2 Henry Tong 표 ​2 plotomy Frie April 3 2 18 از Comes Commercii, OR, THE TRADER'S COMPANION. CONTAINING 1. An exact and uſeful Table, ſhewing the Value of any Quantity of Goods or Wares ready caft up, more adapted to Merchants Uſe than any other extant, which is demonſtrated by Seventeen Examples, relating chierly to Buying and Selling, with ſeveral new Additions and Improvements II. A Table calculated for Univerſal Ure, which Vle is the trn in the Solution of Queſtions, in Multiplica- tion, Diviſion, Reduction, Merchandizing, and Meaſuring all kinds of Superficies and Solids, or Gauging Vesſels and Casks; rendered perfe&t and compleat. III. The Mannner of caſting up Dimenſions in ge- neral, whether the fame be taken in Inches, Peet and Inches, Vards, Perches, &c and how to give the Anſwer by Redu&ion, Duo-Decimals, or Decimals, plainly and IV. The ſeveral Cuſtoms uſed by Surveyors and Meaſurers, in meaſuring Gafs, Wainſcot, Painting, Pla. ſtering, Flooring, Tyling, Partitioning, Brick, or Stone- Work, r. and the common Rate of Tuch Work by the Rol, Yard, Foot, o'c. V. Inſtructions for Entering Goods at the Cuſtom houſe, Inward, Outward, and by Certificate, with le- cral material Claules In ſuch Statutes as relate to Expor- tation and Importation, VI. Concerning Water-fide Buſineſs, and the Con- Nitntion of the Keys, Wharis, Porters, &c. there : Alſo the Charge of Wharfige, Lighterago, and Porterage, for Landing, Loadius, Weighi. and Houſing Goods, and what is uſually paid for the Ule of the Warehouſe at the Water-Aide. VII. Rules concerning Freight, Bills of Lading, Primage, and how the fame is and for, &c. VIII. Concerning Infuring Ships, Merchandizes, and Houſes, and how to make Rates and Averages in caſe of Lofs ; with the Advantages of the Practice of Lafu- ring in ſeveral Inſtances, with regret to foreign and In- land Trade ; and many other things never before made To which is added, A Supplement concerning Simple and Compound Intereſt, with Tables thereof at Three, Three and a half, Foir, Five, &a per Cent, and the Uſe and Manier of Calculating the ſame, and to make up Accompts of Mortgages, where the Mortgagce has received Rent, &c. The Whole adapted to the Uſe of Merchants 2011 Traders, Lawyers, Surveyors, si Meaſurers of Bulld. ing, &c. By Edward Hatton, Gent. Che 9th Edition, with large Additions. Accurately Reviſed, Corrected, Improved, and Augmen- ted, By W. HUME, Philomath. ( florine imperito nunquam quidquam injuftaus Qui nifi quod ipſe facit nil reélum putat, Ter. LO N D ON: Printed for W. Innys, and J. Richardſon; R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton ; S. Birt, T. and T. Longman C. Hitch and L. Hawes; J. Hodges, R. Manby, B. Dod, H. Cox, J. and J. Rivington ; J. Ward, W. Johnſton, and M. Cooper M. DCC. LIV. K............ HF 5697 .A37 7 769477-19 THE AUTHOR'S EPISTLE TO THE R E A D E R. Here's ſcarce any thing more imper- tinent and uſeleſs than the cringing Apologies and Excuſes wherewith Epiflis to Books of this Nature do abound; for if the Author has been frithful to inſert no. thing but what is Genuine, and to advance any thing New, it canuoi ba denied but that the Obligation is to him from the Publick, and not ihe contrary, is ſuch Epiſtles fuent to imply: I am ſure in caſe of perſonal In- formation, the Learner always looks on himſelf obliged to the Teacher, not the Teacher to the Learner; and why it ſhould not be the ſame in conveying uſeful know- ledge by Books, is altogether unaccountable; eſpecially if it be conſidered, that the com municating any Secret by the Preſs, is a Way much more generou, becauſe more univerſally uſeful, not only to the intimate Friends of the Author, but even to thoſe oft remote from his Knowledge. Beſides, 'tis not only needleſs to apologize for a Work well done, but vain for wha! is not ſo, becauſe the Reader cannot be fup- poſed to fufpend lis Judgment, and ba- lieve that Truth is falſe, or that what erroneous and imperfeet is directly other- wiſe, meerly becauſe the Author's Preface requefis that Favoar. There are tbree things which do fuffici - ently recommend any Treatiſe to the World ; as, 1. That the Subject tend to improve the Reader, either to the Knowledge of things Spiritual, which relate to the fului e Life; or Temporal, as Moralily, and ar- complishing the Mind with commendable Aris and Sciences, which relates to the A 2 To the READER. prefent. 2. That the Matter be True and Genuine, without Errors and falſe Noti- 3. That it be bardled in a good Method, and intelligible Stile : The two laft of which Qualifications ought always to be found in every Treatiſe, it the Sub- jett of the Work be what it will ; which, if duly performed, by b-cu much ile mere the Matter contained is ufiful and u*- known, by so much the more is id voluable ; and confiquently by so much the lejo needs the Author to court the approbation of dibers, or to fiat their Cenfires. Indeed, as to Preſs Errors, there are for Broks free from them in a greater or lifs degree, and an Author bus hard Mea- fure if his Work is condemned on their account; lut where there are sio other Fonts, there are ſome (judicious Readers, as ibey fancy themſelves ) who, for the fake of the Deficiency or Super fuity of a Letter, or a Conima, will like bungi y Curs over their Viands) ſnarl, tho' at the fane time they are repienilling their Empty Pericranies with iba plentiful Crops of the Author's Induſtry, which they are Jiarte afprekenfive encugh to underſiland, tuch Irfs to correct and amend. Bat'i fhall not capitulote vill theſe Sparks, 19 di penje su ith the Errors in the following Treotiſe, becauſe I know af none material, ſuch as will render me obnoxious to the Conjure of a modeft Reader ; and for the conceited Criticks, I no more value brirs,ihan the Governor of a Fortrrs does Bettery by Small Sbot from a Piflol, or the meſt valiant Soldier the Noiſe of a Drum. For as to the Subject of the Book in géne- ral, I hate this Satisfaction, that (morally Araling ) there's none more uſeful, becault 0672 mire advantageous for it is to TRAFFICK that the Ricbes, Strength, And Grardeur of all Nations is chief wving, and particularly that of this our Jiand, which he country (though much ſuperior To the READER. - V &c. at 16 or 18 s. per End, as it is Pounds: fuperior in Acres) exceeds in Univerſal Commerce, nor any that makes a greater Figure in the World. And as the Subjeet itſelf is no way de- ficable, but of general Uſe in this Nation, where the Current of moſt Mens Genias tend toward Trade, ſo have I taken all the Care I could to embelliſh the Matter with Truth, and more especially the Tables, which I believe to be uithout Error; to that any Merchant may make uſe of them without fear of Lofs, either on the Buyer or Seller's account. For if it be conſidered, that I calculated every particular Number by Addition, and not by Multiplication, and always proved the Truth of the laſt, it muſt be next to impoſible there ſhould be any Error in calculating : And that no Miſtakes have been made in Printing, I have been ſo cautious in examining, that I have to leſs reaſon to reſt ſatisfied. Laſtly, The Method I have uſed, is that which I believe moſt pertinent to the Subject, and moſt bencficial to the Reader: The Tables differ from all others extant both in Plainnels and Uſefulneſs; the for. mer is eaſily diſcovered by thoſe that will be at the Trouble to compare them with othery of like Nature : And that they are more adapted to Merchants Uſe, I am affu- red from my own Experience in Traffick) none can deny; for there are a great many material Numbers inſerted, both in the Price and Numbers of Things to be valued, which are omitted in others, who have ( I ſuppoſe for want of Experience in a W bolefale Trade) exhibited, for Infiance, the Price of as many Units at 18 s. each, as they have done at 8 d. as tho' it were fo common to buy as many Ends of Fuflian, *** of Cotton, &c. at 8 d. per Round, tho' ico is an extraordinary Parcel to buy (of ane Price) of the former, and 2000 but an ordinary Parcel of the latter Gommo. dily. And 4 : To the READER. and Indufity does And as to the Uſe of both Tables, it was nouer before fully jhewn, which in all probability, is the Cauſe ſuch Tables were hever defervedly valued; but whoever with Care does but read the Uſes following, will, I doubt not, be able to do almoſt any thing that may occur in Trade (thi he is httle of an Accomptant) with more Speed and Eaſe, and as much Exa:ineſs as he that is better ſkilled in the Power of Num- bers, to whom alſo the Tables uill be of great Ufe, either in eaſing him in cafting up ſuch things as they few the Reſult of, or in confirming the Truth of what he does himſelf, and ſo fave the Trouble of double Working, which met Men do to prevent Errors and Miſtakes. And for the other Parts of the Book, they are moſtly what was not before pub. liſhed 10 the World, tbo'what I knozu to be very uſeful, and what too many are igno- rant of; as the Diſcourſe concerning Wa- ter ſide Buſineſs, i. e. the Wherfs, Keys, Porters, Sb pping off, and Landing Goods, &c. as alſo what concerns Freight, Infu- rance of Goods, Ships, Houfes, &c. And as for the Entring of Goods at the Culom- Houſe, Intereſt of Money, &c. I have faid ſo much by way of Argument thereto, that it would be Tautology to repeat any thing bere. I fall only therefore tell the candid Reader, that as what I have al. ready done of this Nature has found Ac- ceptation in the World; ſo I barve endea- voured to accommodate the following Traxt to the fartber Uſe and Benefit of that Part of Mankind, whoſe Ingenuity frandi zing this our Ille. Temple-Par, July 13, 1722. The The CORRECTOR'S PREFACE. T the Preſs Errors fo numerous, that the Book- Courteous READER, HE AUTHOR of this Treatiſe, intituled COMES COMMERCII, has met with ſuch Approbation from the Publick, that there needs no greater Confirmation of the faine, than the various EDITIONS of this Book, and the ſeveral Thouſands which have been vended of each Ime greffon, all of them being ſo many Indications of its Worth and Excellency, But as there is ſeldom any Gold without ſome Alloy, ſo the ſeveral Impreſſions (moſt of them being expeditiouſly required) has, at laft, rendered SELLERS found it indiſpenfibly needful to make this Nintb Edition, &c. in order that the Pub. lick may receive the Benefit of this Elay, now duly reviſed, corrected, improved, and augmented with ſuch Care and Circumſpection, as that its Veracity must now as evidently appear, as its Uti. lity has done formerly. Therefore, as the fame was originally compoſed for a Publick Benefit, in the Way of Trade and Commerce, ſo, we doubt not, but the Judicicus READER will immediately diſcover the Excel- Jency of this EDITION beyond others, with re gard to ſuch needful Emendations, Improvements, and Augmentations, as are therein orderly and methodically contained, according to thoſe Obfer. vations, which are briefly inſerted in the following ARTICLES; viz. 1. The Autbor's General TABLE of Mercban- dize, for valuing by Inſpection enly any Quantity. of Goods, at any Rate propoſed, in all the various Circumstances of Trade and Commerce, is not only duly examined and corrected, but even alſo im- proved and augmented by 15 particular Tables, newly compoſed and added, in order to render it every way perfect and compleat. II. The Reviſal of his TABLE for univerſal Ure, ſhewing now, with great Eaſe and Certainty, how Merchandize by it may be readily and accu. rately performed, as well as the Solution of many ufeful Queſtions in Multiplication, Diviſion, Re duction, &c. together with the Meaſuring of all Kinds of Superficies and Solids, apply'd to the Menſuration of Board, Glaſs, Timber, &c. as well as the Gauging of Veſſels and Caſks. III. A due Correction and Improvement of his Met bod, in taking Dimenſions in general, accord. ing to the uſual Denominations of Inches, Feet, Yards, Perches, &c, and how to give plainly and exactly The Corrector's PREFACE. exactly the Anſwer by Reduction, Duodecimals, or Decimals. IV. The Examination and Correction of the General Cuftoms, uſed by Surveyors and Meaſurers of Glaſs, Wainſcot, Painting, Plaſtering, Floor- ing, Ge, as well as other Articles in Building with the common Rates of thoſe Works by the Rod, Yard, Foot, &c. V. In his SUPPLEMENT concerning Simple and Compound Intereſt, you have likewiſe, newly calculated and adapted to the Statute now in force TABLES of Intereſt, both Simple and Compound, for any Time affigned, according to the various Rates of Intereft now in Uſe, viz. at 3, 3 4, 51. &c. per Cent. per Annum together with the Uſe and Manner of calculating the fame; and adapting them to all other Rates of Simple and Compound Intereſt whatſoever, as well as to the Affairs of Merchants, Traders, Lawyers, &c. VI. That the Decimal Parts of Coin, relating to the TABLES abovefaid or otherwiſe, may be truly valued by the Pen or Inſpection only, there is alſo calculated a new Decimal Table, very con- ciſe, as well as uſeful upon thoſe Occaſions, In brief, as the whole feems adapted to that Part of Mankind, whoſe Ingenuity and Induſtry does ſo much tend to the aggrandizing of this our Ille, by the Promotion of Trade and Commerce, ſo I have endeavoured to cultivate and improve the fame, with the utmoſt Care and Fidelity; not doubting, but if the READER ſhould happily reap the Benefit of my Labours herein, I ſhall have, at leaſt, the Satisfaction of being ſerviceable to my Country, in the Quality of Your Humble Servant, London, Apr, 18, 1740. W. HUME. So TheValue of m+0 No 0 0 0 0 ON The O O O O O O 0 0 0 52 3 0 55 2 o 53 siliso 6 0 3 2 (56) 54) 3 6 6 62 6 . Price of the Pound, El, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Being of a Priny, or half a facthing do s. d. f, 901 Value 3. d. f of 7 OO 57 o I O 70 O O O O O 58 7. I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 o 07 0 63 O AO 64 оооооооооо oooooooooooooo O O O O O 0 0 0 IO I 0 59 7 I 1 72 12 61 7 2 2 13 12 62 7 3 14 7 3 I 13 8 o 16 2 0 C 65 0 0 8 o 17 66 8 18 67 8 1 12 19 68 8 20 O O 2 O 69 0 8 2 2 70 O O 2 30 85 0 10 [8] O 102 24 0 0 3 0 0 90 0 11 1 00302 1001 O 26 261 00310 [112] 2 27 O O 3 I 2 2001 o 10 [281 00320 300 o 3 29 0 0 3 2 2 4001 30 0.3.3 O gooo 31 O O 3 3 6000 6 32 O 0 4 0 0 700 o 7 3 33 0 0 4 C 2 800 0 8 4 o 34 4 9000 4 35 00.4 1 2 1000 6 10 50 36 OO 4.2 0 2000 Y 0 10 O 37 010 4 2 2 3000 I 11 30 0 0 4 3 0 4000 2 1 8 39 0 0 4 3 2 food.2 12 0 0 5 0 0 6000 32 6 d od 5 7000.3 12 11 II 0 olo 5 vo 8000 4 3 43 0 0 5 1 2 9000 4 13 9 oco S 2 0 10000! 3 4 4 2 o 45 O O S 22 20000 10 45 00 5.30 30000 15 12 6.0 47 13 10 0 5 3 40000, 20 16 go 48 I oko 6oo 50000 26 o 1o'o 49 porouo 6002) 160ogo 3'ı 95 of o So 18.00 6.00:170odo 36 9 2 0 B 38 4 o 90 8 4 0 13 TheValue of 15 a momonosov The 1 1 64 3. d0 0 0 0 0 0 oooo . 61 1 2 ***** 3 1 I 52 o 3 57 (5658) 59 601 1 53 54I O O OOO 551 OOOOO ) 3 1 O 0 1 3 Price of the Pound, EU, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Die farthing Value 1, S. d. f. of 51 is o ) 2 3 3 31 621 631 651 I 17 1 661 67 69 69 3 19 20 oblo 70 4 3 50 51 5 8 o 90 Edla I ao aumur 8 [84] 90 O I 0 1 26 O 2 [112] 200 300 (28] ооооо oooooooooooooo og0000000000000000000000 3 6 o 8 O 10 30 500 600 31 in drono on 700 O 14 7 800 16 oplo o bo po oo Nuo 33 34 35 36 0 18 9 006 0oor o lo 2000 I 9 37 39 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 6000l or o 932 3000 37 4900 43 4 sooo 5 4 2 65 7000 7 5 10 dood 8 6 8 6 8 8 900) 97 6 10000! 1084 120000 30000 31 S 1400gd. 41 13 500g0l 42 I 600coli 62 10. o. 45 20 16 46 0 o II 3 0.0 50 1 170000 72018 TheValueofe mano 51 Value of The Price of the Pound, En, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Too Farthings ofnaols 7 8 9 53 54 55 (56) 57 58 59 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 12 13 62 Home Home O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 immtumo ONN000 aaoo 15 16 63 64 65 Alex W. 17 18 19 O 100 O IO 66 67 68 69 701 801 (84) OOO O 12 24 25 06 39 0 ON NOO 000 w * 26 1 * 2 O 27 (28) 29 30 ao o 0.01 mooo TOO [113] 200 300 400) soo 606 700 800 900 1000 1000 8 8 1 0 16 8 O 10 O 32 4 o 1 33 13 6 34 35 36 5 O S2 6 01 37 6 2 70 38 no o 8 8 39 6000 41 8 o o 9 o 1 92 1 10 O 1 10 mo' 3000 4000 6 5000 10 8 12 lo 7000 14 14 8 8000 16 13 9000 18 15 0 10000 20 16 8 2000 41 13 20000 62 10 40000 83 6 50000 104 3 4 60000 125 0 170000l 149 16 45 46 47 48 49 50 000 A B 2 : : The Valueofnin 3 30 The Price of the Pound, Enl, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Uhrze Farruings d. Valuer 1. d. f. of gol is 1 52 531 3 3 3 54 3 4 2 4. 2 55 3 52 (56) 6 57 6 6 3 59 8 1 8 60 3 61 3 93 3 10 2 3 0 0 0 0 0.00 0:0/0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 000 58 10 000.000 . II 62 63 64 65 15 0 0 o We 3 2 18 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 o onoolwo 24 90 25 26 NU 0 0 0 0 oto o 0 0 lo 00 N oor 8 9 9 I 10 27 [28] 29 30 31 32 33 34 600 o 0*o*60) 4 66 4 67 68 4 69 3 3 70 4 4 2 80 5 [84] 5 3 057 100 6 (112) 7 200 O 12 6 300 O 18 400 500 1 IT 17 700 2. 3 3 9 Soo 2 10 970 16 JOOQ 32 2000 6 O 30001 9 7 6 4000 I 2 10 500g 15 12 600 18 15 7000 21 17 Sooo 25.0 9000 28 2 10000 31 .5 20COO 30000 93 15 4coool 125 0 50200136 5 60000 187 1o 35. 36 2 3 o 4 37 38 39 40 6 43 8 90 9 3 IO 2 45 1666 62 TO 46 NA M o O o 48 49 03 So o 3 1 21 70000) 218 15 o The Valueof Value The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, o Ounce, or other thing, being of $1|15 52 4 53 54 SS [56] 57 O NDO 4 8 7 8 9 9 58 4 lo 59 60 Oo Il 0 I O 2 61 621 63 641 2 3 16 65 info S 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 inguinuluruun 5 18 66 671 68 69 70 8of [84] 6 No 6 S 9 Or S. **W OI I 6 8 7 23 06 100 ZO [112] 200 0 16 8 O 2 4 (28) 29 30 300 400 500 600) 31 28 O 2 9 2 10 700 800 To o 2 18 4 3 6 8 3 15 33 34 35 900 I COO 2000 36 03 8 8 3000 12 10 4000 16 13 4 5000 20 16 8 6000 25 0 7000 29 3 80ool 9000 37 10 10poo 41 134 38 do 3 39 0 3 40 0 3 4 35 42 6 O 3 7 44 3 8 45 10" 3 9 46 0 3610 47 3 11 48 4 0 49 50 0 4 33 6 8 o 0 30000 125 o 40000) 166 13 4 sobool 2086 6 8 60000 250 170000 291 13 4 TheValaeoft mine | marco Oyunu) 0 0 0 o 0 ototoioso O O O O OO The Price of the Pound, E11,7 ara, Ounce, or other thing, being Die Beiny Fartying. Value I. d. 2 of 51 is o s 33 33 52 4 53 o 5 5 54) 5 6 55 5 (56] 05 to o 8 O 100 57 5 II 9 9 6 59 60 6 3 61 6 43 13 06 5.2 14 5 o 6 6 15 6 8 o 16 6 9 66 17 6 10 2 18 671 3 I II 3 681 19 7 1 69 7 21 70 58) O2 JO I 0 6 631 641 65 8 o | 2 2 7 32 801 8 4 [84) 90 o 8 go o 9 4 2 O 10 SO 8 1oo 26 8. 1 O 10 I 11 11.0 0 0.000 00000000000000000000 (112) 200 390 460 500 م م م م م م م م ا ه اما با ما با ما با ما دا ده سی دا هه moon 1 27 (28) 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 60o 6 700 36 3 10 37 38 39 40 2 3 3 12 IT 50 800 4 3 4 6.2 900lt 4 13 9 o 3 731 rooc 5 4 2 3 9. ol 200C 10 8 3ooo 15 12 11 21 4pool 20 16 8 4 312 1 spool 26 O 10 4 ol броо 31 5 7000 36 9 Spoo 41 13 44 4 5 3 46 176 cropool 52 1 8 8 120000 104 3 4 9 39000 156 5 0 0 4:10 31 40090 208 6 8 0 5 0 Soooo 260 8 4 60090 312 10 0 42 43 9oool O O O 45 46. 48 49 5- 50 2 5 7000g 364 11 8 The Value of minor 1 is i 7 52 o 6 54 551 57 53 6 6 o . , 2 4 O 1 58 O WWW I O O O O O O O O O 1 13 0 2 20 2 2 The Price of the Pound, Ell, YuraOunce, or other thing, bung 0112 10. tp tipo FarrijinsV a.ue 1. of 5is 6 10 2 0 10 2 [56] 7 8 9 7 30 I 59 07 4 60 7 6 12 61 7 7 62 7 9 63 7 10 64 8 63 12 66 8 30 67 8 19 63 69 72 70 8 90 80 0 10 2 10 2 [84] 10 6 24 3 90 to 11 3 100 O 12 3 30 (112] 0.14 0 27 O 3 3. 42 5 o [28] 3 60 300 1 17 6 29 3 7 2 400 30 39 9 o 500 31 600 3 0 0 700 4 7 33 o 4 800 5 o goo 5 1000 6 5 36 6 o 2000 12 10 4 7 3000 38 4 9 25 O 39 4 TO 2 snoot 315 40 6000 37 10 7000 43 15 8000 50 0 9000 565 10000 62 10 20cod 125 46 47 40000 250 43 6 o ol 50000 312 10 49 50 70000 437 10 0 3 10 34 35 QdO . 2 18 15 4005 O NC 90 3000d 187 10 60voo 375 O The Price of the Pound En, Yarà, # he Value of a mno Noo Ounce, or other thing, being Dne Penny Chree Farthings d. Valuci s, d. f of 51 is o 7 51 5 52 770 53 O 7 8 3 8 54 7 11 55 8 (56) 57 3 3 8 5 2 8 72 7 60 8 90 2 OL O 0 1 8 I 8 3 3 t 58 52 9 10 1 59 O 1 O O O O O O O O O O o 06 OI I 61 62 8 10 3 63 6 6 14 15 16 64 65 17 18 19 16 22 23 24 25 26 06 [28] 29 30 2 18 31 02 2 O 2 I 2 9 40 9 5 3 53 66 9 7 2 67 9 91 2 68 9 II O 69 O IO O 3 3 2 2 0 3 2 2 801 O II SO 3 (84) O 12 3 O 13 12 373 0 14 70 3 92 [112 0 16 4 0 11 I 9 2 4 300 3 9 400 4 4 4 500 3 12 II 4 61 600 6 O 8 o 700 5 2 4 93 800 900 3 5 I0001 7 5 10 5 20001 8 5 3000 21 17 6 4000 29 3 4 8 5000 369 2 5 10 0 43 15 O 5 II 3 70001 51 O 1o 6 80oo 58 6 8 3 90001 65 12 6 10900 72 18 6 3 20000 145 16 6 8 2 302001 218 15 O 40000 291 13 O 500031 364 JI 8 7 1 3 60000| 437 Jo 7 32), 70000 32 33 34 5 16 8 ܘܕܐ ܘܗܘܗ ܗܝ ܘ 35 O 3o w 62 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 6000 0 0 0 9 9 10 00 46 6 10 1 47 48 49 & so 510 5110 8 The Valueofmino 9 8 8 4 9 10 , being 55 8 8 a ada a 6 64 O O 38 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Burd, Ounce, or other thingIno Pence. d. Value 1. 8. d. 4 of 51 is o 8 6 52 lo O 156) 94 8 4 57 9 6 6 9 58 9 8 1. 8 59 o 9 9 10 60 61 O IO 13 62 14 63 O IO 15 8 16 8 65 17 66 18 3 67 19 3 o II 4 69 6 21 3 6. 70 8 22 80 0 13 4 O 23 3 to [84] C 24 95 O 15 o IQO 8 26 [112] 0 13 18 8 4 4 (28] 320 10 29 400 3 6 8 30 5 500 4 3 4 600 50 32 5 4 700 5 16 8 33 800 6 13 4 34 900 35 5 10 1000 8 68 36 6 o 4 37 3000 38 6 4 400033 6 8 39 6 6 5000 41 13 4 400 6 8 SO O o 5 10 6 8 8000 65 13 4 43 7 9000 75 0 o 4 I dooo 83 6 6 8 45 7 20000 166 13 46 7 8 3000of 250 0 47 | 0 49000 333 6 8 8 soood| 415 13 4 49 8 160000 $90 o 5o 8 4 70000 583 6 8 000 ANO O ANO o O 4 8 31 5 6 58 16 13 6000 700g 58 O O O O O OA NO TheValue of mino The 10 $Two 55 I . 90 90 II Value 9 63 54 9 3 6 Price of the found, Ell, Fard, Ounce, or other thing, being Dzace farthing 1. d.fi 3 3 [56] 7 8 9 6 o O IO 81 O 10 10 2 81 58 591 60 II * * * 0 5 1 4 - 0 0 0 3 61 3 o 5 I O 13 621 14 7. 2 631 9 3 IS 93 16 1 4 2 67 63 17 18 19 20 3 3 4 2 6 3 3 9 3 III o 23 4 8 25 26 4 10 2 S 5 68 9 69 13 Sol OIS 9 90 0 16 10 2 o 18 [112] 7 O I 17 6 2 163 400 3 15 500 4 13 9 600 6 7006 11 3 800 900 8 8 9 1000 9 7 3 [28] 29 30 5 7 2 9 O 5 6 06 6 6 6 7 lo 33 34 35 36 4 O N O 18 15 6 11 37 O 39 O O O O O O 7 10 2 43 3000 28 2 7 4000 37 10 7 33 5000 45 17 6 6 6000 565 7 81 7000 64 12 Sooo 75 0 3 9000 84 7 6 3 O 10000 93 15 20000 187 10 7 30000 2815 9 3 40000 375 0 9 50000 468 15 9 160000 562 10 O 0 46 48 0 0 49 so 9 70000 656 5 TheValueof mano The 3 64 55 OxnceO o 1 3 of 52 O O is . 7 2 , 10 X Price of the Pound, Ell, lari, or other thing, being Gmg 0:[E TWO Far 111g851 is o o 10 10 IO O 11 O11-52 8 o 0 8 0 12 9 3 2 59 60 2 6 O O 12 8 2 0 1 2 11 O 3 63 o 13 IS 64 647 16 3 3 4 3 3 90 210 04 70 23 0 49 2 5 5 5 5 65 O 13 66 O 13 9 67 O 13 11 2 68 0 1420 69 70 0 1470 0 16 8 [84] 0176 90 IO 10 0 19 9 26 O O O O O 6 6 2 0 (28 29 30 31 32 33 34 6 80 97* 6 como en 36 7 7. 8 37 38 39 O O O O O 8 8 3001 3 2 6 400.4 3 4 50054 bool 6 5 700 7 5 to 800 8 6 8 9009 I000 10 8 4 2000 20 16 20 16 8 3000 - 315 o 4000 41 13 4 9000 52 1 8 6000 62 10 7000 72 18 8000 83 83 6 8 19000 93 15 10000 1043 20000 208 6 30000 312 10 40000 416 13 4 50000 520 16 8 60000. 625 0 170000 -729 3 4 8 4 0 O 8 6 8 42 43 O oo O too O 46 9 70 0 9 0 10 0 0 48 49 O TheValue of no bet ten O O O The 55 Ounce3 Two 54 0 12 4 2 52 53 1 being . , mnooo 0 Od Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, or other thing, Pence thice sfarthing.b. 1. Value 1 sd. f. of 51 is o 11 8 [56] O 13 O 1 0 12 10 O 7 8 9 2 58 O 13 0 13 6 59 60 9. 61 O 13 11 3 13 o 14 O O O O O 2 9 2 11 3 3 3 5 8 64 1.16.0 3 17 18 3 10 3 4 4 4 ) 19 63 O 14. 51 034 80 65 L 0 14 10 3 66 O 15 67 O 15 68 15 70 69 70 이 ​Sol [84]:0 19 3 O 90 7 016 0 18 5 531 58 3 5 II 2 6 6 So 6 [230 29. 38 6 10 2 WE 7 32 o 74 o 33 7 6 3 0 7 9 35 8 36 371 O O O 0 8 5 3 8 8 2 8 II 9 5 8 o 200 S 10 300 400 500 5 14 7 600 6 700 o 5 800 900 10 6 3 9 2 2000 22 18 4 3000 34 7 4000 45 16 8 sooo 57 5 to 6000 7000 80 2 8000 91 13 4 9000 103 2 6 10000 114 11 8 2cobo 139 3 4 30000 343 15 40000 4j86 6 8 50000 572 18 4 160000 687 10 0 39 68 IS 80 4 42 @ 972 9 0 1 O IO O 17 43 0 10 9 3 o 170000 802 8 A The Value ofa mno The Price of the Pound, Ell, Para, Ounce, or other thing, being Chce price da Value d. of 51 is o 12 9 9 52 o 13 9 2 6 9 3 3 13 14 3 9 016 16 some 4 3 17 18 19 $4 55 0 13 9 (56] O 14 0 57 o 14 3 O.146 59 0 149 60 015 61 015 15 3 62 15 6 63 O 15 641 o 65 o 16 3 66 O 16 6 670 16 9 63 017 69 o 17 70 o 17 80 (84) I O 90 6 100 112] 8 200 2 IO O 3 15 50 900 6 5 600 7 to o 9 5 6 I 59 6 6 9 o o o o o o 6 7 9 [28]. O O O O O 7 7 7 o 30 31 O O O O O O O O i 8 08 8 6 8 IS O 700 800 900 1000 2000 5 33 34 35 36 37 OI ZI o 9 o O 3 looo € O 38 9 O 6 6 62. 10 O O 3 IO 37 10 4000 50 90 6000 75 0 7000 87 10 8000) 100 O 9000 111 JO 10.00 125 o 20000 250 30000 375 O 140000, 500 O o 150000 625 9 O 11 O 46 9 43 o 12 0 12 0 12 50 o 12 6 ооооооооо bocool 750 70000 875 .: ... The Valaeof a ** I O of 50 ie o 13 9 3 3 Value . a thing 6 The Price of the Pound, Ed, Tara, Ounce, or other thing, being Ebre 192Ncę ff I. $. d. f014 $3 0 14 4 54 * 014 72 72 $52 0 14 10 3 1 10 3 (56) 57 01551 51 15 8 2 59 0,5 11 3 2 II 3 600 16 30 3 61 0 16 6 6 1 3 O 16 92 3 0 17 O 17 40 I O 15 8 2 gal Q16) 13 o 3 0 17 7 62 63 641 651 66 67 68 69 70 17 oOo 0 17 10 2 0.18 18 13 19 0 18 20 o O 5 5 O o 5 8 1 5 II 2 O 18 81 o 18 11 2 I I 23 2 [84) 6 60 6 90 7 1 10 o 2 26 [112] [28] 29 O O O O O 7 3 3 7 7 0 7 to 8 I 2 30 8 4 3 12 39 33 34 35 36 O 8 8 0 8 II 1 09 22 9 53 o 9 9 O 10 37 38 39 40 O IO O IO TO o II 300 3 4.00 5 8 4 500 6 15 5 600 8 7009 9 9 800 10 16 8 900) 1000) 13 io lo 2000 27 1 8 3000 40 12 4000 54 3 4 5000 67 14 2 6000 815 7000 94 15 10 8oool 108 6 8 9000 12 17 6 10000335 8 4 20000 270 16 5 40000 S40 13 4 50000 677 1 60000! 812 10 0 43 44 45 46 30000| 406 0 1 2 3 o II II 0 0 1 2 3 o 12 o 12 8 3 0 13 0 0 0 13 oooo 48 49 so G13 6 70000 947 18 TheValue of no 551 3 Three O 541 Ⓡ15 90 6 O 9 2 Value $, being 16 58 O 17 6 O 15 69 The Price of the Pound, 6.2, Para si Ounce, or other thingDance to factius*. 1. 8. d. f. 1. S. dif 7 of sil is o 14 10 2 2 O 15 53 O 15 5 7 2 oa 1 [56] o 16 8 2 OD o 9 0 15 11 o 59 22 60 0 3 61 o 17 9 % 3 62 o 18 63 0 18 64) o 18 18 8 8 O 16 65 0 19 11 2 661 o 19 28 67 6 19 5 6 68 19 10 o 12 70 1 50 6 80 4 6 8 2 [84]) 6 24 Oo 90 5 73 26 27 7 l. 2 200 [28] 8 2 20 300 na 6 8 29 400 S 16 8 30 8 9. O 500 7 5 10 31 o 9 600 o 940 700 IO 4 o 9 9 7 2 800 IC 13 4 34 9 II of 6 9col 13 2 35 0 10 1000 1 8 36 0 10 2000 29 3 4 37 O TO 92 3000 43 15 0 IE 8 39 5000 72 18 4 O IL 8 o 6000 87 10 41 T 8 42 3.08000] 116 13 4 43 o 12 6 2 9000 131 5 0 12 10 0 10000 145 16 8 45 I 2120000 201 13 4 4 46 o 23 50 30000| 437 10 47 0 13 8 2 40000 583 6 8 0 14 0 0 ool 50000 729 3 4 49 0 14 0 14 3 2 60000 | 875 0 O 50 1-0 14 70 70000 1020 16 O O O O O O O O O O Oooooooooouusaalannuela 03 NW on Entlany Boopwlo 4900 58 6 7000 102 on *001+0+olo*ooo N TheValue of a mano O Three 54 16 3 4 O 3 0 d. f. T 7 of 51 is o 15 11 I 3 0 II 1 16 6 3 6 52 53 o s, . being 2 2 O O O O O 12 o 19 62 63 61 3 1 6 T Q 6 to 2 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yara, | Ounce, or other thing, Dence three Jrarthings. 1. sd valueh 116 10 2 55 O 17 [56] O 17 60 8 6 o 57 O 17 9 3 58 O 18 10 3 59 0,8 S 3 5 бо O 18 90 3 90 61 13 O 19 4 14 4 0 19 8 8 o O 65 17 66 7 18 o 572 67 C 11 1 19 68 1 3 O 69 21 3 70 80i 5 S 23 2 (84] 6 3 7 60 90 8 25 7 93 100 1 11 (112) IS 27 8 5 SI 200 3 6 [28] 300 4 13 9 29 9 400 6 5 30 9 4 2 500 7 16 3 31 9 8 600 6 0 10 700 10 18 9 33 o 10 3 3 800 12 10 34 0 10 1 21 gool 14 3 35 0 10 11 1 Icool IS 12 6 36 | o 30 2000 37 O 11 63 3000 46 17 33 0 11 12 4000 39 0 1 2 5000 78 2 6 40 O 12 6 o 6000 93 15 0 o 12 9 3 7000 109 7 6 12 80ool 125 43 0 13 5 1 9000 140 12 6 10000] 136 5 0 14 0 3 20000 312 10 o 14 4 2 300col 468 o 47 o 14 83 40000 625 0 48 @ 15 oo soooo 781 49 0 15 3 3 60000] 957 10 OS 50 0 15 7 21 70000 1093 15 24 O O O O O 8 1 8 9 cp 0 0 0 0 0 ONA O O OOO 03 O au 62 10 o 13 o O o 13 90 46 15 O O O O TheValue of my The S. of STIS O 17 52 OunceO O O O 0 8 8 17 being O , Price of the Pound, El,7 ard, or other thing, 8 o 13 55 o 18 4 [56] o 18 8 57 58] O 19 60 7 8 " 2 o 19 o 19 9 4 3 3 3 8 toolo 4 1 13 14 8 63 64 65 16 5 8 Floo 18 19 5 6 6 6 ng 4 8 69 3 o 3 6 8 8 0 8c 23 84 74 7 8 8 8 8 13 2 9 [28 29 112] 2001 3 6 8 300 400 6 8 5 0 9 0 0 0 001 5008 4 600 910 700 II 13 800 13 33 0 goods 36 2000 37 4 8 50 66 13 0 Co. O 39 5000 8 6 (ooo 100 ocol 116 13 133 0 2000 o voo o too too o o 14 8 O 15 Ø 2t3|****** 46 4 0 ICONO 166 13 2000c 333 6 8 6 3cocok.co0 Accool 060 13 SooCC33 accouco 70c0c11166 11 D 23 016 2 O P - So 016 TheValue of a no 19 The o O I 54 9 7 Four 1 9 1 521 3 S. d. f. IS O 8 2 of 51 is o 18 . being 2 8 9 O 58 1 I I I 3.9 12 I 13 63 I 2 15 1 2 16 I 18 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Pence farthing. 1. S. Valuel 1o 18 50 53 O 18 55 0 19 5 3 53 (56) 0 19 10 O 57 I 3 6 2 3 6 2 59 O IO 3 3 IO 3 60 4 3 30 61 7 1 4 7 1 623 4 11 2 3 3 5 3 3 64 80 5 8 3 6 3 4 2 6 6 3 8 3 68 7 6. 1 4 5 1 7 51 70 I 4 9 2 7 92 71 5 8 I 3 72 I 560 8 6c 80 I 8 4 o 8 10 1 [84] 1 99 9 o 9 I 11 IO 2 go 0 9 10C I 15 5 9 II O (112) 1 19 8 I 2901 3 10 10 0 10 6 3005 3 0 10 11 3 7 4 500 8 8 ] IO 12 6 0 1 2 700 IZ 17 II 0 1 2 800 9 900 9 Icoo 17 14 2 0 13 52 2000 35 4 O 13 93 53 3000 2 6 1 19 6 83 I I 0 24 25 26 27 3 29 30 31 400 8 17 32 33 600 35 36 37 IS 18 33 / 13 39 4000 70 16 8 0 14 6 1 42 o 15 0 14 10 2 2 3 O 15 anyol 0 15 1 1 016 3 2 0 1 0 7 31 o 17 OC COA NOIA 2 5000 88 10 JO 6000 106 5 7000 123 19 8000 14.1 13 4 9000 159 159 7 6 100001 177 200001 354 354 3 30000 531 47 48 40 O o 17 4 21 7086 40000 6 8 5c000 885 TheValue of mono 3 The O 1 . is o 10 6 . is 53 alue 19 119 being o Price of the Pound, EU, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, four Pence two farthings. 1. sd, 619 10 2 1 55 7 2 [ 30 3 4. 2 3 4.2 1 9 3 90 59 4 60 4 60 61 10 2 4 10 2 3 30 5 3 63 3.7 5 7.2 64 6 1 2 7 I 9 58 13 15 O 1 7 16 6 4 2 661 67 18 19 6 7 7 1 5 I 2 5 5 10 2 6 3 69 I 6 72 8 8 3 72 23 71 72 7 2+ o 9 80 [84] 6 O 26 9 9 c I 13 9 o 17 6 27 [28] 29 O O O O O O 0 10 6c 2 3 15 6 3 o 11 7 31 5 12 400 7 10 5009 7 ao ajoad 0 0 6 0 12 4 2 32 33 34 35 36 6 6 16 17 18 15 37 38 39 40 O 13 o 13 o 13 10 2 0 14 3.0 o 14 O 15 O 15 15 4 2 15 16 O 16 6 0 16 10 2 600 5 700 13 15 0 goo 1000 2000 37 10 3000 56 S 4000 75 5000 93 15 6000l 112 10 7oool 131 5 42 0 0 Sood ISO 45 46 0 17 0 0 9000 168 15 10000 187 10 20000 375 30000 $62 10 40000 750 50000] 937 10 48 49 50 o 18 o 13 o 18 9 C D 2 « ...***.Kader y, WWW TheValue of the 3 O I I 7 2 8 9 Y 1 13 63 64 15 16 651 8 23 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Four Pence three Farthings. Valut s, dit IS O 92 of 51 is 1 2 1 52 53 0 113 I II 3 54 42 4 55 (56) 3 57 2 63 3 6 3 58 1 2 II 2 3 II 2 59 3 4.1 60 3 9 61 4 5 63 I 4 62 6 2 I 4 1 1 5 II I 1 5 4 6 40 5 8 3 6 83 66 6 7 67 6 6 1 7 6. I 68 1 6 11 O 7 II c 65 1 7 33 70 7 8 8 1 8 9 1 72 8 6 o 9 80 1 1 1 8 [84 0 10 3 1 1572 O IO 8 ) 100 I 19 7 1. (112) 4 15 200 3 19 2 O 11 TO 2 300 5 18 9 400 7 18 4 8 c SOO 9 17 II 600 II 17 6 700 13 17 0 13 10. I 800 O 14 14 3 gool 17 16 3 0 14 7 3 1 0001 19 15 10 02 O 15 2000 8 O 15 5 3000 O 15 10 O 4000 79 3 4 o 16 5000 98 19 2 0 16 600g| 118 15 017 7000 138 IO TO 17 8000 158 6 8 o 17 93 9000 178 2 6 0 19 10000) 197 18 o 18 71 20000) 395 16 8 O 30000 593 15 019 0 19 4 3 40000 791 13 4 9 Io 1 13 26 90 27 29 O o 13 o 13 15 16 8 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 39 m 59 7 6 42 SO 46 48 49 50 8 O 19 9 2 150oool 989 (TheValue of my 3 3 8 The 5111 . of Five . Value 1 52 l. Price of the Pound, EU, Yard, Oance, or other thing, being Dence. 14 5 I 2 6 55 56 7 8 9 3 3 3 3 4 3 9 4 9 2 7 58 591 5 55 5 5 5 62 S to 14 15 6 631 641 6 7 6 6 8 7 I 17 1 66 18 7 7 1 19 20 7 6 7 II 8 8 8 4 69 ) 9 70 2 23 24 9 9 9 7 I JO 7 71 72 So (84) 90 1 13 5 26 6 27 100 2 (28] 29 1 6 8 6 8 4 3 4 5 8 8 6 300 400 500 8 4 32 33 34 12 10 Co O A 0 13 4 13 9 0 14 0 14 7 o 15 0 15 5 700 14 11 16 13 4 18 15 이 ​37 O IS 10 O 16 o 16 8 39 40 62 10 DO O A COOLA 000 000 42 o 17 43 goo 1000l 20 16 8 2000 41 13 4 3000 83 6 8 5000] 104 3 6000 125 7000 145 16 8 Sooo 166 13 4 9000 787 10 I0000) 208 6 20000 416 13 4 30000 625 0 140000 8336 50000/1041 13 4 6 9 17 11 18 4 18 9 019 O 45 46 o 19 48 1 49 1 50 o jo 2 heValue of my 90 The 3 I $. d. f. is o 53 54 Value of . $I is 3 3 3 3 1. Price of the Pound, El, Tard, Ounce, or other thing, being W Pinck farthing. 1. S. d. f72 55 03 3 (56) 6 57 3 II 1 5 4 2 4 4 59 5 93 60 6 3 6 1 5 3 14 I 7 61 62 63 64 65 6 6 7 6 8 1 7 6 8 8 63 66 8 10 2 1 7 5 ) 7 10 2 8 3 8 پی ها 67 68 69 9 3 3 99 1 I 10 6 11 9 31 (28 8 30 13 1 2 I II 3 I II 80 [84] 90 19. 4. 2 39 112 9 6 300 3 400 $oo 10 18 9 600 7001 IS 6 3 800 17 10 900 19 13 9 21 17 6 o 13 6 32 5 14 IO 35 15 3 15 90 36 o 16 16 38 39 7 6 42 43 6 0.17 II 18 4 2 93 Q 19 19 30 8 18 6 3000 65 12 4000 87 to 5000 109 босо 134 5 7000 153 8000 175 gooo 196 17 10000/ 218 15 20000| 437 10 300001 656 5 40000 875 0 50000 roga 45 0 19 6 O O O O O O O O O 6 48 1 5 1 49 50 TheValue of a mi 90 2 54 ) 4 4 2 3 43 The is 3 2 5 o 4 53 Ounce523 s. d. f. of 51 is 1 being , 10 3 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, or other thing, Five Pence civo fartynas, 1. Value I 6 90 55 5 7 3 (56 5 8 3 8 57 4 6 70 4 7.0 7 5 60 I I 1 6 1 I 53 59 6 o 5 6 o 8 5 8 10 2 14 6 6 10 2 63 64 1 66 17 I 10 3o 18 8 8 8 9 69 23 7 8 wao 25 I 10 8 6 I 3 2 5 10 [112] [28] 29 0 13 3 2 o 13 9 6 17 8 6 32 0 14 9 3 4 O 14 8 C 2 34 o 15 70 16 6 37 38 O 17 5o 39 O 17 10 2 18 45 16 g 0 o 18 600 13 15 16 0 10 8col 18 6 8 900 6 1000 22 18 4 2000 3000 68 15 4000 191 13 4 5000 114 11 8 6000 137 10 7000 760 8 8000l: 183 6 8 9000206 5 S. 229 3 3 4 2C0004586 6 8 30000 687 10 O 40000 916 13 4 45000 vozi 5 5 0 o 19 o 19 3 3 8 2 43 44 45 46 6 2 48 49 50 2 II O TheValue of S. The 1Ounce, Yard . is 1 I I 156) Price of the Pound, Ell, or other thing, being five Pence thret Factbinge. Value d. . of 4 5 1 3 5 4 ILO 5 4 3 5 54 5 10 2 6 55 6 4 7 3.41 6 10 8 3 IO O 57 7 3 3 9 3 3 58 4 9. 2 5 3 1 60 8 9 o 59 6 62 9 8 6 63 IS 64 8 7 8 68 1 1 1 I 3 17 8 8 72 67 9 9 68 7 9 69 21 o 10 3 70 6 I ao: 83 61 I 2 I 1 I 1 14 1 14 60 O 11 II 3 72 80 (841 6 1 18 4 30 3 7 II 27 (23) 29 5C 2 1 3 8 0 13 10 3 30 300 7 31 14 10 1 9 II 8 O 15 O 15 32 33 34 35 16 3 2 16 16 5 0 16 0 17 8 3 23 19 8 38 39 40 4 o 18 18 o 19 95 16 8 7 3 500 11197 6 700 19 3 4 21 II 3 1000 2000 3000 4.000 5000 119 15 10 600c 143 15 7000 107 14 8000 191 13 4 9000 215 12 6 10000 239 11 8 479 3 30000 71% 15 400cc 958 6 I 1 43 2 3 46 6 1 20000 48 3 5 3 49 50 4200c1c065 TheValue of mtno IS 1 9 1 I 1 The Price of the Pound, El,Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being bir 19 ince- Value of 51 6 52 53 6 7 3 55 7 (56] 8 4 57 4 6 9 5 9 5 6 60 6 6 O o ooo colo I joooooooooo OTO no NN00 oo ON OY } I 9 1 9 59 oloworoloone OT I 61 9 13 I IO TIT I 11 o 631 15 6 64 I 12 6 ܘ ܘܐܘ ܩܘ 17 8 6 I 13 I 13 I 14 0 9 6 68 Tg 6 6 6 O IO 0 6 2 I 0 10 I 15 0 ITO I 15 9 6 69 701 71 72 73 80 [84 I 16 I 16 6 24 25 12 6 26 o 13 2 22 5 90 100 [28 29 30 o 13 o 14 O 14 015 (112 2 16 оооос 200 397 10 32 400 IO 0 o 16 O 16 I 10 017 600 O O O O O 6 15 17 IO 20 O O IT 0 18 800 37 0 38 o 19 o 19 9 O O O LO lood 25 0 2000 o 3000 2000 100 O 40 . 0 0 0 0010 42 0 0 0 O O O O O 9 44 O O O O C 9 » 5000 125 60od 150 2000 175 Sooc 200 roco 21 10000 250 2000ol 500 30000 750 10000 1000 48 49 SO 3 0 4 4 6 oloooo O O O O O O O O S. o E TheValue of at mine 55 1 8 71 1 I I 2 0 3 2 1 I 52 53 I 7 8 1 7 3 s. 73 6 58 8 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 goo 23 The Price of the Pound, EH, Yard Ounce, or other thing, being Sit prnce farrbing. Value 1. d. f. is o 1 of 51 it 1 6 7 3 73 (56 1 9 8 4 1 57 9 8 9 4 8 ) 1 10 5 T 10 8 59 3 II 60 I II 3 12 6 91 13 6 9 32 14 7 6 x 12 3 15 7 9 3 62 6 17 8 10 1 66 9 1 14 10 3 9 10 3 68 I 15 5 20 10 5 61 I 15 II I @ 10 TI 1 16 70 52 71 O II II 3 23 6 O 72 1 17 6 o 25. 13 0 1 74 I 18 6 2 26 6 2 Q 13 6 80 8 o O 1403 [84] 3 9 o [28] 2 90 29 100 [112 4 3 200 o 16 8 o 300 7 16 17 400 IO 8 34 O 17 82 35 600) 15 12 700 7 37 19 3 1 800 20 16 8 8 19 9 9 26 a 39 1000 3 3 IO 40 8 O O 10 or 52 78 6 4 3000 42 1 10 2 43 43 5000 130 4 * 2 11 0 6000 156 45 3 51 6 8 3 II 2 80ool 208 4 53 9000234 6 5 O O 8 4 49 5 6 20000 520 16 8 0.14 71 6 10 O 15 2 18 o 16 32 O 18 o 18 18 90 o 19 38 o ago #fl2tion 41 4000 104 7000 18 5 Jo & 47 3 48 10000 260 50 20000 781 O The Value of a mano 2 The 2 o Sir 7 9 8 2 8 2 54 9 3 55 2 0 8 8 3. Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Pence two farthings. 1. $. d. Valur d. f. is 7 I 10 8 1 10 10 2 5 9 4 IO 2 5 5 II 2 58 59 60 I 12 6 o 6 13 13 1 13 7 7 7 8 8 N ON ON IS O I 14 8 o 651 66 18 9 9 9 32 O IO IO C 8 o ms IS 9 o I 16 32 68 1 16 10 O 69 17 4 2 70 17 II O O II II c 72 72 1 18 5 2 1 19 1 19 0 0 62 15 29 31 O 14 7 2 15 8 O 16 3 o16 92 17. 4 0 17 10 2 50 0 18 11 2 6 C 80 3 4 o (84 6 901 9 100 2 (112) 3 8 3 8 4 8 2 6 10 16 8 SQQ 13 10 10 690 16 0 12 32 tho.no O 18 o 19 700 18 19 02 36 37 38 39 40 70 800 900 1000 2000 21 13 4 24 7 6 27 54 3 1 2 8 O **ole 2 81 22 42 43 3000 49001 1o8 6 8 90 3 3 2 3 10 0 4 4.2 4 II 0 46 47 48 49 50 soco 135 8 4 6000 162 10 7000 189 1 8 8000l 216 13 4 9000 243 15 10000 270 16 8 20000] 541 13 4 130000l 812 10 v o ou 5 O OL 6 6 2 1 O O A CO 11 heValue of a mano I 1 54 993 93 51 is 1 81 8 5S Valur of 531 9 1 32 7 8 6 0 The Price of the Pound, EM, lard, Ounce, or other thing, being Sie Pence thret fx. things. IO I 1 2 (56 1 1 1 3 I I 2 I 1272 57 59 6 6 9 6 9 I 14 3 3 7:33 62 I 14 10 2 7 10 2 I 15 8 2 9 Ос 6 I 6 6 9 6 3 66 I 17 8 8 1 1 18 3 6 O II 194 581 113 II 13 15 16 ou IS 19 11 6 23 0 12 1 2 0 13 6 24 73 74 80) 26 5 27 [34] 2 7 30 7 3 100 2 16 3 30 [1tz o 14 72 0 15 2 o 15 9 3 3 o 16 10 2 o 17 0 78 O 01 6 31 o 19 o 19 19 8 1 o 3 3 5 12 31 2.00 6 9 o 18 5 17 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 9 31 I 4 2 I II I 6 0 3 o 3 300 S 8 400 500 0 0 700 19 13 800 900 1000 2000) 56 5 3000 94 4000 10 5000 110 12 60-01 163 15 7000| 1:6 17 8000] 225 o 9000 253 2 6 10000 281 5 20000! 562 10 1 3 72 43 44 4 2 I 4 9 5 3 3 0 46 SIO 2 47 48 6 7 0 0 7. 6 3 O O in 49 50 8 30000 843 15 TheValue of a mano 9 1 5* 4 9 51 Value 33 19 . The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard Ounce, or other thing, being Siden 19ence. S. d. O ( 56 ] 4 8 5 5 8 I 13 3 1 13 10 I 14 5 59 60 solo 5 O 7 3 6 62 631 I 15 7 16 2 1 16 9 64 65 66 II 6 9 1 68 691 1 IS 19 19 8 3 0 10 3 20 13 72 oopvonlow cowwomö 73 74 80 15 9 [84] 2 9 (23) o 16 36 o 16 m o 17 6 100 2 19. (112) 30 31 5 16 8 o 18 o 18 8 819 0 19 3 35 3: 35 33 oot 1005 0 19 10 5 O Oo **0lo to to o tosoltos o + 37 38 39 40 1 13 4 14 11 600 17 10 0 8 700 4 Sool 23 6 8 900 1000 3 4 2000 58 6 8 3000 87 10 4000 | 136 13 4 8 $ood 2.75 16 boool 175 7000 204 3 8ooo 233 6 8 9000 262 ID 10000l 29! 13 20000 587 6 1300002 875 9 3 4 42 43 O a au un 45 46 ovoulöw com a 47 48 No oo o 4. 8 49 50 2 TheValue The Price of the Pound, Ell, Tara Onnce, or other thing, being Sene. Po Farting d. f. Value of 51 3 521 1 1 O 3 3 6 0000oooo. SS [50] 57 wou only on 3 1 13 10 O 4 4 T0 0 5 5 1 6 6 58 : I 15 7 3 1 16 10 I O O O O O 7 7 10 8 5 I 18 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 66 67 68 6g 9 IO 3 0 10 10 2 I 19 10 2 5 3 53 0 12 10 8 8 1 o 13 > 10 3 o 13 ro 3) 72 3 6 0 14 6c 73 74 4 8. 8 2 80 2 8 40 0 16 3 3 [2] O 16 ILO 29 O 18 31 o 18 8 3 o 19 4 0 19 11 o 33 34 35. 6 2 39 9 C 37 2 2 II 2 24 38 39 3 6 9 SO 2 14 4 2 10C 3 7 8 Ο ΙΟΟ 30 9 400 12 500 15 60c 18 700 2 II Doc 3 4 900 27 3 1000 30 2000 60 8 3000 90 12 4000 120 16 8 5000 ISI O 10 6000 182 7000 211 9 241 13 9000 271 17 6 100DO 302 8 20000 604 4 4. 2.c 4 9 5 4 2 5 II 3 42 43 44 45 46 21 7 9. 2 8ooo 241 47 8 4 3 48 49 9 0 O 9 71 90 1 10 2 2 30000) 906 TheValue of a mano o The 9 I o 2 3 90 9 6 o 6 2 1 12 2 , Price of the Pound, Eli, PardOunce, or other thing, being Seven Pence ttzo Facching 3. 1. 8. d. 1.1 of $1 iş 1 II 10 13 I [56] 57 IS 7 5 1 59 3 60 17 60 6 61 28 9 13 I 15 91 30 9 16 10 2 I 17 6 10 2 12 i 18 go 8 63 19 64 6 2 65 66 2 3 0 62 I 10 21 89 IZOL II 69 2 3 3 90 13 13 9 0 25 O 15 7 2 3 26 10 2 16 2 10 72 73 74 so [84] 90 TOO (12) awww N N N N N N N 27 [281 29 O 17 6 Oo oo 2 12 16 2 10 ooow on Q 18 18 9 0 31 oo 910 4. 2 1 5 9 7 6 12 10 o 15 12 33 34 400 Sou 9 18 15 T 36 9 O 37 3 40 ܗ ܘܗ ܘܗܘܗ ܘ ܘ ܘܐܘ ܘ ܘ 4 2 5 5 7 2 30 700 21 17 6 800 25 900 28 6 31 o 62 10 3000 93 93 15 4000 125 O o 9000 156 O 60001 187 187 10 7000 218 15 Booo 250 0 gooo 281 5 100001 312 10 20000 625 0 3000o| 937 20 6 10 2 6 o Bonjonom of ou non Nooco 4.6 9 0 ooooooo 47 48 9 4 2 I IO o o I JO 72 O O O O LO 49 TheValue of Value The . , N mylo O O O O 1 16 1 16 93 Price of the Pound, EU, YardOunce, or other thing, being Seven 19ence three farthingsIS O 3 of $1 is 1 12 It i 3 52 1 13 70 53 2 2 3 5 3 3 54 1 14 10 2 6 3 10 2 55 IS 6.) 7 4 156) 2 O S 57 9 5 9 3 I 17 5 2 6 5 2 59 118 I 60 1 18 7 9 0 61 1 19 4 3 0 8 62 2 O 2 14 09 2 8 1 15 9 8 Y 4 o 26 O IO 0 10 11 3 66 72 18 7 67 19 0 1 2 3 68 20 0 12 I 1 11 0 69 4 6 6 3 6 70 5. $8) 13 o 4 3 63 64 65 1 UL 3 2 2 3 3 1 0 13 2 O O O O O O O O SIO 1 23 24 o 15 73 2 0 14 10 6 0 16 o 16 9 2 7 26 80 (84) o 17 27 [28] 29 90 ! 30 0 18 8 0 19 4 2 O 0 ] 8 ci 3-3 32 33 34 35 16 19 7 6 36 1 38 O O OON 100 3 4 (112] 3 12 6 9 sco 9 13 9 400 12 18 4 500 2 11 boc 700 22 12 Soul 25 16 8 29 3 32 5 Io 200c 8 30cc g6 17 6 4000 129 soco 161 9 2 600 | 193 15 20 7000 226 0 10 80oc 258 6 8 1000 7 1 3 3.0 3 10 3 4 6 2 5 2 S 10 o 5 3 7 1 2 7 9 I 8 5 o 9 0 3 39 40 41 la vow as 1 43 46 9 8 10 4 1 47 48 49 9000 290 12 111 oo Jococ 322 18 1 1 7 S 200cc 645 16 50 12 3 21 scoach 68 15 TheValue of a . Eight | Value : 3 1 1 16 8 58 . 2 1 ::: The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Derca1of 51 is T 14 3 8 52 53 I 15 4 5 3 54 55 7 8 156) 1 17 4 8 57 1 18 9 6 I 18 8 68 I 194 7 61 8 13 4 14 94 8 8 3 4 17 4 66 4 671 4 8 19 8 54 13 4 6 70 6 8 O 14 8 7 4 72 8 73 8 8 O 16 8 74 9 4 O 17 4 80 4 [84] 28) O 18 8 90 30 29 0 19 4 8 (112) 8 8 63 oooooo *OOOOOOOOOOO* 900 + +0 16 6 9 18 23 2 6 13 00 Ooo 1 10 32 33 34 2 400 13 6 8 16 I 2 8 1 3 1 23 6 8 37 8 4 1 39 5 6 6 8 41 1 7 600 20 O 700 Soo 26 13 9001 30 o 1000 33 6 8 60 13 4 3000 700 4000, 133 6 8 5000 166 13 6000 200 7000 233 6 6 8 8ocol 265 13 9000 300 10000 333 6 8 20000 666 13 (30000 1000 **** 43 8 O oo O ce 0 4.6 moy 48 4 I 12 I 12 8 113 4 A CON So TheValue of ammo I Value 3 3 I 1O f . of 51 is 1 15 # I 17 O O O O O O O O 58 2 60 1 6 31 64) 2 2 19 O 13 o 2 70 7000l 240 12 The Price of the Pound, EU, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Eight Bence Farthing. d. f 1590 4 9 16 51 35 54 6 $5 I 17 9 3 4 93 [56] 1 18 6 o 8 5 6 $ 7 I 19 9 6 I 19 to 2 6 10 2 59 63 7 6 3 30 8 3 8 11 1 62 2 72 972 3 3 3 4 16 4 81 66 5 4 2 18 671 6 68 90 13 7 5 8 8 O 15 6 73 O 17 2 JO TO 2 26 O 17 to 2 80 27 6.3 [84] 9 (28) o 19 3 3 29 O 19 II 1 3 8 9 30 3 17 200 6 32 300 Io 6 3 33 8,1 400 13 15 O 3 500 17 3 4 600 2012 9 3 37 800 27 10 6 900 30 18 39 7 40 1000 3cco 101 6 8 JO 2 4000 737 10 43 3 f0001 171 17 6 3 fooct 206 5 6 46 8ood 275 47 3 3 googt 309 6 48 10000 443 IS 2Coco' 687 10 71 72 2 O 16 2 15 2 17 Athe 90 17 1 68 IS 2 6 oooo I 13 ........ 19100, 1000 6 3 TheValueof a mno 3 # 6 I 52 54 1 17 6 . The Price of the Pound, El, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Cight anet rino FarthingsValue 1. d. f. of 51 is 1 16 1 16 10 o 53 I 2 3 18 o 4 II 2 [96] I 1980 8 9 58 7 591 2 92 O 60 8 61 62 63 3110 0 7 2 7 65 66 67 68 6 52 8 O 13 5 2 8 10 2 9 70 2 O 16 O 17 2 I O 17 8 O 18 74 S 2 16 8 [28] 29 2 19 6 33 9 62 3 3.79 37 8. 33 1 3 1 4 9 6 36 5 1 6 1 6 11 400 17 14 2. 0 1 800 28 6 8 900 jt 176 1000 2000 70 16 8 3000 106 4000 141 13 4 39 35 8 8 41 43 10 46 1 12 47 48 13 3 2 1 14 O O 1 14 8 2 15 5 o 6000 212 10 7000 247 18 8090 283 6 8 9900 318 15 0 100001 354 zogool 708 6 |30000 1062 10 o so F 2 TheValue of me 551 51 is 1 17 3 1The I 2 . . f. 2 lis o OunceI 11873 TIO 52 of 53 5 2 d, 5 8 2 2 2 O 2 65 20 9 1 6 0 Price of the Pound, EU, Yard, or other thing, being Eight Pence three Farthings. Value 1 1 3 3 54 I 19 4 7 5 1 (56) 57 2 I 6 3 9 06 63 3 2 7 3 591 3 8 60 39 QO 8 61 4 5 3 9 53 5 63 5 IU) 64 6 8 o 16 74 3 661 8 28 o 13 6712 8 10 1 19 0 13 10 ) 68 9 7 7 69 210 3 3 21015 3 3 70 7 23 O 16 24017 25 08 * 3 2 1 1 1 2 0 18 11 % 2 18 0 19 8 1 [84] 3 1 (28) 90 3 5 72 29 3 12 11 0 30 i IO 2 [112] 4 8 o 31 7 7 3 10 18 9 400 4 11 8 34 4 9 1847 35 5 600] 21 17 6 36 6 700 5 37 6 11 3 Sool 29 38 I 7 goo 32 16 39 8 1ocol 369 9 2000 2 18 9 10 3 3000 ing 7 6 4000 145 16 8 43 5000 182 5 10 12 6000 218 15 o 7000 255 4 2 13 8000 291 13 4 471 14 3 goco 323 2 10000364 118 49 I 15 8 3 20000 729 3 4 72 73 26 18:4 50 1 I 5 10 o 300 1018 1 6 1 2 1 8 2 16 3 2 1 6 2 48 1 15 50 16 127500 1002 12 1 The Value of mine ow one of our Owo owa 57 58 bow about loow abow 16 2 17 O The Price of the Pound, EN, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Pine Pence. Value 1. d. I 6 of 57 is 2 18 3 3 3 52 I 19 4 3 53 I 19 5 3 2 54 6 55 3 7 5 (56) 8 6 2 9 6 3 9 6 10 59 4 3 8 3 60 2 5 9 61 12 2 3 5 62 13 14 O 10 63 15 O IT 8 3 64 65 2 8 9 0 1 2 66 9 6 18 O 13 67 3 19 O 14 68 2 11 O 15 69 21 o 15 9 70 2 12 6 16 6 71 2 13 3 23 o 17 3 2 14 24 o 18 73 2 14 9 25 9 26 O 19 80 27 3 3 [28] 90 3 7 29 100 3 15 30 (113 4 31 3 3 200 4 300 33 1 4 400 34 500 3 600 22 10 7 700 26 5 7 9 800 30 38 8 6 9001 33 IS 39 9 1000 37 10 0 40 1 10 o 2000 75 3000) 112 10 6 4.000 ISO 43 1 12 5000] 187 10 I 13 0 13 9 7000| 262 10 O 16 72 0 28 741 e ܗ ܚ ܘܘܗ ܢܝ ܘ ܘܗ ooo nolo meow me O [84) 1 T 7 10 18 15 35 36 1 O O O O 60oc| 225 46 14 6 80ocl 300 O I 15.3 ano Oanco O 48 I 16 I 16 9000 337 10 IOCOO 375 0 20000 750 26700/1001 0 0 0 0 0 49 50 I 17 TheValue of a mun 3 O 55 6 4 4 3 Pine Value ( 56 f 54 53 3 10 ) IO 2 s, 2 2 72 I 6 U11 82 2 O 61 62 63 6:3 69 113 , The Price of the Pound, AXI, YardPence Farthing d. . d f 1 6 2 of 5 is 1 19 33 3 O 3 3 52 2 O 8 6 57 3 111 9 4 8 3 59 5 5 3 8 5 60 6 9 7 13 O JO 7 9.2 14 8 IS 16 40 2 10 17 0 13 11 2 JO 10 2 18 0 13 10 2 7 3 19 68 2 2 5o 0 15 50 21 O 16 2 I3 II 2 O 16 1 2 2 14 8 3 23 72 2 15 60 24 73 2 16 0 19 31 17 26 O O2 80 3 8 o 271 O 93 [84] 3 4 90 (28) 7 99 3 7 4 2 29 r 1 3 17 Io 30 (112) 4 6 1 3 10 200 7 14 I 4 8 0 300 11 II 3 33 40 15, 8 4 6 500 19 19 5 5 35 бос 6 700 37 I 8 6 8oc 38 9 39 38 10 10 40 1 JO 10 0 2004 77 18 3000 115 12 112 4000 154 3 4 3 5000 192 14 13 19 231 14 8 7000 269 15 10 15 5 2 800c 308 6 8 I 16 good 346 17 6 48 toood: 388 8 4 49 17 20000 770 16 8 50 I 13 126000 1002 8 0 17 8 0-18 6 25 au A 6 1 3 26.19 7 30 16 8 2 6000 131 S 46 I 15 I 17 O al 1 TheValueofmino Value of 7o The Price of the Pound, Ell, Tera Ornce, or other thing, being Aine Wence tivo Farthings. O O O O O O O O O O 3 3 3 112 4 90 o 5 6 2 7 8 9 51 is 2 o 4 2 52 2 53 54 2 55 3 62 (56] 4 4 57 2 5 58 2 5 11 C 59 2 6 8 60 7 2 8 62 29 9 64 2 10 8c 52 7 1 2 O 8 8 21 6 lo 3 2 61 3 14 631 O II IO 2 8 o 16 65 18 2 13 19 0 13 52 0 14 30 015 O 2 0 15 10 O o 16 2 I3 Too 67 68 69 70 71 72 o 17 SO 2 15 5 2 16 2 2 O o O 18 2 17 0 19 2 OO o 1992 25 26 1 4 74 2 18 7C 80 [84] 3 6 6 90 3 II 3 TOO3 19 (28) 29 30 39 4 8 8 200! 7 18 300 TL 17 5 6 6 1 400 15 16 8 1 6 110 8 2 soo 19 15 to 1 O 7 8 6 0 600 23 15 7901_27 2 I 36 37 38 39 9 32 39 II 1 11 8 1 12 I 13 27 14 31 900 35 12 1000 8 2cool 79 3 3000, 118 1 4000' 158 6 8 5000 197 18 6c0o 237 10 7009' 277 8000 316 13 4 9000! 356 5 10000 395 16 8 200.0 791 13 13 4 4 125300 Toor O 44 1 00 O L 00 0 + 0 0 A 00 46 1 14 JOO 15 50 22 18 1 18 9 I 19 70 16 5 17 48 49 50 TheValue of ammo 1 I 3 The O 2 I 4 55 3 3 TO 2 6 4 TO 2 3 O 3 3 54 30 3 53 5 2 . d. f. 2 lis o 7 2 of 51 is 2 s, Price of the Pouna, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Pine Pence Three Farthings. 1. S. d. f. d. Value 1. 7 5 [56] 5 6 o 8 6 6 o 3 3 9 7 3 3 7 8 59 27 III o 8 11 ) 2 8 9 0 o 9 3 13 Oto 63 14 4 63 8 8 1 9 9 o 61 2 62 O II 15 2 1 2 65 2 12 93 :: 2 13 16 013 17 0 13 9 3 18 0 14 17 2 19 O 15 51 0 16 30 210 17 0 3 23 8 1 O 18 0 19 60 24 25 26 67 2 14 51 68 215 30 691216 702 16 10 2 2 17 8 2 18 6 o 2 19 33 74 3 80 3 8 3 go TOO 4 130 (112) ) 4 82 33 1 [28] 29 2 9 3 0 313 in 30 31 o 300 400 16 5 5 2 6 6 7 7 2 8 9 30 32 33 34 34 36. 3 9 O 6 7 6 28 8 9 600 24 I wiwi : 31 jo 37 38 39 40 10 III 8 12 6 o IS 900 36 11 40 12 6 2 2000 8r 5 3000 121 17 6 4000 162 10 5000 203 6 6000 243 IS 7c0c 284 7 800c 325 0 good 365 126 rocoo406 2000C 812 100 14 NI 9 1 16 6 17 4 18 19 0 19 46 O 48 49 * So 3 7 21 124700 T003 TheValueof er min is o 2 2 O 6 0 UOOO ** o O hoov ona 5 IO O 6 63 2 13 2. 14 68 WYKOV o 17 O 18 4 o 19 2 18 4 2 19 2 Che Price of the Pound, all Yara, Ounce, or other thing, being en Pence. 1. $. d. Value 1. 1 8 of 51) is 2 6 6 52 2 4 3 4 $31 4 4 54 5 55 5 7 156] 2 8 8 6 8 57 6 9 58 8 59 O 9 60 61 2 10 10 13 O10 JO 62 8 O II 8 2 12 0 1 2 6 64 16 0 13 65 O 14 2 66 2 IS 18 O 15 o 67 2 IS 10 rg 0 15 10 2 16 8 0 16 69 2 17 6 6 70 71 72 3 73 3 25 O 10 3 8 80 3 6 8 6 [84] (28] 1 34 90 3 IS 29 100 4 3 4 30 5 4 13 31 8 6 8 6 8 3.00 1 2 10 33 6 400 34 1 8 4 500 20 16 8 35 9 36 700 29 3 4 37 Soo 38 8 900 37 10 O 39 1000 41 13 4 13 4 2000 83 6 8 I 14 2 3000 12510 0 42 15 4000 166 13 43 5000208 16 8 45 1 17 7000 291 13 4 4.6 I 18 2 6 8 9000 375 0 48 2 0 1oood 416 13 4 2 0 10 20000 833 6 8 8 24.000 1000 O 74 26 colo 3 10 1 5 lo ONA O ON 16 13 600 25 0 0 33 6 8 +00** 6ood 250 Sood 333 6 2 TheValue of a mimo 2 The 3 o 4 5 I 3 2 I 6 3 6 1 4 3 8 23 55 53 6 3 Price of the Pound, El, Pard, Ounce, or other thing, being Ten Pence Farching. Value 8 8.2 of 51 is 11 3 05 II 3 [56] 2 7 10 o 571 8 8 i 81 581 9 8 591 o 9 9 4 3 60 3 olo 3 50 5 3 IO O 7 8 9 10 6 07 2 3 1 6. 2 4 3 6 2 61 I 0 11 13 14 IS 16 631 641 0 1 2 0 13 80 O 14 6 6 1 OIS 4 2 O 16 17 18 19 20 2 16 o 17 % 19 -- 22 23 o 18 9 2 o 19 7 3 6 I 4 I 26 3 8 [28] 90 3 3 3 II O 4 91 5 72 53 5.0 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 I 7 93 2 14 8 o 2 15 66 4 2 67 2 3 681 2 18 691 2 18 11 I. 70 3 O 7 3 72 3 6 o 73 3 3 3 80 [84] 9 3 16 10 2 100 4 5 [112] 415 80 8 10 10 0 300 12 16 400 17 I 8 500 1 6ool 25 12 6 700 29 17 11 800 34 34 goo 38 8 1000 42 14 2000) 85 8 8 4 3000 128 2 6 4000 170 16 8 $ooo 213 10 10 6000l 256 5 7000 298 192 4 9000 384 7 6 10000 427 1 8 20000 854 3 4 123500 1eo3 12 11 9 I 9 10 3 9.O 38 39 4.0 7 5 I 13 3 3 I 14 43 8 3 I 15 10 21 1 16 8 I 17 70 I 18 5 1 I 19 32 46 8000! 341 13 个 ​2 48 49 50 I 1 101 2 8 This is one pieces milioni di indian seg eins einsta The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, TheValueof a no O O 2 O 8 I O A 0 0 7经​9 O O O O O 7 10 2 2 11 13 o 13 2 16 2 18 30 21 I Ounce, or other thing, being Ten Pence tipo farthings. 1. d. f. Value 1. 8. d. f is o 1 90 of 51 is 2 472 2 7 2 52 5 60 4 3 6 53 4 2 4 4 2 54 73 5 3 op 55 6 [56] 9 Oo 8 7 571 2 9 10 2 58 2 10 90 8 9 0 59 72 9 7 2 60 6 o o 10 6 61 2 13 4 2 O II 4 2 62 2 14 3 0 14 30 63 2 15 64 od 16 0 14 0 65 2 16 10 2 17 0 14 10 2 66 2 17 90 18 O 15 9c 67 72 19 O 16 72 68 2. 1960 O 17 60 69 o 18 4 2 70 3 o 19 30 71 3 72 3 3 1 O O 73 3 3 3 10 2 1 IO 2 74 3 4 9 9 o I 3 72 [84] 3 13 6 [28] 4 60 90 29 5 4 IOON 4 30 6 30 (112) I 7 200 8 O o 300 132 6 33 I 4.00 34 1 9 90 500 21 17 6 35 I 10 72 600 26 5 36 1 11 6 o 700 6 37 38 I 13 3 od 9ool 39 7 6 39 1000 43 15 I 15 O o 2000 87 10 41 I 15 to 2 3000 131 S 42 9 4000 175 0 1 1772 good 218 15 o 44 18 6 6000 262 10 I 19 4 7000306 5 2 I O 24 26 2 80 3 to OO 3 13 3 2 4 76 4 18 1 31 8 15 X.WWW. 8 10 2 17 10 30 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80035 O 0 8000 350 OOOO 0 : 2 ool 48 49 50 N N N N 9000 393 15 10000 437 10 2 10 a 20000 875 39 23000 1006 5 G TheValue of a mono 57 5 fl'he 2 O OunceI IO 7 31 6 3 I [56] 4 55 . t. Value 1. S. d. f. is o 92 53 d7o 51 is 2 2 8 1 4 3 70 53 58 of 7 84 2 , 2 58 II 13 6 0 16 30 OI 19 017 3. I O 8 2 3: 460 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, or other thing, being Cer Bence the farthings. S. d. 6 5 3 54 6 5 4 2 2 11 O 3 8 O 3 2 JI 11 2 IO 8 11 2 59 2 12 TO 1 9 10 1 60 2 13 9 0 12 0 10 90 61 2 14 7 3 62 2 IS 6 2 63 2 16 51 15 0 13 53 64 2 In 4 4 O 16 65 2 18 23 66 2 19 18 67 68 30 ILO O 17 11 O 69 93 O: 18 93 70 30 2 82 19 3 3 7I * 7234 I 6 73 3 54 25 741 3 3 2 26 3 3 280 3 11 8 o [84] 3 15 30 5 I O go 4 072 29 T 5 II 3 4 9 70 I 6 10.2 [112] 7 9 I 200 8 19 20 8 8 300 13 8 9 33 9 6 3 400 34 5 2 500 22 7: II 600 6 35 3 700 31 7 I 37 I 3 1 14 900 40 6 3 39 1 000 I 14 ILI 44 15 10 I 15 IO O 2000 891 8 41 I 16 83 3000 134 76 72 4000 179 3 4 I 18 63 5000 223, 19 $ 44 5 O 6000 268 15 45 2 7000* 313 10 10 45 2 8oco 358 6 8 9000 403 3 6 O 10000 447 18 4 49 3 10 3 20000 895 16 8 1 6 2 28 32 I 17.18 4 26 17 36 I 13 800 351 16 8 38 I 19 2 48 2 2 921 122400 13 6 8 The Value of a mno 3 3 4 3 The o 4 5 8 57 Va [6 . 5 6 58 6 5 551 uel 52 9 54 87 532 2 7 being 13 do no no nima O 61 64 65 0 14 8 0 19 ܚ ܀ - 6 I 1 Price of the Pound, Eli, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Eltvin Dence. 1. $. dI s. I 10 of 51 is 2 6 9 9 56] 2 II 7 8 7 10 9 2 5912 14 I 0 10 602 15 10 o 11 O 2 15 II 62) 2 16 10 13 0 12 10 14 63 2 17 o 13 2 18 15 18 8 16 2 19 7 IT 66 3 18 O 16 6 67 3 I S 19 O 17 5 68 3 2 4 o 18 4 69 3 3 3 3 7034 22 71 3 5 1 I 3 72 3 6 24 73 3 6 II I 74 26 I 801 3 134 I 4 9 [ [84] 3.17 [28]: 158 90 4 2 6 29 7 100 4 II 8 2 6 30 [112] 5 2 8 8 31 5 200 9 32 300 13 15 3 400 18 6 8 34 2 500 22 18 4 35 600 27 10 36 I 700 32 1 8 37 113 11 800 36 13 4 I 14 IO 9ool 41 5 o 39 15 100045 16 8 40 8 2000 91 13 4 41 7 3000 137 10 0 18 6 4000 183 6 8 L 19 5000|229 3 4 4 O 2 1 3 7000 320 16 46 2 2 8000 366 134 2. 3. 1 1 9900 412 100 IQ 00 458 6 8 2 200001 916 13 4 SO 22000'10o8 6 8 I 0 3 7 10 3 Io O 6 O 13 I 16 I CO O A 00, O 2 O 60ool 275 2 48 449 2 5 10 TheValue of a mouse 54 (The O O O 0. O 81 81 Ounce4 9 Cleven 53 8 1 10 3 9 с 3 2 . being , 72 7 10 SI 58) 60 61 2 17 2. 18 o 13 631 64 18 3 48 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, or other thing, Pence Farthing. 1. 8. d. f. Value 1 1. S. d f2 of 51 is 2 7 9 3 3 2 9 5 72 55 2 1 6 3 7 0 6 6 3 (56] 2 12 60 8 O 7 60 57 % 13 5 1 08 2 14 4 2 IO og 4. 2 59 2 15 3 3 TI O jo 3 3 2 16 O II 30 13 O 12 62 2 19 03 15 O 1403 3 0 0 0 16 O15 OO 65 3 o II 1 17 0 15 111 66 3 1 10 21 O 16 10 2 67 3 93 19 Q 17 9 3 68 3 3 9 o 18 go 69 81 21 o 19 70 3 5 7 2 3 6 6 3 1 6 3 72 37 6 24 2 6 o 73 38 5 25 1 3. 5) 74 3 94 26 80 3 15 27 3 3 [84] (28) 1 6 90 4 4 4 2 29 7 100 4 13 9 8 (112] 5 5 0 0 31 0 3 200 97 60 1 IO O 300 14 13 33 I 1 10 11 1 400 I 11 10 2 500 600 28 6 36 1 13 9 O 700 32 16 3 37 I 14 8 ) 800 37 10 38 1 1572 900 42 3 39 1 16 6 food 46 17 40 2000 93 15 1 18 51 3000 140 12 6 I 19 4 2 4000 187 loo 43 2 o 3 31 5000| 234 76 44 2 6000 281 5 45 7000 328 2 6 2 3 800c 47 03 9000 421 17 6 5 TOOOC 468 15 O 49 20000 937 1 o 1 4 3 18 3 o I 30 19 32 815 35 1 12 9 3 2 O O O OO Ow 3 1 17 60 I 30 48 o o 5 so 6 IO 21400|1003 6 2 TheValueofmino of The Value . . ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 58 60 2 17 5 2 O 0 14 O 17 0 18 : 6 Price of the Pound, En, raraOunce, or other thing, being Cleden Dance tipo Farthings1. S. d. 1. is o 111 O 51| is 2 8 10 2 2 10 2 52 2 9 10 ¢ 3 10 o 53 2 10 9 2 4 54 9 o 5 55 2 1 2 8 2 7 6 8 8 2 (56) 2 13 8C 8 7 8 57 2 14 7 . 9 8 7 % IS 7c JO 970 59 2 16 6 2 o lo 6 6 o 6 o 61 2 18 52 12 62) 2 19 50 14 o 13 50 631 4 2 IS 64) 3 4o 16 O 15 4 65 3 O 16 3 2 66 13 3 3 3 o 671 19 68 3 5 O 19 69 3 70 3 7 1 0 71 3 80 23 3 9 24 3 73 3 9 II 2 74 3 10 ILO 80 16 8 8 o 1 $10 2 [84]! 4 6 (28) 1 6 10 O 90 3 29 1 7 9 100 4 15 jo 30 8 (112) 5 7 31 9 200 9 11 8 1 10 8 300 6 33 7 400 19 3 4 34 7 500 23 19 35 600 28 15 36 I 14 6 o 700 33 IO IO 37 1 15 5 2 800 38 6 8 38 900 43 2 6 39 I 1000 4 18 2000 8 3 3000 143 IS 42 3 4000 191 13 4 5000 239 11 8 6000 287 10 45 23 7000 335 8 4. 46 I O 8000 383 6 8 9000 431 5 48 10000 479 3 4 49 20000 958 6 6 8 12 1000 1006 5. 3 1 3 16 4 6 o ovo loo NO I 13 62 1 16 50 47 18 95 16 I 19 5 02 E OO 6 1 1 2 2 711 11 01 The Value of a mano 2 51 is 2 3 55 The 3 10 10 4 ILO 2 12 10 2 6 5 10 2 54 . d. f. is III 2 . 53 2 11 10 3 5 4 10 3 2 Value 52 of $. , 9 III 7 10 0 . 8 93 61 62 2 19 63 15 8 ] 64 3 0 14 0 15 16 11 18 6 I 62 Price of the Pound, EN, YardOunce, or other thing, being Eleven Pence Three Farthings 1. S. d. f113 1O I 7 6 10 11 [56] 2 14 10 O 8 57 2 IS 93 9 58 2 16. 9. 2 9 9 2 59 2 17 9 I 11 o lo 91 160 2 18 9 0 O II 90 8 3 13 O 12 8 3 3 8 2 14 8 2 8 ] 8 8 o 65 3 3 1 7 3 O 16 7:31 66 3 4 7 2 0 17 7 2 67 3 5 7 19 o 18 71 68 6 20 O 19 70 69 3 7 3 21 o 63 70 8 6 2 1 71 23 6 72 60 24 3 93 53 25 4 5 3 741 3 12 26 5 5 2 80 3 18 40 27 6 6 51 (84) 4 2 [28] 750 90 29 8 4 3 100 4 17 010 30 9 (112) 5 980 31 i jo 10 4 200 9 15 10 0 32 I II 4 o 300 14 13 9 33 400 8 34 1 13 3.2 500 24 9 35 14 3 бсо 29 *7 . 6 I 15 30 700345 34 55 37 800 1:39 3 4 38 1 17 900 I 3 39 18 LOOO 48 192 40 I 19 2000 o 3000 146 171 6 4000 195 8 43 5000 244 15 10 44 3 6000 293 15 4 0 3 7000 34% 14 % 46 5 0 2 800c 391 1314 2 go0ol 440 12 6 48 7 O o Iocol 489 11 8 49 7 II 3 20000 9793 3 4 39 6 1 3 Jo 3 II 6 o 48 19 11 36 J 16 2 97 18 195 16 2 6 01 50 8 II 21 120500 1003 12 II TheValueof* mtino % The O O O O O 14 6 6 54 4 4 2 13 0 5 5 51 is 2 II 3 3 welve 52 53 of being OOO O 2 18 O O 13 0-14 O 15 O O O O O 16 O 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 Price of the Pound, bli, Yara, Ounce, or other thing, Pence. 1. S. d. Value 1. 8. d. is o 55 2 15 7 7 156) 2 16 O 8 8 57 2 17 9 58 0 10 59 2 19 O II 60 3 O 12 61 3 1 62 3 2 14 63 33 15 64 3 4 O 16 65 35 17 O 17 66 18 O 18 67 37 19 019 68 3 8 1 69 39 21 I 70 3 IO 3. II 23 I 3 I 4 73 3 13 25 5 3 14 1 6 3 15 27 I 7 80 [28] 8 [84] I 9 90 30 100 31 [112] 32 I 12 o 33 300 15 34 400 35 500 25 36 116 600 30 37 700 35 38 I 18 800 40 39 900 45 0 40 1000 50 41 2000! 100 42 2 3000 150 43 3 4000 200 0 44 4 5000 250 45 2 5 2 6 7000 350 47 2 80ool 400 48 9Ooo ASO 49 9 10000 500 0 50 2 10 20000 1000 O @ 751 I O 4 10 5 0 5 12 0 0 0 0 0 I 13 I 14 I 15 o o o lo I 17 19 o 2 0 0 0 0 0 6000 300 46 2 O O O O 2 H The Value of the 11 15 6 2.14 5 2 16 0 4 4 1 O of 55 2 54 53 S. 1 13 dif . 2 17 O O O O O I www.es O 13 14 18 23 I The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Twelve Pence Farthing d. f. Value 51 is 2. 12 3 3 O3 52 2. 2 7 7 I 3 (56) 8 8 57 2 18 2 1 9 9 58 2 19 2 2 59 3 0 23 II O II 3 30 30 61 3 2 13 31 62 3 3 3 2 O 14 3 2 63 3 4 3 3 015 3 3. 64 3.5 4 16 o 16 4 0 65 3 6 0 174 66 3 7 4 2 o 18 4 4 2 67 3 8 4 3 19 0 19 4 3 68 3 95 20 5 69 3 10 51 21 1 5 I 70 3 1 5 2 22 3 12 5 3 3 53 72 3 13 6 a 24 4 73 3 14 61 5 6 74 3 15 6 2 26 6 6 2 75 63 6 3 4 I 80 [28] [84] 4 59 29 97. I 4 II IO 2 30 TO 7 100 5 2 1 37 73 [112] 5 14 4 0 1 12 8 ol 200 IO 4 22 33 I 13 81 300 15 6 3 34 I 14 8 2 400 20 8 4 35 1 15 8 3 500 25. I 5 1 16 go 600 30.12 6 37 9 700 35 14 7 38 I 18 92 800 40,168 39 1 19 9 3 900 45 18 9 40 2 O TO O 1000 51 O 10 41 2 I 10 1 2000 102 1 8 3000 153 2 6 43 3 10 3 4000 204 34 4 II O 5000 255 4 2 45 5 II I 6000 306 50 6 IL 2 7000 357 S 10 6 8 48 9 0 0 9000 459 7 6 49 2 10 O 1 10000 5108 1 3 16 6 80 8 7.0 90 36 1 17 of our 4-6 8000 408 o 2 19000 969 15 10 TheValueofmwo 55 The O 54 2 16 6 1. $d. f. is o Ounce2 15 O S 53 51 is 2 13 3 2 14 O 4 2c ΙΟ Value of . , 2 18 57 1 1 13 63 64 15 3 6 1 I Price of the Pound, Zl, lan', or other thing, being Tweloc joence the farthings(561 7 4 0 8 4 2 19.4 581 3 0 50 ото 5 59 3 5 5 60. 3 6 O 12 6 o 61 3 3 6 62 o 13 6 2 3 4 70 14 o 14 3 5 7 2 O IS 72 16 O 16 8 65 82 17 66 0 17 8 2 3 9 9 o 18 67 3 992 19 68 o 1992 3 10 IO O 69 3 I 10 2 70 3 12 11 O 2 JIO 71 · 3 13 11 2 1 3 II 2 3 IS 24 I 5 O 73 3.16 02 6 3 17 26 7 75 I 8 80 43,4 [28] I 9 [84] 476 29 1 IO 90 4 13 9 30 I 11 3.0 100 5 4 2 31 [112 32 I 13 4 o 200 10 8 4 33 1 14 4 2 300 6 34 I 15 5 4001 20 16 8 500 26 O 10 36 6 600 31 5o 37 I 18 6 700 36 36 9 2 38 1 1970 800 41 13 4 39 goo 46 17 6 40 I 8 1000 52 I 8 2 8 1000 104 3 4 42 2 39 90 3000 156 5 492 4000 208 6 8 44 2 5 IO O 5000 260 7 4 45 2 6000 312 10 27 11 of 7000 364 1 8 2 8 11 2 8000 416 13 4 48 2 10 9000 468 15 49 10000 520 16 8 2 IO 19300 1005 4 Н 25 74 3 78 5 16 8 15 12 1 16 5 I 17 2 O 6 10 2 le 12 TbeValue of two 2 3 5 The 55 . f. is 5 3 Value 51 is 2 14 21 3 3 2 15 3 o 4 4 30 53 of 52 12 d16 S. , o 57 O 3 58 I 8 6 111 62 63 64 65 16 3 Io o 19 / AWO 1 1 Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Utveide Pence thjes Farthin s. 1. $. d. f. . 3 3 54 2 17 4 2 6 4 2 18 5 3 7 7 51 [56] 2 1960 8 8 6 3 6 9 9 6 3 3 72 O JO 72 59 3 II O II бо 3 3 90 12 9 61 3 4 9 3 13 O 13 9 3 3 5 10 2 14 O 14 10 2 3 15 O 15 11 1 3 8 O o O 17 3 9 03 17 o 18 O 3 66 18 67 3 II 19 1 2 ) 68 3 12 3 O 1 I 30 69 3 13 3 3 3 3 70 3 14 4 2 3 4 2 711 3 15 5 1 23 4 5 1 72 3 166 24 5 6 0 73 3 6 6 3 74 1 772 75 3 r9 81 27 88 8 1 80 5 OO (28) I 99 9 O [84] 4 9 3 O 29 1" IO 93 90 4 15 7 2 30 I II IO 2 100 5 6 30 1 I 2 II I [112] 5 19 32 114 1O 12 6 0 3 300 15 18 9 34 1 16 400 35 I 17 500 26 11 3 36 I 18 30 боо 31 17 6 37 1 19 33 700 37 3 9 38 0 4 2 800 42 10 39 5 1 900 47 16 3 40 2 6o 1000 6 2 3 3 1000) 106 5 42 2 4 7 2 3000 1597 6 43 2 5 8 1 4000 212 10 44 2 9 5000 265 12 6 45 2 7 9 3 6000 318 15 46 8 IO 2 7000 371 18 47 2 91 48 11 OO 9000) 478 2 6 49 O 3 10000 531 5 50 2 13 19000; 1 009 7 6 1 25 3 18 3 17 6 72 26 31 33 21 5 les 2 22 53 : O 6 Sooo 425 O O O OO . The Price of the Pound, Eli, Yard, . s. d. The Value of a mano 2 I 9 3 IT O 0 I O 13 O 14 O 15 2 3. 1o 3 II 3 12 3 13 8 I 3 15 Io 3 to 4 II Ounce, or other thing, being Thirteen Dence. ). 8. d. Value 1. of 511 is 2 15 3 3 3 52 3 2 16 4 4 4 53 4 % 17 5 5 5 5 54 % 18 6 6 6 6 55 2 197 [56] 3 8 7 8 8 8 57 3 58 9 9 3 9 O 10 10 59 3 O II II 60 3 5 61 3 6 I 2 1 62 37 63 14 8 3 3 O 16 3 64 15 3 94 16 0 17 4 65 5 O 18 66 5 17 6 18 O 19 6 67 7 7 68 I 1 8 69 20 3 14 9 21 2 9 70 3 16 11 1 72 3.18 6 3 19 25 7 74 4 o 8 2 75 1 1 3 27 80 93 [28] I 10 4 [84] 29 5 90 6 4 17 30 I 12 6 100 8 4 31 I 13 7 [112] 6 4 32 1 14 8 Io 16 8 1 15 9 300 34 i 16 io 400 21 13 4 35 117 II 500 27 8 36 1 19 600 32 100 2 I 700 37 18 4 I 800 8 39 2 3 900 48 15 40 1000 543 4 41 2000 108 6 8 42 2 5 6 3000 162 10 43 4000 216 13 5000 270 16 8 9 6000 325 325 0 46_2 9 10 7000 379 3 4 2 10 11 8ooo 433 6 8 9oOol 487 10 49 2 13 jocoo) 541 13 4 4 SO 14 180ool 9750 I 1 26 1 4 6 8 On moo Floo O too o 5 8 16 5 1 37 38 41 6 2 O CON onu N O colo Oo oov oluAWN +00 o 70 o tooo + 0 +0 47 12 48 TheValuen am 2 tihe is Value or d, f. 2 51 2 16 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 52 S. being o 57 58 una no 60 61 O 13 63 3 10 3 16 017 va! 17 O 18 18 3 18 . 23 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, A 19. nce Farthini 1 s, d. t. 17 5 o 4 4 5c 53 6 54 2 19 6 55 8 3 7 8 [56 3 8 8 10 3 9 9 II 1 3 4 O 2 59 3 5 13 11 13 3 6 3 7 7 4 1 13 0 14 4 1 62 3 8 14 O 15 5 2 3 9 63 16 6 15 3 64 8 o 6 9 1 66 3. 12 10 2 O 19 IO 2 67 3 13 It 3 I 19 O II 3 68 3 15 2 69 3 16 2 1 21 3 70 3 17 32 22 I 4 3 2 71 4 3 5 4 43 72 3 19 6o 1 6 6 o -4 73 4 I 7 25 74 4 8 2 I 8 S 2 75 4 2 93 993 80 4 8 IO II O [84] 4 12 9 9 Q I 2 29 90 4 1942 30 5 lo 50 31 23 (112] 6 3 80 200 I 15 4 0 II 32 0 10 1 16 300 16 11 33 3 I 17 34 22 400 1 I 18 7 3 35 500 27 12 I 19 90 600 332 6 OTO 1 700 38 12 II 2 800 44" 3 4 39 9ce 49 30 9 40 4 1000 55 4 2 5 3 3 1 1000 110 8 4 6 4 2 3000 165 12 6 43 7 5 3 4000 220 16 8 2 44 8 do 5000 276 0 10 2 81 9 45 o 5 46 2 10 92 7000 386 9 12 47 2 1 10 3 8ood 441 13 48 good 496 17 6 2 14 49 1 19000 552 8 26 I 8 4 (28) 1 13 I 14 6000) 331 -- 13 0 2 IS 18200 1004 15 1 TheValueofn mit 55 ol 4 The O O O O O O 54 22 3 9 6 6 $3 2. 1972 5 52 9 6 o 6 . Value . rara 013 63 3 12 O 18 o 19 I 1 3 16 6 3. 18 71 Price of the Pound, Ell, Ourte, or other thing, being Chittten one two arthings1. $d30 of so is 2 17 4 2 3 3 4 2 52 2 18 3 7 0 7 7 10 2 [56] 3 3 OO 8 57 3 4 9 O 10 L 2 58 3 5 30 O II 59 3 6 O I 2 601 37 6 o 6 61 3 & 7 2 13 O 14 7 2 62 3 99 go 14 15 90 3 To lo 2 15 641 16 65 3 13 66 3 14 30 18 30 671 3 15 4 2 19 68) 0 69 3 17 7.2 3 72 90 I 490 3 19 10 2 1 5 lo 2 4 1 24 2 8 74 4 3 3 0 75 4 4 4 2 27 I 10 801 4 10 0 [28] 1 11 6 [84] 4 14 6 29 7 90 5 1 30 I 13 9 100 I 31 I 14 10 2 [112] 6 6 32 I 16 200) 5 O 33 1 17 300 6 34 1 18 3 400 22 10 O 35 I 19 500 28 26 36 6 o 600! 33 15 O 37 72 700 397 6 38 2 90 800 45 o 39 3 10 2 900 40 5 1000 56.5 12 2000 12 10 42 7 3 3000 268 15 0 4000 225 o O 44 9 5000 281 5 45 6000 337 10 46 7000 393 ISO z 12 10 2 8000 4500 9000 506 S 10000 562 10 16 118000|1012 10 25 26 1 9 3 4 2 3 5 12 DELFI 16 17 ; 50 12 of owooooooo O NO 2 48 ooo 301 TheValve of me 55 The O O O O O 3 I 10 2 6 6 10 2 52 1 2 I. S. , . d. f11.00 O O O O O 60 3 II 3 I2 14 15 O 17 63 64 65 16 18 I I I 1 Price of the Pound, Ell, rardOunce, or other thing, being Thirteen Pence Three farthings. 1. S. d. f. Valuel 2 3 2 of 51 is 2 18 5 1 3 3 5 19 70 4 70 53 308 3 5 5 8 3 54 3 3 7 8 0 1 [56] 3 4 2 O 8 9 2 0 57 3 5 3 3 9 3 3 58 3 6 5 2 5 24 59 3 7 7 I 0 1 2 71 38 90 O 13 9 9 o 61 3 9 10 3 13 0 14 10 3 62 o 16 2 1 3 13 4 o 018 40 3 14 5 3 17 0 19 5 3 66 3 15 7 2 67 3 16 91 19 9 I 68 3 17 ilo 20 69 3 19 O 3 4 03 70 22 5 2 2 71 I 4 1 6 4) 72 4 2 6 o 24 7 93 4 373 25 8 3 74 4 4 92 26 992 4 5 III 27 110 II I 80 4 II 8 o [28] 4 16 30 29 I 13 2 3 90 5 3 I 2 1 14 4 2 100 5 14 70 31 (112] 6 8 4 o 32 200 33 I 17 300 17 3 39 34 400 22 18 4 35 500 28 12 11 36 2 600 34 7 6 2 4 3 700 140 2 38 23 62 800 4 8 ] 39 goo 3 40 5 10 0 1000 57 5 10 2000 114 11 8 8 12 3000 171 17 6 43 93 31 4000 229 3 4 44 2 10 50 5000 286 9 2 6 3 6000 343 15 46 7000 401 010 2 13 10 1 8oool 458 6 6 8 2 15 9000 515 12 6 49 2 16 13 10000 572 18 4 23 I 1 (84) 30 1 15 ooo II 9 37 45 16 8 51 II 2 6 II 3 N NN NN mgoolote o olan 45 8 2 48 50 2 17 32 J17500 1002 12 The Value of a mano 55 4 6 3 54 The $3 3 6 1. S. d. 2 lis o 2 3 3 53 . 