TA 590 S56 M D-347. E 352 Sil ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ž PLURIOUS UNVE • TUEBOR QUÆRIS PENINSULAM·AMŒNAMI CIRCUMSPICE 1 i ! TA 590 556 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING AND DRAWING; CONTAINING A SIMPLE AND EASY MODE OF SURVEYING THE DETAIL OF ANY PORTION OF COUNTRY, BY WHICH THE ACTUAL MEASUREMENT OF LINES AND ANGLES, HITHERTO REQUIRED, MAY BE DISPENSED WITH; TOGETHER WITH A VERY IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT IN THE DELINEATION OF GROUND, BY WHICH HEIGHTS AND DECLIVITIES ARE CLEARLY AND SATIS- FACTORILY EXPRESSED. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, INSTRUCTIONS IN TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING ; OR THE ART OF REPRESENTING THE SURFACE OF A COUNTRY IN RELIEF. WITH SEVEN ILLUSTRATIVE PLATES. BY WILLIAM SIBORN, LIEUTENANT IN THE 47TH REGIMENT, AND ASSISTANT MILITARY SECRETARY TO THE COMMANDER OF THE FORCES IN IRELAND. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY C. AND J. RIVINGTON, WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. 1827. SION COLLEGE LIBRARY. SOLD PY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT AND GOVERNORS 1938. LONDON: PRINTED BY C. H. REYNELL, BROAD STREET, GOLDEN SQUARE. 39 140 Sib comm. Hodgson 7-5239 386x7 ΤΟ LIEUTENANT GENERAL THE RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE MURRAY, G. C. B. & G. C. H.-M. P. COMMANDING THE FORCES IN IRELAND, &c. &c. &c. THIS TREATISE IS (WITH PERMISSION) MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY HIS OBLIGED AND GRATEFUL SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. THE time and labor which have been hi- therto required in topographical surveying and drawing, have been such as to confine this art almost entirely to land-surveyors, engineers, and others, of whose professional occupations it forms an essential part. Very few persons have pursued it from inclination, and none, probably, have con- sidered it in the light of an attractive and agreeable study; on the contrary, it has generally been looked upon as complete vi PREFACE. drudgery. To remove this impression by simplifying and facilitating the operation of detail-surveying, combining at the same time extreme accuracy with great dispatch, and by introducing such an improvement into the representation of ground, as shall enable draughtsmen to exhibit at once in their drawings, all the local information which these are capable of affording, is the object of the present work; and that nothing may be wanting which can render this complete, and add to the interest of the subject, the author has annexed some instructions in the art of modelling the surface of a country, which afford a prac- tical proof of the importance of the improvements he has suggested in the topographical delineation of ground. That this will be the means of rendering the art of surveying, drawing, and modelling the surface of any portion of country, at once pleasing and attractive, even among per- PREFACE. vii sons who are not obliged to pursue it professionally, there can be little doubt. Those who are fond of the study of geo- logy and mineralogy, will be anxious to avail themselves of the means of retaining correct miniature copies of such striking and peculiar features of ground as they may happen to meet with. But even those who have not studied these subjects. or who are, at most, but superficially acquainted with them, will derive an inex- haustible fund of pleasure and instruction from tracing, delineating, and modelling different portions of the surface of the earth, whether adorned by rich alterna- tions of river and valley, of hills undulating in countless variety of form, or by the rugged and more magnificent features of rock and mountain. The improvement which the author proposes in the delineation of ground, vili PREFACE. and which consists in introducing a few ho- rizontal lines or sections at certain vertical distances from one another, with a ready and easy method of tracing them on the survey- sheet, and in laying down an extremely sim- ple rule by which the inequalities of surface may be most satisfactorily expressed, has induced him to supersede by the present work, the one which he published a few years ago, containing "Instructions in Topographical Plan-Drawing," founded upon a foreign system, the general adop- tion of which would require a complete alteration, both in the execution and reading of topographical plans, from the usual methods practised in this country; whereas, the improved British system now submitted to the Public, and which exacts no change in the principles upon which the shading of ground is at present regu- lated, will, he trusts, be found far superior PREFACE. ix in practice, and much more generally useful. With regard to the foreign system here alluded to, the author feels it incumbent on him to state in this place, that a close attention to the subject has convinced him that, undeniably correct as that system is, when strictly adhered to, it is attended with many inconveniences. Thus, it requires that the reader should, in order to ascer- tain either the relative or actual heights of particular points, set to work with ruler and compasses, and minutely estimate the proportion of the thickness of the shading lines to their intervening white spaces; it has the disadvantage that slight errors. committed by the draughtsman or the engraver, in delineating the ground, may lead to very considerable ones when the plan comes to be proved; and, above all, it requires a complete deviation from the usual methods of expressing ground prac- X PREFACE. tised in this country. These inconve- niences do not attend the system which the author now proposes for adoption, for it enables the draughtsman, without at all altering the mode of expressing ground to which he has been accustomed, to show, upon the face of the plan itself, without further reference, the differences in height between the various points of a country; to indicate the general and relative steep- ness of the ground; to construct vertical sections in any direction; and to give the reader of the plan the ready means of ascertaining the quantity of ground visible from any particular point. One very great advantage of the im- proved system consists in the facility which it offers to persons engaged in an extensive topographical survey, in detecting the errors committed by the different surveyors in the representation of ground, by enabling them to institute a comparison between the ter- PREFACE. xi minations of the before-mentioned horizon- tal sections at the marginal lines of one sur- vey-sheet, with the corresponding ones of the adjoining sheet sent in by another sur- veyor, and which, should they not coincide, prove that errors have occurred, and these can be rectified before the completion of the survey. In the Ordnance Survey of Eng- land, the scientific skill and practical address with which the great operations of trian- gulation have been conducted, are univer- sally admired, and exhibit indeed a speci- men which is not surpassed, if equalled, by any similar undertaking in Europe. The topographical detail, however, or filling in of the triangles, has been very generally criticised, being imperfect and by no means commensurate with the rest of the work; and it was expressly stated by an eminent engineer, Mr Nimmo, before the Committee appointed by Parliament in 1823, to consi- der of the Survey of Ireland, that this im- xii PREFACE. perfection arose chiefly from the want of a check upon that part of the operations. But decidedly the most important fea- ture of this system is, that it enables a per- son to construct, with the greatest ease, from a topographical drawing, a correct model of the country which it represents; that it impresses at once upon the mind of a person viewing such a drawing, a correct image of nature, and this too, without re- quiring him to have recourse to ruler and compasses, or to the estimation of minute proportions, (at all times subject to consi- derable error), in order to ascertain relative degrees of altitude or inclination of ground, as is the case with most of the foreign sys- tems. Surely the most fastidious will not require a greater approximation to perfec- tion. In the Report, published by Parliament, on the Irish Survey, already alluded to, we find that the practicability and advantages PREFACE. Xili of modelling are subjects repeatedly sug- gested by the engineers who were examined before the committee; and that it is invari- ably recommended as the most effectual mode of representation, and for military purposes especially, as being decidedly su- perior to every other. Mr Bald, who ex- hibited for the inspection of the committee several specimens which he had constructed in the course of his extensive surveys, ap- pears in particular to have directed great attention to this subject. He states his opinion that "it is the nearest approxima- tion of art in representing the features of a country, and, for military purposes, su- perior to any map representation," and ex- presses his regret that a model of Eng- land had not been carried on cotempora- neously with the Ordnance Survey. model," says Mr Bald, "on the scale of four inches to the mile, of Great Britain and Ireland, with their numerous isles, their long 66 " A xiv PREFACE. broken, indented outline of coast, the lofty extensive ranges of mountains in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the Islands, would give a character and expression to this work of art which could not be surpassed." Mr Nimmo, when asked whether he thought the topographical representation by a system of modelling would be applicable to the sur- vey of Ireland, replied, "No doubt it would be the most perfect system of representa- tion you could obtain, but it would be pro- digiously expensive." In short, the evidence produced before the committee was unani- mous in favour of modelling. Two very great difficulties, however, appear to have stood in the way of its adoption; namely, the want of a fixed system of topographical drawing, by means of which the modelling could be carried on, either upon the the ground by the surveyors themselves, or subsequent- ly at the depôt of the survey, from the survey-sheets, by persons specially em- PREFACE. XV ployed for that purpose; and the very great expense, which, in consequence of this want, would be incurred by the employing of ar- tists to model from nature. The author of the present work conceives, therefore, that as he has succeeded in removing these diffi- culties, he will not be considered presump- tuous in submitting it more particularly to the notice of those who are superintending the Survey of Ireland, which the committee, in the concluding paragraph of their Report, "trust will be carried on with energy as well as with skill, and that it will, when completed, be creditable to the nation, and to the scientific acquirements of the age." It is needless to point out to military imen the facilities which Topographical Drawings, executed according to this sys- tem, must offer to the study of particular tactical movements in regard to their con- nexion with the peculiar features of the ground upon which they have taken place. xvi PREFACE. They must not, however, confound them with another branch of drawing-Military Sketching; a branch of very great import- ance, and presenting great and peculiar difficulties. A military sketch differs from a military survey, both in its purpose and its execution. The former is a hurried and imperfect delineation of the general charac- ter and most important features of a coun- try destined to be the theatre of military operations; the latter is a minute and ac- curate representation of every natural and artificial object which can exercise any in- fluence on the movements of an army. The sketch of a field of battle precedes the time of action; the survey of it is made afterwards, when sufficient time and oppor- tunity can be granted for the purpose. The one is dashed off with all the rapidity which the most practised skill can command; the other is the deliberate and finished pro- duction of ample leisure. The object of a PREFACE. xvii military sketch is to enable the commander to make the most effective dispositions for attack or defence; that of a military sur- vey to show the connexion of these dispo- sitions with the conformation of the ground, and consequently the local circumstances which contributed to their failure or success. It is obvious, therefore, that as the value of an officer's sketches will often depend much more on his tact and sagacity than on the observations and measurements which he can actually take, and as much will depend on his habits of estimating the forms of ground, from a rapid and hasty glance, he who has been in the habit of drawing on the principles of the present improved system, and who is rendered familiar, by his practice in modelling, with the various conformations exhibited by the earth's surface, will be the most likely to possess that tact and sa- gacity. With regard to Land-Surveying, as applied b xviii PREFACE. to estates, the author feels confident that the present work will be the means of sub- stituting neat and correct models for those gaudy productions of the brush, in which the landscape and the plan are so strangely combined. In the sale of estates, models are of very great utility, since they enable purchasers to form just notions of their local properties, instead of trusting to the gene- rally exaggerated descriptions given by auctioneers. To land-surveyors, who are in the habit of computing the area of land from the scale of a plan, by dividing the latter into triangles, trapezia, &c., the proposed sys- tem of surveying offers every facility, by the extreme accuracy with which the situa- tion of all lines and points is laid down, and by which a much greater reliance can be placed upon this mode of computation, when applied to a large scale, (as should always be the case in land-surveying,) than PREFACE. xix that which is founded on actual mea- upon surement alone. It might probably be expected, in a work of this kind, that the author would have passed in review the different modes of Topographical Drawing and Surveying pur- sued both on the continent and in this country, and have compared them with his own system; but this, he conceives, would have been only making a book, since the generality of his readers, that is, of those in- terested in the subject, are supposed to be already acquainted with the present state of the art, or, if not, they can ascertain it from other works, and then judge for them- selves of the value of his improvements. He has preferred laying down, in the most concise manner, a system which he is confi- dent will be found at once the most simple, the most expeditious, and the most gene- rally useful:-the most simple, because a person almost entirely unacquainted with XX PREFACE. mathematics, can execute it with the great- est ease; the most expeditious, because it dispenses with linear and angular measure- ments; and the most generally useful, because it offers to the reader of a topo- graphical drawing, that just and ready con- ception of the country represented, which enables him, if he wishes, to construct its correct model. Dublin, 4th of June, 1827. ERRATA. Page 51, 7th line from the bottom; for to, read at. 52, 1st line; for 42, read 30. 66, 5th line; for 12, read 8. 66, 9th and 10th lines; for marked the one; read marked, the one, 77, 6th line; insert In, as the last word of the line. CONTENTS. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING AND DRAWING. РАОБ Description of the improved Plane Table, and of the mode of determining by it the height of any point, and the degree of inclination of ground 1 Relative distinction between trigonometrical, topogra- phical, and land surveying..... 12 Commencement of a topographical survey unconnected 15 with a trigonometrical survey... Commencement of a topographical survey connected with a trigonometrical survey... 29 38 Instances in which linear measurement may be required 45 To find a station taken at pleasure To carry on the work from one survey-sheet to another 49 General rules in topographical surveying 51 Topographical scales 54 The topographical delineation of detail 56 The topographical delineation of ground Classification of ground. • 60 82 xxii CONTENTS. PAGE To construct vertical sections of the ground represented 84 To ascertain the boundary of view from any point upon a plan TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 85 Introduction 91 Difference between the horizontal and vertical scales 96 To make the preparatory model.... 