TS 410 B 429620 Y18 Yales Towns Myg. Co. Emery's patent Scales. University of Michigan 1 GENERAL LIBRARY OF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTED BY Prol Green Wir 20 1841 TUD 1900 71 1 Fromm Prof. Meen سعد Nov 20 9 } A NEW SYSTEM OF WEIGHING MACHINERY. } 鬆 ​% 20% 4 * 9 } E. S. Dodge, PRINTER, 95 CHAMBERS ST., N. Y. 950 5.84 10 A NEW SYSTEM OF WEIGHING MACHINERY. EMERY'S PATENT SCALES, PRESSURE GAUGES, TESTING MACHINES, DYNAMOMETERS. SOLE MAKERS, THE YALE & TOWNE MANUFACTURING CO., OWNING AND OPERATING THE EMERY SCALE CO. STAMFORD, CONN. NEW YORK, 62 READE ST. BOSTON, 224 FRANKLIN ST. CHICAGO, 64 LAKE ST. PHILADELPHIA, 15 N. SIXTH ST. JUNE, 1884. 2 EMERY SCALES. We are now building RAILROAD TRACK SCALES, WAGON SCALES and some sizes of PORTABLE SCALES, and are rapidly completing additional sizes and styles. Orders are solicited for Scales of the above kinds, and quotations will be promptly submitted on receipt of necessary particulars. The HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (described herein) will be employed for all Track and Wagon Scales, and for other Scales of large capacity. The PLATE FULCRUM SYSTEM (frictionless) will be employed in all smaller Scales, and in the weigh-beams of large Scales. WEIGHING DYNAMOMETERS, on both the "Hydrau- lic" and the "Plate Fulcrum" Systems, will soon be ready for sale. 1 ,000,000 ANALYTICAL BALANCES, for laboratory use, can be supplied with a variation of less than of their load, or finer if desired, and having a facility and quickness of operation hitherto unattained. ADDRESS. THE YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO. 3 EMERY PRESSURE GAUGES. 10 We are prepared to execute orders for Standard Gauges for indicating exact pressures up to any limit, from 1 lb. to 10,000 lbs. per square inch, or higher if desired, with a maximum error of of 1 per cent. (Class A) or of of 1 per cent. (Class B) as selected, the indications to be equally correct at all points of the scale, from zero up to the maximum. These Gauges have a diameter of 22 inches, and are similar to those furnished with the Government Testing Machine at Watertown. Smaller Gauges for steam, water, etc.. for indicating ordinary pressures, are in preparation. Prices and particulars on application. Special Gauges for test purposes, experimental work, etc., furnished to order. ADDRESS, THE YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO. 4 EMERY TESTING MACHINES. We have already built several upright machines of 75 tons capacity, and are about to build others of 150 tons capacity. The proposed capacities of regular machines are as follows: 25 ton, Upright. 50 75 66 66 150 ton, Upright. 300 66 66 400 Horizontal. Larger machines, of any desired capacity, can be built to order. The regular 75 ton machine will receive specimens for compression up to 84 inches in length; for tension up to 68 inches between holders, with 15 inches allowance for elongation; and for transverse loads up to 84 inches between supports. Holders, bearing-blocks, etc., are furnished for all commercial sizes of material within the capacity of the machine. In the 75 ton machine the ratio of the hydraulic chambers is 1 to 20, and of the lever system 1 to 20,000, making the total ratio 1 to 400,000. A motion of τυτότυτ inch at the 1,000,00 specimen produces a motion of the indicator rod of of an inch. Proposals promptly submitted. 10 ADDRESS, THE YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO. 102001 50 TON HYDRAULIC TESTING MACHINE. A. H EMERY'S PATENTS. THE VALE & TOWNE MANUFACTURING CO., CPIRATING The Bmery Seale Co'y,, SOLE MAXERS, Stanford, Conn., USA. 1 MODERN 11 THE EMERY SYSTEM -OF- WEIGHING MACHINES, INCLUDING SCALES, GAUGES, TESTING MACHINES, -AND- DYNAMOMETERS. SOLE MAKERS: THE YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO. OWNING AND OPERATING THE EMERY SCALE CO. The Emery Scales, Testing Machines and Pressure Gauges are based upon a series of radical and important inventions by Mr. A. H. Emery, C. E., the number and scope of which may be indicated by stating that they are the subject of 21 patents in the United States (embracing 428 claims), and of a large number of patents in foreign countries. The following pages include descriptions of some of the larger machines already built, and of the more important elements forming the basis of the whole system. The corner-stone of all existing systems of weighing machines is the "knife-edge." This consists usually of a triangular piece of hardened steel, resting on a flat plate of the same material, and forms the fulcrum on which the scale beam or lever oscillates. In the larger scales the load- platform rests on a series of levers supported on knife-edges, and these are connected by linkages with the other levers, which in turn rest upon knife-edges and serve to transmit the pressure of the load to the weigh- case containing the scale beam on which are applied the changeable weights for gauging the pressure of the load. The knife-edge is thus the foundation element in the ordinary scale or weighing machine (and also in the ordinary Testing Machine, which is simply a large scale arranged to record the strains upon mater- ials), and the precision and sensitiveness of all machines based on this principle depend chiefly upon the accuracy with which the knife-edges are originally made and fitted, and upon their ability to endure without deterioration the strains and shocks to which they are subjected. Any change in the knife-edges, whether caused by abrasions, oxidation, or otherwise, necessarily impairs their action and correspondingly vitiates the action and correctness of the scales. Theoretically, the knife-edge rests and oscillates upon a mathematical line, and the more nearly practice con- 6 In forms to theory in this respect, the more accurate will be the scale. practice, however, and particularly in large scales, the knife-edge is re- quired to support heavy loads, and its bearing surface must thus have a sensible area to prevent the crushing of the material. This is sought by increasing the length of the knife-edge, the usual rule being to limit the pressure to a maximum of 12,000 lbs. per inch of length. As a result the knife-edges in large scales have considerable length, and this fact intro- duces another element of error, viz., the difficulty of fixing the knife- edge in absolute parallelism with the axis of rotation of the beam or lever, and of preventing flexure of the knife-edge under pressure, so that it does not bear uniformly on the whole of its length. Obviously the least want of coincidence in either of these respects would introduce a large and variable element of error. Even assuming a knife-edge to be originally true in all respects, its bearing surface brought to a perfect and sharp edge, its axis exactly normal to the plane in which the beam vibrates, and the two plates on which the ends of the knife-edge rest to be true planes and perfectly aligned, how long is it probable that all of these conditions can be maintained? Oxidation tends always to disturb them; the pres- sure and shock due to heavy loads is a still greater cause of variation; and any disturbance in the frame or setting of the machine may also in- troduce error. All of these causes of disturbance are constantly at work in most cases, and as a result the sensitiveness and accuracy of such scales constantly deteriorates. In confirmation of these views we may quote from the circular of one of the leading makers of knife-edge scales, as follows: (From a circular by the Howe Scale Co.) "In a Fairbanks Track Scale there are 80 knife-edge bearings. "In the Howe Track Scale there are but 39 knife-edge bearings. "It is self-evident that the less number of knife-edge bearings the less the friction, and the more sensitive will be the scale. "All the main parts of the track scale are almost indestructible, but the vital parts are the knife-edges. These are the delicate sensitive parts, and are subject to wear. When worn the scale becomes dull, and more weight has to be placed on the platform to affect the beam than when first built." [NOTE. In the Emery Scale the knife-edge is entirely eliminated.} The knife-edge has been a most useful device, and is still of value in weighing machines of the coarser kinds, in which accuracy and durability are not matters of great importance. Even those who have heretofore most largely employed it concede, however, that the time has come when it must give place to some better and more permanent substitute. This brief statement of the situation is proper in order to fairly introduce the inventions embodied in the Emery Weighing Machines. Realizing the objections to the knife-edge which are briefly outlined. above, Mr. Emery has invented and designed a complete system of weighing machinery in which the knife-edge is absolutely eliminated. His substitutes for it are of two kinds, viz. : A hydraulic chamber or support for heavy pressures, and a plate fulcrum for the smaller scales and for lever connections of all kinds. These elements, together with a number of original and beautiful details, have enabled him to produce, as the result of many years of experiment and study, a frictionless scale, the vital parts of which are so constructed as to be practically imperishable, and therefore not subject to deterioration by time or wear. Moreover, these new elements are found to adapt themselves perfectly to every type of machine for transmitting, measuring and recording pressures, whether 7 • caused by dead load or gravity, as in the case of a scale, or from tension or elasticity, as in the case of water, steam or other gases. As a result the inventions referred to have given birth to an entire series of new de- vices for all of these purposes, including scales of all kinds, from the heavy railroad track-scale to the most delicate analytical balance for chemists' use; pressure gauges, from those suitable for recording barometric changes up to others adapted to measuring ordinary steam pressures, and beyond these to still others capable of recording pressures of 6,cco, 8,000, or 10,- ooo lbs. per square inch; dynamometers, both for measuring dead loads, as in a scale, and for measuring and recording sudden strains or impacts of almost any intensity; and, finally, testing machines for the determination. of the strength of materials, capable, as demonstrated by the machine furnished to the Government and now in use at the U. S. Arsenal, Water- town, Mass., of seizing and straining to rupture bars of iron or steel hav- ing a resistance of eight hundred thousand pounds (800,000 lbs.) and of then, without readjustment, gauging the strength of a delicate wire, or even of a horse-hair. The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. have undertaken the development of all of these classes of machines, and are rapidly preparing for their manu- facture. Already arrangements are completed for the building of testing machines, several of which have been built, and of railroad track-scales, and of platform scales, both fixed and portable, of various sizes, for any of which orders may now be placed. Preparations are in active progress for the manufacture of gauges, dynamometers, and other similar appli- ances. The originality and fundamental character of Mr. Emery's inventions have attracted to them much interest among engineers and mechanics. In order to gratify this, numerous descriptions of them have been pub- lished by the technical press, and, from the latter we reproduce herewith several carefully prepared and well written articles, the reading of which will afford to anyone interested a clear understanding of the chief elements employed in the Emery system of weighing appliances, and which include also excellent descriptions of some of the larger machines. [From the "American Machinist" of July 21st, 1883. Editorial Notice,] A Wonderful Machine: Not only engineers, but every one interested in mechanical matters, will be pleased to peruse the description in our present issue of the most remarkable machine in this country, perhaps in the whole world. American mechanics are more or less acquainted with the incidents leading to the production of this wonderful testing machine by Albert H. Emery. The facts are now historical, how the United States Government created, some years ago, a board of leading engineers to test iron, steel, and other struc- tural materials; how that board after months of search, both here and in foreign countries, could find no reliable apparatus to test large specimens ; how it was feared that the labors of that board would terminate without accomplishing anything beyond the testing of specimens of small area, such as had been done by foreign test boards; how the board finally found Mr. Emery willing to undertake the building of an accurate and durable machine to test pieces of four hundred tons breaking strength, as well as those requiring but one pound strain to break them, and finally how he succeeded after triumphing over the many difficulties that sur- rounded him in producing a machine filling all the requirements and gain- ing the admiration of the best engineers in Europe and America. A brief 8 summary of the requirements is given elsewhere this week, with cuts and description of the machine, as prepared from the material furnished us by Mr. Emery himself, which (the proof having been revised by him) may therefore be accepted as entirely accurate. It was necessary for the inventor not only to construct the machine, but to invent appliances for constructing the machine as the work pro- gressed, so that when the machine was finally completed he had not only invented a testing machine, but also a new pressure gauge and a new scale. Recently, Mr. Emery has made arrangements with The Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, of Stamford, Conn., under which scales, gauges and testing machines invented by him will be built under his supervision and placed upon the market. Already three fifty-ton testing machines, embodying the same principles as the machine at the Watertown Arsenal, are nearly completed. The Government machine, which we illustrate this week, has already demonstrated, by tests made upon it, that many of the factors of safety heretofore relied upon by engineers in erecting bridges and other large structures are really factors of ignorance. The strength of many struc- tures is not as great as has been supposed. The strength of a bar of iron or steel, one, two, or three inches square, forms no reliable guide to de- termining the strength of a bar of like metal five, six, or eight inches square, although previous to the completion of this machine a direct ratio of strength to size was believed to exist. Mr. Emery's inventions will in time cause speculation as to strength and materials to be superseded by actual knowledge. The Emery Testing Machine at the United States Arsenal, Watertown, Mass. We present in this issue an engraving showing a perspective view of this famous machine, together with five other engravings showing a plan, rear and front views, with some details. Further details will appear in these columns hereafter, which will aid in giving an exact understanding of its construction and the manner of operation. This machine, the like of which for capacity, accuracy, durability and general perfection of details probably does not exists, is in possession of the United States Government, and its use is open to all citizens, subject, of course, to prescribed regulations. It reflects the highest credit upon the immense labor, perseverance and courage of its inventor, Albert H. Emery, and above all, to his engi- neering skill. The machine at Watertown was constructed by Mr. Emery under contract with the United States Test Board of Iron and Steel, and was built under his direction at various shops and foundries. The description we are able to present this week was prepared for us by Mr. Emery himself and is worthy of careful study. The problem be- fore the contractor and inventor was one of no small difficulty. Briefly stated, it was : Ist.—To construct a machine with the capacity of testing specimens for tension or compression up to a breaking strain of 800,000 lbs., while at the same time the machine should be of such delicacy as to accurately show the strain required to break specimens no stronger than a single horse-hair. 2d.—That the machine should have the capacity of seizing and giving the necessary strains to the specimens, from the minutest to the greatest, A 6 ཨསཾ www ----- [[0] ... CAMNASTATI 润 ​The Emery Testing Machine at the United States Arsenal-General View. MURRAY IO without the construction of a multitude of special appliances to suit the numerous changes of form and size in which materials to be tested are presented. 3d. That the machine should be able to give these strains and re- ceive the shocks of recoil produced by the rupture of the specimen with- out injury. The difficulty of this requirement may be appreciated by considering that when a test to the full capacity of the machine is made, the scale, upon the breaking of the specimen, receives by recoil an instan- taneous load of 800,000 pounds. The machine and scale must be so con- structed as to bear this load placed upon it instantaneously, and bear it so perfectly that the next moment it will correctly show a load of a pound without any adjustment whatever. 4th. That the machine should be so constructed that the specimen, while undergoing strain, may be readily accessible for the purpose of ob- serving minutely the changes taking place with the changes of the strains or loads applied to the specimens. 