0 8 3 8 4 52 6 Value 19 2 4. .. O 000A00 0 0 0 0 0 A col OA OSOA . d5 10 7 58 II 3 to O 14 o 15 13 14 O 17 16 O 18 18 3 18 I 2 1 8 I Price of the Pound, Ell,Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Fourtici Pence: of sil is 2 3 8 (56] 3 S 4 8 9.4 57 3 6 6 9 O IO 6 3 8 7 O II 8 59 3 8 10 O 12 IO бо 61 3 II 62 3 124 4 63 3 13 6 15 6 64 3 148 8 65 3 15 IO O 19 10 3 17 O 1 1 67 2 19 68 3 194 3 4 69 6 41 8 I S 8 71 4 2 10 6 10 4 4 f 8 73 4 S 2 9 4 6 26 I 10 4 75 27 6 80 4 13 4 (28) 8 [84] 29 20 5 5 30 1 15 5 16 8 31 I 16 112] 6 10 S 32 I 17 4 33 1 18 6 300 34 I 19 8 400 6 35 O 10 293 36 2 600 35 37 3 700 38 46 13 4 39 5 6 40 68 58 6 8 41 2 7 10 20CC 116 13 4 42 3000 175 43 2 10 2 4000 233 6 8 2 1 1 5000 291 13 4 45 2 12 6 0 46 8 7000 408 6 8000 466 13 48 good 525 49 17 10000 583 6 8 50 18 4 17200 1003 6 6 8 23 24 25 maniye 4 18 II 13 17 10 5oC ola 2 40 16 8 2 52 10 ಬಂದು 4 Bolagets 6000 350 2 13 I TheValue of a fekio 554 5 511 is 3 63 3 The 54 . 1 3 4 7 3 52 3 1. 2 47 3 9o 4 4 90 3 53 Value of farthing2 sI 1 III 2 . . d. f(56 9 591 3 IO > o 13 12 3 12 13 3 16 16 17 1 1 6 I I 1 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Fourteen Ponce 6 35 3 3 8 3.3 3 6 6 o o 9 571 3 7 8 I o 10 8 3 8 10 2 1g O II IO 2 59 03 3 II 30 O 14 3.0 61 5 I O 15 5 1 62 3 13 7 2 O 16 732 63 3 14 9 3 IS 0 17 9 3 6. o 19 6 3 17 61 3 18 4 2 18 4. 2 3 19 63 19 63 6 90 C 3 9. 6 4 I III 4 II 4 3 6 71 4 4 3 23 72 7 3 3 6 4 24 8 73 4 1 9 8 ] 74 4 10 2 I 10 10 2 4 9 27 80 4 15 [28] I 13 30 [84] 4 19 90 29 6 10 2 5 I 14 5 1 30 1oc 1 15 7.2 9 31 116 93 112) 11 17 6 33 3001 17 16 3 34 20 42 4001 23 15 6 3 5001 29 13 9 2 2 37 23 111 700 5 1 2 39 goc 53 8 40 IOQO 59 7 6 41 2000) 118 15 421 3000 178 6 9 10.2 43 2 II 03 4000 237 10 6 5000-206 17 123.0 13 5.1 6000 1356 5 46 7000 415 12 47 15 9 3 8ood 4750 gooo 347 49 2 18 10000) 593 15 6 o 26 1 10 10 5 18 I 18 I 19 35 1 36 600 35 12 99 038 Soo 2 47 10 O 60313 6.0 2 4421 2 14 48 194 17000 1009 The Value of a +ino 5 is 3 The o 55 6 Ounce3 is 3 372 5 3 0 7 3 O 3 4 6 3 2 100 4 IOC of 54 53 51 $2 . , 1 72 8 3 II 3 2 O 13 61 12 13 14 15 63 3 16 17 I 6.2 18 I 19 20 I 2 I ... 22 23 Price of the Pound, EU, Yard, or other thing, being Fourteen joence tipo farthings. d. Valuch 1. s2 8 52 (56 37 8 O 9 8c 57 3 8 10 2 0 10 10 2 58 3 IO 0 1 2 59 3.7 60 3 I 2 6 3 13 82 015 S2 62 3.14 II O O 16 II C 018 I 2 3 17 4 C 0 19 4C 65 3 13 62 3 19 90 9.6 6 O II 2 I 2 II 2 68 2 4 69 4 3 3 4 2 1 5 4 2 4 4 7o I 4 5 9 2 7 9.2 72 47 9 8 I 10 4 950 I II 4. 10 1 12 16 8 I 13 10 O [34 5 6 90 8 9 100 6 17 671 [112 1 18 80 200 I 2 I 8 I 19 10 2 300 18 6 1 409 24 3 4 . 3 2 500 304 3 Serien 600 36 50 2 8 700 42 5 10 5 II O 8 27 900 547 6 4 0 100g 60 8 4 2000 120 16 g 2 10 3000 181 5 2 II II 2 4000 241 13 2 13.20 5000 302 14 4 2 6000 362 10 15 70 7000 422 18 4 2 16 92 6 8 18 good 543 15 10000 604 3 3 4 30 50 116000 966 13 4 I 26 5 C 7.2 27 so 4 76 I O 2 29 30 I 15 1 16 36 5 31 6 15 4 2 2 33 34 35 34 Wir 48 6 8 9 6 2 #pool+O 004 0.06 0.0000 ooo 9 o 42 43 44 45 8ood 483 0 0 47 48 49 50 19 I 2 The Value of no 5 3 5 is 4 The O O O o 2 6 7 4 2 6 3 6 51 is 3 2 8 I 3 3 d. f. 5 2 I 53 3 3 11 C 4 4 II 0 of 52 S. , I 7 O 8 7 ) O 3 IO Oooow 58 3 2 O 14 O 17 O 19 3 18 64) 65 2 19 I I 4 7C Shop I Price of the Pound, Eli, YardOunce, or other thing, being Fourteen Pence threr Farthings. 1. s. d. f. Value 1. I 3 54 3 7 [56] 3 8 10 8 9 IO O 57 2 3 9 3 II OI2 3 2 50 3 12 61 O 13 6o 3 13 9 12 90 61 3 14 11 3 13 O IS II 3 62 3. 16 14 2 2 63 3 17 5 I 15 O 5 I 8 o 16 8 o 3 19 103 17 J O IO 3 66 4 I 18 1 67 3 4 1 68 4 3 7 0 69 4 4 93 5 9 3 70 4 6 22 71 4 7 3 23 I 8 72 4 8 60 24 9 6 o 73 4 9 83 I 10 83 74 4 10 II 2 26 I II II 2 75 27 I 13 2 I 80 4 o [28] 1 14 50 [84. 5. 3 29 I 15 7 go 72 1 16 10 2 30 100 6 2 II 31 [112] 8 o 32 200 IO 33 18:8 8 9 34 400 8 35 30 14 7 36 2 6 37 2 5 5 53 700 43 0 5 38 6 8 2 800 49 3 4 39 7 II I 900 55 6 3 40 2 9 4 3 2000 122 18 4 42 6 2 12 7 2 3000 184 7 8 43 4000 245 16 44 5000 307 5 10 6000 368 15 45 2 15 3 2 16 6 2 7000 430 4 2 47 2 17 91 8000) 491 13 48 ool 6 2 19 9000 553 8 49 o 2 3 10000 614 11 25 4 4 1 2 4 18 5 10 I 18 6 17 Onwoo Nu Oy 119 5 300 24 II 2 500 6001 36 17 619 ? 10 aw 46 2 | 116300 1001 15 50 I 52 5 TheValue of me 6 2 3 The 6 3 54 S. 2 3 5 5 . 6 3 9 52 . S. dd55 olo 3 lo 7 8 9 O 13 611 3 16 14 6 63 3 18 I 2 18 67 19 23 4. Io Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being fifteen Penci. Value) 1. is o 6 of $1 is 3 3 9 3 7 6 3 8 8 9 (561) 57 3 O II 3 3 12 6 0 1 2 59 3 13 13 9 9 60 3 15 3 O 16 3 62 3 17 6 6 9 4 1 65 4 3 1 3 66 6 6 4 39 T 39 681 4 5 5 69 I 6 70 7 6 I 7 6 71 4 8 9 I 8 9 72 73 4 II 3 3 74 6 I 12 6 75 4. 13 80 3.5 [84] 5 5 I 16 3 6 6 6 I 18 7 2 200 12 10 3 300 18 15 o 400 0 2 3 9 foo 305 2 5 6ool 6 700 43 15 2 7 8ool 50 9 900 56 2 10 1000 62 2 II 3 2000 125 2 12 6 3000 187 10 2 13 9 4000 250 5oco 312 10 6000 375 O 7000 437 10 9 Sooo goo o 9 Go s62 10 3 3 10000 625 3 6 16000lioco o 24 25 26 4 12 1 13 9 (28) ago 5 12 5 32 33 34 35 36 2 6 37 to 37 aw 38 2 8 39 40 O ou ou O O O O O 42 43 O O MO O O O O O 45 2 16 46 47 2 18 O O O O 49 1 0 0 2 The Value of vino 3 3 55 The 54 5 6 2 3 7. 53 3 7 4 I 4 1 9 6 3 52 . 2 8. 7. 8 10 7 8 9 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Fiftten 19ance farthing. 1. S. d. f. Valuel I. $. d6 2 of 511 is 34. 9 3 3 9 10 3 [56] 3 II 576 3 12 SI 3 13 8 2 8 2 59 3 14 II 3 O 13. II 60 3 16 3 3 17 62 3 18 9 2 63 4 0 19 64 I 4 6: 71 66 67 I 3 4 68 5 5 5 6o. 6 8 4 8 II 2 58 O 15 61 I3 14 15 o 16 2 I 7 I I 3 IO 18 19 1 1 21 I 22 I 7 II 2 4 to I 9 I IO 24 25 6 C 9) 73 III 25 I 13 I 14 5 1 90 2 3 6 o 4 12 9 11 74 4. 14 0 2 7 4 15 3 3 80 80 [84 5 6 9c 5 14 4 2 100 [112 7 2 4 O 200 12 14 2 I 3 400 25 8 500 31 15 9 600 2 6 I 18 6 7 300 27 33 [28 I 15 70 I 16 IO I 30 3.1 I 19 4 3 2 O 8 o 33 I III 34 2 3 35 4 5 3 36_2_5_90 37 2 7 0 1 38 28 39 9 6 40 2 1 2 19 38 1 2 13 4 43 2 1473 2 15 11 0 45 2 17 46 2 18 5 2 47 8 3 48 3 1 49 3 2 3 700 44 9 7 800 50 16 8 goo 57 3 1000 63 10 10 2000 127 I 8 3000 190 12 6 4000 254 3 4 5000 317 14 2 6oool 381 5 7000 444 15 10 8000 508 6 8 9000 571 17 6 10000 635 8 4 2 19 go 3 3 3 15800/1903 19 6 sd, f, IS O 2 TheValue of n mwondo 3 10 2 5 55 3 12 O II 5 3 16 2 6 O 0 15 O 16 0 18 1 0 19 High stanovanie f How 201 I 5 O 18 4 13 0 1 82 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Vard, Ounce, or other thing, being Fifteent Pence two farthings. 1. Value 8. d. f. of 5 is 3 5 10 2 3 37 * 53 3 8 5 2 5 54 3 9 90 6 7.9 3 II 2 7 9 [56 4 57 3 13 72 3 T4 II O 59 14 60 3 3 17 I 2 60 3 18 9 2 13 9 4 4 15 4 6 4 16 8 4 3 II 2 I 4 5 3 3 30 4- 6 6 4 6 4 7 10 o 49 70 8 71 8 2 72 73 4 14 32 4 4 IS 7 26 7 75 4 16 10 2 I 14 10 2 80 5 3:4 [28] I 16 [84] 5 6 29 5 go 3 30 1 18 6 190 3 (112)_7_4 32 200 12 18 33 300 197 34 400 25 16 8 35. 5 500 32 5 10 36 6 600 38 15 0 37 7 g 2 700 45 4 2 2 9 Sool s1 13 39 IL 8.0 1000 64 II 8 41 2 12 II 2 2000 129 2000 193 193 15 4000 258 6 8 16 10 5000 322 18 45 6000 387 10 2 19 7000 452-18 30 82 80ool 516 13 4 148 k9900 581 5o 49 3 10000 645. 16 8 7 15500 1001. Q 10 I 11 I 13 I 17 5 16 I 2 3 II 2 38 900 58 2 N QU 2 14 43 2 18 2 The Value of me 55 51 is 3 3 6 The 54 S. is o Ounce3 6 7 9 39 . 3 I 2 30 5 3 30 53 8 I 1 72 52 of 6 Valuel . l. Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, s. d. f. d. 1II IO 60 6 o 57 58 3 16 3 18 9o wide 03 I o 19 65 I I 72 1 4 10 I. 4 14 60 , or other thing, being fifteen Pence three ffarthing s63 5 6 3 to 10 2 3 12 2. I 7 0 9 (56) 3 13 8 оо 3 14 9 3 9 o II 93 O 13 59 3 17 5 1 0 14 5 1 60 O 15 9 12 61 9 O 4 O 62 017 13 03 4 o 18 4 2 63 14 4 2 8 I 15 8 1 64 OO 16 4 5 3 3 66 2 17 6 3 3 4 18 I 3 72 67 4 7 III 68 19 I 4 III 4 9 3 6 69 6 7 6 3 70 4 II 10 2 1 8 10 2 71 4 13 21 1 10 23 72 6 24 6 o 73 4 15 9 3 25 I 12 93 74 4 17 26 75 4 18 5 1 80 27 1 155 5 1 5 5 O O [281 1 16 9 [84] 5 lo 3 30 29 1 18 O 3 90 S 18 1 100 II 30 I 19 4 2 30 31 81 [112] 7 7 2 OO 200 13 6 3 3 3 300 19 13 9 400 26 5 35 500 600 36 730 397 37 8 63 700 45 18 9 800 38 2 52 10 II 900 39 59 I 3 6 o 1000 65 126 40 2 12 41 13 9 3 15 1 2 3000 196 176 43 2 16 51 4000 262 10 17 9 0 5 00 328 2 6 45 6000 393 ISO O 3 46 42 7000 459 7 6 3 8 I 48 good 5c0 12 6 3 4 3 3 10000 656 5 o I 14 2 2 32 33 34 4 7 2 5 II 1 : 2 32 15 2 2 9 10 2 2 2000 131 5 2 17 2 19 ooooooloo wa 8000 525 $ 3 3 oo 49 50 3 5 7 2 1253001004 3 60 cm TheValueof a muno no no 58 5 of 18 51 4 17 0 3 . ] being 54 53 55 8 w 1051 The Price of the Pound, El, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Sirteen Pence. d. Value 1 16 0 8 9 0 10 0 12 0 13 O 14 3 13 4 05614 8 573 16 4 59 3 4 61 62 8 A 4 60 12 o 16 13 O 17 18 63 64 15 16 17 8 5 8 19 20 21 8 IO 4 26 23 24 25 26 14 16 o 17 27 [28] 29 30 18 31 4 8 33 34 4. 4 6 8 8. O 65 6 8 66 8 671 68 4 lo 69 4 13 4 71 4 14 8 72 73 4 17 4 74 4 18 8 75 o 80) 5 6 8 [84] 90 6 13 9 4 200 6 8 300 20 400 26 4 soo33 600 40 700 46 13 4 Sool 53 8 9o0j bo o o 1000 66 13 20001 133 8 3000l 200 o 4000 266 13 5000 333 6 o o 7000 466 13 4 Socol 533 6, 8 0 ooo0|666 13 15000 1000 aa o 36 37 o awolono awo aus orotowo 38 6 39 40 2 13 9 2 10 2 12 O 4 2 14 8 2 16 0 2 17 4 2. 18 8 0 0 0 0 45 6000l 400 46 3 4 3 2 8 3 4 3 5 3 48 49 so 9000 600 $ K TheValue of a 51 The of Sirteen being 3 11 9. 7 O O O Flebo souda 0.0.0, O 13 2 14 w 64 20 701 16 Price of the Pound, Eli, Yard. Ounce, or other thing, 10ence Farthwyg. J. 4 d.) Value 1. 8. d. F. Mas o 3 9 0 3 52 3 To 50 53 6 54 3 13 12 551 3 14 5 3 7 9 [36] 3 15 10 o 8 57 3 U 2T 9 12 581 3 18 6 2 10 591 3 19 10,3 14 TO 60 39 12 o 16 30 61 621 63 15 65 8 17 661 9 4 18 67 4 10 68 1 19 69 4 13 5 4 14 9 711 4 23 721 4 17 24 6 73 25 741 75 27 I 16 80k 4 (28) 17 W [84]! 13 9.0 29 19 3 90 6 1 lo 2 30 100 6 15 50 8 31 200) 13 10 IO Io 33 300 20 6 6 8 34 400) 27 35 4 3 500 33 17 1 8 9 0 36 600 6 40 12 37 2 10 700 47 7 II 38 2 11 800 54 3 4 39 2 129 90060,18 9 40 2 14 2 o 1000 67 14 2000) 135 8 4 2 16 10 2 42 6 3000k 203 2 43 2 4000 270 16 8 44 2 19 70 5000 338 19 to 45 0 11 1 6oool 406 5 5 0 3 3 7000| 473 19 2 47 37 3 8oool 541 13 4 4.8 0 0 9000 609 7 6 49 4 10000! 677 18 So ( 14800'1002 1 8 13 10 3 26 woonlu nm 0 0 0 0 0 Pa 7 II } mod 2 IS 6 il 2 18 46 www ouw 2..8 TheValucofa mt no 15 0 0 0 $6 10 4 8 2 lo I Value of 6 53 31 to d 13 17 10 64 17 20 4 16 22 frhe Price of the Pound, bli, Yard, | Ounce, or other thing, being Sfbeen ince two parthings. I. $1 is 3 7 o 9 I56) 317 II 57 3 18 4 9 0 12 59 0 15 bo o 16 6 61 10 13 62 19 68 o 4 16 65 3 66 4 10 18 67 4 12 19 68 4 13 69 4 14 Jo 8 10 70 IO 71 4 17 7 23 4 19 0 24 13 73 5 O 74 5. 90 I 15 9 25 27 I 17 80 (28) 1 18 6 o [84] S 15 3 30 100 7 14 32 200 13 15 300 20 12 34 400 27 10 o 35 900 34 34 7 36 9 600 2 10 10 2 700 48 2 38 30055 39 900 6 40 1000 O 41 2 16 2000] 137 10 2 17 3000 2065 43 2 19 4000 275 o 0 6 5000 343 15 0 3 I 16 6000 412 10 3 jo 7000| 481 s o 8000l550 0 9000 618 15 o 10000|687 10 9 01 14600 1083 15 o 26 5 10 19 10 2 90 6.17 NA 2 00000 sono assofon.no 61 17. 42 48 4 2 K 2 TheValue of N M+ 53 1The SO 7 4 5 2 51 is 3 11 3 4 of Value , 3. 11 3 . f d13 6 II 3 Price of the Pound, En, YardOunce, or other thing, being Sirtsen Pence three or arthings. drf. 54 3 154 8. 4 55 3 16 9 9 (56) 6 57 3 19 3 9 6 o 13 11 2 39 O 15 4 1 3 90 16 9 61 4 o 18 1 6 o 19 63 7 15 O 11 9 16 8 CON as 3 18 2 O 58 10 4 0 13 62 19 6 1 651 4 10 8 18 19 20 6 7 11 0 21 9 3 3 1 10 23 24 25 I 13 14 10 16 3 2 27 8 o [28] 29 17 8 19 o 53 10 2 3 3 3 4 8 6 6 5 7 2 6 19. 70 31 33 ON O su o oo 66 12 67 4 13 6. 68 4. 34 II 69 4 16 33 70 4 17 8 a 714, 19 II 6 o 725 o 6 735 119 3 74 5 3 3 2 75 5 4 8 1 So ** *5.11 [ [84] 25.17. 3 5 3 o 99 100 [112] 7.16 4 200) 13 192 300 20 18 9 400 27 18 4 500 34 17 II 600 41 176 790 48 17 800 55 16 8 900 62 16 3 IQOQ 69 15 10 2000; 139 JI 8 3000 209 27 6 4000 2793 3 4 3000 348 19 2 6000. 418 15 7000 488 10 10 8000 558 6 8 9000 628 2 6 10000 697 18 8 10. 2 10 35 36 37 30 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 11 7 3 2 13 0 2 14:57 2 15 10 0 2 17 2 18 3 o O 5o 3 3 4 3 5 7 Do in goslo #noolha 9 46 4.8 49 8 50 3 9 14409 loos o o TheValue of *** 55 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 13 5 16 6 S 8 15 3 52 . 3 53 II 17 58 0 14 7 10 4 2 4 16 69 68RİF of 20 13 1 018 5 I'ne Price of the Pound, Ell, rara. Ounce, or other thing, being Seventeen DenceValoe 1. 3. a. 10 of 51 is 3 12 7 9 (56) 3 19 4 8 57 4 09 o 12 9 9 10 59 4 3 37 O 15 60 5 o 17 61 4 6 5 62 14 0.19 10 63 9 IS 4. 10 16 65 4 12 7 1 6 18 4 14 II 6 11 19 63 8 20 4 4 17 9 9 9 70 4 19 2 22 I 11 71 1 12 72 73 5 3 25 I 15 4 ro 1 16 Jo 75 3 27 18 80 3 13 4 [28] I 19 [84] 90 7 6 30 100 31 (112] 32 2001 14 3 4 33 300 8 28 6 8 35 2 97 500 35 8 4 2 15 o 600 42 Io 37 2 12 5. 700 49 II 8 2 -13 lo 800] 56 13 4 39 2115 3 900/ 63 15 40 2 16 8 1000 41 2000 141 13 4 42 2 19 6 3000 312 10 212 0 3 o 4000 283 6 6 8 2 4 5000 354 3 4 45 9 6000 425 o 5 7000| 495 16 8 47 3 6 8oooj 566 13 4 3 8 o 9000 637 10 o 49 3 9 5 irocool 708 6 8 50 3 10 10 142001005 16 8 23 ܀ 23 26 29 18 7 18 8 3 ir NNN S 400 28 36 70 16 8 2 18 46 48 TheValueof a muna 4 8 The 8 $Ounce0 3 16 2 7 1 57 . 17 7 8 2 6 4 $532 5413 O , 60 O 18 4 lo 4 16 20 Price of the Pound, EN, Yard, or other thing, being Seventeen pince Farthing. d. cValue 1. 2 10 21 of $1 is 3 13 3 3 4 33 52 3 14 9 5 90 5 3 19 3 0 10 0 3 (56) II 6 0 9 0 12 11 3 4 2 10 Q 14 4 2 591 4 4 9 3 O 15 9 3 4 6 0 17 30 61 4 7 8 62 4 9 1 2 631 15 6 3 64 4 12 16 3 OO 65 4 13 5 17 4 SI 661 4 14 10 2 18 1 5 10 2 67 3 3 19 1 7 3 3 68) 4 17 9 8 69 4 19 21 1 10 70 5 0 72 711 5 2 0 3 I 13 03 72 53 6 I 14 I 15 III 74 5 6 4 2 17 4 2 73 5 7 9 3 27 I 18 93 80 E5115 0 0 [84 6 0 9 O. 81 90 6. 9 30 3 73 9 31| 2 4 6 3 [112] 8 1 O o 6 O 200 14 7 6 33 5 300 21 11 3 400 28 15 2 10 50c| 35 18 36 9 600 43 2 37 33 700 50 6 3 38 2 14 800 57 10 39 2 16 900 2 17 6 o 71 17 2 18 ur 2000 143 15 3 o 4 2 3000 115 126 43 3 1 93 4000 187.10 o 3 3 foob 359 7 6 6000 431 5 7000 $03 2 6 8000 $75 0 3 9 gooo 49 3 10 5 1 10000| 718 15 73 5 4 1 [28] 2 2 100 7 3 ܀ ܘ ܘ ܩܛܩ ܘ ܫ ܚܙܘ ܩܗ. ܚܙܘ ܗܗ ܘ ܗ 10 34 35 10 3 3 64 13 46 000 3 4 8 46 3 6 0 0 48 646 17 SO 3 10 2 14000 1006 5 The Value of a 462 l'he of Ounce8. d. IL 01 Value . 42 = 0.00ulautus 10 57 10 Price of the Pound, Ed, Yard, or other thing, being Giv turcen Dince two farthings. d. f 51 19 3 14 $213 15 10 O 5 to o 53 3 17 3 7 3 54 3 18 9,0 9 $5 4 7 [56] 8 8 o I 3 1 3 $8 4 O 14 7 59 4 6 0.2 O 16 Gok 4 76 60 17 6 61 4 8 18 11 2 4 to 5 50 63| II 10 10 2 64) 16 651 4 14 9.2 17 66 18 19 68 4 19 9 69 5 21 I 10 72 70 5. 3 6 2 3 58 5 24 15 73 16 5 74 5 7 Ito 17 ILO 75 59 4 2 27 Soh 16 8 (28) o 10 0 6 15 4 16 20 moo NATO ou 25 26 5 16 29 6 12 30 21 17 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 90 1001 S Io [112] 4 6 80 200 14 11 8 8 300 6 9 70 400 29 O 2 500 36 2 6 600| 43.15 2 13 11 2 700 57 O ID 15 So 800 58 16 10 2 900 65,186 18 4 0 Tooo 72 784 1992 2000|| 145 16 % 3 3000 218 15 6 3 40001 291 13 3 5000|2364 ja 8 3 6ogol. 437 10 3 7 O 7000510 4 8ogol 589 6 8 3 IO 90001 656 S 0 23. II.5 2 100001 7292 . 3 4 3 12 11 103800 tpohy s o 44 45 0 0 49 50 2. The Price of the Pound, Ell, land, eValue of am 3 18 18 4 3 0 0 0 58 4 10 23 62 631 64 16 4 14 8 4 16 67 4 19 81 Ouree, or other thing, being Seventeen Pence thzee Farthings. 1. S. d. f. Value 1 18 O 2 112 of 51 1$ 3 15 5 4 5 1 52 3 10 1 1 0 4 5 ILO 53 5. 4 3 54 3 19 to 2 6. 8 10 2 55 0 10 4 [56] 4 2 10 O 8 o 11 10 0 57 4 4 3 3 9 0 13 3 3 4 5 9 2 14 9 59 3 I 60 90 9 o 61 19 4 11 8 14 8 4 13 15 8 o 65 66 4 17 7 7 68 7 9 7 0 69 31 701 6 2 I 12 6 2 71 0 1 14 O 72 24 15 6 o 73 74 5 9 5 2 118 52 5 10 15 27 19 III 80 4 0 [28] [84] 3 29 2 10 3 90 6 30 100 2 10 TL (112) 8 32 2 14 15 10 33 § 9 31 300 9 34 10 3 490 8 35 9 500 7 2 13 30 6 37 2 14 8 3 700 51 15 5 2 16 2 2 800 59 3 3 4 39 2 17 8 900 40 2 0 1000 73 19 3 o 73 2000] 147. 18 4 3 3000 221 17 6 43 3 3 4000 295 16 8 3 5 10 food 369 15 ro 45 o 7000517 14 47 3.9 6 8000 591 13 4 3 IL o o good 665 12 6 49 3 12 5 3 10000 739 II 8 6 o IL 3 16 II 3 5 18 So 4 212 S to S 8 4 0 200 29 II 36 19 600 44 7 36 38 66. II 2 19 6 6 3 6cool 443 15 46 48 KO 3 13 11 2 13600 1005 16 TheValueofmino 6 The 0 0 0 0 0 55 54 4 6 o 9 . . lis o 1 5 6 0 3 3 I9 6 7 6 Value Si is 3 16 .6 4 6 S2 of 1. 3 : I8 o 13 o I5 4 6 Io T I4 0 A 0 eno - 62 6 64 09 I 4 I6 ဝ I នា o 6 To 12 6 0 Price of the Pound, Ell,lard, Ounce, or other thing, beinCutte il Pence. 1. S. . 7 6 [56] 4 4 8 o In 57 4 5 6 9 6 58 4 7 59 0 6 6 6 4 o 18 61 6 I! Q I9 6 4 11 4 I4 6 15 6 t6 4 4 17 17 5 6 66 4 I9 I 7 6 5 f9 8 6 68 5 p O 0 69 S 0 6 YO 5 5 I I1 5 6 6 I 14 72 5 8 I 16 73 5 9 6 6 74 S II 26 75 S Ia 6 ? 8) o [23] [4] 6 6 9 3 6 99 6 39 5 Iso 6 6 [ii] ( 8 p IS o 33 9 6 ၁၀ 22 10 34 3 55 SOo 37 Io - 36 7 ၁ 38 O 2 i8 6 49 3 6 Ico 75 4I ၈ ၀ဝ150 3 ၁၁ $ 9 4 4 6 466 36 9 3 ၅ 5၀၀၀575 45 6ooo4o 9 ၇၀၀၀ $1$ 47 ၁ဝo oo 67 9 A jooဝ၁ so So 3 IS န6၀ions o L 4 I I7 I I9 o 6" 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 Io o en 6 €» 4oo စံဝo 45 ( 14 2 I5 2 17 7 Sto ၀၁ ၆ဝ 96; to @ @ OR 3 i 6 o 6 Th, ၅ဝဝဝ an Aw N Joan ASYL 4 3 19 6 I 4 Eighteen 55 54 . , f. is 3 4 9 53 silis 3 17 6 3 3 3 4 63 4 7 I ng 71 52 1. of dbeing S. 2 O 1 O 13 O 15 2 2 22 Oo oo O 16 O 18 I 63 641 65 I I 5 IO I I I 13 5 2 30 16 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Dence farthing 1.8. d. f. Value 3 73 0 10 7 7 3 [56] 4 5 2 © 12 8 2 O 57 4 6 8 13 8 1 9 58 4 8 IO 59 4 9 8 3 83 60 30 61 4 1291 o 1991 62 4 14 3 2 3 2 4 15 9 3 1 IS 93 4 17 40 16 4.4 O 4 18 10 1 17 66 5 o 4 2 18 7 67 5 1 10 3 8 10 3 19 68 5 3 5o 50 69 5 4 II 1 70 5 6 5 2 22 71 5 711 3 T 14 II 3 5 9 6 6 o 73 5 II 25 74| 6 5 12 I 1962 75 5 14 8 27 70 [28] 6 [84] n 9 4 6* 16 10 29 90 30 100 7 1 2 2 7 I 3 31 8 10 40 (112] 2880 200 32 I54 2 33 300 22 16 3 400 8.4 % 13 2 3 0 5 2 14 90 36 6 600 45 IZ 37 700 53 53 4 7 2 17 800 60 16 8 19 33 68 8 40 3 O IO O 1000 76 0 10 3 2 2000) 152 8 42 6 3000 43 3 5 4 3 4000 304 3 4 3 5000 380 4 45 3 8 6000 456 5 5 3 9 II 2 7000 532 5 IO 3 II 5 3 8000 608 6 8 3 13 9000 684 6 49 3 14 6 1 10000 760 8 4 I 16 I 18 26 80 2 1 ) 82 34 35 500 38 38 9 2 900 68 8 9 3.3 10 2 6 II O 4 2 46 oooo 48 O o 684 7 50 3 16 13200 1003 15 TheValueof mine 55 4 5 The 4 O 1. 3 30 6 9 3. O Ounce82 7 53 3 52 4 O 6 2 O 3 3 4 7 2 is of . 18 , 2 I 8 1 14 15 I 64 65 5 O 56 70 23 Price of the Pound, El, Park, or other thing, being Cigh een ince the Farthings8. .t. Value 2 Jis o 51 4 4 92 7 O IO 92 (56] 4 6 4 8 O 12 57 47 IO 2 O 13 10 2 58 49 50 10 O 15 5 O 59 4 IO II 2 II o 16 II 2 60 4 12 6o 12 O 18 6 o 61 4 14 13 I 62 4 15 70 7 63 4 17 3 4 18 80 I 4 80 22 17 1 66 5 I 9O 18 I 7 9 67 5 3 3 2 19 1 9 3 2 68 5 4 IO O I 10 IO O 69 21 I 12 4. 2 59 II 1 I3 II O 71 5 9 5 2 I IS 5 2 72 5 II 24 OO 73 S 12 62 1 18 6 % 74 5 14 26 75 5 15 7 2 I 7 2 801 6 3 40 [28] 2 3 2 2 O [84] 9 60 29 2 4 8 2 go 30 2 6 100) 7 14 31 2 7 92 [112] 8 12 8 o 32 2 9 4 o 200 158 33 % 10 10 2 300 23 2 6 34 2 12 5 400 30 16 8 8 35 2 I3 II 2 500 38 10 10 36 2 15 6 600 46 5 37 2 17 @ 2 700 53 19 38 2 18 70 800) 61 13 4 39 I 2 goo 69 7 6 40 3 8 o I 000 77 8 41 2000! 1543 4 42 3 4 9 0 3000 231 5 43 3 6 3 6 8 44 3 Io o 5000 385 8 45 : 3 94 6000 462 Io 46 3 10 11 0 7000 539 II 8 47 5 21 8000 616 13 9000 693 15 3 15 6 2 10000) 770 16 $ 50 ** 17101 |13000 1002 I 8 27. 69 6 18 90 0 3 o Ntoo 1 4000 308 3 12 L2 TheValue of momo 55 The I "3 9.89 4 2 3 54 4 9 3 7 9 3 Value 53 of 3 52 , Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thig, being Etghtsen Bence three Farthi 05. 1. $. d. f. 511 is 3 19 81 4 8 4 4 7 9 60 O 14 O 3 O 35 72 14 15 16 o 18 90 1 o 3 3 1 1 10 2 3 5 1 50 6 6 3 1 1 8 I 98.1 3 o 1 12 9 3 19 wana 69 72 5 12 I IS II 1 17 6 I 19 O 72 25 26 2 2 3 90 5 3 3 [56] 6 57 O 3 58 4 10 7 2 4 12 60 4 13 90 61 4 15. 3 3 3 62 4 16 10 2 63 4 18 51 64 5 O O 65 5 6 3 661 S 3 I 67 5 4 8 68 S 6 3. S 7 9 3 70 5 9 4 2 71 5 10 11 1 6 73 5 14 03 74 5 15 7 2 75 5 17 21 80 6 S OO [84] 6 11 3 90 70 7 100 7 16 3 [112] 200 15 126 300 23 8 9 400 325 500 39 1 3 46 17 6 700 54 13 9 800 900 70 6 3 1000 78 2 6 2000 156 S O 3000 234 7 6 4000 312 10 5000 390 12 6 6000 468 *5 o 7000 546 17 6 8000 625 0 gpoo 703 6 lopoo 781 S 6 10 1 2 8 5 8 IS [28] 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 O. 2 10 6 3 600 62 JO 39 2 14 8 8 1 2 16 3 3 O 2 17 9 3 2 19 4 2 3 O ILI 3 3 4O 3 3572 3 721 3 8 3 10 3 3 6 0 43 3 15 00 48 49 3 76 6 50 o J12800 1000 3 38 The value of a two 55 4 6 6 5 6 9 4 4 11 5 7 II 1. S. d. 3 2 54 3 4 9 43 Value 53 of 52 is 9 51 4 6 of moo 4 8 8 4 Io 57 58 o 19 61 62 4 18 2 1 64) 22 The Price of the Pound, Ell, rarit, Ounce, orotner the $, being minetzen Dence. O 11 I 7 [56] 8 O 12 8 3 9 O 14 3 4 ILIO lo O 15 10 59 4 13 5 O 17 5 601 4 IS O O 4 16 7 1 13 7 2 I 63 4 199 15 39 5 16 I 5 4 65 5 1 6 11 66 17 6 5 4 18 I 8 6 67 5 6 I 10 1 19 68 S 7 1 Ir 8 69 5 9 3 21 1 13 3 70 S 10 Io 1 14 10 71 5 12 5 1 16 5 23 72 5 14 0 0 24 73 5 15 7 25 I 19 7 2 5 17 74 26 1 2 75 5 18 9 9 27 6 6 8 80 [28] 2 4 4 [84] 6 13 2 29 7 6 90 2 30 7 6 100 718 4 1 2 9 31 (112) 8 174 2 10 8 32 200 2 12 3 33 300 23 15 34 2 13 to 400 31 13 35 2 15 5 500 36 2 17 600 47 10 2 18 7 37 ) 4 38 3 800 6368 3 1 39 9 3 3. 4 Iooo! 79 3 3 4 11 2000 1386 42 3000 237 10 43 38 1 4000 316 13 3 98 Sooo 395 16 3 II 3 6000 475 0 O 3 12 IO 7000 554 3 4 3 14 5 8oooj 633 6 8 9000 712 10 49 3 17 7 IOC OO 791 13 4 50 3 19 11700 100$ ! 58 2 * ** mononaco Oro totoo 2 S NI 15 16 39 11 SS8 2 900 715 3 66 46 48 16 3 TheValueof a mano 2 2 72 . f. Value 1. 8. d. f. is 3 6 972 55 4 S 5 8 50 d6 51 is 4 1 93 3 4 9 3 4 of . 5453 4 52 8 57 58 51 = o 3 64 65 S2 5 80 5 35 60 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Oance, or other thing, being Nineteen pince Farthing. 4 3 So 4 6 3 7 0 11 [56] 4 9 10 O 8 5 I 9 0 14 51 4 13 016 59 4 14 7 3 O 17 73 601 4 16 30 0 19 30 61 4 17 10 I O IO I 62 4 19 S 2 I 2 5 2 63 5 I 1 4 15 8 16 5 4 3 1 I 17 7 3 1 66 5 5 10 2 18 8 10 2 67 57 S 3 68 5 3 19 S 9 1 12 69 20 5 IO 8 I I 13 83 70 5 1 2 3 2 I 15 3 2 71 $ 13 10 3 I 16 IO 3 73 1 18 6 0 73 5 17 0 1 1 74 5 18 8 2 2 I 26 75 27 3 3 3 80 [28] 2 4 II O [84] 6 6 1 90 7 4 4 8 1001 8 0 5 9 83 31 [112] 8 32 200 16 O 10 300 2 14 6 2 400 32 8 % 16 35 I 3 5ooj 40 2 2 17 90 600 48 1941 700 56 217 3O II 2 800 64 64: 3 4 3 6 39 3 900 40 3 1000 80 4 2 41 3 5 9 2000 16o 8 A2 3142 3000 240 12 3 3 8 II 3 4000 340 16 8 3 10 ingo 5000 401 O 10 21 6000 481 5o 46 3 13 9 2 7000 561 561 92 47 3 15 4 3 8ooo 641 134 3 17 O 9000 721 17 6 7 ] 10000 802 8 23 24 25 8 2 6 o 6 8 4 6 14 9 2 $ 19 24 1 I 34 I 37 6 ܘ ܗ ܘܐ܀ 3 12 3 18 50 12500 1002 12 The Value of ammo 9 4 7 9 o 6 The 54 53 3 5 8 I 2 52 4 4 6 6 6 d , 60 4 1 2 58 ....iwani O 19 63 14 15 1 8 10 21 I 14 Price of the Pound, Ell, yardOunce, or other thing, being Nineteen pince toolfarrhinja 1. 8. d. f. Value 1. 3 o of 51 is 4 2 10 2 3 4 IO 2 90 55 4 9 4 2 O II 7 (56) 4 11 8 o 13 57 7.2 9 O 14 7 2 4 14 3 O 10 O 16 3 O 59 4 15 10 2 O 17 TO 2 60 4 17 60 6 o 61 4 19 I 13 62 5 O 90 I 9 5 I 4 4 2 64 54 16 I 6 65 5 5 7 2 17 7 66 5 7 18 I 9 30 67 5 I IO 102 68 5 10 6 o I 12 6 o 69 5 12 70 5 13 90 I 15 90 71 5 15 4 2 23 4 72 5 17 24 73 518 72 72 6 74 O"3 26 2 30 75 6 I 10 2 27 80 [28] 2 5 60 (84) 6 16 6 29 7 90 8 90 30 8 100 6 31 2 10 4 2 (112) 9 200 16 50 33 2 132 6 300 24 7 % 15 3 o 400 32 10 2 16 10 2 500 40 12 6 36 600) 48 15 0 37 3 O 700 56 17 6 38 3 90 800 65 o 39 3 3 4 6 900 73 3 5 1000 41 3 6 2000 162 10 42 3 3000 2431 15 43 39 10 2 4000 3250 6 5000| 406 5 313 6000 487, 10 46 3 14 47 8000 650 o 49 9000 731 5 0 49 3 19 7 2 10000 812 10 6 4 1 12300l 999 7 6 I 17 119 2 25 3. IO 2 6 10 2 7 6 O w OO 2 sen 2 2 18 81 5 72 38 3 II 7000 568 0 3 16 318 2 The Value of n mano 4 The 55 4 6 7 4 1. 3 3 2 8 10 2 9 IO 2 54 Valoe 4.7 2 3 8 2 3 of S3 52 8. 1 , 5 1 6 70 . d. f4 12 7 8 58 II O I I 4 3 13 2 I 63 14 15 I 16 65 1 17 1 19 5 13 6 63 23 We www S 18 6 Price of the Pound, Eli, YardOunce, or other thing, being Aineteen Pence thiee Farthings. 1. S. d. f. 51 is 4 3 11 10 6 1 (56) 013 57 4 13 9 3 O 14 9 31 4 I5 5 2 O 16 5 2 59 4 17 I 1 O 18 60 4 18 9 Oi99 61 5 4 3 62 5 0 2 3 S 3 & 1 4 81 64 5 5 5 4 O 5 6 11 3 7 II 3 66 5 8 7 2 972 67 S 10 3 1 68 5 II II O I 12 It O 69 1 14 6 3 70 S 15 1 16 2 2 71 5 16 10 1 1 17 10 1 72 1 1960 93 6 I 3 74 6 9 2 92 79 6 3 S* 4 5 80 6 11 8 6 1 [84] 7 8 3 90 9 4 100 8 4 7 0 (112] 9 4 4 12 8 200 9 2 14 3 3 3001 24 13 9 2 15 II 2 400 500 2 11 2 19 30 600 49 7 6 3 o 10 3 700 3 2 6 2 800 65 16 8 34 goo 74 I 3 3 Slo 1000! 82 5 10 3 S 3 2000 164 11 8 39 3000 246 17 6 3 109 1 4000 329 3 4 5000 411 9 3 14 6000 493 is 0 7000 576 0 10 3 17 4 8000 638 68 3 19 9000 740 12 6 4 0 10000 822 18 4 23 24 25 I 1 1 27 2 6 18 3 7 8 1 29 30 16 32 33 34 35 32 18 4 36 $7 12 1 3 39 40 mooolo 3 15 8 46 47 48 O 2 3 112100 995 147 TheValueofe mio 8 6 8 4 55 The OOOO 4 8 4 5 54 4 10 O 6 O 10 . 3 8:53 0 O 511 is 4 5 3 5 6 4 Utzuty 4 52 of 1$Value being 3 000 000 . . d58 4 16 8 I 2 O I 1 62 63 1 1 1 1 O 5 168 1 16 8 Price of the Pound, EH,Pard, Ounce, or other thing, Pence. d. 7 8 (56) 4 13 4 8 0 13 4 57 4 15 9 O IS O 16 8 59 4 18 4 o 18 4 60 5 I 61 5 8 13 5 3 4 3 4 5 5 15 50 64 5 16 6 8 65 58 17 8 4 66 5 10 18 67 5 11 8 1 II 8 19 68 5 13 4 113 4 69 5 15 I 15 70 71 5 18 4 23 i 18 4 72 73 6 8 74 6 3 4 3 4. 75 5 27 5 6 8 [84] 7 29 8 4 90 7 IO 30 TOO 8 6 8 8 30 2 11 [112] 9 6 2 134 4 33 300 25 34 2 16 8 400 8 35 4 500 41 33 4 36:3 3 8 7700 8 3 3 4 8ool 66 T 4 39 5 900075 3 6 8 1000 83 6 8. 45 3 8 4 20001 166 13 3000 250 43 8 4000 333 6 6 8 3 134 5000 4,16 13 45 3 15 46 7oop 58368 800 666 13 4 48 4 9000 7507 0 8 10000 833 6 8 1 2000 1000 O I 2 1 2 6 * O 80 6 13 4 (28) 2 2 8 26 13 4 2 15 33 6 8 2 18 600 50 1 586 37 38 3 42 3 10 3 NI 6000 500 0 3 16 8 3 38 I .55 . TheValue of ammo : 54 4 11 I 2 6 53 4 9 5 1 8 5 ? 7.9 4 6 The 4 6 3 5 4 . , 12 4 I I 4 16 58 I 3. O 13 62 631 7 2 6 3 3 15 5 16 1 69 SI 2 18 03 5 16 115 18 9 3 23 Price of the Pound, EllYard, Ounce, or other thing, being Twenty Pence Farthin, 1. d. fValue 3 4 2 of 51 is 7 9 3 (56) 4 14 60 8 O 13 57 9 015 4 17 10 2 0 16 10 2 59 4 1963 018 63 60 5 61 5 2 III I III 5 4 4 7 2 I 3 5 5 3 3 8 7 5 9 8 17 4 4 67 5 13 03 19 63 5 14 9. I 13 9 691 5 SI 79 5 18 117 5 19 9 93 6 1 72 I : 6 6 o 6 24 73 3 74 6 4. 102 6 6 6 3 5 6 27 3 (28) 7 [84] 9 8 II 1 29 90 ICO 8 8 30 2 1 2 3 3 (112) 99 6 21581 33 25 6 3 34 2 17 4 2 400 33 IS 35 2 19 O 3 5ool 423 9 3 600 6 3 700 59 3 37 I 2 800 67 10 39 3 5 9 3 ၀ 3 4.0 7 1000 3 9 2000 168 IS 3 10 10 2 3coo 253 6 6 6.3 43 4000 337 10 3 14 30 6 5000 421 17 6000 506 5 6 4.6 3 1772 8000 675 o 48 6 4 49 4 roooo 843 15 2 25 3 10 2 6 15 2 1 . 72 16 17 So 12 38 847 1:39 3 I2 也​g 7000 590 12 47 1 3 19 33 9000 759 7 8 1 A 19800 905 12 6 ********* **** ***** Value The Valueof a mno 52 6 2 4. IO 4 12 O 13 0 0 18 6 0 I 3 II 64 5 II 5 12 I 1 17 1 19 1 23 : The Price of the Pound, Ell,Yard, Ounce, or other thing be ng Utven y Dince pivo farthings. 1. $ d. f. 1. $. 3 5 of 51 is 4 7 3 5 8 10 0 4 6 10 O 53 5 8 6 2 54 3c 6 O 10 3 O 55 4 13 II 2 7 [56] 4 15 8 o 8 8Q 57 4 17 4 2 9 015 4 2 58 4 19 O 17 1 59 5 92 92 60 5. 1 6 o 61 5 4 2 2 2 13 62 5 5 II 14 I 63 5 7 15 5 7 2 59 9 4 o 1 7 65 17 9 66 9 18 I JO 90 67 5 14 5 2 19 1 1 2 5 2 68 5. 16 20 I 14 69 5 17 10 2 I 15 10 2 70 519 70 22 7 C 6 32 3 2 72 6 3 2 73 2 2 82 6 6 74 5 o 4 68 6 27 80 6 168 ) 7 IO O [84] 73 29 2 90 7 13 9 30 2 II 3 o 100 8 10 10 31 2 1 2 II 2 [112] 9 II 4 32 2 14 80 17 I 8 33 6 34 2 18 I O 400 34 34 35 2 19 9 2 500142 14 36 3* I 6o 600) 51 5 37 3 3 700 59 15 10 3 4 11 O 800 68 6 3 6 7 2 900 76 176 3 8 1000 858 4 O 2 20001 170 16 S 42 3 11 90 3000 256 3 13 5 2 4000 340 134 3 IS 20 5000 427 1 3 16 10 2 6000 512 10 3 18 7 7000 597 18 8000 683 6 3 9000 763 15 0 49 82 10000l 854 3 SO 45 So 112000 1025 6 48 26 (28 36 9 6 2 2 16 4 2 300 25 12 8 3 10 46 48 M2 TheValoe ofensino 55 3 o 54 4 13 O IO 873 8 5 6. 4 6 II is 11 4 I ] 4 18 0 O 17 2 60 61 62 1 5 12 1 I 19 I 14 6. I 11 64 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being twenty Pence three Farthians. 1. d. f. Value 3 5.2 of 51 52 4 9 II O 53 4 15 7 O 12 (56) 4 16 10 0 8 013 to O 57 6 9 6 3 58 5 3 2 3 2 59 5 O 19 5 3 90 90 5 5 5 3 13 5 3 5.7 1 4 63 5.8 111 I 5 1 1 64 5 10 80 7 8 o 65 43 9 66 5 14 67 5 15 IO I 68 5 17 7 O 69 5 19 3 3 3 3 70 71 6 9 I 19 72 6 6 73 6 6 3 25 3 74 6 7 II 2 26 75 8 1 6 81 27 80 6 18 40 8 5o [84] ng $ 3 0 % IO 29 90 17 15 172 2 II IO 2 100 8 12 11 0 2 13 71 [112] 32 215 4.9 200 33 2 17 300 25.78 9 34 400 3 500 43 4 3 2 600 51 17 6 3 3 II 3 700 5 3 5 8 2 800) 69 3 4 39 3 7 757 gool 77 1 39 1000 3 10 10 3 2000 172 18 3000 25976 43 3 14 4 1 4000 345 16 8 44 Joop 432' 5 to 3 17 93 6000 $18 150 3 19 7000, 605 4 2 47 3 8000 691 13 4 48 3 9OOO 778 49 3 8 10000 364 11 I 2 69 13 9 13 SO 17 5 10 34 11 2 18 35 : 60 10 $ 38 16 86 9 3 12 72 3 16 62 20 so 4 $ 2 11600 1002 18 4 TheValue of a man 5 8 0 33 - 9 - 5 。 9 5 主 ​46 418 工人 ​0 17 ons ܩܗ.. I 5 IO 5. 0 115 16 6:43 , The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being. 1. 導​: tttt118後記 ​Value 30 of 5 7 5 013 3 [56 57 199 6 v 159 53 5 9 53 0 19 3 60 53 6 5 6 62 5. 8 5 63 6 TS 64 5 8 65 5.39 66 9 ) 17 55 3 6 67 573 1 13: 68 319 69 6 6 6 70 1186 71 2 3 72 5.6 6.79 24 2 名 ​6 39 25 5 7 9 5 611 75 7 80 7 9 [84] 77 209 90 7z” 30 126 100 o [12]。 9 3 316 200 ? 10 300 W S004315 3 6oo S2 10 3 700 5 35 6 8ae720 30 900 78 Looo 87 To 9 2009| 1750 3000 22 10 4 15 40003 37 30003713 4 Spool 5 46 7000 / 6139 Booo100 0 9000 787 10 4 10.00 875 50 1000.062 10 仍 ​27 6 85 214 96 One 265 279 29 3553558明​如 ​ooooooo 等​。 10 華 ​444好​作​们​仍​仍​9 o AN 2012 ) 2012 : :......…....………...……. 23:43 TheValueof a mno SS The 4 3 13 10 1 8 10 7 53 6 Value 52 4 . d, 12 . . f58 5 2 1 I 63 5 II 1 6 6 3 64 1 1 1 13 6 2 2 23 72 Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Due 114 and twenty Pence Farthing2 of 51 is 4 10 3 3 5 3 3 4 17 4 3 7 4 3 (56] 4 19 8 O 14 57 5 9 O 17 82 59 5 4 5 3 0 19 5 3 60 5 3.0 3 61 58 13 62) 3 5.992 1 4 9 6 5 13 4 16 8 65 5 15 I I I0 66 17 5 16 10 2 18 I II IO 2 67 5 18 7 3 19 6 73 5.0 I 15 5 o 69 I 17 70 6 3 11 2 1 18 112 6 5 3 8 3 3 8 6 7 6 o 2 6 6 9 3 1 24 73 25 4 .3 2 6 02 75 7 9 3 80 7 8 [28] [84] 90 29 43 go 7 19 4 2 100 2 14 10 3 [112] 2 16 8 0 17 14 2 18 33 52 300 O 400 35 84 3 I II 3 500 445 36 3 3 9 o боо 53 35 5 6 37 700 3 7 800 70 16 8 39 3 9 0 900 79 13 9 3 10 10 O 1000) 88 10 10 41 2000 177 8 3 14 14 4 2 3000 265 12 6 43 13 4000 354 3 4 5000 442 14 83 6000 531 5 45 7000 619 15 10 47 3 8000 708 6 8 4 5 gooo 796 17 6 49 9 10000 835 8 4 2 6 12 2 78 - : 2 13 8 17 9 18 26 11 3 34 35 a menolna 61 197 32 38 40 3 12 I 4.2 3 16 3 17 II c 3 19 9000 + oglasio 46 48 O O N 50 4 8 10800 956 5o 6 Value TheValue of two O O O O 8 11 2 4 18 4. O no 2 58 1 I 5 II 13 14 62 63 64 65 I 15 பயப்ப சாம்பார் I 14 26 17 6 T'he Price of the Pcund, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Dne and twentypence 2ffarthings 1. $. d. f. 1. S. d. f. 3 7o of 51 is 4 11 4.2 3 5 4 2 52 4 13 4 7 53 4 14 11 2 54 4 16 90 6 o to 9 o 55 6 2 7 0 1 2 62 (56] 5 8 O 14 4 C 57 5 o 16 9 5 3 II O 10 O 17 II C 59 5 5 8 2 Org 8 2 60 5 7 60 I 6 C 61 5 9 3 3 2 5 5 12 10 2 6 10 2 5 14 80 I 8 5 16 5 2 I to 17 5 2 66 5 18 3 3 3 O 67 6 68 6 T 10 I' 15 loc 69 6 3 72 I 17 7 2 70 6 5 5o 119 SO 6 7 22 72 6 9 3 73 6 10 74 6 70 75 6 14 4 2 8 4 2 80 7 3 4 (28) [84] 7 10 6 2 II II 2 29 8 90 30 2 13 9 2 15 6 2 (112) IO 32 2 17 4 4 0 200 17 18 4 33 2 19 300 3 O I O 34 400 3 2 8 2 500 44 15 1 36 600 53 15 37 3 6 3 2 700 62 14 2 I 8oo 71 13 4 39 IO 2 6 80 12 900 8 1000 89 1 8 3 13 5 2 2000 179 3 4 315 3 30 3000 3 17 6.8 3 18 10 45 7 6000 537 10 SO 8000) 716 13 4 71 1 6 12 26 I 8 19 O 35 16 8 35 3 4 6 o 3 8 3 I 1 268 15 4000 358 6 5000 447 18 7000 627 1 8 48 49 4792 9 7 9000 806 5 toooo| 895 16 16 8 (1000) 98584 TheValue of a mano 8 3 9 5 The oo 19 O O O O O 19 55 4 Ounce17 0 10 10 2 2 1. 1$ 0 3.72 IO 4 12 51 3 5 5 1 54 Value O of 53 52 4 is 12 16 . , 6 o 8 14. 6 o 18 9 o 1 I I 62 63 64 5 16 19 2 1 I 1 16 03 I Price of the Pound, Ell, Pard, or other thing, being Dne and tiotutgence 3 Faithings511 is 4 4 14 3 4 7 3 4 I O 12 [56] 5 I O 14 57 5 3 3 3 O 16 3.3 9 58 5 5 10 59 5 6 II I 0.19 111 60 5 8 I 90 61 5 IO 63 3 6 3 5 12 4 2 14 5 4 2 5 14 21 7 16 65 5 17 93 66 17 5 192 I 17 7 67 6 5 I 14 51 68 63 3o 691 6 5 118 21 6 6 10 2 70 I 19 10 2 71 68 8 1 72 6 10 60 3 60 73 6 12 3.3 25 5 3 3 74 26 75 6 15 111 8 III 80 27 75 (84) may 12 3 6 3 90 8 3 3 3 200 18 6 32 33 2 1993 300 273 9 3 I 7 2 400 36 5 35 3 3 5 6 soo 45 3 36 5 30 7 3 7 37 700 63 8 9 3 8 10 2 800 72 10 8 I 900 81 11 6 1000 40 3 3 2000 181 5 3000) 271 17 6 4000 352 10 o 44 3 19 9 5000 453 6000 543 50 46 7 6 4 5 2 I 47 8cool 725 O O gco0 815 12 6 4 93 10000 9065 6 14 (28) 2 10 29. 30 (112] 37 2 18 2 34 ao u ovou O O Olow that w O مام 600 54 38 3 lo 3 12 90 12 3 16 NO ON 7000 634 OPIA 48 O O O 50 4 10 7 2 1090 987 16 TheValue of a muu 5 IS 5 O 55 17 5 9 4 15 4 o 7 4 54 4 13 5 6 4 19 6 Q 51 4 53 52 JS being *00g/ d o 12 10 1 14 10 [The Price of the Pound, Ell,Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Cwenty two Pence. 1. s. d. Value 3 8 of 0 IO [56] 5 8 8 O 14 8 57 5 4 6 9 O 16 6 58 5 4 o 18 4 59 5 58 60 61 5 II 10 13 5 63 5 15 15 7 6 64 5 17 4 I 9 5 19 66 67 19 68 69 6 6 6 1 18 6 70 68 4 6 10 2 I 2 5 IO 1 2 1 3 10 8 5 13 8 16 65 6 I I 13 64 21 4 6 10 24 25 5 to 7 8 6 15 6 17 26 6 27 9 7 6 8 [ 28 2 II 29 2 13 2 1 31 2 15 16 O O O 1o O *oo O 32 33 34 72 73 6 13 10 74 8 75 80 [34] 14. 90 5. TOC 9 3 IO S 4 20C 18 0 8 300 400 36 13 50C 600 55 700 64 Soc 73 900 82 10 0 1000 91 13 2000| 183 6 8 3000 75 4000! 366 13 2 18 8 3 o 6 3 3 4 2 6 o 45 16 3 6 36 37 3 7 10 3 98 ONG 38 3 I 6 39 40 3 13 13 4 3 15 2 0 42 43 019000*0.000+ 0.900 5000 458 6 45 3 17 3 18 10 4. 0 8 4. 2 6 4 4 4 4 2 8 O 4 9 10 46 O doo O 100 O * 6000 550 O 000 641 13 4 8oool 733 6 8 000 825 10000 916 13 4 11000 1008 6 S N 47 48 49 50 o 4 II 8 TheValue of Value 1. is o 3 8 2 5 6 0 12 15 $ 58 S762 $0 o 1 2 60 $ 16 15 18 19 115 2 The Price of the Pound, Ell,Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being wenty-tino Dence i Farthing. 1. of 51 is 4 14 6 3 3 3 52 4 16 50 4 53 4 18 31 5 9 5 O I 2 6 55 5 7 (56) $ 3 10 8 O 14 IO 57 9 O 6 594 60 5 II 3 o 12 5 13 3 1 4 62 5 14 12 5 1 2 5 18 8 9 6 17 66 6 6 6 4 6S 6 6 1 I 17 6. 6 7 III 21 I 18 11 70 6 9 9 71 6 11 23 2 73 72 24 2 6 72 25 6.17 2 26 8 75 6. 19. O 3 27 2 10 80 7 8 4 [28] 2 11 11 C (84) 7 IS 9 29 J3 93 go 8 2 30 9 5 5 31 2 17 5 10780 2 19 4C 200 18 10 10 33 300 27 16 34 3 3 400 37 1 35 3 4 10 sor 46 7 6 9 C бос 55 12 3 8 7 700 64 17 11 800 74 3 12 3 900 83 40 3 14 2 1000 92 14 2000 18 42 6 2 3 17 TO 2 43 319 8 40001 370 16 8 44 4 7 C 5000| 463 jo 1o 5 ] 6000 556 5 3 2 70001 643 192 47 4 8000 741 13% 48 4 9 o 9000 834 7 49 4. 10 to 1 10000927 8 6 13 6 15 3 (112 36 3 37 38 3 Jo 10 52 3 16 3000 278 o 46 50 4 12 82) 110800 rooi TheValue of , The 4 17 6 0 1 O 58 Our au O 18 5 to 5 12 2 7 3c 5 16 S 18 O 53371 6 11 I 3 ol 6 13 1 23 2 Price of the Pound, El, YaraOunce, or other thing, being Tatty-tino (OING 2 marchings. 1. S. d. 71 1 Value 8, d. 1 3 9 of 518 4 15 4 15 7 60 7. 6 53 4 19 4 2 54 5 55 53 O 13 5 5 57 S 5 6 10 2 58 9 59 7 72 604 6 61 5 14 4 2 13 62 6 631 12 8 I 2 6. 6 6 6 I TO 2 6 17 3 3 90 I 13 9 6 6 5 72 19 I 1972 68 6 7 I 17 6 69 6 9 4 2 70 3 71 3 72 6 16 10 74 6 18 8 7 21 800 7 10 28] 2 12 [34 7 17 4 2 90 8 8 9 30 97 31 (112 10 10 3 o 2001 13 15 33 3 I 10 2 6 3 3 9-0 35 3 5 7 50 46 17 6 3 7 6 600 56 5 37 3 9 700 65 12 6 38 3 II 800 75 39 goo 84 7 6 3 15 O 19oo 93 15 3 16 TO 2 200cl 187 10 3 18 9 с 5 43 o 0 7 2 4000 375 5000| 468 15 45 6000 562 10 7000 656 5 47 4 4. 8 48 4 10 9000 843 15 49 4. IL TO 10000937 10 50 4 13 9 1ohoo! 993 15 0 Na 6 10 2 2 2 [ 2 18 O glo oo Oo oo 300 28 400 37 10 36 ooooomoolo 3 13 3000; 281 0 0 0 6 € O 46 4 6 Soodl 750 O O O O .. 53 The Value of a mano 5 2 7 4 2 6 o II 54 51 is 4 16 81 5 . IS O 3 9 8 5 3 5 9 5 3 of 1o 5 : 8 9 o 62 62 63 64 65 * 5 1 18 1 TL 6 7 6. IO 6 12 I 19 6 14 1 519 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being 'pent two Denci 3 fartiaga $. d. f Value 52 4 1870 4 7 53 54 7 3 [ 56 56 OIS 2 O 57 5 8 9 17 O 3 5 9 11 2 So 18 11 % 59 5 II 10 I 60 5 13 9.9 5 153 13 1 4 7 3 6 6 5 1 18 T TO 40 6 3 23 66 6 5 67 I 16 0 1 6 8 11 C I 17 II O 69 9 3 21 93 70 71 7 23 3 72 6 16 5 7 8 2 25 2 9 75 80 [28] [84] 719 3 8 10 2 14 II 3 20 72 2 16 10 2 30 9 9 7 31 IO 12 2 18 9 ) 2 32 3 o 8c 6 3 28 8 9 33 31 3 52 400 37 18 4 35 3 4 36 6 8 60056 17 3 3 IO 3 700 I 3 02 800 900 85 6 39 3 3 1000 94 15 40 10 3000 189 1 8 3 11 8 41 6 I 6 1 4 4000 399 34 4 4 3 5 5000 473 19 4. 5 3 31 6oool 568 15 4 7 2 2 7000 663 10 10 4 9 I 1 8000l 758 68 oc 9000 853 2 6 4 12 10 3 19000 947 18 4 6 o 6 18 4 3 2 6 C 26 32 8 o 2 II 13 18 19 300 288 47 7 11 66 7 1 75 168 3 12 3 13 II 315 ro o 3 17 3 19 7 2 3000 284 7 4 14 92 ) 10500l 995 TheValue of a mano 5 4 5 The 7 5 97 -three Dance. 1. 5 6 54 Twenty7 4 19 8 . is o 3 10 of 51 is 4 17 9 3 5 g V 5 I S31 52 being . d5 11 O 17 O 19 58 59 I 1 1 O love E 6 10 NA O OOO 18 1 14 19 I 16 6 10 6 12 6 14 2 O ME I 2 1 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, luel I. 3 6 6 55 5 5 7 o 13 5 ( 56 $ 7 4 8 O 15 4 5 9 3 9 3 IO 5 13 60 5 15 3 61 5 16 II 13 I 4 II 62 5 18 10 63 6 9 I 8 9 64 6 8 16 1 10 8 65 6 4 7 I 12 7 66 6 6 6 6 67 6 8 8S 5 68 I 18 4 66 3 70 22 2 71 6 16 4 6 IS 6 73 6 19 11 74 7 I 10 73 9 2 11 9 so 7 13 4 [28]) 2 13 8 [84] 8 81 2 15 7 29 90 6 30 2 17 6 100 8 9 II 31 2 19 5 (112) 10 14 8 32 3 4 19 3 4 33 3 300 28 15 34 3 5 400 38 6 8 35 3 7 500 47 184 3 9 600 57 10 37 8 3 10 II Soo 76 13 4 39 3 14 9 goo 40 1000 41 3 18 7 2000 191 13 4 42 O 6 43 4 5 4 4 4 5000 479 3 4 45 o 600o! 575 o 46 4 8 2 I 8000) 766 13 4 48 4 12 9000 862 10 49 4 13 11 10000 958 6 8 O 4 15 10 rogoo 1006 5 o 2 7 11 9 10 75 8 12 1 mwol 36 0 70067 € 3 12 lo 86 5 3 16 3 95 16 8 fonton] +000 +olo too +100 +0.0 +000 o 3000 287 10 4000 383 6 8 4 6 3 7000 670 16 8 4 10 O 2 :fce, or other thing, being 分​, : u (50) 25 5 30 2 543 75 6 62 7 02 6 6 6 4 6 1 14 p 59 70 93 5.ir x 6 6 be 0 18 63 615 67 6 3 3 1 72 3 46 6 9 151 7342 COMMON 7 [28 20 30 10 25 00 01 : 8 15 84 g ge 144 TO 9390 #12 c19.7 32 400 38 15 3 600 700 10.3 800 7710 900 71 302 SO 3990 03 33 77 15 6 117 0 CO 96 17 42 的​12种​行​的​仍​物 ​200931 30000 4000/187 70 5000 48476 6000 81 7000 678 5 4 。 46 7 48 0 Scoo777 4 41.11 9000 871176 10000 458 js 0 4002 10401070 TheValue of 6 mtinefnagal 55) (56) on ain 6 o 13 1 7 64 6 6 7 69 1 17 1 19 6 13 6 15 6 17 I 2 The Price ot une Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Twenty-three Pence 2 Farryings, s. d. t. Valur 2 is 0 3 11 0 of 51 is 4 19 10 2 3 5 10 2 52 5 I 10 O 4 7 10 0 531 5 3 9 2 5 9 9 2 54 5 5 9 o 6 O II 57 82 7 O 13 82 5 9 8 o 8 0 158 57 5 11 7 2 9 017 5 13 2 10 o 19 70 5 15 6 2 1 6c 5 17 I 3 61 5 14 5 2 I 5 5 52 62 6 I 63 6 3 IS 1 9 4 6 5 16 I 11 32 17 I 13 3 2 66 9 30 18 I 15 30 67 6 11 22 19 68 2 O 20 69 12 70 I O 22 2 3 7) 69 23 2 5 o 2 72 71 O o 2 7 73 7 2 II 2 25 2 74 7 4 11 o 26 2 10 I1C 73 7 6 10 2 2 12 10 2 80 7 16 8 (28] 2 14 JOC [84] 8 4 29 2 16 go 8 16 30 2 18 9 C 100 9 IS 10 34 8 2 [112] 32 3 2 200 19 11 8 33 3 4 7 2 300 2976 34 3 6 7 490 39 3 4 35 3 8 6 2 590 48 19 2 36 3 to 6 15 0 37 3 12 52 700 68 10 10 38 3 14 SC 6 8 39 3 16 4 2 900 89 2 6 40 3 18 4 1000 O 32 2000 199 16 8 42 3000 293 15 43 22 4000 391 13 44 2 o 5000 489 II 8 6000 589 10 46 4 10 7000) 685 8 47 6 8 48 4 14 9000 887 So 4 15 1r 2 4 17 Ilo (10301008 to to 24 C 8 11 2 Lovna 9 2 3 0 10 19 4 600 58 58 15 800 78 97 18 O oo aa plot o fogo 4 12 8000 783 10000 979 50 *mo na TheValue of n mono 57 SIO 1 5 II 2 52 5 3 The IO O 7 8 OI I0 1$ ) $ 2 5 4 10.3 9 10 3 5 ili 531 d. f. of sil is 5 8 OIL S. , Yard 1 10 9 I 1 I 63 8 I 13 6 10 I 17 6 14 7 I 6) Price of the Pound, EUOunce, or other thing, being €wentpétbree Dance 3 Farthines . 12 Value 6 10 551 6 Q 13 10 ) (565 12 9 3 O 17 9 3 58 5 14 9 2 9 0 19 92 59 5 10 91 60 5 18 90 61 6 390 o 83 62 6 5 13 8 2 7 14 6 4 81 1:9 8 1 641 6 6 8 IS III 65 6 8 66 7.3 I 15 7 2 671 6 12 18 7 68 19 71 I 19 7 0 69 6 16 63 6 70 6 18 6 2 2 62 3 71 7 6 ) 23 S 72 6 o 7 7 73 7 4 5 3 S 3 7 5 % 75 52 7 8 5 I 13 5 (28) 3 6 3 IS [84] 2 17 4 3 8 18 2 19 4 2 (112) 1 8 o 32 19 15 10 33 3 5 3 3 300 29 13 9 34 400 35 3 9 500 499 7 3 600 37 3 13 2 5 5 38 3 15 2 2 Soul 79 3 4 39 3 17 2 1000 319 2 40 4 I 2000 197 18 3000 296 17 43 8 4 5 4000395 10 5000 494 15 10 45 4 9 03 600c 593 15 O 2 7000 692 14 47 4 13 8000| 791 13 4 4 15 gocc 890 12 6 9 4 16 4 3 8 10000 989 11 al 000 NO 90 30 9 17 11 O 39 II 8 36 3 11 597 6 70069 900 89 L 98 19 13 4 4 3 46 4 11 0 48 50 4 18 11 2 10200 100g. 7 TheValue of a man I2 6 3 0 The is o 6 o 5 55 53 10 4 52 O O O O O 5 4 4 8 51 of d. 1. being 5 0 is Price of the Pound, Ell,Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Two Shillings. 1. s. d. Value S. 5 54 5 IO 7 [56] 57 5 14 9 59 60 6 61 6 6 62 6 63 6 14 64 68 0 14 5 I2 8 O O 16 O 18 58 5 16 5 18 10 I II I 1 2 6:4 13 I T 8 I IO 16 6 10 I I2 65 restaurants 1 14 6 12 0 18 19 20 I 16 I 18 66 67 68 69 70 O 6 14 6 16 6 18 7 0 21 2 o 2 2 8 23 24 25 26 2 IO 2 I 2 2 14 8 2 18 2 10 27 [28] 2 16 29 30 3 31_3 32 3 4 33 3 6 34 3 8 35 36 3 I 2 37 3 14 38 39 40 4 0 0 0 0 0 71 7 72 7 73 7 6 74 7 8 75 7 IO 76 77 12 80 [84) 8 8 90 9 100 [112] 4 200 20 300 30 400 40 500 50 6ool 60 700 70 80 goo 90 1000 IOO 2000 200 3000 300 4000 400 5000 500 6000 600 0 3 Io 3. 16 3 18 800 O O O O 2 O 43 44 4 4 4 O O O 8 4 to 4 12 46 0 8000 47 4 14 48 49 50 ) 5 4 16 4 18 7000 700 00 9000 900 10000 1000 O R.... TheValue of two 1. S. S 12 ooulou 5 16 * I 65 1 6 7 6. 9 13 14 1 63 64 6 11 6 13 4 65 6 15 6 17 I 15 I 17 6 19 7 I I 23 2 23 3 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Pard, Ounce, or other thing, being Cvo Shillings Dne Denny. Value 1. 4 of 53 is 5 3 3 63 5 8 4 4 8 53 S Jo 5 OIO 5 54 6 6 0 12 6 55 5 14 7 0 14 7 (56) 8 8 0 16 8 5 13: 9 9 0 18 9 58 O IO 5S: 2* II 2 11 60 I 2 I S 61 I 7 I 62 2 3 15 III 3 16 I 13 4 5 5 66 6 18 6 6 1.197 69 7. 8 20 8 69 7 39 3 9 7 5 10 5 10 71 7 711 2.7 II 72 7 10 24 210 O 73 1 I 2 26 2 3 2 16 76 (28) 80 8:6 29 3 O 5 8.15 30 3 2 6 99 4 roc to 8 3 6 (112) 3 8 9 200 20 168 34 3 10 10 306 31 5 35 3 12 11 41 13 3 IŚ soc. 52 37 3 17 60c 3 19 2 39 800) 83 6 4 4 900 93 15 5 1000 1243 42 6 2000 208 4 7 8 43 4 9 3000 312 10 4 4000 416 13 45 4 13 9 5000 $20 46 6ood 625 o 4 15 10 47 4 17 II 7000 729 8000 833 6 8 *49 5 9000 937 10 7 12 74 7 16 7 18 2 18 [84 ON cu A 31 11 13 4 400 O 1 62 10 38 700 72 18 40 0 00+ 0 CoA 0oA 0oA 0oA 000A 520 16 g 3 48 SO 4 100001041 13 4 TheValue of nm 52 iso of The 4 51 is 5 10 6 3 6 6 , 8 5 4 12 O O O O 2 O 15 o 17 o 19 ܘ ܗ ܩܝܼ ܐܲܟ܂ I 6 6 6 10 1 O WA 61 By: 6 12 6 14 4 2 63 64 I 19 67 2 orain 1 2 57858341 2 oo and 71 2 0 Price of the Pound, Eil, YardOunce, or other thing, being Two Shillings Two Pence. 1. ... d. Value 1. $. d. 8 8 53 5 14 10 5 0 10 10 54 $ 17 6 0 130 55 5 19 [56] 6 7 I 4 8 57 6 3 6 9 5 8 10 1 8 59 7 10 II 3 IO 60 12 1 6 2 13 I 8 62 I 10 6 16 6 15 6 6 13 8 13 1 14 8 6 7 O 10 17 1 16 10 66 7 3 18 7 5 19 68 7 20 3 4 69 7 9 6 21 2 5 6 70 7 II 8 22 2 7 8 7 13 10 23 9 10 2 12 2 14 74 8 26 4 8 2 6 27 2 18.6 76 8 4 8 [28]| 3 8 80 29 3 2 10 [84] 9 30 3 5 go 9 15 31 3 7 2 100 8 32 3.94 (112) 12 8 33 6 200 21 13 4 34 300 35 3 15 10 400 43 68 36 3 180 500 54 3 4 37 4 600 650 38 4 2 4 700 39 4 4 800 40 4 68 goo 4 8 10 1000 108 6 8 42 2000 216 13 4 43 4 13 3000 325 0 44 4 15 4 4000 433 6 8 4 17 6 5000 541 13 4 4 19 8 6000 6500 47 5 I 10 7000 758 6 8 48 5 4 0 8000 866 13 4 49 9000 975 50 8 9200 996 13 4 02 72 73 7 16 7 18 2 2+ 25 2 O 2 16 75 ماه O 8 13 4 2 O 0 IO 16 2 3 II 3 13 8 32 10 O 2 75 16 8 86 13 4 97 10 00014 NooooA 4 II 2 O 46 +0 0 0 0 9 5 6 O 4 4 ang iyeuzey 3* TheValue of s, d. 4.* * O O O ola O 13 O 15 O 18 O I 58 ? I 6 12 8 6 15 6 17 6 19 1 I 14 I I 16 18 7 IO 2 S**** s ina no mlio 600 67 too The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being olvo Sbíllings Uhree Pin 1. Valuei I. is o 4 6 of 51 is 5 14 9 3 6 9 52 5 17 9 531 5 19 3 5 3 541 6 6 6 55 6 3 9 7 9 [56] 6 6 8 57 6 8 9 3 6 10 6 6 59 9 I 4 9 60 12 7 3 13 93 62 6 6 63 7 9 15 I 13 9 64 7 4 16 7 6 3 17 3 7 8 6 69 9 9 68 7 T3 5 69 7.IS 3 7 3 70 7 17 6 6 19 9 23 8 73 3 8 6 6 26 6 75 8:18 9 27 3 9 8 11 [28]] 3 3 77 3 3 5 3 80 30 3 7 6 [84] 9 90 IO 3 9 9 32 100 II 3 12 5 33 3 [112] 12 12 200 34 22 10 9 3.00 33 15 36 400 45 1 45 0 3 500 565 4 4 5 39 4 7 9 70078 78 15 40 4 12 goo 101 5 6 4 14 1 000 9 3000 225 4 19 3000 337 10 4000 450 O 5 3 6 5000 564 10 5 7000 787 To 8000 900 8gcoliooi 5 72 2 14 84 25 8 13 9 o 2 6 O 3 14 6 o 3 16 4 37 38 w OOO Soo go 4 10 4 16 46 o +7 12 5 5 10 675 8 OW OL 9 6000 The value of mono 0 The I O 14 7 2 9 4 55 8 6 6 52 531 6 54 6 19 3 6 , Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Two Shillings Four Pence. 1. s. d. Value 1. s. d. 8 of SI is 5 O 16 4 ( 56] 6 IO 8 *O 18 8 7 8 57 6 13 T I 58 6 15 4 IO I 6 17 II I 3 4 5 8 8 O I I IO 62 13 14 I 12 8 631 O I 15 64 65 16 8 O 2 19 20 7 18 6 8 O 9 8. 2 13 O 8 10 8 12 ole 8 17 8 19 29 3 to 59 8 60 7 61 7 4 7 4 8 7 7 7 9 4 7 11 8 66 7 14 67 7 16 4 68 8 69 8 70 8 34 71 58 72 8 8 73 74 8 8 15 76 4 77 8 809 6 8 [84] 9 9 16 IO IO 90 o Too II 13 II 13 4 [112] 13 200 23 6 8 300 35 400 46 13 4 6 8 600 70 700 81 13 4 800) 93 6 8 900 105 1000 116 13 13 4 2000 233 6 6 8 3000 350 4000 466 13 4 5000 583 6 8 6000 700 0 0 7000 816 13 13 4 8odol 933 6 8 8600|1003 6 6 8 4 23 8 24 2 16 25 2 I8 26 3 0 8 27 3 3 [28]] 35 3 7 30 31 3. 124 32 33 3 17 34 3 19 35 4 I 8 36 44 37 4 6 4 38 4 8 8 39 40 4 13 4 41 4 15 8 42 43 5 o 4 44 2 8 5 50 46 5 7 4 314 8 O 500 58 6 4 II 0 4 18 0 45 47 48 49 5 98 S 12 O 14 4 CO 5 76 8 2 TbeValue of mfinca 6 2 55 5 3 The 6 o mooo O 14 6 8 0 12 s. 4 10 541 6 531 7 3 9 8 8 6 5 6 S3 6 1. JO , d. , 6 15 4 6 17 57 58 1 4. 2 2 1 13 III 62 Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Two Shillin ss Five Pence. 1. s. 8. Value 12 11 0 16 11 (56) 7 8 O 19 4 9 I I 9 7 2 IO 59 7 7 I 6 7 60 7 5 9 61 7 7 5 5 7 9 10 I 13 10 63 3 3 7 14 8 8 60 7 17 66 7 19 6 3 6 67 8 68 8 19 4 4 69 8 6 9 2 1 2 IO 9 22 2 13 71 7 23 2 IS 7 73 81 6 S 3 5 8 18 10 2 10 75 9 I 3 27 3 5 3 76 9.3 8 [2811:37 8 77 9 6 1 29 8o9 13 4 3 12 6 30 [84 IO 3 3 14 II IO 17 6 I4 7 I2 15 64 16 I தெப்பத்திப் பால் I 1 5 II ***** 8 4 8 9 2 2 2 8 11 8 14 24 2 IS 26 3 3 IO I o 12 1 3 17 4 3 19 9 32 33 34 35 36 60 8 4 38 4 4 7 47 4 95 4 II 10 4 14 4 16 8 4 19 1 5 6 + 41 (112] 13 10 8 200 24 3 4 300 5 400 48 6 8 500 600 72 10 700 84 mi 8 800 96 13 4 900 108 IS 1000 120 168 2000 241 13 4 3000 362 10 4000 483 6 8 5000 604 3 4 6000 725 7000 845 16 % 8000 966.13 4 42 43 44 45 46 Quan 5 II 47 48 5 16 5 28 5 13 7 0 5 49 50 6 O 10 8300/1002 18 4 TheValue of The , Yardı Price of the Pound, EllOunce, or other thing, being Ctvo hiliings Six Pence. I, s, d. Value of 51 is 6 7 6 .ܐ ܕ3 ܝܐ 9 ܕf ܘ 5 ? 19 ܘ 6 ܘ No No .܀܀ 6 0 12 6 ܪ1 6 ܘ 15ܘ 617 6 ܘ UNOS ܗ 0 0 0 0ܗ 7 7 7 7 1 6 5 7 ܐ 76 ܘ1 7 ܢ|6 : 53 5+ 55 [56 ; 57 53 59 6o 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7C ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ o po ܘ 1 ܐܐ 7 12 13 14 15 16 1 126 6 7 15 6 7 17 6 ܘ 115 17 6 2 9 9 ܗ ܗ ܗ ܗ ܗ ܘ ܘ ܕ 2 6 8 17 18 19 s 76 2 6 ܘ1 8 2 7 216 ܘ2 3 12 8 .15 ܩܘ ܩܘ ܩܘ ܩܘܐܩ ܝܘ ܘܘ ܘ 21 6 ܀ 12 2 22 1 15 17 71 72 8 9 6 ܘ 17 ܐ ܘ 3 73 23 24 25 26 6 3 2 3 $ 37 3 10 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ1ܘ 9 5 9. 6 ܘܘ ܘܐܘ ܩ 9 10 912 3 12 ܘ 15 9 10 3 15 3 17 6 27 [28] 29 39 31 32 33 34 35 36 76 77 78 8o f84] 90 10 [12] ܘܘ ܘܠܐ 5 1210 4 0 N n 6 Oܘ 25 ܘ1 ܀ 300 ܘܐ37 ܘ ܐ 9 37 38 39 ܘܘܛ Oܘܪ 50 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܩܪܘܩ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘܐܘ ܘ ܘܘ ܘܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 15 4 ܘܠܐ 62 75 1ܕܘ6 4 IJ ܘ4 * 5 ܗ ܘ ܗ ܘܘ̄ ܗ̄ܘܵ ܘܘ̄ ܘ̄ ܗ ܘ ܀ 5 ܪ ܘ7 ܘ1 87 100 ܘܘ% 41 ܘ1 112 ܘܘ9 ܘ .܀ 5 15 57 43 125 ܘܘܘܠܐ ܘ29 ܘܘܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ1ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 6 ܘ1 5 0 0 0 ܘ 6 375 ܘܘܘ3 45 46 4000500 5 :12 5 15 5 17 6 6 62 6 47 48 49 ܘ 625 ܘܘ$ ܘ 15 elܘܘ6 ܘܬ ܘ 875 8000 1000 ܘܪ ܘ ܘ The Price of the Pound, El, Pard. s, d J. 2 an Aw Jo 7 8 74 8 -oom. 9 1 7 9 IO 7 12 I 12 O 13 14 15 I 16 I 18 64 . 16 2 3 11 8 JO 813 8 15 19 2 24 25 Ounce, or other thing, being Cto Shillings Seven Pence. Value is o 5.2 of $1 is 6 119 0 7 9 52 6 14 4 O 10 4 53 6 16 11 O 12 11 54 619 6 O 15 55 7 [56] 1 57 7 73 33 58 I 5 10 59 5 8 5 60 7 15 III 61 7 17 I 13 8 63 8 18 9 8 54 65 7 II 66 6 6 6 67 1 9 68 8 2 II 69 8 18 3 2 14 3 70 O IO 2 16 10 71 3 5 % 19 5 72 9 6 3 2 73 9 8 7 3 4 7 74 37 75 9 13 9 3 9 9 76 771 938 3 14 1 78 10 I. 3 17 6 80 Io 6 8 [84) 8 gol 6 4 5 3 100 12 18 4 4 7 10 (112) 9 4 10 5 4 13 O 3co 38 15 4 15 7 400 513 4 4 78 2 500 64 11- $ 5 9 600 5 3 700 go 8 5 5 11 800 103 6,8 5 8 6 116 5 5 1 1000l 129 34 5 13 8 2000 258 6 8 516 3 3000 387 10 5 18 10 4000 516 13 4 6 I 5 5000 645 168 o 6000 775 6 6 7000 904 3 4 2 26 9 16 27 (28) 29 3 12 30 32 10 17 32 33 34 35 4 25 16 36 37 38 39 40 77 10 900 16 42 43 44 45 46 258 6 elmon 48 64 49 50 6 9 2 7900|1020 -8 4 TheValue of 1. The . Ounce, new O IO Oo90 O 16 1 * I I I OOOOOOOOOOOO 7 12 7 148 58 8 "O 12 61 8 13 I 14 63 64 :? 2 65 o 18 2 13 2 16 Golf 8 9 12 0 Price of the Pound, Ell,Yard, or other thing, being Two Shillings Eugbi PenceS. d. Value I. S. IS o S 4 of 51 is 6 16 3 8 52 6 13 S 4 8 531 7 I 4 5 o 13 4 54 6 55 7 6 8 7 O 18 8 [56] 7 9 4 8 4 57 9 4 10 6 8 59 ny 17 4 4 бо 112 S 8 62 8 5 4 14 1 17 4 8 8 15 8 10 8 16 8 8 13 4 17 2 5 4 66 $ 10 8 o 67 8 18 S 19 2 10 8 68 9 I 4 69 21 70 9 2. ID 8 71 9 23 3 72 24 3 73 9 14 3 25 74 9 17 26 3 94 75 27 3 I 2 70 [28] 3 148 10 5 4 3 17 29 IO 7811 8 30 80 IO 134 31 8 [84] 32 4 90 48 13 6 8 8 34 (112) 11 18 8 35 4 13 4 200 26 13 4 36 300 40 37 4 1368 400 53 38 5 I 4 500 39 5 4 0 600 80 40 56 8 700 93 6 S 5 9 4 800 106 13 4 42 512 0 43 5 14 8 1ooo 133 68 5 17 4 20001 266 13 4 45 3000) 400 6 8 4000 733 6 47 6 5 4 48 6 8 6000 800 49 6 10 8 7000 933 6 8 50 13 4 7500/1000 3 6 0 10 77 0 31 100 4 Io 4 16 :: 66 1 Sool 120 2 5000 666 O 6 13 TheValue of a mno 3 3 4 7 13 3 7 5 9 5 0 . O 13 9 6 O 16 6 u. is o 6 83 53 7 5 O 55 o 7 S. 11 O 19 57 58 un 19 8 79 1 13 I 15 13 8 132 3 63 64 is geneem ispit *lup olivat 2 16 4. O 9 Icool 137 10 0 The Price of the Pound, Ell, Hard, Ounce, or other thing, being two Sbilitars pine Pence. Value 1. 6 of 51 is 7 7 3 [56] 8 6 9 I 1 I 8 7 2:3 3 8 60 5 0 611 9 62 8 10 6 9 14 1 13 6 IS 8 16 1 3 65 8 18 17 2 6 66 9 9 6 67 9 19 68 3 9 7 2 15 69 9 9 9 2 17 9 70 6 3 6 71 9 15 3 3 3 3 72 24 10 73 9 25 3 6 8 9 74 26 311 6 3 14 3 9 77 [28] 3 17 IO II 9 29 3199 78 10 14 6 10 17 2 801 31 4 32 4 8 o II 11 [84] 12 7 6 33 4 13 6 tool 13 15 35 3 [112] IS 4 19 S 3001 5 4 4co 55 39 57 500 40 600 5 12 9 7001 42 Soo. 110 5 15 43 18 goo 123 15 9 12 23 9 18 26 3 6 .... 4 10 9 416 37 5 6 38 nurinn 68. 150 5 10 96 5 4.5 6 6 47 6 6 I2 6 9 3 9 2000 275 0 6 6 3000l 412 10 o 9. 3 4000 550 0 0 5000 687 10 14 96000 825 0 0 49 50 6 17 7000! 962 10 TheValue of a mall 2 l'he 4 OIL 1. 8. d. is o 55 7 13 O 17 54 6 Valuel 10 52 , Price of the Powd, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Cmo Dhillings Cen 10ence. 1. S. d. 58 of 51 is 7 4 6 8 7 7 4 53 7 7 15 10 0 19 10 [56 8 8 57 8 6 56 53 8 4 4 59 8 7 60 8 10 7 18 7 8 9 1 2 1 I 8 4 2 III I 14 61) 62 63 13 14 15 16 8 15 8 12 10 8 8 18 6 9 1 4 9 4 2 64 16 65 I 16 IO I 19 8 2 6 2 54 8 2 2 11 O 2 13 10 2 16 8 2. 19 6 17 18 19 20 97 9 9 IO 914 915 8 6 9 18 4 1 2 3 3 5 2 IO 23 21 25 4 6 10 38 10 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 731 741 75 761 77 78 79 80 [84] 90 26 10 9 10 12 8 6 28 3 10 10 3.13 8 3 16 6 3 19 4 2 4 5 47 TO IO 18 10 15 4 2 II I o 3 IO II 6 8 31 II 18 O 32 33 34 35 36 4 10 4 13 6 4 4 19 2 12 15 143 4. 16 4 [112] 15 17 28 6 5 200 38 39 5 4 10 5 7 8 56 13 6 5.13 4 5 16 5 19 0 1 10 6 4 8 6 7 6 4 o gooo 300 42 10 400 4 500 70 16 8 600 850 700 99 3 4 800 113 6 8 goo 127 10 1000 141 13 141 3 4 2000 283 283 6 3000 425 0 40001 566 13 4 5000 708 6 8 60ool 850 O 7000 991 13 4 0 1 0 46 6 10 6 13 48 co o ON 6 16 6 18 10 7 I 8 49 50 the Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, heValue of mo S d. 5 to 5 1 57 63 8 15 I 8 17 11 13 631 641 Once, or other thing, being Ghillings Elepon Pence. 1. V luel 1. S d. 2 liso of 51 is 7 is 78 9 3 8 9 52 8 O II 8 53 7. 147 5 0 14 7 6 6 6 8 5 7 5 156] 8 8 8 6 3 3 9 8.9 9 60 12 [ 15 61 0 I 17 11 621 9 @ 1o 14 2 O IO 9 3 15 2 9 6 16 2 8 99 17 97 66 2 1 2 6 67 9 15 5 19 2 155 68 9 18 4 2 18 .69 IO 1 3 3 1 3 70 10 3 4 IO 7 1 23 3 7 72 IO IO 24 73 12 11 74 10 15 10 20 3 15 10 75 8 76 9 4 7 II 7 II to 5 80 4 4 134 [84] 125 go 33 6 13 8 34 355 1912) 8 29 3 4 b 9 12 2 I 3 10 10 18 3 18 6 * 2 a não 14 II 16 6 36 37 5 711 TO 10 13 15 4001 58 6 8 goo 18 S 4 13 600 87 10 2 6 900 131 43 仲​村 ​8 4 700 TOZ 800 11613 5 1000 145 16 2000 291 13 3000 437 10 400 583 6 SCOC 29 3 broc) 875 Love NN 6 14 46 tolon 8 6 17 1 98 49 7ooolic20 16 8 .** :: The Value of smo is O.6 2 0 The Price of the Pound, EII, Yardı Ounce, or other thiny, being Chre: Shilingo. 1. s. d. Value of 51 is 7 13 52 53 7 19 541 59 (56) 3 7 2 0 9 O 7 16 015 O 18 8 8 O 1 1 4 7 8 I 57 S 11 8 14 1 Son 9 IO 1 1 19 13 14 1 16 I 2 5o 2 8 0 oooooooo 9 12 16 9 18 2 14 0 17 18 19 20 10 13 0 22 23 24 25 3 O 3 3 o 360 3 90 o 3 15 3 12 O O O O O 26 3 18 4 4 [28 29 30 31 60 9 9 3 62 9 6 63 99 64 6g 9 IS 66 67 10 1 68 10 4 65 10 770 10 10 71 72 10 16 73 jo 19 74) 11 2 75 76 8 7 78 79 80 (84) 12 12 90 13 10 100 IS 0 [112] 16 16 200 30 300 45 O 400 500 750 600 90 O 7001 tog 800 120 o 900 135 0 1000 150 0 2000 300 3000 450 11 14 11 17 O O O O o 4 lo 0 4 13 o 4 16 O 4 19 5 2 0 33 34 35 36 5 8 oole 37 38 60 o 39 40 O O O O 6 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 0 42 43 44 6 6 6 6 12 0 0 0 0 0 6 15 46 6 18 o 47 4000 600 O 48 7. 4 O O O O 9000 750 49 0 0 0 0 6000 900 50 7 10 7000 1050 o . 5518 Th Value of a mimo 59 2 52 O 19 9 8 of 6 6 3 189 8 The The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being hree Shillings Three lance S. d. 6 9 O 13 O o 16 so is 9 5318 12 3 54 8.15 6 18 156 9 57 9 53 9 59) 9 I 9 9 150 2 0 8 9 581 11 I 2 9 1 6 1 93 I 126 1 15 9 1 19 2 2 2 S 6 601 611 9 18 15 16 2 12 3 62 10 6 63 101 4 9 64 65 10 II 3 66 10 14 6 67 10 17 9 63 691 3 700 11 7 18 2 153 2 18 18 6 3 9 19 20 21 3 71 II 10 olaromoc 3 18 6 23 3 14 24 25 4 26 4 27 28] 4 11 29 30 4 17 9 32 5 4 O 33 5 7 3 3495 10 6 35 5 13 9 365 17 -37 6 O 3 38 6 3 6 396 6 9 40 0 6 10 41 6 13 3 6 16 6 14 12 O 721 11 14 73 11 17 3 12 3 0 761 I 771 IO 78 12 13 6 79112 16 801 13 0 [84] 13 13 90 6 100 16 5 [112] 18 4 0 200 300 48 15 400 65 500 81 5 600 97 10 700) 113 15 800 1300 900 146 5 1000l 162 10 2000 325 3000| 487 10 4000 6500 O Sooc 81210 0 O O O O O O O 6 19 9 7 lood 44 45 766 3 46 7 9 6 7 12 9 48 7 16 0 * 7 19 3 8 6000 975 50 18 26 2 6200 1007 10 TheValue of non goo The 54 ото Ounce8 0 10 8 53 Value 8 13 4 o 13 4 52 . , Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, or other thing, being Three Shillings four Pince: 1. 6 8 of 51 is 8 100 55 9 3 4 [56] 9 6 8 57 G100 4 7 8 I 1 1 6 8 I 10 O 9 58 9 16 www.is IO I 2 61 13 14 2 1 3 4 6 8 2 IO 62 10 631 110 100 64 10 13 4 IO 16 8 16 65 17 2 16 18 19 20 3 3.3 6 8 66 69 Il 3 4 681 11 6 691 111 II IO O 70 III 4 71 II 16 3.10 van 3.13 4 23 3216 8 0 731 22 74 12 1 768 79) 4 266 6 8 4 10 [28] 4 13 29 30 31 5 3 4 5 6 8 33 34 5 13 35 5 26 8 6 O 37 38 6 6 39 6 10 6 40 41 6 16 5 10 O **000 | IS 13 36 75 761 12 13 4 771 12 16 8 781 13 13 0 3 4 13 6 8 811 13 10 [84] 14 o 90 15 100 16 13 (112 200 33 8 300 50 0 400 500 83 6 5 600) 100 700 116 13 4 800 133 6 8 900 150 0 1000) 166 13 I3 4 2000 333 6 8 3000| 5ooO 4000 666 13 4 5000 833 6 8 -6coolteco 66 13 4 09-A o con O 00.- O co 6 13 o 2 o 仍​們​的​一切​的​的 ​43 7. 3 4 7 8 45 l710 7 10 0 7 13 4 7 16 8 48 49 8 8 3 314 50 0 8- 0 TheValue of amino I The is O 9 7 6 54 0 14 0 53 O 53) is 8 18 6 OIO 6 9 5 6 019 6 9 of . S. Yardd O o Price of the Pound, Ell, Ounce, or other thing, being Three Shillings Sic Pence. 1. $. d. Value 1. d9 55 4 6 (sa 8 5. 9 19 6 6 3 59 Jo 6 6 1 186 бс 1 9 2 1 7 8 9 16 1 OOOOOO 5$ 10 | 15 II ఊ - 250 10 10 2 0 6 611 62 10 13 6 10 17 13 14 15 16 2 5 2 9 2 12 2 16 631 O 6 . 6 641 651 7 6 17 219 6 11 II 18 3 3 II 14 6 19 3 6 6 11 18 20 67 68 69 70 o 6 12 3 10 3 13 6 5 12 3 17 4 0 6 0 23 24 25 4 7 6 12 19 26 yoa 6 4 14 (28) 4 18 29 S 30 5 5 5 8 o 6 1 31 6 ܘ ܩܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ O 32 33 34 35 36 5 12 5 15 5 19 6 6 6. 6 6 72 I 2 I 2 73 12 15 6 741 13 6 76 13 6 771 13 96 78] 13 13 79. 13 16 6 80 14 0 81 14 3 6 [84] 14 14 0 90 15 15 100 17 10 o (12] 19 12 200 35 O 300 52 10 4.00 70 0 500 87 10 600 1050 700 122 10 800 140 0 900 157 10 1000 175 2000 350 3000, 525 4000, 700 good 875 0 6 6 38 6 13 O 39 6 16 6 40 O 6 41 7 3 O ofoc 43 7 10 6 7 14 0 45 7 17 6 46 8 1 O . 8 4 4 8 8 o 6 48 49 0 0 0 0 0 8 II 8 15 SO 0 6000 1050 TheValue of a mano 10 is O The O o S. 8 $5 54918 II Ornce1 2 53 018 4 52 d0 14 8 . , 8 mine 9 10 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, or other thing, being Three Shillings Eight Purce. Value 1. s. d. 7 4 of $1 is 9 7 O S 156] 5 4 9 4 57 10 9 113 58 8 $9.10 16 4 1 10 7 8 1 IO 12 9 10 I 16 O 4 27 61 62 13 11 8 4 7 15 16 63 64 65 2 1 8 8 Il 14 11 78 60 12 3 13 ofest 13 3 3 19 3 9 8 20 3 17 4 8 4 24 25 8 4 27 4 19 (2815 2 8 4 30 10 31 5 13 8 32 5 17 4 . 33 34 8 35 6 12 000 0.0 66 12 67 68 69 12 1 70 71 720 13 4 73 13 7 74 75 13 15 76] 13 14 77 14 78 6 79 9 80 13 10 61_4154 0 + C O A oooo 0 0 0 0 + 000 000 100 0 00 02-0 om 29 14 8 81 18 36 6 194 Q 37 15 8 38 39 73 7 8 41 7 10 7 14 0 43 7 17 8 44 8 4585 8 8 8 [84] 15 8 90 16 10 100 (112) 36 13 4 300 55 o 400 73 6 8 500 91 13 4 600' 110 o 6 8 800 146 13 900 lbs O 1000 183 6 6 8 2000 366 13 4 3000 550 0 4000 733 8 sooo 9161 5500 1008 8 Q 700 128 malware 47 48 49 So 6 8 12 4 & 16 8 198 9 3 molt 6 TheValue of a mano (6 6 The 0 3 2 6 7 1 6 10 OunceMO ovom 6 2 10 9 18 9 o 18 53 S2 915 O O 15 0 of 1561 51 is 9 II 3 3 ONI 3 S. , 54 55 O 26 7 IO 13 9 10 17 2 O IL 3 O به همه ی همه ی ہ ی 3 7 6 12 15 3 18 -70 2 13 6 Price of the Pound, El, Yard, or other thing, being Thrte Shillings Mine Pence. 1. .. d. Value 1. d. 56) 10 10 8 I JO O 57 9 I 13 9 58 JO 117 6 59 I 3 11 60 5 5 63 8 9 8 62 13 II 126 14 12 63 1 16 15 2 16 3 64 12 0 16 3 651 12 3 9 3 3 9 17 661 12 7 6 1 & 671 12 11 3 19 3 13 3 68 O 20 3 15 69 12 18 9 13 2 6 4 6 71 3 23 4 6 3 72 13 10 0 73 13 13 9 25 4 13 9 741 13 17 6 73 1 3 27 5 3 76 14 5 [28]] 5s 77 14 8 29 58 781 14 12 6 6 30 79 14 16 3 31 5 16 3 80 15 O O 6 32 6 33 (84)| 15 15 0 34 6 90 16 17 6 35 3 Ico 36 6 13 0 [112] 21 37 200 37 10 38 7 6 300 -56 5 39 7 6 3 400 750 40 goo 93 15 41 7 13 9 600 112 10 42 700 131 5 43 8 44 85 900 168 15 45 8 9 1000 187 10 46 6 2000 3750 8 16 3 3000l. 562 10 48 90 4000 750 0 49 939 9000 937 TO o 4 lo 26 4 176 O 5 12 811 15 3 9 O ano O malaco 18 15 0 . Nowo cou moon 0 0 0 0 0 owaho owa Owl 800 150 O 8 12 0 O 50 97 54col1012 10 O TheValueof two 5 The 0 o o o 16 11 4 . 6 alue IV - သုံး ခန်း 6 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Four Shillings. . . . d. of so is to o , 4 o 16 S5 0 [:6) in S7 11 59 16 4 6o 6i { 0 T 0 0 7 I ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝ ၀ ၀၀ w 9 o ( 16 ၆ - 0 0 0 AI • 19 0 5 16 3 4 0 3 8 ခံ 32 17 18 19 o ၃ 3 16 o 4 44 6 ia 4 1.16 o 61 9 66 13 4 5 61 1 8 9 68 11 12 691 6 D o 7144 73 73 14 12 744 16 75 15 o 9 48 နွံ 4.6 5 Y65 4 ် ဝ 56 4 I2 4 S 6 ခံ 5. + 27 5 [8] 5 % 9 6 I 6 6 3 6 3 6 2 ၀ 4 6 ၆ဝ 35 7 0 367 + 27 ၀ ၀၀၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀၀၀ 77 7 9 15 15 12 Is I6 16 o 16 4 ဝ 8n 16 [84] 16 16 9o 13 Yeo e [2] 2 49 ဝဝ do ၁၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ 7 7 38 9 Cre 800 7 6 0 an 4I 4 4ဝဝဝ 500 loo ၆ဝဝဝ များ 46 7o9i4ဝဝ co 69 9ဝဝ ဝ 0 4+4代​仍​移​的​& 5 6 OR Oo Oo လက်ရှိ 9. ဝ e Oo Oo R ® ဝ၀ဝ ၆ဝဝ R 4ooo oo ၀ဝ Soe Moe 96 O Q2 2 The Value of n man of 6 န Vaive d၊ - ကချင်. , 1 I g II 9 56 T 12 58 To Gay 29 ယ် 56 x 19 9 9 9 9 Nယ် GP 1 36 2 I9 13. Ia 1 17 The Price of the Pound, Ell, IuraOunce, or other ching, being Four soul ing5 Thrre Pence. 8 sr is ro 16 9 3 5 53 5 b 6 55 I 1 9 9 [36] II I I4 0 57 In 8 6 6 6 59 I 9 46 63 12 15 I I 6i 2 9.3 13 75 ) 6 14 6s 1 9 15 64 I6 8 6s I7 3 13 66/14 6, 4 9 I9 68 14 9 o 5 69 14 15 9 76 I4I/ 4 3 6 71 15 9 4 I7 9 12 15 6 5 1 73 15 I9 25 6 74 15 14 75 မှ 15 14 [z3jl5 19 77 16 ) စ 3 78 o 6 7 79 0 r 6 3o } | 6 16 IT ရှိ 17 8 14 7 [34] I7 I) များ 9 7 1 S 37 [2] 1 15 8 42 IQ 19 စီ 5 9 3ဝဝ63 Is 4ဝဝ 85 t S 8 3 6 6၀၀I27 Io ပုံ 4) ၇ဝဝ 148 rs $ 09 966 ) 16 6 S Io Is I 3 Ma N of Tel 0 Y6} 9 6 II 16 I5 I7o 5 90 Iop ၀၁ ၈၈ က ၁၈၈၀၁.၀၀ ၁၀၀၀၀ ၁၁ • : ::. 8 Io 4 $၁၀I6 မ O P NA © ws စာ ၈၀ 9 ၁၀7၁ 9o19 5 ooo I2Io 6 9 II 9 5 9 9 9 ID 4 0 Io 43 49 အ လ၅4 - ၁ ဝ၁ဝ637 Io 4ဝocI8500 Oo Oo o D 47 993 is The Value of a ma non [The o 4 13 I IO 18 5 4 0 174 55 Price O O O o II 14 I 6 53 54 it 52 11 9 I o 12 1 19 IO 2 12 15 of the Pound, Ell, Yara, Ounce, or other thing, being Four Shillings JFour Pence. 1. 3. 3. d. Valuel 1. 88 of stis ir 11 56] 12 2 8 I 14 8 57 7 58 12 II 4 3 59 8 60 13 2 12 61 13 4 2 16 13 8 3.0 13 13 3 5 O I3 174 3 9 14 3 13 8 66 14 6 14 IO 4 68 4 6 69' 14 19 0 4 II 70 15 4 4 15 71 157 15 7 8 4 198 72 15 12 5 4 73 5 8 8 8 75 5 62 63 64 65 15 16 51788 18 3 18 67 4 19 14 14 8 io 23 O 15 16 25 O 16 16 5 I 2 9 [28] 16 13 8 6 65 6 Jo 0 77 78 79 80 16 18 17 2 6 17 31 6 14 4 8 17 II 6 18 8 7 3 0 7 7 4 8 34 35 19 IO 7 It 7. 16 0 36-2.16 ooo*o ** 37 8 8 8 8 4 9 8 39 40 41 42 43 8 17 8 82 17 15 [84] 90 100 21 13 (12) 2+ 5 4 200 6 300 63 400 85 500 IOS 6 600 130 700 151 13 6 900 195 1000 216 13 4 2000| 433 6 8 3000 650 4000 866 13 4 46001 996 13 4 O 9 9 6 9 10 9 15 9 19 O doo O 800 173 O 46 4 TO 0 48 49 50 3 TO 8 10 12 Io 16 o 4 8 TheValueof a mano 6 is 55 The ܝܐ ܘ 117 ܕ ܙ8 17 11 136 o 9 54 ܝܐ 6 6 18 53 52 96 ܂ܐ ܘ in . ur 11 18 1114 ܕܙ ,ܛ Price of the Pound, E11, ?Ounce, or other thing, being four Shillings Sir PenceValue I. of suis 0 3 9 6 [56] 12 12 s? 6 58/13 2 5 59 56 9 6 60 14 61 18 62 1319 3 3 63[ 14_3 6 3 7 6 14 8 65 6 66 1£ 17 8 16 ܙ ܘ ܟ ܕ 1 ܘ ܘ ܗ 0 ܘ ܘ ܘܐ ܙ1 ܕ.13 ܘܙ 13 ܩܘ ܩܝ 13 146 ܘ 13 14 15 16 64 ܘ 0 ܐ1 14 3 12 3 166 ܕܙ \67 ܀ 18 19 ܀ ܕ 56 ܀ ܘܐ ܀ 68 69 ܘ 6 15 ܘ 15 16 6 21 4 146 ܘ7 ܘ ܘܲܪ 15 15 19 19 ܘ 6 419 3 3 8 6 ܀ 16 ܂ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ; 16 86 6 25 16 71 72 73 74 7- 76 77 78 79 ܐܐܪ ܘ17 5 16 13 16 17 ܝܘ ܩܘ 6 17 ܀܂ ܘ 17 6 6 27 6 [28] 6 6 29 30 6 15 311 6 19 ܘ1 6 6 ܐܙ 17 6 ܘ8 ܘ ܘ 4 7 ܙ8 1715 18 18 4 6 189 18 18 20 5 33 34 35 7 8 6 7 13 82 f84 9 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܩܘ 6 ܐ71 3 36 ܘ1 ܕ2 ܘ 37 38 966 311 8 156 [112 20 254 45 ܘ 39 ܘ1 67 [cܘ3 ܘ4 406 90 6 ܘ ܘ1 112 |oܘ5 94 9 9 9 13 ܘ ܘ 135 {ܘܘ6 41 42 43 44 45 46 ܘ ܗ ܘܗܘܗ ܘܗ ܘ ܘ ܘ 913 0 26 7ܘ1 ܘܐ157 oܘ7 ܘ18 ܘܘ8 ܘܠܐ 2ܘ2 ܘܘ9 225 ܘܗܘܐ ܘ 450 |ܘܘܘ2 675 ܘܘܘ3 ܘ ܘܐ 6 16 ܘܐ 47 48 49 0 0 0 ܘ 6 4OO COO 50 ܘ1 12ܘ1ܘܘ45 ܙܙ 5 ܘ TheValue of mino 55 1 54 of 51 is it 18 3 O 14 6 go 94 53 12 7 4 4 ] 12 8 4 O 18 8 52, 12 o 2 12 O 1 8 Iz 61 14 4 8 631 15 8 15 8 15 12 8 16 2 21 16 11 4 64114 18 The Price of the Pound; Ell, PardOunce, or other thing, being Jf our sittings VẼ gb Đent. 1. S. d. Value 1; Si d. 12 16 8 7 I 12 8 (56) 13 4 1 17 4 57 13 6 o 9 58 13 to 8 10 2 68 59 13 14 4 60 O 2 16 13 3 O 8 62 14 9 4 14 3 54 14 14 3 IO O 16 3 14 8 65 15 3 4 17 3 19 4 66 18 4 4 67 19 4 8 8 68 15 17 4 20 4 13 4 69 4 18 70 16 6 8 22 5 8 23 5 7 4 72 16 16 0 73 17 8 $ 168 74 17 5 4 26 6 75 17 jo 27 66 76 17 14 8 (28)| 6 10 77 17 19 4 29 78 30 79 18 8 8 31 80 32 794 81 18 13 33 7 14 0 82 192 8 34 7 18 8 (84) 19 12 35 8 3 4 90 21 88 IOC 8 37 8 (112) 26 2 8 200 46 13 4 39 9 300 70 o 9 6 8 400 41 14 500 116 13 4 42 600 140 0 10 0 8 700 163 6 8 800 186 13 4 45 IO 10 45 8 1000 233 6 8 2000 466 13 4 4 3000 700 49 II 3 8 4000 933 6 8 50 II 13 4300 1003 6 8 co) 0 + O AO A CO 24 14 O 184 o 18 13 4 ooOoo O oo O 36. O 23 6 38 8. 174 O 93 6 8 9 16 o ộ C c 0 10 5:4 900 210 10 14 10 19 4 48 00 OA o The Value of mimo noong 6 4 1 The o I2 11 1 31.9 5 19 3 7 133 (56) 13 13 551 3 O 14 3 6 $ 6 8 6 16 54 53 12 2 7 3 , 13 10 10 27.6 60 Owo Obow I 63 15 64 3 16 alo 17 O 677 IS 18 4 lo 16 3 16 7 546 16 17 72 Price of the Pound, EH, YardOunce, or other thing, being forr Smallings Nine Dence. d. Value la $. d. of siis 12 8 1 18 57 9 2. 2 9 9 58 6 13 15 59 14 3 II 3 145 2'17 6114 9 13 9 6 6214 14 66 14 14 19 3 3 11 3 15 4 16 65 IS 8 4 9 66 IS 13 6 18 4 5 6 19 3 68 4 15 O бg 4 199 70 16 12 6 71 3 23 S 93 17 24 5 14 6 73 9 25 5 18 9 6 26 6 6 75 27 76 18 [28] 0 77 18 29 9 78 18 10 6 30 2 6 79 31 7 7 3 19 320 7 12 81 19 4 9 33 716 9 82 19 9 6 8 6 (84) 19 19 90 7 36 8 11 100 23 15 37 8 159 [112] 38 6 200 47 10 39 9 5 3 300 71 5 40 9 10 400 95 o 9 1419 500 118 15 42 9 19 6 600 142 10 O 43 IO 4 3 5 9 O 900 213 15 46 10 18 6 1000 237 10 3 3 2000| 475 0 48 II 3000 712 10 49 11 12 4000f 950 O so 11 17 6 4200 997 10 17 II 17 16 hielo 6 8 3 6 13 6 17 ow 0 18 15 3 80 34 35 8 6 3 owa 26 12 906 O O O O O O 41 700 166 800 190 10 139 0 1 ao Ow . TheValueof mino 55 I 4 The T 54 I 10 Shilings. 1. 53 13 5 5 5 suis 12 15 3 O 15 O Five 13 Value 52 of 13 . , being 10 o 0 2 14 Io 2 15 O 13 15 IO O 16 16 10 16 15 0 71 23 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or other thing1. S. d13 15 7 [ 15 (56) 14 8 57 14 5 0 9 5 58 O 59 14 15 60 15 3 61 15 50 3 5 62 14 3 IO 63 15 15 3 15 64 16 65 16 5 66 18 4 10 67 19 4 15 68 17 20 69 17 5 2 I 55 70 17 10 5 10 17 15 5 15 72 18 6 0. 