshütte for the employment of turf as fuel. a is the fire-hole; b, the grate; d, the fire-bridge into which cold blast is conducted by means of the tubes, c; the blast then enters the wind-box or reservoir, f, the upper part of which is provided with a slit 26 inches long and 3 of an inch wide, evolving the blast against the roof of the furnace, thus pro- tecting the finished balls from oxidation. The reservoir is cast outside with spikes to consolidate its coating of loam. h is a space below the flue used for a preparatory warming of the iron to be puddled. The part of the flue is covered with iron, thus conducting heat into the chamber, k, in which the turf is dried; I is the chimney. At the commencement of the operation the pres- sure of the blast is equal to 2 inches of water, during smelt- ing 6 inches, and when forming the balls from 2 to 3 inches. When using wood as fuel the grate is formed either of bricks or a perforated iron plate; sometimes the air is intro- duced from above. The construction of furnaces for the use of gaseous fuel varies in the different establishments, chiefly according to the material employed for the production of the gas. Amongst these furnaces Siemens's regenerative gas furnace. is of the greatest importance. As the principle of Siemens's furnace is suited to various operations requiring high tem- perature, such as melting steel and glass, re-heating iron, &c., it may be justly considered as one of the greatest and most ingenious inventions on the utilisation of fuel. We therefore propose to describe this furnace in extenso from communications which have been kindly made to us by Mr. C. W. Siemens, F.R.S.: 790 IRON. The advantages of the regenerative gas furnaces are:- 1. Saving of fuel, amounting to 40 or 50 per cent in quantity; also the most inferior qualities of fuel, such as slack, coke dust, lignite, and peat, may be employed, producing a money saving in many instances amounting to 75 per cent. 2. Increase of work done per day in a furnace of given dimensions, amounting to 30 per cent or more, owing to the unlimited command of heat, with low chimney draught. 3. Great purity of flame, which greatly diminishes the oxidation or deterioration of the metal heated in the furnace. 4. Increased durability of the furnace, owing to the absence of ashes and a perfect uniformity of heat throughout the furnace. 5. Saving of space within the works and great cleanliness of operation, the fuel being converted into gas outside the works. 6. Complete command of the intensity of the heat and of the chemical nature of the flame, which may be arrested or changed from a reducing to an oxidising flame, or the reverse, at any moment, thus tending to facilitate and improve all metallurgical operations. 7. Complete absence of smoke from the stack, which pre- vents this furnace being injurious in large towns. The late Professor Faraday, in his last Friday evening lecture at the Royal Institution, on the 20th June, 1862, described these furnaces in the following terms :— "The gaseous fuel is obtained by the mutual action of coal, air, and water, at a moderate red heat. A brick chamber, perhaps 6 feet by 12 feet, and about 10 feet high, has one of its end walls converted into a fire-grate, i.e., about half way down it is a solid plate, and for the rest of the distance con- sists of strong horizontal plate bars where air enters, the whole being at an inclination such as that which the side of a heap of coals would naturally take. Coals are poured through openings above upon this combination of wall and grate, and being fired at the under surface, they burn at the place where the air enters; but as the layer of coal is from 2 to 3 feet thick, various operations go on in those parts of the fuel which cannot burn for want of air. Thus the upper and SIEMENS'S REGENERATIVE GAS FURNACE. 791 cooler part of the coal produces a large body of hydrocarbons. The cinders or coke which are not volatilised approach in descending towards the grate. That part which is nearest the grate burns with the entering air into carbonic acid, and the heat evolved ignites the mass above it. The carbonic acid passing slowly through the ignited carbon becomes converted into carbonic oxide, and mingles in the upper part of the chamber (or gas producer) with the hydrocarbons. The water, which is purposely introduced at the bottom of the arrangement is first vaporised by the heat, and then decomposed by the ignited fuel, and re-arranged as hydrogen and carbonic oxide, and only the ashes of the coal are re- moved as solid matter from the chamber at the bottom of the fire-bars. These mixed gases form the gaseous fuel. The nitrogen which entered with the air at the grate is mingled with them, constituting about a third of the whole volume. The gas rises up a large vertical tube for 12 or 15 feet, after which it proceeds horizontally for any required distance and then descends to the heat regenerator, through which it passes before it cnters the furnaces. A regenerator is a chamber packed with fire-bricks, separated so as to allow of the free passage of air or gas between them. There are four placed under a furnace. The gas ascends through one of these chambers whilst air ascends through the neighbouring cham- ber, and both are conducted through passage outlets at one end of the furnace, where, mingling, they burn, producing the heat due to their chemical action. Passing onwards to the other end of the furnace, they (i.e., the combined gases) find precisely similar outlets down which they pass; and traversing the two remaining regenerators from above down- wards, heat them intensely, especially the upper part, and so travel on in their cooled state to the shaft or chimney. Now the passages between the four regenerators and the gas and air are supplied with valves and deflecting plates, which are like four-way cocks in their action, so that by the use of a lever those regenerators and air-ways which were carrying off the expended fuel can in a moment be used for conducting air and gas into the furnace; and those which 792 IRON. just before had served to carry air and gas into the furnace now take the burnt fuel away to the stack. It is to be observed that the intensely heated flame which leaves the furnace for the stack always proceeds downwards through the regenerators, so that the upper part of them is most intensely heated, keeping back as it does the intense heat; and so effectual are they in this action that the gases which enter the stack to be cast into the air are not usually above 300° Fahr. of heat. On the other hand, the entering gas and air always pass up- wards through the regenerators, so that they attain a tem- perature equal to a white heat before they meet in the furnace, and there add to the carried heat that due to their mutual chemical action. It is considered that when the furnace is in full order, the heat carried forward to be evolved by the chemical action is about 4000°, whilst that carried back by the regenerator is about 3000°, making an intensity of power which, unless moderated on purpose, would fuse furnace. and all exposed to its action. "Thus the regenerators are alternately heated and cooled by the outgoing and entering gas and air, and the time for alteration is from half an hour to an hour, as observation may indicate. The motive power on the gas is of two kinds; a slight excess of pressure within is kept up from the gas producer to the bottom of the regenerator to prevent air entering and mingling with the fuel before it is burnt, but from the furnace downward through the regenerators the advance of the heated medium is governed mainly by the draught in the tall stack or chimney. "Great facility is afforded in the management of these furnaces. If (applying the furnaces, for instance, to the manufacture of glass), whilst glass is in the course of manu- facture an intense heat is required, an abundant supply of gas and air is given; when the glass is made and the con- dition has to be reduced to working temperature the quantity of fuel and air is reduced. If the combustion in the furnace is required to be gradual from end to end the inlets of air and gas are placed more or less apart the one from the other. The gas is lighter than the air, and if a rapid evolution of heat is required, as in a short puddling furnace, the mouth SIEMENS'S REGENERATIVE GAS FURNace. 793 of the gas inlet is placed below that of the air inlet; if the reverse is required, as in the long tube welding furnace, the contrary arrangement is used. Sometimes, as in the enamel- ler's furnace, which is a long muffle, it is requisite that the heat be greater at the door end, because the goods being put in and taken out at the same end, those which enter last and are withdrawn first, remain, of course, for a shorter time in the heat at that end; and though the fuel and air enters first at one end and then at the other alternately, still the necessary difference of temperature is preserved by the adjustment of the apertures at the ends. "Not merely can the supply of gas and air to the furnace be governed by valves in the passages, but the very pro- duction of the gas fuel itself can be diminished, or even stopped, by cutting off the supply of air to the grate of the gas producer, and this is important, inasmuch as there is no gasometer to receive and preserve the aëriform fuel, for it proceeds at once to the furnaces. "Some of the furnaces have their contents open to the fuel and combustion, as in the puddling and metal melting arrangements; others are enclosed, as in the muffle furnaces and flint-glass furnaces. "The economy in the fuel is estimated practically as one- half, even when the same kind of coal is used either directly for the furnace or for the gas producer, but, as in the latter case, the most worthless kind can be employed, such as slack, &c., which can be converted into a clean gaseous fuel at a distance from the place of the furnace, so many ad- vantages seem to present themselves in this part of the arrangement." Professor Faraday concludes his lecture with the following calculations: "Carbon burnt perfectly into carbonic acid in a gas pro- ducer would evolve about 4000° of heat; but if burnt into carbonic oxide it would only evolve 1200°. The carbonic oxide in its fuel form carries on with it the 2800 in chemical force, which it evolves when burning in the real furnace with a sufficient supply of air. The remaining 1200° are employed in the gas producer in distilling hydro-carbons, decomposing 794 IRON. water, &c. The whole mixed gaseous fuel can evolve about 4000° in the furnace, to which the regenerator can return about 3000 more." Figs. 245, 246, 247 and 248 show the general arrangement of the furnace. It consists of two essential parts :— The gas producer, in which the coal or other fuel is con- verted into combustible gas; and The furnace with its "regenerators" or chambers for storing the waste heat of the flame, and giving it up to the in-coming air or gas. FIG. 245. O A I E C H G Ꭻ Section of the Gas Producer. The puddling furnace is of very nearly the ordinary form. The gas producer is shown in Fig. 245; it is a rectangular fire-brick chamber. The side, B, is inclined at an angle of SIEMENS'S REGENERATIVE GAS FURNACE. 795 from 45° to 60°, and has the grate, c, at its foot. The fuel of any description, coal, coke, lignite, peat, or even saw-dust, is filled in through a hopper, A, at the top of the incline, and falls in a thick bed upon the grate. Air is admitted at the grate, and on burning its oxygen unites with the carbon of the fuel, forming carbonic acid gas, which rises slowly through the ignited mass, taking up an additional equivalent of carbon, and thus forming carbonic oxide. The heat thus produced distils off carburetted hydrogen and other gases and vapours from the fuel as it descends gradually towards the grate, and the carbonic oxide diluted by the inert nitro- gen of the air and any small quantity of unreduced carbonic acid, and mixed with these gases and vapours distilled from the raw fuel, is finally led off by the gas flue to the furnace. The ashes and clinkers accumulated in the grate are re- moved at intervals of one or two days. E is a pipe supplying a little water to the ash-pit, to be decomposed as it evaporates and comes in contact with the incandescent fuel, thus forming hydrogen and carbonic oxide, which serve to enrich the gas; G is a small plug-hole by which the state of the fire may be inspected, and the fuel moved by a bar if necessary, and D is a sliding damper by which the gas producer may be at any time shut off from the flue. A slight outward pressure must be maintained through the whole length of the gas flue leading to the furnace, in order to prevent the burning of the gas in the flue through the in-draught of air through crevices in the brickwork. Where the furnace stands much higher than the gas producers, the required pressure is at once obtained; but the furnaces and gas producers are more often placed nearly on the same level, and some special arrangement is neces- sary to maintain the pressure in the flue. The most simple contrivance for this purpose is the "elevated cooling tube." The hot gas is carried up by a brick stack, H, to a height of 8 or 10 feet above the top of the gas producer, and is led through a horizontal sheet-iron cooling tube, J (Fig. 245), from which it passes down either directly to the furnace or into an underground brick flue. 796 IRON. The gas rising from the producer, at a temperature of about 1000° Fahr., is cooled as it passes along the tube above, and the descending column is consequently denser and heavier than the ascending column of the same length, and con- tinually overbalances it. In fact, the system forms a syphon in which the two limbs are of equal length, but one is filled with a heavier gaseous fluid than the other. In erecting a number of gas producers and furnaces it is generally preferable to group the producers together, leading the gas into one main flue, from which the several furnaces are supplied. The puddling furnace proper is shown in Figs. 246, 247, and 248. FIG. 246. Front Elevation of Puddling Furnace. Fig. 246 is a front elevation of the furnace, showing the gas reversing valve and flues in section. Fig. 247 is a longitudinal section at A, B, C, D (Fig. 248). SIEMENS'S REGENERATIVE GAS FURNACE. 797 C I FIG. 247. E ·E, 洗​慈 ​「豬​藏珍​殊​孩​饭 ​麻​豬​海 ​斯​烤 ​86 187 39 10 226, 226,200 108 107 A 海鮮 ​滋味 ​H M 您​溪​滾​源​开 ​滋​源 ​魚​鹽​洗​吸 ​Fig. 248 is a sectional plan at L, M (Fig. 247). FIG.248. F K C A 'B F C F K 級數​: D The peculiarity of the regenerative gas furnace, as ap- plied to puddling, or to any process in which a high heat is required, consists in the utilisation in the furnace of nearly the whole of the heat of combustion of the fuel, by heating the gas and air as they enter by means of the waste heat of the products of combustion after they have left the furnace and are of no further use for the operation. The waste 798 IRON. heat is, so to speak, intercepted on its passage to the chimney by means of masses of fire bricks stacked in an open or loose manner in certain chambers, called "regenera- tor chambers,” C, E, E', c' (Fig 247). On first lighting the furnace the gas passes in through the gas regulating valve, B (Fig. 246), and the gas reversing valve, B', and is led into the flue, M, and thence into the bottom of the regenerator chamber, c (Fig. 247); while the air enters through a corresponding "air reversing valve" behind the valve, B', and passes thence through the flue, N, into the regenerator chamber, E. The currents of gas and air, both quite cold, rise separately through the regenerator chambers, c and E, and pass up through the flues, G, G, and F, F, F (Fig. 248) respectively, into the furnace above, where they meet and are lighted, and burn, producing a moderate heat. The products of combustion pass away through a similar set of flues at the other end of the furnace into the regenerator chambers, c', E', and thence through the flues, M', N', and through the gas and air reversing valves, into the chimney flue, o. The waste heat is thus deposited in the upper courses of open fire-brick work filling the chambers, c', E', so heating them while the lower portion and the chimney flue are still quite cool; then in about an hour the reversing valves, B' (through which the gas and air are admitted to the furnace) are reversed by the levers, P, and the air and gas enter through the regenerator cham- bers, E', c', which have just been heated by the waste pro- ducts of combustion, and in passing up through the open brickwork they are heated, and then on meeting and entering into combustion in the furnace, D, D, they produce a very high temperature, probably 500° Fahr. higher than if ad- mitted cold; the waste heat from this higher temperature of combustion heats the previously cold regenerator chambers, C, E, to a correspondingly higher heat. After about an hour's work, the reversing valves are again reversed, and the air and gas enter the first pair of regenerator chambers, C, E, which are now very hot, and therefore the air and gas become very hot, and on entering the furnace in this state they meet and enter into combustion, thus producing a still higher SIEMENS'S REGENERATIVE GAS FURNACE. 799 temperature, probably 500° higher still, and again heating the second pair of regenerator chambers, c', E', so much higher, which enables them again to heat the air and gas to a still higher degree, when the valves, B', are reversed. Thus we obtain an accumulation of heat and an accession of temperature step by step, so to speak, until the furnace reaches the required heat; for unless cold materials are put in to be heated, and thus abstract heat, the temperature rises as long as the furnace holds together, and the supply of air and gas is continued. The heat is at the same time so thoroughly abstracted from the products of combustion by the regenerators that the chimney flue is always quite cool. The command of the temperature of the furnace and of the quality of the flame is made complete by means of the gas and air regulating valves shown at B, in Fig. 246, and by the chimney damper. These are opened to any re- quired extent by the notched rods, Q, R, and s (Fig. 246) respectively, so that having the power of producing as high a temperature as can be desired, there is also the power of varying it according to the requirements of each individual case. The bed of the furnace, D, D, is of the ordinary construc- tion, formed on iron plates, and is provided with water- bridges at the ends, as shown, to protect the "fettling" (or oxide of iron used for lining the furnace) from being melted away. The overflow of one of the water bridges is led into a sheet iron tank below the bed and then away. The evaporation from this tank keeps the bottom plates cool and preserves their cinder covering from melting off, and the steam is carried away by a draught of air entering through two holes, I, I (Fig. 246), below the tap hole, and passing off by small ventilating shafts, K, K (Fig. 248), at the back of the furnace. A heating chamber, H, is arranged at each end of the furnace, in which the charge of pig-iron may be heated to redness before it is introduced into the puddling chamber, D, D. The advantages of this furnace for puddling are that the heat can be raised to an almost unlimited degree, that the flame can be made at will, oxidising, neutral, or reducing, ง 800 IRON. without interfering with the temperature, that the in-draughts of air and cutting flames are avoided, and that the gas fuel is free from ashes, dust, and other impurities, which are carried into an ordinary puddling furnace from the grate. In this last respect the new furnace presents the same ad- vantages as puddling with wood. 2. Ash-Pit. The ash-pit is usually kept open, and some- times the upper part is closed, thus forming below the grate a space for the production of hot air. When employing blast under the grate the ash-pit must be perfectly closed; also it must be closed when conducting atmospheric air under the grate from outside the building by means of a channel or pipe. About o°8 or 1 metre below the grate the ash-pit may be advantageously provided with a sole of water. 3. The Furnace Hearth (Figs. 233 to 238) consists of the following parts:- a. Cast-iron bottom plate, 1, 3 or 4 inches thick. In order to facilitate the replacing of this plate it is frequently formed of two or three parts, which are joined by grooves and luted. On the sides the plate rests either on brick-work or in an iron frame, and the middle is supported by cast-iron bearers or bricked-up pillars, whilst air for cooling is admitted below. The dimensions of the hearth vary with the size of the charges (from 2 to 10 cwts.; the hearth usually comprises an area of about 20 cubic feet, that is to say, it is 4 or 5 feet long. and broad, and of a shape allowing throughout a free manipu- lation with the tools. In rare cases the hearths are movable. b. The Side Walls of the Hearth.-They are usually made either wholly or partially of fire-bricks, and sometimes of massive pieces of cast-iron if they come into contact with rich basic slags only. But hollow cast-iron boshes are usually inserted all around the hearth, which is kept cool by a circulation of air, blast, or water. The hole in the boshes. is 2 or 2 inches wide, and is square, round, or oval. Some- The times water is only injected in the hollow boshes. cast-iron sides or boshes are cast in several pieces, which facilitates their replacing. The steam formed in the boshes is emitted by a safety-tube (Fig. 233, t,) and when cooling PUDDLING APPARATUS. 801 the boshes with air they have a pipe sometimes 20 feet high, serving to increase the draught. Cooling with air is simpler but it is less effective when puddling grey thinly liquid iron. To increase the effect of the air the boshes are connected with a chimney, or the air is introduced in the form of blast. When employing cast-iron sides the dimensions of the hearth are not changed by the puddling process, as these sides only waste slightly; neither do they contribute to the scorification of iron as is effected by sides of fire-bricks. The cast-iron sides are usually lined inside with "bull dog," iron-ore, limestone, or some other material.* The back of the furnace-hearth is sometimes formed of pieces of wrought- iron or iron lumps. The height of the hearth sides is from 7 to 16 inches, and is varied according to whether the production of fibrous or fine-grained iron is intended. The furnaces for the fine- grained iron require a stronger draught for the production. of very high temperatures, and well made dampers for the regulation of the temperature. 4. The Fire-Bridge, 1 (Figs. 233 to 238), is occasionally constructed of fire-bricks, either massive or hollow, for cooling by a circulation of air; but it is almost everywhere now a hollow piece of cast-iron like the other hearth sides, of which the fire-bridge forms a part. This piece of iron forming the fire-bridge is lined on the top with fire-bricks, and on the side nearest to the grate. The bridge is 12 or 15 inches broad, and its height above the bottom plate varies from 12 to 20 inches, according to whether the pro- duction of fibrous or fine-grained iron is intended, and how much the iron is to be protected from the influence of the flame. The aperture between the fire-bridge and roof is 10 or 12 inches high, and in section it is usually half as large as the grate; the grate is generally placed in the level of the hearth-plate or somewhat deeper, but never higher. HARTM., Fortschr., iii., 232; iv., 200. B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 372; 1863, p. 272. VOL. II. 3 F 802 IRON. 5. The Flue-Bridge, f' (Figs. 233 to 238), is of the same construction as the fire-bridge, and usually some inches lower than the fire-bridge, thus allowing the cinder to run out on the sole of the flue by the aperture, d', which is sur- rounded with ignited coals. Sometimes the cinder is tapped off by a gutter (m' in Fig. 243) in the flue-bridge. 6. The Furnace Roof, m (Figs. 233 to 244).