98 To make the mould 100 To make the cast. To represent and fix the detail upon the cast or model.. 103 102 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING AND DRAWING. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING AND DRAWING. DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPROVED PLANE TABLE, AND OF THE MODE OF DETERMINING BY IT THE HEIGHT OF ANY POINT, AND THE De- GREE OF INCLINATION OF GROUND. THAT the Plane Table is a most useful and ex- peditious instrument in surveying, is an obser- vation which has been made by nearly all those who have written upon this subject; but when we consider the defects in the construction of the description of Plane Table hitherto used, and the still greater defects in the mode of working with it, which require numerous angu- lar and linear measurements, and compare these with the simple construction of the instrument B 2 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING we propose to substitute, the very plain and easy manner of using it, and the extreme accuracy and great dispatch with which its operations are attended, it may be confidently asserted that it is of all instruments the one best suited to the purposes of Topographical Surveying. Independently of the great correctness and expedition which follow the use of the Plane Table, it possesses considerable advantages over other instruments. Its plane gradually as- sumes the representation of the country, so that the surveyor can constantly compare one with the other, estimate the distances of various objects from his station, and from one another, and immediately ascertain whether his estimate be true, and, if not, the probable causes of his error; a practice which will very soon enable him to determine with great accu- racy, by the eye alone, numerous short distances comprised in the minutiae of detail, which those ac- customed to survey with other instruments would be compelled to measure. The value of such an advantage to the military surveyor is obvious: he cannot possibly lay a better foundation for that AND DRAWING. 3 correct coup-d'œil by which he may, at some future period, be required to give the represen- tation of a country, under circumstances which do not admit of the use of such an instrument as the Plane Table, nor perhaps of any instru- ment whatever. Such a representation would certainly be nothing more than a sketch; but there can be no doubt that those sketches will be the most faithfully as well as the most rapidly executed, that are undertaken by officers whose qualifications for this description of ser- vice are the result of practice in military surveys. Various alterations have been made, in diffe- rent countries, in the construction of the Plane Table, since it was first brought into use; the greater part of which have only tended to render it more complicated. The one which is the most simple in construction, however, is the most useful in practice. The instrument here recommended consists of a plain square board, fixed upon a stand, by which it may be made to turn round upon its centre, preserving a perfectly horizontal position; the index, by means of a simple contrivance, enables the surveyor to 4 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING determine the heights of all points above, or their depths below, his station, without requiring any further calculation than that of multiplying two numbers together. Fig. 1, Pl. 1, represents the improved Plane Table, with its index. It is composed of a brass staff-head, having three leaves, two of which, a and b, are seen in the figure, equi- distant from one another. To these leaves the legs are fastened by means of an axis passing through each, having a square at one end to prevent its turning in the wood, and a screw-worker and winged nut at the other, by which the surveyor is enabled to give them any degree of tightness they may require. Down through the centre of the head runs a long conical hole or socket, into which is accu- rately ground a bell-metal centre. The upper part of this central piece is made of a bell- like shape, and to it the drawing-board is fixed by means of three screws, two of which are seen in the figure. A clamp is attached to the instru- ment in such a manner as to take in both the bell-metal centre and socket, so that by loosen- AND DRAWING. 5 ing or tightening the clamp-screw c, the table may be turned freely round, or fixed firmly in any position. The outside of the clamp is racked to receive a tangent-screw, the milled head of which is seen at d: this admits of the finest possible circular horizontal motion being given to the drawing-board. To procure the horizontal position of the drawing-board, a very portable circular spirit- level e, about three inches in diameter, is laid upon it, and the legs of the instrument are moved or thrust into the ground, more or less, until the bubble is brought within the small circle in the centre of the glass: f represents a compass which can be attached to a side of the drawing- board, by means of a screw and two holes under the board made to receive the two nobs or pins shown in the figure. It will be seen, however, in the following pages, that a compass is not absolutely necessary in surveying with the Plane Table. The size of the drawing-board varies accord- ing to the extent of the survey and the scale upon which it is to be executed. When the scale of 6 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING 6 inches to a mile is used, a drawing-board 20 inches square will contain 9 square miles within an inch margin: when the scale is 5 inches to a mile, a drawing-board 17 inches square will contain the same extent and margin; and when the scale is 4 inches to a mile, a board 14 inches square will answer the same purpose. The drawing-board itself is prepared in the following simple manner, which entirely removes a very great objection hitherto urged against the use of the Plane Table, namely, the expansion and contraction of the paper according to the state of the atmosphere:-Lay upon that side of the sheet of paper which is to be fixed to the board, the white of an egg well beat up; press the paper gently and gradually down upon the board from one side to the opposite one, and paste the edges which hang over to the under part of the board. With drawing-boards thus prepared, I have stood with an umbrella over the instrument during heavy showers of rain, without the slightest alteration taking place in the smoothness or firmness of the paper. Fig. 2 represents the index upon a large scale. AND DRAWING. 7 The distance between the outer surfaces of the two sights may be made equal to either 200 Paris lines, or 200 tenths of an English inch: smaller lengths may be given to this distance, but the former are preferable, as obviating the necessity of dividing in order to ascertain the exact length of the two hundredth parts. On the outer surface of the object-sight a b, com- mencing from a height above the base or rule, equal to that of the lowermost sight-hole c, of the near sight de, as many of these Paris lines, or tenths of an inch, (or two hundredth parts of the distance between the sights,) are marked, as the length of the sight (somewhat more than half that of the rule) will admit. The distance between the sights being equal to 200, every two of these divisions forms one-hundredth part of that distance, and these hundredth parts are numbered 5, 10, 15, &c., upwards on one side of the sight, and in a similar manner downwards on the other, as shown in the figure. The thou- sandth parts are read off by means of the no- nius-slide ƒ g. On the inner side of the object- sight are marked the angles of inclination of 8 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING ground between 0° and 45°, both upwards and downwards; and, on the inner edge, (as seen in the figure,) those between 0° and 20°: their use will be shown presently. The near-sight has an aperture cut down through the middle, similar to that in the object- sight, which is covered by a plate fixed to the sight by means of an axis or screw at the lower part, and a tangent-screw at the top. Very fine sight-holes are drilled into this plate, at a dis- tance from each other, equal to five of the divi- sions on the object-sight. To find the Height of an Object above your Station. The table being set in its horizontal position, direct the index towards the object; look through the lowermost sight-hole c, and move the nonius- slide so as to make the cross-hair coincide with the object. Then observe the number cut off by the cross-hair on the outer surface of the object-sight, and multiply it by the distance of the object from the station, taken from the scale of the plan, for the height required. AND DRAWING. 9 To find the Depth of an Object below your Station. Look through the uppermost sight-hole o, and multiply the distance by the number cut off by the cross-hair upon the line of divisions num- bered downwards. Suppose, in the former case, the division cut off by the cross-hair to be exactly 30, and the distance to be 1200 feet; then, 30, or 300, or •3,×1200=360 feet, the height required. Suppose the cross-hair to pass between the division 30, and the half division beyond it, and the nonius to mark 4; then 304 × 1200-364.8 feet, the height required. Suppose it to pass between the half division beyond 30, and the 31st division, and the nonius to mark 3; then, 308x1200=369.6 feet, the height required. The proof of this simple rule is obvious when we consider that cf. Fig. 2, must be in the same proportion to fg as that of the distance of the object to its height-that is, 1 number cut off distance of object its height-whence, :: the number cut off multiplied by the distance 10 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING of the object gives the height required. To the height thus found, must of course be added that of the instrument. To find the Angle of Inclination of Ground. • If the angle does not exceed 20°, (and those of most frequent occurrence do not,) look through the lowermost sight-hole, if the ground is above you, and through the uppermost, if it is below you, and move the nonius-slide so as to make the cross-hair pass a little above the top or bottom of the slope (in order to take the height of the instrument into account) and it will then mark the degree of inclination upon the inner edge of the object-sight. Should the angle exceed 20°, the object-sight must be re- moved to s, where the distance between the two sights and their length form a square, and the angle is then to be looked for on the inner side of the object-sight. To adjust the Index. The adjustment of the index, to which the surveyor should attend previously to his going AND DRAWING. 11 out to work, is effected in the following manner: -fix the table in its horizontal position, in a room, about nine or ten feet from a window, and attach to the latter a silk thread with a weight suspended to it. Place the index on the table, and look through the adjusting sight-hole i, whe- ther the hair in the object-sight coincides with the silk thread at the window; if it does not, move it to the right or left, by means of the small tangent-screw t at the upper part of that sight, until both hair and thread appear to be Now look through in the same vertical plane. the uppermost sight-hole o, whether the hair and thread coincide, and, if they do not, you must effect the coincidence by means of the screw n* in the near-sight. Return to the ad- justing sight-hole, and see if any further alter- ation is necessary, and continue this operation until the sight-holes, hair, and thread, are in the same vertical planet. Both screws t and n are made to fit one key. This kind of Plane Table may be had of Jones, Charing Cross, London; or of Scott, Stafford street, Dublin; but the * 12 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING The index is rendered portable by the sights being made to fold down upon the rule, the one partly over the other, and the whole packed into a case. RELATIVE DISTINCTION BETWEEN TRIGONO- METRICAL, TOPOGRAPHICAL, AND LAND SURVEYING. SURVEYING may be divided into three parts; Trigonometrical, Topographical, and Land Sur- veying. Trigonometrical Surveying comprises the art of carrying on a series of connected triangles over an extensive tract of country, from a long and accurately measured base or fundamental line, and of transferring upon a plane or paper, on a reduced scale, the true position of the points of these triangles, which generally con- sist of the most conspicuous objects, such as above description and the engraving form a sufficient guide to any expert mathematical instrument-maker for its con- struction. AND DRAWING. 13 the summits of high hills, steeples, towers, &c. The great triangulation which has been carried on in this country for several years past, under the direction of some of our most eminent engineers, appointed by the Board of Ordnance to lay down a survey of England and Wales, who, to ensure the perfect accuracy of this undertaking, have been enabled by a liberal government to bring into aid all the advantages and improvements that have been effected in this branch of science,-may be con- sidered as a model by which all future trigono- metrical operations should be regulated. Those who are desirous of obtaining information on this branch of surveying should therefore have re- course to the account of the Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales*, published by Colonel Mudge and Mr Dalby, two of its late principal directors. And also to a "Treatise on Topography," by General Malorti de Marte- mont, of Woolwich. * This great national work, called the Ordnance Survey, which has lately been extended to Ireland, is at present un- der the able superintendence of Colonel Colby. 14 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING Topographical surveying comprehends the filling up of the space contained within these triangles with the correct position and repre- sentation of the remaining objects situated upon and composing the surface of the country. It also includes the surveying of a portion of country not exceeding 250, or at most 300 square miles, without the aid of trigonometry, the mode of proceeding in which will be ex- plained in the following pages. Land surveying does not require the represen- tation of the inequalities of ground, but consists simply in planning the boundaries of fields and other enclosures of estates, and determining their respective areas. Topographical surveying and drawing may also be divided into two parts, namely, detail and ground; the former comprising the deter- mining and delineating of all natural and arti- ficial objects situated upon the earth's surface, such as woods, roads, rivers, canals, boundaries, towns, villages, &c.; and the latter, that of the formation of the surface itself. AND DRAWING. 15 COMMENCEMENT OF A TOPOGRAPHICAL SUR- VEY UNCONNECTED WITH A TRIGONOMETRI- CAL SURVEY. We will first suppose the topographical survey of a small portion of country is to be taken un- connected with a trigonometrical survey. In this instance, should the scale be rigidly pre- scribed, one line, called the base of the survey, must be measured; and, since it is the only one which requires to be so, (except in some parti- cular cases, as will be explained hereafter,) the surveyor will not object to bestow great care and attention, in order to obtain its exact length. Should however any error be committed in the measurement, it will not, as in surveys con- structed entirely from measured lines and angles, communicate itself to the whole work, but merely to the scale of the plan, which can be corrected before the plan itself is completed; for, since the remaining horizontal lines, and the angles which they contain, are not measured, but all objects 16 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING are determined, on the ground, by means of lines of sight drawn in their true vertical planes, no distortion of parts can take place; the whole will be in exact geometrical proportion with the country represented. If the scale on which the plan is to be drawn ✩ be rigidly prescribed, it will generally be neces- sary to commence by measuring the base; but, should this not be the case, and the features of the ground be such, that from two or three high summits, a considerable portion of what is to be surveyed can be seen, it will be more conve- nient to commence the survey at once from these points, and to measure a base subsequently, upon a piece of ground convenient for that purpose. In choosing the best situation for a base, the surveyor should attend to the following direc- tions: 1. Let the base be situated in a level plane, or at least in one not inclined to the horizon in an angle of more than 2º. Should the ground, of which the survey is to be taken, not admit of a plane sufficiently level for this purpose, the hy- pothenusal lines along the base must be reduced AND DRAWING. 