5th. That the machine should be so constructed as to be readily operated without excessive cost. The machine, after being erected, had applied to it a test load of one million pounds, which it seemed to bear with the utmost ease. Before describing the machine, it is well to remark that all the working parts in general were at their working bearings, fitted to gauges to within less than one thousandth of an inch. For instance, the main screws, which are 48 feet long, were dressed to gauges throughout their whole length, and then the threads on them cut to gauges, the threads in the nuts being carefully gauged to match them, the same care being used in general throughout the whole machine. We now proceed to the description of the Government machine, by reference to the figures and parts which are numbered. Fig. 243 shows a plan of the machine, with a plan of the scale case and one of the gauge cases. Fig. 244 shows a side elevation of the same, with a section of the masonry bed on which it stands. Fig. 245 shows a rear view of the machine only. Fig. 246 shows a front view of one end of the machine, with a front view of the scale case open showing the scale. Fig. 219 shows a side elevation of the scale end of the machine. Fig. 220 shows a plan of the same. Fig. 221 shows a longitudinal section of this end of the machine, with the scale-holder, that is the holder which seizes the specimen and secures it to the scale, and shows in elevation the straining holder, that is, the holder which seizes the specimen and which is drawn backward or pushed forward by the straining press. Figs. 222 to 226 inclusive, illustrate details of this part of the machine. Fig. 189 to 197 inclusive, illustrate the construction of the accumula- tor and the jointed pipes which connect it to the machine which it drives. The bed of this machine consists of a long track built in sections, set on the masonry, to which it is bolted firmly and secured in a strictly level position on sulphur bearings. At the scale end of the machine (left-hand end in the drawing) there is a large bed, also secured to the masonry and set in sulphur, on which rests a bed, 1434, which has freedom of motion longitudinally, but in no other direction. This bed has cast at its front end large pillow-blocks, and bolted at its rear end also pillow blocks, through each of which pass the screws 1450. These screws are 8" in diameter, 48 feet long, fitted as before II mentioned, and rigidly screwed to bed 1434 by the caps of the pillow- blocks mentioned. Toward right-hand end of the machine is shown the straining press 1569, standing on a 4-wheel truck which carries it along on the track. It is fixed to the screws 1450 at any desired position by means of the four geared nuts, which are shown, two on either screws, which are driven Fig.189 Fig.190 Fig.191 1302 1301 1306 1306 1302 1306 1306 1303 1307 13141303) 1307 1304 1306 13061 1307 1302 1306 1314 1303 1301 1306 1301 -1303 1307 1306 1306 1814 1308 1303 1304 1307 1304 1306 1308 1307 1305 1305 1301 1301 1306 11309_ 1307 1306 1310- 1310 1310 1312 1312 1312 1311 1312 1313 1312 1311 1316 Fig.194 1323 1320 1312 1322 Fig.192 1313 1312 1301 1302 1312 1306 191 1308. 1318 1317 8 1322 1919 192૩) ૩૨૦ Fig.196 | 1317 1319 Fig.195 1312 Fig.197 1317 197 1312 1312 1306 1301 191 1805 1306 1309 لق 1301 1307 1310 1312 13 13 Fig.193 1311 in unison by means of the livehead 1599, shown at the extreme right-hand end of the machine in Figs. 243, 244 and 245, which drives the long shaft 1590, seen in Figs. 243, 244 and 221, which in turn operates through gears and idlers the geared nuts on the screws. These nuts serve to set the press prior to the beginning of any test at such position as is required by the length of the specimen. I 2 best 1486 1472 147171472 Fig.221 1487 1485: 1503 1486 1456 1456, 1493 1434 1504 never given by operating these nuts, they merely fixing the press ready for strains to be given by the hydraulic pressure operating a 20-inch steel piston contained therein, which is connected to the press holder 1475 by its steel piston-rod 1563, the latter being forged solid with the head, and 14862 1490 1487 @[1491 1475 1492 492 1477: 1449 1436 1461 1468 1449 1481 469: 472: 1403 16031 1435 .1439 1437 1444) 1431 1434 1431 1436 CAM 1484 14943 14954 1595 1475 1+82 1477 1478 FORTI- 1476 1607 1505 الالا 邦 ​1488 1431 1693 1594 Longitudinal Section of end, with elevation of Straining Holder. 1475 a 1477 1489 1550 1563 The scale holder and straining holder are shown in Figs. 243 and 244 by the numbers 1475, and may by operating the live head be brought close together or carried 30 feet apart. Wherever the press is stopped by the geared nuts it is locked to the screws ready for testing. The strains on the specimen are seldom or 1475 1455 1456 1434 88 |1-65)] ww 1450 1406 O 1591 Fig.244 ཏཾ ཝཱ *་་སྨ** www.t 1450 1475 1450 1708 1708 Fig.243 1703 तीन 12 1702 1603 1590 1702 1704 1705 1708 1707 1707 1702 1706 1475 1569 VILY 2 1591 1603 1705 1603 1603 1702 1475 1563 1569 1590. 1539 Fig.245 1539 15€9 1589 1705 1603 Fig.246 1134 Scale & 1003 1702 13 10 inches in diameter. The holders which seize the specimens are best shown in Figs. 221 and 223, the latter showing an elevation of one of these holders, one-half of which is in section. The middle beam, 1477, rests on two 14″ rams, 1480, which set on the beam 1476, which is screwed to the upper beam, 1475, by four steel tie-rods, 1478. These beams are of gun- iron, and are closely fitted. The opening between 1477 and 1475 is for the central portion which seizes the dies for round specimens 10 inches deep, the side portions being 6 inches deep. The width of the opening is 30 inches, thus allowing plates of that width to be tested. The opera- tion of the holder will be seen by studying Figs. 221 and 223, the former showing the holder empty in front elevation and section, the latter show- ing one of the holders in elevation and the other in section longitudinally, where is shown also a specimen, 1495, seized by the dies 1484 a. The middle beam, 1477, is forced by the rams, 1480, to give the necessary pressure on the specimen to hold it purely by friction. The pressure carried by these holders is any load desired, from one pound to one mil- 149 1497 1450 1451 1449 1461 1464 479 1475 1434 1496 1479 1482. 483 1438 1480 1432 1431 1477 1478 1480 Fig.223 1502 1496 1 1478] 1498 1500 1450 462 1495 1481 1461 1470 lion, and is known by means of the gauges shown in their case, 1708, in front elevation, in Fig. 244. It will be seen that in applying the load of one million pounds to the specimen, by the holder, the friction which holds the piece is that due to a million pounds on each side, or the slip- ping of the load of two millions of pounds on one surface. The straining holder is secured to the piston, 1563, of the straining press by three chrome-steel pins, 1488, 1489. The scale holder is secured to the scale by three chrome-steel pins, 1491 and 1492, which secure it to the steel link 1490. Pin 1493 secures this link to the beam lock, 1486, the latter transmitting the load of tension to the beam or platform of the scale, 1455, through which the pressure is transmitted to four hydraulic supports placed between this platform 1455 and the bed of the scale 1456. When strains of tension are thus given the strain passes through the speci- men 1494 to the holder, through it to the link 1490, pin 1493, beam lock 1486, beam 1455, to the supports resting on 1456. That these parts may 14 1433 move against the supports without friction, they are supported on vertical steel plates 1461 and rods 1495, shown in Figs. 221, 223 and 224. It will be seen by the drawings that the load after being transmitted through the supports to the beam 1456 is carried directly against the projections on 1450 1484. 14499 146 1 1481 1434 1475 า 72 1487 m 1485 1493 1479 1471 73 Fig.224 1455 1480 1490 1450 1458 1460 Ⓒ1462 1486 1449″ 1461 1485 1469! 1503 1487 о 1468 70 1478 1439 1463 1464 +63 1433 1438 1432 1431 ごころ ​1433 14631 146-4 1463 the screws 1450, so that the load which is put upon the screws by the straining press at one end of the specimen is exactly balanced by the load put upon the screws by the scale at the other end, this load being trans- mitted through the specimen, no part of the strain being carried through 日 ​Fig.225 г 1439 221144 [1440) (1443) ·1446 1433 1445 1443 1447 1437 1433 1448 1447 LESSO 133 1444 the foundations. If now the specimen breaks, the screws being under a load of compression, immediately free themselves of this load, putting the entire scale end of the machine in motion longitudinally in one direction and the press end in the opposite direction, these parts moving from each Fig.226 (1444 1433 other until the screws are free from their load of com- pression, when the inertia of these parts under motion will continue their movement until the screws have received a load of tension nearly equal to the load of compression which was upon them, the difference of loading being that due to the loss of friction by sliding the scale end of the machine on its ways and moving the press on its track. The extension of the screws will now cause the ends of the machine to move together until the screws are free from tension, when inertia of the moving parts will expend itself in compressing the screws and in overcoming the friction mentioned. In order that movable bed 1433 15 1434 may always come to rest in its proper position, buffer springs 1442 contained in boxes 1438 secured to fixed bed, are provided. See Figs. 221, 225 and 226. These motions of extension and compression continue until the work of recoil is used up in the friction of moving the ends as mentioned. These vibrations are so rapid that when the machine was originally tested in breaking a bar of wrought iron of 20 inches section 1450 Fig.219 1472 M M1487 1471 1485 1453 -1457- -1461 1462 1449 1455 1479 В1473 1472 1+92 1484 1491 1475 1475a 1456 1452 1458 1465 1466 1465 4456 1485 1484 1468 1458-1469 470 1470 73. 314 1434 461 1465 1465 1434 +463 1464 1460 1409 14621461 1455 1454 1453 a 1449 о 1434 HOME 1493 1436 1485 оо 1487 ❤ O 1453 145+ 1449" 1432 14653 147 1467 1467 1453 1464 1463 1478 1460 1450 B 145 1459 1462 1451 1449 1431 1477 1477 -1480. 1476 1435 (1479 1495 1433 1481 1432 1465 1451 1452 Fig.220 99th 1456 alm 1452 1449 1451 1450 473 1496 Ο 147 1472 474 1473 о 14721484 1472 101:0 1461 1466 1466 17465 1461- 1432 1462 14759 1475 $76 -223- 1491 1492 223 гот O 1449 [1452] 1497 1451 1450 1462 1460 1499 223 they could be neither seen nor felt, but set gauges applied at each end showed the amount of these movements. They are not only unseen and unfelt, but they are also unheard, the noise of the breaking specimen completely hiding any little noise the machine may make, no jar or rattling whatever being detected in any part of the machine. 16 A description of the hydraulic supports which rest between the plat- form and bed of the scale beams 1455 and 1456 will be given hereafter with the description of the scale itself. When specimens are tested for compression the clamp-plates (Fig. 221) 1485 are removed and placed at 1484, thus fixing the scale holder directly to the beam 1456, which now becomes the platform of the scale, 1455 becoming the bed thereof. The holder will seize the specimen for testing at the fixed ends, or it may seize a platform against which they rest. If we test with flat or free ends, the beam block 1486 is sometimes put in place of this holder when testing columns for compression, and a platform secured to it by the pin 1493. It will be seen now that the foundations of the scale are the two coupled beams 1455 and 1456, between which are the hydraulic supports, these beams acting alternately as either platforms or beds, depending on whether the load is tension or compression, the action being precisely the same on the scale whether it is loaded from one face or the other. The beams 1455 and 1456 are fixed against relative lateral motion by steel springs on plates 1471, Fig. 220, which also give an initial load upon the supports to prevent any back-lash, this load being balanced on the scale independently of the weighings of the strains put upon the specimen. The beams are fixed against lateral motion relative to the bed 1434 by means of the supporting columns or plates 1461, Fig. 219, which fix and support them vertically, and the two plates 1468, seen in Figs. 221 and 224, which fix them against horizontal motion laterally. The pres- sure produced by straining the specimen which is transmitted through the scale beams 1455 and 1456 to the supports between them is communicated through small, seamless copper pipes, shown at 1704 in Fig. 243, passing under the floor to the scale case 1705, where the pressure within these pipes is measured. This measuring of this pressure is the weighing of the strain upon the specimen. The press of the holders, as well as the double acting straining press which strains the specimen, is operated by the accumulator which is shown in plan and elevations in Figs. 189 to 192, Figs. 189 and 190 being side elevations, Figs. 191 a sectional elevation, and Fig. 192 a plan of the same. The accumulator here shown has four weights, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, while the one which operates the machine has but three, but the action is precisely the same. These weights, which are of masonry, are each and all operated by the central wooden column 1308, the latter being raised by a 10-inch-ram, 1310, placed in the cylinder 1311, or by the 5-inch- ram 1309, placed in the cylinder 1310, the pressure being about three times as much per square inch when the small ram is used as when the large one is. One or more weights are raised as the case may require, depend- ing on how much pressure per square inch is desired on the liquid. They are carried by the column in its upward movement or not, depending on whether the keys 1314 and 1315 are in the column or out. The liquid is conveyed to the cylinder 1311 from the steam hydraulic pump by the fixed pipe 1313, or is conveyed to the cylinder 1310 through the movable pipe 1312, the latter having a flexible joint, shown in Figs. 193 to 197 inclusive. In 193 it is shown without packing, the joint being sufficiently well made to prevent leak. In 194 the joint is shown with a leather packing 1321 to prevent leakage of the rotating parts. This same flexible pipe joint is used to convey the pressure from the accumulator to the moving straining press or the moving holder, so that the pipes are always connected ready for action without reference to the position of the presses, they being moving or stationary as the case may require. Pipes also connect with each side of the piston of the straining press and convey liquid to a pair of gauges in another case not here shown, one of which shows the load on the compression side and the 17 other that on the tension side of the piston, the difference of their read- ings being the unbalanced load which is working to move the piston out or in, and which differs from the strain upon the specimen by the frictions of the packings, which is often as high as 30,000 or 40,000 pounds, as shown by the scale where the true load by the strain on the specimen is weighed. The friction can be almost entirely obviated by rotating the ram, apparatus for doing which was provided, to be used in case the scale failed to work properly, a contingency which has never happened. The long screws 1450 are provided with three supports intermediate to the scale and straining press of the machine. These serve to support and fix the screws at these points, and at the same time they will, when required, tip down out of the way to allow the passage of the press, one pair of these supports being shown as tipped down in Figs. 243 and 244. [From "Mechanics," Nos. 96 and 97, Nov. 3d and roth, 1883.] Editorial Notes. One of the most difficult tasks we have encountered in a long while was the full comprehension of the principles involved in the Emery testing machine. Some of the fundamental departures from ordinary weighing practice which are essential elements in his system of weighing machines and dynamometers we have endeavored to elucidate elsewhere. The methods are so radically different from anything which has heretofore been employed, and the results obtained so far exceed anything in the weighing line, that one finds no small amount of difficulty in comprehend- ing what seems to be extraordinary mechanical construction. Practically his arrangement of diaphragms and transmission of pressure from plat- form to weighing apparatus is equivalent to the use of different sized bags filled with liquid and connected by tubes. The principle is that of the hydrostatic press reversed. In practice flat sheet-brass bags are held be- tween suitable surfaces. Bags and connecting tubes are filled with a liquid, and the pressure is transmitted from one to the other practically without the transfer of liquid in large scales, and with an insignificant transfer in dynamometers and similar weighing apparatus. The motion is so small, so slow, and the construction of the registering or indicating apparatus such, that this whole arrangement becomes not only theoretically but prac- tically frictionless. Another innovation by Mr. Emery, revolutionary in its character, is that of using thin strips of metal firmly secured at both ends, with only a short exposure between the slots by which they are held, in the place of knife- edges. On first examining a piece of apparatus of this kind, one is at a loss to understand how heavy crushing strains can be resisted by such thin pieces without any trace of buckling. When we find that beams resting on fulcrums of this sort are practically without friction, and that enor- mous multiplications of motion can be made without the faintest suspicion of back-lash and without changing the fulcrum distances, it is easily seen that balances can be made of an accuracy hitherto unapproached in the finest analytical balances. The wonder, however, increases rather than diminishes when we learn that with this increased accuracy comes a celer- ity of weighing hitherto unknown. Even in the heaviest machines the relative sensitiveness actually becomes greater than that found in the finest analytical balances. What results will be obtainable when the inventor undertakes the construction of scales of precision remains to be seen. 18 We hardly dare at the present time to speculate in regard to it. When the greatest accuracy of scale beams is required the fulcrums are metal plates in tension instead of compression, and can be made so excessively thin that they bend without appreciable friction through the almost in- finitesimal angle necessary to make the required indication. The move- ment being so small, the oscillation consequent to increasing or decreasing the load is reduced in proportion to the decreased momentum. The excursion to Stamford, made by the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers on November 2d, particulars of which will be found in another part of this issue, was one of the most interesting which it has ever made. The special train was carried into the yard of The Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, and the guests