73 18 5 25 6 5 O 74 18 10 26 75 27 76 19 12817 77 19 5 29 75 78 19 10 30 79 19 15 O 31 7 15 80 20 32 8 20 50 33 20 IO 34 8 100 83 35 [84] 2 1 36 9 0 90 22 IO 95 IOO 25 9 10 [112] 28 39 9 15 50 300 75 IO 5 400 100 42 10 10 500 1250 43 0 700 175 0 45 800 200 45 | 11 10 900 225 IL 15 1000 250 43 2000 500 49 3000 750 50 I 2 10 4000liooo 6 10 18 15 6 15 O 0 O 7 IO 8 5 81 82 20 15 8.15 O 38 O o 10 15 600 150 5 0 0 O 12 5 0 0 R TheValue of ammo 9 9 1 16 7 5 13 13 0 I 4 The 8 54 . is o Jo 6 of 51 is 13 7 9 3 O 15 9 14 3 6 6 55 6 I 6 3 53 13 1. 52 14 dS. 18 8 moal. 58 621 16 3 13 6 16 10 4 4 au 4 14 6 17 II 19 O mooi nuo Omo mo 18 Price of the Pound, Ell, rard, Ounce, or other thing, being Five Shilings Three 90e. Value [56] 14 14 8 57 14 19 3 2 9 7 154 6 59 15.99 2 17.9 60 15 15 33 61 16 3 13 38 3 6 5 14 63 9 15 3 18 9 641 16 16 16 65 17 I 3 49 17 3 66 17 6 6 18 67 9 4 19 9 68 17 17 55 20 69 2 3 5 10 3 6 21 70 5 15 6 22 71 18 12 9 6 23 9 72 18 18 6 6 o 24 73 19 33 6 It 25 74 6 26 6 16 6 19 13 9 27 9 76 19 19 [28] 7 77 4 29 3 78 9 30 79 20 14 9 9 31 8 21 32 81 53 33 3 82 6 21 10 34. 8 186 83 9 939 [84] 35 22 I 90 6 37 9 14 3 ico 38 [112] 29 8 39 10.49 200 52 10 40 IO TO 300 78 15 41 10 15 3 400 1050 42 o 6 500 131 5 43 II 59 600 157 10 II II 700 183 15 45 II 16 800 210 O 46 1 900 2365 12 6 9 1000 262 10 4.8 12 13 2000 525 0 49 12 17 3 3000 787 10 O 18 7 19 8 75 7 176 NNNNO 1ooo oo ooo ง ลง ๒ how Coolwe 21 15 36 23 12 26 5 9 19 6 O ca 0 o So 3800 997 10 TheValueof mano 55 The I 1 54 14 8 6 1 2 1 O 53 51 is 13 12 3 O 16 14 6 8 52 13 17 4 1 4 of 1. is o IO 8 Value $. . , O+ o o O 15 14 4 16 5 6 o 18 13 4 32 Price of the Pound, Eli, YaraOunce, or other thing, being Five Shillings Four pence14 13 4 7 I 17 4 [56] 14 18 8 8 2 2 8 57 15 4 0 9 2 8 58 15 9 10 2 13 4 59 15 14 8 II 2 8 8 60 16 3 4 0 61 16 54 13 3 9 62 16 10 8 3 14 631 16 16 o 4 4 O 64 17 16 4 5 4 651 17 17 6 8 17 4 10 8 66 17 12 O 18 671 17 17 4 19 5 1 4 68 18 2 8 8 691 18 8 5 I 2 70 22 S 17 71 18 18 8 6 72 1940 6 8 73 19 9 4 74 19 14 26 6 18 8 75 27 7 4 0 761 20 (28) 7 94 771 20 10 8 29 7 14 8 781 20 16 30 8 79 21 I 4 31 80 68 8 21 12 33 8 16 0 82 21 17 4 34 9 83 22 8 35 9 6 8 [84] 22 8 36 9 12 0 90 24 0 37 9 17 4 100 3310 10 2 8 [112] 29 17 4 39 10 8 O 200 40 300 800 40 10 18 8 400 106 13 4 42 14 500 133 6 8 43 600 1600 700 186 13 4 12 0 6 8 46 5 4 900 240 47 8 1000| 266 13 13 4 48 12 16 2000 533 6 6 8 4 sol 13 6 8 38001013 6 8 O 25 6 13 4 O 004 20 O 8 5 4 8 10 81 2 O O 00-O 26 13 4 53 6 8 10 13 4 O 800 213 12 10 49 13 1 3000 800 O R 2 TheValue of two 581 8 17 6 14 6 4 The 1 6 13 9 9 13 . d. io. O It 2 57 [55 Oo oo oo oo 15 2 7 I 186 II 5 I 7 14 54 Value 50 is 140 3 O 16 6 14 531 of 52 s6 Price of the Pound, E il, Yard, 2 15 16 16 10 16 15 3 II O 65 18 13 14 18 19 5 IO 15* 6 6 19 10 6 19 16 Ounce, or other thing, being Five Ghiliin ts sir pinie. 1. S. d. 56] 15 8 15 15 19 IO 59 4 6 II 3 o 6 60 12 3 6 61 6 13 6 62 17 1 14 3 17 63 17 6 6 4 6 64 17 12 16 8 4 17 17 6 4 13 17 6 66 18 3 13 4 19 69 8 6 19 5 4 6 68 69 21 5 15 70 195 1 71 6 6 72 24 73 20 6 6 74 20 7 26 75 6 7 8 76 20 18 [28] 7 14 77 3 6 29 78 9 30 8 5 791 21 14 6 8 10 6 80 32 8 16 81 225 6 33 9 1 6 82) 22 II 9 83 6 35 [84] 23 90 24 15 O 37 3 6 27. IO 33 10 9 |(112] 30 15 39 6 200 O 40 1 0 300 82 10 II 6 500 13710 11 16 6 600 165 0 700) 192 ja 45 800 220 46 O 900 247 10 12 13 6 1000 275 48 13 4 0 2000 5500 49 13 9 6 3000| 825 o O 36001 990 0 6 12 6 17 ...en oo loia ovolo 7. 196 31 will O 22 26 9 12.6 36 9 2:8 11.15 400 110 O 2 12 7 12 13 O O O O O O TheValue of a mano 8 6 51 is 14 9 3 II o 15 0 4 5 I 5.5 17 1 6 15 2 O 8 53 1. S. d. 0 11 4 8 4 8 14 Value 52 of , 119 O 58 16 16 14 17 O co to los 2 O 61 3 13 8 63 64 4 IO imprimis ini. 17 16 61 18 14 18 19 19 19.11 19 16 (56) The Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Five Shillings Eight Bence. 1. s. d. 14 4 54 T5 7 8 4 8 2 54 16 3 9 8 2 16 8 59 4 3 4 60 3 8 175 8 62 17 II 3 19 17 17 15 4 5 O 18 8 8 65 8 4 66 5 8 5 7 8 68 19 5 4 5 13 4 69 5 19 70 8 6 8 71 72 8 24 6 16 73 20 13 8 7 8 74 20 19 7 7 5 76 2 1 10 8 [28] 8 77 21 16 4 29 4 78 30 79 7 8 8 80 22 13 4 32 81 33 9 7 82 23 4 8 34 8 83 23 10 35 4 [84] 23 16 0 36 90 25 TO 37 9 8 100 28 6 8 38 4 [112] 39 200 56 13 4 40 6. 8 36 35o 4 40113 6 6 8 42 11 18 540 141 13 4 43 3. 8 9 4 700 198 6 8 12 IS 800 226 13 4 13 goo 255 13 6 1000 2836 8 48 13 12 O 2000 566 13 4 13 17 8 3000 850 0 50 14 3 3 4 3500 991 13 6 10 O 0 I 27 7 18 8 2 0 8 15 1 22 19 9 1 2 9 18 10 15 3! 14 8 + 010 A 200 +1.00 + 0 0 1 0 0 A 001AW0 A 00 O ooo oo ooo ooo ooo . 11 12 600 1700 o 8 6 4 49 O The Value of a man 1. The 18 I 14 0 3 15 16 Owo ow on ou *10 2 17 16 19 3 o ano Owao ow 13 17 16 5 18 2 18 19 19 11 20 2 22 6 12 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yara, Ounce, or other thing, being Five ( Shilings Pine Pence. 1. d. Va uel S. d. is o II 6 of 51 is 14 13 3 0 17 3 52 14 19 4 53 15 4 1 9 54 15 10 6 6 53 3 (56) 16 8 57 7 9 9 58 16 13 6 6 IO 59 * 3 3 3 60 17 5 39 61 17 10 9 3 14 9 62 6 14 63 3 15 46 3 64 18 8 16 4 1 2 65 18 13 9 17 4 17 9 66 6 18 5 3 6 67 19 53 19 S 9 63 15 69 19 16 9 6 21 9 70 6 6 6 6 71 20 8 3 23 72 20 14 6 13 73 20 19 9 25 739 74 5 6 26 7 9 6 75 2 1 II 3 27 7 153 76 21 17 [28] 8 771 22 9 8 69 29 8 8 126 30 79 22 14 3 31 8 18 3 80 32 9 4 0 23 5 9 33 9 9 9 6 9 is 23 17 3 35 3 [84] 24 3 10 7 90 25 17 6 37 Jo 12 9 100 38 10 18 6 [112] 32 4 39 11 4 3 200 5 11 15 9 400 TIS o 12 6 Soo 143 15 43 12 7. 600 172 10 700 201 5 45 9 O 45 | 13 13 4 6 900 258 15 1000; 287 10 48 ! 13 16 2000 575 0 49 3000 862 10 21 2 78 22 6 81 82 23 11 34 83 IO 1 36 28 15 11 10 o 57 lo 300186 oooo 12 13 lo Ow 12 18 800 230 ܘ ܩܗ ܚܘ ܘ 47 | 13 10 1+ So 14 7 6 3500|1006 4 TheValue of the 55 3 IS 54 1 16 The O 53 15 18 I 10 12 52 18 15 12 4 . being O O O 16 4 16 10 Price of the Pound, Eli, 1 ura Qunce, or other thing, Sir Shillings. 1. S. d. Valuelll. S. d. of siis 1560 (56) 16 16 8 57 17 2 58 3 59 17 14 3 6 6 18 61 186 62 63' 18 18 64 19 4 0 2 7 8 2 I7 8 O O O O O 3 12 I 2 13 14 3 18 18 12 O O O O O IS 4 10 4 16 16 65 19 10 19 16 18 19 5 14 6 66 o 6 18 0 66 671 681 208 69 29 14 70 71 6 72 73 21 18 74 775 22 10 76) 22 16 77 8 79 23 14 * 24 0 O O O O O 25 7 10 26 7 16 27 8 I 78 23 6 80 24 0 81 9 12 9 18 24 6 8 (28) 8 o 29 30 31 9 32 33 0 34 35 36 10 16 37 11 2 38 8 39 40 12 6 IO4 O O O O II I 14 ооооо 0 0 0 0 82 24 12 83] 24 18 [84] 25 99 27 Іос 30 (112] 33 12 2001 60 300 90 4.00 120 500 150 600 180 700 210 o 800l 240 goo 270 1000 300 2000 600 3000 goo 3400 1020 43 44 45 46 12 12 12 18 13 4 13 10 13 16 47 14 2 O 14 8 43 49 50 O O O O 0 0 0 14 14 15 O 0 TheValue of si metano 7 8 afwonoa is 119 I'he I 57 4 $gly 6 52 6 Value 1. 16 6 (50, 18 NI 57 6 4 16 . so 13 O 19 Price of the Pound, Ell, Pard, Ounce, or other thing, being ir hiltin soir price. 1. $. d. of 51 is 6 i 6 18 531 27 17 2 78 6 58 18 35 59 193 6 601 19 10 12 9 10 O II 3 II 19. 3 18 19 16 21 21 9 ܘܟ ܘ ܟ 6 I3 21 15 16 6 10 22 24 7 16 O 74 24 8.15 6 [28 12 9 61 13 4.4 162) 14 4 u 6 20 9 6 15 4 176 641 20 16 16 5 4 2 17 5 10 6 66 5 17 O 6 19 6 36 68 2 0 O 6 8 6 21 6 16 6 7 22 3 71 23 23 9 6 72 23 8 73 23. 14 6 25 8 2 26 8 9 6 27 76 24 14 92 25 6 29 8 7825 70 30 9 1 25* 13 6 31 260 O 32 IO 8 26 6 6 33 26 13 0 34 8 26 19 6 II 7 27 6 36 11 14 o 8 27 12 6 37 120 6 29 5 38 32 lo 39 12 13 [112 36 8 400 200+ 65 41 6 97 to 42 13 13 400 130 13 19 6 şor 162 10 44 6 01 boc 1950 45 joc 227 10 4614 19 o 800 260 0 0 15 5 6 gool 292 volo 15 12 40 rqoof 325' O o 49 15 18 6 2000 6500 50 81 82 10 14 O O O O O 14 14 12 6 148 16 59 51 qol 3000 973 60 TheValue of mino 18 sil is 17 o 3 18 is 6 the 54 4 13 8 4 168 4 1 13 4 13 of 531 6 17 521 . . $, O o 13 [ 56 18 13 4 3 16 8 20 Oooooo +000 44006 8 631 64 Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Gibillings tght Bence. 1. s. d. Value 1. *d17 6 8 7 6 8 8 2 13 4 57 19 0 3 58 19 68 6 50 19 13 4 3 13 20 6 8 6 62 20 134 4.13 6 8 16 5 6 8 6 2 1 134 17 5.13 4 18 6 o 6 6 IS 16 6 8 68 2 13 4 6 13 4 21 7 0 6 17 6 7 23 13 14 7 4 72 24 73 24 6 6 8 23 8 6 8 7. 24 13 7 76 25 6 8 771 25 13 4 78 26 0 30 79 26 6 8 31 6 - 8 80 26 13 4 32 IO 13 4 800 27 33 8227 6 8 8 83 27 13 4 35 4 8 6 8 O 20 23 22 23 18 O 29 10 o 34 6 11 13 36 [841 28 23 o 38 30 Iod 33 6 8 (112) 37 6 8 66 13 37 12 12 13 39 399 0 40 8 410 13 13 42 O 430 14 6 8 4414 13 15 0 0 46 19 6 8 300 100, o 400 133 6 8 5001 166 13 4 600 200 0 700 233 6 8 800) 265 13: 4 900 3000 10003336 2000 666 13 4 3000 1000 0 0 15 13 O 48 16 15 6 8 49 16 13 4 S2 1 heValue of my 54 2 53 SO 17 17 I 13 9 I 52 13 . 4 I 7 of 51 17 4 3 3 3 S. d. 6 1. Valut , II 17 O · 6 2 14 19 18 O Ou al Owo Ow ao Olo owalo 6 600 2020 The Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Sir Shillings Mine Pence. 118 4 6 6 59 18 11 3 7 3 [56] 18 18 8 57 19.49 9 3 58 19 II 6 37 6 59 3 3 14 бо 20 5 0 I 2 4 61 20 119 13 4 7 9 62 20 18 6 14 63 21 5 3 15 5 I 3 64 21 12 16 5 8 64 21 18 9 17 5 14 9 66 18 6 6 67 3 19 68 8 3 68 20 6 15 69 2359 7 70 23 12 6 7 8 6 71 23 19 7 15 3 72 24 6 o 24 8 73 88 9 74 24 19 6 26 8 15 6 75 251 9 2 3 76 25 13 (28) 9 9 771 25 19 9 29 9159 6 6 30 79 80 31 27 10 16 81 27 6 9 11 82 33 27 13 6 34 9 6 83 35 ( 84 ) 36 821 28 13 3 9 37 9 90 30 7 6 100 33 15 39 13 3 3 [112] 37 16 200 67 10 41 300 101 5 400 135 ] o O 43 3 500 168 15 14 17 45 3 9 700 236 50 6 800) 270 22 5 22 12 22 19 21 1 24 12 25 781 26 10 26 13 3 al mo mo Ovo mo o TO 93 2 O O O 28 en gang 11 163 28 7 129 38 12 16 6 ܀ ܀ ܀ ܥܬܼܲ Oo oo 40 O 13 lo 13 169 14 3 6 14 Io 46 15 10 o 147 15 17 16 48 eoloooo alow 16 10 9 9001 303 15 1000) 337 10 2000| 675 3000] 10 12 10 o 49 50 16 17 4 TheValue of The None o I I O 18 4 O O O O 2 O 7 8 57 O O 9 10 O O 3 to 20 13 Price of the Pound, Eli, Yard Ounce, or other thing, being Seven Shillings. 181. g. d. Valueſ 1. $. d. O 14 of 57 is 17 17 0 52 18 o 53 18 11 I 15 54 18 18 55 19 5 0 [56] 9 19 12 2 16 19 19 3 3 58 20 6 59 3 17 60 61 4 11 62 21 14 o 4 18 63 1 55 8 $ 12 22 15 0 5 19 66 23 66 67 23:9 6 13 68 23 16 70 69 24 3 7 24 10 7 14 0 71 24 17 8 72 25 4 8 8 73 25 II 7 12 13 14 O O O O O 15 22 64 65 88886 оооооо 16 17 18 O O O 19 22 1 0 0 0 24 25 26 8 15 25 18 oooooooo 9 2 75 5 26 12 26.19 29 O 10 17 O 28 14 29 8 (28 | 916 77 10 3 78 27 6 30 IO IO 79 27 13 0 80 28 O 81 7 33 11 11 82 34 I 18 83 1 35 5 [84 29 36 12 1 2 85 29 IS 37 IZ 19 0 90 31 10 38 6 100 35 39 | 13. 13 O 112] 39 40 14 0 0 200 70 41 14 7 0 300 105 42 400 140 IS 1 500 175 15 8 600) 210 45 152 15 700 245 46 16 2 O 8oc| 280 o 0.00 4 O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O 16 9 o 16 16 0 17 3 O O O O 930315 10001 350 0 2000 700 50011015 SC 17 10 : theValue of n mano 54 [of . Value 1. S. d. 2 $ 0 14 , 1 6 2 3 19 18 206 20 13 O omoglo mooolmo OI 3 12 'ke Price of the Pound, Ell, YaraOunce, or other thing, being Swai Byt tiis Corce 1 1$ $18.9 9 9 1 11817 4 19 4.3 16 19 11 6 1 2 10 9 (56) 182 18 3 58 21 6 9 3 5 3 54 21. 7 3. 19 9 60 21 15 4 57 6) 14 62 13 32 96 5 63 32 10 92 5 8 16 3 66 6 6 24 5 9 68 O 20 60 35 0 21 :57 12 757 6 22 25 14 8 6 72 26 2 23 8 26 73 24 3 74 26 16 9 3 9 11 10/०००००००००० 2 5 16 23 11 23 18 6 3 3 6 10 61 > 0 O ܒܟ ܘ ܗ 6 1 8 30 80 29 29 0 829 11 19 33 350 30 16 36 8 38. o (28) 103 18 29 7828 05 10 17 6 31 4 29 7 3 3 821 29 14 6 * 831 30 19 12 13 9 [84] 3000 3601 13 1 3 37 190P 32 12 6 ICO 36 5b 39 14 % 91 [112] 40 12 40 14 10 2001 72 ID 14 17 3p0p 108 15 13 4 16 4000 145 43 15 9 sool 181 44 | 15 Igo 600b219 10 O 45 16 6 3 700) 2531 15 0 46 47 17 o 0 9 900 326 go 148 17 8 8 0 lodol 362 101 49 3 16 13 9 8901200 200C10725 50 18 2 6 | 12800|1015 og TheValue of . The 0 1 26 19 1 3 4 Price of the Pound, Ell, TardOurco, or other thing, being Seven Shillings Four Dence. 1. 8. d. Vaue 1. S. d. so 14 8 if srs 18 14 52 9 53 1988 Si 19 16 o 55 3 4 [ 56 20 10 IO 8 8 57 20 18 0 3 6 5 4 3 13 4 50 21 128 4 8 60 4 8 61 7 4 4 15 4 5 63 23 8 30*0.04** o *foto o obce 58 21 II O . 2.2 13 I. 62 14 g 5 JO 23 64 63 23 16 g 5 17.4 26 4 8 6 12 24 4 24 10 IC 6 19 66 67 68 69 70 24 18 8 6 25 13 4 . 26 8 23 8 71 72 26 8 16 2.6 15 21 2 26 o too o avo 9 10 9 18 o too lo todo 10 74 27 7527 10 76 27 174 72 4 8 78 28 12 79 8o 29 6 8 (28) 29 30 28 10 12 28 19 II 32 33 34 81 82 *10* 12 30 12 8 9 12 16 8 [84 36 13 O Na low On 00 A O NA 37 13 II 4 38 3 8 8 39 14 40 14 13 4 15 8 42 15 8 43 4 16 8 45 46 47 17 4 8 17 12 4 73 6 29 14 4 30 8 8 30 16 0 8 31 3 4 90 33 I OG 36 13 (1 112 41 200 300 409 146 13 500 183 6 220. o O 700 256 13 4 6 8 oo O doo olfoo O 0 do 0 o 0 Foo 0 600 16 10 16 17 4 Sool 293 293_ O 9081 330 10061 366 213 4 2006) 733 816 8 8 2700 HAGO 0 0 'The Value of o mooi # 4 The နေ 19 176 5 17 S9 8 T2 37 0 at 15 0 15 to en les 7 . ? S2Io alue ။ b I s6 6 5 S5 e ၀ 1S4 53 :) to , d, is OIS of 5119 6. 2 $Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, ဓ ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ e 4. I 6215 0 0 0 0 6 ၀ ၀ ၀ ၀ : o 85 Ounce, or other thing, being Seven Shillings Sir Pence. . I » 1, 6 ၆ 3 14 5S O 63 12 6 S 12, 64 24 6 6 6 6s 44 7 6 6 7 7 6 66 4 15 14 6 Is 61 5 G I9 7 h 5 o 6 7o 69 5 7 6 1 In 6 ဝ 26 5 71 ၆ + ၆) များ 0 72 27 ၀ နေ 73 5 7 74 အ7 IS 0 26 9 1 7 28 2 6 p . 6 ၇68 no 8][Io IO 77 ၈ 29 IO.1, 6 ၇| ၄ ; Ko T 5 9 799 2 I 6 ဝ e 01 o7 0 7 36 15 ဝ 34 ܘ4 ܀ 29115 ܘ 15 15 36 ܘ | 34 ܘ 18 18 ܘ 3 45 ܘ ܗܘ ܘ4 ܘ ܘ 16 18 29 136 369 0 6 31 io 32 6 32 Ik 33 r 6 33 12 34 6 34 13 35 ° 3 6 351+ 364 46 16 62 63 64 6 66 67 68 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 17 -..܀ : ܆ ܐ :܀ 19 ܕ.܂ 76 615 71 37 6 m 6 73 73 3716 6 6 38 6 ; ܘܘ ܘܘ ܘܘ ܩ ܘ ܩܘ ܘ ܩܘ ܩܘ ܩܘ ܝ ܩܘ ܩܘ 24 12 13 1 16 1313 27 1143 [28 }} 14 14 29 4 7 397 6 6 76 ܐ ;7; ܗ ܘ ܗ ܘܗ ܘܗ ܐܘ 78 39 3 40 19 419 79 8o ܘ 42 ܀ ܀ 2421 16 5 6 32 16 16 33 | 176 6 1717 18 - 6 3 6 6 8i 32 83 [84] 85 8 43 in : : 35 36 37 98 38 39 6 90 1919 9 6 47. * 5 520 ܘ [112 41 121 10 6 acc ܙܐܐܐ 6 ܐܵ ܘ1 3c1sz ܘ4 C621 ܘ1 262 »56 44123 45 23 12 ܘ ܘ ܘ 5 60:13150 46 ܘ 3 ܀ 24 24 13 6 420 ܘ 9 48 49 ܀ 25 4ܐ ܕ2 /7cc ܘ1 367 ܘܠ ܘ1 472 90 ܘܠܐ mod } ܘ1 997 6 525 ܘ 26 7 ܕ݂ܨܶ܂ TheValue of nm to Vio 55 3 54 The 2 1 1 S 29 14 6 3 6 13 53 2 123 O 12 4 4 Value 52 is 10 0 . of 51 . Eleven , Yard, Ounce, or other thing, being Ell S. 0 d. 30 16 bo 4 8 no 09 0 31 18 5 10 I 6 12 O 13 15 agalang . 9 18 Price of the Pound, Shillings. isl. s, d28 29 3 30 5 7 3 17 [56] 8 57 31 7 9 4 19 58 IO 59 329 6 бо 33 0 12 61 33 11 7 3 62 34 2 14 7 14 63 34 13 8 5 64 35 4 16 8 16 O 65 35 15 17 97 66 36 6 18 67 36 17 19 9 68 37 8 II 69 37 19 II II 70 38 10 22 71 72 4 73 40 13 15 74 40 14 26 75 5 14 17 7641 16 (28) 15 77. 42 7 29 IS 19 78 30 16 10 79 43 9 17 I 80 440 32 81 44 11 33 18 3 82 45 34 45 13 35 195 46 4 36 19 16 0 851 46 15 37 7 O 47 6 38 20 18 39 21 9 40 22 o 112] 22 II 200 IIO O 21 12 2 391 39 12 23 24 25 12 13 13 14 6 27 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 78 18 14 83 O O O O O (84 olo o 49 To 55 0 IOO 61 12 O O O O 300 165 400 220 sool 275 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 600 330 42 23 2 43 23 13 44 24 4 45 24 15 46 | 25 6 25 17 26 8 49 | 26 19 27 10 700 385 0 800 440 *] 900| 495 o 7898 1000| 550 O + 1 1900|1045 O X ܀ 52 ܀ TheValue of a mi 6 of is The 1 suf f. 25 6_6 3 6 1 S. d, S. Valut Ounce3 , . , 2918 ܘ d142 17 ܬ݀ ܙ ܘ ܐܐ 31 ܘ ܩܘ ܩ ܘ ܩ ܘ ܩ 58 3 3 6cf 61 ܘ 6 18 ܀ 6 ܐ 13 14 15 63 6 3 12 64 ܘ 16 ܀ 9 ܟ 6 ܘܗܘܗ ܘܘ ܕ1 ܘ Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, or other thing, being Cleven Shillings Sir Deuce. 53 39 96 5 6 54 3! 6 39 55 6 7 4 0 6 56 32 4 3 414 57 32 156 9 5 3 6 337 10 5 15 59! 33 6 T 6 6 6 34 Io 12 35 ,! 7 9 6 62 3513 0 3 0 364 6 36 1 37 7 6 9 15 6 .66 37 19 18 10 67 :$ 16 6 19 1o 18 68 39 2 69 39 136 12 1 6 76 71 6 23 13. 4 6 72 8 24 73 1 19 6 25 14 7 6 74 0 26 1419 75 43 6 27 6 76 {28} 16 0 77 44 5 6 29 6 784+ 14 790 45 86 31 17 16 6 6 6 32 13 8 (6 116 33 . 6 47 . 3 34 1911 4T1£ 6 35 2 48 6 $ .48 1 6 37 2 5 6 8{ 499 38 5[ 15 39 & 6 5710 40 23 112 64 8 6 ܀ ܘ2 ܘ111 ܘ . i ܪ ܘ4 22 ܘ܂ 13 12 4:16 : ܘ ܘ ܘܗ ܙ4 ܘ 6ܐ 13 ܐܐ ܐ4 6 ܘܐ 15 4318 1613 5 ܀ 17 ܘ ܘܗ 160ܘ ܩ000 ܘ8 81 18 19 ܕ8 $ { 84 ܘ 14 ܘ2| 36 ܩܕ ܘ. ܟܘ ܪܕܪ.܀ܐܲܪܒܵܬܲܪܪܐ 9. ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܟܘ ܩ 2117 ܬܐ 23 ܘ c I15ܘ2 ܘܕ 172 3ec1 4cc 230 Soc 28f Jo ܗܘܘ ܘܗ ܘ ܗ 421243 43 24 14 6 44[ 25 6 45 1 25 f? 6 46 26 9 47727 6 27 12 0 49 6 601345 ܘ $$ foc 402 19 8o 4fo 517 10 Jooc 575 .33 ܘ ܘ 50 |. 28 977 1o 15 176 TheValue of The ÖR an 4 O O O 2 31 16 32 8 3 12 4 16 O O O O O O O O O OO 34 16 35 8 6 12 13 14 7 76 O O O O O 37 16 9 12 518668 19 40 16 42 12 13 16 Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ouice, or other thing, being Twelve Shillings. 1. s, d, Value ), S. d. is I of 51 is 30 12 3 1 16 52 31 4 4 8 53 5 3 54 6 55 33 7 4 4 [56] 33 12 8 57 34 4 9 5 8 58 6 o 59 II 60 36 0 I 2 7 4 61 36.12 62 37 4 8 8 63 IS 9 64 38 8 O 16 65 39 17 4 66 39 12 18 IO 16 67 40 4 8 68 69 41 8 11 12 70 42 22 134 71 23 43 4 24 14 8 73 25 15 8 44 74 26 15 12 75 * 45 16 4 76 [28] 16 16 16 46 4 29 17 8 78 30 IS 79 31 1 8 12 80 48 32 19 4 81 48 12 33 82 49 4 34 2 8 82 35 2. I 36 21 12 85 37 4 86 22 16 90 54 39 23 8 1 00 60 40 24 [112] 40 24 12 200 42 25 43 25 16 400 240 26 8 500 300 45 27 600 360o 46 27. 12 700 420 0 47 800 480 48 28 16 540 4029 8 603 So 30 1700 1020 43 16 O O O O O O O O O O 45 12 77 O O O O O 46 i 47 8 O 19 16 [$4 4.9 16 50 8 51 51 12 38 O O O O O O 67 4 300 180 O O 28 4 0 900 TheValue of two 6 The 7 33 15 6 3 15 32 10 2 IO 55134 . 51 is 31 17 6 3 I 17 6 33 2 6 5 3 6 of54 531 52 , 5 0 35 12 58 36 17 6 17 7 10 2 62 38 15 8 15 14 15 64 6 16 18 II 17 13 Price of the Pound, Ell, YaraOunce, or other thing, being Twelve Shillings Six Pence. 1. S. d. Value! ), S. is I 5 34. 7 6 (56) 35 8 57 6 9 512 6 36 5 6 5 591 6 6 60 37 IO 12 61 38 6 13 8 6 63 39 7 6 9 7 6 40 10 0 40 12 6 17 IO 12 6 66 5 11 5 6 41 17 6 19 6 68 42 10 I 2 10 69 43 2 6 2 I 6 70 43 15 13 15 44:7 6 23 17 6 72 24 ISO 73 45 12 6 25 15 12 6 74 46 5 0 16 5 6 27 6 [287 17 10 6 29 6 7 30 4976 31 19 7 6 50 32 20 81 50 12 6 33 20 12 6 51 5 O 34 21 5 84 51 17 6 35 21 17 6 [8.4 52 10 36 22 10* O 81 53 6 3723 6. 8€ 53 15 38 23 15 90 $65 39 247 6 25 (112 70 41 25 12 6 200125 300 197 10 43 26 176 400 2500 27 IO 9071 312 10 49 29 46 28 15 700437 10 47 7 48 30 o 900 -562 10 1000 6250 46 17 16 17 47 IO 77 48 182 48 IS 18 15 poolowowolvovo 8c 0 O 2 0 o 62 to 2650 2 6 60c 375 Soo goo 30 126 50 1 31 5 Iloc 1000 CheValue of a movie el 35 4 5 5) is 33 3 3 The 3 2 I 6 35 54 19 53 18 2 Shillings. 1. 34 9 5 3 5 52 of I Value 1. 2 lis 1 6 Thirteen 0 33 O 16 O 1 4 II O 30 8 O 58 IO 6 10 7 16 40 42 1 II 1.4 42 18 43 II Price of the Pound, Ell, Para, Ounce, or other thing, being 15 7 [56] 8 5.4 5 37 9 5 17 37. 14 59 33 7 hogy 3 390 o 6) 39 13 8 13 9 6 62 14 63 40 19 9 IS 4. I IZ 16 8 6 5 66 18 7 68 44 4 13 6, 44 17 0 13 13 45 10 7 46 3 14. 19 72 46 16 731 47 9 25 5 16 18 7 27 49 8 [23] 18 4 50 29 78 50 14 30 79 51 7 31 3 8c 32 52 13 33 219 82 53 6 34 8 53 19 (94 23 8 8 5 86 go 58 10 39 7 65 (112] 72 16 2001 130 27.60 300 195 there is intent 14 ***** 16 48 15 76 77 1 18 17 19 10 8 2 54 12 1 55 18 38 O 26 26 13 43 27 19 28 12 400 260 500 325 0 6oo) 390 46 2013 700 455 s0 11 800 520 48 31 4 31 17 900) 585 1000 650 Igoc 975 0 0 0 0 32 to TheValue of my 9 2 53 The 2 S. 35 4 2 14 0 . d. IS I 7 . 52 of $1 is 34 8 6 3 6 $Valuel . , 2 d4I coul 4 14 6 5. 8 37 16 38 6 is OOOOOO 78 8 15 41 17 O 64 43 4 0 67 45 4 19 45 18 0 13 10 ***] 47 18 15 10 Price of the Pound, EU, YardOunce, or other thing, being Thirteen Shillings Sir Pence. 1. 135 15 6 3 7 6 54 36 6 55 37 2 6 7 ( 561 8 57 9 6 9 6 I 6 58 39 3 IO 59 39 16 6 6 60 40 10 12 8 61 41 3 6 13 6 62 14 99 63 42 10 6 15 IO 6 16 IO 16 6 43 17 6 17 9 6 66 44 II 18 12 3 4 6 12 16 6 68 20 69 46 11 6 14 3 6 70,475 5. O 22 14 17 0 7 6 23 6 48 12 24 49 5 5 6 25 6 74 49 19 26 I7 II 73 50 12.6 27 18 76 51 [28] 18 18 77 51 19 6 29 6 78152 13 30 5 75 6 6 8c 54 32 2 I I2 54 13 6 33 5 6 82 55 7 34 560 6 35 6 [84] 56 14 36 24.6 851 57 76 37 24 19 6 8658 38 25 13 9c 26 6 6 67 10 40 27 (112] 75 12 41 27 13 6 205 135 42 28 7 300 202 10 29 6 400 270 29 14 500 337 10 45 30 7 6 46 700 472 10 31 14 6 48 32 8 goo 607 10 49 33 I 6 1000! 675 0 olo.ooo 16 4 16 17 73 O 6 o 19 11 20 20 18 536 31 ܝܘ 81 22. 19 0 85 ojo o Google 23 12 24 1 60 19 39 O 600l 405 o 31 1 Bool 140 O 33 15 I 50c|1012 10 TheValue of a mano 55 4 54 5 3 2 2 6 53 O 2 16 3 IO 52 36 8 O 14 of being 16 37 37 O 2 O 4 18 O S 12 57 39 18 O O O O O 40 12 618 www 581 The Price of the Pound, Ell,rard, Ounce, or other thing, Fourteen Shillings. 1. s.' d. Value ). S. d. 2 lis I 8 57 is 35 38 io 7 (56] 39 4 8 9 6 6 IO 7 59 4.1 6 7 14 60 42 0 I 2 8 8 63 42 14 13 8 9 43 14 6 41 15 10 IO 64 16 651 45 10 17 46 4 I 2 I 67 19 13 6 68 691 486 14 14 70 4.9 8 7 49 14 0 23 72 24 16 16 73 51 25 17 10 74 26 18 4 75 52 10 27 18 18 70 53 4 [28] 19 12 77 29 6 30 79 31 21 14 8c 62 9 16 44 16 O O 40 II 18 4.6 13 47 12 14 15 16 50 8 51 16 Oo oo 53 18 20 54 12 21 of 228 @ 8 32 33 34 2 23 23 16 8 82 [84 8. 24 10 36 25 60 63 0 0 37 38 39 :7 40 4.1 0 0 0 0 0 86 90 100 70 (112 78 20C 140 8 O O 300 210 0 o 42 29 4330 2 44 31 JO 46 40C 280 500 350 O 30 16 600 420 O O O o 0 0 32 4 700' 4CO O O 8col 560 47 48 32 38 33 12 O goo 630 0 6 1000 700 34 35 O O o o 50 14001 980 TheValueof S. The Valur . , is 36 19 3 12 5 16 6 10 57 58 8 14 13 17 4.96 50 14 10 160 6 Price of the Pound, Ell, YardOunce, or other thing, being Fourteen Shilings Sir Dzuced. IS I 9 of 51 6 3 3 6 52 37 14 4 2 IS 53 38 8 6 5 6 54) 393 6 7 55 39 17 6 7 5 1 6 ( 56 40 12 8 4 1 6 6 9 6 4.2 1 7 5 59 42 15 6 II 7 19 6 60 43 Io O 61 44 4 6 98 8 6 62 44 19 14 3 O 63 45 13 6 15 10 17 6 6 46 8 16 11 12 69 47 6 6 6 6€ 47 17 18 13 1 67 48 II 6 19 13 15 6 68 O 60 6 21 15. 4 6 70 50 IS 22 IS 19 71 51 9 6 23 13 72 524 24 73 6 25 6 74 53 13 26 547 6 27 19 II 6 76 55 2 [28] 20 20 6 77 78 30 575 6 31 9 6 58 o 32 23 58 14 33 82 23 18 6 599 24 13 83 34 60 3 6 257 6 35. [ $411 60 18 85 61 12 6 37 26 16 6 38 27 II 39 28 6 29 29 14 6 200 145 42 30 9 300 217 TO 6 31 3 43 400 290 0 500 362 10 6 600 45 4350 33.7 o 700 507 10 6 1 34 800 580 0 o 900) 652 10 49 1000| 725 50 36 50 1400l 1015 17 8 52 18 182 18 17 O 55 16 6 56 11 29 6 21 15 80 81 146 O o o o o o 126 2 O 36 62 65 5 K: o 72 Jo 81 4 40 0 %%42化​科​481>2的​。 31 18 32 12 OO 46 0 47 48 34 16 35 10 O TheValue of n mno O The 1 vous 5 2 8. IO Silitys is 1. 5 . 40 IS 3 15 10 55 54 Fifteen 39 being 36 15 dPrice of the Pound, Ell, Yarn, Ounce, or other thing, Value 1. of suis 38 52 39 53 55 i 56] 4.2 6 42 15 O 57 7 8 9 10 6 15 O 58 43 10 O 7 10 5 3 13 14 IO IO O O O O O 48 15 16 50 44.5 60 45 6 45 15 62 46 100 63 475 64 4800 65 66 4) 10 O 6- 50 50 5 68 51 66 SL 15.0 52 100 71 53 50 $4 54 15 74 5.O 13.10 14 S 18685 19 15 O O O 22 23 5 72 24 IS 13 15 25 2 55 10 56 19 ! O 57 0 0 (28 5 21 21 15 2 IO 5 30 31 23 S 32 24 61 10 21 15 33 34 35 25 83 85 3127 3 $27 15 28 to 38 781 58 10 0 2012 59 8 60 o 8760 15 o 82 0 62 5 [84 63 00 63 15 86 64 10 co 67 ro o 100 75 0 112] 84 o 20150 300 225 400 300 cool 375 600 4500 200 5250 8cc 600 COC 675 1000| 750 0 1300| 975 0 40 O 43 30 30 IS 31 10 S 33 3) 15 31 734 10 O 36 0 O O O O O 37 10 Y The Price of the Pound, En, 7 ard, Ounce, or other thing, being fifteen Shillings Sir pence. Value 1. ,d ܙS ܘ 111 sܢܐ ܘܐ , 6 ܘ1 39 of si [ is 4. 6 TheValue of n momenoa 2 6 6 3 3 in '6 6 52 53 ܀ 2 44 6 54 17 ܙ4 13 ܀ ܘ ܩܘ ܩܘܩܘ ܩܘ 5 86 ܀ ܀ 6 ܘ 55 42 126 [56 | 43 57 4436 58 59845 14 6 ܀ ܀ 44 ܘ 19 ܘ ܢܗ ܩܘ -s ܚ ; 59 6 i96 715 8 ro 6 9 6 1 ' 6 ܘ| 46 ܙܘ6 ܘ ܘܐ 46 61܂ ܕ 48 ܕܕ 4756 ܘ ܘܠܐ ܘ܀ 17 ܘ1 ' 6 1 2 12 8 16 ܘ .61 630 48 16 6 64 .6 5 66 51 3 67 68 69 53 9 6 49 12 50 7 6 13 3 6 ܀ 17 18 19 ܘ 99 13 5186 14 146 ܘ 14 52 '. ܘܐ ܘ. ܘ 15 16 5 6 5 34 ܘ7 ܘ 55. ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܙ 2111ܐ ܘ : 23 17 16 6 3516 ܐܢ 18 ܘ 71 72 73 74 75 56 in ܘ ܐ: 35l58 25 19 1 6 6 293 27 [28] iuit 29 96 186 ܘܐ q6 ܘ 39 136 229 1235 ܘ3 ܘ 31 ܂6 61 : 4 ܘ 24 ܝܘ ܘܘ ܘܘ ܘܘ ܘܘ ܫܘ ܘ ܘ 32 124 16 25 16 77 78 6o 79 8o 62 8i 62 16 6 8 63 !! 64:6 6 [84J 65 .83165 17 16 8{ ܘ 33 34 35 ဝဝ ဝ ဝဝ ܘ 7 26 83 27 : 6 ܐ ܘ 18 27| 36 28 136 ܘ 13 66 ܘ 9 38129 4܀ ܘ3 ܘ !3 ܘ 1 69 ܘ9 ܘܐ77 ܘ ܘ ܘ 6 39 ICO 40 131 86 16 [rii ܂6 ܕܐ 3 nܐ 132 42 ܘ 43336 6 ܘ 155 ܘܘܪ ܘ1 36c232 ܘ ܘ܀ 16 387 clܘܕ ܘ 465 ܘ6 ܘܐ ܐ58 cܘ7 310 342 34 17 46 135 13 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ 6 ܘ ܘ62 cܗ% ܘ 8 36.ܐ 47 ܘ ܀ ܘ ܀ 37 ܇ ܀ 9716© |ܘܘ9 ܘ 49 137 196 375 ܘܘܘܙ ܘ 38 ܘ5 ܘ 13 ܘ 137/cܘ17 16 The Value of a man 4 The *42 8 4 41 12 3 4 O of 40 16 8 53 51 52 is being Price of the Pound, EN, Yard, Ou ce, or other thing, Sireen Shillings, 1, s. d. Valde 1. is 1 12 54 43 55 44 (56) 6 8 74 46 8 8 59 47 4 8 16 60 48 16 10 8 62 63 514 4 16 S 12 44 16 7 8 45 12 57 58 9 0 48 9 12 61 49 12 13 14 114 50.8 0 1 2 16 64 65 16 52 52 167 17 18 19 13 12 14 8 15 4 16 o 16 16 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘܐܘ S3 12 54 8 O 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 17 12 O 18 8 19 4 o O O 554 56 56 16 0 57 12 588 23 24 25 26 20 16 59 4 60 o 60' 16 28 | 22 8 61 12 O O O O O 77 78 63 4 801 81 ооооо 24 16 25 12 21 12 [ 29 30 24 31 32 33 26 8 34 274 35 28 o 3628 16 37 38 1 308 39 31 40 32 0 83 674 O O 29 12 0000000000 72 o O 6 8 79 64 64 16 0 82 65 12 66 8 [84 85 68 86 68 16 O go 100 80 [112] 89 12 160 300 2.40 400 320 320 o 500 400 600 480 700 560 5600 800 640 900 720 1000 800 1200 960 Y ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ o 32 16 200 0 42 33 12 43 | 14 44 35 4 45 46 16 36 16 36 o O O O 37 12 35 8 48 39 49 So TbeValue of 5. , efnu I | 46 4 6 2 s II 9 18 506 I 14 : 15 . 6 O $ 302 ܘ ܩܘ ܫ.ܫ.. r6 I၀- 5 6 18 6 ( The Price of the Pound, Ell, YaraOunce, or other thing, being Sortcen a hillings i Dinca. 1. . . Value. d. Is I to of 51 is 42 6 9 52 42 I8 4 A 53 43 I4 6 5 6 5 44 II 6 4 I9 ရ 4 5 5 I5 h [s6 8 5 47 6 9 7 6 47 If 8 5 5 43 I9 6 9 6 oc 49 ) 12 6 3 6 6n $ 3 II 11 6? 51 19 6 Is 7 6 6. 16 r6 I3 4 6 ? 0 00 5 9 13 V4 I? 6 5 - 3 19 IS I3 6. s6 2 6 6. 6 T 57 IS 18 71 S II 73 6 72 59 24 73 6o 4 0 25 O » 6 7. 6 26 6 12 5 70) [28] 21 2 o 77 6 to 7 292 I8 6 6 7 24 I5o 30 7G 6 ) 6 3I25 II 6 c 66o 32 268 8I 65 66 33 27 4 6 82 6, I3 68 34- 9 6 35 6 6 o 9 4 7o 37 G Io 6 o. Iyo 31 7 9C 74 5 19 32 3 6 ) Or 0 [ii2 ] ? 4I 66 2016 343 30247 10 43 35 9 6 40 3390 35 6 SOFI 4I Io AS အ7 Too 577 Io 335 b oo 665 48 9 2 99 742 Io 49 I၀၀၀ 825 0 18 19 o ဇ ဝ ဝ ။ e ဝ မ မ 19 16 6II? T ဝစ 62 14 } 0 81 8 17 (8. JL h 36 ဝယ ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝ၀ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝ မ ၀၀ မ စ ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝ ဝါ 18 82 Io 0 8 ၁ 376 £££ 5 6c495 New 46 O to 8 6 요 ​5. o Io 990 0 TheValue of at mine 18 45 6 50 is 43 7 3 45 3 $911 ings. 1. .: 2 II 55 , d. Value 1. SI 14 53 o sSevenresa 52 44 4 4 8 of being 46 15 The Price of the Pound, EII, 7 ara' Ounce, or other thing, 7 S 19 (56) 47 12 8 6 16 57 9 9 7 13 49 6 59 50 3 9 7 0 - 48 8 10 60 51 4 1 II 13 14 ST 17 52 14 53 11 18 O 0 12 15 54 8 16 62 63 64 631 5 $6 2 671 56 19 13 12 18 14 9 15 6 16 3 17 17 17 19 20 57 16 O O O O O 691 58 13 2 1 59 10 18 1+ 607 23 19 II 72 22 0 0 8 20 24 25 21 5 26 2 27 22 19 [25]} 23 16 24 13 0 O O O 61 46 o 62 73 62 18 o 74 75 63 15 761 64 12 77 65 9 781 66 79 67 3 801 68 30 25 Io 26 68 17 28 69 14 81 82 8 3 [84] 70 01 8 72 . 31 7 32 27 27 4 33 34 28 18 3529 15 36 30 12 31 9 32 6 39 33 3 34 0 41 34 17 42 35 14 0 43 36 1: 44 37 861 73 38 90 76 10 85 (1112] 95 2001 170 0 0 0 0 o 300 255 400) 340 500 425 O 8 37 45 38 600 510 461 39 39 19 4849 40 16 7001 595 800l 680 900 765 0 1000 850 1200 1020 0 49 42 to TheValue of mong 482 6 The 3 4 54475 is 55 d܂ s 115 6 , ܘ 39 ,52 ܘ1 45 6 ܀ 5346 ܘ 6 6 , Price of the Pound, El, YardOunce, or other thing, being Seventeen Shillings Six Pence. 1, Valuel 1. ;)t° 51} is 44 12 4 7 55 6 7 7 17 [ 56 49 49 17 7 3 6 loo 57 6 9 10 $$ 15 ܘ5 ܘ 15 8 ܘ ܀ 6 56 51 12 II 912 6 ܘ1 52 6 | 6 13 II 6 7 5 ܘ 537 54 5 55 2 ܐ1 62 6 : 63 6 : 6 13 ܐ 6 ܘ 56 16 6 ܘܰ6 17 18 14. 17 15 15 16 1? 56 176 5 15 58 12 6 6 6- 68 бе 76 ܘܐ 59 ܘ1 17 1 ܘ6 18 76 19; 5 6 61 62 6 5 9 2 6 6 23 ܘܬ ܘ 63 7 72 73 73 2 25 26 21 17 17 64 13 65. 12 ܪܠܐ 22 ܘ 6 76 ܘ1 66 ܘ1 24 ][28] 23 12 0 67 7 685 69 78 7 ܘܘ ܘܗ ܘ 26 39 31 c7oܐ 257 6 5 2 6 28 28 176 2915 6 ܂ ܘ ܘ 17 ܘ7 ܘ 32 33 34 35 ܩܘ ܩ ܘ ܩ ܘ ܩܘܠܐ ܩܘ ܟ ܘ 6 ܐl :? ܘܙ 73 ܘ 36 ܐܐ ܘ3 ܘܐ ܐ3 ܘ 81 6 82 71 15 83 [8]l 83 74 7 6 86 99 100 [ui2] 37 38 327 6 33 $ 34 6 35 6 ܪ 75 ܙ 28 ܘ1 87 39 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ4 99 35 17 ܘ 16 36 421 3܀ ܘ1 437 3712 ܘܐ 44138 6 25: oܘ6 0175ܘ2 ܘ1 262 oܘ3 350 ofܘ4 ܘ ܘ35 ܘ1 37܀ ܘܘ5 ܘ 25; ܘܐ 613 ܐܘܘܟ ܘ ܘܐ 781 ܐܘܘܕ ܘ 875 |ܘܘܘ1 45 397 46 4741 ܘ 40 6 ܘ70 dܘ% ܠܟ ܘ ܘ 49 | 42 12 59 43 ܘ 15 ܘܕ 962 ܘܘ11 ܘ CheValue of n motino 8 4 5 The 3 5 148 12 6 5 10 52 of 5 is 45 13 3 2 14 . d. 2 is 1 16 O sSe . 1. 46.16 Va [Value being 49 10 12 4 51 O 9 18 o 14 62 13 lo 148 15.6 16 614 . 19 16 Price of the Pound, EN,Yard, Ounce, or other thing, Gigbterat hullinss. 1. S. d7 6 6 (56 8 8 :17 4 6 9 8 58 4 59 53 boj: 54 10 16 61154 18 IL 140 625 16 631 56 14 0 57 I2 6c 58 10 17 6€ 598 4 6 606 1917 68 18 6c 62 2 1818 63 о 22 71 63 18 23 20 14 72 64 16 24 2012 75 25 22 TO 72 8 27 24 60 76 688 (281 25 4 77 69 6 0 29 26 2 78704 27 75 31 8C 72 O 28 16. o 33 29 14 0 82 73 16 30 12 o 84 74 14 31- 10 75 12 36 8 76 19 37 33 86 38 34 90 81 39 352 100 90 (112) 100 16 41 36 18 200 180 o 42 30c 270 0 43 400 360 0 44 39 12 500 4500 45 40 JO 6oc 540 0 46 8 700 6300 6 720 o 43 gco 810 49 0 1000 soo soo 0 50 45 11001 990 0 0 65314 66 12 67 10. OOOOO 23 C o o 27 18 81 72 78 [84 32 8 Có lo al O 37 16 38 14 O 48 2 . Value The Valueof , The d. 3. 2 Price of the Pound, Eli, ZaraOunce, or other thing, being Tightcen Shillings wir ance. 1. 1. IS 1 17 of 511 is 47 3 6 2 15 6 $2 48 3 14 0 53 49 4 1 2 6 54 49 19 SII 5 .3 2 O 6 5 مه ته به 6 (56) 51 16 8 o 9 6 9 7 8 8 6 9 5 3 6 58 6 12 2 61 0 6 34 15 12 19 17 17 63 6 58 16 14 16 6 1914 16 17 52 14 6 53 13 O 56 54. IL 6 60 55 10 568 6 62 5 7 5 6: 59 4 65 60 2 6 661657 ) 67 6 68 62 18 O 69 63 16 6 O 71965 13 6 7266 12 73 63 10 6 74 68 6 18 67 19 17 IT 6 ::. 20 18 10 6415 2 0 60 740 74 18 7 23 21105 6 24 224 O 23 6 Í 24 1; 6 (28 29:13 22 26016 30 .275 31 6 32 29.12 33go 10 34 9 32 36 37 6 37 34 4 6 38 37 3 oc 30 36 1 6 40 37 000 41 37 18 6 42 38 17 39 15 6 4440 14 82 831 70 6 6 78 72 13 0 79 6 73 801 O 81 6 O 6 84) 8 8 12 6 8 79110 83 5 ICO (1121 121 103 12 2001 18 180 300 277 10 400 370 1500 4'2 10 foc 5550 700 627 10 foc 740 C 900 832 10 rcool (25 92 to O O O O O O 0 46 41 12 4.2 11 47 43 9 48 44 & 40 45 16 o o 50465 110011017 o 0 The Price of the Pound, Ell,Yard, : TheValueof mono 17 3 16 *** 7 12 O O 9 10 9 o 12 13 O O O 0 0 19 66 10 21 17 70 67 72 Ounce, or other thing, being Mintteen Shillings 1. 8. d. Value L d. fis 180 of 51 is 48 9 3 52 498 4 53 507 5 4 15 54 506 6 5 14 55 52 5 7 0 13 O (56] 53 4 8 57 54 3 9 8 II 581 55 2 IO 591 56 1 10 9 60 57 O o 8 611 57 19 12 7 58 18 13 6 631 59 17 15 14 5 64 60 16 16 15 4 65 61.15. o 17 16 3 661 62 14 18 17 2 671 63 13 18 1 68 64 12 19 O 69 65 11 23 19 19 O 20 18 68 8 24 22 16 73) 697 23 15 6 26 24 14 75 715 27 25 13 O 761 72 4 (28) 26 12 77 73 3:0 29 27 11 78 74 30 79 31 29 9 O 80 76 0 32 0 81 31 7 77 18 34 32 6 0 831 78 17 335 [84] 79 16 36 34 4 0 85 37 35 3 86 36 87 39 37 90 85 Jo 100 95 41 [1121 106 8 42 200 190 0 43 40 17 300 285 400 380 42 IS 500 475 46 43 14 0 44 13 700 665 0 45 12 800 760 "o 49 45 m 900855 50 47 10 1000) 950 Z O O O O O O O O O O 2 28 10 O co 75 30 8 76 19 82 ou AwN 80 15 82 13 0 0 0 0 38 38 19 如​什 ​39 18 O 600 5700 O O N The Value ofemme 6 Ounce12 $2 13 6 5 17 . 19 I 19 O 53 0 50 14 0 4 3 18 Values 54 6 5 4 17 6 51 is 49 14 6 3 2 18 6 13 of 53 52 S. 1The Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, . d3 55 II 6 8 15 IO II 86 10 14 IT 14 12 13 ܘ ܘ ܘ O 609 O o 14 12 16 11 17 II 19 lo 67 5 9 , or other thing, being Nineteen hillinga Sir Pence. 1. S. d. 51 53 7 6 16 6 [56] 54 12 8 7 16 0 57 9 6 581 56 ir 9 15 o 591 57 106 60 58 10 o 12 6) 59 9 6 13 6 62 14 13 13 63 61 8 6 6 15 64 62 8 16 15 12 651 637 76 6 66 64 7 18 671 65 66 18 10 6 19 68 6 691 6 21 6 70 68 5 21 9 71 69 4 6 22 8 6 72 70 40 24 / 23 8 o 73 6 741 72 3 26 25 7 6 26 6 6 76 74 2 [28] 27 6 72 75 6 29 28 5 78176 O 30 29 5 791 77 o 6 31 30 4. 4* 6 80 77 314 81 6 33 32 3 6 82 79 19 34 333 831 80 18 6 35 34 2 6 (8411 81 18 3635 85 82 17 G 6 86 83 17 38 37 87 84 16 6 39 38 0 6 90 87 15 97 10 41 39 19 6 (112) 1094 40 19 200 195 43 300 292 10 44 42 18 400 390 45 | 43 17 6 5001 487 10 46 44 17 47 | 45 16 700 682 10 48 | 46 16 800] 780 49 47 15 900 877 10 71 3 25 24 75 73 I poole 0 78 19 . 0 37 36 1 0 1 39 O 0 O 41 18 6 O O 600 5850 6 0 O CO 48 15 o 975 (171) The Uſe of the foregoing TALE. T. HE Table foregoing is ſo plain, that it needs no Explanation; the Epiitle to the Reader ſhews what is need- ful relating thereto; and ſome Examples of its Ufe take as follow, viz. Example 1.] Admit you would know what 47 Pounds, Ells, Yards, or Ounces, &c. of any Commodity amounts to at 7 s. 9 d. the Pound, Ell, &c. Look firk for the Price of the Thing propoſed, as here 7 s. 9 d. at the Top of the Ta- ble; then cart your Eye downward, and under the Words [ The Value of ) you will find 47, right againſt which, to- wards the right hand, you will find 18 7. 4.1 3.d. and ſo much is the true Value of 47 Pounds, Ells, Yards, &c. of any thing at 7 s. 9 d. per Pound, Ell, Yand, &c. 73 Pounds, Example 2.) Suppoſe it is required, to find the Value, or amount of Ells, Yards, Ounces, &c. of any Sort of Goods, at is. Ind. 3 f. for each Unit: or any other Number of Shillings Pence, and Far hings, afligned for the Pound, Ell, &c. Look firit for the Price of the Thing propoſed, as here 1 s. 11 d. 3f. or 23 d. 3. f. at the Top of the Table; then call your Eye down- ward, as before directed, and under the Words [The Value of ] you will find 731 right againſt which, towards the right Hand, you will find 71. 48. 58.3f. and ſo much is the true Value of the pro- pored Quantity, at 23 d. 3f: per Pound, EII, Yard, &c Example 3:] Admit you would know the Value of Tome Number of Pounas, Ells, or any other thing, which cannot be found at once in the Table ; as fup- poſe you would know what 751 Ells of Linnen, &c. amounts to at 7 s. 9 d. Z 2 172 The Uſe of the foregoing Table. per Ell: The Rule is, having found ( as before ) the Price of the Eīl at the Top of the Table, you will find under [The Value of ] 70%, right again which, toward the right Hand, you have the Value of 700 Ells, 1. di which is_271 5:0 And against 51 in that >add C:lumn, under 7 d. is 19:15:3) So that the Value of 75 1 at 75. 9d. each is 291 : 0:3 Example 4 ] When it happeneth tha the Value of your Goods or Merchan- dize is not juſt expreſſed in the Table, (which feldom miffes of finding it at once) then in ſuch Cafe, you are to find the Particulars of the given Price, in ſome 0:1e or more of the Tables ; which being added together, the Sam will be the An:ount fought. As for Inſtance ; admit 987. Yards of Parfan Silk ſhould coſt 3 s. 10 d. if. per Yard: To know the Amount of the whole. To effect which, look for the greateſt Part of your given Price, for : Yard, on the Top of the Table; which is found (as neareſt to it) to be only 3 s. and 9 d. then it follows, Yds. 1. s. d. f. r goo at 3 s. 9 d. per Yard, is 168 : 15:0:0 Ditto 80 is 15 1: 6:3:9 Thengoo atsd. 1.fper Yd.is 4 : 13:9:9 Ditto 80 8:4:0 Ditto 7 is 0:8: 3 : Ditto 7 is That is The Sam for Anſwer, is 190 : 4:0:3 N. B. in like manner may be found ( by Addition only) the Value or A- mount for any Quantity propoſed, at be Price or Rate of any Number of Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and Far- things under a Pound, for an Unit or any puricular thing given. But uben The Uſe of the foregoing Table. 173 Table is to find the Value of the Hun. when it happeneth, that the Price of an Unit of any Commodity, is any Sum above 11. and under 21. tben ibe Amount jought, may be readily found, by the following Directions in Example 16. which fee. a Example 5.) Admit the Value of the Unit of your Commodity or Merchan- dize is not juft expreſſed in the Table ; tho! I think there is ſcarce any thing bought and fold, whoſe Value is not therein) as ſuppoſe you would know the Value of 56 Yards of Broad Cloth, at izs. 5 d. the Yard: Look for 12 s. the Price of the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ource, or other thing, 1. S. d. and againſt 56. you have--33: 12:0 And under d. and a. The Sum of which for Anſwer is 34:15 Example 6.) Admit you would find the Value of 7 C. 3.9. 25.16. of any Commodity at any Rate; as fuppole at 7 5. od per Pound; here you will find the Value of 1 Hundred, viz 112 lb. at 78. 9 d. to be-435-5 Which multiply by And the Product is 303:10:0 The Value of 3 qrs. (or 84 lb. ) at 78. gde is 32:11:0 And the Value of the 25 lb. is (at that rate) S 9:13:9 The Sum for Anſwer is 346: 0:9 Example 7.] The farther Üle of this dred Weight of any thing, by know- ing the Price of the Pound. Thus, if the Price of a Pound Weight is 75. 9 d. that of the Hundred (againſt 112 lb. and under 7s. 9 d.) will be found 432 8 s. ard ſo of any other. Cr Where the Value of the Pound is low, (as gainless you have a } The Super if which for} Example 10.] Or if you deſire to know 174 The Uſe of the foregoing Table (as 6 d. or leſs)-the Value of the Hun- dred may be found by Memory, by this ſhort Verie; As mans Farthings as will buy a Pound, So oft ( in th' Hundred Weight ) is Two and Four Pence found. Thus, if the Value of the Pound is 3 d. Farthing, that is 13 Farthings, that of the Hundred is 13 two Shillings, and 13 Groats, which is 30s. 4 d the Hun- dred ; and the reaſon of this is becauſe 112 Farthings is 2 s. 4 d. Example 8. ] By the foregoing Table you may likewiſe find the Value of the Pound ( to a Farthing) by knowing the Value of the Hundred Weight : Thus, if the Value of the Hundred is 16 s. 4.d. Look for 16 :: 4 d. ( or a Number next thereto) againſt 112 included thus in a Parathefis [12] ; and caſting your Eye to the Top of that Colump, you will find the Price of the Pound, &c. to be id. 3 Farthings. Example 9 ] The farther Uſe of this Table is to find how much of any Com- modity at a Rate propoſed, any Sum of Money will buy. Thus, if you would know how many Yards of Muſlin of 63. 3 d. per Yard 25 l. will purchaſe : Look at the Top of the Table for 6 s. 3d, and under that Rate look for 25 1. in the Column of Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, and you have do in the Co- lumn towards the left hand, under [ The Value of ], and ſo many Yards will the 25 7. buy. what any Sum will buy that is not juſt mentioned in the Table; as ſuppoſe you would know how many Ells of Holland of 6 s. 3 d. per Ell 100 l. will buy: Look under 6s. 3 d. for 100, as did before for 251. and you will find againſt 931. 155. ( which is the next Number leſs than the 100 l.) 300 ; then **) je VOU The Uſe of the foregoing Table. 175 * 20 d. Thewed hitherto, this Table will be then deduct 937. 15 s. from 100, and the Remainder is 6 l. 5 s. againſt which (or the Number next lefs) you will find in the Table under the Rate 6 s. 3d. aforeſaid, 20; ſo that rool. I find will buy Ells 320 at 6 s. 3 d. each ; and thus may you find any other to 1. Ells. or a Quarter of 93 15 will buy 300 a Unit thereof. 5 See the Mar- gin 320 This Table reduceth any Number of Shillings, Pence, or Farthings into Pounds, which is very uſeful to all Perſons, eſpecially ſuch as underſtand nat Diviſion. Example 11.) To reduce Farthings into Pounds. In 75643 Farthings, how many Pounds Sterling ; Under 1 Farthing. 1. Againſt 70000 is -72 : 18:4 5000 4 : 600 O: 12 : 6 43 0:10 75643 78 : 15: 10$ Example 12.] To reduce Pence into Pounds. In 3 1839 Pence, how many Pounds ? Under i d. againſt 30000 is 125 : 0:0 4 :3 : 3:4 800 - 6 : 8 39 3 : 3 Anſwer 31839-132:13:3 Example 13.] To reduce Shillings into Pounds. Look for your Number of Shillings given to be reduced, under the Price One Shilling ) and right againſt the Shillings given, you have the Anfwer in Pounds, as before. This needs no Ex- ample, Example 14.) From what hath been found 1000 3 1 tians, viz. 176 The Uſe of the foregoing Table. found very uſeful for the ſpeedy work- ing Queſtions in Barter: As it a Mer- chant hath Cotton Wool, 8C. 39: 27 16. at 13 d. per Pound, which he is willing to barter with a Linnen-Draper for Ful- at 143, each End, white Jeans of 16 s. per End, and Barmil- lians ar 18 s. per End: How many Ends of Fuſtian muſt the Draper give the Mer- chant for his Cotton Wool? Anſwer, 24 Ends of each Sort, and I s. 10 d. in Money. See the Work, At 13. d. the Pound C. (or 112 lb. ) 1 d. is worth 6: 8: Multiply 8 TheValue of : :6: 8 8 C, is - 3 Quarters 4 : 16 : 3 ; 10: 111 So the Cot- ton Wool 57 : 13 : 101 of}s: 27 lb, is is worth- . Now if the ſeveral Prices of the Fuſtians are added together, the Sum is 48 s. of which is 16 s. under which Price, and againſt 571. 12 s. (which is the next Number to 57 l. 13$. 10 d.) you have 72, of which is 24 ; which ſhews that the Draper muft give the Merchant 24 Ends of each Sort of Fuftians for his Cot- ton Wool. Example 15 ) Thiş Table is alſo uſeful in working Queſtions in Lofs and Gain : As if a Merchant buyeth 849 Bundles of Yarn at 6 s. 9 d. per Bundle, and ſells the fame again at 96. 6 d. per Bundle, what does he gain thereby ? The Difference in the Prices is 25. 9 d. and 849 times two Shillings and pine Pence by the Table is u167. 13 s. 9 d. for Anſwer. 1. d. For 800 under 2 s. 9 d. is 110: 0:0 49 * is 6: 14:9 Sum 849 Anſwer 116:14:9 Example The Uſe of the foregoing Table. 177 at 345. 6 d per be} Examp. 16.] When the Price of the Unit of any Commodity is any Sum above 1 l. and under 2 Z. the Value is found by the Table. Thus, if you would find the Value of 84 died Jeans, &c. End. . d. For the il, put down 84: Then look for 14 s. 6 d. at the Top of the Table, 60 : 18:0 and againſt 84 you will find The Sum of which is the Anſwer. 144: 18:0 Examp. 17:] I. When it happeneth, that the Price of a Unit of any Com- modity, conſiſts of any Number of Pounds, Shillings, Pence and Farthings ſuperior to 2 1. then, in ſuch Caſe, the Value or Integral Part of any Number of Units of ſuch Price, may be beſt found by the Table of Univerſal Uſe, in Sect. 4. and Chap. II. which ſee, II. The Amount fought for the Inte- gral Part of the given Price, being found (in Pounds) as above ; you are next to find it for the odd Shillings, Pence, and Farthings in the given Price; according to the Method preſcribed in Chap. I. and .,,R.;:. Examp. 4. ibap . I, and See the Work 2. Admit a Merchant receives 97 Tun of Goods, at 291. 175.;d. i f. per Tun; to know the Purchaſe of the Whole? Anſw. 2897 1 11 s. ş d. if. Tun s. d. f. (1.Tab 2.97 mul. by 29 Prod. 2813 : 00:0 2. Tab. 1. go Tun 175. per Tun,is76 : 10:0:0 Ditto 7 Tun 175. per Tun,is 5:19:0:0 3dly. 90 Tun 5d. if pTun,is 1:19:4: I (Ditto 7 Tun 5d. if pTun, is o: 3:0: The Sum for Anſwer, is 2897:11: 5:1 N. B, Tbe Reader may here obſerve, that the foregoing Table of Merchandize, is Jo augmented and illuflrated by the 17th Example above; that there can be no- thing relating to buying and ſelling but wbet is comprebended in the jame, and may be readily found by ſome of the preceding Directious, A a The The Length or Valur The Length or Value of any thing being of any thing being [3] things vates. The uredu, ur, Products, things valaed, Toe prcdtii Products. Produets. things valued.) The breuth, or Products. 102 52 104 things valoe.. The breath, or monono a 531 106 41 108 24 10 52 153 9 52156 12 53 159 IS 54) 162 18 551165 21 $6f 168 57 171 271581114 30 19:177 331 60l 180 36 61 183 39 621 185 42 63 189 45 64. 192 48 661198 541 671 201 57 68 204 60 69 207 63 66 711213 13 IZ 13 17 15 16 17 181 19 20 64/128 651 195 661 132 រ 70 210 go 72 216 73 219 22 23 14 25 26 27 72 75 78 81 741 222 751 225 S 6 I 2 531 110 14 56 112 571 114 18 9 58), 116 To 20 59 22 II 6C 120 24 61 122 13 26 621 124 28 14 631 126 30 16 32 65 ijo 17 34 301671 134 19 OM 681 136 20 401691 138 2) 42 70 140 22 44 73 142 23 72 144 24 40 731 146 25 so 741 148 26 75 Igo 27 54 76 152 28 56 771 154 581 781 156 60 30 79 158 62 8ol 160 31 641 811 162 32 66 82 164 33 68 831 166 34 70 841 168 35 36 72 37 74 76/87 174 39 78 40 8c 89! 178 82 41 go 180 182 841 91 42 43 86 921 18+ 88193) 186 90 46 92 951 190 941 48 961971 194 491 981 981 196 28 84 26 228 771 231 29 87 78 234 29 3090 791 237 31 93 801 240 81243 82 246 83 249 841 252 851 255 861 258 851 170 86 172 3296 33199 341 102 351 105 36 108 371 III 381 114 391 117) 401 120 41 123 425 126 43) 129 381 76 881 176 I 871 261 88] 264 89 267 901 270 91273 92| 276 441 132 93 279 451 135 94 282 46 138 471 141 481 144 97291 491 147 941 388 ........... 1......... 95 285 96 288 96 192 98 294 50icof 99) 198 50 iso 99 297 The Length or Value The Length or Value of any thing being of any thing being [3] [41 things valveda The bredth, or + Products, things valued The bredth, or Produits chings valued. rbe bredth, or an emerything in lo Tags valued. The bredth, or Products. Products, man 50 204 10 12! 20! 24! 52208 53 212 54 216 551 220 28 56 224 57 228 36 58232 581 290 236 12 11 12 60 300 6 al 30s 60 61 €2 63 48 57 56 13 14 60 64 68 64 ago 651 260 66 264 67 268 18 19 76 631 310 681 272 so! 691 276 20 21 110 23 92! 104 ti 84 20 180 88 71 284 72 88 241 96 73 292 231 100 74 296 99 300 271 108 76 304 28 112 77 308 29/ 116 78312 30 120 1 124 28 $1255 15 52/ 260 53) 26; 251 54 270 6 301 55 275 35156289 57285 4 50 591 295 35 305 651 62 310 + 701 63315 75') 64 320 16 80'ſ 65 325 8566 330 18 9067) 335 95 10069 345 105 70 359 7355 23 115 72 360 731 365 351 125 | 74 370 130 75 375 135 76 389 40 77385 45 78390 30 350 79 395 354 155 80 400 160 811 405 33 165 82 416 34 170 83 415 351 175 | 84 420 36 ilo 85 425 37/ 185 86, 430 38 190 871 435 88 440 89 445 sos i go 450 91 455 215 92 460 93' 46 025 94' 470 Jo 95; 475 335 96 480 240 245 g8 490 50 2501 99 495 791 326 80 310 811 324 82 328 32 828 33/ 132 394 136 51 140 36] 144 37 148 831 332 841 326 851 340 344 871 348 $8) 352 5 356 381 152 39 39) 195 156 160 164 168 47| 16. 360 94 364 43) 172 94 368 47 475 93) 372 467 184 941 376 95/ 380 96 384 49/ 196 97 388 981 392 45 180 188 431 192 行程​特 ​971 485 sol 2001 995 396 A 2 The Length The or Value 2 w Wuc of any thing being 161 of any th no ien (71 chiars valiis 1.1 Chie biedingurant Produits cuing valued The nredil, un Products hugs valued. Tac bruit, i' Products, chinys valuun The dredi, org Products. 357 2 14 3 21 28 5 35 6 42 7 49 8 56 9 63 10 70 51 52 364 53 371 541 378 55 385 56392 57 399 58 406 591 413 60 6 12 420 427 434 13 62 631 441 641 448 17 84 13 91 141 98 151 105 16 11 2 171 119 18 126 191 133 20 140 2147 22 154 65 455 66 462 67 681 476 60 483 231 26) 241 168 12 sol 306 18 52] 312 4 24 53 318 s 30 54 324 6 36 531 330 7 42 56 336 48 571 34 9 54 581 348 60 591 354 66 6o 72 611 366 78 621 372 84 63 378 15 90 641 384 16 90 651 390 IO2 66 39 181 ics 671 402 19 114 68 408 20 120 691 414 21 126 201 410 22 132 71 426 23.138 72 432 241 144 73 :38 as 150 741 444 26 156 751 450 27 162 761 450 28 168 29) 174 781 468 30 180 79) 474 31 186 80 400 321 192 811 486 82 492 83 498 841 504) 85 510 86 516 871 522 39234 88 528 40 240 89) 534 411 246 90 540 42 252 91 546 92 552 93 558 471 270 941 564 401 276) 951 570 47 Sol 576 48288 971 582 491 294 98 588 251 175 261 182 27) 189 7- 496 711 497 721 504 731 511 741 518 751 525 761 532 771 539 781 546 791 553 80 560 811 567 821 37 771 462 28 195 د ا;& 0) 33) 198 3+ 204 35/ 210 36/ 216 371 222 30 228 29 203 30 210 31217 32 224 33 231 34 238 351 2:45 361 252 37 ?59 38 266 39| 273 40 280 41 287 421 294 431 30 44308 451 315 46.322 471 325 48 336 491 343 84 583 851 595 861 602 871 609 881 616 89 623 43 2: 44 264 90 630 911 637 92 644 93 651 94/ 6,8 95 665 96 672 97 679 98 686 50 0 3001 99 5941 99/ 693 501 350 ulit Length or Value The Lenzen ur Value of any thing being 581 of any lg being [97 47 Products things valued.! The bredth, on Pioducts. Produits. Products. s valued. 1 ithe breilti,oramio Noo The bredili, or hoe om 16 ings value:I. The bredth, or amonu 18 27 51 459 521 468 32 531 477 45 54 5+ 486 48 51 408 52 456 53 42 54 432 551 440 56 448 571 456 58 464 59 472 60 480 56 7 3 24 4 5 40 6 7 8 64 9 IO 80 88 12 96 13) 104 14 112 151 120 161 128 17 136 72 55 495 561 504 571 513 58 522 59 531 72 81 90 99 108 9 IC I 2 60 540 61 549 62 558 13) 117 611 488 62 496 631 504 64 512 651 520 66 528 67 536 681 544 691552 14 126 1133 161 144 17 155 18) 162 63 567 641 576 651 585 661 594 181 141 19 171 67 603 68 612 691] 7 20 180 211 139 22 19 630 207 711 639 72 64.8 657 74 666 2! 224 32 288 341 30€ 19 152 201 160 21 168 70 560 22 176 711 568 23 184 72 516 241 192 73 584 24 200 71.592 261 208 70 600 271 216 76608 77 616 29 232 78 624 30 240 79) 632 371 248 80 640 32 256 81 648 33 264 82 650 34 272 831 664 351 280 84. 672 36 288 851 686 37 296 861 688 871 699 39 312 401 320 401 328 90720 42 336 911 728 43 344 92 736 441 352 93 744 451 360 941 752 461 368 471 376 96 768 481 384 4.91 392 981 784 50 400 991.792 241 216 73 25 223 25 234 75 675 27 243 76 684 231 252 77 693 29 261 781 702 30 270 79 711 31 279 80 720 811 729 331 297 821 738 83 747 33 319|| 84 756 36 324 851 765 371 333 38 342 87 783 39| 351 44 360 89 801 41 369) 90 42 378 gor 819 4? 387 441 396 93. 8:37 4! 4051 94 846 4F 414 47 423 96 96. 864 48432 97 873 491 441 98 882 501450 99 891 861 774 381 304 881 792 88 704 891 712 810 92 828 951 760 855 971 776 I The Length or Value The Length or Value of any thing being (11 of any thing being (12) things valus the bredth St Pro lucts, things value 'roducts. ****** things valued. The bredth, Products ljo 22 612 things valued. Products. The uredtb, or | mano na a 33 36 $2) 624 $3 636 54 648 6bo $6 672 $7684 58) 696 591 708 13/ 156 168 163 19 228 71 781 72 79 731 807 741 814 241 288 73876 825 51 561 24 51 52) 572 53) 583 55 54) 594 60 66 55 00, 72 77 55 56 616) 8 88 57 627 81 96 9 99 58 638 9 103 JO JIO 59649 120 121 60 660) 11 13 60) 720 12 132 614 671 12 144 1 61 732 134 143) 62682 5662 62 744 141 154 631 093 15 16 63 756 641 704 18064758 151 176 631715 16 192|63|780 17 187 661 726 2041 | 66. 792 181 198 671 737 18216 6-1807 19) 209 581 748 68 816 2 220 691 7-9 20240|| 69 828 231 701 770 21 2521 70 840 32242 22 2641 | 24 852 23 2:3 231 276 72 864 2+ 204 2.27 251 300 34 436 74) 888 26 312 297 750 900 271 3241 3241 176) 912 28] 308 28) 396 771 924 29319 29 348 78) 936 30 330 869 30 360 31 341 880 31 372|| 80 960 32 352 81 897 321 384! 81 972 33 363 82 902 33) 396 821 984 341 374 831 913 831 996 351 385 841 924 35| 420 ; 84 1008 368 396 851 93 36 432 432|85|tozo 371 4071 | 86] 946 17444|| 86 1032 381 4181 | 871 957 381 456|87|1044 391 429 88) 968) 39| 468|| 88 tos6 401 449 | 891 979 49 484 | 89/1068 451 90 990 492||9g1080 91 loon 42 504|| 91 to92 47392||012 431 516 92 1104 93 4023 451 4956 94/1034 451 540 46 506 9511045 46 552 47] 51711 96 1050 95|1146 47 564|| 96 1152 485281 97 1067 48 576 | 97 1164 491 539 | 98 1078 49 5881 | 981176 76 836 771 84- 78858 79) 8og 801880 79 948 341 408 42 462 8493 451 528 93 016 94'1128 sel 550 1 99|10891 50 bod | oplor68 The Length or Value The Length or Valve of any thing being of any thing being (14) things valued. Products. Ithings valued.) The bredth, ori Nm Products. things valued. Produ&s. things valued.) Products. Thebredth, or ano No 25 39 57 663 52 676 53 689 56 728 59 767 59 826 23/ 322. 72 1008 651 54 702 6 7811 55 715 91 81 104 104|| 57 741 91 117|| 58 754 IO 130 IT 143|| 60 780 121 156|| 61/ 793 13 169|| 62 806 141 182 631 819 15 196 641 838 16/ 208|| 65 845 171 221 66 858 18] 234 67871 19 247 68 884 20 260 698 69 897 31273 701 910 221 2861 711 923 23] 299|72|936 *41 312 | 73 949 25 325|| 74 962 2633811751975 27 35+|| 76) 988 28] 364||77|1001 29/ 377|| 78|1014 30 390|| 79 1027 31.403 80 1040 32 416|| 811053 33/ 429|| 82 1066 341 442||83|1079 351 455|| 84 1092 361 468|| 851103 371 481 86 1118 381 494|| 871131 391 $071 887144 401 520|| 89 1157 411 533|| 9011170 42) 546|| 91 1182 43 559|| 92/1196 44) 572|| 93|1209 451 585|| 94 1222 46598|| 95|1235 47 611|| 961248 48 624|| 97 1261 49 637|| 981274 50 650|| 99|1287 28 51714 42 521 728 5653 742 70 54 756 84' 55 770 98 | 56 784 II2 571 798 9 126 58 812 10 140 1 154' 60' 840 12 168 | 61 854 13) 182 621 868 196 | 63 882 Il 210 | 641 896 16 224 | 651 910 17 238 66 924 181 252 671 938 19 266 68 952 to 230 | 69 966 21 294 70 980 71 994 14 336, 73 1022 25 350 74 1036 26 364 | 75 10go 27 378 76 1064 28] 392 | 77 1078 29| 406.) 78 1092 30 420 | 79 1106 31 434 80 L120 32 448811134 82/1148 83 4162 35| 490'| 840176 85mgo 371 518 861204 38] 532|| 87|1218 39 546|88|1232 40 560 89|1246 41 574 | 99 1260 911274 43 60292 1288 616 93 1302 45| 630|| 941316 46 644|| 95|1334 471 658|| 96 1344 48) 672|| 97 1358 49) 686|| 9811372 so' 7001 99 1386 33 462 341 476 36 504 421 588 The Length or Value |The Length or Value of any thing being [15] of any thing being (16) hinos valned. I Products. znings valued.) The bredth, or] mano Products. things valued. The breath, or al mio Noo things valuert. The bredth,orios 32 816 3 48 SI 52) 832 531 848 54 864 55 880 571 855 4 64 80 96 112 | 56 896 8. 128 1281 57 912 9 144 58 928 59 944 ID 1761 60 960 12. 192 61 976 59 885 30 51 765 3 4511 32 789 601 531 795 5 7511 54 819 61 90|| 551 825 105|| 56 840 8 1201 135|| $8) 870 10 150 11| 165|| 60 900 180 195|| 62 930 210|631 945 151 225|| 64 960 16240|| 65.975 17/ 255 661 990 18 270167|1005 19 285|| 68|1020 201 300 69 1035 Io 160 611 915 12 13 13 208 62 992 14 64 1024 21 315 22 330 70 1050 711065 72'080 23 368 23/ 3451 24 360| 30 480 345 73 1095 25| 375|| 74 ITIO 261 390 75/"125 271 405) 76 1140 28) 420|| 77 1155 29 435|| 78/1170 30 45°|| 79 1185 31 465|| 84 1200 32 480|| 81 1215 33 495|| 82 1230 34 83|1245 35 +36 540|| 85|1273 371 55514 86 1200 38] 579|| 8711305 39 585|| 88;1320 600 40 89,1335 615 14 224 63 1008 154 240 16 256|| 65 1049 27 272 66 1056 18 288 67 1072 19. 304 68 1088 20 320 69|1104 21 336 70, 1120 22 352 711136 72 1152 24384|1 73 1168 25/ 400 74 1184 26 416||75 1200 271 432 76 1216 28. 448 771232 29, 464 78,1248 79 1264 31 496|| 80 1280 32 512 81'1296 33 528|| 82 : 312 34) 544' | 83'1328 351-560|| 84 1344 36] 5,6|| 85'1360 37] 592|| 86 1376 38 608|| 87.1392 39 624|| 83 1408 40 640189 1424 41 6561 | 901440 42 672|1 911456 43 688 92;1472 44 704|| 93 1488 45| 720|| 94 1504 46| 736|| 95|1520 47; 752|| 96 1536 9711552 98|1568 SIC 525|| 84 84|1260 630 42 90'330 9111365 92/1380 93|1395 645 43 660 *45 67,5|| 94.1410 46] 690|| 95.1425 471 705|| 96'1440 48| 720|| 97 1455 491 735|| 98 1470 48/ 768 491 784 So 750|| 99 1485 50800 9911584 The Len th or Value The Length or Value Pro of any thing being (17) of any thing being | 18 | nings vaiucd. The bredth, of things valnou. Thc bredien, or Products. J Ithings vaided: 1 The bredth, or a mi Products. nings valued. in Chcareda, ori Products. 2 ... 6 102 8 144 * 581044 34 51 867 52 88+ 53 901 8511 5+ 918 551 935 7 55952 8 136571969 58986 10 17 59103 60120 511237 62105417 6|1974 255| 64,1080 IS! 272|6j|ios 66|1 1 2 2 67|1139 19 3.36811361 201 340W 600173 11 357||_701119 37 +11 201207 18 CG ور 721224 73|1241 36 51 918 31 54 52) 936 531 954 5 soli 5+ 972 6 108 55 990 S61003 $710 26 9 162 59 1062 198 60'1080 216161109 13 23+621116 14, 252 631134 15 2701 64 1152 16 288651170 17 305 | 66 1188 18 32467 1206 19 3:12 | 68 1224 300|| 691242 11 378 179 1260 22 39611 71.1278 23 41+1 731299 24. 432|73|1314 po 450|| 74,133 26 468 468|75, 1350 27 486761368 28 5041 77 1386 29 523781404 30, 541 79'1422 30 558 80 1449 32' 576 81 1438 33 594 82 1476 34 612 83 1494 35 630 841512 36 648, 891550 37 666 86;1578 38 684 | 87 1966 39 70211 880584 40 720|| 89'16C2 41. 7:8|90|1620 42 756|| 9111638 43 774 | 9216;5|| 44 792 19.1674 94 1692 951710 471 846.96 1728 28| 864 | 97.174 49 882 98 1764 so sop 99 1782 281 476 29 493 zom 30 32/ 54+ 4+2 || 75:27; 459 73,1292 77'309 493|| 781326 791343 5271 801360 54+1 801377 82 1394 573 831401 351 595|| 841428 361 0128;1445 37 629). 861462 6.10 87,4479 301 653: 88149 68 8911513 411 697| 901'53° 42/ 7141, 9114547 431 73 33 Soi 38 924,64 93.581 451 810 46 828 451 795|| 9411593 45 78-|| 951615 47. 799|| 9611632 431 Sac 97,1642 49 8,5|| 98 1656 Sol 8501 95016231 Ithings vahel The predt:, or me Products hings valned. 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The bredth, or a mno Products. 2 106 3 162 4. 216 $72754 522808 532862 41 212 378) 13 689 | The Length or Valuey The Length or Value of any thing being of any thing being [53] [54] 572703 2 108 3 159 522756 212 532809 5/ 265 54 2862 5 270 542916 318 552915 61 324) 55,2970 7 371 370|| 562968 7 56 3024 8) 424| 573021 8 432||$7.9098 91 477||$83074 91 486 583132 10 530||$9/3127 10 5401 59 3186 11 583 603 180 11 594 60 3240 121 6361613233 12 6481 61 3294 689|| 62 3286 13 702|| 62 3348 141 742 742 633339 14 756) 63 3402 151 79$|| 64 3392 15 8101 643456 16 84816513445 16 864|| 65 3510 17 901663498 171 918 66 3564 18 954) 67/3551 18 972|| 67 3618 19 1007|| 683604 19 1026|| 683672 20 1060|| 693657 201080|| 69 3726 211113.703710 21 1134 70,3780 12 1166 11 3763 22 1188|| 213834 231219|| 7213816 231242|| 72 3888 24.1272 || 733869 24 1296 73 3943 51325||| 243922 251350|| 74 3996 26131811 7513975 26140411 7514050 27 1431 76/4028 27 14581 76 4104 28|1484|| 77|408) 28|151211 7714158 ağl1537 784134 29|1566|| 784212 3045901 79 4187 30 1620|| 79.4266 311643 804240 3111674) 804320 32 1696|81|4293 32 1728| 814374 3317491824346 331782 82 4428 34/1802|| 83.4399 34 1836|| 834482 351485584 4452 35 1890|| 8414536 36|1908 85.4505 36 1944|| 85]4590 37/1961 864558 37 1998|| 864644 38|2014| 87 4611 38 2052|| 87/4698 39/2067|| 884664 39 2106 88/4752 4012120 | 89 4717 402160 8914806 4121731904770 412214|| 9024860 42 4326|| 91/4823 42 2268|| 9114914 43|2279|| 92/4876 432322|| 92 4968 44/2332 || 93 4929 44 2376 935022 4512385|| 94 4982 45 24301 94 507 46 2438|| 95|5035 46 24845 95 5130 4712491 | 96 5088 47,2938|| 9615184 482544|| 97 5141 48,2592|| 971515} 492597 9815194 49 2646|| 9815292 50 2650 99/52471 So 27001, 99.5345 pe u 2 The Length or Valur The Length or Value 3 of any thing being [55] of any thing being (56) things valued.lt Products things valued, 1 mortuin, or Products. things valued. orn Products. things valued.) 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Products. things vained, Products. thinos valued / Products, things valued. The bredih, ur Produs. 54:785 1311131 62 5456 6315544 1 1711479 665308 70 bogo 72 6264 174 437 261 3 52524 348 53 51 436 52/4698 522 56 +872 8 696 57 1959 978311 58 5046 10 870 59/5133 n957|| 60 5220 12 1044 615307 625394 14/1218 63/5481 I!305165568 1392 64,655 66|1742 11566 | 67 5829 19/1653 68 1916 20 174 69 6003 21 182770 22 1914 716177 23/2001 24 2088 736351 25217511746438 26/22 62 7516:25 27 2349 766612 28/143677 6699 29/25231 785786 3026107916873 31 2697 806960 3212784847047 3312871 | 827134 34 295883/7221 35/3045 84/7308 36 3:32 8:17395 37 32 19 | 8612482 38]33061 877; 69 39/3393|| 88 7656 403480 | 89 7743 41|1567 9017830 42 3654 91 7917 4°374 92 8004 44/3828|| 93 8091 4 13915 46'4002 47 4089 96 8352 48,4176 978439 2176|1 5114488 2641 | 52 14576 352 53 1664 440 94,47:2 5281554840 616 5614928 8704 5715016 9 792 5815104 id 883 59. 5192 11 963, 6015280 210566115368 121441 141232 11320 | 6415632 161408 165 5720 17 1496 1$ 1584|| 6715896 191672|68|984 20176069 6072 21|1848 7016160 22 1936||706248 23 2024 | 7216336 24/2012 | 73 5424 2312200 74 6512 262288 7516600 2712376 766688 281246477 6776 2912552 78 6864 3026407916952 3112728 32 281681117128 332904 82 72 16 34/2992 35/308 36/3168 8517480 37 3256) 8617568 38 3344|| 8717656 39343218817744 40352089178 32 41 3608 | 9017920 91 8008 43/3784. I 92/8096 44/3872 | 93 3184 45 3960 | 948272 46.4048 95 8360 47 4136 | 9618448 434224 | 9713536 8017040 8317304 8417392 42 3696 94 8178 95 8265 49 4263 988526 50 43:01 99 8613 4914312 9818624 50144)51 998712 ih things valaqd:) The bredth, or Produd's. things valued. The bredth, or Products. The bredth, or a Products, things valued. The bredth, or Products. 3 267 81 712 60 5400 615429 686052 696141 34 3060 | 837470 The Length or Value The Length or Value of any thing being of any thing being [89] [90] 178 594539 180| 5'4590 2671 52 4628 270|| 52 4680 356 $3,4717 4 36053'4770 $ 445|| 54 4806 450 | 54 4860 554895 5401 55 4950 623564984 630 56,5040 57 5073 720 5715130 801 58,516 8101 58 5220 10 890 | 59 525! 10 900' 59.5310 1979 605340 1990 12/1068 121080 | 61 5490 13 1152 62 5518 13017062 5580 14/1246 | 635607 14 1260 | 63,5670 151335 | 6415696 151350 64 5760 16/1424|| 65/5785 161440, 65,5850 171513665874 171530' 66 5940 18 1602 6715963 181620 | 67 6c30 19/1697 19/1710|| 68 6120 20 1780 20/1800) 69 6210 21/1869 | 706230 21 1890 70 6300 22/19581 716319 22 19801 71 6390 2320471 | 72,6408 232070 | 72 6480 24/21361 236497 24 2160 73,6570 252225 746586 252250 74 6660 262314|| 7516675 26,2340 | 75 6750 27 2403|j 766764 272430, 76,6840 28,2492 | 2716853 28 2520 | 776930 29 2581 786942 2926101 787029 302670|| 797031 30 2700 | 79 7119 3127 59|| 807120 312790 80 7200 34/2848|| 8112209 32 28808117290 332937 || 827298 33 2970 | 82 7389 34 3026|| 837387 35.3115|| 847476 353150 8417560 36 3204|| 857565 36 3240 | 8517650 37 3293|| 86,7654 37 3330 | 86/7740 38 3382|| 87 7743 38 3420|| 87 7830 39 3471|| 887832 39 3510 | 887920 4013563|| 89'7921 40 3600!| 89 3010 413649|||90|8010 41 3690 | gc|3100 42 3738|| 978099 42 3780|| 91,8190 433827|| 92 8188 43 38701 928286 44/3916|| 93 8277 44 3960|| 93 8370 45.4005|| 94/8366 454050|| 94 8460 46 4094|| 958455 46 41401 95 8350 47 4183|| 968544 47.4230|| 96,8640 48,4273|| 97 8633 48,4320|| 97 8730 49. 4361|| 98 8722 49'4410|| 98,8820 50. 44 50! 99,8810 SO 4500|| 99/8910 2 I be Length or Values The Length or Value of any thing being of any thing being 191) [92] ni things valued. The bredth, or d m Products, ſo things valued. The bredth, or Products. things valued. Products. No The bredthor Products. 514692 3] 276 524784 41 368 53,4876 5 460 54 4968 552 55 5060 764415515152 SI 736 5715244 91 828 585336 59 5428 60 5460 10 920 11 1012 12 1 104 61 60 5520 61 5614 6215704 63/5796 16147 242208 736716 182 5714643 273|| 52 14732 36411 53,4823 51 455 1 54 4914 6 54611 5515005 7 637|| 56 50961 8 728 57 3187 9819|| 58 5278 10 910 | 59 5369 111001 12 1092 15551 131183 62 5642 141274 635733 15136511 6415824 16145665 5915 1547 || 66,6006 18 1638 538 67/6097 19 1729|| 68 6188 20 1820|| 696279 21 1911 7016370 22 2002) 716461 23209311 7216552 24 2 184|73|6643 252275|1 7416734 26'2366|| 75 6825 27 245z|| 7616916 28 2 548,1 77 7007 29 2639|| 78 7098 3e 27301 79/7189 31282 1|| 897280 322912|| 8117371 33 3003|| 8217462 34 3094|| 8317553 35'3185|| 8417644 36 3276|| 8517735 37 3367|| 867826 3813458 8717947 39/3549|| 88/8008 4036401 89/8099 41 3731|| 908 190 42 3822|| 9118281 43/3913|| 9218372 44 4004|| 93 8163 45/4095/1 948554 46/4186|| 95 8645 47 4277|| 96 8736 48,4368|| 978827 4914459 98 8918 3. 1196 14, 1288 15 13801 | 6415888 6515980 171564 | 666072 18365616716164 191 7481 6816256 2011840||69|6348 211937|17016440 22 2024|| 7116532 232116 726624 2512300|| 74,6808 26j2392|| 756900 27, 248476,6992 282576|| 77 7084 29.2668781717 30,2760|| 79/2268 372852|| 8017360 32 2944|| 81 7451 333036|| 827544 34 3128 | 83 7636 353220847728 36 33121 8517820 37/3404|| 86 7912 38 3496|| 87 8004 39/3588 | 88 8096 403680|| 89 8188 473772|| 908280 42|3864|| 91 8372 43/3956|| 928464 44|4048|| 93 8556 454140|| 94 8648 46 42 32 | 93 8740 4714324|| 96 8832 48,44 6 97 8924 49 4508|| 98 9016 50 4551|| 99 9009 50 4600|| 99 9108 The Length or Value of any thing being (94) Ithings valued. Products. Thc predth, or - Products. 'things valued. The bredth, or a on Products. thiugs valued. Thc bredth, or Products 52 4888 54 9076 465|| 545022 The Length or Value of any thing being (931 2 31 279|| $24836 41 372 372 534929 6558 5581 5515115 7 651 555208 575301 9.837 585394 10930 59'5487 101023 605580 1211166115673 131209 625766 14:3026315859 151395|| 64/5952 101488|6346045 17 1581|| 666138 181674|| 676231 1911767|68|63241 20118606916417 201953|| 705510 22 20.467 16603 23/21391 726596 24/2232) 736789 252325|| 746882 262418) 756975 272500|| 767058 28/1654|| 77 7161 292697|| 787254 3927901 79 7347 3.72883|| 807440 322976 817533 33 3069|| 827626 343162 | 8377191 353255|| 8478121 3633481 87905 37|344867998 383534187,8 91 393627) 888184 403720 | 898277 413813|| 908370 4239061 908.163 433999|| 928556 44/4092 93 8649 45 4185|| 948742 46'4278|| 958835 4743711 958928 48 4454|| 97 9021 49455 9819614 10:46 gol 999207) 188 ST4794 3 282 4 376|| 53 4983 S1470 656485170 7 658 565264 8) 7521 57'5358 9 8461 58 5452 10 940 995946 T1034 | 60°5640 12 128|61|5734 131222 62/5 828 14'1316635912 IS1410 | 64,6016 1611504656110 171598 | 65,6204 18 1692 676298 19 1786 | 68,6392 20 188069 6486 201974 70 6980 22 2068 71 6674 23 2162 72,6768 24 2256|736862 2523501 | 7416936 26 2444/1757050 27 253811 767144 28/263211 777238 292726 1 787332 302820 | 797426 31 2914)| 80179 20 32 3008 8:7614 33 3102 | 82.7708 34 3196|83178=2 353:90|| 8417896 363384|| 8 517990 37 34781 868084 383572 8718178 39/3665, 888272 40 3760|| 898 366 413854938464 423948 | 908374 43|4042 928648 44,4136 9318742 434230|| 94.88;6 464324 | 958930 47 4418 96 9024 4814512 49 4606 989112 9o 4700, 99 9306 97 9118 The Length or Value (The Length cr Val, of any thing being [95] of any thing being [96] shings valued.) Products, things valued, Products. things valued. rne brear, or, a thfngs valued. I The bredth, or Products. 