—The roof is either gradually inclined from the fire-bridge towards the bridge of the flue, its distance from the hearth or bottom plate being 20 or 30 inches; or the roof is horizontal till it comes near the flue-bridge. The thickness of the roof seldom exceeds 6 or 8 inches, as thicker roofs are liable to become fused. The single furnaces have on one of their long sides the working opening, u, 16 or 18 inches square and 8 or 12 inches above the bottom plate. Double furnaces have one of these openings on each of their long sides. The openings are closed with a sliding door, v. The double furnaces have larger hearths and grates, and may be worked by two men at the same time through the working doors on both sides of the furnaces; they admit of larger charges (up to 10 cwts.) and a larger production, whilst they are economical in fuel and in the erection. On the other hand, the resulting wrought-iron is not likely to be uniform in quality, and a greater loss of iron takes place than in single furnaces on account of the in- creased admission of air and the greater length of the operation. Double furnaces may, therefore, be advantageous* when working good pig-iron with expensive fuel (Carinthia). A double furnace treating pig-iron which has been previously warmed consumes about half as much fuel as a single furnace working cold pig-iron. Overmannt makes the following statements concerning the use of these furnaces in America :- "Throughout the States, on the eastern slope of the B. u. h. Ztg., 1857, pp. 176, 311, 432; 1859, p. 5. Preuss. Ztschr., iv., 236. LEOB., Jahrb., 1857, vi., 242; 1860, ix., 350. ZERRENNER'S Gasfeuerung, 1856, p. 176. + OVERMANN, Treatise on Metallury, New York, 1865. PUDDLING APPARATUS. 803 Alleghanies, we do not find many single puddling furnaces in operation; most of them are double furnaces with opposite doors, so that two men may be at work at the same time. The general dimensions of these furnaces are not much larger than those of a single furnace, and if any advantage exists in the single furnace over the double one, which is frequently asserted, it is in the comparatively larger dimen- sions of the hearth, which admits of the presence of more cinder in proportion to the iron worked at a time, and also the absence of the second door, in consequence of which the hearth is not so much cooled by the entrance of cold air. In general, the advantages of the double furnace so far predominate as to cause the gradual disappearance of the single one. The surface of the grate is here not often less than 15 square feet, the area of the hearth about 40 square feet, and the area of a section of the flue 2 square feet. The total length of the furnace, exclusive of stack, 12 or 13 feet, and the width outside 6 feet and from that to 7 feet. Behind the flue, in the prolongation of it, there is a stove for warming pigs. In some furnaces we find simply square cast-iron pipes of about 6 inches in width laid across the furnace, forming the fire and flue-bridges; these pipes project through the inclosure. By these means the caking of cinder through the bridges is prevented. In this instance, the hearth of the furnace is lined with soap-stone or mag- netic iron ore, which forms the boshes. In most of these furnaces hollow cast-iron boshes are inserted all around the hearth, which are kept cool by a circulation of air or blast, or, which is not often the case, by a circulation of water. Most of these furnaces are supplied with fresh air under the grate by means of fan blast. One fan with a diameter of 3 feet and performing from 700 to 800 revolutions supplies two furnaces. In this case the ash-pit is provided with iron doors, and the blast conducted in canals underground." Puddling and re-heating furnaces (mostly the puddling furnaces with a sand hearth) are sometimes provided with a working opening near the fire-bridge, and on the side near * Polyt. Centr., 1858, p. 794. 3 F 2 804 IRON. the flue they have a second smaller opening from 10 to 13 inches wide, and 12 or 13 inches above the bottom plate. The charges are worked alternately through the two openings, and now and then the smaller opening is used only for charging the pig-iron. The puddling furnaces at Montataire* are provided with two openings on each side, allowing four men to work at once. These quadruple furnaces save fuel considerably, but the resulting iron is apt to be not uniform. To prevent cooling of the furnace by an excessive admis- sion of air through the working opening, the working door is provided with a smaller aperture, which is wider inside than outside, so as to afford sufficient room for the tools. It may be closed by a plate, a (Fig. 237). Sometimes the roof is constructed with an inclination from the working side towards the opposite door, thus repelling the entering air. Furnaces with the blast under the grate act advantageously with regard to the admission of air. The working door, v (Fig. 236), with the working aperture is a cast-iron frame lined with fire- brick. The iron frame is cast with some ears, upon which may be placed a cross-bar fixed to the enclosing plates of the furnace, thus firmly fastening the door and preventing it from being lifted when forming the balls in the furnace. The same result is obtained by driving in an iron wedge between one side of the door and the door frame. The fore plate, w, is about 10 or 12 inches above the bottom plate and 15 inches below the roof, and serves especially as the fulcrum for the tool. A tap-hole, x, for running off the cinder is placed below the fore plate, and kept closed with clay during the manipulation. The fore plate is 1 or 2 inches deeper than the flue-bridge, and below it, inside the furnace, the hearth is lined with brick-work without any circulation either of air or water. The side walls of the furnace are enclosed with iron plates, which are firmly fastened with grap- pling irons. Openings in the plates about I square foot in area allow the circulation of the air below the bottom plate; this circulation is sometimes promoted by a special channel, k (Fig. 233), for the admission of air. * Polyt. Centr., 1860, p. 191. PUDDLING APPARATUS. 805 7. The Flue, c (Figs. 223 to 244), is almost invariably inclined downwards, thus forcing the flame to the bottom of the flue, and keeping the slag which passes over the flue- bridge in a liquid state. The wider the flue the stronger is the draught, but also the greater the loss of iron. In Eng- land, when using caking coal, 32 inches square area is given. to the flue per 1 square foot of the grate, and 21 square inches when using half anthracitic coal. As in America, the flue is sometimes prolonged, the prolongation forming a stove for warming the pigs, chiefly when treating white iron; this arrangement saves from 10 to 25 per cent of fuel. The escaping waste heat is also sometimes used for heating boilers, for drying fuel, and for heating blast when higher chimneys (above 100 feet) are required. The previous warming of the pig-iron is the more advan- tageous the longer the melting down lasts in proportion to the whole puddling operation, and therefore its advantages are greater for white pig than for grey. Warming stoves behind the flue-bridge are advisable if the puddling process is carried on with but little slag. Some- times the warming stove on the side of the flue (Low Moor*) or the lower part of the chimney is used for the purpose. The large production of the puddling furnaces in Southern Francet must be partly attributed to the warming stoves. 8. The Chimney, D (Figs. 233 to 244).—Each puddling furnace is provided either with a special chimney from 40 to 60 feet high, and about a quarter the section of the grate, or one chimney up to 180 feet high serves for several furnaces at the same time. On the top of each chimney is a damper (≈, in Fig. 235) to regulate the draught; the damper may be opened and shut to any extent by means of the lever and chain. When using the waste flame a higher chimney (up to 120 feet) is required; the draught is less influential when employing blast gas producers or blast under the grate, but chimney is still necessary to direct the flame. Caddik|| * HARTM., Fortschr., i., 273. B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 16. HARTM., Fortschr., v., 214. || Ibid., i., 266. 806 IRON. cools the chimney with steam. The section of the chimneys. of some English puddling works* is larger at the top than at the bottom. When erecting a puddling furnace the foundation for the chimney, about 10 feet deep and 6 feet square, is first formed with large quarry stones and with as little mortar as possible; the top of this foundation must be level with the ground. The iron plate, g' (Fig. 233), is placed upon this foundation and joined to it with grappling irons. This iron plate bears the four iron pillars, y, which again support the iron. plate, h'. Both plates are then connected by brick-work, which forms the lower part of the chimney, and the chimney is raised above the upper plate and provided with grappling irons. The further foundation is then formed of a layer of quarry stones, and of a brick course laid on edge resting upon the quarry stones, and upon this the fire-place is erected. The cast-iron plates arming the fire-place together with their grappling irons are now put in their places and fastened, and the hearth or bottom plate, n, is placed upon two brick walls about 7 inches thick, upon which the cast-iron boshes are arranged in their proper places. After having placed and fastened the remaining iron plates for arming the fur- nace, the fire-bridge, l, and the flue, c, are finished. The roof, m, above the boshes is now formed of fire-bricks, and the space between the lining iron plates, i, and the boshes filled up with pieces of bricks. Dimensions of Puddling Furnaces.-In some English puddling furnaces for the boiling process the iron plates binding the furnaces are about 12 feet long, 5 feet broad, and 6 feet high; 9 or 10 inches of their height lies under ground. The grate has an area of 8 or 12 square feet according to the quality of the coal. The roof on the fire-bridge is 26 or 27 inches above the sole of the furnace and 9 or 10 inches on the flue-bridge. The fire-bridge is 14 or 15 inches broad and 10 or 12 inches below the roof; the flue-bridge is as much below the roof and 9 inches thick. The furnace hearth is * HARTM., Fortschr., v., 188. Schles. Wochenschr., 1861, No. 32. DINGL., Bd. 161, p. 431. APPARATUS FOR RE-HEATING THE IRON. 807 about 6 feet long and 3 feet broad; its middle lies 2 feet. below the roof. The working door is 16 inches square; the height of the working plate from 8 to 11 inches above the bottom plate. The stoking hole is 10 inches wide, and the tap or floss-hole for the slag in the flue is from 4 to 6 inches wide; the height of the stack is 36 feet, and its width 2 feet square. The furnaces for the dry puddling process have similar dimensions, except the fire-bridge, which is seldom higher than 6 inches, and the hearth bottom which lies only 8 inches below the working or fore plate. The tools used in the manipulation of the molten pig-iron are paddles and rabbles. The paddle is a strong iron bar with a round knob on one end. The handle is round or octagonal, and the part which enters the furnace is square and terminates in a chisel edge. The rabble or hook is simply the same tool bent at the chisel end. A rabble for puddling iron weighs from 40 to 60 lbs., and is from 5 to 7 feet long according to the width of the furnace, whilst a smaller and lighter rabble is used for collecting the half-fused masses, for cleaning the hearth, turning the balls, &c. The waggons for the cinder are made of wrought-iron, and have a hopper-like shape; the cinder is tapped into them, and wheeled away. Different kinds of tongs, small and pointed iron bars for opening the tap-hole, and other minor tools are also necessary. Apparatus for Re-heating the Iron. The compressed balls and the piles are sometimes re- heated in hearths constructed like finery hearths, or in hollow fires (page 748), but this manner of re-heating only gives a small production. Therefore Re-heating Furnaces are most frequently employed in connection with puddling works. These furnaces produce higher temperatures than the puddling furnaces, from which they differ chiefly in the 'following points:-The grate is larger in proportion to the hearth, the flue is wider, the roof less high above the hearth, which is formed of sand and rests upon massive brick-work instead of an iron plate, thus 808 IRON. causing less cooling; the fore plate and working door are in the level of the hearth. The working door is best constructed of native quartz sand, and has an inclination both towards the back wall and the flue, thus conducting the cinder towards the hole for flowing out of the furnace; the furnace has no flue-bridge. The hearth is about 6 feet long, 4 feet broad, and the height of the roof is 12 or 14 inches; but the size of the hearth varies with the size of the charges (from 10 to 40 cwts. and more). The re-heating furnaces are heated like the puddling furnaces, either with compact or gaseous fuel. When using compact fuel, blast under the grate is frequently employed and has led to a considerable saving in fuel. With the gaseous fuel Siemens's regenerative principle (page 789) has given the best results, and proved to be of the greatest advantage. Hopfgärtner has considerably lessened the consumption of fuel by combining puddling and re-heating furnaces in the following manner :-Very hot combustible gases are con- ducted from the gas producer downwards into the re-heating furnace, on the side where the fire bridge is situated in the common furnaces; hot air for combustion is here admitted at the same time. Both the gases and air then pass along the hearth of the re-heating furnace, and on to the hearth of the puddling furnace, whilst a fresh supply of air is given. The waste gases escaping are still hot enough to heat a warming stove, a hot blast apparatus, and a boiler. When larger pieces of iron are to be welded, or heated up to welding heat, the re-heating furnaces are sometimes pro- vided with a second hearth for previously warming the iron and thus lessening the oxidation as much as possible; this second smaller hearth is situated between the chimney and the chief hearth, from which it is separated by a high bridge and a deep gutter for collecting the cinder and con- ducting it out of the furnace. The waste heat of the re-heating furnaces is frequently employed for other purposes, chiefly for the production of * Oesterr. Ztschr., 1862, No. 10. HARTM., Fortschr., vi., 212. RE-HEATING FURNACES. 809 * steam; at Creuzot, for instance, the re-heating furnaces. produce 20 kilos. of steam per hour and 1 square metre of heating surface, whilst the puddling furnaces produce only 10 kilos., owing to the cold air admitted by the working door. Figs. 249, 250, and 251 show a re-heating furnace, heated FIG. 249. b e 72 with coal, and used at Alvenslebenhütte in Upper Silesia. a is the grate; b, the stoke-hole; c, the fire-bridge; d, the FIG. 250. A_ B 9 h α -D hearth formed of sand; e, the working opening; f, the flue; and g, the opening for running out the cinder. h is the chimney or stack. * HARTM., Fortschr., vi., 218. Phönix-Walzwerk in: Bauliche Anlagen, &c., iii. Jahrg., Lief. i. 810 IRON. E I f U ་་་ - FIG. 251. G 5 d | U a C " 10 FI FT F Figs. 252, 253, and 254 represent a re-heating furnace used at Creuzot for welding large pieces of iron, p, which FIG. 252. с a d f 1. 0 3°F are placed across the furnace hearth through the two oppo- site working openings; these openings are then walled up FIG. 253. 市 ​C d a 12 .10 10 Ft f h RE-HEATING FURNACES. SII with bricks. The letters in the drawings have the following signification -a, the grate; b, the stoke-hole; c, the fire- FIG. 254. & d h --་ 10 Ft bridge; d, the hearth formed of sand; e, the working openings; f, the flue; g, the aperture for emitting the cinder; h, the chimney. Figs. 255 and 256 show a re-heating furnace provided with step-grate and warming hearth, used at Dernoe in Hungary. FIG. 255. e d И f 万 ​5 10 Ft a is the grate; b, the stoke hole; c, the fire bridge; d, the hearth of sand; c, the working opening; f, the flue; g, the aperture for emitting the slag; h, the chimney; i, the warming stove for previously heating the iron. The engravings, Figs. 257 and 258, represent a gas re- heating furnace* constructed by T. Groebe. This furnace * Civil Ingenieur, Bd. ix., tab. 23, p. 339. 812 IRON. ་ 1.9 FIG. 256. e ם མ་ α d 0 5 10 Ft allows the application of air-dried fuel, and yields very hot gas, owing to the position of the blast pipes, p and q, which provide air under the grate, and as the 4 feet layer of coal FIG. 257. Boiler K A. S 10 P Fig. 258. e ག e q B JoFt 10 Ft מן MACHINES FOR FORGING IRON. 813 perfectly transforms the carbonic acid into carbonic oxide, and also decomposes the steam. The furnace can produce temperatures of at least 3000° C. When putting off the lowest blast, the ash may be easily removed by r; this allows the application of fuel rich in ash. The pressure of the blast amounts to 4 or 6 inches water, and about 200 cubic feet are consumed per minute, and heated in m to about 300° C. The escaping flame serves to heat a boiler placed at K. These gas producers are also well adapted for the melting of cast-steel, the smelting of pig-iron in reverberatory furnaces, &c. Machines for Forging and Condensing Iron. Hammers are the most effective machines for condensing the iron and for pressing out the intermixed slag. The heavy tilt hammers are at the same time a test of the quality of the iron, as balls which are not thoroughly converted into wrought-iron will crumble into pieces when hammered. Several kinds of hammers used for the purpose we have already described (pages 750 to 753), but besides these there are several others in use; first comes the Steam Hammer.*-These hammers are extensively employed in forging and shingling iron, and have almost superseded the tilt and other lever hammers, as they possess one great advantage, that is the power of regulating the force of the blow according to the requirement of the work. The hammer may be stopped at any period of its stroke by checking the exit of the exhaust steam. Steam hammers were first introduced by Nasmyth, in 1842, and they consist essentially of an inverted vertical cylinder, supported by a frame formed of two standards. The piston rod passes through the lower cylinder cover, and is directly connected with a heavy hammer block, which moves vertically between two guides attached to the inner surface of the iron standards. Single acting steam hammers use the steam only for lifting the hammer block, whilst Systeme der Dampfhämmer. Zeitschr. des Ver. deutcher Ingenieure, Bd. 4, pp. 6, 40. Revue Universelle, iii., 112. Geschichte der Dampfhämmer. Mittheil. des Hannov. Gew.-Ver., 1863, p. 236. Hämmer auf. der Londoner Ausstellung. Polyt. Centr., 1863, Lief. ii. 814 IRON. double acting hammers allow the steam to act on the upper surface of the piston, thus increasing the speed of the descent and the force of the blow. The hammers invented by Nasmyth and Condie are those most frequently employed in this country. Condie's hammer is constructed with a fixed piston and a movable cylinder, the cylinder being cast in one piece with the hammer block. The piston is suspended by a rod con- nected with a ball-and-socket joint to the top cross bar of the framing. Nasmyth's hammer has also been modified in the most various ways by the inventor and by others, and to enumerate these modifications would exceed our limits.* Fig. 259. Ъ 2/96 HARTM., Fortschr., ii., 291; v., 240, 216. Polyt. Centr., 1855, Lief. 2; 1861, p. 860. B. u. h. Ztg., 1849, p. 161; 1852, p. 452; 1857, P. 153. Bgwkfd., vi., 343; ix., 395. DINGL., Bd. 134, p. 199. Oesterr. Ztschr., 1856, No. 33. APPARATUS FOR FORGING THE IRON. 815 A steam hammer constructed by Daelen,* which is fre- quently used in Germany, is shown by Fig. 259. The steam enters under the piston, c, which is connected with the hammer block, b, by means of the piston rod, a. The following hammers are rarely employed :- a. The Stamp Hammer (stempel-hammer), which is con- structed and lifted by cams like the pounders in stamping mills. When lifted it is thrown against a spring of caout- chouc, which repels it and augments the weight of its blow. These hammers weigh from 40 to 60 cwts. When they are not continually in use, they may be preferable to steam hammers, which require a large store of steam. The hammer is constructed by Schmerber,† and hammers of similar construction have been tried by Froming, Water- house, Winton, and Von Schwind. b. Hydraulic Hammers.-The piston of the hammer is raised by some liquid (oil, for instance), which is pressed under it and allowed to run out (Guillemin,§ Minary, Fair- bairn). T c. Pneumatic Hammers.-Air is compressed either under or above the piston, thus retarding or accelerating its descent (Cowan's hammer). d. Friction Hammers.-By means of a driving shaft a hammer is raised between a friction rod and two movable. pulleys, as in a rolling mill by the friction between the pulleys; upon relaxing the pulleys the hammer descends (hammers of Manhardt, Kitson, Eassie). Brown's Patent Bloom Squeezert+ or Shingling Machine is represented by Fig. 260. The heated ball of puddled iron, k, thrown on the top is gradually pressed be- tween the revolving rollers as it descends, and at last comes out at the bottom, where it is thrown on to a movable * ARMENGAUD., Publ. Industr., xi., livr. 1-6. † Spamer, Kalender f. d. Bergm., 1857, p. 74. Ann. d. Min., 4 ser., xvii., 87. HARTM., Fortschr., iii., 193. + || B. u. h. Ztg., 1863, p. 95. RITTINGER'S Erfahr., 1861. § B. u. h. Ztg., 1856, No. 50. ¶ Polyt. Centr., 1862, p. 647. HARTM., Fortschr., vi., 239. + URE's Dictionary of Arts and Mines, vol. ii., p. 743. 816 IRON. 66 'Jacob's ladder," by which it is raised to the rolls. This machine causes a considerable saving of time, will do the work of twelve or fourteen furnaces, and may be kept constantly FIG. 260. (K) A going as a feeder to one or two pairs of rolls. There are two distinct forms of this machine. In that shown in the figure the bloom receives only two compressions; in the other, which is much the more effective, it is squeezed four times. before it leaves the rolls and falls upon the Jacob's ladder. According to Percy, the machine is liable to frequent break- age, and has, therefore, fallen into disuse. FIG. 261. Ъ O d α APPARATUS FOR FORGING IRON. 817 The Squeezers* most commonly used are those represented by Figs. 261 and 262; they are either single or double. A FIG. 262. single lever squeezer of the simplest construction is shown in Fig. 261; the bed plate, a, is cast in one piece; it is 6 feet long, 15 inches wide, and 12 inches high. The whole is screwed down upon a solid foundation of stone, brick, or timber; b is the movable part, which makes from 80 to 90 movements per minute. The motion is imparted by the crank, c, which in turn is driven by means of a strap and pulley by the initial power; the diameter of the fly-wheel is 3 or 4 feet. The anvil, d, is about 2 feet long, and from 12 to 14 inches wide; it is a movable plate at least 3 inches thick, and can be replaced when injured. The face of the working part of the lever exactly fits the anvil, and consists of plates attached by means of screws. It is desirable to have all these face plates in small parts 8 or 10 inches in width, so that breaking by expansion and contraction is secured against. The whole machine, including the crank, is made of cast- iron, and weighs 4 or 5 tons. According to Overmann, this machine is both cheap and durable, and will squeeze 100 tons of iron per week. Fig. 262 represents the double squeezer employed at many English iron works. The drawing is of a machine at the Dowlais Iron Works figured in Mr. Truran's work; many other forms are in use. * URE'S Dictionary of Arts and Mines, vol. ii., p. 742. VOL. II. 3 G 818 IRON. The Rotary Squeezer* is shown in Fig. 263; a table, A, A, with a ledge rising up from it to a height of about 2 feet, so as to form an open box, is firmly embedded in masonry; within this is a revolving box, c, similar in character, but FIG. 263. B D B A Ε much smaller, and placed eccentrically in regard to it. The ball or bloom, D, is placed between the innermost revolving box, c, and the outer case, A, A, where the space between them is greatest, and is carried round till it emerges at E compressed and fit for the rolls. Rolls or Cylinders.t-This plan of compression between cylinders now effects in a few seconds the condensation and distribution of the fibres which forty years ago was only ob- tained after many heatings in the furnace and many blows of the hammer. The cylinders are of two kinds :—1, those which serve to draw out the ball, called puddling rolls or roughing rolls, and which are in fact reducing cylinders; and 2, the cylinders of extension, called rollers, for drawing into bars the massive iron after it has received a welding to make it more malleable. This second cylinder is divided into several varieties, according to the required patterns of bar- iron. These may vary between 2 square inches and less than 1-6th of an inch. Beneath the cylinders there is usually an oblong fosse into which, when the iron is compressed, the scoria and the scales fall. The sides of this fosse, constructed of stone, are founded on a body of solid masonry capable of supporting * URE's Dictionary of Arts and Mines, vol. ii., p. 743. + Ibid., p. 744. ROLLS OR CYLINDERS. 