were landed at the door of the building which they were first to visit. One of the most interesting things was the new crane shop (300 feet long), which for its purpose seems almost beyond improvement. Two traveling cranes covered the whole area of the main floor of the shop. Outside of this area, in wings, the small tools were situated. A large crane for the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company was on the floor, nearly completed, and formed an admirable opportunity for exhibiting the method of handling heavy loads by means of heavy cranes. One weighing twelve tons was picked up from the floor, moved endwise some distance and deposited on trestles with quite as much ease and certainty as one could lift a pail of water and place it on a table. One of the most interesting features in connec- tion with cranes was Mr. Towne's very clear description of the mechanism and demonstration of the working of the traveling cranes made by the company. This demonstration took place in the old crane shop, which is now being fitted up for testing machines. It was here that the lunch was spread, and we think that the justice done this part of the en- tertainment by the engineers was ample proof that it was well appreciated. Here, as at every other point in the trip, the party were kept well together, and ample time was given for social intercourse. This feature of the ex- cursion was a very enjoyable one, and was improved to its utmost. The 115 members who participated in the excursion demonstrated their belief in the value of circulation, whether it be in boilers or societies, and opin- ions were exchanged and stories told to the heart's content. The testing machine seemed to strike most of the members as en- tirely unique, and the time devoted to explaining the transfer of pressure from the platform to the scale beam, the description of the plate fulcrums, the method of throwing the weights on and off the beam, the joints used and other details of the machine were lucidly given by Mr. Towne and Mr. Emery, and were listened to with deep attention. It is rarely that a society has an opportunity to see so marvelous and important an improve- ment as this, and have it so clearly illustrated and see it in such perfect working order. The testing of specimens was very neatly performed, and was all that could have been desired. The arrangements for the guests, preparation of the specimens and handling of them, and, in fact, every- thing connected with the testing apparatus, were managed perfectly, and none of those hitches which so frequently mar experimental work of this character before an audience occurred to annoy the gentlemen who were conducting the experiments. The samples broken were a square bar- which, by the way, illustrated very beautifully the fact that the slightest nick determines the point of rupture by breaking at the faint scored line which marked the inches-a 2-inch bar bent by compression, a 5-inch square stick of hard pine crushed, and an 8x10-inch timber, five feet long, by transverse strain, 19 Emery Scales and Testing Machines. I. There are few of our readers, and, in fact, few professional men gener- ally in the country, who are not familiar with the remarkable work per- formed by the Watertown testing machine. That after recording hun- dreds of thousands of pounds it will show the strain which breaks a horse- hair, or, when testing to hundreds of thousands of pounds, read to a fraction of its load as small as that of an analytical balance, are facts which have caused the greatest wonderment and curiosity in regard to the re- markable mechanism by which these results have been accomplished. It is evident to those who are familiar with the apparatus and the way it has been developed that a revolution in machinery for weighing is at hand. Abandoning as utterly useless the knife-edge, Mr. Emery struck out upon what is an entirely new line. From the weight to the recording index he undertook the problem of transferring the pressure by itself, and practically without motion. He undertook to do this without introducing back-lash or the wear of pivots or knife-edges. The importance of this we can the better understand when we refer to the work of some of the best an- alytical balances of the country. One of these, exhibited at the Centen- nial, with one pound in each scale will turn with of its load. The finest assay scales by the same maker with one gram in the pan will turn with milligram, or Tub of the load. Such a scale, on account of the great amount of the motion and the fact that a considerable mass must be put into motion by an exceedingly small force, is excessively slow in com- ing to rest. On one occasion a gentleman used a whole day in weighing a simple pound seven times. The maximum difference between the greatest and the least weight obtained was T5 part of the load. When 1 1 50000 U on the same scale the attempt was made to weigh two pounds, nine weigh- ings required more than a day for their accomplishment, on account of the great length of the time necessary for balancing the scale with such a load. Scales of this sort may be said to be excessively impatient, if we may be permitted the term, of overweight, or a weight which exceeds that for which it was intended by the makers, and are always injured by any excess of this weight, becoming sluggish when it is placed in the pan and having their knife-edges ruined. In fact, the ordinary load soon destroys, by wear and crushing, the sharpness of the knife-edge, and the scales deter- iorate sensibly and rapidly by ordinary use. They are also sensitive to dirt and to rusting. If one of these delicate scales be overloaded the knife-edges lose their shape and are crushed into forms approaching circles. Not only, then, are the edges crushed and worn into rounded forms, but the fulcrum distances are by this means changed, and consequently the ac- curacy of the scale is lost. The fine scales for weighing silk are intended to take one pound, and are sensitive to ; part of the load—that is, with one pound in the pan-and they will indicate one grain. Disbelieving the manufacturer's statement that five pounds would ruin this scale, a friend of ours bought one, and after testing it well within its capacity at- tempted to weigh five pounds with it. After this weight had been put on he found that although the scale still moved with a single grain, yet it would not weigh a pound twice alike to within a grain. In other words, the overloading had not only destroyed its sensitiveness, but had ruined it for accuracy by changing the fulcrum distance. 7000 In contrast with this we take the scale beam of the testing machine at the Watertown Arsenal, which was used before the machine was finished 20 O ليا as an ordinary beam scale by the prolongation of its weight beam. When rigged as a balance, 100 pounds was put in the pan and weighed seven times, and the greatest difference between the maximum and minimum weights obtained was one part in 1,750,000. A 200-pound standard was afterward weighed nine times in succession. Here the greatest differ- ence between the maximum and minimum weighings was one part in 2,350,000. The sensitiveness of the scale when thus used with the 200- pound load, stated according to the ordinary method, was equivalent to the scale turning with 100 part of its load. In other words, a scale beam with its fulcrum capable of sustaining without injury a load of 4,000 ου B e O pounds has been made more sensitive than the finest analytical balances yet made in this or any other country. Indeed, the same beam, if we un- derstand Mr. Emery's statement correctly, might be used for analytical work with a far greater perfection than is attainable with the ordinary bal- ances inside of their range of accuracy. Fig 1.-Levers and Plate Fulcrums. 2 I To understand how such accuracy is possible, we must first get an idea of the nature of the fulcrums used and the levers employed in Mr. Emery's scales, gauges and dynamometers. The second step will be the means used for transmitting enormous loads on heavy scales or the strains of large testing machines to the weighing apparatus. Lastly will follow a description of the methods of balancing the beams and reading. the loads. Figs. 1, 2 and 3 illustrate the arrangement of these fulcrums and levers as applied to a pressure guage or weighing dynamometer. Fig. 2.-Clamping Suspension Fulcrumis. They consist of thin, flat pieces of steel of suitable widths and lengths, forced into grooves or held between columns. In Fig. 1, a, d, b, c repre- sent these fulcrums made of flat pieces of steel, and e and show similar fulcrums where two flat strips of steel take the place of a wide one. The method of connection and the variations of the bearing are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, which are enlarged details of certain parts of special scales or gauges. B₂ B₂ A Fig. 3.-An Indicator-Rod and Fulcrums. Fig. 1.—In the case of the gauge or weighing dynamometer, A (Fig. 1) shows the pressure column, consisting of a cylinder widening into the rec- tangular head A, in which is planed a groove to receive the first fulcrum a, into which it is pressed, and which is also pressed into similar grooves at its upper end in the first lever B. A fixed fulcrum, d, is pressed at its lower end into the lever B, and its upper end into a groove in the fulcrum block D. The third fulcrum is shown clamped at the outer end by a clamp- ing plate, and its upper end is pressed into the lever C, or into a block: at- tached to the lever C. The same block clamps the fourth fulcrum ‹ to its 22 lever C. The fulcrums d and c are both fixed, which causes the lever B to move upward at its upper outer end, as shown by the arrow, and the lever C to move downward at the same time. The strain on the first four fulcrums a, d, b, c is compression, while that on the fulcrums e and ƒ is tension. These fulcrums are all of tempered plate steel, and are often gold plated, to prevent rusting. In the illustration shown, the pressure on the block A may amount to 4,000 or 5,000 pounds, and the thickness of the first and second fulcrums is from .04 to .05 inch, and the third and fourth fulcrums b and c, .02 inch. The width of these is 4 inches, and the exposure or - C B S t O M. E f e Fig. 4. Hydraulic Gauge. portion left free between the different levers is about .2 inch for a and d and .8 inch for b and two inches for c, the loads on the latter being re- duced to about 400 pound through the lever B. Fig. 1 is an enlarged This hydraulic gauge is for view of the pressure gauge shown in Fig. 4. measuring loads of 7,500 pounds to the square inch. Surprising as it seems at first sight, the motion of these levers, though firmly connected in this way and transmitting strain without the possibility of back-lash, is practically frictionless. 23 These A further application of this form of fulcrum is shown in Fig. 5, where the heavy lines b, c and d represent pieces which, as we have said, take the place of the ordinary knife-edges. Here the beam B receives its load from the pressure column A through the fulcrums b and c. are connected together by the block c, for the purpose of introducing or allowing for a certain amount of lateral motion around the center of mo- tion in the fulcrum b. The beam is prevented from yielding bodily to the stress by the fulcrum d, held in the fulcrum block D. As its outward end moves up or down, motion is transmitted to the indicator rod G by means of the two suspension fulcrums E and F. Their action on the point of support of the indicator rod G is similar to what is shown in Fig. 3, which is, however, from another piece of apparatus, and this construction is in- tended to permit a large range of motion. We may here point out a de- cided difference in the two constructions. In Fig. 5 the bending of the fulcrums e and f is directly as the angular motion of the indicator rod G, while in Fig. 3 the bending of the fulcrums B and B is constant, no matter what the angular motion of the indicator rod C may be. This con- struction is often employed by Mr. Emery where it is necessary to hang f 银 ​d D g B G K Fig. 5.-Beam for Platform Scale. one beam from another, and where it is desirable to obtain great angular motion. Fig. 2 illustrates the method of clamping suspension fulcrums similar to E or F in Fig. 5. It must be observed, however, that in Fig. 5, the ful- crums being very long and delicate, it is found desirable to protect the central portions, and this is done by a pair of clamping plates. From the end of the beam B a poise rod and weight plate K are hung by a pair of thin plates, which illustrate another application of this kind of fulcrum, giving, all the lateral motion and flexibility which is needed, and preserving the exact fulcrum distance without wear or friction. Fig. 3.-The thickness of metal used for supporting the beams is very slight, and it would surprise most engineers to know that a piece of metal inch thick and 5 or 6 inches long, and perhaps 2 inches "exposure," or portion not in, but between, the groove, will carry many thousand pounds without suspicion of buckling or springing. For those bearings or primary fulcrums which are to take the heaviest pressures in the large gauge, the strips of metal are of the finest spring steel, 2 inch in thickness and 4 inches in width, and are pressed into their grooves with a load of 18,000 1 20 e 24 pounds, though in use they would receive 4,coo or 5,000 pounds only. The greater portion of this metal is, as the reader will see from the different drawings, firmly fixed in slots cut in the beams. When tensile strain is to come upon these fulcrums, of course a much thinner spring and a longer one is possible, and, with the construction shown in Fig. 3, the angular motion can then be made as great as may be desired, and with the other construction it can usually be made as great as is necessary. In many constructions the thickness of these fulcrums for compression is reduced to as little as 5 inch, and for tension to as little as 1000 inch. By increasing the width, the amount of strength obtained can be raised indefinitely and any load whatever supported. 1 0 0 0 15 UU Fig. 1 shows the system of levers adopted for the pressure gauge in Fig. 4, where the motion between the pressure column A and the point of the indicator S is multiplied more than 60,000 times, so that a movement of the column of less than inch will give the 60 inches reading at the point of the needle where the arc is graduated and divided into a thousand parts, each graduation being made by actual test. This, we think, is the greatest multiplication by levers in so small a space of which we have any 1 0 0 0 F K B G C 437 ய ~E= 1 1 0 Fig. 6.-Hydraulic Support. knowledge. The graduation of the dial by actual test eliminates several sources of error which would theoretically be found in employing the usual methods for graduation. The method of operation of these levers and fulcrums may be understood by reference to Fig. 1, where the pressure communicated to the fulcrum block A is transmitted by the fulcrum to the lever B; about th of this is transferred to the outer end of the beam and to the fulcrum B. This in turn is communicated to the lever C, which at its outer end transmits in a downward direction to the resist- ing spring F about 3th of the load which it receives. The spring Fuses up by bending the entire force transmitted to it. The motion through the fulcrums e e and ƒ ƒ is then transmitted through the rods E (see Fig. 4) to the indicator-rod S, and thus indicates the entire amount of bending which has taken place when the bending of the spring has brought it into equilib- rium. Briefly stated, the method of measuring the load in large platform scales is to transmit a portion of the downward pressure of the load to the weighing mechanism. The load may be supposed to be supported on a series of diaphragms, which, through a system of pipes, by hydraulic pres- 25 sure transmit a portion of this pressure to other similar diaphragms, where the resultant pressure is measured by suitable apparatus. In other words, the principle of the hydraulic press is introduced into the weighing appar- atus as a transmitting mechanism, but the construction is such as to make the apparatus frictionless. 15 Fig. 6 shows what is called a hydraulic support, and is one of the members which primarily receive the load on a large platform scale. It consists of a base, A, in which is a circular chamber, usually inch in depth, which is filled with a liquid on which sits the pressure column B contained in the protecting case C, to which it is secured against vertical motion at the top by the diaphragm D, and at the bottom by the dia- phragm E, the latter being the pressure diaphragm, which prevents the liquid from flowing out of its chamber when pressed by the load put upon the pressure support. The diaphragm D not only centers and retains the upper end of the column B in the support, but seals the chamber around it from dirt, &c., this chamber being merely filled with air. A bell-shaped Fig. 7-Top View of Hydraulic Support. cap. F, receives the load from the platform and protects the diaphragm D from injury. It transmits the load from the platform to the pressure column B through the rubber block G, which does not act like a spring, as it is confined by the ring H, but serves to transmit the load to the column B, and at the same time permits lateral movement and tipping of the cap F caused by any bending of the platform. The liquid contained in the chamber I communicates through the pipe K, usually 75 or 787 inch in diameter, to a small sealed pressure chamber within the weighing mechanism. 1 1000000 100 000 This diaphragm is of large size, held firmly between surfaces, and has a total motion in, for example, a 50-ton testing machine, of 700 inch. For I pound the change or motion is inch. The whole range 1 of the first diaphragm is T inch. The indicating arm, equivalent to B in Fig. 5, moves inch for each pound, and has a total motion in that particular case above and below zero amounting to 11 inches. The 1000 000 6 26 མམ་.. E TU HI | PC ЭЛООНО and other scales where large platforms have to be supported there are usually a number of primary diaphragms, which are connected and transmit pressure to a series of smaller ones, which in turn act as a unit on the real second- ary diaphragm which actuates the beam. The possibility, then, of reduc- main diaphragm, in moving, displaces a column of water, which acts upon another or secondary diaphragm receiving only a small fraction of the pressure upon the primary one. In this way very intense strains are, by the simple difference in the size of the diaphragms, reduced to come easily within the range of the scale beams to manage. In track scales Fig. 8.