2190 190|| 51'4845 28511 52 4949 41 3801 53 5035 | 475 475|| 54 5130 570|| 55 5225 7 66556 5320 760|| 57 5415 9 855|| 58 5510 10 9501 59 5605 60 5760 11 10451 12 1140 11 60 5700 61 5795 62 5890 16|1520 13|1235 14:330|| 63.5985 151425|| 64,6080 6516175 17 1615)| 66 6270 18110 67,6365 19 1805|| 68 6460 201900|| 69 696555 21/1995 | 7016650 222090 716745 2321851.72 6340 24/22807316935 2512375 | 7417030 26.2470 | 757 125 27125651 767220 28 2660 | 7717315 292755 | 78,7410 202850 | 79 7505 31 2945 80 7600 32 3040|| 81 7695 33 3135|| 82 7790 34/32 30 || 837385 353325|| 8417980 36 3420|| 85,8075 37 3515 | 86,8170 38 36100 | 87.8265 39 3705 88 8360 403800 l-89,8455 413895 | 908550 42 3990 91 86450 434085 92 8740 44 4180 | 938335 454275 | 948930 46.4370 | 95.9025 47|4465|| 969120 48.4560|| 979215 49 4655|| 98 9310 1921| 51|4896 28811 52/4992 4 334 335088 48011 54 5184 0 576 55 5280 672|| 505376 768|| 57 5472 864585568 10 960|| 59.5664 1056 12/1152 6115856 13 1248|| 62 5952 14 1344 | 63'6048 15|1440 64 6144 161536 | 656240 17 1632 666336 181728|| 67 6432 19/1824|| 636528 29 1920|| 696624 21 2016| 706720 222112|| 716816 23 2208|| 726912 24/2304|| 737008 25/2400 747104 26249611 7517200 2712592 767296 28(2688|| 77 7392 292784!| 787488 30:2880 7917 584 31/2976 1807680 3213472 8117776 33/3168 827872 34 3264 837968 3513360 848064 3613456|| 8518160 37 3552 868256 38 3648|| 87 8352 3913744 40 3840|| 89'8544 41 3936 908640 424032918736 434128 92 8832 44'4124 | 93.8928 454320 1 94 9024 46 4416 | 959120 47 4512 969216 48 4608 | 979312 49 4701 98948 888448 So 4750 99'940 900 500 9o 48co The Length or Value of any thing being [98] Ithings valued. 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The Breadth or Products. a The Breadth, or Products Things valued. The Breadth,or Products. Things valued. The Breadth, or Products. 2 76 17524 28 2772 79 7722 80 7920 81 180191 1 287 (99) 198 27 1673 1 51 5049 3 297 52 514 77 17623 4 395 29 2871/ 53 5247 5 495 30 2970 54 53401 79 782 1 6 594 31 3069| 55 5445 7 693 32 316811 56 5544 8 792 | 33 32671 57 5643 82 18:18 34 3366|| 58 5742 83 8217 990 35 34651 59 5841 84 8316 Il 1089 36 35641 60 5940 85 8415 12 1188 37 3663 87 8613 14 1386 39 3861 | 63 6237 15 1485 40 396064 5336 89 8811 16 1584 41 4099 So 8910 17 1683 42 4158 66 6534|190 900g 18 (1782, 43 4257 67 6633 92 9108 19 1881 44 43561 68 6732 93 9207 25 1989 || 45 44551 69 6831 94 9306 21 2079 46 4554|| 70 693 | 95 9405 22 2178 47 4653|| 707029 96 9504 23 2277 48 4752 72 7128 97 9603 24 237649 4851|| 73 7227 98 9702 25 2475 | 50 4950 74 7326 75 17425 891 to 61 6039 62 6138 86 8514 362 88 8712 65 6435 99 9801 26 12574 >quercet. Square Parphas. Perches. 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[160 734.41 2] 320 3) 4301 152 8320 4/ 576 153 7532 41 640153 8480 572911541 7776 5 800 54 8640 6 8641 sl 7920 96055) 8800 2 1120 36 8960 811521 152 8208 81280 57 9120 91296118 8352 91440 1 58 9230 10 14401 | 3490 JO1600 591 9440 101584/1608640 111760601 9600 121728161 8754 12 1920 61 9760 13 1872 182 8928 13 208062 9920 14 2016163 9072 14/224016310080 121601 1641 93161 152400 164 10240 102304 og 9360 16 2560 65 10100 17 2448 66 9504 17127201 66 10560 182 592 671 9648 1828801 67 10720 1927361609792 1930106810380 202880 1691 9936 2013200 16911040 2130241 7010086 213360 7411200 22131681 17110224 22152017111360 233312 7210368 23 3680 | 7211520 24/345617310512 24/1840|17311680 2513600 17410636 251000|| 74 040 26 3744|75|1080 26 + 60 75 12000 37 3888176 10944 27 1320 7612160 28|1032) 1774 1088 28143017712320 29[4176781232 29 1640 78 12480 304320||79|11376 30 4800|79 12640 3144641 81520 31/49608012300 32 460818!11004 32 112081112960 331475282111808 33 $230|82|13120 344896 83 11952 34544983113280 35 5040 84/12096 3515600 184113440 30184/85122401 3615760185 13600 37 5328 86 123841 37159208613760 305472 871 2528 3816080187 13920 3915616 8812672 196240|88|14080 4015760 89 128 16, 40640039 14240 415904) soft2960 416,64|190 14400 42 604 93104 426720914560 43 61029213148 43 588|199 14720 44 6336 933392 447040119|14880 450480 94|13536] 4517209|94|15040 466624 936804017360 19515200 47 6768] 961 3824 47 7:20 19615360 476912971 3968 48680 97 15520 4917056) 98114112 501720 | 9914256 4978409815680 $$oool 991-840 The Gallon of Winel (The Gallon of Ale or being Inches folid. Beer being ſolid Inch. (231) [ 282] Gal ons. Solid Inches. Gollone, Solid Inches. Gallons. jolid Inches, inos Gallon Solid Inches, 2 15615246 462 || 571178 564'15114382 3 69352 12012 3 846 52114664 41 924||5312243 4 1128 15314946 5 1155 | 54 12474 1410 5415228 6 1386551270 16925515510 7 1657,612936 7! 19741 156 15792 El 1848743167 8 22565716074 9 20795313398 2538|158 16356 IC 2310 | 59 13629 1 2820 159 16638 1 254! | 6013860 1 3102160116920 12 277216114091 12) 3384116117202 13) 3003|162 14322 13) 366662 17484 14 3234 5344553 14 3948|6347766 3465644734 3696 116.5015 | 423064 18048 14512 6518330 3927 4158 157 15477 17 4794) 6618012 18 50766718894 19 43896815708 191 535816819176 20 4620 695939 20 5640 6919458 21 4851 170 16170 211 592217019740 22 5082 || 716401 22 62041 7220022 23 53137216632 23 64861172 20304 24 5544 1173 16863 26768117320586 2 57751174/17.94 26 6006|17517325 7050 7420868 26 7334|17521150 27 6237 ||7617556 7761417621432 28 6468|177 17787 278967721714 29 6699 178 18018 29 8178|78|21996 30 6930117918249 3846017922278 3716180118480 38742180/22360 32) 7392|81|18711 321 9024|18122842 33 7623||82 18942 331 93068223124 34 785483-9173 14 95888323406 34 8085,8419404 34 9870|8123688 36 8316 185/19635 34101521135123970 37 8547 3619866 137 10434/18624252 38] 877887/20097 13€ 10716 8724534 399009 88203281 3910998 8824816 401 9240 89/20559 4 112808923098 411 9471 90 207904011562 9025380 42 9702 9021021 4211844 9125662 43) 9933 92/21252 4:12126 9225944 44 10164 93 21483 4412408) 93 26226 4010395 | 94121714 412690 94 26 508 4€ 1062695|21945 4412972 9526790 47/10857 96/22176 47 132541 9627072 48111088 | 97 22407 4813536 97 27354 49|11319) 98)22638 49'3818) 9827636 0.11550 90/22869 5 14100 9927918] The Square of the The Solid root being Gauge Point for a Wine-Gallon. (294) Inches ſolid. [1728] lo 의 ​Gallons, Dividends. Woo Gallons. Dividends. Solid Feet, m+ Solid Inches. - Solid Feet. Solid Inches. 88128 22 23 58815114994 21 34561|s 882 152 15288 3 5184 52 89856 1176|153 15582 41 6912 531 91584 5 1470 54115876 8640541 93312 6 1764 155 16170 610368 55 95040 7 20581156 16464 7 12096 56 96768 81 235257 16758 813824 57 98496 91 264615817052 91555258100224 10 294059117346 10*72801 59 101952 Il 3234) 60117040 11 19008 60103680 12) 352861117934 12 20736 61105408 13 382262 18228 13 22464 62107136 14 411663 18542 14 2419263108864 15 4410|64 18816 15 25920 64 110592 16 4704|6519110 1627648 65112320 19 499$||66 1940.4 1729376 66114048 18 529267 19698 18 31104/67115776 19 5586 63 19992 19 328 321 68117504 20) 5880|169 20286 20 3456069119232 6174170120580 21 36288 70 120960 64687120874 22138016 70122688 6762172 21168 123 39744 72 124416 24 7056117327462 24/41472173126144 251 7350174/21756 25 43200 74127872 261 76441 75 22050 26449281175129600 271 738 176 22344 27 4665676131328 28) 8232177/22638 28 4838477"33056 29 8526|7822932 29 50112178 134784 30 8820 79|23226 30151840 179 136512 31 911418023520 325356880438240 321 94088123814 3255296 81,139968 33 9702182 24108 33 $7024 82 141696 34. ) 9996|83|24.462 341587531183143424 35|10290184/24696 35 60480 84 145152 361058485|24990 3662208 85 146880 37 108788625284 37/63936 86 148608 38/19172|18725578 38.65664 87|156336 39 11466/88 25872 3967392 88152064 401176089.26166 4069220 89153792 4112054 90 26460 40170848 90 155520 42 123489126754 42572576 91 157248 43 12642 92 27048 43 74304||92 158976 44.12936 9327342 44176032 93160704 4513230 94/27636 145177760 194 162432 4613524, 951279301 146 79488 95164160 47113818| 196 282241 147 81216 96 165888 48|14112) 197 2851848 82944 97 1676 16 49 14406|198'28812 49 84672 98 169344 sol14700 99 29106 99 29106 Iso 86400 199 171072 ( 230 ) CHAP. II. The Uſe of the Table last foregoing ; i In Multiplication. 2. In Dividon, 3. In Reduction. 4: In Merchandizing. 5. In Meaſuring any Superficies; as Board, Glaſs, Wainſcot, Plaſtering, Painting, Tiling, Flosring, Land, &c. or in Gauging any kind of Vefjelor Cak; or meaſuring Solids, or Stone, Timber, &c, and cafting up Dimenſions taken in Feet and inches, to give the Anfuer in Fcet, Yards, Squares, Perches, &c. I. The Uſe of the Table in Multiplica- tion. Example 1.] Dmit it were required to multiply A 81 by 53 ; look at the Top of the Table under [The Length or Value of any thing) for 53, and caſting your Eye downward in the Column of [ Breadth or 2 Numbers con- Things Valued) you will find 81; fifing of 2 Pla- right againſt which, under [Pro. ces each. du87s] you will find 4293, which is the Anſwer. Example 2. ] If you would find the Product of any 2 Numbers, with Cyphers to one or both, work for the ſignificant Figures as before, and add the Cyphers to the Product. Thus the Produa of 53000 by 81, is (adding the 3 Cyphers to the Product of 53 by 81) 4293000 ; or the Product of 5300 by 8100, is 42930000. Example 3.] From the two foregoing Exam. ples it may eaſily be gathered, that any two Numbers may be multiplied together, tho' they ex. ceed thoſe actually mentioned in the Table: As Suppoſe you would find the Pro. See my Mer chant's Maga- which, divide the Number gi- duct of 3159 by 95; to perform zine, Edit. 8. When one or both ven into 2 or 3 Parts, as here the Numbers exceed the Table you will find that the 3100 and 59; by 2 Places, vid. Product of 3100 (or 31) by 95 3d and 4th Ex- ample, (as by the 2d Exam- ple) is 294500 And the Product of 59 by 95 is 5605 the Sum of which (by the 1, 2, Eu-? -} 300105 clid's Element.) is the Anſwers Example 4.] Or if the Figures, both in the Multiplicand or Multiplier exceed thoſe in 3159 into Tablethe , The Uſe of the table in Diviſion. 231 Table, the Work may be performed thas : If 3159 is to be multiplied by 957, the Product of 2790000 3.100 (as in the 2d Exam. ple) by goo, is Alſo the Product of 31000, by 57, is And the Product of 59. by 57 ( by the firſt Example 3363 s} 176700 Add 18 And the Product of 59 by 53100 900, is } } 3023163 The Sum of which is the true Anſwer, And thus may any two Numbers, tho never lo large, be multiplied together, only by Addition, with the Help of the foregoing Table, dividing ſuch large Numbers given into {uch Numbers as are contained in the Table, obſerving the first and ſecond Example, and placing Units under Units, Tens under Tens, &c. of the ſeveral Products, as in the laſt Example, and having regard to the Places of the Numbers you would have multiplied together, in order to the right placing of ſuch Pro- duets. $ II. The Uſe of the Table in Diviſion. Example 1.) When one Number is required to be divided by another, look for the Dividend in the Column of Products, an To divide a Sum for the Diviſor at the Top, and that can be found the Quotient is found to the in the Column of Left-hand of ſuch Dividend Products, under (Breadtb or Tbings valu. ed;] to if 4559 were to be di- vided into 47 equal Parts, look at the upper end of the Table for 47, and under that for 4559, right againſt which, towards the Left-hand, you will fod 97, which is the Quotient, Example 2.] To divide a To divide one ibat greater or other Number than is greater than any what is exprefled in the Ta. in the Table, bles: As ſuppoſe it were re- quired to divide 4559654 by 85 ; look for 85 your Divifor at the top of the Tax ble, and underneath that Number, in the Column of Products, ſeek for the 4 first Places of your Di- vidend towards the Left-hand, which is 45593 and tho' you cannot find it exactly, yet you will find 4505 to be next to it leſs than it, againſt which, in the Column under [ Breadth or Things valued] you will find 53, which put in the Quotient, or any where by itſelf and deducting the 4505 frons remained) you might then have brought all the 232 The Uſe of the Table in Diviſion. from the 4559, the Remainder is 54, to which bring down the two next Figures in the Divi- dend or Number to be divided, which is 65; then look under your faid Diviſor 85, in the ſaid Co- lumn of Products for 5465, and you will find 5440 to be next to it, against which is 64 to. ward the left Hand, which put toward the right Hand of the 53 aforeſaid, and deduct the 5440 from 5465, and the Remainder is 25 ; to which bring down the laſt Figure, or that in the Unit's Place of the Number given to be divided, and then look in the Column of Products for 254, and you will find 170, againſt whieh, under your ſaid Divifor 85, you will find (2) which put to the right Hand of your Quotient, viz. of the ſaid 5364, and deduct the ſaid 170 from 254, and the Remainder is 84.; ſo that 4559654 85)4559654(53642 being divided by 85, 4505 the Quotient is 53642; which is a large Sum, 5465 and done much ſooner 5440 than by the common way of Diviſion, and without the Trouble of 170 Multiplication. See the Example in the Mar- 84 remains. gent : And for the Rea. ſon of this Rule, fee my Merchant's Magazine, Edit. 8. But Note, that if nothing had remaincd after deducting the ſaid 4505 ( or had but one Figure Remainder of the Dividend down, and ſo pro- ceeded ; but two Places of Figures remaining, viz, 54, if you had brought to that the 654, you would have had five Places of Figures to have fought for in the Table, which is one Place more than can be found there, for the moft part. Note alſo, That the firft of A Rule to know the two Figures (toward the the true Quoti- right Hand) firſt put in the ent, when Cypbers Quotient muſt always poſſeſs fall in the Middle the ſame Place in the Quotiekt tbereof. as that Figure does in the Dia vidend, which you firſt fub. stract from, as in the laſt Example, 3. in the Quotient muſt be in thouſands 85)4505654(53007 Quotient. Place, becauſe 5 4505 (the first Figure you make Sub- 0654 Atraction from ) 595 in the Dividend is in that Place, 59 remains, and, tderefore 9407 ;} The ® which Tbe Uſe of the Table in Reduction. 233 to make the 3 in the thouſands Place of the Quo- tient, I place the 2 Cyphers between the 5 and the 7. See the Example in the Margent. $ III. Reduction by the Table. Example. 1.] 47 : 13 : IL Pounds, If you would Sbill.and reduce Pounds Pence re. Shillings, and Add duced in- Pence Sterling 3 to Pence. into Pence, as 1. 471. 135, IId. 953 Shill. in 47 : 13 under 20, and againſt 47, 13 Shillings; then by Ex- 11400) ample the 3 and 4 of the 36 Add Uſe in Multiplication, 950 by 12, produceth 214000; to which add the 11447 Pence Anſw. Product of 3 by 12, and alſo uid. and the Sum is the Anſwer. See the Work in the Margent. Example 2,] If C. q. C. q. Ib. Hundreds, you would reduce 47: I: 16 Quarters, Avoirdupois wt. & Pounds, by the Table, as reduc'd in- 47 C. 19. 16 lb. 189 to Pounds. into Pounds, look 28 at the Top of the Table for 47, and againſt 4 5040) 252 Add add your quarter of a hundred, 16f and the Sum is 189 Quarters, becauſe 4 Quarters is i C. 53081. Anſ. then multiply 18g by 28 (as by the 3 and 4, or laft Example foregoing) and adding the 16/b. the Sum is 5303 lb. for Anſwer. But this queſtion may be fooneft relolved by mul- tiplying 47 by 112, and adding the 1g. (or 28 lb.) and the 16, thus 4 Aphorter Add 47 by 110 is $170 lb. 47 by 2 is 94 lb. 28 lb. 16 lb. 5308 Sum or Anſwer. Example 234 The Uſe of the Table in Redaktion. 84 .. 9360 Sum Example 3.] If Prinds, Oxm- you would re- lb, oz. pw. gr. es Pen. wors. duce Troy-wt. as 84.11: 19:33 and Grains into Giains : reduced into Multiply the84 Grains, by 12, adding ICOS the 11, and the Add Sum is 1019 Ounces; then multiplying 1019 by 20, 1019 Ounces, the Penny-weights in an Ounce, adding the 19 Penny- 20000 weights, the Sum is 20359 380 Add Penny-weights, which muito tiplying by 24, adding the 23 30399 pert, weight. Grains, the Sum is 489599 Grains for Anſwer 3 480coo 20000, by 24) is 480300, 390 by 24, produceth, (per Add 216 one Table) 9360, and 9 by 489599 Grains, Example 4. ] If you would re. Reduction of duce Liquid Meaſure, viz. Tuns, Liquid Hogſheads, and Gallons into Galo Mafure. lons &c as 32 Tun, 3 bbds 42 Gall. into Gallons ; look at the Top of the Fable for 4, the Hogſheads in a Tun, and Tun, hhds. Galk againſt 32 you will find 128; 32 : 3 - 42 to which add the 3 liogſ- 1287 isigi Hogſheads. Then by the 3d and 4th Examples of [the Uſe of Multiplication) look at the Head of the Ta. 63 ble for 13, viz. multiply 19530) 131 by 63, and the Product, 63 Add adding the 42 Gallons given, is 19635 Gallons for An- 19635 Gallons. fwer. 23 14, 216, 131 Hogheads. Example 5. ] If you would Gallons reduced reduce Ale Gallons into Solid into Solid In Inches, you have a particular cbcsi Column for this ; as ſuppołe you would know how many ſo- lid Inches are in 64 Ale-Gallons ; look at the Top of the Table, ( at the latter Énd ) for 282 Inches in an Ale-Gallon, and againſt 64, in the Column of Gallons, you have 1048, the folid Inches fought. The ſame may be done for reducing Wine-Gallons into folid Inches, by the Column of Wine-Gallons of 231 Inches in the Gallon, Example Ibe Uſe of the Table in Rodadion. 235 .. Example 6.) If you would re- Solid Feet re. duce Fcet folid into Inches folid, duced into fo- as 85 Feet into Inches folid, look lid Inobes, at the top of the Table for 2728, and in the Column of folid Feet, againſt 85, you will find 146880 folid Inches the Anſwer. Example 76 If you would re- Square Feet in. duce Land-Meaſure, as 53 Acres to Square In. into Perchos, look at the top of ches, and Acres the Table for 160, the ſquare into Percbes. Perches in an Acre, and under- neath, againſt 53 Acres, you thall find 8480 ſquare Perches. In the ſame manner you may reduce ſquare Feet into ſquare Inches by the Column 144, the Inches in one {quare, flat, or fuperficial Foot. Example 8.] If you would re- Solid Inches reo duce folid Inches into Feet, or duced into Feet into Ale or Wine-Gallons, or er Gallons, Per. Perches into Acres, &c. that is cbes iato Acres, done by Divifion; as to reverſe &e. the last foregoing Examples Ia 8480 ſquare Perches, you will find B Acres by looking under 160 in the Co- lumn of Square Perches for 8480, right againk which you will find 53 Acres ; or (as in the 6th Example) you will find (in 146880 folid Inches in the Colomn of folid Lnches) under 1728 in the Column or folid Keet 85, which are the Feet in 146880 folid Inches, and as in the 5th Exam- ple you will find under 282 Alands (in the Co. lumn of folid Iaches,) 18048, right againſt which, in the Column of Gallons, is 64 Gallons of Ale in choſe Inches for Anſwer And ſo of any other thing, which they, who underſtand any thing of the Nature of Reduction, will eaſily know how, by the Table laſt foregaing, to reduce any thing from a lower to a higber, or from a higher to a lower Denomination or Name: But for the fake of ſuch as do not underftand the Nature of Re- duction, I have been ſo large and particular in the preceding Examples. Example 9.] To reduce Pençe Pence reduced into Pounds, as 23774 Pence. You into Pounds. may do this at one View by the Column under 24, cutting off U- nits place of the Number of the Pence given; 10 4 in the Units place being cut off, the remaining Figures are 2377, against which for the next Number leſs in the Column of Products under 24) is 99, the Pounds required ; and deduding 2376 (the Number found in the Table) from the 2377, the remainder is y, and the As before, is 14 (the I remaining of the 7 in Tens Hh place cur off 236 The Uſe of the Tab. in Merchandizing. place muſt therefore be a Ten) ſo the Anſwer is 99 l. Is. 2 d. Example 10. ] If you would Shillings re reduce Shillings into Pounds, as duced into 57647 Shillings. In the Column Pounds. under 20 (the Shill. in a Pound) you will find by the Rules in Di- viſion by the Table, 28821. 7 s. cod. as per Example following. 20) 57647 (2882 560 1647 1640 7 remains. § IV. The Uſe of the Table in Mer- chandizing Example 1.) If the Price of a The Price of Unit of any Commodity exceed Wine, &c. 21. the Value of any Number of caft up by the Units of ſuch Price, may be beſt Iable. found by the 20 Table ; as 13 Pipes of Wine at 371. per Pipe will coſt 4811. which is found by looking at the top of the Table for the Price-37, and under- neath, in the Column of Products, againſt 13, is 4811, the Anſwer. Example 2.] What coft 87 Pieces Cloth. of Cloth at 17 l. 10 s. per Piece ? The 17 l, being found at the Top of the Table, in the Column of Products, under it you will find (againſt the 87) 1479 A to which add half of 87 for the lo s. and the Sum is 1522 1. 10 s. oo d. the Anſwer, But note, that where there are Shillings above the Pounds in the Price of a Unit of any thing, then the beſt way is to work as in the ift Exam- ple laſt foregoing for the Pounds in the given Price, and by the firſt Table for the Shillings, as is taught in the Uſe of that Table. Example 3.) To find the Tare To make Al of any Commodity at any rate lowance for per hundred by the Table laft Tare by belp foregoing. of the Table, Ib. Note, That i quarter of a hundred is 28 2 quarter is --56 3 is. 84 Suppoſe you would find the the 89C. any Commodity, 16 at per 112 being to be deducted for Tare, and 4 16. 3. quarters is 12 lb. Tare, which deduét from of 8629 by 26 is 133,; which is the Allowance for The Uſe of the Tab. ix Merchandizing. 237 at 104 for Tret; to do this the ſhorteſt way by help of the laſt Table. 1. Deduct 161. Tare out of the 112, and the remainder is 96; which look for at the top of the Table, and againſt 8g, the Hundreds given, you will find 8544; which is the luttle Pounds in 89 C. 2. Conſider that the Tare of C. being 16 lb. that of 1 quarter is 4, and confequently that of the 3 quarters, or 84 lb, and the remainder is '72 lb. ſuttle; ſo by the fame Rule the Tare of the 15 lb. is 2 (not regarding the 1 Pound above the half quarter of a hundred) for if the Tare of 1 quarter is 4. lb. that of 14 lb, muſt be 2, which deduct from 15, and there refteth 13. 3. Add the 8544, 72, and the 13 together, and the Sum is Pounds futtle 8629. 4. Becauſe the Tret of 107. lb. is 4, Tret. therefore I Pound is the Tret of 26 16. futtle; ſo that if you look in the Co. lumn of Products under 26, you will find by the Rules for Diviſion by the Table, that the Quotient Tret, and being deducted from the 8629 lb. ſuttle, the Remainder is 8298 lb, net. See the whole Work in the Margent. Note. That Wbat Tare the weight of C. g. lb. and Tret is. any Commo. 86: 3:15 dity with its 961 Caſk, Bag, -C &c. is called r$ 544 lb. futele in 89 Groſs weight. Add 2 lb. ſuttle in o: 3 The weight 1315. ſuttle in o: 0:15 of the Com- modity with 26)8629 lb. futtle in all. out the Caſk, Bag, &c. is (331 lb. Tret deduct. called Suttle. 49 weight; and 26 lb. 8298 reft Net. the weight of the Commo 23 remains. dity without the Caſk, Bag, or other thing in which it is put, and without the Droſs, Daft, or other things of that nature which is mixed with the modity, is called Net or Neat weight; so that The Caſk or other thing that contains a Com- modity is the Tare. The Duſt, Droſs, or other impure Subſtance, with which a Commodity is mixed, is called Tret. But where no Allowance is made for Tret, the Commodity without the thing which contains it, is called Net, and the Weight of it Net-weight, Example 9.16. 858 : pure Conn. 238 Tbe Uſe of the Tab in Merchandizing. Example 4.] This Table is al- Ufe in cafling ſo uſeful in cafting up Bills of Ex- up Bills of Ex. change'; as if you would know #bange. how many Pounds Sterling are in 1500 Rixdollars at 54 d. Ster- ling per Dollar: By the Table, if you multiply 54 by 15, and add the two Cyphers to the Pro- duct, you will find it 81000 d. which reduce at once into Pounds, by the gth Example of the Ufe of the Table in Reduction, and you will find the Anſwer 3371. To so cod. Sterling. But, Note, That this and the like Queftions may be done ſomething ſooner by the firft Table, if you reduce the Rate of Exchange, as in the latt Queſtion, 54 d. into Shillings and Pence, as 4 s. 6 d. which looking for at the top of the Table, you will find againſt rooo ftand 225 t. and againft 500 is 1121. 101, the Sum of which is 337/. 30s. ood, as before. Example 5:) This Table is far- In calling up ther uſeful in cafting up the Com- Commiſion miffion-Money, or Proviſion due Money. to a Factor at any Rate per cent. As fuppofe you would find what the Commiſſion of 38431. 175. 6 d. comes to at 2 and a half (or 2 l. 105.) per Cent. Con- ſider that 21. 103. is one 40th part of 100 h therefore take one 40th of the given Number : Thus, in the Column under 40, you will find 3840 in the Column of Products, againſt which jo 96, which is the Pounds in the Anſwer, and 31. remains, which (by Reduction) is 60s, and the 17 s. makes 77-5, a fortieth of which is 1 s. and 37 remains, which is (with the 6 d. in the Sum given) 450 d. one fortieth of which (by the Table) under 40 is 11 d. and 10 d. remains, or forty Barthings, the 40th of which is 1 Farthing; this is ſo plain that any one may underſtand it. See the Work. 1. d. 40) 3843 : 17:6 3840 (961. 3 17 : 6 remains 2 Multiply and 20 add the 174 776. (1s. 40 40) 37 s. 6 d. remains } Multiply and add the 6 d. 450 (11 440 10 d. remains, or 40 Earthings, one fortieth of which is i Farthing; fo the Anſwer is 961. is. 11 d. 18. Thus The Uſe of the Tab. in Merchandizing. 239 Sum of Money, as the Intereſt of 472 1. 12. 10 d. Thas bave I inſerted the Work at length, and done it by the Table; but it may be done with fewer Figures by fuch as underttand Multiplication and the Rules of Practice, thus, Note, That Apporter if you would I. d. know what * of 3143 : 17:6 the Commií. -1 fion of any Sum amounts to 961. 15. 11 d. Anſ. at 2 per Cent, you may divide by 50 inſtead of 40; or, as in the last Way, take the fifth Part of the given Number, cutting off Units Place, as here you took a fourth of 384, which is 961, and 3 remained, or to so which with the 17 makes 77 (which may be done in your Mind) I fourth of which is (cutting off Units Place, as before) i and 37 s, remains, or 444 d. to which adding the 6 d. makes 450 d. a fourth of which (except Units Place) is 11 d. and iod, remains, or forty Farthings, a fourth of which, except Units Place, is I, and nothing remains. Or if the Commiſſion is to be computed at 3 per Cent. divide the given Sum by 40, as you did in the Example of 21. 105. per Cent and di- vide the Quotient, or 4th Part, by 5, and add that sth Part to the 40th Part, and you have the Anſwer; or, as in the laft Method, take a 4th Part (cutting off Units Place, as is taught be fore) and to that 4th add a fifth of-itſelf. Thus the Commiſſion of 47647, 105, 10 d. is 1421, 188. 8 d. 19. I. For the 40th of 4764 : 10 : 10 119 2 : 3 : 3 : 1 a sth of which is 23 · 16:51 The Sum of which is 142 : 18 : 8 If the Commiſſion-Money, is computed at 4 per Cent, work as for 2 per Cent, and put the An. ſwer down twice; or if it is $ per Cent, take a coth of the given Number; all which Queſtions might ſooner be done by ſuch as underſtand Deci- mals well, but I have chiefly thewed how it may be performed by the Table by ſuch as underſtand but little of Arithmetick, Example 6.) You may likewiſe Uſe in ac by this Table ( much after the ftions of ir fame Manner of working Quez tereft. ſtions in the laſt Example) find the intereſt or Diſcount of any ...we d. 9. : for 6 Months, at 6 per Cent. per Annum, is 14 h 35, 64, 39 wo This 240 The Uſe of the Tab. in Merchandizing. IZ S, IO $. of which is 14 s. and there 28:07 : 1: 3 . of Dif- This is found by dividing the given Number by 20, ſuppoſing it 5 per cent. (becauſe 5 is I twentieth Part of 100) ſo under 20 you will find in the Column of Products 460, againſt which ſtands 23, and the 469 taken from 472, there refts 12 l. or 240 s. and the 12 s. given, makes 252, againſt the next leſs to 252, viz. 240 in the Column under 20 you will find 12, which is 12 So then deducting 240 from 252, there reſts 12 s. or 144d. and the 10 d. given, makes 154 d. the next Number to which, in the Table under 20, is 140, againſt which ſtands 7, which is 7 d. and 140 being taken from 154, there refts 14 d. or 56 Farthings, againſt the next leſs Number to which, viz. againſt 40 in the Co. lumn aforeſaid, is 2, which is 2 Farthings ; lo 231. 12 s. 7 d. 29. a fifth Part of which is 4.1. 1 145. 6 d. 19: for a fifth Part of 234. is 4.1., and 31. remains, or 60 s, which, with the 12 s. reſteth 2 s. or 24 d. and the 7 d. is 31 d, a fifth of which is 6, and id. remains, which, with the 2 Farthings makes 6 Farthings; a fifth of which is i Farthing, or 41. 14 s. 6 d. 19. the Sum of which is 28 l. 75, id. 39. the Intereſt of 472 l. 125. 1. d. 9. 10 d. for 1 472 • 12 : 10 at 6 per Ct, Year, half of which is is 23 : 12 : 7 : 2 at 5.1, the Inte- of that is 4 : 14 : 6 : 1 at 5l. reft for fix Months; as theSum. half of 2 is *, half of 8 (of which is 14:03: 6:3 the Anf. is 4, half of 7 s. is 3 s. and is, or 12 d. over, half of which is 6 d. and half the id. 39. is 3 Farthings. Se the whole Work in the Margent; all which is eaſily done without the Table by ſuch as under- Atand Arithmetick, If the Diſcount for 6 Months were required; that is to ſay, if 4721, 125, 10 d. were paid count were to be made of 6 per Cent, for prompt Payment, you may do it near enough, by firſt finding the Interest of 4721. 12 s, iod. for 6 Montńs, as before taught, and deducting out of that Principal the Intereſt 141. 35. 6 d. 39. fo the Remainder is 458 1. 9 s, 3d. 19. to be paid preſently in lieu of the 472 1. 12 5. 10 d. 6 Months Note, That if the Intereft for 3 Months were fought for, you muſt take one 4th of the 281. 75. Id. 39. &c. See my large Table of In- tereſt, publiked in June 97, or the Appendix hence. chis to The Uſe of the Table in Reduction. 233 to make the 3 in the thouſands Place of the Quo* tient, I place the 2 Cyphers between the sand the 7. See the Example in the Margent. S III. Redu&tion by the Table. 20 913} } Example. 1.] 47 : 13 : 11 Pounds, If you would Sbill.and reduce Pounds Pence re- Shillings, and 940 Add duced in- Pence Sterling 13 1. Pence. into Pence, as 1. 471. 13s. Ind. 953 Shill. in 47:13 under 20, and againſt 47, 12 is 940, to which add the 13 Shillings; then by Ex- 11400 ample the 3 and 4 of the 36 Add Ulein Multiplication, 950 by 12, produceth 114000; to which add the 71447 Pence Anſw. Product of 3 by 12, and alſo uid. and the Sum is the Anſwer. See the Work in the Margent. 3:03 11 28 KE Example 2.) If C. 9. The Hundreds, you would reduce 47 : 1 : 16 Quarters, Avoirdupois wt. & Pounds, by the Table, as redac'd in- 47 C. 19. 16 lb. 189 so Pounds, joto Pounds, look at the Top of the Table for 47, and againſt 4 5040) you will find 188 ; to which 252 Add add your quarter of a hundred, 16 and the Sum is 189 Quarters, becauſe 4 Quarters is i C. 5308). Ant. then multiply 189 by 28 (as by the 3 and 4, or laſt Example foregoing) and adding the 16/b, the Sum is 5308 lb, for Anſwer. But this queſtion may be ſooneft reſolved by mul- tiplying 47 by 112, and adding the 19. (or 28 lb.) and the 16, thus; 47 A ſhorter way. 47 by 110 i3-5170 lb. 94. 15. Add I gr. 28 lb, 16 lb. 112 47 by 2 is 5308 Sum or Anſwer. Example 234 The Uſe of the Table in Reduction. 12 9360 216 14, 216. Iaches 4 , and 64, in Example 3.) If Pounds, Oun- you would re- lb, oz. pw. gr. ces Pen, wis. duce Troy-wt. as 84.II: 19:23 and Grains ipto Gains ; 84 reduced into Multiply the84 Grains, by 12, adding ICOS Add Ilie 11, and the Sum is 1org Ounces; then multiplying TOT) by 20, 1019 Ounces. the Peony-weights in Ounce, adding the 19 Penny- 20000 weights, the Sum is 209 380 Add Penby-weights, wlich mui. 10) tiplying by 24, adding tn 23 20399 pen. weight. Grains, the sun is 489599 Grains for Anlier ; viz. 20000, Wy 24, is 460000 480000 390 by 24, preluceth, ( per Add une Tabte 9360, and' g by 23 489599 Grains. Example ?. ] If you would re. Redition of duce Liquid Meaſure, viz. Tuns, Liquid Hogtheads, and Galicns into Gal- Meaſure. lons c. as 32 Tun, 3 bbd's Gal. into Gallons ; look at the Top of the Table for the Hogtheads a l'un, and Tun. Bhds. Gan. againit 32 you will find 1.8; 32 = 3: 42 to which add the 3 Hugf- beads giver, and the Sum is Add Ik 131 Hogtheads. Then by 3 the 3d and 4th Examples of [the uſe of Multif lication 1 look at the Head of the Ta- 63 ble for 13, vix viza multiply 195307 131 by 63, and the Product, 63 Add adding the 42 Oallons given, 42 G19635 Gallons for Ad- 19635 Callons. Iwer. Example 5.) If you would Gallons reduced reduce Ale Gallons into Solid mito Solid In Inches, you have a particular Column for this, as ſuppoſe you would know how many lo- lid Inches are in 64 Ale-Gallons ; look at the Top of the Fable at the latter End ) for 28% 4 1233 131 Hogſheads. be Column of Gallons, you have i{018, the folid Inches fought. The ſame may be done for reducing Wine-Gallons into folid In hes, by the Column of Wine Callons of 231 Laches in the The Uſe of the Table in Redu&tion. 235 146880 , Example 6.) If you would re- Solid Feet re- duce Feat folid into Laches (olid, duced into fou as 85 Feet into Inches folid, look at the top of the Table for 1728, and in the Column of ſolid Feet, againt 85, you will find 146880 folid Inches the Antwer. Example 7 ( If you would re- Square Feet in. duce Land. Meafure, as 53 Acres to Square In. into Perihos, look at the top of cbes, and Acres the Table for 160, the ſquare into Percbes. Perches in an Acre, and under- neath, against 53 Acres, you thall find 8480 ſquare Perches. In the ſame manner you may reduce ſquare Feet into ſquare Inches by the Column 144, the Inches in one {quare, flat, or fuperficial Foot. Exampl. 8.) If you would re- Solid Incbes re- duce folid Inches into Feet, or duced into Feet into Ale or Wine-Gallons, or or Gallons, Per. Perches into Acres, &c, that is cbes into Acres, done by Diviſion; as to reverſe the 3 laſt foregoing Examples In 8480 ſquare Perches, you will find 53 Acres by looking under 160° in the Co- lumn of ſquare Perches for $480, right againt which you will find 53 Acres; or (as in the 6th Example) you will find (in 146880 ſolid Inches in the Column of ſolid Inches) under 1728 in the Column of ſolid Feet 85, which are the Feet in ple you will find under 282 ſlands (in the Con lumn of ſolid Inches,) 18018, right againſt which, in the Column of Gallons, is 64 Gallons of Ale in thoſe Inches for Anſwer. And ſo of any other thiog, which they, who underſtand any thing of the Nature of Reduction, will eaſily know how, by the Table laſt foregoing, to reduce any thing from a lower to a higher, or from a higher to a lower Denomination or Name; But for the fake of ſuch as do not underſtand the Nature of Re. duction, I have been ſo large and particular in the Freceding Examples. Example 9.) To reduce Pence Pence reduced into Pounds, as 23774 Pence. You into Pounds, may do this at one View by the Column under 24, cutting off U. nits place of the Number of the Pence given; fo 4 in the Units place being cut off, the remaining Figures are 2377, againſt which (or the next Number lefs in the Column of Products under 24) is 99, the Pounds required; and deducting 2376 (the Number found in the Table) from the 2377, the remainder is 1, and the 4, cut off * before, is 14 (the 1 remaining of the in TERS Hh% place 236 The Uſe of the Tab. in Merchandizing. place muſt therefore be a Ten) ſo the Anſwer is 99 l. 18. 2 d. Example 10. ) If you would Sbillings re reduce Shillings into Pounds, as duced into 57647 Shillings. In the Column Pounds. under 20 (the Shill. in a Pound) you will find by the Rules in Di. vifion by the Table, 2882 1. 7 s. cod. as per Example following. 20) 57647 (2882 560 1647 1640 7 remains. § IV. The Uſe of the Table in Mer- chandizing Example 1.) If the Price of a The Price of Unit of any Commodity exceed Wine, &c. 21. the Value of any Number of caft up by the Units of ſuch Price, may be beft Table. found by the 2d Table ; as 13 Pipes of Wine at 37 l. per Pipe will coſt 4811, which is found by looking at the top of the Table for the Price37, and under- neath, in the Column of Products, againſt 13, is 4811, the Anſwer. Example 2.) What coft 87 Pieces Cloth. of Cloth at 17 1. os. per Piece ? The 171, being found at the Top of the Table, in the Column of Products, under it you will find (againſt the 87) 1479 1, to which add half of 87 for the 10 s. and the Sum is 1522 1. 1os. ood, the Antwer. But note, that where there are Shillings above the Pounds in the Price of a Unit of any thing, then the beſt way is to work as in the ift Exam- ple laft foregoing for the Pounds in the given Price, and by the firſt Table for the Shillings, as is taught in the Uſe of that Table. Example 3.) To find the Tare To make Al of any Commodity at any rate lowance for per hundred by the Table last Tara by belt foregoing. of the Table. 1b. Note, That i quarter of a hundred is- 2 quarter is 56 3 is ராத் 28 -84 : Suppoſe you would find the Net Weight of 89 C. 39. 15 lb. Groſs of any Commodity; 16 P 112 being to be deducted for Tare, and 4 lb. The Uſe of the Tab. in Merchandiring. 237 at 104 for Tret; to do this the thorteſt way by help of the laſt Table. i. Deduct 161. Tare out of the 112, and the remainder is 96; which look for at the top of the Table, and againſt 89, the Hundreds given, you will find 8544, wbich is the futue Pounds in 89 G. 2. Conlider that the Tare of C. being 16 lb, that of 1 quarter is 4, and conſequently that of the 3 quarters is 12 lb. Tare, which deduct from 3 quarters, or 84. lb, and the remainder is 72 lb. ſuttle; ſo by the ſame Rule the Tare of the 15th. is 2 (not regarding the 1 Pound above the half quarter of a hundred) for if the Tare of i quarter is 4 lb. that of 14 lb. muſt be 2, which deduct from 15, and there refteth 13. 3. Add the 8544, 72, and the 13 together, and the Sum is Pounds luttle 8629. 4. Becauſe the Tret of 101 lb. is 4, Tret. therefore 1 Pound is the Tret of 26 16. ſuttle; ſo that if you look in the Co. lumn of Products under 26, you will find by the Rules for Diviſion by the Table, that the Quotient of 8629 by 26 is 133, which is the Allowance for Tret, and being deducted from the 8629 lb, futtle, the Remainder is 8298 lb. net. See the whole Work in the Margent. Note. That Wbat. Tare the weight of C. 1b, and Tret is, any Commo- 8933:15 dity with its 96 Calk, Bag, Ib. &c. is called 88544 lb. futtle in 89 Groſs weight. Add 72 lb. ſuttle in o: 3 The weight 13 lb. ſuttle in o: 0:15 of the Com- moditywith 26)8629 lb. futtle in all. out the Caſk, 856 Bag, &c. is (331 lb. Tret deduct, called Suttle- 49 weight; and 26 lb. 8298 reft Net. the weight of the Commo. dity without the Caſk, Bag, or other thing in which it is pot, and without the Droſs, Duſt, or other things of that nature which is mixed with the pure Come modiy, is alled Net or Neat weight; so that The Caſk or other thing that contains a Com. modity is the Tare. The Duft, Droſs, or other impure Subſtance, with which à Commodity is mixed, is called Tret. But where no Allowance is made for Tret, the Commodity without the thing which contains it, is called Net, and the Weight of it Net-weight. Example 9. C. Add 23 remains. 138 The Uſe of the Tab, in Mercbandizing. Example 4.) This Table is al- Uſe in calling fo ueful in casting up Bills of Ex- Bp Brits of Ex. change ; as if you would know change. how many Pounds Srculing, are in 1500 Rixdollars at 54 d. Ster. Iing per Dollar: By the Table, if you multiply $4 by 15, and add the two Cyphers to the Pro- duet, you will find it 81000 d. which reduce at once into Pounds, by the gth Exainple of the Ufe of the Table in Reduction, and you will find the Anſwer 3371. 10s. cod, Sterling. But, Note, That this and the like Queſtions may be done ſomething ſooner by the firt Table, if you reduce the Rate of Exchange, as in the batt Quettion, 54 d. into Shillings and Pence, as 46. 6 d. which looking for at the top of the Table, you will find againſt 1000 ftand 225 l. and againſt sco is 1121. 10 s. the Sum of which is 337 . 10 s. ood, as before. Example 5.] This Table is far- In cafting up ther uſeful in cafting up the Com- Commiffion miffion-Money, or Proviſion due Money. to a Factor at any Rate jer Cent, As fappofe you would find what the Commillion of 38431. 175. 6 d. comes to at 2 and a half (or 21. 10 s.) per Cent, Con. fider that 21. 10 s, is one 40th part of 100 l, therefore take one 40th of the given Number : Thus, in the Column under 40, you will find 3840 in the Column of Products, againſt which is 96, which is the Pounds in the Apſwer, and 31. remains, which (by Reduction) is 60s, and the 17s, makes 77s, a fortieth of which is 1 s. and 37 remains, which is (with the 6 d. in the Sum given) 450 d. one fortieth of which (by the Table) under 40 is 11 d. and 10 d. reinains, or forty Farthings, the 4oth of which is a Farthing ; this is ſo pltin that any one may underſtand it. See the Work. 1. 40) 3843 : 17:6 3840 (961. 3 : 17 : 6 remains 7 Multiply and add the 175. 77 (14. S. d. } 20 40) } 37 s. 6 d. remains Multiply and add the 6 d. 40) 450 (11 440 30 d. remains, or 40 Farthings, one fortieth of which is a Farthing ; so the Anſwer is g64. Is iad, ag. Thus The Uliof the Tab. in Merchandizing. 239 Thos bave I inſerted the Work at length, and done it by the Table; but it may be done with fewer Figures by ſuch as underſtand Multiplication and the Rules of Practice, thus, Note, That Afporter if you would 1. Way. know what 4 of 3143 : 17 the Commir- 1 fion of any Sum amounts to $61. 15. 11d. Anſ. at 2 per Cent, you may divide by 50 inilead of 40; or, as in the laſt Way, Like the Gifth Part of the given Number, cutting off Units Place, as here you took a fourth of 384, which is 961. and 3 remained, or 6os. which with the 17 makes 77 (which may be dore in your Mind) I fourth of which is (cutting off Units Place, as before) 1 and 37 s. remains, of 444 d. to which adding the 6 d. make$ 450d. a fourth of which (except Units Place) is 11¢. and 10 d. remains, or forty Farthings, a fausch of which, except Units Place, is 1, and nothing remains. Or if the Commiſſion is to be computed at 3 per Cant. divide the given Sum by 40, as you did in the Example of 2 h 10 s. per Gent, and dia vide the Quotient, or 4th Part, by 5, and add that sth Part to the 40th Part, and you have the Anſwer; or, as in the last Method, take a 4th Part (cutting off Units Place, as is taught be. fore) and to that 4th ard a fifth of itſelf, Thus the 'Comunition of 47641. 10 s. 10 d. is 142 1. 18 s, 8 d. 29. 1. d. q For the 40th of 4764 : 10 ; 10 119: a 5th of which is 33 : 16 :: 2 a 2 2 The Sum of which is 142 : 18 8 If the Commiſſion-Money, is computed at 4 per Cent. work as för 2 per Cent, and put the An- iwer down twice; or if it is 5 per Cent, take a zoth of the giyen Number; all which Queſtions might ſooner be done by ſuch as underſtand Deci. mals well ; but I have chiefly ſhewed how it may be performed by the Table by ſuch as underfand but little of Arithmetick. Example 6.] You may likewiſe Uſ in Que by this Table ( much after the fions of In ſame Manner of working Que- teref. stions in the laſt Example) find the Intereſt or Diſcount of any Sum of Money, as the Intereſt of 4724 124. 1o d. for 6 Months, at 6 per Gent, per donum, is 14 h 6a. This 240 Tb life of the Tub. in Merchandizing. 14 $. 6 d. makes 72 s. a sth of which is 145. and there l7 . 7$. 1 d. 39. This is found by dividing the given Number by 20, ſuppobag it 5 per Cent. (becauſe 5 is i twentieth Part of 100) ſo under 20 you will find in the Column of Products 460, against wbich ſtands 23, and the 460 taken from 472, there refts 12 h, or 240s, and the 12 s. given, makes 252, againſt the next leſs to 252, viz. 240 in the Column under 20 you will find 12, which is 12 s. then deducting 240 from 252, there reſts 126. or 144 d. and the 10 d. given, makex 154d, the next Number to which, in the Table ? under 20, is 140, againſt which ſtands 7, which is 7 d. and 140 being taken from 154, there refts 14 d. or 56 Farthings, againſt the next leſs Number to which, viz. againſt 40 in the Can lumn aforeſaid, is 2, which is x Farthings; lo that a 20th Part of 472 l. 12 s. 10 d. is found 231. 12 s. 7 d. 29. a fifth Part of which is 41. 9. for a fifth Part of 23 1. is 41. and 3 1. remains, or 60 s. which, with the 12 s. refteth 2 s. or 24d. and the 7 d. is 31 d. 1 fifth of which is 6, and id, remains, which, with the 2 Farthings makes 6 Farthings; a fifth of which is i Farthing, or 41. 14. 5. 6 d. 19. the Sum 4721. 125. 1. d. 10 d. for I 472 : 12 : 10 at 6 per Ct. Year, half of which is to is 23: 12 : 7 : 2 at 51. the Inte. of that is 4 : 14 : 6:1 at 5! reft for fix Months; as 28 : 07 : 1:3 theSum. half of 2 is 1, half of $ Lof which is 14 : 03:26 : 3 the Anſ. is 4, half of 7 si is 3 s. and I s. or 12 d, over, half of which is 6 d. and half the id. 39. is 3 Farthings.. Sce the whole Work in the Margent; all which is eaſily done without the Table by ſuch as under- Stand Arithmetick. If the Diſcount for 6 Months were required; 472 21. 123. 10d. were paid Months before due, and an Abatement or Dil- count were to be made of 6 per Cent, for prompt Payment, you may do it rear enough, by firit finding the Intereft of 4721. 125. 10d, for 6 Montbs, as before taught, and deducting out of that Principal the Intereft 146, 3.5. 6d, 39, ſo the Remainder is 4587. 95. 3 d. 19. to be paid preſently in lieu of the 4721, 12 s. 10 d. 6 Months hence, Note, That if the Intereſt for 3 Months were fought for, you muſt take one 4th of the 28 that to if 6 tereft, published in June 97, or the Appendix to ThxUR of the Tab. in meaſ: Srperficits. 291 this Book, where you have a Role for doing all Queſtions of Interest as above in 1 or 2 Lines. Š V. The Uſe of the Table in Alia- Juring any Superfici se of ſoll In this Se&ticn I Mall give Superficial Mea- Rules whereby (and the Help jure, as Board, of the foregoing Table) any Glafs, Tiing, one, obſerving the particular Waincot, &c. Cultoms delivered in the next Sellion, may, with Eaſe and Certainty, meaſure either Board, Glaſe, Wawſcot, Plaiſtering, Flooring, Painting, Tiling, Land, Cround. Plats of Houſes, or any other Superfícies in what Figure or Shape ſcever the ſame lies. Geometricians define a Superficies to be any Fi- gure having Length and Breadth, but no Thick. nefs. Vid. 5. Defin. I. Euclid's Elements. But here by no Thickneſs you must underftand (of Board, 6*c.) no Thicknels taken notice of in mea. ſuring thereof; for cho'a Board, Glaſs, &c. is ſome Thickneſs, yet it is nevertheleſs properly called a Superficies, becauſe in meaſuring thereof we take notice only of the flat Surface, Area, or out de Face thereof. To meaſure Propoſition 1.] To meaſure a Geo. a Square, metrical Square, having the meaſure of one Ade thercar. Rule. ] Multiply that fide known by itſelf, and the Rectangle or Product is the Anſwer, Example by the Table.] The Side as a b c of the ſquare Figure I. (in the Page of Geometrical Fi. gures) is 38; what is the Arca or Superficial Con- tent of the Square ? Look in the Column under- and againſt 38 (under Breadth or? ikings valued) 38 you will find in the Column of Products 1444 the Anſw. Prop. 2. To meaſure a long An oblong or Square (by Geometricians called a lug Square. Parallelogram ) whoſe oppoſite Sides are equal and parallel. Rule.] Multiply the Length by the Breadth, and the Product is the Content or Anſwer. Example. ] the Table is the Length - -- Under Breudib or things 39 And in the Column of Pro- daéts, againſt 39 is "}–3549- 3549-teAnr. II Prop. 3• 242 The Uſe of the Tab in meaſ Superficies. Prop. 3.1 To meaſure a long An irregular Square, which is not ſo broad at Oblong one end as the other, (which is called an Oblique-Angled Paralle- logram) as Figure III. Rule. ] Take the Dimenſions of the two Ends, and the neareſt Diſtance between them; then by che Table multiply half the Sum of the two Ends by the ſaid Diſtance, as i k, or ml, and the Pro- duct is the Anſwer. Example.] 1 he End (i m) is 12, k 718, and the Length (ik)=75, what is the Superficial Content ? The End i m 12 kl 18 The Sum 30 Half the Sum 15 which find in the Columa of (Breadth or things valued ]under (the Length) which is and the Product you'll find 1125 the Anſwer. Prop. 4.] To meaſure a Right- A Triangle angled Triangle, as Figure IV. Rigbt Angled, having taken the Length of the Bafe (no) and of the Perpendi- cular (“p:) Rule.] Multiply half the Baſe by the Perpendi- cular, or half the Perpendicular by the Baſe, and either of the Products is the Anſwer, becauſe the Triangle is balf a Square made of the fame Baſe and Perpendicular. Example. The Baſe (no) is 73 The Perpèndicular (P) = 42. Half or which is 2 I Which multiplied by the Table, as in the foregoing Examples, the Product is 1533 the Anſwer. Prop. 5.) To meaſure an Oblique-angled Tri. angle, as Figure V, having the Length of the Baie qr, and the Perpendicular ſi given. Rule.] This needs no Exam A Triangle Ok. ple, being performed as the laſt, lique-angled. by multiplying half (ar) by (?) or half (f 1 ) by q r, and either of the Products is the Anſwer. Prop 6.] To meaſure a Rhombus or Geome. trical Figute in the Form of a Diamond, or Pane of Glaſs, as the Figure VI. Rule.] Multiply the Diagonal Line (u *). by the perpendicular (y) and the Product is the Anſwer, becauſe the Perpendiculars (y) and Plain 8E g Superficiess Figure II 6 Figure 6 1 38 30 봉 ​39 a c gi f in Tig: III Tig:IV +2 Fig V ܟܠ 73 9 Fig: VIS AC W 29.2 Fig: VII 4 Fig VIII 33 ix d Tig 1x Tiga X 570 19 Fig XI 12 a Fig XII M Solids. b a Lig XIII Fig XIV l cL e Fig XV Fig.XVII e Fig XV *m Cash Gauging Fig XVIII Page 224 The Uſe of the Tab. inmeaſ. Superficies. 243 and (w) are equal, and the Content of the whole Figure equal to a Square made of the Baſe (w x) and one of the Perpendiculars. Example.] The Diagonal, or Common Bife (u x) The Perpendicular (x) 33 or} 61 The Product by the Table 2013 Anſ. as above, is By the ſame Rule is the Rhomboides (or Fi. gore VII.) a bdr meaſured, for niultiplying the Diagonal (a d) by the Perpendicular (rr) che Product is the Anſwer, which needs no other Ex. ample than the laſt foregoing, the Reaſon being the ſame. Prop. 7.) To meaſure a Tra. A Trapezium, pezium (as Figure VII) having meaſured the Diagonal, or Com mon Baſe (y s) and the two Perpendiculars (u mi) and (n.) Rule. ] This Figure bring irregular, the Sides not parallel, nor the Perpendiculars cqual, ( as in the two laft Figures ſpoke of; the way to meaſure it, is therefore to find an Arich- metical mean Proportional between the two Perpendiculars, which is done by taking half their Sum; which half multiplied in the Length of the Diagonal (ys) produces the true Con- tent required, becauſe the Trapezium Gyps uy ) is juſt equal to half the Square made of the Sum of the two l'erpendiculars and the common Baſe. Example.] The Diagonal (y :) is 89 the Perpendicular (pn) 53 and um — 39. half the Sum of which is 46 } ſo that againſt 46 under 89, you have the Anſwer 4094 Prop. 8. 1 To meaſure a To meaſure a Pen. Regular Multangular Figure tagon, Hexagon, (or Polygon) as Figure 1x, whoſe Sides are equal, and the Angels equal. Rul..) In a Hexagon ( or fix fided Figurc ) as this Figure IX, is ; you muſt firft find the Center or exact Middle of the Figure, by ta. king half the Diſtance between the Middle of any two directly oppoſite Sides, as half the Line ( ** ) is ( xo) ſo is o the Center. And half of me or (mo) (or a fourth of the Diameter xx, ) multiplied by one Side, as (cd) or ( dc, ) &c. and that Product by 6, gives the Content of the whole Figure ; becauſe (by the fifth 244 Tre Ure of the lab.in meaſ Superficies. fifth Propoſition foregoing) half the Perpendicu. cular (mo) equal to (x ) multiplied by the Baſe (ed) gives the Content of the Triangle (eode) and there being ſix fuch Triangles in the Hexagon, Therefore do you multiply the Content of the Trii argle by 6. Example.) The Side of the Hexagon, as (e d) or (d) Co. is 57 and the Perpendicular (ro) or (*0) = 49 on half of which is 24 Se 51 ſo that againſt 24, and under 57, you have 1368, 10 which add hálf 57 (for the 1) which is 28,5 me and the Sun.—13961 6 which multiply by 6, (as taught in the sly by 6 (as tau Uſe of the Table in Maltiplication) omit. *8376 ting the, and the Product is to which add hall 6– 3 38376 or of and the Sum is the Content fought for 8379 Nore, That if your Figure be a Pentagon, five equal Sides, a Heptagon of ſeven, or an O&a. gcn of eight equal Sides, &c. then you are to find the Content of one Triangle as before, and mal tiply that by 5 for the Content of a Pentagon, or by 7 for a Heptagon, and by 8 for the Content of an Octagon, &c. Nore, That a Polygon is a Figure having more Sides than four. Prop. 9.] To find the Content of an Irregular Polyzon, as Figore X. viz. (n mik i b n.) Rule.] Firſt divide the Irregular Figure in to Triangles, or Trapeziums and Triangles, and fu find the Content of cach Part, as taught in the fifth and ſeventh Propoſition foregoing. 'I hen add the Content of the Parts trzether, and the Sum is the Content of the whole Fi- gure. Exam;ile.] The Figure X. is di Irregular Po. vided into the two Trapeziums Ogons. (b i m n b) and (i kimi.) Oi the fi.A Trapez, the Diagonal (i n) is = 78 İbe Perpendicular ( mr) 25 and (bu) 45 balf the Sum of which is 35 Sum of which Right againſt which, under 78, is — 2730. the Content of the firf Trapezium. In IbeUſe of the Tab. in meaj. Superficies. 245 In the ſecond Trapezium (ik 7 m the Diagonal (17) is The l'erpendicular (mo) 31, and (ko) 43 half the Sum of which is 37 mi} 65 } Againſt which, and under 65, is the 2 Content of (i kl 11 2405 To which add the Content of the Tra. m b 2730 And the Sum is the Content of the whole 5135 irregular Figure (bikin n b) Prop. 10.) To find the Cir- Circunference of cumference of the Cirale, a Circle found. Fig. XI. as (uparto) by having the Diameter (og given Rulaj Multiply 3, 1416 by the Diameter (9) and the Product is the Antwer; or if you under- Mand not Decimals, multiply the Diameter by 22, and divide the Product by 7, and the Quotient is the Anſwer. Example.] The Diameter a q is under which againſt 22 is the Product 1584 Which divide by 7, as is taught in) the Uſe of the Table in Diviſion, and the >2265 Anfwer or Circumference will be found For Nore, the two retaining is two leventh Pants, and muſt be placed over the Deviſor, as in the Anſwer. Note, That if you would *To find tbe Diafind the Diameter by having meter of a Circle. the Circumference given, you muft multiply the Circumfe- rence given by 7, and divide the Product by 22, which is but the Converſe of the former, and needs therefore no Example. Prop. 11.) Having the Diameter and Circum- ference of a Circle given, to find the ſuperficial Content thereof. Rule.] Multiply half their Cir- To find the cumference by half she Diameter, Content of a and the Product is the* Content re- Circk, quired. and the Example.] In the Circle, Figure XI.) Circumference oparto is found 2263 91134 half of which is And 246 The Uſe of the Tab. in meal. Superficies 22, half of A And half the Diameter (aq) 72 is -36 The Prod, of which (omitting the ) is—1068 To which adding of 36, viz. - 57 And the Sum is the content fought 40731 Prop. 12.) To find the Cöntent Half of a Cir- of half a Circle, of half a Circle, called a Semi- cle, circle, having the Diimeter of the Circle, and Length of the Arche Line given, as in Figure XI. Rule | Multiply the Semidiameter of the Cir- cle by the Arch-Line, and the Product is the Anſwer; or elſe half the Arch-Line by the whole Diameter, and half the Product is the Anſwer. Example.] In the Circle aforeſaid we will ſup- pole the Diameter (0 9) is 7, and conſequently the Circumference (Oporto) is a which, as (op 9) which is the Arch-Line here given 11, half of that is 5 Which multiplied by the Diameter 7, pro. duceth 38 the Content of t'e whole Circle half of which is the Content of half the Circle, which is 19. for Anſwer. Note, That if you would find Quarter or on the Content of the Quarter of a ther Sector of a Circle or Quadrant, as (opco) Circka. multiplying half the Arch-Line op, as (o u) by the Radius or Semidiameter (pc) and the Product is the An- Swer. Or if you would find the Area of a Sector of a Circle as (qrc9) half the Arch-Line qr, as (y) multiplied by (9 c) or (* )=Radius, gives the Anſwer, Prop.113.) To find the Content Segment of a of a Segment of a Circle, Circle. (oxrro) in Figure XI. Rule.] You muſt multiply two third Parts of the Chord Line (or as o d) by the verſed Sine (1 x) or two thirds of + x by the Chord Line (0 kr) and either of the Products is the Anſwer near enough. Example.] The Chord Line (o z r) is 6, a third of which is 2, and two Thirds is And the Verſed Sine (+ x) is as 8 Şo the Product of two times 4 is and 4 times 13 is 13 or Anſwer Note, Thellfe of the Table in meaf. Solids. 247 B ven. *Note, That 1% is 1 and two Tenths more, be- caule 18 is one or a Unit, and is Prop. 14.] To find the Con- To find the Con- tent of the Ellipfis or Oval tent of an Oval, [ a b cma] Figure XII. hav- ing the Croſs Diameters gi- Rule.) Multiply the Product of the two Dia- meters [a b] and [cm] by 7854, and the Product ( cutting off four Figures toward the right Hand thereof) is the Anſwer, by Euclid Example. The greater Diameter [a b] 14 The leffer [cm] by the Table under 14, againſt 11, you you} 154 have which multiplied by -7854 the Anſwer is 120 18 78cooo Very near 121. 5400 421200 2. 12. II 2916 TOO: Anſwer 120,9516 Note, That a true Geometrical Oval has its Diameters as [a b] and [c m) in proportion, 28 10 is to 7 Note alſo, That the Content of half the Ellip- fis may be found by multiplying the Product of [a b] and [cc] by 785, and cutting three Fi- gures from the Product towards the Right Hand, ſuppoſing no Fractions in the Lines [a b] . . 15.ſo- Solid Meaſurs, as lid Content of a Cube which is Stone, Timber, &c. a ſolid Figure, having the Length, Breadth and Thick- neſs equal, as Figure XIII. is ſuppoſed to have. Rule.] Multiply the Side (as a b] by itſelf, and that Product by [a b] and that laft Product is the Anſwer. Examp.) The Side of the Cube [a b] is —- 37 under which in the Table, and againſt - 37 you will find the Superficial Con-7 tent of one Sidc which multiplied by -} 1369 37 48100 2553 the Product or ſolid Content of the Cube is } 50653 Prop. 248 The Uſe of the Table in meaf. Solists. Prop. 16.) To find the Solid Long Square Content of a long Square Solid Piece of Stone or Timber, so whoſe Breadth and Thickneſs, and conſeruently whole Baſes are equal from one End to the other, but the Length is more than the Breadth or Depth, as Figure XIV, which Geo. metricians cail a Parallelopipedon. Rule.] Multiply Note, I bave purpoſely che Breadth and omittı drepreſenting the so Thickneſs toge- lidity of Figures, becauſe ther, and the Pro- it puzzles young, Learners, Part is and the laſt Pro- deſigned. duet is the An. (wer. Example.] The Thickneſs, as c c or dd is ==7 the Breadth 15 ſo that under 15, and againſt 7, ſtands the Content at one End which multiplied by the Length [cd] =93 } 105 9300 465 the Product or ſolid Content is 9765 Prop. 17.) The Diameter at one Round Solids. End and Length of a Cylinder be- ing given, to find the ſolid Content, as Figure XV, which is a round ſolid Figure, of equal Circumference from one End to the other, like a Rolling-Stone for Walks. Rule.] Multiply the Diameter by itſelf, and the Product by 7,854 ; then multiply the latt Product (which is the Area or Cantent at one End) by the Length, as [f] and that Product is the folid Content of the Cylinder. Example.] The Diame- ter [e e] or [ff] is = under which and againſt II ils the Square of the Dia- meter this multiplied by 7,854 --} produceth the Content at one End *-} 95 under which 95 againft the} 17 cutting 3 FI. gures from the tight Hand of the Produ&t. you have the folid Content 1615 Prop. I he Uſe of the Table in meaf. Solids. 249 Product is the ſquare of the Diameter 12255 Prop. 18.] To find the Con- A Cone or Ta- tent of a Cone, as Figure XVI. pering Solid, which is a Solid, having Circles for its Baſes, which decreale 'till the Figure terminates in a Point, as (inkg ;) like the Blocks for Womens Hats. Rule.] Having found the fuperficial Content of the Baſe, as is taught in Prop. X. and XI. fore.. going, multiply the Content by one third of the Altitude or Length of the Cone, and the Product is the folid Content. Example.] The Diameter of the Baſe (ik) is under which againſt 35 y } 35 which multiply by-7854 ) 93600co 195000 64800 1350 SA 962,1150 And the Product or Area of the Beſe (cutting off 4 Fi- gures from the right hand) is which multiply by of the Length (ng) f the } 13 124800gco 273000 1950 And the Product, cutting off 4 Figures from the Right Hand, is 12507, the Anſwer } 12507,4950 Note, That a Pyramind only differs from a Cone in this; that a Cone has a Çir- A Pyramid. cle for its Baſe, and a Pyramid has a ſquare Pentagon, Hexagon, or ſome other Regular Polygon for its Bale; ſo that in a Pyramid, if you find the Content of the Baſe, of that, by of the Height is the ſolid Con- tent; for by Euclid Lib. 12. Prop. 7. a Pyra. mid is of a Prifm, or Parallelopipedon, of the fame Baſe and Altitude; and a Cone is of a Cylinder of like Baſe and Height, by 10, 11. Euclid. KK Prop. 250 The Uſe of the Table in mens. Solids. Prop. 19.] To find the ſolid Part of a Ta- Content of a Fruftum (or part of pering Solid. a Cone or Pyramind) the ſmaller End being cut off, as Fig. XVII. repreſenting a round Piece of Stone or Timber, thicker at one end than the other. Rule.] In moft Caſes it may fuffice to add the Diameter at the greater and letler Ends together, and the Square of half the Sun multiplied by.785, produceth a mean Area, which multiplied by the Altitude or Length (as o s) the Product is the ſolid Content. Example.] The Diameter of the Cone's great er Baſe, Fig. XVII. as is 35, and that of the lefſer Baſe (as r s) is 27, and the Length os = 42, the content is = 31684; for 27 the lefler Baſe's Diameter. 35 the Diam. of the greater Baſenm. 62 the Sum. 31 half the Sum, or a mean (Arith- metical) Dia meter under which 31, and} 31 } } 31634 againit you have the Squarc 961 which inultiply by 785 the Product is a (cutting off three mean Area - 5 751385 Figures towards the right Hand.) which multiplied ? 42 by the Length produceth the lo (cutting off three 31634 Figures towards lid Content the right Hand.) There is another Rule for working this Queſ- tion, which is reckoned by ſome Authors foms. thing nearer the Truth than the foregoing, and may be uſed by ſuch as understand the Extraction of the Square Roots, viz. Find ihe Area or Superficial Content at the greater and leſſer Ends; myltiply them together, and extract the Square Root of the Product; then multiply the Sum of that Root, apd the two Areas by 5 of the Height, and the Product is the felid Content Nolly The Uſe of the Tub. in preal. Superficirs. 251 ܀ duccth the Cube of the Diamer Note, That the true Height To find the true of a Cone may be found by Height of taking the Diameter, (as i k. Cone, Fig. XVI.) from a Diagonal Scale, and laying it down upen Paper, and from the fame Scale lay down the Slope or Hypothenural Lines k g and ig: then take between your Compalles the Line g 1, which is the true Height, and applying it to your Scale, you will find to the hundredth Part of a Unit the true Length thercof; or you may do it Arithmetically, by lubtracting the Square of the Semidiameter from the Square of the Nant Height, and the Square Root of the Remainder is the Anſwer, Prop. 20.] To find the fo. A Solid every way lid Content of a Globe or exalily round. Sphere, which is a ſolid Body every way round. Rule.] Take the Circumference with a Thread or the like, and by that find the Diameter, as under the 10th Prop. foregoing. Then multiply the Cube of the Diameter (or Aris) by 11, and divide the Product by 21, and the Quotient is the folid Content. Example] The Diameter (found as above) of a Globe is 16; What is the lolid Content? The Axis or Diameter under which, and againſt 16, is the Square 256 which 256 multiplied by 16, pro-? 