819 the enormous load of the cylinders. Beams of wood help to form the sides of this pit, and the frames may be secured to them with screws and bolts; but massive bars of cast-iron are found to answer better, not only because the uprights and bearers may be solidly fixed to them, but because the basement of heavy metal is more difficult to shatter or dis- place, an accident which happens frequently to the wooden beams. A stream of water is supplied by a pipe to each pair of cylinders to prevent their getting hot, and to prevent the hot iron from adhering to the cylinder, by cooling its surface, and perhaps slightly oxidising it. The shafts are I foot in diameter for the roughing rolls, and 6 inches where they communicate motion to the cylinders for drawing the iron into bars. The roughing rolls are employed either to work out the lump or ball immediately after it leaves the puddling furnace, as in the Welsh forges, or only to draw out the piece after it has been shaped under the hammer, as is practised in most of the Staffordshire establishments. These roughing cylin- ders are generally 7 feet long, including the trunnions, or 5 feet between the bearers, and 18 inches in diameter, and weigh altogether from 4 to 4½ tons. They contain from five to seven grooves, usually elliptical in form, each decreasing gradually in size, as is shown in Fig. 264. The small axis. of each ellipse, as formed by the union of the upper and under grooves, is always placed vertically, and is equal to the great axis or horizontal axis of the succeeding groove; so that in transferring the bar from one groove to another it must re- ceive a quarter of a revolution, whereby the iron gets elon- gated in every direction. Sometimes the roughing rolls serve as preparatory cylinders, in which case they bear rectangular grooves towards one extremity, as the figure shows. Several of these large grooves are bestudded with small asperities, analogous to the teeth of files, for biting the lump of iron and preventing its sliding. On a level with the under side of the grooves of the lower cylinder there is a plate of cast-iron, with notches in its edge adapted to the grooves. This piece, called the apron, rests on iron rods, and serves to sup- port the balls and bars exposed to the action of the rollers, 3 G 2 820 IRON. and to receive the fragments of ill-welded metal which fall off during the drawing. The housing frames in which the rollers are supported and revolve are of great strength; they are 5 feet high; the side perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder is I foot thick, and the other 10 inches. The upper ends of each pair of bearers are connected by two iron rods, on which the workmen rest their tongs or pincers for passing the lump or bar from one side of the cylinder to the other. The bushes are each composed of two pieces; one of hard brass, with a cylindrical notch, is framed into the other, which is made of cast-iron, as is seen in Fig. 264. The iron bar delivered from the square grooves is cut by the shears into short lengths, which are collected in a bundle (pile) to be welded together. When this bundle of bars has become hot enough in the furnace it is conveyed to the rollers, which differ in their arrangement according as they are meant to draw iron from a large or small piece. The first (Fig. 264), possesses both elliptical and rectangular grooves; the cylinders are I foot in diameter, and 3 feet long between the bearers. The bar is not finished under these cylinders, but is transferred to another pair with grooves of the dimen- sions proper for the bar, with a round, triangular, rectangular, or fillet form. The profile of a triangular groove used for square iron is the shape of an isosceles triangle slightly obtuse, so that the space left by the two grooves together may be a rhomb, differing little from a square, and the smaller diagonal is vertical. When the bar is to be passed successively through several of these grooves the larger or horizontal diagonal of each groove is made equal to the smaller or upright of the preceding, so that the iron must be turned one-fourth round at each successive draught, and thus receive pressure in opposite directions. Indeed, the bar is often turned in succession through the triangular and rectangular grooves that its fibres may be more accurately blended together. The decrease in the capacity of the grooves follows the proportion of 15 to 11. When the iron is to be reduced to a small rod the diameter ROLLS. 821 of the cylinders is such that three may be set in the same housing frame. The lower and middle cylinders are em- ployed as roughing rollers, while the upper and middle ones. are made to draw out the rod. When a rod or bar is to be drawn with a channel or gutter in its face, the grooves of the rollers are suitably formed. 2 The velocity of the cylinders varies with their dimensions. In one work, cylinders for drawing out iron from to of an inch thick, make 140 revolutions per minute, whilst those for iron of from of an inch to 3 inches make only 65. In another establishment the cylinders for two-inch iron make 95 revolutions per minute; those for iron from of an inch. to 1 inch make 128, and those for bars from to of an inch, 150. The roughing rollers move with only one-third the velocity of the drawing cylinders. Fig. 264 represents the shingling and plate-rolling mill. The shingling mill for converting the blooms from the balling or re-heating furnace into bars consists of two sets of grooved cylinders, the first called puddling or roughing rolls; the second are for reducing or drawing the iron into mill-bars, and are called simply rolls. a, a, a, a are the powerful uprights or standards, called housing frames, of cast-iron, in which the gudgeons of the rolls revolve; b, b, b, b are bolt rods for binding these frames together at top and bottom; c are the roughing rolls, each with a series of triangular grooves, so that between those of the upper and under cylinder rectangular concavities are formed in the circumference with slightly sloping sides. The end groove to the side of c should be channelled like a rough file in order to take better hold of the blooms-to bite the metal as the workmen say, and give it the preparatory elon- gation for entering into and passing through the remaining grooves till it comes to the square grooves, where it becomes a mill-bar. d, d are the smooth cylinders hardened upon the surface, or chilled by being cast into iron moulds, for rolling iron into plates. e, e, c, e are strong screws with rectangular threads which work by means of a wrench or key into the nuts, c', c', c', c', fixed in the standards; they serve to regulate 822 IRON. the height of the plumber blocks or bearers of the gud- geons, and thereby the distance between the upper and under cylinders. ƒ is a junction shaft; g, g, g are solid coupling boxes which embrace the two separate ends of the shafts FIG. 264. m. b R m 9 9 d d m m m ROLLS. 823 and make them turn together. h, h are junction pinions whereby motion is communicated from the driving shaft, f, through the under pinion to the upper one, and thus to both upper and under rolls at once. i, i are the pinion standards in which their shafts run; they are smaller than the uprights of the rolls. k, k are screws for fastening the head pieces, l, to the top of the pinion standards. All the standards are provided with sole plates, m, whereby they are screwed to the foundation beams, 1, of wood, or preferably iron, as shown by the dotted lines; o, o are the binding screw bolts. Each pair of rolls at work is kept cool by a small stream of water impinging upon it from a pipe and stop-cock. In the cylinder drawing the workman who holds the ball in tongs passes it into the first of the elliptical grooves, and a second workman on the other side of the cylinders receives this lump and hands it over the top of the rolls to the first, who re-passes it between the rollers, after bringing them somewhat closer to each other by giving a turn to the ad- justing pressure screws. After the lump has passed five or six times through the same groove it has an elliptical form, and is called in England a bloom. It is next passed through a second smaller groove which draws it out. In this state it is treated by a second pair of cylinders, by which the iron is drawn into flat bars 4 inches broad and an inch thick. Fragments of the ball or bloom fall round about the cylin- ders, which are afterwards added to the puddling charge. In a minute and a half the rude lump is transformed into a bar. A steam engine of 30-horse power will in a week rough down 200 tons of coarse iron. Different means are employed for the purpose of rolling at greater speed, as for example, two or three pairs of rolls are placed one in advance of another, or the blooms are passed alternately through the grooves of two mills moving in opposite directions; the bar is received on a carriage, which is rapidly driven from one to the other by steam power. Frequently a combination is made of three rolls placed one above another in the same housing; this is called the three-high train, which is driven from the middle; the central roll runs forward with the lower and backward 824 IRON. with the upper one, so that the bar is passed backwards and forwards by entering alternately between the grooves of the middle and upper and middle and lower rolls. Very heavy rolls are frequently reversed at each passage of the pile. For some purposes,* rolling armour plates, &c., this is almost a necessity, because of the great weight of the masses to be dealt with, and the inconvenience which would therefore attend the lifting of the slabs over the rolls at each pass. In other cases the reversing principle saves time and allows more passes to be made at one heat, whilst it also does away with a good deal of lifting. In the re- versing plate mill at the London and North Western Steel Works at Crewe, the reversal of the motion of the rolls is effected by reversing the pair of engines by which the rolls are driven, and the plan is found to answer well. The engines in question have 28-inch cylinders with 4 feet stroke, and make 3 revolutions to one revolution of the rolls; they have balanced steam valves, and are reversed by hydraulic power without shutting off the steam. The arrangement works so freely that the engines have been reversed seventy- three times in one minute. The rolls of this train are 6 feet 10 inches long by 24 inches in diameter, and the train will bring down a slab from the full thickness of the pile to that of a locomotive frame plate in eleven passes, whilst the lowering of the top rolls at each pass, like the reversal of the engines is effected by hydraulic power. In the case of the plate mill at Messrs. W. H. and G. Dawes's works at Elsecar, near Barnsley, as well as in that of the armour plate mills of Sir John Brown and Co., at Sheffield, and in some other instances, the plan of reversing the motion of the rolls by means of a clutch has. been adopted. Compound or universal rolling mills consist of a combina- tion of a vertical with an ordinary horizontal pair of plain rolls, and are sometimes used for the production of bars of plain rectangular sections of the most various dimensions, by simple adjustments of the rolls instead of a special Engineering, Jan. 4, 1867. THE UNIVERSAL ROLLING MILL. 825 pair of grooves for each size, as is commonly the case. Figs. 265 and 266 represent one of these universal rolling FIG. 265. C 1/18 mills. By properly adjusting the horizontal rolls, a, and the vertical rolls, b, rectangular bars of any size may be FIG. 266. JO) 826 IRON. produced. In the newer construction of this mill only one of the vertical rolls is made movable. This compound mill,* known as While's mill, has been advatageously adopted in South Wales for blooming rail piles. The horizontal rolls are driven in the usual way from below, the vertical pair being connected with them by an intermediate shaft, carrying a mitre-wheel gearing into a wheel upon one of the vertical rolls. The machine is driven at a very low speed, making only five revolutions per minute, so that the pile is subjected to a powerful and long continued pressure compared with the usual system of blooming in the first grooves of the roughing pair in an ordinary train, making from So to 100 revolutions per minute. Iron bars of an irregular section, rails, &c., are rolled with suitably grooved rolls. Fig. 267 represents a pair of finishing rolls as constructed for rolling Birkenshaw's rails. FIG. 267. The open spaces along the middle of the figure, and which owe their shape to the moulding and turning on the periphery of the rollers, indicate the form assumed by the iron rail as it is passed successively from the larger to the smaller tures until in the last it is finished. aper- A peculiar kind of roll is used for slitting sheets of metal into light rods either for the use of wire drawers or of nail makers. The rolls are represented in Fig. 268. The cutters are steel discs fixed on spindles a certain distance apart by stops. The discs on one spindle interlock with those on the other, thus forming what may be called revolving shears, for *BAUERMAN, Treatise on Metallurgy of Iron, p. 306. URE'S Dictionary of Arts and Mines, &c., vol. iii., 576. LEVER SHEAR. 827 the principle is that of clipping; so that a sheet of metal on being passed through this machinery is separated into square FIG. 268. or rectangular slips agreeing in size with the divisions of the rollers. The puddled bars for piling are usually cut up with a lever shear, shown in Fig. 269. This shear has one fixed FIG. 269. 1/40 and one vibrating jaw, the latter forming one arm of a straight or bent lever, which is moved by a crank or eccentric. Guillotine shears, with a diagonal edged knife which moves vertically between parallel guides, are often used in plate works when a cut of considerable length is required. The rough or crop ends of rails or heavy bars are sawn off while still hot with circular, saws 3 or 4 feet in diameter. They are driven either by belts or by direct acting steam turbines on the same shaft, and make from 900 to 1300 revolu- tions per minute. 828 IRON. II. THE PRODUCTION OF WROUGHT-IRON IN THE PUDDLING PROCESS. As the finery process is carried out by different methods according to the quality of the pig-iron and that of the wrought-iron to be produced, so the puddling process may be classified, but only into two methods, namely, dry puddling, which is carried out on hearths formed of sand whilst em- ploying refined metal, and wet puddling (boiling process), for which crude iron or a mixture of crude iron with refined metal is used. The refining of the pig-iron in hearths (page 715) and in reverberatory furnaces (page 726) is more frequently used for iron intended for the puddling process than for that which is fined in open hearths, and the operation of refining is mostly performed in the refinery fires. The process of refining originated in England, and is fre- quently employed in Wales, chiefly for the production of the superior kinds of wrought-iron. The refinery fires are about 4 feet square, 15 or 18 inches deep, and are provided with two or three tuyeres on each side. In some of these fires the pig-iron is charged when cold, whilst in others it is run in a liquid state direct from the blast furnaces; this method ad- mits of a larger production at a decreased consumption of fuel and time. The bottom of the furnace is formed of sand- stone or of fire-bricks, upon which a layer of small pieces of sandstone is placed. When commencing an operation some ignited fuel is put in the middle of the hearth with coke upon it, and the pig-iron is charged and covered, when the blast machine is put in motion. The blast has a pressure of from 1 to 2 lbs. ac- cording to the density of the coke. A charge of 2 tons of pig-iron begins to melt in about 1 hour, and is completely fused in 2 or 2 hours. Fresh coke is then added and the blast kept in action until the pig-iron is sufficiently de- carbonised; the metal is now tapped off, together with the formed slag, into cast-iron moulds 3 feet long and 6 or 8 inches thick, which are cooled with water from below. On throwing water upon the metal it becomes chilled and the THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 829 separation of the slag is facilitated. Sometimes the fine metal is made to run from the refinery fires direct into the puddling furnaces; in this case a previous tapping off of the slag is required, as this slag contaminates the puddling process. I The lower part of the bright and light metal is white and compact, and its surface cellular to a depth of from to 1 inches, according to whether the metal was produced from grey or white pig-iron; this circumstance also regulates the time required for the refinery process, which accordingly takes 3 or 4 hours. When running the liquid pig-iron into the refineries 5 cwts. of coke are consumed per 2 tons of pig, and 22.3 cwts. of common forge iron, or 22'1 cwts. of good grey pig-iron per ton of fine metal; about two-tenths more of both coke and pig are consumed when charging the refineries with cold pig-iron. The resulting slags, about 3 cwts., contain from 56 to 60 per cent of iron. When refining hot blast pig-iron, about 36 lbs. more are required than of cold blast pig for producing 1 ton of fine metal. The treatment of pig-iron produced from blackband. iron ore is difficult owing to its easy fusibility, which requires that the iron should be refined at lower temperature for longer time with the application of a greater quantity of blast, thus increasing the loss of iron; 24 cwts. of this kind of pig-iron are required for the production of 1 ton of fine metal. An addition of slag (page 779) increases the loss of iron, whilst an addition of limestone, 15 or 18 lbs. per ton, (page 779) improves the quality of the fine metal. The blast pipes are inclined about 38°, and they are 1 or 13 inches wide; the quantity of blast introduced is about 94,000 cubic feet 3 tons per ton of fine metal when the pig is run in from the blast furnaces; but when melted in the hearth, 136,000 cubic feet are required with white, and 153,000 cubic feet with grey pig-iron. The weekly pro- duction of a refinery is from 150 to 160 tons in the former, and from 80 to 100 tons in the latter case. Hot blast acts disadvantageously upon the decarbonisation and the loss of iron, without saving fuel. The consumption of fuel depends on the nature of the coke and pig-iron, and on the construction of the refinery 830 IRON. hearth. When running the liquid pig-iron into the re- fineries, the consumption amounts to 4 cwts. of coke per ton of fine metal with forge pig, and to 5 cwts. with grey pig- iron; and it amounts to from 6 to 8 cwts. when charging the refineries with cold pig. About 16-horse power is required to furnish the blast for a weekly production of 100 tons of fine metal. At Dowlais 1 or 2 tons of pig-iron are refined with coke in 2 or 3 hours, with an addition of slag of the previous operation; the hearths employed are 1 foot 4 inches deep, 4 feet long, and 3 feet broad; the blast is introduced by four or six tuyeres, which are inclined at an angle of 20°. At Aberdare, an addition of fluor-spar is sometimes used, and 1 tons of pig-iron are refined in 3 hours at a loss of 15 per cent of iron. In Yorkshire the tuyeres usually alternate with each other on opposite sides, two being placed on one side and three on the other. In French and Belgian iron works, 0.303 or 0.313 kilo. of coke are consumed for refining 1 kilo. of pig-iron. A hearth with six tuyeres produces 130 tons, and one with four tuyeres only 90 tons of fine metal per week. Dry Puddling in Furnaces with a Sole of Sand or of Iron Plates.-This method was invented in 1787 by Henry Cort; fine metal in admixture with white and mottled pig- iron is usually treated by this method. The kinds of white and mottled pig employed are not purer than the fine metal which is produced with coke in the refineries and has be- come poorer in silicon, manganese, and phosphorus, but richer in sulphur, owing to the sulphurous coke. The puddling furnaces employed have a hearth of sand resting upon a layer of slag or other materials, and covered very thinly with some slag; the side walls of the furnace are made of fire-bricks, and the fire-bridge is low. At this method of puddling charges of from 400 to 480 lbs. of pig-iron are converted into a pasty state a strong fire being given; the softened masses are then divided with a B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 414. THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 831 rabble and stirred at a lower temperature; the pasty mix- ture of iron and a small amount of slag is stirred and broken up several times when it has come sufficiently to nature, that the iron may be formed into balls, and before they are brought under the hammer or squeezer they are strongly heated for a few minutes with the doors of the puddling fur- nace closed. One charge is finished in 1 or 1 hour, at a consumption of 70 or 80 per cent of coal (from 0.165 to 0°2 ton per 100 lbs. of mill-bars) and at a loss of 6 or 8, and sometimes even 10 per cent of iron. No ebullition like that in the boiling process takes place at this puddling method; the charges are put into the fur- nace through a small door on the side of the chimney about 15 minutes previous to the removal of the balls, thus shortening the operations. During the melting down of the pig-iron a coating of magnetic oxide is formed on the metal which, together with the admitted air, forms the decarbonising agent; the de- carbonisation is facilitated when all the carbon in the metal is present in a chemically combined state. Phosphorus and sulphur are but imperfectly extracted as the iron comes to nature so quickly, and owing to its pasty state is in less intimate contact with the oxide of iron. Besides, according to Berthier, oxide of iron and sulphide of iron do not decom- pose each other, but combine in any proportion. This method of puddling admits of a large production at a small loss of iron and a small consumption of fuel, but it always yields red-short wrought-iron if a very pure fine metal is not employed, chiefly metal produced from pure ores with cold blast. This dry puddling process is at present seldom used, and is almost superseded by a similar process with an addition of a little ferruginous slag or hammer slag; this method is carried on in furnaces with a sole of iron plates, and produces fibrous wrought-iron. The sand bottoms increase the loss of iron. and the consumption of fuel, and the resulting wrought- iron is richer in silicon. Truran states that at the dry puddling process in England I ton of puddle iron is produced from an average of 21 cwts. 832 IRON. I qr. 20 lbs. of fine metal, and from 21 cwts. 3 qrs. at the boiling process; the consumption of coal in the latter amounts from 14 to 22 cwts. per ton of mill-bars. The weekly production of the dry puddling with fine metal amounts to 23 tons, and that of the boiling process to from 18 to 21 tons. The Boiling or Wet Puddling Process is the method generally employed, and admits of the treatment of the most different kinds of pig-iron, both of pig-iron rich in graphite and of the impure sorts which are sometimes previously refined (Low Moor, Alvenslebenhütte). The iron is melted down at a high temperature, thus converting the graphite into chemically combined carbon as in the refining process; and as the perfectly liquid iron is kept in contact by stirring sufficiently long with a large quantity of liquid slag, capable of giving up oxygen, the iron is more thoroughly purified than by the previous method; the purification may be facili- tated by using Schafhäutl's powder. When employing slags more or less rich in oxygen, a higher or lower temperature, an oxidising or a reducing flame, and a suitable construction of the furnace, either fibrous iron or fine-grained iron is produced; in this way a superior kind of wrought-iron will result, though, on the other hand, the waste of fuel, time, cost, labour, and metal is greater than in the dry puddling process. As the boiling process necessitates a more powerful stirring of the fused mass, and the resulting cinder has a corroding action, the side walls of the hearths in the puddling furnaces employed in this process are formed of hollow castings of iron instead of brick walls; the hollow side walls are cooled by means of circulating water or air. When less acid slag is formed and when it is quickly removed from the hearth (for instance, at the production of fibrous iron from good partially refined pig-iron with an addition of not too much rich cinder) the side walls of the furnace hearth are walled-up with fire-bricks, thus saving fuel. The chemical and physical reactions which take place in the puddling process have been explained chiefly in the THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 833 investigations of Calvert and Johnson, Becker, Schaf- häutl, Lan, List,§ Zobel, and Gurlt,** and lately by Drassdo.tt They are founded on the composition of the iron and cinder at the different periods of the puddling process. The following analyses by Calvert and Johnson show the gradual modifications which takes place during its trans- formation into wrought-iron :- Time at which the Sample was taken. Raw material 40 minutes after commencing бо 65 80 95 105 IIO Blooms Fe. C. Si. S. P. Appearance and Properties of the Observations. Sample. 