CHEM. LIB. TX 382 V279 B 453517 New York Agricultural Experiment Station. GENEVA, N. Y. COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF SOME CASEIN AND PARACASEIN COMPOUNDS AND THEIR RELATIONS TO CHEESE. LUCIUS L. VAN SLYKE AND ALFRED W. BOSWORTH. EXCELSIOR PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 14 APANE ཅཱ༔ ་་་་་་,་་ ****** Ak*%49197 GARAJAS 10 tips4sjie 20141 / APARTMEN TOURNA 自​日本​b MALAN 917 ZADO kan sk 1 } 1. $ i TECHNICAL BULLETIN No. 26. ▬▬▬ Chemical Library TX COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF SOME CASEIN AND PARACASEIN COMPOUNDS AND THEIR RELATION TO CHEESE. LUCIUS L. VAN SLYKE AND ALFRED W. BOSWORTH. SUMMARY. 1. Object. The work was undertaken to obtain more informa- tion regarding the compounds formed by casein and paracasein with bases, especially with Ca. Two compounds have been previ- ously prepared, one neutral to phenolphthaleïn, containing 1.78 per ct. Ca (2.50 CaO), and the other, neutral to litmus, containing 1.07 per ct. Ca (1.50 CaO). Our main object was to learn if there were other compounds containing less Ca. Another purpose was to ascertain the composition of the substance formed in cheese which is insoluble in water but soluble in 5 per ct. solution of Na Cl. 2. Method of preparing casein.— Casein must be made base-free for use in such work. Preparations were made containing less than The usual method was employed in part, pre- 0.1 per ct. of ash. cipitating separator skim-milk with dilute acetic acid, redissolving the washed precipitate in dilute NH4OH, continuing precipitation and solution three or more times. Finally, the remaining calcium is precipitated from the ammonia solution as oxalate, the precipitate being removed by centrifuging and filtering, and the filtrate pre- cipitated with dilute HCl. After washing free from HCl, the casein is treated with alcohol and ether, and after grinding and partial drying is dried over H2SO4 under reduced pressure. Analysis of such casein preparations agrees with the composition generally accepted, except in the amount of phosphorus and sulphur. 3. Preparation and composition of basic calcium caseinate. The compound was prepared in two ways, (1) by decomposing CaCO3 with casein and (2) by treating casein with a lime-water solution and neutralizing the excess with HCl, with phenolphthaleïn as indicator. The composition of the resulting compound was deter- mined (1) by weighing the CO₂ expelled from CaCO3, (2) by determining the Ca in the resulting casein compound and (3) by analysis of compound formed by treating lime-water solution of casein with acid until neutral to phenolphthaleïn. The different results agree closely, showing basic calcium caseinate to contain about 1.78 per ct. Ca (2.50 CaO), or 1 gram of casein combines with 9 x 104 gram equivalents of Ca. [3] cut 4 50 N 50 N 50 (4) Acid or unsaturated caseinates of ammonium, sodium and potassium. These compounds were prepared as follows: Ash-free casein is dissolved in alkali so that 50 cc. of N alkali contain 1 gram of casein. This is neutralized with HCl, which is added in small portions, under constant agitation, until a permanent precipi- tate begins to appear, as shown by centrifuging a portion of the mixture in a sedimentation tube. This method enables one to detect the casein precipitated by 0.20 cc. of HCl. The point at which a permanent precipitate first begins to appear is noted and addition of acid is continued until all the casein is precipitated, which point is also noted. Three different casein preparations were used and numerous determinations were made. It was found that I gram of casein forms a soluble compound with each of the alkalis used when combined with amounts somewhere between 1.10 X 104 and 1.15 x 104 gram equivalents of alkali; or, I cc. of alkali combines with an amount of casein somewhere between 0.87 and 0.91 gram. The proportion of basic element in each compound is as follows: NH4, 0.20 per ct.; Na, 0.26 per ct.; and K, 0.44 per ct. Such casein compounds contain the smallest known amount of base and it is suggested that they be called mono-basic caseinates. N 10 Special preparations were made of mono-ammonium caseinate, the compound being isolated and prepared in dry form. This was found to have the composition called for by the previous results obtained with the volumetric work. N 50 (5) Acid or unsaturated caseinates of calcium, strontium and barium. When a solution of casein in a hydroxide of calcium, etc., is treated with an acid, the caseinate is precipitated by the chloride formed; this difficulty can be overcome by removal of the chloride through simple dialysis before the amount is sufficient to cause precipitation. One gram of ash-free casein is dissolved in 250 cc. of hydroxide solution and HCl is added until the first sign of a permanent precipitate appears, as shown by centrifuging a portion. The solution is then dialyzed to remove soluble chloride and then acid is again added until precipitation again occurs and another dialysis is made. Alternate addition of acid and dialysis are continued until finally the dialyzed solution forms a permanent precipitate with the addition of any acid. The results of many experiments agree in indicating the formation of two sets of com- pounds, mono-basic and di-basic, one set containing twice as much base as the other. In the di-basic compounds, 1 gram of casein requires between 2.2 x 104 and 2.3 x 104 gram equivalents of hydroxide to form a compound soluble in water but easily precipi- table by even a small amount of a soluble chloride of calcium, strontium or barium. In the di-basic compounds, I gram of casein combines (a) with 0.44 to 0.46 gram Ca (0.62 to 0.64 CaO), (b) with 0.96 to 1.01 gram Sr (1.14 to 1.19 SrO), and (c) with 1.51 to 1.58 grams Ba (1.69 to 1.76 BaO). In the mono-basic salts, i gram of N 50 5 casein combines with about 1.1 X 10 gram equivalents of hydroxides to form insoluble compounds, which are soluble in 5 per ct. solution of chloride of sodium, ammonium or potassium. This solubility is due to an exchange of bases; for example, insoluble mono-calcium caseinate is changed by treatment with solution of NaCl into soluble mono-sodium caseinate and CaCl2, as shown by special experiments. Special preparations were made of mono- and di-calcium casein- ates, each compound being isolated and prepared in dry form. These were found to have essentially the composition called for by the previous results obtained with the volumetric work. (6) Valency of casein molecule and molecular weight of casein.- On the basis of the composition of the basic calcium caseinate and mono-calcium caseinate, the former has a valency of 8. These relations indicate the molecular weight of casein to be 8888 and the equivalent weight IIII. (7) Method of preparing paracasein.- Separator skim-milk is heated to 37° C. and treated with 0.12 cc. of rennet-extract (Han- sen's) per 1,000 cc. of milk. The milk is allowed to stand until completely precipitated. The resulting curd is broken up by vigorous stirring, the whey removed and the precipitated paracasein washed freely with water. It is then dissolved in dilute NH OH, reprecipi- tated with acid and the operation continued and completed as in case of casein. · (8) Preparation and composition of basic calcium paracaseinate.- By the same methods of study, paracasein was shown to form with calcium a paracaseinate similar in composition and properties to that of basic calcium caseinate. (9) Acid or unsaturated paracaseinates of ammonium, sodium and potassium.- In these compounds, I gram of paracasein com- bines with an amount of alkali somewhere between 2.2 x 104 and 2.3 x 104 gram equivalents in forming soluble compounds with ammonium, sodium and potassium, which are acid to both litmus and phenolphthalein. One cc. of alkali combines with 0.435 to 0.455 gram of paracasein. The percentage of basic element in each compound is, NH4 0.40; Na, 0.52; and K, 0.88. The amount of each basic element in these paracaseinates is just twice that present in the corresponding casein compounds. A preparation of mono-ammonium paracaseinate in dry form gave results agreeing fairly well in composition with the results obtained by volumetric work. (10) Acid or unsaturated paracaseinates of calcium, strontium and barium. Mono- and di-basic paracaseinates were prepared in the same manner as the corresponding caseinates and were shown to differ from them in having just twice as much of the basic element. In the mono-basic compounds, which are insoluble, I gram of para- casein combines with about 2.3 x 104 gram equivalents of hydroxide of calcium, etc.; in the di-basic, which are soluble, with about 6 4.6 x 104 gram equivalents. Their properties resemble those of the corresponding caseinates. (11) Valency of paracasein molecule and molecular weight of paracasein.— The valency and molecular weight are shown to be one-half those of casein. (12) Action of rennet-enzym on casein in forming paracasein.— When casein is treated with rennet-enzym, the casein molecule appears to be split into two molecules of paracasein. (13) Composition of brine-soluble compound in cheese. During the manufacture and ripening of cheddar and many other kinds of cheese, a protein is always formed which is insoluble in water but soluble in a 5 per ct. solution of NaCl. Former studies led to erro- neous conclusions regarding its identity. Extended study shows that this substance is identical with mono-calcium paracaseinate. INTRODUCTION. The uncombined protein, casein, shows the characteristic property of an acid in combining with bases of the alkalis and alkaline earths. to form salts and in decomposing their carbonates. The compounds thus formed, especially those with calcium, have been studied by numerous investigators, the more important contributions have been made by the following: Hammarsten (Zur Kenntniss des Kaseins etc., Upsala, 1877); Söldner (Landw. Versuchs.