4096 Then (by the Table) 4096 multi- 16 plied by produceth -45056 which divided (as by the Rules given for dividing a large Sum by the Ta- ble) by 21, the Quotient (or Solidity) fought is 2145 Note, That a Globe is of a Cylinder of the ſame Baſe and Length; lo that if you find the Content of a Cylinder, whoſe Diameter and Length are each 16, (as in this Example) of that Content is the Content of the Globe, Prop. 21.) To find the fo- The Segment of lid Content of the Segment of a Globe. There are many Rules given for the doing of this, as Mr. Everard's in Problem 2d and 3d, and Sect. 5. of his Stereometry, which is tedious, and others direct to multiply the Area of the Bafe by the Altitude of the Segment, for the ſolid Content, Kk 2 which a Globe. find the Con- 252 The Uſe of the Table in Gauging, &c. which is very erroneous, as producing too little by about a ſeventh Part; therefore for the ſpeedy Performance thereof, I think it will be exact enough to work the fame by this Rule.] Multiply the Altitude of the Segment given by 9, and by the Product multiply the Area of the Segment's Baſe; then divide that last Product by 16, and the Quotient is the ſo- lid Content of the Segment, prope. I thall not trouble the Reader with an Example, by rea- in the Propoſition is not often met with in Practice, except in gauging a Copper's Crown, which any Ariſt may eally do by the Rule above, and Help of the Rules following, relat- ing to the Uſe of the Table laf ferrgoing, in Gauging This Table is farther uſeful The Uſe of the in Gauging any manner of Ver Table in Gaug. fel or Caſk: fel or Calk: For as to open , ſent in folia Inches by the Rules already given for meaſuring Solids, thoſe Inches are reduced (by Inſpection) into Ale or Wine Gal. Jons, by the Columns towards the latter End of the Table, under 282 and 231; ways for the Content of the The 16th, 1716 Vellel found in Inches under and 19th Pro- the Word (Inches) and towards poſitions appli. the left hand under (Gallons) ed to Gauging you have the Gallons in thoſe open Vefjëls by Inches : i. l. if you would the Help of the know the Ale or Beer Gallons Table. in any Number of Inches, look in the Column under 232; or if in Wine-Gallons, look in the Column that has 231 at the Head. For Inſtance ; If you ſuppoſe the Parellelopipedon, Fig. XIV. to be a ſquare Back (uſed by Brewers) of like Dimenſions, as in the Example to Prop. 16, the folid Content is found 9765 Inches Inches for which look under 282, you will find (under ſo lid Inches) 9588 to be the next Number leſs right againſt which, under (Gallons) is 34 Gal- lons of Ale or Beer, and 9588 deducted from 9765, the Remainder is 177 Inches, or (in all) 34 Gallons, 5 Pints. In like manner you will find the Content of the Fruſtum of a Cone (Fig. XVII.) repreſent- ing a Brewer's Marth Tab (or any Veſſel wider at one End than the other) to be 112 Gallons of Ale or Beer, and 3 Pints; for ſo many Gal- ions are contained in 31684 Inches, the Con. tent of the Fruftum, as in Prop. 19. foregoing, Like- if you The Uſe of the Table in Gauging, &c. 253 . Likewiſe the Cylinder, Fig. XV. is found 1615 Inches, which by the ſame Column under 282, is 6 Gallons almoft. And if you ſuppoſe, Fig. XII, the Baſe of a Brewer's Cooler for Wort, which is 121 Inches, if you multiply that by the Depth, as ſuppoſe 1r In- ches (for they are always ſhallow) the Product is 1331 Inches, which by the Columns under 282, is 4 Gallons and about 3 Quarts. And ſo much for applying the Table to find the liquid Capacity of any open Veſſels. I am not ignorant (courteous Reader) that there are other Ways of finding the Number of Gallons in any Veffel, by dividing the Square of the Diameter, or mean Diameter, of ſuch round or oval Veſſels by the Square of the Gauge-Point for Ale or Beer, (which Gauge. Point is the Dia. meter of a Circle containing an Ale or Beer-Gallon upon one Inch deep) and multiplying the Product by the Depth of the Veffel, to give the Content thereof in Gallons : But I think the Rules fore. going are ſomething more brief than this or any other, unleſs it were to be done by a Table of Cylinders ready calculated, which (being very large ) cannot be expected here in a Book de fign'd chiefly for Merchants, and Traders, not Gaugers, or Officers of Exciſe : and for that Reaſon I have not ſhewed the inching of Veſſels, which though uſeful for the Gauger or Exciſe Officer, yet is not at all ſo to the Merchant or Vintner, for whoſe Service what is ſaid here of Gauging is more particularly adapted ; and for the Gauger's Uſe, I refer them to ſundry little Tracts extant, as Mr. Everard's, Dr. Newton's, Mr. Dary's, Mr. Ward's, Mr. Collins's, Mr, Hunt's, Mr. Mayne's. In fhewing how by help of the Caſks how to foregoing Table to find the Con- Gauge. tent of Wine-Caſks, I shall not trouble the Reader with the hard Names ufually made uſe of to diſtinguiſh the Bulging, or Curvature of Caſks, as Fruftums of Spheroids, Parabolical Spindles, Conoids, & c. but thall ſhew. ele byens 1. How to Gauge fucb Caſks whoſe Staves have much Curvature (or Crookedneſs) as the Rheniſh Wine Fat, the Canary Pipe, and the Spaniſh Butt, & c. Et 2. To Gauge ſucb Caſks as have little Cur. vature, as the French Wine Hogfheads, Florence Wine Caſks, &c. n. sana na Prop. 22.] To find by help of the foregoing Table; the Content of ſuch Calks as have their Staves much curved or crooked. Rule] 254. The Uſe of the Table in Gauging, &c. Rule.] To twice the Square of the Diameter of the Caſk at the Bung hole, add A Caſk much the Square of the Cark's Diameter Buiging at the Head (or End) and multi- ply the Sum by thie Cafk's Length (or Diſtance between the two Heads in the Inſide of the Caik) and a third Part of the Product by 294, and the Quotient is the Wine-Gallons con- tain'd in the Caik. Note, That to ſquare any Number, is to mul- tiply it by itſelf, which is done (in the Cales bee fore os) by Inſpection, with help of the laft fore- going Table; and for dividing by 204, that is alſo done by Inſpection, by the laſt Column but one in the ſaid Table, obſerving the Rules for Diviſion by the Table, Example. The Bung Diameter (Fig. XVIII.) bt is 37, the Head Diameter a cor m d is 30, Length cd so. What is the whole Con- tent of the Caſk (anbrm du tp c) by the Table? the Square of 37 (or 37 multiplied 7 1369 the fame again is 1369 the Square of 30 (or 30 multiplied by 2 900 : } } the Sum is The Cafk's Length is 3638 50 the Product is of the Product is 181900 60633 the } . : which divided by 294 (as by the Rules) the Quotient is 206 Gallons and almoſt a Quart. For note that 231 Inches is a Gallon, and 57 3 Inches a Quart, Now the Reaſon why twice the Square of the Bung, and the Square of the Head Diameters, are added together, and a third part taken, is, becauſe that third part of the Sum of the three Squares is taken for the Square of the Diameter of a mean Circle; and the Reaſon why that Square of the mean Diameter is divided by 294, is becauſe Circles are in proportion one to another, as the Squares of their Diameters, by the 2, 12 Euclid's Elements. For as 294, the Square of the Diameter of a Circle, whoſe fuperficial Content is 1 Wine,Gallop, or 231 Inches, is to I Gallon (the Area of that Circle as aforeſaid) fo is the Square of any other Diameter of a Circle to the Area or Superficial Content of that Circle in Gallons. But becaufe if we ſhould di. vida The Uſe of the Table in Gauging, &c. 255 part, prove thert, by reaſon of the Remainders vide the Sum of the Squares of the three Dia- meters aforeſaid by 3, and divide that third Part by 294, before we multiply by the Length of the Cask, the last Product would, for the most that would happen in dividing, if the Pract tioner underſtand not Fractions, and very tedious, if he do underſtand them: Therefore to prevent this we uſually multiply firſt, and divide afterward; which gives the ſame Reſult at laſt, and ſaves much Trouble, Prop. 23.] To find the Con- A Cak mearer tent of a Caik that has not much a Cylinder. Curvature or Crookedneſs of the Staves, as the French Wide Hog. fheads, &c. Rule.] To the double Square of the Bung Dia- meter, add the Square of the Head Diameter (as before); then multiply the Difference of the faid Squares of the Head and Bung Diameter by 3, and divide the Product by 10 (i, e, cut Unit's Place off, for that divides any Number by 10): Then ſubſtract that laſt Number from the ſaid Sum of the Squares of the Bung and Head Dia- meters (placing the ſame as you ſee in the Ex- ample, and ſaying i from 1o reſt 9, I borrowed and 4 is 5 from it, &c.) and the Remainder multiply by the Cafk's Length: Then look in the Table under 294, for one third Part of the Product, and right againſt the next Number there- to towards the left Hand you have 69 Gallons, very near the Truth, Example.] The Bung Diameter gs is = 26, its Square 676 that again 676 The Square of 23 the Head Diameter is 529 } 1881 the Sum The Difference between 676 and 529 is 147, which multiplied by 3, and divided by 10, the Quotient is 44.1 thus which laft Sum deducted (as by the? 1836.9 Rule) the Remainder is which multiplied by the Leng. of the Caſk = 33 } The Product ( by the Table ) is = 60617 ( omitting the Figure cut off ) + 20205 againſt which in the Table (or againſt the Num. ber in the Table next leſs) is 68 Gallons, and 208 remains, which is very near another Gallon ; lo terç Anſwer is 69 Gallong, 1 356 The Uſe of the Table in Gauging, &c. By theſe two Rules, the Content of the ge. nerality of Wine Caſks may be To Gauge a Caſk found near enough the Truth, by Inſpection by But there is another Rule to ibe Rod. do the fame, which may ſirve well enough for the Merchant or Vintner to gueſs at the Value of a Caſk by, and that is by the Gauge.Rod or Four-foot Rule; which Rule by putting down at the Bung-hole, the flope End tipp'd with Braſs, to the Bottom where the Head and Staves meet, as from b toc, Fig. 18. there will appear at the middle of th: Bung-hole the Wine Gallons contained in the Cafk, looking upon the Line on which you will ſee ( Wine Gallons ) upon the back ſide of the Rod. But note, that the Content exhibited by this Method, is only near the Truth, when the Caſk is all of one Circumference within, from one End to the other; ſo that in ſuch Caſks whore Staves are very crooked, this way of Gauging is always too little, near 1 Gallon in 20. Note, That where the Bung- What to do, if hole is not juft in the middle, the Bung-bole is you muſt take the Depth as a- not juſt in the above directed firſt to the meet. middle. ing of the Head and Staves at the Bottom at one End, and then at the other, and half the Sum of the reſpective Contents is the Sum that wou'd be found at once, if the Bung-hole were in the middle of the Calk. But fo much for the Uſe of the Table in Gauging. Becauſe in the next Chapter I ſhall thew the Application of the foregoing 21. Propofitions, in meaſuring Board, Glaſs, Wainſcot, Plaiſterers, Painters Work, &c. and ſhall there thew what things are meaſured by the Foot, what by the Yard, &c. I thall firft ſhew the further Uſe of that Table in cafting up Dimenſions taken in mea. ſuring Board, Glaſs, Wainſcot, and the other things above-mentioned, as to multiply Inches by Inches, to give the Anfwer in Feet. * 1. Inches by Inches, to give the Anſwer in Feet. 2. Feet by Inches, to give the Anſwer in Feet. Feet and Inches by Feet and Inches, to give the Anſwer in Feet, in Yards, or in Squares of 1oo Foot to the Square. To multiply Perches by Perches, and give the Content in Acres. Which four Propofitions more, will (I think) take in all the principal Uſes that may be made of the . Table. The Uje of the Tab.in caſting up Dimenſ.257 , Prop. 24.) To multiply Inches by Inches, and give the Aniwer in Feet, Rule.] Multiply (as in the Inches multiplied Uſe of the Table in Multipli- by Incbes, and the cation) the Inches together, Anſwer given in and look for the Product un- Feet, der 144, in the Column of Inches, and againſt the Num- ber next leſs than the laſt Product toward the left hand, is the Feet required. Example.] The Length of a Piece of Glaſs, &c. is 11 Inches, and the Breadth 17 ; what is the Superficial Content in Feet ? 17 by in in the Table, produces 187, which is one Foot and 43 Inches, for 144 from 187, refts 43. Prop. 25.] To multiply Feet by Inches, and give the Aniwer in Feet. Rule.] The Way is to multiply (as taught in Multiplication by the Table ) the Feet given by 12, and the Product by the Inches given and the laſt Product found in the Column of Inches under 144, you will find right againſt them the Feet required, in the Column of Table. Example.] If the Preadth of a Board or Piece of Glaſs, &c. be 10 Inches, and the Length 14 Foot, the Content in Feet is II and 96 Inches. For in 14 Foot is 168 Inches, which multiplied by the 10 Inches given, produceth 1680 Inches, which divided by 144, the Quo- tient, is 11 ſquare ſuperficial Feet, and 96 ſquare Inches, which is near 3 quarters of a Food more. Prop. 26.] To multiply Feet and Inches by Feet and Inches, and give the Anſwer in Feet, in Yards, or in Squares of 100 Square Feet each, Rule.] For the Anſwer in The Dimenſions Feet, reduce the Feet and Inches of a Superficies in the Breadth into Inches, and taken in Feet likewiſe thoſe in the Length, as and Inches, and before taught in Prop. 25. ad- the Anſwer in ding the Inches. Then pro- ceed as in Prop. 24. to give the Anſwer in ſquare Feet. would have the Anſwer in ſquare Yards, divide the Anſwer in ſquare Feet by 9, the ſquare Feet in a Yard (which is done by the Table under 9, for ſuch as underſtand not Diviſion) and the Quo- tient is the Yards required, L Feet Square. $ 258 The Uſe of theTab.in cafling up Dimens. 75 three 7-S 18 226 255 Feet, 3 Feet, Foot, 36 is a quarter, 72 is half, 108 Inches 3 Or if you would have the Anſwer in Squares, cut Units and Tens Places of the Antwer in Feet, and the Figuies to the left Hand are Squares, and thule to the right are Feet, 50 of which is half a Square, 25 a quarter of a Square, and quarters. Example.] Boarding, Piece of Ceiling, or Ground. Plot of a Houſe is 13 Feet 7 Inches broad, and 18 teet 10 Inches long; What is the Content in ſquare Feet, in ſquare Yards, or in Squajes? Feiti Inch, Incb. 13 163 ICS Which multiplied (as by the Ule of the Table in Multi 36838 plication) the Product is Which by the Column In Square of 144 (as bythe Rules Tards. for Diviſion bythe Ta- ble) the Quotienti- Thoſe Feet, divided by 9, give the 28 Yards. Anſwer Or if from the 255 Feet In Squares you cut the 55 (as by 2 ſquare of100 Fect. the Rule) the Anſwer Note, That the 118 Inches remaining, is 3 quar- ters of a Foot and better; for 144 Inches being a quarters of a Foot; but the Inches that remain are not conſiderable, unleſs in meaſuring valuable things, as Glaſs, C. There is another way of mul. Thi laf Opera. tiplying feet and Inches by Feet tion done by and Inches (or Feet by Inches) Cross Multipii. &c. which is commonly made cation or Dute ofe of by Artificers in and near decimal Aritb. London, at this time ; (and that merick. is by Croſs-Multiplication of Duodecimal Arithmetick) which is mere brief than the Way of reducing and di- viding by 144, provided you have not the foregoing Table : So if you would perform the Work in Prop. 25, it will ſtand as in the Mar- gent, and as 14 Feet multiplied by 10 Inches producerh 140, a Feet. Feet. Inch. twelfth of which is 11 Feet, and 8 remain, which multiplied by 12 gives g6 Inches, ſo the Anſwer is -II ; 96 as before. Alſo in the 26th Propoſition fore- going, where it is required to multiply 13 Feet 7 Inches by 18 Feet. io Incb. you may perform the Work fooner than by Reduction, &c. By this 55 Feet. O Method The le of the Tab. in calling up Diminl.2:9 07 10 IO 10. 21 : 108 : 113 Method (provided you can read ly multiply the 9 Digits by 12) fay 10 times 7 Inches is 70, which divided by 32 is 5 Feet and 10 Inches; which 10 put down as I'cet. Incb. you fee, ſaying 10 times 3 Feet is 13 30, and 5 carried is 35; put down 18 5 under the Feet, and carry 3, ſaya ing to times 1 is ic, and 3 is 13, 135 which makes 1353 126 2. Then multiply by the 18 Feet, ſaying 8 times 7 Inches is 56, put 261 6 under the Feet, and carry 5; then fay 1 times feven is ", and 5 is 12, which makes 126 Feet, as you lee. 104 3. Take a twelfth Part of the 13 Sam of 135 : 10 and 126, viz, of 261, and you have 21, and 9 re 255 mains, which multiplied by 12, is 108 Inches, 4. Multiply 13 Feet by $ Feet, as 8 times 13 is 104, which place, as you ſee, under 21, and 1 times 13 under the 104, the ſum of which is 255 Feet, 118 Inches for Anſwer, as before. But before you can work Queſtions in thig way, you muſt know very well how to make all the Multiplications and Diviſions, in the laſt Operation, in your Mind, only putting down the Products and Quotients, as you fee I have done ; except where you are to multiply Feet hy Feet (above 12 in Number) as 13 by 18 in the Example above. But there is a ſhorter Way to perform moft Queſtions of this nature, which is by Decimals, eſpecially if the Yard, Foot, &c. with which the Dimenſions are taken, be divided into 100 equal Parts and' this I have proved to the Author of Duodecimal Arithmetick, in mea. ſuring the Fruſtum of a Cone, which I did by Decimals, with about 10 Figures leſs, and much ſooner than he could with Duodecimal Arith, metick, Prop. 27.) In meaſuring Solids, as Stone, Tim ber, &c. where the Breadeh, Length, and Thick- neſs are taken in Feet and Inches, Rule.) Reduce the ſaid Length, Breadth, and Thickneſs into Inches, and multiply them one into another (by the Table or otherwiſe) and the last Product found in the Table under 1728, in the Column of Inches, you have the Anſwer in Feet in the next Column towards the left hand. Example.] The Breadth of a long ſquare Piece of Stone or Timber, &c. is 1 Foot 3 Inches, the Thicknefs 9 Inches, and the Length 15 Foot 6 Inches; and folid Feet contained therein is 14 Foot 3 LI2 I * 15 5} multiply Foot. * , fons, who may deſire to learn the ſame, but out tha 260 TheUfeofibeTab in caſting up Dimen. Foot 918 Inches. Sce the Work by help of the Table, Foot. Incber. Inch, To meaſure a 3 is Solid by Re- 9 9 dučtion, &c. The Contentat one End 135 Inch, ſquare. The Depth 5 6 iss186 multiply The Prod. or folid Cont, is=25110 ſolid Inch, Which Inches, or a Number next leſs, found in the Table under 1728, in the Column of Inches ſolid, you have 14 Foot anſwering thereto in the Column of Feet; and 918 Inches remains : So 14 Feet, 918 Inches is the Anſwer. The laſt Queſtion is performed by Croſs- Multi- plication, or Duodecimals, as follows: Incb, The laſt Ques- 3 tion worked by Multiply 9 Dcodecimals. S Product 3 Multiply 15 6 Product of 11 : 3 by 6 Inches=67 Add I'roduct of 15 by 3 Inches=45 6Sum 1 Twelfth of which is 9 54 Add 55 11 Foot by 15 produceth i Twelfth of which Feet is= 14 : 864 Which 864 added to the 54, the Sum is Feet 14 : 918 Inches, as in the laſt Method; but this is a Digreſſion from the Uſe of the Table, which I have only thewed for the ſake of ſome Per- have not a Book or Maſter to teach them; with- quired what is above inſerted, concerning Duo- decimal Arithmetick, only by confidering that in the common way of working Queſtions in meaſuring by Reduction of The Reaſon of Duom the Feet into Inches, and di- decimal Aritbmetick viding by 144, one Multipli- or Croſs Multiplica- cation by 12, and one Divi- tion. fion might as well be omit- ted: for it is the ſame thing in multiplying 14 Feet by 8 Inches, and giving the Anfwer in ſquare Feet. If I multiply 14, by "} I 12 { Sum=174 : 54 The Uſe of the Tab. in cafting up Dimenſ.261 . by 8, and divide by 12 ; as if I ſhould multiply 14 by 12, that Product by %, and divide that laſt Product by 144: for 8 times 14, divided by 12, is equal to 8 times 168 (which is 12 times 14) divided by. 144. But the firſt way is mani- feſtly better, becauſe I ſave the Trouble of multiplying 14 by 12; and inſtead of dividing by 144, I have only 12, which is eaſily done without putting down a Figure beſides the Quo- tient. Note, That the 4 remaining, How the Re- in dividing 122 by 12, is 12 times mainders ariſe 4 Inches, and the 6 Inches makes in the laſt Que- 54; alſo the 6 remainirg, in fiion. dividing 174, is 144. times ſo many Inches, or 864. This Rule is general in like Caſes, Prop. 28.] The farther Uſe of ihe Table in cafting up the Dimenſions in meaſuring Land, Rule.] Having found the Content of the Piece of Ground in ſquare Chains or Land-Meaſure. Perches, according to the Rules given for meaſuring Superfi- cies in general, look for the ſaid ſquare Perches under 1.0 in the Column of Perches, and a gainſt the next leſs Number, in the Column of Acres, you have the Acres required"; for 160 ſquare Perches is an Acre, 40 Perches is a Quar- ter of an Acre, 80 half an Acre, and 120 three Quarters of an Acre. Example.] A Piece of Ground 45 Perches, or Chains broad, and 83 long; how many Acres does it contain? By the Table=83 Multiplied by=45 Produceth=3735 ſquare Perches. Againſt the Number next leſs than 3735, viz, a- gainſt 3680, is 23 Acres : So the Anſwer is 23 Aeres, Rood, 15 Perches. For the 3680 deducted from 3735, the Remad der is 55, which is 1 Rood (or Quarter of an Acre) and 15 Perches over, . СНАР, ( 262 ) I CA A P. III. Having in the laſ Sektion of the laſt Chapter, ſbezuod low to meaſure any Superficies or Solid, with reſpect to finding theịr Contents, and how to work the Dimenfons, uhether taken in Inch- es, Feet, &c. I come in this Chapter to thew what kind of Work is mea- Jured by the Foot, what by the Yard, what by the Square, &c. and other Cuftoms to be obſerved in meaſuring ; which will enable any Gentleman, Build- er, or other Perſon concerned in builds ing or repairing Houſes, to examine the Workmens Accounts thereof, which is no Small Satisfaction to them: and for that Reaſon I have brought the ſame in kere, to make what I have ſaid of Meofura ing more complear. $ I. Of Glaſiers Work. T HEY make no Allowance for the Arching of Windows, but take their Dimenſions of a long Window ſquare at the Bottom, and half round, or arching at the Top, from the higheſt Part of the Arch down to the Bottom of the Window, which they multiply by the Breadth of the Window for the Content. Alſo in circular or oval Windows, they Round Wine take the longeſt Diameter, and the dows bow longeft Diameter croſs the former, meaſured. which they multiply together for the Content, and a Square made of the Diameter of round Windows they reckon the Content. And the Reaſon why they make no Allowance for the arching of Windows, is becauſe they reckon their extraordinary Trouble in fucb Windows is more than equivalent to the Glaſs faved thereby. Glaſs is meaſured by the Foot and Inches, and the Workmen reckon the Price of their Glaſs by the Foot, about theſe Rates. Glaſs how 5 5 mucb per Engli Glaſs French Glaſs Crown Glala per Foot. Foot. § II. Cuftoms to be objeru'd in Meaſuring. 263 To § II. Of Joiners Work. O meaſure a Room wainſcotted : 1. Mea- fure ſtreight, without girting the Moulde ings quite round the Room; then if there is any Cornice or Mouldings, as in Swelling Pannels, &c. you must take a String, and meaſure round each Moulding, from the Top of How to take the Cornice to the loweſt Part of the Dimenſions the Wainſcot (which makes the of a Wainſcote Height of the Room much more sed Room. than it would be if meaſured ftreight from Top to Bottom); then multiply the Compaſs round the Room by the Height, and you have the Content. 2. But then you muſt allow Work and half for Window-Shutters, Doors in the Window-Sbut. Wainſcot, &c. i. e. multiply ters, Doors, &c. the Breadth of all the Window Shutters by the Height of one (if they are uniform, as they commonly are) and add half that Product to the firſt Product. 3. Then for the Window-Boards, multiply twice the Breadth of one Board by Windows the Length, and the Product is the Boards, Li. Content of the Board at the Top ning of the and Bottom of the Window ; do Jaums, &c. the like by the Boards at the Side of the Window (called the Lining of the Jaums) adding the Product to the Content of the Top and Bottom Boards before found. 4. Then (if the Windows are of one Dimen- fion and Form) multiply the laſt Sum by the Number of Windows, and add the Product to that of the Content of the Room, as before,. and you have the Content of the whole Wainſcot required. 5. This content is valued at ſo much per Yards as the Plaiſterers and Painters Work is; and Joiners and Meaſurers uſually take the Dimen- ſions in Feet and Inches; and having the Con- tent in Feet, they bring the ſame into Yards, as taught at the latter End of the laft Chapter, dividing by 9. But the thorteſt and moſt exact way for Joiners, Painters, and Plaiſterers Work, which are meaſured by the Yard, To meaſure by is to have a joined 'Yard divi- a Decimal ded into 100 equal Parts; and Yard is the ſo one Multiplication gives the Anſwer in Yards and hundred Parts: as if the Height of a Room wainſcotted be 3. 30 Yards, and round the Room is 24. 2 Yards, theſe 2 Numbers multi- plied together, produce 80.9160, and cutting off Jhorteſt way. I 264 Cuftoms to be obferu'd in Meaſuring. 7356 to the right Hand the Product 4 Places, as you ſee here 9160, thoſe so toward the left Hand, the Point, or Prick, are ſquare Yards; and thoſe to the right are Parts of a Yard; of which Parts 25 is a quarter, 50 is half, and 75 is 3 quarters of a ſquare Yard, Note, That the Height given is 3 Yards, 30 hundred Parts, and the Compaſs round is 24 Yards, 52 Hundred Parts, and the Pro- duét is. So Yards 24. 52 Example. 91 hundred Parts, 3. which is above 80 Yards. This is done 7356 with leſs Trouble, and fewer Figures than the common way of feet and Inches. Yards anf.80.9160 See the Work in the Margent. Joiners Work, Note, That the common Price bow valued. of Joiners Work is as follows. d. 1 Yard of right Wainſcot, the Work- man finding the Stuff, about Finding no Stuff, the Yard is 1 Yard of Deal-Wainſcotting, the • Workman finding the Stuff, about Finding no Stuff, the Yard is about secara : 06 Bolection Work is about 1 s. per Yard more than Square. Note, That they value their ornamental Work by the Piece, $. k}06 06:00 } 02 : 06 ters. $ III. Of Painters Work. Ainters take the Dimenſi- How to take Paie ons of their work as the ebe Dimenſions. Joiners do, meaſuring the Height of a Room round the Mouldings, and then round the Room, giving the Anſwer in Yards, which may therefore be beſt meaſured by a decimal Yard, as taught of Joiners Work. 2. But they reckon double Window Sbut Work for Window Shutters, if both Sides are painted alike, otherwiſe according to the Value of the Painting ; but they always reckon double Meaſure for the Shutters. 3. They reckon the Sain-Frames Sajh-Frames by themſelves, and likewiſe the and Mautle- Mantle Pieces, when there is no Pieces. Painting about them; but if they ſtand in the Wainſcot, they mea- ſure them as plain Work, deducting nothing for the Vacancy, 4. Their Work is of different Prire of Paine Prices, according to the Fineneſs Fors: Works of the Painting, but commonly thus : Tbe Cuftoms to be obferv'll in Meaſuring. 265 The Price of Painters Werk. Wainſcot Colour on new Stuff the Yard o: o: :8 On old Cclour 0:6 Walnut-Tree, Ditto. Cedar, Ditto. Yew-Root, Ditto, Marble on new Stuff On old Colour Windows Lights each new O: 0:3 On old Painting Salh-Lights each Salh-Frames cach 10:1 Iron Caſements each O:0 : 3 Chimney-Pieces cach about "Planifepers IV. Plaifterers Work. Laiſterers meaſure their work as Joiners and Painters do, taking the Dimenfions in feet and Inches, and giving in the Content in Yards, becauſe they value their Work by the Yard. 2. In taking the Dimenſions in meaſuring Ceilings (or the Tops of Rooms) How to take they conlider how far the Cornice theDimenſions bears into the Room, by putting of Ceilings, a Stick perpendicular to the Ceil- ing, cloſe to the Edge of the up- permoft Part of the Cornice, and meaſuring the Diſtance from the Perpendicular Suick to the Wainſcot, wice which Diſtance they always deduct in taking the Length or Breadth of a Room upon the Floor, to give the true Length or Breadth of the C'eiling; as if a Example. Floor is 24 Foot, 6 Inches long, and 18 Foot 10 Inches broad, and the Cornice fhoots out into the Room 6 Inches, what is the Content of the Ceiling ? Twice 6 Inches is 12, which deducted from the Length of the Room, the Remainder is 23 Foot 6 Inches, and the ſame from the Breadth Icaveth 17 : 10 for the Breadth of the Ceiling, which (if the Room is ſquare) multiplied together, the Anſwer is 419 Foot, 12 Inches, or 46 Yards 5 Foot, or 46 Yards and one half, and ſomething more. All which may fooneſt be done by a Decimal Ynrd. 3. In meaſuring Partitioning, or the like, they deduct for the Doors, Windows, or other Va. cancy. 4. The uſual Price of their Work is for 1 Yard M m 266 Cuſtoms to be obferu'd in Meaſuring. Various ways T De middle of the two d. Price of Plai. r Yard of Lathing and Jerers Work. Plaiſtering (Heart Oak Lath) is ı Yard Ditto (Fir Lath) : 9 ı Yard White Waſhing with Size - o : 2 , Yard Plaiſtering or Rendring § V. Of Bricklayers Work. VHE Bricklayers Work is of meaſuring of various kinds, and mea- Eicklayers füred feveral ways, as Pavement Wuk. of Cellars by the ſquare Yard; Tiling by the Square of 100 Foot and Walls and Chimneys by the ſquare Rod, of a Brick and a half thick. 2. Bricklayers in meaſuring Tiling a Cu- Tiling, hàve a Cuſtom to take fram to give the Ground-Plat and half the cbe Content Ground-Plat of a Houſe for the ibereof. Content of the Tiling; ſo that the Depth and half the Depth of a Houſe taken (not within the Walls, as ſome fay, but) from Outſide to Outfide, multiplied by Party Walls, gives the Content; which Dimen- fions taken in Feet, and two Figures, (viz. that in Units and Tens Places) cut off thoſe Figures toward the left hand of the Dah, Point or Prick, are Squares, and thoſe cut off are Feet. See the 26th Propoſition of the laſt Chapter ; for In. Itance, the Depth of a Houſe being 42 Foot, and the Front 25, the Content of the Tiling is 15 Square, 75 Foot, or 15 Square and 3 Quarters for the Depth, and half Depth is 63, multiplied by 25, produces 1575, and the 75 being cut off, you have 15 Square, 75 Foot. . Note, That if the Depth is an odd Number, you inay multiply the Front and half Front by the Depth for the Anſwer in Fect, as before. 3. As for Walling, they ta take Walling, bord the Length and Height in Feet, meafured. and multiply them together, and (if the Wall is a Brick and half thick) the Product, divided by 272 gives the Content of the Wall in Rods of Brick-work, 4. But if the Wall is either Hotureduced to more or leſs than a Brick and a Brick and halt thick, you muſt reduce it balj obick. to a Brick and half, by multi- plying the Product of the Length and Height by the Number of half Bricks that the Wall is in Thickneſs, and divide the Product bys, and the Quotieat divided by 272 gives mney above ihe Cuſtoms to be obſeru'd in Meaſuring. 267 the Content of the Walt in ſquare Rods of a Brick and half thick. 5. But becauſe it is fomething tedious and difficult to divide by 272, Meaſurers and Me- chanicks uſually divide only by 272, which gives a Content more than the Truth, which they take it for. Note, That 272 is the Square of 161, which 161 is the Number of Feet in one Rod in Length. But this tedious Diviſion may To meaſure by be avoided in meaſuring Bricko a Decimal Red, work, if you take your Dimen- fions by a Rule of 5 Yards (or 16 Feet and a half) long, divided into roo equal Parts, which being a Rod, the length of a Wall, in thoſe Rods and hundred Parts multiplied by the Height in Rods and Parts gives the Con- tent in Rods of any Wall that is a Brick and half thick ; but if the Wall is more or leſs thick, pro- ceed as in the Paragraph laſt foregoing. 6. Bricklayers always deduct for Doors and all Doors, Windows, or other Vacan Windows £y in Brick-walls, (except what fol.. dedue. lows) after the whole is meaſured as if there were no Vacancy, meaſuring the ſaid Vacancy, &c. as the reſt of the Wall in which it is found. 7. In meaſuring Chimneys, if Chimneys, bow they ſtand in an Angle of a Rooma meaſured. and have no Jaums, then the Breadth of the Breaſt multiplied by the Height, from the Hearth to the Top of the firſt Story, and the Product reduced to a Brick and a belf as before, is the Content. But if the Chimney ftands not in a Corner, but of it- ſelf, the way to meaſure it, is to girt round the Breaſt, and two Jaums (or Ends of the Breaſt or Front of the Chimney) which multiplied by the Height as before, and the Produ&t reduced to a Brick and half, is the Anſwer: And if the Chim Aeys are alike, from the Top of the Houſe to the Bottom, they may be meaſured at once, by mula tiplying by the whole Height. 8. As for Shafts of Chimneys, Shafts of (which is that which appears at the Chimneys. T'op of a Houſe above the Tiling) fome will girt the ſame, and multiply Tiling, and the Product by the Thickneſs one Side of the Shaft in half Bricks, which di- vided by three, gives the Anſwer in Feet of a Brick and half thick. But the way moftuled, is to multiply two Sides together, that make Angle, taking the one in Feet, the other in Mm Hair- 268 Culoms to be obſerv'd in Meaſuring. Half Bricks, and that Product multiplied by the Height from the Tiling, one third chereof they reckon the Content in Feet, one Brick and half thick, though it is really more ; but that is al- lowed for Scaffolding and extraordinary Trouble in that kind of Work. Value of 9 9. The Value of Bricklayers Bricklayers Work is commonly about the Rates Work. following. 1. $. d. (the Workman Ma- terials) per Rod 5 : Finding no Materials Tiling ( the Workman finding 8:0 Materials) -per Square, plain, Firding no Materials Cellar-Floors ( finding Materials Finding no Materials 0:4 YO, As for Ornamental Work, they mcalure and are paid for it by the Foot running Meaſure, (which is a Foot in Length only); ſuch Work as Arches, Facioes, Cornice, Water-Courſes, &c. the Price of which per Foot is d. Commonly (if the Workman found Materials) about If he found not Materials, about 8 Pantiling the Square ; } ials ;} O per Yard und} 13: O ST Ś VI. Maſons Wok. TONE is meaſured by the Foot folid, and is valuable according to its Goodneſs and Greatneſs of the Scantling. 2. Marons meaſure Stone-Walls of Houſes, and ſuch Work, being plain without Ornament, by the Foot fuperficial; Arches over Doors, &c. not exceeding one Foot broad, they meaſure by the Foot running, or in Length only; and all Ornamental Work, as Capitals of Pilafters, Flowers, Rail, and Ballaſter, &c. they value by the Piece, which is beſt computed from the Time required to finish the ſame. 3. Mafons (as Joiners and Painters) in mcafu. ring the Mouldings of Cornice, Baſes of Pilaſters, &c. girt round the Mouldings with a String. In meaſuring the Arches over Doors, Win- dows, or the like, they take their Dimenſions in the Middle of the Arch; for if they ſhould take them at the lower Side next the Door, they would be too little; or if at the upper Part, that would be more than the true Length. 5. They dedu&t for Doors, Windows, or other Vacancy in Stone-Walls. 6. In mcaluring Stone.Corners of Brick-Hou- ſes, &c. the beft way iy to take the Length of the Cuffums to be obſerv'd in Meaſuring. 269 the two Sides that appear without the Wall, and multiply that by the Height of the Wall, for the Content fuperficial. 7. It would be difficult to give the true Value of all Sorts of Malonry Work; but in general they value d. 1 Foot of Plain Work (as? O: 8 Walls, &c.) at abouts working and Of plain Cornice about. 8 s Mojellian Cornice ſetting. 3 : 0 } I $ VII. Carpenters Work. "THE HE principal Carpentry Work in Build- ing in and about the City of London, ale Rooting Flooring, and, Partitioning; all which they meaſure (as is thewed before of Tiling) by the Square of 100 Foot. 2. The Depth and Half-Depth multiplied by the Front, or the Front and Half-Front, multi- plied by the Depth of any Houſe, gives the Con- tent of the Roofing according to their Cuitom. 3. In meaſuring Roofing, they make nu De- duction for Sky-Lights, or Holes for the Shafts of Chimneys. 4. When they would find the Content of any Floor, they take the Dimenſions in Pect of the whole Floor at once, and then meaſure the Con. tent in fuperficial Feet of the Hule for the Stairs and Hearths, or Chinney-places, from the 'Trim. mers, which they deduct from the Content of the whole Floor, and the Remainder is the true Content of the Floor fought. And if ail the Floors in a Houſe be alike, they multiply the Content of one Floor by the Number of Floors, for the whole Content of the Flooring in the Houſe; which being known in ſquare Feet, is reduced to Squares, as is taught in Sect. 5. lak foregoing. 5. In meaſuring Partitioning, they commonly deduet for Doors and other Vacancies in the Par tition. 6. All Cornice, both Plain, Modellian, and Cantaliever, &c. as allo Timber-Front-ſtory, Breſt-ſommers, Rail ard Ballafiers, Guttering, & c. are meaſured by the Foot running Meaſure, which is in Length only. 7. Balcony, and other Doors and Door-Caſes, Window-Lights and their Ornaments, Cupu- lues, Columns, Pilafters, Pediments, Stairs and Stair-Caſes, they value by the Piece, according to the Fineneſs and Scantling of the Work and Timber. O 8. The 270 Cuftoms to be obferu'd in Meaſuring: 1. 8. The Price of Carpenters Work admits o ſuch a vaſt Variety, that it is not practicable in this Place to give a juft and true Account thereof: but in a Houſe that is the ſecond Rate of Build. ing, it is very near what follows. s. d. Flooring, i. e. Boards, Joiſts, and 1:16:0 Girders ready laid, the Square Oak Roofing the Square Fir1:15:0 Partitioning the with Doors are on: 15:0 Square without Doorso ; 14:0 Modellian or Coving Cornice, the Foot running from 2 s. to : 2:8 Plain Ditto Guttering the Foot Filling, Lintel, the Foot one with another } be} O: 1: with} Breaft Sommers the ſolid Foot {lir Oak 0 : 3:0 universitet 0:6 And the ſame for Posts and Plates. Oak , Fir Rail and Ballaffer with Stairs com- pleat the Pair 3: Cellars Stairs 0:4 *-} 5:. Fas СНАР, (271) as CH A P. IV. Concerning fuch Buſineſs of Merchants as is to be done at the Cuſtom-houſe, and the Water-Side, &c. $1. Of Entring Goods at the Cuſtom- houſe. "O" F Entring Goods Outward, II. By Certificate. III. Inward. If I were to inſert all the various Caſes that might happen in getting a Cocket or Warrant for each of the three kinds of Entries; and alſo the ſeveral Duties payable, that alone would fill a large Volume. But ſince the former is beyond any one Man's Ability to do; and ſince the lat- ter, viz. the Rates payable for Cuſtom and Sub. fidy of all Goods imported, is not only very dif. ficult to perform, but almost uſeleſs, when prin- ted, eſpecially in a Book of this Nature, which may not perhaps be reprinted in ſome Years, in which time (as the State of Affairs are now) ſeveral Acts of Parliament, laying Impoſitions on Goods, would expire, and perhaps ethers of a different Nature be made. And Once the Of. ficers at the Cuſtom-houſe, who compute the Cuſtoms, dare not, nor will not impoſe on any Man's Ignorance of the Rares ; I ſay, all this to- gether is a fufficient Reaſon for my omitting to inſert the Rates payable Inward. And as for thoſe Outward, they are for the moſt part in Book of Rates, which would alſo be too large to Pocket. I fall therefore (which I think will be the moſt ſerviceable to the Reader) only give ſome Rules for entring Goods in general, and il- luſtrate the faine by an Example, to run through the Duſineſs cf paſſing an Entry. 2. When you have Goods to enter, if you have not Servants to do it, and think ſtaying an Hour or more at the Cuſtom houſe to paſs an Entry, would be too much Time loft, you may have Clerks enough in the Long-Room in the Cuſtom-houſe, who will do it for you for 6 d. (if you make your Bills of Entry yourſelf) 'or they will make your Bilds, and paſs your Entry Loth the 272 Of Entring Goods at the Cult. Houte. both for i Shilling, which few Merchants, con- ſidering their Attendance required as above, and their Buſineſs ctherwiſe, but are willing, and think it their fafest and beſt way (much 'Trouble enſuing upon a falſe Entry) to make uſe of the Clerks of the Cuſtom-heue for that Purpoſe. What I have to ſay in this Section, is therefore chiefly deſigned for Merchants Servants, who are enjoined by their Maſters to make Bills, and paſs Entries, and canot well afford to pay for doing thereof out of their own Pocket. 3. When theietore the Goods you intend to ex: port are made up firin and ſafe in Bals, Bags, Caſks, Chests, &c. you muſt mark each Parcel with the fame Mark and Number thus, 1, 2, 3, &c. which done, and you have agreed with the Captain for Freight, and ſo are reſolved what Ship to have, draw your Bill of Entry thus. 3 2 Io the Reward, fokn Bright for Lifton. John Hood. The Six Dozen of Caſtors. Five Dozen of Felts, Here you ſee is mentioned, 1. The Ship's Name. 2. The Maſter's Name. 3. The Port whither the Goods are conſigned. 4. The Merchant's Name that exports, which you will eaſilyalearn 10 make, let the Goods be what they will that yeu enter, by firſt letting one of the Clerks make your Bills, and taking particular Notice of that, you will be enabled to make any Entry that you have Occaſion to do, though never lo difficult. 4. Of theſe Bulls you are to write Seven, one in Words at length, which is to paſs, and in the reft the Quantities may be exprefled in Figures, which Bills are entred in ſeveral Books by the Clerks. 5. If you export ſeveral Sorts of Goods at once, and ſome are free, others pay Cuſtom, you muſt have two Cockets, and therefore muſt make two Entries, one for the Goods that pay no Cuftom, and the other for thoſe that do. 6. If the Exporter makes not the Bill of En. try, which is wrote in Words at length, himſelf, le muft fign the ſame as at the Mark in the Bill above. 7. "The Bill of Entry being made, as above, you muſt pay your Cuſtom and Fees for Entry to Mr. Edward Smith and Mr. George Thornbury, acu ording to the Book of Rates; for you muſt know that the A&t of Tunnage and Poundage lays a Subſidy of ſo much ger Tun upen Li. quids, or of 1 s, in the Pound (or 20 s. Value) on moft other forts of Commudities; ſo that the Luek Of Entring Goods at the Cuff. Houfe. 273. No. 1, Books of Rates ſhews how alt Goods ſhall be va. lued, otherwiſe Goods rifing and falling would make the Coftoms to do fo too; but the Price being put in the Book of Rates, á twentieth Part of that is the Cuſtom at 12 d. in the Pound of that Value. As if you look in the Book of Rates for Hats, you'll find Beavers and Caſtors rated at 21. per Dozen, a twentieth Part of which is 2 so per Dozen, or 2 d. per Hat, and id. per Hat for Felts. 8. Having paid your Cuftom, get your Cocket (which is in the Words following) wrote on a Imall Piece of Parchnient about 4 Inches broad, and 6 or 7 in length; in form as follows: The Form of a Cocker: Ind. or In Know ye that Fohn Wood Ind. digenous for 6 Dozen of Caitors, and 5 Dc- fignifies na zen of Felts in the Revard, John tural born. Bright, for Liſbon, paid all Duties, Dat. 24 July, 1698, Anno Gulin, Decimo. 9. On the Backſide of this Cocket write down the Mark, Numbers, and alſo the Quantity of your Goods contained in the Cocket, thus : I 1 Box gt, 6 doz. Caſtors, W 1 Box qt. 5 doz, Felts, If ſeveral Sorts of Goods are in the fame Pack. age, you muſt indorfe, Cum aliis, 10. Tranſcribe on a piece of clean Paper your Bill of Entry, and then you bave a Shipping Bill; on the backſide of which write the Mark, Num- ber, and Contents, as you did on the backſide of Your Cocket. But in your Bill of Entry and Shipping-Bill, you need not put down the Mark and Number, but only on the backfides as abovela d. 11. This Shipping-Bilt with your Cocket, both endorfed, on the backtide as above, you muſt deliver at the Waterfide to the Searcher when you ſhip off your Goods, which Cocket is to remain in the Searcher's Office, and will be delivered to the Maſter of the Ship upon his going off, 11. For entering Goods that are to be exported by Certificate, you muſt know, that to port Goods by Certificate, is to export foreign Goods that were formerly imported; which Goods if an Englifbman export within twelve Months, or a Stranger within nine Months after Importation, there is a Drawback allowed ta ſuch Exporter of part (vit, for ſome Commo- dities more, for others Jeſs) of the Custom paid ex- st 274 Of Entring Goods at the Cuſt. Houſe. at Importation. But this Draw back is not to be allowed, unleſs the Exporter produce a Certifi. cate, figned by the Collector or Comptroller of the Cuſtoms that thofe Goods paid Cuſtom in wards within the Time aboveſaid ; upon which Certificate a Cocker is granted the Exporter, which is called a Certificate Cocket. Tbe Form of a Debenture for Cuſtom to be drawn back. 3, 98. Valentine Vuntrump Ind. did enter with us two thouſand Ells Holland Linnen, the third of Augull, 1698, in the Coronation, John Bennett Mafir, før Barbados, the Subſidy and Impoſt whereof was paid inward by Samud Round the firſt of Marcb lait, as doth appear by the Cer- tificate of the Collector inwards, and for the fart 'ter Manifeſtation of his juft Dealing herein, Le hath alſo taken Oach before us of the ſame, Cuftum boule, London, Aug. 3, 1698. To this Debenture the Exporter is to make Oath to the Collector at the Bench in the Long Room to this Eteet: Juravit Valentine Vantrump, That the ſame Holland Linnen above-mentioned was really ſhipped out, and bath not been relanded in any Port or Creek in England or Wales ſince laft ſhipped. Aug. Will. Townfind, Signed Tbo. Caufton. The Meſſieurs Walpole are Collectors. The Form of a Certificate Cecket. London. Know ye that Valentine Vantrump Ind. for Two Thouſand Ells Holland Linnen paid per Samuel Round the firſt of Marcb laft, late unladen and now in the Coronation, fobn Benners for Barbados. Dat. Aug. 3, 1698. 2. When therefore you would get a Certifi- cate-Cocket for Goods that you are about to tranſport, you must take out of the Books of whe Importer the Day when the Cuſtom inward was paid, and by whom, and carry that to the Long-Room in the Cuſtom-houſe, and deliver i (with the Quantity you would export) to the Clerk to the Comptroller of the Subſidy Irward and Outward, which is now Mr. Townſend, Sen. and Jun. and Tho, Cauftox) who will ſearch the Books; and finding the Cuſtom paid Inward will make out a Certificate, upon which Certi- ficate you have a Cocker granted for ſhipping your Goods uit, and a Diawbåck of part thc of Of Entring Goods at the Cult. Houſe. 275 the Custom and Subſidy paid Inward, provided you export the Goods by Certificate in Time, as is aforeſaid; and if not worth while to draw back, may be entred in the free Cocket, calling them out of Time. III. For entring Goods Inwards at ebe Cuſtom houſe. Having a Letter of Advice, that the Ship is ar. rived which has your Goods on Board, you muſt ſearch the Sbip's Entry-Book at the Cuſtom-houſe, which lies publick in the Long-Room, where you will find the Ship's and Captain's Names, alſo the Land-waiters Names appointed to attend the unlading, and at what Key the Goods will be landed. As thus, Wanley and Iſaacfen. Three Brothers of London, Ifaac Greenwood, Barbados Cuft. Here you ſee is, 1. The Landwaiters Names. 2. The Ship's. 3. The Captain. 4. The Place whence the Ship is arrived. 5. The Key the un- lades at. And if you find the Sbip entred, you may like. wiſe enter your Goods; as ſappoſe they be 10 Bags of Cotton, which though it pays no Cuſtom (if from our Plantations in America) yet muft, as all other Goods Inward, be landed by Warrant which warrant cannot be obtained without En- try, and paying the Fees for Entry, though free as to Cufiom. And the fame may be ſaid of Fuf. tians and Checfe Outward the firft of which pays no Duty, and the latter none, unleſs its Va. Jue exceed 30s. per hundred ; yet theſe and all Goods, though exported or imported free, muſt however be entred at the Cuſtom-houſe, and shipped off by Cocket, or landed by Warrant. Make your Bill of Entry therefore for your Cot- ton Wool thus : Tbe Form of a Bill of Entry Inward. ge 0 In the Reſerve, Tbo, Hock from Barbados. Fobn How. Ten Bags of Cotton-Wool of the Growth of the Engliſh Plantations. If the Duty of your Entry is above rol. pay it into the Treaſury to Mr. Lomas, and take his Note to the Perſon that collects the Duty of the Goods you enter Inward. 2. Of theſe Bills of Entry, you muſt write eight, and one in Words at Length as the fore- going, wbich is for the Warrant, and muft be figned by the Party in whoſe Name the Goods are entred, and your Mark muſt be inſerted in N17 276 of Entring Goods at the Cuft. Houſe. the Margent, but the other ſeven may be wrote in Figures; all which being finiſhed carry them to Mr. Farr in the Long-Room, and pay him the Fee for Entry and Cuſtom, and ſo your Entry will paſs, and the Land-waiters will that After- noon have a Warränt for the landing your Goods ; which Warrant may be ſeen at any time afterward in the Jerker's Office. If Bonds given ; for Wine, Mr. Mayne and Mr. Merior; for Exciſeable Liquor, Mr. Spidel and Mr. Tull; for Weft-India Goods, Mr. Farr and Mr. Speidel. 3. The Fees for Entry are as follows : d. For a Freeman of London 6 ArrUnfreeman, who is an Englifhman 3 2 Aq Alien or Stranger 3: IQ A Navigator 2 And if they neither write their Bills, nor paſs their Entry themſelves, they muſt then pay 1 s. more, as by the ſecond Article foregoing. Note, That an Alien is one that is no Engliſh. man born ; and a Navigator, one that im- ports Goods in a foreign Bottom, as allowed by the Act of Navigation. 4. It might perhaps have been expected I thould here fay fomething more particular of pal- Sing Entries, and writing Bills; but the Cafes being ſo various (as I ſaid before) it would be im. paffible to give an Example for each ; and there- fore I think, as an Addition to what goes before, the moſt ample Directions in theſe Matters, are for the Party, who has often Occafion to enter Goods, and yet is ignorant thereof, to obſerve very narrowly how its own Bills are made by the Clerks, and by this means, in a very fhort time, be will be enabled to make his Bills of Entry himſelf. And the ſame Method may be taken as to paffing an Entry, by obſerving through whoſe Hands they paſs. But in all unufual Eatries the ſafeſt Way is to get a Clerk in the Long-Room to make your Bill of Entry; for if you ſhould enter thing under one Denomination that ſhould be entred under another, you will go near to be ob- noxious to the Penalty of making either a falſe Entry, or none at all. I know ſome of the Clerks of the Cuſtom houſe are very cautious left any one ſhould un- derſtand their way of paffing an Entry; but, by due Care, any one that is minded may (after two or three times ſeeing the Clerks write the Bills, and paſs the Entries) do the fame himſelf : And every Merchant may much eaſier, and with more Truth and Safety, learn (by Practice) to enter the particular Goods he deals in, than he could Conce- ning Exportation, 277 : } Waiters. : . 4. f Prices limited : 3 and 4 W. and M. c. 8. could do by any Kules that can posibly be given by the moſt knowing in theſe Matters. 5. But I have ſeen Goods that no Officer in the Long. Room could tal how to enter or make a Bill for by the Invoice, when the Cuſtom is paid by the Lengths, er, and thoſe Lengths or Quantities are not exprefled in the Invoice : In t is Caſe the beft way is to attend the coming of your Goods to hand out of the Ship or Lighter, and when they do, defire the Land-waiter that they may be carried to the King's Ware-houſe, which is under the Leng-Room, and there the Surveyor of the Ware-houſe will ſee the Lengths meaſured, or juſt Quantities taken, and will make you have a Bill of Entry accordingly ; which when you have paffed, you may have your Goods out of the Ware houſe. Mr. Dobſon Ware-houfe-keeper Mr. Cole Comptroller. Mr. Emerſon and Mr. Tillotſon $ II. Cancerning fome Claufes in ſeveral Statutes, and neceſſary to be known by Merchants, as relating to Exportation and Importation As to Exportation, " Oods or Merchandize exported or ſhipp off before Cuſtom paid or ſecured, for- feited, 12 Car. II, c. 4. revived 6 W. and M. 6. 1. 2. Denizens hipping Goods in Carrack or Gal- ley, thall pay Cuſtom and Subſidy as Aliens, 12 3. If any Goods Chipped by a Denizen (having duly paid Cuſtom Qutward) do happen afterwards to be caſt away or taken by Pyrates, the Ex- porter, upon due Proof thereof before the Com- miſſioners of the Treaſury, or Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and producing their Certificate to the Officers in Chief of the Customs, fhall ſhip off ſo many Goods Cuftom-free, the Cuſtom whereof amounts to the Cuſtom of the Mer chandize loft, 12 Car. II. 6. 4. revived 6 W. and 4. Beef, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Cheeſe, and Candles exported Cuſtom-free, under the 5. No Captain or other Perſon belonging to either Ships of War or Merchants, fhall take on Board any Ship bound beyond Sea, or for Scotland, any. Ergliſh Goods or Merchandize, until they are firſt entred in the Books of the Officers of the Cuftom outwards, and fall bring to fuch G M. c. I. may be 278 Concerning Exportation. . ſuch Officers, the Content in Writing, under bis or their Hand, of the Names of the Perſons that fhall have laden on board any Goods, together with the Mark and Number thereof, and Num- ber of Guns and Ammunition, and whither bound: And ſhall, before his Departure, anſwer, upon his Oath, to ſuch Queſtions as ſhall be alked by the Officer of the Cuſtoms concerning ſuch Goods, upon pain of the Forfeiture of one hundred Pound, by Statute 14 Car. II. c. 11. re. vived 6 W. & M.c. 1. 6. No Wharfinger, or Keeper of Crane or Key, thall ſuffer uncuſtomed or prohibited Goods to be water-born or taken on Land, without the Pre- ſence of ſome Officers of the Cuſtoms (except in the Port of Hull, as i Eliz. c. 11.) upon Penalty of forfeiting one hundred Pound, by 14 Car. II. c. 11. revived 6 W. & M. c. Ii 7. Goods exported and carried by Sea from one Port to another, in England, Wales, or Berwick, without a Warrant or Suftrance from the Cuttom- houſe Officers, are forfeited ; 14 Car. II. C. II. revived 6 W. & M. c. I. 8. And the Maſters of all Ships ſhall take out Cocket, where the laſt mentioned Goods are laden, and give Bond and Security that they fhall be landed at the Place for which they are entered, or ſome other within England, Wales, or Berwick: And ſhall return a Certificate with- in 6 Months (Danger of the Seas excepted) from the Cuſtom-houſe Officers, where ſuch Goods were unladen, to the Officer to whom Security was given, otherwiſe the Bond and Security is forfeited ; 14 Car. II, 6, 11. revived 6 W. & M. 9. Goods conveyed away, and carried beyond Sea, without paying Cuſtom, the Proprietors ſhall forfeit double the Value, computed according to the Book of Rates; except for Coal, which ſhall pay double Duty, to be collected according to the Act of Tonage and Poundage; 14 Car. II. 6. 11. revived 6 W. & M. c. I. 10. Goods exported or imported in a Packet- Boat (unleſs allowed by the chief Officers of the Cuſtoms) are forfeited, and the Maſter forfeits one hundred Pound and his Place; 14 Car. II. c. 11. revived 6 W. & M. c. 1. 11. Aliens ſhall pay no greater Duty than the King's natural born Subjects, for exporting any Goods of the Product or Manufacture of Eng land, Wales, or Berwick, except for Coals, 25 Car. II. 6. revived 6 W, & M. c. 1. and 1€ peals Cauſes to the contrary, in 11 H. VIII. c. 14. 12 Car. II. C. 4. feet. 2 & 6. 13 Car, II. 6.7. and in the 12th Article of the Book of Rates, 12, Spa- 26,7 Concerning Exportation. 279 12. Spaniſh and foreign Wools may be exported in Engliſh Shipping, bait not otherwiſe, out of England or Wales, under pain of Confiſcation, by Article 5 of the Book of Rates, confirmed 12 Car, II. C. 4. revived 6 W. & M. c. 1. 13. The Officers of the Cuſtoms at Graveſ- end, having Power to ſearch any Ship outward bound, thall not, without jutt Caule, detain any ſuch Ship above three Tides after her Arrival at Gravelend, under Pain of Lols of their Office, and rendering Damage to the Owners of the Ship. And the Officers of the Cuſtoms in any Out-Port shall not, without just Caule, detain any Ship out- ward bound above one Tide after the Slip is laden and ready to fet fail, under the like Penalty as aforefaid, by 23d Article of the Book of Rates made 12 Cur, II. 6. 4. revived 6 W. & M. 6. 1, Goods probibited Exportation. 14 Goods prohibited to be carried out of the Nation, are generally ſuch as are either the Ma. terials uſed in making Manufactures peculiar to England (as Sheeps-Woul and Füllers. Earth, a) which, were other Nations furuiſhed withal, they would probably ingrols the Trade of Wool len Cloth, 66, or elfa Thry are fuch Commodi- ties as are not fully manufactured, whereby (if permitted Exportation our own Artificers are robbed of Employment, or luch whereof we have no greater Quantity than we can ſpend in our own Nation, and conſequently, if exported, would greatly inhance the Price, and caule a Deficiency among ourſelves, IS No Woollen-Yarn or Woollen-Cloth fhall be exported to Places beyond the Sea unfulled, or not fully wraught, upon Penalty of Forfeiture of the value thereof, one half to the King, and the other half to the Informer; 7 Edward IV. 6. 3. 30 Edward III, 67. 16. No Engliſh Coin ſhall be tranſported or carried out of England, by Statute 5. R. III. 7 Edw. VI. c. 6. 27 Edw. III, f. 2, 3. 619 H. VII. C. 5. nor any Silver or Sterling Bullion, unleſs unleſs firft ftamped at Goldſmiths-Hall, and Oath made, that no part thereof was before noiten, the current Coin of the Realm of England, or Clippings thereof, nor Plate wrou, ht within this Kingdom), which thall be proved, or the Bullion to be forfeited, and the Owner to be impriſoned 6 Months without Bail or Mainprize; 68 7W. III. 6. 19. 17. No Sheeps-Wool, Wool Fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, Yarn made of Wood, Wool-Flocks, Fullers-Earth, Fulling-Clay, or Tobacco-pipe- 280 Concerning Exportation. Clay, fall be exported out of England, Wales, or Berwick, into Parts beyond the Sea, or Scot- land under the Penalty of being adjudged Fe. lony ; 27 Edw. III. c. 14. Sect. 2. 38 Edw. III. 12 Car. II. c. 32. 13 & 14 Car. II. C. 28. But the Penalty of Felony is taken anty, and the Exporter fall forfeit the Vefiel, and treble the Value thereof, with treble Cost of Suit. And the Afillors ſhall ſuffer three Vears Impri- ſonment; which Forfeitures ſhall be recovered by bim who ſhall ſue for the fame, to continue for three Years, from May 1, 1696, and to the end of the next Seſſions of Parliament ; 7 & 8 W, II. c. 28. See alſo further Forfeitures, &c. by the Stat. 9 & 10 W, III, the of Importation. Pon Information that Goods Imported are conveyed away without Entry arid pay. ing Cuſtom, or ſecuring the fame to be paid, Lord-Treaſurer, Barons of the Exchequer, or chief Magiſtrate of the Place where the Of. fence was committed, or next adjoining thereto, may grant a Warrant to any Perſon, who, with the Amittance of a Conftable, may break open any Houſe in the Day time, in Caſe of Reſiſtance, and may break apen Doors, Cheſts, Trunks, or other Package, and take thence any prohibited or un. cuſtomed Goods, to which all Officers are to be aiding and aſliſting; but no Proceeding ſhall be upon this Act, unleſs within one Month after the. Ofence committed. And if falſe Informa- tion is given, the Perſon wrongfully accuſed may recover Coils and Damages; 12 Car. II. C. 19. 14 Car. IL C. II. Se27. 5, Rov, 6 W. & M. 6.1. No Ship or Vefſel, arriving from beyond the Sea, ſhall be above 3 Days in failing from Gravel- end to the Place of Diſcharge in the River of Tbames, unleſs apparently hindered by contrary Winds, or other juft Impediments, by Stat. 14. Can. II. c. 11, Rev. 6. W. & M. c. 1. 3. No Ship, bound for the Port of London, thall touch or ſtay at any Place adjoining to either Shore between Graveſend and Cheſter's-Key; and true Entries ſhall be made of all ſuch Ships La ding, upon Oath of the Maſter or Purſer, for that Voyage to the beſt of their knowledge: Allo where the took in her Lading, of what Country built, how, manned, who was Mafter during the Voyage, and who are Owners, thereof, And in all Out-Ports to come dire&tly to the Place of Unlading, and make true Entries as a foreſaid, upon Penalty of Forfeiture of 100. l. 14 Car. II, 6. 11. revived 6 W, & M. c. I. 4. After Concerning Importation. 281 Good Párcel of ſuch Goods as are rated to pay by the 4. After any Ship is cleared, and the Watch- men and Tides-men diſcharged from their At- tendance, if there be found on board ſuch Ship paid Duty Inward, tircn the Maſter or other Perſon taking charge of ſuch Ship thall forfeit 1001, 14. Car. II. c. 11. Rewi 6W, & M.7, 1. $. Porters, Carmeny Watermen, &c. aſlifting in carrying on Board, or landing uncuſtomed or prohibiced Goods, being convicted by the Oath of two Witneſles, thall, for the firſt Offence, bé committed to the next Caol, till he find Surety for his good Behaviour, and for the ſecond Offence be committed for 2 Months, without Bail or Main- prize, or until he be diſcharged by the Court of Exchequer, or pay to the Sheriff of the County 51. 14 Car, 11. 6. 11. Rev. 6W. & M.C, I. 6. No Merchant Deniten Mall colour a Stran gér's Goods, but ſhall by himſelf, or known A. gent, fubfcribe one of his Bills of every Entry; with the Mark, Number, and Contents of every Piece, or Meaſure, and Weight of ſuch as are ra- ted to pay Duty by Weight, without which no Entry ſhall pa's. And, 7. No Children of Aliens, under 26 Years, ſhall have Entry made in their Name, nor be permitted to trade; 14 Car. II. c. 11. Rev. 6 W & Mic.IN 8. Merchants, trading into the Port of Lon don, thall have free Liberty to lade and unlade their Goods at any of the lawful Keys and Pla- ces, between the Tower of London, and London Bridge, between Sun-riſing and Sun-ſetting, from the roth of September to the 10th of March, and between 6 o'clock in the Morning and 6 in the Evening from the oth of March to the toth of Septimber, giving Notice thereof to the reſpective Officers appointed to attend the lading and un- lading of Gonds. And ſuch Officers as thall refuſe, upon due calling, to be preſent, ſhall forfeit sl. for every Default, half to the King, and half to the Informer or Proſecutor, by Arti cle 13 of the Book of Rates, made 12 Car. II. c. 4. Rev. 6 W. & M. c. 1. 9. No Goods (Fiſh taken by his Majeſty's Sub- je&ts, Sea ceal, Stone, and Beaflial excepted) ſhall be landed or laden on board bot at lawful Keys and Places (except Hiull; i Eliz. c. 11.) or ſuch other Places as his Majeſiy ſhall appoint by Com- miſſion out of the Court of Exche quer, upon Pe- nalty of Forfeiture of ſuch Goods ; 14 Car. II. C. II. Reo, 6 TV. & M. c. I. To. To prevent Combinations between Im- porters and Seizers of Goods unlawfully importa ed or exported, noape ſhall ſeize the ſame but 0 0 282 Concerning Importation. the Officers of the Cuſtoms, or ſuch as ſhall be authoriſed fo to do by the Lord-Treaſurer, Un- der-Treaſurer, or Special Commiſſion from his Majeſty, under the Great or Privy Seal, any Law to the contrary notwithftanding ; 14 Car. II. C. 11. Rou. 6 W. & M. c. 1. 11. If any Seizer of prohibited or uncuſtomed Goods ſhall not make due Proſecution thereof, it is lawful for the Coftom-houſe Officers, or others deputed thereto, to make Seizure of ſuch Goods, and bring his Action by way of Devene- runt; and they ſhall be in Law adjudged the firſt true Informers and Seizers, and have the Benefit thereof, any Law, Statute, &c. to the contrary notwithſtanding ; 14 Car. II. C. II. Rev. 6 W. & M. c. I. 12. All foreign Goods permitted to be landed by Bills at Sight, Bills at View or Sufferance, Mall be landed at the most convenient Keys or Wharfs, as the Officers of the Cuſtoms ſhall direct; and there, or at the King's Store-houſe of the reſpective Ports, ſhall be meaſured, weighed, and numbered by the Officers to be thereunto particularly appointed, who ſhall perfect the En- try, and thereunto ſubſcribe their Names; and the next Day ſhall make Report thereof to the Cu- stomer, Collector, or Comptroller, or in default thereof fhall forfeit icol. 14. Car. II. f. 11. 6 W. & M. c. 1. 13. No fort of Wines (except Rheniſh) Spicery, Grocery, Tobacco, Pitch, Tar, Pot-aſhes, Salt, Rohn, Deal-boards, Fir-timber, or Olive-oil, ſhall be imported into England, Wales, or Town of Berwick, from the Netberlands or Germany, upon Penalty of forfeiting Ship and Goods; 14 Car. II. c. 11. 6 W. & M... 1. 14. Any Merchant, who ſhall import Goods, fhall have Liberty to break Bulk in any lawful Port or Key, the Maſter or Purſer firſt making Oath of the true Content of his Ship's Lading, as by the firſt Article of the Book of Rates. 15. Brandy imported in any Veſſel Jefs than 60 Gallons in Content, is forfeited, by 4 and 5 W. and M. 6. 5. Sél. 4. Se7.8. 16. After December the firſt, 1696, no one ſhall put on Store in the Kingdom of Scotland or Ireland, any Merchandize of the Growth or Pro- duct of any of his Majeſty's Plantations, un- leſs the ſame have been firſt landed in England, Wales, or Berwick, and paid the Duties where- with the ſame are chargeable, under Penalty of forfeiting Ship and Goods three fourths to the King, and one fourth to the Informer, or him that ſhall fue for the ſame: Except Ships by Diſability be driven into any Port of Ireland, and unable Concerning Importatioc. 