17 to horizontal ones, and the true horizontal ex- tent of the whole line accurately obtained. 2. Let it be so situated that several conspi- cuous objects may be seen from its extremities, and also, if possible, that it may lie in a direct line with two very distinct objects, in order that its measurement may be carried on in a true direction, and that its situation may be easily and accurately ascertained at any time. 3. Let it be of such a length that the lines of sight drawn from its extremities towards the distant objects on either side of it, may inter- sect each other in angles containing not less than 30°. Having fixed upon the situation of the base, and marked out its true direction by means of staves placed at convenient distances between its extremities, proceed to take its exact length with a measuring instrument. In an ordinary survey, the chain is generally used, though rods are considered by some surveyors to be prefer- able. Two persons hold the chain, one at each end; the foremost, or leader, must be provided with a certain number of arrows, one of which C 18 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING he fixes perpendicularly into the ground at the end of the chain when stretched out, and which is afterwards taken up by the follower, by way of keeping an account of the number of chains. The follower keeps one end of the chain close to the first extremity of the base, and sends for- ward the leader with the other, directing him, by a motion of the hand, after he has drawn the chain tight, to place it more either to the right or to the left, until he gets it in a straight line with the other extremity, or with the other in- tervening staves. The leader then thrusts an arrow into the ground at the point where the chain terminates; carries it again forward; fixes another arrow as before, and proceeds in this way with the measurement of the whole base, which should be repeated until no doubt is entertained as to its correct length. The measurement of long bases of extensive trigonometrical surveys, in which the utmost degree of accuracy is required, is carried on by means of rods of platina, iron, or of wood; glass rods were used in the measure of the base on Hounslow Heath. The reader who may wish AND DRAWING. 19 for information on this subject must consult the account of the Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales, by Colonel Mudge and Mr Dalby; the account of the measurement of a base on Hounslow Heath, by General Roy; the Méridienne de l'Observatoire de Paris, par Cassini; the Mesure d'un Arc du Méridien, par Delambre, &c. Suppose you have chosen and measured the line A B*, Fig. 1, Pl. 2, as the base of the sur- vey, and accurately laid down a b upon the drawing-board, in its exact proportion, accord- ing to the scale, to the length of A B upon the ground. Then fix the instrument over the ex- tremity A; set it horizontal; loosen the table by the clamp-screw, turn it so as to bring a b pretty nearly into the direction of a B, and screw *In this plate the capital letters indicate the points or ob- jects upon the ground; and the small letters, their corre- sponding positions on the plan. A and B in this figure are therefore concealed by the plane of the instrument, which, it is scarcely necessary to remark, is made, for the sake of ex- emplification, of a very disproportionate size to the space occupied by the objects. 20 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING it tight again: fix a needle* in the point a; place the index along the line a b, and, by means of the tangent-screw, make this line coincide exactly with A B upon the ground. Try with the plummet whether a is now per- pendicularly over the extremity A of the base; if it is not, alter the position of the table accord- ingly, and go through this operation until you have a over A, and a b in the true vertical plane of A B. Having thus obtained the true position of the instrument, proceed to draw lines of sight from a towards the most conspicuous objects, which, The heads of the fine needles used in this mode of sur- veying should be covered with sealing-wax, to enable the surveyor to press them gently into the drawing-board. This may be a line suspending a bullet from one point. of a pair of callipers (compasses with bowed shanks) under- neath the drawing-board, while the other is fixed upon the station-point on the plan. It is only required in laying down the position of the base; and, in general, any small heavy substance let fall from that part of the board which is immedi- ately underneath the station-point, is sufficient to determine whether the latter is perpendicularly over its corresponding station on the ground. ↑ The surveyor should be provided with two pencils, one AND DRAWING. 21 in this instance, we will suppose to be C, D, E, F, G, H, taking care to distinguish each line by a letter, number, or particular mark, or by the name of the object to which it is drawn. Ob- serve that there is no necessity for drawing a line of sight all along the index, which would give to the work a confused appearance; you need only draw a small portion of it upon that part of the board where you expect the point corresponding to the object will fall. Now leave a mark at A, and proceed to B. Fix the instrument over this extremity of the base, and procure its true position, namely, so as to have b over B, and b a coinciding with the line of sight b A, in the same manner as was observed at the station A with regard to the mark B. Fix a needle in the point b; direct for drawing the lines of sight, and the other for affixing to these lines their distinguishing signs; the former must be of the hardest kind that can be procured, and cut square and flat, so that it may be held perfectly close to the fiducial edge of the index, and be made to produce the finest line possible; the other must of course be cut to a point. 22 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING the index to the objects C, D, E, F, G, H, suc- cessively, and intersect the lines of sight drawn from a, as shown in the figure. These intersec- tions will indicate the true positions of the above objects, provided no mistake have been made in drawing the lines of sight. In order to ascer- tain this, draw an alignment in a convenient direction, such as b I; that is, apply the index close to the point b, directing it to some distant object I, draw small portions of the line of this direction upon the margin of the plan, and upon that part where the station-point is expected to fall, as seen in the figure. Leave a mark at B, having previously drawn lines of sight, (as was done at A,) towards other objects advantageously situated as directing-points, and proceed with the instrument to a convenient spot, from which A is visible, somewhere about O, in a line with B and I. Having placed it exactly in this direc- tion and set it horizontal, apply the index close to the point b and to the above-mentioned parts of the alignment drawn upon the margin; turn the table by means of the tangent-screw into the direction of B and I, and observe whether these AND DRAWING. 23 objects are seen through the sights; if they are not, shift the instrument accordingly until its true position is obtained. This last operation can always be easily and readily performed by altering the position of the legs of the instru- ment, such as taking one of them out of the ground, and fixing it further in the required direction, and thrusting the other two deeper into the ground. Fix a needle in the point a, apply the index to it, directing it to A, and intersect the alignment of I B, which intersec- tion will give your true station-point. Apply the index to this point, directing it successively to such of the objects C, D, E, &c. as are visi- ble, and observe whether each is situated in a vertical plane with its corresponding point upon the plan, and with the present station-point o. Should each be exactly in this direction, its correct position in the plan is proved; but, if the index, when directed to one of those objects, does not pass over its corresponding point upon the plan, the line of sight must be drawn, and the true position of this point determined by a line of sight drawn from some subsequent sta- 24 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING tion, by which the false line will be detected. Thus, suppose that when at O, Fig. 2, Pl. 2, (which represents the work upon the board,) you apply the index to the points o and e, and that in directing it to the object E, you find it does not pass over the intersection of the lines of sight a e and be; then draw the line of sight o e, from which it will appear that one of the lines a e, be, and o e, has been incorrectly drawn. The true position of this object upon the plan is therefore, at present, unknown; but is found at some subsequent period of the survey, for in- stance, from a station taken at Q. The line of sight qe, drawn from this point to E, passes over the intersection of the lines be and o e, whence it is evident that this must be the true situation of E upon the plan, and that an error must have been committed at A in drawing the line a e. Suppose that, in the course of the work, it should be found desirable to fix a station some- where about M, Fig. 1, and in a line between the objects G and L. Then, in order to bring the instrument into this alignment, send forward AND DRAWING. 25 your assistant about fifty or a hundred yards towards G; motion him to the right or left, so as to get him in a line with G; after which let him motion you in the same manner, so as to get you in a line with L; and proceed in this way until you see each other in the true align- ment. Fix the instrument in the latter, set it horizontal, apply the index to g and l, and draw a line in that part where your station-point will fall. Turn the table pretty nearly round to its true position, and fasten it by means of the clamp- screw; then give to it a gentle horizontal mo- tion with the tangent screw, until you see the object G through the sights; after which place the index in the direction of L, applying it to the points / and g as before; and if the object G coincides with the hair in the object-sight, the table is in its true position; if it does not, you must remove the table to the right or left accord- ingly, by shifting the legs as before described. Having rectified the position of the instrument, determine the station-point by a back intersec- tion from some object already laid down, such 26 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING as E, and by a verification from another, such as P or Q. In order to facilitate the subsequent opera- tions of the survey, (such as the finding one's station upon a spot of ground over which no alignment has been drawn), it is desirable to have points upon the plan corresponding to several conspicuous objects upon the ground, the accuracy of which cannot possibly be ques- tioned. These are called directing-points, and are distinguished in the plan, as well as the station-points, by being encircled with a pencil- line, as seen at Fig. 2, Pl. 2. The surveyor should not consider one of them as determined upon the plan by the intersection of two lines of sight, until verified by a third one; and he should observe that, when the lines of sight drawn from two stations to any object, for the purpose of determining its situation on the plan, intersect each other in an angle less than 30°, the point of intersection must be more distinctly shown by a third line drawn from another sta- tion. Indeed, he will find it very little, if any, AND DRAWING. 27 trouble, to verify every object by means of a third line of sight, (excepting the minutiae of the detail), whenever he possibly can; and he will then have the satisfaction of knowing that all points are laid down with the greatest accuracy on his drawing-board, and this too, without any measurement beyond that of the base, without any calculation, and even without the assistance of the compass. The above will suffice to shew, that by pro- ceeding in this simple, correct, and expeditious manner of determining the most conspicuous and well-defined objects of the country, a num- ber of directing-points is attained, which serve to facilitate the planning of the minutiae of the detail, and the configuration of the ground. Should no particular scale be prescribed, and supposing two commanding points to offer, whence a great portion of the ground can be seen, fix the situation of these points upon your survey-sheet, as you may find most convenient. Commence the survey from them in the same manner as from A and B, Fig. 1, Pl. 2, and upon arriving, at a subsequent period, upon a flat 28 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING piece of ground of sufficient extent, measure a base, the extremities of which you can deter- mine from directing-points already laid down on the plan. This is by far the best and most ex- peditious mode of commencing a survey, and answers particularly well when you wish to determine only a small portion of country, and when you have fixed in your mind whereabouts upon your drawing-board you wish the situation of the two points to fall. It can also be adopted when the scale is not rigidly prescribed, that is, when one or more in the number of inches to be fixed upon for a mile is of no consequence, since the situation of the two points may then be laid down with sufficient accuracy, as far as regards a scale, by the eye. Much assistance may be derived in this respect from maps, (and there are few portions of country of which maps have not been constructed), whence the horizon- tal distance between these points can be taken, or at least calculated sufficiently near the truth to agree with the prescribed scale. In survey- ing ground in England or Wales, recourse might be had to the published account of the trigono- AND DRAWING. 29 metrical survey of those countries, in which are given numerous distances between conspicuous points, all calculated with the greatest nicety; a most important advantage, which enables us, in such cases, to dispense with the measurement of a base, and to commence a survey at once from the most commanding situations, even though the scale should be rigidly prescribed. COMMENCEMENT OF A TOPOGRAPHICAL SUR- VEY CONNECTED WITH A TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY. We will now suppose that a triangulation has been carried on in the country of which a topo- graphical survey is to be made, and in such a manner, that upon every survey-sheet of the latter fixed upon the Plane-Table, the situation of at least two points, trigonometrically deter- mined, is given to the surveyor, by which his work is to be regulated. In this instance no measurement of a base is required, the distance between the two given points having been mea- 1 30 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING sured or computed in the trigonometrical survey. The objects, however, which correspond with these points, frequently consist of spires, towers, &c., on which the instrument cannot conveni- ently be placed; whence it will be necessary to explain the modes of proceeding in the different cases that may occur: which are, 1st. When the instrument can be placed upon both points. 2nd. When it can be placed only on one point. 3rd. When it can be placed on neither point; and then, either in an alignment with the two points, beyond or between them. The proceeding in the 1st case being exactly similar to the commencement of a survey from the extremities of a measured base already de- scribed, requires no further explanation. In the 2nd case, after having rectified the position of the instrument by means of the point over which it can be placed, and the line between that point and the other given one, and having drawn lines of sight towards the most conspi- cuous objects, determine an alignment with one AND DRAWING. 