-Stat., 35: 351, 1888); Courant (Pflüger's Arch. Physiol., 50: 109, 1891); Timpe (Arch. Hyg., 18: 1, 1893); Béchamp (Bull. Soc. Chim. (3) 11:, 152, 1894); de Jager (Maly Jahresber. Thierchem., 27: 276, 1897); Salkowski (Zeitschr. Biol., 37: 415, 1899); M Kobrak (Pflüger's Arch. Physiol., 80: 69, 1900); Osborne (Jour. Physiol., 27: 398, 1901); Laqueur and Sackur (Beitr. Chem. Physiol. u. Pathol., 3: 193, 1902); Van Slyke and Hart (Bull. No. 261, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., and Am. Chem. Jour., 33: 472, 1905); Long (Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 28: 72, 1906); Robertson (Jour. Biol. Chem., 2: 317, 1906); Robertson (Jour. Physic. Chem., 13: 469, 1909). Without going into details, it is sufficient for our purpose at this point to state that results have been reported in which compounds, formed by treating casein with calcium hydroxide, contain an equiva- lent of calcium oxide varying all the way from 0.8 to 3 per ct. (equal to 0.57 to 2.14 per ct. of calcium). In the chemical laboratory of this Station, the relation of casein and paracasein to bases has been a subject of continued study for several years, especially in connection with changes taking place in the operation of cheese-making. The results here presented include 1 77 a careful revision of work published in previous bulletins of this laboratory with material extensions of the line of investigation. Two compounds of casein and calcium have been generally recog- nized, one containing about 2.50 per ct. CaO (1.78 per ct. Ca), and the other about 1.50 per ct. CaO (1.07 per ct. Ca). We have found, in addition, two others, one containing about 0.31 per ct. Cao (0.22 per ct. Ca), and the other double this amount. Corresponding compounds are shown in our work to be formed by paracasein with calcium, and also by both casein and paracasein with ammonium, sodium, potassium, barium and strontium. A study of the methods of preparation and of the properties of these compounds is given in this publication; the ground covered is embraced under the following outline: Part I. Casein and some of its compounds. C 1. Method of preparing ash-free casein. 2. Preparation and composition of basic calcium caseinate. 3. Preparation and composition of unsaturated or acid caseinates. 4. Valency of casein molecule and the molecular weight of casein. Part II. Paracasein and some of its compounds. 1. Method of preparing ash-free paracasein. 2. Preparation and composition of basic calcium para- caseinate. 3. Preparation and composition of unsaturated or acid paracaseinates. 4. Valency of paracasein molecule and the molecular weight of paracasein. 5. Action of rennet-enzym on casein. Part III. Composition of brine-soluble compound in cheese. 1. Brine-soluble compound formed in cheese-making. 2. Identity of brine-soluble compound and mono- calcium paracaseinate. 8 PART I. CASEIN AND SOME OF ITS COMPOUNDS. METHOD OF PREPARING ASH-FREE CASEIN. Casein that is to be used in studying its relation to mineral bases must be free from all such bases. The preparation of really ash-free casein is much more difficult than has been commonly assumed. The so-called chemically-pure casein furnished by chemical-supply houses usually contains 0.6 per ct. of ash. The preparations used in various investigations in which the ash content has been reported rarely contain less than 0.2 per ct. of ash and not infrequently as much as 0.6 per ct. The principal basic element in casein preparations, as usually made, is calcium. The calcium in casein preparations is usually due to the presence of a compound of calcium and casein, containing 0.22 per ct. Ca (equal to 0.31 per ct. CaO), as we shall show later. This salt is insoluble in water but easily soluble in a 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride, while base-free casein is insoluble in both water and the brine solution. When casein is carefully precipitated by dilute acids from milk or from lime-water solutions of casein, the precipitate is apt to contain more or less of the above-mentioned calcium caseinate as well as base-free casein. The precipitation of this calcium salt occurs most readily when the usual precautions in precipitating casein from milk are most rigidly observed, that is, when excess of acid is avoided. We have examined casein preparations obtained from chemical-supply houses and have found that some of them are soluble in a 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride to the extent of 50 per ct., or more, of their weight. After trying different methods of preparing casein so as to contain a minimum amount of calcium, we have obtained the most satis- factory results by the method described below. We have been able to prepare casein containing only 0.06 per ct. of ash, consisting largely of calcium phosphate, derived from the trace of calcium not removed and the phosphorus of the casein molecule. The amount of calcium present in 5 grams of such material was too small to determine quantitatively. Our method of preparation is to dilute separator skim-milk with seven or eight times its volume of distilled water and carefully add dilute acetic acid (6 cc. of glacial acetic acid diluted to 1 liter) until the casein separates completely, after which the clear solution is removed by siphon as soon as the precipitate settles. Distilled water is then added, the mixture stirred vigorously and the precipi- tate allowed to settle, after which the wash-water is siphoned off. More water is then added and the casein is dissolved by adding, for each liter of milk used, 1 liter of dilute ammonium hydroxide (6 cc. of strong reagent diluted to 1 liter). When the solution is complete, the whole is filtered through a thick layer of absorbent 9 G cotton. The casein is then precipitated again with dilute acetic acid; the precipitate is allowed to settle, and is then washed, redis- solved in dilute ammonium hydroxide, and filtered, the process of precipitation, washing, dissolving, etc., being repeated not less than four times. Finally an excess of strong ammonium hydroxide (10 cc.) is added and then 20 cc. of saturated solution of ammonium oxalate. The mixture is allowed to stand 12 hours or more. Cal- cium is precipitated as oxalate in very finely divided condition, too fine to permit its satisfactory removal by ordinary methods of fil- tration. Better aggregation of the precipitate can, however, be effected by means of centrifugal force. The centrifuged mixture is then filtered through double thickness of filter paper. The filtered solution is next treated with dilute hydrochloric acid (10 cc. of HCl, sp. gr. 1.20, diluted to 1 liter) until the casein is precipitated. The precipitate is washed with distilled water until free from chloride and is then placed on a hardened filter paper in a Buchner funnel, as much water as possible being now removed from the precipitate by suction. The mass is next transferred to a large mortar and thoroughly triturated with 95 per ct. alcohol. The alcohol is then removed by suction on a Buchner funnel and the casein is then again placed in a mortar and triturated with absolute alcohol. Most of the alcohol is removed by filtration and the casein treated twice with ether in a mortar by trituration, the ether being removed each time by means of suction on a Buchner funnel. The material is then placed in a large evaporating dish and spread out in a layer as thin as possible; it is allowed to stand 12 hours or more in a warm place; and is finally ground in a mortar until the particles pass a 40-mesh sieve, and is dried two days over sulphuric acid in a desiccator under diminished pressure. Three preparations made in this way were found to show an ash content of 0.10, 0.09 and 0.06 per ct., respectively. These prepa- rations were insoluble in water and in 50 per ct. alcohol; the first one was very slightly soluble in a 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride, but the two others were not. N 10 When one gram of these casein preparations was treated with 10 cc. of hydroxide of ammonium, sodium or potassium, and 90 cc. of water, a clear solution was obtained, the casein dissolving completely. When to this solution a minute amount of a solution of a barium, calcium or strontium salt was added, there developed promptly the opalescent appearance characteristic of casein solutions under such conditions. Moisture.. In dry substance: Casein prepared in the manner described was analyzed, with the following results: Ash. Carbon. Hydrogen. ! • • Per ct. 1.09 0.06 53.50 7.13 In dry substance: Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Oxygen (by difference) • • • • • Per ct. 15.80 0.71 0.72 22.08 10 PREPARATION AND COMPOSITION OF BASIC CALCIUM CASEINATE. The compound commonly known as basic calcium caseinate con- tains the largest amount of calcium in combination with casein. This is the compound that has been most frequently prepared and studied by investigators, beginning with Söldner (see references on page 6). Varying results have been obtained by different workers, the percentage of calcium ranging from 1.66 to 2.13 per ct. (equiva- lent to 2.32 to 2.98 per ct. CaO). This compound can be prepared in two different ways: (1) By decomposing calcium carbonate with casein and (2) by treating casein with a solution of calcium hydroxide (lime-water). Preparation of basic calcium caseinate by treating casein with calcium carbonate. When cascin is treated with calcium carbonate, the results of the reaction can be measured in two ways: (a) By weigh- ing the carbon dioxide displaced, and (b) by determining the amount of calcium in the resulting compound. Both methods were used by us. ست Casein prepared in the manner previously described was placed in the flask of a Knorr carbon dioxide apparatus and an excess of calcium carbonate suspended in water was added. The carbon dioxide formed in the reaction was run into weighed bulbs con- taining potassium hydroxide and the increase of weight due to carbon dioxide determined at the end of the reaction. The results are given in the following table. Grams. 