283 board by Virtue of the ſaid Certificate; 7 & 8 unable to proceed on her Voyage, her Goods may be put on thore into the Hands of the chief Offi- cers of the Cuſtoms there, 'till the ſaid Goods can be put on board ſome other Ship or Veſſel, to be tranſported to ſome Port of England, Wales, or Berwick, by 7 8 8 W. JII. C. 21. 17. After the firit of Auguſ, 166, Natives of England or Ireland may import into England, directly from Ireland, any Hemp, Flax, Thread, Yarn and Linnen, of the Growth and Manufac- ture of Ireland, Cuſtom free, the chief Officer of the Veffel ſo importing, bringing a Certifi. cate from the chief Officer of the Port in Ircland, expreſſing the Particulars of the Goods, with, the Names and Abodes of the Exporters thence, and of ſuch as have ſworn the ſaid Goods to be bona fide of the Growth and Manufacture of that King- dom, and to whom they are conägned in Eng. land. And the chief Officer of the ſaid Vellel thall make Oath, at his Arrival in England, that the faid Goods are the ſame that he took on W. III. c. 39 . 18. Wool may may he imported from Ireland to the Ports of Whitehavenly Literfvol, Chelier, Briſtol, Bridgewater, Minehead, Barwiable, and Biddiford, and none other, by 1988/ XII. 6. 23. , III, 6. 3. Of Goods probibited rapprtariox. The Gocds prohibited Jinportation are gene- rally fuch as are fully manufactured, which would no way employ our Artificers; and thoſe permitted, that are fully puanufactured, arc fuch as our Engliſh can either not make the like, or not afford to make them ſo cheap as the Importer can ſell the ſame. 19. No Cloths made beyond the Sea Arall be brought into Englunds Ireland, Wales, or Scot- land, upon Penalty of forfeiting thereof, and far- ther Punishment at the King's Pleaſure 11 Ed. 3 20. No Woollen Caps, Woolen Cloths, La- ces, Corles, Ribbands, Fringes of Silk or Thread, Thread-Laces, Silk-twined, Silk any wiſe em- broidered, or Gold-Laces, Saddles, Stirrops, or any Harneſs pertaining to Saddles, Spurs, Bofles for Bridles, Andirons, Gridirons, no manner of Locks, Hammers, Pincers, Fire-tongs, Dripping- pans, Dice, Tennis-balls, Purſes, Gloves, Gir. ales, Harneſs for Girdles of Iron, Lattin, Steel, Tin, or Alçamine : Nothing wrought of any tawed Leather, Corks, Knives, Daggers, Sword blades, Bodkins, Sheers, Razors, Sciffars, Cher. men, Playing-cards, Combs, Pattins, Pack- needles 284 Concerning Importation. 26. A peedles, no painted Wares, Forcers, Caſkets, Ring of Copper or Lattin gilt, Chafing-Dishes, Cha- fing balls, Hanging candleſticks, Curtain rings, Ladles, Scummers, counterfeit Balons, Ewers, Hats, Bruſhes, Wool-cards, nor any of theft Wares or Chaffers thall be imported, uttered, and fold within England and Wales, upon Penalty of forfeiting half to the King, and half to the Informer, except Wares taken upon the Sea by Wreck; 3 Edw. IV. c. 4. 21. No Girdlers, Point-makers, Parfers, Glo- xers, Joiners, Painters, Card-makers, Wire-Inon- gers, Weavers, Horners, Bottle-makers, or Cop- perſmiths Wares, fhall be imported by Merchant. Arangers; by Ric. III. 6. 12. 22. No great Cattle, Sheep, or Suvine, or any Beef, Pork, or Bacon, fhall be imported into Esgland, or Town of Berwick (except for the Tieceffary Proviſion of the Ships in which they are imported, and except from the Iſle of Man) nor any Ling, Cod, or Pilchard, freſh or falted, dried or bloated, nor any Salmon, Eel, or Con- ger taken by any Foreigners, ſhall be imported, upon the Penalty of forfeiting the ſame, one talf to the Poor of the Pariſh where the faine fhall be found, and half to the Seizer ; by 18 Car. II. c. 2. 32 Car. II. c. 2.5.8 & 9. 20 Car. II. c. 5. but that part relating to Bacen is repealed by 5 & 6W. & M. 6. 2. and the Importation permitted. 23. No foreign Wool-cards, Card-wire, nor Iron-wire, for Wool-cards, ſhall be imported into England and Wales, under the Penalty of Forfeiture thereof, one half to the King, and half to the Informer ; 3 Edw. IV. c. 4, 39 Elix. 4. 14. 13 & 14 Car. II. c. 19. 24. Foreign Bone lace, Cutwork, Embroides ty, Fringe, Band-ftrings, Buttons, nor Needle- work, ſhall not be imported into England or Water, under Penalty of Forfeituae of the ſaid Goods, and 100 l. one half to the King, and one half to the Informer or Proſecutor ; 13 6 14 Car II. C. 13 25. No foreign Hair-buttons, or other Buttons whatſoever, thall be imported into England, Wales, or Town of Berwick, under Penalty of forfeiting the fame, and 100 l, one half to the King, and one half to the Informer; by 13.** 14 car. II. c. 13. 4 & 5 W. & M. c 10, 1.2. facture of Italy, Sicily or Naples; that is to ſay, Italian coarfer than third Bolonia, Sicilian coar- ſer than fécond Orly, except as in Tertio Anna Reginæ, until Septemb. 29, 1705. nor Thrames or thrown Silk of the Growth or Production of Turkey ************** Concerning Wharfage, &c. 285 Turkey, China, Perſia, or Eaſt India, fhall be imported, under Penalty of Forfeiture; 2 W. & M. Sef. 2.6.9. 5 & 6 W. & M. c. 3. 27. No cut Whalebone, into ſhort Lengths, fhall be imported, under the Penalty of Forfel- ture thereof, and of double the Value ; 9 & 10 W. III. $ III. Concerning Wharfage, Cranage, Lighterage, Porteruge, and Cartage, and Rates for Carmen, Waterman, and Coachmen. 1. A you are Fter your Goods are entered at the Cuſtom then to take Care to ſhip off (if outward bound) or elſe land your Goods, in order to the right underſtanding of the Me- thods thereof, which are very regular and well managed at the Water-ſide ; you muſt know that there are lawful Keys fitted with Cranes and other Tackle, whereby prodigious Weights can be let down from, or drawn up to the Wharf. 2. A Wharf is the Land or Wbarf, what. Ground on which the Crane, &c. ſtands, which extends a conveni. ent Diſtance on each ſide the Crane, whereon Mer-, chants Goods are laid, till ſuch time as they are viewed or examined by the Searchess (if they are to be exported) or by the Land-waite:s, if they are imported. 3. Of theſe Keys there are thirteen, at whieh Ships are appointed in the Cuſto.n-houſe Book to unlade, vizi ... CEASTV to . * 4. gert2 Wharfs. 286 Buſineſs at the Water-ſide, Principal Owners and Proprietors. Lady Olderoft. Mr. William Clapkam. } Lady Chadwick. X: Wharfs. who has three Clerks under him. for the Middle Station. 5. The chief Accomptant is Mr. Meffington, Theſe Managers may be ſpoke with at the Mr. Samuel Davenport for the Lower Station, Mr. John Lartwood, and Mr. James Butlin Mr. Joſeph Broad for the Upper Station. 4. The Managers for the Wharfingers are, Wharfs and Keys Names. Freth Wharf, Cox and Gaunt's Key, Betolph Wharf, Hammond's and Lyon's Key, Sommers's Key, Smarts's Key, Dice Key, Wiggin's Key, Ralph's Key, and Young's Key, Bear Key, and Sab's Dock, Porter's Key, Cuſtom-houſe Key, Wooll Key, Wharfingers and Lefſees. Mr. Peter Delamot, United Comp. Mr. William Clapham, United, Mr. Joſeph Aſhton, Single. Widow Wickham, United. Mr. Parker, Single. Mr. Smith, United. Widow Jobe, United. Company of Wharfingers United. Mr. William Coatſworth, Single. Mr. John Lattwood, United. Company cf Wharfingers, United. Art. Stephens Cordwainers Company Weſtern Sir Peter Eaton and John Thompſon. John Thompſon and Gaſcoign. Fiſhmongers Company. Yohn Cope. King George. Meſſieurs Perry, Pitfield, and Cartwright. Robert Richardſon. Key;} Galley Key, Mr. Rickard Lechmore, United. Brewer's Key, Company of Wharfingers, United. 6. Likewiſe Buſineſs at the Water-fide. 287 6. Likewiſe each of the three Stations have a Clerk, viz. Mr. Moor for the Upper Sta- Clerks of the tion. Stations, Mr. Orvy for the Middle Sta- tion; and Mr. Cook to the Lower Station; who have a Book made up as the Land waiters, ſealed with the Prefident's Seal, wherein to enter the Tranf. actions relating to the Wharfs. 7. Mr. Edward Meffington, The Committee, Mr. Peter Delamot, Mr. John Lattwood, Mr. f. Broad, and Mr James Butlin, meet every Wedneſday, P. M. at the Compting-houſe aforeſaid, on Dice-Key, to ſettle and determine Matters relating to the Wharfs, and to redreſs Merchants Grievances with reſpect thereto, if any happen. 8. Beſides there, there are three Lighter - Ma Perſons employed by the Whar- nagers. fingers to manage the Lighters, who reſide upon the Stations, and attend the Mooring of Craft (as they call it) eve- ry flack Water, being there ready to furniſh any Merchants with Lighters, either to land or ſtiip off Goods, viz. Upper Station, Mr. Dickerſon. Middle Station, Mo. Day. Lower Station, Mr. Benham. 9. The Profit of the Cranes and Wharfs are now laid together, and ſince the Year 1695, are in common. 10. To theſe Keys, viz. Cheſter's, Lyon's, Hammond's, Sab's, Young's, Ralph's, and Gauni's Keys, Ships are feldom or never appointed in the Caflom-boufe Book, and therefore I ſay no more of them. 11. As to the Rates of Wharfage paid by Merchants, there are no certain Ta- Rates of bles thereof, but it ought to be com- Wbarfage, puted at the Rate of 12 d. per Ten, whether outward or inward, except for Sugars (or the like) from the Weſt Indies, which pay 2 s. per Tun, in regard four Hoga theads is reckoned but a Tun, though each Hog. fhead being 1000 lb, weight, or upward, the four Hogfheads are at that rate two Tuns of twenty hundred weight to the Tun. 12. But the Computation is otherwiſe with the Turkey Company, by Agreement, as may be ſeen in the following Account; for that Compa- ny agreed with the Wharfingers, Mr. Cappin and Mr. Lecbmore, in the Year 1690, to pay the Rates following for what they export and import to and from Turkey. 288 Buſineſs at the Water-ſide. 2 I2 Outward. Wharfage. d. Cloth the Bale, not exceeding fixe long} All Woollen Goods and Stuffs 3fC. the Bale Brazil Wood the Tun Callicoes the Baile Furs of all Sorts, the Bale or Fat Lead the Fodder Red and White Lead the Tun 8 Lattin Plates the Barrel ſingle Double Pepper the Bag, not exceeding 3 C. Tin, the Barrel containing 3 C. Wire of Iron or Copper in Caſks, the Caſk Ditto, the Tun of 20 C. 8 All other Goods in Caſks, The Hogſhead The Butt 4 I 1 the Bag "} !! Crane Ligh and Inward. terage. Wbarf. d. d. Annife-feeds the Sack, not exceeding 5 C. 53 Boxwood the Tun Carpets of all Sorts, the Bale 5. 3 Camlet, Mohair, and Grograms the Bale 32 Cordevants the Bale 3 Cotton Wool of Smyrn, the Bag 3 Ditto of Cyprus, Acra, and Scandarcon 7 3 Cotton Yarn of Smyrna, the Bag or 2 Bale Ditto of Aleppo, the Bag or Bale Currants, the Butt 6 (2 Carateels and 4 quarter Rolls to be reckoned a Butt) Gauls Aleppo, the Bag 3 Ditto Smyrna, the Bag Goats Wool of Smyrna, the Bag inom 3 Ditto Aleppo, the Bag Grogram Yarn, the Bale or Sack Gum of Almonds, the 20 C. Gum Arabick, the Bag er Cheſt Gum Tragant, the Bag cr Cheft Maftich the Cheft 3 Opium Rhubarb che Cheft Scammony Piſtaches, the Bale Pot-alhes, Weed-alhes, and all Aſhes 8 from Turkey, the Tun S lil 2 } 4* } Valonia, Buſineſs at the Water-fide. 289 S S 1 Valonia, ground or ungraund, the the } Tun of ao C. Raiſins, Rice, the Tun Soap, Sena, the Cheſt or Bale Silk, the Bale or Fangot Wormſeed, the Bale Turpentine, the Cheſt Oils and Cute, the Tun 3 3 3 3 I 2 .. All other Goods, not here mentioned, are to pay in proportion to the Rates aforeſaid ; and all Goods are to be brought up in cloſe Ligh- ters, And it is agreed, that if any ſhall neglect to take up their Goods, when as there remains but thirty Parcels or fewer in the Lighter, if the Perſons concerned be not then ready to take them on ſhore, the Wharfinger may put the ſame into another Lighter, taking care of them; for which he ſhall have 12 d. per Parcel, and after Ź Days 12 d. a Week Demurrage. And it is farther agreed, that the Wharfage of all Goods, not exceeding 5 $. fhall be paid down on the Wharf at the taking up of the Goods : And it shall be lawful for the Whar- finger to detain the Goods 'till Payment or Sa- tisfaction. 13. Cranage is included in the Cranage. Rate of 12 d. per Tun Wharfage, mentioned in Article 11; ſo that be- ing paid, nothing is juſtly due for the Uſe of the Crane, nor does the Wharfinger require any thing. 14. The Wharfingers do alſo keep Lighters,. as mentioned in the eighth Article, to carry Merchants Goods to or from a Ship, for which they have about 12 d. per Tun of 4 Hogiheads for Sugar from the Weſt Indies: And for Wine and other Goods, they reckon half as much for Ligh. terage as Wharfage. 15. They have alſo the let. Wareboules ting of about 500 Warehouſes a: rbe Water at the Water-fide, which fide. extraordinary uſeful for the Mer. chane to keep his Goods from the Weather, as vell as beneficial to the Wharfin. ger; for if a Merchant is not ready to take his Goods, when landed, they are put into one of theſe Warehouſes, for which the Wharfinger has about 3 d. per week for each Bag, Bale, Sack, &c. Рp 16.Bc. 290 Concerning Porters. 16. Before your Goods are ſhipped, while they Jie cn the Wharf, you muſt take care to let the Searchers view the Parcels, to fee Searchers to that they agree with your Cockets. , view before They keep their Office at the Cu- shipped. ſtom-houſe, in a Room near the upper end of the Long-Room. 17. And as for all Goods imported, the Land, waiter muſt ſee that they agree Land-waiter with your Cuſtom-houſe Warrant, sobou landed or Cocket; for which Purpoſe before carried there are at leaſt two appointed to kway. ſee the unlading of each Ship; and therefore I would adviſe eve. ry one to take fpecial Care, that the Goods they land or ſhip off, are no niore than what they have entered at the Cuſtom houſe : for if they are, there are ſeveral Penalties, as may be feen in the Statutes foregoing, concerning Exportation and Importation. 18. The next thing to be conſidered at the Water-fide sre the Porters, of whom there are theſe four Sorts : 1. Companies Porters. 11. Ticket Porters. 111. Tarkle Porters. And IV. Fellowſhip Porters. 2. Companies Porters are ſo calle:1, becauſe they are Mercholen into their Office liy the 12 Com. panies of the City of London, ſo often as a Vacany happens. The Names of the Porters, and the Companies that chuſe the fome, take as follows: Companies Porters Names. S Mr. Mailbeus, Mercers, 2 Mr. Smith, Mr. Mlanty, Grocers, 2 Mr. Stone. S Mr. Tiplist, Drapers, Mr. Hedges. Mr. Nicbolls, Eithmongers, Mr.Stedwick, Mr.Carpenter Skinners and Iroqmongers are now parted, and are S Mr. Farkney, Skinners, Mr. Higgs, Mr, Sbepberde, Mr. Scorman, Tronmongers, Mr. Powell Mr. Hyde, Salters, Mr. Locker. Mr. Brereton, Merchant-Taylors, Mr. Halloway, Habardaſhers, Mr. Han lov, Mr. Robinſon Clothworkers, Mr. Stevinſon, Mr. Mut- bir, Mr. Tbomas. Goldſmiths, and ŞMr.Stainſbury.Mr.Gibbon, Packers, Mr. Mayer. {M In all Twepty-Six Porters. Concerning Porters, Fany tbar Note, That the Porters are always called af. ter the Company's Name that chures them, viz. thoſe that are firſt named in this Porters called Account; but are never called the after the Com- Ironmongers, Goldſmith's, not Merchant-Taylors. Alſo that the cbufe tbem, Vintners is left out, and the Pace kers fubstituted in the Room, tho none of the 12 Companies. 20. It is there Porters Duines The Uſe of to land and flip off all Goods or theſe Porters. Merchandize to be exported or imported to or from all Ports on the Southward of the Belt, near the Weft.de of the Sound in the Baltic Sea, and to Hollard, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Turky, and all foward and beyond the Cape of Good Hope. The Clothworkers are excepted in landing Eaf-India Goods, but have Lead-Tiade in lieu. 21. But the Packers Porters are chiefly in- tended for the landing and ſhipping off Aliens Goods, viz. thoſe Perfons Goods that are not Freemen of the City of London. The Vintners are a Society of Tackle-Porters to load Wine to che Buyers. 22. The Ticket Porters, which The Uſe of the work at the Water-lide, are not Ticket Porters. a certain Number as thoſe above, but tliey are all Freemen; and it is their Buſineſs to land a Ship of ſuch Goods as are exported or imported from all parts of Amirica, and the Ports or Places to the North- ward of the Belt in the Baltick.Sea: So that, from theſe Accounts of the Porters, it is cafy for any Merchant or bis Servant to know who to apply themſelves to in caſe of Exportation, Importation, Goods miffing, &c. But you must be careful, when you pay the!e Porters, that you are not over-reached, for they will reckon you as much for their Labour and Cronage as you paid for Wharfage, beſides the Cranage, you pay for to the Wharfinger in the Wharfage at the Rate abovefaid.; ſo that the Porter's Die in Juſtice is not above half the Sum that is paid for Wharfage, 23. Tackle Perters are parties - Tackle Porters, Jar Societies of Tirket Fortor, ſuch as weigh Goods or Mer." chandize at the Water-Gde he. tween Buyer and Seller; they are generally ſuch a Part of the Ticket Porteis as have furniſhed them: ſelves with Tackle for that Purpoſe, as Weights, Scales, &c. There generally in p off Goods for Amnio, and cught to be Men of Subdance and Integrity's their Uſe. P ? : the 292 Concerning Posters. Integrity. There are ſeveral of theſc Porters for ſeveral Commodities, as Henp, Iron, Tin, &c. and Vintners for Wine, 24. For moſt Ships, wherein Huſband of a feveral Perfons are concerned, Sisip's Buſineſses there is a Husband choſen and put in by the Owners, to take an Account of every Merchant's Goods delivered cut of the ſaid Ship, in order to adjuſt the Account of Freight between the Merchants and Owners; and if any of the Goods are damnified, he takes an Account thereof, that Abatement may be made proportionably. Theſe Huſbands pay the Wharfage, Lighter- age and Porterage of Tobacco from Virginia and Muryland, without troubling the Merchants, and fo collect every Merchant's Proportion when they do the Owner's Freight. 25. Beſides this Huſband, there is an Officer, called The Back of a Ship, who takes an Account of the Goods for the Merchants or Freighters, as the Hufhand does for the Owners, who is cholen by the Ticket Porters in this manncr, and is al. ways one of the Society of Tackle Porters. When a Ship from America How they fro- comes to be unladen at ene of the ceed to work Keys, and the Land-waiters and a Skip, and King's Weighers are all rcady, chufe a Bock comes a Tackle Porter with ſome thereof. of the Ticket Porters, who fall to work, and with all the ſpeed they can, land 7 Draughts, i. e. Bags, Hogſheads, &c. and none are permitted to partage of the Pro- fits of unlading that Ship, but ſuch as come before being done, the Tackle Porters then preſent pro- ceed to chuſe the Book (or Book-keeper) who takes an Account of each particular Marks and Quantities of each Merchant's Goods, and fees them fafely put into Ware houſes, and loaded kome, and that each Merchant has bis own. 26. The fourth fort of Porters Fellor lip are the Fellowſhip Forters, whoſe Porters. proper: Buhineſs is to land or ſhip off fuch Goods or Merchandizes as are meaſurable by Dry Meaſures ; as Corn, Salt, Sca. Coal, &c. . Tbe UTE *....... Concerning Carmer. 293 O 210 20 20 rce} be } Ilo Ilo 10 1 Oli OI ΟΙΙ } 1 I 611 Tbe Rates taken by the Porters for ſeveral forts of work is as follows. Sbip |Land oad. You-Weigb- ping ing. ing. linging d. s. d. s. d. s. Sugar the Hogih. 030 315 30 4 Ditto, the Tierce 2 3 or Barrel Ditto, the Butt o (3 60 60 610 8 Cotton-Wool,the 310 310 30 Bag Ginger, the Bac Molofles, theHogth.o 32 310 30 3 Logwood, the Tun i Furtick, the Tun T Brazelletto, the Tun I 611 611 61 6 Young Fuſtick, 611 6, 61 6 the Tun Lignum Rhodi. 6 6 6 um, the Tuns Lignum Vitæ, 0 1 the Tun Tobacco, theHogſho Ditto, the Bundle - O 10 Daniſh or Swediſ? Iron, the Tuns Hemp, Narve and 7 Riga, the Bundles 6/0 636 27. The laſt kind of Buſineſs at the Carmen. Waterſide, that I ſhall here mention, is that of the Carmen, who being gene- rally very inſolent noiſy Fellows, and think thereby to baffle and run down young Merchants, er Servants to Merchants, who are not much ac- quainted with Waterſide Buſineſs; I ſhall there- fore ſhew the Limitations and Refraints which the Carmen lie under, and the Rules by which they are to act ; that ſo thoſe that have occaſion to deal with them, may the better know how to manage } 1 OI 20 20 2 IO No I O I o'r O 6,9 them. 28. That you may take the bet- Carmens ter notice of theſe Fellows, you muſt Numbers to obſerve their Number and Mark; for be minded. every one that is licenſed, has : Braſs, with the Number on it, and branded with the City Arms upon the Shaft of the Carr or Cart; for if any Perſon work with out ſuch Number and Mark, he ſhall forfeit for every Offence 13 s. 4.d. 29. The Power of managing Wbere to pro- and giving Rules and Orders to ceed again theſe Carmen, is veſted by the Carmea, City of London, purſuant to an Act of Parliament, in the Governors of Cbrift's 294 Concerning Carmen: tone-Yard. And if ſuch Carman, 64, shall be forfeit for every Offene orle by the Head, he ſhall Chrift's-Hoſpital, where any Merchant or other Perſon aggrieved, may have Kedreis the Tueſday after ſuch Complaint, when the Governors fit, in the Afternoon, at the Compting-houſe of the ſaid Hoſpital. 30. If any Catman carry any How to carry Coals in his Cart, without a good Coals in their and lawful Buffiel, and good and Carts. lawful Sacks, agreeing with the Bufhel kept at Guild-ball , and Sea-Coal Meters Sacks, he fall forfeit for each Offence 10, 31. Every Cart allowed is to con- Dimenſions tain in Length, between the Tugg- of a larufull hole and the Fore-car breadth, 6 Cart. Foot and 4. Inches, and in Breadth, between the two Raves, in the Body of the Cart, 4. Foot of Allize, and no more; and in Length, from the Fore-ear Breadth to the end of the Cart, Foot and 2 Inches, and no more ; otherwiſe to be lent to the Ninu-S:one-Tard. 32. If any Carman or Drayman One Horſe. put into his Cart or Dray any more than one Horſe for the Carriage of any Merchandize (except up a Hilt, or with Timber, Stone, or other Commodities, where the Load cannot be divided) he ſhall pay for his firft Offence 10 s. for his fecond 20s, and for every other gos. and the Supernumerary Horſe to be impounded till the Penalty be paid, 33. If any Carman or other, Carmen, soc. that drives a Cast, Dray, cr Wag- not to ride, nor gon, ſhall ride rliercon, or drive the Horſes to his Horſes, a-trot through or in trot. the Street, he ſhall be carried before a Juſtice of the Peace, to be dealt with according to the Offence, and the Horſes or Mares hall be carried to the New- his 34. If any Carman fball re- The Penalty of fuſe to appear upon the Summons Carmen not ap- of the Preſident and Governors pearing onSum- of Chriſt's - Hoſpital, he shall be puniſhed at the Diſcretion of the ſaid Preſident and Governois, ei- ther by Fine, Penalty, or Suſpenſion. All Carts and Carrs loaden, Through tubae pafling out of and from Tbames- Streets Carrs Street, ſhall from thence paſs and fhall only poſso go up thefe Lanes and Places fol- lowing, or ſome of them, and no other ; that is to ſay, the Hill leading from Tower. Dock to the Eaf-end of Tower-fireet,S6. Dunftanºs 8 taken not leading hi *nons. Througbqbae 35. All . Concerning Carmen. 295 Hill, St. Mary-Hill, St. Martin's Lane, Dowgate. Hill, Garlick-Hill, Bread-ſtreet-Hill, and that no empty Carr or Cart, pafiling to the ſaid Street, (o- ther than ſuch as having been unladen in ſome of the Lanes or Places before mentioned, fall be oc- cafioned to paſs the ſaid Street immediately af. ter ſuch unlading) ſhall go down the Hills, Lanes, or Places laſt before-mentioned ; but the ſame Mall be kept only for the pafling of Carrs or Carts laten : but that as well the ſaid empty Carrs or Carts laden may paſs into and from Thames-ſtreet, thro' the ſeveral Lanes and Places hereafter men- tioned ; that is to ſay, Fiſh ſtreet-Hill, Whitting, ton-lane-Hill, and the Wardrobe-Hill, except as is before limited. Alſo that all Carrs laden may go into the faid Thames-fireet, down all Places, as are most commodious for them : All which is to be obferved under the Penalty of the Carman's forfeiting for his firit Offence 5s. and for every other Offence 10s, as by AZ of Seſſion the 20th of October, 1681, 36. And becauſe it is neceſſary In what Pla. for Merchants, &c. that uſe Carrs ces Carts are or Carts, to know where they ſtand erly to ftand with their empty Carts; I have to be bired. thought convenient to inſert the fame as follows. Carts, From Brewers-Key along Thames-ſtreet to the 2 firſt Cuſtom houſe-Gate, there are to ſtand From the West Gate of the Cuſtom-koufe to Porter's Key. From Porter's Kiy to Little Bear-Key 3 From Little Bear-Ky to Young's-Key 4 From Young's-Key to Ralph's-Key 3 Froin Ralph's-Key to Great. Dice. Kry From Great-Dice-Key to Smart's Key From Little Somers-Key to Botolph Wharf From Botolpb-Wharf to Cox's-Key From Cox's. Key to Freſh Wharf From Freſh.Wharf to St. Magnus-Corner At St. Dunfan's-Hill From New-Fifhaftreet to the Stil-rard - 16 From the Still-yard to the Crooked-Billet-Wkarf 20 From the Crooked. Birlet Wharf to the Black-> Swan From the Black Swan to Brook's Wharf From Brook's Wharf to Caſtle- Alley From Paul's-Wharf to Puddle. Dock From Vere's-Key, and all Places thereabout: ? that have paſſage up Pudelie Dock-Hill At Black Friars Bridewell Carter-lane Saliſbury-Court 60} 22 2 312 12 } 295 Concerning Carmen. ce} 10 6 Seffions. in if , Carts. On the Eaſt fide of Fleet-ditch And on the Weſt-ſide thereof At Wbire-Friars At Bridewell-dock 5 A little up on Holbourn-Hill, Weſtward 4 Earl ward of Holbourn between the Bridge and King's Arms Well-Smithfield, and about the Bars 15 Alderfgate 6 Briad freet 6 Friday-freet 6 Aldermanbury Silver.ftreet Baling-ball-ſtreet Broad.ftreet 4 Biſhopſgate without Biſhopſgate within 8 Sr. Marj Aze, and up Camomile-freet 6 Without Aligati; toward Wbirc-Clapel Crois-lane from St. Dunian's-Hill to Harp-lane 6 Crutchid Friars Duke's Place Bury-firect Lawrence-Poynny lane, and the Pallage into Suffolk lane Dozovate bill Coleman-firitt 4 PBilpot lane Boto.pb-lens S Harp-lane 6 Bear lane 6 In Fencburobuftrett, where the Church and 7 Pump food Leaderball.ftreet, between the Eaj-India? Houſe and Pump 3 Lime-ftreet And in the Weigh-houſe-yard And that all Carts ſtanding in Thames-ſtreet thall ſtand on the South-fide only of the ſaid Street ; and all this under the Penalty of forfeiting for the firſt Offence 5s. and for erery other 10 $. and for Non-payment, to be ſuſpended from working, by the 47 and Order of the Gover- nours aforeſaid. 37. That any Carman who Carmen to ſtands with his empty Cart next load on fir to any Goods that are to be load- Demand with. en, fall, on the firſt Demand, out Bargain. load the fame without any delay or bargaining for other Wages than pay for his first Offence 5s, and for every other Of- lence 70 s. and the next Cart in order, that thell dia} . be willing, shall be ar fiberty to load the fame. Concerning Carmen. 297 half an 8 38. If any Perſon refuſe to The Races to pay the Rates following, the Car- be paid tbem. man to appeal to the Governors of Cbriff's-Hoſpital, or to any Juſtice of the Peace, where he may be relieved. 39. If any Merchant or other Carmen ſtay- Perſon ſhall cauſe any Carmen to ing, to be paid ſtay with his loaden Carr above for it. (the Carman being willing to help to unload the fame) ſuch Merchant or other Per- fon, thall pay after the rate of 12 d. per Hour, after the firſt Half Hour, for his Attendance. 40. All Merchants, or others, Mercbants that have Occaſion to uſe Carrs, are may cbuſe free to chuſe what Carrs they pleale, tbeir Carrs except ſuch as ſtand for Wharf work, Tackle-work, and Crane- work, which are to ſtand in Order, and to be ta- ken in turn. 41. That no Carman come to The Time Car- any of the Wharfs or Places of men to obſerve, keeping turn betwen the Bridge and Tower-Wbarf, before 5 or 6 of the Clock in the Morning in the Summer time, or before 7 or 8 of the Clock in the Win- ter-time, unleſs a Merchant or any other Perfon, having Occafion extraordinary, Thall require the ſame. 43. No Carman to carry a. Wbat Quantity bove 20 hundred Weight at Carmen are not one time of any one time of any Commodity to exceed in carn whatſoever that may be divi- rying ded; and for liquid Commodi- ties, to carry no more than one Butt, or one Pipe, or three Hogſheads, or two Puncheons in a Cart at one time, upon the Pe- nalty of paying for the firft Offence 5s, for the ſecond Offence 10 s, and for the third Offence to be diſabled from working a Carr within the City of London, and Liberties thereof. 43. Rates of Carmen ſettled at the General Quar. ter Seffions of the Peace for the City of London, beld at Guild-hall the 12th of October, in the 3d Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, viz. daihervas daily Complaints are made by Mer. chants and other Citizens and Inhabitants with- in the City of London, and Liberries thereof, of the exceſſive Rates demanded and received by Carmen above what is reaſonable, and hath been limited and appointed for Carriages within this City and Liberties : And upon due Confi- deration bad, as well of former times as of the preſent, . : $. d. From any . I 06 Carrs in the City of London and Liberties thereof, Mather, twenty Barrels 298 Rates of Carnen preſent, wherein ſeveral Materials of neceſſary and principal Ufe to the Carmen are rifen, and conſequently require ſome Increaſe of Rates hereto- fore ſet for their Labour and Carriage, Now the faid Juſtices of the Peace here afſembled, refpect- ing the Times, and other Circumſtances neceſſary to be conſidered, Do, by Aathority and Virtue of the Statute in this Cafe made and provided, order, limit, rate, and appoint the Wages for Carmen within the City of London and Liberties thereof, to be as hereafter followeth. That all Carmen, trading or working with fhall and may demand and take for every Carriage of Load of the Commodities undermentioned, the Rates hereafter following, and ſhall not exceed the ſame, upon pain to be ſtrictly puniſhed and roceeded against for every Offence to the contrary; at is to ſay, P any of the Keys below the Bridge, for a Pipe of Wine or 3 Hogſheads, the Old Squan From Billingſgate to Queenbithe for an old Weigh of Salt 2 06 And for a new Wegh og Bakt- From any of the Wharfs between the Tower and and London-bridge, to Tower-freer, Grace- churcb-fireet, Fenchackfiret Bijkopſgate. ſtreet within, Cornbill, and Places of like Diſtance up the Hill, with 18 C. Weight, not exceeding 20 C. Weight And being abové zo 10 Weight, for each C. Weight Two Puncheons of Prones, two Bales of Farts of Faſtian, fix ordinary Sacks of Cotton-Wool of Smyrna, and 3 Cyprus Bags, a Butt of Currants, a great Butt of Oils, 3 Cheſts of Sugar, 8 Bags of Al. Jums, 1 Laſt of Flax, i Laſt of Hemp, and any other Goods hercin not named of the like Weight, for every Load --- 2 oz For Sea-Coal the Load or half Chaldron, or for a hundred of Faggots And from any of the Wharfs aførelaid to Broad ſtreet, Lotbbury, Old Jewry, Ba- fing-ball-freet, Coleman-Areet, Ironmonger- lane, St. Lawrence-lane, Milk ſtreet, Al- dermanbury, Cheapſide, Wood-ſtreet, Fri- day-fireet, Bread-firect, and Places of like * Diſtance, for the like Weight of 18 C. not exceeding 20 C. Weight for the I 02 Gpols aforeſaid, and other Goods here. Rates of Carmen. *299 AIC from any of the Wharfs aforeſaid to s, d. in not named of the like Weight, for And being above 20 C. Weight, for every hundred And for Sea-Coal the Load or half Chal. dron, or for 1 C. of Faggots every Lond 2 06 1 04 I IO I JO Smithfield Bars, Holbourn«Bars, Temple. Bar, or any of the Bars on the North- ſide of the City, and Places of like Dia ftance, up the Hill with 18 C. Weight, not exceeding 20 Go for every Load --- 3104 And going beyond the ſaid Places, the 0 Parties to agree with tbe Carnten. And from any of the Wharfs aforeſaid to Tower-Areet, Bilbop/gate-freet within, Cornbill, and other Places of like Diſtance, up the Hill with 14 G. Weight, not ex.. ceeding 18 C. Weight In which may be included.) Twenty Pieces of Raiſias, a Load of Rai- fins of the Sun, fix Bags of Pepper, fix ordinary Bags of Gauls, three great Bags of Gauls, fix Bales and Barrels of India fix Bales of Grogram Yarn, fix Bales of Turkey Silk, 5 Hogſheads of Cloves, Bales of Callico, 3 Hogſheads of Wine, 2 Cheſts of Sugar, or any other Goods of the like Weigbr, 5 Hogſheads of Tobac- co, not exceeding 18 C. Weight Alſo from any of the Wharfs aforeſaid to Broad ſtreet, Lothbury, Old-Jewry, Baſſi- jhaw, Coleman-freet, Ironmonger-lane, St. Lawrence-lane, Milk-firect, Alder- manbury, Cheapfide, Wood-ſtreet, Friday- ſtreet, Bread-fireet, and Places of like Di. ftance, for any of the ſaid Goods of the ſame Quantity and Weight, for every Load 2 do Alſo from any of the Wharfs aforeſaid to Torver-ſtreet, Gracecbureb freet, Fen- church-fireet, Biſhopſgate-fireet within, Cornbill, and other Places of like Di. Stance up the Hill with 8 C. Weight, not exceeding 14 C. Weight In which may be included, All Butts and Pipes of Wine, or a Pipe of Oil, Packs of Canvas, 2 Hogſheads or ** 3 Tierces, a Fatt of Fuftians, and all other Goods of the like Bulk and Weight, for every Load * Alſo from the Wharfs aforeſaid to Broad. freet, Lotbbury, Old-Jewry, Baliſhaw, Coleman-ſtreet, Ironmonger lane, St. Law. rence-lane, Milk-ftreet, Aldermanbury, R9 2 Cheap? 106 I 06 300 Rates of Carmen. every Load .. 1 02 o8 de Cbeapſide, Wood-freet, Friday-ftreet, and other Places of like Diftance, for any other Goods of like Load or Weight, for os Alſo from London-Bridge-foot Weſtward to the Old-Swan, Cole-Harbour, the Tbrcer Cranes, Queenbitbe, Broken-Wbarf,Paul's. Wbarf, Puddle-Wbarf, the Wardrobe,and to all other Places not exceeding the Poul- try, Cheapſide, or Newgate market, for 13 C. Weight, not exceeding 18 C, Weight 1 And for every Load of Sea-Coal of hálf a Chaldron, or 1 C. Faggots And fiom all other Wharfs and Places be- tween London Bridge and Temple-Bar, to the ſame, and Places of like Diſtance, for every Load of Coals of half a Chal dron, or 1 C, of Faggots And to all Places Northward of the Poul try, Cbeaphide, Newgate-market, Hol- bourn-Bridge, and Fleet-freet, for 14 C. Weight, not exceeding 18 C. Weight 07 And from Tower-Areet, Gracecbwcb-Areet, Fenoburcb Preet, Biſhopſgate-free with- in, Cornbill, and other Places of like Diftance, for every Pack of 20 Cloths, for fix Bales of Cloths and Kerſeys, 6 Bales of Pepper, 6 Barrels of Indico, s Hogtheads of Cloths, and for other Goods not herein mentioned, of like Weight, to the Water.fide 04 And from Broad-freer, Loebbury, Old- Fewry, Balliſhaw, Coleman-ftrees, Iron- monger.lane, St. Lawrence-lane, Milk. Areet, Aldermanbury, Cbeapſide, Wood Areet, Friday-ftreetBread-freet, and other Places of like Diſtance to the Water-fide, for the like Weight 08 And for Places nearer of leſs Diſtance, the Parties hiring, and to be hired, are to make Agreement proportionable to the Rates before-mentioned : Provided, ebe Carmen for the To belp load Rates above do belp to load and and unload. unload ibeir Carts, Tbo Penalty of 44. And if any Carman fhal! raking above take for his Labour and Hire 4- beſe Rates. bove the Rates before limited and appointed, and the ſame be duly proved by the Teſtimony of one or more credible Witneſs or Witneſſes, before the Lord- Mayor, or any two of his Majeſty's Juftices of the Peace or otherwiſe, within the City of Lon- dong Rates of Watermen. 301 60 3 o 60 3 blo 3 o 603 don, ſuch Carmen ſhall fuffer Impritonment for the Space of 21 Days, without Bail or Mainprize, according to the Stature in that behalf, and ſhall undergo fuch farther Pains and Penalties as by the Law may be inflicted for the faid Offence. 45. Rates of Watermen, as they were ſet forth by the Lord-Mayor and Court of Aldermen, to jOars.[$kul- Rates of Wa. From London tallers. Lime-boufe, New; d. s. d. Crane, Sbadowelt. Dock, Bell-Wbarf, Ratclif-Cross, olo 6 To Wapping-Dock, Wapping Nero and Old Stairs, tbe Hermitage, Rotberbitb.Churcb-Stairs From St. Olive's to Rotberbilb-Cburcb Stairs, and Rotberbitb.Stairs, From Billingſgate and St. Olive's to St. Saviour's Mill 3 All the Stairs between London. Bridge and Wellminſter o 610 From either Side above London- Bridge to Lambetb and Fox-bal. 6 From Whiteball to Lambeth and Fox-ball From Temple, Dorſet, and Black- Friars-Stairs, or Paul's-W barf, to Lambeth o slo 4 Over the Water directly in the next Oar or Skuller, between Fox. ball and Limeboufe o 40 IWbole 'Coni The Rates of Oars, le d. Graveſend Graiſe or Greenbive Purfleet, er Eriff € Wookwicb 2 60 4 Blackwall 2 00 41 Greenwicb, or Deptford 9 Cbelfea, Batterſea, Wantwortb, 1 60 3 Putney, Fulbum, Barn-elms, oo Hamerſmitb, Chiſwick, Mortlac 2 Brentford, If u ortb, Richmond 3 60 Twittenbam 6 Kingſton 9 Hampion-Court Hampton-Town, Sunbury and Walton 7 Weybridge and Chertſey Sraines Windſor 14 0.1 Rates Fare. 'pan: d. 4. 60 00 8 00: 1 60 3 3 6o 6 From London to Oo TO 07 302 Rates of Coachmen. RA Rates for carrying Goods in tbe Tilt-Boat berween M * Graveſend and London. d. Half a Firloin bright I Firkin I Hogſhead i Hundred of Cheeſe, Iron, or heavy Goods 4 1 Sack of Salt or Corn 6 * Ordinary Cheſt or Trunk 6 Ordinary Hamper me The Hire of the whole Tilt-Boat 6 Every ſingle Perſon in the Ordinary Paffage o 6 10 OI 46. Rates for Hackney-Coopbes fettled by Parlia- ment, by Srat. 5 & 6 W. & M. Sell. s. c. 16. d. For 1 Day of 12 Hours For 1 Hour 6 Fort every Hour above the fira From any of the Ions of Courts to any Part of St. James's or City of Wen minſter (except beyond Tothill-Street). And the ſame Rates back again. From any of the Inns of Court, or there. ON O about, to the Royal Exchange To the Tower of Lordon, Aldgate, Bi. foopſgate-ftreet, or thereabout And the ſame Rates back again. And the like Rates from and to any Place at the like Diſtance with the Places before-men- tioned. And if any Coachman fhall refuſe to go at, or exact more for Hire than the Rates hereby li. mited, he ſhall, for every ſuch Offence, forfeit 40 Shillings. or 6 back caseina pa *** 29 $ iv. a ( 303 ) Marta juſt in the nature that Traders pay Carriers for $ IV. Concerning Freight of Ships, what, and how computed, Bills of Lading, &c. N this Section you have an Account concern- I , and practiſed ; and for what the Common and Statute Law ſays of theſe Matters, I refer the Reader to Molloy de Jure Marit, and to Lex Mercatoria. 1. Freight is the Goods with which a Ship is laden, but is commonly underſtood to be the Mo. ney paid to the Captain of a Ship by the Mer chant, for the Freight or Carriage of thoſe Goods from one Port, Member, or Creek to another ; carrying a Commodity from one Place to another upon Land. Det 2. Freight is to be paid the Maſter of a Ship (if bound to the Weſt-Indies) when you have ſhipp'd your Goods ; for as ſoon as you have got your Cocket, paid Wharfage, Cranage, and Por- terage, and carried your Goods on Board in a Boat or otherwiſe, before you come away you muſt get the Captain or Purſer to give you a Receipt for the Goods ; which keep 'till you meet the Cap- tain or Purſer to ſign your Bill of Lading ; at which time you are to pay your Freight accord. ing to the Agreement made before you entred your Goods at the Cuſtom-houſe, and loaded them on board. But when Goods are conſigned to any other Place, or from any Place to Eng. land, the Freight is not paid 'till the Voyage be performed. 3. The computing of Freight is very different both as to the Nature and Circumſtances of the Goods, Ship, Voyage, and Place where the Goods are ſhipp'd ; as, 4. All ſolid Goods uſually pay Freight by Weight ; ſome by the Tun, as Metals, Cheeſe, Soap, &c. others by the Hundred Weight (or 112 lb.) as Sugar, &c. others by the Pound, as Cotton-Wool from the Welt-Indies, Indico, &c. all computed upon the Neat Weight. Other things there are that pay Freight by the as Silk and Cotton from Turkey. Others pay by the Piece, as Woolen-Cloth, Hats to Spain, &c. Lead pays but half Freight (for the moſt part) becauſe it ſerves for Ballaſt. 5. There are other forts of Goods which pay Freight by the Tun, ſolid Meaſure of 40 folid Feet, as Hats to the Weft-Indies, and ſuch like bulky things put up is Trunks or Boxes, which Bale, IS 304 Of Freight, and Bills of Lading. is computed by meaſuring the Trunk, Box, &c. by the Rules before taught for folid Meaſure; and having the Content in Solid Feet, they di. vide the ſame by 40, which they reckon gives the Number of Tuns. 6. As to the Rates paid for Freight, they are high at ſome time, and low at others; for in peaceable times, when the Seas are open, many Ships are encouraged to make Voyages, which makes Freight run low. And, on the contrary, when there is a War with England, fome large Merchant-Men are converted to Men of War, a d others dare not make their uſual Voyages, which makes Freight high, becauſe Shipping is ſcarce. 7. As to figning your Bills of Lading by the Captain, it is uſual (when the Goods are con- hgned to any Port or Place except the Weft-In- dies) for the Captain to fign three Bills of Lading of the ſame Tenor and Content in all Reſpects, ie, one to keep your ſelf, to oblige the Maſter of the Ship to deliver your Goods in good Con- dition at the Place of unlading, and to be a Voucher for you againſt the Inſurers in Caſe of Loſs. Another the Captain is to have for his Security, that no Factor or other Perſon, may fcruple the paying the Freight therein mentioned, nor require more Parcels of Goods than what were thipped. And the third Bill is to be ſent by the first and beſt Conveyance, together with an Invoice of the particular Quantities and Sorts of Goods ſhipped, that fo the Factor may oblige the Captain to deliver the ſame ſafe to his hand. But if the Goods are configned to the Weft. Indies, then the Captain has no Bill of Lading, but the Principal or Merchant keeps one, and the other two are ſen: to the Factor, one in Letter with the Captain that has your Goods on board, and the other by the firſt Opportunity after the Goods are ſhipped, is ſent to be there to give the Factor Notice beforehand; one of which Bills will probably remain, in caſe the other fhould miſcarry. Nste, That the Form of a Bill of Lading may be ſeen at any Stationer's Shop about the Exchange; and how they, and all other Blanks uſed by Merchants, are filled up, you may ſee in try Mercbant's Magazine. 8. If the Merchant is but a young Trader, and has not been bred up to it (for which fort of Traders this Part is chiefly deſigned) it will be Prudence, about the time he expects a Letter or Return, to go to the General Poft Office in Lombard-firer, where he will find a Catalogue of Billar we Of Freight, and Bills of Lading. 305 of Letters directed to Perſons unknown ; which Letters being directed to ſuch a Perſon, Merchant in London, would likely be loft, if not looked after. Likewiſe, if you have received a Letter with Advice of your Factor's ſhipping your Goods, you muſt (that you may know when ſuch Ship ar- rives) twice or thrice a Week look over the daily Catalogue of Ships arrived and ſet Sail, which is alſo in the publick Court at the General Poft- Omce, to be viewed by any that pleaſe ; or if the Ship is arrived and entred, it may be found in the Ship's Entry-Book at the Cuſtom-houſe, cr in the Bills of Entry. 9. Before you receive Goods from beyond Sea (if your Factor is not negligent, you will receive an Invoice, in which is included the Ship and Maſter's Name; the Quantity, Sorts, and Prices of the Goods ſent you; and alſo the Charges the Factor was at in lading them on Board, &c. You will alſo receive a Bill of Lading, that mentioncth the Ship and Maſter's Name, how many Parcels (as Bales, Chefts, Caiks, &c.) you have Aboard, and what Freight you are to pay the Mafter upon the Receipt, and the In- voice will direct you what Goods to enter at the Cuſtom-houſe before the Ship arrives; as is taught before, in entring Goods at the Cuſtom houſe. Jo. As to finding the Number of Tons that any Ship will carry (which is called the Burthen of her) there is a Rule mentioned in the Act for laying a duty upon Tonnage of Ships made An- & 6 W.M. Sef: 2. chap. 14. viz. mul. tiply the Length of the Keel taken within Board (lo much as the treads upon the Ground) by the Midſhip-beam from Plank to Plank, and that Product by the Depth of the Hold taken from the Plank below the Kelſey, to the under Part of the Upper-Deck Plank; then divide the laſt Product hy 94, and the Quotient is the true Content of the Tonnage required. 11. There is another ſmall Fee, called Pri. mage, to be paid the Maſter by the Merchant that pays the Freight, which is computed at the Rate of 1s. per Ton outward ? but the Huſbands of Ships will require 6 d. per Bag, Cheft, Calk, s, inward, no 5 RI SV. (306) a ne $ V. Concerning Inſuring of Ships, Merchandize, Hovfes, &c. 1.450 Who the firft 1. QUetonius ſays, in NUetonius ſays, in the Lives of Inventor of the Cæſars, lib. 25. cap. 18. Infuring: That Claudius Cæfar, he believes, was the firſt that introduced the Cuſtom of inſuring Ships and Merchandize, which is above 1500 Years ago. It was a Thought, like the Man, Grear, Noble, and exceeding advanta. geous, of which more hereafter. 2. And I doubt not, but from this great Man's Example it is, that we at this Day find others that have, much after the fame Wav, in- vented the infuring alſo of Lives, Houſes, Goods carried by Land, 66. But what I have to fay of Infuring, I ſhall confine to that of Ships, Mer- chandize, and Houſes, as being Things moſt ma. terial, and on which Inſurances are moft com- monly made. 3. The meaning of the Word What Inſure, Injure, imports to Ajure or Secure; imports. as if I give a Perſon a Premium (or Reward) of fuppofe 3 Founds, he will inſure me 100l. to the Weft-Indies ; 1. i. he will aTure or ſecure me 100 l. in caſe the Goods, &*c. which I value at ſo much, and am tending to the Wet-Indies, or expect from thence, thould be loft by the way, 4. Inſurances for Merchants are Two Sorts of either made in Publick or Private; Infurancese Publick Inſurances are ſuch as are regiſtred in a Publick Office, as the Royal-Exchange, and London. And private Inſu. rances are, when one Man contracts to inſure another's Goods, & c. and all is done without ha- ving recourſe to, or regiſtring in any publick Of- fice; only the Merchant inſured, and he that in- dures, enter the Terms of their Contract in their own private Books of Accompts, being neceffary ceived Money. 5. In Inſuring, he that would Wbat to be have an Inſurance made to him, conſidered by muſt have regard to, and conſider, ibe Injured. 1. The Value of the Goods that he would bave inſured, 2. The Sol- vency and Credit of the Inſurer, or him that un- nerwrites the Policy. 3. That the Premium be not too high, conſidering the Place the Ship is hound to, and her Goodneſs; which is eaſy to find in Publick Offices, by ſeeing what others about The Diſtance of the Of Inſuring Ships and Merchandize. 307 about the ſame time have given to the fame Place, or thoſe of like Diſtance. 6. The Things to be conſidered What to be by the Inſurer, before he under- confidered by writes a Policy, are, 1. The Sum tu . Place the Ship is bound to or from. 3. The Goodneſs of the Ship. 4. The Nature of the Goods ought to be conſidered; for a Man may inſure Staple Goods, as Woollen Cloth, or the like, for a leſs Premium than he doc thoie that are periſhable, as Wine, Oil, &c. 5. He muſt conſider the Seaſon of the Year, as whe- ther Winter or Summer, 6. Whether there be Peace or War. 7. If the Ship or Goods on board, is to be inſured home from any Part beyond the Sea, the In user muſt enquire if ſhe is come out, and when, chat ſo he may know if ſhe is miſling; for the Highneſs or Lowneſs of the Premium dc. pend on theſe Things. 7. The Inſurer, in Conſideratia Wbat tbe Pre on of the Premio paid by the In- mium is, ſured (which Premio or Premium is the Sum paid for infuring, gi- ven as a Reward to the Inſurer) gives the Adven- turer a Writing by him ſigned, called a Policy of Inſurance, which obliges himſelf to pay the As- venturer the Money inſured in caſe of Lors; the Form of which Policy you have at any Stationer's Shop about the Exchange. 8. There are different Forms of The ſeveral Policies, according to the Nature and kinds of Po- Circumſtances of the Inſurance , as one Sort for inſuring a ship with her Tackle and Apparel; another for Goods on board a Ship; a 3d for a Ship and Goods ; a 4th for theſe things outward ; a 5th for them homeward ; and a 6th for them (or any home a 7th Interest or no In- tereft, 1. e. 1 inſure ſo much on Goods aboard ſuch a Ship from any foreign Port home, to be paid me in caſe the Ship be caſt away, whether 1 hap- pened to have Goods on board that Ship or not. 9. But if you infure Goods Inftring Intereſt, home on board a certain Shin: Br pe Intereſt. and the Ship is caft away, and you had no Goods on board; in this caſe you will not have the Sum inſured , unleſs you caufed theſe Words Intereſt or no Interif, to be inſerted in the Policy; but the Premium will be returned, abating only half per Cent, vix, 10$, for every 100 l. inſured. But if you had any Intereſt or Effets on board (tho never fo liitle) in this Caſe you loſe all your Promiuos, notwithſtanding your Covepant atore Had to have it returned. RT 2 IO, All ) 308 Of Infuring Ships and Merchandize. 10. All Policies do now run lol, Lof, or not or not loft, tho'it was otherwiſe for- lof. merly; but in caſe you make In- ſurance upon a Ship that you know to be loft before you inſure, in this caſe you will hardly recover the Money you inſured, but only your Premium back, But becauſe this Book is deſigned for thoſe that are ignorant how to go about to inſure, I ſhall ſhew how to proceed. 1. To inſure. 2. To recover, in caſe of Loſs, Particular 11. When you are minded to in. Directions fure, go to an Office at the Royal- to inſure. Exchange, and tell thoſe that you find there what you would inture, and on what Ship, and defire to know their Pre- mium, Your next thing is to ſatisfy yourſelf of the Solvency of thoſe who are to inſure ; and in or- der to that, you may defire the Office-keeper to give you the Name of 6 or 8 of their beft Men; which done, you may enquire after their Credit on the Excbonge, or near the Places of their Abode. Which being ſatisfied of, you go to the Office, and tell them what Men you would have, and order the Policy to be made up according to the Nature and Circumſtances your Buſineſs requires, as in the 8th Article, and the others foregoing. The next Day after, or ſooner, 'tis very likely your Policy will be figned and finiſhed, when you muſt pay the Premium agreed on to the Office- keeper, and alſo for the Policy and Stamp, and take your Policy, firſt minding that it is duly filled up, and ligned, and regiſtered according to your Agreement. But in caſe of making Inſurance home from any Port beyond the Sea, obſerve the Date of some not in a realonable Time after, you mult te very inquiſitive after the Ship's coming out, which you will be eaſily informed of by the Com- mander of ſome other Ship arrived from thence; but if you cannot be informed of her Safety, then go to the Office of Inſurance, as before, telling them your Cafe: T?ey will aſk you many Queſtions, as whether the is come out ? When ſhe was ſafe? &c. (for they are more cau. fions in inſuring Ships bome than out, or out Of Infuring Ships and Merchandize. 309 Voyages to the Earl? China, &c. from and bome) which you may anſwer at Diſcretion : But if you know certainly the Ship is loſt, then I would adviſe you not to inſure (tho' you could) for they will put you upon your Oath, whether you know of her Loſs before Inſurance, which you cannot anſwer in the Negative without for- Iwearing yourſelf; beſides it is no better than a Fraud and Cheat. But if you only ſuſpect her being loſt, your Pru. dence will teach you to make what haſte you can in getting a Policy, left News ſhould come of a Loss, and then 'twill be too late to inſure. Having got your Policy, when you come home, enter the Terms of the Inſurance in your Books of Accompts; as who inſured, what Sum, on what Ships, for what Voyage, and what Premium you gave. 12. Now in caſe of Lofs hapjening to what you have inſured, you are to proceed in this Manner. Take your Policy, with the Per- Wbat to do fons or Leters by whom you were when a Loss intormed of the Lofs, and go to the kappens. Office-Keeper where you inſured, and if you can produce a Man that can poſitively prove on Oath the Ship’s being away, or the Loſs of your Goods, then they will pay the Money, without much Trouble, which the Office-keeper will follicit for you; or if you know the Infu- rers Places of Abode (which you ought to enquire after when you inſure, noting the fame down on the blank Side of your Policy) you may go to them, and acquaint them with the Lofs, produc- ing your Vouchers aforeſaid, that you have a Right to the Money inſured. 13. But if you hear not of the Ship mifling Ship in 12 Months after an Inſu- 12 Months, rance home is made, then it is uſual the Money to for the Inſurers 'to pay the Money, though abſolute Proof cannot be made of the , except in long which Places more Time is required before the Loſs be paid ; and if the Ship happens to come in fafe after the Inſurers have paid the Lofs, it muſt be returned to them again. 14. Lofles are either in the whole Concerning or in Part of what was inſured. If Abatements the Goods inſured are wholly loft, made by In then each Inſurer pays the Sum he furers. *** wrote, abating 156. per Cent, i. e. 10 per cent, according to the Cove. nant in the Policy, and s per Cent. more, accord- ing to Cuſtom, which come think much to have abated; , to , be paid. 310 Of Infuring Ships and Merchandize. abated; but conſidering the Difficulty of making out Lofles at Sea, and the great Diſproportion be- tween the Premium and Sum inſured, together with the Perplexity of Law-Swits, and the Ad- vantage that may be made by prompt Payment of the Money, &c. I ſay, theſe things confidera ed, it is more Prudence to make the uſual A. batements, eſpecially fince a Man may eaſily inſure the Diſcount Money, which reduces the Abatement, in care of Lois, to little or nothing. As for Inftance ; fuppoſe I deſign to inſure 200!. worth of Goods to Barbados at: 2 { per Center ! may confider, that 301. being to be abated in caſe of Loſs, it is my beft way to inſure 2301. here the 2001. if a Loſs happen, will be paid, tho' I do abate 15 per Cent. So that the Abate- ment or real Lofs is only the Premium of the 301. which is but 15 s. and the Abatement for the go!. at 15 per Cerit. is 47. zos. o d. more; all which would be more than made up, had I inſured. 401. above the 2001, which had been Lut 20$. extraordinary in the Premium at the Rates above. * 15. But if a Lors happen to Part Averages of the Goods inſured, then the In- Dow made. Surers make an Average, and each Inſurer pays proportionable to the Sum inſured by him. As ſuppoſe you have in- fured to you 300l. dy 4 Men, and that A inſured 100 l. And that go Pounds worth B 57. of the Goods happen to be loſt, the Average will 551, ftand thus. 701. paid will Suns pay- Sums to be Sums able without inſured. Abatement. Abatement. 1. 1. s. 1. s. d. 30:co 22:10 17:17:0 55 16:10 100 S75 } 25:10:0 19:02:6 B В 70 but abating 15 per cent. muſt pay but 14:00: 6 . 300 90:00 76:10:0 This Average is thus made : Conſider what Diſcount muſt be made out of the whole gol. loft, at 15 per Cent, by multiplying 15 by 90, and dividing the Product by ioo, the Quotient is 131, and gol. remains; which reduced into Shillings, and divided by 100, gives the Money to be diſcounted 131. 105. od. which deducted out of the gol, the Remainder is 96% 105. od. which the 4 Inſurers are to pay the Merchant in proportion to the Suma they writ; which Pro- portions Of Inſuring Houfes. 311 portions (as in the Colum next the Right Hand foregoing) are thus found out. 3 Multiply 76.1. 1os. od. by the Sum A in- fured, vine sooland divide the Product by zool. (the Sum Total inſured) and the Quotient is what A is to pay of the 761. 105. od. viz. 251, ros. od. And in like manner are the Sums that B, C, and D, muſt pay, found out as in the Column She wordt aforeſaid for, 1. Soda *** Aszoo is to76: 10 fa is 100 to 25: 10:00-16*4** Staand fo is 75 to 19:02:6. boste vosi vaadi and 70 to 17:17:05 O and 55 to 14:00 16 Sum 76: 10:0 for proof. 16. " After notice of a Loſs (faith Molloy de * Jure Marit, & Naval. p. 257) if the Infared think fit, as having inſured moſt of his Adven ture, or is minded to have the Aliſtance of the * Inſurers in recovering the Adventure ; he may then make a Renunciation of the Lading to the * Inſurers, and then he comes in bimſelf as an Al- ſurer for that Part which he hath adventured over and above what is inſured. But this is to be underſtood of ſuch Loftes or Damages, as are likely to be recovered for Sal- vage-Money, as Cloth loft by the Turkey Fleet near the Streights of Gibraltar, about the Year 1691, &c. 17. There are two Statutes have been made for the more eaſy Recovery of Merchants Loſſes, if inſured, viz. 3 Eliz, c. 12. 14 Car. II. c. the Policies are of late made ſo plain and compre- henfive, that ſcarce any Accident can happen that is not provided againſt thereby, for the Advantage of the Merchant inſured ſo that few Law-Suits happen upon that Account. ons die 13. Next to the Inſurances made for Mer chants and Owners of Ships, thofe made on Houſes are moſt conſiderable (the great Advan- tage of which I ſhall fhew before I end this Section.) And to take notice of ſuch Offices as have not conſiderable Funds ſettled for the Security of thoſe that have Houſes inſured, there is one Office that has practiſed the Inſuring Houſes from Fire for many Years paft, in which time they have paid ſeveral congderable Sums to make good Lofies by Fires that have happened in the City of London, and within the Bills of Mortality. 312 of Infuring Houfes. ... :. Mortality. The only Oface now in being that has a Land Security is this, viz. 19. The Inſuring Houſes by a Society was projected by the late ingenious Henry Spelman of London, Eſquire, and by him and William Hale, of King's Walden, in the County of Hertford, Eſquire, firft undertaken, carried on, and called The FRIENDLY SOCIETY, in the Year 1684. 20. Every one that inſures a Houfe in this Society, becomes a Member thereof: And when any Loſs happens, each Member does contribute, in proportion to the Sum de has inſured, to make good the faid Damage, which contribution is paid by the Undertakers out of the Money de- poſited in their Hands for that purpoſe. 21. When any one is deſirous to inſure their Houſe or Houſes in this Society, they give No- tice thereof at the Office, as in whoſe Name the Inſuranee muſt be made, where the Houſes ftand, who the Inhabitants, and what they would inſure. Which done, the Surveyor of the ſaid Office goes and views the Houſes, to take care there be not above the Value inſured, of whoſe Situation, Abuttings, Boundings, Front and Depth he makes Report in a Book at the Office; from which Re- port the Policies are made up. 22. Now the Rules by which a Houſe may be valued are two, viz, either by the Rent; or the Number of Squares contained on the Ground- Plot. When the Rent is 10l. per Ann. it may rea- fonably be ſuppoſed the Building is worth tool. and ſo forward for every jol. per Ann. Rent, 100l. may be advanced in the Value of the Building: but tho' this may ſerve for a Rule in Houſes that ſtand not often empty, and where the Ground-Rents are not extraordinary high; yet it is the Number of Squares upon the Ground- Plot, whereby they generally value all Buildings; which is grounded on an Act of Parliament for rebuilding the City of London, made about Anno 18 Car. II. The Buildings in the City of London are i are valued according to their Rates; of which Rates there are 4, viz. : ft Rate 2 Stories, Cellars and Garrets, 3 4 3 And the Naked Building or Shell of a Brick Houſe (the Floors being finillied is thus valued 7 by Of Inſuring Houſes. 313 2 351. 457, 2. by the Square of 100 Foot, if in high Streets, DIZ, iſt Rate at 251. per Square. 3 . 4 501. But theſe Rates may be augmented at the Dir. cretion of the Surveyor, according to the finiſhing of a Houſe. By theſe Rules, to find the Value of Build- ing; ſuppoſe the Front of a 3d Rate Houſe is 18 Foot, and the Depth 42; theſe Numbers multiplied together, produce 7 Square and 56 Feet, by the Rules in Prop.24. of Chap. 3. which at 45 Pound a Square, the Value of that Build- ing is found to be 2401, 48. od. 23. The Survey being finiſhed, and the Po. licy filled, it is numbered in Courſe in the Office, and delivered to the Inſured, upon his paying down 98. 4.d. per Cent, for 7 Years, which is 16 d. per Cent, per Ann, by way of Premium, and depoſiting II s. 8 d. per Cert. more, as a Caution; out of which the Undertaker pays the Contribution, returning what is unexpended of the 11 s. 8 d. to the Party inſured at the End of 7 Years, which is the uſual Time for which this Society do inſure. And for the 7 Years ending at Chriſtmas, 1705, the whole Charge was but 12 s. 3d. reckoning all Charges both of Premium and Contribution, which is but I s. 9 d. per Cent. per Ann. one Year with another : But now they take but 6 s. 8 d. Depoſite. 24. All Houſes not having both Party Walls intire of Brick or Stone, are accounted 'limber. Houſes; but if the Front or back Part be Tim- 25: The Policy, when taken out, is numbered, , and the principal Contents regiſtered, to have Re courſe to in caſe of Fires happening, or the Lots of the Policy. ** 26. On every Houſe inſured in this Office, there is a Lead. Mark afixed, which is a very proper Emblem of the whole Undertakings be- ing five Arrows, one ftanding perpendicular, and two of each side that, croſſing it juſt in the Middle at oblique Angles, the Points of which Arrows reſt on a Alat Piece of Lead, on which the Number of Houſes inſured is famped, which 23000 Theſe Arrows repreſent the "Society, "Society, which are interwoven or kept together, and invironed Sre is now above 29000. US 314 Of Inſuring Houſes. with a Snake, croſſing the ſaid Arrows at very near right Angles in three Places ; which repre- fents the continuing and keeping together the So. ciety in a regular Form and Method, by the pru- dent Management of the Undertaker. 27. When any Fire happens, the Mem- ber, whore Houſe is burnt or damaged, certifies the fame to the Office, and they give Notice thereof to the Truſtees on whom the Fund je ſettled for Security of the Society; which Truſtees do, by their Warrant, appoint who they think proper to view the Damage, and caft up the Regiſter-Books in the Office, and to make a Rate of Contribution according to the Loſs and Sum inſured; which Rate or Contribution is thus calculated : The Perſon, appointed by Direction of the Truſtees, having cart up the Regiſter-Books, fuppoſe he find the Sum inſured (when the Fire happened, for which the Rate is to be made) to be 14000col. And that the Lors is 7001, theſe Pounds be- ing divided by 14000, the Number of hundred Pounds in the Sum inſured, the Quotient is the I. or is, ſo that the Contribution of Isi for every 100 l, inſured, makes up the Loſs, The Rate being thus made, the Perſon ap- pointed to make it, as aforeſaid, makes his Re- purt of it at the Ofice, where the Report is re- giftred and figned by him that made it ; and Affi. davit is made to the Truth thereof before a Mar. ter in Chancery. 28. The Undertakers pay the whole Lofs within fixty Days after the Fire happens, ac- cording to the Policy, without any Abatement; or if they neglect to pay it, the Truſtees are impowered by the Deed of Settlement, inrolled in the High Court of Chancery, to pay the ſame out of Money which they have Power to raiſe by the Rents, Sale or Mortgage of the Eflates on them ſettled by the Undertakers for that purpole ; or if a Hou'e is only damaged, they repair items 29. The Fund and Security, ſettled and made by the Undertakers for the Payment of any Loſ- fes that may happen to the Members of this Society is very conliderable, beſides the Covenants which each of the Members give to ſecure one another; which Members being ſo very nume; roas, a great Loſs falls very light, when paid by the whole. 30. The Fond is ſettled on Sir Henry Tuiſe, (then Lord-Mayor of London) Sir Cyril Wich, Sir William Prichard, Sir Jonathan Raymond, Sir Richard Onflow, Sir Chriftspber WrenEdmund , sir Of Inſuring Houſe. 315 Edmund Wiſeman, Sir James Smith, and Sir Wil. liam Dolben, and their Heirs. 