31 convenient for the purpose, and proceed in it until you arrive at a spot of ground favorable for viewing objects, and where a back intersec- tion from the other given point with this align- ment would not be too acute: then set up the Plane-Table, and determine your station- point by means of this back intersection accord- ingly. In the 3rd case, suppose that a and b, Fig. 3, No. 1, Pl. 2, are the two given points on the survey- sheet, corresponding to A and B on the ground, over which it is impossible to fix the instrument, and that a convenient station can be taken in the prolongation of A B, as for instance, at C. Then, having adopted, by the eye, the point c in this alignment to represent your station C, and brought the prolonged line ab on the Plane-Table to coincide with that of A B on the ground, de- termine a convenient alignment over a part from which both A and B are visible, such as gcg; proceed in this to a good spot for viewing ob- jects, and set the instrument in its true position accordingly; fix a needle in a, apply the index to it, directing it towards A, and draw the line 32 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING of sight ah backwards, and, in the same way, draw the line of sight bh backwards. The point of intersection h of these lines will indicate the present station. For, since a b is parallel to A B, and ah and bh respectively coincide with A h and B h, the triangles A h B and a hb are simi- lar, whence h must be the true station-point. Then, to determine the correct station-point of the former station, which was adopted by the eye, fix a needle in h, apply the index to it, directing it to the object of alignment G, and draw a line to intersect the prolongation of a b, which intersection i is the true position of C* *Though this part of the problem is not perfectly cor- rect in theory, it is sufficiently so in practice; for the assumed station-point c will seldom be situated farther from the true station-point i than one, or at most two inches; but even sup- posing the distance ic to be considerably greater, still when we compare it with the actual distance, upon the ground, from the object G, or between the stations H and I, it is quite evi- dent that the point i will fall in the alignment G C G. Be- sides, the distance ic, on the ground, is too small to be assignable even upon the largest topographical scale; and, upon a moderate scale, the whole instrument itself, when AND DRAWING. 33 If, in this case, it is not possible to adopt a station in the prolonged alignment of the two points, but only in one between them, the mode of proceeding is precisely similar to that shown in the last problem, as is evident from a view of Fig. 3, Pl. 2, No. 2. We will now suppose that no station can be taken either in the prolonged alignment of the two points, or in the alignment between them. 1st Method. Let a and b, Fig. 4, Pl. 2, be the two points in question. Choose some conveni- ent station about C; set the table in as nearly its proper position with respect to A B as your eye can guess, or refer to the compass, should one be attached to the instrument; draw lines. of sight, directed to A and B, backwards through a and b respectively, and adopt their intersec- tion c, as a temporary station-point. Deter- mine an alignment with some convenient object over a part of the country from which A and B are visible, which we will suppose to be gc G. fixed at I, and viewed from H, might be considered a point in the alignment G C G. D 34 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING Having fixed the instrument about H, bring the line cg into the alignment C G; fix a needle in a, apply the index along it towards A, and draw a line of sight backwards, intersecting cg in h. Draw a line of sight from h towards B, which, if the instrument were in its true position, would pass through the point b, a circumstance of course not to be expected, and, from the point of intersection i of this line with the line of sight drawn from c towards B, draw a line to a. Now, since the figure a chi is similar to the figure A Ch B, ai is parallel to A B. But it is necessary to bring ab into a parallel position with AB. To effect this, apply the index to the line ai, and observe what well defined dis- tant object is seen through the sights; should there be none, send forward your assistant a good distance with a mark, which he is to fix exactly in this direction: now apply the index to the line ab, and turn the table round by means of the tangent-screw, until the same ob- ject or mark is seen through the sights, whence the position of the table will be altered by the angle i a b, and the line ab become parallel to AND DRAWING. 35 A B. In order to obtain the true point corres- ponding to the present station, draw lines of sight backwards from A and B through a and b respectively, and their point of intersection / will give the required station-point; and to obtain the one corresponding to the former station at C, draw the line kl towards the distant object of alignment G :* bring the table into the posi- tion it had there, (by turning it round with the tangent-screw until the sights of the index, when this is applied to a i, coincide with the be- fore-mentioned object or mark in the alignment of ai in the first, and of a b in the second posi- tion,) apply the index to ac, and observe what distant object is intersected by the hair in the object-sight; bring the instrument into its se- cond or true position again; fix a needle in a ; direct the index along it to the same distant object, and draw the line of sight a p backwards, the intersection of which with kl, namely o, gives the station-point required. 2nd Method. Let a and b, Fig. 5, Pl. 2, be the * See the note at page 32. 36 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING Draw two given points. Choose two convenient spots. of ground C and D, from which A and B are visible, and fix their positions c' and d' arbitrarily. on tracing paper fastened to the drawing-board, or upon a blank part of the board itself. from each of these stations lines of sight towards A and B, by which the angles a' c'b', b' c'd', a d'c, a' d'b', will be made respectively equal to the angles ACB, BCD, ADC, AD B, whence the figure a' b' d'c' will be similar to the figure A B D C. Construct therefore upon ab, the figure abdc similar to the figure a' b'd' c′; place the index along ca, and turn the tangent- screw until the object A is seen through the sights, by which means a b will become parallel to A B, and c d will be the station-points cor- responding to C and D. The required station-point might, it is true, be determined very readily by means of the compass, but with no certain degree of accu- racy; for the state of the atmosphere, the hour of the day, the proximity of ferruginous matters, AND DRAWING. 37 and other causes, frequently produce a consider- able variation in the declination of the needle. The truth of this will be very apparent to a per- son surveying with a Plane-Table to which a compass is attached, upon his observing the position of the needle at every station, which, if correct, should constantly be directed to the same point; and he would likewise find, in all probability, if he had solved this problem with the compass, (that is, by rectifying the position of the Plane-Table by making the needle always point to the same degree of the compass, and by drawing lines of sight backwards from the two objects, through their respective given points on the survey-sheet, and adopting their intersection as the station-point,) that in verify- ing from his third station, the points correspond- ing to the objects determined by lines of sight drawn from the two first stations, his intersec- tions would not coincide with these points; on which account he would be under the necessity either of recommencing the survey according to the accurate method here explained and recom- mended, or of continuing it in error constantly 38 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING increasing, deriving no satisfaction from his work, and entailing on himself a vast deal of trouble and uncertainty. TO FIND A STATION TAKEN AT PLEASURE. Ir has now been shown how to determine the relative positions of objects upon the plan, by the intersection of lines of sight; and also to determine stations by means of alignments and back intersections; but, as it frequently happens during the course of a survey, that the surveyor arrives upon a spot of ground favorably situated for viewing several objects, over which he has drawn no alignment from a former station, and which is not situated in a line with any two visible objects already determined upon his plan, it becomes very necessary for him to know how to determine any station taken at pleasure. There are different methods of solving this pro- blem by means of three visible objects, the positions of which on the plan are already de- termined; the two following, however, recommended as the best: AND DRAWING. 39 1st Method. Having set the table horizon- tally, and brought it into its probably true posi- tion, fix a piece of tracing-paper over that part of the plan which includes the three given directing-points and the part where the present station-point is likely to fall, and fasten it firmly to the sides of the table with drawing-pins: fix a needle in this last part, as, for instance, in d, Fig. 6, Pl. 2, and draw lines of sight to the ob- jects A, B, and C. Now remove the tracing- paper, and fix it again on the drawing-board, in such a manner that the three lines of sight drawn towards A, B, and C, coincide respec- tively with the three points a, b, and c; when the point d pricked through the tracing-paper upon the plan, will give the present station- point; for it is evident that the visual rays A d, Bd, and Cd, will form the same angles as the lines a d, bd, and cd, by which they are repre- sented. Apply the index to this point d and to a, and turn the table round by the tangent- screw, until A is seen through the sights; then, if B and C are also seen through the sights on 40 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING the index being similarly applied to b and c, the table is in its true position. This is the most simple method; but in the event of an ex- pansion of the tracing-paper not admitting of the station-point being determined with very great accuracy, (of which however there is little fear,) or of the surveyor not having any paper of this description with him at the time, the follow- ing, which is infallibly correct, and, after a little practice, very expeditious, may be adopted. 2nd Method. If three lines of sight drawn backwards through the points a, b, and c, cor- responding to three objects A, B, and C, meet in one point, as at d, Fig. 6, Pl. 2, this is the true station-point; but if they do not, they will form a small triangle efg, Fig. 7, Pl. 2, which we will denominate the false triangle. It is therefore necessary to know how the latter can be re- moved, so that the lines of sight may meet in one point.-Let A, B, and C, Fig. 8, Pl. 2, be three objects on the ground, by means of which the true position of the Plane-Table is to be ob- tained. From this figure it appears that the AND DRAWING. 41 latter may have the following situations with respect to the triangle formed by these points and a circle described through them :- Within the triangle, as at d; Without the triangle and within the circle, as at e; Without the triangle and opposite to an angu- lar point, as at ƒ;* Without the triangle, opposite to one of its sides, and without the circle, as at g. Two other cases might be added; namely, in one of the sides of the triangle, and in the circum- ference of the circle. The former situation, how- ever, being in an alignment with two objects, may be easily determined by a back intersection from a third object, as already explained; but the latter is indeterminable, for at every station in the circumference, the angles formed by the lines of sight directed to A, B, and C, forming angles standing upon equal arcs, will intersect * It is to be considered opposite the angular point, when situated within the prolongations of the two sides of the tri- angle by which such angle is formed. 42 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING in one point, however false the position of the table may be; for which reason, it is very necessary, in choosing the three objects, to ob- serve that your station does not lie in the cir- cumference of a circle described through them. Suppose de ƒ g, Fig. 9, Pl. 2, to be the false triangles produced in the above four cases; then, to find the true station-point in each, observe that—in the first, as at d, the station-point lies within the false triangle; In the second and third, as at e and f, it lies on that side of the intermediate line of sight, which is reversed to the false triangle ; In the fourth, as at g, it lies on the same side of the intermediate line of sight, as that on which the false triangle is situated. Now, since the sines of equal angles of cor- rection are in the same proportion as their radii, after having found, by the above observations, whereabouts your station-point will fall, deter- mine its exact position by the following Rule:-- Let the distance of the station-point from each of the lines of sight be in the proportion of the distance of the station from each of the three AND DRAWING. 43 objects, respectively. Thus, at d, the respec- tive distances from the station to the objects A, B, and C, or from the probable station-point to the three points a, b, and c, are nearly in the proportion of 1, 1, 3; which proportion must consequently be given to the distances from the station-point s to the lines of sight re- spectively. Now fix a needle in the present adopted station-point s, apply the index to it and to one of the points a, b, and c, and turn the table round by the tangent-screw, until the cor- responding object upon the ground is intersected by the hair in the object-sight. Apply the in- dex to the other two points successively, and if the corresponding objects upon the ground are also seen through the sights, the present station- point is the true one; if they are not so, efface the former lines, direct the index again to the three objects, and draw fresh lines of sight; these will form a new, though very small false, triangle, which must be made to disappear by the same rule. The surveyor will very soon be enabled to determine the true point by means of the first false triangle; it very seldom happens 44 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING that more than two such triangles are formed. To prevent mistakes, and to facilitate the solu- tion of the problem, the proportions of the dis- tances from the station to the objects should be respectively marked upon the lines of sight, as in Fig. 9. It is scarcely necessary to remark that, in practice, neither the circle nor the triangle re- quires to be drawn; but merely small portions of the three lines of sight upon that part of the board where the station-point is expected to fall. In choosing the objects by which the required station-point is to be determined, according to either of these methods, you should endeavor to have the farthest situated at a greater dis- tance from the station than any of the objects which are to be determined from it, since the position of a line can be determined with much greater accuracy according to that of a longer than of a shorter one; and you would do right to choose two distant objects and a near one, or two near objects and a distant one, whose situ- AND DRAWING. 