10. 10. TABLE I.-- AMOUNTS OF CARBON DIOXIDE EXPELLED FROM CALCIUM CARBONATE BY CASEIN. • • 5. 5. Average. • Gems, matang • • Amount of dry cascin used. · · · · ► J + • ! • • • • Amount of Ca O Amount of CO2 | (and Ca) for 100 expelled. grams of casein, equivalent to CO2. Grams. 0.1903 0.1980 0.1054 0.1003 Grams. 2.42 (1.73 Ca) 2.52 (1.80 Ca) 2.68 (1.91 Ca) 2.55 (1.81 Ca) 2.54 (1.81 Ca) For the purpose of measuring the results of the reaction by deter- mining the amount of calcium in the resulting compound, the casein was put in a mortar and thoroughly triturated with an excess of moist calcium carbonate, the excess being removed by filtration at the end of the reaction. The filtrate was treated with 95 per ct. 11 alcohol, which was free from acid, until the calcium caseinate was precipitated, after which the precipitate was washed with alcohol and ether, and dried at 120° C. A weighed portion of this compound was carefully ignited and the calcium in the resulting ash was deter- mined, with the following results: TABLE II. AMOUNT OF Ca COMBINING WITH CASEIN WHEN REACTING WITH CaCO3. Weight of caseinate. Grams. Grams. 0.4125 0.0102 0.5134 0.0124 0.3090 0.0077 0.4253 0.0104 Ave. 0.41505 0.010175 Weight of CaO. Weight of Ca. Weight of free CaO) (and Ca) for 100 casein. grams of cascin. Weight of caseinate. Grams. 1.582 1.471 1.548 Ave. 1.534 Preparation of basic calcium caseinate by treating casein with an excess of calcium hydroxide.— Weighed portions of casein were dis- solved in an excess of lime-water. Phenolphthaleïn indicator was then added to the solution and hydrochloric acid was run in until the solution became neutral. The solution was then dialyzed to remove the calcium chloride formed in neutralization. The dialyzed solution was evaporated to dryness, the residue dried at 120° C. and weighed. The determination of calcium was made after ignition, with the following results: Weight of CaO. Grams. 0.0073 0.0089 0.0055 0.0074 0.00726 TABLE III. AMOUNT OF CALCIUM COMBINING WITH CASEIN ON TREATMENT WITH CALCIUM HYDROXIDE. Grams. 0.040 0.035 0.038 0.0377 Grams. 0.4052 0.5045 0.3035 0.4179 0.4078 Grams. 2.52 (1.80 Ca) 2.46 (1.76 Ca) 2.54 (1.81 Ca) 2.49 (1.77 Ca) 2.50 (1.78 Ca) Grams. 0.0286 0.0250 0.0271 0.0269 Weight of Ca. Weight of free CaO (and Ca) for 100 casein. grams of casein. Grams. 1.5534 1.4460 1 5209 1.5070 Grams. 2.58 (1.84 Ca) 2.42 (1.73 Ca) 2.50 (1.78 Ca) 2.50 (1.78 Ca) The three sets of figures presented in Tables I, II, and III indicate that casein combines with calcium to form a compound containing about 2.50 per ct. CaO (equal to 1.78 per ct. Ca); the compound in 12 solution is neutral to phenolphthalein. Expressed in another form, 1 gram of casein combines with 9 x 104 gram equivalents of calcium. This compound is commonly known as basic calcium caseinate. PREPARATION AND COMPOSITION OF UNSATURATED OR ACID CASEINATES. Compounds of casein with bases, in which less base is present than in the basic calcium caseinate described above, have been reported. Söldner¹ obtained a compound of casein and calcium containing 1.11 per ct. Ca (equal to 1.55 per ct. CaO); or, expressed in another form, 1 gram of casein combines with 5.55 x 104 gram equivalents of calcium. This compound is neutral to litmus but acid to phenolphthaleïn, and has been commonly known as neutral calcium caseinate. This compound as prepared by Van Slyke and Hart2 contains about 1.07 per ct. Ca (equal to about 1.50 per ct. CaO), or 1 gram of casein combines with 5.35 x 104 gram equivalents of calcium. Courant³ believes that, in addition to the basic and neutral compounds of casein and calcium, a third exists, in which the calcium is present in about one-half the amount contained in the neutral compound and one-third that contained in the basic compound; he regards them as mono-, di- and tri-calcium caseinates. Timpe¹ reports a compound containing 0.961 per ct. Na (equal to 0.868 per ct. CaO or 0.62 per ct. Ca; or 1 gram of casein combines with 3.1 x 104 gram equivalents of calcium). Long" was able to dissolve 1 gram of casein in just one-half the amount of alkali required for the phenolphthalein neutralization, and therefore inferred the existence of acid caseinates containing one-half the amount of base contained in basic calcium caseinate. The existence of such a combination is questioned by Robertson." In the course of our work, we became convinced that casein forms compounds containing less base than any of those reported by other workers. While we were at work on this point, an article by Robert- son' appeared, in which was reported a combination of casein and sodium hydroxide, 1 cc. of the alkali combining with 0.877 gram of casein. Our further work confirms Robertson's results, although we have used a different method of procedure. In addition, we have been able to prepare and isolate several salts for analysis. Our study of these individual salts shows that ammonium, sodium and potassium compounds possess properties of solubility very different from those of barium, calcium and strontium. As previously stated, ¹Landw. Versuchs.-Stat., 35: 351, 1888. 2 N. Y. Agrl. Expt. Sta. Bull. No. 261, 1905. ³ Pflüger's Archiv. Physiol., 50: 109, 1891. Arch. Hyg. 18: 1, 1893. "Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 28: 372, 1906. Jour. Biol. Chem., 2: 336, 1906. Jour. Physical Chem., 13: 469, 1909. 13 I we have prepared and studied two sets of compounds of casein with bases, in one of which 1 gram of casein combines approximately with 1.125 x 104 gram equivalents of base, while in the other 1 gram of casein combines with about 2.25 x 104 gram equivalents of base. We will next take up the details of our experimental work in preparing acid caseinates of the bases of the more common alkalis and alkaline earths. N 40 N b0 N 50 N συ The specific object of our work was to ascertain the smallest quantity of base with which casein combines to form a definite salt. In the volumetric work our method of procedure was as follows: In 200 cc. of alkali, we dissolved 5 grams of pure casein as quickly as possible and then made the volume to 250 cc. Each 50 cc. of this solution therefore represents 1 gram of casein dissolved in 50 cc. of alkali. A preliminary or trial determination was next made in the following manner: Into a 300 cc. Erlenmeyer flask, we measure 50 cc. of the caseinate solution and then add, a drop at a time, some HCl, until we have used 5 cc., the contents of the flask being kept in constant agitation in order to prevent premature precipi- tation of casein. After addition of the 5 cc. of acid, a portion of the contents of the flask is centrifuged, in order to cause the sedimenta- tion of precipitated casein, if any, a precipitate serving as an indi- cator. A sedimentation tube of 50 cc. capacity can be used; the precipitate collects in the lower V-shaped portion. It is possible in this manner to detect the casein precipitated by 0.20 cc. of HCl. In case no casein is precipitated by the first addition of 5 cc. of acid, another equal amount of acid is added and a portion of the mixture centrifuged; the process of adding 5 cc. portions of acid and centri- fuging is continued until a permanent precipitate of casein is obtained. This shows, within 5 cc. of HCl, how much acid is required to start definite precipitation of the casein. In order to ascertain the exact point more closely, another set of determinations is made, using 50 cc. of the caseinate solution and adding in the same cautious manner an amount of HCl which is 5 cc. less than the amount causing the first appearance of a permanent precipitate in the trial or preliminary determination. The acid is now added in small amounts with constant agitation of the mixture to prevent the premature separation of any precipitate, and centrifuged after the addition of each 0.25 cc. The point at which a permanent precipitate first appears is noted; the addition of acid is continued until all the casein is precipitated and this point is also noted. In our work this method of determination was repeated several times. with each combination of casein and alkali and three different casein preparations were used in preparing each caseinate. We will now present the results of our experimental work in connection with the unsaturated or acid caseinates of, first, ammonium, sodium and potassium, and, second, barium, strontium and calcium. N 50 N 50 14 Acid caseinates of ammonium, sodium and potassium.