-Plan of Diaphragm. 221 222 31 27 " -2.995- ing the weight to be measured at one or two steps to an amount which can easily be handled is an immense advantage, and the fact that this reduction, instead of being made by means of beams, is accomplished by a fluid in small pipes, is a very great advantage. Practically, it seems that there -1~ -1633- 1.64 36 36 10 -20 Fig. 9.-Section of Diaphragm and Plates. 13.0 14 -145 13/7 Fig. 10.-Section of Surrounding Ring. 2.3 12 Fig. 11.-Supporting Plate for Diaphragm. 13.6 Fig. 12.-Plate Resting on Top of Diaphragm. 1.04– — −1.475– 9 would be no difficulty in placing the platform 5, 10 or 50,coo yards away from the beam. To give an idea of the actual mechanism of the diaphragms upon which the pressure comes and the peculiar arrangements necessary in ト ​1.495- 28 order to eliminate friction, the reader will refer to Figs. 8 to 12. Fig. 8 is a top view of a diaphragm and the plates which support it. The dia- phragm as used here may be described as essentially a flat metallic bag of circular form. In Fig. 9 it is seen in section beneath the part No. 32. The circular grooves are formed in the plate and in the diaphragm itself, or, rather, we should say the two diaphragms, and are essential features. The plate 32 takes the weight which is resisted by the liquid inclosed be- tween the diaphragms. There is a tendency to force it out through the connection 221, shown on a larger scale in Fig. 13, this tendency to dis- placement varying with the load. Fig. 12 is the plate uncovered to show its form. In order to hold this plate in place and prevent it from having any side motion, and consequent friction, a thin annular diaphragm con- nects it with the ring 31, which is also shown in Fig. 10. This diaphragm 33 is shown on a large scale in Fig. 13; 34, 34 are the rings of solder which hold it in place. Any pressure which is brought to bear upon the 34 -33- 34 1.01 - A ན 41.25 115 218 “ན། ༄།་ ་་་ 31 -1.-15. +-1-16 T 1.76- 65 1.15 222 -1-46- Fig. 13.-Details of Diaphragm and Connections. plate 32 will, of course, be transmitted to the fluid inclosed beneath it, and this pressure will at once be transmitted through the connecting-pipes. By using a diaphragm of a smaller diameter, the pressure may be reduced. to practically any desired extent. Though there may be 100,000 pounds on the large diaphragm, it is not necessary to have on the receiving dia- phragm a load any larger than can be conveniently handled. The amount of reduction is, of course, determined by the ratio of area of the primary and secondary diaphragms. If, as in the case illustrated, the first dia- phragm has a diameter of 13 inches, the area will be, say, 132 square inches, and if the receiving or secondary diaphragm be 4 inches in diam- eter, the pressure will be reduced approximately to one-tenth of the origi- nal amount; hence, by choosing proper ratio of areas, the pressure to be dealt with is entirely within control. The importance of this point can hardly be overestimated. In Fig. 13 one of the minor details of the sys- tem is shown, which, from its wide application in hydraulic work, is worth 221 29 careful attention. In order to make tight joints, it is necessary to exer- cise a great deal of care, and one of the greatest difficulties in hydraulic work has been the difficulty of having perfect fittings. Here the trouble with joints, &c., is avoided by a simple form of plug or nozzle. A very small portion of the extreme point of a hemispherical plug is flattened into a conical form, and this takes a bearing at the extreme point on a conical seat. Of course, the pressure within the tube tends to expand the metal and increase the tightness of the joint. The metal is here con- densed to the greatest possible degree by hammering. The area of the pipe being very small, the pressure to be resisted by the screw-thread is light, and there is no necessity for accurate fitting. Fig. 13 shows this part of the apparatus the full size. The actual pressure to be reduced by the screw-threads is merely nominal, and tight joints are obtainable with very small wrenches and a merely nominal pressure. The Emery Testing Machine. II. In our first article we undertook to give the reader some idea of the means which Mr. Emery employed in indicating loads or strains of all descriptions with an accuracy hitherto unknown. Most of our readers are perfectly familiar with the very accurate work of the Watertown test- ing machine. In our last article we gave in a brief manner the details of the systems employed and the method of operation. How a system of diaphragms can be applied to the weighing of the work of a testing machine we shall attempt to explain here, and also to show what means the de- signer has adopted to obtain a machine entirely free from back-lash when the specimen breaks. As shown in Fig. 1, it will be seen that the appa- ratus consists of two parts. The first is the machinery for putting strain upon the specimen, whether of compression or tension. In the engraving the machine is shown exerting a transverse strain on an I-beam. In its essential features this apparatus consists of two screws carrying a strain- ing beam, to which a hydraulic cylinder is attached. This cylinder fur- nishes the power for compression or extension. These screws are at- tached to a frame in which a pair of beams are placed to furnish the abutments for resisting the power. Whether the strain is tensile or com- pressive, it results in compressing the liquid in the hydraulic support between these beams, which constitute alternately the platform and bed of the scale. The second part of the apparatus of the weighing mechan- ism comprises a system of levers and a scale beam with suitable weights, and a pressure column with its diaphragms, to which the pressure exerted in the testing machine is transferred by a suitable tube. The liquid in the support between the beams, being compressed, is forced against the pressure diaphragm of the pressure column. The amount of force ex- erted here is then weighed, and the indication read from the scale beam and the pointer which is attached to it. The reader should bear in mind carefully the distinction between the two pieces of apparatus. One is in and of itself essentially for testing. It gives no indications of the amount of strain applied, and is a perfectly independent and disconnected appa- ratus. The other is an indicating mechanism, and might be adjusted to 30 a platform scale, a weighing lock, a track scale, or, in fact, to a thousand and one other uses if necessary, its office being solely to register or indi- cate the amount of force exerted upon the system of levers which it con- tains. Although resembling to a certain extent the ordinary scale beam, it differs not only in the nature of its connections, but also in the method of putting on and taking off its weights. This feature alone is entirely different from anything of which we have any account, and adds very materially to the ease and speed of weighing. One of the features which, H a F A B C andi Fig. 3.-The Base Frame and Abutments. not only in chemical, but also in large balances, is inherent in Mr. Emery's system of weighing, is the fact that the motion of the load is so small and the consequent momentum so insignificant that the beam or pointer can come to rest quickly without a long series of vibrations on each side of the zero. In order to enable the reader to understand the construction of the apparatus, we have had a drawing made of the base of the machine and Fig. 1.-Elevation of the Machine. Fig. 2.-Scale Beam and Case. 31 framework, with portions broken away to show the more important fea- tures. Bearing in mind that whether the strains be those of tension or compression—that is, whether in an upward or downward direction-they must result in compressing the liquid in the pressure support, the reader is prepared to understand the method of operation. The resistance, or the final abutment, is found in the frame F, which is of cast iron and very heavy. This frame surrounds the two beams E E, which constitute the bed and platform of the scale, and between which is placed the hydraulic pressure support. When the strain takes an upward direction these pieces are forced against the upper member of the frame. When the pressure is downward they rest on the lower portion of this frame. They have between them, in the pressure support, a pair of diaphragms inclosing a quantity of fluid, which, by means of the slender tube f, communicates with the pressure column of the weighing apparatus. These pieces E E are surrounded by a yoke, B D C D, in which they are perfectly free and with which they have no rigid connection. The strain of the load is taken by this outside yoke entirely, and through it communicated to the abutment pieces E E. These two pieces, with the diaphragm between ཨ ཙམ A TT ייייי G एग B K H Б. 1000 Fig. 4.-Beam for Platform Scale. them and its inclosing rings, are finished to such a thickness that they just fill the space between the two members of the frame to within, say, 1 inch. This is the maximum amount of motion which is permitted. Having this arrangement of yoke and abutment pieces, it becomes neces- sary to hold it in position and prevent it from any lateral motion, and at the same time allow it perfect freedom in a vertical direction. This is accomplished by a most ingenious modification of the flexible plate or metal fulcrums. For example, the upper beam E is held and supported. in position and prevented from side motion by the thin bars bb. The vertical motion is so small that the elasticity of these spring bars bb allows it to rise and fall with practically no friction. Similar flexible bars support and fix in position the lower scale beam E against horizontal motion and allow freedom of motion vertically. The yoke is in like manner firmly fixed against horizontal motion at its top and bottom by four pairs of spring plates, two of which, a a and a' a', at the top, are attached at right angles to each other to the upper beam 32 A B of the yoke and to the frame F, while the other two pairs at the bot- tom e e and e' e', also at right angles to each other, are fixed to the lower beam C of the yoke, and to the frame F. They allow perfect freedom in a vertical direction, while compelling the whole movable portion to work in a vertical line. A beam, G, is bolted to the bottom beam C of the yoke, and has its two ends extended between two pairs of initial load springs marked d d. The yoke B C D D and its contained scale beams E E be- ing suspended in the air by the six pairs of fixing springs, as before men- tioned, is now carried firmly against the beam E E by the full pressure of the load springs d d by means of two pairs of screws not here shown, one pair of screws acting to apply the load of these springs d d in an upward direction, and the other in a downward direction. When these springs are made to bear upward against G, the yoke is resting against the lower scale beam E, transmitting the load of the springs d d through the pres- sure support to the upper beam E, which now becomes the bed of the scale, with its outer ends resting against the frame F at the top, while the lower beam E acts as a free platform, and the scale is then balanced ready A a C e I D f 18 B UJ for use with strains of tension. If strains of compression or transverse loads are desired, the load springs d d are made to act downward on the beam G, the upper beam E now acting as the free platform, and the lower beam E as the bed of the scale. The acting area of the dia- phragm in this apparatus, where a strain of 75 tons is to be exerted, is 13.6 inches in diameter. As shown in Fig. 1, the testing machine is arranged for transverse strains. This is accom- plished by putting a heavy bar across the top of the table A, which carries at its two ends suitable supports with hemispherical bearings on which the specimen rests. The outer ends of these bars are supported by braces, one of which is shown in Fig. 1. The lower ends of these braces enter the slot shown near the base of I in Fig. 3. Immediately under the ram is shown a gauge for reading the deflection. The cross- head which carries the hydraulic ram is arranged in a very neat, but somewhat peculiar, manner. It is carried by two screws, the nuts of which have, both above and below, a pair of gear-wheels. A pair of intermediate gears transmit the motion from one to the other, and the whole is moved up and down by means of a crank at the left hand of the machine. This crank, through a pair of bevel gears, works the vertical shaft on the left hand side with its two pinions, thus re- volving the nuts. The shaft is provided with the usual slot and feather. This makes the matter of adjustment for different length of specimens comparatively easy, and, at the same time, sim- ple. The cylinder is a double-acting one, and is connected with the force- pump by means of two telescopic tubes, shown at the right-hand side, and connecting with the cylinder itself by small bent copper pipes. These telescopic tubes are arranged in such a way that no changes in the connections are needed in any part of the stroke. For extension a peculiar form of jaw screws into the bottom of the piston-rod or ram, and also into a hole in the beam A B, Fig. 3. The weighing mechanism -C Fig. 5. Suspending Rod and Large Weights. 33 20 a C 7 e A B BOUN itself consists of a weight beam, somewhat similar to that shown in Fig. 4, with its indicator-rod and a series of suspension-rods for carrying weights. This beam in the scale shown is not connected directly to a pressure column, but is moved by a large steel beam 2.5 inches deep by 10 inches in width, pivoted with plate. fulcrums and moved by a pressure column shown at A in Fig. 2. Just above the block A is shown the case containing the small pressure chamber which is connected with that in the support between the scale beams E E. The acting area of this small pressure chamber in this machine is that of the large one, so 20 pounds on the platform A of the yoke give 1 pound on the column A of the scale beam B in Fig. 2. The method by which weights are put on and taken off is in this case so entirely novel and different from anything that has been em- ployed in ordinary weighing machines that we give it in detail. Fig. 6, on a large scale, shows the weights with their rod. The rod D carries on its front side a number of lugs, and is supported by a plate from the beam, the suspension spring being shown at the point marked D. The rods A and B also carry on their faces a number of lugs, and are supported by the cross-head C attached to one end of a rod which is operated by a lever below; a, b, c, k are the weights. The problem is to successively throw these weights upon the beam. This is accomplished by a downward movement of the rods A B. The lugs I not being evenly spaced, this downward motion brings the top weight A in contact with the uppermost lug on the rod D. If the motion is continued, B is next dropped on the rod, and C follows. In the engraving, a, b, c have already been left by the downward motion of A B on the rod D. The weight is bearing not only on the centre, but also on the side rods, and any further downward motion of A B would allow it to rest upon D. other weights would be in succession deposited on the central rod by a continuance of the downward motion. On the front of the beam are three sets of these rods, each one of them carrying a carefully adjusted set of weights, 10 in number. When all of one set are upon the beam the next set is added, and so on, gradually in- creasing the weights until the limit of capacity is reached. The weights are arranged to add tens, hundreds and Fig. 6.-Suspending thousands of pounds to the balancing load. At the out- ward end of the beam, however, it is desirable to put on still greater weights, and Fig. 5 shows how these large weights are arranged. As in the previous case, there are 10 of them, but they are carried by two sets of rods fastened to the cross-head C. The rod D has arms projecting from it. One pair of these arms is shown at its bottom just below the weights i and . By the lowering of A B, the weight a is first picked up by the rod D, then B follows, and so on until all are carried by D. When the cross-head C is raised, the weights are lifted from D in a reverse order. In the front of the case which covers the beam four handles are seen. These handles, by motion up and down, move, by means of levers, the weight frames, and put on or take off the weights. At the same time they raise or lower a series of pointers, and thus indicate just how many weights have been placed on the beam. In starting to weigh, all the handles are moved so as to bring the pointers at zero. The 7 ¿ C Rod and Weight. ! ŻENIOWIEMOMINEEN รา Thak --- tom - A PLATE I. Appendix 24-1883. 