31. This Office keeps a conſiderable Number of Watermen with Silver Badges, and Liveries, to quench Fires upon occaſion, who are very dextrous Men in that Affair; and are cbliged to go to all Fires that happen, whether the Houſes on Fire be inſured or not. THE The Royal Exchange Inſurance. HIS is a Corporation eſtabliſhed by Char- ter, for Affuring Houſes and other Buildings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize from Loſs or Damage by Fire. Alſo Lives. They Infure on a Brick or Stone Building, any Sum not exceeding 200 l. at 5 s. per Ann. and after the Rate of 2 s. 6 d. per Cent. per Ann. for any greater Sum not exceeding 1000 l. Above 1000l. and not exeeeding 2000 l. at 35. per Cent. Above 2000 l, and not exceeding 3000 i. at 45. per Cent. On Goods or Merchandize (being the Property of the Affured) in any Brick or Stone Building, or on Goods and Building together, any Sum not exceeding 300 l. for 7 s. 6 d. per Ann. and lar- ger Sums after the Rates abovementioned. Timber or Plaifter Building, or Goods or Mer chandize therein, to pay $ s. per Ann. for 200 1. and after the Rate of 4 $. per Cent. for any greater Sum not exceeding toool, and for all AB furances above 1oool, and not exceeding 2000 l. 5s, per Cent. On Timber or Plaiſter Building and Goods and "Merchandize together, any Sum not exceeding 3001. may be aſſured for 12 s. per Ann, and larger Sums at the Rates aforeſaid. Hazardous Trades, as Apothecaries, Chemiſts, Colourmen, Diſtillers, Bak rs, Ship and Tallowa Chandlers, Oilmen, Stable-keepers, Inn-holders, and Malfiers, ſuch Goods depoſited in Brick-houſes are to pay 8 s, per Ann. for 200 l, and after the Rate of 4. s. per Cent, for any greater Surn not exceeding 1000l. and above 1ocol, and not ex- ceeding 2000l. 55. per Cent. But when Houſes and Goods are put together, they inſure at 4 s. per Cent. per Ann. and all without Contribution, or other Charge, but the Policies. 2. The other Office or Corporation, eſtabliſhed by Patent, is called, The London Inſurance, who inſure juft at the Rates of the Exchange Infu- 3. There is another Office, call'd The Hand- in- Hand, who inſure for Seven Years, at 12 s. per SI 2 .:. inclinabi 316 Of Injuring Houſes. Cent. Brick, and double for Timber, with Con- tribution, if required. 4. The Sun Office, inſures any Sum, not ex. ceeding sool, for half a Crown a Quarter, with- out Contribution, or other Charge, but the Pos licies. 32. Of tbe Advantage by Infuring. To make the World ſenſible of the great Uſefulneſs of Infuring, I ſhall here briefly touch ſome of the moſt material, and natural Inſtances thereof. As, 1. The inſuring Ships does naturally encourage the building of Ships; for a Way being found out to preſerve or ſecure Mens Intereſt in Ships, when built, makes them more willing and beſides the Number of Buyers of Shares in Ships when built (or Owners) is mightily aug- mented by inſuring ; and it cannot be denied, but the greater the Number of Men is who are willing to become Owners, the more likely is the Number of Ships to be increaſed, which can't be done but by Building. And it is not improbable, but that the Greatneſs of our Num- ber of Ships here in England does ſo much out- do that of all other Nations in the World, becauſe the Practice of inſuring is more uſed here than in other Places. II. My ſecond Argument to prove the Uteful- neſs of inſuring, is from this Maxim : That whatever cauſes the building of Ships, does, at the fame Time, increaſe Trade. 1. Trade is increaſed by building of Ships, be- cauſe it cauſes a Conſumption of thoſe Materials uſed in Ships; as Timber, Hemp, Pitch, Iron, Lead, &*c. and employs abundance of Hands in making Ships, Cables, Anchors, &c. and, when built, in manning thereof. 2. The Increa e of Shipping keeps Freight from running too high, which it would cer- tainly do in this Nation, ſo inclinable to Trade, were it not for the Multitude of cur Ships; and Freight being reaſonable, encourages many to become Adventurers, that would not if it were high. I know that, in other Reſpects, the Increaſe of Trade does increaſe Shipping, but Inſuring does certainly increale Trade, and even that way too increaſes Shipping. 3. That Inſuring encourages foreign Trade, is as natural as can be imagined; for Thou. fands who do now uſe foreign Traffick (of which I know feveral) are ſo cautious, that they would never The Advantage of Inſuring. 317 never adventure moſt of their Eſtates to Sea, if it were not becauſe they can firſt inſure the Goods or Merchandize Exported and Import- ed. III. The Inſuring of Houſes is found of vaft Advantage to this Noble and Populous City, in many Reſpects: As, 1. The Houſes in the City of London, being moſt of them let out by Leaſe, wherein there is, for the moſt part, a Clauſe for the Tenant to rebuild in caſe of Fire: This Clauſe could never be performed by Thouſands that take theſe Leares, were it not for the Help of Inſuring; which both ſecures the Landlord, and enables the Tenant to fulfil ſuch Covenant. 2. By Inſuring Houſes, they are made as good a Security to lend Money upon in Caſe of Mort- gage, as that of Land, and that Practice is, on this Account, therefore extraordinary uſeful and advantageous to ſuch as would either borrow or lend Money at Intereft ; becauſe it enables the former to make ſuch a Security as the latter, will accept ; and the Borrower, by this Means, finds Plenty of Lenders to ſupply his Wants, and the Lender a good Security for his Intereſt and Principal Money; ſo that not one in a hundred, at this Time, lend Money upon the Security of Houſes, unleſs thoſe Houſes are firft Inſured. 3. By the Cuſtom of Inſuring Houſes, the Rents are advanced, or at leaſt preſerved from falling low, which is no ſmall Advantage to the great Number of Owners of near 130,000 Houſes, which are ſaid to be contained within the Com- paſs that Houſes are inſured, all which Owners (to ſay nothing of the Satisfaction they reap in their Minds, by knowing their Eſtates ſecure) find this Practice of inſuring Houſes conſidera- bly advantageous. For fuppoſe a Houſe is to be Let by Leafe, and the Tenant is to be obliged to rebuild in caſe of Fire; here being a Contingency that may perhaps ruin the Tenant (if there were no ſuch thing as, Inſuring) he will naturally, for that Reaſon, give the leſs Rent. But ſince there is found out a Way to ſecure the Tenant in this particular, by inſuring his Houſe, he is thereby encouraged to embrace his Landlord's Propoſal more chearfully, and to give more Rent; or elſe the Landlord (knowing how to ſecure himſelf by Inſuring) can, upon Condi- tion of the Tenant's advancing his Rent, afford to leave out of his Leaſe the Covenant for Re. building in caſe of Fire. 4. Men are much encouraged to build, be- cauſe they can afterwards make the Houſes, fo built, 2 318 The Advantage of Inſuring. built, ſafe and ſecure, by inſuring them; which Increaſe of Building does likewiſe increaſe Trade, as that of the Timber-Merchant, Carpenter, Brickmaker, Bricklayer, Joiner, Glazier, Ma. fon, Smith, Painter, Plaiiterer, &. all whom and many others, inſenſibly find the Benefit of infuring Houſes i í N 1 s. The CONTENTS of Sect. I. A 230, &c. 231, &c. 233, &c. Litere Comes Commercii. CH A P. I. Table of the Value of any Quantity of Merchandize, very exasily up, more adopted to Merchants Uſe than any other extant. 2. The Uſe of the foregoing Table in 17 Examples, relating chiefly to Buying and Selling Pag. 171, &c. 3. A Table calculated for univerſal Uſe, 178, &c. CHA P. II. Sect. 1. The Uſe of the left mentioned Table in Multiplication 2. The Uſe thereof in Diviſion 3. The Uje in Reduction 4. The Uſe thereof in Merchandizing236,&c. 5. The Uſe in Meafuring, (1) Any Superficies from 241 to 247 (2) Solid Meaſure from 247 to 252 (3) In Gauging Velſels er Caſks, from 252 to 256 (4) The caſting up Dimenſions, wherber the ſame be taken in Inches, Fect and Inches, &c. and to give the Anſwer by Reduction, Duodecimals, or De- cimals from 256 to 262 CHA P. III. Sect. 1. The Cuftoms uſed in Meaſuring, and the Price of Glaziers Work 262 2. Joiners Work 263 3. Painters Work 264 4. Plaiſterers Work 265 5. Bricklayers Work 266 6. Maſons Work 268, &c. 7. Carpenters Work 269, &c. CHAP. IV. Sect. 1. Concerning entering Goods at the Cufton- bouſe, (1.) Outward (2.) By Certificate (2.) Inward - 275, &c. 2. Clauſes in ſeveral Statutes ; (1.) Relating to Exportation 277, &c. (2.) To Importation 280, &c. age, Cartage, Rates for Carmen, Water- men, and Coachmen 285 to 303 4. Freight of Ships, what, how computed, Bills of Lading, Primage, &c. 303 to 306 Concerning Injuring (1.) Ships and Merchandize 306 to 311 (2.) Houſes 311 10 316 (3) The Advantage of Inſuring, with reſpect to Inland and Foreign Trade, 316 to 318 271, &c. 273, &c. gagee has Calculated A SUPPLEMENT то Comes Commercii, CONCERNING Simple and Compound Intereſt : CONTAINING The Simple Intereſt of any Sum from is. to 1000 l. for any Number of Days, Months, or Yeary. ALSO Tables of the Amount and preſent Worth of any Sum, the Amount, preſent Worth, and Purchaſe of Annuitics ; with the Uſe and Manner of calculating each Ta. ble, computed at the Rates of 3, 31, 4 and 5 per cent. per Ann. and applied to any other Rate of Intereſt. Together with Rules for making up Ac- counts of Mortgage, where the Mort. yers, Scriveners, and all ſuch as Lend or Borrow Money at Intereſt, or Diſcount for Prompt Payment. THE WHOLE Being newly Reviſed, Corrected, and Aug. mented, with ſeveral Choice T A BLES; adapted to the moft uſeful Parts of In- tereft, &c. By E. HATTON, Gent. Crefcit amor nummi quantum ipfa pecunia crefcit. LONDON: Printed in the Year M.DCC.LIII. I ſo that, Money paid for the tent is called Principal, the 4. One Man ieur Mortgager U Section 1. Nreret of Money is the Sum payable by the Borrower to the Lender for the Ule there. of, and is Tometimes called Uje, ſometimes Intereſt of Money. It is called Uſe It is called Uſe, or Ufury, becaufe it is paid by the Borrower for his uſing the fame: And it is ealled Intereſt, as it rem ſpects the Lender, becauſe it is the Money due to him for his Intereſt therein, or Property thereto; Money paid for the Uſe is called Intereſt, which when only paid for the Ule of the Sum origi- nally lent, is called Simple- Intereſt. But when that is not paid when due, but becomes Principal Mo ney, the Uſe of thoſe two together, viz, the firſt Principal Money lent, and the Intereſt due there- Spon is called Compound Intereſt, 3. The Perſon to whom Money is due from another, is ſometimes called Creditor, ſometimes Uſurer, ſometimes Mortgagee; And the Perſon owing fuch Money is called, with reſpect to the Dibror to another, when he is any Ways indebted, whether upon Account of Trate, or of borrowing Money without Security of Land, &c. and he is Creditor that gives ſuch Perſon Credit, 5. When ohë Man lends another Money, and requires a Land Security for the Payment there in this caſe he that makes over his Land as a Security is called the Mortgager ; and, he to whom the ſame is made over is called the Mort- gagee : But when any Moveable is delivered as a Security to the Lender, it is commonly called Pawn or Pledge, and they that lend Money upon ſuch Security are called Pawn-Brokers. 6. The Sum paid for the Uſe of ioo 1. for one Year is called the Rate of Intereſt, and this Rate is different from 3 to 20 in the ſeveral Countries as follows; a 20 L. per C. L, per c. L. per C. Italy 3 Spain 10 Turkey Holland 3 Scotland 10 England 5 Szvedeland ៩ 6 Barbados 10 by 12 Ann. France 7 Ireland 6 Self. 2, , 6, 7. Increaſe of Trade is generally the Conſe- quence of low Intereſt, becauſe the Lowners of T + 2 Intereſt him Intereſt of Money. Intereit obliges money'd Men to trade, who never would, were Interest high, becauſe Intereſt comes to them without Trouble, which Advantage by Trade does not. 8. The Lowneſs of Intereft not only increaſeth Trade, but advanceth the Price of Land; for when the Rate of Intereſt runs low, i. &. is made ſo by the Government, fuch money'd Gentlemen as think themſelves above Trade, or have not a Conveniency to follow it, by living far remote from any Sea-Port, will rather purchaſe Land with the Surplus of their Expences, than put the fame out to Intereſt at fo fmall Advantage. And the more Purchaſers, the higher Land is; as in all other Things bought and ſold, many Buyers inhance the Price of the Commodity. 9. Lands and Houſes are of different Tenures, and of different Prices of thoſe Tenures, accord ing to the Goodneſs or Badneſs of the Lands, or Plenty or Scarcity of Things in the Country where they lie. 10. Some Tenants are at Will; as thoſe that have no Leaſe, but hold their Efates from Year to Year, ſo long as they or the Landlord pleaſe ; others hold by Leaſe, which Leaſes are either made for a Term of Years, as moſt of the Houſes in the City of London are let, or elſe for three Lives, as moſt of the Lands in the North of England are let. Copyhold Estate is when the Poffeſſor holds the ſame from the Lord of a Man. nor by Copy of Court-Roll; byt when the Poſiel. for of Land bas it fully conveyed to him, and pays felf, bat has it withour Limitation to him and his Heirs, that Eſtate is ſaid to be Fee-Simple, og Land of Inheritance ; of which you have an am. ple Account in Coke's Comment upon Littleton, Cbap, I. Se&. 11. The Value of Eſtates Fee-Simple are worth, in moft Parts of England, about 18, 19, or 20 to 25 Years Purchaſe. 12. Eftates for three Lives are generally valued at 11, 12, or 13 Years Purchafe; and in caſe Life fall, they will renew it for about one Year's Purchaſe. Thus much concerning ſuch Things as are ne- cedarily previous to the Tables of Intereſt, which are as follows. TAB. I. TAB. I. A Table of Simple Lutereff at 3 per Cent. from t s. 10 1000 l. and from 1 Day to a rear. O O O O O O O O O OOO O O O O O O 0 O O O O o O O O o cipal Mo: 1 Day. 2 Days. ney, los, d. 9. Parts. I, s. d.9. Parts, 0 0.00394510 o o 0.0078901 o 0.0278902 o 0 0 0.01578 O 0.0018353 o 0.02367 0 0.0157804 0 0.03156 0 0.0197255 0 0.03975 **0 0 0.0236706 O 004734 o o 0276157 O 0,05523 81 o o 0 0.0313608 o 0.06312 0 0 0.0355059 0 0 0 07101 $ 101 O 0.0394 510 o 0.07890 o 0.0433961 o o 008679 o 0.0473412 o 0,09468 13 0 0:0.0552863) o 0.10257 141 o 0 0.0552314 o 0.11046 15 0 0.0591965 00:11835 16) o @ 0631216 ) o 0 0 0.12624 17 o 0.0670667 o 0.13413 18) o o 0.0710118 o 0.14202 o 0.07495690 o 0,14991 lib. o 0.07890200 0 0.15780 0 0.157801 o 0.3156 0 0 236706 o 0.4734 o 0.31 5608 0.6312 0 0:3945 10 0 0.473412 0 0.9468 O 0.552314 o 1.1046 o 0,631216 o 1.2624 0 0.710118 o 1.4202 o o 0.789020 *1 5780 20 0 0 0 1.57804 30 0 0 o 2.36706 I 0.734 2.400 o 3-15608 Sol 3.94510 3.890 I 0.73412 2 1.468 7010 I 1.52314 3.046 Solo 2.31216 o 3 0.624 900 1 3•10118 1ool o 1 3.89020 3 3.7804 300 o 0 5 3.6706 400 o o 500 o 0 9 3.4510 0 7 2'90 0 11 3 3412 1 II 2.63 700 o 1 1 3.2314 2 3 2.46 Šog o 1 3 3.1216 7 2.24 geo o 1 5 5 3:0118 2 11 2.02 Joooj o 1 7 2.9020 o o 0.7890 O O O O OON OL O oo 03156 QO 600 O o 3 2 202 3 3.780 7 3.56 200 o 11 3.34 7 3.5608 6ool o 3 3 2,80 SIMPLE INTEREST ג l. s. O © 10 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 15 O O O O O 190 at 3 per Cent. Prin- cipal Mo 3 Day's, 4 Days. ney, d. g.Parts: to s. d. 1. s. d. q. Parts. 0 Q: 0.0011835 0 0.01578 0 0.02366 o 0.03156 0 0.03549 0 0.04734 o O'04732 o 0.06312 5 Q 0.05915 0 0.07890 6 o 0.07098 0 0.09468 Q 0.082811 co 0.11046 8 o 0.09464 0 0.12624 9 o o 0,10647 o 0,14202 o 0118300 o 0.15780 IIO 0013013 0 0.17358 Op 14196 o 0.18936 1300 o 015379 0 0.20614 14. 001165620 O 0,22092 O 00:17745 O 0.23670 6 0 0.0.18928 O 0.25248 0 0 0.2011 O O 0.268 26 0 0 0.21294 o 0.28404 0 00:22477 O 0.29982 lib. 1 0.0 0.23660 o 0.31560 O O 0-4717 0 0 6312 o o 07098 o 0.9468 0.9464 1.2614 001.7830 o 1.5780 o 1.8936 0 1,6562 0 22092 81 0 1.8928 2.5248 o 2.8404 3.1560 10.732 1 2.312 30 0 13.098 2 t. 468 40 21.464 3 0.624 so 2 3.830 3 3.780 60| 2 3 2.196 4 2.536 *4.0.562 5 2.092 8o 42.928 6 1.248 90 0 5 1.294 0 7 0.404 5 3.660 7 3.560 200 O :1 3.32 300 15 2.98 O II 68 400.0 I 11 2.64 7 2.24 5000 2 52.30 or 3 3 1.80 6000 4 11 1.96 0 3 11 136 70035 4 7-0,92 8colo 3 1 1.28 5 3 0.48 900 045 0.94 0 5 11 0.04 19 O O O O O O O O O O o O 1.4195 2.3660 O OO 701 3 5 1.62 * 1000 0 4 11 0,60 0 6 6 3160 SIMPLE INTEREST 6 Days. ܘ o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOO OOO 0 0 0 0 0 0.29580 at 3 per Cente Prin- cipal Mo- 5 Days. 6 ney. 1. $. d.9: Parisit! Så d. q. Parts O 9 0,019720 $ 0.02367. 0 9,03944 o 0.04734 0,0591610 0 0907101 4 0 0.07888 o 0.09468 5 0 0.09860 O 0.11835 6 0 0.11832 O 0.14202 O 0.1380+ 0 O 016569 O Q.15776 o 0.18936 O 00:1774810 o o 0,21303 Q.19710 o 0,73670 0 0 0,21692 0 0-26037 0.23664 o 0.28494 13 O O 0.25636 0.30771 14 O Q.27608 $ 0,33138 O c o 0:35505 16 9.315520 0 0.37872 0 335241. o 0:40239 0.38496 0 0.42606 00:37468 O 0.44973 lib. -39440 o 0.47340 0 0.7888 o 0.9468 o 1.1832 o 1.4302 0 1.5776 o 1.8936 o 1.9720 • 2.3670 0 2,3664 0 2,7608 0 3,3128 o 3.1553 • 347872 91 9 3,5496 * 0.2696 9 3,9440 0.7349 200 3,888 1468 30 2 3 832 3 2202 3 3.776 4 2936 50 4 3:720 3 3870 60 o 3,664 7 0.404 70 0 6 3,608 8 1.13. o 9 1.872 9021 3,496 Oro 2.606 O 9 3.440 911 3.3401 200 2.88 I II 2.68 300 2 II 2.92 400 II 1.36 5000 120 4 II 0.70 11 0.64 5 II 0.04 7000 0.08 6 10 3.38 800 3.52 900 8 10 2.06 1000 2.59 9. 10. 1.40 0 0 0 0 2,8404 మనసు ఒక ముందు 801 100 2.00 1.76 6000 7 10 2.72 of 42.96 SIMPLE INTEREST ar 3 per Cent. $ Days. OO O O O 10 d 0 O O O O O O O O O 8 cipal Mo. 7 Days. ney. 1. %. d. gi París. . s, d. q. 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S. 2 O 0 O O O O O O at 3 per Cent. Prin. cipal Mo. 11 Days. 12 Days. ney. s. d.q. Parts, 1. s. d. g. Paris. O 0.04339 0 0.04734 0 0.0867 o 0.09468 3 0.13017 O 0.14202 0.0.17356 0 0.18936 5 0 0.21695 O 0.23670 6 0 0.26034 0.28404 0 0.30373 00:33138 8 0.0.34712 0 0.37872 9 0 0.39051 0 0.42606 IO O 0 0.43390 0.0.47340 II 0 0.47729 0 0.52074 0 0.52068 o 0.56808 13 o 0.56407 0 0.61 542 14 0 0.60746 0.0.66276 15 o 0.65085 O 0.71010 16 o 0.69424 0 0.75744 17 0 0.73763 o 0.80478 18 0 0.78102 o 0.85212 19 0 0.82441 o 0.89946 0 0.86780 0 0.94680 0 1.7356 0 1.8936 3 0.2.6034 O 2.8404 4 0 3.4712 03-7872 5 I 0.3390 1 0.7340 6 I 1.2068 1 1.6808 7 I 2.0746 O I 2.6276 8 I 2.9424 13.5744 1. 3.8102 2 0.5212 100 2 0.6780 2 1.4680 o o 41.356 4 2.936 30 O 7 0.404 oo 8.2.712 9 1.872 0 10 3.390 O IL 3.340 60 O I I 0.068 70 1 30.746 I 80 o I 5 1.424 6 3.744 90 I7 2.102 1 9 1.212 100 9 27780 200 o 3 7 1.56 300 0 55 5 0.34 5 II 0.04 400 72 3.12 7 10 2.72 0 1.90 9 10 1.40 600 10 10 10 0.68 700 o 12 7 3.46 0 13 9 2,76 800 0 14 5 2.24 O 15 9 1,44 900 0 16 3 1.02 O 17 9 0.12 lib. 1 O 2 o C o O 0 O O 20 o O 6.2.034 O O O O O O O O 1 2 0.808 4 2.276 O 0 1 I 11 2.680 3 11 1.36 O O O 500 o 9 0 I1 10 0,08 1000 0 19 8 2.80 o 18 o 3.80 SIMPLE INTEREST Cent. at 3 per . 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Parts. 9. 0 0.051280 0 0.05523 0 0,10256 0 0.11046 3 O 0.15384 O 0 0,16;69 4 O 0.20512 O 0.22092 50 0.25640 0 0.27615 6 00.30763 0 0.33138 7 00.35896 0 0.38661 8 0 0.41024 0 0.44184 9 o 0 0.46152 O 0.49707 O 0.51280 O 0.55230 0 0.56408 o 0.60753 0 0.61536 0 0.56276 13 0 0.666640 0 0.7 1799 0.71792 0 0.77322 15 0 o 0.82845 0.769200 16 0 0.82048 o 0,88368 17 0 0.87176 0 0.93891 0.92304 o 0,99414 0.0.97432 o 1.04937 , 1 1.02 5600 o 1.10460 O2.0512 0 2 2092 3 0 3.0768 0 3.3138 0.1024 I 0.4.184 5 I 1.1280 I 1.5230 6 2.1536 1 2.6276 710 3.1792 O [ 3.7322 8 2 0.2048 2 0.8368 9 % 1.2304 2 1.9414 IO O 2 2.2560 2 3.0460 20 5 0.512 5 2.092 300 0 7 2.763 8.1.138 C10 1.024 400 0 1 0.184 500 0 3.280 I 3.230 6010 3 1.536 4. 2.276 7010 53.792 7 1.32% 1 8 2.048 I 10 0.368 900 11 0,304 0 3.414 100 1 2.560 3.2.460 200 O 4 3 1.12 4 7 0.92 3000 6 4 3.68 6 10 3.38 400 o 8 6 2.24 9 2 1.84 5000 10 0 1 6000 12 9 3.36 0 13 9 2 76 7000 14 1 1.27 I 0.48 o 18 4 3.68 9000 19 2 3.04 1000 4 1.60 3 1 O O I O I O O O 0 1 I I 800 2 8 0.80 60.30 II 1.92 Soolo 17 0 16 O 8 2.14 o 0,60 UU 2 SIMPLE INTEREST O 0 2 O . 11 12 o o O O O O O O O O O O O at 3 per Cent. Prin cipal Mo. 15 Days. 30Days, or I Month. ney. 1. s, d. q.Parts, s. d.q. Parts. O 0.05917 0 0.11834 O 0.11834 O 0.23668 3 0 0.17751 00.35502 4 0 0.23668 0 0.47336 5 o 0.29585 O 0.59170 6 o 0.35502 0 0.71004 7 00.41419 o 0.82838 8 0 0.47336 0 0.94672 9 0 0.53253 o 1.06506 0.59170 O 1.18340 o 0.65087 01.30174 0 0.71004 01.42008 33 0 0.76921 0 1.53842 14 o 0.82838 0 1.65676 15 o 0.88755 O 1.71510 16 o 0.94672 o 1.89344 17 o 1.00589 02.01178 18 o 1.06506 o 2.13012 19 o 1,12423 0 2.24846 01.18340 O 2.36680 0 2.3668 I 0.7336 3 O 3.5502 1 3.1004 4 I 0.7336 2 1.4672 5 1.9170 '2 38340 6 1 3.10:4 3 2.2008 7 2 0.2838 4 0.5676 8 0 2 1.4672 4.2.9344 9 2 2.6506 5 1.3012 10 O 2 3.8340 5 3.6680 20 5 3.668 O II 3.336 30 8 3.502 5 3.004 40 O 11 3.336 11 2.672 50 0 I 2 3.170 5.2.340 60 1 5 3 004 2 11 2.008 70 0 i 8 2.838 3 5 1.676 85 0 1 11 2.672 3 II 1.344 90 2 2 2.506 4 5 1.012 100 o 2 5 2.340 4 II 0.680 200 0 4 II 0.68 O 9 10 1.36 300 O 7 4 3.02 0 14 92.04 400 0 9 TO 1.36 o 19 8 2.72 500 O 12 3 3.70 1 4 7 2.40 600 o 14 9 2.04 700 0 17 3 0.38 6 0.76 800 o 19 5 1.44 90012 2 1.06 4 4 2.12 O lib. 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Paris, . 1. d. 9.Parts. 0 0.47336 00.59170 o 0.94674 01.1834 310 01:47008 O1.7751 40 O 1.89344 02.3668 50 0 2.36680 0 2.9,85 6 0 % 84016 03.5502 7 0-3.31352 I 0.1419 8 lo 0 3:78688 1 0.7336 I 0,26024 11.3253 1 0173360 II.9170 I 1.20696 I 2.5087 I 1.68031 I 3.1004 130 I 2.15368 I 3.6921 1.2.61704 20.2838 150 I 3 10040 0 20.8755 1610 I 3.57378 21.4672 2 0.04712 2.2.0589 2 0.52048 o 22.6506 190 2 0.99384 23.2423 2 1.46720 23.8340 4 2.9344 5 3.668 3 30 7 0.4016 4 O 9 1 8688 O 11 3:336 510 O II 3.3360 % 3.170 6 o 2 0.8032 5 5.004 7 4 2.2704 1 8 2.838 810 6 3.7376 I 11 2,672 9 9 1.2048 2 22.506 10 O 1 11 2.6720 5 2.340 2010 311 1.344 4 II 0.68 3010 5 II 0.016 7 4 3.02 401 07 10 2.688 9 10 1.36 50 0 9 10 1.360 O 12 33.70 6010 TL 10 0.032 O14 92,04 700 13 9 2.704 30.33 800 15 9 1 376 982.72 900 17 9 0.048 1 2 1.06 1000 19 o 19 8 2.720 1 4 7 3.40 200I 19 I 19 5 1.44 2 19 32.8 3002 19 2 0.16 3 13 11 2,2 40013 18 IO 2.88 4 8.7116 5094 18 7 1.60 6 3310 600 5 18 4 0 32 17 II 0.4 700 6 18 03.04 8 12 6 3.8 800 7 17 9 3.76 9 17 23.2 900 17 6 0.48 I 102.6 18 1o O lib. I 2 8 3:502 I O I O 17 8 17 1000 9 17 2 3.20 12 6 6 2.0 SIMPLE INTEREST at 3 per Cent. 2 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 2 3.59732 16 18 Prin cipal Mo- 6 Months. y Months. ney. 1. so de q, Parts. $. d. q.Parts. . 1 0.0.71204 o 0.82833 0 1.42008 0 2.65676 0.2.13012 0 2.48514 0 2.84016 0 3.31352 5 O 3.55020 1 0.14190 6 1 0.26024 I 0.97028 1 0.97028 1 1.79866 8 1.1.68032 1 2.62704 9 1 2.39036 1 3.45542 IO I 3.10040 2 0.28380 1 3.81044 2 1.11218 12 2 0.52048 2 1.94056 13 2 1.23052 2 2.76894 14 2 1.94956 15 2 2.65060 3 0.42570 2 3.36064 3 1.25408 17 3 0.07068 3 2.08246 3 0.78072 32.91084 19 3 1.49076 3 3.73922 lib. 1 3 2.20080 4 0.569 7 0.4016 3 O 10 2.6024 2 0.8032 4 4 2.276 5 2.845 5 3.0040 6 9 1,204.8 0 3.4056 2 4 3.983 8 4 1.6064 9 0.552 9 7 3.8072 3 I I, 12 2 u 2.0080 3 5 1,691 5 u 0.016 30 8 10 2.024 O 10 41.07 40 O II 10 0.032 0 13 9 2.76 50 O 14 9 2.040 7 3 0.45 60 O 17 9 0.048 70 o 8 2.056 4 80 1 3 8 0.064 7 7 1.52 90 6 7 2.072 II 100 6. 9 7 0.080 1 14 0.90 200 2 0.16 SO 1.8 39 300 4 8 9 0.24 5 3 6 18 400 5 18 4 0:32 8 12 500 7 7 11-0.40 7 0,5 600) 8 17 6 0.48 700 10 2 1 0.56 800 11 16 8 0.64 13 16 3.2 900 | 13 370.72 15 10 1000 14 15 10 0.80 17 2 1.0 8 1.138 01.707 I 0 3.414 2 2 2 0 6 10 3.38 O o 17 O 8 2.14 I I 3.83 1 0 3.21 I I 6 2.7 3.6 10 7 1 1.4 7 2.3 1 6 8 o I 5 SIMPLE INTEREST www 2 % 2.41392 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 16 17 18 at 3 per Cent. Prin cipal MO. 8 Months. 9 Months, ney. 1 s.d. 9. Part. I. s. d.q.Parts 0 0.946720 01.06506 0 1.893440 0 2.13012 3 2.840160 0 3.19518 4 0 3.786880 1 0.26024 5 1 0.733600 o 1 1.32530 6 1 1.6803210 1 2.39036 7 1 2.627040 I 3.45547 8 ! 3.57376 2 0.52048 9 2.0.510480 2 1.58554 10 2 1.467200 2 2.65060 11 2 3.78566 12 2 3.36064 3 0.78072 13 3 0.30736 3 1.84578 3 1.25408 3 2.9 1084 15 3 2.20080 3 3.97590 3 3.14752 4 1.04096 4 0.094240 4 1.04096 4 3.17108 19 4 1.98768 5 0.23614 lib. I 4 2.936 5.1.303 91.872 O 10 2.606 3 2 0.808 3 3.909 6 3.744 g 1.212 I 11 2.680 2 2.515 6 7 9 0.552 I 1.121 8 3 1 3.488 3 6 2.424 9 3 6 2 424 3 11 3.727 3 11 1.360 4 5 1.030 20 7 10 2.72 8.10 2.06 30 II 10 0.08 o 13 3 3.09 40 O 15 9 1.44 0 17 9 0.12 So 0 19 8 2.80 I 2 1.15 60 1 3 8 0.16 6 7 2,18 70 7 7.1.52 0 3.21 80 6 2.88 115 6 0.24 go I 15 6 0.24 I 19 II 1.27 100 200 3 18 10 3.2 3ool 5 18 4 0.8 6 13 4.00 7.17 9 2.4 500 9 17 3 0.0 110 3.5 600 I1 16 8 1.6 13 6 7co13 16 1 3 2 IS 10 8 0.1 800 | 15 15 7 0.3 17 15 900 17 15 0 2.4 19 19 5 0.7 4.2.10602 tant O O O O O O O O O O O O wwwNN O O O O O O O O O O O CO O I I 2 5 4 1.616 7 3.818 3 1 Ir I 19 5 1.60 9 0.6 8 17 3 1,8 1000 | 19 14 6 0.0 3 9 3.0 SOPLE INTEREST at 3 per Cent. 1 S. O C .. 19 5'3,6680 u Mont's, or 339 10 Months. Days. Ty. !. S. d. 9 Parts, 1. s. d. 9. Para O I 18340 01, 30171 o 2.3663 o 2.60343 3 03:55:2 O 39,22 4 [ 0.7336 I 1,20196 1 1.9170 I 2 50370 I 31054 I 3.81044 2 0.2338 2 1.11218 8 2 1.4572 2 2.41392 9 22.6:06 23-71;66 2 38340 3 1.01740 3 1.0974 3 2 31911 I 2 3 2.2. OS 3 3.62033 13 3 3:3342 4. 0.9225 14 4 0.5676 4 2.22436 4 1.7510 4 3.526,50 16 4 2.934+ 5 0.82784 1") 5 0.1178 5 2,129 13 1 8 51.312 5 3.13:32 52,4845 6 0.73306 6 6 2.03450 O II 3336 I 00695 5 3.504 7 2.1044 II 2.672 2. 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I 7 0.79950 2 1.5992 9 2,3988 2 4 3.1984 5 1 11 3.9980 6 3 7 0.7976 4 2 1.5972 4 9 2.3968 5 4 3.1964 5 11 3.9960 II II 3.992 30 0 17 11 3.988 3 1 3.984 50 9 II 3.980* I 15 II 3.976 70 111 3.972 80 7 11 3.968 90 2 13 11 3.964 $ 18 19 o O I OON OU W .. 10 O 40 1 60 2 100 O 200 6 O OO 300 9 400 12 500 15 600 18 70021 80024 990 27 700 30 300 O O O O O O home O O O O O O O O O O Of Ab L I Day. 610 O 0.1288 "M 150 26 80 1 A B L E 11. Of SIMPLE INTERESF at 3 per cent from I s. to I to 1000 l. and fram i Dyto a Year. cipal Mo- 2 Days. 1. $. d. Parts. 1. $. s. d. g. Parts. 0 0 00460 O 0.00920 0 0.00920 0 0.01840 30 0 0.01381 0 0.0276 40 0.0.01841 0 0.0368 50 0 0.02301 0 0.0460 0 0.02761 O 0.052 710 0 0.0644 0 0.03222 8 0.0.03682 0 0.0736 90 O 0.04142 0 0,0828 IO O 0 0.64603 0 0.0920 1100 0 0.05063 O 0.1012 12 O 0 0.05523 o 0.1104 13: 0 0.05983 00:1 196 140 0 0.06443 0 0.06904 00:1380 0 0.07364. O 0.1472 170 0 0.078240 0.1564 180 o 0.08284. 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Part oo.c1381 0 0.02902 0 0.0443 O Ci524 O 0.00 0 0.08286 o 0.09667 00.11048 0 0.12429 O 0.13810 0 0.1519 0 0.16572 0017953 0 0.19334 0 0.20715 0 0.22096 0 023477 0 094858 0 0.20239 0 0.27620 00.55240 O 0.8286 01.1048 01.3810 016572 O1.9334 0 2.2096 0 2.4858 O2.7620 I 1.524 2 0.286 23.048 d. Parts 0 0.01841 0 0.03682 0 0.0 523 0 0.0736.4 O 09.05 OO.11040 O 0.12837 0 0.14728 0 0.36569 o 0.184,10 0 0.20251 O 0.22092 O 0.23933 O 0.2774 O 0.27615 00.29456 0 0.31297 00.33138 0.34979 0036820 0.0.7366 01.1046 O 1.4728 0 1.8410 02.2092 O 2.5774 0 2.9456 03.3138 O 3.6820 1.3.364 2 3.046 3 2 4 2.410 5 2.092 6 1.774 is 19 3 4 5 6 7 O 9 TO O O 400 3 1.810 60 70 80 90 7 1.456 Ahmet O O O O O O O O O O 8 1.138 9 0 820 200 300 o 400 0 $00 0 0 4 0 572 4 3 334 $ 2.096 6 0.8;8 6 5.620 1 3.24 1 8' 2.86 2 3 2.48 2 IO 2.10 3 5 1.72 4 o 1.34 4 7 0.96 5 2 0.58 59 0.20 600 lo O O O O O O O O O 6 1.64 3 2.46 3. 0.3.28 3 10 0 10 4 7 0.92 5 4 174 6 6 10 3:39 7 8 0.20 700 lo 80 I 2.56 1000 ** Wed SIMPLE INTEREST at 3 per Cent. 6 Days. 0.270 I 15 o 0.44.176 19 1.1044 Prin- cipal Mo- 5 Days. ney: 1. S. d. c. Parts 1. s. d. G.Pirts. T 0 0.02301 0 0.02754 Ó 0.2460210 3 0 0.00903 0 0.08203 4 0 0.09204 0 0.11044 5 001503 o o.az&us 0 0.13806 0.0.16566 7 0 0.16107 0 0.1937 8 o 0 0.189403 9 0 0.2-709 0.24849 0 0.23010 0035311 0.3c371 12 0 0.27612 0,33137 13 0 0.29913 0.3; 893 14 O C.32214 0.38694 0034515 0.41415 16 00:30316 0 0.39117 0.4.6937 18 0 0.41418 0 0.49698 00.43719 0-52459 lib. I 0 0.46010 0 0.55220 00.9104 o 3 01.3806 01.5,66 4 O 1.84.08 2.2.88 5 O 2.3010 2.7610 6 0 2.7612 o 3.3132 7 0 3.2214 0 3.8654 8 0 3.6816 10.4176 9 1 0.248 1 0.9698 10 1 0.60 O 1 1.5220 21.204 03.044 30 40 4 2.403 50 5 j.oio 6 3.610 60 6 3.612 81,132 8 0.214 92.694 9 0.816 O N10,176 90 0 10 1.410 1.698 o 0 112.020 I 3.220 I 11 0.04.2 300 2 10 2.06 5 400 500 04 4 9 2.10 5 9 0,10 600 5.9 0.12 6 10 3.32 700 68 2.14 8 0 2.54 Soo 078 0.16 9 2 1.76 900 8 0 10 4 0.98 1000 o 9 7 0'10 6 0.20 • . 3 1.800 4 0:566 5 2.088 0 32.44 4 7 0.88 3 10 0.08 0 7 2.18 IMPLE INTEREST at 3 i per Cent. cipal 7 Days. 8 Days. S 2 o 01.9332 lo S. d.q. Part 1. s. d. q.Parts 00:032221 0 0.03682 0 0.07364 0 0.09666 O C.11046 0 0.12888 0 0.14728 5 0 0.16110 O 0,18410 6 00.193320 0 0.22092 7 00.22554 O 0225774 8 0 0.257700 0 0.29456 9 0 0.2899810 0 0.33138 o 0.36820 00.35419 0 0.40502 1 2 0 0.38664 0 0.44.1 84 13 00.4+8560 0 0.47866 14 O 0.45108 00.5154 O 0.983300 0 0.55230 16 o 0.51552 0.0.58912 0 0.54774 0 0.62594 8 00:579060 0 0.66276 19 O 0.6 218 0 0.69958 0 0.6444010 0 0.73640 01.2888 O 1.4728 3 0 2.2092 02-5776 0 2.9496 5 0 3 2220 o 3.6820 6 0 3.8664 1 0.4184 I 0,5108 I 1.1548 8 11.1552 1 1.8912 9 I 1.7996 1 2.6276 1 2.4440 1.3.3640 20 3 0.888 3 2.728 4 3.332 5 2.092 7. 1.456 50 9 0.820 бо 9 2.664 !1 0.184 70 011 1.108 0 3.548 80 2 2.912 go 2 1.996 4 2.276 Joo 4 0.440 6 1.640 200 8 0.88 3 0 3.28 300 4 47 0.92 5.4 1.76 6 I 2.56 7 8 0.20 0 8 0 2.64 92 1.84 0 9 4 3.08 10 8.3.18 0 10 IO 8 3.52 9000 12 0 3.96 (13 9 2.76 13 5 0.40 0 15 4 0.40 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 30 O O O O 6 1.776 8 0.220 0 0 3.562 I 1 I I I 2 O 1.32 ws O O O OOOOOOOO 6.0.0 6.8 2.20 8888888 0 123 0 3 1.12 VYVEL SIMPLE INTEREST 1. $. O 4 0 12 170 70/ ar 3per Cent. Pro- cipal Mc. 9 Days. 10 Dayse ney. d. Parts. 1. s. d. g. Parts 0 0.04142 0 0.04603 0 0.03284 0 0.09206 310 O 0.1 2426 0.13809 0 0.16568 0.18412 5 O 0,20710 O 0.23015 0 0.24852 o 0.27618 0 0 0.28994 O 0.32221 810 0 0 33136 00:36824 9 0 0.37278 0 0.41427 joo O 0.41420 0 0.46030 0 0.45562 0 0.50633 0 0.49704 Ó 0.55236 130 0 0.53 46 o 0.59839 14 0 0 0.57988 o 0.64442 150 o 0.62130 0 0.69045 16o o 0 0.662720 0 0.73648 0 O 0.70414 0 0.78251 1810 0 0.74556 o 0.82854 19 0 0.78698 0 0.87457 lib. I 0 0.82870 0 0.92060 2 O 1.6568 O 1.8412 30 o 2.4852 O 2.7618 4o 03-3136 0 3.6824 50 I 0. 14.20 1 0.6030 6 1 0.9704 I 1.5236 7 I 1.7988 I 2.4442 80 i 2.6272 1 3:3648 910 1 3.4556 2 0.2854 2 0,2840 2 1.2060 200 O 4 2 412 300 6 0.852 6 3.618 8 1.136 o 9 0.824 IO 1.420 011 2.030 60 o O 1.704 1 3.236 O 2 1.988 4 O 442 Solo 4 2.272 6 1.648 6 2.556 1 loo O 8 2.840 1 II 0,065 3 10 0.12 3000 5 2 0.52 o 400 jo 6.10 3.36 o 7 5000 8 8 7 2.20 9 7 0.30 6000 to 4 I. 4 O IT 6 0.36 700|O 12 0 3.88 0 13 5 0.42 8000 13 9 2.72 015 4 0.48 9000 15 61.56 O !7 3 0.54 10000 17 3 0.40 O 19 2 0.60 O O O O O o O 100 4 0.568 10 o 400 goo 1 I 0 0 1 8 2.854 goo 1 I 3 5 1.68 5 9 0.18 8 0.24 SIMPLE INTEREST at 3 per Cent. . 1: Days. 12 Days. Mo. ncy. ܕ !. S. d.q.Pirts. 0 0.05053 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.15189 O 0.20252 O 0.3:35 30,78 8 10 13 14 160 IS 19 176. I O* 0.45567 0.0.50630 0 0.55693 00.60736 O 065819 0 0.70882 0.75945 6 0.81008 o $6071 9 0.97197 101260 02.0252 0 3.0378 I 0,0904 1 1.0630 0756 1 3 0482 1003 1134 22.1260 5 0 2 2 7 2.378 0 100 504 O 2 630 d.q.Perts. 00.05523 c0.11046 00.16569 00.22092 00.27615 331 38 00.38661 00.44184 00 49707 00:55230 o 00.60753 O 00.66276 00.7 799 0 0.77322 00:82845. 00.38368 0 00.93891 00.994.14 01.04937 01.10460 02.1092 03:3138 10.4184 I 1.5239 0 I 2:6:76 0933.7322 020.8368 21.9414 23.0960 5 2.092 81.133 110.134 1 3.230 I 42.275 71.322 I 100.368 3 4. O 6. 8 O 9 IO 30 4010 5010 3 0.750 7316 900 32.460 470.92 : 6 10 3.38 921134 3001o 4000 3 3.78 03134 IoOo 2 1 1.260 2000 2 2.52 6 85 1.04 SOC JO JO 6 2:30 600 o 12 70010 14. 90.82 800 10 16 10 2.08 900 10 18 11 3:34 60,30 073 92.76 0 18 4 3.68% 82.14 1000 I O 0.60 1 0.60 SIMPLE INTEREST at 3 per Cent. ż . 14 Days. 1. 0 4.10 O O O O O O 100 0 O O O O O O 170 O 190 0 O O Piin- cipal Mo. 13 Days. ney. . s. d.q.Parts. o 0.05983 20 0 0.11966 310 0 0.17949 O 0.33932 510 0 0.29915 60 00.35898 70 0041881 810 O 0.47864 9 910 o 0.53847 0 0.59830 ILO 0.0.65813 120 0 0.71796 130 0 0.77779 140 o 0.83762 1510 o 0.89745 16 lo o 0.95728 01.01711 180 01.07694 O 1.13677 lib. 1 O 1.19660 2 10 0 2.3932 310 03 5898 40 1 0.7864 50 I 19830 6 1 3 1796 7 2 0.3762 810 2 1 5728 90 2 2.7694 IOIO 23.9666 200 5 3 932 3010 8 3.898 400 0 11 3.864 I 2 3.830 боо 70 8 3.762 I ji 3.728 90 2 2 3.694 100 10 200 i o 4 11 3.32 7. 52.98 9 11 2.64 500 O 12 5 2.30 600 0 14 11 1.96 7000 17 5 1.62 8000 19 II 1.28 2. 2. 5 0.94 1000 L 4 II 0.60 O s. d.q.Parts. o 00.06443 O 00.12886 00.19329 o 00.25772 00.32215 o 00.38658 0 00.45101 00:51544 00 57987 o 00.64430 O 00.70873 00.77316 o 00.83759 o 00.90202 oo 00.96645 o 01.03088 O 01.09531 O 01.15974 O 01.22417 01.28860 02.5772 o o 3.8658 0 11.1544 o I 2.4430 o 13.7316 O2 1.0202 0 2 2.3088 23.5974 30.8860 0.61.772 o 92.658 0 3.544 I 40.430 71.316 I: IQ 2.202 2 13.088 24 3.974 2 8 0.860 o 5 4 1.72 8 0 2.58 019 8 3.44 O 13 50.30 16 11.16 o 18 92.02 I 4 13.74 6 10 0.60 O I 500 1 1 5 3.795 1 Solo O 2 5 3.660 30010 4000 O 52.88 I 9001 Y Y SIMPLE INTEREST VW s. 1 o 22 O O O 0 10 IT 12 at 3 per Cent. Prin cipal Mo 15 Days. 30 Days,or Month. ny. l. s. d. q. Parts I. d. . 0 0.069040 0 0.13808 0 0 0.138080 0 0.27616 3 O 0.20712 O 0:41424 O 0.276160 0 0.55232 5 0 0 34520 o 0.69040 6 O 0.41424 o 0.82848 O 0.48328 o 0.96656 8 0 0.55232 O 1,10464 9 o 0.621360 O 1.24272 o 0,69040 0 1,38080 0 0.75944 0 1.51888 o 0.82848 O 1,65696 13 o 0.89752 o 1.76504 14 o 0.96636 0 1.93312 15 01.03560 O 2.07120 0 1110464 0 2,20928 17 o 1.17368 o 2.34736 180 0 0 0 3.24272 o 2,48544 19 01.31176 o 2,62352 lib. 1 0 0 0 1.38080 O 2,76160 O O O 2. 0 2.7616 I 1.5232 3 10.1434 2 0,2848 4 1 1.5232 2 3.0464 I 2.9040 6) O O 2 0.2848 2 1.6656 4 3.3312 o 23.0464 5 2,0928 9 o 3 0.4272 o 6 08544 3 1.8080 06 3.6160 6 3.616 I 3.232 O 10 1.424 8 2.848 I 3.232 3 2,464 I 5 1.040 2 10 2.080 60 8 2.848 0 0.656 4 O 1.312 3 2 464 0 4 7 0,928 90 o 2 7 0.272 S 2 0,544 2 10 2.080 6 0.32 o 8 7 2.24 300 0.17 3.048 400] 0 116 0.32 3 o 0 64 500 o 14 4 2.40 600] 0 17 30.48 I 14 6 0.96 12,56 80 3 o 0,64 26 5 10 2.72 9 1.44 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N ebony mo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 3 1,8080 4 0,5695 IC 20 I 1 30 оооооооооооо 2 40 5C O O O O O O O 3 5 1,696 2 70 8c 5 9 0.160 TOC 0 200 0 5 9 0.16 1 8 9 0.80 2 O 700 1 3 1.12 O 1,28 2 II 900 1 1000 1 8 9 0.80 2 17 6 1,60 SIMPLE INTEREST O O O O O 0 O O O 0 12 O 0 at 31 per Cent. Prin cipal Mo. 1 ſuch Manth, 3 Months. ney. 1. s. d. q.Paris ... d.q. Parts. 0 0.27616 O O 0.41424 0 0.55232 o 0.82848 3 o 0.82848 0 1.24272 4 o o 1.104.64 o 1.63696 5 lo 01.38080 0 2.07120 O o 1.65696 0 2.48544 7 o 1.93312 0 2.89968 8 o 2.20928 O 3.31392 9 O 2.48544 0 3.72816 13 0 2.76160 I o.14240 O 3.03776 I 0.55664 03.31392 I 0.97088 13 10 O 3.59008 1.38512 14 o o 3.86624 I 1.79936 is to 10.14240 1 2,21360 16 1 0.41856 1 2.62784 17 jo I 0.69472 1 3.04208 18 To 1 0.97088 I 3.45632 19 1 1.24704 1 3.87056 1.52320 o 2 0.28480 2 3.0464 4 0.5696 3 0.5696 6 0.8544 4 5 2.0928 8 1.1392 5 6 olo 1.4240 01.7088 o 92.6624 2 1.9936 8 To 0 11 0.1856 42.2784 9 10 01.7088 6 2.5632 1 3.2320 8 2.8480 20 32 464 3 5 1.696 300 2 3 5 1.696 5 0.544 4 7 0.928 6 10 3.392 500 590 160 8 7 2.240 60 6 10 3 392 Ο 1Ο 4 1.088 8 0 2.624 0 70 I 2 0 3.936 80 to 9 2 1 856 9 2.784 90 0 10 4 1088 100 o II 6 0.320 3 0.480 200 I 3 0 0.64 0.96 300 I 14 6 0.96 9 1.44 6 39 o 1.92 6 3 2.40 600 13 9 O 1.92 3 6 2 88 700 14 0 6 2.24 6 8.0 14 12 0 2 56 6 18 0 3 84 900 5 3 6 2.88 7 15 15 4 0.32 1000 5 15 5 150 3.20 lib. 1 2 O 4 36160 8 1.1392 1 ܚܙܛܟܙܗ ܢܤ ܩܘ I 1 O O O I 2 40 o 013 0 15 o 17 I 14 6 1.632 4002 O 1.28 500 2 17 6 1.60 3:36 8 12 7 0.80 ne by ! Y y 2 SIMPLE INTEREST 4 Months, O O Q O O O o O O O O O O 10 O O O O O 11 O O 0 O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 at 3 per Cent. Prin cipal Mo. 6 Months. ney. 1. S. d.g.Parts. La s. d.q.Paris. O 0.55232 o 0.69040 O 1.10464 o 1.3808 3 o 1.65696 0 2.07 12 0 2.20928 O 2.7616 5 0 2.76160 0 3.4520 6 03:31392 1 0.1424 7 O 3.86624 1 0.8328 8 I 0.41856 1 1.9232 9 I 0,97088 1 2.2136 1.1.52320 O I 2.9040 1 2,07552 I 3.5944 12 I 2.62784 2 0.2848 13 I 3.18016 2 0.9752 14 13.73248 2 1.6656 15 2 0.28480 2.2.3560 16 2 0.83712 2 3.0464 2 1.38944 2 3:7368 18 2. 1.94176 30.4272 19 2 2.49408 31.1176 lib. 1 23.04640 3 1.8080 0 5 2.0928 63.616 3 O JO1.424 4 O II 0.1856 I 3.232 1 3 2320 5 1.040 4 2.2784 1 8.2.848 7 7.1.3248 2 o 0.656 8 I 100.3712 9 0 3.4176 7 0.272 23.2.4640 2 10 2.080 20 4 70,928 8 7 2.24 40 9 2 1.856 50 6 0.320 o 14 4 2.40 60 0 13 9 2.784 0 17 30.48 70 1 1.248 O I 2.56 80 O 18 4 3712 3 o 0.64 8.2.176 5 10 2.72 JOO 3 00.640 1 8 200 6 0 1.28 300 3 9 01.92 6 3 2.4 400 4 12 0.2.56 5 15 0 3.2 Soo 5 15 O 3.20 7 3 10 0.0 600 6 18 o 3.84 8 12 700 8 1 0.48 Jo 4 1.6 8001 9 4 11.12 11 IO 900 10 7 11,76 12 18 10 3.% 2 8 1.1392 I 0 0 I O O OON au + OOOO 1 2 2 32.464 0 2 2 10 O O O O O 5 9 0.16 6 10 3:39 0 6.0.32 0 II O 16 1 1 1 2 9 0.80 2 17 6 1.60 4 7 0.8 1 1 2.1 1000 11 10 14 7. 80.0 12.40 SIMPLE INTEREST 1. S. 0 2 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O $ O O O O O O O O O 28 O O O O lib. 1 at 3 per Cent. Prin cipal Mo- 6 Months. 7 Months. ney. I, s. d. 9. Parts d. 9 Oo82848 On 0.96656 0 1.65696 O 1.93312 3 0 2.48544 O 2.9968 4 03.31392 0 3 86624 5 10.14.240 I 0.83280 6 1 0.97088 1 1.79936 7 1. 1.79936 1 2.76592 8 1 2.62784 o 13.73248 1.3.45632 % 0.69904 10 2 0.28480 2 1.66560 o 21.113289 2.2.63216 12 2 1.94176 2 3:59872 13 2 2.77024 3 0.56328 1410 2 3.59872 3 1.53184 15 3 0.42720 3 2.49840 16 0 3 1.25568 3 3.46496 3.2.08416 0 4 0.43152 32.91264 4 1.39808 1910 3 3.74112 4. 2.36464 4 0.56960 4 3.33120 o 8 1.1392 9 2.6624 3 O 1.7083 2 19936 410 4 2.2784 O 1 71.3248 50 8 2 8480 o 0.6560 O 0 3.4176 2.4 3.9872 71.0 2 4 3.9872 O 9 3.3184 o 2 9.0.5568 3 2 2.6496 3 11 1 1.1264 § 71.9808 100 3 5 1.6960 4 01.3120 o 6 10 3'392 8 0 2.624 30010 4 1.088 0 1 2 0 3.936 400 13 9 2784 16 I 1.248 50017 30.480 I 2.60 60 i 0 8 2.176 4 I 3.872 4 1 3.872 8 2 1.184 80 7 7 1.568 2 2.496 90111 I 11 O 3.264 116 2 3.808 100 1 14 6 0.960 3 1.120 2001 3 9 9 0192 4. 300 5 3 6 2.88 60 9 3:36 O 384 8 1 0.48 500 8 12 7 0.87 1 I 1.76 7 2.72 700 12 I 7 2.72 I 10 3.84 8.0 13 16 13.68 1 3.68 116 2 2. 0.96 900 15 10 8 0.64 18 2 5 2.08 1000 17 5 2 1.60 8 3.20 1117 1 O 1 I 1 O 2 O 20 1 70 I I 1 I 12 2 6 2.24 400 6 18 4 1.60 600 107 SIMPLE INTEREST O 22 O O O O O O O 0 O 0 12 4 1.3 808 O 0 at 3 į per Cent. Prin cipal Mo. 8 Months. 9 Months. ney. l. si diq Parts, Parts. I. . s. d.q.Parts. 0 0 1.10464 | 0 01.24272 0.220928 o 2.48544 3 • 3.31392 0 3.72816 4 1 0:4186 1 0.97088 5 I 1.52320 I 2.21360 6 1 2.62784 1 3.45632 13.73248 2 0.69904 8 1 0:83712 2 1.94176 9 1 1194076 2 3.18448 10 * 3.04640 3 0.42720 30.1*10-4 3 1.66992 3 1.25568 3 2.9 264 13 3 2.36032 4. 0.15536 14 o 3 3.464 6 4 0.56960 4 2.64080 6 41.67424 0 4 3.88352 4 2.77888 5 1.12624 18 4 3.88352 5 2,36896 19 $ 0.988161 3.61168 $ 2.09280 O 11 0.186 01.7088 42.2781 6 2.5632 I 10 03712 O 3.4176 3 2.4640 7 0.2720 2 I 1.1264 7 3 2 2.6496 3 7 1.9808 8 3 8 0.7424 4 1 2.8352 4 12.8352 4 * 3.6895 10 4 7 0.9280 5 2 0,5440 9 214856 0 10 4 1.088 30 0 13 9. 21784 0 15 6 1.632 018 4 3.712 082.176 so 3 0 0.640 1 5 10 2.720 I7 1.568 Ir 0 3.264 701 112 2 20496 1 16 2 3.808 *80 F 16 9 3.424 r 5 0,352 50.352 67 0.896 100 26 o 1.280 2 11 9 1.440 200 4 12 02.56 5 3 6 2.88 3006.18 O 3.84 7 15 4 0.32 400 94 11.12 10 7 11.76 500 I 10 12.40 12 18 10 3.20 600 13 16 13.68 15 10 8 0.64 700 06 20.95 38 % 52,08 800 18 8 2 2.24 20 14 23:52 900 20 14 2 3052-23€ 600.96 6 0.85440 1 1 2 O 9 0.5968 60 90 5 1000|23 0 3 0.80 0123 25Ⓡ17 9 2.40 SIMPLE INTEREST at 3 per Cent. O 2 O O O O O O O O O O O O 13 18 19 lib. 1 O I 1 cipal 11 Months, or 330 Mc. 10 Months. Days. ney. 1. s. d. g. Parts .. s. d.q.Parts. 1.38080 01.51888 o 2.7616 03.03776 3 I 0.1424 10.55664 4 I 1.5232 I 2.07552 5 1 2.9040 I 3.59440 6 2 0.2848 2 1.11328 7 2 1,6656 2 2.63216 8 2 3.0464 3 0.15104 9 3 0.4272 3 1.66992 3 1 8080 o 3 3.18880 3 3.1888 4 0.70768 I 2 4 0.5696 4 2.22656 4 1.9594 4 3.74 544 14 4 33312 5 1.26432 5 0.7120 5 2 78320 16 5 2.0928 6 a 30208 17 5 3.4736 6 1.82096 6 0.8544 6 3.33984 6 2.2352 7 0.85872 O 6 3.6160 7 2 37760 I 3.232 30-7552 3 o 1 8 2.848 I 10 3.L328 4 O 3 2.464 5 O 2 10 2.080 3 6 o 3 5 1.696 3 9. 20.2656 7 4 O 1.312 4 5 0.6432 81 o 4 7 0.928 5 0 3.0208 9 5 20. 544 5 & 1.3984 10 O 5 90.160 6 3 3:7760 20 o II 0. 12. 73.552 30 o 17 3 0.48 o 18 11 3:328 I 3 0 0.64 5 33:104 50 I 60 i 14 6 0.96 I 17 11 2.656 70 2 4 3. 2.432 6 1.28 2 10 7 2.208 90 2 11 9 1.44 2 16 11 1.984 100_2 17 2 17 6 1.60 3 3 3 1.760 2005 IS O 3.2 6. 6. 63-52 300 8 12 7 0.8 9910 1.28 40011 10 1 2.4 1 3.04 500 14 78 0.0 15. 16 5 0.80 18 19 & 2-56 700 20 2 8 3.2 223 010-32 25 6. 3 2.08 90025 17 9 2.4 28. 9. 6.3.84 1000 28 15 4 0.0 31. 12.10 1.60 2 6 1.5104 13.8880 0 6 0.32 I 40 9 0.80 I II 7 2,880 801 2 3 1.12 © 12 13 600 17 5 2 1.6 800l 23 3 0.8 SIMPLE INTEREST 1 O 2 O O O .: at 31 per Cent. Prin cipal 12 Months, or Year, Mo. or 365 Days. ney 1. d. 9. Parts o 1.67997 O 3.35994 3 1 1.0399! 4 1 2.71988 % 0.39985 6 2 2.07982 2 3.75979 3 1.43976 9 3 3.11973 10 4 0.79970 4 2.47967 5 0 15964 13 O 5 1.83961 14 3.51958 15 6 1.19955 16 6 2.87952 7 0.55949 18 o 7 2,23946 19 7 3.91943 lib, 1 8 1.59940 4 3.1988 3 10.7982 9 2.3976 S 3.9970 2 1.5964 4 19 3.1938 57 0.7952 6 9 3 2.3946 6 10 11 3.9940 O 13 11 3.988 30 O 11 3.982 40 7 II 3.976 50 1 14 II 3.970 60 Ini 3.96 8 11 3.958 2 IS 11 3.952 3 2 11 3.946 O O O O O O O 17 os mo NO QO 20 1 1 70/2 80 90 100 3 lo 7 10 TO 200 3co 400 14 soo7 10 600 21 700*410 800 28 90031 10 O O o o. 0 0 1000 35 TABLE III. 1. S. 2 O 100 O O O O O O O O O 13 ISO 170 Of SIMPLE INTEREST at 4 per Cent from I s. to 1000 l. and from 1 Day to a Year. Prin- cipal 1 Day. 2 Days. ney d. ? Parts. 1.1. s. d.9. Parts. 0 0.005261 O 0.010522 O 0.010522 O 0.021044 3 0 0.015783 00.0°:1566 O 0.021044 0 0.042083 5 0 0.026305 O 0.052010) 6 0 0.031566 0 0.663132 710 0 o 0368270 0 0.073654 8 0 0.042088 0 0.034176 910 O 0.047349 0 0.094698 0 0.0526100 0 0.103220 IIO O 0.057871 O 0.115732 I 2 O 0.0.063132 0 0.1262 54 0 0.068,93 00:1;6735 140 0 0.0736540 0 0.147108 0 0.078915 00.157330 16 10 0 0.0841760 0 0.168352 0 0,0894370 O 0.178874 18 lo o 0.094.698 0 0.18.396 19 O o 0.099959 0 0.199918 lib. 10 0 0.105120 OO 210440 0 0.21044 O 0.42088 3 0 0.31566 oo 63132 O 0.42088 O 084176 0 0.526 10 0.1103220 6 o 0 0.63172 0 1 26264 710 0 0.73654 o 1.47308 80 o 0.84176 o 1.58352 0 0.94698 0 0 1.89396 10 O 01.05225 o 2.10440 0 2.1044 I 0,2088 300 O 31566 I 1.3132 4010 1 0.2088 2 0.4176 500 1 1.2610 2 2:5220 bolo I 2.3132 3 0.6264 I 3.3654 3 2.7308 solo 2 0.4176 4 0.8352 2 1.4698 4. 2.9396 100 O 2 2.5220 5 1.0449 5 1.044 0 1 2.088 o 7 3:566 3 3.132 400 0 0 10 2.088 9 0.176 I 2 1.226 600 o 1 3 3.132 2 7 2,264 6 1.654 3 O 3.308 800 lo 3 9000 I 11 2,698 3 11 1.396 2 1 220 4 4 2.440 2 410 0 O O 20Q o O 700 0 o 900 O 2000 o 3000 O 1 500 o 1 0.610 700 10 1 9 0.176 6 0.352 2 Z z SIMPLE INTEREST 1. S. $. 1 2 O 120 O at 4 per Cent. Prin. cipal Mo 3 Days, 4 Days. ney. d. 9. Parts.l. ş, d. 9. Parts, 000157831 0 O 0.021044 0 0.031566 O 0.042088 3 O 0.047349 0 0.053132 4 0 0.063132 O O 08417 5 000789150 O 0.105220 6 0 0.094698 0,126264 2 0 0.1104811 0 O 0.147308 81 o 0 0.126264 0.168352 9 00.142047 0 0.189396 O 0.157830 O 0210440 0 0.173613 0. 0.231484 0 0.1893960 O 0252528 0 0.205179 O 0.273572 14 O 0,220962 O 0:294616 15 0 0.2367450 00315660 16 O 0,2525280 oo 336:3c4 17 0 0.2683110 O 0:357748 00.284094 Q 0.378792 0 0.299377 o 0.399836 0 0.315660|o O 0.42088 o 0,63132 0 0.84176 0 0.94693 0 1,26264 4 o 1,26264 0 1,68352 01.57830 2,10440 6 0 1.89396 O 02:52528 0 2,20962 O 2.94616 810 o 2,52528 Q3-36704 o 2.84094 0 3.78792 0 3.15660 1 0 20880 12.3132 2 0:4176 2.- 1.4698 306264 3 0.6264 4 08352 3 3.7830 5 1.0440 60 o 4 2 9396 6 1.228 5 2.0962 80 o 6 1.2528 8 1.6704 90 7 0.409# 9 1,8702 100 o 7 345660 O TO 2.0880 1 3 3.132 9 0.176 1. I 2.698 2 7 2.264 7.2.264 3 6 0 352 500 o 3 3 1.830 o 44 4.4 2.440 6ool o 3 II 1.396 5.3 0.528 700) o 4.7 0.962 6 2.616 Soc 5 3 0.528 7 o 0,704 900 og 11 0.094 10 2.792 1000 6 6 3.660 8 9 0.880 O O o 10 o 200 40 o 70) o 7 1.4616 0 O O O O o I O O O O O SIMPLE INTEREST 6 Days. 0 2 O O O O Q O O O O O 0 O o at 4 per Cent, Prin cipal Mo. 5 Days. ney. 1. d. 9. Parts. 1, s. d.9. Parts, . 0 0.0263050 0 0.031566 0 0.0526100 0 0.063132 3 0 0.07891510 O 0,094698 4 0 0.1052200 0,126264 5 0 0.131525 0 0.157830 6 0 0.157830O 0 0.189396 7 O 0 0.184135 0 0.220962 8 0 0.210440 0 0.252528 9 o 0 0.236745 0 0.284094 00:26 3050 0.0.315660 0 0,289355 0 0.347226 I 2 o 0.3156600 0 0.378792 13 O 0 0.341965 0 0.410558 14 O 0 0.368270 O O 0.441924 15 0 0.394575 0 0.473490 16 O 0.4208800 0 0.505036 17 0 0.4471850 0.536622 18 0 0.473490 O 0.568188 19 0 0 0.499795 0 0.599754 o 0.5261000 o 0.631320 O 1,0522 0 1.26264 3 0 1.5783 0 1.89396 4 10 O 2.1044 O 2.52528 5 o 2.6305 0 3.15660 6 O 3.1566 0 3.78792 O 3.6827 I 0.41924 8 1 0.2088 I 1.05056 9 I 1.68188 1 07349 IO I I 2610 I 2.31320 20 2 2.522 3 0.6264 30 3 3.783 4 2.9396 40 O 5 1.044 61.2528 50 0 7 3.5660 60 lo 7 3.566 o. 9 1.879? o 90.827 O II 0.1924 80 O 10 2.088 0 2.5056 90 10 o II 3.349 2 0.8188 100 1 IO 610 3 3.1320 200 O 2 2 1 22 7 2.264 3 3 183 3 11 1.396 400 0 4 4 2.44 5 30.528 6 500 0 5 5 3.05 6 3.660 600 6 6 3.66 0 7 10 2.792 7000 7 8 0.27 o 92 1.924 800 lo S 90.83 o 10 6 1.056 9000 9 10 1.49 ONI 10 0.188 1000 O 10 II 2.10 O 13 I 3.320 lib. I O O 2 0 O o O O O O O O O O O O O 6 2.305 O O O O O O O O 700 O O O O O O O I O: 1 2 300 o o O Z z 2 SIMPLE INTEREST at 4 per Cent. Puid- cipal 8 Dayt. s. d. 1. s. 0 OOO aun Awesome 0 o OOO O O O O O O IS O O O O O O O O O O O O O 16 13 O o Mo 7 Days. ney: 1. Parts. d. Parts. 0 0.036827 0 0 0.073654 0 0.084176 3 O 011048) 00:1 26264 0 0.147308 0 0 00.168352 o 0.184135 0 0.2 10440 6 0 0.2209620 0 0.252523 7 0 0.257789 00.294616 8 0 0 2946160 00.336705 9 O 0.331443 0 0.378792 0 0.368270 0 0.420880 O 0.405097 0 0.462968 0 0.441924 0 0.505056 13 O 0.478751 0 0.547144 00:515578 0 0.589232 o 0.552405 0 0.631 320 O 0.589232 o 0.673408 o 0.626059 00.715496 O 0.662886 0 0.757584 0 0.699713 0 0 799672 lib. 1 0 0.736540 0 0.841760 2 O 01.47308 o 1.68352 3 0 2.20962 02.525 8 O 2.94616 03:36704 5 0 3.68270 0 1 0.208 30 6 I 0.41924 o 11.05056 7 11.15578 1 1.89232 8 I 1,89232 1 2.73408 I 2.62886 0 I 3.57584 I 3.36540 2 0.41760 32.7308 04 0.8352 5 2.0962 o 6 182528 7 1.4616 081.6704 9 0.8270 0 10 2.0880 O II 0,1924 O 2.5096 03-5578 2 2.9232 2 2.9232 4 3.3408 goo 4 2.2886 19 0.1760 30 3:308 36 0.352 360 47 0.952 5 30.528 400 É 1 2,616 7 0 0.704 500 o 7 8 0.270 o 8 9 0.880 600 0 0 2 1.924 oto 6. 1.056 705) 0 10 8 3.578 o o 123.1.232 800 0 12 34.232 0 1.403 900 13 9 2.8860 159 1.984 1 I O O O O O O O O 1 I I 1 1 6 1.6540 o 15. 40.540 0 1761,760 SIMPLE INTEREST 2 O O O O O O O O O O IO o 0 190 lib. 1 at 4 per Cent. Prin. cipal Mo- 9 Days. Io Days. ney. 1. $ d. q. Parts. 1. s. d.q. Parts. 0 0.047349 o O 0.052610 o 0.09469810 0 0.10522 3 O 0.142047 O 0.15783 4 O 0.189395 0 0.21044 0 0.236745 O 0.26305 6 0 0.284094 o 0.31565 0.0.331443 0 0.36827 8 003787920 0 0.42088 9 0 0.42614110 O O 0.47349 O 0.473490 o 0.52610 O 0.5208390 0 0.57871 0 0.368188 0 0.63132 13 0 0.615537 0.58393 140 o 0.662836 0 0.73654 0 0.710235 0 0.73915 16 0 0 0,757584 o 0.84176 17 o o 0.804933 0 0.89437 18o o 0.852282 0 0.94698 o 0.899631 0 0.99959 o 0.946980 01.05220 0 1.89396 O 2.1044 O 2.84094 0 3.1566 4 0 3.78792 1 0.2088 5 10.73490 1-1.2610 60 I 1.68188 12313 7 1 2.62886 1 3.3654 8 I 3.57584 2. 0.4176 9 2 0.52282 2 1.4698 2 1.46980 2 2.5220 20 4 2.9396 5 1.044 30 7 0.4094 7 3:566 9 1.8792 0 10 2.088 50 o3:3490 60 o 20.8188 3 3.132 70 4 2.2886 6.1.654 80 o 6 3.7584 1 9 0.176 9 1.228 I 11 2.658 100 L11 2.6980 22 1.220 3 I 1.395 o 4 42.44 5 11 0.094 66 6 3.66 400 o 7 10 2.792 8 90. 8 500 0 9 10 1,490 10 10 II 2.19 600 0 11 10 0.188 O 13 13:32 7000 13 9 2.836 0.15 4 0.54 8co o 9 1.584 0 17 6*1.76 9001 o 17 9 0.282 0 19 8.2.98 1000 o 19 8 2980 I 11 0.20 O 3.0 0 O O 40 I 0.610 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O 300 o SIMPLE INTERESI . .. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O IO o O O O at 4 per Cent. Prin. cipal Mo- 11 Days. 12 Days. ney. 1. s. d. q. Parts. In S. d.g. Parts 0 0.05787110 O 0 0.063132 0 0.015742 0 0.126204 3 0 0.1735530 0 0.189396 4 00.2314840 0 0.252528 5 O 0.2893551 0 0.315660 6 0 0.347226 O 0 0.378792 0 0.4050970 O 0.44.1924 8 0 0.462968 0 0.505050 9 0 0.52083910 00:568188 0 0.5787100 0 C-631320 0 0.636581 0 0.694452 o 0.694452 0 0.757584 13 O 0.7523230 0 0.820716 o 0.810194 0.0-883848 O 0.86806 0.094698 16 o 0.9259360 O 1.010II2 17 o 0.9838070 O 1:073241 1810 01.04.1678 0 1,136376 19 0 1.0995490 0 1.199508 lib. I O 1.157420 0 1.262645 2.31484 02.52523 3 0 3 47226 0 3.78792 I 0.62968 I 1.05056 1 1.78710 I 2.31320 6 I 2.94452 1 3.57584 2 0.10194 % 0,83848 8 2 1.25936 2 2.IOII2 9 % 241678 2 3:36376 OO 2 3.574200 3.0.62640 5 3.1484 6 1.2528 8 2.7216 9 1.8792 011 2.2968 0 2.5056 50 2 1.8710 3 3.1320 60 5 1.4452 6 347584 70 8.1.0194 1.Jo 0:3348 80 o III 0.5936 11.01 12 90 2 0.1678 4 1.6376 2. 4 3.7420 17 2.2640 2000 4 9 3.484 5.3 0.528 300 7 2 3.226 7 10 2.792 7 2.968 o 10 6 1056 5000 12 0 27 10 13:320 6000 14 5 2.452 015 9 1.584 7000 16 10 21194 o 18 4 31848 800 0 19 3 1.936 900 8. 1678 3 8 0:376 0 O O 0 O 30 1 1 I 1 O O 2 O O o 400) 0 9 I 14 I 1.420 3 2.640 6 SIMPLE INTEREST at 4 per Cent. s. d. q. Parts. I o RES O O O O O O O O O 1 2 O o 18 lil. 1 2 cipal 14 Days. Mo. 13 Days. ney. 1. S. d. 9. Parts.l... o 0.068393 0 0.073654 0 0.136786) O 0.147308 3 0 0.205179 0 0.220962 O 0.273572 O 0.294616 5 0 0.341965 0 0.368270 6 0 0.410358 O 0.441924 7 o 0.478751 0 0.515578 8 O 0.547144 0 0.589232 0 0.615537 9 o 0.662866 JO 0 0.683930 0 0.73654 IT 0 0.752323 o 0.810194 0 0.8207160 o 0.883848 13 0 0.957502 o 0.889109 14 o 0.957502 o 1.031156 15 o 1.025895 0 1,104810 O 1.09428810 16 o 1.178464 17 0 1.252118 O 1.1626811 0 01.231074 O I.325772 01.299467 O 1.399426 19 0.1.3678600 I 1.473080 0 2.73572 0 2 94616 3 1 0.10358 1041924 4 I 1.47144 I 1.59232 1 2.83930 I 3.36540 5 6 2 0.20716 2 0.83848 2 1.57502 2 2:31156 810 2 2.94288 2 3.78464 3 1.25772 9 3 0.31074 3 1.67860 3 2.73080 10 20 6 3.3572 o 7 1.4616 30 0 10 1.9358 0 11 0.1924 40 12,7144 2 2.9232 1 5 0.3930 6 1.6540 golo I 8 2.0716 I 10 0.3848 70 1 UI 3.7502 I II 3.1156 3 1.4288 0 80 o 5 1.8464 6 3.1074 O 2010 9 0.5772 Iool o 2 TO 0.7860 O 3.3030 200l o 5 8 1.572 0 6 I 2.616 300 o 8 6 2:358 9 2 1.924 400 o Ii 4 3.144 o 12 12 3 1.232 500 0 14 2 3.930 0 15 4 0.540 10.716 o 18 4 3.848 700 O 19 II 1.502 5 32156 1 4 6 2.464 900 l 57 3.074 7 7 1.772 1000 18 5 3.860 1 10 8 1.080 coun N Nahme dhe O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2 - 600 o 17 1 800! I 9 2.288 ? SIMPLE INTEREST at 4 per Cent. d.q. ON ou + O O O O O O O O O O 12 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 17 18 O O cipal Mo- I5 Days. 3 Days, or s Month. ney. 1. Se Parts.l. s. d. 9. Parts. o 0.0789150 O 0.15783 0 0.157830 0 0.31566 3 O 0.2367450 O 0.47349 4 0 0.3156600 0 0.6313* O 0:3945750 0 0.78915 6 0.473490 0 0.94698 00:552405 O 0.10481 O 631320 0 1.26264 9 0 0.770235 O O 1.42047 IO 0 0.7891500 0 0 1.57830 O 0.86806510 O 1.73613 0 0.9469800 O 1.89396 13 0 1.0298950 02.05179 0 1 1048100 0 2.2096 IS o 1.183725 o 2 36743 o 1.262640 0.1*3415550 0 2.68311 O 1.420470 O 2.84094 19 01.4993850 O 2.99877 lib. I O 1.578300 03.15660 0 3.1566 2.3132 1 0.7349 2 1.4698 4 1 2.3132 3 0.6264 1 3.8915 0 3 3.7830 6. 21.4698 o 4 2.9396 23.0481 0 5 2.0962 8 3 0.6264 06:1.2528 9 3.2.2047 on 0.4094 3 3.7830 10 7 3.5660 1 3 3.132 081*3.349 I 11 2.698 3 3.132 77 2.264 7 2915 3 3 1.830 1 i 2,698 3 II 1.396 70 3 2.480 2 7 2,264 go 2 H 2.047 5.11 0.094 100 6 6 3.6607 200 6 6 3.66 13.32 9 to 1.49 19 3.32 6 2 64 0 16 5 1,15 I *3 10 3.30 600 8 2.98 I 1951.96 1.62 8ool 1 6 2 12 1.28 900 9 7 7 0.47 2 0.94 0 7 3.566 300 0 50 бо о. 2 7 0.962 5 3 0.528 3 3 1.830 o 3co O 13 1 o 19 0 0.81 o 2.64 1000 12 10 2.30 5 9 0,60 SIMPLE INTERESI 0 310 O O O O O O O 50 0 O O O 0 0000 200 at 4 per Cent. Prin- cipal Mo. 2 ſuch Months. 3 Months. ney. la s. d.g. Parts. I Parts. hs. d.g. 4. d.q. Part $. 10 0 0 0.31566 O 0.47349 20 o 0.63132 o 0.94698 0 0.916980 O 1.42047 00410 O 1.26254 0 1.89396 O 1.57830 O 2.36745 O O O 1.89396 O 2.84094 lo 0 0 0 2 20962 o 3.31443 O O O 2.52528 | O 3.78792 910 10 0 2.84094 1 0.26141 1010 00 3.15060 I 0.73490 aloo 0 3.47226 1 1.20839 12 O o 3.78792 I 1.68188 1310 I 0.10358 I 2.15537 14 0 1 041924 I 2.62886 1510 1 0.73490 1 3.10235 160 I 1.050560 I 3.57584 170 0 I 1.36622 2 0 04933 18 I 1.68188 2 O 52282 1910 1 1.99754 2 0.99631 lib, Ilo I 2.31320 2 1.46980 3 0,5264 4 2.9396 4 2.9396 7 0.4094 6 1.2528 9 1.8792 7 3.5660 O II 3.3490 6 o 9 1.8792 2 0.8188 710 O 11 0.1924 4 2.2885 80 0 2.5056 6 3.7584 910 2 0.8188 9 1.2282 1010 133.1320 L 2.6980 03. II 1.396 300 3 11 1 396 511 0.094 400 5 3 0.528 7 JO 2.792 Solo 6 6 660 9 10 1.490 7 to 2.792 O11 10 0.188 7010 9 2 1.924 9 13 9 2.886 800 10 6 1.056 0 15 9 1.584 900 11 TO O 188 0 17 9 0.282 100 0 13 1 3.320 0 19 8 2.980 6 19 300 19 5 1.96 2 19 2 0.94 4.00 2 12 7 1.28 3 18 10 3.92 500 3 5 9 0.60 4 18 7 2.90 60013 18 10 3.92 5 18 4 1.88 70014 12 O 3.24 16 18 1 0.86 2 2.56 7 17 9 3.84 8 17 6 2.82 100016 11 6 i 20 9 17 3 1.80 O O O o 0 210 O 5 1 0 I I 1 1 . 200 7 2.264 O 60o 5 1.96 800; 900 & 18 4 1.88 A a a SIMPLE INTEREST 2 O 17 o 78 at 4 per Cent. irin. cipal Mo. 14 Months 5 Months. ney. 4.S. d. g. Parns. I s, d. 9. Paris. $. 70.00 0.63732 o 0.63132ooo 0.78915 o 1.26264 | 0 0 0 1.57830 31 o o O 1.893960 OO 2.36745 0 2 52528|oo0 3.15660 0 3.15660 0 0 0 3.94575 3.787920 o I 0.73490 01 0.43924 0 I 1.52405 8 o 1 1.0505610 o 1 2.31320 9 I 1.681880 O I 3.10235 12.31320 0 1 3.89150 1 2.94452 0 2 0.68065 0 1 3.57584 2 1.46980 13 2 0.207160 Z 225895 141 O 2 0.83848 | 0 0 2 3.04810 15 2 1.46980 12 3.83725 16 2 2.10112 003 0.62640 2 2.73244 o 3 1.41555 2 3.363760 3 2.20470 2 3.9950890 O" 3 2.99385 lib, o 3 0.62640 | 023 3.78300 6 1.2528 oliny 3.566 3 o 9 1.8792 O *1 3.349 4 0 2.5056 3 3.132 1 3 3.1320 I 7 2.915 I 6 3.7584 0 I 1 1.698 7 1 to 0.3848 12 3 7.481 8 O2 12.01 12 27 2 264 O2 4 1.6376 2 I 2,047 100 7 2.2640 3 1.830 6 6 shiny 10 2.792 9 401 to 6. 1.056 0 13 500 13 3.320 16 5 1,15 co 15 9 1.584 0 19 8 2.98 of 0 18 4 3 848 3 80 1 0 2 112 90 3 8.0.376 9 7 0.47 100 1 6 3 2,640 0 12 10 2 30% 2002 12 7 1.28 59 0.6 300 3 18 10 3.92 4 7 2.9 400 55% 2.56 . 1.2 6 1.20 | 8 4 4 3.5 6oc 7 17 9 3.84 70ct 94 2.48 DI 10 Bocfio 105 1.12 13 3 o 2.4 90 16 8 3.76 14 15 I am 2 I * 5 3.0.528 3,66 301 o o 1.49 I 0,81 3 2,64 500 6 11 9 173 1.8 1000|13 3 0 2.40 SIMPLE INTEREST O O 2 O O O O 3.13 O O O 4 Prin. cipal Mo 6 Months, 7 Months. ney. d.q. Parts. 1. d.g. Parts. . 0 0.9469810 01.10481 0 1.893960 0 2.20962 0 2.84094 o 03.31443 0 0 3.78792 1 0.41924 5 10.73490 11.52405 6 11.68188 I 2.62886 7 I 2.62886 1 3.73307 8100 13.57584 2 0.83848 9 2 0.52282 2 1.94329 11o 2 1.46980 2 3.04810 2.2.41678 30.15291 23.36376 3 1.2 5772 30-31074 3 2.36253 14 3 1.25772 3 3.46734 ISO 0 3.2.20470 4 0.57215 16 o 3 3.15168 4 1.67696 17o 4 0.09866 4 2.78177 18 0 0 4.1.04564 4 3.88658 190 o 41.99262 5 0.99139 lib. Ioo4 o o 4.2.93960 5 2.09620 2oo9 1.8792 O 11 0.1924 I 2 0.8188 O I 6 3.7584 I 10 0.3848 I 11 2.6980 2 3 2.4810 6 4 1.6376 9 0.5772 2 9 0.5772 3 2 2.6734. 8 1 3:5168 3 6 2.4564 I 2.8658 IO O 3 11 113960 4 7 0.9620 7 10 2.792 9 2 1.924 On jo 0.188 I3 9 2.886 40 O 15 91.584 18 4 3.848 50 1 0 19 8.2.980 3 O 0.810 60 01 8 0.376 I 3 7 7 1.772 177 1.772 6 I it 6 3.168 90115 60.564 I 5 0.658 100 I 1951.960 6 o 1.620 200 3 18 10 3.92 4 12 300 5 184.1.88 6 18 1 0.86 4007 17 17 9 3.84 9 4 I 2.48 500 | 917 31.80 II 10 20.10 690.11 16 8 3.76 700.13 1621.72 800.15 15 7 -3 68 18 8 3 0.96 900 (17 151 1 1.64 20 14 3 2.58 1000 19 14 6 3.60 23 O 4 0,20 1 4 2.2886 2 8 0.7696 3 20 0 300 70 I 12 2 2.734 O 3.24 13 16 2 1.72 2 2 3.34 16 A a a 2 SIMPLE INTEREST 4,1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 10 11 12 O 15 16 O 700 18 8 3 °96 at 4 per Cent. cipal Mo. 8 Months. 9 Months. ney. 1. s. d.ge Parts. I. d. q. Parti. 01.26264 01.42047 o 2.525281 O 02.84094 3 O 0 3.78792 1 0 26141 I 1.05056 0.1 1.68188 5 I 2.313200 1 3.10235 6 I 3.57584 2 0.52282 % 0.83848 21.94329 8 2 2.10112 23-36376 9 2 336376 3 0.78423 3 0.62640 3 2.20470 3 1188904 033.67$!7 3.3.15168) o 0.41.0 564 13 o 4 0.41432 Q 4 2.46611 14 4 1.67696) o 04 3.88658 0 4 2.93960 5 1.30705 5 0.202240 5 2.72752 17 5 1.46488 006: 6.0.14799 5 2,727520 6 156846 19 $ 3.99016 0 0 6 a 98893 lib. I 6 1.252800 o 70.40940 0 2.5056 2 0,8188 3 6 3.7584 I 9 1,2282 4 I 1.0112 4 1.6376 5 7 2.2640 1 11 2.0470 6 3 1 3.5168 o 3 3 6.2.4564 7 3 8 0.7696 4 1 2.8658 8 4 2 2.0224 4 9 4 8 3.2752 5 3 3 6846 5 3 0.5280 5 II 0.0940 o 10 6 1.056 0 11 10 0,183 300 15 9 1.584 o 17 9.0.282 40 02.112 3 8 0:376 6 3 2.640 I 9 7 0,4 60 115 6 0.564 70 I 16 9 3.696 I 50.658 I 0.324 74 0.752 go? 7 4 0.752 2 133 0.846 12 1.280 2 19 2 0.940 2005 5 2 2.56 $ 184 188 300 17 9 3.84 8 176 2.82 400 10 10 far 16 8 3.76 50013 3 0 2.40 14 IS II 0.70 600 15 15 7 3,68 17 15 1 1.64 20 14 3 2.58 8oozi 0 10 2.24 123 13 5 3.52 900 23 13 5 3.52 26 12 8 0.46 8 2 2 O O O O O онялды ырчнооооо o 8 3.2752 10 O 50 o 3.168 5 1.12 1000/26 10.80 29 11 Jo 1.40 SIMPLE VINTEREST at 4 per Cent, O 0 O CON ve HN O O O O O O O O 3 0.6264 10 12 0 15 lib. 1 O 7 3.5660 2 cipal 1 Months, tot 330 MO 10 Months. Days. ney. I, s. d. q. Parts ... d. 9. Parts. o 1.57830 1.73613 0 3,1566 0 3.47226 3 I 017349 1 1.208 39 4 1 2.3132 I 2.94452 5 I 3,89150 0.68065 6 2 1.4698 2.41678 2 3.0481 30.15291 3 1.88904 9 3 212047 03 3.62517 3 3.7830 4 1.36130 4 163613 4 3.09743 4 2.9396 5 0.83356 13 5 0.5179 5 2•56969 14 5 2.0962 6 0:30582 5 3.6745 6 2 04195 16 6 1.2928 06 3.79808 17 6 2.8311 7 1.51421 18 7 0.4094 7 3.25034 1910 7 1.9877 8 o 98647 8 2.72260 I 3 3.132 5 1.4452 31 O I ji 2.698 0262 0.1678 4 o 72.264 2 10 2.8904 5 371.6130 6 3 II 1:396 04+4 0.3356 7 o 4 7 0.9624 10 5 2 0 3.0582 8 5 3 0.5281 5.9 1.7808 9 o 51 0.094 * 6 6 0.5034 6 6 3.6602 7 0 13 1 3.32 TO 14 52.452 30 o 19 8 2.98 118 1.678 40 1 6 3 2.64 18 11 0.904 50 1 12 10 2.30 1 16 210 130 60 I 19 5 1.96 12° 3 4 31356 701 2 6 6 o 1.62 0 210012.582 go 2 12 7 1.28 112.17 10 21 808 902 19 2 0.94 | 3°S 1034 1001 3 5 9 0.60 3 12 4.0, 260 200 6 11 7.40 8 0.52 300 9 17 3 1.8 10 17.00.78 40013 3 0 2.4 14 9 4 1.04 3.0 18 19 600 19 14 6 36 21 149 0 3:56 70023 O 4 0.2 156) 4 1.82 8:0|26 6 28 18 8 208 900/29 11 10 1.4 32 ID 0-2.34 100032 17 7 2,0 36 30 4 2,60 2 o 3. 3 1.830 10 2 3.2260 20 6 1.2 8 50016 g 1.30 I 0.8 SIMPLEVINTEREST or 365 Days. a at 4 per Ceng. Prin. cipal 12 Months of Year, Mo. ney. d. Parts. 1.920265 0 3.840531 1 1.76079 1 3.68105 1.60131 6 2 3.52157 3 1:441832 33-36209 04 1.28235 10 4 3. 2czbor 5 1.12786 5 3.04312 6 0.96338 14 6 2.88364 IS 7 0.80390 7 2.72416 8 0.644424 18 8 2.56468 19 9 0.48494 9 2.40520 O I 7 0.8104 2* 4 3 2156 2 1.6208 0.0260 6 9 7:4314 7 0.8364 4 3*2416 * 22.646870 2 } 800.0520 16 to 0.104 I84 4 O 0 0.156 12. 0 0.208 50 07:00,260 60 8 o 0.312 70 2 2013074 0 0.416 8* 90 312 O 0.468 voo|4 0.100. 200 8 w 10 o 20 0 0 O O O O 300 12 440116 500 10 01 oo. 600 24o 2010 700 28 0 0.0 0.10 O O o 800 32 990 136 1030 40 TABLE VI. Of SIMPLE INTEREH at per Cent. from 1 s. to 1000l. and from 1 Day to a Year. cipal sti I Days. 2 Days. $ Prin Mo. neya 10,00 7 Parts. I 3.1 8 * ID 19 d 0 0,006576 0.013:52 O 0:019728 0 0.026304 0932889 0939456 O 0046032 0.032608 O 0,059184 065760 0,072336 0,078912 0,085488 0,092064 0.098646 O, 105216 0111792 0.118368 0124944 0131520 0 26304 O‘39456 52608 0-65760 0*78912 0.92064 O 1.05215 1•18368 0-31520 3.6304 0 3.9456 1 1.2608 3.5769 3.8912 2 1.2064 2 2.5216 2 3.8368 3 1•1520 115. I d. 9. Paris, o 0.013152 0.026304) 0.9394561 0.052608 0.065760 0-078912 0.092064 0:105216 0.118368 0.1315201 0.144672 0.152824 0.170976 0.184128 0.197280 0.2104321 0.2235841 0.236736 0.249888 8. 203040 0.52608 0.789 12 1.05216 1.31520 1.57824 1.84128 2. 10432 2.36736 2.6304 1.2608 1 3.8912 2.5216 3 1.1520 3.7824 4 2.4128 7.0432 5 3.6736 6 2.3040 0.608 7.2.912 2 1.216 8. 3.520 3 6 o I 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 600 70 80 90 100 200 300 o 400 O soo o 6 2.304 2 600 o 1.824 o 9 3.456 I I 0.608 I 4 1.760 1 7 2.912 I 11 0.064 2 1.216 $ 2:368 8 3.520 3 3.10 0.1 28 8ool o 70019 90616 10000 O o 4. 4 2.432 4 11 0736 5 5-3.040 SIMPLE INTEREST osat 5 per Cent. Prio. cipal 3 Days. 4 Days. ney. O 0.210432 20 6 0.289.44 12 ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο O O O O O 2.10432 1. s. d. q. Parts. 9. Parts. ?: s. d. 9. Paris. 0 0.019728) o 0 0.026304 ° 0 939456 0 0.052608 0.059184 0 0.078912 19 0.0789121 0.105216 0.0986400 0.131520 0.1183681 6 0.157824 0.138496 O 0.184128 0.157824 0.177552 0*236736 0.197280 0.263-40 0.2170080 0.236736 o 0.315648 o 0.256464 0.341952 0.276192 60.368256 0.295920 0.39436 16 0.315648 0.420864 0.335376 0.447168 0.355104 o 0.473472 19 0.3748 321 6:499776 lil. 394 60 0 0.526080 0.78912 o 1.05216 1.18268 01 57824 0 1.57824 o 1.97280 02.63€40 0 236736 o 3:15648 2.76292 o 1.68456 o 3.15648 1 0.20864 3.55104 I 0.73472 3.94560 1 1.26080 1 3.8912 2 2.5216 30 3.8368 3 3.7824 3 3.7824 5 1.0432 4 3.7280 $ 3.6736 o 7 3.5648 70 6 3.6192 9 0.8256 8ol o 7 3.5648 o 1o 2.0864 90 0 8 3.5104 0 11 3.3472 loo 9 3.4560 10.6080 200 7 21912 2 1.316 300 5 2.368 3 3. 1.824 400 3 3 1.824 4 4 2.432 5001 11.280 5 5 3.040 600 4 II 0.736 3.648 ពុំ 700 o 5 9 0.192 8 0.256 8co 6 3.648 8 9 0.864 900 4 3.104 9 10 1.472 O O O O 10 201 40 O O O O O O O Sol 6 2.3040 601 o 6 SO 1000 8 2 2.560 0 Jo 11 2,080 SIMPLE INTEREST at 5 per Cent. 6 Days. d.a. O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 1610 O lib. 1 2 0 Prin- cipal Mo- 5 Days. ney. . s, d. 9. Parts, I. Parts. $. Io 0 0.03288 0 0.0394-56 2 210 0 0.0657610 O 0.078912 3 0 0.098640 O 00.118368 0 0.13152 0 0.157824 5 0 0.164400 O 0.197280 6 0 0.1978 0 0.236736 O 0.23016 0 0 0.276192 80 0 0.26304 o 0.31564.3 o 0129592 00.353) ! Om 10 0 0.32880 0.394560 II10 0 0.36168 O 0.434016 1210 0 0.39456 0.473472 13 0 0.42744 00:512928 14 0 0.46032 0 0.552384 O 15 0 0.49320 o 0.591840 0 0.52008 0.0631296 17 o 0.55896 o 0.670752 1810 o 0.59184 O 0.710208 19 o 0.62472 0 0.749664 0 0.65760 O 0.789120 01.3152 0 1.57824 O 1.9728 O 2.36736 0 2.6304 O 3.15648 0 3.2880 0 3.94560 O 3.9456 1 0.73472 1 0.6032 I 1.52384 810 I 1.2608 1 2.31296 9 I 1.9184 I 3.10208 1010 I 2.5760 1 3.89120 20 3 1.152 3 3.7824 30 5 3.6736 6.2.304 7 3:5648 50 0 8 0.880 o 9 3,4560 60 9 3.456 O II 3.3472 O II 2.032 I 3.2384 800 1 I 0.608 3 3.1296 90 2 3.184 1 5 3.0208 100 I 4.1.760 I 7 2.9120 200 o 3 3 1.824 300 I 1.28 4 11 0.736 4.00 5 5 304 0 6 6 3.643 Soo19 6 10 0.85 o 8 2 2.569 600 | 8 2 2.56 o 9 10 1.472 700 97 0.32 o 11 6 0.384 Boo O TO IT 2.08 O 13 13 1 3.295 900 0 12 3 3.84 0 14 9'2.208 10000 13 8 1.60 16 S 1.120 oooon auawp O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 4 3.728 400 70/0 1 8 3.52 o 4 o O B bb SIMPLE INTEREST 8 Days. 1. $. 0 o o I 13 15. o 17/10 * at 5 per Cent. cipal Mo. 7 Days, hey s. d. g. Parts. las, d. q. Parts. Q 0.0460320 0 0.052608 O o 0920640 0 0.109210 O 0.138096 0 0.157224 4 o 0.184128 0 0.210432 5 0 0.230160 0 0.263040 6 o 0.276192 00-315648 O 0.322224 @ 0,3682 56 0.0.368256 0 0 0.4.20364 O O 0.414288 0 O 0'473472 O 0.4603200 00-546030 0 0.5063520 00-578688 Q 0.55238410 0 0.631296 0 0.598416 0 0.683904 0 0.644448) o 0 0.736512 0 0.690480 o 0 0.789120 0 0.7365120 0 0841728 0 0.7825440 o 0.894336 180 0 0.8285760 o o 0.946944 19 o 0.874608 0 0.999552 lib. 1 o o 920640 0 1.052160 o 1.84128 0 2.10432 O 2.76192 0 3415648 4 0 3.68256 i Oi20864 5 I 0.60320 II 26080 1 1.52384 12 3 1296 2 1 2.42448 12-36312 1 3-36512 20141728 2 0.28576 2 1.46944 2 1.20640 2 2.52100 4 2.4128 51,0437 6 3.6192 9 0.8236 OJO 2.0864 50 O II 2 0320 1 06080 1 3.2384 0 4 0.4448 1,6512 Solo 6 1.6512 I 90x1728 1 11 2.6944 I 11 0,0640 2 1,2160 2001 0 3 10 0,128 0 4 4 2.4 2 3000 5: 9 c.192 6 6 3.648 400 7 8 0.256 8 8 9 0.864 9 7 0:310 O 10 11 2.080 600 16 0:384 0 13 13.296 700 o 13 5 0.448 0 15 4 0.51 800 0 15 4 0.512 Q. 17 6 1.708 8 920 0 27 3 0.576 8 2.944 OOOO O O 6 O O O O O O O O O O O OO Onun O O O O O 10 20 O ооооо 200000 7 3.5648 40 o 1 3 3. 1296 I 1 90 o O O O O O o 0 19 1000 0 19 2 0.640 I INI 0.160 SIMPLE INTEREST at 5 per Cent. 7. Parts 2 O 12 O 16 O O 9/ O Prin. cipal Mo. 9 Days. 10 Days. ney. 1. d 9. Parti. d . o 00.059184 0.0 0 0.065760 o 00:118368 O 0.13152 3 00:177552 O 0.19728 4 00:236736 0 0.26304 O 0.29 5920 0 0.32880 6 00.355104 0 0.39456 7 00.414.288 0 0.46032 00:473472 0 0.52608 9 0 00532656 0 0.59184 0 0 591840 0 0.65760 0 0.651024 0 0.72335 0 0.7102080 0 0.78912 13 o 00:7693920 o 0.85488 14 o 0.8285760 0 0.92064 15 0 0.8877600 o 098640 0 0 0 0.946944/ O 1.05216 17 O11006128) o 01.11792 1 0 0 0 1.055312 O 1.18363 0 1.1244960 O 1.24944 lib. 1 o 01.18 36800 O 1.31520 0 2.36736 02.6304 3 0.3.55104 0 3.9456 4 1 0.73472 I 1.2608 I 1.91840 I 2,5760 6 I 3.10208 I 3.8912 2 0.28576 2 1.2064 8 2 1.46944 2 2.5216 2 2.65312 2 3.8363 3.836800 3 1.1520 5 3.6736 6 2.304 8 3.5104 9 3.456 401 o O II 3.3472 I 0.608 50 o 2 3.184.0 60 0 1 53.0208 7 2.912 8 2.8576 III 0.064 Solo 1 11 2.6944 2 1.216 golo 2 2.5312 2 5 2.368 Jool o 5.2.3680 2000 4 11 0.736 | 0 5 5 3.04 300 o 7.4 3.104 8 2 2.56 400 o 9 10 1.472 10 11 2.08 500 O 12 3 3.810 8 1.60 600 o 14 9 2.208 0 16 5 1.12 700 o 17 0 19 2 0.64 8ool o 19 8 2 944 I 11 0.16 900 I 2 2 1.312 1 4 7 3.68 1000 14 7 3.680 7 4 3.20 O O O 2 O 10 o 2010 30 o 0 I I I 4 1.760 O 1 I 70 0 0 8 3.520 0 13 3 0.576 Å Bbb 2 SIMPLE INTEREST 4 at 5 per Cent. 31 Days. 12 Days. ney. 1 0 0 0 10. O 12 o O O 0 0 0 0 31 o I. d. q. Parts: 1 d. 9. Parts. 