- In the manner described above, we made numerous determinations in the case of preparations of base-free casein dissolved in the hydroxide of ammonium, sodium and potassium, respectively. Tabulated below, we give the average results of many such determinations.: TABLE IV. RELATION OF ALKALI BASES TO CASEIN IN ACID CASEINATES. Amount Kind of of casein alkali used used. Gram. 1 1 1 NH, OH Na OH кон of Amount N bu alkali used. Cc. 50 50 50 N Amount of HCI 60 required to cause first sign of permanent precipitation. (( " Cc. Cc. Between 44.25 and 44.50 | 5.5 to 5.75 ( "( (( " " " " Amount of alkali left combined with casein. " N 50. " (( p N 10. Cc. 1.1 to 1.15 (( " " << Amount N of HCI 50 required to pre- cipitate all of the casein. Cc. 50 50 50 10 The results in this table indicate that 1 gram of casein forms a soluble compound with ammonium, sodium and potassium, when combined with amounts of each somewhere between 1.10 x 104 and 1.15 x 104 gram equivalents of alkali; or, expressed in another form, 1 cc. of alkali combines with an amount of casein somewhere between 0.87 and 0.91 gram. The proportion of basic element in each compound is approximately the following: NH4, 0.20 per ct.; Na, 0.26 per ct.; and K, 0.44 per ct. Caseinates combining with the amount of alkali base indicated contain the smallest known amount of base, according to our present knowledge. It seems proper, therefore, to suggest that such compounds be called mono-basic caseinates. 1 N 10 N 10 Preparation of mono-ammonium caseinate. It seemed desirable that we should carry the work somewhat farther and prepare one pure compound, at least, in dry form for study. The ammonium compound was chosen as the one offering least difficulty. The method of preparation was as follows: In 2 liters of distilled water containing 250 cc. of NH4OH, 25 grams of base-free casein were dissolved. After solution, was complete, we slowly added 125 cc. of HCl, care being taken to agitate the mixture during the addi- tion of the acid, in order to prevent premature precipitation of any casein. There was next added very cautiously HCl until a per- manent precipitate began to appear, as shown by centrifuging the mixture. The solution was then filtered and measured. The amount of HCl required to precipitate the casein completely was determined in an aliquot part. Then one-third of this amount was added to insure the presence of only mono-basic caseinate. Any precipitate formed was removed by filtration and the filtrate was dialyzed until the ammonium chloride that had been formed in the N 60 N 50 C 15 · 4 reaction was completely removed. The resulting solution, con- taining mono-ammonium caseinate, was then precipitated by addi- tion of acid-free alcohol. The precipitate was filtered, washed with acid-free alcohol and ether and dried at 120° C. In several prepara- tions thus made the amount of ammonia was determined; the results are given in the following table: TABLE V.-COMPOSITION OF MONO-AMMONIUM CASeinate. Amount Amount of of N NH₁ OH caseinate found. 10 used. Grams. 5.891 4.870 *4.000 *3.000. Cc. 6.64 5.38 1 4.30 1 3.16 1 Relation of casein to NH4OH in caseinate. 1 gram of casein to 1.127 x 104 grams equivalents (6 (6 " (C (( (( "1.105 x 104 1.075 x 104 1.053 x 104 (( " (( (( (( (( (( Percentage of NH4 in caseinate. 0.203 0.200 0.194 0.190 *Preparations of caseinates made by Mr. O. B. Winter. N 40 Acid caseinates of calcium, strontium and barium. In making preparations of the caseinates of the alkaline earth bases, difficulty was experienced in obtaining concordant results. The trouble was finally found to be due to the presence of the chloride formed when the solution of the caseinate is treated with hydrochloric acid. Such chlorides tend to cause precipitation of the caseinates either by decreasing their solubility or, perhaps, by formation of double salts, consisting of the chloride in combination with the caseinate.¹ The difficulty of insolubility is readily overcome by removal of the chloride through simple dialysis before the amount is sufficient to cause precipitation. To accomplish this, we made use of the fol- lowing process: In 200 cc. of hydroxide of calcium, strontium or barium, we dissolved 5 grams of casein and then diluted the solution to 250 cc. A preliminary or trial determination was made by adding 50 HCI to 50 cc. of the caseinate solution in portions of 5 cc. at a time, agitating constantly and, after each addition, testing for the presence of a precipitate by centrifuging a portion, until a precipi- tate appeared, just as in the case of preparing alkaline caseinates (p. 13). Then to each of several flasks containing 50 cc. of the caseinate solution we added an amount of HCl that was 5 cc. less than the amount causing the first appearance of a permanent precipitate in the preliminary trial. The contents of the flask were then placed in dialyzing tubes and, by frequent changes of the sur- rounding water, most of the soluble chloride that had been formed was removed. The contents of one tube were then used for another N 1 N 50 ¹ Pfeiffer and Modelski, Ztschr. Physiol. Chem., 81: 329, 1912. 16 preliminary test. An amount of acid less than that required to produce a precipitate in this second test was then added to all the tubes and the contents again dialyzed. This operation was con- tinued in the manner indicated in the following table: TABLE VI. ILLUSTRATION OF METHOD USED IN PREPARING ACID CASEINATES OF CALCIUM, STRONTIUM AND BARIUM. Amount of casein in solution. Gram. 1 ---and 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 parak parmak 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Amount of Nhydroxide solution used. 50 Cc. 50 50 영영​영영​영영 ​영영​영영 ​영​영영 ​50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Amount of N 50 HCI added. Cc. 30 2009 2030 2 25 30 35 25 30 35 40 25 35 36 38 25 30 35 37 5888888 38 39 25 30 35 37 38 38.5 39 Sign of precipitation. Precip. 0 0 Precip. 0 0 Precip. 0 0 0 Precip. 0 0 0 Precip. 0 0 0 Precip. First trial. Dialyzed and used for next. 66 (( (< ،، ،، N 50 Dialyzed and used for next. (6 (( << ،، (( Dialyzed and used for next. ( << (( (C " (( (( (( (( << Dialyzed and used for next. " (6 << 66 (C << ،، " (( ،، (6 " << << (( (6 Dialyzed and used for next. ،، ( " " (C (( " (( ،، (( (( (( (( (( " (( (C (( (( In the manner described above, we have made numerous prepara- tions of calcium, strontium and barium caseinates; the averages of many results are given in Table VII. N We have found that in adding HCI to 50 cc. of a caseinate solution containing 1 gram of casein dissolved in 50 cc. of solution of hydroxide of calcium, strontium or barium, it requires less than 60 17 : N 50 cc. of acid to precipitate the casein completely; the exact amount is 44.5 cc. of 50 HCl. The remaining amount of base, equal to 5.5 cc. of hydroxide, or 1.1 cc. of hydroxide, appears to be held in combination in the insoluble compound. N 50 10 TABLE VII.— CASEINATES OF CALCIUM, STRONTIUM AND BARIUM. Amount of casein used. Kind of hydroxide used. Grams. 1 Ca (OH)2 1 Sr (OH)2 1 Ba (OH)2 Amount N of 50 hydrox- ide used. Cc. 50 50 50 Amount N of HCI 50 required to cause first sign of perma- nent pre- cipitate. Cc. 38.5 to 39 " << " "( " " Amount of base com- bined with casein in solution. 21888 N 50 Cc. 11 to 11.5 " " " " (( " N 10 Cc. 2.2 to 2.3 "( "( " " " " Amount N of 50 HCI required to pre- cipitate all casein. Cc. 44.5 ( " Amount of base in precipitated casein. N 50 Cc. 5.5 "C སྐ N 10 Cc. 1.1 (( " These results indicate the formation of two sets of compounds, when casein is dissolved in a hydroxide of calcium, strontium or barium and this solution is neutralized with acid under the conditions of our experiments. One set of compounds contains twice as much base as the other. Attention is called to additional details in the following statements: (1) In the di-basic compounds, as the results show, 1 gram of casein requires between 2.2 x 104 and 2.3 x 104 gram equivalents of hydroxide of calcium, strontium or barium to form a compound which is soluble in water when there is not present any, or more than a trace of, soluble chloride of any of these elements. The addition of even a small amount of a soluble salt of any of these elements to a solution of any of these di-basic caseinates causes the formation of a precipitate. (2) In these di-basic compounds, 100 grams of casein combine (a) with 0.44 to 0.46 gram Ca (equal to 0.62 to 0.64 gram CaO), (b) with 0.96 to 1.01 gram Sr (equal to 1.14 to 1.19 grams SrO), or (c) with 1.51 to 1.58 grams Ba (equal to 1.69 to 1.76 grams BaO). (3) Apparently, with the treatment described above, 1 gram of casein combines with about 1.1 x 104 gram equivalents of the hydrox- ide of calcium, strontium or barium to form an insoluble compound, when an acid is added in amount just sufficient to precipitate the casein completely. These compounds are regarded as mono-basic. (4) In these insoluble mono-basic compounds 100 grams of casein combine approximately (a) with 0.22 gram Ca (equal to 0.31 gram CaO), (b) with 0.48 gram Sr (equal to 0.57 gram SrO), or (c) with 0.76 gram Ba (equal to 0.85 gram BaO). (5) These insoluble compounds possess some highly interesting properties; they are soluble in a 5 per ct. solution of sodium, potas- 18 sium or ammonium chloride. This solubility is due to an exchange of bases, which, for our purpose, can be represented by the following reversible reaction: Ca< caseinate 2 Na caseinate+ CaCl, caseinate (insoluble) (soluble) i That the reaction is a reversible one is supported by the following experimental evidence: Mono-calcium caseinate was prepared and freed from soluble calcium salts by washing and dialysis. The compound was then dissolved in a 5 per ct. solution of calcium-free sodium chloride. That an interchange of bases had taken place was shown by the fact that when the caseinate brine solution was dialyzed, calcium was found in the solution outside the dialyzing tube. This brine solution of caseinate was then dialyzed until free from cal- cium and was then filtered. A solution of calcium chloride was then added to this dialyzed solution and at once a precipitate of calcium caseinate was produced. That this precipitate is a calcium salt can be shown in two ways: (1) By washing and dialyzing until free from soluble chloride and then igniting. Calcium is found in the ash. (2) By washing and dialyzing until free from soluble calcium, then redissolving in 5 per ct. solution of calcium-free sodium chloride and dialyzing. Calcium is found to dialyze out of this brine solution of caseinate. + 2 NaCl There is another point of interest in connection with this com- pound which we will briefly refer to here but consider in more detail in the report of another investigation. When a small amount of acid is added to milk or is formed in milk by lactic fermentation, a substance separates on warming which is very stringy and which easily dissolves in a 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride. This substance is probably mono-calcium caseinate. N 20 N 20 N 20 Preparation of mono- and di-calcium caseinates. In order to study the composition and properties of these compounds more fully, preparations of mono- and di-calcium caseinates were made. The following method was employed: In 800 cc. of Ca(OH)2 there were dissolved 20 grams of base-free casein. To this solution was added 400 cc. of HCI; the solution was then dialyzed to remove most of the resulting calcium chloride. Then HCl was added very cautiously under constant agitation of the mixture until a permanent precipitate began to appear, as shown by centrifuge. The solution was then dialyzed again and then more acid was added until a precipitate once more began to form. Alternate dialysis and addition of acid were continued until no more acid could be added without causing a precipitate. The amount of acid necessary to precipitate all of the casein was next determined in an aliquot por- tion, and one-third of this amount of acid was then added. The 19 precipitated casein was filtered out and the filtrate was dialyzed. This solution contained di-calcium caseinate. The solution was divided, one portion being used for the preparation of the di-calcium caseinate and the other for the mono-calcium caseinate. In completing the preparation of the di-calcium caseinate, the salt was precipitated by addition of acid-free alcohol, the precipitate being washed with acid-free alcohol and ether, and then dried at 120° C. The composition of this preparation is given in Table IX. In preparing the mono-calcium caseinate, the solution of di-calcium caseinate was treated with enough acid to precipitate three-fourths of the casein. The resulting precipitate was filtered, washed with water, acid-free alcohol and ether and then dried at 120° C. The results in Table VIII show the amount of calcium found in the preparation. TABLE VIII.- COMPOSITION OF MONO-CALCIUM CASEINATE PREPARATION. Amount of com- pound used. Grams. 5 LO 5 LO 5 Average.. Amount of com- pound used. Grams. 4.2825 4.1215 1 Ave. 4.202 Amount of CaO found. Gram. 0.0149 (0.0106 Ca) 0.0141 (0.0101 Ca) 0.0146 (0.0104 Ca) 0.01453 (0.0104 Ca) Amount of CaO found. Grams. 0.0233 (0.0167 Ca) 0.0235 (0.0168 Ca) 0.0234 (0.01675 Ca) Percentage of CaO in compound. TABLE IX.-COMPOSITION OF DI-CALCIUM CASEINATE PREPARATION. 0.298 (0.213 Ca) 0.282 (0.201 Ca) 0.292 (0.209 Ca) 0.291 (0.208 Ca) Relation of casein to cal- cium in compound. 1 gram of casein to 1.06 x 104 gram equivalents. 1 gram of casein to 1.01 x 104 gram equivalents. 1 gram of casein to 1.04 x 10 gram equivalents. 0.544 (0.39 Ca) 0.572 (0.41 Ca) 1 gram of casein to 1.04 x 104 gram equivalents. Percentage of CaO | Relation of casein to calcium in compound. in compound. 1 gram of casein to 1.95 x 10-4 gram equivalents. 1 gram of casein to 2.04 x 10-4 gram equivalents. 0.558 (0.40 Ca) 1 gram of casein to 2.00 x 104 gram equivalents. If we compare the results given in Tables VIII and IX with the figures given in paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) on page 17, it is obvious that the results embodied in these tables are lower. The higher results are obtained by the volumetric method and are believed 20 to be nearer the truth, owing to the difficulty of preparing these caseinates in pure form. The values by the volumetric method are: 1 gram of casein to 1.10 (to 1.15) x 104 gram equivalents of cal- cium for the mono-basic caseinate, and 1 gram of casein to 2.2 (to 2.3) x 104 gram equivalents of calcium for the di-basic caseinate. VALENCY OF CASEIN MOLECULE AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF CASEIN. In the case of the compound of casein and calcium, which is neutral to phenolphthaleïn, it is found that 1 gram of casein combines with 9 x 104 gram equivalents of calcium. In the case of the mono- ammonium caseinate, the combination is in the proportion of 1 gram of casein to a value between 1.1 x 104 and 1.15 x 104 gram equiva- lents. Since we have one compound of known composition and another of approximately known composition, it should be possible by applying the rule of constant proportions to determine the true composition of the mono-basic caseinate and also the number of valencies satisfied in the caseinate neutral to phenolphthaleïn. We have reason to believe that the proportion, 1 gram of casein to 1.125 x 104 gram equivalents of alkali, is the true value, since, first, this lies between the two limits (1.10 and 1.15) found in our volumetric work, and, second, this figure agrees with that found by assuming a valency of 8 for the basic calcium caseinate, in which 1 gram of casein combines with 9 x 104 gram equivalents of calcium. Thus, if the valencies satisfied are 8, the proportion becomes 1 gram of casein to 1.125 x 104 gram equivalents of alkali for mono-basic caseinates. If, however, we were to assume that the number of valencies in the basic compound is 7 rather than 8, then the mono- basic salt would, theoretically, have the composition, 1 gram of casein to 1.285 x 104 gram equivalents of alkali, a value too high for our analytical results. If, on the other hand, we were to assume the number of valencies in the basic compound to be 9, then the proportion in the mono-basic compound would become 1 gram of casein to 1 x 10 gram equivalents of alkali, a value too low for our analytical results obtained with mono-ammonium and other alkali caseinates. Assuming 8 as the true valency of basic calcium caseinate gives us the value, 1 gram of casein to 1.125 x 10¹ gram equivalents of alkali, a result which agrees with the volumetric. results obtained in case of the mono-alkali caseinates. If we use the sulphur content as a basis for calculating the mole- cular weight of casein we have n(320) 100=n4454+. Here the value of n appears to be 2, and the molecular weight would be 8908, which is in very close agreement with the value found above, 8888+. This would indicate that there are two atoms of sulphur in each molecule of casein. The amount of phosphorus in casein was found to be 0.71 per ct., which would lead to the molecular weight, n(310) 100=n4372—. If the value of n is 2, the molecular weight of casein becomes 8744. 0.7 21 h 1 On the basis of 8 representing the true number of valencies satis- fied in the basic-calcium caseinate molecule, the molecular weight of casein is 12x10-4 or 8888+. Robertson¹ reaches similar results by deducing the molecular weight of casein in several different ways. This would also make the equivalent weight of casein equal to 8888 or 1111. This value is in close agreement with the equivalent weight assigned by other workers to casein prepared from cow's milk. Laqueur and Sackur2 give about 1135; Mat- thaiopoulos³ gives 1131.5; Long gives 1124. As a result of the work here reported, it would seem possible, theoretically, to prepare a series of not less than eight combinations of casein with each of the basic elements studied. According to what we have reason to believe at the present time, not less than four of these combinations have been prepared. Using the calcium compounds, we have the following series: Name of compound. Mono-calcium caseinate. Di-calcium caseinate. Neutral calcium caseinate. Basic calcium caseinate.. · Grams Ca for 100 grams of casein. 0.22 (equal to 0.31 CaO).. 0.44 (equal to 0.62 CaO) 1.07 (equal to 1.50 CaO) 1.78 (equal to 2.50 CaO) • • • Valencies satisfied. 125∞ 8 It is noticeable that in this series compounds are absent repre- senting valencies of 3, 4, 6 and 7. Whether such compounds can be prepared no one can say at present. ¹Jour. Physical Chem., 15: 179, 1911. 2Hofmeister's Beiträge, 3: 193, 1902. ³Ztsch. Analyt. Chem., 47: 492, 1908. 4Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 28: 372, 1906. 