35 Extract from Report of Chief of Ordnance, 1883. Description of the United States Testing Machine at Water- town Arsenal. BY CAPT. J. PITMAN, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MAJ. F. H. PARKER, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, COMMANDING. (12 plates.) The United States Government testing machine is the invention of Mr. A. H. Emery, of New York, and its construction was completed in 1879. It is a horizontal hydraulic machine, has a capacity of 800,000 pounds for strains of tension and compression, and can test specimens of any length up to 30 feet, and of width not exceeding 30 inches. By a slight modification it is adapted for compression tests of 31 feet 2 inches in length, and for tensile tests of eye-bars 37 feet 3 inches from center to center of eyes. The principal parts are the platforms of a hydraulic scale at one end and a straining press at the other, connected by two 8-inch wrought-iron screws 48 feet long, supported horizontally 47 inches above the floor and 50 inches apart. Four bronze nuts working upon these screws are in contact with either end of the press, and are connected by gear- ing with a splined shaft below, extending between tracks parallel to the screws. This shaft is actuated by a livehead at one end worked by steam power. The straining press has a cylinder of 20 inches diameter and 24 inches stroke. It is mounted on a truck which runs on the tracks between the screws and is brought nearer to or farther from the scale platforms, to accommodate different lengths of specimens, by operating the livehead which revolves the shaft, which in turn works the bronze nuts. The scale platforms are vertical, and capable of a slight longitudinal movement, being suspended and restrained by vertical and horizontal springs which also serve to give the platforms an initial pressure against each other. Between the platforms are placed, symmetrical with the line of traction, four sealed columns of liquid, called supports, which, when the platforms are pulled or pressed together by the movement of the piston of the straining press attached to the other end of the specimen being tested, receive the strain and transmit it through 6-inch copper tubes to four similar but smaller supports in the scale case. These act by their expansion on levers, raising a vertical rod which presses against the beam of the scale. The weights required to balance this beam indicate the strain on the specimen in the machine. The hydraulic power is supplied by a steam-pump working into an accumulator, in- stead of into the straining-press cylinder direct. This avoids the pulsations caused by pumping, and facilitates the manipulation of the machine. The accumulator has a vertical 10-inch cylinder and ram; the latter of which in turn contains a 5-inch ram. Either ram may be used to lift one, two or three heavy masses of masonry, which are keyed, when desired, to a vertical wooden post resting on the inner and smaller ram. This arrange.. ment allows of a variation of pressure from 380 to 3,400 pounds per square inch, or on one face of the piston of the straining-press cylinder-having the largest available area-a pressure varying from 119,400 to 1,068,000 pounds, and on the other face a pressure varying from 89,500 to 801, 100 pounds. The larger limit occurs in the case of compres- sion, and the smaller in the case of tension tests. Either ram and one or more of the weights can be used, depending upon the strength of the specimen. The liquid (sperm oil) being pumped from a tank into the accumulator, the pressure obtained by means of the weights is transmitted to either end of the press cylinder by 36 jointed pipes controlled by valves in the scale case, the handles of which are convenient to the operator's hands. Attached to the piston rod of the straining press, and mounted on a truck so that it can move with the press, is the movable holder. A like but stationary holder is attached to the scale platform, but is balanced on vertical rods. These holders, consisting each of three heavy castings, are furnished with hydraulic presses, and have for their function to grasp between their jaws each an end of the specimen to be tested. In addition to the scale beam, which weighs the load received at one end of the machine, pressure gauges indicate the strain in the cylinder. Like gauges also indicate the pressure of the jaws upon the specimen. Underlying the whole machine is a solid masonry foundation, upon which it rests. The tracks are bolted to this foundation, and are laid in sulphur bearings. At the plat- form end there is a thick cast bed plate, on the same level as the tracks, likewise laid in sulphur, and firmly fastened to the foundation. Upon this bed plate rests a large cast-iron box-like stanchion, upon which are suspended by springs and rods the platforms them- selves and their holder. It also has four pillow-blocks, which support one end of the great screws; their other ends being supported by spring struts. There are also intermediate rests for the screws, and bearings for the splined shaft, which are so pivoted and balanced as to turn down out of the way of the movement of the press and its holder. All the parts above the bed plate are stationary when in use, as regards their relative positions only, the whole system being allowed a slight longitudinal motion, which is gradually checked by buffer springs. This prevents injury from the shock of reaction, resulting from the sudden breaking of the specimen. From the foregoing the general construction, arrangement, and operation of the machine may be understood. The weighted accumulator (Plate III) forces the liquid into the straining press (A, Plate II), moving its piston in or out, according as it is desired to pull or compress the specimen, to one end of which it is connected. The scale platforms (B, Plate II) receive the strains transmitted through the specimen and are pressed together, either by pulling the outer one against the inner one by means of a heavy link (C. Plate II), or by pushing in the reverse direction, one of the platforms-as is required for either tension or com- pression test-for the time being becoming the bed resting against a shoulder of the screws. This strain, received upon the hydrostatic presses in the supports (D, Plate II), is trans- mitted to the scale beam (a, Plate X), where it is weighed. The great longitudinal screws (E, Plate II) separate and hold in position the press and the scale or receiving end. The holders (F and F', Plate II) which are between the press and the platforms, and con- nected with them, grasp each an end of the specimen. These can be, and are, for certain long specimens, dispensed with. The bed plate (G, Plate II), the tracks (II, Plate II), the stanchion (I, Plate II), the trucks (J, Plate II), the rests (K, Plate II), for the screws, and the bearings (L, Plate II) for the shaft (M, Plate II), the pipes (N, Plate II), the gauges (P, Plate II), and other minor parts, are all shown in the plates, and their uses are obvious. This testing machine is thought to have over any other an advantage as regards capacity, delicacy, accuracy, convenience of application and manipulation and impunity from injury due to the shocks of recoil. As regards the last point, it will be seen that the large screws are strained equally, but in the reverse direction with the specimen being tested, they being compressed when the latter is extended, and vice versa. When the specimen suddenly breaks, the screws free themselves by expanding or contracting longitudinally, moving the two ends of the machine in opposite directions. The stanchion, with all its supports, moves on the bed plate, and the press and its holder on the tracks. The inertia will subject the screws to a reverse strain, approximating in amount to the strain received from the press. restrain these reactions, and in order that the parts may always come to rest in their proper position, the horizontal buffer springs (R, Plates IV and V) and vertical rods are provided. Showing the efficiency of this arrangement, and as exhibiting the capacity and accuracy of the machine, it may be mentioned that when first completed a 5-inch round To The Accumulator Appendix 1363 a e a 7 PLATE III. Scato ㅜ ​3 het ד B } D I > B B T $ 1 M General Drawing of Testing Machine Plan and Elevations IL P ६ 2. tpi E N H 15000 ལ་ནས་པ་ལ་ཆོས་ AT F F' H E I N A J DE A H 洲 ​PLATE II. 10 S H S Τ ich Svale. Appendix 24-1883 bni í f f 4 ffrel 37 bar of wrought iron was fractured, requiring over 700,000 pounds tension; from this a change was immediately made to a specimen which broke with one pound tension, and the scale correctly indicated the load in each case. The sensitiveness of the gauges and scale beam is extreme, a slight pressure of the hand upon the platforms or the strain necessary to break a hair being transmitted in a perceptible degree. It has been in use since February, 1879, during which time it has tested nearly 8,000 specimens, varying greatly in the character of their material tested, and from those large pieces requiring the full power of the machine to those of trifling dimensions and strength. From this work much useful information has necessarily been derived. Below is given more detailed descriptions of the parts, with full reference to the drawings appended. I.—The testing machine. LIST OF PLATES. II.-General drawing of testing machine. III. The accumulator. IV.—The stanchion, scale platform and hydraulic holder. V.-Buffer box. VI.—Straining press. VII.-Hydraulic holder. VIII. Scale supports. IX.-Hydraulic scale, first levers. X.-Hydraulic scale, weighing beam and weights. XI.-Holder gauges. XII.-Flexible joint. THE PUMP. It is formed from a steam pump of the Knowles pattern, by prolonging the piston-rod through both ends of the steam cylinder, and removing the ordinary pump cylinder, which is replaced by a brass double-acting pump (13-inch diameter), the piston-rods of which are secured to the steam piston-rod by rods and cross-heads. Beyond the steam cylinder and in the prolongation of its axis is bolted a second double-acting brass pump (3-inch diameter), the piston-rods of which are arranged as at the other end. Either pump can be used, for by means of a valve the oil may be made to circulate freely through the low- pressure pump, and thereby making only the high-pressure pump force the oil into the accumulator. THE ACCUMULATOR. (Plate III.) b. This consists of a hollow vertical cylinder, a, open at the top, and covered by a cap, inside which is fitted a 10-inch ram, . This in turn receives a ram, c, 5 inches in diameter, on the head of which rests a vertical wooden column, d, having three rectangu- lar horizontal holes passing through the axis about equidistant, for the purpose of keying on the weights. Surrounding this column, and moving between four vertical guides, e, are three masses of masonry. By means of keys these are connected with the column, and are raised with the same. Oil enters the larger cylinder at the bottom, f raising the larger ram. A valve at option closes this pipe and forces the oil to pass into a jointed pipe, g, and thence to the top of the smaller ram, whence it passes by means of a tube in the axis of the same to the bottom of the smaller cylinder, thus raising the smaller ram. A safety valve, h, operated by a rod attached to the head of the smaller ram, allows the oil, when at a certain height, to pass into the tank, thereby preventing the rams from being pumped out of the cylinder. THE TRACK. (H, Plate II.) This is of iron, cast in sections, and bolted in a level position to the masonry founda- tion, so that the upper surface is flush with the floor. 38 THE BED-PLATE. (G, Plate IV.) This is a heavy plate of cast iron having along the two sides raised flanges, on the interior surface of which is a groove. This is also bolted to the masonry foundation, so that the upper surface is level and in the prolongation of the plane of the upper surface of the track. It is tapped to receive the buffer spring attachment. THE STANCHION, (I, Plate IV.) This is a box-like casting, a, having on the lower surface flanges which enter the grooves in the bed-plate. The stanchion is also secured by four long bolts, b, passing through tubes and attached to anchor plates near the bottom of the foundation. These, with the grooves, allow the stanchion a slight longitudinal motion, which is restrained by strong helical buffer springs, R, to be described hereafter. On the two inner corners (toward the straining press), and raised above the main surface of the stanchion, are cast two pillow-blocks with caps c, while at the other corners are bolted similar pieces, d. The axes of their bearings are parallel to the edge of the tracks. In the axis of the stanchion and between the outer pillow-blocks is bored a hole. through which passes the rod for supporting the platform block, e. The lower end of this rests on a screw working in a bar secured across the stanchion near its lower surface. At the inner end, near the base on either side, are the lugs f, which receive the lower ends of the rods on which is balanced the stationary holder. Lugs g cast on the top sur- face near the outer sides and between the pillow-blocks form bearings for the ends of the adjusting springs of the scale platforms; while on the outer sides, near the bottom, are the four lugs which support the spring struts for the same. On the pillow-blocks, just outside of and parallel to the main screw-bearings, are holes through which pass the drawing bolts. THE BUFFER SPRINGS. (R, Plate IV.) These are in duplicate, and consist of a box-like casting a bolted on each side of the In the center is a bed-plate in a horizontal position with its axis parallel to the track. strong partition b, in the middle of which is a hole for the reception of the sliding cylin- drical nut c. Holes are also bored in the ends of the casing. In these holes enter the collars of centrally perforated disks d. Headed rods e pass through the stanchion and through these perforations, and are screwed into the nut c. On each side of the partitions is a perforated disk ƒ encircling the rods. Between the disks d and ƒ are placed two helical springs g, one inside the other. The other ends of the rods are secured to the walls of the stanchion. The strength of the springs may be adjusted by set screws / in the end of the casing, acting against the disk f. Any movement of the stanchion acts against one of the rods e which forces the nut against the disk, thereby compressing the corresponding spring. THE SCREWS. (E, Plate IV.) These are in duplicate, and are forged iron 48 feet long and 8 inches in diameter. For the greater portion of their length they are threaded with a truncated V-thread, two to the inch. At the termination of the thread they are cylindrical for a short distance, and are then enlarged so as to form a square shoulder against the outer surface of the inner pillow-block c, the bearing of which it fits accurately. Beyond the bearing it is again enlarged and forms a square shoulder i. The succeeding portion passes through the scale 39 platforms and is again threaded for the collar nut j and reduced to 6 inches diameter for the bearing in the outer pillow-block, and terminates with a cup nut k which presses against the pillow-block. At the other extremity of the screws the forging is turned down to pass through holes near the extremities of an eye-bar (S, Plate II) and secured by cap nuts. To this eye-bar is bolted the vertical steel spring struts (T, Plate II), the lower ends of which are bolted to the track. The three intermediate rests (K, Plate II) (for each screw) consist of an upright por- tion, a bed, and a counter-weight. The bed is of cast iron bolted to the foundation, outside of, and against the tracks, having two projecting ears, to which the upright is hinged by means of a bolt, in such a manner that it may be turned about a horizontal axis, at right angles to the track, into a horizontal position. The general form of the upright is that of a slightly ribbed flat A forked plate, having on the upper surface a semicircular bearing to receive the screw. hook fitting over and bolted to the upright clasps over the screw in order to prevent the same from springing during very heavy tensile tests. At the lower extremity of the upright is attached a mass of cast iron inclosed in a chamber beneath the floor, so that a very slight force can turn the whole system. Before depressing these, the weight of the screw is taken off by means of a jack screw. LIVEHEAD AND SHAFT. (U and M, Plate II.) The livehead is bolted between the tracks and just beyond the end of the screws. and resembles an ordinary lathe head with back-gear. It is arranged to rotate in either directions by means of a counter shaft with straight and crossed belts. In the prolongation of, and pinned to the spindle by means of a collar, is a shaft ex- tending nearly to the stanchion and central with the tracks. This shaft has a longitudinal rectangular groove cut along its entire length, on which slide two feathered gears for rotat- ing the bronze nuts of the straining press. This shaft is supported by bearings L, which are essentially rectangular rods weighted at the bottom and pivoted to plates placed in chambers between the tracks, and have a longitudinal motion in both directions. The pivoted bearing of the shaft is forked under- neath and pinned to the upright portion, thereby giving support to the shaft, and being more easily moved out of the way by the guards on the straining press and movable holder. It is held in this position by a spring catch. THE STRAINING PRESS. (A, Plate VI.) Its This is an iron casting placed on a four-wheeled truck running on the tracks. general shape is that of a cylinder, with one end slightly convex, and having two longi- tudinal semicircular offsets on opposite sides. Its cylinder is 20 inches in diameter and allowing a stroke of 24 inches. The axis is central and parallel with the track and at the same height as the middle point of the retangular hole in the scale platform. This cylin- der a is lined with rolled copper b to prevent the oil being forced into the cast iron. On the sides through the offsets are cylindrical holes, the axes of which are in the same hori- zontal plane as that of the cylinder, through which freely pass the screws E. The cylinder a is covered by its head & bolted in place, through which passes the 10-inch steel piston-rod d of the press. Resting against the cylinder head is an annular ring packing of leather e with upturned edges, one of which covers the junction of the cylinder and head; the other surrounds the piston-rod. For each face of the piston there are U-shaped ring packings ƒ of leather. The piston and rod are forged in one piece. Pipes enter each end of the cylinder at the bottom, and are connected by jointed pipes, for the flexible joints of which see Plate XII, with valves in the scale case, and 40 thence lead to the accumulator or tank. A connection is also made by jointed pipes from the top of the cylinder at either end with pressure gauges. The four-geared bronze nuts g, two on each screw, include the press between them (a slight play of about two-hundredths of an inch is given between them and the press). The nuts g are made to rotate in unison by gearing into intermediate gears h attached to the truck J, which connect with those on the livehead shaft M. In testing weak samples which have great elongation (as small ropes) the strain may sometimes be more conven- iently applied by moving the press by means of these nuts rather than by forcing in the piston. The nuts when at rest serve