94'052 2*275 2·720 0·311 0·645 Grey pig-iron. 2.726 0·915 2.925 0.197 2'444 0'194 2*303 0*182 1.647 0.185 0.693 0.163 0'772 0.168 99.338 0.269 0120 0134 0*139 Finished bar iron 99.490 o'III 0·088 o'094 0'117 White. White and somewhat ductile. Consisting of single grains. Similar as the last sample. Malleable grains. Puddle iron. The same. Very brittle. Maximum of the amount of carbon. Commence- ment of the boiling. Finishing of the boiling. End of the operation. Different theories have been suggested by Grundmann,‡‡ Cailletet, Minary, and Resal.§§ The Puddling Process Aiming at the Production of Fibrous Iron. All different kinds of pig-iron are submitted to this pro- cess, sometimes also fine metal in admixture with pig-iron; and the pig-iron is more or less quickly converted into wrought-iron, according to the impurities it contains; for instance, by employing more or less rich cinder as flux, by using a higher or lower temperature, &c. VOL. II. * DINGL., Bd. 146, p. 121; Bd. 153, p. 156. ↑ B. u. h. Ztg., 1858, p. 5. ‡ HARTM., Fortschr., iv., 186. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, pp. 258, 435. § Ibid., 1860, pp. 52, 472; 1862, p. 191. ¶DINGL., Bd. 154, p. III. ** Berggeist, 1860, p. 523. + Preuss. Ztschr., xi., 170. + B. u. h. Ztg., 1855, p. 337. DINGL., Bd. 154, p. 111. §§ Ibid., Bd. 163, p. 352. 3 H 834 IRON. 3 The puddling process comprises the following operations: 1. The Formation of the Hearth.-After thoroughly drying a new furnace by means of a strong fire, and coating the iron side walls, and sometimes also the interior furnace walling, with a refractory mixture of I part of clay and 2 of sand of an inch thick, rich cinders of the puddling or re- heating furnaces in a roasted state (called bull-dog, page. 345), in pieces the size of the fist, are placed round the edge of the hearth in such quantity as to cover the bottom plate about 3 inches thick when in a fused state; at the same time rich slag deposits from the hearths of puddling furnaces and slags which have stuck to the tools are charged on the iron. sole plate, and fused together with the other cinders. The slag hole is now bricked up, some slag heaped up before the working door, and the whole hearth is covered 1 or 2 inches high with slags from the tools; the working door is closed and luted, and a gradually increasing fire is applied till all the cinder is fused, which will be in six or eight hours. The mass is then broken up with a pointed iron bar, and the melting repeated till the slag has attained a uniform consis- tence. Next, layers of slag are repeatedly melted down till the slag hearth is about 4 inches thick; a hearth will last eight weeks or longer. The very refractory rich slags only attain a pasty consis- tence; they protect the iron bottom plate from being wasted, and the fused iron from chilling, and they form a compact but plastic support, allowing a ready removal of the half-fined iron. When commencing an operation in an old furnace, it must be heated for six or eight hours previous to the charging, until the walls have attained a uniform red heat, and the slags of the hearth have become thickly liquid. 2. Charging the Puddling Furnace.-Some rich cinder from the previous charge is generally left in the furnace, but it is not usually in sufficient quantity, as part of the poorer slag has run out of the furnace; therefore it is necessary to add some fluxes more or less rich in oxide of iron, in proportion to the ease with which the pig-iron to be treated comes to If the hearth should contain too much cinder it must be either ladled out or tapped off; the hearth should nature. THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 835 be each time freed from deposits. When puddling a thinly liquid iron which with difficulty comes to nature, rich slags, hammer slag, &c., are thrown chiefly on both bridges, and the back wall, after having finished one operation; and a larger quantity of these fluxes is added, if the temperature of the furnace is low and the hearth contains poor cinder. The mass is then well mixed together by means of a rabble, and somewhat cooled by throwing water upon it, thus allowing the hearth to be made even and preserved; this is also the best time for thoroughly cleaning the fire- grate. The pigs, each being I or 1 inches thick, and from 10 to 25 lbs. in weight, are now uniformly distributed on the hearth by means of a flat iron bar, but care is taken to place the thicker pieces near the fire-bridge in order to facilitate their melting; smaller pieces are sometimes charged later on. A charge for single furnaces is usually 3 or 4 cwts., and that for double furnaces from 6 to 10 cwts., but usually 7 or 8 cwts. When employing stoves for previously warming the iron, half an hour less is required for the melting down. I In Hoerde (page 770) some advantages are obtained by melting the iron in cupola furnaces, and running it into the puddling furnaces in a liquid state; and also where the locality allows it, as in a few cases in England, the liquid iron is run into the puddling furnaces direct from the blast furnaces. 3. Melting Down the Pig-Iron.-The iron is melted down in from 25 to 45 minutes with the working door closed and luted, and the damper opened; during this time, the fire is well stirred three or four times. To prevent the admis- sion of cold air the lower joints of the working door are closed with small cinders, and a large piece of coal is placed inside before the door. The half-fused masses on the furnace walls are then shifted towards the middle of the hearth, in- troducing the tool for performing this manipulation through the opening in the working door. A strong melting heat is again given for four or five minutes. A pointed iron bar is now systematically moved to and fro on the bottom of the hearth, to remove parts which have deposited, and the masses are then again shifted towards the middle of the hearth. 3 H 2 836 IRON. When treating thinly liquid iron on a sufficiently hot hearth the pieces of iron are not moved or shifted during the melting down; but if the hearth is too cool, the red-hot. pieces on the back wall and the bridges are raised up so that the flame may play on the hearth and raise its temperature sufficiently high. The raised iron partly melts in that posi- tion, and after the hearth has become hot enough, the pieces of iron are shifted into the hearth, broken into small pieces which are covered by the liquid cinder. The pieces of iron. are placed in such a position that one piece partly covers the other, so as to allow the flame to be conducted all round them. At the treatment of white pig-iron, which is less apt to corrode the hearth and attains a pasty state on fusion, a quick melting at a high temperature is required to lessen the loss of iron. This kind of iron is therefore not charged im- mediately after the finishing of the previous charge, the cleaning of the grate, and the preparation of the hearth, but the hearth is strongly fired for a quarter or half an hour without any charge. This does not waste any fuel or time, as the process is afterwards carried on the more quickly. If the working of white iron increases the thickness of the hearth too much, some charges of grey iron are puddled, thus reducing the hearth. The following chemical reactions take place at the melting down of the pig-iron-As soon as the pig-iron is red-hot it becomes coated with magnetic oxide, which is dissolved off when the fused iron is immersed in the fused cinder. The pig-iron thus loses its impurities, which become oxidised by the oxygen of the peroxide of iron contained in the magnetic oxide, whilst the peroxide is trans- formed into protoxide and even to metallic iron. Silicon oxidises first, forming silica, and combining with the prot- oxide of the magnetic oxide; manganese and phosphorus are next oxidised, and lastly sulphur. The originally rich cinder (page 737), 8(3 FeO,SiO3)+ FeO, Fe₂O,, now becomes more acid until the foreign admixtures are removed,- 9(3FeO,SiO3) + 3(3FeO₂SiO3) + FeOFe¸0¸. THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 837 After the most vehement reaction ceases the cinder again becomes more basic, but still remains more acid,— 10(3 FeO,SiO3) + 3(3FeO₂SiO3) + FeOFе₂03, than the original cinder. The carbon contained in the pig- iron does not oxidise at this period (as in the refining of pig- iron), but its proportion may even be increased owing to the oxidation of iron, silicon, &c. On the other hand, the graphite is converted into chemically combined carbon, being aided by the high temperature and the separation of silicon (page 716). When rapidly melting down at a very high tempera- ture pig-iron rich in graphite, the graphite sometimes finds no opportunity to dissolve perfectly, and is then, Osann* states, separated on the surface of the puddling cinder. Mr. C. W. Siemens instituted the following experiments respecting the behaviour of silicon and carbon, in fluid cast- iron, when contact with the atmosphere or the flame of the furnace is strictly prevented, and he thus describes them: 10 cwts. of Acadian pig metal and I cwt. of broken glass were charged upon the bed of a regenerative gas furnace (usually employed for melting steel upon the open hearth). "The bed of this furnace was formed of pure siliceous sand, and one object in view was to ascertain whether any reaction takes place between silica and fluid cast metal, it being generally supposed that metallic silicon is produced under such circumstances by the reducing action of the carbon in the metal upon the silica or silicates present; the cast metal employed in this experiment was Acadian pig, containing- Silicon Carbon. 15 per cent. 4.0 "In the course of an hour the metal and glass were com- pletely melted; a sample was taken out containing— Silicon . 108 per cent. Carbon. 2.90 * (0.6 per cent combined carbon. •12.3 B. u. h. Ztg., 1861, p. 328. graphite. 838 IRON. "At the end of the second hour another sample was taken out and tested, the result being- Silicon Carbon . o'96 per cent. 2.40 combined. "The physical condition of the metal had now undergone a decided change; the carbon having wholly combined with the iron rendered it extremely hard. "The amount of silicon having steadily diminished, these results prove that no silicon is taken up by fluid cast metal in contact with silica or silicates. The reduction of the amount of silicon in the metal might be accounted for by the presence of minute quantities of oxides of iron produced in melting the pig metal, which oxides were now increased by the addition of hæmatite ore in small doses. "At the end of the third hour another sample was taken containing- Silicon Carbon 0'76 per cent. 2.40 combined. ,, the metal being extremely hard as before. Additional doses of red ore were added gradually without agitating the bath, and the effect upon the fluid metal was observed from time to time. "At the end of the fifth hour the samples taken from the fluid bath assumed a decidedly mild temper; when the addi- tion of ore was stopped, exactly six hours after the charging, the metal was tapped and run into ingots; it then contained o'046 per cent. 0*250 "" Silicon Carbon. Thus both the silicon and the carbon had been almost entirely removed from the pig metal by mere contact with metallic oxide under a protecting glass covering. "The quantity of red ore added to the bath amounted to 2 cwts., and the weight of the metal tapped to 10 cwts. 5 lbs., being slightly in excess of the weight of pig metal charged. "But the pig metal had contained- Silicon . Carbon. 1'5 per cent. 4'0 "> Total. 5'5 وو THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 839 whereas the fined metal contained collectively only o°296 of silicon and carbon, showing a gain of metal of 5'5-0*296=5'204 per cent; or, including the 5 lbs. of increased weight, a total gain of 5'7 per cent of metallic iron. Supported by these observations, I venture to assert that the removal of the silicon and carbon from the pig-iron in the ordinary puddling or "boiling" process is due entirely to the action of the fluid oxide of iron present, and that an equivalent amount of metallic iron is reduced and added to the bath, which gain, however, is generally and unnecessarily lost again in the subsequent stages of the process. The relative quantity of metal thus produced from the fluid cinder admits of being accurately determined. "The cinder may be taken to consist of Fe,O, (this being the fusible combination of peroxide and protoxide), together with more or less tribasic silicate (3FeO,SiO,) which may be regarded as a neutral admixture not affecting the argu- ment, and silica is represented by SiO3, from which it follows that for every 4 atoms of silicon leaving the metal 9 atoms of metallic iron are set free, and taking the atomic weight of iron 28, and that of silicon = 225, it follows that for every 4 × 22°5 90'0 grains of silicon abstracted from the metal 9 × 28 = 252 grains of metallic iron are liberated from the cinder. Carbonic oxide again being represented by CO, and the cinder by Fe,O,, it follows that for every 4 atoms of carbon removed from the metal 3 atoms of iron are liberated; and taking into account the atomic weight of carbon = of iron 28, it follows that for every grains of carbon oxidised. 6 × 4 24 28 x 3 84 grains of metallic iron are added to the bath. == 6, and "Assuming ordinary forge pig, after being re-melted in the puddling furnace, to contain about 3 per cent of carbon and 840 IRON. 2 per cent of silicon, it follows from the foregoing that in removing this silicon 252 90 X 2 = 5'6 per cent, and in removing the carbon 84 × 3 10'5 24 per cent of metallic iron is added to the bath, making a total increase of 5.6 + 10°5 - 5 II'I per cent; or a charge of 420 lbs. of forge pig metal ought to yield 466 lbs. of wrought metal, whereas from an ordinary puddling furnace the actual yield would generally amount to only 370 lbs. (or 12 per cent less than the charge), showing a difference of 96 lbs. between the theoretical and actual yield in each charge. "This difference, amounting to fully 20 per cent, is due to the enormous waste by oxidation to which the iron is exposed after it it has been brought to nature, when it is in the form of a granular or spongy metallic mass, and during the process of forming it into balls. So great a waste of metal by oxidation seems at first sight almost incredible, but con- sidering the extent of surface exposed in the finely divided puddled mass, it is not at all exceptional, and is, in fact, almost unavoidable in a furnace of the ordinary construction, maintained like a puddling furnace at a welding heat. Many attempts have been made (for example, by Chenot, Clay, Renton, and others), to produce iron directly from purer ores, by reducing the ores in the first instance to a metallic sponge, and balling up this sponge, which is a loose porous mass, somewhat similar to spongy puddled iron, on the bed of a furnace, but all these attempts have failed, simply on account of the great waste of iron, a waste amounting to from 25 to 50 per cent in balling up the sponge. Indeed, the loss in an ordinary puddling furnace would probably be greater than 20 per cent if the metal were not partly pro- tected from the flame by the bath of cinder in which it lies; for in one instance in which the cinder accidently run out of a puddling furnace during the balling up of the charge, leaving the iron exposed to the flame, I found the yield reduced from THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 841 the average of 413 lbs. down to 370 lbs., showing an in- creased waste of 43 lbs., or over 10 per cent, due to the more complete exposure of the metal to the oxidising action of the flame. "In order to realise the theoretical result, a sufficient amount of oxides must have been supplied to effect the oxi- dation of the silicon and carbon of the pig-iron, and to form a tribasic silicate of iron (3FeO,SiO3) with the silicic acid produced. The amount of oxide may be readily ascertained. In taking the expression Fe,O,, the atomic weight of which is- 3 × 28 + 4 × 8 = 116, while that of the three atoms of iron alone is— 3 × 28 84, it follows that— 116 84 × 46 63.5 lbs. of cinder or oxide of iron are requisite to produce the 46 lbs. of reduced iron, which were added to the bath. There must, however, remain a sufficient quantity of fluid cinder in the bath to form with the silicon (extracted from the iron) a tribasic silicate of iron, or about 60 lbs., making in all 124 lbs. of fettling which would have to be added for each charge, a quantity which is generally exceeded in practice notwithstanding the inferior results universally obtained." Mr. Siemens adds the following concerning the removal of sulphur and phosphorus :- The sulphur and phosphorus being generally contained in English forge pig in the proportion of from o'2 to 0.6 per cent each, can hardly affect the foregoing quantita- tive results, although they are of great importance as affecting the quality of the metal produced. It has been suggested by Percy that the separation of these ingredients may be due to liquation. The following was the result of an analysis by Mr. A. Willis of an inferior English pig-iron before and after being puddled :- 842 IRON. Pig Metal. Puddled Bar. Sulphur. 0*08 Sulphur • 0'017 Phosphorus. 1.16 Phosphorus. 0°237 Silicon I'97 Silicon 0*200 showing the extent to which foreign matters are actually removed by the process of puddling. 4. Boiling and Stirring, or Puddling the Fused Mass. After having melted down the pig-iron, it is in the state of fine metal and covered by the cinder bath, and both sub- stances, iron and cinder, do not sensibly react upon each other. This reaction, which is principally decarbonising, must be induced by converting the fused masses into a pasty state; this is effected by cooling them; a more intimate contact of the substances thus takes place, and the affinity of the carbon with iron is lessened. The cooling may be effected by checking the draught and even by throwing water upon the fused mass whilst stirring it, or there are incorporated into the mass refractory basic slags, which have at once a cooling effect and also facilitate the subsequent decarbonisation. During this stiffening of the mass iron is now and then brought to the surface in contact with atmospheric air, when magnetic oxide is formed, which, by its transformation into protoxide and metallic iron, liberates oxygen; this combines with the impurities, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and sulphur still contained in the iron, at the same time decarbonisation commences, and its beginning is indicated by blue flames of carbonic oxide that appear in the furrows of the metal bath, and which are caused by moving the rabble through it. As, however, the mixture cannot yet be intimate, and also owing to the lowered tem- perature, no energetic reactions take place at this period. On account of the decomposition of the magnetic oxide the cinder becomes somewhat more basic, forming a compound of— 3FeOSiO3 + 3(3FeO₂SiO3) + FeO‚Fe₂O3. When stirring with the rabble, the puddler searches or sweeps every portion of the bed by moving the point of the tool in curved lines from the centre outwards towards the bridges, commencing at the front. The sides are reached by a kind of scooping action, the rabbles being worked against the door-frame as a fulcrum. The tool must be THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 843 changed every 5 or 8 minutes, as it would soften and adhere to the iron in the furnace. When taken out it is cooled by being plunged into a cistern to detach the adhering cinder; the point is afterwards dressed into shape by forging with a light hammer. The two workmen attending the puddling furnace are changed with every tool. In order to lessen the great amount of labour involved in stirring the charges,* various mechanical appliances have been proposed as substitutes for manual puddling. Tooth, Menelaus, Bessemer, &c., have suggested the use of rotating or oscillating hearths. The molten iron is fined by exposure to oxidising influences in a cylinder lined with clay or other refractory material, occupying the position of the hearth in an ordinary puddling furnace, which receives a slow move- ment of rotation about its long axis. The charge is also traversed from end to end of the cylinder by inclining the lining from the fire-place to the flue, and in the reverse direction at opposite points of the circumference. The ball is withdrawn from the furnace by removing the puddling chamber and tilting it up at one end. These furnaces have not as yet been successful, owing to the difficulty of getting linings to stand the scouring action of the metal. Menelaus found the best material to be titaniferous iron ore, which was used in solid blocks. The ordinary fettling materials, such as bull dog, were quite useless. Bessemer's furnace has an egg-shaped puddling chamber, mounted at the top of a rocking frame. The flame of the fuel is intro- duced through a trunnion and passes out through the opposite one. Other means are proposed of imitating the motions of hand-stirring, by moving the tool through a curved path by a combination of reciprocating rotatory mechanism. One of the best mechanical stirrers is that invented by Eastwood. At the commencement of this period the iron may be clearly distinguished from the slag with the eye, and it may be felt with the rabble, but these indications disappear after using the second tool. When using the third and fourth * BAUERMAN'S Metallurgy of Iron, p. 284. 