45 ation shall cause the lines of sight drawn back- wards from the two most distant objects, as in the first instance, or from the two nearest, as in the second, to intersect each other in an angle not less than 40°. INSTANCES IN WHICH LINEAR MEASUREMENT MAY BE REQUIRED. In general, this method of surveying with the Plane-Table requires no linear measurement be- yond that of the base, but it will sometimes happen, in flat countries much covered with wood, that the surveyor cannot determine his station in the manner explained, on account of the objects already drawn upon his plan being entirely concealed from his view. He must then have recourse to measuring station-lines, much of which, however, may be avoided by his pre- viously determining a number of the most con- spicuous objects in the interior of the wood, (such as particularly high or remarkably shaped trees), from more elevated or commanding situ- 46 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING ations on the outside, and principally by his at- tending to this general rule in surveying, namely, to work from the highest and most open towards the lowest and most covered parts, so that when he arrives at the latter, he finds a sufficient number of points already determined on his plan to enable him to fill in the detail, or at all events requires but very few new stations. If an extensive flat wood possess no conspicuous objects, or not a sufficient number of them, but the tops of the trees in the interior can be seen from a few stations on the outside, it will be a good plan to let an assistant ascend such trees in the wood as are situated close to the principal bends and intersections of the roads and streams; and when at the top of each wave a white flag. The lines of sight drawn towards these trees from one station should be numbered, and the assistant be previously desired to number the latter, and ascend them in the same order when their situation on the plan is to be determined by intersecting the former lines respectively from another station. In this way, an active and intelligent assistant AND DRAWING. 47 might prevent a surveyor having occasion to measure a single line in this description of coun- try. A compass attached to the Plane-Table might be used with advantage in delineating the course of a road or a river in a plain covered with thick wood, in cases where the degree of accu- racy afforded by it is considered sufficient. Thus the surveyor could rectify the Plane-Table at the different bends and intersections of the roads, &c., (by placing it so as to have the needle always directed exactly to the same point), draw lines of sight from one station to the other, and measure the distances between them. The following, however, is the most correct method of obtaining the above delinea- tion by means of the Plane-Table alone. Suppose a, Fig. 10, Pl. 2, to be the entrance of a road into a wood, which has been determined upon the plan, and that it is required to deli- neate the course of the road through the wood. After having fixed the table in its true position, by means of some objects situated without the wood, draw a line of sight from a towards the 48 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING first principal turning of the road which you can see from a, for instance, b, where a paper- mark should be placed by an assistant. Before you remove the instrument from a, fix a mark in the direction of a b, either before or behind a, as at c. Measure the distance ab, and fix the table again in the direction of a b, either behind or before b, as at d, bringing the line ab upon the plan, into a vertical plane with its correspond- ing one on the ground: set off the measured distance from a along the line of sight a k, and add to it that of d from b; by which means the present station-point is determined. The wind- ing of the road between a and b is then very easily determined by the eye. Now direct the index to the next mark set up at e; leave another one at ƒ in this direction; measure the distance de, and fix the instrument either before or be- hind e, as at g; set off the measured distance de+eg from d along the line of sight drawn in this direction, whence you will determine the station-point g. Proceed in the same man- ner with that part of the ground between e and Suppose that some conspicuous objects h. * } AND DRAWING. : 49 within the wood have been determined from previous stations taken on the outside, and that i is one of them. Then, when the surveyor is at g, he should place the index along g and the determined object on the plan, and proceed in this direction of the index, through that part of the wood between these two points, to search for the object i, which, if found in this direction, proves the work to be correct; if not, some error in the latter has been committed, which must be rectified as soon as possible. TO CARRY ON THE WORK FROM ONE SURVEY- SHEET TO ANOTHER. WHEN the extent of ground requires more than one survey-sheet, it will be advisable to have three or four drawing-boards made to fit the same stand. Always allow of an inch margin upon your board, upon which you can determine any conspicuous objects which properly belong to the adjoining sheets. Let the distances of such points, should there be any, as well as of E 50 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING others within the marginal line of the survey- sheet, from the latter and from one another, be accurately transferred to the adjoining sheet upon another board. The margin is also of very great advantage to the surveyor when working near the sides of the sheet, since it frequently happens that a part of the ground can be more easily seen from that which comes into the adjoining sheet; upon the margin of which, the situation of the objects upon such ground can be determined, and afterwards transferred to their corresponding one in the plan. When the survey is connected with trigono- metrical operations, and two or more points are given upon each survey-sheet, then, instead of the work being carried over from the marginal line of one sheet to the corresponding one of another, it must be commenced in each sheet from these points. AND DRAWING. 51 GENERAL RULES IN TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING. PREVIOUSLY to the actual commencement of the topographical survey of a country, proceed to such points as afford the most commanding views, and note down those best calculated for the main stations, in the order which you con- sider the most advantageous for the survey. If the scale is rigidly prescribed, and no points previously determined are given, and you are consequently obliged to commence a survey by measuring a base upon a piece of level ground, let your order of stations be such that you arrive as soon as possible to the higher and more commanding ground. If two points determined by a previous trigo- nometrical survey are given on your survey- sheet, repair to them, and note down the order of stations to which the features of the country seem most favorable, according to which of the 52 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING three cases mentioned at page 42, applies to the two given points. In determining the position of objects, let the lines of sight intersect each other in angles of not less than about 30°; if the intersection be more acute, the object should be determined by another line of sight. Complete as much of the survey as you can, from the higher and more open ground, so as to leave as little as possible to do in that which is lower and more intersected. The facility and expedition which this mode of proceeding en- sures to the work, are very considerable. Thus, from a few stations on the highest parts of the sides of a valley, all, or the greater part of the objects situated within it, can be determined on the plan, sometimes indeed without requiring the surveyor to descend into it, and in general a station or two, here and there, on the lower ground, will serve to complete what has been. surveyed from the heights. When towns or villages come into the survey, determine from the outside, and, if possible from commanding ground, their boundaries, and the AND DRAWING. 53 most conspicuous objects within them, such as spires, vanes, chimnies, or gable ends of the most remarkable buildings, and draw the re- mainder on your board by the eye* when you enter them. To keep your drawing-board free from all un- necessary pencilling, let the remarks by which you distinguish the different lines of sight be as short as possible, such as for chimney; A for gable end; b of rd, rt, or c', for bend of road, river, or canal; hn, or 1 o, for high or low tree; ab. for above; be. for below, &c. In determining your station by means of either an alignment or three points already laid down on your plan, choose such objects as are situated at a greater distance from you than any others which you intend to determine from such station. * In this and in other places where it is recommended to draw anything by the eye, I refer of course to the usual topo- graphical surveying scale of five or six inches to the mile; but, when a much larger scale is adopted, the surveyor can either take a few more stations, or have recourse to the com- pass attached to his drawing-board. 54 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING TOPOGRAPHICAL SCALES. TOPOGRAPHICAL maps are usually drawn upon 1 1 1 1 scales of from 100,000 to 50.000 of the extent of the country represented. In that of 100,000 we can express every considerable hill, stream, wood, town, and village, as also the main roads, and principal cross roads. The scale of 50,000 (about 1 inch to of a mile) admits of the repre- sentation of every hill having an altitude of 100 feet, and an horizontal extent of from 700 to 800 feet; of every stream having a length of course equal to 800 feet; of every pond having a diameter of 100 feet; of every wood extending from 200 to 300 feet; of all roads, towns, vil- lages, and isolated large buildings. These scales are well adapted to the topographical represen- tation of an extensive tract of country, and are particularly convenient for the study of military operations, though more in a strategical than tactical point of view. The scales of topographical plans vary, ac- AND DRAWING. 55 cording to the purposes for which they are 1 1 1 drawn, from 50,000 to 6,000. In that of 25,000 (about 2 inches to a mile), the various confor- mations of ground can be clearly and faithfully expressed; as also every stream having a length of course not less than 300 feet; every pond not less than 50 feet broad, and all woods, roads, towns, villages, seats, farms, &c. This scale is of great utility to military men, and is made use of in the representation of any portion of country forming the immediate seat of war, or for reconnoissances, positions, plans of battles, &c. 1 1 The scale of 10,000 (about 6 inches to a mile) is the most suitable for the complete topo- graphical representation of a country, and is used in surveys for maps which are to be en- graved upon that of 5000; as also for positions, encampments, marches, &c., in which it admits of every battalion, squadron, and battery, being indicated in the exact proportion of the extent of ground which it occupies, together with the outposts, vedettes, &c.; in short, the complete detail of a position. 56 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING 1 Scales larger than 10,000 are generally used for plans of estates, towns, villages, fortifica- tions, roads, canals, rivers, &c. THE TOPOGRAPHICAL DELINEATION OF DETAIL. THE delineation of detail, in which I offer no material alteration in the conventional signs and figures hitherto in general use, is fully given in Pl. 3. Standing Water. This is represented by fine lines drawn from left to right; nearer to, or fur- ther from one another, according as the water is deeper or shallower, and more or less curvi- linear, as its surface is of greater extent, as in the Lake, Pl. 3, No. 1, or of smaller, as in the Pond, No. 1. If the boundary line of the water is distinct and invariable, it should be marked out in the drawing; if, on the contrary, it is variable, it need not be expressed. Flowing Water. In rivers, the stream is re- presented by fine lines, which are drawn closer AND DRAWING. 57 to each other where the water is deep, and the contrary where it is shallow; they are also made straighter, or more curvilinear, according to the rapidity of the current, as shown in No. 1. Where it is possible, the depth of the water should be given in numbers. See No. 1. The banks of rivers, if distinct and invariable, are represented as such in the drawing; but if the contrary, they are only expressed by the outer- most of the lines which denote the stream, as in No. 1. The sea is represented by fine lines drawn from left to right, and made a little curvilinear. See No. 1. Sand is represented by small dots, as shown in No. 1. Stones and sand mixed together, are shown by dots of unequal size. A specimen of a sandy coast is given in No. 1. Pasture is represented by very small strokes, arranged so as to give the appearance of tufts of grass. See Pl. 3, No. 2. Meadow-land is represented by small dots arranged two and two. See No. 2. 58 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING Heath is represented by tufts of grass, with a few shrubs or bushes. See No. 2. Corn-fields are distinguished only in plans drawn upon a large scale, and are then repre- sented by a number of parallel lines arranged as in No. 2. Morass, Marsh, and Swamp, are represented in No. 1. Vineyards, Hop-grounds, and Gardens, are drawn as in No. 2. Trees may be represented either in ichnogra- phical projection, or in elevation. The latter mode of representation however is preferable; for, by it, they are more easily distinguished, and are not liable to be confounded with other objects, as is sometimes the case in the former. The common kinds of trees are shown in eleva- tion in No. 2, both upon a large and a small scale. Woods may be represented by the trees being arranged either in small groups, or singly, and at irregular distances from each other, according to their real appearance. See No. 2. Care AND DRAWING. 59 should be taken that the strokes expressing the inclination of the ground upon which the woods are situated, be not too much concealed; which happens if the trees are drawn too close to one another. Roads are represented upon different scales in No. 2. Stone-buildings are drawn so as to occupy their proportionate horizontal extent on the plan, and when upon a large scale are filled with diagonal lines, and those sides drawn thick, or shaded, which are opposed to the lower right- hand corner of the plan; upon a small scale they are altogether black. See Pl. 3, No. 3, in which are represented Houses, Churches, Mills, a Town, a Village, &c. Walls and Hedges are shown in No. 3, as are also the different kinds of Bridges and Ferries. For the Geographical and Military Signs, see also Pl. 3. 60 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING THE TOPOGRAPHICAL DELINEATION OF GROUND. THERE are four methods by which ground is generally represented in topographical plans and maps; first, by means of single shading lines (or strokes ;) second, by means of shading lines crossing one another, (crossed pen-work;) third, by means of shading with diluted Indian ink, with the addition of shading lines; fourth, by means of shading with diluted Indian ink, without the shading lines (generally adopted in the light and shade system.) These shading lines express, by their direc- tion, that of the descent of the declivities which they represent, and also by the gradations of shade which they are made to produce, the cor- responding gradations of inclination which these declivities assume. With respect to the first-mentioned property of these shading lines or strokes, there can be but one rule laid down, since the only true AND DRAWING. 61 direction of the descent of a declivity is that in which water would take its way, upon issuing from the higher parts, or in which a heavy body would roll in its course from the top to the bot- tom. But, with respect to their last-mentioned property, different rules have been proposed and adopted. On the continent, and more particularly in Germany, systems of representing ground have been adopted, in which every degree of inclina- tion of a declivity is expressed upon a plan with great mathematical precision, by means of cer- tain proportions observed between the distances of the shading lines from one another, or be- tween the thickness of each shading line and its adjoining white space, or by means of a certain length given to the shading lines. These sys- tems, however perfect and beautiful in theory, are by no means readily reduced to practice; on the contrary, they require from the draughtsman the utmost nicety in the estimation of minute proportions, and entail upon the surveyor a vast deal of labor and inconvenience. In this coun- try the delineation of ground is founded either 62 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING upon the simple principle of relative steepness being expressed by a corresponding relative intensity of shade, or upon that of rays of light proceeding from a point at an indefinite distance and meeting the horizon in an angle of 45°, com- monly called the light and shade system. The former is the mode generally practised, though no where so successfully, and with so much beauty of execution as at the Royal Military College; the latter is only resorted to by draughtsmen who aim more at more at effect than utility in a topographical drawing. I shall now explain the improvement which I have made in the topographical delineation of ground, which consists, 1st. In the introduction of horizontal sections at certain vertical distances from each other, with a ready and easy method of tracing them on a survey-sheet, and 2ndly. In the adoption of a very simple rule for regulating the shading of declivities, founded on the principle of the British system, namely, that of expressing relative steepness by a cor- responding relative intensity of shade. AND DRAWING. 