to hold the press in place. THE STATIONARY HOLDER. (F, Plate VII.) This is balanced on two vertical steel rods and steadied by two horizontal rods resting in slight depressions in the holder and pillow-block. It consists essentially of three heavy masses of cast iron a b c having vertical holes at the four corners, through which pass the tie-rods d. The lower piece c is secured by nuts. The upper one a rests on a shoulder on the rods ♂ and is secured by similar nuts. The middle piece slides on the rods. The blocks a b have a projection (towards the scale platforms) from the rear portion of the mass and are secured by two 4-inch and one 6-inch vertical steel pins to the link. On the under surface of block b are bored two 14-inch cylindrical holes e, and directly below these and fitted to them are cylindrical brass cups ƒ attached to the lower block. These cups have a leather packing, and with the holes e form the hydraulic press for forc- ing the middle block against the sample placed between it and the upper block. Tubes lead from these rams to the exterior, whence pipes connect with the valves in the holder- gauge case and thence to the tank or accumulator. The face of the projection of blocks ab is planed so as to bear evenly against the inner scale platform, and is provided with a low flange h at bottom of b and top of a. THE MOVABLE HOLDER. This is mounted on a four-wheel truck running on the track. In construction it is almost identical with that of the stationary holder. The face of the projections toward the straining press is slightly rounded and is connected by three similar pins to the fork which is screwed on the piston rod of the press. The pipes connecting with the valves in the holder-gauge case are jointed. THE SCALE PLATFORMS. (B, Plate IV.) In These are two thick plates of cast iron, B, the general shape of which is that of a rec- tangle with rounded ends. Through these plates and on the horizontal plane that divides them symmetrically are holes through which the main screws pass without contact. the middle is a rectangular hole for the passage of the link. Offsets are cn these plat- forms on their upper and lower surfaces near their inner surfaces for the pressure springs. Low flanges, m, are formed near the outer surfaces which serve, together with the grooved plates and similar flanges, to connect the inner platform with the stationary holder, or the outer with the platform block. Between the platforms and to the inner one are screwed eight stop blocks, e, of cast iron about .02 inch shorter than the space occupied by the supports in their initial con- dition. These serve to hold the supports in place, and receive the strain in case of injury to one of the same. Between the platforms, and near both upper and lower edges, are secured (one to each platform) the middle of two horizontal flat springs, 1. The ends are drawn together by bolts. Just outside the holes for the main screws on each side are screwed to each platform one of the ends of vertical flat springs 7. The other ends, which extend nearly to the bed-plate, are drawn together by bolts. These eight springs tend to draw the platforms together, so that an initial pressure of about 16,000 pounds acts on the supports. -+ I The Stanchion, Scale platforms & Hydraulic Holder R m В B C OTL 9 B a G 5. I R B Ri 2 .D & - O # B C 賽 ​E B OO Ο Ο O O O E プ ​a Scale. C A C c I G C I B PLATE IV. fret. Z.L 17 Z Appendix 2--1883 Appendix 24-1833. ん ​Buffer Box. се R о for + Wall of Stanchic *** о (L it 10 Scale, inones. Stanchip 28 JO 2299AA a о 20 30 PLATE V. BIKE I DITIVES In marets 1 PAL AN AKUTAN 141 1 BORATOIREKT MERRIER FIM. M 1 1 Straining Press g C K li WĹ A đ a ༥ ་་ བ PLATE VL f མག ***• * ཝར, ༧. 9 E ཀ ཨ ཨི ཝ ཆག་ # 72. Appendix 24-1883 Scale. inches. 左 ​ODNEODOL 72. Hydraulic Holder PLATE VII. F о • I 1 f 1 1 } + མ་ C 1 མཇུག, ནི ཤིག མས་ སོགས པ བ་མ་ས་གས་ད་ས་གས་་་་་ www me.com. ت מ .. ཕ ། མཁས ་ ་ས་མ་ས་མ་ས་མན་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ག ཞ་བ་ се བ ། ཐས་འཐ་མ་པང་ 6 d བ་ཚན་ཆང་ན་ དང་ ....... сё о 2 +91 C C Scale, Inches. 12. о Appendix 24-18 4I On the outer surface at the bottom of one platform is screwed a horizontal flat adjusting spring." The other extremity passes through the lugs g, where it is secured by nuts on each side of the same. The other platform has a similar spring, which is re- versed in position and connected with the lug on the opposite side of the stanchion. These springs with their nuts serve to bring the platform system exactly at right angles horizon- tally with the line of strain. To the outer edges on each side (at the height of the screw axis) of each platform are screwed vertical steel-spring struts, passing through lugs n, and provided with two nuts inclosing the same. These four spring struts serve to support the platforms and to adjust their height, and place the faces in a vertical plane. Passing through the holes in the pillow-blocks and screwed into the outer surface of each are rods, s. These are provided on the outer surface of the blocks with two metallic washers having a rubber between them and a nut. By screwing up each pair, the corre- sponding platform is brought against its collar nuts. The rubber allows a slight vibration. THE PLATFORM BLOCK. (e, Plate IV.) This is a casting having a square planed face where it comes in contact with the outer platform. For a short distance the sides are parallel, and then converge. A fork is cut in the rear portion. Extending from this through to the face is a rectangular opening similar to that in the scale platforms for the passage of the link. Parallel to the face near the rear portion is a vertical hole which receives a 7-inch steel pin, and secures one end of the link. The block is secured to the outer scale platform by the flange and plates already described. It is balanced on the rod t. All the pins for securing are of chrome steel. THE LINK. (c, Plate IV.) This is a steel forging having a fork at one end, both prongs of which are pierced with three holes, through which pass the stationary holder-pins. Near the other end is the hole by means of which it is connected with the platform block by the 7-inch pin. The thick- ness of the link is reduced when it passes through the scale platforms. In testing tensile samples, when the stationary holder has been removed, the link is centered by means of two rods, u (one each side), one end of which rests in a depression on the side of the link near the junction of the fork, the other in a similar support on the inner surface of the inner pillow-block. THE SCALE SUPPORTS. (Plate VIII.) These are four in number, and consist of a cylindrical casing, a, having on the exterior two lugs, b, for the purpose of holding the support to the stops. A rectangular circular groove is cut on the top surface. This is secured to the base d by sixteen screws, c. The base is centered to the ring by a raised edge on the former. Near the outer edge on the top surface of the base, but covered by the ring a, when in position, is a circular groove, , nearly rectangular in cross section. On the same face are cut six shallow circular grooves, g. Commencing with the inner groove is a radial groove, h, at the extremity of which is a cylindrical cavity filled by the cylinder i. Concentric with the case a is the piston k, on the under surface of which are cut four shallow circular grooves. The piston is retained in its central position, and yet allowed a slight longitudinal motion by means of a fixing diaphragm, m, which is essentially a circular trough (of thin brass), the upturned edges of which enter the grooves c and n of the case and of the piston near its head, where they are secured by lead caulking. A countersunk ring, e, incloses the head of the piston and rests on the shoulder, but does not touch the case. The top of the piston is on a line with the bottom of the countersink, in which is fitted a disk of rubber, p, thicker than the same. Two disks of brass (five thousandths of an inch thick) with upturned edges, one fitting closely inside the other, are placed with the flat surfaces in contact, and the edges (turned 42 in the same direction) are inserted into the groove f, which groove is filled with solder. The lower disk is perforated by a small hole, and at this point secured to the perforated cylinder i, through which a right-angled aperture passes. These disks thus form a sealed (except at the aperture) chamber fifteen one-thousandths of an inch deep between the pis- ton and base. A perforated plug q is screwed into the block i, and this in turn receives the screw-plug r, to which the copper transmitting tube is attached. These tubes are about eighteen-hundredths of an inch in diameter, and have a bore of about one-tenth of an inch. The passage formed by the radial groove h is continued by grooves on the out- side of the block i and plug q to the exterior of the support. I After the support has been assembled, the space between the two diaphragms is filled, as far as possible, with a mixture of alcohol and glycerine, then placed between the jaws of one of the holders. To the screw-plug 7 is connected a larger pipe containing the same mixture, which in turn is connected with the supply pipe of the holder, and a measured pressure brought to bear on the liquid, while the piston is prevented from rising by the pressure of the holder. This forces the diaphragms into the grooves, brings them to a bearing, and fills the space with the liquid. Any air that may be between the lining dia- phragm and the base is forced out through the radial groove. In connecting the supports with the smaller supports, great care is taken to exclude any air bubbles. When in posi- tion, the base of the support rests against the inner platform, and the rubber ring against the outer. THE SCALE. (Plates IX, X.) This may be best considered under two divisions: the receiving and transmitting portion, Plate IX, and the scale proper, Plate X. This portion (Plate IX) consists of the frame a, and the fulcrum block 7. Four small supports e, two pressure blocks f, two levers g, the receiving block / and the trans- mitting rod i The frame a is a cast-iron block, to each end of which is notched and screwed the fulcrum blocks b. The lower ends of the frame-struts are screwed to this casting, as is also block d, to which is fastened the steadying spring 7. The small supports, Plate VIII, consist of a base block d' mortised into the frame and secured by a screw. A circular chamber is cut in the upper surface, which serves to center the case, to which it is fastened by screws. Near the inner edge of this chamber is a circular groove, f' filled with lead. Inside these grooves, on the upper face, is turned a shallow hole. Covering this chamber, and resting on the lead, is a disk of thin tem- pered steel '. This is secured by the case being screwed down on the base. From the chamber a hole is bored, which meets the portion tapped to receive the perforated screw-plug. The piston 'rests on the steel diaphragm, and is held in position by the fixing diaphragms m', as in the large supports. The pressure block ƒ, Plate IX, rests on the piston, and is held in position by means of a steel plate 7, screwed to the block d, and to pieces projecting below the base of the block and fastened to the same. This block rests on two of the small supports. Connected with this block, and di- rectly above its center, is a vertical steel plate m about three hundredths of an inch thick, and forced into a groove about eight hundredths of an inch deep. This plate extends the whole length of the block, and its upper edges are forced into a similar groove in the leverg. The fulcrum and fulcrum block are attached in a similar manner. The inner ends of the levers g are notched into each other, and along the center line of this notch is is fixed a plate of thin steel, connecting with the receiving block 1. To this block is notched and screwed the head of the transmitting bar, which passes through a cylindri- cal opening to the weighing beam. Holes are bored in the levers for the passing of the struts whose upper end are doweled into the scale frame casting. This method of using thin plates for flexible joints, and lever bearings is general, both for the scale and gauges; thus avoiding friction and changes of position. The steel plates vary from 万 ​TH Ъ { Scale Supports. PLATE VIII. 1 * Scale. 43 jo inches A Appendix 24—1\x3 Hydrantic Scale. First lerers, PLATE IX. f 9 h e d 4 Scale, Inches . 3 70 S a 10 Appendix 24-1883. 43 five thousandths of an inch to three hundredths of an inch in thickness. In the case of thin plates they are generally clamped instead of being forced into grooves cut in the solid block, THE SCALE PROPER. (Plate X.) The transmitting rod presses directly against a block which is connected with the main beam a in a manner similar to that of the pressure block ƒ and lever g (Plate IX) to the fulcrum attachment, except that the steel plates are clamped. This beam is a strong iron casting balanced by counter weights, one of which, b, is removable. The motion of the further end of this beam is restrained by set screws, c. Directly above this beam is placed the indicator beam d, connected with the former by two steel strips. The latter beam is suspended in a similar manner between the connection with the main beam and the free (or pointer) end. Directly behind this pointer is fixed to the frame a grad- uated plate e, with zero at the center over which the pointer stands when the scale is balanced. This beam d is a light balanced rod, braced for the greater part of its length by adjustable steel rods, suspended freely by steel strips. From the main beam are ver- tical cylindrical poise rods f, which extend without contact a short distance below the bed of the scale. The rods are provided with collars; the first three rods have ten, the last but seven collars. Parallel to, and on each side of these poise rods, are similar car- rying" rods passing through the bed of the scale, and connected rigidly at their lower ends in pairs. These have collars corresponding in number to that of the included poise rods. The upper surface of the collars are joined to the cylinder by conical surfaces. These surfaces serve to center the weights. The carrying rods are raised and lowered by levers connected with the handles on the left of the scale case. Brass pieces or weights of rectangular cross-section (carefully adjusted as to weight), having three holes through which the cylindrical portion of poise and carrying-rods pass freely, encircle these rods. By lowering the carrying-rods, one or more weights may be made to rest on the collars of the poise rods, and thus add to the weight of the main beam. The handles also operate vertical rods carrying pointers moving over an indicator plate, 7, thus showing the number and kind of weights added to the main beam. Thus the right hand lever will weigh from 100 to 1,000 pounds by increments of 100 pounds, the sec- ond 1,000 to 10,000 pounds by increments of 1,000 pounds, and third 10,000 to 100,000 pounds by increments of 10,000 pounds, and the fourth 100,000 to 700,000 pounds by in- ciements of 100,000 pounds. Strains between one and 100 pounds are weighed by a rider, m, sliding on a scale fast- ened to the main beam to the left of the fulcrum. Should the removable weight, sus- pended to the left of the beam, be disconnected, a pressure of 200,000 pounds on the sup- ports would be required to balance the scale. The main beam is also provided with slid- ing weights, to balance in part the initial pressure on the supports. To the right of the handles are placed four hand wheels, f, connected with valves. From left to right their uses are as follows: The second allows the oil to pass into the pipes leading to the front end of the straining press (for tension). No. I allows this oil to return to the tank. No. 3 allows the oil to pass into the rear end of the straining-press (for compression), and No. 4 returns the same to the tank. 1 The scale is protected from injury by a case with a glass front. All levers, etc., are outside. The motion of the piston in the large supports is 2006 that of the point of the indicator beam. THE HOLDER GAUGES, (Plate XI.) These are essentially lever gauges and receive the pressure on a diaphragm cylinder similar in construction to that of the scale supports. The motion of the pistons resting on the diaphragm is multiplied by three connected levers, also by means of a steel hair spring attached to the free end of the third lever, and passing around a drum on the in- • 44 dicator or pointer shaft. This shaft is provided with a light spring for the purpose of returning the needle to its proper place, when the pressure is removed. A strong spring fastened to the fulcrum block, and connected with the free end of the second lever, gives the necessary resistance to be overcome by the pressure. The pointer may be adjusted to zero by means of a threaded rod passing through the top of the gauge housing, and con- nected with the second lever. All rigid portions are nickle-plated. The springs and connections are gilded. The gauges are inclosed in an iron housing with glass front. One gauge (right hand) indicates pressures on the specimen up to 1,000,000 pounds, the other only up to 345,000 pounds. The gauges differ only in the size of the chamber and the strength of the resisting springs. The hand wheels (numbered from left to right) have the following uses: No. 3 brings the high-pressure gauge in use; No. 6 the low pressure; No. 2 lets the oil into the sta- tionary holder; No. 4 into the movable holder; Nos. I and 5 relieve the pressure on the corresponding holders. The straining-press gauges are similar in construction to the holder guages. One for tension, the other for compression, indicating up to 850,000 pound. These pressures are usually in excess of that indicated by the scales, owing to the packing friction. Hydrantic Scale, showing weighing beam & weights. PLATE X. to בנותיו 7 006 T Scale 1 inches 888-8 ili ง !! FOX ५ cl a مهاتهم ♡ y THE TITIA OTT DID Hil THI THO MIOL زیم P d Ucu C A ; Ansodia 24-IN] ****** Holder Gauges ་ ་ བསམ--བཟའ་ Adm DO ་་་ག Appendix 24—18 TI ΟΙ Scale חות PLATE XI. Maou Flexible Joint. PLATE XII С 1 Scale, Inches Appendix 24-1883 Uor M 45 [From "Mechanics," Dec. 29th, 1883.] Autographic Recording Appliances for Testing Machines. From HENRY R. TOWNE (Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company), Stamford, Conn. -Engineers having occasion to use testing machines are all interested in the subject of autographic recording appliances, by means of which an autographic card or record can be obtained indicating, if possible, the following particulars : 1. The modulus of elasticity under different loads. 