0 0.072336 0 0 0.078912 O 0.144672 O 0.157824 0 0.217008 O 0.236736 0 0.289344 o 0.315648 5 0 0.361680 o 0.394;60 61 o O 0.434016 O 0.473472 7 0 0.506352 o 0.552384 8 0 0 578688 0 o 0.631296 0 0.651024 0 0.710208 O 0.7233600 0 0.789120 0 0.795696 o 0.868032 o 0.868032 o 0.946941 13 0 0.940368 o 1:025854 1410 o 10127040 O TIC4768 01.085040 o 1.18368 01.157376 0 o 1.262592 17 o 1.229712 01.341504 181 0 o 0 11302048) o O 1.4204.10 19 01.3743840 0 1 499328 01.446720 0 1«578240 0 2 89344 0 O 3.15648 1 0.34016 I 073472 I 1.78688 I 2:31290 1 3.23360 I 3.89120 2 0.68032 2 1.46944 22. 12704 2 3.04768 81 o 3.57376 0 3 0,62592 3 1.02048 3 2.70416 3 2.467200 3 3.78240 70 9344 30 O IO 3.4016 O II 3 3472 40 o 2 1.8688 6 0.3360 7 2 9720 1 9 2 8032 1 11 2.6944 90 o 1 1.2704 2 4 3-7376 2 7 2 2 592 2 * 2.2048 Q 2 II 2.04.16 o 0.6720 3' 31.8240 200 6 01.344 0 6 6 3.648 9 0 2.016 o 9 to 1 472 400 O 12 O 2,688 0 13 13.296 soojong 03-360 16 5 1.120 6001 o 18 1 0.032 o 19 8 2.944 I 0.704 0.768 sod 14. 11.376 6 3 2.592 900 7 12.048 1970.426 O o O O O OOO O O O O O O O Onon 910 10 o 20 o O 7 3.5648 o 3 3.1296 O 50 32-47-8 goo 300 o 7001 17 10có 1 10 I 2.720 SIMPLE INTEREST Mo. 810 O O O O O O 160 1810 at 5 per Cent. Prin cipal 13 Days. 14 Days. ney. I. s. d. q. Parts. 1. I. s. d. g. Parts, 0 0.085488 0 0 0.092064 O 0 0.1709760 O 0.184128 0 0.256464 0 O 0.276192 O 0.341952 0 0.368256 5 00427440 o 0.460320 6 oo 5129280 0 0.552384 0 0.598416 o 0.644448 0 0.68 39040 0 0.736512 0 0.769392 O o o 0.828576 1000 o 0.854880 O o o 0.920640 0 0.9403680 o 1.012704 01:025856 o 1.104763 13 o OL111344 o 1.196832 14 o 1,196832 o 1.288896 ISO o 1:282320 o 1.380960 O 1.367808 o O 1.473024 o o 14532960 o 1.565088 1,5387840 o 1.657152 190 o 1.624272 | 0 o 1.749216 "lib, 1 0 0 1.709760 o 1.841280 o 3.41952 0 3.68256 3 I 112928 1 1.92384 4 0 1 2 83904 I 3.36512 5 2 0.54880 2 1.20640 6 2 2125836 2 3.04768 23.96832 3 0.88896 3 667808 3 2.74024 9 3 3,38784 o 4 0.57152 Iolo 4 1,09760 o 4 2.41280 o 8.2.1952 0 9 0.8256 30 0 3.2928 1 3.2384 40 5 0.3904 I 6 1.6512 50 9 1.4880 I u 0,0640 60 1 25856 2 3 2.4768 5 3.6832 28 0.8896 solo 2 10 0.7808 O 3 O 3.3024 3 2 1.8784 3 5 17192 100 o 3 6 2.9760 3 10 0.12801 2007 o 7 I 1.952 8 0.256 300 OIO 8 0.928 out 6 0.384 4000 14 2 3.904 JO 15 4 0.912 5001 o 17 9 2 880 O 19 20.640 600 1 1 4 1.856 I 3 o 0.768 700 1 4 11 0.832 Jo 6 10 0.896 8col r8 5 3.808 | 1 10 8 10240 90o 12 ở 2.784 1 14 14 6 1152 1000 1 15 7 1.760 1 18 4 1.280. ! O O O O 0 o O O O O O O O O O O O O O мноооооооооооо O O O O o 20 I I 1 O 2 O O O O O O 701 90 o 0 SIMPLE INTEREST :- :: I O O O O O v om 9 4.IO 0 at 5 per Cent. Prin. cipal 30 Days, or Mo. 15 Days. 1 Mooth, ney. so deg. Parts I. 'so doq.Parts. o 0.0986400 o Q.197280 O 0.19728 0 0.39456 3 O 0.29592 00:59184 4 00.39456 0 0.78912 0 0.49320 0.98640 6 o 00.59184 1.18368 o o 0.69048 o 1.38096 8 0 0.78912 0 1,57824 o 0.88776 o 1.77552 o o 0.98640 o 1.97280 O 1.08504 o 2.17008 0 1.18368 o 2.36736 13o o 01.28232 2.56464 14 0 1.38096 2.76192 danie to 15 0 0 1.47960 O2.95920 26 o O 1.57824 0 3.15648 01.67688 0 3.35376 18 01.77552 o o 3.55104 19 0 1.87416 0 3.74832 lib. Io 01.97280 0 3 94560 o 0 3.9456 1 3,8912 3 I 1.9184 I 3.8912 2 1.8640 6 (23.8368 0 3 1.8096 6 3.6192 8 3 3.7824 4 1.7552 8 3.9104 0 4 3.7280 20 9 3.456 0 19 2.912 30 23.184 I 9 2.368 40 I7 2.912 2 3 1.824 50 0 2.640 60 2 5 2.368 4 11 0.736 70 2 10 2.096 59 0.192 80 3 3 1.824 6 6 3,648 03 8 1.552 7 4 3.104 100 | O * I 1.280 2 2.560 2000 1 2.56 o 16 5 112 300 3 3.84 4 7 3.68 400 0 26 5 1.12 I 12 10 2.24 500 1 0.80 600 I 4 7 3.68 9 3 3:36 700 & 90.96 227 6 1,9% 800 1 19 10 2324 3 5 9 0:48 goo 11 26 1 3.52 3 13 11 304 O O O O O O O 3 3 8368 4 3.7824 4 3.7280 5 3.6736 OON am AGON O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O oo-p u'ю рә рячоооооооооооооооо 73,3648 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 9 3.4560 31 11.280 900 . 6 2.40 100Q 2 1 0.80 60 SIMPLE INTEREST 9. Parts. 2 O OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O at 5 per Cent. Prin- cipal Mo. ſuch Months. 3 Months. ney. 1. $. d.9. Parts. 14 d. O 0.39456000000.591840 o 0.78912 001.18368 3 O 1.18368 0.0 01.77552 0 1.57824 | 02:36/36 0 1.972800 o 02.95920 0 2.367360 o o 03-55104 0 2.76192 01 0.14288 0 3.15648000 I 0.73472 9 0 355104 oon I 1.32656 0 3.94560 of oo 11.91840 10.34016 I 2.51024 12 I 0.73472 I 3.10208 13 I [112928 1 3.69392 I 1.52384 2 0.28576 I 1.91840 0 2 0.87760 I 2.3129600 1.46944 I 2.70752 0) 22.06128 28 Oo I 3.102080 232,65312 1 3.496640 0% 3.24496 Ib. I x 3.89120 | 0 o 23.83680 0 3 3.7824 0 5 3.6736 3 05 3.6736 0 73.5648 011 3 3472 o 9 3.4560 to 2 3.1840 O II 3.3472 01 5 3.0208 13.2384 1 8.2 8576 8 13-3, 1296 1 il 2.6944 9 I 5 3 0208022 2.5312 10 7 2.9120 2 52.3680 0.3 3 1.824 04.110.736 4 11 0.736 07. 4 3.104 0 6 6 3.648 o 9 10 1.472 o 8 8 2 2.560 0 12 3 3.840 60 | 0 9.10 1.472, o 14 g 2,208 70 OD 60.384 o 17 30.576 800 13 13.296 | o 19 8 2.944 900 14 9 2.208 2 1.312 100 o 16% o 16 5 1.120 1 4 7 3.680 I 12 10 2.24 29 33-36 300 2 9 3 3.36 3 13 II 3.04 400 3 5 9 0.48 4 18 7 2.72 500 4 2 2 1.60 6 3 3 2.40 600 4 18) 7 2.727 7 11 2,08 7005 15 o 3.84 6 8 12 7 1.76 Sooő 116 60.969 17 3 1.44 90077 11 2.08,111 T IT 1.12 1000 8 4 4 3.20 12 6 7 0.80 19 O O out w N O 001 8 3.510 1 I o o SIMPLE INTEREST itxi 4 Months. O O O O O O 141 o O :: O 300 4 18 7 2.72 at 5 per Cent. Prin- cipal Mo- 5 Months. 1. s. d. 9. Parts. 9. Parts.l. s. d. s. d. g. Parts. 000 0.78912 o 0.98640 00001457824 01.9728 3 0 2.367360 O-9592 0 3.15648 0 3.9456 5 0.3.945601 I 0.9320 6 1 04734720 I 1.9184 0 I 11523840 I 2.9048 8 1 2 31296 0 0 13.8912 0 I 3 10208 0.2 0.8776 IO O O. 1 3.89120 2 1.8640 02 0.68032 2 2.8504 0 0% 1.46944 2 3.8368 13 o 0 2 2.25856 3 0.8232 2 3104768 3 1 8096 15) o 23.83680 3 2.7960 16 0 3 0:62592 3 3.7824 17 O o 0 3.1.41504 0 4 0.7688 1800 3.2.20416 04 1.7552 190 0 3.26993280 4 2.7416 03:3.782400 4 3.7280 a 7.3 5648 09. 3.456 o O11 3.3472 I 2 3.184 40 1 3 3.1296 of 7 1.912 5 O 7 2.9120 0 2.640 61 o 1 11 2.6944 25 2.368 23.2.4768 2 10 2,996 8 02 7-2.25920 3 3 11824 2 11 2.0416 37 100 3 3 1.8240 4 1. 1280 6 6 3.648 O 8 % 2.56 goo 9 9 10 1.472 0 12 3 318+ 40 0 13 13:296 o 16. 5 1.12 901 16 15 1.120 11 6 2.40 60 a 19 19 8 2.944 14 7 3168 7011 3 00.768 I 8.19 0.96 801163.2 592 I 12 10 2.24 901 9 70.416 16 11 3.52 100 | 1 12 10.2.240 2 1 0,2o 2003 $ 90.48 4:22116 63 36214 400 6 u 6 11 6 0,96 8 500 8 4 4 3.20 10 56 0.0 600 g. 17 3 1.44 6. TOỘai 10 = 13.68 8 1.6 168 900|14 15 1t 0.16 18:19 10 312 1000 16 å g 2.40 30 IL 0 O I O 910 O 8 1.552 0 0.8 9 2.4 3 | 20 11 0 0.0 SIMPLE INTEREST at 5 per Cent. O O 2 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 15 O 0 O 0 I Prin- cipal Mo. 6 Months. 7 Months. ney, s. d.q. Parts. 1. s. d.g. Paris. 0 1.183680 o 1.38096 0 2.36736 0 2.76192 3 0.3.55104 1 0.14288 4 1 0.73472 1 1.52384 1 1.91840 I 2.90480 I 3.10208 2 0.28576 2 0 28576 2 1.66572 2 1.46.44 2 3.04768 9 2 2.65312 3 0.42864 IO 2 3.83680 3 1.80960 3 1.020480 3 3.19056 12 3 2.20416 4 0.57152 13 3 3:38784 4 1.95248 14 O4 0.57152 4 3.33344 o 4 1.75520 5 071440 16 o 4 2.93888 5 2 09536 17 o 5 0.12256 5 3.47632 18 5 1.30624 6 0.85728 19 0 52.48992 o 6 2.23824 lib. I o 5 3.67360 06 3.61920 2 O 11 3-3472 I 3.2384 I 5 3.0208 8 2.8576 4 Í 11 2.6944 3 2.4768 5 2 2. 5 2.3680 2 10 2.0960 2 11 2.0416 3 5 1.7152 3 5 1.7152 O 4 0 1.3344 8 3 11 1.3883 o 4 7 0.9536 9 0 4 5 1.0624 5 2 0.5728 10 4.11 0.7360 5 9 0.1920 20 o 9 10 1 472 O 11 6 0.384 30 0 14 9 2.208 0 17 30.576 40 o 19 8 2.944 1 0 0.768 50 1 60 I 9 7 0.416 I 14 6 1.152 70 I 14 6. 1.152 3 1.344 80 I 19 5 1.888 2 6 o 1.536 go 2 4 4 2 624 2 11 9 1.728 100 2 9 3 3 360 17 6 1 920 200 4 18 7 2.72 5 15 0 3.84 300 7 7 11 2.08 8 127 1.76 400 9 17 3 1.44 11 10 1 3.68 14 78 1.60 600 14 15 11 0.16 17 5 2 3.52 700 17 5 2 3.52 20 9 1.44 800 19 14 6 2.88 23 0 3 3.36 90022 3 3 10 2.24 25 17 to 1,28 1000 24 13 2 1.50 28 15 4 3.20 1 O 2 O 4 7 3.680 9 0.960 50012 6 7 0.80 2 Сcc SIMPLE INTEREST at 5 per Cent. 1. S. O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 2 O 140 o 19 1 2 cipal Mo- 8 Months. 9 Months. bey. de 9 Parts, bons, d. q. Parts: . 0 1.57824 O 1.7755% O 3.15648 O 3:55104 3 1 0.73472 I 1.32656 I 2:31296 1 3.10308 5 I 3.89120 % 0.87760 6 % 1.46944 2 2.65312 2 3.047680 3.9.42864 81 o 30.62592 3 2.29416 9 3 2:20476 3.3.97963 3 3.78240 4 1:75520 4 1.360640 O 4 3.53072 4 2.93888 5 1.30624 13 5051712 5 3,08176 5 2,09536 6 0.85728 5 3.67360 6 2.632 $0 6 1.251841 0 7 0.4.0832 7 6 2.83008 7 2,18384 18 7 0.40832 7 3.95936 7 1.98656 8 1.78488 lib. 7 3.56480 8 3,51040 3 3.1296 5 3.0208 3 I 11 2.6944 225312 72597 2 11 0416 3 3 1.8240 3 S 1.5520 6 3 1 143888 4 5 1.0624 470,9536 5 2 0.5728 8 5 3 0.5184 Š 11 0 0832 91 5 11 0.0832 7 3.5936 6 6.3.6480 4 3.1040 13 1 3.296 0 14 9 2.208 300 19 O 19 8 2.944 2 1.312 I 6 3 2.592 19 7 0,416 50 I 12 10 2240 I 16 II 3.520. 60 1 19 5 1.888 2 4 4 2,624 70 6 O 1.536 807 12 7 1,184 19 0.832 902 19 2 0.832 3 6 6 100 3 59 0.480 13 13 11 3.040 6 0,96 17 7 NI 2'08 300 9 17 3 1:44 I II II2 40043 30 192 50016 8 9 2.40 18 9 10 3.20 600 19 14 6 2.88 122 3 10 2.24 700 23 0 3 3:36 25 17 10 1.28 8c0|26 6 o 3-84 29 II 10 0.33 goof:9 2 10 0,32 133 5 9. 3.30 0.00 OOO 7 O O O O O I 2 O 10 O 40 2 2 9 1.728 3936 14 15 1! 0.16 Tooo? 17 7. o.fo 36 19 9 2.40 SIMPLE INTEREST O O O O O O O O O 10 12 13 0 15 17 6 10 1.23152 at 5 per Cent. Prio cipal 11 Months, or 330 Mo. Jo Months. Days. ney. 1. s, de q, Parts. 1. so d. 9. Parts. o 11972800 6 2.17008 0 3.9456 1 0.34016 3 1 1.9184 I 2.51024 4 1 3.8912 2.0.68032 5 2 1.8640 2 2.89040 6 2 3 8368 3.1.02048 7 3 1.8096 3 3.19056 8 3 3.7824 4 1.36064 9 4 1.7552 4 3.53072 4 3.7280 5 1.70080 5 1.7008 5 3.87088 5 3.6736 6 2.04096 6 1.6464 o 7 0,21104 14 6 3.6192 7 2.38112 g 1.5920 8 0.55120 16 0 7 3.5648 8 2.72128 8 1.5376 9 0.89136 18 8 3.5104 9 3.06144 19 9 1.4832 lib. 1 9 3.4560 0 10 3.40160 7 2.912 9 2.8032 3 52.368 8 2,2048 4 3 3 1.824 3 7 1.6061 5 4 I 1.280 4 6 1.0080 6 4 II 0.736 5 50.4096 7 5 90 192. 6 3 3.2112 8 6 6 3.648 7 2 3.2228 9 7 4 3.104 I 2.6144 1o 8 2 2.560 9 o 2.0160 20 0 16 5 1.12 o 18 1 0.032 30 4 7 3.68 I 7 1 2.048 40 I 12 TO 2.24 I 16 2 0.064 1 0.80 2 5 2 2.030 60 2 9 3 3.36 2 14 30.096 70 2 17 6 3 3 32.112 5 90.48 90 13 II 3.04 4. 4 2.144 2 1.60 8 4. 4 3.2 9 0 10 0.32 6 13 11 3 0.43 400 16 8 9 2.4 18 T 500 20 11 0 0.0 22 1 2 I 0.80 27 2 700 28 15 4 3.2 31 12 II 1.12 800 32 17 7 0.8 36 3 4 1.28 900 36 19 9 2.4 40 13 9 1.44 1000 41 2 0 0.0 I 1 2 2 O 0 0 I I 80 3 3 1 2 4 0.128 2 IOO 200 4 IO 5 0 160 30012 70.8 8 0.64 600 24 13 2 1.6 6 0.96 45 4 2 1.60 CCC 2 SIMPLE INTEREST VE ar 5 per Cent. O'rin. cipal 12 Months, or iYear, Mo or 365 Days. rey. 14) o 16 O 4 1, s. d. 9. Parts, . O 2.40024 2 I 0.80048 I 3.20072 2 1.600g 6 3 0.00120 6 3 2 40144 7 4 0.80168 8 o 4 3.20192 9 5 1.60216 6 0.00240 6 2.40264 7 0.80288 13 O 7 3.20312 8 1.60336 90.00360 9 2.40384 1710 o 10 0.80408 28] o o 10 3.20432 19 or2.60436 o 0.00480 2 oo oo96 3 3 0 0.0144 4 0 0.0192 5 5 O 0.0240 6 6 o 0.0288 7 0 0.0336 8 o 020384 9 o 0.0432 IO o 9.0480 o o 0.096 10 o 0.144 40 o 0.192 50! 2 10 O 0.340 6c 3 O 0.288 701 3 10 o 0.336 Sol 4 o o 0.384 90 4 10 o 0.432 Iool 5 o 0.480 200 to 300145 400:20 50025 600 30 700 35 800 40 900 45 0 0. 1000 50 O 0. O CON QUAN 301 1 » 0. o o o o o o 4. TABLE I. OF COMPOUND INTEREST at 3 per Cent. Preſent Worth of I Pound. Amount of 1 Pound. Amount of 1 Pound Annuity. Years. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1. Parts. 1. Parts. 1. Parts . 1.0300000 0.9708738 1.0000000 1.06ogooo 0.9425959 2.0300000 1.0927270 0.9151417 3.0909000 1,1255088 0.8884870 4.1836270 1.15927411 0.8626088 0.8626088 5:3091358 1•1940523 0.8374843 6.4684099 1.2298739 0.8130915 7.6624622 1,2667701 0.7894092) 8.8923360 I_3047732 0.7664167 10.1591061 1.34391641 0.7440939 1114638793 1.3842339 0.7224213 12.8077957 1.4257609 0.7013799 14.1920296 1.4685337 0.6809513) 15.6177904 1.5125897 0.6611178 17.0863242 1.5579674 0.6418619 18.5989139 1.6047064 0.6231669| 20,1568813 1.6528476 0.6050164 21.7615877 1.7024331 0.5873946] 23-4144354 1.7535061 0.5702860) 25.1168684 1.8061112 0.5536758) 26.8703745 1.8602946 05375493) 28.6764857 1.91610341 0.5218925| 30.5367803 1.9735865 0.5066917) 32.4528837 2.0327941 0.4919337) 34.4264702 2.0937779 0-4776056) 36.4592643 2.1565913 0.4636947) 38.5530422 2,2212890 0.4501891 40.7096335 2.18792771 0•4370768 42.9309225 2.35656551 0:4243464) 45.2188502 2.4272625 c•4119868] 47-5754157 2.5000803/ 0:1999871 50.0026782 2.5750828 0.3883370 52.5027585 2.6523352 0.3770262 55.0778413 2.7319053 0.3660449 57.7301765 2 8138624 0.3553834 60.4620818 3.2620378 0.3065568) 75.4012597 3.7815959/ 0.2644386) 92.7198614 4.3839060 0.2281071 112.7968673 5.082 1486 0.1967672 136.0716198 5.8916031l c•1697331 163,0534369 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 45 50 55 60 TABLE 1. 2 COMPOUND INTEREST at 3 per Cent. Years, will put- Preſent Annuity Wor h of thit 1 Pound 1 Pound Annuity. chafe. 1. Parts. 1.Parts 0-9708738 1.000000 1.9134697 0.5226108 3 2.8286114 0:3535303 3.7190984 0.2690270 5 4.5797072 0.2183545 6 5.4171914 0.1845975 7 6.2302829 0.1605063 8 7.0196922 0, 1424563 9 77861089 0.1284339 8.5302028 * 0.0172305 In 9.2526241 01080774 9.9540040 0.1004621 13 10.6349553 0.0940193 14 11.2960731 0.0885263 15 11.937935T 0.0837666 12.5611020 0.0796108 17 13.1661185 00759525 1813-7535131 0.0727079 19 14.3237991 0.0698138 20 14.8774748 10.0670151 41 15.4150241 0 0.0648717 5.9369166 0,0627474 23 16.4436084 0.060&:36 24 16.9355421 0,0590474 25 17.4131477 0.0574278 16 17.8768420 0.0559383 18.3270315 0.0545642 818.764108 $ 0,0532932 29 19.1884546 0.0521146 30 19.6004413 00gta192 gr | 20.0004285 0.0499089 3* | 20.3887653 0.04904.665 33 20.7657918 0.048 1568 34 21:13 18367 0,0473219 35 21.4872200 0.0465392 **40 23. 1147719 0.0432623 45 24.5187129 0.0409852 50 25.7297640 0,03 8654 55 26.7744276 0.0373490 60 (27.6755636 0.0361329 TABLE II. Of COMPOUND INTEREST at 3 per Cent. Years. Amount of i Pound. Prelent Worth of I Pound. Amount of I Pound Annuity. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 18 19 1. Parts 1. Parts. 1. Parts, 1.0350090 0.9661836 1,0000000 1.07122501 0.9335197 2,0350000 1.1087179 0.90194273,1062250 1.1475230 o 8714422 4,2149429 1.1876863 0.84197311 5.3624659 1.2292553 0.8135006 6.5501522 1.2722792 0.785990977794075 1.3168089 0.7594115 9.0516867 1,3628972 0.7337309| 1013684956 J:41059861 0.7089187) 11.7313928 1.4599685 0.6849456 13.1419914 15110675 0.6617831 14,6019599 I'5639548) 0.6394939 161130274 -6186932 0.6177815 17.6769822 1•6753475 0.5968903 19,2956754 1.73398471 0.5767056 20.97 10229 1.7946741 0.5572035 22,7050076 r.8574877 0.5383607 24.49968 17 1.9224998 0.5201552) 26.3571694 1.9897873 0.50256541 28,2796692 2 0594298 0.4855704) 30,2694565 21315098 0.4691501 32,3288863 2 2061126 0,45328511 34.4603961 2.2833265 0.4379566 36.6665087 2.3632429 0.4231465 38.9498352 2.4459564 0.4088371 41. 3130781 2.5315648 0.3950117) 43.7590345 2,6201695 0.3816537) 46.2905993 2.7118754 0.3687475 48.9107688 2 80679100.3562778): 51.6226442 245050287 0.3442296) 54-4294352 3.0067047 0.332589057 3344639 341119393 0.3213419 60,3411686 3.2208572 0.3104752 63.4531079 3:3335872 0,29997601 66,6739651 3.9592535 0.2525728]84.5502 123 4.7023571 0.2126595/105.7815849 5.5849179 0.1799536130.9977944 6,6331335 0.1507583160,9467402 77-87807571 0.1269345/196.5166916 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 45 50 55 60 TABLE II. COMPOUND INTEREST at 31 per Cent. V...... Annuity Chat 1 Pound will pur- Years. I | Preſent Worth of 1 Pound Annuity. 1, Parts. 0.9661836 1.8996943 3 2.8016370 4 306730792 5 4.5150523 5.3285529 6.1145438 6.8739553 7.6076862 IO 8.3166049 II 9.0015505 9.6633336 10.3027375 34 10.9205190 15 11 9174093 16 12.0941149 17 12 6513184 18 13-1896791 13.7098347 20 14.2123997 14.6979701 15.1671202 15.6204053 24 | 16.0583619 23 16.4815084 16.8903455 17.2853572 17,6670109 18.0357583 30 18.3920361 | 18 7362657 19.0688547 33 34 19.7006718 35 20.0006478 4021,3550558 45 22.4954348 50 | 23.4556036 55 24.2620735 19 chaſe. 1. Parts. 1.0350000 0.5264005 0.3569341 0.2722511 0.2214814 0.1876682 0.1635445 0.1454766 0.1314460 0.1202414 0.1110919 0.1034839 0.0970616 0.0915707 0.0868251 0.0826848 o 0790437 0.0758169 0.0729403 90703611 0.0680366 0.0659321 0,0640188 0.0622728 0.0606740 0.0592054 0,0578524 010566027 o 0554455 0.0543714 0,0533714 0.0574415 0,0515725 0.0507597 0.049998+ 0.0468273 0.0444535 0.0426337 0.0412166 21 22 21 29 19.3901966 60 0,0400918 24.9527550 in een twee TABLE III. Of COMPOUND INTEREST at 4 per Cent. Years. Amount of í Pound. Preſent Worth of i Pound. Amount of 1 Pound Annuity. I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Parts. 1. Parts. 1, Parts 1.0400000 0.9615335 1.000.000 1.0816000 0.9245562 2.0400005 1,1248640 0.8889964 3.1216000 1.1698586 0 8543042 4.2464640 1.2166529 0.8219271 5.4163226 1,2653190 0.7903145 6.6329755 1.3159318] 0.7599178 7.8982973 1,368569.1 0.7396901 9.2142263 1.4233118 0.7025866 10.5827953 1.4802443) 0.6755641 12.061071 1.539+540.6495808 13.4863514 1.60 @312 0.6245970 15.0258055 1.56507351710.6c03740 16.6268377 1.7316764 0.5774750 18.2919112 1.8009435 10.5552644 20.023 875 1.87.9312 0.5339081 21.8245311 1 9479005 0.5733732 23.6975124 2.0258165 0.4936281 25.6454129 2. 058492 0.4746424 27:6712294 2.1911231 0.4563869 29.778786 2.2787681 0.4388335 31.9692017 2 3199188 0.4219553 ! 34.2479698 2 454715) 0.4057263 36.6178886 2,5633042 0.39012 14 39.0826241 2 6558363 0.3751168 41.6459083 2.7724698 0.3606892 44.3117415 2.8833635 0.3468165 47.0812144 2.9987033 0.3334774 49.9575835 3.1186515 0.3206514 52,9662863 3.2433975) 0.3083 186 $6.0849377 3 3731334) 0.296 1602 59.3283352 3.5080587 0.2850579 62 7014687 3:6483811 0.2740941 66.2095204 3.7943163 0.2635521 69.8579:42 3.9460890 0.2534154.73.6322248 4 8010255 0 2082890 95 0255157 58411757 0.1711984|121.0293920 7.1066833 0.1407126 (152.667-836 8 6463569 0.1156555 191.1591729 10.51962741 90950604 1237 9906851 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 40 45 50 55 Ddd TABLE III. will par- Years. za 13:5903253 Of COMPOUND INTEREST ar 4 per Cent. Preſent Annuity Worth of that i Pound i Pound Annuity. chare. lo Parts. 1. Parts.! 0.9615385 0.0400000 18860947 0.5301960 3.7750910 0.3603485 3.6298952 0.2754900 4.4518223 0.2246271 $.2421369 O, 1907619 7 6.0020547 0.1666096 8 6.7327448 0.1485278 9 7.4353314 0.1344929 10. 8.1108955 0,1232909 8.7604763 0.1142450 9.3850733 0.1065521 13 9.98 56473 0.1001437 14 10.5631223 0.0946689 1511.118,868 0.c899411 16 11:6522449 0.0858200 17 12.1656680 0,0821985 18 19.6592961 0.0789933 19 13.1339385 0.0761385 0.0739817 4.029 1589 0.0712801 14.4511142 0.069 1988 23 14.8568405 0.6673090 24 | 15 2469619 0.0655368 29 15.6220787 0.0040119 2015,9827678 0,0625673 27 16.3295844 0,0612385 28 | 16.6630618 29 16,9837132 0.5688799 17.2920318 0.0578301 31 17,5884921 0.0568553 32 | 17.8735500 0.0559485 18 1476441 0.0551035 34 18.47 11962 0.0543147 38.6640116 0.0535773 40 19.7927721 0.0505235 20.7200378 0.04.82624 21.4821826 0,0465502 21 1086100 0'0452312 0.0600129 30 50 32.6234877 0.0442018 TABLE IV. of COMPOUND INTEREST at 5 per Cent. Years. Amount of 1 Pound. Preſent Worth of I Pound. Amount of 1 Pound Annuity. 2 cow an AWN 12 1. Parts. 1. Parts. 1. Parts. 1.0500000 0.9523809 1.0000000 I.1025000 0.9070294) 2.050cooo 3 1.1576250 o 8638376 o 8638376 3.1525000 4 1.2155063 08127025| 4.3101250 1.2762816 0.7835263 5.52563 12 6 1.3400956) 0.74621541 6.8019128 7 1.4071064 0.7106813 8.1420084 8 1.47745541 0,6768394) 9.5491089 9 1.5513382 0.6446089 11.0265643 1•6288946 0.6139133 12.5778925 1.7103393 0.5846929 14.2067871 17958563) 0.55683741 15.9171255 13 1.8856491 0.5303213) 17.7129818 14 1.9799316 0.5050680 19.5986320 IS 2.0789282 0.4810171 21.5785636 16 21828746 0.4581115| 23.6574918 17 2 2920183 0.4362967 25.8403664 18 204066192 0.4155207) 28.1323847 19 2.5269502 0.3957340 30.5390039 2,6532977) 0.3768895) 33.6659541 2.7859526 0.3589424 35.7192518 2.9252607 0.3418499) 38.5052144 23 3:0715238) 0.3255713 4114304751 e4 3.2251000 0.3100679| 44.5019989 3.38635491 0.2953028) 47.7270988 26 305556727 0.2812407) 51:1134537 27 3 7334563) 0.2678483 54 6691264 28 3.9201291 0.2550939 $8.4025827 29 4:1161356 0 2429463 62.3227119 30 4.3219424 0.2313774| 66.4388474 31 4.53803951 0.2203595 70.7607898 32 4.7649415 0.2098662 75.2988293 33 5.0031885 0.1998727 80.0617708 34 5.2533480 0.1903548| 85.0669593 35 5151601541 0.1812903) 90.3203673 40 7.03998871 0.1420457|120.7997741 45 8.98 50078) 0.1112965|150.7001556 So 11.4674000 0.0372037 209.3479954 55 14.6356309 0.0683264,272.7126179 60 1 18.679185&l 0.0535355|353.5837172 20 25 D d d 2 T A BL E IV. COMPOUND INTEREST ar 5 per Cent. * . - Years. will pur- : | 13 Preſept Ainuity Worth of that 1 Pound i Pound Annuity. chale. 1. Parts I. Parts, 0.9523899 1.0500000 1.8594103 0.537.'049 2.7232480 0:3672086 3.5459505 0.2820118 4.3294767 0.2309748 5.0756921 0.1970175 7 5.7863734 0.1728198 86.4632128 0.1457218 7.1078217 0.14069co 10 7.7217349 0.129 5046 8.3064142 091203889 8.8632516 0.1128254 9.3935730 0.1064557 14 9.8986409 0.1010240 15 10,3796580 0.0963423 36 10.8377695 0.0922699 17 11 2740662 0.088699 18 11,6895869 0.0855462 19 12.0853208 0.0827450 20 12.4622 103 0.0802426 12.8211927 0.0779961 13•7650026 0.0759705 3 13.4885739 0.0741368 24 | 13.7986418 0.0744709 5 14.0939445 0.0709$24 26 14.3751853 0.069 3643 27 14 6430336 0.06829 18 14 8981272 0.067 1225 29 15.1419735 0.0667455 15.3724510 0.630514 15:5928104 0,0641321 15.80267660.6632804 33 | 16.002 5491 00624900 34 16,1929039 0.0617:54 33 16.374.1942 0.0610718 49 117 1590962 0.0582782 45 17.7 40697 0.0562617 18,2559253 0.0547767 53 18.6374720 0.0536669 30 37 50 60 118.9292882 0.0528283 TABLE V. of COMPOUND INTEREST at 6 per Cent. Prefent Worth of · Pound. Amount of 1 Pound. Amount of I found Annuity. Years. 2 7 14 1. Paris. 1. Part. 1. Parts. 1 0600000 09433962 1.0000000 1.1236000 0.8899964 2.2060000 3 1.1910160 0.8396193 3.1836000 1 2624769 0-7920937) 4.3746016 5 1.33822561 0.7472582 5.6370930 6 14185191 070,96351 6.9751187 1.50363231 0-66505711 8.3938378 8 1,5938481 0.62741241 9.8974681 9 1.6894790 0.59189851 11.4973162 1.7908477 0.5583948 13.1807958 1.8982980 o 5267875) 14.9716435 12 2012196 0.49696941 16.8699420 13 2.1329283 0.4688390 18.8821385 2.2609–39 0.4423010 21.0152667 2.3965582 0.4172650 2322759707 16 2.5402517 0.3936463 25.6725289 17 2.6927728 0.3713644) 0.3713644) 28.2128806 18 2.8543392 0 3503438 30.9056534 19 3 02559951 0.330913933.7599925 3.2071355 0.3118047) 36.7855920 3.399;6351 0.2941554) 39.9927275 3.6035374 0.2775051 43-3922911 23 3.8197497 0.2617973) 46.9958285 24 4.0489346 0.2469786 50.8155782! 4.2918707 0.2329986) 54.8645128 26 4.5493829 0.2198100 59.1563839 4.8223459 0.1073680 63.7057664 5.1116866 0.1956301 68.5281123 29 54183878 0.1845567 73.6397990 6.7434910 6:1741101 79.0581868 6.0881006 0.1642548 89.8016778 6,4533866 0.1549574 90.8897783 33 6.84053 8 0.1461262 97.3431652 34 7.2510252 0.1379115 104.1837550 35 7.6860867 0.1301052 111.43478oz 40 10.2857178 6.0972222 154.7619655 45 13.7646107 c.0726500 212.7435132 50 18.4201 541 0.0542884 290.3359032 55 24.6503214 0.0495674 394. 1720243 60! 32:9876905! 0.0303143 533•1281773 2.2 %5 28 TABLE V. Of COM POUND INTEREST at 6 per Cent. will pur- Years. 2 6 Fre cnt Annuit; Viorth of cbat 1 lourd 1 Pound Annuity. chale. 1. Parts, 1. Paris. 0.9433962 1 0600000 1.8333916 0.5454369 3 2.6730119 0.3741095 4 3-4651056 0.288595 4.212 638 0.2373964 4.9173244 0:2033626 5.5823815 0.1791350 6 2097939 0.1610359 9 6.8016923 0.1470222 7-3600871 0.1358679 7.8868747 0.1267929 1233838440 0.1192770 8.8526831 0.1129601 9.2949840 0.1070585 15 9.7122491 0.1029027 16 10.158953 0.0989521 27 10.4772597 0.0954448 18 10.8276035 0.0923565 19 11.1581165 010896208 11.4699213 0.0871845 11.7640767 0.08 50045 29 12.0415878 -0.0830456 23 12.3033790 0.0812785 24 12,5503576 0:0796790 250 12,7833562 0.0782345 1310031663 0.0769043 13.2105342 0.0756973 28 13:4061644 00745925 29 13:5907211 00735791 13.7648312 0.0726489 13 9290861 0.0717923 32 14.0840435 0,0710073 33 14.2302297 0.0702729 34 14.3681412 0:0695984 35 14.4982465 0.0689738 40 15.0462969 0.0664615 45 15-4558321 50 15.7618610 0.0674443 55 15 9905430 0.0625370 30 31 601611614277 00618757 y'. TABLE VI. of the Decinal Parts of a Pound, &c. and their Value or Signification. The reſt of the TAELE. Decimals. Their value. Decimals,heir Valée. iste 0031250 o T O 0 0 20 1.25 3 O 2 2.35 0 O O 14 1. s. d.o. se dog. 1.0002604100 1.043750130 Olo 2 1.000520830 o o 01.04479800 OTO 3 .009781260 o Oo1.0458334710 OTI 1.00104167|0 o 01.046875140 .0020833400 047976810 03.0489584310 O 11 3 004166670 0 i o ogoocooplo .0052083410 1.0062 500ilo 15 3 P-00729 16800 I 3.2 4 0083333500 5 .009375020 01041660 35 7 .011458360o 2 3 -4 8 .0125000 300 30 45 1.013541701 3 I 5 .014583370 53 orgi 2504| 0o 3 3 6 0 12 0166667110 40.65 13 .017708380 o 4 .7 018750050 o 4.2 75 .0197917210 04 4 3 8 O 16 020833390 o 5o 85 O 17 0218750600 .9 lo 18 .022916730 o 5.2 .95 lo igo 023958400 O $ 3 53.100 0 0 0 oz sooooooo 0260417400 61 TABLE VII. 1.0270834110 62 Sbewing the Value of .0281250800 6 3 Decimal Parts, a Far. 029166750 20 thing being theInteger. 0302084200 71 Decimals. TheirValue. .031250090 0 7 2 .032291760.73 1.062500000 000 •033333430 0.80 .983333330 o •034375100 •035416770 8 2 100000000 oto .036458410 o 83 ,125000000 •037500110 90 .166666660 000 os ..385417810 9 T .250000000 00 0395834510 92 040625120 o - 50000000'o o 93 .04.1665790 10 0 75000oooo 042708460 0 10 1 .999998&co 7 6 o d.q. 8 0 o 0 ON * ( 3 ) T Ann, for three Days, is gs. iod. 30. or the The Conftru&tion of the TABLES of SIMPLE INTEREST foregoing. HE firft four TABLES are of SIMPLE INTEREST, and thew the Intereſt of any Sum froin is to loool. Sterling, at 3, 31, 4, and 5!. per Cent, which are the Rates now moſtly uſed, ſeeing the late Act of Parlia - went allows not any Sum to exceed 5l. por Coir. par Ann. Simple Intereſt; but if otherwiſe occafion- álly required, there are not wanting here a Gene- al RULE to make the faid Tables in their Ule and Application) ſerviceable to all other Rates of Intereſt whatſoever. In former Editions there were only TABLES of Simple and Compound Intereſt, calculated at the Rates of 5 and 6 per Cemi. per Ann. And where in Simple Interijt there are no Sums againſt chie Principal, as of 1, 2, &c. Shillings, for 1, 2, sc. Days, there the Intereſt of ſuch "Principal was Omitted, because leſs than a Farthing, which is the leaft Part of Coin uſed in this Kingdom, with regard to its Value; but in the New TABLES of this EDITION, there are calculated deci. mally, the Fraftional Parts of a Farthing; ſeeing thoſe Parts render the Anſwer to each Queſtion, abundantly more exad than when otherwile per- formid, I have in the Intereſt of Months differ'd from other TABIES (which make their Monthsa 12th Part of the Year) becauſe our Kalendary Months are unequal, and three Months in one Part of the Year, is three Days longer than at another Time of the Year ; for Infiance, The Months of Fune, Faly, and iugul are three Days longer than February, March, and April: And the Intereſt of 1ocol. at 6 per Com fer Intereſt of rocol for their twelfth part of Year ( which is 30.41666, &c. Days ) * 5. which ſhould they reckon for the Intereſt of Fe- brvard, when it is not Leap Year, it would be 8 s. too much. And therefore, I have ſo order'd my TABLE, that take the Intereft when you please, at any time of the Year, the Interif falls out right, according to the Time the Money has been lent; which could never be done where the Months are even Twelfths of a Year becauſe the Twelfth of a Year has a Fraction of a Day in it. But I never knew Intereſt computed for Parts of Days. I granty The Uſe of the Tab.of Simple Intereft. 73 2. Conſider how many entire Kalendar Months '; I grant, that where Money is lent for a whole Year, if the Intereſt be paid Monthly or Quar- terly, &c. the Sum paid at the Year's End may be right, tho' the Monthly or Quarterly Pay- ments be otherwiſe than in my Table of Monthly Intereſt : But the Intereſt of all running Caſh, where the Principal can be taken up at Pleaſure, as in the Excbequer, Chamber of London, and in the Bank of England; I ſay, here all Monthly and Quarterly Calculations of Intereſt by Mer- chants, &c. mult be taken as the Intereſt of a certain Number of Days, and not from the twelfth or fourth Parts of Years; otherwiſe the Intereſt will not correſpond with the Time that the Money has been lent, for the Reaſons afore- ſaid. But the TABLES of Simple Intereſt foregoing, ſerve, whether the Intereſt is to be calculated from a certain Number of Days, or even twelfth or fourth Parts of Years, as will appear in The Uſe of the Tables of Simple Interet. Prop. 1.) Admit the Intereft of any Sum be raquired for any Number of Months and Days propoſed ; as from a certain Day of one Munth, to any Day of another Month ; according to the given Rate in its particular Table. Rule 1. ] Having found the Intereſt givin, on the Top of the Table; then, are centain'd in the Time limited; each of which Months are ſuppoſed to be 30 Days. 3 Then conſider how many of thoſe Months have 31 Days in them, and add thoſe odd Days in the Month you reckon to and from, and then you are, 4. To find the Intereſt of the Sum given for the Months, and then for the odd Days leſs than a Month: And that you may know what Months contain 31 Days, obſerve that, Thirty-one Days barh January, March, and May, July, Auguſt, October, and December : Each other Month bath 30 Days, I ſay, Excepting February ( as you may remember ); Wbicb Montb containing Twenty-eight Days time, Only in Leap. Year, wbên't bas Twenty-nine. Example 1. ] What is the Intereſt of scol. from January the 2ift to Oxo'er the 11th follow. ing, at 56. per Cent, per Ann. Simple •Intereſ? Antiv. 181.0 5. 3 d. 19. Бее Explication. ) .. 74 The Uſe of the Tab. of Simple Intereft. Explication.] The entire Months in this Time are 8, of which there are 4 that have 31 Days, ( by the Account above) and I that has but 28, which is two lhurt of 30; which two taken from the four, reft two Days abore 8 Months, of 10 Days each, and that two added to the ten Days in Jangary, and the eleven in Orcber the Sum is 8 Months, 23 Days: So the Intereft, by the Ath Table of 5 per cent. Simple Intereft, appears as follows: l. 500l. 8 Mon. alimentos continuation 16 8 9.1 And for 15 and 8, vizi 23 Days is 1 1.1 6 o Anſwer 18 0 31 But if there eight Months are reckoned eight *Twelfths of a Year, according to the Tables in the Vade-Mecum, and others, this Intereſt is but 17 1. 13 S. 4 d. which is 6 s. 11 d. 19. leſs than juſt; which may ſerve as a Caution to thoſe that ute the TABLES of Intereft for Months, that are the twelfth Part of a Year, Example 2. ] To know the Simple Intereſt of 876 h, Sterling, commencing the 17th of June, 1739, and ending the gth of January following, at 3 i per Cent. Anſwer 17 l, 6 s. od. 39. 544 Paris fere. . See the Works 13 16 14 2 0 3:544 I d.g.Par. col, for 6 Mon. 1 3.680 Ditto for 15 & 11 viz, 26 D. I 19. 10 2.720 o for 6 Mon. I 3.872 Ditto for 26 Days, 3 5 3.538 6 for 6 Mon. o 3.418 Ditto for 26 Days, -3 2.116 8761, for 6 Mo. & 26 Days, is 17 6 [&c. Prop. 2.) When you would find the Intereld of any Sum for nine Months, fix Months, three Months, or an even fourth Part of a Year, ác. cording to the Rate of Intereſt given Rule. ] Take a fourth Part of the Intereft of your Principal given for 1 Year, as you have it in the last Column of each of the four TABLES of Simple Intereſt: Or if for half a Year you defire the Intereft , take half the Number ini that Column again't the Principal given ; but if your Intereſt is required for three Quarters of a Year, o Sum-27 The intereito The Uſe of the Tab. of Simple Intereft. 75 Year, then the sum of the Intereſt for the half Year and Quarter is the deſired Anſwer. Example 1. ] What is the Simple Intereſt of gool. 17 s. for one Quarter of a Year, at 31. per Cent. per Ann. ? Anſwer 61. 155. 1 d. 29. 50 Parts fera. See the Work, s. d.g, Parts, . Againſt gool, under 27 O 0.00000 1 Year, is 17 s. under 1 Year, is 6 1.91964 0 6 1,91964 I of which is the Anf, viz. 6 15 1 2.47991 A Second Example of this ſhall be to fhew how to caſt up the Intereſt upon a Mortgage, and to fate the Account fairly, when the Mortgagee has received the Rent of the Houſe or Land to bim mortgaged ; and being much more than the Intereft due to him, muſt fink the Principal: Thus, Example 2. ] If A. lends B. 600 l. at 4 per Cent, per Ann. to be paid half yearly; for which B. gives a Mortgage of a Houſe of 50 l, per Ann. which Rent A. receives half yearly, from March 25, 1737, at which Time the Money was lent; and at the End of two Years B. pays back the Mortgagee-Money ; the Queſtion is, What B. muſt pay A. the Intereſt due to him, and the Rent he has received, and Money he has diſburſed for Taxes, Trophy, &c. being conſidered ? Anſw. 5677 135. 10 d.3. See the Wirk. 1. s. d.q. The Principal lent March 25,3 600 to Mickaelmas following, is- 7 30 1737, is 12 O A. diſburſed that half Year as follows To the Militia 3 40 Trophy 6 o King's Tax 5 o 0 1 In all paid this half Year -- 5 4 jo o A. Received half a Year's Rent-250 From which Rent deducting the Payment 5l. 45. 10d. the 19 15 Remainder is Eee 2 From } 2 O 76 The Uſe of the Tab. of Simple lateral. d. 9 From which 191, 15 s. 2 d. de- ducting the Intereſt 12 l. 7 s. 77 II O 3d. the Remainder is Which deducted from the Prin- cipal bool. the remaining 592 12 Principal is To whicb Sum the Principal is funk the firſt balf Tear. } } 4 per Cert. The Intereſt of which 592 l. 124. 1 d. from Micbaelmas 1737, to Lady-Day 1738, at II 9 10 3 Cext. per Ann- A. Paid this half Year as follows: Two Quarter, Paym. 2 of the 2d 4 S. Aid 5 Paid Quit-Rent 3 In all A. Received half a Year's Rent: 25 oOo From which deducting the Pay. ments 57. 33, the Remain. 19 17 00 der is.com From which 191. 175. deduct- ing the Int. 11 l. gs. io do 7 3.9. the Remainder is. Which deducted from the Prin- cipal 592). 12 s. Id. the re- maining Principal is. To wbich Sum the Principal Cool, is Junk the 2d balf Year. } 8 } 584 411 3 :.. 9 00 * }s a NY O The Intereſt of which Principal 5481. 45. 114. 39. from Lady-Day 1738, to Micbael 12 mas 1738, at 4 per cent per Ann. due to A. is A. diſburſed this balf Year, viz. Two Quarter Paym. 2 of the 3d 4 s. Aid Paid Trophy-Morey og som Train-Bands 3 In all the 5 4 A. Received half a Year's Rent From which Rent deducting the Payments 5 l. 45. 6 d. the 19 15 60 Remainder is makina ne shindani From which 194. 155. 6 d. deducting the Int. 12% 0 7 149.0 od. the Remainder is Which deducted from the Prin cipal 5841. 4 s. 11 d. 39. 576 10 23 the remaining Principal is. To spbich Sum tbe 6ool. is funik obe z& balf balfriar. The 25 } } The Ife of the Tab, of Simple Intereft. 77 1. s. d.o. The Intereſt of which Principal 5761. 10 s. 2 d. 39. from Michaelmas 1738, to Lady- 3 8 Day 1739, at 4 per Cent. per Ann, is A. diſburſed this half Year two Quarterly Payments of the 5 45. in the Pound-Tax, A. Received half a Year's Rent 25 From which Rent deducting the Payments 57. the Remain- der is From which 20 1. deducting the Intereſt in l. 35. 8 d. the 8 16 4 0 Remainder is Which deducted from the Prin. cipal 576 l. 10 s. 2 d. 39: the Remainder is the } O OO } 20 } 567 13 10 3 Which Sum muſt be paid back to A. the cool. lent being funk to 567 1. 135. 1od. 39. in two Year's time, by reaſon the Rent received by A. exceeded the Intereſt and Diſburſement due to, and made by him: Which Intereſt is calculated as in the ſecond Propoſition foregoing, and that Example will be not a little uſeful to Lawyers, for whom I have formerly ſtated Accompts of Mortgages in this Method. Prop. 3. ] To find the Simple Intereſt of any Sum, for any Number of Years, according to the given Rate of 3, 3, 4, 5, &c. per Cent per Rule.] Find the Intereſt of the Sum given for one Year (according to the Rate propoſed) in the jaft Column of the TABLE, under one Year, and multiply that Sum by the Number of Years for which you would know the Intereſt , and the Pro- duct is the Anſwer. Example 1. ] What is the Simple Intereſt of 16981. Sterling for 9 Years, at 5 per cent. per Ann. ? Anſwer 7641. 2 s. In the TABLE the Intereſt of 1. I. d. ICOO is CO 600 -30 WRECO 8 པ ན པ : ཁ Total Intereſt for 1 Year Mult. 4 10 8 -84 18 Years 9 E Anfier 764 2 o Produ&t. Example 78 The Ule of the Tab. of Simple Intereſt. Example 2. ] To know the Simple Intereſt of 1564.1. 16 s. for 27 Years at 4 per Cent, per AiniinAnſwer 16891, 19s, tod, 19, 9. Par In the TABLE the Intereſt of 1. 1. d. ICOO is 40 0 0.copo 500 0.0000 бо 0.0.3120 4 3 2 1.6203 o 16s. 7 2.7042 8 Tot. Int, for 1 Year 62 11 10 0.6370 X 3 Years. , ift Product 187 15 6 1.9110 bis X9 zd Pr, or Anſw. 1689 19 10 1.1990=27 Years. Number. 23 4, 5, 6, Explication. ] In the laſt Example, inſtead of multiplying at once the Intereſt of one year (Vix, &zt. 10. 10 di oq. 637 Parts) by the Num. ber of Years given, (viz. 27) I multiply firft by 3, and that Product again by 9 ; the 2d or laft Pro du&t is the Anſwer, becauſe 5 X=24; which is the Component Parts of the fame. In like manner, any other Example of this kind may be icadily performed, Regard being always had to the Ratio's or Component Parts of the multiplying Prop. 4. ] To find the Simple Intereſt of any Sum, by any the four TABLES foregoing, for any Time and Rate, as at 2, 21, 3; 372 7, 8, 9, or 10 per cent. por Annem. Rule. ] Having by the TABLE found the In- tereſt of your Sum at any Rate propoſed, as for In- Jarce at 4 per Cent, per Annum, for the Time re- quired, as taught before, then proceed according to che particular Dirillions following. And, 1. For 2 per cent Take half the Intereſt of 4 per Cent, when found. 2. For 24 per Cent. Tuke half the Intereſt of 4 per Cent, as before, to which add i Fourth of the Jaid Half, the Sum is the defired Anſwer. 3. For 3 per Cent. Take half the Intereſt of *** Cent, to which add 1 Half of the ſaid Hull the Sum is the Anſwer : Or the Simple Intereſt of any Sum may be found for the ſaid Rate by the iit Table foregoing. wanneer 4. For 31 per Cert. Find the Intereſt of 3 per Cent, as before, to which add 1 Sixth of its Self; the Sum is the Anjaver fought : ; Or tbe Ít. For 10 per cena The Uſe of the Tab. of Simple Intereft. 79 Simple Intereſt for any Sum may be found for 3 I per Cent. by the 2d Table foregoing. 5. For 4 per Cent. Unto the Intereſt of 3 ] per Cent. add i Seventh Part thereof: Or unto the Interet of 3 per Cent. add i Third Part therc- of; their Anjwers will be equal, and each of them agreeable to that of 4 per Cent. found by the 3d Table foregoing 6. For 5 per Cent. To the Simple Intereſt of 4 per Gent, add 1 Fourth of itſelf, the Sum will be equal to that of 5 per Cent, found by the 4th Table foregoing. 7. For 6 per Cent. Cent. Double that of 3 per Cent, Or having found the Intereſt at 5 per cent, add unto the ſame i Fifth Part thereof : Or unto that of 4 per Cent, add i hali thercof; their Sums will be equal unto one another, and each of them the true Anſwer. 8. For 7 per Cent. Unto the Intereſt of 6 per Cent, add i fixth Part thereof. Or unto the In- tereft of 4 per Cent, add that of 3 per Cent. ; their Sumns will exhibit the ſame Anſwer. 9. For 8 per Cent. Take the Double of 4 per Cent. or unto that of 6 per Cent, add one third Part thereof; their Anſwers will be equal, 10. Por 9 per Cent. Take the Triple of 3 per Cent. or ſet it down thrice and add it. Or to the Intereſt of 6 per Cent. add i half thereof; their Anſwers will be equal. per Cent, or add it to itſelf. Or the Anſwer at Io per Cent, may be found by taking i fourth Part of that of 8 per Cent. and adding them toge- ther. Hence it is, that the Simple Intereſt for any given Principal and Time, being found by any of the preceding Tables, according to the given Rate : the fame may be readily converted or changed into any other Rate of Intereſt whatever, by ſome one or more of the preceding DireEtions, Regard being always had to their Proportional Parts. Example.] What is the Simple Intereſt of 3650 1. Sterling for 6 Years, at 2, 2, 3. 33, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and at vo per Cent, per Annum? wi nem bi See So I be Use of the Tab. of Simple Intereft. d. q. Pisi } per Ceni. is per Cent. 657 5 per cent, com to be diſcounted See the Work li$. By the Table the Intereſt of 3650 1. for 1 Year at 4 146 0 0 0.260 4 per Conf, 6 Years, is 876 0 0 1.560 2 per cent. 4380 0.789 interesante consente 537 10 0 0.193 per . O 1.170 3 per cent. una 766 10 O 1.350 1095 O 1.950 per Cent, 0 2.340 1533 2.730 8 per Cent. 1752 03.120" 9 per Cent. I 1971 0 3.510 To per Cent. 0 3.900 Prop. 5. ] To find the Discount of any Sum, paid at any time before due. Rule.] Find the Intereſt of your Sum for the Time it wants of being due; which Intereſt being deducted from the Principal, leaves the Money to be paid preſently, as commonly practiſed by Tra- ders. Examples ] What is the Sum to be paid pre- fently, fuppofing I have 961, to pay at the End at the Rate whereof ? Anfw. 921. 8 s. 11 d. 39. Particular de mers at 0 5 per cent 1314 7 per Cent, 0 2190 Sce the Work d.g. 3 11 By the Table the Intereſt of 961.7 for 9 Mon, at s per Cent, is Which deduct froin the Prin. cipal The Sum to be paid preſently, is----22 8 11 1 Put the preciſe Difesunt, or Sum paid preſently, is calculated thus As 100l, and its Intereſt for 9 Months, wizi 1031. 55104 Parts: Is in Proportion to 100 l. So is 967. the Principal given: To gal. 145. id. 39. 5936 Parts, the Sum to be paid prelently. So tbat by the ift Way, I pay him ss. 2d. and the Reaſon of that is, becauſe I re- ceive 3% 11% od. 19. the Diſcoung Money ſhort; 5 prefently, The Uſe of the Tab. of Simple Intereft. Et preſently, but ſhould only receive it at the End of 9 Months, for paying the Remainder pue- ſently; ſo that the Intereſt of 36 II s. od. ro. 9 Months, will very near make up 921. 85. 111, 39. the true Diſcount gz l. 145. id. 39. Bot Merchants and Traders do generally deduct the Intereft preſently, for the preſent Payment of the Remainder of the Money due, and do not accord- ing to the 2d Method of Diſcounting, tho' mort genuine. But feeing the Simple Intereſt of any given Sum for any Time, is more than the Diſcount for that Sum and Time, and that one Day's Diſcount at the Beginning of the Year, is more than at the Middle or End, therefore, for the greater Exaétneſs, as well as Accuracy, I fall briefly thew the Praxtitioner, how he may ( by the two Al. gebracial Canons or Rules following) find the pre- fent Worth and Diſcount of any Sum propoſed, with the feweſt Figures, and leaſt Trouble ima- ginable. Rule 1. ] For the Preſent Worth ; Multiply the Days in a Year, the Principal given, and 1007. in each other for a Dividend ; and add the Product of 365 by 100, to the Produ£t of the Days given multiplied by the Rate, and the Sum is the Divi. fur; So the Quote ariſing is the Anſwer, Rule 2.] For the Diſcount or Rebate; Multiply the Rate in the Principal given, and that in the Days given, the laſt Produ&t is your Dividend : Then the Product of 365 Days by Too, being ad- ded to the Product of the Days in the given Time multiplied by the Rate, their Sum is the Diviſor; by which the ſaid Dividend is to be divided, in order to the deſired Anſwer, die Explication. ) Firſt, In the laſt Example 365 Days being multiplied by 100 l, the Produkt is 36500; which being multiplied again by 96 7. the given Principal, the 2d Produkt is 3004000 for Dividend : Again, the Produ£l of 365 by 100, make likewiſe 36500, which being added to the Product of 279 Ďays by 5 the Rare ( viç, 1350 ) their Sum is 378 50 for Divifor ; whoſe Quorien: &c. 921. 11 . 6 is the Preſent Wortb fought for Anſwer, Secondly, For the Rebate or Diſcount ; 96 Principal being multiplied by the Rate 5 l the Produ&t is 480, which being again multiplied by 270, the Number of Days in 9 9 Kalender Months, the 2d Produ&t is 129600 for Dividend : Then 365 being multiplied by 100, the Produft is 36500 as before, which being added' to the Produ&t of 270 Days by 5 the Rate ( viz, 1350 ) their San 3 Fff 13 82 The Defc. of the Tab. of Comp. Intereft- 2404 Parts is 37850 for Diviſor; whoſe Quotient ( viz. 31 31. 8s. 5 d. 39. ) is the Dif- count or Anſwer fought. Prop, 6.) To calculate any of the Nuinders in the TABLÉS of Simple Interest: As firt for the Numbers in the Column under 1 Year, on Rule] This may be performn'd diverſe Ways ; but none ſeem more rational and accurate, than that of Analogy. Fer"Infiance : 1. Prin. 1. As 100: 1 to 5:So is soo: To 25, for Anfra. which 25 1. is the Intereft of sool. Principal, at *5 per cent. per Ann. But the Numbers in the reſt of the Columns are calculated by the Rule of double Direct Proportion. Thus to find the Simple In- Gereft of zol, at 4 per cent. per Ann for 7 Kvender Months, or 210 Days, each Month containing 30 Days. 1. Prin. 1. Int. 1. Prin. 1. Int. 11, As 100 Is to 4 :: So is 30 4 : To 1.20. So that I I. s. is the Intereſt of 30 1. for 1 Year at 4 per Cent. And is il. 45, by the Decimal Table, whoſe Uſe comes afterwards. Then, D. l. Int. Parts. adly, As 365 : 1.20 :: 210 : 0.69041, &c, 136. gd. . q. 886 pts, which 69041, &c. 4. by the Decimal Table, is 13$. 9 d. 39. fere. And is the Fabular Number in the 38 TABLE of Simple Intereft foregoing; under 7 Months, againſt 304 Principal. But I calculated the foregoing Table, as well as others of the fame kind, by find ing the exact Decimal for the Intereſt of il, for i Day at 4 per Cent, and conſequently from 1s, to a Pound Sterling ; and ſo from thence, by a conti- nual Addition, until the whole Column was accom- pliſhed. In like manner, the reſt of the other Tables of Simple Intereſt are thus decimally per formed, and render'd fo conſpicuouſly plain and exact, that the READER may ſee their Values or- derly inſerted in Pounds, Shillings, Pence, Fare things, and the Decimal Parts of a Fartbing. The Defcription of the TABLES of Com- pound Intereft. The TARLLS of Compound Intereßt are allo newly calculated unto 7 Decimal Places, with all imaginable Exadneſs and Accuracy as well as Varlety, The Uſe of the Tab. of Comp. Intereſt, 83 Variety, ſeeing they conſiſt of five various kinds of Rates now in Uſe, viz, at 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6 per Cent. Compound Intereſt, each of them cop taining fix Columns ; the it whereof on the left Hand being common to all the reſt, by Shewing iſt the Term or Number of Years, from 1 to 60 incluſively, wherein you may readily diſcover the exact Time that the Principal , Annuity, &c, is to continue in Uſe. The Second Column from the left Hand to the right doth immediately ſucceed that of Years, and thews the Amount of 1 l. being forborn any Num- ber of the Years mentioned. The Third Column orderly ſucceeding that of Years, from the left Hand to the right, thews what i l. due at the end of Number of Years (in the ſaid Column of Years) yet to come, is worth in preſent Money. The Fourth Golumn from the left Hand fhews orderly the Amount of ul. Annuity, when the fame is foreborn any Number of the Years in the Column of Years. The Fifth Column, orderly ſucceeding the ift or that of Years, thews the preſent Worth of i Annuity, when the Annuity is to contiuue any Number of Years, as in the ſaid Column of Years, The Sixth and laft Column, from the left Hand to the right, thews the Annuity that i l. will purchaſe, to continue any Number of thoſe Years in the ſaid ift Column towards the Icft Hand mentioned. All which Sums of Money are expreſs'd in Pounds and Decimal Parts, extended unto 7 Places or Figures for greater Exactneſs, and not in Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, becauſe they are to be multiplied by the Principal given; and to expreſs the ſame to a Farthing, would not be near enough the Truth, becauſe, if a Quarter - of a Farthing ſhould be omitted, that multiplied by sool, amounts to 21. 7 8. od. 29. which would be loft, but the multiplying theſe Decimals, and valuing the ſame by the Decimal-Table, are not only exact, but very eaſy ; as will appear to any one that underſtands but Multiplication of whole Numbers. The Uſe of the Tables of Compound Intereſt. Prop. 7. ] To find the Amount of find the Amount of any Sum (according to the Rate given) being foreborn any Number of Years. Rule.) Find the proper Table that contains the given Rate on its Top, and under the Amount Fff 2 84. The Uſe of the Tab. of Comp. Intereft, you will find Principal, being for born 45 Years, at 3 per ( after the cutting off by a Point or Comma 7 againſt the Number of years propoed, plied by the given Principal, the Product ( after Places are ſeparated from the right Hand to the left by a Poinț or Comma ) ſhews in Pounds and Dcimal Parts the deſired Anſwer' ct Ancunt, in Mich manner, that the Figure or Figures on the left Hand of the Point or Comma, are ſo many Pounds, and thoſe of the right Hand are the Deci- mal Parts or Fration of a Pound, to be valued by the Dacimal-Table foregoing. Example 1. ] What is the amount of 37.!. Sterling's being forborn 35 Years, at the R. te or 3 per Cent, per Ann. Compound Intereſt ? Anſwer 2441, 806oz Parts, &c. valued 244% 166, Explication.] In the 1ſt Table of Compound Intereſt at 3 per Cint. per Ann, and in the 2d Column, under the Amount of il. and againſt 35 Years, is found 2 1. 8138624 Parts; which being multiplied by 871, the given Principal, the Pro- duét (after, Decimals are cut off by a Point or Comma ) is 2441. 8060288 Parts which is 2411 806 Parts (3 Places next the whole Num- ber being fufficient to value ) is by the Decimal. Table, or the Rule of Inſpection, only found to be 244 l. 16 s. I.do 2 9. ferè, for the Amount ſought. Example 1. ] To know the Amerzse of siz Cut, per Ann. Compound Intereſt ? Anſwer 2407 1. 6037 Parts, valued 2407 1. 12 5. od. 39. +. Prop. 8. ] To find the Preſent Worth of any fram, due at the End of any Number of Years to come, at any Rate of Compound Intereſt given. Röle. ] Having found in the TABLE of Com. pound Intercft the given Rate, Look therein againſt the Number of Years propoſed, and under ube Prefame Wortb or if you will find a certain Number; which being multiplied by the given Sum, due fo many Years hence, the Prodaet Figures as before ) is the Number of Pounds and Decimal Parts of a Pound that must be paid pre- fently. Example 1. ) What is the Preſent Worth Wortb of 16o 1: due 30 Years hence, at the Rare of 3 per Conr. per Ann, Compound Intereji Anſwer 28 1. 6485760 Parts, or 28 1. 125. ud. 2 qout Explication. ] In the ad TABLE of Compound Intereſt, wboſe Rate is 3 per Cent, and under the Preſent Worth, of nl. and againit so Years, is the Number of 1790536 ; which being multi- po plied Ibe Uſe of the Tab. of Comp. Interef, 8; :13 plied by 1601, the given Sum, the Produkt, cut- ting off 7 Figures, is 28 /. 6485760 Parts, or 281. 12.$. 11 d. 29.-Lo be paid preſently.**** Example 2. ] To know the Preſent Worth of 960 1. Sterling, due 55 Years hence, at the Rato of 3 per Cenf. per Ann. Compound Interest ? An- lwer 211, 0292800 Parts, or zilo o s. 7d. Prop. 9. ) To find the Amount of an Annuity, yearly Renț or Penſion, to continue any Number of Years at any Rate of Compound Intereſt given. Rule.) The Rate of Intereſt given, being found on the top of the TARLE, and against the Num- ber of Years propoſed, under the Amount of it. Annuity, you will find a certain Number, which being multiplied by the Annual Rent, Penſion, or Annuity given, the Produkt (after the 7 Decimal Places are cut off from the right Hand, by a Point or Comma, as before) is the Amount of that An- nuity ſought. Example 1. ) An Annuity, Yearly Rent, or Penſion of sol. is forborn 31 Years; What is the Improvement, Compound Intereſt being allow'd the the Owner at 5 per cent. per Annum ? Anſwer 3538 4. 0394900 Pts. or 35381. os. 9 d. 29. ferè. Explication.] In the 4th TABLE of Compound Interef, bearing the Title of 5 per Cent, under the Aruount of il. Annuity, and againſt 31 Years, you have the Number of 70.7607898; which being multiplied by 50 l. the Yearly Rent or Pen- fion given, the Product, cutting off 7 Decimal Places as before, is 3538 1. 0394900 Prs. or 35387. 0 s. 9 d. 29. ferè; which is the Sum that the Owner is to receive at the End of 31 Years for his 50 l. Annuity. Expmple 2. 1 Admit an Annuity of 20 1. per Ann, is forborn 7 Years; What will then be due at 6 per Cent, Compound Intereſt ? Anſwer 167 1. .8767560 Parts, or 1671. 17's. 6 d. 2 9. ferè. Prop. 1o.) To find the Preſent Worth of an An. muity, to continue any Number of Years, at any Rate of Compound Intereſit. Rule. ] Having found on the Top of the Ta- BLE the given given Rate of Intereſt, then againſt the Number of Years propoſed, and under the Preſent Worth of il. Annuity, you will find a certain Number, which being multiplied by the given Annuity, the Produët ( cutting off the 7 Decimal Places as before directed) is the Preſent Worth of that Annuity. Example 1. ] An Annual Rent of 365 1. paid yearly, and to continue 12 Years, is to be ſolå før 5 per Cent. preſent Money; what is it warth, at Compound Intereft? Anſwer 3235 1. 0868340 Prs. or 32351. 15. 8 d. 39.7. Explication.] 26 The Uſe of ibe Tabi of Comp. Intereft. As above, Explicabon. 1 In the 4th TABLE of Compound Intereft, whoſe Rate is at 5 per Cent. you will find under the Preſent Worth of il. Annuity, and a. gainit 18 Years, the Number of 8 l. 8632516 Parts, Avhich being multiplied by 365 1. tbe An Hol Kent, the Product after the 7 Decimola are cut off by a Pojut or Comma) is 3235 1. 0868340 Paris, or 32351. 15, 8 d. 39. + for the Preſent Worth, as Example 2. ] What is the Preſent Worth of a 1 caſe of Amuity of 25 l. per Annun, to continue 20 Years at 3, per Cent. Compound Intereſt? An- {wer 667 4. 4492525, or 3671. 8 s. 11 d. 39-fm Prop. It] To find what Annuity, to continue ay Number of years, any Sum of Money will jurchaſe, at any Kate of Compound Interef giọn. Rule ] Find the proper TABLE that contains the given Rate; then againſt the Number of Years propoſed, and under the Annuity that 11. will purchiale, we will find a certain Number, which being multiplied by the given Sum, the Produs? (after the 7 Decimal Places are ſeparated or cat of by a Point or Comma, as before direded ) is the Atmuity that must be purchaſed by the faid Esample 1. ) What Annuity will bool pura chafe for 25 Years Continuance, at the Rate of 6-ferm per Annuity Compound Intereft ? An, Iwer 46), 0407 Parts, or 461. 18 s. 9 d. 39. Explication. ] In the oth TABLE of Compound Intereſt, under the Annuity that I l. will purchaſe, and againt 45 Years, is the Number of .0782345. wbich being multiplied by 600l. the given Su$7 the Produ£t (after 7 Decimal Places are ſeparated or cut off from the right Hand by a Point or Com ma) is 467. 9407000 Parts, or 46.1. 18:59 d. 3.9. for the Annuity ſought. Example 2.) To find that Annuity which 56941. will purchaſe, for 50 Years Continuance, at the Rate of 3 per Cent, per Ann. Compound In- tereft? Abfwer 2211..2995876 Parts, or 221%. 5 S. ud. 39.+ Prop. 12.) To calculate any of the NUMBERS in Compound Intereft. Rule. ] This Propoſition is rationally and accu- rately perform'd by Andlogy : For as the Num- bers in the 2d Column are only the Series of a Geonetrical Progreſſion, gradually increaſing, aç- cording to the Number of Terms or Years given, fo may they be orderly found, by multiplying continually the ift Numb, or 4th Term of the ift Analogy, by the Ratio or Common Factor, by which the Terms are thus increaſed ; ibat is, for 3 3, 34, 5, 6, &c. per Cent, their particular Rares To make the Tables of Comp. Intereft. 87 Rates or Common Factors, are orderly 1.03, 1.035, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, &c. which are the particular Ratio's or Faćłors for the Intereſt of 1 l. according to the given Rate by which the preceding Number is thus continually to be increaſed or decreaſed, the former by one common Multiplier, and the latter by one common Diviſor, as in the 2d and 3d Co- lumns following 1. For the Column next that of Years, the three firf Numbers, at 5 per cent. are calculated ... thns in 1. iſt, As 1oo : to 105 : : fo 1: to 1.05: ift No. 2d. As 100 : to 105 :: for.05 : tợ 1.1025 : 2d No. 3d. As 100; 105:: 1.102, ? T.15762 1.157625 : 30N.& c. 2. For the next Column but one to that of Tears. 1. ift, As 105: to 100,: fo 1 to 952380g: ift No. 2d. As 105: 100 :: 29523809 :.9070294 : 2d No. 3d. As 105: 100::.9970294 :.8636376:34N.SC. 3. For the third Column from that of Years. 1. The it No. is always 1.1 2. The Second is the Sum of the ift Numbers, in the iſt and 3d Columns. 33. The Third is the Sum of the 2d Numbers, in the aft and 3d Columns, &c. 4. For calculating the fourth Column from that of Years. 1. The ift No, in the 2d Column, is the ift in the 4th Column. 2. The 2d Ne, in the 2d Column, and the ift in the 4th, is the 2d in the 4th Column. daw 3. The 3d No. in the ad Column, and the ad in the 4th, is the 3d in the 4th Column, en este celor S. For calculating the 5th and laſt Column from that of Years, Divide a Unit by any of the Numbers in the fourth Column, and the Quotient is the reſpective Number in the fifth Column. ft. The firf Number in this Column is the ſame with the firft in the aft Column.) Int. 2. As 1.8594103: 1:11: to .5378049 : 2d No, 3. As 2.7232480 ; 13:1; to .3672086 : 38 No. And $ The Uſe of We Dečinial Telen And by theſe Dire&tions and Examples, any one who can but do the Rule of Proportion, may with Eaſe enlarge the foregoing TABLES of Con pound Intereſt, or calculate New Ones at so per Cut, or any other Rate of Interes. The Uſe of the DECIMAL TABLES: try TAB. VI. Prop. 1. ] To find the Decimal anſwerirg any fractional Part of Coin.. Rule.] Having found ( in the ift Table above) the Decimal Parts for the Pence and Farthings given, let them be exactly placed under the Deri cimur Parts equivalent to the Shillings given their Sum is the compleat Decimal ſoughr. Example 1. ] Let it be required to find the De cimal Parts equivalent to 1956.74.39% By the a& Table, $ 19 Shillings, is .95 aog219176 2.7d. 39. is The Daimal of 1gos. 7 d. 39. is 198229196 Example 2.) What is the Decimal anſwering to 137. 11d. 19. a Pound Sterling being the Integer ? Anſwer 69687514. Prop. 2. ) Any Decimal Fraction of Coin, &c. being given, to-find the Value thereof. Rule.] This being the Converſe of the ift Pro- poſition; and as ſuch inay be readily effected, by finding in the ſaid TABLE, 1ſt, the given Deci. mal for the Sbillings fought, and then, 2dly, the given Decimal for the Pence and Fartbings delired; and over againſt each of them, reſpectively, you will find in the ad Column their particular Values ; whoſe Sum is the compleat Value, or "Anfaver fought. Example 1.) What is the Value of 0.98229176 Parts, being the Decimal Parts of a Pound Ster ling? Anſwer 19 s. 7 d. 39. By the IA Table, Ş 0.9 sunt form is 19 1. Parts. 0.95 is 1900 0.03239176 is---1073 The Value of 0.98229196.is19 173 1014928.121 Explications) The Use of the Decimal Tables. 89 , ** or above 40. Explication,] Firſt, in the Column of Decimal Parts I find 95, which is the neareſt Number to 98, the 1ſt two Places in the Decimal Fraction giver, whore Value is 19 s. 2dly, I fubftract 95 out of 98, and find the Difference to be .03 ; which being placed before the other Decimal Places given, (viz. 229176 ) make .03229176, whole Value in the 2d Column is found to be 7 d. 39. Hence the compleat Value is 19.5., d. 39. tor Anſwer, as above. In like manner may any other Decimal Fraction given, be ready valued by the ſaid Table, without any. Defect; and what Figures are Overplus in the ſaid Voluation, may be omitted or neglected as uſeleſs, ſeeing the Parts of Coin in a Pound Sterling cannot always be ex- actly expreſs'd decimally, tho' infinitely near the Truth; yet will never come up to it, becauſe ſe. veral of the Fractional Parts are Numbers incom- menſurable. To value the Decimal Parts of a Pound Sterling by Inſpection only. Rule.] When you are required to value the De. cimal Parts of a Pound Sterling by Inſpection ; Let the ift Figure on the Left-hand of the Decimal be doubled for the Shillings fought ; and if the 2d Figure is, or exceed 5, then add one more to the Number of Shillings; the 2d Figure (if under 5) or its Exceſs ( if above 5 ) joined with the 3d, make ſo many Farthings; only deduct 1, if they amount to 25, or be above 13; or 2, if near 50, Example 2. ] Admit 0.792852 1. is the Decia mal Parts of a Pound Sterling ; to know their Value by Inſpection only ? Anſw. 155. 10d, 19.X. TAB. VII. Explain'd. 1 The Uſe of this TABLE appears in finding readily the Value of certain Decimals anſwering to the parts of a Farthing, eſpecially thoſe that are moſt confiderable, viz. 15 Th. To }, }, į, , and & ; where, in the ill co- lumn on the Left hand, you will find the Decimal Parts equivalent; and oppoſite to it, in the 2d. Column on the Right, you will find the Value of the ſaid Decimal expreſs'd in a Vulgar Fraction, as above : Therefore, in valuing the Fractional Parts of a Farthing, in Simple Intereſt, decimally ex- prefred, you are to obſerve, that whatever Num- ber in the Table it approacheth neareſt unto, ſo many Parts of a Faribing appears, by the ſaid Table, to be the Value ; which is ſo evident, that there needs no Example. N. B. :: G& 90 The Uſe of the Decimal Tables. N. B. When the Decimal Parts of a Farthing, bappen to be fo large, as to bave the Figure 9, with any orbers ſucceeding it; then, in fuch Cafe, Unity, or r Farthing, may be care ried to the Place of Farthings, ſeeing tboje Decimals want ſo little of an Integer. Tbe APPLICAT 10 N. ܀ The Ule of the TABLES abovefaid will mania feftly appear, in all EXAMPLES of Simple and Compound Intereft, where Decimals are uſed, in order to a more true and exact Voluation, 4 A A TABLE of the Contents of the SUPPLEMENT, newly augmented, &c. N. B. The Particulars, which are noted with an Aſteriſm (viz, thus, *) are newly calculated and added. MOUNT of any Sum, how to calculate, , pag. 87 ib. 11!!! 80 Amount of an Annuity, bow to find 85 Annuity, the Purchaſe thereof Compound Intereſt, what Creditor, what ib Copybold Efate, wbat ib. Compound Intereſt Tables, how calculated, at the ſeveral Rates of 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6 per Cent per Ann, as well as any orber Rates of Intereſt whatſoever 86, &c. Tbe Uſe of the ſeveral Columns tberein, 83, &c. A Deſcription thereof ib. Debtor, what 3 Diſcount of Intereſt, bow calculated * Decimal Table, newly calculated, with the Uſe thereof 88 Fee-Simple Eſtate, what Interef Simple and Compound, what ib. Intereſt, High and Low, the Conſequence ib. * Intereſt Simple for Days or Months of 30 Days, bow to find by Tables I, II, III, and IV according to the ſeveral Rates of Intereſt given * Intereft Simple for Months, or Twelfth Parts of a Year, how to find * Intereſt Simple for any Number of Years afligned, bow to find 78 * Intereſt Simple at 3, 37, 4, and s 1. per Cent. per Annum, bow to find by tbe laft Tables a- boveſcid Mortgages and Mortgagees, what 3 Months, bow to keep in Mind the Days in cacb 73 Money lent on Mortgage, an Example thereof 75 Principal Money, what 3 Pawn and Pawn-brokers, wbat ib. Purchace of Eſtates, at what Value Principal funk by the Mortgagee's receiving the Rent, how to make up an Account in ſuch Cafe 7 * Preſent 4, &c. 73, &c. 73, &c. 75 The Contents. &c. * Preſet Worth of any Sum for Compound Inte. rel, ar any of rbe Rates aforeſaid now in UE, any Number of Years bence, kow found the Preſent Worth of an Annuity, according to Com- pound Intereſt, to continue any Number of years, bow to find 85 Purchaſe of Annuities, according to Compound , 86 Rate of Intereft, war Rates in ſeveral Countries Renewing Lives, when they fall * Rates of Simple Intereſt (not in tbe Tables) bow 10 End by tbem the Intereſt for any Sum weat- ſoever, at the Rates of 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 l. per Cent, per Ann. 78 Simple Intereſt, what Simple Intereſ Tables, bow to calculate them for any Sum and Rate aſſigned 82 I ables of Simple Intereſt explained Tables of Compound Intereſt explained * Tables of ditto, bow to calculate them 87, &c. Tables of the ſame, bow they may be enlarged 88, &c. Tenant ar Will, wobat Tenant for Life, wbat ib. Uſe of Money, wbat, and wby ſo called 3 *Ufo of rbe Tables of Simple Intereſt 73 Uſe of them in Diſcount 80 Efe of rbe Table of Coinpound Interet 83, & c. 4 F IN IS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN X Powe 3:QUEROS PENINSULAM AMONAM CIRCUMSPICE 3 9015 06721 9181 ARTES SCIENT . VERITAS LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF M. w IN TIEBOR . 1507 B