8++ IRON. rabbles the reaction is violent, much carbonic oxide gas is evolved, and the fused mass rises in blisters, as the particles of iron which come into contact with the air oxidise, forming magnetic oxide, which again oxidises the carbon and becomes transformed into protoxide and metallic iron. As the oxida- tion of the carbon takes place in a more rapid proportion than the replacing of the peroxide of iron used for the oxida- tion, the quantity of oxide and cinder decreases in this period, whilst the amount of iron is increased, for the reason that most of the peroxide of iron is transformed into metallic iron. The resulting cinder is more acid, containing- 22(3FeO,SiO3) + 4(3FeO₂SiO3) + FeOFe₂03. During the ebullition, part of the slag flows across the flue- bridge and through the working door. As long as the cinder contains magnetic oxide, peroxide of iron only is deoxidised, and afterwards protoxide. After the most violent reaction ceases the decarbonisation proceeds more slowly, the amount of peroxide of iron in the cinder is again increased, the cinder becomes more basic, corresponding to the formula- 10(3FeO,SiO3) + 3(3FeO₂SiO3) + FeO,Fe2O3. The particles of iron which first appear on the surface of the cinder are light and glowing, and in the form of points; they then adhere together, forming single lumps of larger size and of crisped surface, first reddish, and afterwards glowing white. After having used the fourth rabble the mass settles, the cinder sinks to the bottom, and the glowing white particles of iron project from it in a sponge-like agglomeration. The puddler then finds it difficult to stir the mass any more, and he is warned of the end by the degree of resistance which he finds in stirring the mass; three or four rabbles are usually sufficient. When aiming at the production of a very soft fibrous iron, more rabbles are used, and fewer when old wrought-iron is charged in addition. The iron is now in the state of steel, containing from 12 to 2 per cent of carbon. This period takes or an hour. 5. Consolidation of the Iron into Masses or Balls fit for Hammering, and further Decarbonisation.-The iron THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 845 projecting from the cinder, chiefly when it is in larger lumps or balls, is oxidised, owing to the free admission of air (when using gaseous fuel an excess of blast is now intro- duced), the cinder becomes richer in protoxide of iron, and the decarbonisation of the iron proceeds until fibrous wrought-iron is formed, containing less than o˚5 per cent of carbon. The cinder increases again in quantity, becomes more basic, and approaches its original composition, of the formula 8(3 FeO,SiO3) + FeO,Fe₂03. During the whole process of puddling the atmospheric air appears to act less directly upon the oxidation of the carbon, silicon, &c., than indirectly, as its oxygen first oxidises the iron and is thence carried to the other substances. This part of the process is performed by the first puddler, and comprises the following manipulations :- a. In order to protect the balls from intermixed ash, the fire is stirred very strongly at the commencement of this period, so that it requires no further stirring, or the ash would fly off along with the flame and contaminate the balls which are in formation. The deposits on the hearth are now broken off with a rabble, and the iron is moved to and fro whilst air is admitted. When the mass has become very pasty, the particles of iron lying near the flue are shifted to the hottest place, thus separating the cinder as perfectly as possible and facilitating the welding of the iron. b. Still the mass of iron is not uniformly decarbonised, and in order to expose it more to the atmospheric air, at suitable portion is separated by means of the rabble, the lowest part is raised, and in this position the separated iron is placed before the fire-bridge. The whole mass of iron is thus separated into pieces and transferred towards the fire-bridge, together with the small isolated pieces of iron deposited on the flue-bridge. Next the whole of the iron is transferred towards the flue-bridge in the same manner, and this manipulation is once or twice repeated, when the mass will have become compact, welding strongly together, and white and glowing in appearance. This operation keeps the hearth free from deposits, exposes the iron to the highest temperature, and it takes 10 or 15 minutes. 846 IRON. c. For the formation of the balls, which requires great skill and strength, the mass of iron is divided into pieces of a certain size, usually weighing from 60 to 80 lbs. Each piece is moved from the fire-bridge towards the flue-bridge, and vice versa, whilst it is turned over; the single pieces or balls must not weld together. When a large ball for heavy articles is required it must be formed in good time, so as to allow the ball to become compact. The balls must be smaller the softer the iron is desired, for the manufacture of plates, &c. We have before observed that no stirring of the fire is allowed during this period for fear of contaminating the balls with ash; the required high temperature is now produced by the position of the damper and by moving a flat iron bar across the grate, thus lifting the slag of the ash and admitting air. When using gaseous fuel, more gases are introduced, together with a corresponding quantity of hot air. d. Pressing and turning the balls. By means of a strong hooked rabble one ball after another is moved before the working door and pressed so as to flatten it; they are then placed on their small edges and pressed together as much as possible whilst supporting the hook against the upper part of the working door, which is fixed by wedges; the ball is then pressed in the same manner, but in a differ- ent position, until it assumes a roundish form. It is then moved towards the flue, the lowest side turned upwards. At the formation of the balls the object aimed at is putting the upper part of the iron mass which is most decarbonised into the middle part of the ball, thus rendering the iron more uniformly fibrous. In some iron works in Styria the balls are sometimes formed by forcibly pushing them against the side walls of the furnace. After forming all the balls and placing them before the flue-bridge, they are turned again and distributed against the back wall, so that the least decarbonised balls, which have not the characteristic wet appearance, are placed near the flue to expose them to a higher temperature and to a stronger draught of atmo- spheric air. The working door is then closed for some minutes and the temperature of the furnace is raised to a THE PUDDLING PROCESS. 847 high heat. The formation of the balls is finished in about. a quarter of an hour. e. The balls are withdrawn from the furnace thus; one workman opens the working door, a second one seizes the ball with tongs, lifts it up to the working plate and thence to an iron car, which a third workman carries to the blooming apparatus. During the shingling of this ball the other balls are continually turned, whilst the damper is kept half closed; the balls are thus prevented from being decar- bonised on one side more than on the other, isolated small particles of iron are welded to them, and the balls are pre- vented from getting a coating of cinder which, upon shingling, would impede the reaction of the atmospheric air. 6. Shingling the Balls.-In order to condense the iron and to press out the contained cinder the balls are treated by suitable machinery (page 813) of which the hammer is best adapted; the ball is first placed upright on its longest axis and afterwards uniformly pressed, so as to attain a prismatic or a hexagonal form. Well puddled balls are light in colour; they contain a tolerable quantity of cinder and offer little resistance to the blows of the hammer. The hammered balls or blooms when cold show a smooth uniform surface. Raw and impure balls break under the hammer, and if not too raw show, when cooled, a cracked slaty ap- pearance, but good blooms may have the same appearance if hammered too long. Blooms are seldom free from cracks, which may be removed by welding. The blooms are usually passed on to the rolling mills. I The last manipulation is finished in or an hour, according to the size of the charge; the whole operation, therefore, takes 1 or 2 hours, and consequently six or eight charges can be worked in 12 hours. The consumption of fuel in the puddling process has been already stated on page 771; the loss of iron is from 6 to 16 per cent, and the weekly production in a single furnace is above 400 cwts., and that of a double furnace more than 700 cwts. In the south of France from 23.6 to 34°49 cwts. of iron are produced in 12 hours, the pig-iron being previously heated. 848 IRON. The normal puddling process is liable to various irregu- larities, thus:- a. When treating a very thinly liquid pig-iron, it agglomer- ates with difficulty and appears dark and dull, owing to its slow oxidation. The process may then be facilitated by an addition of rich cinder or by cooling the fused mass before stirring it, but not without a great loss of iron; it is there- fore advisable to employ a better mixture of pig-iron at the next charge. b. When the resulting cinder is too liquid, this may be remedied by stiffening it by throwing water upon it, but this is apt to damage the hearth and bottom plate, and it is better to give an addition of hammer slag moistened with water. c. When the dimensions of the furnace, chiefly those of flue and chimney, are enlarged, and when the arched roof has been burnt out; in the latter case the draught in the furnace passes along the roof and comes little in contact with the iron, which therefore comes less easily to nature. Another irregularity takes place when treating good thickly liquid iron with an excess of rich cinder, as then the tem- perature of the furnace rises too high owing to the energetic oxidation; the iron then comes to nature too rapidly, causing great loss of iron, and yields an inferior product if the pig- iron under treatment is not very pure. The best remedies for this irregularity are acid slags and lowering the tem- perature of the furnace by almost closing the damper. During the puddling operation the fire is usually stoked at times when a cooling of the furnace is no disadvantage, for instance, at the commencement of the process after having cleaned the grate, in the first period of the process when melting down the pig-iron, also when stirring the iron, and at last after the formation of the balls. Skilful work- men, however, will also regulate the temperature by a little careful stoking at other parts of the operation. The following are the results of different puddling works:- a. Puddling works using mineral coal as fuel (page 771). In Staffordshire two workmen (a puddler and a labourer) in a turn of 12 hours will work off from five to seven charges of RESULTS OF DIFFERENT PUDDLING WORKS. 849 4 or 4 cwts. The smaller number refers to grey pig, and the larger to mixtures containing from to by weight of fine metal. The loss of weight between the pig-iron charged and the puddled blooms or bars produced is from 7 to 10 per cent; and the consumption of coal amounts to from I to to I'I ton per ton of puddled bars. The fettling materials required during 12 hours to keep the hearth in proper order are from 6 to 7 cwts. of bull-dog, and 2 or 3 cwts. of puddler's mine, in addition to the mill scale added to the charge. One hammer will shingle the balls from II or 12 puddling fur- naces. Whilst the weekly average production of a single furnace amounts to 18 tons, and that of a double furnace to 36 tons (the highest production of a double furnace is 46 tons), the puddling furnaces in Staffordshire yield less, the double furnaces about 28 tons, principally owing to the shorter time of working. In Scotland, where dark grey pig-iron rich in silicon is used. without being previously refined, only four or five charges of 4 cwts. are made in the same time. The loss of weight is from 15 to 18 per cent in converting the pig-iron into puddled bars, and the consumption of coal per ton of puddled bars is 25 or 26 cwts. When admixtures of fine metal and grey forge pig, partly Scotch and partly hæmatite, are used, the operations are accelerated and facilitated, though the con- sumption of coal is not much less than when puddling raw metal only, and the results are generally similar to those obtained in Staffordshire. In Cleveland and Durham, six or seven charges of 4 or 4 cwts. each of a mixture of grey forge iron and fine metal, are worked off in 12 hours at a consumption of from 24 to 27 cwts. of coal per ton of puddled iron, and with a loss of iron of 8 or 10 per cent. The above quantities are in long cwts. of 120 lbs. each. In Belgium the average weight of the charge is 230 kilos. According to the quality of metal employed, the time re- quired for each charge is from 1 to 24 hours, namely, 2 to 24 hours with grey pig, 13 to 2 hours with white pig, and 1 to 2 hours with fine metal. The loss in weight is from 3 I VOL. II. I 850 IRON. 7 to 10 per cent, and the coal consumed is equal in weight to that of the puddled bars produced. At Phoenixhütte in Ruhrort, a charge is 450 lbs., yielding from 385 to 390 lbs. of puddled bars, and from 120 to 140 lbs. of coal are consumed for the production of 100 lbs. of puddled bars. The number of charges in 12 hours amounts to from five to ten, according to the quality of the iron employed; when using a mixture of grey iron and fine metal, seven or eight charges are usually made. At Königshütte in the Hartz, a charge consists of 24 cwts. of grey iron and 1 cwts. of white pig, and twelve or thirteen charges are made in 24 hours, six or eight balls being formed in each charge. The production per 12 hours is 20 or 21 cwts., the yield of puddled iron being 87.7 per cent; the consumption of coal is 832 lbs. per 100 lbs. of pig-iron, and 96 lbs. per 100 lbs. of puddled iron. The time used for the different mani- pulations is 4 minutes for charging and repairing the hearth, 32 minutes for melting down the pig-iron, 33 minutes for stirring the fused iron, 22 minutes for the formation of the balls, 10 minutes for pressing and heating the balls, and 7 minutes for blooming the balls under a lift-hammer 6 or 7 cwts. in weight; therefore one charge is finished in 1 hour and 48 minutes. b. Puddling works using brown coal as fuel. At Leoben, the charge is 4 cwts. of white partly cellular pig-iron, which before being placed in the puddling furnace is brought to an orange-red heat in a second hearth; in 5 minutes it is turned for the first time, and a second time 5 or 10 minutes later, when the iron will fall into pieces; the workman then divides it with the rabble and stirs it, and as soon as it has assumed a pasty state some rich cinder is added according to the fusibility of the iron. Whilst the pasty mass is continually moved the cinder quickly rises, the iron comes rapidly to nature and projects out of the cinder after having used the third rabble. The iron is now turned once, divided, and formed into balls, which after being heated for a short time are shingled under a hammer 12 cwts. in weight and rolled out to mill-bars. These mill-bars are cut up whilst still red-hot, formed into piles, and rolled out to finished iron. A charge is worked off in 1 hour, usually RESULTS OF DIFFERENT PUDDLING WORKS. 851 producing four balls at a loss in weight of 9'0 or 9'4 per cent, and at a consumption of from 110 to 120 lbs. of coal per 100 lbs. of blooms. When re-heating the piles 9 cwts. are charged after being previously warmed, and they lose in weight from 15 to 20 per cent, according to the dimensions of the finished iron to which they are worked up. The consumption of coal amounts to from 100 to 110 lbs. per 100 lbs. of finished iron. At Franzenshütte, the charge is likewise 4 cwts., and the pig-iron treated is the radiated and cellular kind in plates 1 inch thick, each weighing from 80 to 100 lbs. The melting down is finished in 25 minutes; the iron is then stirred and worked with the rabble for 15 or 20 minutes whilst mixing from 40 to 50 lbs. of cinder with the iron; the iron has then come to nature and is shifted; the shifting takes 6 minutes, and 10 minutes are used for forming the balls, usually four in number. The iron is then worked up as in Leoben. A hearth lasts from 6 to 10 weeks; the slag hearth is melted down in from 9 to 12 hours at a consumption of 7 cwts. of small coal and 3'5 cwts of coal in pieces, and a cold furnace requires 20 cwts. of small coal to raise it to the proper temperature. During operation a furnace con- sumes 37°5 cwts. of coal in 12 hours. The loss of iron amounts to 6.6 per cent. c. The puddling process when turf is used as fuel (page 773). At Maximilianshütte, the weekly production of a puddling furnace is 350 cwts., and 14'5 cubic feet of turf are consumed per 100 lbs. of blooms. d. The puddling process when wood is used as fuel (page 773). At Surahammer and Nyby in Sweden, double furnaces are used, working off six charges of 600 or 700 lbs. of mottled iron each in 12 hours. The loss of iron amounts to 6 or 7 per cent, and from 10 to 14 cubic feet of wood are consumed per 100 lbs. of blooms. e. The puddling process with gases produced with brown coal (page 786). At Prävali, from twelve to fourteen charges are worked off 3 1 2 852 IRON. in double furnaces in 24 hours. A charge consists of 8 org cwts. of white forge pig. The loss of iron is 9 or 10 per cent, and from 122 to 140 lbs. of brown coal are consumed per 100 lbs. of blooms. Upon re-heating the puddled iron 126 or 129 lbs. of coal are consumed per 100 lbs. of iron, at a loss of from 11.6 to 13 per cent. At Krems, a double furnace produces 83.86 cwts. of rolled bars in 24 hours at a loss of 63 per cent of iron and at a consumption of 116 lbs. of coal. A re-heating furnace works off 66.87 cwts. of iron in the same time, causing a loss of 15.84 per cent of the latter and consuming 170 lbs. of coal per 100 lbs. of iron to be heated. f. The puddling process with gases produced with turf (page 775). At Nothburgahütte, near Freudenberg, a double furnace is charged with 8 cwts. of previously warmed white (partly cellular) forge pig, and a charge is worked off in 1 hour and 15 minutes, namely, 5 minutes are used for charging the furnace, 25 minutes for melting down the iron, 15 minutes for stirring it, 15 minutes for working it into balls, and 15 minutes for shingling the balls. 10 or 12 cubic feet of kiln-dried turf and I cubic foot of wood are consumed per 100 lbs. of blooms, and the yield of iron 94 per cent. (At Mandelholz in the Hartz 30 cubic feet of turf were consumed, and the yield of iron was 90 per cent.) At Buchscheiden, near Klagenfurt, 8 cwts. of previously warmed white and mottled forge pig are charged before all the balls of the previous charge are withdrawn; they melt down in about 30 minutes, and are mixed with cinder when they have scarcely attained the pasty state; the blast of combustion is now removed and re-applied when using the third rabble; the mass is turned twice and formed into twelve balls, eight of which are rolled out to mill-bars im- mediately after they have been shingled under a hammer weighing 12 cwts., and the other four blooms are returned to the furnace. A charge is finished in 13 hours, and yields from 92 to 94 per cent of mill-bars, consuming from 14 to 18 cubic The workmen work feet of turf per 100 lbs. of puddled iron. in shifts of 5 or 5 hours, in which they finish three charges. RESULTS OF DIFFERENT PUDDLING WORKS. 853 The re-heating furnaces are heated with kiln-dried turf and wood, and charged each with three piles weighing about 1500 lbs., which are rolled once when they have been heated for an hour, and of an hour later they are drawn out to rails. Ten charges are made in 24 hours; the total loss of iron is 15 per cent, and the consumption of turf from 12 to 18 cubic feet per 100 lbs. of iron, and that of wood 164 cubic feet for the ten charges. g. The puddling process with gases produced with wood (page 775). At Zorge in the Hartz, grey charcoal pig-iron is puddled in charges of 4 cwts. each, yielding 83 per cent of mill-bars, at a consumption of 10 or 13 cubic feet of wood per 100 lbs. The balls are shingled under a lift-hammer weighing 53 cwts,, making 70 blows per minute, and being lifted 20 inches high. I 4 At Lippitzbach, double furnaces are used producing about. 455 kilos. of mill-bars in 1 or 2 hours from 476 kilos. of pig-iron; 1*047 tons of pig-iron and I'OLI tons of kiln-dried wood are consumed for the production of I ton of mill-bars. They are re-heated in reverberatory furnaces with the same. kind of gaseous fuel, consuming 13 tons of wood per ton of finished iron, which results from 1187 tons of mill-bars. 8 cwts. of white and grey pig-iron are charged, yielding 95 or 96 per cent of blooms in 1 hours, at a consumption of 4 cubic feet of wood per 100 lbs. of blooms. The weekly production is 400 or 420 cwts. At Neuberg, 8 cwts. of white or mottled iron yield in 2 hours 94 or 95 per cent of blooms, consuming 5 cubic feet. of raw wood per cwt. of blooms. The weekly production varies between 290 and 400 cwts. h. The puddling process in Siemens's regenerative gas furnace. Mr. Siemens has kindly furnished us with the following details:- "Tables 1 and 2 give the working results which were ob- tained from Siemens's furnace, compared with the results obtained at the same time in an ordinary furnace from the same pig (theordinary forge mixture). 854 IRON. Nos. of Heats. REGENERATIVE GAS FURNACE. Time Charged. Table No. I. First Ball Out. First Shift.. Metal Charged. Yield. h. m. h. m. lbs. lbs. I. 5.25 6.32 410 392 2. 6.45 7.50 433 396 3. 8.8 9.9 430 410 4. 9.15 10.7 425 426 5. I0.20 II.22 426 430 6. II.40 12.46 412 412 Second Shift. I. 1.48 2.47 428 410 2. 2.50 3.47 420 414 3. 3.56 4.53 426 418 4. 5.00 6.3 432 417 5. 6.5 7.12 425 407 6. 7.20. 8.15 420 422 Third Shift. I. 9.10 10.15 423 414 2. 10.25 11.30 422 412 3. II.35 12.40 420 420 orer A 4. 12.45 2.00 430 410 5. 2.10 3.10 424 418 6. 3.16 4.20 420 400 First Shift. I. 5.38 6.45 423 402 2. 6.50 8.00 422 400 3. 8.6 9.8 430 390 4. 9.15 10.25 426 407 5. 10.35 II.45 426 420 6. II.55 1.8 430 416 Second Shift. I. 2.00 3.I 422 422 2. 3.6 4.00 424 415 3. 4.5 5.18 423 424 4. 5.23 6.27 423 415 5. 6.33 7.46 427 420 6. 7.49 8.50 420 406 RESULTS OF DIFFERENT PUDDLING WORKS. 855 h. m. h. m. Table No. 1 (continued). Nos. of Heats. Time Charged. First Ball Out. Third Shift. Metal Charged. Yield. lbs. lbs. I. 10.00 II.20 420 424 2. II.25 12.33 420 410 3. 12.40 I.45 423 412 4. 1.50 2.58 425 420 5. 3.13 4.20 430 418 6. 4.30 5.35 422 426 cwts. qrs. lbs. Total charge. 136 I 2 yield "" 132 3 7 20 2 2 Being at the rate of of pig-iron per ton of puddled bar. Time. ORDINARY FURNACE. Table No. 2. Weight of Metal Charged. Weight of Puddled Bars Produced. These times were not taken for each charge, but six heats were produced every twelve hours. Mean, 484 lbs. lbs. 424 425 405 430 430 438 416 456 410 432 426 420 422 422 425 430 450 410 Ibs. Mean charge. yield ,, 484 426 or 22 cwts. 2 qrs. 20 lbs. of pig-iron per ton of puddled bar. 856 IRON. "It will be observed that the ordinary furnace received charges of 484 lbs. each, and yielded on an average 426 lbs., representing a loss of 12 per cent, whereas the gas furnace received charges averaging 424 lbs., and yielded 413 lbs., representing a loss of less than 2.6 per cent. "It is important to observe, moreover, that the gas furnace turned out 18 heats in three shifts per 24 hours instead of only 12 heats per 24 hours, which was the limit of production in the ordinary furnace. "This rate of working was attained without the employment of any arrangement for heating the pig-iron before charging it into the furnace, the heating chambers at the ends not having been used. The adoption of the plan of heating the metal beforehand effects a further saving of ten or fifteen minutes in the time required for working each charge, as well as a considerable economy in fuel. "The quality of the iron produced from the gas furnace was proved decidedly superior to that from the ordinary furnace, being what is technically called 'best best' in the one and 'best' in the other case from the same pig. "The economy of fuel was also greatly in favour of the gas furnace, but could not be accurately ascertained, because some mill furnaces were worked from the same set of pro- ducers. Still, judging from the experience of several years in the working of regenerative gas furnaces as re-heating or mill furnaces, and as glass furnaces, the saving of fuel in puddling cannot be less than 40 or 50 per cent in quantity, while a much cheaper quality may be used. "The consumption of 'fettling' was, however, greater in the gas furnace, and the superior yield was naturally attri- buted by the forge managers to that cause, although the writer held a different opinion. "The gas furnace, however, had not been provided with water bridges; these were subsequently added, and the fur- nace put to work again in February, 1868, since which time it has been worked continually. "The result of the water bridges has been that the amount of "fettling" required is reduced to an ordinary proportion, the average quantity of red ore used being 92.6 lbs. per RESULTS OF DIFFERENT PUDDLING WORKS. 