2. The limit of elasticity. 3. The maximum load causing rupture. 4. The final load at the moment of rupture. 5. The whole strength of the specimen. 6. The resilience of the specimen, not only at points up to the limit of elasticity, but also up to the point of rupture. 7. The irregularities of elasticity in different parts of the specimen indicated by a varying elongation (which is not shown at all by any of the existing machines). Several devices for this purpose have been invented, and are in more or less common use; but a careful examination of them has convinced us that they are all more or less prolific of error, and that their inaccuracies and variations are so serious as to make it an open question whether they do not do more harm than good. The only decided indica- tion they afford is in regard to the elastic limit, the stretch, the maximum and breaking loads. Even these indications, we think, are not always shown reliably, for reasons which we need not enter upon here. But what the constructing engineer needs chiefly to know is the behavior of his materials before the elastic limit is reached, as it is below this limit that he employs them. Their behavior beyond this point, and up to rupture, is, of course, interesting and instructive, but does not come within the scope of actual practice. The record of existing autographic devices up to the point of elastic failure consists usually of a faint pencil line diverging very slightly from the normal, the amount of this separation at any point indicating the modulus of elasticity of the specimen. These indications, therefore, which are the all-important ones to be ascertained, are very faint, poorly defined and uncertain. The thickness of the pencil line is usually a large percentage of the indi- cation, so that different observers would obtain different readings or indications. Alto- gether, the results thus obtained seem to us so vague and unreliable as to make it a ques- tion whether any of the existing recording appliances can safely be used, and whether it is not better, for the present at least, to resort to other means, apparently more crude, but actually far more reliable and instructive, to ascertain the action of specimens under strain. To illustrate our meaning, we hand you herewith a blue-print showing a specimen which was tested during the recent visit of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to our works, and ask your attention to the following interesting points it demonstrates : The specimen was originally 30 inches long and 1.4 inches square. It stretched 6.46 inches, which is 21.53 per cent. of the whole length. With some autographic appliances the elongation is measured by the separation of the holders (in this case 20 inches origi- nally), which would thus amount to 32.3 per cent. If, however, two points on the bar 20 inches apart were taken as the basis of measurement, their separation was 4.87 inches. which equals 24.35 per cent. The 2 inches adjacent to the point of rupture stretched to 3 inches, which equals 50 per cent. If these 2 inches and their stretch be deducted from the original 20 inches, the elongation of the remaining 18 inches was 3.87 inches, which equals 21.5 per cent. We thus have five different percentages of elongation, according to the basis of measurement assumed. But, by examining the elongation between the several pairs of ordinates, we note that few of them are alike, and that, for instance, the inch marked A just outside of the left-hand holder stretched 24 cent., while the inch marked B Uor M 46 Maou in the corresponding position adjacent to the right-hand holder stretched only 16 per cent., the former being 50 per cent. more elongation than the latter. The preparation of a specimen by ordinates, as we have shown, and the plotting of these after the test, together with repeated direct measurements of the specimen during test by means of micrometer screws applied to measure the actual separation and approach of two well-defined gauging points securely fixed to the specimen, these measurement be- ing made repeatedly under various loads, both increasing and decreasing, and before and after permanent set, undoubtedly afford the most accurate, and as yet the only reliable, means of noting the action of materials under strain which we at present possess. Ulti- mately, we think it possible that some form of recording apparatus may be devised which will give reasonably complete, accurate and reliable results, but at present we believe that any engineer reasonably well informed as to the behavior of materials under strain can make guesses approximating more closely to the truth as to the modulus of elasticity and the elastic limit, than do the average indications of existing autographic recording devices. This whole subject is of such importance that we have thought you would be interested in the foregoing and in the accompanying drawing, both of which you are at liberty to use as you see fit. А FACE OF HOLDER 1/10- -1/16- 1:20---1:28 --12·3→ --1-22- <--1-24-→ -120- 1-21 - ~ --1/2-3-- --1-22- • " -30 -24.87- Fig. 2. Fig. 1. B FACE OF HOLDER : -1-4- -124- --122- -121- 122- ·1-22- 127-- --150- ← --150- --126--11-8-- -116 115- ∙112 1.05+ <--1/1-7- -110- i 105 L Autographic recording appliances for Testing Machines. Specimen of rolled square bar. Fig. 1 shows bar before test; Fig. 2, after rupture. " 3- 7--14 47 AWARD OF GRAND MEDAL OF HONOR FOR THE EXHIBIT MOST CONDUCIVE TO HUMAN WELFARE, BY The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, ΤΟ ALBERT H. EMERY, C. E. During the deliberations of the Managers regarding the exhibition of 1881, it was suggested that the Association offer, as an additional attraction for this Exhibition, a special gold medal for the single exhibit most conducive to human welfare, and that the American Academy of Arts and Sciences be invited to name the Fellows who should constitute the Committee of Award. This suggestion was unanimously adopted; and the Academy being conferred with, that renowned body appointed Messrs. Theodore Lyman, Edward C. Pickering, John Trowbridge, Henry P. Bowditch, Charles H. Wing, Hiram F. Mills and Wolcott Gibbs as its representatives for the service required. Prof. Gibbs was compelled to decline the honor, however, and his associates issued the following notice, which was placed in the hands of all the contributors: SPECIAL GOLD MEDAL. Exhibitors who wish to compete for the gold medal for the single exhibit most con- ducive to human welfare," will find blanks for application at the Superintendent's office. The blank for application reads as follows: THE GRAND GOLD MEDAL. BOSTON, October 6th, 1881. The Committee appointed by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to con- sider the award of a Grand Medal by the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, for "the single exhibit most conducive to human welfare" wish to obtain information for their guidance. If you desire to compete for this medal, please to state your claims by filling the fol- lowing blanks: 1. Date of patent and time of introduction. 2. Brief description of the exhibit, with a statement of the reasons of its superiority, and of its contribution to human welfare. 48 REMARKS OF THE JUDGES. GRAND MEDAL OF HONOR FOR THE SINGLE EXHIBIT MOST CONDUCIVE TO HUMAN WELFARE. JUDGES. (Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.) THEODORE LYMAN, EDWARD C. PICKERING, CHARLES H. WING, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, HIRAM F. MILLS, HENRY P. BOWDITCH. 1627. ALBERT H. EMERY, New York City, N. Y.-Testing Machine.-The judges first agreed that the exhibit for the grand award must possess invention not only original but novel, because the admission of old inventions to competition would render the task of selection hopelessly complicated, and because such admission would be against the intention of the Association which offered the medal. In order to get a knowledge of the contents of the Exhibition, the manuscript catalogue was examined, and all exhibits that might be candidates were noted and inspected. There was also distributed to the exhibitors the circular above quoted. The circulars returned were read and considered. When, by gradual elimination, the candidates had been reduced to three or four, special reports were prepared on them, and these reports were discussed at a meeting of the committee. A ballot was then taken, which resulted in the selection, by a unanimous vote, of the exhibit of results of the machine placed at the head of this report, now at the United States Arsenal in Watertown, and designed and constructed by Mr. Albert II. Emery (a civil engineer), as the “single exhibit most conducive to human welfare," and therefore the proper one to receive the grand medal. The purpose of the testing machine is to show the effect of a given push or a given pull on any solid material. The specimen, placed horizontally, is squeezed or pulled at pleasure, and the power at work is measured in two forms: 1. The force used to hold the specimen in place, and that exerted in the straining press, is indicated by a gauge. 2. The strain on the specimen is shown by a weighing apparatus. Considered purely as a testing machine, it is the latter apparatus only which is di- rectly important; but viewed as a construction capable of several uses (which uses are claimed by the inventor) the first contrivance, or gauge, becomes of consequence, because it can be applied to measure with accuracy many sorts of pressure, such as that of steam, or that of the air. In like manner the weighing apparatus may, mutatis mutandis, be used as a delicate scale. It would not be proper to give a detailed description of the structure, because there are patents on certain portions of it that are not yet secured; but a general sketch of it is admissible. This testing machine was ordered in June, 1875, by the United States board on the testing of iron and steel, of which Col. T. T. S. Laidley, U. S. A., was chairman. It was completed about three years ago. The first patent was in 1872, and others have since been granted, or are now pending. The machine has as its source of pressure a hydraulic accumulator; and by this pressure the specimen is held in place, and a steady and easily- controlled strain is imparted to it through a hydraulic press. This straining press has a double action, which, in connection with the alternating bed and platform of the scale, allows a test, either by compression or tension, without the addition of intervening parts. The strain upon the specimen is transmitted directly, and without friction, to liquid supports capable of receiving a strain of 1,000,000 pounds, with- out exceeding the safe limit of strain for diaphragms intended for perpetual use. The pressure in these liquid supports is communicated, without loss and with great sensitiveness, to other supporting chambers acting directly, and still without friction, 49 through a single pair of levers having steel-plate fulcrums. These last, as distinguished from knife-edge fulcrums, are not subject to injury · n load or shock; may be protected from corrosion; allow a free movement of the beam; may be adjusted exactly, and are durable, since their motion is molecular and far within the limits of elasticity. By means of similar fulcrums, the strain-now reduced-is communicated to the scale beam, and motion is imparted to the indicator rod, where a variation of a single pound is distinctly visible, if the load be small; and for the maximum load of 1,000,000 pounds, a variation of 250, or four pounds, may be noted; while, by an admirable system of levers, the total weight is recorded be an indicator plate. The specimen tested may even be thirty feet in length-a limit which would include many built-up structures, such as columns, trusses and bridge spans. 1 250000 Among the proof experiments to which this machine was subjected by the United States board, the following may be quoted: I. A forged link of hard wrought-iron, five inches in diameter between the eyes, was slowly strained in tension, and broke short off with a loud report at 722,800 pounds. 2. In order to see if the weighing parts had been disturbed by the recoil, which was obviously near the greatest recoil the machine will ever suffer, a horsehair was next tested. It was of an inch in diameter; it stretched thirty per cent., and broke at one too pound. 3. Specimens were subjected to 1,000,000 pounds compression. 4. Delicate structures, such as eggs and nuts, were tested in compression. The results of these and of many other proof experiments demonstrate the efficiency of this testing machine. Its action as a whole does not end its usefulness, for its separate parts may be adapted to other modes of testing; It is evident, for example, that the bed and platform, with the four supporting chambers, could be removed and built in as one of the arch stones in a great arch, where the pressure at that point would be indicated by the scale beam; and by a slight modification of the connections, there might be shown the po- sition of the resultant line of pressure, under either a still or a moving load. Were the same parts buried in the rear of a retaining wall, they would measure the thrust; and the effect of that thrust would be shown if they were built into the lower course of that wall. The gauges in this machine which measure the pressure on the specimen holders and that in the straining press constitute in themselves a very promising form of steam gauge. As they stand, they are capable of indicating from one pound to the square inch to 3,600 pounds, without straining any part beyond the safe limit of elasticity. The need of an accurate steam gauge, which will not degenerate, is illustrated by the fact that the United States board appointed to study the causes of the bursting of steam boilers re- ported that its results were entirely unreliable, because no steam gauge could be found on which dependence could be placed. It only remains to indicate in what way and to what degree the testing machine is conducive to human welfare. It lessens the risk of life and the cost of construction by condemning every dangerous part and exposing each excess of material. Structures may have various faults: (1) They may be too weak, and therefore liable to give way at all points. (2) They may be strong enough in some parts but weak in others, where they are ready to break. (3) They may be everywhere too strong; in which case the weight of useless material must be subtracted from the load they ought to bear. In the first instance, the structure is dangerous and too cheap; in the second, it is dangerous and in certain places too cheap; in the third, it is dangerous (because overweighted) and too costly. Only by such an instrument as a testing machine can these faults be avoided. Our mode of life is highly artificial, and is daily growing more so. We are every- where dependent on machinery and on complex structures, be they railroads, steamboats, manufactories or great public buildings. These things are absolutely necessary, and make the foundation of human happiness; but they bring corresponding perils, so that a community which has bad public works lives in constant danger. Such danger has hith- erto been considerable, even in presence of the best precautions, because there were no means for accurately determining the strength of the materials employed. But with this 50 testing machine there can no longer be an excuse for materials weak in themselves or im- properly proportioned. By its use every part may be made safe, from the simple rail to the most complex bridge, from the humble hand-car to the largest locomotive, and from the plain column to the most elaborate trussed roof. A machine which can guarantee the safety of most of our artificial surroundings may properly be called conducive to human welfare. There is awarded, therefore, for this machine the GRAND MEDAL OF HONOR. GRAND MEDAL OF HONOR. MASS MEDAL CHARITABLE tiont MEC Albert Emery For Strength Testing Machine GIVEN 1881 HANIC ASSOCIATION HONOR BE JUST AND FEAR NOT MECHANIC OF AWARDED AT THE MAS. MEDAL CHARITABLE FOURTEENTH EXHIBITION, 1881. FOUNDED HONOR ASSOCIATION 795 INC. · 1806. BE JUST AND FEAR NOT [This medal, as will be seen, consists of a shield of gold resting above a circle of white enamel, within which is a field of deep blue enamel, on which are the words "Medal of Honor." Around the circle is a laurel wreath in gold, with the raised arm and hammer-the emblem of the Association-be- tween two laurel branches; while below, on a scroll of emerald green, are the words "Be just and fear not," the motto of the Association. The other inscriptions, upon the circular band and the shield, are the name of the Association, the name of the recipient, the object honored and the date of the award. ] 5 I EXTRACTS FROM TRANSACTIONS OF THE American Institute of Mining Engineers, VOL. X, 1882. Iron and Steel Considered as Structural Materials. A DISCUSSION. The discussion was opened, at the request of the President, by Mr. Ashbel Welch, President of the American Society of Civil Enginers, and was participated in,by a number of the members. The following references to the matter of testing machines are extracted from the remarks of the various speakers: By CHARLES MACDONALD, M. Am. Soc. C. E., President and Engineer Delaware Bridge Co. * It was deemed the first and most important duty of the Board [U. S. Board to Test Iron and Steel] to provide an accurate testing machine. This proved to be a more serious matter than was at first supposed. There were no machines in the country which could be considered as giving anything more than approximate results; and to construct a new machine upon approved principles required much time and much expenditure of money, much more, in fact, than was represented by the sum paid for it. At length a machine was completed [the Emery machine at the Watertown Arsenal] which for accuracy of results obtained and range of power exerted is unequaled perhaps in the world. * * Quoting from Mr. A. L. Holley's paper on the United States Testing Machine at Watertown alluding to C. E. Emery's device for overcoming packing friction (since patented and now owned by The Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company): "It is certainly worth many times its cost in proving the worthlessness of hydraulic testing machines as heretofore constructed. The readings of the permanent weighing apparatus, as compared with those of the cylinder gauge when the piston was not revolv- ing, showed in some cases an error of 40 per cent. It is safe to say that the recent fall of one of the most important bridges in the coun- try would not have occurred if at the time of its construction the engineer could have tested full-size sections of his material on such a machine as the Government now owns at the Watertown Arsenal. The tension members of bridges are in the form of eye-bars varying in sectional area from one inch to twenty inches. Until quite recently it was assumed that the same strain per square inch might be applied indiscriminately without regard to the size of the mem- bers or to the amount of work done upon the material in the rolls; but the few bars which have already been tested at Watertown clearly indicate that this is an erroneous assump- tion, and one of the first duties of the Testing Board would be to establish the law govern- ing the diminution of strength due to increased section, and to establish the relation be- tween ductility and ultimate strength. Then would follow tests to determine proper form of head and such other details of manufacture as might suggest themselves. * Transactions American Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. VII, p. 259. 