5 N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 261, and Am. Chem. Jour., 33: 472, 1905. PART II. PARACASEIN AND SOME OF ITS COMPOUNDS. The term paracasein is generally applied to the precipitated protein compounds formed by treating milk with rennet-extract. The relations between casein and paracasein are not satisfactorily understood as yet. Little study has been given to the compounds formed by paracasein. Van Slyke and Hart' have shown that paracasein combines with calcium to form a compound neutral to phenolphthaleïn, containing about 2.40 per ct. CaO (1.71 per ct. Ca), or 1 gram of paracasein combines with 8.55 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium. They also found a compound neutral to litmus, in which there was about 1.50 per ct. CaO (1.07 per ct. Ca), or 1 gram of paracasein combines with 5.35 x 10 gram equivalents of cal- cium, According to their results, the compound containing the 22 higher amount of calcium is soluble in water, while the other is insoluble. It will be later shown by us that both of these com- pounds are soluble in pure water. In reporting the compound neutral to litmus to be insoluble in water, the fact was overlooked that, under the conditions of their experiments, there was always present in the mixture a considerable amount of calcium chloride, which was formed by the reaction of the hydrochloric acid upon the lime-water solution of paracasein, and the presence of this calcium chloride caused the precipitation of the neutral calcium paracaseinate, as we shall show later. We have been able to prepare compounds of paracasein corre- sponding to the mono- and di-basic caseinates, in which, however, the proportion by weight of paracasein to base is just one-half that found in the caseinates. PREPARATION AND COMPOSITION OF ASH-FREE PARA CASEIN. Milk from which the fat has been removed as completely as pos- sible by centrifugal force was heated to 37° C. and rennet-extract (Hansen's) was added in the proportion of 0.12 cc. per 1,000 cc. of milk. The milk was allowed to stand until the precipitated para- caseinate had separated as completely as possible. The resulting curd was then stirred vigorously in order to break it into small pieces and hasten the separation of the whey. When the curd had settled, the supernatant whey was removed by siphon. The para- caseinate was washed with distilled water several times, and finally 5 liters of water were added for each liter of milk originally used. Dilute ammonium hydroxide (6 cc. of strong reagent diluted to 1,000 cc.) was then added, as in the case of the preparation of casein (p. 8), and the mixture stirred until the paracaseinate was dissolved. The process of precipitating, washing and redissolving was con- tinued as in the case of casein; the remaining calcium was finally separated by addition of ammonium oxalate and centrifuging. One preparation made in this way contained 0.07 per ct. of ash. One gram gave a clear solution when dissolved in 10 cc. of NH4 OH and 90 cc. of water. One preparation, with high ash content, gave the following results on analysis: N 10 Moisture. Ash. In dry substance: • Carbon. Hydrogen.. • • Per ct. In dry substance: 1.63 Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Sulphur. 0.61 53.50 7.26 → Oxygen (by difference). Per ct. 15.80 0.83 0.87 21.13 Another preparation with exceptionally low ash content gave the following results: Ash....... 0.07 per ct. Phosphorus.... 0.71 per ct. Sulphur..... 0.72 per ct. 23 PREPARATION AND COMPOSITION OF BASIC CALCIUM PARA CASEINATE. Like casein, paracasein manifests its acid character by its power to liberate carbon dioxide from calcium carbonate, forming a calcium paracaseinate. The results of the reaction were measured by us in the same manner as in the case of casein (p. 10), and it is, therefore, not necessary to report any of the details of methods or results. The average of many determinations indicates that paracasein unites with calcium to form a paracaseinate which is neutral to phenolphthalein and has the same general composition; 1 gram of paracasein combines with 9 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium. PREPARATION AND COMPOSITION OF UNSATURATED OR ACID PARA CASEINATES. In preparing acid paracaseinates of bases, the same volumetric method of procedure was followed as in case of the casein salts (p. 12). The appearance of a precipitate in a centrifuged portion after addition of acid to an alkali solution of paracaseinate was made to serve as an indicator in regard to the end point of the reaction. We dissolved 5 grams of the ash-free paracaseinate in 200 cc. of alkali, made up the solution to 250 cc. and then determined the end points by careful addition of HCl to 50 cc. portions. N 40 N 50 Acid paracaseinates of ammonium, sodium and potassium. In the manner described, determinations were made in the case of base- free paracasein dissolved in hydroxide of ammonium, sodium and potassium, with the results tabulated below: TABLE X.-RELATION OF ALKALI BASES TO PARACASEIN IN ACID PARACASEINATES. Amount of para- casein used. Gram. 1 1 1 Kind of alkali used. NH, OH Na OH KOH Amount N of 60 alkali used. 888888888 Cc. N Amount of HCI DU required to cause first sign of permanent precipitate. Cc. Between 38.5 and 39 << " " " " " (C " Amount of alkali left combined with paracasein. 21888 " N 50 Cc. 11 to 11.5 " " " * N 10 ละ× Cc: 2.2 to 2.3 ละะ Amount N of HCI 50 required to precipitate all of paracasein. Cc. 50 << (( These results show that 1 gram of paracasein combines with an amount of alkali somewhere between 2.2 x 10 and 2.3 x 10¹ gram equivalents, in forming soluble compounds with ammonium, sodium and potassium, which are acid to both litmus and phenolphthaleïn. Expressed in another form, 1 cc. of alkali combines with an amount of paracasein somewhere between 0.435 and 0.455 gram. The proportion of basic element in each compound is approximately as follows: NH4, 0.40 per ct.; Na, 0.52 per ct.; K, 0.88 per ct. The amount of each basic element in these paracaseinates is just double that present in the corresponding casein compounds (p. 14). N 10 24 +1 The amount of acid required to precipitate completely the para- casein in these compounds is exactly equal to the alkali used to dissolve the paracasein; this indicates that there is no additional paracaseinate, in insoluble form, containing less of these basic elements. Preparation of mono-ammonium paracaseinate. This compound was isolated and prepared in dry form, for futher study, in the manner already described in the preparation of mono-ammonium caseinate (p. 14). Care must be taken to use a paracasein prepa- ration free from casein or salts of calcium, strontium, barium, etc. A determination of the amount of ammonia present in preparations thus made is given below. Grams. 4 4 TABLE XI.- COMPOSITION OF MONO-AMMONIUM PARA CASEINATE. Amount Amount of of para-N NH OH | Relation of paracasein to NH OH in paracaseinate. caseinate found. used. 10 Cc. 8.201 1 gram of paracasein to 2.05 x 104 gram equivalents 7.98 1 2.00 x 10-4 << (( (6 (C (6 Percent- age of NH₁ in para- caseinate. 0.37 0.36 These results show the difficulty of making a pure compound, but they indicate that the percentage of ammonium is double that found in the corresponding mono-ammonium caseinate. Acid paracaseinates of calcium, strontium and barium.- In pre- paring paracasein salts of calcium, strontium and barium, the pres- ence of their chlorides causes much more trouble in respect to pre- cipitation than in case of the casein salts. Special care must be taken to prevent the accumulation of chlorides of these elements. By sufficiently frequent dialysis it was possible to obtain the results reported below (Table XIII). Another point in connection with paracasein is the fact of its slow rate of solution in the hydroxides. of calcium, strontium and barium; on this account we used 400 cc. of hydroxide to dissolve 5 grams of paracasein, making the volume up to 500 cc. with water. N 40 Trial or preliminary determinations were made in the same manner N HCI as with casein (p. 15), in order to determine the amount of 60 required to precipitate the paracasein in the absence of chlorides of calcium, strontium and barium. The specific details employed and results obtained are indicated in the following table: : 2,5 TABLE XII. ILLUSTRATION OF METHOD OF PREPARING ACID PARACASEINATES OF CALICUM, STRONTIUM AND BARIUM. Amount of para- casein in solution. Grams. 1 1 1 1 1 1 HHAT −−− 1 1 1 1 1 HAH—— 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Jorda Amount of para- casein. Gram. 1 1 Amount of N hydroxide 50 solution used. Cc. Kind of hydrox- ide. 100 Ca (OH)2 Sr (OH)2 Ba (OH)2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 毚 ​Amount of N 50 HCI added. Amount N of 50 hydrox- Cc. Cc. 100 100 100 28 POF 75 76 76.5 77 75 76 76.5 77 77.5 75 76 76.5 77 77.25 77.50 of Amount N HCI 50 required to cause ide used. first sign of Precipita- tion. permanent precipitate. Precip. 0 Precip. 0 0 Precip. 0 0 0 Precip. 0 0 Precip. 0 0 0 Precip. First trial. Dialyzed and used for next. The results obtained by the method of procedure indicated above are given in the following table for calcium, strontium and barium. TABLE XIII.- PARACASEINATES OF CALCIUM, STRONTIUM AND BArium. BARIUM. Dialyzed and used for next. " (( (( (( (C N 50 Dialyzed and used for next. (< (( ،، (( " (( (( (C (( (( Dialyzed and used for next. (C (( (6 " << (( (( (( (< (C (( Amount of base left combined with para- casein in solution. Dialyzed and used for next. (C " (C ،، " ( (( (( (( (( ( (( (( "( (6 (( (( N 10 ( Cc. Cc. Cc. 77.25 to 77.5 22.5 to 22.75 4.5 to 4.55 77.25 to 77.5 22.5 to 22.75 4.5 to 4.55 77.25 to 77.5 22.5 to 22.75 4.5 to 4.55 ❤ (C (6 of * required to pre- cipitate all para- casein. ،، ،، Amount Amount of base N in precipitated paracasein. 