857 charge, besides the usual allowance of bull-dog, while the yield per charge of 483°3 lbs. of grey forge pig has been in- creased to 485 lbs. of puddled bar, as shown by the following return of a series of 80 consecutive charges in June last :— Total Charges and Yields. Average per Heat. Nos. of Heats. 80. Pig-iron charged. Puddled bar returned Red ore for fettling lbs. cwts. qrs. lbs. lbs. 38,668=345 I O 483'3 38,808=346 I 25 485'0 7,406 66 0 14 92.6 • proving that the yield of puddled bar slightly exceeds the charge of pig metal (representing a saving of fully 12 per cent over the ordinary furnace), while the superiority of quality in favour of the gas furnace is fully maintained. . "It is also worthy of remark that these results are obtained regularly by the ordinary puddlers of the works, and that no repairs have been necessary to the gas puddling furnace for more than six months, the roof of the furnace keeping also in excellent condition. "In these investigations I have confined myself to the puddling of ordinary English forge pig in order to avoid con- fusion, but it is is self-evident that the same reasoning also applies in a modified degree to white pig metal or refined metal, the use of which I should not, however, advocate. "Regarding the water bridges, I was desirous to ascertain the expenditure of heat at which the saving of "fettling" and greater ease of working was effected. The water passing through the bridges was accordingly measured by Mr. W. Hackney, and found to amount to 25 lbs per minute, heated 40° F. This represents 60,000 units of heat per hour, or a consumption not exceeding 8 lbs. to 10 lbs. of solid fuel per hour, an expenditure very much exceeded by the advantages obtained where water or cooling cisterns are available. "The labour of the puddler and of his underhand being very much shortened and facilitated by means of the furnace, I should strongly recommend the introduction of three working shifts of 8 hours each per 24 hours, each shift representing the usual number of heats, by which arrangement both the employer and the employed would be materially benefited. The 858 IRON. labour of the puddler may be further reduced with advantage by the introduction of the mechanical rabble, which has already made progress on the Continent. 66 By working in this manner, a regenerative gas puddling furnace of ordinary dimensions would produce an annual yield of about 940 tons of bar iron of superior quality from the same weight of grey pig metal and the ordinary propor- tion of fettling. "A considerable number of these puddling furnaces have been erected by me abroad, and in this country they are also taken up by the Monkbridge Iron Company, Leeds, and a few other firms. "The construction of these furnaces has been still further improved lately by the application of horizontal regenerators to save deep excavations, and by other arrangements whereby the first cost is diminished and the working of the furnace facilitated." 2. The Puddling Process for the Production of Fine-grained Iron. This process differs from the preceding process for the production of fibrous iron in the following points :- a. As the fine-grained iron which excels in homogeneous- ness, compactness, and tenacity, contains a larger proportion of carbon than fibrous iron, the process for its production is shorter and it requires a superior pig-iron (white radiated, specular, or grey pure charcoal iron), as sufficient time is not given to separate the noxious substances. Refined cold blast coke pig-iron is also used for the production of fine- grained wrought-iron, but seldom by itself (Low Moor), and more frequently in admixture with good grey or mottled varieties of pig; refined metal by itself can be puddled only with great difficulty (page 709). When less pure kinds of pig are to be used the puddling process is artificially prolonged by the application of poor cinder, a higher temperature, purifying fluxes (Schafhäutl's powder), &c. Manganese in the pig-iron causes the formation of a thinly liquid slag, prolongs the decarbonisation by precluding the THE PUDDLING PROCESS FOR FINE-GRAINED IRON. 859 iron from contact with the atmospheric air, and promotes the purification of the resulting wrought-iron. This is the reason why manganiferous pig is peculiarly fitted for the production of fine-grained wrought-iron. b. Smaller charges are sometimes employed, as they insure a more perfect success; they are chiefly used when treating refined metal (a charge at Low Moor amounts to only 2 cwts., at Vierzon to 180 kilos.), which consumes a considerable amount of fuel in becoming sufficiently fluid (at Low Moor 300 lbs. of coal are consumed are consumed per 200 lbs. of refined metal). Small charges increase the expenses of the process. c. The larger quantity of poor cinder employed prolongs the process and impedes the contact of the iron with atmospheric air, consequently less magnetic oxide is formed and the cinder remains poorer. (Fibrous iron poor in car- bon is formed when employing a smaller proportion of basic slag rich in magnetic oxide). The quality and larger quan- tity of the poor slag employed necessitate a deeper hearth, the side walls of which must be cooled with water page 787). To prevent the air from acting too energetically upon the fused mass the puddling furnace has a somewhat higher roof, and when employing gas firing the blast is conducted in a direction nearly parallel with the roof. d. In order to produce as uniform a product as possible, the fused metal must be stirred for a longer time (two or three rabbles more, or of an hour longer); a higher tempera- ture is, therefore, required at this stage of the process and also at the melting down of the pig-iron than for the pro- · duction of fibrous iron, and for the same reason the puddling furnaces require a considerable draught. When bringing the iron to nature, a reducing flame is employed; it is pro- duced by keeping a good layer of coal upon the grate and by partially closing the damper; when using gas firing the blast must be reduced. When producing fibrous iron an oxidising flame is applied at this period of the process. Before it is formed into balls the metal is usually transferred only once, and the balls are formed and withdrawn from the furnace quickly, thus making up for the longer time used 860 IRON. in stirring the iron. The balls are sometimes withdrawn. immediately after being formed in this manner, so that one ball is under the hammer whilst the following one is still in formation. A smaller number of larger balls are usually formed, and this also influences the decarbonisation; the balls are shingled under a hammer more perfectly and carefully, and larger grooves are employed upon rolling the blooms. The re-heating of the mill-bars requires a very high tempera- ture. The wrought-iron produced may be harder or softer according to the fineness of the grain, which depends chiefly upon the proportion of carbon contained in the iron; on the other hand, the grain is also influenced by the degree of temperature at which the iron is treated, and also by the quickness of the cooling of the iron. The operation of rolling is a more uniform mechanical treatment than hammering; rolled iron, therefore, has usually a more uniform grain than hammered iron. The fine-grained iron must not be confounded with another form of granular crystalline iron, which is hard and rich in phosphorus and frequently used for the central part of common rails. This kind of iron is produced from im- pure pig-iron with a larger addition of poor cinder or, in some cases, of sand or ground bricks, diminishing both the time of boiling and working at a low temperature. The following results have been obtained in different iron works at the production of fine-grained iron :- 1. At Alvenslebenhütte* in Silesia. Charges of 400 lbs. of a mixture of 250 lbs. of grey pig and 150 lbs. of refined metal are employed for the production of fibrous wrought- iron as well as of that of fine-grained wrought-iron; the former is puddled in the dry puddling furnace (page 787), and the latter in the furnace represented in Figs. 239, 240, and 241 on page 786, and the following results are obtained :- Berggeist, 1861, No. 78. HARTM., Fortschr., v., 195. B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 399; 1862, p. 186. Schles. Wochenschr., 1859, No. 50. RESULTS IN PUDDLING FINE-GRAINED IRON. 861 Wet Dry Puddling. Puddling. Charging and melting down. 40 40 minutes. Stirring with four or five rabbles 30 30 "" Working the metal with a pointed rabble 15 25 وو Formation of the balls. ΙΟ 20 "" Forging the balls 15 15 "" Total length of the operation ΙΙΟ • 130 وو Loss of iron 9 14-16 per cent. Number of charges in 12 hours • 6-7 5—6 about 3*15 cubic feet. Consumption of coal per 100 lbs. of fine-grained mill-bars 2. Pielahütte in Upper Silesia. Six charges of 400 lbs. each are worked in 12 hours, at a loss of 9 or 10 per cent of iron. 3. Low Moor. The puddling furnaces are comparatively small (the hearth is only 3 feet broad) with a very high stack, in order to command a strong heat. The metal used is re- fined metal, produced from cold blast coke pig-iron, and 2cwts. (long weight) of refined metal forms one charge, nine of which are made in 12 hours. Each charge is previously heated to redness in a second bed with which the puddling furnaces are provided, and which are heated in the usual way by the waste flame. Only two or three balls are formed, which, after shingling under a 7-ton helve hammer into plates or stamps 10 or 12 inches square and 1½ inches thick, are broken into pieces by blows from a heavy weight falling from a considerable height. These pieces are sorted ac- cording to the fracture, and piled into small heaps called. balls," which are heated in a re-heating furnace and hammered into blooms under a steam hammer. The blooms are then re-heated and hammered several times. (usually three times) again so as to make them perfectly sound; they are then worked into the required form. The pieces with the most uniform crystalline fracture are used for railway tires and purposes requiring hard iron, whilst blooms which are less uniform or show fibre are better fitted for making boiler plates and wire rods. The loss of iron in puddling amounts to 4 per cent, and the consumption of coal to 30 cwts. per ton of fine metal treated, or 37 cwts. per ton of blooms produced. 862 IRON. The Bowling and Farnley Companies and several other firms in South Yorkshire work upon the same system, and produce iron equal in quality to that of Low Moor. 4. Vierzon.* Four or five charges, each of 180 kilos. of grey manganiferous pig-iron, are worked in 12 hours at a loss of 5 per cent of iron, and at a consumption of from 1120 to 1360 kilos. of coal per 750 or 800 kilos. of fine- grained wrought-iron. When working fibrous wrought-iron seven charges of 180 kilos. each are made in 12 hours; the loss of iron is 8 or 8 per cent, and the consumption of coal is the same as in the production of fine-grained iron. The composition of puddle cinder is shown by the following analyses :- I. II. III. IV. Sio, 16:53 28.04 36.8 46.1 FeO 66*23 70'45 61.0 45'0 MnO 4'90 0'44 I'9 CaO 0'70 0*28 ΙΟ MgO 0°30 2'0 A1203 I'04 0°24 I'5 3°0 Fe₂O₁ FeS 6.80 PO5 3.80 P. 0.16 S 0'09 No. I is cinder remaining in the furnace after the re- moval of the balls, analysed by Calvert and Johnson ; formula, 6(3 FeO,SiO) + 5(6FeO,SiO3); its proportion of oxygen is as 9*08: 15'59. No. 2. Cinder from Sore in Styria. No. 3. Cinder from Dowlais; compact, greyish black, analysed by Berthier; formula, 2FeO,SiO3. No. 4. Cinder from Skebo in Sweden, analysed by Sefström; formula, 3 FeO2SiO3. Re-heating the Blooms, &c.-The blooms vary in size according to the purpose for which they are intended; they are not usually sound or uniform, having cracks and containing an admixture of cinder. To render them perfectly homogeneous and compact they must be repeatedly heated at a strong white heat, and treated each time mechanically, which is most effective by applying hammers; * B. u. h. Ztg., 1860, p. 170. RE-HEATING THE BLOOMS, ETC. 863 the tenacity of the iron is also increased. The operation of welding shows faults which the blooms may contain, such as particles of raw iron, an intermixture of cinder, &c., and allows their removal as well as the extraction of smaller proportions of silicon, phosphorus, manganese, and sulphur contained in the blooms, owing to the oxidising action of the intermixed rich cinder. To prevent excessive loss of iron by oxidation in the welding heat and at the mechanical treat- ment, some fine sand is thrown upon it, to combine with the oxidised iron and form a protecting coating of slag. Iron bars of various size and form, which are required to be perfectly homogeneous, are merely drawn out from a solid piece of iron, as the employment of piled up iron makes it likely that some of the joints formed by the heaped up bars will not be perfectly welded; but the use of piles is in most cases necessary for economical reasons. The commoner kinds of bar iron are made of puddled or mill-bars (iron No. 1), which are cut into lengths, piled up, and rolled when brought to a welding heat; the piles are sometimes first worked into a bloom under a hammer. In most cases, however, that produced from the second rolling (iron No. 2), is employed as the top and bottom plates of the piles, thus insuring a smoother surface of the resulting bars, which are called No. 3, or best iron. Upon piling and welding this iron it is distinguished as best best, which then may be improved to treble best by welding and rolling it again, and so on. The object to be rolled always fixes the size of the pile and the arrangement of the different qualities of iron; but this composition is frequently modified by other than scientific circumstances, such as the convenience of the iron works, the cheapness of the article to be produced, &c. For in- stance, rails, which perhaps form the chief article of the rolling mills, are necessarily made of inferior iron and with as little work as possible if they are contracted for a low price. Sometimes even the composition of the piles is pre- scribed by the railway companies. For those reasons the piles for the common cheap rails are usually composed of about 1-5th of iron No. 2, and 4-5ths of iron No. 1; the iron No. 2, consisting of bars an inch thick, is so arranged in 864 IRON. the piles as to cover the top and part of the sides. The iron No. 1 is usually 1 inch thick and 3 inches broad. The piles themselves are in some cases 7 inches square and about 4 feet long, and in others 8 inches broad, 10 inches high, and nearly 3 feet long. These latter piles are rolled out in two heats, thus insuring a better welding; but in many cases the thin top pieces of the pile are so much cooled on the way from the furnace to the rolls as to lose their proper welding heat; thus, on rolling, they merely adhere to the rails by virtue of the compressing power, but when using those rails on the lines the top plate is apt to come off, rendering the rail useless. The different nature of the two kinds of iron also make a proper welding a difficult opera- tion. In many cases part of the iron No. 1 in the piles is replaced by crop-ends of rails, and old scraps of wrought- iron. Many railway companies have profited by experience, and now procure their rails in the proper way. They leave the manufacture entirely in the hands of the iron-masters, and pay the price for a good article, which they secure by a guarantee from the iron-master that all rails becoming faulty in the first, second, third, and even fifth years of their use, must be replaced gratis by the iron-master. This guarantee has in every case answered its purpose, as it ensures a proper welding of the rails and the use of a good material. On the Continent the top of the piles for the warranted rails is usually formed of a single iron slab of fine-grained iron 2 or 3 inches thick, and the piles are worked off in two heats, hammering them under a steam hammer after the first heat, and rolling them into rails after the second heat. Beattie's system of piling adopted for railway axles has proved advantageous. It consists of a ring built up of several segments, arranged round a central bar. To increase the strength of iron articles, chiefly boiler plates, the bars are placed crosswise over each other in the pile, so that the fibres in one layer may be at right angles with the fibres of the next layer. When requiring piles I ton or more in weight, for the manufacture of armour plates, cranks, &c., a number of RE-HEATING IN HOLLOW FIRES. 865 blooms, or lighter piles of suitable composition, are hammered or rolled and successively piled one upon the other. The loss in re-heating the blooms (from 10 to 20 per cent) depends chiefly on how perfectly the slag has been pressed out of the blooms when shingling the balls. The slag may be retained in the blooms to a certain degree, when shingling them under squeezers or by careful blows of the steam hammer, and the yield of the puddling process varies ac- cordingly. When rolling the blooms into mill-bars, the removal of the slag is of less importance, and the welding of the piles formed of the mill-bars offers a further oppor- tunity for that removal; a certain amount of slag in mill-bars, which are still partly raw, may be even advantageous, as it helps the raw parts to come to nature. A. Re-Heating in Hollow Fires. This method of re-heating is but little used. The opera- tion is carried on in the iron works of the Upper Hartz in the following manner :-The hearth is filled with a moistened mixture of washed coal and cinders, blast of low pressure is introduced; the bloom fixed in tongs is placed 2 or 3 inches above the current of blast, and covered with coal, which then soon cokes and forms a vaulted roof. The blast passes below the bloom, is repelled from the opposite side of the hearth, thus playing round the bloom, and escapes by an aperture left in the arched roof of coke into the warming stove. As soon as the bloom has become red-hot it is turned and somewhat lowered whilst increasing the blast, and it is turned again when its lower part approaches a white heat; it is then further lowered, and the blast is employed at its greatest pressure. Sand is now thrown on the bloom, and it is kept for some time in the highest heat of the hearth it is then sufficiently hot for the hammer, under which it is drawn out, leaving a small lump on one end of the bar. After each turning of the bloom the loosened coal is pressed. round it and fresh coal charged. A good, well-fined, bloom glows uniformly, and shows a smooth surface, and a bloom which is still partially raw VOL. II. 3 K 866 IRON. scintillates and glows unequally on its different parts. In such cases blast of lower pressure is employed to prevent the raw particles from melting out, and to facilitate their coming to nature by the decreased temperature. Upon employing too strong a blast, a melting of the raw particles would take place, and the fined iron would be too much decarbonised, and become burnt and friable. When re-heating raw blooms. a larger quantity of sand is employed than is used for well- fined blooms in order to impede the oxidation. Whilst drawing out the bloom, the cinder is tapped off from the hearth and deposits are removed, the hearth is filled with fresh coal, and another bloom, previously warmed, is introduced together with the lump attached to the drawn out bar; the vaulted roof is likewise repaired. When the second lump has become white hot, the bloom will be red, and will rapidly rise to a welding heat; the lump and bloom are drawn out under the hammer. One part of the hammer face is 12 inches square, and another 9 inches by 3 inches. The bloom is treated first with some blows of the large part of the hammer face, thus causing any slag which may have adhered to the bloom to fall off, and blunting its sharp edges; it is then drawn out by the oblong face as long as it remains soft, and it is continually turned. Next the bar is again hammered with the square face to remove the impressions made by the other face, and if a further drawing out is required, the bar is replaced in the hearth or the warming stove. Before bringing the hot iron under the hammer it is always turned round in a heap of sand. At Königshütte in the Hartz, 100 lbs. of blooms yield 82.45 per cent of finished iron, at a consumption of 45.8 lbs. of coal per 100 lbs. of finished iron. The production in 24 hours amounts to 15 or 16 cwts. of bar-iron; 100 lbs. of pig yield about 72 lbs. of bar-iron. B. Re-heating in Reverberatory Furnaces. These furnaces (page 807) are used for re-heating when a larger production is aimed at, and their charges vary from a few cwts. to over 10 tons. The piles or blooms are better RE-HEATING IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 867 placed in the furnaces crosswise than lengthwise, and they must not touch each other. According to how much they have been previously warmed, they are placed either in the middle of the hearth or near the fire-bridge; the coolest piles are placed before the flue-bridge. They are several times. turned, and sand is thrown upon them before they are with- drawn, which is done as soon as the edges become rounded. The hearth is repaired from time to time after several heats; it is best done with pebbles or large pieces of quartz, as they fly into small pieces and stick to the hearth under the influence of the heat. The loss of iron in the operation of re-heating varies with the number of heats, and amounts to from 12 to 20, on an average 15, per cent in the first heat, without taking into consideration the rough ends; the loss is less in the later heats. The consumption of fuel has been stated on page 777, and we have given several results of the re-heating pro- cess on page 848. The resulting cinder is used in the same way as the pud- dling cinder. This cinder runs from the inclined hearth into the flue, the deepest part of which is provided with a tap- hole, which is always kept hot by a coal fire, thus allowing the cinder to be tapped off at any time. The re-heating cinders are richer in iron than the cinder resulting in puddling furnaces and finery fires; they seldom contain less than 60 per cent of iron; they are more difficult to reduce, and are little influenced by roasting or the opera- tion of decaying. The following analyses show their composition:- I. II. III. SiO3 · 15°15 25'4 42°2 FeO. 76.73 68.8 52°0 MnO I'51 CaO. trace MgO trace A1203 I'95 5'0 3°3 Fe₂03 3'I S. * 1*36 P. 2.22 No. I is cinder from Witkowitz, analysed by Mayrhofer. 