63 In drawings made according to the light and shade system, it is evident that the introduction of horizontal sections is alone applicable; but as these not only do not interfere with the effect which that system of shading is intended to produce, but serve to correct the errors so gene- rally consequent upon the endeavors to attain such effect, this improvement itself is of great importance. The ground is divided, according to the scale of the survey, and the nature of the country, into a certain number of horizontal sections at equal vertical distances, and these are marked in the drawing, together with their respective altitudes above either the lowest point of the country, or the level of the sea, so that the relative heights of all points are at once shown upon a plan without further reference. The vertical dis- tances between the horizontal sections may be determined by the surveyor according to the professed object of his survey: the following rules, however, appear to me well adapted to all purposes:- Suppose the scale of the survey to be about 64 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING 1 10,000 of the extent of the ground, or about six inches to a mile; then, if the nature of the country be mountainous and rocky, let the ver- tical distance between every pair of horizontal lines be 100 feet; but, if it be merely hilly, or flat, let 50 feet be the difference of altitude. 25,000, Suppose the scale to be, or about 24 inches to a mile; then, if the nature of the country be mountainous and rocky, let the ver- tical distance between every pair of horizontal lines be equal to 300 feet; if it be hilly, 200 feet; and, if flat, 100 feet. 1 Suppose the scale to be 60,000 or about 1 inch to of a mile; then, if the nature of the country be mountainous and rocky, let the vertical distance between every pair of horizontal lines be equal to 500 feet; if it be hilly, 300 or 200 feet; and, if flat, 200 or 100 feet, according to circum- stances. In the larger plan in Pl. 6, the horizontal sections are placed at 50 feet vertical distance from each other; in the smaller plan, 200 feet. In the plan, Pl. 5, they have a difference of alti- tude of 300 feet. AND DRAWING. 65 In determining the vertical distances between the horizontal lines in topographical maps, we must also be guided by the size of the scale and the nature of the country; but since maps fre- quently embrace an extent of country, of which some portions may be mountainous, some hilly, and others flat, the vertical distances should vary accordingly, and the altitudes of the hori- zontal lines should be marked upon the latter in several places, to prevent any misconception. In such cases, an explanatory note might also be given on the margin or any other conve- nient part of the map. The horizontal lines on the small map of a mountainous country in Pl. 5, are placed at 600 feet vertical distance from one another. It now remains to be shown in what manner these horizontal sections can be readily deter- mined in the survey. When drawing lines of sight from your sta- tions for the purpose of obtaining the positions of the different objects composing the detail of the country, it will give you very little trouble to mark the greater part of them with the num- F 66 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING ber cut off by the cross-hair in the object-sight of the index, in order to ascertain, subsequently, the heights of the objects above, or their depths below the stations, respectively, according to the simple rule given at page 12, namely, by multiplying the number cut off, by the distance from the station to the object, ascertained by means of the scale of the plan. In Fig. 7, Pl. 7, two lines of sight are drawn from * 1, marked the one; 259 above o 1, and the other, 204 above 1; and also one, marked 05 below o1; or, for the sake of brevity, 259 a 1,- 204 a 1,-and 05 b 1. The affixing of these numbers to the lines of sight is of course a part of the out-door work; the multiplying of them by the distances from the objects to the stations belongs to the in-door work. When the heights above, or depths below, the respective stations have been noted in the in- door work, as shown in Fig. 8. (corresponding to Fig. 7,) apply to the drawing-board a piece of tracing paper large enough to cover the O signifies station, and station-point. AND DRAWING. 67 whole survey-sheet; trace upon it such station- points and objects as have been determined during the day, together with their heights or depths as shown in Fig. 8, and then efface these numbers from the board, which will con- sequently become similar to Fig. 1. When the whole detail has been entered into the survey- sheet, and the heights or depths traced as above, alter all the numbers marked on the tracing- paper according to the highest or lowest point of the country. Thus, suppose Fig. 8, to be part of the tracing-paper, then since o is marked 50 feet above the lowest point, 02 will be 50-20=30 feet; the object e, 259+50=309 feet; the object ƒ, 320+50=370 feet; and the object g, 50-40-10 feet, above the lowest point. These altered numbers are then affixed to their respective objects on the board, which conse- quently assumes the appearance of Fig. 2. The drawing-board being thus prepared, I propose three different methods of laying down the horizontal lines, any one of which the draughtsman can adopt according to his incli- 68 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING nation and the degree of accuracy required in this respect. It 1st Method. The most simple and expedi- tious way is to lay down the horizontal lines, by the eye, so as to agree with the marked heights of the various objects of the detail near which they pass, regard being at the same time had to the direction and formation of the declivities. must be evident to every one, upon a view of the plan of the vicinity of Ledbury, Pl. 6, that more than sufficient data are offered for this purpose by the numerous intersections formed by hedges, roads, and lanes, together with the conspicuous objects, as houses, isolated trees, summits, &c. 2nd Method. tion, Fig. 5, Pl. 7, and draw c d parallel to the base a b, and at a distance from it equal to the height of the horizontal sections above each other, namely, 50 feet. between the point c and the intersections of the line c d with the lines forming the angles 45º, 40°, 35°, &c. are respectively equal to the dis- tances between every pair of horizontal lines Construct a scale of inclina- Then, the distances AND DRAWING. 69 under corresponding angles of inclination. Sup- pose yourself upon the ground, at the upper corner of the little pool P, near the lower left- hand corner of the outline-plan, Fig. 3, Pl. 7. The height of this being marked 130 feet, you know that it lies between the 2nd and 3rd horizontal sections; namely, 30 feet above the 2nd, and 20 feet below the 3rd. The angle of inclination of the ground at this place (which you may estimate by the eye, or measure by means of the index of the Plane-Table, accord- ing to the degree of accuracy necessary, or the expertness you have acquired in this respect,) is about 10°. Take therefore the corresponding horizontal distance from the line c d, Fig. 5, in the compasses, and since the vertical distances from P to the two nearest horizontal sections are as 3 to 2, place the feet of the compasses in such a manner, by the eye, that the horizontal distances Pe, and Pf, be also in this proportion: e will then be situated in the section marked 150 feet, and ƒ in that marked 100 feet. Now, to carry on the horizontal sections through e and f, observe what objects on the right and left 70 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING have their heights marked on the drawing-board. On the left, at a little distance, the height of the corner of a field, h, is marked 120 feet. This point is therefore also between the 2nd and 3rd horizontal sections; namely, 20 feet above the former, and 30 feet below the latter, Take in the compasses, from the scale of incli- nation as before, the breadth between the two horizontal sections, corresponding to the angle of inclination at this part of the ground, which is about 7º, and since the difference in height between h and the 2nd horizontal section, is to that between it and the 3rd one, as 2 to 3, place the compasses so that, by the eye, hi may be to h g as 2 to 3, or nearly so. You have now only to draw the two horizontal lines through e and g, ƒ and i, and to continue them to the left side of the plan, according to the form of the ground. On the right of P, the house marked 148 feet, and another on the road near the New Pool marked 150 feet, the spring S and east corner of the New Pool, both marked 97 feet, form a sufficient guide for drawing the 2nd and 3rd horizontal sections in this part of AND DRAWING. 71 the ground. The first section (50 feet) is also easily laid down in this part, by means of the two corners of fields q and r, marked 44 and 57 feet; namely, by making the line pass a little above the former, and below the latter, and also at right angles with the direction of the ground. This method of laying down the horizontal lines is sufficiently correct for the general pur- poses of plans, the scale of which does not exceed that of six inches to a mile. They are certainly not drawn with great mathematical precision, and their position may frequently be 1 20 TO 1 or even of an inch distant from the true one; but is it not sufficient that they indicate the general direction of the horizontal sections, and that they show at once the relative heights of all objects? That they can be laid down with extreme accuracy, will be shown presently by the third method, suitable for plans drawn upon a larger scale; but I have purposely refrained from applying it myself, or recommending its application by others, to plans upon a scale not larger than six inches to a mile; conceiving 72 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING such minuteness to be not only a waste of time, but wholly unnecessary. 3rd Method. Suppose the plan of the vici- nity of Ledbury to be drawn upon a scale as large again; namely, twelve inches to a mile. Then, in the same example, take, in the com- passes, the difference in height between P and the 3rd section; namely, 20 feet, and apply it in such a manner to the scale of inclination, Fig. 6, that one point may touch the base a b, and the other the angular line marked 10°, (keeping the direction of the points perpendi- cular to the base,) the angle of inclination at this part of the ground; by which means, the distance a e Fig. 6, is obtained, equal to the required horizontal distance (doubled) P e. In a similar manner, the distance a f, Fig. 6, is obtained equal to the required horizonal distance (doubled) Pf. Should it be required to place the instrument at e and f, on the ground, for the purpose of carrying on the horizontal lines with very great accuracy, the distances Pe and Pƒ may be measured along the slope e ƒ, respec- tively equal to those between a and the tops of AND DRAWING. 73 the perpendiculars at e and f, Fig. 6, taken from the scale. In plans upon so large a scale, of course the heights of a greater number of objects will be marked upon the drawing-board. In tracing the horizontal lines according to any one of the preceding methods, the sur- veyor should, at the same time, sketch upon his drawing-board, lightly with a pencil, the features of the ground, in doing which he will experience no difficulty whatever, since the di- rections of the ridges, water-courses, ravines, &c. depend entirely upon those of the horizon- tal lines, as shown in Pl. 4, 5, and 6. Although few portions of ground exhibit so great a variety of objects, such as houses, iso- lated trees, intersections of roads, lanes, hedges, &c. as exist in the vicinity of Ledbury, still the surveyor need never be at a loss for a sufficient number of points by which to determine the horizontal sections. In a mountainous and rocky country, where neither houses, trees, nor roads are met with, such as that represented in 74 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING Pl. 5, conspicuous or peculiarly shaped rocks, intersections of water-courses, ravines, rivu- lets, &c. offer together with the stations, nume- rous points by which the horizontal sections can be determined. In a flat country, fewer points are required, on account of the greater distance between the horizontal sections; but even supposing a difficulty in this respect to present itself at any time, the surveyor, or his assistant, can very easily set up a few marks, such as flags, long sticks with white paper attached to them, &c. The system of horizontal sections in topo- graphy is not new; it has been partially adopted in France, especially in cases of ground sur- veyed with a view to the construction of fortifi- cations, and it is at present taught in the prin- cipal military schools of that country; it is more particularly the improvement in the practical part of this system, namely, in the tracing of the horizontal sections in the readiest and simplest manner, which I offer as original, as infinitely preferable to the laborious mode of tracing these AND DRAWING. 75 sections by means of levelling, and as suffi- ciently correct for all the purposes of topogra- phical drawings. * When, in an extensive survey, certain points, trigonometrically determined, are given to the topographical surveyors, by which their work is * The horizontal sections in the plan of the vicinity of Ledbury have been laid down according to the heights of dif- ferent objects obtained in that survey by means of an index very inferior to, and indeed imperfect in its construction when compared with, the greatly improved one already described. I regret exceedingly that circumstances have prevented me from adding to the present work a plan in which the above simple mode of delineating the horizontal lines has been em- ployed in the survey itself. I did, however, commence a survey for that purpose last summer, during a short leave of absence which had been granted me for the benefit of my health; and had the satisfaction to find that the method I have adopted and recommended, fully answered my most sanguine expec- tations; but a second and very severe illness prevented me from completing the survey, and, upon regaining my health in some degree, I was under the necessity of returning to the duties of my situation. Should the present work, however, be so far favorably received as to require a second edition, I shall not fail to add to it a survey of some portion of inter- esting ground, with a detailed explanation of its execution. 76 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING to be guided, the altitudes of these points above the level of the sea should also be given to guide them in constructing the horizontal sections according to this level, and at the required vertical distance between each pair, by which means the sections in all the survey-sheets will be made to correspond, and thus to coincide respectively at the marginal lines. The improvement which has been proposed in the delineation of ground, renders it op- tional on the part of the draughtsman whe- ther to make use of single or crossed shading lines, either of which may be made to produce a pleasing effect; but, if from a topographical drawing an engraving is to be made, the single shading lines are most suitable. It may be further observed that a good draughtsman will generally prefer drawing with single shading lines, since with these he can express more freely the va- rious directions which the features of the ground assume, and can finish his drawings in one half the time required by the crossed shading lines. This simple mode of laying down horizontal lines according to the determined heights of the AND DRAWING. 