50 HCI Cc. 88.5 88.5 88.5 (( (( N 50 Cc. 11.5 11.5 11.5 N 10 Cc. 2.3 2.3 2.3 26 These results indicate the formation of two sets of compounds when paracasein is dissolved in a hydroxide of calcium, strontium. or barium and this solution is neutralized with acid under the condi- tions of our experiments. One set of compounds contains twice as much base as the other, corresponding to the two sets of casein compounds. Additional details are discussed below: -4 (1) In the di-basic compounds, the results show that 1 gram of paracasein requires between 4.5 x 10 and 4.55 x 10 gram equiv- alents of hydroxide of calcium, strontium or barium to form a com- pound which is soluble in pure water. These compounds are easily precipitated from their water solutions by a minute amount of a soluble salt of calcium, strontium or barium. (2) In these di-basic compounds, 100 grams of paracasein com- bine, approximately, (a) with 0.90 gram Ca (equal to 1.26 grams CaO), (b) with 1.97 grams Sr (equal to 2.33 grams SrO), or (c) with 3.09 grams Ba (equal to 3.45 grams BaO). (3) It is indicated that, with the treatment described above, 1 gram of paracasein combines with about 2.3 x 10 gram equiva- lents of the hydroxide of calcium, strontium or barium to form an insoluble compound. These compounds are regarded as mono-basic paracaseinates. (4) In these insoluble mono-basic paracaseinates, 100 grams of paracasein combine, approximately, (a) with 0.46 gram Ca (equal to 0.64 gram CaO), (b) with 1.01 grams Sr (equal to 1.19 grams SrO), or (c) with 1.58 grams Ba (equal to 1.76 grams BaO). (5) Mono-basic paracaseinates of calcium, strontium and barium are completely soluble in warm 5 per ct. solution of ammonium, sodium or potassium chloride. This solubility is due to interchange of bases, just as in the case of caseinates (p. 18); the reaction was studied experimentally with paracaseinates and the same results obtained as in case of the caseinates. (6) A comparison of the composition of the caseinates and para- caseinates shows that twice as much base is present in paracaseinates as in the corresponding caseinates. This is easily seen in the fol- lowing table. TABLE XIV. COMPARISON OF COMPOSITION OF CASEINATES AND PARACASEINATES. Amount of basic element combined with 100 grams of casein and paracasein. Basic element. Ca... Sr.. Ba. • Mag In mono-basic In mono-basic caseinates. paracaseinates. Gram. 0.22 0.48 0.76 Grams. 0.46 1.01 1.58 In di-basic caseinates. Grams. 0.44 to 0.46 0.96 to 1.01 1.51 to 1.58' In di-basic paracaseinates. Grams. 0.90 1.97 3.09 27 Preparation of mono- and di-calcium paracaseinates. In order to study the composition and properties of these compounds further, preparations of the mono- and di-calcium paracaseinates were made. The first steps in making these compounds are the same. An excess of ash-free paracasein is agitated with lime-water until a saturated solution is formed, the undissolved paracasein being removed by filtration. To the solution HCl is added until a permanent pre- cipitate begins to appear. The solution is again filtered and then dialyzed. Alternate addition of acid and dialysis are continued until no more acid can be added after dialysis without causing precipitation. The amount of HCl required to precipitate all the paracasein is next determined in an aliquot portion, and one- third that amount of acid is added. The solution is then filtered and dialyzed. This solution contains di-calcium paracaseinate. This solution is divided into two portions; in one the di-calcium paracaseinate is precipitated by addition of acid-free alcohol, the precipitate being washed with acid-free alcohol and ether and dried at 120°C. This preparation was found to contain between 4.2 x 10¹ and 4.6 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium for 1 gram of paracasein. N 50 50 In the second portion of di-calcium paracaseinate solution, enough. N HCl is very slowly added to precipitate three-fourths of the para- casein in solution. The precipitate is mono-calcium paracaseinate; this is filtered, washed with acid-free alcohol and ether, and dried at 120° C. Before being washed with alcohol, the precipitate is completely soluble in 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride. This compound, mono-calcium paracaseinate, is identical in its properties. with the brine-soluble compound formed in cheddar cheese, to which attention was first called by Van Slyke and Hart under the expres- sion, "salt-soluble compound." Attention will again be called to this compound later. An analysis of this preparation showed it to contain between 2 x 104 and 2.3 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium for 1 gram of paracasein. N 20 VALENCY OF PARA CASEIN MOLECULE AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF PARA CASEIN. In the case of basic calcium paracaseinate, the compound that is neutral to phenolphthaleïn, it is found that 1 gram combines with 9 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium, while in the case of mono- ammonium paracaseinate the combination is in the ratio of 1 gram of paracasein to a value between 2.2 x 104 and 2.3 x 10 gram equivalents. According to the rule of constant proportions, the number of valencies satisfied in the first compound would be between 22 and 2 or 4. or 4. The molecular weight of paracasein would therefore be 2 or 4444+. 1 Our results indicate that the 2.26 x 104 molecular weight of casein, 8888, is just twice that of paracasein. 4444. Using the sulphur content as a basis for calculating the molecular weight of paracasein, we have n(32) 100= n 4454+. 9 2. 2.3 72 28 " 31.04 The percentage of phosphorus would give n(31) 100n 4372-. The value of n appears to be 1 and each molecule of paracasein would contain one atom each of sulphur and phosphorus. Theoretically, it should be possible to make a series of four salts. of paracasein with bases. We have prepared three, those in which one, two and four valencies are satisfied. ACTION OF RENNET ENZYM ON CASEIN IN FORMING PARA CASEIN. N 50 N bu The action of the principal enzym contained in rennet-extract in splitting casein into two molecules of paracasein is further shown by the following experiment: Five grams of casein are dissolved in 250 cc. of KOH. Using the volumetric method given on page 13, it was found that 44.5 cc. of HCl could be added to 50 cc. of the caseinate solution, containing 1 gram of casein, before a permanent precipitate begins to appear. To another 50 cc. of caseinate solu- tion a few drops of neutral rennet-extract are added. Under the conditions of the experiment, no precipitate or curd is produced by the action of the rennet-enzym. After a few minutes HCl is added and it is found that a permanent precipitate begins to form as soon as we add only 39 cc. HCI. N 50 N 60 We have in hand a more extended investigation relating to the action of rennet-enzym upon casein, the results of which will be published later. PART III. COMPOSITION OF THE BRINE-SOLUBLE COM- POUND IN CHEESE. 1 During the manufacture and ripening of cheddar cheese and of many other kinds of cheese there is always found a protein that is soluble in a warm 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride. The exis- tence of such a substance in cheddar cheese was first brought to attention by work done at this Station. The presence of this brine-soluble protein was shown to be associated in some way with the formation of acid in the cheese and, on the basis of some early experiments, Van Slyke and Hart were led to conclude erroneously that the substance consists of a combination of paracasein and lactic acid (called by them paracasein mono-lactate), which by the addition of more lactic acid becomes insoluble in dilute brine solution, forming a compound which they mistakenly regarded as paracasein di-lactate. As a result of later work2 they changed their first views and came to the conclusion that the so-called paracasein mono- lactate is simply the uncombined protein, paracasein, and that the so-called paracasein di-lactate is a compound of paracasein and 1 N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. No. 214, 1902. 2 N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. No. 261, 1905. 