868 IRON. No. 2, cinder from Lohhütte near Siegen, analysed by Schnabel; its specific gravity is 4'167. No. 3 is cinder from Dowlais of the formula 6FeO,SiO,, analysed by Berthier. The following are the results of some of the re-heating furnaces: In England four charges of piles intended for rails are usually made, each weighing about 5 cwts. One charge is heated in about an hour, and the re-charging of the furnace, including the repairs of the hearth, takes 16 minutes; 36 piles. are heated in 12 hours, or about 83 tons per week in each furnace. When using double heat, ten furnaces are employed for the first heat and four for the second, in order to keep the mill constantly at work. The loss, including the crop ends, is about 20 per cent of the weight of the pile. When producing common bar-iron, 16 or 18 piles, about 18 inches long, 3 inches broad, and 2 or 3 inches high, are heated in about 30 minutes, and 31 tons are heated weekly in one furnace, but from 15 to 20 tons only of the finer sorts of iron. The loss of iron varies with the size of the piles, and amounts for these piles to 80, 130, and 210 lbs. respec- tively per ton, and the consumption of coal to 7, 10, and 13 cwts. respectively per ton of piles. The total amount of coal consumed in the manufacture of iron from the ore to the finished bars of common or No. 2 quality may be taken as five times the latter, with an in- crease of about 10 cwts. per ton for every additional heat. At Karolihütte near Dernoe (Hungary), a furnace is charged with seven piles, each weighing from 240 to 260 lbs. (formed of eight mill-bars). When up to welding-heat, the piles are first hammered under a hammer 24 cwts. in weight, which is lifted 32 inches high, and gives 65 or 70 blows per minute; the re-heating and the hammering are once repeated, when the piles are heated for the third and last time, and rolled into the size required; the loss is 20 per cent of the weight of the piles. When re-heating blooms, 50, each weighing 28 lbs., are charged, after being first warmed. The charging is effected in a quarter of an hour; the re- heating takes half an hour, and the rolling out three quarters of an hour; 5 or 6 cwts. of quartz are consumed in 12 hours RE-HEATING IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 869 for repairing the hearth; ten or eleven charges are made in 12 hours, causing a loss of 14 or 16 per cent of iron, and 48 lbs. of coal are consumed per 100 lbs. of finished iron. At other iron works in Dernoe re-heating furnaces are used with a greatly inclined hearth; from 60 to 90 cwts. of blooms are re-heated in six charges in 12 hours. The loss of iron amounts to 18 per cent, the consumption of coal to 50 or 60 cwts. per 12 hours, and that of quartz to 12 or 15 lbs. per 100 lbs. of finished iron. The hearth bottom of quartz is three or four times renewed in 12 hours, and when re- heating large piles, after each charge. A furnace lasts from 2 to 6 months, but the fire-bridge and flue require to be renewed every week. 20 cwts. of coal in pieces are re- quired to raise a cold furnace to the required temperature, which takes 6 hours. The piles, usually seven in number, are placed in one row, and blooms in two or three rows, the long way of the hearth. Some Examples of Finishing Wrought-Iron of Different Kinds. Bars of 1 inch square may be rolled out of piles 18 inches long made up of six bars, 4 inches by 3 of an inch, the top and bottom plates being iron No. 2, whilst the other bars are mill-bars. Round bars, 4 inches in diameter and 16 feet long, are rolled from piles 10 inches by 11 inches, and 6 feet long, the top and bottom plates also con- sisting of iron No. 2 or No. 3. Tunner has reported on the manufacture of tyres, T-iron, wrought-iron tubes, &c.; a more particular account of it would occupy too much of our space. The manufacture of rails and of bar iron of different form is described in the articles and treatises given in our note.† We have already mentioned that the piles for the heavier plates are formed of layers of bars, placed alternately across each other, the top and bottom plates being made each of one bar of iron No. 2, either rolled or hammered. A boiler * LEOB., Jahrb., 1852, ii., 124; 1960, ix., 176; 1863, xii., 83. Maass. und Gewichtsverhältnisse,' pp. 189, 521, 522. Maurer, B. u. h. Ztg., 1843, p. 1105; 1845, p. 320; 1847, P. 778; 1850, p. 439; 1854, PP. 44, 141; 1857, p. 129. HARTM., Fortschr., i., 384; ii., 307; iii., 277; V., 224. Ansiaux et Masion. &c. (p. 483). Polyt. Centr., 1859, No. 27. GRUNER et LAN, état présent, &c. 870 IRON. plate 6 feet long, 3 feet broad, and 3-16ths of an inch thick, is made of a pile 20 inches long, 6 or 7 inches high, and 12 inches broad. Plates and sheets* are classified according to their thick- ness; the former term being restricted to all sizes above No. 4 of the Birmingham wire gauge, corresponding to a thickness of o°238 inches. Sheet iron is further classified into three divisions, as follows:- Singles, including from No. 4 to No. 20 gauge or o'238 to 0.035 inches thick. Doubles Trebles or lattens "" 20 25 "" 25 27 "" 0'035 :) 0'020 0'020 0'016 Thin sheet iron or black plates require a tough and soft iron, and this material is at present more frequently provided by puddling furnaces than by the finery fires. The iron employed must be as free as possible from inter- mixed cinder and scalings; a little red-shortness is of less importance. This iron is piled up and rolled so as to form bars, for instance 4 inches broad, 1 or 1 inches thick, and from 2 to 4 feet long, weighing from 20 to 60 lbs. These bars or plates are re-heated and rolled, first each bar by itself and then two together. The resulting plates are cut to small sizes, re-heated, and again rolled, taking more plates (up to fifty) on the top of the other, coal dust being thrown between the different plates. The last rolling is effected under hard rolls. The re-heating of the plates is mostly effected in a re- verberatory furnace provided with a proportionally small grate and high fire-bridge to protect the plates from oxida- tion, and to facilitate their turning. The hearth has pro- jections upon which the plates rest; the flue is sometimes conducted downwards towards the chimney, and sometimes upwards. A hearth is now and then constructed between the flue and chimney for the preparatory heating of iron. The plates are frequently heated by the waste flame of other furnaces, and two or three hearths are placed one above the other. In order to prevent the oxidation of very thin plates, they are heated in well closed cast-iron boxes. A special * BAUERMAN, Metallurgy of Iron, &c., p. 317. THE MANUFACTURE OF TIN PLATES. 871 grate is sometimes placed before the working opening of the furnace, to prevent a cooling of the hearth (Alvensleben- hütte).* Before the last heating the plates are sometimes brushed with muriatic acid, and well beaten to remove their scale. Owing to the great number of re-heatings and the large surface of the finished work compared with its weight, the loss and consumption of materials are very great. For the production of 1 ton of sheets sheared to the proper size, 25 cwts. of coal are required, and 25 or 26 cwts. of rough bars. There is a waste of 4 or 5 cwts. on this quantity, about 4 cwts. of which are accounted for in the shearings and crop ends produced at different stages of the process. No great amount of scaling takes place, owing to the com- paratively low temperature at which the work is done. Before shearing the plates they are annealed again, and covered with old plates, to obviate brittleness and tension. When reduced to the proper dimensions, the plates are brought to a bright metallic surface by pickling in weak sulphuric acid. A final polish is given by cold rolling, after which the plates or sheets are ready for tinning. The Russian, Belgian, Swedish, and other plates have a great reputation. The manufacture of sheets for the manufacture of buttons requires the very best wrought-iron.§ To prevent the oxidation of black plates they are coated either with tin or zinc; zinc prevents oxidation even if partially coating the iron, whilst tin would facilitate oxida- tion. The Manufacture of Tin Plate.-This process, which is now carried on in some of the best works, is de- scribed in Ure's "Dictionary of Arts and Mines," iii., p. 918, as follows:-"When the sheet iron leaves the plate mill, and after separating the plates, and sprinkling B. u. h. Ztg., 1862, p. 206. + BAUERMAN's Treatise on Metallurgy of Iron, p. 620. P. 56. TUNNER'S Bericht. über die Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung, in 1862, || Ibid., p. 52. § LEOB., Jahrb., 1852, ii., 124, 171. 872 IRON. between each plate a little sawdust, the effect of which is to keep them separate, they are then immersed, or, as techni- called termed, 'pickled,' in dilute sulphuric acid, and after this placed in the annealing pot, and left in the furnace about 24 hours; on coming out, the plates are passed through the cold rolls. After passing the cold rolls, the plates seem to have too much the character of steel, and are not sufficiently ductile; to remedy this they are again annealed at a low heat, washed in dilute sulphuric acid to remove any scale of oxide of iron, and scoured with sand and water. The plates in this state require to be perfectly clean and bright, and may be left for months immersed in pure water without rust or injury; but a few minutes ex- posure to the air rusts them. With great care to have them perfectly clean, they are taken to the stove, Fig. 270 being a section through the line, K, K, of the the plan, Fig. 271. FIG. 270. K UN 6 5 4 3 В B 2 I FIG. 271. Taken from the right to the left, I represents the tinman's pan; 2, the tin pot; 3, the washing or dipping pot; 4, the grease pot; 5, the cold pot; 6, the list pot. The tinman's pan is full of melted grease; in this the plates are immersed, and left there until all aqueous moisture upon them is evaporated, and they are completely covered with the grease; from this they are taken to the tin pot, and there plunged into a bath of melted tin, which is covered with grease; but K TINNING OF IRON PLATES. 873 as in this first dipping the alloy is imperfect, and the sur- face not uniformly covered, the plates are removed to the dipping or wash pot; this contains a bath of melted tin covered with grease, and is divided into two compartments. In the larger compartment the plates are plunged, and left sufficiently long to make the alloy complete, and to separate any superfluous tin which may have adhered to the surface; the workman takes the plate and places it on the table marked в in the plan, and wipes it on both sides with a brush of hemp; then to take away the marks of the brush and give a polish to the surface, he dips it in the second compartment of the wash pot. This last always contains the purest tin, and as it becomes alloyed with the iron it is removed on to the first compartment, and afterwards to the tin pot. The plate is now removed to the grease pot (No. 4); this is filled with melted grease, and requires very skilful management as regards the temperature it is to be kept at. The true object is to allow any superfluous tin to run off, and to prevent the alloy on the surface of the iron plate from cooling more quickly than the iron. If this were neglected the face of the plate would be cracked. The plate is removed to the cold pot (No. 5); this is filled with tallow, heated to a comparatively low temperature. The use of the grease pots, Nos. 4 and 5, is the process adopted in practice for annealing the alloyed plates. The list pot (No. 6) is used for the purpose of re- moving a small wire of tin which adheres to the lower edge of the plate in all the foregoing processes. It is a small cast-iron bath, kept at a sufficiently high temperature, and covered with tin about of an inch deep. In this the edges of the plates are dipped and left until the wire of tin is melted, and then detached by a quick blow on the plate with a stick. The plates are now carefully cleaned with bran to free them from grease. Lastly they are taken to the sorting room, where every plate is separately examined and classed, and packed in boxes for the market. The tests of quality for tin plates are ductility, strength, and colour. To obtain these, the iron must be of the best quality, and the manufacture must be conducted with pro- portionate skill.” VOL. II. 3 L 874 IRON. The plates to be tinned are sometimes made of puddled steel; 100 lbs. of plate require from 6'5 to 8 lbs. of tin; iron may be tinned also in the wet way. The plates are coated with zinc* in the same manner as cast-iron; they are sometimes also enamelled. Wire Drawing. Strong fine-grained iron produced in the finery process is best adapted for the manufacture of wire, but since the im- provements in the puddling process puddled iron is likewise employed. The iron is either rolled to the required dimen- sion (about two lines in diameter), or it is cut by a slitting mill (page 826), and wound up on a windlass whilst still hot. In order to keep the wire rod as soft as possible, it is slowly cooled in a closed box made of iron plates. The wire rod is then immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, and afterwards washed in lime-water and dried in the air; it is then placed on the reel, B, Figs. 272 and 273. One end of the wire rod is FIG. 272. B D A pointed either with the file or the hammer, so as to make it fit the largest hole of the draw-plate, F, which is movable in the pillar, D, and fixed to the cylinder, c, by means of the hook, u. The cylinder, c, is then set in motion by being lifted somewhat, and the cross-bar, i, connected with the cross-bar, n, by means of the hook, o, when the spindle, 7, DINGL., Bd. 109, pp. 478, 480; Bd. 112, p. 121. WIRE DRAWING. 875 resting upon the support, d, will be put in motion by means of the bevelled wheels, b and c, and of the movable axis, a, below the draw-bench, A. When the wire has passed through one hole and been wound upon the cylinder, the hook, o, will FIG. 273. Ֆ и URDU IDE WHEN C d no longer be kept in contact with the cross-bar, n, by strained wire, and consequently drops down, when the ring of wire is removed and drawn through the next hole. During the operation of drawing the wire must be kept in a horizontal position by means of the movable draw-plate. The draw plates are frequently filled with hard white cellular pig-iron, and the holes are made large on the side where the wire enters, and taper off regularly to the other side. Plates with jewelled holes are seldom employed. When drawing the wire a lump of tallow is placed before the draw-plate; soap is also used for the same purpose of diminishing friction. The wire offers some resistance on being drawn again through the same hole. The operation of drawing renders the wire hard, and there- fore it must be annealed. The wire is placed in a closed cylindrical ring of cast-iron, through which flame is con- ducted. It is then cleaned from the superficial oxide either 876 IRON. by immersion in dilute sulphuric acid or by scouring me- chanically; for instance, by fixing the wire-rings on the arm of a lever, which is jerked against an anvil, whilst a continual stream of water impinges upon the wire. The wire is some- times cleaned by being placed together with pebbles in a perforated rotating cask with an admission of flowing water. When the production of bright wire is desired, the wire on drawing is conducted through a mixture of water, yeast, sulphuric acid, and copper vitriol; a little olive oil is kept on the surface of the admixture as well as on the draw plate. Iron coated with copper passes more readily through the draw plate, and is also protected from rusting for some time. When wire is diminished one-half, one-third, one-fourth, &c., in diameter, it is augmented in length respectively four, nine, sixteen times, &c. The speed at which wire may with prudence be drawn out depends on the ductility and tenacity of the metal. Iron wire of 0.3 inch in diameter bears drawing at the rate of from 12 to 15 inches per second; but when of o'025 of an inch, at the rate of 40 to 45 inches at the same time. The ultimate strength of iron and steel wire almost always decreases as the diameter increases; this is also the case with forged and rolled bars, in which the metals are united in greater bulk. Some very small kinds of charcoal wire only break with loads of about 100 tons to the square inch, while the average strength of wire may be taken as double that of rolled bars. INDICES. ! 1 CLASSIFIED INDEX OF SMELTING WORKS AND MINING DISTRICTS. A FRICA (Copper), 6, 217, 222. Cape of Good Hope (Copper), 5. Algeria (Copper), 6 Agordo, Venetian Alps (Copper), 13, 22, 103, 222, 246, 257, 259 America (Iron), 685 North (Copper), 4, 238; (Iron), 337, 417 United States (Iron), 265, 266, 329, 330, 332, 802 574 Baltimore (Copper), 227 Benton County (Iron), Boston (Copper), 8, 11, 14, 42, 48, 55, 127, 215 227 Cleaveland (Copper) 227 Connecticut (Copper), 5 Detroit (Copper), 14, 226, Illinois (Iron), 340 Kentucky (Iron), 340 Lake Superior (Copper), I, 3, 4, 6, 80, 226 Maryland (Copper), 5; (Iron), 340. Minnesota (Copper), 3 New England (Copper), 4 New Haven (Copper), 227 New Jersey (Copper), 4, 6; (Iron), 271, 328, 700 New York (Copper), 5 North Carolina (Copper), 4; (Iron), 325, 340, 344 (Iron), 340 Ohio (Copper), 227; Pennsylvania (Copper), 4, 227; (Iron), 340, 423, 558 America, North, United States, Pitts- burg (Copper), 227 Vermont (Iron), 700 -Virginia (Copper), 4, 5; (Iron), 340 Mexico (Copper), 7 South (Copper), 6, 7, 227, 229 Bolivia (Copper), 7 Chili (Copper), 3, 5, 6, 7, 167, 186, 187, 189 New Granada (Iron), 337 Peru (Copper), 3, 5, 6, 187 Cordillera Mountains (Cop- pcr), 6 Viquintipa (Copper), 36 Asia Minor (Copper), 217, 222 Australia (Copper), 186 Burraburra (Copper), 80 South (Copper), 5, 6, 55, 66 Kanmantoo (Copper), 7 New Zealand (Iron), 316, 327 Austria (Copper), 263; (Iron), 265, 266 Bohemia (Copper), 7; (Iron), 326, 334, 760, 764, 778 Kallich (Iron), 773 Neudeck (Iron), 372 Ransko (Iron), 420 Carinthia (Iron), 332, 336, 471, 481, 702, 715, 724, 766, 768, 778, 802 Buchscheiden (Iron), 776 Feistritz (Iron), 763 Frantschach (Iron), 770 853 Lavanthal (Iron), 561 Lölling (Iron), 561 Lippitzbach (Iron), 775, 776, iv INDEX. Austria, Carinthia, Nothburgahütte near Freudenberg (Iron), 852 Wolfsberg (Iron), 773 Carniola, Toplice (Copper), 239 Galicia (Copper), 4; (Iron), 402 Hungary (Copper), 1, 4, 5, 7, 27, 44, 67, 70, 76; (Iron), 315, 764 Altgebirg (Copper), 101 Altwasser (Copper), 14 Dernoe (Iron), 868 Felsöbanya (Copper), 117, 119 Fernezely (Copper), 117 Kapnick (Copper), 117 Kremnitz (Copper), 14, 213 Laposbanya (Copper), 117 Nagybanya (Copper), 13, 117 Neusohl (Copper), 14, 213 Olahlaposbanya (Copper), 117 Schemnitz (Copper), 14, 213, 235 Schmöllnitz (Copper), 14, 15, 48, 51, 54, 71, 101, 211, 231, 232, 234, 248, 250 Sztrimbul (Copper), 117 Tajova (Copper), 14, 68, 213 Zsarnowitz (Copper), 213 Moravia, Blensko (Iron), 591, 764 Gaja (İron), 556 Wengerska Gorka (Iron), 556 Silesia, Wengers-Gorka (Iron), 482 Styria (Iron), 326, 332, 336, 412, Belgium, Espérance (Iron), 482 Liege (Iron), 633 Ougrée (Iron), 406 Séraing (Iron), 371, 393, 482, 505, 574 FRANCE (Copper), 3, 11; (Iron), 265, 266, 229, 334, 339, 372, 411, 422, 456, 478, 557, 685, 761, 768, 779 South (Copper), 8; (Iron), 805 Auvergne (Iron), 328 Bley (départ. Saône) (Iron), 391 Bouc (Copper), 41, 222 Chanon St. Etienne (Iron), 393 Champigneulles near Nancy (Iron), 556 Chessy near Lyon (Copper), 7, 14, 221 Creuzot (Iron), 279, 311, 557, 623, 809 Decazeville (Iron), 557 Fourchambault (Iron), 557 Marseilles (Copper), 233 Mauberge (Iron), 557 Pisos (Iron), 738 Rhone (Copper), 14, 49, 217 Savoy (St. Helen) (Iron), 391 Vierzon (Iron) 859, 862 ERMANY (Iron), 266, 332, 335, 471, 481, 491, 541, 571, 709, 762, GE 767, 768, 778 Eisenerz (Iron), 277, 470, 548, 561 Hieflau (Iron), 556, 561 Hüttenberg (Iron), 561 Leoben (Iron), 773, 778, 850 Lietzen (Iron), 391 Mariazell (Iron), 372, 555, 573, 575, 610, 616, 622, 633, 724 Miesling (Iron), 555 Neuberg (Iron), 561, 773, 774 Oeblarn (Copper), 13, 44, 124 Rottenmann (Iron), 773 St. Stephan (Iron), 470, 482, 555, 585 Turrach (Iron), 561 Vordernberg (Iron), 336, 368, 404, 561, 567 Transylvania (Copper), 4 Tyrol (Copper), 5 Jenbach (Iron), 561 BANAT, Csiklowa (Copper) 101, 131 Dognorka (Copper), 101 Moldava (Copper), 101 Steierdorf (Iron), 342 Szaszka (Copper), 100 Belgium (Iron), 263, 265, 266, 354, 456, 478, 483, 510, 555, 557, 563, 571, 849 403, 411, 456, 759, 761 Baden (Iron), 334, 354 Bavaria (Iron), 334, 768, 774 Ebenau (Iron), 773, 776 Hammern (Iron), 773 Hof (Iron), 557 Maximilianshütte (Iron), 772, 773, 789, 851 Brunswick (Zorge Rübeland) (Iron), 556,774, 853 Prussia (Copper), 263; (Iron), 265, 418 Berlin (Iron), 582, 593, 620, 623 Hartz (Copper), 6, 67; (Iron), 326, 334, 337, 358, 363, 391, 710, 777, 783 Lower (Copper), 15, 26, 33, 43, 51, 64, 66, 73 Gittelde (Iron), 277, 388, 556, 561, 738 776 130, 235 Ilsenburg (Iron), 555, Oker (Copper), 33, 124, Rammelsberg (Copper), 7, 14, 124, 231, 250, 333 Upper (Copper), 13, 33, 108, 130, 131; (Iron), 291, 296, 412, 449, 473, 555, 566, 570, 572, 709, 741, 745, 746, 758, 776 INDEX. V Germany, Prussia, Upper Hartz, Altenau (Copper), 33, 51, 52, 55, 62, 84, 130; (Iron), 324, 360 62, 65, 130 Andreasberg (Copper), Lautenthal (Copper), 33, 51, 62, 130 Lerbach (Iron), 297, 368, 592, 604, 610 Königshütte (Iron), 281, 283. 