77 objects marked in the outline of a topographical drawing, possesses also the very great advantage of superseding the necessity of recourse being had to any of those rigorous and minute systems of shading in the representation of ground, which have obtained so much on the continent. shading ground according to the British system, that is, in expressing relative steepness by rela- tive intensity of shade, it is obvious that the horizontal lines offer one plain and general rule, namely, that the shade encreases or diminishes in proportion as these lines approach towards, or recede from, one another. But as it is very desirable that uniformity in the representation of ground should be preserved in all topographi- cal drawings, it is necessary that some fixed standard should be adopted for the guidance of draughtsmen. This, I conceive, may be easily deduced from the principles of the British sys- tem, in the following manner :-The two ex- tremes of the inclinations of ground, are the horizontal plane and the angle of 45°; and, if the former is to be expressed by the fullest light, or perfect white, and the latter by the 78 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING deepest shade, or perfect black, it is evident that the due proportion of light to shade cor- responding to any particular angle of inclination would be that of its supplement to the extreme angle 45°, to the angle itself; thus, the propor- tion of light to shade corresponding to the angle of inclination of 5° would be as 40 to 5; that of 10°, as 35 to 10; that of 15º, as 30 to 15, and so on. I therefore distinguish three of the angles of inclination, namely, 15°, 221º (the mean angle,) and 30°, (see Fig. 7, Pl. 4,) which, with the two extremes, serve to regulate the shading of declivities in the easiest and simplest manner, for, according to the above, the pro- portion of light to shade required to express the angle of inclination of 15°, is as 2 to 1; in the mean angle 2210, the light and shade are in equal quantities; and, in the angle of 30°, the proportion of light to shade is as 1 to 2. Hence follows this general Rule. That, in viewing the ground represented in a topographical drawing, 1st. Wherever the quantity of light predomi- nates over that of shade, the inclination of the ground does not amount to 220, but wher- AND DRAWING. 79 ever the contrary takes place, it exceeds this angle:- 2nd. Wherever we observe the quantity of light to be more than double that of shade, the inclination of the ground does not amount to 15°:- 3rd. Wherever the quantity of light is not so much as double, nor less than half that of shade, the inclination of the ground is between 15 and 30°:— 4th. Wherever the quantity of shade is more than double that of light, the inclination of the ground exceeds 30°. This rule is sufficient for all practical pur- poses, particularly as we are enabled by means of the horizontal lines and the scale of inclina- tion, to ascertain, if required, the general slope between the former at any place; and to exact from the draughtsman a more rigid observance of the proportions of light and shade required in expressing the inequalities of ground, would be to impose a restraint which would have the effect of producing a stiffness in that part of his 80 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING drawing, in which a freedom of hand is so very desirable. The utility of this rule in a military point of view is obvious; for, 1st. Wherever the quantity of light is more than double that of shade, the ground admits of manœuvres: 2nd. Wherever the quantities of light and shade are equal, or nearly so, the ground can be ascended and descended obliquely by light cavalry :- 3rd. Wherever the quantity of shade predo- minates over that of light, riflemen and light infantry are the most suitable description of troops to be employed. Since rocky declivities generally exceed in their inclination the angle of 45°, and there- fore require to be represented by perfect black, it is necessary, in order to assist the reader of a topographical plan, to affix to their summits, or ridges, their altitudes in numbers, and to annex vertical sections of them, as in Pl. 5. Recourse is sometimes had to perspective drawing for this AND DRAWING. 81 purpose; it is, however, a departure from the principle of relative steepness being expressed by relative intensity of shade, and generally requires, in order to produce effect in the draw- ing, an encrease of the horizontal extent occu- pied by the rocks, which must evidently occasion a distorted and consequently an incorrect repre- sentation of the adjacent ground. To beginners in topographical drawing, I would recommend the copying, upon separate pieces of paper, of the figures in Pl. 4, in order to acquire a free use of the pen in expressing the declivities of hills, and their connexion with one another. The horizontal lines should be drawn first; then the shading lines or strokes, commencing with the uppermost rows, and taking care to draw the latter always at right angles with the former. The fine strokes should be drawn with the side of the pen, the full ones with the broad part of the nib. 82 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING CLASSIFICATION OF GROUND. THE component parts of the various conforma- tions exhibited by the earth's surface may be classed in the following order:— 1st. Summits, or the uppermost parts of hills. See a,* Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Pl. 4. They may be 2nd. Declivities, or slopes. straight, as a b, Fig. 2, Pl. 4; concave, as a b, or a c, Fig. 1; convex, as a b, or a c, Fig. 4 ; or rocky, as bc, Fig. 6. 3rd. Ridges. They are formed by the upper intersections of declivities, and, according to the degree of obtuseness or acuteness of these inter- sections or joinings, are called broad or narrow. See the narrow ridge in Pl. 6, which enters the plan at A, extends to the gap or opening O, by which it is interrupted, and is thence conti- * The letters in Pl. 4, are affixed to the corresponding outline figures, in order that they may be more distinctly seen. AND DRAWING. 83 nued, in nearly the same direction, under the name of the Dog Hill. 4th. Water-courses. They are formed by the side intersections of the declivities. See ƒ g, de, hi, and k l, Fig. 6. 5th. Ravines. They are formed by the lower intersections of the declivities. See o p, Fig. 6. 6th. Defiles, or narrow passes between steep or rocky declivities. See pc, Fig. 6. Although the conformations themselves do not, on account of their infinite variety, admit of a regular classification, still there are some hills whose forms are of more frequent recur- rence, to which corresponding names are accord- ingly given. These are- The conical hill or peak, the sides of which have a concave inclination, and terminate in a very small summit, Fig. 1, Pl. 4. The slanting hill, which is of an oval shape, having a steep slope at one extremity, and a gentle one on the opposite side, the inclination of which is less than, or does not much exceed 10°. Fig. 2. 84 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING The table hill, which has a broad and level summit. Fig. 3. The vaulted hill, the sides of which have a convex inclination. Fig. 4. The saddle hill, so named from its saddle-like shape. Fig. 5. TO CONSTRUCT VERTICAL SECTIONS OF THE GROUND REPRESENTED. THE Construction of vertical sections, which are sometimes required for the purpose of showing the contour or profile of the ground in any par- ticular direction, is rendered extremely simple and easy by means of the horizontal sections already drawn upon the plan. It is evident from a view of Plates 4, 5, and 6, that a line being drawn in the direction of which a section is required, it is only necessary to transfer from it, to another of equal extent, the distances between the horizontal lines by which it is inter- sected; to erect perpendiculars at these points, AND DRAWING. 85 and to draw as many parallel lines to the base as there are horizontal sections, at the pre- scribed vertical distances between them; and then to join the intersections made by these perpendiculars and parallel lines, paying at the same time due attention to the contour of the ground in the intermediate spaces. TO ASCERTAIN THE BOUNDARY OF VIEW FROM ANY POINT UPON A PLAN. It is frequently important to know, more espe- cially in military surveys, what parts of the ground are visible from any particular point. This is easily ascertained by means of vertical sections, the construction of which has been explained. Thus, suppose it is required to find what parts of the ground are visible to an ob- server, standing upon the summit of Kilbury Camp Hill, Pl. 6, (at a in the section A B,) and looking towards the summit eastward of the Hill Farm. 86 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING Draw a tangent from a to b in the section A B, and produce it, until it meets the profile- line by the Eastnor road. This tangent plainly shows that that part of the ground which is situated between a and b, is visible to the ob- server at a; but that the remainder between b and the above-mentioned road, is concealed from his view. Draw also a line from a to the height marked c, corresponding to the summit eastward of the Hill Farm; from which it appears that the ground between the road and the summit is visible to the observer at a. Suppose, again, it is required to find what parts of the ground are visible to an observer, standing by the hedge on the summit of Kil- bury Camp Hill, which corresponds to h in the section A B; and looking in the direction of A. Draw a tangent from h to the tops of the trees at t, and produce it to meet those which are upon the height A; draw also d h, a tan- gent to the ground at h; whence it appears that, with the exception of the foot of Kilbury AND DRAWING. 87 Camp Hill, the whole of the ground bstween h and the Mitchell Wood, and a part of the latter, are visible to the observer at h; but that the remaining part of the wood, excepting a very little at A, is concealed from his view. INSTRUCTIONS IN TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. INSTRUCTIONS IN TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. INTRODUCTION. NOTHING can tend more to facilitate the ac- quirement of a proper knowledge of physical geography than the study of models of different portions of the earth's surface. Maps and plans, owing to the multiplicity of lines required both in the delineation of topographical detail and in that of the features of ground, soon fatigue the eye, even of a person long habituated to the use of them, and rarely succeed in impressing upon the mind that correct and distinct image of nature which we derive from the view of models. In the latter, we have all 92 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. the various conformations of ground standing before us in relief; we perceive at once the directions and relative heights of the main ridges and of their different ramifications, the courses of the principal rivers and the confluence of their tributary streams, the various land and water communications, the woods, habitations; in short, we see all the objects situated upon and composing the surface of a country, repre- sented in so clear and distinct a manner, by the aid of form and color, that a child cannot mistake them. On the other hand, a map requires previous study, obliges us to estimate the inequalities of surface from the strength of the shading lines and other conventional signs, (though, in this respect, the greatest possible facility is derived from the improve- ments which have just been explained,) and admits only of very small portions being exa- mined at a time; whence a just conception of the whole face of the country and of the rela- tive properties of its different features cannot be so readily formed, nor so strongly and faith- fully impressed, as by the view of a model. TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 93 This view is, in fact, preferable to any which can be had even upon the ground itself; and it is this, or rather the knowledge we acquire by such a view, which the leader of an army would be most anxious to possess of a country, on the capabilities of which his dispositions must entirely depend. The importance of Topographical Modelling in a military point of view is sufficiently obvious: -the government, in possessing a model of the country which has become the seat of its mili- tary operations, can more fully enter into, and more justly appreciate the dispositions taken by the general, to whom it has entrusted the command of its army;-the comparison of models of celebrated fields of battle with authentic descriptions of the military movements by which they have been distinguished, forms an impor- tant branch of military study; for by means of them, the whole scene of action is brought at once to our view, we see the extent and nature of the ground, we are enabled to discern clearly the advantages and disadvantages, as also the relative strength of the adverse positions, the 94 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. circumstances which determined the necessity of acting upon the offensive or defensive, the manner in which the movements of different bodies of troops depended upon one another, and the probable local causes which led to the failure, or promoted the success, of any parti- cular manœuvre:-the practice of constructing models from topographical drawings cannot fail to prove of very great utility to students at military seminaries and to officers in general, since it teaches them fully to comprehend the meaning of a topographical map or plan, and to reject, as faulty and imperfect, such drawings as do not offer sufficient data for the construction of their corresponding models, and also enables them, in a short time, to acquire, from the view of a topographical drawing, a correct know- ledge of the character of the country it is intended to express. In the field, however, the great advantage of maps and plans, in point of portability, gives them a decided preference to models, at least to such as are executed upon a large scale; but I may venture to assert that a model of the immediate seat of war, upon a TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 95 small scale, (such as that of one inch to three or four miles,) would be considered by a general a great acquisition in a strategical point of view ;* in respect to movements purely tactical, the more detailed local information must of course be gained through the medium of plans, sketches, and reconnaissances. Geologists, in constructing topographical models, will add very considerably to their value by dividing them into several parts, and exhi- biting, as far as lies in their power, on the sides. of the latter, (which are vertical sections of the model,) the internal geological structure of the country represented. In the same manner, the direction and extent of mines may be very distinctly shown. Land-surveyors will not be under the neces- * Upon a scale of one inch to four miles, the model of an extent of country equal to a square, the side of which is 200 miles, might be contained in a box of about four feet square. When the military operations are conducted upon a more extensive scale, a model of the whole country to which they relate might be divided into parts of a convenient size, to be used separately, according to circumstances. 96 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. sity of making complete topographical drawings of estates, in order to construct their corres- ponding models; they will only require plans showing the detail and the horizontal lines. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SCALES. IN topographical modelling, it is necessary to augment the scale of altitudes by a certain quantity beyond that of the horizontal distances; for, if the two scales were made equal, the model of a country, having only a gently undu- lating surface, would present the appearance of an almost undeviating plain, and that of a moun- tainous country would only strike us as the representation of hilly ground. The reason of this is obvious; it results from the great dispa- rity between the view which we obtain of a country, when actually going over it, and that which is presented to us by its model. In the former, the eye being only five or six feet above the ground, sees all objects in profile, or nearly TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 97 so, and consequently in their greatest apparent magnitude; but, in the latter, the eye is per- haps, according to the scale, several miles above the ground represented, and, if this view could possibly be obtained of the country itself, the natural effect would be similar to that of a mo- del, as above-mentioned, in which the vertical and horizontal scales are made equal. In choosing the size of the vertical scale for a model, regard must be had to that of the horizontal scale, and to the character of the country represented. The following proportion between the scales, for models having horizontal scales of six inches or more to a mile, appears to me best suited to produce the effect desired. Add to the horizontal scale, for the vertical one, if the country be mountainous, one third; if hilly, one half; and if composed of gentle undulations, two thirds. In proportion as the horizontal scale is less than six inches to a mile, let these ad- ditions for the vertical one be encreased. Should a model, however, be so small as to admit of being taken up in the hand, the above differ- ences between the horizontal and vertical scales H 98 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. may be somewhat diminished; and when, in this case, the country represented possesses a decidedly mountainous and rocky character, the two scales may even be made equal.* TO MAKE THE PREPARATORY MODEL. HAVING made an outline plan of the ground of which you intend to construct a model, fix a tracing of it upon either a well seasoned board, or, what is much better, a slab of plaster of Paris. Procure pins of a sufficient length,- and, if your model is upon a very large scale, pointed pieces of wire for the highest parts,- fix them, with a small hammer, into the princi- pal bends of the horizontal lines, and their in- tersections with roads, rivers, or other boun- daries; beginning with the highest horizontal section, and cutting them off, with a small wire- The model of the country represented in the plan in Pl. 5, and which may be seen at the Publishers', is con- structed in this manner. TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 99 cutter, according to the respective altitudes of the sections. The simplest way is, after having hammered in a pin or wire, to take the horizon- tal section in the compasses, to place one point at the part where the pin is driven into the board or plaster, and to make, with the other, a scratch upon the pin, which will of course show where you are to apply the wire-cutter, in order to give the required height to the pin. (In Fig. 4, Pl. 7, I have marked by large round dots, the points upon the horizontal lines, at which I considered it necessary to fix pins for the construction of the model from the plan in Pl. 5.) Then take fine clay, and fill up the space below the pins until the tops of them are barely seen. In this manner, the general form of the ground will be obtained, when it becomes an easy matter to model the more minute fea- tures between the horizontal sections corre- sponding to the horizontal lines upon the plan respectively. For this part of the work, you should be provided with pieces of box-wood or ivory, in size similar to pencils, and variously shaped at their extremities, some being slightly 100 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. turned and flattened, others squared or pointed, &c., with which the clay can be moulded into the most intricate forms. The advantage of having a slab of plaster of Paris under your clay, is that if you have occasion to leave your work for any length of time, the clay may be kept quite moist by a wet cloth being folded underneath the slab, and that the latter does not warp; which a board would probably do under so much moisture. TO MAKE THE MOULD. PROCURE a wooden frame of about an inch thick, and an inch higher than the highest point of the model, and of an extent exactly equal to that of the space occupied by the latter, and fix it to the clay in such a manner that its inner sides press closely to the outer sides of the model. With a camel's-hair brush, pass some sweet oil over the whole surface of the model, leaving the sides of the frame perfectly dry. Then pour plaster of Paris, mixed with water TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 101 to a proper consistency, over the clay, until it becomes level with the top of the frame. The easiest and best way of mixing the plaster is to put a sufficient quantity of water into a basin, or other utensil, according to the size of the model, and then to add to it the dry plaster or powder gradually and gently until it reaches the surface of the water, when, after stirring it very gently once or twice with a stick, the whole may be poured into the frame. As soon as the heat of the plaster has subsided, that is, in about fifteen or twenty minutes, remove the mould, which is now formed, from the clay, and set it to dry, either by the heat of the sun, or very gradually before a fire. When perfectly dry, give the mould two or three coats of drying oil, and let it stand for a couple of days. When it is required to make very large mo- dels, they should be divided into parts, not ex- ceeding three or four feet square, and the frames of the moulds should be made much thicker, and strengthened by cross pieces of wood. 102 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. TO MAKE THE CAST. PASS some sweet oil over the surface of the mould and the inner sides of its frame, and pour the plaster into it, in the same manner as over the preparatory model. When it is time to re- move the plaster or cast, begin by knocking with a hammer upon the upper sides of the frame, all round the mould, by which means the cast will soon be sufficiently detached from the latter to enable you to take it up entirely, or you may turn the whole over carefully, and remove the mould from the cast. Should any pieces have been broken off the cast, in the re- moval, they can again be fixed into their proper places with glue; or should they be so much broken as to render this a troublesome matter, they can be replaced by papier-maché, shaped accordingly, and fastened to the cast with glue. When the cast is perfectly dry, give it a coat or two of a solution of isinglass while quite hot, by which it will be prepared to receive colors. TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 103 The solution should be of such a strength, that when the model dries, its surface may shine a little, but not much. TO REPRESENT AND FIX THE DETAIL UPON THE CAST OR MODEL. PROCURE a wooden frame, the inner extent of which is equal to that occupied by the model, and having placed the latter upon a smooth sur- face, put the frame over it, so as to contain it exactly in the space within. Divide the plan by which the construction of the model is regu- lated into a certain number of squares, and set off their respective lengths upon the upper sur- face of the frame; when, by laying a ruler across the latter, and applying it to the dis- tances set off, respectively, the corresponding number of squares can be drawn upon the sur- face of the model. In doing this, the pencil must be kept upright, and moved gently over the surface of the model, and its point must be in the same plane with the side which is kept close to the ruler, as in the sliding-pencils. 104 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. Now, by the aid of the squares, and the forma- tion of the ground, (already shown in the cast,) draw upon the model the situation and direction of such of the various objects of the detail as your scale will admit of being represented. This being done, the objects themselves are imitat and fixed upon the model in the follow- ing manner: Hedges are represented, when the scale is large enough, by green chenille, laid along their corresponding pencilled lines, which you pre- viously pass over with a brush containing strong gum-water or isinglass, mixed with green color. If upon a scale of six inches to a mile, green cotton must be used instead of chenille: upon a smaller scale, their representation is inad- missible. Walls are represented by narrow slips of white card, and fixed in the same manner as the hedges. Trees are represented by chenille cut into small pieces, which are stuck upon the model, in their respective situations, previously gum- med to receive them. The following is the readiest mode of fixing the trees :-cut a num- TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 105 ber of bits of chenille, of a size corresponding to the vertical scale of the model; dip a very fine brush into strong gum-water, and fix this upon the model in small but well filled patches, (about six or seven at a time,) where the trees are to stand; then take a small convenient piece of wood, somewhat flattened at the one end, and damp the latter with your tongue, so that upon applying it to one of the ready cut pieces of chenille, this may adhere to it, when you have only to press it gently down upon one of the above spots of gum: fix the chenille upon the other spots in the same manner, taking care that the latter do not previously dry up, which, however, will not be the case if you put on the gum properly. The spots should appear like so many very small drops of gum let fall upon the model, and be as little spread as possible, otherwise, after the chenille is fixed, the surface of the model immediately round it will possess a shining appearance, producing a disagreeable effect. When modelling upon a very large scale, the trees may be formed by small bunches of chenille, fastened with fine wire, which is I 106 TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. twisted (most conveniently with a small wire- cutter) so as to form a stem, and cut off at a proper length; the ends of the loops of the bunch are cut, and the chenille is then trimmed to the proportionate size. They are fixed into narrow holes formed in the model with some finely pointed instrument, and firmly attached to it with gum. Houses are cut out of cork in their proportion- ate dimensions, and stuck on the model with gum or glue; their sides colored white, and their tops red; except in models upon a very large scale, in which they must of course be more minutely imitated. Streams are coloured pale blue. Lakes, large rivers, and sea, are best repre- sented by means of glass, fitted in the hollow parts (previously colored) of the cast, and which are made in the preparatory model for that purpose. Roads, lanes, and paths, are covered with a drab or dust color. In coloring the fields, care must be taken to avoid a sameness; light and dark greens should TOPOGRAPHICAL MODELLING. 107 be contrasted together, and a few browns intro- duced to represent fallow land. In coloring rocks, a dark ground should be laid on first, and then the other colors, such as grey, red, light-brown, &c., slightly and deli- cately with a brush almost dry. Body colors ground with very weak gum- water are employed in coloring the models. The selection and disposition of them of course depend greatly upon the taste of the artist, who must adhere as closely to nature as the materials at his command will admit. The models should be provided with cases to protect them from dust, and should never be exposed to the sun. Models after the plans given in Pl. 5 and 6, exhibiting all the varieties of topographical de- tail, are left at the Publishers' for inspection. THE END. LONDON: PRINTED BY C. II. REYNELL, BROAD STREET, GOLDEN SQUARE. པ Fig. 1. d b Drawn by Lieut. Siborn. d n 00 O ? ! о Fig. 2. Plate 1. པ O O London, Published by C&Rivington Sept. 1827.. Engraved by F. Kennion. My OF (CH. B A G Drawn & Engraved by Lieu Siborn. D Fig. 1. ххх + ох X Fig. 5. ď F ххх a + + M х P *** Fig. 2. 04 อ Fig. 6. a Fig. 7. d L I N° 2. Fig. 3. G No 1. i བ Fig. 10. k d London. Published by C&JRivington, Sept” 1827. -------. a d 3 Fig. 9. Fig. 1. : d Fig. 8. Plate 2. UNIV M OF N°1. Swamp Morass Spring No 2. Sand Lake Pond Pool River Pasture Meadow" Heath Corn Fields. PPP Vineyards. Hop-grounds. Gardens Trees. Nº3. Houses upon a large Scale Houses upon a small Scale Stone or Brick Wall. RIVER at a moderate height of water 8 Island 6 Shoal Fruit Oak. Lime: Beach. Elm. Willow. Poplar Pine. Fir: Scotch Fir: Larch, upon a large Scale upon a smaller Scale upon a large Scale upon a small Scale Town Rocky Coast Rocks above water River Rocks below water Shoal always covered 8 7 11 Shoal seen at low water Low water mark High water mar Military Signs. Cannon. Intrenchment. +++++ ^^ Infantry. Artillery. P engaged encamped Cavalry. Park engaged. encamped, Mines. DO Vedettes. 55 55 5,5 Non Commissioned Officers Party. Guard of Cavalry. Lien Siborn del Tête de Pont. Trous de Loup. FORTIFICATION. Roads. Lane Hollow-way Field-way High Cross Road Road Foot path moderale Scale- upona upon a small Scale. or Batteries. Cannon Abatis. Mortars Grow's-feet. AAAAAA Trenches. Village Stone or Brick House L Wooden House. L Redoubt. Chevaux de Frise ********** Palisades. Field of Battle. X X gaind. lost. River Navigable River...... Canal... Geographical Signs. Wood of Oaks, Elms, &c... Wood of Pines, Firs, &c.. High Road..... Cross Roads. Fortress.. Walled Town... -- Wind-mill. Water-mill.. Saw-mill.. Iron-foundery. Copper-mill. Paper-mill. Oil-mill.... Powder-mill. Salt-work. Paling ப்பு . Church with Spire. + ® Wind-mill. Water-mall Plate 3 Field Hedge Hurdle Hedge Bridge Wooden Bridge with Stone Piers. Wooden Bridge with Drawbri Ponton Bridge Flying Ferry. Rope Ferry Horse Ferry Boat Ferry Ford Landing Place Gold. Silver. Mineral Water or Bath. Post-house....... Copper. Mines. Lead. 보 ​28 Quicksilver. Vitriol.. Coal... * Quarry. Boundary of a Country Boundary of a County. or Province. Hewitso Carburton StrNI OF MICH Open Town.. 亞 ​burnt. Villages. inundated Village. $ Village with a Church.. Inn. Π London. Published by C&J. Rivington Sept 1827 Drawn by Lieut.iborn. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. , Fig. 3. Fig. 4. 75 Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. London. Published by C&JRivington Sept. 1827 450 350 25 20 35 20 59 b Engraved by E.Kennion. UNIW MICH OF Plate 4. Drawn by Lieu, Siborn. E D 0012 1800 OOST E 1300 1200 1500 009 006 300 ว 1900 1800 3500 1200 1200 1500 1750 C 1200 800 1500 1200 900 600 1200 1500 1800 B 2060 600 600 1800 1500 600 300 600 600 008 2100 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 B TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN AND MAP of a Mountainous and Rocky Country: of 1 to 25860; the former upon the Scale of the latter upon that of 1 to 103440. 1800 200 2700 OPRE POLL foo 1500 Scale of the Plan. 1000 2000 2000 4000 5000 Feet. 900 2200 D1300 Scale of the Map. 1000 10000 Feet. Scale of the Profiles. 1800 4000 1000 2000 2000 Feet 1500 1200 900 600 Scale of Inclination. 300 F London Published by C&J.Rivington, Sept 1827. Engraved by W. Lowry. Plate 5. UNIC OF MICH 400 450 A 450 400 350 300 250 525 North 500 400 300 200 300 Surveyed & Drawn by Lieut Siborn. 200 750 100 350 300 250 200 F ront Wellington's Heath Ledbury 350 729 220 Mitchell Farm E 22 100 White House Farm To Kastnor P Q The Hill Farm 200 422 250 Upper B 250 500 400 300 200 100 250 250 200 B Topographical Stan of a Part of the Tlicinity. OF Ledbury, Herefordshire. upon different Scales. 200 250 200 250 200 200 200 250 Ledbury Church 50 50 100 D 100 50 Height of the Lowest Point above the Level of the Sea about 1030 feet. London, Published by C&Rivington Sept 1827 500 4 3 500 1000 1500 2000 feet. 6 $101234873 2000 feet, 500 450 400 350 20 300 250 25 D 200 450 100 150 Plate 6. Engraved by E. Kennion 300 250 200 150 ས Prawn & Enarrived by Lieut.Siborn. 130 PO - Fig. 1. · 375\ 50 500 1 3 2 7 0 ་ 1 251 732 3 སན་ MEN266 $192 ༣་ He Oost u 105 .. 3381 214 i Fig. 3. 1250 ^ l98 166 168 750 130 276 300 850 > 160 261 300 Fig. 2. 153 h20. 186 $197 160 75 $ 145 183 1800 1600 1200 900 600 Fig. 4. 600 1800 231 1500 1200 $198 1200 17:11 1500 150 Q170 183 $215 718 er 129 235 30 200 500 1000 1500 2000 Feet I I I J 219 135 201 30 Londen, Published by C&T. Rivington, Sipt'18- 231 1500 200 200 150 100 50 3300 ON Fig. 5. 259 Ɑ/ 1 1300 2200 محمد Fig. 7. 30 05b1 CN და 1300 1800 -20° Fig. 6. 15 -10° d b a 204A1 259 000 2060 1800 1500 Fig. 8. 600 1300 300 1600 900 1200 ཙུབ 20º -25* 10* 320 AA 50 a. lowest point © 2017 Plate 7. N } 4 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD } UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06729 2337 C. B 428655 $