29 N 10 2 lactic acid (1 gram of paracasein uniting supposedly with about 0.5 cc. acid). It may be stated here, in passing, that it was later shown by L. L. Van Slyke and D. D. Van Slyke¹ that the protein casein does not unite with acids to form insoluble compounds, but that the action is simply one of adsorption, by which more or less acid is taken from the surrounding solution and concentrated on the surface of the solid particles of protein; in other words, it was shown that casein or paracasein mono-lactate or di-lactate have no existence as applied to the compounds in question. It still remained, therefore, to find out what the brine-soluble substance really is, and work was continued along this line by the writers. We noticed that calcium is always to be found associated with the brine-soluble substance when it is separated from the other cheese constituents by extraction with a solution of calcium-free sodium chloride after previous removal of all water-soluble constituents. This fact sug- gested the possibility that the brine-soluble substance might be a combination of paracasein and calcium, containing less calcium than had been previously found in any combination of this element with paracasein. On the basis of such a possibility, it could be explained that with the formation of increased amounts of lactic acid in cheese- making, as a result of the bacterial decomposition of milk-sugar, the acid would combine with more or less of the calcium contained in calcium paracaseinate, resulting in the production of a para- caseinate containing less calcium. This suggestion was strengthened by the fact that in Camembert cheese, the brine-soluble compound is formed during certain stages of the manufacturing process but soon disappears, its formation and disappearance being explained as follows according to Bosworth: The brine-soluble substance is at first formed in Camembert cheese, as also in the case of cheddar cheese, but, owing to the method of making this type of cheese, more acid is allowed to form in the cheese, and, as a consequence, the brine-soluble substance loses its calcium and becomes free para- casein, which is insoluble in brine solution. Therefore, in the manu- facture of Camembert cheese, it is found after the first few hours that the cheese contains no brine-soluble material and, what is also significant, all the calcium is found in the water extract. The rela- tion between the brine-soluble substance and the calcium found in the brine extract in the two types of cheese is illustrated in Table XV. M The question necessarily suggests itself as to whether the calcium always found in the brine-soluble extract of cheese is not there incidentally in a mechanical state rather than in combination with paracasein. In order to study this question the following work ¹N Y. Agr Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul. No. 3, 1906. 2 N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul. No. 4, 1907. 3 N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul. No. 5, 1907. 30 TABLE XV.- COMPARISON OF CHANGES IN CHEDDAR AND CAMEMBERT CHEESE. Age of cheese. When curd was cut.. 10 hours. 2 days. 4 months. · • • • Kind of cheese. Cheddar. 7 Camembert. S Cheddar.. Camembert. Cheddar.. Camembert. Cheddar. • • + • • • Total nitrogen Total calcium in the form of found in brine-soluble brine-soluble compound. compound. Per ct. 3.13 6.72 96.00 94.00 68.87 4.39 43.09 Per ct. trace. trace. 27.96 17.76 24.47 trace. 24.28 was done: Twenty-five grams of cheese were ground with sand and extracted with water at about 55° C., using 150 cc. portions, until the extract amounted to 1,000 cc. The residue, containing the brine-soluble substance, was placed in a dialyzing apparatus and allowed to dialyze to insure the removal of all soluble calcium. Sodium chloride was then added to the contents of the dialyzing tube, which was then placed in a beaker of water and allowed to remain 4 hours. Upon adding ammonium oxalate to some of the water in the beaker, a precipitate of calcium oxalate appeared. This result leads to the belief that the calcium is present in com- bination in an insoluble form and that an interchange takes place between it and sodium, when the insoluble compound is treated with sodium chloride solution. In order to throw further light on the character of the brine- soluble compound, a study was made of the solvent effect of several different chlorides. One kilogram of cheddar cheese was ground fine, thoroughly mixed, and then 25-gram portions were ground with sand, placed in bottles and extracted with water in the manner described in the preceding paragraph. The residues were then extracted with solutions of chlorides and the results given in the following table were obtained. The solutions of the salts were used in such strength that 1,000 cc. contained equivalent gram molecules. In the case of the weakest solution, extraction was continued as long as appreciable amounts of protein were obtained in the extract, 4,000 cc. being used; the results in these cases are given for each 1,000 cc. of extract, as well as for the total. In connection with the data in Table XVI, attention is called to certain phases of the results. (1) The chlorides of barium and calcium have no solvent effect. The chloride of magnesium in strong molecular concentrations acts much like the chlorides of sodium, ammonium and potassium, while in lower molecular concentrations its solvent power is greatly reduced. 31 TABLE XVI.-SOLVENT ACTION OF NEUTRAL CHLORIDES ON THE BRINE-SOLUBLE COMPOUND IN CHEESE. Strength of solution. Gram equivalents per 1,000. 1.0. 0.8. 0.6. 0.4.. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 · • • • · • • Total.. · • Amount of extract. 1st 1,000 2nd 1,000 3rd 1,000 4th 1,000 4,000 Percentage of total nitrogen in water-insoluble residue of cheese extracted by Na Cl. NH, Cl. KCI. Cc. 1,000 68.57 67.62 1,000 69.29 65.24 1,000 56.19 56.43 1,000 51.43 51.19 47.62 13.33 2.95 trace 63.90 50.47 50.47 45.95 44.52 49.05 40.95 10.48 13.90 4.10 2.00 trace trace 63.63 56.85 Mg Cl2 63.81 48.33 lost 23.57 4.00 5.24 4.29 Ba Cl₂ 0 0 0 0 0 Ca Cl₂ 0 0 0 0 (2) Sammis and Hart' undertook to study the solvent effect of these salts on the same material, but reached results not concordant with one another and not in agreement with ours. While we used solutions of such strength as to show the relation existing between the solvent action of the salt solution and its molecular concentra- tion, they used solutions containing a uniform percentage by weight of different salts and extracted in every case with the same volume of solution. By using solutions of different salts having the same percentage composition by weight, but with a different molecular concentration, one would, under the circumstances, expect to obtain only discordant results, because the solvent effect of the solution is apparently a result of the mass action of the salt in solution (p. 18). If Sammis and Hart had in their work continued extraction until no more solvent effect was appreciable, their results would have been in satisfactory agreement with ours. This is strikingly shown in the above table in the case of the 0.2 normal solutions; by continued extraction, the total amounts extracted are found to be essentially the same as in case of the more concentrated solutions. G IDENTITY OF THE BRINE-SOLUBLE COMPOUND OF CHEESE WITH MONO- CALCIUM PARA CASEINATE. We have shown (p. 26) that paracasein combines with calcium to form a compound insoluble in water but soluble in 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride (sodium replacing calcium). In this compound, we have shown, 1 gram of paracasein is in combination with ¹Jour. Biol. Chem., 6: 181, 1909. 32 2.25 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium. Indications pointed to the identity of the brine-soluble compound of cheese with this mono- calcium paracaseinate, and it remained to ascertain whether the protein part of the molecule in these two compounds is the same. In order to accomplish this, a preparation of the protein in the brine-soluble compound was made from cheese and its composition and properties were studied. One kilogram of cheddar cheese was ground fine and then extracted with numerous portions of distilled water at about 55° C. in order to remove all soluble compounds. The residue was then extracted with many portions of a 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride and filtered, first through absorbent cotton and then through paper. Dilute acetic acid was then added, giving a heavy precipitate, which was washed with water, redissolved in dilute ammonia and again precipitated with acid. The process was then completed as in the preparation of casein (p. 9). The preparation on analysis gave the following results, which are probably high, owing to the ash content: Moisture. Ash. In dry substance: Carbon.. Hydrogen. • Per ct. 2.32 0.25 52.97 7.15 In dry substance: Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Sulphur.. • • • Oxygen (by difference) . . . • • Per ct. 15.82 0.75 0.78 22.28 A study of the properties of this substance resulted as follows: (1) The substance acts as an acid in combining with bases. (2) It decomposes calcium carbonate and gives a compound in which 100 grams of substance combines with the equivalent of 2.52 grams CaO (equal to 1.80 grams Ca), or 1 gram of substance com- bines with 9 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium. (3) The solution of this calcium compound is neutral to phenolphthaleïn. - (4) Measured by the volumetric method, it was found to form a compound with ammonia represented by the combination of 1 gram of substance with 2.3 x 104 gram equivalents. (5) With calcium it forms a compound soluble in 5 per ct. solution of sodium chloride but insoluble in water, which contains 1 gram of substance combined with 2.3 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium. -4 (6) It forms also a compound with calcium that is soluble in water containing 1 gram of substance combined with 4.5 x 10 equivalents. gram In view of the marked agreement of the composition and prop erties of the brine-soluble substance, formed in cheese, with the compound, mono-calcium paracaseinate, as prepared by us, there i good reason to believe that the brine-soluble substance is mono calcium paracaseinate, having the composition of 1 gram of para casein combined with 2.25 x 10 gram equivalents of calcium. 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