318, 319, 360, 535, 548, 588, 609, 850, 866 482 Rothehütte (Iron), 283, Hanover (Iron), 768 Georg Marienhütte (Iron), Alexishütte, near Lingen 557 (Iron), 335 Meppen (Iron), 398, 557 Neustadt (Iron), 473, 556 Silbernaal, near Clausthal (Iron), 737 Sollingerhütte (Iron), 738 Hesse (Iron), 334 Ludwigshütte (Iron), 555 Thalitter (Copper), 116 Mansfeld (Copper), 1, 2, 13, 15, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45, 48, 51, 55, 58, 65, 66, 67, 76, 191, 192, 193, 230, 235 Müsen, Lohe (Copper), 13, 61; (Iron), 119, 270, 319, 336, 567 Siegen (Copper),189,232; (Iron), 283, 320, 332, 370, 391, 404, 412, 449, 556, 709, 710, 777, 868 Nassau (Iron), 710, 768, Dillenburg (Copper), 4, 13, 66, 77, 110, 136 Isabellenhütte (Copper), II Polonia (Iron), 555, 709, 773 Pomerania (Iron), 738 Provinces of the Rhine (Copper), 187; (Iron), 334, 414, 491, 762, 768 Aggerthal (Copper), 189 Commern (Copper), 234, 242 Duisburg (Copper), 13, 189, 204, 208; 557 (Iron), 429, Linz (Copper), 15, 232, 233, 234, 236, 252, 254 Germany, Prussia, Waldeck, Twiste (Copper), 230, 234 Silesia (Iron),326, 334, 339, 368, 376, 429, 491, 501, 555, 556, 557, 558, 571, 572, 709, 710, 759, 760, 764, 772 860 Álvenslebenhütte (Iron), 787, Breslau (Iron), 590 Gablau (Iron), 342 Gleiwitz (Iron), 368, 393, 482, 557, 582, 589, 590, 594, 610, 624, 726, 861 Königshütte (Iron), 346, 368, 393, 401, 406, 408, 447, 463, 482, 495, 556, 726 109 Laurahütte (Iron), 557 Kupferberg (Copper), 13, 54, Malapane (Iron), 482, 556 Rybnik (Iron), 709 Vorwärtshütte (Iron), 297, 556 Tarnowitz (Iron), 557 Westphalia (Iron), 339, 342, 360, 361, 363, 388, 399, 414, 478, 480, 491, 563, 571, 778 Gravenhorst (Iron), 555 Hasslinghausen (Iron), 283, 512, 557 -Hattingen (Iron), 393, 400, 557 Hörde (Iron), 376, 393, 400, 451, 505, 557, 770, 835 Lünen (Iron), 482 Porta Westphalica (Iron), 400, 557 Stadtbergen (Copper), 15, 58, 233, 236, 252, 254 Saxony (Copper), 67, 263; (Iron), 326, 334 Antonshütte (Copper), 44 Bergieshübel (Iron), 482 Erlahammer (Iron), 709 Freiberg (Copper), 13, 14, 43, 45, 48, 49, 51, 55, 58, 136, 214, 234, 259 Grünthal (Copper), 14, 73, 229, Königin Marienhütte, near Zwickau (Iron), 482, 572 Schwarzenberg (Iron), 325 Schleiz (Iron), 482 Thuringia (Iron), 338, 481, 709, 710 Eppichnellen (Copper), 239 Ilmenau (Iron), 2 Katzhütte (Iron), 482, 561, 610 Schmalkalden (Iron), 332 Wurtemberg (Iron), 334, 354, 768 Itzelberg (Iron) 773 Ruhrort (Iron), 850 Saarbrücken (Iron), 339 Siegburg (Iron), 451 Stolberg (Iron), 354 Sterne (Copper), 107 -St. Josephsberg (Copper), 107 773 VOL. II. 3 M Königsbronn (Iron), 482 Unterlochen (Iron), 774 Wasseralfingen (Iron), 594, 712, vi INDEX. Great Britain (Iron), 263, 265, 339, 403 England (Copper), 3, 77, 132, 134, 136, 192, 238; (Iron), 266, 267, 326, 334, 355, 414, 429, 455, 473, 478, 480, 496, 555, 557, 563, 571, 670, 868 Cornwall (Copper), 4, 5, 6, 8, 82, 233; (Iron), 326, 328 Perran (Iron), 337 Cumberland (Copper), 9; (Iron), 295, 328, 329, 330, 333, 403 613 Alston Moor (Copper), 9 Keswick (Copper), 10 Derbyshire (Iron), 331, 428, Devonshire (Copper), 6; (Iron), 328 849 332 Exmoor (Iron), 337 Durham (Iron), 539, 570, Ferryhill (Iron), 404 Weardale (Iron), 337 Forest of Dean (Iron), 331, Lancashire (Copper), 9, 143; (Iron), 279, 295, 339, 428, 706 Backbarrow (Iron), 411 Newland (Iron), 411 Uverstone (Iron), 330, 441, 483, 557, 767 Whitehaven (Iron), 330 London, Rotherhithe (Iron), Woolwich (Iron), 590, 669 Northamptonshire (Iron), 339 Northumberland (Iron), 339 Perthshire (Iron), 328 Shropshire (Iron), 574 Somersetshire (Iron), 331 Brendon Hill (Iron), 337 Staffordshire (Iron), 267, 362, 393, 403, 421, 471, 483, 848 Dudley (Iron), 301, 723 North (Iron), 341 South (Iron), 339, 283 Stourbridge (Iron), 723 Westmoreland (Copper), 9 Worcestershire (Iron), 267 420 Yorkshire (Iron), 403 Bowling (Iron), 509 Cleveland District (Iron), 295, 343, 366, 422, 431, 471, 483, 491, 514, 849 Low Moor (Iron), 509, 557, 771, 805, 858, 859, 861 Middlesbro' (Iron), 471 North (Iron) 339 Ireland (Copper), 6, 9; (Iron), 417, 556 Great Britain, Ireland, Wicklow (Copper), 7, 14, 27, 232 14 Isle of Anglesea (Copper), 7, 9, Alderley Edge (Cop- per), 15, 234, 245, 249, 252, 255 Amlwck (Copper), 252 Holyhead (Copper), 9 Isle of Man (Copper), 9 Scotland (Copper), 9, (Iron), 267, 283, 297, 341, 346, 362, 388, 400, 402, 403, 417, 420, 422, 423, 471, 478, 483, 514, 571 Clyde (Iron), 574 Dundyvan (Iron), 558 Gartsherrie (Iron), 279, 283, 394, 542, 558 Govan (Iron), 394, 558 Lanarkshire (Iron), 341 Calder (Iron), 513, 558 Mockland (Iron), 558 Wales (Copper), 51, 136, 156, 165, 170; (Iron), 267, 328, 333, 403, 422, 423, 470, 471, 473, 483, 563 331 North (Copper), 9; (Iron), South (Copper), 8, 13, 143, 157, 177; (Iron), 339, 341, 362, 491 Aberdare (Iron), 557 Abersychen (Iron), 536 Blaenavon (Iron), 509 Carmarthenshire (Penbry Works) (Copper), 140 Dowlais (Iron), 366, 418, 421, 480, 484, 557, 771, 817, 830, 862, 868 718 145 Ebbw Vale (Iron), 347, 450, Pontypool (Iron), 509, 709 Swansea (Copper), 143, Yniscedwin (Iron), 423, 558 Ystalifera (Iron), 557, 558, 709, 772 Italy (Iron), 702 Arvellino (Naples) (Iron), 327 Corsica (Copper), 217; (Iron), 702 Elba (Iron), 326, 328 Etna (Iron), 328 Lipari Islands (Iron), 328 Lombardy (Iron), 561 - Traversella (Piedmont) (Iron), 325, 353 Tuscany (Copper), 5, 6, 187; (Iron), 471 Capannevechia (Copper), 238, 262 Vesuvius (Iron), 328 India (Copper), 7, 13, 64, 116 East (Iron), 702 INDEX. vii APAN (Copper), 13, 78, 116 JAPAN APLAND (Iron), 326, 328 Gilsaa (Copper), 33 LA N ORWAY (Copper), 4, 77, 187, 189; (Iron), 266, 326, 335, 375, 555, 763, 764 Egersund (Iron), 327 Foldal (Copper), 246, 259 Hassel (Iron), 353 Kaafjord (Copper), 13 Kongsberg (Copper), 57, 61 Röraas (Copper), 13, 98, 230 PACIFIC Islands (Copper), 227 RUSSIA (Copper), 80; (Iron), 265, 326, 332, 555, 556 Crimea (Kertch) (Iron), 308 Finland (Iron), 309, 335, 375, 555, 702 Nischnetagilsk (Copper), 116 Perm (Copper), 14, 45, 54, 57, 69, 75, 222 Siberia (Copper), 4, 219; (Iron), 326 Soumboul (Iron), 419 St. Anna (Iron), 309 Tourinski (Copper), 4 Ural (Copper), 6, 7, 76; (Iron), 328, 375, 463 Russia, Ural, Nischnetagilsk (Iron), 474 SMALAND, Ekersholm (Iron), 391 Taberge (Iron), 353 Spain (Copper), 6, 217, 222, 263; (Iron), 266, 326, 424 Basque Province (Iron), 337 Biscay (Iron), 332, 704 Huelva (Copper), 11 Pyrenees (Iron), 332, 337 Riotinto (Copper), 11, 14, 15, 80, 107, 231, 232, 249, 256 Sweden (Copper), 4, 39, 48, 49, 59, 65, 98, 263; (Iron), 265, 266, 324, 326, 328, 335, 358, 375, 444, 456, 470, 555, 633, 749, 759, 760, 763, 764, 767, 768, 774, 778 Atvidaberg (Copper), 13, 53, 54, 60, 84 Boo (Iron), 736 Dannemora (Iron), 315, 377, 391, 509 Fahlun (Copper), 4, 13, 43, 45, 54, 95, 119, 230, 235 Garpenberg (Copper), 97 Näfvequard (Copper), 97 Nyby (Iron), 851 Skebo (Iron), 862 Switzerland (Iron), 266, 334, 761 Underwiller (Iron), 417, 556, 736 INDEX. ADAPTABILITY of Iron Ores to the smelting process, 347 pig-iron for castings, 578 Advantages of hot blast, 506 Aitites, 334 Alkali metals in iron, 319 Aluminium in pig-iron, 318 steel, 317, 318 wrought-iron, 318, 692 Aluminous yellow iron ore, 334 Amlwch mine near Holyhead, 9 Analyses of blackband, 342 black copper, 55, 186, 200 blue metal, 180 brown iron ore, 338 calcined copper slate, 195 flowery and cellular white pig- iron, 277 Cleveland iron ores, 343 concentrated matt, 181 copper bottoms, 181 mica, 62 slags, 33 blast furnace gases, 197 ferriferous bears, 45 grey pig-iron, 283 hæmatite, 330 hearth ends (copper), 115 mottled pig-iron, 283 malleable cast-iron, 70 Mansfeld copper slags, 34 magnetic ore from Cornwall, 326 radiated pig-iron, 277 raw matt (copper), 43 slags (copper), 113, 166 red metal, 180 refined copper, 77 refinery slags (copper), 182 rosette copper, 201 Analyses of slags from charcoal blast furnaces, 389 coke blast furnaces, 392 resulting at the produc- duction of white concentrated matt, 179 some varieties of sand, 627 sparry iron ore, 337 spathic ore, 270 speiss, 44 spiegeleisen, 270 tough copper, 211 white metal, 179, 181 pig-iron produced by the regular process, 279 Anthracite, 423 blast furnaces, 423 Antimony in wrought-iron, 315, 692 Apparatus for collecting the waste gases, 447 re-heating the balls or blooms, 747 used in the finery process, 740 Appearance of molten pig-iron, 290, 549 Application of blast furnace slags, 572 grey pig-iron, 294 Argillaceous carbonate of iron, 338 Arseniate of copper, 7 Arsenic in pig-iron, 314 steel, 315 wrought-iron, 315, 692 Atacamite, 7 Austrian slag process, 765 Azurite, 2, 7 BARILLA copper sand, 189 slags, 51 BECCHI and HAUPT's process, 262 INDEX. ix Behaviour of white iron at a gradually rising temperature, 689 BELL'S roasting process, 147 Berlin sands, 625 Bessemer process, 706 Best selected copper, 173, 184 shot copper, 182 BISHOFF'S method, 262 Bismuth in wrought-iron, 315 Blackband iron stone, 341 Black copper, 43, 55, 92 smelting, 91, 99, 106, 120, 123, 182, 183, 184, 185, 189, 212 Blacking, 629 Black oxide of copper, 6 Blast heating apparatus, 506 furnaces, 432 construction of, 433 process, conduct of, 548 furnace slags, the slags, the nature 565 pipes, 485 regulators, 505 Calcining raw sulphuretted copper ores, 135 Calcium in pig-iron, 318 steel, 318 wrought-iron, 318, 692 Cannon bronze, 219 Carbonate of iron, 336 Carinthian process, 766 CARLBERG's furnaces, 87 Casting, 625 in metallic moulds, 667 Castings, 578 Cast-iron, 264 Catalan forge, 700 or French process, 697 Cellular white pig-iron, 276, 561 Cementation, 244 Chamoisite, 344 Charcoal, 411 of, required for cupola furnaces, 603 blast furnaces, 481 Blauöfen, 444 Bloomeries, 697 Blötmalm, 84 Blowing in, 534 machines, 491 for cupola furnaces, 601 out, 547 Blue copper matt, 51 metal, 133 vitriol, 7 Blumige floss, 276 BOCCARD'S furnace, 599 Bog iron ore, 334 Bohemian finery process, 759 Boiling process, 832 BORNEMANN'S graphic table, 500 Boshes, 474 Bournonite, 6 Boxes, 635 Braten, 206 Breaking up the iron ores, 382 process, 758 BREDBERG'S furnaces, 86, 91 Bronze matt, 178 Bronzing castings, 672 Brown coal, 772, 778 gases, 776 iron ores, 331 BROWN'S patent squeezer, 855 Buntkupfererz, 5 Burraburra mine, 6 Burnt iron, 696 CALCINING copper ores, 183, 184, pyrites, 178 raw matt, 183, 184, 185, 186 gases, 779 cupola furnaces, 592 Charging ore and fuel, 537 Chemical reactions of the roasting process (copper), 138 61 refining process (copper), Chief operations of the hydrometal- lurgical extraction of copper, 231 products of the copper smelting process, 165 • Chilled white iron, 281 Chills, 667 Chloride of copper, 7 Chlorination in the dry way, 238 wet way, 237 dry and wet way, 241 without employing dilute muriatic acid, 236 Chrome iron ore, 327 Chromium in pig-iron, 316 steel, 317 Classification of the processes for ex- tracting copper, 12 pig-iron, 295 wrought-iron, 694 Clay, 628 iron stone, 338 Cleveland iron ores, 343 Coal, 772, 777 brass, 341 dust, 629 of Mynydd Newydd, 136 Pentrifelin, 136 Tyrcenol, 136 Coarse metal, 15 Coating iron with a glass-like mass, 684 Cobalt in pig- and wrought-iron, 318, 692 Coke, 412 cupola furnaces, 593 Cold-short iron, 695 X INDEX. Combination of lump fining and the breaking-up process, 758 Combined reverberatory and finery process, 707 Common white metal, 133 Comparison of the English rever- beratory process with the Mans- feld cupola furnace process, 192 Complication of the copper refining process, 62 Composition of concentrated matt, 51 furnace gases, 114 copper refining slags, 182 rosette copper, 66 Compound or universal rolling mill, 824 Concentrated matt, 120 Concentration of the matt, 119 desilverised copper matt, 123 raw matt in reverberatory furnaces, 193 smelting, 212 of the roasted raw matt, 50 Cone and cup charger, 450 Construction of the front part of cupola furnaces, 587 Consumption of charcoal in iron blast furnaces, 412 coal in iron blast furnaces, 422 coke in iron blast furnaces, 414 iron in different countries, 266 Contra lodes, 8 Copper, I at tough pitch, 56 Barilla, 3 bottoms, 174, 181 containing aluminium, 82 antimony, 82 arsenic, 82 bismuth, 82 carbon, 80 iron, 82 lead, 81 nickel, 82 phosphorus, 83 silicon, 82 sodium, 83 suboxide of copper, 80 sulphur, 82 glance, 2, 5 in pig-iron, 314 steel, 314 wrought-iron, 314, 693 lead matt, 129, 218 mica, 62 ores, I antimonious and arsenious, 5 at Altgebirg, 101 oxidised, 6 pyrites, 2 refining process, 61 Copper salts, 6 sand, 3 scale, 83 slate, 193 smelting furnaces, 161 process, 163 smoke, 143 Coppering of cast-iron, 673 Cores, 630 Corrocorro copper ore, 3, 229 Cornish mines in 1799, IO COWPER's hot blast apparatus, 516 Cross flookans, 8 Crucible of blast furnaces, 478 Crude lead, 120 Cupola furnaces, 586, 588 process, 604 Cupriferous raw iron, 223 Cuprobarillas, 229 Cyanide of potassium, 574 Cyano-nitride of titanium, 317, 575 DAM AM, the, of blast furnace, 479 Dark grey pig-iron, 287 Deposits in blast furnaces, 573 Desilverisation of copper matt, 123 Dichtpolen, 210 Different methods of smelting copper in South Wales, 177 Dioptase, 7 Double puddling furnaces, 802 Dressing of the iron ores, 352 Drontheim copper, 100 Dry copper, 80 sand, 628 puddling, 830 Drying chambers, 634 and warming blast furnaces, 532 Dünstein, 55, 93, 99, 106 EIFE IFEL Walloon process, 762 Enamelling castings, 675 Enargite, 6 Endless chain system, 426 English copper smelting process, 133 veins, 8 Walloon process, 763 Examination of a blast furnace estab- lishment, 576 Examples of the cupola furnace pro- cess, б09 projection of a coke blast furnace according to LINDAUER'S formula, 488 production of grey and mottled pig-iron, 555 Extraction of cement copper from native solution, 250 copper at the desilverisation of black copper, 124 INDEX. xi Extraction of copper at the desilver- isation of matt, 124 ores and matt, 117 by combined processes in cupola and reverberatory fur- naces, 192 from oxidised ores, 250 sulphuretted ores and products, 256 FAR in the wet way, 229 ALLOW ores (Fahlerz), 2, 95, 212 Fan, 601 Faulbrüchig, 696 Feathered shot copper, 182 Feeding head, 633 of the blast furnaces through the tuyeres, 546 Ferruginous bears, 44, 90, 93: 574 Fibrous wrought-iron, 695 Fine-grained wrought-iron, 694 Fine metal, 133 Finery hearth, 741 processes, 754 Finishing wrought-iron, 869 First refining of black copper, 118 Flame from blast furnaces, 569 Flookans of the lode, 8 Flowery white pig-iron, 276, 561, 711 Fluctuations of the temperature in blast furnaces, the reason of, 530 Fluxes for the iron ore mixtures, 405 used in the finery process, 736 puddling process, 780 re-heating iron, 781 re-melting cast-iron, 584 refining of pig-iron, 779 Forge hammers, 752 Formulæ for calculating the quantity of blast, 497 Founding, 578 Franklinite, 327 French finery process, 760 Friction hammer, 815 Fuel for the iron blast furnace pro- cess, 408 used in cupola furnaces for re- melting pig-iron, 585 the finery process, 735 puddling, 771 Furnace belly, 464 Fusibility of silicates, 387 Fusion point of iron, 527 GAARSCHMELZIG, AARSCHMELZIG, 711 Galleries, 9 Gases produced with coal, 777 turf, 775, 779 wood, 775, 779 Gas reverberatory furnaces, 623 Gulf ores, IOI, 212 General rules for the formation of ore mixtures in copper smelting, 35 German or breaking-up process, 756 process in bloomeries, 697 GERSTENHOFFER'S furnace, 149 process, 148 Grelles Roheisen, 280 Green sand, 625 Grey pig iron, 282, 551, 713 Grossluckige flossen, 711 Growan, 8 GURLT'S method of separating sul- phur, 144 HEMATITE, 328 Half walloon process, 760 Hammergaar, 56 Hammers, 813 Hardmalm, Sa Hard matt, 172 ores, 84, 95 Hartzerrennen, 724 Hearth, 476 Height of blast furnaces, 470 cupola furnaces, 586 Hollow fires, 748 Hot blast apparatus for blast fur- naces, 506 cupola furnaces, 599 Hydrates of oxide of iron, 331 Hydraulic hammers, 815 Hydrometallurgical extraction of cop- per, 231 ILLUSTRATIONS LLUSTRATIONS of the combined processes in cupola and reverbera- tory furnaces, 193 German copper smelting process, 84 reverberatory process, 177 smelting argentiferous and auriferous copper ores by the German method, 117 Improvements in moulding, 668 Inclined planes, 425 Inducements for re-melting pig-iron, 579 Influence of impurities in copper upon the electric conducting power, 78 moisture on blast, 495 the price of materials in copper smelting, II quality of the ore in copper smelting, II time used in the production of copper, 12 Interior form of blast furnaces, 452 for easily fusible ores, 453 fuse, 454 ores difficult to cupola furnaces, 586 Intermittent blast, 487 Iron, 264 xii INDEX. Iron blast furnace process, 518 deposits, 223 garnet, 344 minium, 329 ores, 323 adaptability of to the smelting process, 347 Iridium in steel, 317 ACOB'S ladder, 426 JA Japanese copper, 182 KARTITSCHSCHMIEDE, 766 Kernel roasting, 22, 103 Kleinluckige Flossen, 711 Kidney ore, 329 Kiehnstöcke, 130 Killas, 8 Königskupfer, 127 Kupferblau, 7 Kupfergrün, 7 Kupferindig, 5 Kupferschiefer, 193 LAKE ores, 334 Lancashire forge, 747 process, 763 LANGEN'S apparatus, 451 Laugerze, 253 Lead, influence of upon iron, 316 matt smelting, 123 Length of operations of iron blast furnaces, 548 Lift hammers, 750 Lifts, 424 hydraulic, 429 pneumatic, 429 Manipulations in the blast furnace. process, 532 hearth of blast furnaces, 541 Manometers, 492 Manufacture of tin plates, 871 Materials required to produce 1 cwt. of refined copper, 95 used in moulding, 625 Matt, 55 the finery process, 711 smelting, 188 Mechanical treatment of castings, 670 Melting temperature of pig-iron, 290 Metallic moulds, 629 Methods of moulding, 635 the finery process, 754 Mine of Cross-gill-burn near Alston Moor, 9 Ecton in Staffordshire, 9 Mineral coal, 420 Mixing the iron ores, 383 with regard to the quality of the fuel employed, 396 slags, 385 formation of Modifications of the copper refining process, 63 MOLIN'S modifications of the Fahlun process, 96 Molybdenum in pig-iron, 316 Mottled pig-iron, 286 Moulding, 578, 625 in baked or used sand, 639 green sand, 635 loam, 660 Mounds for roasting copper ores, 85 vertical by means of steam power, NATIVE copper, 3 424 Limonite, 334 LINDAUER'S formula, 466 Lixiviation of copper salts, 253 Lower hearth, 478, 529 Luckige flossen, 276 Lump fining, 758 MACHINE moulding, 668 M Magnesium in pig-iron, 318 steel, 318 wrought-iron, 318 Magnetic iron ores, 324 Magnetite, 326 MAILLARD'S cupola furnace, 598 Malachite, 2, 6 Malleable iron, 264 Dr. MALLET's views on the molecular constitution of cast-iron, 640 Manganese, influence of upon the removal of phosphorus, 311 in pig-iron, 311 wrought-iron, 692 Newer methods for the produc- tion of wrought-iron directly from the ores, 703 Nickel in pig-iron, 318 steel, 317 wrought-iron, 318, 692 Nitrogen in pig-iron, 310 steel, 310 wrought-iron, 691 Noberge, 193 Nontronite, 344 LD copper, 219 Once melting-down process,754, 765 Operations in the English copper smelting process, 133 Ore furnace slag, 165 mixture in iron blast furnaces with regard to temperature and pres- sure of the blast, 401 the quality of the pig-iron, 403 roasting (copper), 121 INDEX. xiii Over poled, 176 Oxides of iron, 324 Oxidised copper ores, 220 Oxidising smelting of black copper, 57 PARKES'S method of roasting, 140, 178 furnaces, 140 PARRY'S method of refining pig-iron, 718 Patterns, 630 Periods of the German finery process, 756 Phosphate of copper, 7 Phosphorus in pig-iron, 306 steel, 310 wrought-iron, 310, 691 Pig-iron, 264, 571, 711 adaptability of for castings, 578 best adapted for castings, 583,615 chemical constitution of, 320 used in puddling, 769 wrought-iron and steel, limit between, 322 Pits, 632 Plate casting, 668 Platinum in steel, 317 Plumbiferous black copper, 214 Pneumatic hammer, 815 lifts, 429 Position of the belly, 469 Precipitation of copper, 244 Preparation of the cast-iron in iron blast furnaces, 714 Pressure of blast, 486 Process (copper) at Altgebirg, 101 Agordo, 103 Boston, 215 Chessy, 221 Duisburg, 189 Freiberg, 214 Lower Hungary, 213 Schmöllnitz, IOI, 211 Steinwerder, 187 Sterne, 107 Szaska, 100 Thalitter, 116 at the copper works on the Rhone, 217 (copper) in Siberia, 219 of treating sulphuretted copper ores in reverberatory furnaces, 132 Production of blue metal, 169, 180 concentrated matt, 181 copper, 263 pig-iron in Great Britain, 276 the whole World, 265 pimple metal, 171 raw matt from roasted and raw ores, 160 white concentrated matt, 179 metal, 170 VOL. II. Production of white extra metal, 181 wrought-iron, 685 707 at a glowing heat, 705 from ores, 697 pig-iron, 704 in fineries, 707 -reverberatory furnaces, Products of blast furnaces, 571 the cupola furnace process, 608 finery process, 767 Profit of copper works, 186 Properties of grey pig-iron, 287 wrought-iron, 686 Puddler's ore, 329 Puddling apparatus, 781 furnaces, 782 materials, 769 process, 829 for the production of fibrous iron, 833 fine-grained iron, 858 (roughing) rolls, 821 slags or cinders, 345 Purifying black copper, 118 in reverberatory furnaces, 67 Pyritic copper ores, 217 RACHETTE'S furnace, 219, 458 Raffinad, 211 Raising the pig-iron to a glowing heat, 715 Raw matt, 90, 99, 165 smelting of, 183, 184, 185 - short iron, 695 slags, 46, 90, 99, 165 smelting, 85, 99, 178, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188 of the copper schist, 195 Reaction of oxygen upon wrought- iron, 690 Reactions of the components of the copper ore mixture, 36 Red copper ore, 2, 6 hæmatite, 328 matt or metal, 133 ochre, 329 short iron, 695 Reducing smelting of black copper, 57 Refined copper, 77, 94 Refineries, 720 Refinery slags, 130 Refining black copper, 56, 94, 100, 120, 129, 174, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 202 by poling, 76 in small hearths, 58 rosette copper, 118 pig-iron, 715, 770 Regulus, 165 in reverberatory furnaces, 726 Re-heating of blooms, 862 3 N xiv INDEX. Re-heating cinders, 345 furnaces, 807 in hollow fires, 865 the puddled iron, 777 866 in reverberatory furnaces, Relations between the different parts of iron blast furnaces, 452 Re-melting of pig-iron, 580 614, 621 in crucibles, 581 cupola furnaces, 582 reverberatory furnaces, Repairs of the hearth, 546 Requirements of a normal process, 31 Reversing rolls, 824 Reverberatory furnaces having a hearth inclined towards the fire-bridge, 620 Rhonitz process, 760 Rising of the copper, 73 flue, 617 Roasting in furnaces or kilns, 363 mounds, 104, 363 open heaps, 358 furnaces for copper ores, 136 having the fire-place on one side, 375 heated by flame, 375 with gas, 377 with a grate of conical shape, 372 an interior fire-place, 375 a plane grate, 367 step grates, 372 without a grate, 365 products, 28 smelting the blue metal for the production of pimple metal, 186 of the pimple metal, 186 the black copper, 118, 201 concentrated matt, 52, 172 copper ores, 17, 85, 98 27 in cupola furnaces, 27 heaps, 24 mounds, 26 reverberatory furnaces, copper schist, 194 iron ores, 355 raw matt, 46, 91, 168, 178, 212 iron cinders, 345 Rohschmelzig, 711 Rohgaar, 56 Rohgang, 280 Rolls or cylinders, 818 Rosette copper, 56, 65 Rotary squeezer, 818 Rother Glasskopf, 329 Rules for the construction of iron blast furnaces, 464 AND of the London basin, 627 SAND ores, 193 Schaaleneisen, 617 SCHAFHAUTL'S powder, 740, 780 SCHEERER'S classification of the regular iron blast furnace pro- cess, 551 Scheibenreissen, 65 Scheideerze, 253 Schleissen, 65 SCHWIND'S mechanical contrivance for calculating the blast, 498 Scraps of cast- and wrought-iron, 583 Second refining of copper on small hearths, 71 Selecting process, 173 Segregations in the lower parts of the blast furnaces, 573 Shape of blown-out blast furnaces, 475 Shears, 827 Shell casting, 669 Siegen finery process, 766 SIEMENS'S regenerative gas furnace, 789, 853 Silicate of copper, 7 Siliceous iron ores, 344 Silicon in pig-iron, 296 wrought-iron, 300, 305, 692 Silver copper glance, 5 in steel, 317 Silvering castings, 673 SINDING'S method of producing sul- phuretted hydrogen gas, 260 Skumnas, 26, 85 Slags from charcoal blast furnaces, 572 coke blast furnaces, 572 the finery process, 737 puddling process. 862 refining process, 723 re-heating operation, 867 Slitting rollers, 826 Smelting cost of the copper process, 186 in crucible furnaces, 116 sump furnaces, 84 channel furnaces with two open eyes, 107 mass before the tuyere, 568 modification in the case of ores containing 9 per cent of copper, 185 of copper slate at Riechelsdorf and Friedrichshütte, III 108 pyrites at the Upper Hartz, lead ores, 122 native copper, 226 ores with 7 or 8 per cent of copper, 184 185 9 per cent of copper, INDEX. XV Smelting of partially oxidised cop- per ores, 183 52 the Mansfeld copper schist, 193 roasted concentrated matt, ores, 28 slags, 180 with pyritic ores for the production of white and red matt, 171 processes according to PERCY, &c., 183 as described by LE PLAY, 177 process at Atvidaberg, 85 Garpenberg and Näfve- quarn, 97 Dillenburg, IIO Kupferberg, 109 Röraas, 98 Soft ores, 84, 95 South Wales finery process, 764 Sparry iron ore, 336 Spathic carbonate of iron, 336 Specular iron ore, 328 Specific gravity of copper, 78 pig-iron, 289 Speiss, 44 wrought-iron, 688 SPENCE'S furnace, 153 - roasting process, 146, 155 Spiegeleisen, 268, 269, 559, 712 Spleissöfen, 57, 58 Spurstein, 200 Squeezers, 816 Staffordshire furnaces, 620 Stamp-hammer, 815 Steam-hammer, 813 Steel, 265 Texture and strength of grey pig-iron, 287 of wrought-iron, 686 Theory of the iron blast furnace pro- cess, 518 Tile copper, 182 Tilt hammers, 752 Tin lodes, 8 in pig-iron, 315 wrought-iron, 315, 692 Tinning castings, 674 iron plates, 871 Titaniferous iron ore, 327 Titanium in pig-iron, 316 steel, 316 Tough copper, 77, 182 poling, 210 Transformation of copper in a soluble state, 231 Treatment of copper lead matt at the Upper Hartz, 130 the cupriferous intermediate pro- ducts and residues, 129 desilverised residues for the pro- duction of black copper, 200 poor copper ores at Perm, 212 the products of precipitation, 248 sulphuretted substances. in cupola furnaces, 16 ores and substances in the dry way, 16 Tromp, 699 TRURAN'S furnace, 460 Tungsten in pig-iron, 316 steel, 317 Turf, 419, 772, 778 coal, 417 Tuyeres, 485, 479 Stilpnosiderite, 331 Stirring copper with wooden poles, 207 Stopping the blast furnaces, 547 Strength of wrought-iron, 688 Stücköfen, 702 Styrian process, 765 Walloon process, 764 Sulphate of copper, 7 Sulphides of copper, 4 Sulphur in pig-iron, 301, 305 wrought-iron, 691 Sulu finery process, 760 Swabian finery process, 759 Swedish Walloon process, 762 Synopsis of processes for the extrac- tion of copper, 10 TAPPING off the blast furnaces, 543 Tempering castings, 671 Temperature of different parts of blast furnaces, 417 Testing of wrought-iron, 693 UN NDER poled or dry, 176 Universal rolling mill, 824 VAN ANADIUM in pig-iron, 316 Variegated copper ore, 2, 5 Various plans for refining pig-iron, 716 Veins of elvan, 8 WALLOON process, 761 416 Waste gases of blast furnaces, composition of, 416 Water balance, 426 Weathering the roasted iron ores, 380 Wet puddling, 832 White cellular pig-iron, 712 extra metal, 134 pig-iron, 267, 559 of the irregular process, 280, 560, 712 regular process, 279, 562, 712 Width of the furnace mouth, 472 Wire drawing, 874 xvi INDEX. Wood, 419, 772, 778 Working conditions of iron blast furnaces, indications of, 548 of copper mines at the Isle of Anglesea, 9 Wrought-iron, 264 behaviour of at gradually rising temperature, 689 containing phosphorus, 696 hammered when cold, 696 produced direct from the ores, 697 YELLOW earth, 344 ZER iron ore, 333 ERRENNSCHMIEDE, 767 Zinc in pig-iron, 315 Zones of blast furnaces, 519 Zone of carbonisation, 523 combustion or oxidation, 526 preparatory heating, 519 reduction, 521 smelting, 524 Printed by WILLIAM CROOKES, at the CHEMICAL NEWS Office, Boy Court, Ludgate Hill, E.C. " -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06712 4936 TN €65 .K39 Kerl E5 1868 V.2 ✓ practical treatm. ise on metallurgy 1