52 By Gen. M. C. MEIGGS, Quartermaster General, U. S. Army. * * * These buildings [i. e., those belonging to the Government] are all dependent for their cost upon the size of their dominant members, and as a consequence upon the factor of safety which the engineer allows; so long as there is uncertainty as to the proper coefficient of safety perhaps from one to five times as much metal as actually necessary may be put into these members. There are other materials used in buildings-brick, stone, marble, timber-but these materials we buy by the cubic yard or cubic foot, and they are comparatively inexpensive; metal we buy by the pound, and at this time we pay pretty high prices for the pound; so that if we can reduce our general coefficient of safety we save perhaps from one-half to two-thirds of the actual cost of the material used. By Captain DAVID A. LYLE, U. S. Ordnance Corps. * * *Speaking of the want of knowledge that has existed and still exists among engineers in regard to structural materials, their strength, etc., my own experience has taught me to doubt the reliability of ordinary testing machines. * * * Further ex- perience in testing metals has tended to convince me of the inaccuracy of small testing machines. By Mr. E. D. LEAVITT, Jr., M. Am. Soc. C. E., Past President American Society of Mechanical Engineers. * * * I desire to state briefly my views respecting the great practical value of the Water- town Testing Machine. It was my privilege to be among the first to use the Testing Machine, and the results of my first experiments were of such importance, owing to the great capacity and extreme accuracy of the Machine, that it has since become my practice to have tests of all materials used in constructions that came under my charge made at Watertown. As a consequence nearly one hundred tests have been made on my account directly, and some two hundred and forty additional for work built from my designs. It may be confidently affirmed that the factor of anxiety of all these structures is exceedingly small as far as the quality of the materials is concerned; and it is undoubtedly a very great advan- tage for parties interested in construction to have any tests that come within its scope made on the Watertown Machine. My advantages have been exceptional from the fact that my residence is but a short distance from the Watertown Arsenal, thus afford- ing the opportunity of being personally present during tests with very little loss of time. * * * I freely acknowledge that I have learned more about structural materials from the tests made at Watertown during the last two years than in twenty-five years' previous ex- perience. By Mr. T. C. CLARKE, M. A. Soc. * C. E., of Clarke, Reeves & Co., Bridge Builders. Until the construction of the United States Testing Machine, now at the Watertown Arsenal, it was impossible to make such experiments [i. e., "experiments on full-size specimens such as are in, actual use, and not upon toy models,"] with accuracy. * X * The engineer is often asked, Why don't you use steel? We cannot expect to know anything about it at all until experiments are made in the way that I have indicated of some such machine as this. I venture to say that Messrs. Fowler & Baker, who expect to build the great bridge over the Firth of Forth in Scotland, cannot find out anything about the strength of the parts of their structure unless they have a machine equal to our Government machine [i. e., the Emery Machine at Watertown]. 53 By Mr. O. CHANUTE, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Chief Engineer of N. Y., L. E. & W. Ry. Z As to compression members of structures. They are now proportioned upon formulas which were framed many years ago in England, and which are based upon very few experiments, some thirty in number, if I recollect rightly. Not only were these experiments tried upon pieces materially smaller and of different shape from those which we now generally use, but they were made with English irons, which are found to differ in some respects from the characteristics of American irons. We have accordingly made some changes in the constant numerical factors of the formulas to attempt to adapt them to our use; but, we now find from the experiments recently made at Watertown with the Government Machine for Messrs. Clarke, Reeves & Co., that even the modified formulas are erroneous and do not agree with the actual condition of affairs. In fact, there is great uncertainty as to the actual strength of the bridges which we are erecting. * * * In the Government Machine at Watertown we have for the first time in this country a machine adequate to obtain correct results upon full-size members, By Mr. A. P. BOLLER, M. Am. Soc. C. E., * Bridge Engineer. * * * * During the last decade we have discovered the fact that our knowledge of the properties of iron and steel is less accurate than it was heretofore supposed, and that the physical data in use all over the world are based on crude experiments made on a scale utterly insufficient to determine the true value and application of the metals in the forms and masses as applied in the arts. *** The Testing Machine selected by the Ordnance Board and approved by the National Board is the product of years of labor and expenditure on the part of Mr. Albert H. Emery, Civil Engineer. It was the first one ever built on the magnitude contemplated, and involved such novel principles leading to an accuracy hitherto unapproached by any other machine ever built or conceived of that last year the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, on the recommendation of a committee of Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, conferred its Grand Medal" on the exhibit of the results of the Testing Machine as the “single exhibit most conducive to human welfare." This machine is one of the world's wonders. It will exert a pressure. so delicate as to weigh to a nicety the strength of a hair or an egg-shell, and so powerful as to bring into play a force of four hundred tons, and in either case with absolute accuracy. By Dr. THOMAS EGLESTON, Ph. D., LL. D., M. Am. Soc. C. E., • Professor of Metallurgy, School of Mines, Columbia College. * I am quite prepared to say that, either from their limited size or faulty construction, most of the testing machines which have been used for determining the values of the sections of reduced area of the materials used in construction are not worth the metal of which they are made. * ÷ * I made a calculation some years ago, as Chairman of the Committee to assist the old commission, that if the tests as they were to be made should prove that the quantity of materials in constructions could be considerably lessened and yet have as great, perhaps greater strength, every navy-yard of the Government would save at least $100,000 a year. [The same would of course be true of any private user consuming an equal amount of material.] By Mr. PERCIVAL ROBERTS, Jr., * of the Pencoyd Iron Works. * I have very hurriedly and imperfectly shown a few of the disadvantages under which the buyer and the manufacturer labor at the present day, owing to the methods of testing now employed. Where shall we look for a remedy? I answer that Government testing machines, such as the one now at Watertown, 54 capable of testing the largest sections of iron and steel, both rolled and forged, should be erected at the principal manufacturing centers. Tests could then be made quickly, as the material is furnished by the mills. The testing also will be in the hands of competent persons who, engaged in this work alone, will be much better fitted to con- duct tests than those who now, in many cases, undertake them. * * * A beginning has been made in the testing machine (now in operation at the Watertown Arsenal), which is a grand monument to American engineering. From the Transactions of the American Institute of Mechani- cal Engineers, Vol. II, 1881.-Hartford Meeting. By the President, Professor R. H. THURSTON, * * Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J. And I would add to my remarks on the work of the United States Commis- sion appointed to test iron and steel, that the discovery by the President of the Board of the inventor of that testing machine, Mr. Albert H. Emery, is enough of itself to justify the creation of that Board and the expenditure of all its money. I think the dis- covering of Mr. Emery was one of the greatest discoveries of the age; and the construc- tion of the testing machine has been one of the greatest pieces of engineering work that has ever been done. That machine has done, and it is doing its work; and if nothing more had been done by the Board, as I said a moment ago, that is a great deal, fully enough to justify the creation of that Board and the expenditure of all the money that has been and will be expended upon that machine. 55 EXTRACTS (REFERRING TO TESTING MACHINES) FROM THE MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, LONDON, 30th January, 1883, JAMES BRUNLEES, F. R. S. E., President, in the Chair. (Paper No. 1869.) "Mild Steel for the Fire Boxes of Locomotive Engines in the U. S. A." BY JOHN FERNIE, M. INST. C. E. It is The question of testing materials, and of proper testing machines, seems to be much better understood and practiced in the United States than in England. The Government of that country possesses the largest and best testing machine that has been made. now at the Watertown Arsenal, and is after the designs of Mr. A. H. Emery. The highest load put on this machine was 1,000,000 pounds, but So0,000 pounds, or, say, 350 tons, is the ordinary load. The largest section of iron tested was a link 5.04 inches in diameter, that is, say, 20 square inches in section. The machine will test plates or bars 28 feet long, and up to 30 inches wide, and can test links and columns up to 30 feet in length. Efforts are now being made by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to secure by Government aid such a series of experiments on iron and steel plates, bars and riveted structures as will decide many vexed questions concerning the strength of large sections of iron and steel, and which can only be carried out on such a machine as this. 3% * * DISCUSSION. Prof. KENNEDY.-After all this he thought that the sentence about testing in America could hardly be taken seriously. He hoped that Sir Frederick Bramwell might redeem a half-promise made some time ago, and give an account of the Watertown machine. But it was only right to point out that it was entirely incorrect to say that the American Government had the largest testing machine that had been made. Surely all English engineers knew of Mr. Kirkaldy's machine, which was of exactly the same size, and which had worked successfully for so long. There was also another exactly similar machine at Malines, the property of the Belgian Government, and used in connection with the Belgian Government railways. Both of them had been made by Messrs. Greenwood and Batley; so that English engineers were really not very much behind the age in that matter. * SIR FREDERICK BRAMWELL.-With reference to the proving machine at the Watertown Arsenal, near Boston, he went to see that machine, and there, as always in the United States, he met with every possible amount of attention and cordiality, and all was shown and explained; indeed, it was impossible to speak too highly of the way 56 in which an English engineer was received in the United States. The Watertown prov- ing machine was, he thought, one of the most beautiful pieces of mechanism he had ever seen in his life. The conception of it was of the hardiest; indeed, he believed that had the plan been submitted to any member present, he would have said, "It is very good indeed upon paper, but it will never work." But it did work. The plan consisted in transmitting the pressure of the operative part of the press on to the registering machine by means of a fluid connection; the abutment of the part of the machine holding the speci- men under compression, or extension, was made against flat closed cylinders, four in num- ber, containing glycerine and a little alcohol, upon the flexible ends of which cylinders the whole pressures came. Pipes, no larger than a straw, conveyed that fluid pressure from these cylinders to similar but very much smaller cylinders, which worked the registering machine. By this arrangement, the actual pressure upon the specimen was reduced by the proportion of the area of the different cylinders by the time it got to the registering machine. It was then further reduced by levers; none of the levers in the machine, however, acted upon knife-edges, but by means of an almost immeasurably small flexure of a blade-spring. The result was a frictionless testing machine, and one of the handiest possible description. The experiments were made very rapidly, and the person registering sat opposite the front of a glazed case, in which were the various rods lifting small weights, indicative of the strain on the specimen. When any particular pressure was reached, the rod carrying the small weights agreeing therewith was lifted. The reading, which was unmistakable, was made in a moment, and the experiment was over almost before one knew that it was begun. He was told that when the machine had been put through the greatest test to which it had been subjected (about 370 English tons of 2,240 pounds), it was, in order to ascertain whether the machine had suffered at all, used to try the tensile strength of a horsehair, which strength was duly registered. He might mention that, without any difficulty, by pushing against the abutment, he was able to show upon the index of the machine the pressure he was exerting, although that very machine had been immediately before used in his presence for putting a considerable number of tons upon a wooden column that was broken for his inspection. The fluid that was employed in the press was oil, the pressure being derived from an accumulator, charged by a pump worked by a small donkey-engine. The press itself moved, and the supply of oil was made by a system of articulated pipes (which were perfectly tight at all their joints), allowing the free and independent movement of the press. As he had already said, he thought if the plans had been submitted to any one, and he were asked to approve of them, he would have said that they demanded, as a condition of success, such superexcellent workmanship that it would be idle to adopt them, and the thing would never answer; but there the machine was in efficient use, thanks to the perfect workmanship bestowed on it. * * * * !! * THE YALE & TOWNE MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS, ENGINEERS and MACHINISTS. OFFICE & WORKS, STAMFORD, CONN. HENRY R. TOWNE, President. SCHUYLER MERRITT, Sec'y and Gen'l Manager. WM. T. PAYNE, Ass't Secretary. GEORGE E. WHITE, Treasurer. THOS. F. KEATING, Ass't Treasurer. R. CARTWRIGHT, Gen'l Superintendent R. C. CORNELIUS, Business Manager of Works. ING AND OPERATING THE YALE LOCK MFG. CO. W. H. TAYLOR & E. STOCKWELL, Superintendents. THE EMERY SCALE CO. A. H. EMERY, Vice Pres. & Engr. THE WESTON CRANE CO. T. W. CAPEN. Mech. Eng`r. OFFICES. NEW YORK, 62 READE STREET. THOS. F. KEATING, MANAGER. BOSTON, 224 FRANKLIN STREET. A. T. YOUNG, MANAGER. PHILADELPHIA, 15 N. SIXTH STREET. L. R. LEMOINE, ACTING MANAGER. WESTERN, WM. F. DONOVAN, MANAGER. CHICAGO, 64 LAKE STREET. CROSSCUP&WEST ra WORKS OF 社 ​THE YALE & TOWNE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ESTABLISHED, 1851. STAMFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED, 1868. The Works of The Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, which are illustrated in the above engraving, are located at Stamford, Connecticut, on the line of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, thirty- four miles from New York. Thirty-eight trains pass daily in each direction between the two points, the express trains making the run in fifty minutes, so that a visit from New York and return can be accomplished in a few hours. The numerous buildings are constructed entirely of brick, and are exclusively devoted to the Company's business. The general offices, drafting room, etc., are located in the front corner building, which is in great part fireproof. The other buildings include the brass and iron foundries, forges, chain shop, pattern and wood working shops, machine shops for various kinds of work, and numerous rooms devoted to light manufacturing. Railroad tracks run through the yard and connect with the railroad system of the country, while water communication is also The Works pro- obtained at the point indicated in the background. vide for the employment of about 700 operatives. ļ 1 ¿ BEAM CASE OF EMERY HYDRAULIC TESTING MACHINE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06715 5120 J :